IRC log for #asterisk on 20070604

00:01.55*** join/#asterisk DeltaSonic-Matt (
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00:28.13nath0099ok i have a minor issue wondered if any one has come acrossed it before. i have tried *1.4.4, trixbox 2.0, trixbox 2.2 and am now using easyvoxbox but the same issue in everyone of them i can get trunks to work but i cant get sipgate trunk to have incoming calls it just comes up engaged when you ring the number.
00:29.01*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
00:32.24[TK]D-Fendernath0099, What do you have installed currently?
00:34.23[TK]D-Fendernath0099, Go install * 1.2 or * 1.4 and then we'll be able to help you
00:34.32[TK]D-Fendernath0099, and I mean FROM SCRATCH
00:35.40*** part/#asterisk nath0099 (
00:37.02*** join/#asterisk nephfl (
00:38.10russellbeasyvoxbox?  that new?  haven't heard of that one
00:38.57Sweeperrussellb: it's awsome. basically, it's trixbox with VB support!
00:39.00nephflhello im new to asterisk and attempting to setup a new system, i am attempting to troublshoot but am not sure where to start, i am using asteriskNOW with a TDM2421e, can someone help me out?
00:39.47russellbVB support?
00:40.06Sweeperrussellb: visual basic! 6.0 atm! doesn't that sound AWSOME?
00:40.09russellbnephfl: would be happy to help you
00:40.16russellbSweeper: sounds absolutely terrible
00:40.30russellbno, i mean it, it does
00:40.39Sweeperbestest pbx evar mang
00:41.08nephfli was just looking for some help since the partner i purchased from is closed until tomorrow morning...
00:41.14Sweeperyou can even interface with ACCESS
00:42.13russellbOMFG <3 1997
00:45.41[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, CrapTASTIC!
00:50.35JTslide projector?
00:50.56[TK]D-FenderJT :Ceiling monted pulldown :)
00:51.12[TK]D-FenderJT : 0 - Space requirement :)
00:52.31Sweeperof course, TK now has to live in total darkness to be able to watch stuff on his awsome VGA projector, but he already does that anyways
00:52.36[TK]D-FenderJT : And I'm selling off my 52" RCA Scenium HDTV and recuperating (25" x 48.5") in floor-space
00:53.10[TK]D-FenderSweeper, Actually at DAMN nice with my 300w torchere lit up even.  2000 lumens does the job quite well.
00:55.33russellb[TK]D-Fender: you should give me your tv
00:56.04[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, You can buy it if you like, I'm letting it go for $750
00:56.12Sweeper[TK]D-Fender: for now, in a month.... :D
00:56.25Sweeperunless it's diy, it's gonna shaft you on bulbs D:
00:57.03russellb[TK]D-Fender: i was hoping for free, but oh well
00:57.15russellbbesides, i bet you're nowhere near where I am, anyway
00:57.23[TK]D-FenderSweeper, Thing is that I have it mounted over my patio doors (well exceeds the width), and leavs only a 1' below it exposed.  its a near black-out in daytim all by itself.
00:57.36[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, Quite correct.... shipping would be a killer.
00:59.34*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
01:02.42[TK]D-FenderTomorrow should receive the projector mount and will begin wiring up the speakers.
01:12.32blitzrage1984 is a better year
01:12.50JTbetter than what?
01:16.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
01:16.25[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, How "Orwellian"
01:18.12russellbit was also the year i was born, which is the real reason that year pwns.
01:18.31JTi though russellb was older
01:18.44[TK]D-FenderWas a great yaer for Van Halen too :)
01:19.32*** join/#asterisk lee_is_me (
01:20.29*** join/#asterisk Avochelm (
01:20.54lee_is_meAny care to answer a polycom .cfg file question?
01:22.29[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me, You should try ASKING it :)
01:27.51*** join/#asterisk Fieldy (i=IPbyox5q@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
01:29.36*** join/#asterisk _VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
01:33.17Corydon76-homeJT: heh.  How old am I?
01:33.36JTOLLDD i think
01:34.11Corydon76-homeIt's sobering to think that Mark is a year younger than me.
01:34.39JTi have no idea how hold he is... 30?
01:34.49*** join/#asterisk mog (
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01:35.03Corydon76-homeHis age is on Wikipedia, btw
01:35.04JTwow what an awesome guess :o
01:35.31[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home, I was in the middle of googling it up :)
01:35.37Corydon76-homeMaybe one day I'll be worthy of a Wikipedia entry.
01:35.47JThe must look exactly his age
01:35.57JTi was just guessing off seeing him at CeBit Sydney
01:45.25cy303Any cheap-o FXS recommendations?
01:45.41cy303My FXO I got for $10 and it rocks, but I'm not finding an ubercheap FXS card.. just need one port :/
01:46.19[TK]D-Fendercy303, Screw PCI FXS, get an ATA
01:46.46[TK]D-Fendercy303, ATA's also cost a lot less than PCI per port and are more flexible.
01:46.50NuggetYou can pick up a sipura spa-3000 for pretty cheap on ebay
01:47.05cy303Nugget: /me peeps
01:47.06[TK]D-Fendercy303, SPA-2002 is what you should aim for.
01:47.08Nuggetit'll be a zillion times better than your clone x100p and it'll have an fxs on it
01:47.39[TK]D-Fendercy303, dunno about a "zillion" but if you have any complaints, the SPA-3XXX series might be better.
01:48.01cy303hmm, I'm certainly not familiar with ATA's
01:48.44cy303so it just grabs a dhcp address ..
01:50.35[TK]D-Fenderits a network device, typically programmed through a simple web interface.  it talks SIP to your * server and you just plug a borking phone in.
01:51.06[TK]D-Fendergives you all the features you're used to : CW, CID, 3-way call, transfer, hold, etc....
01:51.27Corydon76-homeBasically it's a SIP trunk
01:51.30cy303that's cool
01:52.06cy303buy now $79.95
01:52.14JTspa-3102 is worth looking at too
01:52.15[TK]D-Fendercy303, and if speaking G.711 to * incurs extremely little resources and you don't have to muck around with PCI settings and can distance it from your server
01:52.17JTsuccessor to 3000
01:52.40[TK]D-Fendercy303, SPA-3102 is better than its predecessor and it $75 NEW
01:52.46cy303haha well then
01:53.36[TK]D-Fendercy303, Again your choice of SPA-2002 VS SPA-3102 depends on your expectations for using it as an FXO as well
01:54.22[TK]D-Fendercy303, If you are indeed happy with your FXO card, then get and SPA-2002 as you'll get 2 FXS on it
01:55.04[TK]D-Fenderout for a bit, back later...
01:55.13cy303yeah, that sounds better to me
01:55.48cy303so you could basically take that box with you over to say .. another state in the US or something, plug it into a network and register an analog phone to your * box
01:55.53cy303that's kinda dope
01:56.22JTif you mean "that's awesome!", then yes
01:56.29*** join/#asterisk fbffff (
01:56.52cy303well screw it, /me orders
01:57.10JTsorry, allergic to gangster slang :P
01:57.26JTbut yes it could do that, as long as asterisk is setup correctly
01:57.48cy303SIP behind NAT sure can be a bitch
01:58.15JTyou'd need asterisk to be on a public ip or to be port forwarded
01:58.37cy303yeah my * boxes are setup correctly for that
01:58.49cy303just saying I had some struggles with SIP/NAT
01:59.02cy303actually mostly just shitty routers
02:00.46*** part/#asterisk niedobry (
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02:02.23`Seananyone know a email
02:02.24`Seanfor bkw
02:03.38*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (
02:05.50flendershey, what's the best way to know if a call is incoming or outgoing? on the CLI? AMI?
02:06.24*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:07.50NuggetI fill my dialplan with NoOp() breadcrumbs so that the console tells me a lot about what's going on
02:08.13Nuggetignore the warnings and put some _. extensions with NoOps and it'll do wonders
02:10.27*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
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03:16.06dracosilvquestion... why do i need to be 'identified' to be able to join this channel, and what channelflag sets such a thing up?
03:25.43*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
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03:38.10*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=linagee@unaffiliated/linagee)
03:38.33linageeLOL. what apple wanted you to have 20 years ago.
03:38.45linageemake asterisk do that! hehehe. :->
03:39.22Corydon76-homedracosilv: +r, and it's because we've gotten a lot of botnet abuse
03:49.28*** join/#asterisk variable_office (
03:50.19*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
03:50.28*** join/#asterisk Cabal_ (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
03:51.56*** join/#asterisk threat (
03:52.07threatI have more problems
03:52.21threatfax detect works on some faxes but not on all
03:52.31threatwhat would cause this and how do I debug / troubleshoot it/
03:52.44*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:53.53Qwellhmm, 4.2.2.x are having issues this weekend..  anybody got a good dns server?
03:55.27*** part/#asterisk zodell (n=Odell@
03:56.22Corydon76-homeQwell: and
03:57.14threatQwell, G'day
03:57.35variable_officeas a matter of opinion, if you were going to setup a new voip network; would you have all the users connecting to asterisk and run openser as a asterisk->asterisk switch || (or) run openser as what the users are connecting to and just use asterisk for voicemail and the like?\
03:58.00JTwhat the users connect to
03:58.18JTi see little advantage in putting it as an interface between different servers
03:58.23*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (
03:58.37variable_officeJT, what would the users connect to?
03:58.41Corydon76-homeAs a matter of opinion, I wouldn't use openser at all, unless I was trying to load balance servers
03:58.42*** join/#asterisk azamba (n=azambuja@
03:58.55JTvariable_office: openser
03:59.37variable_officeCorydon76-home, how would asterisk figure out whois where?
04:00.13Corydon76-homevariable_office: let the proxy figure it out
04:00.35variable_officeJT, is the NAT support with mediaproxy on openser as good as the support with asterisk? (i havent gotten to the nat in openser yet)
04:01.26threatso any reason why a fax wouldn't be detected?
04:02.01JTvariable_office: i'm not sure, but i believe there's a nathelper module
04:02.06variable_officeCorydon76-home, so let each asterisk box be capable of figuring out where the call belongs?
04:02.20variable_officeJT you running openser w/ mediaproxy?
04:02.27JTthreat: flakey code, flakey dialplan, flakey fax tone, pick one :)
04:02.33JTvariable_office: nup
04:02.37Corydon76-homevariable_office: basically
04:02.45JTi wouldn't use mediaproxy myself, as it's python
04:02.56JTas much as i like python
04:03.05JTit shouldn't be doing something so low level
04:03.11threatJT, ok :) well I can send a fax to this number, so can other people, it is just a few people cannot, it just rings the phone instead of getting picked up as a fax
04:03.17threatJT, how would I troubleshoot this?
04:03.23threatwhat commands?
04:03.49variable_officeJT, so if you had users running nat, you would just use asterisk?
04:04.14threatJT, BTW, I have a tdm400p
04:05.00JTvariable_office: if i had a lot of users, i would use openser, see no reason why it can't do the job of proxying
04:05.26JTthreat: i don't know... listen to the fax tone, play with timeous?
04:05.37variable_officewell openser wants you do use either mediaproxy or rtpproxy
04:06.04JTrtpproxy is C but has less features
04:06.14JTand proxying media is not mandatory in openser
04:06.32variable_officeif users are behind nat it is though, correct?
04:06.40JTpretty much
04:06.58threatJT, interesting, any useful asterisk debug options I Can use?
04:07.26JTthreat: why do you keep asking the same question over and over? no, not that i know of.
04:07.51variable_officei guess theres no real reason i cant use some random combination of the two
04:07.52threatJT, ok, well you didn't answer that question before ;)
04:08.09*** join/#asterisk mog (
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04:08.13JTthreat: if i don't know the answer, i cannot answer a question
04:08.19JTi don't like feeling harrased
04:08.36threatJT, ok
04:08.45threatJT, you didnt mention that the first time
04:09.00threatthe fact that you didn't know the answer, I assumed you didn't read that bit
04:09.18JTit's common irc etiquette to not keep asking the same question over and over :)
04:09.24JTi don't need to specifically state that
04:09.30JTi answered what i could
04:10.29threatok and I am greatful
04:10.44threatI will just wait here until some one answers my question thrn
04:11.22JTor you could follow the suggestions i gave, your choice :)
04:13.35*** join/#asterisk tessier (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines)
04:14.11variable_officeany idea on whether mediaproxy beats asterisk in simultaneous calls?
04:14.58JTwell it doesn't do the same job as asterisk
04:15.18JTbut i believe it can handle a hell of a lot more calls than asterisk, especially as a front end to asteriskl
04:15.52variable_officedoesnt mediaproxy actually go through all the rtp data just as asterisk does?
04:18.51JTvariable_office: yes but it's a proxy, asterisk isn't
04:21.02variable_officeis asterisk considered an application server?
04:21.02JTi guess
04:21.04variable_officewhats b2bua?
04:21.15JTBack To Back User Agent
04:21.19JTin SIP terms
04:26.22JTwhich is why it's not a Proxy
04:37.58*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
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05:45.43*** join/#asterisk CapriCorn^80 (n=tellu@
05:46.32CapriCorn^80hi ! i need howto configure asterisk between LAN or between two peer to peer softwares
05:46.39CapriCorn^80hi ! i need howto configure asterisk between LAN or between two peer to peer computers
05:46.58CapriCorn^80sorry its not softwares . its computer
05:47.01jbotsomebody said thebook was a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
05:48.58CapriCorn^80hi ! i need howto configure asterisk between LAN or between two peer to peer computers
05:49.35JTCapriCorn^80: stop that.
05:49.41JTCapriCorn^80: and read the link i sent
05:51.07*** join/#asterisk mosty (
05:51.14CapriCorn^80JT: the book link .
05:51.19CapriCorn^80but can i get some simple howto on it
05:51.31JTcheck the section on sip.conf
05:59.31*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
06:00.02CapriCorn^80JT: thats fine but i have never configured it in paste n this pdf is too long . i just want a perfect howto which got simple steps to configure asterisk between two computers and properly run it
06:00.29JTyou don't need to read the whole pdf
06:00.42JTi know of no such "perfect howto"
06:00.47*** join/#asterisk jimboballard (
06:00.59JTthere is no substitute for learning something properly
06:01.22CapriCorn^80i agree
06:01.23mostythere are lots of asterisk tutorials on the web. there's a simple one on o'reilly's website
06:02.01CapriCorn^80JT: if i ask u i got two sytems one got linux which will be asterisk server and one window client
06:02.16CapriCorn^80wat things i need for that ?
06:02.27CapriCorn^80to configure or up my asterisk voip
06:02.48JTyou will need a softphone on the windows box
06:03.48CapriCorn^80x-lite is softphone i guess
06:04.34JTit is
06:04.52jimboballardAnyone out there have a used 1fxo/1fxs card for sale cheap?
06:05.10JTjust buy an SPA-3102?
06:05.24mostyCapriCorn^80, there are a bunch of tutorials linked on this page, pick one:
06:05.37jimboballardI'm a poor hobbist...
06:05.42CapriCorn^80n wat settings i need on linux box ?
06:06.15JTjimboballard: that is the cheapest option.
06:06.22JTexcept maybe an SPA-3000
06:06.30JTwhich the SPA-3102 replaced
06:07.03CapriCorn^80mosty: ok
06:07.27jimboballardthanks. Can't afford tdm11b.
06:07.28CapriCorn^80mosty: just looking for perfect setup of it like how to
06:08.37mostyCapriCorn^80, there is no such thing
06:09.11jbotit has been said that hafc is hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
06:09.13nynepaci have an spa2002 hooked up to a few standard phones. i have it configured to talk to my asterisk box. i am having no issues with incoming calls but outgoing calls just don't work..  i have the most "basic" asterisk setup possible whereas i want to recieve calls from one sip provider and make them using another. my provider (for outgoing/termination) gafachi, only supports ulaw.. does anyone have experience getting outgoing calls to wo
06:09.13JTa "perfect" quick setup is to get someone else to do it for you
06:13.24jimboballardAnyone using SPA-3102 with success? In and outbound pots?
06:16.47jimboballardAnyone using 1.4 and FWD (IAX i think). Not working for me.
06:16.58n0n4m3you think you're using iax?
06:17.17n0n4m3i'm using sip and iax2 on asterisk 1.2
06:17.43n0n4m3why don't you check the sip.conf and iax.conf and decide what are you using
06:18.14flendersjimboballard: I use an SPA3000
06:18.20flendersit works alright
06:19.14jimboballardcool! Thanks. Looking for cheep alternative!
06:20.24jimboballardn0n4m3: have beentrying to use iax per the fwd asterisk forums.
06:21.55*** join/#asterisk adorah (
06:21.55jimboballardAm i going down the wrong path?
06:24.32jimboballardInstalled OpenSuse 10.2. Recompiled kernel. Compiled 1.4 and zaptel. Installed several x-lites on my lan.
06:25.12jimboballardWorks great in house, but no outside connections yet.
06:25.19*** join/#asterisk zol_ (
06:26.39jimboballardLooking for free sip server. Ideas?
06:27.06*** join/#asterisk syneus (
06:27.43Juggiejimboballard, asterisk is a sip server.
06:28.33jimboballardyes, but, i need to connect to outside world.
06:28.57JTconnecting to what?
06:30.12jimboballardI just want to be able to call my asterisk box through the internet from out in the field.
06:31.05JTwhy would you need an outside sip server for that?
06:34.00jimboballardMaybe I'm confused but : my box is behind a firewall with a dynamic ip address. Wouldn't I need to connect to a service such as FWD that provides directory and gateway services?
06:34.36Juggieif the firewall is not under your control then possibly
06:35.11JTget a dynamic dns service
06:35.21JTand make sure the asterisk server is reachable
06:37.18*** join/#asterisk friedrich| (
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06:38.42jimboballardThe firewall is under my control, but without a dedicated ip address, i won't be able to reach it from outside without knowing that ip.
06:39.04jimboballardIt's my understanding that...
06:39.09JTi just mentioned get a dynamic dns service, problem solved.
06:39.55jimboballardName one, please.
06:40.03*** join/#asterisk jacq (n=jal@
06:40.34JTgoogle for it, there's heaps
06:41.23jimboballardThanks, all.
06:42.08Juggiei recomend provided you own your own domain
06:42.14Juggieyou can setup dynamic dns on your own domain there.
06:43.40jimboballardI don't. Just a lowly dynamic dsl.Thanks, though.
06:46.31jimboballardI'll look into those and educate myself some. Thanks all. Signing off...
06:47.20*** part/#asterisk jimboballard (
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07:32.32*** join/#asterisk CapriCorn^80 (n=tellu@
07:33.11CapriCorn^80sorry JT i got dc
07:33.25CapriCorn^80thx for ur information
07:33.35CapriCorn^80but i asked some simple question
07:33.47CapriCorn^80i mean wat i required on linux box to configure asterisk ?
07:34.25JTwhat do you mean?
07:34.26mostyCapriCorn^80, nothing special. just follow any tutorial
07:39.48n0n4m3CapriCorn^80 you need a text editor
07:41.07CapriCorn^80can u tell me the exact lines from where i should start ?
07:43.03n0n4m3and check out the
07:43.14n0n4m3start with the first link...
07:43.55CapriCorn^80the first link got so many links
07:44.19*** join/#asterisk Pagautas (n=bigman@
07:44.48n0n4m3Asterisk introduction: An overview for new Asterisk administrators - THE PLACE TO START!!
07:45.08JTyou will actually have to read
08:02.28nynepacthis is a bit frusterating.. i can call in and out using xlite but when i try to make a call from a regular telephone connected to my spa2002 it just responds with beep beep beep beep after i've dialed a US phone number 1xxxxxxxxxx .. any idea how to debug this..
08:02.34nynepacincoming works just fine
08:02.53JTdoes the call come in on the asterisk cli?
08:03.33nynepacno.. i dont see it
08:03.54nynepacbut i do see it from xlite :(
08:04.45*** join/#asterisk jm|work (
08:05.14nynepacany idea how that would happen?
08:05.48JTwhat is the console verbosity level?
08:06.06*** join/#asterisk andyd (
08:06.07nynepac. /usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvvvv -g  -dddddd -c
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08:07.52JTthat would be a verbosity level of 6.
08:08.06JTnynepac: did you hit enter in x-lite after dialling?
08:08.16nynepacyes i do
08:08.36nynepacand in xlite i do see the call status
08:08.45JTdo any other numbers work?
08:09.03nynepaci can't call the xlite phone either
08:09.20nynepacand xlite can't call the sipura phone
08:09.32*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
08:10.14JThave you tried calling anything other than the us phone number?
08:10.59nynepacjust tried a friend in sweden.. same behavior.. beep beep beep beep
08:11.37nynepacbrasil failed miserably as well
08:12.20JTsounds like a lot of config is incomplete
08:13.32nynepacyeah.. sounds like that to me as well
08:14.19nynepac-- Registered SIP '2001' at port 5061 expires 3600
08:14.42*** join/#asterisk abuyazan (
08:15.26abuyazanhow can i delete all messages in my voicemail ?
08:16.12nick125_lappyabuyazan: You should be able to clear out /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/context/extension/
08:16.22nick125_lappyThat might delete your greetings though
08:16.26nynepacis there a simple startup guide ?
08:16.35nick125_lappySo, try deleting INBOX and Old
08:16.42abuyazanthanks nick125_lappy
08:16.48nick125_lappyabuyazan: No problem
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08:41.05nynepacwhat could prevent extensions not being able to speak with one another
08:41.51drrtnynepac, you shouldnt include it each other
08:43.57nynepacah i see whats going on.. if i swap the context from incoming_fonosip to default in my extension
08:44.01nynepacso 2001 for example
08:44.08nynepaceither incoming calls or outgoing calls work
08:46.47*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
08:48.51nynepacwhy would either one or the other work properly (incoming or outgoing calls?) mind you incoming and outgoing are 2 different providers
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09:04.37Uatec_hey, what do people think about this:
09:04.54Uatec_for a way of notifying your PC what's going on with your phone?
09:10.02cy303Uatec_: what are you trying to do?
09:18.36Uatec_notify asttapi of what is going on with my call
09:20.10cy303ahh, not familiar with tapi
09:23.02snuffy22generally AST TAPI is connected via the manager interface of asterisk
09:23.16snuffy22actually i think that's the only way it works..
09:23.26cy303yeah reading about it on voip-info
09:23.37cy303some windows front end to * manager interface
09:23.38snuffy22the manager connection to asterisk will report call status
09:24.01snuffy22and all sorts of other crap :)
09:25.13snuffy22generally i thought ast tapi only really did stuff for like making outgoing click to call..
09:25.28snuffy22not so much handling incoming events
09:25.42snuffy22but then i've never really played with it
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09:35.24tzafrirsnuffy22, the windows client on each user's computer talks directly with the asterisk manager?
09:40.17Uatec_i think, in that case, that using the Asterisk Manager Interface would generally do everything in that link, and do it in a much easier, concise fashion
09:40.30Uatec_unless that's doing something else that i'm not seeing
09:40.59*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
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09:46.29tengulreI developt a asterisk manager , anybody need it ?
09:47.04Uatec_what exactly did it do?
09:47.21tzafrirUatec_, if you trust all of your users: yes. But I asked if there's something in the middle that does not force you to blindly trust the good will of your users not to execute arbitrary commands on the asterisk server
09:50.06Uatec_would you mind sending it to me so i can assess exactly what it does and home?
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10:57.02mattfletcherHello, I have two offices running asterisk 1.2 machines, with a site-to-site VPN. I've now been asked to look into the possibility of adding video to the mix. What can asterisk offer me? I list my version number as I understand 1.4 can do a lot more, but I'm reluctant to upgrade when it all works!
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11:09.42mjmarriohello all. Can anyone perhaps answer a couple of questions about mixing Digium TDM and TE cards?
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11:21.20Uatec_mjmarrio, not unless you ask them
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11:29.05zeeeshif i want to copy astcc.agi from server A to server then B then .. how to do it ?
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11:38.39mjmarriook here goes: I have installed a TDM2400 with 3xFXO quad modules and one TE205P card. I have not yet connected to ISDN line. I am not sure how to set the "signalling" parameter in zapata.conf. setting fx signalling in zapata.conf is ok but when I set pri_cpe I get errors and the "zap restart" command is no longer available from the CLI console
11:38.46eeoshi everybody
11:39.16Zeeekeeos where's pour homework assignment?
11:39.50eeosZeeek: have not been able to solve the problem :(
11:39.57mjmarriodo you set the signalling paramater immediately before the channels?
11:40.11tzafrirmjmarrio, you need to give the right signalling to each channel
11:40.52mjmarrioSomething like this: signalling=fxo_ks
11:41.10jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
11:41.12tzafrirbut basically yes
11:41.17Zeeekeeos why not?
11:41.44tzafrirassuming that this will be the order in which the modules will load eventually
11:41.50eeosZeeek: I do not understand how connection between asterisk and the provider works :(
11:41.51mjmarriotzafrir: Can I private chat you?
11:42.04eeosZeeek: I am reading some additional documentation now
11:42.41Zeeekeeos what do you not understand?
11:44.09eeosZeeek: how do I write the extension so that when a user on the local network decides to open an external call the VOIP line to the provider is called
11:45.06Zeeekeeos it is a good idea to use a context dedicated to users that have the right to do this. It will be useful later
11:45.32Zeeekso if that context were called [users-who-can-call-provider]
11:45.48mjmarriotzafrir: sorry about that
11:46.12Zeeekeeos under that context you would have an extension that allowed the calls
11:46.13mjmarriois this the correct way to configure zapata.conf?
11:46.36tzafrirprobably. if asterisk starts without an error, then it is
11:46.50tzafrirassuming you actually have chan_zap built
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11:47.07tzafrir(if you can call through those card: you have it)
11:47.08mjmarrioI am using asteriskNow
11:47.24tzafriryou're using their packages?
11:47.33mjmarriono that's the trouble I am getting error messages on the console.
11:47.34eeosZeeek: yes, I did understand that. But how does this extension connect to the sip provider? I want to use SIP protocol not IAX2.
11:48.00mjmarrioI should be able to call out on fxo even though there is a definition for the isdn
11:48.09tzafririn asterisknow zaptel.conf and zapata.conf are generally generated files. But only the config for the analog part gets generated
11:48.12Zeeekeeos there are a bout 100,000,000 examples of SIP extensions on the INternet
11:48.17mjmarriomy dial plan specifies to use group 2 which is teh fxs
11:48.34tzafrirYou need to edit the "template" files to actually add your own stuff
11:48.44Zeeekeeos begin by looking at the dial application and its syntax
11:48.55mjmarrioyes I know. I acutually edit zapata.conf.zapscan and then run zapscan to create config files
11:49.26tzafrirso what sign do you have of a problem?
11:49.26Zeeekeeos then you could go look at where there are certainly examples of how to connect to a SIP provider
11:49.50eeosZeeek: thanks!
11:50.43mjmarriomy ztcfg seems ok but I have the following message at the end of it: CAS signalling on span 3 conflicts with Clear channel on channel 64.
11:50.43*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
11:50.45Zeeekintellectual curiousity is your most valuable asset. Get and keep it
11:51.11mjmarrioand also when I try to make a call I get: "Unable to specify channel 1: Device or resource busy" on the CLI console
11:53.14eeosZeeek: it seems to be easy to have them talk through IAX
11:53.25eeosZeeek: but I do not understand how to do it through SIP
11:53.35Zeeekeeos why waste time conjectruing when you can go find out what you asked
11:54.00mjmarriotzafrir: so what do you think?
11:55.01Zeeekeeos GOOGLE asterisk SIP extension - 1.3 millions pages talk about it
11:55.20mjmarriowell, /proc/zaptel all seems ok. All three spans recogninsed......
11:55.43mjmarrio/etc/zaptel.conf seems to cause no problems.
11:56.14mjmarriowhen I add the ISDN signalling in zapata.conf is when I get problems. I'm not sure if I am doing it correctly
11:57.12mjmarrioAlso I have added the entries in zaptel.conf in the same order as the /proc/zaptel files
11:57.58mjmarrioany thoughts?
11:59.17mjmarrioAs I understand the signalling paramater simply preceeds the channel definitions in zapata.conf
11:59.21mjmarriois that cor5rect?
12:00.05eeosZeeek: actually I have been reading half a tonn of documentation found through search engines, but not of much help
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12:00.22eeosZeeek: I m afraid there is too much available, and most of it of unexceptional quality
12:00.31eeosZeeek: anyway we will solve it sooner or later
12:00.34Zeeekeeos well if you do what I just said you'd be loking at something like this:
12:01.03Zeeekalthough the above is old it still works and has many commented examples
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12:01.15mjmarriotzafrir: any thoughts?
12:01.18eeosZeeek: that is the article you sent me few days ago
12:01.31Zeeekwell if you read it you would have the answer.
12:01.45eeosZeeek: yes, I am wading my way through, I have not got to that one yet
12:01.47Zeeekit isn't an article it is a config file
12:02.09eeosye, but was it not connected to the article
12:02.17Zeeeklook at the file and search for @fwd
12:02.35Zeeekthe whole extension is there written for you
12:02.38eeosZeeek: also one of our providers uses openSER,that I do not know at all
12:02.43eeosZeeek: :)
12:03.06eeosZeeek: the problem with search engines is to understand what is the documentation you want out of 1.3 millions pages
12:03.27Zeeekno it isn't
12:03.37Zeeekthe first 5 examples have what you ask for
12:04.14Zeeeknow I'm afraid you'll have to be on /ignore until you've actually read some of it
12:04.33eeosZeeek: some of what? I have read most of the book as well
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12:07.23mjmarrioDoes this config seem ok for zaptel.conf?? span=1,1,2,ccs,hdb3,crc4
12:07.51mjmarriohow come?
12:07.51tzangeryou cannot have both span 1 and 2 the primary clock source
12:07.59tzangerspan=1,1,2,... is fine
12:08.05tzangerspan 2,1,2,... is not
12:08.12tzangerpick which span you want to clock from
12:08.15tzangermake that '1'
12:08.32tzafrirmjmarrio, what do you see on 'zap show channels'? only "pseudo"?
12:08.34tzangerif you want to clock from the other if the primary is down, use clocktype 2
12:08.43tzangerif you don't wnat to clock from it ever, use '0'
12:09.11mjmarriook tq I will try now
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12:12.26mjmarrioWhen I add isdn stuff into zapata.conf then I lose all zap commands
12:12.27mjmarrioNo such command
12:13.14mjmarrioI have changed the clocking. I didn't have ISDN line connected yet so that has prbly solved future problem
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12:13.56mjmarriomy /proc/zaptel files seem a bit strange though
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12:15.32mjmarriospan2 is TE205 port 1 ch25-48 with ch 40 as HDLCFCS but then only goes to ch 48. Seems to be missing 7 channels??
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12:19.07ectospasmtoday I start my job at Digium...
12:19.24Uatec_Congrats ectospasm
12:19.27Uatec_what do you do?
12:19.36ectospasmI'll be in the tech support group
12:19.43Uatec_you start
12:19.45Uatec_not you have started
12:20.10ectospasmI hear my first two tasks will be to install whatever distro I choose, and then install Asterisk
12:20.21ectospasmIt's been two years since I did the latter
12:21.37ectospasmBut it was fairly straightforward then...
12:21.37fileectospasm: you should also bring muffins for the tech support team and tell them file told you to get them... muahahahaha
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12:22.06Uatec_ectospasm, business edition?
12:22.23Uatec_ectospasm, what's your real name? incase i end up emailing you at some point :)
12:22.34ectospasmI'll tell you later (-:
12:23.30jbotextra, extra, read all about it, paste is
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12:29.10Uatec_ectospasm, make sure that you install pound sign linux on a machine with sata raid (mirrored), and  use a b410p isdn interface
12:31.48*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
12:36.09eeosZeeek: I read the file you sent me, but still cannot understand where is the connection opened :(
12:37.16Zeeekeeos I'm trying to understand what you don'tunderstand
12:37.25eeosZeeek: where are the login (user id) and the password passed to the SIP provider?
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12:37.56eeosZeeek: it looks like the server is opening a connection without passing the information for the connection. how is that possible?
12:38.00Zeeekdid you see this? exten => _7.,3,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@fwd)
12:38.05eeosI keep going back to the same point.
12:38.20eeosyes! but where is the login/password passed o?
12:38.41Zeeekin sip.conf under the fwd] [peer
12:38.56Zeeekin sip.conf under the [fwd] peer
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12:40.50[TK]D-FenderZeeek: exten => _7.,3,Dial(SIP/fwd/${EXTEN:1}) <- more appropriate
12:42.01eeos[TK]D-Fender: is it new syntax?
12:42.04Zeeekwhy? the other works AFAIK
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12:42.57eeosZeeek: I cannot believe, you are right
12:43.04Zeeekeeos did you go look at the sip.conf file?
12:43.26[TK]D-Fendereeos: No, but the latter can have issues like DNS attempting to resolve it because of the naming structure and I've seen some scenarios where it just "doesn't work" for some reason.
12:43.31ZeeekI'm sure this is laid out perfectly well in the book
12:44.15Uatec_there's a book?
12:44.34jbothmm... book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
12:45.01eeosZeeek: yes, probably it is. so it is just treated as a "normal" user
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12:45.07eeosZeeek: well, apart registration
12:45.16Zeeekwhat about registration?
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12:45.39eeosZeeek: thanks a lot, I was going round in circles.
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12:45.58nasls_lsaaah , tora ok :)
12:46.05Zeeekyeah me too. I kept pointing you to the same documents
12:46.15*** part/#asterisk jrenzema (n=josh@
12:46.16eeosZeeek: yes, apart registration.
12:46.31*** part/#asterisk nasls_lsa (
12:46.51eeosZeeek: sorry, that was connected with your previous message not with the last
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12:48.32dinesh___hi all, I've got a little question
12:48.33Zeeekto make a long story short, Albert King had it right all along
12:48.53eeosZeeek: who is Albert King?
12:49.03ZeeekAlbert King : "Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"
12:49.39dinesh___i would like to use this: GotoIf($["${CALLERIDNUM}" != "mynumber"]?7) , but the problem that it is always being evaluated to "false", how can I display the value of ${CALLERIDNUM} for debugging purpose ?
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12:50.47[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: NoOp(${CALLERIDNUM})
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12:51.05[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: Hoever that variable was deprecated in 1.2 and removed in 1.4
12:51.48[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: You should use the new function for 1.2+ ${CALLERID(num)}
12:51.52dinesh___i'm actually using 1.4
12:51.53Zeeek[TK]D-Fender has been deprecated in 1.6, don't listen to him
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12:53.06dinesh___thank you very much
12:53.51eeosZeeek: :p
12:57.56dinesh___hm, and why doesnt this work, I'm getting some syntax error things when it is being executed:
12:57.58dinesh___exten => 1000,3,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" == "0795648910"]?100
12:58.27dinesh___[Jun  4 14:53:19] NOTICE[445]: pbx.c:1702 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Error in extension logic (missing ']')
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12:59.08viperdudehi all
12:59.27viperdudeanyone get this message when attempting to transfer a call " Supervised transfer requested, but unable to find callid" ?
12:59.29dinesh___oh nevermind the tailing ) is missing
13:00.12tbiccan you make the AGI Call GET DATA play more than one sound file?
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13:03.53[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: And it should be "=", not "=="
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13:06.44cy303anyone here using callwithus?
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13:16.37[TK]D-FenderKatty: *yawn* Mew.
13:18.04iote_for correct peer matching in realtime sip peers i need "fullcontact" set to "sip:exten@userip"... how do I populate on the fly the fullcontact with information from exten and userip? im using
13:20.30iote_of course, i can create an attribute for this on ldap, but since I already got the necessary information in other attributes i want to find a way to build it on realtime request...
13:22.45iote_on res_ldap.conf i have "attribute = fullcontact => AstAccountFullContact" it would be nice to have something like: attribute = fullcontact => "sip:".$AstExten."@".$AstIPaddress
13:22.50mjmarriotzafrir: Now I see only pseudo
13:23.11tzafrircould you pastebin your zapata.conf ?
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13:41.18lee_is_me[TK]D-Fender: ping
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13:45.50[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me: Pong
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13:47.42lee_is_me[TK]D-Fender: Sorry to keep you hanging yesterday.
13:47.53msetimI have been installed the asterisk now for test purposes
13:47.59[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me: Trust me... I didn't lsoe any sleep over it :)
13:48.06msetimWhat is the password default of front-end?
13:48.24[TK]D-Fendermsetim: * doesn't have a "front-end".
13:48.28lee_is_me[TK]D-Fender: I'm sure.  But I did have a question on polycom cfg files
13:48.53[TK]D-Fendermsetim: If you're talking about AsteriskNOW or FreePBX/Trixbox, please read the channel topic for support channels for them
13:49.07[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me: Ah yes... so ask away and we'll see what we can do.
13:49.14msetim[TK]D-Fender: I'm talking about Asterisk GUI that came with it
13:49.32lee_is_me[TK]D-Fender: reg.x.server.y.address  ==> x = line, but what is y stand for?
13:49.37[TK]D-Fendermsetim: Feel free to ask in #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui
13:49.54msetim[TK]D-Fender: thanks :-D
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13:50.13[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me: Fall-back server.  if the primary goes down you can specify a failover server for redundency
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13:50.51lee_is_me[TK]D-Fender: Thanks, but I'm trying to figure out what "y" is a variable for.  Am I mistaken?
13:51.04[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me: 1 or 2
13:51.15[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me: as per the Admin Guide
13:51.16MindTheGapin realtime sip peers i need "fullcontact" set to "sip:exten@userip"... how do I populate on the fly the fullcontact with information from exten and userip? im using
13:51.22MindTheGapon res_ldap.conf i have "attribute = fullcontact => AstAccountFullContact" it would be nice to have something like: attribute = fullcontact => "sip:".$AstExten."@".$AstIPaddress
13:51.36lee_is_me[TK]D-Fender: I'm looking at it, but am still confused.
13:51.51*** part/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
13:52.03[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me: You're not building it from scratch, are you?
13:52.29lee_is_me[TK]D-Fender: I'm thinking of writing a GUI for polycom config
13:54.01lee_is_me[TK]D-Fender: I see that x = the line being registered.  IE 1 and/or 2 with the 301.  I'm not certain what the y variable is for.  Is for which server this applies to?
13:56.53[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me: Yes, thats what I jsut said
13:57.19lee_is_me[TK]D-Fender: LOL.  Just making sure.
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14:01.31tzangerit's gotta suck to be a female in a geeky-male dominated channel
14:01.48Mercestesunless your into geeky males
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14:02.28anonymouz666geeky males aka nerds don't care much about woman anyway
14:04.21jkiffFor the ladies, the odds are good, but the goods are odd.  :-P
14:05.07*** join/#asterisk fbffff (
14:05.24MercestesVery nice.
14:06.04msetim[TK]D-Fender: asterisk-gui password is set on installation
14:10.45[TK]D-Fenderjkiff: definite winner...
14:10.52[TK]D-Fendermsetim: I'll take your word for it.
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14:18.54Kattytzanger: it's not that bad ;)
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14:19.55SuPrSluGhello all
14:21.18SuPrSluGcan anyone recommend a decent inexpensive router? I just had a linksys crap out (not forwarding anything).
14:22.04SuPrSluGthere are only 4-5 users at any given time. thanks.
14:23.36[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: Buy another Linksys router.  They generally work jsut fine.
14:24.01[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: many D-Links screw up NAT, and most other cheap ones well... ick
14:24.17viperdudeanyone get this message when attempting to transfer a call " Supervised transfer requested, but unable to find callid" ?
14:24.24BSD_TechSuperslug go to the linksys site and get the updated firmware for that router
14:24.28MercestesSuPrSluG, Go get a wrt54gl and put linux on it.
14:24.37SuPrSluGthey had a power outage and since pass nothing. i'm resetting to defaults
14:24.47Mercestesiptables ftw
14:25.15SuPrSluGi've done openwrt. maybe i'll do that
14:25.26BSD_TechSuperslug what model linksys do you have ?
14:25.50*** join/#asterisk _omer (
14:25.53BSD_Techput openwrt on it
14:26.17tzangerKatty: :-)
14:26.17*** part/#asterisk Wing|wrk (
14:26.42BSD_TechGet a room
14:26.57tzangerI just got a treo 700wx, upgrade from 650
14:26.57BSD_Techbut make sure to setup the webcams first
14:27.02tzangernot entirely sure it's an upgrade yet
14:27.05tzangerBSD_Tech: ha
14:27.10tzangerI'm engaged, I wouldn't do that
14:28.51BSD_Techok who is the lucky guy/woman ?
14:29.15_omerMicheal Jackson
14:29.50*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
14:31.15phearlesshi guys
14:31.15phearlessIs this bug ( ) fixed in the official 1.4.0 release ?
14:31.53BSD_Techwe are upto 1.4.4
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14:34.15phearlessit does not answer my question
14:34.32phearlessasterisk -r
14:34.32phearlessAsterisk 1.4.0, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006 Digium, Inc. and others.
14:34.35phearlessi am using this version
14:36.08*** join/#asterisk sergee (i=kvirc@
14:36.24BSD_Techthen you way behind
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14:36.54[TK]D-FenderDoes this SOUND like it was fixed for 1.4.0 release?!  *NO*
14:37.18sergeeIs it possible to have anonymous calls (insecure=port,reinvite) from multiple ip? (something like host= or should i create a separate user entry in config for each IP?
14:37.20[TK]D-Fender1.4.0 = way before the bug was entered
14:37.38sergeeinsecure=port,invite ofcause...
14:37.58phearlessthank you [TK]D-Fender
14:39.44[TK]D-Fender<- Zen master of the blatantly obvious
14:40.18[TK]D-Fendersergee: use "host=dynamic" and set the allow host/mask for that range.
14:41.11sergee[TK]D-Fender: hmmm, let me check...
14:46.10*** join/#asterisk zol_ (
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14:48.11MindTheGapin realtime sip peers i need "fullcontact" set to "sip:exten@userip"... how do I populate on the fly the fullcontact with information from exten and userip? im using
14:48.14MindTheGapon res_ldap.conf i have "attribute = fullcontact => AstAccountFullContact" it would be nice to have something like: attribute = fullcontact => "sip:".$AstExten."@".$AstIPaddress
14:48.20*** join/#asterisk QbY (
14:48.52QbYdoes anyone know of a easy way to convert Cisco 79xx phones to SIP and running the latest firmware?  Editing the OS79XX.txt file is getting old..
14:50.03sergee[TK]D-Fender: doesn't work :) but my question wasn't correct initialy ...
14:51.08sergee[TK]D-Fender:  Is it possible to allow calls from non-existent users (insecure=port,reinvite) from multiple ip? (something like host= or should i create a separate user entry in config for each IP?
14:51.36[TK]D-Fendersergee: Way I mentioned might do it.
14:51.53[TK]D-Fendersergee: and that should be invite, not reinvite
14:51.54sergeeDID provider sends calls from multiple IPs, it uses SIP username as CallerID...
14:52.29sergee[TK]D-Fender: unfortunately it doesn't work..
14:54.04[TK]D-Fendersergee: Ok well you can allow completely un-auth'd calls off [general]
14:54.26[TK]D-Fendersergee: And use a _. to match everything, then check the channel for IP.
14:54.41[TK]D-Fendersergee: Ugly.... but being * that should come as no surprise ;)
14:55.24sergee[TK]D-Fender: :) i'll check source code now, i suppose it shouldn't be hard to add this functionality...
14:58.21*** join/#asterisk centrex (i=pputman@nat/digium/x-457233553e9e7e17)
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15:01.53ifnotwhynotany fax experts here?
15:02.03ifnotwhynotasterfax that is?
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15:06.40jbotYeah I think ifnotwhynot isn't to bright either...
15:07.21jbot[TK]D-Fender: thanks
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15:16.46eeoshi there
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15:28.39angryusergood day
15:28.43monstertruckdoes anyone know of a gateway that can do iax2 and ilbc ?
15:29.54angryuseri need a solution here, i need a contct list, used internally, when i click on phone number, asterisk dials and connect's me (snom phone) how can i do that?
15:30.07[TK]D-Fendermonstertruck: LOL
15:30.26monstertruck[TK]D-Fender ?
15:30.36[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Lookup ".call files" and "AMI Originate" on the WIKI
15:30.39angryusersomething like sugarcrm but mora basic, just contact list
15:30.55jbotwikis is probably
15:30.56angryuserok thx
15:32.15angryuserthank you fender ;)
15:33.09angryuseri will develop some application, maybe release it public
15:33.19[TK]D-Fendermonstertruck: Very few manufacturers care about IAX2, evern fewer care about ILBC.  Decent products are in the "fictitious" category...
15:33.33*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
15:33.43angryuseri dont need crm machine, just a little "point&call"
15:34.19monstertruckangryuser, web interface with flex, php backend to write a call file
15:34.39monstertruckangryuser, that will make it pretty
15:35.03angryusermonstertruck: no we will integrate it to Windev internal application allready in place
15:35.13monstertruck[TK]D-Fender, so im shit outta luck
15:36.11monstertruckangryuser, here:
15:36.30monstertrucksame thing, backend response to user click should be to write a call file
15:36.40[TK]D-Fendermonstertruck: what do you actually have to do?
15:37.20monstertruck[TK]D-Fender, i need a bunch of separate fxo in latin america
15:37.27angryusermonstertruck: was on the same page;)
15:37.36monstertrucki could place an asterisk server in each office
15:37.44[TK]D-Fendermonstertruck: Mount up an * server then.
15:38.04monstertruckbut was lookign for a cleaner solution, all I need is a dumb gateway
15:38.45monstertruckand they are all behind nat, so im trying to avoid the headache with sip
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15:41.18monstertruck[TK]D-Fender, ever used a spa3102 behind nat, accross the net from * ?
15:41.36[TK]D-Fendermonstertruck: Yeah, works fine.
15:41.36monstertruckor any other sip gateway for that matter...
15:41.50monstertruckwill try one of those then
15:42.11angryuserhehe it is allmoust too easy.. * great
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15:43.12eeosI keep getting "603 Declined" error
15:53.38angryuserbye everybody;)
15:53.39*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=dude@
15:53.39bts3685|workasterisk has IPV6 support, yeah? i mean i think it'd matter more on the hardware and kernel, but have there been any issues?
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15:56.19ecolemanit's so quiet in here... safe to ask a question?
15:57.08mightnareyou're asking one already... ;)
15:57.48ecolemanwe have a dialer macro that checks a few different providers, to see which is available to dial out, and then passes them into a ael context we defined.
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15:58.17ecolemanwe were passing it to a congesstion to see the response, but for some reason, it continues to pass them into the context after the congestion portion
15:58.44[TK]D-Fenderecoleman: Pastebin what you've made, and the CLI output.
15:58.50jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
15:59.03ecolemanyeah, i know about PB
16:01.00ecolemanshit i might have figured it out
16:04.32*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
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16:16.01mfdutrahello. I'm receiving this error when asterisk tries to notify a polycom phone of a state change (hints):
16:16.02mfdutraWARNING[8114] chan_sip.c: sip_xmit of 0x83412c8 (len 821) to returned -1: Operation not permitted
16:16.45mfdutrathere is no any firewall rules on the output
16:17.01*** join/#asterisk lee_is_me (
16:17.02ManxPowerare you running Asterisk as root
16:17.07ManxPowerIs there NAT involved?
16:17.25mfdutraeverything else works ok
16:17.27mfdutrasip, rtp, iax
16:17.39mfdutrathat happens only on hints subscriptions
16:17.41Hmmhesaysis there something similar to eyebeam for linux?
16:17.49ManxPowerother than that does the phone at work correctly.  make calls, receiver calls
16:18.00mfdutrayep, perfectly
16:18.05errranyone know if its possible to get line presence across servers?
16:19.16ManxPowererrr: your extensive searching of the mailing lists didn't turn up anything?
16:19.48ManxPowermfdutra: What version of Asterisk?
16:20.11ManxPowerI can't run 1.4
16:20.19n0n4m3how come?
16:20.47mfdutraI can't upgrade to 1.4.4 because of my channel driver. I use a brazilian tdm card. they don't have channel driver for 1.4.4 yet
16:20.47ManxPowerIt has not been out long enough to have a proven track record.
16:20.47mfdutraalthough that worked perfecly with 1.2
16:21.15ManxPowerActually it has a proven  track record -- of terrible show stopping bugs.
16:21.33HmmhesaysI don't use 1.4 for anything other than tinkering around
16:23.39ManxPowerThe LATEST 1.4.x has not been out long enough to know if it has major bugs or not.
16:23.39ManxPowerAlso, I do not have a lab to test it.
16:23.39ManxPowerwell, not at the moment at least.
16:23.40ManxPowerI do NOT want 200 angry users banging on my door because a shiny new 1.4.x server fails for some reason
16:23.40xhelioxCan anyone recommend a loud ringer for a warehouse? (not really an Asterisk question) :)
16:23.40lee_is_meOn AMI what is the best way to get list of extensions?  SIP SHOW PEERS looks promising, but the output does not seem to provide a way to distinguish between peers that are internal and those that are for ITSP's.
16:23.40ManxPowerxheliox: ?
16:23.40mfdutrait's been working ok. I got only this issue now
16:23.48ManxPowerlee_is_me: "show dialplan"?
16:23.54xhelioxHmm, good call.
16:24.02ManxPowermfdutra: what changed between the working and non-working system?
16:24.22mfdutraactually this is a new system, beginning with 1.4.2
16:24.28mfdutrait's a customer of mine
16:24.46mfdutrain my own office with asterisk 1.2, I have several polycoms working ok with presence watch
16:24.47ManxPowerlee_is_me: A SIP DEVICE IS NOT AN EXTENSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:25.00ManxPowermfdutra: looks like a 1.4.x bug to me.
16:25.06lee_is_meManxPower: thus my problem.
16:25.18*** join/#asterisk cayorde (
16:25.20mfdutralee_is_me, there is no "list of extensions"
16:25.26ManxPowerlee_is_me: A SIP device is a device.  You well never ever get a list of extensions with sip show peers.  That will give you a list of sip account.
16:25.31salviadudis 1.4 worth the trouble?
16:25.33salviadudi got 1.2
16:25.35salviadudworks fine
16:25.38ManxPowerin the CLI, you can do "show dialplan"
16:25.40lee_is_meManxPower: Got it.
16:25.59mfdutrayou can have millions of extensions matching a single rule
16:26.02ManxPoweran extension is what maps the logical number to the actual sip.conf entry.
16:26.27lee_is_meManxPower: Oh my mistake.  Not extensions as in the asterisk sense, but extensions as in registered sip devices.
16:26.28ManxPowerYou can have one extension ring many different devices.
16:26.31ManxPowermfdutra: what is this rule you speak of?
16:26.42ManxPowerlee_is_me: then don't use the work "extension".
16:26.56lee_is_meManxPower: Yeah.  My mistake as I said.
16:26.59ManxPowerYou are asking why, when you shake an apple tree, oranges fall out.
16:27.09lee_is_meManxPower: LOL.
16:27.11ManxPowerit is because you are calling an orange tree and apple tree.
16:27.44lee_is_meManxPower: so what is the best way to get a list of sip devices that are configured as local phones?
16:27.46ManxPowerlee_is_me: a term most people will understand is "sip devices", "sip accounts", "sip.conf entries" (the last one is more correct)
16:27.55Hmmhesaysgood luck getting chan_sip to handling millions of registrations
16:28.01lee_is_meManxPower: Thanks.
16:28.13ManxPowerlee_is_me: there is no good way.  All SIP devices are SIP devices.  Asterisk doesn't know or care if they are local or remote.
16:28.32ManxPowerThe only thing you can really do is look at the IP ADDRESS of the device.
16:28.35lee_is_meSo, looks I will have to rely on some kind of naming system.
16:28.48ManxPoweror name your local extensions and remote providers differently.  What is what we do.
16:29.12Hmmhesaysthere are many ways you can tackle the problem
16:29.16ManxPowerFor all phone devices:  the SIP IS is the MAC address with a -a -b -c, etc for each line.
16:29.26lee_is_meManxPower: Well, the norm seems to numerical for internal devices and alph/num for ITSP's
16:29.38ManxPowerfor all service providers: use whatever the hell they tell us to use ad the name.
16:29.46lee_is_mefor me
16:29.51*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
16:30.04lee_is_mefrom what I have seen in my long tenure of 9 months in the Asterisk biz
16:30.08ManxPowerlee_is_me: no, numbering the sip id the same as "the 'extension'" happens because people don't know a thing about bow PBXs work.
16:30.32ManxPowerthat method is short sighted, limiting, and confusing.
16:30.43lee_is_meManxPower: I agree.
16:31.06Hmmhesaysbingo, your sip id should be something about the device. my sip id's are set to represent where the endpoint is
16:31.15lee_is_meManxPower: I just need a way to parse out the sip devices in a way that allows me to distinguish internal devices
16:31.36ManxPowerThe as soon as you want extension "666" to ring 2 or more devices you will start to fully understand how limiting extensions=devices idea really is
16:32.46ManxPowerExtensions 666 is Human Resources, of course, but what if you also want it to ring the VP of marketing.  Then you need extension 666 to ring extension 666 and extension 682.
16:33.12lee_is_meManxPower: Thanks for the heads up.
16:33.27ManxPoweror more correctly "Then you need extension 666 to ring device 666 and device 682"
16:33.34*** join/#asterisk Daejeo1 (n=chatzill@
16:34.39lee_is_meSo, regardless of the syntax used, a naming scheme of some kind seems to be best way to go...
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16:34.39lee_is_meI like Hmmhesays example.  I use the same thing in a POS proggie.
16:35.37*** join/#asterisk cvspain (
16:35.38Hmmhesayscreating similiar prefix sip id's to group phones based on, well, whatever you want will help you in the long run
16:35.39cvspainany one have a solution for g729 & astlinux
16:35.46lee_is_meHmmhesays: Almost like a not notation...
16:35.46ManxPowercvspain: Yes.
16:35.57Hmmhesaysa "not" notation?
16:36.07cvspainhave purchaced 4 g729 licenses
16:36.08ManxPowercvspain: Purchase the G729 codec from Digium.
16:36.11Hmmhesaysoh yes
16:36.28lee_is_meor assembly referencing if you will...
16:36.51ManxPowercvspain: I really can not help you with astlinux specific issues
16:37.01HmmhesaysI don't know can you use a period as a delimiter in a sip username?
16:37.09cvspainMaxPower> after purchase g729 and try to run register get **: contacting digium ....**: FAILED to contact ''
16:37.10ManxPowercvspain: Have your tried AsteriskNOW or AsteriskGUI?
16:37.27Hmmhesaysthe first time around I used an x cause thats what the company wanted
16:37.28cvspainnope, only astlinux
16:37.28ManxPowercvspain: you must contact Digium.
16:37.29lee_is_meHmmhesays: just an example. or sitexgroupxphone
16:37.40Hmmhesaysyep lee_is_me: but you got me curious
16:37.49ManxPowercvspain: I doubt your problem is specific to astlinux.
16:38.05lee_is_meHmmhesays: I'ts more readable in my opinion for separating values
16:38.12ManxPowerHmmhesays: I'll bet a . will make asterisk think it is an ip address.
16:38.18Qwell[]well, there is also the lack of codec compiled for astlinux (ie; non-x86)
16:38.41HmmhesaysManxPower: I bet you are right, I'm guessing you would have to escape it
16:38.41ManxPowerQwell[]: so he should contact Digium?
16:38.50Hmmhesayssite_group_phone might be better
16:38.58ManxPowerHmmhesays: I don't think asterisk supports escaping in config files.
16:39.04ManxPoweror at least sip.conf
16:39.09Hmmhesaysextensions.conf does
16:39.41HmmhesaysI have to escape characters for my sql statements
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16:40.42ManxPowerQwell[]: aslinux is not x86?
16:41.08Qwell[]isn't it something else?
16:41.15Qwell[]or, maybe there is an x86 version...I don't know
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16:42.14Qwell[]tzafrir: yeah
16:42.30tzafrirastlinux is mainly for x86, though its build system should support some other platform. Not sure if those actually work
16:42.32JustAGuy1Has anyone successfully connected AOL Phoneline to Asterisk?
16:42.38*** part/#asterisk cvspain (
16:43.23JustAGuy1(Or if not, anyone know of another free DID provider that gives local US DIDs that can be connected to Asterisk?) :-)
16:43.26Daejeo1i am looking for a voip provider, can anyone advise?
16:43.34*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:44.10Daejeo1JustAGuy1: talkdigits,ipkall
16:44.18ManxPowerJustAGuy1: you must be a pretty cheap bastard to not want to pay $3/month for a DID.
16:45.19Daejeo1voice quality is good
16:45.20ManxPowerDaejeo1: Teliax seems to just less that most VoIP providers
16:45.22ManxPowerDaejeo1: Teliax seems to suck less that most VoIP providers
16:45.38Daejeo1ManxPower: let me have a look at Teliax
16:48.18JustAGuy1IPKall provides local numbers in WA, I need Orlando, Talkdigits doesn't let you pick a city for their free service.
16:48.40*** join/#asterisk eeos (n=eeos@
16:49.14Hmmhesaysheh, hence.. free.. service
16:49.43JustAGuy1AOL Phoneline is free service as well, but you can pick a city.
16:50.03ManxPowerJustAGuy1: I recommend you wait to work with Asterisk until you have some money to spend on it.
16:50.28JustAGuy1ManxPower Very helpful.
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16:51.05[TK]D-FenderJustAGuy1: Ask yourself why some random company is going waste a DID, PSTN channel, and bandwidth to give YOU free service....
16:51.37delphusquestion: does anyone know about FreeBSD support for g729a codec ?
16:51.41ManxPowerJustAGuy1: It is very good advice.
16:51.41JustAGuy1IPKall, AOL and others do so already.
16:51.50Daejeo1JustAGuy1: you cannot get free things whatever you want
16:52.10[TK]D-FenderJustAGuy1: Yeah... AOL I understand since thats how they hook you in in the first place... I'm still not sure on IpKall yet..
16:52.14Qwell[]delphus: There isn't currently a codec for g729 on freebsd.  In the future there will likely be some, but it's unsupported
16:52.17ManxPowerdelphus: Most of those sorts of questions need to go to Digium, as the G729 is closed source because of patent issues
16:52.24JustAGuy1IPKall makes it money on termination charges.
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16:53.09JustAGuy1They provide numbers in an area where almost all calls to them are long distance and they get paid for the inbound call.
16:53.36[TK]D-FenderJustAGuy1: Sounds like BS to me... SOMEONE is paying for it....
16:53.47delphusI was afraid I would hear those answers already. I heard that there was a version for freebsd 5.x but the download path from digium main ftp site is not there anymore, anyway thanks guys.
16:53.55[TK]D-FenderEither way, get a real provider, and pay the price for service...
16:53.55Zodiacalanyone know how i can enable call forwarding via the console? i.e. *72
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16:54.14JustAGuy1The IXC pays to terminate calls to IPKall, the local provider.
16:54.16[TK]D-FenderZodiacal: however YOU set it up in your dialplan
16:54.21ManxPowerZodiacal: Console/1 or Asterisk Command Line Interface.
16:54.44ManxPowerJustAGuy1: It costs alot more than some .25/cent/mon termination charge to run an ITSP
16:54.52Daejeo1ManxPower: anyother voip provider except teliax
16:54.53ManxPowerZodiacal: you can't, AFIK
16:55.01Zodiacalokie thanks guys
16:55.07ManxPowerDaejeo1: What specifically do you need?
16:55.15Daejeo1termination for india
16:55.33[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1:termination IN India?
16:55.37Daejeo1viatalk -- 15cents /min
16:55.39*** part/#asterisk delphus (n=rodrigog@
16:55.39ManxPowerDaejeo1: Teliax's rates won't me much lower than most anyone else's.
16:55.48Daejeo1I agree
16:55.56[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1: Go look at the ITSP list ont he WIKI
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16:57.17JustAGuy1ManxPower: They get about 1 cent a minute for inbound long distance calls from the IXC. Given they have no customer service at all, they do pretty well. They have been around for many years already.
16:57.17ManxPowerJust remmeber: "All ITSPs suck.  Some suck less than others."(tm)(c) 2007 ManxPower
16:57.50ManxPowerJustAGuy1: How do you know.  All termination charges are negotiates on a case by case basis.
16:58.50ManxPowerDaejeo1: I think VoIP is illegal in india, but there might be an indian ITSP that has lower prices (if one exists)
17:00.53*** join/#asterisk waptaxi (
17:01.00Daejeo1right."There is one "International VSNL "  but these guys only deal with big parties like Verizon etc..
17:01.32JustAGuy1ManxPower from doing Due Diligence for our fund.
17:02.43ManxPowerOk.  So you are doing Due Dillgence and yet still need free service.
17:02.59ManxPowersorry, this is so sad I have to put you on /ignore
17:03.01JustAGuy1TK: AOL is certainly has more resources than almost any of those that you call "Real Providers".
17:03.16ManxPowerJustAGuy1: best of luck.
17:03.38[TK]D-FenderJustAGuy1: I never said they didn't have real resources.  But think of AOL more like fishing... the bait sure looks good till you can't get off the line.
17:03.39JustAGuy1ManxPower: I don't need anything. I am looking for something to experiment with right now.
17:03.40ManxPowermuch better
17:04.13*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
17:04.51blitzragehey all!  I'm using idefisk for an IAX2 softphone on Linux -- anyone have a 2nd recommendation? (I need to test a couple of phones to verify a bug I'm having in an IAX2 gateway I'm building is because of something on the phone, or the gateway itself)
17:05.00blitzragebtw: idefisk is awesome
17:05.09blitzragebut you already knew that :D
17:06.16JustAGuy1TK: AIM Phoneline is an interesting experimental toy for the moment. They have based their service on PingTel's client. I guess I will see if anyone over there has connected it to SIPXchange.
17:06.24*** part/#asterisk JustAGuy1 (
17:06.33ManxPowerblitzrage: asterisk-to-asterisk would be the best place to test it.
17:07.15blitzrageya, I guess I could run Dial() on my laptop
17:07.28blitzrageor rather... I mean *CLI> dial :)
17:07.48*** join/#asterisk CapRiCoRN^80 (n=cap@
17:11.25tzafrirkiax is nice
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17:11.50BSD_Techis there going to be 1.4.5 soon ?
17:12.01BSD_Techits needed
17:12.51BSD_Tech1.4.4 does not work with the asterisk-gui right unless you use svn.
17:13.32blitzrageBSD_Tech: test chan_sip and make sure we fix the hanging channels bug in 1.4 branch before 1.4.5
17:13.44BSD_TechI will get svn today
17:13.46msetimSomeone knows the asterisk http manager?
17:15.12msetimI would like to know why the action command doesn't work by http manager. When I connect by telnet the result of command is printed on screen
17:15.13blitzragesee bug: 9235
17:15.17ManxPowerI don't think the Asterisk HTTP Manager has many friends at the moment
17:15.47tzangerI like it
17:15.58tzangeronly because I've used it for my own nefarious plans
17:16.03msetimManxPower: Yep :( I don't find many users of it
17:16.54*** join/#asterisk bhiers (
17:17.08msetimtzanger: You have used the manager from web?
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17:17.40lyroyIs there any free oubound only call voip provider?
17:18.22nick125_lappyWell, I guess it depends on who you call. I mean, FWD has free tollfree termination..
17:18.37bhiersusing a TDM2400P I get loud click or noise when picking up the line.. is that normal or is there some fix?
17:18.58woolbeoI am planning on using it once I finish fixing the last guy's screwups... Right now my coworkers want a phonesystem that is stable and works like it should more than an update interface for their CRM...
17:19.57*** join/#asterisk andydna (n=chatzill@
17:19.59woolbeoSo by the time I get around to it, HTTP manager should have all the bugs worked out of it.. ;)
17:20.35*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
17:21.09lee_is_meStill playing around with AMI.  Is there a setting that determines the response time for a request sent to AMI?  Seems like it takes about 15-20 seconds to broadcast a a response.
17:22.39jeffikanybody familiar with SPA-942?
17:23.12lee_is_meMaybe AMI uses internal polling for processing requests?
17:25.18wunderkinlee_is_me: Async: True
17:25.20*** join/#asterisk bhiers (
17:26.12woolbeobhiers, fxo ->SIP or FXO->FXS?
17:26.31MindTheGapin realtime sip peers i need "fullcontact" set to "sip:exten@userip"... how do I populate on the fly the fullcontact with information from exten and userip? im using
17:26.33MindTheGapon res_ldap.conf i have "attribute = fullcontact => AstAccountFullContact" it would be nice to have something like: attribute = fullcontact => "sip:".$AstExten."@".$AstIPaddress
17:27.14lee_is_mewoolbeo: isn't Async: true for originate only?
17:27.37wunderkinoh.. shrug
17:27.59woolbeolee_is_me, no idea.. sorry..
17:28.23[TK]D-FenderMindTheGap: Just a thought.  The odds of finding someone here who can help yuo with that are very slim.  Perhaps you should try the mailing lists...
17:28.36lee_is_mewoolbeo: NP.  Just trying to figure out why it takes asterisk to return a result from a simple request...
17:29.35bhiersAnyone know where I can get some help on a TDM2400 issue?
17:29.55lee_is_me<Santity Check/> Just to be sure does anyone else experience such long times (20 seconds +) for asterisk to respond to an AMI request?
17:30.07*** join/#asterisk slmnhq (
17:30.23[TK]D-Fenderjeffik: What about it?
17:30.24woolbeolee_is_me, mine is almost instantanious...
17:30.43woolbeobheirs, fxo, fxs, or both?
17:30.46lee_is_medamn, wonder why mine takes so long...
17:31.10woolbeolee_is_me, 1.4 or 1.2?
17:31.52slmnhqHi all.. do you guys think that there is any value in selling Asterisk boxes running on a real-time environment?
17:32.33slmnhqOr actually, let me rephrase
17:33.04slmnhqWhat kinds of features could make Asterisk more commercially appealing?
17:33.14MindTheGap[TK]D-Fender, thanks mate...
17:33.35*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
17:33.52bhiersWoolbeo FXO
17:34.20woolbeobhiers, is the call fine after it picks up?
17:34.25bhiersWoolbeo , lines are coming from a channel bank to the TDM2400
17:34.41*** join/#asterisk NovceGuru (
17:34.48bhiersYup yup sounds great still got to work on the RX gain but all in all sounds great..
17:35.02bhiersjust get this loud crackle or pop noise on pickup
17:35.06woolbeobhiers, why not ditch the channel bank completely and just use a T1 card?
17:35.29bhierswhat I have right now..
17:35.44msetimwoolbeo: It have many bugs? Asterisk developers appears don't give many importance to it.
17:35.45woolbeobhiers, what signalling is the CB set to and zaptel.conf/zapata.conf?
17:36.31*** part/#asterisk andydna (n=chatzill@
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17:37.12woolbeomsetim, no idea. Its just a personal opinion of mine to not use a brand new feature in a production enviroment.
17:37.37*** join/#asterisk pingwin (n=pingwin@
17:37.40n0n4m3what the hell does 'module embedding means in 1.4's menuconfig?
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17:38.48n0n4m3never mind :D
17:38.51n0n4m3The Module Embedding page is for statically compiling modules, instead of the usual dynamic linking. There aren't a lot of reasons to do this; if you're debugging multiple Asterisk versions it helps keep things sorted out. Or you want a single static binary to install on multiple machines.
17:38.53pingwini'm trying to find information to allow a sip client to monitor a another sip phone (preferably even while the phone is not connected on a call). is this possible? the only thing I can find thus far is zapbridge (which if disconnected the zap connection is no longer connected) and monitor, which records a file
17:38.57pingwinany tips?
17:39.15n0n4m3i will check google before asking dumb questions :)
17:39.19bhierswhat dir is the zapata.conf normally in
17:39.22poppoCan somebody help me with my php script using fopen to pass variable but not showing up on the logs. Look like its not passing the values. Can somebody help out
17:39.37bhiersnever mind
17:40.17woolbeobheirs, you'll get better sound quality if you ditch the CB, and TDM2400p and use a T1 card. The extra DAC-ADC conversions are going to reduce quality...
17:40.23n0n4m3too bad 1.4 doesn't supporr mysql by default :D
17:40.38Qwell[]n0n4m3: install asterisk-addons
17:40.43woolbeobhiers, zapata.conf is in /etc/asterisk/ and zaptel.conf is in /etc/
17:40.50n0n4m3Qwell i will
17:41.06bhiersThe Quality is rock solid except for this one pop on pickup
17:41.09*** join/#asterisk Putzz (
17:41.25bhierswhat is CB?
17:41.33woolbeobhiers, if it works, stick with it.. CB=Channel Bank
17:42.44*** join/#asterisk Chuji (
17:43.10woolbeobhiers, the pop at the begining makes me think that you have a the CB and the tdm2400p using different signalling, i.e. one set to loop start and one set to ground start..
17:44.16bhierswhere is the setting for signaling in the zap conf?
17:44.20[TK]D-Fenderpingwin: This is basic Presence.  Go look it up on the WIKI.
17:45.04pingwin[TK]D-Fender k, thank you, i wasn't sure if that's what I wanted or if there was something else because I know some phones won't support it. but thank you for the pointer :)
17:45.21[TK]D-Fenderpingwin: What phones do you have?
17:46.38pingwinnot sure the model atm
17:46.42*** join/#asterisk axisys (
17:47.17woolbeobheirs, in zaptel.conf it should be something like fxsls=1-24, fxsgs=1-24, or fxsks=1-24.
17:48.06[TK]D-Fenderpingwin: All polycoms support it rather well
17:49.03ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: someone had permission denied problems with presence in 1.4.2
17:49.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower: All morons are people.  Some people are morons.
17:49.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Start drawing logic circles :)
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17:51.00*** part/#asterisk ecoleman (n=eric@
17:51.11woolbeobhiers, what signalling is your T1 provisioned for? What signalling do you have the fxs ports on your cd set to?
17:52.14variable_officei am using ENUMLOOKUP and when I have a #(%23) or * it always fails, is asterisk's enumlookup not able to handle these chars?
17:54.10bhiersContacting provider to find the signalling for the T1
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17:56.19[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: set "pedantic=yes" under [general] in sip.conf
17:56.50sevardDoes anyone know of what tools in linux would comply with DoD 5220.22-M?
17:57.20bkw_SELinux maybe..
17:58.12variable_office[TK]D-Fender, that didnt help unfortunatly?
17:58.27sevardbkw_: I have a pile of HDDs marked for resale, do they have a livecd?
17:58.59*** join/#asterisk osiris (
17:59.00woolbeosevard, scrub?
17:59.02[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: it should.
17:59.17woolbeosevard, I should say scrub with the dod options.
17:59.34bkw_just scrube them
17:59.40variable_office[TK]D-Fender, are you using # and * in enum?
17:59.51bhierswoolbeo only try of signalling I have in the zap confs is signalling=fxs_ks
18:00.05[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: Nope
18:00.12woolbeobhiers, ok, now what are teh fxs ports on your cb set to?
18:00.32bkw_sevard, its easier to destroy them than it is to wipe and sell them
18:00.34variable_officeusing enum at all?
18:00.44jeffikall: anybody familiar4y with spa-942?
18:01.10sevardbkw_: it's easier to destroy anything than sell it
18:02.28woolbeosevard, scrub -p dod, is DoD 5220.22-M compliant.
18:03.17woolbeoTo me It seems easier to hook up a HD and run scrub on it than to destroy a HD...
18:03.19[TK]D-Fenderjeffik: I already asked what you wanted to know about it.
18:04.15[TK]D-Fenderjeffik: Thats like asking if I know what the chemical name for water is and automatically think that I can start discussing quantum theory because its "related"
18:04.40*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
18:04.54sevardWould this comply enough with DoD standards for i in `seq 1 3`; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/drive; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/drive; done
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18:05.29bhiersWoolbeo thanks for info done some research I completely understand now ;-)
18:06.16jkiffHmm,  _[02-19] won't match 02, 03, 04, ..., 17, 18, 19; will it?
18:06.35woolbeobhiers, so you fixed it?
18:06.48[TK]D-Fenderjkiff: well thats an * quesiton, not an SPA on, and NO, it won't.
18:07.01bhiersOn hold with ISP
18:07.59[TK]D-Fenderjkiff: You'll need 2 matches : _[02-9]  and another _1X
18:08.04woolbeobhiers, good luck, glad I could help. I remeber when I was thrown into the telephony and * world...
18:08.42jkiff[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, that's w.r.t. asterisk.
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18:08.51bhiersyea I'm a computer guy doing phone stuff
18:09.08jkiff[TK]D-Fender: I see.  I don't suppose [(02)-(19)] works then.
18:09.25[TK]D-Fenderjkiff: No.  go read up on pattern matching in THE BOOK, or on the WIKI
18:09.40jbotrumour has it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
18:09.43jbotwell, wikis is
18:09.43*** join/#asterisk dalfry (n=dalfry@
18:09.45nick125_lappyJust an idea, I think you could do [0-1][2-9]
18:09.47[TK]D-Fenderjkiff: the way I showed you is the way to do it.
18:09.58[TK]D-Fendernick125_lappy: NO.
18:10.29nick125_lappy[TK]D-Fender: It's been a while since I've done patterns :p
18:10.34[TK]D-Fendernick125_lappy: 10 & 11 fall throught the gaps.
18:10.42woolbeobhiers, thats, what happened to me. I was a linux admin and my old boss wanted an ivr, so we setup Bayonne, hated it, and moved over to *. That was back around  asterisk 0.4...
18:10.52[TK]D-Fendernick125_lappy: You clearly didn't think more than a second or two on taht one :)
18:11.02nick125_lappy[TK]D-Fender: I was saying for his example [(02)-(19)]
18:12.06[TK]D-Fendernick125_lappy: jkiff>Hmm, _[02-19] won't match 02, 03, 04, ..., 17, 18, 19; will it?
18:15.26*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=g@
18:15.26jkiff[TK]D-Fender: Cool, thanks!
18:16.10Kattyso let's say i want someone to give me a number, and then i'm going to take that number and turn it into a Record(number:gms)
18:16.13Kattyer, gsm
18:16.33[TK]D-FenderKatty: "show application read"
18:16.59CapRiCoRN^80hi ! is there any how to setup asterisk between linux system and a window system ?
18:17.20Qwell[]CapRiCoRN^80: ssh
18:17.50CapRiCoRN^80Qwell[]: didnt get u
18:17.53bhierswe were using level3 hosted PBX hated it.. missing all sorts of features so are * is rock solid.. even have animated logos on my phones (little stuff like that makes me happy) LOL
18:18.23Qwell[]ssh from the windows machine to the linux machine, and configure it like normal
18:18.27Qwell[]get something like putty
18:18.31Hmmhesaysi'm writing a perl script to control a phone lcd right now
18:19.04Hmmhesayswriting user interfaces is just a bitch
18:19.45CapRiCoRN^80Qwell[]: i mean to say that i need howto site that contain simple way of configuring asterisk on linux box n they using it from window box
18:20.01*** join/#asterisk echo--- (n=echo@
18:20.04bhierswhats the command to reload zapata.conf?
18:20.22KattyHmmhesays: mew.
18:20.45woolbeobheirs, reload
18:20.55bhiersthanks :-)
18:21.03*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
18:21.31HmmhesaysHey Katty
18:22.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: application read seems to be just what i needed. too bad the wiki page with examples is in french :<
18:22.19woolbeobhiers, you'll need to change the signalling in zaptel.conf and reload your zaptel drivers
18:22.19[TK]D-FenderCapRiCoRN^80: Clarify what you mean by "using it from window box:
18:22.19HmmhesaysOk I think I finally got this menu to behave the way I want it to
18:22.38*** part/#asterisk mog (
18:22.53crimethinkerdoes it lay flat on the table? does it reflect the cook's current offerings?
18:22.57bhierswoolbeo changed to loop start.. and reload .. doesn't that reload the zaptel drivers?
18:23.01[TK]D-FenderKatty: exten => 1,1,Read(myvar)             exten => 1,2,Record(${myvar}.gsm)
18:23.17Hmmhesayscrimethinker: yes
18:24.12CapRiCoRN^80i mean asterisk server on linux and then window client can use that
18:24.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: and SayDigits(${myvar}) too?
18:24.32Qwell[]CapRiCoRN^80: any windows softphone should be fine
18:25.01CapRiCoRN^80ok fine
18:25.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: Sure, why not...
18:25.20CapRiCoRN^80but tell me wat settings will be required by linux
18:25.21ManxPowerwoolbeo and bhiers you CANNOT change the signalling with a simple reload.  You must stop/start asterisk or load/unload
18:25.32CapRiCoRN^80i mean any how to on it
18:26.09ManxPowerCapRiCoRN^80: too bad you are not trying to just configure a softphone to work with Asterisk.
18:26.13CapRiCoRN^80some simple site that contain perfect how to setup all this with pics etc
18:26.44ManxPowerCapRiCoRN^80: PBXs are complicated systems.  It is not possible to set one up "simple".
18:27.03*** join/#asterisk mog (
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18:27.17Hmmhesaysthats why people get paid to set things up
18:27.23CapRiCoRN^80thats y i need some how to
18:27.37CapRiCoRN^80i mean step by step configuration
18:27.46[TK]D-FenderCapRiCoRN^80: go read... THE BOOK
18:27.59jbothmm... book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
18:27.59ManxPowerCapRiCoRN^80: such a thing does not exist.
18:28.43[TK]D-FenderCapRiCoRN^80: Go download it.  Spend a day or few reading.  then install a linux distro on your server and GET STARTED
18:29.12ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: that would be a book, not a short howto with pics
18:29.27[TK]D-FenderCapRiCoRN^80: Here's a quick 1.4 current quickie guide
18:29.50ManxPowerWhat wants is Fisher Price(tm) My First PBX.  I think you can get it when you buy the Easy Bake Oven and Malibu Barbie.
18:29.55[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Guess its based on your idea of "quick".... DL'ing the book hardly takes a minute!
18:30.17Hmmhesaysreading and understanding is a different thing though
18:30.22ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: not on my connection it doesn't 8-)
18:30.33[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: "Not.  My.  Problem"
18:31.34*** join/#asterisk Daejeo1 (n=chatzill@
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18:32.23ManxPowerCapRiCoRN^80: I spent 6 months of working with Asterisk every day before I deployed my first production system.
18:32.31ManxPowerAnd you should too.
18:32.46Hmmhesaysthat is good advice
18:32.59woolbeoManxPower, That is what I was trying to tell him.. sorry...
18:33.18Hmmhesaysif you think you are just going to step into it and put a system into production, think again
18:33.27ManxPowerCapRiCoRN^80: PBXs are complicated things.  VoIP PBXs are doubly so.
18:33.43ManxPowerWith a regular PBX you just need to know the PBX and know telecom (and have lots of money)
18:33.47Hmmhesaystheres enough flexibility rope to hang y ourself with
18:34.08ManxPowerWith a VoIP PBX you need to know the PBX, telecom, Linux, networking, QoS (if using WAN)
18:35.02CapRiCoRN^80ManxPower: in first phase i just want to configure Asterisk between two systems
18:35.22CapRiCoRN^80one linux n windown as client
18:35.27CapRiCoRN^80i will read its doc in future
18:35.38CapRiCoRN^80but first i m looking to setup between two sytems
18:35.39ManxPowerCapRiCoRN^80: you cannot configure Windows as a client.
18:35.50ManxPowerYou can set up a specific softphone that runs under windows as a client, of course.
18:36.00Daejeo1i want to play music instead of ring tone on the local extensions
18:36.08ManxPowerbut Windows itself really has nothing to do with it, except to limit your choices in softphones.
18:36.19ManxPowerDaejeo1: It is called Music On Hold.  Read up on it.
18:36.24CapRiCoRN^80ManxPower: yea
18:36.32ManxPowerCapRiCoRN^80: so pick your softphone.
18:37.22[TK]D-FenderCapRiCoRN^80: I linked you to the book, and a quick start guide.  Get to work.
18:37.41ManxPowerCapRiCoRN^80: nobody can help you until you read the book.
18:38.19CapRiCoRN^80jbot> hmm... book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at ............ this one
18:38.29jbotCapRiCoRN^80: okay
18:38.43Qwell[]jbot: forget hmm... book
18:38.43jboti forgot hmm... book, Qwell[]
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18:39.26CapRiCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender : u were talking about this book link .....
18:39.40[TK]D-FenderCapRiCoRN^80: YES
18:40.10CapRiCoRN^80ok . i got this pdf
18:44.19Daejeo1music on hold is somewhat different thing
18:44.43ManxPowerDaejeo1: not from the standpoint of Asterisk
18:44.45ManxPowerand the "m" option of Dial
18:44.56*** join/#asterisk GaVak (
18:45.30Daejeo1caller should listen the music before i answer the call
18:45.45Daejeo1not after answering the call
18:46.02woolbeoDaejeo1, use m instead of r in your dial string
18:46.06ManxPowerDaejeo1: Asterisk considers all music to be "music on hold"
18:46.17ManxPowerwoolbeo: please stop talking.
18:46.21*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@
18:46.32ManxPowerYou have twice now given information that is really going to screw someone up eventualyl
18:46.56ManxPoweryou should never ever ever EVER use "r" option to Dial unless you totally and completly understand what it does, why it does it, and why you might need it.
18:47.02woolbeoManxPower, the first time I told him exactly what wanted, then i corrected myself.
18:47.40GaVakIf I don't tunnel SIP, is it unencrypted?
18:47.46ManxPower"r" means override any sounds that should be played (including ringing sounds) and force a fake ringing sound.
18:47.56ManxPowerGaVak: correct
18:48.05*** join/#asterisk HyPnoLORD (n=hello@
18:48.36ManxPowerIt's interensting when you call a busy number using an analog fxo port when using "r".  You will hear ringing and then a busy.
18:48.54[TK]D-FenderGaVak: Actually the SIP is ALWAYS unencryped..... the path you SEND it through is another matter.
18:49.12woolbeoManxpower, it would be nice if the docs said that...
18:49.15[TK]D-FenderGaVak: Anyone en-route of that path can still spy with reckless abandon :)
18:49.20GaVakMurf. So an asterisk port to my outside zone to let in two teleworkers would be a bad idea.
18:49.25ManxPowerWhen using PRIs, and call a cell phone that is not in range will give you a ringing sound instead of "The nexttel subscriber you are calling is not available"
18:49.43[TK]D-FenderGaVak: Depends on your concept of "security".
18:49.46ManxPowerGaVak: is your telephone closet locked?
18:49.56ManxPowerIs the telco box on the street locked?
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18:49.59[TK]D-FenderGaVak: use non-standard ports, etc..... iptables lockout, and so on.
18:50.14GaVakI'm trying to QoS the packets, but I can't really do it through the persistant tunnel from the remote workersw.
18:50.21[TK]D-FenderGaVak: Security comes in levels, not absolutes.
18:50.23ManxPowerIf I was trying to back someone's telecoms I'll just walk into their phone closed and put in a tap.
18:50.24GaVakMan: Yeah, the phone switch is actually in my office.
18:50.31ManxPowerno sillyness with the network
18:50.57HyPnoLORDHI.. Have any of you encountered a Voltage Problem or Know Why would a TD400P Work in one Analog Line (Location 1) and Not work at all in a different Analog Line (Location 2) ???
18:53.11HyPnoLORDIts a funny behavior, but I  haven´t figured out the problem already. My guess is that the line has some kind of drop down voltage or not enough to power the card. However, a regular FXO device (my old telephone) works fine in Analog Line (location 2)
18:53.29HyPnoLORDany one?
18:54.30yannj_frhi all
18:54.47HyPnoLORDhello yannj_fr
18:54.53[TK]D-FenderHyPnoLORD: You mention FXO and "your regular telephone" in the same sentence.  Phones are FXS.  Get yourself straight
18:55.09HyPnoLORDsorry I ment FXS
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18:55.28[TK]D-FenderHyPnoLORD: Start over again and try to be clearer.
18:55.28woolbeoManxPower, bheir asked how to reload zapate, so I answered, then I realized he was trying to change his signalling, so I told him he had to reload his zaptel drivers, so I thought that would be clear that you have to stop asterisk, unload zaptel modules, load zaptel modules, start asterisk. I didn't give him bad information, I just didn't give him step by step information. I will shut up though anyways..
18:56.02Daejeo1ManxPower: where can i find music on hold in asterisk?
18:56.05[TK]D-FenderManxPower: And do be so kind as to spit his head out so he may hope to have it surgically reattached :)
18:56.13ManxPowerDaejeo1: there is some incliuded
18:56.28ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I try to do that otherwise I choke.
18:56.57Daejeo1can you tell me the path?
18:56.58ManxPowerDaejeo1: I would have to ssh across a 3000ms satellite link to tell you.  It is usually listed in /etc/asterisk.conf I think
18:57.26[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Or chew before you swallow :)
18:58.32echo---I'm shopping around for single port PRI cards for use in the US.  Last card I bought was a T100P, so it's been awhile.  How are the Sangoma A101D series cards?  Do they suck?
18:58.52*** join/#asterisk EduHard (
18:59.02EduHardHello everybody
18:59.19ManxPowerecho---: Sangoma config sucks, but they are good and reliable cards
18:59.36EduHardNeed help with an IVR default action (is that the correct name?).
18:59.44HyPnoLORD[TK]D-Fender  ok.. I have a TDM400P with a FXS and FXO module. Im barely expermienting with asterisk. I had it configured, and working for 2,3 days in Location 1. However I just moved the Server to Location 2 and connected the Telephone Line in the right Port. However If I try to make a phone call I get nothing (one a high pitch tone) If I call the Number of the phone line I get a bussy tone due to line problems.
19:00.12echo---thanks, Manx.
19:00.12HyPnoLORDBut if I disconect the Line and connect it to a regular phone it gives me a tone
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19:00.42HyPnoLORDand no problem
19:00.45EduHardWhen it times out it loops the welcome recording over and over and over again.
19:01.27ManxPowerEduHard: it won't do that unless you set up the IVR to do that
19:01.51jcacereshello i am using a grandstream gateway, and it take too long to release the FXO line when the caller hangs up
19:01.57woolbeoManxpower, now the now the misinformation about r I admit that I screwed up.. However I did not tell him to use r, aI told him to use m... So does m overrivde anything that would be played and play music like r would?
19:02.00[TK]D-FenderHyPnoLORD: Double-check your ports.  I'm still betting they're wrong.
19:02.02ManxPowerHyPnoLORD: I suspect you are confused as to the port number
19:02.05jcaceresany idea of what can i be doing wrong?
19:02.33[TK]D-Fenderjcaceres: Go read your GS's manual and see what disconnect supervision options it has.
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19:03.31EduHardAny tip on how to set it up? I don't see any setting for that on the freepbx gui, I've done it changing t and i values in extensions_additional.conf file
19:03.47[TK]D-FenderEduHard: there is no "default action".  It does whatever you tell it to.  Go read up on "asterisk standard extensions" on the WIKI
19:03.52jbothmm... freepbx is unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
19:04.36HyPnoLORDManxPower (Well I thought so but I had my FXS MOdule Removed) and Im sure Im using the same port as before
19:04.59[TK]D-FenderHyPnoLORD: Regardless, check to see if your FXS is working fine first.
19:05.25EduHardthanks for the data, found info on it.
19:06.29ManxPowerEduHard: we do not support FreePBX here
19:06.35jboti heard freepbx is unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
19:06.44HyPnoLORDWell I dont have it installed in the card. I removed it because I dont need the FXS card  I just have the FXO (RED) module
19:08.15[TK]D-FenderHyPnoLORD: go double-check your card and its jacks individually.  do a dialout test and listen in parallel with an analog phone.
19:08.28EduHardHere is command-line support only?
19:09.17[TK]D-FenderEduHard: Non-GUI, yes.
19:09.39[TK]D-FenderEduHard: See the topic and the bot-scripts for help links if you still want to continue using them.
19:11.06EduHardwell, there's a lot to read... i'll come back any time soon.
19:11.25EduHardThanks for your time men.
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19:19.01baprilanyone know a way to detect a hook-flash coming from the called party on a PRI? Trying to detect if called-party is trying to 3-way call etc.?
19:19.19ManxPowerbapril: you can't
19:19.42ManxPowerIt is the caller's PBX that needs to do that
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19:20.15baprilthe callers pbx can do it, I just need to detect it.
19:21.05baprilI see the flash in the sound-file if I record the call.
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19:22.48ManxPowerbapril: no, you do not see the flash in the sound file.  you hear the electrical noise of the flash.  noise is not a flash.
19:23.14ManxPowerAsterisk does not support any kind of FLASH on any kind of PRI in any way shape or form.
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19:25.22baprilI see a pretty distinct waveform associated with the flash. I understand that asterisk does not support it, trying to find alternate means to perform the function.
19:27.46ManxPowerbapril: bes of luck
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19:31.08AJaymnIve found the Click-2-Call script for webpage.. but it calls you then the # that was entered,, Im looking for 1 that will call the # then the programed #
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19:32.09nocowhat would be the easiest way to grab the number of voicemail messages in a user's inbox and display it on a site using php?
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19:32.52nococan i script it using the console and 'show voicemail users' and then parse out the number of messages displayed there?
19:34.01sysreqnoco: I guess so, using the Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI).
19:34.13Katty <- yay, almost done.
19:34.46HyPnoLORD[TK]D-Fender .. Just tested the ports, and I cant find the problem :S
19:35.07HyPnoLORDI bet that if I return to Location 1 It is going to work just fine
19:35.42ManxPowerHyPnoLORD: the line at location 2 is direct from the telephone company and not into a PBX of some sort?
19:35.57ixelaHyPnoLORD: You only have an fxo module on the tdm400p correct?
19:35.58HyPnoLORD:S PSTN Line Voltage is 51 Volts is this correct
19:36.10HyPnoLORDYes I only have a FXO module
19:36.16ManxPowerHyPnoLORD: Maybe.
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19:36.34ManxPowerIt is supposed to be -48V, but it can vary
19:36.44ixelaHyPnoLORD: have you made sure to configure zapata.conf and zaptel.conf correctly for the location change?
19:36.55ManxPowerHyPnoLORD: it sounds like your line is off a PBX
19:37.26HyPnoLORDwell I didnt reconfigure. The line comes directly from the Company
19:37.51ManxPowerHyPnoLORD: The Phone Company or The Employer Company
19:38.27HyPnoLORDBut if it worked fine before at Loc 1 shouldnt it work at Loc 2 if both are Lines that comes directly from the Phone Company
19:38.40ManxPowerHyPnoLORD: yes, it should
19:38.48ManxPowerunless they are different type of line
19:38.54ixelaHyPnoLORD: and you are using the same module with your configuration modified to use port 2 instead of port 1?
19:38.59HyPnoLORDthat is what Im trying to find out
19:39.20ManxPowerixela: all he did was move it to a new place and plug a phone line into it
19:39.30ManxPowerHyPnoLORD: we can't tell you the type of line you have
19:39.31HyPnoLORDManxPower Thats right
19:39.33ixelai thought he changed ports on the tdm card
19:40.11jcaceresis it posible to sedn a fax throught a sip client?
19:40.15ixelasorry then, i misread what he said earlier.
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19:40.28jcaceresdoes any body know a client that can do that?
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19:41.00HyPnoLORDManxPower: Well I know that the Analog Line (loc 1 - My house :P ) Works fine.. but Analog Line (Loc 2 My office) is not working and Im sure that is not going trough an another PBX
19:41.40robin_szOK, so what I want to do is: incoming call .. phone 1 rings ... then phone 1 and 2 .... then phone 1 and 2 and 3 anf 4 and 5 ... hopefully eventually someone answers
19:41.57robin_szthis must be a very VERY  common scenario
19:42.56robin_szthe xample I found on the Wiki works very badly indeed
19:43.08HyPnoLORD[TK]D-Fender ManxPower ixela : Im going to tray a 3rd Line to see What Happens.. Be right back
19:43.43robin_sz[TK]D-Fender, you know that crazy delayed dial thing I was playing with and you were pointing me in the right direction regarding DND etc?
19:44.12[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: You mean that macro-bungled mess?  ... uuhh yeah, ;)
19:44.25robin_szwell, I think that approach is doomed
19:44.37[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: I did tell you you could abstract the overrides with about 3 lines of dialplan....
19:44.49Chujirobin_sz: How many phones are we talking about?
19:44.52[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: Its not doomed... only your sanity :)
19:45.03[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: My rates are very accessable ;)
19:45.24robin_szChuji, 5 max
19:46.26robin_sz[TK]D-Fender, one of the extensions it eventually will dial is a bell in the factory ... we've noticed this sometimes gets rung even though one of the extensions has picked up the call .. it then rings for a whole minute, sometimes even after the call has finished
19:47.05[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: Like I said... you have some OVERRIDING of your macros to do.
19:47.23Chujirobin_sz: creating the dialplan stepping through each would be easy, but skipping ones that were busy would be a little funky
19:47.23[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: This is not Raw Cat science ;)
19:47.39[TK]D-FenderChuji: Not really...
19:47.46[TK]D-FenderChuji: I've seen the setup.
19:48.26ChujiWouldn't it just be Dial(SIP/1) Dial(SIP/1&SIP/2) etc?
19:48.33robin_szthe original setup was easier ... dial a,10,t, dial a&b, 20,t, dial a&b&c&d&e,20,t
19:48.49robin_szChuji, thats what it originally did do
19:49.19robin_szbut there are problems with that approach
19:50.08robin_szeg sip1 gets a call for 10 seconds, then its dropped and then gets the call again (along with sip/2) ... so it registers as 2 missed calls
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19:50.24[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: Its only your silly marco, get over it!  * is fine.  Dial is fine.  Your macro..... needs a ltitle work ;)
19:50.49robin_szand if the phoen can't drop the first oen and setup for the second one .l. then all hell breaks loose
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19:51.13robin_sz[TK]D-Fender, its nto my macro, its the as-supplied [std-extension] macro
19:51.41[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: The fact you cut & pasted it just means your IGNORANT *AND* GUILTY ;)
19:52.22[TK]D-FenderTHERE.... happy?
19:52.37robin_szalways check your spelling when accusing people of being ignorant ;) ;) ;)
19:52.52robin_szhappy, no .. but .. I'm working on it
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19:53.11[TK]D-FenderI'm multi-tasking far beyond my means right now ...
19:53.43robin_szOK, I'll go work on thr macro again
19:54.02[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: *yay*
19:54.59jcaceresis it posible to sedn a fax throught a sip client?
19:55.02jcaceresdoes any body know a client that can do that?
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19:55.47robin_szsip soft client or hardware client? hardware clients with u/a law seem to work fine
19:55.52[TK]D-Fenderjcaceres: Fax over VoIP = serious pain with *.  Do NOT go there....
19:56.30robin_szthat true .. we terminate directly to ISDN, that works
19:56.57robin_szhylafax and an old modem is a better plan
19:57.10robin_szplenty of hylafax clients out there
19:58.43jcaceresi meant a soft client
19:58.52[TK]D-Fenderindeed.  Get a separate analog line that * has NOTHING to do with and run Hylafax on it.
19:59.10[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: Oh, and BTW there was nothing wrong with my spelling ;)
19:59.30jcaceresand a regulam modem
19:59.39[TK]D-FenderGrammar Rangers.... ATTACK!!!!!
19:59.44[TK]D-Fenderjcaceres: Yes.
19:59.56[TK]D-Fenderjcaceres: go to and start reading
20:00.49robin_sz[TK]D-Fender, btw at the risk of being a pedant, 'your'  was incorrect.
20:02.32[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: It's selection, not its spelling :)  That would be a grammar error, not a spelling one.  If I'm to be hung for my crimes... at least get the crime right ;)
20:02.49thansen|laptopdo I need a sound card in my server to make outbound calls "talk"?
20:02.57[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: No
20:03.34thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: thanks...I've dialed from the there anyway I can test it make it say a number or something
20:03.49[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: What have you configured so far?
20:04.08robin_sz[TK]D-Fender, you're loosing the argument ;)
20:04.09thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: I have my incoming sip account..a few extensions
20:05.26[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: Nope, a comfortable stand-still :)
20:06.22[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: go try and use your account to dial out, etc.
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20:06.40thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: I already dialed out successfully
20:06.57[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: So inbound is not working so great?
20:06.57thansen|laptopjust using the console...and one of my extensions as well
20:07.10thansen|laptopinbound is fine as well
20:07.41[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: So.....the problem is what exactly?
20:08.16thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: from the console/server...I want to dial and send out some "sound"
20:08.33thansen|laptoplike make it say a number or a greeting or something
20:08.46[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: I somehow thought you'd have set up a phone of some kind.  You have NOT done this?
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20:09.27thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: I've got a couple extensions connected which work fine..but I want to make the server talk
20:11.00[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: When, how, to "say" what?
20:11.00thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: well, I'm toying with an automated voice system, I just am trying to find out how to make it playback a number or greeting or something
20:11.00Kattyso i was thinking...
20:11.03Kattymost of our clients don't know our last name. and the directory program asks for the first three letters of the person's last name. is there a way to switch those around.
20:11.09[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: Ah, you want to make an IVR.  Well.... time to crack opten the BOOK, and check out the WIKI
20:11.21jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
20:11.26Kattyor, does that simply mean you have to swap the names around in voicemail.conf and simply overwrite the audio files?
20:11.38[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: on the WIKI go lookup "asterisk IVR tips" and keep in mind its quite deprecated, but a place to start.
20:11.52thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: rock on! thanks
20:12.09[TK]D-FenderKatty: "show application directory" <- you can tell it to use the FIRST name.
20:12.36[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: No probelm.  This will take some work on your part, but its not that much really.
20:13.05thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: I'll go have a look..I might be back :)
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20:19.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: you have a context in voicemail.conf.  this is used to see which list of people it will look through.  the OTHER is the DIALPLAN context it will take the box # as an exten in and dial out to.
20:21.04HmmhesaysI guess i'm going to a taylor guitar demonstration tonight
20:21.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: oooh, k'then
20:22.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: so Directory(downstairs[|downstairs[|b]])?
20:22.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: i have a hard time following syntax ^_-
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20:25.36[TK]D-FenderKatty: ....
20:25.50Kattylol, fine, i'll ask someone else (=
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20:26.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: don't bother stooping to my level ;)
20:26.18apturaI am trying to lookup 24 pair pinout for t1 but I have not seen site with the color coding of the wires included. If anyone knows of a url that would be helpfull.
20:26.33[TK]D-FenderKatty: I mean its 3 parms and they show you the order in the sample!
20:26.37drewrIs there any way to use virtual channels with a conference bridge so that my PRI channels don't get eaten up when internal phones are connected?
20:26.58[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: What is a "vitual channel"?
20:27.16[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: Just have your local phones call MeetMe direct
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20:27.42[TK]D-Fenderaptura: T1 use 2 pair, not 24....
20:28.21drewr[TK]D-Fender: How do I figure out what extension that is?  For example, we just call x601 to get in a room, but that eats up an inbound channel.
20:29.11[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: its your dialplan.... this is 101 stuff...
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20:30.22apturaTK that part I know but what about the cases of 24 pair cabling comming onto a backbboard?
20:30.36drewr[TK]D-Fender: I'm sure it is.  I inherited this system and piecing information together as I go.  Thanks.
20:30.54[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: Starting from scratch huh?
20:30.59Mercestesaptura, are you referring to an ansenol cable coming from a T1 adtran?
20:31.21[hC]anyone here recommend any PoE switches that do CDP?
20:31.34drewr[TK]D-Fender: Well, I've learned a fair amount, but not having set it up I always find a nook or cranny I don't know anything about.
20:31.34[hC]the netgears i have been using dont seem to support it. and hp just removed support.
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20:32.09drewr[TK]D-Fender: Today we ran out of outbound channels because of a conference call.  I didn't realize that internal participants took a channel.
20:32.21[TK]D-Fender[hC]: How abaout a Catalyst ;)
20:32.24[hC]drewr: they dont.
20:32.32[hC][TK]D-Fender: yeah, there's always that. :) $$
20:32.38[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: Depends how you set them up to dial into it.
20:32.42drewr[hC]: "show channels" showed them as all active.
20:32.54drewr[TK]D-Fender: Can you point me to some reading about how to reconfigure that?
20:33.05apturaMercestes cable came from outside plant "I suspect" and terminated on the punch down block. I am tying to learn everything about T1 specifications.
20:33.07[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: Um.... EVERY call is a "channel", I was presuming you meant concerning your PRI
20:33.19[hC]drewr: well... sure, they are a channel,but if you're calling into a meetme from a locally connected extension you wont take up an outbound zap/iax/sip channel
20:33.24[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: A SIP phone accessing its voicemail is a channel.
20:33.37[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: Doesn't mean its eating up your PRI...
20:33.50drewrAh. I see.
20:34.22drewrSo why would I get an operator while trying to dial outbound?
20:34.48drewr[hC]: OK, then perhaps there was another issue.
20:35.46[TK]D-Fenderdrewr: Quite likely.
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20:40.22apturaAvaya reporedly exploring a sale
20:40.39FF|Elliothi i keep getting this error Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination) but my phone only uses SIP
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20:40.53apturaSeems the company wants to sell part of all of its corporation.
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20:42.27[TK]D-FenderFF|Elliot: Do you regularly talk in English to people who only speak Greek?
20:43.56FF|Elliotis anybody able to help?
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21:09.21[[blah]asfdI am trying to correct something causing my asterisk to drop calls. I have been told to adjust my mtu. I am trying to find where I do that and am not finding it. could anyone guide me?
21:09.48rocket007Cisco Vlan question- Is there a way I can utilize support in my cisco switches for Voice VLANs, with asterisk and polycom fones ?
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21:23.53JoeDeveloperHi.  I am running Asterisk 1.4 on Fedora Linux.  When I call the "Playtones(ring)" command, I get nothing.   Everything else seems to work ok.  Is the ring tone a file that maybe is missing on my config or something?
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21:27.45ruiedHi, how can I make a decision with the inbound caller id, I have a TDM400, running on my system. I would like to make an automatic voip call, autenticated by the inbound call number trough ZAP/4 is that possible?
21:28.10ruiedthe callerID appears in my phone....
21:29.19[TK]D-Fenderruied, Sure.  "show application gotoif"
21:29.32[TK]D-Fenderruied, "show function CALLERID"
21:30.17ruied[TK]D-Fender, thanks! going to check! :)
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21:47.14EricLWhy do I keep getting:  No application 'SetVar' for extension (internal, 9100, 3)
21:47.48EricLIsn't SetVar() a command?
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21:50.02Nate9939funny thing happening, i'm reloading my extensions.conf file with dialplan reload, and it is reloading some extensions.conf i have no idea where from..   I am changing the /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf file, but it is loading something else.
21:50.14Nate9939where should i be saving my extensions.conf file?
21:50.31centrexNate9939, check your /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf file to see where it is set to load your dialplan from.
21:50.42Nate9939ok doke.
21:50.53*** join/#asterisk catpants (
21:51.27centrexNate9939, astetcdir => /etc/asterisk is what it should say if it's from /etc/asterisk
21:51.29Nate9939what is it listed as under the directories headings?
21:52.11Nate9939doesn't look like as far as i can tell there is any directory set for it.
21:52.26centrexDid you do a make samples when you compiled it?
21:53.12centrexHrm.  well there should be a section under directories that says astetcdir
21:53.26Nate9939ok there is, its set at /etc/asterisk
21:53.47Nate9939and thats where my extensions.conf file is.
21:54.11centrexyou might have your extensions.conf misconfigured.
21:54.45Nate9939hrmm, its just very basic, it only has 4 lines.
21:54.51[TK]D-FenderEricL, Welcome to the wonderful world of DEPRECATION.
21:54.55Nate99391 context and 3 lines.
21:55.01[TK]D-FenderEricL, SetVar was replace by Set in 1.2
21:55.22*** join/#asterisk dotSlashW (n=HTP@
21:57.19EricL[TK]D-Fender:Ah, thanks.  Wish that one was better documented as the MeetMe stuff on still uses SetVar().
21:57.19Nate9939this may help, the dialplan it is loading says all contexts where made by pbx_config, or pbx_ael
21:58.22ruied[TK]D-Fender, is something like: ' exten =>s,1,GotoIf(CALLERID(num,918116999)?3:4)'    being s,3 the true condition and s,4 the false one?
21:58.28*** part/#asterisk rocket007 (n=youga@
21:58.31[TK]D-FenderEricL, voip-info is not official documentation.  This is included in all the changelogs, in the /docs folder etc.
21:58.47[TK]D-FenderEricL, when in doubt : "show applications" "show functions"
22:00.16EricL[TK]D-Fender:I know, but its the best reference besides the two books out there (which are slowly becoming dated).
22:00.22ruiedand the 91........ the inbound callerID ?
22:00.45*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
22:02.04[TK]D-Fenderruied, Nope.  Go look on the WIKI for "asterisk expressions" to learn how to do your test. and while you're there, "asterisk functions"
22:02.31[TK]D-Fenderruied, getting warmer though
22:03.27ruied:) thanks
22:04.25*** join/#asterisk Mad|Cow (n=madcow@
22:05.15Nate9939hey tkd sorry to bother you, can't get my * box to load the correct extensions.conf file when doing a dialplan reload, anything i can try?
22:05.15Mad|CowAnyone have any experience with the Cisco 7936 with Asterisk. Is a conf. phone... but it only supports skinny... trying to figure out if it will work or not with Asterisk
22:05.38Qwell[]Mad|Cow: There is a patch on our bug tracker for a 7935, but it should work for a 7936 also - please do test it
22:05.46Qwell[](and report back results, so I can finally commit it...)
22:06.51Mad|Cow@Qwell[]: I'd be happy to. Could you point me in the direction of the bug?
22:07.06Qwell[] - do a search for 7935
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22:11.05[TK]D-FenderNate9939, pastebin the CLI output of the failure, and an "ls -l" dump of the folder its in with a "cat" dump whil you're at it (and w/ the CLI command to back it.
22:12.25*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
22:14.41Nate9939tkd no probl.
22:16.27Nate9939cat dump, how do i cat all the files?
22:18.20jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
22:18.24[TK]D-Fender"cat /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf" etc.....
22:22.40Nate9939tkd  i updated that paste with the dial plan that it DOES load...
22:23.00yannj_frI started using realtime, odb workfine with postgresql , I had a user but get the error on CLI : device not match ACL
22:23.22yannj_frany idea?
22:25.54[TK]D-FenderNate9939, You did NOT provide me the linux CLI command showing your "cat" for your dialplan.
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22:26.09[TK]D-FenderNate9939, I said I wanted to see EVERYTHING.
22:26.56Nate9939tkd, i did i thought, i did the cat for extensions.conf,  then did the show dialplan at the cli for the dialplan it does load, check it again, as i updated it 2 times.
22:28.17Nate9939the cat for extensions.conf is right after directory listing, its only 4 lines.
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22:30.36*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:31.19[TK]D-FenderNate9939, well that 91 byte extensions.conf sure SEEMS to be whats loaded.... so whats the problem?
22:31.35[TK]D-FenderNate9939, (I pasted it MYSELF intoa file. indeed 91 bytes)
22:32.12ruied[TK]D-Fender, it's working! :) thanks...
22:33.10[TK]D-Fenderruied, glad to hear.... probably looks like GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}"="918116999"]?3:4)
22:34.06ManxPowerI assume 1.4 doesn't require spaces around the =
22:34.12yannj_frI started using realtime, odb workfine with postgresql , I had a user but get the error on CLI : device not match ACL , any idea??
22:34.24[TK]D-Fenderruied, Sure ... I could just GIVE it to you.. but knowledge earned > cut & paste
22:34.38ruiedyep ;)
22:34.40[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, we heard you 10 minutes ago......
22:34.55rbdhi guys, Asterisk 1.2.13... I have an asterisk app that runs a lot like the MP3Player app (i.e. executes an external app, and pipes in the data from stdin. which is piped to the stdout of the external app) is controlled by an AGI script that accepts DTMF 1 to end it and recall it with a different agent ID param (it is for silent monitoring agents). however, sometimes a caller will be dropped after advancing through conversations
22:34.55ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Build a fire for a man and keep him warm for a night.  Light a man on fire and keep him warm the rest of his life.
22:35.01rbdthe log we get is at:  ....any ideas?
22:35.14[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I try to save that quote for more special occasions ;)
22:35.14Nate9939tkd sorry for wasting you time, i just saw all that. pbx_ael stuff when doing show dial plan, so didn't see my little 4 lines at the top.
22:35.25Nate9939what the heck is pbx_ael anyways?
22:35.29[TK]D-FenderNate9939, Go caffeinate!
22:35.35[TK]D-FenderNate9939, AEL.
22:35.48jbotfrom memory, ael is Asterisk Extension Language - a dialplan language with 'c like' syntax?
22:35.49[TK]D-FenderNate9939, wake up to 2 YEARS AGO :)
22:36.08[TK]D-FenderNate9939, and that'd be the contents of extensions.ael
22:36.34*** join/#asterisk CoolGuy21 (
22:36.55CoolGuy21i have asterisk 1.2, how can i setup a wakup call service?
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22:38.03yannj_frCoolGuy21 : i was thinking about that
22:38.48CoolGuy21yannj_fr any good news?
22:38.48[hC]Anyone here using PoE switches w/ CDP support for VLAN ID auto provisioning, (and not cisco switches)
22:38.49[TK]D-FenderCoolGuy21, lookup ".call files" and "AMI Originate" on the WIKI
22:38.58jboti guess wikis is
22:39.01ManxPowerCoolGuy21: your extensive search of the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES and the WIKI was not helpful?
22:39.08yannj_frthought about a daemon checking subscription to wake and creating .call filles
22:39.19[TK]D-Fender[hC], Get a mid-span PoE injector like the PowerDsine series
22:39.21jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
22:39.43ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I doubt a midspan will support VLAN ID via CDP
22:39.53ManxPower[hC]: why not Cisco?
22:40.11[hC]ManxPower: $$$.
22:40.15[TK]D-FenderManxPower, because he's CHEAP.... and still stuck with Cisco's ;)
22:40.24ManxPoweryannj_fr: Hint:  If you create the call file with a FUTURE date it won't run until that date.
22:40.25[hC]I have been using NetGear or HP, but they both recently removed support for CDP
22:40.38ManxPower[hC]: We spend like $1200 on a 48 port Cisco
22:40.46ManxPowerCisco 5509 with SPECIFIC cards off ebay
22:41.05ManxPowerI spent like $300 on my 24 port cisco
22:41.11yannj_frManxPower : ok, so everyday you recreate file , true? with a cron job for example?
22:41.14ManxPowerI think mine is a 5505
22:41.16[hC]I have been spending about $140 on HP or Netgear switches, and the cisco ones ive been looking at are like, $6-9000/ea
22:41.22[hC]Which is why i said $$$
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22:41.46[hC]Id prefer 24/48 port PoE capable (IEEE 802.3af) and VLAN capabilities, thats it.
22:41.48ManxPower[hC]: your problem is not that Cisco (used) is so expensive, but that the switches you use are so cheap.
22:42.03ManxPower[hC]: many used cisco switches are cheap
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22:42.13[hC]I cannot resell used switches to business clients.
22:42.16ManxPowerBUT, you will still need a power injector.
22:42.27ManxPower[hC]: even if they are cisco certified.
22:42.28[hC]The switches i am talking about provide PoE
22:42.36ManxPoweryou'll pay more for a certified used.....
22:42.56yannj_frtry nortel
22:43.02yannj_fror huawey
22:43.05[hC]It has nothing to do with certified or not, really.. they dont know the difference, but if i buy a used one, if it breaks, i have no warranty on it or anything.
22:43.10yannj_fror extreme
22:43.12ManxPower[hC]: Well when you find what you need in the price range you need, look around and see if there is a Unicorn nearby.  I'm looking for one.
22:43.28ManxPower[hC]: certified allows you to buy a service contract.
22:43.40[hC]ManxPower: so far there is nothing that the HP or Netgear cannot do, aside from CDP.
22:43.55ManxPowerYou don't really want the 4 week turn around time for warrenty repairs anyway
22:44.11ManxPower[hC]: As I said, when you find what you are looking for......
22:44.28[hC]ManxPower: I guess the most common thing to look for then would be a Cisco 3550 w/ PoE
22:44.32ManxPowerWe have like 15 of the Cisco 550x switches in production.  No problems.
22:44.45[hC][TK]D-Fender: whats the cluebat for? what do you use?
22:44.59ManxPower[hC]: find a switch that does CDP, then find a power injector
22:45.38[hC]ManxPower: why wouldnt i just get a switch that does CDP -and- PoE?
22:45.47JThp can't do cdp?
22:45.51ManxPower[hC]: price
22:45.57[hC]JT: they just recently removed CDP support in favor of LLDP
22:45.58ManxPowerbuilt in POE is expensive
22:46.02[hC](I hadnt heard of LLDP either)
22:46.25[hC]I just found a 3550 with PoE on ebay for $1500
22:46.29[hC]thats completely reasonable.
22:46.52JTcisco gear is a waste of money unless you have support contracts and what not
22:46.54[hC]yannj_fr: thanks for the url, but who the heck is huawei?
22:47.02JTunfriendly company
22:47.25yannj_frhuawei is the "chinese cisco"
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22:47.35[hC]JT: here is my only dilemma. I dont care if i use cisco, or hp, or netgear, or whoever.  I simply want to be able to auto provision phones without interaction.
22:47.48[hC]JT: so far, the only thing i can tell that allows this to happen (with polycom anyways) is CDP.
22:47.56[hC]And by auto provision i mean VLAN ID discovery
22:48.00yannj_frthey were a subcontracter for cisco IOS coding
22:48.07JTi see
22:48.19JThp has lifetime warranty, that seals the deal for me
22:48.22[hC]In a shared wiring environment, I prefer to run all the phones on an isolated vlan.
22:48.53[hC]hp's switches are great, i like them.  but since they removed support for CDP I cant accomplish what i need, unless i can get all the other phone manufacturers to implement LLDP
22:49.41ManxPowerJT: Only when it is new.
22:49.45JTi'm surprised that a proprietary cisco protocol is the only way to provision a polycom
22:49.50[hC]I definitely do not like the idea of a midspan injector though, its just another piece to break.
22:49.50JTManxPower: what?
22:50.06JT[hC]: midspan injector is probably not a good idea
22:50.11ManxPowerJT: it isn't.  It's the only way to automatically assign the vlan..... until SIP 2.0 and recent bootroms
22:50.18[hC]JT: well they have this thing called DHCP VLAN ID Discovery, however, it is disabled by default ...... (wtf?)
22:50.19JTcisco do make multiport poe injectors, but still
22:50.28JTManxPower: that's what i mean
22:50.41JTManxPower: < ManxPower> JT: Only when it is new. <--- ?
22:50.48[hC]ManxPower: there are other ways now with new bootrom and sip2.0?
22:50.51ManxPowerJT: Cisco is great, and if you can use used Ciscos the price is not bad either.
22:51.07yannj_fr[hC] are you sure for CDP and polycom
22:51.10JTi don't like cisco that much
22:51.12[hC]ManxPower: the only other thing i found was DHCP VLAN Id discovery, which seemed to be disabled by default, hence unusable without interction.
22:51.25ManxPower[hC]: there is some sort of options that allow you to set the bootrom options and reboot the phone, all from the config file.
22:51.57JTManxPower: what were you talking about... when some item is new?
22:51.58ManxPowerWe use CDP switches so I've never had to use it, I read it in the release notes or the admin guide
22:52.05[hC]ManxPower: so, that would then require the phone to provision itself once on the wrong vlan, resave settings, reboot onto the correct vlan, and provision again and go.
22:52.26[hC]ManxPower: because by default the dhcp discovery option is off.
22:52.39ManxPower[hC]: correct
22:53.04yannj_frisnt it 802.1d that provide vlan id discovery?
22:53.11JTearth to ManxPower
22:54.28ManxPowerJT: Ciscos are good equipment, but the price does not make the a good value.  Used Cisco equiopment (eBay or used networking vendor) is much cheaper and so a much better value than buying it new.
22:54.42ManxPowerUsed Cisco equipment is so cheap you might as well just get a spare box.
22:54.47ManxPowerJT: Do you understand now?
22:55.05JTi swear you were replying to < JT> hp has lifetime warranty, that seals the deal for me
22:55.18ManxPowerIf you really must have a service contract, spend a little more and get a certified used cisco box
22:55.37CoolGuy21all the wakeup scripts dont have an option to put the phone number you want it to call
22:55.55ManxPowerJT: no
22:56.28[hC]It appears as though LLDP is the discovery protocol replacing CDP, and its open
22:56.35JTManxPower: but basically you're deploying unsupported and unwarranted hardware if you deploy a used cisco that isn't covered by an agreement with cisco
22:56.38[hC]so i guess if everyone jumps on the bandwagon there, we'll be set.
22:56.55[TK]D-FenderCoolGuy21, <[TK]D-Fender> CoolGuy21, lookup ".call files" and "AMI Originate" on the WIKI
22:56.55[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> ~wikis
22:56.55[TK]D-Fender<jbot> i guess wikis is
22:58.05ManxPowerJT: CERTIFIED Cisco stuff qualifies for support contracts.  one of the vendors we use even will give you a refund if cisco refuses your service contract request.
22:58.07*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
22:58.38JTis it warranted?
22:58.38ManxPowerWe don't use many support contracts on our equipment, we just buy a spare.
22:58.44J4k3Aren't there third party Cisco support groups?
22:58.54JTi understand the logic but if it's a customer site...
22:59.02[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, Right next to Alcohol Anonymous ;)
22:59.07J4k3I mean, Vendor support isn't always the best way to get service.
22:59.13JTIOS upgrades are controlled by cisco
22:59.30[hC]personally i dont need support for implementation, its when the thing dies.
22:59.36BSD_Techthese shoes rule those shoes suck
22:59.38J4k3[hC]: buy two.
22:59.47JTbuy hp :)
22:59.50J4k3spares are the best
23:00.04J4k3warranty = downtime
23:00.08yannj_frhp arent so good product
23:00.14JTi prefer to support a company that isn't an absolute arse to its customers
23:00.14yannj_frwe stop installing it
23:00.18J4k3spares = swap the crap and go get a beer.
23:00.38JTspares are useful
23:00.38yannj_frbecause of too much die
23:00.38ManxPowerJT: if you mean the 90-day warrenty you get, no it is not warrented.
23:00.38JTyannj_fr: what sort of hp?
23:00.49ManxPowerIf you mean "can I get a next business day support contract" then the answer is "yes"
23:00.53JTManxPower: hp procurves have lifetime warranties
23:01.05J4k3JT: and in a week, they'll get you a replacement.
23:01.11ManxPowerJT: How long from the time it breaks until you get it back.
23:01.31J4k3BUY SPARES, thats the best answer.
23:01.42[hC]there is no debating in my opinion that service contracts on switches, and warranties are pretty much useless when you can just buy another
23:01.45[hC]and learn how to set them up.
23:02.03[hC]The real factor here comes from functionality, reliability, and price.
23:02.19JTyannj_fr: what product....
23:02.40yannj_frdont remember, I didnt installed them
23:02.50J4k3all my cisco crap is ancient.  It was such junk when I bought it (for high dollar) that I do everthing possible to avoid buying any more of their stuff.
23:03.07yannj_frI only handle cisco
23:03.22yannj_frwhen we need cheap product, we use 3com
23:03.26JTyannj_fr: what are they, switches or what? stop being so vague
23:03.26ManxPowerJ4k3: what did you buy?
23:03.44yannj_frL2 switches
23:03.45J4k3ManxPower: Cisco 4500
23:03.55ManxPowerJ4k3: you poor thing
23:03.58JTyannj_fr: i see
23:04.12J4k3ManxPower: with the extremely overpriced completely worthless 100mbit ethernet interface!
23:04.17ManxPowerI think we spent under $2,000 for our 3604
23:04.28ManxPowerand that included the cards we needed
23:04.31J4k3my border router is a PC with a sync serial card now.
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23:04.44J4k3and a linuxy OS (Mikrotik RouterOS)
23:04.58J4k3I paid about $1500 for the 4500... that was like 1998.
23:05.00yannj_frj4k3, wich serial card?
23:05.04J4k3our 2501 ran out of horsepower
23:05.07[hC]All I want is a switch with at least 24 port port desnsity, PoE support NATIVELY, and preferrably CDP, LLDP, or some sort of device discovery/vlan provisioning system for under 200$
23:05.10ManxPowerThe ONLY Cisco stuff we buy new are 2621 routers and even those we are starting to look at used 2621s
23:05.13J4k3yannj_fr: etinc pcisync 4-port.
23:05.27JT[hC]: are you dreaming?
23:05.37[hC]JT: Ive found it, twice. just no CDP.
23:05.43ManxPowerGOOD LORD!  You didn't sell Asterisk on PRICE, did you?
23:05.50JT[hC]: what item?
23:05.58yannj_frCDP is cisco property
23:06.04[hC]JT: The HP ProCurve 24 port PoE switch (which USED to do CDP) we buy for $1300
23:06.26JT[hC]: hell of a lot more than $200
23:06.33[hC]oh shit
23:06.35[hC]I meant $2000
23:06.47[hC]I was wondering why you thought I was out of my mind.
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23:07.11J4k3for $2000 I could buy a really badass server and slap in quad ethernet cards til I ran out of slots
23:07.11[hC]hp moved from CDP to LLDP and... nobody else uses LLDP :)
23:07.30J4k3of course, thats not as cool.
23:07.41JTJ4k3: quad ethernet cards that provide PoE?
23:07.45[hC]J4k3: you know how much quad ethernet cards are? and i'd like to see you get 24 port port density in a server. or PoE for that matter.
23:07.50J4k3JT: they do after I get done with my soldering iron :P
23:07.53[hC]a quad port intel card is around $800
23:08.08JTfor 100base?
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23:08.13J4k3[hC]: quad 100 is way cheap on ebay
23:08.17JTmaybe for gigabit
23:08.22J4k3your phones need 1gbit?
23:08.26[hC]I couldnt find 10/100 recently
23:08.26J4k3you talk a LOT.
23:08.27JTwho on earth needs gigabit to their phone?
23:08.32[hC]i dont
23:08.35J4k3who needs more than 10 to a phone?
23:08.37[hC]I just know thats the price i found last week
23:08.44[hC]you cant buy 10/100 quad cards anymore new
23:09.01[hC]at least my distributor doesnt sell them. only 10/100/1000
23:09.02J4k3bah, its not new, its pretested ;)
23:09.12J4k3in PC parts terms
23:09.16J4k3thats the truth
23:09.20[hC]burnt in :)
23:09.27J4k3stuff works til it dies... and you keep spares for that ;)
23:09.50JTit also depends how easy it is to get to the site to replace a part
23:09.50[TK]D-FenderJ4k3, NBC : (May repeats) "If you haven't seen it... it's new to you!"
23:09.55variable_officeJ4k3, working on asterisk now eh?
23:10.13JTyou'd choose a more reliable part for a difficult or expensive to access site
23:10.17variable_officegot a cool project going?
23:10.22J4k3variable_office: been using it in the office since december.  its nice, and a great test of network performance ;)
23:10.36[hC]well, im going to have to look into how to auto provision polycoms without CDP support at the switch, it will be a pain to have to have to get DHCP for a phone on vlan1, provision, move to vlan20, re-ip, reprovision,
23:10.38J4k3but no, so far no cool projects... just getting the wireless in the air has been enough hassle.
23:10.38variable_officeya, it works great as a pbx
23:11.05J4k3considering the price
23:11.08JTsharing eithernet segments with computers and phones is ugly
23:11.08J4k3of a SD card
23:11.09J4k3is like $5
23:11.19Mad|CowDoes anyone out there have any experience with the Cisco 7936 Conf phone?
23:11.20J4k3why don't these phones use SD cards like GSM cells use SIM cards?
23:11.41J4k3a 32MB SD card could be had for less than $5/ea in quantity...  "network provisioning" starts sounding a lot less cool with this.
23:11.56variable_officeJ4k3, ya, same here, i am really trying to expand
23:12.20Sweepernetwork provisioning is awsome
23:12.34Sweeperyou guys just don't know how to easily write cool interfaces for it :D
23:12.56variable_officethe actual building is cool, the legal stuff of where can i put what is annoying
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23:13.24J4k3variable_office: thats why I stick to rural areas only.
23:13.42J4k3cities are just too damned noisy anyways.
23:14.17variable_officeJ4k3, so do I, its just as bad here
23:14.23[hC]JT: sometimes you cant help it.
23:14.37J4k3variable_office: where are you at these days?
23:14.47[hC]JT: I'm talking to a movie production studio which is hundreds of thousands of square feet large, and has a single drop to places they need phones.
23:15.14variable_officerural IL, same as always
23:15.20[hC]JT: coming in as an underdog competing with other people who can use their existing phone wiring, i have to make it work
23:15.30J4k3variable_office: you mean the place where you've got a massive WISP attempting to muscle your state government?
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23:16.31Nate9939if i have created a sip trunk called test  do i use dial (test, xxxxx)   xxxx being the number to dial out on it?
23:16.36JT[hC]: you can always use existing phone wiring :)
23:16.40variable_officeJ4k3, you mean am i big enough to do that? hell no
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23:16.52[hC]JT: oh yeah, thats a great idea. :)
23:17.10[hC]500+ft cat3 runs work FIIIIIIIINE for IP :P
23:17.18J4k3variable_office: I heard through the grapevine another group (a merger-based ISP) was doing that.
23:17.19JT[hC]: either analogue, or if it's not generally more than 60metres, ethernet
23:17.22J4k3up there.
23:17.30JT500ft is quite excessive
23:17.36variable_officeJ4k3, whats the name?
23:17.49J4k3500ft cat3?  2.3mbit SDSL.
23:18.02JTJ4k3: expensive as hell
23:18.23JTrunning any dsl to each workstation or whatever, very uneconomical
23:18.27J4k3JT: bah, SDSL modems can talk to each other..  just have to have matching chipsets at each end
23:18.31[TK]D-Fender[hC], IP != Ethernet. :)
23:18.38J4k3it'd add up depending on how much you did it.
23:18.51JTi assume he has a lot of handsets
23:18.52[hC][TK]D-Fender: touche salesman.
23:18.53J4k3802.11a offers great performance if you've got perfect LOS
23:19.16J4k3variable_office: they're whoever prarie-inet merged with?
23:19.20yannj_frbye all, good night/evening
23:19.32variable_officeprarie inet merged with someone?
23:19.38J4k3I believe so
23:19.39variable_officeprarie inet fell apart i thought
23:20.27J4k3I can't remember the name of the main company... one of their employees was joining #wireless and talking mad quantities of shit
23:20.39variable_officestill in there/
23:20.45J4k3not that I notice
23:20.48J4k3I forget the nick
23:20.56J4k3if so they haven't said anything in a long time.
23:21.22variable_officedamn, i wouldve liked to have heard that
23:21.33variable_officepi got ripped to shreds here a few years back
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23:33.40michael-iHow does one get ahold of an extension's technology? I'm using a macro for all internal extensions and have both IAX2 and SIP clients.
23:34.59[TK]D-Fenderextensions have nothing to do with SIP or IAX2 devices
23:35.16[TK]D-Fenderand extension is merely something you can call in your dialplan
23:35.28[TK]D-FenderWhat it does is irrelevent.
23:37.03rob0Wow, the zaptel driver has come a long way since I first messed with it. Set up my zaptel.conf, modprobe the driver, and it works! No udev tweaking needed.
23:37.11rob0<== happy
23:37.26michael-iI completely missed chan_local. I'm probably using the wrong terminology, sorry. I just wanted one macro to dial all internal phones and chan_local does just that I think.
23:40.53[TK]D-Fendermichael-i, No more that anything else does.  "show application dial"
23:41.24[TK]D-Fendermichael-i, Dial(SIP/1@SIP/2@IAX2/3@IAX2/4)
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23:43.55Nate9939Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/702${EXTEN})      would this statement append the digits 702 before the dialed digits for the area code?
23:44.32[TK]D-FenderNate9939, it will parse out that line exactly as it looks.
23:45.03[TK]D-FenderNate9939, putting "702" between "/" and the current Exten
23:45.03Nate9939what is the syntax to add the digits 702 to the dialed digits?
23:46.12Nate9939i think that is what i want.
23:46.13[TK]D-FenderNate9939, You have to rethink your concept of "adding".  You are just calling an app.  in it you reference a variable, something that I presume is a constant (${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}), and 1 fixed char.
23:46.33Nate9939the user dials a local number and this will append 702 to the beginning of those digits and send it out.
23:46.59[TK]D-FenderNate9939, It parses out their value and passes it to the app.  Same goes for ANY app.  the concept that you are "adding digits" is not a good frame of mind
23:47.27[TK]D-FenderNate9939, You WILL get the 702 in front of the EXTEN you referenced there
23:48.01[TK]D-FenderNate9939, so from a functional POV yes, you could say "you are adding digits", but only in the scop of that Dial command.
23:48.58CoolGuy21hey guys
23:49.29ManxPowervariables in the dialplan are evaluated and replaced with their value BEFORE the exten => line is run.
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23:50.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Given how dumb pbx_config is I'm surprised you can't use vars to substitute EVERYTHING from after the priority incluing the app.
23:51.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower, or WORSE :)
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