IRC log for #asterisk on 20070416

00:00.52apturareading sip.cfg it is
00:02.17mmartinnThis is off topic, but has anyone seen any USB mass storage "emulators" ever?
00:02.28apturaI had to reformat the systems os and ip500s image copies on my other server but I also have other versions and just perhaps it is the wrong one.
00:03.11[TK]D-Fenderaptura, Upgrade your sip config first, then your BR.
00:03.15apturaphones vrtsion is
00:03.32[TK]D-Fenderaptura, and you are completely mixing up SIP & BR revisions.
00:03.39apturavery possible
00:07.35apturaso the phone reads one files in sequence.
00:07.35astranikhave anyone using asterisknow with
00:07.38JTmavior: i'm not sure if it's actually possible for different channels to have different load zone
00:07.51apturagetting a error loading "macadress".cfg in the display
00:08.42maviorJT:that sound really strange...
00:09.47JTnot really, what's really strange is your requirement for multiple tone zones on a zap card, mavior
00:11.02maviorJT: have to really set up a multilanguage system :)
00:12.20maviorthis is not a real question
00:12.35mavioror better a gentle question :)
00:12.39[TK]D-Fendertone != language.
00:12.44[TK]D-Fenderhows that?
00:12.49mavioryes i know...
00:12.53[TK]D-Fenderwords == language
00:13.07maviori know...
00:13.17[TK]D-Fendermavior, So what psycho reason would you have for internationalizing tones within the same physical server?
00:13.37[TK]D-Fendermavior, How cares that much to feel like they're "back home"?
00:13.57apturaTK do you know what sip versions belong with which bootrom.ld versions? If not then will continue to search for the info.
00:13.59[TK]D-Fendermavior, And if you care enough, get them their own ATA and be done with it.
00:14.00maviorbut having even the tones for different phones would be really cool
00:14.12[TK]D-Fenderaptura, Just upgrade to the latest of each
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00:14.36JTwhat [TK]D-Fender said
00:14.40JTa pile of ATAs
00:14.43JTor SIP phones
00:14.46maviorand from what i read from the config's probably possible to have such a configuration
00:15.15[TK]D-Fendermavior, And what kind of parameters have you attempted so far?
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00:21.38mavior[TK]D-Fender ehm...mainly i've played a bit with zaptel.conf....what sounds to me good is that on zaptel.conf i read something(from line 27 in the  page to the bottom) that sounds like i can decide which parameters for which channels i can configure...what i dunno is HOW(i mean the syntax)
00:24.03apturafile error is 0x10000
00:24.14apturawell at least the error is different!
00:26.22[TK]D-Fenderaptura, corrupt config file.  rebuild your configs for your firmware rev
00:26.53[TK]D-Fendermavior, funny I don't see any parameters in there...
00:28.13apturaTK I have some info of the configs but most of it was never configured and did not need to to make the phone run for a long time so short of being  apolycom reseller and accessing there site will locate any info on line to change the configs.
00:28.50mavior[TK]D-Fender, i read"We are all done with our channel parameters, so now we specify what channels they apply to"...this sounds like something to decide which parameters to which channel...isn't it?
00:29.11*** part/#asterisk SwK (
00:29.31[TK]D-Fendermavior, you have *1* meaningful line in that pastebin for your channel definitions, and thats merely to NUMBER them.
00:29.58[TK]D-Fendermavior, you set no callerID, no signalling type, no flash based featues, EC, NOTHING.
00:30.13apturataking a break
00:30.17[TK]D-Fendermavior, that is not a config by any reasonable definition.
00:30.26mavioryes i have
00:32.03maviorthat one is just an extract...i've not copyed all the file zaptel.conf...if i've understood you (sorry for my english)
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00:32.03[TK]D-Fendermavior, what useful amount of information do YOU see in this pastebin of yours?
00:32.11[TK]D-Fendermavior, I asked you to show me what you TRIED.  This tells me you tried NOTHING.
00:32.13maviorok gonna post my entire zaptel
00:39.13jovannottisomething know about this message ? Apr 15 19:35:22 WARNING[16532]: chan_zap.c:4931 zt_write: Frame too large
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00:39.35mavior[TK]D-Fender,let me make a question: why is possible to load more than one loadzone, if then you can not configure and have the possible to change in some conf files an option to use them??
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00:40.15JTzaptel indications are different to indications.conf indications
00:41.00[TK]D-Fendermavior, Did I say you couldn't?  No I did not. I asked you to show me what you've tried, and I still don't have anything.
00:41.40maviorwhat do you mean JT ?
00:42.25JTmavior: zaptel channel indications are different to dialplan generated indications, which uses indications.confd
00:42.47maviorhey i'm was just for start to guessing..i will show something fender
00:50.54mavior[TK]D-Fender,, look the last five lines, i've tried to specify something different for the channel 2, following the logic of channel definition in zapata.conf file
00:51.24maviorbut it does not work :|
00:52.08[TK]D-Fendermavior, You set loadzone like 5 times in a row overriding it al the time
00:52.25[TK]D-Fendermavior, permanently remove all that commented out junk.
00:52.47maviorwhich lines?
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00:54.04[TK]D-Fendermavior, .....
00:54.10[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> mavior, permanently remove all that commented out junk.
00:56.06maviordo you mean that this pastebin is not good for you?
00:57.01[TK]D-Fendermavior, how much more clear can I be?
00:58.57[TK]D-Fendermavior, remove all of those commented out lines.  Permanently.  Re-pastebin afterwards
01:01.41JTif not, use osmosis education method
01:05.10maviorin the meantime take this [TK]D-Fender
01:06.47maviorthis is like the default zaptel.conf....the only difference are the last 5 lines
01:06.57maviorit's not so complicated :)
01:07.07apturaSomething I did not know is you cannot go back to previos bootrom verions prior to 3.1.x without incuring expensive in house repairs by polycom.
01:08.09jovannottisomeone where I can found these 2 diffences:
01:08.10[TK]D-Fendermavior, its 50 lines of crap to filter through where I can see you set values and override them in the SAME CHANNEL DEFINITION.
01:08.20jovannotti1. between asterisk 1.2 and asterisk 1.4
01:08.31jovannotti2. between slin and u-law
01:08.50[TK]D-Fenderaptura, time to move FORWARD
01:09.01mavior[TK]D-Fender ive ovveride nothing in that file
01:09.22maviori've set just one time the values i needed
01:09.37apturaOhh  I know. There is a chart on which sip verions belong to with bootrom versions since thay are entirely different numbers sequences?
01:10.00Mavvie[TK]D-Fender: wrong addressee
01:10.22[TK]D-FenderMavvie, hukt on fonix werkt 4 me!
01:10.39[TK]D-Fendermavior, As I said to our poorly targetd friend...
01:11.15[TK]D-Fendermavior, in there we can see the last zone you tried to load is IT, which means ALL zones for 1-4 are IT
01:11.34[TK]D-Fendermavior, lines 318 & 324
01:12.09mavior max line is 235 in my browser :)
01:12.57[TK]D-Fendermavior, I was reading the first run you gave me :
01:13.38maviorplease use this one , it's clearer
01:14.14[TK]D-Fendermavior, and where in there do I see you setting zones different for your channels?
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01:17.44maviorreally hard to get something here.....fender! like i said before....i've just tried to play a bit with channels know the syntax to define options for each channel in zapata.conf ? is like [options] and then channel => 1 [options] and then channel=>2 and so i tried to do something like that even in my zaptel , to try out if it works even i said I DONT...
01:17.46mavior...KNOW THE SYNTAX TO SPECIFY DIFFERENT options for DIFFERENT channels in zaptel.conf
01:18.10mavioris it ok?
01:18.50[TK]D-Fendermavior, you try setting loadzone once, but not twice.  that shows me you haven't atucally tried anything at all.
01:19.17maviorafter all i made a question...simple: do you know the syntax?
01:19.20[TK]D-FenderMavvie, You can do : myshitsetting=true , and * won't blow up you know.  you haven't even tried based on what you took so long to show.
01:19.40maviorno i load two loadzones
01:20.01[TK]D-FenderMavvie, You seem to have what I igure is the right syntax "loadzone=[zonename]"  but have not even set it differently between your channels.
01:20.10[TK]D-Fendermavior, What line #'s?
01:20.28maviorone for channels 1,3,4 and one for channel 2 (in my supposed working syntax)
01:20.39[TK]D-Fendermavior, WHERE!?
01:21.38mavioroh ok my fault...line 234 -235 are not commented out in my conf
01:22.13[TK]D-Fendermavior, ask again later when you clean out the commented junk in your configs and can actually show me what you're really trying.
01:22.29[TK]D-Fendermavior, because this has beena  futile waste of my time...
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01:25.14SomethingISODDhello all question has anyone ever used the program called vocal from vovida?
01:28.21JTanyone have some recommendations for some high density channel banks?
01:29.14[TK]D-FenderJT, typical 24-port?
01:29.31[TK]D-FenderJT, And by that do ou specifically require T1?
01:30.13JTE1 would be nice, it'd mean less t1/e1 ports, but i've never seen an E1 c/b
01:30.23[TK]D-FenderOh God.... that white shits coming down in force again now.....
01:30.34JThigh density, something that doesn't take up tonnes of space for 120 ports
01:30.38JTFXS only
01:30.41[TK]D-FenderJT, I typically advise SIP gatways over CB's
01:31.00JTaren't they ridiculously expensive?
01:31.09[TK]D-FenderJT, for which that'd be the MediaTrix 1124
01:31.20JTmust handle fax
01:31.33[TK]D-FenderJT, roughly on par, not requiring a T1 card either, lower load and greater functionality.
01:31.46[TK]D-FenderHrm... not sure on the fax part.
01:31.54JTwhich maybe a sip disadvantage, if it has no t.38
01:32.06[TK]D-FenderJT, I've used Rhino's CB, but its 2U for 24 port.
01:32.26JTdon't like adtran?
01:33.24[TK]D-FenderJT, I respect the brand, just never tried them
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01:34.03JTi was otherwise thinking high capacity analogue pci cards, but that doesn't seem scalable
01:35.23[TK]D-FenderJT, you know Digium highly recommends against more than 2 cards in a system.....
01:35.45Snake-EyesAny suggestions for what would be a good comand to run in asterisk console to determine that asterisk is fine, (I'm thinking of a sip comand) ?
01:35.55[TK]D-FenderJT, fax req is the killer.  check out the MediaTrix 1124 and AudioCodes MP-124
01:35.59JTyeah, 48 ports a pc means i'd need at least 3 PCs, not very scalable
01:36.39JT[TK]D-Fender: any idea on cost?
01:36.52[TK]D-FenderJT, And an 8-port card would do the job for 192 ports
01:37.00[TK]D-FenderJT, about $1500 US each
01:38.06JT8 port card, you mean with T1 channel banks?
01:38.18[TK]D-FenderJT, yes, were you to go down that route
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01:38.24Snake-Eyeshey JT, you know how we were talking about police/crime etc the other day?
01:38.41JTah, my 48 ports a pc spec was with respect to FXS PCI cards
01:38.48JTSnake-Eyes: umm maybe
01:38.56[TK]D-FenderJT, Adit & Adtran are very respected CB's, and a Sangoma A108(d) would serve them well
01:39.37Snake-EyesJT, well some ppl broke into my house on friday
01:39.59JTlooking at the mediatrix 1124, it might do the job also
01:39.59JTSnake-Eyes: damn
01:40.33Snake-Eyesthought it was kind of ironic, also it being friday 13th ....
01:41.12JThope they didn't get away with much
01:41.32JT[TK]D-Fender: the mediatrix unit looks fairly price competitive, going off $1500
01:41.58[TK]D-FenderJT, go read up on those 2 to see if their feature set meets your needs
01:44.19JT[TK]D-Fender: they seem very similar price/feature wise
01:44.29apturasnake-eyes thats because the theives found little of value or thay were spooked by some one in the area who discovered them.
01:44.41[TK]D-FenderJT, Gogle up t.38 etc and see what you get
01:45.15JTi know a bit about t.38, but i don't see how that will help me decide between the two :)
01:45.38JTseems a better option that T1 channel bank, since customers don't usually like the idea of second hand gear
01:46.27Snake-Eyesthey took tv but left alot of other stuff, it came across they only wanted certain kinds of items
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02:43.17mklebelis there a guide somewhere or HOWTO that shows me the light on voice conferencing over http?
02:43.42JTyeah it can't be done
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02:45.32hijackedthat's not what it's for?
02:46.08JThttp is a tcp based protocol
02:46.21JTtcp is unsuitable for realtime interactive media like VoIP
02:46.24JTif that's what you mean
02:46.38mklebelwhat about https?
02:47.29[TK]D-Fendermklebel,  same
02:50.24JTthat'd be worse
02:50.31JTencryption adds more delay
02:54.08sbingnerJT, you mean it SHOULDN'T be done... not it can't be done ;)
02:54.37JTwhen it comes to VoIP, can't is pretty much the right word, with respect to http
02:54.48JTyou can use flash or java and a mor suitable protocol in a web page
02:54.57JTbut not send voice media in real time over http
02:55.00sbingneryou could do it by using one of the silly IP-over-HTTP packages out there ;)
02:56.07JTnot if latency matters though
02:56.08sbingnerbut you'll get no argument from me on the fact that there's no good reason to actually do it
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04:04.12*** join/#asterisk DocHolliday (i=RgRabbit@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0E4F6D6C)
04:04.36DocHollidaywas the trixbox appliance engineered from the ground up as a 'carrier grade voip gateway / appliance'?
04:05.43SwKits engineered as a PBX replacement
04:06.18DocHollidaySwK, whats the best option if you have a customer with a TDM PBX and you simply want to hand off SIP them them using their existing PRI ports?
04:06.38SwKDocHolliday how many ports?
04:07.07SwK(T1 ports that is)
04:07.16DocHolliday24-48 + ~
04:07.25SwKT1s or DS)?
04:07.25DocHollidayohh :) 1 - 4
04:07.36SwKheh ok
04:08.13SwKwell that depends on what your budget is like... it can be done w/ an asterisk box, but I would lean more toward a Cisco AS5300 or one of their IAD series
04:08.14[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday, Its a friggen PC with a Telecom card.  And Trixbox.....
04:08.39jbotTrixbox is a full linux distro that includes *, FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons.  It is these things on top of * which make it seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #freepbx , or their forums at
04:08.57[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday, Its just comes withe a few extra niceties that make it more robust, but its just a Linux box.....
04:08.57DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, i dont want to give a customer an entire linux box with PCI TDM cards.. thats way too much responsibility / probability of issues
04:10.36[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday, Think of it as a headless server.  How different do you think you can make it?
04:10.37JTDocHolliday: what is this trixbox appliance you speak of?
04:10.37CpuID2hmm, anyone know if theres any digium reps around?
04:10.37DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, i'd rather have an integrated appliance or purpose built device
04:10.39CpuID2need to get some g729 codecs relicensed :P
04:10.39DocHollidayJT, go to the trixbox site :)
04:10.39CpuID2good old useless digium email support so far...gah
04:10.40JTno thanks
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05:29.59hoowaiftime funtion registed from which one module in asterisk?
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05:43.49rahailis any one using Asteriks to Terminate calls
05:44.31JTquite a few
05:45.53rahailwhat is the best way to terminate using Gsm network
05:46.07rahailif you have idea JT
05:46.19JTif you must terminate using gsm sims, than a gsm gateway would be best
05:46.36rahailany recomendation on gsm gw
05:46.55JTno, either a T1/E1 unit or SIP, SIP would be ideal
05:46.59JTthey're not cheap though
05:47.31rahailwell thing is they country i want do termination
05:47.40rahailI am not gone abel to ship that gsm gw
05:47.53rahailcoustome will stop
05:48.30JTwhy, is it illegal?
05:49.08rahailgoverment think if people do voip goverment phone line lose money
05:49.08JTmiddle east?
05:49.39rahailits next to India
05:50.04JTi see
05:50.21rahailI am trying to get way to do that again
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06:14.20Snake-Eyesi think india has the same/simliar anti voip regulations
06:14.41JTquite a few countries seem to have that sort of thing
06:14.51JTglad i'm not in one of those countries
06:15.00Snake-Eyesvoip can be used to phone outside the country but not internal or something
06:15.08rahailMe to but I have realtives and friends back there
06:15.15rahailso I provide kind off calling card service
06:15.28JTkind of get arrested
06:15.41Snake-Eyeswell if telstra was still 100% gov owned , we might have had something like that here
06:16.07JTnah the government opened up the telco market before they started to sell it off
06:16.40rahailQuestiong for you guiess insted of gsm gw
06:16.46rahailis there any solution i can use it with asterisk
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06:17.19Snake-Eyesthey opened up companies to resell there products, its not exactly the same thing IMO
06:18.09JTthe optus mobile phone network was not a resold telstra product
06:19.13Snake-Eyestrue, but no one is going to lay another copper network? which is what voip really threatens
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06:20.48Snake-Eyesalot gov's when owning 100% of the copper network want to preserve there profit streams
06:21.05JTthey're laying other fibre networks
06:21.13JTand others can use the copper for cheap enough
06:22.01Snake-Eyesin the future, yea
06:22.33Snake-Eyesbut alot want to keep the cash cow going for as long as possible :)
06:23.36JTwhat's in the future?
06:24.09Snake-Eyesfibre to node/home
06:25.33Snake-Eyesany way I got be off, ill carry on tmr :P
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06:28.06JTwell the fibre is what costs real money
06:28.11JTcopper sharing is already there
06:28.22cjkim looking for a way to play sound form an eagi scrip in php, any idew how to do this, any hint into the right direction would be enough
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06:42.11DrCronanyone live?
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06:46.32mkl1525Hi, just had a look with tcpdump which ports are used when I use snom - * in one case ports 16060 and 58466 are used in another 14346 and 51896. Are there any port ranges that the packets use? I'd like to setup some bandwidth rules but don't know which to take - any hints?
06:47.24JTudp 5060 10000-20000
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06:59.43mkl1525JT, thanks
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07:10.30Jubeicould somebody tell me where I can find an asterisk startup script for ubuntu? (debian)
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07:13.36SupaplexJubei: make up your mind. is it ubuntu or is it debian?
07:14.45JubeiSupaplex: I presume a debian script will work with a little tweaking so.. either
07:14.59Supaplexit might. but don't presume.
07:15.03DrCrondo any of you run app_rpt?
07:15.22Supaplexdoes ubuntu have a supported/matianed package for asterisk?
07:15.40JubeiSupaplex: it does
07:16.00JTDrCron: planning to
07:16.05SupaplexJubei: what's stopping you from using that?
07:16.47DrCronwhat support is there for terminating a channel to an audio card
07:16.58JubeiSupaplex: nothing really
07:18.16JTDrCron: sorry, what's the question/
07:19.09DrCronhow would i go about making it so that i can call into asterisk and listen to an audio input and give output to a line out
07:20.08DrCronoh, and extension not a channel
07:21.07JTwhat has this got to do with app_rpt?
07:21.21DrCronoh, as an alternative to
07:22.28DrCroninstead of using app_rpt, use an external control link, and just run the audio and voip side from asterisk
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07:27.52tengulreI want to building a VoIP server for my company,  contain 20 pstn lines, which card is suit me?
07:28.17tengulreprovide CallCenter services.
07:29.02DrCronit sounds like a digital interface would make sense
07:30.14DrCronis this for incoming lines? or to interface phones
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07:43.24JTtengulre: still there?
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07:53.38Jubeitengulre: I recommend digium E1 card
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07:54.55JThow specific
07:58.22DrCronum, have any of you set up the oss module in asterisk?
08:10.31tengulreJT: yes
08:11.46*** join/#asterisk zwask (n=erkankol@
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08:14.00JTtengulre: like DrCron said, a digital PRI service such as an E1 would be most appropriate
08:15.37DrCronand much much cheaper
08:15.59JTnot always
08:16.02JTbut probablty
08:16.22DrCronand using ip phones for the call center
08:16.50DrCronthe flexibility you gain should be worth any up-front costs
08:18.47*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
08:21.41zwaski want to monitor online sip users, is there any interface? (socket or an api)
08:26.39DrCroniirc there is
08:26.41DrCrongive me a sec
08:26.58DrCronoh, and what do you mean by monitor
08:28.16thinkoget a list of them?
08:28.23DrCronor tap the calls
08:29.00mkl1525(* 1.4.0, snom 300|360) I've got problems using DTMF over CAPI. Using SIP it works. Has anybody ever experienced this problem?
08:30.04zwaski want to get list of online users
08:30.28zwaskis it possible with an AMI command?
08:37.53*** join/#asterisk yidiyuehan (n=yidiyueh@
08:37.58yidiyuehanhi everyone,
08:38.16yidiyuehanis it possible to let asterisk server said "please key in the numbers you want to dial"
08:38.54yidiyuehanor "pls enter the number you want to dial and hold while we try to connect your call"
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08:41.11yidiyuehani reviwed the sounds file in the server and not sure which one is proper for the above need
08:41.35DrCronoh, sorry that was for yidiyuehan
08:41.45zwaskyidiyuehan: it is so easy with a playback application.
08:41.47DrCronzwask, i think so but i dont know how
08:42.24yidiyuehanzwask, so i just use playback (pls dial your number and hold for a while), is it fine?
08:42.50zwaskalo you should upload an WAV file says that words
08:43.24*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
08:43.35yidiyuehanlol...yes that way i know, WAV file or gsm file?
08:43.48zwaskrecord a WAV file for example named as pls-dial.wav, then add  Playback(pls-dial) to exntensions
08:44.06zwaskdoesnt matter, asterisk supports both of them
08:44.40yidiyuehanok, i thought there are some existing sound files there ;-), thanks zwask download the sound files. there are somethink like this but not same exactly
08:47.16*** join/#asterisk nMosila (n=nmosila@
08:48.01yidiyuehanok, i will try so, thanks ;-)
08:51.58DrCronif someone could do me a small favor, and tell my what ops are on the #openbsd chan at the moment it would be most helpfull
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08:54.26yidiyuehanDrcron, what do u mean?
08:55.20DrCronif you could join the channel #openbsd and tell me who is currently listed as a channel operator
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09:09.56yidiyuehanhi, DrCron, well, so far there is no operator there
09:10.51DrCronok, thanks
09:11.01DrCroni just got the info from another source
09:11.10DrCronthankyou for the attempt though
09:11.39yidiyuehanand anyone knows is it possible to play a congestion tone and then hang up the call? i put exten => s,5,Congestion, exten=>s,6,hangup, but it won't execute the hangup command
09:13.24*** join/#asterisk marcan (n=marcanso@
09:13.58DrCronif you just want to play the tone use the playback command
09:14.26kaldemaror the playtones application.
09:14.36fileyay airport
09:16.02yidiyuehanDrcron, no i want to play the tone to the remote ppl and also hangup the channel he is using
09:16.18yidiyuehanas i want to use callback function and write the scripts in extensions_custom.conf
09:16.48yidiyuehanif i just have exten+>s,6 Hangup, the remote party does not actually hangup and need to wait for a long time
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09:35.45hi365good morning
09:36.08hi365my d channel is down (on a pri) is that a problem on my side or bezeq's side?
09:36.22hi365good morinig tzafrir!
09:36.28hi365actualy good afternoon :)
09:37.02tzafrirChances are that it is on your side, I guess. What card do you have?
09:37.32hi365sangoam a102d-x
09:37.44hi365and its driving me nuts.
09:38.01tzafrirCan you set the other port of the card as NT and try connecting the TE port to it?
09:39.05hi365what is nt/te?
09:47.51hi365tzafrir ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
09:47.55tzafrirTE what you connect to Bezeq (Terminal Equipment)
09:48.16tzafrirNT: what you connect a TE to (this is what Bezeq has on their side)
09:50.55hi365got it. so what signaling pri_net ?
09:59.27*** join/#asterisk moranil (n=moranil@
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10:05.50Assidi keep getting this error : [Apr 16 06:03:57] WARNING[19786]: res_odbc.c:513 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/usr/lib/odbc/' : /usr/lib/odbc/ c
10:05.54Assidall i did was upgrade debian to etch
10:07.09tzafrirhi365, yes, pri_net
10:07.43tzafrirAssid, hmm... isn't there native support for pgsql?
10:09.28Assidlemme check
10:09.30*** join/#asterisk phalacee (n=Sunforge@
10:10.08zeeeshi have 2 sip peers at 2 different machines, peer100 at asterisk "A" and peer 200 at asterisk "B".... how can both make connection by using any sip phone ... i would like to initiate this call by using SIP???? not IAX ... ???
10:10.08Assidi only see res_odbc.conf
10:10.13Assidno res_pgsql
10:10.36tzafrirIs this from a package? I can't find it in the files search in
10:11.32Assidweird.. it used to be there
10:11.34Assidit used to work
10:12.25Assidlemme cvheck if pghsql works
10:13.42Assidyeah i can use plain old pgsql fine
10:15.31DrCronI've been trying to figure out how to make outbound sip calls to sip URIs over iax, can it be done?
10:16.43*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (
10:16.51skirmishaanyone here ?
10:18.16skirmishaguys where are u
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10:20.28skirmishaat least one is here
10:20.40skirmishai have 1 question about asterisk dialplan
10:21.14skirmishai have 3-4 ast servers and i want to make when users register on diff server every other ast to know about this
10:21.41skirmishathe problem i face is that all servers has same config about all users
10:22.12skirmishabut when i try to call user which is registered on other ast it starts looping
10:22.42skirmishait is not so clear
10:22.58*** join/#asterisk Plantseeker (n=Plantsek@
10:23.44skirmishabut in short user is in config of server 1 and server 2. At the moment of dialing that user - another user dial from server 1 but user is on server 2
10:24.02skirmishaso if i do nothing server 1 pickup voicemail of that user
10:24.52skirmishaif i forward the call to server 2 , server 2 starts looping because it has same config as server 1 and config points to call itself
10:25.04skirmishais it clear so far
10:28.02PlantseekerI have 2 networks : 1 windows server and 1 samba server which use 2 separate ip ranges.  I need to know how to allow the windows users to access a printer  which is connected to the samba server?
10:28.43skirmishasamba server is on linux
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10:29.57Plantseekersorry I just realised I post the question on the wrong board.
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10:38.56cancereahello room
10:39.03cancereahow r u all ?
10:39.20creativxgreat for being a monday
10:39.32cancereahow r u creativx ?
10:40.20creativxi think i just said?
10:40.34zeeeshchan_sip.c:9709 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"37201" <>;tag=as020a2a72'?????
10:42.54*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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10:43.38Winkieso hey guys, a few days ago I was asking about joining an Asterisk box with a digium PRI card to an Inter-tel system via an E1 crossover
10:43.51Winkiei've made 2 of them, tested them, 1-2 > 4-5 etc and I can't seem to get a link working
10:44.07Winkieneither side seems to recognise any connection and I am unaware of if I would have to set any particular flags
10:44.12Winkiedoes anyone have any experience in this?
10:48.17*** join/#asterisk shadebob (n=chatzill@
10:48.34shadebobHi, someone use a S404 from Soundwin with Asterisk?
10:59.18cancereai want to ask one thing plz
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10:59.42cancereaone iax user account can be used simultaneous from 10 different pcs ?
11:00.20cancerealike in sip.conf call_limit=10 is there is anything same in iax.conf ?
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11:10.33cancereaone iax user account can be used simultaneously from 10 different pcs ?
11:10.36cancerealike in sip.conf call_limit=10 is there is anything same in iax.conf ?
11:14.21cancereaplz let me know :-(
11:17.48Winkiewell I just figured out my e1 problem so if anyone wants to know in the future make sure your t1e1override has the correct settings!
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11:25.16jm|workwhat would be the best way to catpure a DMTF PIN?  WaitExten?
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11:27.33jm|workhmm Read
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11:34.47defsworkcan I prefix the incoming CLI (from trunk) with a 0 - purely for cosmetic reasons ?
11:37.52tzafrirmaybe: Set(CALLERID(number)=0${CALLERID(number)})
11:38.09tzafrirOr something along those lines but with a correct syntax
11:46.40MaartenBhey everybody
11:47.03MaartenBI have problems with Asterisk, some people find me hard to understand, while I hear the other party fine
11:47.12MaartenBthey tell me that the sound virbrates
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11:49.35creativxset vibrato=false
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12:10.38tuxickbooks isn't too clear, and criteria/info about possible use of modems as fxo on linux?
12:11.13DrukenLPYtuxick: look on ebay for x100p
12:11.47tuxicki don't quite understand why you can't use pretty much any 'voice' modem anyway?
12:11.53tuxicklooked like driver issue?
12:12.31JTyou can't
12:12.39JTthey're generally designed to act as a modem
12:14.03cancereaone iax user account can be used simultaneously from 10 different pcs ?
12:14.05cancerealike in sip.conf call_limit=10 is there is anything same in iax.conf ?
12:14.07tuxickhmm, duplex comes to mind :)
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12:23.20MaartenB_is there a way to have a usable conversation with a fast connection (5 ms ttl) and enough bandwith (10 Mbit) but with 5 % packetloss?
12:23.34tzafrirtuxick, you can, if you provide a channel driver for it...
12:25.52*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
12:27.45JTMaartenB_: what about jitter?
12:27.57zeeeshi have 2 sip peers, peer100 registered at asterisk server "A" and peer200 registered at asterisk server "B" ??? how can both peer100 and peer200 make sip call through xpro ... ???
12:28.07MaartenB_JT, asterisk reports 40 ms jitter
12:29.58VecDoes anyone know how to limit the max number of channels/calls on an IAX trunk ?
12:31.07Veczeesh : setup an IAX trunk between the 2 asterisk servers
12:31.12JTMaartenB_: i'm led to believe ilbc and speex are best for dodgy connections
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12:32.44VecMaartenB_ : JT is correct and in my experiance ilbc should work perfectly with 5% packet loss on a 10mbit line
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12:34.37zeeesh<Vec> : i would like to make this session by using SIP
12:34.37Veczeesh : why ?
12:34.37zeeesh<Vec>  is it possible to make session with SIP ... its my presentation
12:34.37uwehello, i got my hands on an not-new siemens m20, a box that takes a sim card and gives me an Rj 11 output, the problem is that im not sure how to test this! i tried connecting it to a phone, keeps givving busy signal, so does anyone know if it can be connected to fxo  modules ? i cant find a way to connect it to asterisk box, given it has no serial interface what so ever !!!
12:35.01Veczeeesh : sure its possible, but not sure why, what u mean "its my presentation" ?, are peer100 and peer200 behind NAT ?
12:35.34zeeeshnot behind the nat
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12:37.29MaartenB_ilbc is indeed better, thanks JT and Vec
12:38.08VecMaartenB_ : just interisted, what connection do u have thats 10mbit with that kind of packetloss ?
12:38.57MaartenB_Vec,, dutch cable company
12:39.10VecMaartenB_ : oh hehe
12:41.25hi365anyone using a sangom a102d?
12:42.39hi365mDuff: ur u around?
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12:47.51zeeesh: chan_sip.c:9709 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"37201" <sip:38201@>;tag=as737e458c'
12:50.04JTuwe: you'd connect it to an FXS port
12:51.05uweJT , thank you very much, ill try it now
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12:53.05lugburghi, can someone recommend a good oss sip client for linux (supporting alsa)?
12:58.38JTuwe: actually i might be wrong, it probably connects to an FXO port
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13:09.25hi365anyone using a sangom a102d?
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13:13.10uweJT, the thing is that if it connects to and fxo module, then i should be able to connect a phone directly to it as well, right
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13:15.10JTuwe: yes
13:15.22JTuwe: the fact it gives a busy signal is evidence enough
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13:16.48uwei see
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13:18.09uweJT, as far as you know, how does the later communication happen, using modem signalling ?
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13:18.36JTsounds like just a simple analogue GSM gateway
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13:47.57DefrazI am trying to use the the phpagi does this look right for sending a command? $res = $as->Command('show parkedcalls');
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13:54.42nemskigot my IP phone
13:55.53gambolputtywhich one?
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13:56.45nemskiCisco 7940
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13:57.05nemskistill having issues with registering it with the asterisk server
13:58.43nemskialright I have the line registered, but not voice
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14:03.47pigpenI am sorry, but what is the dam option in the extensions.conf that when you hit * when entering voicemail it will redirect you to an context/app/priority?
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14:10.15pigpenTK or manx told me one time...I forgot.
14:10.37drakowhere I can find info about fax protocol for asterisk
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14:11.33NLokgood morning
14:12.28NLokis anyone around that can help a newbie out? :/
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14:15.26coppicedrako: info must be absorbed going forwards, but its validity can only be assessed looking back :-)
14:17.01anonymouz666drako: i wonder if there is someone in here that knows more than coppice about fax
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14:21.43drakoi heard that t.38 is being implemented on 1.4 but what about 1.2?
14:21.48Dr-Linuxanybody has any idea about Jitter buffer for IAX
14:21.50Dr-LinuxApr 16 07:05:56 WARNING[1593]: chan_iax2.c:709 jb_warning_output: Resyncing the jb. last_delay 1, this delay 2175, threshold 1020, new offset -2175
14:21.50Dr-LinuxApr 16 07:06:06 WARNING[1593]: chan_iax2.c:709 jb_warning_output: Resyncing the jb. last_delay -2175, this delay 5680, threshold 5234, new offset -7855
14:22.03blitzragedrako: features are NOT backported to releases
14:22.29Dr-Linuxi asked the same question a number of time, but no solution
14:22.38anonymouz666blitzrage: not officially
14:22.53tzafrirNLok, there are some, yes. Provided that the said newbie asks a question...
14:22.59blitzrageanonymouz666: right -- sometimes you can find them on some random website
14:24.20*** join/#asterisk Rutro (
14:24.42Dr-Linuxtzafrir: any idea?
14:25.39tzafrirDr-Linux, not really, except the information that is already in the message: too much jitter?
14:26.52Dr-Linuxtzafrir: it appears a few within a call
14:27.06Dr-Linuxalso something some additional warnings comes up
14:27.17Dr-LinuxApr 16 07:22:51 WARNING[1582]: channel.c:785 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0x84e4b60', 10 retries!
14:27.18Dr-LinuxApr 16 07:24:06 WARNING[1593]: chan_iax2.c:709 jb_warning_output: Resyncing the jb. last_delay -1575, this delay -500, threshold 1042, new offset -1075
14:27.53Dr-Linuxtzafrir: it's strange i think i'm the only who is using IAX trunk,
14:28.26Dr-Linuxtzafrir: i work with different asterisk setups, and i saw the same everywhere
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14:28.53tzafrirsorry, I'm not familiar with that...
14:28.55Dr-Linuxtzafrir: do you think, it can affect voice qualify?
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14:32.25pigpenDr-Linux, try not trunking.
14:33.22RutroAnyone know a good place to find sample configs?
14:34.16Dr-Linuxpigpen: then how can i forward the call to the other asteirsk?
14:34.30pigpenit just wont trunk it.
14:34.39pigpenie: it wont save bandwidth.
14:34.53pigpentaking it to individual calls saved me allot of issues.
14:35.05pigpenand I heard the iax jitter works better this way.
14:35.16pigpenI tried it on iax trunking...and it was not a good day.
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14:35.29pigpensorry...have to leave, just set trunking=no
14:35.37Dr-Linuxpigpen: you didn't understand,
14:36.51Dr-Linuxpigpen: i'm in pakistan, my all pakistan users are connected with local  asterisk server, and i've an asterisk in CA, now i how these PK users will call in the US
14:37.06Dr-Linuxofcos i'll connect both Pakistan and US servers with each other ...
14:37.23*** join/#asterisk mosty (
14:37.31Dr-Linuxso i have only two options, 1) Via SIP  2) IAX
14:37.54Dr-Linuxso i choose IAX bcoz it consume low bandwith
14:37.59Dr-Linuxpigpen: makes sense?
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14:38.42putzzkeep going
14:38.51blitzrageIAX doesn't save THAT much bandwidth unless you have a ton of calls I guess
14:39.05blitzragechoosing a codec with less bandwidth like GSM or G.729 will save more
14:40.13Dr-Linuxblitzrage: i'm already using g729
14:40.24Dr-Linuxi tried both, SIP and IAX
14:40.35blitzragejust turn off the jitterbuffer then
14:40.40blitzragethat's where the error is coming from it looks like
14:40.54Dr-Linuxblitzrage: actually our bandwidth is very worst here in pakistna
14:41.04Dr-Linuxi see
14:41.34Dr-Linuxblitzrage: but i'd like to know, why we use often this option, jitterbuffer=yes ?
14:42.13blitzragego search google for what jitter is and what a jitterbuffer does
14:44.05Dr-Linuxblitzrage: i'd like to show you
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14:46.19blitzrageyah, but I gotta work
14:46.42blitzrageDr-Linux: yes, I know what a jitterbuffer is
14:46.48BrokenNozeAnyone found a DPNSS gateway?
14:46.54blitzrageyer having problems with yours, but I don't have time to help you debug it right now
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15:14.59`pariahwhen i make a call to a zap card which config file will specify what trunk the call should be placed thru? my problem is everytime a ring any zap card it tries to place the call thru trunk 3 and i dont even have tunk 3 defined.
15:15.16anonymouz666does the festival server speaks too fast? I am not native english speaker... it's fast to me
15:15.16BrokenNozeseriously has no one found a DPNSS gateway to piggyback a legacy PBX??? there must be one out there?
15:16.23[TK]D-Fender`pariah: When you want to know what you dial out of, thats extensions.conf
15:16.43`pariah[TK]D-Fender: ill show you what it is doing real quick
15:19.08[TK]D-Fender`pariah: You clearly don't have the context its looking for.  The error is BLATANT and staring you in the face.
15:19.18[TK]D-Fender== Starting Zap/2-1 at DID_trunk_3,s,1 failed so falling back to exten 's'
15:19.33[TK]D-FenderYou don't HAVE [DID_trunk_3} =.
15:19.38`pariah[TK]D-Fender: That is where I am confused, why is it looking for DID_Trunk_3?
15:19.40ManxPower`pariah: We really can't support FreePBX here
15:19.54`pariahManxPower: this isn't freepbx
15:20.04[TK]D-Fender`pariah: because thats where you told zapata to send calls to those channels to.
15:20.12[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Thats the * GUI actually.
15:20.13ManxPower`pariah: What is it?
15:20.25ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Ah, OK.  Evil thing that it is.
15:20.28[TK]D-Fender`pariah: and we do NOT support GUI's in here.
15:20.42`pariahMy question is simple, where is asterisk getting told to go to trunk 3?
15:20.47*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:20.47[TK]D-Fender`pariah: if you don't know how to configure it, go ask in #asterisk-gui
15:20.53[TK]D-Fender`pariah: zapata.conf
15:21.09*** join/#asterisk kumbalae (
15:21.15ManxPower`pariah: zapata.conf of course, like all settings for Zap channels
15:21.30[TK]D-Fender`pariah: ...
15:21.31`pariah[TK]D-Fender: thank you that was my only question...not trying to bug you with GUI problems.
15:21.33jbotwell, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
15:21.43ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Does the Asterisk GUI do things as evil as things like FreePBX?
15:21.56`pariahManxPower: yes it does, thats why im having this problem
15:22.26ManxPower`pariah: there is a channel totally dedicated to Asterisk GUI, oddly enough it is listed in the /topic of this channel -- #asterisk-gui
15:22.38*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
15:22.40[TK]D-FenderManxPower: yes & no.  I haven't personally used it, but from what I can see it isn't as "all encompassing" as FreePBX and you can do a lot more without getting wiped by a config rebuild
15:22.44jbothmm... zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
15:22.44`pariahManxPower: in my expirence it is a little better than freepbx
15:23.25`pariahManxPower: I realize this, my question was relatively simple and obviously had nothing to do with the GUI..
15:23.32[TK]D-FenderManxPower: But with * GUI you actually have to do SOME work.
15:23.42ManxPower`pariah: other than the gui causing the problem in the first place....
15:23.57[TK]D-Fender`pariah: Yes it DOEWS have to do with the GUI.  Where do you think that context got SET?!
15:24.11ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: does Asterisk GUI support T-1 configs or only analog?
15:24.17*** join/#asterisk illsci (
15:24.25[TK]D-FenderManxPower: All the usuals I'm sure.
15:24.28`pariah[TK]D-Fender: my question was what config file tells zap what trunk to go thru
15:25.15ManxPower`pariah: Um there really isn't any such thing as a trunk in asterisk.
15:25.16[TK]D-Fender`pariah: Yeah, and what do you think filled in those values?  THE GUI.  I'm sure YOU didn't hand-enter it into the file, since you don't even know WHICH ONE.
15:25.29`pariahthat was the only question i had, not why is it broken, not all this other garbage, just that plain and simple. and thank you for answering me
15:25.33[TK]D-FenderManxPower: unload
15:26.22[TK]D-Fender`pariah: I'd double-check what you put in the GUI in case it wipes out whatever you think you're going to do manually to your config files.
15:27.12*** join/#asterisk Crescendo (
15:29.46`pariahalso, there is nothing about a trunk 3 in my zapata.conf file =\
15:30.36*** join/#asterisk zdrulio (n=krlozano@
15:30.39zdruliohello all
15:30.43[TK]D-Fender`pariah: That does not come out of thin air.  it was there at the last time Zaptel loaded.  If its gone then perhaps you changed more stuff and your changes had simply not been applied yet
15:30.59ManxPower`pariah: It would be context=DID_trunk_3 somewhere before a channel => 3 line
15:31.55zdrulioi have Siemens hicom 300h and i want to connect it to asterisk. can anybody help me in this ...  ?
15:31.55ManxPowerIf you still don't find it than perhaps the GUI put it in some other file and then #includes that file or the entries were removed and you forgot to do a reload or restart
15:32.16ManxPowerzdrulio: What is a "Siemens hicom 300h"
15:32.24*** join/#asterisk quidpro (
15:32.26zdruliomm :)
15:32.32zdruliovoice central
15:33.05ManxPowerThen I doubt it since most PBX specific devices do not speak any protocol in common with Asterisk.
15:33.27zdruliohicom300h have ISDN PRI and asterisk hae isdn PRI
15:33.50ManxPowerzdrulio: So the Hicomm 300h is a PBX with a PRI interface?
15:33.51`pariah                    cat zapata.conf | grep -v ";"
15:34.11ManxPower`pariah: put the ENTIRE zapata.conf on pastebin.
15:34.34ManxPowerzdrulio: I assume it is a E-1 PRI and not a T-1 PRI?
15:35.07*** join/#asterisk Maroderr (
15:35.11zdruliothe main idea is
15:35.35zdrulioi have telecom connection is this PRI interface of the siemens
15:35.52zdruliobut i want wo put asterisk between telecom and siemens
15:35.56ManxPowerzdrulio: If the PBX support E-1 PRI then there should be no special config required.  Asterisk just knows there is a PRI box on the other end of the cable
15:36.02CrazyTuxI'm having a DTMF issue where I'm going from softswitch -> asterisk RFC2833, yet its missing digits, any tips/tricks/ideas?
15:36.14*** part/#asterisk mog (
15:36.21Maroderrhi, how i can get call from other phone
15:37.05zdrulioManxPower: yes but if have a call outsiide It will come to asterisk and than what ?
15:37.20zdruliohow asterisk comunicate with simens
15:37.22ManxPower`pariah: looks to me like you never restarted asterisk to get it to re-read the config file
15:37.41ManxPowerTelco PRI <-> Asterisk <-> PBX
15:37.45`pariahi've restarted * many times :-)\
15:37.55zdrulioManxPower:  yes
15:38.02ManxPower`pariah: reloaded or restrted
15:38.20`pariahrestart now from cli
15:38.27zdruliobut how asterisk comunicate to PBX ?
15:38.46zdrulioi call 150 nuber signal come to asterisk and then what ?
15:38.58ManxPower`pariah: Asterisk gets the config information from /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf  and any files #include'd from that file.  There are no magical channel faeries telling it it's config.
15:39.05zdruliohow asterisk tell to pbx what number to dial ?
15:39.28illsciwhy does asterisk listen on 2000 2727 4520 5060
15:39.35ManxPowerzdrulio: Dial(Zap/1/150)
15:39.55illsciall i need asterisk to do is iax on 4569
15:40.11`pariahManxPower: it is the faeries i know it, those bastards ruin everything i set up =\
15:40.17illscito remove these, assuming they are unneeded is it just a matter of disabling certain modules?
15:40.30khronosAnybody been able to build the Zaptel modules on Centos 5.0?
15:40.37ManxPowerillsci: 5060 is SIP shgnalling, 2727 is MGCP, etc
15:40.48illsciright so if im not using sip
15:40.52illsciand i dont know what mgcp is
15:40.56*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
15:40.59illscii can disable that some how
15:41.08ManxPower4520 is dundi
15:41.21illscii think all i need is iax
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15:41.43ManxPowerillsci: in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf put in a noload line for those channel drivers ( for example)
15:41.46*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:41.55illsciyeah... cool thats what I though..
15:42.05illsciis there a list of things you dont  need
15:42.08ManxPower`pariah: now is the time to ask on #asterisk-gui
15:42.11illscilike a minimalist setup
15:42.18ManxPowerillsci: no, since everyone's needs are different.
15:42.44ManxPowerillsci: Asterisk is not a PBX.  Asterisk a TOOLKIT that allows you to build a PBX.
15:42.45illsciwhats the best way to go about removing the modules I don't need if you're only using iax
15:42.54`pariahManxPower: thanks for trying to help
15:43.06MercestesLooking at all the modules.
15:43.15illsciyeah i guess i have to do more reading..
15:43.21illscii jsut started playing with this
15:43.22quidproHmm... is there a way to test within the dialplan if ${callerid(num)} is actually numbers rather than alphabetic?
15:43.24ManxPowerwell "show modules" and looking for anything starting with chan_ is a start, then put those as noload lines in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
15:43.35illscii got a voip number from to play with asterisk
15:43.52[TK]D-Fenderillsci: ...
15:43.53ManxPowerillsci: Trying to build a minimal Asterisk system is NOT something to do until you are fully familiar with Asterisk
15:43.55jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
15:44.06Mercestesfor i in $(asterisk -rx 'show modules'); do echo noload => $i >> /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
15:44.09illsciyeah I got it
15:44.20Mercestesand then comment what you *do* need.
15:44.27MercestesI wouldn't suggest donig that btw.
15:44.35ManxPowerMercestes: You have found another way guarnteed to make asterisk not work, I see. rexample.
15:44.48MercestesManxPower, ;)  we all have to have our talents.  :)
15:45.09[TK]D-FenderMine are suited to a more ... intimate environment ;)
15:45.09Mercestesyou and TK have the "make it work" job pretty much covered so I figured I would expertise in "hose it."
15:46.42ManxPowerMy boss at one of my clients sent me a link to the Asterisk Appliance and asked if I had heard of it.
15:47.14*** join/#asterisk MikHell (
15:47.16ManxPowerOf course I've heard about it.  I even looked at the specs.  The device is FLASH based has a built in router, 5 ethernet ports and up to eight analog ports.
15:47.35ManxPowerOf course, I do not manage any offices with analog ports and we don't ever put in an asterisk system with analog ports.
15:47.44*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
15:47.54MercestesThus the analog ports are wasted cash.
15:47.56illsciwhy not
15:48.01[TK]D-FenderManxPower: He clearly wants & needs the new Trixbox "Appliance"!
15:48.11MercestesI am pretty sure the embedded boxes I play with would support a T1 card
15:48.14Qwell[]k/ickban [TK]D-Fender
15:48.18Qwell[]damn typos
15:48.27ManxPowerWhat he clearly needs to do is to stop second guessing his consultant
15:48.37MikHellHow do I extract a subpart of a pattern? I want to have that when someone dials 01144anydigits it actually does Dial(0044anydigits)
15:48.47[TK]D-FenderQwell, Ohhhh I'm feeling the love...
15:48.57MikHellHow do I extract 44anydigits from the pattern?
15:49.10[TK]D-FenderMikHell: ${EXTEN:3}
15:49.11Mercestes${2:EXTEN} IIRC
15:49.19ManxPowerMikHell: You need to read README.variables in the asterisk docs/ directort
15:49.31*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
15:49.32[TK]D-FenderMikHell: nvm, I missed you took a single char out.
15:50.11[TK]D-FenderMikHell: your sample is not indicative of EXACTLY what goes in/out from the before & after
15:50.24MikHellI figured it would be similar to shell methods :)
15:50.32ManxPowerMikHell: you were wrong
15:50.43Mercestesextensions.conf being so similar to shell and all.
15:51.04ManxPowerexten => _01144.,1,Dial(Zap/1/00${EXTEN:3))
15:51.07MikHellWell I am in the US but I want to route int'l calls through a European provider
15:51.42ManxPowerMikHell: you NEED to read that readme
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15:55.00jbotDocs on how to use variables in * can be found in doc/README.variables in your * source folder or
15:55.03[TK]D-FenderMikHell:  ^^^^^
15:57.50NLokhi does anyone have experience connecting Asterisk to VoiceGenie?
15:58.24quidproIs there a way to test if ${callerid(number)} is actually numbers rather than alphabetic?
15:58.55[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: Sure.  A small ton of dialplan to parse it char by car...
15:59.12Nuggetsounds like two lines of perl in an AGI.  :)
15:59.18quidproHaha, that's what I was thinking... was hoping to do it without lots of loops. :)
15:59.43*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
15:59.56ManxPowerHow about exten => 666/_XXX,1,Noop(Satan calling)
16:00.19quidproManx:  Right, I forgot about that... thanks.
16:00.20[TK]D-FenderNugget: Far more I'm sure.  Have to set up the AGI environment and prep to set a var on return,e etc...
16:00.29*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (
16:00.38NuggetI type long lines.  ;)
16:01.02Qwell[]bah, that'd be half a line of ruby
16:01.24Qwell[]of course, that line would be about 12 pages long with word wrap on, but that isn't the point
16:01.56MrChimpyI'm using spool call files and need to find out exactly how the outbound call I'm making went. I've created a failed extension in the target context. It works - but DIALSTATUS is helpfully set to OutgoingSpoolFailed rather than the more useful output that Dial() would give. Boo.
16:02.05[TK]D-FenderQwell : Its lunch-time and I'm about to call out to the west-coast to buy a new "point" :)
16:02.12*** join/#asterisk Taadow (n=super@
16:02.59TaadowIs there an easy way to configure/disable the Message Waiting Indication service?
16:03.10ManxPowerMrChimpy: set the destination to Local/extension@context, then put the Dial in the Dialplan
16:03.22quidproIs it much quicker to do things in the dialplan with app_MYSQL than to compile a custom AGI C script?
16:03.23ManxPowerTaadow: add or remove mailbox= from the config file
16:03.25[TK]D-FenderTaadow: Sure... just don't put "mailbox=" into that channel definition.
16:03.29MrChimpythat's a very good plan manx
16:03.35MrChimpyi was about to resort to AGI
16:03.37MrChimpythanks lots
16:03.46ManxPowerMrChimpy: there is info about chan local in the docs/ dir of the asterisk source
16:04.08TaadowDoh!  Freepbx puts that in every extension context.  Thank you though.  :D
16:04.32jbot[freepbx] unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
16:04.57TaadowFender.  That last line was a statement, not a question.  :P
16:05.31[TK]D-FenderTaadow: And mine was a preemptive strike before you get any "smart" questions coming to mind ;)
16:06.13[TK]D-FenderOn touche pas ici, surtout a cause des pleints du harrassment sexuel ;)
16:06.20CrazyTuxis there a way I can extract the From: phone number?
16:06.34[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux: PLIERS
16:06.43CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, literally?
16:06.58CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender, i.e. CALLERIDNUM, EXTEN, ?
16:07.03TaadowHmm, you win on that one.  <--- only speak-o engle'
16:07.23*** join/#asterisk izaak (
16:09.05ManxPowerCrazyTux: generally CALLERID is the From:
16:12.00*** join/#asterisk sselby (
16:13.09sselbyneeding help with simring on a asterisk box.  Can anyone help?
16:13.35[TK]D-Fendersselby: That term does not sounds familiar.  Elaborate....
16:14.08sselbysimultaneous ring
16:14.42ManxPowerThere.  Wasn't that easy?
16:14.45sselbytrying to get an inbound call to ring several lines(cell phone, home phone, desk phone) at one time
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16:15.10ManxPowerRemember: ANALOG FXO ports will not work with that.
16:15.20[TK]D-Fendersselby: Only really doable if you're using PRI or a VoIP provider that does
16:15.32[TK]D-Fendersselby: And even then, Cell VM = real trouble
16:16.01sselbyyes i am using a wholesale voip provider
16:16.43ManxPowersselby: Then it should work
16:16.56*** join/#asterisk shaft|work (
16:17.07Qwell[]What would be the opposite of "incredible"?
16:17.53kumbalaenot incredible
16:18.06Qwell[]ManxPower: not really the antonym..
16:18.24tootrun of the mill :)
16:18.32Qwell[]toot: yeah, what's a word for that? :p
16:18.44tootstandard :P
16:18.49*** join/#asterisk putzz (
16:18.56Qwell[]something a bit more...meh
16:19.06[TK]D-FenderQwell "mundane"
16:19.17kumbalaecredible is the right term
16:19.17Qwell[]blitzrage: :p
16:19.31kumbalaecredible x incredible
16:20.13ManxPowermundane would be good
16:20.28*** join/#asterisk Braxus (n=braxus@
16:20.30illscihey what are these from
16:20.33illsciApr 16 12:19:02 NOTICE[28684]: chan_iax2.c:7525 socket_read: Registration of 'MY_DEVICE_LOGIN' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''
16:21.10kumbalaeillsci: means, the destination is refusing for registration
16:21.18kumbalaeor the registrar
16:21.52Qwell[]mediocre wins
16:22.03*** part/#asterisk shaft|work (
16:22.48illsciwow.. there are a ton of loaded modules
16:22.51*** join/#asterisk khronos (
16:23.06illsciall look really cool though..
16:23.18illscithis is going to be fun
16:26.53ManxPowerillsci: you do not have a [MY_DEVICE_LOGIN] section of sip.conf or the secret= is wrong
16:27.04illscii don't even want to use sip
16:27.17ManxPowersorry in iax.conf
16:27.23illscii think the company i got my number for only has iax going on
16:27.54illsciyeah I havent messed with that yet... as far as configuring it... they actually gave me configs... to download but I didnt want to change anything until I read the book
16:28.41illscihey... do you happen to know what legal issues surround voicemails?
16:29.28illscilike say you had a bunch of voicemails for people and your box gets owned... and they upload them to or something
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16:36.28khronosAnyone had any problems building the 1.4.1 Zaptel modules on Centos 5?
16:36.38khronosThe errors I'm getting when I do a make are at:
16:36.51jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or is usually painfully too slow and unresponsive to use, use one of the other pastebin sites, or is a very nice pastebin as well
16:36.56MercestesGood job.
16:37.05Qwell[]tzafrir: ^^
16:37.26Qwell[]khronos: For now, you can disable the building of the xpp modules to (hopefully) avoid that error.
16:37.32Qwell[]khronos: make menuselect
16:37.57tzafrirkhronos, I have some proposed patches, but no build system to test them on at the moment
16:38.31khronosWant to use mine?
16:39.07Qwell[]tzafrir: vmware...  it seriously, seriously, SERIOUSLY rocks
16:39.38Qwell[]and hell, your stuff is USB, you could actually use it in vmware
16:39.59ManxPowerI don't know why they even bother for weather forecasts for north alabama.  It's not like they are EVER correct in the spring/fall
16:40.31Strom_M"Today, a high of sixty-twelve, with a thirty per cent chance of dogballs in the early afternoon"
16:40.46blitzrageQwell[]: I have yet to figure out how to use USB stuff in VMware server....
16:40.55Qwell[]blitzrage: plug it in, and it'll yell at you
16:41.02blitzrageQwell[]: hrmm... I've never seen that
16:41.11Qwell[]don't let the host do anything with it
16:41.14ManxPowerStrom_M: the forecast for today changed 10 degrees between last night and now
16:41.21blitzrageQwell[]: hrmm... how do I do that? :)
16:41.31blitzrageVMware running on Linux
16:41.34Qwell[]dunno, it always "Just Works" for me..  at least in workstation
16:41.40Qwell[]never tried in server/player
16:41.52blitzragemaybe workstation is better at that
16:42.01izaakhi all, I'm new to *.  I'm configuring an outgoing dialplan for 5 phones (each a SIP channel) where each SIP channel has an associated IAX channel.  i need some advice to make the configuration short (ie, i don't want to repeat the whole dialplan for each SIP/IAX pair, I'd rather use variables)
16:42.12Qwell[]but, when I plug something in, vmware pops up a window, and is like "Click here to disable this device on your host system"
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16:42.26Qwell[]then, when you click it, the guest OS detects it
16:42.30blitzrageQwell: hrmmm... now you have me curious to try it again
16:42.36Qwell[]it's pretty slick
16:43.01Qwell[]I use the Motorola Phonetools in Windows, and that happens when I plug my phone in
16:43.07blitzrageit'd be wicked if my webcam would get detected in Windows
16:43.07Mercestesizaak, Depends on what your extensions are and waht your phone peer names are, but assuming your extensions are 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 4005, and your phone peer name smatch the extensions:
16:43.27Mercestesizaak, Then you can exten => _400x,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},180)
16:43.31Qwell[]blitzrage: chan_cellphone!
16:43.42blitzrageQwell[]: exactly!!!
16:43.47Qwell[]it's the hotness
16:43.48blitzrageand I can run a SIP client on it too
16:43.56Mercestesizaak, Or more appropriately, exten => _400[1-5],1,Dial(STIP,${EXTEN},180)
16:44.05blitzragenow I need a bluetooth USB adapter for my computer though
16:44.14Qwell[]blitzrage: They can be had for $20ish
16:44.15blitzragedon't think this laptop has bluetooth...
16:44.22Qwell[]meh, I'm an idiot
16:44.23blitzrageyah, I imagine they are fairly inexpensive
16:44.29blitzrageok :)
16:44.32Qwell[]I decided it wasn't worth the $15 to add bluetooth to my laptop
16:44.43Qwell[]would've been internal and everything, but no...
16:44.47izaakMercestes: thanks, i think i will use that sort of pattern for incoming.  but for outgoing, where i need to dial different IAX channels depending on which SIP channel?
16:44.50Qwell[]now if I want it, it's like $40, heh
16:45.06blitzragethat was kinda dumb :)
16:45.15Qwell[]oh well
16:45.16Mercestesizaak, Are you trying to recreate static lines for you rphones using IAX?
16:45.24Qwell[]I also only got the 40gb hd...
16:45.34Qwell[]which was also an incredibly dumb thing to do
16:45.46Qwell[]now the $40 I saved is gonna cost me like $120 =x
16:46.15izaakMercestes: i'm not sure what you mean.  my VOIP provider has given me an IAX channel per DID for incoming and outgoing.  for incoming i understand how to use just one context.  but i'm confused about outgoing.
16:46.25izaakMercestes: each phone on my network has its own DID
16:46.38Mercestesizaak, Yo ushould be able to dial out dynamically.
16:48.38NLokhi does anyone have experience connecting Asterisk to VoiceGenie? I am having problem transfering a call.
16:51.04[TK]D-FenderNLok: just describe the problem you're having.  Pastbin CLI output with SIP debug enabled where applicable.
16:51.12jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
16:52.36ManxPowerurpmi /tmp/mpeg4ip- undefined reference to `XMoveWindow'
16:52.51Qwell[]ManxPower: silly manduck
16:53.13*** join/#asterisk zaide (
16:55.29zaideanyone have an idea to select my second VOIP provider when the first provider is out or timeout (or others errors)? i haven't found how to do it in my extension.conf
16:56.29Qwell[]zaide: after Dial, check the value of the DIALSTATUS variable
17:00.19*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
17:00.23LeddyHMAny thoughts on an os migration through vmware for ~30 users? "It will be fine, should be ok, audio is too choppy, no worries it's fine" for about a week?
17:02.39*** join/#asterisk PupenoR (n=pupeno@
17:02.41NLoksipphoneA calls sipphoneB(VoiceGenie) through asterisk. Then sipphoneB transfers sipphoneA to sipphoneC through asterisk.
17:02.52NLokI get a maximum retries error when sipphoneB tries to do the transfer.
17:03.29ManxPowerNLok: you will want to set aside the rest of the day to work on this problem
17:03.35*** part/#asterisk zaide (
17:03.41ManxPowermaximum retries exceeded means asterisk did not get a response from the destination device\
17:05.44*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (
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17:07.23*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
17:07.49dasenjoHi, I'm trying to compile zaptel in the latest stable kernel (2.6.20-7), but got errors on zaphfc. There is no linux/config.h but autoconf.h  instead. I made a symbolic link, but got segfault ... can you help me?
17:08.49ManxPowerdasenjo: do you have the kernel SOURCE installed?
17:10.42NLokManxPower, if sipphoneA calls sipphoneB without going through asterisk, then sipphoneB is able to transfer the call to sipphoneC without a problem
17:13.29ManxPowerNLok: That does not change the fact of the error.
17:13.31*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
17:13.44syzygyBSDMorning beautiful
17:14.11ManxPowerare all three phones and asterisk on the same local network with no firwall or NAT between any of the devices
17:14.41NLokthey are all on the same local network
17:14.53*** join/#asterisk maxdoubt (n=mackstou@
17:17.15ManxPowerNLok: do the IP addresses look correct in the error message?
17:17.51anonymouz666it's raining a lot. the world is coming to an end.
17:18.13dasenjoManxPower: yes .. I installed the kernel form sources
17:19.05*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
17:19.09ManxPowerdasenjo: if you cd to /usr/src/linux and run the command "make config" does it work?
17:19.43dasenjoyes, I did a make menuconfig
17:19.50syzygyBSDanonymouz666: well just move from earth to mars like we did from venus to earth after we fucked that up
17:19.56ManxPowerdasenjo: you forgot to mention what version of zaptel
17:20.06dasenjoI compiled with debian kernel-package without error ..
17:20.19maxdoubti'm trying to setup gnugk as a method for NAT traversal. I can call clients on the net, but they can't call the client behind the firewall, any clues?
17:20.31dasenjozaptel 1.2.16
17:20.49*** join/#asterisk Shoeb (n=chatzill@
17:21.07ManxPowerdasenjo: and what exactly is the error message?
17:21.41syzygyBSDwow, I really should have gotten a count of all the empty directories I am deleting before I started
17:21.50ManxPowerdasenjo: also make sure kernel-headers is installed  (I don't know what Debian calls the package)
17:21.55Hmmhesayswhy is that?
17:21.59tootanyone know of a technical writer knocking about? :)
17:22.03dasenjowithout th symbolic link, that could not find file linux/config.h, with the symbolic link:
17:22.11syzygyBSDalready in the tens of thousands...
17:22.15ShoebBeginner: Hello, I've configured AsteriskNOW. And now I can't seem to be able to login to it using Xlite, it says "Registration eror - not found"
17:22.30ManxPowerdasenjo: you should not need the symbolic link
17:22.42maxdoubtis there a gnugk irc chat room?
17:22.45ManxPowerShoeb: ask on #asterisknow
17:23.00*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
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17:23.09ShoebManxPower: It's a dead channel. Besides, it's not a GUI problem as I'd guess.
17:23.26ManxPowerShoeb: did you configure asterisk by hand?
17:23.27dasenjoManxPower, but what can I do to get rid of it?
17:23.39ShoebManxPower: Ofcourse, yes.
17:23.44syzygyBSDdasenjo: uninstall?
17:24.02*** part/#asterisk HKhan (
17:24.14ManxPowerdasenjo: remove the sybolic link, put the error message on  I cannot help you futher until you do that
17:24.19syzygyBSDwhat version of linux do you have
17:24.21ber_I am getting one way audio caused by RTP stream trying to terminate at a RFC1918 ip address for my home box behind a nat
17:24.32ManxPowerShoeb: you need to be looking at the CLI
17:24.37*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
17:24.44ber_what do I change to tell asterisk to translate the RFC space into its external address
17:24.45syzygyBSDdasenjo: and what kernel version... you should install the source for that kernel version
17:24.47ManxPowerber_: check the mailing lists archives
17:24.49*** join/#asterisk slmnhq (
17:24.53ShoebManxPower: Thanks. One minute.
17:25.09ber_i have checked it for NAT in sip.conf
17:25.12ber_that doesnt seem to work
17:25.13dasenjo2.6.20-7 from a tbz2 from
17:25.16ber_i set nat-yes
17:25.19NLokManxPower, I think you are right, the address in the error is 4d241449717203de1a273e813f17cb24@
17:25.22ManxPowerber_: that depends on if Asterisk is behind the NAT or if the client is behind nat
17:25.28dasenjoI compiled from sources
17:25.33ber_just client asterisk
17:25.36slmnhqGreetings all.. I'm trying to connect all the pieces of a puzzle related to Voip
17:25.39ber_my main asterisk box is no nat
17:25.46ShoebManxPower: What would I be looking for?
17:25.59slmnhqIs this the right place to be asking newbie questions?
17:26.08slmnhq(regarding Asterisk)
17:26.09ManxPower12:24:51) ManxPower: ber_: that depends on if Asterisk is behind the NAT or if the client is behind nat
17:26.30ManxPowerslmnhq: No place.  You need to read The Good Book
17:26.50jbotsomebody said book was a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
17:26.50ManxPowerber_: "client asterisk"?
17:27.03ber_i have an asterisk box not behind nat and an asterisk box behind NAT
17:27.12slmnhqOk thanks... I have already ordered that book on Amazon
17:27.23ManxPowerber_: Are you using SIP between the two boxes?
17:27.38ber_Audio from the NATed asterisk box is fine, audio to the natted asterisk box doesnt work because its trying to hit
17:27.41ber_yes i am
17:28.00ber_i tried configuring NAT=yes in sip.conf thinking that would translate the RTP from reserved to the external IP
17:28.07ber_but it doesnt appear to do so
17:28.32ManxPowerdasenjo: you need to install glibc-devel
17:28.57ManxPowerber_: on the public IP asterisk you need nat=yes in the sip.conf section for the remote asterisk box.
17:29.17*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:29.23ber_i will re-review the config, i believe I did that already but i will check
17:29.42ManxPowerthen on the asterisk behind nat you need in sip.conf [general] you need localnet= and externip= set, then you need to portforward UDP5060 and UDP 10000-20000 to the asterisk box
17:29.55slmnhqis it ok if I come back here with more specific questions based on things I've read in the book?
17:30.15ManxPowerslmnhq: yes.  Ask questions here if you have questions about parts of the book too.
17:30.33dasenjoManxPower, for debian, is the package called libc6-dev?
17:30.44ManxPowerdasenjo: I don't know what it is in Debian
17:31.25ManxPower[root@fs-1 # rpm -qif /usr/include/linux/config.h
17:31.28ManxPowerName        : glibc-devel                  Relocations: (not relocatable)
17:31.58ber_can externip= dns name?
17:32.04ManxPowerber_: no
17:32.16ber_its on DHCP so its extern IP can change
17:32.25ber_thats good enough to get a hack working for now though, i apprecaite your help
17:32.27ManxPowerthere is an extern option for name, but I strongly doubt it will work for you
17:32.46dasenjoin debian, that file is in the linux-kernel-headers package
17:33.09MikHellI am not sure if this is a good place to ask, but how do I find the best DID and termination providers to use with asterisk?
17:33.09ManxPowerdidn't I tell you to install the kernel headers?
17:33.17NLokManxPower, the ip address in the error is actually correct if the variable before @ is just the session name
17:33.26ManxPowerMikHell: they all suck
17:33.43dasenjodoes not the tar.bz2 contains the headers?
17:33.47MikHellManxPower: I am sure :) But some suck less than others, don't they? :D
17:34.18ManxPowerdasenjo: I have no idea.  I've not needed to build a kernel in YEARS
17:34.27*** join/#asterisk voipman (
17:34.53dasenjothe headers for my old kernel are installed, but I had to compile, I think source should contains all
17:34.59ManxPowerdasenjo: you need to figure out how to get the correct /usr/include/linux
17:35.08[TK]D-Fenderber_:              externrefresh=60
17:35.23ManxPowerdasenjo: remove everything for your old kernel
17:35.27*** join/#asterisk bmd (n=bmd@
17:35.40ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: and soon as there is a DNS failure everything stops working, right?
17:35.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: We support only the BEST problems here ;)
17:36.23[TK]D-FenderManxPower: or... "shit look very good... when compared to CRAP!"\
17:37.03*** join/#asterisk AMUG (
17:37.06syzygyBSDhow long should it take to delete a bunch of folders?
17:37.55dasenjoI can't ... linux-kernel-headers is a build-essential dependency :(
17:37.56tootnot that long unless you had a space in the rm -rf . / ;)
17:38.16syzygyBSDfind /data/*/backupfiles/ -depth -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \;
17:38.31syzygyBSDbut I think there are close to a million
17:38.47ManxPowerdasenjo: it sucks to be you
17:39.32ManxPowersyzygyBSD: I always put a -v on my automated rms
17:39.44dasenjobut .. I have a new uname, compiling should not use the old kernel includes ... I think ...
17:40.14syzygyBSDcuz printing out a million folders that no longer exist helps me how?
17:40.43ManxPoweralso I was not aware that zaphfc was included in zaptel
17:40.45syzygyBSDI understand seeing the progress, but meh...
17:41.04ManxPowersyzygyBSD: it helps you make sure you are not deleting the whole system
17:41.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Just curious, what are your 2 preferred distro's for * servers (in order).  And anything special about your means of implementing either?
17:42.19ShoebWhat does "No matching peer found" mean?
17:42.41ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I only have 1.  Mandrake/Mandriva for any server or workstation.
17:42.44[TK]D-FenderShoeb: translation, "who the ^%#$ are you?!"
17:43.31syzygyBSDManxPower: true, also why I am only using rmdir instead of rm -rf
17:43.35ManxPoweryou need to create a symlink in /lib/modules because of an oddity in the mandrake kernel make file (the add "custom" to the version number.
17:43.46[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Anything in particular that it facilitates vs CentOS/RH/(screw FC)?
17:43.49ber_Manx, thanks for your help.  That did it
17:43.58ber_and TK for the externhost command
17:44.04[TK]D-Fenderber_: Quite welcome
17:44.17Dr-Linuxanybody is using MultiVoIP (Multitech) gateways with asteirsk?
17:44.21ber_one of these days I'll answer some questions on this channel instead of just taking pointers :)
17:44.26ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: urpmi resolves RPM dependencies for you and, if correctly set up, installs the required package dependencies
17:45.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I've been well served by YUM so far, but my needs/usage hasn't been esoteric
17:45.05ber_anyone have just a stock asterisk binary build w/OS out there.  Kinda like trixbox but without that web interface/etc
17:45.07Defrazwith the phpagi is there a way to just get the calls in queue and what queues they are in. I am using the command: show queues
17:45.22Defrazbut it seems like there is a lot of info I don't need in there and it is in a format that isn't usefull.
17:45.29[TK]D-Fenderber_: Pick a common distro and just compile *.  Packaged * = ASS
17:45.38ber_yeah thats what i do now
17:45.45ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: if Yum had been around when I started installing servers I might have used RH
17:45.51[TK]D-Fenderber_: it adds 10-15 mins to CentOS install for me.
17:46.02Dr-LinuxManxPower: RHEL?
17:46.15[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Yeah, they "inherited" a decent tool.
17:46.17ManxPowerDr-Linux: ??
17:46.27[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Ever tried the IAXModem/HylaFAX combo?
17:46.27ber_i always had issues with the zaptel drivers
17:46.35ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: nope.
17:47.01Dr-LinuxYum works with RHEL? :S
17:47.17[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I'm getting ready to.  Far more robust than rxfax/txfax, and looking to be the only sane way right now.... should be 1.4 compatible as well
17:47.20ManxPowerDr-Linux: I have no idea what YUM works with.  I don't use it.
17:47.25ber_hylaxfax is great
17:47.29[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Yes.
17:47.32MercestesYum works????!
17:47.40[TK]D-FenderMercestes: do YOU?! ;)
17:47.42ber_i used it for a 8 line email2fax gateway
17:47.47ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I've had VERY good luck with rxfax
17:47.52ber_99.99% reliable
17:48.14ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: most recent releases of spandsp solved the few lingering problems
17:48.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Have you gotten it to work on 1.2.17 or close version release?
17:48.36ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Yes.
17:48.40[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I've had a serious bitch of a time with it.  Its crash out on the few times I could even get it to compile
17:49.07[TK]D-FenderManxPower: If you could spare me a few minutes some night this week to point me in the right direction it'd be greatly appreciated :)
17:49.13*** join/#asterisk hrmphh (
17:49.47ManxPowersorry, 1.2.14 is what the main system is on
17:49.47MercestesNot if I can avoi dit
17:50.26ManxPower1.2.15 on the other system.
17:50.39ManxPowerjust remmeber spandsp is not dependent on the asterisk version
17:51.12Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, I used the iaxmodem hylafax combo
17:51.38Mercestesscary thought, huh?
17:52.49ShoebI have no idea what I'm doing wrong, when the user/ext is added properly in asterisk and I'm still getting this problem.
17:52.55ShoebOf no matching peer found.
17:53.13[TK]D-FenderShoeb: Your phone is not using the right user.
17:53.44[TK]D-FenderShoeb: pastebin the full CLI output of your error and the pile of lines preceeding it
17:53.46PupenoRDo you know of any other tool to test a PBX/IVR thas SIPp?
17:53.57*** join/#asterisk type0 (
17:54.00type0wassup all
17:55.03MercestesPupenoR, a telephone.
17:55.38*** join/#asterisk MrParity (
17:55.42MrParityhi ho :-)
17:55.54PupenoRMercestes: that is a very poor way of testing. Good for developing, but not for testing the setup with a mega calls
17:57.00Shoeb[TK]D-Fender: It worked, I just restarted Asterisk. But now it's giving a registration timeout!
17:57.06ShoebRequest timeout i mean.
17:57.06ManxPowerPupenoR: use asterisk to generate calls
17:57.31ManxPowerShoeb: STOP!  Provide the requested info or go away.
17:57.58PupenoRManxPower: running two asterisk in the same computer would be problematic, but I may be able to solve that. Other than that, how do I make Asterisk generate calls, play with the PBX and give me some usefull status of it?
17:58.23*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
17:58.23ManxPowerPupenoR: why would you need to run two instances of Asterisk?
17:59.05PupenoRManxPower: actually, I want to test an Asterisk module (written in C), so I'd like the tested asterisk to be as isolated as possible (to be able to monitor for memory leaks in my own code).
17:59.09ShoebManxPower: After you didn't answer my last question directly to you "<Shoeb>ManxPower: What would I be looking for?" I thought you're off the case. [TK]D-Fender has been helping me since yesterday, and I don't see him freaking out at all?
17:59.17ManxPowerPupenoR: like all free tools you would have to write your own testing scripts
18:00.02PupenoRManxPower: then SIPp is a better tool.
18:00.02ManxPowerPupenoR: for your needs, yes.
18:00.02*** join/#asterisk dawizard (
18:00.02syzygyBSDShoeb: that is because you can't see him
18:00.08ManxPower(12:53:15) [TK]D-Fender: Shoeb: pastebin the full CLI output of your error and the pile of lines preceeding it
18:00.16[TK]D-FenderI'm invisible so long as no one is looking at me!
18:00.20PupenoRManxPower: ok, thank you. I haven't had to do any testing like this in a long time, so I was checking if anybody know about anything better than sipp.
18:00.30ManxPowerShoeb: your problem should take 5 mins to solve once TK gets the info he requested.
18:01.01ManxPowerPupenoR: there is something called "sipsak" or something like that.  I don't know if it will be helpful to you
18:02.27syzygyBSDmaybe he did pastebin it, but just didn't give the link because we didn't ask?
18:02.27*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
18:02.28MrParityi have a problem with early dial (gxp2000 + v1.2). i'm not able to type more than 3 digits. i alway get the error 503. does anyoen have an idea how to fix?
18:02.28*** join/#asterisk qufk (
18:02.28[TK]D-FenderMrParity: Stop using early dial.
18:02.28MrParitydo i need so set an special option to use this feature?
18:02.28[TK]D-FenderMrParity: This is not really supported in *
18:02.32MrParity[TK]D-Fender: *g*
18:03.08MrParity[TK]D-Fender: ok, thats the reason for this error, thanks :-)
18:03.19ManxPowerMrParity: Early Dial is when the phone sends each digit to it's SIP server and the server either responds with a "incomplete number" packet or the server dials the call
18:04.52MrParityManxPower: i know, but i think early dial is a nice feature and i want to have it :) i didn't know that there is no support in asterisk
18:05.32[TK]D-FenderMrParity: And I want $1,000,000 so nobody is leaving happy today.  Live with it :)
18:05.56Nivex[TK]D-Fender: Don't forget the pony!
18:05.58syzygyBSD[TK]D-Fender: well, I was going to give that to you today, but since everyone else isn't happy, I guess I won't
18:06.07[TK]D-FenderNivex: I can BUY it after if I want it!
18:06.17[TK]D-FenderI'm spending enough this week as it is...
18:06.30syzygyBSDhookers and booze?
18:07.22[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Sword and guitar ($820 +/-, and $900 respectively)
18:07.47syzygyBSDwhat sword?
18:09.01syzygyBSDdon't cut your arm off, any body part come to think of it...
18:09.17MrParity[TK]D-Fender, ManxPower : ok, i've know decreased the keypad timeout - it's not a perfect solution, but it's ok :-) thanks.
18:09.58ManxPowerMrParity: BTW, real phones have support for an internal dialplan.
18:10.13[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: My Oni Forge Bushi -
18:10.18ManxPowerAnd by "real phone" I mean "almost anything except Grandstream"
18:10.50MrParityManxPower: maybe i will test an snom phone next days
18:11.56ManxPowerI'm a fan of Polycoms
18:14.17[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: I'm sure its nicer than the Oriole I just ordered, but the Oriole has a more distinct color and because of tsuka/balde length and the thinner blade on it it'll handle like lightning, and the arc much improved for me.
18:14.50bulle[TK]D-Fender: you bought a sword ?
18:15.04[TK]D-Fenderbulle: Another one, yes
18:15.20syzygyBSDthe ratio looks a bit odd for me, 2/3 blade, 1/3 handle
18:15.22bulle[TK]D-Fender: oh, japanese one
18:15.29syzygyBSDbut I don't really know anything...
18:15.31bullesyzygyBSD: its for two handed use
18:15.56[TK]D-Fenderbulle: I have 1 true blade (as linked), a Paul Chen Gorin Iaito ( dulled), and have just ordered the Oriole linked above.
18:16.01syzygyBSDwell, ya, but 13" is plenty
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18:16.56syzygyBSDbulle: dead link?
18:17.04bullesyzygyBSD: dead link ?
18:17.11[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Yeah, you can see the scal difference vs my Bushi, but I am 6'2-3" and longer arms.  The added tsuka length is a GOOD thing, and the center of balance will make it a FAST blade.
18:17.32bullesyzygyBSD: the link works for me
18:17.48syzygyBSDcan't lookup albion-swords.. dns issues it looks like...
18:18.02[TK]D-Fenderbulle: 4lbs?  bit of a beast...
18:18.06bulle[TK]D-Fender: i have 0 clues when it comes to japanese katanas, i only train with european ones
18:18.20bulle[TK]D-Fender: yes, its a pretty heavy thingy, one of the heavier
18:18.33bulle[TK]D-Fender: mind, its for use in armour, so you dont use it as you use, say a katana
18:18.46[TK]D-Fenderbulle: I currently practice Katori Shinto, and am looking for an MJER Iaido dojo next
18:19.18[TK]D-Fenderbulle: No... a katana could poke a nasty woulnd through a joint just the same :)
18:19.50bulle[TK]D-Fender: problem is, there are no joints to chop trough, when the person is standing up, and facing your way
18:20.03[TK]D-Fenderbulle: That would do better on heavy leather I would guess and has a greater length.
18:20.30bulle[TK]D-Fender: im one of those arma loons ( )
18:20.32*** join/#asterisk falz (
18:20.34[TK]D-Fenderbulle: armour head to toe?  humans bleed from all sorts of differnt points :)
18:20.38syzygyBSDI'll just stick with guns
18:21.05[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: I used to work at a firearms importer/exporter.... they lost their appeal to me as a weapon long ago.
18:21.13falzoi. I just began using queues this weekend. somehow, a few of the phones in them don't show up in the queue if I do "show queue foo"
18:21.20CunningPikePerhaps, given current events, we could reduce the drooling over weapons for a bit, eh?
18:21.25LeddyHMguns are for sissies
18:21.31bulleswords are for men!
18:21.46LeddyHMI was just informed about a virginia tech shooting
18:21.51[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: Agreed.  Too "clumsy" and random.... :)
18:22.11[TK]D-Fenderbulle: that sword = $$$
18:23.00[TK]D-Fenderbulle: Here's a known American smith with a great variety of Western European arms -
18:23.15*** join/#asterisk Waverly360 (n=irc@
18:24.02type0i saw the shooting earlier this morning
18:24.09type022 people implies a massive motivation
18:24.49*** join/#asterisk rogerz (
18:25.52bulle[TK]D-Fender: well, i dont live in america, and i know the guy that does the historical research and design of the albion swords, but thanks anyway
18:26.02*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
18:26.27Waverly360Hey guys, is it possible to configure a polycom phone to dial another polycom phone directly without using asterisk?
18:27.09mcabWaverly360: enable url dialing, then press "new call", then "name" and dial the IP of the other phone
18:27.15*** join/#asterisk ppyy (n=ppyy@
18:27.27ManxPowerWaverly360: If you are not using Asterisk then by definition the question does not belong here
18:27.32type0anyone know of a SNMP platform which uses Adobe Flex?
18:28.02Waverly360ManxPower: I was just curious.  I don't even care how to do it, I was just wondering if it was possible.
18:28.08Waverly360mcab: Thanks.
18:28.09MrChimpyhmm. i have my spool call file calling a Local/extension@context and doing the dial based on dialplan variables I set in the spool file. The Dial has a G() option so I get a context for the called side - but I need those dialplan variables from the caller. Any way to achieve that?
18:30.47ManxPowerMrChimpy: prefix the variable names with two underscores
18:30.56ManxPoweryou need to read README.variables
18:31.12MrChimpylots to remember :)
18:32.39*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
18:33.41Waverly360Does anyone know of a PSTN gateway device that has a sip server built-in to it, so that I can use it to connect to an asterisk server OR have polycoms connect directly to it?
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18:35.56elriahHi all.  Are MeetMe conference ID's logged anywhere?
18:36.28ManxPowerWaverly360: That would be called "Asterisk"
18:37.24Waverly360ManxPower: I'm looking for a device I can buy that does it all.
18:37.36VecWhen using fastagi, if I want to return something back to the caller, does it have to be done by the AGI script or can the AGI script return the variable back to the asterisk dialplan ?
18:38.01Supaplexyou can set a var
18:38.23VecSupaplex : set a channel var in the agi ?
18:39.22Supaplexyou only said 'something'. I don't know about setting a channel var. (no idea what that really is atm)
18:39.47Supaplexpoke the asterisk wiki how to use vars in dialplans and set/get from agis.
18:41.44VecSupaplex : I know how to do both just did not make the connection, thanks!
18:41.49tootyay - we finally managed to get a website together :)
18:42.00tooteek - soz wrong window :(
18:43.32Supaplextoot: yay localhost. ;)
18:43.52elriahHi all.  Are MeetMe conference numbers's logged anywhere?
18:43.58elriahis there any meetme logging at all?
18:43.59toot<html><body><p>hello world!</p></body></html> :P
18:44.38ManxPowerelriah: should be easy enough to extract the info from /var/log/asterisk/messages
18:45.08PupenoRAnyone using SIPp with authentification? it seems it fails to calculate the length of the content in the invite with auth, any ideas?
18:47.06*** join/#asterisk izaak (
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18:48.07izaakdoes anyone know how i can force a caller id in a SIP channel configuration?  the documentation says 'callerid' is only used when the callerid is "unavailable".
18:51.20*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
18:51.25MrChimpyworks now, thanks loads
18:53.10_VoiceMeUp_ComApr 16 14:52:48 WARNING[15726]: chan_sip.c:1084 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x8713fd8 (len 893) to 712. returned -1: Invalid argument
18:53.13_VoiceMeUp_Comwaht this mean ?
18:54.01*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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18:54.10Hmmhesaysugh, why do we have to keep killing each other
18:54.12BSD_Techman the httpd serve in asterisk needs fast cgi
18:54.25BSD_Techbecause is human nature
18:54.34BSD_Techman is self destructive
18:54.36syzygyBSDHmmhesays: if it makes you feel any better you can only die once... unless they bring you back to life
18:54.47Hmmhesays32 dead at the va tech shooting, so far
18:54.50syzygyBSDSo I guess that is why, because people don't stay dead
18:55.32BSD_Techjust give evey man woman and teenager a gun and call it fair play
18:55.40BSD_Techope n the boarders
18:56.09CrazyTuxHmmhesays, recently?
18:56.13*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
18:56.21MercestesCrazyTux, uh, today
18:56.25*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
18:56.25HmmhesaysI think it was an hour ago
18:56.38blitzragewhat's a TV?
18:56.41CrazyTuxI never watch TV, or rather I need to read CNN more often.
18:56.58blitzrageyou shouldn't read American news
18:57.18BSD_Tech90 american news = propiganda
18:57.21Hmmhesaysahh 8am my time
18:57.22BSD_Techor death
18:57.26Hmmhesays32 dead 21 wounded so far
18:57.28syzygyBSDfox news.. isn't that an oxy moron
18:57.43MercestessyzygyBSD, Clever.
18:57.48BSD_TechAmerica = to the Middle East
18:57.54BSD_Techself destructive
18:58.11Hmmhesaysthe same kid is on fox news and cnn
18:58.28MercestesThat's not allowed in public anymore.
18:58.36syzygyBSDoh, I would have loved to come up with it, but I didn't.  I think Rupert Murdoch did
18:58.52Hmmhesaysi have a baseball bat with the 10 commandments on it
18:58.55[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: Guitar I'm trying out again tonight and likely to buy -,85/brand,zzounds/RGT42BP-be975ffc90113a7700bda886daf61865.jpg
18:58.59Hmmhesaysyou're going down b1tch
18:59.08MercestesWe have replaced "freedom of speech" with "Thou shalt not be offensive to ANYONE unless your an athiest, a faggot or an extremist, then it's ok."
18:59.33Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: what is that?
18:59.33syzygyBSDhmm, what if you are all 3?
18:59.49BSD_Techdown with the goverments
19:00.01BSD_Techits time for people to take back control
19:00.08BSD_Techand start fresh
19:00.13[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: Ibanez RGT42DX-IBT . 1-piece though-neck double-locking 24 fret...
19:00.18BSD_Techmake drugs legal and tax them
19:00.18syzygyBSDI am an extremist to conseratives nowadays
19:00.23MercestesI'd rather talk about D-Fender's guitar.
19:00.32Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: nice
19:00.33MercestesIbanez you say?  nice.
19:00.43BSD_Techmake all sex acts legal
19:00.46HmmhesaysI'm sticking with schecters lately
19:00.52BSD_Techand taxable
19:00.58syzygyBSDlol BSD_Tech
19:01.01*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
19:01.04[TK]D-FenderMercestes: I was preparing to shell out around $1200 for a Carvin custom job... so the savings are being pumped into the blade I just ordered ;)
19:01.09BSD_Techand shoot billgates
19:01.20MercestesAll sex acts are legal.  Just....gah, do we have to have an advocacy group around it?
19:01.25syzygyBSDI think sex with fluffy bunnies shouldn't be legal, who will protect them from being exploited?
19:01.26BSD_Techand burn MS to the ground
19:01.31[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: Schecter is pretty much an ESP... definately shred guitars..
19:01.44[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: Not terribly unlike this one I'm looking at :)
19:01.45MercestesI mean hell, I like to beat my wife and screw her in public, maybe I shoudl whine about my rights.
19:01.55syzygyBSDMercestes: the only legal way to have sex in idaho is missionary style,
19:01.57[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: I'm just completely finished with bolt-on necks....
19:02.14MercestessyzygyBSD, Not really enforceable.  (and, ps:  BORING)
19:02.19Hmmhesaysyeah you get way better sustain from neck through or even set neck
19:02.22[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Yeah..... treat your sheep right!
19:02.25Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, It is a nice blade.
19:02.34Hmmhesaysalthough with bolt on if you have string through body you get good sustain
19:02.36Mercestessave the bunnies.
19:02.38SupaplexMercestes: not boring. syzygyBSD has 143 tickets for it. ;)
19:02.44MercestesSupaplex, ROFLMAO
19:02.47[TK]D-FenderMercestes: it is pretty, and I'm betting on the reviews since I can't expect to find it locally.
19:02.52BSD_TechMontana where the men are men and the women are to
19:03.06syzygyBSDgot it wrong BSD_Tech
19:03.17Supaplexso BSD_Tech is a ... man I guess.
19:03.17syzygyBSDMontana, where the men are men and the sheep are scared
19:03.35*** join/#asterisk hansin321 (
19:03.39MercestesMontana, where men are men and women are polyamorous sheep
19:03.57BSD_Techbut make everythign legal and taxable
19:04.17BSD_Techand anyone in office can only serve 1 term
19:04.22MercestesCalifornia!  Where men are women and women are men and women are women doing women  and men are women doing men and men are women doing women (etc.)
19:04.22syzygyBSDmakes sense, the only true freedom is economic freedome
19:04.26BSD_Techthen a new person has to step in
19:04.39syzygyBSDif you are rich enough you can do anything which is different from now because.... hmm, nm
19:04.45Hmmhesayshaha the cnn anchor just said "good hustle" to one of the field reporters
19:04.58MercestesSmack his ass!  Smack his ass!
19:05.01HmmhesaysI like the schecter variaty
19:05.06Hmmhesays*variety even
19:05.35MrChimpyok, last dull question. what's the "official" dialplan method of do-nothing-until-other-end-hangs-up?
19:05.39BSD_TechI will try anything sexual and if I like it go back for more
19:05.47MercestesMrChimpy, macro-stdexten
19:06.06MercestesMrChimpy, For outbout just Dial(tech/number) with no timeout and no finishing code.
19:06.27MercestesMrChimpy, You could even call a Congestion() after 1800 seconds if you want to be really nice, and then a hangup just to clean up after yourself.
19:06.31MrChimpyi can't do that as I have to provide dialplan for both legs when dialling with G()
19:06.45Mercestesthen the last half should work.
19:07.35*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
19:08.35_VoiceMeUp_ComApr 16 14:52:48 WARNING[15726]: chan_sip.c:1084 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x8713fd8 (len 893) to 712. returned -1: Invalid argument
19:08.41syzygyBSDMrChimpy: wait(10000000000)?
19:08.43_VoiceMeUp_Comis that from a1.4 ?
19:08.50_VoiceMeUp_Comi think ill block 1.4 from our networks
19:09.01*** join/#asterisk amer (n=ame@
19:09.10MrChimpyBSD: that's what I have now :)
19:09.38syzygyBSDme not you tech
19:09.49BSD_Techahh  ok
19:10.08Mercestes_VoiceMeUp_Com, You should.  that's what all the othe rcarriers are doing.
19:10.19amerI am using Asterisk as an SBC (SIP trunking) but I am having some problems, will appreciate if someone can help me out
19:10.37Mercestesamer:  SBC = session boarder control?
19:11.01Mercestesamer:  interesting.
19:11.02Supaplexbrodem ;)
19:11.21amerok so now the problem I am facing is codec negotiation
19:11.37Mercestesamer:  well, since there is no such thing as sip trunking, and asterisk is not an SBC device, I'm guessing your having problems?
19:12.00Mercestesamer: disallow=all   allow=codecs you want
19:12.12amerI have 2 interface on a server, one interface faces SONUS and the 2nd is on public IP facing carriers
19:12.22amerhear me out
19:12.35JT[TK]D-Fender: you about?
19:12.47[TK]D-FenderJT, yup
19:13.05*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (
19:13.30Mercestesamer:  Good way to do it
19:13.32amernow if a call comes in with g.729 as preffered codec asterisk negotiates g.729 and sends sonus a list of codecs which is not the same as it gets orignally
19:13.50amere.g it send g.723...g.729
19:13.58*** join/#asterisk savas^ (n=chatzill@
19:14.16amersonus selects g.723 as its the first in the order
19:15.27amernow on one side I have 729 and on the other 723, I dont want any transcoding on asterisk so the call drops as soon as someone picks up
19:16.23savas^hi folks, i have a problem with option messages
19:16.28savas^OPTIONS sip:ffdventures;user=phone SIP/2.0
19:16.53savas^in here destination's domain name is missed
19:16.56amerhow can I make asterisk send the same preference of codecs as it gets from the orignator
19:17.30savas^is this a correct message according to asterisk?
19:19.00amerwe have been using asterisk as a SBC for the last 2.5 years, aorund 30 million minutes per month :)
19:19.23amerthe recent problem is because of whole sale carriers who dont have a single preffered codec
19:20.30amercan anyone help?
19:20.31*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
19:20.36CVirusMercestes: there ?
19:20.50MercestesCVirus, I am now
19:21.20amerMercestes: any thoughts?
19:21.26CVirusMercestes: great ..... remember my problem ? I could make direct SIP to SIP calls ... but when I use an asterisk server in the middle .. the call starts but no voice goes through
19:21.28MercestesAmer:  Ok, so you don't know what codec is incoming I'm guessing?
19:21.49MercestesCVirus, Yea, but I remember none of the troubleshooting steps
19:22.03CVirusMercestes: lemme re-paste you my sip.conf and extensions.conf
19:22.11Mercestesoh please.  :)
19:22.51ameryes sir
19:23.32Mercestesamer:  I'm pretty sure you can do disallow=all and allow=g711u, g729 and I'm fairly certain asterisk will "prefer" to use whatever codec is already in place and try to avoid transcoding.
19:24.00syzygyBSDlazy software
19:24.16amerI have tried this, most of the time on both legs different codecs are negotiated
19:24.24Mercestesamer:  As long as you specifically allow that codec to the sonus.  It sounds like to me that your not specifying allowed codecs so it's doing random stuff.  Try specifying disallow=all and allow= codecs you want to allow."
19:24.26SupaplexsyzygyBSD: lazy software comes from _______
19:24.32Mercesteslazy programmers.
19:24.37syzygyBSDeffiecint coding?
19:25.22BSD_Techno such thing
19:25.28BSD_Techin the real world
19:25.52BSD_Techthats why apps become bloated with piss poor coding
19:25.56syzygyBSDwhat does reality tv have to do with this?
19:28.29amersonus-------(disallow all, allow 723,729)asterisk(disallow all,allow 723,729)----------(729,723)carrier
19:29.11ameru see my problem
19:31.17*** join/#asterisk beehive (
19:31.19Mercestesamer:  Your prefering 723, carrier sends you 729, and your stuff picks 723.
19:31.25*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
19:31.37MercestesBSD_Tech, you are such a positive and enlightening person, btw.
19:32.26syzygyBSDjust a realist
19:33.16*** join/#asterisk bkruse (i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-3600465b97da6c9c)
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19:35.45Mercestesrealist == pessimist
19:36.34*** join/#asterisk tmjb (n=tmjb@
19:36.55JTif that's what you think reality is...
19:37.01*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
19:39.13Hmmhesaysanyone ever done any serial communications in perl?
19:39.14[TK]D-FenderNo.. a pessimist just thinks everything is bad... a realist KNOWS this to be true ;)
19:41.30*** part/#asterisk savas^ (n=chatzill@
19:42.46Hmmhesaysno one?
19:43.10hrmphhhmm; try #perl
19:43.26[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: Code is googlable
19:44.36bkruse[TK]D-Fender: yep
19:44.41Hmmhesaysyeah I'm not sure what to google
19:45.02[TK]D-Fender"perl serial communications sample"
19:45.59Hmmhesaysif you google that with quotes you get nothing
19:46.09HmmhesaysI have been googling but haven't come up with much
19:46.22bkruse"words specific words" + some words to search
19:46.58*** join/#asterisk cspot (
19:47.32JTwin 74
19:49.31syzygyBSDHmmhesays: try
19:49.55*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
19:50.08ctooleyIs there a way to get the call-id of an outbound call?
19:50.41ctooleyI need to record the call-id that Asterisk sets so I can track it down on the remote end.
19:51.23Mercestesctooley:  it's delivered as the src number, in your CDRS, or as ${EXTEN} in your incoming context.
19:51.36Mercestesctooley:  it would be what your matching under exten =>
19:51.55syzygyBSDuh.. it is in ${CALLERID[number]} i believe
19:51.56syzygyBSDor the CDR for the call
19:51.56syzygyBSDor the ...
19:53.09ctooleyNot the number that is dialed, the SIP Call-ID
19:53.59Mercestesctooley:  you are correct, ${EXTEN} would be number dialed, but ${CALLERID(number)} would be the src number
19:54.32*** join/#asterisk gerphimum (n=trekkie@
19:54.40ctooleyMercestes, and I can get that from a bridged all after hangup?
19:55.12ctooleyI know how to get the A (inbound) leg's Call-ID, but not the B (ensuing outbound) leg's Call-ID
19:55.47ameris there a variable that the incoming codec value?
19:56.11amerthat has *
19:56.42amerif incoming_codec=729 goto 10
19:57.06amerdial sip_proxy (allow only 729)
19:57.48ctooleysomething like that is going to be the outbound SIP Call-ID
19:57.53*** join/#asterisk mrdigital (
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20:03.45*** join/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
20:03.52mattwj2005hi guys :)
20:04.17mattwj2005I know it is best to run the same version of asterisk with the same version of zaptel
20:04.32mattwj2005what do I do....newest version of zaptel isn't out yet
20:04.48BSD_Techok asterisk +gui up on 6.2
20:04.59BSD_Technow to workon other things
20:05.14BSD_TechI wish the asterisk httpd supported fastcgi
20:06.44syzygyBSDcgi? or agi?
20:07.00JThe said httpd
20:08.28*** join/#asterisk massctrl (
20:11.23*** join/#asterisk toot (n=toot@
20:11.39*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
20:12.03CVirusMercestes: I'm terribly sorry ... something was wrong with my connection ... here's the conf files
20:12.49*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
20:14.12CVirusMercestes: are you still there ?
20:15.42massctrlyowz, i'm not familiar with voip/asterisk in general. i'm wondering if it's feasable to receive incoming calls with asterisk and route these call based upon the choices they make in the menu to a pool of people who are waiting with a voip client on their computer or incoming calls...
20:16.15massctrlit's for some sort of a helpdesk setup
20:16.35Strom_Mmassctrl: yes
20:16.36[TK]D-Fendermassctrl: Certainly
20:16.46Strom_MIVR menus and queues are what you should look into
20:17.34tootdo i get in trouble if i mention a commerical product (link) in here? :)
20:17.39massctrlok and the one recieving the voip call, does he need to be logged in with a voip client to the asterisk box?
20:18.02MercestesCVirus, Sorry, world crumbled.
20:18.22CVirusMercestes: no problem
20:18.36tootnot as a sales pitch as such, more out of interest (none of you would need our product i suspect) :)
20:18.43Mercestesctooley, Oh, the caller id of the outbound leg?  Why would the outbound leg even transmit you callerID?
20:19.51ctooleyMercestes, I don't care about callER id.  I know what that is.  I need to know what the Call-ID is.
20:20.08ctooleyI'm not looking for any kind of caller id information
20:20.19ctooleyCall-ID is a unique identifier for a call
20:20.30*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
20:20.49Mercestesctooley, oh.  Hrm.  That's a sip debug thing.  I don' tthink that's output anywyere.
20:21.27MercestesCVirus, this isn't helping me much.
20:21.39ctooleyMercestes, yeah, but it's got to "be" somewhere.  I can use the GetSIPHeader to get the inbound call-id.  But, that's not going to help on the outbound leg.
20:22.06Mercestesctooley, Might be a sourcecode patch thing.
20:23.25ctooleyMercestes, yeah, I think I'm going to have to do that... was hoping to avoid doing another hack to chan_sip
20:23.26ctooleyI've already got several
20:24.18falzanyone have issues with grandstrema phones and the aux/voice/qos vlan setting? I can get it working on a) brand new budgetone 200's, and VERY old firmware budgetone 100's, but none of the newest firmware for handytone's or budgetone 100's
20:24.26*** join/#asterisk lee_is_me (
20:24.44*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
20:25.10CVirusMercestes: I'm afraid I can't follow you .... My laptop is freezing every 10 minutes .. it seems it's dying :-(
20:25.33lee_is_meHi all, what is the preferred way to send a caller to an extension's voicemail?  Custom extension with parsing?
20:25.46tootwell - at any rate - our website is at - not officially launched and will be opening up some interesting parts of our code etc - i welcome all feedback and q's :)
20:26.01falzlee_is_me: just set up an extension that goes direct to voicemail
20:26.28falzwe just prefix the normal extention with it, like an asterisk for example
20:26.58tmjbhello i got some wierd callerid form diffrent zapata channels example GSM gateway gives me 00-66-555-555 and ISDN line gives me 66-555-555 but the good nubmer should be 0-66-555-555 any ideas how parse this and send to my phones good caller ID tnx
20:27.01lee_is_meand use the sentinel to indicate a voicemail extension?
20:28.30falzI don't know what "the sentinel" is
20:28.31lee_is_mesorry, an indicator character?
20:28.31lee_is_melike with Credit cards which have starting and ending sentinels to indicate start/stop of track1, track2,etc
20:28.31PupenoRIs there some documentation somewhere explaining how provisioning works in Linksys PAP2? the first file is read but the second and third aren't being read.
20:28.40ctooleyMercestes, thanks for trying to help
20:28.43*** part/#asterisk ctooley (
20:29.25lee_is_mefalz: *111 means to to that extensions VM wherease 111 dials directly?
20:30.49falzlee_is_me: that's what I did, and it worked fine
20:30.57falzunless you have * reserved for something else
20:31.17*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
20:31.22lee_is_mefalz: not using * for anything else.  I will try that.  Thanks a bunch.
20:31.35Mercestesfalz:  Everyone has that problem on grandstream phones.
20:31.38jbotgs is, like, South Georgia and the South Sandwich islands, or ghostscript.  GrandSuck phones are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice
20:32.28lee_is_memy first phone as GS budgetone.  It's now on my wife's desk...
20:32.38Mercesteslee_is_me, your ex-wife?
20:32.55falzI'm not of the opinion that they should be avoided, for the $50 or whatever cost, it's tough to beat.
20:33.10*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
20:33.14lee_is_mefalz: it was a great starter phone to learn on
20:33.18FuriousGeorgehey all
20:33.34Mercestesfalz:  I have two cans and some string that I'll sell you for $15 that outperforms your grandstream.
20:33.46Mercestesfalz:  And a nice bucket of trash for $5.
20:33.58Mercestesfalz:  hey!  for $15 it's hard to beat, eh?
20:34.07falzMercestes: if they did sip, then I'd say yes.
20:34.18Mercestesfalz:  Of course they do sip.
20:34.30FuriousGeorgehey all
20:34.37falzobviously a budgetone raped your sister or something.
20:34.46Mercestesfalz:  You just hook it to an analogue device and run that to an ATA and convert that over to g711, total cost:  Only about $60.
20:35.02Mercestestough to beat for $60.\
20:35.32falzmessage waiting inicato? button to auto-route to voicemail?
20:35.41falztransfer/conference buttons?
20:35.43Mercestesfalz:  No, your rebuttal is falicitious.  It's $50 because it's total trash.  Trash being sold for $50 is easy to beat.
20:36.11falzlike I said, what the hell did grandstream do to you?
20:36.24falzwe've got 8ish of these, they sit in rooms that get phone calls once a month
20:36.31Mercestessince you are using free software to run a cheap ass phone and lurking in an open support channel asking for free, voluntary help to fix whatever you scraped together with the same amount of money I pay my step son a week to mow my lawn...
20:36.53MercestesI'm going to say the answer to your question is in the design of the equipment you are trying to use.
20:36.54falzno, I just don't want 7960's in rarely used areas.
20:37.15FuriousGeorgei think chan_zap is causing * to deadlock :(
20:37.16falzthe question about voice vlans not working on some firmware versions?
20:37.32FuriousGeorgepeople call me saying they either cant call out, cant answer incoming calls or both
20:38.03Mercestesfalz:  Pretty much any question you have about grandstream that is performance related.
20:38.07FuriousGeorgeinterestingly, they "call out" via voip, but the deadlocks always seem to coincide with incoming analog calls
20:38.30FuriousGeorgeall of the servers i install use multiple fxs, but this is the only one using multiple fxo
20:38.46FuriousGeorgethe other ones roll calls over to a voip DID
20:38.50MercestesFuriousGeorge, * version, zap version, which card?
20:38.52*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
20:38.52falzMercestes: seriously, I'm curious, what happened with you and grandstream?
20:39.21Mercestesit ate my puppy.
20:39.28Mercesteshappy now?
20:39.29FuriousGeorgemercestes 1.2.17 on amd_64
20:39.34falzthat would do it.
20:39.46FuriousGeorgezap version is 1.2.16
20:39.51MercestesFuriousGeorge, Are you using a 64 bit distro?
20:39.56FuriousGeorgeMercestes: yes
20:40.19MercestesFuriousGeorge, Could be the 64bit stuff.
20:40.52Mercestesfalz:  Seriously?  Every phone I tried really sucked, and I've heard nothing but "grandsuck" in this channel.
20:40.56FuriousGeorgeMercestes: i suppose.  i have another almost identical box running fine on 64-bit.  the difference being the other one has only one incoming zap channel
20:42.08Mercestesfalz:  nothign about the phone really works.  Yo ucan't buy the cheapest phone on the market and hope all the bells and whistles work.  It's like buying a dlink at walmart and trying to use it as a Cisco 2650.
20:42.28FuriousGeorgei assume they are deadlocks because i always see in messages "avoided initial deadlock" which makes me think that maybe it didnt avoid the subsequent ones.
20:42.29Mercestesfalz:  It's a $50 phone, you program it as a sip peer, plug it in, pray it works.
20:42.47MercestesFuriousGeorge, Yea the magical system instability messages.
20:42.59falzit works. just fine. fortunately I don't use it to talk on
20:43.09Mercestesfalz:  ROFL
20:43.13Mercestesyea, they ring great
20:43.39MercestesFuriousGeorge, don't use FoP I suppose.
20:43.45lee_is_meMine was able to hide the horrible humming noise coming from my verizon line...
20:44.13lee_is_mepolycom 301 picked up on it quite well on the other hand
20:45.13MercestesFuriousGeorge, I hate to point at Sip Debugs.  Might wanna watch your console fo rwhat's going on tho.
20:45.23MercestesFuriousGeorge, Does the other 64bit box run the same version of asterisk/zaptel??
20:45.26*** join/#asterisk Explisit (n=explisit@
20:45.47PupenoRDoes anybody know what's the purpouse of the different profile rules of provisioning of a PAP2?
20:45.53FuriousGeorgeMercestes: OLDER
20:45.56FuriousGeorgesorry caps
20:46.35MercestesFuriousGeorge, May want to roll back the versino as a test then.
20:46.43MercestesFuriousGeorge, mirror the other system as closely as possible.
20:47.02MercestesFuriousGeorge, And turn up your verbosity and core debug 1 and check your messages for indicators as to what's going wrong
20:47.03ExplisitDoes anybody has a script similar to this situation - when a call is received the dialing number is check for match in database and if found the sql server return info about the match in browser so the user can see it.
20:47.04FuriousGeorgeMercestes: im thinking of just tarring up the root and kernel of the other server and eliminating software as a problem all together
20:47.05*** join/#asterisk zsolt_x (
20:47.17FuriousGeorgethe only diff is one has onboard audio which i dont use
20:47.29zsolt_xhello everybody
20:47.39zsolt_xI quick question if someone has time ?
20:47.54MercestesFuriousGeorge, Coul ddo that if it's identical hardware
20:48.05zsolt_xanyone please ?
20:48.10MikHellAny way to easily install a speaking clock extension on asterisk?
20:48.13zsolt_xwill not take long
20:48.14FuriousGeorgeMercestes: this has been a constant problem for this server.  the only factor that remains the same is the tdm400p card that is in it
20:48.27lee_is_mezsolt: I'm new to irc myself, but I think you should just ask your question
20:48.29FuriousGeorgeerr, make that two
20:48.42FuriousGeorgeone with 4 fxs and one with 3 fxo
20:48.45zsolt_xthanks lee_is_me
20:48.57*** part/#asterisk Explisit (n=explisit@
20:49.04FuriousGeorgeand like i said, a deadlock always seems to coincide with incoming calls
20:49.11zsolt_xhow can I get the ID of the called peer before it picks up the phone, using MAPI ?
20:49.29FuriousGeorgei was thinking of switching to sangoma, but i doubt hardware not developed by digium would work any better with asterisk
20:49.35zsolt_xI need to disconnect the call using MAPI, if the call is taking too long to answer
20:50.54MercestesFuriousGeorge, I doubt is the card.
20:51.00zsolt_xanyone ?
20:51.48lee_is_mezsolt: MAPI  as in message application programming interface?
20:52.34zsolt_xthe problem is that I don't have the ID of the called peer
20:52.38lee_is_mezsolt: sorry i do not know.  But curious as to why you want to use that
20:52.49zsolt_xso I cannot initiate a hangup message trough MAPI
20:53.00lee_is_meah, ok
20:53.11zsolt_xI'm working on something and that is what I need :-)
20:54.17lee_is_mezsolt: ok, was just curious
20:54.55zsolt_xsure np
20:55.11zsolt_xif anyone has a clue, or an idea please let me know
20:55.16zsolt_xI will stick around
20:58.30*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (
20:59.18_Sam--hey i have this parameter set for your voicemail, but most times callers messages are still cut at 1 minute....any ideas?
20:59.21_Sam--; Maximum length of a voicemail message in seconds
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21:08.55naitramhow do you use the # key in an exten, such that the #1101 means dial pound then 1101, do you have to escape it with some character?
21:09.14Strom_Mnaitram: don't start an extension with #
21:09.29Strom_M# tends to mean "I'm finished dialing; put the call through now"
21:09.51naitramStrom_M: ok, thanks
21:13.25*** join/#asterisk irule (n=irule@
21:14.03naitramis there a dial string to just do nothing, i am running scripts based on a series of digits dialed and then want to end but i have to physically push the end key
21:15.12iruleis there a good doc online regarding security? I want to make sure I am not vulnerable with a home setup
21:15.33Strom_Mnaitram: I don't understand what you mean
21:16.56naitramStrom_M: I am going to use asterisk for both voip and also some control functions for opening doors. I have written php scriptst that can be called from the extensions.conf for a dialed string.
21:17.41naitramwhen i dial now, since there is nothing for asterisk to actually dial, my phone displays dialing even though my scripts are thru?
21:18.12*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
21:18.33naitramI wan to end the call since in fact Im not really making one, after the scripts are through running, Just a sec and I will paste to
21:19.05zsolt_xhow can I get the ID of the called peer before it picks up the phone, using MAPI ?
21:19.11zsolt_xI need to disconnect the call using MAPI, if the call is taking too long to answer
21:19.21zsolt_xthe problem is that I don't have the ID of the called peer
21:20.38*** part/#asterisk mog (
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21:22.48naitramI thought there was like a dial no op or something
21:24.56Strom_Mnaitram: so you run the script and then execute a Hangup()
21:24.59Strom_Mwhat's so tough about that?
21:26.54naitramStrom_M: pretty new to this, probably nothing hard, just ignorance. Please enlighten?
21:29.07Strom_Mnaitram: first, don't start an extension with * either - you conflict with assigned vertical service code format
21:29.35Strom_Msecond, extension priorities should not be numbered 1-10; the first should be numbered "1" and the rest "n"
21:30.47Strom_Mfinally, you should have the first priority in your extension be a Progress() and the last priority be Hangup()
21:30.50slmnhqSo I've read chapters 1, 2, 5, 7, and 9 of the O'Reilly book.. but I am beginning to think that it may not have the answers I am looking for
21:31.17slmnhqIs it okay if I ask a Off topic question.. not necessarily relating to debugging/configuring Asterisk?
21:31.46Strom_Mslmnhq: ask away
21:31.50naitramStrom_M: Ok, will do. thanks
21:33.00slmnhqI am trying to develop an application which will initiate a call between two arbitrary phone users (these parties could be on PSTN, GSM, whatever.. with in a specific  country)
21:33.23slmnhqNeither party knows the number of the other party, or is interested in knowing that information...
21:33.46*** part/#asterisk naitram (n=ttech@
21:33.53slmnhqI think my application will have to initiate a 3-way conference call with the other two parties and disconnect
21:34.06*** join/#asterisk paavum (n=Dorphals@
21:34.19paavumIm trying to send a fax to a linksys ata
21:34.24paavumwhich codec should I use?
21:34.26slmnhqI'm trying to get a high-level picture here to understand where Asterisk, my local telephone provider, etc fit in
21:35.29voipmanhow do you ignore an incoming call / dynamically send to voicemail with cisco 79XX's?
21:35.34paavum(Fax --> pstn --> asterisk --[lan]--> WRT54GP --> Fax )
21:35.36tootslmnhq home > asterisk > teleco provider :)
21:36.16slmnhqThanks toot, what kind of an interface should exist between Asterisk and the Telco?
21:36.27Strom_Mpaavum: unless you're doing T.38 passthrough, don't waste your time
21:37.45Strom_Mfax over voice over IP is not a reliable idea :)
21:37.46tootan nice digium card (
21:40.40ChkDigitT.38 works well in ideal conditions...
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21:45.54paavumbut t38 is only available in 1.4, right?
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21:45.55a1faanybody know of a sip client for windows mobile 5.1
21:45.57paavumStrom_M --> its a low traffic lan
21:46.58a1fai just got a Samsung Blackjack
21:48.11thekidriowhat format should I use for touch -d to set a call for some time in the future?  for example $ touch -d 02:25:00 PM PDT
21:48.20*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
21:50.06a1faanybody know any company that makes sip phones for 5.1 mobile windows
21:51.51a1fai cant believe there isnt one
21:51.59*** part/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
21:51.59lee_is_methekidrio: I tried using touch myself, but for some reason, I couldn't get it to work.  I ended up using linux "at" command instead
21:52.28NuggetDon't touch yourself, you'll go blind.
21:52.40thekidrioLee_is_me i just got it to work, I was being silly and not using a 24 hour clock
21:52.47thekidrioPM does not work hehe
21:53.00thekidriohad to do 14:25:00
21:53.10lee_is_mewhat do i do about the hair already on my knuckles?
21:53.45lee_is_methekid: I tried that as well myself and couldn't get it to work.  "at" works great for me...
21:55.29lee_is_mealfa: I tried one on pocketpc 2003 a couple months ago, but it didn't work very well.  Can't remember the name of it though
21:56.25*** join/#asterisk rvhi3 (n=as@
21:56.59a1faWindows Mobile 5.1 is a differnt thing
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21:57.55a1fawhat version of windoz?
21:58.18*** part/#asterisk sselby (
21:58.23xo8oxI have cisco 7960 and trying to register it with our asterisk server but it just wont register..
21:58.31xo8oxI can ping the phone from the server and it pings
21:58.39xo8oxso I don't know what it is I'm missing
21:58.57lee_is_mealfa: were you asking me?
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23:12.45i3inaryim looking for a good method of blocking numbers from originates...i dont seem to be able to do that from my extensions.conf am i missing something?
23:13.14i3inarythe call seems to process before the extension.conf ....the calls are coming from .call files fyi
23:14.24*** join/#asterisk ardor (
23:14.27[TK]D-Fenderi3inary, perhaps you should pasten the sample call-file & your extensions.conf
23:15.38ardorcan you guys here me?
23:15.44onecentldanyone having problems with 1.4.2 and dtmf
23:17.28a1faanybody know of a sip or iax client that will work on Windows Mobile 5.1
23:20.34*** join/#asterisk ardor (
23:20.36threatonecentld, what type of problems?
23:21.05i3inarysure i can paste that stuff but...i was just thinking that im missing a concept regarding the originate call funtion
23:21.19threatonecentld, asterisk continues to ring even though the person has hang up :)  that is my problem, don't know if it is dtmf related though
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23:21.59kuku5When I do an assisted transfer, is there a way to do a beep  so everyone know that the call is transfered ?
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23:30.20i3inaryanyone know what extensions.swo is off the top of their head?  mine is uhhh 244 meg
23:31.39[TK]D-Fenderi3inary, entirely possible, but until you show us what you're doing we'll never know :)
23:31.48[TK]D-Fenderi3inary, and never head of that file
23:32.11i3inaryok ill have to research it i think its growing too
23:32.26*** join/#asterisk mog (
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23:32.50i3inaryactually its .extensions.conf.swo
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23:33.28[TK]D-Fenderi3inary, sounds like crap to me...
23:40.08maviorif i try to dial an extension ,and immediately after that(like if i have dialed some wrong number) I hang up (for approximately 1 sec) and then I re-pick the phone I heard no dial tone, and my console display that , i'm using a tdm400p on centos 4.4 , ast ver 1.4.0 zap 1.4.0
23:43.42maviorseems like asterisk is busy with the extension expression matching and can't hangup
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23:53.44rhombusCan anyone tell me the real difference between the e-mail and pager parameters in voicemail.conf?
23:54.35rhombusI presume that notifications sent to pager addresses don't include the voice file attachment even if attach=yes
23:54.55_VoiceMeUp_Compager could be an email to sms maybe
23:54.58_VoiceMeUp_Comnot sure
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23:55.20_VoiceMeUp_Commakes sense
23:56.33rhombusI suppose I'll have to try it -- but I sure wish it were documented somewhere
23:57.09DrukenLPYdoes someone have a firmware other than 1.4.1 for the aastra 9112i ?
23:57.32DrukenLPYseems i can't jump to 1.4.1 from the current firmware of the phone
23:58.03BSD_Tech1.4.2 is better update from 1.4.1to 1.4.2
23:58.10BSD_Techmore stable
23:59.35DrukenLPYand where do i get 1.4.2? since 1.4.1 is the latest posted on aastra's site....

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