IRC log for #asterisk on 20070428

00:17.41*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
00:19.04*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
00:20.51*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
00:31.02*** join/#asterisk corrupt (i=user@
00:31.22corruptdoes anyone play around with asterisk on their ubuntu box?
00:34.04Sweepercorrupt: well, this is the internet, so I assume there's SOME perverted bastard that does
00:34.27corruptwhy does he have to be perverted?
00:34.40carraryou did say ubuntu
00:35.00corruptcarrar, what do the nonpervs use?
00:35.36carrar4.4 works nicely with 1.4
00:36.06corrupthmm, i've got more questions, but i've got to catch the bus at the moment. bbl.
00:36.24_DAW4.4 is great.  Anyone running 5?
00:36.28*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
00:36.29*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
00:48.26*** join/#asterisk mog (
00:48.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
00:55.36*** join/#asterisk rahail (i=rahail@
00:55.45rahail? seen bobocop
00:55.53rahail!seen bobocop
00:59.30*** join/#asterisk pcm (n=pcm@
01:00.24Qwell~seen mercestes
01:01.03jbotmercestes <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2h 47m 17s ago, saying: 'smoked1, Good luck'.
01:01.03pcm~seen kram
01:01.17jbotkram <n=mark@pdpc/sponsor/digium/kram> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 208d 19h 40m 31s ago, saying: 'hrm, anyone here know brian mcmanus?'.
01:01.17Qwellkram was last seen 13 weeks (3h 2m 36s) ago
01:01.19pcmqwell: you're not a bot
01:01.52*** join/#asterisk dc3aes (
01:02.19red9012so is the queue app going to include a way for the called extension to be able to put the caller back on hold?
01:04.19rahail~seen bobo*
01:04.32jbotrahail: i haven't seen 'bobo*'
01:04.41rahail~seen bobocop
01:04.44jbotbobocop <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 9h 3m 41s ago, saying: 'howdy! :) I'm trying to get patton sip/isdn gateway working both ways. I can't get through with trunk definition. I get it only working as incoming or outgoing. Bever both :( How should trunk be definied? What about user/password vs trunk name? ...
01:09.38*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
01:34.19*** join/#asterisk plasmid (
01:35.30demlakhmm... whats wrong with this?
01:35.42demlakno file generated.. no output to console...
01:35.55demlakthe commands are working in the shell
01:36.04russellb~seen Qwell
01:36.40jbotqwell is currently on #asterisk (2d 16h 3m 18s). Has said a total of 3 messages. Is idling for 35m 16s, last said: 'oh'.
01:36.40demlakbut they donīt seem to work in the extensions.conf
01:37.10demlakany idea?
01:38.56*** join/#asterisk Fieldy (i=7NZbAUO4@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
01:41.59russellbQwell: are you calling me weird?
01:43.54Qwellno, jbot
01:44.01jazzanovavonage-out/1778       5060     UNREACHABLE
01:44.04Qwellhe ran his query right after you said that, but took forever to answer
01:44.08jazzanovawhy is it unreachable ?
01:44.18jazzanovait shows that it is Registered     17787850134         15 Registered
01:45.22filerussellb: I'm calling you weird.
01:45.26jazzanovain what way is it uncheable ? in network way, or in config file way ?
01:47.20dc3aeshey.. now that i see that.. and apologies if this is repeated everywhere but can an asterisk box connect to vonage as SIP?  not really sure why i would want to but nice to know if we could
01:49.24*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:51.05*** join/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (
01:52.48*** join/#asterisk littleball (
02:03.57shido6if you pretend to be a softphone and look like xlite for example
02:04.22shido6but they will catch on when u pass over a million minutes through them on a tiny package :)
02:08.30sevardput on a softphone costume and run around the parking lot
02:11.12*** join/#asterisk sharp (
02:16.45*** join/#asterisk ccole (
02:17.55*** join/#asterisk darylvoip (
02:18.01_VoiceMeUp_COMnot 1 million
02:18.10_VoiceMeUp_COMjust 20% over avg and you cut + 200$ fee
02:18.34_VoiceMeUp_COMhad a client bully us sayint he was running 2 million miunutes a month on vonage residential package
02:18.42_VoiceMeUp_COMi told him he was day dreaming,
02:18.45_VoiceMeUp_COMand so he was
02:19.10dc3aesshido6: haha thx
02:19.11_VoiceMeUp_COMactualy got 4 client ssay that before they went to us.. kind of weird lol
02:19.46ccoleHelp! :) What does this message mean:  Apr 27 22:19:04 NOTICE[7713]: codec_zap.c:856 find_transcoders: No Zaptel transcoder support!
02:20.28ccoleI just upgraded my asterisk and zaptel driver, and now I get this message...
02:21.34ccoleI am running asterisk 1.2.17 and zaptel driver 1.2.16
02:30.39ccoleOK asterisk server is working OK now; I had my _extension line goofed.  Man asterisk is PICKY!
02:32.12russellbit does what it tells you to do
02:32.36russellbthat's the thing about comptuers, they do what you say, not what you want, necessarily :)
02:33.17*** join/#asterisk _pkNew (
02:34.50_pkNewhi i want to make reports based on queue_logs
02:35.08_pkNewcan some one please tell me how to get "number of incomming call" ??
02:35.11jazzanovai am getting UNREACHABLE from my vonage-out
02:35.18jazzanovai'm a newbie
02:35.35jazzanovacan someone give a suggestion ?
02:37.04russellbjazzanova: set qualify=no, maybe it's not supported by them
02:37.35jazzanovarussellb: ok, i am going to remove qualify
02:37.41jazzanovabut I don't know if the connection is working.
02:37.50jazzanovait says that the status is "Registered"
02:37.52russellbhave you tried calling it?
02:38.10jazzanovayes, and its not getting to the server. i am getting a vonage answering machine.
02:39.00jazzanovaalso, its re-registering very often.
02:40.00ccoleHow come I can get an outbound call to work with: exten=>_1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial...   but I cannot get an outbound call to work with: exten=> _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial...   ??  I do not want to have to type a '1' before dialing a phone number.
02:40.59mihinomenestyou need to add the "1" to your Dial()
02:41.20jazzanovaits re-registering every 20 seconds
02:42.48jazzanovaalso, i am getting this in the log:
02:42.49jazzanovaApr 27 22:40:15 WARNING[20941]: Unable to get our IP address, Skinny disabled
02:42.56jazzanovawhere do i set the ip address ?
02:50.17*** join/#asterisk kiwoneka (
02:50.41kiwonekagood evening to all
02:51.55*** join/#asterisk Fieldy (i=TrSHp8O2@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
02:52.27jazzanovarussellb: ok, when I call to my phone, i can see in asterisk sip debug output. but i don't know where the call is routed
02:53.13*** join/#asterisk vonkleist (n=gera@
02:53.23vonkleistHi everybody
02:53.48vonkleistI live in mexico, and just bought a tdm22b
02:54.04*** join/#asterisk dseeb_ (
02:54.06vonkleistI installed asterisknow, and now  ihave all my extensions working
02:54.24vonkleistBut what I can do, is to get calls out to my 2 lines
02:54.45vonkleistExtensions rings, and rings, but call never get established
02:54.53vonkleistalso, it seems like calls aren't going out
02:55.00*** part/#asterisk mog (
03:01.43*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
03:01.46*** join/#asterisk flashnet (
03:01.47vonkleistummm... tdm400p, I mean
03:06.45kiwonekawhat a night
03:06.53kiwonekai need some netwrking help
03:07.55kiwonekai sent grandma a polycom601, now it connects and gets provisioned just fine
03:08.07kiwonekabut we cant hear grandma
03:08.43kiwonekai have tried alot of things, nw i need some professional advice
03:10.12Nuggethave you turned on qualify= for that sip peer?
03:10.31Nuggetsounds like the usual NAT difficulties
03:13.03*** part/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (
03:13.34kiwonekahere is my entry in sip.conf
03:15.17kiwonekashould i specify, a value - qualify=500
03:21.10_pkNewhi every body
03:21.24_pkNewi want to make reports of a call center using queue_logs
03:21.39_pkNewhow do i get the number of calls offered/answered/abondaned ??
03:23.39_pkNewcan some body give some idea please ??
03:24.03[TK]D-Fenderkiwoneka, you need to add "nat=yes" and "canreinvite=no" to her entry and reload sip.  Then have her place another call
03:25.19[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, look in [source folder]/docs/queuelog.txt for the format and you'll know what to do with the data collected...
03:26.12_pkNewwell i dont know which event to count for incomming/answered/not answered calls
03:26.58_pkNewcan you explain the difference between the Connect and EnterQueue event ?
03:27.49[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, Enterqueue is the line that states that the call has entered the queue (is the first line of detail).  Connect tells you the hold time & who answered the call.
03:27.56kiwonekacan i make nat=yes a global setting
03:28.11[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, its all in the doc.  please READ IT.
03:28.30[TK]D-Fenderkiwoneka, Only if that applies to your server as well (being behind a NAT of its own).
03:28.42[TK]D-Fenderkiwoneka, If thats the case as well you have a  LOT more work to do.
03:28.46kiwonekai am behind a fw
03:29.13*** join/#asterisk Cinen (n=Cinen@
03:29.14[TK]D-Fenderkiwoneka, Do the changes to her phone's entry and pastebin your [general] section.
03:29.25jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
03:30.00_pkNewyes i have read that file, but i'm still confused how the calculate the number of incomming/offered/answerd and not answered calls
03:30.14CinenHas anyone experienced all sip commands disappearing from 1.4.4?
03:30.25_pkNewonly if you can please explain me which event to count for which.....
03:30.28Cinensip still works just no sip commands
03:31.37[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, incoming = total of "enterqueue". answered = # of "connect".
03:31.56[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, count your abandoned, etc.
03:32.10[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, its all jsut a sum of differnt reason codes.
03:32.46_pkNewyes thanks....thats right that its the sum of different codes, but i was confused about those events
03:33.11[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, the meaning of each is well defined in the readme there.
03:33.33_pkNewlike connect and completeagent and completecaller shows somewhat the same thing, that is the call is connected and answered
03:33.57_pkNewso i was not sure to take which event for answered call
03:34.34[TK]D-Fender_pkNew,  yes & no.
03:35.01[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, connect = answered.  the other 2 are to say who killed the call and state the duration.  Thats for counting talk time.
03:36.03_pkNewand how do i find which agent got how many calls, like i want to calculate how many calls did agent_1 got ?
03:36.35[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, I found I had 1 agent who seems to dump calls REGULARLY. and I mean a LOT.  Hed have a whole pile of calls he'd grab & dum in < 2 seconds.
03:37.02[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, we are not sure if its deliberate, or if he has a serious neurologicl condition on the answer button :)
03:37.23[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, Connect tells you who answered.  You should be READING THE DOC! :)
03:37.30[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, Don't get lazy on me now!
03:37.42[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, And go check your queue log for some sample data
03:38.17_pkNewyes but its not my fault, the document on queue_log on voip-info is not updated, it shows Connect(holdtime) only
03:38.34[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, I said the one in your SOURCE/DOC folder
03:38.53_pkNewyes, i just got the latest one, thanks :)
03:39.25*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:39.27[TK]D-Fender_pkNew, Here... no more excuses now!
03:40.11_pkNewthanks a lot man
03:41.38[TK]D-Fenderkiwoneka, ok, assuming those values are right, looks good to me.  Have her test.
03:41.51*** part/#asterisk pcm (n=pcm@
03:42.32kiwoneka:( grandma is 76, she is long gone to bed
03:42.36kiwonekabut thanks
03:42.51kiwonekado i have to do anything to my fw
03:43.00kiwonekaopen any ports
03:43.05kiwonekai use ipcop
03:43.26kiwonekai forwarded 10000 - 101000
03:43.58[TK]D-Fenderkiwoneka, 5060,10000-20000 all UDP
03:44.52*** join/#asterisk khronos (
03:47.08kiwonekaall set up
03:48.58[TK]D-Fenderkiwoneka, You should be good to go.  But set her qualify for about 2000.  500 is way too small.
03:49.22kiwonekawhat does that mean
03:50.09*** join/#asterisk flashnet (
03:50.48kiwonekawhat is the difference - qualify=yes and qualify=2000
03:51.49*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
03:54.15[TK]D-Fenderkiwoneka, none.  yes=2000.  Though I saw you mention 500 earlier.  2000 is a genrally safe number
03:54.53kiwonekathen the default value is 2000
03:55.07*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:56.52*** join/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (
03:57.17[[blah]asfdis it not possible to do a pause queue member from the cli prompt like you can add queue member?
03:58.11*** join/#asterisk Kizmet (
04:00.51*** join/#asterisk Kizmet (
04:01.26*** join/#asterisk NormanAthol (n=Norman@
04:03.00khronosAre there any h323 packages for Centos?
04:03.17khronosI want to build asterisk with sip, iax and h323 capibilities.
04:03.45[TK]D-Fenderkhronos, openh323
04:04.39khronosThere any packagtes for this in Centos or will I have to build this by hand.
04:04.52khronosI'm wanting to use the latest 1.4 release.
04:05.07[[blah]asfdyou will get it there.
04:05.43[TK]D-Fenderkhronos, My instal of CentOS 4.4 + * 1.4.2 gave me by default.
04:06.15*** join/#asterisk Cabal (n=Cabal@unaffiliated/cabal)
04:06.19khronosDoesn't look like Centos 5 has openh323 packages
04:07.22[[blah]asfdin make menuconfig for asterisk... with openh323 installed in cent 4.4 I have: XXX 5.  chan_h323. Doesnt that mean it cannot be installed for asterisk? I dont need it, but was looking for khronos's sake and saw that.
04:07.41[TK]D-Fenderkhronos, Its brand new, expect reports of compatability / guides to be sparse.
04:08.06NormanAtholi am having trouble getting call parking to work it is  not transfering the calls when i dial #700 (i am testing with another user in the local context could this cause the problem trying to park someone on teh same context from what i understand for a simple dial plan i only need to add include => parkedcalls to the dial plan is this correct
04:08.19[TK]                 Objective Systems H323 Channel
04:08.34[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd, this is the channel drive I get off a basic install.
04:08.54[TK]D-FenderNormanAthol, pastebin your dialplan
04:09.06jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
04:09.15*** join/#asterisk iq (n=iq@unaffiliated/iq)
04:09.29NormanAtholi know thoose sites all to well
04:10.59*** part/#asterisk _pkNew (
04:11.04NormanAtholvery simple @ this stge
04:11.38*** join/#asterisk Rahail (
04:12.53[TK]D-FenderNormanAthol, In order to use parking you need to be able to do DTMF transfers.  you have forgotten to add this option to your dial statements.
04:13.27NormanAtholhow do i go about that
04:14.13*** join/#asterisk corrupt (
04:14.16[TK]D-FenderNormanAthol, "show application dial"
04:14.38NormanAtholthatmade no sence to me
04:14.44corruptfor what purposes do you all use asterisk for?
04:16.16*** join/#asterisk fx0 (
04:16.31[TK]D-Fendercorrupt, word domination.
04:16.59[TK]D-FenderNormanAthol, thats the command at * CLI to read the instructions on the Dial app.
04:17.22NormanAtholok now i feel stupid thankyou
04:18.25[TK]D-FenderMy work here is done :)
04:20.01NormanAtholit all @ least makes sence now
04:20.17[[blah]asfdhere is a question i have been up against... if my polycom 301 drops power while on a call... the channel stays open until i manually kill it with a soft hangup. Is there a way around that?
04:21.34[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd, set an rtptimeout in rtp.conf
04:21.58*** join/#asterisk burt75 (n=humberto@
04:22.08[[blah]asfdhow long is appropriate do you think?
04:22.12burt75hello guys
04:22.15[[blah]asfd1 hour maybe?
04:23.12burt75Guys ,,, who has implemented Chan_bluetooth or Chan_cellphone
04:26.17[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd, probably half that.  I think RTP is TOLD to stop for Hold.  So a smaller amount might be fine.  I'd say start smaller and grow in increments.
04:26.45[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd, maybe 10 min to start. then 15,20,30,45,60.
04:26.48[TK]D-Fenderas needed
04:27.03NormanAtholjust not sure how i would put that into the dial plan
04:27.57NormanAtholexten => 100,1,Dial,D or exten => 100,1,Dial (D(caller)SIP/usernme) or di i somehow defin it in global
04:28.26[TK]D-Fenderexten => 200,1,Dial(SIP/mefo,,tT)
04:29.07[TK]D-FenderNormanAthol, What do you think you were doing with "D"?!
04:30.08NormanAtholi have no idea
04:31.04[TK]D-Fenderok, well read further down and you'll see that t & T allow you control which end(s) of the call are allowed to transfer the call.
04:36.27*** part/#asterisk fx0 (
04:38.09NormanAtholi see what you mean now i got it figured out
04:39.35[TK]D-FenderNormanAthol, 1.4 seems to have added k & K
04:40.19corruptdoes asterisk support speech recognition?
04:42.31[TK]D-Fendercorrupt, It not offered by * directly, but there are pacakages you can add for this.  1 free one is CMU Sphinx.
04:44.21ber123how good is sphinx
04:44.26ber123that festival program sucks balls
04:45.45[TK]D-Fenderber123, Try & see
04:52.45*** join/#asterisk Putzz (
05:15.28*** join/#asterisk aptura (
05:18.49*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:21.01*** join/#asterisk CBU[^_^]M`` (n=love@
05:24.54*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
05:32.51*** join/#asterisk osiris (
05:37.06*** part/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (
05:46.49*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:57.18Rahailany one here used a2billing
06:02.07*** part/#asterisk aptura (
06:13.13*** join/#asterisk osiris (
06:25.12*** join/#asterisk af_ (
06:28.55*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
06:32.06glockwould u guys recommend 1.2 or 1.4?
06:34.42*** join/#asterisk jcaceres (n=josexato@
06:35.31jcacereshello, i have a doubt, i wanna configure asterisk realtime just to load the iax users from a data base
06:35.57jcaceresi've configured extconfig.conf with the right parameters
06:36.10jcaceresand added rtcachefriends=yes to iax2.conf
06:36.20jcaceresis there anything more i need to do?
06:36.50jcaceressorry it was iax.conf the name of the file
06:36.53*** join/#asterisk voltagex (
06:37.07jcaceresi have added a row to the table
06:37.20voltagexis it possible to change the tonezone progmatically, from an agi or extension?
06:37.42jcaceresnothing happens
06:38.14jcaceresvoltagex, do you have some experience with asterisk Realtime?
06:48.29*** join/#asterisk jazzanova (
07:01.27*** join/#asterisk corrupt (i=user@
07:04.27*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:07.27*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (
07:07.56mkl1525Hi, is there an option to lower volume in Playback() cmd?
07:12.45*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
07:12.48*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
07:16.02*** join/#asterisk uwe (
07:19.30*** join/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (
07:20.30[[blah]asfdhow can I tell if I am truly getting port 4569 out to the internet... I have a machine that is not connecting to binfone, while the same configs on another machine works just fine.
07:20.39[[blah]asfdports are forwarded to the server and everything...
07:20.47[[blah]asfdwhat other troubleshooting steps can i take?
07:22.09*** join/#asterisk bird_of_Luck (
07:27.02*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
07:28.45corrupt[[blah]asfd, ping.
07:29.22uwehello, im having voice interruption (dropping of voice for short times), but no load on the cpu on asterisk ! and the phones are cisco ip phones ... what can it be ? they are connected to a switched network and i cant figure out what the problem can possible be ...
07:29.50corruptuwe, is this a problem on the job?
07:30.27jcaceres[[blah]asfd, you can check tcpdump
07:30.28uwecorrupt, actually not at my job, but at -a- job
07:31.36uwecorrupt, why? is this channel for help only for at home asterisk ?
07:33.18uwehmm ....
07:36.06[[blah]asfdwill tcpdump show upd packets?
07:36.57justdavethe name is a bit of a misnomer, it generally shows any traffic on the NIC (even ARP stuff)
07:37.52*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
07:40.16[[blah]asfdif i am using register with iax, does it use more than just port 4569? it should all go through the same port right?
07:40.38[[blah]asfdi can get it to connect to other servers other than binfone, but the same account info on someone elses server is working just fine.
07:47.31jcaceresif its posible use wireshark, it will let you see the entire leg of the call
07:48.08jcaceresi have a noop question, :S what is the diference between iax peer and iax user??
07:49.08jcaceresi catching up with asterisk, i stoped using it a very long time
07:49.15jcaceresany idea?
07:50.46jazzanovajcaceres: user can receive, peer can send ?
07:51.08*** part/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (
07:53.47jcaceresany of them can do both?
07:55.48jazzanovafriend = user + peer
07:56.17jazzanovajcaceres: can you help me with making a call through a sip provider ?
07:56.24jazzanovaits my first day with asterisk
07:58.14jcacereswell, it's mainly the same day for me :D
07:58.51jcaceresbut i have seen a sample of how to do it in iax.conf sample
07:58.58jcaceresfor FWD
07:59.08jcaceresso it might be the same
07:59.11jcaceresi asume
08:00.58jazzanovai have been reading sip.conf and extensions.conf
08:01.39jazzanovai am getting an error in a log: Apr 28 03:34:54 WARNING[22757]: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory
08:01.59*** join/#asterisk zapata (
08:01.59jazzanovawhat is this timing interface, and how do i set it ?
08:05.23jazzanovawhat am i doing wrong ?
08:05.31*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
08:05.34jazzanovai'm also having trouble calling into it.
08:05.44jazzanovaasterisk doesn't pickup
08:10.30jcaceresnormaly when it's refered as timing is about zaptel
08:10.39jcaceresthat gives timing
08:24.45*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
08:29.18*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
08:31.25*** join/#asterisk jacq (n=jal@
08:42.49*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
08:44.51*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
09:28.43*** join/#asterisk jcaceres (n=josexato@
09:29.01*** join/#asterisk jcaceres_ (n=josexato@
09:33.25*** join/#asterisk jcaceres (n=josexato@
09:34.41jcacereshello, i have compiled astersik-addons, and configured cdr_mysql.conf correctly bot i can not get any info in the database
09:35.26jcaceresi think i need to add a module to be loaded in modules.conf, but i am not sure which one
09:35.37jcaceresany idea?
09:36.58*** join/#asterisk __andrew (
09:37.04__andrewanyone using bt pri?
09:37.13__andrewthat could help with a wee problem
09:38.40JunK-Yjcaceres: when ya do a module show like cdr, do you see mysql?
09:40.34JunK-Yjcaceres: you should see .
09:41.49jcaceresno i dont
09:42.10jcaceresbut i compiled asterisk addons
09:42.16JunK-Yso when you compile asterisk-addons, it doesnt compile right.
09:42.20jcaceresas told in voip_info
09:42.32JunK-Ymake sure you have libmysqlclient-dev installed.
09:42.47jcaceresis there any special configuration needed? when compiling ?
09:42.57JunK-Yalso, ya can do make menuselect and make sure you haev all deps.
09:43.09jcaceresthanks a lot
09:43.19jcaceresi'll tias
09:44.05__andrewI getting  == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1) from my pri card when trying to make outgoing calls.
09:44.11__andrewincoming are fine - anyone any pointers?
09:55.09jcaceresJunK-Y,  you were completly right thanks
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10:02.37demlakhmm... whats wrong with this? there is no output to the console
10:03.00demlakbtw.. im uing busybox
10:09.13JunK-Yuse NoOp(test) instead of echo test to see it in the * CLI.
10:09.40JunK-Yand once its hanguped, it must be exten => h, since ur channel is dead.
10:10.17demlaki tried also to hangup at last step
10:10.34demlakiīll try NoOp(test) now.. just a moment
10:17.07demlakno "test" output to the * CLI
10:17.45demlakitīs the same like before
10:18.44demlakfax is received... nad thats all
10:20.17JunK-Ydo core set verbose 4
10:20.25JunK-Yand do it again
10:23.54demlakstill no "test"
10:24.46JunK-Yshow me ur CLI output.
10:25.14demlakwell... how? =)
10:25.17JunK-Yand a dialplan show s@fax-in
10:25.20demlakah wait... ssh =)
10:25.45JunK-Yso how can ya say nothing if you're not already in a ssh session?
10:26.20demlakVGA output =)
10:26.25JunK-Yahh, at the monitor ;)
10:27.29JunK-Yu could also add a NoOp(test1) before you hangup
10:27.53JunK-Ydid ya type dialplan reload after you changed ur dialplan?
10:27.57carrarI find ,1,Hangup works best
10:28.01demlakwait a second
10:32.54demlakhmpf... since im logged in via ssh.. receiving fax didnīt work anymore
10:34.45JunK-Yits h,1,Hangup() yes.
10:37.11demlaki did an asterisk stop now.. and a new start..  now this output
10:37.43JunK-Yits exten => h,1,NoOp(test2);
10:38.14demlakbut still no test1 in the CLI
10:38.50JunK-Youtput of dialplan show s@fax-in
10:39.11JunK-Yin 1.2 its show dialplan s@fax-in
10:41.29demlakwait a second =)
10:43.16demlaki killed all.. and startet from scratch with the macro...
10:44.12JunK-Yi need to see ur show dialplan output
10:44.22demlakits there
10:44.28demlakmiddle part
10:45.06JunK-Yso the test2 is there now.
10:45.37JunK-Ytry to flip ur capi and the noop (priority 1 and 2 to see)
10:46.14JunK-Yit seems ur capi hangups the channel.
10:47.08demlaktest1 is now showing
10:47.15demlaktest 2 also
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10:47.42demlakiīll now try system(echo fghdghj)
10:48.27JunK-Yu wont see the output in the CLI.
10:48.59JunK-YNoOp is the way to see thru the CLI
10:49.01demlakitīs verbose
10:49.20demlakand it worked =)
10:49.46JunK-Yso enjoy :)
10:50.13demlakthx a lot
10:50.23demlakbut thats just the beginning =)
10:50.47JunK-Yi know, we all pass by there.
10:51.23demlakwhat i need is the filename of the currently saved fax file
10:51.32demlakfor sending it
10:52.33JunK-Yjust write a small program that does that, which receiving the * uniqueid
10:52.39*** join/#asterisk Mahmoud (n=fake@unaffiliated/mahmoud)
10:55.51demlakok.. how to get the uniquid? =)
10:56.45demlakmy idea was this.. but this gives a new uniquid =) exten => h,1,System(/bin/echo '${UNIQUEID}' >> /tmp/test)
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11:01.38angryuseri am searching for people who is using voipstunt with asterisk
11:01.57|ryan|angryuser: What are you angry about?
11:02.22angryuser here why
11:06.09angryuser|ryan|: any ideas?
11:09.29tuxickis it normal that asterisk keeps showing "REGISTER attempt" to voip provider?
11:09.44tuxickit *is* registered, everything works
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11:35.23SoftIcehi, please can somebody tell me what is theory to do as follows, what I would like to do is say dial exten 1000 when I do that i leave a message then i want that message to be sent to an e-mail address?
11:37.34SoftIcecould somebody maybe point me to the right documentation ?
11:37.37SoftIcethank you :)
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11:41.41demlakvariable for current date and time?
11:43.31JunK-Ydemlak: see the doc/channelvariables.txt
11:45.05demlakdoesnīt exist
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11:53.25demlakok.. works... now.. how to react on this.. "capi receivefax: fax receive failed reason=0x34a2 reasonB3=0x0000" i want the macro react different on failed fax receive
12:10.41|ryan|r0d3nt: Who let you off 2600net?
12:13.07r0d3ntyer'killin me.. i always idle here.. stfu..
12:14.49|ryan|yeah, but you spoke.
12:21.07*** join/#asterisk UVSoft (
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12:22.23UVSoftcould anybody explane me how i can make asterisk pick up the phone (fxo device) after the first ring please?
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12:30.02JTUVSoft: use Wait before answering
12:32.15|ryan|Wait(5) should ring once
12:32.47|ryan|it doesn't wait for CallerID data to be sent?
12:33.00UVSoftJT: it takes too much time for asterisk to pick up the phone and enter to the dialplan... actually i want it to pick up as fast as possible...
12:33.27JunK-YUVSoft: usecallerid=no
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12:42.42UVSoftJunK-Y: thanks, that's fine, but it still takes at least two rings... is there a way to pick up immediately?
12:43.09Sypher|NLi am having some problems with SIP. I think its something with signaling
12:43.38DrukenLPYUVSoft: when you changed the usecallerid=no did you restart ?
12:44.48DrukenLPYcheck your file, make sure you've changed all occurances for that port...
12:45.11DrukenLPYsounds as if it's still waiting for caller id
12:46.44UVSoftnow it takes less time, but still i have to wait for about 2-3 rings
12:47.33DrukenLPYpastebin your configs
12:47.39JTUVSoft: did you restart zaptel?
12:49.25JunK-Yrestart zaptel?
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12:50.08UVSoftJT: it isnt zaptel's business, zaptel knows nothing about zapata.conf
12:50.15demlakhmm.. voicemail timestamp is not correct... it is 2 hours behind the system time... i read about timezones.. but there is no /usr/share/zoneinfo/ on my minimal system...
12:52.53UVSoftit all is because of asterisk, i wonder there are no any configuration files to set up such a simple thing....
12:53.35DrukenLPYwell, if i remove the usecallerid on mine, it picks up about 1 second after it rings....
12:53.40DrukenLPYso it's your config
12:55.27DrukenLPYhowever i use CID, so.. i can wait for the caller id :)
12:55.27UVSoftis that the only thing asterisk could possibly do before it picks up?
12:55.27UVSoftmb there's something else
12:55.27UVSoftwhat do you think?
12:55.30DrukenLPYi don't think nothing till i see configs posted....
12:55.47UVSoftzapata conf?
12:56.04DrukenLPYand your default context from extensions.conf
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13:02.30UVSoftmmm i have some problems with, are there any other pastebins?
13:08.01DrukenLPYso your not using cid right?
13:08.34DrukenLPYso why do you have the added options to make cid work in the uk ?
13:09.03UVSofti used to, that's why my config has cid settings
13:09.54DrukenLPYi'm wondering if perhaps that is why it's pausing...
13:10.17DrukenLPYi'm not sure if that is the problem or not, since i've only had to deal with north american lines... :)
13:10.51UVSoftusecallerid=no tha't the point, and nothing else matters)
13:11.14JThow about you stop assuming everything
13:11.15DrukenLPYone would think so....
13:11.21JTand just put a semicolon in front of them
13:11.30JTthe idea is to eliminate variables
13:11.35JTnot make assumptions
13:12.01UVSoftok, i'm gonna try it right now, i'll let you know
13:15.05Corydon76-homeUh, if you comment them out, you're going to need to do a restart
13:16.42UVSoft)) i'm wondering why all the people here worry so much about restarts...
13:17.18UVSoftso i was right, nothing's changed, it still takes three ring for asterisk to pick up
13:18.20JTok, have fun with it then
13:18.21Corydon76-homeIf you watch the console, when does asterisk first notice the call?
13:18.56Corydon76-homeIt may be your telco isn't sending the call until the 3rd ring
13:19.30UVSoftright after i push a dial button
13:19.47Corydon76-homeon your cell phone?
13:20.16Corydon76-homeSo Asterisk says something like "Starting simple switch on Zap/1-1" ?
13:20.33Corydon76-homeand then waits 3 seconds?
13:20.41UVSoftsomething like that
13:20.47JTpretty specific
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13:21.59Corydon76-homeHow are you connected to the telco?
13:22.12Corydon76-homeYour signalling on Zap/1 looks wrong
13:22.38Corydon76-homeYou're using FXO signalling on an FXO port, which is wrong
13:22.50Corydon76-homeYou should be using FXS signalling on the FXO port
13:22.56UVSofti know it
13:23.01JTknow it all
13:23.05JTyou know absolutely everything
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13:23.26Corydon76-homeChange that and try again
13:23.27UVSoftzap1 fxs, zap2 fxo
13:23.46Corydon76-homeOh, okay
13:27.24Corydon76-homeUVSoft: could I ask you to remove the spaces from your extensions.conf
13:28.07JTi bet he'll tell you he knows about that already ;)
13:28.08Corydon76-homei.e. exten => s,1,Answer, not s, 1, Answer
13:29.01Corydon76-homeAlso, are you running anything else on this machine?  Oracle database server, Java app server, etc.?
13:30.18UVSoftnothing that could have such an effect
13:30.44JThe asked you if you were running anything else on the machine
13:31.00JTnot anything else on your machine that you determined to be a problem
13:31.25UVSoftJT: .........
13:31.25Corydon76-homeAlso, try changing to immediate=yes
13:31.44JTUVSoft: so stop avoiding the questions and instructions, we're only try to help
13:31.49tuxickis this "REGISTER attempt " every X minutes normal?
13:32.04JTtrying, even
13:32.30JTUVSoft: removed those erroneous spaces yet?
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13:33.54JTUVSoft: so are there any other services or daemons running on the machine?
13:35.16UVSoftsshd telnetd, dhcp client.... that's it
13:35.16Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
13:38.49UVSoftJT: sorry about my behaviour, mb i'm just sick and tired of all this stuff, that's why i may be so rude or something... just trying to figure it out
13:39.27JTUVSoft: what version of asterisk and zaptel?
13:40.15UVSoftthe letest ones
13:41.05JTwhat would that be? there's a few branches
13:41.05UVSoftasterisk 1.4.* zaptel
13:41.17JTvery specific, again
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13:43.14Corydon76-homeUVSoft: SVN 1.4 r12345 would be the way to specify that
13:45.34UVSoftactually i'm not quite sure about the versions.... so you recommend me to download the latest asterisk and zaptel?
13:45.57Corydon76-homeLatest 1.4, NOT TRUNK
13:46.23UVSoftok, i'll check it out
13:46.47Corydon76-homebtw, if you're already using svn, the command to get the version is 'svn info'
13:47.32Corydon76-homebut try immediate=yes if you haven't already
13:50.26UVSoftif i set immediate to yes, asterisk won't let me dial any number on my FXS devices, it'll just start executing the dialplan immediately after the first dtmf
13:50.52UVSoftit's not that i want
13:51.12UVSoftso let immediate be 'no'
13:52.54ManxPowerUVSoft: you can set that option per channel
13:53.13ManxPowerremember any option you set in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf will apply to all following channels unless overridden
13:53.23UVSofthmmm.... i didnt think about that
13:53.51UVSoftgreat idea
13:54.05ManxPoweranyway the question is does the phone ring for 3 seconds BEFORE you see the Starting simple switch or do you see Starting simple switch then there is a 3 second delay?
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13:54.46UVSoftjust a moment, i'm going to check it... i'll be back
13:55.26riddleboxwhen you create an auto attendant how do set a timeout feature?
13:55.44ManxPowerriddlebox: see README.variables
13:55.54ManxPoweruse the Set command to set the timeout
13:56.42Corydon76-homeAlso, the first argument to WaitExten is a timeout
14:04.22uweum, ive been having problems with sound quality, and it seems it could be an irq issue, the wct4xxp has irq 233 , but i dont have many devices ... would it be bad/good to give it a priority higher than the ide for example ?
14:04.31UVSoftManxPower: the phone rings 1-4 times and than i see "Starting...." and asterisk picks up
14:14.44demlakintelligent nickname!
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15:11.25*** join/#asterisk PioneerVM (
15:13.11PioneerVMI am trying to use "Dial" to fw a call with -- Dial(Local/15556667777@outgoing/n) and it works -- however I tried duplicating the [outgoing] context to [outgoingfw] context so i can make a few setting changes for caller ID
15:13.19PioneerVMand changed @outgoing to @outgoingfw
15:13.59PioneerVMbut I get an error "No such extension/context 15556667777@outgoingfw creating local channel
15:14.04PioneerVMany thoughts?
15:14.47ariel_do you have an include in your extensions contexts that has outgoingfw in it?
15:15.30PioneerVMi have [outgoingfw] defined in extensions.conf -- [outgoing] was defined there with 3 lines for US calling through voicepulse and i just copied those 3 lines and put them into a [outgoingfw] context
15:15.35SoftIcehi, please can somebody tell me what is theory to do as follows, what I would like to do is say dial exten 1000 when I do that i leave a message then i want that message to be sent to an e-mail address?
15:15.40SoftIcecould somebody maybe point me to the right documentation ?
15:15.42PioneerVMso [outgoing] and [outgoingfw] are basically copies of each other
15:16.05PioneerVMim wondering if i have to list [outgoingfw] somewhere else
15:16.20PioneerVMor is [outgoing] a special context name within asterisk?
15:18.15ariel_PioneerVM, you need to include that context in the context that your local extension is setup in.
15:18.24ariel_SoftIce, vm will do that for you.
15:18.32ariel_it's part of asterisk
15:18.45jbotrumour has it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
15:18.51PioneerVMdo you mean sip.conf or iax.conf?
15:19.23ariel_your extensions belong in a context like context=local
15:19.30SoftIceariel_: so anyone voicemail recorded will get sent to what ever mail address I specify?
15:19.46ariel_in the section for [local] you need to include the context you need your extension to see
15:19.59ariel_SoftIce, yes as long as you configure it
15:20.03demlakhmm.. voicemail timestamp is not correct... it is 2 hours behind the system time... i read about timezones.. but there is no /usr/share/zoneinfo/ on my minimal system...
15:20.10ariel_there are examples of this in the conf.sample files
15:20.28PioneerVMwhere would i find the local context?
15:20.33PioneerVMi cant seem tof ind it with grep
15:20.56ariel_PioneerVM, have you looked at the complete extensions.conf file?
15:21.20ariel_what context is your extension set to?
15:22.41PioneerVMim confusing the terms you are using -- i have these contexts [globals], [general], [macro-voicepulse*], [fw-outgoing], [outgoing], [voicepulse-in], [incoming]
15:22.49PioneerVMin extensions.conf
15:23.15PioneerVMcurrently in "incoming" i have some menu setup that when the user presses 3 I run: Dial(Local/15556667777@outgoing/n)
15:23.21ariel_well you just posted part of your inssue
15:23.29PioneerVMok good :)
15:23.41ariel_not outgoing-fw
15:24.05ariel_15556667777@outgoingfw  was what you had posted
15:24.12PioneerVMoh i had done it both ways
15:24.21PioneerVMill doublec heck now sorry i had tried various versions of the name
15:25.01PioneerVMnope its currently fw-outgoing in boht
15:25.02ariel_but your device what is it's context and in that context does it have any include=outgoing
15:25.04PioneerVMand still not working
15:25.19ariel_what device is it your trying to make the call with?
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15:25.23PioneerVMhmm i dont understand what you mean by device
15:25.27PioneerVMim using voicepulse
15:25.47PioneerVMthey are configured in sip.conf and iax.conf
15:26.15ariel_how are you calling the plan from a sip phone?
15:26.27ariel_directly from the inbound call from voicepulse?
15:26.45PioneerVMi am using my home phone (regular land line) to call into my voicepulse phone which goes to the asterisk menu system
15:26.55PioneerVMwhen i press "3" on the menu system it calls teh Dial line
15:27.08PioneerVMwhich works if I say @outgoing but if i say @fw-outgoing it fails
15:27.25PioneerVMbut outgoing and fw-outgoing are duplicates of each other which leads me to believe i have to add "fw-outgoing" somewhere
15:27.29ariel_ok what context is your inbound setting for voicepulse
15:28.09PioneerVM[voicepulse-in] which uses "Goto" to go to [incoming]
15:28.11PioneerVMwhere the menu system is
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15:28.30ariel_ok now incoming do you have any includes there under that heading?
15:28.50PioneerVMI am not sure what you mean by includes in the asterisk world, but i dont think so
15:28.56PioneerVMjust using standard exten => lines
15:29.03PioneerVMwith Answer, Set, Background, Goto, etc.
15:29.20PioneerVMits about 10 lines, plays a msg, lets users press 1,2,3 -- if they hit 3 i call the Dial line
15:29.26PioneerVMand it calls my cell phone
15:29.40ariel_ok post your file extensions.conf on so I can see it.
15:30.05PioneerVMi dont know how to do that
15:30.08PioneerVMsorry new around here
15:31.23jbotpastebin is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or is usually painfully too slow and unresponsive to use, use one of the other pastebin sites, or is a very nice pastebin as well
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15:31.44PioneerVMahh cool im looking now
15:31.50PioneerVMhold on just want to remove the keys from the file
15:32.01PioneerVMdo u need comments
15:32.04PioneerVMor can i strip those out
15:32.16JTleave them in
15:32.24JTonly substitute passwords
15:33.05SoftIcehmm, wha configuration needs to be taken for your voicemails to be attached as mp3's ?
15:33.12ariel_if it's too large full of examples and non use context info remove them as they might be part of what is getting in your way.
15:33.14SoftIceor some better compression than .wav?
15:33.38*** part/#asterisk squish102 (
15:34.38JTariel_: remove them from the actual file first though, instead of just the pastebin
15:34.53ariel_jt correct
15:34.56PioneerVMI just need to remove "API_KEY" and any phone #'s right?
15:35.14PioneerVMjust want to make sure they dont bury pw's in these lines -- dont see any but new and just want to make sure
15:35.50JTwhat the hell is api_key
15:35.58PioneerVMoh wait I MAY have figured out the problem one sec
15:36.07PioneerVMAPI_KEY is something for voicepulse, i guess its my pw
15:36.18JTPioneerVM: usually you leave the phone numbers in
15:36.25JTi see...
15:36.53PioneerVMok no my idea didnt work, still finishing substitutions one sec
15:37.02PioneerVMi thought i caught an error but it was not it
15:37.20JTonly change passwords....
15:37.39PioneerVMyea im just making sure i know where they all are, voicepulse made this file
15:37.46PioneerVMand im new so just reading thru it carefully
15:38.12PioneerVMactually i found the problem!
15:38.25PioneerVMwhen i copied incoming -> incomingfw
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15:38.34PioneerVMi didnt have a ,1,
15:38.37PioneerVMonly ,n,
15:38.50PioneerVMi thought i added ,1, myself to the original file
15:38.58PioneerVMand it was to set caller ID info
15:39.06PioneerVMso i copied that to and it fixed the problem. ugh.
15:39.40PioneerVMthe error didnt indicate that it couldnt find the first priority line so i didnt realize and im just learning this
15:39.51PioneerVMthanks for talking me through it
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15:44.42jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
15:46.30PioneerVMok next question -- I have a call come in, it's answered by a menu system.  Lets say the user calls from 1-222-333-4444 -- then they hit #3 on the phone system and i forward the call, using Dial to my cell phone -- i want to set the caller ID to be 1-222-333-4444
15:46.49PioneerVMDo i need to store the original called # in a varialbe for use later, or is there a variable i can access with teh original #
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15:55.52danpsave it for later
15:56.40danpactually i think there's an option for Dial to pass it through for you
15:58.12PioneerVMdo you know the proper format to save it for later
15:58.23PioneerVMwill it come into ${CALLERID{all}}?
15:58.31PioneerVMor is that only for what I set
15:58.55PioneerVMI tried using Set(ORIG_NUMBER=${CALLERID{all}}) but that does not seem to work
16:02.01danptry CALLERID(all)
16:02.53PioneerVMIs this correct:
16:03.04PioneerVMand then later:
16:03.28PioneerVMif I do:
16:03.39PioneerVMSet(CALLERID(num)=12223334444) it works, but if i do the above it does not
16:04.01PioneerVMeither my format is wrong or Set does not work across contexts?
16:05.39russellbyou have more 2's in ORIG_NUM :)
16:05.50PioneerVMok forget that part
16:05.59PioneerVMis my format correct?
16:06.16russellbbut assuming you do actually set ORIG_NUM on the same channel that you are trying to do the next set on, then yes, it should work fine
16:06.33PioneerVMby channel do you mean context
16:06.54PioneerVMHmm ok i just tested this
16:06.57russellbby channel, i mean call
16:07.07russellbyou should see both Set executions for the same call
16:07.18PioneerVMI have the call come into "incoming" with a menu system -- i was trying to set ORIG_NUM there, then the call goes to Dial which jumps to "outgoing" context
16:07.25PioneerVMand i tried to access ORIG_NUM there but it is gone apparently
16:07.45PioneerVMi tested that by also setting ORIG_NUM in the outgoing page to see if it worked and it did
16:07.57PioneerVMso how do i get the variable to set in the incoming call and grab it in the outgoing?
16:08.17PioneerVMmust be some way to access it across the channel or context?
16:08.38russellbonce you set it on the channel, it will always be on the channel
16:08.43russellbregardless of what context it is in
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16:08.46PioneerVMis there a way to pass it on?
16:09.01PioneerVMi think i am using two channels
16:09.05PioneerVMthe call comes in on one channel to a menu
16:09.13russellbok, then yes, you can use variable inheritance
16:09.15PioneerVMthen the menu dials out to a cell phone to transfer the user
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16:09.25russellbif you set variables with preceding underscores, it will be inherited
16:09.35PioneerVMahhh so put _ORIG_NUM on the set?
16:09.43PioneerVMtwo underscores?
16:09.46PioneerVMand i read it with __ as well?
16:09.52russellbone underscore to be inherited once, two to be inherited for forever
16:09.57russellbno, you read it as normal
16:10.29PioneerVMsweet it worked
16:10.43russellbyou're welcome
16:11.58*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
16:16.34*** join/#asterisk Frosh (n=Frosh@unaffiliated/frosh)
16:17.03FroshAsterisk appliances work like the asterisk software?
16:19.26Froshwhy go through the hassle of setting one up, when you have the hardware that does the same thing?
16:19.48PioneerVMim guessing cost
16:19.57shido6do what fits.
16:20.01shido6use what fits.
16:20.37PioneerVMand control
16:22.09PioneerVManyone know the limits of what caller ID services will take
16:22.20PioneerVMit seems you cant just set "any" number that it has to fit a certain format
16:24.43*** join/#asterisk suma (
16:24.55sumahi can i use PRI card as BRI card ?
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16:27.12FroshAnalog Telephony Device card? is that a name?
16:27.13tzafrir_laptopsuma, sure
16:27.43tzafrir_laptopwhich type did you have in mind? do you have a specific card?
16:27.54tzafrir_laptopsuma, oops, no
16:28.12tzafrir_laptopI have misread your question
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16:35.07Froshwhat kind of computer is adequate to run asterisk?
16:35.31gambolputtymy soekris net4801 works
16:36.53demlakmy national geode with 233mhz works too =)
16:37.38russellbanything that runs linux pretty much :)
16:38.13demlakdepends on your needs... if you want to have 20 calls at the same time... youīll need more cpu and ram
16:38.25demlakand depends on used codec, etc,.. etc..
16:38.39*** join/#asterisk eltech (
16:38.47Froshhow much cpu and ram for 20 calls?
16:39.13demlakdepends on codec... on protocoll, etc...
16:40.06demlaki just know that it depends on those facts.. i donīt know how much you need for it
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16:43.50blitzragegumstix work too
16:44.11blitzragealso my 2x quad-core xeons run it good too
16:47.18russellbone handles a few more calls than the other
16:47.50demlakhmm.. still no idea how to fix my voicemail timestamp problem..
16:49.04demlakrepeat: hmm.. voicemail timestamp is not correct... it is 2 hours behind the system time... i read about timezones.. but there is no /usr/share/zoneinfo/ on my minimal system...
16:49.38demlakwhere to look? what to configure?
17:02.30*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
17:08.40LeddyHMinstall tzdata
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17:09.32LeddyHMthe right one goes to /etc/localtime
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17:11.07demlaki canīt install more tools
17:11.20demlakitīs a fli4l (one disc router)
17:11.32LeddyHMthen create a virtual install
17:11.47LeddyHMand copy the right file over
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17:23.17Froshhow much does a HiPath 5000 cost?
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17:38.41demlakjust copying the file "/usr/share/Europe/Berlin", using "tz=localtime24" and "localtime24==Europe/Berlin|'vm-received' q 'digits/at' H N 'hours'
17:39.01demlakjust copying the file "/usr/share/Europe/Berlin", using "tz=localtime24" and "localtime24=Europe/Berlin|'vm-received' q 'digits/at' H N 'hours'" in voicemail.conf doesnīt help..
17:39.15*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
17:39.22demlakand yes.. i did a reload =)
17:40.53demlakbtw.. date says: Sat Apr 28 19:40:30 MESZ 2007
17:40.56demlakif this helps
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18:12.29*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- Asterisk 1.4.4 (April 27, 2007) Asterisk 1.2.18 (April 24, 2007), Zaptel, (April 25, 2007) -=- Other fun channels: #asterisk-gui, #asterisknow, #asterisk-commits -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
18:13.53*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
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18:36.37QwellCresl1n: !!!
18:38.11Juggieyah but its all stats now
18:38.18*** join/#asterisk d4rkst4r75 (
18:38.22Juggiewrote a script last night to do 1.2 1.4 trunk for asterisk/zaptel/libpri
18:38.24d4rkst4r75hello to all
18:38.29Juggieand built it all overnight.
18:39.49d4rkst4r75can i ask some questions about asterisk?
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18:42.28Juggierussellb, pm.
18:42.57Sweeperseriously, all we discuss in this channel is jelly beans and cell phones
18:43.41d4rkst4r75i want to ask if chan_dialogic is supported only in the enterprise edition of *
18:43.50*** join/#asterisk blmm (
18:44.11Cresl1nI thnk so
18:44.30russellbI don't think chan_dialogic was ever released
18:44.40d4rkst4r75i hate dialogic boards
18:45.30d4rkst4r75but older customers have them and i've to plan if i can use them or if i've to suggest to change
18:45.48russellbsuggest change i believe.
18:46.10d4rkst4r75yes russelb, I think you're right
18:46.29d4rkst4r75i've developed a dialogic driver for bayonne
18:46.44d4rkst4r75and that boards are really beasts
18:47.07russellbd4rkst4r75: The guy that wrote chan_dialogic works for Digium now, you can find him on IRC as Deeewayne or d3wayne
18:47.33d4rkst4r75thankyou russelb
18:48.36blmmIs ipkall having problems right now or is it just me? It calls my server when a call arrives, but their server then seems not to respond.
18:49.08tuxickSweeper: i bet you're the type to get all the green jelleybeans
18:49.28Sweepertuxick: actually, I like the black ones
18:49.39tuxicki was close :)
18:49.40Sweeperlicorice <3
18:49.50Sweeperbut I don't really pick them out
18:50.26blmmAsterisk retransmits a message containing "CSeq: 102 INVITE" to them a few times.
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18:56.51jazzanovai am able to call out using my vonage account, but not to receive the call. asterisk doesn't pick up. I have section [vonage] type=user, context=default
18:56.57jazzanovain sip.conf
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19:23.08etfonhomeyRegarding presence, what is the setting that I need to change to decrease the amount of time that an extension is recognized as "Offline" when the extenson's (phone's) cable is unplugged?
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19:34.49drfreezeI just added a TDM04B card (the second), added the fxsks=5 to /etc/zaptel.conf, ran ztcfg, and restarted zap inside asterisk, and restart asterisk.
19:35.06drfreezeBut, now there are no incoming calls shown.
19:35.57drfreezeAnyone know why?
19:38.11drfreezenever mind now. It wasn't happy that channel range in zapata.conf didn't agree with the number defined in zaptel.conf
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20:18.06*** join/#asterisk NirS (
20:18.06NirShey all
20:18.07NirSwassup ?
20:18.07NirSanybody home ?
20:18.07NirSanyone has an idea what this means: chan_iax2.c:3167 iax2_read: I should never be called! Hanging up. ?
20:18.11russellbNirS: upgrade to 1.4.4
20:18.11NirSI'm using 1.2.18
20:18.11NirSwhat's wrong with that ?
20:18.12NirSboth boxes are 1.2.18
20:18.12russellbthen you'll need to upgrade to the latest code in the 1.2 branch
20:18.12NirSsending an IAX call from one box to the other, this is what I get
20:18.12russellbsvn co asterisk-1.2
20:18.13NirSbug in 1.2.x branch ?
20:18.13russellbwell, it's fixed now
20:18.14russellbit was caused by a change that fixed a different bug, but caused that one
20:18.14NirSgreat, who in his right mind authorized a release with a broken IAX2 channel ?
20:18.14russellbi told you how to fix it, don't be a dick
20:18.15NirSI'm kidding
20:18.15NirSdude, common, I had schuyler sleep at my place, I'm not that kind'a dick
20:18.15russellbk :)
20:18.16NirSok, thanks
20:18.17NirSbe with you shortly
20:19.11blitzrageCresl1n: !!!
20:19.11NirShey cres, do I know you ?
20:19.11Cresl1nyeah, I think I've met you once or twice, either at a trade show or in HSV
20:19.11Cresl1nyou're Nir, from israel, no?
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20:19.11russellbNirS: hey, sorry, no offense intended.  I just deal with a lot of people complaining and soemtimes say things I shouldn't. :)
20:19.11NirSHSV ?
20:19.11*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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20:19.23Cresl1nI'm MattF
20:19.43Cresl1nprobably don't remember me, but I've worked in tech support, development, and engineering
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20:20.25Cresl1n(from Digium)
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20:34.23*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- Asterisk 1.4.4 (April 27, 2007) Asterisk 1.2.18 (April 24, 2007), Zaptel, (April 25, 2007) -=- Other fun channels: #asterisk-gui, #asterisknow, #asterisk-commits -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/#trixbox for trixbox support.
20:40.05Juggieon a SPA-3000 do both the fxs and fxo ports register to asterisk? or is one just a passthrough?
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20:43.15antlersHi there!  Is anyone using Nortel i2004 phones with Asterisk?  Having an odd issue whereby the mute key mutes speaker AND mic
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20:45.26carrarI gave up using Nortel phones with Asterisk
20:45.31carrartoo much of a pita
20:46.28NirSsorry, was afk
20:46.46carrarno excuse
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20:46.51carrarYou need to be here 24/7
20:47.19NirSha ha
20:47.25NirScan't I talk to the wife man ?
20:47.30NirSyou need to get married ;-)
20:47.36carraronly for sex
20:47.39carrarthats ok
20:47.47carrar(yes I am married btw)
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20:54.07NirSrussell, any idea why DTMF don't pass via IAX2 ?
20:54.46[TK]D-FenderNirS, it probably didn't study enough....
20:55.11carrarthats so wrong
20:55.45NirSgood one
20:55.49russellbNirS: nope, it should work fine.
20:55.50[TK]D-Fenderantlers, mutes speaker & mic huh... sounds like HOLD to me :)
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20:56.23NirScres, what do you do now ?
20:56.29[TK]D-Fenderantlers, And indeed.... screw Nortel...
20:56.54carrarI had a company trying to use the notels with asterisk
20:56.57rycarhow would I transfer a call to an extension and record that call to a file?
20:57.04carrarfinally got them to switch to a normal phone
20:58.01[TK]D-Fenderrycar, "show application monitor"
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20:59.06pingwinHi, would it be safe to assume that a T1 PRI is the most common VOIP trunk in the USA?
20:59.22pingwingoing to be talking to my manager monday and want to verify my facts :D
20:59.24pingwinthanks carrar
21:00.13[TK]D-Fenderpingwin, T1 PRI is a DIGITAL direct link to the PSTN.  This has absolutiely NOTHING to do with VoIP.
21:00.49rycarso do I just turn monitor on somewhere at the beginning and then when the call is finished do something with the files?
21:01.23pingwin[TK]D-Fender thanks for the intel
21:01.32[TK]D-Fenderrycar, go read the instructions on it, then visit the WIKI page on it
21:02.47[TK]D-Fenderpingwin, To elaborate ; T1 is the base digital link (24 x 64kbit channels), PRI is the signalling over that which uses 23 B channel (voice), and 1 D channel (call signalling).
21:03.22pingwink, and that's just the wire dropped to get from the box to the PSTN, like ethernet is to internet connection
21:03.56[TK]D-Fenderpingwin, It si possibe to get a partial T1/PRI where not all of the B channels are avaialable for use which costs less (somewhat proportionately).
21:04.19pingwinyes I knew that, like you can buy a 1/4 T1 for your office network connection
21:04.48pingwinso I understand that portion better, thank you.... is this configuration tho the most common method?
21:04.50[TK]D-Fenderpingwin, Voice is no different, and you can alos use part for voice, and the other for data.
21:05.07pingwinyes, the nicity for T1 :)
21:05.07[TK]D-Fenderpingwin, It is definately the PREFERRED means, yes.
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21:05.38drfreezepingwin: and you don't have to mess with pots wiring hassles
21:05.45pingwincool, we're looking at buying this connection and my manager is all about "what is the standard" :P
21:05.46[TK]D-Fenderpingwin, PRI allow for full call progress monitoring (ringing, answered, hangup, early media, etc)
21:06.05carrardefinately go with a pri
21:06.12[TK]D-Fenderpingwin, Also nice that you don't have a small mount of wire going into your server.
21:06.30carrarwith dull 10 digit DNIS
21:06.40pingwinhehe yes, especially since I have to do the work :P
21:06.52jazzanovafender: hi
21:07.10jazzanovafender: remember our yesterdays conversation ?
21:09.24[TK]D-Fenderjazzanova, Nope, its past its "Best Before" date :)
21:09.44[TK]D-Fenderpingwin, Indeed insist on CID/DID as full 10 digit.
21:10.03jazzanovafender: well, i am able to dial out using my vonage account, but not do dial in
21:10.22jazzanovafender: i see the incoming call in sip log, but asterisk is not picking up
21:10.40jazzanovafender: in fact, its dropping it right away, and I go to answering machine of vonage.
21:10.59jazzanovai don't even have the 3 rings, that i have when asterisk is off.
21:14.29ZefkHi. I'm running asterisk 1.4.2 with B410P. An external ZAP call arrives into context "from-local-trunk" that only Answer and play MOH. If tha caller hangup, asterisk does not finalize tha call and continue to play MOH. Tested from internal with a SIP phone is working. Any hints? Thanks.
21:14.37jazzanovaalso, even though i get a 20 second re-registration timeout, asterisk tries to reregister every 15 seconds.
21:16.11[TK]D-Fenderjazzanova, pastebin the CLI output of the incoming call attempt at verbose 10 and SIP debug enabled.
21:16.39[TK]D-Fenderjazzanova, And pastebin your [general] section of sip.conf
21:16.54jazzanovawhere's pastebin ?
21:17.14jazzanovagot it
21:17.34jazzanovak, give me a minute
21:18.15LeddyHMwhew yardwork sucks
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21:26.54NirSany ideas why I would be getting static on a meetme room ?
21:27.13[TK]D-Fenderjazzanova, your server is behind NAT, correct?
21:27.20jazzanovaits not
21:27.39jazzanovaits a collocated box
21:28.32[TK]D-Fenderjazzanova, where is the inbound call attempt?  I don't see an INVITE in there anywayere.
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21:29.07jazzanovaFrom: "BRIT. COLUMBIA " <sip:17782380221@>;tag=2118
21:29.30jazzanovathis is the phone I am calling from.
21:29.44[TK]D-Fenderthats part of an ACK, but I'm not seeing the invite that starts it
21:29.53jazzanovaone moment.
21:33.27NirSanyone ever encountered a situation where a meetme room would generate just static noise, once there are 2 or more people in the room ?
21:38.13Cresl1nNirS: maybe a transcoding problem :-)
21:38.45russellbsounds like it ...
21:39.15Cresl1nwhen did that meetme rewrite happen....
21:39.19Cresl1nbetween 1.2 and 1.4 I think
21:39.52russellbit was never rewritten ...
21:40.03Cresl1nso that it only transcodes where it happens
21:40.13Cresl1ns/where it happens/when necessary/
21:40.30russellbCresl1n: hm, guess i don't remember that change
21:41.30Cresl1nit used to transcode for every channel in the conference
21:42.11russellbyou mean for only users not talking?
21:42.22russellbi mean only users talking ..
21:42.45russellbthat was between 1.2 and 1.4, yeah
21:42.50Cresl1nwherever it could be optimized
21:43.08russellband it's not enabled by default
21:43.12russellbit's an option to the app
21:43.18Cresl1nmaybe that's bad
21:43.23russellbnot sure why, though
21:43.48Cresl1nthat's what I would do
21:43.57Cresl1nwe need to make sure that it's stress tested
21:44.06Cresl1nso that if there are bugs in it, they are fixed
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21:44.26Cresl1nthat's the way it should operate anyways, so that it burns less CPU
21:44.40Cresl1nfor all we know, it could be broken by now :-)
21:44.51NirSbtw, guys, I have a bunch of patches I need to finish for the say.c file, it fixes the hebrew functions to work in a proper grammer
21:44.57russellbthat's why we do it in trunk only :)
21:45.12Cresl1nI likes the way you think :-D
21:45.21NirSI will also have professional recordings for that, so it would fit the Asterisk standard, and also complete asterisk hebrew recordings to match
21:46.22Cresl1ncourse it is
21:46.33Cresl1nDebian is the one true distribution :_)
21:46.34NirSbut I hate debian ;-)
21:46.52carrarI'd use CentOS 4.4
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21:46.56carrarif you are using 1.4
21:47.19carraralthough 5 might work fine too
21:47.21jazzanovanirs: try gentoo
21:47.24NirSyes, but CentOS 4.4 won't work with my 965 chipset properly
21:47.30NirSgreat Jazz
21:47.43NirSthe only distro in the world that requires its own ISP ;-)
21:47.56NirSin Israel, internet can be somewhat fleemsy at times
21:48.10jazzanovanirs: are you from israel ? where exactly ?
21:48.27NirSI live in a small moshav called Udim
21:48.31NirS25 minutes away from Tel aviv
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21:48.56jazzanovai used to live in nacrat illit
21:49.06NirSyou mean nazarath
21:49.22jazzanovawhy is my vonage sip re-registering every 15 seconds ?
21:49.32Cresl1nI've been wanting to take a trip to israel for a while
21:49.39Cresl1nI would love to see the holy land
21:49.44NirScres, schuyler is coming here in june, talk to him
21:49.48NirShe's coming for 3 months
21:50.07NirSwell, at least that's his plan as far as I know
21:54.16jazzanovacan someone look at this and tell me why asterisks is not picking up the phone:
21:55.56NirSok, something is definitely broken here
21:56.01NirSI have an asterisk 1.2 SVN on one side
21:56.08NirSand an asterisk 1.4.4 on the other
21:56.15NirSmeetme is running on the 1.4.4
21:56.22NirSand I get full static
21:56.31NirSthis doesn't make any sense, does it ?
21:56.42jazzanovacan you match the versions ?
21:56.49NirSyes, sure
21:58.31jazzanovaprobably good idea.
21:58.42NirSwell, lets match versions to 1.4.4
21:59.04NirSif that doesn't work, I'll go back to 1.2.16, which worked fine
21:59.15NirSwhich I really don't want to do
21:59.20jazzanovado you have to recompile ?
21:59.34NirSoh, you mean my code ?
21:59.58jazzanovacan you install higher version from a binary ?
22:00.11NirSno, the machines are highly non-standard
22:00.19NirSI better compile on those silly boxes
22:01.06jazzanovacheck this out:
22:01.09jazzanovaApr 28 17:58:04 NOTICE[30795]: Outbound Registration: Expiry for is 20 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 15999 ms)
22:01.09jazzanovaApr 28 17:58:20 NOTICE[30795]:    -- Re-registration for
22:01.27jazzanovaonly 16 seconds passed.
22:01.34jazzanovahow many is 15999 ms?
22:02.09NirSthat is weird
22:02.48NirSoh man
22:03.03GreyFoxx15999/1000 = 15.9seconds
22:03.03NirS1.4.4 noticed that I have pwlib on the box, and wants to compile chan_h323, how silly
22:03.17GreyFoxxwell, 15.999 :)
22:03.32jazzanovaok, so why is it scheduling in 20 seconds, by re-registering in 16 ?
22:03.45GreyFoxxno cvlue
22:03.46jazzanovadoes it mean i have some kind of clock timer problem ?
22:06.30r0d3ntis it a vserver ? vm ??
22:07.02jazzanovar0d3nt: are you asking me ?
22:07.06*** join/#asterisk tomcontr3 (
22:07.24r0d3ntjazzanova: yes
22:07.27jazzanovar0d3nt: i am running vserver on this machine.
22:07.39jazzanovabut, this is the main box, not a virtual machine.
22:07.44tomcontr3I have just installed asterisl 1.2  las version,  but Im having problems when I make calls to other extentions,  I can hear them and they can hear me
22:08.26jazzanovamy big problem is this:  asterisk is not pciking up the phone.
22:08.45*** join/#asterisk nasls_lsa (
22:09.27NirSoff topic
22:09.48NirSanyone has the episodes to "The Dresden Files" and "Jake 2.0" somewhere for downloading? ;-)
22:10.35SwKdoes this like
22:10.45*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
22:11.18NirSswk, what do you mean ?
22:11.58*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
22:12.35Ifaistostomcontr3: Are you behind a NAT ? or same lan with the other phones ?
22:12.47*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
22:13.56tomcontr3the server is not in my network
22:14.06tomcontr3and Im behing a firewall
22:14.22Ifaistostomcontr3: that's the problem
22:14.33tomcontr3any Fix?
22:15.43*** join/#asterisk connecta (
22:16.08tomcontr3but the server is on a public ip
22:16.13tomcontr3no behind a nat
22:16.19Ifaistossip and nat are not so good friends.... if your phone supports STUN use it
22:16.33connectacan someone explain to me what Libpri is NEEDED for (i know it's the PRI portion of asterisk).  Do i need it on a purely SIP system?
22:16.57Cresl1nPRI is for T1 cards
22:17.05Cresl1nor E1 cards
22:17.09Cresl1nnot for SIP channels
22:17.29connectak thanks
22:17.40Ifaistosos isdn BRI
22:18.31tomcontr3im using eyeBeam softphone
22:18.58tomcontr3the thign is that I can recive or make call,  but I cant hear
22:22.09connectais russel from asterisk dev here?
22:27.53*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
22:28.31NirSok, now I'm at a stand still
22:28.34NirSnothing works
22:28.50NirSit looks like app_meetme is either broken, or something is totally fucked up
22:29.10NirSonce I have 2 or more people inside a conference room, the only thing I get is static
22:32.58*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
22:46.53NirSthis makes no sense any more
22:47.03NirSsomething is totally fucked up around this one
22:51.26*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
22:56.22*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
23:00.35Juggiecould anyone recomend anything compareable to a SPA-3000/3102? W 1FXO/1FXS?
23:05.16NirShey juggie
23:05.30NirSI know that GrandStream has the 488, but i heard it's a piece of shit
23:09.30*** join/#asterisk Malawar (
23:09.34Malawardoes anyone here use voxee?
23:09.45*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:09.56Malawaror have they used voxee in the past and fuond that they totally suck? :P
23:10.50NirSmalawar, never used them
23:10.57NirSbut I guess I never will now
23:11.35Malawarabout 1 out of every 80 calls or so actually makes it through.
23:12.00Malawarso I think I need to find another outbound sip service.
23:12.36Malawarpreferably one that is pay-as-you-go instead of monthly :P
23:15.13*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
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23:32.32*** join/#asterisk Cinen (n=Cinen@
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23:34.47Malawarvoxee just doesn't work at all
23:34.50Malawarfreedigits works fine :/

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