IRC log for #asterisk on 20070522

00:09.39*** join/#asterisk XVampireX (n=serge@unaffiliated/xvampirex)
00:09.46XVampireXAre there any interesting voip channels here?
00:09.56XVampireXother than this one
00:10.35crimethinkerthis one is interesting?
00:11.13XVampireXI guess
00:11.30XVampireXI can't even find a better client than twinkle :P
00:11.41crimethinkeruh, epic?
00:12.36XVampireXSay, asterisk aside,  is it possible to setup a "ringtone" which plays music while someone calls you, i mean, so that they hear the ringtone while they wait for me... like it is possible to do that with regular cellphones...
00:12.41XVampireXI don't know how this feature is called
00:12.50XVampireXI mean to do it in SIP
00:14.29JTi'm not sure if it's possible to give callers the shits in that way yet
00:14.30crimethinkerYour callers will get upset when they get billed starting the moment they finish dialing, whether you answer or not.
00:14.50crimethinkeras you will have to answer a call the moment it is received to do that.
00:14.51JTcrimethinker: that depends on the setup
00:14.54XVampireXno, not pc to phone
00:14.56JTcrimethinker: not true
00:14.57XVampireXor phone to pc
00:15.14XVampireXI just want a platform for telephony :)
00:15.34XVampireXI'm also really interested in something like skype which supports large conference rooms
00:15.40XVampireXwith presence
00:16.31*** join/#asterisk dalfry (n=dalfry@
00:16.52dalfryneed help with some agi stream_file issues
00:16.57JTcrimethinker: telcos don't bill it from the start of ringing indication
00:17.03JTcrimethinker: it's called early media
00:17.34crimethinkersweet! so I can program early media with my message of the day, and distribute for free?
00:18.18XVampireXcr4z3d, what?
00:18.42cr4z3dhow did i come aprt of this conversation haha
00:18.45dalfryrunning asterisk 1.4.4 release with phpagi playing mp3 files using the stream_file call
00:19.01XVampireXagi or api? :P
00:19.22JTcrimethinker: however it's normally provided by telco systems, using intelligent networking features
00:19.41dalfryand when two people are listening to the same mp3 file, at times, the playback gets robotic
00:20.00dalfryare there known issues with format_mp3 which might be causeing this?
00:20.01*** join/#asterisk Cyon (n=cyon@
00:20.22JTi wouldn't mind if "caller tones" died
00:20.30JTplaying music for ringing indication is uber annoying
00:20.50XVampireXit's not
00:21.06JTyes, if i call people and they have it on, it gives me the shits hardcore
00:21.15JTi don't want to listen to their shit taste in music
00:21.23JTi want to listen to a ringing indication
00:22.29JTit's more annoying than people with stupid ringtones
00:22.38JTon their mobile phones
00:23.22*** join/#asterisk psi0n (
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00:23.59XVampireXJT, Maybe, i actually didn't think of it much...
00:24.02Nuggetheh, from a review of a seagate hard drive: "Began making a loud, annoying noise after about 2 years. Died without warning after 5 years."
00:24.09Nugget"without warning" ftw  :)
00:24.10XVampireXBut i learned about a pretty good song from those things :P
00:24.31XVampireXI'm also wondering how to setup a good voicemail message
00:27.43psi0ndoes anyone have any experience with the asterisk-1.2.4-silence_suppression-4.patch ( ), which supposedly fixes stuttering MoH caused by silence suppression?
00:29.26rikstahhow is a loud noise without warning? or is that your point
00:32.16*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
00:35.00Nuggetthat's the point.
00:35.18*** join/#asterisk creativx ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:36.08*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=eleven@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:36.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o Corydon76-home] by
00:38.24lee_is_meLOL, my wife has a ringtone for everyone in our family from country songs to rock.  I'm guilty of having having Bob Marely and Rare Earth only.
00:39.39lee_is_meRare Earths version of "feeling alright" is worth the space on my phone...
00:39.51*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
00:40.48*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:42.46*** join/#asterisk leleobhz (n=leleobhz@unaffiliated/leleobhz)
00:43.05leleobhzhave someone linked to staff here?
00:43.19*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
00:43.57JTi see
00:44.40leleobhzJT: ?
00:45.00JTleleobhz: i wasn't replying to you
00:45.08leleobhzah, sorry
00:45.21*** join/#asterisk Damin (
00:45.29*** part/#asterisk Damin (
00:45.56XVampireXHas anyone here tried Jingle?
00:46.15*** join/#asterisk Damin (
00:46.17Strom_Mhas anyone here ever dialed a phone ??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!!?!?!?!!!!!  need help here people
00:46.33DaminStrom_M: What is this "phone" you speak of?
00:47.00Strom_Mits this thing plugged into my cat that has the numbers 1 through jizz on it
00:47.13*** part/#asterisk leleobhz (n=leleobhz@unaffiliated/leleobhz)
00:48.47XVampireXsteven|c, I work in phone surveys place, so... yeah...
00:50.18*** part/#asterisk SuperID (
00:50.58JTXVampireX: does your autocomplete ever get the right person?
00:51.42XVampireXI am used to konversation, so no.
00:52.04cnilewhere can I set the wait time before my zaptel answers the phone?
00:52.07XVampireXStrom_M, I work in phone surveys place, so... yeah...
00:53.57Strom_MXVampireX: it was a bad joke
00:54.37*** join/#asterisk osiris (
00:57.30psi0nhmm can i upgrade asterisk from 1.2 to 1.4 using yum?
00:58.16crimethinkerof course. Will it keep your current configuration? Who knows.
00:59.32*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:59.39Strom_Mis your current configuration going to break horribly in 1.4?  who knows.
01:03.29*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=Fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:08.55*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
01:16.23*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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01:24.06*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=eleven@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:24.06*** join/#asterisk Cabal (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
01:24.06*** join/#asterisk tessier (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:24.07*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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01:24.07*** join/#asterisk grantm ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:24.07*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (n=NONE@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:24.07*** mode/#asterisk [+o Corydon76-home] by
01:32.54_charly_hi, i have a problem with asterisk v1.2 connected to a siemens hipath pbx using oh323 v0.7.3. everything is working except for one thing: if i make a call from asterisk out to a busy extension of the hipath i don't get busy signalled on my phone, it just times out after a minute. the hipath is sending user busy in q931, i've checked this with ethereal and also in the tracefile. is there something i have to change in the config?
01:33.42Strom_M_charly_: you've got to handle the busy condition in your dialplan
01:33.56Strom_Muse gotoif() along with the ${DIALSTATUS} variable
01:37.12*** join/#asterisk phobus (
01:38.40_charly_Strom_M: that doesn't work, i would have already tried that if Dial() would recognize the busy state. ${DIALSTATUS} contains NOANSWER
01:40.50_charly_the hipath signals user busy in a q.931 progress message, don't know if that could the problem
01:44.52_charly_any other idea?
01:47.42*** part/#asterisk davidcsi (
01:48.54*** join/#asterisk Waverly360 (n=irc@
01:54.37_charly_the hipath sends a callProceeding directly after asterisks setup, 0.1sec later there's the progress with user busy (cause 17), and 35 secs later it sends a release complete with normal call clearing (cause 16). the dialplan is continued after cause 16, and ${DIALSTATUS} is NOANSWER although the called user is busy
01:55.27*** join/#asterisk stridernzl (
01:55.49*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:57.08*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
01:57.30*** part/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
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01:59.16*** part/#asterisk killfill_ (n=killfill@
02:00.10*** join/#asterisk brussel (
02:01.24*** join/#asterisk SuperID (
02:01.36*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:03.46Waverly360Hey guys, I'm running version 1.2.14 of asterisk but for some reason agi_calleridname isn't being set when I call in.  That should have been added in 1.2.11 from what I've read.  Any ideas?
02:04.05*** join/#asterisk xtr (
02:09.02*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
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02:28.34*** part/#asterisk SuperID (
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02:33.12_charly_i just tried it with yate, and it's the same, no busy although the called phone is busy :/
02:35.39Hmmhesaysmy god die hard 2 has some horrible acting
02:37.48*** join/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@pdpc/supporter/base/Cherebrum)
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02:38.09*** part/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@pdpc/supporter/base/Cherebrum)
02:39.12*** join/#asterisk bbryant (i=Brett@
02:44.34*** join/#asterisk killfill_ (n=killfill@
02:44.44killfill_hey, what means NOTICE[93113]: chan_sip.c:1796 ast_sip_ouraddrfor: Warning: Re-lookup of '' failed!?
02:46.50killfill_im trying to call from my ekiga
02:52.15*** join/#asterisk mvand (
02:53.27*** join/#asterisk bbryant (i=Brett@
03:03.37killfill_damn.. ekiga wont dial out to the pstn.. :S
03:05.46PioneerVM2anyone know what happens if you have two matching patterns in a context?  Like:   exten => _1X. and exten => _X.
03:05.52PioneerVM2will it do both in order?
03:05.57PioneerVM2or just go to the first matching one?
03:06.14killfill_it will go in the first match, ordered by priority
03:08.03*** join/#asterisk tenzind (n=tenzind@
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03:20.58PioneerVM2kill: sorry had to check on baby
03:21.11PioneerVM2so the first thing it matches, it will only stick with that match?
03:21.17*** join/#asterisk pariah (n=j0sh@unaffiliated/pariah)
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03:21.40PioneerVM2so once it matches _1X., it will stick in that match by priority and not match anything else?
03:25.55*** join/#asterisk pabs3 (
03:26.02*** join/#asterisk minesh (i=minesh@
03:26.12mineshhello thr
03:31.12mineshn e body can help me out to know about asterisk..?
03:32.30*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
03:33.15Strom_Monly if you agree not to ever butcher the English language again by abbreviating simple words like "anybody"
03:33.15Strom_Mbecause, seriously, you ADDED keystrokes there
03:33.48mineshyes sure
03:34.10mineshi will try not to butcher English...
03:35.00Strom_Mso what do you want to know?
03:35.27mineshi would like to implement the asterisk...
03:36.05mineshi am little bit confuse about the cli there graphical user interface that will help me out to understand the thing
03:36.21Strom_Mwell, there are GUIs, but they're all horrible
03:37.04Strom_Mand they all take away the immense flexibility you get from learning to use the dialplan configuration
03:38.07demlakminesh there are config files... you donīt have to configure asterisk on the fly
03:38.30mineshyes dear i know that...
03:38.56mineshbut i have little bit confusion about same.. i have gone through the files which are made as samples while installation...
03:39.12Strom_M"yes dear"?  are you two married?
03:39.42mineshyes...i am too married...
03:39.46mineshwhat about you.?
03:40.00Strom_Myou completely misinterpreted what I was asking
03:40.29Strom_Mcheck one:  English is my [ ] third     [ ] fifth     [ ] next      language
03:41.13minesh[x] next
03:41.22*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (
03:41.46demlaki searched weeks for a GUI-config solution... all was crap.. finaly i learned most by reviewing configs of other people.. and by using this links: and for people understanding german language
03:42.12Strom_Mminesh: just read the book
03:42.26jbotwell, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
03:42.26demlakthese two links are all i need
03:43.30mineshthaks for the book reference...
03:43.52mineshcan you give me some references about the .conf files that can give me some ideas..
03:44.00demlaki did
03:44.03Strom_Mminesh: I did
03:44.38mineshyes but i need actual implemented .conf files if possible..
03:45.26Strom_Mminesh: um
03:45.51Strom_Mor hire a consultant if you're too lazy
03:46.11demlak$50/10min im your asterisk save
03:46.28Strom_Mi'm a relative bargain at $150 an hour
03:46.49mineshThaks dear
03:47.06JTin English?
03:47.07Strom_Mjust a hint:  don't address strangers as "dear"
03:47.22Strom_Mit's very unnerving
03:47.39demlakfree hugs for all!
03:48.00mineshhey he has given me valuable suggestion so i called dear....
03:48.24mineshok if you dont like..
03:48.27Strom_Myou don't do that.
03:48.41demlaklet me say it in rough words... you donīt fuck me.. you donīt call me "dear"
03:48.53sbingnerdemlak, yes dear
03:49.09*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:49.10demlakpfff =)
03:49.20sbingnersomebody had to do it...
03:49.49JTminesh: calling a stranger "dear" is highly patronising
03:50.01JTand makes people think you have female fatitude
03:50.11sbingnerit might be a girl...
03:50.13*** join/#asterisk stridernzl (
03:50.14Strom_Mit's insulting, to put it mildly
03:50.21mineshfine JT..and thanks
03:50.23Strom_Meven if minesh /is/ a girl
03:50.38sbingnerif she's got and wants to come by, she can call me dear!
03:51.05sbingnerbut yea :p
03:51.18JTsbingner: only females with fatitude say dear in such a context :)
03:51.57sbingnerwhat IS fatitude supposed to mean? lol
03:52.09stridernzlwhen setting up a remote extension using routers/NAT @ both ends would i have to open up a port for the * server?
03:52.24Strom_Mstridernzl: yes
03:52.28sbingnerstridernzl, yes
03:52.35Strom_Mand that's a recipe for disaster if you're using SIP
03:52.35stridernzlwhat the port number ?
03:52.47sbingnerstridernzl, that would depend on what port number
03:52.54stridernzlme using sip .. I think so why ?
03:53.05stridernzlif that was meant for me ?
03:53.05JTsbingner: overweight females who overcompensate with bad attitude... fat attitude
03:53.16demlak<- using openvpn.. never have problems with ports =)
03:53.25sbingnerSIP is primarily 4569, but you;ll need more ports...
03:53.37JTthat's IAX2
03:53.56demlak.oO(poor wall!)
03:54.05sbingnerI meant 5060
03:54.28Strom_M5060 UDP for the signaling + 10000-20000 UDP for the media
03:54.31stridernzlis there a doc file i can read then :), I don't really want to be opening stuff i don't have too :)
03:54.55stridernzlso 5060 will handle everything to the remote ?
03:55.35JTsbingner: open udp 5060 and 10000-20000 and you're all done
03:55.55sbingnerJT, you mean stridernzl
03:56.19*** join/#asterisk cr4z3d (
03:56.35stridernzlJT: Cheers just writing that down ... :) , It may be why i cannot register ...
03:58.06PioneerVM2Anyone know how to share a match -- for example I want to do: exten => _X.,1,SetCallerID, then exten => _1X.,1,Call Exten A, exten => _2X.,1,Call Exten B and have "SetCallerID" run before both
03:58.16PioneerVM2so i dont have to duplicate the SetCallerID twice
03:58.22JTstridernzl: should only need 5060 to register
03:58.36stridernzlJT: Would i just open that up @ the * end / or both sets of routers ?
03:58.46JTboth ends
03:58.56JTi don't know what your setup is
03:59.06stridernzlJT: thats nice I will take it 1 step at a time then .. theres another couple of days :)
03:59.10Strom_MPioneerVM2: no, you can't match multiple things like that
03:59.19PioneerVM2yea i know that it cant be done that way
03:59.25PioneerVM2but what is the easiest way to accomplish that
03:59.37Strom_Myou'd have to match one extension and then use conditional branching to jump elsewhere
03:59.53PioneerVM2i was thinking that but can u match on a pattern?
03:59.59stridernzlJT: in N.Z ... 2 x DI-704P's (1 Each end) .. couple of DI 304P's as modems
04:00.13PioneerVM2so exten => _X.,Set Caller ID then do "if match _1X. go here"
04:00.23stridernzlJT: thats dlink gear
04:00.26Strom_MPioneerVM2: sigh
04:00.30Strom_Mit's ONE EXTRA LINE
04:00.55Strom_Mdon't overcomplicate your dialplan by having clever tricks
04:00.57PioneerVM2not sure what you mean by that comment
04:01.06PioneerVM2Strom -- its not a "clever trick" im using a simple example
04:01.20PioneerVM2if I want to have multiple initial things and not have to duplicate and keep them all the same
04:01.25PioneerVM2it's smart coding
04:01.51Strom_Mwell how about having one extension which then does different things based on what you dial?
04:01.55Strom_Mthat would be smarter coding
04:02.07PioneerVM2yes that was what i was asking, for alternatives
04:02.27PioneerVM2What command do i do to test the pattern and jump?
04:02.51Strom_Mor perhaps the IF() function
04:03.06PioneerVM2im ,looking but dont see it uses patterns only static #'s
04:03.16PioneerVM2need something that uses patterns
04:03.31Strom_Myour expressions can use regular expressions
04:03.46PioneerVM2oh wait, i see you can jump to "subroutines"
04:03.46stridernzlJT: but the routhers might just need a fiddle , somstuff works o.k so stuff needs a bit of tweaking, so when 10 mins ago tried and did not register, thought what next , - I had not tried the Router so howto do .. so port 5060 it is - thats a big help I'd say :)
04:03.47Strom_Mso $[expr1:expr2] where expr2 is a regexp
04:04.06PioneerVM2ahh ok, dont see it in this example ill look that up
04:04.59*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
04:05.33PioneerVM2hey strom, maybe u can help with this -- check out this problem im having with caller ID
04:06.13PioneerVM2Set(CALLERID(num)= is not working with SIP, but works with IAX...
04:07.44PioneerVM2I'm thinking it's either a Asterisk SIP issue, or a VoicePulse Connect issue -- strange part is that if i dont set it at all, the phone # of caller passes thru
04:08.09PioneerVM2unless VoicePulse for SIP is incorrectly taking the number from the (name) rather than (num)
04:08.37*** join/#asterisk mog (
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04:08.42Strom_Mi'd blame voicepulse
04:11.24*** join/#asterisk basilisk (n=jerry@
04:14.11PioneerVM2yea im starting to think its on there end
04:14.42PioneerVM2it worked when I changed to "SetCallerID(123)" however i think that was for the incorrect reason, as that really set the "name" field, i think they are pulling the # from the name field in SIP for some reason
04:14.48PioneerVM2i just wrote them about it
04:15.51Strom_MSetCallerID is very deprecated
04:16.02*** join/#asterisk adorah (
04:18.05adorahHi does anyone know how to use an extension to open door?
04:18.32rudholmStrom_M: have you ever thought about the use of "deprecated" to mean "no longer supported" or "discontinued"?
04:19.58Strom_Mrudholm: yes, but in this case i'm being silly in the same way as calling something "very dead", "extremely dead", or "deader than the soviet union"
04:20.08rudholmI see
04:21.07Strom_Myou know, i'm obviously completely bonkers.  I've gone out twice to a sushi place in west LA, and it's been closed both times, and i'm now considering making the drive a third time in two days because I know they're open now
04:21.32rudholmyou could call them first.  you *do* have a telephone, don't you :-)
04:22.28rudholmI recall there's a WE 2D2 towering over your desk, threatening to squash you during the next earthquate
04:22.44Strom_Moh, like you don't have one also?
04:23.15rudholmMine's a 2C2
04:23.30rudholmtotally different.
04:23.39rudholmI mean, does your support ground start???
04:23.48rudholm(and mine's not hanging over me)
04:24.41*** join/#asterisk thoughtpolice (
04:25.00*** join/#asterisk Cabal (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
04:26.15Strom_Mit's a yellow page
04:27.02rudholmyou better go to the Beverly Hills location.  I mean, do you really want to eat in GTE-land?
04:27.09pabs3with sip, how does asterisk handle people connecting from different locations at the same time? would it dial both peers at once? I'm wondering if an IP phone at an office will prevent people dialling in with a softphone from home?
04:27.31apturathe 5 min web page made in yellow
04:27.38rudholmyou mean using the same authentication credentials?
04:27.42JTpabs3: i don't understand that question at all
04:28.32rudholmyeah, there's more information in the meta tags than in the visible html :)
04:29.04apturaCannot wait for the day of electrically aligned ink based news papers.
04:29.19rudholmI like clean and simple HTML.  It reminds me of 1995
04:29.24*** join/#asterisk tenzind (n=tenzind@
04:30.05rudholmspeaking of Japanese food in Beverly Hills, I wonder if Gonpachi has finally opened...
04:30.29*** join/#asterisk darkpixel (
04:31.07apturayea just opened
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04:31.19pabs3JT: a sip phone registers itself as user foo to the asterisk server, a softphone does the same. now calls Will the softphone or the sip phone receive the call?
04:31.35rudholmonly, what, two years behind schedule?
04:31.35apturavery nice looking resteraunt.
04:31.41rudholmyou been in yet?
04:32.04rudholmthe company that owns it tends to have great restaurants
04:32.09rudholm(Global Dining)
04:32.12apturano I was just reading about it on some critics page :)
04:32.22rudholmwhat'd the critic have to say?
04:32.56apturaI used to work in a japanese resteraunt as a teen. Interesting experaince.
04:33.05rudholmin LA
04:33.46apturaThen the two men in black came in looking for the manager. I did not know but thay were INS agents :)
04:34.08rudholmthis review doesn't make sense
04:34.37rudholmoh, I guess they mean the first Gonpachi
04:34.42JTpabs3: you don't register 2 sip clients under the same account at the one time.
04:34.45rudholmnot the first GD restaurant
04:34.51JTpabs3: use different sip accounts
04:39.15pabs3JT: hmm, ok. thats a bit annoying. was hoping to be able to connect from multiple locations
04:39.24JTpabs3: what for?
04:39.48rudholmpabs3: you can connect from multiple locations
04:40.05rudholmjust create a sip user for each location/device/whatever
04:40.10pabs3JT: mainly so people can answer work calls when they are at home sick or something
04:40.29JTpabs3: so call the relevant locations
04:40.31rudholmthere are simple ways to address that
04:40.40JTpabs3: you can call multiple phones at once
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04:40.46JTor call certain phones first
04:40.47pigpenHi all...I was looking into the custom device state using presence.  I am trying to figure out the syntax if I wanted to "monitor" if a db value was 1 (light on) or 0 (light off).  Ideas?
04:40.55darkpixelIf anyone's up to answering a T1 question, it would be greatly appreciated...  The company I work for decided they wanted to drop their 10Mb DSL connection and replace it with a T1 line.  When I asked why, I was told I would be setting up a phone system along with internet access over the T1.  To be honest, I'm not much of a telco guy, but I've played around with Asterisk at home....
04:41.03darkpixelIs it possible to take a (multiplexed?) T1 that has both Data and Voice channels and connect it into one of Digium's cards and be able to access both the voice and data channels?  In other words, can the Asterisk box use the voice channels in Asterisk and the data channels for internet access?
04:41.22JTdarkpixel: i know the sangoma cards can
04:42.27darkpixelJT: I dug through google a bit, but I'm coming up short on any details or hints on how to set this you have any ideas?
04:42.51JTdarkpixel: for sangoma, it's something you setup at the wanpipe level
04:44.02pabs3rudholm, JT: any examples of such a setup on the voip-info wiki?
04:45.21darkpixelJT: Thanks for the pointer.  I have a stack of reading sitting on the printer about the telco side of things and about interfacing a T1 to a Linux box.  Nerd fun.  ;)
04:45.32shido6darkpixel, yes
04:46.20shido6do u have the info on what channels are what?
04:46.27shido6for the T1
04:47.39darkpixelshido6: The LEC (qwest) is trying to sell me on their "Integrated T1" which they say will dynamically shrink/grow the voice channels as needed when calls come in or are placed.
04:48.15shido6i know that one...
04:48.16rudholmpabs3: not sure.  but it's easy, just do Dial(SIP/user1&SIP/user2)
04:48.33shido6u can make the Zaptel card an "Integrated T1"
04:48.42shido6and tell Qwest to shove it
04:49.31*** join/#asterisk Mattwj2005 (
04:49.35Mattwj2005hey guys
04:50.14pigpendarkpixel got me thinking...I am needing to bring a PRI into my * will provide some fax services then pass a PRI out to another PBX....
04:50.30pigpenthis is possible with Asterisk & Digium right? (I forget)
04:51.14Mattwj2005just playing with my Asterisk box
04:51.19Mattwj2005setting it up again
04:52.26darkpixelshido6: I love telling telco's to shove it.  I should get to reading through my stack of printouts before I start asking a ton of lame T1 questions...  Thanks for your help.
04:52.50shido6pigpen, yes
04:52.54*** join/#asterisk Octoban (i=paranoid@
04:53.09pigpenremind me what that is called...
04:53.45pigpen...and I guess since I can do it with a digium card, I should be able to do it with the redphone product.
04:54.05pigpenI thought it was like T1 bridging or something...
04:54.22shido6how CLOSE is the redphone ?
04:54.30shido6same switch?
04:54.38pigpen2 feet.
04:54.58pigpenethernet would be probably a crossover
04:55.07pigpenor direct connect anyway.
04:55.25[TK]D-FenderRedfone = waste, just buy a T1 card and be done with it
04:55.47pigpenreally...I thought it sounded cool to allow for redundant asterisk boxes.
04:55.52pigpenbut I have never used one.
04:57.33[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, Yeah, and TDMoE = an * only entity.
04:57.50apturadarkpixel ever work with att?
04:58.02pigpenbut I agree, the digiums just work....never used sangoma
04:58.20apturapigpen lucky you ;)
04:58.31[TK]D-FenderSangoma = great. 0 echo, 0 PCI issues.
04:58.33pigpenI would feel that using sangoma would be kinda biting the hand that feeds me.
04:58.47[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, Yup.
04:58.47pigpenso better than digium?
04:58.50apturayea I year nothing but 100% good things with sangoma.
04:58.56JTpigpen: no shit :P
04:58.58rudholm[TK]D-Fender: 0 echo even without their hardware echo canceller?
04:59.03JTbut anyway
04:59.13*** part/#asterisk hads (
04:59.16darkpixelaptura: Not willingly.  At my last job, my ISP had several services through ATT, but I was the one and only developer and didn't get much chance to touch the network.
04:59.16JTpigpen: you want to do add drop multiplexing basically
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04:59.37[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, I always buy with the HWEC.  Wouldn't know otherwise. Why screw around?  Buy it right the first time and you won't spend a lot more time & money fixing it later.
04:59.51rudholmhow much $?
04:59.54pigpenk...this config is still a few months off...just thinking about it.
05:00.00pigpensangoma better priced?
05:00.17rudholm[TK]D-Fender: I understand the TDM800 is going to have a hardware EC soon.
05:00.25[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, comparably priced
05:00.33pigpenworks for me.
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05:00.55rudholm[TK]D-Fender: that sounds good, although I thought the Sangona HWEC was expensive
05:00.56pigpenwho is a good distributor for resellers?
05:01.19JTpigpen: yes, generally slightly cheaper
05:01.58JTrudholm: sangoma is also the only company that makes a zap card that is single PRI with HW EC
05:02.06pigpenk.  Thanks for the info..
05:02.49JTrudholm: the hw ec is no more expensive than digium
05:02.50[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, on par with Digium
05:02.50JTi've heard they use identical chipsets for the HW EC side of things anyway
05:02.50pigpendoes the hw ec actually work?  the digium was a waste and caused dtmf issues on mine.
05:02.50rudholmI just need about 6-8 analog ports but I have echo problems with my current TDM400
05:03.07apturaIs there a reason why a rj45 jack would deviate from the tia 568b standard because it starts with blue and messed up my t1 termination.
05:03.16rudholmwhat I really want to do is go to BRI, but I can't.
05:03.37JTrudholm: no hardware?
05:03.40[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, all but 1 project of mine that used TDM400/2400 were forcibly replaced with A200d's because of static, noise, and echo problems.  All were instantly overjoyed at the difference
05:04.01rudholmJT: there's no support for American BRI, only EuroISDN BRI.
05:04.15JTrudholm: that's what i thought
05:04.30rudholm[TK]D-Fender: yeah, my TDM400 basically sucks.
05:04.40JTaptura: no idea, i don't think it matters if the jack complies with the A or B version
05:04.49rudholm[TK]D-Fender: I ordered a TDM800 yesterday because they have better echo performance.
05:05.14apturaJT the way the jack is wired is strang. example 1 - 5 2-4 ect. not strait though.
05:05.24rudholm[TK]D-Fender: but now you have me thinking maybe I should have ordered a Sangoma
05:05.40[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, time will tell...
05:05.43rudholm[TK]D-Fender: Strom_M seems to prefer the Digium hardware though.
05:05.43JTaptura: sorry, be more clear
05:06.02rudholm[TK]D-Fender: I tried a TDM800 in my system and the echo was significantly better
05:06.03pigpenrudholm, I have managed many different digium pri cards and analog cards...if it is done right, it should be fine.
05:06.07JTaptura: you cannot use ethernet crossover stuff with T-carrier and E-carrier circuits
05:06.15pigpenbut yes, I do want to try the sangoma.
05:06.21[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, there are those for whom they work just fine, and if they are promoted as such, hey, thats their experience.
05:06.33rudholmpigpen: I think my problem is partly the fact that my CO is 26,000 feet away
05:06.38JTpigpen: 5 vs 2 yr warrant is another thing
05:06.47pigpenno shit...
05:06.59[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, I can tell you that in all of my Sangoma installs the echo was significantlty GONE.  Not better... GONE.
05:07.12rudholm[TK]D-Fender: I don't really care *what* I use, I just don't want my guests to ask me why my phone is all echo-y
05:07.21pigpenok..I am sold.  if they work as good as digium with better brainer...
05:07.21rudholm[TK]D-Fender: nice
05:07.46[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, Right on.  When I hear enough reports of trouble free cards from someone else I'll give thema  shot.
05:07.54JTon the digium plus side, their analogue boards are avilable in higher density per pci slot space consumed
05:08.03pigpenwe modifyed the echo cancel "algorithm"..whatever it is took care of it...
05:08.20rudholm[TK]D-Fender: what's a good low-density Sangoma card model?  (I'm trying to parse the taxonomy here on their website)
05:08.29[TK]D-FenderJT : I prefer to think of it as incentive to ditch analog all-together... and Sangoma has higher density boards now :)
05:08.50JTA200, rudholm, 4 ports a board, up to 6 boards piggyback on the one slot
05:08.57[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, A200 does 4 ports in 1 PCI space.  A400 doubles that
05:08.58rudholm[TK]D-Fender: I'd *love* to ditch analog and go to digital entrance facilities entirely, but that brings me back to my BRI problem :(
05:09.14[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, PRI, not BRI :)
05:09.16JTrudholm: 8 ports...., pri?
05:09.20apturaJT ended a t1 extention to some off brand rj45 jack/bisket box and then plug in the cisco router. Did not link up. Checked the jack last nigh on a dmm meter. When doing a continuity check came up with pins 1-5 2-4 4-2 5-3. I asume AMP jacks are strait though. Would have made my install simpler.
05:09.41rudholm[TK]D-Fender: most of my ports are FXS, I don't need 8 CO lines
05:09.50rudholmJT: two CO lines is plenty for me
05:09.59[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, using PCI for FXS ?!?! EWWWW!!!
05:10.17[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, expensive, inflexible, and more a PITA
05:10.33apturaJT what jack to you use for t1 extentions
05:10.33rudholm[TK]D-Fender: you prefer ATAs or something else?
05:10.39mineshJT:while running command zttool, error comes "unable to open /dev/zap/ctl: No such file or directory" pl suggest
05:10.42JTaptura: 1-4 2-5 is correct pri crossover cable pinning, so it must be ethernet crossover
05:10.52JTaptura: umm, normal ones
05:10.55[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, Definately
05:11.07JTaptura: use straight through cables for a telco connection
05:11.16[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, non-dtmf transfer without mucking with yout dialplan.
05:11.21rudholm[TK]D-Fender: the performance seems to be the same
05:11.36[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, And all that.... better redundency, remote deployment, and a fraction of the cost.
05:12.00rudholm[TK]D-Fender: this is my house at issue here :)
05:12.02[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, PCI FXS = 100% loss for user phones.
05:12.32rudholm[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
05:12.32apturaJT I did. I made the cables and just put on the plugs on both ends. worked fine. Im saying the jack is strange. I have not really had a reason to question jacks because thay are color coded but are most of them basicly wired strait though?
05:12.51[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, SPA-2102 = $35/port.  Do do 3-way calliong, blind/attended transfer, etc you don't need to mess around with your dialplan & features.conf and all that.
05:13.29[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, PCI FXS offers nothing to the user and forces everything to terminate directly into the server.  ATA's also allow for redundency.
05:13.33rudholm[TK]D-Fender: I don't recall having to do anything special to enable trasnfers
05:13.50[TK]D-Fenderrudholm, and for a blind transfer?
05:14.05rudholm[TK]D-Fender: flash, dial, hangup...   ?
05:14.28pigpenanyone running * on a soekris 5501 yet?
05:14.42*** join/#asterisk mosty (
05:14.51sumasumapigpen: yes 5501 working with *
05:15.10apturasumasuma what case are you using?
05:15.26sumasumanot yet got a case yet, just bare board
05:15.41pigpenyeah..that is what I was thinking.
05:15.52pigpenwhat card do you have on it?
05:15.54sumasumaworks fine with TDM400P & TDM800P
05:15.55apturafind one big enough to accomidate a ups
05:16.51sumasumaaptura, big one ? just only 15W is enough to run the board, no need for very big one
05:16.51rudholm[TK]D-Fender: if I was setting up an office, I would use IP phones.  right now I use a mix of PCI FXS and ATAs, but they're all centrally located anyway.  I don't install the ATAs at the end locations.
05:16.58apturasumasuma enough to run the phones and the board.
05:16.59pigpensumasuma, many exten's?
05:17.13sumasumapigpen: i used with 4 works fine
05:17.19pigpennot bad.
05:17.40pigpenI plan to be sticking T1's on it, so the power load would be less...
05:17.48pigpenfor fxs's anyway.
05:17.59JTaptura: i don't know, it is impossible to tell what the pin config of the jack is without both ends of the jack
05:18.01sumasumaFXS with T1 ?
05:18.15pigpenand the 5501 should be able to handle a pri of calls.
05:18.24pigpensumasuma, no...with the tdm400
05:18.36sumasumaoh ok
05:18.45pigpensorry, I may be rambling...
05:18.45sumasuma5501 works fine with sangoma too !
05:18.55pigpencustom image?
05:18.56sumasumaI mean sangoma A102
05:19.10sumasumayes custom one
05:19.15pigpenflash or hdd?
05:19.30sumasumadigium PRI also works fine
05:19.33sumasumaI use HDD
05:19.55pigpenI am going to try to run it from flash...we will see....
05:19.58pigpengentoo I am sure...
05:21.14sumasumaflash, you mean CF ?
05:21.15pigpenI have a gentoo dev in house...gotta love it.
05:21.22sumasumaoh ok
05:21.32sumasumashould work fine though
05:21.54pigpenwe are already running 500-600 firewalls with vpn and squid/dansguardian using flash...
05:22.01pigpenon the 4801's...
05:22.20pigpenso we just need to add asterisk and the hardware support in it.
05:23.05*** part/#asterisk Mattwj2005 (
05:24.07sumasuma4801 is not having enough power to drive asterisk
05:24.19sumasumaespecially when coming to codecs
05:24.22pigpenyeah..that is what I heard...I didn't even try it.
05:24.35apturawhat do you mean to "drive" asterisk?
05:24.42pigpenI figure if I need fxo/fxs's I would just use a channel bank...
05:25.00pigpen4801 is kinda slow.
05:25.01apturayou mean not enough cycles
05:25.03sumasumaaptura, processing power
05:25.29apturahow many channels have you tested with no transcoding and gsm or ulaw?
05:26.19*** join/#asterisk phocus (n=phocus@
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05:26.37pigpenaptura, just fyi, it is marketed for embedded pbx I hope it can at least handle a pri...
05:26.52phocushey guys, has anyone used jspphone , i cant seem to get it to work, I have my server behind nat, and i am going nuts
05:27.19pigpenphocus, have a beer...things will get better.
05:27.30pigpenif it doesn't ... have another one.
05:27.45pigpenbut sorry. never used it.
05:27.47JTwhat is jspphone?
05:28.09pigpenJT, least I am not the only one.
05:28.16apturapigpen dont know. I like the idea of embeded but have yet to test it. Read its very reliable and can be rebooted with no fear of corruption.
05:28.21phocusits the first windows based sip phone i found, is there a better one?
05:28.35JTphocus: helps to type it correctly the first time :)
05:28.42apturarebooted from a power off case is what I was refering to.
05:29.02pigpenaptura, yeah...also no moving parts doesn't hurt.
05:29.56pigpenphocus, now I know who the "world leader in softphone production" is... :-P
05:29.58apturaIm just a power concios person. Can see one of these used in a remote area with small solar panel and a wifi mesh setup.
05:30.30phocuspigpen do you know how to configure it by chance
05:30.39phocusall the docs are of a differnt version, i cant get anything to work
05:30.45pigpenthis is the first I have heard of I have no clue.
05:30.53pigpenI use idefisk or eyebeam.
05:31.12pigpenbut they do have a mac version..that is cool.
05:31.28phocuspigpen i have to give this to a novis windows user, wich eas easeier for her?
05:31.53pigpenwell, personally, I don't like the look of it...
05:31.58pigpenidefisk is dam easy.
05:32.03pigpenworks real good too.
05:35.21pigpenSo have you ever been so consumed working, you realize that you are listening to Christmas music in May?
05:35.43apturais there a combo ata/wireless 900 mhz phone on the market
05:36.12pigpenI know that panasonic was to come out with one...
05:36.28apturapigpen I am so often consumed my wife shouts 3 times its dinner time and I go and ask her why she has not made dinner yet ;)
05:37.20apturaSome long documentry on tv that state men suffer from tone deafness when there wives talk to them ;)
05:38.01*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
05:38.19obnauticusany free IAX providers anyone knows 9of?
05:40.05rudholmsure, I run a free IAX service for a few friends.
05:40.09phocuspigpen do you have time to render some asstance
05:41.00obnauticusrudholm ugh
05:41.05obnauticusWhy don't people do that
05:41.07obnauticuslike caompanies
05:41.37rudholmwell, who do you want to call or get calls from?
05:42.06obnauticusjust the US
05:42.17obnauticusI'm 15
05:42.18obnauticusjust wanna setup a pbx
05:42.34rudholmthere are free SIP services
05:42.37obnauticusnothing bandwidth consuming just mainly myself i use free world dialup right now but it has no outbound
05:42.40rudholmlike Freeworld Dialup
05:42.44obnauticusI already use that
05:42.49rudholmit has outbound
05:42.52obnauticusI want to configure asterisk and stuff
05:43.06Octobanhi, im new to asterisk, and want to buy cheap fxo card, and i came across this ATCOM AX100P, has anyone heard of it?
05:43.33obnauticusrudholm umm
05:43.36obnauticusFWD supports oubound calling
05:43.47rudholmsure, you can make calls
05:44.04obnauticusit's not working lol.
05:48.17phocusi keep getting an all circutes are busy now, please try your call gain later,?? what odes that mean?
05:48.22phocusdo i not have a port open?
05:50.22pigpenwhat does everyone think of the "softecho" software sangoma is providing...
05:51.51pigpencool, sangoma has a ds3 card...
05:51.56pigpennot much to look at...but cool.
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05:52.26JTpigpen: i think it only does data, afaik
05:53.17pigpenI have a few ds3 customers...
05:53.36obnauticusrudholm why do companies make you pay for a PTSN hookup?
05:53.43pigpennice to have a linux option over pricey cisco solutions.
05:53.54rudholmobnauticus: because it costs them money to provide it?
05:54.05obnauticuswhy do you do it for freen then
05:57.29obnauticusis what i mean
05:57.32rudholmI do it for free for my friends.
05:57.33obnauticusoh, ok
05:57.34obnauticusit's basically just bandwidth right?
05:57.43obnauticusthen what is it
05:57.43rudholmno, it costs me money to complete PSTN calls for them
05:57.44mostyterminating calls costs more than bandwidth
05:57.44rudholmPSTN connections and calls cost money
05:57.45rudholmper minute
05:57.47obnauticusI can't wait until everyone switches to voip
05:57.50rudholmyeah, that would be nice.
05:57.54phocusI cant wait till i get it working
05:57.55obnauticusthis PTSN stuff is retarded.
05:57.57JTperhaps you are
05:57.57JTthe pstn is awesome
05:57.58obnauticusJT, no.
05:57.59obnauticusWhy use the phone networ if there's an even better one...
05:58.00obnauticusthe internet
05:58.01rudholmobnauticus: the way PSTN pricing is done is complicated
05:58.02JTit's NOT a better network
05:58.02JTyes it can be cheaper
05:58.03JTnot more reliable
05:58.04pigpen...I can call my pstn provider and say fix it.
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05:58.16pigpenI call my ISP and say fix it...they laugh.
05:58.18phocuswhy does it keep telling me "all circuts are busy"
05:58.18rudholmyeah, really the PSTN is very good
05:58.19obnauticusI keep thinking Public Telephone Switch Network
05:58.19pigpenFCC also ensures that the pstn is working for the customer...mostly...
05:59.34rudholmI'm trying to get my employer to open up a public SIP gateway so that people can call them via SIP, rather than having to use the PSTN.
05:59.35JTit shows a gross lack of technical understanding when people saying "the Internet is a better network than the PSTN"
05:59.37obnauticuswell JT it is more reliable
05:59.40mostyrudholm, it costs your employer money to do that though, they don't save any money
05:59.40obnauticusI know that.
05:59.41pigpenrudholm, setup an irc is easier...and you don't have to use the phone.
05:59.41JTobnauticus: the pstn is, yes
05:59.42obnauticusThat's about it.
05:59.42obnauticusFrom what I know.
05:59.42apturaJT I agree on that front.
05:59.42rudholmyeah, or "the internet is going to put the phone companies out of business" --as if some entity other than "the phone companies" are providing all that bandwidth...
05:59.43JTobnauticus: quality too
05:59.43apturawill never happen
05:59.44obnauticusDepends, doesn't it?
05:59.44JTobnauticus: the telcos put in the infrastructure for it
05:59.44rudholmpigpen: we have an IRC server
05:59.45JTwhat you do know about?
05:59.45apturaMost people will never go voip because it is not 99.9999% reliable.
05:59.45pigpenthere you is paid for!  :)
06:00.06rudholmmosty: there might be some savings in eventual reduction of PRI usage
06:00.06obnauticusI'll go VoIP because it's 100% cheaper
06:00.07rudholmmosty: some organizations are already doing it
06:00.10obnauticusWell if EVERYONe were to switch to VoIP it would force better reliability
06:00.11JTi prefer my phones to work, so i won't go 100% voip
06:00.16JTlol, good argument
06:00.26obnauticusjust like almost everyone isn't using VoIP
06:00.28JTumm, there's very little accountability with VoIP over Internet
06:00.36obnauticusPeople obviously need 911 and shit
06:00.38apturaJT my wife switched to shaw digital. Thay own the cable system. Lagely its been good with little issues.
06:00.40JTthe Internet is run by many different interests
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06:00.48rudholmJT: there's some validity to that argument.  my employer uses VoIP PBXes and they had to totally harden the IP network to do it.
06:00.50JTaptura: i said VoIPoI
06:01.24JTalso, the Internet is mostly run by noobs, so it's not the most reliable of networks
06:01.46obnauticusIt's because most people use the PSTN that it is so reliable.
06:01.58obnauticusSo if everyone were to switch to VoIP it is likely the quality and reliablity would go up also.
06:02.05pigpenrudholm, the network must have been pretty screwed if they had to go to that extent.
06:02.08obnauticusbecause of pissed off people.
06:02.17JTno, it's because telcos spend a lot of money on building and designing it properly
06:02.22JTtelco stuff is engineered
06:02.29JTIT stuff is not usually carrier grade
06:02.42obnauticusya, that's probably why
06:02.57JTyou can't guarantee the Internet unless you run all the relevant sections
06:04.27pigpenyeah..I guarantee my internet right up to my firewall.
06:04.33rudholmpigpen: no, it wasn't.  but they had to put UPSes on all network gear, support 802.1q VLANs, 802.3 Power Over Ethernet, and automatic port trunking/VLAN selecting.
06:04.42obnauticuspigpen i wish i could say the same
06:04.52obnauticusI rely on comcast to provide excellent uptime
06:04.56obnauticuswhich is a pain in the ass
06:05.55pigpenrudholm,'s are a good thing.  We always try to deploy completely seperate wiring.....try anyway.
06:06.45rudholmpigpen: the phone on my desk is an Avaya H.323 (I think it does SIP also) phone
06:07.21obnauticusrudholm setting up a working PBX and shit with outbound calling and stuff
06:07.23obnauticusis that hard
06:07.25obnauticusfor a noob
06:07.30obnauticusI'm a phone noob...
06:07.46rudholmobnauticus: how smart are you?  :)
06:07.53obnauticusI'm pretty good at networking
06:07.55obnauticusI run web server
06:07.58pigpenrudholm, the phone on my desk is a dixie cup with a string.  It also holds water.  Sometimes orange juice.
06:08.00obnauticusand mail servers
06:08.04obnauticuson FreeBSD
06:08.05obnauticusand Gentoo
06:08.08JTloling doesn't help that much
06:08.13pigpenAH...not Gentoo!
06:08.18obnauticusI lol all the time it's a habbit I must break.
06:08.26obnauticuspigpen i have it partitioned on here
06:08.29obnauticusi don't run my serers on Gentoo
06:08.32obnauticusi run them on FreeBSD
06:08.36obnauticusand one on Debian
06:08.39obnauticusmy firewall is on m0n0wall
06:08.42rudholmyeah, I wouldn't recommend Gentoo for anything other than the desktop
06:08.50obnauticusI rarely use it
06:08.58obnauticusMost of the time I boot into server 2k3 for stuff
06:09.05obnauticusI totally underestimaged 2K3
06:09.12rudholmthe "developers" are too interested in New and Shiny, and not interested enough in Stability and Predictability.
06:09.32obnauticuswell Gentoo-Hardened is pretty secure
06:09.34pigpenWell, people who don't understand Gentoo typically don't use it much.
06:09.37obnauticusDebian is pretty good too
06:09.43obnauticusnaw I understand it
06:09.47obnauticusI used to use it ALL THE TIME
06:09.53pigpennot for servers.
06:09.58obnauticushell no
06:10.01rudholmpigpen: yeah, and people who don't understand it criticize it a lot
06:10.18JTdebian is fine for servers
06:10.47pigpenWell, I will put it this way:  I have a dev of the gentoo hardened sources as a business the math.
06:10.50rudholmDebian, FreeBSD, RHEL, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX... all make good servers.
06:10.57obnauticusI love freebsd
06:10.58obnauticusI started on it
06:11.02obnauticusdon't plan to quit on it
06:11.33rudholmpigpen: my team manages about 40,000 servers and 6000 CIDR blocs --do the math.
06:11.56obnauticus6000 CIDR chunks
06:11.58obnauticus32 bit?
06:12.13florz.o( with all the servers behind PAT )
06:12.25pigpenmy team is contracted to come into placed like yours and fix the stuff that on staff people can't fix.
06:12.35rudholmuh huh
06:12.56pigpenOh..and I am not kidding.
06:13.12obnauticuspigpen lucky
06:13.18obnauticusi wish I could work with hardware like mine everywhere
06:13.25rudholmI work for a really big internet company with lots and lots of people who really know their shit, I highly doubt it.
06:13.48obnauticusI'm 15 and I got a summer inturnship at HP and IBM
06:13.51obnauticusso I think I'm good.
06:13.59rudholmthen you should have no problem with Asterisk
06:14.17Strom_Mjust learn to spell internship and you're good to go ;)
06:14.24obnauticusYou don't need to spell to network.
06:14.25pigpenYeah..sounds like you have "big business attitude"
06:14.39obnauticusmost of the time
06:14.46rudholmpigpen: as evidenced by what?
06:14.47obnauticusin which cases google comes in handy
06:14.59Strom_Mgoogle is not a dictionary
06:15.02rudholmpigpen: my attitude toward Gentoo?  (I'm on a Gentoo box right now, fwiw)
06:15.08Strom_Mthere's for that ;)
06:15.14obnauticusyup yup
06:15.39*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:15.46obnauticusAt least I don't abbreviate words and speak in complete sentences (allthough they are spread throughout a few lines).... unlike most people my age.
06:15.48rudholmobnauticus: you don't need to spell to network, but you need to spell to be taken seriously as a professional.
06:16.02obnauticusYa, I'm still in school.
06:16.12obnauticusI wanna goto MIT, and it's looking good I got a 4.0GPA
06:16.25obnauticusactually it's a 4.01 atm
06:16.33rudholmnot 5.0?  bah!
06:16.43obnauticuswe have a 4 point grading scale where I live.
06:16.55rudholmthen how is it 4.01?
06:17.00rudholmrounding error? :)
06:17.00obnauticusExtra credit
06:17.08obnauticus102% in math
06:17.09obnauticuscal 1
06:19.46rudholmhave you had DEs yet?
06:19.57obnauticusWe're covering Derivatives
06:20.40rudholmI was in a meeting the other day, talking about monitoring network performance
06:20.48rudholmlooking at interface error counts
06:21.15rudholmI pointed out that we should be looking at the first or second order derivatives rather than just have error count thresholds :)
06:21.26obnauticusExcel for the win
06:21.47rudholmMatlab, please...
06:21.57obnauticusI would much wrather have numbers than graphs while looking at network performance
06:22.25obnauticusBut I guess with a mass amount of hosts
06:22.27obnauticusit would help
06:22.30rudholmyeah, there'd be no graphing involved
06:22.48obnauticusit was kinda a random remark
06:22.51obnauticusanyway ugh
06:23.01mostyis there a way to make a one-way call? i want to be able to call all the phones in the office and have them act as intercoms, eg for emergency warnings or unclaimed pizzas at reception. anyone know a way to do that?
06:23.17rudholmStrom_M: where's that new Asterisk book you were gonna write?
06:23.22rudholmobnauticus needs it.
06:23.31obnauticusunclaimed pizzas?
06:23.35mostyi can call a single phone like this already, but i don't want an office full of people speaking on the line too
06:23.36pigpenmosty, check out allpage
06:23.36obnauticusmosty can you send me that call?
06:23.40Strom_Moh, it's all in my head
06:23.40rudholmno really, he's gonna write one
06:23.51obnauticusStrom_M when it's done
06:23.58obnauticusmake sure you include a step by ste
06:24.00mostypigpen, thanks
06:24.12rudholmand I'm going to edit the parts on Shannon and Nyquist, so it's nice and pedantic :)
06:24.14obnauticusI learn best with step by steps explaining what to do there and stuff
06:24.23obnauticusStrom_M when you are done with it lol.
06:24.26*** join/#asterisk CyberMad (n=jack@
06:25.01jbotit has been said that thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
06:25.01CyberMaddoes asterisk support password protection? so when user want to make call outside.. must hit 9 then password, after that can make a call.. i want to log the usage too based on that password, because each employee have 1 password
06:25.13Strom_MCyberMad: you can write something like that into your dialplan
06:25.20rudholmthebook is now quite out of date, though.
06:25.27JTCyberMad: yes, using DISA or the auth app
06:25.31Strom_Mrudholm: a second edition of thebook is on its way shortly
06:25.42rudholmsame authors?
06:25.45CyberMadStrom_M is there tutorial of it on internet? do you have any link of it?
06:25.45JTthe book is fine for learning about most of the fundamentals
06:25.59obnauticusComcast needs some fucking real ddos protection
06:26.08obnauticusI thought cisco put that shit into their CMTS's now a days
06:26.13rudholmJT:  yeah, it is, but it'd be really nice to have something current (and now with 1.4, a lot of the syntax won't work)
06:26.23CyberMadwell.. uncle google i think is the answer.. but if someone here have great web link of it, that would be nice :)
06:26.38JTCyberMad: just look it up on the wiki
06:26.39Strom_MCyberMad: we already told you how
06:26.47CyberMadJT thanks :)
06:26.58CyberMadStrom_M thanks.. for the keyword.. it's ok
06:27.38obnauticusanyone here have a good up-to-date guide of Asterisk on FreeBSD
06:27.51mostypigpen, the link to allpage.agi 404's :( would you happen to have a copy?
06:27.52JTwhat keyword?
06:28.19pigpenwhat ver of * are you running?
06:28.42obnauticusi dunno.
06:28.44obnauticusI wanna install it
06:28.47obnauticusi'm fairly new to this shiz
06:29.35pigpenmosty, what ver of * are you running?
06:30.09obnauticusI haven't even installed it yet
06:30.19obnauticusthe last time i tried the freebsd support for asterisk was shiz
06:30.20mostypigpen, 1.2.something
06:30.21CyberMadJT using DISA or the auth app  << that's the keyword.. ;)
06:30.29JTCyberMad: right
06:33.24pigpenmosty, on 1.2.x I was using allpage.agi....on 1.4.x I am using the Page app with SIPAddHeader
06:33.36pigpenin 1.4.x it makes much more sense.
06:34.17*** join/#asterisk wunderkin- (
06:34.38mostypigpen, hmm ok, we cannot upgrade to 1.4 yet, i will try to find another source for that allpage.agi
06:35.25*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
06:35.34pigpenah..the is dead.
06:35.47mostyyes it says that 1.2 supports the Page command...
06:38.01JTaussievoip works fine
06:38.55pigpenthe one site on it that references the allpage.agi.
06:39.50*** join/#asterisk KaiHanari (
06:40.32_charly_does chan_oh323 interpret the inband informations like user busy?
06:42.27pigpenrudholm, how many datacenters?
06:43.01rudholmlots.  I don't know off the top of my head.
06:43.14pigpenRackspace maybe?
06:43.27pigpenie: do you work for Rackspace?
06:43.27rudholmyou're kidding, right?
06:43.35pigpenjust guessing.
06:43.52JThe said he works for an isp, not a dedihost provider
06:43.59obnauticuslucky :(
06:44.01rudholmI said "internet company"
06:45.36obnauticusrudholm how fast?
06:45.37*** join/#asterisk syneus (
06:45.38obnauticusGimme like
06:45.38rudholmobnauticus: ho fast what?
06:45.38*** join/#asterisk Rahail (i=Oh-Ya@
06:45.38*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
06:45.38obnauticusYour average like..
06:45.39obnauticusbuys this speed xxx
06:45.39obnauticusxxx = ?
06:45.39rudholmnot an ISP
06:45.39rudholmsometimes I wish we were, I can't get decent connectivity at my house
06:45.39obnauticusI do.
06:45.39obnauticusI got 30/2
06:45.49rudholmthat's nice, how well does it perform during peak hours?
06:45.51pigpenOk..not an ISP, not a Hosting provider...maybe telco?
06:45.55rudholmmy cable modem starts to suck at night
06:45.56obnauticusHow fast is the bandwidth does he provide
06:46.03JTjbot: go back to sleep
06:46.24obnauticusrudholm during peak hours it's like 23/1.5
06:46.24obnauticusand im on cable rudholm
06:46.25obnauticuswhat isp rudholm?
06:46.25JThe said not an isp
06:46.25rudholmmy cable provider is Charter Communications
06:46.30obnauticusyou must do the fun stuff
06:46.31obnauticuslike me
06:46.34rudholmI used to live in a FIOS area :(
06:46.41obnauticusfios isn't haxable
06:46.45obnauticuslike cable
06:46.52obnauticushow's the latency on FIOS
06:46.56obnauticusherd of modem uncapping?
06:47.00rudholmare you talking about uncapping?
06:47.32obnauticusDefinetally not.
06:47.40rudholmyeah, well, uncapping won't help you if your head end is suffering from aggregation problems.
06:47.57rudholmFIOS latency is about what you'd expect
06:48.00obnauticusi reside in a domestic zone..
06:48.04obnauticusT1 good?
06:48.09rudholmsingle-digit milliseconds to the default gateway typically
06:48.20obnauticusI'd hope so
06:48.24obnauticusIt's fiber
06:48.33obnauticusI can
06:48.33rudholmwhat's that got to do with it?
06:48.35rudholmC is C man
06:48.43obnauticusi'm tired
06:48.48obnauticusumm what's that
06:48.56obnauticusI can't wait for FiOS to get near me
06:48.57rudholmthe speed of light in a vacuum.
06:49.04obnauticusis the fastest...
06:49.07KaiHanariwhats a good tutorial on how to create an ivr?
06:49.18obnauticuswell rudholm umm what's that we got FiOS in portland, OR
06:49.22obnauticuswhich is right across from me
06:49.41rudholmwe have it in parts of L.A.
06:49.42pigpenshit, I want a tutorial to pass data over light in a vacuum.
06:49.47JTobnauticus: so what do you mean about hackable?
06:49.50pigpenI got a dyson vac...
06:49.53obnauticusJT cable is hackable
06:50.00*** join/#asterisk olinux (
06:50.02obnauticusyou can get free service and etc, but i won't talk about it here...
06:50.02JTobnauticus: please be more specific
06:50.10obnauticusi won't elaborate..
06:50.17KaiHanarinvm. found one
06:50.21rudholmit's hard to get free service when they disconnect your drop line
06:50.21JTobnauticus: capping or surveillence?
06:50.25JTor else?
06:50.32obnauticusrudholm well..
06:50.38olinuxtrying to use x-lite on fedora 6 and i do not have sound, any ideas?
06:50.46obnauticuson DOCSIS 2 it's actually hard to get found
06:50.51obnauticusfrom what I understand
06:50.58obnauticusI haven't herd of one case where someone got caught
06:51.14rudholmI've heard of some.  not sure which version of DOCSIS was involved, though.
06:51.15olinuxlogs, Warning: /dev/dsp appears to be a valid audio device, but I cannot open it.  Please ensurusing the audio device (perhaps by trying ``lsof /dev/dsp'').e that no other applications are
06:51.21obnauticusprobably 3
06:51.41obnauticusfrom what i've seen you have to like TRY to get caught
06:51.49obnauticusand im on a public forum hosting config files over tftp
06:51.51obnauticuswith my ip on there
06:51.55obnauticusand i haven't gotten a call or a high bill
06:51.57*** join/#asterisk johngalt (
06:51.57rudholmand with the later versions of the spec, it's harder to uncap by spoofing the tftp config server
06:51.58obnauticusso im waiting
06:52.06obnauticusyou can't do that anymore rudholm
06:52.28obnauticusyou have to change the address of your tftp server by modifying the firmware of your modem.
06:52.48obnauticusthey disallow umm internal tftp spoofing... nobody is sure of what causes it
06:52.49rudholmso you hardcode the address of the config server into the modem?
06:52.58obnauticusyou jtag a new firmware on
06:53.16obnauticusthat's enough from me
06:53.20obnauticusif you want more you'll have to pm
06:53.31rudholmwell, if you can load a new firmware, why do you need a config server at all?  couldn't you hardcode the config settings into the firmware?
06:53.34obnauticusI don't want to PUBICALLY make myself look like a retard
06:53.44johngaltanyone know where to get china did numbers that forward to sip or where to ask?
06:53.53obnauticusrudholm i don't know about that.
06:53.57rudholm"hello, Comcast..."
06:54.23rudholm"yeah, there's this guy on"
06:54.33obnauticusrudholm that won't work lol.
06:54.47obnauticusif you wanna know pm me
06:54.53rudholmthat's ok
06:54.59rudholmI'm not interested in uncapping my modem
06:55.04rudholmthat's not the problem
06:55.17obnauticusI'll be getting FiOS once it gets here
06:55.18pigpenyeah..same isp's upstream sucks.
06:55.28rudholmI have 10Mb service that doesn't deliver 10Mb because the network is saturated
06:55.31rudholmuncapping won't help me
06:55.36obnauticusrudholm umm
06:55.39obnauticusyou're in LA you said..
06:55.41obnauticusor you WERE in LA
06:55.41pigpenyeah..dam sad.
06:55.48rudholmI am in L.A.
06:55.54obnauticusrudholm complain to your ISP
06:55.56obnauticuslike YELL at them
06:56.02obnauticustell them to provide what they advertise
06:56.03rudholmI've spoken to the CTO already.
06:56.14obnauticusthey would need to like install new hardware
06:56.16obnauticusactually DO something
06:56.30rudholmthey upgraded already.  and it made a huge difference, but it's still not what it should be.
06:56.40obnauticusProbably not..
06:57.03obnauticuswhat's your cidr chunk at
06:57.03obnauticuson your node
06:57.03obnauticusin LA probably like /16 lol.
06:58.43*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
06:58.58*** part/#asterisk mog (
06:59.15obnauticusanyway what i find is pretty stupid is that you can actually download your config for your cable isp at an uncapped rate..
06:59.32obnauticusso technically everyone uncaps every time they download the config from their isp
07:00.00rudholmwell, that's before the cap goes into place
07:00.25obnauticuswow umm
07:00.31obnauticusthe alarm on my watch just rang at 00:00
07:00.47pigpen2:00am here.
07:01.53olinuxno xlite+linux users?
07:01.54*** part/#asterisk pabs3 (
07:02.03obnauticusugh rudholm...
07:02.11obnauticusOpinion on Extreme networks Alpine switches
07:03.13obnauticusI got one and a Catalyst, and you probably have more experience
07:03.51*** part/#asterisk minesh (i=minesh@
07:05.39*** join/#asterisk Daejeo1 (n=chatzill@
07:07.07olinuxhad to kill artsd
07:14.11*** join/#asterisk drrt (
07:17.28*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
07:19.20angryuserhave anything changed in mysql structure from version 1.4.0 > 1.4.4 because iu have a lot of "s" values in destioation field in mysql
07:19.54angryuserdo i need to make a new table?
07:20.47drrti ve such rows in my pgsql cdr base too
07:21.45angryuserit was clean in "dst" field before, no other values but destination number
07:23.20angryuserand sometimes i have nothing in "From" field, same thing in 1.4.0 it was stable and allways filled
07:23.37drrtyep. same thing for me.
07:24.16*** join/#asterisk friedrich| (
07:24.48drrtdo u use macro for dialing ?
07:25.58drrtcan u share it ?
07:25.58angryusergoing to read changelog, who knows
07:26.51angryuser<drrt> of course give me a sec
07:29.22Daejeo1anylink for codec g726. i want to install on my box
07:30.44drrtis it free to use with asterisk ?
07:30.56Daejeo1mosty: is it free
07:31.33mostysorry, i misread- did you mean g729?
07:32.56JTg.726 is free
07:32.57*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
07:33.04JTit's adpcm if my memory serves me right
07:33.28JTbe good if more equipment like ip phones and ITSPs supported it
07:33.49JTalmost identical quality to g.711, half the bandwidth
07:36.36Daejeo1? jt
07:36.55JTDaejeo1: sorry, was that a question?
07:36.55Daejeo1? JT
07:37.07JTstop doing that
07:38.24Daejeo1JT: link for 726
07:39.30JTi don't have a link
07:42.14*** join/#asterisk fujin (i=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
07:42.50angryuserdrrt you still here?
07:43.19angryuser my little macro to call out if it helps
07:44.40*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
07:45.53drrtangryuser, do u ve any channel state like s-NOANSWER in your context ?
07:46.31angryuser<drrt> no dont need then i have a really simple dialplan
07:47.30drrti tried to use NoCDR to clean such garbage cdrs
07:47.48drrtbut ve no success
07:51.12*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
07:54.33angryuserdrrt yea , upset here, orked just fine before
07:58.11drrtangryuser, actually i ve no idea how to debug this
07:58.40drrtangryuser, but i will try to find out something using high level of debug and verbose
08:00.57angryuser<drrt> if you find anything....
08:02.44_charly_hmm... asterisk 1.2 with chan_oh323 seems to work best, with 1.2 and chan_h323 i only have one way audio, with asterisk 1.4 i don't have any audio... but chan_oh323 seems not supporting inband busy signalling recognition :( does anyone has some hints for me to get this working, please?
08:02.47*** join/#asterisk octoban (i=paranoid@
08:04.20drrtangryuser, i ll post it to then
08:04.58angryuserdrrt ok
08:05.53*** join/#asterisk jm|work (
08:06.56_charly_btw, is chan_oh323 still in development? i guess it's not, is it?
08:08.00Strom_M_charly_: inband?  BUSY messages should come out-of-band
08:10.53_charly_Strom_M: i'm not really sure if it's inband or not, i'm a little confused by h323 :/   the user busy comes in the first progress message from the peer
08:11.00*** join/#asterisk blmn (
08:12.28Strom_Mif they other end is sending PROCEEDING and a busy tone, but never sending BUSY or releasing with cause BUSY, then something is quite fucked up on the terminating end of the call
08:13.18blmnis there apt or rpm or ebuild for asterisk 1.4.X anywhere, could not find this anywhere, also whats the official linux distro for asterisk anyone ?
08:13.38mostyblmn: debian unstable has 1.4
08:13.38jm|workblmn: Debian has 1.4 in apt
08:13.38Strom_Mblmn: build it yourself
08:13.44Strom_Malso, there is no official distro
08:13.45jm|workmosty: etch, too
08:13.48Strom_Muse whatever you like best
08:14.03mostyjm|work, 1.2.13 is in etch, last time i looked
08:14.15Strom_Mbuild it yourself
08:14.25jm|workConnected to Asterisk 1.4.2 currently running on macintel (pid = 13322)
08:14.28*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
08:14.38Strom_Mthats uber old
08:14.38jm|workLinux macintel 2.6.18-4-686 #1 SMP Mon Mar 26 17:17:36 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
08:14.44_charly_i have an outgoing setup, then an incoming callProceeding followed by an incoming progress (with cause = user busy), 30 seconds later i'll get an incoming releaseComplete (with cause = normal call clearing). i could send you a tcpdump file if that would help
08:14.49jm|worketch:  still 1.4, though :)
08:15.18jm|worklike roosters?
08:15.23Strom_Mlike penises
08:15.30jm|workoh, right.
08:15.44blmnjm|work, is it stable enough ( the debian 1.4 unstable ) ?
08:15.45jm|workand how is that relevant?
08:15.54jm|workblmn: I have absolutely no problems
08:16.03Strom_Mblmn: please listen to me.  build it yourself on debian stable
08:16.09jm|workblmn: the only problems I had were with my X100P which was rubbish
08:16.21blmnjm|work, which distro are you on ?
08:16.30jm|workbut I've replaced that with a Linksys 3102 now
08:16.37Strom_Mok fine, dont listen to me
08:16.48jm|workblmn: etch/4.0/stable
08:16.50blmnStrom_M, I dont like to build stuff myself, thats what the package mangement system is for
08:16.56Strom_Mboo hoo
08:17.04mostyblmn: apt-get install asterisk
08:17.09Strom_M./configure; make clean; make install
08:17.40blmnStrom_M, thats not the point, you lose all the version tracking, etc....
08:17.41mostymanaging upgrages of source packages, is not so easy Strom_M
08:17.52Strom_Myou break into a sweat somewhere between "clean" and "install"
08:18.18Strom_Mand also, whoever packages asterisk for debian is full of crap and puts the files in all the wrong places
08:18.22blmnStrom_M, there is a reason why apt, rpm and other systems exist
08:18.42Strom_Mblmn: I use debian exclusively; I know the joy of apt
08:19.47mostyStrom_M, the only thing that bugs me about debian's asterisk packages are the config files, they should be in /usr/share/doc/asterisk/examples/ instead
08:19.47Strom_Mbut my asterisk box is exclusively my PBX, and it's not exactly a hassle to upgrade to the latest subversion release
08:19.47blmnmosty, which distro are you on ?
08:19.48Strom_MI run one perl script and, catsex, i'm done
08:20.05mostyblmn, debian
08:20.20Strom_M_charly_: well, hmm, ive never used h323 to be honest
08:20.25Strom_Mbut I have a copy of the spec
08:20.31jm|work(asterisk extras don't compile in etch atm)
08:20.46jm|workso if you need mysql connection, you might need to build "by hand"
08:20.56Strom_MHE CAN'T DO THAT!!!!!
08:21.07Strom_Mhe'll lose his VERSION MANAGEMENT DOGBALLS!
08:21.19mostyuse postgresql instead, better db, better licenced libs
08:21.23jm|workwell, they will build against the apt installed version but you'll have to point it to the right headers
08:22.28Strom_Mi think coming up with the phrase "version management dogballs" was worth it
08:22.52*** join/#asterisk Polis_ttt (
08:23.16_charly_Strom_M: ah, ok. i have a trunk to a siemens hipath, i tried with sip before switching to h323, but sip didn't work because the hipath uses sip over tcp, and that's not yet supported by asterisk :/
08:25.29_charly_thanks :)
08:26.37Strom_Mgood light reading at only 304 pages
08:28.05jm|worksomething feels a little uncomfortable about running 'the latest SVN' on a OS that gladly calls itself 'unstable' in an enterprise application ...
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08:28.30Strom_Mjm|work: hence why I tend to run svn checkouts of the release branch
08:28.39Strom_Mnot the development branch
08:28.46Strom_Mand i do it on stable debian
08:30.04Strom_Mso, ok, i lose my version management dogballs, but it keeps me and my clients happy
08:33.29*** join/#asterisk zdrulio (n=krlozano@
08:33.33zdruliohello all
08:35.10zdrulioin asterisk1.2v  have "sounds" pack, but in asterisk1.4  haven`t ? why ? this sounds are include in aster source or ?
08:35.30Strom_Mzdrulio: in 1.4 you select the extra sounds when you run "make menuselect"
08:37.00zdrulioasterisk-addons ? what is this ?
08:37.49Strom_Mextra gibberish you probably dont need
08:38.39punanizdrulio, where you get your sound pack from btw
08:38.42punanifree or ĢĢĢ?
08:43.04*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine (
08:43.19ptiggerdineanyone know if misdn is in the kernel for FC6?
08:46.59ghenryIf you're using say Realtime Pg or MySQL, can you still add things to sip.conf and in the database?
08:47.07ghenryso things in sip.conf will still get honoured?
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09:01.56JTblmn: new here?
09:02.37fourcheezeghenry: what sort of things?
09:02.42Dovidif I am having NAT issues with certain phones **COUGH COUGH** Polycom - will a SBC server help ?
09:02.47Strom_MJT: I don't think he liked my version management dogballs
09:02.52JTStrom_M: hehe
09:02.59ghenryfourcheeze: like a sip outbound trunk
09:03.13JTStrom_M: i find public /ignore announced lame and attention seeking
09:04.32fourcheezeghenry: any reason you can't have that in your database?
09:04.33drrtdoes anybody use pickup groups ?
09:04.38Strom_Mnow i can finally complete my life's work of dialing a phone
09:04.41fourcheezedrrt: yep
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09:05.01ghenryfourcheeze: nope, just wondering
09:05.20fourcheezeghenry: it would be fairly easy to test - add it to your sip.conf then reload sip and see if you have a peer
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09:05.33ghenryfourcheeze: thanks
09:05.40drrtfourcheeze, do u use soft or hard phones ?
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09:08.20drrtcan u describe how to pickup a call using same callgroup? do i need to enter magic sequence *8 at client side?
09:09.35fourcheezedrrt: yep, the phone should just dial *8 normally
09:10.10fourcheezeunless you've overridden *8 or * with something else
09:11.51drrtfourcheeze, and how should i call if i ve no call button? should i just pickup and enter the sequence ?
09:12.07drrtfourcheeze, so stupid questions but i can get it by google )
09:12.25fourcheezedrrt: which phone are you using?
09:13.15angryuser<drrt> i use picjing groups
09:14.12angryuser<drrt> i have *8 to pickupgroup assigned, so just enter sequence
09:15.16drrtangryuser, call and pickup groups arent different
09:15.22drrtangryuser, i c
09:15.56drrtfourcheeze, i m using f
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09:16.12drrtfourcheeze, i m using dlink voip gateways at the moment
09:17.27fourcheezeI don't know those. But if you are setup ok it should be just like dialling a normal number
09:17.39fourcheezemake sure that the dlink will call a short number like that
09:17.57fourcheezein otherwords check its dialplan isn't stopping it
09:18.34drrtfourcheeze, and i cant call them hardphones but they ve no call button as softphones. it confuses me
09:19.18drrtfourcheeze, yeah. i decide to check it using softphone for first
09:20.05fourcheezebut do the phones have a dialplan themselves?
09:20.08fourcheezeor the gateway?
09:21.53drrtfourcheeze, no they are stupid equipment
09:24.08fourcheezenever tried them I'm afraid
09:26.53drrtfourcheeze, thx for advice
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09:31.56sebastian|fooi've got a single hfcpci card - what is the best version to take? astersik(now) 1.4.x or asterisk 1.2.x?
09:35.02sebastian|fooand which kernel versions work best with misdn?
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10:22.54kippihow can I recored all calls on asterisk, I just need the files dated with times
10:23.48phpboykippi: read up about monitor()
10:23.53phpboythat should sort you out
10:25.09phpboyexample:  _0.,1,Set(CALLFILENAME=${EXTEN:1}-${TIMESTAMP}) \n _0.,2,Monitor(wav,${CALLFILENAME},m)
10:25.37phpboythe first ofcourse sets ur pref for the filename and the second is the actual recording
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10:31.00Strom_Mand then you grow up and stop labeling priorities like we did in the dark ages of asterisk 1.0
10:32.09Marquelis it possible w/ asterisk to receive and record a call and afterwards automatically call some people until one answers?
10:32.24Strom_Mvery possible
10:32.29Strom_Mquite doable, in fact
10:33.30Marquelincluding sending emails, faxes, using SMS and somehow alert extraterrestrial life support and such things? ;)
10:34.25Strom_Mthat's a bit trickier
10:34.33Strom_Mbut i hear they're working on chan_aricebo
10:35.39Marquelwell... emails, faxes, sms and extraterrestrial life support are not as important as the automated calls after the recorded call is termintated ;)
10:35.56Strom_Myeah, it's doable
10:36.05Marquelthat's great. thanks.
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10:41.04berktrwhich ports should I forward to my asterisk server for a complete sip communication
10:41.10berktrport 5060 and rtp ports right?
10:41.49Strom_M5060 UDP
10:41.52Strom_M10000-20000 RTP
10:42.05Strom_Mand then make sure you set externip in sip.conf
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10:53.27ghenryand nat=yes
10:53.36Strom_Myes, that too
10:54.08drrtfourcheeze, thx for advice
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11:18.03Morlacany one has good experience with ATAs? I am looking for a good quality ATA with 2 FXS and possible 1 FXO... I looked at GrandStream HD-488 but do not know how stable it is.
11:23.25zdrulioi install asterisk but if i reboot, i must start asterisk . how can i start it automaticly ?
11:23.31mostyMorlac, the general experience is that grandstream is total crap
11:23.46mostyzdrulio: depends on your linux dist, man init
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11:30.58Morlacmosty: thats what worried me...I need those for a customer and I dont want to disappoint him... any recommendations on good ATAs?
11:31.20mostyi guess linksys maybe
11:32.08Morlaclinksys? they bought sipura out right?
11:32.12Hypn0tek|AwayMorlac: I agree linksys
11:33.00cpmI like the digium, but it's very limited, and too spendy
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11:33.24Morlacok, you see, am going to buy about 50 of them... anything better, if there is any?
11:34.40cpmyou should buy at least one of anything you are intending to roll out, and test.
11:34.54cpmsteer clear of the x100p things you see on ebay.
11:35.31Morlacyah, know about other options was either astribanks or sangoma a400
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11:35.44Morlacbut cost is important, thats why I was thinking ATA's
11:35.47mostyMorlac, this for a business? i'd buy real voip phones
11:36.52MorlacMosty: yes, 3 to 4 sites with 50 users avarage and 8 external lines at each location...replacing their Samsung based PBX.. I wanted to use the most of the current infrastructure
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11:37.18jeremy_gMorlac:is this the channel for the italian movie asterisk fans
11:37.58jeremy_gwhy lots of telephones here
11:38.18Morlacjerem_g: it is Asterisk support and discussion
11:38.44jeremy_gMorlac:is a PBX some kinda above block buster
11:38.48mostyMorlac, buy one or two first and test them
11:39.30jeremy_gasterisk 2 is much better, it has justin stevens
11:39.33cpmor channel banks
11:40.00MorlacI agree.... I researched all those....but worried about the price difference
11:40.20MorlacVoIP phones are not cheap around here....snom 300's are like 200$ here
11:41.09jeremy_gwhy do you buy a voip phone, it doesnt work outside your home or office
11:41.29cpman ata + power supply, plus decent desk phone, plus whatever, might be a wash
11:42.00Morlacjeremy: I connect VoIP phones to Asterisk and let asterisk handle outgoing trunks
11:42.16Hypn0tek|AwayMorlac: I'm facing the same problem for a business, and I'm asking you if u'll do it with one asterisk server or u'll link many ?
11:42.47jeremy_gMorlac:but asterisk is the name of a movie, how do you connect a phone to a movie
11:42.53MorlacIll link many, spanning multiple countries
11:43.21Morlacjeremy: Asterisk is not a movie, it is a PBX
11:43.28Hypn0tek|AwayMorlac: each site with one server ?
11:44.40Hypn0tek|AwayMorlac : in my business case, the have 9 analog telephone lines and they want to setup them in a PBX
11:45.18jeremy_gMorlac:aha so pbx is that box with all the phone wires going into at our office
11:45.21Morlacoh, in my case, each site is already running a PBX... with 8 lines and about 50 extensions... They looking for ways to reduce cost
11:45.27djmarinanyone ever heard of a company named signate who does setup of Asterisk system?
11:45.37Hypn0tek|AwayMorlac: I'm thinking about 9 ATAs adapter cause I dont want deguim cards they consume a lot of cpu resources, and then offer Ip phones or ATAs adapters n analog phones
11:46.21jeremy_gMorlac:how  many sip calls at maximum this asterisk box can take
11:46.51Morlacthats what I was thinking and trying to find the best solution for.... as far as ATA are concerned, I have been adviced to use Linksys...but I have to get one or two and test them
11:47.11MorlacJeremy: it depends on your hardware.Theoritically, there is no limit
11:47.32jeremy_gconsidering a 3Ghz box with 1GB ram
11:47.48Morlacalthough, asteribanks sounds like a good choice and reason
11:48.16*** join/#asterisk nkrasko (n=nkrasko@
11:48.51MorlacJeremy: you have to consider the codecs and if you doing codec translation....also, the feature these users are using...but In my case, I can run 100 calls on that hardware comfortably
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11:53.01Hypn0tek|AwayMorlac: U don't think that we will need an analog Gateway for the 9 or 8 analog lines ?
11:53.28Morlacofcourse you will need them
11:53.56Hypn0tek|AwayMorlac: cause in my case there is no E1/T1 connection so I cant use an E1/T1 card
11:53.57Morlaccurrently, am evaluating the TDM2400 or Sangoma A200
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11:58.22Hypn0tek|AwayMorlac: in your case u'll need 2 Sangoma A200 cards then each with 4 ports, but in mine ... I have 9 lines ....
11:59.03MorlacHypn0tek: Actual, only one A200 but with extra remora addins....A200 can go up to 24 ports
11:59.26mostyHypn0tek|Away, get a sangoma card with hardware echo  cancellation
11:59.52mostysangoma a400 can do 12 ports on a single card
12:00.29Hypn0tek|Awaymosty : mmmm, n wich box config will I have to use ?!
12:00.45Morlacyah I also looking at that....trouble with a400 is they are bit lengthy....and might not fit our 2U rackmount casing
12:01.32Hypn0tek|Awaymosty : with echo cancellation, it will consume a lot of cpu charge !
12:01.53mostyHypn0tek|Away, hardware echo cancellation doesn't use the cpu
12:02.45MorlacHardware echocan is a must....
12:03.20Hypn0tek|AwaySangoma Remora A20005D PCI Card 0 FXS / 10 FXO Ports + Echo Cancellation
12:04.02Hypn0tek|AwayMorlac: why a must ??!
12:04.45Morlacin my envronment, I have lots of users....If I run echocan on software, I loose some calls sometimes
12:04.46Hypn0tek|Awaymosty : what about this A2005D ?
12:05.23defsworkis echo cancellation only needed on analog lines?
12:05.46MorlacHypn0tek: Check the A400 card, the 10 ports will be on the same card...but its a bit long, so, depending on the chasis you will have, A400 can be a better solution
12:05.57Morlacdefswork: no, even digital
12:06.13Morlacdefswork: there are cases where you dont need any
12:06.21defsworkMorlac: I have Sangoma E1 card with no echo can and not had problems
12:06.35redaxanybody using here Snom 320/360 phone?
12:06.46Morlacredax: I have 20xsnom 320
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12:07.40redaxMorlac: cool, do you use the hint (devstates) feature?
12:07.50Morlacredax: no
12:08.03mostyredax, i use snoms
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12:08.28berktrhello friends
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12:08.54Hypn0tek|AwayMorlac, in this A400 I'm not seeing the ports ?! there a large parallel likes port
12:08.59berktrso, I forwarded UDP & TCP 5060 and 10000-20000 UDP & TCP, however external users still are not able to log in to my server
12:09.03redaxis there a way to display "some event text" immediatly on the snom's?
12:09.05berktrwhy do you think is this
12:09.08Morlacdefswork: which is the same as I have....I only have echo when I call from my snom320 to an external number that is landline and analog
12:09.24*** join/#asterisk Divious1 (i=chatzill@
12:09.30Divious1hello everyone
12:09.44redaxmosty: do you use the hint feature?
12:09.44MorlacHypn0tek: yah, it comes with a special cable
12:10.00mostyredax, yes
12:10.04Divious1I was actually looking for an advice, which one would be considered the best distro for asterisk 1.4?
12:10.14berktr[07-05-22]15:08:59.353 | Info | STUN | "STUN: Requested FW Type discovery using STUN server:" |
12:10.14berktr[07-05-22]15:09:03.125 | Info | STUN | "STUN: OK FW Type discovery: Block :" |
12:10.14berktr[07-05-22]15:09:03.125 | Info | AbstractPhone | "Receiving notification about firewall IP address:, voip always possible: 0" |
12:10.18berktrwhat does this mean?
12:10.55mostyredax, have you looked at ?
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12:12.30Divious1any recommendation?A distro for asterisk?
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12:12.46defsworkDivious1: I use trixbox
12:13.12mostyDivious1, use whichever you know how to admin best
12:13.12Morlacdivious: I use rpath
12:13.18redaxmosty: basicly it works. just today morning it happened the whole stuff stopped working. after restarting asterisk it worked again
12:13.26redaxmosty: did you ever noticed such a thing?
12:13.45mostyredax, asterisk is buggy *shrug*
12:13.45Divious1k thank you guys i take your word for it
12:14.21redaxmosty: shhh...
12:14.38berktrany help for me?
12:15.27mostyberktr, perhaps ask a stun channel/mailing list?
12:16.15berktri don't want to use stun
12:16.17redaxmosty: did you tried the Custom devstates stuff on your snom ? (there's an article on about that) I'd like to use it to display the Nightmode on/off state
12:16.45mostyi've only used blf for line monitoring
12:17.53Divious1isn't tribox already prebuilt?
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12:23.07angryusertzafrir here?
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12:28.37DrukenLPYok, it's official... wireless SUCKS ASS!
12:29.10[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY: What kind/use?
12:29.21DrukenLPY802.11, personal
12:29.49LeddyHMholy crap
12:29.58LeddyHMisn't it a bit early for you to be on irc tk?
12:30.23DrukenLPYi have two ap's in my little 1800 sq ft house.. and both of them disapear all the time, and 8/10 the don't work worth shit
12:30.31[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: I'm at work... its too early to be awake, but strangely I've been doing this the past 12 years here :)
12:30.47Daejeo1any link for g726 codec. I want to install
12:31.00[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1: No link, * has it included
12:31.25DrukenLPY[TK]D-Fender: and voip isn't all great over it either :)
12:31.26Daejeo1how can I check?
12:31.45Daejeo1show translation?
12:31.46[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1: "shor translation" "show codecs"
12:32.09[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1: "show modules"
12:32.12[TK]D-Fendertake your pick
12:34.15Daejeo1yes it is installed
12:34.47Daejeo1how can I inable in sip.conf?
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12:37.10Daejeo1what should be the sequence? g729, g726, gsm, ilbc, g723, ulaw, alaw
12:37.14fourcheezecan I change codec in a dialplan?
12:37.34Daejeo1lower to higher?
12:37.34fourcheezeI have incoming from a DDI provider
12:37.53fourcheezeI have users who prefer ulaw and others who prefer g729
12:38.01fourcheezeI don't want to transcode if I don't have to
12:38.27fourcheezeincoming provider can send the call in either g729 or ulaw but I can't choose per number
12:38.41fourcheezeis there a way to renegotiate once the call has arrived?
12:39.01fourcheezeDaejeo1: lower to higher what?
12:39.15mostyfourcheeze, that is done in sip.conf (for sip channels)
12:39.21[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1: depends on your priorities
12:39.41fourcheezemosty: what do you mean?
12:40.25fourcheezemosty: I realise how I can choose priorities for codecs
12:40.31[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: You can choose per peer/user what they are allowed to do.  So go do it.  (disallow=all , allow=ulaw , etc...)
12:40.41fourcheezethat's not what I'm asking
12:40.57mostyfourcheeze, once the call has entered the dialplan, the codec is already selected
12:41.13fourcheezesure, I'm wondering if it can be renegotiated
12:41.19[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: No.
12:41.20mostyas far as i know, it can't
12:41.48fourcheezeis there some other way around this?
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12:42.16fourcheezebascially I want the provider to default to ulaw so that people who want high quality can have it
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12:42.34fourcheezebut if they are calling an end user who wants g729 I would rather they provided that
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12:42.48fourcheezeI don't see how that can be done in sip.conf (or realtime equivalent)
12:43.05fourcheezebut I'd love to know how if its possible
12:43.12DirtyDAnyone know of an IP phone that has a programmable display? I'd like to do a database lookup and display customer information on the display of an ip phone...
12:43.52fourcheezeDirtyD: don't the snoms have a url for idle text?
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12:44.27[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: You can choose per user & per peer.  thats it.
12:45.07[TK]D-FenderDirtyD: Only cisco's have an XML push to my awareness, but I'd hate for that to be a reason to buy them.
12:45.20[TK]D-FenderDirtyD: this is something far better done on a PC.
12:45.41Qwellwell, it has the xml services button
12:46.52fourcheezegotta be something there you can use
12:48.23DirtyDThanks! I'll check it out. Thanks for the start.
12:49.28DirtyDOh cool. The phone user can even "login" to the phone? using the snom.. I like that.
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12:55.14fourcheezedoes anyone find that their users are completely happy with g729?
12:55.43deeganmr roboto? who doesnt like him.
12:55.46Qwellfourcheeze: users are never completely happy
12:55.52QwellDeeewayne: g729 isn't bad...
12:55.57Qwellerm, deegan
12:56.05DrukenLPYfourcheeze: why don't you want to do translation?
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12:56.23fourcheezejust want to save my cpu cycles :-)
12:56.46mostycpu cycles are cheaper than your time
12:56.48fourcheezeI will do it if I have to
12:56.58fourcheezethat may be true
12:57.13fourcheezeanyone g726 a lot?
12:57.18drrti dont be dramatic. but you ve too
12:57.35*** join/#asterisk Fieldy (i=1u3GGsMe@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
12:58.33[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: few do.
12:58.59*** join/#asterisk Scrumps (
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13:03.40fourcheezepersonally I like GSM but I seem to be alone in that
13:04.46fourcheezeso what do people normally use for incoming? ulaw/alaw or g729?
13:05.24fourcheezenever used that one
13:05.33fourcheezewhich clients support it?
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13:06.07mostyfourcheeze, g711, g729, gsm is pretty much all we use
13:06.12[TK]D-FenderQwell Styx to the good stuff ;)
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13:06.42fourcheezeI wish there was a codec that was just a bit better quality than g729
13:06.51[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: G.726
13:07.12fourcheezeyeah, I'm trying to get this sipura to use it but it doesn't want to
13:08.41*** join/#asterisk seele_ (
13:09.32fourcheezeCapabilities: us - 0x10c (ulaw|alaw|g729),
13:09.51fourcheezeany idea why asterisk would think itself incapable of g726
13:09.54[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: welcome to TFB Land, population YOU.
13:10.12[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: check your allow statements
13:10.21fourcheezei've got allow=g726
13:10.22seele_please help with freepbx reports ... in the report panel show No data found !!! and my Master.csv is full of calls
13:10.39jbotfrom memory, freepbx is unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
13:11.17seele_jbot, ok thanks
13:11.19jbotJust send money...
13:11.29seele_jbot, LOL
13:11.31jbotlol is probably stands for Laughs Out Loud. It is grammatically incorrect to use LOL in the first person; use 'heh' or 'haha' instead. If you want to use LOL, do '/me lol' instead.
13:11.31Kattyjbot: i love you
13:11.33jbotYou love you?
13:12.00fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: also "sip show settings" tells me
13:12.10KattyQwell: so we complained to our isp over crappy bandwidth, and took screenshots with a SINGLE laptop connected to the t1.
13:12.11[TK]D-Fenderjbot: not in public, this is a family channel!
13:12.13jbotI think you lost me on that one, [TK]D-Fender
13:12.16KattyQwell: you know what their Resolution was?
13:12.40KattyQwell: you /obivously/ have viruses running rampant on your network. please install a copy of mcafee or norton and scan every machine.
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13:12.49[TK]D-Fenderseele_: ....
13:12.55jbotwell, freepbx is unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
13:13.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: do you see what i have to deal with?!
13:13.08seele_[TK]D-Fender, yes
13:13.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: i need to hire ninjas.
13:13.22Kattythose too.
13:13.23Qwellor pirates
13:13.26Kattyand some pirates, just for good measure
13:13.41Kattythere's a pirate/ninja resturant in las vegas
13:13.57Kattyone day the waiters all dress up like pirates
13:13.59Kattythe next ninjas
13:14.07Kattyexcept for the su chefs
13:14.09cpmhowz the food?
13:14.17Kattyi don't know
13:14.38fourcheezesous chef
13:14.57fourcheezesous being the french for "under"
13:15.04cpmwhat makes sauce special?
13:15.19Kattysorry, that's the southern missouri talking
13:15.31Kattyin other mews, my boss wants to be a fonality reseller.
13:15.50Kattythey use an old asterisk version
13:15.53Kattyand their own software
13:15.54QwellKatty: ugh, quit
13:16.01KattyQwell: it might not be such a bad idea...
13:16.02DirtyDButt Pirate
13:16.12fourcheezeKatty: come and work for me
13:16.13KattyQwell: especially considering i can't seem to locate pretty software for asterisk
13:16.18cpmsounds like good way to lose money
13:16.36KattyQwell: and if linux splodes, the only thing i know to do is wipe it, put all the /src back in and restore config files
13:16.49cpmfonality is probably another outfit that can't spell gpl
13:16.49Kattyfourcheeze: you wouldn't want me.
13:16.56[TK]D-FenderKatty: Congrats... you know all you need to :)
13:16.56fourcheezeare you cheap ;-)
13:17.08Kattyi'm priceless
13:17.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: but...but
13:17.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: that means their phone server is down for at least 3 hours )=
13:17.37Katty[TK]D-Fender: unacceptable!
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13:18.00Kattyand asterisk, too
13:18.07Kattysome things happen and, well, i just don't know what to do
13:18.17Kattyso maybe this fonality thing will help.
13:18.28Kattygives me someone to pass the blame onto, if nothing else.
13:18.45fourcheezeare there organisations who would setup/manage/support an asterisk cluster on behalf of someone, and if so does anyone recommend one?
13:18.46Kattyand it'd probably be quicker than flying mister fender out :P
13:18.46cpmKatty fonality has put all kinds of press into doing everything cheap.
13:18.56Kattycpm: i know.
13:19.00Qwellnot inexpensive either
13:19.01Kattycpm: but southern missouri is cheap :/
13:19.02cpmso, you the reseller has to break the news, that 'No, you can't have a pony'
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13:19.05Qwellcheap != inexpensive
13:19.19KattyQwell: but the /point/ is i don't know enough.
13:19.22KattyQwell: AND software
13:19.23cpmcustomers dont' like hearing they can't have a pony
13:19.25KattyQwell: pretty software!!
13:19.37Kattycpm: i don't like hearing i can't have a pony either :<
13:19.59KattyQwell: tech support and software is their selling point with the boss man.
13:20.06KattyQwell: two things i can't really do myself yet.
13:20.29cpmAnyway, if you look at their site, the claim a fully functioning pbx for less than $1k,
13:20.42cpmso, you, the reseller has to explain, "err, no, , "
13:21.09plasmidI am trying to record incoming calls from a company tech support but I am not entirely sure what to press when I begin conversing with them and WHERE do these recorded calls end up (pathwise)
13:21.25mostyplasmid, show features
13:21.58mostyone-touch-monitor'ed calls are put in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/ on my dist
13:22.37plasmidand what key do u press on your phone to start recording (default)?
13:22.47Kattyplasmid: it's specified in features.conf
13:22.59Kattyplasmid: or you can do Show Features at the cli
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13:23.34mostyplasmid, show features, that will tell you
13:24.52fourcheezeso no-one really wants to recommend their own (or someone else's) asterisk consultancy?
13:25.00Qwellfourcheeze: Digium
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13:25.15fourcheezedo they do stuff like remote management?
13:25.19mostyfourcheeze, depends what you need, and what currency you pay in
13:25.34fourcheezeI can probably pay in $ or ÂĢ
13:25.44fourcheezebut I want a cluster with full management
13:26.10mostysounds like a big job, you probably need someone local
13:26.17Daejeo1ping JT
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13:26.24fourcheezeyeah, that's what I'm thinking
13:26.25nestArplasmid: for my tech support call center, i didn't have a push button, it just recorded all the time for those calls.
13:26.29fourcheezeanyone know anyone in the UK?
13:26.35plasmidalso, for some reason my DID# is private and there are plenty of times where i have to press *82 just to make a phone call. I think I would like my # to be visible. Where do I turn off that "privacy" feature? FOUnd the ONE-touch Monitor = *1 to record?
13:26.38nestArnever trust someone in tech support to push a button.
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13:26.50plasmidnestAr, that's nice
13:26.55fourcheezenestAr: never trust someone in tech support.
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13:29.46fourcheezeanyone using asterisknow ?
13:29.54DirtyDI'm really torn.. Should I get the Lenovo x60t with XGA or SXGA  The XGA has is MultiTouch the SXGA is not not,.
13:30.45fourcheezemore pixels is always better
13:31.20*** join/#asterisk x-blur (
13:31.37x-blurhello, can anybody help me with my TC400B ?
13:31.50mostyx-blur, what's the problem?
13:32.20x-blurlspci shows me the card, but modprobe wctc4xxp doesn't do anything
13:32.31x-blurinsmod the module gives me following error in dmesg
13:32.49Qwellx-blur: I'd suggest calling Digium support
13:32.55x-blurTC400B: firmware tc400m-firmware.bin not available from userspace
13:32.55x-blurwctc4xxp: probe of 0000:02:0b.0 failed with error -1
13:33.08x-blurwell, they point me here... as one of the options...
13:33.22QwellYou called, and they said to come here?
13:33.42x-blurno, I go to their web-site... they're not awake I presume
13:33.47Qwelloh, right...
13:33.49x-blurI am in Singapore, GMT +8
13:33.51Qwellyeah, it's 7:30 there
13:34.04mostyx-blur, tc400m-firmware.bin exists?
13:34.12Qwellx-blur: give it likt an hour and a half
13:34.14x-blurwhere do I find it?
13:34.33mostyx-blur, find / -type f name 'tc400m-firmware.bin'
13:34.36x-blurit's a tc400b, now I need to find tc400m ? :p
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13:37.03x-blurit's in /usr/src/zaptel-
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13:37.53mostyx-blur, i suspect that the file hasn't been installed properly, it should have been copied somewher
13:38.19x-blurehm, where is it supposed to be?
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13:38.37x-blurin the same directory as the .ko driver?
13:38.42mostynot sure. did you do make install?
13:38.46x-blurof course :p
13:39.44DirtyDfourcheese: You think on a tablet, sxga (more pixels) is better over and XGA with MultiTouch? I can't make up my freaking mind! I've been dwelling on this for 3 months now.
13:40.14bagheadukhey - ive got a var set called OPER in a dialplan which is a number, and i need to access a field called try1 / try2 etc -- im trying to get it like: ${TRY${OPER}} however its not working - any ideas?  using ${TRY1} works..
13:40.24*** join/#asterisk shadebob (n=chatzill@
13:40.34DirtyDWhy can't they make a SXGA with multitouch.. bastards
13:40.36mostyx-blur, strace the modprobe command and see where it's looking
13:40.52shadebobhi, I have a problem with asterisk, FAI with 2vlan (1 for voice, 1 for data) and my linux box
13:41.09shadebobsomeone can help me?
13:41.17[TK]D-FenderDirtyD: Get a shrink ... and a wireless mouse.  Geez.  Touchpads are for when you portable mouse dies :)
13:42.00[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'm taking the plunge!
13:42.26[TK]D-FenderKatty: Size isn't everything, unless its 120" ;)
13:42.56Qwell120"?  wtf?
13:43.52[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: Ditching my 52" rear-projection HDTV for a projection setup
13:44.04*** join/#asterisk Vec2 (
13:44.22Kattyi see
13:44.29bagheaduksorry to be a pain - any ideas re above q?
13:44.53Qwellbagheaduk: field called "try1"?
13:44.56QwellIt's case sensitive
13:45.02QwellSo, ${try${OPER}}
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13:45.39x-blurmosty: that gives me a shitload of info... what am I looking for?
13:45.41bagheadukQwell - it is actually the right case in the config - i just changed it when typin into irc (oops)
13:46.23Qwellbagheaduk: NoOp(${try1} - ${OPER})
13:46.31QwellDo the values of both of those show what you expect?
13:47.22x-blurmosty: by the way, a make install shows me this:
13:47.23x-blurmake -C firmware hotplug-install
13:47.24x-blurmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/zaptel-'
13:47.24x-blurFirmware zaptel-fw-oct6114-064.bin is already installed with required version 1.05.01
13:47.24x-blurFirmware zaptel-fw-oct6114-128.bin is already installed with required version 1.05.01
13:47.24x-blurFirmware zaptel-fw-tc400m.bin is already installed with required version MR5.6
13:47.43*** join/#asterisk sashion (n=djbdsf@
13:47.57sashiontzafrir: Are you here?
13:48.04bagheadukqwell - yes, try1 = IAX2/.... oper = 1
13:48.26bagheadukqwell - however ${try${OPER}} gives nothing
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13:48.43Qwelloper, or OPER?
13:48.47Qwellagain, BIG difference :)
13:49.39bagheadukqwell - exten => s,1,set(TRIES=0) ;
13:50.04bagheadukqwell - its TRIES, not OPER in this case - however same thing
13:50.08sashionI'm getting a ticking noise on my Analog line with asterisk... any ideas?
13:50.51redaxuh.. don't you have the standalone app_devstate patch for asterisk 1.2 ?
13:51.09redaxthe link on the voip-info is broken.
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13:51.50[TK]D-Fenderbagheaduk: Pastebin the whole mess.
13:52.11jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
13:53.42redaxI try to take out the app_devstate stuff from bristuff.. but it changed the ast_device_state_changed_literal() to 2+ args. Do I need that patch also ?
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13:54.09bagheadukqwell / Fender =
13:55.04bagheadukbagheaduk - noting that TRIES is set to 0 to begin with (not shown on page)
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13:56.05mkl1525Hi, I can use asterisk db to put somehting in it and then use an if to decide something, but how can I set the db value when starting asterisk? don't want to do this by hand.
13:57.36bagheadukqwell - are you allowed to do that kind of string setting in asterisk?
13:57.58mostyis there mkl1525 call file?
13:58.14mostymkl1525, you could use a call file
13:59.19sashionmkl1525: when starting asterisk, you could write a little module that can do that...
13:59.20x-blurnobodhy can help me with my TC400B ?
13:59.24sashioncheck out skel.c
13:59.35redaxwhy does junghanns changed the ast_device_state_changed_literal() to accept cid_num and cid_name additionally at all?
13:59.40mkl1525sashion, thanks will have a look at it
13:59.42mostyx-blur, do you have hotplug and/or udev installed?
13:59.45redaxin bristuff ...
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13:59.57x-blurehm, I believe so...
14:00.07x-blurby default installed on FC6
14:00.22x-blurzaptel works though...
14:00.36x-blurand my Sangoma A104 as well...
14:01.07mostyx-blur, is the tc400b the only digium card in the box?
14:03.28mostyx-blur, i think i heard that there may be problems using sangoma and digium cards in the same machine
14:04.05x-blurwell, i asked the digium guys at the asternic conference here in Singapore 2 weeks ago and they say there is no problem with that...
14:04.11mostyi just sent out a box with a tc400b, but it had a digium e1 card in it instead of the sangoma we normally use, for this very reason
14:04.12x-blurthe transcoding card only transcodes
14:04.25x-blurdoesn't interact in any other way directly with the other cards apparently
14:04.44mostywanpipe patches zaptel though, i am not sure if that might cause problems
14:05.41x-blurI have looked at the patch (apparently the latest wanpipe can't patch the latest zaptel), and there doesn't look to be anything that interferes with the zttranscode
14:06.26x-blurit's only a few lines added in the zaptel-base.c ...
14:06.37mostyx-blur, have you tried stracing modprobe/insmod? it might show you where it's failing
14:07.09x-bluryes, it doesn't seem to be failing... you want me to paste the output somewhere?
14:07.18x-blurI can't seem to find anything wrong... and the driver is loaded...
14:07.34x-blurjust nothing in dmesg and show transcoder in asterisk doesn't work
14:07.43[TK]D-Fenderbagheaduk: "show function EVAL"
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14:10.51iruleis there a way to add the current time and date to a noop message? I tried timestamp but it is blank thanks
14:11.31[TK]D-Fenderirule: Check upgrade.txt .   Things changed, read the notices they've been putting out for ages.
14:11.36mostyirule: you can get the date with System i guess
14:11.44[TK]D-Fenderirule: and the docs.  Ther is a new functio for this sort of stuff.
14:11.57irulebtw im on 1.4
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14:15.39brodiemI have a question on BLF -- what defines standards of how BLF statuses are passed? Is this part of the SIP standards?
14:16.00[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: yes
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14:16.55x-blurmosty: any idea?
14:17.44mostyx-blur, no sorry. i shipped my box with the tc400b this morning, can't have a look at it now
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14:18.24AcidcrawlIf I wanted to have 2 queues, and have an agent log into both queues, is there a way for the agent to know from which queue a call came from?
14:19.47mostyAcidcrawl, set callerid
14:19.53x-blurpk, thanks so far. i guess i'll call digium when they wake up
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14:26.17nkraskoAcidcrawl:   you can add prefix to CallerID for calls, so it will be displayed on phones
14:26.47Acidcrawlcool, I got it, thanks for the hel
14:28.26*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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14:29.23[TK]D-FenderKatty: I wasted over an hour on hold with HP for printer software support only to get hung up on about 2 weeks ago
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14:30.33coolbeansHey guys, do you run with qualify on or off for phones?
14:30.33[TK]D-FenderKatty: And my little piece of wisdom for you today : "Life is like a penis ... if it gets too hard, %#@ it" :)
14:30.34coolbeansAnd what MS value is typical?
14:30.36[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: On personally.
14:30.49[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: typicaly = 2000 (what "yes' does)
14:30.57coolbeans[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
14:34.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: :<
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14:39.48redaxis there a way to query a devstate in asterisk cli ?
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14:44.33drrtredax, which device are u interested for ?
14:44.51redaxactually SIP...
14:45.04redaxlike what's the state of SIP/110 ...
14:45.24drrtsip show peer 110
14:45.30drrtsip show user 110
14:45.36mostyredax, i would be interested to hear if you figure out how to do that from the dialplan
14:46.21drrtsystem(asterisk -rx "sip show peer 110) :)
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14:46.36redax+ grep ;-)
14:47.36redaxwhy, there's no such a CLI command which returns the output of ast_device_state() ?
14:47.56redaxgr. not CLI but dialplan
14:49.01mostyredax, only if you use the bristuff patch
14:50.34redaxmosty: seems like no. the bristuff app_devstate is suitable only for the Fake DS/xxx
14:50.43redaxand only for settings
14:51.05redaxalthough it's stores the fake DS/xxx state in the astdb, as DEVSTATES/xxx
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14:51.54redaxsorry. missinformation :)
14:52.10redaxit has some kind of devstate query as well. but only for the fake device
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15:02.31phillipkI have my asterisk box connected to an NEC PBX which is providing a PRI connection to it. Roughly every hour, asterisk shows the dchan on the PRI dropping, which interrupts service. The guy who supports the NEC for me thinks it's a timing issue. I've set the timing source in zaptel.conf for that span to 1 and 0, and I have the same problem either way. Is there any other timing adjustment I can/should make?
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15:06.11sashionphillipk: have you enable extensive debugging on the span ?
15:06.22sashionit will give you an ISDN message on why it dropped
15:06.47sashionand who is the master of the link? Is it the NEC or the * ?
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15:07.20phillipkI have not enabled extensive debugging.
15:07.27phillipk* is the master
15:09.00sashionphillipk: enable debuggin on the PRI, might be getting a message, or the NEC might be dropping the link when the PRI restarts
15:09.16bkw_is it every hour on the hour?
15:10.05phillipkNo. The drops have been as close together as 15 minutes.
15:10.29sashionphillipk: also try changing resetinterval = 3600 to something like resetinterval = 86400
15:10.35iruleis it possible to do something like call waiting within sip phones? the idea is to make sure users dont miss calls that come from sip peers
15:10.39sashionunder zapata.conf
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15:10.49[TK]D-Fenderphillipk: make sure your card isn't sharing an IRQ and check your zttest score
15:11.08[TK]D-Fenderirule: thats the phones job, not *'s
15:12.34phillipkIt's not sharing an IRQ. What kind of score is too low on zttest?
15:13.19sashion99.999% is the bare acceptable :P
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15:20.33irule[TK]D-Fender You have confused me, because currently if I dial from exten 102 to a busy exten 123 in a call with 145, 102 will get a busy signal and sends the call to voicemail. What I waould like to try is make a distinctive sound in 123 to be heard by the callee, and see 102 in the caller ID display or something, with an option to answer 102 leaving 145 in a MOH and then allow to put 102 at MOH to re-take 145 etc
15:21.35*** join/#asterisk reber (
15:21.40[TK]D-Fenderirule: If you try to call the phone and the phone refuses you, that it.  End of story.
15:21.43*** join/#asterisk shadebob (n=chatzill@
15:22.39[TK]D-Fenderirule: its the phones job to support multiple simultaneous calls and offer a beep like CW.  If it does well... fix its config or pick a more flexible phone
15:22.55phillipkzttest looks good to me. I've got extensive debugging turned on on that span, so I guess I'll just wait for it to drop. Thanks everybody.
15:23.26shadebobhi. I have a problem with SIP and RTP flow. I have 120 sip phones, 12 telco lines. After a random time, RTP flow don't work and "unable to create socket : too many open files" appear in the CLI. I had fix the ulimit to 65535, the /etc/security/limits.conf to 65535 but no way... Probleme stay
15:23.27irule[TK]D-Fender oh I see thanks
15:23.31shadebobany idea?
15:23.57NOT_guruwill zttest effect people in calls?
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15:26.49drrtshadebob, u are a new victim )
15:27.05drrtshadebob, welcome ) do u use 1.4 branch ?
15:27.33[TK]D-Fendershadebob: perhaps you should upgrade to a more stable release
15:28.24shadebobdrrt TK : So it's a well known problem... I don't fond it in the
15:28.37drrtshadebob, let me give u the number
15:28.56shadebobok thanks drrt
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15:32.23shadebobI will see
15:32.48berktrhello friends, i have extensions starting from 1001 to 1011 and all the other numbers are forwarded to the carrier for pstn
15:33.04berktri want to do this however when i call the 1004 number for example
15:33.09berktrasterisk forwards it to carrier too
15:33.12berktrhow can we solve this?
15:33.43berktrexten => 1004,1,Dial(SIP/1004)
15:33.58berktrexten => _0.,1,Dial,SIP/carrier/9${EXTEN}
15:34.08berktrwhen i call 1004, it automatically calls 91004
15:34.09drrtshadebob, yw
15:34.41mostyberktr, see what i just said?
15:35.04berktri just saw it, but didn't understand what you meant by
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15:35.53mostyberktr, a single dial command can ring multiple devices at once
15:36.04berktryes but i need it to call 1004 only
15:36.11berktri don't want it to carry it to carrier
15:36.26mostyoh sorry, i misread your question
15:37.06*** join/#asterisk kombi (n=kombi@
15:37.20mostywhat you need to do is create one context for your local extensions, and another context for outgoing calls, then include => local-extensions followed by include => dial-out
15:37.45drrtwhat is the sequence in the context ?
15:39.13drrtberktr, ?
15:39.31kombiwould any of you people have or know where to find the sip firmware for cisco's 7941?
15:39.37mostyberktr, see this page:
15:39.47berktrfirst is the carrier
15:39.50berktrthen the extensions
15:39.56berktris it important
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15:42.28kombiTK-D-Fender: already done, only takes 2-3 weeks to be delivered..
15:42.44coppice[TK]D-Fender: I saw something rather disgusting at the weekend.
15:42.52[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Should be able to download direct with your smartnet contract
15:42.54shadebobdrrt : it's my problem
15:42.59coppiceFender are making the Strat in pink with Hello kitty on it
15:43.20kombiTK-D-Fender: The contract is what takes that whole time..
15:43.24shadebobdrrt : have you test the 1.4.4 patch for th eUDP lingering
15:44.10*** join/#asterisk _VoiceMeUp_COM (
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15:44.33_VoiceMeUp_COMcan one point me to where i can see an example of setting a variable in manager ?
15:44.41_VoiceMeUp_COMi need more then one
15:44.52_VoiceMeUp_COMSetVariable: var1=val1;var2=val2 ?
15:45.04drrtshadebob, not yet. i m still using patch made by reporter. going to switch tonight
15:45.23kombiTK-D-Fender: ordered smartnet from our distri (ingram), they say it takes 3 weeks
15:46.32kombiwhatever takes cisco that long..
15:48.07kombiI gladly pay the money when smartnet eventually arrives, just need that firmware now for things to work..
15:48.12lee_is_me<_VoiceMeUp_COM>: AMI info doesn't seem to indicate the ability to set multiple vars:
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15:48.26lee_is_mesomeone can correct me if i'm wrong
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15:49.32mostylee_is_me, just do it multiple times?
15:51.06berktrwhat can i do if my carrier is trying to use comfort noise support and asterisk does not support it
15:53.06[TK]D-Fenderberktr: tell them to stop, live with it, or change providers
15:53.20berktrdoes it affect the quality?
15:53.47lee_is_methat is what I would do...I haven't played with the AMI much yet
15:54.14drrtberktr, are u talking about VAD ?
15:54.17lee_is_meif you have a windows box, you can download a Manager API test utility that I wrote to try it out without having to write code
15:54.19berktryes i think
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15:55.12drrtyou can switch in on directly at the client`s side
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15:55.45berktrno drrt, this is something different
15:55.52lee_is_memosty: | link is bottom of page
15:56.24mostylee_is_me, i don't have a windows machine
15:56.46lee_is_meOK, sorry.  Haven't had time to port to linux yet.
15:58.54berktrso, having comfort noise support at carrier side turned on affect the quality?
15:59.28drrtberktr, i think it does
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16:00.09mostylee_is_me, i don't run random code from people on irc anyway
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16:00.35lee_is_memosty: does IRC have a random function? ;)
16:01.02lee_is_mei don't blame you.
16:04.19_VoiceMeUp_COMno way to set a header via manager right ?
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16:05.39mosty_VoiceMeUp_COM, you could set a variable, and have your dialplan use that variable?
16:05.53_VoiceMeUp_COMwell proplem ..
16:05.58_VoiceMeUp_COMits a pstn to pstn call module
16:06.15mostyso? needs to either to sip/box2/number OR local/number@mynewconext
16:06.23_VoiceMeUp_COMi DONT want to use local
16:06.30_VoiceMeUp_COMit casues deadlocks 56|% more
16:06.32[TK]D-Fender_VoiceMeUp_COM: Nope.  The call is already in progress, too late to think about adding headers now.
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16:06.45GuruJeecan anyone please point me to a good resource about configuring dialplans?
16:06.48_VoiceMeUp_COMnot in progreess
16:06.52_VoiceMeUp_COMits before the originate command
16:06.55[TK]D-FenderGuruJee: ...
16:07.08jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
16:07.17vAd0rcan someone help me with an authentication problem.  when i am at my house using the private ip it works fine.  when im offsite and use the public ip w/ ports 5060 10000-20000 open i get wrong password
16:07.18[TK]D-Fender_VoiceMeUp_COM: so NOT happening... Chan_local or bust.
16:07.20GuruJeehey TK, do you know anything about DUNDi
16:07.28[TK]D-FenderGuruJee: Nope.
16:07.59[TK]D-FendervAd0r: Then your user/pass or other off is wrong, plain & simple.
16:08.16_VoiceMeUp_COMhmmm becasue asterisk has created a call upon calling the manager itself ?
16:08.16GuruJeebasically, i have a DUNDi system working over IAX2 its working great for itnernal calls. All I want to do is to be able to route outgoing calls on a pbx with a PRI line
16:08.22vAd0ryes i would think that but all i have to do is change domain to my local ip on site and it works
16:08.30vAd0ri never change the password
16:08.37vAd0rjust the domain ip in xlite
16:08.54vAd0rdo i use some other sort of username when i am offsite
16:09.06[TK]D-FendervAd0r: Nope
16:09.31vAd0rso i dont understand then why it would say wrong password
16:10.12tutt9876hi , sorry I can't get a dialtone when connecting to asterisk 1.4.2
16:10.59tutt9876any idea?
16:11.37PioneerVM2Manx: you here?
16:12.16tutt9876Do you use 1.4.2?
16:13.13mostytutt9876, is your phone registered?
16:13.32cpmphone registration leads to confiscation!
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16:13.59tutt9876yes i can make calls but can't get a dialtone until connected
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16:15.51mostytutt9876, you did not answer my question
16:16.18tutt9876I use Xlite and I get registred on asterisk$*
16:16.26ManxPowerPioneerVM2: sort of
16:16.44mostytutt9876, ok so if the sip client is registered and you can make calls, what is the problem?
16:16.46ManxPowertutt9876: and "sip show peers" shows the X-lite with the correct IP address
16:17.22ManxPowertutt9876: you can MAKE calls without being registered to asterisk.  You just can't receive calls if your phone is on a dynamic IP and it does not register.
16:17.26tutt9876No in the headset I don't have ringing tone until the connectin is established
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16:17.53mostytutt9876, that is normal, isn't it?
16:18.38errrIm having some trouble with echo on certian incoming calls. Whats the best way to troubleshoot that?
16:18.47tutt9876no when using 1.2 version I think I had ringing tone
16:18.55PioneerVM2If you get an incoming call and immediately "Dial" it (forward) out to a new number, is CallerID automatically passed from the incoming caller (if you dont set it to anything specifically)
16:19.05Qwelltutt9876: dialtone is not the same thing as ringing tone...
16:19.07ManxPowertutt9876: make sure yo have a /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
16:19.19tutt9876Sorry I made a mix
16:19.20ManxPowerPioneerVM2: yes, that is correct.
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16:24.59QwellMercestes: *cough*
16:25.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You can receive calls on a dynamic IP without registering... with a few minutes of thought ;)
16:25.17MercestesI know, I know.....
16:25.26vAd0rHere is my problem.  It's telling the phone to send auth to sip:5001@ .... but = not locateable.  so... xlite says hi to asterisk... asterisk says auth to 172.blah ... it tries to connect to 172... and 401
16:25.28MercestesIT is having an audit.
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16:25.53vAd0rthat happens when i try to connect to my asterisk from outside w/ my pub ip
16:26.21[TK]D-FendervAd0r: Your remote phone is clearly behind another NAT and you have not told * about that.
16:26.35vAd0rwhere do i tell it
16:26.43vAd0rthat is correct
16:26.54[TK]D-FendervAd0r: "nat=yes" in the phone's user/peer setup
16:27.01PioneerVM2Manx: sorry was on with voicepulse... I had written you and sent you that data yesterday but you were not here and then you tried to find me but i had left by then.
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16:27.22vAd0rin the extensions file?
16:27.26PioneerVM2manx: it looks as if there maybe a glitch in Asterisk, but not sure regarding the caller ID issue
16:27.48PioneerVM2voicepulse sniffed packets and we ran all the tests -- the "invite" packets to them were showing the caller ID info was coming from my end
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16:29.31vAd0rwhere do i set that [TK]D-Fender
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16:30.13[TK]D-FendervAd0r: I just told you.
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16:30.31vAd0ri dont know where the phone's user/peer setup is
16:32.54tutt9876sorry I have check indications.conf and restarted asterisk but still have no riging tone: any idea?
16:34.49rene-hey guys, i was playing with vlans yesterday, my switch asigns VLAN2 to my phone, and VLAN 3 to the desktop behind it, however the desktop should be on a network that originally didnt had any VLAN, so now even if i set the desktop to the correct subnet, it cant see any gear,
16:35.10rene-it seems that the moment you start using vlans in an equipment, you have to set up a vlan in every port
16:35.24rene-it doesnt seem like you can use VLAN 0 (no vlan) on those
16:36.14tutt9876is my question a dummy one?
16:36.30rene-i still dont get how i can connect the NO VLAN network to the desktops that are getting VLAN3 because they are connected in the switch of the ip phone
16:36.30GuruJeecan anyone help me with a DUNDi dialplan, please?
16:37.01blitzrageGuruJee: pastebin what you have, and ask your question
16:37.03ManxPowerrene-: this is really a switch issue, not an asterisk issue.
16:37.15ManxPowertry assigning the default VLAN to be VLAN 0 or VLAN 1
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16:37.25GuruJeeblitzrage: where can I paste and hwo can I paste my configs?
16:37.43GuruJeeI have my extensions_custom.conf right here - do you want me to paste it in ur pvt?
16:38.00jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
16:38.14GuruJeek thanks
16:38.16GuruJeelet me do that
16:38.19[TK]D-Fenderyay FreePBX...
16:38.27ManxPowerGuruJee: extensions_custom.conf?  That sounds like FreePBX AMP, etc
16:38.47rene-ManxPower: i know, sorry
16:39.16ManxPowerrene-: on Ciscos VLAN 1 is the "default vlan"
16:39.53rene-ManxPower: default vlan, as in no VLAN?
16:40.16GuruJeethats file on 1 system. This pbx has the terminating PRIs
16:40.28ManxPowerrene-: more or less.
16:40.34tutt9876sorry I have check indications.conf and restarted asterisk but still have no ringing tone: any idea?
16:40.38ManxPowerrene-: what brand of switch are you using?
16:41.16rene-it has a profile for desktop+phone, that gives the phone the vlan 2, and you can select what you want to use for the desktop connected to the phone
16:41.26rene-i have been able to assign vlan3 to the desktop
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16:41.32ManxPowerrene-: what SPECIFIC model?
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16:41.41tutt9876do you have ringing tone with your asterisk?
16:41.55GuruJeebltirage: thats the second file
16:41.55rene-cisco catalyst express 500 24 ports poe
16:42.13rene-not as powerful as real ciscos
16:42.17rene-just a web interface
16:42.33GuruJeebltirage: and are the extensions_custom.conf I need some dial plan help with DUNDi please
16:42.42GuruJee and are the extensions_custom.conf I need some dial plan help with DUNDi please
16:44.08ManxPowerrene-: Oh.  Don't know those.  We have Catalyst 550x switches
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16:45.29rene-but, like, if the desktops are getting vlan3, what could i do to get the packets untagged, (maybe using linux, maybe using the switch)
16:45.53rene-i was thinking about nat
16:45.59rene-but seems overly complicated
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16:47.27rene-ManxPower: sorry to be a but offtopic
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16:48.53GuruJee and are the extensions_custom.conf I need some dial plan help with DUNDi please
16:49.46justdavemy local asterisk box at home is being strange.  Can't get it to register with my sip provider for some reason.
16:49.59rene-i was wondering, i can setup a linux box connected to VLAN2 in interface0 connected to the switch, that solves asterisk connectivity, then i could connect VLAN3 to that same switch interface so i can talk from the desktops to the linux box, and then finally i could plug the interface2 of the linux server to the No Vlan network, configure a suitable IP and then enable routing.
16:50.00justdaveit's been working fine for several months and I haven't touched the config. :)
16:50.15tutt9876I ma using sip connextion to asterisk but no ringing tone
16:50.36rene-so if eth0.3 and eth1 are on the same subnet, maybe they can magically talk?
16:50.42justdavesip debugging shows packets going back and forth between me and the sip provider (so the network isn't blocked) but none of those packets have a registration attempt.
16:50.46rene-or do i need to do bridging inside the linux box?
16:50.51justdaveoutgoing calls work, incoming doesn't, because it's not registered
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16:51.57tutt9876have you ringing tone in your asterisk?
16:52.31justdavenot sure what you mean by that
16:52.59nahireanwhat is the result of a sip show registry?
16:53.05nahireanrequest sent?  anything?
16:53.10justdavemy sip show registry shows nothing
16:53.16justdavejust the table headers
16:53.54tutt9876dring dring: have you some?
16:54.01nahireanis this straight asterisk?  not a gui such as trixbox?
16:54.05ManxPower"sip show registry" shows you devices that Asterisk is registered TO
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16:54.21nahireanManxPower: wouldn't that be valid if he were having inbound call issues?
16:54.22ManxPower"sip show peers" shows you what devices have registered TO asterisk.
16:54.25justdaveManxPower: right, that'd be what we're trying to figure out
16:54.25tutt9876I am using Xlite with asterisk
16:54.42justdaveoutbound registration from my asterisk box to an external sip provider
16:54.53justdavenot a phone registring to asterisk (those all work fine :)
16:54.53nahireanjustdave: is this straight asterisk?
16:55.04ManxPowernahirean: "sip show registry" would be what you want if he is having trouble with calls from a service provider getting to Asterisk.
16:55.17nahireanManxPower: right, perhaps I misunderstood, but I thought that was the issue?
16:55.23ManxPowerjustdave: Is Asterisk behind NAT?
16:55.47phillipkOK, my PRI just dropped again. Can anyone look at a log excerpt for me?
16:55.51justdaveyeah, it's behind NAT.  network works, I can make outgoing calls.
16:55.58ManxPowerjustdave: if "sip show registry" is empty, then you have a problem with sip.conf
16:56.34ManxPowerjustdave: If Asterisk is behind NAT then you need localnet=, externip= and forward UDP ports 5060 and 10,000 - 20,000
16:56.37ManxPowerjustdave: have you done that?
16:56.44justdaveyes, it's worked fine for months
16:56.50justdavejust suddenly stopped the last day or two
16:56.52ManxPowerjustdave: what changed?
16:56.54nahireanif the registration lines are in sip.conf and it's showing nothing i doubt it's a networking issue
16:56.57justdavenot a thing that I know of
16:57.07ManxPowerjustdave: then your provider is prolly down
16:57.19justdavehow come I can make outgoing calls then?
16:57.28nahireanif the provider were down it would say "request sent"
16:57.36nahireanor at least have something
16:57.36ManxPowerfrequently providers have different servers for inbound .vs. outbound
16:57.36justdaveyeah, it's not getting that far
16:57.53ManxPowerjustdave: what is the actual host portion of the register => line?
16:57.54justdavesip show registry shows nothing
16:58.11justdaveactually, the machine did just get rebooted because of a power failure the other day
16:58.32ManxPowerjustdave: if your internet was down, at that time then you need to stop and start asterisk
16:58.36nahireantry a sip reload to see if it'll parse the registration lines?
16:58.39justdaveonly thing I can think of that a reboot would affect is zap drivers
16:58.45justdavebut zap shouldn't affect sip
16:58.49ManxPowerspecifically if Asterisk fails to look up a hostname it will never try again
16:59.01justdaveyeah, I restarted asterisk a couple times already
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16:59.11justdavealthough I told it to restart, I didn't actually stop it
16:59.23nahireanpkill -9 asterisk :)
16:59.38ManxPowerI'm still waiting for that hostname
17:00.18kombianyone maybe know where a cisco 7941 sip firmware might be flying about?
17:01.02kombiQwell: only with a smartnet contract that takes my reseller 2 weeks to get..
17:01.10QwellWelcome to Cisco.
17:01.21kombiQwell: lol,,
17:01.26kombihad I known..
17:01.45kombitorrent? p2p somewhere?
17:02.32kombihow can they even sell a sip phone and charge extra for it to work as a sip phone?
17:02.39justdavedns and dhcp for the lan are on the same box with asterisk, and those both start before asterisk does in the boot order
17:02.59ManxPowerkombi: they don't sell SIP phones.  They sell SCCP phones
17:03.20kombiManxPower: they advertise them as sip phones though..
17:03.37justdavethis was an Asterisk@Home originally, it's been manually upgraded in pieces (Asterisk 1.2.18, CentOS 4.5) and I usually ignore the GUI and edit the files manually anyway, because I'm used to doing that on the big * servers at work. :)
17:04.47*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (i=david@nat/digium/x-f12659ef84c53826)
17:04.52deeperrori have recently upgraded from 1.2.8 - 1.2.18 and have lost the ringback tones on inbound calls.   Where is ringback generated at the ATA or within asterisk?  I'm also using a RT31P2 that worked fine prior to the update.  Any clues?
17:05.05[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Cisco is more trouble than they're worth.  Polycom > All.
17:05.15ManxPowerdeeperror: it depends on if the call has been answered or not.
17:05.28deeperrorthe call rings to my handsets and i can answer them
17:06.24deeperrorbut the caller hears silence until the call is answered or sent to voicemail
17:06.25cpmem onto 24
17:06.25nahireanPut a ",Ringing" in the syntax?
17:06.25kombi[TK]D-Fender: I am beginning to see that..;) (you have a tough name to type)
17:06.25[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Thats what auto-complete is for....
17:06.25[TK]D-Fenderkombi: 3 keystrokes.
17:07.12[TK]D-Fendercpm: ?
17:07.12kombi[TK]D-Fender: that is the first time I realized there was auto complete on a chat client...
17:07.16kombieven on epic (which is what I use normally)?
17:07.26deeperrornahirean i have done this and even added playback no joy
17:07.39*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
17:07.51cpm[TK]D-Fender, the show, 24, where all cisco telcom stuff works like complete magic, raising the expectation that this crap works
17:08.13[TK]D-Fendercpm: The phones work... its users are lazy and avoid work wherever possible :)
17:08.17kombithat is exactly why i got it, jack bauer..
17:08.31PioneerVM2that cisco conference system is pretty cool (the video one)
17:08.38kombiI'll call division!
17:08.53cpmyeah, but the network that you need to support it, its pretty specific
17:08.53ManxPowerIf you don't hear ringback, adding the Ringing app to your dialplan almost NEVER fixes the problem
17:08.56anonymouz666who tested the HPEC?
17:08.57mrdigitalcpm: whats the easist way to do faxes in asterisk?
17:08.58[TK]D-Fenderkombi: My Polycom's all use the Cisco "24" ringer (the only good part anyways), so :p
17:09.20cpmremember that system only works with <250ms latency, *including* the 85ms latency of the codecs, per end
17:09.21ManxPoweranonymouz666: define "tested"
17:09.28kombi[TK]D-Fender: no polycom distribution in this country, unfortunately
17:09.31[TK]D-Fendermrdigital: with an analog fax on an analog line that has NOTHING to do with *.
17:09.33ManxPowermrdigital: there is no easy way to do faxes in Asterisk
17:09.34justdaveI should wipe this machine and just put asterisk 1.4 on it without the GUI crap one of these days.
17:09.35cpmmrdigital, I don't do faxes with asterisk
17:09.46[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Whereabouts?
17:09.58kombi[TK]D-Fender: germany
17:09.58ManxPowerThe way I do faxes is EASY and RELIABLE, but it is not cheap.
17:10.17[TK]D-Fenderkombi: There are resellers there, but a fair bit more pricy.
17:10.28deeperrorManxPower: that seems to be a line right from the docs haha  yea i know playback doesn't fix this but i've tried quit a few things
17:10.31kombi[TK]D-Fender: which?
17:10.40justdavepots ftw for faxes :(
17:10.48deeperrorcould it be the provider?  or is it on my end?
17:10.51[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Can't recall off-hand, just know I've run across them in googling.
17:11.07ManxPowerdeeperror: make sure you have a /etc/asterisk/indications.conf   This file controls the tones used AFTER a call has been answered (Background and several other apps automagically answer the line)
17:11.24ManxPowerThis file does NOT control ringback if the call has not been answered yet.
17:11.29deeperroryep that is in there and setup fine
17:11.44deeperroreverything worked in 1.2.8
17:11.55deeperrori setup a new box moved configurations to it
17:12.03ManxPowerdeeperror: just because it worked in a previsous version doesn't mean anything.....
17:12.06deeperroreverything works 100% as before except ringback tones to inbound callers
17:12.26anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: tested the HPEC and got good results
17:12.26ManxPowerdeeperror: make sure your indications.conf was not overwritten.
17:12.30deeperrorit means that it has something to do with the new version of the software or something that has changed i need to find
17:12.33ManxPowerI don't use 1.2.18 because it kept crashing on us.
17:12.45tutt9876I ma using sip connexion with xlite to asterisk but no ringing tone
17:12.48deeperrorit is there
17:12.50deeperrorlooking at it now
17:12.56kombi[TK]D-Fender: I checked, none of the big distributers does them here, not even ingram
17:14.07ManxPowerdeeperror: there's a good chance someone quoted me for the docs.
17:14.12kombianyways, got to find the damn cisco firmware somewhere..
17:14.14tutt9876have you any ringing tone until connected?
17:14.18flujanhi guys...
17:14.23ManxPowerI know at least one of the dialplan examples I posted is on the Wiki
17:14.33flujanI need to block collect calls on my asterisk box.
17:14.34tutt9876Where can i see the bugs of 1.4.2 ?
17:14.38flujani found this information:
17:14.39Qwelltutt9876: upgrade
17:14.40deeperrorthe caller doesn't hear anything until the call goes to voicemail or connected
17:14.45ManxPowerkombi: You bought Cisco, you will have to deal with things the Cisco Way and that means waiting for your firmware
17:15.08kombiManxPower: I'm so psyched..;)
17:15.09tutt9876Qwell: to upgrade I need to install again?
17:15.16tutt9876Where can i see the bugs of 1.4.2 ?
17:15.34ManxPowertutt9876: in the 1.4.4 and 1.4.;3 changelog
17:15.41ManxPoweror do you mean open bugs?
17:15.46*** join/#asterisk vAd0r (
17:16.38ManxPowerdeeperror: try 1.2.15, that is what I use on my servers.
17:17.02ManxPowerI've not tried 1.2.16, but 1.2.17 and 1.2.18 both crash at least once per day on my servers
17:17.57deeperrorManxPower: do i also need to download the same versions of zap and libpri?
17:18.15deeperrorrecompile them all ?
17:18.15ManxPowerdeeperror: I doun't think so, but it would not hurt to do so.
17:18.27ManxPowerdeeperror: it's not THAT hard to do.
17:18.48deeperroryea i know
17:18.51deeperrornot an issue here
17:19.01deeperrorwill do it and see if that fixes the problem
17:19.10ManxPowerdeeperror: I can only say what works for ME.
17:19.19deeperrorits just for my home system
17:19.23ManxPoweryour enviroment might trigger bugs in 1.2.15 that I do not have.
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17:21.12flujanbut dunno how to collect this code from the calls...
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17:24.57tonycarstenscan anyone help me with some zap problems
17:26.33ManxPowertonycarstens: ask your question
17:27.29tonycarstenswell i tried to configure * so that if line 1 is busy it will auto jump to 2 and 3 then 4
17:27.40tonycarstensand now i am getting a chan_zap.c error
17:27.50tonycarstensstating that the device or resource is busy
17:28.13*** join/#asterisk tutt9876 (
17:28.34deeperrorpastebin extensions.conf
17:28.42tutt9876sorry to bother you but I can't make it out to have a ringing when dialing out
17:29.07tutt9876indications.conf r option bug ?
17:29.56tutt9876indications.conf bad config, r option ,  bug in 1.4.2?
17:30.06[TK]D-Fendertutt9876: You shouldn't have to sue that option.  it means you aren't being passed back proper progress indications
17:30.30tonycarstensi also included zapata.conf in there
17:30.44*** join/#asterisk |Tiger| (n=Tiger@
17:31.23tutt9876[TK]D-Fender>: i have tried without r option but same result
17:31.53|Tiger|can some one help me i get "call failed Service unavailble" but its see to be like im connectet whit my server or?
17:32.53flujanguys, It is possible to block incoming collect calls on asterisk?
17:33.19flujanI found a page that says to collect the ANI II DIGITS
17:33.29flujanbut how can I get this digit?
17:33.44tutt9876[TK]D-Fender>: use * ?
17:33.54|Tiger|i did startet whit asterisk -gvvvc
17:34.20[TK]D-Fendertutt9876: Corrected typo
17:34.27deeperrortonycarstens: is the issue on outbound calls?
17:34.37tonycarstensboth now
17:34.43tonycarstenscan't call in/out
17:34.51tutt9876[TK]D-Fender>: so which option in the dial command ?
17:35.08deeperroryou can't call between sip - sip?
17:35.27docelmosay whats the command to pull out headers from a sip packet?
17:35.33[TK]D-Fendertutt9876: Shouldn't need anything.
17:35.33docelmoor application?
17:35.42tonycarstensi can dial through sip
17:35.52tutt9876[TK]D-Fender>: except I have no ringing tone
17:36.12docelmonevermind.. its a function.. Sorry
17:36.23vAd0rdoes anyone here have a pix 501 that they are able to connect through to your asterisk server
17:36.39vAd0rmaybe my pix is messing up my authentication
17:36.40[TK]D-Fendertutt9876: Externally or between 2 registered local phones?
17:37.21[TK]D-FendervAd0r: PIX is one of the nastiest firewalls to try to get SIP working through.  Go check it out ont he WIKI
17:37.29[TK]D-Fendertutt9876: internally is ok?
17:37.47deeperrortony:  are you connected up to your outbound provider?
17:37.50vAd0rim about to go insane because i think it is setup right
17:38.03vAd0rabout to download pfsense
17:38.05tonycarstensi have a regular pstn line connected to channel one
17:38.22tonycarstenswill have 4 lines pluged in once deployed
17:39.16deeperrortony: so in your sip.conf what is the context setup for your users?  is this [sip]?
17:39.53Kattyi wanna hire someone
17:39.56Kattyto write me some software
17:39.59tonycarstensdeeperror: yes
17:40.01Kattyso dumb people can use asterisk too!
17:40.06MercestesWhat kind of software??
17:40.06Kattymainly, our 50 year old recpetionist
17:40.21Mercesteskill the receptionist.   get a new one.
17:40.28Kattyyeah, but our clients are dumb too
17:40.32Mercesteswhat do you want your receptionist to do??
17:40.34Kattyand i can't fire them
17:40.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: You can however drug their coffee....
17:41.06nahireanwish someone would drug mine
17:41.09tutt9876[TK]D-Fender> yes when dialing a sip address I have a ringing tone
17:41.41[TK]D-Fendertutt9876: Then your provider is not sending back the proper progress.  Ask them about it
17:42.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: oooh, i do like that approach.
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17:42.26tutt9876[TK]D-Fender> is it a codec question?
17:42.54[TK]D-Fendertutt9876: No, its a SIP progress code issue
17:43.31tutt9876[TK]D-Fender>thanks very much will ask my provider
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17:44.18tonycarstensdeeperror: something went wrong with the zap configuration
17:44.33tonycarstensdeeperror: i reloaded them and it is working
17:44.48*** join/#asterisk candyman50 (
17:45.08ManxPowerMy questions about TeX formatted Docs was mostly answered.
17:46.24deeperrortony: working now?
17:46.24candyman50anyone know how to get the whole channel name out of "show channels verbose"?
17:46.24[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens: You are dialing out Zap/g1 but did not define any of your zap channels as belonging to that group (or any other for that matter).  That is your problem.
17:46.27candyman50i.e. The cli cuts the name... how do I programatically get the whole thing?
17:46.39[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens: And jsut a side note : your dialplan is hugely redundent and could be reduced to at least 25% of its current size.
17:47.05tonycarstensyeah my programming skills are weak
17:47.07Qwellcandyman50: core show channels concise
17:47.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower: So have they indeed moved to TeX only?
17:49.17tonycarstens[TK]D-Fender: anywhere you could point me to reduce it?
17:49.24|Tiger|i get 2 erro line shen i tryede to start asterisk -gvvvc "May 22 19:07:02 WARNING[17796]: config.c:502 process_text_line: parse error: No" and secound one " WARNING[17796]: app_voicemail.c:6356 load_config: Failed to load"
17:49.43bill4242In zapata.conf can I define different analog ports to different groups? and would it all be done in the same "context" under [trunkgroups] or do i create a new one like [group2] ?
17:49.48candyman50Qwell: thanks
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17:51.04bill4242or would it look something like, signalling = fxo_ks / group=2 / channel => 1-4
17:51.07candyman50Qwell: is there a time field in the output?
17:51.53bill4242and under that signalling=fxs_ks / group=1 / channel => 1-4 ...
17:52.00[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens: First read up on macro's for all those extens that dial your phones.  then learn to use "include => [context]" to give your IVR's access to your internal extensions without those Goto's (ICK!).  Then realize that all of your zap lines lead to seperate yet functionally identical IVR's.
17:54.31*** join/#asterisk poppo (
17:55.23poppoI have and asterisk box and recently got a 1800 number with voipstreet, I have outgoing working with voipstreet and that works fine i would like to know how i can setup my 1888 number to foward to a number
17:55.37kombiI never dared to ask, do you killall -1 asterisk after every conf change?
17:55.50poppowhen i dial the number i get a  request 'number@default' does not exist
17:55.56poppoon the console
17:58.09deeperrorpoppo: the inbound is point to your default need to define an inbound context for the 888 number or put some type of logic in the default context to handle this
17:58.32poppodeeperror: ok were do i do that
17:59.08poppoi have and context in the extension.conf
18:01.50poppoOk i think i figure it out now i am getting chan_iax2.c:6874 socket_process: No best format in 0xe000???
18:02.32*** join/#asterisk Mdsp (
18:02.48MdspHas anybody ever configured a TE410P card before ?
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18:03.12b11d|bblno.. no one has EVER done that.
18:03.30Mdspi take it u havent ;)
18:03.31b11d|bblNot even the guys who made it..
18:04.44[TK]D-FenderMdsp: Now's the point where you should realize that a more useful specific quesiton might get you what you really want to know.
18:05.03b11d|bblthanks for bringing him up to speed TK
18:05.25Mdspwell i've got the te410p connected to a pri line in south africa (normally uk / de standards) but when im running genzaptelconf my spans are all commented out
18:05.58[TK]D-FenderMdsp: And if you try configuring it by hand?
18:06.01Mdspalso have a 2400 wildcard (FXOS) but thats fine, in the same box
18:06.15Mdspwell were do i start.. (n00bie)
18:06.56[TK]D-FenderMdsp: go lookup "config zaptel.conf" and "config zapata.conf"
18:06.57bill4242I can't call out on my TDM800P using Asterisk 1.4.4.. All I get is a busy when i do "zap show channel 5" which is the channel for my FXO line it shows the hookstate: Offhook when the line is connected. When it is not connected the hookstate changes to Onhook..
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18:08.00bill4242but obviously with no line connected no outgoing calls go through..
18:08.06poppoOK i am getting socket_process: Rejected connect attempt from *.*74.24, requested/capability 0x4/0xf804 incompatible with our capability 0xe703.
18:08.13poppowhen i call my did
18:08.28kombisorry, got knocked off by x-lite.. how are configuration changes activated? restart each time?
18:08.39[TK]D-Fenderkombi: To answer your earlier question, most changes except Zatel related can be put into effect with a "reload".  The rest "restart gracefully" or "restart now" (if I'm feeling hostile/impatient)
18:09.29kombi[TK]D-Fender: thanks! that is from whithin the cli I assume
18:09.31[TK]D-Fenderpoppo: Looks like incompatible codecs
18:09.42[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Yes
18:10.00poppois that something i dont have installed?
18:10.50[TK]D-Fenderpoppo: Thats you misconfiguring your sip.conf or them using codecs that your setup doesn't support
18:11.02[TK]D-Fenderpoppo: Likely the former
18:11.11poppoi am not using sip only aix
18:11.14|Tiger|i realy dont andrestand x-lite say its connected but when i trying to call from 6001 to 6002 i get "call failed Service unavailable"
18:11.14kvidelloh I hate highlighting on "kel"
18:11.21kvidelleverytime somethign is "likely" I flash
18:11.32[TK]D-Fenderpoppo: Whatever, transpose the two, but your issue is the same
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18:12.02poppois the a command to see what codec i have installed
18:12.03flujanhi guys, How can I detect and block collect calls using asterisk?
18:12.21flujanI found some information about using ANI digits
18:12.24[TK]D-FenderKelloggs Frosted Flakes ....  they're gggrrrrrrrreat!
18:12.42*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
18:12.42flujanI am using a PRI/ISDN TE406P card
18:12.57kvidellI should tell you everything I highlight on to see how creative you can get
18:12.57poppofound the isssue show g729
18:12.57poppothats what i am missing
18:12.57[TK]D-Fenderpoppo: its not what you have INSTALLED, its what you have ENABLED.  Go get a clue, check your configs, then come back
18:13.09kvidell(kel kvidell thumper plant)
18:13.23b11d|bblGo Gadget Go!
18:13.37*** join/#asterisk tuan_modulis (
18:14.24b11d|bblI always wanted that Computer Book that Penny owned.
18:14.31flujanany ideas guys? to block collect calls in asterisk?
18:14.35b11d|bblIt could somehow sieze control of helicopters in the air and stuff :)
18:14.45tuan_modulisim trying to find the wiki page that shows how make the system perform outgoing calls automatically... forgot the term... what is it?
18:14.45[TK]D-Fenderkvidell: "plant" is too easy, and the only use of "thumper" would be Bambi referrences :)
18:14.53b11d|bbldont you do that at the telco flujan?
18:14.56tuan_modulislike call placing or something
18:14.58b11d|bbldont you just say to them "no collect calls on these lines" /
18:15.09[TK]D-Fenderflujan: CallerID is all you've got.  If that isn't enough, TFB
18:15.36b11d|bbltuan_modulis..  call files?
18:15.40tuan_modulisthat's it!
18:15.47b11d|bblthey rock :)
18:16.08[TK]D-FenderAMI Originate > Call Files.
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18:16.34tuan_modulisFender, u might be onto something there... .checking it out
18:16.43Massimilianohi all
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18:17.20flujanb11d|bbl, yeap... but I need to block the incoming collect calls depending of the location... for this, I need to know IF the call is a collect call AND IF it is a collect CALL accept it depending on the caller id...
18:17.24flujanthis is the problema...
18:17.37b11d|bblgood luck :()
18:17.38Massimilianoanyone know iaxclient?
18:19.09flujan[TK]D-Fender, there is no way to detect a incoming collect call without the callerid?
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18:21.23bill4242I can't call out on my TDM800P using Asterisk 1.4.4.. All I get is a busy signal when calling out. When i do "zap show channel 5",  which is the channel for my FXO line, from the CLI it shows the hookstate: Offhook when the line is plugged in. When it is not plugged in the hookstate changes to Onhook and calls attempt to go through but obviously go no where...
18:21.54[TK]D-Fenderflujan: I'll give you a hint when you can tell me how you expect to know that its a collect call within the dialplan.
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18:22.55[TK]D-Fenderbill4242: pastebin your configs & dialplan and the CLI output of a failed call.  If you want us to help you we shouldn't even have to ASK for this.
18:23.55b11d|bblhey flujan.. have you made a collect call into your system just to see how the system handles it?  and myabe gather some info?
18:25.01bill4242D-Fender: well i'm fairly new to this channel so i guess i would have to be asked.... doing that now..
18:27.49flujan[TK]D-Fender, the telco said they cannot send me calls with any other digits with the caller id
18:28.04flujanb11d|bbl, yeap... the call enters normally no additional info
18:28.13flujanthe telco answers the call and redirects it to me
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18:28.38flujanso my business rules depends to know the callerid and IF the call is a collect call...
18:28.55[TK]D-Fenderflujan: That does not sound helpful.  Perhaps you should add "load =>" to modules.conf...
18:29.02b11d|bblhow was it handled prior to this?
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18:29.30flujanb11d|bbl, the legacy pbx handled it...
18:29.39b11d|bblyeah but in what way?
18:29.39*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
18:29.41b11d|bblhow exactly?
18:29.56b11d|bblcant you "see" what it's doing?
18:30.00Strom_Mflujan: you want something called "ANI II"
18:30.30Strom_Mnot "eigh en eye two" but "eigh en eye eye eye"
18:31.12flujan[TK]D-Fender, lol... It will be cool... This module will also discover why I am getting this errors:
18:31.27flujanStrom_M, yeap... I read about it... but how can I get the value using asterisk?
18:31.38Strom_Myour telco has to deliver it
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18:31.57phillipkCan anyone look at a log excerpt for me and see if you can tell what causes my PRI to drop?
18:32.12Strom_Mflujan: thats the same URL I just pasted
18:32.16flujanStrom_M, according the them... They already gives me everything that I need to identify a collect call
18:32.38Strom_Mflujan: is it a PRI?
18:32.40b11d|bblchan_zap.c: No D-channels available!
18:32.43b11d|bblwould be my guess
18:32.46flujanStrom_M, for sure... I didn't see your pastie... I also found this information... Yes it is a PRI.
18:33.09Strom_Mflujan: well then run PRI debug on inbound calls and see what happens
18:33.10[TK]D-Fenderb11d|bbl: His PRI seems to reset spontaneously every >HR
18:33.15[TK]D-Fender<HR *
18:34.03flujanStrom_M, I dunno how Strom_M OK... I can get this value from the Dialplan?
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18:34.07b11d|bblwe had a non-PRI t1 doing that, but it was the NIU card..
18:34.17b11d|bblwhich isnt CPE.
18:34.26b11d|bblat least, not here.
18:34.29Strom_Mflujan: at the CLI: "pri intense debug span 1"
18:34.33Strom_Mor whatever your span is
18:36.11rikstahtzafrir_laptop, ping
18:36.45flujanStrom_M, thanks I will check it... Just cannot check it now since the server is online and I receive a lot of calls
18:36.49flujanStrom_M, :(
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18:37.36flujanStrom_M, thanks anyway. :)
18:37.47phillipkb11d|bbl: yeah, if you check down toward the bottom of the pastebin, the D-channel comes back up. That's what I'm trying to fix.
18:37.56flujanhey [TK]D-Fender ... do you have a clue about this error?
18:39.04tzafrir_laptoprikstah, pong
18:39.08b11d|bblyeah.. still..
18:39.11b11d|bblits suspect.
18:39.12[TK]D-Fenderflujan: yes... you've been a VERY bad boy!
18:39.22b11d|bblBAD! BAD! BAD! boy!
18:39.37flujanb11d|bbl, [TK]D-Fender ;(
18:39.52Strom_Mflujan: what version of asterisk are you running?
18:39.53b11d|bblwell im off to northern ontario (ahh!! sweet relief) for a few days.. ttyl all
18:39.59flujanStrom_M, 1.2.18
18:40.01[TK]D-Fender<- Zen master of the blatantly obvious
18:40.42rikstahtzafrir_laptop, ,re: your post to *-users about the firefox greasemonkey script. You make a good point. If this is being used in an untrusted source, add a password check to the .php script and then pass the password as a param from the .user.js GM script.
18:40.44flujanthis starts to happen after i switch my extensions to SIP.
18:40.48rikstahtzafrir_laptop,  unless you have some better suggestion? :)
18:42.12flujanb11d|bbl, did you already see those erros about SIP and ACK?
18:42.26b11d|bbli left..  see above.
18:42.45flujanb11d|bbl, ok
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18:43.48`SeanAnyone in here got TollFree termination that allows you to set youre own callerID?
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18:53.00flujanping oej
18:54.03*** join/#asterisk Remenic (
18:54.23Remenicis it possible to play a sound, after a Dial()? Like a voice saying "this call was powered by asterisk"
18:54.38RemenicI know it sounds stupid, but I need it to test reinvite on a client :)
18:54.50[TK]D-FenderRemenic: "show application dial"
18:55.14flujanhi oej
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18:56.36Remenicah, g might help me
18:57.18flujanoej, I am having some sip errors could you please have a look at it?
19:01.42bill4242oops...i forgot to post the CLI output from the analog extension. its essentially the same..
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19:01.43Strom_Mis it a busy signal or a reorder tone?
19:01.43*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
19:02.09bill4242used to be busy singal.. now its silence..
19:02.27bill4242the output from the analog line is a little different.. i'll postbin it..
19:03.02Strom_Mwell, a busy signal would indicate that the called line is actually busy; reorder ("fast busy") indicates a problem with call setup
19:03.03bkw_bill4242, just giving you a hard time
19:05.56bill4242strom - yeah, and the strange thing is ... when the line is plugged in asterisk console reports it as off hook.. here's the output from the CLI for an analog phone -
19:05.56bill4242see the comments..
19:06.14bill4242saying called, but i hear no ringing, nothing just silence now..
19:06.40bill4242SIP gives me the fast busy.
19:06.56xpotanyone know of a good solution for load-balancing mulitple asterisk servers?
19:06.56*** join/#asterisk cr4z3d (
19:09.20*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone (i=ctrlprox@
19:13.20fd__hulloh, if anyone can shed some light on a trunk thingy i'm battling with, please drop an email or msg me up
19:13.20fd__i assure you this is not advertisement or spam or viruses:
19:14.28bill4242bkw_: pastebin .. blah.. my heads spinning.. it took me awhile to realize what you were pointing out.. lol
19:14.31*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
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19:16.56[TK]D-Fenderbill4242: Looks like a codec error on your SIP device's side.  Change codecs and retest
19:18.54[TK]D-Fenderbkw_: postbin ... where you realize you should have gone this first time ;)
19:19.14Katty[TK]D-Fender: you any good at looking at a tcpdump?
19:19.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: I have eyes... but whats your actual problem?
19:19.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: my telco tells me we're putting out a ton of SYN requests.
19:19.36*** join/#asterisk funxion (n=nunya@
19:19.42Katty[TK]D-Fender: so i did a packet capture for 5 minutes, and put a tcp syn filter on it
19:19.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'm betting either no return path or someone inside your LAN is DoS'ing someone
19:20.00Katty[TK]D-Fender: from the machine who i think is the culprit, after comparing their log to my outgoing firewall.
19:20.24[TK]D-FenderKatty: if you suspect it, pullt he plug outright and see what happens
19:20.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: hmm.
19:20.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: good point.
19:20.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: however!
19:20.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm noting a steady progression...
19:20.50Kattyfrom 5419 on up
19:21.01Katty[TK]D-Fender: i don't know enough about what i'm looking at ti tell me if it's a port number
19:21.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: also, this an exchange server.
19:21.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: so seeing the dest port of 25 isnt' really useful here
19:21.50funxionI'm trying to send a call through a PRI intoa a cisco 3660 and out to my asterisk box via sip I have cisco in sip.conf but asterisk keeps rejecting the call from the cisco I think because of the callerid can someone help?
19:25.19funxionplease look at my dial peer and sip.conf entries
19:26.22[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: don't name your peer entry like an IP, thats just TROUBLE
19:26.54[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: and that should be "insecure=very"
19:27.21*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
19:27.21*** mode/#asterisk [+o Cresl1n] by ChanServ
19:28.16Cresl1nphillipk: what version of asterisk are you running?
19:28.16*** join/#asterisk jtexter3 (
19:28.33Cresl1nand what does asterisk say when the span drops?
19:29.15ManxPowerCresl1n: "Help!  The line has fallen and I can't get up!"?
19:29.27phillipkCresl1n: 1.2.14
19:29.52Cresl1nwhat is the message when the span drops?
19:30.29phillipkPrimary D-Channel on span 1 down
19:30.59Cresl1ncan you get anything more verbose than that?
19:31.14Cresl1nlike enabling verbose and debug output to the console
19:31.21Strom_Mthe telco calls up and says "boners"
19:31.45ManxPowerphillipk: no yellow alarms, no red alarms?
19:32.01[TK]D-FenderManxPower: ... Who's on first? :)
19:32.05phillipkno alarms
19:32.46ManxPowerphillipk: I have seen this when I had a significant mismatch between the zaptel verison and the asterisk verison
19:33.37phillipkI've got verbosity set to 20 and intense debug on. I pastebinned the output earlier.
19:33.38*** join/#asterisk tr2x (
19:34.04funxionthnx TK
19:34.07funxionthat did it
19:34.08ManxPowerphillipk: look at /etc/asterisk/logger.conf to see what the "console" is set for.
19:34.42Cresl1nphillipk: not only intense debug, but also add the debug option in logger.conf to the console section
19:34.44Cresl1nthanks ManxPower
19:35.00ManxPower<-- smarter than he looks.
19:35.10phillipkok, I have that set now.
19:35.26ManxPowerCresl1n: so what advantages does HPEC 9.x have over 8.x?
19:36.13Cresl1nVarious algorithm improvements
19:36.13Cresl1nfixing a few bugs
19:36.13Cresl1nit's actually a pretty good sized list
19:36.13*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@
19:36.13phillipkhow do I check my zaptel version?
19:36.16Cresl1nI wasn't even sure the best way to summarize it all
19:36.20Cresl1nI got a pretty verbose changelog
19:36.41ManxPowerphillipk: as far as I know, you can't.
19:36.54ManxPowerunless you have the source from which you built it.
19:37.06ManxPowerCresl1n: would know for sure.
19:37.07brodiemAnyone use Aastra (notably 480i) behind NAT?
19:37.22*** join/#asterisk kram (n=markster@pdpc/sponsor/digium/kram)
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19:37.26GuruJee and are the extensions_custom.conf I need some dial plan help with DUNDi please
19:37.30Cresl1nkram: /1111\\
19:37.52ManxPowerGuruJee: I doubt anyone can help you.
19:38.03ManxPowersince your system was originally AMP/FReePBX
19:38.19tonycarstensdoes anyone know the variable that is made from Waitexten?
19:38.26russellbit's .... kra!
19:38.29russellber.  kram, even.
19:38.32ManxPowernobody wants to spend the day or so trying to figure out what that bastardized config is doing before being able to help you.
19:38.45ManxPowerAre you sure it's not kram's cat logging into IRC as him?
19:39.02ManxPowertonycarstens: that would be EXTEN
19:39.02*** join/#asterisk mrdigital (
19:39.12tonycarstensthank you
19:39.31mrdigitalanyone use tun in linux?
19:39.35ManxPowerwaitexten will jump to whatever extension you dial.  EXTEN always contains the currently executing extension
19:39.55[TK]D-Fendermrdigital: Clearly as its the basis of OpenVPN
19:40.07ManxPowerThis is usually the digits you dialed, but it does not have to be when using gotos, etc
19:40.45tonycarstensso can i use waitexten
19:40.53tonycarstensthen use {EXTEN} in a goto
19:41.14[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens: Why?
19:41.23mrdigitaltun was working fine for me then all of a sudden i got 22 15:40:21.272 [   0] [ 5053] tap: connect() failed 2 (No such file or directory)
19:41.37mrdigitali use vpn to remotely connect to asterisk behind a nat
19:41.43[TK]D-Fendermrdigital: Perhaps you should ask in ##linux
19:41.53Cresl1nor #2,000
19:42.19tonycarstensTK: i'm trying to get rid of all those goto's in my dialplan so i was going to have just one "exten => s,n,Goto(sip,${EXTEN},1)
19:42.41[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens: ICK
19:42.51tonycarstensbad ida
19:42.58[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens: Dear God, pastebin the whole thing and I'll give you a head start...
19:43.18[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens: VERY.  you dont. do. gotos. like. that!
19:44.50ManxPowertonycarstens: EXTEN contains the currently executing extension.  In your example that would be extension "s".
19:44.54*** part/#asterisk dr_decimal (
19:45.01ManxPowerSo you would be going to context "sip", extension "s", priority "1".
19:45.33*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
19:45.40ManxPowerIf the dialplan is on extension "s" then IT DOES NOT KNOW WHAT NUMBER WAS DIALED
19:45.47tonycarstensok, i thought that it would go to whatever extension they dialed during the waitexten
19:46.19ManxPowertonycarstens: No, WaitExten will send the call to whatever extension was dialed.
19:46.49ManxPowerExtension s is only ever matched when there are no dialed digits, like on an FXO channel that does not have DID
19:46.59tonycarstensso i could just have a simple waitexten() and whatever the user dials it would call that extension?
19:47.47[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens: Complete replacement.
19:47.54*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
19:48.09ManxPowertonycarstens: that is the way waitexten works, so you can see by the output of "show application waitexten" in the asterisk CLI
19:48.10[TK]D-FenderManxPower: that (n) priority will never get called anyways :0
19:48.43ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I didn't even look at his paste.  It is obvious he has some serious misunderstandings about stuff.
19:48.55[TK]D-FenderManxPower: yup
19:50.36*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
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19:53.30WindBackSomebody can recomendme a good softphone for Linux Gnome who can handle sip protocol
19:53.40[TK]D-FenderWindBack: Ekiga
19:54.51WindBack[TK]D-Fender, yes, I have it installed, but it don't recognize the press of buttom on interactives menus
19:54.53*** join/#asterisk Pagautas (n=bigman@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:55.02[TK]D-FenderWindBack: Fix your DTMF mode then.
19:55.21[TK]D-FenderWindBack: Should set to RFC2833 on both sides
19:57.25WindBack[TK]D-Fender, thank you
19:57.34justdavehmm, so I got my sip registration working.
19:58.03justdavebest I can tell, at some point in the recent security updates to the 1.2 branch, asterisk started getting pickier about where the register=> line could be in the sip.conf file
19:58.12justdaveapparently it used to work anywhere and not it has to be in the [general] section
19:58.22WindBack[TK]D-Fender, in the ekiga were I can change that?? There are any configuration file??
19:58.38*** join/#asterisk pawel (n=pawel@
19:58.40justdaveheh jbot rocks
19:58.44[TK]D-FenderWindBack: go LOOK.
19:58.56[TK]D-FenderWindBack: and check your * SIP setup for that peer/user
20:00.32*** join/#asterisk DeadYak (
20:00.50DeadYakwhat would cause cdr_addon_mysql to try to insert CDRs with a blank uniqueid?
20:00.51WindBack[TK]D-Fender, ok, I'm asking because I was searching before I asked you, but I didm?t find it. But.. ok, I'll continue searching
20:02.36WindBack[TK]D-Fender, sorry, it was silly
20:02.48WindBack[TK]D-Fender, I found it
20:02.57WindBack[TK]D-Fender, thank you
20:03.11[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens: Here, final revision for you since I'm doing some favours..
20:03.39[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens: Shrunk to tiny proportions
20:03.51*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
20:04.50DeadYaknever mind, found the problem
20:04.52*** part/#asterisk DeadYak (
20:06.22*** join/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
20:10.37*** join/#asterisk Jingles (
20:11.00Jingleshaving a serious Asterisk issue, and need a hand.
20:11.20JinglesGetting 200 OK on REGISTER that is a register msgs every 30 seconds from one of my SIP providers.
20:11.28Jinglesand it's causing all my other SIP connections to thrash.
20:11.56Jinglesat this point, I'll take any advice.
20:12.05Jinglesthe SIP provider hasn't been helpful in the least.
20:12.58johann8384may I ask what provider?
20:13.16Jinglesthey're claiming 'we dont' really support Asterisk'
20:13.20johann8384I see
20:13.41johann8384You aren't registering every 30 seconds are you?
20:14.25Jinglesthere's nothing in sip.conf (in either the register line or the later [broadvoice] entry to cause that'
20:15.27johann8384<shameless plug>I'm not sure how to help you fix that right off but NetLogic would support you.</shamelessplug> :)
20:17.46AssidJingles: whats your reigster line ?
20:18.04Assidor rather your refresh
20:18.28johann8384120 seconds iirc
20:18.58Assidand your defaultexpiry ?
20:19.03johann8384defaultexpiry=120 (is the default value in Asterisk)
20:19.23Assiddo you have a sip reload being run in cron ?
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20:19.47johann8384heh, i read that as if Jingles: was asking me :)
20:19.57rikstahi dont really know why once every 30 seconds would be that much of a problem
20:20.03rikstah(even though it's not desired)
20:20.11JinglesI'll answer your questions in order
20:20.12Assidalso check for registertimeout
20:20.13rikstahone of my peers sipgate does it
20:20.41JinglesI don't know where to find my 'refresh' value.
20:20.59Assidread the basic lines
20:21.02Jinglesbut both maxexpirey and defaultexpirey are 36000
20:21.15Assidone of them says registertimeout
20:21.15Assidset that to 120
20:21.17Assidthat will give you 2 mins
20:21.30Assidthedefault is 20 seconds.. not 30
20:21.37Jinglesmine was set to 50.
20:21.40tonycarstensIn order to test outbound calling to a zap group do i have to have all lines attatched for the searching to work?
20:22.06Assidokay then you should be fine.. unless your per peer config is overriding them
20:22.11Assidcheck the peer/context
20:22.44Jinglesok. there's no 'registertimeout' value in the peer section.
20:22.59Assidany kind of timeout/refresh
20:23.28Assiddunno.. then
20:23.37*** join/#asterisk cazze (n=pc@unaffiliated/kammicazze)
20:23.50Jingles*nods* I've got their engineers on the problem - but they don't seem inclined to help much, since I'm on an Asterisk system.
20:24.34*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
20:24.51Assidsorry mate.. today is just one of those days i dont have the drive but to sit and stare out of the window.. or into the screen
20:32.19GuruJee and are the extensions_custom.conf I need some dial plan help with DUNDi please
20:33.01*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
20:35.33GuruJee and are the extensions_custom.conf I need some dial plan help with DUNDi please
20:37.28GuruJee and are the extensions_custom.conf I need some dial plan help with DUNDi please
20:37.30GuruJee and are the extensions_custom.conf I need some dial plan help with DUNDi please
20:37.47GuruJeeomg what?
20:37.57nahireanstop spamming
20:38.04GuruJeei am not spamming
20:38.14GuruJeethatst the monty python in you tthats spamming
20:38.21GuruJeei am just in a desperate situation
20:38.23nahirean... Right.
20:38.25GuruJeetrying to find help
20:38.35GuruJeei have helped like 2 dozen people since yestarday on this chan
20:38.42GuruJeebut no one has heard my cries
20:39.03GuruJeehey guys
20:39.12GuruJeeany one know how to create dial plans?
20:39.16GuruJeeits not even about dudni
20:39.36GuruJeeits just creating a dialplan that will forward a call on iax2 trunk
20:39.39GuruJeenow who can help me?
20:40.40*** join/#asterisk linmax (
20:40.42GuruJeeu shouldnt eat dal at all
20:41.11dalfryExample outgoing channel names:
20:41.12dalfryIAX/mark:asdf@myserver/6275@default ÃĒ₮“ Call to "myserver" using "mark" as username and "asdf" as password, and requesting extension 6275 in default context
20:41.19kiscokidcan you describe the problem in 25 words or less?
20:41.32GuruJeedalfry: have u had a chance to look at my extensions_custom.conf files?
20:41.49GuruJeebasically, i have all the internal extensions working
20:41.56GuruJeewhat isnt working is the outside calls to pstn
20:42.00dalfrynope. I am trying to fix a problem of my own. freakin format_mp3 is making asterisk segfault
20:42.41GuruJeeso i guess it would be something like exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Macro (dial, ${EXTEN})
20:42.47dalfryGuruJee: you should be able to trace the call coming in from the console
20:42.53tuan_modulisokay.... I did an unbelievaly stupid mistake
20:42.59GuruJeehow do i trace it?
20:43.04dalfryasterisk -r
20:43.06GuruJeedebug doesnt work
20:43.10GuruJeeno, i dotn see anything at all
20:43.11dalfryand watch where the call goes
20:43.13GuruJeeon asterisk -r
20:43.18GuruJeethats the problem
20:43.20dalfryincrease debug level
20:43.23tuan_modulisanyone have a recommendation for a program to undelete files?
20:43.30GuruJeemy phone goes to busy after 10 seconds but i dont see nothing
20:44.53tuan_modulisgah... for ext3, I have very little hope
20:46.05GuruJeedalfry: change the ext to *.gsm instead
20:46.12*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
20:46.19GuruJeewhats the command and whats the debug level?
20:47.00dalfrychange to gsm?
20:47.00dalfryset verbose X
20:47.02nahireanchange ext3 to gsm?  hahaha
20:47.09GuruJeenot ext3 dumbo
20:47.14GuruJeethe mp3 extension to gsm
20:47.27GuruJeei dotn know what version u have
20:47.35GuruJeebut i remember running into this problem and thats what helped
20:47.36dalfrywhat version of what?
20:47.49GuruJeeare u configuring ivr?
20:48.12dalfrynope. have a phpagi script playing mp3 files that I want to play / pause using key presses
20:48.17GuruJeei have 1.2.13 and it works with mp3 now
20:48.50GuruJeehave u backgrounded the service?
20:48.51*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
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20:48.51GuruJeenot the service, i mean the mp3 file?
20:49.02dalfrywhat does that mean?
20:49.07GuruJeeif u dont background it, then it wont take ur key inputs
20:49.11GuruJeeit will always play
20:49.17*** part/#asterisk linmax (
20:49.21dalfryheh :)
20:49.23GuruJeeis that what ur problem is?
20:49.41GuruJeewell, sorry i troubleshooted the wrong problem :D
20:49.43GuruJeewhats ur problem?
20:49.44kiscokidI think its usually exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(ZAP/4, ${EXTEN}) to dial out
20:49.55*** join/#asterisk madeinny (n=Steve@
20:50.22dalfryI told you. asterisk segfaults when playing mp3 files for parallel calls using format_mp3
20:50.23GuruJeekisco: what if my aix2 trunk is called priv. Will it be exten => _NXXXNXXXXX,1,Dial (priv,&{EXTEN})
20:50.38madeinny/who am I
20:50.48dalfrymadeinny: you are madeinny
20:51.10GuruJeewow man, u helped maideinny with self-realization
20:51.13GuruJeeare u buddha?
20:51.38CVirus .... Will channel 3 use context=incoming and hidecallerid=yes (please note the default options) ?
20:51.43kiscokidsorry, don't know what an aix2 trunk is
20:52.03GuruJeeiax2 dude
20:52.09GuruJeeits something like SIP
20:52.10*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
20:53.07kiscokidno it would be exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/priv,${EXTEN})
20:53.08madeinnyI'd like to ask a real question now that I botched up my into.  Is it possible to do something like Goto(XXX) in a dialplan? Goto(123), and Goto(XXX) didn't work for me.
20:53.39GuruJeecool kisco
20:53.39GuruJeelet me try that
20:53.39GuruJeekisco: do u have any experience with DUNDi
20:53.51kiscokidno, haven't read that chapter yet
20:53.59GuruJee:) aah
20:54.21GuruJeebut dude, can you look up my extensions_custom.conf file. all the internal extensions work. I just cant dial outside
20:54.49GuruJeenot ext3 dumbo and are the extensions_custom.conf I need some dial plan help with DUNDi please
20:54.49GuruJeeoops sorry
20:55.02GuruJee and are the extensions_custom.conf I need some dial plan help with DUNDi please
20:55.30justdaveanyone know if there's any good single-span T1 cards compatible with asterisk that have hardware echo cancellation?
20:55.44GuruJeethats a tough question
20:55.53justdaveThe product list on Digium's site dosn't list echo cancellation on anything less than 2 spans
20:55.54GuruJeeI know that digium and sangoma dont make it
20:56.04GuruJeeyeah and two span is quite expensive
20:56.26GuruJeeu know , if u are having echo problems and u have tried everything but nothing helps then its your provider
20:56.46justdavehaven't even set up the T1 yet, just wanting to make sure we have hardware on hand when we do.
20:56.54justdaveno idea if it'll be echoey or not
20:56.58GuruJeeu wont need it
20:57.12GuruJeei have setup a dozen systems and ran into echo issue only once
20:57.19GuruJeeand it turned out to be the providers fault
20:57.25justdaveso if the provider's decent it won't be an issue :)
20:57.29GuruJeeuse Digium though
20:57.33GuruJeedotn go with anything else
20:57.39GuruJeeuse t110p
20:57.46justdavesounds like TE120P then
20:57.50justdaveonly single-span they still make
20:58.06GuruJeei think its TE110
20:58.15GuruJeemay be te120 is neww
20:58.20GuruJeebut anyways, its a good card
20:59.49justdaveTE120P is the only single-span listed on digium's site.
20:59.49justdavehmm, it does data/voice combo
20:59.49GuruJeeyeah it does
20:59.49justdavethat could handle our existing T1
20:59.49GuruJeeT1 is different than PRI
20:59.52justdavewe have a T1 now with 5 analog phone lines terminated on it, and the remaining channels are data right now
21:00.00GuruJeeif u are gonna T1 it means u are going with sip trunking or something
21:00.06justdavewe're wanting to switch the whole thing over to PRI because we have fiber for net now
21:00.07GuruJeethen u dont need a PRI card
21:00.18*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
21:00.25GuruJeebut if u wanna keep a T1 then any network card will work
21:00.35GuruJeeeven a dlink!
21:00.42GuruJeeanything that flashes and passes on data
21:00.43GuruJeefor T1
21:01.18Greek-Boyany telco guys around/
21:01.25justdavepointless to reconfigure for that though, can wait to get rid of the existing router until we have the PRI :)
21:02.02*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
21:02.04johann8384GuruJee: I think your smoking crack...what T1 are you going to plugin to an ethernet jack? I assume you mean with a T1 router going to Ethernet then to the PBX as data...
21:02.18justdaveotherwise we'd just be reconfiguring the card again when it gets converted.
21:03.00*** join/#asterisk mazpe (
21:03.24GuruJeejohaan8384: I think u are a nooob. We are talking about Datalink layer, so router is irrelevent. Ofcourse, u cant plug in T1 card into a ethernet jack.
21:03.49syzygyBSDhmmm, so is having an extra asterisk server in between zap and my other asterisk server going to help me debug why calls are being dropped?
21:03.57GuruJeeu are one of those students in class who raise their hands and waste time of entire class just to point out that the professor had forgot to put the dot on an i
21:04.19syzygyBSDGuruJee: rather learn right then take shortcuts
21:04.35syzygyBSDlike most of the other students are really in class to learn
21:04.52GuruJeewe were talking about layer 2 , layer 3 was irrelevent. And I dont mind it. It was just his choice of words
21:04.57GuruJeewhich gave away that he is a noob
21:05.07GuruJeeactually they are
21:05.11GuruJeelater dawgs
21:05.21GuruJeehey johann good luck with ur asterisk server
21:06.27*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
21:07.14WindBackSomebody can helpme??
21:08.02WindBackI configure Asterisk with ekiga, but I couldn't use the interactive menu of asterisk
21:08.23WindBackI put the dtmfmode to rcf2833 in both, but it didn't work
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21:12.34Greek-Boywhats a good class 5 ss7 to voip switch?
21:16.59tuan_modulisI opened a can of whupass on mysel... deleted /var/lib/mysql on a ext3 partition
21:17.17tuan_modulis*bashes head*
21:17.21bkw_Greek-Boy, their are many to pick from
21:17.30bkw_Greek-Boy, what kind of ss7 are you wanting to speak?
21:22.27*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
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21:28.29tonycarstensi'm unable to make outbound calls except for on line one.  i have a zap group set up and the outbound call command to dial the group but it still will only work on line 1
21:29.15tonycarstensany ideas?
21:29.32[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens, Pastebin the new dialplan & zapata
21:31.44[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens, You clearly did not take the replacement I made for you...
21:32.51tonycarstensonly thing i changed was the include => incoming
21:33.05[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens, <- better full replacement
21:33.07tonycarstensi added that under the sip context, other than that it is
21:34.10[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens, mod this up and then reload.  if it fails, pastebin the CLI output of the attempt
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21:38.21OnyfexHello, Does anyone know how to make asterisk send a tone back across the line? I am trying to make it unlock my apartment door when I enter a code.
21:38.53Greek-Boywhen will we get to see wimax phones? Nokia says 2008.
21:39.19[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens, Notive that the context in the error doesn't match your config?
21:39.39[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens, Zapata changes will NOT take effect on a "reload".
21:39.56[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens, You need to either completely restart * or reload
21:40.10[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens, if all's clear go do "restart now"
21:41.22[TK]D-FenderOnyfex, "show application senddtmf"
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21:42.26bastyanyone using Asterisk with Kirk DECT ? I am running into several Problems using Kirk with SCCP.
21:43.12tonycarstenssame problem
21:44.13[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens, not like that.  Restart asterisk COMPLETELY
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21:44.26[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens, "restart now" -
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21:44.42Strom_C"restart yesterday"
21:45.07[TK]D-FenderStrom_C, : He hasn't compiled yet....
21:45.09tonycarstensits still lookin for the default context
21:45.16Strom_Coh, ok
21:45.41[TK]D-Fendertonycarstens, kill * completely and restart it.  your half-way attempts are bad.
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21:46.48[hC]Anyone have any idea why dialing out FXO onto Qwest, i'll dial a 10 digit number (NXX-NXX-XXXX) and it will play a recording that i dont need to dial a 1 (i didnt) i'll hit redial and it will work?
21:46.49[hC]totally random.
21:47.02[hC]other times i'll dial with a 1 and it will work, or say 'you dont need a 1'
21:47.18Defrazsounds like a dtmf problem.
21:47.21tonycarstenshow do i kill it
21:47.23Strom_C[hC]: well, what's actually being dialed out onto the circuit?
21:47.27[TK]D-Fender[hC], My gess it its fudging the first digit.  Add a "w" or two in front
21:47.29DefrazFX0 is on what type of equipment
21:48.26[hC]Strom_C the correct number is being dialed out.
21:48.26[hC][TK]D-Fender: I'll try that. Thanks.
21:48.33[hC][TK]D-Fender: so its missing it between offhook and dial?
21:48.35[hC]you think?
21:48.36Strom_C[hC]: you've confirmed this by clipping a buttset onto the line and listening?
21:48.53[hC]Strom_C: no. I've confirmed it by watching asterisk tell me what number its dialing, so far.
21:49.07[hC]I'm not physically near the pbx, unfortunately.
21:49.25[TK]D-Fender[hC], Yup
21:49.56[TK]D-Fender[hC], I've seen telco switches that are slow to give tone and this fixed nice & easy
21:50.25Kattydooby do!
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21:51.06KattyManxPower: !
21:51.26[hC][TK]D-Fender: so instead of dialing Zap/g0/6021234567, I dial Zap/g0/ww6021234567 ?
21:51.57Kattygood ole ww on analog.
21:52.02Katty[hC]: that's precisely what we did.
21:52.05Strom_Cin area code six oh two
21:52.20[hC]I decided to install trixbox at this site to give it a shot and make it easy. Man am I already regretting it. everything is all over hte place, i have no idea where to set that. haha.
21:52.33Katty[hC]: trixbox eh?
21:52.40Katty[hC]: isnt' that the non support version of fonality?
21:52.52[hC]basically, now... although its a different platform entirely
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21:53.00[hC]trixbox just includes freepbx basically
21:53.02Kattylemme read up
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21:53.18[hC]it came with the sangoma a200d that i threw in so i thought id actually give it a go
21:53.18Katty[hC]: ah yes, we have those problems too
21:53.22Katty[hC]: sporatic issues.
21:53.27[hC]its not TERRIBLE, but .... its not fantastic either.
21:53.29Katty[hC]: is that sangoma card for analog lines?
21:53.34[hC]yeah, FXO
21:53.39[hC]Katty: what issues do you have?
21:53.41[TK]D-Fender[hC], Yes
21:53.41Katty[hC]: well, here's your problem.
21:53.47Katty[hC]: it's not sangoma, it's analog
21:53.53Katty[hC]: analog causes all sorts of stupid little issues
21:53.58Katty[hC]: it doesn't have pretty signalling
21:54.04Katty[hC]: think of your problem like a modem
21:54.06[hC]Katty: oh i know.
21:54.11Katty[hC]: you wouldn't tell the modem to dial out without a dial tone
21:54.16[hC]Katty: Im by no means new to being angry at analog installs.
21:54.24Katty[hC]: the modem waits for dialtone, then dials.
21:54.32Katty[hC]: otherwise, it might get ahead of itself and go too quickly.
21:54.34[hC]Katty: The frustrating thing is, all the crappy old nortel pbx's do JUST GREAT with these crappy analog lines.
21:54.41Katty[hC]: same thing with making a call on an analog line....
21:54.41[hC]Katty: makes perfect sense.
21:54.48Katty[hC]: ya gotta ww a second for a dialtone
21:54.59Katty[hC]: yeah, but they're designed for analog
21:55.04Katty[hC]: they've got the bugs worked out
21:55.14Katty[hC]: and they've had years to do it.
21:55.17Katty[hC]: voip is designed for voip
21:55.19[TK]D-Fender[hC], thats because nortel either waits before sending (intercom default), or gives you RAW dialtone and hangs up if it doesn't like what you dial.
21:55.25Katty[hC]: and shiny digital stuffs.
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21:55.39Katty[hC]: analog is just trying to squeeze in a backwards compatibility feature for you.
21:55.56Katty[hC]: we're technically on a t1 now, tho it gets turned into a channel bank and analog lines.
21:56.14[hC]Katty: ew.
21:56.19Katty[hC]: odds are, if you've got more than 8're better off (and often spend less money) by getting your numbers ported through a t1 or a pri
21:56.34[hC]Katty: I never understood why anyone would want to do that.. unless you need to pull an analog line off for like.. fax or a credit card terminal or something
21:56.45Kattyyeah, we have an analog line here.
21:56.49iruleI was TOLD to make asterisk (I think it should be Meetme application) act like this: I am ext 222, 1) ext 222 calls 1800123456. 2) 222 sends 1800123456 to MOH 3) ext 222 call dials another number, this time 1800987654, and once 1800987654 answers the call, just press something to make 1800123456 join 222 and 1800987654. does this make sense? any thoughts? thanks
21:56.55Kattyit's for fax, credit card, and the occasion fear of 911 problems.
21:56.57[TK]D-FenderKatty, Your setup is like refried beans.... just can't get the job done right the first time :)
21:57.09Kattyooh mexican
21:57.11Kattyhm, dinner
21:57.16Kattyhmmm hmmh mm
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21:57.25Kattyi do like some mexican foods.
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21:57.39[TK]D-Fenderirule, You basicaly wannt to do a 3-way call?
21:57.43Katty[hC]: we had all sorts of issues with the ole regular analog setup.
21:57.44irulebtw, I am in an instant bean processing factory, really!
21:58.00Katty[hC]: even a few times on occasion, our telco thought we were trying to do call tracing...
21:58.14irule[TK]D-Fender yes a 3 way call just like the ones made by old PBX's
21:58.42Katty[hC]: sometimes the lines would stay open...
21:58.45[TK]D-Fenderirule, Your phone should offer you that functionailty all by itself without anything special to do in *.
21:58.49[hC]Katty: nice.  out of the ~80 or so installs ive done, maybe.. 5 of them involved analog. every time ive wanted to kill myself.  dropped calls, static, calls not being answered, echo (moved to sangoma's d series)
21:58.51Katty[hC]: not to mention that 1 or 2 seconds of echo
21:58.58[hC]I prefer terminating via IAX2 back to my pri
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21:59.13Katty[hC]: and my all time favorite...when going to make an outgoing call, you pick up an incoming call at random!
21:59.22[hC]Katty: haha. we've had that too.
21:59.31Kattythat one's great ^_^
21:59.32dregaanyone here been at the dev conference in atlanta today?
21:59.33[TK]D-FenderKatty, he has an A200d ... he doesn't GET echo :)
21:59.35[hC]Katty: I solved that by dialing out using "G" instead of "g"
21:59.38dregahows it going?
21:59.44[hC]Katty: in my zap line, so it starts at the end of the line pool.
21:59.46Katty[hC]: try explaining why the boss answered an incoming call ;)
21:59.52Katty[hC]: that's /real/ fun
21:59.54[hC]Katty: been there. :)
22:00.04[hC]Katty: how did you solve all of those issues? Ive either worked around them or ditched the analog setup
22:00.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: sigh.
22:00.09Katty[TK]D-Fender: come brainwash my boss for me.
22:00.09irule[TK]D-Fender the problem is that I have old analog phones connected to an ata so I need * to simulate this bs
22:00.22Katty[hC]: well, you can't really work around them much
22:00.27Katty[hC]: it's just the doom of analog.
22:00.31[hC]no no, i have had echo on an a200d.  not often, but it happens.  <3 gaintuning lines over and over.
22:00.34[TK]D-FenderKatty, Actually using "G" instead of "g" should statistcally shrink your analog line selection collision events to near 0....
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22:00.43Katty[hC]: tweaking things help reduce it. getting a t1 to analog fixed our echoy stuff
22:01.01Katty[TK]D-Fender: yeah well the new server w/ t1 card is going to fix everything.
22:01.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: well, it won't fix my stupidity...
22:01.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: but i can dream, regardless :P
22:01.56Katty[hC]: but if i were you, run screaming from analog (=
22:02.15Katty[hC]: with your arms straight out in front of you, like in pirates of the carribean
22:02.31[TK]D-FenderOk, off to martial arts, back in a few....
22:02.44Kattyand i'm goin to dinner!
22:02.52Katty[hC]: hope you got whatever answer you were looking for (=
22:05.36irulehow can I set a speciffic caller ID?
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22:09.04wwalkeranyone able to confirm or deny telasip still being in business?  they don't answer any of their phone numbers.
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22:12.44linageeLOL. anyone read slashdot?
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22:12.56linagee" Nortel Strong-Arms Open Source Vendor Fonality"
22:13.05linageebastards. hah
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22:13.29mazpeanyone using the cisco 7960g with asterisk
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22:16.23clyrradHey all, can anyone link me to a doc or let me know what the differnce is between greet.WAV greet.wav and greet.gsm in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/peer
22:27.00JTclyrrad: the difference between .wav and .gsm should be obvious, but why you have different .wavs with different cases, i don't know
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22:30.02clyrradJT: its there by default when a mailbox is created
22:30.19clyrradand yes .wav and .gsm is sort obvoius
22:30.33clyrradbecase I found a page that sais .wav is not compressed
22:30.58clyrradI take it .WAV is the compressed version
22:31.25syzygyBSDno wavs are compressed
22:32.12syzygyBSDmy guess is they are formatted differently, maybe one has stereo, or 8000 sample rate or ... one of a bunch of other formats
22:34.11clyrradso yea this is what I am tryign to find out
22:34.24clyrradI had a recording done for voicemail box in gsm format
22:34.35Greek-BoyJT it seems that most carrier grade switches only support SIP
22:34.36clyrradso I need t convert it to whatever format .WAV and .wav are.....
22:34.49clyrradthe problem is I dont know what format .WAV and .wav are in........
22:34.52JTGreek-Boy: you must be joking
22:35.06Greek-Boyi mean the voip ones
22:35.35JTclyrrad: you shouldn't get recordings from prompts done in .gsm
22:35.43JTGreek-Boy: switches or phones?
22:36.03JTthey will most definitely support H.323
22:36.11JTH.323 is much more carrier grade than SIP
22:37.39clyrradjT: what is the reason for that?
22:37.56clyrradJT: also I still need to find what format .wav and.WAV are.....
22:37.59JTclyrrad: poor audio quality in gsm
22:38.14clyrradjT: strange these sound great??
22:38.26JTwith .wav, it's good quality and easily converted by asterisk automatically
22:38.32DefrazIt is all a matter of preference really h323 and SIP.
22:38.38JTthe .wav or the .gsm? :P
22:38.57clyrradJT: what is the difference between .wav and .WAV?
22:39.01JTDefraz: they each have their advantages, H.323 clearly leads for carrier use, SIP for PBX
22:39.13JTclyrrad: if i knew, i would've told you
22:39.14DefrazJT true true
22:39.25clyrradjT: k
22:39.50JTsip has pretty poor signalling capabilities compared to q.931
22:42.45rene-h323 is older
22:42.52Greek-BoyJT: so which protocol will wimax startups use?
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22:43.59JTrene-: correct
22:44.20rene-i would say they will keep a variety of protocols, but customer premises equipment will be sip likely and they might have upstream connections in PRI, SIP, h323 and other forms
22:44.45JTGreek-Boy: no idea, i think wimax is more a data protcol, i don't really see what the big deal about wimax is
22:44.54JTanother wireless communication standard, hooray
22:45.28JTrene-: well that sounds right
22:45.35Greek-Boywimax is the future of mobile communication as it provides ultimate convergence
22:45.51JTstraight out of a glowing press release
22:46.00JTit's just another wireless standard
22:46.01JTbig whoop
22:46.09rene-what about the folks at gnu radio
22:46.18rene-are they onto something big?
22:46.23rene-a software radio?
22:46.44rene-they say they are decoding hdtv of the air
22:46.45rene-well they are
22:46.45rene-ithey posted pictures
22:46.54rene-but like the hardware they need is pretty powerful
22:46.54JTsoftware radio is already happening quite a bit commercially
22:46.58Strom_Cwimax is the future of my boner
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22:48.07rene-it could be cool to have a box that would do like wimax, wifi dect gsm and what not
22:48.15rene-and was based on linux and cheap to make
22:48.21Greek-Boywimax long range and high speed...
22:48.41JTGreek-Boy: just copying and pasting out of press releases are we?
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22:51.22JTGreek-Boy: you haven't provided any reasoning and facts, just fancy sounding grablines
22:51.28JTwimax will come and go
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22:51.39JTlike all other standards for wireless data transmission
22:52.17Greek-BoyJT: whats more promising than wimax?
22:52.24Strom_Cno!  the future of wireless communications is surely AM RADIO
22:52.43kvidell2 meter!
22:54.25JTGreek-Boy: i didn't say anything was more promising, it doesn't mean that there isn't something more promising though
22:55.18Greek-BoyWiMAX could replace GSM and CDMA
22:56.22JTbut probably won't
22:56.26JTso who cares :)
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22:56.57JTWCDMA is more likely to replace gsm
22:59.28JTaren't there more interesting things to chat about than wireless standards with stupid name? :)
23:00.34Greek-Boyhow else can we get voip mobile?
23:00.44Greek-Boyat a operator level standard
23:01.04JTGreek-Boy: i don't want voip mobile
23:01.22JTi want proper mobile phone service if i'm paying for it
23:01.22MercestesStrom_C   Does IAX2 run over AM??
23:01.43Strom_Cif you modulate it properly?
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23:02.16Greek-BoyJT: voip is the future, will replace everything and give operators the ability to offer tariffs @ fraction of current ones
23:02.39JTGreek-Boy: voip is just another method of moving voice traffic
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23:02.59Greek-Boya more sophisticated and feature-rich method, yes :)
23:03.11JTGreek-Boy: why the hell would i want to pay for phone service to move voip packets to me instead of circuit switched voice frames?
23:03.26JTGreek-Boy: bullcrap... what is more sophisticated about it?
23:03.38*** join/#asterisk drega (
23:03.52ixxlooking for recommendations on reliable SIP provider for residential service.  by reliable i mean both on the network side and the customer support side
23:03.55ixxany suggestions?
23:04.11ixxLNP if possible also
23:04.28Strom_Cand let me guess - no more than half a cent per minute
23:04.39Greek-BoyJT: what about your voip pbx? why do u have asterisk instead of the conventional stuff?
23:04.50JTGreek-Boy: asterisk is NOT a voip pbx
23:04.59JTit is a PBX that CAN do voip
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23:06.26JTi have it due to flexibility at the price level, however that is NOT a result of VoIP really
23:06.26ixxwas considering Teliax... who I have used in the past on their Pay as you go plan.  But I have not placed a large number of calls through them to see reliability
23:06.26JTit can do analogue and digital circuits and phones just fine also
23:06.53JTits internals are not pure voip in any close
23:07.03JTcloser to a circuit switched softswitch anyway
23:07.07ixxStrom_C: hah... monthly flat rate plans would be a nice option... but 0.005 is not required :)
23:07.32ixx1-2c/min for minute plans are OK
23:07.53ixxI need both options though (because both are being requested)
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23:08.12Strom_Cteliax has been good to me
23:08.46ixxI just don't feel confident recommending some providers I have been happy with in the past
23:08.51CoffeeIVFor each extension I have (say 103), in extensions_additional.conf there is a line "E103 = SIP" or "E103 = IAX2" -- but these variables are not being set for some reason -- does this sound like a familar problem to anyone ?
23:08.53b1shopok.  i have a test server set up.  i can call it from my cell and forward the calls to a sip phone. but i cannot seem to make an outbound call from the sip phone to cell. (using ekiga as software sip client).
23:09.00ixxSo I am hoping to find some new good ones
23:09.10JTGreek-Boy: so i think you are mistaking the advantages of asterisk over a conventional pbx as being somehow a product of voip... which it isn't
23:09.18ixxStrom_C: have you done LNP with teliax?
23:09.18JTvoip is just a method of moving voice
23:09.42Greek-BoyJT: a cheap method, yes?
23:09.48Strom_CCoffeeIV: let me guess - freepbx?  trixbox?
23:09.58Greek-Boyyet voice quality is comparable to conventional methods?
23:10.21b1shopdo you *need* outbound calling rules?
23:10.21CoffeeIVStrom_C: the dialplan started that way, in the Asterisk@home days, but it has been hacked up beyound all recognition
23:10.50JTGreek-Boy: yes, it can be a cheap method, albeit a less reliable one
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23:11.19JTGreek-Boy: if i'm paying a phone provider for mobile phone service, why would i want the data transmitted to me as voip instead of circuit switched data?
23:13.12Greek-Boyyou're paying a quarter of local tarrifs and probably a tenth of international tarrifs
23:13.24Greek-Boyand voip is becoming more reliable and comparable
23:13.55ixxhmmm 1500 softcap is not good for many families I know
23:14.03ixxmainly when there are lots of kids
23:14.09ixxor kids in college etc
23:14.20ixxthats the one thing that is bugging me with teliax
23:14.34JTGreek-Boy: if i'm paying for mobile phone service, it's irrelevant if the voice is delivered to me via voip or not to my handset, and voip certainly won't make it cheaper
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23:15.17mutilatorjust get My Circle from alltel
23:16.14Greek-BoyJT: what do u use voip for?
23:17.05JTwhat it's good for
23:17.06ixxhard to convince all extended family and friends to go with one provider like that
23:17.11JTmaking some cheap calls from asterisk
23:17.17JTconnecting sip handsets
23:17.21ixxor alltel, cingular, or whatever would be fine
23:17.27ixxor even 1 voip provider
23:17.35JTyou should try and be more logical with your voip argument :)
23:17.40mutilatori dunno, the 10 people free calling
23:17.48mutilatori use almost 0 of my anytime air minutes
23:18.15mutilatori even put a dialup POP in one of them so i can dialup for however long i need if 'free' wifi isnt available
23:18.50lee_is_mei'm trying to install a sangom A200 and on port 1 (out of 2 ports) I get a busy signal...anyone have an idea what might cause this?
23:19.48lee_is_methat is when dialing into the be more specific
23:20.15Strom_Clee_is_me: a busy signal, or a reorder?
23:20.31lee_is_meStrom_C: not sure what the difference is
23:20.37lee_is_meshould be ringing either way
23:20.43Strom_Creorder is sometimes misnamed "fast busy"
23:20.55lee_is_meno, sounds like a regular busy signal
23:21.02lee_is_meport 2 works just fine
23:21.20lee_is_meoriginally tried 3-4 and 4 would have a terrirble humming noise in the background
23:21.29lee_is_memaybe the module?....
23:21.59lee_is_methe last 5 days of dealing with analog cards....sheesh, loll
23:22.14lee_is_menot sure what I can try next
23:22.31lee_is_memaybe stomping on the card...
23:22.53lee_is_meI RMA'd a TDM400 before I tried the sangoma
23:23.15lee_is_mewhat would the fast busy indicate when dialing into the system, just curious
23:23.36Strom_Clee_is_me: a call that failed to set up properly
23:24.07Strom_Cpastebin your console output
23:24.18lee_is_mesure, hold 1
23:24.33lee_is_mewell, there is no output when i use port 1
23:24.42lee_is_meport 2 works as advertized
23:24.53lesouvageI'm using T,1,Playback(meetmecall/no_credits_left)   exten => T,n,Goto(h,1)  but when the absolute time out is reached Asterisk jumps directly to exten h,1 . and not first to T,1 .
23:25.27lesouvageIs tis an error or does the h extensions prevails above the T extension.
23:25.34lee_is_meI'll try putting the module back on 3-4 where it almost worked, but with a load humming in the background.  There WERE a couple of errors that popped up
23:26.24Strom_Clesouvage: is there a priority 1 for T?
23:26.42ixxthx for info
23:26.45ixxtime to eat
23:27.12lesouvageStrom_C: yes the message that there are no credits left.
23:27.23Strom_Cer, yeah
23:29.02lesouvageStrom_C: I think I find it. T is in wrong context.
23:29.28Strom_Coh, well that was easy
23:33.02lee_is_meone thing I did notice is that when asterisk loads (during boot) there is an error in zaptel.c:759 SIG 0000000
23:33.16lee_is_menot sure what it means though
23:35.21CoffeeIVA question about dialplan syntax -- should the line "E103 = SIP" in extensions.conf set the global variable E103 to "SIP" everywhere, or should I have the call actually pass through a line that does Set(E103=SIP) ?
23:38.04lee_is_meGood news: Card starting working after I put it back on 3-4 where it acted up in the first place.  Bad news is that I'm gonna go stomp on it anyway for not giving me a reason for it working now
23:38.30JTCoffeeIV: no.... did you just guess
23:38.42lee_is_meI find it very disturbing when things just start working without a reason where they were not working before, lol
23:39.18b1shopcan anyone help me with outbound dialing from a software sip client?
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23:39.52b1shopdialing in from my cell, i can make the sip phone ring..  but not the otehr way aorund
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23:41.35lee_is_meStrom_C: Do you do many analog installs?
23:41.52Strom_Ca few here and there
23:42.05lee_is_meever had problems with the cards?
23:42.19Strom_Cive had problems with the circuits, but not the cards
23:42.35lee_is_meah, you mean circuits on the card or the modules?
23:42.41Strom_Cuh no
23:42.44Strom_Cthe circuit from the telco
23:42.45JTthe circuit
23:43.22lee_is_melol, i thought you meant that something wasn't soldered corectly
23:43.49Strom_Cin telcoese, "circuit" /always/ means the circuit you lease from the telco
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23:44.13lee_is_menice.  sorry the only thing that kept me out of college was...high school
23:44.46lee_is_meb1shop: do you mean that you cannot dialout?
23:45.12b1shoplee_is_me, correct... it's analog fxo card
23:45.43lee_is_medid you try inserting a pause "w" before dialing the number?  I had that problem a couple of months ago...
23:46.11Strom_Clee_is_me: FWIW, I've only ever used the digium tdm400/tdm800
23:46.23Strom_CI like the TDM800 a bit more than the 400
23:46.35b1shoplee_is_me, trying with ekiga (linux sip phone).  it just says user not found
23:46.59b1shoplee_is_me, i can make ekiga ring from my cell...  but i cannot return the call
23:47.23lee_is_meStrom_C: I've only tried the TDM400 so far.  This is my first time with Sangoma
23:47.29CoffeeIVJT: I am guessing based on examining some example dialplans; does a definitive reference of the dialplan language exist on the web or voip-info somewhere ?
23:47.40lee_is_meb1shop: you should pastebin your configs for everyone to see
23:48.48b1shopnot much there really..
23:49.07b1shopits all in extensions.conf right?
23:49.17lee_is_meb1shop: and sip.conf
23:49.33b1shopi bet the prob is in sip.conf.  have not changed that from default
23:49.55lee_is_meb1shop: look there.  you need to setup the extension in there.
23:50.26lee_is_meStrom_C: after tomorrow's install, I'll have a whopping 5 installs under my belt for PBX, lol
23:51.10lee_is_meI have over 1000 P.O.S. install under my belt but they don't count here...
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23:53.39JTCoffeeIV: check out the book
23:53.43jbotfrom memory, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
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23:59.05trixjameshas any one used  NVLineDetect ?

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