IRC log for #asterisk on 20070614

00:03.17*** join/#asterisk _charly_ (
00:05.06VorondilCrashSys: Of course, you can use a custom player for moh, so it doesn't really matter if mpg321 can or not.  :-)
00:12.00*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
00:19.41`Seananyone around?
00:19.51`Seanjbot wakeup
00:20.18`Seanmeh im getting boreed
00:20.37`Seanthere we go
00:21.16NuitariHi `Sean
00:21.31`SeanHey Nugget
00:21.53NuitariJust found out how to set custom device states using the manager interface
00:22.23`SeanWho Owns Jbot again
00:23.46*** join/#asterisk qartis (
00:24.08Nuitarihi qartis
00:24.28qartishi hi
00:24.40qartissomebody is supposed to be showing me how fantastic your ircbot is
00:24.58`Seanheh, qartis fantastic!? sigh nvm dude
00:25.34qartis`Sean: I'm not sure how noisy this channel gets, but if you have 0.5 - 1 message per second, that would get *way* too noisy
00:25.54qartisI apparently did understand what you meant
00:25.58*** join/#asterisk _charly_ (
00:26.03`Seanqartis would only get noisy, if the bot was doing autocorrections
00:26.05`Seanits not tho :)
00:26.07qartisthat kind of bot is fairly easy to code
00:26.27qartis`Sean: okay, and what's wrong with you saying "s/nvm/nevermind/" and people parsing it in their head?
00:26.36qartis`Sean: that would turn 3 lines into 2
00:26.56`Seanqartis nevermind lets drop it
00:27.01qartis`Sean: there are irc bots written in basically every language: shell script, php, perl, python, ruby,
00:27.03jbotjbot is probably a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing.
00:27.17qartis`Sean: I can name you some popular bots if you'd like
00:27.21jbottfot is probably "The Future of Telephony", a book about Asterisk from O'Reilly Publishing, ISBN: 0-596-00962-3, click for more details
00:27.30`Seanqartis its ok :)
00:27.43qartis`Sean: #amarok also has a channel bot, that can play games and do all kinds of things
00:28.21qartisbut forcefully interpreting s/didnt/didn't/ inline sed code seems very.. unnecessarily noisy
00:28.38NuitariI wonder
00:28.46*** join/#asterisk BZBW (
00:29.02NuitariI'm testing
00:29.03qartiss|but forcefully interpreting s/didnt/didn't/ inline sed code seems very.. unnecessarily noisy|to say that jbot is pointless|
00:29.11qartisaww, dang
00:29.23*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
00:29.24SycofantStill looking for insight on this: [Jun 14 12:30:35] NOTICE[2536] chan_sip.c: Registration from '<sip:201@asterisk.bunker>' failed for '' - Not a local domain
00:29.33NuitariSycofant: read sip.conf
00:29.59SycofantHave done - seems like it shoudl work.
00:30.06Nuitaridid you set domains ?
00:30.19Sycofantdomain =, asterisk.bunker,
00:30.28Nuitaridid you set localnet?
00:30.31Sycofantautodomain = yes
00:30.36Nuitaridomain restricts the ips someone can connect to
00:31.11SycofantAhh, okay... I'll look into Localnet.
00:31.20NuitariAction: Logoff
00:31.20NuitariResponse: Goodbye
00:31.20NuitariMessage: Thanks for all the fish.
00:32.37Sycofantlocalnet =
00:32.41SycofantStill no happy.
00:33.02Nuitarihum, that was what solved it for me
00:34.00SycofantThis is AsteriskNow, so I am looking at the config and trying to find the settings in the GUI
00:34.57NuitariI don't know much about asterisknow
00:35.08Sycofant[Jun 14 12:35:41] NOTICE[2536] chan_sip.c: Can't add wildcard IP address to domain list, please add IP address to domain manually.
00:36.45SycofantGot rid of that, but still not playing nice.
00:36.58*** part/#asterisk qartis (
00:38.49*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:44.12*** part/#asterisk grey (
00:46.14*** join/#asterisk anthm (
00:46.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
00:48.30*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
00:48.49*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
00:49.17*** join/#asterisk boch (n=fran@
01:06.22*** join/#asterisk JSabines (n=alancast@
01:14.51*** join/#asterisk mightnare (
01:20.47*** join/#asterisk n00dle (
01:21.37n00dleI could use some help with I need to revise my patch as it breaks things, but the system says access denied when I try to delete the old one.
01:22.04blitzragen00dle: I can delete that for ya
01:22.06blitzragewhich bug number?
01:22.33*** join/#asterisk perf3kt (
01:23.26n00dlebug 9973, the only file attached to it.
01:24.22n00dle<TongueInCheek> Asterisk doesn't like it very well when you reference a pointer after it's been free'd. </TongueInCheek> Oops!
01:25.59*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
01:26.03blitzragen00dle: done
01:26.31n00dleWhy wouldn't it let me delete it?
01:27.09russellbbecause it only lets people with elevated privilidges do it
01:27.53russellbn00dle: so other than this result var thing, is it working for you now?
01:31.06*** join/#asterisk karleeto (
01:32.34karleetowhat up folks ?
01:32.57karleetoi'm really loving having our own asterisk setup at work now!
01:34.09karleetowe've got 3 around town that we put in, but just now got our lines swapped over from our T1, so we're running our own VOIP setup at the office now
01:34.28karleetoi've learned quite a bit more, having my own setup to play with
01:34.45russellbkarleeto: it's nice to hear from the happy users
01:35.22karleetorussellb: yeah, i bet you get mostly people with a problem, huh?
01:35.31Qwellkarleeto: You don't even know :)
01:35.47n00dleYeah, russellb, it's working with my (now FULLY tested) hack.
01:35.50*** join/#asterisk mightnare (
01:36.03n00dleUploading the fixed patch now...
01:36.35karleetoQwell: i see it most of the time i'm here.. i'm usually 'karlhaines', but i just finally decided on a new handle, and got my reverse ip stuff setup wth my ISP, so i'm now using my new identity ;)
01:36.36russellbkarleeto: exactly :)  all day every day ..
01:36.45russellbn00dle: well cool, i haven't had much feedback on that code ...
01:37.23n00dleWell, I was able to follow it, and figured out all by myself that it helps to reference a pointer to an object BEFORE it is destroyed! :O
01:38.11russellbyes, that is important :)
01:39.07n00dleOtherwise, it's a sure-fire SEGV and a huge ker-duh!
01:39.47n00dleOk, now I get to go home... it's been a 10.75 hour day (normally 9), and then the commute. yay
01:40.01blitzragecommutes suck
01:40.08n00dleCiao, alle, and thanks again!
01:40.54karleetoblitzrage: whats a DTMF frame? seems like i've heard that before
01:41.15blitzrageDual-Tone Multi-Frequency (i.e. Touch-Tone(tm))
01:45.15*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:46.31russellbblitzrage: i still hate dtmf
01:47.45DTMF<3 russellb
01:47.55*** mode/#asterisk [+b %DTMF!*@*] by russellb
01:48.09Qwellnice slide earlier, BTW :D
01:48.15*** mode/#asterisk [-b %DTMF!*@*] by russellb
01:48.24Qwellrussell slid into first, to avoid an out, heh
01:48.33Qwellway to take one for the team!
01:48.38russellbthanks :-D
01:48.44russellbit was a fun game ... but now my body hurts
01:49.02QwellI think Dwayne got like 8 RBIs :P
01:49.06russellbi know, he pwns
01:49.20Qwellhe was saying he has to kick ass this game, because of his strikeout last game
01:49.59russellb(we're talking about the Digium softball team, btw)  :)
01:50.07QwellWe need ringers.  If any of you guys can code and play softball, you should TOTALLY apply to Digium. :P
01:50.42QwellYou know...I may actually...sign up for the second half
01:50.56fileQwell: *GASP*
01:50.57russellbyou should!
01:50.58[TK]D-Fender10 GOTO FIRST-BASE 20... *segfault*
01:51.04QwellI should.  I'm there anyways.
01:51.14russellband we're always so close to not having enough people ...
01:51.18*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
01:51.19QwellI'll ask Lauren about it tomorrow
01:51.22filedooooo it
01:51.36Qwellfile you must too
01:52.10fileI refuse
01:52.39Qwelltoo late, I already signed you up
01:52.41russellbtake that.
01:52.46QwellAny time you're here, you must play.
01:52.50QwellOR cheer
01:53.07russellbooh, cheerleader
01:53.15Qwellpom-poms and all
01:53.54russellbi am so glad that asterisk doesn't take long to compile
01:54.08Qwellrussellb: yeah, I could never do openoffice/qt dev
01:54.14blitzrageQwell: ewwww!
01:54.14fileDigium Digium go go go! analog signalling? no no no!
01:54.26Qwellfile: there you go
01:54.26filegooooooo Digium!
01:54.40russellbi have a patch i need to submit, but it's going to be another hour before i can verify the fix because i have to wait for it to build, gah
01:54.53Qwellnext time russellb is up to bat, I'm gonna shout "Pretend the ball is VLDTMF!'
01:55.13russellbit's not VLDTMF, really ... it's just ... dtmf processing in general
01:55.18*** join/#asterisk kolian123 (n=kvirc@
01:55.27russellbit seems like it should be so simple
01:55.29kolian123Hi TK
01:55.30filerussellb: way to spoil a comment there
01:55.32russellbbut it's so damn complicated
01:55.35*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:55.44russellbfile: thanks.
01:56.12[TK]D-Fenderkolian123, 3/4 of Digium is online now... go ask them :)
01:56.29kolian123what channel?
01:56.41kolian123Anyway i got the card workiing:)
01:56.50kolian123One span!
01:56.53[TK]D-Fenderok guys, its safe to return!
01:57.01QwellYou know, I'm surprised nobody has commented on the new pcie card on the lists
01:57.07QwellI expected people to troll..  I really did.
01:57.08kolian123But the bad news!
01:57.12russellbQwell: heh ..
01:57.17russellbbad news?
01:57.29kolian123only span 3 is working the rest failing loopback test
01:57.36Qwellkolian123: digital card?
01:57.49Qwellthat's funky
01:57.56QwellI'd call support tomorrow, honestly
01:58.01Qwellit's a new card, right?
01:58.04*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
01:58.11kolian123Nope it's used on from ebay
01:58.37kolian123would you say the card is dead if loopback isn't working?
01:58.39QwellI'm not sure if the install support is offered if you buy a card used
01:58.47kolian123or still PCI/IRQ issues?
01:58.52Qwellkolian123: if it's working on one port, and not the others...yeah, probably :(
02:00.06kolian123the card has lights and comes up in driver but doesn't sync PRI
02:00.07Qwellrussellb: any idea if install support is still offered on resale, assuming it's in the 2 year warranty period?
02:00.14Qwellor, actually, you know...that wouldn't even be install support
02:00.20Qwellany idea how old the card actually is?
02:00.25kolian123one year
02:00.27russellbno clue
02:00.37Qwellcall support tomorrow, explain you bought it used, see what they can do
02:00.56kolian123thanks will call them up, see if they can help with something
02:00.58Qwellif it's in the warranty period, it really shouldn't matter
02:01.19kolian123Do cards have 2 years now?
02:01.24Qwelldon't they?
02:01.31kolian123let me check
02:01.36QwellI don't know - I'm just a developer
02:02.29kolian123are you working for digium?
02:02.49Corydon76-homeRight now, he's working for his wife
02:04.16filerussellb: how is Chateau Bryant?
02:04.27russellbit's houseish
02:04.30Qwell"Such notice may be given by facsimile transmission, or other reliable means"  haha
02:04.43QwellI don't know why I think that's so funny
02:05.23kolian123seems like 2 years!
02:05.45kolian123your wife's money is her money
02:05.50kolian123and your money is her money
02:06.08karleetoso, my prouction systems around town are using TB, and i've noticed options for FAX in there, does asterisk handle fax'es ? if so, why have i come accross services that you can port your fax number over to them, and they'll email faxes to you??
02:06.30karleetokolian123: is this card you're speaking of with 4 ports a modular card?
02:06.37Qwellefax and the like are incredibly expensive
02:06.50QwellI think it's in excess of $.10/page
02:06.54kolian123karleeto, it's te405p with a echo module
02:07.15kolian123it's PRI a card
02:07.41karleetokolian123: but the ports each have modular cards is what i'm asking, like the TDM cards?
02:07.54Qwellkarleeto: no
02:07.55kolian123no its just build into the card
02:08.02Qwellthe echo can is a module though
02:08.05kolian123the module is echo canceller
02:08.11karleetoOiC, that sucks!
02:08.26Qwellkarleeto: it would be non-trivial to do
02:08.36Qwellat least, if you wanted analog and PRI on the same card
02:08.39kolian123Qwell, when i call support they need serial number or receipt to trace how old is the card. Would you know?
02:08.49Qwellserial number, it should be  ont hec ard
02:08.50karleetoi've heard a lot about people having cards with no working parts.. this is why when i pay that much money for a damn PCI card, they better have modular parts
02:08.52Qwell...on the card
02:09.32kolian123Thanks hopefully it's still on the warranty. would be nice to get a replacement
02:10.47karleetoQwell: i have a question for you!! so, i've been playing with a "Clone" X100P card (ambient chip) at the shop.. it works pretty great, but the only issue is, when zaptel is reloaded, or unloaded (like on a reboot), my kernel panics out, therefor i never get a successful clean reboot
02:11.23Qwellkarleeto: there is an issue with now with the init scripts..  I think it causes a panic
02:11.33Qwellremove the ztcfg -s from the unload part of the script
02:11.44karleetoQwell: i've ordered 2 cards of Ebay, voxcom cards, that claim to be "Genuine", and even when zaptel loads them, they even say "X100P", no Clone
02:11.56Qwellthey aren't genuine :p
02:12.02QwellDigium hasn't sold those cards in...forever
02:12.09karleetoQwell: well, obviously
02:12.24karleetoQwell: but they must be better than using an old-ass ambient chip card
02:12.35Qwellthey're pretty much all junk...
02:12.43karleetoQwell: hmmm.. shit ;)
02:13.08karleetoQwell: well, hopefully the two new ones will at least be more reliable than the single ambient card i've got now
02:13.47karleetoQwell: i need em!! cause i have two phone lines, one that rolls to the other, and only one card ATM, so when i'm on the phone people get rolled to the second line, and it just rings forever
02:14.09Qwellwell, you could just get a single tdm400p, with 2 fxo modules
02:14.19karleetoQwell: so you think that removing -s in the init script might solve my current problem for the time being?
02:14.28Qwellkarleeto: remove the whole line
02:14.50*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
02:14.59karleetoQwell: i have 3 businesses in town that i have TDM400 cards in, I LOVE THEM!
02:16.14*** join/#asterisk _charly_ (
02:16.57karleetoQwell: and i certainly plan on buying one for our shop once i can afford it
02:17.15kolian123Hi Qwell, another question
02:17.33karleetoQwell: its just that we spent a lot of money getting our box built and our lines switched back to normal lines, from our T1
02:17.43kolian123Do you know how the quality of older t405p
02:17.55Qwellwhy not have the T1 in one office, and voip the rest?
02:18.30karleetoQwell: cause we are canceling the T1 service, got MORE speed from a cable modem, and are gonna save $500 dollars a month
02:19.04karleetoQwell: so in a month or two, when we actually start to see that money we are saving, thats when we'll buy a TDM400
02:19.09kolian123for PRI termination
02:19.11karleetoand two FXO modules for it
02:19.44Qwellkarleeto: ahh
02:19.59karleetoQwell: untill then we're gonna duke it out with two X100p cards for our phone lines
02:20.39karleetoQwell: and we're gonna sell all of the old panasonic pbx equipment on ebay too, probably get a nice little chuck for that stuff as well
02:20.40*** join/#asterisk Avochelm (
02:22.33*** join/#asterisk JT_ (n=jon@unaffiliated/jt)
02:22.54rue_mohrI'v solved the second most proplexing problem with my system
02:23.04rue_mohrwhere to put the hardware
02:23.20rue_mohrturn out the answer is simple, because the channelbank just needs a T1, the computer can go anywhere
02:23.29rue_mohrwhich means it will fit in the closet
02:23.53rue_mohras long as I dont use connectors that are too big
02:24.08rue_mohrand i oust the doorbell speakers
02:26.32*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
02:29.36*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:29.50rue_mohrnow, I have to battle paint, so much less forgiving
02:31.21rue_mohr...and I need to find a chunk of plywood to mount this on...
02:31.22*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
02:31.55mmlj4the linksys ATAs, i want one that's $foo-NA, or non -NA?
02:32.27[TK]D-Fendermmlj4, SPA-2102 <-
02:32.47mmlj4i want FXO, sorry
02:33.00mmlj4the 3000 does both, which is acceptable
02:33.13mmlj4but it's -NA
02:33.19[TK]D-Fendermmlj4, spa-3102
02:33.19mmlj4that means it's locked?
02:34.28mmlj4Linksys SPA3102 NA 1FXS / 1FXO Analog VoIP Gateway  #
02:36.06mmlj4same thing, only sipura:
02:36.29[TK]D-Fendermmlj4, Sipura was bought out by Linksys YEARS ago.  Sipura no longer EXISTS
02:36.29mmlj4ok, the link you gave me is an -NA
02:37.00mmlj4there used to be an issue where some where locked in some way... was in -NA or not, do you remember?
02:37.53[TK]D-Fender-NA = not locked, and thats the PAP2 garbage
02:38.11mmlj4avoid PAP2? ah.
02:38.59[TK]D-Fendermmlj4, it has a weaker CPU and doesn't support T.38
02:39.18[TK]D-Fendermmlj4, SPA-3102 has a bigger CPU than the 3000 and can act as a router as well.
02:39.38mmlj4fair enough, thanks :-)
02:40.50mmlj4so telephony depot is a reputable web store? I've bought from voipsupply (i think) before
02:41.19*** join/#asterisk Cabal_ (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
02:44.32[TK]D-Fendermmlj4, I've bought from both
02:44.56[TK]D-Fendermmlj4, VS is overpriced for nothing.  Their service is decent, but not justifiable.
02:46.10filehas it really been years since they were bought out?
02:46.23*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (
02:46.39mmlj4maybe... i bought 2 right as Katrina hit, they have Sipura printed on the cases
02:46.49mmlj4so that's 2 years ago
02:46.56*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
02:47.34mmlj4incidentally, VS treated me very well, considering I lived in the hurricane's destruction area
02:48.36mmlj4heh, neat feature
02:49.41filerussellb: nope!
03:01.59kolian123Hi Russell
03:02.07*** join/#asterisk SirThomas_Home (
03:02.17kolian123Seems like my machine got e1000 on board
03:02.28kolian123Still up?
03:02.43russellbnot really, no.
03:03.21kolian123do digital cards not play well with e1000 driver?
03:03.28russellbi have no idea.
03:03.37Qwellused to have problems, I think
03:03.45kolian123Hi Qwell:)
03:03.55karleetoQwell: so you think that removing -s in the init script might solve my current problem for the time being?
03:04.27SirThomas_HomeI have two "normal" cordless phones hooked up to FXS ports on a rhino card.  I used to be able to use "#" to transfer a call from them when they were hooked into a digium card... now that no longer works.  Any ideas/pointers?
03:04.42kolian123Was it a driver problem or hardware?
03:06.12blitzragefile: 1.0459
03:08.11*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
03:13.29karleetoQwell: sorry about the dupe paste
03:15.30*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
03:16.01karleetoQwell: thanks for your help!
03:16.04*** part/#asterisk karleeto (
03:16.25*** join/#asterisk bonderponder (n=test@
03:17.29bonderponderhello, anybody knows why when I hit the transfer bottom of a GrandStream GXP2000 or BT200 it will go in blind transfer ? how can I change this ?
03:24.09*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (
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03:32.32*** join/#asterisk waptaxi (
03:34.50*** join/#asterisk nowork (n=jfu2808@
03:35.43noworkhi, how many line limitaion for dial-plan in context
03:35.52noworkwill 100lines be okay?
03:36.51*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
03:39.07*** join/#asterisk sharp (
03:40.44russellb100 lines is fine
03:42.20*** join/#asterisk waptaxi (
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03:50.48NuitariDoes asterisk manager uses \n or \r\n?
03:52.06*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:52.11russellbyou're welcome
03:52.30Nuitarithanks for devstate btw
03:52.39russellbyou're welcome, glad you like it
03:53.40NuitariI'm writing a script to have device states across pbxes
03:53.56russellbi have been looking at ways to do that within asterisk
03:53.56*** join/#asterisk Greenbox (
03:53.57jqlyeah, that's fun
03:54.16jqlI use the agi:// system for that
03:57.07Nuitarijql: how does your works?
03:58.19jqlI have a bank of asterisk servers running a dialplan which has AGI(agi:// calls wrapped around every call/hangup
03:58.26russellbhopefully i'll have that solved within asterisk by 1.6
03:58.34russellbwhenever i can find time away from bugs
03:58.46jqlthat agi script reads a bunch of variables from the server and stores the status of that phone in a db
03:59.08russellbjql: nice
03:59.34jqland then the agi script will send a GOTO to the server to control the call-flow state machine
04:00.12NuitariI'm looking to do it through the manager, to both look at events and set the devstate, in a db less way
04:00.18jqlsuch as "that phone is off the hook; enjoy some hold music"
04:04.00Sweeperhey, is there a list of asterisk consultants somewhere I can put my name on?
04:05.12jqlI can't vouch for it, but I have in my bookmarks
04:06.54Sweeperworth a shot
05:38.23*** join/#asterisk jbot (n=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:38.23*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.4.4 (April 27, 2007) Asterisk 1.2.18 (April 24, 2007), Zaptel 1.2.18, 1.4.3 (June 8, 2007) -=- Other fun channels: #asterisk-gui, #asterisknow, #asterisk-commits -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
05:38.33*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
05:39.33*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
05:42.12*** join/#asterisk A-Data (n=asd@
05:42.33A-Datahello all ... any one know Java SIP client
05:42.42A-Datawebbased java
05:42.53jqlcisco phones
05:43.00jqlbut their somewhat embedded
05:43.13A-Datayes i need an embedded one
05:43.20tzafrir_laptopfor that many lines a channel bank is an overkill
05:43.33tzafrir_laptopget an analog card (e.g.: TDM400P)
05:44.39SycofantAnyone used a Cisco 7912G with Asterisk?
05:47.11A-DataDoes any one know if patton smartnode 4110 can be used with *
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05:51.52Zion800Has anyone here used page.agi before?  its used for intercom
05:52.46Zion800I need help editing it to work with Asterisk 1.4
05:53.22Zion800Its a very small change, but I don't know Perl.  The output of "asterisk -rx "show hints" has changed in Asterisk 1.4, and the script requires it to work properly.
05:53.23*** join/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (
05:54.31[[blah]asfdtrying to do exten => _6XXX,hint,${EXTEN} doesnt work. is there a way to make it work so that I dont have to do 6000,hint,SIP/6000 for every extensions?
05:54.40[[blah]asfdcan hit be used with pattern matching?
05:55.42Zion800I dunno...i set up a hint for every individual extension :/
05:55.50Nuitaribut at the very least, exten => _6XXX,hint,SIP/${EXTEN}
05:56.16Nuitariyou can try and see
05:56.44[[blah]asfdyeah.. it doesnt work.. .thats why i am asking.
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05:56.54Nuitariwith the SIP/ ?
05:57.20[[blah]asfdyeah... sorry, I typed it wrong here. i am doing it with sip in the dialplan
05:58.09Nuitarilooks like it doesn't work, I tried the same way back
05:59.30*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
06:00.17Zion800So does no one wanna help me out with a little perl script? :)
06:01.04jqlI like perl
06:01.18Zion800:) wanna help me out
06:02.14Zion800a script (page.agi) was written for Asterisk 1.2 that looks at hints by executing "asterisk -rx "show hints"" and determining what channels are available to page
06:02.28Zion800well, the output of "show hints" has changed in asterisk 1.4
06:02.35Zion800so now, the script doesnt work properly
06:02.57Zion800Heres the script if you wanna see:
06:04.03jqlthat's pretty simple
06:04.03jqlyou probably only need to change a number
06:04.05jqlpaste an example 'show hints' to or something
06:04.33Zion800has the script, and show hints
06:04.45Zion800they've actually changed it to "core show hints" in asterisk 1.4
06:04.54Zion800"show hints" is deprecated now
06:05.20jqlI see
06:06.57jqlokay, I think I see
06:07.09Zion800yay :p
06:08.24jqlchange this: @sips = grep(/^\s+\d+\s.*/, sterisk -rx "show hints";
06:08.30jqlto this: @sips = grep(/^\s+\d+.*/, sterisk -rx "show hints";
06:08.46jqlignore the lost ` stuff
06:08.59jqlmy cut&paste is sensitive to it. :)
06:09.06Zion800what do you mean?
06:09.19jqlthat actually says `asterisk, but I pasted just sterisk
06:09.37Zion800lemme try it]
06:09.41jqlignore my paste, do the right thing, just remove the letters \s where I did
06:10.01jqlI think that was your only problem
06:13.04Zion800it worked like a charm!
06:13.13Zion800thanks a lot
06:13.16Zion800that was a huge help
06:13.28jqlbe kind; update the wiki. :)
06:13.33Zion800i was just about to!
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06:28.21A-Datadoes any one know a java or ocx SIP client that can run from web page
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06:30.48A-Datadoes any one know a java or ocx SIP client that can run from web page
06:31.12*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
06:31.47NuitariA-Data: Look on, I know there is one there under Soft Phones
06:32.15kaldemargoogle is also very helpful.
06:34.40A-Datakaldemar 7 hours searching in google nothing found
06:38.19kaldemaroh. i put "java applet sip phone" and got jain as the first result.
06:39.52A-DataNuitari i found a normal java but i need a java applet one so that it can run from web site
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07:06.30Nuitarihum, to select or to thread, that is the question
07:15.33Nuitariof course, but that won't happen tonight then
07:15.41Nuitariups will be coming and I still need to get some sleep
07:16.15Nuitarianyways threads will mean a bunch of IPC
07:19.22creativxwell Nugget
07:19.23creativxerr Nuitari
07:19.28creativxi ahve no idea what you are talking about.
07:19.29creativxbut go on.
07:20.10NuitariI'm bashing out a script to connect to some Asterisk managers to track devices and set device states across them
07:20.25Nuitariso that you can see the presence on someone not on your pbx
07:21.25*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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07:26.33DTE_iti've a problem with asterisk and asterisk-gui
07:26.51DTE_iti've installed asterisk on debian etch and everything is ok
07:27.10DTE_iti've installed asterisk gui...and when i try to login i get in the log
07:27.19creativxNuitari: cool
07:27.23creativxpresence is popular these days
07:29.09Nuitariand useful
07:29.41NuitariI'll just write with select and if it bogs down too much I'll use threads
07:31.23*** join/#asterisk purplet (
07:32.38creativxim just implementing it myself these days
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07:36.01Nuitarihow are you doing it?
07:36.53creativxwe run the call logic off a different server
07:37.09creativxbut basically people can change their statuses
07:37.11creativxlike in msn
07:37.23creativxand it affects what happens to the telephony, and everybody can see everybody else
07:37.35creativxand their current user/presence statuses, and extension statuses
07:37.49NuitariI have that on the polycom phones, but I can't get the pbx to see it
07:38.17creativxi dont use the phones
07:38.20creativxi use asterisk for it
07:38.29creativxso you can use any sip phone you want basically
07:38.49creativxits all implemented in our inhouse crm app
07:39.01Nuitariok so it's not on the phone itself?
07:39.23Nuitarieg not using the busy line field?
07:40.33gardoanyone knows what version of asterisk the business class edition is?
07:45.43creativxNugget: correct
07:45.56creativxNugget: i let asterisk tell me everything by listening to the ami
07:46.20creativxand we have a internal policy that the phones should always be accessible to dial internally
07:46.36creativxbut if you change your status it will affect your queue memberships and if DID calls reach your phone
07:47.26NuitariWhat I'm trying to accomplish is that if someone is on the phone on pbx1 that it also shows on pbx2 3 and 4 to the other clients on them
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07:47.45creativxyeah I understand
07:47.53creativxwhat about hints?
07:48.01Nuitarihints only work on the local pbx
07:48.13creativxive never tried monitoring more than 1 pbx so i dunno
07:48.13NuitariI'm using them and devstate to set some custom hints
07:48.30Nuitarithough func_devstate is only in trunk
07:48.38creativxbut how does users at pbx1 know which users is at pbx2?
07:49.10Nuitariprobably the admin would know
07:49.23creativxis this two pbxes for the same company?
07:49.24Nuitariit's assumed that it's not in the wild pbxes
07:49.43creativxyeah so if im at pbx1 and want to call george @ pbx2 i would have to know his extension there
07:50.00Nuitarithough it's going to generate custom names like host_SIP/4000  and then someone can just set the hints he needs
07:50.22creativxyeah i see
07:50.29creativxso you are basically using phones for dialling
07:50.38NuitariThat can be done in anyway
07:50.39creativxhere its the other way around, I smacked it all into the screen
07:50.48Nuitariwhat matters is devices and the blf list
07:51.43Nuitariany dialing should work
07:52.04*** part/#asterisk DTE_it (
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07:57.10creativxso many approaches!
07:57.26skirmishaguys can host in sip.conf to accept masks also
07:59.01skirmishaor i have to use dynamic + allow option
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08:02.59walhalathanks for work all asterisk is really a good project !
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08:10.53creativxthis is so fun.. why is it my ip10s thinks that volume 1 should be the same as volume 6!
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08:25.53tanacsdavidGood Morning!
08:26.02Nuitarisigh, morning already
08:26.25tanacsdavidI have another great question...
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08:27.58tanacsdavidHow can I sort the incoming calls? I hava multiple accounts at the same provider. I defined multiple extensions, but every inbound calls land at the last section is my sip.conf
08:28.04tanacsdavidIs there any solution?
08:28.23tanacsdavidSeems like Asterisk is sorting the SIP calls according to domains, not accounts
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08:28.57NuitariIt depends on your config at the provider and to which context the calls are supposed to go to
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08:29.03Nuitarithough I can't really help you much more then that
08:29.16tanacsdavidOK, thank You.
08:29.28tanacsdavidI'll start my walk on that way.
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08:39.59angryusergood day, the echocancel=yes must be set for each channel or only after [channels] once in zapata.conf?
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08:47.57penguinFunkyou can set it once for all channels by putting it before all the channel definitions
08:48.15penguinFunk(only once)
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08:57.17creativxwuff wuff
08:58.05Nuitariit works
08:58.49NuitariI'll get some sleep, then I'll cleanup the code and post it online
08:59.31darkskiezNuitari: for what?
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09:11.47kovaDoes anyone here use Asterisk with amr codec?
09:16.21A-Dataany one know what is the different between proxyaddress and serveraddress????? sure in * case :>
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09:19.25angryuserA-Data: if yoy have only one * put the same thing, to know the difference read about sip gates
09:20.22angryuserpenguinFunk: thx
09:21.37penguinFunknp :]
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09:48.47querix_supportHi there.  Just a quick question as im a complete noob on this subject.  Can asterisk support an ip fax system?
09:52.35dikdustquerix_support, yes asterfax I guess
09:57.42*** join/#asterisk jbot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
09:57.42*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.4.4 (April 27, 2007) Asterisk 1.2.18 (April 24, 2007), Zaptel 1.2.18, 1.4.3 (June 8, 2007) -=- Other fun channels: #asterisk-gui, #asterisknow, #asterisk-commits -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
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10:16.44angryuserdoes * include by default QoS tags? (VPT or DSCP) ?
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10:22.11skirmishaguys is it possible in asterisk to set account to accept many concurrent calls
10:22.48tzafrirskirmisha, yes.
10:22.58tzafrirIf the other party supports that as well
10:23.30skirmishawhat do u need to set in asterisk config
10:23.50skirmishai am talking about user that is registered with asterisk
10:23.55skirmishanot just forward calls
10:25.33skirmishai tried with follow me like function
10:25.47skirmishait works but caller id is not send in that case
10:25.56skirmishaas remote site is pbx system
10:26.03*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
10:26.07skirmishapbx like panasonic
10:26.15Dovidhello ev1
10:26.28skirmishaso i want to send to 1 port to pbx and pbx to do this "follow mw"
10:26.53Dovidanyone know of a solution for SIP -> H323 (not using asterisk)....
10:27.11creativxDovid: #asterisk ??
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10:28.19skirmishaDovid yes i know
10:28.26skirmishahow much are u willing to pay for it
10:32.18Dovidbrb phone
10:36.35skirmishaany ideas
10:38.38mbrancaany g.729 license expert here ? I'm in trouble upgrading license count on digium codec :/
10:38.57Dovidmbranca: what issues r u having ?
10:39.18*** join/#asterisk alin` (n=user@
10:39.22Dovidskimicha: what solutions do u of ?
10:40.07mbrancaI had a previous license with 30 channels. want to upgrade to 60 and bought an additional 30 channels license. now I have 2 license files in /var/lib/asterisk/license but the codec (latest version, asterisk 1.2.13) only shows up 30 channels
10:40.20mbrancainstead of 60
10:40.37Dovidmbranaca: it says that on the digium site. you can't put in and then do more - u need to call digium up for it
10:43.06*** join/#asterisk achu (n=achu@
10:43.16mbrancaDovid, I don't agree
10:43.17e-ddieyou should be able to add the license key to the other file...
10:43.25mbrancadigium says is ok having multiple keys
10:43.28mbranca"Multiple G.729 keys may be registered to the same Asterisk server.  This will allow
10:43.38mbrancaon the kb :
10:43.48Dovidi stand to be corrected - i had issues with it b4 and digium helped me
10:43.52e-ddiewe got two licenses on top of eachother, in different files
10:44.00achuWhen I get call from outside number the caller ID is showing like "unknown"
10:44.17achuit is happening from 3 days before and I don't do any changes to the system
10:44.32Dovidachu: it can be ur carrier
10:44.39Dovidis this inbound or outbound ?
10:44.49achuits inbound
10:45.03achubut I have connected two asterisk server using iax
10:45.29achuand when I call from the other server's extension it also shows the same "unknown" Caller ID
10:46.30Dovidand is the CID coming in on the first server ?
10:46.38achuthe log shows like this : dialparties.agi: Caller ID name is 'est' number is 'unknown'
10:46.47achuits working good
10:47.02Dovidno upgrades, changes to anything ?
10:47.43achualso I was facing with the issue of can't hear anything on my broadvoice sip lines
10:47.45Dovidhighly unlikely that you did Nothing at all
10:47.49achuboth incoming and outgoing
10:48.08jbot[ygwypf] You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
10:48.25Dovidbroadvoice is horrible - i had it for a month - i will never touch it again with a 10 foot pole
10:48.39*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
10:48.57tzafrir~seen jbot
10:49.14jbotjbot <i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 601d 19h 33m 7s ago, saying: 'rumour has it, sarge is Ten-HUT!  Fall in!  Sarge is the code name for the current stable Debian release, version 3.1, released on June 6th, 2005. Ask me about <install debian>, or i guess sarge is the biggest lump of free as in ...
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10:49.33achuDovid, can you please tell me what are the things I have to check in the configurations ?
10:50.21achuI have checked zapata.conf and its looks like the default conifguration
10:52.02achuIf I try an extension from the second server to the first server it shows the iax trunk name
10:52.16achubut beneath to it it shows unknown
10:53.48achuI think I had a kernel upgrade previous month
10:54.00achuit will affect it ?
10:56.12achualso when I try to run the command  modprobe wctdm
10:56.18achuit returns errors
10:56.31Dovidachu: do u have a zaptel device ?
10:56.37Dovidor ztdummy ?
10:56.51achuafter rebooting it
10:56.54Dovidalso what version of zaptel r u using ? (this should not affect the CID)
10:56.56achunow there is no error
10:56.56tzafrirso zapata.conf is irrelevant
10:57.02Dovidshould be
10:57.09Dovidbut dosent hurt to load it properly
10:57.12Dovidand not wctdm
10:57.21Dovidyou need to also get the latest kernel headers
10:57.32Dovidand then rebuild latest version of zaptel
10:57.57achuany way I think I have to recompile everything
10:58.39achuwhich files are affecting the caller ID ?
11:00.47*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
11:00.52Dovidshould not be zaptel
11:00.59Dovidbut like i said it dosent hurt to fix it
11:01.06Dovidwhat distro r u using ?
11:01.12achucentos 4.4
11:11.24alin`how could I find the structure of a NOTIFY packet that is received by asterisk as response to a SUBSCRIBE?
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11:12.30Hymiehmm, does anyone have the polycom working with the microbrowser?  I have an url in the appropriate place, but hitting 'services' does nothing.  Is there something else to enable?
11:16.49alin`how can I make asterisk to receive a NOTIFY message?
11:17.40Hymieasterisk, or a phone??
11:17.49Hymieasterisk should just receive it from the phone automatically...
11:19.42Hymiesip notify 'something' extension
11:19.52Hymieif you want to send a notify of a type fo a phone
11:19.56Hymiebut, what type of notify?
11:20.08HymieI use it to reboot my phones
11:20.15Hymievia a script and te asterisk command interface
11:21.32Hymieand goes back tow ork fo ra bit
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11:22.02alin`Hymie: I want to debug a RECEIVED NOTIFY message
11:22.22alin`Hymie: a NOTIFY received after a SUBSCRIBE
11:22.53alin`Hymie: No I was reading on a book...
11:22.57Hymiealin`: not sure what you want to do..
11:23.15alin`Hymie: I was not regarding the screen
11:23.19Hymiealin`: anyhow, notifies to asterisk usualyl come from external sip peers
11:23.30Hymiealin`: I don't know if you can send a fake one via the console
11:23.39alin`Hymie: my problem is to CAPTURE a notify message as reponse to a SUBSCRIBE
11:23.41Hymiealin`: you could probably set up two asterisk servers
11:23.46Hymiesip debug
11:23.51Hymiein the console
11:24.02Hymiealso, you could use ngrep to see the packets directly
11:24.19Hymiengrep is a linux utility
11:24.22alin`In this moment my asterisk is registered to a PBX, and there are 2 phones connected to my asterisk
11:24.43alin`I have already set `sip set debug'
11:24.58Hymieso, you see the messages, what's do you want more?
11:25.12alin`I know ngrep. as tcpdump
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11:25.31Hymiealin`: after sip debug, that's the only other way I know to get more info on the sip packets
11:25.52Hymiealin`: I know you can increase the sip debug level
11:25.54alin`Hymie: What of all that messages are NOTIFY, and, more, NOTIFY received as result to SUBSCRIBE
11:26.12alin`How can I increase it?
11:26.22Hymiealin`: not sure.. there is some way though
11:26.32Hymiealin`: I did it a few times, a while aback for serious debug
11:27.04alin`maybe asterisk -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ?
11:27.04jmlshey guys
11:27.29jmlsdoes anyone know what the "config" authorization is in the manager.conf ?
11:27.38Hymiealin`: I see you can also set debug for only one peer, might reduce the mesasges for you
11:28.10Hymiejmls: ?
11:28.33alin`yes, sip set debug peer <IP>
11:28.57jmlsHymie: in manager.conf there is "system,call,log,verbose" etc as classes that a connected manager can read / write
11:29.05Hymiejmls: I have no config statement anywhere in my manager.conf
11:29.09jmlsI know all of 'em except config
11:29.15jmlshmm. 1.4
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11:29.20alin`yes, sip set debug IP  <IP>
11:29.33Hymiejmls: at one time, asterisk could write its own config file.. maybe it still can, and this is for that?
11:29.54tzafrirHymie, see the start of the sample extensions.cnf
11:29.57Hymiealin`: I know no more on this topic :(  maybe soemone else does
11:30.05tzafrirthis anly applies to extensions.conf
11:30.25tzafrirThere are new manager commands in 1.4 to write config files from the manager
11:30.28alin`SUBSCRIBE in fact is the same as REGISTER?
11:30.39jmlstzafrir: ahhhhh
11:30.50jmlstzanger: what are the commands ? Any clues ? ;)
11:30.56Hymiehmm, does anyone have the polycom working with the microbrowser?  I have an url in the appropriate place, but hitting 'services' does nothing.  Is there something else to enable?
11:31.23tzafrirHymie, what do you need to write?
11:31.30tzangerjmls: eh?
11:31.41tzafrirMaybe the asterisk database (astdb) would be more handy for that?
11:31.52jmlsoh dammnt.
11:31.53*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
11:32.04tzangertzafrir: yeah I am actually *really* impressed with how the manager interface, and http manager specifically can read in a config ifle, alter it, and write it out WITHOUT losing comments or spacing
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11:32.20tzangertzafrir: I've been buried in the code for a while and I'm utterly impressed with that
11:32.24jmlstzafrir: what are the commands ? Any clues ? ;)
11:32.40the_5th_wheelis there an easy way to use a ftcto send smsses?
11:32.40tzangeralthough the weirdass "language" for passing fragments of the ifle back and forth baffle me, heh
11:32.45tzangerjmls: you'd have to look in the code
11:32.53Hymiejmls: the command is "help hymie get the  polycom microbrowser working" ;P
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11:33.33tzafrirtzanger, what about stuff like templates? or anything related to a '()' after the section name
11:33.49tzangertzafrir: I am not sure I understand what you mean now
11:34.01jmlsooooh oooooh oooooh
11:34.07jmlsshow manager command UpdateConfig
11:34.14tzafrir'show manager commands' . I don't have 1.4 handy now. GetConfig and PutConfig?
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11:37.43the_5th_wheelis there an easy way to use a fixed cellular terminal/premicell to send smsses?
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11:38.37Dovidis it possible to install a proxy on a public IP b4 asterisk so that the RTP stream does not have to go through asterisk ?
11:38.43DovidProxy -> Asterisk
11:39.23Dovid(I know that there are VOIP switches that dont need to get in the way of the RTP stream even when one of the phones is behind NAT)
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11:49.32Hymieis anyone using polycom phones here?
11:49.58HymieI'm also curious if anyone has configured the 'directories' button to just go to the directory, intead of prompting for call lists
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12:11.30tzanger./nick theplate
12:14.34theglasssorry if I might be off topic but do you know any pcap'ss support channel?
12:15.50HarryRlibpcap? I dont think there's one
12:16.04HarryRThere is a mailing list iirc
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12:21.40alin`what is a `trunk' ?
12:21.56jbottrunk is, like, my trunk my trunk; my lovely asterisk trunk (check it out)
12:23.11[TK]D-FenderOh God....
12:23.22[TK]D-Fenderalin`: Forget you ever heard that word.
12:24.45alin`[TK]D-Fender: Why ?
12:25.15*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
12:25.19[TK]D-Fenderalin`: Its jsut a horribly misused word.  If you've got a REAL question feel free to move on to it.
12:30.32jacqhey... any suggestion for a good conf system base don asterisk that takes acare of CNG and VAD?
12:35.12*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
12:36.09tzangerjacq: there is none
12:36.16tzangerasterisk does not support CNG and VAD at this time
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12:38.35frk2whatsup people
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12:39.17frk2has anybody have their asterisk crash on them by pressing the 'submit' red bar in trixbox?
12:39.17zeeeshCan't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi?
12:39.50frk2started happening with asterisk 1.2.18
12:41.17tzafrirthat can happen if you, e.g., add a zap extension with an invalid zap channel
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12:42.57[TK]D-Fenderfrk2: ....
12:43.01jbotTrixbox is a full linux distro that includes , FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is these things on top of which make it seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it. Try asking in #trixbox , or their forums & WIKI at
12:46.24*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
12:47.48jmlsif I have a manager session connected to asterisk, and want to read the "calls" events, is there anyway of filtering out the "newexten" events but keep all the others ?
12:48.22jmlsI don't want to have to filter them out at each client session - it would be easier not to send them in the first place
12:48.28alin`what is the difference between registrations and subscriptions
12:49.27[TK]D-Fenderjmls: No.
12:49.48creativxjmls: take a look at astmanproxy
12:49.58creativxit can filter to some exten
12:50.00jmlsyeah, astmanproxy often craps out on us
12:50.08jmls(it just "freezes")
12:50.23creativxits stable here, but that might be because it only has 1 connection
12:50.35jmlsthat's why I was wanting to limit the data being sent in the first place
12:50.42jmlswe have 75+ connections ;)
12:51.06creativxstill, its written in perl.. it should handle fine :P
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12:51.31creativxbut yes I understand your concern
12:51.55creativxare these 75+ connections coming from all over the place?
12:51.58creativxor only the local network
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12:59.45penguinFunkhi, anyone know if digium have got a version of the TE120P with hardware echo cancellation? I can only find the 2 port cards with echo cancellation (TE207P or TE212P)
13:00.25penguinFunkseems a bit unfair you have to go to 2 ports when we will only ever use one here, just for echo cancellation :(
13:00.41[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: But aside from the "could have found out faster by looking than asking", Sangoma makes one.
13:00.42tzangerpenguinFunk: so go the ebay tellabs solution then, it's cheaper :-)
13:01.14penguinFunk[TK]D-Fender: i already looked before asking here.
13:01.16denkepenguinFunk: I do not know about 1 port dsp cards... but compare the prices too
13:01.31penguinFunkokay guys will check out other people now
13:01.33[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: Then you must really like the look of your own type-face ;)
13:01.44penguinFunkive used digium cards before and know they work well
13:01.59penguinFunk[TK]D-Fender: yeah it's kind of sexy
13:04.31*** join/#asterisk Curus (
13:07.09penguinFunkare sangoma / tellabs just as good as digium?
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13:09.51penguinFunkor am i going to be sacrificing quality for cost?
13:11.21[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: *pstt*
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13:17.08HarryRpenguinFunk: I'd say sangoma are better than the digium cards
13:20.14Hymiehmm, does anyone have the polycom working with the microbrowser?  I have an url in the appropriate place, but hitting 'services' does nothing.  Is there something else to enable?
13:20.46*** part/#asterisk tparcina (
13:22.41[TK]D-FenderHymie: What model / firmware?
13:22.43frk2[TK]D-Fender: sorry was distracted
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13:23.24Hymie[TK]D-Fender: 501... hmm, sec on the firmware (although, there is an option in the web console for the microbrowser stuff...)
13:23.46exazoidhi. Has anyone a recommandation for a brandname (HP, IBM) server for a TE120P in the 800-1000$ range ?
13:23.58[TK]D-FenderHymie: You need 2.1.0 + for it.
13:24.03exazoidI am looking at a HP ML115 opteron based system
13:24.08Hymieit says sip is 2.0.3
13:24.13Hymieso I guess that's why
13:24.16[TK]D-FenderHymie: yup
13:24.30Hymiedid you ever get the 'direcotires' button to go directly to the directory
13:24.36Hymieinstead of the directories sub-menu
13:24.53Hymiethere's a call lists button below it, it's drives me mad that there's an optino to entre the call lists menu from the directories button
13:24.55[TK]D-FenderHymie: Nope, never tried to.
13:25.20[TK]D-FenderHymie: Don't believe I saw anything that hinted that this would be possible.
13:25.29[TK]D-FenderHymie: Who are you putting in that list?
13:25.46Hymieme either, yes ;(  hmm, do you know if you can downgrade the sip app if you upgrade and are unhappy for other reasons?
13:25.52Hymie[TK]D-Fender: everyone in the company
13:25.53frk2guys I hate trixbox myself :P clients love it though :)
13:26.59mostyfrk2, i've never tried it, what's it like? what do you hate about it?
13:27.29exoxeI'm baaaaaaaaaack
13:27.34frk2[TK]D-Fender: will try the trixbox channel. It crashes asterisk 1.2.18 when trying to do a bulk update through AMI for some reason
13:27.42frk2mosty- its a LOT of bloat
13:28.08mostyfrk2, does it require a powerful box?
13:28.43frk2its just a php app
13:28.48[TK]D-FenderHymie: You can always up/down the SIP app, its the BR you can't go too far back on.
13:28.56frk2do you know about freepbx?
13:28.58mostyfrk2, then what do you mean by bloat?
13:30.05alin`[TK]D-Fender: thanks
13:30.07Hymie[TK]D-Fender: cool
13:30.09*** part/#asterisk achu (n=achu@
13:31.03[TK]D-FenderHymie: And not sure if I told you, but browsing through a phone directory for employees is BS on any phone.  a plain sheet of paper = 100x better & faster.
13:31.44[TK]D-FenderHymie: Or a click-to-call web script.
13:31.53frk2[TK]D-Fender: even worse is a WWW browser on those ciscos!
13:31.58frk2in blazing full color
13:32.14[TK]D-Fenderfrk2: I'm sure ti could be very useful.
13:32.31frk2what? like how?
13:32.43Hymie[TK]D-Fender: yes, I know..  but, management says "why aren't we using this" ;Þ
13:32.57Hymie[TK]D-Fender: likely the paper will be used, but the directory will be there just in case
13:33.04Polis_tttwhat command can i use in asterisk-cli to kick a sip-user that's not supposed to be there?
13:33.25[TK]D-Fenderfrk2: ethernet video camera at reception so you can see who's at the door before letting them in.  full-colour operator panel view of PBX activity, etc.
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13:33.36[TK]D-Fenderfrk2: Would *I* pay for it howevre... no.
13:33.57frk2you have a PC to do that, better resolution AND control
13:34.11[TK]D-FenderPolis_ttt: whree is "there", and in what state
13:34.21[TK]D-Fenderfrk2: Entirely true.
13:34.47[TK]D-Fenderfrk2: Depends on certain conveniences.  I could hardly justify it personally.
13:34.58frk2nah nobody can
13:35.01Polis_ttt[TK]D-Fender: they are in sweden, on my server, they got an account, but shall not call on the server at this moment, so i just want to get them to disconnect
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13:35.29[TK]D-FenderPolis_ttt: go change their password on them.
13:35.57Polis_ttt[TK]D-Fender: can i do that when they are logged in, and they get disconnected directly?
13:36.47[TK]D-FenderPolis_ttt: calls will reject, and then when their reg timeout takes place they'll see that they're toast
13:36.57Polis_ttt[TK]D-Fender: thanks a lot
13:37.03lenne_dkHi. GXW4104 (Grandstream FXO) not accepting calls after (automatic) fw-upgrade to
13:37.10jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
13:37.55lenne_dkI have, and a tftp server, but should I really put the files in /tftpboot?
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13:48.50lenne_dkHello... tftpboot grandstream help...
13:49.40mostylenne_dk, the short answer is probably "we don't know, we avoid grandstream phones at all cost"
13:50.01mostytry downgrading the firmware. it's not like you can make it worse
13:50.19*** join/#asterisk bluedemon (
13:50.48bluedemonHas anyone here had experiance with the snom 360?
13:51.04mostybluedemon, a little. i mostly use 320's
13:52.48bluedemonIs there anyone way to have the display recoginise a newline char when sending an snomipphonetext xml object?
13:55.02penguinFunkrofl mosty
13:55.37Dovidanyone know the URL to edgemark ?
13:56.14mostybluedemon, not sure, i've never played with that
13:57.05alin`can somebody tell me how can I set asterisk in order that it send SUBSCRIBE sip messages?
13:57.18alin`I need to see the reponse from subscribe.
13:57.44bluedemonmostly, thanks anyways.  The documentation on these things are lacking.
13:57.47alin`I put breakpoints in the functions that receive/send notify for subscribe, but the br. are not reached
13:57.47[TK]D-Fenderalin`: * doesn't SEND them.  You'd have to invent a lot to do this.
13:58.40alin`ok, in order that asterisk subscribe somewhere
14:00.23lenne_dkI rtfl (read the fine logs) and saw where tftpd expected files. Put them there, rebooted, GXW grabbed the files, and now it accepts calls again.
14:00.42[TK]D-Fenderalin`: Again, * does not do this.  You have a lot of coding to do.
14:01.28*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
14:01.59lenne_dkdoesn't * SUBSCRIBE when it "signs in" to another * to receive calls?
14:03.00fileSUBSCRIBE is when you want to get the status of another device, or the status of a mailbox
14:08.13alin`[TK]D-Fender: YOU MEAN THAT ASTERISK DOES NOT SEND SUBSCRIBE IN NO SITUATION? ARE YOU SURE !? I lost a day searching for this today.
14:09.05fileit supports receiving SUBSCRIBE requests, but it does not send them
14:09.21[TK]D-Fenderalin`: it ANSWERS requests.  It does not SEND them.
14:09.49[TK]D-Fenderalin`: Sip devices can subscribe for Presence, or VM.  thats it.  * does not go looking for info from anything.
14:10.57alin`[TK]D-Fender: And how * answers when it receives a SUBSCRIBE?
14:11.29[TK]D-Fenderalin`: Go set up a sip phone and try for yourself.
14:12.06alin`[TK]D-Fender: I have 2 SIP phones set up with my *
14:12.48[TK]D-Fenderalin`: Fine.  Go set up a VM box for them and have them subscribe to a dialplan hint for presence and jsut watcht he SIP debug roll by
14:13.10alin`VM = voice mail?
14:13.22*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (
14:13.25[TK]D-Fenderalin`: Yes
14:13.35mostyalin: run tethereal/tshark and watch what it does
14:14.00alin`[TK]D-Fender: thanks
14:14.13*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:14.22[TK]D-Fendermosty: * SIP debug is free and 1/2 second away pre-decoded....
14:14.37[TK]D-Fendermosty: but Wireshark is better graphically.
14:15.51*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
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14:15.59NuitariHi [TK]D-Fender
14:19.02mosty[TK]D-Fender, i like tshark for a quick summary
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14:24.33alin`[TK]D-Fender: I called 555 from such a Phone (snom 360)
14:24.34alin`, and I see no SUBSCRIBE in its log. Look extensions.conf:
14:24.34alin`exten => 555,1,Voicemailmain(s0@default)
14:24.51*** join/#asterisk seele_ (n=seele@
14:25.05alin`What shell I do to see a subscribe/notify :( ?
14:26.57seele_I have this error in the user.log how can I solve this??
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14:29.50codefreezeseele_: fix the agi script; that's where your error is coming from, CALLTRACE_HUNT, something is wrong there.
14:29.52[TK]D-Fenderalin`>exten => 555,1,Voicemailmain(s0@default) <- this means NOTHING.
14:30.18[TK]D-Fenderalin`: * dialplan has nothing to do with SUBSCRIBE.  You need to set the phone's SIP entry to MONITOR the mailbox.
14:31.02Nuitaria lot of people have problem seeing the line between devices and dialplan
14:31.48alin`[TK]D-Fender: Thanks
14:31.59[TK]D-FenderNuitari: Yeah.... like every guy calling a SIP device an extensions.  Ticks me off.
14:32.35[TK]D-Fenderalin`: And set up a hint to watch another device hand have your phone subscribe to it.
14:34.12alin`[TK]D-Fender: #-o
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14:45.15*** join/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (n=ckwall@
14:45.48[[blah]asfdIf anyone is interested, I am selling a TE405P and an Adit 600 channel bank. If you are interested PM me.
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14:47.26frk2[TK]D-Fender - think ive nailed the problem down, dont seem to be freepbx/trixbox related (atleast initially)
14:47.49frk2asterisk crashes with this as the last debug line: Jun 14 19:44:34 DEBUG[20064] app_macro.c: Executed application: (null)
14:48.09frk2happens right after a RELOAD has been triggered
14:48.12frk2any ideas?
14:48.20frk2happens randomly
14:49.23frk2i dont know HOW the application can be 'null' first of all
14:51.16*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
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14:52.44roselineXHi. I setup a trunk in asterisk using the SIP information from my provider. That provider gives me 2 virtual numbers on the same account. Can asterisk recognize which number was dialed on an incoming call?
14:53.30volker__if a number is called, i want that a dtmf tone is transmittet after the called person picks up. how do i handle it? if i just use foo,1,dial() and foo,2,SendDTMF() the dtmf sending wont work till the call isnt finished
14:53.40mostyroselineX, depends how the server is sending the calls to you
14:54.05alin`[[blah]asfd: I go. Thanks for help. Tomorrow maybe I suceed to set up the phone.
14:54.20alin`in order to see SUBSCRIBE messages...
14:54.22[[blah]asfdwhat did i help with
14:54.45penguinFunkchica baw waw!
14:54.52roselineXmosty: thanks, how can i check for that?
14:55.24mostyroselineX, are your calls coming in to the s extension, or a number?
14:55.56mostythen no, the sip server is not sending you the dialled number information
14:55.57roselineXThen I believe it's not possible
14:56.07roselineXYeah I should've thought twice before asking =)
14:56.10roselineXThank you :)
14:56.17mostyno problem
14:58.05*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
14:58.56[TK]D-Fendervolker__: "show application dial"
15:00.24exoxehah, found typo in TFOT, i win
15:01.12exoxeGotoIf($[{$TEST} = 1]?10:20)
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15:04.39volker__[TK]D-Fender: thanks. i think u mean M(). had a bad documentation which didnt showed all options :(
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15:09.36exoxeget a job sparkling wiggles
15:10.01[TK]D-Fendervolker__: * seem to have it BUILT IN.  You should read more.
15:10.36[TK]D-Fenderexoxe: Enjoy your victory.  the next edition is due in about a month :)
15:11.00exoxedamn :(
15:11.40*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
15:12.05volker__[TK]D-Fender: rightl. D()
15:12.39seele_please help I have a big problem, when I call to other estension or to zap channel the other person can listen me very well but I listen cuts in the conversation
15:12.40exoxeI forget.. what does u and/or b in front of an extension mean? such as VoiceMail(b101)
15:12.44seele_how can I solve this??
15:12.55exoxeI'm having a hard time looking it up since searching for 'u' or 'b' well..
15:13.29seele_I'm trying different codecs but the problem continues
15:14.09exoxeoh nevermind I understand
15:14.19exoxeu=navailable, b=usy I gander
15:14.56[TK]D-Fenderexoxe: .... "show application voicemail" :)
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15:17.16mostyseele_, that means your download (or the other ends upload) is crap
15:17.32drewrI'm trying to diagnose random CHANUNAVAIL ("Everyone is busy/congested at this time") problems while dialing out.
15:17.45seele_mosty, how can I test this , any tool for this
15:17.54drewrUsually one call can be in progress, but the second fails.  And it doesn't happen all the time.
15:17.58mostydrewr, do you have qualify=yes in sip.conf ? what is the peer's status?
15:18.00seele_only the download .... in my internal netwotk
15:18.03drewrDoes this suggest a hardware issue?
15:18.08volker__[TK]D-Fender: but it seems that it cant handle ${EXTEND} in it
15:18.25[TK]D-Fendervolker__: SHOW ME.
15:18.29jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
15:18.30mostyseele_, is it a busy network?
15:18.40seele_how can i test the latency or the broadcast level in my switch
15:18.50drewrmosty: No, I don't have that.
15:18.57[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: that error can mean anything.  pastebin the full CLI output of the failed call at verbose 10
15:19.12mostydrewr, well add that, then do "sip show peer <name>"
15:19.18seele_mosty, is a new network with 180 phones aprox in a different vlan
15:19.29volker__[TK]D-Fender: nevermind. i wrote it wrong in the channel and wrong in the config. its ${EXTEN} without D %->
15:19.42mostyseele_, do your routers support QoS?
15:19.55[TK]D-Fendervolker__: GUILTY!
15:20.12seele_mosty, I don't use any router
15:20.22seele_mosty, only switch
15:20.34_DAWAny recommendations on a good 24 port FXS gateway with Asterisk?
15:20.53[TK]D-Fender_DAW: Mediatrix 1124
15:21.28[TK]D-Fender_DAW: AudioCodes os good, but rather complex.
15:21.32Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: Is it just me, or does mediatrix sound like...something...wrong
15:21.48seele_mosty, other suggest ... switches change???
15:21.59[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: they had their name before its fuity-ness was ursurped ;)
15:22.06Qwell[]no, something else
15:22.12Qwell[]word also ends in trix :p
15:22.48mostyseele_, it appears that you have packet loss in one direction. is this a busy network?
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15:23.32seele_mosty, define busy network
15:23.39mostyseele_, lots of traffic
15:23.41seele_mosty, only phones and asterisk
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15:24.15mostyseele_, even in other vlans that use the same switches?
15:24.23*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
15:25.05drewr[TK]D-Fender: Is verbosity 10 supposed to show more about the call than 3? :-)
15:25.09seele_mosty, no only the phones .... but the switch are interconnected
15:25.14drewrGave me the same amount.
15:25.32Mercestesdrewr:  try 99
15:26.08*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
15:26.33mostydo you have two phones on the same switch as asterisk?
15:26.48seele_mosty, yes
15:27.04mostywhat's the call sound like between those two phones?
15:27.20seele_mosty, no wait ... let me test
15:27.20drewrMercestes: Nope, same amount of information.
15:27.43Mercestesdrewr:  try set verbose 3.628^1024
15:28.20drewrMercestes: Kernel panic.
15:28.24[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: So for all this talk about how much it gave you... why have you still shown me NOTHING? :)
15:28.27MercestesYea, that's the max then.
15:28.27drewrMercestes: :-)
15:28.27*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
15:28.47drewr[TK]D-Fender: Good point.
15:29.25frk2mediatrix is expensive
15:29.31frk2for apparently no reason
15:30.26*** join/#asterisk _VoiceMeUp_COM (
15:30.27frk2[TK]D-Fender: figured my crash out. FYI 1.2.18 has a serious problem:
15:32.21[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: - Executing Dial("SIP/208-55a3", "Zap/27/8374509") in new stack
15:32.27[TK]D-Fender-- Zap/27-1 answered SIP/208-55a3
15:32.44[TK]D-Fender-- Executing Dial("Zap/10-1", "Zap/27/5017325") in new stack
15:32.46[TK]D-FenderJun 14 10:10:29 NOTICE[12881]: app_dial.c:749 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
15:33.02[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: SIP/208 is on that channel and was TALKING ON IT
15:33.19Qwell[]Nub question of the day!
15:33.25[TK]D-FenderSCHMUCK :)
15:33.34Qwell[]What is a DSU/CSU, exactly?  Don't expand the acronyms, it won't help. :P
15:33.40mostydrewr, are you dialing with channel groups or explicit channel numbers?
15:33.57[TK]D-Fendermosty: Explicit and clearly busy
15:34.10[TK]D-Fendermosty: Problem fully diagnosed, you may disengage :)
15:34.25*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:34.52mosty[TK]D-Fender, i agree. but perhaps they're trying to dial using explicit channels when they want to be using channel groups
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15:35.53[TK]D-Fendermosty: Nobody puts Zap/27 and hopes its a GROUP :)  Show them the problem and let them consider if it really meets their needs.  I try not to GUESS if they wanted that channel or not.
15:35.57_VoiceMeUp_COMhmm i see it lol
15:36.06_VoiceMeUp_COMExecuting Dial("Zap/10-1", "Zap/27/5017325") in new stack
15:36.09_VoiceMeUp_COMtheres a zap too many
15:36.13*** join/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (n=ckwall@
15:36.33frk2so im guessing NOBODY is running 1.2.18
15:36.34[TK]D-Fendermosty: Otherwise I could suddenly start suggesting wild shit like dumping TDM cards and going pure VoIP via smoke-signals! ;)
15:36.39frk2since nobody cares about the blaring bug
15:36.50_VoiceMeUp_COMblaring ?
15:36.54frk2Your servers will be DOOMED
15:36.54_VoiceMeUp_COMwth is that
15:37.01[TK]D-Fenderfrk2: We're just not unloading zaptel all the time.
15:37.02_VoiceMeUp_COMmem los been reported
15:37.10[TK]D-Fenderfrk2: like fruiy-asses Trixbox does :)
15:37.11Nuitarifrk2: I'm running 1.4.4 and trunk
15:37.13seele_any way to measure the broadcast level or the congestion level??
15:37.16mosty[TK]D-Fender, semaphore is clearly superior to smoke signals
15:37.30sethtrain[TK]D-Fender: I work with drewr, how wold you recommend fixing this issue?
15:37.38frk2hey man
15:37.48[TK]D-Fendermosty: Telegraph > both, and competes with teletype in the hands of a pro :)
15:38.01seele_differently of look the switch LEDs
15:38.04frk2im serious
15:38.09frk2is nobody running 1.2.18?
15:38.16[TK]D-Fendersethtrain: I don't see your full dialplan nor do I know what you're attempting to accomplish.
15:38.33jerfrk2, yes
15:38.34_VoiceMeUp_COMwahts the prob frk
15:38.54mostyseele_, depends how much you paid for the switch, i guess
15:38.54*** join/#asterisk NOT_guru (
15:38.57[TK]D-Fendersethtrain: And again it has not been clearly labeled as an "issue".  It may be a CONSEQUENCE of a particular mode of operation that your DECIDED upon.
15:38.58frk2nothing. i hate applying patches
15:39.08sethtrain[TK]D-Fender: yeah.
15:39.09[TK]D-Fenderfrk2: Go cold-turkey!
15:39.30seele_nortel 2526T
15:39.37frk2its a bug in app macro
15:39.41[TK]D-Fendersethtrain: He aksed WHY, and I answered.  I did not say this was wrong... thats for you to tell me :)
15:39.46frk2causes asterisk to randomly seg fault
15:40.09NOT_guruQuestion: which version of chan_sccp are people running?  latest one I see is April 8th 2006
15:40.38drewr[TK]D-Fender: :-) We inherited this system, and it usually works OK.  We're just trying to figure out why this periodically happens.
15:40.56drewrIf Asterisk isn't allocated channels properly, it seems like it would work a lot less than it does.
15:40.58frk2chan_sccp is evil. newer CCMs are sip based anyways.
15:41.12NOT_guruFender: FYI you were helping me with my TDM4XX card and the FXS module,  well yes the FXS module was indeed dead, I got 2 FXO modules in the mail since then and they worked perfectly... thanks for your assistance
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15:41.26galerasfrk2 that bug was corrected on latest svn
15:41.34[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: You have something in your dialplan that specifically chooses that single Zap channel, and 1 person tried it while it was already in use.  The outcome is entirely predictable.
15:41.45[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: np
15:42.01frk2should i go to asterisk 1.4?
15:42.08galerasit is
15:42.08[TK]D-Fenderthe only good CCM ...... is HOCKEY SKATES.
15:42.09NOT_gurufrk2: yes  I run my 7940's and 7960's in SIP mode now, but someone here was raving about the chan_sccp and I thought I would give it a try
15:42.12Qwell[]frk2: chan_skinny is FAR FAR better in 1.4
15:42.21Qwell[]chan_sccp is dead - don't use it
15:42.40NOT_guruthanks Qwell  I appreciate the reply
15:42.55Qwell[]there has been quite a lot of work on chan_skinny in the last few weeks to, thanks to DEA, pj, mvanbaak, and a few others
15:42.58jer[TK]D-Fender, pfft; bauer makes a better hockey skate for many types of players
15:43.09NOT_guruso if I wanted to try a more native cisco channel  what would be the advised path?
15:43.10jerccms are good for kids who grow quickly
15:43.18exoxesometimes I hear SayNumber().. sometimes I don't...
15:43.22frk2galeras thinking of doing that. i hate running SVN systems in production though
15:43.39frk2trunk i mean
15:43.56exoxeI hope you've got a big trunk... cuz I'm gonna stick my bike in it
15:47.08galerasfrk2: i have no choice, i had a lot  * crashes
15:47.19_VoiceMeUp_COMcan we have vm mail groups for directory
15:47.41frk2im thinking of going BACK to 1.2.16
15:47.42galerasi was running my production with latest svn for 2 days fine
15:48.06jer2 days? not exactly latest svn then eh?
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15:48.33galerasright, 2_days_old svn
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15:50.32frk2i think i'll need to do the same
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15:51.28NOT_guruso is 1.2.16 considered the most stable revision for production systems?
15:51.35sethtrain[TK]D-Fender: - here is how are channels are set up and with the little bit of asterisk knowledge I think the first fail safe tries the 1,Dial(${INTTRUNK}/${LOCALAC}${NUMBER:1}) which is using our Zap/G1 which looks like should be channesl 25-32
15:52.10*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
15:52.26ManxPowerNOT_guru: I use 1.2.15
15:52.34_VoiceMeUp_COMjust saw context mappings in vm
15:52.40_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah BTW
15:52.45_VoiceMeUp_COMhad a REALLY GOOD question
15:52.51frk2im thinking of going back to 1.2.15/16
15:53.01frk2this is gay- asterisk dying for no reason
15:53.04_VoiceMeUp_COMWTF is asterisk doing a CORE .xxxx on EVERY CALL but doesnt crash dump or anything ?
15:53.38_VoiceMeUp_COMco z of -g flag ?
15:54.39*** join/#asterisk coppice (
15:55.39ManxPowerfrk2: and that is EXACTLY why we use 1.2.15
15:56.01NOT_guruwell bummer  I just rolled my new system and went straight to 1.2.18
15:56.26NOT_guruthen again   its a new system  so I could always rebuild and push my test box back in place
15:56.27NOT_guruits a VM
15:56.28ManxPowerNOT_guru:  if you don't use macros, I don't think you'll trigger the bug
15:56.43NOT_guruI am not that far along into asterisk
15:56.44frk2if you do
15:56.50NOT_guruso I am not using macros  ;)
15:56.53frk2you are in for a royal ass kicking
15:56.59frk2asterisk will fall
15:57.08NOT_guruwell not YET at least
15:57.08frk2like i did today
15:57.16frk23 separate installations
15:57.22frk2all of them
15:57.25frk2so stupid
15:57.41_VoiceMeUp_COMwell we have some issues sometime.. but 17 seems ok
15:57.43ManxPowerfrk2: Welcome to my world.
15:57.49_VoiceMeUp_COMexcept over 2c/s
15:57.49ManxPowerBut I only upgrade 1 PBX as a time
15:57.59_VoiceMeUp_COMand except over 140 channels
15:58.26_VoiceMeUp_COMthat why ser is the key to our problems.. actually not sure if soemone told everyone htat asterisk is a PBX..
15:58.32_VoiceMeUp_COMthat can do routing to a point
15:58.50ManxPowerAsterisk isn't REALLY a PBX.
15:58.53_VoiceMeUp_COMand ser is a router that can to some  pbx function lol
15:58.57_VoiceMeUp_COMwhat you call it ?
15:59.02ManxPowerIt is a PBX TOOLKIT that lets you BUILD a PBX.
15:59.03_VoiceMeUp_COMan swiss army knofe
15:59.15_VoiceMeUp_COMtrixbox is a POSPBX
15:59.23_VoiceMeUp_COMand this aint no point of sales talk
15:59.25fileand if you don't isolate the potential issues... test.. do things properly, it can fail hard
15:59.42_VoiceMeUp_COMthing is we are pushing asterisk to the limits..
15:59.47_VoiceMeUp_COMi think we use EVERY app
15:59.54_VoiceMeUp_COMor will soon
16:00.20_VoiceMeUp_COMwe ony staying away from other channels and local and h323 for now
16:01.02_VoiceMeUp_COMalso noticed theres a BIG interop prob between sip astetrisk and Iax openpbx lol , but whos to blame ;)  missing eggs with rocks
16:01.07seele_ok I check the file and is fine ... how can I solve this error
16:03.54mockerDoes anyone know if Asterisk using ODBC storage still suppports MWI/
16:03.58seele_how can i disable MySQL RealTime??
16:04.30[TK]D-Fenderseele_: Dialparties... YAY... do we even have to say it?!
16:04.31_VoiceMeUp_COMhmmm not use it ?
16:04.33jbotfrom memory, freepbx is unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
16:05.16seele_ok ... sorry
16:05.21_VoiceMeUp_COMwow that freepbx asnwer from bot is the perfect answer to tell.. good job
16:05.35[[blah]asfdis there an easier way to do hints for 100 phones than to do hint,SIP/100&SIP/101&SIP/102... etc since macros dont work?
16:05.40frk2but freepbx helps
16:05.44_VoiceMeUp_COMmacros dont work ?
16:05.58_VoiceMeUp_COMyou could use AEL i guess
16:05.59*** part/#asterisk sethtrain (
16:06.01_VoiceMeUp_COMand loop
16:06.44[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd: hints have nothing to do with macros
16:06.51ManxPower_VoiceMeUp_COM: in .18 and .17 at least, there is a bug where macros can crash the system at random times.  (system==asterisk)
16:06.58[TK]D-Fender_VoiceMeUp_COM: And what do you think AEL does?!
16:07.14[TK]D-Fender_VoiceMeUp_COM: All AEL does is parse back to standard logic anyways.
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16:08.51_VoiceMeUp_COMcant you do    for (x=0; ${x} < 3; x=${x} + 1) { hint,SIP/10$x } ?
16:09.09_VoiceMeUp_COMtought you could sorry then
16:09.10[[blah]asfd[TK]D-Fender: right... that is why i have the issue... I want to do hints on 100+ phones. I was hoping I could just add a hint priority in my macro, but that doesnt work. So I see that one option is to add a hint priority and include every extension in that line.
16:09.17[[blah]asfdis there a more simple way to do that?
16:09.43_VoiceMeUp_COMi mean
16:10.16_VoiceMeUp_COMah he wants all of them ? hmm aint that hint bad anyway
16:10.32[[blah]asfdhints bad?
16:10.36_VoiceMeUp_COMtough hint was exten => 100,hint,sip/100
16:10.41codefreeze_VoiceMeUp_COM: nope. Can't define priorities like that
16:10.44_VoiceMeUp_COMi mean the way you supplied it
16:11.01*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (
16:11.13exoxeyeah, I didn't hear that :x
16:11.38_VoiceMeUp_COMthis then ?
16:11.57_VoiceMeUp_COMfor (x=0; ${x} < 3; x=${x} + 1) { 10${x},hint,SIP/10${x}  }
16:11.59_VoiceMeUp_COMlike this
16:12.03codefreeze_VoiceMeUp_COM: nope. hints are part of the extension declaration
16:12.17_VoiceMeUp_COMhmm ok
16:12.38_VoiceMeUp_COMthen you could used sed / awk and a shell
16:12.49_VoiceMeUp_COMto populate the line and echo >> dialplan and move to right spot
16:16.51HarryR_VoiceMeUp_COM:  nice website
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16:20.10n00dleHas anyone experienced the "ghost-call" problem with CLI message "zt_handle_event:Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel" ?
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16:21.03NOT_guruhow stable is the 1.4 branch of asterisk?  I have been hesitant to move to that for my production box's ( small office 6 people 4 phones, and home 6 phones and me =P )
16:21.25NOT_guruoops   cisco phones
16:21.45*** part/#asterisk btsteve (n=btsteve@
16:22.18n00dleNOT_guru, mine's just fine as long as I don't put any bad patches in.
16:22.44NOT_guruwell thats promising
16:22.54NOT_gurumaybe I will stick with what is working fine
16:22.58NOT_guruwhats the ole addage
16:23.07NOT_gurudon't fix what ain't broken
16:23.53*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
16:23.53imapfoolMine has been very stable.  I even use ODBC voicemail storage, which finally works OK.  Forget IMAP storage for the moment with the 1.4.4 release.
16:24.45frk2so what frontend do you people use for PBX systems - or just directly editing conf files?
16:24.56_VoiceMeUp_COMvi and nano
16:25.07frk2yeah thats what i used to use
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16:25.22frk2but it gets difficult to manage with consistency
16:25.24n00dleI tried trixbox... it shat itself when I tried to upgrade it.
16:25.30_VoiceMeUp_COMdepedns on your tolerance for risk, and problems
16:25.48_VoiceMeUp_COMif you like wasting time and all then use any of the gui's
16:26.07_VoiceMeUp_COMheck i almost wish the dialplan was in c
16:26.23[TK]D-Fenderfrk2: its as consistent as YOU are...
16:26.25imapfoolI use ODBC realtime for most config files.  Easy to keep track of what is going on.
16:26.40_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah , but no caching right ?
16:26.43frk2yeah but i myself dont work on the 25 different installations that are there :P
16:26.46_VoiceMeUp_COMand caching on where you dont want
16:26.52Trevor_bbah, make contexts, and seperate out your PBX into logical configs, its easy to manage then.
16:26.54frk2thats the problem
16:27.16_VoiceMeUp_COMlike.. realtime heck.. change callerid of a sip ara user.. needs a sip prune realtime and a sip show peer x load
16:27.18frk2realized that GUIs give you some sort of consistency over the deployment, otherwise dudes make mistakes
16:27.44Trevor_bdudes make mistakes in gui's and gui's break too ;)
16:27.48Teccyor script it yourself
16:27.49_VoiceMeUp_COMhey i remember the days where a double comma would crash it on extensions reload
16:28.10frk2you need to be really stupid to make a mistake in a gui :)
16:28.21_VoiceMeUp_COMbut yeah.. for example.. trixbox loads sip.conf..sip_Additional.conf  then loads sip_custom
16:28.44_VoiceMeUp_COMBUT.. your register = is in the custom , and soemthing in addition would def break it
16:28.47_VoiceMeUp_COMso it never reg's
16:28.53_VoiceMeUp_COMsomething along those lines anyway
16:29.01_VoiceMeUp_COMi get about 3-4 calls a day for tat prob
16:29.19frk2cant touch the 'addition' ones
16:29.21_VoiceMeUp_COMonce you know it its easy to fix.. but that a perfect example of WHY trix looses REG's
16:29.24*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:29.32_VoiceMeUp_COMfrk .. its all online conf'ed
16:29.41_VoiceMeUp_COMits just loading the file sin wrong order
16:29.52mvanbaak18:26 < _VoiceMeUp_COM> heck i almost wish the dialplan was in c
16:29.57mvanbaakdid you try AEL ?
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16:30.07DefrazI keep having Asterisk stoping every so often. It just stops. I go in and it starts up just fine.
16:30.09_VoiceMeUp_COMso .. hop we go vi it .. then chmod 444 sip*.conf
16:30.49frk2are you using 1.2.17/18?
16:30.49_VoiceMeUp_COMenable debug and verbose.. make sure full is enabled in logger.conf
16:31.01*** part/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (n=ckwall@
16:31.03Defrazokay VoiceMeUp
16:31.05angryuser_VoiceMeUp_COM:  a cheap way to advertise yourself
16:31.07_VoiceMeUp_COMthen parse last 1500 lines of log to see what it doesnt like
16:31.16_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah i know.. ask voicepulse about it
16:31.56_VoiceMeUp_COMi guess its easier for our clients to find us when they need us , then sending crap to lists saying we never around to help
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16:32.48logyatihi ppl :D
16:33.33angryuser_VoiceMeUp_COM: i dont mind helping people, but it is * channel
16:34.51logyatii know its asterisk channel, but, where can i chat about integration openser+asterisk?
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16:35.26HarryRgrr, if anybody else complains about the asterisk dialplan i'll see if I can hack a javascript interpreter into it to replace the extensions module ;)
16:35.49logyatii agree
16:36.19HarryRlogyati: what sort of integration do you need to do? this channel's as good as any for it
16:36.23[TK]D-FenderHarryR: .... EW
16:36.39HarryR[TK]D-Fender: anything but asterisk's retarded extension language
16:37.51[TK]D-FenderHarryR: Its not the parser thats the problem.  Its *'s complete lack of data types.  All the APPS work the way they do, as do variables, etc.  the ENTIRE foundation, and ALL app would need a complete rewrite
16:38.25logyatiwell, first a wanna ask what asterisk can do with sip? asterisk isnt a sip proxy, right?
16:38.32[TK]D-FenderHarryR: Of course... I didn't say this would be a BAD thing ;)
16:38.41frk2whats the point of strict prototyping anyways?
16:38.47[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: Correct, it most certainly NOT.
16:38.53Corydon76-homelogyati: correct.  It can be a gateway, not a proxy
16:39.02frk2hate Java for it - only gets in the way of things
16:39.03jboti guess b2bua is a back 2 back user agent
16:39.14[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: Go read... THE BOOK
16:39.17jboti heard book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
16:39.17HarryRfrk2: Typing in Java is quite nice, and in C# it's even nice
16:39.27Corydon76-homeHey, jbot's not slow today
16:39.34frk2ived used java
16:39.54HarryRand I use it maybe 6 hours a day
16:40.13logyatiyes, you got my point, how it works? i mean, whats the role of asterisk when it acts as a sip gateway? how and when (the moment) asterisk communicates with openser?
16:40.20frk2i used it for 18 hours a day 3 years ago for 1 year straight
16:40.29HarryR18 hours?
16:40.45logyatiim reading, but the book doesnt explin about integration with sip proxies
16:40.47frk2then i decided it was completely gay as the exact same thing can be done in half the time using c, perl or php
16:41.02[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: * acts like an ENDPOINT in all respects.
16:41.07Corydon76-homefrk2: uh, hey, we don't talk like that in here
16:41.31frk2sorry :)
16:41.38frk2didnt know there were rules :)
16:41.46Corydon76-homeThere are far too many gay developers
16:42.13frk2who said i meant gay in a negative way?
16:42.15frk2gay = happy
16:42.21logyati[tk]d-fender please can you be more specific? i mean, explain more, cos i didnt find any google results about this integration, i just found "how to"s
16:42.27HarryRfrk2: it's 2007, not 1945
16:42.57[TK]D-Fenderfrk2: Yeah.... like when that "eccentric" Uncle of yours gets dragged away in an oversized white jacket for being "too happy" <-
16:43.20[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: * acts like a Phone would on EACH end of a call and just BRIDGES them internally.
16:43.22HarryRwhy would he get dragged away in a white jacket for being gay?
16:43.36[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: So look how any SIP phone would react, and that's *
16:43.53frk2yeah that made no sense [TK]D-Fender
16:44.10[TK]D-Fenderfrk2: crazy.
16:44.20barretjanyone know what is involved in turning on land-line phone service for someone who just has dry loop dsl?
16:44.27logyatihmmm now i understand... * act like as a bridge
16:44.34logyatiops, act as a bridge
16:44.37[TK]D-Fenderbarretj: Call the telco.
16:44.38barretji'm just wondering, because i called my phone company and they said it would take 7 days
16:45.04[TK]D-Fenderbarretj: because they can't send a guy over to your switch to bridge the wire.
16:45.07barretjwhich is weird because all along i've had a dial tone, so you would think they'd just have to flip a switch
16:45.23barretj[TK]D-Fender: what is providing the dial tone then?
16:45.32[TK]D-Fenderbarretj: You shouldn't have any
16:45.38barretj[TK]D-Fender: i do though
16:45.45logyati[tk]d-fender so, when i make a sip call in openser, it checks if the user exists, if not, openser direct the call to asterisk, i think
16:45.48coppiceDSL without dialtone is bad news
16:45.51barretj[TK]D-Fender: when i try to make a call, i get a busy signal every time
16:45.59barretjcoppice: why is it bad news?
16:46.10[TK]D-Fenderbarretj: Could be they have you hooked up to an empty tone generator.
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16:46.27coppicebecause the monkeys keep ripping out and reallocating the pair when a butt phone reveals no dialtone
16:46.33barretjcoppice: i only went back to regular phone service because my voip service sucked
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16:46.44barretjcoppice: haha
16:47.29Cresl1nhow is that?
16:47.31barretj[TK]D-Fender: when i try to make a long distance call without the area code, it tells me to dial the area code first, doesnt sound like an empty tone generator to me
16:47.40coppicethey really shouldn't make is dry. wetting current would improve reliability no end
16:48.01barretjactually, whenever there's a heavy rain, my dsl service drops out
16:48.14barretjno dsl service at all when its raining heavily
16:48.19logyati[tk]d-fender but how asterisk convert the call that came using SIP from openser, to be sent through fxo to pstn?
16:48.26coppicea lot of people get that
16:48.46barretjcoppice: alot of people get the rain problem?
16:48.58cullenincreasewe've set up an office in manila to act as a call center for our customers and are looking towards using asterisk to handle voip calls. i've got a few questions i was hoping someone could answer a few questions for me or could possibly hire someone as a consultant to help us get going?
16:49.00HarryRlogyati: it acts like a phone, answers the call from the phone that made the call, and then bridges it internally
16:49.06coppicewe used to, and had to complain at the total PITA level for ages before we got a new pair
16:49.18coppicebarretj: yeah.
16:49.22HarryRcullenincrease: how many people?
16:49.35barretjits like the wires get soggy or something
16:49.36HarryRuh, how many agents are you looking at having in the call centre?
16:49.37cullenincreasewe have 10-15 customer service agents ready over there
16:49.45barretjwhy manila?
16:49.52HarryRBecause labor is cheap?
16:49.54cullenincreasethats another story :)
16:49.55logyatiharryr where do i configure asterisk to answer this  sip call? extensions.conf? do i need sip.conf?
16:49.57barretjlower taxes?
16:50.03[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: * acts like a phone and it answers as such.  it then does whatever your dialplan tells it to based on the INVITE parameters and BRIDGES
16:50.05HarryRlogyati: yup, extensions.conf
16:50.12[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: no differnt than anything else.
16:50.16coppicegee, I hate working in manila
16:50.16HarryRcullenincrease: take a look at call queuing and agentlogon
16:50.45barretjdo they use manila envelopes in manila? or just regular ones?
16:50.46[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: Without extensions.conf your system does NOTHING.  Devices do NOT magically "talk" to each other.
16:50.52HarryRthere are companies that can do this sort of thing for you, take a look at Telappliant ( ) - the VoIPoffice product
16:50.55logyatiok, and where sip.conf is usefull?
16:50.59[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: * is a B2BUa for ALL tech, not just SIP.
16:51.00cullenincreaseone of my biggest questions is where to find an extremely reliable hosting company for asterisk that can handle a large volume of calls
16:51.24coppiceis a .ph bankrupcy a manila folder?
16:51.44[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: sip.conf tells * the parameters and accounts it should ALLOW to taalk, and using what codecs, ip's, etc.  HOW it processes a call that actually ARRIVES is the responsibility of extensions.conf
16:52.24[TK]D-Fendercoppice: a .ph bankrupcy is where someone ran out of vinger and reaches for baking-soda ;)
16:53.23barretjanyone use the grandstream GXP-2000 ?
16:53.32jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
16:53.41*** part/#asterisk Nuitari (
16:53.42barretjmine seems to drop calls randomly
16:53.51n00dleAw, c'mon... I'm using them just fine.
16:54.07HarryRsomething like 80% of the product returns we have are grandstreams
16:54.45barretji dont mind it too much when i'm on the phone with a friend, but when i'm on the phone with my boss, it sucks
16:54.56barretjso i just said screw it, i'm switching back to POTS
16:55.14[TK]D-Fenderbarretj: Sad... could have simply bought a DECENT phone instead...
16:55.33barretj[TK]D-Fender: how much would a decent phone cost?
16:55.43barretj[TK]D-Fender: i already spend $80 on the grandstream
16:55.44[TK]D-Fenderbarretj: $93 USd
16:56.47*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
16:56.57barretjwhats the point when i can get nearly 100% reliability with a $10 radioshack phone and POTS?
16:57.14barretji dont care about features, only reliability
16:57.31KnckrBckrsomebody else setup my system here... i am very new to asterisk.  all of the sudden, if on outgoing calls, the other party picks up in the first 2 rings they get dead air and i keep hearing the line ring.  especially annoying with 800#s where they always pick up immediately.  any ideas where to start?  I have a feeling it has to with a flaky PRI from our CLEC
16:57.36HarryRbecause pots phones are extremely simple
16:58.03barretjgreater simplicity == greater reliability
16:58.04[TK]D-Fenderbarretj: Reduced recurring line costs, speakerphone & headset options, multi-line conferencing, interactive services, lack of telco reconnect fees... I could go on you know...
16:58.17HarryRwhich is why everybody still uses cups & string
16:58.55[TK]D-FenderKnckrBckr: We'd need CLI output of the failure at verbose 10 in a * PASTEBIN *
16:58.58jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
16:59.14KnckrBckrahh, ok
17:00.30logyatiguys, and what about integration of gnugk with asterisk? why ppl do that?
17:01.42[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: Because H.323 in * SUCKS.  its unstable and the B2BUA nature of it requires workarounds in several cases.
17:01.44*** join/#asterisk cr4z3d (
17:02.55logyati[tk]d-fender but i dont understand why need h323, if asterisk answer sip calls and bridge to pstn
17:03.30[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: YOU brough up the subject.  * also speak in SCCP and a few other protocals like IAX.  Why aren't you complaining about THEM TOO?
17:17.45*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:17.45*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.4.4 (April 27, 2007) Asterisk 1.2.18 (April 24, 2007), Zaptel 1.2.18, 1.4.3 (June 8, 2007) -=- Other fun channels: #asterisk-gui, #asterisknow, #asterisk-commits -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
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17:35.08*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:35.08*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.4.4 (April 27, 2007) Asterisk 1.2.18 (April 24, 2007), Zaptel 1.2.18, 1.4.3 (June 8, 2007) -=- Other fun channels: #asterisk-gui, #asterisknow, #asterisk-commits -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
17:35.32[TK]D-FenderTaadow: What ver of * are you using, and Zaptel if applicable?
17:35.55TaadowD-Fender: 1.2.18 for both.
17:36.11*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
17:36.17TaadowHave a tdm2432e in her.
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17:37.28TaadowWhich mog helped me setup, once upon a time.  Mighty kind of him.
17:37.32[TK]D-FenderTaadow: Well newer zaptel's are supposed to help, but the Intel E1000 used to be on the supreme-Digium-no-no list
17:38.08TaadowReally.  The interesting thing is this occurance was happening before with two seperate nic's.  The change was recent and only because of this issue, and appears to have had no effect.
17:38.10[TK]D-FenderTaadow: You might want to check out your CPI / IRQ load
17:38.22Taadowie, issue still persists.  System load is next to nothing.
17:38.29[TK]D-Fenderand PCI / IRQ?
17:38.55*** join/#asterisk Trevor_b (n=tbenson@
17:38.57TaadowI've never learned how to check PCI/IRQ load..  forgive my newbness in that respect.  An easy method?
17:39.13*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
17:39.27syzygyBSDis it bad if I get a bunch of "chan_sip.c: BAD! BAD! BAD!" in my message log?
17:39.40[TK]D-FenderTaadow: Not from me.  I'm still a Linux n00b, but have passed on as much relevent hints as I can.
17:40.00[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: "Doctor, it hurts when I raise my arm like this!"
17:40.05TaadowMust appreciated.  :D
17:40.10syzygyBSD[TK]D-Fender: :)
17:40.11Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: DON'T DO THAT THEN
17:43.19*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
17:43.46Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: newer 501 firmware implemented micro browser, right?
17:43.54*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:44.51[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: Yup, older purchases keep getting better...
17:45.54*** join/#asterisk xkev (
17:46.10xkevany users of polycom 550?  need to know if the idle screen microbrowser exists like 600/601 has
17:46.47xkevI display all my phone mode, queue stats/membership, voicemail count etc on it
17:47.12[TK]D-Fenderxkev: All that have the MB have an idel.
17:47.20Qwell[]xkev: [TK]D-Fender just told me that the 501's do, so yeah, I would imagine that the 550 would too
17:47.20[TK]D-Fenderxkev: IP 550 = WASTE
17:47.26xkev501s don't
17:47.34[TK]D-Fenderxkev: Yes, they DO.
17:47.34xkevunless they added it in newer firmware
17:48.04[TK]D-Fender"They don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (unless they do)"
17:48.06xkevI only have 500s, which don't have enough resource for >1.3.x :)
17:48.44[TK]D-Fenderxkev: incorrect.  the IP 500 is supported by every SIP release through current
17:48.59xkevwell, 1.4.x caused it to fail to flash
17:49.07[TK]D-Fenderxkev: if your third statement is correct you'd have a good batting average!
17:49.08TaadowOn a positive note, I found some juicy info last night that leads me to believe it is possible to get my Shortel 530 working w/ *.  Yay!
17:49.08xkevnever attempted to raise above 1.3.4
17:49.20[TK]D-Fenderxkev: sad...
17:49.45xkevfender, explain "550 = WASTE"  (I have 601s everywhere, want 550 for "601 with backlight")
17:49.55Qwell[]xkev: 650
17:50.34xkev550 -> 650 = $50 more, multiply by many phones
17:50.35*** join/#asterisk andyd (
17:50.40xkevcall center
17:51.07[TK]D-Fenderxkev: 650 is 601 + a backlight.  the 550 costs only a little less than the 650 only it lacks 2 line keys and has no expansion possibility.
17:51.20xkevok, then it's fine for me
17:51.38[TK]D-Fenderxkev: Need a backlight that bad for a call center?
17:51.47xkevit's not a typical call center
17:51.59xkevold school ISP with no overhead lighting
17:52.05xkevdark pit of techs with desk lamps
17:52.19xkevgood for the geeks
17:52.20[TK]D-Fenderxkev: Get them a simple phone like the 320 and spend that extra $ on a NICE lamp & a cheap painting and watch their productivity SOAR
17:53.01*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
17:53.21Qwell[]or a cheap lamp and nice painting
17:53.25Qwell[]light is light is light
17:53.50*** join/#asterisk _VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
17:53.59Qwell[]though I guess the difference in price between a nice lamp and a cheap lamp is far less than a nice painting vs a cheap painting...
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18:11.37NetgeeksHey, anyone familiar with [featuremap] in features.conf here?
18:16.46xkevlamps glare badly off the angle of the phone, and we've tried usb LED lamp things, they age quickly
18:17.01xkevbacklights make a geek happy
18:17.39xkevit's really a non-issue, they've managed for 2 years w/o backlight
18:20.16[TK]D-Fenderxkev: At which point the IP 320 is massively more cost effective and offers you dual headset options.
18:21.19xkevbut does it have an idle mb that will show 4 lines of data updating every 15 sec
18:21.44*** join/#asterisk Nuitari (n=nuitari@
18:22.33NuitariSince I've started using trunk, I'm getting a lot of Internal RTCP NTP clock skew detected: lsr=83641711, now=83741984, dlsr=131000 (1:998ms), diff=30727 messages while on a call. Is it an issue and / or can it be fixed ?
18:22.45[TK]D-Fenderxkev: Depending on how much actual datat, yes
18:23.18*** join/#asterisk NirS_ (
18:24.24xkevlooks like an asstastic 301 screen
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18:28.07[TK]D-Fenderxkev: Not as big, but its pixel based
18:29.53[TK]D-Fenderxkev: And truth be told I'd rather have an IP 301 at my desk than the Aastra 57i CT I have now.
18:30.18*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (
18:30.35skirmishaguys any idea how can i auth incoming calls based on ip
18:31.14xkevI have a friend who rolled * with the 57i's, they seemed pretty badass
18:31.47xkev..mainly for customization stuff
18:32.11cullenincreaseanyone have experience stabalizing asterisk and VOIP connections? specifically, we want to see about hosting our asterisk server here in the U.S. and having it route calls to softphones at our office in the philippines. It is my understanding that a method such as this will dramatically increase quality and stability and we really need some consulting on the issue.
18:32.35xkevall the things that polycom plagues me on, like remapping keys and context-based data, centralized phonebook (polycom's config-based thing is crap)
18:32.37[TK]D-Fenderxkev: Audio quality is lacking, the handset has NO wieght, screen though pixel based is running of a CHAR MATRIX friggen firmware.  No "join" option, ANNOYING RUBBER BUTTONS, and the wireless handset can't operate independent of the base (eg it rings here all the time)
18:32.57[TK]D-Fenderxkev: Call handling is second rate
18:33.05xkevI submit all phones are shit in one way or another
18:33.21[TK]D-Fenderxkev: Only strong side is the kick-ass attendant module (which I didn't get), and the soft-keys.
18:33.47[TK]D-Fenderxkev: comparing Polycom & Aastra (or heck ANYONE), tends to have a LOT more wins on the Polycom side.
18:34.34[TK]D-Fenderxkev: Only phone that does corporate directories right is Cisco... and there's a boatload of greif right there :)
18:34.57[TK]D-Fenderxkev: As I've said to many others.  ALL phone directories suck by comparison to a PAPER LIST.
18:35.24xkevif polycom would disclose exactly what the browser can do, and perhaps add a custom tag for <dialthis> ?
18:35.26[TK]D-FenderIP 301 + Paper list and this 57i can kiss my ass!
18:35.48irulehi, I want to set languages per extension, is this the way to go? Set(ext500=es) Set(ext502=en)
18:36.12[TK]D-Fenderxkev: <a href="dial://1234567"> ........ and you're welcome.
18:36.37xkevis there a doc covering the tags they /do/ support?
18:36.48xkevthey just expanded it a bit with 2.x
18:36.50[TK]D-Fenderirule: extensions don't HAVE a language.
18:36.51mcab[TK]D-Fender: s/dial/tel/
18:37.02[TK]D-Fenderyeah, that
18:37.12[TK]D-Fenderxkev: <a href="tel://1234567"> ........ and you're welcome.
18:37.20[TK]D-Fendermcab: brain-fart :)
18:37.28[TK]D-Fendermcab: only used it once.
18:37.49*** join/#asterisk ghento__ (
18:38.54irule[TK]D-Fender I know, but I have a case where a caller should choose among english and spanish
18:39.38*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
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18:44.09skirmishaguys is it possible to tell asterisk to do nat on calls that are just forwarded
18:44.41Dr-Linuxwell, i've installed asterisk-gui with 1.4.4  and configured it, now how can i access it? :S
18:45.49[TK]D-Fenderirule: Yuo can change the CHANNEL's language via its appropriately named FUNCTION.
18:46.12[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha: elaborate please
18:46.26[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Go ask in #asteriskgui like the topic says
18:47.00*** join/#asterisk dlynes_ (
18:47.05Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: there is no channel #asteriskgui
18:47.20gerphimum#asterisk-gui..  like the topic says
18:47.23Dr-Linuxohh got it
18:48.17Trevor_bIf I was looking to have asterisk make 100 simultainous sip calls, how much CPU and RAM would you suggest?
18:48.30[TK]D-FenderSo I failed to hyphenate.... SUE ME.  I'll tie you up in litigation just like I did last tuesday on BDSM night!
18:48.43[TK]D-FenderTrevor_b: Depnds on transcoding.
18:49.01gerphimumalso if any of those will be conference calls
18:49.32Trevor_bYou can assume all 100 are meetme conferences.
18:50.10Trevor_bwell actually
18:50.13[TK]D-FenderTrevor_b: If you have 100 SIP calls and 100 meetme conferences.... you could jsut do "MusicOnHold()" for each and be done with it ;)
18:50.29[TK]D-FenderTrevor_b: Since they'll all be... ALONE!
18:50.40Trevor_bHeheh yeah, they will be alone ;)
18:51.10Trevor_bactually i think the meetme was only with an agent waiting anyway, so it would be a background or whatnot until a transfer.
18:51.50[TK]D-FenderTrevor_b: Again the real load is in transcoding, and the words "agent" and "meetme" do not belong in the same place together.
18:51.55Trevor_bMusicOnHold allow for extension like background?
18:52.13[TK]D-FenderTrevor_b: Time to start ALL OVER.
18:52.17Trevor_bmost likely ulaw.
18:53.44Trevor_b100 sip outbound calls, play to background waiting for a digit, and transfer if hit, so no meetme.  transcoding likely to be ulaw or gsm, but will use whatever works best.
18:54.19[TK]D-FenderTrevor_b: your stance on transcoding is completely mixed up.
18:54.42[TK]D-FenderTrevor_b: And thats a LOT of bandwidth.  Whats terminating these calls?
18:54.50[TK]D-FenderTrevor_b: Connected to how?
18:56.00Trevor_bcustomer is already doing 100 calls per second on the transport, just wants to replace existing system with asterisk.
18:56.52irulewhy does this not work? exten => 1,1,Noop(the language is $CHANNEL(language))
18:57.48*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
18:57.59iruleworks great, thanks!
18:58.52Trevor_bIll test it in the lab.
19:03.30jbotAn ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider.) is a "VoIP Phone Company".  Example : Vonage, Broadvoice, Teliax, VoicePulse, etc.  "All ITSPs suck.  Some suck less than others." (tm) (c) 2007 ManxPower
19:04.05*** join/#asterisk steliosk (n=Stelios@
19:05.09iruleexten => 1,n,set(CHANNEL(language)=en) works like a charm
19:05.18iruleexten => 1,n,set(CHANNEL(language)=es)
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19:22.41sumacan someone please who is the best and cheap provider of voip service in california ?
19:22.51sumai'm looking only for me for outgoing calls
19:23.19Trevor_bbest and cheap dont go hand in hand, but teliax offers a good service and has a REALLY low latency CA beta server i use.
19:23.36sumabeta ?
19:23.52sumacheap of the best ;)
19:24.08Trevor_bAvailable for use, but not considered as stable as production (been using it flawless for over 30 days)
19:24.35Trevor_b[TK]D-Fender: if i wasnt transcoding and it was coming in and going out the same, how much CPU and RAM would you suggest?
19:25.47[TK]D-FenderI'd go dual CPU 2gig ram minimum.
19:26.00[TK]D-Fenderdon't go psycho on the CPU however.
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19:32.33exoxeare invalid entries (i) per context? e.g. if you include another context that has invalid extension defined, should that be inherited? I'm guessing not since it doesn't seem to be the case
19:32.55n00dleanyone know how to get a text message to a GXP2000 without a call being in progress?
19:36.07[TK]D-Fenderexoxe: yes, it is inherited.
19:39.44exoxethen I must be doing something wrong
19:39.50exoxesounds about right
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19:46.03MihiNomenEstI'm getting an error when I send a call to the parking lot, it says, "Jun 14 10:03:01 NOTICE[16923]: channel.c:2496 __ast_request_and_dial: Unable to request channel Agent/209
19:46.03MihiNomenEstJun 14 10:03:01 WARNING[16923]: app_parkandannounce.c:202 parkandannounce_exec: PARK: Unable to allocate announce channel."  where can I get more info?
19:49.19KnaveManI am having a problem with connecting a softphone from outside my network. If i use a vpn i can connect fine locally, but when i change the domain of xlite to the external ip it fails. Ports for sip, iax, rtp, iax2, have all been opened. Error shown in ngrep is 401 Unauthorized. Any suggestions?
19:49.30KnaveManbtw, nat=yes and all that configuration has been done :)
19:51.29KnaveManEven though my office is static ip
19:51.31KnaveMan(we have 13 statics).
19:52.06KnaveManIts always failing during registration... so its probably something just being overlooked.
19:52.18KnaveManbut i can be safe the configuraiton is correct as it works over vpn with a local ip.
19:54.10MihiNomenEstI'd watch the sip debug and see what the difference is between the public and the tunnel.
19:54.23KnaveManHow would I do that?
19:54.29KnaveMan(im still learning.... fast crash course)
19:55.05MihiNomenEst"sip debug"
19:55.13MihiNomenEst"sip no debug" turns it off.
19:55.27KnaveManit says the same as the ngrep that i was running.
19:55.53KnaveManTrying.... then 401 Unauthorized.
19:56.35*** join/#asterisk DrCron (
19:56.35MihiNomenEstso what's the difference between the vpn and the public address?
19:56.45KnaveManvpn gave me a local 192.168 ip.
19:57.04KnaveManso i was using the local trixbox ip when i connected to it.
19:57.18KnaveManWhats interesing is this line though....
19:57.26KnaveManSending to : 28967 (NAT)
19:57.42KnaveManWe are using the subnet 192.168.69. for our trixbox
19:57.48KnaveManI wonder where that 1.250 is hardcoded.
19:57.55jbotTrixbox is a full linux distro that includes , FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is these things on top of which make it seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it. Try asking in #trixbox , or their forums & WIKI at
19:58.43KnaveManD-Fender, this isnt a trixbox related issue i dont feel. Its all from the asterisks command line.
19:59.45[TK]D-FenderKnaveMan: Trixbox = Freepbx = soul has been sold to the lowest bidder.
20:00.14*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
20:00.15[TK]D-FenderKnaveMan: pastebin your sip.conf and everything linked to it masking only passwords.
20:00.26KnaveManokay, thanks. give me a sec.
20:03.55*** join/#asterisk apogee7 (n=steven_h@
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20:07.17[TK]D-FenderKnaveMan: sounds like you need to add the subnet to your local.  you'll have an improper return path.
20:08.00[TK]D-FenderKnaveMan: And ensure you have a static route to that subnet.
20:08.09KnaveMani dont know where 1.0 was assigned...  we didnt assign it
20:08.14KnaveManwe dont even use 1.*
20:08.50KnaveManbut that would explain a lot... atleast, the reason why the registration isnt happening... its waiting for a response and never receives it because its going to never-ever-land.
20:09.39exoxeso.. what's the trick to keep MOH playing instead of pausing everytime it's not in use
20:10.14[TK]D-Fenderexoxe: use another MoH source.  Native works its way, others have their own.
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20:23.22breaIs there a commercial replacement for spandsp?
20:24.04tzafrir_laptopsource compatible? or functionally-equivalent?
20:24.49breafunctionally equivalent
20:25.03tzafrir_laptopThere are probably. Never bothered looking
20:25.22breaI've looked quite a bit and haven't found anything yet
20:25.35breaWonder if Digium has anything in the works
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20:36.10irulewhere can I find info on users.conf?
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20:39.06javarirule, how configure?
20:40.53iruleI have a doubt, should the user extension match my sip.conf configuration?
20:41.08irulesame axtension numbers?
20:43.20iruleI see zapchan = , should I change it to sipchan or something?
20:43.48seele_in what file I add "featuredigittimeout"
20:44.36De_Monirule I don't think its required, but it would make sense
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20:48.19javarirule, try:
20:49.18seele_where can I configure the call pickup *8
20:49.41De_Monseele_ features.conf?
20:49.51cullenincreaseanyone have experience stabalizing asterisk and VOIP connections? specifically, we want to see about hosting our asterisk server here in the U.S. and having it route calls to softphones at our office in the philippines. It is my understanding that a method such as this will dramatically increase quality and stability and we really need some consulting on the issue.
20:51.06Qwell[]dramatically increase?  no
20:51.31Qwell[]You'll be going over the public internet.  There is no guarantee of QoS.
20:51.45blitzragethere is no guarentee of anything
20:51.53blitzragein fact, you're going to be better off having the server closer to your softphones
20:51.56Qwell[]except trolls
20:52.00Qwell[]trolls are guaranteed
20:52.05blitzrageQwell[]: and taxes, and death
20:52.10Qwell[]I mean on the internet
20:52.31cullenincreasethats not what they're telling me
20:52.35Qwell[]who is "they"?
20:52.42cullenincreasevoip provider
20:52.47Qwell[]good, get it in writing
20:52.55Qwell[]when you drop a packet, or have any jitter, sue
20:53.11cullenincreaseso you dont think that would work at all?
20:53.15Qwell[]Sure it'll work
20:53.31blitzragewhether the server is in the US, or the phillippines, the softphones are in the phillippines, so either way, the audio has to cross the pacific
20:53.31cullenincreasewell do you think there would even be minor improvement?
20:53.42Qwell[]voip is great, but it most definitely will not "dramatically increase" quality/stability - ESPECIALLY an international connection
20:53.51blitzrageit'll work  -- you just won't see any different between the server being in the US or in PI
20:54.17cullenincreaseand theres not any sort of additional compression techniques or anything we could do with a setup like that?
20:54.36*** join/#asterisk A-Data (n=asd@
20:54.56A-Datahello all how to change music on hold?
20:54.56Qwell[]sure there are, something like g729
20:55.33Qwell[]it's a highly compressed codec...the quality isn't the best though
20:55.41cullenincreaseoh ok
20:55.50cullenincreasebut it still wouldnt make a difference where the * server is right?
20:56.06Qwell[]no, because it has to go over the pacific at some point
20:56.12cullenincreasethis sucks
20:56.16Qwell[]personally, I would put the server in PI, but...
20:56.19cullenincreasewe're getting dropped calls
20:56.33cullenincreasebad voice quality
20:56.37*** part/#asterisk EvilGreen_ (
20:56.38cpmdon't put it on mars, if it goes down, you'll never get it back up
20:56.49Qwell[]cpm: That's why you have a hot spare.
20:57.04A-Datahello all how to change music on hold? i need it as mp3 not stream server any solution?
20:57.41cullenincreasethen again
20:57.45cullenincreaseif you think about it
20:58.01cullenincrease(tell me if im being stupid here but...)
20:59.07cullenincreasesay you've got your * server in PI, then your VOIP provider in USA has to send 1 big fat datastream to route the calls but if your server is here the VOIP provider could be only a couple hundred miles away and you'd be sending lots of tiny data straems to ip phones on PI right?
20:59.15cullenincreaseso technically that would decrease chance of dropped calls etc
20:59.23cullenincreasejust a theory
20:59.48*** join/#asterisk jkiff (n=jkiffmey@unaffiliated/vorondil)
20:59.52cullenincreasedoes it add up or no?
21:00.11Qwell[]if the server is in PI, you could do either
21:00.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:00.49cullenincreaseso technically you can send the voip signal straight to the individual softphones?
21:02.06*** join/#asterisk krp (
21:02.16cullenincreasebecause sending lots of individual signals instead of just 1 seems more robust to me
21:02.44krpis it the right place to ask about callerid problems with asterisk and tdm400 card ?
21:03.18jkiffkrp: Shoot.
21:03.51krpi have a tdm400 card, 2 fxo 2 fxs
21:03.58A-Datawb [TK]D-Fender
21:04.04krpasterisk is running fine
21:04.09[TK]D-Fenderkrp, pastebin your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
21:04.10jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
21:04.10krpi can do what i want
21:04.18krpbut the callerid is 'unknown'
21:04.24krp[TK]D-Fender: ok
21:04.57A-Data[TK]D-Fender how can i put a user in que and while waiting operator or agent to answer him he hear Music?
21:05.38krpMy zaptel.conf:
21:06.35[TK]D-FenderA-Data, go read up on Queues. "show application queue" and look at the queues.conf and agents.conf sample files.
21:06.55*** join/#asterisk pulu (
21:07.32krpMy zapata.conf:
21:07.33puluwow, this channel is alot bigger than it used to be... umm, there used to be someone from asterlink that lurked here, they still around?
21:07.50*** join/#asterisk astronut (
21:07.56De_Monpulu sure!
21:08.20Qwell[]pulu: if it's an asterlink issue, I'd try #asterlink
21:08.24astronuthow hard would it be to set up a basic SIP -> POTS gateway so that I could make calls remotely using my home phone? is an old modem sufficient hardware?
21:08.29krp[TK]D-Fender: i see there's a "cidsignalling" parameter in zapata.conf
21:08.34puluoh, that's nice.  alot happens in a year, thanks guys
21:08.43krpthere's the 'bell', 'v23', and 'dtmf' options
21:08.50krpbut none are for my country (fr)
21:08.58[TK]D-Fenderkrp, heres a problem : #
21:08.58[TK]D-Fenderchannel=3 is the THIRD line of your zapata.conf.  your definition of things you want for that channel are occuring AFTER it.  put all your settings first , THEN channel=3 or it won't apply to that channel
21:10.41[TK]D-Fenderkrp, don't forget you need to reload or restart * completely
21:10.43De_Monoh, asterlink.. read it too fast ;)
21:10.49krpsame problem
21:10.57krp(i restarted the system fully)
21:11.16krpbut if, as you said, the channel=3 line has to appear at the end, it's at least one problem put away
21:11.51krp(i'm using some FastAGI btw)
21:11.56krpand it says in the debug
21:11.57[TK]D-Fenderkrp, also change the zone data in your zaptel.con
21:11.59krpINFO:FastAGI:agi_callerid = 'unknown'
21:12.21[TK]D-Fenderkrp, Forget AGI, NoOp it in the dialplan immediately to be sure
21:12.28krp[TK]D-Fender: it's no good ? i have defaultzone=fr
21:12.31puluunbelievable how many people are in this channel now, kudos to all you helpful asterisk people.  See you all in another year.
21:12.56krpwait, don't i need a channel=3 line AFTER everything in zaptel.conf also ?
21:12.58[TK]D-Fenderkrp, You also have a US in there.
21:13.03krpok removing the us line
21:13.13[TK]D-Fenderkrp, no, zaptel doesn't work that way
21:13.33krpyou sure cause read this :
21:13.37krp# # We are all done with our channel parameters, so now we specify what
21:13.37krp# # channels they apply to
21:13.37krp# channels=1-4
21:13.54[TK]D-Fenderkrp, yes, I'm sure
21:14.24krpi added it just to see
21:14.29krpand running ztcfg says
21:14.36krpNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
21:14.36krpline 231: Cannot get number of tones for channel 3
21:14.36krpline 231: Cannot init tones for channel 3
21:14.36krpline 231: Cannot set rxtone on channel 3
21:14.38krpline 231: Cannot set rxtone on channel 3
21:14.42astronuthow hard would it be to set up a basic SIP -> POTS gateway so that I could make calls remotely using my home phone? is an old modem (creative modemblaster) sufficient hardware to get on the POTS network?
21:14.43krpand it continues ...
21:15.20[TK]D-Fenderastronut, No your old craptastic modem is worthless for *
21:15.55astronut[TK]D-Fender: it's only for a short time
21:16.06astronut[TK]D-Fender: is it doable with poor quality or impossible?
21:16.27[TK]D-Fenderastronut, as for the difficulty in setting up * for this, I'd say not that hard, but you've got a learning curve ahead of you.
21:16.43[TK]D-Fenderastronut, No, that modem is UNUSABLE.
21:16.46De_Monits like using a round peg for a square hole
21:17.16astronutok, thanks
21:17.25astronutis there something else i can use that for?
21:17.28[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, I wouldn't use that analogy.... I always proved my teachers wrong when they said I couldn't with those ;)
21:17.29astronuterr, use it with?
21:17.41Capps-[TK]D-Fender: what would be a better alternative for astronut?
21:17.46[TK]D-Fenderastronut, Yes, go to the WIKI and check out the ahrdware compatability list.
21:17.48jbotrumour has it, wikis is
21:18.16[TK]D-FenderCapps-, how about something * can at least USE.  ANYTHING would be better than the NOTHING he has now.
21:18.40De_Mon[TK]D-Fender it may go it but it woln't "fit" !
21:18.45Trevor_bastronut: is inexpensive but quality (or at least from my testing it is)
21:19.20astronutbascially - i'm leaving the coutnry tommorow, and earlier had the idea "wouldn't it be great if i could use my modem as a gateway when i'm gone"
21:19.22A-Data[TK]D-Fender patton smartnode 4110 can be used to convert FXO/FXS to ip and then link it to * or i miss understand the situtation?
21:19.45krp[TK]D-Fender: isn't it channel => 3 (and not channel=3) that i need to put ?
21:19.46astronutso that i coul dmake calls from away
21:20.01astronutis there some software that could utilize my modem that way?
21:20.23De_Monastronut your modem is not supported in asterisk try again
21:20.35[TK]D-Fenderkrp, I believe either will technically work.
21:20.52*** join/#asterisk pfn (
21:20.59A-Datapatton smartnode 4110 can be used to convert FXO/FXS to ip and then link it to * or i miss understand the situtation?
21:21.01krpstill having an 'unknown' callerid
21:21.53astronutis there some software that could utilize my modem in that way?
21:21.53[TK]D-FenderA-Data, Sure, though there are other models I'd sooner suggest dependiong on your needs
21:21.55*** join/#asterisk pfn (
21:22.20[TK]D-Fenderastronut, No.  It is 100% useless.  PERIOD.
21:22.39[TK]D-Fenderastronut, Get over the thought that you're not going to have to buy suported hardware.
21:22.55A-Data[TK]D-Fender the only proplem for modles is that not all models or manfuctures have reseller in my home country (Egypt)
21:23.39[TK]D-FenderA-Data, if you say so.  But it should work I'll figure.
21:23.58astronutok, thanks
21:24.04astronutit seems vgetty supports it as an answering machine
21:24.22iruleI cant find much documentation for queues!
21:24.22astronuti'll look around and see if there's somethign vgetty based that can do it
21:24.25irulewhats up?
21:24.29astronutit's just a thought
21:24.32A-Data[TK]D-Fender can i give u the product link and if u don`t mind tell me wither it will work or not?
21:24.37[TK]D-Fenderastronut, Zaptel does not support it.  End of story.  Forget any other illusions you may have on it usability.
21:24.40astronutall: thanks for your help
21:24.43irulecan I get some clues on that to check for?
21:24.56jbotit has been said that zaptel is zapata telephony interface. A low level interface designed to abstract hardware access to a variety of devices for BRI, PRI or analogue access.
21:24.58De_Monastronut good luck
21:25.02astronutDe_Mon: thanks
21:25.05astronutit's just a thought
21:25.17astronutcignular hasnt' sent me my unlock code so i can't get a prepaid SIM for travel
21:25.33A-Datathis is specs can you find for me it will work or not
21:25.34[TK]D-Fenderirule, Wiki + sample configs + book.
21:26.04iruleTK]D-Fender wiki is empty
21:26.08De_Monoh I see it
21:26.23*** part/#asterisk astronut (
21:26.47[TK]D-Fenderirule, empty.... NO, it isn't
21:26.47*** part/#asterisk apogee7 (n=steven_h@
21:27.17[TK]D-FenderA-Data, Looks fine.
21:27.35*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
21:27.43A-Data[TK]D-Fender thanks alot
21:27.47*** join/#asterisk mrichmanM (n=richmanm@
21:28.05iruleas if my understanding, users.conf is part of the whole queue enchilada, tsk tsk
21:28.44irule[K]D-Fender or am I mistaken?
21:29.01krp[TK]D-Fender: getting
21:29.02krpJun 14 22:28:46 NOTICE[12961] chan_zap.c: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)...
21:29.03krpJun 14 22:28:47 ERROR[12961] callerid.c: fsk_serie made mylen < 0 (-17)
21:29.03krpJun 14 22:28:47 WARNING[12961] chan_zap.c: CallerID feed failed: Success
21:29.03krpJun 14 22:28:47 WARNING[12961] chan_zap.c: CallerID returned with error on channel 'Zap/3-1'
21:29.06*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
21:29.27[TK]D-Fenderikrp : check that zaptel error concerning the FSK delay for UK CID
21:29.36[TK]D-Fenderkrp,  : may apply to your area
21:29.49[TK]D-Fenderirule, users.conf = flaming pile 'o' shit.
21:30.03krp[TK]D-Fender: thank you
21:30.04[TK]D-Fenderirule, and unrelated to your previous request.
21:33.52tzafrir_laptopis UK caller ID used in France as well?
21:34.31krpit seems so
21:34.49krpbut maybe it comes from the cellphone i'm using
21:34.59krpi'll try from another phone
21:35.48tzafrir_laptopWhere is it connected to? The caller ID comes from the FXS interface you're connected to (e.g: the telco)
21:36.07kvidelloh, wrong room, hah
21:36.16*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
21:36.25krptzafrir_laptop: it's connected directly to the telco
21:36.40*** join/#asterisk Simon- (
21:36.41ReDNeQis it possible to link 2 asterisk servers using PSTN channels..
21:36.54ReDNeQand would it be a perm link? or dial on demand?
21:37.05tzafrir_laptopis there a pasebin of your current zapata.conf ?
21:37.06krptzafrir_laptop: coming
21:37.47*** part/#asterisk Nuitari (n=nuitari@
21:38.14Simon-for some reason asterisk is completely ignoring my phone after asking it to authenticate: <- 101 INVITE, -> 407, <- 101 ACK, <- 102 INVITE... the second invite(s) don't even appear with sip debug enabled
21:39.04tzafrir_laptopwhat happens if you rem-out 'cidsignalling=v23  cidstart=ring' and reload?
21:39.45krpi keep the cadence parameter ?
21:39.47[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ, link how?  to do what?
21:40.55krptzafrir_laptop: same
21:41.08krptzafrir_laptop: but how could i really see what's the callerid seen by asterisk ?
21:41.30ReDNeQTK to handle calls between locations
21:41.32tzafrir_laptopduh. You have immediate=yes
21:41.38tzafrir_laptopwhy do you need it?
21:41.42krpi can remove it
21:41.52krpit's quicker to answer this way ;)
21:42.15[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ, that is a grossly generic term.  No IP betweent hem?
21:42.24krptrying without, but should be the same
21:42.26tzafrir_laptopyes, the callerid is the thing causing delays...
21:42.44tzafrir_laptopalternatively, Wait() before answering?
21:42.59krpi do have a Wait,1
21:43.10krpexten => s,1,Wait,1
21:43.10krpexten => s,n,Answer
21:43.10krpexten => s,n,AGI(agi://
21:43.13tzafrir_laptoptry without the immediate
21:43.17krpi tried
21:43.30krpbut i really have no errors in asterisk's messages log
21:43.37ReDNeQTK: Of course there is IP between them but the g729 codec and ISP fluctuating is not cutting it
21:43.42krpmy agi script works and all
21:43.47krpbut caller id is unknown
21:43.53krpat least from the agi script's perspective
21:44.15tzafrir_laptopTo see the callerid:  NoOp(callerid=${CALLERID(all)})
21:44.23tzafrir_laptopI believe
21:44.24[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ, you should be able to afford a seperate DSL connection in north-america for less than the lines would cost you.....
21:44.38tzafrir_laptopadd that in a dialplan line somewhere:
21:45.00tzafrir_laptopexten => s,n,NoOp(callerid=${CALLERID(all)})
21:45.05[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ, But no, it would not be continuous.  If youw be a boring call like any other, with no more intelligence about how to handle that call than you can do normally.
21:45.07krpadded, trying
21:45.08Simon-why would asterisk completely ignore some sip messages?
21:46.04krptzafrir_laptop: will this line print it or not ?
21:46.18ReDNeQTK maybe i should state it this way.. Location 1 has 6 lines they have the main number. Thye have added a second locaiton across town.. It has 6 new lines but none of the numbers are known. When we transfer calls
21:46.41ReDNeQbetween buildings its using VPN/SIP and ofcourse its not happening so we want ot add another * box
21:46.47ReDNeQand offset the ISP traffic
21:46.49*** join/#asterisk sharp (
21:47.15tzafrir_laptopso it got no callerid
21:47.15ReDNeQthinking I could use the phone lines to try and offset this by dedicating maybe 1 of the ports on both sides to hanndle
21:47.41[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ, just think about how * can TREAT that line.  its as dumb as it is for your clients calling in.
21:48.12tzafrir_laptopTry a Wait(5) there. More than needed, but to eliminate any doubt
21:48.21krptzafrir_laptop: alright
21:50.15ReDNeQTK: right so maybe im not clear.. they best would be to set diaplan that if ext X use PSTN 6 and on other side if call from X use port 6 incoming?
21:52.23krpsucks :(
21:52.54[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ, Still not terribly clear..
21:53.06*** join/#asterisk keulin (
21:53.19ReDNeQok is there a way to dedicate 1 line to call into a specific line on another *
21:55.43tzafrir_laptopthat is sending CID to a phone, right?
21:56.15tzafrir_laptopyou don't need to ring any phone. You need to read a caller ID
21:56.40krpno it's talking about the different ring cadence
21:56.49krpi have the line he's talking about
21:57.18tzafrir_laptopthis page advises the telco what to do. You don't generate a ring: you listen to it
21:59.49*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
22:01.13krpwell, maybe the line is not allowed to transmit the cid signal
22:01.21krpi'm not sure
22:02.44*** join/#asterisk perf3kt (
22:03.55irulehow can I save one variable per sip device that will be there persistently for use by its channel?
22:05.52lowlevelhmm, i need some sip phones in a couple months.. wheres the best place to order form in canada/toronto?
22:06.01lowlevelsay for polycom/cisco
22:06.28HymieI have a dude in Ottawa, but you'd probably find an ok place in Toronto somewhere
22:06.44HymieI just setup about 14 polycom 501s, quite pleased
22:06.45lowlevelI know a guy, but he's never around
22:06.52lowlevel501 looks gay
22:07.06lowlevelI like the soundpoint ip330's I guess
22:07.10Hymieasterisk 1.2.x blows chunks for echo cancellation, if you're juset using analog
22:07.11lowlevelwayyy cheaper tho
22:07.19[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, far from.  I could pick plenty far worse, and many of the pics don't do them justice
22:07.22Hymie1.4.x destroyed the echo fine, here
22:07.29*** join/#asterisk thekidrio (n=thekidri@
22:07.34lowleveldfender  : so they DO look beter ein real life eh
22:07.46Hymielowlevel: they look fine here.. you know, do what I did
22:07.56Hymielowlevel: order one, overnight... test / config it, make sure you like it
22:07.59Hymiethen do the big order
22:08.05lowlevelyeah, thats a good plan
22:08.25lowlevelI only need 4 or 5 tho..
22:08.33*** join/#asterisk angom (
22:08.34Hymiewhatever you do, don't order those uniden anchors
22:08.39[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, I have not seen a cost-effective Polycom reseller in Canada.  better off going throught he US.
22:08.40lowlevelok, noted.
22:08.41Hymieworst phones in the entire universe ;)
22:08.51[TK]D-FenderHymie, agreed
22:08.58Hymie[TK]D-Fender: I just got some for $219 per
22:09.05lowleveldfender: yeah just dont wanna get corn holed by UPS
22:09.07[TK]D-FenderHymie, What model?
22:09.11Hymie501s, to my door
22:09.18lowlevel219 per eh
22:09.20lowlevelthats good
22:09.21[TK]D-FenderHymie, .... thats not impressive :/
22:09.32lowlevelprices I'm seeing ar like $448 cdn from CDW
22:09.39Hymie[TK]D-Fender: we only ordered 12, there was no delivery charge, and the guy's local for warrenty...
22:09.48[TK]D-Fenderits +/- 170$ USD ea, and thanks to GWB, thats about PAR
22:09.53Hymielowlevel: ?!  for the 501??
22:09.59lowlevelhymie: yeah!
22:10.02lowleveland 601
22:10.03[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, CDW = BS
22:10.05lowlevelis like $700
22:10.10lowlevelCDW = ASS
22:10.16lowlevelI dont' know why I deal with them
22:10.50Hymie[TK]D-Fender: yes, but after I pay shipping, and dealing with any warrantey issues... this is more of a "local store versus online web ordering" price thing
22:10.51HymieI mean
22:10.56Hymiethe margin is so sad
22:10.57[TK]D-Fenderok, off to martial arts, back in many hours time...
22:11.00lowlevel*shrug*, order a spare?
22:11.06lowlevellater d-f
22:11.24[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, <--- call them up and ask for a better price
22:11.24Hymiewell, I just want to see my local reseller make $20 per phone, I mean... that's not really a lot
22:11.52[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, CCP is good (and my reseller for them).
22:12.05[TK]D-Fenderlowlevel, and they will send you a demo
22:12.11thekidrioanyone know a mp32gsm converter? (command line preferred)
22:12.15lowlevelthanks d-f, I'll check them out
22:12.49Hymiewhat are you guys using for headsets, for the polycoms
22:13.00HymieI mean, I see absurd pricing of $150 for them on some sites :D
22:13.06lowlevelI got a polycom 1000vtx a while back
22:13.14[TK]D-FenderHymie, Yup.. they're woth it :0
22:13.45[TK]D-FenderHymie, IP 600 + Plantronics M22 Amp + H261 Binaural Polaris quick-connect headset.
22:13.55[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm off
22:15.00lowlevelgave notice at my apartment today
22:15.05lowlevelkind of stressful
22:15.29lowlevelback later
22:17.11Hymiewhy the amp, /me wonders
22:17.13irulehow can I save one variable per sip device that will be there persistently for use by its channel?
22:17.40Hymie$GLOBAL_VAR_SIP1 $GLOBAL_VAR_SIP2 etc?
22:18.47Hymiethekidrio: sox?
22:19.07thekidrioHymie, yeah hehe silly I did not think of that
22:19.20thekidrioi was using gstreamer, but the quality was horrid
22:19.33thekidrio#ubuntustudio helped me out :)
22:19.34Hymiewe have the "GST" here
22:19.36Hymieand everyone hates it
22:19.41Hymieand, you have the GSTreamer ;P
22:22.00thekidrioanyone know if asterisk caches the sounds directory?
22:22.16krptzafrir_laptop: thanks for your help anyway
22:22.21krpmuch appreciated
22:26.23*** join/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
22:26.24thekidriofyi asterisk does not appear to cache the sounds dir
22:27.18*** join/#asterisk lwh (
22:31.41tzafrir_laptopthekidrio, asterisk supposed to cache sound files?
22:31.43tzafrir_laptopthekidrio, sounds generated from a text-to-speech engine?
22:31.54thekidrioi did not if it was supposed to
22:31.57thekidrioI was just unsure
22:32.05thekidrioand no not generated
22:32.15thekidrioits an mp3/gsm file
22:32.57*** part/#asterisk Simon- (
22:33.40tzafrir_laptopthekidrio, again: sounds generated from a text-to-speech engine?
22:33.40tzafrir_laptopah, ok
22:33.40tzafrir_laptopit's not asterisk's job to cache sound files
22:33.42tzafrir_laptopit's the OS/kernel's job
22:33.46tzafrir_laptopto test for caching, try cat file >/dev/null
22:33.48tzafrir_laptop/dev/null doesn't care
22:34.25tzafrir_laptopmake that:  time cat path/to/sound.mp3 >/dev/null
22:34.32tzafrir_laptoprun it twice
22:34.34thekidriowhy would it matter if it is generated by anything?
22:34.53tzafrir_laptopIf the second time is much faster, it wasn't cached and it is cached now
22:35.25thekidrioand more clearly, I was wondering if it cached the sounds directory itself was cached in a config or sooooooomething so that if i added a new directory I was wondering if i needed to reload something in asterisk
22:35.33thekidrioplease forgive repeats, on very very old keyboard atm
22:36.06tzafrir_laptopbecause that would be a different kind of caching (saving the work of the text-to-speech engine)
22:37.14tzafrir_laptopasterisk will check the "disk" on every time you play. But then again, the tirectory itself would probably be cached in memory
22:37.56thekidriotzafrir, yeah that is what I was wondering. I was not sure if I needed to explicitly tell asterisk that thiiiiiiis new directory existed
22:38.37thekidriohowever I was able to       just create the directory with proper permissions and slap in any old mp3 (right now using linus's old soundblaster test) and voila
22:39.30tzafrir_laptopin short: nothing to worry about and nothing to do
22:40.21blitzrageanyone here figure out how to make MeetMe() not play MoH when a phone inside the conference goes on hold?
22:41.30Mercestesblitzrage, Did you try a rem -dvfr *.mp3?   >.>
22:41.46blitzrageyep, I did
22:41.48russellbblitzrage: honestly, if you have a phone directly connected to the box running meetme and it does that, it's a bug
22:41.51MercestesDidn't work huh?
22:41.54russellbi really don't know why it would happen
22:42.00thekidriotzafrir, heh hrmm yes but putting it that way makes me feel lame haha
22:42.13blitzragerussellb: ok... I'll post a bug, just wanted to see if someone has figured out a work around :)
22:42.32Mercestesblitzrage, Fire the person putting the conference on hold
22:42.48russellbblitzrage: cool
22:43.42Trevor_banyone done any testing with oslec yet?
22:45.07*** join/#asterisk plut0 (
22:45.10`Seanwho owns Jbot?
22:45.29Mercestesno one owns jbot.  He was proven to be a sentient being in a court of law.
22:45.30russellbjbot: who owns you?
22:45.31jbotTimRiker does
22:45.44russellbthere ya go :)
22:46.11`Seanhrmp now when does he come around to getting on irc
22:46.23`Seanah hes online atm
22:46.33`Seanjust not in asterisk tho
22:47.02MercestesHas Jbot been bad again?
22:49.07blitzrageanyone know how to make the Linksys SPA-942 not react to star codes and just pass them through instead of acting on them?
22:50.19*** join/#asterisk smurf (n=smurf@debian/developer/smurf)
22:54.41*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
22:58.48*** join/#asterisk Simon-- (
22:58.55Simon--so asterisk 1.4 parses ;- as not a comment
22:58.56Simon--nice ;)
22:59.32Mercestesblitzrage, Remove them from that silly *-map thing they have in there.  Or dsiable the features.
22:59.40blitzrageMercestes: did that -- still matches on them
22:59.45*** join/#asterisk steliosk (n=Stelios@
22:59.54Mercestesblitzrage, really?  hrm.  did you add them to the digitmap?
23:00.02blitzragewhere is there?
23:00.19Mercestesthe digitmap?  Dont' rememberly exactly where....
23:02.32*** join/#asterisk plla (
23:03.20pllaIs this the right place to ask for help when google has failed me?
23:03.35blitzrageaha... found it
23:04.55Qwell[]plla: sure
23:05.11pllaI am using the SVN version of Asterisk in a testing environment.
23:05.35pllaI have configured realtime with postgresql back end.
23:06.34pllaI found that if I turn off the cache of the realtime
23:06.46xkevsimon--, and this is why I still run cvs from 2005 :)
23:06.53*** part/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
23:07.03xkevrandom dumbshit things change and break stuff
23:07.04pllapostgres goes up to 75% ram and asterisk 25% when someone registers.
23:07.29pllawhen normally it's in nothing.
23:08.25pllaI turned on the debug and the log is filled with asterisk updating the user state infinite times.
23:08.37Qwell[]Simon--: what exactly do you have on that line?
23:08.49Qwell[]is it perhaps ;-- ?
23:09.09Simon--Qwell[]: yah, like ;-- wooooooooooot this section kicks ass ------------------
23:09.15Qwell[]yeah, that's a block comment
23:09.22Qwell[]close it with --;
23:09.22Simon--it says "unterminated comment on line 23419419412" now
23:09.29Simon--sqlism :)
23:09.53Simon--ok, "don't do that then" accepted
23:10.15Qwell[]line 23419419412, seriously?
23:10.20Simon--yah, I think that's buggy
23:10.43rene-what is the dialstatus of a Dial like Dial(Sip/1&Sip/2&...)
23:10.49Simon--[Jun 14 15:55:04] WARNING[16630] config.c: Unterminated comment detected beginning on line 1100702820
23:10.50rene-say i get connected to sip/1
23:11.11Qwell[]looks like a pointer address
23:11.14rene-what happens to DIALSTATUS ?
23:11.33pllathe peer keeps getting destroyed and being recreated in a matter of seconds.
23:11.44*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:12.01pllaI have Asterisk 1.4.1 with the same configuration and this doesn't happen.
23:12.40pllaI am trying to find what have changed on the source but I would appreciate some pointers on where to find it.
23:15.26*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
23:15.37Mercestesplla:  Check sip debug.  Is there any NAT involved or any funny qualify times??
23:15.52Mercestesmultiple databases maybe?
23:15.57pllanope, not nat. only one database.
23:16.06pllait's a local database.
23:16.18blitzragerene-: DIALSTATUS == ANSWER
23:17.28rene-blitzrage: what about all the other dial attempts?
23:18.42rene-i mean say sip/2 was busy, and sip/3 was no answer, or worse, sip/1 unavail, sip2/busy and sip/3 no answer
23:19.04Mercestesplla, Check sip debug then, see what the phone is doing.
23:19.47thekidrioJun 14 03:41:46 NOTICE[4817] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)   is this a NAT issue?
23:20.01rene-it might be
23:20.12rene-it just means asterisk doesnt know about your sip device
23:20.15blitzragerene-: Verbose(1|${DIALSTATUS}) in the 'h' extension -- it's easy to find out what it says
23:20.22rene-a.k.a it is not registered
23:20.31Mercestesthekidrio, It means there is no route to the destination
23:20.42thekidriowow you are so smart Mercestes
23:20.45rene-blitzrage i didnt knew about a that
23:20.52rene-thats really cool
23:20.55blitzrageI'm going grocery shopping, lates
23:20.58Mercestesthekidrio, Could be nat, could be phone offline, could be an unroutable IP, could be a monkey with a pair of scissors
23:21.11thekidriodamn it, how did you know
23:21.23MercestesDoes your phone show as online??
23:21.23Qwell[]Simon--: fixed :P
23:21.25thekidriowell the phone is offline so that makes sense
23:21.31MercestesThere you go.
23:21.37MercestesThat *could* be nat or 100 other things.
23:21.41MercestesBut, if it's natted, I'd check that first.
23:21.46thekidrioI am trying to figure why it is not dumping to vm
23:21.57MercestesDid you tell it to?
23:22.07Mercestesbeat it.
23:22.12Mercestesthen tell it again.
23:22.23Mercestespastebin your dialplan and lemme take a look
23:22.46*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:22.56thekidrioexten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/foo 30) exten => 1234,2,VoiceMail(2222@blah)
23:23.10MercestesSorry, that's not a valid pastebin link.
23:23.26thekidrioit works if the phone is registered and no one picks up, but not if the phone is offline
23:23.41thekidrioMercestes, sorry seemed silly to pastebin 2 lines
23:23.51MercestesTry 1234,101,Voicemail(2222@blah)  or a nice goto(1234-${dialstatus} and then a 1234-UNAVAILABLE,1,Voicemail(2222@blah)
23:24.06riddleboxhrmm I called another asterisk server which had an auto attendant, and I was unable to press any digits, I could hear the the dtmf, but the other end never responds?
23:24.34MercestesI don't think "no route to host" results in a priority+1, it is either +101 or UNAVAILABLE.
23:24.45Mercestesdepending on if you enabled priority jumping or not.
23:24.56thekidrioMercestes, ahhh, that was my dumistake
23:25.19Mercestesyour welcome
23:25.31thekidrioerr mistake, ${dialstatus} worked  thank you so mmuch!!
23:25.44Mercestesriddlebox, Answer before you press buttons, canreinvite=yes, dtmfmode = auto
23:25.45thekidriostill strange that it worked for the other extension though
23:25.57Mercestesnp.  :)
23:27.14riddleboxMercestes, but I can call any other IVR system and am able to navigate through their menus, but this other asterisk server I cannot do?
23:27.36Mercestesriddlebox, and what does that tell you?
23:28.07Mercestesriddlebox, and I bet I can find atleast one other IVR you can't dial through.
23:28.14riddleboxMercestes, I can call the other asterisk server, with my cell phone and it will work?
23:28.27Mercestesriddlebox, ok.
23:29.23Mercestesriddlebox, The options you need on your end are "canreinvite=yes" and "dtmfmode=auto"  If you insist on not using auto then I suggest rfc-2833 but you probably already have that and they want inband because your probably reaching them via sip, right?
23:29.39Mercestesand on the remote end you have to call Answer() before you start hearing DTMF tones.
23:29.57riddleboxMercestes, I am calling them using a broadvoice account, and they also have a broadvoice account
23:30.09MercestesRegardless of the symptoms those are the answers to the DTMF issue.  Unless those are already set, then you have a much bigger issue.
23:30.35Mercestesriddlebox, ok.  that would definately fit my suspicion
23:31.18riddleboxMercestes, those options would be set in sip.conf right?
23:31.41*** join/#asterisk pfn_cIc (n=pfnguyen@
23:34.28riddleboxMercestes, dtmf=auto did the trick
23:34.56pllaok, I checked most of the stuff.
23:35.06riddleboxbut now that extension cannot do anything in the voicemail
23:35.10pllaThe phone just sends a register and a deadlock begins.
23:35.36pllastarts with this:
23:35.38plla[Jun 14 13:27:17] DEBUG[3252] chan_sip.c: **** Received REGISTER (2) - Command in SIP REGISTER
23:35.54pllaat then infinite queries to the database
23:37.04Mercestesriddlebox, weird.
23:37.12*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
23:37.30Mercestesplla:  What is the query?
23:37.44riddleboxMercestes, this is on a sipura 2100 with an analog phone connected to it
23:38.24Mercestesoh...hrm.  Try inband v/s rfc-2833 and see which one your broadvoice friend is looking for.
23:38.53riddleboxMercestes, I did it with rfc-2833 but could not do anything in my vm as well
23:39.07Mercesteswaht did you have dtmf set to before?
23:40.01riddleboxMercestes, inband
23:40.01*** join/#asterisk pfn (
23:40.45MercestesShouldn't be necessary.
23:40.52Mercestesrfc-2833 and auto should work for VM>
23:41.01MercestesIs there a DTMF settign in the sipura?
23:42.10Mercestesriddlebox, Should not require inband to call VM, that's weird.
23:42.15Mercestesriddlebox, however, here is a work around.
23:42.28Mercestesjsut change your DTMFmode when you call broadvoice.
23:45.06*** join/#asterisk punkgode (
23:47.47punkgodehi, does anyone tried to setup the internal asterisk database into Mysql. My primary concern is performance, is the connection overhead for each query a big deal compared to Berkeley?
23:48.55pllaMercestes: this is part of the log.
23:51.25punkgodemy load is quite low, mainly queue activity, and phone number-channel mappings. I'm using dynamic agents implemented with Local channels. I wonder if it's a good thing to do, moving to mysql to do such things
23:52.27pllaif I de-register the loop stops.
23:53.05*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
23:54.09pllaI tried playing with the values of rtcachefriends and rtupdate. It works right if I disable both.
23:55.20*** join/#asterisk SirThomas_Home (
23:55.38pllartcachefriends=on rtupdate=off (that works)
23:55.58*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
23:56.04pllartcachefriends=off rtupdate=on (falls into infinite loop)
23:56.11pllartcachefriends=off rtupdate=off (falls into infinite loop)
23:56.45pllartcachefriends=on rtupdate=on (falls into infinite loop)
23:58.18pllaI don't require the register information that badly but still infinite loops = bad. For now I will just use rtcachefriends=on rtupdate=off

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