IRC log for #asterisk on 20070515

00:00.02JTHymie: to do PoE on a 501 you must buy an expensive cable
00:00.03Hymiewouldn't that just work with POE when you go to POE?
00:00.08JTHymie: no.
00:00.28karlhainesany Gentoo users?
00:00.36Hymiethey already have power going in via the network jack.. wtf is with needed ing special cable to do POE then, heh
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00:00.57wunderkinwell it would have a speaker, just listen only.. i know 301 is like that but too lazy to check the others since it is not for me and it is readily available on the website
00:00.59JTHymie: 802.3af uses -48VDC with special power enabling signalling
00:01.19Hymiewell, sure.. ok, but why on earth would theyt do that wonky power business.. they're just strange
00:01.27JTthe 802.3af compliant switch will not send power until the device has signalled they can take power
00:01.37Zipper_32Hymie: Unfortunately no.
00:01.37Zipper_32Right now I'm in a tossup between the 430 and 330. And it appears that the 330 is best for retail and the 430 as an office phone with speakerphone. Does that sound right?
00:01.40JTso they don't fry non PoE devices
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00:02.09Hymiedoes the 430 come with a normal power adapter too?
00:02.28JTyes, quite a nice one
00:02.32Hymiehmm, well
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00:02.34Hymieinteresting then
00:02.36JTnot a stupid wall wart
00:02.54JTa tiny little inline switchmode universal voltage PS
00:03.01JTwhich doesn't get very warm
00:03.05XVampireXCan anyone please call me?
00:03.22Hymieit doesn't support a headset out of the box? :(
00:03.31XVampireXjust testing ringtone
00:03.35JTXVampireX: err that won't work, people need your hostname too
00:03.44JTHymie: the 430 has headset capability
00:03.50XVampireXHmm, moment
00:03.54Hymiedoesn't list it on the doc...
00:03.55wunderkinthey all do dont they?
00:04.01JTsip is only a protocol
00:04.04Hymienot that you're wrong...
00:04.04JTyes they do
00:04.11JTi have mine connected to a plantronics
00:04.18Hymieoh, that whole part about the headset
00:04.27Hymiewell, how shoudl anyone notice thaT? ;)
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00:04.57LeddyHMAnyone see this before?
00:05.14Hymieit would be nice if these had gigabit..
00:05.16LeddyHM/etc/init.d/asterisk installed by "make config" is bunk
00:05.25Hymieyes, I saw polycom's response to that :(
00:06.24JTpolycom make a little switch for gigabit
00:06.26JTbut meh
00:06.38JTjust get 2 ethernet ports, not that hard
00:06.59JTbecause i don't think gigabit operation and 802.3af PoE are compatible
00:07.02JTit's one or the other
00:07.44Zipper_32802.3af is gigabit capable.
00:08.07Zipper_32Argh, gotta dig up my textbook, gimmie a moment.
00:08.17JTif you know how the two protocols worked, you'd know it's impossible
00:09.12Zipper_32You mean that gigabit uses all 4 pair, and power needs those pair too?
00:09.31JTof course
00:09.32Zipper_32And that you can send data over the same pair as the power.
00:09.42Zipper_32It's very possible.
00:09.52JTthe only way you can pump gigabit speeds over crappy twisted copper is by using all 4 pairs
00:10.47HymieJT: well, add 'currently' to that ;)
00:10.53HymieJT: it's always 'currently' ;)
00:11.11Zipper_32It's been possible for at least a year now.
00:11.35Zipper_32Just search for gigabit POE switches, you'll get results.
00:11.43JTZipper_32: they usually switch modes
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00:11.59JTto 100Mbit PoE or Gigabit no PoE
00:12.04Daejeo1JT: can I use JP
00:12.21JTDaejeo1: use whatever you like, it's just tones
00:13.55JTZipper_32: understand the underlying layer 1 technologies, then come back to me and tell me how it's possible
00:14.07JTi know in analogue telephony you can overlaw AC over DC
00:14.18JTbut it's not so easy in ethernet
00:14.33JTat least in a way that's compatible with existing ethernet signalling standards
00:14.49Zipper_32JT: Please read
00:16.17JTZipper_32: i'm not sure if anything actually supports that yet
00:16.27JTand that is not a primary source
00:16.30Hymieah, wikipeida... always so factural and accurate ;)
00:16.34JTthat's only wikipedia
00:16.42JTwhich often has wrong information in it
00:17.03JTZipper_32: i know it may be possible in theory, but i'm talking about commerically available
00:17.04HymieJT: no, it's part of the new, open source methodology, so therefore it must be better than any other source ;P
00:17.35JTmost of the stuff to do with voip on wikipedia was absolute rubbish
00:17.41JTi had to rewrite a lot of it
00:17.59HymieI bet by now it's all been re-rubbishized (is that a word? ;)
00:18.18Zipper_32JT: Picture this:  Gigabit Device Signals out --> POE Injection ontop of 4 pair -->  4 Pair Line --> Power removed from line to power device --> Differential current (resulting signal) is used to signal remaining device.
00:19.06Hymiethe only value I can see for PoE anyhow is in an office where no one uses computers, but wants voip telephony
00:19.11Hymieare there that many of such?
00:19.21JTHymie: there's a lot more value than that
00:19.34Hymieanyhow, most phones in the 80s even required a normal phone jack + additioal power
00:19.50JTmost pabx phones don't require additional power
00:19.52HymieJT: well... I just don't see the necessity for it.
00:20.02JTHymie: there are a LOT of advantages
00:20.11JTno power point taken at every station
00:20.16JTno power supply clutter
00:20.20JTless cables
00:20.27JTcentralised power backup and management
00:20.29Hymieperhaps... there are a lot of advantages to mechano-electrical steering, but I think its disadvantages are far worse, than the advantages that appear
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00:20.50Hymieactually, #4 I agree with if there are not computers in each office (with UPSes)
00:21.01JTideally phones should only have one cable to the wall anyway
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00:21.31HymieJT: when I see most modern offices, it's more cable than brain per square foot anyhow? ;)  what's one less cable?
00:21.42JTZipper_32: i understand the theory quite well, little point trying to teach me that sort of stuff
00:21.52HymieJT: what's your email, I'll send you the specs on electro-mechanical steering
00:22.03JTyou talking about for cars?
00:22.35Zipper_32So how is it impossible? Cisco uses the technology now -
00:22.41HymieI just received a nice writeup on it.. unfortunately, it doesn't get as technical as I'd like, but it's a nice mid-level look
00:22.51JTHymie: planes have been doing fly by wire for years
00:23.00JTZipper_32: I KNOW THAT
00:23.05HymieJT: this isn't fly by wire (and, we're talking about cars)
00:23.07JTZipper_32: stop beating a dead horse
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00:23.29HymieJT: it's quite neat.. it's mechanical steering with an electric steering assist instead of a steering pump/pressure
00:23.37JTHymie: interesting
00:23.46HymieJT: so, if the power dies.. you can still steer (and not die ;)
00:24.11JTHymie: you should hear about the systems used in military aircraft
00:24.13HymieJT: my only problem is that there _is_ a motor there that provides pressure, and could try to override the driver's wishes when in a fault state...
00:24.26JTlike the C-17 Globemaster heavy lift jet transport
00:24.33JTit has quadruple redundant fly by wire
00:24.39JTwith dual mechanical backup
00:24.42plasmidwhen I punch in my DID# on my cell like this 215-xxx-xxxx it tells me it cannot complete the call.. but if I dial it like this: 1-215-xxx-xxxx then it completes the call.. How can I take out the "1" off?
00:24.43HymieJT: sweet
00:25.06plasmidoff asterisk dial plan that is. I am missing some operand.
00:25.32Zipper_32plasmid:  ${EXTEN:1}
00:25.34JTZipper_32: point it, most hardware can't do it
00:26.01Zipper_32JT: I just don't see why you're telling me that the function is impossible. Especially if you say that you understand it./
00:26.26JTZipper_32: impossible with most current hardware i should've said
00:26.52Zipper_32I don't mean to upset you in any way, but I fail to understand why I receive flak when I bring something to ones attention that they 'knew' wasn't possible.
00:27.13Zipper_32Ahh, I see then.
00:27.17plasmidZipper_32, not sure I follow u.
00:27.31killfillwhat do you guys use for graphing stadsistics from a CDR database?
00:27.33Zipper_32plasmid: Are you trying to remove the 1 from the dialplan?
00:27.50killfillis there a cool util for that?..
00:27.50Zipper_32erm, remove the 1 from the outbound call?
00:28.05killfilli.e. hitogram from mon-fri, etc
00:28.39JTZipper_32: also, if people really need gigabit for their workstations, it shouldn't be that hard to get another ethernet link for their phones i'd think
00:29.16plasmidZipper_32, err.. some ppl complain that when they call my number they have to punch in 1 b4 the area code... i just want it removed from my dial plan so ppl can just dial straight 215-xxx-xxxx
00:30.41JTas going through a phone would reduce the performance a little bit
00:30.53Zipper_32JT: I would just keep the ethernet connection dedicated to phone. In my opinion, it just makes it easier in the closet with multiple patch panels dedicated to separate purposes.
00:33.43JTif you have limited ports, then 100Mbit for pc and phone should be fine
00:33.43Zipper_32plasmid: You're talking about people who are using your pbx, right?
00:33.43JTbut if you have a serious environment that needs 1000Mbit/s for each PC, you can afford another port
00:33.43Zipper_32killfill: This might help you, I've never tried it though:
00:33.44killfillooh its the one used by freepbx..
00:33.44plasmidZipper_32, yes.. ppl that call my pbx DID#
00:33.44Zipper_32plasmid: from inside your pbx?
00:33.45Zipper_32Otherwise you're just long-distance from them, and they'll always need 1 before the number.
00:33.53plasmidZipper_32, what about ppl that live on my state, they always have to dial in a 1 to reach me?
00:34.10Zipper_32Are they considered long-distance?
00:34.27plasmidno.. they have 215 area code too.. so most of them dont punch in 1
00:36.12JTplasmid: are they calling in from normal phones via the PSTN?
00:36.23Zipper_32If you're not considered long-distance, you have to take it up with your phone company as to why somebody has to push 1 first. 1 is required for long-distance calls.  If they really ARE long distance, you can possibly get a DID in their local area and route it to your phone using asterisk.
00:37.47Zipper_32Case point: I have a 604 number. Not ALL 604 numbers are local for me.
00:38.37killfillsome sites, has a "click here to live support" thing.. you guys know an app that can make call to support team via web?.. (i.e. java applet or somethng)
00:38.55JTclick to call
00:39.01JTthey pretty much always cost money
00:39.16JTit's easier to make a web page that calls the person's normal phone
00:39.35JTwho wants to support their retarded headset and sound settings too just to talk to them maybe once off?
00:40.29killfillcost money?..
00:40.59killfillwell not all ppl have a configure sip/iaz phone setted up..
00:41.18JTkillfill: yes, these java applets cost money
00:41.28JTyou buy a click to call applet from someone
00:42.03JTkillfill: yes, and who want's to talk to a non-tech customer if they don't have their pc all setup for use as a softphone? way too hard
00:42.28JTi think it's a stupid idea, personally
00:42.53JTclick to call their normal phone back is a much better idea, but you must be wary of the potential for abuse
00:43.56killfillyeah.. well could be a "Cselling idea".. "hey, with us, when you have problems, you can call us for free, with not setup"
00:44.31JTkillfill: yes and do what i just said
00:44.39JTclick to call THEIR REAL PHONE
00:44.46JTnot a softphone applet
00:45.07killfillAh, didnt got your idea..
00:45.13killfilllike "we will call you back"
00:45.15JThow hard is it really?
00:45.17JTit's simpler
00:45.23JTno, it calls them
00:45.38killfillyou just open my eyes.. :P
00:46.32killfilli would have no idea how to do this automattically tho..:P  (withouth doing a lame email to support, and then they make the call manually of course)
00:47.07JTthe web page generates either a .call file or a command to the asterisk manager interface
00:49.52killfillloved the idea
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01:12.24tengulreanybody here?
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01:19.13JunK-Ytengulre: fxsks
01:23.10tengulreanybody here.
01:23.10JTit's like some people have never seen a netsplit or something
01:23.10mutilatormaybe they havnt
01:23.10mutilatornot everyone sits here all day like us
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01:24.42tengulreI have 4 FXOs card, how to setting it in /etc/zaptel.conf?
01:24.42tengulrefxoks or fxols?
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01:24.45jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
01:24.45tengulrefxoks? but failed!
01:26.16Daejeo1[root@asterisk1 ~]# ztcfg -v
01:26.16Daejeo1Zaptel Configuration
01:26.17Daejeo11 channels configured.
01:26.17Daejeo1what is wrong?
01:26.17JTtengulre: fxsks
01:26.18JTtengulre: you are using totally wrong signalling, of course it does not work.
01:26.18Daejeo1JT plz have a look
01:26.18Daejeo1I am unable to see configuration
01:26.59JTDaejeo1: err what on earth, how are we meant to diagnose anything from that?
01:26.59Daejeo1this is what I am saying
01:26.59JTwhat's the problem?
01:28.54tengulreztcfg -v       line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
01:28.54Daejeo1ztcfg -v  does not show the configuration
01:28.55tengulreJT: what 's the wrong signalling...
01:28.55JunK-Ywhen zaptel.conf is okay.
01:28.55JTtengulre: FXSKS
01:28.55JTtengulre: for an FXO port
01:28.55JTtengulre: how many times to people need to tell you?
01:29.03Daejeo1JT: how can I check the zaptel version?
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01:29.14tengulreztcfg -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv        ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address(6)
01:29.27JTtengulre: is the device driver even loaded?
01:29.53tengulreJT: yeah!    1st: modprobe zaptel     2nd: modprobe xxxx
01:30.33JTyou do not need to modprobe zaptel.
01:30.41Daejeo1JT: me?
01:30.42JTyou load the module for the correct driver
01:30.48JTDaejeo1: i'm not talking to you
01:32.14Daejeo1JT: how can I check zap ver?
01:32.29JTDaejeo1: no idea okayt
01:32.40JunK-Yu open zaptel.h and u look.
01:32.43JTif you have sources installed, check them
01:32.52tengulreJT: Notice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
01:32.53tengulreline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
01:33.03Daejeo1I have installed the trixbox
01:33.34jbotTrixbox is a full linux distro that includes , FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is these things on top of which make it seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it. Try asking in #trixbox , or their forums & WIKI at
01:33.39JTtengulre: do any kernel messages come up when you load the module for your card?
01:34.23tengulreJT: only got the zaptel messages. not my cards.
01:34.41JTtengulre: well check the messages for the card now
01:34.45JTlook in dmesg
01:36.34JTtengulre: what zap card do you have?
01:37.56tengulrea compatible card!
01:37.56JTwhat is the card
01:37.56JTor stop wasting our time
01:37.58JTA CARD is not useful
01:39.52JTthere is no evidence in that dmesg dump of the card driver even being loaded
01:39.52JTstop loading the zaptel module manually
01:39.52JTit's unnecessary
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01:44.42tengulreJT: Thanks!
01:44.42JTtengulre: so what's the card
01:44.42JTtengulre: ?
01:46.07MindTheGap_im setting up a replacement * server w a TE110P card. modules load cleanly but i get a "Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'" when issuing a ztcfg... Is it an expected message whe the card is not connected to the E1? also, theres a "wcte1xxp: Setting yellow alarm" at /var/log/messages.
01:46.08killfillJT, whats the matter with my .call file?..  does it look too bad?
01:46.08*** join/#asterisk KaiHanari (
01:46.08killfillMindTheGap_: i get that yellow alarm too. never understood what it was... :P
01:48.11*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
01:48.11MindTheGap_I think a yellow allarm is ok for as far as i know, when no signal is received a yellow is sent to the other node...
01:48.12*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
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01:48.55MindTheGap_i just want to make sure the "Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'" is ok when the card is not connected...
01:48.55MindTheGap_is it?
01:49.26*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
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01:51.39tengulreJT: openvox card
01:53.58tengulreJT: the card is not well
01:54.33tengulrecompatibly too low.
01:55.01JTi see
01:57.44Zipper_{A}killfill: Did you figure out that callfile of yours?
01:58.07killfillZipper_32: actually not..
01:59.19Zipper_32killfill: What are you trying to do with it? Just send out ext 600  to user 6002, right?
01:59.54Zipper_32Well, IAX2/6002
02:00.37killfillooh how dumb..:P
02:00.43killfilli missed the "2"
02:00.54Zipper_32Speaking of which, shouldn't you be using iax2, instead of iax?
02:02.40Zipper_32It's okay, I don't think anybody else saw it
02:02.54*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
02:03.03MrTelephonedoes anyone here use an adit 600?
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02:21.12SuperIDI'm trying to configure broadvoice.   Their config page says to put a line in sip.conf  in the [general] section of the form register=>  every other option I have set is key=value not key=>value, is their page correct?   should it be register=>value?
02:22.29*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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02:36.19anonymouz666blitzrage: problem solved using STRPTIME()
02:36.30anonymouz666STRFTIME works only with current time
02:37.13anonymouz666and then Sayunixtime() said the right thing
02:38.01ohadzhi y'll.  need assistance with my dial plan. anyone?
02:42.16*** join/#asterisk SwK (
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02:47.50Zipper_32Any explanations as to why, in the situation of a:    * <-----> IAX2 <------> *   Configuration, one side suddenly sees the other as unreachable, but the other can communicate via IAX to the other side?
02:51.17*** join/#asterisk jutex (
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02:51.52ohadzneed assistance with my dial plan. anyone?
02:52.06ohadzcan't make calls out or receive calls in :/.
02:52.07JThow about explaining the problem
02:52.18jutexhi, i'm trying to implement realtime to my asterisk. My SIP phones can register, but I don't know how to insert the rows to extenstion table.
02:52.27JTpeople usually ignore questions which don't have enough info
02:52.37*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
02:53.00jutexwhat is the "exten" value should i put there ?
02:54.23jutexin order to call the registered phone, is it the "name" from sip table ?
02:54.47*** join/#asterisk stridernzl (
02:56.11stridernzlhi all. seems lots of people still are trying / running asterisk :) Can i ask a question?
02:56.58*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
02:57.12blitzragestridernzl: go ahead -- you don't need to ask to ask
02:57.30stridernzlHow many ppl here are running remote extensions ..... that is even overseas .... are they good , is anyone trying to run a remote extension and even that extension being overseas .. ie 3,000 kms
02:58.00JT3000km isn't very far
02:58.06JTby cable anyway
02:58.08stridernzlbasically really remote extensions ... that is New Zealand to australia ?
02:58.21JTnew zealand and australia are really close
02:58.54JTit's like 60ms latency at worst
02:59.26stridernzlso basically sitting here thinking its hard ... gonna be crappy then its more oh yeah mate .... its really easy and pretty much something i can do ?
02:59.43stridernzland expect it to work well
02:59.44JTyeah just don't use satellite bandwidth :)
03:00.11stridernzlyeah anything wifi etc same with sat always seem dodgy to me :)
03:00.20JTthe southern cross cable network has hops direct from nz (auckland i think) to sydney
03:00.44JTyeah, <3000km, vs. ~80000km, slight difference :P
03:00.45stridernzlpersonaly i think its only good for backup :), calble so to speak is the way to go
03:01.01JTgeostationary orbit is 35000km above the equator
03:01.11JT3 times the diameter of the earth
03:01.14*** part/#asterisk jutex (
03:01.25stridernzl:) yeah well :) .. says it all!
03:01.25*** join/#asterisk nick125_lappy (n=nick@atarack/staff/nick125)
03:01.30nick125_lappyevening everyone
03:01.46nick125_lappyDoes asterisk native moh support ogg/voribs?
03:01.51stridernzlthat truely depends where you live but hello
03:02.01nick125_lappystridernzl: I hate timezones :p
03:02.06stridernzlJT: so where is you / your setup of *
03:02.19JTthe universal time of day on irc is always morning :P
03:02.32JTstridernzl: have a few in australia
03:02.43stridernzlThey are great .. I was chatting with TK before using asterisk across in canada it its special!
03:03.37stridernzlJT: o.k me live in CHCH new zeland and have office in Sydney ... So thinking i can get them to act as an extesion to N.Z ..
03:03.43*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:03.54JTstridernzl: sure, i don't see why not
03:04.02stridernzltake the calls .. and i can go play golf .. or Farcry or something :)
03:05.20stridernzlJT: it would be really cool though ... I think half my struggle is comming to the realisation of what i have just put under my hood with the implentation of asterisk ...
03:06.19*** join/#asterisk tenzind (n=tenzind@
03:06.40JTyeah it gives you a lof of flexibility compared to other solutions :)
03:06.44nick125_lappyMay 14 20:07:26 ERROR[16038]: format_ogg_vorbis.c:224 ogg_vorbis_open: Only monophonic OGG/Vorbis files are currently supported!
03:06.55stridernzlso anyone anyway so to speak can plug into our little pabx server as a remote extension be they in germany or half way across the world?
03:07.11stridernzlWhat sort of clients do they use ?
03:07.16JTstridernzl: sip phones
03:07.24JTor ATAs
03:07.25nick125_lappyHuh...I'm still using 1.2.14, that might be bad.
03:07.45*** part/#asterisk nhudson (n=nhudson@
03:07.50JTnick125_lappy: you need mono music
03:07.53JTnot stereo
03:08.04nick125_lappyJT: I need to convert a few of my oggs to mono
03:08.26*** join/#asterisk Cabal (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
03:08.27nick125_lappyIs the situation any different with 1.2.18?
03:08.46stridernzlJT: ATA's ... and presume you more mean hardphones but sip based , we using eyebeam, so fully soft phone
03:09.30JTstridernzl: yes hardphones or ATAs
03:09.45JTsoftphones i don't recommend other than for testing
03:09.49JTasteriskguy: not bad
03:10.02nick125_lappyJT: I don't even recommend them for testing!
03:10.13*** join/#asterisk flashnet (
03:10.21asteriskguyCool, not to bad here either depends on what you are testing
03:10.33nick125_lappyIf you are testing your sanity, then, sure, it would work.
03:10.41asteriskguybeen playing around with some things lately
03:10.48asteriskguyI got hylafax+ to work
03:10.50asteriskguypretty good
03:11.12JTasteriskguy: what are you using, modems?
03:11.45asteriskguywith digium's T1
03:11.48JTis it any good?
03:11.56asteriskguyyeah so far so good
03:11.58JTany failed faxes?
03:12.14asteriskguynot that I know of
03:12.19asteriskguyno complaints yet at least
03:12.25karlhainesis that stuff still experimental?
03:12.34MrTelephonewhat does network disconnect mean in terms of loopstart RBS
03:12.40asteriskguywe're in production where I work
03:13.21karlhaineshmm, i just had all my DIDs ported, and had my fax did ported to a company that email's the faxes to you (callwave i think)
03:13.23asteriskguyasterisk pickup faxes pretty fast and forward them to the appropriate iaxmodem
03:13.58JTkarlhaines: what country?
03:14.48karlhainesJT, US
03:14.57JTah ok
03:15.04JTis the fax service any good?
03:15.22karlhainesdunno yet, the number hasn't ported yet, i'm still waiting
03:15.24*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:15.32karlhainesa friend referred me, supposedly its great
03:15.38JTah ok
03:15.49JTwhat fax services do they offer?
03:15.55karlhainesstkn_, i've been looking for gentoo users in here for a few days
03:16.34asteriskguyoh, I found away to get voicemail to show up on email (old news), but if you delete the voicemail on your inbox it also deletes the one resides on asterisk
03:16.38asteriskguypretty cool
03:16.59karlhainesasteriskguy, yeah, i thought that was pretty sweet also
03:17.33Daejeo1anyone help to get rid of echo things
03:17.40asteriskguyyeah, it's in the Asterisk TFOT but the newer version
03:17.54asteriskguyit's not out yet. I got a hold of the uncut version
03:17.56Daejeo1I have installed TDM400P card
03:18.04karlhainesstkn_, could i query you for a moment? i'd like to talk to you about a project
03:19.04asteriskguyanyone here familiar with using DUNDI & clustering?
03:19.48karlhaineswhat is dundi?
03:19.50JTDaejeo1: are you trying to be disruptive?
03:20.08Daejeo1JT no sir
03:20.20JTkarlhaines: do you know if the pdfs they email are OCRed or not?
03:20.38karlhainesjt: no idea at this point
03:20.39Daejeo1my keyboard has a trouble
03:20.47karlhainesDaejeo1, lol
03:21.00JTkarlhaines: fair enough
03:21.19[TK]D-Fenderstridernzl, PING
03:23.46karlhainesthanks asteriskguy
03:23.46karlhainesasteriskguy, wow, that looks sweet!
03:24.08*** join/#asterisk inv_arp[work] (
03:24.12asteriskguyI know it's possible, just not very much documents out there on it
03:24.19demlaklittle linux queston.. im writing a batch script.. i know how to put output of, for example "cat /testfile", to a new file with ">> /newfile" but.. how to put the output to a string/variable?
03:24.45*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
03:24.49JTmost fax to email services are incredibly basic
03:25.04JTi wonder when someone will start offering a more fully featured one
03:25.30[TK]D-Fenderdemlak, time to lear AGI
03:25.37karlhainesJT, yeah, me too! all though, i really wish people would just email and not fax anyway
03:25.54*** join/#asterisk santiago (i=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
03:26.19demlak[TK]D-Fender no.. it´s a bash script for an embedded device.. no chance to install any software.. just using busybox
03:27.07[TK]D-Fenderdemlak, Myabe you should be more specific in what you want to do.
03:27.08*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
03:27.50karlhainesany gentoo users in here (other than stkn_, since he's idle ;))
03:27.52demlaki need the output of this in a string cat /tmpfile | sed '/To:/!d; s/ *(.*)//; s/>.*//; s/.*[:<] *//'
03:28.04*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
03:28.09nick125_lappykarlhaines: I'm a gentoo user, what do you need?
03:28.29karlhainesnick125_lappy, well, i'm actually starting a project and looking for volunteers
03:28.40nick125_lappykarlhaines: What kind of project are you talking?
03:28.47karlhainesnick125_lappy, mind if i msg you?
03:28.54nick125_lappykarlhaines: go ahead
03:37.18*** part/#asterisk sevard (
03:38.33_VoiceMeUp_COMreal funny how people can have 90 line signatures with all the web sites google can trow at you
03:38.51_VoiceMeUp_COMre: Asterisk High-Capacity Stability in as-users
03:41.53*** join/#asterisk hacim (n=micah@debian/developer/micah)
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03:42.31hacimi've got a friend in brasil who connects to my meetme() and his voice quality is bad, would it be better if he used ulaw or alaw?
03:42.42*** join/#asterisk tinrsh (n=claudiu@
03:42.47nick125_lappyhacim: What is he currently using?
03:42.47tinrshhi there
03:43.05JThacim: does he connect using sip?
03:43.33hacimJT: yeah, via sip
03:43.42tinrshI have a question, how can I override the CALLERID(num) and CALLERID(name) for the calls outgoing over an sip peer ?
03:43.56hacimnick125_lappy: he can use u-law, a-law and gsm, not sure what he is using
03:44.16JThacim: maybe his Internet connectivity is no good
03:44.20nick125_lappyulaw is usually better quality then GSM, but it uses more bandwidth
03:44.34hacimi think he has some packetloss on some hops
03:44.48hacimso I think I want the lowest bandwidth requirement codec
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03:45.11JTilbc can handle packet loss a lot better than the others
03:46.23hacimhrm, the twinkle sip client only can do ulaw, alaw and gsm, maybe he can use a different client
03:49.52hacimactually, twinkle supports ilbc, but fo rsome reason my asterisk isnt allowing any connections with ilbc
03:50.07JTyou need to setup ilbc
03:50.33tinrshI have a question, how can I override the CALLERID(num) and CALLERID(name) for the calls outgoing over an sip peer ? except by changing them from the dialplan ?
03:53.05hacimhmm, so I need to figur eout how to enable ilbc
03:53.17*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:53.57hacimif I set allow=ilbc in sip.conf will other codecs work too?
03:55.14JTdepends what your other allow and disallow statements are
03:56.43hacimthey are all disabled (default config)
03:56.59JTthen nothing else is allowed
03:57.19hacimif they are all commented out -- are they all enabled?
04:00.02*** join/#asterisk InHisName (
04:03.30hacimhmm, I set 'allow = ilbc' in sip.conf in the [user] section, but not seeing it as a possible codec
04:03.42*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
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04:04.15JThacim: have you setup the ilbc codec on your asterisk system or not/
04:04.40hacimJT: um, i didn't realize I had to do that
04:04.49JTyou do
04:05.28hacimdoes that mean installing stuff from ? dont see anything in a debian package
04:05.49JTi have no idea, i've never needed to install it
04:06.03stridernzlJT: sorry about before I had to run away and do some work. But thanks for your vote of support :)
04:06.38stridernzlJT: remote extensions we will try!
04:07.02*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:07.46hacimnot much online about it
04:08.04JTstridernzl: sip phones would be the best
04:08.21*** join/#asterisk johann8384 (n=johann83@
04:08.22JTstridernzl: otherwise ATAs, especially if you need to use a cordless phone
04:09.40JunK-YJT: do ya know any ATA that could act like a registrar too? ive been asked for that specific purpose today.
04:09.58JunK-Ypersonnaly, i dont know any ATA that process register request.
04:10.01nick125_lappyNooooo, I don't want to have to reboot my server
04:10.11JTa wrt-54g could, as you can run asterisk on it
04:10.25JTnick125_lappy: rebooting? how quaint
04:10.29JunK-YJT: actually thats not really an ata.
04:10.33stridernzlYeah I leave that bit unitll we get a working flow happening i think ...
04:10.36nick125_lappyI think the zaptel ebuild has lost it's mind..
04:10.43JTJunK-Y: no but it's a small cheap embedded device
04:11.04nick125_lappyIt says I don't have CONFIG_FW_LOADER enabled in my kernel, but, .config and /proc/config.gz disagree
04:11.04JTstridernzl: never use a cisco ip phone behind nat, btw
04:11.13JunK-Ythat could be great if we could install squashfs on pap2.
04:11.43JTwill a pap2 even run linux/
04:11.49JunK-Yive no clue.
04:12.00nick125_lappyI heard the pap2v2 runs some kind of linux (
04:12.03JTJunK-Y: why does the ata need to act as registrar
04:12.08nick125_lappy(I'm not sure if it was a rumor or what)
04:13.00JunK-Yjt: cause a customer doesnt have the registrar on that office and would like to connect other soft-phones directly to it.
04:13.08JunK-Ysounds ridiculous, i know.
04:13.37JTdo you run virtual pbxes?
04:14.23*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
04:14.38JTwhy do they need registrars?
04:15.17*** join/#asterisk thoughtpolice (
04:15.59*** join/#asterisk KaiHanari (
04:16.14KaiHanariwhats the default folder asterisk sounds are in ?
04:16.20JunK-Ycause customer wants to send registers from soft-phones to it.
04:16.26nick125_lappyKaiHanari: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds I think
04:16.28JunK-YKaiHanari: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
04:16.38JTJunK-Y: and the softphones will make calls through what?
04:16.47*** join/#asterisk sonet (n=darrnh@
04:17.01JunK-YJT: thru a proxy
04:17.09nick125_lappyWouldn't it just be easier to use a small asterisk box than try to find an ATA that will act as a registrar?
04:17.26KaiHanariah, there they are :) thanks nick125_lappy , JunK-Y
04:17.27JunK-Ythis is what i told him.
04:17.40JTif the soft phones are behind nat, wont they need to register directly to the proxy?
04:17.53nick125_lappyHeck, you could probably setup a Mini-ITX box for about $250
04:17.56JTa gumstix can be a small asterisk box :)
04:18.11JTgumstix wouldn't be more than USD$150 with ethernet
04:18.20nick125_lappyJT: And it would probably be sufficient CPU power
04:18.56JTespecially if it doesn't transcode
04:19.08nick125_lappy$206USD for a 400mhz w/ 64Mb of ram
04:19.36nick125_lappypop a $10 CF card in there and you are ready to go
04:20.03JTyou don't even need 400MHz
04:20.14nick125_lappyits $20 more for 400mhz than 200mhz
04:21.28KaiHanariBah, whats a good linux softphone? x-lite doesnt like this pc.
04:22.05nick125_lappyKaiHanari: Error in parsing statement: good + softphone != possibility
04:22.13KaiHanariso true.
04:23.10KaiHanaribut i dont have a hardphone yet... gonna get a granstream or something w/ my next pay. need something to do me till then. would be fine if my laptop wasnt broken, x-lite likes that.
04:23.11*** join/#asterisk bluelinq (
04:23.22JTekiga, idefisk
04:24.10bluelinqHey guys, I have a 7940 working great. The only issue is that if the person has 2 calls going and a third person calls the extension it sounds busy instead of going to vm. What is the trick?
04:24.10nick125_lappyKaiHanari: By the way, if I were you, I'd probably spend the little bit extra for a PAP2 rather than get the grandstream
04:24.23KaiHanarigot any links nick125_lappy
04:24.37nick125_lappyKaiHanari: Where are you located at?
04:24.55KaiHanariNewfoundland, can
04:25.50nick125_lappyJust looking at voip supply's CA store, it's $66.95CAD for a PAP2 unlocked
04:26.22nick125_lappyFor a Grandstream 286, its $44.95CAD
04:27.01jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
04:27.14nick125_lappy < 286; - pap2t;
04:27.19KaiHanariJT, im unframiliar with ekiga, registrar is the ip of the pbx right?
04:27.32JTKaiHanari: in your case, yes
04:28.35*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
04:28.40bluelinqhello, I have a sip truck that works great with local calls, but some overseas calls I have a horrendous echo. any tips?
04:29.15IOscannerFrom the CLI how can I found out how long a call has been going on?
04:29.26JunK-YIOscanner: core show channel foo
04:29.32KaiHanarioh, nick125_lappy lol. i was gonna get one of those later.  first thing im getting is a hardphone... cat5e straight to the phone.
04:29.50Daejeo1I have installed trixbox, where can I find zaptel source. it is not in /usr/src
04:29.51JTKaiHanari: polycom!
04:29.54KaiHanaribookmarked though ;) good for when i decide to connect the house wiring up
04:29.56nick125_lappyKaiHanari: What kind? Cisco? Polycom? Linksys?
04:30.17IOscannershow channel * shows Elapsed Time: N/A
04:30.29KaiHanariJT, yea, ive used polycom vidphones before, those are nice, had my eye on a voice hardphone on ebay but missed it...
04:30.37JunK-YIOscanner: take the bridged call.
04:30.39nick125_lappyKaiHanari: I still need to hook my house, its just the rest of the house that doesn't want to move to voip (and save a bunch of money for way more features than qwest)
04:30.40KaiHanarinick125_lappy, granstream i think it was
04:30.50nick125_lappyKaiHanari: What's your budget?
04:31.25Daejeo1I have installed trixbox, where can I find zaptel source. it is not in /usr/src   anyone help plz
04:31.29JTKaiHanari: you're buying a grandstream? :o
04:31.37bluelinqDae is in the asterisk web site
04:31.44KaiHanarinick125_lappy, right now, $0. when i buy my hardphone, $70 tops before shipping, pref as cheap as possible, while maintaining features (in other words, not the bland d-link cheapies)
04:31.47bluelinqdownload it
04:32.05bluelinqalso look in /tmp I think
04:32.33*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
04:32.59IOscannerthat got it thanks
04:33.05JunK-YIOscanner: no problem.
04:33.13nick125_lappyKaiHanari: Hrm, I'd recommend a linksys or a polycom, but, that's a tad bit out of budget (around $144CAD)
04:33.24KaiHanarinick125_lappy, as per hooking the house up, all of my roomates use cellphones, no one has the landline.
04:33.27JTKaiHanari: you won't get a decent phone for $70 unless you get a good deal
04:33.30JunK-YIOscanner: that would be a good idea to directly changed the NA to the chan->_bridged huh?
04:33.45KaiHanari1s, i'll pull up what i was looking at on ebay
04:34.15nick125_lappyKaiHanari: Everyone in my house has aleast one cell phone, but, my family is worried about in case of an emergency we couldn't call 911
04:34.25*** join/#asterisk mosty (
04:34.46JTnick125_lappy: you should have at least 1 landline for 911
04:35.18nick125_lappyJT: I was thinking of hooking the Qwest line up to my asterisk box for backup/incoming
04:35.43KaiHanariheh. everyone here doesnt worry about that, cause the cell phone can do that just fine, and its e911, well, my cell anyway. it immediately transmitts GPS data on dial of 911. comforting when hiking and crap, dont have to get voice through, if i get 1s of airtime, i know help is on the way
04:36.07JTnick125_lappy: put an analogue phone directly on the line too
04:36.35JTKaiHanari: cellphones will not survive a disaster (even a small one)
04:36.42JTlandlines are better
04:36.46*** join/#asterisk evilcyrus (
04:36.53JTand relying on cellphones for hiking is EXTREMELY dodgy
04:36.58KaiHanarione i was looking at is Polycom IP300 Soundpoint, $40 + $90 ship.
04:37.10JT$90 shipping??
04:37.27KaiHanariits how they make the money, the $40 is buy it now
04:37.36JTip300 is fairly old now, still does the job though
04:37.40JTthe 301 is almost the same iirc
04:37.54JTif you need a speakerphone, it's IP430 and up
04:41.46[TK]D-FenderIP 320 = $95USD w/ speakerphone.
04:41.46KaiHanarijust looking for a cool phone i can use, and mess with
04:42.34[hC]the ip320 looks nice.
04:43.47[TK]D-FenderKaiHanari, Serious tip though.  Don't cheap out on this.  Nother worse than "Buyer's Remorse".
04:44.56KaiHanarilol. im going cheap cause in the end im having at least 2 sip phones. one really nice one (buying later) and one that is well... a sip phone.
04:45.20JTyou can never have too many phones
04:45.44nick125_lappyKaiHanari: Well, think if it this way: Would you rather buy a crappy SIP phone, then have to get another crappy one, or just buy one good one?
04:46.33[TK]D-FenderKaiHanari, I would suggest that to start you just get an ATA and use that with an analog phone.  much more inexpensive and more readily recyclable.
04:47.10JTi think that's the only sort of device i'm missing at home, ATAs :P
04:47.12*** join/#asterisk Daejeo1 (n=chatzill@
04:47.58[TK]D-FenderJT : If you're not transfering calls all over the place they're still great.
04:48.55JTi might need one if i decide to get a cordless phone
04:48.58JTactually, that's falso, i'd only get one to play with
04:49.08JTcordless phone will connect to my channel bank just fine
04:49.08KaiHanarii want 1 crappy 1 good :-X one soon, just to have, and learn. one later, so i can move the cheap-ish one to a diff room, and use the good one where i want
04:49.33JTKaiHanari: why not get an ATA instead of a crappy?
04:50.06KaiHanaricause i dont have a phone, and i was thinking about getting a $5 phone, an ata, and a cheapy :X
04:50.42KaiHanarii want 2 ext's to mess with, the 2nd probably not for a few weeks to a mth after the first. then later get a nice fancy phone, when i have money
04:50.57JTso get an ATA instead of a shit SIP phone
04:51.00KaiHanarisee, i just moved to the city... money is /kind/ of tight till next mth
04:51.10JTyou can connect multiple handsets to a port an an ATA
04:51.22mostyKaiHanari, use a free softphone in the meantime
04:51.32[TK]D-Fender70$ for a decent 2-port ATA
04:51.45[TK]D-Fenderthere's your 2 extensions...
04:54.21[TK]D-FenderOMG, the IP 320/330 support a 2.5mm headset instead of the RJ one
04:54.52Qwellis that a bad thing?
04:54.54[TK]D-Fendercorrection : in ADDITION ot.
04:55.05KaiHanarimosty, thats how the convo started :P
04:55.09[TK]D-FenderQwell : a very GOOD thing.
04:55.16Qwellwith both, yeah
04:55.47mostyKaiHanari, all well a softphone could be free if you already have a microphone or headset
04:55.48Qwellbed time
04:57.04KaiHanarimosty, lol, thats how the convo started, i was wondering about softphone recommends for linux. then mentioned im planning on getting a hardphone soon
04:57.40JTmosty: pc headsets use 3.5mm 3 ring jacks
04:57.42JTnot 2.5mm
04:58.02JTactually, dual jacks usually
04:58.19[TK]D-FenderJT : and he never said ANYTHING about what kind.. so get off your rant :)
04:58.19mostyjt, i think you mean [TK]D-Fender
04:59.02JTmosty: ah i thought you said the headset capability would be free if you already had one :)
04:59.10JT[TK]D-Fender: well 2.5mm isn't that useful
04:59.14JTwhat uses 2.5mm?
04:59.19mostyJT, yes- for a softphone
04:59.44[TK]D-FenderJT : REALLY.... how about the tons of inexpensive headsets already out there in that size?
04:59.50[TK]D-FenderJT : CELL PHONES.
05:00.05[TK]D-FenderJT and every residential cordless phone witha  jack.
05:00.13[TK]D-FenderJT : its the NORM.
05:00.21JTdoes the ip320 take the nokia jack?
05:00.30JTisn't the nokia jack 2.5mm 4 prong or so?
05:00.38[TK]D-FenderJT : Only PC's use the stereo mic / stereo speaker dual prong method.
05:00.56[TK]D-FenderJT : 3 prong 2.5mm
05:01.16JT[TK]D-Fender: does the nokia jack work with the polycom?
05:01.49[TK]D-FenderJT : phones usually suppotr a 3/4 conductor connector. 1 to short for "answer", and the other ones normal.  they usually accept dumb ones that way
05:01.58Daejeo1JT: i have installed trixbox 2.2 . where can I find zaptel source. it is not in /usr/src
05:02.04[TK]D-FenderJT : same jack as described above
05:02.14JTDaejeo1: i don't provide trixbox support
05:02.20[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1, the shouldn't BE any source.  Its a binary distro
05:02.32[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1, And read the damn topic.  You should know better.
05:02.48Daejeo1root@asterisk1 ~]# cd /usr/src
05:02.50Daejeo1[root@asterisk1 src]# ls
05:02.51Daejeo1asterisk-perl-0.08 freepbx redhat sipsak-0.8.1
05:03.01Daejeo1this is what I have in src
05:03.06[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1, Listen up. its a BINARY DISTRO.
05:03.17[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1, there IS NO SOURCE.
05:03.35[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1, the compiled everything and slapped it on an ISO.
05:03.44[TK]D-FenderDaejeo1, You want support, this is not the place.
05:04.23Daejeo1how can i deal with echo then
05:04.46jbotTrixbox is a full linux distro that includes , FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons. It is these things on top of which make it seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it. Try asking in #trixbox , or their forums & WIKI at
05:04.46KaiHanariis what i was looking at
05:04.54JTKaiHanari: that's an absolute piece of rubbish
05:04.58JTKaiHanari: don't buy it
05:05.01[TK]D-FenderKaiHanari, .....
05:05.19jboti heard ygwypf is You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
05:05.28jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
05:05.28KaiHanariwhats wrong with it?
05:05.31JTit's made by grandstream
05:05.39JTand it's one of their worse models too
05:05.42*** join/#asterisk luckyone (
05:05.56luckyonewhat project is festival in?
05:06.06*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
05:06.17KaiHanariwhat about the GXP-2000 ?
05:06.28JTKaiHanari: what about AVOIDING GREANDSTREAM?
05:06.38KaiHanariwhy? :'(
05:06.52mostykaihanari: they just plain suck
05:06.56[TK]D-FenderKaiHanari, Perhaps you should reread jbots previous recallection
05:06.58Zipper_32Because it's the recommendation of people who deal with VOIP all day
05:06.59JTKaiHanari: when heaps of people tell you to avoid rubbish multiple times, for your benefit, there's probably a reason :)
05:07.13luckyoneany ideas how to compile festival?
05:07.14Zipper_32What JT and Fender said.
05:07.18KaiHanariyea, i just like to know the reason
05:07.25KaiHanariand what about soyo?
05:07.26JTflakey firmware
05:07.30JTcheap construction
05:07.34JTterrible audio
05:07.47KaiHanariok then, soyo?
05:07.54[TK]D-FenderKaiHanari, You need to consider that we who've ben here forever have encountered every common bit of equipment out there and that our experience is probably worth of your consideration before buying your wy into a lot of wasted time and regret.
05:07.55JTnever heard of it
05:08.00jbotit has been said that phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
05:08.42Zipper_32I've bought loads of cheap phones in the past. Some have survived, but others have simply 'died', quality is/becomes crap, parts break easily, etc.
05:08.45Zipper_32They're headaches.
05:08.55[TK]D-FenderKaiHanari, Grandstream produces very inexpensive SHIT.  Flakey firmware, crappy construction, feel, audio quality, uner interface, etc.  Echo issues and worse
05:08.58Zipper_32As soon as you buy a high quality phone, you'll never look back.
05:09.08KaiHanariOK , i get the granstream point
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05:10.40friedrich|I tried it too!
05:11.20[TK]D-FenderKaiHanari, You know what. You seem to aiming bottom dollar and starting with every 2-bit cheap Chinese model produced in sequence.  I don't think you're going to learn any other way.  GO FOR IT.  Buy whichever you feel like and realize that karmic road-kill is only an e-bay away....
05:12.14nick125_lappyAnyone here know an easy way to convert a stereo ogg into a mono ogg though command line?
05:12.34KaiHanarimeh. the reason im looking for sub-$70 is cause its not going to be the phone im tied to in the long run. right now i dont have the money for a really nice phone yet, and wont for a few months. i just moved to the city.
05:12.50JTKaiHanari: then why not get an ATA?
05:12.58JTor use a softphone for a little longer
05:14.27KaiHanarii guess i will, unless i can get that polycom ip300...
05:14.31nick125_lappymosty: Would sox -c 1 <ogg in> <ogg out> work?
05:14.45mostytry it and see
05:15.31[TK]D-FenderKaiHanari, to the negative list add : Soyo, ANYTHING pruduced with a PA168(8) series chip, GRANDSTREAM, Soyo (google up for nightmare stories), Cisco phones not supporting SIP images, Atcom, ArtDio
05:15.51[TK]D-FenderKaiHanari, you mean the one listed for $130 total you saw earlier?
05:16.15KaiHanariafter shipping, yes.
05:16.35*** join/#asterisk bmd (n=bmd@
05:16.44nick125_lappymosty: It seems to have taken a 4.7MB ogg file and turned it into a 8Kb file...hmm
05:16.45KaiHanarialright, i'll reconsider, $140 after shipping?
05:16.50KaiHanariany decent phone?
05:16.53KaiHanari2 lines?
05:17.09[TK]D-FenderKaiHanari, You can get a NEW IP 301 for $115, and an IP 320 for About the same including the power brick (I'd personally suggest a PoE Injector)
05:17.10*** join/#asterisk ExR90 (
05:17.14KaiHanaripreferred to have 2 lan ports
05:17.46[TK]D-FenderIP 430 @ 150$ is a great phone.  Does it all.
05:17.55KaiHanarii'd love PoE but nothing else i have is PoE compliant. tried some PoE stuff before, the network cards in these systems short those pins to ground.
05:18.00nick125_lappyAah, I think I figured out why.
05:18.13[TK]D-FenderIP 501 = if you're not planning for POE = you won't think of another for a LONG time.
05:18.21nick125_lappyI was trying to do this: sox -c 1 <source file> <source file> (so it would overwrite the old one)
05:18.28ExR90I have a 1.4.4 release box with grandstream 2000 phones. BLF stays lit even though call limit and notify is tracking call-state correctly. Any ideas?
05:18.38[TK]D-FenderAnyways, enough for tonight.....
05:18.40luckyoneI compiled and installed asterisk-1.4.4 from source on Saturday, I am trying to find out where it put festival so I can start up the festival server, can anyone help me?
05:18.57luckyoneit tells me to run /usr/local/festival/bin/festival --server > /dev/null 2>&1 &, but that process dies off quickly
05:19.35ExR90what does it do when you festival --server only?
05:20.13ExR90I have a 1.4.4 box and my festival always generates gethostbyname errors in the debug logs in * cli.
05:20.37KaiHanariwhere online would you be able to buy polycom phones? ebay doesnt seem reliable
05:20.39luckyoneExR90: can you start festival from the * CLI?
05:21.18Zipper_32KaiHanari: You mentioned that you are in Canada, right?
05:21.24ExR90luckyone: Not that I know of, I just run it in another ssh window while having CLI in the first ssh window
05:21.28Zipper_32NL, that's right.
05:21.53Zipper_32I deal with a company in Ontario, they'll match online prices almost every time:
05:22.14luckyoneExR90: hah, i took the > /dev/null off and it says it can't find festival
05:22.27luckyoneExR90: where oh where would * have put it?
05:22.36ExR90* doesnt install it, you must do it
05:22.48Zipper_32They usually have all the polycom equipment.  And you can pay in Canadian dollars.
05:23.10luckyoneI read the README.festival in /usr/src/asterisk-1.4.4/contrib and I didn't see how you do that...
05:23.30ExR90You need to download the festival src, and compile it.
05:23.39luckyoneExR90: from where?
05:23.59*** join/#asterisk ModocNet (n=d82e036a@
05:24.04SwKanyone seen anything on the Apollo/SIP front yet?
05:24.22SwK(Apollo being the new light weight runtime from Adobe)
05:24.40ExR90luckyone: have you even tried looking at google?
05:25.21luckyoneExR90: never heard of it... kidding (wgetting now, but "Download Festival" sounds like a good concert too)
05:25.52luckyoneExR90: Shins, Incubus, Wolf Parade, Modest Mouse these are good bands!
05:25.57ModocNetgetting a zaptel compliation error when trying to install on CentOS 5 - only thing I have been able to find is:
05:26.32ModocNetdid a updatedba and locate for xbus_core.c but can't find it
05:27.13luckyoneExR90: festival-1.96 latest version?
05:27.25ExR90sounds like it.
05:27.51*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
05:28.27JTKaiHanari: that PoE you were using musn't have been IEEE 802.3af compliant
05:29.26KaiHanariJT,late response, and it wasnt the PoE that wasnt compliant, it was the nic's the nics shorted the unused pins to ground. they werent PoE compatable
05:29.49JTKaiHanari: yes, your PoE switch musn't have been compliant
05:29.59ExR90I have a prob with * 1.4.4 and BLF. Hints are setup and notify'ing correctly. Devices are subscribed. BLF's show up as busy always on grandstream 2000 phone. THis bug looks familiar, but tried its listed fixes no luck. Tried also setting phones as peer and friend in sip.conf, no dice.
05:30.01JTthey don't send power unless the device signals it can take it
05:30.03ExR90any ideas?
05:30.26KaiHanariPoE switch? i didnt have a PoE switch. this is what im saying .. lol
05:30.51JTKaiHanari: yes, which is why i said it was not IEEE 802.3af compliant
05:31.18*** join/#asterisk keulin (
05:32.16mostywill using * and # in features.conf prevent me from being able to dial numbers beginning with * or #? or does features.conf stuff only take effect once the call is connected?
05:35.23nick125_lappymosty: features.conf only effects a currently connected call that is correctly dialed
05:35.40nick125_lappy(It has to have a w or t flag, I cna't remember which)
05:35.49mostyw (or W)
05:36.22*** join/#asterisk rudholm (i=rudholmm@nat/yahoo/x-b2e606047d755920)
05:36.25luckyoneExR90: dang it - won't compile...
05:36.27mostysome of my customers have issues dialling *1 *2 etc for one touch recording, but when i change it to * they have no problems
05:38.08*** part/#asterisk hacim (n=micah@debian/developer/micah)
05:40.27nick125_lappyWhee, I crashed asterisk 1.2.14
05:40.47ExR90luckyone why not
05:42.33*** join/#asterisk Putzz (
05:43.32luckyoneExR90: some integer casting, changing config/config to use gcc3.3 or so
05:44.15ExR90old gcc?
05:45.12luckyonein the INSTALL it said that it only compiles on upto 3.3
05:45.33luckyoneLinux (2.0.30) for Intel (RedHat 4.[012]/5.[012]/6.[01],7.[01],8.0)
05:48.08*** join/#asterisk oej (
05:49.06luckyonewell, this is fun for tomorrow!
05:49.07luckyoneadios amigos!
05:52.20nick125_lappyUgh...this is a pain in the rear
05:52.33ExR90see ya
05:53.12nick125_lappyasterisk keeps trying to compile against an old zaptel, and keeps failing. But, I can't upgrade zaptel either
05:54.45*** join/#asterisk TheDingy (
05:59.33russellbnick125_lappy: why can't you upgrade zaptel?
05:59.52nick125_lappyrussellb: Because the ebuild is retarded and says I don't have FW_LOADER enabled
06:00.11russellbhave you tried installing from source yourself?
06:00.19nick125_lappynot yet
06:00.39russellbthat will probably work ... you don't actually need firmware loading support for all drivers
06:00.50russellbdepends on what you use
06:01.02nick125_lappyI just need ztdummy for meetme
06:01.09russellbgotcha, then you don't need it
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06:46.09manticeCan I use a usb phone such as with asterisk?
06:46.41*** join/#asterisk matsk (n=mk@
06:47.25JTmantice: not directly, all those toys connect to softphones on a pc
06:47.34JTthey're just a speaker/mic and keypad
06:47.44JTthey don't actually do voip stuff internally
06:47.45plasmidwhen someone calls my pbx DID# say... 215-xxx-xxxx they tell me that the only way they can reach me is by putting in a 1 in front of it. How can I edit my asterisknow/asterisk/trixbox sip.conf settings to so that ANYONE who calls my pbx doesn't ahve to type in a 1 in front of the xxx-xxx-xxxx number... UNLEss it's international or out of state.
06:48.00JTthey rely on a softphone to do all the work
06:48.41manticeJT: So they dont work with out a program on the computer besides Asterisk?
06:48.58JTplasmid: we already explained to you earlier on that this has nothing to do with asterisk, but you seem to have ignored all the explanations you were given
06:49.01JTmantice: correct
06:49.04JTthey're toys really
06:50.04plasmidJT, ignored? I got disconnected. Let me see if I can scroll up to find the answer.
06:50.17manticecan you use a modem to get analog into asterisk ?
06:50.17JTplasmid: what happens when someone calls without the 1?
06:50.21JTmantice: no
06:50.50plasmidJT, they get a message saying that they can't connect.
06:50.58JTplasmid: from the telco?
06:51.04plasmidor some sort of error.. especially if they are using a cellphone.
06:51.18JTit means the number isn't local to them
06:51.18plasmidJT, yes.. I believe so.
06:51.32JTyou need to get a closer DID if this is a problem
06:52.35plasmidwell.. when I call someone out of state via my DID# i punch in: areacode then number: 609-222-2222 for example and NOT 1-609-222-2222. Either way works.
06:53.03JTthis has got to be a provider issue
06:53.08plasmidso I am wondering why some ppl tell me they cant call me using the standard xxx-xxx-xxxx format.
06:53.32Zipper_32plasmid: As I said before, it has to do with other people being outside of the local calling area.
06:53.46Zipper_32You can't change those calling areas. They're controlled by the telco.
06:53.59plasmidmust be then. Thanks. I was trying to pinpoin the issue... but I could have sworn it was an edit from my pbx calling plan to drop the "1"
06:54.34Zipper_32You can modify *your* pbx to do what ever you like, but you can not change what they dial into their PSTN provider.
06:55.02JTplasmid: easy way to nail it... get one of these phones with trouble to call you while you watch the asterisk CLI with verbosity at at least 10, hell, you can switch on sip debug if you want
06:55.16plasmidZipper_32, i don't think I am explaining myself right. What I am trying to say is this: I cannot call my pbx from my local cellphone using this format xxx-xxx-xxxx.. I can only call my local pbx using this format 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx. That's all local calls using my cellphone TO the pbx.
06:55.58manticeCould you use this SIP adapter with asterisk ?
06:56.03JTplasmid: if the error is from the telco, it's likely outside of asterisk's domain, although there's a very slight chance you have something configured wrong
06:56.33JTmantice: yes but it's made by grandstream, you should avoid their products
06:56.55manticeJT: Thanks for the tip :P
06:57.30manticeJT: would this be a good brand Linksys PAP2-NA Dual Port Analog VoIP Gateway ?
06:57.48plasmidmantice, i have one myself. does the job. :-)
06:57.52JTlinsys/sipura is fine for ATAs
06:58.10plasmidchecking inbound routes.. let me see...
06:58.27JTplasmid: just do the test i said to
06:58.33JTplasmid: will save a lot of time wasting
06:59.49manticeATA's ?
07:00.21jbotsomebody said ata was Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
07:00.34manticeah thanks
07:00.39manticeI googled it just then to.
07:02.58manticeIf you had a business and wanted ur phones to have a line out would you have to buy heaps of accounts with SIP termination? so you could phone out  ?
07:03.49JTdepends on what sort of plans were on offer, but i'd want multiple lines to be on the same account
07:05.12idomantice: most SIP providers let you make as many simultaneous outgoing calls as you want since you pay by the minute
07:05.16JTand i'd never get rid of real lines from a business
07:05.29JTido: really depends on country
07:05.43idojt: true
07:05.48idoyou could just get an PRI isdn
07:06.18manticeI see. Im just wondering how my work do multiple phones
07:06.39JTthey probably have real phone lines
07:06.48JTquite possibly PRI for multiple lines
07:06.49idoyeah, most likely a T1/E1/something
07:07.01idowith like 24-32 banks per T1/E1
07:07.08idoi mean lines not banks
07:07.08justdavewe have one sip account, three different phone numbers come in on that account, and we've had up to 40 concurrently inbound on it
07:07.19JT23 chs for a PRI T1, 30chs for an E1
07:07.23plasmidJT, found the issue... it appears on the incoming routes I had specified 1xxxxxxxxxx. I deleted the 1 and now it works. :-)
07:07.27ido24 and 32, i thought, jt
07:07.33manticeI know we have CAT5 cables that go out to switches for the phone.
07:07.47justdave24 and 32 total, but you can't use them all
07:07.48JTplasmid: do calls beginning with 1 work now?
07:07.53Zipper_32plasmid: Unbelievable...
07:07.57justdaveT1 uses 1 and E1 uses 2 for signalling
07:07.58idomantice: then you probably just have SIP/voip set up
07:08.10JTido: in PRI signalling, 23 and 30, definitely, without a shadow of a doubt
07:08.23JTT1 uses 1 for a D channel
07:08.24manticeMaybe im on drugs :)
07:08.34idojt: ok :) thanks, i don't know much about t1/e1
07:08.37manticeim going to check tomorrow
07:08.38JTE1 uses 1 for a D channel, and 1 for multiframe synch and LoS alarms
07:09.05plasmidJT, checking...
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07:09.31plasmidJT, yes. :-)
07:09.32JTido: yes it's 24 and 32 * 64kbit/s, but not in PRI mode
07:09.38JTplasmid: cool
07:09.50JTido: not usable B channels anyway
07:10.09idobah, in the US, there's no reason NOT to use VOIP.
07:10.12idofor a business
07:10.20JTwhen connecting a T1 to a channel bank, there's 24 chans
07:10.28JTas it's not PRI
07:10.38JTbut rather channel associated signalling/robbed bit signalling
07:10.53JTido: err, WHAT? voip over Internet?
07:10.59JTplenty of reason not to use it
07:11.43idohaha why not jt?  there are some really great quality providers out there, and chances are if you are investing in more than 8 phone lines you have the money for a fast enough internet connection
07:12.08JTor a PRI connection
07:12.10JTwhy not
07:12.12manticedo SIP providers allow you to recieve calls for free ?
07:12.13JTlet's see
07:12.24JTInternet connectivity issues
07:12.25idojt: please take cost into account :)
07:12.29JTITSP issues
07:12.35JTrouting issues
07:12.43JTido: i am
07:13.12idojt: ok, well, i am not an expert -- i have only begun dabbling in telephony beyond the simple hacking about asterisk.
07:13.21JTsaying VoIPoI is the way to go most of the time for business' outside lines is near insanity
07:13.28JTit's mainly quality and reliability issues
07:13.51idobut for inside lines it is good?
07:13.56Zipper_32ido: It would be silly for a company to use pure VOIP over an internet line when a dedicated connection to the provider via T1/PRI is available at the same cost, or slightly higher. Especially since the T1's are required to have far greater uptime than any internet service.
07:14.04JTwell most business LANs are pretty reliable
07:14.08JTand have ample bandwidth
07:14.37idook, my noobickle is showing :)
07:14.45Zipper_32If a business can't talk to its customers, that business will die. Simple as that.
07:14.57Zipper_32*Disclaimer: Pending what type of business it is.
07:15.09JTsay pizza hut
07:15.19JTthey like their callcentre lines to work
07:15.28justdaveright now we've got 4 analog lines with a failover to a SIP provider if they're all busy
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07:15.44justdavewe're working on getting a PRI someday when the phone company gets off its butt to put the cable in
07:15.45JTargh analogue, kill, destroy :P
07:16.29justdave(been on order for about 5 months now I think)
07:16.39JTthat's terrible
07:16.44idoso i'm looking at getting a Sipura SPA-3102 (or SPA-3000) for my home asterisk setup
07:16.45JTonly in america? :P
07:17.11idoanyone used the sipuras or can recommend an external 1 or 2 line FXO?
07:17.21justdavewelcome to the world of monopoly carriers. :)
07:17.38Zipper_32JT: I'm looking to setup a new retail system, with 8 lines, including 1 for fax, and 1 for a POS system. (10 total), would a PRI system be feasable for that purpose?
07:17.38justdavesure, there's plenty of competition, but they all rent lines from the same company so it doesn't really matter if someone needs a line run
07:17.51JTido: sipura/linksys are the most commonly used
07:18.38JTZipper_32: yes, but it's probably easiest to get analogue lines for the fax and POS
07:18.47manticeI was watching a video about Asterisk and the guy said some people cut there lines coming into the house? any one know what thats about ?
07:18.55JTZipper_32: in the US the smallest fractional PRI you can usually get is 8 channels
07:19.10JTmantice: no phone service
07:19.16JTmantice: i think it's a stupid idea
07:19.20JTbut some people do it
07:19.25justdavemantice: never had them hooked up at my current house.
07:19.45justdavewhen I moved (1.5 miles from the old house) I tried to get SBC to move the number to the new house...
07:19.50idocut their lines?
07:19.53justdaveand they claimed my new house didn't exist so they couldn't do it
07:19.53idowhat does that mean?
07:20.03JTido: disconnected their analogue phone line
07:22.28justdaveso I just went and got VoIP service and ported the number
07:22.28idolink to video please :)
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07:22.29JTjustdave: dsl or cable?
07:22.29justdavefortunately I have fairly reliable broadband here, very seldom have outages
07:22.29justdavedsl needs a phone line which they couldn't hook up :)
07:22.29JTcable isn't my idea of reliable broadband
07:22.29justdavedepends where you live
07:22.29justdaveit's pretty reliable here
07:22.30idojt: optonline is amazing
07:22.30idoand reliable
07:22.30JTjustdave: what about during power failures?
07:22.30idoin the northeast
07:22.30JTido: during power failures?
07:22.31justdavecable modem and the router are on a UPS
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07:22.31JTi asked about the cable network
07:22.31JTthey have amplifiers in the streets to make them work
07:22.32JTcable networks do not work when these have no power
07:22.32justdaveah, no clue.  power doesn't go out very often here either
07:22.32JTi see :P
07:22.32justdavemost of the power cables are underground
07:22.32manticeIm going to get a SIP supplyer and my Linksys PAP2-NA and I will have a phoneline :)
07:22.36JTeven so
07:22.50Zipper_32JT: As someone who has never setup a PRI based Asterisk install, is it really any more difficult than an arrangement of FXO/FXS's on an analog card?
07:22.51JTif you're lucky, your cable network's amps will have some batteries
07:22.54justdavethey started getting rid of the above ground ones when the power companies started figuring out it was cheaper to bury them than to come fix them every winter during the ice storms :)
07:23.04JTthese might last a half hour at most
07:23.21JTZipper_32: in some respects, easier
07:23.34JTZipper_32: some people have more trouble, some have less
07:23.37Zipper_32And echo is non-existent, correct?
07:23.45JTbut if you know what you're doing, their easier
07:23.46Zipper_32But it's not a huge ordeal?
07:23.51JTunfortunately not correct
07:23.57JTyour circuit won't make echo
07:24.07JTremote end analogue circuits will
07:24.33JTthat's why you should always spend the extra on a pri card with hardware echo cancellation
07:24.53Zipper_32Thanks, I appreciate it. It looks like I'll be doing a PRI if the numbers add up correctly.
07:25.03Zipper_32any particular model you recommend?
07:25.19justdaveanyone know if it's possible to change the soft-function buttons on the bottom of the idle screen on Polycom phones? (IP430/IP501)
07:25.23JTwhatever digium or sangoma looks most appropriate to your needs
07:25.36Zipper_32justdave: Not of my knowledge,
07:26.12justdave501's fine actually, it has a button for Call Lists.  on the IP430 if you want to look at your callerid history it's buried like 5 levels deep in the menu
07:26.14idohas anyone here used an astribank before?
07:26.20JTZipper_32: if you EVER have an IVR or anything like that, you'll love having digital
07:26.31justdavethere's two buttons that don't do anything on the idle screen, would be nice to put CallLists on one of them
07:26.31Zipper_32Why is this?
07:26.34JTanalogue call progress signalling is mediocre
07:26.57JTZipper_32: it's very hard for a computer to tell what stage of a call analogue is in
07:27.09Zipper_32*I have an IVR running on analog right now...
07:27.14JTvery easy with digital, they're all expressed in Q.931 signalling messages
07:27.22Zipper_32Rings 1 to 1.5 times, and then the IVR picks up,
07:27.45JTZipper_32: you can hang up the remote end instantly, and you can answer a call before the calling end even hears any ringing indication in some cases
07:28.26Zipper_32That's right, I've experienced that before,
07:28.27justdaveif you have callerid on an analog time you have to let it get to the second ring before you answer or you'll lose the callerid data
07:28.27Zipper_32Which now explains why I noticed the difference.
07:28.39justdavehaha, nice bot :)
07:29.18JTZipper_32: also, you can set outgoing callerid on a per call basis
07:29.39JTand receive multiple calls to multiple inbound numbers
07:29.41Zipper_32Dynamically though Asterisk?
07:29.55Zipper_32erm, set the callerID dynamically?
07:29.56JTthe closest thing to that with analogue is distinctive ring, which is flakey and limited
07:30.00JTZipper_32: yes
07:30.13Zipper_32Very interesting, =)
07:30.20JTand receive multiple calls to multiple different numbers, and take different actions depending on the numbers
07:30.22Zipper_32Well thanks, I'll keep these points in mind.
07:30.40JTthe signalling of analogue is absolute rubbish compared to digital :)
07:31.54manticeIf its free to call any one in your area and you get a SIP provider with a phonenumber from your area. If people ring ur SIP number will it be free for them ?
07:31.55JTalso you can send and receive many different types of call termination cause codes, which a computer can act on
07:32.14idomantice: local calls are local calls
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07:32.59Zipper_32mantice: What ido said.
07:33.40Zipper_32JT: Thanks for your help. I'm off to sleep. I may need to come to you again one of these days for another word or two of advice.
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07:34.18JTZipper_32: no probs :)
07:34.53docelmoPUKE'N RALLY!
07:35.42manticeok cool
07:37.40JTmantice: as long as your provider actually gave you a DID on the PSTN, not just a meaningless "SIP number" that works on their network :)
07:38.30manticeDirect Inward Dialing ?
07:40.33h3xanybody looked at 9694
07:40.51plasmidHmm.. now I need a company that gives 1-888#'s with payphone service. (my itsp) gives out 1-888 but they don't work with payphones. Hmm.
07:41.37h3xof course, theres a .50 surcharge
07:42.11plasmidi dont mind the surcharge as long as it works with payphones.
07:42.52h3xthat is because hardly anybody is bright enough to deal with ANI-II digits on a voip switch
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07:44.03plasmidgood point. I should carry a cell phone but I don't.. and I loathe 2 yr contracts with any of these cellphoen companies. Pre-paid cell phoens are a ripoff.
07:44.45JTfreecall numbers must be really cheap in the US with the rate you guys buy them at :P
07:45.05JToh yes, cellphones are a dismal situation in the US
07:45.13JTwhere unlock phone are not very common at all
07:45.21JTand all these horrible contracts :P
07:45.36h3xsome judge ruled that a carrier has to help you unlock your phone now
07:45.40h3xif you call them
07:45.48plasmidyup.. i read that right... unlock the damm phones.
07:45.52h3xand you arent under contract
07:46.32plasmidi carry my voip phone aroudn but these metropolitan philadelphia greedy bastards won't give enough hotspots... so it doesn't work half the time.
07:46.39JTh3x: ANI-II isn't exactly rocket science, is it?
07:46.58h3xtheres no standard way to translate ANI-II to SIP
07:47.11JTah yes, SIP
07:47.13h3xit makes a little more sense on SIP-T
07:47.21JTbut does it need to get translated to SIP?
07:47.36h3xwell the easiest thing to do is just suffix the ANI
07:47.50h3xand i think the MAX TNT lets you do that for instance
07:47.51JTdoes it need to go as far as the customer site?
07:47.54h3xbut many of the voip gateways dont
07:48.04h3xit needs to get far enough to get into billing
07:48.24JTi'm not sure if ANI-II is even used here
07:48.36JTmy logs log ANI-II and it's never set
07:48.37h3xmaybe not
07:48.54h3xits fairly common on MF signalling at least
07:49.26JTis it normally unset if the call is not from a payphone?
07:51.48JTright, so it's probably not used here
07:53.03h3xits probably in ETSI SS7 somewhere
07:53.37JTss7 probably, isup, maybe
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07:53.54h3xisup is used for setting up and tearing down calls
07:55.00JTi know
07:55.15JTi'm not sure if it would have the equivalent of ANI-II in it
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07:59.57JTmantice: does no-one in nz use ebay?
08:04.00Zipper_32JT: I just found another *sweet* function of a PRI from my local provider: "Release Line Trunking. Transfer outside calls to another outside number without relying on two B channels to maintain the connection - the PRI enables your equipment to release the B channels and transfer responsibility for maintaining the connection to us, freeing up resources on your PBX for additional calls."
08:05.25JTyeah but that's hard
08:05.30Zipper_32Is it?
08:05.33JTprobably not supported properly yet in asterisk
08:05.37manticeJT: no they use trade me
08:05.51JTlimited usefulness anyway imho
08:05.58JTmantice: wonder why
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08:36.03manticeJT: Trademe sucks.
08:36.50JTmantice: why do people use it then?
08:39.13manticeJT: I dislike the selling fees. Yeah its NZ ebay as you could call it
08:39.46JTis there an ebay nz site?
08:40.48manticeJT: Yeah but its not used.
08:42.43JTmantice: do you know why trademe is used?
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08:44.11manticeI think its because trademe came before ebay nz
08:44.43manticeJT: Also it spread mouth 2 mouth and on new zealand media like wild fire.
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08:45.16JTright, i really hate the site design, i hope ebay buy it :P
08:46.35manticeKT: Look at this
08:47.16manticeI think they are a SIP provider.
08:48.09JTiTALK, the smart way to make phone calls!
08:48.11JTiTALK is an innovative new service that allows any broadband user to make and receive calls over the internet at heavily discounted rates.
08:48.18JTtranslation: we are an ITSP
08:50.29manticeso thats what a SIP service is called ?
08:50.54jbotitsp is, like, Internet Telephony Service Provider.  An ITSP is a "VoIP Phone Company"
08:50.55manticewell most ITSP offer SIP?
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08:58.10manticeHave you looked at apparently you can call any one for free and you can use ur Asterisk box
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09:15.48manticeif you wanted ur whole house on Asterisk you would have to buy a for every 2 phones you have.
09:17.15JTmissing words?
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09:17.56manticeif you wanted ur whole house on Asterisk you would have to buy a Linksys PAP2-NA for every 2 phones you have.
09:19.37JTi guess, if they all had to be different extensions
09:19.43JTor you could buy sip phones
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09:21.15manticedont sip phones have to be connected via ethenet
09:23.16manticeSo I could have it so when you pick up the phone dial 1 for outside line push 2 for VOIP and 3 to check messages :)
09:24.28manticeMy house could get interesting.
09:27.32olinuxmy polycom 501 is not connecting from off site,
09:28.06olinuxi thought i heard someone say they have a problem with ips, but domain names work ok
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09:32.53shrewd1980I've installed the lastest asterisk on a mac os x machine and can't find much information on how to configure it, does someone have a good website on mac os x and asterisk?
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09:41.18BrokenNozeHi. for some reason my network is running really slow. if I change the router from to it runs fast again. I know this isn't the right place ( where is) for the question but its effecting how long it takes for my endpoints to ring. anyone know what I might have done wrong?
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09:56.35penguinFunkBrokenNoze: sounds like traffic shaping issue ?
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12:09.35mostydoes bri usually receive DNID data for incoming calls (with misdn)?
12:09.40DrukenLPYgod damnit.... we had a massive electrical storm come threw last night....
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12:14.52SoftIcehi please can somebody look at this post and give me their input?
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12:22.31DrukenLPYSoftIce: what about it?
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12:24.07SoftIceDrukenLPY: well any idea why ?
12:24.28SoftIceI have a dial commond on a box, passing it to another box I have the account details in iax.conf that passes to a context in extensions
12:24.37SoftIceI cant see why it wont just answer the call
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12:25.33DrukenLPYare you passing to s@ ?
12:25.41SoftIceI dont understand what thatt means
12:25.45SoftIceyou mean s,1,answer ?
12:25.58DrukenLPYs=start @context
12:26.16SoftIceso you would like to see a snip of extensions.conf ?
12:30.01DrukenLPYi had that problem a while ago... it was an auth issue...
12:30.10DrukenLPYi'd verify your auth between the servers
12:30.17SoftIceuser/pass is correct
12:30.26DrukenLPYwhat's the dial line look like?
12:30.35SoftIcei'm using a basic dial command iax2/user:pass@ip
12:31.25SoftIcewhat is the /s for?
12:31.38DrukenLPYfor the start exten
12:32.17SoftIceso it has to have a /s
12:32.20SoftIcefor it to work
12:32.46DrukenLPYif you want to reduce all problems, use iax2/user:pass@ip/s@scds
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12:33.42MavvieI wonder what he is smoking.
12:34.13[TK]D-FenderSoftIce: No, it has to be SOMETHING
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12:34.30Strom_Mhe's smoking the buzzword bong, Mavvie
12:34.55Mavviecorrect me if I'm wrong, but there is no echocancellation done in RTP streams is there?
12:34.57SoftIceand that will force that, exten => s,1,dial(iax2/9043211:9043211@ip)
12:34.59SoftIceso that wont work
12:35.02DrukenLPYhehe why, you want some?
12:36.10SoftIceDrukenLPY: so /s@scds
12:36.29SoftIcewill force box a to read the context of iax.conf on box 2 well context @scds
12:36.49DrukenLPYyou can pass along a context with iax2...
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12:37.04DrukenLPYyou can allow a peer/user to be in more than one context
12:37.43SoftIceDrukenLPY: yes, but what im trying to ask is, dial .... user:pass@ip/s@scds, wil causes this box i'm using the dial string on to read context on the box i'm dialing in iax.conf ?
12:37.52SoftIceit will read scds in iax.conf on the box i'm dialing ?
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12:41.46SoftIcealso the box with the pri, should that do the answer
12:41.52SoftIceor should it do a straight dial out ?
12:42.11SoftIceand if not does it make a difference if immediate is set to yes or no?
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12:53.41DrukenLPYSoftIce: no, you don't have the box with the pri do the answer, the box using the call should do the answer, and it'll do just a stright dial out, but WITH context so it'll go into that context on the receiving server
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13:20.35kippi617how can I just reload zapata?
13:21.48kippi617just done a stop and start gussing that will do it
13:22.45eniorehasterisk -rx "reload" perhaps
13:23.35[TK]D-Fenderkippi617: "reload"
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13:24.00MrTelephonehas anyone tried d4 framing for an adit 600?
13:24.34MrTelephoneMy card says its sending RBS bits A=0 B=1 but the adit says its receiving A=1 B=1 which means network disconnect
13:24.42*** join/#asterisk Katty (
13:24.44Kattymorning lovables!
13:24.48MrTelephoneI did some t1 analysis and everything seems to be ok
13:25.22Kattyanyone in here work for polycom?
13:25.31MrTelephoneno but i work with polycom 501s
13:25.58MrTelephonei got a vx6000 in my van in a grocery bag
13:25.58Kattythat's what we use here, MrTelephone... they're nicey nice (=
13:26.09coppicewould they admit that? :-)
13:26.09MrTelephoneyeah I like them better than the cisco 7960
13:26.34MrTelephonethe cisco phone I have is staticy.. maybe a bad handset wire or something
13:26.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:26.39MrTelephonekatty do u have an adit 600?
13:26.39Kattybut i don't wanna /gasp/ call polycom
13:26.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
13:26.50MrTelephonepolycom support pisses me off
13:26.54Kattypolycom peoples aren't very nice to me.
13:27.02MrTelephonewhat are you trying to do?
13:27.04Kattyi have to pretend to be uberdumb before they'll even talk to me like a human.
13:27.08MrTelephoneit took me a day to get tftp provisioning working
13:27.15Kattythey're like, oh..a girl..psh
13:27.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: w'sup?
13:27.31Katty[TK]D-Fender: just tryin to do a lil homework for a client.
13:27.40MrTelephoneyeah adit 600 is all female and I was kind of worried that theyd just pass me on but they actually knew what they were talking about
13:27.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: it's conferencing...related.
13:27.59[TK]D-FenderKatty: Ah... got a reseller/integrator around?
13:28.02MrTelephoneadit 600 support I meant to say
13:28.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: yes'r.
13:28.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: Well call them up.. that IS their job actually..
13:28.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: eh....
13:28.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: voipsupply only works with mostly voip stuff...
13:28.38MrTelephoneif your specialized with a linksys router you can be a specialist with polycom video products
13:28.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: they're not all that up on the video side just yet
13:29.01*** join/#asterisk Peri (
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13:31.22MrTelephoneunless if you talk to an engineer for support they are going to talk to you like an idiot
13:31.39*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
13:31.46MercestesHelp!  My MOH sounds like it was remixed by anthrax
13:31.47MrTelephonebecause they have a little book in front of them that they use to guide you through your problems :(
13:31.49cpmbut what if I am an idiot?
13:32.07MrTelephoneand they never worked with the equipment themselves :(
13:32.40MrTelephoneZap/41-1             s@bandoffice:1       Rsrvd   (None)
13:32.43MrTelephonewhat does that mean
13:33.13KattyMercestes: oh noes!
13:33.32MrTelephoneI can't get my adit 600 to recognize the right RBS bits from my pri card so I'm going to try d4 framing instead of esf
13:33.35Mercestesmy phone server died yesterday.  controller card
13:35.12Kattyso, today, i'mma play with fstab.
13:35.34Kattyand maybe rc.local if i'm feeling brave.
13:37.13*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (n=Stuart@
13:37.41Dovidwhat r u using rc.local for ?
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13:37.52Kattyhewwo mog.
13:37.57KattyDovid: not sure yet.
13:38.02KattyDovid: probably to start some apps.
13:38.11KattyDovid: or run some processes.
13:38.19Dovidnot that hard
13:38.27Kattyi'm sure it isn't.
13:38.37Dovidjust go to the end of the file and in what u want it to start
13:39.11Kattyone thing at a time, fstab is first ;)
13:39.42MrTelephonehow do you know if a t1 controller is screwed
13:39.47*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
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13:41.19coolbeansI'm sure this is something simple but I've never seen it.  I installed 1.4.4 and configured extconfig and res_mysql.  Everything "appears" to be working fine but I get this when I do a sip reload: sipsock_read: Recv error: Bad file descriptor      ... over and over and over.  What's weird is it doesn't do it on the initial asterisk start.  Any clues?
13:42.59[TK]D-FenderKatty: If you want to get some better info out of them, call up asking for a local reseller (NOT VoipSupply)
13:43.30Kattyi suppose i could do that.
13:45.48Mercesteswhose idea was it to remove mpg123-59r from portage?  dmanit.  If I remove mpg123 will it use native without a reboot?
13:46.14Kattyfile: make my foot stop hurting :<
13:46.18MercestesI'm trying to get asterisk to mode=files but "reload" isn't helping
13:47.04*** join/#asterisk toot (n=toot@
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13:48.20MercestesThe answer to my question is "no, if you remove mpg123 it will just go to silence when you put someone on hold."
13:48.54Kattyi love how polycom's find a partner page just forwards you to the contact us page.
13:49.43*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
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13:54.28[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Compiled Asterisk-addons for MP3 support?
13:54.54*** join/#asterisk luckyone_ (
13:55.18luckyone_I am having trouble compiling speech_tools for festival, can anyone help me out?
13:55.53*** join/#asterisk kova_ (
13:56.41kova_Hi all! Anyone with experience in video conferencing?
13:57.34Kattykova_: gettin there.
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14:01.42Hymieluckyone_: I hope you don't think festival will be an impressive experience :(
14:02.05Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, yea, checked that.
14:03.35kova_does the 'v' option in MeetMe actually work?
14:04.40coolbeansI'm sure this is something simple but I've never seen it.  I installed 1.4.4 and configured extconfig and res_mysql.  Everything "appears" to be working fine but I get this when I do a sip reload: sipsock_read: Recv error: Bad file descriptor      ... over and over and over.  What's weird is it doesn't do it on the initial asterisk start.  Any clues?
14:05.20*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
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14:07.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: would you look at my fstab mount command and double check it for me?
14:07.53[TK]D-FenderKatty: I could, but I'm very inexperienced with it personally.
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14:17.38tootanyone from digium on - just emailed info: No permission to create tickets in the queue 'Sales'
14:17.55livesN[box]hey guys is there a way to set certain dynamic agents in a queue so that calls won't come to them unless all the other agents are busy ?
14:20.21livesN[box]looks like maybe penalities.
14:20.42Kattyanyone know where the /real/ rc.local file is in debian
14:22.03mostykatty: locate rc.local
14:22.15Kattymosty: there's a bazillion.
14:22.20Kattymosty: hence wnating to know where the /real/ one is.
14:22.24Dovidkatty: it may be in /etc
14:22.37Kattyfile: do you use debian, dear?
14:22.59mostyKatty, what do you mean by real?
14:23.10Kattyi presume that most of these are symlinks.
14:23.19mostyls -l will tell you for sure
14:23.31tzangerfile'll tell you too
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14:23.50Kattyi see.
14:24.03mostylocate rc.local | xargs ls -l $1
14:25.33mostyand you can open a symlink just the same as a "real" file anyway
14:28.05coolbeansAnybody care to take a stab?  ->  I'm sure this is something simple but I've never seen it.  I installed 1.4.4 and configured extconfig and res_mysql.  Everything "appears" to be working fine but I get this when I do a sip reload: sipsock_read: Recv error: Bad file descriptor      ... over and over and over.  What's weird is it doesn't do it on the initial asterisk start.  Any clues?
14:28.31*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:28.44mostycoolbeans, look in the full log with debug and verbose
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14:33.00BrokenNozeanyone help, why do my polycom's suddenly start saying bad file descriptor when i try and dial out?
14:33.53[TK]D-Fendercoolbeans: unload
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14:43.41Mad|CowI'm having some issues with my Polycom Soundpoint 500; when ever I dial 1 or #, it goes fast bussy. I checked my digitmap in the phone config and there is no reference to either.... anyone have any ideas why it matches those and tries to dial?
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14:44.31heanolwhat's the easiest way to via asterisk call a number, play an mp3-file and hangup?
14:44.35heanoli want to have this automated
14:47.16MrTelephoneI finally got my RBS issue fixed with the adit 600 but asterisk won't recognize any digits I dial on the phone.. Is there something I'm missing?
14:47.19tzangerthat's the easiest way
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14:50.05MrTelephoneit recognizes 8 very well
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15:02.46`Seanhrmp is there a good soloution to using fax with VoIP, because id really make life easier as i could get international did's and my associates would be able to fax me documents on the fly
15:03.03Strom_Mfax over voice over internet protocol
15:03.16Strom_Mbad idea :)
15:03.22Strom_Mlook at T.38
15:03.37cpmnot as bad as tvoip
15:04.29`SeanStrom_M wusup man :)?
15:04.42inv_arp[work]t.38 has matured...
15:05.04`Seanlong time no see, anyhow.. ther thing i was reading was that if youre lan isnt busy as most peoples are then it shouldn't cause problems however due to large bits of data coming in rapidly, it can disturb youre lan
15:05.54`Seansigh, i gotta go back to uncompressed :|
15:06.11*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:06.16coolbeansTk/mosty: Thanks.
15:06.17drakowhy i keep getting this:
15:06.18drako*CLI> misdn show channels
15:06.18drakoChan List: (nil)
15:06.22Strom_Meven with G.711, fax over voip isnt that reliable
15:06.55Qwell[]s/that //
15:07.25`SeanStrom_M i understand its not reliable as a corporate soloution
15:07.37`Seanmy lan is almost always dead
15:07.45Qwell[]`Sean: You've obviously never worked in a large corp, heh
15:07.57`SeanQwell no
15:08.00Qwell[]"corporate solutions" is extremely laughable
15:08.06*** join/#asterisk adker (
15:08.09`Seani know :(
15:08.15`SeanQwell i just need a quick soloution
15:08.15Qwell[]especially referencing the reliability of one...
15:08.26`Seanwhere i can still use g729 and still be able to use t.38
15:08.27Qwell[]heh, *that* sounds more like a "corporate solution"
15:08.27[TK]D-FenderQwell : "reliable" is a matter of perpective.  You can "rely" on something all you want, its just depends on your expectations :)
15:08.37Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: touche
15:08.48`Seanor at least have asterisk assign a port for t.38 and raw audio stream
15:09.03Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: in a job training thingie once, they told us something similar about the word "quality"
15:09.07Qwell[]it was quite funny
15:09.26Qwell[]"We sell quality parts" is a very funny statement
15:11.35`SeanQwell how can i use my fax machine and as well not get rid of my g729 encoding
15:11.57`Seancan i specify a certain port on the TDM400P that uses no encoding
15:11.57Qwell[]get some ATAs that support T.38
15:12.02`Seanwhilst others use the g729
15:12.09Qwell[]analog ports don't use g729
15:12.21`Seani know they dont
15:12.54`Seanerr wait, with incomign did's you can specify incoming call encoding format
15:13.13coppicerun V.34 over the analogue port, and G.729 over that :-)
15:13.14`Seanor well at least you can with the provider so he doesn't encode them to a different format
15:13.34Qwell[]coppice: stop confusing the nubs :p
15:13.40drakoHey, I'm trying to set up a b410p card but i can't get the channels up
15:13.43drakoChan List: (nil)
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15:16.24russellbdrako: would be happy to help you.
15:19.06`Seandamn this sucks im getting no where with my fax
15:24.35Strom_Mhere's a silly question:  in zapata.conf, is it necessary to type channel => or can one get away with just channel =
15:24.51`Seanyou can get away with a =
15:24.59anonymouz666is it possible to add another field (not userfield) to store on CDR? For example I get the category call and I want to save into a field called "CAT"
15:25.19Sweeperanyone use idefisk?
15:25.23coppice`Sean: print it out. pop it in an envelope. mail it
15:25.45`Seanthat would be going backwards in time
15:25.50Strom_Memail a pdf
15:25.55`Seanin this day and age where speed is of relevance
15:25.59Sweeperfaking faxes
15:26.04codefreezeanonymouz666: you can use CDR(CAT)=val in a Set call
15:26.07Sweeperthey are the DEVIL
15:26.14[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: not without coding up app_queue
15:26.32[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: oops... scratch that.
15:26.39[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: parse error :)
15:28.18*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:28.50mostyi'm trying to dial #123 with a snom phone, and the phone says "not found", and it doesn't try to dial. anyone know what setting is causing this?
15:29.12anonymouz666codefreeze is CDR king. thanks!
15:29.50[TK]D-Fendermosty: Turn up SIP debug.  I'm betting it is, and its 404-ing
15:32.26mostyyou were correct, found the problem with my dialplan now- thanks
15:36.02*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@unaffiliated/sherif)
15:36.03Strom_Mmosty: don't start extensions with #
15:36.09Strom_M# means "I'm finished dialing"
15:36.21Strom_Mso the phone is likely putting the call through even before you get to dial 1
15:37.24irulemay someone please direct me to a propper doc on setting up a couple * servers as iax peers? one is for production and the second one is for testing, so Id like to call the testing server from the sip phones connected to the production server and avoid reconnecting stuff to make tests
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15:37.43[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: I use # all the time, and it only means what you tell it that it means or a STUPID (too smart for YOUR good) phone interprets it as
15:37.58truz_`24What package is the zaptel module in for ubuntu?
15:38.10truz_`24apt-get install zaptel; all installed but modprobe zaptel returns nothing
15:38.24iruleDarKnesS_WolF thanks
15:38.45DarKnesS_WolFtruz_`24: it's there
15:38.49DarKnesS_WolFtruz_`24: what ubuntu ur using ?
15:39.44Sweeperso apparnetly, idefisk does its own dns lookups
15:39.47Sweeperfucking nooches
15:39.48Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: in traditional telephony, "#" means "put the call through right now plzkthx"
15:40.02Strom_Mso therefore, it's a bad idea to go redefining things just because you think it's a stupid idea
15:40.28DarKnesS_WolFtruz_`24: hmm i'm using fiesty and it's there..
15:40.40DarKnesS_WolFtruz_`24: u mean that u don't have zaptel or ztdummy in ur modprobe ?
15:40.53mostyStrom_M, a customer wants to do pbx commands like #33
15:40.56[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: If I take a boring AT&T line and attempt to terminate a 7 digit number with "#" what'll happen?
15:40.58Vec2I am having a problem with faxing, if I try send outgoing faxes it works fine, eg, Fax Machine > ATA > Asterisk > ZAP but when its the otherway round the call lasts for a second and then hangs up, I think its a T38 negotiation bug, Anyone know have this has been fixed in asterisk 1.4.4 ?
15:41.37*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
15:41.37DarKnesS_WolFtruz_`24: hmm don't know really :-s i compile from source always :-s
15:41.39mostyStrom_M, my dialplan was using _X. in a bunch of places (because _. produces warning messages), and that was breaking #<foo> calls
15:41.52Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: the call will go through immediately when you press #
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15:41.53[TK]D-FenderVec2: * doesn't DO T.38 except in pass-through.  Since you are terminating to Zap, that can't be it...
15:42.12truz_`24where is the module stored on your box?
15:42.20truz_`24or what is it called ?
15:42.34[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: I know starting with it fails... never tried up here on a regular line... lemme see how it works up here
15:42.58DarKnesS_WolFtruz_`24: i alaways compile from source.
15:43.01[TK]D-Fendermosty: You must really love dangerous pattern matches
15:44.27coppiceanyone who has dated loves dangerous pattern matches
15:44.30mosty[TK]D-Fender, i was using _X. - i thought that was safe
15:44.42mostyit just didn't match #33
15:45.07[TK]D-Fendermosty: I'm not the least bit surprised ;)
15:45.13mostythough, when i dial *33 the asterisk console shows the call entering the dialplan, and when i dial #33 it shows nothing
15:45.34[TK]D-Fendermosty: guess you've got a * match around there somewhere.
15:45.37mosty[TK]D-Fender, care to enlighten me? i was just following the suggestion of asterisk's own warning messages
15:45.55[TK]D-Fendermosty: Enlighten about what?
15:46.17mostywhy you're surprised
15:46.30Strom_Mmosty: do I need to repeat myself about #?
15:46.34Strom_M# means "I'm finished dialing"
15:46.41Strom_Mso the phone is likely putting the call through even before you get to dial 1
15:47.19mostyStrom_M, a tethereal tracke shows the phone requestion %2333@mypbx, then the pbx sends back a 404
15:47.20Strom_Mso dont start extensions with # unless you want to confuse people and break with standards and all that jazz
15:47.32mostyok, point taken
15:47.58*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:48.21truz_`24DarKnesS_WolF, when you compile from source, it creates the zaptel module, where is this module located on yoru machine?
15:48.52justdavetruz_`24: somewhere in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/
15:49.19Strom_Mmosty: also see the nanpa list of vertical service codes
15:49.20irulea little off topic, I have a grandstream phone, it is not registered atm and the screen says it is downloading an update, is it no0rmal that it is not working while in the updating process? can I interrupt it or something or set up something so that it may update only at 3 am or something? thanks
15:49.24jbotvsc is, like, Vertical Service Codes such as *67, *69, *72, and *82.  These codes are generally reserved for specific uses, and it's a bad idea to conflict with the official assignments.  A list of assigned VSCs for North America is at and
15:49.52truz_`24cool, thx justdave
15:50.48[TK]D-Fendermosty: I said I am NOT surprised.
15:51.32[TK]D-Fenderirule: interrupting updates tends to brick phones.
15:52.18iruleok thanks heh
15:52.39*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
15:52.52vader--ok i got international calling problem
15:52.58vader--i guess i never setup my dial plan for this
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15:53.10vader--i have a phone number that is ### ### ### ### ###
15:53.14hrmphhwhere are voice mail greetings stored?
15:53.18vader--ive never seen anything in that format
15:53.18hrmphhthe ones recorded by users?
15:53.57*** join/#asterisk cazze (n=pc@unaffiliated/kammicazze)
15:54.34[TK]D-Fendervader--: exten _XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SOMETHIN!!!)
15:54.35justdavehrmphh: look in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
15:55.33glogicanyone having trouble with AMI in trunk?  it seems broken at the moment
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15:56.23hrmphhso its /var/lib/asterisk
15:57.34mostyStrom_M, interesting (service code list), thanks
16:00.28*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
16:04.13hrmphhhow can you set it up to trasnfer directly to VM?
16:04.20hrmphhwithout ringing ...
16:04.30hrmphhlike i want to be able to trasnfer to person a's vm greeting instantly
16:04.33irule I made a few readjustments organizing the trunks, making it cleaner and stuff, and fafter this my sip phones cant call each other, this is weird, any thoughts? thanks
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16:07.07ctooleyAnyone in the Dallas/Fort Worth area looking for Asterisk work?
16:07.29mutilatori could move
16:07.35SwKi can do it from remote
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16:09.34[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: exten => 123,1,VoiceMail(456@default,u)
16:09.53ctooleySwK no you couldn't.  I need an experienced person, already in Dallas, that wants a full time position.
16:10.10SwKnot for me then
16:10.13ctooleyNot necessarily in Dalls, the office is in Irving
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16:10.35karlhainesctooley: i used to work in dallas, for annulet inc, i built their domain registry
16:10.45karlhainesphp for the website and python for the backend
16:10.56karlhainesctooley: is the contract or full time?
16:11.01*** part/#asterisk jtknapp (
16:11.05ctooleykarlhaines you moved away from Dallas?  It's full time.
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16:13.26hrmphhwhy wont it let me transfer to *number
16:13.53[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Got it in your dialplan?
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16:14.04hrmphh_*1XXX => { VoiceMail(u${EXTEN}); }
16:14.10hrmphhand i dialplan reloaded
16:14.25[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: debug your phone and see what its sending.
16:14.52hrmphhmight be the diaplan on the sipura
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16:17.31hrmphhwould that dial plan on a sipura prevent me from transferring to "*1XXX"
16:17.53[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: because it clearly tells you to STFU after the 2nd "x"
16:18.06hrmphhyeah the first part?
16:18.22hrmphhonly wants 2 digits after *?
16:18.22[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: yes, it really IS that clear
16:18.34hrmphhmust be the vertical service codes
16:18.38hrmphhthis is just the default dialplan
16:18.39hrmphhon the phone
16:18.41*** part/#asterisk BSD_tech (
16:18.43rene-hello, what could cause audio problems that happen only on the receiving side of a sip call? i am having lots of gaps and skips, in the past when i was linking two sites using IAX i would enable the jitterbuffer and they would go away, with the sip jb things doesnt seem so simple, apparently people are using for zap-sip communications? what else should i look into? i know i cannot or should not traffic shape and incoming connection?
16:18.45[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: no, its jsut a DIALPLAN.
16:19.08[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: If stops listening after the 2nd digit and thats it.  go FIX IT.
16:19.13rene-they dont happen in every call but in most of them
16:19.13hrmphhuh what? no shit its a dial plan, im saying the reason they prob have only 2 there is because all the vertical service codes are 2 digits
16:19.35hrmphhand they have no need for more BY DEFAULT
16:19.56mostyrene-, what's on the other end of these sip calls?
16:20.12rene-it is SIP provider-> asterisk - mitel sip phone
16:20.13[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: No, there are clearly VSC's with 3 digits
16:20.24rene-sip all the way
16:20.33hrmphhnot defined on this phone
16:20.56[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: A nifty oversight :)  Make it do what YOU want it to do...
16:20.59mostyrene-, ok then it sounds like your internet connection needs QoS
16:21.05hrmphhfyi theres 31 vscs defined by default
16:21.07hrmphhall 2 digit
16:21.27[TK]D-Fender <- read again
16:21.34rene-mosty: i would think that would be the case on outgoing connections?
16:21.44hrmphhis that url specific to my phone? no? kthx
16:21.58mostyrene-, depends what else is happening on that link
16:22.09[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Nope, just by those that seem to define the very term you are using.
16:22.25hrmphhdo i care what the full standard is? no
16:22.32hrmphham i talking about a specific phone's default configuration? yes
16:22.50rene-i am asking my ISP to run a traffic report for me so i can see what my usage is and if that is being the problem
16:22.58*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
16:23.03[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Well  it appears your phone's dialplan doesn't make ANYBODY happy...
16:23.20galerasDummQ: can fxotune be used for E1/T1 cards?
16:23.25hrmphhhmm how does that dialplan even allow 5 digit extension dialing
16:23.44hrmphhrene-; what type of csico eq?
16:23.46hrmphhcisco rather
16:24.14[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Doesn't look like it should
16:24.35rene-i have one box i think is a 2801 that is T1 voip router and that gives me a t1 to sprint that is flawless
16:24.38hrmphhit does, you have to hit "dial" at the end
16:24.52hrmphhrene-; 2801? just break the box on boot and reset term passwd
16:25.12hrmphhthey wont even know
16:25.13[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: SPA-841?
16:25.31hrmphhmay just be able to grab existing startup-config and brute force passwd
16:25.34[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: that'd be Linksys then :)
16:25.37hrmphhunless its well encrypted
16:25.38hrmphhtk; yeah
16:26.05[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: May be that it'll send anything if you hit send, but respect the dialplan if you wait or hit a match on dialtone.
16:26.31[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: will it dial a 5-digit while off-hook and listening to tone if you follow with "dial"?
16:26.49hrmphhdunno havent tried offhook
16:26.50hrmphhplaying w/it now
16:27.12hrmphhprob just going to change from (*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)
16:27.47*** join/#asterisk mightnare (
16:27.58hrmphhhrm can you use regex ?'s in the dialplan on a linksys?
16:28.09hrmphhcause i want to add 5 digit dialing optionally beginning with a ?
16:28.21[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: it follows the MGCP dialplan RFC.  Well documented
16:28.45[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: (*x.|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)
16:28.57hrmphhone or more x's?
16:29.01hrmphherr digits
16:29.03[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: yup
16:29.10hrmphhwhat about 5 digit dialing
16:29.23rene-hrmphh: cool
16:29.33hrmphhthink itd be better to just add "*?xxxxx" if that worked
16:29.39hrmphhtrying to find this rfc now
16:29.44Strom_Mhrmphh: ugh, please dont tell me you're doing five-digit vertical service codes
16:29.52hrmphhstrom; no not at all
16:29.56hrmphhits for transfer directly to vm
16:30.00hrmphhwe have 5 digit extensions internally
16:30.10hrmphhbut if you want to transfer to someone's vm unavail without waiting
16:30.18Strom_Myeah, there's a brilliant idea...conflict with the entire vertical service code space all in one go
16:30.32hrmphhhave a better suggestion?
16:30.33hrmphhfor a digit to use?
16:30.39*** join/#asterisk keulin (
16:30.41Strom_Muse one of the available vertical service codes followed by the extension
16:30.45jbothmm... vsc is Vertical Service Codes such as *67, *69, *72, and *82.  These codes are generally reserved for specific uses, and it's a bad idea to conflict with the official assignments.  A list of assigned VSCs for North America is at and
16:30.52Strom_Mthere's a range that's reserved for local assignment
16:31.42hrmphhill still have to change my dial plan tho
16:31.45hrmphheven if i use a reserved one
16:31.52hrmphhcause it cuts you off 2 digits after *
16:32.11*** part/#asterisk mutilator (
16:32.25hrmphhah *99, iirc thats what most people use on cisco callmanager
16:32.33[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: You know... you've created a whole new class of neurosis... VSC Zealotry ;)
16:33.01[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: And a message from the rest of the Universe : "We don't actually CARE" :)
16:33.08Strom_Mfuck you too :)
16:33.31[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: We oughtta go for a beer :)
16:33.57[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Wait... even better... use #xxxx ! ;)
16:34.04tzangermmmm beer
16:34.10[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: pwned
16:34.24tzangermy unemployed friend just popped online to tell me he's enjoying beer, wings and wifi at a local pub
16:34.35[TK]D-FenderFYI, I use #(X's) myself for direct voicemail.
16:34.42cpm[TK]D-Fender is right, the rest of the universe doesn't care, at all. They only want to reserve the right to bitch like crazy when stuff breaks even though they refuse to learn anything
16:35.44*** join/#asterisk Enron (n=enron@
16:35.51hrmphhapparently phone doesnt like that either
16:35.57[TK]D-Fendercpm: They do that, don't they :)  matching *xxxx for VM's does not interfere with VSC's, it just means it won't dial INSTANTLY on the 3rd or 4th digit dialed.  BIG DEAL.
16:35.59hrmphhwill it break on first match?
16:36.00Enronwe are experiencing problem with our phone abit urgent
16:36.02hrmphhthe *xx?
16:36.05Enroncan someone help diagnose
16:36.07hrmphhshould i put the *99x. first?
16:36.16hrmphhlol enron
16:36.16EnronI'm getting Primarty D-channel on span 1 down
16:36.19syzygyBSDhah, Enron asking for help...
16:36.39EnronChan_zap.c:2438 pri_find_dchhan: No d-channels available
16:36.49Corydon-wEnron: what does 'zap show status' show you?
16:36.53SwKEnron: zap show status'
16:36.54Enronusing primary channel 24 as d-channel anyway, !! got I-frame while link state 2
16:36.58cpmfirst match wins
16:37.04hrmphhcpm; thank you
16:37.07[TK]D-FenderEnron: Thats because you don't actually HAVE any D-channels... tcheck your OTHER books ;)
16:37.48EnronIt was working fine then it went down
16:38.13hrmphhhrm from the cli how can i see what phone# a sip phone is sending?
16:39.04[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: "sip debug"
16:39.26hrmphhand can you use '*' in an extension in extensions.ael?
16:39.40hrmphhlike _*1XXXX is valid?
16:39.49[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Should be able to just fine
16:40.24EnronWhat does no d-channels mean?
16:41.01Enronwhat is the d-channel
16:41.05hrmphhok weird
16:41.08hrmphhdialplan reload didnt do it
16:41.11hrmphhi had to restart the whole thing
16:41.15hrmphhfor that extension to take
16:41.22Enron[TK]D-Fender ?
16:41.31EnronVoxTrada*CLI> zap show status
16:41.31EnronDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
16:41.31EnronDigium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 0      OK         0          0          0
16:41.56[TK]D-FenderEnron: Guessing your card may jsut have received a reset.  Is it WORKING now?
16:42.11Enronnope :(
16:42.33Enronstill busy signal when calling and nobody can call in
16:42.51Enronwhat else can we check?
16:43.30Strom_MEnron: what kind of circuit do you have plugged into the card?
16:44.17Enronpri 24 chan
16:44.26Enronvoice and data
16:44.28*** join/#asterisk Splat (
16:44.35Enronfull 1.5
16:44.38*** join/#asterisk Zdrulio (n=BLA@
16:44.46Strom_Mok, which channels are voice and which channels are data?
16:45.58Enronall are both
16:46.31*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
16:46.37Enronautomatic ajustment
16:46.43[TK]D-FenderLeft is right!  4 is 5!
16:46.50Strom_Mso it's a basic full ISDN PRI with 23 B channels and a single D channel?
16:47.26Enronit's a T1
16:48.16hrmphhhmm so apparently when you transfer directly to vm it starts the greeting right away
16:48.26Strom_Myes, ISDN PRI is delivered over Tq1
16:48.27Strom_Mer, T1
16:48.41hrmphhlike receptionist picks up, hits transfer, *991XXXX and then they hang up right?
16:48.44Strom_Mbut I'm asking you if you know exactly how that circuit is configured
16:48.54hrmphhso from the time they dial the extension to the time they hang up only they can hear the greeting
16:49.16MrTelephoneI had to use the sangoma beta drivers for the adit 600 to work
16:49.28MrTelephoneand also had to relax dtmf for tones to be picked up
16:49.29Strom_Mhrmphh: you may want to put twelve seconds of ringing in there
16:49.40hrmphhstrom twelve? heh
16:49.42EnronStrom_M Ok so T1 and all chans are data and voice
16:49.43hrmphhseems arbitrary
16:49.47EnronWhat else can we diagnose
16:49.52hrmphhwas thinking just pausing for a few seconds?
16:49.54Strom_MEnron: uh, no
16:50.00Strom_Mchans cannot be "data and voice"
16:50.16Strom_Meither it's ISDN, it's data, or it's voice
16:50.21[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: She should be doing a BLIND transfer
16:50.29Enroncan a central office/switch be dropping our Dchan before it reaches telepacific
16:50.30hrmphhhow do you do a blind transfer?
16:50.31*** join/#asterisk agile (n=mike@
16:50.59[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Look at your soft keys closer
16:51.14Strom_MEnron: i doubt it
16:51.24hrmphhin any case prob want to play some ring
16:51.27Strom_MEnron: now please answer my question
16:51.28hrmphhwhats the command to do that?
16:51.39Enronsorry, what is your question again.
16:51.39Strom_Mis the circuit a basic full ISDN PRI with 23 B channels and a single D channel?
16:51.53hrmphhagile; depends mostly on cpu
16:51.57hrmphhand of course outside lines :)
16:52.09[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: Why would you want to do that... to give the caller the illusion that they MIGHT get answered?
16:52.26EnronIt's a T1 shared pri circuit that has voice and data riding the same pair, automatic
16:52.27hrmphhtk; no to buy some time if its not a blind transfer
16:52.32hrmphhbecause it could be coming from an analog phone
16:52.37[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: And why wouldn't it be?
16:52.45hrmphhwe have an analog cordless phone on an fxs port
16:52.45Strom_MEnron: that's not lilely
16:52.49hrmphhtheres no "blind transfer" softkey
16:52.50Strom_Mer, likely
16:52.50[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh:  What phone can't do a blind transfer?
16:53.00hrmphhits hitting a flash button
16:53.01Strom_MEnron: it sounds to me like you don't really know what you're talking about
16:53.02hrmphhand dialing the extension
16:53.05hrmphhthen hitting flash again
16:53.10Enronassuming it's just voice
16:53.13[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: I recall there being one when I had my 941... look AGAIN, and read the manual
16:53.17Enronwhat can we do to troubleshoot further.
16:53.22hrmphhdid you read what i said
16:53.26hrmphh09:47 < hrmphh> we have an analog cordless phone on an fxs port
16:53.27[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: hitting flash != softkeys
16:53.32hrmphh09:47 < hrmphh> because it could be coming from an analog phone
16:53.33Strom_MEnron: i need to know what the circuit actually is configured for before I can troubleshoot it
16:53.36[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: What kind of fxs?
16:53.37hrmphh09:48 < hrmphh> theres no "blind transfer" softkey
16:54.05hrmphhwhat kind?
16:54.05hrmphhits a regular budget cordless phone
16:54.05hrmphhconnected to fxs port on a tdm card
16:54.05[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: I believe its after you press "more"
16:54.09Enronon the phone with provider right now
16:54.13Enronwill let you know in a sec
16:54.25Enronbtw thanks for helping I really appreciate it.
16:54.27[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: zaptel has a blind transfer feature in features.conf
16:54.33hrmphho rly
16:54.49hrmphhreading that now
16:54.50[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: rly
16:55.17[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: I bet features.conf has you BOILING, doesn't it? ;)
16:56.19hrmphhthis is how we're doing now
16:56.24hrmphhcant seem to find blind transfer yet
16:56.42Strom_M[TK]D-Fender: cocks
16:56.48EnronStorm it's a Voice over ATM delivered to the building, and from there 24 chan pri out of the adtran.
16:56.49hrmphhaltho it seems to be listed here:
16:56.57EnronUsing G726 Encoding
16:57.11Strom_MEnron: ......ok?
16:57.23Enronthis is the info I am provided with
16:57.35EnronThe encoding allows us to use half of the chan for data
16:57.43Enronand half for voice, so it's a single circuit
16:57.55EnronThis is what i'm being told. so it's basically voice
16:57.58[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: c'mon.... don't hold back on us.. tell us how you REALLY feel ;)
16:57.58EnronISDN PRI
16:58.17Strom_Mis the g726 encoding used on the PRI coming out of the adtran, or on the ATM portion?
16:58.21[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: jsut look directly in features.conf
16:58.33*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
16:58.45Enronit's on the ATM
16:58.57hrmphhhmm ok so #
16:59.07hrmphhso hit flash then #extension and hangup?
16:59.08hrmphhsound right?
16:59.11EnronISDN PRi btw.
16:59.25[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: not for atxfer
16:59.27hrmphhor are you not supposed to hit flash first
16:59.47Strom_MEnron: ok
16:59.52EnronWould it be a component failure?
16:59.56Strom_Mso it's a basic ISDN PRI
16:59.57hrmphhblindxfer allows unattended or blind transfers. It works like this:
16:59.58hrmphhWhile on a conversation with another party, you dial the blindxfer sequence. Asterisk says "Transfer" then gives you a dial tone, while putting the other party on hold. You dial the transferee number and the caller is put through to that number immediately. Your line drops. The caller ID displayed to the person receiving the transferred call is exactly the same as the caller ID presented to you.
17:00.03Enronwe have restarted the phone system
17:00.10Strom_MEnron: pastebin your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
17:00.11Enronit's a basic ISDN PRI
17:01.16Enronok one moment getting it.
17:01.20hrmphhNote: You MUST use the T and/or t options in the command Dial() in order to allow the caller and/or callee to use any transfer feature
17:01.21*** join/#asterisk aptura (
17:01.25hrmphhhow do i use those options?
17:01.31[TK]D-Fenderblind transfer on features.con appears to be #1
17:01.43[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: "show application dial"
17:02.03[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: And seriously..... go look at your 941 again.. it HAS a blind transfer w/o using features.conf
17:02.31hrmphhim talking about the analog
17:02.33*** join/#asterisk bawb2 (
17:02.52[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: And I'm back on a rant about the other non-existant features I've been pointing out to you ;)
17:03.39EnronStrom_M <-- zapata.conf
17:03.41hrmphhouch so you have to put the t option anytime you dial?
17:03.49EnronWhere would zaptel.conf be located
17:03.50hrmphhanytime you Dial() rather?
17:04.04Strom_MEnron: /etc/zaptel.conf
17:04.09Enrongot it
17:04.28Strom_MEnron: uh, you need to specify an ISDN switchtype in zapata.conf...
17:04.52Strom_Malso, take the spaces out of your span= line
17:05.02Strom_Mdo you know what switchtype your circuit uses?
17:05.10*** join/#asterisk cayorde (
17:05.25EnronDMS 100
17:05.40Strom_MDMS100 signalling, or National ISDN 2 signaling?
17:06.40Strom_Mbecause the DMS-100 can speak both ;)
17:06.41Enronchecking one moment
17:07.43*** join/#asterisk tr2x (
17:08.05EnronStrom_M can you tell me the line I need to edit in the zapata.conf for that
17:08.08Enronwe will try both
17:08.12[TK]D-Fenderhrmphh: where applicable, yes.  BTW... there is a REASON I suggest Linksys SPA FXS over zaptel...
17:08.40Strom_MEnron: I'd rather know what it's supposed to be than go guessing around at it
17:10.55*** join/#asterisk Avero (n=Avero@
17:11.41*** join/#asterisk jeremy_g (
17:12.23jeremy_gwhat does this symbol |OO| stands for? its printed to describe a female port on a telco hardware
17:13.20EnronStrom_M what's the value to be put in for NI2
17:13.35Strom_MEnron: what did the telco say?
17:13.40Enronstill waiting
17:13.45Enronso we are trying 2 of it
17:14.36Strom_Manyway, i have to break for lunch, so if the telco says "DMS-100", you put switchtype=dms100 in zapata.conf before signalling=; if they say NI2, you put "switchtype=national"
17:15.01[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Looks like a 2-prong power connector to me.
17:15.53EnronThis is Richard.  I have 20 years i telecom. I woirked for Nortel.  THe Calss 5 switch is a DMS100.  I need to know what the correct value for singnally is to set it for NI II.  It was set to pri_cpe.  Is that even a valid setting?  I think we just need to klnow the valid ode for the signally field in the zapata.conf
17:16.30Qwell[]<Strom_M> anyway, i have to break for lunch, so if the telco says "DMS-100", you put switchtype=dms100 in zapata.conf before signalling=; if they say NI2, you put "switchtype=national"
17:16.49jeremy_gEnron: what does |OO| sybol printed on a telco port mean
17:17.02jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:nopes it aint that
17:17.23jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:it apparently looks like a female serial port but it should be the monitor port
17:17.29jeremy_gbut vga wont go in
17:18.03[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Well your ASCII art is the WORST sample of "supporting docs" I've ever seen :)
17:18.12*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (
17:18.12[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: And your description lacking
17:18.15Qwell[]jeremy_g: what color is the port?
17:18.29Enronnational 2
17:18.32cpmwhat type of connector, how many pins, if any
17:19.28jeremy_gits a 9-pin
17:19.39jeremy_gits my media gateway
17:20.19jeremy_gwith two ethernet interfaces coming out of it, out of which one is shuved into the signallin gw (linux box) and other to the network
17:20.56jeremy_gEnron:i was expecting an answer out of your 20 years.
17:20.57[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: could be serial for SMDR
17:21.07jeremy_gfemale serial
17:21.27jeremy_gbut i would like to know the IP of the box whose serial it is
17:21.43jeremy_gsupposed to be the monitor but it surely doesnt contain any os
17:21.44*** join/#asterisk Braxus (n=braxus@
17:22.01jeremy_gignore the last line plz
17:22.22Qwell[]^^ that one?
17:22.27Enronjeremy that was richard, he was assisting me, this is atif now. sorry
17:22.49apturamy moh volume is cranked to the point of clipping distortion. Horrid. IE the volume is way to high anyone seen this before?
17:23.29c4t3laptura: once
17:23.49apturayea its doing it on my system. blow your ear drum out :)
17:23.59c4t3lhave you tried messing with /etc/asterisk/musicongold.conf?
17:24.18apturaI just was in there will see if its a setting that needs to be turned down :)
17:24.23c4t3lhold! hold! musiconhold :)
17:24.24Qwell[]c4t3l: patent pending!
17:25.18c4t3llook into quietmp3 perhaps that may fix...
17:26.10c4t3lsorry quietmp3nb
17:26.26Kattyanyone framilier with debian.
17:26.30Kattysuper duper framilier.
17:26.42Qwell[]Katty: I know of Debian
17:26.51Kattyreally now.
17:27.19Kattycan you tell me, if i want to run a mount commmand, wether i should put it in the /etc/rc.local file, or the /etc/init.d/rc.local file?
17:27.57apturac4t3l yes changed it to that setting same effect.
17:28.04Qwell[]Katty: /etc/init.d/rc.locall is what calls /etc/rc.local
17:28.28Kattyso, that's just a symlink
17:28.32Kattyto the /etc/rc.local file
17:28.43Kattythen i don't understand.
17:28.46Kattypretend i'm 5 :P
17:28.49Qwell[]it executes /etc/rc.local from /etc/init.d/rc.local
17:28.57Qwell[]GO TO YOUR ROOM
17:29.00Qwell[]NO ICECREAM
17:29.01Kattybutbut :<
17:29.05c4t3laptura: are you running mpg123?
17:29.13mostyKatty, neither. put it in /etc/fstab
17:29.15Kattyyou're not supposed to talk that way to a 5 year old :P
17:29.18Kattymosty: uh, no
17:29.36apturaI am looking into it online.
17:29.39mostyKatty, you're trying to mount a fs at boot? that's what fstab is for
17:29.40c4t3laptura: have you tried to kill the mpg123 proc and restart?
17:29.41KattyQwell[]: then talk to me like i'm 22 :P
17:29.43Kattymosty: no
17:29.47apturac4 i could
17:29.56luckyone_Hymie: sorry, I was away. So festival isn't that good?
17:30.00Qwell[]Katty: I don't think you want that either
17:30.04mostyKatty, what are you trying to do then?
17:30.09Kattymosty: nothing.
17:31.00apturac4 killed restarted same thing looking online now for a fix.
17:31.22c4t3lhmm... is it a custom mp3 file??
17:31.24Kattymosty: so nice of you to help me tho.
17:31.28Kattymosty: i do appreciate that (=
17:31.45Qwell[]oh, sure, thank him :P
17:32.03fileQwell[] doesn't do hugs
17:32.06c4t3lKatty: /etc/fstab
17:32.08KattyQwell[]: you know i appreciate every little thing you do for me (=
17:32.24apturahmm all default
17:32.59c4t3laptura: whens the last time the system was rebooted?
17:33.18Kattyfile: did i tell you a hurt my foot yesterday?
17:33.28fileKatty: yes :( I gave you morphine earlier!
17:33.34Kattyfile: oh yes. hrmm.
17:33.41Kattyfile: sorry, my memory is failing too.
17:33.50Kattyfile: i have my mother to thank for that.
17:33.56DarKnesS_WolFmay be it's the morphine :P
17:33.57fileKatty: did she hurt you?!?
17:34.05Kattyfile: her genetics, you goofball.
17:34.13mostyKatty, if you're tring to do nothing, put /bin/true in your rc.local file :P
17:35.57Qwell[]mosty: /bin/false
17:35.57Kattyoh for goodness sake.
17:35.57Qwell[]do nothing - unsuccessfully
17:35.57*** join/#asterisk KeNroM (n=hg@
17:35.57Kattyi don't want to put it in /etc/fstab! accept that and move on!
17:35.58Kattymishehu: !
17:35.58apturac4 have not but it sounds like the setting is stuck in memory.
17:35.58c4t3looh ooh for fun set your default runlevel in inittab to 6
17:35.58KeNroMHI guys... i have a slight problem...
17:35.59KattyKeNroM: slight? i have a /real/ problem.
17:35.59DarKnesS_WolFKatty: then use /etc/rc.local
17:35.59DarKnesS_WolFKatty: rc.local is the last thing running before X as i recall
17:35.59Qwell[]c4t3l: real men (and/or women) set it to 0
17:35.59KattyDarKnesS_WolF: yes, indeed. that's what Qwell[] said about 5 minutes ago.
17:36.00mishehuKatty: howdy, been a while.  how's things down in the state of Misery?
17:36.00Kattymishehu: miserable. hot. humid.
17:36.01DarKnesS_WolFKatty: oh i was writing an email... :-) sorry didn't notice ..
17:36.01DarKnesS_WolFKatty: but why u don't want to use fstab !?
17:36.01Kattymishehu: and the river it wrecking havoc on my allergies :P
17:36.02KattyDarKnesS_WolF: because it is a network share.
17:36.02KattyDarKnesS_WolF: off of a windows machine.
17:36.02DarKnesS_WolFKatty: so ?
17:36.03Qwell[]You can fstab that :D
17:36.09DarKnesS_WolFi add Samba to my fstab
17:36.09mishehuKatty: damn teh river.  time to declare war on the terrorist allergens
17:36.09KeNroMi have a closer campaign setup..and i also have a custom php webform..... when the user clicks on webform button it bring out window with this url
17:36.09apturakatty sounds like texas.
17:36.10*** join/#asterisk `pariah (n=josh@unaffiliated/pariah)
17:36.10Kattymishehu: indeedy.
17:36.17Kattyit's not samba. it's cifs.
17:36.23KeNroMwhy does that happens
17:36.26mvanbaakyou can fstab cifs too
17:36.26Kattyand i have domain and username and passwords and lots of other things
17:36.28KeNroMand how do i fix it....
17:36.33*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
17:36.34Kattyend of story!
17:36.51c4t3lKatty create a pass file
17:37.02mostyKatty, fstab is basically just a series of mount commands broken up into their components
17:37.06Kattygo fix someone else's problem!
17:37.14Kattyhelp KeNroM  :P
17:37.19DarKnesS_WolFKatty: check last comment
17:37.43mishehuKatty: hope that's not an IBM type-M keyboard
17:38.13Kattymishehu: i think it's cute how there's a billion different ways to do something, and if you're not doing it the way someone else would, you're clearly in the wrong :P
17:38.28DarKnesS_WolFKatty: here too
17:38.39Kattymishehu: see? :P
17:38.41mishehuKatty: that, adn don't forget that being female automatically makes you wrong when it comes to driving or computing...
17:38.50Kattybut thanks so much everyone for your help (=
17:39.00Kattymishehu: oh yeah. i forgot about that part.
17:39.14c4t3lKatty: why not write a shell script and sav it in .. say /usr/sbin, make it executable and call it form /etc/rc.local
17:39.22Kattyc4t3l: i think i'd rather have an icecream cone.
17:39.33Kattynow if you guys could offer KeNroM  some help...
17:39.34c4t3lthat will also work
17:39.37Kattyhe really needs.
17:39.38apturatc same. I need to get something to eat.
17:39.49mishehuKatty: next time you're in chicago I'll get you one.  my parents own an ice cream store here now.
17:39.58Kattymishehu: oh. is it kosher?
17:40.11mishehuKatty: I believe so.
17:40.12Qwell[]no meat at all
17:40.52Kattymishehu: hot dog (=
17:40.53Qwell[]especially not hooved meat
17:40.53Qwell[]hot dog?
17:40.53Qwell[]isn't that...very non-kosher?
17:40.53KeNroMcan anyone help me
17:40.53mvanbaakshoarma icecream !
17:41.02KattyKeNroM: i think you better post your problem again.
17:41.18Kattymishehu: i wouldn't mind a lil trip to chicago
17:41.27Kattymishehu: 8 hours on amtrak isn't bad, afterall.
17:41.43mishehuKatty: I know that not all the products are, but many of them are certified by OU.
17:41.43mishehuthink the ice cream is one
17:41.43mishehuKatty: but I thought you don't eat ice cream
17:41.43mishehuat least not real ice cream
17:41.53KeNroMi have a closer campaign setup..and i also have a custom php webform..... when the user clicks on webform button it bring out window with this url
17:42.01Kattymishehu: i'm actually omni again.
17:42.04KeNroMinstead of my custom script
17:42.05Kattymishehu: sort of.
17:42.25mishehuQwell[]: hot dogs can be kosher.  Bests, Hebrew NAtional, etc.
17:42.48Qwell[]Bests sound like an uber-generic brand
17:42.52mishehuKatty: good to hear, now you can enjoy ice cream
17:43.07Qwell[]and many other wonderful foods ;)
17:43.19EnronJust confirmed it was a bad card
17:43.20Qwell[]and hamburgers
17:43.22mishehuugah bugah
17:43.23EnronThanks for all the help
17:43.30Qwell[]well, minus the ham, I suppose?
17:43.37Kattyi only eat chicken and turkey.
17:43.43Qwell[]that's not omni :p
17:43.45mishehuKatty: boc boc?
17:43.52Qwell[]that's like...vegetarian
17:43.52mishehuKatty: not parrot I hope
17:43.53Kattymishehu: berkok!
17:44.09Kattymishehu: no, i'm not going to eat your parrot.
17:44.20Kattytoo many feathers.
17:44.25mishehuKatty: she thanks you for not being interested in eating her.
17:44.57Kattymom's bird was kinda fiesty last time i went to visit.
17:45.03Kattydon't think he's been handled enough lately.
17:47.06KeNroMcan anyone help me plzzzz
17:47.23DarKnesS_WolFKeNroM: what is ur problem ?
17:47.31KeNroMi have a closer campaign setup..and i also have a custom php webform..... when the user clicks on webform button it bring out window with this url
17:47.59DarKnesS_WolFKeNroM: where is the problem ?
17:48.10KeNroMit is to bring up a script...
17:49.05KeNroMbut when i click on the webform button it bring up...this
17:49.59DarKnesS_WolFKeNroM: don't know :-s
17:50.55Kattyfile: pst.
17:51.06fileno :(
17:51.12Kattyfile: :<
17:51.16Kattyfile: pst. not .pst
17:51.34mishehu.pst files suck
17:51.40Kattyyes, yes they do.
17:51.47mishehuit's microsoft's way of saying "we're retards"
17:51.52Kattyhehe yes
17:51.57Kattylet's dump everything into a single file!!
17:52.02Kattythat'll be great!
17:52.11mishehuKatty: actually, they had to do that because of how NTFS is...
17:52.39apturakatty so when that file corrupts you loose everything unless of course it was backed up
17:52.47Kattyaptura: yep.
17:52.55mishehuNTFS is another alf bassed hackwards idea of theirs
17:53.19mishehuand it cannot handle lots of small files in any moderately efficient manner.
17:53.30Kattyalf bassed hackwards? :P
17:53.43*** join/#asterisk `pariah (n=josh@unaffiliated/pariah)
17:53.45Kattyhaha, that's great.
17:53.53mishehuKatty: yes!
17:53.55Kattyi'm gonna remember that one ;)
17:54.06*** join/#asterisk naitram (n=chatzill@
17:55.43karlhainesthats why ext3 rocks ;)
17:55.50karlhainesjournaling fs
17:56.11karlhainesi guess reiser is supposed to be really good with small files but i never use it
17:56.22Qwell[]reiser is good at lots of things
17:56.29Qwell[]covering up murder is not one of them
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17:58.57[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: The jury's still out on that one IIRC;)
17:59.25Qwell[]well, I already passed judgment, so it's okay :P
17:59.33Qwell[]"judgment"?  why does that look wrong?
18:00.58*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
18:01.46[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: Because its unnatural to drop the "e" off "judge" to congugate it that way.
18:02.03[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: Its American :)
18:02.12Qwell[]stupid en_US
18:02.42Kattyit's cold.
18:02.46[TK]D-Fenderthe problem with being the lowest common denominator is just how far you have to go ;)
18:02.48wunderkinjudgemente? judgoument?
18:02.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: Look into the light!
18:02.54coppicewhy do americans have a fear of the letter U? :-)
18:02.55Qwell[]wunderkin: spanish?
18:03.06wunderkinlol no stupid joke
18:03.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: someone left the server room door open again. :<
18:03.13Kattystupid co-worker.
18:04.19*** join/#asterisk crochat (
18:09.27apturakatty, make it a rfid accessable.
18:09.52apturaspring loaded doors with a 8 second buzzer.
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18:12.22[TK]D-FenderKatty: Nah... let them in... then throw the switch to open the drop-floor doors and dunk them into the pool of sharks with friggen laser beams on their heads !
18:13.12apturaor have a mechanic leg kick them as thay exit the door :)
18:13.30apturamechanical :)
18:15.11Kattymechanical squirrel.
18:15.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: yay, my rc.local worked!!
18:16.29*** part/#asterisk mog (
18:16.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: now does the modprobe and ztcfg and asterisk -vblahblah stuff go in rc.local too?
18:17.06DarKnesS_WolFKatty: u can use /etc/modules to run modules in boot time.
18:17.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: Depends.  I'm not sure how Debian handles services.
18:17.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: i guess i could try and find out (=
18:17.20DarKnesS_WolFKatty: why u don't want to use init.d scrips for running asterisk in boot time :-s?
18:17.25[TK]D-FenderKatty: in RH you'd install the SysV stuff and set the init levels and that's it
18:17.53KattyDarKnesS_WolF: i think /you/ think i know more than i do (=
18:18.01KattyDarKnesS_WolF: i'm learning linux right now.
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18:18.16DarKnesS_WolFKatty: ok great :-) then u can use a tool in debian called rcconf
18:18.22DarKnesS_WolFapt-get install rcconf
18:18.23Kattytool? debian?
18:18.28Kattyi don't want a tool
18:18.31Kattyi want to know how to do it
18:18.38DarKnesS_WolFthis tool will help u to put services in boot time.
18:18.49cpmwithout actually doing my homework, is there such a thing as a sip video phone that actually works?
18:18.50DarKnesS_WolFok u can put the init script of asterisk into /etc/init.d
18:19.00DarKnesS_WolFand then link it to /etc/rc.runlever ur using.
18:19.08DarKnesS_WolFu can get the runleve from /etc/inittab
18:19.25Kattycan't ijust put everything into rc.local
18:19.27Kattyit'd be so much easier
18:19.32Kattyone spot
18:19.35DarKnesS_WolFit's not the right way.
18:19.37Kattyeverything there?
18:19.40Kattydoes it get the job done?
18:19.49Kattyif it gets the job done, why is it not the Right Way(tm)
18:19.54DarKnesS_WolFi think so
18:20.03Vec2Does anyone know if the T38 pass through problems have been resolved in asterisk 1.4.4 ?
18:20.04Kattythen if it gets the job done...who cares? :P
18:20.34DarKnesS_WolFKatty: hmmm do it the way u like :-) but it's always better to do it the right way if u really want to learn.
18:20.41[TK]D-Fendercpm: The Grandstream one works, but being GS I'd follow JBOT's advise.  eyeBeam works great.  Heard the Tornado works as well (but quality sucks)
18:20.50*** join/#asterisk crochat (
18:20.51KattyDarKnesS_WolF: right, so, tool
18:20.58mishehuDarKnesS_WolF: the "right way" is very weighted
18:21.07cpmthanks [TK]D-Fender
18:21.08mishehuand also depends on the distro
18:21.14DarKnesS_WolFcpm: yes it's the payed version of xlite it did work here too
18:21.29cpmoh, softphone?
18:21.31cpmno joy
18:21.32DarKnesS_WolFsame as ekiga if i recall correctly i did play with video like few months ago.
18:21.38mishehucpm: take off your beer googles
18:22.08DarKnesS_WolFKatty: rcconf it just a tool to create the link for the services from /etc/init.d/ to /etc/rc.runleve /etc/rc5.d or whatever runlever ur using.
18:22.15DarKnesS_WolFhmm i think we are way offtopic :-D
18:23.05KattyDarKnesS_WolF: and /why/ is it better to do it that way
18:23.25[TK]D-Fenders/we are/I am/
18:25.24mishehuI say we blame [TK]D-Fender-Bender
18:26.04LeddyHMme too
18:26.06LeddyHMall his fault
18:26.08[TK]D-FenderAnd people keep saying I don't DO anything... we here you have it!  I DO!
18:26.49Kattyyou do everthing.
18:27.40Katty[TK]D-Fender: that's not an excuse for you to go on vacation.
18:28.06*** join/#asterisk mikebwilliams (
18:28.09karlhainessomeone in here yesterday said that they worked at a VOIP provider
18:28.19[TK]D-FenderKatty: But I do... everthing! ;)
18:28.20coppiceIf life gives you lemons, make lemon tea... if life give you tea leaves
18:28.20karlhaineswhoever you were, are you here?
18:28.23mikebwilliamshey all, i've got a problem where i get an error when trying to dial out over a pri: chan_zap.c: Unable to determine channel for data PRI/98125843779
18:28.40Katty[TK]D-Fender: /sob
18:28.51mikebwilliamsanybody had that one before?
18:29.32Kattywe don't have a pri.
18:29.35Kattyso...count me out (=
18:29.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: that new card came in today ^_^
18:30.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: neat-o
18:31.00[TK]D-Fendermikeperhaps you should pastebin the entire CLI output of your failed call
18:31.02karlhainesanyone know a place that will port my DIDs in a timely manner?? I've paid to do this, but its been 30 days already, i need to get this done, NOW
18:31.35*** join/#asterisk ESCulapio__ (
18:34.28mikebwilliamswhat's the url to paste things online?
18:35.21jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
18:35.33*** join/#asterisk asdx (n=diego@
18:35.57mishehuand I thought pb was for peanut butter
18:36.19ESCulapio__quien habla espanol
18:36.28coppicepeanut butter is a paste, isn't it?
18:36.28mikebwilliamsthat's the debug output
18:36.40mikebwilliamscoppice: i guess
18:38.22mishehucoppice: indeed, and probably before it goes into a jar, it's in a bin
18:38.51mishehuESCulapio__: no recuerdo mucho espanol.  hablo ingles y hebreo
18:39.02mikebwilliamsi'll be on and off... vpn'
18:39.42ESCulapio__mishehu, tengo una pregunta y/o una confusión me puedes ayudar
18:40.50[TK]D-Fendermikebwilliams: May 15 12:12:14 VERBOSE[9715] logger.c:     -- Executing Dial("IAX2/4444-1", "ZAP/PRI/98125843779|300|tr") in new stack
18:41.06[TK]D-Fendermikebwilliams: PRI is not part of a valid channel formatting
18:41.21[TK]D-Fendermikebwilliams: You need to pick a channel, or channel group
18:41.32ESCulapio__un amigo contrato un usuario en un proveedor, si lo configuro en un softphone puedo recibir llamadas pero si lo registro en asterisk no me entran las llamadas "no puedo recibir las llamadas"
18:41.36mikebwilliamscould I name that group "PRI"
18:41.42ESCulapio__mishehu, un amigo contrato un usuario en un proveedor, si lo configuro en un softphone puedo recibir llamadas pero si lo registro en asterisk no me entran las llamadas "no puedo recibir las llamadas"
18:41.44mishehuESCulapio__: hay poco que comprender (?) espanol aqui
18:42.00ESCulapio__mishehu, tratare en ingles
18:42.26[TK]D-Fendermikebwilliams: No.
18:42.39luckyone_ESCulapio__: un pocito
18:42.53mishehuESCulapio__: I don't remember enough to even fully understand your problem...  or to tell you there are probably very few people who speak spanish
18:42.56[TK]D-Fendermikebwilliams: Go read up on zapata.conf on the WIKI and fix your dialplan
18:43.00karlhainesanyone know a place that will port my DIDs in a timely manner?? I've paid to do this, but its been 30 days already, i need to get this done, NOW
18:43.09mikebwilliamsok, i've been looking through it, but i think i'm confused
18:43.14[TK]D-Fenderkarlhaines: what area codes?
18:43.19mishehubut anyway, I must throw a pizza into the oven, I'm starving
18:43.23mikebwilliamsi'll be back in a few when i'm better informed
18:43.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: before, i used to type modprobe zaptel, then insmod wctdm...and i know i added wctdm as a module option...
18:43.42[TK]D-Fendermikebwilliams: "Dial(Zap/1/123456)" , "Dial(Zap/g1/1234567890), etc
18:43.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: i did a locate, and found it in /lib/modules/mykernel/misc/wctdm.ko
18:43.47karlhaines[TK]D-Fender: 615
18:44.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong..
18:44.16mikebwilliamsi'm thinking what happened is that i renamed my zap channels in freepbx, and then didn't bother with my channels, in zapata.conf, and didn't even but a "g" before the name in freepbx
18:44.34[TK]D-Fenderkarlhaines: Tried unlimitel?
18:44.35ESCulapio__mishehu, a friend contract the service of a supplier "an account sip"
18:45.17jboti guess freepbx is unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
18:45.30[TK]D-Fendermikebwilliams: And it was a mistake to enter "PRI" wherever you did.
18:45.32ESCulapio__mishehu, if I form it in softphone I can receive the calls, the calls enter
18:45.44karlhaines[TK]D-Fender: do you have service with them?
18:45.54mikebwilliams[TK]D-Fender: got it, back to using numbers, and more things are working, thanks
18:46.17ESCulapio__mishehu, but if it registry in asterisk the calls do not enter
18:46.30[TK]D-Fenderkarlhaines: Not personally, but several of my clients, yes.  Good support & quality
18:49.35mishehuESCulapio__: are you actually seeing it register to asterisk?
18:51.55ESCulapio__mishehu, yes, the flames leave to me but they do not enter
18:52.45ESCulapio__and have type=friend
18:58.59*** join/#asterisk tschafer (n=tschafer@
19:01.25naitramhow do you get asterisk to startup on bootup on linux (debian). I now it should be a debian question but haven't figured it out
19:01.26Qwell[]ctooley: still around?
19:02.07DarKnesS_WolFnaitram: in /asterisk/source/contrib/init/rc.asterisk.debian
19:02.11DarKnesS_WolFif i recall correctly the path
19:02.22DarKnesS_WolFtake this file copy to ur /etc/init.d/asterisk
19:02.42DarKnesS_WolFand then link it with to ur /etc/rcrunlevel.d
19:03.04DarKnesS_WolFor use rcconf to add the services to the boot time after u do copy the init script into ur /etc/init.d
19:03.42naitramDarKnesS_WolF:  Ok, got ya. Thanks will try.
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19:05.03karlhaines[TK]D-Fender: ever heard from any of those customers how long their ports took? (i've sent them a contact req). said it would take 10 days, and its been over a month
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19:05.32[TK]D-Fenderkarlhaines: Sorry no.....
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19:11.23Enronanyone know where I can purchase a digium nic in LA
19:11.32Enrondon't want to wait overnight
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19:11.46Qwell[]Digium doesn't sell NICs
19:12.32Corydon-wQwell[]: T1 cards are technically NICs... just not Ethernet NICs
19:13.04*** join/#asterisk boch (n=fran@
19:13.18Qwell[]Enron: You may be able to get in touch with a distributor, and find a local reseller
19:13.25Kattyso. in 1.4... in the zaptel.conf, you just need loadzone, defaultzone, and your whatcardisit=channels
19:13.28Qwell[]there is a list on, I believe
19:13.30Enronnone seem to have it in stock
19:13.53Corydon-wKatty: and a span definition, if applicable
19:13.54bochmates, do you know how to playback all files in a dir? want to listem and delete if apropiated
19:14.01KattyCorydon-w: what's a "span definition"
19:14.13Corydon-wKatty: T1s have span= definitions
19:14.24Kattynone of that just yet (=
19:14.34KattyCorydon-w: thanks (=
19:14.36Corydon-wE1s, too
19:15.18Corydon-wand a trunkgroup mapping, for NFAS or D-channels not on the last channel of a T1 span
19:15.19[TK]D-Fenderboch: Go write an AGI
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19:16.19boch[TK]D-Fender, heh i had foget them thanks
19:16.28bochtoo much AEL
19:24.04errrWhen in the voicemail is it possible to get the Caller ID info to display on the phone from the voicemail you are listening to?
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19:27.22iruleis there such a thing on line as a regular/traditional PBX flow chart that may help me design my dialplan?
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19:29.50Strom_Mirule: not that I'm aware of; is it dialplan planning you're trying to work out, or is it your numbering plan that you're trying to engineer?
19:33.10Kattyi'm having brain failure. i'm looking at zapata.conf, and i have a 'from-zap' context with all the settings and such under it, then i have two more contexts with channels under it.
19:33.15iruleStrom_M I dont know how you may call it, I an starting to draw a graphical diagram on visio defining all steps that may be taken when a call is handled by [default], I just think it will be easyer down the line to prepare this before actually writing the code to the dialplan since I will know exactly what I am going to do
19:37.14*** join/#asterisk Zipper_32 (n=None@
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19:37.37Zipper_32What parameter can I use in Musiconhold.conf to allow music playback from where it left off?
19:38.14Strom_Mirule: well first off, [default] shouldnt be your primary context
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19:38.33Strom_Mthere should be nothing in [default]; everything should be appropriately named
19:39.16iruleas far as Im concerned an incomming call goes straight to default, right?
19:39.22irulefrom zap
19:39.30Strom_Mno, that's not a good idea
19:39.37Strom_Mincoming calls should land in their own context
19:40.10iruleoh, ok, I see; thanks!
19:40.53irulehow may I configure some other context to be executed instead of [default]?
19:41.11Strom_Mset it up in your channel driver
19:45.27*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
19:45.58Kattyrxgain is outgoing?
19:46.02Kattyand txgain is incoming?
19:46.07Kattyor do i have those backwards?
19:46.17*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (n=cj@
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19:47.22afrosheenhey guys, if asterisk won't start at boot because zaptel takes awhile to create the devfs devices, what should I try?
19:47.31Qwell[]wait longer?
19:47.49*** part/#asterisk angom (
19:48.06afrosheenlike by changing the S number?
19:48.42afrosheenit was working fine with the regular asterisk, but after the business edition install, it's jacked up
19:49.38Qwell[]...why don't you support?
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19:58.24afrosheenQwell[], ugh..that's all everyone says when I mention ABE
19:58.36Qwell[]well, that's kinda the point of buying it
19:58.58Strom_Mbut I don't WANNA use the support I've already paid for
19:59.08anonymouz666unknow RTP codec 100 received
19:59.14afrosheenman I'm gonna leave before I start flaming..good day
19:59.15anonymouz666which is codec 100?
19:59.22*** part/#asterisk afrosheen (n=cj@
19:59.30hansin321Does anyone know if it makes sense that if I want to create a conference bridge (MeetMe) in a work environment that is SIP, that I could set up an * server and have it act as a User Agent, assign an extension, and have it only to conference bridge stuff?  Of does does it need to be something than just another UA in the SIP system?
19:59.44*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (i=matt@nat/digium/x-754dcbeca01b3ef7)
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20:00.00hansin321Basically make it another end-point like any other phone.
20:00.45hansin321So it would have to be an end point that could answer many calls.  Does this work?  Thanks in advance...
20:02.05[TK]D-Fenderhansin321: ...HUH?!!?
20:02.06*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
20:02.20[hC]anyone have any idea why when i execute Busy() it hangs up my call instead of playing busy tones
20:02.39[TK]D-Fenderhansin321: MeetMe is an App in *.  * is already B2BUA.  You should know what all this implies to your needs
20:03.03[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Because the channel has been answered and is capable of support OOB signaling for that state.
20:04.05[hC][TK]D-Fender: The call is coming in over IAX
20:04.13[hC]what would i look at doing to resolve that?
20:04.26[hC]I do infact do an Answer(), but i didnt think that was bad practice.
20:04.33[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Answer the call, THEN busy it out.
20:04.53[TK]D-Fender[hC]: You may want to use "playtones" instead of Busy if that doesn't solve it
20:05.54hansin321[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.  I need to do more homework I am sure, I just wanted to make sure I can set * up as a conference bridge, and then just assign it an extension like any other phone (we use an external SIP provider).  I wasn't sure if a confernce bridge needed any special setup separate from being another UA/end point in the SIP cloud.
20:06.19[TK]D-Fenderhansin321: What (if anything) are you using * for right now?
20:06.39[hC][TK]D-Fender: Huh... I have one box that takes the call in via zap, passes it to me via IAX, my box taking the call over IAX does an Answer() - Plays an IVR.   Select an option on the ivr, place an outbound IAX call back to the box w/ the pri in it.  The call tries to go out PRI, and returns busy... So, it returns "BUSY" over IAX to the box with the ivr on it, and it plays Busy()
20:06.48[TK]D-Fenderhansin321: And yes, * IS just like "any other phone".  Thats what being a B2BUA means
20:07.04*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
20:07.20[TK]D-Fender[hC]: So it kicks you back to the other box?
20:08.12hansin321I have, at home set it up on a server to answer SIP calls from the internet and then I can dial out through an FXO card to my regular POTS line.  For example, I can call from a laptop from a WiFi hotspot to my server, and then make a call on my home POTS line.  But I am pretty new to it.
20:08.23[hC][TK]D-Fender: Its getting kind of confusing the way im talking about it, not sure what box you mean by the other one... :P
20:08.54hansin321I know, cell phones are cheaper, but thought this would be cool for international use or something.  More fun that anything.
20:08.58*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
20:09.05nick125_lappyGCCTV, whee!!
20:09.07[hC][TK]D-Fender: lets say, pribox, ivrbox.    Call comes in to pribox, goes via IAX to ivrbox. ivrbox takes ivr option, and plces call TO pribox.  pribox returns busy over IAX to ivrbox.  ivrbox executes Busy()
20:09.14[TK]D-Fenderhansin321: I mean in the environment where you are considering using MeetMe.  Where is * in that picture NOW?
20:09.45[TK]D-Fender[hC]: So you are using PRIBOX as a mere terminator?
20:09.48[hC][TK]D-Fender: then, instead of busy tones playing, it just drops the call.
20:09.54[hC][TK]D-Fender: yes.
20:10.07[hC][TK]D-Fender: and ivrbox is what does the Answer() before playing the ivr.
20:10.16[TK]D-Fender[hC]: have you confirmed if the end caller gets TELCO busy?
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20:10.39[TK]D-Fender[hC]: I might try "Playtones" here in this case.
20:10.41[hC][TK]D-Fender: i am calling and testing it from my cell, i get dropped instead of busy. if i call the nbr direct, its busy.
20:10.58[hC]It seems like instead of it sitting and waiting at Busy() its not figuring its done and finishes its macro
20:11.31[hC]it makes sense now
20:11.34[hC]Busy() does not play tones
20:11.41[hC]it returns the busy oob signal
20:11.52[hC]Note that this command does not actually play a busy tone to the user. If you wish to do that, call Playtones(busy) before calling this command.
20:11.54[hC]from wiki
20:12.03hansin321[TK]D-Fender: It isn't.  We recently installed Polycom VoIP phones, and utilize a Qwest MGCP service.  We are still paying for a T1 so we can utilize the bridge on our old PBX.  I figure I can't do this as easy as long as we are using MGCP, but I think the service may go SIP at some point.  I thought, hey, lets just build a bridge with * (or similar) once we fo to SIP, and just assign it an extension like any other phone.  You call
20:12.05[hC]in most cases a sip phone will play busy
20:12.07[hC]but im calling from zap.
20:12.14[hC]there's no oob signalling to tell it to play busy
20:13.46Kattywhat does the command "insmod wctdm"
20:13.53Kattyi get wctdm is for the tdm card
20:14.03Kattywhat's insmod?
20:14.46Qwell[]Katty: use modprobe
20:14.55Qwell[]insmod is...meh
20:14.55LeddyHMsounds like you need a linux administration guide
20:15.07KattyQwell[]: so we just don't do it anymore eh?
20:15.09Qwell[]requires full path, plus extension, plus it doesn't automatically load dependencies
20:15.17*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
20:15.18KattyQwell[]: the modprobe zaptel thing takes care of wctdm driver?
20:15.22Qwell[]Katty: modprobe is far better than insmod, in most cases
20:15.27Qwell[]no, you need to modprobe wctdm
20:15.30LeddyHMmake config
20:15.33Qwell[]zaptel will automatically come with it
20:15.41[TK]D-Fenderhansin321: You should flash your phones to SIP, and put * in the middle.
20:16.06Kattyso modprobe zaptel loads zaptel config files.
20:16.15[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Your ZAP is PRI, and therefor IS OOF
20:16.17Kattyand i need to modprobe wctdm /before/ that so it..sees what to load config files for
20:18.22[hC][TK]D-Fender: I think i know whats up. when the original call comes into pribox, it dials ivrbox with a Macro()
20:18.32[hC]it gets busy back, but then doesnt play the tones, it exits the macro
20:19.01*** join/#asterisk cnile (
20:19.10[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Yeah.. the call IS still OOB being IAX between the two as well
20:19.14*** join/#asterisk clive- (
20:19.49hansin321[TK]D-Fender: I understand, but that wouldn't fly with who makes the decisions.  I'm low on the totem pole, and we are a medium sized company.  I was encouraged though by a superior to see if I could come up with some sort of solution.  By setting up a server that is nothing more than an end-point/UA, if this is possible, it is much more likely that I could get someone to listen and maybe give it a shot.  I don't think *'s MGCP supp
20:20.40[TK]D-Fenderhansin321: No, at the point where your termination can be converted to SIP, then I would schedule the full re-org
20:20.53[TK]D-Fenderhansin321: And indeed.. I wouldn't touch MGCP in *.
20:21.09clive-does anyone here deal with a comnpany called "telcan" ?
20:21.14[TK]D-Fenderhansin321: But this company has you by the balls right now.  NOT GOOD.
20:21.28*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
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20:21.41hansin321[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.  So you don't think you could set * as a UA and have it do bridge functionality?
20:21.51*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
20:22.02*** join/#asterisk BSD_tech (
20:22.14mockerAm I crazy for thinking there was a Dial variable that purposely kept the call going through asterisk instead of allowing it to be a peer-peer call?
20:22.29clive-brian hi...ever head of a company called telcan/ or callture?
20:23.12clive-ever heard....
20:23.12wunderkinmocker, well if there are any options specified that require to listen for dtmf.. then it wont reinvite..
20:23.12*** join/#asterisk coolbeans (
20:23.12[TK]D-Fenderhansin321: Well your phones being MGCP would need to send the call to * via that, no?  or through your provider more like....
20:23.12clive-mocker I think its notransfer or something
20:23.13coolbeansHi all.  Anyone have a good aastra.cfg file for asterisk that has working forward and dnd softkeys?
20:23.52clive-mocker in your sip.conf
20:24.30mockerAhh, for some reason I thought there was a dial option..
20:25.07mockerThe issue is that when calls are blind transferred, the person being transferred doesn't hear anything until someone (voicemail or person) picks up.
20:25.12mockerJust dead air, no ring or moh.
20:25.32mockerMy first thought was that asterisk may be dumping it out of the media path.
20:26.13*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
20:26.44hansin321[TK]D-Fender: Well, if Qwest switches their service to SIP (it sounds like it might happen), we then basically upgrade the firmware on our Polycom phones (and what ever HW/Router changes we need for what interfaces with Qwest's lines).  At that point it might work.  As long as we are on MGCP I figure it is still in the idea stage.  Thanks for the help.
20:27.27[TK]D-Fenderhansin321: NP, and everything is the way it should be for NOW, but "now's" circumstances should be changed ASAP :)
20:27.39*** join/#asterisk kink0 (
20:28.00mockerWell, that doesn't seem to be it.
20:29.00BSD_techok this is not funny not getting audio
20:29.35hansin321Well, maybe we'll change it one step at a time ;)
20:31.50BSD_techwhen is the codefest ?
20:31.53BSD_techand where
20:32.04kink0any idea about how to limit CPS and balance load to N Asterisk boxes ?
20:32.26kink0I mean, balance based on CPS instead on used channels
20:32.44apturawhats the deal with asterisk not relasing vars out of memory? I had a different path name for asterisk music on hold and it insist on reading from another directory after reloading asterisk
20:33.19apturapointer issues?
20:33.39[TK]D-Fenderok, back in a few hours
20:34.00*** join/#asterisk funkmaster (
20:34.25coolbeansHey guys, how would I setup an auto call forward extension?
20:34.41funkmasterhi there :) is there a command i can use to see the last #number of callers or callers within last hour/day etc?
20:35.41*** part/#asterisk clive- (
20:36.37*** join/#asterisk Dandan (
20:36.39Dandanhey all :)
20:36.50Dandanso it is time to try some web interface for *
20:36.53Dandanany recommendations?
20:38.31Dandanall dead? :) deaf? :)
20:38.52rudholmfunkmaster: egrep `date +%F` Master.csv | awk -F , '{ print $2 }' | uniq | wc -l
20:39.10rudholmfunkmaster: that should tell you how many unique callers called since the start of today.
20:39.49*** join/#asterisk nomadsoul (n=nomadsou@unaffiliated/nomadsoul)
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20:39.57funkmasterrudholm: thx a bunch :)
20:40.24Qwell[]that's it
20:40.26Qwell[]it's settled
20:40.31Qwell[]I'm changing my name to have a comma in it
20:40.52Qwell[]I'm going to make every company I do business with, special case me
20:40.54coolbeansWindows Update: The VoIP killer.
20:41.55mogQwell[], you could be jason O'Qwell and do about the same thing
20:42.09*** join/#asterisk NoVaZuR (
20:42.12Qwell[]mog: most companies already special case '...but none special case a comma :P
20:42.22Qwell[]I want free hotel rooms, damnit
20:42.53mogi dont think you can legally jam a comma into your name
20:43.01mogbut if you try let me know
20:43.02Qwell[]I can if I go through the legal process
20:43.22Strom_Mi dont think there's a law that says "names must consist only of letters"
20:43.23Qwell[]OR, I could be like, something utf-8
20:43.36Qwell[]or, a jpeg
20:43.37Strom_Mhell, you could name yourself SanDeE*
20:43.41NoVaZuRhi ! I need some help (with my very bad english). If I call an FXS extension with Zap/1, in the manager, I get an ExtensionStatus Event, if I call it with Zap/1r1 (to have CID on my french DECT phone), I don't get any ExtensionStatus Event.
20:43.49Qwell[]make people convert their firstname column be an image field
20:44.28mogqwell i dont know about federally but in past judges have thrown out peoples attempts to have silly names
20:44.37NoVaZuRSomeone have an idea to help me ?
20:44.49Qwell[]I'll have to do it in a state that's laid back
20:44.51moglike ahjbfkjnfjwnf , pronounced john
20:45.04coolbeansFor you Aastra 480x users, how do you setup a forward softkey on the phone?  I'm using aastra.cfg files successfully, but it escapes me how to setup Call Forwarding or just simple extension forwarding.  Our Polycom's just sort of work.
20:45.19coolbeansAnd the book is vague.
20:45.27coolbeansAnd the page on is blank.
20:45.44coolbeansAnd any help would be greatly apprecaited.
20:45.48coolbeansAnd O'Qwell rocks.
20:46.07*** part/#asterisk naitram (n=chatzill@
20:46.33NoVaZuRnobody ?
20:48.15*** join/#asterisk cspot (
20:49.13*** join/#asterisk nick125_lappy (n=nick@atarack/staff/nick125)
20:51.02NoVaZuRI'm surely not on the right channel...
20:51.04*** join/#asterisk Lithium_Ion (
20:52.05Lithium_IonHey all. I have a queue in asterisk that instead of ringing the 3 extentions that are members like its supposed to, it rings every extention. Any ideas?
20:53.48coolbeansDid you reload the config?
20:55.00coolbeansHrm... It will only ring members...
20:55.17Lithium_IonIt's really weird
20:55.19coolbeansPaste your queues.conf and extensions.conf to the pastbin of your choice and paste the URLs in channel.
20:57.49*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
20:59.29funkmasterrudholm: didn't work actually
21:00.26funkmasterwas lookgin for a command to see the calls received during the day through the cli console
21:00.30*** join/#asterisk nick125_ (n=upirc@atarack/staff/nick125)
21:01.20nick125_afternoon everyone
21:01.22Qwell[]prepend it with a !
21:04.10nick125_I wish I had tab complete on my treo :(
21:04.46apturato bad there wasnt a channel related to telcom
21:05.13nick125_aptura: you could start one :-)
21:05.26apturaDont think there would be enough interest
21:06.03nick125_you never know until you try
21:09.00Kattyso...who's someone i know that wouldn't mind being a professional consultant for me?
21:10.37Qwell[]Katty: a "professional consultant"?
21:10.54apturaKatty, got your hands full and not enough time for *
21:11.06*** join/#asterisk nick125_ (n=upirc@atarack/staff/nick125)
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21:11.30nick125_that button didn't work....
21:13.29nick125_so, what's everyone up to?
21:13.31Kattymore like i need someone to teach me.
21:13.39Kattytoo much to learn, not enough time.
21:13.53Kattyand then general help when i get in over my head, etc.
21:14.01*** join/#asterisk _VoiceMeUp_COM (
21:14.20kink0when you need a hand to help you, seek at the end of your arm :)
21:14.23kiscokidKatty: you could go to an Asterisk boot camp
21:14.32Kattythey can't be without me here
21:14.37Kattyi'm the only tech
21:14.43Kattywell, the only one that knows anything heh
21:14.49Kattywe've got a cable runner everyone calls a tech ;)
21:15.02Iamnachowhat do they do when you take vacation?
21:15.08Kattyi uhh
21:15.19Kattyhaven't had one in awhile
21:15.19*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
21:15.31Kattyi think our company might want someone to fly down here and hold my hand :P
21:16.16Mercestesplease hlp
21:16.44Mercestesreally?  I'll come hold your hand, Katty
21:17.06MercestesI'm not too professional tho, but I can consult. :)
21:17.42kink0Mercestes, her company wants 10,000 $ for his hand, but if you get both, probably you would get a good discount
21:17.59*** part/#asterisk nick125_ (n=upirc@atarack/staff/nick125)
21:18.15*** join/#asterisk nick125_ (n=upirc@atarack/staff/nick125)
21:18.21Mercesteskink0, A full set always costs more than the individual pieces.
21:19.15kink0yes, I guess, girls are like cars :)
21:19.58kink0sorry for the jokes... I am really desesperate getting CAUSE codes 47 on my span's :(
21:20.24Mercestesthey both crash after you drive them hard?
21:20.28Strom_Mkink0: you're getting cause 47 when the other party hangs up?
21:20.48MercestesI'm getting cause 69 as soon as I dial
21:20.50kink0Strom_M, just when the call is passed to the Zap channel
21:21.14syzygyBSDif I have a fax extension, will it catch faxes if I am in a Dial() command?
21:21.34MercestessyzygyBSD, yes and no
21:21.37KattyMercestes: can you be flown?
21:21.40kink0syzygyBSD, no, but you can probably use Dial(.... G )
21:21.43MercestessyzygyBSD, actually.   entirely no.
21:21.54syzygyBSDya, that I was thinking
21:22.10MercestesKatty, ground shipping is cheaper but if you want overnight air, then sure.
21:22.14kink0if you use G, then the call gone to 2 priority once answered
21:22.22kink0priority N and N+1
21:22.27MercestesKatty, I'm about $2000 for overnight air tho and only $450 shipped ground.
21:22.38Mercestesplus the money for the crate
21:22.46kink0all you need later, is to detect fax, and if fax then go to fax , and if voice bind both legs
21:22.59Kattyi think the last person they flew out here, to teach us some stuff (not asterisk related) they paid 20k
21:23.00*** join/#asterisk tslunj (
21:23.06Mercestesfor how long?
21:23.09Qwell[]Katty: brt
21:23.09Katty2 days
21:23.20Qwell[]Mercestes: You still have a trial to sign-up for
21:23.21syzygyBSDya, problem is I am connecting to another asterisk server with fax detection...
21:23.25Qwell[]you can't go until that's done :P
21:23.26Strom_Mkink0: 47 is "Resource unavailable, unspecified"
21:23.31Strom_Mkink0: show me your dial line
21:23.36MercestesQwell[]  My * server hosed a RAID controller.
21:23.43Qwell[]excuses, excuses
21:23.47Mercestesno really
21:23.49Qwell[]Didn't you have an excuse last week too? :P
21:23.55kink0Strom_M, yes, that is, I suspect due to memory leack in the telco side switch
21:24.02*** part/#asterisk tslunj (
21:24.06MercestesI'm a bad person, I'm sorry
21:24.12Strom_Mtelco switches don't have that sort of problem
21:24.15Strom_Mshow me your dial line
21:24.16Mercestesas soon as I save my job....or...find a new one.
21:24.22MercestesKatty, what do you need help with??
21:24.37kink0Strom_M, let me know your originating IP
21:24.55kink0( due are behind fw )
21:25.09Strom_Mi'm asking you to paste text at me
21:25.28kink0ahhh sorry !! I was thinking you wanna to place a call :)
21:25.29syzygyBSDhmm, how does everyone else do fax detection when the call might be connected to an end device?
21:25.52MercestessyzygyBSD, It's flakey at best.  I suggest avoidance of exten => fax
21:26.12kink0has no any extra, just Dial(Zap/r1/${EXTEN:2})
21:26.24syzygyBSDSadly I have no control over that business decision
21:26.28Strom_Mwhy are you using r on your PRI?
21:26.28kink0but I have tryed with ,,d  ,,hHd and ,,tTd
21:26.39Strom_Mtry using G1 instead of r1
21:26.45kink0to give some time to the same channel recover time
21:26.52kink0I had used also g and G, but the same
21:26.52Strom_Moh nonsense
21:26.59Strom_Myou don't need to give the channel time to recover
21:27.20kink0is, but I tried with all combinations
21:27.31kink0the problem starts when over 2 CPS
21:27.41kink0when one or less CPS, then gone fine.
21:28.06kink0calls per second
21:28.07Qwell[]call per second
21:28.35Strom_M2 cps on the circuit, or on the channel?
21:28.53kink02 cps to the box, where there 4 PRI
21:29.25Strom_Mok, you're skipping steps
21:29.26kink0and with r/R I see differents channels are choose, from different PRI
21:29.36Strom_Mtwo calls per second out the PRI?
21:29.55kink0yes, but 2 CPS to the 4 PRI
21:30.24Strom_Mok, maybe i'm not being specific
21:30.24kink0because sometimes one channel is on the 1th PRI, and the next call is goin to the 2th PRI
21:30.48kink0lets say, one call gone to Zap/23-1 , the next call to Zap/24-1 .. and so
21:31.05kink0I have only one group in zapata.conf for the 4 PRI
21:31.14Strom_Mdoes the problem occur when you're placing more than one call per second out the same PRI, or does the problem occur when you're placing more than one call per second in general?
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21:31.19kink0but I had tried also to separate in four groups, and the same
21:31.51Mercestescan someone help me with please?
21:31.59kink0Strom_M, is the same, X CPS to the Asterisk box is X CPS to the PRI
21:32.13Mercestesall my calls ring to congestion/all circuits busy.'s my own internal PRI.  It can't be busy.  :(
21:32.26kink0Mercestes, codec problem ?
21:32.46Strom_Mkink0: ok, but you just said you have four PRIs
21:32.59kink0Strom_M, well, there 4 PRI per box
21:33.13Strom_Mso I'm asking you if you've narrowed it down to problems on a single PRI, or whether it's a problem that seems to be unrelated to the number of PRIs in use
21:33.28kink0is unrelated
21:33.42kink0I tryed setting only one , two or the 3 PRI on the group
21:34.13Strom_Mso if you place a call out PRI number one followed immediately by a call out PRI number two, the call out PRI number two gets rejected?
21:34.29kink0both rejected with 47
21:34.47Strom_Mand the PRIs are idle at that point?
21:34.57kink0when there low CPS, calls passed.. then goes about 50 or 70 channels in use in the group
21:35.09kink0but here, when more calls arrives, then 47
21:35.26kink0yes !! there much PRI channels idle
21:35.30Strom_Mcall the telco and ask if they're rate-limiting your calls
21:35.31Strom_Mwhich telco is it?
21:35.34Mercesteskink0, it's a pri to pri call.  Direct pri.  how can it be a codec problem?  :(
21:35.40kink0France Telecom
21:35.46*** join/#asterisk thoughtpolice (
21:36.21kink0Mercestes, then would be signalling or timing in your PRI, or may be you forgot enable ulaw/alaw
21:37.08Mercestes.....does pri use ulaw/alaw?
21:37.46Mercesteswell, these configs worked previously.  I'm on my emergency server.  I don't think it's a codec issue.
21:37.50MercestesI can make sip calls
21:37.54Mercestesand pri calls on span 1
21:38.21Mercestescould you maybe give me a definitive answer.
21:38.46kink0do you pass calls SIP->Zap in only one span ?
21:39.21MercestesI go from Sip Phone to PRI 1, and I accept faxes from PRI 1 directly to PRI 2 which runs to a brooktrout faxboard in a fax server.
21:39.36MercestesThe transition from PRI 1 to PRI 2 is giving me congested.
21:40.10kink0did you try pri intense debug span x ?
21:42.04*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
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21:44.11*** join/#asterisk kombi (n=kombi@
21:44.57kombigot asterisk installed and an AVM fritz card stuck in, what next?
21:45.04Qwell[]start it
21:45.19Qwell[]type 'asterisk'
21:45.22Qwell[]then, read...
21:45.28jboti heard book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
21:45.36kombiasterisk you mean, started it is..
21:46.58kombiQwell[]: actually, I spend all day reading and havn't really gotten anywhere, I understand I need to configure a channel, being the isdn card and tweaked modem conf, but so far to no avail. show channels still returns a sad empty list..
21:49.04kombihow do I make sure the isdn card is really there?
21:49.29*** part/#asterisk mog (
21:50.10*** join/#asterisk Braxus (n=braxus@
21:50.51Mercestesgah, how do I log output of the CLI to a file without the stupid color codes?
21:52.48*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
21:53.12_VoiceMeUp_COMif i screen -x the asterisk process i get color.. else if i just start without i get none.. also .. note that color codes is mainly the EMULATION in the ssh client
21:53.26_VoiceMeUp_COMEX: LINUX full color VS ANSI or VT100
21:53.52_VoiceMeUp_COMagain maybe im wrong.. but its a pointer
21:54.08*** join/#asterisk mog (
21:54.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
21:54.13kombidoes "show channels" give information about channels that are configured or channels that are currently in use?
21:54.37shido6in use
21:54.46kombithanks shido6!
21:55.08shido6whatya workin on?
21:55.30kombishido6: trying to get the isdn card to work..
21:55.37shido6isdn not bri
21:56.01shido6euro or northamerican ? :)
21:56.13kombiI was about to ask.. euro!
21:56.31kombiisdn then, right?
21:56.44shido6what card are you using?
21:56.53kombiavm fritz 2.0
21:56.59Mercestes_VoiceMeUp_COM, I get the color codes instead of the color when I > file and vim it.  I want th ecolor codes themselves gone
21:57.28*** join/#asterisk Downchuck (
21:57.46_VoiceMeUp_COMyeah..but your ssh client has color emulation etc ? maybe theres a negociation between the shell and the terminal compat's
21:58.00DownchuckMy asterisk/sip server is behind a firewall. I've opened up 5060 incoming; do I need to open others, for RTP?
21:58.04_VoiceMeUp_COMcan you see if you can turn off color from the client then reconnect to ssh and then try ?
21:58.22DownchuckI'm also behind a NAT, which is making it difficult sometimes to test
21:58.24shido610k-20k unless you set it in your phones to use something different UDP
21:58.35Downchuckthe sip/asterisk is not, just a plain firewall, static external ip
21:58.40shido610k-20k UDP is great start for RTP
21:59.24kombishido6: card is good in dmesg, but I havn't found a way to see whether asterisk has found it yet..
21:59.40shido6*which* card?
21:59.51kombishido6: avm fritz pci 2.0
22:00.19Mercestes_VoiceMeUp_COM, then it just gives me color codes
22:00.49*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:00.57gerphimumif i want the ability to add a sip user who is on the internet (not local) do i just have to forward port 5060 or is there more to it than that
22:01.11Downchuckshido: 10k-20k open on the server firewall?
22:01.26Downchucki saw 10 - 20k, thought you were talking kilobits :)
22:01.56kombishido6: show channeltypes should mention something isdn, no?
22:02.18shido6gimme a sec
22:02.28shido6trying to crack into my own box
22:02.42kombishido6: forgot the word?
22:03.27Downchucki've only got $10 of termination credits.  i feel hackerproof.
22:04.42shido6currently on a mac trying to use crossover to run the Dell IP KVM s/w
22:06.51kombishido6: sounds complicated.. no ssh there?
22:07.08_VoiceMeUp_COMyou could hack the source
22:07.10shido6ssh is accessible AFTER the bios
22:07.21shido6IP KVM allows us to see everything, even the reboot process
22:07.30kombiI see..
22:07.35shido6so you dont have to drive to the colo
22:07.41shido6or call and pay the colo engineer guy
22:07.49_VoiceMeUp_COMMercestes : i think its in term.c in asterisk source
22:08.05_VoiceMeUp_COMits looking for htis in your sh environement
22:08.14_VoiceMeUp_COMwahts your set env resutls
22:08.24kombipoint taken, that's why I got all the boxes stashed in the basement..
22:08.35Mercestes_VoiceMeUp_COM, thanks, I fixed it
22:08.38_VoiceMeUp_COMif (!option_console || option_nocolor || !option_nofork)
22:08.47_VoiceMeUp_COMso there an option no color.. i think it was -n
22:08.57_VoiceMeUp_COMglad it works
22:09.09Corydon-wexport TERM=foo
22:09.20kombi..with a fixed line
22:09.37Mercestes_VoiceMeUp_COM, %s/(!option_console || option_nocolor/1/g and then a recompile fixed it
22:09.51Corydon-w_VoiceMeUp_COM: those only have an effect when you START asterisk
22:10.02_VoiceMeUp_COMtrue.. since -r is a new sessions right ?
22:10.18Corydon-wIt's a remote connection
22:10.39Corydon-wto an already started asterisk
22:11.47*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=Greek-Bo@
22:12.53MercestesCorydon-w:  you rock
22:13.05MercestesI don't care what I said about you before.
22:13.27Corydon-wUh huh
22:13.47Mercestesno, I mean it
22:14.45*** join/#asterisk karlhaines_ (n=karl@unaffiliated/karlhaines)
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22:18.34apturavoicemeup interesting site
22:18.42MercestesCan someone please look at  ??
22:20.51*** join/#asterisk bill4242 (n=bill@
22:22.14Mercestesnetwork congestion but I know there are no calls on this PRI because it's my pRI
22:23.26bill4242ALL: I've just installed AsteriskNOW with a Digium TDM800P analog card.. It's not listing any of the analog FXS extension in the GUI, only the FXO ports. When I run "# dmesg | grep FXS" I show ports 1-4 :FAILED FXS (FCC) and Wildcard USB FXS Interface driver registered"...
22:23.29Greek-Boywhat is a good voip carrier grade router?
22:23.42Mercestesor SER
22:26.17Mercestesno help for me?  :(
22:26.27johann8384Greek-Boy: I've heard Network Foundry makes some real nice stuff but I don't know much about it
22:26.29bmdbill4242: you forgot to plug in your card
22:26.56bill4242bmd: ....
22:27.00bmdwhich begs the question, why not change the text 'FAILED' to 'UNPLUGGED' in zaptel... t'would save a lot of headaches
22:27.15bill4242no its plugged in
22:28.03*** join/#asterisk coolbeans (
22:28.04bill4242are you talking about the MOLEX connector?
22:28.36coolbeansHey guys, what's the best PRI card for Asterisk 1.2?
22:28.48coolbeansNo channelbank, just a PRI right into a server via X card.
22:28.50Mercestesthe digium one
22:28.55bill4242It detects the FXO ports, just not the FXS 4FXS 4FXO
22:29.03coolbeansIs there a specific model you recommend?
22:29.12russellbhow many pri's do you need?
22:29.27coolbeans1 for now, potentially up to 8 at somepoint.
22:29.44russellbwell, then i'd get a quad-span
22:29.55russellband then you can get a 2nd one when you come to it
22:30.06russellbthen, you just have to decide if you want the hardware echo can or not
22:30.09russellb(i would seriously recommend it)
22:30.20coolbeansCool.  Which one, the 410?
22:30.30high-rezgod i hate 'em
22:30.42coolbeanshigh-rez: What?
22:30.47kombitell the fool, which of the many conf-files in /etc/asterisk are actually read?
22:30.50high-rezWrong channels.  Blackberries though.  ;)
22:30.52russellb405/410 or 407/412, depending on your PCI voltage.
22:31.10russellbkombi: all of them?
22:31.41coolbeansAhh.  Got it.
22:31.52kombirussellb: oh no, really? this confuses the shit out of me..
22:31.56coolbeansCall quality up there with the Digium cards?
22:33.40coolbeansHere's the scenerio: We provided hosted PBX services to about 220 or so customers.  We've been using termination via IP providers (, vitelity, voicepulse, etc) and we were considering replacing them with a bank of PRI's but wanted to step into it.
22:33.47*** part/#asterisk bill4242 (n=bill@
22:34.17kombiwhich command shows me the card is there and working?
22:36.20Hymierussellb: hardware echo cancellation?
22:36.32Hymierussellb: I have a 4 port card from digium, is that an extra module or what?
22:37.27Hymierussellb: can you point me in the direction that I require pointing in? ;)
22:37.40Hymierussellb: I'd never heard of this before
22:38.35*** join/#asterisk karlhaines (n=karl@unaffiliated/karlhaines)
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22:40.01hansin321kombi: I think you can actually omit some of the config files and it will still work, but I don't know which ones.  I am reather new at this, but once I did a 'make samples' and then just moved all them into a subdirectory.  I copied over only one at a time what I thought I needed.  You just are not going to need to config files for features you are not using, or so that is what I should think would be the case...
22:41.04JTHymie: what are you scratching your head about?
22:41.19kombithanks hansin321!
22:41.36HymieJT: russel said there was now a hardware cancellation device from digium, then vanished when I became curious
22:41.43hansin321but I am not skilled enough to tell you what is what.  but extensions.conf is the big one, the 'master' config file.
22:42.02JTHymie: there's been cards with hardware echo cancellation for ages, they cost more
22:42.08JTbut are generally worth it
22:42.23HymieJT: yes, but not on the digium site ...
22:42.53kombihansin321: would you know of any way to see that asterisk actually saw the isdn card?
22:43.06JTHymie: there's everywhere on the digium site
22:43.31HymieJT: I didn't say they weren't
22:43.37*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
22:44.08JTHymie: you just said not on the digium site
22:44.30Hymieno, you said " there's been cards with hardware echo cancellation for ages, they cost more" and I said "not on the digium site"
22:44.51Hymiethere were not such beasts on the digium site years ago
22:45.02JTwhat's not on the digium site then? ;)
22:45.07JTmaybe years ago :P
22:45.08hansin321kombi: I always have trouble with that stuff.  I have an el cheapo single port FXO knock-off card.  And I get it to work, but I never remember what the heck I did to get it to work, so I don't think I would be much help.
22:45.28Strom_Mreally?  there've been T1 cards with hardware echo cancellation on the digium site for years :)
22:45.41HymieJT: not maybe, there simply weren't.  I haven't looked at the purchasing a card for several years
22:46.11JTseveral years = a decade in IT
22:46.24HymieStrom_M: well, when I bought the cards I have, they only had the demo card and hadn't even released the four port modular card they have now
22:46.38kombihansin321: lol.., sounds very much like me.. thanks anyway! How did you see it was working though?
22:46.52HymieStrom_M: and when I bought my most recent card, they had just released the 4 port modular card
22:47.15Hymieanyhow, we'd have to debate what "ages" means in IT, and really.. ages is rather arbitrary
22:47.35*** join/#asterisk boch (n=fran@
22:48.45JTkombi: you need bristuff or misdn to use isdn
22:48.50JTisdn BRI that is
22:49.06JTGreek-Boy: what do you mean by carrier grade router?
22:49.11kombiJT: think I got that..
22:49.26JTcisco isn't close to carrier grade
22:49.40apturaThen what is ? nortel and
22:50.06JTericsson and nokia and alcatel
22:50.12JTand all the other telco manufacturers
22:50.24apturawe have a big nokia r&D facility here
22:50.44hansin321kombi: well, for my card I can do a 'dmesg | grep -i wildcard' and see if the kernel recognizes it.  That is the first step for the card I am using, then after that I can't remember.  I hope to take better notes this time around (I have just compiled a fresh install, but haven't done anything yet).
22:50.54Hymieaptura: take a tour.. and .. ."borrow" something on a test bench ;Þ
22:51.11hansin321kombi: maybe something like 'show channels' or ???
22:51.15JTkombi: what have you got?
22:52.18kombipassive bri card, looks good in dmesg, but no idea whether asteris sees it
22:52.21apturaHymie, hears the security there is unreal.
22:52.33JTkombi: what driver is loaded?
22:52.39Downchuckany idea what setting is causing " modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-0 " to pop up in my /var/log/messages
22:52.55JTthat is old isdn4linux shit
22:53.01JTyou must prevent that crap from loading
22:53.31kombiJT: couldn't get the proprietary driver to compile..
22:53.40JTwhat card is it?
22:53.46kombiavm fritz pci
22:53.55JTi see
22:54.10JTyou should see if it works with bristuff or misdn
22:54.22kombihow do I tell?
22:54.29hansin321Is there a way to call 'help' from the CLI that will only display one page at a time (like 'shoe | less')?  I am connected via SSH & screen and I can't scroll up.  I assume the Asterisk console is ncurses based; are there specific keys that allow me to scroll up and down pages?  Thanks.
22:54.49kombi(because bristuff is there)
22:55.05kombihansin321: have you tried shift + pageUp?
22:55.23killfillwhen i do ztcfg, i see in var-log-messages this: copyin failed Registered tone zone 0 ()
22:55.34killfillwhat could that mean?.. i see red alter.
22:55.46killfillthe line is ok, becouse when i plug in a phone, it sounds ok..
22:55.49*** join/#asterisk bhrobinson (
22:56.08bhrobinsonquestion on Cisco 7940. How can I get into the phone to configure it?
22:56.49Strom_Myou edit config files
22:57.09karlhainesbhrobinson: RTFM
22:57.16bhrobinsonStrom_M: that is what I thought... but I do not have a TFTP server here
22:57.34apturainstall one
22:58.20bhrobinsonwhat if the phones will be at an offsite. I cannot seem to unlock the phone to set the tftp server
22:58.29Strom_Mapt-get install atftpd
22:58.40Strom_Mbhrobinson: look online and find instructions
22:58.43Nuggetyou can configure a lot on a 7940 from the phone panel.
22:58.54Nuggetassuming you have set (and know) the config password
22:58.58hansin321kombi: Yeah, like I would at a normal linux command prompt.  But it doesn't work.  It just shows me some stuff that was "behind" the ncurses * stuff.  There has to be a way.  Most ncurses program AFAIK implement some way of doing this.
22:59.07bhrobinsonNugget: how do I unlock it? I tried to do the **# to no avail
22:59.18Nuggetthe only way I know is to set it using the tftp configuration first.
22:59.47Nuggetif you plan to use cisco phones you should just consider tftp to be unavoidable.  the phones will be an unmanageable hemorrhoid without one.
23:00.14bhrobinsonlol... sounds good there :) I need to set up one, but have tried to avoid it so far.
23:00.31Nuggetit's the path of least resistance by quite a comfortable margin.
23:00.59bhrobinsonand set the option 66 in DHCP to assign TFTP?
23:02.13hansin321kombi: It appears to be due to me running screen and SSH.  Probably nothing to duw with *.
23:02.21hansin321due that is ;)
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23:08.36dotSlashWhello, I need some help configuring a SIP trunk from * to a ShoreTel system
23:11.29*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
23:13.17SuPrSluGneed help w/ polcom phone. when I nmap it all I get is
23:13.25SuPrSluGAll 1663 scanned ports on are: filtered
23:13.27SuPrSluGMAC Address: 00:17:3F:1F:70:6E (Unknown)
23:14.22SuPrSluGnameserver and http aren't showing. can I reboot and flash thru tftp server?
23:15.13*** join/#asterisk SwK (
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23:20.50Qwell[]hansin321: do*
23:21.48irulewhat does this mean? "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)"
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23:58.38DownchuckI just can't get sound going :-(
23:59.02Downchucki can call people up pretending to be the boss.. but i can't say anything
23:59.11Downchuckmaybe after dinner.
23:59.20JTa little more info maybe?
23:59.48Downchuckno sound card,  so i may have a misconfiguration there.. I've astrisk and SIP working, registred and dialing to phone lines

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