irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070313

00:00.28rhombusManxPower: Stuff that works tends to be expensive.
00:01.04rhombusManxPower: Have you tried the Digium HPEC?
00:01.25*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
00:01.46rhombusFor that matter, as anybody tried the Digium HPEC for echo cancellation?
00:03.00flendersManxPower: do you work at digium?
00:07.20flendersdamn it, just tried digium's sales dept and no one is available
00:07.24bkruse_homerhombus: yes i have
00:07.29bkruse_homeflenders: its after hours fool
00:07.34*** join/#asterisk fbffff (
00:08.08flenderswhat's the time there?
00:08.58rhombusbkruse_home: and, how were the results?
00:08.58Qwellafter 7
00:11.27DrukenLPYanyone know about payphones in here?
00:12.15*** join/#asterisk mercestes (
00:16.26*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
00:16.44rhombusbkruse_home: what has your experience with the Digium HPEC been so far?
00:19.48*** join/#asterisk netlouis (
00:20.43bkruse_homesounds awesome
00:22.11JTflenders: ping
00:23.22flendersJT: pong
00:24.47*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:26.00rhombusoh, hi.
00:26.07mercestesrhombus:  not a good first impression.  :P
00:26.30rhombusmercestes: then you missed me last time because I wasn't loud enough :)
00:26.39rhombus(I've seen you around before)
00:26.43mercestesrhombus:  LMAO  I caught you then too.
00:27.11rhombuswhere did bkruse_home go?
00:27.32flendershome, I guess
00:27.48rhombusmmm. perogies.
00:27.49JTflenders: going to cebit?
00:28.00flendersJT: dunno, last 2 years it was shit
00:28.06flendersJT: you?
00:28.11JTheh yeah
00:28.30JTthere's 2 days left to register for free... supposedly it's not bs this year
00:28.42flendersI'll register then!
00:29.25JTthe voip conference is a bit of a hike
00:29.28JT$445 + gst
00:30.26flendersyou're going to that one?
00:30.48JTfree exhibition for me
00:30.58JTi'm sure it'd be interesting to hear mark spencer to talk
00:31.19flendersno doubt about it
00:31.21JTbut i'm not spending 500bucks on a sales pitch from half a dozen speakers :)
00:32.41tzanger[TK]D-Fender: polycom question for you -- any way to have the phones handle daylight savings time?  Right now I have the gmt-offset in dhcp but that's a real pain in the ass
00:33.29mercestestzafrir:  2.1.0 fixes the new DST crap.  and polycom does handle DST with the NTP server.  Just set the offset to whatever it is in seconds.
00:34.03mercestestzafrir: And set "override dhcp" = 1 in the multiple places it shows up, for NTP, and DST.
00:34.03tzangermercestes: but the DST offset changes by 3600 seconds for daylight savings...
00:34.04tzangermercestes: ahhhhhh
00:34.06tzangerthat's it
00:34.47mishehuhmm hmm looks like there's a conversation going on about polly coms *sqwak* and DST...  what's the fix?  can't use sip 1.6.7 I suppose?
00:34.57mercestesSip 2.1.0 fixes it
00:35.20mishehumercestes: is 2.1.0 too large for the ip500's?  I still have some of those in use.
00:35.25flendersJT: oh, just remembered, I'll be in brazil in may
00:35.32mercestesNot that I've heard of.
00:35.35tzangermercestes: so you set the offset or the time zone in the polycom config
00:35.39mercestesbut I am not educated on IP500's
00:35.46JTflenders: the whole of may?
00:35.54mcabfix the DST settings, then you don't have to worry about it again
00:35.56mercestestzazanger:  you set the offset and the default DST settings work.
00:36.00flendersJT: until the 23rd
00:36.12JTflenders: i guess that's a problem then
00:36.50creature1if i set a language in sip.conf asterisk searches for that file in lang/ folder.. right? and if it's a digit then in lang/digit folder? my problem is that the files in lang dir are played correctly but for digits, letters etc asterisk chooses the default lang en..
00:37.10flendersJT: :D
00:37.35flendersJT: haven't gone home for over a year
00:39.14JTflenders: you're away right now?
00:39.44flendersJT: away in .au
00:39.54JTyou're from sydney aren't you?
00:39.57flendersbeen over here for 5 years
00:40.03*** join/#asterisk droops (
00:40.08flendersnope, I'm a brazo
00:40.14JTah ok
00:40.19JTbut you're in sydney now?
00:40.20flendersI live in syd
00:40.27creature1hmm seems like asterisk are looking for the files in lang/digits/lang folder...
00:40.29flendersyeah, work in north sydney
00:40.33creature1if its a digit..
00:40.45JTwe should catch up some time
00:40.54sivanaanyone know what chan_phone is for?
00:40.54flendersJT: definetely mate
00:41.45JTsivana: something very old iirc
00:41.47DrukenLPYhey sivana
00:44.47flendersJT: you're next to the greenwood pl?
00:45.07JTnot quite, but it's not that far away i guess
00:46.09flendersI'm up on pacific hwy, probably a 15 minute walk from there
00:48.24mishehublargh, freedomphones doesn't seem to have polly com sip 2.1.x on it.
00:52.14JTflenders: sounds like closer to crows nest?
00:52.28bochcan i use file:// in CURL() func ?
00:52.47flendersyeah, it is a short walk to crows nest
00:52.57JTah ok
00:53.53*** join/#asterisk topping (
00:54.53*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
00:55.48sudhir492Is anyone here using Cisco phones, 7940 or 7960 in particular?
00:56.16Qwellyeah, with chan_skinny
00:56.45sudhir492which version of firmware?
00:57.24Qwelldunno, 7.x
00:59.11*** join/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
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00:59.31*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:59.59sudhir492Qwell: Are you registered with Cisco?
01:00.54sudhir492I need an example SIPdefault.cnf file
01:01.11Qwellthere are some on the wiki
01:01.23jbotfrom memory, wikis is
01:02.01sudhir492I tried finding one last night. Going to look more diligently again.
01:04.18*** join/#asterisk sav_mcfly (
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01:09.59*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:14.58*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
01:18.15*** join/#asterisk josef_k (
01:21.55sudhir492very quiet her today
01:22.31mercestesshh.  I'm trying to sleep
01:23.44xhelioxWe noticed. The rest of us can't get a moments peace with your snoring.
01:23.51xhelioxYou really should have that looked that.
01:24.27mercestesBetween my narcolepsi and my insomnia and my night terrors I figured I am psychologically screwed in the sleep department.  Atleast if I can hear myself snoring I know I'm breathing.
01:26.26*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:28.38*** join/#asterisk jcool (n=zoro@
01:29.17jcoolgood day guys, has anyone notice that if you enable jitterbuffer on zap you will see a lot of this on your console "Recieved frame with invalid timing info"
01:29.26josef_kcan you help me with a philosophical question? Why asterisk 1.4.0 sends the reinvite AFTER all the session? It is obvious in 1.2.x, but I dont understand why it needs to send a invite before the bye message
01:30.38mercestesjosef_k:  Philosphically?  Probably just to make sure the device is still there and listening before sending the "bye."
01:30.52creature1josef_k: when you give instructions to a person you usually give him all of the instructions before saying goodbye. i have _no idea_ if thats the case here but well, seems logical :D
01:31.26flenderswhy is I have a good one: why is asterisk-1.4.0 tarball 11MB in size and 1.4.1 is 17MB?
01:31.30mercestesjcool:  It's probably letting you know it recieved a stale nonce packet.
01:32.10mercestesflenders:  Because 1.4.1 has 6MB more of compressed fixes, feature enhancements, and easter eggs...mostly easter eggs.
01:32.57flendersnever seen such an increase in size from one release to another
01:32.57josef_kmercestes: I dont know if it is the answer. Maybe... it sends the invite changing the C header, asking the rtp stream. After that, it shut down.
01:33.10josef_kbut you should be right
01:34.28mercestesjosef_k:  Well, at one point * waited for an ack to a "bye" before closing a stream, and if you unplugged a phone you had a channel that never went away.
01:34.28jcoolmercestes: well, since i don't know much on how jitterbuffer will work, i think it
01:34.28jcoolsafe to ignore it then remove warning on the console
01:34.28mercestesjosef_k:  Maybe sending a "invite" before sending a "bye" makes certain that the device will respond before sending the bye, reestablishing hte channel if it closed before or giving it a chance to error out and handle it differently.
01:34.51mercestesjcool:  I think it is acknowledging that it did recieved a jittered packet for informational reasons.  Try googling hte exact text of the error, - any context specific #'s.
01:35.22mercestesjcool:  jitterbuffer just creates a queue of so many seconds that it uses to collect and reorganize the data before it begins playback.
01:35.43mercestesflenders:  Then you will be rewarded as you never have before.
01:35.59josef_kcool, cool. :) Thanks, mercestes
01:36.18mercestesjosef_k:  I'm not a developer tho.  They know better than I do.  That's my educated guess tho.
01:36.46josef_ki agree with you. I think it is the answer
01:36.50jcoolmercestes: thanks man, to be honest i don't see any meaning full input from google except from you !!"
01:37.04*** join/#asterisk visba (n=dca[
01:37.06jcoolRecieved frame with invalid timing info <-- this is the exact error
01:37.12jcooloopss warning rather
01:37.19mercestesjcool:  Yea, then it probably means it's info only.  Google is pretty verbose about "errors."
01:37.29mercestesyea, warnings are more..."FYI" than "warning."
01:37.37mercestesit should just say "hey, you:" then the same text.
01:38.10*** join/#asterisk anthony] (
01:46.19*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:47.01JacksLivrWHOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! 7910 working. the upgrade to 1.4 worked!!! Qwell is the MAN!
01:47.30JacksLivrall hale teh Qwell!
01:47.46*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
01:48.56shmaltzOT:what database uses *.xd and *.nx file types?
01:49.20mercestesshmaltz:  google it.
01:49.34shmaltzmercestes, tried, but not much luck
01:49.38shmaltzthanks though
01:50.07mercestesshmaltz:  Do a google search for "file extensions"   There are some online databases dedicated to the subject.
01:50.44rhombusI wonder if ManxPower would ever let me visit him and give a guided tour of his setup.
01:51.11rhombusI am betting it is pretty sweet. I could learn a lot.
01:51.45mercestesOr we would stare in awe and understand nothing.  Manx's stuff is pretty 133t.
01:52.50mercestesI didn't like him too much until I saw him slip out some of his stuff and man.....he's way beyond anything I'd even suggest could be done.  He's put alot of work into it.
01:53.16mercestesSo, looking at his stuff v/s what's "readily available" I can see why he's "psh, I'm not just going to spoon feed you the answer." becuase he definately worked for his answer.
01:55.13bullemercestes: well, everyone needs spoon feeding in the beginning
01:55.26mercestesbulle:  That's what the wiki is for.
01:55.37mercestesand "the book"
01:55.42sivanatoo bad the wiki is outdated
01:55.51bullemercestes: sadly the wiki isnt that great, its pretty confusing from time to time
01:55.53mercestessivana:  So fix it.  It's a wiki
01:56.01bullemercestes: "the book" is good though
01:56.09sivanayea, I'll do that in my other spare time
01:56.23mercestesbulle:  If you read the book, and reference the wiki, and demonstrate you did research, and are still confused, most of us are more than happy to spoon feed you as long as you demonstrate that you tried beforehand.
01:57.03bullemercestes: no worries, i have gotten nice support here for all i have asked, except the one question about why macros are called macros, when they behave more like functions =D
01:57.34mercestesbulle:  Because whoever named it was more a Microsoft person than a linux person.
01:58.06SwKincase anyone is still fighting with polycom time issues....
01:59.06mishehuonly thing I must say about that config is that it needs to be updated every year since the start date is set as a date and not as a week and day of week.
01:59.08mercestesnice, thanks SwK.
01:59.22mercestestoo bad the link is too long to /topic. =/
01:59.41mishehutinyurl anybody?
01:59.44mercestesIt's "fixed" in Sip 2.1.0 by default as I understand it.
01:59.50*** join/#asterisk intralanman (
01:59.54*** join/#asterisk TedNJ37 (
02:00.26mercestesI'd rather just post the Sip 2.1.0 and bootroms.
02:01.35*** join/#asterisk Uberbot (
02:01.44UberbotHi all.
02:02.13SwKmercestes its not really a "fix" in the way of a programming change its a default configs parameter change
02:02.29mercestesSwK:  indeed.  I agree.
02:02.56UberbotI'm trying to get an IVR working and I'm having difficulty getting * to recognize keypresses...
02:03.00SwKthese settings are already in ipmid.cfg or sip.cfg depending on what style of configs you are using (i still use the old style as I think the new style is just to much crap to deal with in 1 file)
02:03.00TedNJ37I have a problem.  I have installed hudlite-server but freepbx is not interfacing with it, it shows a blank page with a language selecting box.  There are no more options in that page.  And when I put the mouse over the option of Asterisk, I don't see it listed in the drop down list.  But if I click on Asterisk, I see HudLite Admin listed in the page.  When I select it, it shows a blank page.  I have installed using the package manager o
02:03.58UberbotThis should work, right?  exten => _X, 1, noop(The caller pressed the ${EXTEN} key)
02:04.19mercestesUberbot:  That matches 1 character.  Call an Answer() first.
02:04.26mercestesand read the book
02:04.39jbotsomebody said thebook was a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
02:04.42jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
02:04.43UberbotI've read it.
02:04.52mercestesOk, well, IVR is covered in there with good examples.
02:05.03UberbotThe problem is that nothing is being matched at all and not being logged to the console.
02:05.34JTdon't put spaces between arguments in exten =>
02:05.41UberbotI'm playing a message with background().
02:05.41JTthat's not the right way to build an ivr
02:05.50JTcheck the wiki ivr pages
02:05.55Uberbotexten => _X,1, noop(The caller pressed the ${EXTEN} key)
02:06.03UberbotWith no spaces... I'll try that.
02:06.20JTyou're still doing it the wrong way
02:06.27JTyou don't usually pattern match in an ivr
02:06.38JTyou need to start at extension s
02:06.49UberbotI'm using the extension as a lookup into a database. the db tells me what to do next.
02:07.41mercestesUberbot:  You have to call an Answer() or Asterisk won't "hear" your key presses at all.
02:08.23UberbotI call answer, then do the background().
02:08.38mercestesUberbot:  then set your timeout values.
02:09.31UberbotLike this: WaitExten(seconds)
02:10.03mercestesAccording to teh book and the wiki as it pertains to your version.
02:10.18mercestesMainly "digittimeout" or Timeout(digit)
02:10.37*** join/#asterisk jellyfishnetwork (n=admin@
02:11.54mercestesand what JT says, he's giving good advice.
02:11.56jellyfishnetworkI am new to asterisk but from what I have seen, its VERY nice
02:11.59mercestestho you don't *have* to start at s.
02:12.07mercestesand nooping on _X is.....not a good test.
02:12.12mercestesuse 1,2,3,4,5 etc.
02:12.33TedNJ37Can someone help me please?
02:12.34TedNJ37I have a problem.  I have installed hudlite-server but freepbx is not interfacing with it, it shows a blank page with a language selecting box.  There are no more options in that page.  And when I put the mouse over the option of Asterisk, I don't see it listed in the drop down list.  But if I click on Asterisk, I see HudLite Admin listed in the page.  When I select it, it shows a blank page.  I have installed using the package manager o
02:12.46sivanaor 1,n,n....
02:12.57jellyfishnetworkthat being said.. I cannot get it working.  I can get my softphone to connect but when I try to call I get the "call not approved" message
02:12.58JTTedNJ37: i swear i saw that exact same question a few minutes ago
02:14.52jbotsomebody said freepbx was unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
02:14.55jellyfishnetworkso far, I have edited sip.conf and extensions.conf
02:15.18mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  Sounds like a config error.
02:15.21TedNJ37But nobody told me if they have encountered that problem.
02:15.32*** join/#asterisk eltech (
02:15.38Uberbotexten => robo, 3, Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=20)  fixed it.  Thank you.
02:15.47JTTedNJ37: maybe no-one knows. it's rude to repeat. especially 7 lines
02:16.09jellyfishnetworkmercestes: yeah that is pretty much what I figured.. unfortunately I have no idea how to troubleshoot it
02:16.38mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  Sounds like your call is not registering.  focus on sip.conf examples and putting the apprpriate fields in the softphone to match sip.conf
02:16.51mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  just make your username/authname all the same.
02:17.13mercestesUberbot:  NP.  Go well asterisk warrior
02:17.47JTUberbot: you should drop the spaces, they're non-standard :)
02:18.58jellyfishnetworkmercestes do I have to have register syntax for my softphone?  I thought it was for registering with my provider
02:19.38mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  No....  Just a [username] and the stuff there.  adn then the appropriate fields in your settings for the softphone
02:20.02mercestesqualify=yes , etc.
02:20.17mercestesnothing for "register => " ignore that stuff.  That's for a remote pbx.
02:20.56*** join/#asterisk orlock (
02:21.12orlockHas anybody here used reinvite?
02:21.21*** part/#asterisk rhombus (
02:21.41jellyfishnetworkI didn't have qualify=yes
02:21.49orlockmercestes: was that a yes to me?
02:22.48*** join/#asterisk ltdwk (
02:24.21jellyfishnetworkmercestes my softphone was dialing 1 first.. Now I am getting 404 not found
02:25.02mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  YOu still have a register statement.
02:25.11mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  Or your PBX is defined as a hostname and not an IP address.
02:25.19mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  *or* your softphone cannot reach your pbx.
02:25.29mercestesorlock:  Yes.  and  Yes.
02:26.31mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  You can use hostnames, just make certain the dns resolves from the softphone perspective.
02:27.03*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
02:27.05jellyfishnetworkeven if my softphone says logged in extension 2001?
02:27.21mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  What does sip show peers show for your phone??
02:28.17jellyfishnetwork2001/2001             D          5060     OK (279 ms)
02:28.29mercesteswhat's cli output of an attempted call?
02:28.38mercestespastebin it if it's more than 3 lines
02:28.52jellyfishnetworki don't know?
02:29.00JacksLivrwhoops, srry
02:29.09mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  What's your * version?
02:29.55jellyfishnetworkAsterisk 1.2.13
02:30.20orlockmercestes: I think that the cause of some echo issues i am having is due to excessive latency between the Asterisk server and the handsets. enabling reinvite should allow the RTP stream to go directly between the handsets and the upstream sip provider, bypassing Asterisk, correct?
02:30.26mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  set verbose 6    and then try to make a call,  Pastebin what asterisk spits out when you try to make a call
02:30.55mercestesorlock:  canreinvite=yes    yes.  but...Echo is a complex beast that can be caused by many things.
02:31.24mercestesorlock:  otherwise, yes, you are correct, * will hand off if it is able.
02:31.46orlockmercestes: and if the SIP handsets are behind NAT?
02:31.59jellyfishnetworkMar 13 02:31:21 NOTICE[56405]: pbx.c:1741 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'from-sip-internal'
02:32.19mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  There is your problem.  You do not have a context called "from-sip'internal."
02:32.33mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  Write your outgoing dial rules under [from-sip-internal] and you should be good to go.
02:32.56mercestesorlock:  It is quite likely that * will not be able to hand off the RTP to two handsets behind NAT unless those handsets are handling their own NAT translations.
02:33.16mercestesorlock:  In that case, "reinvite" handoff will not happen.
02:34.49FuriousGeorgehow much latency is there between the phone and asterisk that you think that is the cause for the echo
02:35.07jellyfishnetworkdoes voip over evdo even work?
02:35.22mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  what is evdo?
02:35.26*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
02:35.32creature1this is probably .. like one of the most useful things to use asterisk for ;) ->
02:35.43FuriousGeorgein my experience, the cause of echo is almost always some analog leg of the conversation, like pots
02:35.49jellyfishnetworksprint's wireless product.. the latency might be a little too high
02:36.07mercestesFuriousGeorge:  I saw it happen under SIP with some freaky routing errors.  Circular loop logic.
02:37.15mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  Hrm.  Those wireless cards are routers in which Sprint can do any level of natting and port blocking.
02:37.32FuriousGeorgemercestes: i guess anything is possible, but under normal circumstances with asterisk and sip, i think you should be ok.  i use remote clients with two NATs between me and server and latency is higher but no echo
02:37.39mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  They can VPN them tho and set them up as wireless vpn access points.
02:37.43orlockFuriousGeorge: this is 100% sip
02:37.54mercestesFuriousGeorge:  Normally, SIP does not cause echo, irregardless of lag, correct.
02:38.39mercestesorlock: Yea.  Pretty much.
02:38.45FuriousGeorgemercestes: yeah, that's how i always pictured it.  its when you add voip latency + pstn side-tone that you normally need to worry about cancelling echo
02:39.20mercestesphones can cause echo within themselves (via speaker phone) via SIP, but..that's about it.
02:39.35FuriousGeorgeiow, you always echo on the pstn, but its so fast you dont hear it, but the added latency of voip causes the echo to "separate" from the communication (so to speak)
02:39.40*** join/#asterisk stridernzl (
02:39.41FuriousGeorgeorlock: have you tried another device
02:39.49mercestesor some really freaky jitterbuffering.  =/
02:40.00mercestesI guess if you jitterbuffer on both the endpoint and the PBX it'd do the same thing.
02:40.21jellyfishnetworkmercestes not sure why it doesnt work
02:41.01mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  write that file and do an extensions reload.
02:41.10mercestesjellyfishnetwork:  it will ring the softphone but......that's it.  Everythign else is broken.
02:41.24mercestesand it wil only match 2001 and 2000.
02:41.39jellyfishnetworkMar 13 02:41:27 WARNING[56741]: config.c:499 process_text_line: parse error: No category context for line 1 of extensions.conf
02:41.54FuriousGeorgeorlock: try x-lite rather than whatever that device is, just to make sure its not not some issue with the device causing it
02:42.02mercestesdelete everything above [local-extensions]
02:42.11mercestesOk, I gtg.  l8s
02:42.16orlockFuriousGeorge: we have the same setup at 3 or 4 sites..
02:42.24orlockhmm. the sites with the issues are sing internal DSL modems
02:42.32orlockbut i am using one at home with no issues either
02:42.49orlockthe only single difference they have is the latency due to physical distance
02:42.59FuriousGeorgeorlock: whats the device?
02:43.36jellyfishnetworkok now it works
02:44.06jellyfishnetworknow i just have to get the rest working
02:44.20orlockFuriousGeorge: Sipura 941's
02:48.03*** join/#asterisk `mw (
02:48.45`mwanyone use iax2 with  im having problems authenticating i think, all connections keep going to the default no-auth context
02:50.19FuriousGeorgeorlock: my suggestion remains to swap the device just to be sure
03:00.58*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:03.33jellyfishnetwork is this right to accept calls?
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03:04.29tessier_Hello all!
03:04.36nDuffDoes anyone have the source to NVBackgroundDetect v1.0.6? appears to be down, and backgrounddetect (unlike faxdetect) isn't in Google's cache.
03:04.48tessier_Anyone got a Snom 320 phone? Does yours refuse to handle the time change also?
03:05.20nDufftessier_: if you wait for a while (ie. until I've worked out my more immediate issues), I don't mind checking.
03:05.42tessier_nDuff: Sure, thanks
03:07.28nDuffhrm... no copy of NVBackgroundDetect in Corel Cache either.
03:07.34*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:08.04JTwhat is nvbackgrounddetect?
03:10.27nDuffJT, an asterisk application providing background fax detection on non-zap channels.
03:10.41*** join/#asterisk Braxus (n=braxus@
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03:11.07JThmm, why would you want to detect a fax in the background?
03:11.21JTlike a fax starting up half way through a call?
03:11.32nDuffJT, so I can be playing a voice menu to non-fax users.
03:11.48*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
03:12.00JTwhat does it do when it detects a fax?
03:13.13*** join/#asterisk SECGOD (i=SECGOD@
03:20.17tessier_This is rather weak. Apparently the Snom phones do not have an actual timezone data file.
03:20.18tessier_You hard code a GMT offset into them
03:20.18tessier_So they will not change time on their own.
03:20.18tessier_You have to manually go in and change your GMT offset.
03:20.52*** part/#asterisk Uberbot (
03:21.27*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
03:21.44Mercestesback for a bit
03:23.36JTheh, add that as another negative for the snom
03:25.34ltdwkI told you that when I was talking about them
03:25.43ltdwkthe only thing I've found annoying about them is their DST adjustment
03:26.31ltdwkthey do it, they just don't tell you how it works
03:27.50ltdwkthere is a config item called "dst" but buggered if I know what the values mean in it
03:28.34maskeddoes anyone have the nuance realspeak demo? it's 'temporarily unavailable'
03:28.38ltdwkdst!: 3600 10.01.07 02:00:00 03.05.07 03:00:00
03:28.42maskedon their website.
03:29.09ltdwkguessing some of those are to do with when to switch time
03:29.34sivana03.05.07 month to spring ahead
03:29.44tessier_JT: Actually we really like the snom phones
03:29.45sivana10.01.07 month to fall back
03:29.56tessier_JT: I have a 30 seat call center which use these phones 16 hours a day 7 days a week.
03:30.03tessier_JT: Been using them for 9 months now. Work great.
03:30.15ltdwktessier_: they don't like them here for some reason... I also really like them
03:30.24tessier_JT: I really like how they are easily provisioned via http.
03:30.38tessier_Best business class VOIP phone I have used so far.
03:31.35Mercestesltwk:  3600 is the amount of adjustment:  10.01.07 is the stop date, 02:00:00 is the stop time to STOP daylight savings time, 03.05.07 is the start date, and 03:00:00 is the start time to START daylight savings time.
03:31.58Mercestes3600 is one hour in seconds.
03:31.59ltdwkmercestes: figures
03:32.12Mercestesltdwk:  See?  perfectly clear.  :D
03:32.26ltdwkmercestes: Clear as in undocumented and nowhere to configure it
03:32.49ltdwkexcept using the mass deployment config
03:33.04ltdwkThose values are wrong for the timezone that is currently set I believe
03:33.50ltdwkI'm guessing that i'm going to have to configure this value every year
03:35.16ltdwktessier_: So, to answer your question - yes they do change for DST (I've experienced it myself) however the dst field is generally set incorrectly.
03:36.00tessier_ltdwk: huh? You are saying the Snom 320 phones will automatically change for DST?
03:36.24tessier_ltdwk: What do you set your timezone setting to?
03:36.27*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
03:36.29tessier_The only options seem to be offsets from GMT.
03:36.43tessier_timezone$: USA-8
03:37.02tessier_ltdwk: And if your phone is always GMT+10 how will it change for DST?
03:37.20ltdwkdid you just read any of what i was talking about above?
03:37.24ltdwkdst!: 3600 10.01.07 02:00:00 03.05.07 03:00:00
03:37.30ltdwkthere is a field inside the configuration
03:37.48ltdwkthat shows how much to adjust, and when to turn it on and off
03:37.53tessier_ah, I missed your comments above.
03:38.12ltdwkthere's nothing in the actual web interface to configure that field though
03:38.23ltdwkso unless you look in the "Settings" page you won't see what it's set to
03:39.22ltdwkI'm guessing when ou set the "timezone" field, it populates dst from some internal table, but the problem is phone manufacturers (Snom included) don't understand DST properly) and don't understand those values change
03:43.23tessier_dst$: 3600 11.04.07 02:00:00 03.11.07 02:00:00
03:43.32tessier_That looks like it should be appropriate for here in the US.
03:43.47tessier_ltdwk: Thanks for pointing that out! :)
03:43.52ltdwkno worries
03:44.08ltdwkkeep up the snomming
03:44.15tessier_Will do. :)
03:44.17ltdwksmite all these polycom using fools
03:44.36tessier_I've been using asterisk for 3 years now. Polycom was anti-asterisk when I had to make a decision on what phones I would support.
03:44.45*** join/#asterisk InHisName (n=Administ@
03:45.05ltdwkaye.  Snom's a bit more community oriented...  plus it's cool to run linux on your phones
03:47.46*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
03:48.32[TK]D-FenderPolycom > ALL
03:48.51ltdwkProve it
03:48.53NuggetI'd rather use tin cans and twine than run linux on a phone.
03:49.09[TK]D-FenderSnom means well but I like my phonesnot to crash so much, and polycom wins on LCD usability & audio quality.
03:50.00ltdwkIf one crashes I send it back, not that it's really happened
03:50.30riddleboxI know this isnt really topic, but is anyone familiar with the avaya Partner system?
03:51.18ltdwk[TK]: My experience with audio quality is exceptional with the snom's I've used.  Unless you were expecting a studio monitor on your phone I don't see how you could complain
03:52.17tessier_I did have a snom crash a few days ago. I think that is the only thing more I would ask of them. The audio quality is great.
03:52.34*** join/#asterisk thoughtpolice (
03:52.56ltdwki have a lot of stock of phones, if i have one that causes issues i've got plenty more
03:53.43ltdwkone guy killed one by plugging in the 220 into a 190 power adapter
03:54.10ltdwkBAM. that was the end of that
03:57.31nDuff...and he's not really the sour-grapes type, so I don't think it's just general-purpose former-employer unhappiness.
03:57.32ltdwkpolycom must be a fairly new company with respect to phones?
03:57.48sivanaltdwk: no!
03:57.50nDuffltdwk: They've been making high-end conference phones for a long time.
03:57.53sivanaltdwk: they're like phone/audio gods
03:58.26ltdwkwhen we bought all our snom gear, i didn't read anything anywhere about polycom
03:58.37*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
03:59.08tengulrehow to using jabber in asterisk?
03:59.08tessier_Depends on what you consider "high-end"
03:59.09tessier_If you mean having 3 speakers/mics pointing in different directions, sure.
03:59.13sivanaltdwk: they've been dealing with phones for years and years
03:59.19ltdwksivana: and IP phones?
03:59.22sivanaconference phones, etc..
03:59.26tessier_But if you are the poor guy on the other end of that conference call that has to listen to a whole room it still sounds like crap.
03:59.55*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:01.02ltdwkAt the end of the day you use what works...
04:01.30sivanayea, I love Polycom
04:02.10ltdwkAt the time I chose to use snom, it was considered the highest quality business voip handset you could get
04:02.32gambolputtyI will give credit to Polycom for having DST change ability at a fine grain level without a firmware upgrade.
04:02.40*** join/#asterisk DocHolliday (i=RgRabbit@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0E4F6D6C)
04:03.24DocHollidayis it possible to dial an exten to reach the contents of a context?
04:03.44ltdwkusing IAX you can dial into certain contexts
04:04.32DocHollidayltdwk, yeah i want to dial fron default into [example]
04:04.42DocHollidayan IAX connection shouldn't be necessary
04:05.00ltdwkhuh? you're not making much sense
04:05.08ltdwkexplain in detail what you want to do
04:07.19DocHollidayi want to dial an extension and have it play the contents of a context
04:07.58tessier_Finally! All of the phones are rebooted and checked. Now I get to go home. Night all!
04:08.12ltdwkyou mean you want to have a handset which has context=default match an extension, and have it Goto() another context?
04:12.12ltdwk - is that what you mean?
04:14.51JacksLivrhelp with 7920?
04:16.38*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
04:17.06JTltdwk: i've noticed most people in australia haven't heard of polycom
04:18.04ltdwkJT: probably not that common.... I'd take a german product over a US product any day
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04:23.21nDuffDoes anyone know what the "lineprobe" tool referenced by Sangoma's wanrouter is?
04:27.37*** join/#asterisk maverickbna (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
04:30.24JTltdwk: all the vendors in australia keep trying to push grandstream, linksys and snom
04:30.39JTltdwk: i don't care where a product is made really
04:31.08DocHollidayltdwk, yes
04:31.19DocHollidaysorry when you didnt reference my nick i didn't notice your response
04:32.22DocHollidayis it possible to slow down the beginning of an IVR? it just starts wayy too fast (beginning gets cut off)
04:33.07DocHollidayJacksLivr, already tried that
04:33.21JacksLivrhmmm, works for me
04:33.35DocHollidaythe sounds file just begins to abruptly
04:34.13JacksLivri dunno, i had the same prob and that fixed it for me
04:34.30JacksLivrok, this 7920 will have to rot here tonight. i have to go to bed now
04:34.31ltdwkyeah i always do a Wait(1) after I Answer as there seems to be a gap before the zap channel is forwarding audio
04:36.10ltdwkon analog Zap's that is
04:36.22ltdwkdon't have the same problem on isdn
04:36.52DocHollidayltdwk, yea
04:36.54DocHollidaywell i'm using a DID provider
04:38.29DocHollidayltdwk, its almost like the first 1/2 second of the sound file is being cut off
04:38.33*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:38.46ltdwkyes i experience this.  Wait(1) always works for me
04:38.56ltdwkas long as it's after the Answer call
04:39.32ltdwkexten => _X.,n,Answer, exten => _X.,n,Wait(1), exten => _X.,n,Voicemail(${EXTEN:-4},${SMDI_VM_TYPE})
04:39.37ltdwkthat's what I use on my voicemail system
04:39.47DocHollidayi've got exten => 1,1,Answer() exten => s,1,Wait(1) exten => s,2,Playback(ext-or-zero)
04:40.41ltdwkNot sure man.  Works for me :-)
04:40.54ltdwkCould be due to echo cancel training?
04:40.59DocHollidayvery kind of asterisk to work for you and not me :P
04:41.00ltdwkBadly configured
04:41.29DocHollidaywhat would be the best way to investigate that.. there are no hardware cards being used.. all IP
04:41.51ltdwkit would be on the providers' end, but it's unlikely
04:44.13DocHollidayltdwk, its unusual because after that 1/2 second everything is perfect..
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05:14.35Mahmoudmy server uses private ip addresses, but it's placed in a DMZ
05:14.41Mahmoudso, all traffic is forwared to the server
05:14.47Mahmoudserver=asterisk 1.4.1
05:15.13Mahmoudthe problem is that my SIP phones send INFO DTMF message destined to my server's private Ip addres
05:15.26Mahmoudthe way SIP phones learn it is via SIP messages sent from the Asterisk..
05:15.44Mahmoudhow to not let the Asterisk to advertise its local private IP addresses?
05:19.09nDuffMahmoud: I think having "DMZ" systems have private address is bad practice in the first place.
05:19.28Mahmoudmy router just forwards anything to my asterisk
05:19.30nDuffMahmoud: Directly assign the system its public IP, and then the whole mess is moot.
05:19.48Mahmoudthe ip address is dynamic, i can't..
05:19.58Mahmoudphones can register and hear voices
05:20.13Mahmoudbut the problem is when phones sends DTMF INFO messages, they send it to server's private IP address
05:20.33Mahmoudi wonder where did they learn it? by sniffing packets, i noticed the server is advertising its private ip address..
05:22.09*** join/#asterisk `p4r14h (n=j0sh@
05:22.41Mahmoudthis is weird..
05:22.53Mahmoudany idea where do clients learn about server's private ip address?
05:25.21DocHollidaywhats the command that gets rid of all the commented stuff in the config files?
05:26.01nDuffDocHolliday: sed?
05:26.40nDuffDocHolliday: or grep -v '^;'
05:26.43DocHollidaynDuff, i want to get rid of everything thats commented in my config files too messy
05:26.44nDuffDocHolliday: or grep -v '^[#;]'
05:26.51`p4r14hgrep -v ";" extensions.conf
05:27.00DocHollidaythere used to be a way to do it in the asterisk  CLLI
05:27.05JTMahmoud: externip=
05:27.08JTMahmoud: localnet=
05:27.19MahmoudJT, isn't this only for registering to proxies?
05:27.30nDufffor FILE in *.conf; do egrep -v '^[#;]' < $FILE > $ && mv $ $FILE; done
05:33.31JTMahmoud: no.
05:34.39*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
05:34.42MahmoudJT, the problem is that i'm using split DNS
05:34.42DocHollidaywhats the best codec for outbound calls? i have the choice of: ulaw,alaw,gsm,libc,g726,adpcm,lpc10
05:38.29MahmoudJT, hmmm the issue is that asterisk tries to resolve the name into IP, and i'm using split DNS internally lol
05:39.02*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
05:48.18nDuffIf I want to use a channel bank to communicate with a bunch of analog phones, I'd use fxs_ls to communicate with it (as opposed to fxo_ls) -- right?
05:48.25MahmoudJT, any solution?
05:49.09*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:50.45DocHollidayis it possible to get a fresh extensions.conf?
05:51.10*** join/#asterisk sumasuma (n=kurukko@
05:51.46MahmoudDocHolliday, extensions.conf.examples?
05:52.02DocHollidaygot it :)
05:53.26*** join/#asterisk kezza491 (
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05:54.35TiliI have one TDM04B card. I can receive inbound calls. But for outbound the zap thinks channel is answered even though it is not answered and then zap hangsup instantly
05:54.55Tilione thing i must mention is that i see a lot of chan_zap.c:4502 __zt_exception: Exception on 13, channel 1
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06:26.22phpboyhey all, is there any specific hardware that would work VERY well with asterisk?
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06:34.22Tiliphpboy: u want for analog/ISDN BRI/ISDN PRI/SS7?
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06:35.05phpboyQuad junghannes card
06:35.15phpboyit'll be doing recording, etc etc
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06:41.19DocHollidaywhat does this mean? : The option 'notransfer' is deprecated in favor of 'transfer' which has options 'yes', 'no', and 'mediaonly'
06:41.56tengulreanybody come from china?
06:42.41DocHollidayheh, nope
06:43.26tengulreDocHolliday: what do you doing in company?
06:44.09DocHollidayi dont understand
06:45.07*** join/#asterisk Braxus (n=braxus@
06:45.09tengulreDH: oh!!!
06:45.35*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
06:45.56tengulreDH: sorry! I known only a litte english! ;(
06:46.32tengulreDH: what work are you doing in your company?
06:46.57*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
06:47.07DocHollidayinfrastructure consulting
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06:49.09tengulreDocHolliday: what kind of the asterisk's services for your working?
06:50.04DocHollidaymostly do the presales end of things :) helping customers determine what they need and creating the proposals.
06:52.43tengulreI using it in my home. provide voicemail service,  my name is William Zhang, my chinese name is Zhang Teng Hong. Nice to meet u!
06:53.44DocHollidayi'm afraid the most personal information i can give you is 'Doc Holliday' :)
06:54.23*** join/#asterisk Mahmoud (n=fake@unaffiliated/mahmoud)
06:54.27Mahmoudi don't understand
06:54.43tengulreYeah! I known. It's doesnt matter!
06:54.46Mahmoudwhy on earth asterisk is sending it's local ip address in sip message
06:55.12DocHollidayMahmoud, i have something even weirder happening
06:55.33DocHollidayafter my IVR passes the call it still continues the IVR even though the conversation is active
06:55.34yonahw-workMahmoud, I have it sending an old ip address for the same computer in some SIP messages
06:55.49Mahmoudyonahw-work, just clear you dns cache
06:55.58yonahw-workhow do i do that?
06:56.18Mahmoudrestart named
06:56.28Mahmoudfor windows (ipconfig /flushdns) in cmd
06:56.39Mahmoudor, it could be you sip.conf has externip = so remove this line
06:56.44yonahw-workits centos 4.4
06:57.02yonahw-worki dont understand what you mean by restart named?
06:57.04nDuffhrm. "wanrouter status" shows the channel bank as "connected" -- but looking at the channel bank itself, it has a light blinking indicating a framing error.
06:57.05DocHollidayyay $50 in voip credits remaining
06:57.17Mahmoudyonahw-work, named (aka bind)
06:57.48nDuffExcept that the framing is set to D4 on both the dip switches on the channel bank, the /etc/wanrouter/wanpipe2.conf file and /etc/zaptel.conf.
06:58.44Mahmoudbbiab dears
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07:29.05Shaun2222is there a way to have all phones setup to use the same line?
07:29.25Shaun2222for example if i wanted to have line1, line2, line3 displayed on the unit...
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07:55.35nDuffWhat's the distinction between "PRI CPE" and "PRI NET"?
08:00.13tzafrir_laptopCPE: TE, NET: NT
08:00.46tzafrir_laptopnDuff, are you trying to connect to a telco?
08:06.06Shaun2222is there a way to get to voicemail admin area by calling your own voicemail?
08:06.16Shaun2222basically like presss * and then it asks for password
08:09.08tzafrir_laptopwhat do you mean by "voicemail admin area"?
08:09.26Shaun2222guess it wouldnt be admin, but the employee area...
08:09.33*** join/#asterisk inspired (n=mikael@
08:09.54tzafrir_laptopactually, more of the sort of:
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08:12.07Shaun2222exten => _220,1,VoiceMailMain(222)
08:12.17Shaun2222when i dial that exten, it kills asterisk...
08:12.25Shaun2222asterisk ver 1.4.1
08:13.09tzafrir_laptopthat is generally worthy of a bug report, if it is reproducable.
08:13.40tzafrir_laptopVoicemail() also kills Asterisk?
08:13.45Shaun2222asterisk: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_adsi_available
08:14.11Shaun2222voicemail() looks ok... i just called into it...
08:14.21zeachAnybody know if it is possible replace the SIP "to:" header, but keep the original recipient of SIP package?
08:14.30tzafrir_laptoplook at the date of . Is it a leftover from an older compilation?
08:14.52tzafrir_laptopls -lS /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
08:15.08zeachSo that I can sent an SIP "To" header with sip:user@own-domain ?
08:15.45zeachI know it sems dirty, but it is actually compliant with rfc3261
08:16.06Shaun2222tzafrir: looks like the prblem was that i didnt load
08:16.12Shaun2222i just added it and it looks to be working now..
08:20.46*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
08:20.58Chris-NBanyone got this warning on asterisk cli?
08:21.02Chris-NBcodec_ilbc.c:175 ilbctolin_framein: Huh?  An ilbc frame that isn't a multiple of 50 bytes long from RTP (4)?
08:21.24Chris-NBi can imagine what it means, but where does it come from?
08:21.54Chris-NBit appears, when I hit the pound key to initiate an attended transfer
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08:24.25fetcherChris-NB: is the # key properly recognized?
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08:24.46Chris-NBfetcher, think so. login into mailboxmenu works
08:25.04Chris-NBfetcher, so the chars should be recognized correct
08:25.34fetcherChris-NB: that "short" frame is probably out-of-band DTMF signaling (rfc2833), which Asterisk is treating as a voice frame for some reason
08:26.06fetcherI've never tried iLBC over SIP/RTP, though.  That's probably an uncommon pairing
08:26.27fetchersince most things supporting iLBC will also do IAX...
08:27.06*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
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08:30.16Shaun2222anybody know why voicemail(num@default) just plays a beep and not the greeting?
08:30.37Shaun2222do i need to set the temp greeting?  seams weird being named temp
08:31.11fetcherShaun2222: yeah, "temp" is a bad name... "default" would be more appropriate
08:31.40fetchertemp is used if you don't specify a context (uXXX or bXXX for Busy / Unavailable) when the call's sent to voicemail
08:31.56Shaun2222i see
08:32.04Shaun2222ya should be renamed to default..
08:32.20fetcherI edited the voice prompt to remove the word "temporary", after some of our users were confused by that
08:32.25*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
08:38.01*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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08:38.31Chris-NBfetcher, I'v connected asterisk to a alcatel 4400 pbx
08:38.44Chris-NBfetcher, the ilbc calls come from there, i think
08:39.09fetcherChris-NB: so Alcatel's supporting iLBC now?  Cool...
08:39.29fetcherI wish the major softphone vendors would add it
08:40.15*** join/#asterisk modulus_ (
08:40.51Chris-NBfetcher, I'm not exactly sure where the iLBC thing comes from
08:40.53modulus_wow there's afuckload of ppl here
08:40.55*** join/#asterisk ComaVN (n=blaargh@unaffiliated/comavn)
08:40.58Chris-NBfetcher, I wanna get rid of it : D
08:41.16modulus_spa 941 error msg: Got SIP response 486 "Busy Here"
08:41.25modulus_anyone know what i have to change in sip.conf?
08:41.37fetcherya, I seem to be one of the only iLBC fans here :)
08:41.47modulus_i set all the settings just like my other sipura
08:41.52modulus_sip registers fine too
08:42.18*** join/#asterisk Mahmoud (n=fake@unaffiliated/mahmoud)
08:42.28Mahmoudasterisk is great. my problem is solved
08:42.50fetchermodulus_: could the SPA be in a do-not-disturb mode?  Polycom's response with that "Busy here" msg when they are
08:42.52MahmoudSIP works perfectly over my damn monopoly analogish anti-viop ISP
08:43.22modulus_fetcher, do you use spa 941?
08:43.32fetcherMahmoud: anti-VoIP?  Do they try to block/interfere with it?
08:43.45Mahmoudfetcher, oh dear.. you have no clue
08:43.59Mahmoudfetcher, they block SIP based on application layer (not only port number)
08:44.57fetcherMahmoud: nasty... where is this?  I heard about that happening in a south/central American country recently.. Belize?
08:45.00Mahmoudafter modifying my asterisk + sip clients, I had to add localnet and externip and that's it..
08:45.09*** join/#asterisk olivierb (
08:45.10Mahmoudfetcher, UAE
08:45.42fetcherinteresting.  I wonder if they bother IAX at all
08:45.44Mahmoudfetcher, the ISP is rich, with lots of b/w, but they want more money since they provide analog phones too
08:46.09Mahmoudfetcher, not IAX, but IAX is less efficent when it comes to transfering voice
08:46.26MahmoudIAX is better than SIP for signalling and (as i heard) for trunk links
08:47.09fetcherMahmoud: actually IAX has less overhead per speech frame (4 bytes, vs. 12 for RTP).
08:47.26Mahmoudfetcher, oh.. you may be right
08:47.42Mahmoudfetcher, I run ethereal once, and didn't notice that IAX doesn't use RTP!
08:48.17fetcherMahmoud: yup, everything over a single udp/4569 socket... voice and signaling all muxed together, which is nice when dealing with firewalls
08:50.13Mahmoudfetcher, you are 100% right!
08:50.28Mahmoudjust sniffed packets with ethereal, and IAX doesn't use RTP
08:50.52Mahmoudso, IAX is just better
08:51.10Mahmoudexcept that IAX doesn't have much soft or hard phones..
08:51.42fetcherMahmoud: yeah, that's the main drawback.  It's a simpler standard than SIP, though, so hopefully more vendors will pick it up over time
08:52.23Mahmoudyeah, although it's not a standard protocol, companies are still making phones working with it..
08:52.34Mahmoudwhat about Skinny? something that cisco made, didn't read about it yet..
08:53.25*** join/#asterisk hieunm_vips (n=hieunm_v@
08:53.37fetcherMahmoud: Skinny, aka SCCP is mosly on the way out... no reason to use it unless you have to for compatibility
08:53.55Mahmoudis it older than SIP?
08:54.01hieunm_vipsHi all, Could I ask a question about Playback application
08:54.02fetcherMahmoud: yup.
08:54.12Mahmoudfetcher, does cisco rely on SIP at the moment?
08:54.18fetcherMahmoud: MGCP is another one, and of course H.323.  All use RTP for the actual voice transport
08:54.29hieunm_vipsHow can I playback a random length sound file in specified period of time
08:54.47hieunm_vipsFor ex, playback hello-world for 3 minutes
08:54.59fetcherRTP is an extremely old protocol.  I've seen references to it in RFCs written in 1981
08:55.00Mahmoudfetcher.. i see
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09:09.31*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
09:09.54Dovidmorning all
09:09.59Dovidcan anyone tell me what this error means ?
09:10.01DovidLeaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk-1.2.16/codecs'
09:12.45sbingnerthat it's not an error?
09:13.00*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
09:13.11Dovidmake[1]: *** [codec_zap.o] Error 1
09:13.12Dovidmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk-1.2.16/codecs'
09:13.12Dovidmake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
09:13.31Dovidis the exact errors - tryin to install asterisk 1.2.16 with zaptel 12.8
09:13.38sbingnerno, no those are not the errors
09:13.45sbingnerthose are the notes after the errors
09:14.09Dovidgona pb it all
09:15.15tzafrir_laptopDovid, do you really need codec_zap?
09:15.34Dovidi believe so
09:15.35tzafrir_laptop(g729 codec in a Digium card?)
09:15.42Dovidusing sangoma
09:15.50Dovidguess not
09:16.02sbingnerthat would probably be chan_zap
09:16.06Dovidbut y would it spit out the error ?
09:16.21Dovidcan it be cause i am tryin to use zaptel 1.2.8 with asterisk 1.2.16 ?
09:16.29tzafrir_laptopyou need a newer zaptel to support codec_zap . Or just don't build codec_zap
09:16.43Dovidhow would i disable it ?
09:16.59tzafrir_laptopcodecs/Makefile somewhere
09:17.12Dovidso codecs in Makefile?
09:18.24Dovidthis is the only word codecs in the Makefile
09:18.33DovidSUBDIRS=res channels pbx apps codecs formats agi cdr funcs utils stdtime
09:18.44sbingnerDovid, no edit Makefile in the "codecs" directory
09:19.01sbingneror, "codecs/Makefile"
09:19.07*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
09:19.30sbingneror just update your zaptel like he said
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09:19.39Dovidi think thats the better idea ;)
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09:19.55sbingnerI expect your actual errors would have pointed to something along those lines
09:20.45*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
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09:22.49Dovidanyone know the most recent wanpipe version ?
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09:28.12tzafrir_laptopthe sangoma wiki?
09:30.03*** join/#asterisk MrChimpy (n=MrChimpy@
09:30.43Dovida bit tired. sorry
09:31.00yonahw-worktzafrir: may I pm you?
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09:35.01Dovidthier wiki isnt the most forthcoming
09:35.03Dovida bit confusing
09:35.06Dovidargh !!
09:35.33Dovidfor now i got asterisk working wby comenting out chan_zap
09:36.11*** part/#asterisk litnimax (
09:36.18Dovidtzafrir: even if they are using a sangoma card it shouldnt be an issue if i commented out codec_zap
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09:40.46*** join/#asterisk geoaxis (
09:40.50geoaxishello people
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09:41.26geoaxiscan any one recomend me a tutorial for setting up asterisk with SIP
09:41.38geoaxisi just pulled code from svn and installed it
09:42.22yonahw-workgeoaxis: check out
09:42.24*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
09:43.00Dovidgeoaxis: have a look at the wiki, also have you read the book ?
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09:43.15jbot[book] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
09:43.31Dovidhave a look at
09:44.22*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
09:44.26tzafrirDovid, well, is it an issue if you comment-out codec_zap?
09:45.14*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
09:45.26Dovidtzafrir: i want to just understand what it does
09:45.35Dovidtzafrir: when i comented it out it worked fine
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09:47.10geoaxisis there a cleaner way to shutdown asterisk other than killing the process
09:47.30Dovidgeoaxis: yes
09:47.40Dovidgeoaxis: from cli type in help
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09:47.57Dovidgeoaxis: one of the options is: shut down when convenient
09:48.49geoaxisis there grep facility with in the asterisk CLI
09:49.21Dovidnot that i know of but you can do this
09:49.31Dovidasterisk -rx 'insert command here | grep whatever
09:49.53Dovidasterisk -rx 'insert command here' | grep whatever
09:49.58Doviddo this from the CLI
09:50.32e-ddieasterisk -rx 'insert command here' | grep 'exclude command here'
09:51.56Dovidthanx e
09:53.34geoaxisI better read the book :)
09:54.35Dovidits pretty god
09:54.39geoaxisbtw, any one from dev who can tell me if asterisk would be in google summer of code this year
09:55.02geoaxisAsterisk, was part in 2005 but not in 2006
10:01.59FreezeSis down, or it's just my local problem ?
10:02.02Dovidargh !! i just crashed the box ;) tried rmmod wanpipe and now i cant get it
10:02.35DovidFreezes: not working for me either
10:02.58*** join/#asterisk arcanine (n=arcanine@
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10:24.00Mahmoudany good music on hold samples?
10:24.13Mahmoudi don't want music, it's annoying most of the time, just some electronic sound
10:24.18Mahmoudany good site for these kind of stuff?
10:25.17Dovideh. not really
10:25.27Dovidatleast not that i  know of
10:25.54Dovidliscence some stuff out and then u can use it ;)
10:26.15Mahmoudyeah, but it's stealing :P
10:26.24Dovidnot if u get a liscence
10:26.52Dovidhence liscnce some stuff ;)
10:27.28Mahmoudthis one is cool
10:28.04*** join/#asterisk backblue (n=igor@
10:28.24backbluehi, there is any web interface for queues, opensource for asterisk?
10:28.56Dovidbackblue: pick ur fav.
10:29.10Dovid(i think thats the URL)
10:29.26Dovidhave a look on the wiki (i think its down at the moment)
10:31.45geoaxisyou can always use stuff (music etc) which is licences under creative commons
10:33.22backbluequeumetrics it's not opensource
10:33.30Dovidsorry - thought it was
10:33.52Dovidwait till voip-info comes back up (first time i have ever seen it down)
10:34.06backblueDovid: i only want statistics
10:34.32*** part/#asterisk hieunm_vips (n=hieunm_v@
10:36.53Dovidtry astrinic
10:37.23Dovidi know i am not spelling it correctly
10:37.32Mahmoudhmmmm any way with asterisk to play MOH when the analog phone places the phone on-hock but the callee didn't go on-hock yet?
10:37.47Dovidhwre u go
10:38.14Mahmouddive in?
10:38.20DovidMahmoud: u want to play MOH when ?
10:38.26Dovidwhen the phone is on hook ?
10:39.04Mahmoudlet's say you called me, and my phone is an analog one connected to my Asterisk  via a FXS card that's installed on Asterisk
10:39.18Mahmoudmy phone doesn't support on-hold, so ill just go on-hock
10:39.28Mahmoudnormally, if i go off-hock, i'll see you listening on the line
10:39.37Mahmoudso, in the mean time, hear some MOH, possible?
10:39.58Dovidmeaning u flash the line ?
10:40.28Dovidi dont know zap to well but from what i remember if u flash hook then it should play MOH
10:40.34Dovidalso u can look at parking the clal
10:41.02Mahmoudi meant, on-hook, sorry
10:41.06Mahmoudhorrible typo
10:42.19Dovidi am a bit tired
10:42.48Dovidi believe that if u leave the phone on hook after a bit it will dump the call
10:42.57Dovidif u flash hook then it should give the user MOH
10:43.04Dovidu can also park the call
10:44.12Mahmoudi see
10:44.25Mahmoudi'll try it once i buy a TD411P card
10:44.35MahmoudTDM411P rather
10:45.13Dovidy not go with a voip phone ?
10:45.35Mahmoudsoft voip phones
10:45.37Dovidwith the prices per port on an fxs card its not much more to get a basic voip phone such as the spa-841
10:46.20Mahmoudi need an analog interface any way, i should be connecting to pots
10:46.23Dovidor soft
10:46.36Dovidwell that will be FXO (if u r connecting to a telco line)
10:46.44DovidMahmoud: where are you located ?
10:46.56Mahmoudyeah, and i have an old analog phone already, so thought of buying an FXS module too
10:47.22Dovidif u can get stuff from ebay get the spa-841
10:47.25Mahmoudwhich one is more expensive, FXS module, or a voip phone that supports SIP?
10:47.31Dovidi posted a link on ebay a moment ago
10:47.46Doviddepends. if u go with used SIP u can get it a lot cheaper
10:47.58*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
10:48.06Mahmoudheh used.. tough to find used voip phones here
10:48.15Dovidthough u would want a card for timing (even though u can use ztdummy - u get slightly better timing with a card)
10:48.24Mahmoudmy house will be the 1st house to deploy voip in my city i guess
10:48.30Dovidu guys cant get stuff from ebay?
10:48.53Mahmouddunno.. paypal doesnt work for my country
10:49.14Dovidoh well. so get one remotely ;)
10:49.23Mahmoudthat's expensive
10:49.38maskedhow do i get wav to g711?
10:49.45Mahmoud$24.00 for a used voip
10:50.17Mahmoudmasked, use cool edit pro, or adobe audition, then record the voice with 8000 samples per second, and 32 bit
10:50.20Dovidmasked: how r u recording it ?
10:50.35maskedany nix based stuff?
10:50.56florzmasked: Why not 512 bit?
10:51.03florzMahmoud: Why not 512 bit?
10:51.09maskedsorry i deleted windows back in 95
10:51.11Mahmoudflorz, does it work?
10:51.26florzmasked: sox should do
10:51.30Mahmoudflorz, dunno, i tried other bits and didn't work, only 32 worked with adobe, others caused an error
10:51.52Mahmoudsorry, actually 16 bit worked
10:51.57Mahmoud32 bits, or 8 bits didn't work
10:52.26Mahmoudcool edit pro gives 3 options, 8bit, 16bit and 32bit.. 16bit and 8000 samples is the only thing that worked with me
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10:52.36Mahmoudother combinations didn't work with me..
10:52.47florzMahmoud: IC. For, 32 bit really doesn't make much sense if you wanna use it for something that effectively does have only 12 bits of resolution.
10:53.02reberDovid, what are the consequenses of a "bad timing" ?
10:53.47florzMahmoud: And only very few sound cards (any, actually?) are likely to ever deliver 32 bit samples where the LSB(s) is(are) not just noise ...
10:54.06Dovidreber: yes - if u want confrencing
10:54.10Dovidand sometimes for MOH
10:54.33Mahmoudoh, MOH, my eyes, too tired
10:55.12Dovidit happens to the best of us. i got 3 hours in last night
10:55.26Mahmoudonly? :/
10:55.44Mahmoudi'm more than 12 hours awake
10:55.55Mahmoudbut i slept alot
10:55.57Dovidwhat time is it by u ?
10:56.27Dovid12:56 here
10:56.39reber11:56 here
10:56.48Mahmoudwhere do you live Dovid
10:57.09Dovidwell I live in the US. In israel now
10:57.18Mahmoudjews? =P
10:57.24Dovidyea yea.
10:57.41Mahmoudwith all the religious bits around you?
10:57.50Dovidbits = ?
10:57.57Mahmoudclothing stuff
10:58.08Mahmoudnot bits as 0 or 1 heh
10:58.22Mahmoudbits = small pieces
10:58.43Mahmoudmost jews i meet in irc are good, better than others, wonder why we fight
10:58.57Dovidi dont think WE ALL fight
10:59.00Dovidits a select few
10:59.13reber"make love ..."
10:59.21Dovidi knew u were muslim from ur name - didnt stop me from helping u
10:59.40Mahmoudnah, you helped me to just say that jews people are good =P
11:00.01Mahmoudjoking, never mind..
11:00.58Mahmoudtake care
11:02.04Mahmoudspecial camels with extra camel fleas to protect you from enemies
11:03.38Mahmoudflorz, and, for sure, it should be mono =]
11:03.48*** part/#asterisk backblue (n=igor@
11:03.59Dovidcamels for marrige  ? (sorry i had to)
11:04.01florzunless you do have a stereo telephone. Erm, whatever ... ;-)
11:04.30MahmoudDovid, you married them?
11:04.59MahmoudDovid, jews don't even marry non-jew, how come you married a camel? lol
11:05.22florzit was probably a jewish camel, I guess? *duck*
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11:05.36lnxhi all
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11:06.37Mahmouda camel that managed to scape The Holocaust
11:09.23*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
11:09.35lnxi have voipnow-asterisk-1.2.13-070124.11.rhel4 in CentOS, is it possible to contains h263+ ? I set videosupport=yes in sip.conf and output of asterisk -d does not say about h263+ anything.
11:10.08florzYou mean, like, a camel from Germany? I doubt it =:-)
11:10.53Mahmoudat least they have two ^s rather than one ^
11:11.27florzHow ya mean? Don't get it ...
11:11.56Mahmoud^^ on their back
11:12.19florzYeah, I guess I got that, but not how that fit into the context ...
11:12.26Mahmoudwhile arabic camels have only one, tough to set on!
11:14.30*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
11:15.45Mahmoudsleep time
11:16.05Mahmoudnight all =]
11:21.55yonahw-workwhat was all that about camels surviving the holocaust? Are there many European camels?
11:26.26*** join/#asterisk walld (n=walld3@
11:27.24walldanyone can help with a trunk selection problem?
11:30.19*** join/#asterisk rrobert (
11:30.23Dovidwalld: whats the issue (not to good with trunks but I can give it a shot)
11:30.39JTsounds like walld is using freepbx
11:30.56Dovidwalld: r u using freepbx ?
11:30.59Dovidor trixbox?
11:33.48Dovidi know this is OT but does anyone know of a good device that will allow me to get console access to a box over IP ?
11:34.57walldyes I'm using freepbx and when the dialout-trunk macro is used it returns busy and doesn't attempt to use any of the other trunks.
11:36.08jbotrumour has it, freepbx is unable to be supported here. It's a complex piece of dialplan and GUI, and can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
11:36.46walldmany thanks
11:41.24walldBTW is this a known issue with freepbx/trixbox?
11:42.00*** join/#asterisk rrrobert (
11:42.10JTno idea
11:42.10*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
11:42.56rrrobertaaahh... then where could i get the idea:)
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11:50.56*** join/#asterisk Vec (
11:51.54VecHi could someone please tell me what pins on the RJ45 connector are the TX and RX for a digium card?
11:54.07AursWhich pins of the crossover cable are for TX- TX+ RX- RX+?
11:54.07Aurs1: RX-, 2: RX+, 4: TX-, 5: TX+
11:54.09*** part/#asterisk kezza491 (
11:54.34VecAurs : yeh thanks!
12:01.43JT"a digium card"
12:01.56JTi'm going to take a wild guess that you mean a t1/e1 card
12:02.01*** join/#asterisk Skaag (
12:02.13Skaagcan someone please remind me the name of the zapata timing interface kernel module?
12:02.31Merlin83bztdummy ?
12:03.27Skaagok the reason it didn't load is that my kernel was upgraded from 2.6.15-27 to 2.6.15-28
12:03.32Skaagguess I have to recompile the module
12:04.09VecJT : yeh
12:04.25JTVec: search voip-info for t1 crossover cable
12:04.45VecWhen a E1 line is connected to a digium E1 card correctly, does the led on the card light a perticular color, at the moment its flashing red ?
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12:05.46JTyes it should go green
12:06.32Vecany idea how long it takes ?
12:06.42JTis asterisk running?
12:07.17JTVec: is the unboard jumper set to E1?
12:07.36JTwhat is it connected to?
12:07.53geoaxisany one using asterisk on gentoo here
12:08.42Vecto a crone block from the telco, the telco is not sure which one is TX- or TX+
12:08.42Vecso need to play around
12:08.43JTkrone :)
12:08.43JTlol stupid telco
12:08.43JTit's easy to find out with an oscilloscope
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12:10.17VecJT : don't have one on me :) just a multimeter
12:10.30coppiceis this the old krone from hansel and gretel?
12:10.42JThmm, even that might show something, never know
12:11.32Vecno, krone from block
12:12.26VecDoes zapata.conf need to be configured correctly for the light to go green or only zaptel.conf ?
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12:18.19AursVec: should only be necessary to start zaptel, not asterisk, ergo: zaptel.conf
12:18.45Aurszttool might give you some info
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12:29.15*** join/#asterisk TaiSHi (
12:29.19TaiSHiHello everyone
12:30.37maskedHeaveno TaiSHi
12:30.53E-bolado any1 knwo what the default password is for grandstream phones?
12:31.13TaiSHiHeaveno ?
12:31.29Skaagwhat could this be: install: cannot stat `udev/zaptel.rules-combined': No such file or directory
12:31.29Skaagmake: *** [devices] Error 1
12:31.50TaiSHiI can't find that file
12:31.57TaiSHils udev/
12:32.42maskedTaiSHi: yer iono it was some crazy proposal by some churchies last year that we should change our greetings
12:33.13*** join/#asterisk Vec (
12:34.15DrukenLPYfigures... some religious cult thing
12:34.25rrroberti am using Asterisk1.4, there is a snmp module which comes with asterisk internally. How can i configure that module.
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12:42.18Turt|eHi, i run openbsd4.1 and asterisk 1.2.15, and i, having troubles with moh and mp3s i have installed the mpg123(not mpg321), and converted the mp3 to 128bit and removed the id3 tags. In the cli i starts fine by telling me that the music on hold is playing however there isnt a sound, and after i have printed the lines with the numbers to call i says that music on hold stopped. Is this a know issue? What om i overseeing?
12:43.46VecI dont know whats wrong with "switchtype=euroisdn" I keep getting warning ignoring switchtype ?
12:46.37*** join/#asterisk wunderkin ( the relevant configs
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12:58.12wunderkinabovenet in phoenix is fucked... err
13:01.52*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
13:04.10TaiSHiIs autopause = yes / ringinuse = no problem still up ?
13:05.19Vec < can someone check whats going on, keep getting Unable to reconfigure channel and ignoring switchtype ? down?
13:06.55wunderkinDrukenLPY, major packet loss
13:07.03*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
13:08.09DrukenLPYwunderkin: oh... shitty deal
13:08.33DrukenLPYalthough, that oculd just be a router on the fritz
13:09.08wunderkinthat = fucked to me :D
13:09.21*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:09.56DrukenLPYyeah, but could also be lixed in 15 mins provinding the right guy notices
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13:22.29JunK-Ysome1 knows how to listen iax2 mini-frames via ethereal?
13:24.27JerJeri saw a perl script somewhere that claimed to write iax2 mini-frames to disk - then you could play them back with whatever player can deal with the codec used
13:27.11VecWhy would asterisk ignore singalling and switchtype in zapata.conf (it says its ignoring it) and then it says unable to reconfigure channels ?
13:27.25JunK-Ycause they're invalid?
13:27.27Skaaghow do I get asterisk to forget peers that are no longer in the configuration?
13:27.40JunK-Yvec: you have to configure the zaptel.conf 1st
13:27.42SkaagI added some peer a few days ago and it's still trying to iax2 to that peer...!
13:27.57Skaageven though I removed it from iax.conf a long time ago
13:28.00Skaagand restarted the box even
13:28.12VecJunK-Y : I have check
13:28.21VecJuggie-Y : I will try a reboot
13:28.38JunK-Yran ztcfg -vvvv?
13:30.34*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (i=strom@nat/digium/x-a3d16b54ad123a6e)
13:31.01VecJunK-Y : cool, neve knew about that, I get Channel 01: Clear channel (Default) (Slaves: 01) for each channel
13:31.45VecJunK-Y : still get the same error though
13:32.19*** join/#asterisk af_ (
13:32.35JunK-Yur missing stuff in ur zaptel.comnf
13:33.48*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
13:33.49TaiSHiI have 3 agents, and there will probably get more calls than 3
13:33.49VecJunK-Y : any idea whats missing ?
13:33.49JunK-Yvec: signalling
13:33.49TaiSHiI've heard that there was a problem with  autopause = yes / ringinuse = no
13:33.50JunK-Ypastebin all ur ztcfg output.
13:34.04Vecok 1 sec, thanks for the help by the way
13:34.29JunK-Yjust paypal me a good heineken!
13:34.42JunK-Ybeer at 9am? not a good idea.
13:35.26infithere is no good heineken!
13:35.54*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:37.44VecThis is everything,
13:38.08*** join/#asterisk mog (
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13:38.28VecJunK-Y : unfortunately where I live paypal don't accept our money.
13:38.41JunK-Ypastebin ur stuff then :)
13:39.39VecSorry forgot
13:41.14JunK-Youtput when starting * ?
13:41.15*** join/#asterisk jeedi (
13:41.45jeedigood morning :)
13:42.34*** join/#asterisk genz (
13:43.13genzAnyone know how to delete a temporary greeting?
13:43.43jeediuhm, maybe.. if you explain in what context you mean that..
13:45.01genzjeedi: When you record a "temporary greeting", how does the user de-activate it?
13:45.32JunK-Ygenz: just go in that menu
13:45.37JunK-Yoption 2 is to erase it.
13:46.33*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
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13:47.41genzi thought it'd be on the message before it
13:48.27VecJunK-Y : here is patebin of asterisk on startup
13:48.28genzsystem says "press 4 to record your temporary message". going in there to erase it seems like hitting start to shutdown
13:49.22JunK-Ygenz: you've your answer, thats another point.
13:49.39genzJunkK-Y: got it. thanks.
13:49.56JunK-YVec: so ur zap works now, no?
13:50.12jeedii got a question a little more technical in nature.. i haven't found any instructions or hints on how to make multiple asterisk boxes write their CDRs to the same table on the same mysql database.. and neither have i been able to locate info on how to make the asterisk boxes "fail over" to a secondary database in case the connection to the primary db fails.. any ideas?
13:50.45JunK-Ytype: zap show status
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13:51.46Turt|eIs there a way to implement so there will be played an sound when i hit the hold button om my phone ?
13:53.00VecJunK-Y : not sure when I type [Mar 13 15:52:23] WARNING[11713]: chan_zap.c:11067 process_zap: Ignoring signalling
13:53.01Vec[Mar 13 15:52:23] WARNING[11713]: chan_zap.c:11067 process_zap: Ignoring switchtype
13:53.09VecI get that not sure why
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13:53.58JunK-Yjust dont pay attention for now.
13:54.04JunK-Yyour zap works no?
13:54.12*** join/#asterisk iamnowonmai (n=iamnowon@unaffiliated/iamnowonmai)
13:54.26JunK-YTurt|e: u mean the music on hold?
13:54.34JunK-Yread configs/musiconhold.conf.sample.
13:55.15*** join/#asterisk b11d (
13:55.24b11dhey all
13:56.46*** join/#asterisk penguinFunk (n=penguin@
13:57.21VecJunK-Y : looks like it doing some call tests will tell u what happens
13:57.53JunK-Ywhats ur output of zap show status?
13:58.27*** join/#asterisk jm|work (
14:00.00Turt|eJunk-Y: yeah thats what i mean, i got this working as i playing music, but not when i hit the hold button
14:01.24*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
14:02.33Turt|eSorry, i messed up .. its working now
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14:05.15jeremy_gis it possible to use variables in sip.conf
14:05.50jeremy_gjust like we use dialplan variables in extensions.conf
14:09.35jeeditry something like "setvar=FOOBAR=123"
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14:15.04codazodaOy, I'm lost without (which appears to be down).
14:16.22codazodaDoes the TDM800P use the wctdm24xxp driver?
14:16.33VecI confirm it looks like voip-info is down
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14:22.16codazodaWhen configuring an FXO port, you specify "fxsks=1-8" (FXS Signaling) in zaptel.conf, correct?
14:22.54VecI have a PRI line, and for some reason whatever number I dial my telco says does not exist, but I can recieve calls.
14:23.30jeediVec: hmm.. that sounds similar to a problem i had half a year ago
14:23.42jeediVec: what kind of PRI? e1/t1? what carrier?
14:24.54JunK-Yvec: pastebin a pri debug
14:25.15JunK-Yand verify with ur telco that u can outounds.
14:26.05VecJunK-Y : can u tell me how do a pri debug :P
14:26.31jeediVec: on the asterisk prompt, set pri debug span <span-number>
14:26.41VecIts an e1, carrier is telkom :), they said that I should be able to do outbound calls, inbound works
14:27.08jeedihmm, what hardware do you use for that?
14:27.57*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
14:28.17mercestesVec:  Outbound CallerID does not match within the block your telco gave you.  Set your outbound callerID to something within their system.  They'll block anything that dosen't match as an account in their system.
14:29.57TaiSHiI've heard that there was a problem with  autopause = yes / ringinuse = no, anyone heard of it ?
14:29.59*** join/#asterisk xtr-II (
14:30.15b11dhey Vec.. are you passing a 9 out to the telco by accident?
14:30.18b11di had that "
14:30.23b11dissue" with my PRI at first :)
14:30.29b11dcouldnt dial shit.. but could receive clals
14:30.31*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
14:31.03jeedihere (e1 from deutsche telekom) it was a problem with the wrong "pridialplan" variable in zapata.conf ;)
14:31.24VecHere is my pastebin
14:34.49jeediVec: line 18 looks suspicious.. maybe mercestes was right, and you need to set a correct CallerID(num) before dialing out
14:34.51*** join/#asterisk ellisdee (
14:35.25mercestesIt's making it all the way to your telco and the call is initiated and the telco is hanging up on you.
14:35.32mercestesso your telco is rejecting the call.
14:35.48*** join/#asterisk hohum (
14:36.34b11dyou ARE doing a 'pri intense debug' right?
14:36.39b11dare you 100% sure you're sending a properly formatted number to the telco?
14:37.09TaiSHimercestes: After all the blame and such
14:37.21TaiSHiI told another supervisor to tell the boss to get 3 G729 licenses
14:37.23TaiSHiGuess what
14:37.33jeedib11d: looks like * took the "2116" part from his sip channel and passed it to the telco as the outbound clid.. definitely a reason to go BOINK
14:37.52gambolputty"Why don't we take the $30 g729 fee out of your paycheck?"
14:38.18mercestesTaiSHi:  he fired you?
14:38.21b11dI guess it depends on the situation.... my telco just strips all CID info I send to them :(
14:39.05jeedib11d: deutsche telekom simply ignores whatever you send them, and sets the clid on their own systems.
14:39.13b11dyeah, thats the same as here..
14:39.24b11djeedi.. let me come there and live..   Holland rocks
14:39.30TaiSHimercestes: Nah, he did that yesterday
14:39.36TaiSHiHe's gonna buy them today
14:40.02b11doh wait, you're .de
14:40.05b11dstill.. :)
14:40.36jeedib11d: got java skills? linux admin experience? i assume you know your way around with asterisk stuff, so... send me your resume and CV ;)
14:40.43b11d:) mint!
14:40.49quidproSpeaking of G729 is there a way to get * to pass-through G729 *and* G711?  From what i've read... you can only pass through properly if G729 is the only allowed codec
14:41.00b11dwell.. I used to program in JAVA like, 7 years ago..  but im a BSD Man, not Linux :(
14:41.27mercestesTaiSHi:  Great!
14:42.10mercestesjeedi:  oooo...can I go too?   I got everythign but Java skills...but I make up for it with Microsoft 133tn3$$.  And awesome 133t$p3@k.
14:42.28b11dyeah and mercestes and I already have a strong rapport
14:42.41codazodaI'm getting the following error: "line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'"  I believe this has something to do with udev, but I can't recall the fix and (where the fix is listed) is down.
14:42.44codazodaAny ideas?
14:42.45mercestesyea and....we have a good history too.
14:43.19jeedimercestes: oh, M3y3kr0s0f7 1337N355? 5hw33t!
14:43.20mercestesquidpro:  I don't think that's exactly right.  By passthrough, do you mean passthrough with no transcoding??
14:43.23*** join/#asterisk giasai68 (
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14:43.28codazodaI get that error when running "modprobe wctdm24xxp".  I should also mention this is a tdm800p, which I believe uses the wctdm24xxp driver.
14:43.36b11di just hit 100 days of running Asterisk problem-free..
14:43.55b11dand i've only been running it 100 days.. so..  so far, no problems :)
14:43.56jeedibut for our current job opening, it's no java, no job.
14:44.00mercestescodazoda:  Appears your zaptel drivers are not installed/loaded.  Try a modprobe zaptel
14:44.18MrTelephonedoes someone have a tip on how to get polycom 501 working with the common linux ntp package? The phones seem to send packets but ntp doesn't respond.. I tried msntp and it seems to work more reliably but I don't really want to use it as it is too simple..
14:44.21b11djeedi.. is java a dutch word for marijuana?  becuase in that case..
14:44.28b11di have a Ph.D in "java"
14:44.34jeedib11d: uhm, no. it's a dutch word for coffee ;)
14:44.40b11dok well im down with that :)
14:44.42b11di like coffee
14:45.19jeediyou'd have to "suffer" through a whole day at the coffee museum here in hamburg to be only accepted for an interview ;)
14:45.31giasai68I'm using asterisk 1.4 with zapata 1.4
14:45.32b11dyeah that'd be "rough"
14:45.56b11di'd love to be over that way though.. for real..  I'm getting a sour taste for North America.
14:46.26codazodaOkay, now when running modprobe wctdm24xxp I get "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)".
14:46.33TaiSHimercestes: Now I will leech you for help (6) (msn emoticon)
14:46.44giasai68I have configured digium te205p card and all work fine, but same calls dont have success, I have this error: Ext: 1  Cause: Temporary failure (41), class = Network Congestion (resource unavailable) (2)
14:47.03giasai68error is: Ext: 1  Cause: Temporary failure (41), class = Network Congestion (resource unavailable) (2)
14:47.13giasai68any idea how I can fix it?
14:47.18giasai68pls, let me know
14:47.27giasai68thanks in advance
14:48.12b11dbrb all.. gotta go watch some gay web seminar bullshit..
14:48.13JunK-Yur telco cant route the call?
14:48.41mercestesTaiSHi:  I'm really on MSN.
14:48.53De_Monhow would I setup a sip trunking provider with multiple sip gateways in asterisk?
14:48.54jeedib11d|bbl: gay web seminar?
14:48.55*** join/#asterisk telmich (i=telmich@gpm/telmich)
14:49.10jeedib11d|bbl: like "how to choo-choo on the man-train"?
14:49.12b11d|bblok..  no
14:49.36telmichwhat is the best thing to read, if one wants to know more about asterisk routing (how to put which number where) and the digium e1 card?
14:49.52b11d|bblnah, it's this web broadcast of some asshole trying to get people to "smarten uo
14:49.53mercestescodazoda:  config issue.  :P  Read your directions.
14:49.55b11d|bbl"smarten up
14:50.05b11d|bbl"smarten up" with their passwords and the like..
14:50.05telmichjeedi: yes?
14:50.15*** join/#asterisk Cyon (n=cyon@
14:50.21b11d|bblthe message is good, the way they are doing it is bad..
14:50.39jeeditelmich: if you are "the" telmich i'm thinking you are, the best thing you can do is come along for my asterisk workshop at easterhegg ;)
14:50.41mercestesgiasai68:  Sounds like you rrunning too many calls at once or your failing to hang up your channels.
14:50.48codazodaSee my config at:  I didn't get any instructions with the card and seems to be down.  I'm lost.
14:51.00*** join/#asterisk Turt|e (
14:51.04mercestestelmich:  the book.
14:51.04telmichjeedi: if you are the jeedi I think you are, you should take care about your drinks
14:51.10jbotfrom memory, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
14:51.30jeeditelmich: workshop during the day.. the bar opens at 22:00
14:51.50telmichjeedi: will be there
14:51.55jeeditelmich: alright.
14:51.57Vecb11d : was not doing an intense debug, will do one and check, the telco is hanging up after a msg is played saying the number does not exist
14:52.16mercestesVec:  set your callerID to something valid.
14:52.25telmichjeedi: btw, personally I like yate more than asterisk, but I shouldn't say that in here, I guess :-)
14:52.25giasai68mercestes: what's do u mean?
14:53.10Turt|eCan someone set an variable with the content af a system calls return data ?
14:53.40mercestesgiasai68:  say you can handle 5 calls simultaniously.  It *looks* like you are trying to setup your 6th call so you are getting a congestion, network unavailable error.  That can be done by running 6 simultanious calls, *or* by your channels not hanging up leaving them all falsely "open."
14:53.53mercestesgiasai68:  in my example, 6 = your max number of concurrent connections +1 of course.
14:54.17mercestesTurt|e:  I think you have to use AGI for that sort of magic.
14:54.48*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (n=colin@
14:55.04mercestesTurt|e:  I'm googling asterisk cmd system however to see what the wiki says
14:55.05ZaVoidanyone ever use a DUV 1000?
14:55.07JunK-Ydefine 'system calls return data'
14:55.38*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
14:55.51mercestesJunK-Y:  I think he wants to do a Set(dir=System(ls -1)) or something like that.
14:56.05active_siwhy is it better to have one BRI card with 4 S0 (8 channels) (HFC4S) than four cards with each one S0 (2 channels) (HFCS)? other than it takes only one PCI slot instead of four.
14:56.34mercestesok is down?  I might have to go back to being a stripper.
14:56.39Turt|eJunk-y: yeah like mercestes says
14:56.40giasai68mercestes: thanks, but I'm sending just 1 call, and I can receive till 30 calls
14:56.56JunK-YTurt|e: just drop the output in a file?
14:57.04mercestesactive_si:  It doesn't rape your system timing and kidnap all your available IRQs, ship them overseas, and sell them to druglords.
14:57.23Turt|eJunk-y no i need to get the output of a cmd into asterisk
14:57.36ZaVoidmeh is down
14:58.01JunK-YTurt|e: i dont think ya can do multi-lines vars.
14:58.03ZaVoidthese duv 1000's are junk
14:58.16mercestesI will be answering no more questions I really know nothing about this crap.  I just google faster than everyone else.
14:58.23_charly_hi, has anyone here connected an asterisk to a siemens hipath?
14:58.25*** join/#asterisk Exhar (
14:58.39Turt|eJunk-y: But if the cmd returns data of one line
14:58.53JunK-Yso drop in a file, then read the file back to insert with function ARRAY
14:58.58JunK-Ythen ur fine
14:59.18mercestesTurt|e:  in agi you can assign output to variables and then expose that variable to *.
14:59.44Turt|ei did the set(abc=system(onelinereturn)) but didnt really look like i worked .. ille try agin then
14:59.57*** join/#asterisk reber (
15:00.33mercestesTurt|e:  ...Uh, I never said that would *work*    only that was basically what you wanted to do.
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15:02.37Turt|emercestes: yeah i know .. =)
15:02.44mercestesTurt|e:  show application system   does not show any way/method/switch to provide feedback save for the specified "success/failure" status message.
15:04.27JunK-Yuse function SHELL
15:05.04JunK-YSet(foo=${SHELL(echo \"bar\")})
15:05.37Turt|eshell!! yeah baby
15:05.57Turt|ethanks alot
15:06.27mercestesGo JunK-Y, go JunK-Y, go JunK-Y.  nice.
15:07.00*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
15:07.22JunK-Yi did nothing, just giving a link, relax.
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15:07.51telmichif someone _is_ connected and I type 'sip show peers', it should show all peers connected via sip, shouldn't it?
15:08.33JunK-Yif its a peer, ya
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15:10.49mutanyone know of any billing software that breaks down different kinds of emi/cdr records?
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15:11.12giasai68I have this error in debug: Ext: 1  Cause: Temporary failure (41), class = Network Congestion (resource unavailable) (2)
15:12.10giasai68is it possible to fix?
15:12.20JunK-Ysure, talk to ur telco.
15:12.33*** join/#asterisk Exhar (
15:13.06giasai68junk-y: only telco can fix?
15:13.32*** join/#asterisk hyphen (
15:13.56JunK-YNetwork Congestion
15:14.25giasai68junk-y: their can fix?
15:14.51JunK-Yyes, they can.
15:15.14Dr-Linuxanybody is doing reporting from asterisk?
15:15.39Dr-Linuxwhat i can grab to the db as unique ID
15:16.05Dr-Linuxas zap channel often same in next call
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15:16.52AssidDr-Linux: make a timestamp.. or add a field as auto increment
15:18.38Dr-Linuxi also got the suggestion for another dude
15:18.49Dr-LinuxAssid: so timestamp is always unique?
15:19.07jeeditimestamps are never unique.
15:19.09Assidauto increment id
15:19.21jeeditimestamp+channel+server-id would be unique.
15:19.33tzangerdirected pickup with sip phones... where is the directed pickup "key sequence" defined?  features.conf would be my first guess but that doesn't appear to be right
15:19.51jeediAssid: any experience with cdr storage in mysql?
15:20.05Dr-Linuxjeedi: how can i grab that at in one variable?
15:20.12Assidjeedi: a little on pgsql
15:20.20JunK-Ychannel+server-id would be no?
15:20.20Dr-Linuxjeedi: is there any function or something available?
15:21.07Dr-Linuxas this is only issue our 8 months worked domain is not being deployed
15:21.21jeediDr-Linux: well.. you'd have to play around with the "userfield", i think.
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15:21.36jeedii'm actually facing a similar problem..
15:21.37giasai68junk-y: can I try from my end to fix it?
15:21.45Dr-Linuxi see
15:21.47gr0mitany idea what has happened to
15:21.59Dr-Linuxjeedi: so what you got an appropriate idea?
15:22.02pagecis there a way with Asterisk 1.4 to drop specific Zap channels?  (i have calls on those channels that are going forever and i don't want to drop all calls)
15:22.03JunK-Ygiasai68: no, call ur telco, like i told ya 3 times.
15:22.06jeediAssid: any way to make one of the cdr->db modules use multiple databases?
15:22.21jeedipagec: "soft hangup" ;)
15:22.22JunK-Ypagec: soft hangup zap/20-1
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15:22.59Assidjeedi: not sure
15:23.13JunK-Yjeedi: yes ya can have n dbs for cdrs.
15:23.15Assidjeedi: you could always just replicate your db
15:23.18JunK-Ytype: cdr status
15:23.41Assidi wish someone would make my db structures for me
15:23.45jeediAssid: i got two mysql-servers doing circular replication (master-master setup)
15:23.56Assidcircular replication?
15:24.18JunK-YAssid: struct are all available.
15:24.22jeedimysql5 allows two masters to sync each other..
15:24.43Assidneed to try it one day
15:24.47Assidnever needed it tho
15:24.54jeedibut i'd hate to have to find/build/write a mysql load balancer/fail-over system before deployment.
15:25.03Assidi just take daily snapshots
15:25.26Assidjeedi: load balancing if you are using php is pretty easy
15:25.31ZaVoidduv1000= junk
15:25.35Assidor if you want fail over
15:25.44jeremy_gAssid:how is that so with php?
15:25.55jeremy_gAssid: die(go to other backup server)
15:26.00Assidif it connects.. you use this connection.. ELSE .. connect to other server
15:26.06Assidadd the server ips into an array
15:26.07codazodaI'm getting the error "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)" when I run 'modprobe wctdm24xxp'.  I don't see any issues in my config.  Here's a dump of my zaptel.conf and zapata.conf and modprobe commands:
15:26.26Assidjust +1 every time it fails a connection
15:26.43*** join/#asterisk funxion (n=nunya@
15:26.44pagecand why wouldn't zap detect hang ups all the time.  is there some setting that i am messing up?
15:27.03Assidmake a dummy text file where it writes which server/array key it connected to last.. so it doesnt jump back every script
15:27.38Assidthen when you rectify the problem.. you edit the text file and put the pointer back to 0/1 or whatever you want your default array key/server to be
15:28.07Assidif (!mysql_connect(..
15:28.31jeediAssid: uhm, this is not #php ;)
15:28.44Assidif you want to do load balancing.. thats pretty simple too. just use either round robin dns.. OR a rand()
15:28.48Assidoh yeah.. hehe
15:29.13mercestesmut:  I do custom billing apps in .net.   :)
15:29.27jeediround-robin-dns? wtf? i don't use dns at all for my production setups.. i hate having dns fail and break all my stuff.
15:29.51mutmercestes: yea me too
15:29.55mutand its annoying
15:29.59HarryRAssid, round robin RAND() stuff is pretty crap for load balancing
15:30.02mutcause we keep changing ld carriers
15:30.11Assidyou still have code to handle a non connecting servers
15:30.20mercestesmut:  I love doing it.
15:30.21AssidHarryR: round robin OR rand
15:30.29HarryRI missed the OR out :)
15:30.37Assidbalancing at script part
15:30.43HarryRAssid, linux vserver though (through Pirahna or similar) does a much better job through
15:30.45mutyea, i just finally started getting my qwest records
15:30.46Assidif you have the money.. get a real load balanser
15:30.48funxionanyone good with TDM channels?
15:30.54mutso i gotta get this system done by thursday
15:31.57AssidHarryR: was referring to script level if you have a hardware load balancer with heartbeat etc.. nothing likke it
15:32.06HarryRah fair enough
15:32.25HarryRbut still... AEL or dialplan is a nightmare
15:33.13mercestesmut:  lol  nice.
15:33.34mercestesGotta love the "we sold this last week and need to bill in two weeks" billing system projects.
15:33.47mutits always like tath
15:34.25mercestesyea, same with the company I was at once upon a time.
15:34.33jeremy_gis it possible to have a backup gateway to register with in case one fails
15:34.38jeremy_ghow in sip.conf can i specify
15:34.49Assidmercestes: can i have that
15:34.52jeremy_gi wish register => had fall back stuff
15:34.52mercestesjeremy_g:  Just two register => statements I believe and then chain through your options.
15:34.53Assidi get tons of thse
15:34.53muti'm hoping i can say that here soon
15:35.06Assidmercestes: sometimes the payment comes 2 months late
15:35.12mutmy work day = last minute projects because of no foresight or planning
15:35.18jeremy_gmercestes:what do you mean by chaing through one's options
15:36.03jeremy_gmy phones register with my sip server but what if it dies, i want another server to act as its hot backup
15:39.45jeremy_gobsolete i guess
15:41.32funxiondoes anyone know how to detect if a line is present on a TDM line?
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15:43.10funxionmeaning if for some reason the carrier shut off the line it would then not be present
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15:43.38martineyles_do you guys read the digium forums?
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15:44.06martineyles_I put a question up there
15:44.15funxionso if I have a tdm400p with four separate carriers connected and one line goes dead how do i detect that it is dead and dial the call on the next available channel in the group
15:44.26martineyles_but couldn't solve my problem
15:44.53martineyles_so was hoping someone here might be able to help
15:45.04supjigatrAnyone have  a quick fix for time on polycom soundpoints.  There web seems to be down for that link.
15:45.44funxionmartineyles_ i think our problems are similiar
15:46.28JTfunxion: not sure if there's an easy method
15:46.53funxiondoesnt have to be easy
15:46.53E-bolais there an installation howto/guide for asterisk tarballs*?
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15:47.51Dr-Linuxwhy one of my cisco phone doesn't ring? all works fine
15:48.24funxionJT I've been playing with all kinds of dialplan tricks but nothing seems to get it to roll over to the next channel
15:48.44funxionshouldnt it just detect is there is power on the line before it dials
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15:52.26JTit assumes lines aren't stuffed i guess
15:52.43*** topic/#asterisk by Qwell[] -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- Asterisk 1.4.1 (Mar. 2, 2007), Asterisk 1.2.16 (Mar. 2, 2007), Zaptel 1.2.15 (Mar. 2, 2007) -=- Other fun channels: #asterisk-gui, #asterisknow, #asterisk-commits -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support.
15:53.14chiang_sghi, i'm using asterisk 1.4 with OOH323 addons, when i try to make a call through this trunk, i got error "Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk" how do i disable this confort noise? i have no right to touch the h323 device
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15:53.30elriahHi all.  Does asterisk use sendmail to send voicemails?
15:54.18funxionhow about voltage detection on a tdm card?
15:55.36JTchiang_sg: if you can't touch the h.323 device, there's nothing you can do
15:56.01chiang_sgjt: are there any effect with the call quality ?
15:56.08sudhir492elriah: yes, asterisk uses sendmail client to send voicemails
15:56.29sudhir492however, you can have any mailserver running there.
15:56.33JTchiang_sg: the fact that the other end is already doing silence supression means quality is being affected
15:56.38VecPlease can someonw help me out, whenever I try make an outgoing call on an E1 my telco plays a msg saying the number u have dialed does not exist, but everything looks fine, here is my pri debug of a call I made to 0118849751 -
15:56.39elriahGot ya.  Thanks.
15:56.41sudhir492e.g. I have qmail instead of sendmail
15:56.42mercestesjeremy_g:  Just set up two sippeers and register them both, say teliax and c-beyond, just hypothetically.
15:56.54JunK-Yelriah: you choose it with mailcmd= in voicemail.conf
15:57.00JunK-Ybut by default, yes its sendmail
15:57.06elriahAhh.  Thanks.
15:57.07JTchiang_sg: however it may unnerve people a bit, as it will go completely silent when the other end detects silence or background noise
15:57.16chiang_sgi c
15:57.20mercestesjeremy_g:  Then call a Dial(Sip/1234@teliax|30) on exten ,1, and a Dial(Sip/1234@cbeyond|30) on exten ,2, and it should facilitate the "hotswap" you are looking for.
15:57.22elriahCan you specify an SMTP server that may not be localhost?
15:57.28chiang_sgJT: thanks for the clarification
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16:01.38funxiondoes anyone know where i can find the code for nvlinedetect
16:02.06chiang_sghow to set OOH323 to be able to handle more than 1 channel?
16:03.05chiang_sgsay my dialplan is : _8.,1,Dial(OOH323/${EXTEN:1}@x.x.x.x,30,,Ttrf)
16:04.02JunK-Ysome1 knows how to listen to ethereal iax2 mini-frame?
16:06.11codazodaI'm getting the error 'ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)'.  I believe that I recall the solution on, but that's down.  I've got my configs, errors, /var/log/messages/ and ztcfg output here:  Any ideas?
16:07.16SweeperFast And Responsive Telephony System :D
16:07.51cpmgood one!
16:08.12martineyles_Minesweeper ;-) It'll sell out in no time
16:08.15SweeperI'm tempted, but I know it'd get shot down :(
16:08.51martineyles_Spider solitaire for web 2.0 should sell well too
16:09.12DrukenLPYi like spider solitaire.....
16:09.35DrukenLPYcan't beat it above 2 decks... but it passes time.... :)
16:10.19codazodaI can see your context names now.  [farts-incoming], [farts-outgoing]...
16:11.41Sweeperfunny thing is, all this was started by my quandry over what to call the svn repo XD
16:11.44jeediSweeper: what kind of project is it?
16:12.05tzafrircodazoda, what do you see on /proc/zaptel/*
16:12.18tzafrirdoes it match your /etc/zaptel.conf ?
16:12.26codazodaNothing.  /proc/zaptel is empty.
16:12.43gr0mitVec: can you recommend a good isp in za with good performance on voip for connection to a UK server?
16:12.52tzafrirany gentoo user in the crowd? Can anybody give me a one-liner to build asterisk with bristuff support on gentoo?
16:13.07mercestestzafrir: Sure
16:13.08tzafrircodazoda, so the drivers have not loaded
16:13.18Sweeperjeedi: I'm using asterisk + rails + realtime to create a redundnat, multi-site, fault-tolerant pbx network with advanced services such as call following and personnel-on-call
16:13.45mercestestzafrir:  USE="bri asterisk zaptel" emerge -av asterisk asterisk-addons bristuff zaptel asterisk-sounds
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16:13.51Vecgr0mit : u can, not sure how that will help me
16:13.51codazodatzafrir, right.  modprobe loads them, right?  But, I get errors for some reason.
16:13.53Sweeperwe're in southern luisiana, so "office X is gone" is something we've got to plan for ;)
16:13.59mercestestzafrir:  Something along those lines.
16:14.05jeediSweeper: what about "das telefon" ;)
16:14.24cpmSweeper, where in so la?
16:14.33jeedi"i need to talk to the on-call admin in bumfuck, idaho" - "well, use DAS TELEFON, dammit."
16:14.35Sweepercpm: all over it, and in texas too ;)
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16:14.49gr0mitVec: i mean i am looking for a recommendation for an ISP in za to help out a friend who wants to make voip calls back to my server in .uk
16:15.04Sweeperspecifically, lafayette, la rose, new orleans, and a few smaller satellite offfices
16:15.08cpmdidn't know they had the intarweb in louisiana
16:15.13jeediSweeper: just kidding.. i really like your FARTS idea, tho ;)
16:15.21codazodatzafrir, I remember that this might have something to do with udev.  But, I did run 'make install-udev' when I compiled zaptel.
16:15.40tzafrircodazoda, unrelated
16:15.46SweeperI think I'll roll with it, and change it if anyone bitches
16:15.52tzafrir/proc/zaptel/* does not need udev
16:16.08Sweepers/anyone/anyone\ that\ matters/
16:16.32codazodatzafrir, k, good to know.  I'm also running CentOS 4.4.  Could I be missing some packages?  If so, I imagine the zaptel driver wouldn't have compiled.
16:16.34Sweeperjbot has bad syntax :(
16:16.51tzafrirso jbot does not escape very much Not a true sed
16:17.02jeediof course, "DAS TELEFON" would spell out as "Distributed Asterisk System - Telephony Environment Locating Emergency Freaks On Nightshift" ;)
16:17.17gr0mitVec: looking at your e1 issue, please can you pastebin your zaptel.conf and your zapata.conf files for me to look at
16:18.01gr0mitVec: and also pls disable intense debugging- this is only useful for layer 2 stuiff and your layer 2 is fine
16:20.13Vecgr0mit : I think I may have solved my prob
16:20.25Vecgr0mit : my telco was putting a 0 infront of the number for me
16:21.12codazodaMaybe my TDM808B is DOA.  I'll drop in a TDM04B and see if that works.
16:22.02gr0mitwell, you need to look at the zapata.conf and see what you have set for dial plan
16:22.12gr0miti normally use 'unknown'
16:22.18gr0mitat least in uk that works
16:24.07jeediwhen your telco prefixes a 0 for you automagically, try "pridialplan=local"
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16:29.16jeremy_gmercestes:i dont want to tell the user that we have different extensions
16:29.21jeremy_gmercestes:user should not know
16:29.49funxiondoes anyone use fxsgs on TDM?
16:30.19mercestesjeremy_g:  I don't think the user would know.
16:30.23tzafrirwhat's gs anyway?
16:30.25mercestesjeremy_g:  The "rollover" would be blind to the user.
16:30.48jeremy_gmercestes:wont it be the user who has to press 2
16:30.52tzafrirI know that name, but what does it mean?
16:30.57mercestesjeremy_g:  it'd be priority 1 and 2 of the same extension to dial SIP@teliax and SIP@cbeyond respectively.
16:31.06jeremy_gmercestes:oh then its ok
16:31.14codazodaDoes anyone here know if the TDM800P uses the wctdm24xxp drivers for sure?  I replaced the TDM808B with a TDM04B and that one works fine (using the wctdm driver).
16:31.17Skaagwould could cause REGAUTH problems with my iax connection?
16:31.24Skaagit's something that used to work fine for me
16:31.31funxionA method for seizing a phone line. Widely used by PBXs, the ring lead of the line (tip and ring) is momentarily connected to ground, and the CO detects the current. The CO grounds the tip lead of dedicated lines, which the PBX can test to determine if the line is dedicated for use.
16:31.32tzafrircodazoda, yes, it uses the same driver
16:31.34Skaagnow i can no longer connect to my iax provider
16:32.06mercestesjeremy_g:  exten => 7131234567,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@teliax)    exten => 7131234567,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@cbeyond)
16:32.15tzafrircodazoda, you need a rather latest version (not sure if zaptel 1.2.14 supports it. 1.2.15 surely does)
16:32.28jeremy_gmercestes:yep yep, thanks man, um not that new to asterisk
16:32.37jeremy_gmercestes:rather um not at all new to asterisk
16:33.30codazodaI'm running zaptel-1.4.0
16:33.38funxionanyone know why when I try to set my tdm trunk to fxsgs and fxs_gs asterisk wont start fails to load
16:33.44mercestesjeremy_g:  I know, in fact, I was kind of suprised at your question.  But, somehow we weren't communicating so I figured a specific example would save some time.  ;)
16:34.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
16:34.28codazodaMy card must be DOA.
16:34.42Corydon-wfunxion: probably because your zaptel.conf is not set up the same way
16:34.51funxionit is
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16:35.00funxionI set fxsgs is zaptel and zapata
16:35.00Corydon-wfunxion: and it's highly unlikely that you have groundstart equipment
16:35.08funxionhow so
16:35.17funxionIm connect to an inmarsat mini m
16:35.28Corydon-wloopstart has been ubiquitous since the 1950s
16:35.41Corydon-wfunxion: what hardware are you running?
16:36.03funxionor something like that
16:36.06Corydon-wNo such card
16:36.18Corydon-wwhich one?
16:36.23funxion4 port fxo
16:36.32jeremy_gmercestes:you got it ;)
16:36.35Corydon-wThat card does not support groundstart
16:36.43funxionthat explains it
16:37.12Corydon-wAbout the only way you're going to get groundstart is with a TE110P to a channel bank
16:37.23jeremy_gIn sip.conf, [general] setvar=FOOBAR=1234
16:37.24*** join/#asterisk markit (
16:37.26funxionI was afraid you'd say that
16:37.38jeremy_gand then referencing ${FOOBAR} later in sip.conf would work?
16:37.42jeremy_gasterisk 1.2
16:37.56jeremy_gjeedi:are you sure it would work on 1.2
16:38.02[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: No, in the DIALPLAN
16:38.11markitany mISDN guru? I wouuld like to obtain a certain behaviour of my 1 port bri
16:38.27Skaaghow do I debug an iax gateway that gives me UNREACHABLE?
16:38.35jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender: i want to use variables in sip.conf and jeedi told me that it would work that way
16:38.37[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Actually I don't think it applies under [general], only under a peer entry
16:38.52Corydon-wSkaag: iax2 debug
16:38.57[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: And what else do your rice crispies say to you? :)
16:39.09[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: There is nothing "variable" about sip.conf
16:39.12Corydon-wSkaag: it's probably a firewall issue
16:39.20SkaagCorydon-w: I do that, I see my REGREQ, REGAUTH, and the INVAL
16:39.23*** part/#asterisk martineyles_ (
16:39.27jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:in general section, i am just truing to initialize the variable. i ll use that in the peer or friends sections
16:39.30Skaagwhat ports do I need to open on which side, for IAX2 to work?
16:39.36SkaagI already opened 4569 tcp/udp
16:39.41shido6or 5036
16:39.41[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Not happening
16:39.48Skaagwhat's 5036?
16:40.02shido6or whatever port you want to use, really....  4569 is the default port for IAX2
16:40.40shido65036 was the old iax port
16:40.52shido64569 UDP
16:41.15Corydon-wSkaag: if you're getting INVAL, sounds like your password is wrong
16:41.30jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:its basically when i have 50 ips to register with and i have them as blocks of 5. Total 50 lines of register statements with 5 lines having same ip being registered. so having a variable would just imply changing 5 variables rather than those 50 :( lines
16:41.32Skaagit works fine on another asterisk setup
16:41.41Skaagmy provider says the password is ok :(
16:41.55Skaaghe says it's definitely something on my side
16:42.08jeremy_gwhy am i registering 5 times with same ip?
16:42.15[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Search & replace.
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16:42.30jeremy_gbasically 5 different user names
16:42.36jeremy_gfor different service agreements
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16:43.49gbodemantvhello all
16:43.57gbodemantvI am having a Music on hold issue
16:44.46Skaag070313-184421 NOTICE[6194]: chan_iax2.c:7791 iax2_poke_noanswer: Peer '4021' is now UNREACHABLE! Time: 0
16:44.54Skaaggbodemantv: what kind?
16:45.04gbodemantvI have one box answer the calls and then IAX2 trunk to or main server in wich everyone is registered
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16:45.16gbodemantvup until last week it was all one box
16:45.40gbodemantvwhen a call is sent to MOH, it seems to want to play the music on the Iax2 channel
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16:47.11gbodemantvso no one hears it now
16:47.43gbodemantvit hought it was maube that I did not have asterisk addons and sounds compiled on the system that was answering calls
16:47.46gbodemantvbut that did not work
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16:50.10gbodemantvcalls goes PSTN - Server 1 (digium t1 card) -Iax2 to another box and sent to proper extension
16:50.12gbodemantvbut none of the hold music works on queues or zpatel calls
16:51.32af_indications.conf: it has effects only on directly connected to * lines ? like zaptel channels?
16:52.00VecAnyone know what is up with voip-info ?
16:52.33b11d|bblits down
16:52.41*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
16:52.43b11d|bblwhich isnt entirely unusual
16:53.13gbodemantvwhen I was going zap to sip on the same server I had no problems
16:53.20b11d|bblfor such a great site..  you'd think there'd be mirrors or something
16:53.32gbodemantvnot that I am answering/calling with one and regostering with the other it does not want to work
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16:58.51RoyKare there any ipv6 support in asterisk yet?
16:59.28b11d|bbli heard in 1.4 there was..
16:59.33b11d|bblno experience with it though
16:59.48JunK-YRoyK: nope, in progress like the last time you ask :)
17:00.08vooduhalDoes the Status (xx ms) column from "sip show peers" have any real significance?  We have a phone we are testing for deployment, but everyone of these models show's 400ms on the same LAN segment while a SPA922 Linksys shows 20ms.
17:00.18RoyKJunK-Y: I beleive that was half a year ago or something :)
17:00.36RoyKI don't need it yet, though. just curious
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17:02.21[TK]D-Fendervooduhal: Could be a crappy CPU or stack implementation on the phone.  What model?
17:03.47*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
17:04.02angryusergooe evening
17:04.06angryuser;) good
17:04.45angryuseri have a question bout asterisk ports, by defaul asterisk use 5060 tcp + 1000-2000 udp?
17:05.18vooduhalThat's what I was thinking, but I didn't know for sure what that delay really represented.
17:07.01[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: 5060,10000-20000 ALL UDP
17:07.10[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: * doesn't do SIP over TCP
17:07.32DrukenLPY[TK]D-Fender: can sip be done over tcp ?
17:07.44angryuser[TK]D-Fender: why so many udp ports?
17:07.49[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY: Yes, and is so on other implementations.
17:08.09[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: 1 port per simultaneous call.  Just for breathing room. You can reduce this.
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17:08.17DrukenLPYwouldn't that make sip better with nats? or am i just dreaming?
17:08.34[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY: SIP isn't so much the problem as RTP <-
17:09.01drfreezeAnyone have a quick fix for the time change for Polycom 501 phones?
17:09.06DrukenLPYtrue... however isn't the rtp the same with sip and iax ?
17:09.10[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY: Now IAX's strength is that the signalling & all voice is on the SAME port.
17:09.12angryuser[TK]D-Fender: lets say i have 10 maximum to outbound, can i fix this in rtp.conf like 10000-10010?
17:09.16drfreezeDo I have to update the firmware?
17:09.46[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY: No, RTP is a completely seperate protocol.  SIP is only a channel setup/teardown mechanism.  IAX2 has its own audio encoding in its spec
17:10.05[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Sure, but I'll allow a few more just in case
17:10.17DrukenLPYwhich is why it's much better with nats
17:10.27[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY: And does not use RTP
17:10.30DrukenLPYmakes sence
17:10.37[TK]D-FenderDrukenLPY: Correct.
17:10.44angryuser[TK]D-Fender:ok thank you, it was for traffic shafting, i am unable to set a range;(
17:11.25drfreezegambolputty: thanks for that bulletin
17:13.00telmichI am wondering, where to find out the correct values for zaptel.conf
17:13.30telmichI am having a te110p here, but I am not sure, which settings I have to set
17:13.43*** join/#asterisk Gido-E (
17:13.56drfreezegambolputty: I'm not sure how to update the sip.cfg or ipmid.cfg files. Does this process assume I have tftp setup and running?
17:14.33Gido-Eis there a way to retrieve sip status or other statusses with a default make-up?
17:15.26[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: It assumes you are running a provisioning server of SOME kind, and IPMID is only for MGCP and ancient SIP releases
17:19.24VecIs the way I can use pattern matching 21XX = Dial(blah blah) for incoming calls for DID ?
17:21.31drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: is there another way to get the phones to display the right time?
17:21.42drfreezeother than changing their gmt offset. :)
17:22.40JunK-Yvec: _21XX,1,Dial(blahlbah)
17:23.34[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: typicall no, you have to fix the timezone settings, and thats where
17:23.56b11d|bblhahaha..  it's like no one knew that the DST stuff was changing..
17:24.09[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Unless you want to cheat and change your time-zone temporarily or run an alternative time server.....
17:24.43[TK]D-Fenderb11d|bbl: load
17:25.15[TK]D-FenderError: Module already loaded
17:25.30[TK]D-Fenderset stupid=very
17:25.58*** join/#asterisk xtr-II (
17:28.19*** join/#asterisk _Vile (
17:28.44gr0mitvec: exten=> _21XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2} or whatever
17:29.07*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
17:33.30Vecunfortunately that does not work
17:33.30Vecit says 2122 does not exist in context blah
17:33.30JunK-Yvec: read the doc a bit and you'll be able.
17:33.30gr0mitare you sure your telco is sending you 4 digits?
17:33.30JunK-Yadd this in extensions.conf (in ur context blah) exten => 2122,1,Playback(tt-monkeys);
17:33.31JunK-Yand reload
17:33.54Vecit works if I use a hard number like 2122 but not if I use _21XX
17:34.42JunK-Youtput of: dialplan show 2122@blah
17:34.58JunK-Yprobably cause you're in the wrong cotnext
17:35.19mafkeeshey JunK-Y :)
17:35.48JunK-Ylunch break's over.
17:36.39[TK]D-FenderVec: Pastebin your entire context please....
17:36.50jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
17:41.52mihinomenestis there a way to set the "Expires:" SIP header value when I register with my provider?
17:42.41gr0mitVec: paste the line in question into
17:42.49gr0mitwe can take a look
17:43.03mercestesI didn't hear about the DST crap until about 2 days before it happened.
17:44.49drfreezeIs there a way to query the time a Polycom phone is displaying from within asterisk or from the commandline?
17:45.53*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
17:50.58JunK-Ydrfreeze: not that i know, if ya find way, msg me that way ;)
17:51.05drfreezeJunK-Y: sure
17:54.20*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
17:54.48*** join/#asterisk awannabe (
17:55.07[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: No.
17:56.53*** join/#asterisk Vec (
17:57.08awannabedoes anyone know why call parking stop works? we dial the DTMF tones, but * wont park the call, and no messages or anything on the console appear
17:57.37drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: bummer
17:58.04*** join/#asterisk diclophis-work (n=jbardin@
17:58.06diclophis-workhello all
17:58.10*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
17:58.23diclophis-worki am wondering what type of "pid check" i need to do to ensure asterisk is running on a system?
18:00.20*** join/#asterisk nextime (n=nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
18:00.26*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:00.38nextimehi. Where i can find a detailed doc about user.conf file?
18:00.58awannabeis it bad to have to do hourly reloads of asterisk? lol
18:03.05*** join/#asterisk awk (
18:04.41Vecdiclophis-work : take a look at daemontools
18:05.08*** join/#asterisk FinboySlick (n=Miranda@
18:06.03diclophis-workis that a linux thing?>
18:09.06FinboySlickHello gang.  Can zaptel groups overlap?  I have an fxo card with three lines.  One number we try to keep free all the time for incoming, one is the fax line which we mostly use for outgoing (but we'd want to pick up with asterfax), and the third is a home line we want in the same 'outgoing' group as the fax line in case the fax line is busy, but we don't want asterisk to touch it for incoming.  Problem is that with lines 2 and 3 in the outgoing group
18:10.35*** part/#asterisk nextime (n=nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
18:10.41[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Time to get off your ass and provision them like you're supposed to...
18:10.50vooduhalCould someone point in the direction of documentation of what the "sip show peers" status value actually means?
18:13.54*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
18:14.01Assiddamn.. i cant connect to thjis box.. it just keeps sending register and nothing happens
18:14.57*** join/#asterisk boch (n=fran@
18:14.58[TK]D-FenderAssid: Sounds like NAT issues....
18:15.01FinboySlickActually, to simplify my question:  Can the same zaptel line be in two different contexts?
18:15.16bochis the wiki down ?
18:15.29[TK]D-Fenderboch: Looks like
18:15.50bochdamn, im addict to that site
18:17.45mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  Yea, I had to put in my two weeks because I don't actually know anything.....except how to google the wiki
18:17.51vooduhalOk, if you can't point me to the docs, doesn't anyone know what the status delay (xx ms) from "sip show peers" actually means specifically?
18:17.55Qwell[]mercestes: :P
18:18.12Assid[TK]D-Fender: works 1 day .. doesnt the next?
18:18.21[TK]D-Fendermercestes: When/where was this?  And how bad were their problems?
18:18.36[TK]D-FenderAssid: Sure.. if an IP changes, etc...
18:18.47*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
18:18.56mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  Thinking of putting in yoru resume?  :D
18:18.56Assidhave a sip reload and evertything
18:20.34*** join/#asterisk awk (
18:23.59*** join/#asterisk robl^ (n=robl@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/robl)
18:27.08awktell me something, I have an asterisk box for a local company, that box has a dial prefix of say 1 that will have an outbound sip call to a carrier than will then link up to the pstn again in the same country
18:27.19awkshould there be a lagg in call
18:27.28awklike hello, wait a couple seconds and then I hear it?
18:38.13*** join/#asterisk eltech (
18:39.58[TK]D-Fendermercestes: I have no plans of crossing your border, let alone becoming a citizen thank-you :)
18:40.10[TK]D-Fendermercestes: Just wondering ho far things had gotten....
18:40.21*** join/#asterisk DocHolliday (i=RgRabbit@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0E4F6D6C)
18:40.45DocHollidayis it possible to dial an extension and have asterisk record something in the GSM format?
18:41.14Strom_MDocHolliday: yes...and in wav or ulaw too
18:41.30[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday: "show application record" or in 1.4 "core show application record"
18:42.00awkanyone had this issue,  I have a trixbox, and added a sip trunk to another machine that has access to the pstn, it passes the call I can see it, my cell phone i'm phoning rings, I answer, yet the system keeps ringing, and doesn't actually connect the call
18:42.25bkruseawk: #trixbox
18:42.26awkthe other machine is an asterisk box, I see the sip connection taking place and it is dialing out from the asterisk box, it just isn't connecting the calls?
18:42.39awkwell what makes you think its the trixbox causing the issue?
18:42.45DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, how can i execute the record function from my dial plan?
18:42.48bkruseits trixbox
18:42.51bkrusedo i really need to say more?
18:43.18awkyou have no proof its the trixbox, i'm asking for an explenation of what might be the problem?
18:43.30awklets pretend its 2 asterisk boxes
18:43.40bkrusei do have proof. its trixbox
18:43.43bkruselets not pretend
18:43.45bkrusedownload asterisk.
18:43.52bkrusewhat version of asterisk is it anyways?
18:43.57awkwhat could I have a look at to see why it connecting the call
18:44.07[TK]D-Fenderawk: Probably NAT issues
18:44.30bkruseawk: sip.conf nat=yes.......or are you doing this all through the "webgui"
18:44.52[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: DUH its being done through the GUI (at least on the FreePBX side...)
18:45.00bkruse[TK]D-Fender: lame...
18:45.09awkno gui, I have around 2000 minutes routing through the box a night
18:45.11bkruseteh gui clicky! yay!
18:45.29awkinternational traffic works perfectly
18:45.45bkruseim supposed to believe you have 2000 minutes(wtf kind of measurement is that?) and you dont know how to configure nat problem??
18:45.50awkits just this sip trunk from the trixbox that is causing issues
18:46.01*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
18:46.16[TK]D-Fenderawk: Check your nat settings on both sides, and your firwall, etc....
18:46.18awkfirstly you say its trixbox now you saying its nat?
18:46.40awkno firewall rules that are cuausing issues, I just told you its routing through and the call is being dialed out
18:46.47bkruseawk: actually, its a combination of the two.
18:46.50awkits just recently that it isn't allowing pickup
18:47.03[TK]D-Fenderawk: *I'M* saying its likely a NAT issue.  Trixbox doesn't CAUSE the problem, it just lets you be ignorant about what BELONGS in there.
18:47.18[TK]D-Fenderawk: That isn't enough to rule it out.
18:47.19bkruse[TK]D-Fender: thats good, i like it
18:47.41awkbkruse: you don't seem to know what you talking about, as you seem to speculate and not give me any actual proof to what you are saying.
18:48.04awk[TK]D-Fender: I understand. let me monitor the traffic a bit further and see where its breaking
18:48.12bkruseawk: thats right, i have no idea what im talking about....
18:48.17bkrusebut im not using trixbox.
18:48.23[TK]D-Fenderawk: Pastebin the [general] sections (ALL LINKED BITS TOO) for BOTH sides please, and writeup the path betweent he two boxes.
18:48.44[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Me neither :) (as far ass using FreePBX that is...)
18:48.51jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
18:48.56[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: I just know what it DOES, and the kinds of people using it.
18:49.10bkruse[TK]D-Fender: same, thats why i make crazy generalizations.
18:49.15bkruseawk: ill help, i just hate trixbox
18:49.25awkbkruse: well I sell VOIP services, you sell what the client wants
18:49.32bkruseawk: true
18:49.37bkruseasterisk has a gui, if you didnt know
18:49.41awkthey want a gui interface, I suppose I could stick 1.4 and use the new GUI
18:49.55bkruseawk: true, the way the gui works, its impossible to port to 1.2
18:49.58awkbut its all the reporting, etc that trixbox does they want.
18:49.59bkruseso sure, i see where your coming from
18:50.10[TK]D-Fenderawk: What I expect for the network pasth is something like "Asterisk1 (Trixbox) -> D-Link 12345 NAT router -> internet -> Someother NAT router -> othernormal Asterisk, etc...
18:50.13awkand they like the crm package it ofers
18:50.14bkruseawk: our gui uses just javascript, its light, and is not server dependent.
18:50.27bkruseif they gave me php and mysql and let me loose, of course we could easily do much more.
18:50.39bkrusebut it would take away from the whole profile we started with, and intend on keeping
18:50.51[TK]D-Fenderawk: Ok, lets drop the whole FreePBX thing ok?  If you're going to be/get any help, please provide the information I have requested/.
18:51.10awk[TK]D-Fender: how it works, natted asterisk box, dynamic dns (passing out from the trixbox) to a dedicated no natted server
18:51.21awkerr natted freepbx box
18:51.34[TK]D-Fenderawk: Very well, now the pastebin please.
18:51.56jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
18:52.04awkok, let me read what I must pastebin
18:55.50*** join/#asterisk Malph (
18:56.26[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Every now and again I think of making little GUI bits for * configuration, but nothing "complete".
18:56.44bkruse[TK]D-Fender: ive got a lil something something in the works
18:56.46[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Because "complete" is often followed by "garbage" :)
18:56.51bkrusea couple additions to our gui, but youll have to wait and see ;]
18:57.06[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: I haven't really seen it at all yet ;)
18:57.18bkruse[TK]D-Fender: maybe you can beta it or something
18:57.20bkruse[TK]D-Fender: exactly, when you try to mimic ALL of asterisk features in a single, tab filled, website??
18:57.23[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Logged in ONCE, and have seen a few screen-shots.  users.conf = asjhgdkjhsdagjksdhgf
18:57.43[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: You mean like where I work? ;)
18:57.47bkruse[TK]D-Fender: i have to say i agree, it goes against all convention i learned growing up on asterisk, but i guess its useful to some
18:58.09[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Yeah if you don't have in-house staff and change things often enough...
18:58.11awknearlly done
18:58.18bkruseawk: yay
18:58.46bkruse[TK]D-Fender: agreed....the gui is useful for a good bit of things, but i cannot see an professional using it on an enterprise level, but who knows, i am a nub ;]
18:59.14[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Well then again, few entrprises would use * as a straight PBX w/o a GUI....
19:01.57robl^hrmmm.  the new SLA features look nice! I might try to add them to my setup
19:02.19bkruse[TK]D-Fender: think so?
19:02.25*** part/#asterisk Burgwork (n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia)
19:02.32awki'm enjoying my new realtime setup
19:02.43[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Those without in-house competant Linux/Asterisk people that is.
19:02.45awkiax, sip, voicemail, and cdr
19:03.01bkruse[TK]D-Fender: oh ya, well, i would think enterprise solutions WOULD have in-house technicians for that, but maybe not
19:03.04[TK]D-Fenderawk: And concentrating HARD on that pastebin as well I see :)
19:03.08bkruse[TK]D-Fender: i would think it would be pure sip, and call balancing mostly, openser, yay
19:03.50bkrusecanreinvite=no, wewt
19:03.56[TK]D-Fenderawk: From what you showed me your FreePBX side has NONE of the NAT settings required to operate.
19:04.17bkruse[TK]D-Fender: yep, that would explain the half-workingness
19:04.38[TK]D-Fenderawk: and I am NOT looking at the [general] section as requested.
19:04.40awkok, let me look at how to do that with FREEPBX :P
19:04.46awkeveryime I modify the dam sip.conf it gets overwriten with freepbx
19:05.07[TK]D-Fenderawk: Look at HOW?!  you grab 2 silly config files and you PASTE THEM
19:05.11bkruseawk: ya, that doesnt surprise me, its the only way (really) to write configurations without stacking up
19:05.18awk1 sec
19:05.18bkruse[TK]D-Fender: yep ;]
19:05.35bkruse[TK]D-Fender: hes setting tons of variables lol
19:06.08[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: And not even the likely incriminating SIP debug enabled ;)
19:06.23bkruse[TK]D-Fender: never
19:06.29bkrusedoes freepbx have sip debugging in the gui!?
19:06.33bkrusewoah, port 55001
19:06.33[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Heaven forbid...
19:06.48awkbkruse: hmf, not that i've come across
19:07.08bkruseawk: it doesnt
19:07.13*** join/#asterisk ping2921 (
19:07.28bkruseare you really doing ilbc? brave man you are.
19:07.32ping2921is there a text2speech function in asterisk?
19:07.41bkruseping2921: festival
19:07.48Corydon-wNo, but there's Cepstral
19:07.56bkruseor its proprietary equivilent(by the same person...) ^^
19:08.17bkrusefyi, if you have the cash, cepstral sounds WAY better....obviously
19:08.28Corydon-wthe cash == $30
19:08.35bkruseCorydon-w: thats it? not bad
19:08.38awkno, using gsm for that trixbox at the moment, but getting a huge delaying passing through the box when I had it working
19:08.47awkit passes the call, I talk wait, and wait then it comes through
19:08.47bkruseawk: hmm
19:08.51awkgoing to try g729
19:08.53Corydon-wbkruse: Dog is $7
19:08.54ping2921I would like to hear the incoming callerid.
19:09.08bkruseCorydon-w: nice
19:09.29awkas that freepbx box is on a 4mb link, but something like 256kb downstream
19:09.35[TK]D-Fenderawk: Congratulations if thats it you're DOA.  Go read a guide on how to set that up
19:09.42bkruseping2921: hear it? sweet....ya, exten => omg,n,saytext(${CALLERID(num)})
19:09.51awkso not sure if thats causing the issue
19:10.08*** join/#asterisk Seba_soy (n=s@
19:10.12Seba_soyhello :)
19:10.14bkruseawk: dont think its going to help, i think its your crazy dialplan thats taking the call SO long to setup......
19:10.17bkruseSeba_soy: sup
19:10.17[TK]D-Fenderawk: 256kbit downsteam is BAD.  2-3 calls tops
19:10.21Seba_soyI will post my question:
19:10.24[TK]D-Fenderawk: Assuming G.729
19:10.30awkand gsm ?
19:10.35bkruseawk: worst.
19:10.39[TK]D-Fenderawk: Yeah, maybe GSM
19:10.50awkstill the quality is good
19:10.53awkjust the delay
19:10.54bkruseg729 sound quality way > than gsm
19:10.59bkrusebut sucks for MOH
19:11.01[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: No.... for wosrt we still have LPC10.  Domo Arigato!
19:11.02awkso the compression shoulnt speed up the delay
19:11.14bkruse[TK]D-Fender: LOL, i know exactly what you mean
19:11.19[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: I've heard mixed reviews between G.729 & GSM
19:11.22awki'm not sure whats causing the delay
19:11.34awkthe box is only 7 hops from the next box
19:11.38bkruse[TK]D-Fender: g729 is AMAZING, seriously
19:11.50Seba_soyI can't HEAR ANY announcement over my ISDN-PRI, like "line is not available" and all that.. (I am from Argentina)
19:11.52Seba_soysome clue?
19:11.52[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Well.... I use ULAW.
19:12.04bkruse[TK]D-Fender: ulaw sound quality is AMAZING
19:12.24bkrusebut, obviously, 80kbps(with ip overhead)
19:12.39bkrusebut if you have the bandwidth, amazing
19:12.52awkso guys, you saying it could be the nat enable = no
19:12.52Qwell[]g722 > ulaw :D
19:12.55awkand what else?
19:13.01bkruseQwell[]: woah, NO! :P
19:13.17Qwell[]g722 WAY > ulaw :P
19:13.40bkruselpc10 transcoded to ilbc, and back to lpc10, trying to fax
19:13.47bkrusewhy is my fax machine no worky?!
19:13.57awkyou guys using asterisk realtime at all?
19:14.15awki think its brilliant, working so well on 1 of my networks
19:14.15bkruseawk: ive tried it, and it is brilliant
19:14.16bkrusevery useful
19:14.45Seba_soyAny clue about I cant hear any announcement on my ISDN-PRi... Line is disonnected on zaptel when it received out of order and it does not play announcemente
19:15.03bkruseSeba_soy: but will the call eventually setup?
19:15.05awkye, specially that I have 5 boxes trying to read sip,iax aswell as the dialplan
19:15.29bkruseawk: dundi is the bomb
19:15.35bkruseyou messed with it at all?
19:16.23Seba_soyI send the call to a number I know is not working
19:16.39bkruseSeba_soy: that made no sense
19:16.42Seba_soyand I not hear "number is disconnected", asterisk just hangup
19:16.43bkruseawk: it rocks
19:17.04bkruseSeba_soy: than have h,1,Playback(file)
19:17.10awkI still got a lot to learn, only been using asterisk for around 1 year, i've been on a few courses.
19:17.17Seba_soyI should hear for example (in spanish) "El numero q ha discado se encuentra momentaneamente desconectado" from my telco
19:17.24awkbut kind of stuck to what im using and not really expanding
19:17.41*** join/#asterisk froguz (
19:17.42Seba_soyI send the call thorug E1
19:17.50bkruseawk: cool, well, is your friend, and just start looking at all those config files
19:18.09bkrusegetting away from http://asteriskbox and getting into file:///etc/asterisk is a huge difference, and surprising
19:18.11bkrusefroguz: wuts up!
19:18.32froguzis down? or should i complain my ISP?
19:18.44mutit gets lagged
19:18.47bkruseits down ;[
19:18.50bkrusemut: is it up? just slow?
19:19.01bkrusei thought tzafrir had something to do with it :X
19:19.07*** join/#asterisk DocHolliday (i=RgRabbit@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0E4F6D6C)
19:19.13froguzi can't load a single page from that site
19:19.20DocHollidayis it possible to ring multiple phones at the same time?
19:19.59froguzmaybe they're making some improvements to the wiki.
19:20.37froguzDocHolliday, yes. just add how many SIP extensions you want to ring in Dial app (comma separated)
19:22.02tootanyone know of a technical author? that writes help manuals for voip stuff? :)
19:22.02bkruseDocHolliday: dial(sip/omg&sip/omg2|30)
19:22.39froguzjared smith?
19:22.41bkrusetoot: depends on how much it pays :D
19:22.44[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday: You definately need to stop and read THE BOOK
19:22.48jbot[book] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
19:22.52bkruse[TK]D-Fender: ya
19:23.02giesenDocHolliday: the wiki is your friend
19:23.25bkrusegiesen: its down ;[
19:23.35froguzthe wiki is down :'(
19:23.52bkruseits a sad day, now we are getting more nub questions that usual
19:23.58toothow much it pays would depend on the quality of the work :) but rates would be fair
19:23.59giesenhow can I charge $150/hour to clients
19:24.06giesenwhen I dont have the wiki to gimme the answers
19:24.17bkrusetoot: hmm, i wonder if im alowed to do that, what is it on?
19:24.21mercesteslmao.  Exactly.
19:24.29tootcan i msg ya bkruse?
19:24.56mercestesSup ruse?  :D
19:25.02giesenI guess it's a good thing my gmail account is a giant mailing list archive
19:25.11giesensearchable by google =)
19:25.13mercestesChapter 1:  You are an idiot.
19:25.32giesenChapter 2: Read Chapter 1 again.
19:25.40jeedigiesen: for 150$/h you should be smart enough to mirror the wiki onto your laptop.. or use the google cache, ferchrissakes.
19:25.51giesenjeedi: I was joking
19:25.55jeediah, okay
19:25.58[TK]D-Fendergiesen: Appendix : You thought you could just skip to the end.  You're STILL an IDIOT.
19:25.58jeedisorry, then.
19:25.59giesenI only charge $85/hour
19:26.06mercesteswget  :D
19:26.55jeedimercestes: wget -mrk ;)
19:26.59giesen[TK]D-Fender: I think we could get a nice fat co-write deal
19:27.17froguzgoogle's cache isn't working neither
19:27.42DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, any idea why this isnt working? exten => 0,1,Dial(SIP/240,SIP/250,SIP/260|20)
19:27.49ping2921whats the recommended mysql connection, unixodbc or mysql-addons ?
19:27.49DocHollidayit just goes right to voicemail
19:27.50giesenyou cant use ,
19:27.51giesenuse &
19:30.15[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday: "show application dial"
19:30.39DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, i figured it out :P
19:30.51mercestesjeedi:  bwahahaha
19:30.57[TK]D-FenderJust goes to show again that you can lead a horse to water, but the SPCA won't let you hold its head under...
19:31.11*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
19:31.12*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
19:32.29jeediha ha
19:32.48DocHollidayeverything works now, just wish you could dial an extension before the IVR finished
19:35.30*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
19:35.49awannabebastard asterisk and call parking!
19:35.49bkrusejeedi: nice...
19:35.53[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday: KEEP READING
19:35.55_deg_Hi all... Is there a way to change de callerid behavior on blind/attended transfers?
19:36.00JacksLivrbkruse: wassup?
19:36.01bkruse[TK]D-Fender: exactly
19:36.04bkruseJacksLivr: wuts up man!
19:36.22[TK]D-Fender_deg_: Sure, you've got... THE SOURCE :)
19:36.52_deg_What I want is to receive the callerid of the extension that trasnfered the call and not the callerid of the calling.
19:36.54[TK]D-Fender_deg_: To * anyways :)  And then there is the issu of the PHONES you are using.
19:37.07[TK]D-Fender_deg_: Then Attended Transfer it is...
19:37.11_deg_[TK]D-Fender, of course we have, but is there a Dial flag/option to do that?
19:37.18mercestesDocHolliday:  use background instead of playback
19:37.23[TK]D-Fender_deg_: There is no option.
19:37.55_deg_[TK]D-Fender, In brazil we have some diferences from USA. CAllerid on ytransfers is one of them....
19:38.03JacksLivrbkruse: no training for me. TX here i come.
19:38.16*** join/#asterisk yonahw (n=yonahw@
19:38.23mercestesJacksLivr:  What part of Tx.
19:38.28_deg_[TK]D-Fender, Our expected behaviour is to receive the callerid of the extensios that do the transfer....
19:38.29[TK]D-Fender_deg_: "That's nice", but these systems don't care about what you ight consider "standard".
19:38.44mercestesJacksLivr: I'm in h-town.
19:38.50[TK]D-Fender_deg_: Then only use attended Transfers, not BLIND
19:39.00_deg_attended transfers do the same.
19:39.11froguzmaybe the wiki has been hacked by some CallManager fan :-o
19:39.13[TK]D-Fender_deg_: What phones?
19:39.14_deg_[TK]D-Fender, What about the "o" option in Dial cmd?
19:39.29*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
19:39.35_deg_Asterisk 1.4.1 here
19:40.05[TK]D-Fender_deg_: * 1.4.X is still somewhat proken with regards to Polycoms from what I hear.  This is NOT normal behaviour
19:40.18_deg_[TK]D-Fender, hmmmm
19:40.26_deg_gona try with audiocodes ATA
19:40.39*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
19:42.51mercestes1.4.X is broken with polycoms?  saywha?
19:43.29[TK]D-Fendermercestes: I've heard a few reports in here from those who've tried.... wierdness ensued....
19:43.55[TK]D-Fender_deg_: I'd also get a firsthand look at these attempted transfers if I were you.
19:45.12_deg_[TK]D-Fender, thank Fender!
19:45.13mercestes=/  Half my system is polycoms and I've a scheduled upgrade cmoing tomorrow.  :(
19:45.26_deg_[TK]D-Fender, on a meetding now...
19:45.27[TK]D-Fender_deg_: and?
19:45.53[TK]D-Fendermercestes: What kind of environment & upgrade?
19:48.16jeedithis is exactly the kind of moment where i _love_ working for a company that only does pstn. no achy breaky voip-stuff ;)
19:48.57mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  Gentoo and upgrade to asterisk 1.4
19:49.08mercestesRunning Sip-2.1.0
19:49.12[TK]D-Fendermercestes: .....
19:49.17jbotfrom memory, wglwat is well, good luck with all that
19:49.46[TK]D-Fendermercestes: You are clearly either well versed with masochism... or ABOUT TO BE.
19:49.52robl^yay!!  polycoms!!
19:49.56thekidriohhahahaha tk
19:50.06mercestes.....Ask me in another channel....and....why?
19:50.31[TK]D-Fenderjeedi: And what do you run?
19:51.09[TK]D-Fendermercestes: No thanks, I'm taking a break before finding a new "top" ;)
19:51.15mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  is it the gentoo, the asterisk 1.4, or the polycoms?  ...or all three?
19:51.23[TK]D-Fendermercestes: yes
19:51.29CyonIs there any known reason why an outside call coming into an extension that has the screening option (p) would work, while a call transferred from another extension gets dropped?
19:51.36jeedi[TK]D-Fender: a bunch of asterisk boxes with sangoma a108d (octal-pri) - 240 lines per box ;)
19:51.41mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  Ok, well call me when your done with your vacation.
19:51.49[TK]D-Fenderjeedi: And for phones?
19:52.18jeedi[TK]D-Fender: phones? we don't use no steenkin' fones 'ere ;)
19:52.44[TK]D-Fenderjeedi: Call in / out / redirect only?
19:52.55jeedion my desk, there's two alcatel phones.. connected to an OmniPCX.
19:53.36jeedi[TK]D-Fender: mostly IVR stuff, redirection and call-through.
19:53.53*** join/#asterisk fakhir (i=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:53.57[TK]D-Fenderjeedi: cool.
19:54.13jeediwe got plans to throw out the omnipcx and replace it with a small asterisk box (2xPRI only)
19:54.37pigpenanyone know why the page app in 1.4.1 is blowing up asterisk?
19:54.38*** join/#asterisk kgx (n=kgx@
19:54.49bkrusepigpen: write a bug report, that should have just been fixed.
19:54.56bkrusefile: any comments?
19:55.24pigpenI ran across it last week...sick wife and kid kept me from getting around to it.
19:55.40pigpenstill sick...
19:56.02JacksLivrto live?
19:56.06*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
19:56.14pigpenI have something else killing 1.4.1 ....trying to figure out what however....
19:56.17bkrusepigpen: that would be great, any output, does asterisk blow up?
19:56.35*** join/#asterisk Stridernzl (
19:56.35filethere is already a bug open that I am in the process of looking at
19:56.41pigpenyeah...when I do page app....I also get grsec output as well.
19:56.58pigpenfile, tks....worked fine in 1.4.0
19:57.04jeedi[TK]D-Fender: and we're running two asterisk boxes with two quad-pri tormenta cards in them.. for SS7 stuff.
19:57.07fileas the bug says.
19:57.27jeeditwo cards per machine, that is.
19:57.27[TK]D-Fenderjeedi: Cooler still....
19:57.27pigpenI will try to figure out the other item...kinda tough as I am running it production for about 200 phones.
19:57.28*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:57.31*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:57.56saftsacktoday i got my first embedded * working. openwrt on an asus wl-500gp + patton gateway to BRI. works quite NICE :)
19:57.58jeediit was a major pain in the lower back to find a carrier that would let us connect asterisk+chan_ss7 to his ss7 switch ;)
19:58.06[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Sounds like I'm on to waiting for 1.4.2 ;)
19:58.44bkruse[TK]D-Fender: possibly
19:58.50bkruse1.4.1 was "rushed" out i guess you could say
19:59.27pigpenbkruse, thanks for the info..I won't kill myself trying to figure out why I have the services stop now and then.
19:59.36pigpenie: once every 4 days or so...
20:01.14gr0mitanyone here from south africa who has experience running sip or iax to a uk-hosted asterisk box?
20:01.39ManxPowerbkruse: I figured that when some critical (I don't recall which one, maybe Polycom parking) fix was not included in 1.4.1
20:02.27JacksLivrgr0mit: that is the most specific request I have ever seen.
20:03.03pigpengr0mit, that reminds me, can personal users use something like skype or "out of country voip" provider when in Ethiopia?   I am helping out a missionary....
20:03.40JacksLivryou dont hear, "Could you be more specific?" often, i bet.
20:03.40pigpenI heard the government out-laws this....
20:03.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You mean as in bweske's tree for integration?
20:04.19gr0mitjackslivr, if you look at the south african adsl services, you will see that there are a plethora of capped vs uncapped offerings, some go via satelite for int service, others via the SAT-3 cable
20:05.10ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: it was on  no idea what branch/tree
20:05.11gr0mitthey also shape most traffic.  i need to know if anyone has encountered good results running iax2 or sip/RTP via one of the traffic-shaped services al
20:05.49[TK]D-FenderManxPower: It was "in progress" forever... didn't knwo it was anywhere near being ready for full-merge.
20:05.54[TK]D-FenderCan anyone corroborate?
20:06.02gr0miti.e. do i need to pay for an unshaped, guaranteed fibre connections to get reasonable voip performance.
20:06.20Corydon-wIt couldn't hoit
20:06.36gr0mitpigpen - i have no idea about ethiopia.
20:07.26gr0miti am just astonished that the the south african telcos seem to limit both bandwith and relative bandwith by imposing these limits
20:08.25rkeelsis down?
20:09.26gr0mitjackslivr are you in south africa then?
20:09.28*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
20:09.33JacksLivrim not
20:09.40mercestesSounds like 1.4 is lemonified.
20:09.44JacksLivrus and a
20:09.46gr0mitlemme guess, US?
20:10.13*** join/#asterisk emiquelito (
20:10.21bkrusesomeone change the topic of the room to "Yes, Voip-info is down."
20:10.26ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: The bug did not exist in 1.2.x
20:10.26gr0mitok, well if you have not tried to work out ADSL in SA then you would not understand the question!
20:10.36Qwell[]bkruse: nobody'll read it anyways
20:10.41gr0mitI did not realise there might even be  a prob til today!
20:11.12*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
20:11.17ManxPowermercestes: it seems the 1.0 and 1.2 were just as buggy during the initial releases
20:12.53rkeelsmy queues.conf blows asterisk up too once in a while. especially if I module unload
20:13.01*** join/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
20:13.16JoNatemercestes: I'm having problems too...I'm totaly switching over to that new system...
20:13.42JoNatemercestes: I just don't know what kind of signal strength Telepathy can give me...
20:13.56gr0mitso no-one in South Africa able to give me any hints on running a voip conection over telkom's encumbered ADSL offerings?
20:14.35[TK]D-FenderManxPower: What bug?
20:15.06ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: polycoms not being able to transfer or something like that.  It was in specific situations like transfering after a park
20:15.36wwalkerAnyone know what setting controls what # is dialed by Polycom IP500 phones when the "Messages" button is hit? appears down so the relevant google results don't come up...
20:15.45[TK]D-FenderManxPower: OH, I thought you were talking about the SVN bracnh for enabling Polycom's internal call-parking feature...
20:16.06ManxPowerno, I'm taking about 1.4.1 release
20:16.15[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: in the MWI tag near the bottom of sip.cfg
20:16.24ManxPowerwwalker: whatever it is configured for
20:16.33[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: Actually I think that'd be in your phones specific config file..
20:16.42ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: it can be either place.
20:16.50ManxPowerin sip.cfg or in mac-phone.cfg
20:16.56[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Yeah, basic parking bug... I hadn't heard of that one actually...
20:17.23*** join/#asterisk eltech (
20:18.26wwalkerManxPower - yes, which setting configures that button?
20:18.34mercestesMaybe I should just compile 1.2.16 from source.
20:19.01*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
20:19.21mercesteswhat's a good version to fix the voicemail forwards from places other than INBOX or is there a patch to fix that??
20:22.43[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: under the MWI tab.  Go download the Admin Guide
20:24.00*** join/#asterisk gmfm (n=gmfm@
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20:33.57mercestesgr0mit:  My advice is ...... don't do it.
20:34.18rkeelsI am confused
20:34.20rkeelsCan someone tell me which part of this is family tree and key
20:34.48bkruseJunK-Y: nice
20:35.08rkeelsso what is the tree
20:36.01gr0mitmercestes - can you elaborate on this advice please?!
20:36.45*** join/#asterisk fbffff (
20:38.17JunK-Ythe tree is the general concept.
20:38.27briancan anyone here get me a free DID for development purposes?
20:39.37brad_msswbrian: freeworlddialup and/or iaxtel are free
20:40.48*** join/#asterisk codazoda (
20:42.19codazodaI have 2 TDM404B cards.  I've written an IVR system in PHP using the AGI.  When I dial one of my ZAP ports, it has a hard time hearing the touch tones.  They work, but I have to press them for about half a second.  With a SIP call that goes to the AGI, the touch tones work better.  Ideas?
20:42.50mvanbaaka tree is one of those things in my garden
20:42.54mvanbaakwith leaves and stuff
20:44.03rkeelsIs anyone able to get a working production call center with queues working on 1.4 or any other for that matter
20:44.29mvanbaakrkeels: what is the problem ?
20:47.44*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (
20:49.14toombaloombaargh wiki is down :( has been down all day.
20:50.00gr0mitneeds a mirror, methinks.
20:50.05toombaloombathats coz they run off some shitty line in hawaii
20:50.05marv[work]does asterisk do any kind of volume scaling behind my back?
20:50.08codazodaThe DNS on that thing is DYNDNS.  Does that mean it's run on some guys DSL line?
20:50.34robl^I think he runs it on dial-up ppp
20:51.04marv[work]I'm recording a call using Monitor() in the dialplan, and Playback()ing a sound file
20:51.16marv[work]the recording of the sound file is a lot louder than the sound file
20:51.50DrukenLPYi'd mirror it...
20:51.51marv[work]as in the recording is at full scale and the original is at 2.4 of scale
20:51.53mercestesgr0mit:  The "don't do it" part?
20:52.09codazodaThere is a lot of info on that site.  Perhaps Digium should mirror it.  I'd mirror it as well.
20:52.52gr0mityes - i might even mirror it - what b/w would mirroring it take, d'you reckon?
20:53.08gr0mitmercesetes - yup. that part!
20:53.09codazodaPermission.  ;-)
20:53.46codazodaGoogle's Cache has helped me lots today...
20:53.59bkrusegoogle cache rocks...
20:53.59gr0mitmarv[work] this is a long known issue
20:54.33marv[work]gr0mit: is it? could you fill me in, or give me a url, or the proper google search term?
20:54.51gr0mitthere is a gain setting that amplifes the recordings.  we have to change the setting.  let me look for the bug . 1 sec.
20:55.19marv[work]gr0mit: is this just in the recordings, or the actual audio being sent?
20:56.29*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
20:56.42*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
20:56.54flendersis anyone else having problems to access the wiki?
20:57.06|Vulture|Anyone here have an updated line for Daylight Savings Time for the Polycom IP-XXX series of phones?
20:57.07gr0mitit is just the recordings that are broken
20:58.08bkruse5823, wow
20:58.43*** part/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
20:58.55flendersdamn it, I got in early today to try the fxotune thingy, and the bloody wiki is down
20:59.11bkruseflenders: google cache!
20:59.12jeedigoogle cache is the way to go, man..
20:59.42*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
20:59.59gr0mitmarv[work] i just pasted the URL.  Digium bug 5823
21:00.09|Vulture|mcab: GRACIAS!
21:00.10marv[work]gr0mit: thanks
21:00.18gr0mitit is aright PIA
21:00.27mcab|Vulture|: no problem
21:00.58gr0mitwhat needs to be done to mirror the voip-info wiki?  what is the nettiquete here?
21:01.21gr0mitit is like having my arms and legs chopped off
21:01.50flendersjust tried google cache, and it's no good either
21:02.41b11d|bblisnt archived on ?
21:03.29*** join/#asterisk mivck (
21:04.15bkrusei would just use google
21:04.34bkrusedoesnt the person taht runs local #asterisk?
21:04.42marv[work]i've found reading the asterisk sample config files and using 'show application xx' 'show agi xx' and 'show manager xx' and mostly replaced my voip-info usage for asterisk
21:04.53bkrusemarv[work]: true.
21:06.52*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
21:07.01MrTelephonedoes anyone else get errors with enum.c when compiling asterisK?
21:07.23JunK-YMrTelephone: which version?
21:07.26*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
21:07.27bkruseerrors, as in errors out?
21:07.31bkruseand what are the errors?
21:07.35MrTelephoneunsignedness errors
21:08.10MrTelephonedo you guys get that?
21:08.18bkrusewhat version, trunk?
21:08.21bkrusewhat rev, also
21:08.31Assidrussellb you around?
21:08.56MrTelephonerelease 1.4.16
21:09.00MrTelephonei mean 1.2.16
21:09.03MrTelephonefrom the website
21:10.55MrTelephoneRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE  -O6 -march=i686 -DZAPTEL_OPTIMIZATIONS         -fomit-frame-pointer    -c -o enum.o enum.c
21:10.55MrTelephoneenum.c: In function âparse_naptrâ:
21:10.55MrTelephoneenum.c:107: warning: pointer targets in initialization differ in signedness
21:10.55MrTelephoneenum.c:133: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of âparse_ieâ differ in signedness
21:11.25russellbAssid: Yes, but busy
21:11.29russellbMrTelephone: warning is not an error
21:11.36russellbyou can ignore it
21:11.42MrTelephoneas long as I can compile then?
21:12.29b11d|bblwhen is asterisk 2.0 coming out?
21:12.32b11d|bblhow can I fix my DST issues?
21:12.36b11d|bblwhere is IPv6 in Asterisk ?
21:13.04*** join/#asterisk elriah (
21:13.27elriahGreets.  We got asterisk 1.2 compiled and running on NT4 Embedded.
21:13.29Assidrussellb: okay, let me know when you free we can do this
21:13.43denonb11d|bbl: set it to universal time, 2.0 will be out next week (russellb promises), and ipv6 is in 2.0
21:13.45*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
21:13.45MrTelephonewhats with this RANT -D_GNU_SOURCE  -O6 -march=i686 -DZAPTEL_OPTIMIZATIONS         -fomit-frame-pointer    -c -o enum.o enum.c
21:13.45MrTelephoneenum.c: In function âparse_naptrâ:
21:13.45MrTelephoneenum.c:107: warning: pointer targets in initialization differ in signedness
21:13.45MrTelephoneenum.c:133: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of âparse_ieâ differ in signedness
21:13.45russellbAssid: there are some others in #asterisk-bugs who can help you ...
21:13.49MrTelephonesorry didn't mean to do that
21:14.02bkruseMrTelephone: its all good ;]
21:14.21b11d|bbldenon.. nice :)
21:14.38denonb11d|bbl: 2.1 will support IPv8
21:14.43denonmay be worth holding off for that
21:14.45b11d|bblit BETTER.
21:14.51MrTelephonewhy do the warnings happen? is it so it will compile on other systems?
21:15.04b11d|bblttyl lads
21:15.35bkruseDrukenLPY: im only mean to the nubs
21:15.35elriahDoes anyone actually have a production IPv6 network yet?
21:15.51denonlots of people do
21:15.57denonbut most dont really *need* it
21:16.04bkruseDrukenLPY: i am feeling rather peppy also :D
21:16.15DrukenLPYbkruse: peppy? hehehe
21:16.27bkruseis that the word?
21:16.36bkrusei cannot spell, i will be honest.
21:16.48DrukenLPYnot sure... this is irc... can anyone spell?
21:16.58bkruseDrukenLPY: very true.
21:17.17DrukenLPYgod knows i can't
21:17.32nDuffnot a good day for useful *-related resources; from where I'm at, and both look down.
21:18.06denonseems like every time it's down, people go into shock
21:18.31DrukenLPYhey mut
21:18.33mutlast i checked he didnt want mirroring
21:18.33bkrusedenon: a mirror with advertising
21:18.40denonbkruse: shrugs .. just a mirror
21:18.47bkrusedenon: nvm.
21:19.39DrukenLPYyou got any experince with a Millennium multipay ??
21:20.13DrukenLPYoh.. yeah that was for mut btw :) my bad
21:21.20flenderswow, google cache is REALLY slow, isn't it? about 15 minutes to show the page
21:21.39denonit pulls it off a very low priority storage store, I believe
21:21.41bkruseslow, ya, but usually not 15 minutes
21:21.44denonand reconstructs it from high compression
21:21.49toombaloombayea :(
21:21.53denonor at least that's how it was explained to me
21:22.01bkrusedenon: that sounds about right
21:22.01DrukenLPYmut: damn....
21:22.18denonbut yeah, not 15min slow
21:23.17DrukenLPYthat's gotta cost a fortune in storage....
21:23.46denonactually, google's BigTable design is pretty slick
21:24.04denonlarge logical storage devices on commodotity hardware
21:24.11bkrusegoogles slick all together, they own
21:24.19denoneh, I wouldn't go that far
21:24.33denonthey have some nice technical implementations, but their business ethics may be bordering on .. not so nice
21:24.57bkruseahh, i gotcha
21:25.07bkrusei was speaking on behalf of the technical aside from all else
21:25.12bkrusebut i see what you mean
21:25.21denonnod .. though lately their search algorithms have been less than ideal
21:25.30denonyou may have noticed, it takes longer to find what you're looking for lately ..
21:25.37denonand the results seem to be watered down a bit
21:25.47bkruseinteresting......right, i have noticed that, oddly enough
21:25.50denonespecially the past 3-4 months from our experiences
21:25.53MrTelephonei just upgraded my pri card drivers and now I can't make calls out my pri :(
21:25.55denonI dont recall which updates seemed the worst
21:26.05bkruseMrTelephone: ztcfg -vv
21:26.06MrTelephoneI keep getting messages that dchan is up
21:26.07mercestesso what's up with Google's business ethics?  </troll>
21:26.18denonwe kinda monitor their algorithm updates, at least the ones they publish to the world
21:26.20*** join/#asterisk thoughtpolice (
21:26.20MrTelephoneI rebooted anyways
21:26.21elriahAyone tried to port a number FROM Vonage?  I'm having a hell of a time.  It's been about 20 business days and no results yet.
21:26.33bkrusei bet
21:26.43bkrusevonage is crazy retarded (at least from all the stories i hear)
21:26.46mercesteselriah:  PUC is usually a good resource for that.  :D
21:26.49*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
21:27.05denonpublic utilities commission
21:27.05mercestesPublic Utilities Comission.
21:27.09denonthe organization that governs these things
21:27.16denonwell, govt branch
21:27.36*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
21:27.40sudhir492Hi all
21:27.45denonvonage is in NJ, so you'll want to talk to the NJ PUC
21:28.16elriahThanks.  So you're saying call them and complain?
21:28.31denonyes, sometimes they'll talk to the carrier on your behalf
21:28.37denonwhich .. is usually very effective
21:29.03flendersafter running fxotune, do I need to re-tune my rx/tx gains?
21:33.43MrTelephonepri's are not too good up here
21:34.13bkruseMrTelephone: pri intense debug span 1
21:35.14MrTelephone> Unnumbered frame:
21:35.14MrTelephone> SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
21:35.14MrTelephone>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
21:35.14MrTelephone>   M3: 3   P/F: 1 M2: 3 11: 3  [ SABME (set asynchronous balanced mode extended) ]
21:35.14MrTelephone> 0 bytes of data
21:35.29MrTelephonealarms are ok
21:35.31*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@unaffiliated/luisjose)
21:35.58MrTelephoneI get an error no d channel available after it says dchannel is up
21:36.14bkruseyou got cpe and net set correctly?
21:36.36MrTelephoneif I set it to net then the t1 card relay clicks continuously
21:36.51JoNateanyone know a good bandwidth calculator?
21:37.03MrTelephonethe main office runs off a dms100 should I set switchtype to dms100? because it works on national too
21:37.44DrukenLPYi've heard that vonage doesn't allow ANY number to be ported from them....
21:38.15bkruseMrTelephone: national is yur best bet
21:38.23bkruseJoNate: uh, there is one on asteriskguru
21:38.26bkrusesearch it on google
21:38.27bkruseits great
21:39.25MrTelephone>   M3: 3   P/F: 1 M2: 0 11: 3  [ UA (unnumbered acknowledgement) ]
21:39.55*** join/#asterisk |kahless| (
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21:40.41MrTelephoneit's not synchronizing or something
21:40.47MrTelephoneonce in a while dchan goes up then goes down
21:42.13JacksLivri am wanting to have a sip address like that people without voip service of any kind can call from a computer softphone and it ring into my asterisk server. this is possible, right?
21:42.34bkruseJacksLivr: yes, as long as their codec is supported
21:42.53bkruseif its a SIP call, itll work(with a sip softphone)
21:44.39flendersafter running fxotune, do I need to re-tune my rx/tx gains? does anyone know that?
21:45.55MrTelephonereinstall the drivers i guess
21:47.41MrTelephonewhat happens if I set this to no? Enable TDMV DCHAN Native HDLC Support & Patch Zaptel ? (y/n)
21:48.09*** join/#asterisk jart (
21:48.34jartdoes anyone know why an asterisk call sent to a perl agi app might freeze and never exit properly?
21:50.05telmichjart: perhaps blocking in/output?
21:50.11telmichjart: does it react on sigstop?
21:50.42jartit must be blocking on /some/ i/o
21:51.02telmichwell, give it an strace before
21:51.44jarti was coming here to hope i wouldn't have to get dirty
21:52.40toombaloombadamnit, anyone know on cisco 7941/7961 phones how to get to the network settings after doing a factory reset?
21:52.48MrTelephonesucks upgrading to the newest verson of things
21:53.43flendersWOW! fxotune is awesome!
21:53.56giesentoombaloomba: the settings button doesnt work?
21:54.12flendersone of our lines went from 38% of echo to 1%
21:54.16MrTelephonefxotune didn't work for me too well when I had analog lines
21:54.27toombaloombagiesen: apparently not, its stuck on Upgrading screen for some reason, but theres no dhcp/tftp/anything available for it to use
21:54.31flendersnow the echotraining and echocancel work perfectly!
21:54.40giesentoombaloomba: then you need to provide it
21:54.41jartthe thing is
21:54.53jartit happens intermittently
21:54.59giesenyour only option might be to hook a console cable to the phone
21:55.02toombaloombagiesen yea i know but its dumb that I cannot enter network settings, stupid cisco
21:55.15giesenI agree
21:55.20giesenbut I think you're boned
21:55.33giesenjust setup a dhcp/tftp server on your desktop
21:55.35toombaloombanot me, the customer on the phone hahahaha :P
21:55.45toombaloombayea I've done it many times
21:55.58toombaloombabut now I have to explain to someone remotely how to do it :(
21:56.13giesenIm glad Im not you =)
21:56.18toombaloombalol :(
21:56.24giesenthey dont have dhcp?
21:56.28giesenwhat kind of heathens are they?
21:57.04toombaloombadhcp wouldnt help anyway, most broadband routers cannot tell the phones where to look for tftp
21:57.05giesenif a 7961 is anything like a 7960 or a 7970
21:57.09toombaloombait has to be tftpd32 on a desktop :(
21:57.19giesenyou should be able to hit settings anyways
21:57.26gieseneven when it's trying to grab an Ip
21:57.33giesenas long as the network cable is plugged in
21:57.37toombaloombawell you cant hit settings on a 7940 or 7960 if you get protocol application invalid
21:57.38giesenbut if it's stuck on upgrading
21:57.47giesenyou might be boned.
21:57.56toombaloomba7941 7961 run same OS as 7970/7971
21:58.02toombaloombanothing like 40s/60s
21:58.13giesenIve played with 70/71
21:58.18giesenhad a few at the office
21:58.20giesenand one here
21:58.23toombaloombayea me too, i hate them
21:58.30giesenI loved em
21:58.34toombaloombanever got a 70 to work as it should, 71 worked fine
21:58.35giesenother than trying to write the config file
21:58.37toombaloomba(with asterisk) of course
21:58.39giesenmake one typo
21:58.45giesenand the whole config is boned.
21:58.48toombaloombahaha yea
21:58.52elriahUnless of course, you have NAT in the picture, then the Cisco's are paper weights.
21:59.06giesen7970/71 are useless for nat
21:59.14giesenthe 40/60 work fine
21:59.16toombaloomba7941/7961 also
21:59.17giesenwith the right code.
21:59.23toombaloombayup, elriah knows :P
21:59.41elriahWe ended up doing ipsec tunnels to solve the tftp and nat issues.
21:59.43giesenyeah Ive had my share of cisco nat fun
21:59.48giesenelriah: same
22:00.30toombaloombathanks cisco!! :)
22:00.43toombaloombaand no, I will still not use your damn CCM
22:01.16mercestesFunny, A cisco phone, on a cisco switch, running through a cisco router, causes cascading nat translation port assignments that slowly increment until the router memory is filled and it bones yoru nat translations, destroying the router's ability to even route itself.
22:01.44mercestesseen it twice.
22:02.19giesenmercestes: nice
22:02.26giesenthere a bug report anywhere on that?
22:03.33|kahless|does anyone use a fritz isdn card?
22:04.38JacksLivrbkruse: still here?
22:04.38toombaloombaall this mess (for me) is thanks to DST, weee!
22:05.03mercestesgiesen:  not publicly, but if your entire network dies and the router can't even translate it's own ntp..that's probably why.
22:05.12mercestesgiesen:  We fixed it by putting all the phones of public static IPs.
22:05.50mercestesgiesen:  But we proably could have fixed it using static internal IPs and static nat routes.
22:05.50mercestesgiesen:  We had a CCIE come back with some updated firmware that was supposed to fix it but it didn't work.
22:05.53giesentoombaloomba: you figure out how to fix dst on a 79x1?
22:05.53bkruseJacksLivr: ya, sorry, working
22:06.01bkrusewuts up
22:06.07JacksLivrnp, can you try and call me on sip?
22:06.15giesenone lovely asterisk bug
22:06.18JacksLivri have, i think, set all this up
22:06.19giesenI discovered
22:06.24bkruse\/msg me
22:07.17MrTelephoneI got my pri working.. zaptel driver had to have a dchan patch
22:07.26giesenis if you have it bound to multiple ips
22:07.28bkruseJacksLivr: /msg bkruse heres my #: blah
22:07.35giesenit will only send stuff out on the src ip
22:07.40giesenmain ip
22:07.45giesennot the IP it received the traffic on
22:07.53giesenwhich works wonders for nat
22:08.31ManxPowergiesen: don't bind it to specific IPs
22:08.58toombaloombagiesen: yea, upgrade it to newest firmware, released February 28th (thanks cisco!)
22:09.11giesentoombaloomba: does it actually work?
22:09.15toombaloombagiesen unfortunately its not like the 7940/7960 where you can set the DST start and end in the conf file
22:09.19toombaloombayup it does
22:09.29toombaloombabut it got me into this mess now :(
22:09.36toombaloombaluckily dont have many 79x1 out there
22:09.36giesenmy boss is the only one with a 7970
22:09.41giesenso if I break it
22:09.53giesenit might be bad news
22:10.11giesenit's kinda stupid that it's not like the 7960 in that respect
22:10.16giesenbeing able to set DST in the config
22:10.18giesenis uber handy
22:10.25toombaloombayea that was an easy find & replace
22:10.39giesenedit SIPDefault.cnf, and you're off to the races
22:10.42toombaloombalinksys 941/942 also need new firmware
22:11.01giesenthe funny thing is
22:11.06giesenwe may go through this all again
22:11.09giesenif they change it back
22:11.15toombaloombathey better not, idiots
22:11.32giesenwell all these patches they've written
22:11.36giesenthey would have been much better off
22:11.41giesenif they just made it user configurable
22:12.32giesenthe 7960s are a shining example of how to do it right
22:12.46nDuffI vaguely recall there being a prefix to use for a channel name to make it be evaluated through the extensions list (so I can always transfer to foo/91234567 and have the call go out through Zap/* or SIP/* or whatever is appropriate). What would that be?
22:13.57ManxPowernDuff: you must be using all softphones
22:14.18elriahThe 7941 is a great phone, aside from the NAT issues.  I thin
22:14.37elriah... If Cisco would fix the firmware and drop the price, they would clean up.
22:14.39*** join/#asterisk Euhll (n=Tarnsman@
22:14.59ManxPowerelriah: Cisco's policies are one of the reasons Polycom is so popular.
22:15.27elriahYea.  Our Polycom (and even Aastra) phones work great.
22:15.45data23erm, stupid question, but what time is it in america (east coast atm?) just having a debate with someone over daylight savings... did you folks change your clocks already? like 2 weeks early?
22:15.55giesendata23: 18:14
22:16.02giesendata23: 3 weeks early
22:16.07giesenwe did it on 2am sunday
22:16.09bkrusedata23: we changed on saturday night (of this past week)
22:16.25bkruseEuhll: all
22:16.34giesendata23: who won?
22:16.35bkrusewell, ive run it with alot of them, anyways
22:16.39data23giesen: me :)
22:16.39bkrusetheres not a reason is SHOULDNT
22:16.40Igbothom_3rdQueensland (Australia) still doesn't have DST at all - our bloody farmers are scared our cows will fade or something
22:16.55bkruseIgbothom_3rd: wtf? lol
22:17.06giesenwhat state is Sydney in?
22:17.17giesenthey did DST for the games, didnt they?
22:17.22giesenin 2000
22:17.23EuhllI tried 1.2.5 but got an error in the make process "termcap support not found".  Any ideas?
22:17.26Igbothom_3rdthey changed it just for the games
22:17.47bkruseEuhll: seriously? thats your fault.
22:17.47Igbothom_3rdby a few weeks or so
22:17.53bkruseyum install libtermcap or termcap
22:17.58giesenand found they actually used more energy
22:18.00bkruseits because YOU dont have the proper dependencies
22:18.08giesensince people were turning on lights in the morning
22:18.29EuhllI'm sure it's my fault, the question is how to fix it.  install libtermcap then?
22:18.35giesenwhat's the stability like on 1.4 nowadays
22:18.41giesenwondering if I should upgrade
22:18.52bkruseEuhll: yep
22:19.08ManxPowerEuhll: install termcap-devel
22:19.27bkruseManxPower: thanks, i couldnt remember the name for the yum/fc package
22:19.32bkrusei was about to say apt-get :D
22:19.39bkruseEuhll: np, thansk ManxPower
22:19.42bkrusejbot: ManxPower++
22:20.00ManxPowerbkruse: I assumed Mandriva RPM, since I didn't see a distro listed.
22:20.10bkruseManxPower: ha, good idea
22:20.16bkrusei just love my package manager
22:20.20ManxPowerit is prolly libtermcap-devel actually
22:20.28bkrusewho knows
22:20.34EuhllManxPower, termcap-devel is NOT part of the install on FC6 then?
22:20.41sudhir492I need to program 3 Cisco 7940G (from MGCP 6.4.0 to SIP 8.4.00). Can anyone help me with that. I am offering $50 bountyfor this
22:20.52mercestesManxPower:  your a genius.  At what point did Voicemail forwarding work in *?  1.2.16?  1.4?  The bug where you try to foward a voicemail that's not in the INBOX.  Remember?
22:20.53ManxPowerbkruse: URPMI is for RPM what apt-get is for DEB
22:20.55elriahsudhir492: It's easy.
22:21.03bkruseManxPower: i now, useful too
22:21.05ManxPowerEuhll: No idea.
22:21.12mercestessudhir492:  It'll cost you more than $50 I'm certain.
22:21.28ManxPowerEuhll: We assume you know how to resolve dependencies
22:21.34bkrusesudhir492: make it 150k and you got a deal.
22:21.35giesenmercestes: I loved when you had a call come into an agent
22:21.38mercestessudhir492:  Anyone with the Cisco certs /access required to get those files to begin with are a bit more expensive than the $50 your offering.
22:21.42giesenthrough a queue, and then transfered it
22:21.45giesenand it blew up asterisk.
22:21.46bkrusemercestes: yep
22:21.50ManxPowermercestes: no clue.  My users have not complained about forwarding to other than INBOX
22:22.00bkrusemercestes: what cisco certs? voip related? or just any?
22:22.02mercestesgiesen:  yea...Good times...good times.
22:22.08giesenhas that been fixed?
22:22.12*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (n=sjobeck@
22:22.13ManxPowersudhir492: do you have the Cisco SIP firmware?
22:22.15mercestesgiesen:  I think so.
22:22.26giesenif it has I'll  upgrade for that alone
22:22.27elriahsudhir492: Do you have the 8.4 firmware files?
22:22.34elriahOh, sorry, what ManxPower said. lol
22:22.48sudhir492I have Cisco 8.4 SIP firmware. But I do not have SIP 6.4 if you need that too
22:22.56mercestesgiesen:  Actually< i know it has as of 1.2.13 because we transfer out of queues all the time.
22:23.24mercestessudhir492:  you need the P0S3-07-*-* firmware to go to that first, then to P0S3-8-*-*
22:23.39giesenmercestes: do you use agents?
22:23.55giesenit only manifests itself when an *agent* transfers a call out of a queue
22:24.00bkrusegiesen: agents roxor, but there will be a new way to do agents and queues(if there isnt already)
22:24.01sudhir492mercestes: I do not have P0S3-07-*
22:24.04mercestesgiesen:  Members.
22:24.33giesenyou're not using agents
22:24.40giesenwe cant use them either
22:24.43giesenbecause of that bug.
22:24.44Euhllbkruse and ManxPower, I installed termcap-devel and ran "make clean" and "make" again.  the make process still tells me "configure:error: termcap support not found.  what  am I missing?
22:25.01giesenIm talking about agents taht can log on and off
22:26.08bkruseEuhll: sh configure, or ./configure
22:27.18giesenyeah I have the bugid written down somewhere
22:27.23giesenhavent followed up on it in a while
22:27.25*** part/#asterisk Euhll (n=Tarnsman@
22:27.28ManxPowerEuhll: and "rpm -qa | grep termcap" shows it as installed.
22:27.31sudhir492mercestes: do you have P0S3-07-*-*?
22:27.43ManxPowerI don't see any other reports of finding termcap for asterisk
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22:27.56bkruseManxPower: its probably because he has to reconfigure to look for termcap
22:28.04ManxPowerEuhll: what version of asterisk again?
22:28.14Euhllok, what did I miss?
22:28.16sudhir492is wiki down?
22:28.21ManxPowerbkruse: "make" always ran configure for me
22:28.37ManxPower(17:27:18) ManxPower: Euhll: and "rpm -qa | grep termcap" shows it as installed.
22:28.43ManxPower(17:27:33) ManxPower: I don't see any other reports of finding termcap for asterisk
22:29.23ManxPowersudhir492: Yes!
22:29.42sudhir492ManxPower: Can you send it to me?
22:30.04EuhllI get back:  libtermcap-2.0.8-46.1 and termcap -5.5-1.12006......
22:30.24bkruseManxPower: in 1.4?
22:30.30ManxPowerEuhll: See
22:30.36bkrusenot after you have already run it and it makes makefile.ops or w/e its called
22:30.47ManxPowerbkruse: I would have to insane to run 1.4
22:31.07ManxPowerI would have to
22:31.11ManxPowerBE insane to run 1.4
22:31.23EuhllManxPower thanks for the url, I'll check it out!  What the current version of * to be running? the last 1.12 or the new 1.4?
22:31.40mercestessudhir492:  I can get it
22:31.51ManxPowerEuhll: I recommend 1.2.x for production servers.
22:32.02Euhll1.2.x it is then! THANKS
22:32.02ManxPower1.4 has not been out long enough for me to put it on a production server
22:32.22mercestessudhir492:  Will have it latre today as a matter of fact.
22:32.59bkruseManxPower: gotcha, 1.2 doesnt have a configure script
22:33.45*** join/#asterisk mmartinn (
22:34.25giesenit was fixed as of 1.2.12
22:35.26toombaloombai really wish using different MOH for different channels/calls/whatever worked in 1.2.xx
22:36.12giesenit does for queues
22:36.15ManxPowerbkruse: thew included editline DOES have a configure script, which what confused me
22:36.39ManxPowertoombaloomba: in what way does it not work?
22:36.45giesenanyone actually used SLA in 1.4?
22:37.10nDuffHmm. I used to rely on the behavior of DBget() jumping based on whether the item was found; how do I replicate that with Set(foo=${DB(bar/baz)})?
22:37.16ManxPowergiesen: the broken SLA in 1.4.0 or the rewritten SLA in 1.4.1?
22:37.29ManxPowernDuff: no mention in UPGRADE.txt?
22:37.32nDuffManxPower: it appears that what I was looking for was Local/*
22:37.46nDuff[previously, not just now]
22:38.17toombaloombaManxPower: I cant have different MOH classes in the .conf and then musicclass=blah in sip.conf or even SetMusicOnHold(blah) to get it to play, I've tried all sorts of things and it always plays the default one
22:38.41nDuffManxPower: not anything answering that question in UPGRADE.txt, no; it just says that DBGet is gone.
22:38.58ManxPowernDuff: How terribly helpful of it.
22:39.34ManxPowertoombaloomba: if it was a problem one would think more than just you would have experienced it.
22:40.18toombaloombaManxPower yea i've spoken about it here before, and some people said it worked while others agreed it didnt, no idea what the deal is
22:40.18mercestesDoes\ someone have time to help me with my zaptel config?  I have 3 PRIs configured thusly.
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22:40.44giesenhomey home
22:42.36ManxPowernDuff: DB_EXISTS             DB_EXISTS(<family>/<key>)            Check to see if a key exists in the Asterisk database
22:42.36ManxPowerDB                    DB(<family>/<key>)                   Read from or write to the Asterisk database
22:43.21ManxPowernDuff: or better yet "pbx-1*CLI> show function DB"
22:43.25*** join/#asterisk Euhll (n=Tarnsman@
22:43.39EuhllSorry, keep getting kicked off
22:45.51nDuffright now, I'm trying to figure out why exten => _7676,2,GotoIf($["${fwd}"=""], 50) doesn't jump to 50 when fwd is empty.
22:46.09ManxPowernDuff: syntax error
22:46.36EuhllManxPower, can you assist with my "cannot find -lssl" error?
22:46.47Euhllor recommend someone who can?
22:46.51ManxPowerexten => _7676,2,GotoIf($["${fwd}"=""]?50) would jump to priority 50
22:46.51Qwell[]Euhll: what distro?
22:47.03Qwell[]yum install openssl-dev
22:47.04ManxPowerEuhll: reread that URL I sent you
22:47.07Qwell[]or devel...I forget
22:48.25ManxPowernDuff: But I would use exten => _7676,2,GotoIf(($[${LEN(${fwd})} != 0]?50)
22:48.31ManxPoweror = 0 at least
22:49.06ManxPowerI also have two (( where there should be 1 (.  That's what I get for pasting part and writing part
22:49.18*** join/#asterisk tsurko (
22:49.27ManxPowerThis should be correct: exten => _7676,2,GotoIf($[${LEN(${fwd})} = 0]?50)
22:52.38ManxPowernDuff: here's come complex macros and contexts if you want to use them as an example of doing some stuff
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22:53.11JacksLivrim not sure what happened. [s@incoming:1] Answer("Zap/3-1", "") all of a sudden, it's not getting caller id
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22:53.33EuhllQwell I installed openssl-dev like you said and it came back "nothing to do"
22:53.45JacksLivrstopped working about an hour ago. i put things back like they were and stopped and started zaptel and *
22:54.15ManxPowerJacksLivr: you must be on analog ports
22:54.20gmfmis anyone else having problems with phpagi scripts after the DST change?
22:54.43Qwell[]gmfm: Only people who didn't update their systems timezone settings properly
22:55.07JacksLivryeah, analog port. was working an hour ago though
22:55.25ManxPowerJacksLivr: playing with rxgain and txgain can cause issues.
22:55.27JacksLivri plugged a phone into the wall and the caller is getting sent
22:55.57gmfmQwell[]: my system got the timezone update... but for some odd reason it sends "Invalid or unknown command" when using get_variable on certain things
22:56.19Qwell[]I highly doubt that has anything at all to do with timezones
22:56.53EuhllQwell now I'm trying openssl-devel and that IS getting somewhere! thanks!!
22:57.22gmfmQwell[]: that's basically what I thought, but this script has been untouched since october and was working up until last weekend... oh well
22:57.56JacksLivrManxPower: i did have rxgain set. i undid that and started over. did not fix the problem
22:58.09ManxPowerJacksLivr: It sucks to be you
22:58.20JacksLivrstopped and started both zaptel and asterisk
22:58.27JacksLivrManxPower: some days it does
22:58.46EuhllQwell[] Sorry about that!  I wasn't watching your full nick!
23:01.24nDuffManxPower: I appreciate examples to look at -- but I think I missed your link.
23:02.34*** join/#asterisk carrar (
23:03.34saftsackhas someone else asterisk running on an embedded router?
23:04.15JunK-Ysaftsack: yes
23:04.16EuhllQwell[] that got me farther, but I have a new error.  Linux/compiler.h: No such file or directory.  What am I missing now?
23:04.52saftsackJunK-Y, openwrt?
23:05.13JunK-Yit rocks!
23:05.52*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:07.04quidproIs there a way to get * to pass-through G729 *and* G711?  From what i've read in the wiki... you can only pass through properly if G729 is the only allowed codec. (ie. disallow=all, allow=g729)
23:08.16JacksLivrwhat can i do to restore callerid. to normalize everything, i rebooted the server. still no callerid.
23:10.57*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
23:12.11JacksLivrahhhh, i think callerid broke when i upgraded from 1.2 to 1.4
23:13.08*** part/#asterisk mog (
23:13.10JacksLivrbefore upgrade "-- Executing NoOp("Zap/3-1", "2565551212")" after "Executing [s@incoming:2] NoOp("Zap/3-1", "")"
23:13.33flendershey, does fxotune work with TE110P cards?
23:14.27*** join/#asterisk Ahrimanes (
23:14.57Ahrimanesany 1.4.1 users using ubuntu ?
23:15.40russellbmy dev machine is running ubuntu ...
23:15.43russellbwhat's the problem?
23:16.01Ahrimanes./configure fails on termcap support
23:16.10russellbinstall libncurses-dev
23:16.17Ahrimanesah thx
23:16.24russellbyou're welcome
23:16.29Qwell[]on ubuntu it's libncurses5-dev
23:16.37russellbwhatever :-p
23:16.37Qwell[]silly debian :P
23:16.51|kahless|does anyone use a fritz isnd card with the misdn drivers?
23:17.06russellbQwell[]: libncurses-dev is an alias for it :-p
23:17.07AhrimanesQwell[]: it figured that part out on it's own :D
23:17.16Qwell[]silly debian!
23:17.22russellbdebian pwns
23:17.24russellbdon't lie.
23:17.27Qwell[]I tried to dpkg -s it, heh
23:17.42Qwell[]Package `libncurses-dev' is not installed and no info is available.
23:18.00Ahrimanesrussellb: i really should get around to testing the devstate stuff you did
23:18.11Qwell[]You really should
23:18.14russellbAhrimanes: yes you should!
23:18.19russellbAhrimanes: you see my blog on *.org about it?
23:18.49Ahrimanesrussellb: hm dont think so, link?
23:18.51russellbi made an example for controlling a light :)
23:18.54russellbit's on the main page of *.org
23:18.58russellb"Custom Device State"
23:19.18Ahrimanesyou could have pasted a link.. now i had to type myself ;)
23:19.31russellbbut then i would have had to type it
23:19.34russellband i didn't feel like it
23:19.53russellbbecause i'm trying to fix other things right now :)
23:20.37mercestesI'm trying to fix my pris
23:21.04saftsackJunK-Y, yes same opinion here :)
23:21.18saftsackdo you have the wl-500gp from asus too?
23:22.03Ahrimanesrussellb: did you talk to oej about devstate?
23:23.09EuhllGuys (and gals) I have installed * on FC4 with NO problems, am I better off going back to FC4 as opposed to messing around with FC6?
23:23.10russellbwas i supposed to?
23:23.22Ahrimaneshe has some comments on memory allocation, but not sure how important it is, hehe
23:23.26mercesteswhat does a signalling=pri_cpe connect to?
23:23.34russellbAhrimanes: memory allocation in my code, or in general?
23:23.42mercestesI get a PRI Error:  We think we're the CPE but they think they're the CPE too.
23:23.42Ahrimanesrussellb: in yours i think
23:23.50mercesteswhat signalling type should I use?
23:23.58Ahrimanesmercestes: pri_net
23:23.59Ahrimanesi guess
23:24.00russellbwell, I would be happy to hear about it ... he hasn't said anything to me, though
23:24.11ManxPowermercestes: that can be caused by 2 things.  you need to be pri_net OR the telco has a loopback on the line
23:24.19Ahrimanesrussellb: nah, he's way busy travelling unfortunately
23:24.45*** join/#asterisk testdriver12500 (
23:25.10mercestesManxPower:  Bingo
23:25.22mercestesManxPower:  "We think we're the network, but they think they're the network too."
23:25.43ManxPowermercestes: Damn I'm good.
23:26.19Ahrimanes"Here's your E1 link.. you _MAY_ have trouble calling out.."
23:26.37ManxPowerEverytime I make a call someone calls me!
23:28.07ManxPowerEuhll: I recommend that you stop trying to use Asterisk and learn Linux first.
23:28.09xhelioxEuhll: You're better off dumping Fedora and going with Centos.
23:28.10AhrimanesEuhll need to type /me less
23:28.39mercestesManxPower:  I still worship you. :)  and yea, damn your good.  ;)
23:28.39xhelioxEuhll: Centos is a clone of RHEL, where as Fedora is more of a bleeding edge, short life span development distribution.
23:29.03EuhllWell i appreciate all the advice.
23:29.54*** join/#asterisk sharp (
23:32.19JacksLivrAHA! figired it out. $CALLERID was the variable that i had set up in 1.2 and it worked there. i changed all that t$CALLERID(NUM) and it is happy
23:34.13mercestesoh well, gtg now.  Thanks Manx.  Byes
23:34.54testdriver12500I have a challenge.  Running 1.4.1 on Ubuntu 6.06 LTS.  asterisk and zaptel compiled fine.  zaptel loads no problem.  zapata barfs, however.  When I try do a module reload chan_zap, I get an error "unable to reconfigure channel". has the error and configs.
23:35.04testdriver12500Any takers??
23:37.05Ahrimanesrussellb: devstate stuff is just an addon to the 1.4 source right?
23:37.34russellbwhich part of it
23:41.00Ahrimanesrussellb: well wanted to throw it into this 1.4.1 install to test...
23:41.59russellboh, ok, the module.  Yes, you can just copy it into 1.4 and it will work
23:42.11russellbyou have to actually build it against 1.4, though
23:42.21russellbso ... cp trunk/funcs/func_devstate.c 1.4/funcs/
23:42.27russellband then it will be automagically compiled and installed
23:43.30*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
23:43.33Ahrimanesjust need a checkout
23:44.06*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:44.15Ahrimaneshm a via 1 ghz isnt lightning fast to compile on
23:46.00JunK-Ywhat do ya expect?
23:46.21mihinomenestwhere's [TK]D-Fender ?
23:46.21AhrimanesJIT :P
23:51.24*** join/#asterisk Moobius (
23:53.34quidproIs there a way to get * to pass-through G729 *and* G711?  From what i've read in the wiki... you can only pass through properly if G729 is the only allowed codec. (ie. disallow=all, allow=g729)
23:55.46ManxPowerquidpro: both legs of the call has to be the same codec or asterisk will have to transcode.  Also if asterisk has to do anything with the audio it will have to transcode G729-SLIN-G729 to listen to the audio
23:57.25Ahrimaneshm russellb a copy and then make doesnt go to well with 1.4.1
23:57.25quidproHmm, when I tried using G729 on passthrough... I tended to get the CLI flooded with warnings of "can't find a path from x to y"
23:57.38quidproAlthough both legs were in G729
23:57.50ManxPowerquidpro: what were the DIAL options?
23:57.55*** join/#asterisk rhombus (
23:58.13rhombushas anybody noticed that the wiki is down?
23:58.18ManxPowert,T,w,W,r, Monitor, ChanSpy, and a zillion other things would cause asterisk to stay in the audio path
23:58.22ManxPowerrhombus: yes the wiki is down
23:58.24Moobiusrhombus: yea.
23:58.55rhombushave there been any announcements with more information?
23:58.56ManxPowerquidpro: cant' find path from x to y would tell you what the two legs of the call are unless it is SLIN in which case asterisk wants to be in the audio path
23:59.18quidproManx: Hmm, let me look
23:59.35rhombusWhat format should music on hold files be in?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.