IRC log for #asterisk on 20070607

00:00.55jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
00:01.05*** join/#asterisk rene- (n=rene@
00:01.39JTJ4k3: the plesiochronous timing isn't working for you? ;)
00:02.17*** part/#asterisk jtknapp (
00:02.32J4k3JT: something isn't.  I'm personally laying my money on the far-end router right now
00:02.44ruied_[TK]D-Fender, yesterday you helped me making a call redirection qith the inbound number authentication (CallerIDString). Is there any way so I can have a kind of phone numbers Array so several inbound numbers could make a call redirection from the pstn to voip?
00:02.51J4k3JT: weird stuff... the latency/jitter was starting every 63 seconds last night, today its every 59 seconds.
00:03.03J4k3has no relation to traffic, at least not my traffic.
00:03.28[TK]D-Fenderruied_, there are dozens of ways to do this.
00:04.15[TK]D-Fenderruied_, If we want to stick to the simplest built-in options go read up on AstDB on the wiki and "show function DB"
00:04.46*** join/#asterisk DrCron (
00:06.07ruied_ok, going to check that, I was thinking of reading a text file with the phone numbers, but did'nt know if it is possible...
00:06.34*** join/#asterisk SwK_ (
00:08.20DrukenHMEhas someone done up an automated 411 system yet?
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00:08.46*** join/#asterisk karlhaines (n=karl@unaffiliated/karlhaines)
00:08.52[TK]D-Fenderruied_, If you learn AGI, and want to dcode it, sure.
00:10.03stridernzldoes anyone use DynDNS with eyebeam and sucessfully have a remote extension working ? I'm more specifically interesting in any troubles you had?
00:15.23rene-hey  i got mitel to do paging with asterisk!
00:15.42rene-what i dont know, and would like to learn is  how to do hint-subscriptions
00:16.22rene-i want BLF with it, but well the progamabble keys only allow for speed dial and for other dumb things like seeing the phones call logs and stuff
00:16.51*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
00:17.21rene-the only interesting thing was with sip advanced mode, where you can define a line as a sylantro or broadsoft line appearance
00:18.12rene-with the sylantro line appearance, it says in the phone line error seizure, and i see a suscribe flying to asterisk, with a weird Event: call-info, asterisk prompty returns a 489 Error
00:18.48rene-what event should i see
00:18.56rene-? when a phone is trying to subscribe for BLF ?
00:19.29rene-and has anyone seen a way to do this with a mitel?
00:20.39[TK]D-Fenderrene-, You are describing SIP-B SLA.  * does not support this feature
00:20.44rene-what about SIP Notify, can i push the events to the phone from asterisk? i found that the Sip headers for doing page were very similar to those than snom and polycom, mitel is far less documented since is lees used in asterisk
00:21.19rene-[TK]D-Fender: is it possible to use hints? with a mitel? what should the mitel need to send to asterisk?
00:21.33[TK]D-Fenderrene-, No.
00:21.43[TK]D-Fenderrene-, Oops... strike that.
00:22.11[TK]D-Fenderrene-, Hints yes.. thats basic PRESENCE.  Which I don't know for certain, I'd still bet they support that.
00:22.25[TK]D-Fenderrene-, But that IS only for speed-dial & in-use lighting
00:22.36rene-in-use lighting would be very cool to have
00:23.18rene-i have speed dialing but i see no way to use basic presence with the mitel
00:23.57rene-i mean a speed dial key would send an INVITE right?
00:24.04*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
00:27.41blitzragerene-: 5220? (just curious)
00:28.53*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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00:33.09rene-i have 5212,5215,5220, and 5224, i would rather have some snoms
00:33.44blitzrageheh :)
00:33.52blitzragethe 5220 is decent... the handset is way too small though
00:34.28rene-yeah but mitel is very closed about them
00:34.35blitzrageno kidding!
00:34.47rene-and there are not popular enough to attract some enterprising hackers
00:35.00blitzrageI have about 12 of them sitting in my basement that have a bad firmware on them...
00:35.03blitzrageany idea how I can reflash them?
00:35.30blitzrageapparently they auto-upgraded themselves, and Mitel wants $150 to reflash each of them... but there is nothing wrong with them
00:35.50blitzragefree phone to anyone who can help me get them reimaged
00:36.01JTlame, reminds me of motorola flashport
00:36.07blitzrageno kidding
00:36.11rene-well the guy before me did mess up some phones but those were sent back to mitel and they fixed them up for free
00:36.22rene-yeah i get nervous when i upgrade the things
00:36.38JTthey charge for everything software related with motorola flashport
00:36.43rene-you know they still ship phones with v 4 firmware when they released v 6 like more than a year ago?
00:37.42blitzrageI think these had v4 on them, and the phone had the tftp server at Mitel setup in them when they got them, which upgraded to v6 on the first boot (with no warning), which basically toasted them, and Mitel wouldn't fix them
00:38.13JTso why are you guys using these piece of junk phones? :)
00:38.44blitzrageI got 12 of them for free :)
00:38.57blitzragebut they are basically bricks... been hoping I could find someone who knew how to reflash them
00:39.04*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
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00:58.57tectorisIs the latest stable version of Asterisk meant to run on a kernel 2.4 setup?
00:59.31*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
00:59.44mogasterisk is a userland program
00:59.49mogkernel version does not matter
01:00.00mogzapltel however is now pretty much 2.6 only for the newer cards
01:00.04BSD_Tech[laptop]well it does for zaptel
01:00.19BSD_Tech[laptop]some versions of zaptel dont build on older kernels
01:00.21mogBSD_Tech, see above
01:01.17*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
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01:02.59*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:07.22*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
01:07.22tectorisActually, I'm playing around with old x100ps and asterisknow in one partition. Op Sys Centos 5 (2.6). Now I want to install asterisk in the "main" partition. Should that work? I heard something about asterisk preferring [2.4]. Should I just go ahead and give it a stab, or is it going to be issuematic?
01:07.47Qwelltectoris: no, asterisk doesn't "prefer" any kernel...
01:07.59QwellI'm pretty sure 99% of people would recommend using 2.6 though
01:08.25tectorisQwell - Thanks. Thanks All.
01:08.26anzenis there anything i have to open on a PIX to allow outbound calls?
01:09.26mogx100p will work with 2.4 though
01:10.59tectorismog - thanks
01:22.40*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
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01:38.43*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:41.53*** part/#asterisk tectoris (
01:45.06mockerAnyone know why incoming calls would only give the 4 digits they are dialing and not the full number that was dialed?
01:45.29mockerI'm guessing that's what the PRI is giving and there's not much I can do.
01:46.55JTcheck what comes in on pri intense debug
01:46.55JTbut probably is a telco setting
01:48.11mockerJT: Yup, pri debug confirms.
01:54.29JTright, then that's what you're getting from the telco
01:55.00[hC]just call them and explain and they should be able to help you fix it
01:55.02[hC]or fix it on their site
01:59.35*** part/#asterisk Ryzer (n=registra@
02:00.16infinity1hey . in ael, how can i assign a variable with a variable?
02:01.47infinity1e.g. PHONES2=${EXT203}&${EXT205}&${EXT204};
02:01.50infinity1doesnt work
02:04.02*** join/#asterisk cr4z3d (
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02:20.08*** join/#asterisk mrdigital-work (
02:20.22mrdigital-workanyone use sendmail?
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02:27.36*** join/#asterisk Fieldy (i=Ilk347WI@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
02:30.05*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
02:34.57infinity1mrdigital-work: rofl
02:35.06infinity1sendmail eh? you want pain, don't you.
02:35.43infinity1i haven't touched in hmmm least 5 years. i've uninstalled it a lot though.
02:36.10*** join/#asterisk rrolfe (
02:36.19shido6whats wrong with your sendmail?
02:36.28shido6apt-get install post-fix and call it a day
02:36.59infinity1shido6: here yee!
02:37.57JTshido6: "postfix" even :)
02:39.41*** join/#asterisk ixx (
02:40.40ixxwho do you contact if your number has been ported away w/o authorization from your provider?
02:42.47*** part/#asterisk dracosilv (
02:42.49mostythe provider of the number
02:43.07ixxthey are just telling me to pick a new number!
02:43.20ixxerr my provider
02:43.27ixxI do not know who has the number now
02:43.36mostycall it and see, heh
02:43.36*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:43.50ixxdoing that now :)
02:44.06ixxdid not work from my mobile...
02:44.47ixxnot allowed to place call from my line...
02:44.59ixxmaybe pushed for international?
02:45.32mostyanyway, it's only something that the provider of the number can fix, if they refuse you can threaten legal action. at least you can do that here in australia
02:46.24ixxis there someway to do the equivalent of a whois on a number?
02:46.39ixxI have no idea who ported it away
02:46.58ixxand my provider has not answered that question though I have asked repeatedly
02:47.23mostyi don't know, here there is a national body that handles that stuff. don't know what you do in other countries
02:47.50ixxhmmm yeh  trying to find info on that
02:52.15ixxhmm looks promising... thanks
02:55.36*** part/#asterisk frocos11292 (
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03:00.04*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (
03:04.20rrolfeis there a place on the net for updated documentation on asterisk 1.4?  Most of the syntax I have found has been for 1.2
03:06.35*** join/#asterisk asteriskguy (
03:08.01rrolfeI think I have been there before, but I will check it out again.   Thanks :)
03:08.11*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
03:08.45`Seanwhat are some good
03:08.50`SeanPay as you go providers
03:09.03tzangersevard: where are you calling to
03:09.08tzangerer `Sean
03:09.31`SeanUSA only
03:09.35`Seanmaybe canada once in a while
03:11.18tzanger`Sean: nufone, asterlink... I've had experiences with both of them and they work well
03:11.27tzangerboth support asterisk development as well
03:11.30`Seanasterlink is whom i use currently
03:11.39`Seanbut the problem is hes cut support for toll free calls
03:11.46`Seanso basicly you cant call a toll free number
03:11.51`Seanusing there service wich is stupid
03:11.58`Seanseeing how people paid for using there service
03:12.36`Seanheh too late wont work
03:12.38`Seanwhere is jbot?
03:12.43`Seanah hes there
03:12.53JTit's lagging, you missed a trailing slash anyway :P
03:18.36`SeanJT, any service providers?
03:34.27*** join/#asterisk Fieldy (i=VOS6KUx4@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
03:39.04codefreezeinfinity1: Set(var=${val}&${var2});
03:40.43*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
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04:15.13*** join/#asterisk TUplink_ (
04:16.02TUplink_i jost the ability to make a call...... the client registers and i see it on the CLI but i dont even get an error about not being able to find the extension'
04:16.08TUplink_verbose is 99
04:16.26TUplink_is there a way to reload the extensions?
04:16.44TUplink_bi was using one like extensions reload
04:17.05TUplink_when i do a reload i dont see anything about extensions
04:18.55TUplink_i think i lost the extensions part of asteirsk
04:19.08TUplink_i have 2 server... both 1.4
04:19.20TUplink_extensions reload works on the old one
04:19.31TUplink_but Akita*CLI> extensions reload
04:19.31TUplink_No such command 'extensions reload' (type 'help' for help)
04:20.46russellbdialplan reload
04:21.23TUplink_Akita*CLI> dialplan reload
04:21.23TUplink_No such command 'dialplan reload' (type 'help' for help)
04:21.48TUplink_have dialplan show
04:22.16russellbcore show modules like pbx_config
04:23.09TUplink_core show works but not with modules
04:24.03*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@                  Text Extension Configuration             0
04:24.26TUplink_1 modules loaded
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04:26.10TUplink_any other ideas?
04:26.44bkw__reload reloads extensions
04:26.52TUplink_got it
04:26.52TUplink_[Jun  7 00:26:26] WARNING[710]: config.c:599 process_text_line: parse error: no closing ']', line 262 of /usr/local/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
04:26.58*** join/#asterisk fbffff (
04:27.00TUplink_module load
04:27.08bkw__you can do reload which does it also
04:27.52*** join/#asterisk kizmet (n=kizmet@
04:28.02TUplink_damn..... i pres the ctl key in ssh and it put a funky char in my dialplan
04:29.14*** part/#asterisk TUplink_ (
04:30.52hansin321At my work we have recently moved to a 'hosted' VoIP solution that uses MGCP.  We are currently still get ?x (not sure how many) T1 lines comming into the old PBX system solely for the conference bridge.  Yeah, I know create an IP bridge; hopefully in the long-term.  But for now my question is, do you think I could use * to act as a gateway from to MGCP to T1 (via installed card) that I could then connect to the PBX conference bridg
04:32.36JTeasier to make it gateway the T1 with no MGCP involved
04:33.48*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
04:34.30*** part/#asterisk mog (
04:36.55*** join/#asterisk Aquavette (
04:37.06hansin321JT: I think I get what you mean.  But the idea would be to get rid of the T1's dedicated to the conference bridge.  They/we are spending money on these and the idea would be to get rid of them.  The company went with a hosted VoIP sollution from Qwest that utilizes MGCP.  That also run on another set of T1's, along with data.  I thought instead of leasing the T1's just for the PBX bridge, we could gateway the MGCP to T1 and run that
04:39.15AquavetteI need to route voicemail to exchange 2007 UM. I have SIPX as an go-between and it works just fine for everything except voicemail. Basically I can't figure out how to send voicemail to Exchange 2007. Any suggestions?
04:40.16*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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04:43.07JThansin321: yeah, does sounds like excessive T1s right now
04:44.30Corydon76-homeAquavette: sounds like you need help in configuring Exchange, not help on configuring Asterisk.
04:44.41Aquavettethe voicemail in Exchange works fine
04:44.56AquavetteI just can't get Asterisk to forward its voicemail to exchange
04:45.14kiscokidforward as in email?
04:45.16Corydon76-homeDo you have an email address defined for the user?
04:45.35Aquavettenot using email, I mean physically routing the voicemail audio to the Exchange 2007 Unified Message Voicemail Service
04:45.48AquavetteSo when no one answers that extension
04:45.56Aquavetteit gets routed to Exchange 2007 Auto attendant
04:46.06Corydon76-homeUh, you need to pay Microsoft about $2.4 million to get them to open the APIs
04:46.20Corydon76-homeWe can't write to closed APIs
04:46.47AquavetteSo basically your tellin me that there is no way to forward a call to exchanges voicemail system?
04:48.33Corydon76-homeOr you could pay someone else to write the compatibility layer
04:48.47Corydon76-homeStill, it's unlikely to be cheap
04:48.48Aquavettesee I was thinking
04:49.16Aquavetteis i could inject a header
04:49.23Aquavetteonto the transfer
04:49.44Corydon76-homeAsterisk sends emails.  It is compatible with Exchange insofar as Exchange supports email.
04:49.57Aquavettebut not with the unified messaging aspect of it
04:50.35Corydon76-homeNope, it's a nice wishlist, but I doubt anybody is going to write that layer for you for free, at least in the short term
04:51.20Corydon76-home1.4 supports IMAP unified messaging, though.
04:51.56Corydon76-homebut IMAP is an open standard, not a proprietary solution
04:51.57*** join/#asterisk cr4z3d (
04:52.12Aquavettefair enough
04:52.16Aquavettethanks for the information
04:58.21kiscokidAquavette: have you looked at this: ?
04:59.32Aquavetteit lists Cisco Call manager
04:59.39Aquavettewhich I have, but my client wants to move away from
05:00.33Aces1Upif i have a sip uri: of  how do i set this up on my asterisk box in sip.conf?
05:02.46Corydon76-homeAces1Up: that's username, secret, and host parameters, respectively
05:05.39Aces1Upi'm confuses, if i use a DID forwarder and they want a sip URI to my asterisk box what do i use?
05:07.34kiscokidAquavette: seems like cisco call mgr connects to exchange UM via SIP
05:07.55Aquavetteright, but my client wants to toss call manager
05:08.01Aquavetteand use Asterisk
05:08.07Aquavettebecause of the cost
05:08.45kiscokidso, can you make * do the same thing Call Mgr does with respect to sip?
05:09.14AquavetteI can make * gothrough a program called sipX and then go to exchange
05:09.25AquavetteOutlook Voice Access and everything works
05:10.01Aquavettebut then I run into the problem that any phone calls that don't get answered, I can't send the unanswered calls to Outlook Voice Access
05:12.21kiscokidyou can't do this when the call goes unanswered?  dial(SIP/Exchange/xxx)
05:12.39AquavetteI can't force it
05:13.32kiscokidnot sure what you mean by force it
05:14.26AquavetteI can't make it route the call from the users handsiet to outlook voice access
05:16.09kiscokidI'm confused, if the user doesn't answer the phone in say 20 seconds doesn't the dialplan jump to the next priority which could be another dial command?
05:16.49AquavetteI guess thats what I don't understand
05:16.52Aquavettecan i make it do that?
05:17.49kiscokidif the primary dial command is dial(SIP/1234,20) and the call is not answered, the call will jump to the next priority
05:17.49Aquavettewhere do I do that at extensions.conf?
05:18.53Aquavettewhat would the command look like?
05:18.59*** join/#asterisk Putzz (
05:19.15Putzzanyone here using sms with asterisk?
05:19.19kiscokidhard to say, you might have extension macros defined
05:19.36kiscokidlet me see if I can find a simple example
05:21.13kiscokidexten => 1000,1,Playback(hello-world)
05:21.13kiscokidexten => 1000,2,Dial(SIP/1000,10)
05:21.13kiscokidexten => 1000,3,Voicemail(1000@default,u)
05:21.41kiscokidexten => 1000,1,Playback(hello-world)
05:21.41kiscokidexten => 1000,2,Dial(SIP/1000,10)
05:21.41kiscokidexten => 1000,3,Voicemail(1000@default,u)
05:21.54kiscokidsorry for spamming
05:22.06kiscokidI sent it twice by mistake
05:22.41kiscokidthese three lines from extensions.conf show a simple example.
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05:23.34kiscokidWhen someone calls extension 1000 * plays "Hello World", dials the extension and if there's no answer in 10 secs, connects the caller to voicemail
05:24.15*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
05:24.46kiscokidyou could replace priority 3 with exten => 1000,3,Dial(SIP/Exchange/1000)
05:25.26kiscokidAquavette are you still here?
05:25.35Aquavetteand comprehending
05:25.44Aquavetteand comparing with the file that I got
05:27.39Aquavettethanks for hte info
05:27.46Aquavettegoing to look at what I have in detail
05:27.54Aquavetteyou've given me some useful informationm
05:27.59kiscokidok np
05:28.07kiscokidglad to help
05:29.36*** join/#asterisk jacq (n=jal@
05:29.55adorahwell u happen to know how I apply Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)value) command at once to all the extensions and/or trunks?
05:31.35kiscokidadorah: offhand no, sorry
05:31.54Aquavettekiscokid, the people that setup * (which i did not do) actually used trixbox
05:32.05Aquavetteso it has all kinds of freepbx rules in place for call routing
05:32.16kiscokidAquavette should be the same concept
05:32.40adorahAquavette: still u can use in many cases palin dial plan rules
05:33.03Aquavettejust remove the rules that freepbx has sat
05:33.08Aquavetteand add what I want instead?
05:33.35adorahin y'r case I guess u just need to add them to the priorities
05:34.24kiscokidhaven't looked at FreePBX rules but there should be some way to direct a call to a local extension and then if it is not answered direct it to a voicemail system
05:34.59Aquavettesee i'm manually in the configs for Asteriks right now
05:35.12Aquavettesince that places uses Trixbox
05:35.31Aquavetteit has those extra additions on top of it
05:35.33Aces1Upif i have no context configured for an incoming sip channel, should i still get something when debugging in the cli of some sort of call coming into the box?
05:36.55kiscokidAces1UP never tried that but I doubt it
05:37.11kiscokidyou might try setting verbosity to 10
05:38.34Aces1Upi'm using ipkall, and when i call the number they gave me it rings, but nothing shows up on my asterisk box.
05:38.42*** join/#asterisk reber (
05:39.38Aces1Upsip set debug off
05:39.45Aces1Upsip set debug off
05:39.56kiscokidAces1Up did you define the proper SIP context?
05:40.41Aces1Upi can't pick my own?  i just used context=from-ipkall
05:41.46Aces1Upor do i have to use something specific?
05:41.53kiscokidthat would work, probably, you also need to define some commands in the dialplan in the context pointed to by the SIP context
05:42.05*** join/#asterisk Keizer (
05:42.07KeizerHey guys
05:42.10Aces1Upyes i have it dialing my softphone.
05:42.19KeizerIf I am just going to use a SIP trunk do I need to build zaptel?
05:42.38Aces1UpKeizer i didn't and i can make sip trunk calls.
05:42.57KeizerAces1Up: Did you build libpri?
05:43.06Aces1Upjust the core module.
05:43.50kiscokidKeizer but if you ever want to use MeetMe conferenecing you will have to build zaptel
05:44.11Aces1Upkiscko is that just for the timing thing?
05:44.14Aces1Upto do meetme?
05:44.41kiscokidyeah, but MeetMe won't build without zaptel actually installed and running
05:45.00Aces1Upi see.
05:45.46Aces1Upkiscko, if my ipkall is ringing, how can i tell if it is coming to my box at all?
05:46.00Aces1Upneed to figure out where to start troubleshooting.
05:46.46kiscokidAces: in sip.conf for IPKALL what do you have in the context= line
05:48.16*** join/#asterisk DrCron (
05:48.28kiscokidaces: do you have a [from-ipkall] context in extensions.conf?
05:49.15kiscokidI assume username and secret are correct in sip.conf
05:49.29kiscokidcorrect as in for your account
05:50.21Aces1Upi didn't include those as after reading others experiences with ipkall and asterisk they did not include those in their configs.
05:50.28*** join/#asterisk [o^o] (
05:50.42[o^o]hello, can someone point me in right dir on this?
05:50.44[o^o][DB Error: extension not found] ** mysql://asteriskuser:eLaStIx.asteriskuser.2oo7@localhost/asterisk
05:51.04*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
05:51.09kiscokidAces, let me look at my voicepulse config
05:51.29Aces1Uphere is the configs i'm using basically
05:52.58Aces1Upkisco becuase its ringing, does that mean it hitting my box?
05:53.26kiscokidAces not sure
05:55.22Aces1Upis there a way to see if data is coming from that ip when calling the number like sip debug <ip address> of ipkall?
05:55.43kiscokidis IPKALL a free service?
05:56.15kiscokidwell, just so you know, I never got any calls to work until I tried a paid service
05:56.28Aces1Upok doke.
05:56.32kiscokidI tried Voipjet and FWD and they never worked
05:57.09Aces1Upalright, well i'm going to call it a night, thanks for your help kisco
05:57.15kiscokidVoipjet has 25 cents worth of free calling, supposedly but no calls ever went through
05:57.27kiscokidok, aces, good luck
05:57.28Aces1Upkisco you have any experience with didx exchange?
05:57.46Aces1Updidx is a DID provider
05:58.08kiscokidI set up a DID with Voicepulse and its working
05:58.13[o^o]I _think_ my fwd works
05:58.19[o^o]never got or made a call
05:58.27PutzzI've used didx
05:58.38Aces1Upputzz, how do you like them?
05:59.06Putzzthey r ok
05:59.24Putzzthey dont provide the dids tho
05:59.33Putzzthey just link you to it basicly
05:59.39Putzzproviders sign up and sell their dids
05:59.42Putzzand u buy
05:59.48Putzzsome providers suck
05:59.54Putzzso u have to look at their rating
05:59.55kiscokidhow much per did?
06:00.01Putzzdepends where
06:00.16kiscokidUS, CA, Palo Alto
06:00.25Putzzlike 2.5
06:00.33Putzzsome r 5
06:00.35Putzzbut unlimited incoming
06:00.44Putzzor alot of minutes like 5000 - 10000 incoming
06:00.47Aces1Upputzz what level of rating od the DID did you see till you received good quality, i saw most of them are at like 5.
06:01.11Putzzdont go lower
06:01.15Putzzor u might loose number
06:01.19Putzzor bad quality
06:01.20Aces1Uplol yeh, hrmm i thought 5 was low.
06:01.23*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (
06:01.26Aces1Updidn't want to buy lower than 5
06:01.31Putzzright not their highest is 5
06:01.36Aces1Upas i will be using these numbers as a service..
06:01.40Putzzus dids there r good
06:01.43Putzzstraight from XO
06:01.50Aces1Upohhh i thought the highest was 10
06:01.57Putzzthe rating goes to 10
06:01.59Aces1Upguess i din't read something right.
06:02.02Aces1Upohh ok.
06:02.05Putzzbut right now all providers go no hgher then 5
06:02.11Putzz5 is very good
06:02.26Aces1Upputzz, but you have to have like 10 in your account to use them right?
06:02.44*** join/#asterisk groogs (
06:03.23Aces1Upputzz i know you can search for it, but i couldn't find it, where do i go to search if the DID is unlimited incoming or can be used for calling card service, couldn't find it with the basic search.
06:05.10*** join/#asterisk waptaxi (
06:06.47Putzzsorry back
06:07.10Putzzu need to have 20 dids or they charge u $20 service fee
06:07.19Putzzsoon it will be 50 or $50
06:08.15Aces1Upthats not bad though.
06:08.40Aces1Updo you know where i search for calling card, or unlimited minutes on didx? couldn't find the search for that.
06:08.41[o^o]for usa there is always freedigits
06:08.43*** join/#asterisk hfb (n=hfb@
06:09.05Putzzu have to look for the number
06:09.10Putzzthen click into it
06:09.11Putzzand see
06:09.17Aces1Upthat sucks.
06:09.18Putzzit will say calling card: yes
06:09.26Putzzmost of them will say calling card: no
06:09.27Aces1Upthere are hundreds of frickin numbers.
06:09.30Putzztf will say yeah
06:09.39Putzzwell search for the area code u want
06:09.46Putzzand they will be all same provider
06:09.51Putzzif one says YES
06:09.55Putzzthey will all say YES
06:09.57*** part/#asterisk [o^o] (
06:10.08Aces1Uphrmm when i look it doesn't have a calling card section.
06:10.50Putzzu search for number
06:10.53Putzzclick on the number
06:10.58Putzzand u will see the details for did
06:11.26*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
06:11.35Putzztheir site sucks tho
06:11.43Putzzshould have more options and be faster
06:11.45Putzzits so slow
06:12.08Putzzthe good thing is the did is directly connected from carrier to you unlike most dids u buy from voip providers
06:12.12*** join/#asterisk yonahw-work (
06:12.42PutzzI got few international dids from them and they r great
06:12.54Aces1Upputzz yeh i want to use them to provide calling to mexico.
06:13.09Putzzto mexico?
06:13.13Putzzor from mexico?
06:13.45Aces1Upfrom mexico.
06:14.02PutzzI have that
06:14.21Aces1Upalot of those off 5000min per month, but i wonder what happens when i use way more than that, i don't want them to shut me down.
06:14.22PutzzLD in mexico is expensive
06:14.26Putzza did definatly helps
06:14.33Putzzthey charge per min
06:14.35Putzzbut its cheap
06:14.38Putzzits like 1.5c per min
06:14.48Putzzit tells u on there
06:15.33*** join/#asterisk redax (
06:15.35PutzzI've done my job. now anyone here use SMS and asterisk?
06:16.24redaxtime to time my asterisk stop working and kern.log full with "mISDN_rdata: rport queue overflow"
06:16.51redaxI've tried the jitterbuffer settings as the chan_misdn wiki told
06:16.54Aces1Upputzz no, but i would like to.
06:16.56redaxdoesn't helps.
06:17.53kiscokidhow do you mean SMS and Asterisk?
06:18.03Putzzusing sms with asterisk
06:18.06Putzzwhat else ;-)
06:18.23kiscokidSMS is text messaging right?
06:18.47Putzzyes sir
06:18.53Putzzshort message service
06:19.41kiscokidso how does SMS interface with none cell phones?
06:20.09Putzzwell I know I can send sms with asterisk using a provider
06:20.12Putzzand I can receive it too
06:20.20Putzzbut Im studying it still ;-)
06:20.26*** join/#asterisk xtr (
06:21.10kiscokidso, you want to receive text messages and display them on phones?
06:21.43Putzzreceive / send
06:34.28*** join/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
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06:35.04[o^o]tzafrir ping
06:35.18[o^o]got a sec?
06:35.32[o^o]trying to get elastix running
06:35.43[o^o]it all works but when trying to get into freepbx I get
06:35.43*** join/#asterisk syneus (
06:36.04[o^o][DB Error: extension not found] ** mysql://asteriskuser:eLaStIx.asteriskuser.2oo7@localhost/asterisk
06:36.35tzafrirwell, I'm not the greatest elastix expert. I only saw that at first glance it looks more properly done than TrixBox
06:36.46tzafrirnever actually tried to use it
06:36.49[o^o]it looks terriffic
06:37.02[o^o]if can't access the pbx config.................
06:37.15[o^o]looks like sql login error
06:37.27[o^o]but is issue in sql or in the amportal ?
06:37.47tzafrirthat message seems to tell you that it fails to connect to the mysql server
06:37.51tzafrirIs it running?
06:38.09[o^o]yes as far as I can tell (can log into it via shell)
06:38.33tzafrir[DB Error: extension not found] **
06:38.40tzafriris that really a login error?
06:39.22[o^o]I dunno, don't know squat abt mysql
06:39.28[o^o]or sql in general
06:39.32*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
06:40.11Putzztzafrir: have u used SMS with asterisk?
06:41.13tzafrirPutzz, there are a number of variants of "SMS". The one I used is the one of the SMS app
06:41.37tzafrirto send an SMS through a PSTN. This tends to work in european telcos
06:41.53Putzzcan I send and receive SMS using asterisk?
06:45.38*** join/#asterisk fbffff (
06:49.43tzafrirThere are also a bunch of other ways. E.g: if you happen to have an good adapter to a CDMA / GSM network, you may get SMS-s as well.
06:49.53tzafrirBut there are also independent SMS services
06:50.08tzafrirthose require no hardware at all
06:50.18tzafrirI have no experince with those
06:50.30tzafrirSo the answer to your question is basically "yes"
06:50.39Putzzk cool
06:50.44Putzznot too much info out there
06:50.51PutzzI've read everything there is
06:51.00Putzzbut still not enough info on sms with asterisk
06:51.12JTyes it basically has next to no inbuilt ability to sms
06:52.53*** join/#asterisk reber (
06:53.43Putzzwould I be able to lets say build a sms carrier with asterisk for office sms exchange using a did?
06:54.11Putzzcellphone <->sms<->asterisk<->sms<->cellphone
06:54.33JTsms carrier?
06:54.41JTare you crazy
06:54.51JTthere's almost no open source carrier grade software
06:54.53JTfor anything
06:55.29JTthat said, there's also very little open source sms software
06:56.28Putzzso what is app sms for? msn sms?
06:56.44*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
06:57.34waptaxiopen source wap & sms gateway
06:58.32Putzzah nice
06:58.39mitchelocsomeone sms me!
06:59.07JTwaptaxi: ever used it?
06:59.37JTPutzz: there's a difference between sending a couple of smses, and being a gateway/service provider
07:00.29Putzzwell or send / receive
07:00.35waptaxiyeah, we use it as wap gateway and for sending sms via SMPP and GSM phones
07:00.39PutzzI dont need to be a gateway or service provider
07:00.57*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
07:01.35JTwaptaxi: any good?
07:01.41*** join/#asterisk yassaccan (
07:02.01JTwaptaxi: so you only interfaced with gsm phones, no proper gateway interface?
07:03.14waptaxiworks nice mostly, as I said also with SMPP protocol
07:05.07JTsmpp, how does that connect?
07:06.24waptaxisorry, maybe i didn't understand your question about "proper gateway interface"
07:06.55JTwaptaxi: refresh me, what is smpp again?
07:07.31waptaxiShort Message Peer-to-Peer (protocol)
07:08.22waptaxiproto to communicate with provider's SMS Center
07:08.31JTdial dialup?
07:08.40JTor gprs
07:08.44JTor ss7?
07:09.13JTdoes that mean the provider needs to provide a gateway service?
07:11.45*** join/#asterisk awk (n=awk@
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07:17.05[o^o]hey tzafrir
07:17.21[o^o]u got that line to install freepbx on rapid?
07:17.29[o^o]redoing my rapid 1.1
07:17.42tzafririn 1.1 there's no freepbx
07:17.46tzafrironly amp
07:17.53tzafrirand it should be installed by default
07:18.03[o^o]thought there was some line u gave me
07:18.32tzafrirthat was for the 1.2 version
07:18.45tzafrirwhat version of asterisk do you have there?
07:19.08tzafrirso have you resolved that problem with elastix?
07:20.05tzafrirwhat did you need to do?
07:21.11[o^o]looking for the web management on rapid
07:21.18[o^o]could not resolve elastix
07:21.37[o^o]so did the ultimate solution,,, install over it with rapid
07:21.45tzafririt should come with one.
07:21.59[o^o]waiting for someone to fix the issue on elastix
07:22.14tzafrirhmm... please look in the mene System Information => Package Versions
07:22.19tzafrirPlease pastebin that
07:22.40*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:23.38[o^o]disk wipe is done
07:23.40drakoHello, I'm trying to set up a RDSI line but i get this from asterisk
07:23.48drakoasterisk1*CLI> misdn show channels
07:23.48drakoChan List: (nil)
07:23.59*** join/#asterisk zamba (
07:24.23[o^o]it was centos 5 and asterisk 1.4.4
07:24.40zambai need help getting callerid from openser to asterisk.. so far i've been able to append the remote-party-id header into the sip headers, but this doesn't get applied to the callerid-setting
07:27.41*** join/#asterisk oej_ (
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07:50.57*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
07:52.15JTcreativx: were you from .au or was i thinking of someone else?
07:52.26*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech[laptop] (
07:53.47Zeeekso far centos5 seems like it's an ok distro
07:53.59JTmaybe :/
07:54.00ZeeekI have only one thing against it
07:54.00Aces1Upanyon here use didx?
07:54.32Zeeekdidx helps a lot with the development of my spam filters
07:54.57Zeeekso the difficulty is that zaptel won't compile
07:56.05creativxJT: im from norway :>
07:56.08*** join/#asterisk matsk (n=mk@
07:56.09Zeeekcan someone confirm that zaptel works with the latest 1.4
07:56.10creativxhence the beer.. at 10 am
07:56.20JTcreativx: hmm okay
07:56.22Zeeekls ..
07:56.36Zeeekasterisk 1.4.4
07:56.46*** join/#asterisk Curus (
07:58.42creativxi wonder how exiting it would be to set up realtime against a winbox sqlserver
07:58.42zambai'm able to successfully set remote-party-id in the sip headers, but asterisk doesn't include this in its callerid settings
07:59.00*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
08:05.05*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
08:05.56JTwinbox sql?
08:07.15*** join/#asterisk friedrich| (
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08:08.39creativxJT: windows server with sql server :)
08:08.47JTright, ms sql
08:09.04JTof you can connect to it, should be fine
08:09.10JTone of microsoft's best products
08:09.14creativxyeah i guess using res_odbc it should work
08:09.25creativxim gonna have to investigate it when im back from vacation this week
08:09.27JTcame from the sybase source tree originally
08:09.46creativxi guess its not much better than the dbadmin who sets it up
08:10.00creativxbut it seems to be running atleast some mission critical apps around the globe
08:10.09JTit has real rdbms capabilities
08:10.12JTunlike mysql
08:11.47creativxwell my idea was to move the sip user reg to a sql express db
08:11.52creativxand sync it against our crm
08:12.39CBU[^_^]M``is SPA 3102 compatible with asterisk?
08:19.26*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
08:19.53creativxafter the recent update it seems microsuck live search has taken over my google settings
08:19.55creativxdamn you to hell
08:24.26KeizerHey guys
08:25.41*** join/#asterisk jacq (n=jal@
08:25.59KeizerWhen I test out my Asterisk I can hear the the asterisk server talk but if I call one of my extensions I can't here anything. If I leave a voicemail for a extension it is recorded though
08:26.16KeizerI'm wondering if this has anything to do with my channeltypes options
08:26.52*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
08:27.55*** join/#asterisk zdrulio (n=krlozano@
08:29.17JTin sip.conf, canreinvite=no
08:33.48*** join/#asterisk euthanasie (n=kvirc@
08:35.35*** join/#asterisk porche (n=porche@
08:35.42porchehi all
08:36.10euthanasiehi porche
08:36.42porchei have got a problem with busy detection, after some search, i find out that I need to configure enum busy_detect
08:36.53porchehi euthanasie
08:37.03JTKeizer: you there?
08:37.30porcheis there someone here, can point me the right way, I do know the busy pattern,
08:37.40porchehi JT, this this porche, your headache
08:38.01euthanasiei have a problem with AgentCallBackLogin, always getting the error Extension `101@agenten` is not valid fpr automatic login of agent `101` but the extension exists and it's a simple call function ....
08:38.02KeizerJT: Yes
08:38.10JTKeizer: tried my suggestion?
08:38.28KeizerJT: I'll try it real quick
08:41.32KeizerJT: Not so far
08:41.57*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
08:42.21JTKeizer: how are you calling the asterisk server?
08:43.00KeizerCalling extension 101
08:43.08KeizerOr 103
08:43.13KeizerUsing a software phone
08:43.16JTsorry that's useless to me
08:43.18JTah s
08:43.18KeizerOne is on Linux it's called Ekiga
08:43.21JTso sip sotphone
08:43.48JThow many extensions do you have?
08:44.04JTall sip on lan?
08:46.20KeizerOn a CentOS box
08:46.27KeizerCompiled Asterisk 1.4.4
08:46.34JTpastebin sip.conf after masking the passwords
08:46.45KeizerI didn't compile Zaptel or libpri
08:48.01*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
08:49.45euthanasiecan anyone help me plz? I don't no whould is should do, tried everything, but with the same result Extension `101@agenten` is not valid for automatic login of agent `101`
08:50.25s0ckany of you chaps use vmware
08:51.24jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
08:52.05JTKeizer: where's the rest of the file?
08:52.12JTthat is not enough
08:52.16JTi need the whole file
08:52.26KeizerThe rest looked commented out
08:52.32KeizerWith ; in front of everything
08:52.58JTdid it include any other files?
08:54.59porcheeuthanasie, what's the context of
08:55.01KeizerJT: Dunno
08:55.02porcheagent 101
08:55.23euthanasieagenten @ porche
08:56.08JTKeizer: you're in serious trouble if that's your whole sip.conf file
08:56.16JTphones shouldn't work at all
08:57.22porcheis there a definition on agents.conf
08:57.27porcheis 101 an extension
08:57.29porcheor agent?
08:58.00KeizerThey're working though
08:58.04KeizerI left many voice mails
08:58.22porcheis the a group defitinition for agents?
08:59.25KeizerJT: [Jun  7 04:58:45] WARNING[7302] chan_zap.c: Ignoring switchtype
08:59.47euthanasieno @ porche
09:00.02*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
09:00.12porchewhat's the exact command euthanasie
09:00.31euthanasiewait a moment
09:00.33JTKeizer: dude i suggest you read the book
09:00.39jbotwell, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
09:00.46JTzap has nothing to do with sip
09:01.00porcheJT, may I ask a question?
09:02.04*** join/#asterisk Kigh (
09:02.13JTi'm going to be away from irc for a bit
09:02.23euthanasie here u have  ^^
09:10.18*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
09:14.51zdrulioi want to load module cpp.radius, but "Error loading module '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". I have installed librad. and file exist. any ideas ?
09:15.25porchefind / -name
09:15.40porcheit's most probably under
09:15.42zdrulioit exist
09:15.54porcheis it under
09:16.29porcheln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib
09:16.30zdrulioin asterisk CLI i write
09:16.53porcheno run it at command line, not cli
09:17.03zdruliowhat ?
09:17.20porchequit cli
09:17.25porchethen run
09:17.36porcheln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib
09:17.43porchethen re-run asterisk
09:18.12porcheeuthanasie, i think all ok
09:18.15Zeeekanyone have a TDM400P?
09:18.19porchemay be you need to change the
09:18.26*** join/#asterisk TimothyP (
09:18.30porcheagent id + extension
09:18.36porcheit may be needed to be different
09:18.48porchezeeek have got a tdm2400
09:19.03Zeeekwhat modules do you have in it?
09:19.08TimothyPHi, how can I change the files that are played when the systems says "the person at extension bla bla bla is not available right now" , because we have our own messages and a series of options
09:19.09euthanasieno porche, they may be identic
09:19.24Keizer[Jun  7 05:15:47] WARNING[17679]: app_dial.c:1099 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
09:19.27porchethe command seems to be right, i have no clue
09:19.31creativxTimothyP: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
09:19.37porchestandard, what's the problem zeeek?
09:19.46TimothyPcreativx, yes I know I have new files in there
09:19.51TimothyPbut I don't want to overwrite the old ones
09:19.57ZeeekI have 2FXO and one FXS
09:20.01zdrulioporche: thanks but i want to load and
09:20.02TimothyPI want to change which ones are played, because I need a series of them to be played
09:20.16porchebest to
09:20.17porchestop it
09:20.22porcheand restart
09:20.23Zeeeknone of the channels want to be fxoks
09:20.27porcheor you can reload
09:20.42zdruliowhen i write in CLi module load ... Module '' did not register itself during load
09:20.57TimothyPour system needs to say "the person you are trying to dail is not available right now, press 1 to leave a voice message, press 2 to reach the person on his mobile" , I have those text in our native language , but need to change voicemail settings then
09:21.04porcheany error message, zdrulio
09:21.15zdruliothis ?
09:21.21zdrulioot this is not a error ?
09:21.35porchei mean, any clue, it may be again another library or current library
09:21.48porchezeek have you tried
09:21.51porcheone sec
09:22.21porcheit automatically checks the cards, and produces zaptel.conf
09:23.04porcheis this a different message ?
09:23.12porchei mean b4 linking (ln -s
09:23.24zdruliobefor linking
09:23.49porchecan you stop cli and re-run asterisk -vvvvvc
09:24.27Zeeekis it normal that with only 3 modules lugged in, all channels can be configured?
09:24.30extr3mi call your -v's and raise you -vvvvvvvv
09:24.50TimothyPI could use Playback to play back the messages, but then the user ends up in voicemail and here's the voicemail stuff all over again
09:26.06porchezdrulio, are you sure, you have configured the radius for asterisk and also is radius server up and running?
09:26.18porchezeeek yes
09:26.23porcheyou can see the config
09:26.41porcheztcfg -vv
09:27.04ZeeekI've been doing that. There are three modules and only two leds lit
09:27.20porchewhat does it say?
09:27.25zdrulioporche: yes. in the moment i have asterisk with runing and wirking radius, but i want to make  a copy of this server.
09:27.29porcheonly two modules?
09:27.43Zeeek2 FXO one FXS
09:27.49Zeeekonly one LED lit
09:27.58TimothyPaha  would it help if I changed the zonemessages in voicemail.conf
09:28.04Zeeekthat aleready does't look right
09:28.34porchewell if zaptel ztcfg sees 3 modules
09:28.37Zeeekah, maybe they still need a power to card?
09:28.41*** join/#asterisk snuffy22 (n=na@
09:29.10Zeeekwhat an idiot!
09:29.12porchedont knwo that part zeek, in tdm2400 its just a pci card, all power from pci
09:29.31Zeeekno IIRC you still need power for the ring
09:29.43Zeeekso that must be it. I totally forgot about that
09:30.40porcheok good
09:31.12*** join/#asterisk andyd (n=andyd@
09:31.19zdrulioporche:  the working asterisk is 1.2 and i want to up 1.4
09:31.23zdruliomay be this is a problem
09:32.48porchemay be zdrulio
09:36.34Zeeekthere must be a lwa about making the power cable inside the PC case being 1 inch too short
09:40.01Zeeek~oddtdm Did you connect power molex?
09:42.42*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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10:06.46UatecZeeek, you're right
10:06.53Uatecathough not always as much as 1 inch
10:07.06ZeeekI had to move a drive to get it to work
10:07.11Uatecsometimes i have to bend a card to strech a cable round :\
10:07.32Uateclol, a lwa
10:07.51Zeeekone nice thing about Dell is the way the cable them
10:08.19Uateci have a compaq here
10:08.24*** join/#asterisk oddd (
10:08.25Uatecit's quite nice inside
10:08.33Uatecalthough a server i'm building, that's based on a compaq
10:08.39Uatecnot as good as my workstation
10:08.40Uatecso cluttered
10:08.56*** part/#asterisk porche (n=porche@
10:08.58Zeeekmy homemade PC have improved now that IDE cables are better and the SATA which are even better
10:09.00*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (
10:09.08odddI was wondering if anyone around was willing to help out with a small problem I'm having
10:09.17odddI cannot get any sound out of playback
10:09.27odddit doesn't seem to have any error associated with it.
10:09.29Zeeekmake install
10:09.36odddperhaps it is a codec problem
10:10.14odddyes.. that is how I installed it
10:10.23Zeeekno that wans'"t for you
10:10.39odddoh. sorry
10:11.28ZeeekI don't have ZAP listed in channeltypes
10:13.34CBU[^_^]M``when i install asterisk... does it automatically have h232 and SIP codec?
10:13.56Zeeekthose are protocols not codecs
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10:14.20odddmodulo that, SIP is, but I think h232 need a library
10:14.56CBU[^_^]M``hmmm ... whats the port of h323 and sip?
10:15.06odddlistening port?
10:15.10oddd5060 for SIP
10:15.13odddnot sure about h232
10:16.27CBU[^_^]M``im still waiting for my sipura 3102 ... im planning to set up my asterisk when it arrives
10:16.42odddjust hope that Playback works
10:16.51odddit really is a show stopper when it doesn't
10:17.01*** join/#asterisk mattfletcher (
10:17.03CBU[^_^]M``does linksys have any GMS gateway products?
10:17.32mattfletcheri'm having problems getting my head round a Pickup() configuration, can anyone help?
10:17.54CBU[^_^]M``<oddd> just hope that Playback works <= what do you mean?
10:18.44odddI'm trying to get it to work right now
10:18.51odddI get nothing out of it.
10:18.53odddfrom the console
10:19.04odddbut other things like Milliwatt and Echo work
10:19.23odddI'm assuming that it cannot seem to convert GSM to whatever it wants
10:19.36odddbut I get no error messages with 'asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvv'
10:20.23CBU[^_^]M``heheh ... i saw some GSM voip gateways ... but it usually costs 300 USD
10:20.30CBU[^_^]M``tooo expensive for homeuse
10:21.06odddI think I did something wrong in my compile
10:21.18odddbut I would have thought I'd get warned
10:22.50mattfletcherI have posted my Pickup() problem to pastebin, can anyone with experience of using Pickup() help?
10:31.20odddhurm... Playtones doesn't seem to work either
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10:39.37odddhurm.. might be a config problem
10:46.14zdruliohm. i`m searching for radius modul for asterisk 1.4
10:46.17zdrulioany ideas ?
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11:18.41jeremy_gHow many concurrent registered users and concurrent calls I can have on a 1.8 Ghz AMD Opteron 2210 HE with 1GB RAM and 1MB L2 Cache
11:21.17nullvariablejeremy_g: what kind of bandwidth will you have?
11:23.04redaxis there a way to know the name of the trunk channel. the ${CHANNEL} contains the SIP/ext-xxxx, and I'd like to know which mISDN channel was used for the call
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11:32.09zdrulioi have problem again
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11:34.07zdrulioif i call from 1 asterisk to another aster i have "exten => _14.,1,Dial(IAX2/USER:password@HOST:PORT/${EXTEN:2},30,r)" but another asterisk`s users viw only USER ID. i want to another asterisk users view original numer who was dial him. can i do this ?
11:43.36redaxseems like there's no o->chan->name set as variable
11:44.58*** join/#asterisk RedBack (n=lukeblac@
11:45.41redaxah. ${CDR(dstchannel)}
11:45.43redaxthanks ;-)
11:46.36*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:47.17odddit isn't a decoder issue
11:47.28odddthe same problem with .wav files
11:47.31odddas with .gsm files
11:47.39odddso it is in the output somehow
11:47.50odddbut it doesn't matter if I use the console or an SIP client
11:49.00odddis there any easy way to debug app_playback.c?
11:51.32*** part/#asterisk mattfletcher (
11:54.54jeremy_gtzanger:what is your experience in terms of performance limits on *
11:54.57jeremy_gtzanger:what is your experience in terms of performance limits on *
11:55.15tzangerperformance limits?  based entirely on what you're trying to do
11:55.21tzangerI have no high-volume systems
11:55.43tzangermy biggest one spends most of its time bridging two PRIs, which is NOT very resource-intensive
11:56.09tzangerif you're doing any audio processing (echo can, transcoding) you're going to be CPU-bound
11:56.26tzangerrecording isn't very intensive unless it's lots of concurrent channels, at which point you start becoming I/O bound
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11:57.30jeremy_gtzanger:no transcoding
12:03.11tzangerjeremy_g: sip, tdm, what
12:03.33tzangerlots of small calls or lots of longer calls?
12:05.57*** join/#asterisk denke (
12:07.04denkeHello Everyone!
12:07.34denkeCan anybody help me with asterisk - xlite?
12:07.41denkein asterisk I get:Internal RTCP NTP clock skew detected: lsr=1925527781, now=1925721092, dlsr=193331 (2:949ms), diff=20
12:08.04denkeand in xlite: [07-06-07]14:00:14.299 | Warning | Audio | "Not enough data in latency reducer 0" | sua::CAudioManager::CAudioOutgoingStream::MixOneFrame
12:08.35denkeand the audio keeps the speed, but there are losses in both ways...
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12:11.42denkenoone? ... please
12:11.44jeremy_gtzanger:only sip
12:12.19jeremy_gtzanger:23% long calls, 70% small calls
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12:14.09tzangerlots of small calls involve more setup/teardown
12:14.19tzangerwill the asterisk server be able to step out of the audio path?
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12:22.37tzangerjeremy_g: how many concurrnet calls (approx)
12:29.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:31.47tzangerzdrulio: take a REALLY GOOD LOOK at your dial command
12:31.57tzangerwhat *extension* are you dialing?
12:32.00tzangerprint it here
12:33.19*** join/#asterisk Dantix (n=Dante@
12:35.32Dantixhi all!! are there a way to force a collective ring from a program or from an external event like a cron job?
12:35.55tzangerDantix: use the local channel
12:36.57Dantixtzanger: please give me some link to start learning about
12:37.07tzangeris voip-info still down?
12:37.49Dantixtzanger: I don't know, I'll try with that. thanks
12:38.27zdruliotzanger:  i`m with user 1000 registred in A1(asterisk1) and i call to A2(Asterisk2). User in A2 view call from 5000
12:38.34zdrulioi want to view 1000
12:38.48[TK]D-FenderDantix: lookup ".call files" and "AMI Originate" on the WIKI when it comes back up.
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12:39.17tzangerzdrulio: what's your caller id look like on A2 and A2
12:39.20tzangerer A1 and A2
12:39.39[TK]D-Fenderzdrulio: First set up a proper peer/user between each site and stop putting your auth in your dial.
12:39.40zdrulioer ?
12:39.49tzangermorning [TK]D-Fender
12:39.59tzangeryeah same here
12:40.01[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Mornin'
12:40.02tzangermissed my timmie's on the way in
12:40.11tzangerdrinking the free house coffee but it ain't hte same
12:40.21[TK]D-Fendertzanger: After my first 3 cups I'm the best so-and-so around ;)
12:40.23zdrulio[TK]D-Fender: why ? explain me plz
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12:40.36tzanger*sigh* we need an #asterisk-newbies
12:40.52tzangerof course that's impossible, though...
12:40.53[TK]D-Fenderzdrulio: Dialplan is much more exposed.  JUST DO IT.
12:40.55Zeeektzanger this *is* asterisk-newbies
12:40.58tzangerI wonder what about an asterisk best practices document?
12:41.08[TK]D-Fendertzanger: But think of the breathing room we'd have!
12:41.25tzanger[TK]D-Fender: ha
12:41.46Zeeekdoes anyone thing AEL should totally replace extensions.conf?
12:41.49[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Think of it like the Kyoto Accord.  Sometimes you jsut need to know what to do so you do the exact opposite ANWAYS ;)
12:42.04Zeeek[TK]D-Fender on in the US
12:42.12tzangerdammit I nearly spit my coffee on the screen
12:42.17[TK]D-FenderZeeek: All AEL does is PARSE BACK to extensions.conf.
12:42.22coppiceI've been to Kyoto. It was full of people driving Accords
12:42.36rob0I want an Accord.
12:42.43Zeeekso I'm setting up a brand new asterisk. SHould I mess with AEL or not?
12:43.35[TK]D-FenderZeeek: How many docs use AEL1/2 (OMG it changed!??!).  How many people here use it and can reall help out.  If your dialplan so complex as to deserve it?
12:43.54[TK]D-FenderZeeek: This for me adds up to "collossal waste of time"
12:44.04ZeeekWell, at that level one doesn't usually need help
12:44.22ZeeekI'm more helpneedy in the linux and make paryt
12:44.44Zeeekfor example I got it all installed on centos 5 but I have no idea how
12:44.47*** part/#asterisk Dantix (n=Dante@
12:45.08ZeeekA lot of weird shit went on durning make and I just removed stuff I know I don't want until it worked
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12:45.48[TK]D-FenderZeeek: I chalk it up to AEL just being back compiled and adding another point of failure to my system.
12:45.55Zeeekok, noted
12:46.31Zeeekso I just need to be sure not to fall in the same traps as my current 22,000 line extensions.conf file
12:47.14*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
12:47.14Corydon76-homeYe gods... 22,000 lines?
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12:47.20[TK]D-FenderZeeek: When AEL changes the complete way apps, dialplan patterns, evaluations and priorities really work, then maybe.  But by then it would be a CORE tech.  think of the apps that would have to change.
12:47.21rob0And they're all busy.
12:47.52The_Lightsidehi guys, sorry to bring this up again...
12:47.53ZeeekIt's an odd feeling to be using a linux box that has a P4 2.4ghz CPU after doing it for years on a P-III 800
12:48.01[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Yes, thats PSYCHO.  I had about 400 lines of astdb super-dialplan in my worst setup....
12:48.14[TK]D-FenderZeeek: I wanna see your dialplan :)
12:48.15Zeeekmy current setup is always my worst setup
12:48.20The_Lightsideuser A phones user B, is there any way to get the caller ID of user B to display on USer A's screen?
12:48.33[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Then stop now before your system explodes ;)
12:48.36Corydon76-homeSounds like you need more pattern matching and/or integration with a database
12:48.48ZeeekI exaggerated, wc says 2830 lines
12:49.11Corydon76-homeThat's better, but still rather large
12:49.15[TK]D-FenderThe_Lightside: Sure.  Before you do the dial, place a system call to some sort of app (that you may wel have to INVENT) that will do the job.  Then dial.
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12:49.24Zeeekevery marco I ever tried is in there
12:49.27[TK]D-Fender2830 = bad.
12:49.37Zeeekbut I'll look for lines that don't start with ';'
12:49.39[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Trim the fat...
12:49.45Corydon76-homeOh, so it's mostly unused...
12:50.01rob05 lines without the comments.
12:50.12The_Lightside[TK]D-Fender, sure... was hoping someone had some ideas :)
12:50.20Corydon76-homeThat's better, but having lots of unused contexts slows down the search everytime you advance a priority
12:50.40ZeeekCorydon76-home the known to be unused are commented out
12:51.17Corydon76-homegrep -cE '^[^;]' /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
12:51.39Zeeekso about 2424 lines
12:51.51redaxif I have a SIP/124-xxx-yyy  how can I cut down the `-yyy' ?
12:52.07Corydon76-homeredax: use CUT()
12:52.21Zeeek1637 lines begin with exten
12:52.26Zeeekca va
12:52.42Zeeekwe've come a long way from 22,000
12:53.01Corydon76-homeredax: ${CUT(CHANNEL,-,1-2)}
12:53.23Zeeeksorry, 1463 lines begin with exten
12:53.40Corydon76-homeOkay, that's more reasonable
12:54.03ZeeekI think the new box won't need a lot of the soho stuff
12:54.08redaxCorydon76-home: the problem is sometimes I don't have -xxx
12:54.10Zeeekit's just for texting 1.4
12:54.25Corydon76-homeredax: then it gets a little more complex.
12:54.40[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Gimme!  I'm sure I could cop off plenty for you REALLY fast :)
12:55.00redaxis there a way to specify the fields like 1-(n-1) ? :-)
12:55.13Corydon76-homeredax: ${CUT(CHANNEL,-,1-$[${FIELDQTY(CHANNEL,-)} - 1])}
12:55.40Corydon76-homeIt gets simpler in 1.4, though
12:56.15redaxactually it's ast 1.2
12:56.16Zeeek[TK]D-Fender 113 NoOps
12:56.45Corydon76-homeredax: that's what you need to do, then
12:56.48Zeeekso 145O lines are actually doing something
12:56.54[TK]D-FenderZeeek: C'mon.... pastebin!
12:56.56Zeeekso 135O lines are actually doing something
12:56.59Corydon76-homeredax: that's 1 - n-1
12:57.31redaxgreat, thank you very much corydon
12:57.55Corydon76-homeHmmm, I guess 1.4 doesn't get simpler
12:58.08Corydon76-homeOh well
12:58.57ZeeekI could get rid of about 20 lines removing [incoming-iaxtel]
13:01.16*** join/#asterisk bapril (
13:01.37Corydon76-homeI guess there's no better syntax to be had
13:01.55ZeeekCorydon76-home than what?
13:02.11Zeeekoh, CUT?
13:04.45ZeeekI can't figure this out. zaptel: make clean ( no erros) make "autoconfig file not found" then if I go to menuselect and make, then cd.. ; make  ; it works
13:05.12blitzrageCorydon76-home: that's not too bad
13:05.20Corydon76-homeDid you type:  ./configure ?
13:05.32Corydon76-home'make menuselect'
13:05.44blitzragehopefully by July I can start working on the cookbook
13:05.47Zeeeksame autoconfigure; file not found" err
13:06.00Zeeekin the selectmenu dir
13:06.00blitzrageand I just realized I got a copyedit of TFoT2 in the mail, and I need to go pick it up
13:06.06blitzrageugh... so much work to do
13:06.09Corydon76-homeblitzrage: woot
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13:07.10Corydon76-homeblitzrage: so we're about a week from the print run?  ;-)
13:07.21blitzrageCorydon76-home: probably 2-3.....
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13:09.05Zeeekblitzrage concentrating on 1.2 or 1.4 for Book ?
13:09.17blitzrageof course
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13:09.30Kattyso is there a way to answer an incoming call, ring a blast group, after timeout answer the call and play them an audio file, then Page(sip/100&sip/101) play an audio file, hangup page, then ring the blast group again?
13:09.35Zeeekthe vast majority of prod sys are 1.2 .... of course
13:09.52mattfletcherhow can i make my asterisk server answer a zap call more quickly. it takes two rings before asterisk picks it up every time
13:10.10Zeeekmattfletcher make sure fax detect is off
13:10.17Zeeekand disable cid
13:10.37mattfletcherzeeek: where are they hiding?
13:10.49JTmattfletcher: get digital lines
13:11.13Zeeekgrep fax zapata.conf
13:11.16blitzrageZeeek: for now... by end of summer 1.2 will go into maintenance mode
13:11.22Corydon76-homeblitzrage: what's the page count?
13:11.27blitzrageCorydon76-home: no idea :(
13:11.30ZeeekI'm talking installed base, not The Wiz
13:11.33blitzrageI'm curious too!
13:11.36mattfletcherfaxdetect is commented out, what do i need to do to cid?
13:11.37[TK]D-FenderKatty: Probably.  But you should really eliminate that term "blast group" from your vocabulary.  It does not parse....
13:11.38JTsummer, what an international season :P
13:11.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew. (belated)
13:11.55blitzrageJT: talking NA summer of course since it's the only one that matters :)
13:12.07ZeeekKatty is sendmail still working?
13:12.08JTnot sure when that is
13:12.43blitzrageor something like that
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13:13.11Corydon76-homeOfficially, June - September
13:13.35Zeeekthat's the Apple version :)
13:13.45jeremy_gdoes anyone have any idea of dimensioning an asterisk box in terms of erlang b model (we know number of lines, busy hour traffic and have to find the call blocking rate)
13:13.48JT4 month season, does not compute
13:14.06odddI have narrowed down my problem
13:14.10odddbut I have no idea what it means
13:14.16JTseasons should be 3 months long :/
13:14.37odddplayback does a ast_streamfile()
13:14.39Corydon76-homeJT: it is... June 23rd - September 22nd
13:14.45odddand then ast_waitstream()
13:14.46Corydon76-homeor thereabouts
13:14.48*** part/#asterisk mog (
13:14.49JTstrange country
13:14.53odddbut the waitstream never returns
13:15.09Corydon76-homeJT: summer solstice until the autumn equinox
13:15.20odddso for some reason the streamfile() function is putting data in, but it never being got out
13:15.30JTsummer here is 01/12 to 28/02
13:15.57Corydon76-homeJT: we use celestial seasons
13:15.58KattyZeeek: i think so (=
13:16.42ZeeekKatty then you should have thrown a friendly hug my way
13:17.01Zeeekafter making sure no rice carob milk was on it
13:17.27[TK]D-FenderJT : I'd guess jsut about all of them...
13:17.28coppiceJT: if they don't, they suck
13:17.48JTwell they seem to never mention it in their spec sheets
13:17.59[TK]D-FenderJT : Sure they do....
13:18.06JTwhich one? :)
13:18.42coppicedon't look at the stuff from joe's honest voip emporium
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13:19.34[TK]D-FenderJT :
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13:19.44JTalso considering gear that wasn't originally intended for sip
13:19.45[TK]D-FenderJT : > Echo cancellation (G.168 up to 128ms)
13:19.49JTlike lucent gear
13:19.49mattfletcheri'm using the switch statement to link two servers together over a vpn, but it has caused a problem. if i try and park a call, by transferring it to 700, it doesn't see that as a valid local extension and tries it across the switch bridge. can this be prevented?
13:20.04jeremy_gtzanger:no transcoding, 1,8 Ghz opteron (dual core) with 1 GB, all my web surfing concludes 100 concurrent calls is the most realistic figure
13:20.14JT128ms, that's the same as the digium and sangoma cards with hwec isn't it?
13:20.17[TK]D-FenderJT :
13:20.19tzangerjeremy_g: so try it
13:20.22jeremy_gall sip
13:20.25[TK]D-FenderJT : G.168 echo cancellation
13:20.36tzangerg168 is just a test specification is it not?
13:21.04tzangeri.e. you can see if the echo can passes g168 (how many varieties/annexes?) or not, but g168 does not in itself define an echo canceller
13:21.04[TK]D-FenderJT : I could go on and on... but if I found that never having specced each one out myself in so little time... you clearly aren't trying!
13:21.20zdrulio[TK]D-Fender:  hum if i want to use "exten => _14.,1,Dial(IAX2/5000:password@HOST:PORT/${EXTEN:2},30,r)" can i view real number it nother side ? it is posible ?
13:21.23coppicetzanger: tests define most things
13:21.48tzangercoppice: they just determine whether the implementation passes the test
13:21.48jeremy_gtzanger:i am comfortable only with sipp for testing and i have no idea how the voice quality is being degraded when the call number is rising, it certainly crosses 100 and there are still active calls, i gotta have human users who can feedback the voice quality they get
13:21.52tzangerit doesn't define the implementation
13:22.07[TK]D-Fenderzdrulio: Stop being a broken record and start doing the changes that were suggested to you.  tzanger made some good points earlier as well and YOU are in need of some echo cancellation...
13:22.11jeremy_gneed some itsp guy
13:22.13tzangerjeremy_g: so when it starts to degrade, throw more hardware at it
13:22.25tzangerthere are some EXCELLENT posts on -users this past two weeks by Matt Roth I think which go into this in detail
13:22.34coppicenobody would want to define the implementation of an EC. that would be stupid. you want to define its required behavoiur. the G.168 spec does that
13:22.41jeremy_gtzanger:how can i check the voice degradation with sipp agents calling
13:22.48tzangercoppice: that's my point
13:23.03jeremy_gis there someone running an asterisk powered itsp
13:23.04mattfletcherhas anyone got any experience of leadtek videophones on an asterisk system?
13:23.05tzangerEC#1 and EC#2 could acheive their results in very different ways, but they both pass g168
13:23.12jeremy_ggive me the concurrent call number
13:23.26tzangerthey're not hte same thing, but they give the same result, or at least to the level of what g168 conformance gives
13:23.28coppicetzanger: ITU specs rarely define how. they define what
13:23.41tzangercoppice: I'm pretty picky on this, as I'm in the middle of ODVA certification right now
13:24.01tzangerthe spec is tight, but even if you pass it there are corner cases that one implementation can work well where another doesn't
13:24.06tzangereven though they both pass spec
13:24.07[TK]D-Fendertzanger: the "how" is patentable, you can't have everyone using the same method under their own names now can we? ;)
13:24.21coppicetzanger: passing most specs is only the beginning
13:24.25tzangernow whether the conformance tests are sufficient or not... that's another point :-)
13:24.49mattfletchercan anyone help me with a switch statement problem. i've linked two servers together over a vpn, but if i try and park a call by transferring it to 700, it doesn't see that as a valid local extension and tries it across the switch bridge. can this be prevented?
13:24.51[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Standards we're meant to be lowered ;) Welcome to congress .....
13:25.15tzanger[TK]D-Fender: heh
13:25.19tzangeryou're still fat fingering too?
13:25.32[TK]D-Fendertzanger: No, that was deliberate (brain fart)
13:25.42[TK]D-Fendertzanger: I need a ^%$@#ing vacation
13:26.27JTdodgy ITU site, won't let you download G.168 for free for some reason
13:26.59*** part/#asterisk sav_mcfly (
13:27.02KattyZeeek: oh?
13:27.05KattyZeeek: and why is that?
13:27.10KattyZeeek: did you send one to me that i missed?
13:30.36JToh, you can download the G.168 standards except not the new pre-published 2007 revision
13:30.43*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
13:31.50coppicenew ITU trick. you can download anything released for free. all the interesting stuff is suddenly pre-release
13:32.33JTneed to use the 3 free standards per email trick for that then
13:32.46JTbut yeah, G.168 does appear to be a bunch of tests
13:32.49coppicethe 3 downloads thing has gone
13:33.29JTweird it still talks about it on the web site
13:33.30coppiceyou can download the previous revisions for free
13:34.00coppicedoes it? maybe I missed that. i thought the 3 downloads had gone, and there was just the free offer
13:34.29JTi haven't tried to use it recently... but all the stuff refering to it is there
13:35.00odddI solved it
13:35.03odddno help to you guys
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13:39.36zdruliohm i have another question. about radius modul for asterisk. i have working asterisk 1.2 with wirking radius modul but now when i want to setup 1.4 aster, radius modul don`t work. any ideas ?
13:41.44[TK]D-Fenderzdrulio: I'd bet that 1.4 is a major change and that module is in now way compatible with it.  Go find a 1.4 monitoring module.
13:42.35zdrulioi`m searching but .. with no success
13:42.56Corydon76-homeThen ask the author (nicely) if he will port it to 1.4
13:44.02*** join/#asterisk russellb (i=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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13:45.00Corydon76-homeIf the author has the necessary licensing paperwork on file with Digium, contributing it back to the Asterisk project would be an option... and the author would no longer need to keep up with API changes
13:45.27mihinomenestI still can't get asterisk to respond to dtmf.
13:45.56Corydon76-homemihinomenest: on what channel?
13:46.28Corydon76-homeIs the DTMF mode lined up between client and server?
13:46.44mattfletchercan anyone help me with a switch statement problem. i've linked two servers together over a vpn, but if i try and park a call by transferring it to 700, it doesn't see that as a valid local extension and tries it across the switch bridge. can this be prevented?
13:47.02mihinomenestCorydon76-home: theoretically.
13:47.19Corydon76-homemihinomenest: which are you using?
13:48.00mihinomenestI've tried in-band, rtp, and sip on a grandstream that's registered directly to the provider's SIP server.
13:48.24Corydon76-homeOh, so it's your provider that is the problem
13:48.25[TK]D-Fendermattfletcher: Clearly you should ahve pastebin'd your dialplan aready so we could point out what was wrong instead of having to ask of guess blindly :)
13:48.39mihinomenestCorydon76-home: story of my life.
13:49.02*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
13:49.18[TK]D-Fendermihinomenest: What does your GS being connected directly to an ITSP have to do with *?
13:49.31mihinomenestthat's how I'm calling *.
13:49.36mihinomenestit shouldn't.
13:49.49mihinomenestI should be able to call from a landline as well, but that doesn't work either.
13:49.54Corydon76-homeThen it's not about the GS, it's about your provider and Asterisk
13:50.02[TK]D-Fendermihinomenest: Eliminate * from the equation and dial some other outside IVR and test your DTMF.
13:50.18[TK]D-Fendermihinomenest: See if it is your provider and not * on calling IN.
13:50.26[TK]D-Fendermihinomenest: Too many variables your way.
13:50.57Corydon76-homeOr call your provider over a land line and connect to Asterisk that way
13:51.01mihinomenestit definitely works calling someone else's IVR.
13:51.27*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
13:52.50mihinomenestI'm going to guess that my provider's Sip server is sending DTMF in-band and asterisk can't read it.
13:52.58mihinomenestI suppose I need to do something about that.
13:53.13*** join/#asterisk kissand (
13:53.34kissandi have purchased two tdm400p
13:54.01kissandi have installed the first on a pc it works fine (fax,ivr, etc etc)
13:54.39kissandi installed the second on HP proliant ML110 PCI-X slot without connecting the POTS line (yet)
13:54.58kissandwhen i give the command zap show status i get ok
13:55.08kissandrob0 i suspend something with irq too
13:55.37kissandthe problem is that 1) the irq on tdm is 58? 2) in /proc/interrupts i dont see any conflicts
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13:55.57tzafrir_laptopkissand, what is the actual problem?
13:56.06syzygyBSDhow can I hangup a channel?
13:56.11syzygyBSDa local channel
13:56.20tzafrir_laptopsoft hangup?
13:56.24tzafrir_laptopfrom the CLI?
13:56.27syzygyBSD:( nope
13:56.45*** join/#asterisk DrukenLPY (
13:56.47kissandWildcard TDM400P REV I Board 1           OK         0          0          0
13:56.47syzygyBSDI think there was a problem, it did hangup, but was kept in the queue...
13:56.56kissandi didnt connect any line on tdm yet
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13:57.10kissandit should be ALARM not OK
13:57.16tzafrir_laptopsyzygyBSD, so soft hangup the other channel?
13:57.28tzafrir_laptopkissand, why should it be alarm?
13:57.50kissandand when i try to call through zap channel it shows that it is answered
13:58.02kissandtzafrir because i didnt connect any pstn line on tdm
13:58.08syzygyBSDthere is no other channel... :( at least that I can find, 'show queues' shows that it is ringing, but I can't find it in show channels,
13:58.50syzygyBSDahh, both ends are in the queue,
13:59.20*** join/#asterisk bobbytux (
13:59.33tzafrir_laptopkissand, this is a generally a known issue of the TDM400P card
13:59.43syzygyBSDhow can I restart only 1 queue
13:59.51tzafrir_laptopThis happns to work on X100P for the wrong reasons
14:00.09tzafrir_laptopAnd it works on our Astribank
14:00.12coppiceJT: hey, waddaya know. the 3 downloads still works :-)
14:00.18JTcoppice: :)
14:00.50kissandtzafrir the irq doesnt look too good
14:00.55tzafrir_laptopBut even on the Astribank you won't see an alarm there, as this is a channel alarm and not a span alarm: the card itself is OK. Just some of its channels are disconnected
14:01.01jkiffGreetings, ya'll.   I'm reading that fax over IP is... not so hot.  This is mainly due to fax's low tolerance of jitter, packet loss, etc, so trying to fax via IAX, SIP, etc over the Internet would be pretty crappy.  However, if I have a stable enough LAN, could I use SIP to get a fax as far as my Asterisk box where I then dump it onto the T1 just like any other outbound call?
14:01.06kissandSERVER:~ # more /proc/interrupts
14:01.24jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
14:01.24kissand169:    1148368          0   IO-APIC-level  eth0
14:01.24kissand217:          0          0   IO-APIC-level  libata
14:01.24kissand225:     364246          0   IO-APIC-level  ioc0
14:01.24kissand(sorry for the flood)
14:01.25Strom_Mkissand: idiot, don't do thqt
14:01.31Strom_Muse pastebin
14:01.45tzafrir_laptoplooks like wctdm is sending tons of interupts
14:01.57tzangerwhat's wrong with that IRQ?
14:02.00tzafrir_laptopwatch -n1 -d cat /proc/interrupts
14:02.13JTkissand: ALARMs are for digital lines
14:02.16tzafrir_laptopthen you'll see clearly how this changes every second
14:02.28tzafrir_laptopYou should have there some 1000 interrupts per second
14:02.31kissand1000 interrupts per second
14:02.40JTkissand: you are coming into this with a lot of assumptions as to how things "should" run
14:02.55bobbytuxdoes any of you have a W6692 working with ?
14:02.58JTalarms are generally not a feature relevant to analogue lines
14:02.58bobbytuxthank you
14:03.29*** part/#asterisk mattfletcher (
14:03.34kissandJT i saw alarm in the firts tdm400 when the pstn line was not connected
14:04.04mihinomenestif I put "dtmfmode=inband" in sip.conf, is that telling * to look for dtmf in-band, or is that telling asterisk to send dtmf in-band?
14:04.12JTbeginner's luck ;)
14:04.18JTmihinomenest: both
14:04.23JTavoid inband, generally
14:04.34kissandthe only differenct between the two installation is that the firts (working) is connected directly to public network while the other on a small classic telephne center
14:05.00mihinomenestunfortunately, to get the password from my provider's support department is sometimes asking too much.
14:05.32*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
14:05.40kissandi will connect a pstn line on the tdm and i will be back if it still wont work
14:05.46kissandlets go to the second issue
14:06.04kissandi have installed a 2-isdn port beronet card, which works fine
14:06.32kissandbut when receiving fax i get
14:06.35kissand[Jun  6 19:51:57] NOTICE[20802]: channel.c:2353 __ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on mISDN/1-u36 of format slin since our native format has changed to alaw
14:06.36JTkissand: wouldn't it be more important to focus on if the line works with asterisk instead of if asterisk says "alarm" or not?
14:06.41mihinomenestthat didn't help.
14:06.49*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
14:07.02JTyet another misdn bug i bet
14:07.04JTmisdn is junk
14:07.27kissandJT the installation that had "alarm" became "OK" when i connect the pstn line
14:07.46JTwho cares, try and get it working
14:07.54JTalarms aren't important for analogue
14:08.06mihinomenestwell, "Jun  7 06:06:45 WARNING[8647]: dsp.c:1426 ast_dsp_process: Inband DTMF is not supported on codec g729. Use RFC2833"
14:08.17tzafrir_laptopkissand, you can see the same alarms in zttool, and in cat /proc/zaptel/*
14:08.22syzygyBSDhow can I force the hangup of this local channel?
14:08.27JTmihinomenest: that's obvious
14:08.38kissandJT hmm is this an misdn bug? :> i am  trying to get fax with app_rxfax, iaxmodem and ATA and the only message i get is "Dropping...
14:08.42mihinomenestJT: unless you've never don it before.
14:08.49kissandshould i use cvs for misdn?
14:08.49*** join/#asterisk eeos (n=eeos@
14:08.53JTmihinomenest: inband means send in audio stream
14:08.58eeoshi everybody
14:08.59syzygyBSDsoft hangup Local/12004@direct-600e ------------------ Local/12004@direct-600e is not a known channel
14:09.00mihinomenestI know.
14:09.02JTdtmf only works on uncompressed audio
14:09.08Strom_Mmihinomenest: it should also be obvious if you know how the g729 codec works
14:09.09JTg.729 is highly compressed
14:09.16tzafrir_laptop"RED", "NOT_OPEN" or whateer shows as an extra text in the first line. "OK" means that there are no alarms, and hence no extra messages
14:09.34mihinomenestI don't really know how it works, just that it's retardedly compressed and you have to license it.
14:09.51mihinomenestand that the only real reason my provider wants to use it is so they don't have to pay for bandwidth.
14:09.53JTmihinomenest: that should tip you off that tones may not work through it :)
14:10.12mihinomenestwell, it did.
14:10.23mihinomenestthe problem is, I still need to make it work.
14:10.33JTthere are 2 other dtmf modes
14:10.39mihinomenestyes, I know.
14:10.47JTif your provider doesn't work with either of them, junk your provider
14:10.47mihinomenestRFC 2833 and SIP.
14:11.14kissandmihinomenest dtmf=rfc2833
14:11.18JTSIP INFO to be accurate
14:11.19mihinomenestI'm about to.
14:11.22kissandand in your sip client the same
14:11.48kissandJT is the "Dropping blahblah" an misdn bug?
14:11.55JTkissand: i think so
14:12.04JTavoid misdn if possible
14:12.50kissandis a replacement for beronet cards?
14:12.50JTnot sure about the 2 port
14:12.50JTbut bristuff works with other ones
14:12.50JTfor sure
14:13.25kissandshould i try *capi* something?
14:13.49JTonly if bristuff doesn't have a driver for your card
14:14.10JTbristuff allows you to access the channels in a zaptel like fashion
14:14.36kissandyeap so i read, i will try ing
14:14.46kissanddoes it work with asterisk 1.4 versions?
14:15.09kissandi will find that out myself :>
14:15.19kissandJT thank you very much for yor help
14:15.32JTdo to the download directory at junghanns, and download the latest version, it has a script inside that downloads the correct version of asterisk, libpri and zaptel for you and patches and compiles it alll
14:15.37JTno, 1.2
14:17.44kissandit seems that there is a -test1 version for asterisk 1.4
14:18.34JTi wouldnt use it
14:19.13kissandoh well -test1 and the first version is not very promising indeed :>
14:19.26*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
14:20.01kissandJT thank you for your help
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14:39.23Bladerunner05Hi all I have tdm400p, with 4 fxo. in zaptel.conf I have to write fxsks=1-4 loadzone=xx defaultzone=xx ?
14:41.33*** part/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
14:42.09[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Looks about right
14:42.52*** join/#asterisk btsteve (n=btsteve@
14:44.14Strom_Mbut all on separate lines, of course
14:45.36Uatechow to test credit card processing in a live environment without becoming poor
14:45.53Strom_Myou call the credit card companies and get test card numbers
14:46.03*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:46.12Uatecthey don't do test card numbers on the live system
14:46.20Uatecthat's why they call it live
14:47.14Strom_Mcharge your own card then refund your money
14:48.08Uatecmaybe i should have said
14:48.11Uateci'm a lazy git
14:48.16Mercestes.....damn, I meant to join did I mistype that and get #credit-cards
14:48.22*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
14:48.29Uateci know Mercestes, i did the same
14:48.30[TK]D-FenderUatec: Oh don't worry, thats well established here already ;)
14:49.00MercestesUatec, Did you try using your own credit cards test #?
14:49.47MercestesThere is a credit card hash you can run your real number against to generate a test number that you can use.
14:49.54Mercestesgoogle credit card hash program
14:50.16*** join/#asterisk eeos (n=eeos@
14:50.23eeoshi there!
14:50.31MercestesHi eeos.
14:50.33key2Mercestes: url ?
14:50.44Mercesteskey2:    duh
14:51.35eeos[TK]D-Fender: Zeeek after many attempts, finally our asterisk box connects properly to oe of our external voip providers! any user on the newtrok can open calls, and everybody is happy
14:51.39key2Mercestes: ahh u talking about the algorithm that multiply every other digit by 2 ?
14:51.49eeosfor outbound calls ....
14:51.57eeoshi Mercestes
14:52.04MercestesKey2:  well, no it doesn't just do that it's a full hash, but yea, something very similar.
14:52.23Mercesteseeos:  Congratz.
14:52.25*** join/#asterisk waptaxi (
14:53.01eeosMercestes: more or less :) we cannot receive inbound calls (yet) and cannot use the other provider (we have two)
14:53.04*** join/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (n=ckwall@
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14:53.42Bladerunner05Don't know why.. using tdm400p (with 4 fxo) ztcfg -vv show me all channels correctly (fxs) I configure zaptel and zapata following the guide asterisk (1.4.4 with latest zaptel) don't show any errors but don't answer a call
14:54.02Strom_Mhave you told it to answer a call?
14:54.37Bladerunner05in extension.conf exten => s,1,Answer() exten => s,2,Echo()
14:54.42[[blah]asfddoes chanisavail work differently in 1.4 than in 1.2? The reason I ask is because I am using chanisavail to check to see if a queuemember is already on a call, if they are then the queue should get a busy response and move on to the next agent. However last night i upgraded the server to 1.4 and now they get presented with a call from the queue, even if they are already on a call.
14:55.15syzygyBSDare local channels ever created if not explicitly defined?
14:55.51[[blah]asfdhere is how i do chanisavail
14:56.04[[blah]asfdwhat I am thinking is that priority jumping is not supported any more.
14:56.06[[blah]asfdis that correct?
14:57.04Bladerunner05<Strom_M> here is my config
14:57.25*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:57.35syzygyBSD[[blah]asfd: well, your n+101 isn't right...
14:58.16blitzragen+101? ewwwww :)
14:58.25blitzragesomeone needs to learn about priority labels!
14:58.41syzygyBSDI'll look that up sometime...
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15:01.36AdamB0122Has anyone been able to properly use a PIX firewall for a Asterisk Box?
15:02.33DorphalsigI have * 1.2.16
15:02.41[TK]D-FenderAdamB0122: PIX is amongst the very WORSE firewalls to get * involved with.
15:02.42*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:02.48[TK]D-FenderAdamB0122: Go cehck the WIKI
15:02.54Dorphalsigand Imḿ trying to compile
15:02.54AdamB0122[TK]D-Fender Awesome
15:02.59Zeeekcheck's in da mail
15:03.10Dorphalsigactually its app_rxfax and app_txfax
15:03.18Dorphalsighowever I am getting compilations errors
15:03.19Dorphalsigsuch as
15:03.28Bladerunner05<Strom_M>: any ideas ?
15:03.56Dorphalsig./include/asterisk/plc.h:150: error: conflicting types for 'plc_fillin'
15:04.14DorphalsigKin anybody plz help me out?
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15:07.28IOscannerIs there a way to monitor sip debug traffic via the manager port (5038) with a program?
15:07.46IOscannerOr even a perl or php script?
15:09.06*** join/#asterisk b11d|bbl (
15:09.20b11d|bblhi all
15:09.32ZeeekGET A ROOM
15:09.37DorphalsigI dunno
15:09.45Dorphalsighe/she/it started it
15:09.51b11dcan anyone tell me if it
15:10.00DorphalsigI ust wanna know if its a she
15:10.06b11dif it's possible to harvest uptime info from polycom phones via snmp or something like that?
15:10.09DorphalsigUatec: are you a she¿
15:10.41blitzrageyou're in #asterisk... chances it's a straight girl are slim :)
15:10.54Zeeekblitzrage very observant
15:11.14DorphalsigOk, so Iĺl just back a bit
15:11.20Dorphalsigand try to get an answer for my question
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15:11.33DorphalsigKin anybody help me get spandsp working with apprxfax?
15:11.47Zeeekdoe spandsp work with 1.4 ?
15:11.57DorphalsigTheoretically yes
15:12.02DorphalsigI never managed to make it work
15:12.04*** join/#asterisk ecoleman (n=eric@
15:12.06Dorphalsigthen again
15:12.06ecolemanhowdy folks
15:12.10Zeeekman is good, theoretically
15:12.22Zeeeksalut écoleman
15:12.28Dorphalsigright now im having a hard time making it work with 1.2
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15:13.21ecolemansince soxmix is gone in sox v13.0.0, is it safe to just create a shell script that just has: /usr/local/bin/sox -m "$@" ?
15:13.56[[blah]asfdsyzygyBSD: k made a change... I am not sure if i got this correct or not.
15:14.03DorphalsigCome on.... sombody must know spandsp
15:14.07Dorphalsigand how to make it work
15:14.11[[blah]asfdam i understanding how to do that correctly?
15:14.17DorphalsigIm getting compilation issues
15:14.49[[blah]asfdDorphalsig: issues compiling, you may want to check a linux room. what disrto are you using?
15:19.08IOscannerIs there a way to dump sip debug messages to a file only?
15:19.20IOscannerWhat kind of impact will this have on asterisk?
15:19.43s0ckwell, it's not going to improve performance :P
15:20.24Bladerunner05Don't know why.. using tdm400p (with 4 fxo) ztcfg -vv show me all channels correctly (fxs) I configure zaptel and zapata following the guide asterisk (1.4.4 with latest zaptel) don't show any errors but don't answer a call
15:20.34*** join/#asterisk Waverly360 (n=Waverly3@
15:21.10Bladerunner05here is my config
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15:21.35IOscannerI know that, but how much
15:21.57brodiemhey guys, how can I quickly bridge a zap channel to another channel (i.e. a Zap channel sitting in a queue)
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15:23.08ZeeekBladerunner05 I missed your question, what was it?
15:23.44*** join/#asterisk murdmath (
15:23.57Waverly360I'm still having some callerid issues.  How can the callerid(name) variable be empty if I know for a fact that the callerid is being passed into asterisk from a pri?
15:24.01Bladerunner05Don't know why.. using tdm400p (with 4 fxo) ztcfg -vv show me all channels correctly (fxs) I configure zaptel and zapata following the guide asterisk (1.4.4 with latest zaptel) don't show any errors but don't answer a call
15:24.25Zeeekdid you try calling out?
15:24.57Bladerunner05no I don't
15:25.03Bladerunner05do it
15:25.23ZeeekDial(ZAP/1) and see what happens
15:26.20Zeeekand no indication of call on CLI when it is coming in?
15:26.28UatecHi, i'm trying to send my caller ID when I make a call using Set(CALLERID(number)=XXXXX) but all i get is Unknown
15:26.37Uateci'm using asterisk business edition 1.3
15:26.41Uatecis that not the way to do it?
15:27.09blitzrageUatec: where are you sending it to?
15:27.18Uatecmy isdn card
15:27.20*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
15:27.31Uatecand eventually my mobile phone, which definately does support it
15:27.35blitzragewhoever is providing the ISDN connection probably isn't allowing you to set CID
15:27.37Uatecbecuase i've received it from this line before...
15:27.46blitzragereceived -- not send
15:27.55eeosZeeek: fiished the exercise AND the for levels above ....HA!
15:28.03Uateci have sent if from the isdn to the mobile before
15:29.49[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Stop repeating the same complaint over and over again every 5 minutes.  We heard you the first 10 times.
15:29.55Zeeekeeos now you're ready for certification
15:30.08[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Pastebin your zaptel.conf, zapata.conf, and extensions.conf.
15:30.26jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
15:30.26eeosZeeek: :P
15:30.38eeosZeeek: well, outbound calls work, but inbound calls not yet
15:30.46Zeeekso, no cigar
15:31.00Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: so I shouldn't keep asking about callerid then? :P
15:31.02*** join/#asterisk AndrewGearhart (
15:31.15eeosZeeek: :(
15:31.18AndrewGearhartmorning [TK]D-Fender
15:31.25Zeeekthere's a special on callerid on aisle 4 today only
15:32.19[TK]D-FenderWaverly360: "You have the right to remain silent... so STFU!"
15:32.19Zeeek[TK]D-Fender heh
15:32.19eeosZeeek: oe thing at a time, man :)
15:32.19[TK]D-Fender> unload
15:32.19Zeeekthe word finished means finished
15:32.26AndrewGearharthey folks, I'm seeing "SIP Trunking" how is that different from, say, an ITSP?
15:32.38*** join/#asterisk AvoidingDeadlock (
15:32.54Zeeekthere should be a way to have everything you type in the CLI say $what_you_typed is now deprecated
15:32.57*** join/#asterisk floppp (
15:33.31*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*n=brian@*] by russellb
15:33.31*** kick/#asterisk [AvoidingDeadlock!i=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla] by russellb (russellb)
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15:33.45eeosZeeek: well, I finished with redirecting outbund calls on an external provider, and I am pretty happy with the result :P
15:34.05Zeeekeeos after about 10 days on that, you can be proud
15:34.06Dorphalsig[[blah]asfd: I have FC4
15:34.07[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: Probably synonymous in intent, and inappropriately worded.
15:34.51eeosZeeek: ah, ah, ah , ah (actually 4 days 2 hour a day)
15:34.54*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*n=brian@*] by russellb
15:35.03Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Unfortunately, I don't know you well enough at this point to tell if you're joking, or just in a bad mood :P.
15:35.05Zeeekfor three lines, it's still a lot :)
15:35.20Dorphalsig[[blah]asfd: The error is: ../include/asterisk/plc.h:156: error: conflicting types for 'plc_init'
15:35.28*** join/#asterisk Ironhand (
15:35.35^majik^does anyone know where I can find some good info on asterisk 1.4's users.conf file?
15:35.49eeosZeeek: not everybody has esoteric capability of interpreting cryptic documentation
15:36.05[TK]D-FenderWaverly360: If I quote like that its likely in jest, but there might be a grain to it in the "don't push your luck" category :)
15:36.21AndrewGearhartI'm trying to decipher it seems to be what I'd like to do running VoIP on the outside.
15:36.32Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Understood.  I'll try to be wary :).
15:36.33Zeeekeeos BS! The documentation at that level is perfectly clear
15:36.55^majik^Dorphalsig: not much of anything about users.conf on  is there another wiki?
15:36.59Bladerunner05Zeek: in my extension.conf I put exten => _0.,1,Dial(Zap/1) but not found
15:37.04[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: Ok, forget that and just tell me straight what you want to do exactly.
15:37.39[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: These guys seem to be a poorly worded ITSP
15:37.41ZeeekBladerunner05 what is not found? The extension?
15:37.59AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: k. typing and trying to keep it concise so it's short, sweet and clear. be just a moment.
15:38.09Bladerunner05Zeek: when I make a call xlite answer not found
15:38.12*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:38.14eeosZeeek: I will have to seriously disagree with you
15:38.25[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: I asked you for your configs to see where things may have gone wrong.  Sop asking for help until you provide them.
15:38.25mockerAnyone have any tips for centralizing voicemail from multiple servers to one?
15:38.34Zeeekeeosgive it a rest and write a better documentation
15:38.42jkiffIs there a way to redirect what shows up in the CLI to a file?  `asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvv > asterisk.log` doesn't seem to work.
15:38.44mockerI tried NFS, but the lag between the servers causes a huge pause when checking for new mail.
15:38.55DefrazIs there some place that explains the different Dtmfmodes and how to use them and so on.
15:39.44Dorphalsigjkiff: just go to logger.conf
15:39.46mihinomenestTurns out my provider wanted more money to turn on "extension dialing"
15:39.59Dorphalsigjkiff: and set full debugging options
15:40.49Bladerunner05Zeek: this is all my configuration:
15:40.51jkiffDorphalsig: Ah, I see!  Thanks.  :)
15:42.16ZeeekBladerunner05 what is the output of ZAP SHOW CHANNELS ?
15:45.05*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:45.07[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: X-Lite tells you "not found"?
15:45.07[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: What are you dialing on it?
15:45.07Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender>: yes when i try to call out ?
15:45.07[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: What # are you dialing?
15:45.19Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender>: an external number like 099xxxxx
15:45.49[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: turn on SIP debug, and try your call again.  pastebin ALL of the output.
15:46.00eeosZeeek: I have written documentation for fsos projects, so ....
15:47.01ZeeekI think the new ps solved the hum on the Polycom ip500 with headset
15:47.29Zeeekspent entire morning installing 1.4 on new box
15:47.45Zeeekdidn't reach the pint of port forwarding so no ssh
15:47.49*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:48.10Zeeekbasically, the success would indicate I should now quit until Monday
15:48.22Zeeekor risk screwing up something badly tomorrow
15:48.43AndrewGearhartGOAL: Lower our phone/internet bills & maintain quality phone & data service.
15:49.04AndrewGearhartWe need to have the ability for 5 "lines" to 10 extensions. I've decided it will be VoIP inside the office from desks to asterisk.
15:49.12AndrewGearhartI now need to decide how asterisk will be connecting to POTS... 1) via Sangoma A200d to analog lines or 2) to an ITSP
15:49.13[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: How much are you paying for LD now?  What kind of lines?  What cost/line/channel?
15:49.34[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: many would advise against using VoIP as your primary business telco link.
15:49.45*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
15:49.47Bladerunner05this is the output when I try to call out
15:49.58AndrewGearhartLD is $0.06/m s-to-s $0.065 in-state
15:50.10Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender> this is the output when I try to call out
15:50.16ManxPowerAndrewGearhart: Do you like working where you work?
15:50.17Zeeekhorribly expensive if that's the US
15:50.20AndrewGearharteach line is currently $45-$48 each
15:50.48AndrewGearhartManxPower: yes. this is a side project. why?
15:51.10ManxPowerAndrewGearhart: If you hate your job then go with the ITSP.  If you like your job then go with the PSTN lines.
15:51.11[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Pastebin "show dialplan"
15:51.33*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
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15:51.46[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: Your LD rate is pure BS.  I get .03$/min Cdn easy.
15:52.00ManxPowerAndrewGearhart: You could go with a hybrid approach.  Have the number of PSTN lines to handle most of your call volume, then use an ITSP for overflow
15:52.13[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: Threaten your telco rep with departure and negociate your rate down.
15:52.15*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (i=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-fe74fe70049e094f)
15:52.25Bladerunner05] <[TK]D-Fender> : the result are many lines ....
15:52.33[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: ALL OF IT.
15:52.37Zeeekdialplan show interni
15:52.43[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Let me sift through the crap.
15:52.57[TK]D-FenderZeeek: I'm sure he didn't apply his changes....
15:53.04Zeeekyeah no ext rel
15:53.05[TK]D-FenderZeeek: I'm jsut waiting to SEE it.
15:53.16Zeeekand then leap mercilessly
15:53.19[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Oh and turn off SIP debug now.
15:53.23[TK]D-Fender"sip no debug"
15:53.35Bladerunner05dialpan show interni return: There is no existence of 'interni' context
15:53.54Zeeekexten <tab> rel <tab>
15:53.54[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Looks like you updated extensions.conf but didn't put the change in EFFECT
15:54.03[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: "reload" !
15:54.08[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: And try again
15:54.25Bladerunner05if I do show dialplan the latest line is: -= 68 extensions (134 priorities) in 40 contexts. =-
15:54.32Zeeekof course this wouldn't have happened with polycoms.
15:54.39AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: I've found a CLEC that will do unlimited for the regular lines... at about the same rate / mo for the regular line charge we currently pay
15:55.00Bladerunner05I reload but the problem is the same
15:55.02[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: Sounds good.... wheres the problem?
15:55.03ManxPowerAndrewGearhart: both analog ports and voip each have their drawbacks
15:55.25[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: pastebin "ls -l /etc/asterisk" I have a strong suspicion.
15:55.25ManxPowerAndrewGearhart: a PRI would be BEST, of course.
15:55.44ZeeekManxPower we even left one analog phone on the main line just in case asterisk itslef is down and we haven't notied
15:55.47Uatechey, does anybody know how to persuade an aastra 9133i to connect to line 2, rather than line 1?
15:55.50AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: I still have to pay $.045 for the toll-free lines on inbound.
15:55.52Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender>: here is the result of make samples after compiling *
15:56.06[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: Again thats BS... I'm gett .03c/m
15:56.09Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender>: this is your suspect?
15:56.19AndrewGearhartManxPower: the only provider of PRI in our area is the same JAs that we're using for the analog lines and wants an absolute fortune.
15:56.21ManxPowerBladerunner05: The sample config files are NOT a working configuration
15:56.25[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: If you make samples you are KILLING YOUR CONFIGS
15:56.34Zeeekwhich could be a problem
15:56.45AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: any idea if your provider is available in Saint Marys, PA, USA?
15:56.46Bladerunner05OK what file I have to delete ?
15:56.56[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Provide me what I last requested of you
15:57.06Bladerunner05The other strange problem is that id didn't respond when I call it
15:57.14[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: No, "MAKE SAMPLES" is KILLING YOUR CONFIGS.  Stop doing !.  you ahve nothing to delete!
15:57.37Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender>: I do make samples before write my configuration
15:57.42[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Stop everything else and provide what I jsut requested. and "cat" out your dialplan from Linux CLI
15:58.02[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: And make sure I can see it ALL (include the catul commands used)
15:58.22Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender>: how do that ?
15:58.36[TK]D-Fendercat [your extensions file]
15:58.41Zeeek[TK]D-Fender what do you know about selectmenu ?
15:59.04ManxPowerBladerunner05: "do" is current tense, "did" is past tense.
15:59.04[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: And I asked you to do   Bladerunner05: pastebin "ls -l /etc/asterisk" I have a strong suspicion.
15:59.04Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender> You need to see all config files ?
15:59.16[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: I told you EXACTLY what I wanted...
15:59.56[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Along with the "cat" of your dialplan showing me your linux CLI commands being called as well as their output.
16:01.40*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (i=matt@nat/digium/x-6e191363ebbbffa6)
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16:02.16Zeeekummmm what day is there, Bladerunner05 ?
16:02.39[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Please "cat" out your dialplan...
16:02.42ZeeekI'd say
16:02.48[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: the last thing I asked you for
16:02.52Zeeekextension.conf from today is a good place to begin
16:03.01[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Do YOU see whats about to happen?
16:03.05Zeeek2007-06-07 18:40 extension.conf
16:03.09[TK]D-FenderZeeek:  SHUSH!
16:03.20[TK]D-FenderZeeek: I'm giving him rope!
16:03.22ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: you are going to tell him he is an idiot and is editing the wrong files.
16:03.24Zeeekyou guys are worse than cats playing with mice!
16:03.33Bladerunner05This is the result of my dialplan:
16:03.33Zeeekno stop
16:03.42*** join/#asterisk hegars (
16:03.43ManxPoweroh, and be sure to mention that you will never get that hour back.
16:03.57[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: I said CAT it from linux CLI
16:04.05ManxPowerZeeek: But it is FUN to see them twitch.
16:04.09Zeeekstop, I can't bear to watch this
16:04.18Bladerunner05I do asterisk -r -x "show dialplan" is correct ?
16:04.30[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: "CAT" <-------
16:04.35hegarsdoes anyone have the beat copies of the firemwares for the Grandstream GXP2000 that they can send me
16:04.39[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: From Linux CLI.  No, NOT Asterisk -anything
16:04.53ManxPower"Love to eat 'dem mousies.  Mousies is what I love to eat!  Bite their little heads off, nibble on their tiny feet!"
16:05.22[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Not a question-mark anywhere in the last 20 mins from you directed at me :)  PUNCTUATE!
16:05.24Zeeeka sense of community
16:05.44Zeeek[17:58] <Zeeek> [TK]D-Fender what do you know about selectmenu ?
16:05.53[TK]D-FenderZeeek: We are a community... you can't have a good lynching without "community"! ;)
16:06.13Bladerunner05try this
16:06.19[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Term doesn't ring a bell....
16:06.31Zeeekterm.... <bell> muhahaha
16:07.06[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: You are in ASTERICK CLI there.
16:07.18[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: I said CAT it from LINUX.
16:07.37Zeeekthis is no baptism by fire. You guys don't know what is was like with JerJer "put the crack pipe down"
16:07.57ManxPowerI like JerJer
16:07.59ZeeekBladerunner05 ils se moquent de toi mon pote!
16:08.04ZeeekI miss JerJer
16:08.05[TK]D-FenderZeeek: I've been here for years.... he's far from the first to use it...
16:08.09Uatec <-- Bladerunner05???
16:08.26Bladerunner05this is cutted from shell command cat extension.conf
16:08.33Bladerunner05I hope I understand
16:08.44[TK]D-FenderFinally the EVIDENCE!
16:08.51[TK]D-Fenderanapbx:/etc/asterisk# cat extension.conf <- this is NOT EXTENSIONS.CONF!
16:09.03cpmZeeek, lol!
16:09.05[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: You may as well have named it FRED.TXT
16:09.18Zeeekc'est trop penible les mecs
16:09.21*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
16:09.28[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: WTF are you doing editing a file named "extension.conf" and thinking it MATTERS?
16:09.33murdmathUatec: Did you figure out your caller id thing?
16:09.44Bladerunner05Now I try to rename it
16:09.46*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
16:09.56Zeeekwell, linux is so hot, it should be able to guess.
16:10.18Zeeekdidn't VAX-VMS have a thing like "did you mean extensions.conf?"
16:10.25[TK]D-FenderZeeek: No, that'd be "Asterisk" being "so smart".... to linux its jsut files, but * should be able to guess your configs!
16:10.54Zeeekah but the underlying FS should see the sys call and see the similarity
16:10.54[TK]D-FenderMy work here is done....
16:10.58cpmZeeek, penible ?
16:11.07Zeeekgesus H triste
16:11.13Uatecwhat is the opposite to a blind transfer?
16:11.31Uatecmurdmath, nope
16:11.35[TK]D-FenderUatec: Hanging up on the caller
16:12.34Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender> : I do that but the problem is the same when I make a call outside.... not found
16:12.44murdmathUatec: What switchtype is your PRI?
16:12.58ZeeekBladerunner05 restart asterisk
16:12.59*** join/#asterisk Daejeo1 (n=chatzill@
16:13.01Bladerunner05this is the result of show dialplan from cli>
16:13.04[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Show me that the file is in the right state and IN EFFECT.
16:13.05Bladerunner05Zeek: done
16:13.12Bladerunner05ok do that
16:13.38[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Ok, that looks better.  Now re-enable sip debug and pastebin the new call attempt
16:13.51Bladerunner05this is the content of the file
16:13.54Zeeekand add an X to the '_0X.' =>
16:13.58Zeeekjust for fun
16:15.02Daejeo1I want to handle 1000-1300 concurrent calls. what kind of server(rack/tower) should I buy?
16:15.09Bladerunner05Now works the call start.....
16:15.13sunsmasherwe should have a cpan contest.. who can try to install and get the most required dependencies
16:15.14Bladerunner05thanks guys
16:15.27Bladerunner05now I try to see if * answer an incoming call
16:15.27Zeeekwhy does it work now?
16:15.39*** join/#asterisk tdonahue-laptop (
16:15.51SweeperDaejeo1: it should be a tower, and for the calls to sound really good, it should probably be blue
16:16.05*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
16:16.13tdonahue-laptopanyone here successfully running zaptel 1.4.2 on debian etch?
16:16.30Daejeo1Sweeper: brand name?
16:16.37[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Yay!
16:16.39*** join/#asterisk flot (
16:16.42Uatecmurdmath, BRI mate...
16:16.44SweeperDaejeo1: Initech
16:16.56tdonahue-laptopi'm getting kernel panics on my amd64 version of etch any time i attempt to start a meetme conference
16:17.03cy303tdonahue-laptop: on ubuntu..
16:17.20tdonahue-laptopcy303, i386 or amd64?
16:17.41Daejeo1Sweeper: going to use E1 connections
16:17.48hegarstdonahue-laptop: i run it on debian etch i386 too
16:18.09tdonahue-laptophmm... wonders if he has a i386 box around to test on...
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16:18.09SweeperDaejeo1: then you should get the Initech RS-E
16:18.09murdmathUatec: It think the options are National, ni1, dms, 4ess, 5ess, euroisdn, and qsig I think.
16:18.16tdonahue-laptops/wonders/i wonder/
16:18.19Sweeperit has e1 connectors on the front panel
16:18.20flothello. what is asnparser ?
16:18.40tdonahue-laptopoooo.. thats cool
16:19.08rene-any mitel users out there?
16:19.13*** join/#asterisk n0n4m3 (
16:19.28tdonahue-laptopno voip on our mitel system though
16:19.29Bladerunner05Really don't works this is the result:
16:20.17*** join/#asterisk QbY (
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16:20.44Daejeo1Sweeper: can you point me to url?
16:21.05QbYIf I have a user dialing a 11 digit number that is actually in my dialplan, how is the best way to check for its existance before sending it off to the PSTN?
16:21.06*** join/#asterisk b4ka (n=jh@
16:21.11[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Ok this one I'll jsut GIVE you...
16:21.28[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: You are doing : exten => _0.,1,Dial(ZAP/1)
16:21.48[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: this mean it will take ANY number that starts with a "0" and has at least 1 more digit.
16:22.04b4kahey, anyone knows why im getting this message on some calls after a couple minutes? DEBUG[25626] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/2617-083157e0
16:22.16b4kaand then the call drops
16:22.19[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: And then it will take your 1st line and just give you DIALTONE without passing on the whole number or any aprt of what you dialed.
16:22.21*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
16:22.29Uatechow can i do different things if my call is left unanswered rather than if the phone is busy
16:22.37Uateci.e. i have a sip device and i Dial() it
16:22.58Uateci want to go to answerphone if the phone is not answered
16:23.03SweeperDaejeo1: sorry, not
16:23.08Sweeperyou could call them tho
16:23.10[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: If you wanted to dial the ENTIRE # the way you dialed it from your SIP soft-phone you would do : exten => _0.,1,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN])
16:23.12Uatecand i want to dial a different sip device if the phone is busy, i.e. in use
16:23.18[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: If you wanted to dial the ENTIRE # the way you dialed it from your SIP soft-phone you would do : exten => _0.,1,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN})
16:23.22[TK]D-Fender(fixed for typo)
16:23.43[TK]D-FenderUatec: Look at the DIALSTATUS vriable
16:23.47Bladerunner05that's right
16:23.49[TK]D-FenderUatec: "show application dial"
16:23.56[TK]D-FenderUatec: ..... you lazy ass! ;)
16:24.17SweeperDaejeo1: <-- number at the bottom. remember to reference model RS-E, with the front panel connectors
16:24.21*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
16:24.28[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: ok, REALLY heading to lunch now...
16:24.37Bladerunner05now I try
16:25.16*** join/#asterisk yannj_fr (
16:25.58Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender> Ok now works, I do a 15 min pause....
16:26.20Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender> So now I have to understand why * don't answer the incoming calls
16:26.49murdmathUatec: It is my understanding that your pri needs to be configured for national by your telco for you to be able to modify the caller id.
16:27.34Daejeo1Sweeper: also I want to run few machines as soft-switches. which one do you recommend?
16:28.31Uatecmurdmath, it is
16:28.34b4kaive seen some messages asking the same o n the list, no response
16:29.19Uatec[TK]D-Fender, exten => s,n,GotoIf(${DIALEDSTATUS} = ANSWERED) ????!?!?!?
16:29.26Uatecthat's an awful way of doing it
16:32.43*** part/#asterisk eeos (n=eeos@
16:33.11*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (
16:33.24QbYis there a way to have Goto return to the dialplan if the context and extension don't exist in the dialplan?
16:33.35QbYintsead of just dumping the call
16:37.05UatecQbY, us the s extension... that's "anything else"
16:37.58Uatecwell it's Start, but it works as anything else...
16:37.59Uateci think
16:39.15QbYUatec..  Here's my problem.  We have DIDs that ring extensions..  When an extension calls out his full DID shows in the Caller ID.  So if he calls another person in the office his full number shows up.  If they go through their recent calls and see someone called and selects dial it will create a loop in the proxy because it sends it right back to Asterisk.  What I woudl like to do, is to check the dialplan for the existence of that DID before s
16:39.54QbYI tried Goto(context_with_all_dids,${exten},1) but, if the DID doesn't exist it bombs, never making it to the Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@PSTNGATEWAY)
16:41.28*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
16:41.33[TK]D-FenderUatec: If its answered you won't even GET to the next priority...
16:43.00[TK]D-FenderQbY: ChanIsAvail(Local/123@context,j)
16:43.12[TK]D-FenderQbY: Chanisavail will tell you if its legit.
16:43.33Zeeek[TK]D-Fender how was lunch?
16:43.53Uatec[TK]D-Fender, what about when the receiver of the Dial command hangs up?
16:43.54[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Easy to swallow.. unlike most of the stuff in here ;)
16:44.41[TK]D-FenderUatec: Same deal.  If you want * to deal with a hangup, thats what "exten => h," and Dial's "g" option are for.
16:45.23Uatecwhat i actually want to do is ring Phone A, and if they don't answer, ring phone B
16:45.34Uatecwhat i actually want to do is ring Phone A, and if they don't answer go to voicemail
16:45.41Uatecbut if phone A is busy, then ring Phone B
16:45.52Uatecand if Phone B is busy, or they don't answer, then go to the voicemail
16:46.03[TK]D-FenderUatec: then you don't need to do ANYTHING
16:46.17[TK]D-FenderUatec: Just dial them back-to-back, and 3rd priority to VM.
16:46.24Aquavettethats what I was gonna say...
16:46.26[TK]D-FenderUatec: 3 puny lines of dialplan for the whole mess
16:46.33Uatec3rd priority to VM?
16:46.57Uatecn0n4m3, that will dial sip/a, then if they don't answer dial sip/b
16:46.58n0n4m3yeah.. or something like that
16:47.00Uatecthat's not what i want
16:47.09[TK]D-FenderUatec: Thats what you just ASKED
16:47.28[TK]D-FenderUatec: Ah, missed something
16:47.31n0n4m3Uatec: what i actually want to do is ring Phone A, and if they don't answer go to voicemail
16:47.46[TK]D-FenderUatec: So you really don't want to ring A & B simultaneously?
16:48.08Uatecno, i don't
16:48.09n0n4m3so ring phone b only if a is busy
16:48.15Uateccorrect, n0n4m3
16:49.21*** join/#asterisk Innatech (
16:49.59[TK]D-FenderUatec: Ok, so dial the first, check the fail reason and jump to either VM or dialing  #2
16:51.15Uatecthat sounds like lines and lines of horrible exten => s
16:51.42[TK]D-FenderUatec: I never said what exten you were using, and its 2 extra lines.
16:51.59AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: what about: keep two analog lines (1 fax, 1 voice both switched to the unlimited plan at 49 and 39/mo), run  the additional lines (five) over VoIP to an ITSP. Think that's enough fault tolerance?
16:52.13*** join/#asterisk hugohagogo (n=cleber@
16:52.21[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: If your lines are unlimited how is paying for outside service (again billed per minute) CHEAPER or BETTER
16:52.25Uatecit's 2 extra lines per dialed phone
16:52.39[TK]D-FenderUatec: Time to make macros
16:53.01[TK]D-FenderUatec: And should be *0* extra after 3 lines of macro overhead.
16:53.03AndrewGearhart[TK]D-Fender: each additional line is $39/mo we usually have several folks on the phone at the same time...
16:53.26InnatechI'm trying to remember a recommendation for a favorite phone from a couple people from a few weeks back. Polycom or Aastra, I think, for heavy executive use. Sound familiar to anyone? It came up during a round of Snom-bashing.
16:53.35*** join/#asterisk ramindia (n=ramindia@
16:53.43[TK]D-FenderAndrewGearhart: Calc out your termination costs then based on the # of minutes required.
16:53.53[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Polycom > all
16:54.31jbotphones is probably  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
16:54.47jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
16:54.47ramindiacan some one tell me. how can i add meetme  using mysql, realtime ?
16:54.47InnatechOK, that jibes with my memory. Thnx.
16:54.48Uateci have no idea how you would write a macro to do that
16:54.59InnatechI need to tattoo that URL backwards on my forehead.
16:55.00[TK]D-FenderUatec: You should hire me to rebuild your entire setup for you.  If you're going to be lazy, be EFFICIENT about it ;)
16:55.04ramindiaany one done meetme with mysql realtime, i dont see any document for the same
16:55.15[TK]D-FenderInnatech: that URL is OLD and I should make my own at this point.
16:55.29[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Same as for documenting other things like SIP/NAT settings, etc.
16:55.40Innatechheh. I've been seeing it forever, you'd think I'd remember it by now w/o the reminder.
16:55.57Corydon76-homeI wouldn't recommend Cisco phones.  Ever.  But I would recommend Grandstream phones for people who need a cheap phone.
16:56.10AquavetteI like my Cisco Phones
16:56.40InnatechYeah, I've had decent luck with recent revision Snom's with revised firmware too. But, still, I wanted to refresh my memory so far as the conventional wisdom goes.
16:56.49[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-Linksys costs a tine amount more, and c'mon.... Polycom IP 320 = $95 USD.  Thats only a little more than a GXP....
16:56.56Corydon76-homeThey're expensive pieces of shit that should be confined to the dustbin until they a) come down in price, and b) Cisco gets their head out of their ass with respect to licensing the software image
16:57.15Uatec[TK]D-Fender, this is my job
16:57.18Uatecbut i'm in the learning phase
16:57.42[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home: Licensing needs to change, and the QUALITY of their SIP app too.... no presence, crappier call handling, etc... but then it might compete with CCM! ;)
16:58.16Aquavettesee, I'm a CCNA, so i get access to the images for free. and I have the 7940's I own working great with Asteriks, no issues at all.
16:58.21[TK]D-FenderUatec: Even better... Company money.  My rates are very accessable and can save them (through you) lost of time to do a 1-shot clean-up and training.
16:58.32AquavetteAnyone that wants the image, I'll supply it too them
16:58.34Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: more grief from a vendor is not what I need.  We deploy Polycom and SNOM almost exclusively.
16:59.16InnatechWhile we're beating the Grandstream horse, I take it their cheap FXO gateway is also to be avioded?
16:59.23[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home: I agree, just saying what Cisco could do to bring themselves towards parity with Polycom.  Polycom of course still KILLS everything else on price/quality ratio.
16:59.32Innatechperhaps in favor of audiocodes?
16:59.49Corydon76-homeInnatech: why aren't you using Asterisk for FXO ports?
16:59.54[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Before talking FXO, how many ports, what kind of sue & location reltive to *?
16:59.56InnatechRackmount server.
17:00.09*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
17:00.15Corydon76-homeIf it deserves rackmount, it deserves a T1 PRI interface
17:00.15Innatechtk-d: just two, so we can make use of the lines carrying the DSLs.
17:00.22*** part/#asterisk ramindia (n=ramindia@
17:00.45InnatechCorydon76: Perhaps in an ideal world ;P
17:00.45[TK]D-FenderInnatech: What kind of call volume?
17:00.50Corydon76-homeUsing POTS with a rackmount interface is like towing a boat with a Yugo.
17:00.58Uatec[TK]D-Fender, it's my job to learn how and then we sell our services...
17:01.02Uateci.e. my asterisk skills
17:01.13[TK]D-FenderUatec: ... where.. WHERE?!?! ;)
17:01.46[TK]D-FenderUatec: If you're beating yourself up over a little piece of dialplan like this not even know the tools at your disposal you're a long way away...
17:01.54Uatecit's called learning
17:02.00[TK]D-FenderUatec: I was talking about your SKILLS!
17:02.19Innatech[TK]D : I suppose that would depend on the rules I put into place. It's a small office, but they tend to use their phones fairly heavily. They're going to have 6 channels over VOIP, and would also like to use the POTS lines they can't get rid of for local outbound  calling.
17:03.45Innatech[TK]D: A couple extra ports wouldn't hurt, as they'd like to be able to sublet an office or two, but the main idea is not to waste the physical lines neccesitated by the DSL.
17:04.14[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Well on the cheap you might consider 2 x SPA -3102's or a TDM400P / A200.  To save a few bucks you might try living with software EC as well.
17:07.38*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (
17:08.23*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
17:08.30Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender>: I'm back so... why my asterisk don't answer incoming call ?
17:08.31*** join/#asterisk keulin (
17:08.51Innatech[TK]D: the extra couple hundred dollars wouldn't be a deal breaker if I were to recommend something like the Audiocodes MP114 .  Is there a significant benefit to be had? I've not had much experience in doing VOIP alongside traditional lines.
17:08.53ZeeekBladerunner05 - long time no see!
17:08.58[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Don't know yet.  * shows NOTHING on the CLI for thie incoming ring?
17:09.23Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender>: absolutly nothing
17:09.27Innatech[TK]D:  I've dealt with Zaptel cards before, but I mostly work with plain VOIP.
17:09.44[TK]D-FenderInnatech: I prefer PCI usually for FXO.  If you want quality, then A200d
17:10.43*** join/#asterisk cr4z3d (
17:10.48ZeeekBladerunner05 are the 4 LEDs lit on the card?
17:11.17Innatech[TK] D: Hmm. I suppose I could slap them into their own * box and tie it into the main one.
17:11.23Bladerunner05Zeek: all on
17:11.48Zeeekzap show channel 2
17:13.36Zeeeksame as mine except for File descriptor
17:13.37AquavetteAnyone tell me how to structure this, correctly. I want to ring an extension, IF NO ANSWER, I want to add something to the sipheader, and then have it call another extension. What I need to add to the SIP header is this: exten => s-NOANSWER,1,SIPAddHeader(Diversion: <tel:${ARG1}>\;reason=user-busy\;screen=no\;privacy=off)
17:14.22ZeeekBladerunner05 maybe italy has funky states on telco lines?
17:14.56Bladerunner05Zeek: don't think
17:15.34[TK]D-FenderAquavette: Looks fine
17:16.02Aquavettesee, whats that I thought, but I can't get the order working right
17:16.13AquavetteIt will ring, but it will never add the header, and dial hte new extension
17:16.37n0n4m3bruteforcing DOES pay up!
17:18.54ZeeekBladerunner05 look at this:
17:19.28Zeeeksee what answeronpolarityswitch=yes  is set in your zaptel
17:19.33^majik^anyone know if I can get the x64 version of the g729 codec through digium?
17:19.41Qwell[]^majik^: for linux, yes
17:20.00^majik^Qwell[]: ok, thanks
17:20.50[TK]D-FenderAquavette: Trun up sip debug, verbose 10 and pastebin the attempt from beginning to end
17:21.04Aquavettegotcha, thanks
17:22.14*** join/#asterisk EduHard (n=edward2a@
17:22.21EduHardhello everyone
17:22.27EduHardNeed little help urgent
17:23.31EduHardextensions cannot communicate
17:23.36EduHardany idea? thx
17:23.43jkiffSo I'm reading that fax over IP is... not so hot.  I see that this is mainly due to fax's low tolerance of jitter, packet loss, etc, so trying to fax via IAX, SIP, etc over the Internet would be pretty crappy.  However, if I have a stable enough LAN and it's using g711, could I use SIP to get a fax as far as my Asterisk box where I then dump it onto the T1 just like any other outbound call?
17:23.53jkiffEduHard: You'll have to be more specific than that.
17:24.19Bladerunner05Zeek I set answeronpolarityswitch=yes on zaptel.conf reload but nothig....
17:24.34Zeeekit should be no
17:24.56Zeeekby the way, you may have to reload zaptel for changes like that
17:25.06[TK]D-FenderEduHard: You gave no details whatsoever.  No, we have NO IDEA.
17:25.09*** join/#asterisk AdamB0122 (n=adam@
17:25.18AdamB0122Quick Question reguarding Asterisk
17:25.24AdamB0122and its more of confirmation for me
17:25.28Zeeek[TK]D-Fender don't you have to reload the zaptel drivers when you change zaptel.conf ?
17:25.29EduHardfxotune -i 4
17:25.35*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
17:25.35EduHardwait for fxotune to finish
17:25.37[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Yup
17:25.39EduHardfxotune -s
17:25.43AdamB0122If I have this PBX configured to use a T1 card
17:25.45EduHardasterisk start
17:26.00AdamB0122I dont need to worry about it being behind a pix
17:26.06AdamB0122because all the lines are analog
17:26.07Bladerunner05•zeedo• do that but nothing....
17:26.14EduHardthen phones can't communucate with each other
17:26.36[TK]D-FenderEduHard: That makes NO sense.  The facts have nothing to do with each other.
17:26.44AdamB0122EduHard - Network to Network transactions are all done behind the PIx, so i dont need to worry about that either
17:26.52[TK]D-FenderEduHard: A hundred things could be wrong and we don't know what kind of phones you are using.
17:27.09AdamB0122inside to inside the PIX doesn't montior anything, actually nothing even talks to the pix, it just goes directly to that device.
17:27.22Bladerunner05Zeek: there is a gui that help to configure correctly all?
17:27.24EduHardI know, that's why I'm turning crazy.... maybe the phones...
17:27.29Zeeek[TK]D-Fender what is needed as a compliment to pastebin is a forum to fill out with the answers to all these questions
17:28.11[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Not a bad idea.  A form, not a forum.
17:28.41ZeeekBladerunner05 yes:
17:29.08Zeeekone like pastebin that issues an id number
17:29.50Zeeeksomeone could prolly modify a pb to show an initial document that had the questions
17:30.00Aquavetteexten => s-NOANSWER,1,SIPAddHeader(Diversion: <tel:${ARG1}>\;reason=user-busy\;screen=no\;privacy=off)
17:30.00Aquavetteexten => s-NOANSWER,2,Dial(SIP/222)
17:30.02[TK]D-FenderZeeek: basically a live bug-tracker.
17:30.03Aquavetteoops, sorry,
17:30.16Zeeek[TK]D-Fender more directed that that even
17:30.18[TK]D-FenderAquavette: Pastebint he dialplan, its exectution and the SIP debug along-with
17:30.31Aquavettethat what I was doing
17:30.34Aquavettejust hit hte wrong window...
17:31.10Bladerunner05Zeek: I intend graphic interface
17:31.15Zeeekasterisk: version, nat?, phone 1:nat?,SIP/IAX/ZAP etc tec
17:31.33ZeeekBladerunner05 not that I know of
17:31.53Zeeekbut you should now call Digium because you own a Digium card
17:32.01Zeeekthey will help you
17:32.10[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: Go read THE BOOK.  Go use the WIKI and google up some guides.  This is * 101 stuff...
17:32.26jbotbook is probably a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
17:32.28jbotextra, extra, read all about it, wikis is
17:32.30jbotrumour has it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
17:32.31ZeeekI think he has a not obvious problem
17:32.46[TK]D-FenderZeeek: That doesn't forgive the first 10 that WERE ;)
17:33.02Zeeekindeed, it is a test of moral fiber
17:33.16[TK]D-FenderZeeek: I'm and not in the "posthumous forgiveness" business here ;)
17:33.41Zeeekyou don't seem to be in any business at all with the time wasted here :)
17:34.01Zeeekmust be waiting for the polycom to boot...
17:34.15[TK]D-FenderZeeek: I get the occasional contract from here, and my clients all happy with my efforst.
17:34.50Zeeekcontract? Tueur à gages?
17:35.14*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
17:35.37ZeeekFON wants to know why I haven't been  sharing my internet connection
17:36.10AquavetteFon router?
17:36.24*** join/#asterisk `pariah (n=josh@unaffiliated/pariah)
17:36.26ZeeekAfter their router brought down our DSL a few times with no one even near it and what with it being illegal, I decided to to put it back on the shelf
17:36.41ZeeekYeah, they were shipped out free
17:36.46Zeeekat a conference I attended
17:37.08AquavetteI went in and reloaded dd-wrt when it did that too mine
17:37.13*** join/#asterisk bkunyiha (
17:37.32*** join/#asterisk catpants (
17:37.39ZeeekI do,n't have time to play with FON. IN fact someone less than a block away has one
17:37.47Zeeekso I'm superfluous
17:37.55`pariahi have twi X100P's in my asterisk server. i have both of these hooked up to POTS lines. when i ring either of the numbers, the asterisk console shows nothing. any help?
17:37.59Aquavettesee, it made me mad, I erased the installed firmware and install something different
17:38.07Aquavetteits not a glorifed access point
17:38.19[TK]D-Fender`pariah: Without seeing all realted configs, don't expect any...
17:38.21Zeeeka lot of ppeaopl have hacked the fos I hear
17:38.29Aquavetteits easy
17:38.41Zeeekanyone want one?
17:38.41`pariah[TK]D-Fender: ill show configs which ones zaptel.conf and zapata.conf?
17:38.52Kattyi must be missing something little
17:38.54[TK]D-Fender`pariah: And related dialplan
17:38.56*** join/#asterisk waptaxi (
17:39.07Zeeekwhat about seeing if the cards are even recognized?
17:39.22*** join/#asterisk casimir (
17:39.23`pariahboth cards are shown with zap show status
17:39.28ZeeekBIG ZAPTEL DAY today! Even I actually installed one
17:39.29InnatechSo I just got back from looking at a clients new space on another floor in my building. They're inheriting oldish CAT5 wiring.  Is it a terrible idea to try and run their phones and data over VLANS on that cabling? The servers routers switches modems etc will be tied together on gigabit, but it's the old cabling out to the offices and sec'y stalls. Should we bid bidding CAT6 installs now to avoid pain down the road? I'm thinking yes
17:39.29Innatech, am I overbuilding?
17:39.40[TK]D-FenderKatty: #INCLUDE => /etc/asterisk/zap-theritegroup <- no "#" in front
17:39.52`pariah[TK]D-Fender: i haven't gotten to a dialplan, im just trying to see if they will ring the console, then chose what to do when it rings
17:39.54[TK]D-FenderKatty: umm... oops
17:40.07Katty[TK]D-Fender: i don't believe you (=
17:40.18[TK]D-FenderKatty: that should be : include "fullpath"
17:40.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: You hybridized your syntax...
17:40.33AquavetteCat6 is expensive, and the benefits it gives are not that much
17:40.38Aquavetteunless your doing all gigabit
17:40.52Katty[TK]D-Fender: but all my other ones like #INCLUDE /etc/asterisk/sipupstairs works
17:41.06[TK]D-FenderKatty: Was unsure what you were trying to do, although I'm afraid to ask why you are including an entire FILE in that piece of IVR.  This screams "not good"
17:41.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: don't ask.
17:41.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: it's horribly complicated.
17:41.21[TK]D-FenderKatty: no "=>"
17:41.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: and i don't want to explain i for 50th billion time.
17:41.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: You had me at "horribly" ;)
17:42.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: there are several different companies, with several different lines.
17:42.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: each [zap-context] needs to run through a different set of stuff.
17:42.56casimirInnatech, I tend to agree w/ Aquavette the benefits of cat6 to all the endpoints may not be worth the hassles
17:42.56Katty[TK]D-Fender: i don't want extensions conf to be huge and confusing, so i'm breaking it down into smaller bits.
17:42.56`pariahhere are zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
17:42.56[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'm clearly not seeing the dialplan being pumped out by that call.. its coming from somewhere else...
17:42.58casimirand cat6 won't be cat6 anymore after it goes around a corner on its way to a desk
17:43.04Zeeekparia what does ztconfig tell you?
17:43.11Kattyany other advice on my pastebin anyone?
17:43.31[TK]D-Fender`pariah: and you have not defined any CHANNELS in zapata.conf
17:43.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: I jsut told you that the CLI output doesn't match your dialplan in your pastebin... it won't do anyone any good :)
17:44.07Katty[TK]D-Fender: yes, yes you did.
17:44.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: You're gonna have to spill the beans to get out of this one!
17:44.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: but that doesn't help me any.
17:44.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: i already know that something is wrong, but i don't know what.
17:44.36[TK]D-FenderKatty: you aren't showing use the configs being affected....
17:45.09*** join/#asterisk frocos11292 (
17:45.14Uatec[TK]D-Fender, ytou know what we were talking about??
17:45.14Uatecexten => s,1,Dial(${ARG1},3,t)
17:45.14Uatecexten => s,2,GotoIf(${DIALSTATUS} = NOANSWER?3:5)
17:45.15Uatecexten => s,3,VoiceMail(u${ARG2}@default)
17:45.15Uatecexten => s,4,Hangup()
17:45.15Uatecexten => s,5,Noop()
17:45.18Uatecdoes that look right?
17:45.25Zeeekno, it should be in pb
17:45.27Uatecif ther eis no answer then go to the voicemail
17:45.32Uatecotherwise, don't do anything
17:45.37[TK]D-FenderUatec: PASTEBIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:45.39Uatecthen it would go on to the next macro for the next phone
17:45.41Uatecsorry :(
17:45.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: you sure are snippy today.
17:46.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: in fact, you have been for the last 3 or 4 days :P
17:46.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: The 1 D 10 T errors run WILD today.
17:46.15flotWhere to take the program asnparser ?
17:46.36Bladerunner05<[TK]D-Fender> : how can I resolve the problem for incoming calls?
17:46.46[TK]D-FenderUatec: I'll make this simple : GO TRY IT AND SEE.
17:46.50ZeeekBladerunner05 call Digium, they will help you
17:46.56[TK]D-FenderBladerunner05: indeed.
17:47.26ZeeekBladerunner05 there are people there who can ssh into your machine and fix it
17:47.54Uatec[TK]D-Fender, I HAVE FUCKING TRIED IT
17:48.08Zeeeko,, take it outside
17:48.17[TK]D-FenderUatec: wel... what happened?
17:48.30Uatecit just hung up
17:48.36Uatecapparently there was no voicemail ''
17:48.40[TK]D-FenderUatec: If nothing happened then you ren't even executing your dialplan.  Go fix it.
17:48.41Uatecbut i said go to ${ARG2}
17:49.02Uatecit did the Voicemail route, then hungup
17:49.38[TK]D-FenderUatec: Pastebin <-
17:51.58KattyUatec: you're doing great, btw (=
17:52.33Bladerunner05I compile zaptel but don't find zttool.....
17:52.37KattyZeeek: you're doing great too, keep it up.
17:52.46ZeeekIncidentally, folks....
17:53.13ZeeekIf you're tired of answering questions, tell me what's wrong with this headline?:
17:53.38Aquavettebad play on words
17:53.54Zeeekseriously wrong headline
17:54.20Uatecit doesn't appear to be differnatiating between NOANSWER and BUSY
17:54.23Uateci know that the phone is busy
17:54.29Uatecit's in a call
17:54.37*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
17:54.40Uatecbut it's ${DIALSTATUS} is still NOANSWER
17:55.39Qwell[]Uatec: With SIP, just because a phone is in use, doesn't mean that it's busy
17:55.42[TK]D-FenderUatec: It rang on phone A, didn't it?
17:55.55Qwell[]unless you set the busy limit to 1 or something
17:56.02[TK]D-FenderUatec: If a phone does not REJECT a call while on the phone, then it is accepted
17:56.12[TK]D-FenderUatec: That means call-waiting, etc.
17:56.13Qwell[]well, it can still REJECT and be NOANSWER :)
17:56.21Zeeekin all fairness to aspiring asterisk gurus everywhere, sometimes looking at the same "misteak" for hours doesn't help
17:56.25[TK]D-FenderUatec: To take this into accout : "show application chanisavail"
17:56.41Zeeekah, positive reinforcement
17:57.07[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: Can it?  Didn't think any response short of "ringing/trying" could do that...
17:57.19*** join/#asterisk chodorenko (
17:57.25*** join/#asterisk ikey (i=ikey@
17:57.29[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Steak heads right where it should.... MY GRILL!
17:57.30Qwell[]well, my polycom has a button I can hit to ignore a call..  that sends a reject, doesn't it?
17:57.37Qwell[]it stops ringing when I hit it :D
17:57.49ZeeekIn March of 2004, I asked the following question on the FWD fourm: "what exactly is a dialplan?"
17:57.58[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: Applicable inter-office skills!
17:58.03Zeeekand this was regarding a SIP phone!
17:59.22[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: And Polycom's "reject" won't trigger a "NOANSWER".
17:59.32[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: Only a Dial timeout should do that.
18:00.02[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: You can specify a response to translate to "congestion" and 1 other thing IIRC
18:00.54*** join/#asterisk slmnhq (
18:00.59ZeeekI never notivced the reject button on the poly
18:01.03Qwell[]Well, what do I know?  I'm just a user :P
18:01.11Zeeekso anxious to talk to someone
18:01.25ZeeekDND, yes
18:01.29Qwell[]Zeeek: I've only ever used the reject button with one certain person calling
18:01.46Qwell[]well, and our receptionist - but it was that same person calling through her to reach me
18:02.11Qwell[]I've never had a call with him shorter than 30 minutes...
18:02.16Qwell[]umm, him/her
18:02.42*** join/#asterisk EduHard (n=edward2a@
18:02.42EduHardhello again
18:02.56EduHardNow I have a more detailed problem
18:03.10Zeeekwhich merits a detauiled question
18:04.13EduHardcall from an extension (4003) to another (4000) or any other in the network, actually 4, and it gives me no answer and the destination extension does'n even rings
18:04.44*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
18:04.45EduHardsorry for typing errors, this keyboard is almost for recycle
18:04.48*** join/#asterisk slmnhq (
18:05.50flotWhere to take the asnparser ?
18:06.25`pariahnow one more question. when i dial the zap cards, it thows an error after a couple rings. this error ca/548296
18:08.01*** join/#asterisk ikey1 (i=ikey@
18:08.57jkiffJust a heads up, the link in jbot's entry for t38 is 404.
18:09.01Uatecstupid callwaiting was messing me about
18:09.46n0n4m3i have problems with belco bcip-300
18:09.55n0n4m3it just doesn't want to register to asterisk 1.4.4
18:09.59jbotmethinks t38 is see for a decent overview of how it all works, no, it's not ready yet, we'll let you know. a really lousy spec. a lightweight fighter, also known as the Talon
18:10.29[TK]D-Fender`pariah: You didn't specify what context to send incoming calls to.
18:10.43Innatechcasimir, aqauvatte: thanks for the input (I was on the phone).
18:10.45*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
18:10.50coppicebrooktrout is no more. it has ceased to be.
18:11.08[TK]D-FenderEduHard: pastebin your CLI output
18:11.16*** join/#asterisk karlhaines (n=karl@unaffiliated/karlhaines)
18:11.25karlhaineshow can i make music on hold louder ?
18:11.33karlhainesit's really quiet
18:11.35[TK]D-Fenderkarlhaines: you shouldn't ahve to.
18:11.52[TK]D-Fenderkarlhaines:  if these are your own recordings then use SOX to normalize them
18:12.54karlhainesits an mp3
18:12.57karlhainesmaybe thats why
18:13.25[TK]D-Fenderkarlhaines: no.
18:13.57`pariah[TK]D-Fender: is that part of zapata.conf?
18:13.59[TK]D-Fenderkarlhaines: Most recordings made for MoH are pre-normalized to some sort of standard
18:14.04[TK]D-Fender`pariah: Yes
18:14.57IOscannerAnyone use the presence feature from Eyebeam Soft phone asterisk?
18:15.36[TK]D-FenderIOscanner: I have.  Seems fine
18:16.31`pariah[TK]D-Fender: say if i wanted whoever calls zap-1 to be forwarded to SIP 101@default how would i go about doing that? you know of any examples?
18:16.40*** join/#asterisk Ironhand (
18:17.11[TK]D-Fender`pariah: this is all DIALPLAN.  You have to specify the dialplan context to use in your zapata.conf and then tell it what to do in there.
18:17.21[TK]D-Fender`pariah: .....
18:17.24jbot[book] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
18:17.59[TK]D-Fender`pariah: there is no such thing as "SIP 101@default"
18:18.22`pariah[TK]D-Fender: i have which context i want specified in zapata.conf
18:18.30[TK]D-Fender`pariah: SIP devices don't have a 2nd context like heirarchy
18:18.46[TK]D-Fender`pariah: Your CLI output begs to differ.
18:19.22[TK]D-Fender[Jun  7 06:02:21] WARNING[7937]: pbx.c:2450 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'Zap/1-1' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
18:19.39[TK]D-Fender`pariah: No.  You.  Don't.
18:19.50[TK]D-Fender`pariah: this should be a hint.
18:20.17`pariah zapata.conf
18:20.57[TK]D-Fender`pariah: the error above clearly tells you what you are missing.  It is NOT lying.
18:21.17`pariahi thought the context=default would specify the context defualt....
18:21.32`pariahwhich is in my dialplan
18:21.48[TK]D-Fender`pariah: pastebin it then.
18:22.06[TK]D-Fender`pariah: and PAY ATTENTION TO :  == Starting Zap/1-1 at default,s,1 failed so falling back to exten 's'
18:22.07`pariahwhich file?
18:22.18[TK]D-Fender`pariah: extensions.conf obviously.  its complainging about your dialplan
18:23.26`pariahi have a really simple extensions.conf with only 1 sip extension for testing purposes
18:26.31Uatechow can i set my pound key linux distro to use a time server?
18:27.28EduHardcall from an extension (4003) to another (4000) or any other in the network, actually 4, and it gives me no answer and the destination extension doesn't even rings
18:27.31EduHardany idea?
18:27.36[TK]D-Fender`pariah: You sure as hell don't have an "s" exten in there just like it said....
18:27.47jbotrumour has it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
18:27.47cpminstall ntpd
18:28.25[TK]D-FenderEduHard: that is NO information at all.  I asked you for a pasebin of the CLI output already....
18:29.16`pariah[TK]D-Fender: I dont want an s extension, i want the zap cards to call a SIP extension after they have been dialed.
18:29.44[TK]D-Fender`pariah: Incoming calls land on "s".  PERIOD.  you make it do what you want FROM THERE.
18:31.45IOscannerFender: What did you do to set it up with asterisk?
18:32.37flotWhere to take the "asnparser" ?
18:32.44[TK]D-FenderIOscanner: You enter in 3 fields.  user, pass & IP.
18:32.47[TK]D-FenderIOscanner: Thats it.
18:32.55[TK]D-FenderIOscanner: hints "just work".
18:33.07EduHardsorry, what's a pasebin?
18:33.14jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
18:34.31*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
18:35.01n0n4m3anyone of you guys uses belco bcip-300 sip phone? seems like mine doesn't like asterisk :(
18:35.55n0n4m3it tries to connect
18:35.56EduHardoh sorry, gimme a minute... i feel dumb ;)
18:36.05n0n4m3but asterisk keeps sending 401 :/
18:37.25IOscannerFender: the precense feature so I can see who is busy and available.
18:37.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: so about that problem i was having.
18:37.54Katty[TK]D-Fender: with the include it doesn't work, but if i move the contents of the include to the main file, it works.
18:38.01Katty[TK]D-Fender: yet, all the other includes work fine.
18:38.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: yOU INCLUDE FORMAT WAS WRONG.
18:38.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: it's the same as the rest of them.
18:38.15[TK]D-Fenderdarn caps
18:38.33[TK]D-FenderIOscanner: nothing to configure in eyebeam.
18:39.24*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
18:39.43IOscannerOkay then I am going to write a service to handle it.  I also have to handle status from cisco phones too.
18:39.44`pariah[TK]D-Fender: i am confused how the extension s will know which zap channel is calling, do you know of any examples i can look at to maybe figure it out?
18:40.02IOscannerIs there a way to write sip debug messages to a different file?
18:40.24Mercestes`pariah, Why would your extensions care which zap channel is calling?
18:40.40IOscannerUnless I can open a socket to Asterisk and be able to monitor sip debug messages in real-time.
18:40.51n0n4m3any ideas?
18:41.13*** join/#asterisk n3glv (
18:41.13IOscannerI don't need the logs, I just need to montior the status of a few things.
18:41.17n3glvhi guys
18:41.27n3glvanyone have any insight
18:41.29n3glv[DB Error: extension not found] ** mysql://asteriskuser:eLaStIx.asteriskuser.2oo7@localhost/asterisk
18:41.58*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
18:42.05`pariahMercestes: i want say, zap chanel 1 when called to dial sip ext. 101 and when zap chan 2 is dialed to call sip ext. 102
18:42.25Strom_M`pariah: so put the channels in separate contexts
18:42.27n0n4m3forgot to reload
18:42.54IOscannerIs there a way to open a CLI from a  program that will pass the data into a program?
18:43.26n3glvcan you set the extension for DID=zap channel? I never tried
18:43.49n3glvIOscanner,I suspect that's asterisk api stuff
18:44.23IOscannercan the API do sip debug streams?
18:44.52n3glvbut I think they end up in /var/log/asterisk/full
18:45.00n3glvperhaps u could parse that
18:45.17IOscanneryes, but if you reboot someone has to login and enable sip debug again
18:45.21*** part/#asterisk EduHard (n=edward2a@
18:45.57n3glvI'd like to get elastix runnin
18:46.04n3glvget a sql error
18:46.22`pariahStrom_M: ok, that sounds like a good idea but how do i specify each context in zapata.conf? i only see it being specified for both zap channels?
18:46.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: so if my include syntax is wrong, what should it be?
18:46.47*** part/#asterisk n3glv (
18:46.50Strom_M`pariah: you specify it for each channel separately
18:47.12Mercestes`pariah, do you have a good reason for wanting it that way?
18:47.21Mercestes`pariah, Any reason why all of your lines can't simply go to all of the phones?
18:47.56Aquavetteis there any plan in the future for Asteriks to do SIP over TCP
18:48.13MercestesAquavette, as opposed to what?
18:48.23Aquavettesip over udp?
18:48.29MercestesSip doesn't go over udp
18:48.33MercestesRTP goes over udp
18:49.16Aquavettebut RTP can go over TCP
18:49.22Aquavetteif the server supports it
18:49.37MercestesNot that I'm aware of
18:50.03AquavetteLike Cisco Call Manager can do SIP over TCP and RTP over TCP
18:50.17AquavetteAsterisk does Sip over TCP, and then RTP over UDP
18:50.40`pariahMercestes: yes. what we are doing in is seting up SIP phones at each of our houses. so if the secretarty at work gets a call she can transfer to ext. 202 which is a port on our KSU at work that is hooked up to an X100P in the box. so if she transfers the call we got on POTS to 202 on our KSU it will go to the X100P and then to my SIP phone at my house
18:50.47MercestesAquavette, you are correct.  Asterisk does.
18:50.58MercestesAquavette, So what want to know is, will we ever move our RTP stream to TCP?
18:51.23Mercestes`pariah, Define KSU
18:51.34Aquavetteto increase interoperability
18:51.39MercestesAquavette, That's an #asterisk-dev question.
18:51.44MercestesOr a feature request.
18:52.09Aquavettefair enough
18:52.09*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
18:53.14`pariahMercestes: Panasonic Key Station unit. not really a PBX but more of a thing that decodes DTMF tones for a business telephony environment.
18:53.19Mercestes`pariah, So basically  you are trying to implement the "lines" implementation the KSU is expecting?
18:53.37[[blah]asfdi am trying to understand how to use chanisavail. Can anyone check my work and see if I have done this correctly? It is not working. is my n+101, right?
18:54.11Mercestes`pariah, I am pretty sure you can specify a channel, like Dial(zap/1-${EXTEN}/${EXTEN}) if you want to statically map channels to endpoints..
18:54.32Mercestes`pariah, or like Strom set, set up specific contexts in zapata.conf and define each of your channels individually
18:54.38Mercestes`pariah, or both.
18:55.10`SeanMercestes know of a provider that has instant setup
18:55.14`Seantollfreegateway isn't working for me
18:55.22`Seanand well asterlink doesn't support tollfree
18:55.25Mercestes`Sean, Try
18:55.34`pariah zapata.conf
18:55.58Mercestes`pariah, yea, like that.
18:56.11Mercestes`pariah, I'm pretty sur eyou can also dial Zap/1-1 and 1-2 and 1-3 etc. too.
18:56.19`pariahMercestes: but each of those are going to the context defualt
18:56.21MercestesNot supposed to but I believe you can
18:56.36Mercestes`pariah, so add a context line, context=zap1   context=zap2  etc.
18:56.38*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:57.19*** join/#asterisk TUplink_ (
18:57.44TUplink_is MailboxExists() suposed to jump to the next priorty if the vmbox does  not exist?
18:58.04*** join/#asterisk _VoiceMeUp_COM (
18:58.19_VoiceMeUp_COManyone know the max length of a dial ( ARG$ ?
18:58.26_VoiceMeUp_COMthe arg can be up to xxx ?
18:58.32_VoiceMeUp_COMto know how many peers i can sim ring
18:59.00MercestesWild Guess:  65535 characters.
18:59.20*** join/#asterisk komradebob (n=komradeb@
18:59.21*** join/#asterisk ^majik^ (
18:59.28Mercesteswhatever limit it's int, int16, int32, float, double or string varaible type allows for.
18:59.44^majik^Qwell[], you work for digium, right?
18:59.59_VoiceMeUp_COMno idea hey ;)
19:02.12`pariahMercestes: so say i put context=default1 for the first device
19:02.37_VoiceMeUp_COMmercetes yeah but where can i find that limit ?
19:02.47`pariahMercestes: when i call that card i get == Starting Zap/1-1 at default,s,1 failed so falling back to exten 's'
19:02.50Corydon76-homeTUplink_: yes.  It sets VMBOXEXISTSSTATUS with the result
19:03.11*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
19:03.20TUplink_exten => _20XXX,106,MailboxExists(${EXTEN},j)
19:03.20TUplink_exetn => _20XXX,107,Background(extension)      but it never goes to background
19:03.26Mercestes`pariah, should work.  I'm pretty sure you can match the DNID that's coming at you too if the Telco sends it.
19:03.32`pariahwhy would it still be looking in context defaukt?
19:03.42Mercestes`pariah, Did you reload your zaptel?
19:03.53`pariahi restarted asterisk completely
19:04.18[TK]D-Fender`pariah: Go set the context for each of your channels in zapata.conf and make sure you make that context in extensions.conf and create an "s" exte for the calls to land on.
19:04.57_VoiceMeUp_COMwould tha code be in chan_sip.c ?
19:05.06_VoiceMeUp_COMthe max length of the dial peers i can ring simultaneously
19:05.42TUplink_you could just use a queue
19:06.14TUplink_why not?
19:06.14_VoiceMeUp_COMits from our frontend.. to let clients choose multiple peer to ring for an exten
19:06.20TUplink_well how else can you make a group?
19:06.21*** join/#asterisk bakermd (n=bakermd@
19:06.21_VoiceMeUp_COMso we want to knwo a safe value for max # of peers
19:06.33bakermdHey all, Caller ID is showing in the CDR, but ${CALLERIDNUM} is not working - any ideas? (returns null)
19:06.42`pariahwould this be correct for the incoming call to dial a sip ext. after it rings and gets picked up? exten => s,3,Dial(SIP/101,20)
19:06.59Strom_Mbakermd: CALLERIDNUM was deprecated in 1.2 and doesnt exist in 1.4
19:07.10Strom_Muse CALLERID() and read upgrade.txt
19:07.10bakermdStrom_M: Aah - whats the replacement?
19:07.15[TK]D-Fender`pariah: You need priority 1 & 2 as well, but sure, that would cause it to ring a sip device jsut fine.
19:08.07_VoiceMeUp_COMor waht is the function called ?
19:09.03*** part/#asterisk QbY (
19:09.08[TK]D-Fender_VoiceMeUp_COM: I'm not aware of a "safe number" bun you WILL hit dialplan STRING LENGTH limits long before that becomes a worry.
19:09.30_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah ok
19:09.31komradebobis there some reason a stock-out-of-the-box install would not be recording cdrs in CSV?
19:09.42_VoiceMeUp_COMok so 10 -15 ?
19:10.17`pariah extensions.conf
19:10.44[TK]D-Fender`pariah: Looks fine
19:11.19`pariah zapata.conf
19:11.23[TK]D-Fender`pariah: But you don't need exten => 101 under [default1] at all, and after your dial you should do a "hangup" or something else.
19:11.28bakermdStrom_M: I see that you can use set(callerid(ani)) - but I am having trouble finding how to pull the callerid
19:12.11*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
19:12.13`pariah[TK]D-Fender: that is the only place i have the sip extensions defined
19:12.14TUplink_or number
19:12.17[TK]D-Fender`pariah: but i would rename those contexts tos omething like [from-zap-line1] and so on...
19:12.49`pariah[TK]D-Fender: i'm just trying to get it functional ATM, i will be renaming them after i can get it to sort of work
19:12.54[TK]D-Fender`pariah: You are mixing things up.  those contexts are do your Zaptel channels to send contexts to and your callers don't GET aA MENU.
19:13.10[TK]D-Fender`pariah: thy don't "dial 100" with thier phone... * jsut dials it automatically.
19:13.35Innatech[TK} D : Do you have a preferred vendor for Polycom? Like one who might give a bit of a break on the purchase of ~10 IP-501s and a few of their cheaper siblings (like the 320)?
19:13.42[TK]D-Fender`pariah: those numbered extens are so your SIP phones are able to call EACH OTHER.  These should all be in a DIFFERNT context.
19:14.10[TK]D-FenderInnatech: in order : , ,
19:15.19*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
19:15.26*** part/#asterisk _VoiceMeUp_COM (
19:15.37*** join/#asterisk _VoiceMeUp_COM (
19:17.05[TK]D-FenderInnatech: np
19:17.08Innatechfor anyone who's worked with the polycomms much: 601 vs. 501 -- worth the $100 / per ?
19:17.33[TK]D-FenderInnatech: 501 is a rare case to justify.  6012 is for receptionists.
19:17.43[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Got PoE?
19:18.28Innatech[TK]D : Hopefully. If it isn't present at install, we'll wind up putting in a PoE switch within a few months. People hate the wall warts, and they'll want the phones on a central UPS.
19:18.53[TK]D-FenderInnatech: IP430's for everybody else then.
19:19.15Innatech[TK] D : BRB, gonna eyeball the 430's specs.
19:20.23[TK]D-FenderInnatech: 2-line, 5 calls/line-key, PoE + Comes with Brick. 4 soft-keys. Speakerphone.
19:20.36bakermdIn asterisk 1.4 can you still set the first entry in a dialplan to be 's' ?
19:20.57[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Edge on the 320/330 for having the brick included and the extra soft-key.
19:21.00*** join/#asterisk sevard (
19:21.11[TK]D-FenderInnatech: if you don't need passthrough, ip 320 may be a consideration.
19:21.25[TK]D-FenderInnatech: slightly tougher call.
19:21.28Innatech[TK] D: so its included brick & extra soft key on the 430  vs. an extra line appearance on the 501
19:21.49InnatechOr are there other features the 501 has the 430 lacks? (or vice-versa)
19:21.58[TK]D-FenderInnatech: IP501 is not a standard "work" phone.  Its more of a "I want a cool phone for my home desk and it'll be my primary w/o PoE"
19:22.47[TK]D-FenderInnatech: 501 costs $170 and needs a special cable for PoE upping the cost further.  Bulky too.  501 has a bigger screen (good for microbrowser), but seriously more than astandard office user needs.
19:22.47Innatech[TK] D : The look-and-feel issue is actually significant. These users are giving up Nortel/Meridian desk sets.  They want similar functionality and solid feel.
19:22.56^majik^anyone from digium not afk/busy? :)
19:23.05[TK]D-FenderInnatech: All of the polycom's are good quality & feel.
19:23.48[TK]D-FenderInnatech: I migrated my company from a Norster 8x24 2 years ago
19:23.51Innatech[TK] D : OK, good stuff to know.
19:24.01*** part/#asterisk TUplink_ (
19:24.03Innatech[TK] D : Yeah, there's a part of me that will be sad to see the beast go.
19:24.14[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Its also what I use at home and suggest to my customers.
19:24.38Innatech[TK] D : Those meridian handsets feel like a natural appendage after all these years ;)
19:24.45[TK]D-FenderInnatech: No..go CELEBRATE.  Norhell can eat a bag of @^%# in my books...
19:24.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'd be willing to bet that include didn't like the dash.
19:24.55[TK]D-FenderInnatech: I used mine for 10 years...
19:25.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: Extraneous chars = bad
19:25.20*** join/#asterisk reber (
19:25.34InnatechTK: This one has been up and running since the early 90s.
19:25.45Katty[TK]D-Fender: yep, it was the dash.
19:25.54[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Same. 1994-2005 RIP <-
19:26.19[TK]D-Fenderor was taht 92... hrm
19:26.29InnatechTK: Ours was '92, I think.
19:26.33*** join/#asterisk umay (
19:28.04*** join/#asterisk lee_is_me (
19:28.13[TK]D-FenderInnatech: I was on DR5
19:28.14bakermdCan anyone help me with this pls: Channel 'SIP/5080-0a0fd158' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'bridge', but no invalid handler
19:28.39[TK]D-FenderInnatech: With a NAM2 VM unit and a shitty 4 seat ACD
19:28.43InnatechTK: In all fairness, and even if its a nightmare to support/maintain/upgrade, it did a good job. If I hadn't been given the chance to tinker with it growing up, I wouldn't have gotten into telecomms quite as much as early.
19:28.57[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: It tells you EXACTLY whats missing in your dialplan.  Do the math
19:29.14[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Same here... but i was ready to replace it YEARS prior.
19:29.19InnatechTK: The system here is a mishmash of meridian and nortel modules, I don't even know whats in the cabinet these days.
19:29.34bakermd[TK]D-Fender: This worked on 1.2
19:30.06[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: Whatever happened, it doesn't now.  Go fix up your dialplan.
19:30.29bakermd[TK]D-Fender: s exists as an extension in the dialplan context bridge - this is correct, isn't it?
19:30.32*** join/#asterisk sav_mcfly (
19:30.43InnatechTK: Heh, yeah. I'm ready to replace it, but I imagine I'll still feel a little misty when we take it off the wall and it becomes just another pile of legacy junk.
19:30.49[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: it is NOT lying.
19:31.10[TK]D-FenderInnatech: its trash, and congrats on not going down the BCM route.
19:31.33InnatechTK D : yeah, eff that.
19:31.37[TK]D-FenderInnatech: the hadsets can be made reusable with * but not at a great cost ratio.
19:31.52*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
19:32.00InnatechTK D :  I suppose I might keep one or two just for me to play with. Could be fun.
19:32.03[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Citel had a SICK deal on Atacom a while back, but thats gone now.
19:32.25bakermd[TK]D-Fender: I'm not trying to be argumentative, just trying to find out why the config worked on 1.2 and not on 1.4
19:32.25[TK]D-FenderInnatech: 24 port Nortsar>SIP converter for $1K
19:32.53InnatechTK D : Yeah, the subtenants whose portion of the former PBX I'm dealing with don't actually own the handsets so they don't care.
19:32.57[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: Its telling yuo exactly whats missing in your dilaplan.  Thats all there is to say.
19:33.58InnatechTK D : The main tenant the owns the handsets might end up going that way but I'm not dealing directly with them (at least, not yet. We'll see ;) )
19:34.10bakermd[TK]D-Fender: Does invalid extension mean that the extension is missing, or that I cannot use s as an extension name?
19:34.25[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: Its not there as expected.
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19:34.41[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: Pastebin the whole mess if you'd like to try to prove otherwise
19:34.54bakermd[TK]D-Fender: Cool - will do
19:35.13Innatech[TK] D : That *IS* an interesting piece of kit, tho. Have you set one up? Is it nightmarish?
19:35.41`pariahok now i have some of my issues resovled, but there is one strange issue remaining. here is my zapata.conf and extensions.conf and the error.
19:36.37`pariahi know the second error is because i dont have the extension setup on a device, so the second one would actually work if a valid ext. were there, but the first one confuses me. where is default coming from? i haven't defined it anywhere :(
19:37.41[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Set what up?  Not sure exactly what you're referring to.
19:37.42bakermd[TK]D-Fender: Let me know what else you need to see
19:38.25[TK]D-Fender`pariah: You have to completely restart * for zaptel changes to take effect (or do "reload")
19:38.43[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: extensions.conf please.....
19:38.50`pariah[TK]D-Fender: its been restarted many times since the changes
19:39.17bakermd[TK]D-Fender: I use RealTime ODBC - that was the snippet of the DB for this app
19:39.21[TK]D-Fender`pariah: == Starting Zap/1-1 at default,s,1 failed so falling back to exten 's' <--- look at this... you tell ME...
19:39.33[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: Don't make me ask again....
19:39.37Innatech[TK] D: that Nortel/SIP gateway....I imagine it needs some amount of configuration/massage/animal sacrifice to make it go.
19:40.01[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Actually it doesn't looklike and I've spoken to someone who's used it.
19:40.09[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Its not "glorious", but it works.
19:40.18[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Earlier revision have been buggy...
19:40.29*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
19:41.19Innatech[TK] D: Interesting. I'll have to talk to the people who owned all the handsets about what they're moving to. If it's a viable piece of equipment to rely on, it might be perfect for them.
19:41.26`pariah[TK]D-Fender: that is where i am confued notice DEFAULT!
19:41.44`pariah[TK]D-Fender: I dont have default anywhere or have zap setup to look in DEFAULT
19:42.07`pariahnotice my zapata.conf
19:42.08[TK]D-FenderInnatech: I'd still suggest you ditch it ALL if I were you... its a nominal level of functioning, and at $3k for 24 ports now.... costs about as much as new polycoms... so "screw that!"
19:42.43[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Only good if they have almost exactly 24 ext's and can't change their wiring.
19:42.52[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: I asked for EXTENSION.CONF.  What are you not getting?
19:43.07[TK]D-Fender`pariah: then your changes did not take effect.
19:43.07*** part/#asterisk jtknapp (
19:43.14[TK]D-Fender`pariah: Kill * and start it up again.
19:43.27`pariah[TK]D-Fender: ok will will kill the process
19:43.35bakermd[TK]D-Fender: ODBC... There is no extensions.conf - data is stored in DB for realtime changes
19:43.36[TK]D-Fender`pariah: "stop now"
19:43.38rene-hey [TK]D-Fender
19:44.00rene-i have found out that my cisco catalyst express 500 is rebooting for apparently no reason
19:45.24rene-and since i am using it for voice and data vlans, the users arent finding it funny at all
19:45.25[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: then you have not "read the manual".  You need to do "switch => realtime" in [bridge] for it to know to USE realtime.
19:45.25`pariahok [TK]D-Fender did that now i restarted the server
19:45.25[TK]D-Fenderrene-: Ah the house of cards begins to fall!
19:45.25Innatech[TK] D:  You're quite right! I think that particular situation is not too far off of where those folks are, but I don't really know. As I said, they're not my direct client at this point, I'm working for one of their subtenants currently hanging off of the EOL'd Norstar.
19:45.25bakermd[TK]D-Fender: Thanks man!!
19:45.27[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: * isn't too bright about their implementation and you can't jsut invent contexts in a database.
19:45.29rene-[TK]D-Fender; yes but i thought the weakest link in the chain was my linux vlan to eth bridge
19:45.35rene-not the cisco gear
19:45.39[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: While I don't like it, you need to learn to LIVE with it,.
19:45.56`pariah[TK]D-Fender:  == Starting Zap/1-1 at default,s,1 failed so falling back to exten 's'
19:46.11[TK]D-Fender`pariah: pastebin your configs again
19:46.18`pariahsame thing after restart! the zapata.conf is correct though and the context is set!
19:46.26`pariahok 1 sec
19:46.40rene-POE power consumption is under 65% so i wonder
19:46.50[TK]D-Fender`pariah: and your channel 1 you set the context AFTER "channel=".  this is BAD!!!! and the problem.
19:46.53mihinomenestis there a document somewhere that lists all of the * applications and their arguments?
19:47.02*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
19:47.03[TK]D-Fendermihinomenest: "show applications"
19:47.08[TK]D-Fendermihinomenest: "show application [appname]"
19:47.25*** join/#asterisk deb_user (
19:47.34mihinomenestI don't suppose there's a pdf, html doc, or man page as well?
19:47.50deb_useranyhbody know how to get zapateller to work on * 1.4.0 with the (nocallerid) option?
19:48.02bakermd[TK]D-Fender: Turns out that sip.conf has the config for Realtime/bridge@sipextensions - adding it to extensions.conf didnt help
19:48.13deb_useri can get it to work, but when i do zapateller(nocallerid), it doesn't do anything, no tone or anything
19:48.55[TK]D-Fendermihinomenest: I gave you "the way it is".  You can check the WIKI, but it can be deprecated at any time.
19:49.31[TK]D-Fender`pariah: Also means your zap/2 is bad...
19:49.44rene-[TK]D-fender: have you seen the dlink gear rebooting randomly like that?
19:49.54[TK]D-Fenderrene-: nope.
19:50.04[TK]D-Fenderrene-: All 100% solid here.
19:50.11rene-and it is like < 1000 USD right?
19:50.17[TK]D-Fenderrene-: DES-1526 PoE Switches.
19:50.24[TK]D-Fenderrene-: $400 +/-
19:50.30[TK]D-Fenderrene-: there is a newer model now.
19:50.36rene-i paid 1500 for each of those cisco switches
19:50.53bakermd[TK]D-Fender: The config for contexts bridge, inbound, and forward are set up with switch realtime.
19:50.55[TK]D-Fenderrene-: K-Y probably came included with the bundle ;)
19:51.28*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
19:51.38bakermd[TK]D-Fender: context inbound is apparently functioning correctly
19:51.50Dovidhi guys. how do i change the amount of frames asterisk sends over g729
19:52.39Dovidmy ITSP said I am seding 60/240 and I need to be sending 20/20
19:53.28`pariah[TK]D-Fender: hey sorry cant post now, have to take lunch before its too late, but when i get back can i page you or msg you?
19:53.44[TK]D-Fender`pariah: I' might be around.  Feel free to try
19:53.52IOscannerAnyone know if there is a patch to read SIP 'PUBLISH' options?
19:53.53Innatech[TK] D & Rene: how do you like those DES switches?   I'm thinking about buying a couple for this project.
19:54.04`pariah[TK]D-Fender: ok great. thanks for all the help
19:54.23Innatech[TK] D & Rene: (as opposed to something a little heavier feature wise but more expensive.)
19:54.26[TK]D-FenderInnatech: I use their predecessor's and they work jsut great
19:54.57Innatech[TK] D : No issues with the smallish MAC table?
19:55.13[TK]D-FenderInnatech: They do VLAN, PoE on all ports, are managed, do SNMP & have dual dual-format GBIT uplinks.  What MORE do you want? ;)
19:55.25*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
19:55.48rene-D-Fender: thanks man
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19:56.04rene-i want have bought some of those instead :)
19:56.52InnatechTK D : Well, their equivs in the Netgear product line used to hold 8x more MAC addresses, and I'm not familiar enough with their management features vs competition to know what the price differentials might account for.
19:57.39InnatechTK D : But, if you say they rock thats more or less good enough for me.
19:58.17bakermdOK - so making progress here - Problem now is No such application 'SetVar'
19:58.18[TK]D-FenderInnatech: Go read and see if you like the specs
19:58.28[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: Yuo are SO 1.0.x....
19:58.32InnatechWill do, 'preciate it.
19:58.36[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: welcome to 2007!
19:59.41bakermd[TK]D-Fender: I know, right?  This box ran like a champ forever, but its starting to hiccup, so I am moving to the current release - looks like you use set instead of setvar now
20:00.10[TK]D-FenderInnatech: OMG, link looks bad
20:00.31Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: So I figured out my callerid issue.
20:01.02Waverly360[TK]D-Fender:  I'm not waiting long enough for the telco to send me the information.  As soon as the line rings, I pick it up and shoot it to my agi script.
20:01.21[TK]D-FenderWaverly360: BRILLIANT :)
20:02.22Waverly360[TK]D-Fender: I didn't really think about it..I thought all that information made it across the moment the line starts ringing..but I guess callerids take at least a couple of rings to get that info.
20:04.50*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (n=kimosabe@
20:05.09kimosabecan some one helpme find a good voice overip provider that has no signup fee ?
20:05.30rob0FWD :)
20:07.15kimosabeis aiaxtell unlimeted usa canada
20:08.44rob0Iaxtel doesn't connect to the PSTN.
20:10.04kimosabeok thanks
20:13.26[hC]So, if my telco provisioned my PRI as National ISDN1, but i use National ISDN2 in zapata.conf, what does that mean?
20:13.28[hC]It works..
20:14.34*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:16.38mihinomenestParkAndAnnounce(announce:template|timeout|dial|[return_context]) - is that "return context" the sip.conf context or the extensions.conf context?
20:18.21[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Backwards compatability.
20:18.39[TK]D-Fendermihinomenest: extensions.conf clearly.
20:18.52[hC][TK]D-Fender: would it be better to force ni1? sometimes i get circuit busy messages on their circuit and dont know why
20:19.04[TK]D-Fender[hC]: #34?
20:19.20[hC][TK]D-Fender: sounds familiar, but not sure, id have to check.
20:19.40[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Dont' forget that some ISDN codes come back LOOKING like you didn't get a channel, but its actually the switch telling your the person you are cALLING is busy
20:19.47[TK]D-Fender[hC]: I get that here on NI1.
20:19.54Kattyif i do a System() command, how do i get multiple commands onto the same line? is it || or ; or something?
20:20.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: call multiple or make a script.
20:20.48[hC][TK]D-Fender: yeah, thats not the case. it immedialtey calls back and it goes thru. it happens a lot.
20:21.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: call multiple?
20:21.27Katty[TK]D-Fender: you do not parse.
20:21.32[hC][TK]D-Fender: just wanted to make sure that moving from ni2 to ni1 is not going to cause a problem.
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20:23.11doolittleworkthank you Mark Spencer
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20:23.38doolittleworkhi dennis
20:23.40[TK]D-FenderKatty: exten => s,2,System(blah...)
20:23.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: exten => s,3,System(blah...)
20:23.45[TK]D-FenderKatty: exten => s,4,System(blah...)
20:25.29De_Monadd extension 123123,1,NoOp(${REGEX("[abc]" his)}) into local replace
20:25.46De_Monsee anything wrong with this line? the CLI just gives me add extension usage when I try it
20:27.45doolittleworkDeMon: What are you trying to do?
20:30.28De_Mondoolittlework test a REGEX patern
20:30.59De_MonI put it in extensions.conf and reloaded and all worked as expected, CLI didn't like me adding it through add extension tho.. very weird
20:31.36De_Monjust sucks having to extensions reload till I got the pattern correct
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20:35.10doolittleworksorry your ask is over my head way over De_Mon
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20:40.15doolittleworkwhat does the REGEX DO?
20:41.55De_Monits just a function
20:42.02De_Monshow function REGEX
20:42.20redaxdoing gex again :)
20:42.20doolittleworkk let me see
20:42.21De_Monthe issue is that I can add the extension to extensions.conf but not using 'add extension' from the CLI
20:42.48doolittleworkok that makes sence
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20:53.15De_Monahhhh each extension should be in its own context so you can handle invalid/timeout uniquely
20:54.21neverblue2can I listen in a current call, with two headsets ?
20:55.03neverblue2can I get maybe a usb to "audio" plug, then use a dual "splitter" to split the "audio" into to headsets?
20:55.23*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
20:55.26rene-i want to say thanks to all the nerds that help other nerds
20:55.36neverblue2hey Fender
20:55.41neverblue2hard question for you :)
20:55.52neverblue2can I listen in a current call, with two headsets ?
20:55.54[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2 : VIAGRA
20:56.12rene-viagra is a hard answer
20:56.15Kattydoes asterisk have a built in file that says please wait while your call is being transfered.
20:56.28[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2 : Sure, Plantronics sells Polaris Y adaptors
20:56.33neverblue2they do
20:56.35neverblue2k, thanks
20:56.51rene-Katty: ls /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/* | grep wait
20:56.56[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2 : Good for training CSR's
20:57.06neverblue2thats what its for
20:57.07Innatech(So is a sharp stick.)
20:57.07Kattyrene-: thank you
20:57.18neverblue2you work for a VOIP company?
20:57.38[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2 : Who me?
20:57.56neverblue2yes, you
20:58.00[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2, Nope, but I do minor consulting in *.
20:58.19[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2, Well no SER, etc...
20:58.25neverblue2im looking for a new VOIP provider
20:58.33neverblue2can you recommend one or two?
20:58.36jbotAn ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider.) is a "VoIP Phone Company".  Example : Vonage, Broadvoice, Teliax, VoicePulse, etc.  "All ITSPs suck.  Some suck less than others." (tm) (c) 2007 ManxPower
20:58.46neverblue2no, you personnally
20:59.02[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2 : Teliax is considered "less sucky" than most.
20:59.19[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2, Well.... I don't really use them....
20:59.50neverblue2this isnt a residential plan I am looking for
21:00.57[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2, I DEFINATELY don't suggest them as a primary link for business
21:01.07[TK]D-Fender(itsp's in general)
21:01.24neverblue2is there anyone you would recommend for business VOIP service?
21:01.35neverblue2or anyone in the channel for that matter...
21:01.42[TK]D-Fenderneverblue2, Everything depends on usage in channels, volume, location, etc.
21:01.50De_Monneverblue2 you can also use the ChanSpy application
21:01.54[TK]D-Fenderchannels, so on
21:02.08Trevor_bneverblue2: I use teliax, and have used broadvoice (still do a little).  I wouldnt suggest broadvoice even with there prices, they just have various issues.  Teliax has been a good service, and their phone support is really good.  Email less so, but call from a cell if you need something fast and have no outside hardlines.
21:02.22De_Monadd extension 123123,1,NoOp(${REGEX("[abc]" his)}) into local replace
21:02.34redaxwheee.. what a swivel-eyed reporter on the tv...
21:02.35De_Mon[TK]D-Fender you see any reason why this command shouldnt work?
21:02.44neverblue2ill look into that
21:02.45[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, Sorry.... don't do regex...
21:02.53*** part/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (n=ckwall@
21:03.11De_Mon[TK]D-Fender its not a regex question I promise
21:03.16neverblue2Trevor_b, youre referring to personal service, correct?
21:03.24Trevor_bneverblue: I use hard lines for main inbound and forward to teliax corporate.
21:03.27Trevor_bNo business
21:03.29De_Mon[TK]D-Fender exten => 123123,1,NoOp(${REGEX("[abc]" his)})
21:03.42De_Monworks fine from extensions.conf,  but it doesn't let me add it on CLI
21:04.02[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, ?
21:04.22neverblue2ah De_Mon was looking for something to handle the hardware issue with listening in on a call :)
21:04.41De_MonI can create an extension thru extensions.conf that I can't create on the CLI
21:04.49Trevor_bHardlines for my main on TDM (dont need PRI for my needs) then i use their corporate account on Teliax.
21:05.01De_Monneverblue2 ah
21:05.10Trevor_bso if my hardlines roll busy up the line, then i forward to non hardline.
21:05.12neverblue2Fender, so what can I tell you so you could recommend a good business VOIP provider?
21:06.14De_Mon[TK]D-Fender it looks like I can't create add a line containing a function on the CLI...
21:06.39astguyAnyone recommend an ITSP that offers the best rate on multiple channels?
21:07.06astguyI'm looking for 10-20 channels, but don't really want to spend $20/month/channel
21:07.10De_Monoops nm 2nd test was broken
21:07.33Trevor_bneverblue2: The only one I can highly suggest is Teliax.  Been using it for business for over a year. fairly minor issues compared to service during the same time for broadvoice.
21:07.34*** join/#asterisk sandorp (
21:08.11Trevor_bastguy: teliax pay as you go, depends on how many minutes you expect to run, but its like 10 a month before minutes and 2 cents a minute, 20 channels max
21:09.01astguyTrevor_b: thx.  Do they charge for inbound calls?
21:09.02Kattyhow do you...
21:09.08sandorpI seem to have a problem in my dialplan that I can't figure out ... if I redial the same exact long distance number, 1 out of 3 times it calls a local number by stripping the area code;  I have checked my dialplan to make sure that local numbers are exactly 7 digits and long distance starts with a 1 + 10 digits
21:09.08Kattyhow do you put someone on hold?
21:09.19Trevor_bpay as you go i think is both directions 2 cents, but check the website.
21:09.55astguyTrevor_b: thanks
21:10.18Kattys,1,Dial(5 phones) ~ s,2,Answer ~ s,3,playback(pleasehold) ~ s,4,somehowputthispersononhold ~ s,5,Dial(thesephonesagain) ~ s,6,Goto(afterhoursthingy,s,1)
21:10.27sandorpanyone know why the pattern matching for the same dialed number would resolve to 2 different entries in the dialplan?
21:11.03Trevor_bKatty: Can play music while you dial
21:11.17KattyTrevor_b: that's what i'm trying to do
21:11.27KattyTrevor_b: but i dunno how
21:11.28[TK]D-FenderKatty, "m" in Dial
21:12.43[TK]D-FenderKatty, Dial(SIP/1&SIP/2&SIP/3,20,m)
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21:13.00[TK]D-FenderKatty, "show application dial"
21:13.06[TK]D-FenderKatty, Read up!
21:13.30Kattyi don't think that's going to do what i want it to do
21:13.32bakermdWhat is the best way to take digit input from a user?
21:13.42Kattybut maybe
21:13.45Kattywe'll see
21:13.45[TK]D-FenderKatty, What do yuo want to do then?
21:13.58bakermdi.e. I want them to dial a 10 or so digit string that I store in a variable
21:14.03[TK]D-Fenderbakermd, Depends how many digits, what you have to do with them, etc.
21:14.06De_Monsorry, its: add extension 123123,1,NoOp(${REGEX("[abc]" foo)}) into local replace
21:14.12[TK]D-Fenderbakermd, "show application read"
21:14.18bakermd[TK]D-Fender: Variable - 10  to 20
21:14.21bakermd[TK]D-Fender: Thanks!
21:14.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'll pastebin i a minute.
21:14.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: yeah, that's too quick
21:15.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: sec
21:15.25De_Monwhich is better, Read() or putting the function into its own context and using WaitExten() and a dialplan pattern...
21:16.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: look at line 9-11
21:16.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: i need it to pause just long enough for the intercom to pick up
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21:16.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: say its thing, and then start ringing again
21:16.50De_Monwaitexten lets you use background() and they can interupt at any time, but other than that
21:17.14*** part/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (n=ckwall@
21:19.13*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
21:19.19[TK]D-FenderKatty, Why page all phones and then ring then right away after?  Isn't ringing incentive enough to answer?
21:19.42Kattythe 2 second wait works wonderfully
21:19.45[TK]D-FenderKatty, They are going to geta TON of extr calls then.
21:19.50Katty[TK]D-Fender: yep
21:19.58Katty[TK]D-Fender: one girl is supposed to answer the phone.
21:20.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: but sometimes she's too busy
21:20.08[TK]D-FenderKatty, What psycho wants it this way?
21:20.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: and the other people in the group are WAY on the other side of the building, and have no way of knowing if she's gotten the call.
21:20.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: so, the bossman wants a way to alert the rest of the people that she can't get to the call.
21:20.50Katty[TK]D-Fender: when, in fact, every single friggen polycom phone downstairs will pick that up
21:21.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: just to Make Sure(tm) one of the other people who answers the phone will still know, even if they're in my office.
21:21.12Katty[TK]D-Fender: you're right. it's stupid.
21:21.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: but it's what he wants.
21:21.35De_MonKatty is bossman a he or a she?
21:21.46Kattybesides, it's kinda neat.
21:21.58Kattyi never knew you could create a call just by dumping a file into /outgoing
21:22.55De_Monhow do I announce a caller to someone that is xfered from a queue?
21:23.16[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, depends how they were called.
21:23.57De_Monxfered isn't the right term, they were handed to the queue member
21:26.59*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
21:27.31[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, handed HOW....
21:30.32doolittleworkatty how do you do this----i never knew you could create a call just by dumping a file into /outgoing
21:30.40doolittleworkkatty how do you do this----i never knew you could create a call just by dumping a file into /outgoing
21:36.40FuriousGeorgei have no idea how my users mnanage to do this or how to prevent it
21:36.50FuriousGeorgeand that kinda scares me :)
21:36.55Innatechdoolittlework: check out Katty's pastebin. Look for the lines with the cp and mv commands.
21:37.21FuriousGeorgehey Katty lonf time no see
21:38.22De_Mon[TK]D-Fender I didn't know there was more than one way for a queue member to be given someone in the queue
21:39.01[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, indeed there is.  Consider how it is that that they are MEMBERS of the queue and login
21:39.09*** part/#asterisk komradebob (n=komradeb@
21:39.48De_Monthey are added thru addqueuemember?
21:40.13De_Monthe phone rings queuemember picks up, and there's the person from the queue
21:41.07[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, Ask yourself "what makes them RING" <-
21:42.12De_MonI really have no clue what you're getting at... Addqueuemember adds SIP/somephone the QUEUE rings sip/somephone
21:43.36[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, Think what ELSE you do than just dialing a SIP device DIRECTLY that would allow you to prepend the call for announce...
21:44.10yannj_fris there someone interested in the new version of the book Asterisk , TFOT?
21:44.14De_Moni have no IDEA or i wouldn't ASK
21:45.59[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, *sigh*
21:45.59[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, Use a local channel and Dial them yourself.  I'm sure you'll know which options to use.
21:46.11*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
21:46.37[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, No, the old one will do just fine through * 3.0.1
21:46.57*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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21:47.30yannj_fr[TK] D-Fender, reallly?
21:49.04yannj_frMy company bought it on oreilly , it is the second release
21:49.14yannj_frcompliant to Asterisk 1.4
21:49.34yannj_frand I think the PDF shhould be under Creative Commons
21:51.57[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, "show  application dial"
21:53.50sandorpI have a problem dialing via an analog line ... I call the same long distance number 3 times in a row and at least 1 time it strips the area code and calls a local number;  any idea why asterisk might do that?  my local pattern is _9NXXXXXX and the long distance one is _91NXXXXXXXXX
21:54.34sandorpI can't see how the local pattern could ever match a long distance number
21:54.47De_Monim trying to figure out how that would work
21:55.03sandorpbtw, I strip the 9
21:55.13Dovidhow do i see what channels are using what codecs  ?
21:55.19De_Moninstead of sending the caller directly to the queue, dial(local/thequeue)?
21:56.01[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, him... its when you log them IN.  SIP/ <- this is what should be changing ;)
21:56.01grandyHello... does anyone feel like helping me debug my configuration?  I set up DNS SRV records for sip at the instruction of my origination provider, but I'm not getting any DTMF recognition and sometimes the calls do not appear to even be reaching my asterisk box....  I'd very much appreciate some advice...  My provider's asterisk points to the location of my server(s) via the SRV records...
21:56.03De_Monwith options for when the call is answered... that just doesn't sound workable
21:56.37[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, SIP/[device] doesnt' let you do anything.  Local DOES.  in there you can do the dial YOURSELF.
21:57.40De_Monaddqueuemember(local/some@phones) or something along those lines?
21:57.57*** join/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (
21:57.59De_Montalk about added layer of complexity
21:59.17[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, very small actually...
21:59.19De_Monseems like using local/ would remove them from the queue to the new dialplan
21:59.22[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, run with it :)
21:59.41*** join/#asterisk lwh (
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21:59.53[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, nope.... Queue is in effect and its purpose it to BRIDGE channels. Doesn't matter what either side is.
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22:02.20[[blah]asfdwhen using chanisavail i never get any status back except for 0. even when the phone is on a call already. this changed after upgrading from 1.2.14 to 1.4.4. anyone have any ideas why that could be? here is what I am trying to do. like i said earlier today... I was able to do this before the upgrade. (using prio jumping. now trying to do prio lable)
22:06.27FuriousGeorgesomehow, sometimes, when my users attempt to transfer a call this happens
22:06.47FuriousGeorge[[blah]asfd: use dialstatus var instead of canisavail
22:06.57FuriousGeorgechanisavail* is so asterisk 1.0
22:07.24FuriousGeorgeit might even be deprecated, and the n+101 jumping behavior is disabled by default in 1.4.4
22:07.44FuriousGeorgei mean in 1.4.X
22:08.11*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (n=kimosabe@
22:08.12[[blah]asfdFuriousGeorge: so do you mean to do: exten => s,1,dialstatus(SIP/${ARG1})
22:08.13rene-FuriousGeorge n+101 is alive and kicking in 1.4.4
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22:08.27FuriousGeorgerene-: i said it was disabled by default
22:08.37FuriousGeorgewhich is only what ive read here and there, i dont use that
22:08.39[[blah]asfdi moved away from n+101
22:08.47[[blah]asfdbut did i do the change right?
22:09.01FuriousGeorge[[blah]asfd: no, you do a dial, and the next line you do a goto(s-{$DIALSTATUS}
22:09.21woolbeoHow do I remove a busy status of an extension with a hint? the exten is not busy, but asterisk thinks it is.
22:09.28kimosabedoes anyone know a good voice/ip to pstn provider with no signup fee ?
22:09.29FuriousGeorgethen you have extensions to catch the possible dialstatus responses, such as s-UNAVAIL
22:10.06rene-FuriousGeorge: chanisavail was not good for me for agents coming from a queue context what is working for me is set group with enforcing call-limit+1
22:10.11FuriousGeorgeyou can read all about it, it behaves very intuitively
22:10.33FuriousGeorgerene-: [[blah]asfd is the one using chanisavail, not me
22:10.43[[blah]asfdFuriousGeorge: I need it to generate a busy signal if the phone that is in use.
22:11.01rene-FuriousGeorge: however it is being useful to me now for implementing the Page function, if a phone is in use at all then dont send them a call with auto-answer header indications
22:11.03[[blah]asfdi am using chanisavail to generate that
22:11.05FuriousGeorgeso s-BUSY(playback(congestion)) or something
22:11.34rene-blah: as FuriousGeorge said the dial application will set a dialstatus
22:11.38[[blah]asfdbut i have to create the reason for this phone to be busy... cuz i can send 8 calls to the phone before it is busy.
22:11.52[[blah]asfdi use chanisavail to say that if it is in use at all, then it is busy.
22:12.00FuriousGeorgerene-: my sip channels just dont page when they are in use by default, so if i try, even with header, you are not interrupted
22:12.04rene-that is true for things like Queue() and Voicemail()
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22:12.12FuriousGeorge[[blah]asfd: set call-limit in sip.conf
22:12.23rene-FuriousGeorge: my sip channels take the other call and then lockup and reboot
22:12.38FuriousGeorgei know the feeling
22:12.56[[blah]asfdi did incominglimit=1 then i could no longer transfer
22:12.59FuriousGeorgespeaking of sip channels, any idea what is causing this
22:13.15rene-blah: it is tricky, but you cant set it right
22:13.23rene-i meant you can
22:13.51rene-if on 1.4 try using the limitonpeer=yes option in the general section of sip
22:14.19FuriousGeorge[[blah]asfd: so you want to be able to transfer, but you dont want call waiting on the phone by default then
22:14.34[[blah]asfdsomething like that, right
22:14.52FuriousGeorgeso set call-limit to 2 and disable callwaiting in the client, it will say its busy if someone tries to call it
22:15.04sandorpis the SayDigits application built into asterisk 1.4?  I'm trying to figure out why the number that I dial on x-lite is not the number dialed by asterisk
22:15.27[[blah]asfdhow do i disable the client for callwaiting?
22:15.30[[blah]asfdin sio.conf?
22:15.34FuriousGeorgerene-: nah, im still using 1.2 on this server...  forget how to fix it, i'd like to know how they do it to begin with
22:15.47FuriousGeorge[[blah]asfd: what is the client?
22:15.54FuriousGeorge(the phone)
22:15.56*** part/#asterisk brodiem (
22:16.00[[blah]asfdlinksys spa942
22:16.15FuriousGeorgelog into the things firmware and look around, ill bet you its in there
22:18.52*** join/#asterisk aptura (
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22:22.31MrWupexten =>_#1XX,1,Goto(voicemail,s,1)
22:22.33MrWupthis wont work
22:22.39MrWupjust says call failed
22:22.41MrWupany idea why?
22:22.47rene-ahh so the star book is updated to 1.4?
22:22.50MrWupthe aim is to let the user type in say #100
22:22.59MrWupand get to the management for voicemail of extension 100
22:23.22MrWupi got it working with exten =>_*1XX,1,Goto(voicemail,s,1)
22:23.58FuriousGeorgeMrWup: dont use #
22:24.20FuriousGeorge# means send on some clients, or something
22:24.24FuriousGeorgeuse *
22:26.07MrWupwhen i do record... can i specify the path to a samba share?
22:26.18MrWupeg.. i have a share mounted which puts files on my windows 2003 fileserver
22:26.48MrWupcould i do record(/mnt/telecomstore/voicemail/greeting:alaw)
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22:28.30MrWupi can
22:28.57[[blah]asfdyeah, there is nothing in the phone to stop call waiting.
22:29.43[[blah]asfdi looked up limitonpeer on the wiki and did not see anything there.
22:29.53FuriousGeorgelookup call-limit
22:30.25*** part/#asterisk mike38533 (
22:31.51[[blah]asfdbut without call waiting control, call-limit=2 would still ring the phone if a second call came in wouldnt it? and if i set it to 1 then they could not transfer.
22:33.23[[blah]asfdchanisavail worked perfectly for this. but now no matter what, in 1.4 chanisavail always shows the phone avail no matter what its physical status is.
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22:34.51FuriousGeorgeim sure there is a way
22:36.55FuriousGeorgehow is it that incominglimit preventing you from transfering
22:38.53*** join/#asterisk _VoiceMeUp_COM (
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22:39.11yannj_fr[TK] D-Fender ... m
22:40.12[[blah]asfdnot sure... i insert incomminglimit=1 and i cant transfer i take it out, i can
22:42.39[[blah]asfdit seems like the core of the issue is that the chanisavail is not correctly reporting the status of the phone.
22:42.50[[blah]asfdit always reports as 0 rather than the accurate status.
22:50.18tdonahue-laptopi'm seeing a message like "zaptel.c:771 (pid 3836: asterisk) got signal 80000000" scrolling on my console occasionally....
22:50.27tdonahue-laptopis this something that i should be worried about?
22:50.32*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV (
22:50.56tdonahue-laptopi saw that the message was removed in TRUNK, so i'm thinking probably not, but I just want to be sure
22:51.47CoffeeIVIf I am installing asterisk on a server with a voicetronix card and no digium hardware on it, do I need to install the zaptel stuff ?  That stuff is modules and utilities only needed for digium's hardware, right ?
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22:52.56_VoiceMeUp_COMAddr->IP     : Port 0
22:53.00_VoiceMeUp_COMwhy is it using this ?
22:53.03_VoiceMeUp_COMits static ip
22:53.05_VoiceMeUp_COMfrom realtime
22:53.18tdonahue-laptopCoffeeIV, zaptel is also used as a timing device for some of the modules
22:53.41tdonahue-laptopspecifcally (since i'm configuring it right now) MeetMe comes to mind
22:55.22CoffeeIVtdonahue-laptop, thanks, I will install it anyway, can't hurt I suppose ( although it is such an old linux distro that I may have to use an older zaptel and asterisk 1.2)
22:56.18tdonahue-laptopCoffeeIV, even alot of the newer ones are still packaging 1.2
22:57.46CoffeeIVI'm trying to put it on RH 7.1, and I will probably have to upgrade the kernel and a lot of stuff by hand
22:58.16*** join/#asterisk frocos11292 (
22:59.37apturacame across a industrial cordless/push to talk wireless phone that can cover up to 3,000 acres.
23:00.10CoffeeIVaptura: I want it, how much $ ?
23:00.33_VoiceMeUp_COMi still get default expiry 130
23:00.38_VoiceMeUp_COMi tried to make it 604800
23:00.45_VoiceMeUp_COMnot sure why
23:00.46apturacovers 12 floors in a building or 250,000 sq feet in a warehouse.
23:00.51_VoiceMeUp_COMtrying to simulate 1 week expiry
23:00.59_VoiceMeUp_COMcause hes static and ARA sip is broken
23:01.06tdonahue-laptopCoffeeIV, Redhat 7.1... you are a glutton for punishment
23:01.32aptura I got a quote from greybar and the starting price is around 700 dollars and up.
23:01.42apturaAlot of these phones can work together.
23:02.16apturaIt sounds like a nextel setup without the service cost for a fixed area. This sounds like the perfect wifi phone replacment.
23:02.32*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
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23:06.49tzafrir_laptopCoffeeIV, RH7.1???
23:07.07CoffeeIVkernel 2.4.2
23:07.12CoffeeIVthose were the days
23:07.14tzafrir_laptopwhy not upgrade to 7.3 at least? something that is half-supported
23:08.33tzafrir_laptopI recall seeing somewhere in the zaptel code requirement for kernel >= 2.4.8
23:08.35apturatzafrir you know of software that can hunt for a open wifi spot and it connects me with a audible beep?
23:08.47tzafrir_laptopaptura, no
23:08.56CoffeeIVI looked in the code and zaptel wants 2.4.5 or greater
23:09.57tzafrir_laptopCoffeeIV, another path of least resistance: centos 2. It's supposed to be equivalent of RHEL2.1, which is a bit close to RH7.2
23:10.51CoffeeIVwell, if I have to re-install, I will go straight to CentOS 5.0 or something that modern -- there is software on this old box that I want to interact with Asterisk, and if I do a re-install of something modern, then I have to try to get that stuff working
23:11.27CoffeeIVupgrading might be what I need to do . . . I'll put a couple of hours into getting asterisk working on RH 7.1 first, though
23:12.14tzafrir_laptopif you upgrade the kernel, make and whatever, how much "RH7.1" will it be?
23:12.32kFuQrh7.1 is ancient lol
23:14.07CoffeeIVwell, if after upgrading the kernel, make, binutils (objcopy needs to be newer), and whatever else, I don't care how 7.1 it is so long as the ancient custom app on there still works for asterisk to talk to
23:14.51_VoiceMeUp_COMi had a client on wiundwows 3.1
23:14.57_VoiceMeUp_COMhe wanted to run xten
23:15.52neverblue2ok back again
23:16.12neverblue2Fender, you still here?
23:16.23*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
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23:16.58CrashSysAnyone know a good source for 24-pair telco cable?
23:17.29JTelectrical/cable wholesaler?
23:17.30lee_is_mewhere can I tell asterisk to wait x seconds before picking up a ringing FXO on an analog card?
23:17.52lee_is_meis that just a matter of the Wait() command?
23:18.07CrashSysBlah... they're not open... off to teh google...
23:18.28lee_is_mebefore calling Answer()??
23:18.52jbotmethinks thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
23:18.54jboti guess book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
23:19.00neverblue2laggy bot
23:19.15yannj_frjbot try it :
23:19.23neverblue2anyone a VOIP provider?
23:19.30_VoiceMeUp_COMhow can i help ?
23:19.38neverblue2business provider?
23:19.43_VoiceMeUp_COMand if commerical nature please pm me to keep out of this channel
23:19.48neverblue2k, pm
23:21.01CrashSysHmmm... $21 + $1.25/ft for pre-fab amp cables...
23:21.28JTsounds about right
23:21.49*** join/#asterisk angom_h (n=Angel@
23:21.52CrashSysin plenum...
23:23.21mitcheloctry it in black plenum for fun
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23:24.03CrashSysYeah... let them think it's a CATV/Satelite wire
23:27.00J4k3when deploying coax-based networking, buy duplex coax.  Apply 5-10kV to one wire, and run the data down the other
23:27.11J4k3so you'll know wherever the wire gets cut by the smell of burning flsh.
23:27.12J4k3er flesh
23:28.01CrashSysMaybe i'll market that as "Armed" cable...
23:28.07CrashSysI'm sure someone would pay for that...
23:28.20apturaCrash as a kid I was messing with one of those once. I became the fence.
23:28.43apturaIn my youth it was all about electronics ;)
23:28.52J4k3well, the ~300VAC that runs the T1 repeaters coming out here definetly lets you know you're tapping a hi-cap.
23:28.57CrashSysI remember taking a whiz on one when I visited my grandparents... I learned the hard-way...
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23:29.31CrashSysCourse, I didn't know it was electrified till about 2-ms into it
23:29.52J4k3"until my genitals were on fire"
23:29.54apturaJ4 man that is a bit of power. :) Crash.. I accidently touches both terminals and my legs shot out from under mee and went flying backwards 5 feet hitting the door ;)
23:30.19CrashSysI jumped backwards about 5 feet...
23:30.37apturayea I did build a 200kv telsa coil before :)
23:30.46lee_is_mephantom calling problem on sangoma anlog: tried busydetect=yes, busycount=6, answeronpolarityswitch=no don't seem to fix the problem.  Write using WaitForRing but only seemed to freeze the line for many seconds
23:30.54apturaplays absolute havic with phone lines.
23:31.17lee_is_methat is why i was asking about waiting before asterisk/zaptel picks up a ringing fxo line
23:31.19CrashSysI'm sure... tesla coils scare me
23:31.41apturaSome day out of fun will build one that stands 8 feet tall.
23:31.49J4k3a man that spent most of his life
23:31.53J4k3getting screwed
23:31.56J4k3in the wlalet
23:31.58J4k3er wallet
23:32.00apturaDown the street from me is one that stands 2 stories tall.
23:32.31apturaJ4k3 I know pretty sad story. westinghouse put him in the poor house all right.
23:32.31CrashSysWhy build a tesla coil when you can just take one of those old magentic VHS tape erasers and hold it up to a telco line to screw it up?
23:32.39CrashSysTons safer
23:33.08remmobut there is no shock effect exposure
23:33.25remmoyou know you really gotta put your tongue on the line to actually test if it works.
23:33.26CrashSysThat does deminish the rush
23:33.34remmootherwise its hearsay
23:34.03apturaDid you know any thermal nuclear device detonated probebly 10 miles in the atmosphere will kill any electronic device in most states in a geographic region?
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23:34.11CrashSys1000' Cat5e Plenum $716... *googles another website*
23:34.32JTaptura: i thought everyone knew that...
23:34.52CrashSysI plan to use the 1950's approach to nuclear bombs... and hide under my desk...
23:34.57baprilwe don't need no stinkin' T-bird... "Yup that tastes like ESF" :-)
23:35.04apturaWhile it is extreemly remote that a emp attach would occour it could be done.
23:35.34CrashSysDid you also mention how the fall-out will spread like a rain storm as it rains down?
23:35.55CrashSysAnd that while we wont have our cell-phones our the illustrious i-pod, we probably will grow a third eye or testicle...
23:36.10*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
23:36.53apturaJT I was stationed at one of two EMP test facilities while in the airforce and the warning signs near the test facility are pretty clearly what would happen if you approached during the test phase..especially with a pace maker :) One of our HH-60s was flying by the facility and did not know it was in test mode and the aircraft was experaincing violent yaw kicks. The tail controls are both electrical and hydralic powered.
23:37.38*** join/#asterisk benofsky (n=benofsky@
23:37.48benofskywhat ports need to be forwarded for iax and sip?
23:37.57apturaNow the question is how deep can you bury telcom or any electrical gear so its not exposed to the electrostatic charges.
23:38.17CrashSysAptura: Encase it in grounded metal conduit?
23:38.36CrashSysSucks for subterranean tho...
23:38.51CrashSysor however you spell it
23:39.00apturabut even that may not work. Lighting once hit the ground and went up the ground wire frying some radio transmitters once.
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23:42.04JTCrashSys: that doesn't work.
23:42.04lee_is_meI don't think a phantom ring can be avoided in my a customer's case because of the way their system is setup...
23:42.04CrashSysjt: Metal will not block EMP?
23:42.04apturait will
23:42.16lee_is_methey are having a group of devices ring as soon as a call comes in from the telco
23:42.16JTCrashSys: only if done right
23:42.19apturaelectrical shilding will
23:42.35apturasecond emp test facility is at white sands missle range.
23:42.45lee_is_meis that just more or is there no way to avoid a "phantom" ring if a calls starts to call, but then hangs up?
23:42.48JTCrashSys: problem is wires etc going in and out of metal case
23:43.01lee_is_melol, that should have been "is that just me..."
23:43.13apturaa very small one that is used for small objects. Ours is 50% larger then the largest cargo transport aircraft.
23:43.19CrashSysWell yeah... but I was thinking more like how you would run secure lines...
23:43.20JTeg in lightning, there are 3 forms of discharge transfer, direct hit, capacitive coupling, and inductive coupling
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23:43.46apturaheat lightning
23:43.52apturaever hear of that one?
23:44.05CrashSyslee: The way I handled phantom calls it to start a channel-timeout at start of call until call leaves the automated attendant...
23:44.28JTwires are usually caught by capacitive coupling if they're underground
23:44.38apturano clouds at all in this case. Two layers of air that have a potential difference in ionic charge minus the visable cloud vapor.
23:44.40CrashSysthat way i'm only dealing with a phantom call for 2-mins tops...
23:45.04lee_is_meCrashSys: that's the problem.  This customer has the phones ring directly to devices when the call comes in.  No IVR <--- in between --->
23:45.07apturaCrash thats happened to me before.
23:45.26lee_is_meCrashSys: only IVR if they don't pick up on the attempt group ring.
23:45.32apturaphantom LCD light up on pstn phone.
23:45.42lee_is_mei don't think it can be avoided personally.
23:45.45apturawould not ring.
23:46.14lee_is_medid I make sense?
23:46.19CrashSysIsn't there silence detection in asterisk?
23:46.20apturaI ignore it. the phone would light up for 2 seconds then go out.
23:47.21tdonahue-laptopCrashSys, there was work toward it, i don't know that it is completed at this point
23:53.11CrashSysWith my old digium te205p using RBS I would have a problem where someone would call and hang-up right as asterisk answered and the hang-up wouldn't be detected, and the IVR would go on forever and the line was technically idle...
23:53.11lee_is_meCrashSys: That appears to be the problem with this site
23:53.11lee_is_meexcept that they are having a group of phone ring immediately so its annoying.
23:53.11CrashSysI handled it by adding a time-out to the incoming call and removing it when they left the IVR...
23:53.11*** join/#asterisk HeMan (
23:53.11CrashSysThat way the line could only be dead for 2-mins tops...
23:53.11CrashSysWhat are they doing? Faxes?
23:53.11lee_is_meno just small company that want the phone to ring directly before IVR
23:53.12lee_is_mego to IVR if noone picks up on the intial group ring.
23:53.12lee_is_me1. Ring Group 2. Ether someone answers or go to IVR
23:53.12JTCrashSys: silence detection in what sense?
23:53.12CrashSysjt: to detect a hangup/phantom channel...
23:53.12CrashSyslike if you have 60-seconds of silence, hangup...
23:53.12*** part/#asterisk putnopvut (i=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-fe74fe70049e094f)
23:53.12CrashSysLee: If they pick up the line that has the phantom call, hear nothing, and hang-up... does asterisk not hang-up the channel?
23:53.12JTwell that's a bad way to detect hangups
23:53.12lee_is_mesometimes it rings back again
23:53.12JTa perfectly legitimate call could be silent for 60 seconds
23:53.12lee_is_memost times its just once though
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23:53.13CrashSysjt: Well silence detection would be good for answering machine's...
23:53.13*** part/#asterisk paolob (n=donpaolo@
23:53.22CrashSysjust in general it has it's applicable uses...
23:53.22JTasterisk isn't an answering machine though?
23:53.37CrashSysBut if you were doing outbound dialing it would be useful...
23:53.41lee_is_meI tried WaitForRing but that just froze the channel for a while (way longer than the 2 second param I supplied)
23:54.06JTwhat would be more useful is disconnect supervision or digital signalling, imho
23:54.24*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
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23:54.42CrashSysjt: Silence detection would be nice if i'm using an auto-dialer at a vetinary hospital to call people and let them know that fluffy is due for his shots...
23:55.55CrashSysIt would be useful... having a "waitforsilence(<seconds>)" command in the dial-plan...
23:56.26CrashSysProbably over-complicated tho
23:57.03CrashSysThere's a couple AMD things floating around already tho...
23:57.21lee_is_meHmmm.  I just tried using WaitForRing() BEFORE any other commands such as Answer() and that seemed to work
23:57.28lee_is_me(dialed into customer site now)
23:58.31lee_is_meI did kick out this error: Jun  7 20:06:00 WARNING[25526]: chan_zap.c:6309 ss_thread: CallerID returned with error on channel 'Zap/3-1'
23:58.51CrashSysEither you dont have caller ID or have the wrong settings...
23:59.46lee_is_meWell, I've been changing things around a bit trying to track this down.  I'll put the original files back in place and see if that fixes it as I was not having that error before I started "fixing" it.
23:59.48*** join/#asterisk john-eman0n (

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