IRC log for #asterisk on 20070609

04:06.06*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:06.06*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform -=- Asterisk 1.4.4 (April 27, 2007) Asterisk 1.2.18 (April 24, 2007), Zaptel 1.2.18, 1.4.3 (June 8, 2007) -=- Other fun channels: #asterisk-gui, #asterisknow, #asterisk-commits -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
04:07.38*** part/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
04:07.50^majik^something like this, actually, exactly like this:
04:08.18^majik^that's for Asterisk 1.2.x..
04:08.35^majik^so check the link I gave you earlier to see how the database stuff is done in 1.4.x
04:08.36ReDNeQok so where you have bico-out how does the phone now to use that context
04:09.13^majik^bigco-out in my example is like your numberplan-custom-1
04:09.41^majik^just pop in the extension and tell it to go to s,1 of the call forwarding context
04:09.44ReDNeQso basically i could just add the bico-fwd stuff under the same dialplan
04:10.09^majik^I'm guessing so... are you using the GUI?
04:10.30ReDNeQnot anymore
04:10.42ReDNeQso im actually trying to clean the conf files to barebones as possible
04:10.47ReDNeQso i can eliminate all issues
04:11.17^majik^yeah.  I couldn't use the GUI either.  didn't seem to support Zap channels like we were using
04:11.47ReDNeQi have 6 analog ports incoming
04:12.31^majik^I haven't tinkered with incoming ports yet, but I have cleaned up our *huge* extensions.conf file..
04:12.42^majik^gave me a good understanding of alot of things
04:14.21^majik^it'd be interesting to know if this version of call forwarding helps you or not.
04:14.44^majik^*72 sounds cool... its a shame it locks up on you.  but who knows
04:15.17ReDNeQwell digium told me it works when the call is hardset
04:15.26ReDNeQi mean the forward
04:16.08^majik^oh you know what, I should probably have included the incoming code for you
04:18.24^majik^here you go:
04:20.08^majik^note how on bigco-in,s,2 I dial ${temp:3} -- so it shaves off the area code
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04:21.40^majik^one other thing, the cforward sound file in bigco-cfwd is one we recorded
04:21.42ReDNeQok, so again my question is how does the phone now to use the other contexts
04:21.57ReDNeQyou dont have all of those exten under the 1 dialplan
04:22.29*** join/#asterisk bintut (
04:22.59^majik^say we had our exten 798 on your numberplan-custom-1
04:23.58^majik^when they wanted to forward the call before leaving, they would dial 798, which would kick it over to bigco-cfwd,s,1 where asterisk answers the call, plays back the call forwarding menu options
04:24.40^majik^and then if they press 1, it sets a database variable to the phone number that option is set to, in this case 1235551234
04:25.21^majik^now, when a call comes in on the default context, as in my example, it kicks it over to bigco-in,s,1 where it checks the call forwarding variable
04:26.01^majik^and I'm not quite sure how it does this, but basically if its set, it will Dial the number specified in the variable and connect the caller with the right person
04:26.01ReDNeQahh and s1 or s2 is the actuall commands in order
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04:26.35^majik^and if its not set, it jumps down to s,102 and then proceeds to s,103  (read up on 102.. its special)
04:26.50^majik^pretty much
04:27.22^majik^would you believe I've only been playing with asterisk for about 2 months  :o)
04:27.37ReDNeQive been going for 2weeks now
04:27.51^majik^well ... :)
04:27.51ReDNeQhave a client with 25 phones
04:27.59ReDNeQand 3 locations vpn
04:28.06ReDNeQkilling me
04:28.22^majik^sounds kinda complex
04:28.44^majik^more so than what I'm starting to manage down here
04:34.09^majik^I'll have to figure out how to do this on 1.4.x soon, as I'm already in the process of porting our 1.2.x config over to 1.4.x
04:35.22^majik^the 1.4 box is a backup box for now, but we may use it as our main box..  its pretty beefy
04:39.20ReDNeQi went right into 1.5
04:39.21ReDNeQi mean 4
04:39.44ez`someone tested oslec ?
04:41.04^majik^future man  ;)
04:41.41ReDNeQanyone see RTP Read too short while a call is in place
04:42.23*** join/#asterisk bakermd (n=sassamo@
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04:59.37obnauticusis anyone here getting this with fwd
04:59.38obnauticus-- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060
04:59.39obnauticusJun 8 13:57:41 NOTICE[20677]: chan_sip.c:9800 handle_response_register: Failed to authenticate on REGISTER to '' (Tries 3)
04:59.44obnauticuson a sip register
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07:07.14samaroracan anybody help me to configure Linksys IP Phone to asterisk with using SIP or IAX..?
07:08.38samarorahello there.. can anybody help me to configure Linksys IP Phone to asterisk with using SIP or IAX..?
07:09.05mutilatorits midnight
07:09.09mutilatorthe heck are you asking for help
07:11.03thekidrioits midnight where you are
07:11.24thekidriowhich linksys phone?
07:11.35thekidriocrap its midnight here too
07:12.16thekidriohave you looked
07:14.01mutilatorits 3am here
07:14.06mutilatori just saw he was in CA
07:15.46thekidriohrmm, you're a shifty one I bet
07:19.10*** join/#asterisk rudholm (i=rudholmm@nat/yahoo/x-d3b9c840244e1051)
07:20.30rudholmanyone around with a broadvoice account want to do a simple test for me?
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08:39.35angryuseri ha soma strange queue's problem, i have joinempty = no in queues.cong and timeout set in exten => Queue(name|||180) but still even when i have no agents free, it's wait 180 sec, any ideas?
08:40.08angryuserwhen i have no agent's logged on i mean?
08:41.54angryuseri dont want the wait time to be executed when no agent logged in in queue
08:42.10angryuseri want it directly jump to n+1
08:43.41*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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09:27.53*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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09:32.03krdian_angryuser: you can check QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST and then check status of all agnt in queue, if any is idle send caller  do sth with caller
09:32.25*** join/#asterisk orus_75 (
09:33.19Trentsterhey all, I am having a strange problem, I am sitting in australia, using a snom 320 phone to connect via sip to an asterisk server in another country and breaking out from there to call local numbers......The problem is I can make the call and we can hear each other for about 2 secs then it hangs up the call, from what i can tell by the logs it thinks I am hanging up.....other users do not have this problem......incoming calls
09:36.17angryuserkrdian_: thx for info
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10:44.05*** join/#asterisk Teccy (
10:44.55Teccyhi, i've got an x100p card however it seems to always show the RED alarm. I've tried 2 different cables, I've tried both a real phone line and connecting to an analogue port on our PBX
10:45.05Teccyit's using zaptel 1.4 on freebsd 6.2
10:45.20Teccyis there any way to find out why its stuck in the RED state?
10:45.59Teccyit's detected correctly by the module and is using fxsks signalling (i've tried fkxls too
10:49.41Teccyfxsls even
11:08.54*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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12:10.20*** join/#asterisk kombi (n=kombi@
12:10.46kombiis there a run asterisk on no-noise hardware project yet?
12:12.23coppicepeople run it on all sorts of silent hardware
12:14.00kombicoppice: I've got it readily configured on this noisy bummer and wonder how to set up a no noise solution..
12:15.29kombiif only there was a little box with ssh, eth0 and bri that had no fans or disks..
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12:16.08coppicethere are numerous boxes which fit that desciption
12:16.48coppicethe only problem achieving silence comes when you have lots of channels
12:17.15kombicoppice: that wouldn't be the case here.. can you point me in some direction?
12:17.30tzafrir_laptopkombi, no disks? what about music-on-hold storage?
12:17.53kombitzafrir_laptop: 2-3 Megs would do
12:17.54tzafrir_laptopthat is: voicemail storage
12:18.14kombivoicemail storage might become an issue
12:18.39tzafrir_laptopeasy to say. But requires a bit of thinking ahead
12:18.47kombibut then again just forbid to keep too many messages
12:18.51coppicelots of people do it
12:19.14coppice8G is a *lot* of speech, and costs $75
12:19.34kombiis there a build linux box with flash memory and no fans project maybe?
12:19.49kombicoppice: true
12:19.56tzafrir_laptopastlinux? astfin?
12:20.18tzafrir_laptopjust some names
12:20.28kombilooking at them now..
12:22.07kombilooks very interesting..
12:23.43kombiyum, gumstix..
12:25.33Sweeperyea, astlinux \o/
12:25.54kombisize isn't so much an issue though (or is it;), building a standard linux box with noise-free components seems the way to go, just which cpu to use and how to employ flash memory..
12:27.20coppicesize isn't so much an issue? that's not what all those e-mails keep telling me :-\
12:27.38kombicoppice: ;)
12:28.03kombiare there still cpus for passive cooling in this world?
12:28.24coppiceVIA C7, the AMD embedded stuff
12:29.24Sweeperwrap, soekris
12:29.45Sweeperplenty of embedded platforms to be had
12:31.29coppicethe Blackfins are coming...... :-)
12:37.49tzafrir_laptopthough blackfins have the fun of mmu-less systems (remember DOS?)
12:38.41bintutcalling from a mobile phone (gsm network) to the asterisk pstn trunk with noop to an analog phone then after the session, the callee hangup but the caller is still connected somehow.  the asterisk logs says the callee hangup already.  i'm using the digium dev kit with 1 fxo and 1 fxs here.  how do you think i can fix this?
12:39.35tzafrir_laptopblackfins are coming indeed. Run!
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12:40.47tzafrir_laptopbintut, pastebin the CLI trace?
12:41.40tzafrir_laptopalso: the caller is from the FXO (the gsm network) side, right? Is there any sort of disconnect supervision there?
12:44.46coppicethe blackfin is one of the cleverest designs I've seen in a while
12:46.17bintuttzafrir_laptop: kindly wait.. i'll just look for the logs..
12:46.41tzafrir_laptopbintut: but answer the second q. first...
12:47.02tzafrir_laptopcoppice, what do you mean by clever?
12:47.28bintuttzafrir_laptop: yes.  the caller was using a mobile phone subscribed to a local gsm provider then calling to the pstn number of the pbx which is connected to the fxo port
12:47.43coppicepeople have been trying to make a decent DSP that will run general purpose code well since the 80s. the blackfin is the first success
12:48.18bintuttzafrir_laptop: what do you mean by the "disconnect supervision"?
12:49.18tzafrir_laptophow can asterisk know that the trunk hung up the phone? Anything better than listening to a busy tone?
12:51.45bintuttzafrir_laptop: is this enough info? =>
12:53.34coppiceI wonder if blackfins make good soup :-\
12:54.00tzafrir_laptopbintut, well, that dialplan doesn't do exactly what you meant. hint: replace any priority except '1' with 'n'.
12:54.13tzafrir_laptopyou have multiple '3'-s there
12:54.26tzafrir_laptoptake a look at the output of 'dialplan show'
12:54.31tzafrir_laptopbut that's a side issue
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12:54.57tzafrir_laptopif all else fails, you can use busydetect=yes in zapata.conf
12:55.01bintuttzafrir_laptop: what's the right '3'? for my dialplan?
12:55.51tzafrir_laptopreplace the 2-s and 3-s with 'n' and the dialplan enging will just assign the right numbers
12:59.17bintuttzafrir_laptop: my /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf is at
13:00.40tzafrir_laptopyou do have busydetect=yes
13:00.56tzafrir_laptophmmm... interesting...
13:01.36tzafrir_laptopafter the callee hangs up, what do you see in 'show channels' ?
13:01.50tzafrir_laptopBut anyway, first fix  your extensions.conf and reload
13:01.58bintutok.. and i
13:02.10bintutand i'll try try to make a call again..
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13:06.36bintuttzafrir_laptop: i don't have a 'dialplan show' command here
13:07.07tzafrir_laptopshow dialplan
13:07.28tzafrir_laptopit has adifferent name in 1.4
13:17.04bintuttzafrir_laptop: the asterisk's logs that appeared when i was inside the asterisk shell is at
13:19.21tzafrir_laptopbintut, better set 'context=<whateveryouwant>' in zapata.conf
13:19.28tzafrir_laptopyou had an empty context
13:19.59bintuttzafrir_laptop: when you see from that logs a line where i executed the 'show channels', the callee already hangup but the mobile phone caller doesn't have a hangup tone.. only maybe more than 20 seconds from the time the callee hangs up the mobile phone was disconnected..
13:21.24tzafrir_laptophmmm... I missed tht earlier
13:21.26bintuttzafrir_laptop: where shall i put the "context" inside my zapata.conf?  based on my post at it has a context already
13:21.49tzafrir_laptophmm... actually: no
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13:23.16tzafrir_laptopok. something is wrong with the context, but I fail to see what it is.
13:23.27tzafrir_laptopWhat is the output of:  zap show channels
13:23.47bintuttzafrir_laptop: when after the callee hangs up?
13:24.19tzafrir_laptopit generally doesn't change (may only slightly change on a reload)
13:24.41bintuttzafrir_laptop: actually, i restarted the asterisk service itself
13:24.59bintuttzafrir_laptop: this is just on my small pc at home
13:25.45tzafrir_laptopso could you please provide the output of that command?
13:26.38*** join/#asterisk Fieldy (i=va4acIrm@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
13:28.28tzafrir_laptopand if you try it now it would still give the same trace?
13:29.20bintuttzafrir_laptop: try to check line 8 of why it hangup when the mobile phone was still calling?
13:29.34bintuttzafrir_laptop: yes
13:31.18tzafrir_laptopDetected ring pattern: 0,0,0
13:31.34tzafrir_laptoplooking again at zapata.conf...
13:32.59tzafrir_laptoprem-out the following line: usedistinctiveringdetection=yes
13:33.30tzafrir_laptopthis is used to match several ring patterns and send them to different extensions
13:33.52tzafrir_laptope.g: if you have different rings types for calls from different callers
13:34.26tzafrir_laptopbut then you need to set 'dring[123]' . See the sample zapata.conf
13:34.58bintutlemme check..
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13:38.19bintuttzafrir_laptop: where will i put the 'dring[123]'?  by the way, i installed the asterisk from the debian etch/stable..
13:39.10tzafrir_laptopbintut, do you actually need distinctive ring detection?
13:39.30tzafrir_laptopif not: leave it for now, and put a ';' before that line
13:40.02bintuttzafrir_laptop: nope.. i already commented it and restarted asterisk again
13:42.49bintuttzafrir_laptop: i just tried calling again from my mobile phone to my asterisk box but still, the mobile phone don't get a hangup tone..
13:43.28tzafrir_laptopdo you still see those messages in the CLI trace?
13:46.04bintuttzafrir_laptop: not anymore.. but, the mobile phone still don't hear a hangup tone
13:46.32tzafrir_laptoptime for a new CLI trace pastebin, I guess
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13:50.28tzafrir_laptopnot realy sure. But I end to suspect "answeronpolartyswitch" and "hanguponpolarityswitch"
13:50.35tzafrir_laptopJust a hunch
13:51.12tzafrir_laptopTry looking at the debug / full log and enabling debugging in asterisk
13:51.29tzafrir_laptopthis would show the immediate reason for the hangup
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13:51.47bintuttzafrir_laptop: ok.. i'll just comment out the polarity switching thing first and try calling again..
13:52.12*** part/#asterisk drrt (
13:54.56bintuttzafrir_laptop: i already commented out the polarity switching options on my zapata.conf and restarted asterisk then tried calling again from my mobile phone then the analog (fxs) callee hangup but the mobile phone didn't hear a hangup tone
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13:55.29tzafrir_laptoptry redirecting the call to an echo test instead of an analog phone and see if that one works
13:55.46tzafrir_laptopthi will at least test half of the circuit
13:55.55perf3ktif I'm looking for a production gui should I use tribox or asterisknow?
13:56.56bintuttzafrir_laptop: how do i do that? sorry, i'm a newbie to asterisk..
13:57.36tzafrir_laptopperf3kt, nither
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13:59.32tzafrir_laptopbintut, replace Dial(Zap/1)   with Echo()
14:02.05perf3ktthanks tzafrir, are you gonna give an alternative?
14:02.05perf3ktno gui?
14:05.48*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
14:11.15tzafrir_laptopperf3kt, I don't consider either of them solid enough out-of-the-box for someone who has no experince with linux and Asterisk
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14:11.56ez`someone know if cisco softphone werk with asterisk ?
14:12.22bintuttzafrir_laptop: sorry, my laptop hangs and i did a reboot.. have you posted any messages for me for the last 10 minutes?
14:12.22tzafrir_laptopfor testing: sure
14:12.56tzafrir_laptopmy last was: bintut, replace Dial(Zap/1)   with Echo()
14:16.22bintuttzafrir_laptop: like this one?  ==> exten => 101,1,Echo()
14:16.50perf3ktso tzafrir you're saying command prompt is best?
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14:18.32stimpiesomebody know what ast_gethostbyname expects as a secondary argument?
14:22.11ez`i am looking to find out a real really good softphone ; noting seem ready ;(
14:23.16stimpiexlite does the job, (unless you are on 64bit linux)
14:23.25bintutdefine: really, really good?
14:25.09coppicethe feeling on seeing my first born the first time. nothing much matches that
14:26.44bintuttzafrir_laptop: i already changed to Echo() but the call is still forwarded to 101 analog and when the callee hangs up, the mobile phone still didn't get a hangup tone
14:31.03*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:31.27saftsackhas anybody testet this yet?
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14:40.03Bladerunner05What you think about asterisnow project is a good idea ?
14:41.06tzafrir_laptopsaftsack, I use an earlier version on my home PBX. But it is unde a very light load of calls...
14:44.37*** join/#asterisk VJFROMGT (
14:44.58VJFROMGTI come from the freepbx world, trying to use real asterisk, which file do i config for outbound route?
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15:00.33ldsjohnis it normal to take almost 30 seconds for a zap channel to hang up?
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15:04.20saftsacktzafrir_laptop: what about voice quality?
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15:04.48tzafrir_laptopsound ok.
15:06.12sevardVJFROMGT: extensions.conf
15:06.29bintuttzafrir_laptop: i just confirmed the hangup detection problem..  it only happens if the callee hangs up the call initiated by a gsm caller..
15:06.56sevardBladerunner05: no, and
15:06.58tzafrir_laptopcheck your dialplan. Sorry, I'm a bit busy right now...
15:07.54coppicebintut: try similar calls by hand, and see what the disconnect tone sounds like. in some countries the behaviour is different, depending on the service called
15:08.06perf3kteveryone is bashing asterisknow, are you saying because of the gui interface?
15:08.22sevardperf3kt: and some.
15:08.32perf3ktif I used it to get the base install on what about that?
15:09.03bintutcoppice: i don't get (mobile phone gsm caller) any sound at all when the callee (fxs) hangs up the call..
15:09.23perf3ktI have no problem using the command line and manually editing the dialplan and conf files
15:09.30coppicethat could be a problem
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15:27.55tzafrir_laptopperf3kt, because it is a beta
15:28.13VJFROMGTwhat does SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
15:28.29tzafrir_laptopIt is nice for experimenting. But I don't really like something that runs asterisk as root
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15:35.13saftsacktzafrir_laptop: is this ec comparable to hardware ec's for example built by octasic?
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15:36.06tzafrir_laptopnot sure. It will cost you CPU anyway.
15:36.40tzafrir_laptopoctasic also has a software EC...
15:38.38perf3ktso tzafrir your saying that anything using asterisk you don't like
15:38.42coppiceoctasic only has software EC. its just a question of where the software runs
15:39.13saftsackoctasics not embedded ec hasnt the best voice quality imho
15:39.55saftsackbut i have no comparison to embedded ec's. i know just pattons gateway quality and this is much better
15:41.07coppicea good software EC would give better results than the patton. I have no idea if octasic's can
15:41.11perf3kttzafrir: so what setup do you recommend for n00bs
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15:44.05ManxPowercoppice: The HPEC sounds "fuzzy", almost like they are doing something like digium's agressive EC, but it seems to add comfort nise.
15:44.07ManxPowermoise too
15:44.15ManxPowerperhaps I need more coffee.
15:44.56coppiceevery network EC must add comfort noise to small signals, to mask the effects of the lossiness in the ulaw/alaw codecs
15:45.04saftsackcoppice: did you compared pattons ec with some others?
15:46.15coppicei've never tried patton's ec. however, its a box in the T1/E1 wire and that will create avoidable conversions between linear an T1/E1 in many cases, which a host EC could avoid
15:46.24*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
15:47.27coppicewell, zaptel's ECs don't add comfort noise, but they are very mickey mouse
15:48.04[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Hey, just the guy...  I've been trying to get SpanDSP to stop crashing on 2 system I'm working on using * 1.2.17 + the versions you linked me to of yours to no avain.
15:48.30[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Heres what it gives me : *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x085142a0 ***
15:48.30[TK]D-FenderAborted (core dumped)
15:48.54[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Any insights for what I can do to rectify this?
15:49.02saftsackoslec: Unknown symbol __fixsfsi
15:49.13saftsackdo i need a realtime haxxor kernel now? ^^
15:50.39tzafrir_laptopfrom oslec?
15:50.45tzafrir_laptopor from zaptel?
15:50.51*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
15:52.05saftsackfrom oslec
15:52.09[TK]D-FenderFor anyone else who could lend a hand on my SpanDSP errors, heres a link to the CLI output of the crash and the versions used, etc :
15:52.27saftsackgoogle says that fixsfsi and so on are floating operations which are just provided by special kernels
15:52.28*** part/#asterisk RypPn (
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15:54.00tzafrir_laptopsaftsack, did you get mmx.h from somewhere?
15:54.16saftsackno ....
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15:58.30saftsackcoppice: did you tried oslecs ec?
15:59.03angryusergotoif is broken in 1.4?? it put the resulto to tru when 2=1!
16:01.57*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
16:03.03angryuseri got Gotoif(${result)=1?4:5) it goes to priority 4 when result = 2
16:03.31angryuserany ideas?
16:04.15Strom_Mbecause you have a typo maybe?
16:04.49angryuseri did put th NoOp be fore the chec
16:05.01angryusercheck the variable, it is =2
16:05.34angryuserExecuting [8000@phonesystems:3] GotoIf("Zap/29-1", "1=2?4:5") in new stack
16:06.08Strom_Myour syntax is still buggered
16:06.21Strom_Mshow application GotoIf
16:07.28[TK]D-Fenderangryuser, [] <------------------
16:07.41[TK]D-Fenderangryuser, $[] <------------------ actually
16:07.59[TK]D-Fenderangryuser, time to remember your syntax for EXPRESSIONS.
16:09.39angryusertime to write them down in "core show application gotoif"
16:10.27[TK]D-Fenderangryuser, not needed.  How you get a zero/non-zero value into your gotoif is YOUR problem.
16:10.31angryuserthank you working now
16:11.11[TK]D-Fenderangryuser, GotoIf(${DB(ami/open)}?4) will work jsut fine if you set the astdb value to 1
16:12.47angryuserhm, it woul reduce my lines, thanks
16:12.58tzafrir_laptopany idea if fxotune works for the Sangoma A200 cards?
16:14.12ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: My understanding is that fxotune uses specific registers on the chip the Digium analog cards use.
16:14.53ManxPowerangryuser: Uh, there's an entire file README.variables that talks about variables, expressions, etc.
16:15.05*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
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16:18.36[TK]D-FenderManxPower, No... does my error message or version info tell you anything that might help me fix my problem?
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16:21.18[TK]D-FenderWhere do those theatre-goers always find their rotten fruit dammit!
16:25.15bintutgtg now.. thanks.. :)
16:26.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower, So.. is that a "no"? :)
16:26.47*** join/#asterisk supjigatr (n=syslod@
16:27.04supjigatrAnyone seen a polycom not be able to get DHCP from a server?
16:27.30supjigatrI have a netgear layer 3 serving DHCP and the polycom refuses to take a DHCP address?
16:27.47[TK]D-Fendersupjigatr, when set properly, only once when the mainboard fried funny......
16:31.29*** join/#asterisk Ironhand (
16:32.53coppice[TK]D-Fender: have you seen that guy with several videos on youtube playing famous rock guitar pieces on an electric cello?
16:33.25[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Nop, but it sounds cool....
16:33.33[TK]D-Fendercoppice, link me :)
16:35.24coppicego to youtube and search on "steve vai electric cello". from there you'll find a number of other things he's done
16:38.59angryuserhm in queues.conf joinempty = no option set in queue named "support" when no agent are logged on normally the porsont is supposed to jump to n+1 regardeless timeout set in Queue(support|||180) ?
16:39.33angryusergrrr hate keyboard of my laptop ;)
16:40.44angryuseri have this options set, but regardeless agent's people still wait the timeout
16:41.50angryuserif i put n option in queue application, timeout is ignored ;( and i jusmps n+1 when all agents are busy
16:42.51angryuseri nees a simple thins, when no agents => n+1 , when any agents looged in timeout > then n+1
16:46.21[TK]D-Fendercoppice, and the flip side for you :
16:48.07coppiceits up to 21M viewings now
16:48.45[TK]D-Fenderangryuser, pastebin your queues config, agents, and CLI output of the login with a queue dump
16:51.21[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm out for a while....
16:52.09coppice[TK]D-Fender he must have inspired some people. there are several other videos playing that now
16:57.37coppice[TK]D-Fender try this one
17:05.51angryuser [TK]D-Fender:  just the config, preparing Cli
17:06.09*** join/#asterisk grndslm (
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17:11.42angryuser [TK]D-Fender output with CLI, you will see there no agents are logged in, but the person is put on hold (duration of timeout)
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17:29.22skirmishaany ideas why i get this error
17:29.38skirmishaixjuser.h:351: error: syntax error before '*' token
17:29.40karlmanyone have some experience with Digium X100P cards? (genuine, and clones) ??
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17:31.49adorah<karlm> genuine r no longer made..mostly x100p clones r a waste of money albiet little..and waste of do work though..
17:34.29*** part/#asterisk steliosk (n=Stelios@
17:35.43karlmyeah, i'm using a clone card right now, it works great, except for the fact that everytime my box restarts, i get a kernel panic before it can restart all the way
17:36.12karlmi found some voxone cards on ebay that are genuine, not clones, they register as a genuine X100
17:36.20karlmnot a "Clone Card"
17:36.46karlmi'm hoping that when those cards come in the mail that i will install them and solve this kernel panic problem
17:36.48coppicedo you have any products that tell you explicitly they are fake? :-\
17:37.38*** join/#asterisk joat (
17:37.59karlmcoppice: no, asterisk tells you if its a clone card or a real X100P
17:38.24karlmor zaptel tells you, i guess
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17:40.26Corydon76-homeblitzrage: !!!
17:41.06blitzrageCorydon76-home: yo!
17:41.56karlmblitzrage: lol, love the cloak
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17:43.23blitzragekarlm: heh, thx :)
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17:44.26Corydon76-homeor 3 or 4 (hundred)
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18:16.47tzafrir_laptopkarlm, it's not Asterisk or zaptel. It's the card
18:22.07*** join/#asterisk iBuMp- (
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18:29.03baprilany Asterisk-java gurus on today?
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18:32.32Vorondilbapril: I have a feeling you won't know until you ask them a question.  :-P
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18:44.23blitzrageCorydon76-home: heh, indeed
18:45.44baprilHoping someone has the recipe to use one db and one Manager connection per FastAgi server instance. vs one set of connections per script instance
18:48.29karlmtzafrir_laptop: it's actually the module loading that displays the information i'm speaking of, and its a zaptel module as a matter of fact
18:52.34*** join/#asterisk slingr (n=san@
18:52.37slingrgmore all
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18:59.06tzanger... drinking wine and watching car racing?
18:59.12tzangerseems an odd mix
18:59.20blitzragemeh :)
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18:59.22blitzrageI'm an odd mix
18:59.27tzangerkind of like champagne at a rodeo
18:59.36tzangerI'm drinking beer and eating pretzels
18:59.41tzangerholstein beer from hamburg
18:59.44slingrbeer at a wine festival?
18:59.52tzangerI'm at a wine festival?
19:00.10slingri was throwing it in the "odd mix" conversation
19:00.15blitzrageI'm just bored really... waiting till about 4:30pm to leave for the night
19:02.36tzangerI love this paris hilton thread
19:02.49tzangershe's being made an example?  BULLSHIT
19:03.03tzangershe was caught twice driving with a suspended license due to DUI
19:03.05blitzrageif you have that much money, and you can't afford a taxi, then fuck ya
19:03.13tzangerany normal shlub would have been in the clink already
19:03.22blitzragethe law is perfectly clear as to what you can do
19:03.28tzangerfucking prissy princess
19:03.32blitzragefuck... get a goddamn limo to wait for you if you're too good for a cab
19:03.38blitzrageI'm glad she's back in jail
19:03.43tzangerme to0o
19:03.45tzangerI love this judge
19:03.54tzangerhe's not taking any bullshit nor allowing any deviation
19:03.56blitzrageI don't feel bad at all
19:04.26blitzrageshe could have done what... like 23 days? then she fakes sick, and the judge puts her in for the whole 42 days (or whatever it is)
19:04.28blitzragegood for them
19:04.54tzangerI have a lot of respect for this guy
19:05.01baprilI'm just glad I'm not a prison guard in L.A....
19:05.33tzangerher parents are just as responsible IMO
19:05.36tzangerthey're defending her
19:05.45tzangerI'm telling you if my son or daughter did this shit I'd be kicking their ass
19:05.55blitzrageno kidding
19:06.00tzangerbapril: totally
19:06.04blitzrageDUI twice with a suspended license
19:06.07blitzrageyou're fuckin' DUMB
19:06.15tzangerno no
19:06.22tzangerDUI got her the suspended license
19:06.37blitzragethen caught again
19:06.40tzangershe was caught driving (no mention of DUI) twice on suspension
19:06.55tzangerso one dui, then twice driving when suspended
19:07.25tzangerbut yeah, someone as wealthy as that not having a chauffeur or someone during the sentence... wtf
19:07.35tzangershe's flaunting her status and the judge called her on it
19:07.37tzangerfucking a
19:07.46blitzrageyep, good judge... gooooood
19:07.56tzangeryo uhave to think of her intelligence though
19:08.03blitzrageshe complains its not fair... what's not fair? the fact she isn't getting special treatment?
19:08.08tzangerfamous face, you don't think a cop would recognize her and with all the news...  fucking stupid
19:08.52blitzrageno kidding
19:26.16*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
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19:43.25*** join/#asterisk MrWup (
19:43.41MrWupif i do Backgrouns(afile) and then do waitexten
19:43.50MrWupwill waitexten timeout before background has finished playing?
19:44.09obnauticusDoes anyone here have FreeWorldDialup working with * here
19:44.11obnauticusand that can help me
19:44.19MrWupe.g. i want to play a file and give someone the option of pressing 1 or 2 any time while that file is played back
19:44.20obnauticusbecause for some reason it's not letting me auth via IAX2 or SIP
19:44.39MrWupbut i dont want waitexten to timout after the usual time, if the background file which is playing plays for longer than the timeout
19:44.58Strom_MMrWup: waitexten won't even start until after background finishes
19:45.36MrWupso the background application waits for someone to enter an exten itself?
19:45.45MrWupfine no problem then
19:45.48shido6u should add a response timeout
19:45.59shido6and a a digit timout
19:46.09shido6here's an example:
19:46.28RypPnobnauticus: I have it working on my trixbox, I can try to help unless someone else wants to jump in
19:46.53RypPnobnauticus: I found iax didnt work half the time and settled on sip
19:47.03obnauticushold on
19:47.08obnauticusam going to reboot
19:47.11obnauticusi'll be back in 5mins
19:47.23obnauticusand from what i've seen
19:47.26RypPnok, enter for punctuation will upset folks I reckon ;)
19:47.29obnauticusgoing through SIP still won't let me auth
19:47.40[TK]D-FenderAm a
19:47.43[TK]D-Fenderof the
19:47.48[TK]D-FenderT. Kirk.
19:47.51[TK]D-FenderSchool of....
19:48.26shido6I... cannot begin to understand... why you would call it.... the SCHOOL , of overacting.
19:49.09[TK]D-FenderMust speak in
19:49.38shido6he was on yesterday and I nearly died
19:49.49MrWuphe did this song, which was hilarious
19:49.57MrWuptrying to act emotional
19:50.01MrWupso cringeworthy
19:50.07MrWupmaybe he thinks his life is a constant haiku
19:50.57MrWuphe advertises breakfast cereal in the UK u know
19:51.19shido6freaked me out at the grocery store.... he's on the cover of ALL BRAN cereal right next to the quaker oatmeanl. I began comparing the Quaker man guy to Kirk- err William Shatners face and I had to stand back for a minute and I thought out loud, "I must be getting old."
19:51.28MrWupshows the come down. even worse that some extra in the commercial has to say "oh look! It's WILLIAM SHATNER!"
19:52.02*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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19:53.18[TK]D-Fenderok, BBQ time... back... later.... MAYBE!
19:57.56*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
19:58.36shido6i must be bored
19:59.05shido6oops :)
19:59.19shido6checkout myphones
19:59.22shido6it has access to outbound
19:59.31shido6MrWup, when you see that what do you think?
20:00.43*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=linagee@unaffiliated/linagee)
20:00.59MrWuplet me guess... its not giving you access to outbound?
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20:01.07MrWuponly voicemail?
20:01.08obnauticusim back
20:02.58shido6you dont want ppl to call in
20:03.02shido6to have access to outbound :)
20:04.24shido6you could do this
20:05.21shido6but its all up what you want to do.
20:08.03MrWupu know for number in asterisk
20:08.03MrWuphow do u make it says 2nd, 3rd, 4th
20:08.03MrWupas opposed to two three four
20:08.03MrWupit does seem to say second, third fourth sometimes
20:10.49shido6understand that those are just sound files
20:10.57shido6in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
20:11.07shido6so if you dont see what you need... get someone to record what you need...
20:11.16shido6or get allison to record some specially for you :)
20:11.45MrWupshe does say like 2nd third or fourth
20:11.48MrWupbut no idea which files
20:11.54MrWupgues sill need to have a sniff round
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20:27.15lee_is_mePolycom -- Are the binary images required to do central provisioning or will the phones skip those and download what is available such as cfg files?
20:31.10baprilphones are happy to skip them
20:42.07Aces1Upwhat is easier to use for a beginner to do conferencing? app_conference or meetme?
20:42.18Corydon76-homeMrWup: h-1, h-2, h-3, etc.
20:43.09MrWuponly goes up to 30 though i think
20:43.10mvanbaakanyone here using chan_skinny phones ?
20:43.11MrWupfor dates
20:43.15MrWupbut thanks
20:43.26MrWupdo u know if alison keenan did an "on"?
20:43.36MrWupcause all i can string together is "message received at"
20:43.44MrWupwould be great to have an "on"
20:43.48Corydon76-homeMrWup: we have everything up to millionth in the sounds repo
20:44.13MrWupmy alison keenan pack is pretty thin i think
20:44.15Corydon76-homeAnd everything can be constructed from the sounds that we have
20:44.28Corydon76-homeAt least, in English
20:44.33MrWupare there any really good complete asterisk sound packs?
20:45.01Corydon76-homeWhat do you mean by complete?
20:45.09MrWuplike have a really good selection of stuff
20:45.24Corydon76-homeWe have whatever people have requested in the past
20:45.32MrWupcause i downloaded the alison keenan pack and its hard to construct sentences because there arnt simple words
20:45.39MrWuplike i have to use received at instead of left at
20:45.41MrWupand at instead of on
20:45.48Corydon76-homeWhat pack?
20:46.02MrWupalison keenan british english 44wav
20:46.23Corydon76-homeSorry, I've only dealt with Allison Smith
20:48.27MrWupis it available online?
20:48.44*** join/#asterisk kn0x (
20:48.55MrWupis she american or english?
20:49.00MrWupthe one from digium
20:49.07Corydon76-homeNeither, she's Canadian
20:49.14MrWupwe need brit
20:50.12slingrw00t! canadian!
20:54.28kn0xanyone know about getting ztdummy to work under OpenVZ / Virtuoozo VPS platform?
20:55.09Corydon76-homeYah, it's a dumb idea
20:55.29Corydon76-homeThe whole point is to get a HARDWARE timer
20:57.53*** join/#asterisk VJFROMGT (
20:58.05VJFROMGTI am looking for a non freepbx guide for asterisk
20:58.08VJFROMGTwhere can i see one?
20:58.56jbotfrom memory, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
20:59.09mvanbaakVJFROMGT: check that url
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21:08.31zapp-braniganand codec compile ok
21:08.33kuku5Anyone used hylafax ?
21:10.12lee_is_mePolycom/sip.cfg - is a separate (<server/>) xml node required for each server provisioned?
21:11.05*** join/#asterisk infernix (n=nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
21:16.12FuriousGeorgein the process of transferring, my users manage to hang channels permanently.  i lookied the other day, and between 3 sip clients i had 7 bridged calls and 14 total channels
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21:16.24FuriousGeorgeby that point the system had started acting funny
21:16.50FuriousGeorgei need to know how they go about achieving this but i never catch them doing it
21:18.16FuriousGeorgei know there is some way to set an absolute timeout but that doesnt seem like a great solution
21:19.05MrWupexten => s,2,SET(MSG_NUM=${MSG_COUNT})
21:19.15MrWupis there any way to make MSG_NUM = MSG_COUNT + 1?
21:19.26FuriousGeorgeeven restarting the phones doesnt help
21:19.40FuriousGeorge$[$MSG_COUNT} + 1]
21:19.44FuriousGeorgei mean
21:20.03FuriousGeorge[${$MSG_COUNT} + 1]
21:20.10MrWupthanks =]
21:20.33*** join/#asterisk Cabal (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
21:21.02FuriousGeorge$[${MSG_COUNT} + 1]
21:37.28Teccyhi, i've got an x100p card however it seems to always show the RED alarm. I've tried 2 different cables, I've tried both a real phone line and connecting to an analogue port on our PBX
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21:37.40Teccyit's using zaptel 1.4 on freebsd 6.2
21:37.43Teccyis there any way to find out why its stuck in the RED state?
21:41.13mvanbaakTeccy: because the x100p is a buggy card ?
21:41.56Teccyheh, well yes, that thought had come to mind
21:42.46*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
21:42.48Teccyin any case, how might i find out if the card is at fault? it's detected and configured fine by zttool, it just seems stuck in the RED state
21:42.57mvanbaakTeccy: I tried to get an x100p to work
21:43.04mvanbaakit worked but the quality really sucked
21:43.12mvanbaakso I trashed the card
21:43.28Teccyi'm not too fussed about quality just yet, this is more of a proof of concept project as it stand
21:43.28mvanbaakgo for the sangoma or the newer wildcard digium boards
21:43.53Teccyi'm not sure what the sangoma freebsd support is like, but i certainly do have my eye on a 4 port digium FXO
21:44.13Teccyjust wanted a concept system running first before taking the plunge
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21:45.09mvanbaakI think the red alarm has to do with the signalling type and stuff
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22:02.53Teccyi did try both loop and kewl start
22:03.01Teccy(ground start errored on me)
22:08.07RypPnTeccy: UK?
22:12.23saftsacktzafrir_laptop: hi, i couldnt test the ec yet but do you have a comparison to an embedded EC?
22:18.48*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
22:22.16rob0X100P is fine for proof-of-concept, but not much else. :)
22:23.02*** join/#asterisk mdance (
22:23.58mdanceGood day everyone, I just setup a trixbox with a voip provider, and im having an interesting problem and i do not know where to begin
22:24.33mdancewhen i make a call from my softphone to say my cell phone, the cell phone rings, but when i answer the call it never seems to register
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22:26.07jqlShort of seeing a packet trace, I dunno how to help with trixbox
22:26.28mdancealso when i call the phone system from my cell phone, my softphone dialog pops up but again when i try to answer the call it doesnt connect the call
22:26.56mdancewhen i call softphone to softphone it works fine though
22:27.21RypPnhave you sucessfully completed a test call to the provider?
22:27.35RypPnmost have test numbers
22:28.05mdanceno i havent tried anything like that
22:28.13mdancei will see if there is a test number
22:28.22mdanceany other ideas ryppn?
22:28.28RypPnstart there
22:29.04RypPnthen look at supported codecs for the trunk, unless the provider told you exactly what to put into the gui
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22:29.34mdancei am using
22:29.45RypPnmeans nothing to me, I'm in the uk
22:30.20mdancefigured id throw it out there :P
22:30.24TeccyRypPn: yeh
22:30.43RypPnTeccy: do you have the card set for the uk?
22:30.48Teccyrob0: i know, and thats all i'm trying to do, prove a concept
22:30.50TeccyRypPn: yup
22:31.08RypPnTeccy: so opermode=1 and loadzone=uk
22:31.54Teccyopermode? ive got the loadzone and defaultzone set
22:32.08RypPnTeccy: what does dmesg say?
22:32.18RypPnTeccy: FCC or CTR21?
22:33.06RypPnTeccy: CTR21 is europe
22:33.27RypPnTeccy: google for opermode=1
22:34.41Teccyahh, that might explain it then :)
22:34.41RypPnTeccy: also check it aint irq sharing
22:34.41Teccyyeh, irqs were one of the first things i checked
22:35.03RypPnother than that, the only other thing I did was the tx and rx gains using ztmonitor
22:35.05TeccyRypPn: could be an issue here. how would i set opermode? (all the examples use modprobe)
22:35.27RypPnwhat distro?
22:35.28RypPnohhh fbsd was it?
22:36.19RypPnI dont get that exotic unfortunately
22:37.33Teccyseems you can set it using loader.conf
22:37.45Teccyi'll give it a go, thanks for pointing it out in any case
22:37.56RypPnTeccy: in the end I gave up on the x100p, not due to audio, as using the octware echo canceller had it working great. But no caller-id was the killer
22:38.29rob0Last I heard (I don't really keep up in the * world), *BSD was a bit lacking in zaptel support, but that might have changed.
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22:40.11RypPnTeccy: one last thing, I dunno if you'll need a line with a ring-capacitor for the fxo, I'm using a microfilter on my line that has one built-in
22:40.40RypPnanways, gl
22:41.39Teccyim offsite at the moment
22:42.06Teccyits connected through the existing PBX through a POTS port. theres a ringing capacitor in the adapter
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22:47.14RypPnTeccy: I'd like to think so, it's quarter to twelve ;)
22:47.30mvanbaakquarter to 1AM here
22:47.34mvanbaakSun Jun 10 00:47:34 CEST 2007
22:47.52Teccywcfxo: DAA mode is 'CTR21'
22:47.55Teccylooking good so far
22:48.35Teccynah, still red
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22:49.22RypPnhow are you checking the state?
22:50.02Teccystopping apache first
22:50.06Teccyer, asterisk
22:51.03rafonsohi all, I'd like to know how offen asterisk will try to find the IP address of a hostname configured in the parameter "host". For example host=""
22:51.27rafonsoDoes it depend on the TTL of the configured in the DNS RR?
22:51.45Teccyif it's for sip, theres a setting
22:51.52Teccyhave a look in the sample sip.conf
22:51.57rafonsoit is for iax
22:51.59Teccyi'd guess there's a similar setting for iaz
22:54.23TeccyRypPn: zap show status in asterisk also shows red
22:54.57Teccyi'll try and order a tdm400 card next week, i just wanted something to show management for now
22:55.56RypPnTeccy: I'm out of idea's, unless you can try linux instead. iirc someone mentioned earlier about zaptel and fbsd not being entirely stable
22:56.08rafonsoTeccy, thanks for your help. I'll take a look in sip.conf and check if it applies for iax
22:56.32RypPnwhich would suggest the same issue will likely happen with the tdm400
22:56.37Teccywe're pretty much entirely a freebsd house here, server-wise. theres not just me managing systems which tends to mean we're stuck with what people know
22:56.40saftsacksomebody here who wants to compare this ec with embedded echo cancellors?
22:56.42TeccyRypPn: quite possibly
22:57.40Teccycan you recommend a distro that'll be quick to install for this purpose? literally just to test if the card works
22:57.46RypPnTeccy: if its corporate, buy a 3102 for 40quid and test on that
22:58.29RypPnTeccy: its a non-zaptel solution that might go easier on fbsd
22:58.55mvanbaakTeccy: you should try asterisknow
22:59.35TeccyRypPn: seems the sangomas use zaptel on freebsd too, though they are marked as supported
22:59.49Teccyalso, the original creator of zaptel wrote the driver for freebsd
22:59.54Teccyit was later ported to linux
23:00.54RypPnyeah, but that aint gettin the card going
23:01.08Teccywell no =)
23:01.13RypPnstill, the card could always be shot
23:01.13Teccy3102, not a bad idea
23:01.24Teccyquite possible. it was an ebay special
23:01.48Teccyits been floating around for quite a while, only recently had the time to look into this project more
23:02.45RypPnthe 3102 is a howlin bag of tits to get setup, but it works well after a few hours hair-pulling and incantation chanting
23:03.35shido6wow, that sounds scary
23:03.41shido6a howlin bag of tits?
23:04.16RypPnyup, I'm good at visualisation thro text
23:04.35Teccycheap enough to buy out of petty cash though
23:04.35RypPnyou could feel my pain
23:04.52Teccymight just grab one monday and have a play
23:05.20RypPnyeah, theres a pdf floating round sipura_regional_settings_uk or something like that
23:06.15Teccyi have had trouble with a sipura 2000 in the past at home. it wont let you set the domain, so asterisk wont let it register (i use domains)
23:08.13rob0Teccy: Some BSD people are happy with Slackware. Others might like Gentoo, for different reasons.
23:08.27RypPnhmm, not had any issues setting up the wifes dect to the pap
23:08.59Teccyrob0: ive used both in the past. i just wanted to know which would be quicker to get a basic asterisk on to test the card :)
23:09.03RypPnI'd go for gentoo, but thats the masochist in me
23:09.11Teccyi like gentoo
23:09.16Teccymy old myth box ran on it
23:09.25Teccybut then i grew up with slackware
23:10.18rob0Slackware's by far quicker to get running. :) No massive compiling needed.
23:11.04RypPnfor a non-X gentoo install its all mostly off tarballs now anyways
23:11.15RypPnabout 40 minutes start to end
23:12.54RypPncorrection, stage-3 tarballs
23:12.54rob0oh that's tolerable then.
23:12.56FuriousGeorgeis $_session global by default or do i gotta pass it?
23:13.00FuriousGeorgeto a function
23:13.14FuriousGeorgeoops wrong room
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23:45.28saftsacktzafrir_laptop: r u here?
23:46.13mvanbaakFuriousGeorge: it's $_SESSION and it's an auto super global
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