IRC log for #asterisk on 20070601

00:02.32*** part/#asterisk mog (
00:05.45toerkeiumJT: dIDN'T imagine it. Should I install FoIP within asterisk?
00:09.34*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
00:09.49*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=root@
00:11.07JTtoerkeium: asterisk does not support T.38 endpoint, only passthrough in 1.4
00:11.19JTtoerkeium: it's something you really should have researched and checked first
00:11.37JTtoerkeium: voip codecs are designed to move voice information, not modem signals
00:13.51toerkeiumI did never think about a fax signal bein different than the channel where the voice goes (if you understand what I ment :)
00:14.27toerkeiumI just think about it like different thing, going over the same channel
00:14.55toerkeiumanyway.. I was worried about my * install.. I can rest now :)
00:15.13JTtoerkeium: what codec were you using to your voip provider?
00:15.45toerkeiumlicensed g729
00:15.51toerkeiumfrom digium
00:16.05toerkeium10 bucks to the trash! :;)
00:16.15JTyeah absolutely no way it will work for fax
00:16.22JTit's good for compressing voice
00:16.33toerkeiumyeah, voice sounds just perfect
00:16.51toerkeiumhad some problems, but nothing that asterisk updated cound't fix
00:17.48toerkeiumnow I am trying to connect 2 endpoints using vpn with ipsec to speak h323
00:18.05toerkeiumstrange behaviors
00:18.32toerkeiumI can hear the person who calls, but this person can't hear me
00:18.42toerkeiumI guess it has to be something related to rtp
00:18.48JTh.323 is pretty flakey in asterisk
00:19.00toerkeiumbut well.. reading now what the hell stunt and and TURN
00:19.18toerkeiumnot using * this way, just some cisco devices
00:20.01toerkeiumdo you think that behavior is related to rtp ?
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00:21.13nickmannickDoes anybody have a working sample of a extension were it ask the user to press one and then if they do then it will go to the next thing or do something if not then it will hangup
00:22.05toerkeiumI don't know how to do it nickmannick, but I know it's pretty easy
00:22.31nickmannicksomebody that does know would be helpfull
00:24.21_charly_nickmannick:   and
00:24.24toerkeiumsearch for asterisk commands
00:25.05_charly_nickmannick: sorry, it's in german, but i think the dialplan is easy to understand
00:25.54nickmannicki'll give it a shot
00:26.46toerkeiumit only needs exten => s,4,ResponseTimeout,10 ; Response Timeout to 10 seconds
00:26.48toerkeiumI guess
00:27.10toerkeiumto setup a hangup timeout
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00:34.30*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:35.17bochanyone using Asterisk::Manager ?
00:36.18toerkeiumI used the API to access the asterisk manager, I guess it's called like that, or is that a perl module?
00:36.56bocha perl module, but docs are weak
00:37.46toerkeiumuse antoher languague, like php, it's pretty well documented, at least for basic things I guess
00:38.00bochis there a class or anything ?
00:38.11toerkeiumthere is a lot of information in php
00:40.44bochJuggie, thats for AGI not Manager
00:41.07JTeww php
00:41.14Juggiei know i'm old and all, being 26
00:41.20Juggiebut i dont think my eyes are going yet
00:41.24Juggielook at the link carefully
00:41.43JuggieDescription | Vars (details) | Methods (details)
00:41.43JuggieAsterisk Manager class
00:42.30boch:$ sorry, my mistake
00:42.47toerkeiumexplain the meaning if "eww" JT :)
00:44.05JTphp is a yucky programming language, hence the "eww"
00:45.15toerkeiumwhat would be your programming languague choise?
00:45.43Nuggeteven it is more appropriate than php for general programming.
00:46.14JTfor scripting, python or perl
00:47.09toerkeiumnever heard of it "intercal"
00:48.24JTphp has let every newbie with a text editor release awful code
00:49.03Nuggetphp originally stood for "personal home page"
00:49.15Nuggetit was, and still is to a large degree, nothing more than an uppity web markup language.
00:49.33Nuggetpeople who mistake it for a general-purpose programming language are just aiming the shotgun at their foot
00:49.36toerkeiumJT, as all newbie codes! :)
00:50.02JTtoerkeium: some languages are much more crap than others :)
00:50.27Nugget > PHP
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00:50.33toerkeiumyeah, but a newbie will manage it to make awful code anyway (like me, for example) :)
00:50.54sandorpis there a boot (rc) script in the asterisk 1.2 source tree somewhere?
00:51.46toerkeiumfrom wikipedia: INTERCAL es un lenguaje de programación esotérico diseñado para ser extremadamente difícil de entender
00:51.56toerkeiumit's not translated in the ENglish version
00:52.30toerkeiummeans: INTERCAL is a programming language designed to be extremely difficult to understand (or similiar)
00:53.05toerkeiumit's fun the part "it was designed to be" heh
00:53.19s0ckanyone running asterisk on the newer core2duo based xeons?
00:53.45NuggetI run it on a mac pro, but not in production.  I think that's the kind of xeon you mean.
00:54.00JTs0ck: i don't think they're called "core2duo" for xeons
00:54.06s0ckthey aint
00:54.09s0ckbut you know what i mean :D
00:54.20JTtoerkeium: no, seriously, some programming languages really are much worse
00:54.23JTphp is awful
00:54.30s0cki've been running * on an old dual p3
00:54.35JTi don't know many experienced *nix users who like it
00:54.36s0ckabout to put it on a 'proper' box
00:54.45s0ckand i bet im gonna have issues with the raid card/chipsets etc
00:54.56s0ckjust wondering if anyone else already running something like that
00:55.32toerkeiumJT, I don't say you are wrong, I cound't, I just have basic skills of programmings, if I could say that..
00:55.50JTtoerkeium: python is quite easy to learn imho and far cleaner
00:56.05s0ckis python similar to perl
00:56.13JTs0ck: depends what the proper box is...
00:56.17JTs0ck: not really
00:56.18Nuggetpython is more structured than perl
00:56.23JTphython is much more OO
00:56.29JTand uses whitespace for formatting
00:57.00toerkeiumJT, but you have to admit, that php grows fast and have impressive improvements
00:57.12s0ckxeon 3060/15k sas raid1 on a serveraid 8k card prolly
00:57.35JTtoerkeium: you mean it changes massively with every release and code you wrote for one release doesn't work on the next? yes
00:57.47NuggetI've heard good things about those serveraid cards, but I'm still buying 3ware for my garage-build machines.
00:57.50JTs0ck: just check driver availability first i guess
00:57.52s0ckthat's so true loll
00:58.03JTs0ck: is that ibm? if so, i've had luck
00:58.05JTon an X260
00:58.06s0ckJT: it purports to support linux to im gonna have to wait and see
00:58.15s0ckit is indeed an ibm rackmount :D
00:58.21JTlove ibm
00:58.29toerkeiumJT: you're not wrong with that
00:58.31s0cktis all we do really
00:58.37s0ckyou uk/us?
00:58.51s0ckah right
00:59.06JTs0ck: ibm are massively behind linux, so yeah
00:59.21JTdell still make the cheapest brand name servers though :/
00:59.32s0cki have a feeling serveguide runs in some kind of linux so it would make sense
00:59.58s0ckquite happy with the ibms
01:00.01s0ckcustomers like them
01:00.07s0ck3 year 4 hour response
01:00.12s0ckstick it in and forget about the hardware
01:00.40JTyeah, the build quality is quite nice
01:00.57s0ckhad a nightmare trying to get a vxa320 drive to work though ;/
01:01.01voipnet-tech$350 -> 1.9Ghz AMD X2 64 (Dual Core) 1Mb Cache, 2Gb DDR2 800Mhz Dual Channel SDRAM, 200Gb SATA II HD, 24x DVD-RAM w/ LightScribe, KB/Mouse
01:01.17JTvoipnet-tech: is that an ad?
01:01.36voipnet-techi just built two of these buying parts
01:01.50JTokay :)
01:01.52voipnet-techthese scream...  would work great as a server too
01:02.07voipnet-tech$350 for a server is cheap too
01:02.12JTyeah, buying parts is so much cheaper than brand names for servers
01:02.14s0ckthe core2s are miles ahead in terms of performance tho
01:02.20JTunfortunately you don't get the warranty etc
01:02.25JTand the refinement of a brand name
01:03.07voipnet-techif you're using linux... why get a brand name PC if you aren't running a brand-name OS?
01:03.14toerkeiumwell.. I have opened some brand name servers and found that have generic hardware, like some compaq servers
01:04.27s0ckfreecome dat72 tapedrive on the market = 200 quid
01:04.43s0ckEXACT same drive sold by ibm = 450
01:04.43*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
01:04.44s0ckfreecom fs
01:04.50s0ckfree come lol
01:04.57nickmannicki am trying to use the mysql in the extension and getting this error  No application 'MYSQL' for extension
01:05.04nickmannickI did install the asterisk-addons
01:05.36toerkeiumsee? I'll never buy a brand name server ... ... ... again
01:05.46JTvoipnet-tech: are you joking? have you ever owned a brand name server?
01:06.59*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
01:08.41toerkeiumnickmannick: that means that there is no application called MYSQL
01:09.11nickmannickso how do i get the mysql stuff working all i want to do is query a table
01:09.15nickmannickfor my applicatiopn
01:09.38nickmannickexten => _X.,1,MYSQL(Connect connid localhost dbuser dbpass dbname)
01:09.55Hmmhesaysthere is an example on the wiki
01:10.13nickmannickthats what i am reading
01:10.16s0ckvoipnet-tech: didn't see the comment above
01:10.23Hmmhesaysconnect get your info, disconnect
01:10.29Hmmhesaysso you don't have any zombie mysql connections
01:10.32s0ckregardless of the os, when you build a server you want it to work, forever, hassle free, right?
01:11.16nickmannickwell i get mysql application etc
01:11.18s0cklinux isn't a second grade os :P
01:13.04voipnet-techs0ck, actually in my experience...  there's no such thing as a hassle free server that works forever, so i'd rather have one that's easier to fix when it does break.   So I'd rather have one with standard parts.  also OS is important because it needs to be highly compatible with the hardware to work properly... doesn't matter what kind of hardware you've got... if the software doesn't work properly you're screwed anyway
01:14.46toerkeiumI have about 45 servers running, for various purposes, and what I keep always in mind when buying a server is the chipset, same brand, always.. that will let you change harward without screwing your system
01:15.16toerkeiumno matter what motherboard brand I buy, I make sure its chipset is intel
01:15.29nickmannickSo what is it that i am missing to be available to use mysql
01:16.15JTvoipnet-tech: i take it you have very little corporate/enterprise IT experience then
01:16.31JTvoipnet-tech: brand name servers have these things called warranties
01:16.43JTyou don't need to futz about finding a clone part
01:17.15toerkeiumJT, in my case, I could say I have not enterprise experience, since I run my own business, and it's pretty small
01:17.49JTtoerkeium: it's something you just have to weigh up, i guess
01:17.52toerkeiumbut all we have different situations, and enterprise hardware or equipments is only available for enterprises, not for everyone
01:18.06JTbut i often prefer to use out of warranty second hand brand name servers to clone servers
01:18.17JTtoerkeium: brand name servers can be bought by anyone
01:18.38toerkeiumbut are known to be very expensive, compared to clone machines
01:19.11JTthe level of refinement is massively different
01:19.22JTa lot of stuff cannot be hotswapped in a clone
01:19.26JTand a lot of things need use of scredrivers
01:19.26toerkeiumbut the ones which are cheap, have mostly generic hardware
01:19.28JTyeah, they're a waste of time
01:19.29jbotsomebody said cheap was when microsoft designs softhardware, or nasty
01:20.14JTalso, clone power supplies are not as powerful or redundant often, and there are less LOM options
01:20.47JTthat said, clones are sometimes the right choice, depends on the situation
01:21.11toerkeiumyeah, thats true
01:21.31toerkeiummy customers are not enterprise .. probably tht's why I don't need to buy enterprise solutions
01:22.00JTi treat everything like an enterprise
01:22.03QwellJT: Clone servers - for when downtime IS an option.
01:22.17JTmy home network runs on mostly enterprise grade hardware
01:22.38JTswitch has hotswap modules and redundant power supply, redundant power supplies on servers
01:23.04br4k3ris it that important really? hotswappable?
01:23.06toerkeium<JT> i treat everything like an enterprise > what do you mean by that?
01:23.30br4k3ri think he means THE enterprise
01:23.35JTQwell: yes, all the 8 port 10/100 port modules can be hotswapped, and the power supply, only the supervisory card cannot be hotswap
01:23.44JTHp ProCurve
01:23.46[TK]D-Fenderqwell : Yes, the electrons flow freely through the air while you seach for your backup ;)
01:23.48Qwellmust've been cheap
01:23.58JTyeah, it was, i love auctions
01:24.20ltdwkHP provide 4000M
01:24.21JT48 port switch, got it for $400 about 6 years ago when they were still worth $4k
01:24.23ltdwkprocurve even
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01:24.40JTAUD that is
01:24.42*** join/#asterisk rollinnco (
01:24.49ltdwki use hp gear... it really is great value for money
01:24.57JThp procurve stuff is worth it
01:25.01JTlifetime warranty
01:25.08JTon almost everything
01:25.22JTexcept a couple of models of enterprise firewalls or something
01:25.34Iamnachoawsome product for the money. and cant beat the lifetime warrenty
01:25.45ltdwki run it in the core and have never had any issues
01:25.58JTtoerkeium: their range of networking gear
01:26.14ltdwkone got destroyed by a lightning strike but that's all
01:26.24JTwish they had bigger PoE switches though, think the biggest is 48 port
01:26.32JTltdwk: did you claim warranty?
01:26.40toerkeiumoh oh
01:26.46ltdwkltdwk: yep, claimed it under insurance and got warranty so ended up with two new ones
01:26.55JTdodge :P
01:27.05ltdwkno, smart :P
01:27.26JTdid they need much paperwork to process warranty?
01:27.50ltdwkcan't remember, too long ago now
01:28.07toerkeiumthis conversation is taking a non-legal subject
01:28.20toerkeiumI am going to log everything!
01:28.27ltdwkyou do that :P
01:28.55br4k3rjeez u can heat ur house on that switch d00d
01:29.00br4k3r535 btu/h
01:29.06br4k3ron the procurve 4000m
01:29.17JTbut yeah, if money was not the primary concern, i would only buy IBM and Sun servers
01:29.25JTbr4k3r: no, it can't
01:29.31JTi wish it was warmer
01:29.36JTit's freezing at the moment
01:29.39br4k3ru need some supersparc
01:29.42JTand it did not warm enough
01:29.54JTsparcs are risc, don't make that much heat
01:30.01br4k3rmine do
01:30.07rollinncoI am not trying to hijack the subject, however, I was wondering if anybody has had a problem passing through g729 calls from provider to provider using asterisk 1.2.17
01:30.07JTi could get the Sun Enterprise 4000 out of the garage though
01:30.20Iamnachothe 5400zl will do more than 48 ports w/ PoE
01:30.29br4k3ri'd strangle someone for an e4k
01:30.41JTIamnacho: is that the only model, and is that only a poe +  gigabit option?
01:30.44br4k3rnice big scsi controller
01:31.40JTbr4k3r: they're easy to get on ebay
01:31.40br4k3ri just got a new e480
01:31.40IamnachoJT: it is. but its a modular switch like the 4000
01:31.40toerkeiumwahh ebay sucks
01:31.40br4k3ri'm setting it up to werk with a couple of my blades
01:31.50br4k3rgot about 9 sunblade attachments around here
01:31.55br4k3rwanna put them all on pbx :)
01:31.57toerkeiumI buy a keyboard for my old and lovely compaq M700 and never came to my hands
01:32.18br4k3rthat sucks
01:32.24JTtoerkeium: i'd say my transaction success rate on ebay is about 98%
01:32.47br4k3ri've never had an issue, buying or selling, since 03
01:32.52br4k3ror 04
01:32.53JTbr4k3r: i have a sun ray 150 sitting around doing nothing too :P
01:33.04br4k3rthey're fun little rigs
01:33.08QwellI have a T2000 sitting around doing nothing :D
01:33.11br4k3rcheck out the sun cobalt servers
01:33.18JTIamnacho: sounds excessive, i only want 100Mbits on PoE ports
01:33.22toerkeiumwell, I cound't trust them anymore, even the keyboard cost me a few 30 bucks, how to make sure¡? I cound't even ask for a charge back
01:33.26JTbr4k3r: T2000 is awesome
01:33.27QwellI was trying to get zaptel working on it, in linux
01:33.29JTsun coolthreads
01:33.43br4k3rwhat brand is t20000
01:33.44Qwellfailed though, due to user land/kernel space bitedness differences
01:33.45*** join/#asterisk froguz (
01:33.47Qwellbr4k3r: Sun
01:33.47JTtoerkeium: why wouldn't you ask for a chargeback?
01:34.06JTIamnacho: unfortunately it is a financial issue that may exclude the procurve from selection
01:34.12br4k3roh this is the really new stuff
01:34.21toerkeiumJT: I did, but passing 30 days the wash their hands, something to keep in mind
01:34.22br4k3ri haven't seen any of this yet
01:34.29toerkeiumthe = they
01:34.30*** join/#asterisk V3rM3 (n=verme@
01:34.30JTtoerkeium: credit card?
01:34.30Iamnachojt: true. they are expensive. but well priced.
01:34.33br4k3rthe newest we have at werk is the sunfire 490
01:34.37rollinncoanybody? voice quality problems passing calls from provider to provider using asterisk 1.2.17?
01:34.39*** part/#asterisk V3rM3 (n=verme@
01:34.45JTbr4k3r: multihread computing, it's great
01:34.47*** join/#asterisk tomcontr3 (
01:34.59toerkeiumJT: they ask for the bill, otherwise they nothing can do
01:35.00tomcontr3does any one knows a good TTS system for Asterisk
01:35.02JTIamnacho: but i don't WANT to pay for gigabit on PoE ports, imho that's stupid
01:35.13JTtoerkeium: credit card or not?
01:35.22toerkeiumyes, I paid by credit card
01:35.30froguzis it possible to call from a PRI, though an asterisk connected to a GSM gateway, sending the PRI telephone number (caller ID) instead of the SIM card number?
01:35.34toerkeiumcredit card is who ask for the bill
01:35.38JTusually you can reverse payment on credit cards for 90 days
01:35.56JTfroguz: no.
01:36.05toerkeiumnot here, apparently :/
01:36.21JTtoerkeium: that's silly
01:36.28br4k3rThe Sun Fire T2000 Server supports Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)
01:36.30JTget a new CC
01:36.55Qwelleh, mine runs Gentoo
01:37.00froguzJT, not even using libss7?
01:37.01*** join/#asterisk steliosk (n=Stelios@
01:37.23JTfroguz: gsm doesn't signal ssh over the air interface
01:37.25QwellYou have no idea just how freaking awesome that is
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01:42.41froguzJT, thank you. so, no possibility at all =(
01:42.41JTfroguz: i hope you weren't that serious about it
01:42.41JTthe only reason people usually use gsm gateways is to save money
01:42.41JTand hope their customers and the telcos don't notice the use of gateways
01:42.41JTthey're not what telcos use for interconnect
01:44.18froguzwhat they use?
01:45.11JTT1, E1, DS-3, E3, and up, and seperate SS7 serial links
01:45.21JTthe standard depends on the country mainly
01:46.15JTit would be dumb for telcos interconnecting wasting radio spectrum with gsm, with poor audio quality, instead of using cabled links
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01:49.26froguzthere's a "small" telco, here in Chile, wich is having problems sending caller id to cell phones. i've connected an asterisk (with GSM gateway) to one of this telco's E1 trunk to test for a solution
01:50.05JTi see
01:50.27toerkeiumfroguz, bring me a laptop from chile, and I will buy you some beers!
01:51.08froguzthey are urged to find a solution to avoid paging fines
01:51.53froguztoerkeium, a laptop? why? are laptops cheapers here than some place?
01:52.15toerkeiumyeah, cheaper than in argentine
01:52.31toerkeiumis it true you hate argentinians? be honest!
01:52.46froguzi can bring you very good an cheap wines, maybe some coper cathods, but laptop?
01:53.10froguzhahahahaha i personally like argentinian people, really
01:53.26toerkeiumok, wine is fine :)
01:53.36JTfroguz: sounds like they need to employ someone who has a clue :)
01:53.44froguzspecially argentinian musicians
01:54.17toerkeiumehh.. that's a nice subject to talk about!
01:54.42toerkeiumI don't know why!
01:54.44froguzJT, you're right... but my boss insist in throwing me to that river
01:55.40froguztoerkeium, you 'stupid country' has the beauties girl i've ever seen
01:55.46JTfroguz: it must be a really small telco
01:56.00JTyou sure it's not just an ITSP or something?
01:56.19toerkeiumhey yeah, I said stupid country, not stupid womans! and that's another very good subject to talk abou!"  ;)
01:56.40froguzJT. 200.000 minutes a month (just mobile traffic)
01:56.53JTok that's miiscule
01:57.02JTdefinitely doesn't sound like a tier 1 carrier
01:57.19JTdoes this "telco" own any infrastructure in the ground?
01:57.21JTlike cables
01:57.47killfilli need an E1 card.. wich is best?.. digium, rhino or sangoma?..
01:57.50froguzJT i'm pretty sure is not as little as you are imaging
01:58.13JTfroguz: 200000 minutes is only ~4 Erlangs of traffic
01:58.32froguzthe are a monopoly in a 7 millions region of the country
01:58.33toerkeiumfroguz, is it clandestine termination?
01:58.38JTi see
01:58.53froguz7 million people
01:58.58killfillfroguz: your from chile?...
01:59.05JTclearly they don't all use phones... to call mobiles
01:59.09froguzkillfill, yes
01:59.23JT200000 erlangs is ITSP/calling card provider quantities of traffic
01:59.23killfillfroguz: hello mate!.. (me too :P
01:59.28JThell, even callcentre
01:59.40JTerr $ erlangs/200k minutes i mean
01:59.47JTdamnit :P
01:59.52toerkeiumJT: not sure where you are, cell phone comunications are expensive
01:59.55froguzJT, maybe i'm wrong. surely is 200000 a day or week, i just heard that amount today
02:00.01toerkeiumin latin america
02:00.17JTfroguz: 200k min/mo is an average of 4 constantly utilised circuits
02:00.45froguzhi killfill, were are you? santiago?
02:01.22froguzJT, then is definetly not 200k a month
02:02.11froguzkillfill maybe you can help me showing JT that Telefonica del Sur is not a so little telco
02:02.24toerkeiumkillfill: you can say hello to me too, we are at a USD120 distance !
02:03.15killfillfroguz: yeah.. well i dont know numbers.. :P
02:03.41killfillfroguz: i use "TelefonicaCTC".. no problems with showing numbers
02:03.51JTfroguz: the company should exmploy some telecommunications engineers :P
02:03.59froguzdo you work at ctc?
02:04.05JTand i have NO IDEA why a legit big telco would use a gsm gateway for termination
02:04.24killfillfroguz: thank god not.. :P
02:04.28froguzJT they don't... i'm just trying to find a solution
02:04.44killfillfroguz: tour searching for a GSM gateway?..
02:05.06JTfroguz: they must already have a network to terminate to gsm
02:05.13froguzkillfill no.
02:05.17tomcontr3hi killfill, are you from Chike?
02:06.09killfilltomcontr3: yup
02:06.16froguztomcontr3, you too?
02:07.17tomcontr3anyone of you uses any kind of TTS system?
02:07.20froguzJT, i can't understand why are they geting this mayor problem either
02:07.58killfillwow.. too much of us .. :P
02:10.32blitzrageManxPower: zup!
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02:14.08toerkeiumI've never met people so ... so... so... than this freenode mantainers always telling you what they are going to do with that notices
02:15.40*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
02:21.36toerkeiumsomeone knows how to explain in easy words what STUNT servers are and do?
02:21.42toerkeiumcan't understand very well from wikipedia
02:22.32[TK]D-Fendertoerkeium, the jump through rings of FIRE and swallow swords WHOLE!
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02:31.09*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
02:34.30L|NUXHello every one
02:34.35Hmmhesaysbehringer is pissing me off
02:34.40Hmmhesayseven more than L|NUX
02:34.45L|NUXcan some one help me with getting call on IAX Client
02:35.00*** part/#asterisk elg (n=fugalh@
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02:35.46notoriousrab1982can anyone help me with a SIP dialling issue between * boxes? or at least give me thoughts on where to troubleshoot
02:36.26Hmmhesayswhat fantastically vague questions
02:36.55L|NUXMay 31 21:36:14 NOTICE[30608]: app_dial.c:1069 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
02:37.10L|NUXgetting this every time i am trying to get call on IAX Softphone
02:38.21*** join/#asterisk Avochelm (
02:39.02JTmake sure it's connected to the network?
02:39.59JunK-Yyou trying to call an IAX2 softphone and using SIP...
02:40.00notoriousrab1982im getting a similar problem - [May 31 19:39:12] WARNING[4472]: chan_sip.c:2738 create_addr: No such host:
02:40.00notoriousrab1982[May 31 19:39:12] WARNING[4472]: app_dial.c:1099 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
02:40.23notoriousrab1982if you do sip show peers on both * machines, it shows they as online
02:40.26JTJunK-Y: rofl
02:40.47JunK-YJT: ive to jet, i will let you help him :)
02:40.56Hmmhesaysjust because they are registered doesn't mean they are ready to accept a call
02:40.59JTJunK-Y: piker!
02:41.28notoriousrab1982how can you test whether they are ready to accept a call?
02:41.51*** join/#asterisk drcode (
02:42.00HmmhesaysNo such host: <-- what is that 'b'?
02:42.09JTnotoriousrab1982: clearly you have a typo in your config rile
02:42.17drcodehi all
02:42.29notoriousrab1982it is an  extension in the context which call goes into
02:42.32drcodedose Asterisks have video confrence?
02:42.36drcodelike mcu?
02:42.54*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
02:43.17drcodeit has sip
02:43.24drcodeis it support also in h323?
02:43.31JTnot very well
02:43.32*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
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02:44.24drcodeis there some project that support h323  and sip like openmcu?
02:44.54JTi have no ide what openmcu is
02:45.38L|NUXJT : its connected
02:45.51L|NUXwhen i do iax2 debug its showing
02:46.45JTL|NUX: clearly you are doing it wrong, either choose IAX or SIP
02:47.01L|NUXJT : i have choose SIP
02:47.09L|NUXwell see
02:47.19L|NUXi am registered on IAX Client
02:47.26L|NUXand when call comes on DID
02:47.32L|NUXit will give me this error
02:47.49*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
02:48.05BSD_Techok in 1.4 how to enable the jitterbuffer
02:48.19BSD_TechI have almost 35ms of jitter
02:48.24JTL|NUX: you are not making sense
02:48.29BSD_Techat points
02:48.35JTL|NUX: you must use SIP OR IAX to connect to the softphone
02:48.39JTnot a combination of both
02:48.52L|NUXJT : i have choose IAX
02:48.57L|NUXJT : in softphone
02:49.05JTL|NUX: then why on earth are you dialling sip?
02:49.08L|NUXJT : but when i call DID it will not work
02:49.15JTbecause you are dialling sip
02:49.19JTREAD the error message
02:49.39L|NUXJT : so i should use Dial(IAX2/DID) ?
02:49.42russellbBSD_Tech: i have a blog post on that explains the how the 1.4 jitterbuffer works
02:49.47blitzragerussellb: !!!
02:49.50JTL|NUX: that would be simply logical
02:50.20jbot[thebook] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
02:50.23JTL|NUX: please read that ^
02:50.24[TK]D-FenderJT : Screw that....
02:50.36jbotrumour has it, osmosis is the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ...  or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
02:50.48L|NUXJT : ok
02:51.14*** join/#asterisk thoughtpolice (
02:53.20L|NUXJT: thanks
02:54.59JTa thanks should suffice :P
02:57.31killfillhow do you guys implement reduncandy?.. i.e. i have 1 E1 line, and want ot have 2 asterisk server. So one can take over the line when the other fails
02:57.58JTyou will need an L1 PRI failover hardware box, and each server will need a PRI card
02:58.57killfillhmm failover hardware box..
02:59.05[TK]D-Fenderkillfill, Or a PRI > VoIP gateway (anythin remotely decent will have a failover server.
02:59.25JTeither way, it's not that cheap :P
02:59.47killfill[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean by a gateway.. an asterisk with pri is a gateway.. isnit?
02:59.58JTkillfill: a hardware embedded gateway
03:00.08JTpri to sip
03:00.30[TK]D-Fenderkillfill, Yes, I'm talking like an AudioCodes Mediant 2000
03:00.47killfilloh.. like   pstn----> [pri,sip] <--- asterisk pbx's?..  i.e. make asterisks conect via SIP to this box?
03:00.57IOscannerAnyone using 4port FXO cards.  I have boxes with 5 ports - and another with 12 ports.  I am hearing echo.  Only the phone (Cisco 7940) on asterisk hears the echo  not the caller from external.   Any ideas?
03:01.06IOscannerWe have tested the lines.
03:01.27[TK]D-Fenderkillfill, Yes
03:01.49blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: I don't want to meet your mom
03:01.57IOscannerInstalled octware that helped some, but still have echo on our side.  The caller from external is clean.
03:02.14[TK]D-FenderIOscanner, Zaptel EC and/or your cards suck.
03:02.24[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, I just want...
03:02.31IOscannerHere is what I have in zaptel:
03:02.34blitzrage! ! !
03:02.51blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: have you ever wondered why no one has said, "that joke is sooooo old"
03:03.11*** join/#asterisk bugzee (
03:03.21[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, because one we understand it (that's the point of an inside joke)
03:03.38JTIOscanner: echo is usually caused by far end analogue lines
03:03.39killfillhm.. and that box.. is actually a PBX?..  i dont really need a separate asterisk box, isnit?.. i can point the sip phones over it?..
03:03.45[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, And you know what... it just keeps getting better!
03:03.47blitzrageya, but you'd think people would have seen us saying it a lot over a long period of time :)
03:03.50blitzrageit totally does
03:03.54JTkillfill: no, it's a media gateway, not a pb
03:03.59JTit doesn't do pbx stuff
03:04.11*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:04.11[TK]D-Fenderkillfill, No, its not a PBX.  It takes the calls in from T1 and spits out SIP.  Thats all.
03:04.39IOscannerWell the echo only happens on our side the person on the Cisco phone can hear only their voice echo.  the caller can't heer it.  It is not present when using VOIP.
03:04.53JTkillfill: most ITSPs use boxes like that
03:04.55JTIOscanner: i know
03:05.02JTIOscanner: that is cimpletely normal
03:05.14JTIOscanner: it is that far end analogue lines doing it
03:05.24killfillso if i want reduncacy.. i would use standart IP methods.. (like the tyipical IP switching like CARP)...
03:05.26JTit becomes aparent when you convert to digital, if there's no EC
03:06.09IOscannerWhat  far end?    That can't be the old PBX system didn't have a problem with it.
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03:06.09JTIOscanner: was the old pbx analogue?
03:06.12killfilland coule easily do a round-robin on it too.. like for scalling
03:06.14JTIOscanner: the phone line on the other end of the conversation
03:06.17killfillis this true?..
03:06.26IOscannerThe call on the other end was a cell phone
03:06.36JTIOscanner: echo isn't really apparent if both ends are analogue
03:06.40IOscannerdoesn't matter if it is cell phone, VOIP.
03:06.52IOscannereven analog
03:07.19IOscannerIf we call inbound on the analog lines echo for the user at the cisco phone
03:07.47*** join/#asterisk guille1983 (n=chatzill@
03:08.06JTwell it's also possible you have bad phone lines to your ast server
03:08.16[TK]D-FenderIOscanner, Tweak your software EC or get a HWEC card instead.
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03:08.36JTi hate daling with analogue
03:08.53IOscannerNope tested the line.  connected it back to the old system and it is fine.  I even put octware on it.
03:09.00killfillthe cheaer is like 3000..
03:09.06IOscannerIt helped a little
03:09.33*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
03:09.42IOscannerAny other tests I can do with asterisk to tune EC
03:09.53*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (i=dwayne@nat/digium/x-9215168ddeb72ac8) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:10.19jbotmethinks echo is an issue which can be best fixed using this link:, or fixed with fxotune:, or best fixed by troubleshooting your pci bus:, or of ...
03:10.20killfilland something like this?
03:10.20*** join/#asterisk ltdwk ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:10.20killfillthats not a pri->sip gateways.. isnit..
03:10.25JTIOscanner: please don't keep saying things like "old system was just fine", your old system operates COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY to asterisk
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03:10.40[TK]D-Fenderkillfill, That might work, but ICK... not standards based so I wouldn't touch it.
03:10.51JTif it was analogue, or digital with hw ec, completely different kettle of fish
03:11.30JTkillfill: also, redfone units whilst cheap, have no HW EC
03:12.18JTthey use TDMoE, not SIP
03:12.29JTthat's the non standards based bit
03:12.30toerkeiumguys, what's the reason why a single sip call could make the server response time higher from, lets say 300ms to 2000ms? it only happens some times and with only 1 sip call
03:12.31IOscannerYes, but the lines are clean.  So I know it is something with the cards or configuration of the EC
03:12.41IOscannerThanks I will review the links thanks
03:12.43JTIOscanner: ok, get a card with hardware EC
03:12.56JTIOscanner: how did you test the lines?
03:13.54killfillJT, asterisk supports TDMoE.. what would i a practical disadvantage about using TDMoE?
03:14.21*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (
03:14.27JTkillfill: you can only use asterisk, and you have to depend on a rarely used aspect of asterisk working correctly and continuing to be supported
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03:15.16IOscannerFluke tester
03:15.42JTwhat sort of test does it perform?
03:16.34IOscannerconnects a call over it and tests quality, audio, noise looks for  wire issues etc.
03:16.35*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
03:16.53JThow long is the pair?
03:17.04IOscanner5 feet
03:17.19IOscannerwired direct to the 66 block
03:17.20killfillso TDMoE is cheap but non-standart (and can see plent of ppl having probls with it)
03:17.21JTIOscanner: err, is this the wire to the telco... the analogue FXO lines?
03:17.33JTIOscanner: the 66 block has more wire on the other side
03:17.43JTgoes in the street
03:17.44killfilla gateway is too high.. (min is like 3000, its out of my budget)..
03:17.45JTto the CO
03:17.58killfillJT: what did you mean by " an L1 PRI failover hardware box" ?
03:18.11JTIOscanner: that's what i meant by how long, not just one part of it
03:18.16JTkillfill: makes one
03:18.19IOscannerThey have DSL in the location and it was under 1,000
03:18.20JTa few others do to
03:18.41JT"t1 failover" the others may not be designed for asterisk as much as the junghanns one is
03:18.53JTIOscanner: 1000 what?
03:18.54IOscannerThey have a 7MB link and the CO is around the corner
03:19.16JTIOscanner: is it all calls that sound echoy, or just some?
03:19.43IOscannersome not all some are better then others.
03:20.00JTit's the far end lines
03:20.04IOscannerall seem to do it a bit
03:20.11JTanyway, best bet is to buy a card with hardware EC
03:20.16IOscannerHow can I resolve it.  EC training
03:20.41IOscannerDo they have them for 4port FXO?
03:20.47JTdigium's TDM2400P has that option, and sangoma's A200 and A400 have the option i think, and also come with 6 chans of software premium EC now i think
03:21.00JTIOscanner: you can get a TDM2400P with just 4 FXO ports
03:21.17IOscannerWhat about something like Octware?
03:22.01*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
03:22.30JTthey do hw and sw solutions
03:22.31IOscannerI have it installed on this box
03:22.34JThw obviously works better
03:23.20blitzrageanyone verify if I can negate an expression via:  !$[...] ?
03:24.53[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, You'd have to do it in an eval
03:25.06[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, Because the negate itself is a expression :)
03:25.19IOscannerThanks I will go play and see what I can do
03:25.21*** join/#asterisk teyus (i=Mateus@unaffiliated/teyus)
03:25.38blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: actually, that's what I was doing:  $[!$[...] & $[...]]
03:25.46blitzragealthough I realized I don't need to use it :)
03:25.51blitzrageI was making the expression too complex
03:25.56blitzragebut I think that'll work
03:26.01[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, see, you don't even fully understand jsut how right you are!
03:26.59blitzrageI'lll show you the whole Exec() when I'm done here :)
03:28.31[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, I love it when you code dirty ;)
03:28.41[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, ! ! !
03:28.54blitzragejust wait....
03:33.40[TK]D-Fender"Rob say Code Monkey very diligent, but his output stink.  His code not functional or elegant, what do Code Monkey think?"
03:33.51*** join/#asterisk mog (
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03:38.26blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: here it is
03:38.29blitzrageexten => h,n,Exec(${IF($[${GROUP_COUNT(${USERNAME}@${PBX})} > 0 | ${GROUP_COUNT(${USERNAME}@${PBX}-internal)} > 0 | ${ISNULL(${USERNAME})} | ${ISNULL(${PBX})}]?NoOp():${IF($[${EXISTS(${FROM_QUEUE})} & "${DIALSTATUS}" != "ANSWER"]?RemoveQueueMember(${HASH(queue|name)}|Local/${MEMBER_ID}-${MEMBER_TECH}-${MEMBER_NAME}@queue_members/n):NoOp())})
03:39.27Qwellblitzrage: You need to write a new chapter for the book
03:39.38Qwell"How do get a consultancy gig - and keep it."
03:39.58Qwell"Step 1) write dialplan that's nearly impossible for others to read" :P
03:40.39Qwellor that should be a question on the dcap
03:40.48Qwell"What does this line of dialplan do?"
03:41.07blitzrageThis code segment checks to see if a phone is using atleast one channel, if so, then we run NoOp() (we've already logged them out somewhere else -- in the queue GoSub(sub-queues)). Else, then check to see if the Local channel which determines the status of the Agent was attempted to be called, and if they were called, but they did not answer, then they are probably not at their desk, therefore, remove them from the Qu
03:41.18blitzrageQwell: those would be great questions actually
03:41.57Qwellthere are probably really not that many people who could explain what that does
03:42.01blitzrageI've been looking and writing embedded applications and dialplans so much in the last 8 months that I typically don't need syntax highlighting and still know how many brackets to put on them all
03:42.10blitzrageQwell: I would think not
03:42.13blitzrageI have mad dialplan foo
03:42.33QwellI'm shocked though...  no odbc calls there
03:42.34*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
03:42.39blitzragenot a single one there :)
03:42.48blitzragethe line above it does have it though
03:42.52Qwellahh, heh
03:42.58blitzrage; Set the peer status in the relational database for next caller into the Queue() (not active to this caller incase we loop)
03:42.58blitzrageexten => h,n,Exec(${IF($[${GROUP_COUNT(${USERNAME}@${PBX})} > 0 | ${GROUP_COUNT(${USERNAME}@${PBX}-internal)} > 0 | ${ISNULL(${USERNAME})} | ${ISNULL(${PBX})}]?NoOp():Set(QUEUE_MEMBER_STATUS(SIP,${USERNAME}#${PBX})=${IF($[${EXISTS(${FROM_QUEUE})} & "${DIALSTATUS}" != "ANSWER"]?0:1)}))})
03:43.03QwellThat must be where USERNAME and FROM_QUEUEgets set ;)
03:43.20blitzragenope -- that is set in the file
03:43.26blitzragewhich is a subprocedure (GoSub())
03:43.42Qwelloh :p
03:43.43blitzrageall my features and such are in a separate 'features' directory, which contains variable include files
03:43.49bochwhy not using AEL to avoid that kind of exts?
03:44.01blitzrageAEL would still require something like that
03:44.33blitzrageit would just be slightly different syntax
03:44.53blitzragebut I don't think dialplan functions and applications are handled any differently there
03:44.59bochbut easier to understand
03:44.59blitzragejust the exten => h,n, part really
03:45.14[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, That is one nested psycho pile of code...
03:45.28blitzragealthough I admit my lack of AEL foo
03:45.38blitzragebut from my understanding of it, I don't think ti would look much different
03:45.44blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: only if you're not used to looking at something like that
03:46.09[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage,  .... ... before its too late...
03:46.24blitzrageI could probably teach a whole week class just on my dialplan code :)
03:46.25Qwellblitzrage: ${USERNAME}#${PBX} < typo?
03:46.44blitzrageQwell: nope -- we parse on a [username#vpbx] username
03:47.12blitzragebut when I bring it in I split the username#vpbx into two separate variables
03:47.22blitzragethat's just putting them back together for the sake of the database, etc....
03:48.39blitzrageI love when stuff works first try
03:52.48*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:54.03Aces1Upyeh, i am installing asterisk NOW, so i can be just like you guys!  YES!
03:55.35[TK]D-FenderAces1Up, Because yes, we clearly all use GUI's to run our show!
03:56.51Aces1Upwith asterisk NOW, can i get down to the nitty gritty (nacho libre style) and code where you guys are at?
03:58.01*** join/#asterisk mosty (
03:58.11[TK]D-FenderAces1Up, there will always be some freakish it of something that it creates that you won't like how it does it. You'll either suffer (loud or quiet), or move on.
03:58.57Aces1Uptkd, hrmm, ok well should i just install linux then put then install asterisk and configure it all manually? would that be the way to go?
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03:59.57Aces1Upi suppose that would be the best way if i want to really learn the system eh?
04:00.35jboti heard thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
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04:07.42blitzrageAces1Up: depends how much time you need to spend coding in Asterisk
04:07.52blitzrageI've been at it for 5 years to be able to understand the dialplan I wrote up there
04:09.04Aces1Upblitz well.. hrmm.
04:09.45Aces1Upwant to be up and running quickly but also be able to learn with no umm i guess cushions that will cause me not to get to the guts of the system.
04:10.07Aces1UpI want to eventually develop these sweet new applications everyone is talking about for the future.
04:13.38Aces1Upjust curious what flavor of linux has the most support for asterisk?
04:13.47Aces1Upjust trying to figure out what flavor to use.
04:14.28mostyuse whichever linux distribution you are the most comfortable with
04:14.46mostythere is no real difference in support between the major distributions
04:15.05ManxPowerAces1Up: the people that know AsteriskNOW are, oddly enough, on the #asterisknow channel.
04:15.42ManxPowerAces1Up: And I want a Unicorn.
04:15.43Aces1Upi've thrown that idea out the window, just going to compile it myself.
04:16.11Aces1Upso just curious what flavor if i run will give me the most support for asterisk.
04:16.31JTno difference
04:16.45JTif you're compiling, it's a pointless question really
04:16.53JTwhatever you know best...
04:17.51ManxPowerAces1Up: most distros have very few asterisk oddities with Astertisk
04:18.44Aces1Upmanxpower ok.  sounds good thanks for the help.
04:18.50Aces1Upand no unicorn just yet ok?
04:19.27ManxPowerAces1Up: if you can find a decent GUI for Asterisk, then there is still hope for my search.
04:29.26*** join/#asterisk Cabal_ (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
04:31.07mostyi want to design a PBX that runs on multiple asterisk servers for fault tolerance, with SIP and IAX clients, what would be a good way to do this? dundi for IAX and SRV records and/or openser for SIP?
04:31.31JTit depends what sort of fault you're trying to mitigate against, and what you want impact you want a fault to have
04:32.58mostyi'll start with 2 asterisk servers, if asterisk dies on one, i would like clients to automatically register to the other, and new calls to be made successfully
04:33.49JTwhat are the inputs and outputs?
04:34.59mostyeach asterisk server will have PRI circuits and IAX/SIP accounts for terminating PSTN calls
04:35.44mostyand each server should allow any known client (SIP/IAX) to register to it in and make/receive calls
04:36.08mostyclients should also be able to call each other regardless of which server they're registered to
04:37.36JTdifferent pri circuits at each one, or the same ones?
04:38.35mostydifferent PRI circuits (i wasn't aware that you could share them)
04:38.51JTyou can with a pri L1 failover box
04:40.20mostyok well i'll start with different PRI circuits and consider that later
04:41.08mostyjt: do you understand what i'm trying to do?
04:41.08JThow many pris do you have?
04:41.29mostyi'm not sure of the exact number, at least 5 from memory
04:42.09JTdo any or them use NFAS?
04:42.25mostyJT, i'm not sure, i would have to contact our telco's tech support
04:42.40JTdo they exist yet or not, these pris?
04:42.49JTare they your pris or customer pris
04:42.53JTbecause if they're yours
04:42.57JTmakes sense to use nfas
04:43.15mostythey exist and are in use now, there is one that isn't currently plugged in to anything
04:43.34JTor do they connect to different telcos
04:44.01mostythey all connect to the same telco
04:44.24JTnfas allows grouping a number of PRIs to share D channels
04:44.51JTit gives you more B channels and allows you to easily combine the services basically
04:45.20mostyi'm reading about it now. does nfas allow you to share a single d channel between 2 different machines with a pri card each?
04:45.34JTno, not with asterisk anyway
04:45.44JTyou need a minimum of 2 D channels for NFAS
04:45.46JTfor reliability
04:46.45mostywell nfas won't really help in this case, we are trying to cover the situation where asterisk crashes (hence wanting to run asterisk on two machines with clients failing over to the other server if the one they're connected to dies)
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04:47.23JTmosty: yes but 2 machines with a pri card, nfas, and an L1 failover box will help
04:47.29mostyahh ok
04:47.32*** join/#asterisk dunder (
04:47.57JTnfas mitigates the problem of one pri dieing causing loss of connectivity to your DIDs
04:48.08mostybut how do i get sip/iax clients to failover from one asterisk server to another? i'm more worried about that right now than the termination side
04:48.44JTip takeover would probably be the most seamless scheme
04:48.58mostyi would also like to use some sort of load balancing
04:49.01JTotherwise you could try using SRV records
04:49.19JToh and sip is easier
04:49.29JTas you can stick openser in front of the boxes
04:49.38JTas a load balancer/failover
04:49.47mostyone problem with SRV is that we have lots of asterisk 1.2 clients, and it looks like 1.2 doesn't support SRV for IAX
04:50.17JTdo you really have that much iax clients? iax is much dirtier for failover
04:50.34mostymost of our larger clients use iax trunks
04:50.46mostymost of our single extension clients are sip
04:50.52JTdamn, that sucks
04:51.10JTimho iax isn't as scalable
04:51.48mostywe're using iax for bandwidth savings and nat survivability
04:52.12JTthe tradeoff is practical scalability solutions
04:52.41mostyi could just ask our iax clients to use some dialplan magic to try dialling via each of our gateways randomly, but that wouldn't solve the registration problem
04:53.08JTjust do dns or ip takeover
04:53.54JTare you mainly trying to guard against hardware or software failure?
04:54.48mostyJT, software primarily (asterisk crashes), but i would like it to guard against hardware failure also
04:55.18*** join/#asterisk AdamW (n=AdamW@mandriva/channel-support/AdamW)
04:55.22JTthere are solutions on the market that almost mitigate hardware failure
04:55.31JTbut yeah, software is still an issue
04:55.45*** part/#asterisk AdamW (n=AdamW@mandriva/channel-support/AdamW)
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04:58.41JTmosty: you will likely need some sort of load balancer in any case
04:58.49JTbe it software or hardware based
04:59.54mostyjt: i'm trying to figure out what that should be. my current thoughts are SRV and/or openser for SIP, and dundi for IAX
05:00.32JTiax may need physical packet redirection, i dunno
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05:02.14slingrhello all
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05:04.45mostyjt: it looks like dundi might be a good start, but i don't understand it well enough to know
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05:06.08JTyeah, no idea about if dundi will help
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05:09.00mostyi wonder if there's a macro-like feature for iax so that asterisk can register to multiple iax servers
05:09.36mostywithout having to manually manage N different IAX server account details
05:11.22noworkJT: can you please help me on a SIP issue::  pp_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
05:11.41JTnowork: that's a pretty straightforeward error
05:11.56JTmeans it can't establish a sip link at the ip level
05:12.36noworkhhmm, when i do sip show peers , i got status UNREACHABLE
05:12.46JTthat's a given
05:12.50noworkbut, I can ping the remote ip
05:13.13JTthat doesn't mean sip is running on it
05:13.53noworkso, I should check with remote end? I hv this same issue on three remote ip , that is why i thought my problem
05:14.13noworkthey asked me to treat them as gateway.  they use VPS and MERA
05:14.38JTmaybe you have a firewall
05:14.40JTor they do
05:16.50noworkok, I will doublecheck this ..thank you JT..
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05:26.08mkl1525Hi, havin problems with queue commands timeout. the agents have "exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${ARG1},900)" as call option and the Queue a timeout of 15 seconds. but the queue won't timeout in 15 seconds but after 900 - so did I something wrong?
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05:31.59mostyjt: i have an idea for the delivery of calls to clients in the case where the server they're registered to dies- if each server caches a list of registered peers at itself and the other servers, you could use AGI to figure out the location of dynamic hosts (if one is known), the only requirement is that the client accepts calls from unknown servers
05:32.35JThow is the server unknown?
05:33.14mostyjt: i want the asterisk server pool to be able to grow without having to let the clients know
05:33.44JTwhy would the client not accept the call anyway?
05:33.53JTif it's authed
05:34.16mostyif it's authed it will work
05:34.35JTthen it should be fine
05:34.37mostybut does the client know about all N asterisk servers?
05:34.45mostyassuming it's using SRV
05:34.49JTit should auth on call setup
05:36.57ManxPowerum, Asterisk will pretty much accept unauthed calls anyway
05:36.57mostyManxPower, it's configurable in the dialplan obviously, yes
05:38.12mostythis sounds like it would work reasonably well, now i just need to make sure that dundi or something else can't do it for me already
05:40.52ManxPowermosty: Yeah.  It annoys me that Asterisk is basically insecure by default.
05:42.26mostyManxPower, default should be whatever configuration it ships with
05:42.39ManxPowermosty: it does not ship with a working config
05:42.59mostyManxPower, that's my point. no working config, is perfectly secure
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06:03.22*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- Asterisk 1.4.4 (April 27, 2007) Asterisk 1.2.18 (April 24, 2007), Zaptel, (April 25, 2007) -=- Other fun channels: #asterisk-gui, #asterisknow, #asterisk-commits, #astridevcon -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
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06:05.34mkl1525and another Problem: when using voicemail I see the recording in the tmp of the voice box and it grows larger but after caller quits the tmp file is removed but not in INBOX - any hints where the file goes to? debug + verbose 10 weren't helpful
06:09.11mostymkl1525, is it being emailed and deleted?
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06:17.05mkl1525mosty, thanks you're my hero :) - it was too obvious...
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06:43.56Shaun2222whats the usb port for on the polycom 650's
06:44.59noworkhi, Any idea how much is a 1port FXO PCI card for Asterisk?
06:45.11noworkor FXO 1port sip device ?
06:45.19*** join/#asterisk n0n4m3 (
06:46.22n0n4m3i've got a little ol' question
06:47.10n0n4m3i'd like to change the sip header in case a call comes in from one sip account
06:47.12drrtnowork, 1 port fxo card for zap channel is simply analog modem
06:47.46Hmmhesayshow so?
06:48.39n0n4m3in case i call to freewordldialup i have to enter prefix 9... and i'd like to set up dialing plan so in case a call comes from fwd, i'd like to add a new prefix, 9
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06:52.28n0n4m3exten => _9.,3,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@fwd-outgoing)
06:53.14n0n4m3so here's my outgoing plan
06:53.41n0n4m3incoming is like this
06:53.46n0n4m3exten => ${FWDNUMBER},3,Set(CALLERID(number)=9${NUM})
06:53.53n0n4m3but unfortunately it doesn't work
06:54.00n0n4m3i keep getting 9
06:54.04n0n4m3only 9
06:55.27jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
06:59.39*** part/#asterisk nowork (n=jfu2808@
07:02.22ManxPowern0n4m3: The value of ${NUM} is empty or was never set
07:04.00ManxPowerPerhaps you are looking more for: exten => ${FWDNUMBER},3,Set(CALLERID(number)=9${CALLERID(number)})
07:09.53creativxdamn ip10s' keep falling out of the network
07:13.46Aces1Upis there a flowchart that shows the various config files and their interaction with each other?
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07:35.59n0n4m3ManxPower prolly... i'll check it out
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07:41.24Zeeeklooks good
07:41.28Avochelmjust set up two clients on our internal pabx to forward to each other... went up to about 38 missed calls in a matter of seconds...
07:41.41Avochelmnice little infinite loop... going to see if we can crash the server :)
07:41.54JTi bet they love it :P
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07:57.59Uateci'm going to give that a go
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08:01.32n0n4m3fwd says i've got misconfigured asterisk :(
08:02.02Zeeeksip or iax?
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08:10.28n0n4m3the strangest thing is... it seems to work if i call myself
08:10.48Zeeekso all is well?
08:12.49n0n4m3no... the call test doesn't work :(
08:13.06Zeeekecho test? Time of day?
08:13.08n0n4m3do you happen to have account at freeworlddial?
08:13.19ZeeekI used to use it
08:13.29Zeeeknot registered with the server though
08:13.42Zeeekpastebin your configs and I'll compare them to mine
08:13.48*** part/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
08:14.18ZeeekFWD was down too often to be of use even testing
08:18.06n0n4m3here you go
08:18.15n0n4m3i belive i pasted all the necessary parts
08:18.27Zeeekare your registered with fwd ok?
08:18.39n0n4m3it seems so
08:19.07n0n4m3i don't get any errors when i run asterisk
08:21.03Zeeekmine is a peer without fromdomain for outgoing
08:22.59Zeeekwhich part gives you problems, calling out or incoming?
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08:47.04creativxanyone here has any suggestions to bluetooth headsets/adapters for windows + softphone?
08:48.18*** join/#asterisk SoftIce (
08:48.31SoftIcehi anyone ever had this error Invalid card number lenght defined in configuration with a2billing when trying to view the Admin page?
08:49.28dejandinicHello ppl, is there any chance to send "beep" sound on OTHER conversation made by dial(zap/g1/${EXTENSIONS})
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08:56.47n0n4m3Zeeek the problem is the test call
08:56.51n0n4m3from the web
08:57.34Zeeekbest way to fix it is to ask someone on the fwd forum to call you
08:57.56Zeeekor find someone patient enough to call one of their DID and enter the codes to call you
09:00.53Uateci've got 10 smart phones to connect to my asterisk system
09:01.05Uatecit helps the stupid wifi stay up long enough to figure out why sound is only going one way
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09:39.51pestouilleI would like to use an ISDN Diva 2.02 PCI card but I can't find any driver for it using mISDN or CAPI just the I4L. So I should use the chan_modem_i4l but it seems deprecated any ideas ?
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09:46.44stonyi'm trying to use a linksys spa-901 with asterisk but it isn't working
09:46.56stonyare there any howtos available for telephone configuration ?
09:47.03stonyi googled around but i didn't find anything
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09:54.32SoftIcegood day, i'm having an issue with a2billing, when I go to the admin page I get this displayed on my browser.
09:54.40SoftIceInvalid card number lenght defined in configuration
09:54.58SoftIceI find only 1 google post about this issue and half way down the user states he allready solved the issue without stating what the issue was
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10:04.47Uatecit's helpful when people do that, isn't it...
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10:08.27porchehi there
10:08.45porcheany1 experienced in analog lines + digium cards?
10:09.09Strom_CI am...but only if you promise not to type stupid things like "any1"
10:09.25creativxhow about anyein
10:09.30creativxits german
10:09.48Strom_Chow about a word that's pronounced "anyone" but is spelled "catsex"
10:10.51creativxyou said sex!
10:11.03porchestrom got a hang up problem
10:11.14porchei mean hang up detection problem
10:11.21Strom_Cok...why don't you describe the complete problem, please
10:11.32porcheit was hard to eat and type
10:11.35porchemy installation is
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10:11.47porcheasterisk 1.2.8 (though tried 1.4.4 also)
10:11.55porchegot a tdm2400p, with echo cancel
10:12.03porchegot ordinary phone lines, analog
10:12.11porchethe application is simple one
10:12.14porcheusers call in
10:12.23porcheand get into conference
10:12.27porchethe issue is
10:12.32Strom_Cit would
10:12.33porchewhen they hang up the line
10:12.34Strom_Cif you
10:12.39porcheasterisk cannot detect
10:12.41Strom_Cevery three
10:12.56porcheok sure strom, i will do it
10:13.52porchesummary, got asterisk 1.2.8 + digium tdm2400 + analog lines, users call in, a simple meetme application, then hang up when they are finished, asterisk cannot detect the hangup
10:14.15Strom_Cis the telco providing disconnect supervision?
10:14.19porchei tried hanguponpolaritychange, but no use, since my telco seems  that they do not support it
10:14.37porcheis disconnect supervision same as hanguponpolarity?
10:14.45Strom_Cnot necessarily
10:15.06Strom_Cusually, the telco will disconnect talk battery for about half a second once the other party hangs up
10:15.11porchei am using fxs_ks, according to the docs, the best one
10:16.02porchewell i asked the telco tech guys, they said, actually they have no idea about it, but weakly they said they do not support it
10:16.39Strom_Cwell, if they can't either provide a polarity reversal or a talk battery drop, then there's simply no way you can detect when the other party hangs up.
10:16.42porchecan busydetect or any other tool help to detect? cuz on my telco side, i do have busy signal after disconnect, some busy signal about 10 times
10:17.04Strom_Chow many analog lines do you have?
10:17.07porchethough, i also tried it, but still cannot detect
10:17.11porchecurrently 12
10:17.20Strom_Cmight be better to get a partial ISDN30e
10:17.37Strom_Cor a half dozen ISDN2e :)
10:18.05porche:) i see, then there is no way if they do not change the polarity
10:18.19porcheis there a parameter for to detect polarity change
10:18.39porchei only see the zapata.conf hanguponpolarity=yes or no,
10:18.51Strom_Cwhy don't you test the line first and find out what it's doing -- seems more sensible than toggling options all day
10:19.08porchehow can I test it btw?
10:19.21Strom_Cwith a test set?  an analog phone?
10:19.40porcheah, lights must go off test you mean
10:20.05porchei mean, on disconnect, the analog phone's lights must go off?
10:20.33Strom_Cok then
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10:21.00porchesorry line is down strom
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10:21.31porchek let's see
10:21.35ghenryWhen do you have to type *1 to record a call?
10:21.41ghenrywhen it's ringing, when it's answered?
10:22.05Strom_Cporche: if those lights are powered by the phone line, then that's one way to test it
10:22.23Strom_Cbut usually you just /listen/ for the battery drop and/or polarity reversal
10:26.47porchei see
10:27.04porchebest to find a test tool then
10:27.25porcheso you say, busydetect is not an alternative on analog lines
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10:28.31Strom_Cno, you didn't listen to me :)
10:28.35Strom_Cyou don't need a test tool
10:28.52Strom_Cjust listen to the line; you'll hear the battery drop or the polarity reversal if there is one
10:29.01porcheno nothing
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10:29.10Strom_Cand busydetect is only for call setup, not for call teardown
10:29.14jmlsmorning all!
10:29.40Strom_Cporche: well, then I would suggest you seriously consider ISDN
10:29.50jacqhey wahst a good way to load balance calls to asterisk boxes from SER... ex: dns based, ...
10:32.27porchethere is a a small tick
10:32.32porcheon close, but i am not sure
10:32.43porcheif it's a polarity reversal on close
10:32.55porcheyes isdn would be better, but i am stuck with this card
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10:34.25porcheif there is polatiry change
10:34.31porcheis the a special config to make it work
10:35.02Strom_MI /believe/ the option is called hanguponpolarityswitch, but don't quote me on that
10:35.23porcheok thanks a lot
10:41.05*** join/#asterisk MrChimpy (n=MrChimpy@
10:41.49MrChimpyhi guys
10:43.24MrChimpyanyone had problems building zaptel- I'm getting a gcc: mxmldoc.o: No such file or directory when it's building the new menuconfig stuff.
10:45.32Zeeekis it possible to have 1.2 and 1.4 on the same machine and be able to start either one anytime without re installing?
10:46.32Strom_Mwhy the hell would you want to do that?
10:46.46Zeeekto test 1.4 over the weekend
10:47.18ZeeekIOW, what is the fastest switchover technique?
10:47.36porchehave you compiled once, and recompiling now?
10:48.02porchetry with a refresh copy
10:48.05porcheit will pass
10:48.08MrChimpyyeah, just about to
10:48.23MrChimpyok, so it doesn't like being built twice
10:48.43porcheyeah, i met too, probably something stuck,
10:49.21MrChimpythanks porche
10:50.57porchesure, np
10:51.17porchebut, i downgraded to 1.2.8 now, seems faster with mysql, just a small note
10:51.23n0n4m3exten => ${FWDNUMBER},3,Set(CALLERID(number)=9${CALLERID(number)})
10:51.29n0n4m3this doesn't work
10:54.00Strom_Mhow about (num) instead of (number)
10:54.16Strom_Mand also, ${FWDNUMBER} isnt a valid extension name
10:54.22Zeeekunfortunate wording of headline:
10:54.28n0n4m3why not?
10:54.45n0n4m3FWDNUMBER=853914 ; your calling number
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10:55.22Strom_Mthe syntax parser doesn't use variables in extension names
10:55.44n0n4m3you sure about that?
10:55.51n0n4m3it seems to work nevertheless :D
10:56.18Zeeekyes variable are parsed in extensions
10:56.59Zeeekor at least they have been for the last 3 years or so
10:57.37n0n4m3what sip client are you guys using?
10:57.45n0n4m3i have problems with eyebeam on vista
10:58.02n0n4m3that's the same as eyebeam
10:58.16Zeeekyeah, it is. But I don't use vista
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10:59.07n0n4m3this doesn't seem 'quiet' at all :S
10:59.12n0n4m3the on hold music :(
10:59.35Zeeekuse sox to make it quiet
11:00.20n0n4m3on the fly?
11:00.49Zeeekno, once
11:02.15cy303any of you guys using RAGI or Adhearison?
11:02.20n0n4m3when i listen it on an mp3 player it seems okay
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11:25.02Polis_ttthi, does anyone have a clue how i put my asterisk-server behind nat, and then can connect to it when i'm outside, via wan-port. Does it work if i just forwarding port 5060 and makes some changes in sip.conf?
11:26.40jacq? nat
11:26.44ZeeekPolis_ttt this is a pretty common question, google asterisk nat and see
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11:31.22mockerYay, it's Friday!
11:31.45Zeeekyes, that's the day of the Asterisk Users Conference!
11:31.55mockerAhh crap.
11:32.42Zeeekno matter, it's recorded
11:33.18*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:33.37mockerThere should be a MeetMe bridge. :)
11:33.52Zeeekthere is when Russell sets it up
11:35.00mockerOpenSuSE is really annoying.
11:35.18mockerZeeek: I hate yast. ;)
11:35.33ZeeekYet Another Shitty Terminal?
11:35.51mockerYet Another Setup Tool
11:36.11mockeraka - I take forever to install simple packages
11:37.04e-ddiethat's why the distro comes with a windoze size installation by default
11:37.23e-ddieas they hope you wont realize how crappy their package tools are
11:37.36Zeeekhere we go :)
11:37.46e-ddienot really
11:37.57mockerYeah, we're all in agreement that it sucks.
11:38.21ZeeekI kept getting Suze CD in magazines. That's why I never tried it.
11:38.29creativxnothing beats MSI packages anyways.
11:38.32ZeeekLike AOL in mailbox
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11:40.40mockerNagiosGrapher is awesome. (on a totally different subject)
11:40.55Zeeekby all means, remain positive :)
11:41.17*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
11:41.29e-ddiejust like photos
11:41.51e-ddieif we're all positive, it'll be a boring world
11:42.07e-ddiemore boring, that is
11:42.14mockere-ddie: Except nobody would say that.
11:42.15Zeeekentropy would become b0rken
11:42.18mockerBecuase it's negative.
11:42.37e-ddiei would :)
11:44.16mockerZeeek: Is there a page about the developer conference today?
11:44.22e-ddieas i dont have any need to not say things others wont
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11:52.31davidcsiquestion: When calling SIP->SIP if the caller hangs up BEFORE the called party answers, the called phone keeps ringing... anyony know why this is and how to solve it??
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11:59.31funnymanvaDoes anyone know if Ranch Networks is out of business?   They're main numbers don't work anymore.
12:00.37coppicethey went the way of the dodo
12:00.51coppicemaybe ranches just didn't buy enough networks
12:02.35funnymanvaDo you know that for sure or when they went out?  Does anyone know of any other netsec firewalls?
12:04.08coppicea couple of months ago, I guess. time flies. it might be longer
12:04.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:06.53*** part/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
12:09.38n0n4m3does anyone happen to have a pocketpc with a sip phone?
12:10.00porcheyeah tried, eats battery non4m3
12:10.13n0n4m3which one do you use? i'm trying to use sjphone on my qtek 9090 but guess it uses too much cpu power :(
12:10.25porcheisnt it 400Mhz?
12:10.35n0n4m3i belive it is...
12:10.44porcheyeah must be enough
12:10.55porcheone sec, i couldnt remember
12:10.57n0n4m3Intel PXA263 400 MHz processor
12:11.17porcheyeah must be enough, but you are after a portable go with wi-fi ones
12:12.27n0n4m3i'm after what?
12:12.52porchei mean if you like to have a wireless phone, wi-fi iphones are better
12:16.15porchen0n4m3 stanaphone i believe
12:16.20porchei tried
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12:21.43jkiffG'morning, #asterisk.  For some reason, when one of my agents presses *, it disconnects the call and I'm baffled as to why.  Disconnect is set to *0 in features.conf.  Any ideas?
12:24.05n0n4m3stanaphone uses sjphone
12:25.50porchen0n, didnt you ask sip?
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12:46.59jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
12:47.00*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
12:47.22De_Mon04:51PM <@Corydon76-home> I don't see where you ever got a j option for AddQueueMember anyway.  It was never there.
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12:50.04L|NUXis there any way to get local SIP Call on IAX Client ?
12:50.14*** join/#asterisk voipnet-tech (
12:50.28De_MonL|NUX huh?
12:50.39De_MonL|NUX use a PBX?
12:50.49L|NUXDe_Mon : well i am using Asterisk
12:51.00jrenzemaHi. If anyone is interested in a consulting project, I have a project posted at rent-a-coder for an Asterisk Outbound IVR with web interface at
12:51.05L|NUXDe_Mon : all i want when call come on SIP it will ring to my IAX Softphone
12:52.23*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
12:54.07creativxre-route it then L|NUX
12:54.10[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: You just don't seem to get it.  You set * up to register to all of your providers.  It will speak whatever protocol they need.  You then set up your soft-phone to use whichever protocol IT uses.  * will sit in the MIDDLE of the call and translate each end of the call.
12:54.20[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: * is a B2BUA
12:54.35jbotb2bua is probably a back 2 back user agent
12:55.09*** join/#asterisk groogs (
12:55.13L|NUX[TK]D-Fender : well its not working
12:55.19L|NUX[TK]D-Fender : when i try to call a DID
12:55.34L|NUXand i am register on IAX Client which suppose to ring
12:55.36L|NUXi got error
12:56.19De_MonCorydon76-home line 161 --
12:56.27De_Monstill in 1.2 branch
12:56.38L|NUXMay 31 07:43:48 NOTICE[17252]: app_dial.c:1069 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
12:56.52[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: Can * answer the call and Playback something to the caller before trying to pass the call to another device?
12:57.20[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: pastebin your sip.confmasking ONLY passwords, and your dialplan (seperately)
12:57.29L|NUX[TK]D-Fender : okay
12:57.37*** join/#asterisk iulius_ (
12:57.39L|NUX[TK]D-Fender : i am using realtime
12:57.58[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: Pastebin your extensions.conf AND your realtime dumped
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13:04.07L|NUX[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean by realtime dumped, you need database ?
13:04.22[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: Clearly.
13:04.50[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: And please make another pastebin of the COMPLETE call from beginning to end
13:06.24[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: And while you're at it, your IAX.CONF masiking only passwords as well.
13:07.03L|NUXfor IAX i am using same sip_buddies table
13:07.04[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: Keep in mind the BIG PRINT HERE : L|NUX> -- Executing Dial("SIP/XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX-09a23b30", "SIP/14193017227") in new stack
13:07.19[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: Where the hell are you using IAX in this dial line?
13:07.36L|NUX[TK]D-Fender : this is what i wanted to know
13:07.51[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: Don't bothre with the rest then
13:08.09[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: If this is supposed to dial an IAX device, then you sir are on CRACK
13:08.23creativxbad crack at it
13:08.28L|NUXso its means there is no way right
13:08.49[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: Why the @^#%#@ hell does it say Dial(SIP<-----------
13:09.06[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: You put that there.  You are not TELLING it to ring a an IAX device.
13:09.16*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:09.24L|NUX[TK]D-Fender : okay
13:09.48L|NUX[TK]D-Fender : but if we are using AGI how can AGI know that user is connected with IAX Softphone or Phone
13:09.51n0n4m3any ideas?
13:10.30[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: try saying that more clearly ... the last part doesn't add up..
13:10.54[TK]D-Fendern0n4m3: * does not support G.723 natively.
13:11.05*** join/#asterisk Katty (
13:11.20L|NUX[TK]D-Fender : the point it
13:11.33n0n4m3[TK]D-Fender so is there any way to fix this?
13:11.34Kattyoh dear. what is this.
13:11.56[TK]D-Fendern0n4m3: Yeah... tell whoever it is sending you the call to use another codec
13:12.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: Gonads! .... and Strife!
13:12.18coppiceone more year, and G.723.1 will be FREEEEEEE!
13:12.21n0n4m3[TK]D-Fender that won't be possible
13:12.28[TK]D-Fendern0n4m3: TFB
13:13.02n0n4m3so i'm toast :(
13:13.06*** join/#asterisk Brandon_W (
13:13.30[TK]D-Fendern0n4m3: Buttered Cinnamon Toast
13:13.35Katty[TK]D-Fender: ^_-
13:13.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: Oh dear... just LOOK at the mess you've made...
13:14.22Kattyi'm not even awake yet :<
13:14.24Kattystop picking on me
13:14.54drakoconfigure a Digium B410P seem to be impossssible on Debian
13:15.13Kattynothing's impossible on debian
13:15.40[TK]D-Fenderdrako: Yeah... Debian has all sorts of text file editors available for it!
13:15.50Kattydrako: i prefer emacs.
13:16.10drako[TK]D-Fender, compatibility
13:16.15[TK]D-Fenderdrako: vi,vim,nano,pico,gedit,kedit,kwrite,mc jsut to name a few!
13:16.40[TK]D-Fenderdrako: Allso not applicable.  Go download the latest tarballs and get to it.
13:16.45drako[TK]D-Fender, digium says that card wont work on kernel higher than 2.6.16
13:17.00drakoDebian etch comes with 2.6.18 and downgrade brake a lot of things
13:17.02[TK]D-Fenderdrako: And don't let me hear you whine about compiling when your packages are BROKEN.
13:17.04drakoincluding udev
13:20.17[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: .... and your point is .... ?
13:20.41De_Monsince when did downgrading a kernel 'break a lot of things' ?
13:21.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: you /are/ being nice this morning, right?
13:21.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: RIGHT?!
13:21.08De_Monespecially when its TWO MINOR REVISIONS
13:21.14drakoDe_Mon, since there are many changes like they are from 2.6.17 to 2.6.18
13:21.22L|NUX[TK]D-Fender : well now we told dev to add option to user if he have choose IAX2/SIP for incomnig then it will ring to IAX2/SIP accordingly :)
13:21.27L|NUX[TK]D-Fender : thanks for your help mate
13:21.29[TK]D-FenderKatty: Not being particularly snarky... just look what I'm responding to:) L|NUX>[TK]D-Fender : the point it  L|NUX>is
13:21.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: good.
13:21.46De_Mondrako show me a website that agrees with you
13:21.52Katty[TK]D-Fender: cause i dun serve snarky muffins.
13:21.55*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
13:21.58L|NUX[TK]D-Fender : nice m00d :)
13:22.07drakoDe_Mon, read changelog and figures.
13:22.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh, i'm moving.
13:22.18drakoafter 2.6.16 or 2.6.17 one of these
13:22.27[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: Glad to hear you figured out what to do to fix your approach.
13:22.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: you need to help get all my furniture down two flights of stairs.
13:22.43creativxwait, is it friday?
13:22.47Kattyyes, yes it is
13:22.59cy303@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@   @@@  @@@@@@@    @@@@@@   @@@ @@@
13:22.59cy303@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@ @@@
13:22.59cy303@@!       @@!  @@@  @@!  @@!  @@@  @@!  @@@  @@! !@@
13:23.00cy303!@!       !@!  @!@  !@!  !@!  @!@  !@!  @!@  !@! @!!
13:23.00cy303@!!!:!    @!@!!@!   !!@  @!@  !@!  @!@!@!@!   !@!@!
13:23.00[TK]D-FenderKatty: I moved one of my best friends GF 3 times in under a year.....
13:23.00L|NUX[TK]D-Fender : well i have fixed that in this morning but i was instructed to test it again and again on SIP
13:23.02cy303!!!!!:    !!@!@!    !!!  !@!  !!!  !!!@!!!!    @!!!
13:23.03Kattyi also have a funeral today.
13:23.04cy303!!:       !!: :!!   !!:  !!:  !!!  !!:  !!!    !!:
13:23.07cy303:!:       :!:  !:!  :!:  :!:  !:!  :!:  !:!    :!:
13:23.14[TK]D-FenderOPS !
13:23.27Kattyhow ascii
13:23.51[TK]D-FenderKatty: ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI :)
13:24.10Kattyerr /golfclap
13:24.23Kattyi want my netherdrake
13:24.28Kattystupid lack of 5000g
13:25.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: but yes, i'm moving.
13:25.19[TK]D-FenderKatty: Bigger.  Better.  MORE!
13:25.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: 3 bookshelves, a computer desk i have to take apart to get outside the door...the kitchen table
13:25.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: not to mention my entire bedroom suite
13:25.39Corydon76-homecy303: don't do that again
13:25.45[TK]D-Fendertzanger: "That wasn't herbal tea, that was HERB!"
13:25.55tzanger[TK]D-Fender: yep
13:25.58tzangerthat was a great show
13:26.01tzangerthat and cheers
13:26.08Kattywhat about mash?
13:26.09*** join/#asterisk guille1983 (n=chatzill@
13:26.12[TK]D-Fendertzanger: "Our Father who is Art in heaven" ;)
13:26.12Kattyi liked mash.
13:26.17tzangerI never got in to mash
13:26.22tzanger[TK]D-Fender: heh
13:26.23guille1983hi, is Message Waiting Indication available with SIP ?
13:26.26Kattyand star trek
13:26.31[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: Yes
13:26.34tzangerHi, I'm Harry.  But then again, aren't we all?
13:26.34Kattystar trek TOS
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13:26.41Kattyoh, speaking of harry
13:26.43guille1983[TK]D-Fender: is that new ?
13:26.48Kattythere's a harry potter theme park opening in flordia
13:26.52Kattyin, uhh, 2009 i think
13:26.52tzangeroh god
13:27.06Corydon76-hometzanger: yes, my son?
13:27.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: I. Am a Graduate.  Of.  The James.T.Kirk. School of..... OVERACTING!
13:27.10*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
13:27.13[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: No
13:27.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: teehee.
13:27.21tzangerCorydon76-home: great, now I have the Mclean & Mclean skit in my head
13:27.22coppiceKatty: will the locals be holding witch trials?
13:27.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: yes!
13:27.30Kattycoppice: probably. my mother is
13:27.34Kattycoppice: WITCHCRAFT!
13:27.42guille1983[TK]D-Fender: is Name Identification available on SIP protocol as well ?
13:28.15[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: Well SIP sends a CID name & number, so I think the answer to that is "yes"
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13:28.57guille1983[TK]D-Fender: is there any additional service that h.232 has and SIP doesnt?
13:29.09guille1983h.323 i meant
13:29.47*** part/#asterisk porche (n=porche@
13:30.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: i have sip registrations (sip.conf) in two different contexts (upstairs and downstairs). When i go to extensions.conf and setup [upstairs] and [downstairs]...
13:30.53[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: Nothing relevent that I'm aware of.
13:31.12guille1983[TK]D-Fender: thank you very much sir
13:31.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: in the _xxx,1,Dial($EXTEN}) part it works. but I'm guessing the voicemail bit i need to specify which context it's going to.
13:31.16[TK]D-FenderKatty: that does not parse...
13:31.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yes, definately, and XXX is not a "nice" way for this.  You should hard-code them.
13:32.03guille1983[TK]D-Fender: any link that I can check to see how to configure additional services on SIP protocol?
13:32.17Kattyok so, under [downstairs] do I need _xxx,1,Dial(${EXTEN}@downstairs,20)?
13:32.23Katty^- [TK]D-Fender
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13:32.24[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: Normally there IS nothing to "configure".
13:32.54guille1983[TK]D-Fender: so they are available once I run a SIP network? :S
13:32.59[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: read the sample sip.conf , and read up on "presence" for subscriptions on the WIKI
13:33.06jbotit has been said that wikis is
13:33.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: which i presume would be as simple as [upstairs] 124,1,Dial(124@downstairs,20)
13:33.39Kattywith the sip thingy in there
13:33.49*** join/#asterisk bintut (
13:33.53[TK]D-FenderKatty: There is no tech in that line.
13:34.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: tech?
13:34.10bintutanyone here knows a sip client for palm os 5.x?
13:34.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: And generally... ICK.  that also means that ANYBODY can dial that phone downstairs
13:34.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: tech = SIP, IAX2, H323,ZAP,LOCAL....
13:34.40Kattyshe's the receptionist
13:34.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: aye, i typed that right under my line i goofed up
13:34.47*** join/#asterisk appletizer (
13:35.00appletizerhow easy is it to set up asterisk on a linux based server please?
13:35.01Kattyi want everyone to be able to call the receptionist :P
13:35.18[TK]D-FenderKatty:  [upstairs] exten => 124,1,Gotol(downstairs,124,1)
13:35.31[TK]D-FenderKatty:  [upstairs] exten => 124,1,Goto(downstairs,124,1)
13:35.31Katty[TK]D-Fender: but there is no 124 in the downstairs context.
13:35.35Katty[TK]D-Fender: it's all _xxx
13:35.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: it will pattern-match.
13:35.49Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh.
13:35.55Katty[TK]D-Fender: ooooooooooh
13:36.26appletizerand just wondering, does Asterisk come with a web-based administration panel?
13:36.36[TK]D-Fenderappletizer: No.
13:36.42appletizer[TK]D-Fender ah
13:36.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: sweet ^_^
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13:37.14[TK]D-Fenderappletizer: There are SEPERATE products out there for that though, but be warned, your soul should be worth more than what they offer...
13:37.21Kattyanthm: don't let anyone call me till at least 10 :<
13:37.25appletizer[TK]D-Fender, lol
13:37.31appletizer[TK]D-Fender, any recommendations for that please?
13:37.44[TK]D-Fenderappletizer: Was I not clear enough? :)
13:38.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm gonna pastebin what i've got so far.
13:38.08appletizer[TK]D-Fender, lol yeah still i'm curious as to how much they're worth in the region of
13:38.18anthmdid someone call you early?
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13:38.39[TK]D-Fenderappletizer: What do you expect out of said interface?
13:38.47VJFROMGTsomeone is asking me if i am in GK or GW mode, ,, what doe that mean?
13:38.48*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
13:39.02De_Mondrako I read the 2.6.18 changelog and don't see anything that would make me think downgrading to an earlier kernel would beak something
13:39.15[TK]D-Fenderappletizer: Tell you what.... go download Trixbox.  Play around with it.  If you like it and need help with it, this isn't the place.  If you don't like it head on back.
13:39.26appletizer[TK]D-Fender, just a simple centralised area from which to change configuration scripts, it need not be fanciful... it can even be *gack* a simple text-based editor which access the conf files
13:39.45appletizer[TK]D-Fender, excellent
13:39.48[TK]D-Fenderappletizer: SSH <-
13:39.49creativxappletizer: putty -> vi -> free
13:40.05creativxit even comes in black and white if you wish.
13:40.11appletizerha ha :)
13:40.22appletizeri'm just wondering if there are ready-made solutions
13:40.28appletizeror whether i have to actually script one myself
13:40.35appletizerbut it's good to know, there's something like Trixbox
13:41.26creativxeither the gui is for admin or it is for call mangling
13:41.42appletizerwell yeah some of the admins aren't so tech savvy...
13:41.49appletizerhence the requirement for a web-based admin panel :\
13:42.16creativxbut then again asterisk can be tech hell
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13:45.47[TK]D-Fendercreativx: This isn't "The Simpsons"... you don't put a MORON in charge of a nuclear reactor....
13:46.29creativxindeed. there's no fancy buttons with colors to push.
13:47.07dlynesVJFROMGT: gatekeeper vs gateway mode, i would imagine
13:47.17dlynesVJFROMGT: You're talking for H.323, right?
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13:52.11VJFROMGTdlynes,, SIP
13:52.23*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
13:52.45VJFROMGTthey are also telling me that my equipment is reporting FAS
13:54.08bintutwhat are the usual reasons why calls are disconnected with this kind of routes:  x-lite <--> fw <--> internet <--> pbx <--> dial 9+pstn_no <--> pstn <--> pbx <--> sip_hardphone
13:58.26*** join/#asterisk cr4z3d (
13:59.45NirSVJ ,the terms GateKeeper, Gateway Mode and FAS are mostly common with H323
13:59.45NirSare you you sure you are talking about SIP ?
13:59.58rue_mohrbintut, have you done a quality test on the route over the internet?
14:00.05*** join/#asterisk robl^ (n=robl@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/robl)
14:02.22Mercestesbintut:  The call was done so one of the users hung up
14:02.23*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
14:02.38guille1983question: Do i need to have a asterisk server in all my company's facilities ?
14:02.55Mercestesguille1983, Yes.  Absolutely
14:03.13guille1983oh ok
14:03.13MercestesI suggest the business edition with full digium support contracts\
14:03.45jbotmercestes is definitely a total nub
14:04.04Mercestesf.u. fender
14:04.20[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: Take everything he says with a grain of salt, a pinch of pepper, and a dash of paprika (for colour)
14:04.20Mercestesguille1983, Maybe you coudl try to tell us what yoru trying to do so we can actually answer your question with a slight degree of accuracy.
14:04.22guille1983:D what's it all about ? :D
14:04.36rue_mohrbintut, use netperf to do a few tests on the connection over the internet
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14:04.39MercestesIt's about D-Fender riding more ass than Mary at a Christmas derby.
14:04.59[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: No, you don't necessarily need an * server at each site, but there are bandwidth and independence issue to consider
14:05.11[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Yee haw!
14:05.44guille1983ok, I am analyzing a wan network around the country, And I am thinking about the best deployment
14:06.02Mercestesguille1983, How many phones at each site?
14:06.28guille1983Mercestes: more than 40 less than 300
14:06.45Mercestesguille1983, In that case, my answer was probably correct.
14:07.12guille1983Mercestes: so that I do a well usage of bandwidth ?
14:07.15MercestesOtherwise you will have to establish a full network path *twice* for every time someone decides to call someone internally
14:08.04guille1983Mercestes: so, when a user wants to call to another city its * server will conect him to the another city's * server ?
14:08.20MercestesI've run  about 1000 users all remote from the Asterisk server's not at all fun and I had some commercial phone switches to help me
14:08.47Mercestesguille1983, If an employee in New York calls an extension in california, then you can use IAX2 to route it internally via the Internet.
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14:09.24bintutrue_mohr: i think this is nothing to do with the network..
14:09.30guille1983Mercestes: I am studying the case they have a frame relay network
14:09.37MercestesIf an employee calls someone outside of *your* asterisk network, then likely not, unless you set them up a direct sip or iax2 connection with them.
14:10.26bintutMercestes: actually, i was the callee having the sip hardphone..
14:11.15Mercestesguille1983, You could do it with fewer servers, but I think your *best* case is a pbx at each office.
14:11.27*** part/#asterisk appletizer (
14:11.30MercestesThat way if someone unplugs it you loose one office instead of several.
14:11.35guille1983Mercestes: they already have a pbx on each city
14:11.44Mercestesasterisk pbx
14:12.01guille1983Mercestes: so, you first answer was right :D
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14:12.06MercestesIf it's sevreal offices in a city you can do it that way too.  on an internal LAN you should ahve enough bandwidth to support that.
14:12.41MercestesI wouldn't say "right" it's mostly an opinion on my part and yours based upon several factors and variables.
14:13.12guille1983yeah right, that was not wrong neither
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14:17.08MercestesWould you say most of yoru traffic is internal traffic or external traffic?
14:18.32guille1983Mercestes: Let me ask the admin network
14:18.40rue_mohrbintut, until you know, test the hell out of it
14:18.51ManxPowerMust.  Resist.  Clicking.  SEND.  Before.  First.  Cup.  Of.  Coffee
14:19.53guille1983Mercestes: what is the difference between they use more internal traffic or external traffic ?
14:20.34skyphyrhi all - can anyone recommend a UK based provider for DID and PSTN outbound that I can use for business running our own asterisk server?
14:20.50skyphyrwell not necessarily UK based, but providing UK (London) numbers
14:20.52Mercestesguille1983, If 80% of your calls are outbound outside of your network, then you wouldn't need a PBX at each location so much because most of yoru calls would be leaving your entire network anyways.
14:21.08MercestesIf 80% of yoru calls are interoffice then you would want a PBX at each location...
14:21.40MercestesIf 80% of yoru calls are interoffice at remote office locations, then you might be able to do regional PBXs instead of a PBX at each site.
14:21.44MercestesIt's a matter of traffic analysis.
14:22.07guille1983Mercestes: when you say external do you mean calls to the PSTN ?
14:22.44ManxPowerI didn't resist,
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14:23.05Mercestesguille1983, Precisely
14:23.32MercestesManxPower, :(  Better luck next time, lad.
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14:26.02guille1983Mercestes: well, i thought that (maybe i am wrong, remember i am a newbee) they connect phones to the asterisk server and the server was connected to their PBX system so when users want to call to the pstn they dial a central extension and if they want to call to another office (wether or not they are on the same city) they had to dial another extension first and when they got the tone they...
14:26.03guille1983...dial the number
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14:27.02MercestesAsterisk is a PBX.
14:27.23Mercestestryign to interface Asterisk with an existing (redundant) PBX is a monster in and of itself that will result in much pain.
14:28.06*** part/#asterisk KpoH (
14:28.08MercestesIt's like trying to make your '07 Corvette remote control by hooking a remote control car to it and rigging your tires to the steering wheel and pedals
14:28.11guille1983so my asterisk server will have a interface for my incomming E1 lines?
14:28.20MercestesIf you buy a card for it, yes.
14:28.28[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: You just want a basic VoIP bridge between remote PBX's so they can dial between themselves for free?
14:28.46guille1983[TK]D-Fender: yes
14:29.02[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: How many simultaneous calls per site do you need?
14:29.11guille1983[TK]D-Fender: making usage of their framerelay network of course
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14:29.37[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: Wrong answer try again.  how many simultaneous calls do you need to be able to support at each site?
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14:31.11eeoshi everybody
14:31.13guille1983[TK]D-Fender: ok, number of calls at the same time is not calculated yet, i got the formula but i havent calculated yet, besides, it would be different in each site
14:32.01guille1983[TK]D-Fender: I am talking about like 30 cities network divided in 3 regions
14:32.53[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: harware needed at each site will vary based on their needs and what their existing PBX offers by way of connectivity.
14:33.44[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: Yes, * can do the job, and based on bandwidth & independence requirements an * server at each sit may be advisable.
14:34.36*** join/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
14:34.52guille1983[TK]D-Fender: oh ok, they only have in each city a number of E1 lines connected to their old PBX system and phones are connected to it, thanks for your help guys
14:34.54jmlsdoes anyone know where I can buy an IDSN E1 crossover cable in the UK ?
14:35.50Uatecmost of the time Digium support are really fast
14:35.57Uatecbut i emailed them yesterday, and NO reponse
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14:36.55blaylockis there an on hold notification (such as a beep or tone) available in asterisk?
14:36.57[TK]D-Fenderjmls: just MAKE one.
14:37.03jmlsUatec: maybe your email was never delivered ?
14:37.07blaylockto notify me that someone is still on hold?
14:37.22jmls[TK]D-Fender: I have done a couple of times, but
14:37.35jmlsA) the quality is not that good
14:37.48jmlsB) it takes too much time (banana fingers)
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14:37.56[TK]D-Fenderjmls: SAD
14:38.16jmlsmy legs are old and bent
14:38.43mogUatec, whats the prob bob
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14:39.45ManxPowerguille1983: Frame Relay and VoIP are very, very, very hard to make work.
14:40.04guille1983ManxPower: yes, i've read that
14:40.24ManxPowerIf your CIR is not the same as your port speed, basically you can't do QoS for real time apps.
14:42.32ManxPowerThe problem is by the time the frame relay newtwork sends the congestion info to you, it is already too late.
14:42.52ManxPowerIf your port speed and CIR are the same, you should never get that sort of congestion message back from the frame relay network,
14:43.15ManxPowerguille1983: Cisco's web site has some information on QoS on FR
14:43.23guille1983what port speed are you talking about? i am sorry
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14:48.53msetimHi guys,
14:49.15msetimwhat the order that asterisk follow to play moh when the mode is not aleatory
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14:51.24msetimsomebody know?
14:51.40tbicis there any way to get the IP address of the user that is making the call in AGI
14:53.25[TK]D-Fendertbic: Look at the current channel, then dump it.
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14:54.31tbicok, how would I dump the current channel though an AGI command?
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14:57.16blaylockanyone know of a way to do on hold notification?
14:57.27blaylocklike ring the phone every few seconds?
14:57.37[TK]D-Fendertbic: You don't.  Connect through AMI for that.
14:57.47blaylockkind of the same as MWI maybe
14:58.11[TK]D-Fenderblaylock: You can't.  If you want the phone to remind you, you'd better hope your phone offers you that feature
14:58.38tbic[TK]D-Fender: thanks, I'll try that
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14:59.18PierreYhi all
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14:59.42tdihi all !
15:00.04blaylock[TK]D-Fender, hmmm, probably have to hack some code to get it to work somewhat like mwi or call waiting
15:00.13PierreYI want to write a driver for Firebird SQL backend. Can somebody tell my where to start ?
15:00.29[TK]D-Fenderblaylock: What kind of phones are you using?
15:00.54blaylockwell at the moment i dont know, my boss was asking me if its possible
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15:01.11[TK]D-Fenderblaylock: How the hell do you not know what kind of phones you have?
15:01.36blaylockit for a customer, which he didnt get the type of phones from
15:01.42[TK]D-Fenderblaylock: And there is no SIP mechanism for what you want.
15:01.45tdidoes anybody knows any usable sip phone dor osx ? this xlite crashes on intel mac
15:02.24blaylock[TK]D-Fender, thats what i was looking for, but there doesnt seem to be any SIP method other than MWI
15:02.28[TK]D-Fenderblaylock: At absolute best you'd have to do a massive rewrite of code to KILL the call after a certain period of time and try calling back until connected.  A massive task with pathetic ROI
15:03.07blaylock[TK]D-Fender, heh probably so...maybe it will be easier to tell him no :-D
15:03.15[TK]D-Fenderblaylock: Definately.
15:03.49[TK]D-Fendertdi: check the WIKI or JFGI
15:03.51blaylock[TK]D-Fender, but the thing is, since there is mwi, why couldnt I apply that function to a call thats on hold?
15:04.01blaylock[TK]D-Fender, is asterisk not aware of a call thats on hold?
15:04.07[TK]D-Fenderblaylock: MASSIVE code changes.....
15:04.22jbotmethinks wglwat is well, good luck with all that
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15:06.24blaylock[TK]D-Fender, cool then, thanks for your help
15:06.35[TK]D-Fenderblaylock: No so much
15:06.47[TK]D-Fender"help" as "healthy advise"
15:07.01tdi[TK]D-Fender: i did not find any _good_ softphones there, i would not come here and ask without searching there before..
15:07.03blaylock[TK]D-Fender, gave me an anser that I "wanted" to hear
15:07.06tdiforget it
15:07.29[TK]D-Fendertdi: Well... any on the WIKI you HAVEN'T tried?
15:07.36[TK]D-Fendertdi: try them next :)
15:07.52[TK]D-Fendertdi: Not so many MacOSX users here at any given time.
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15:10.13guille1983what Call Parking/Pickup service consists on ?
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15:12.18[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: ...
15:12.23jbotsomebody said book was a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
15:12.25jboti guess wikis is
15:12.42guille1983[TK]D-Fender: thanks (Y)
15:13.09Kattyif i want to dial multiple phones, and give it a context, does it look like exten => s,2,Dial(SIP/100@context&SIP101@context)etc?
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15:14.26VJFROMGTanyone know hot o link 2 boxes via sip?
15:16.23[TK]D-FenderKatty: there is not such thing as "give it a context"
15:16.39Kattyhow does an incoming call ring a blast group then?
15:16.40[TK]D-FenderKatty: A SIP device is a SIP device.
15:17.02Kattyif i have 101 in context a and 101 in context b, it can't ring /101/
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15:17.29[TK]D-FenderKatty: that is NOT a SIP device then, that is a LOCAL CHANNEL
15:17.41blitzrageLocal channels rock my socks
15:19.11VJFROMGTtk,, that show me how to do via iax2
15:19.16VJFROMGTi wanna do by sip
15:20.10[TK]D-FenderVJFROMGT: it shows BOTH.  Wake up and READ
15:20.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: does the zap get given an associated context?
15:20.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: i just don't get how it knows which SIPs to ring.
15:20.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: You are asking about random bits that don't belong in the same sentence.
15:20.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: especially if SIP/100 could be in two different contexts.
15:20.41MercestesKatty:  If you have 101 in context a and 101 in context b you cannot ring both 101's in context a and b at the same time.
15:20.50KattyMercestes: yes, i know this.
15:20.52blitzrageVJFROMGT: it's a bit of a pain in the ass -- I documented it in TFoT 2nd Edition though (which is unfortunately not out yet)
15:20.53KattyMercestes: how do i tell it which one?
15:21.03Mercestesyou have one zap channel coming in?
15:21.14KattyMercestes: several, lumped into a group
15:21.18[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Sure you can.
15:21.27Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, demonstrate
15:21.31VJFROMGTi am using iax at this time but once there is a slight fault, trunk goes down until reboot
15:21.41KattyMercestes: let's say 5 lines are lumped into my [zap-katty] group
15:21.51KattyMercestes: which, rings a blast group.
15:21.57[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Dial(Local/101@contexta&Local/101@contextb)
15:22.29KattyMercestes: the blast group is 100, 101, and 102.
15:22.32Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, Didn't you just say you can't do that?
15:22.40KattyMercestes: but 100, 101, and 102 are in both context a and b
15:22.47[TK]D-FenderMercestes: No, I didn't.
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15:23.08Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, your english fails you then
15:23.35[TK]D-FenderMercestes: No, your head is on completely backwards and are unable to keep yourself in context with the conversation.
15:23.39Mercestesand I thought it was Sip/device@domain
15:23.43KattyMercestes: in my old dialplan i had SIP/100&SIP/101&SIP/102
15:23.56KattyMercestes: but that won't work now.
15:23.58Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, And you are too busy nit-picking verbage to provide anything useful.  :P
15:24.07[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Katty is mixing up SIP phones an EXTENSIONS.CONF contexts in her question.
15:24.21[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Her question was poor and you fell for it.
15:24.28Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, that sentence doesn't even make sense.
15:24.29[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Nub ;)
15:24.35bintutgtg now.. thanks all..  :)
15:24.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: her question is POOR because she's asking for help.
15:24.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: you nitwit :P
15:24.58MercestesI'm looking it up now.
15:25.03Kattyi dunno how to explain what i'm wanting in any other way than above.
15:26.56[TK]D-FenderKatty: You need to really buckle down on understanding the SEPERATE bits tha make up *.  You have all that is sip.conf and extensions.conf jumbled up in your head :)
15:27.00blitzrageKatty: I missed the question I think....
15:27.10MercestesKatty, Ok, do you have say, a 101 in both context a and b?
15:27.26blitzrageor rather, what is attempted to be accomplished
15:28.01[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Yes, she does, and ringing both simultaneously appears to be what she wishes to do.
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15:28.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: No
15:28.17KattyMercestes: i'll query you
15:28.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: then you are SUPER jumbled then :)
15:28.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: no i'm not
15:28.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: i think iknow how to do it. i'm just asking for confirmation
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15:33.20angryuserhow to configure asterisk to apply different dialplans depending on time? for example on the diner time go to messagebox automaticly
15:33.20[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: "show application gotoiftime"
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15:34.47ZeeekI'll listen to the bhme business radio show for ideas :)
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15:47.54[1]climber_i just have this problem
15:47.55[1]climber_s isn't the appropriate place to get help.  As the topic says, try #asterisk
15:47.55[1]climber_[17:33] Disconnected (2007-06-01 17:33:38)
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15:48.58[1]climber_today it is bad day
15:51.21Zeeekso, another guy on your trail?
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15:52.50angryuser[TK]D-Fender: gotoiftime, if time mtches then it is executed, if not script continue?
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15:53.57angryuser[TK]D-Fender: it is written, that nothing is done when time does no match, i want to know what "nothing" means, does it jumps to next priority?
15:54.30Zeeekthere is no such thing as "nothing is done"
15:54.30De_MonI'm setting up dynamic queues for a bunch of staff members. When I send someone to voicemail, how could I determine if I should use a busy or unavailable greeting?
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15:55.53angryuserZeeek: it is written in cli output;)
15:56.22angryuserThis application will set the context, extension, and priority in the channel structure
15:56.22angryuserif the current time matches the given time specification. Otherwise, nothing is done.  cli output
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16:01.26angryuseri found my answer anyway;)
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16:02.41Mercestesangryuser, What it means by "nothign is done' is that it does not perform the specified "goto" and instead continues on to the next priority, yes.
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16:05.00antonyo14has anyone run across this error
16:05.00antonyo14Registration from '<sip:25@>' failed for '' - Not a local domain
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16:05.00De_Monah hah, if nobody is in the queue they are "busy"
16:05.25De_Monnow I just need a way to remove all members from a queue.
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16:09.02Zeeekrussellb are you there?
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16:10.21De_MonIm not seeing a way to remove all queue members from a queue
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16:12.12elgin 1.4.4, I execute ChanSpy and the console reports that it's spying, and volume changes when I press #, and changing which channel I'm spying with *, but I hear absolutely nothing. no announcements, nothing
16:12.20elgam I doing something wrong?
16:12.27fileZeeek: poke
16:13.24fileZeeek: russellb just called me... he got held up with an appointment at his house so he'll be in the office a little after 11:30... but he'll call in when he gets there
16:13.41Zeeekthat shopuld be good
16:13.51filehe is in his car now driving
16:13.54filevroom vroom
16:13.55Zeeekthe SIP channel wll be up in a few
16:14.07Zeeekwhat no cell to call in to meetme? :)
16:14.20filewe don't want Russell to drive off the road...
16:14.27Zeeekno we don't
16:14.36Zeeekbut in Huntsville there's only one road
16:15.26casimirantonyo14, I've not seen it before, but you might want to check allowexternaldomains in sip.conf
16:15.31ZeeekWhat is it? Jimmy Walker Drive?
16:15.51killfillChannel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request Zap/1-1 is circuit-busy.. why would i get that?
16:16.06killfilli get it sometimes.. and zap channels are obviously not busy...
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16:18.42ZeeekSIP channel is open
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16:19.40killfillZeeek: what do you mean?
16:19.45Zeeekthat was about the asterisk users conf
16:20.00*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
16:20.23Zeeekif Russel doesn't kill himself on the road
16:20.23blebleblewhere can i set asterisk to only listen on a single ip and not bound to
16:20.37casimirblebleble, sip.conf
16:20.57casimirblebleble, bindaddr
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16:21.35blebleblecasimir: outstanding thanks
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16:29.33lirakismy phones (gxp-2000) do not seem to get sip notify messages to light the MWI.  Is there some thing I have to set in asterisk to send these sip notify messages as soon as voicemail is left?
16:30.51guille1983[TK]D-Fender: sorry i was on the phone
16:30.52[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: You need your SIP entry to indicate which mailbox to check, and thats it
16:31.07lirakis[TK]D-Fender: in sip.conf, or on the phone?
16:31.16De_Monfile project meeting?
16:31.17lirakis[TK]D-Fender: i have it set in sip.conf ..
16:32.26[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: then go check if your voicemail.conf is set up to match
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16:33.09lirakis[TK]D-Fender: ahh.. voicemail.conf shows context [default] .. so probably should change that so they both match up
16:33.47ZeeekHow's russel?
16:35.07lirakis[TK]D-Fender: hmm when i changed [default] to [device] in voicemail.conf .. i no longer had a voicemail box
16:35.11*** join/#asterisk taupin974 (n=taupin97@
16:35.16BSD_Techzeep join #ast-conf
16:35.20[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: You piocked the SWRONG person to change
16:35.30Qwell[]type much? :p
16:35.32BSD_TechI just made it
16:35.38Qwell[]oh, umm
16:35.45Qwell[]that's today, isn't it?
16:35.49lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. i didnt change an extension.. i changed the context in voicemail.conf
16:35.55Qwell[]where is russellb...
16:36.11*** join/#asterisk taupin974 (n=taupin97@
16:36.21[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: that LOSES your boxes
16:36.21lirakis.. i will try making my sip.conf entry for extension 5000 to have mailbox=5000@default ...
16:36.24blitzragerussellb <---- Qwell[] right there
16:37.05Qwell[]Zeeek: has he already dialed in? O.o
16:38.21lirakis[TK]D-Fender: yeah .. im confused... because .. my VM was working fine before.. everything except the MWI light on the phone
16:40.05russellbfinally here
16:40.11russellbnow i have to find that extension i use to call in ... :(
16:41.26[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Well if the context doesn't match you get no MWI
16:41.42lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. okay..
16:42.46lirakisah.. son of a .. i forgot to reload after i changed the sip.conf
16:44.10lirakisnow.. can i monitor the messages of more than one extension on a single phone?
16:46.54[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: add multiple "mailbox=" statements
16:47.14Qwell[]russellb: let me know when we're linked up :D
16:47.16lirakis[TK]D-Fender: hmm... interesting i didnt know it was that simple
16:47.41russellbQwell[]: yeah, i will ... i'm just ... having trouble
16:47.41Zeeekhello russel
16:48.18blitzrage;mailbox=1234@default,1233@default      ; Subscribe to status of multiple mailboxes
16:48.24lirakiswow.. that was.. crazy easy
16:48.31blitzragelirakis: sip.conf.sample is also handy to read :)
16:48.54Zeeekblitzrage come on in
16:49.05blitzrageZeeek: I'm at my parents house with no VoIP line....
16:49.24Zeeekcall on phone!
16:49.29blitzrageI'm cheap
16:49.43blitzrageand I need to go get foooooooood sooooooooooon
16:49.51blitzrageI have yet to eat breakfast, and its nearly 1pm
16:50.21russellbQwell[]: done
16:50.25Qwell[]already on :D
16:51.19Qwell[]Zeeek: what's the caller count?
16:51.29Zeeekdozen or so visible
16:51.58elgfor the record, my chanspy problem was solved by adding option b
16:52.02elgthough I don't understand why
16:52.37ZeeekQwell we can't see the number of anon streamers
16:52.41kFuQ  <--- link for infomart fire
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16:56.04angryuseris it possible to send a person ito voicemail box and do not play a it's standart entry message 'talk after bip' ? i just need the bip ;)
16:57.03[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: "show application voicemail"
16:57.25De_Monangryuser (yes)
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16:57.36De_Monnow, how about deleting all members from a queue
16:57.44De_Monerr "removing"
16:57.59guille1983is it that possible to block some services as callwaiting, voice mail, etc. to some users ?
16:58.22angryuserlazy me, reading again
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16:58.34Qwell[]russellb: you should maybe go over a few of the disadvantages too
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17:01.25*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (
17:01.35BSD_Techrussel join #ast-conf
17:01.53angryuserwhat has the upper priority, s extension or exact match of 123,1,whatever?
17:02.12angryuserfor incoming calls from isdn
17:02.13[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: Yes.  Go read THE BOOK.  You need to learn the basics of how * works.
17:02.27jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
17:02.27[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: And then set up a test server to experiment with
17:03.02ZeeekListen to the Asterisk Users COnf live here:
17:03.10guille1983[TK]D-Fender: oh ok, based on your experience, is there any reason to block services to users ?
17:03.10CoffeeIV_are there versions of the app_rxfax.c and app_txfax.c applications that use spandsp to send / received faxes, that worked for asterisk 1.4 ?  I just tried to compile the ones that work with asterisk 1.2 and I got an error
17:03.14Zeeekno login required
17:03.22kFuQrussellb: what about SRTP support?
17:03.28bluedemonIs there any handsets out there that would allow you to display queue stats on the display?
17:04.42*** join/#asterisk savaticus (
17:04.45angryusertommorow i put the asterisk server in production, yahoooo ;)
17:05.25BSD_Techblue polycom can show queues
17:05.31BSD_Techwith a xml page
17:05.37bluedemonthx, I will check it out
17:05.57savaticusas cann some aastras that have xml app support
17:06.02ZeeekkFuQ ask your question when he stops
17:06.39*** join/#asterisk kodorna (n=root@
17:07.09De_Monwhat offset/len can I use to get 123 from ${1234} (all but last character)
17:07.17CoffeeIV_Never mind, I found what I needed in hte spandsp download area -- my eyes were just missing it somehow
17:07.34kodornadudes... i need some help with T1 configuration please
17:07.37De_MonIm thinking id have to use math to do len-1
17:08.59kodornaim getting this "Signalling requested on channel 1 is FXO Loopstart but line is in PRI Signalling signallin" message
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17:10.22savaticuswhat key gneration algorithm will it use? how does it establish trust or is it just open?
17:10.42Zeeeksavaticus go ahead when you can with that
17:10.44savaticusFXO is for an analog line
17:10.48BSD_Techto much cut out
17:11.23kodornaits just open, im using signalling=fxo_ls
17:11.27kodornaand signalling=fxs_ls
17:12.03*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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17:14.14msetimHi... GSM format is more heavy that wav?
17:15.08Strom_Mwell, technically, neither format weighs anything
17:15.45tbicwith AGI GET DATA can you playback more than one file?
17:16.08guille1983that message waiting service consists on warning the user if he has new voice mail messages ?
17:16.52[TK]D-Fenderkodorna: should likely be"signalling=pri_cpe"
17:17.05[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: yes
17:17.14guille1983[TK]D-Fender: thanks again
17:18.13kodorna[TK]D-Fender: i've got to implement like fxs_ls and fxo_ls unfortunately
17:18.15guille1983[TK]D-Fender: I guess it is available on SIP protocol, right ?
17:18.25threatcrap, I have a very bad cracklin on the line, I updated linux, I have a tdm400p card (1 FXO, 1 FXS)
17:18.29[TK]D-Fenderguille1983: Every channel type I can think of.
17:18.41*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
17:18.52threatI loaded wctdm module, is this correct? what other modules may I need to load?
17:19.00[TK]D-Fenderthreat: Was if bad before, after or on both ends of the upgrade?
17:19.13threatno, before it was perfect
17:19.19De_Monwhat would cauase QUEUESTATUS to return "JOIN/LEAVE UNAVAIL"
17:19.22threatnow it is crackly
17:19.23[TK]D-Fenderthreat: Change your kernel?
17:19.32threatfrom 2.6.8 to 2.6.18
17:19.34[TK]D-Fenderthreat: Recompile Zaptel
17:19.55threatyep, I did, m-a a-i zaptel-souece
17:20.00[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: I would think thats kind of self-explanitory...
17:20.21msetimStrom_M, my doubt is that recording calls using the GSM format be have heavy if a transcoding was necessary..
17:20.22[TK]D-Fenderthreat: Not sure what to tell you then...
17:20.38*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (
17:20.38threatany thingies I can test?
17:20.53Strom_Mmsetim: you're not making any sense
17:20.53kFuQit would be cool to have a (features.conf) option to change gain on the fly
17:21.18kodornaJun  1 14:25:18 ERROR[4455]: chan_zap.c:7050 mkintf: Signalling requested on channel 1 is FXO Loopstart but line is in FXS Loopstart signalling
17:21.21kodornaJun  1 14:25:18 ERROR[4455]: chan_zap.c:10472 setup_zap: Unable to register channel '1-24'
17:21.24kodornaJun  1 14:25:18 WARNING[4455]: loader.c:415 __load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
17:21.27kodornaJun  1 14:25:18 WARNING[4455]: loader.c:500 load_modules: Loading module failed!
17:21.30kodornathats the thing
17:21.46*** join/#asterisk troy- (
17:21.46De_Mon[TK]D-Fender i'm not getting it
17:22.24[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Meas the queue is set up to kick out callers if there are no members avail on join, or if the all leave.
17:22.25De_MonI could maybe understand JOINUNAVIL being when monitor-join = strict
17:22.50De_Monahh, so they are available when the enter the queue and then go unavailable while holding?
17:22.55threat[TK]D-Fender, should I reboot after compiling and installing the module?
17:23.09[TK]D-Fenderkodorna: Your zaptel & zapata do not agree.  Go clean them both up and when you're done, try again.  When it fails, PASTEBIN them both.
17:23.23jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or at
17:23.44*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (n=sysdebug@
17:23.45[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: That is one possibility
17:25.33threat[TK]D-Fender, so wctdm is definitly the right module ?
17:25.54[TK]D-Fenderthreat: for that card, yes
17:26.44threat[TK]D-Fender, hmmm I think I unload and loaded the module too many times, I am not getting a dial tone now
17:26.53msetimStrom_M, sorry :(. I will try explain again... I have many calls that are recording, and I would like to know what is the lowest and compact format.
17:27.00threatI can hear the button when I press the keypad, but it does nothing
17:27.35[TK]D-Fendermsetim: GSM is very small in file size and nominal transcoding weight from G.711/ZAP
17:28.08*** join/#asterisk Lann (
17:28.28Lannheyas, i cant find a chan for this specific question. Do any of you know if skypecasts work with skype mobile?
17:28.52De_Mondoes anyone use skype in here?
17:29.10shido6is it just me
17:29.14shido6or is paypal down right now?
17:29.14Lanni want to join group voice chat with my pda
17:29.31Lannmy pda that i will buy if it works heh
17:29.33Zeeekshido6 send me your password and I'll check it
17:29.48blitzrageshido6: try shooting me some money and I'll tell you if I get it
17:29.49De_Mon[TK]D-Fender I see a leavewhenempty queue setting, but not a leavewhenunavail
17:29.53shido6username is password is problematicforebay
17:29.54blitzrageok... LUNCHTIME!!!!
17:30.07Zeeekgo blitzrage
17:30.19angryuserbye everybody, and thank you for people who helped me
17:30.38De_Monok I grok now
17:31.46De_Moni'll submit a patch that fixes the queues.conf template to describe this clearer, some day ;).
17:33.35Zeeekrussellb again thanks
17:33.41De_Monyes - callers donot leave a queue with no members or only unavailable members
17:33.54De_Monstrict - callers do leave a queue with no members or only unavailable members
17:33.55threatneed help
17:34.18threatany settings I can teak?
17:34.24russellbZeeek: you're welcome!
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17:48.15msetim[TK]D-Fender: thanks :-D
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17:53.22matdonanyone know of a iax client for windows 98?
17:53.45msetimmatdon: you can consult the list
17:56.41matdonnice thanks
17:58.35De_Monvoip-info is your friend
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18:16.52*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
18:17.01Dr-Linuxwhat's difference btween user and peer? :S
18:17.22coppicea user goes to the peer to catch the ferry
18:18.33[hC]one uses drugs, and the ohter pushes them onto you?
18:18.51msetimDr-Linux: is a biggest question :) Try understand what says here:
18:20.27Dr-Linuxactually outcall program support users but not peers that what they say
18:22.53*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
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18:30.46*** join/#asterisk b00gz (
18:30.48b00gzI want to make it so extensions 101,102,103 all use a different outbound route order then 201,202,203 ... Can this be done?
18:31.59Mercestesoutbound route order on what?
18:33.56blitzrageb00gz: huh?
18:33.56MercestesIf you mean on a PRI, you can use G instead of g to transpose the outbound order, but incoming calls come top down and normally outbound calls go bottom up, so atleast one of your groups could conflict with incoming calls.
18:34.26*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
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18:35.54jkiffFor some reason, when one of my agents presses *, it disconnects the call and I'm baffled as to why.  Disconnect is set to *0 in features.conf.  Any ideas?
18:36.57MercestesIs this for one agent or all agents?
18:37.15jkiffAll of them.
18:38.06jkiffWe noticed when one of them tried to do an attended transfer with *2, and upon further investigation, the hangup occurs immediately after the *.
18:38.47antonyo14I just re-did my whole dialplan with *gui, sip users register, but when I dial an extension it goes busy tone can anyone help?
18:38.50threatthe crackling seems to happen when I have alot of hard disk drive activity
18:39.00threatis this possible?
18:39.17threatwould it be a electromagnetic thingy or an interrupt dealy?
18:39.31De_Monhrmmm reload will reload queues.conf right
18:39.57De_Moni set timeout=20 but it's not timing out.
18:40.25De_Monwell, it says it timed out but yet, the person in queue still rings
18:41.01Mercestesjkiff, what does the CLi say?
18:41.02casimirantonyo14, can you turn on sip debug in console to see what's happening?
18:41.12antonyo14casimir: sure
18:41.13*** join/#asterisk PaYTaTz_PiNgViN (
18:41.17PaYTaTz_PiNgViNanyone here?
18:41.30PaYTaTz_PiNgViNhey Mercestes
18:41.33PaYTaTz_PiNgViNhow are you?
18:41.39Mercestesmeh.  yourself?
18:41.46PaYTaTz_PiNgViNim fine thnx
18:41.57jkiffMercestes: Hold on, let me get you a pastebin.
18:42.16PaYTaTz_PiNgViNQuestion, ok if i want to not user VoIP and want to use regular phone lines what card do i need? i have 8 Phone Lines
18:42.29antonyo14i'm gettting No such context 'macro-stdexten' for macro 'stdexten'
18:42.35MercestesOcto-port FXO board
18:42.38Mercestesor a couple quad ports
18:42.52Mercestesantonyo14, guess what that means.
18:42.56PaYTaTz_PiNgViNany ones model you think i should get thats easy to setup?
18:42.58PaYTaTz_PiNgViNRHINO ?
18:43.01jkiffMercestes: The "<--" is where * was pressed.
18:43.15b00gzMercestes, I have 8 locations and I want it so when location 1 dials out it they use a different order of trunks then location 2.
18:43.16MercestesPaYTaTz_PiNgViN, tdm400p is nice.  But, whatever yoru comfortable with, really
18:43.22antonyo14mercestes: i have looked in my confs and cannot find stdexten anywhere
18:43.25casimirantonyo14, that's the default macro for extension in gui
18:43.36Mercestesantonyo14, Then asterisk is correct, you do not have that macro programmed.
18:43.42Mercestesb00gz, Ok, I take it back, you make no sense.
18:43.58jkiffMercestes: I guess pasting the link would help too.  :-P
18:44.08casimirantonyo14, I have *gui configured
18:44.11antonyo14mercestes, didn't know I had to, so I have to write the macro
18:44.16b00gzMercestes, my provider does not allow Caller ID spoofing, I want it so when a office calls out if shows up as there number and not another stores ...
18:44.23Mercestesantonyo14, it comes with make samples.
18:44.29PaYTaTz_PiNgViNMercestes THank You
18:44.47Mercestesb00gz, what are you dialing out on?
18:45.02b00gzMercestes, I have 8 locations all connected to 1 asterisk server
18:45.06antonyo14casimir, what file do I edit to make it work?
18:45.45PaYTaTz_PiNgViNMercestes, what do you think about digiums TDM840B ?
18:45.58casimirantonyo14,   should be extensions.conf
18:46.07MercestesPaYTaTz_PiNgViN, I don't think I've used one but it' sprobably a good card.
18:46.12MercestesAll the digium stuff I have has been great.
18:46.25Strom_MI like my TDM844B
18:46.39antonyo14casimir, do you think you could pastebin that macro ?
18:46.47dasuberdaviddigium hardware is fantastic
18:46.55PaYTaTz_PiNgViNso i need 2 x tdm400p cards?
18:47.00Mercestesb00gz, Please don't make me talk like [TK]D-Fender.  what are you dialing out on?
18:47.02casimirantonyo14, you bet. one sec
18:47.05*** join/#asterisk braker (
18:47.11MercestesYea, I'm starting to prefer it over Sangoma.
18:47.11MrWuphow do you define multiple extensions to go into the same priority?
18:47.18MercestesDigium has never paniced my kernel
18:47.22MrWupsay i wanted _5xx and _6xx to both dial the same thing?
18:47.39MercestesMrWup, _{5,6}XX,1,Do(something)
18:47.47MrWupthanks =]
18:47.50Mercestesnp. :)
18:47.56[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Let the hate flow through you!
18:48.00b00gzMercestes, Aastra SIP Phones.
18:48.06Mercestesoh, thanks Strom.  :D
18:48.27Mercestesb00gz, what TECHNOLGY are you LEAVING your Asterisk server on???
18:48.56*** join/#asterisk drrt (
18:49.37b00gzMercestes, VoIP via SIP?
18:49.53Mercestesb00gz, There are no sip trunks, so therefore ,there is no order.
18:50.19MercestesSo therefore, you cannot change the outbound order of a non-existant sip trunk no more than you can castrate the left nut of a polkadotted unicorn.
18:50.20b00gzMercestes, I have 8 SIP Trunks?
18:50.51MercestesYou may have 8 individual sip authentications which outbound to another sip gateway.
18:50.57Mercestesbut they are not sip trunks.
18:51.24MercestesSo what you mean is, "I dial out over a series of sip connections, how do I rearrange the order of the sip connectiosn I dial based upon where my call is coming from?"
18:51.44b00gzMercestes, yes that is correct
18:51.51Mercestesin which case, you would use different contexts for each originating location, and a different OUTBOUND context for each incoming context, which manually dialed the sip connections in different orders.
18:52.46MrWupim a bit confused about how to manage dialling out in the UK
18:52.56MrWupas most UK and mobile telephone numbers here are 11 digit
18:52.58MrWupwhich makes things easy
18:53.00Mercestesso yo uwould have [location-1] Dial(Sip/${exten}@provider1) and [location-2] Dial(SIp/${exten}@provider2)
18:53.02MrWupbut sometimes they are 10 digits
18:53.03antonyo14casimir, and i just insert that in extensions.conf
18:53.06MrWupbut less commonly
18:53.10jkiffMercestes: Did you have a look at my paste?
18:53.19MrWupwhats the best way of dealing with this conundrum?
18:53.23Mercestesjkiff, Sorry, you'll have to sip debug.
18:53.26MrWupall i can think of is a timeout after the 10th number
18:53.29MercestesMrWup, Set(Timeout(digit))
18:53.45jkiffMercestes: Ah, I'll do that.
18:53.47*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=g@
18:53.56b00gzMercestes, so you are stating make location 1 dial 9, location 2 dial 8, before they dial the number?
18:54.06MercestesMrWup, You'll have a 1-3 second wait on 10 digit calls and immediate matches on 11 digit calls.
18:54.07casimirantonyo14, think so, sounds like your context is already looking for it, do a extensions reload and you should be good
18:54.21Mercestesb00gz, no.  I'm saying use contexts to make it automatic.
18:54.24MrWupMercestes, where do i set that timeout?
18:54.38MercestesMrWup, You can do it in the phone in the digitmap
18:55.03MrWupits more of an asterisk thing you see
18:55.09MercestesMrWup, Set(Timeout(digit)) is for IVRs but it does the same thing, if you were in an IVR atleast.
18:55.23MercestesMrWup, well, no, you have to control when the phone sends the number..unless your already *in* asterisk
18:55.41MrWupMercestes, i dial 9 to get into the outside dialling context
18:55.48MrWupso the phone is already connected to *
18:55.50MercestesDoes it use DISA?
18:56.01MrWupno i opted not to use disa because i needed more functionality
18:56.03antonyo14casimir, thank you so much! it works
18:56.14MrWuplike monitoring and logging the outgoing calls, blocked numbers, speed dial etc
18:56.14MercestesMrWup, Until you hit send your not in asterisk.
18:56.32MrWupno no i am
18:56.40MrWupi use waitexten
18:56.58MrWupu press 9, get taken to an asterisk context which says "outside line" then it waits for you to key in digits
18:57.34Mercestesthen you would use Set(Timeout(digit) before your WaitExten
18:57.43Mercestesand then match both 10 and 11 digit numbers.
18:58.06MrWupSet(Timeout(digit) = 3)
18:58.50MrWupthanks again!
19:00.48casimirantonyo14, glad to help, the gui is really nice once you get it working
19:01.27antonyo14casimir, whoever made the gui are saints :)
19:01.43Hmmhesaysla dee da dee da
19:01.45antonyo14at least for newbs
19:02.12antonyo14hmmhesays, i though you were busting a song for us
19:03.02casimirI'm a bit of a newb myself
19:03.35antonyo14i guess it's all a matter of perspective...
19:03.39casimirhad to come here and get berated by [TK]D-Fender in order to get my sip phones to have 2-way audio :)
19:04.07*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
19:05.43antonyo14casimir, [TK]D-Fender has put the dunce cap on me several times :)
19:06.45[TK]D-Fendernah... I just have a really big mirror, and am not afraid to use it ;)
19:07.55*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:08.03*** join/#asterisk Prato (
19:09.07MrWupxten => _{5,6}XX,1,AGI(speeddial.php)
19:09.14MrWupit says invalid extension 502 when i key in 502
19:09.21MrWupexten => that is
19:09.31Mercestesuse [5,6] instead fo {}
19:09.44MercestesThank Strom-M, he reminded me.
19:10.13MrWupnow it says wrong usage of [ ]
19:10.21MrWupexten => _[5,6]XX,1,AGI(speeddial.php)
19:10.29[TK]D-FenderMrWup: no "," in that.  exten => _[56]XX,1.....
19:10.56MercestesWhy can't it be like an array?  {1,3,4-7}   that makes so much more sense.
19:11.00Pratohello, i hope someone can help me, i search now for four weeks for an answer how to enable the detction of the hook-flash key of a sip phone, can someone help me?
19:11.23MercestesPrato, that's up to your phone, and probably does not detect hook flash.
19:11.34jkiffMercestes: How's this:  That's the whole call from answer to hangup.  The * was pressed around line 241.
19:11.37MercestesThat's because hook-flash is largely unnecessary on a sip phone.
19:11.38*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
19:12.05Qwell[]Mercestes: it can be a range
19:12.14FuriousGeorgehey all
19:12.18Qwell[]pretty sure
19:12.18PratoI have two different SIP Phones that send a short break (not dtmf) when pressing the flash button, one can hear the break but asterisk does not detect it
19:13.05Mercestes234:  CSeq: 103 BYE
19:13.11Pratoso the problem is, that different sip provider with asterisk can detect this feature and make an attended transfer but my asterisk does nothing
19:13.23MercestesQwell[], i know..I just expect both {} and 1,2,3 from previous syntaxes.  :(
19:13.29MercestesQwell[], you are correct tho
19:13.38FuriousGeorgelast time i asked about 1.4.3 someone i could trust told me it was not ready for production.  I notice 1.4.4 has been out for a while.  does anyone i trust think this one *is* ready for production?
19:14.04MercestesPrato, Are you trying to transfer over a POTS line using a hook-flash?
19:14.04*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:14.18[TK]D-FenderPrato: Hook-flash is not a SIP concept, not the way to do a SIP transfer.  Check your phone's manual.
19:14.36[TK]D-FenderPrato: Perhaps you could tell us what you're using...
19:14.42PratoI register the device via sip
19:14.55MercestesPrato, I wrote code to do that once.
19:15.15jkiffMercestes: Yeah, I saw that.  So is it the phone that's hanging up?  It's odd because * doesn't do that when the person isn't an agent.  (i.e., They're member => SIP/201 instead of member => Agent/201)
19:15.22FuriousGeorgemy issue is that im using this metermaid patch for sip presence with parking, and i think its occasionally deadlocking my server.  i say this because i have an identical server elsewhere, if anything that one has inferior memory, and it never ever deadlocks
19:15.30Pratoso all devices are registered in sip.conf, the extensions are ready and blindtransfer works via dtmf, but the key for hook/flash is not detected
19:15.47MercestesPrato, here is an example:
19:16.02PratoI can not change it on the phones, it is always a short break that is sent
19:16.15[TK]D-FenderPrato: Again, what kind of phone are you using?
19:16.17FuriousGeorgemy understanding is that parking presence comes with 1.4 stock, so maybe it will make my deadlocks stop (mercifully, once and for all)
19:16.50Mercestesjkiff, Hrm.  I wonder if * is somehow designated as "terminate call" in app_agents
19:16.53[TK]D-FenderPrato: And AGAIN, hook-flash is not a SIP function.  Asterisk used DTMF for transfer for phones that don't natively offer that functionality (very few)
19:17.22[TK]D-FenderMercestes: hint : it is for app_agentlogin
19:17.57PratoMercestes: I know this wiki page, but I think its only for sending a flash signal from asterisk, or am i wrong?
19:18.18[TK]D-FenderPrato: that is to send a flash TO an analog line that is in use.
19:18.32[TK]D-FenderPrato: That has nothing to do with your SIP phone jst transferring a call.
19:18.51PratoI use a new Aastra and a Siemens C 450 phone with newest firmware
19:18.54[TK]D-FenderPrato:  Final request : What make & model of phone are you using?
19:19.18[TK]D-FenderPrato: Go read their manual to see how to transfer a call.
19:19.30FuriousGeorgeive tested the memory and the system stability, changed motherboards and analog hardware, noting helps.  i guess nothing left to do but try different software
19:20.08jkiffMercestes, [TK]D-Fender: Does it not follow features.conf?  In there disconnect is set to *0, though I notice the default is *.
19:20.29Pratoone moment, i search for the exact info for the aastra
19:20.31*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
19:20.50antonyo14casimir, is your voicemailmain extension working?
19:21.13[TK]D-Fenderjkiff: AgentLogin is its own world, and for features.conf to apply I'd have to see proof that you dialed your agent with the options to DO this.  last one I recall seeing did not.
19:21.49Hmmhesays~seen junk-y
19:22.44jbotjunk-y <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 16h 41m 57s ago, saying: 'JT: ive to jet, i will let you help him :)'.
19:22.47*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
19:22.47casimirantonyo14, yeah, having problems with it?
19:22.47PratoAastra 57i and Siemens C450, I changed the mode in features conf and it reacts on a dtmf (for example *2)
19:22.48jkiff[TK]D-Fender: Ah, I see.
19:24.24antonyo14casimir, well it wont let me save an extension for checking voicemail
19:24.26Pratosorry for my late answer, had a connection error. So transfer is activated and works, only the flash key is not detected. But it should work, because other sip providers can detect it with the same phones
19:24.54antonyo14i save it and it saves as 'New Entry' but as soon as I click off it it goes away
19:25.04antonyo14and tells me i have to set an extension
19:25.27[TK]D-FenderPrato: Aastra 5i series has a soft key for transferring calls.  Hookflash is NOT the way to go about transferring a call
19:26.00Pratoso my idea was to compile ztdummy, because it has a better timer and the hook signal has to be detected,but it had no effect. how can i debug the problem? i would be so happy for an answer
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19:27.03[TK]D-FenderPrato: last time : There is no such thing as hook transfer for SIP.  Zaptel has nothing to do with SIP functionality.
19:27.53Pratothe astra uses hook flash per default and it is not changeable in the webadmin
19:28.13[TK]D-FenderPrato: No, it does not, and I have a 57i CT right in front of me.
19:29.36jkiff[TK]D-Fender: Hrm,  I don't see an applicable variable or agentlogin option to set.
19:29.39Pratowe bought several phones and now i have the big problem that the users does not accept using others keys than the flash button for the option. it would be a dead key if it will not be recognized
19:29.52[TK]D-FenderPrato: XFer is the top-left softkey on the bottom set wihle on a call
19:29.53jkiffOh, unless DYNAMIC_FEATURES for Dial() is what I'm looking for.
19:30.08casimirantonyo14, sorry to refer you back to the cli, but do you get any meaningful error message there when you try to save?
19:30.08[TK]D-FenderPrato: FORGET FLASH.
19:30.20Pratoyou are able to use the flash key?
19:30.57antonyo14casimir, the problem is the gui will not let me set an extension for it
19:31.08[TK]D-FenderPrato: there is no flash in SIP.  this is not how you transfer calls on that phone.  Period.  Get off this train of thought.
19:31.13antonyo14i made an extension for voicemailmain but it is not working either
19:31.28casimirantonyo14, oh okay
19:31.44Pratobut why is there a flash key on the phone, and why does pepphone detect it?
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19:32.39casimirmine is in the default context
19:32.47[TK]D-FenderPrato: What is "pepphone", and "detects" it how?
19:32.48casimirlet me pull it up
19:34.10Pratopepphone is a sip provider, when i register my phone with peppphone (they use asterisk) it is immediately possible to use the flash key, when I use my asterisk on an other line it is not possible
19:34.44[TK]D-FenderPrato: You used your 57i to connect to them directly?
19:35.15PratoYes, I registered the phone directly to pepphone
19:35.29Pratovia sip
19:35.57[TK]D-FenderPrato: And what exactly is this "falsh" key?  Aside from the "hook" itself I don't see one.
19:36.21jkiffGrr, that's not it.
19:36.36Pratoone moment, i have to call the guy with the phone, do not have it currently on the desk...
19:36.39[TK]D-FenderPrato: Ah, I see some option to program a soft-key for it
19:36.43jkiffHow come agent channels are "their own little world"?
19:36.56[TK]D-FenderPrato: But this is definately nothing to do with *.
19:37.01casimirantonyo14, the gui gave me a pretty standard exten => 850,1,VoiceMailMain in the first line of the default context
19:37.04[TK]D-FenderPrato: it will not be able to process this.
19:37.26lirakisdoes anyone use ASTCC ?
19:37.45lirakisim trying to find a good website that talks about it.. digium doesnt seem to have much of anything
19:38.47Pratothe display is split into three parts and there are so called softkeys that can be set for the top 6 keys and the bottom 6 keys and we have set the first key on the bottom part of the screen as flash
19:38.54*** join/#asterisk dudes (
19:44.08Pratowhen selecting flash in the dropdown window for configuration this works with pepphone but not with my asterisk
19:44.08Pratois it possible to set the value of the flash command in the menu? we did not find it
19:44.08antonyo14casimir, got it ;)
19:44.09[TK]D-FenderPrato: Ok, well * has no way to deal with that function.
19:44.09Pratothe flash key works on, and and on a pbx but not on my asterisk
19:44.09[TK]D-FenderPrato: So if you're hoping to have * do something of its OWN with it, nope.  If your provider needs it passed on for something, you are equally out of luck.  Time to shop for another provider.
19:44.09*** join/#asterisk neverblue (n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue)
19:44.09jkiff[TK]D-Fender: So is it *possible* to get agent channels to honor features.conf stuff?  I haven't found an option or variable to set.
19:44.29[TK]D-Fenderjkiff: Typically it calls agents though chan_local.  in there you have dialplan control over what they can do.
19:46.00Pratodo you have an idea how the threewaycalling is initiated?
19:46.09[TK]D-FenderPrato: "conf" softkey.
19:46.28Pratonormally the flash should start threewaycalling
19:46.39[TK]D-FenderPrato: You need to wipe that little word out of your head.  Seriously.
19:47.06[TK]D-FenderPrato: fash is a BS analog concept.
19:47.22[TK]D-FenderPrato: And you are dealing with a high-end SIP phone.
19:47.30Pratookay, so i'm possibly on the wrong way
19:47.48[TK]D-FenderPrato: I'm not sure how many more times I can tell you that....
19:48.14*** join/#asterisk yannj_fr (n=yannj@
19:48.46yannj_frhello everybody
19:49.03Pratoi believe you.
19:49.49yannj_frI have a strange problem, no one of call features (attented transfer, call park ..) work
19:50.00Pratookay, i will forget the "flash", but can you give me a hint how threewaycalling is started?
19:50.31savaticushit the conference button on your sip phone
19:52.17Pratowhere is this conference button on the 57i?
19:52.17[TK]D-FenderPrato: Be on a call.  Press conf key.  Next line gets pulled automatically (You can maybe specify which if you have truely seperate identities on the phone).  You then dial the 3rd party.  they answer.  You press conf again.
19:52.17De_Monyannj_fr how are you trying to use it?
19:52.17[TK]D-FenderPrato: I've done this almost a dozen times today.
19:52.17*** join/#asterisk adorah (
19:52.17savaticusits a soft key try pressing "more"
19:52.17savaticusor read the 57i users guide
19:52.18yannj_frDe_Mon : during the call is pressed: *2number or #72 for park call (configured it in and feature show give me the right config)
19:52.18yannj_frbut nothing happened
19:52.50*** join/#asterisk Crescendo_ (
19:52.59Pratosorry i do not have it on my desk, i always have to ask the owner that has the problem
19:53.00jkiff[TK]D-Fender: I'm not sure I follow.  Since they're members of a queue, I just Queue(blah) and they're called.  What am I missing?
19:53.02De_Monyannj_fr what does your dial command look like that connected to that device?
19:53.20De_Monyannj_fr also, what phone / protocol are you using?
19:53.29[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr: pastebin the full CLI output of the call that fails to transfer.
19:53.38De_Monthat would work too
19:54.25yannj_frI tested with Grandstream budgeton 200 / GXP 2000 / Thomson ST2030 / Xlite, I am using SIP with RFC 2233 dtmf signalling
19:54.29[TK]D-Fenderjkiff: go look at how the agent is being called
19:55.11jkiffI gotcha.
19:55.16yannj_frthe most strange is that pressing button doesnt show anything on console even with core set verbose 7, sip set debug, core set debug on
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19:56.02De_Monyannj_fr pastebin the cli output of your call attempt
19:56.23yannj_fryou mean the call etablishment?
19:56.36De_Monyannj_fr call start to call end
19:57.04yannj_frI will try to reproduce the problem, it is on my pbx at work
19:57.23De_Monso? no passwords in the cli logs
19:57.43yannj_fr, just that I am at home, it is 21h57 there
19:58.05[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr: how HELPFUL.  Perhaps you should ask when you're in a position to DO something about it :)
19:58.32yannj_frjust that IRC is blocked by proxy
19:58.48yannj_frelse I would already have done it
19:58.52MercestesIRC is blocked by proxy here too
19:58.55[TK]D-Fenderyannj_fr: then I guess you're pretty screwed.
19:59.00*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
19:59.22Mercestesdyndns and remote desktop > proxy
19:59.35antonyo14what is the variable that is set from the input of WaitExten?
19:59.59Qwell[]antonyo14: I don't think there is one - it just goes to the exten you dialed
20:00.00[TK]D-Fenderantonyo14: ${EXTEN} , and it GOES to that extension.
20:00.11antonyo14oh yeah
20:01.56*** join/#asterisk SeanLostInAsteri (
20:02.52dudesuse a shell to a remote linux box using BX or something
20:02.54PratoSean is the person with the Aastra and can describe the problem in abetter way
20:03.36MercestesPrato, you brought your coworkers in here to be berated by [TK]D-Fender?  wow, bad move man.
20:05.18Pratoso the problem was that he never used irc and wanted to help him
20:07.20*** join/#asterisk nowork (n=jfu2808@
20:07.38noworkhi, how can I check my OpenH323 , pwlib version??
20:08.35[TK]D-FenderMercestes: You're not paranoind... but I'm only out to get YOU ;)
20:08.40[TK]D-FenderMercestes: (j/k)
20:09.32MercestesI know I'm your favorite.  :P
20:10.12SeanLostInAsterihi to every one... i have got a question regarding an aastra 57i and asterisk... how do i initiate a threewaycalling?
20:10.27MercestesSeanLostInAsteri, the conference button
20:10.37jkiff[TK]D-Fender: Okay, I'm doing a Set(__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=disconnect) just before the Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) where the agent is called, but it's not working.  So I tried to duplicate the disconnect feature in [applicationmap] of features.conf with "disconnect => *0,callee,hangup,", but that's not working either.  :(
20:10.53[TK]D-Fenderjkiff: PASTEBIN IT.
20:10.58[TK]D-FenderSeanLostInAsteri: [TK]D-Fender>Prato: Be on a call. Press conf key. Next line gets pulled automatically (You can maybe specify which if you have truely seperate identities on the phone). You then dial the 3rd party. they answer. You press conf again.
20:11.24SeanLostInAsteriMercestes, can i set the value what the conference button does?
20:11.40SeanLostInAsterimy button only send hook flash and this is no good for asterisk
20:11.59noworkhi, it's a linux question, don't kick me... I use ulimit -n 40960 to open more file limitatios, but when I close the shell window, and reconnected , it changed back to 1024, anyway i can do let it changed permenant??
20:12.03MercestesSeanLostInAsteri, This should not be the case.
20:12.08[TK]D-FenderSeanLostInAsteri: there is nothing to set.  this is a FIXED option on your lower soft-keys
20:12.21MercestesSeanLostInAsteri, and if you set the valu eof what it does, it won't work as a conference button anymore
20:12.24[TK]D-FenderSeanLostInAsteri: You can't override this.
20:12.58SeanLostInAsteriexactly, it is a fixed key. i can only imagine the current firmware i am using is crap
20:13.49SeanLostInAsteriit should be apparently a new version for europe but even the spelling within the menu is totally wrong
20:13.57[TK]D-FenderSeanLostInAsteri: What version are you on?
20:14.36[TK]D-FenderSeanLostInAsteri: works fine here
20:14.47IOscannerI have a dual AMD Optron 280 system.  Everything works fine, but wav files don't play when using an IVR.  GSM, MP3 and other files play fine.
20:14.47*** join/#asterisk stevej (
20:15.00SeanLostInAsteriBoot Version
20:15.08IOscannerWhere should I look?  I have compiled from svn, stable and it doesn't work.
20:15.12[TK]D-FenderSeanLostInAsteri: well try the method I just pasted for you.
20:15.38[TK]D-FenderIOscanner: make sure its 8khz mono.
20:15.51[TK]D-FenderIOscanner: Encoding format matter.  Check the WIKI for details
20:15.53IOscanneriIt works on other boxes.
20:16.09[TK]D-FenderIOscanner: other ASTERISK boxes?
20:16.12IOscannerJust started happening on these new AMD64 optrons
20:16.18[TK]D-FenderIOscanner: AH... HRM
20:16.37IOscannerI have other boxes with amd64 +3800 same config same install and they work
20:17.18SeanLostInAsteri[TK]D-Fender did not get anything
20:17.25[TK]D-FenderIOscanner: well if you've double checked the files & everything else sane I'm not sure where to go next...
20:17.26IOscannerI have been tried rebuilding kernel for 32 bit, 64, smp no smp.  Then rebuild asterisk and it doesn't change
20:18.02[TK]D-Fendersean place a call, do you have "Conf" bottom key, left side?
20:18.30SeanLostInAsteriyes... bottom display part midle button left side
20:19.03[TK]D-FenderSeanLostInAsteri: Press it.  What happens?
20:19.23[TK]D-FenderSeanLostInAsteri: Your 1st line should start flashing and you should get dialtone ont he next line.
20:19.27SeanLostInAsteriwhen not in a call with some one nothing
20:19.43SeanLostInAsteriwhile talking to someone on some systems it works and on asterisk with us not
20:19.49[TK]D-FenderSeanLostInAsteri: while ON ca call.
20:19.59IOscannerwould it be an asterisk problem or a locak lib problem.
20:20.20IOscannerWhere does asterisk play wav files from.  Does it have its own libs for that?
20:20.56*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
20:21.23SeanLostInAsterii think something is not right with our asterisk... does some one now what the aastra 57i transmits to the asterisk when conf is pressed?
20:22.12[TK]D-FenderSeanLostInAsteri: Its not *.  Its your PHONE's config
20:22.30[TK]D-FenderSeanLostInAsteri: I'm betting your provider screwed all sorts of settings on it.
20:23.37SeanLostInAsterii understand perfectly what you are saying... the threewaycalling is a chip module on the phone. how come does it work with some providers and not with others?
20:23.58SeanLostInAsterithat is the thing i can not explain to my self...
20:24.24SeanLostInAsterithe phone is directly from aastra in switzerland. no provider has ever touched it...
20:24.39[TK]D-FenderSeanLostInAsteri: Phone settings can be messed with.  To what degree I don't know what they've done.  My 57i CT works just fine.
20:25.16[TK]D-FenderSeanLostInAsteri: Well it didn't configure itself  Something is off, but i'm about to leave the office and will not have access to mine for further refernce today.
20:26.09SeanLostInAsterithank you any way... this is the first time i am here and i am positively impressed...
20:26.45Prato[TK]D-Fender: Thank you for your help
20:27.21[TK]D-Fenderwell, we tried.... go look on the WIKi to see if they some detailed guides on the 5i series
20:27.30[TK]D-Fenderthey are rather new...
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20:34.51yannj_frIs there a way to force use of a specific codec for call between certain peers, and other one for calls to other specific peers
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20:38.15*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
20:39.02jkiffGrr, this is retarded.  Why don't agent channels honor features.conf stuff?
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20:46.32IOscannerAnyone have any ideas how I can at least get an error from asterisk to see why .wav  files will not play  The .wav files are copied from another asterisk box and confirmed good.
20:46.58IOscannerOnly difference in the two boxes one is amd64 +3800 the new one is Dual amd optron 280's
20:47.09yannj_frdid you reload moh?
20:47.12kiscokidare you using high verbosity?
20:47.21IOscannerThese are IVR recordings
20:47.37IOscannerwe are using mp3 files for moh and they work
20:47.40IOscannergsm works
20:48.06*** join/#asterisk fbffff (
20:48.38IOscannerjust can't get .wav file to work.  I even move the drive from the other machine to test the build that I know works.  Everything works but the .wav on the new box.
20:49.13yannj_frdo core set verbose 7
20:49.14IOscannerVery strange only see it with the optron CPU.  Just not sure where or how Asterisk is playing the file.  Is it an extenal library?
20:49.20yannj_frand try to read it
20:49.37yannj_frand pastebin what happened
20:50.50IOscannerIt sees the file and thinks it is playing
20:51.43*** join/#asterisk nick125_lappy (n=nick@atarack/staff/nick125)
20:51.51*** part/#asterisk ctaloi (
20:51.58nick125_lappyI need to mix two legs of a recorded calls, how would I do that?
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20:52.29yannj_frdid you try to convert files in gsm?
20:52.57nick125_lappyI'm not sure what format they are in, let me look, hold on
20:53.19nick125_lappyNope, they aren't in GSM
20:53.38yannj_frsorry was for : IOscanner
20:54.17IOscannerno I can
20:54.23IOscannerI know .gsm files work
20:54.53IOscannerstrange that just .wav is not working.
20:55.00yannj_frwhat codec are you using on you phone?
20:56.35yannj_frand what is the format of you wav ? (bit, sampling..)
20:56.49IOscannerI am using the same image that is on a normal AMD64 +3800 box and it works everything work.  Move the drive to this box and test .  Everything works but .wav files
20:57.44IOscannerHelpDeskMain.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz
20:58.03IOscannerworks on other Asterisk boxes.
20:58.11IOscannerSo I don't think that is the problem
20:58.27IOscannerwe did a new install and copied as well and pull a drive and try.
20:58.36IOscannerMust be a library issue or something.
20:59.11yannj_frno wav can be played?
20:59.27IOscannerhow can I convert from wav to gsm?  Anyone know a command line tool?
20:59.35IOscannercorrect no wav can be played
20:59.42Greek-Boyis it possible to signal caller id onto PSTN when calling from a voip sip device?
20:59.47ectospasmIOscanner:  I think sox can do it
21:00.02IOscannerIthought so, but I did remember
21:00.33ectospasmit has been almost two years since I did that conversion, so I can't tell you the exact command line
21:00.35yannj_frjust do file convert file.exorig file.gsm
21:04.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:05.58IOscannercool now I really broke it on the last rebuild.  Now no audio plays.
21:06.11IOscannerI tried to rebuild for i686
21:07.58yannj_frIOscanner : are you installing asterisk from sources ?
21:08.15IOscanneryes from svn tree
21:08.24yannj_frsvn 1.4?
21:08.35IOscannersvn checkout asterisk-1.2
21:08.57IOscannerNot ready for 1.4 I will have to make some dialplan changes and I haven't had time
21:09.16yannj_frdid you enable on menuconfig : format interpreter , format_pcm
21:09.41IOscannermenuconfig?  where?
21:10.21yannj_frafter ./configure
21:10.26yannj_frwhat are you doing?
21:10.58IOscannerthere is no ./configure with 1.2
21:10.59yannj_frsorry I works only the 1.4
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21:11.21IOscannerthat is why I have not hear of that.
21:11.35yannj_frhow do you install it then?
21:11.43IOscannerI need to just make the change week.  Just going to take a week to change it.
21:12.09IOscannervi the Makefile then make clean && make && make install
21:12.20IOscannersame as I have for 4 years
21:13.02IOscannerJust trying to build some very large dual and quad boxes for front end systems and we can't asterisk to play audio.  Everything else works
21:13.30IOscannerI even tried keeping 32bit instead of 64bit makes no difference
21:14.17yannj_frno idea, for me
21:14.42IOscannerI don't even get an error
21:14.52yannj_frsorry, I am not enought good
21:14.53IOscannernothing to go on
21:15.02IOscannerme either
21:15.06IOscannerthanks for trying
21:15.11yannj_frdo you use sip?
21:15.20IOscanneryes and IAX
21:15.42yannj_frjust try something
21:15.48yannj_frlike changing the codec
21:15.53yannj_fryou are using
21:15.55yannj_frand testing
21:16.01yannj_fras an example
21:16.09yannj_frforce phone to use gsm
21:17.31IOscannersame thing
21:17.40*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
21:17.42IOscannerlet me try with a sip phone too
21:19.45pigpenHi all, I am getting:
21:20.28pigpenWhen I attempt to use call files (*.call) to connect sip extensions, via speaker (polycom) to an extension that does a playback of a gsm file.
21:20.53pigpenI am shoving it out to about 75 phones at a time, with a total of about 157 polycom's.
21:21.50pigpenOh...* server is a Dell PE6850, 8GB ram, 15K SAS Array, etc....
21:21.51[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, Spool them up slower
21:21.58pigpenthank you master.
21:22.46CoffeeIV_in the asterisk C code, I see a "dtimeout" field in the pbx structure that sets the timeout between digit presses.  It is hard coded to 5 sec.  Can this be overriden by something in a .conf file ?  I grepped the code but I saw no place where that was overriden from somewhere else.
21:23.34[TK]D-FenderCoffeeIV_, thats not what you're seeing then.
21:23.44[TK]D-FenderCoffeeIV_, "show function TIMEOUT"
21:24.59CoffeeIV_[TK]D-Fender:  thanks, that looks like it might be what I need
21:25.25Hmmhesaysfinally I got this damn faxing working
21:26.09yannj_frfaxing from analog?
21:27.06pigpen[TK]D-Fender, would it be normal for me to have many of the sip phones to become "unreachable" during this process?
21:27.07Hmmhesaysip to pstn and pstn to ip
21:27.40Hmmhesaysnow I need someone to send me a fax
21:27.52[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, not sure.  this is X ULAW calls at a time....
21:28.08[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, sond potentially substantial?
21:29.19pigpenI think what is happening, is that I have 20-40 going, then when I have several more being placed, it cannot place the call sue to they are unavailable.
21:29.26pigpenI guess I need to space it out more.
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21:40.26pigpenyeah, 10 at a time is working fine.
21:40.55antonyo14would anyone be so nice as to pastebin macro-trunkdial for me?
21:41.42[TK]D-Fenderantonyo14, This is not a GUI support channel, and I could give you a 1-line macro, but I promise you won't like it :)
21:42.47antonyo14sorry im going home now :(
21:44.08*** join/#asterisk runa (i=foobar@
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21:45.52runahey :) I have one of those dumb answering machines provided by my telco (ie, call *123 to pick up your messages). I was wondering if I could write a client to use my grandstream FXO, call the answering machine, check if there are messages, retrieve them and delete. Any hints on where I should start?
21:49.02*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (n=tatt@
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21:50.14lisandropmhas anyone linked asterisk with a hicom 300?
21:50.31kimosabedoes anyone know a good voice overip provider with unlimeted usa calling
21:52.10[TK]D-Fenderruna, You want * to actualy listen to your machine and do this automated?  Your odds are inifiitely approaching zero...
21:53.18kimosabecan some one lead me in the direction of a good voice provider please with great rates
21:57.07runa[TK]D-Fender: damn. I thought so. but It doesn't sounds too difficult..
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21:59.12pruonckkHi all,
21:59.17[TK]D-Fenderruna, Of course not... thats what dreams are for!
21:59.52[TK]D-Fenderruna, * will not know when a message has ended, what to press, and be able to make decisions for you quite like that.
22:00.48pruonckksomebody know a good documentation about how can i implement a account code on asterisk ( im newbie on asterisk )
22:01.24[TK]D-Fenderpruonckk, Please describe exactly what you mean by this as it can be interpreted several ways
22:02.01pruonckkok, i want that my users to enter with a code (4 numbers of less) after do a dial
22:02.26runa[TK]D-Fender: well, I could script that
22:04.28[TK]D-Fenderpruonckk, So like a password to dial out?
22:04.35pruonckklike a password
22:04.42[TK]D-Fenderpruonckk, "show application read"
22:04.47[TK]D-Fenderpruonckk, "show application gotoif"
22:05.09Mercestesruna, If you can script that I definately want to hire you to do something...I dunno what yet but I'll think of something.
22:05.18Mercestesmaybe script a front loader to build me an island or something
22:05.49[TK]D-FenderMercestes, The Tonka master-plan not work out like you planned? :)
22:06.10MercestesYea, no, they aren't *really* indestructable.
22:12.39festr__anyone know, if digium's codec g729 has PLC?
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22:35.11ingenioJust received a tdm02b... are there rj11 to rj45 conversion guides? Basically.. how do I plug my analog phone into the card? :P
22:37.10Kubiceki have a problem with sending faxes from spandsp (txfax) - only part gets transmited and the rest of the pages are lines. any ideas ?
22:38.49De_MonI'm running asterisk 1.2.14 and am having some trouble with queues
22:39.21De_Monall members of the queue are busy, yet the exitstatus is timeout
22:39.56De_Monjoin and joinempty = strict
22:39.56De_Monleavewhenempty = strict
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22:47.51[TK]D-Fenderingenio, the jack may be RJ45, but you can plug your RJ11 right into it.
22:48.05[TK]D-Fenderingenio, Its wired for the center apir... its jsut how they are made...
22:49.16poppoI have a php script that connect using fopen to the asterisk box everything work but when it gets to the exten => 4,2,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE\ `calls`\ SET\ `verified`=\'Yes\'\ WHERE\ `phone`=\'$[phone]\')
22:49.45poppothe VarSet=$phone from the php script is not passing to the mysql query
22:49.49poppowhat is it that i am missing
22:49.59[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, try again, and pastebin this as well : "show queues" before AND afer.  please add your queues.conf entry as well.
22:50.38Qwell[]huh, I thought we switched to rj11
22:50.46Qwell[]must be old stock
22:51.52mvanbaakrj11 ?
22:52.03Qwell[]on the tdm400p
22:52.13poppoI have this in my php scripts fputs($oSocket, "SetVar: phone=$strCallerId\r\n");
22:52.28mvanbaakI replaced my last rj11 4 years ago
22:52.35mvanbaakit's all rj45 now
22:53.08Qwell[]I still need to wire my house
22:53.29Qwell[]I have *2* (I found a second one in my bedroom, which goes...somewhere...don't ask) phone jacks in my house
22:54.01De_Mon[TK]D-Fender it looks like "SIP/chrisoffice-random is busy" isn't the same as "unvailable"
22:54.08mvanbaakI only have fiber jacks
22:54.22[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, Correct
22:54.58mvanbaakthose connect to netgear gbit switches
22:55.05[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, That response says your agent is not on a call nor paused, and its just the PHONE rejecting the call (looks like DND which is BAD)
22:55.12mvanbaakthey are fiber uplink + 24 port gbit rj45
22:55.19mvanbaakI dont have rj11 anymore
22:55.52mvanbaakand last month I replaced all rj11 jacks in my parents house with rj45
22:56.11mvanbaakyou can run 2 analog lines with one rj45/cat5 cable
22:56.30Strom_Myou can run three analog lines on an RJ14 :)
22:56.33mvanbaakor 1 network+1isdn
22:56.54De_Mondnd is bad? hrm
22:57.02mvanbaakmy parents place now has analog phone + network on every rj45 socket
22:57.04[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak, You can do the same on a single RJ11... its a 6 conductor jack you know...
22:57.40Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: if you want to be technical about it, RJ11 is 6P2C, RJ12 is 6P4C, RJ14 is 6P6C
22:58.25Qwell[]what pair does PoE run over?
22:58.45ingenio[TK]D-Fender: nifty. i had no idea. :P
22:58.47[TK]D-FenderStrom_M, Ok, never knew you only renumbered just because of actually USING what you've already got there...
22:58.50Strom_Mpair 4, IIRC
22:58.52mvanbaakQwell[]: no idea
22:58.56ingenio[TK]D-Fender: haha, i was about to start splicing. thanks
22:59.24Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: well the RJ number specifies more than just the physical layout of the jack
22:59.26Qwell[]so you could do PoE and still carry phone...hmm
22:59.41Strom_MQwell[]: yeah, I think so
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22:59.56Strom_Mbut i dont remember definitively
23:00.07[TK]D-Fenderingenio, If you wire for Cat5, you can plug a splitter and use 1 for phone, the other for 10/100.  Std Ethernet doesn't use the middle pair so you don't have to do any kind of splicing.
23:00.14mvanbaakI use PoE injectors
23:00.27[TK]D-FenderQwell[], PoE uses all 8 wires.
23:00.28*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:00.42Qwell[]hmm, suck
23:00.52Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: pair 1 for + and pair 4 for -?
23:00.58mvanbaakbut soon I will be using a 3750 for my phones and laptops
23:01.19Strom_Mah, here it is
23:01.21[TK]D-FenderStrom_M, Don't recall the exact pattern.. been a wihle but diagrams I saw say all 8.
23:01.23Strom_MI was wrong :)
23:01.36Qwell[]Wouldn't pair 1 be orange? O.o
23:01.41Strom_MQwell[]: no
23:01.52Strom_Mblue orange green brown slate
23:01.57Strom_M1 2 3 4 5
23:02.05[TK]D-Fender8 6 7 5 3 0 9 ;)
23:02.09mvanbaakI ordered a 3750 gbit with poe
23:02.23Strom_MQwell[]: TIA-568B reverses pairs 1 and 3
23:02.44Strom_Mbut pair 1 is always blue
23:02.45mvanbaakfreaking expensive
23:03.02Qwell[]12=1, 36=2, 45=3, 78=4?
23:03.19Strom_Mpair 1 = pins 4/5
23:03.19Qwell[]I give up
23:03.25Strom_Mpair 2 = pins 3/6
23:03.31Strom_Mpair 3 = pins 1/2
23:03.36Strom_Mpair 4 = pins 7/8
23:03.44Qwell[]wouldn't B reverse pairs 2 and 3 then?
23:03.53Strom_Mmaybe that's it
23:03.59Qwell[]gotta be :D
23:04.02Qwell[]1-3, 2-6
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23:04.11Strom_MI know the AT&T 25-pair code better than I remember TIA standards :)
23:04.19Qwell[]nobody uses TIA standards
23:04.41Strom_Muh, cat5 cabling is almost always terminated to TIA-568-A or TIA-568-B
23:04.50Strom_Mfor ethernet applications, anyway
23:04.56Qwell[]I was trolling :p
23:05.27mvanbaaktoo bad you cant get ibm thinkpads with fiber
23:05.48mvanbaakas soon as that's possible I'll remove all rj45/catX cables
23:06.26mvanbaakI have 12 fiber sockets in my house
23:06.27russellbstandards are overrated
23:07.00mvanbaakI use 5port netgear switches just to convert the fiber to rj45
23:07.45mvanbaakI have 2 cisco phones, so there I'll need those. but all my computers should get fiber cards
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23:08.28mvanbaakwould be cool to get fiber nicks that support more then 1 color
23:08.46ingenioanyone have any OS suggestions for Asterisk? ie, Fedora vs Ubuntu
23:09.04mvanbaakuse whatever you are used to
23:09.09Strom_Muse whatever you're most comfortable with
23:09.33mvanbaakif you're not used to any I suggest debian
23:09.38mvanbaakbut that's personal
23:09.41ingenioi grew up with debian using the cli
23:09.49Strom_MI second debian :)
23:09.54ingeniobut i really should play with some of the newer guis
23:10.00ingeniohence the ubuntu idea
23:10.08Strom_Myou dont want x windows on your asterisk box
23:10.10Strom_Mthere's no reason
23:10.32Strom_Mit'll only cause you headaches :)
23:10.32mvanbaakubuntu == debian + some patches that break stuff
23:10.55mvanbaakI mean: ubuntu server installs a PREEMPT kernel by default
23:11.00Qwell[]mvanbaak: support more than one color?
23:11.03mvanbaakhow fuckedup can that be
23:11.13Qwell[]hey, at least it doesn't install X by default
23:11.14mvanbaakQwell[]: dark fiber
23:11.34Qwell[](and it's non-trivial to remove)
23:11.36poppoI need help [Tk] D-Fender  can you help out
23:11.46mvanbaakQwell[]: 256x15gbit on one fiber
23:11.52russellbare you kidding?  Asterisk *requires* X to run
23:12.11russellbwe do call control in OpenGL now
23:12.12Qwell[]bah, I just run it with ssh -X
23:12.26Qwell[]I still say we need to get transcoding on video cards
23:12.31Qwell[]That would be *hot*
23:12.36mvanbaakrussellb: does it run on XGL ?
23:12.49russellbQwell[]: even after today's commit, still nobody lauged at X-Disclaimer
23:12.54Qwell[]mvanbaak: yeah, each side of the cube is a context
23:12.59russellbmvanbaak: totally.  you should see a call transfer with wobbly windows enabled
23:13.19Qwell[]I need to enable XGL on here...
23:13.25mvanbaakI can transfer calls on the edge of the cube now
23:13.26russellbit's hot
23:13.29Qwell[]russellb: You should help me with that on Monday :D
23:13.38mvanbaakxgl is hot
23:13.42russellbsudo apt-get install ...
23:13.48russellbit's in the ubuntu repos
23:13.51Qwell[]it doesn't like me+nvidia
23:13.53Qwell[]I use debian now :D
23:14.01mvanbaakdebian ftw
23:14.06mvanbaakfor linux that is
23:14.06russellbi'm sure it's in there too ..
23:14.16russellbpfft, i use debian windows vista and it pwns
23:14.29mvanbaakgnome is bad
23:14.34mvanbaakI really dont like it
23:15.01russellbwell your opinion doesn't matter unless your opinion is the same as mine
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23:15.19[TK]D-FenderEveryone is entitled to my opinion! ;)
23:15.20Qwell[]darn, I disabled compositing...I need to reenable that
23:15.40mvanbaakQwell[]: try that with the ati cards ;)
23:15.49[TK]D-FenderQwell[], plastic & metal don't compost very well ;)
23:16.38mvanbaakxgl+beryl here
23:16.43mvanbaakworks great on my ibook
23:17.17*** join/#asterisk lisandropm (
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23:18.36lisandropmhello. Has any of you had some experience with a hicom 300?
23:18.42mvanbaakuse the fglrx fpu to do transcoding
23:18.47mvanbaakthat would be great
23:19.43poppo<[TK]D-Fender> : I have a php script that does a  fputs($oSocket, "Set(phone=\$strCallerId\)\r\n"); but when asterisk in extension does exten => 4,2,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE\ `calls`\ SET\ `verified`=\'Yes\'\ WHERE\ `phone`=\'${phone}\')
23:21.05[TK]D-Fenderpoppo NoOp your variable before calling MYSQL
23:27.25irulehi guys, I am faxing with hylafax, iaxmodem, spandsp, and asterisk already, and wonder if anyone here has ever linked CUPS into the equation? I have linux, windows and mac clients :s
23:28.13n00dlerussellb: Got the patch and applied it, notes added to bug tracker. :)  (Better, but... weird.)
23:29.06poppo[TK]D-Fender: umm i did that in the log it dosent show the variable
23:31.07poppo[TK]D-Fender: my php popen looks like this  fputs($oSocket, "SetVar: phone=23\r\n")
23:31.07[TK]D-Fenderpoppo, well I guess you'd better check how you're setting that variable
23:31.08[TK]D-Fenderpoppo, And what exactly are you sending that TO?
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23:32.10poppothen i am going to use it to update mysql database
23:34.33russellbn00dle: well, i didn't make any functional changes ... just added some debug output
23:34.52n00dleIt did change how it's behaving though!
23:35.10russellbevery time i try to debug this problem, adding debug output makes it better :)
23:35.19russellbit annoys the crap out of me
23:35.24russellbso, it's some kind of weird race condition ...
23:35.27russellbanyway, i'll take a look.
23:35.27n00dleHm... timing changes?
23:35.31n00dleK. :)
23:35.39russellbthanks for getting back to me
23:35.52n00dleNo prob... glad to help.
23:36.17n00dleI won't get a chance to work on it over the weekend, though.
23:36.45n00dle...unless I stop by Sunday afternoon, but this weekend's gonna be a busy one.
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23:39.32russellbme neither ...
23:39.37russellbi'm off, have a nice weekend
23:39.47n00dleCiao Russell!
23:48.41De_Mon[TK]D-Fender so, how is someone supposed to set themselves unavailable? logging out of the queue my only option?
23:50.45De_Monsweet mythbusters doing the tailgating a semi myth
23:54.12poppo[TK]D-Fender: ok i am having same problem as this guy
23:54.12n0n4m3does anyone of you guys have a belco BCIP-300 sip phone?
23:57.13n0n4m3i kinda changed the admin password and i forgot how to get in :(
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23:58.52[TK]D-Fenderpoppo, Guess i'd have to see your entire script to see where you cound have gone wrong.
23:59.36[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, "show application pausequeuemember

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