IRC log for #asterisk on 20070508

00:00.08*** part/#asterisk rcuza (
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00:07.02*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
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00:16.11rue_mohris anyone here farmiliar with the state machine that tracks a channels status?
00:16.22rue_mohrfor T1
00:20.07robin_szhas anyone my camel?
00:23.17justdavenomadsoul: yeah, it works fine without any extra hardware if all you're doing is VoIP
00:24.04justdavethat's how mine is at home, got a VoIP provider, SIP link inbound/outbound, and a few IP phones on the LAN
00:24.35justdavemind you, an ATA adapter plus a standard analog phone is probably cheaper than a good IP phone
00:26.19robin_szcheaper, but 0.25 of the features
00:26.29robin_szwell 0.25 in an easily accessible way
00:28.31robin_szATAs are good for: connecting DECT phones to and connecting extension bells to
00:30.50justdaveI have an FXS/FXO card now, haven't hooked it up yet
00:31.01justdavegot it as a handout when I went to the Asterisk Bootcamp class
00:31.22justdave(work paid for that, never be able to afford it otherwise :)
00:42.01nomadsouljustdave: and do you know about any voip&sip provider that just let you call pc to pc for free (just to do some testing)
00:42.35justdavenot offhand
00:43.06nomadsouli'm going bed now
00:43.16nomadsouli think i'll come back again later to talk :P
00:45.59bochdo you know if is it possible to decrease the gain of a ulaw file with sox ?
00:47.20iCEBrkrman sox
00:47.22iCEBrkrhar har har
00:51.26bochDo not understand format type: ulaw
00:54.36robin_szots amazing how many people seem to leave their ATA's connected to the world and accessible ...
00:55.01robin_szis it illegal to change peoples callerid strigns to the names of cartoon characters?
00:55.10*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
00:55.16jazzanovacan someone recommend a SIP provider in Canada ?
00:55.59JTrobin_sz: is it illegal to tamper with the configuration of someone else's computer technology without permission? in a lot of countries, yes
00:56.51robin_szoopsie :)
00:59.55robin_szI thought I;d search out some settings hints for this Sipura ATA, so I pasted a few words fromt he config screen into google .. and instead of finding settings hints ,it seems to have found about 5000 fools with their ATA open to the world ...
00:59.57*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=dude@
01:00.24salviadudi'm stuck with a background
01:00.46DocHollidayiCEBrkr, do you 'broker' voip services?
01:00.53DocHollidayor is that 'brkr' for breaker?
01:01.00salviadudwhat would you guys do if you needed a welcome message, then inside that menu
01:01.10iCEBrkrI break things
01:01.12salviadudthe user dials a really long number
01:01.22salviadudi can't get pattern matching on backbround :(
01:01.42salviadudwhat's a better way?
01:01.52salviadudoh, i mean, background
01:02.08salviadudwell, if anybody could steer me right
01:02.33salviadudcan 1.4 do pattern matching with the background application?
01:02.42salviadudi'm using 1.2... so
01:02.55*** join/#asterisk znoG (
01:10.27*** join/#asterisk Mad|Cow (n=thirt@
01:12.01Mad|CowOk... I know this isnt a asterisk question.... but its related ;-). Atftpd timeouts out after transmitting 512 bytes. I cant transfer any files over 512 bytes without a timeout which is makeing it difficult to tftp boot my phones. Anyone have any ideas?
01:16.10jazzanovasounds like atftpd problem
01:17.05*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
01:17.22Mad|Cowjazzanova: Thanks for your insight.... that hadnt dawned on me ;-)
01:18.34jazzanovacan someone recommend a SIP provider in Canada ?
01:19.05jazzanovamadcow: have you tried it with a computer, and not a phone ?
01:19.59jazzanovapxe boot
01:20.30Mad|Cowjazzanova: yeah... it times out after 512 bytes... thats how I found it
01:21.05jazzanovatry another ftpd server
01:21.06cspotjazzanova: i hear mentioned alot
01:22.17cspotjazzanova: is another canadain provider
01:22.21jazzanovaok, thanks
01:25.23*** join/#asterisk anthm][ (
01:27.16LeddyHMvoicemeup is as well
01:27.28jazzanovathey all work well with asterisk
01:27.33JTyeah but who uses voip providers who advertise on irc
01:27.48*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:27.53LeddyHMfree advertising :)
01:28.06LeddyHMfor me it was a who could activate an account the fastest
01:28.17LeddyHMvoicemeup to the rescue ;)
01:28.49JTLeddyHM: they advertise with an irc nick, that's unprofessional
01:29.43LeddyHMnot as bad as a flyby spammer
01:31.05LeddyHMIt doesn't bother me
01:31.19LeddyHMI needed a specific service, and they were here to help
01:31.38JTit wouldn't bother me so much if the advice given by the person with that nick wasn't so erroneous and outrageous
01:31.50JTit's also a lame name for an itsp
01:32.07jazzanovai need to make out-going in Vancouver, BC.
01:32.21jazzanovalots in parallel.
01:32.40jazzanovaLeddyHM: how many channels dose voicemeup give ?
01:32.42LeddyHMtechnically, it's voip
01:32.48LeddyHMso who cares where it is ;)
01:33.00jazzanovaehh.. well, no.
01:33.02Strom_Mduh :)
01:33.07jazzanovait needs to go to a local phone in vancouver.
01:33.08JTlatency, DIDs, etc
01:33.14LeddyHMget a faster connection
01:33.19LeddyHMhe mentioned outbound
01:33.20JTlocation matters of course
01:33.24*** join/#asterisk kn0x (
01:33.30JTso the location of the voip provider matters
01:33.35LeddyHMmaybe I should just shutup
01:33.36Strom_MLeddyHM: a fast connection doesn't make another server physically closer
01:33.38jazzanovai want to play a message to 6000 numbers in vancouver.
01:33.41Strom_Mspeed != latency
01:33.54Strom_Mjazzanova: you should just go burn in hell now.
01:34.02Strom_Mphone spam == bad
01:34.07*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (n=CrazyTux@
01:34.12jazzanovastrom: its not spam, its my customers.
01:34.28JTi'm sure they love automated recorded messages calling them up
01:34.40LeddyHMI hate that crap
01:34.49LeddyHMeven if I was a customer of said company
01:35.12Strom_Mshit like that would make me take my business elsewhere
01:35.42kn0xds3 = 672 calls
01:35.45JTkn0x: wrong channel?
01:36.09kn0xhmm, i dont get much a response in #openser generally JT
01:36.18kn0xi was hoping some SER people would be here
01:36.23JTyou just need to go when people are active
01:36.53kn0xwell i would imagine the dimensioning would be similar- what about an asterisk setup...
01:37.03kn0xno codec conversion just SIP passthrough
01:37.12kn0xSIP router implementation
01:37.26JTdimensioning would be similar to what?
01:37.37JTasterisk is a B2BUA not a proxy
01:39.46kn0xJT- well can't OpenSER function as a B2BUA, how else do i manage my billing?
01:40.36JTit has billing modules but it is NOT a B2BUA
01:40.43*** join/#asterisk ohadz (
01:41.29*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
01:42.31ohadzanyone have experience installing on ubuntu 7.04?
01:43.05kn0xJT, I think i'm confused at the difference between a SIP proxy and a B2BUA- does a SIP proxy just hand out INVITES and A B2BUA hold the callstream through the duration?
01:44.03kn0xohadz, use subversion....
01:44.05ohadzis there any other good/cheap voip provider beside nufone?
01:44.16kn0xohadz, for prepaid>?
01:44.28kn0xohadz, i use for my prepaid- they are pretty good
01:44.36ohadzkn0x, most of the docs are talking about cvs..
01:45.22kn0xi dont think digium maintains any cvs anymore
01:45.51justdaveyeah, it's all svn now
01:45.55kn0xohadz,  svn checkout asterisk
01:46.26kn0xor asterisk-1.4 for the release version i believe
01:46.31JTkn0x: a B2BUA establishes different sip connections for different legs of the calls
01:46.39JTand remains in the signalling and often media patch
01:47.11kn0xJT- so what does a proxy do different?
01:47.49*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
01:47.49JTit simply passes through SIP messages to elsewhere based on predefined logic, usually doesn't touch media but there can be addons for media
01:48.06JTit doesn't play prompts or act as ivr
01:48.38kn0xJT- so how does it stay in the signalling ? what prevents the UA from not talking back to the end point?
01:49.39kn0xbecause I don't see how my SIP proxy could maintain usage records if it isn't informed by either side of the call...
01:49.44kn0xsee what I'm saying?
01:50.42JTkn0x: a sip proxy can stay in the signalling path
01:50.54JTsounds like this is outside your league
01:51.03JTyou should consider hireing a consultant
01:51.13kn0xi have... im just trying to figure out
01:51.25kn0xtheir not good at communicating with me
01:51.46*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:51.53kn0xyou say it 'can' stay in the signalling path, what is forcing it?
01:52.19JTit proxies
01:52.20kn0xwhy prevents the call from being 'reinvited' to the destination.....
01:52.22JTthat's what it does
01:52.32JTreinvites are for media
01:52.34JTnot signalling
01:52.58kn0xi see i see now
01:53.11JTmedia uses RTP, not SIP
01:54.19*** join/#asterisk ghento (
01:54.23kn0xright right....
01:55.49ghentoHi everyone.  I have a question about the MP3Player() function - the docs say a user can stop playback by pressing any digit - does anyone know i there a way to catch this digit and store it?
02:00.04salviadudi got pattern matching to work on background :)
02:00.16salviadudi got this question, hear me out
02:00.32salviadudsuppose i create a meeting, then by some chance, y got loads of wav files from al pacino
02:00.39salviadudand i create this little flash app
02:00.42salviadudthat talks in xml
02:00.53salviadudand when i press a button, or say a wav file
02:01.08salviadudi inject al pacino to the conversation, with a simple dial and playback
02:01.19salviadudperformance wise
02:01.31salviadudshould i translate the wav files to an appropiate codec?
02:01.42salviadudwould asterisk 1.4 take the beating?
02:03.29salviadudwell, everybody's having dinner i guess
02:03.42salviadudpeace out
02:04.01ohadzkn0x, now what?:) is the zaptel included in the trunk?
02:07.04*** join/#asterisk kiwoneka (
02:08.58*** join/#asterisk flashnet (n=flashnet@
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02:10.27justdavezaptel is a separate module
02:10.32justdavein svn
02:10.48*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:10.55justdaveI think you can swap zaptel for asterisk in the svn path
02:11.12justdaveohadz: ^^^
02:12.55ohadzjustdave, ^j^
02:14.06ohadzjustdave, like this -- svn checkout zaptel ?
02:14.29justdaveyeah, I think.  going from memory here, which isn't that good :)
02:16.06justdaveyeah, that looks correct, looking at my local svn checkout
02:16.28justdave(which is /svn/zaptel/branches/1.2)
02:16.59justdave[root@asterisk zaptel]# svn info
02:16.59justdavePath: .
02:17.00justdaveRepository Root:
02:19.28*** join/#asterisk rbd (
02:20.12rbdhi guys, if I transfer a SIP call around to otherwise non-linked (e.g. non-trunked) asterisk boxes, is the call ID preserved or is a new call ID created for each leg....I guess this is more of a SIP question
02:20.44rbdleg's say box A transfers the call to box B, and box B sends it to box C, box C sends that same call to box A
02:20.59*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
02:25.02kiwonekahello to all
02:25.27kiwonekai need  some  quick callid help
02:25.46kiwonekai just need call id to pass as is right to my polycoms
02:26.22jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
02:26.36justdavewhat channel type is your incoming trunk?
02:26.53ohadzjustdave, what's next? where do i find docs on how to actually set * up?
02:27.03kiwonekai apologize
02:27.12ohadzi now i have the trunk of both * and zaptel on my machine..
02:27.17justdavetypically on most channels you can do something like "callerid=asreceived" on the inbound definition
02:27.32justdaveohadz: see the README files in each
02:27.48kiwonekamy provider is unlimitel, call id works perfectly on my zap channels
02:28.20justdaveyou zap is inbound or phones?
02:29.01justdaveand your unlimitel connection is sip?
02:30.17justdavedo you have a callerid= line in your inbound definition in sip.conf?
02:31.27rbdsay I have asterisk server A, and asterisk server B. B transfers a call to A...does a peer entry for B need to be in A's sip.conf, or is there a way to avoid this (possibly by allowing all from B's subnet or something)?
02:31.33justdaveAt this point I would suspect you do, and what's listed there is what calls coming in on that line show up as on the phone, right?
02:32.37kiwonekai dont have registration on any of my inbound
02:33.15justdaverbd: usually if both servers are behind firewalls (which is how it's often done, since most of those situations are multiple offices), then you do canreinvite=no on the links, and asterisk just forwards it along (so there'll be three legs to the call, one from phone A to server A, one from server A to server B, one from server B to phone B)
02:33.41justdaveif you want to allow reinvites, then the phones need to be able to see each other on the net
02:33.54rbdjustdave: in this case, both servers only serve up IVR (AGI scripts and meetme conferences), there are no attached phones
02:34.03kiwonekahere is my inbound in my sip.conf
02:34.35rbdjustdave: so an incoming SIP call from a SIP trunk hits server A, A has an IVR frontend, and transfers to server B's meetme conference
02:34.44*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=lonari@
02:35.48justdaveyeah, then both servers need to know about the trunk, and the trunk (on the other end) also needs to support reinvites
02:36.22justdaveif your trunk provider doesn't support reinvites then you're still going to have to forward the traffic via the IVR server until the call ends
02:36.57justdavekiwoneka: yeah, I don't see a callerid override in there.  Does your SIP provider offer callerid?
02:37.22justdaveor are you getting number only but not names?
02:37.39justdavethere's a lot of sip providers out there that only provide numeric callerID, and don't pass the names
02:38.26kiwonekajustdave: yes
02:38.41JTall this talk of "sip" and "trunks" is making me feel unwell ;)
02:42.08rbdjustdave: ok, thanks. so it sounds like the trunk needs to be in each box's sip.conf as a provider or a peer?
02:43.25justdaveJT must be using the definition of a single connection carrying multiple channels, since sip can't do that :)
02:43.57JTyes and it's also a connection oriented protocol
02:44.00justdaveon the closest thing sip has to a trunk, each call gets its own connection
02:44.23justdavePSTN gateway is probably what he really means
02:44.45rbdyeah by sip trunk I mean a pipe with multiple sip calls on it.... yeah that's a mix-in of some circuit-switched terminology
02:45.06rbdyeah it's from a PSTN GW up the line somewhere
02:45.37ohadzdo i first install * and then zaptel? i am only using my network card.. i don't have a pri card or fxo cards..
02:45.40rbdbut yeah, to us it's just a packet-oriented connection
02:46.18JTohadz: you probably don't need zaptel unless you need zap timing for something like meetme, moh or iax2 trunking
02:46.26JTohadz: zaptel installs before asterisk
02:46.34JTotherwise asterisk is not aware of it
02:46.56NormanAtholjust remember to modprobe ztdummy when you are finished to load it
02:48.44ohadzJT, so i won't need zaptel if i'm just using my machine as is (without any special digium cards) and with a sip phone?
02:49.19JTohadz: yes and provided you're not doing one of those things i mentioned
02:49.42ohadzJT, ok. thanks.
02:50.01*** join/#asterisk rbd (
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02:54.17*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
02:57.52*** join/#asterisk _mike3_ (
02:58.12_mike3_Is the X100P a test card or a card that can be used for everyday use?
02:58.21JTit's a toy
02:59.19*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
03:01.52_mike3_JT, which means what?
03:02.04JTdon't use it if you can avoid it
03:02.09jbotfrom memory, x100p is an obsolete card.  You don't want to bother trying to make it (or any of the "digium compatible" clones) work.  Get a TDM01B, and you will save your sanity, your hair, and countless other things.
03:02.11_mike3_I don't need this for a company. Just for home use that I would like to use all the time. However, I need quaility..
03:02.50JTwell it's definitely not quality, they're no longer produced, so all the ones being sold now are quite crap
03:03.39_mike3_got'cha. I need a low profile card though jbot
03:03.47_mike3_I got a slim PC here.
03:04.02JTtoo hard basket
03:04.07JTget an ATA instead
03:04.49_mike3_I have a Linksys ATA.
03:04.49_mike3_will that work?
03:04.50_mike3_unlocked linksys ata that is
03:04.53ohadznow that i've installed * i want to setup my sip phone... i have installed the samples.. do i need to move the extensions.conf.sample to extensions.conf?
03:04.54_mike3_I was using it with Asterisk once before..
03:05.01JTsure, as long as it has an FXO port
03:05.13*** join/#asterisk l3jj (
03:05.13JTthen why wouldn't it work now? :)
03:05.26_mike3_hrm.. How do I configure it under Asterisk then?
03:05.36_mike3_I don't need Zaptel for it do I
03:05.48JTset up an account in sip.conf for it
03:06.06_mike3_oh ok
03:06.33_mike3_so all inbound calls will go to this then I make my routes to where I want. Which section of the extensions.conf. So auto greeting and from there to where I want
03:06.35_mike3_I take it?
03:06.55jbothmm... thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
03:07.14*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
03:09.17*** join/#asterisk morgala (
03:09.37morgalahey everyone...
03:10.15morgalai am a little stuck... are there any AGI gurus out there?
03:10.46JunK-Ymorgala: ask a specific question will be a good start.
03:10.56JunK-Y~agi api
03:10.58jbot[agi api] at
03:14.16morgalaok... is there a way to delete files from within agi?
03:15.05morgalaphp is deleting files before they have finished being played with "control stream file" if i paus in the middle of playback...
03:15.15morgalasorry pause
03:15.19*** join/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
03:15.27mattwj2005hi guys
03:15.49mattwj2005I live in the US and I am thinking about buying an unlocked phone
03:16.59mattwj2005do they work well for prepaid?
03:18.15ohadzi tried to define my sip phone both in sip.conf.samples and also in extensions.conf.samples -- i am still getting this error --  chan_sip.c:15479 handle_request_register: Registration from '"Hello Worldz" <sip:888@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
03:18.38JunK-Ymorgala: i dont understand, since control stream file is not deleting anything.
03:19.51*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
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03:20.40morgalai do an unlink from php after doing control stream file
03:21.16morgalanot really sure how to make the unlink happen only after stream file has finished
03:22.26*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
03:23.01morgalahey mattyj2005 can you pm me your config?
03:23.13morgalasorry... i mean ohadz
03:25.43ohadzmorgala, which one?
03:28.22*** join/#asterisk awannabe (
03:29.14awannabehey guys, anyway to place a call and not have to accept the invite? im having some problems with AgentCallBackLogin() and getting invite erros
03:30.37ghentoIs it much less resource intensive to use Playback() with .wav files, over MP3Player() ?
03:33.53kn0xghento, i dont know how much, but i'd imagine it is considering mp3 is highly compressed and .wav is usually uncompressed (as far as i know)
03:34.41ghentokn0x: thanks, good point
03:34.57kn0xno problem.
03:35.52awannabemaybe its these damn snoms
03:35.54kn0xoptimally, you'd use a uniform codec....
03:36.10kn0xawannabe, i was about to buy a snom, whats wrong with them?
03:36.20awannabewell, they do have their issues...
03:36.35kn0xhmmm.... interesting
03:36.35JTkn0x: where abouts are you located?
03:36.48kn0xJT, chicago, why do you ask?
03:36.54*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:37.02JTusa, right, no idea why you'd buy a snom then :)
03:37.30kn0xJT, i've heard great things about them...
03:37.52kn0xso what issues are people having?
03:37.59ohadzalso.. is there a good voip provider that will allow me to setup an account/ DID and voip immediately ?
03:38.07JTthey're just not that great for the price
03:38.12jboti heard phones is  SIP Hardphones in order of quality/suggestability : Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Cisco 7940(+), Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom
03:38.21JTpolycom is by far the most recommended phone here :)
03:38.40kn0xohadz, what type of service: unlimited, prepaid, etc. ?
03:39.00kn0xjbot- oh thank you for spamming -_-
03:39.41ohadzkn0x, i guess prepaid..
03:39.42kn0xwell that looks like an attempt to get me to goto that website and buy a phone...
03:40.08kn0xohadz, i use they're pretty good for 1.7cents/minute USA
03:40.15*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
03:40.26kn0xplus they have usa48 dids for unlimited 7.95/month
03:41.03awannabeanyway in * to let in place calls to any sip client without them registering, or making a peer entry?
03:41.07kn0xalso has immediate service
03:41.25ohadzkn0x, i looked at their website-- they start at $35/m
03:41.28kn0xi've had reliability issues from them before...
03:41.45*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:42.13kn0xneither have minimum usage reuirements, ohadz
03:42.29JTkn0x: what looks like an attempt you get you onto what website and buy what phone?
03:42.45kn0xJT, my appologies, i was wrong
03:42.46JTs/you get you/to get you/
03:43.11JTthere's no less than 5 brands listed, not sure what web site it'd be :P
03:43.45kn0xno that bot is useful actually
03:44.14JTkn0x: you should look into polycom phones, they're quite decent
03:44.37ohadzthanks morgala for your help. you got me working now. thanks again..
03:44.50_mike3_Hey guys.. I need a low profile FXO card. Anyone know of a good quaility card.
03:45.14awannabe_mike3_, sangoma or digium only...
03:45.37ohadzkn0x, would they vitallity get my up and running immediately ?
03:45.41_mike3_awannabe, I know which manfacture to go with...... Just need a low profile card
03:45.53awannabehalf height you mean?
03:46.21kn0xohadz, (formely gave me my acc't immediately
03:46.27_mike3_i have a slim pc here
03:47.15awannabeahh, ok
03:47.38_mike3_only thing I can find in a low profile format is the x100P. But I heard these cards are junk. I need something with quaility.
03:47.47kn0xJT, what do they mean by line appearances- registrations?
03:48.07kn0xdo they mean how many simultaneous registrations?
03:48.33ohadzkn0x, and you could call immediately.. what about
03:49.14JTkn0x: yeah pretty much
03:49.18kn0xohadz, yes, i think they are the same..... but im mad at nufone because they lost my number
03:49.32JTthe 430 for example has 2 line appearances, but it can do 8 calls at once or something
03:49.49kn0xthey like all of a sudden dropped their incomming service for 2 months
03:49.52kn0xlast year
03:50.04kn0xJT, ohh ic
03:52.11_mike3_guess I'll have to buy a FXO adapter.
03:52.35_mike3_and make an extenion in sip.conf and have it register to it. Everything that comes in will pass to the auto greeting i guess.
03:52.38_mike3_i'm sure that will work
03:52.59JT_mike3_: i thought you said you already has a sipura ata
03:53.22_mike3_no I have a linksys. It's only has two FXS ports
03:53.24_mike3_not FXO
03:53.34JTlinksys bought sipura, same thing
03:53.38JTcisco owns linksys too
03:54.05ohadzkn0x, ah..
03:54.44kn0xohadz, idk what they've been like recently, but im still upset about that a year later.
03:55.22kn0xohadz, i was reading that one of the co-owners had some mental stability issues
03:55.32ohadzhmm.. sounds like they are doing good biz
03:55.34kn0x...thats was the source of the issues
03:55.42ohadzi heard good things though...
03:55.44ohadzwho knows..
03:55.58kn0xthey are by far the most reliable
03:56.08*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (n=CrazyTux@
03:57.07ohadzi have * running.. and it registers my phone (thanks morgala) -- but then when i dial 8500 or ext 500 i get a bz signal and the following msgs -- == Using TOS bits 0  == Using CoS mark 0
04:00.06JTthose messages don't look relevant
04:06.54*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
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04:08.04wolferineanyone ever use Ekiga with Asterisk ?
04:08.30wolferineim trying to talk between two devices (I have a Grandstream phone here as well) on my LAN
04:09.12ohadzwhat would explain that i get a bz signal when i try to dial the demo ext (500) ?
04:10.09*** join/#asterisk RyanWi (
04:10.20ohadzmy phone registered fine. i get a dialtone but i can't get to 8500, 1000, 500 or any other ext
04:14.22JTohadz: what sort of phones?
04:15.35ohadzJT, i have only one phone (cisco spa921) but i thought that by having those ext in the ext.conf file i will be able to dial from my phone and here the demo..
04:15.58ohadztried to call ext 500 and 8500.. all i get is a busy signal JT
04:17.55JTthat model isn't a cisco one
04:18.17ohadzJT, i guess it's a linksys..
04:18.24ohadzaren't they the same company ?
04:19.02JTno, cisco owns linksys
04:19.06Dimiklinksys is owned by cisco
04:19.08JTlinksys still make their own products
04:19.17ohadzright.. still same same
04:19.27JTohadz: the phone is not a cisco though.
04:19.33Dimiklinksys == shit
04:19.33ohadznow linksys has the cisco logos on their products:)
04:19.47JTDimik: i wouldn't go that far
04:19.52ohadzJT, right. it'a linksys.. still doesn't resolve my issues :)
04:19.54Dimikgood for SoHo
04:19.57Dimikand that's about it
04:20.07ohadzDimik, that is what i'm using it for:)
04:20.32JTDimik: some people have good results with linksys phones in businesses
04:21.08DimikJT, i was talking about the routers
04:21.24Dimikwasn't even aware linksys produced phones
04:21.35Math`whats wrong with their routers anyways
04:22.55*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:23.07Dimikthe fact i guess that they're 802.11g
04:23.17Dimik54mbps is good but the radius is pretty short
04:23.35Dimikalso few models you have to activate with their special software which's only windows compatible
04:23.45Dimikand only then you can http to it to configure the actual thing
04:24.08Dimikit's all personal experience, i guess i just hadn't had luck with any that's all
04:24.11ohadzJT, how should i go about resolving this bz signal on all ext's?
04:24.13Dimikthey're still good product
04:25.14JTbusy, not "bz" :)
04:25.20JTohadz: find out if the calls reach asterisk
04:25.24JTfirst of all...
04:25.37JTdo they appear on the CLI with the verbosity set at 10
04:25.45Dimiki need to install asterisk
04:26.18JTDimik: certain linksys routers are good for using aftermarket firmware on too
04:27.55Dimikyeah i heard that
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04:32.00ohadzJT, sorry got disconnected.. :/ so verbosity set to 10 is vvvvvvvvvvvvc?
04:32.29JTyes or set verbose 10
04:33.46dc3aeshehehe -v^10x5 :P
04:33.52*** join/#asterisk dhakatel (n=root@
04:34.55JTit actually has an unusual number for ther verbosity limit
04:35.14JTis the highest verbosity
04:35.42dc3aesinteresting.. when i get my friends' boxes going ill sneak in and set that to their verbosity :)
04:35.47ohadzok. i've done this --  core set verbose 10 Verbosity is at least 10*CLI>   == Using TOS bits 0  == Using CoS mark 0
04:37.46ohadzthis is after i tried to dial 500
04:38.37JTohadz: the dial attempt should appear in there
04:38.55ohadzJT, i know but it doesnt.. :/
04:40.23JTohadz: check that the phone dialplan is correct
04:40.27ohadzi feel like i missed something during the install.. i svn'd the trunk of * into /usr/src and also zaptel.. then ran ./configure make, make install make samples.. set my sip phone on sip.conf and ext.conf.. that's it..
04:41.26JTohadz: no, i didn't say asterisk
04:41.28JTPHONE dialplan
04:43.17*** join/#asterisk Cabal (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
04:43.29ohadzJT what am i looking for in the my phone's dialplan?
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04:43.46JTwhat numbers it will send to the sip peer
04:45.12ohadzJT, you think the problem is with my phone's configuration?
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04:45.33JTyes, if nothing comes up in the asterisk cli
04:45.42JTyou could always do a sip debug to check for sure
04:47.01*** join/#asterisk dacter (
04:48.39ohadzJT, it registers -- my dialplan on the phones says -- (*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)
04:49.08JTand when you dial a number, do any sip messages come in?
04:49.29JTthen the dialplan needs fixing
04:49.34ohadzJT, nothing..
04:55.26[TK]D-FenderWhy would he get SIP messages... he's only using VERBOSE.
04:55.40[TK]D-FenderAnd earlier got a blatant registration error.
04:56.07[TK]D-Fenderwe don't even know if its talking to * at all.
04:56.22[TK]D-Fenderfirst step : SIP debug.
04:56.35[TK]D-Fender(aside from the obvious double-check of sip.conf)
04:56.51[TK]D-Fenderohadz, is your phone and * on the same subnet?
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04:59.19JT[TK]D-Fender: already mentioned sip debug
05:00.26[TK]D-Fenderjt : where? paste the line, because I missed it.....
05:00.38Hmmhesaysanyone sitting next to a fax machine?
05:00.45JT< JT> you could always do a sip debug to check for sure
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05:01.41ohadz[TK]D-Fender, yes. it also registers fine
05:02.31[TK]D-FenderJT : you never gave him the syntax to do so explicitly, not did I see any feedback to indicate taht he has.
05:02.40*** part/#asterisk c6vette (
05:02.47[TK]D-Fenderohadz, so IS you phone on the same subnet as *?
05:03.07ohadz[TK]D-Fender, yes
05:03.33*** join/#asterisk remmo (
05:03.37[TK]D-Fenderohadz,  so do "sip debug".  then place a call.  pastebin all of the CLI output./
05:04.09*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
05:05.58[TK]D-Fenderohadz, Doesn't look like everything...
05:06.10JT[TK]D-Fender: if he had any doubts what i meant, i'd expect him to ask what i meant
05:06.14[TK]D-Fenderohadz, that looks like the later half of a call.
05:06.41[TK]D-FenderJT : Any maybe the whole pile went over his head and simply said nothing.  not a safe assumption :)
05:06.53[TK]D-FenderJT : around here, NONE are :)
05:07.03JTshrug, stay silent at your own peril
05:07.12JTif someone can't be bothered to ask, i can't be bothered to handhold
05:07.21JTdepends how much they want their problem solved
05:07.54*** part/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
05:08.46ohadz[TK]D-Fender, sorry.. check this one --
05:09.05[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
05:09.07[TK]D-Fenderthere you have it
05:09.10[TK]D-Fenderbad pass
05:09.23[TK]D-FenderNo user '888' in SIP users list
05:09.23[TK]D-FenderFound peer '888' for '888' from
05:09.44Hmmhesaysok record routing makes a hell of a lot more sense now
05:09.48[TK]D-Fenderohadz, pastebin your entry for that phone
05:09.58JTohadz: if you didn't know what sip debug was, you should've asked
05:10.24ohadzJT, sorry i did know. i was doing 4 other things..
05:10.45[TK]D-FenderJT : all he needs is to have THOUGHT he did for your assumption to fail silently :)
05:10.48JToh ok, i thought you said the output of it showed no calls
05:11.14[TK]D-FenderJT : Got to trace the subtle bits...
05:11.39JT[TK]D-Fender: shrug, i have other stuff to do, like many others here :)
05:11.39ohadz[TK]D-Fender, I gotta hand it to ya. you're good;)
05:11.57[TK]D-Fenderohadz, I TRY....
05:12.07[TK]D-Fenderohadz, And about that sip.conf entry.....
05:12.27JTbut if people wish to donate money, i promise i'll pay special attention to their problems :P
05:13.14Hmmhesayssounds about right
05:13.19[TK]D-Fenderohadz, kill the "username=" bit from your phone entries, and make sure your phone's entry REALLY matches
05:13.23Hmmhesaysok what is the syntax for tcpdump
05:13.32HmmhesaysI can't freaking remember this late at night
05:13.46ohadz[TK]D-Fender, i just added that.. i used to not have it there..
05:14.04[TK]D-Fenderohadz, go double check your phones.
05:14.18[TK]D-Fenderohadz, and pastebi "sip show peers"
05:14.21JTHmmhesays: syntax to do what?
05:14.31[TK]D-Fenderohadz, I might also suggest you set them to "type=friend"
05:14.33ohadzok. done. now what?
05:14.51HmmhesaysJT dump a sip trace into a file
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05:17.55[TK]D-Fenderohadz, please pastebin "sip show peers"....
05:18.41ohadzok. reloaded.. restarted... still the same...
05:21.08[TK]D-Fenderohadz, I'm still betting your password isn't right in your phone.
05:21.16ohadzdid i forget to install something in the beginning..? am i missing something?
05:21.22ohadzhmm.. .passwd is 888
05:21.25ohadzlet me reset it..
05:22.56ohadz[TK]D-Fender, just reset it.. still the same...dialplan on the phone maybe? (*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)
05:23.11[TK]D-Fenderohadz, PASSWORD <--------------------
05:23.35[TK]D-Fenderohadz, its not the dialplan.
05:24.14[TK]D-Fenderohadz, we can clearly see its dialing 500, calling *, matching the right user, and being refused.  that leaves pass/domain issue on the phone
05:24.18ohadz[TK]D-Fender, i reentered the passwd into the admin webpage
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05:29.49ohadz[TK]D-Fender, i tried to change it to 777 .. still..
05:29.53ohadzsame thing..
05:30.10ohadzthe user and passwd are def. correct on the phone web interface...
05:30.53*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:30.58[TK]D-Fenderohadz, a blank in there is not filled out right
05:32.53ohadz[TK]D-Fender, in the passwd?
05:33.16ohadzon the phone?
05:33.26[TK]D-Fenderohadz, host a screenshot for someone to help you out, or check out a guide on its setup.
05:33.56[TK]D-FenderBut I have to get some sleep now.  I've pointed you to where you need to fix this.  One step at a time now.
05:33.59[TK]D-Fenderlater all
05:37.38ohadzI found screen shots --
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06:27.00Keltusquestion - when the call is bridged using Dial(), how can I continue to record the call via Monitor()?
06:27.37Corydon76-homeWhat do you mean?
06:27.54Corydon76-homeJust because the call is bridged doesn't mean Monitor stops recording
06:30.57Keltusit does for me...
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06:33.50Keltusthis is my script:
06:33.54Keltusexten => 85,1,Zapateller(nocallerid)
06:33.54Keltusexten => 85,n,Monitor(wav,/home/admin/recording)
06:33.54Keltusexten => 85,n,Background(hello-world)
06:33.54Keltusexten => 85,n,Set(CALLERID(all)=bob <1234567890>)
06:33.54Keltusexten => 85,n,Dial(SIP/,20,r)
06:33.55Keltusexten => 85,n,Hangup()
06:34.19ghenrycool, my patch got into asterisk core!
06:36.45tzafrirthanks for your contribution
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06:50.11yidiyuehanhi, guys, can any one explain to me how i can set up asterisk server outside of a NAT?
06:50.48yidiyuehani am a bit confused with NAT issue as i think there is no way to put server outside NAT no matter dynamic or staic ip you are using
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06:57.42dhakatelcan anybody help me how to port g729 in twinkle of linphone
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06:58.37JTyidiyuehan: what do you mean?
06:59.19JTkaldemar: is canreinvite=yes set in sip.conf?
06:59.23JTKeltus: i mean
06:59.34JTKeltus: is canreinvite=yes set?
07:00.20yidiyuehanJT, i mean, for my case, i have the ADSL router speedtouch st 585 and the local ip address is natted to public static ip address for server, in this case, is that a NAT in between?
07:00.38yidiyuehanas all the ports are forwarded by default
07:01.01JTcan you restate that? i couldn't understand it apart from you have a speedtouch modem
07:01.34yidiyuehanwell, like this, i have a ADSL speedtouch modem + router,
07:03.22yidiyuehanand my server has a local ip address within the network and it has been mapped to a public static ip address as well.
07:03.23KeltusJT: not sure, it's the default
07:03.23Keltuswhat does that option do?
07:03.23kaldemarJT: hello, hello.
07:03.23JTKeltus: set the media reinvites
07:03.24Keltusdidn't think an option named that would have an effect on Monitor()
07:03.27Keltusbut okay, I'll try
07:03.38JTKeltus: yes, it definitely have an effect
07:03.42JTmake sure it is set to no
07:03.44JTnot yes
07:03.59yidiyuehanas i have 16 public static ip addresses signed from my Telecom, and in this case is there a NAT in between?
07:04.04JTasterisk needs to see the media to record it
07:04.32JTyidiyuehan: if you've got a box acting as a router, then there's no NAT, if it's acting as NAT, then there is
07:05.11yidiyuehanJT, thanks but i still don't get it.
07:05.33KeltusJT: the option is not set. I will set it to no
07:05.57yidiyuehantypical setting will be, ADSL router with dynamic ip address, and some sip and rtp ports are forwarded, in this case there is a NAT right?
07:06.24JTyidiyuehan: port forwarding is different to NAT
07:07.02JTa device performing NAT or routing can be set to perform port forwarding too
07:07.15JTport forwarding is a very simple translation
07:07.31JT"if any packets come in for this port on this ip, send it to that port on that ip"
07:09.10yidiyuehanisn't it the meaning for NAT? I mean, packets are sent to dynamic ip over this port, and are forwarded to internal ip over another port
07:09.27JTnat is dynamic automagic
07:09.45JTports are chosen at random, and it must remember what connects to what
07:09.59JTyou should read up on basic networking
07:11.48KeltusJT: that was it! thanks
07:11.48yidiyuehanokie ;-) i think so, i am reading some now.
07:11.51yidiyuehanthanks man ;-)
07:12.31*** join/#asterisk vgster (
07:15.39JTKeltus: np
07:15.40JTKeltus: if the end points transmit media directly to each other, asterisk is not able to record it, that's why the media needs to go through asterisk there
07:16.28Keltusoh, so wait. doesn't the call quality suffer?
07:16.55JTyidiyuehan: the most important thing with NAT is that a computer on the Internet cannot ESTABLISH a connection to a computer behind NAT on a private LAN, in that case you must eiher port forward or the connection must be established from a computer inside the lan
07:17.04JTKeltus: not generally
07:17.15JTKeltus: unless asterisk is very far away from endpoints
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07:17.29JTor you're trying to push hundreds or more of calls through the machine
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07:18.04KeltusI mean, it *is* one extra hop
07:18.18JTKeltus: are the points far apart?
07:20.41Keltusone is going to be anywhere in the US (customers), and the other will be erm, india or something
07:21.07Keltusthe asterisk server is a dedicated server in illinois
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07:21.21JTin some cases it can improve call quality
07:21.26JTifm asterisk is in a good location
07:21.27Keltusoh really?
07:21.32Keltushow would it do that
07:21.44Keltusie. have a good connection to both ends?
07:22.02*** join/#asterisk Ifaistos (
07:22.59JTif it's on good bandwidth
07:23.02JTalso, you can't let 2 endpoints behind NAT reinvite media, it won't work
07:23.14Keltusoh and I guess it sort of hurts that right now the testcalls go from  customer -> toll free resporg -> ipkall -> asterisk server
07:23.41Keltusso I'm going to change the toll free provider so that we can do  customer -> toll free resporg -> asterisk server
07:23.48Keltushoping it will improve call quality
07:23.52Keltusright now it's just barely acceptable
07:25.18jacqKeltus: your cusomter will be in india?
07:26.47*** join/#asterisk Polis_ttt (
07:27.33Keltusjacq: no, the people that pick up calls
07:27.40Keltushalf of them are there, half in canada
07:28.08e-ddieso, do any of them speak english?
07:29.58Keltusdoes it matter?
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07:34.13e-ddiepretty much
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07:36.01MrWupanyone know a method of keeping channel variables in the h extension when a channel goes zombie? cause atm they are all flushed
07:36.08MrWupbefore the h extension code executes
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07:48.05arcanineis there a method for call timer
07:49.21awkhi does anyone use Bankia voip billing? if so what is the cost of the product I can't see prices on their site. also if not does anyone know of a free multi user level billing system?
07:49.27MrWupis there any way i can edit and recompile only channel.c and install it?
07:49.51arcaninefor billing purposes, once a call established the timer starts
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07:53.49awkblah, does nobody use billing software here, everytime i ask i get no reply?
07:53.59awkis there a better channel I should be asking this in?
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07:54.18awkplease can i just get some head way instead of staring at this monitor all day awaiting some reply
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08:00.45jacqMrWup: tried make all in channels folder?
08:01.22MrWupthe bit of code i need to reconfigure is in channel.c in main
08:01.40MrWupim trying to stop the channel variables being flushed before the hangup event is executed when a channel goes zombie
08:01.50MrWupso i can at least access the variables of the channel which is about to die
08:01.54MrWupand do something useful
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08:06.59abasici have problems with cdr and oracle db
08:07.34abasicmsg: cdr_odbc: Error in Query -1
08:07.47abasicasterisk realtime is working
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08:09.15awkstfu biaaaaach, i've been waiting for my question to be answered around an hour earlier than yours
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08:26.18CVirusA PRI/BRI line is connected to a WAN Interface in the device ... correct ?
08:26.38awkhello joe
08:26.38DarKnesS_WolFCVirus: ??
08:26.43DarKnesS_WolFWAN !?
08:26.49DarKnesS_WolFCVirus: WAN ya 2fel !
08:27.13DarKnesS_WolFCVirus: it go to zaptel card " Digital one "
08:27.38CVirusYou'll need either Digium or Sangoma (or Cronyx) or OpenVox T1/E1 WAN interfaces.
08:27.42CVirusthis is what voip-info says
08:28.06JTCVirus: do you have a question or not?
08:28.34CVirusJT: Where do you plug a PRI/BRI line ?
08:28.37uwehello, how can i know what ulimit -c is set for an already running process (asterisk) !? i tried asking at #linuxhelp and #linux, but so far no one seem to have a clue how to figure that for an already running process
08:28.37CVirusdo I*
08:28.49JTCVirus: into a card?
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08:29.08CVirusJT: into an FXO port ?
08:29.14JTyou will need the correct card of course
08:29.19JTfxo is for an analogue line
08:29.40jbotthebook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
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08:48.37uweDarKnesS_WolF, 2fel ? 2 like in 2a 2o 2e
08:49.13DarKnesS_WolFuwe: 2fel == a lock
08:49.14DarKnesS_WolFit's arabic
08:49.34MrWupanyone know how to suppress all warnings in PHP?
08:49.55DarKnesS_WolFuwe: we are using 2 for special arabic charctr..
08:49.56uweyeah, i thought so too ...
08:50.06uwe3arabi ...
08:50.09DarKnesS_WolFuwe: we are using english letters to type arabic... much faster in english :-)
08:50.13DarKnesS_WolFuwe: yes 3arabi ;-)
08:50.16DarKnesS_WolFuwe: where ar u from ?
08:51.01DarKnesS_WolFuwe: hahah eshta :-)
08:51.16uweu ? masr ?
08:55.18uweDarKnesS_WolF, you know of any community working on arabic localized asterisk doc and/or support and/or development ?
08:56.41DarKnesS_WolFuwe: nop i wish i do ...
08:56.47DarKnesS_WolFuwe: yes i'm from egypt
08:57.29HarryRI think it'd be cool to have asterisk documentation in some of the other major languages, like spanish, arabic & mandarin
08:57.35uweDarKnesS_WolF, i know here like 3-4 users scattered around, i thought a mailing list or something similar could be a good start, no ?
08:57.45HarryRwho cares about french and italian  :)
08:58.55HarryRoh hmm, arabic isn't even in the top 10 languages :\ Hindu would be better then
09:00.00uweHarryR, :) a full arabic documentatin would be probably awful
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09:01.05HarryRi'm sure it'd be very tedious to translate :\
09:01.33HarryRbut it'd be a very good task for somebody trying to learn MSA
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09:02.09HarryRi'll have a go at translating it to Khmer when I'm good enough :\
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09:03.32DarKnesS_WolFuwe: yes sure
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09:08.20MrWupanyone know which bit of the * source in channel.c flushes the channel variables from a Zombie channel?
09:08.48uweDarKnesS_WolF, any suggested places/domains , we are 2+ at #pslug
09:11.53uwei can start one like, but that wouldnt be nice, i.e. .ps
09:16.51ghenrywhat pri card would you recommend?
09:16.56ghenryI'm in UK
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09:21.25santibioticowhen using the page do i define to call all users?
09:21.41santibioticoinstead of specifying SIP/11&SIP/12$etc etc etc
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09:30.19simplexiosantibiotico: try SIP/__ .. no idea does that work.
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09:51.55Chris-NBanyone using a Thomson ST2030S phone?
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10:08.44mkl1525Hi, (* 1.2) trying to get access to my voip provider "sip show registry" shows the provider as "Registered" so I suppose connection is working. When calling from outside the only debug entry is "Unknown SIP media type in offer: video 62280 RTP/AVP 21 34" would this cause a problem or is it a fatal warning?
10:10.10remmothat should not cause any major problems
10:13.00mkl1525remmo, thanks, so my guess that "Registered" stands for "is connected to the voip proivder" is correct? and if so - any reason why I don't see any call/info on verbose log when I call from outside?
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10:33.01jacqregistered only means your provider knows how to locate you
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10:34.27jacqlooks like you havent defined your sip peer properly
10:34.33jacqto support your codec
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10:46.37MrWupanyone know where ast_string_field_set is defined?
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11:09.45defsworkcan I test ring a handset from the asterisk cli ?
11:13.51jacqMrWup:  include/asterisk/stringfields.h:275 ?
11:14.02MrWupthanks already found it though
11:14.33MrWupim trying to hack the * code to stop channel variables of zombie channel being flushed before the hangup extension code executes
11:14.40MrWupproving difficult to find where the variables are
11:14.45MrWupits all in channel.c somewhere
11:14.55MrWupround about line 3512 i think
11:14.59MrWupbut not sure what to do
11:15.00jacqtried looking at doxygen on
11:15.12MrWupno luck
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11:42.02nomadsouljustdave: hi
11:42.07defsworkodd - I've connected my Nokia N95 and added it to my ring group but asterisk says circuit-busy when I dial in.  if I dial from AMI using originate the n95 rings ok
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12:19.38sergeei have a problem with Linksys 2102, it doesn't recognise key "3" dialed on attached phone, and pass numbers to asterisk without "3" :) does anybody know how to solve it?
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12:44.24ctooleyAnyone know of some good tuning parameters for the RHEL4 kernel when doing high volumes of SIP bridges?
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12:53.55HarryRctooley, including RTP?
12:55.10HarryRctooley, see: (TCP section) and
12:56.26HarryRother than that, the first thing I'd suggest is: not using Asterisk ;)
12:57.29ctooleyHarryR, none of that stuff will help with RTP
12:57.50ctooleyno matter how much you tune TCP, Apache or MySQL settings, it's not going to help RTP
12:58.06HarryRI was referring to the TCP stuff, not apache/mysql
12:58.16HarryRoh right,  I see
12:59.07RyushinSo are there any pstn gateway that are free for non business use for local calls?  I'm trying to use something else instead of my cell phone.
12:59.26RyushinThis will be for the US.
12:59.56ctooleyRyushin, Oddly enough, even local calls cost money to terminate
13:00.57dacterso... what's the "Authorization user name" in x-lite, and is that somehow different from the "user name"?
13:01.33JTHarryR: what tcp stuff?
13:01.35matt_does anybody here use a service from the Finarea SA group
13:02.04HarryRah I was pointing out general TCP tuning stuff for linux, not UDP
13:02.13Ryushinctooley:  Bummer.  I'm just trying to cut back on some of my minutes on my cell phone.
13:02.22JTHarryR: i see
13:02.30RyushinGuess I'll do some digging for the best price.
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13:03.00matt_they dont seem to hang up the call properly, when i hangup the phone keeps ringing? does anybody know why, codec issue maybe
13:03.09ctooleyRyushin, I'd like to cut back on the minutes on my cell phone too.  I stopped using it so much.
13:03.29Putzzcan u say cheap? USA/Can calls are often terminated for 1c a min
13:03.47ctooleyPutzz, depending on where you call.
13:04.00Putzzwell us48
13:04.11Putzzcanada excluding NWT and yukon
13:04.12ctooleyWe've got rates that can go as low as .4 cents/minute but as high as 3 cents/minute.
13:04.21ctooleyand that's just in the domestic 48
13:04.41Putzzthat still not bad coompared to cell rates cell carriers charge
13:04.51Putzzin canada .25-.35c
13:04.54Putzza min
13:04.56ctooleyIt depends on where you call.  It's expensive to terminate into areas where we don't have Access Relief, like Indian Reservations in Oklahoma
13:05.45ctooleyand almost always someone has to actually have a piece of copper running to the door of whoever you're calling.
13:06.05ctooleyAs more and more people move to VoIP it gets cheaper, but it's still expensive in some places... relatively speaking.
13:08.03Ryushinctooley:  Where are the rates as low as .4 cent a minute?
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13:08.28ctooleyRyushin, mostly to small pockets of mobile phones.  I'm not sure
13:09.04ctooleyRyushin, plus you have to have carrier level volume to justify a NPA/NXX based rate deck.  Otherwise we have a flat rate.
13:09.43RyushinOkay, I guess I'll do some more digging.  I guess I can live with cent a minute or so.  You know of any carriers I should look at?
13:10.01Putzzgoogle is a good place to start
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13:10.11Putzzspoon feeding sucks
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13:10.34RyushinI was looking at voip-info and there are a lot to choose from.  Just didn't know if someone had already done their homework on this.
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13:11.42ctooleyRyushin, depends on what you're looking for.  NuFone does do a lot of work with Asterisk though, they might be a good option.  I work for one but we don't really have a retail resi package
13:12.37ctooleyThis isn't cool:   src/add.c:1: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set
13:12.54MrWupim trying to hack the * code to stop channel variables of zombie channel being flushed before the hangup extension code executes
13:13.01ctooleythe linux kernel seems to think that the CPU can do x86-64 instructions just fine.
13:13.07MrWupanyone know what code does that?
13:13.11MrWupsomewhere in channel.c?
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13:15.13dacterctooley: what does "ls -l /usr/src/" give you (and what flavor of linux?)
13:15.29ctooleydacter, CentOS 4.4
13:15.44sglinuxif I want to do a POTS only 'callback' setup with Asterisk, I need 2 POTS lines, right ?
13:15.59ctooleydacter, and the kernel source for the running kernel is in /usr/src/kernels
13:16.10ctooleyand symlinked to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
13:16.30ctooleyit's finding the kernel source.  Zaptel built fine.
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13:17.35DrAk0hey, im trying to figure out why i get zero channels on misdn
13:17.37DrAk0pbx*CLI> misdn show channels
13:17.38DrAk0Chan List: (nil)
13:20.08DrAk0Wed May  2 20:10:10 2007: P[ 0]  Could not create channel on port:-1 with extensions:944413020
13:20.40sglinuxanyone running Asterisk in Singapore here ?
13:21.25coppicethere seem to be quite a few users in .sg
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13:25.47tzafrirctooley, what is the output of: uname -r
13:26.06mkl1525Hi, (* 1.2, snom 300|360, I've got connection to my voip provider and the the calls get through. caller can hear and speak but the called party can just listen. no voice goes back from called to caller - any hints what could go wrong?
13:26.22ctooleytzafrir: problem resolved
13:26.50rue_mohrMrWup, I'm interested in channel.c, I need to add support for a newbridge 3624
13:26.59iCEBrkrmkl1525: Typical of a NAT setup
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13:30.36DrAk0any idea about ISDN problem_
13:30.39MrWupasterisk sourcecode is a nightmare
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13:31.30mkl1525iCEBrkr, thanks for the hint, that's a good guess (having the phones in a test enviroment not the real net)
13:33.30iCEBrkrmkl1525: If it's all on the same network, it should be fine.
13:34.12iCEBrkrmkl1525: But typically, SIP doesn't play well over NAT.
13:36.52nomadsoulMrWup: have you tryed to use doxygen over it? you will have a nice doc to look at :D
13:37.04MrWupi think ive found the source to make it work
13:37.10MrWuptrial and error eliminating, compiling =]
13:39.42[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: Only problem I ever had with SIP & NAT is Cisco PIX, and a few odd D-Link routers
13:41.06iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Probably the ones that done have that magic UPNP feature
13:41.23iCEBrkrI've had good luck as well.
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13:42.29DrAk0anyone? with a b410p working? im having problem getting the channels work.
13:42.39rbdhi guys, I have multiple asterisk servers that serve to frontend (IVR) incoming calls from a SIP provider. If I were to use DNS SRV to load balance across these servers, could I have it so that if a server got too full
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13:43.06rbdit could refuse an incoming call, and the next server would be tried for it?
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13:44.03blitzragerbd: depends if that's how DNS will work. I tend to use Transfer() to 302 redirect to the other server when I want to reject
13:44.53iCEBrkrblitzrage: You do something like, checking for the number of channels in use and then issue a Transfer() to do your 'load balancing'?  Is that the concept?
13:45.12rbdblitzrage: makes sense. basically I just wanted to see if I could offer more inteligent load balancing than simple weighting/round robin
13:45.27MrWupive done it
13:45.32MrWupive finally hacked the * source
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13:45.39iCEBrkrrbd: You could go all out and build a 'traffic manager' :)
13:45.48MrWupand made it so that Zombie channels retain their variables in the h extension
13:45.53iCEBrkrMrWup: HAX0Rz
13:45.54blitzrageyes -- I do a load test to know how many calls I can do, then cut that down to 60%, use GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() to track the number of calls on the system, and use Transfer() to force the call to the other server when it hits capacity
13:45.58MrWupand its so simple too
13:46.04MrWuptook soooooo long to narrow it down though
13:46.46rbdblitzrage: sounds good, thanks
13:47.34rbdblitzrage: why 60%? is that a real-world safe figure? and what tool do you use to load test?
13:48.47rbdiCEBrkr: well there is SEP/OpenSEP whch does SIP load balancing, but the load balancing algos it uses are very doesn't seem to have an algo that can make use of external data (such as cached database query results or asterisk manager query data, etc)
13:48.57rbdit could always be enhanced though...
13:48.59iCEBrkrI used GROUP_COUNT() for outbound call throttling.
13:49.01blitzragerbd: I use SIPp to load test. I use 60% because the load testing I did didn't involve call recordings, etc... etc... (simply setup), so I just picked 60% as a safe figure
13:49.30rbdoops, yeah
13:49.43blitzrageour topology uses OpenSER as the SIP registration end point, which distributes the calls among a cluster of Asterisk boxes
13:50.03iCEBrkrI should really look into SER
13:50.49PeriOpenSER > SER (but that's opinion)
13:50.58jacqblitzrage: using media proxy or rtp proxy?
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13:53.33anonymouz666blitzrage: and if you got let's say 6 T1's... what's used to distribute the inbound calls through the ast boxes?
13:53.53blitzrageanonymouz666: you don't -- they are coming from a T1 and are physically tied to a box
13:53.56rue_mohrcan I get asterisk to only pick up a call aftera certian number of rings, or not at all? (as in I dont suspect a timer would do that)
13:54.28blitzragejacq: using neither -- I use directrtpsetup=yes to send the data to the carriers directly
13:54.47blitzragewe don't do residential really, so most of our customers having a real IP and not behind NAT
13:54.54blitzrageif not, Asterisk proxies the media
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13:55.08blitzragerue_mohr: use Wait() before Answer()
13:56.20rue_mohrand then if the state changes it'll abort the answer
13:56.48[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Sort of.
13:57.33[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: On analog you run the risk of picking up between rings where a caller could have hung up.  Poor disconnect detection could lock up your channel potentially for a little bit
13:58.13rue_mohr:) it gets more fun than that, my channelbank signaling for a hangup isn't recognized by *
13:58.48[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: namely?
13:58.56rue_mohrI'm just swimming through chan_zap.c to try to find the state machine for that
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13:59.05rue_mohrmainstreet 3624
14:02.07rue_mohrI need to work out what sequence its sending
14:02.27rue_mohrI'm hoping there's already debug code around the state machine, for change logging
14:07.23iCEBrkrMrWup: um, question?  Why would you want the variables to stick around?
14:07.53MrWupbecause in the h extension the zombie channel hangs up
14:08.04MrWupand you need to know which phone the zombie channel is associated with
14:08.23MrWupso you can play with the database where info about peoples numbers of calls are stored
14:08.32MrWupzombies happen when a call is transfered too
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14:08.38LeddyHMhow uber gay
14:09.04MrWupand obviously its difficult to track call transfers unless you can track what happens to the zombies
14:09.08MrWup(i.e. the caller who drops out)
14:09.19iCEBrkrI'm confused as to what you mean by zombies?
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14:09.28LeddyHM"you have to change your entire network and put your phones on canreinvit=yes" for dtmf to work
14:09.40MrWupiCEBrkr, read the source
14:09.48MrWupits quite clear about what a zomby is
14:09.50MrWupzombie even
14:09.59iCEBrkrMrWup: Did you just tell me to RTFS? :D
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14:11.31iCEBrkrMrWup: It's to early for spaghetti
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14:15.08[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: Sounds like raging BS.
14:15.21[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: RFC = STFU
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14:20.32Mercestesraging BS?
14:22.29Polis_tttanyone that got a tip of a simple statistic-script that i can run, like php-script or so, that shows the load of my asterisk-mashin? like cpu and networkload?
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14:24.28wwalkerwhat is the command from inside the asterisk cli to get a sip peer to reread its config?
14:25.07Polis_tttwwalker: "sip reload" ?
14:26.06anonymouz666after a read() can I use $ISNULL to check if the var contains something? Or Can I use ! using ${IF} with ${EXISTS}?
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14:27.00wwalkerPolis_ttt: thx, but I was trying to reboot a polycom phone remotely (I'm 30 miles from the office).
14:27.19iCEBrkrPolis_ttt: dstat?
14:28.53iCEBrkrPolis_ttt: top
14:28.53iCEBrkrPolis_ttt: uptime
14:28.54iCEBrkrwwalker: Don't the polycoms have some sort of web interface?
14:29.03MatBoyDoes someone know a webbased VoIP client that supports SIP ?
14:29.05wwalkerfyi - sip notify polycom-check-cfg peer_name
14:29.39Polis_tttiCEBrkr: dstat was good, thanks
14:30.45wwalkeriCEBrkr yes
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14:33.37*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- Asterisk 1.4.4 (April 27, 2007) Asterisk 1.2.18 (April 24, 2007), Zaptel, (April 25, 2007) -=- Other fun channels: #asterisk-gui, #asterisknow, #asterisk-commits -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
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14:55.54iCEBrkrdocelmo: SHUTUP
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14:56.35iCEBrkrdocelmo: I guess Damin is visiting Orlando come Memorial Day weekend
14:56.53iCEBrkrNot sure why
14:56.56docelmoI dunno..  havent talk to him in a few..  been wicked busy
14:57.02docelmoprobably out to buy a clec down there
14:57.13iCEBrkrdocelmo: Since I'm headed over to Tampa that weekend, we're gonna grab a beer
14:57.28docelmohave at it
14:57.33iCEBrkrdocelmo: It seems important.  Ed (his business partner) is coming with him
14:57.43docelmothey are going to buy someone
14:58.24coppicesounds better than ending up with a CLEC
14:58.41coppicethe tee short stands a chance of coming debt free
14:58.48iCEBrkrcoppice: haha
14:59.05ManxPowercoppice: Other than the whole "All the regulations and the telcos are trying to put you out of business" thing, a CLEC would be fun.
14:59.38iCEBrkrcoppice: Surprisingly, Damin's company has been successful.  I think they're pushing close to 12yrs now?
14:59.42iCEBrkryikes! 12yrs?!@#
14:59.55iCEBrkrTime flies
15:00.46iCEBrkrI remember having just under 3000 customers and about 200 hosted websites.  and they were buying up all the mom and pop dial-up ISPs
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15:03.14docelmohe just bought a central office for his new data center
15:04.05iCEBrkrBuy buy buy
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15:10.16ManxPowerMist be nice.  I think it is a big deal when I spend $100 on a set of shelves
15:11.01Qwell[]what?  $100 for shelves?
15:11.07Qwell[]I can make them for like $8
15:11.41iCEBrkrQwell[]: I'm not to sure about your opensource shelves. :P
15:11.53Qwell[]they aren't open source
15:11.59Qwell[]I'll be damned if I'm gonna tell you how to make them
15:12.25ManxPowerThey were actually $88 and a freestanding cabinet rather than shelves
15:12.33ManxPowerstop ruining my examples with logic!
15:13.25mogormanQwell, wood would cost more than 8 bucks
15:13.35Qwell[]not pressed wood
15:13.44coppicenot if its a very small piece
15:13.56Qwell[]coppice: that too
15:14.03mogormanany kind of wood Qwell
15:14.14mogormanunless your taking it from construction site
15:14.17Qwell[]mogorman: it's more "woodesque"
15:14.19coppicethe sort that grows on trees?
15:14.23Qwell[]it's really just cardboard that I stole
15:14.29Qwell[]...and painted
15:14.33MrWupwhy is it that setting __variables in a macro which completes upon dial doesnt set them properly
15:14.33mogormanuh hu....
15:14.39coppicesounds very Ikea
15:15.04Strom_Mthe native american competitor to IKEA would probably be called "Chippaway"
15:15.11*** part/#asterisk sglinux (
15:15.37*** join/#asterisk Dimik_ (n=Dimik_@unaffiliated/dimik)
15:15.39MercestesStrom_M, booo.  That was bad.]
15:15.56Strom_MI never claim my jokes are actually any good
15:16.12MercestesVery true.  You only offer free delivery.
15:16.18coppicerather like Ikea and their furniture
15:16.23Qwell[]Mercestes: you never signed up for that trial ;)
15:16.34*** join/#asterisk silentfury (
15:16.35MercestesYea, I know.  I'm sorry...:(
15:16.39MercestesI had my kids this weekend.
15:16.42silentfuryhi guys
15:16.52silentfuryi'm looking at a potential job where Asterisk is their main VoIP server
15:16.58MercestesI'll do it, I promise.
15:17.16Mercestessilentfury, Then we'll be seeing alot more of you, I take it?
15:17.17Qwell[]Mercestes: excuses, excuses :p
15:17.33silentfurymerc, maybe ;)
15:17.41jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
15:17.53jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
15:17.59jbotmethinks wglwat is well, good luck with all that
15:18.00silentfuryis there a good crash course resourceE?
15:18.02silentfuryI'm a quick learner - i'm hoping i can master this quickly.
15:18.10Mercestesjbot knows all
15:18.12jbotand don't you forget it
15:18.27jbotMercestes: :)
15:18.37*** join/#asterisk d4rkst4r75 (
15:18.42d4rkst4r75hi to all
15:19.49d4rkst4r75i got an error with my E1 configuration: chan_zap.c: no D-channels avaiable! Using Primary channel 16 as D-channel anyway
15:20.10d4rkst4r75my environment: asterisk 1.2 + libpri + wanpipe (sangoma board a102d)
15:20.43d4rkst4r75my configuration in zaptel.conf is:
15:20.45MercestesIs 16 really your Dchan?
15:20.51d4rkst4r75yes, on E1
15:20.54jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
15:21.04Strom_MMercestes: 16 is always the dchannel on E1
15:21.15Qwell[]It's always channel 42 on a Q1
15:21.22MercestesStrom_M, I'm sorry.  *cries*  I didn't know
15:21.33Strom_MQwell[]: hot
15:21.43d4rkst4r75the E1 comes up and is active for a while
15:21.59d4rkst4r75after some time (randomly) the E1 goes down with that error
15:22.23Mercestesd4rkst4r75, Do you have just this one E1?
15:22.33d4rkst4r75yes Mercestes
15:22.40d4rkst4r75i can't try others
15:22.44coppicesome people get really weird, and put the E1 D-channel on 31, but its rare
15:23.04Mercesteswell, I was asking because sangoma has this weird thing with multiple telco timing sources and their latest firmware.
15:23.30d4rkst4r75i've my sangoma configured as Master Clock source
15:23.32Mercestespastebin your configs
15:24.55Strom_Mcompletely off topic but amusing nonetheless:
15:25.05Qwell[]Strom_M: welcome to weeks ago
15:25.05*** join/#asterisk slmnhq (
15:28.34d4rkst4r75i've pasted all the configurations, the system, the logs before and after the span goes down
15:29.24d4rkst4r75i've tried to downgrade to asterisk 1.2 and libpri 1.2 but the error is the same
15:29.44d4rkst4r75the logs are for version 1.4, but i repeat: the problem is always the same
15:30.27Mercestesare you sure the span is up?  Did you contact yoru telco?
15:30.31*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (
15:30.46d4rkst4r75the span goes up and is working fine when it is up
15:31.03d4rkst4r75the problem is that it randomly goes down with the error i signaled
15:31.14*** join/#asterisk salviadud (n=dude@
15:31.31Mercesteswhat does zttest say?
15:31.34*** join/#asterisk DRoBeR (n=DRoBeR@
15:31.38DRoBeRHello all.
15:31.47d4rkst4r75i've not done the zttest
15:31.57_Sam--sorry for off topic question -- does anyone know if Xlite works with Vista?  (having a hard time getting a friends xlite to register)
15:32.19*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
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15:32.28Mercestes_Sam--, Try custom firewall settings, and run it as administrator.
15:32.43_Sam--thanks will give it a shot....
15:32.43Mercestesd4rkst4r75, Try that while I (we) read.
15:32.57_Sam--(i had him disable the firewall already)
15:33.24d4rkst4r75but my telco said that he sends a RR and get RR from my peer (asterisk) from a while. At a certain point, it sends RR but doesn't receive RR reply anymore. So he sends a SABME message and waits for the UA
15:33.51d4rkst4r75that UA is not sended so the T200 Timer on the telco peer expiry and the link goes down
15:35.17d4rkst4r75zttest give me an accuracy of 99.975586%
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15:35.39d4rkst4r75Mercestes and the accuracy is always the same
15:35.52Mercestesd4rkst4r75, that's boarderline.  1:  zapata.conf.  are you pri_cpe or prI_net?
15:36.00d4rkst4r75i'm pri_net
15:36.14Mercestesd4rkst4r75, is that correct for clock master?
15:36.43_Sam--!seen zoa
15:36.47*** join/#asterisk dracosilv (
15:36.56Mercestesd4rkst4r75, try pri_cpe
15:36.57*** join/#asterisk manopulus (n=manopulu@
15:37.18manopulushello, is ooh323 latest are in 1.2.18 or only at 1.4.4? in asterisk-addons
15:37.19Mercestesnevermind.  dont' try that
15:37.29d4rkst4r75Mercestes, you say that when i'm pri_net i should set Clock Slave?
15:37.42Mercestesyoru the net in this case?
15:37.50d4rkst4r75yes, i'm the net in this case
15:38.10MercestesOk, yea, leave it alone then, I'm confused.
15:38.42tzafrirmanopulus, in asterisk-addons, both for 1.2 and for 1.4
15:39.03salviadudi'm still using 1.2
15:39.03manopulustzafrir, thanks and it is same version?
15:39.09Mercestesd4rkst4r75, Hrm, I dunno.  change the cable maybe?  I'm worried about those 299 line errors and 2 crcs but other than that it looks ok.
15:39.10*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (n=alanj@
15:39.11salviaduddoes 1.4 have a better mixmonitor?
15:39.19tzafrirthere is a version for 1.2 and a version for 1.4
15:39.35Mercestespastebin zapata.conf too
15:39.53d4rkst4r75ok, just one second Mercestes
15:40.10*** join/#asterisk ^TheMask^ (
15:41.00skyphyrhi all - I've been running asterisk for my home phone for a couple of years now and my work is moving office. So looking for good voip phones and voip providers (we're in London though I imagine that's not hugely relevant) also any caveats/requirements running fax through asterisk. Thanks for any suggestions
15:41.44*** join/#asterisk Peaceful (n=Peaceful@
15:42.08^TheMask^anyone around here that could spare a few precious minutes on a problem im facing? i bought a linksys spa-3102 and configured it to use fwdnet.. i was able to call in/call out 2 days back, but suddenly, now even with the echo tests or time test i get no audio in or out of my phone.. ive tested with my family in europe, no audio either.. but I am able to receive the calls/make the calls (it does connect)
15:42.15^TheMask^anyone any idea what could be wrong?
15:42.50salviadudare you connecting your spa directly to fwd?
15:42.55Mercestesd4rkst4r75, I dunno then, configs look ok to me.  Did you try changing the cable?
15:43.32*** join/#asterisk hijacked (
15:43.42d4rkst4r75i can do another cable, but my question is: why randomly?
15:43.43^TheMask^salviadud: yes, configured as the SIP proxy
15:44.13^TheMask^i made sure it goes through the correct line as well (Line 1)
15:44.45Mercestesd4rkst4r75, If it is a bad cable it would be random
15:46.08d4rkst4r75yes, i'll do another cable
15:46.22*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
15:46.59PeacefulFor the life of me, I cannot figure out why asterisk's (1.2.13) voicemail system keeps reporting a time 6 hours earlier than the system time.  Anyone else have this problem?
15:47.24Qwell[]Peaceful: set a timezone
15:47.27Qwell[]in voicemail.conf
15:48.25PeacefulQwell[]: I have:  "tz=mountain"
15:48.31iCEBrkrQwell[]: tz= is broken
15:48.36tzangerI'm not mountain
15:48.42iCEBrkrPeaceful: you gotta jam the tz= on the end of each mailbox definition
15:48.47russellbiCEBrkr: then fix it
15:48.49tzangertz = eastern :-)
15:48.54russellbjk ...
15:48.59iCEBrkrrussellb: I actually started looking into it.
15:49.02Qwell[]mountain time no longer exists
15:49.03*** join/#asterisk imapfool (
15:49.07Qwell[]sorry for the inconvenience
15:49.18*** join/#asterisk ploieel (
15:49.47iCEBrkrtz is also broken in STRFTIME()
15:49.48Peacefulsoo...mountain doesn't exist, or I need to dupe tz after each mailbox?
15:50.06iCEBrkrPeaceful: I fixed mine by putting tz at the end of each mailbox
15:50.35Qwell[]codefreeze: You no longer exist either.  Sorry.
15:50.38iCEBrkrcodefreeze: tz=NULL
15:52.11salviadudwould it be illegal to put music from super nintendo games as MOH?
15:52.37iCEBrkrsalviadud: It'd be illegal because it'd be so annoying.
15:52.45Mercestessalviadud, The fact that you have it in mp3 format is likely illegal so you may rest at ease having already violated the law.  Doesn't get much worse from here.
15:52.56salviadudi'm from mexico
15:53.19Mercestesdid you steal music from mexican games?
15:53.22iCEBrkrMercestes: Naa, he's going to hook the audio-out from his Nintendo up to his Asterisk box
15:53.23imapfoolhas anyone managed to get IMAP voicemail storage working in 1.4.4?
15:53.24salviadudi might be not breaking laws
15:53.31Mercesteshell, your likely in the US anways so the law still applies.
15:53.35salviadudi happen to own those games
15:53.39salviadudon cartridge
15:53.41Corydon-wiCEBrkr: your Asterisk machine wouldn't happen to have been a Windows at one time, would it?
15:53.47iCEBrkrCorydon-w: nope
15:53.48Mercestesyou cannot OWN a game, only have a license to play a game
15:53.52salviadudso, i own them to some extent
15:53.54Mercestesunless you WRITE the game
15:54.12Corydon-wiCEBrkr: did you set the hardware clock to be local time or UTC?
15:54.18iCEBrkrCorydon-w: local
15:54.25Peacefulyay!  adding the tz thing to the individual voicemail lines worked!  Thanks iCEBrkr!,
15:54.26Corydon-wiCEBrkr: that's probably the problem
15:54.30salviadudyou guys are really on the offensive today
15:54.37Mercestesnah, just me.
15:54.40iCEBrkrCorydon-w: I'm not familiar with with UTC as I tried that crap once and my time for everything was jacked up.
15:54.43MercestesI'm alwasy offensive.
15:54.57salviadudwell, if it helps
15:55.03salviadudi love breaking the law
15:55.03DRoBeRMercestes: Yes, USA applies laws... but lot of them are stupid laws from stupid politics. :P
15:55.19DRoBeRJudas Priest?
15:55.20Corydon-wiCEBrkr: Linux was designed for the hardware clock to be UTC.  The localtime crap is a hack meant to make it work with dual-boot Windows machines
15:55.22MercestesDRoBeR, Point.  but that was never in contention.  ;)
15:55.36iCEBrkrCorydon-w: It's definitely something different between 1.2.x and 1.4.x
15:55.49iCEBrkrCorydon-w: ahhh good to know
15:56.14iCEBrkrCorydon-w: which is probably why my time was jacked up when I tried using UTC :)
15:56.16salviadudi haven't tried 1.4, i think i'll lose all my 1.2 config, that works
15:56.28salviadudis it worth it?
15:56.34iCEBrkrsalviadud: It's fun! Do it!
15:56.55Corydon-wsalviadud: you don't keep backups?
15:57.00salviadudok, i'll just test it on another box
15:57.02iCEBrkrWhen I moved over to 1.4  I nuked all my conf's and ported my stuff over.  Just incase there were any new options and such between the conf files.
15:57.07Putzzis everyone on 1.4 now?
15:57.27Corydon-wIf you use nothing that was deprecated in 1.2, then your configs will still work in 1.4
15:57.40Corydon-walthough some things may be deprecated
15:57.48PeacefulPutzz: not me
15:58.01iCEBrkrI'm getting a deprecated message for voicemails.
15:58.19salviadudi want to try 1.4 to see how well it handles meetings
15:58.20iCEBrkrI forget what it's about, I think it's the 'ub' option or something of the like.
15:58.29salviadudsay, i start a meeting
15:58.45Corydon-wiCEBrkr: yeah, we no longer prefix mailboxes with u or b, it's now in the second argument
15:58.51salviadudthen i got all this wav files of al pacino connected to buttons on a flash
15:59.08salviadudvia xml, i inject them with dial and play
15:59.17salviadudasterisk is the ultimate pranking software
15:59.27iCEBrkrCorydon-w: I'll fix it one day when I'm not being lazy :)
15:59.52iCEBrkrsalviadud: you have too much time on your hands.
16:00.09salviadudmy job's easy, that's all :)
16:00.14salviadudi work with windows
16:00.21iCEBrkrThat sounds more like a headache
16:00.36salviadudwell, it sucks like no other
16:01.24salviaduddoes anyone here work with linux ALL the time?
16:01.28salviadudi envy that
16:01.33Corydon-wI do
16:01.42PutzzI do
16:01.50cpmsalviadud, pretty much.
16:01.58iCEBrkrsalviadud: I'm on a Linux workstation doing PHP+MySQL web application development on Apache and we use svn... Does that count as all the time?
16:02.36*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
16:02.49iCEBrkrI can't remember the last time I fired up VMware for Xp
16:03.00salviadudthat's all the time, yep
16:03.22salviadudhave you checked out the OFBIZ project?
16:03.35*** part/#asterisk imapfool (
16:04.01salviadudi think it's very promising for lazy unix users to get a generic company started in no time
16:04.11*** join/#asterisk imapfool (
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16:04.29salviadudand if you play with it, you can make it dial with festival or some funny thing like that
16:05.18BSD_Techfestival is text to speech
16:05.23BSD_Techyour thinking sphinx
16:05.30BSD_Techor lumenvox
16:05.34*** part/#asterisk Peaceful (n=Peaceful@
16:05.45BSD_Techfor voice control
16:06.39joebob777as7can someone help me I have some simple questions... I am wanting to have 3 phone lines and about six phones in our new office. What hardware should I get? Should i get a voip router? etc... and what phones do you guys recommend?
16:06.41salviadudis sphinx open source?
16:07.11salviadudwell, i was thinking festival cause i was only thinking output
16:07.41BSD_Techjoeb depends on your needs and how much you can afford
16:07.45salviadudsay, your estore made a sell, you make asterisk send you a phone call or something
16:07.51BSD_Techbut a tdm card
16:08.29BSD_Techand if your in very basic need get 6 grandstream gxp2000
16:08.41BSD_Techelse look at polycom
16:09.03BSD_Techthe server should be atleast a p3  1gz with 512 megs ram
16:09.22BSD_Techand a 20 gig hd for voicemail storage
16:09.42BSD_Techunless yur going to set limits on how many vm they can store
16:10.07BSD_Techa voip router would be a + make sure it has qos in it
16:10.37BSD_Techand if you can seperate you voip from your pc network your better off
16:10.57*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (n=|
16:11.38BSD_Techbut you need to do alot of research to meet your exact needs
16:12.20BSD_Techbbl dr apt
16:13.01jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
16:13.01anonymouz666using cdr_mysql can I save into two different tables?
16:13.45anonymouz666it works?
16:14.54*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
16:14.54salviadudi use spa 3000, is that junk?
16:15.23[TK]D-Fendersalviadud: the FXO sometimes is flakey.  Very "smart" device overall....
16:15.41salviadudyea, it gets r done
16:15.43[TK]D-Fendersalviadud: If you don't get hit with gain/echo problems, it works great
16:17.22*** join/#asterisk FreezeS (n=bla@
16:17.42FreezeShey guys
16:17.51FreezeSis there a problem with ?
16:18.43*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
16:18.54DRoBeRI "can't"/"don't know how to" turn on the asterisk-gui. I download it via SVN, compiled and "make install"ed ;). made the samples and check config. It prints the URI where I suppose to connect but there's no socket listening. I restarted asterisk service thinking that it would help me. :/ Can any one tell me how can I turn it on for trying it? Thanks.
16:20.13Putzzkick it it will work
16:20.52DRoBeRMy apologies about my English. ^^
16:21.32PutzzDRoBeR: read the topic pls
16:21.44Qwell[]Putzz: what about it?
16:21.51DRoBeRWops, I didn't see the first channel. :S
16:21.57DRoBeRThank you very much, Putzz.
16:23.49Putzzas per topic: Other fun channels: #asterisk-gui....Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support. (GUI)
16:24.16Qwell[]well, it's neither freepbx or trixbox
16:24.29Putzzwell gui
16:24.43DRoBeRI red it, Putzz. Thanks again.
16:25.05PutzzDRoBeR: dont mind me I guess I must be going coocoo
16:25.49dacterquestion: is it possible to define a channel without/before creating a dialplan?
16:26.11[TK]D-Fenderdacter: Naturally, yes
16:26.27[TK]D-Fenderdacter: Typically it won't GET you anywhere
16:26.36[TK]D-Fenderdacter: but its all part of the job
16:27.01*** part/#asterisk DRoBeR (n=DRoBeR@
16:32.11MrWupis there any easy way to check whether any of the 9 channels on a sip phone are being used?
16:33.21penguinFunksip show channels
16:34.08MrWupi mean from a php app
16:36.37kaldemaruse sip show channels from the php app. via manager interface for example.
16:39.53*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:41.56*** join/#asterisk murdmath (
16:41.59murdmathHowdy all.
16:42.36murdmathIs there a way to have a different ring tone when a parked call rings back?
16:42.51Qwell[]murdmath: ring tone is phone dependent
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16:45.21murdmathQwell: I can tell my phone which ringtone to use in a dial plan.  Is there a way to call a specific dial plan when asterisk rings back to the phone...  I'm not sure it that makes sense.
16:47.34mvanbaakmurdmath: depends on what phone you use
16:47.42mvanbaaksome use the _ALERT_INFO
16:47.46mvanbaakyou can try that
16:48.23murdmathI would need to put that in a dial plan correct?
16:48.29*** join/#asterisk dimas (n=ds@
16:48.35murdmathwhat part of the dial plan is called when a ringback happens?
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16:49.06mvanbaakI have no idea
16:49.14murdmathThat is my main question.
16:49.18Strom_Mwhat do you mean "ringback"?
16:49.35mvanbaakStrom_M: my guess, timout in park
16:49.44murdmathWhen a call rings back after being parked.
16:50.09Strom_Mand the award for "complete misuse of the word 'ringback'" goes to...
16:50.21dlynes_laptopAre the zaptel drivers capable of setting and retrieving CALLERID(num) and CALLERID(name) on DID multiline trunks for TDM400P, TDM2400P, A200, and A400 cards?
16:50.37Qwell[]dlynes_laptop: I don't see why not
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16:50.59murdmathThe receptionist calles it ring back.. sorry.
16:51.03dlynes_laptopQwell[]: ok, just wanted to make sure it wasn't just PRI's and BRI's that it was restricted to
16:51.12Strom_Msetting for outbound calls is going to be tough, dlynes_laptop
16:51.18dlynes_laptopStrom_M: why?
16:51.19Strom_Mbecause you CAN'T DO THAT ON ANALOG CIRCUITS
16:51.27dlynes_laptopStrom_M: Yes, you can
16:51.38dlynes_laptopStrom_M: It's called a DID trunk
16:51.55Strom_Mwell...coat me in pralines and call me jesus :)
16:52.01mvanbaaksome countries dont support CALLERID(name) on landlines
16:52.12dlynes_laptopStrom_M: in Canada, they're tariffed, and in BC/Alberta it's a 4 line minimum
16:52.33mvanbaaklike .nl
16:52.33Strom_Mso how do you encode the caller ID information when setting up a call to the telco?
16:52.50dlynes_laptopmvanbaak: some LECs don't support CALLERID(name) on landlines or PRIs
16:53.03dlynes_laptopmvanbaak: Group Telecom/Bell doesn't support it, but Telus does
16:53.31dlynes_laptopStrom_M: Set(CALLERID(num)=6041234567) ; Set(CALLERID(name)=Joe Blow) ;
16:53.44Strom_Mno, i meant on the physical circuit itself
16:53.48[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: I'm guessing the only way they could do that is inband DTMF before bridging the call at which point you'd have to make a small IVR to process
16:53.52Strom_Mwhat's the protocol?
16:53.56dlynes_laptopStrom_M: dtmf
16:54.03Strom_Mhow do you encode name in dtmf?
16:54.16*** part/#asterisk silentfury (
16:54.20[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: anything is encodable.
16:54.37[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: What nubar would attempt this and how is another matter ;)
16:54.38Strom_Mi'm not doubting that it's possible; i'm just curious exactly how it's done
16:55.31coppiceSMS works well enough
16:56.23PioneerVManyone know how to pass the Incoming # called to a AGI script?
16:56.23PioneerVMIt's apparently not available in the supplied variables to the script
16:57.06justdaveis there a way for a sip registration to pull its password from an external source? (say an LDAP server?)
16:58.38dlynes_laptopStrom_M: Here's another article:
16:59.16Strom_Mdlynes_laptop: the first one doesnt even come close to answering my question
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16:59.34MrChimpyhmm. should I be able to tell the difference between a call to a busy line and a call to a non existant line on an E1? I'm just getting NO ANSWER reason code 0 for both.
16:59.43justdave(people registering to me I mean)
16:59.43dlynes_laptopStrom_M: no, but I thought it would explain what a did trunk was, for you
16:59.51*** join/#asterisk ingenio (
16:59.59Strom_MI know what a DID trunk is
17:00.28Strom_MI just wasn't aware that there was a way to set your caller ID on calls /to/ the telephone company, and so therefore I'm asking you how it works
17:01.09ingenioso I'd like to set up a small PBX for my business's two POTS lines. is this something asterisk might be used for?
17:01.16Strom_Mingenio: yes
17:01.18kippihow can I list registered extensions on the switch?
17:01.26dlynes_laptopStrom_M: I just finished talking to our man in charge at Telus for wholesale operations; he informed me that we would be able to set it, including the name
17:01.41Strom_Mdlynes_laptop: on a per-call basis?
17:01.55dlynes_laptopStrom_M: yes
17:02.18dlynes_laptopStrom_M: I care more about whether I can...not how
17:02.21murdmathStrom_M: You need to make sure your PRI is set for NI2 also.
17:02.34dlynes_laptopmurdmath: these are analog lines, not pri's
17:02.45ingenioStrom_M: is there anyway you can check out my (basic) needs?  i posted on the asterisk forum but got no response.. i'd truly appreciate it
17:02.47PioneerVMI'm trying to have an AGI script answer "all" phone numbers but be able to do something different depending on which # was called -- anyone know how to pass the dialed # to the AGI script?
17:03.03murdmathPioneerVM Yes.
17:03.06Strom_Mdlynes_laptop: well, finding out "how" will answer whether you can
17:03.13Strom_Mingenio: sure
17:03.18PioneerVMit doesn't seem to be passed to the script
17:03.23PioneerVMhow do i access it?
17:03.31murdmathPioneerVM: one sec
17:03.48Strom_Mingenio: dead easy
17:03.57[TK]D-Fenderingenio: Yes, all doable
17:04.01Strom_Mhow many telephone sets do you need?
17:04.04ingeniojust two
17:04.12Strom_Mtwo options then:
17:04.32Strom_Meither a TDM22B and two analog phones, or a TDM02B with two voip phones
17:04.58ingeniook, i'll look into those right now!
17:05.02ingeniothank you very much
17:06.19*** join/#asterisk fakhir (i=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:06.38MrWupkaldemar, sip show channels from the php script?
17:06.43MrWuphow would i get the output?
17:07.45murdmathPioneerVM: Where can I paste stuff?
17:07.56kaldemarMrWup: i've used it from a perl agi with a telnet connection. i don't know how to grab it with php.
17:07.56Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
17:08.03PioneerVMnever used it but someone told me to use that the other day
17:08.17kaldemarMrWup: uhh, cgi, not agi.
17:08.19*** join/#asterisk neverblue (n=profx@unaffiliated/neverblue)
17:08.39murdmathPioneerVM: Thanks.. I tried not good.  Any way here you go.
17:08.42neverbluecan a .gsm file use an _ (underscore) in its filename?
17:08.53PioneerVMlooking thx
17:10.06murdmathPioneerVM: That is for a speed dial that uses a mysql db.
17:11.07PioneerVMmurd: this seems like it is for extension after the system is reached
17:11.11PioneerVMbut not the incoming #
17:11.21PioneerVMI am trying to access the original # the user dialed
17:11.24justdaveso I'm trying to compile Asterisk 1.4.4.... menuselect is telling me res_snmp has an unmet dependency of netsnmp.  But netsnmp is really installed (as well as the related header files).  What's it actually looking for to tell if it's installed or not?
17:11.29PioneerVMso if you called my system at 1-203-456-7890
17:11.36PioneerVMi want the script to be able to see that #
17:11.45Qwell[]neverblue: yes, it can
17:11.53murdmathPioneerVM: So you want to see the number the user called to get to you.
17:12.00neverbluethanks Qwell
17:12.09Strom_MPioneerVM: do you have DNIS?
17:12.10PioneerVMbut i think its being passed to me as "unknown"
17:12.35PioneerVMthe extension.conf file can see the phone #, since i can use a pattern to do something based on it
17:12.41PioneerVMbut the agi script cant see it for some reason
17:13.01PioneerVMStrom: not sure
17:13.17PioneerVMim using voicepulse and in extensions.conf I can use _XX. to match and send to script or _1xxxyyyzzzz to match the #
17:13.19PioneerVMboth work
17:13.37PioneerVMbut the script doesnt get the # passed, dnid and rdnis come up "unknown" in the passed info
17:13.46MrWuptheres an AGI function  channel status:
17:13.49MrWupbut thats pretty useless
17:14.06MrWupi need asterisk to report to me the status of all channels
17:14.17MrWupso i can show everyone who is doing what
17:14.25PioneerVMthe only other option is if there is a varialbe in extensions.conf which has that # i can pass it on command line to script
17:14.30PioneerVMbut dont know what that variable is
17:15.02Strom_MPioneerVM: well, when you pattern match, ${EXTEN} contains whatever matched that pattern
17:15.18PioneerVMi tried that but that shows "s"
17:15.32PioneerVMmaybe i have to catch it earlier
17:15.43[TK]D-FenderPioneerVM: think where you are when you CALL the AGI.  thats your EXTEN *now*
17:15.44jsolaresare you calling a macro?
17:16.16[TK]D-FenderClearly you should be storing original exten in a variable for retreival
17:19.01PioneerVMthat did it thanks
17:19.11PioneerVMsurprised there is no "original number" variable automatically
17:19.30PioneerVMi had to set it using the __VAR format to pass on to my subsection
17:19.34PioneerVMthanks for the help all
17:20.05MrWuptheres gotta be a way to get that sip show channels from PHP
17:20.10MrWupthat would be so useful
17:20.15MrWupsolve all my problems in no time at all
17:20.40PioneerVMI'm using perl, can't help you on that one sorry
17:21.02LeddyHMplenty of ways to do it in php
17:21.14MrWupLeddyHM, how?
17:21.22LeddyHMgoogle search
17:21.24MrWupi am!
17:21.28MrWupand turning up nothing
17:21.29LeddyHMyou can connect to the manager interaface
17:21.40LeddyHMor even something as easy as a "system" call
17:21.51*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@
17:23.27neverbluemy background() isnt working properly, when i enter a key, the message still plays
17:23.34neverbluewhat could cause this?
17:24.28[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: DTMF isn't being detected properly on your channel, or you have an ignorpat that matches, or something else.  Pastebin  your dialplan
17:24.30justdavethe output from configure shows it finding net-snmp-config...
17:25.24*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:29.01neverblueu mean the context I am working in?
17:31.26[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: clearly...
17:31.50jbotextra, extra, read all about it, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
17:31.50neverbluenah, I think i might have it
17:35.35*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
17:35.59neverbluehmm, that wasnt it
17:36.00MrWupok ive managed to connect to the manager
17:36.05etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, are you around?
17:36.11[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Somewhat
17:36.12MrWupand ive logged in. and i can make it show dialplan
17:36.18neverbluemy dtmfmode=info, which is correct for my Grandstream
17:36.19MrWupbut when i do sip show channels nothing happens
17:36.25MrWupdo only some commands work?
17:36.42etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, I want to get the MWI light on a 501 to work.
17:37.14etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, this is a small office and they only have one voicemail box.
17:37.21[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: "mailbox=[boxnumber]@[context]" for that phone's entry is all you need
17:37.41*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (i=blacktho@
17:37.53PioneerVManyone know how to AGI script errors during a call
17:38.00etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, that's what I thought.  Should I see a SIP subscription for the MWI?
17:38.01PioneerVMi looked at asterisk -r -vvvvv but dont see "errors"
17:38.16[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Believe so
17:38.25BlackthornI am trying to send a call from one * to another * server. And when placing the call I get rejected with "no authorty found" any thoughts what this means?
17:38.58[TK]D-FenderBlackthorn: Means your user/peer account details don't match.
17:39.37*** join/#asterisk keulin (
17:39.55etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, In phone.cfg, what are the correct settings for:   msg.mwi.x.subscribe, msg.mwi.x.callBackMode, and msg.mwi.x.callBack  (the mailbox is 104@default and the VM number is 3500)
17:39.55neverblue  <-- there is my context [TK]D-Fender
17:39.58Blackthornthanks fender
17:42.25*** part/#asterisk ingenio (
17:42.43[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: in sip.conf, not sip.cfg
17:43.03[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: leave the subscribe blank in sip.cfg
17:43.46etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, OK.  I'll try it.  Thanks.
17:43.52[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: You should not be running IVR's off of anything except "s".  Time to hit the books again.
17:44.18[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: You also never set any timeouts.
17:44.47neverblueok, so can I still us s in an outgoing context?
17:46.03*** join/#asterisk d4rkst4r75 (
17:46.17Mercestesd4rkst4r75, sup?  fixed?
17:46.26d4rkst4r75i Mercestes
17:46.29coolbeansHas anyone tried to connect Asterisk with Microsoft's solution?
17:46.33d4rkst4r75i've rebuild the cable
17:46.36d4rkst4r75but no hope
17:46.44coolbeansdon't k+b me, it's a legit question ;)
17:46.58Qwell[]coolbeans: yes, but Vista kept sending SIP messages asking me if I wanted it to send me the admin password
17:46.59danpmicrosoft's solution?
17:47.31coolbeansdanp: They apparently have a new phone system coming out that is part of Exchange 2007.
17:47.41Qwell[]"part of", heh
17:47.43danpoh my
17:47.45coolbeansQwell: lol
17:47.46Qwell[]ie; an extra $500/user
17:47.57[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: "s" is not a CONTEXT, and hos nothing to do with "outgoing".
17:48.03shido6+ license
17:48.24d4rkst4r75Mercestes: some other ideas?
17:48.26neverblue[TK]D-Fender, so i can never use an s in an outgoing context?
17:48.54shido6you use "s" in a context when you dont need a number to dial inside of a context :)
17:49.22[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: "S" IS NOT A CONTEXT.  IT IS A STANDARD EXTENSIONS.
17:49.40[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: You need to go re-read all the basics on extensions & IVRS
17:49.49neverblueyou need to cut the caps
17:49.51shido6"s" is an "exten" and takes the place of a number or pattern. For example: exten => s,1,Answer    ..
17:49.54neverblueand tone it down a bit
17:50.03neverbluei never said s was a context
17:50.23anonymouz666Exec("SIP/6000-086c5068", "NoOP()") in new stack
17:50.34Mercestesget'em neverblue
17:50.35[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: An what makes a context "outgoing"?
17:50.39anonymouz666Up      (None)
17:50.54neverblue[TK]D-Fender, i think we are done at this point
17:50.55anonymouz666the call is 'active' with no apps associate
17:50.55[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: Also, how would a phone DIAL "s"?
17:51.08anonymouz666the call is totally stuck
17:51.31[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: Maybe if you had a soft-phone using that context it might be possible.  Certainly nothing else I can think of.
17:51.59d4rkst4r75Mercestes: there's a way to log in a file the output of pri intense debug span 1?
17:52.06*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
17:52.30Blackthornfender, i seemed to have fixed the autentication problem. I'm not getting rejected on the recieving side with "request '@banned' does not exist" I have the context setup for default though.. thoughts?
17:52.31Mercestesd4rkst4r75, asterisk -r > output.txt && tail -f output.txt
17:52.48d4rkst4r75that's right Mercestes :)
17:53.13Mercesteslol  That's how I do it
17:53.24Mercestesthere is some switch you can use that strips the color codes out but, I can never remember it.
17:54.03[TK]D-FenderBlackthorn: You'll have to really look at both sides carefully and make sure your understanding of WHOSE context is being referred to is implemented properly
17:54.36*** join/#asterisk fakhir (i=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:54.38d4rkst4r75i've to do asterisk -rcn > etc. etc.
17:55.03MercestesI wouldn't cat asterisk onto /etc  you need that
17:56.12danpanyone interested in a patch to have voicemail minimum message duration account for silence (if the message was ended because of silence)?
17:56.21d4rkst4r75Mercestes, giving that command i've no console
17:56.30Mercestesd4rkst4r75, that is correct.
17:56.37shido6tired of those 4 - 7 minute long vmails ? :)
17:56.40Mercestesthat's what the tail -f etc. etc. is for
17:56.43neverblueYou should not be running IVR's off of anything except "s" <-- is this referring to the background() ?
17:57.05*** join/#asterisk adorah (
17:57.38danpshido6: it's annoying to get messages that are just silence but it's also annoying that the reported duration (in emails and such) is really duration + maxsilence
17:58.07shido6should be a way to link voicemail with that voice detection app
17:58.09Mercestesdanp:  Looking forward to it in asterisk 1.4.3
17:58.26Mercesteserr..asterisk 1.4.5
17:58.38Mercesteszomg.  your up to 1.4.4?  can't you ppl get it right the first time?
17:58.47danpi just checked the latest 1.2 svn. is a fix for that in 1.4?
17:59.18*** join/#asterisk red9012 (
17:59.26justdavethere's no such thing as bug-free software :)
17:59.29[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: Yes.  Background is a tool used only for IVR's which is what you were attempting to do off of 101
17:59.30danpit doesn't seem so
17:59.56Mercestesjustdave, Sure there is, just look at Windows.
18:01.00Mercestes</troll for now>
18:01.14neverbluein the ~thebook, the following example is given: exten=> 123,1,Background(helo-world) (Page 84)
18:01.33Blackthornif you somone has a moment take a look at perhaps i'm just missing something
18:01.36neverblueso I didnt realize you could NOT do that
18:01.40d4rkst4r75Mercestes: i'm dumping D-Channel to a file
18:01.47d4rkst4r75so i can send it to sangoma support
18:02.26[TK]D-FenderBlackthorn: exten => 555,1,Dial(IAX2/remote_server/${exten}@default);
18:02.53danp -- there's the diff for 1.2 if anyone's interested
18:03.07*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (n=CrazyTux@
18:03.22[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: Regrettably I am rather disappointed with the book's (rev1) description of the "s" thatndard extension, the WaitExten app (I avoid), and IVR's in general.
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18:03.31shido6here blackthorn,
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18:03.56neverbluewell, that line lead me to this confusing situation, im sorry for your frustration :)
18:04.24[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: s'ok
18:04.38neverbluewe just never seem to get a long :)
18:04.38[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: rev2 is right around the corner, and maybe they did it RIGHT this time
18:04.42MrWupif i have an app which connects to the asterisk management interface every second to refresh the sip channel status... would that be going too far?
18:05.06[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: I had a slight misinterpret on something you wrote, so I'm not going blameless on it :)
18:05.16danpshould work with 1.4, too, but the whitespace is off just enough to make it fail
18:05.20[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: I'm a bit better now
18:05.51Mercestesd4rkst4r75, Sangoma support is *very* good.
18:07.34Mercestesoh that reminds me.  Corydon-w.  relaxdtmf seemed to fix my dtmf problem.
18:11.59Corydon-wMrWup: why reconnect?
18:12.51MrWupphp cant stay alive forever
18:13.56*** join/#asterisk dbrummer (n=dan@
18:14.06dbrummergood afternoon
18:14.36MrWupmaybe ill use a delphi app instead
18:14.50dbrummeri was wondering if someone could help me out with a quick configuration issue i'm having
18:15.30*** join/#asterisk jlnt104 (n=JL@
18:15.45jlnt104I need help with AGI
18:15.50*** part/#asterisk mog (
18:16.21jlnt104is anyone awake
18:16.29dbrummerI have a TE210P card and I was wondering what the configuration would look like for zaptel.conf and asterisk/zapata.conf
18:16.49Blackthornif i use exten => 555,1,Dial(IAX2/remote_server/${exten}@default); I get authority failed... if i use exten => 555,1,Dial(IAX2/remote_server/${exten}); I get "request '@banned' does not exist"...
18:17.21*** join/#asterisk mog (
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18:17.41anonymouz666channel.c:2274 __ast_read: Dropping deferred DTMF digits on SIP/6000-086d1800
18:19.56jlnt104any ideas on the AGI
18:19.56Blackthornoh btw, thanks for fixing that tyo shido6.. truck = trunk :P
18:19.56anonymouz666how can that be possible? the read() app does not recognize my damn dtmfs
18:19.56jlnt104how to execute it
18:19.56etfonhomeyQwell, is the appliance shipping yet?
18:19.57Qwell[]etfonhomey: ask sales
18:19.57Mercestesanonymouz666, inband?
18:19.57Mercestesjlnt104, exten s,1,AGI(path/to/your/app/nameofyourapp)
18:19.57*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
18:19.58jlnt104hrm lol I feel retarded
18:20.01Mercestesthen my work here is done.  :)
18:20.01anonymouz666it's rfc2833
18:20.09*** join/#asterisk KpoH (
18:20.09anonymouz666inband does not work with g729
18:20.12Mercestesanonymouz666, try info
18:20.19KpoHhi all
18:20.21Mercestesor better yet, dtmfmode=auto
18:20.24coppicerfc2833 is so last year
18:20.25jlnt104You may think I am crazy but we use Fonality so are things different with all of the code that they have changed
18:20.43Qwell[]jlnt104: so call them for support
18:20.47dbrummerhow do I configure the channels in zapata.conf for a dual-port PRI card? (TE210P)
18:21.05Qwell[]jlnt104: You realize that what fonality sells is over 2 years old?
18:21.16jlnt104didn't know that
18:21.19KpoHi have two servers with SRV record load balanced, i want to unregister sip user from one server, how can i do it?
18:21.21Qwell[]based on like 1.0.9
18:21.30NOT_gurujlnt104  you can also try the #trixbox and or #freepbx channels
18:21.55Qwell[]jlnt104: personally, I'd cut your losses, and just move to open source asterisk, or BE
18:22.26anonymouz666asterisk appliance is produced in USA?
18:22.38jlnt104lol I was actually considering that
18:22.39Qwell[]anonymouz666: yes
18:24.18[TK]D-FenderNOT_guru: Fonality != FreePBX....
18:25.42NOT_guruyes sir fender
18:25.59KpoHpeoples, how can i unregister sip peer?
18:26.04dbrummeri have two spans configured in zaptel.conf like so, span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs
18:26.05dbrummer, what would my zaptel configuration be like?
18:26.09Mercestes1.0.9 is a reallly good release.
18:29.20*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
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18:29.49coppicethat will be on the greatest hits CD
18:30.01*** join/#asterisk fbffff (
18:30.17dbrummeranyone familiar with zapata.conf at all ?
18:30.32bkruse_homecoppice: totally
18:32.04Mercestesdbrummer, I think you should have 1,1 and 2,2 if I understand it correctly but I could be completely off.
18:32.24Blackthorni'm reall confused... Dial(IAX2/remote_server/${exten}@local); the reciving server rejects with thers no context local. but when i change local to default. I get failed to authenticate. Even though default is the correct context
18:32.31Mercestesdbrummer, the rest looks ok
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18:34.55dbrummerMercestes: I believe the second value in the span line is for timing
18:35.06Mercestesdbrummer, correct
18:35.29dbrummerMercestes: would I need seperate timing for the different spans?
18:35.49dbrummerI believe my span configuration is good, I'm just having issues with the asterisk zapata.conf
18:35.49Mercestesdbrummer, that could be only for PRI's but as I understand it otherwise...yes.
18:36.05dbrummerI can only get 1-23 channels, I dont know how to configure the other channels on the second span
18:36.34Mercestessame as the first 23 channels.  Just start with 25 and end with 47
18:37.00*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
18:37.16dbrummerK, it gave me an error but Ill try again
18:37.44Mercestesdo you wish to append span 2 onto span 1?
18:37.49dbrummerERROR[25514]: chan_zap.c:10470 setup_zap: Unable to reconfigure channel '25-47'
18:37.57dbrummeri want them serperate
18:37.58Mercestesthat error is very helpful
18:38.46Mercestesdbrummer, oh, then you just make a new group, a new context, and a new channel def and don't set anything for anything yo udon't want to change.
18:39.25Mercestesso if everything is the same as span 1 then you'd only really need like....3 lines.  group=2 context=span2 channel -> 25-47
18:39.48dbrummerwould it be ok to use the same context for both ?
18:39.58Mercestesnot if you want to seperate them. but , sure it'd be ok
18:40.10Mercestesin that case you only need 2 lines
18:40.25Mercesteszapata.conf inherits previous values until reassigned
18:41.11Mercestesand i fyou want them to be "together" for dialing out, then you only need one line
18:41.31Mercestesor you could add 0 lines and just declare channel => 1-23,25-47
18:42.47*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
18:43.00dbrummerhmmm, it's still giving me errors
18:43.35dbrummersame error as above
18:43.36Mercestesand check your ztcfg
18:43.43dbrummerit doesnt like the channel => 1-23,25-47
18:43.49Mercestess/pastebin/pastebin your configuration files/
18:44.09Mercestesthen your spans 25-47 are not up
18:44.28MercestesPASTE BIN
18:44.54jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
18:44.54dbrummerchannel => 1-23
18:44.54ZaVoidanyone know if i can disable g.723r63 and allow only g.723r53
18:44.54*** mode/#asterisk [+b %dbrummer!*@*] by Corydon-w
18:48.31*** join/#asterisk freshfruit (n=j@
18:49.03Mercestesfunny.  his zaptel.conf is wrong
18:49.10freshfruithi all
18:49.16MercestesI think
18:49.36Mercestesmebbe not.  Hi freshfruit
18:49.56freshfruithi mercestes
18:50.09errrmy asterisk crashed and dumped a core,  this is what was on the screen.. any ideas what could have caused this??
18:50.31*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
18:50.34anonymouz666what the variable who controls the t extension?
18:50.58Qwell[]any timeout will go to t
18:51.44anonymouz666I am typing the dtmfs.. read() recognize but before jump to next priority it timeouts and jumps to t extension
18:52.44neverblueif I wanted to call number (landline) 123-4567 from my ext 890, how would I do that with Originate in the AM? (the API on voip-info isnt enough :( )
18:52.58neverblueusing SIP, sorry, forgot to add that
18:53.03jerwhat am i doing wrong if i'm getting wrong password for invite for each time someone tries to call me? (setup is asterisk A to asterisk B (B is a client, no IAX set up; just SIP trunk))
18:53.10red9012chan_agent module has some bugs.
18:53.22Mercestesneverblue, you set up an account with a SIP Provider
18:53.45red9012if you are in privacy mode, sometimes the dtmf are not registered (ie press 1 to accept, 2 to refuse)
18:54.34neverblueMercestes, I beleive i have that part done, then I need to do Action: login
18:54.35Mercestesneverblue, Then you would use gotoiftime(*|*|00:01-11:59).
18:55.05Mercestesneverblue, Then you would have something like 890,1,Dial(SIP/1234567@provider)
18:55.06neverbluesorry, Mercestes I was referring to Action: Originate
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18:57.13Mercestesneverblue, I dunno then.  I always just use Dial.
18:57.51neverblueMercestes, i am using php to communicate with the Asterisk Manager
18:58.02Mercestesneverblue, ok.
18:58.52*** part/#asterisk hi365 (
18:58.57Mercestesneverblue, Have you looked at Flash Operator Panel?
19:03.47neverbluegoogling now :)
19:05.10Mercestesneverblue, It might have some useful source to look at.  There is also some .net manager examples.
19:05.22Mercestescan't remember the name off the top of my head
19:05.25neverbluewhats .net :)
19:05.48Mercestesgoogle microsoft .net
19:06.06neverbluei wonder if PERL is very similar to PHP, when it comes to communicating with the manager?
19:06.24Mercestesseeing as it's pretty much text matching off of a telnet port I imagine they are all pretty similar.
19:06.24neverblueMercestes, I think you missed the :) at the end of my question
19:06.39Mercestesneverblue, no, I didn't miss it.
19:07.05Mercestesjust, decided I'd take the safe route and just answer. :)
19:10.09freshfruitwhat part of asterisk configuration that control user registration to server ?
19:10.21Qwell[]freshfruit: all of it
19:10.28freshfruiti mean
19:10.47Mercestessip.conf and iax.conf
19:10.48freshfruitmy sip account still can make a call
19:10.50[TK]D-Fenderfreshfruit: You're probably thinking of sip.conf
19:10.59freshfruitallthough is not registered
19:11.29freshfruitis unregistered from server
19:11.35freshfruitbut still can make a call
19:11.58freshfruitit is unregistered from server
19:12.00freshfruitbut still can make a call
19:12.58freshfruitwhat wrong with my sip.conf ?
19:18.56*** part/#asterisk rokjan (
19:20.21[TK]D-Fenderfreshfruit: How would we know?  You haven't SHOWN us anything
19:20.26[TK]D-Fenderfreshfruit:  pastebin it.
19:20.41jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
19:20.41*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
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19:22.28d4rkst4r75are you still there?
19:25.25*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
19:25.59d4rkst4r75Mercestes: that's the log of D-Chan when it goes down
19:26.15Mercestesd4rkst4r75, what did sangoma say?
19:26.21d4rkst4r75nothing yet
19:26.29d4rkst4r75they didn't answer to my email
19:28.01Mercesteslooks like remote just stops responding
19:28.36d4rkst4r75but i've no reason for that :(
19:29.12Mercestesmaybe it's mad at you
19:30.01*** join/#asterisk flambers (
19:31.17anonymouz666oh in some cases read() does not recognize the DTMFs.. :~
19:33.38Mercestesanonymouz666, pulse or tone?
19:34.40anonymouz666[May  8 15:34:20] WARNING[31413]: channel.c:2274 __ast_read: Dropping deferred DTMF digits on SIP/6000-089028d8
19:34.57Mercestestry relaxdtmf
19:36.43*** part/#asterisk mog (
19:37.00Mercestesanonymouz666, are you calling "answer" first?
19:37.10anonymouz666its read()
19:38.16dactersip client to sip client call. woot.
19:38.37*** join/#asterisk mog (
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19:40.36HmmhesaysI wish there was a way to populate openser's usrloc database with asterisk registration ip addresses
19:41.14Mercestesok, the only instances I'm seeing for "Deferred DTMF digits' is in source code, maybe it's your setup anonymouz666
19:41.45Mercestesanonymouz666, pastebin
19:44.19*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@
19:47.01Hmmhesayscould someone fax me something please?
19:50.38anonymouz666Mercestes: I am in trouble i have a read() inside a while loop() it works on the first... but 2 or 3 times the read always print user entered nothing
19:52.17anonymouz666after I start to press lots of digits i got that warning
19:53.02d4rkst4r75Mercestes: are you using sangoma boards?
19:53.53Mercestesd4rkst4r75, Just one.
19:53.57Mercestesanonymouz666, pastebin
19:54.08d4rkst4r75Mercestes, a10x ?
19:54.36Mercestesa104d, yea
19:54.41xkev <- check you're in there
19:55.44d4rkst4r75when install wanpipe, have you error when patching zaptel?
19:55.48Mercestesi followed the directions.
19:56.01d4rkst4r75can you help me with a link?
19:56.34d4rkst4r75Mercestes, also asterisk+zaptel+lipri versions?
19:57.25Mercestesd4rkst4r75, 1.2.13, 1.2.17, 1.2.3-r1
19:57.31xkevhmmhesays, when checking, be sure to use spaces as shown in the format example
19:57.39Mercestess/, /+/
19:58.07Qwell[]you lose
19:58.12MercestesI lose.
19:58.12d4rkst4r75Mercestses: asterisk 1.2.13, zaptel 1.2.17, libpri 1.2.3-r1 ?
19:58.14Mercestess/, /+/g
19:58.15xkeverm, or maybe not.. anyway
19:58.34Mercestesd4rkst4r75, In that order
19:58.49d4rkst4r75i would like to reinstall all the stuffs
19:59.05d4rkst4r75i think it could be a wrong version of the software
19:59.23Mercestesthen I would start with a little cat /dev/urandom > wahtever your harddrive is.
19:59.39Mercestesgood way to reinstall everything.  :D
19:59.56d4rkst4r75i don't think that "everything" is a good choice
20:00.09Mercestesoh.  then I don't think urandom would be a good chioce.
20:00.33MercestesMaybe you could try waiting for Sangoma?
20:00.36Mercestesdi dyou call them?
20:00.58d4rkst4r75i have time to do other tests while sangoma reply
20:01.07d4rkst4r75i would like to test with other software versions to be sure
20:01.22d4rkst4r75can you give me your wanpipe version?
20:01.43*** join/#asterisk fakhir (i=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:03.21slmnhqI am trying to build a calling card service to provide consumers (in the US) the ability to dial international numbers
20:04.25slmnhqvoipjet, voicepulse, offer PSTN termination rates of about 1-2 c/min in the US, and 5-10 c/min for numbers in Asia
20:04.40slmnhq(for example)
20:05.04slmnhqAlternatively, I could purchase bulk minutes from a Telco, like Verizon
20:05.48slmnhqTelco's require annual contracts
20:05.54d4rkst4r75thk Mercestes
20:05.55*** join/#asterisk jart (
20:06.05slmnhqAny suggestions which is a more cost effective solution to use?
20:06.16jartdoes anyone know a voip service provider besides Level 3 that offers TCP SIP?
20:07.24Mercestesjart:  CBeyond maybe?
20:08.12Mercestesslmnhq, depends on your usage.  You could take advantage of those "1.2 cents a minute anywhere" telcos and run them out of business.
20:08.26jartany that don't require a contract?
20:09.09d4rkst4r75Merces: libpri 1.2.17
20:09.28slmnhqMercestes, so you're saying the Telcos will probably dole out rates based on geographical termination with in the US
20:09.33*** join/#asterisk vykarian (
20:09.33Mercestesno.  1.2.3-r1
20:09.45vykarianhi all
20:10.12vykariandoes someone knows a asterisk+skype addon/plugin that not the chanskype?
20:10.14d4rkst4r75Mercestes: i asked: Mercestses: asterisk 1.2.13, zaptel 1.2.17, libpri 1.2.3-r1 ? ?
20:11.02shido6is that the vmware fix?
20:11.04Mercestesslmnhq, where did I say that?  But, basically, at a cost level, it's more expensive to call certain areas (Mexico has about 7 different cost "bands" alone) so yoru cost varies from region to region.  Some Telcos try to create a flat rate that simply averages those costs, terminating below cost in some areas while "making up for it" in other areas.
20:11.18shido6no.... i mean the vnc fix
20:11.23Mercestesslmnhq, if you only use the mfor expensive areas then you are always below cost, giving you temporary cheap terminatino until you drive them out of business.
20:11.49*** join/#asterisk last1 (n=dood@
20:12.02slmnhqMercestes, I see
20:12.04Mercestesd4rkst4r75, yes, yes you did.  Then you:  <d4rkst4r75> Merces: libpri 1.2.17
20:12.05Mercestes?   and I corrected you.
20:12.05shido6vykarian, is that the vnc fix ( skype ) ?
20:13.31d4rkst4r75ok, thank you and sorry for my pedant :)
20:14.13Mercestesah, nice word
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20:14.32slmnhqI'm guessing that voipjet, freeworlddialup, etc that provide PSTN termination have negotiated some rates with their own telco for termination voip calls?
20:14.42vykariandunno about that vnc fix.. I tried to search that now..
20:15.00Mercestesslmnhq, a safe assumption, yes.
20:15.10vykarianI wonder about a patch like that for Unicall/R2 links for use Skype ( like a SIP account
20:15.41vykarianlike that:
20:16.39HmmhesaysI use that
20:16.41Hmmhesaysit works pretty well
20:16.50Hmmhesayscan someone in here send me a fax
20:16.52Hmmhesaysi'm in the US
20:19.23JTthe shype channel driver is pretty hackish
20:20.45*** part/#asterisk jart (
20:22.12Hmmhesaysit is but it works
20:22.20Hmmhesaysand it works well if you set it up right
20:22.48JTnot somthing you'd use for business though
20:24.42Hmmhesayswhy not?
20:25.43JTbecause it's a toyu
20:25.55*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:26.21Hmmhesaysif you set it up right it works just fine
20:26.34HmmhesaysI've had multiple concurrent calls running through skype without issue
20:27.20Hmmhesaysnow someone send me a fax
20:27.20JTwhy would you want to?
20:27.20drazakCan asterisk handle tcp/ip, if so, what do clients need?
20:27.20drazakJT: :o
20:27.21Hmmhesayspeople like skype
20:27.21Hmmhesaysdrazak: openser
20:27.21drazakHmmhesays: what now?
20:27.23JTdrazak: your question doesn't make much sense
20:27.36drazakJT: If someone doesn't have a phone, but has internet, how can they get on an asterisk server?
20:27.39Hmmhesaysasterisk cannot handle sip over tcp/ip
20:27.44Hmmhesaysopenser can convert it for you
20:27.53JTdrazak: SIP or IAX2
20:27.55drazakokay, openser seems not to be in portage
20:27.57JTuses UDP
20:28.09JTyou do not need openser for what you want
20:28.09drazakJT: okay, udp or tcp/ip
20:28.11ManxPowerAsterisk supports only UDP for protocols and audio
20:28.17JTdrazak: UDP over IP
20:28.28d4rkst4r75sorry Mercestes: what's your kernel version=
20:28.30Mercestesdrazak, portage?  Gentoo?
20:28.35drazakMercestes: yessir
20:28.36JTplease don't say tcp/ip, choose one :P
20:28.37henryv2Can anyone recommend which of the Digium TDM800P (presumably using HPEC if there is no hardware cancellation) or the Sangoma A20004d (with hardware echo cancellation) is better?
20:28.43Hmmhesayssorry TCP
20:28.56Mercestesdrazak, good man
20:28.59JThenryv2: hardware ec of course
20:29.02Mercestesdrazak, Did you try the voip overlay?
20:29.06drazakMercestes: nah, no need
20:29.27Mercestesdrazak, Ah, ok, you said openser was not in portage.  Was going to suggest layman.  :)
20:29.29drazakMercestes: we're just doing asterisk for conference calls in a couple channels, don't need too much extra stuff, ya know
20:29.37Hmmhesaysser and openser can both do SIP over TCP
20:30.04JTdrazak: do you actually need to use tcp for some silly reason?
20:30.10drazakJT: nah
20:30.15drazakJT: but that's how they asked me :P
20:30.24drazakanywho, what are some free clients that can do that, if someone has a mic?
20:30.26*** join/#asterisk NoCarrier (n=NoCarrie@unaffiliated/badpacket)
20:30.39Siyabkruse: ?
20:30.45JTekiga, idefisk
20:30.53*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
20:31.08JTNoCarrier: nice nick
20:31.22NoCarrierthank you
20:31.22ManxPowerRemember, even if SIP is using TCP, the audio is still UDP
20:31.34ManxPowerSIP is just SIGNALLING, not AUDIO
20:31.39*** join/#asterisk AndrewGearhart (
20:31.57drazakright right
20:32.05AndrewGearharthey folks, can * be used to change the number reported on CallerID?
20:32.37ManxPowerAndrewGearhart: Yes, with some limitations
20:32.54MercestesAndrewGearhart, Yea, it doesn't work against the FBI
20:33.01drazakGot another question, I want to get the numbers of the people that call, is there an easy way to do that?
20:33.04AndrewGearhartMercestes: darn!
20:33.18Mercestesdrazak, yea, the CDRs
20:33.35ManxPowerMercestes: of he could look at the call lists on his phone.
20:33.40drazakMercestes: the what nows? :P
20:36.54drazakMercestes: how do I get those?
20:36.58*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
20:41.20jbotmethinks thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
20:42.39salviadudwho is using bitchx?
20:43.16JTnot i
20:44.04LeddyHMshe's sitting next to me
20:44.05LeddyHMbut I don'
20:44.14LeddyHMbut I don't think she's who you are referring too
20:47.50drazakIs calling out from an asterisk box, that has an external #, free?
20:50.23*** join/#asterisk pifiu (n=someone@
20:50.47pifiui hate to ask this, but does anyone know of any dependable IAX providers?
20:51.06JTdrazak: read the book
20:52.11*** join/#asterisk cspot (
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20:54.36drazakJT: I'm reading it
20:55.26ManxPowerAll ITSPs suck.
20:55.44*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
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20:57.13henryv2LeddyHM: why are you sitting next to your x bitch? :-p
20:57.41*** part/#asterisk Strom_M (
21:01.18SiyaManxPower: why?
21:01.44d4rkst4r75Mercestes: recompiled all the stuffs
21:01.53d4rkst4r75i hope it'll work ;)
21:02.23ManxPowerSiya: Many reasons.  You can't make much of a profit charging 1/cent/min without massive volume.  The internet is not very reliable for voice.  Most of the companies are way under funded.
21:03.04SiyaManxPower: depends on your requirements
21:03.35ManxPowerSiya: My requirements are for it to be reliable
21:03.55SiyaI've not had any issues so far other than discovering that my current trunk providers screen certain calls (0870. for example)
21:04.23JTargh "trunk" word abuse :P
21:04.25SiyaManxPower: I've found it to be reliable, but I'm no business user so I might not notice all the glitches
21:04.41SiyaJT: really, enlighten me
21:04.42MindTheGapdoes attribute md5secret have the same function as secret in sip.conf? if so, are there any other crypt methods allower in sip.conf? mu users passwords are not encrypted w md5...
21:04.44*** join/#asterisk imapfool (
21:04.54JTit's not a trunk
21:04.56*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=Greek-Bo@
21:05.17SiyaManxPower: but maybe it helps that I work for an ISP and have full controll over my DSL line... ;)
21:05.24SiyaJT why not?
21:05.42henryv2I've been using one ITSP in the UK which provide a very reliable high quality service but you can still see the lack of funding if you call them for customer service. They're great if you don't need to contact anyone though!
21:05.44JTit's a connection oriented protocol
21:06.33*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
21:06.52henryv2but then if anyone has tried calling BT/Telewest/NTL/Virgin Media then you can also see a lack of high quality customer service in traditional telcos!
21:07.01SiyaJT: afaik a SIP trunk does not refer to 802.1Q or (cisco-ISL) but to a logical connection between two voice switches
21:07.24*** part/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
21:07.25JTSiya: it's an incorrect term, coined by trixbox/freepbx
21:07.35JTit refers not to a logical connection
21:07.43JTand if it did, that connection would have multiple channels
21:07.50Hmmhesaysgod I love t38's method of error checking
21:08.05JTpfft 802.1q is a fairly new user of the term, wasn't refering to that
21:08.07Hmmhesays"THROW MORE PACKETS AT IT"
21:08.13Siyahenryv2: if anyone can point me to a SP where support is excelent at any time then please let me know :)
21:08.29pifiuso one can recommend any IAX providers that are reliable?
21:08.47Hmmhesaysvoipjet is ok
21:08.50Hmmhesaysnot great, but ok
21:08.57SiyaJT: I've heard the term for many years and long before I heard about tirxbox/freepbx/asterisk
21:08.58LeddyHMnot nufone
21:09.04JTSiya: it's wrong.
21:09.20JTthere are lots of noobs in voice
21:09.29JTnoobs repeat what other noobs say
21:10.10imapfoolI have had great service from voicepulse and IAX with their voicepulse connect service
21:10.52Hmmhesayssteven tyler uses broadvoice
21:10.52*** join/#asterisk Fieldy (n=toon@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
21:10.52SiyaJT: I was referring to well payed colleagues in the Voice industry, though I stand corrected if you say so. I'm more a Networking person than a voice specialist
21:11.07pifiuwhos steven tyler?
21:11.08JTno such word as payed :P
21:11.30SiyaJT :) common mistake of mine
21:11.43ManxPowerVoice lines can be called trunks.  They frequently are.  A trunk is a connection that handles 1 call.
21:11.56ManxPowerif you can do more than 1 call then it is not a trunk
21:12.05Greek-Boyanyone know of a wake-up-call service run on asterisk?
21:12.06SiyaManxPower: I'd opt for stating at least more than one call
21:12.06JTa sip connection is not a trunk
21:12.16SiyaJT: agreed
21:12.36*** join/#asterisk axisys (
21:13.38Siyahenryv2: which ITSP is that? afaik the UK doesn't have a lot of voip providers...
21:13.44MindTheGapdoes attribute "md5secret" have the same function as "secret" in sip.conf? if so, are there any other crypt methods allower in sip.conf? my users passwords are not encrypted w md5...
21:14.56ManxPowerGreek-Boy: there are a zillion of them.  See the Wiki
21:15.39imapfooldoes anyone have any experience / success with imap voicemail storage in 1.4?
21:17.25Sweeperuh, recommendations for a 4 and 8 port fxo sip device?
21:17.40SweeperI've tried the audiocodes and grandstreams, but D:
21:18.53imapfoolI had good luck with an 8 port Astribank which is, in my case, is an 8 port FXO to USB device
21:19.17Siyabkruse: ?
21:19.22shido6can you fax with that, imapfool?
21:19.40JTusb >:(
21:19.57tzafrirJT, do I really need to give my usual reply?
21:20.42imapfoolI have not tried.  I have had poor results faxing even with a T1 card to our LEC usinf IAXMODEM and Hylafax.  We just use the old fashion method.
21:20.44JTget a better interface like ethernet ;)
21:21.09tzafrirFaxing from a different Astribank should work. Faxing from a non-astribank zaptel: with our latest sync code (provided that you apply the latest little sync patch we published)
21:21.36Sweeperwhat kind of proc overhead does the astribank incur?
21:23.37JTtzafrir: ever going to make sip gateways?
21:24.24tzafrirnot much. From our latest profiling, Zaptel's overhead was still quite higher than ours and the USB's
21:25.12*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
21:25.26shmaltztzafrir ping
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21:25.51shmaltzhi, tzafrir can you translate something from hebrew for me?
21:26.04shmaltzit's a post on wikipedia
21:26.24tzafrirshmaltz, what is it?
21:26.31shmaltz讗讬 讗驻砖专 住转诐 诇拽讞转 驻住拽转 诪讬讚注 砖讗驻砖专 讘拽诇讜转 诇砖讻转讘讛 讘诇讬 拽讬砖讜专 诇诪拽讜专 讗讜 诪砖讛讜 讻讙讜谉 讝讛. 讗谞讬 诪讜讚注 讛讬讟讘 诇讞讜拽讬 讝讻讜讬讜转 讛讬讜爪专讬诐 (讜讙诐 诪驻注讬诇 讘讜讜讬拽讬砖讬转讜祝) 讗讱 讗讬谉 诇讛砖转诪砖 住转诐 讘砖讬诪讜砖 讛讜讙谉 讻砖诇讗 讞讬讬讘讬诐 讜讗讬谉 诇讜 注专讱 诪讜住祝 - 讜讘诪拽专讛 讝讛 讗讬谉 诇讜 注专讱 诪讜住祝, 讘讬讬讞讜讚 诇讗讜专 讛注讜讘讚讛 砖谞讬转谉 诇砖讻转
21:26.55JTwrong window?
21:26.56shmaltzI understand he is saying he is knowledgable about the laws
21:27.07shmaltznow what does 注专讱 诪讜住祝  mean?
21:27.11shmaltzJT, nah
21:27.19shmaltzjust hijacked :P
21:27.27tzafrirshmaltz, /j #israel ?
21:27.54*** part/#asterisk imapfool (
21:30.25Strom_Mit translates to "Boy, I sure wish I'd paid attention in hebrew school"
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21:37.31*** join/#asterisk seele_ (
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21:38.39seele_please help I'm tryin to install a sangoma AFT102D, all the modules and compilations works fine ... but my sangoma still with red led on
21:39.46MercestesI wanna see what  注专讱 诪讜住祝 means.  :D
21:41.26*** join/#asterisk swyrus (
21:41.27seele_when I look the channels in the asterisk CLI this shows
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21:42.16seele_my zaptel.conf
21:43.13kp00how configure inbound ... sip account?
21:43.52seele_and my zapata.conf
21:44.11*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
21:45.03seele_please help I cant make outbound calls
21:46.01tzafrirseele_, what error do you get?
21:46.48tzafrirI understand that Sangoma have setup scripts of their own. I have no idea what they  really do besides generating files. Any documentation on them?
21:46.58seele_tzafrir, my full log for one call
21:47.16Mercestesthey also generate zaptel.conf
21:47.56tzafrirseele_, asterisk -rx 'zap show status'
21:48.47seele_tzafrir, status
21:49.01seele_but the leds of the card still in red
21:50.53*** join/#asterisk rogerz (
21:51.19NOT_gurutzafrir: I wanted to thank you again for the time you spent with me last week
21:51.48NOT_gurutzafrir: I have a much better understanding of things now if you would like to review the genzaptelconf again sometime
21:52.15carrarNothing says thank you like a hooker at your door
21:52.16rogerzOld IT guy left, and didnt give the password to the asterisk box, any way to recover it? I'm root on the system
21:52.33NOT_gurutzafrir: but everything is working now, after I did some manual configuring
21:52.40Siyabkruse: ping
21:52.45tzafrirNOT_guru, any review is always appreciated
21:52.50NOT_gurutzafrir: but yah.... Thank You
21:53.42NOT_guruFYI: main problem I was having was lack of dev nodes due to kudzu screwing with things
21:54.47carrarrogerz, 1st time to log into a unix box?
21:56.03rogerzthe main asterisk password for the web frontend is the asterisk password?
21:56.32rogerznew to asterisk obviously
21:59.42seele_CLI log for one call
22:00.22*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
22:00.34seele_please help ... I need to configure the outbound calls urgent!!
22:00.35*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (
22:01.03BlackthornI'm having an issue with sending calls from one * to another through iax. Mind taking a look at
22:01.37NOT_guruRogers..the first screen on the "webfrontend"
22:01.57NOT_guruRogers: does it say trixbox or freepbx?
22:02.01NOT_guruby chance
22:02.21NOT_guruRogers: if so, you may want to change channels
22:03.11seele_why if I disconnect the PRI cable from the interface 2 the alarm zap status still in ok ??
22:03.13NOT_guruI will try to help..  I just need this info
22:04.08*** join/#asterisk neverblue (n=profx@unaffiliated/neverblue)
22:04.31neverbluemy background() is still not allowing me to enter my menu
22:04.42neverbluewhat else could it be, my sip.conf is setup
22:04.47*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
22:04.52neverblueme Mercestes ?
22:06.03neverblueany questions, just ask
22:06.40Mercestesneverblue, more.
22:06.52MercestesI need to see ${sounds} please
22:06.54neverbluethe rest is just the default
22:07.00neverblueoh, sorry
22:07.44*** join/#asterisk _mm_ (
22:08.02neverbluethe waitexten was added to hopefully fix the issue
22:08.37neverbluemy files are not wavs, does that matter?
22:08.37seele_some channel for sangoma support ???
22:08.42*** part/#asterisk kp00 (
22:09.15Corydon-wseele_: call the vendor on the telephone
22:09.47seele_what telephone I cant configure yet !! LOL
22:10.45*** join/#asterisk HockeyInJune (
22:12.16jbotfrom memory, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
22:13.17neverblueany ideas Mercestes ?
22:14.07*** join/#asterisk shadou (n=aj@unaffiliated/dj-fu)
22:14.46zm23hello all, asterisk is not properly acting on REFER sip method.  Instead of replacing the call it initiates another call.  can anyone help ?
22:21.56neverbluehey, np
22:22.00Mercestesremove all occurances of ${sounds} from extensions.conf as it appears in Background() commands and try again
22:22.03*** join/#asterisk dj-fu (n=aj@unaffiliated/dj-fu)
22:22.03neverblueim in no rush zzzz
22:22.19neverblueok, sure, thats something to try
22:22.23Mercestes<Polycom>  Gee, lets make a great product and then find innovative ways to not sell or support the damned thing.
22:22.44Mercestesbascially asterisk assumes /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
22:23.11neverbluebut that didnt work for me before
22:24.07neverblueyeah, see
22:24.16neverblueill just add the dir into it
22:24.53Mercestesreally, you shouldn't.
22:25.08Mercestes1:   do the files exist under /var/lib/asterisk/sounds and 2:  does asterisk have read rights to those files?
22:25.10neverblueyes,  I realize that
22:25.24neverblueyes, I can hear the menu
22:25.30neverbluejust the keypresses arent working
22:25.42neverbluei cannot press 1 to go to my local phone
22:26.21Mercestesuse dtmfmode=auto annnnnd.......Set(timeout(digits) instead of waitexten
22:26.25neverblueand I added dtmfmode=info
22:26.35Mercestesdid I say info?  sorry, I meant auto
22:27.25neverbluecause its a grandstream phone
22:27.36jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
22:27.36Mercestesjbot is asleep on the job.
22:27.42neverblueinfo is documented to be the choice for GS phones
22:28.15neverbluenone the less, it should be =info
22:28.21neverblueany other ideas?
22:28.24Mercestesthen WTF are you asking questions?
22:28.36*** join/#asterisk nomadsoul_ (n=nomadsou@unaffiliated/nomadsoul)
22:28.44MercestesIf you know everything why are you asking for help?
22:28.53neverbluehey hey hey
22:29.05neverbluei guess the touchiness is getting around
22:29.17Mercestesyou haven't made many friends here as far as I can tell with ....whatever you call it.
22:29.19neverbluei explained why I added that line into my sip.conf
22:29.21neverbluethats it
22:29.31Mercestesyou've been kinda demanding and more than a little backhanded.
22:29.44Mercestesand..I've already fixed yoru issue with my aforementioned suggestions so.
22:29.46neverbluei asked if you had anymore ideas
22:29.49Mercestesas you told me earlier, "I think we're done."
22:29.51neverbluehow is that demanding?
22:30.17Mercestesyou don't go to a mechanic with a broken car, ask for help and then go "no, your wrong, it's something else."
22:30.28neverblueyou have obvious communication issues
22:31.00neverbluethanks for you help
22:32.15cspotwaiter, check please
22:33.20cpmare we leaving now? the conversation was just getting interesting
22:33.45ManxPowerAnd I thought it was getting boring
22:33.59cpmwell, yeah, that too
22:34.46ManxPowerIs there anyone having problems that wants to actually listen to the advice?
22:35.01neverbluewhat advice?
22:35.07neverbluei didnt see any advice
22:35.20neverblue(i am assuming that was a taunt to keep the convo going)
22:35.57ManxPowerneverblue: What is your specific problem that you need a fix for.
22:36.31neverbluemy background() is still not allowing me to enter my menu
22:36.38neverblueon keypresses
22:36.55neverblueit plays fine, just wont let me goto an exten
22:36.58ManxPowerneverblue: does DTMF work in other places like Voicemail?
22:37.12ManxPowerno, dialing does not count as the DTMF is not sent to Asterisk
22:37.13neverblueno idea, this is the first place I tested it
22:37.22*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
22:37.29ManxPowerneverblue: what phone are you using?
22:37.41neverblueGrandstream BT-100
22:38.58ManxPowerneverblue: Make sure the phone is set to RFC2833 aka AVT DTMF, then set dtmfmode=rfc2833 in sip.conf for that phone.  Also, to make sure the call is actually matching the sip.conf entry, put context=INVALID in [general] and the correct context in the phone device section of sip.conf.
22:39.26ManxPowerDon't ask me where to set the DTMF mode in the Grandstream.  They are crap phones and should be banned from the universe.
22:39.47neverbluethe context is setup correct, and why are you suggesting rfc2833?
22:39.57_mm_manx: what phone(s) do you recommend?
22:40.01ManxPowerneverblue: because rfc2833 is the "right way" to do DTMF.
22:40.09ManxPower_mm_: Polycom
22:41.14jbotsomebody said phones was  SIP Hardphones in order of quality/suggestability : Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Cisco 7940(+), Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom
22:41.14*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmyorg@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
22:41.47ManxPowerneverblue: inband DTMF only works with the ulaw and alaw codecs and if you have any kind of network jitter issues, it won't be reliable there either.  INFO type of DTMF is an old way of doing it.
22:42.03neverbluelet me try each
22:42.20ManxPowerneverblue: won't do you any good if you don't set it tot he same on the phone and asterisk
22:42.36*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (n=CrazyTux@
22:42.39ManxPowerI assume you have done what I suggested with regards to context= ?
22:50.07neverblueManxPower, u da man
22:50.54ManxPowerdoes anyone happen to know what the sox format name for .WAV aka .wav49 aka GSM in a Microsoft WAV wrapper is called.
22:51.01ManxPowerneverblue: I've been doing this for a very long time.
22:51.20drazakWhat do I have to do to make people connecting with sip clients work?
22:51.47neverbluethe co-worker has setup in-audio/info all this time
22:52.59*** join/#asterisk Rusty1 (
22:53.28drazakIt won't register the people that are trying
22:53.48neverbluelogin/pass incorrect?
22:54.19ManxPowerRegistration only tells the remote server what IP address is associated with a specific user/password.  It does nothing else.
22:54.34*** join/#asterisk Crescendo_ (
22:55.14Blackthorni'm tryign to send calls from one * to another * thorugh iax and i'm getting rejected with "request '@default' does not exis" even though default does exist in extensions.cofn.. any ideas?
22:55.48ManxPowerBlackthorn: the server is not sending a userid
22:56.01ManxPowerhence the lack of anything before the @
22:56.25drazakManxPower: how do I setup a login/pass for them?
22:58.03ManxPowerdrazak: I recommend you stop using Asterisk and read The Book.
22:58.27jbothmm... book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
22:58.27drazakManxPower: what chapter is it in?
22:58.28drazakAs I don't see it :P
22:58.28drazakI've read chap 1-7
22:58.35drazakI have it.
22:58.46ManxPowerdrazak: I have no idea, but I cannot imagine the book not showing you how to do one of the most basic things in the world with asterisk
22:59.19ManxPowerIt would like the owners manual for your car not showing you how to turn on the headlights.
22:59.22tzafrirI'm ring o ge chan_zap.c in runk o build
23:00.27tzafriras I have no inenion of actually installing a newer zaptel on my precious system, I try to use --with-zaptel=/path/to/zaptel/source
23:01.12tzafrirI also put the symlinks include and zaptel to . in the zaptel source dir, so include/zaptel/zaptel.h would be easily spotted
23:01.49Blackthornhere is what i have if you wouldn't mind taking a look when you have time
23:02.31ManxPowerBlackthorn: What is the Dial line?
23:02.33tzafrirThe configure script fails to build a zaptel program or something. Sadly, I can't see the actual program in the config.log
23:02.51Blackthornexten => 555,1,Dial(IAX2/remote_server:mysecret@x.x.x.x/${exten});
23:03.24tzafrirOne thing I get:  checking for ZT_TONE_DTMF_BASE in zaptel/zaptel.h... ./configure: line 32467: -I/home/tzafrir/Proj/Asterisk/DigiumRW/zaptel/branches/1.4/include: No such file or directory
23:03.39ManxPowerBlackthorn: Dial(IAX2/iaxconfentry/${EXTEN})
23:03.54tzafrirI did verify that /home/tzafrir/Proj/Asterisk/DigiumRW/zaptel/branches/1.4/include and /home/tzafrir/Proj/Asterisk/DigiumRW/zaptel/branches/1.4/include/zaptel/zaptel.h exist
23:04.25tzafriranybody building chan_zap in trunk?
23:05.02ManxPowertzanger: If I ran trunk then I would be fired.  It is as simple as that.
23:05.44tzafrirManxPower, was that to me?
23:05.56ManxPowertzanger: more or less.
23:05.58MercestesManxPower, hell, I'm starting to think running Astersk is going to get me fired.
23:06.19ManxPowerMercestes: only if you take stupid chances like trying to run all your phones lines over the internet.
23:06.36Mercesteswhat's wrong with that?  >.>
23:06.42Blackthornthe dial line is now exten => 7823333,1,Dial(IAX2/remote_server/${exten}); and i get no authority found messages on both sides. which as i was told ealier is user/pass error. but there identical
23:07.06Blackthornauth = md5, password=mysecret
23:07.10Blackthornfor testing only of course
23:08.01ManxPowerBlackthorn: remove the auth-md5
23:08.20ManxPowerBlackthorn: I just wanted to make sure the Dial line was correct before trying anything else.
23:10.43*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
23:10.44Blackthornroger. ok md5 removed and i'm getting the no auth
23:10.56Blackthornreloaded iax2 and exten..
23:11.15ManxPowerBlackthorn: iax2 debug on the receiving server
23:11.28ManxPoweris it the EXACT same error message?
23:12.28Blackthornthats the sending one
23:13.13Blackthornchan_iax2.c:7159 socket_process: Host x,x,x,x failed to authenticate as remote_server
23:13.47neverbluethanks again ManxPower im outta here
23:14.45*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
23:15.05ManxPowerBlackthorn: honestly I'm just too tried to help you
23:15.34Blackthornalrighty many thanks. the debug says the same. failed to authenticate the user name came thorugh just fine. i'll try back another time.
23:23.14*** join/#asterisk Gpl_Source (n=The_natu@unaffiliated/gplsource)
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23:51.36*** join/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (
23:52.05[[blah]asfdis there such a thing as a good IAX2 ata? I have a linksys SIP ATA that works well, but I am looking now for IAX2.
23:52.34shido6the iaxy
23:53.07ManxPower[[blah]asfd: no.
23:53.50ManxPowershido6: he said "good"
23:53.51*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
23:53.51shido6unless you're in a hot environment
23:53.51shido6it works well                             ...
23:53.52ManxPoweror need a codec other than ulaw, alaw, or pcm
23:54.06ManxPoweror your network does not do bootp
23:54.13ManxPoweror you need call pickup *8
23:54.19[[blah]asfdwell... good is relative. I have a low opinion of ATAs. But as far as ATAs go, does the iaxy suck?
23:54.37shido6it does not suck...                     that much.
23:55.19ManxPower[[blah]asfd: They ran hot.  newer versions may have fixed that.  It has a very limited list of supported codecs.  It does not support DNS.  It requires bootp, not DHCP.  chan_iax2 does not support call pickup via *8
23:55.42shido6so no
23:55.50shido6but it knows :)
23:55.51[[blah]asfdbootp is enough to turn me away.
23:55.58[[blah]asfdhow about an IAX2 phone?
23:56.04ManxPower[[blah]asfd: you would want to confirm that about bootp
23:56.57*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
23:58.12ManxPower[[blah]asfd: there are reports of it randomly locking up, but I have not experienced that and suspect it might have been heat related.  Oh, another thing that sucks about it is that it is $100

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