IRC log for #asterisk on 20070602

00:00.18[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, I have ALL of the Mythbusters in X-Vid.... and playable on my * server :)
00:00.55*** join/#asterisk Cyon (n=cyon@
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00:03.16poppo[TK]D-Fender: what he has is the same
00:06.04[TK]D-Fenderpoppo, I don't care about HIS script, I'd have to see YOURS.
00:09.34n0n4m3belco voip phone...
00:09.42n0n4m3how to reset to admin:admin?
00:09.56n0n4m3or i can just throw it in the trash
00:11.01[TK]D-Fendern0n4m3, Where did you get it from?
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00:15.31n0n4m3a friend
00:15.46[TK]D-Fendern0n4m3, How.... generic.
00:15.48n0n4m3when i got it it was the default admin:admin
00:16.03[TK]D-Fendern0n4m3, and now its mirulously different?
00:16.17n0n4m3i actually changed it :(
00:16.31[TK]D-Fendern0n4m3, Go read the admin guide and see how to factory reset it.
00:16.42n0n4m3didn't get the guide
00:16.52n0n4m3this thingy is a couple of years old
00:16.57[TK]D-Fendern0n4m3, Go look for it online
00:17.51n0n4m3tried that :(
00:17.53n0n4m3no luck
00:20.51*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
00:21.25n0n4m3[TK]D-Fender any more ideas?
00:22.09[TK]D-Fendern0n4m3, well you don't think you can get the manual, I don't know that phone like the back of my hand, and if you've been busting your ass Googleing well... thats it.
00:27.21n0n4m3that's about all i could find :(
00:28.11n0n4m3nothing more than the stuff that got me into this mess :(
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00:42.02[TK]D-Fendern0n4m3, Whats the actual mess?
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00:45.19n0n4m3changed admin pass
00:45.23n0n4m3no idea
00:45.29n0n4m3i belive it's some numbers
00:45.35n0n4m38 or 10 of them
00:45.44n0n4m3but i don't know whic ones :(
00:46.09n0n4m3and i'll be damned if i'll have to brute force my own phone :)
00:50.57*** join/#asterisk DrukenLPY (
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00:55.59CoffeeIV_between asterisk 1.2 and asterisk 1.4, was the dial plan application DBGet() changed to something else ?
00:57.24[TK]D-FenderCoffeeIV_, you missed the boat entirely with 1.2
00:57.31[TK]D-FenderCoffeeIV_, "show function DB"
00:57.38CoffeeIV_never mind, found out about set(variable=DB(family/key)) on the wiki
01:00.08[TK]D-FenderCoffeeIV_, Formatting is a bit off, but you don't have to dump to var if you just want to test it.
01:03.35anonymouz666I am having problems with 25 accounts register => in sip.conf
01:06.24*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:06.39dlynes_laptopanonymouz666, congratulations
01:08.54dlynes_laptopI don't think I could top that, even if I tried
01:10.43DrukenLPYanonymouz666: you register 25 diffrent accounts?
01:11.00*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
01:14.25anonymouz666yes, sir
01:14.39DrukenLPYuhmm... why?
01:14.50anonymouz666because I don't "have" telco.
01:14.55anonymouz666it's only DID
01:15.21DrukenLPYyeah... so??
01:15.35anonymouz666but I don't want to talk much right now
01:15.36DrukenLPYyou can use sip for trunking...
01:15.39*** part/#asterisk mog (
01:15.41anonymouz666because I am drinking whisky
01:15.46*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:21.50JTDrukenLPY: sip doesn't trunk...
01:21.56riddleboxshould I use background(filename) for my auto attendant?
01:22.47DrukenLPYJT: well, ok.. let me rephrase... you can send the DID in SIP... better?
01:23.12JTyes, you can do DIDs over SIP :)
01:23.49DrukenLPYsmartass, always gotta be technical...
01:24.31JTeh, the concept of trunks just doesn't really align with voip, and sip in particular
01:25.37DrukenLPYvery true.. since originally, you put shit in trunks lock them up and leave them for years to collect dust...
01:26.17DrukenLPYor it could carry the spare tire.... a hockey bag... groceries
01:26.26JTyou mean a suitcase?
01:26.37JTor a boot?
01:29.32riddleboxcan someone tell me if there is anything in here that is incorrect?
01:29.50riddleboxright now some callers press 1 or 2, and asterisk simply hangs up on them?
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01:39.07[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, Yuo aren't supposed to run IVR's off of anything except "s".
01:39.55[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, And your CID checks are bulky to say the least
01:40.04riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, really, so I need to make a s extension too
01:40.27riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, is there a better way to do CID checks then? Actually I can take a couple of them out now
01:40.33[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, You should make your IVR in a completely seperate context.
01:40.45[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, its the duplication thats fugly...
01:41.10riddleboxok I will clean it up then, and maybe put it into an incoming context then
01:42.08[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, the context that FIRST matches your DID deserves to be called something like [incoming] , [from-myitspname] , etc.
01:43.03[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, you should do as LITTLE as possible on the exten that matches, and then jump to another context for IVR's [mainmenu] , [customerservice] , etc
01:43.41[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, And your IVR's should be proerly formed using the "s" exten and setting timeouts, handling invalid, etc
01:51.47*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
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02:03.36De_Mon[TK]D-Fender i saw pausequeuemember, wasn't exactly sure why it existed... guess I should bind it to a key on the phones
02:03.52De_Mon[TK]D-Fender this is a NEW mythbuster thats commin on next wednesday
02:05.19De_Mon[TK]D-Fender new contexts > unique extensions?
02:05.31[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, ?
02:06.01[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, You can pause agents or unlog them
02:06.14De_Mon[mainmenu] -> [customerservice] s,1  vs [mainmenu] -> customerservice,1
02:06.41De_Monhow would I unlog a dynamic queue member from all queues?
02:06.49[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, thsoe were multiple CONTEXT examples, not CONTEXT / EXTEN, etc
02:07.22De_Mon[customerservice] is a contect customerservice,1 is a extension & priority in the [mainmenu] context
02:07.42[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, Being IVR's those would only have "s" and DIALABLE extens.
02:07.52*** join/#asterisk steliosk (n=Stelios@
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02:08.39De_Mondon't look at my dialplan then ;)
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02:09.19De_Monwhat is the reasoning for doing it that way?
02:09.51mrc3hello! anyone with a panasonic pbx? my spa-3102 is not detecting disconnection from it
02:10.30[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, Oh do share...
02:14.01De_MonI've endured enough humility today
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02:50.01yxais it possible to initiate say 3 calls to PSTN/PRI lines, pull each of them into a conference, then dial for my boss and put him into that conference, and I myself disappear?
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02:55.36[TK]D-Fenderyxa, Yes.  You can do that without even being involved in calling.
02:56.27[TK]D-Fenderyxa, go lookup ".call files" and "AMI Originate" on the WIKI.
02:56.46jboti heard wikis is
03:01.33yxa[TK]D-Fender i want to be involved in the calling manually
03:01.58yxato actually dial 3 persons, talk to them and ask them to hold and put them in a conf
03:02.48yxanot automated.
03:04.26[TK]D-Fenderyxa, well you could cal them one by one, blind transfer them to the conference....
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03:04.27[TK]D-Fenderyxa, whats hard/wrong with that?
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03:08.50carrarWhat if their voicemail answers
03:11.58[TK]D-Fendercarrar, he's calling them himself.  He can just HANGUP you know :)
03:12.15[TK]D-Fendercarrar, perhaps you missed the "not automated" part.
03:13.02carrarthats no fun
03:13.52[TK]D-Fendercarrar, automated I'd dunp the call into an IVR that would ask for confirmation before dumping to conference and hangup on timeout.
03:14.07carraryeah thats a good idea
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03:16.16yxa[TK]D-Fender blind transfer to a preset meetme room?
03:16.25[TK]D-Fenderyxa, Yes
03:16.51samaroracan any body suggest for the error " No channel type registered for zap"....?
03:18.01[TK]D-Fendersamarora, Yeah, you don't have zaptel installed.
03:18.20*** join/#asterisk nighty^^ (
03:18.24[TK]D-Fendersamarora, or you might NOW, but not at the point in time when you compiled Asterisk.
03:20.25samarorayes i do have
03:20.41samarorai have zapte installed
03:21.13carrardid you type zap or Zap
03:21.15samarorado i need to compile zaptel after asterisk
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03:21.27carrartry Zap
03:22.12samaroratried with Zap but not got result
03:22.29[TK]D-Fendersamarora, type "load" at * CLI
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03:22.39[TK]D-Fendersamarora, because it clearly isn't loaded.
03:23.10*** part/#asterisk davidredekop (
03:23.17[TK]D-Fendersamarora, You need to have Asterisk comipled AFTER Zaptel.
03:23.37samarorai did so
03:24.01[TK]D-Fendersamarora, Ok, well issue the command I gave you.
03:24.17samarorawhen i try to load, it gives me "Unable to load module
03:25.51[TK]D-Fendersamarora, pastebin the following : Ful CLI output of the failed attempt at verbose 10 including the dial & the error, zaptel.conf , zapata.conf , cat /proc/interrupts
03:27.17samaroraJun  2 08:57:16 WARNING[4332]: channel.c:2536 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'Zap'
03:27.18samaroraJun  2 08:57:16 NOTICE[4332]: app_dial.c:1029 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
03:28.13jbotextra, extra, read all about it, paste is
03:28.13samaroranow zaptel.conf...
03:28.13samarora# Autogenerated by /usr/local/sbin/sangoma/setup-sangoma -- do not hand edit
03:28.13samarora# Zaptel Channels Configurations (zaptel.conf)
03:28.13samarora#Sangoma A200 [slot:1 bus:1 span:1]
03:28.17LeddyHMKNOCK IT OFF
03:28.23LeddyHMNO PASTING
03:29.18jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
03:30.10[TK]D-Fendersamarora, Not directly related to your problem, but you should be dialing a NUMBER there.....
03:30.39*** part/#asterisk stevej (
03:30.56[TK]D-Fendersamarora, please continue to build the PASTEB requested.
03:32.47samarorai did
03:33.38samaroraURL is
03:34.14[TK]D-Fendersamarora, and the last part?
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03:35.30samarorathe last part is at URL:
03:35.37*** part/#asterisk mog (
03:36.07[TK]D-Fendersamarora, halt *, do "ztcfg -vvvv" pastebin it, then restart *
03:37.24samaroraztcfg URL:
03:37.59[TK]D-Fendersamarora, and upon restarting * (not jsut a reload, a complete restart), what happens?
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03:41.11samarorait starts and gives me cli
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03:42.06[TK]D-Fendersamarora, Ok, I meant after another attempt to dial.
03:43.11*** part/#asterisk joat (
03:44.02samarora[TK]D, the same error, No channel type is registered for "Zap"
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03:45.02samarora[TK]D, when i access the file "/usr/lib/asterisk/modules" i was unable to find ""
03:45.10samaroradid it mean something
03:46.25[TK]D-Fendersamarora, I'd recompile Zaptel and reinstall it if I were you....
03:47.42samarorashould i get the module in modules dir..?
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03:49.14[TK]D-Fendersamarora, yup
03:50.24samaroraand u think it would be there after recompilling of Zaptel and not asterisk..
03:53.02[TK]D-Fendersamarora, if you did "make install", it sure should be.
03:53.27anonymouz666it's bedtime
03:53.42samarorak i ll try to recompile
03:53.52*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:53.54[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, You can tuck YOURSELF in, ok ?;)
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04:12.53carrarTK, have a solution for a SPA-941 fastbusy sound when using speakerphone and the remote party hangs up?
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04:20.31*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- Asterisk 1.4.4 (April 27, 2007) Asterisk 1.2.18 (April 24, 2007), Zaptel, (April 25, 2007) -=- Other fun channels: #asterisk-gui, #asterisknow, #asterisk-commits, #astridevcon -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
04:20.53[TK]D-FenderI've had IP 301, 430, 501, and 601 so far.  I want to get a 320 or 330 to play with soon.
04:22.52coppiceyou must lead a lonely life :-)
04:23.23samarorathankz [tk]D, thank you very much
04:23.28samarorai am able to ring atleat
04:23.35[TK]D-Fendersamarora, All up & running now?
04:23.53[TK]D-Fendersamarora, Glad to hear.  and I now see it looks like you're ringing both FXS on that...
04:24.07samarorayes almost
04:24.19samarorai need to have some excersise on extensions.conf
04:24.23[TK]D-Fendersamarora, Since I never recommend PCI FXS I couldn't see that for anything other than an error...
04:24.36samarorato get the proper dialing
04:24.56[TK]D-Fendersamarora, Ok, as long as Zaptel is loading ok and the card uis usable to "problem" is solved.  minor dialplan stuff is jsut that.
04:25.32[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Yeah, I'm gettin myself "back on the market".  I've been working through some down-time since my last Ex.
04:34.44FuriousGeorgei thought parking presence (blf) worked in 1.4?  whats all this im still reading about bristuff patch again
04:35.48[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge, Its worked since bac in 1.0 and God only knows what you're reading now...
04:36.35FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: not for parking, youve always needed a patch for that (metermaid) and that has only worked for about 12 months
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04:37.50[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge, Oops, yeah parking... it IS supposed to work now.  exten => 100,hint,Local/701@parkedcalls IIRC
04:40.39FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: i guess all this jaz about bristuff is only for devstate
04:40.55[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge, Yeah, thats something else....
04:41.25[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge, And there is a 1.4 trunk patch for NON-bristuffed devstate that will apparently never make it into 1.4 FTP release.
04:41.44[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge, only 1.6 whent he time comes.
04:42.29FuriousGeorgehmm  hints still unavailable, lemme see if i can find some better documentation
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04:50.22FuriousGeorgeoej himself told me parking blf was in 1.4.  why can i not find any documentation?  i have it set up like when i used his metermaid patch, but the show hints reflects the position are unavailable
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06:26.45Aces1Upis there a document describing all the constants inside of sip.conf?
06:27.23Aces1Upfor example qualify=yes, is there a documents that describes what all these constants that are available in sip.conf and what they do?
06:36.20FuriousGeorgei dunno about that but i believe qualify=yes is the same as qualify=1000
06:38.56L|NUXis there any way to lock or unlock extensions for dialing 0 using password for extension ?
06:40.14FuriousGeorgeL|NUX: is app disa what you want?
06:40.36L|NUXFuriousGeorge : lemme check
06:41.14FuriousGeorgedoes anyone know for sure if parking blf is supposed to work in 1.4 or not?  ive been using the metermaid patch, but i have it from a good source 1.4 is supposed to have this
06:41.32FuriousGeorgeyet, for some reason i can find no documentation that says as much
06:42.17Aces1Upi want to purchase DID's I am looking at didx, are they a good company?
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07:37.27Aces1Uphey furious i have a question, maybe you can answer.
07:37.31Aces1Upyou there?
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07:43.13Kubiceki have a problem with sending faxes from spandsp (txfax) - only part gets transmited and the rest of the pages are lines. any ideas ?
07:44.07adorahKubicek any VOIP fax service is not very reliable..
07:45.11adorahas one said: 80% of the time it works, and when u need it-the other 20% will occur..
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07:47.49FuriousGeorgeanyone know wtf is going on with aprking blf?  oej told me it was in 1.4, i upgraded today and i find no documentation about it
07:48.10FuriousGeorgeshow hints has all my parking channels as unavail, this did not happen with the metermaid patch and asterisk 1.2.x
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08:42.37FuriousGeorgeso, hints on chan local are supposed to work in 1.4, can anyone confirm or deny?
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08:43.24FuriousGeorgeUpdate for Asterisk 1.4:  Patch/bug 5779 added hint support for the Local channel construct which allows for monitoring of the parking lot/ parked calls (by checking for existence of a dialplan extension). Question: Will that also work for SIP peers with "regcontext=xxx"?
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08:44.05FuriousGeorgething is, i was using that patch before and it worked.  now im using asterisk 1.4 and i /hear/ its supposed to be built in
08:44.37FuriousGeorgebut i "show hints" and:  "703@outbound            : Local/703@parkedcall  State:Unavailable     Watchers  0"
08:45.18Aces1Updoes anyone here use hosted dedicated servers for their asterisk boxes? just wondering on users experiences with them.
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09:05.56FuriousGeorgecan anyone confirm or deny that hints on chan local really work in 1.4
09:08.24FuriousGeorgeoh, right, i just asked that
09:08.32*** join/#asterisk friedrich| (
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09:25.55purserjevening/afternoon/morning all
09:26.33purserjI'm having a little problem with incoming calls, the connection gets to the server, however instead of being redirected to extension 200 it reports a No Service
09:26.46purserjhere's the part of the config I think is the problem:
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09:54.27*** join/#asterisk porche (n=porche@
09:54.30porchehi there
09:55.20porchei have got a problem with analog lines, with hang up detection, where disconnect supervision is not supported, i am in turkey, got tdm2400p card
09:55.46snuff-awaypurserj, easy problem
09:56.31snuff-awayexten => 0282106725,n,Goto(ext-local,200,1) <== should be 1 instead of 'n' for priority
09:56.36porchehelp wil be appreciated, i am clueless, digging busypattern for about 2 days, no solution
09:57.13snuff-awayn doesn't work for the initial one
10:03.32*** join/#asterisk grndslm (
10:11.48purserjah thankyou very much
10:12.52purserjI'll give it a go once the phone is free
10:16.36purserjhmm, now its reporting SIP/404
10:18.45*** join/#asterisk tr2x (
10:19.50purserjhere's a sip debug output:
10:23.06porcheanyone experienced in analog lines + tdm2400 + hang up detection (without disconnect supervision) ?
10:29.31tzafrir_laptopporche, if disconnect supervision is not supported, use busydetect :-(
10:29.44tzafrir_laptopbut where are you exactly? in what country?
10:32.10porchetzafrir, i am trying it
10:32.21porcheit give a congestion tone on disconnect
10:32.39porchei recorded that tone on disconnect measured the ms on the tone
10:32.52porcheput it to busypattern
10:32.59porchebut still cannot detect,
10:33.06porchetrying to monitor with ztmonitor
10:33.26porchein some docs i read it must measure some 5000
10:33.41porchethat tone measured at 2500 levels, can this be a problem
10:35.57porcheplayed with rxgain also
10:39.07porchetzafrir, any clue for me?
10:39.34porchedoes usermode on module load effect the detection process btw?
10:54.28Bladerunner05Hi all I'm using grandstram gxp-2000 how can I see on the phone near each extension its status: green free, red call in progress....
10:54.51Bladerunner05i'm using also asterisk 1.4.3 and digium tdp400
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10:58.44Kubicekadorah: but i don't send the fax through voip - i send via e1 card to another fax connected to my pbx
11:03.47*** join/#asterisk robin_z (
11:05.03robin_zin an example for time delayed dialing on, the dialstring is exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/200&SIP/201&LOCAL/90015300&LOCAL/90015301)  .. tried that, with a special extension starting 900 to create the right delay, but get a complaint bout "LOCAL" not being recognised ..
11:05.50robin_zdoes the LOCAL channel construct not work in * 1.2?
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11:38.39TJ`morning people
11:39.53niedobryMorning T
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11:41.16zotzhey chr
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11:48.04n0n4m3i've got a little ol' question
11:48.23n0n4m3changing the cid number doesn't work for me :(
11:48.36n0n4m3i'd like to prepend the existing cid number with 91
11:49.09n0n4m3on i found out the variable of the existing cid number - ${CALLERID(num)} and i am trying to se it
11:49.32n0n4m3exten => ${FWDNUMBER},3,Set(CALLERID(number)=91${CALLERID(num)})
11:51.19n0n4m3exten => ${FWDNUMBER},3,Set(CALLERID(num)=91${CALLERID(num)})
11:51.23n0n4m3this also doesn't work
11:51.32n0n4m3it just sets 91 as the CID number
12:09.47*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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12:12.37n0n4m3what does the command NoOp() do?
12:13.02redaxanybody using snom360's here?
12:13.04n0n4m3never mind
12:14.08redaxBLF subscription is not resubmitted after power failure...
12:14.30redaxneither after reboot
12:15.06*** join/#asterisk snuff-away (
12:15.22denke<n0n4m3>: no operation (just a placeholder)
12:16.23denke<n0n4m3>: no operation (just a placeholder)
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12:23.47angryusergood day
12:24.09angryuseris there any api.dll made for asterisk?
12:29.52angryuserto intergrate into my application
12:29.52*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
12:29.52kombitrying to get misdn working with a b1, is there a command to check?
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12:29.53*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
12:29.53Bladerunner05How can configure zapata.conf to use my tdm400p with 4 fxo modules ?
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12:29.53Bladerunner05sorry 4 FXS modules
12:29.53jm|laptopif I get a call incoming from pstn on s extension should I be able to  s,n,Verbose(${CALLERID(num)}) ?
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12:30.45n0n4m3denke thanks
12:32.07angryuserBladerunner05 read the manual, you have some examples there
12:33.34Bladerunner05ok do that, so now when a call arrive to asterisk it don't answer....
12:35.18angryuser Bladerunner05 example of confix tdm with 4Xfxo
12:35.40niedobryn0n4m3 - Try using the SetCallerID function instead of trying to set the variable. Example : exten => 123,1,SetCallerID("91${(CALLERID(NUM)},a)
12:36.35angryuserBladerunner05 do you have s, extension in context where your channels are?
12:38.46denken0n4m3: np
12:41.35kombiwith chan-capi installed, should I see capi related commands in CLI?
12:41.53n0n4m3niedobry SetCallerID() is deprecated... i should use the Set(CALLERID(num)) instead
12:44.05*** join/#asterisk snuff-away (
12:44.44Bladerunner05•angryuser• but this is for zapata.conf ?
12:45.45Bladerunner05•angryuser• yes I have s, but how can ensure that asterisk load the driver ?
12:50.42Bladerunner05in module.conf I will find the call to zapata driver ? in other installation I use chan_capi so this is the first time I use zap
12:54.39niedobryn0n4m3 - Ah, yes sorry I was thinking of SetCIDNum() - is this function also deprecated? No one tells me when things go away anymore..
12:58.23*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
13:05.04kombiBladerunner05: how do you debug chan_capi not registering?
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13:09.08niedobryn0n4m3 - Just tested with : exten => 7004,1,Set(CALLERID(number)=91${CALLERID(num)}) and it did put a 91 in front of my CID.
13:09.39toothey folks. just a quick q. are people still using astmanproxy or what is currently in use?
13:10.06n0n4m3niedobry odd :)
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13:10.35n0n4m3unfortunately freeworlddial is kinda sucky...
13:10.39n0n4m3i keep getting an error
13:10.48n0n4m3-- Called 853914@fwd-outgoing
13:10.48n0n4m3-- Got SIP response 500 "I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (1/SL)" back from
13:10.49n0n4m3-- SIP/fwd-outgoing-081cb700 is circuit-busy
13:11.46*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
13:12.05kombican't get chan_capi to laod, everything is good i modules.conf but no luck.. can someone help?
13:13.05denkekombi is it in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules?
13:13.13niedobryn0n4m3 - are you using SIP or IAX? IAX quit working for me a while ago. Had to switch back to SIP for outgoing.. Not that I use it much.
13:13.31*** join/#asterisk kkeil (
13:13.42kombidenke: that's where it is..
13:14.26kombikeeps throwing: "didn't register itself.."
13:14.33denkekombi: so you have the in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules ok.
13:14.42denkeyou use autoload?
13:15.08kombidenke: you mean put load => in modules.conf?
13:15.14n0n4m3niedobry sip only
13:16.00denkekombi: I mean autoload=yes in modules.conf
13:16.10kombioh.. let's see..
13:16.23kombiyip, autoload = yes
13:16.42denkethen no need to load => chan.....
13:17.02kombidenke: I'll comment those out and try..
13:17.04denkejust make sure, there is no "noload =>"
13:18.31kombidenke: 'chan_capi' did not register itself during load..
13:19.34denkeand autoload=yes, and the modul is at it's place, and it is executeable for asterisk, and there is no "noload" for it?
13:20.16kombiexecutable, let's see..
13:22.26*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
13:23.14kombiautoload = yes, /usr/lib/asterisk/ rwxrwxrwx, ;noload=>chan_capi
13:23.43denkethen from console:
13:24.20kombicompletely empty..
13:24.38denkethe asterisk is running, right?
13:25.38denkethen stop it and start it in console mode. let's see if there is an error for the module...
13:26.44kombidenke: /etc/init.d/asterisk stop && /etc/init.d/asterisk start
13:27.16kombidenke: CLI: restart gracefully
13:27.40denke\/etc/init.d asterisk stop
13:27.53denkeasterisk -c
13:29.09kombidenke: that's how I keep getting the error (asterisk -gc actually, no idea what the g is for)
13:29.53denkewhat about a private cahnnel, I do not want to flood the public one....
13:30.17kombinever been in one, how does that work?
13:30.29kombiI hear you..
13:31.03kombi*denke* do you read me?
13:31.24denkeI opened a new chat
13:31.37kombiare we in it now?
13:31.38denkeat the top of mirc, you should see...
13:32.31kombiI'm on epic here..
13:32.54denkeaham, i do not know it....
13:33.00denkeall right then
13:33.16denkeg is for core dump on segfault
13:33.23denkedo not care for now
13:33.37kombiallright, that is a little over the top then
13:33.55denkeno need for it now
13:34.06denkeso in console mode, what do you see?
13:34.09denkeasterisk -c
13:34.53kombia lot of output and  WARNING[2817]: loader.c:375 load_dynamic_module: Module '' did not register itself during load
13:35.40denkeokey, then exit again, and start it with asterisk -vc
13:35.50denkeat first
13:36.09denkeyou should edit logger.conf, and enable debug on the console
13:37.17kombidebug => debug done
13:38.01kombieven more output now, same error though
13:38.02denkeconsole => notice,warning,error,debug
13:38.14denkeit should be like this
13:38.28denkeand start asterisk -vc
13:38.38*** join/#asterisk cypromis (n=michal@
13:38.58denkeand at the line, that capi did not register you should see the debug, why not...
13:38.59*** part/#asterisk cypromis (n=michal@
13:39.47kombihmm, not yet.. I'll check logger.conf and try again
13:39.57denkeall right
13:41.30kombiuncommented ;debug => debug and console => notice, warning, error, debug
13:41.48jm|laptopmy musiconhold music seems to play the mp3 only twice and doesn't repeat :/
13:41.51jm|laptopwhy might that be?
13:41.52denkeand comment out, where there is no debug
13:42.23kombidenke: done..
13:42.40denkesave it, and run asterisk -vc
13:43.24kombiWARNING[2977]: loader.c:614 load_resource: Module '' could not be loaded.
13:43.45denkea few lines upper? => (Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM))
13:44.02kombi<PROTECTED> => (Say time)
13:44.03kombi[Jun  2 15:42:31] WARNING[2977]: loader.c:375 load_dynamic_module: Module '' did not register itself during load
13:44.39*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
13:46.11kombialready read and obeyed that..
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13:47.44kombidenke: well, tried everything I could google..
13:48.41denkefirst of all, does chan_capi have a config file?
13:49.53kombiwhereis chan_capi returns headers only
13:51.08denkedo you have /etc/asterisk/capi.conf?
13:51.22kombiyip, and configured to match the card
13:52.35kombicard is mentioned in lspci, drivers are nicely loaded..
13:53.37kombihavn't touched /etc/asterisk/capi.conf yet though, loading chan_capi should work first I guess
13:54.24*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
13:55.09denkeI think you also should have to have a /etc/capi.conf
13:55.35denkeand, you have to add to modules.conf:
13:56.03kombinot there as of now, what should be in /etc/capi.conf? the latter I already have
13:56.31denkeI do not know, im googleing
13:56.55denkebut first you add that i wrote to modules.conf
13:57.08kombialready done..
13:57.24kombiI have a suspicion that the debian packages might not be matching
13:57.37denkei do hate debian...
13:58.18kombiusually packages do work with each other though
13:58.33denkeand sometimes they do not is ok to not like debian..;)
13:59.02denkeI have used it enough...
13:59.14denkeI know it's problems
13:59.41kombianyway, how would I tell the module itself does not match?
14:00.03denkecompile it for yourself
14:00.29denkeand my time is up, so I gave to work now
14:00.32kombialready tried, it does not find headers, even though I apt-get installed asterisk-dev
14:00.41kombidenke: thanks!
14:00.56kombiI'll keep tryind..
14:01.00denkenp, that's what I could...
14:01.15kombi..scary bot..
14:18.37*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
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14:58.16riddleboxcan someone tell me a good description of the best way to use background as an AA system, like timeouts and wrong digits and stuff?
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15:11.53yannj_frI am comming back with my problem of call features that dont work during a call
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15:14.34yannj_frhere is my output for feature show :
15:17.02yannj_frand here a complete call (core set verbose 7, sip set debug) :
15:20.54[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, They won't work unless you use an option like "tTwW" in your dial command.
15:21.18yannj_frI will try
15:22.42yannj_frYou are righ (like everytime)
15:23.22riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, do you know of documentation on how I can create a good Auto Attendant?
15:23.23yannj_frhuhu, first time I see you write a french word
15:23.38jm|laptop    << this appears to be lying?!
15:23.42[TK]D-Fender<- Montrealais :)
15:23.58jm|laptopit calls 6060 but then says no such host 6060 and then says 6060 is ringing  ?!
15:24.26yannj_frso you speak french [TK] D-Fender?
15:24.50yannj_frjm|laptop : arent you trying to dial several number at the same time
15:24.59[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, Ou necessaire :)
15:25.02jm|laptopyannj_fr: yeah; but I don't think I listed it twice
15:25.20jm|laptopyannj_fr: oui, mais je ne crois pas que j'ai liste deux fois
15:25.28[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop, do YOU notice any duplication in here? "SIP/6060&SIP/6005&SIP/6060)") in new stack
15:25.36jm|laptop[TK]D-Fender: oh dear
15:25.39[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop, And perhaps something MALFORMED?
15:26.03jm|laptoplike the )
15:26.11jm|laptophow embarrassing
15:26.12[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop, Reveille-toi donc ostie!
15:26.13jm|laptopj'ai honte :(
15:27.03yannj_fr[TK]D-Fender, I see you are in montreal because you use special expression ('reveille toi ostie')
15:27.21jm|laptopyeah; beats the crap outta me: I'm English.
15:27.23yannj_frostie c'est utilisé un peu comme nigot
15:27.50jm|laptopje vois.
15:28.03[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, comme accent je suis mixte entre Quebecois et Parisienne.
15:28.07jm|laptopso something weird was going on with my e164
15:28.10yannj_frat the origin is it a religious word
15:28.34jm|laptopbecause asterisk is on my DNS box (or vice versa) it was having DNS issues resolving my domain
15:28.47jm|laptopeven though the domain itself is hosted elsewhere
15:29.06jm|laptopputting it into /etc/hosts feels like cheating - but I couldn't do it another way
15:29.06*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:29.07yannj_fr(in france me use 1664 instead of e164)
15:29.23jm|laptop. o O ( bloody socialists )
15:29.45yannj_fr(lol ... no, just a joke
15:29.47jm|laptop[TK]D-Fender: qu'est ce que ca veut dire "TK" ?
15:29.58jm|laptopyannj_fr: comme Krononburg?
15:30.17yannj_frliek kronembourg
15:30.33jm|laptopseize cent soixante-quattre
15:31.12jm|laptopin iax.conf I used bindaddr for internal and external IPs and neither seemed to work
15:31.15[TK]D-Fenderjm|laptop, Old AHL clan-name.... thought we talked about that actually...
15:31.29jm|laptopsure it was with ime?
15:31.35jm|laptopc'est possible que j'avais ivre
15:32.31yannj_frdont try to set up asterisk when drunked
15:33.01[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, whisky is NOT a programming-enchancer
15:37.14jm|laptopI'm confused :|
15:39.07jm|laptopit's nothing to do with DNS, I don't think
15:40.45dlynes_laptopjm|laptop, check your /etc/resolv.conf file...make sure it points to an external DNS server as well
15:40.56jm|laptopdlynes_laptop: I don't think it's DNS
15:41.09jm|laptopdlynes_laptop: my DNS server uses resolvers, too
15:41.24dlynes_laptopjm|laptop, try pinging from the asterisk box to the hostname you're having issues with
15:41.42jm|laptopit's just changed ?!
15:41.44dlynes_laptopjm|laptop, that'll tell you whether it's a dns issue or not
15:41.58jm|laptopoh - that one wasn't routable
15:41.59dlynes_laptopjm|laptop, if it can't resolve the hostname from ping, asterisk won't be able to, either
15:42.12jm|laptopdlynes_laptop: it is resolving all the hostnames
15:42.22dlynes_laptopjm|laptop, ah...I just noticed yhou said it fixed it by putting it in /etc/hosts
15:42.24jm|laptopdlynes_laptop: it's just not routing 'properly' apart from one box
15:42.41jm|laptopdlynes_laptop: yeah; that's because I used a local IP in /etc/hosts
15:42.50jm|laptopso it didn't have to 'route' via my external iface
15:43.02jm|laptopmy router does binat, you see
15:43.24jm|laptop192.168.1.100- are binatted to my public /29
15:43.24dlynes_laptopjm|laptop, ah...your internal ip address was trying to access the asterisk box via the external interface?
15:43.45jm|laptopdlynes_laptop: sort of. And ONE of binatted range ( has no problem
15:44.08jm|laptoptraceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
15:44.08jm|laptop1 ( 7.190 ms 9.314 ms 8.883 ms 2 ( 27.819 ms 28.444 ms 27.821 ms 3 ( 53.830 ms 55.670 ms 54.924 ms 4 ( 54.595 ms 54.286 ms 55.423 ms
15:44.09dlynes_laptopjm|laptop, is asterisk port forwarded on the firewall to another machine?
15:44.45dlynes_laptopjm|laptop, ah, ok...nvm then
15:44.49jm|laptopaddress mapping
15:44.52jm|laptopwhatever you want to call is :S
15:45.15jm|laptopthat's what's happening on;  see?
15:45.20dlynes_laptopjm|laptop, I just remember with port forwards, you have to use the internal ip address
15:45.32jm|laptopso when IAX tries to resolve it falls over
15:46.10jm|laptopand I can't receive incoming IAX calls - unless I waggle the asterisk box into knowing the local IP of '' when it's trying to route to itself
15:46.40jm|laptopit probably makes sense
15:47.09jm|laptopcome October I'll be hosting on that box, too
15:47.12dlynes_laptopjm|laptop, so the asterisk box is trying to connect to itself, and you're using the hostname that it's known as on the net
15:47.14jm|laptopand all will be well with the world.
15:47.22jm|laptopdlynes_laptop: I think that's it, yes.
15:47.33jm|laptopdlynes_laptop: however - ONE box in the range would have no problem doing that
15:47.38dlynes_laptopjm|laptop, yeah, then you have to put it in the hosts don't have any other choice
15:47.44jm|laptopbecause binat would map it back to the private IP
15:48.01jm|laptopthis is where I found myself
15:48.05jm|laptopfeels very hacky though
15:48.17dlynes_laptopjm|laptop, otherwise the bimap will block the traffic
15:48.18jm|laptopI could get around it by implementing a DMZ
15:48.45*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=Bersirc@unaffiliated/wakku)
15:48.50waKKumorning folks ;)
15:49.44waKKuall... can someone explain a simple doubt mine: what that "_" before number of exten means ?
15:50.01waKKuie: exten => _3027[3-6]X, ..... ?
15:50.03[TK]D-FenderwaKKu, Means its supposed to be a pattern match
15:50.32waKKuhm.. so, _ means anything before 3027 ?
15:50.45waKKulike a regx
15:50.46jm|laptop_3027[3-6] is short pattern match for  30273 or 30274 or 30275 or 30276
15:50.58[TK]D-FenderwaKKu, no it means it willactually look at the "X" and stuff in [] as not being LITERAL.
15:51.01waKKuyeah.. i know.. my doubt is "_"
15:51.09[TK]D-FenderwaKKu, Yes, I guess you could say that
15:51.24*** join/#asterisk adorah (
15:51.32[TK]D-FenderwaKKu, "_" tells * that what follows is a pattern-match (like regex)
15:51.33jm|laptopso I need an mpg123 alternative ...
15:52.00jm|laptopmacintel:~# apt-cache search asterisk addons
15:52.18waKKuhm.. so, if asterisk receive 113027* or 483027*, will match, right ? :)
15:52.23*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:52.30jm|laptopwaKKu: no ?
15:52.57jm|laptopwouldn't that be  _X.3027X.  ?!
15:53.11waKKujm|laptop u r confusing me man..
15:53.14[TK]D-FenderwaKKu, ah.  "_" doe NOT represent the wildcarded spot ITSEWLF
15:53.27ManxPowerYou CANNOT have a . anywhere but at the END of the pattern
15:53.31jm|laptopthe _ says "I'm abouts to give you a pattern match not a literal number"
15:53.33waKKuboth r conusing me, now
15:53.36waKKulol :D
15:53.37jm|laptopManxPower: sorry :(
15:53.43[TK]D-FenderwaKKu, it indicates that the REST of it is a match.  the "_" is NOT part of the pattern itself.
15:54.00[TK]D-FenderwaKKu, think of it like an operator
15:54.02jm|laptophow do you say 'any number of' then?
15:54.02waKKuhmmm... understood ;)
15:54.15ManxPowerSort of like s/windows/linux/g  s/ and / and /g are NOT part of the pattern
15:54.20waKKu[0-9] ?
15:54.34jm|laptop"any number between 0 and 9"
15:54.53jm|laptop0 - 9 = -9
15:54.55ManxPowerX = any number, N = 2-9, Z=1-9
15:55.06[TK]D-FenderwaKKu, "[0-9]" is actually the same as "X"
15:55.08waKKuthanks guys... ;)
15:55.22waKKu[TK]D-Fender yeah.. i saw it now
15:55.23jm|laptopManxPower: I take it you can match "any digits" then 1234 then "any digits" as it's just not useful in a dialplan
15:55.24ManxPower. means 1 or more of any character
15:55.26waKKui'm reading handbook
15:55.48waKKuso X. in asterisk is the same of ".*" on regex ;)
15:55.58ManxPowerjm|laptop: well, more correctly X = any single digit
15:55.59waKKuman.. they like confuse my mind..
15:56.19jm|laptopManxPower: yeah; but you said . must only be used at end of match; which is fair enough
15:56.38ManxPowerwaKKu: no.  ".*" matches any character in a regex, but X only matches any DIGIT
15:56.40jm|laptop[16:52] <waKKu> hm.. so, if asterisk receive 113027* or 483027*, will match, right ? :)     << I was referring to this and wondering just how you'd match for such a thing
15:56.50jm|laptopwaKKu: \d.
15:56.55jm|laptopbut that's not Asterisk
15:57.00jm|laptopyou're confusing YOURSELF now! :D
15:57.15ManxPowerIf you only want to match those two strings, then you don't use patterns
15:57.50waKKuyeah yeah.. i got it .. what matters is that i understood (i swear) :)
15:57.55jm|laptopManxPower: yes and nevermind it's a futile exercise anyway
15:58.17ManxPowerjm|laptop: I'm not finished with my first cup of coffee.  All bets are off. 8-)
15:58.22jm|laptopshould I use madplay seeing as I don't have access to addons and therefore no moh_mp3 module
15:58.36jm|laptopor whatever it's called in addons
15:58.43riddleboxcan someone tell me if the exten =>t,n,Set(TRIES..... line of this is correct?
15:59.05ManxPowerriddlebox: most of the dialplan examples on the Wiki are wrong in some small way
15:59.32riddleboxI am finding that out :) it works up until that line, then it errors out
15:59.55ManxPowerriddlebox: no, that line is totally wrong
16:00.30ManxPowerriddlebox: want the off the top of my head, before I finish my first cup of coffee correction of that line?
16:00.52riddleboxsure, it cant hurt
16:01.04ManxPowerBTW, the line after that is wrong too
16:01.18riddleboxyeah I figured, since they were related
16:01.19ManxPowerSet(TRIES=$[${TRIES} + 1])
16:01.28ManxPower$[] means "evaluate"
16:02.51ManxPowerriddlebox: want a WORKING, PRODUCITON IVR example?
16:02.53riddleboxman there is so much to learn
16:03.05riddleboxsure I am looking for ideas of what to do
16:03.21jm|laptopriddlebox: telephone engineering is somewhat an expansive discipline!
16:03.24yannj_fr[TK] D-Fender : feature work now, but when trying to transfer, only a part of my pressed digit is taken
16:03.33jm|laptopAsterisk has brought it nicely to the people
16:03.46jm|laptopbut it's somewhat untrivial
16:03.47yannj_frlike 85 instead of 8500
16:04.16ManxPoweryannj_fr: That is odd.  What SIP phone are you using?>
16:04.17[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, Hrm....
16:04.34[TK]D-FenderManxPower, He's using features.conf
16:04.35riddleboxjm|laptop, well its not hard when I am work, I dont have as many options with the pbx's and voicemails we sell
16:04.49yannj_frI try to change the time
16:04.52jm|laptopI see
16:05.03ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: well that is silly
16:05.28yannj_frfeaturedigittimeout = 2800
16:05.46yannj_frwhy ManxPower?
16:06.12ManxPoweryannj_fr: most phones have a perfectly good transfer button
16:06.50riddleboxI am trying to get my dialplan up to [TK]D-Fender's approval :)
16:06.50yannj_fryes but I also use analog one
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16:07.12ManxPoweranalog has a perfectly aoogd FLASH/RECALL key
16:07.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower, silly is sometimes necessary, but I didn't actually confirm that its so in this case.
16:07.37[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I was just helping with the problem, not the reasoning for his approach
16:08.40[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, what is that analog phone plugged into?
16:09.00yannj_frhandytone 386
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16:09.24[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, EW... go check its manual and see how IT transfers calls.  Most ATA's have their own facility for this.
16:09.25ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I understand.  It is much easier to help a person attach a rocket to their Yugo, than to convince them that doing so is a bad idea.
16:09.51[TK]D-FenderManxPower, "Hello my name is Achmed.... and I drive a bullet-proof Lada!"
16:10.30jm|laptopmadplay isn't working for me :(
16:11.07ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I was actually referring to a guy that attached an actual rocket to their car then test drove it in the desert.  Smashed into a cliff at like 300Mph.  Not much left.
16:11.07jm|laptopit plays to dsp okay ...
16:11.44ManxPowerI think he got a Darwin Award
16:11.47yannj_frmy thought was also that if I use several kind of phones , analog ones, gs, thomson, the common way to make a tranfert could be by pressing digit, and it is also a way to be compliant with previous pabx
16:11.53[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Seen similar on Mythbusters... just without the crash part :)
16:12.25[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, ICK.  No the best way is use a DECENT SIP phone everywhere and not mess with DTMF crap at all
16:12.48yannj_fryou are true!
16:12.57yannj_frright (f****)
16:13.33yannj_frbut stay easier to park a call with #72 !
16:14.04ManxPoweryannj_fr: I think you are discovering that it is not easier
16:14.37ManxPowerBoth and FAIL when I paste my IVR stuff
16:15.28yannj_frthey failed for a few time
16:15.46[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I think you disable its parser
16:17.02riddleboxok thanks
16:17.17ManxPowerriddlebox: this is for 1.2.x
16:17.40riddleboxohh mine is 1.4.x
16:18.50ManxPowerriddlebox: you may be able to chance all "SetVar" to Set
16:19.35jm|laptopooh fixed
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16:21.00pruonckkHi all
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16:23.31[TK]D-FenderManxPower, You should sed yours up now so you don't ahve to keep saying that :)
16:24.51riddleboxManxPower, this is what I have, but the exten => i... lines always call the first extension?
16:25.04jm|laptoptransferring calls doesn't seem to work for me :(
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16:28.20ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: In my opinion 1.4 is not ready for droduction
16:28.20ManxPoweror for production
16:28.20[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Thats fine, but your configs aren't even really 1.2 spec.... and sets a bad example you have to correct yoruself on.
16:28.46ManxPower500 - Internal Server Error for
16:29.04[TK]D-FenderManxPower, And how often do you reevaluate 1.4 and what parts need to be fixed to agree ith you?
16:29.34ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: At this point I don't.  I watch the mailinglist discussions
16:30.16ManxPowerOnce those die down then I check Mantis for outstanding bugs, once that is done I build a test server.
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16:31.07ManxPower1.4 is getting better and better in each release.
16:31.24[TK]D-FenderManxPower, whats a key bug thats on your check-list?
16:31.38ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I'll bet neither IAXTel, nor Digium run 1.4 in production
16:31.57ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: pretty much anything that creates a core dump or any one that I think I might encounter.
16:32.25ManxPowerI have NOT looked at the latest 1.4.x, however.
16:32.57ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: heck, 1.2.18 isn't ready for production on my systems.  There is some bug in app_macro that caused us seg faults at least once per day.
16:34.25ManxPowerUgh.  I just picked up my cup of coffee and discovered a wasp doing the backstroke in it.
16:35.20[TK]D-FenderManxPower, its not a BUTTERFLY you know.... don't go all style-nazi on it! ;)
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16:36.26ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: so pouring some rubbing alcohol into the cup and putting a book on top of it was a but much for a 1.5 point loss for technique ?
16:36.34ManxPowerbut -- bit
16:37.25[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Microwave... bees go airborne in the first 5 seconds then bounce off the walls REALLY fast, and I stop when they hit bottm :)
16:38.16ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: no bug guts everywhere?
16:38.23[TK]D-Fenderheh, ok, anyways, martial arts await.... cute girls with sharp blades.... YUMMM
16:38.27ManxPowerI hate wasps
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16:39.07[TK]D-FenderManxPower, they fall from internal hemhorrage first, its minor, not a full explode or splat.  But you have to stop when they fall.
16:39.14samy_b1hey all
16:39.17[TK]D-Fenderok, outta here for a while/
16:40.06riddleboxManxPower, my IVR basically is for so and so press 1 and for so and so press 2, but for some reason when you press 2 it calls the extension which is option 1?
16:40.48ManxPowerriddlebox: if I could see your pastebin, but it fails when I connect to it
16:40.51samy_b1is it posible to have a custom Disa prompts like for example if you don't dial your aceess code correctly to say invalid password and give you one more try
16:41.03riddleboxManxPower, hrmm hold on let me try another one then
16:41.12samy_b1and if yes how can i do that ?
16:41.19ManxPowerriddlebox: I have to go do stuff anywhery
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16:41.44riddleboxcrap ohh well thanks
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16:43.43davidcsiiihello all, anyone knows why i'm getting this? Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: XXXXXX
16:47.52riddleboxManxPower, I got it working, I am a moron
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17:25.49MrWupanyone here use the aastra 9133i?
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18:02.51Strom_MAdobe Flash?
18:02.55Strom_Mor hookflash?
18:03.22jm|laptophow to transfer from old fashioned phone or SIP phone with just DTMF available
18:04.03Strom_Mwell, to transfer on an analog set, you flash, dial the destination number, and hang up once it starts ringing
18:04.20Strom_Mon a SIP phone, you use the "transfer" button
18:04.24Strom_Muh, no
18:04.27Strom_Mxlite isnt an analog set
18:04.31jm|laptopsure, I can do it with my Ciscos
18:04.36jm|laptopI know - xlite has a Flash button though
18:04.48Strom_Mwhat the shit does a sip phone need a Flash button for
18:05.00Strom_Mthere is no such thing as a hookflash in SIP
18:05.12jm|laptopoh ok
18:05.19jm|laptopI was just trying stuff out with linphone, too
18:17.14riddleboxStrom_M, are you familiar with Avaya switches?
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18:18.00Strom_Mwhat kinds of Avaya switches?
18:18.34riddleboxwell like the Communication Manager and IP Office, they have a feature called twinning, I was wondering if there was a way to have asterisk do that as well
18:18.57Strom_Mah, you want to do shared line appearances
18:19.47riddleboxwith the twinning, you can press a button, and your office phone and cell phone will ring at the same time, you can answer on your cell then pick up the call on your office phone if you want
18:21.00Strom_MI think that /might/ be possible, but I haven't played with the SLA stuff, so I don't really have any experience to back me up
18:21.17ManxPowerriddlebox: twinning really only works well if you are not using FXO ports
18:21.54Strom_Mwell sure; I was imagining an ISDN or IAX2 channel out to teh PSTN
18:21.59riddleboxno analog lines then right, it will work with like T1/PRI?
18:23.10ManxPowerriddlebox: That is only one of the issues.  What if the call goes to the cellphone voicemail?
18:24.04ManxPoweranswering machine detection just doesn't generally work all that well, and telling the caller to
18:24.04ManxPowerpress 1 to accept the call
18:24.09ManxPoweris annoying
18:24.12riddleboxyeah, I understand that it is complex, I was just thinking that if there was a solution for it, it would be a huge selling point, to bigger customers
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18:24.29ManxPowerand so would the message that was left on the cell phone telling them to press 1
18:25.47Strom_MI have a far simpler solution:
18:25.48Strom_M"I'm out of the office right now.  To call my mobile phone, press *; otherwise, leave me a message after the tone"
18:25.48ManxPoweris there even a need for it?  Follow Me + Transfer seems like it would be enough
18:25.49Strom_Mthat way, only the urgent calls go to your mobile phone
18:26.04ManxPowerStrom_M: All calls are urgent!
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18:26.28Strom_MThank you for calling BonerTel.
18:28.38ManxPowerThey sell Bonn Bonns?
18:28.53riddleboxand in voicemail, you can only set options for *, and 0 right?
18:29.36ManxPowerriddlebox: Correct.  However, either one of those options just sends the caller back into the dialplan and you can have an IVR or any number of things at that point
18:30.18*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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18:31.53Strom_Mkarlhaines: sorry, you've got it wrong.
18:32.02Strom_Mthe correct answer is Q'
18:32.12*** part/#asterisk pruonckk (n=mike@
18:32.17karlhainesi'm trying to move my trixbox install over to another HDD, and when i try to boot from the drive afterwards it wont boot
18:32.28karlhainesmkrootdev: label not found
18:32.32Strom_Mthis is not #trixbox
18:32.35karlhainessomething like that. and then a kernel panic
18:32.38Strom_Mand that's not even an asterisk question
18:32.39karlhainesStrom_M: NO, really?
18:35.07*** join/#asterisk SuperID (
18:35.32Dovidnope: kernel panic = Linux Issue
18:36.17karlhainestrixbox sucks :)
18:39.17yannj_frdoes anyone knows about this error when using meetme
18:39.18yannj_fr[Jun  2 20:37:30] WARNING[4433]: channel.c:3141 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'zap'
18:39.18yannj_fr[Jun  2 20:37:30] WARNING[4433]: app_meetme.c:762 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo channel - trying device
18:39.18yannj_fr[Jun  2 20:37:30] WARNING[4433]: app_meetme.c:765 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device
18:39.34Doviddo u have a hardware device ?
18:39.40Dovidif not do u have ztdummy ?
18:40.07Doviddo u have any hardware on ur asterisk box ?
18:40.31yannj_fronly normal computer
18:40.45jbotmethinks ztdummy is a driver that interacts with zaptel to provide a timing source to Asterisk. On 2.4.x kernals, timing is obtained from a UHCI USB controller. It will not work with OHCI controllers. On 2.6.0 and later kernels, the timing is provided by the kernel, thus no hardware is required at all.
18:40.45Dovidu need to build zaptel with ztdummy
18:41.23Dovidhave a look here:
18:43.07riddleboxhrmm think its time to play the wii for a bit
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18:53.11DovidShavuah Tov Nir
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19:06.13denkeIs it a bugm that when asterisk segfaults, it puts the core file to cwd, and not /tmp??
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19:23.48bkw__denke, asterisk isn't at fault for putting a core file in the cwd
19:24.01bkw__if you started asterisk from the cwd it will dump that
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19:25.35denkeSo If I want Asterisk to dump the core files to /tmp (like it should be), then I have to change to directory to /tmp before starting asterisk?
19:28.33bkw__you need to set the sysctl kernel.core_pattern
19:29.13bkw__sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern = /tmp/core.%e.%p
19:29.25denkethanx bkw__!
19:29.35bkw__sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=/tmp/core.%e.%p
19:29.36bkw__no spaces
19:30.17denkethank you!
19:30.21bkw__as you can see this was not an asterisk iss but your OS :)
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20:26.31jrenzemaHi all.  Basic question here.  I have three SIP accounts.  All three are authenticating against the server without problem.  However, I am having problems with inbound routing. The only way I can get it to work is if I leave it wide open. I have tried wrapping my DID in .'s, but that doesn't seem to help.  Any ideas where I should be looking?
20:26.40zeeeshhi asll
20:30.29wunderkinzeeesh, 21/f/cebu.. i luv lon walk on beach and kiss many boy.. u?
20:32.05[TK]D-FenderAmerican Sign Language?
20:32.53jbot[ael] Asterisk Extension Language - a dialplan language with 'c like' syntax?
20:33.14jm|laptophow do I "enable" extensions.ael ?
20:33.33yannj_frI think ael is enable automaticaly
20:33.36yannj_frisnt it,
20:33.38jm|laptopthat's what I thought
20:33.49yannj_frbecause when I do a "reload"
20:33.53jm|laptopI can't get ael-demo to go
20:33.54yannj_frI saw compilation
20:34.47yannj_frtry : "load module"
20:35.07jm|laptopmacintel:/etc/asterisk# grep pbx_ael /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
20:35.07jm|laptopload =>
20:35.28yannj_frand else  : /etc/asterisk/modules.conf with autoload=yes
20:35.36jm|laptopthat's there too
20:35.51yannj_frjm, wich version do you use?
20:37.23jm|laptopI think I fixed it :/
20:37.43jm|laptopdon't want to say
20:37.47jm|laptopI'm embarrassed again
20:37.53yannj_frdo it
20:38.11yannj_frI really like to laught at british
20:38.16jm|laptopinclude => ael-default in my extensions.conf
20:38.51yannj_fris it workin
20:39.37yannj_frI am not sure but i think ael is more light in term of cpu use
20:39.52jm|laptopI want to play with say phonetic
20:40.04yannj_frsay phonetic?
20:41.38yannj_frsomething like voice synthesis?
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20:43.14yannj_frdo someone knows a way to do restriction about codec use regarding the path it is taking
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20:55.51shido6disallow= and allow= in sip or iax dot conf
20:56.27yannj_frbut with that you cannot separate if the host is local or not
20:56.34yannj_fras an example
20:56.46yannj_frI have an asterisk box in my main site
20:56.51yannj_frand agencies
20:57.00fastfeetWhen talking about the GSM that asterisk thinks is cool, are they talking about: GSM 06.10 Full Rate (FR), GSM 06.20 Half Rate (HR),  GSM 06.60 Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) , or  GSM 06.90 Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR)
20:57.31yannj_frI would like a call into an agency to be in g711
20:57.32[TK]D-Fenderfastfeet, 6.10
20:57.47yannj_frand as soon as it use wan link, in g729
20:58.02fastfeetGeeze Fender, your always helping me out.... Thank you sir....
20:58.11[TK]D-Fenderfastfeet, np
20:58.36yannj_fr(fender because of the guitar brandt?)
20:59.33[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, Nope.  Old FPS gaming nick & clan ([TK])
21:00.04[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, D-Fender was the nick I took when playing Tribes 1 CTF.  I tended to "guard the base"
21:00.06yannj_fr(tk was a CS clan , isnt?)
21:00.37[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, I'm sure there were [TK]'s in tons of different games.  My clan was an Action:Half-Life one
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21:01.35[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, I play Dean & Ibanez guitars personally :)
21:02.20yannj_fr(I have an Ibanez X series, a an SG200 and a stratocaster)
21:03.03[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, Ibanez EX-360 (15 years old), and a 24-fret dual locking Dean.
21:03.38yannj_frmy x serie is a destroyer of 1984
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21:04.27[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, Never went for the Destroyer or Flying-V style personally.  Strat is pretty basic, but not quite me.  I need Dual locking and a relatively tradition body.
21:05.04yannj_frwhat kind of music do you play?
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21:05.57[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, progressive/hard rock, metal, and classical.
21:06.29yannj_frmore old school or new?
21:06.39[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, I'm trapped in the 80's :)
21:07.07[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, Warrant, Whitesnake, Poison, Bon Jovi, Skid Row, Motley Crue, Iron Maiden, etc...
21:07.18yannj_frdo you know lauren harris?
21:07.35[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, Doesn't ring a bell..
21:08.01yannj_frit is the steve harris (iron maiden bassist) daughter
21:08.41yannj_frshe created her own band, with a mix of rock and heavy metal
21:09.41[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, Is she hot, single and living close to me? :)
21:09.54yannj_frbut I know her
21:10.03yannj_frshe is beautiful, and not so far from me
21:12.15[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, yum... listening to her now.
21:12.17[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, She is a straight rocker.
21:12.41yannj_frrock with some heavy solos
21:13.39yannj_frI met her while is was on the tour with Within Temptation
21:14.22[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, I'm more of an instrumentalist my self.  Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, John Petrucci, Neil Zaza, etc.
21:14.56yannj_frI like satriani
21:15.34yannj_frpetrucci, I only now iam cause of dream theater
21:19.06*** join/#asterisk _charly_ (
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21:20.10yannj_frI dont manage to make ztdummy module work
21:20.23[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, check out Liquid Tension Experiment then.... amazing stuff
21:20.29zeeeshwhat does it mean "Resolving failed: Temporary failure in name resolution."????
21:20.53yannj_fryour dns didnt give the answer
21:22.11*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
21:22.14yannj_frlook at your /etc/
21:22.21yannj_frlook at your /etc/resolv.conf
21:29.04zeeesh<[TK]D-Fender>: trying to download new version of asterisk.facing this problem, will u pls guide  "Resolving failed: Temporary failure in name resolution."????
21:30.33[TK]D-Fenderzeeesh, yannj_fr already pointed you in the right direction.  Go check your DNS & networking
21:33.04yannj_fr(hey! I dont say only stupid things!)
21:36.35*** join/#asterisk nath0099 (
21:39.40nath0099hi i am on asteriskNOW but want to change to asterisk 1.4.4 is there an easy way to do this i dont care about any data
21:39.59yannj_frreinstall any other distrib
21:40.09yannj_frafter having format your disc
21:40.23angryusernath0099: install debian, use 'asteriskguru' in google to install
21:40.33[TK]D-Fendernath0099, Go downlaod the source and recompile * & zaptel
21:41.07yannj_frproblem is to uninstall asterisk in asterisk now
21:42.11nath0099problem is i aint got many blank disks so was hoping there was a way to do it without using another disk
21:42.41yannj_fryou said you dont care about data isnt it?
21:42.46[TK]D-Fendernath0099, I jsut told you.  Go download & compile * & zaptel like normal over it.
21:42.53angryusernath0099: why use another disc, you said you dont care
21:43.38nath0099cdr that is sorry im running out of them
21:44.07angryusernath0099: mybe cd disk?;)
21:44.23carrar1 blank dvd
21:44.25nath0099yer about two left
21:44.27carraris all you need
21:44.38nath0099cant do dvd
21:44.43yannj_frusb key
21:44.51angryusernath0099: use usb key install
21:45.32nath0099cd-r is all i have unless there is a way to overwrite *NOW
21:45.41nath0099through ssh
21:46.11angryuserhm as fender said , recompile from sources
21:46.18*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
21:46.25Dovidevening all
21:46.34russellbnath0099: if you have questions about asterisknow, you can try #asterisknow
21:46.42russellbi would be surprised if 1.4.4 wasn't in there yet ...
21:46.58russellbhave you tried "conary update asterisk" ?
21:46.59bkw__yo yo yo
21:47.01yannj_frit is
21:47.03bkw__russellb, how ya doing?
21:47.07nath0099other than i dont like it not enough options
21:47.13russellbjust having a lazy weekend
21:47.15bkw__russellb, who at digium has an intel mac?
21:47.20nath0099so *now has to go
21:47.27russellbbkw__: hrm, not sure
21:47.35bkw__ah just wondering
21:48.01yannj_frwhen installing zaptel module , do you need to reconfigure your kernel?
21:48.23yannj_frjust modprobe zaptel?
21:48.36bkw__more like modprobe yourhardwaremodule
21:48.56yannj_frbut it said that isnt exist
21:49.02bkw__depmod -a
21:49.06angryuseris there any api.dll wrapper where i can build my application? i need a simple function, when i push a button * calls a client number, call me, and connect us two
21:49.16bkw__"yourhardwaremodule" should be replaced with the proper module for your zaptel hardware
21:49.28yannj_frModule zaptel not found
21:49.36bkw__then go install it
21:49.51yannj_frbut i did a "make install"
21:49.56bkw__run depmod -a
21:50.02yannj_frdid too
21:50.41angryuseryannj_fr: salut yann ;)
21:50.50yannj_frca vA?
21:51.13angryuseryannj_fr: so ho is your module writing is going?
21:51.35yannj_frI didnt have time to start
21:52.04yannj_frhave to present to my boss asterisk on tuesday
21:52.15yannj_frso need to finish to write the demonstration
21:52.20angryuseryannj_fr: my server in production allready, still need some improuvemens
21:52.41yannj_frhow many users on it
21:53.02angryuseryannj_fr: nut much around 25 or so
21:53.50yannj_frI will need 200 by server
21:53.55angryuseryannj_fr: but our bill will fall down to 25% from actual
21:54.01yannj_frit will drive me crazy
21:54.34yannj_frI am not sleeping a lot for 3 weeks
21:54.52angryuseryannj_fr:hehe i image when time to configure phone will come
21:55.29yannj_frI need to write a speacial feature , to change the user account on the phone
21:55.43yannj_frwill take me time
21:55.47angryuserwhat phone have you chosen?
21:55.55yannj_frnot choosen yet
21:56.05yannj_frthe customer will have the choice
21:56.40angryuseryannj_fr: not every phone can support custom scripts
21:56.42yannj_frI'll present grandstream budgetone 200 , gxp2000, thomson st2030, snom 320 , atas, and aaaaaaaaaaaaaa CISCO one
21:56.51yannj_fryes I know
21:56.59*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
21:57.02angryuseryannj_fr: haha cisco good luck
21:57.12[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, ICK.  to ALL OF THEM.
21:57.14yannj_frI would like to change my autoprovisioning
21:57.42[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, Maudite pile to cochonnerie!
21:58.03*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
21:58.14yannj_frCisco one is the worst, cannot use a domain name and a different proxy
21:58.27[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, Polycom, Aastra & Linksys
21:58.36yannj_frI will buy some
21:58.47yannj_frPolycom are certainly good ones
21:58.59yannj_frI had some conference room before
21:59.00angryuseri like snom's, nise design, and aastra, robust
21:59.39yannj_fris autoprovisionning easy on polycom and aastra?
21:59.47angryuseraastra's couls be used for self defence in case;)
22:00.06RyushinI'm pulling my hair out on this one.  Starting asterisk, and running "zap show channels" displays no channels.  I've configured them in zapata.conf but they aren't showing up.
22:00.12*** join/#asterisk snuff-away (
22:00.12[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, Easier (simpler learning curve)  on Aastra.  Polycom give you massive control, but it IS more complex.
22:00.25[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, You found your point! ;)
22:00.32RyushinThis is on a new system using a sangoma a200 card.
22:01.00[TK]D-FenderRyushin, Started up wanrouter, checked ifconfig, "cat /proc/interrupts", etc?
22:01.12yannj_frI will have a look at that
22:01.18angryuserand what about mass deployement, you would not configure 200 phone manually, how can it be done?
22:01.33yannj_frby autoprovisionning
22:01.35bkw__angryuser, tftp and option 66
22:01.39Ryushinwanrouter starts up.  ztcfg -vvvv shows all the channels there.
22:02.02[TK]D-FenderRyushin, then your zapata is busted
22:02.25RyushinOkay, then I wonder why asterisk starts up then if zapata is screwed.
22:02.29RyushinShouldn't it die on startup?
22:02.40bkw__that would be the dumbest behavior
22:03.04RyushinOkay, I'll rewrite my zapata config.
22:05.04angryuserbkw__:  what is option 66?
22:05.49carrarit's one option higher then 65
22:06.14angryusercarrar: possible;)
22:07.13[TK]D-FenderRyushin, By screwed I mean just not right.
22:07.17[TK]D-FenderRyushin, pastebin it
22:07.49[TK]D-Fenderangryuser, 66 = TFTP server IP/host
22:08.06yannj_fryes , some need too 67 : TFT file
22:08.07angryuser[TK]D-Fender: ok
22:08.10RyushinIt's all right.  I had something messed up.  I copied a config from another server and restarted it.  It finds it now.  I'll modify this config now for this server.
22:08.20RyushinThanks though, this has been bugging me.
22:08.55yannj_frregularly, phone go on a tftp erver provided by 66 dhcp optiion and look at a fil life xxxxx-MACADDRESS.cnf
22:09.01*** join/#asterisk n0n4m3 (
22:09.13yannj_frwith that you can give them the right params
22:09.15RyushinSo yea, I'm an idiot.
22:09.16angryuserso by tftp you need basicly modify the firmware to change default options?
22:09.44yannj_frnot the firmware
22:09.51yannj_frjust config
22:10.50angryuseryannj_fr: i was not sure if the files are packed in one file
22:11.46yannj_fras an example snom 320 look for snom320.html
22:11.54yannj_frthis is a default configuration
22:12.04yannj_frand then snom320-MACADRESS.html
22:12.08n0n4m3anyone of you guys uses freeworlddialup?
22:12.30yannj_frand the complete config can be done by these files
22:13.00angryusercarrar: this is more talking, rather than link to dhcp server;)
22:15.06waKKufolks.. someone recommends me another iax softfone (for windows) than idefisk ?
22:15.27yannj_frno in my idea
22:17.44carrarwell you might want to learn about setting up a DHCP server
22:17.58carrarsince your questions are related to how the DHCP server works
22:17.58*** join/#asterisk kombi (n=kombi@
22:18.36waKKucspot tnx.. ;
22:18.39kombican't get chan_capi to load, can someone help?a "did not register itself"...
22:19.43kombiregister itself with what?
22:20.27angryusercarrar: it was not a offencive post;) anyway thx for info
22:21.06yannj_frI still dont have any idea for my codec matter
22:21.09*** join/#asterisk snuff-away (
22:21.12carrarit was not a offensive post
22:21.27carrarI try not to post things that are offensive
22:22.44angryuser>.< :)
22:23.25kombiwhy would any module not register itself?
22:24.19kombiI'll try with -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgc now..
22:26.12kombi"Module '' did not register itself during load" <- what is that?
22:26.42*** join/#asterisk DrukenLPY (
22:27.05DrukenLPYwhat's current stable?
22:27.24wunderkinvery impatient..
22:28.33[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, Yellowstone.... but I wouldn't put long-term odds on it ;)
22:28.40yannj_frkombi : what version do you use, how did you installed it?
22:29.03[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, Yes... the park.
22:29.13DrukenLPYhave i missed something....
22:29.38DrukenLPY[TK]D-Fender: gotta be a punchline i'm not gettin :)
22:30.23[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, Geologically challenged... pfft
22:31.38DrukenLPY[TK]D-Fender: yep... if it's not got roads, i'm not interested... :) and well... yellowstone park, not only isn't in canada, but doesn't have enough roads for my attention
22:31.54[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, Yellowstone is FULL of geysers including "Old Faithful" which erupts on a regular basis (hence its name).
22:32.31[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, And the entire area is quite likely to explode on a level that'll make Mt. Etna looks like a cherry-bomb.
22:32.40[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, How's THAT for "stable" ;)
22:33.01DrukenLPYsounds a bit.... Developmental....
22:34.26*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (
22:35.46DrukenLPYi need a small fridge in my office... it's a pain having to run downstairs to get a new drink
22:35.52apturaTK did you see tht yellowstone docudrama ?
22:36.24[TK]D-Fenderaptura, Nope....
22:36.56apturaIt was fairly life like simulated new coverage of the magna chamber blowing up and convering most of the us in ash.
22:38.11[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, then THIS is for you!
22:38.19apturaI have been to mount saint hellens before. the devistation was mind blowing. Trees twisted to exteeem limitets and all the trees has ripped right off the bases.
22:39.28apturaI lived in Tacoma duing many of its eruptions. once I was going over the Tacoma narrows bridge on a clear sunny day and saw a impressive mushroom cloud in the distance. I said to my mom "well looks like we pissed off russia this time"
22:39.46yannj_frworderfaull the launcher
22:40.16apturait really did look like a nuke went off and had the same look as what is shown from the nevada test sites.
22:40.20[TK]D-Fenderaptura, 32 empty missile silos, a mushroom cloud on the horizon... NOW its "Miller Time" (tm) !
22:40.50DrukenLPY[TK]D-Fender: all i can think of is how foamy that beer would be....
22:41.12apturaI did not hear the may 18th eruption but alot of other people did all the way up into canada.
22:41.43apturaThere is 200 feet of ash filling the valley below the mountain.
22:42.44[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, cradle as you catch :)
22:42.59apturaanyway need to split.
22:43.29DrukenLPYanyone used a sipura 3000 as a FXO device??
22:43.31[TK]D-FenderNext week... projector mount and living-room reconstruction!
22:43.38[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, I have.
22:43.41DrukenLPYi tried it once i think... don't really remember
22:43.48[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, Works fine, EC is spotty at times.
22:44.07DrukenLPYanything special to setting it up ?
22:44.16[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, Not really
22:44.36[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY, if you want the walk-through go to and check out the forums.
22:44.54robin_zahh pooh
22:45.31robin_zI have a dial(LOCAL/1001&LOCAL/1002&LOCAL/1003) sort of line
22:45.50robin_zand if any one of them has DND ... it drops the whole call out to voicemail
22:46.01*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
22:48.20[TK]D-Fenderrobin_z, So go fix it.  this is DIALPLAN basics.
22:49.45robin_zwhat I am *trying* to do is a neater way of :
22:49.52robin_zincoming call ...
22:50.00robin_zrings receptionisto for 10 seconds
22:50.02RyushinVersion 1.4 of asterisk doesn't like this extensions.conf.  exten => 2918,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERIDNUM}" = "${EXTEN}"]?500)
22:50.08RyushinWhat would be the correct syntax now?
22:50.19robin_zrings recptionist and sales guy  for another 10
22:50.30robin_zrings about 5 people for another 20
22:50.31[TK]D-FenderRyushin, ${CALLERIDNUM} is deprecated since 1.2
22:50.51RyushinThat explains why its not longer working.  :)
22:51.04[TK]D-FenderRyushin, exten => 2918,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "${EXTEN}"]?500)
22:51.08robin_zso I used the '900
22:51.22[TK]D-FenderRyushin, go read up on the new functions and other changes since 1.0
22:51.37robin_zExample 3: Dial multiple channels, partially delayed from
22:51.48RyushinThanks TK.  You're a HUGE help and I really appreciate being able to talk to you.
22:51.57[TK]D-FenderRyushin, np
22:52.02robin_zwhich is driven by a dialstring like exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/200&SIP/201&LOCAL/90015300&LOCAL/90015301)
22:52.22robin_zwhich *seemed* like a good idea, apart from the DND issue
22:52.46[TK]D-Fenderrobin_z, Be sure of what those LOCAL's are doing.  Thats where your problem is.  you need to tell it to not answer the call on anything but an actual answer.  That means VM too.
22:52.59robin_zahh .. hmmm
22:55.21robin_zso I probably want something a bit more sophisticated then
22:55.28robin_zexten => _900XXXXX,1,Wait(${EXTEN:3:2})
22:55.28robin_zexten => _900XXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:5})
22:58.24*** join/#asterisk DrukenHME (
22:59.12robin_zapart from that ... I succesfully have it logging all calls directly into our XRMS CRM system :)
22:59.24robin_zwhich is fantastic, a real boost to our business
23:00.20Berrais there any nice API to remote controll the asterisk? through XML-RPC or somehting?
23:01.12yannj_fris there a taxation utility opensource?
23:05.14[TK]D-Fenderrobin_z, For delayed dial, thats actually not bad.... its the VM part that you need to cut out
23:05.50[TK]D-FenderBerra, Control it HOW? To do what?
23:07.36Berra[TK]D-Fender: i want to integrate it to a webpage, so i can see queue-members and so on
23:07.44yannj_frgood bye all, time to sleep
23:08.04[TK]D-FenderBerra, Ah, that go read up on AMI on the WIKI
23:08.17jbotrumour has it, ami is the Asterisk Manager Interface, a way to control an Asterisk server via a TCP/IP socket. See
23:08.19jbotextra, extra, read all about it, wikis is
23:08.19[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr, salut
23:11.07RyushinIs there a way to make it repeat a greeting a finite number of times before forcing a disconnect?
23:11.39RyushinThe GoTo command will push it into a infinite loop.
23:12.36Ryushincarrar:  Thanks.  I'll dig up the syntax on that.
23:12.46*** join/#asterisk Greek-B0y (n=g@
23:16.34[TK]D-FenderRyushin, To speed you along :
23:17.36*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
23:20.13waKKubye guys... tnx 4 all ;)
23:23.05*** join/#asterisk Fieldy (i=06wUfGei@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
23:23.43purserj/win/win 6
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23:31.59n0n4m3is there any way to change the From and Contact values when registering to a sip peer?
23:36.01*** join/#asterisk AbsTradELic (n=vldmr@
23:36.53AbsTradELicis asterisk 1.4.4 stable ?
23:37.49AbsTradELicI'm a beginner and I have the 'Asterisk the futher of telephony' book
23:38.03AbsTradELiccan I use asterisk 1.4.4 ?9;2~
23:38.18*** join/#asterisk ransak (
23:41.23ransakHi, anyone around that can answer a quick meetme recording question?
23:42.07*** part/#asterisk AbsTradELic (n=vldmr@
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23:49.32n0n4m3any ideas how to convince asterisk to send this sip headers when registering to sip peer?
23:50.02cy303ransak: sup
23:50.09cy303AbsTradELic: 1.4.4 seems stable to me
23:51.29AbsTradELichuM... oK
23:51.34AbsTradELicahd libpri ?
23:52.50AbsTradELiccy303: can I use libpri 1.4.0 ?
23:52.59cy303I would assume so
23:54.07AbsTradELiccy303: I'll use asterisk 1.2 with zaptel 1.2 too
23:54.34*** part/#asterisk mog (
23:55.06AbsTradELiccy303: is better I use libpri 1.2 or 1.4 ?
23:55.07ransakcyc303: not much, trying to figure out how to increase the volume of a recording meetme conference
23:56.25*** join/#asterisk fetcher (
23:58.27AbsTradELicPlease, to asterisk 1.2 is better libpri 1.2 or libpri 1.4  ?
23:59.01ransakAbstracdELic: what do you mean, as far as stability?
23:59.56*** join/#asterisk niedobry (

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