IRC log for #asterisk on 20070414

00:06.35mrdigitalManxPower: PM?
00:08.05*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
00:12.49*** join/#asterisk MikHell (
00:13.08mrdigitalwheres the log for asterisk
00:14.31*** join/#asterisk shodan (
00:14.54shodancall from asterisk to a skipe user, possible, impossible, almost there ?
00:16.07[TK]D-Fendershodan, possible at cost,
00:16.13Qwell[TK]D-Fender: remember brian?
00:16.31MikHell[TK]D-Fender: I went through the Wiki for NAT and I do not see it addressing my case. :(
00:16.48Qwell...the one in the ban list still, heh
00:17.11shodan[TK]D-Fender, is it a one time cost or $ per unit of time ? is there a free but unreliable way ?
00:17.47Qwell[TK]D-Fender: it was a firewall problem the entire time
00:18.07[TK]D-Fenderqwell : And how did you come to this conclusion?
00:18.27[TK]D-Fendershodan, go look it up on the WIKI
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00:18.51[TK]D-Fenderqwell : You didn't exactly ban him in the most sweeping way...
00:23.17VecHas anyone been able to get speex to compile with asterisk 1.4.2, I am having no end of trouble.
00:24.36Qwell[TK]D-Fender: he msg'd me and told me
00:25.52[TK]D-FenderQwell : Brilliant little ^%$@-tard isn't he?  Oh no... we can't possibly see anything in debug or CLI output... no... only his useless 3 line rephrased description will do and we are all jsut a bunch of losers....
00:26.56mrdigitalwhy when i call an exten it says all circuits are busy
00:26.56[TK]D-Fenderqwell : I'm shopping for a new blade... maybe I can get a "volunteer" for a cutting test ;)
00:26.59mrdigitalno one is using it
00:27.30thekidrio[TK]D-Fender, get a kyocera ceramic if ya want to cut human
00:27.38[TK]D-Fendermrdigital, Maybe you should look at what its DIALING. And if you want us to tell you what your own eyes should be telling you, perhaps you be so kind as to SHOW US.
00:27.47*** join/#asterisk ringhals (
00:27.59[TK]D-Fenderthekidrio, <- My current baby
00:28.02mrdigitalthis is the exten
00:28.10[TK]D-Fenderthekidrio, THAT is for cutting humans
00:28.19ringhalsI would like to make new ringtones for my Cisco IP phones anyone have a sox command they would share for cutting the files to the right length
00:28.30Qwell[TK]D-Fender: why doesn't it glint?
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00:28.36mrdigitali changed the exten from 700 to 97
00:28.38Qwellall cool swords glint
00:28.45DocHollidaysup [TK]D-Fender
00:28.56mrdigitalunless 97 is also used
00:29.20thekidrio[TK]D-Fender, nice and yeah that could cut up some mean human steak
00:29.43Qwellthat's the word of the day, BTW
00:29.48thekidrioneeded to use macro lens on P1010018.JPG btw
00:29.48ManxPowermrdigital: That is not CLI output
00:30.01thekidriogood word
00:30.03[TK]D-Fendermrdigital, the why are you showing me something that isn't REAL. and as ManxPower said, its not CLI OUTPUT
00:30.13mrdigitali got it
00:30.17Qwellgoogle doesn't have a definition of it..  only synonyms
00:30.20DocHollidayQwell, where can i grab the nvfaxdetect source?
00:30.22mrdigitalexten 97 is used
00:30.24DocHollidaynewmantelecom is down
00:30.27QwellDocHolliday: got me
00:30.29thekidrioreally qwell?
00:30.31thekidriothats funny
00:30.55DocHollidayQwell its my only option for SIP fax right?
00:30.59ManxPowermrdigital: You are using some GUI for Asterisk rean't you?
00:31.27mrdigitalim using the conf files
00:31.28thekidrio[TK]D-Fender, nice design in P1010022.JPG
00:31.34ManxPowerDocHolliday: Uh, NVFaxDetect only DETECTS a fax tone then jumps to an extension named "fax"  IT does nothing else.
00:31.37QwellManxPower: You should test out my zaptel branch
00:31.43thekidriohehe ManxPower the gui is coming the gui is coming better watch ou
00:31.53ManxPowerSo is is basically for voice and fax on the name number
00:32.00ManxPowerQwell: Why?
00:32.13Qwellbecause I don't know if it actually works in a realworld scenario, heh
00:32.28DocHollidayManxPower, thats exactly what i need, i have a SIP ATA with a fax connected to it..
00:32.28QwellI only know it works with my uber-cool new "echo can"
00:32.29ManxPowerQwell: what is it supposed to do?
00:32.38[TK]D-Fenderthekidrio, I am currently considering this :
00:32.44DocHollidaythus asterisk --> SIP ATA --> Fax Machine
00:32.46QwellManxPower: give you a dump of the pre- and post- echocan audio
00:33.05Qwellwhich would eventually be useful for debugging
00:33.06VecTrying to compile speex with asterisk and getting "symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: speex_decode_int" when I try load asterisk, any ideas ?
00:33.12ManxPowerthat's why kpflemming was talking about?
00:33.35Qwellzaptel/team/qwell/echocan-debug/ I think was the name of it
00:33.39[TK]D-Fenderthekidrio, it lacks a little cutting power for the close POB, and slightly lower weight.
00:33.56[TK]D-Fenderthekidrio, But for me, agility = flying death.
00:34.07ManxPowerQwell: I'll try it on sunday.  The highest usage of the system is on the weekends
00:34.16[TK]D-Fenderthekidrio, And my newfound love of the extended tsuka
00:34.17Qwellsounds good
00:34.24Juggiei've answered so many questions around here, but i'm stuck myself now, who wants to help me with this (real non clone) x100p someone gave me.
00:34.32Juggieit appears to be stuck off hook.
00:34.53Juggie(i allways use digital hardware at work, sigh, analog!)
00:34.54ManxPowerJuggie: I've not seen that problem before.  What does zttool show you?
00:35.06JuggieManxPower, just says OK.
00:35.08QwellManxPower: You should also try enabling the uber-cool JP1 echo can in that tree, and see if it sounds similar
00:35.16*** part/#asterisk mog (
00:35.22JuggieManxPower, i might have it configured totally wrong.
00:35.38Qwellthe JP1 echo can is the way of the future...
00:35.47ManxPowerJuggie: it's pretty much exactly the same as a 1xFXO tdm400P except the driver is different
00:35.56JuggieManxPower, i've never configured analog ever.
00:36.02Qwellthe quality is about on par with lpc10, but the codec size is the same as slin
00:36.11JuggieManxPower, only T1 :)
00:36.28ManxPowerYou city boys don't know nutthin about analog.
00:36.33JuggieManxPower, do i need Loop/Ground or Kewl start?
00:36.43[TK]D-FenderJuggie, kewlstart
00:37.13ManxPowerJuggie: fxs ks (kewlstart)  Remember fxo ports use fxs signalling and fxs ports use fxo signalling
00:38.00Juggieyep, i did do that properly.
00:39.12Juggieok, so thats all fine
00:39.20Juggiebut its stuck offhook.
00:39.28JuggieHookstate (FXS only): Offhook
00:39.39Juggieas soon as i plug the line in, it changes to offhook.
00:39.41ManxPowerJuggie: uh, notice the FXS only
00:40.04Juggieer, touche
00:40.07Juggieits changing though.
00:40.14Juggiewhen i unplug the line it goes to onhook.
00:40.25Juggiebut consequentially, calling my house is busy now
00:40.28Juggieso its off hook.
00:40.55DocHollidayQwell, is there another project equivalent to nvfaxdetect?
00:41.05ManxPowerJuggie:  /etc/zaptel.conf: "loadzone = us" and "defaultzone=us" and "fxsks=1"
00:41.18Juggiejust those 3 lines?
00:41.27ManxPowerI'm a minimalist
00:41.36Juggiei dont need channels=1?
00:41.47ManxPowernot in /etc/zaptel.conf you don't.
00:41.49_VoiceMeUp_Comi think its channel=1 ( no s)
00:42.04Juggienah its channels.
00:42.11_VoiceMeUp_Comnot in zaptel he is right
00:42.11Juggieok, well its in the example, but i'll try.
00:42.25ManxPowerIf you wait a min ya young whippersnapper I'll give you a /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
00:42.39_VoiceMeUp_Comno its in zapata channel=>1
00:42.42_VoiceMeUp_Comno S
00:42.47_VoiceMeUp_Comthe context is channels
00:42.57_VoiceMeUp_Comchannel => 1-21
00:43.09Juggie_VoiceMeUp_Com, we are talking about /etc/zaptel.conf
00:43.12Juggienot zapata
00:43.17_VoiceMeUp_Comeah sorry
00:43.21_VoiceMeUp_Comhe asked abotu channel=1
00:43.31_VoiceMeUp_Comso i said its channel no (s) and its in zapata
00:43.37DocHolliday_VoiceMeUp_Com, heh docelmo never got back to me :(
00:43.37_VoiceMeUp_ComJuggie, ; )
00:44.57thekidrioDocHolliday, yeah i don't think he got back to me either
00:45.12*** join/#asterisk CrazyYoss (
00:52.35_VoiceMeUp_ComFound my eriupe TDM termination..
00:52.37_VoiceMeUp_Comsounds great
00:52.48_VoiceMeUp_Comeriup is europe after an earthquake
00:53.07_VoiceMeUp_Comfriday night huumor.. i guess im not a sand up comedian
00:58.40DocHolliday_VoiceMeUp_Com, tough crowd tonight
01:00.41JuggieManxPower, still not happy.
01:00.52Juggiethe x100p is really pissing off my ATA
01:04.30Juggiemaybe its broken, because if i try an outbound call, i dont even see it dial.
01:04.46Juggieer, hear it.
01:09.05shodanwhat's the verdict on "uplink skype to sip adapter" ? I just tried it out, won't work because I'm running x64 :\ is it worth sacrificing another box just for it ?
01:10.10tzafrir_laptopJuggie, "cannot see it dial"? how? with a phone in parallel to it?
01:10.37tzafrir_laptopJuggie, or with ztmonitor?
01:11.33Juggiehmm good idea
01:11.37Juggiei should build ztmonitor
01:11.49Juggiei mean when i have it hooked up, and i pick up a second phone to listen, the card isnt dialing.
01:12.12Juggiealso the card is constantally off hook, as soon as i plug it in, its offhook, i can see it off hook on my ATA.
01:17.29*** join/#asterisk Opperior (
01:18.05ManxPowerJuggie: I assume you have only 1 line plugged into 1 port on the X100P
01:18.06*** join/#asterisk xpot (
01:18.21ManxPowerI assume you have also checked /proc/interrupts to make sure there is no IRQ sharing
01:18.27xpotanyone know if T38 Fax is implemented in *1.4?
01:18.52JuggieManxPower, its actually shared w/ usb.
01:18.57Juggiebut there are no usb devices plugged in.
01:19.13Juggiei dont see how a shared irq would keep this card persistantally offhook.
01:19.51Juggiei should try it with the card powered off.
01:22.38*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
01:22.55[TK]D-FenderJuggie, Sure you're using the right port on the back?
01:23.10[TK]D-FenderJuggie, And have you tested the cable?
01:23.42Juggie[TK]D-Fender, i've tried dif cables
01:24.04Juggieand i've also tried both ports, though the correct one is clearly labeled 'line'
01:24.13Juggieeven with the card in my hand, if i plug it in, i go offhook
01:25.31Juggieseems odd eh
01:26.08Juggiei supposed it could be the ATA its connected to
01:27.21Juggiei see the problem
01:28.58[TK]D-FenderJuggie,  What ATA?
01:29.06ManxPowerYou plugged the card into the FXO port of the ATA didn't you?
01:29.12[TK]D-FenderJuggie, Don't tell me you plugged it into an FXO or ethernet port :)
01:29.32jbotextra, extra, read all about it, fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage, you plug a phone LINE into this.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage, you plug a PHONE into this.
01:29.34Juggielooks like during the shipping one of the resistors got broken
01:29.48*** join/#asterisk sharp (
01:30.52DocHollidayhow can i set the CID Name?
01:31.26ManxPowerDocHolliday: For what?
01:31.40DocHollidayfor a SIP DID
01:31.49ManxPowerincoming or outgoing?
01:32.00*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
01:32.00ManxPowerYou can't
01:32.14*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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01:32.23ManxPowerWell, you CAN, but the telco will ignore it and look up the name associated with the sent CLID number.
01:32.36ManxPowernot the originating telco, the terminating telco.
01:32.49DocHollidayhow can i ensure that the name is resolved?
01:33.13*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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01:33.14ManxPowerSet it to a valid phone number.
01:33.29DocHollidayhow do traditional telcos set CID Name then?
01:34.23mrdigitalDocHolliday? pm
01:34.31ManxPowerThe carrier of the calling line puts it into some sort of shared database (called CNAME).  The terminating telco then takes the calling phone number, looks up the name associated with that number and then hands that to the destination
01:34.44*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
01:34.46[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I've got telcos here that let you set CID name...
01:34.53ManxPowerVoIP carriers generally do not offer the option of putting a name in the CNAM database
01:35.24ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: my client's telco does to, but once the call leaved the telco's network the name goes awayt
01:35.45Juggiehow am i gonna fix this
01:36.10ManxPowerI could set a callerid name of "God Himself" and the moment it leaves XFone's network the terminating telco does a CNAME dip.  If the call stays on XFone's network I am still God
01:36.19ManxPowerJuggie: you throw out the card and get another one
01:36.30JuggieManxPower, send me one then :P
01:37.00ManxPowerJuggie: I have two I think.  Somewhere.  Maybe.
01:37.18ManxPowerAt least one of them was destroyed in the flood
01:37.22Juggieit looks like the brown resistor got tore off
01:37.33JuggieManx, dont you live on a mountain
01:37.55ManxPowerI used to live 13 miles east of where the eye of Katrina made landfall.
01:38.15ManxPowerAnd about 1.5 miles inland from the ocean.
01:38.43ManxPowerI still have a TDM400P that is all corroded from the salt water.
01:40.03ManxPowerHmm.. It sounds like there is a dying water buffalo outside.  They must be doing kareoke now.
01:41.27JuggieManxPower, RMA it
01:41.30Juggiethat would be funny :)
01:41.48Juggiei'm not 100% sure where this brown resistor connects
01:42.04Juggiei dunno if anyone has this same card kicking around
01:45.41*** join/#asterisk dseeb_ (
01:46.15ManxPowerjello shooters + kareoke machine = horror
01:46.22*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
01:47.53DocHollidayManxPower, heh
01:50.04[TK]D-FenderManxPower, the one I say worked cross network... can't explain it...
01:51.05blitzrageparty time
01:51.21[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, Party on Wayne!
01:51.28*** join/#asterisk paolob (
01:51.29blitzrageParty on Garth
01:51.35*** part/#asterisk paolob (
01:52.09*** join/#asterisk Cyon (n=cyon@
01:55.58*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
01:56.25dseeb_~ seen voipy
01:56.54jbotvoipy <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 30d 4h 32s ago, saying: 'Does anyone use Chan_cellphone and knows how to solve the bluetooth pairing prob on bluez-utils 3.7-1?'.
01:57.19Juggieanyone have a REAL digium x100p handy
01:58.05*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:01.53tzafrir_laptopJuggie, I should have one here
02:02.48tzafrir_laptopsorry, not a real x100p. Just some "clone". If it really matters.
02:07.10Juggietzafrir, i was just wondering about one of the resistors on the board
02:07.26Juggiejust wanted to double check where it was connected.
02:11.55*** join/#asterisk kiwoneka (
02:12.15kiwonekagood evening to all
02:13.56kiwonekamy someone help/point me in the direction of a good resource to setup voicemail
02:15.52ManxPowertzanger: glue a heatsink on it and claim it is a real X100P.  Everyone else seems to.
02:16.32[TK]D-Fenderkiwoneka, Look at the sample voicemail.conf
02:16.49mrdigitalasterisk is fun
02:20.28Juggiedamn i was so looking forward to setting this up so i could use my unlimited longdistance frmo anywhere
02:23.14blitzrageJuggie: yah... that sucks :(
02:26.19*** join/#asterisk Fieldy (i=Exidp8Ei@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
02:30.12Juggieyah, it does.
02:30.35[TK]D-FenderJuggie, Whats your LD going through?
02:30.49[TK]D-FenderJuggie, ATA + locked ITSP?
02:31.40*** join/#asterisk aptura (
02:42.25apturaYea good way to end the week being that is friday.
02:43.13apturaBTW who here is from Las Vagas? I will be there come this fall for a few days.
02:43.55apturaalso, looking for bootrom.ld ver 1.5.3
02:43.59*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
02:45.16*** join/#asterisk VoIPMasta (
02:45.36mrdigitaltk: i have 3 incoming 800 #s how do i have it where if someone calls 1 of them
02:45.44VoIPMastaHi there
02:45.45mrdigitalthe 1-800 # appears on all the extenstions
02:45.53VoIPMastadoes anyone know how can I play a recording into an active call?
02:47.13*** join/#asterisk djs_2_6 (
02:47.15apturamr you want to know if you can see which number thay are calling in from? what phone are you using?
02:48.12mrdigitalright now a softphone as im still developing the system
02:48.31mrdigitali dont want to see the CALLERs #
02:48.40mrdigitali want to see the 1-800 # their calling on the extenstons CID
02:49.48mrdigitalyou know how to do this?
02:50.24VoIPMastamrdigital are you using AGI?
02:51.04VoIPMastabecause it's the only way I can think of to achieve what you want to do
02:51.46mrdigitalcan i do distencive ringing for each #
02:51.58VoIPMastaanother way would be to assing each DID/extension to a different line (sip account) in your X-lite and therefore you'll be able to see what number/extension the user dialed just by looking which line is active
02:52.14mrdigitalwe're going to be going to 1 line phones
03:00.11DocHollidayVoIPMasta, or just consider setting the CID Name?
03:01.34VoIPMastaDocHolliday: but the phone doesn't have a display
03:02.07VoIPMastaohh you meant mrdigital's issue :)
03:02.13VoIPMastaI thought you were talking about mine
03:02.24VoIPMastayes that could work for mrdigital
03:04.05VoIPMastamrdigital you can set the CID name according to the dialed extension and it would show up in X-lite's display (DocHolliday's solution)
03:04.15blitzrageVoIPMasta: only thing I can think of (for playing music into a current channel) is to use whisper paging somehow...
03:04.20*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:04.26mrdigitalwhere do i set it
03:05.11*** join/#asterisk Journeyman (
03:05.24Journeymando you have to have a voice modem for asterisk to work?
03:05.40blitzrageJourneyman: absolutely not
03:05.48blitzrage2.6 can be the timing source
03:05.52blitzrage2.6 kernel*
03:06.12Journeymanoh good
03:06.20blitzrageyou basically want to use the ztdummy driver to pull timing from the kernel
03:06.24blitzragewhat OS?
03:06.43DocHollidayVoIPMasta, good point.. didnt know that'
03:07.06Journeymanis it stupid to want to set up asterisk for my own personal voip system?
03:07.15JourneymanLinux Ubuntu 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP Thu Feb 1 19:52:28 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
03:07.31VoIPMastablitzrage: whisper paging?
03:08.11JourneymanI don't know much about this technology and I want to learn by setting up my own system and playing with it
03:08.16[BAF64]anyone here know how to access asterix gui after installing it?
03:09.37blitzrageJourneyman: no way
03:09.42blitzrageJourneyman: asterisk is awesome
03:09.54blitzrageJourneyman: perfect start
03:10.18blitzrageJourneyman: you should be good to use the ztdummy driver on that
03:10.42jbotDocumentation can be found at or or or or
03:10.44jbotwell, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
03:10.56tzafrir_laptop[BAF64], http://hostname:8088/ ?
03:11.22jboti heard asterix is a fearless fighter of the Roman tyranny
03:11.54[BAF64]i didnt see anything about the GUI anyplace
03:12.04[BAF64]i got it setup and installed, at least according to the readme
03:12.09[BAF64]but nothign says how to actually access it
03:12.10kiwonekacheck your directory permission
03:12.29tzafrir_laptopjbot, no, asterix is a fearless fighter of the Roman tyranny, who enjoys sueing Penguins:
03:12.32jbotokay, tzafrir_laptop
03:12.42[BAF64]kiwoneka, which directory
03:13.17tzafrir_laptop[BAF64], which system is it? asterisknow or self-installed?
03:13.43[BAF64]self installed
03:13.56tzafrir_laptopnetstat -lntp | grep 8088
03:14.24tzafrir_laptopThis should show you who, if at all, is listening on port 8088
03:14.44tzafrir_laptopSo I guess you need to edit /etc/asterisk/http.conf and reload
03:14.51tzafrir_laptopand/or, that is
03:14.56[BAF64]what should http.conf say
03:15.03[BAF64]i put enabled and enable-static in it like the README said
03:15.09[BAF64]tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      21261/asterisk
03:15.10[BAF64]tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      21261/asterisk
03:15.15[BAF64]^ those are the only 2 ports asterix is listening on
03:16.03*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
03:17.24[BAF64]i have http.conf, and i have restarted asterisk
03:20.33[BAF64]got it
03:22.38[BAF64]well, make checkconfig says its okay, but it still doesn't listen on 8088
03:23.15maskedyou need to change the bindaddr
03:23.33maskedit'll be set to something other than what the notes says is default
03:23.37maskediono why that is..
03:25.33[BAF64]didn't change it
03:25.41ManxPowergenerally you can just remoe the bindaddr,
03:26.45[BAF64]I commented out the bindaddr and it still doesn't appear to be listenin
03:26.59[BAF64]netstat doesn't list it and I can't get to it to run the setup
03:29.22[BAF64]masked, any other ideas?
03:30.11[BAF64]I get Apr 13 23:28:32 WARNING[22850] res_odbc.c: res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified
03:30.14[BAF64]in the message log
03:30.18[BAF64]is that anything relevant?
03:33.59masked[BAF64]: bindaddr =
03:34.11[BAF64]in http or manager
03:35.08[BAF64]that doesn't appear to make a difference
03:37.59*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
03:40.19[BAF64]so, how are you supposed to install the GUI.. perhaps I did something wrong
03:41.01[BAF64]I did a svn co on it, configure, make, make install, make samples, made a http.conf and edited manager.conf as per the readme from the svn co, make checkconfig (reported it was ok, etc), and it doesnt work
03:41.22[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], Looks like its trying to start an ODBC connection and unixODBC isn't stup right
03:41.40[BAF64]i don't want ODBC
03:41.54[BAF64]is that preventing the gui or whatever from starting up?
03:42.04tzafrir_laptopif the bind address was incorrect, it would still show in netstat on port 8088
03:42.28[BAF64]its not on netstat :\
03:43.10[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], perhaps you should PASTBIN your startup attempt for us to SEE...
03:43.20jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
03:43.20tzafrir_laptop[BAF64], could you please pastebin your http.conf and manager.conf (with passwords modified...)
03:43.38[BAF64]one sec
03:45.31[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], and for what I asked for?
03:45.41[BAF64]it starts up fine
03:45.49[BAF64]what verbosity level do you want?
03:46.10[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], Oh, so * starts fine, its just the HHTP server for GUI that doesn't?
03:48.00[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], look like you're missing bindport
03:48.50[BAF64]bindport = 8088 under httpd.conf?
03:49.08[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], yes, or similar
03:49.10[BAF64]i mean i didnt see anything on what these confs should look like in the docs
03:49.23[BAF64]bindport = 8088 did nothing
03:49.27[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], you don't need doncs.. just look at the SAMPLE
03:49.47[BAF64]what sample
03:50.06[BAF64]the sample in README doesnt have anything about port
03:50.23[BAF64]just enabled and enablestatic for http, and enabled and webenabled for manager
03:50.43[TK]D-FenderI have it from when I did "make samples" just fine, which means it in the source samples folder .
03:51.35[BAF64]i ran make samples and it didnt appear to do much
03:52.02[BAF64]the copy i have only has providers.conf.sample
03:52.05[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], then you've clearly done something wrong along the way.
03:52.10[BAF64]revision 658
03:52.13[TK]D-Fendergo check that out in your * source folder
03:52.58*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:53.08[BAF64]I installed it via portage on Gentoo
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03:53.39[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], Oh... then that can potential void who knows how much otherwise useful advice...
03:54.05[BAF64]where is http.conf.sample supposed to come from?
03:54.08[BAF64]* or *-gui
03:55.29*** join/#asterisk antlers (
03:55.29[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], FYI :
03:56.02[TK]D-FenderPackaged * = ASS.  Anyone depending on packages for this ... YMMV
03:56.23jboti heard wglwat is well, good luck with all that
03:57.26[BAF64]how nice
03:57.45[BAF64]more broken packages in portage
03:58.26*** join/#asterisk bawb2 (
03:58.58[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], Unheard of!
03:59.06[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], Use the source, Luke!
03:59.16[BAF64]BarfTheDog configs # ls *http*
03:59.16[BAF64]ls: *http*: No such file or directory
03:59.21shodananyone knows why "uplink skipe2sip" doesn't hangup the skype call when the asterisk side hangs up ? is there a fix for that ?
03:59.57[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], And don't go telling me "But its Gentoo... it IS source....." straight from the freezer with modified corn-starch and BHT till the cows come home...
04:00.19[BAF64]yeah i know
04:00.24[BAF64]gentoo likes to break stuff :P
04:00.25[TK]D-Fendershodan, Nope, and Gl finding people here at this hour using it.....
04:00.34*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
04:00.50[BAF64]the funny thign is there isn't anything on http
04:00.58[BAF64]1.2.14 is the version it's using
04:01.05[BAF64]is that what it should be using?
04:01.17[TK]D-FenderOMG... the GUI only works on 1.4!
04:01.32[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], Dear God... you missed the BIG FRIGGEN PRINT
04:01.42[BAF64]how n00bish of me
04:01.47jbotwell, osmosis is the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ...  or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
04:02.04shodan[TK]D-Fender, oh well, at least it works great when it does work, the audio is smooth on my SPA-3XXX
04:02.20[BAF64]i've been up too many hours when i miss stuff like this
04:02.59[BAF64]are you serious, [TK]D-Fender?
04:03.04[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], YES
04:03.09[BAF64]i see no mention of 1.4 in the readme or #asterisk-gui chan
04:03.38shodanwhy would asterisk need a gui !?,  iptables doesn't have one !!
04:04.13*** part/#asterisk Fieldy (i=Exidp8Ei@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
04:04.37[BAF64]i'll deal with this tomorrow
04:04.40[BAF64]thanks for the help guys
04:04.53[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], I'm going to go collect my hair now...
04:04.58[TK]D-Fender[BAF64], later
04:05.27*** join/#asterisk thoughtpolice (
04:05.28[BAF64]you can have some of my hair
04:05.33[BAF64]i pulled a bunch out too :]
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04:16.17clyrradHey anyone here from the UK?
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04:20.54clyrradanyone even awake?
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04:25.45coppiceI'm from the UK. I escaped, though
04:25.57clyrradcoppice: are you there now?
04:26.05clyrradcoppice: or local to it?
04:26.17coppiceI just said. I escaped
04:26.27clyrraddo you by chance have a UK DID?
04:26.42coppiceI'm local to the UK in galactic terms. i'm in asia
04:26.55clyrradheh - I mean in calling terms
04:26.57VoIPMastayou can get UK 0870 DID for free almost everywhere
04:27.04clyrradI have a UK toll free DID and I have no way to test it if it works
04:27.08clyrradIm in Canada
04:27.36VoIPMastaclyrrad: do you want me to call you? I can dial UK toll free DIDs
04:27.38*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
04:27.54clyrradVoIPMasta: yes - you wont get me - but a PBX (if it works) yes that would be great
04:28.01clyrradVoIPMasta: may I PM?
04:28.06VoIPMastaok go ahead
04:28.12clyrradgreat thanks
04:38.01*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
04:40.37blitzrageCanada kicks ass
04:40.37blitzragegoing to bed though --- night!
04:50.11notoriousrab1982anyone know how to start festival working in asterisk 1.4.0 - using the book, but cannot find festival.scm locaed in /etc/ or /usr/share/festival
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05:10.35CessnaFlyerhello, all!
05:10.55notoriousrab1982hi cessnaflyer, think everyone is asleep
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05:12.21CessnaFlyerhrm... too bad... im having a spot of trouble with asterisk... was hoping someone could help me troubleshoot the demo greeting stuttering very badly
05:12.44notoriousrab1982im no expert, but what is it doing
05:13.02notoriousrab1982its not a QoS problem with bandwidth is it?
05:13.32CessnaFlyeri just installed asterisk on a VMware linux install, using the demo scripts, and when i connect using x-lite (dialing "2" for the demo greeting), the sound stutters very badly
05:13.57CessnaFlyeri hope its not a bandwidth issue, since its traveling across a virtual network on the same machine
05:14.27notoriousrab1982i had similar problem, i recorded a greeting in wav format, converted it to gsm and put it onto the dialplan, its probably best to record a greeting from a handset and try that
05:16.11notoriousrab1982cessna: try something like that and see if it still stutters, record your own greeting -
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05:26.19CessnaFlyerhrm... i must have done something wrong, since now im getting a 404
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05:26.52notoriousrab1982what do you mean by a 404: isn't that when a phone cannot register
05:27.51CessnaFlyeri think so, yes
05:28.04CessnaFlyerlet me fire up the 'ol wireshark...
05:28.43notoriousrab1982the code i put on pastebin was for extension.conf, create an extension which points into the [record] context, i think the phone not registering is a separate issue
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05:34.40CessnaFlyerah, that was my fault... it wasnt jumping from the default context to the record context, and i had commented out the demo context
05:35.09CessnaFlyerbut now its showing an error in the log:  Unable to open xiptel_welcomemessagerecordingfacility (format 0x4 (ulaw)): No such file
05:35.09CessnaFlyeror directory
05:35.52notoriousrab1982sorry, that is a file I had on my own asterisk box, the pastebin was to give you a guide on how to record from the dialplan using the Record() application
05:35.56CessnaFlyeralong with several other similar errors
05:36.46notoriousrab1982so any lines which say playback, you could comment out to get a welcome message stored on your asterisk box
05:37.51notoriousrab1982the pastebin will store the gsm file in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/ and will be given a unique code from the call detail record, from there you can do what you want with it
05:39.00notoriousrab1982ie rename it and put it in your dialplan so when you ring your extension, you hear that message you recorded before, that will rule out if it is a sound-recording issue as it has been recorded directly from a handset in your phone system
05:49.29CessnaFlyerok, finally got enough bugs worked out that i was able to record and playback, and the playback has the same stutter
05:50.24CessnaFlyerone could also describe it as a really, really bad echo
05:52.42CessnaFlyeris there a different softphone i could use to test?
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08:19.03kev009I've got a TDM400P with an FXO on an AsteriskNOW box, and as far as I know it is configured but when I try to place a call I get a busy signal
08:19.40jnckev009: are you placing a call from the pstn or from a SIP phone
08:20.30kev009sip phones
08:21.17jncthis might be #asterisk-gui material, but I had to set up advanced SIP settings in the GUI and make explicit the codecs I wanted to allow, and also set the domain name configuration items too
08:21.55jncthe asterisk-gui section for codecs has been inconsistent for me on a fresh install, might just be my web browser (stale version of firefox)
08:22.38kev009what sections did you have to edit?
08:23.16jncI hit up Options -> [Advanced]
08:23.21jncthen SIP -> ...
08:24.23jncDomain, {Codecs} => Allowed Codecs (adpcm, gsm
08:24.44jncand well I also had to patch Ekiga since I was using Ekiga as a softphone and it has a bug
08:24.51jnchope that helps
08:25.09JTwell this is #asterisk
08:25.14JTwe don't do guis here
08:25.25jncJT: thanks, I'd mentioned that
08:25.48jncsorry for the spam
08:27.07Juggiei'm sure we can support asterisk's own gui
08:27.15Juggiethough, i dont think many people have expirence with it
08:27.21Juggie3rd party are definitally not however
08:29.22*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
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08:37.01JTJuggie: there's a seperate channel for the gui
08:37.19Star568i am using * Dial out command with HmL(x:y:z) option. the music on hold is so CHOPPY
08:37.32Star568any body knows how to fix it?
08:38.36Star568i tried gsm, mp3, wav all, but still the same thing
08:40.06Star568is it a codec issue or clock issue?
08:41.33*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
08:41.44ManxPowerdo you have a slow system?
08:54.10*** join/#asterisk mcmx3 (
08:54.19mcmx3hey anyone around?
08:56.58mcmx3i got major probs with my setup when i put outside numbers into ring groups and a call comes in the outside number rings and when answered it is silent untill the incoming phone rings off then all hangs up
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09:00.21Strom_Mmcmx3: I have absolutely no idea what the hell you're trying to accomplish
09:01.07mcmx3lol its hard to explain...
09:01.19Strom_Mfirst off
09:01.25Strom_Mare you using freepbx / trixbox?
09:01.41mcmx3that is how i initially setup the system
09:02.02mcmx3this is not a problem with the GUI tools though
09:02.23Strom_Myeah, thats what you think
09:02.38Strom_Mhave you looked at the disaster of dialplan code that thing uses?
09:03.07jbotTrixbox is a full linux distro that includes *, FreePBX, and other 3rd party add-ons.  It is these things on top of * which make it seriously painful to support and hence you will find little help here for it.  Try asking in #freepbx , or their forums at
09:03.40mcmx3i see
09:04.03mcmx3the config files did look a nightmare lol
09:04.34Strom_Myeah, i'd recommend that you not run any kind of production system on that platform
09:05.01mcmx3why you say that?
09:05.30mcmx3just because its difficuilt to bug find?
09:05.56Strom_Mtrust me - ive tried it
09:06.00Strom_Mit's difficult to debug and it's prone to developing really weird problems as time goes on
09:06.15mcmx3i see
09:06.42mcmx3it seems like a lot of work programming it by hand though
09:11.52jncmcmx3: don't do it by hand with a trixbox system as the base
09:12.36jncstart with a debian etch install, asterisk-1.2.x stable release
09:12.53jnctakes about 2-4 days to get a grasp of the extensions.conf syntax
09:15.28mcmx3i see
09:16.28jncmcmx3: I found it helpful myself to leverage the comments from extensions.ael.sample of asterisk 1.4 branch
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09:16.49jncthat's for AEL, which is flattened into extensions.conf syntax
09:17.02Strom_Mno, not as much as you'd think
09:17.03Strom_Mdoing it by hand also allows you much greater control and flexibility
09:17.22jncthe comments are very helpful to understand what contexts are
09:18.24*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
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09:18.52MaartenBhey everyone
09:19.16MaartenBI am having problems with incomming calls, I have no idea why, but they are handled by a timeout
09:19.38MaartenBit says "Timeout on IAX2/speakup01-1" where speakup01 is my voip provider
09:21.17MaartenBand I think it is giving this timeout on "Set("IAX2/speakup01-1", "CALLERID(name)=Private") in new stack"
09:21.24MaartenBwhich is akward
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09:38.28VecHas anyone been able to compile speex with Asterisk 1.4.2 on a x64 system ?
09:49.15kev009I wish there was a better compact flash asterisk distro
09:49.27kev009something like m0n0wall for *
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09:58.26Veckev009 : I also wish.
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11:03.44sashionwhats the chances of asterisk going threaded with calls. that way if asterisk crashes, your calls in progress remain active, instead of being cut off
11:05.08tzafrir_laptopVec, shows it on amd64 as well.
11:06.01tzafrir_laptopasterisk has a thread for each channel (which is basically one "leg" of the call)
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11:07.33sashiontzafrir_laptop: true, however, if asterisk crashes, those calls get cut...
11:08.23tzafrir_laptopwho exactly should maintain them alive (keep pumping audio frames, and such)
11:08.58sashiontzafrir_laptop: well I'm not programmer, but say like a helper application that just knows the channel data
11:09.19tzafrir_laptophelper application run where?
11:09.29tzafrir_laptopon the same server? on another server?
11:09.55*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:11.21sashionsame server...
11:12.53tzafrir_laptopsashion, and if the server crashes?
11:13.49sashiontzafrir_laptop: yeah ok that we can't help unless you run a form of dundi (but you'll still loose calls that are on that system)
11:14.11sashionwhat I'm thinking of is incase the asterisk process crashes (which is does from time to time)...
11:15.08tzafrir_laptopsashion, asterisk shouldn't crash. If it does crash, don't count on it to become instantly available.
11:15.31tzafrir_laptop(in other words: solve the problem anddon't try patching it with a buggy "safe_asterisk")
11:16.57sashiontzafrir_laptop: I hear what you're saying... but in the event of preventing call drops when asterisk crashes, whats the possibility of having a "helper" app that is spawned on an icnoming call outside of asterisk core process
11:17.10sashionthat way if asterisk does crash, atleast your calls stay up...
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11:18.35tzafrir_laptopcopying all that information as the tim of a crash (when you can't really count on it to be non-curropted) is probably not the best idea
11:19.11sashiontrue... I mean it would be a great concept...
11:19.31sashionbut I mean, what is the best way to go about building a stable system ?
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11:32.15DrukenLPYasterisk it's self shouldn't crash... course... i do have one machine that it does sometimes all of a sudden drop...
11:33.26DrukenLPYbut i also haven't done any investigating as to why... since it's only my home server, and only my calls are affected
11:34.57*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:35.45threatI have a Wildcard TDM400P, are there any known problems with some analog POTS phones when connected to this card?
11:35.56threator issues with asterisks itself?
11:36.22threatI keep getting cut out when I use a panasonic cordless phone
11:36.36threatthe cabled phone works fine
11:40.33*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
11:41.37tzafrir_laptopthreat, what problems do you notice?
11:42.16threattzafrir_laptop, read up :)
11:42.23tzafrir_laptopsashion, for that your starting point may be having two servers
11:42.26threatcut outs
11:42.39threatphone rings, I pick up, it cuts out in a few secs
11:43.22tzafrir_laptopthreat, just the audio, or also the call itself?
11:43.31threattzafrir_laptop, also another annoyance I have found is if a person rings then hangs up, my phone still rings for a few more seconds
11:43.36threatthe call
11:43.43threatwell I assume the call
11:43.54sashiontzafrir_laptop: all good having 2 servers, however, running 2 servers as a cluster proves to be difficult when using an inbound call center
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11:45.25tzafrir_laptopdon't assume. set verbose 3
11:45.41tzafrir_laptopOr run 'show channels' occasionally
11:46.48*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
11:47.41[TK]D-Fenderthreat, You "continued ringing in reference to an analog line on zaptel?
11:49.28threat[TK]D-Fender, what?
11:49.46threat[TK]D-Fender, yes
11:49.53[TK]D-Fenderthreat, for the call you mentioned cuts out.  Was this call coming in from an analog phone line?
11:49.58threatthe analog phone is connected to the asterisk box
11:50.16threat[TK]D-Fender, ummm probably
11:50.40threat[TK]D-Fender, incomming calls can come from landline or IAX VoIP provider
11:51.12[TK]D-Fenderthreat, Well the problem with analog is that you get a ring indication from telco and * will keep ringing until after it is sure a ring has been SKIPPED.  It can't know instantly that the line will be dead or cut off in a fraction of a second
11:51.18threat[TK]D-Fender, tzafrir_laptop ok so I should use the asterisk console, set debug higher and get some more useful information?
11:51.42threat[TK]D-Fender, it can't? but the ring tone changes
11:51.46[TK]D-Fenderlandline is understandable, but IAX carrier should be on PRI on their side and be near-instant.
11:51.57tzafrir_laptopby default debug information is not sent to the console. And it would generally overwhelm the console
11:52.14[TK]D-Fenderthreat, to know that its stopped it has to skip an ENTIRE ring + a little bit extra
11:52.22tzafrir_laptopthreat, so look at logger.conf on ways of sending this to a log file or the console.
11:52.32[TK]D-Fenderanalog = ass
11:53.10threat[TK]D-Fender, ok, so there is no way to reduce the extra bit of time it waits?
11:53.26threattzafrir_laptop, ok
11:53.27[TK]D-Fenderthreat, in indications.conf if you're lucky, don't know off-hand
11:53.36threat[TK]D-Fender, ok thank you :)
11:54.01threat[TK]D-Fender, yes I am still learning asterisk :) I am trying to debug problems on an already configured system
11:54.19tzafrir_laptopindications.conf? what does it have to do with this?
11:54.32threattzafrir_laptop, I asked two questions
11:54.44sashiondoes chan_agent by default mix the two legs of a recording (*-in.wav and *-out.wav) after the call is complete?
11:54.51sashionif so, how can you turn that feature off ?
11:54.51threattzafrir_laptop, 1) drop outs 2) phone keeps ringing even though the caller hang up
11:54.53[TK]D-Fendertzafrirfor his incoming FXO, for the ring timeout.  No chance to tweak zaptels treatment?
11:55.13tzafrir_laptopzapata.conf ?
11:55.20[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop, as far as ring time-out is concerned
11:55.41tzafrir_laptopIt also depends on the disconnection supervision
11:55.43[TK]D-Fendertzafrirnormally your cadences, etc are in indications.conf IIRC
11:56.02tzafrir_laptopIf he must resort to busydetect, there's no real escape here
11:56.16[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop, Should KS also do a reversal/cut for end-of-ringing?
11:56.46tzafrir_laptopbasically, yes. But what do you mean by "reversal"?
11:56.59[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop, No, not busydetect, just though the INBOUND ring cadence (not TONE), was in there as well.  I could be entirely mistaken :)
11:57.33[TK]D-Fendertzafrir, CPD is normally either a polarity reversal, or a cold-cut depending
11:58.02threatthe diconnection supervision ay
11:58.46threatPRI is some type of ISDN / digital line?
11:59.10[TK]D-Fenderthreat, PRI is a signalling type of T1/E1/J1
11:59.24threat[TK]D-Fender, ok
11:59.28[TK]D-Fenderthreat, Includes full call progress indications
11:59.34threat[TK]D-Fender, expensive
12:00.15[TK]D-Fenderthreat, SIP supports pretty much the same informations set so when used with a SIP phone it'll know the moment calls get answered, ring on inbound, etc.
12:00.20mcmx3hi is there an alternative to callprogress=no if i have it no, my ring groups to outside numbers work if it is yes then it loses the ability to hang up detect (Im in UK btw)
12:00.25[TK]D-Fenderthreat, expensive depends on your needs.
12:00.32[TK]D-Fenderthreat, for HOME... uhh.. yeah ;)
12:00.37threat[TK]D-Fender, one line SOHO configuration
12:01.01VecOff topic: Looking for a premium rated number in the UK, that I can recieve over IAX/SIP, anyone know where I can look ?
12:01.11[TK]D-Fendermcmx3, callprogress=yes actually means "randomly disconnect my calls".
12:01.26threat[TK]D-Fender, why would you want that for?
12:01.32[TK]D-FenderVec, Thats not really OT so much.....
12:01.41[TK]D-Fenderthreat, PRI?
12:01.45threatbusydetect => yes
12:01.45threat;callprogress => yes
12:01.51Vec[TK]D-Fender : yeh, well some people are picky
12:01.53[TK]D-Fenderthreat, EW
12:02.01threat[TK]D-Fender, :)
12:02.04[TK]D-Fenderthreat, ditch busydetect as well.
12:02.11threat[TK]D-Fender, why?
12:02.23threat[TK]D-Fender, problems?
12:02.35[TK]D-FenderVec, You miss our major diversions to politics, movies, music, martial-arts, etc :)
12:02.58threat[TK]D-Fender, how about I paste my entire configuration files on some paste site for you to look over :P
12:03.42Vec[TK]D-Fender : I guess I don't spend that much time on #asterisk to notice :), too busy trying to get things to work, like SPEEX :(
12:04.19jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or is usually painfully too slow and unresponsive to use, use one of the other pastebin sites, or is a very nice pastebin as well
12:04.19*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
12:04.43[TK]D-Fenderthreat, Sure... I'll pass you paypal address and I'll let you know what the "renovation" fee will be like :)
12:06.16threat[TK]D-Fender, ok :) how much?
12:07.10sashionwhats the possibility of asterisk chowing CPU if you are using chan_agent with recording and 118 calls come in at once...
12:07.30sashionsince I see in the code, joinfiles just runs soxmix
12:07.36Veccnn is at
12:07.42VecWhere is cnn ?
12:08.27*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
12:09.29VecHas anyone got speex 1.2 working with asterisk, or should I stick to 1.1 ?
12:10.15tzafrir_laptopVec, About a year ago I rebuilt the Debian speex package with 1.2 and rebuilt asterisk using it
12:13.36Vectzafrir_laptop : the problem I am having is firstly when using speex 1.0.4, which is availible on RHN, and I try to run asterisk I get "undefined symbol speex_decode_int", I wanted to try 1.2 but it does not have a RPM-devel for x64, so I am now trying to compile it from source, but I sometimes get dependince failures when I do ./configure --with-speex=/spfol ?
12:14.02VecI am running RHEL 4
12:14.12Vecwith asterisk 1.4.2
12:23.42*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
12:24.35*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
12:33.07Dr-LinuxVec: same :)
12:33.19Dr-Linuxi'm going to upgrade my servers to 1.2.17
12:33.27mcmx3how do i get proper hangup detection on a TDM400 in the UK?
12:34.13VecDr-Linux : upgrade ? what u running at the moment ?
12:34.44*** join/#asterisk af_ (
12:35.09Dr-LinuxVec: 1.2.0
12:35.27Dr-LinuxVec: also zaptel etc
12:35.40Dr-Linuxlast week i'm upgraded my other servers as well
12:35.59VecDr-Linux : I am running 1.4.2 zaptel 1.4.1 so I don't think upgrading will help.
12:36.17Dr-LinuxVec: what's your problem?
12:37.00Vecread a few lines up get, "undefined symbol speex_decode_int" when asterisk tries to load the speex module.
12:37.19*** join/#asterisk Owlet (
12:37.51OwletHi all
12:37.52Vecthat is with speex 1.0.4 though, I am going to try the other versions just now and I'll tell u what happens
12:38.04*** join/#asterisk af_ (
12:38.26Owletmaybe someone can help me...
12:38.52Owleti'm using asterisk 1.4.2, and I have problem with the ring tone of outbound calls with a grandstream 486 ata
12:39.20Owletwith the same server softphones are ok
12:40.02Owletbut the ata, only for outgoing calls, either doesn't ring or rings even if the other party isn't already called by my proxy server
12:40.14Owletdepending on the dial() function specified
12:40.45Owletif it's exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:0}@provide,60,)
12:40.52Owletno ring
12:41.07Owletif exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:0}@provider,60,r) it rings even if the call isn't established
12:41.54Owletis there a known workaround or my ata configuration/asterisk configuration is buggy?
12:55.02Dr-Linuxi didn't delete /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/....   and i upgraded :S
12:55.26Dr-Linuxwill new module override new ones? :S
12:55.34Dr-Linuxor it's wrong .. i should do again
13:03.01*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
13:04.04EmleyMoorI am getting very poor performance on a local echo test on phones on this computer - what are good things to check?
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14:02.14FalleHi all! Is there some variable that i can use in extensions.conf to get the clients IP-address?
14:03.45sashionFalle: Just use an agi script to get the IP address and then make a variable
14:04.37Falleokey. i just hoped there was a quicker solution than that :)
14:06.11*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
14:07.09GreyFoxxSIPPEER() has an ip value
14:08.03GreyFoxxAt least it works in 1.2.x
14:08.15Fallethanks :)
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14:33.11sooliI'm a newbie and i want to setup my wengo account with asterisk ... but i have always pbx.c:1700 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Playback' for extension
14:33.39sooliI have erros for each functions... Dial, Playback, etc ...
14:36.23*** part/#asterisk moranil (n=moranil@
14:36.55sooliin my log i didn't see Dial and Playback as function registered !
14:36.55mcmx3hi i cant seem to get asterisk to hang up after a call im in the UK any ideas?
14:37.06*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:41.17bullemcmx3: sip ?
14:41.33mcmx3no zap - tdm400p
14:42.46*** join/#asterisk _Roman (n=roman@
14:43.16kumbalaemcmx3: did you the zone to uk ?
14:43.55mcmx3yeah every thing says uk
14:45.21soolihow can i access to Dial, Background or Mp3player ?
14:46.21tzafrir_laptopmcmx3, "no zap"? could you pastebin your zapata.conf ?
14:49.14soolianyone ?
14:54.23_RomanCan anyone please recommend a good book on Asterisk 1.4
14:54.42*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
14:55.42mcmx3any solutions on that?
14:57.27bulle_Roman: im not sure there is any 1.4 specific books out yet 1.4 is pretty new
14:57.42bulle_Roman: the book, should still be a good read, if you run 1.4
14:58.19*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
14:59.46_Romanbulle: ok thanks, I have been reading the book.  It is pretty good, just didn't want to confuse myself with stuff that may have changed.
15:00.24*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
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15:02.10jm|laptopchan_sip.c:1228 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission OGE3YjM1YzkwNjExOWEwMGUxMTQyMjRlMGQxYjczMDc. for seqno 1 (Critical Response)
15:02.13jm|laptopwhat's all that then?!
15:02.24_RomanThe main problem that I am having is getting festival to work, I am using the instructions in the book.  I keep getting the following error:  WARNING[23434]: utils.c:725 tvfix: warning too large timestamp -1211197404.136543853.  I see that there was a bug reported ( which I presume that this fix has not made it into the main 1.4 relese yet?
15:04.46*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
15:05.13knarflyanyone else using the X101P clone?
15:05.59knarflyI'm having some troubles...sometimes * picksup and starts the welcome message when I'm on the other extension
15:15.42*** join/#asterisk snook3r (
15:18.39Qwellknarfly: yeah, it does that
15:20.30knarflyQwell: Any workaround known for it...or why does it do it?
15:20.40Qwellbecause it's a crappy card
15:21.00jbothmm... ygwypf is You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
15:21.11knarflymy words exactly....some nappy card eh!
15:21.30jm|laptopis anyone using a binat solution for their asterisk box?
15:21.36jm|laptopit seems to be causing me problems :/
15:22.06knarflyjbot: that's not entirely the can spend $30 to test before you spend $400 and find out it's not what you wanted.
15:22.37knarflywhat is I spent $400 on a digium card and it too answered during another call....!
15:23.20Qwellknarfly: then you'd call support
15:26.05knarflyyes but doesn't that particular problem sound like one of electrical frequency...
15:26.40knarflyI first thought it was the call waiting signal causing the problem but then I found out it was just the unstable nature of the card.
15:28.30*** join/#asterisk Mnabil (n=Mnabil@
15:29.11Mnabilhello, how can i make video one to one with asterisk ?
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15:45.44khronosHi guys.
15:47.11khronosAnyone had trouble building Zaptel 1.2.16 on Centos 5?
15:52.00e-ddienot really
15:52.09e-ddiei dont use systems named by their price
15:52.41*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
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15:54.11dweazlehi all, i've got asterisk sip to work and i can call from my pc to my phone (nokia n80), but there's no sound.. do i need to configure codecs or something?
15:54.50dweazlei'm using ekiga on the pc site of things
15:55.33*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
15:55.51etfonhomeydweazle, sounds like NAT issues.
15:56.20dweazlei don't NAT, this is all internal
15:56.34dweazlemaybe it's my firewall though
15:56.51dweazlei've opened up 5060 and 5061 UDP, should be enough, right?
15:57.01etfonhomeydweazle, NO
15:57.23etfonhomeydweazle, those are only for SIP, not the actually media stream
15:57.33*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (
15:57.52dweazleso .. then what ports do i need to open?
15:58.51etfonhomeydweazle, Let me get this straight, you're going across a firewall, but not NAT'ing?
15:59.13dweazleyup, i'm briding from my wlan to my lan
15:59.21dasenjoHi! I'm having SIP one way audio, I can't hear any message from my asterisk server. I used wireshark to debug .. .there is _one_ RTP packet from asterisk to the peer and a lot from the peer to asterisk, any idea?
15:59.54etfonhomeydweazle, if you're on the same network, why are you traversing a firewall?
16:00.18dasenjoI have used a gs bt100, ekiga and xlite to test with the same results
16:00.24dweazlelan = 10.0.0.x , wlan = 10.0.1.x  .. asterisk is running on the server, which also bridges between lan and wlan (and internet), pc is on lan, nokia is on wlan
16:01.56dweazle(i've got a wifi card in my server in master mode)
16:02.39etfonhomeydweazle, ok.
16:02.55etfonhomeydweazle, why dont you put your wlan and lan on the same network?
16:03.08dweazleehm, because i don't trust wlan traffic :)
16:03.12dasenjowhat could be a reason for asterisk stops sending RTP packets?
16:04.10etfonhomeywell, your * server has an IP address in the wlan network, right?
16:04.35etfonhomeydweazle, and it has an IP address in your lan network, right?
16:04.38*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
16:05.05etfonhomeyAnd you're trying to send data from a device in one network to a device in the other network, right?
16:05.16dweazlebut the nokia can connect directly to the lan, i've opened up the port
16:05.19dweazleit's bridged
16:05.38etfonhomeySo you're running some routing process on your * server?
16:05.39dweazlei can ping the phone from my lan and everything
16:05.42*** join/#asterisk hal2k (n=am@2002:5470:9fd9:0:0:0:0:1)
16:05.51etfonhomeyTo route between networks.
16:06.10dweazle. . ye .. something like /proc/net/ip_forward = 1
16:06.53etfonhomeyIn your sip.conf entries for the two devices, do you have canreinvite=no?  That will force the media to be bridged by * as well.
16:07.24dweazleyes i have that
16:07.52dweazlemaybe i should just tcpdump and figure out which ports it uses
16:07.55etfonhomeydweazle, why don't you start by opening up everything and see if it works, then close it down.
16:07.58dweazlebut it's prolly a dynamic range or something
16:08.08etfonhomeyIt is dynamic
16:08.19dweazlewell now that i know there's a seperate media stream i might just try that :)
16:08.32etfonhomeyThat's why SIP doesn't work through NAT
16:08.41etfonhomeyAnd you're basically doing NAT.
16:08.52etfonhomeyFrom 10.0.1.x to 10.0.0.x
16:08.54dweazleit's not translating anything , it's just a firewall sitting in between
16:09.38ManxPowerdweazle: Port 5060/UDP and 10000-20000/UDP
16:09.48*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
16:09.49dweazleManxPower: thanks i'll try that
16:10.02ManxPowerPlus whatever ports the other side decides to use.
16:10.17etfonhomeyCan someone define NAT for me please?
16:10.34jbotnat is, like, Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
16:10.34ManxPowerNetwork Address Translation
16:11.27etfonhomeyNo, is dweazle not NAT'ing
16:12.06etfonhomeyNo, he's not.
16:12.11dweazlelol :)
16:12.26etfonhomeyHe's just restricting what can get routed between the 2 nets, right?
16:13.06dweazlei'm paranoid
16:13.06*** join/#asterisk joat (
16:13.26ManxPowermost of the time on this channel when someone says "firewall", they mean "nat".
16:14.33etfonhomeyManxPower, are the TDM400P cards crap?
16:15.00blitzrage"Paranoia, paranoia, everyone's coming to get me. Just say you never met me. I'm going underground with the moles, hear the voices in my head. I swear to God it sounds like they're snoring, but if you're bored then you're boring"
16:16.29etfonhomeydweazle, read up on SIP.  In the first part of a SIP session, the 2 ends negotiate what port to send the media stream over.
16:16.34*** join/#asterisk oej (
16:18.01\BAF64\[Apr 14 12:17:38] NOTICE[3741] chan_local.c: No such extension/context executecommand@asterisk_guitools creating local channel
16:18.01\BAF64\[Apr 14 12:17:38] NOTICE[3741] channel.c: Unable to request channel Local/executecommand@asterisk_guitools
16:18.14\BAF64\Any idea why I get tons of that when I try to go to the http asterisk gui setup page?
16:19.06etfonhomeydweazle, I think in * you can say what port you want to start at when negotiating.  I could be mixing that up with a config on my Polycom phones.
16:19.41etfonhomeyManxPower, do you remember last night when I was talking about presence problems with a buddy on the line key of my 301?
16:20.48etfonhomeydweazle, do you have the Asterisk: The Future of Telephony PDF?
16:20.56dweazleetfonhomey: yes that's what i used to configure *
16:20.59*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:21.02dweazlei'm a total noob on this topic :)
16:21.30etfonhomeydweazle, I'm only at the nooB + 1 level.
16:21.36Hmmhesaysfun fun
16:22.03dweazlecool it works :D
16:22.08dweazlei just opened up UDP on all ports
16:22.30Hmmhesays10000-20000 is what the sample configs use
16:22.31etfonhomeydweazle, did it work?
16:22.34Hmmhesaysyou can change that
16:22.36dweazleetfonhomey: yes :)
16:22.41Hmmhesaysrtp.conf I believe
16:22.48etfonhomeydweazle, yes, it's rtp.conf
16:22.51dweazleah ok :)
16:23.09dweazlegood enough
16:23.09etfonhomeydweazle, rtpstart and rtpend
16:23.26etfonhomeydweazle, what phone are you using again?
16:23.46*** join/#asterisk toot (n=toot@
16:24.02*** part/#asterisk Owlet (
16:24.59dweazleetfonhomey: nokia n80
16:26.00etfonhomeyAnyone hear with a lot of experience with the TDM400P card?
16:26.00dweazlemm .. now let's add sip srv records to my dns
16:26.25etfonhomeyQwell or ManxPower, I need professional help...  ...with this stupid TDM400P card.
16:26.26tootwhat ever happened to vocal? :) i used to do dev on it then left and was just wondering
16:26.47etfonhomeydweazle, what SRV records are you adding?
16:27.01etfonhomeydweazle, never messed with SRV records...
16:27.47*** join/#asterisk IgorG (
16:27.50Hmmhesaysthey're fun
16:28.10Hmmhesaysyou can do half assed load sharing
16:28.22etfonhomeyWhat is their purpose?
16:28.35*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
16:28.52Hmmhesaysservice records
16:28.56Hmmhesaysin dns
16:29.06Hmmhesaysthey identify services like... sip
16:29.32dweazleyeah so people can call me over the internet :)
16:29.33etfonhomeyTell you where the asterisk server is or something?
16:30.09etfonhomeyOK.  I've only seen them used by MS Exchange servers and Active Directory domain integrated DNS servers...
16:30.30dweazlethey're also used for things like kerberos
16:30.30Hmmhesaysi use them
16:30.38dweazlewhich is also what MS-AD uses indeed
16:30.39HmmhesaysI use them for load balancing
16:30.51Hmmhesaysround robin dns
16:31.04dweazleyou don't need srv records to do that, do you?
16:31.17Hmmhesaysno, but for the endpoints i'm using it works better
16:31.26etfonhomeySo, you need SRV records for someone to call you directly across the internet using SIP?
16:31.35dweazlei think so
16:31.39Hmmhesaysum no
16:31.47Hmmhesaysdon't be silly
16:31.52IgorGAlso it's can be used for fallback
16:32.01dweazleno? mm .. i thought it was something like a MX record for mail, that you needed it to be able to make sip calls to a domain
16:32.25Hmmhesaysyou can use dns to make calls across the net but they aren't required
16:32.26dweazlebut then again, i'm still a newbie :)
16:32.32etfonhomeyI know you can register with FWD or something similar and make calls that way.
16:32.32Hmmhesaysyou can use an ip address
16:32.45dweazleah ok
16:32.59Hmmhesaysno different than any network communication
16:33.13etfonhomeyWhat's the typical use with SRV records with SIP, then.
16:33.26Hmmhesaysto allow you to register with a server
16:33.32Hmmhesaysby resolving a hostname
16:33.47dweazlemm can i also use names instead of extension numbers to call an asterisk client?
16:33.51dweazleif so: how?
16:34.11*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
16:34.29etfonhomeySo, when I register with FWD, I query their DNS server at for it's SRV records, right?
16:36.24ManxPowerAs I understand it, SRV records allow you to query a domain or hostname and find out the actual name/IP of the server.
16:37.01ManxPowerFor example the SIP address might hand back a hostname of as the actual SIP server
16:37.42ManxPowerdweazle: exten => satan,1,Noop(Now I have your soul, my pretty)
16:37.57dweazlehah :D
16:38.20etfonhomeyManxPower, did you see my previous message to you?
16:38.56ManxPower(11:26:09) etfonhomey: Qwell or ManxPower, I need professional help...
16:38.59ManxPowerI suggest a therapist.
16:39.14etfonhomeyThat response was NOT predictable...
16:39.38etfonhomeyI was talking about the even earlier one about the Polycom presence issue I brought up last night.
16:39.55ManxPoweretfonhomey: 1.4 or 1.2
16:40.39etfonhomeyManxPower 1.4, [TK]D-Fender had the exact same issue with a 301 he had.
16:41.13ManxPowerCan't help you with 1.4 other than to say that 1.4.0 was basically broken when it comes to presence.
16:41.35*** join/#asterisk deltaray (
16:41.42etfonhomeyWell, the exact same config (only changing MAC addresses on the configs) works on a 501.
16:42.03ManxPowerI also said that I don't do presence on anything except for 601s
16:42.09etfonhomeyAnywho, wanna help a poor soul with a TDM400P?
16:42.27deltarayWould there generally be and problems with using asterisk on a server that acts as an ecommerce webserver?  Mainly, I'm looking for any limitations
16:42.37etfonhomeyI'm trying to figure out if the problem is the telco or the card.
16:42.47mrdigitaldeltaray: pm
16:43.06ManxPowerdeltaray: VoIP is very sensitive to spikes in CPU usage.
16:43.24ManxPowerGenerally it is recommended that you run Asterisk on a dedicated server.
16:44.14etfonhomeyManxPower, do you not do anything with the analog cards?
16:44.21deltarayManxPower: Thanks
16:45.04ManxPoweretfonhomey: you have not described your problem
16:46.03etfonhomeyManxPower, I'm getting a random fast busy on an incoming call.
16:46.21etfonhomeyManxPower, I've got 2 FXO pors on the card.
16:46.31ManxPowerturn off busydetect and callprogress
16:47.06ManxPowercall from cell or POTS -> Asterisk gives the caller a fasy busy?
16:47.34etfonhomeyThat's correct.  What are the defauls for busydetect and callprogess?
16:47.47etfonhomey(if you leave them out of the config?)
16:48.21*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
16:48.43ManxPowerWhat do you see on the CLI?
16:49.01etfonhomeyHere's the current zapata.conf:
16:50.35*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
16:51.21etfonhomeyIt just happened.  The CLI results are at that pastebin.
16:52.18etfonhomeyFYI, this box is * 1.2.17 and zaptel 1.2.16.
16:53.03\BAF64\what's the easiest way to set up a dialplan
16:53.49\BAF64\i just want the asterisk-gui stuff to work
16:53.53\BAF64\like record a voice menu
16:53.57Corydon76-homeEasiest way is to pay someone else to do it
16:54.33\BAF64\there isnt just a basic dialplan that will work
16:54.39etfonhomeyManxPower,  this pastebin shows it when it works and goes to voicemail:
16:56.37etfonhomeyManxPower, another piece of info that may be useful:  The fast busy only happens when someone calls in the Zap/1-1 line.  Calls coming into Zap/3-1 always work.  I'm wondering if it's not the FXO module.
16:57.20*** part/#asterisk deltaray (
16:57.31ManxPoweretfonhomey: I have no idea how to fix this.  Perhaps it is the universe punishing you for using Analog
16:58.02etfonhomeyManxPower, I believe you're right.
16:58.32etfonhomeyManxPower, it's a small Dr.'s office with 2 incoming analog lines, and 3 Polycom phones.
16:58.54etfonhomeyManxPower, Ithey have DSL, I'm not confident enough to run SIP over their DSL connection.
17:02.46etfonhomeyManxPower, that's BellSouth DSL...
17:03.05ManxPoweretfonhomey: I have no idea how to fix this.
17:03.12*** join/#asterisk Fieldy (i=QMnTir44@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
17:03.57etfonhomeyManxPower, would you run an office of that size with SIP over a DSL Intenet connection?
17:05.32*** join/#asterisk los415 (
17:05.46tootwe run ours, but we have a dialplan to allow us to swap to pstn when the lads are downloading. um. stuff
17:06.21toot7 users using VoIP on a 8MB dsl line in crappy ireland
17:06.34ManxPoweretfonhomey: I would never run ANY office over an internet connetion
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17:07.05etfonhomeyManxPower, you use dedicated connections for VoIP?
17:08.01etfonhomeyManxPower, i.e a partial T1 for VoIP and another T1 for Internet access?
17:08.16ManxPowerUm no, I use PRIs
17:08.44etfonhomeySo, you never use SIP trunks?
17:09.29ManxPowerI have a client with clinics and an administrative offices.  I use fractional T-1s between offices with a PRI at the main office, then use QoS on the dedicated inter-office links, the asteirsk server at the main office and all polycom phones.  Each office has a dedicated POTS line.
17:10.02etfonhomeyWho do you get your PRI from, Bellsouth?
17:10.11ManxPoweretfonhomey: The only time I would consider "sip trunks" is in a situation where I have enough PRI channels to handle normal traffic volume and then roll over to a SIP provider in the event of more calls than normal.
17:10.24ManxPoweretfonhomey: From XFone a CLEC
17:10.46etfonhomeyI wonder if XFone is a CLEC for Louisville.
17:11.22ManxPowerI don't like pain and customers with their main connection to the PSTN running over a DSL connection is pretty much the same as saying "Users please beat me up!"
17:14.14ManxPowerAt me primary client pretty much all the department heads are constantly trying to take over the IT department because the IT department has the largest budget.  If there are ANY phone problems they start circling like rabid wolves.  The phones MUST work and they MUST work ALL THE TIME.
17:15.04etfonhomeyManxPower, do you use the POTS connection at the each office as a failover and/or 911 access?
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17:16.32ManxPowerWe have a couple of red phones in each office directly connected to the fax line for emergency and 911
17:16.54ManxPowerThe T-1s go down like once per year or less so we don't worry about it too much
17:17.00*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
17:17.35etfonhomeyManxPower, is it
17:17.47ManxPowerI assume so.
17:18.42ManxPowerThe sales rep I have is one of the founders of I-55 (a company that was bought by XFone) and so I basically have the cell phone of a tech that is a VP and has access to their switch.
17:18.56etfonhomeyManxPower, I'd love to see your setup some time.
17:19.13ManxPowermultiple setups.
17:19.16ManxPowerI do consulting
17:20.49etfonhomeyManxPower, I knew that, I meant the setup you were describing.
17:23.18dweazleetfonhomey: thanks for the input
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17:34.41mrdigitalwhats the best music for on hold
17:34.51Strom_Mdisco records
17:35.01mrdigitaldisco records?
17:35.06Strom_Mdisco records
17:35.40etfonhomeyYou know, 70's porn music.
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17:39.40etfonhomeytoot, have you had good luck with a SIP trunk over a DSL connection?
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17:41.15etfonhomeyAny others out there use a SIP trunk over a DSL connection?
17:41.32gambolputtyBananaphone by Raffi is the best music on hold.
17:43.25joatwasn't there a site that offered MP3's of porn theme music?
17:46.56ManxPowerjoat: just download pretty much any of the crappy electronica 8-)
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17:51.16bullegambolputty: i have bananaphone as my ring signal on my cellphone
17:52.06ManxPowerjoy.  storms coming
17:54.53gambolputtyI have Bananaphone as a ringtone too for one of my IP phones, sped up 40% of course.
17:55.24ManxPowerI don't even know (or really care) what a "Banannaphone" ringtone is.
17:57.00bulleManxPower: its the ringtone to have, it improves call quality by 25%!
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17:57.55ManxPowerI find that non-standard ringtones increase your chances of being killed by an angry mob by 25%
17:58.53*** join/#asterisk djs_2_6 (
18:09.44sooliI have this problem on a fresh asterisk install : pbx.c:1700 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Dial' for extension
18:09.47sooliwhat's wrong ?
18:10.05sooliBackroung, Hangup and Answer are ok
18:12.23JunK-Ysooli: type: load module
18:13.01JunK-YBackgroung, Hangup and Answer are all core apps.
18:13.27sooliJunK-Y: in my asterisk console ?
18:14.10sooliand what about mp3player  ?
18:14.31JunK-Yyes, in ur CLI
18:14.36JunK-Ysame thing.
18:14.42JunK-Ytype show modules
18:14.51sooliok thanks
18:14.56sooliDial work fin now :)
18:17.49sooliok now my softphone ring ... but when i open conversation, connection is closed :/
18:22.08soolihere my log :
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18:27.17JunK-Ytake a look at theres so much infos regarding that issue.
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18:31.41colepchello. I'm very new to linux and to asterisk and need some advice on a couple of items...
18:32.08fbffffand what would those items be/
18:32.23colepcI believe I've got Asterisk 1.2.17 installed ok, but don't have a clue how to instantiate it?
18:33.54fbffffyou type asterisk with the flags you want most likely -cv or something
18:34.06colepclet me try that...
18:35.09fbffffi saw a wild gecko last night
18:35.50colepcI've got a terminal session on the box, sitting in the ~/asterisk-1.2.17 dir.  I typed 'asterisk -cv' and got a result of "bash: asterisk: command not found"
18:36.45fbffffs i keep getting my channels mixed up
18:37.44fbffffthen you need to install asterisk some somewhere in your path, or figure out where you installed it and adjust your path
18:37.47fbffffor you didn't install it at all
18:38.21colepcfollowing the very short example at, I installed with the command 'make clean; make install'.
18:38.53colepcit failed several times as certain packages were not installed in the os, but after installing those, it appeared to finally install successfully
18:39.26colepcthe dir I'm sitting in has a file labeled as 'asterisk'  (no quotes)
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18:39.44fbffffyou have to type man
18:39.48fbffffthen make install
18:39.56fbffffor else your not really installing anything
18:40.10colepclet me try that again...the install took about 3 minutes to execute completely the last time...
18:40.16*** join/#asterisk tmjb (n=tmjb@
18:40.28colepcyou're suggesting that I type 'make' <enter> and then 'make install' <enter>  ?
18:40.42fbffffyes, you may also want to buy a book or two
18:40.52tmjbhello i got problem with misdn this it error any ideas chan_misdn_log: Extension can never match, so disconnecting
18:41.01colepcno doubt...
18:41.17fbffffor find a decent source of ebooks
18:41.28fbffffas most useful books cost way to much money as it is
18:42.13ManxPowerfbffff: Did the Gecko say "G'day, Mate!"
18:42.16colepcagreed.  I'm trying to wing my way thru this.  has been a good teacher in the past.  I'm hot on M$, but just learning about things 'UX
18:42.47*** join/#asterisk kurtisb1 (
18:42.58kurtisb1Good morning!
18:43.01fbffffit didn't have time, as soon as i saw it i stopped smoking and ran inside, i was afraid it was going to try and sell me a some sort of insurance policy
18:43.32kurtisb1Anybody have any luck sending callerID from when intgrating with a legacy PBX?
18:43.32colepctyping 'make' <enter> resulted in this line... "*** [pbx_dundi.o] Error 1"
18:43.47fbffffhumm that's not right :)
18:44.06kurtisb1.....  let me clarify....  sending callerid Name to a legacy PBX (that supports it)?
18:44.14colepc(lots of other stuff scrolled by too!)
18:44.16fbffffthat means that the compiler encountered a error when trying to build the module pbx_dundi
18:44.43colepcis pbx_dundi a package (or related to a package) that I may not have installed in the OS yet?
18:45.44fbffffit's a module asterisk loads at runtime
18:45.45fbffffasterisk is comprised of the core asterisk binary, and a verity of modules it loads at runtime
18:46.03colepcin YaST > Software management, I searched for 'pbx' and it produced 2 items unchecked (assmuning, not installed): "asterisk" and "asterisk-debuginfo"
18:46.32fbffffwell, what error was make giving you
18:47.50colepcwhen it started at the 'pbx_dundi.c' lines during make, I'll post a few of them; don't know what is significant...
18:47.58*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
18:48.05fbffffah post them to and paste the url here
18:48.25fbffffsadly, im going to go take a shower then i have to go to the gulf coast for something
18:48.31colepcone sake
18:48.34fbffffso i'll be pretty much gone for a few hours :(
18:48.34colepcone sec...
18:50.27colepcthat's cool....didn't know about that site!
18:51.25colepcgulf coast...what state are you in?
18:51.33colepcI've got client in Biloxi
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18:56.38kurtisb1Anybody successfully send CallerID NAME to a Norstar when integrating with asterisk?
18:57.19fbffffright im now im in really southern texas
18:57.56fbffffah that's a crazy zaptel error
18:58.12fbffffby any chance did you install zaptel?
18:58.20colepcI dont' think so
18:59.06fbffffoh wait
18:59.12fbffffnevermind, you just have to install zlib
18:59.23fbffffit has nothing to do with zaptel at all
18:59.26colepcone sec...
18:59.43colepczaptel is hardware specific, right?
18:59.49fbffffjust grab the zlib source then run configure make and make install, or if your useing yast make sure you install the -dev package
18:59.57fbffffnah but ignore the fact i said zaptel at all
19:00.09fbffffzlib is what you need
19:00.35fbffffbuild and install that and you should be one step closer to making phone calls :) gone for a while?
19:01.08fbffffwell, i'm going to go smoke and get some coffee then i have to get moving
19:01.10fbffffya prob.
19:01.14fbffffinfact brb
19:01.16colepcthanks for your help.
19:05.22colepc***much better result***...
19:06.18colepcis there a graphical interface to asterisk?
19:06.25colepc(ver 1.2.17)
19:11.02colepcbooks, huh?
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19:24.03mrdigitalcolepc: pm?
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19:30.26colepcsay again mrdigital?
19:31.00colepcstupid question...where's the sip.conf file?
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19:47.49jm|laptopApr 14 20:45:04 WARNING[12272]: pbx_spool.c:347 scan_service: Unable to open /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ Permission denied, deleting
19:47.58jm|laptopit is 0777 asterisk:asterisk !
19:48.56kratzersanyone know why channel variables aren't showing up when AgentCalled event is generated?
19:49.14kratzersvariables set as Set(__varname=value)
19:49.56kratzersin a macro just before calling the Queue app
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19:51.39Feral_KidIs there a way from the command line to send a command to asterisk.... What I would like to do, is write a script that will check my dynamic IP address every 10 minutes, and if my IP address as changes, cause asterisk to do a "sip reload" to update the changes...
19:52.19Feral_KidI meant to say if my IP address has changed, then send a "sip reload" to asterisk...
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19:58.19jm|laptop[TK]D-Fender: wake up :)
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20:11.45CessnaFlyerhello, all
20:12.32CessnaFlyerim having a spot of trouble with asterisk... was hoping someone could help me troubleshoot the demo greeting stuttering very badly
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20:17.27Zefkdoes anyone knows a good ip hard phone for use in call center ?
20:18.21SwKzefk: Polycom or Cisco
20:20.42ZefkSwK:  I bought 3 ip phones in order to test, but I need also a second opinion. I bought: GS BudgeTone 200, AAstra 9133i and a Polycom 301
20:20.59gambolputtyThe Snom 300 is only $100.
20:24.01ZefkAfter a smoke test with BudgeTone 200 I realize that this phone is only for doorman.
20:26.22SwKi dont care for the snom's some people swear by them
20:26.28SwKpersonally I swear by the polycoms
20:26.47*** join/#asterisk ZefK (n=Zefk@
20:27.29JTyeah i don't see what's so good about snoms
20:27.35ZefKAastra and Polycom are good quality just the price is a litle high
20:27.41JTthey definitely don't look very good :)
20:27.56gambolputtyThe Snom features are great.
20:28.23ZefKgambolputty:  is it good the audio quality ?
20:29.50gambolputtyI am thinking of its SIP features
20:29.59gambolputtyits audio is good too
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20:30.34ZefKI intend to buy another 2-3 phones to have more testing. I am thinking to buy a GXP 2000, maybe a snom and a linksys
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20:31.00jbotgs is, like, South Georgia and the South Sandwich islands, or ghostscript.  GrandSuck phones are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice
20:32.10JTdon't waste money on more grandstream phones
20:32.16JTZefK: what country are you in?
20:32.19ZefKjbot:  I live in Europe, I don;t know how is in South Georgia but I get your point :)
20:32.21jbotYou live in Europe, I don;t know how is in South Georgia but I get your point :)?
20:32.49JTZefK: the south georgia bit is a totally different factoid to grandstream :)
20:33.00ZefKI'm living in Romania but I buy from Italy
20:33.45JThrm there's a few romanian foss telephony users :)
20:34.15mrdigitaljt: is there a decent phone priced the same as a Grandstream BT
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20:35.12kurtisb1Anybody know if Digium cards support sending q.932 ?
20:35.15JTmrdigital: no
20:35.23JTdecent phones aren't that cheap
20:36.15*** join/#asterisk tsurko (n=tsurko@
20:36.28ZefKWe have in our call center a solution with Avaya S8700, perfect quality and features but we are payng a lot for all these. I'm trying to implement a resonable solution with asterisk and I don't want to buy phones with more than 120EUR
20:37.18hal2kZefK: what about using a softphone?
20:38.01ZefKI tested 5-6 softphones, but the quality is not good at all
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20:40.18ZefKEven with gs phones the quality is better than with a softphone
20:40.25SwKzefk I wasnt impressed with the NAT handlng on the asstra never could get them to work when the phone was behind nat and asterisk was on a public IP.... have used polycoms in carriers where they do things like IP-PBXs and they hold up good
20:41.47[TK]D-FenderPolycom > All
20:42.05ZefKI did not tested yet my Polycom 301 because I received the phone with US power source. Monday I will buy an adapter
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20:44.35ZefKAnyway, my problem is if I should buy phone sin the range of 110-120 EUR or shoud I move to phones in the range of 160-170EUR ..!?
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20:47.47ZefKpolycom and Aastra belong to second price interval
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20:52.26Star568manager API originat calls, how can i get music on hold on local leg while waitting for outside leg connecting?
20:52.34[TK]D-FenderZefK, What are your expectations, needs and description of call volume/usage?
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20:56.19ZefKI intend to move a group of 50-70 operators from Avaya to Asterisk. This project does not requires Avaya features so the movement should be easy. It is just an outbound project. It is very important for me to integrate in our web application a dialer in order to have the operator dial from a web page.
20:57.41ZefKAnother thing is I dont want to have complanins about voice quality.
20:57.59gambolputtyZefK:  see my private message
20:58.01JTthen it'd be a bad idea to go backwards :)
21:01.43ZefKI'm thinking also to use manager interface to place calls in automatic but if I found a phone with some "click and dial" facilities will be great
21:03.31ZefKAnyway, the manager interface provides a general solution that is "phone independent"
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21:07.51ZefKAnother concern of mine is if asterisk is ready for professional solutions in call centers? I am not an asterisk expert, I just realized some interconnections world wide via IAX, and a few scripts
21:08.21JTit can be if you use decent phones
21:08.32JTbut i guess you need to test if your setup is stable
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21:10.38ZefKOn the other hand I heard about some call centers that runs only on asterisk ... like Acer in Germany.
21:13.07VecWhat processes in asterisk require a timer like ztdummy or a digium card, i.e. when would I encounter problems without one ?
21:13.28JTzap hardware, iax trunking, meetme conferences
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21:17.58VecJT : how good is ztdummy, because I am going to have to do some IAX trunking ?
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21:19.14JTresults can be pretty haphazard
21:19.27JTdo you really need to do iax trunking?
21:19.41VecJT : well I could do SIP style trunking
21:20.10JTsip doesn't do trunking
21:20.25JTtrunking is optional in iax2
21:20.30VecJT: well just route the calls individually through using SIP
21:20.51Vecjust with trunking I get the performance benefit of no protocol overhead
21:21.07JTthere is overhead
21:21.13VecI am going to link to a SIP gateway
21:21.21Vecor IAX gateway
21:21.37Vecyeh but the overhead decreases with the increase in simultanious calls with IAX trunking
21:22.08JTdo you think it really makes that much difference?
21:23.50VecJT : not sure, have not played around with it that much, just checked out
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21:24.22JTthere's a lot of hype around iax2 trunking, i just dunno if it's really that great
21:24.39JTalso it chokes if you have lots of simultaneous calls on the one trunk
21:24.52VecJT : well thats sh1t
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21:36.37MaartenBI am having problems with incomming calls, I have no idea why, but they are handled by a timeout
21:36.47MaartenBit says "Timeout on IAX2/speakup01-1" where speakup01 is my voip provider
21:37.04MaartenBand I think it is giving this timeout on "Set("IAX2/speakup01-1", "CALLERID(name)=Private") in new stack"
21:37.06MaartenBwhich is akward
21:48.37drfreezeMaartenB: I thought the Set syntax was Set(name1=value1|name2=value2|...[options])
21:49.54MaartenBdrfreeze, you are right, it is set like that in my extensions.conf, the text above is what is displayed in the log
21:49.59drfreezeJT: I have heard a lot of problem reports from people using Iax2. Never used it myself.
21:50.12drfreezeJT: SIP seems to be the way to go
21:50.27drfreezeMaartenB: oh
21:51.45drfreezeMaartenB: has this ever worked?
21:52.50MaartenByes, actually it still works
21:53.03MaartenBbut it fails in 1 out of 5 cases
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22:34.08yennohi.. where does that "you have successfully installed asterisk.." message coming from and how do i get rid of it?
22:36.01blitzrageyenno: from the dialplan (extensions.conf) in the [demo] context
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22:36.22blitzrageif you're asking this -- you have a bunch of reading to do
22:36.33jbotrumour has it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
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22:39.31blitzrageJunK-Y: nice commit :)
22:41.52JunK-Yblitzrage: wait my next one, ya will like it.
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22:46.12yennothanks blitzrage, well normally i'm only using cisco callmanager, but my sip implementation needs to work with asterisk, too :-/
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22:53.53colepccan someone advise me on a VOIP service provider I can test my shiny new trixbox with?
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