irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070228

00:00.35*** join/#asterisk robby____ (n=robby@
00:01.15*** part/#asterisk techie (
00:01.42robby____hi all, in the manager interface, when you do queuestatus, whats the time frame around calls taken etc, like, does it reset daily or something like that?
00:02.36notoriousrabhey, anyone know if WaitExten application has changed in version 1.4 - trying to set up an auto attendant
00:03.44infinity1hwo come asterisk 1.4.0 is still the latest? usually 1.x.0 comes out and about a week later 1.x.1 is out.
00:06.16*** join/#asterisk zogulus (
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00:07.57jaxxani figured it out, the sound file just isn't detailed enough
00:08.29jaxxanand if you press * while it's waiting for an extension, it reads the * as the extension, but while it's playing the pbx-invalid sound file you can press * to back out to the main menu
00:10.34ealdHi, In order to test performance/stability for asterisk 1.2 and 1.4 (along with a etch vs sarge) in the same hardware I'm thinking in a chroot system, for this, I need to make some consideration apart from ports for mysql, and asterisk (sip and rtp)? maybe I have to compile one ztdummy with another name?
00:10.57jaxxanthe 'press3 for adv options' in the main voicemail menu doesn't need to be there. it's called  when listening to a message. it shouldn't be in the main menu
00:11.15*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
00:11.29jaxxanif you enter it from the main menu, it just tells you to press * to go back to the main menu
00:13.55*** part/#asterisk trogs (
00:15.25*** join/#asterisk LanceSnyder (
00:16.27*** part/#asterisk tmccrary (
00:20.28jaxxanthere is no ability to listen to your recorded unavailable or busy message before recording a new one.
00:21.16errrwhen I run pri show span 1 from asterisk cli I get no PRI running on span 1, but Im not sure how to trouble shoot the issue. Can anyone help?
00:21.18generalhanjaxxan: you can go to /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail and listen to the messages there manually before recording a new one !
00:22.01creature_jaxxan: what version are you running?
00:22.02jaxxanthat's not the point
00:22.16jaxxanmy voicemail users dont have console access to my server ya know
00:22.17creature_jaxxan: i'm able to listen to the recorded message before accepting it
00:22.22*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:22.30jaxxanwhat version are you running ?
00:22.38creature_jaxxan: and then i can decide to delete it or save it
00:22.46generalhanjaxxan: why not create an exten => that plays their message
00:22.56jaxxani can't
00:23.00jaxxanthese are mobile phone users
00:23.20jaxxancreature_: what version are you running?
00:23.20creature_jaxxan: currently 1.4.0 but it worked great with 1.2.0 aswell
00:23.32creature_one moment, i'll try it again
00:23.32generalhando they not still work off the dialplan of your main asterisk server ?
00:23.56jaxxangeneralhan: they do, but assigning a number just so a user can listen to their greetings is out of the question
00:24.13jaxxanthese are PBX users, they are voicemail customers
00:24.18jaxxanerm.. these aren't pbx users
00:24.29generalhani see ...
00:25.06creature_jaxxan: trying right now
00:29.02creature_jaxxan: works just fine, need to sleep now so i cant help you to investigate :/
00:29.29jaxxanthat's 1.2.x ?
00:29.57jaxxanthink it's my voicemail.conf ?
00:30.53*** part/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
00:34.18k-man_do i just have to modprobe the ztdummy to get timing to work with 2.6 kernels? or i need to also configure something in asterisk?
00:36.09jaxxanmine totally makes you re-record your message every time when pressing 0 -> 1
00:36.50*** join/#asterisk Mentifisto (i=Loki@unaffiliated/mentifisto)
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00:38.56*** join/#asterisk LanceSnyder (
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00:39.20jaxxank-man: i have no clue, i get my timing from a dms100
00:43.52SplasPoodheh, digium's phone system is broken
00:43.56*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
00:43.57SplasPoodthats... comforting ;)
00:46.23*** join/#asterisk EvilRick (n=bob@
00:46.41EvilRickI have 2 isdn (BRI) cards in my system as well as a E1 PRI attached to a cell router. the PRI seems to be all green and configured but when I try use it, it reports line congestion .. ie cant dial wight now
00:46.44EvilRickany ideas?
00:46.46tzangerchan_bluetooth or chan_cellphone here I come
00:46.58EvilRick-- Called g1/0874561392
00:47.35EvilRickg0 are my 4 isdn lines and they seem to work just fine (1-2 and 4-5 3,6 are for signaling)
00:48.01k-man_well.. it seems i have entered into the compiling hell of asterisk and zaptel drivers
00:48.24k-man_as i need the zaptel dummy driver for the 1khz clock
00:48.28k-man_i get this error:
00:49.29k-man_any idea why i would get that?
00:49.34LanceSnyderthat's the error?
00:49.43k-man_see pastebin
00:49.43LanceSnyderjust a link ?
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00:50.31Strom_Mit's teh mog
00:51.25*** join/#asterisk rene- (n=rene-@
00:51.52rene-using irc from vim is REALLY GEEKY
00:52.04robby____anyone got a link for the syntax of sip hints in 1.4.* ?
00:52.06rene-havent done it but i was looking at the plugin
00:52.56robby____hint(SIP/9000) 9000 => &ael-std-exten-ael(${EXTEN},SIP);
00:53.01robby____is what i have, but doesnt appear to be working
00:56.51*** join/#asterisk anthonyl (
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00:59.07k-man_hmm... looks like this is a reported issue, but no visible fix for it
00:59.57*** join/#asterisk zpertee (
01:00.21zperteeI need help with a .call file.  can someone please help me
01:01.23*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
01:01.50ZaVoidhello... quick stupid question.. if i reload from the console to allow another port in sip.conf for sip to listen on will it drop all active calls/
01:03.31*** join/#asterisk shodan (
01:04.04*** join/#asterisk sfbosch (
01:04.22sfboschGreetings - I have a voice mail question
01:04.39sfboschI am not getting the "unavailable" message when a user calls voice mail
01:04.47tuan_modulisqueues are giving me big headaches... for some reason, I get multiple hangups from one call
01:05.34sfboschCLI output doesn't offer much
01:05.34tuan_modulisit's frustrating since the hangup clears out a bunch of data i needed
01:08.08tuan_modulisanyone else experience the multiple hangup problem from queues?
01:08.23tuan_moduliscuz when using DeadAGI... uuuuuggghh
01:09.42tuan_modulismaybe there's another way to keep track of dead channels...
01:10.47sfboschthis is one chatty channel.
01:10.59sfboschSorry, tuan_modulis, I can't help you :(
01:11.25sfboschVoice mail? Anyone? Why aren't my saved prompts being played to callers?
01:11.40tuan_modulisit sure is, all our problems tend to be ambiguous
01:12.19zperteeanyone know anything about .call files
01:13.35*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:13.55Strom_Mzpertee: ask a specific question and you may get an answer
01:16.18*** join/#asterisk mosty (
01:20.51tuan_modulisit's time to hack... the true secret behind quickly developped enterprise solutions
01:22.13robby____does anyone have a link to detailed documentation about action queuestatus?
01:22.25robby____were using trial and error atm to try and work out its actual behaviour
01:22.35robby____timeframes etc
01:22.56robby____have looked on the net and cant find anything much
01:27.44tuan_moduliswell, dunno much about that, but i know some of those softwares probably look at /var/log/asterisk/queue_log
01:28.37*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
01:40.17*** join/#asterisk elriah (
01:41.39JTk-man_: what zap and ast version?
01:42.24wunderkinis it necessary to have some kind of baseline contact directory on a polycom phone? i just want to make sure it is ok not to... this time i wont make a zero length file... :P
01:42.38*** join/#asterisk dj-fu (
01:43.14ez`i m looking to buy a really good dual fxs adapter, which one do you recommend ?
01:46.24SplasPoodQwell[]: so its looking like I got a bad TDM800P
01:50.45rene-whats a tdm800p?
01:51.05rene-never seen those
01:53.11SplasPoodits a bigger TDM400
01:53.13SplasPoodI suppose
01:53.24SplasPood2x as big ;)
01:53.46*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
01:54.26ZaVoidsounds like a POS regardless
01:55.17SplasPoodhaha, how's that?
01:55.59ZaVoidits got tdm in the name
01:57.41robby____whats the svn command to grab down trunk?
01:58.00robby____svn export svn:// asterisk isnt working
01:59.35LanceSnydergoogle is your friend.
01:59.43robby____trued that
01:59.58*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
02:00.59LanceSnyderman svn
02:05.26*** join/#asterisk wunderkin- (
02:06.17SplasPoodLanceSnyder: well unless his URL is wrong... thats proper syntax
02:08.09*** join/#asterisk topping (
02:08.18SplasPoodLanceSnyder: is simply down.
02:08.28SplasPoodas well as their support line for installations
02:08.32SplasPoodor it was an hour ago
02:09.40LanceSnyderSplasPood, ahh ok.  well at least that is right syntax
02:10.22SplasPoodthe quick jump to shouting RTFM at someone only works if they aren't already correct.
02:11.24orlockdamn, the new google maps images of sydney are cool
02:13.06elriahlol, how the heck do you logoff an agent in 1.2?
02:14.55elriahIs there an agentlogoff command or have I just missed something entirely?
02:16.55JTSplasPood: the TDM800P is technically a small TDM2400P not a big TDM400P :)
02:19.14SplasPoodJT: ahh..  a bad guess :)
02:19.16*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
02:19.35wunderkinelriah, on the cli.. agent logoff..
02:19.38SplasPoodelriah: AgentLogoff
02:20.01SplasPoodwasn't there a dialplan function?
02:20.10SplasPoodan app, rather
02:20.27elriahAgentLogoff?  I swear I can't find it in 1.2??
02:20.39SplasPoodwell it might not exist
02:20.47SplasPoodbut agent logoff from the cli works
02:20.52SplasPoodyou could use System() to call it
02:21.16SplasPoodasterisk -r -x 'agent logoff Agent/10011'
02:21.24elriahI think I found a way.. brb
02:21.48SplasPoodyea I think you can pass no callback or something
02:21.57CrashHDI had call-limit = 10 but calls were hitting that limit for phones even though they had no other active calls....why is that?
02:21.57wunderkinthere should be an app and ami too
02:23.18*** join/#asterisk kikoafonso (i=Kiko@
02:23.19*** join/#asterisk mrc3__ (n=mrc3@
02:25.49*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
02:26.05mrc3__hey, hello! i have a sip user named jsmith, registered in asterisk. if i do "dial SIP/jsmith", is it supposed to work from the console just like that?
02:28.05[TK]D-Fendermrc3_ : if you're intending on using chan_oss as a local "soft-phone", sure
02:28.28[TK]D-Fendermrc3_ : Though normally you'd test between devices other than the console.
02:28.52mrc3__right, right. i finally got my pap2 AND a softphone to work, and now i'm on to my dial plan
02:29.14elriahSplasPood: Yea, but using a system call to logoff agents somehow diesn't seem right.  It's like running Apache as root or something.
02:29.16mrc3__ah, wait, it  worked
02:29.29*** join/#asterisk sbingner (n=sam@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
02:29.52mrc3__i don't know why i can't call the pap2, though. i'll bug again in a jiffy
02:30.03*** part/#asterisk rene- (n=rene-@
02:30.34SplasPoodelriah: heh.. well...  As much as I love it...  I'd say ...  Yea that's asterisk
02:30.56elriahSo how do other folks logoff agents?
02:31.05SplasPoodI think I'm doing it the way I described
02:31.07elriahJust don't, wait for them to timeout in a queue?
02:31.28elriahSplasPood: Thanks for the help, btw.
02:31.35SplasPoodI don't time agents out at all
02:31.42SplasPoodand I do callbacks
02:32.02elriahHow do your agents "get out" of the queue?  Are calling agent logout with System()?
02:32.18elriahWell, when in Rome ...
02:32.20SplasPood123 logs em in
02:32.23SplasPood456 logs em out
02:32.25SplasPoodthat deal
02:32.31SplasPoodthere might be a better way
02:32.43SplasPoodI presume I would have used it at the time if it existed or I was aware of it
02:34.16*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:35.34elriah[TK]D-Fender: Hey! What gives? ;}
02:35.54[TK]D-Fenderelriah : Not me :)  No quarter!
02:36.36mrc3__this is what asterisk complains about: "WARNING[881]: channel.c:2752 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from SIP/ddiaz-0819a7c0(262144) to SIP/arimba-0818cf10(4)"
02:37.15mrc3__it says that it's got sip response 410 "gone", and that SIP/ddiaz is circuit-busy
02:37.22elriahSplasPood: What distro are you runnng?  My Asterisk installs are in sudo environments so I don't think a shell command is going to work right...
02:37.42[TK]D-Fendermrc3_ : * can't transcode the call and the endpoint have no compatible codecs.  Not sure but it looks like one side is G.729
02:38.04mrc3__[TK]D-Fender, let me check for that, thanks
02:38.17SplasPoodelriah: System will run it with the same privs as asterisk, thus it should work fine...  might need to change the path to asterisk, of course..
02:38.34[TK]D-Fenderelriah : Should work.... after all, it's the Asterisk daemon user calling "System", no?
02:38.35SplasPoodelriah: I used debian
02:44.27*** part/#asterisk mog (
02:46.55*** join/#asterisk shodan (
02:48.11elriahWow.  No AgentLogoff command.  Guess I fincally found something to contribute to Asterisk.. now where did I put that C++ reference..
02:49.39elriahWhen I use autoagentlogoff in agents.conf, will it logoff everybody that doesn't answer within my timeout period?
02:49.41*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
02:51.12*** join/#asterisk bigred (
02:51.42bigredI just setup my vitelity settings, and now when I enter in the console, there is some sort of loop and I get the "CLI>" prompt over and over until I kill the process
02:51.58*** join/#asterisk arcanine (n=arcanine@
03:11.19LanceSnyderbigred, check asterisk_safe
03:11.25LanceSnyderoh he's gone
03:11.34LanceSnyderwell.. guess he didn't want help
03:12.09elriahWhen using autologoff in agents.conf, if strategy is ringall, and there are 10 agents logged in, and nobody answers, and the autologff time lapses, will everybody be logged out?
03:13.20LanceSnyderi dont believe so
03:13.43LanceSnyderthey should be logged out until they want to be logged out
03:14.02elriahI'm using AgentCallBackLogin.
03:14.12*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:14.55k-man_[TK]D-Fender, i'm trying to compile the zaptel dummy driver to get the 1khz clock thing happening but i get a compile error
03:15.23LanceSnyderelriah, i believe im wrong
03:16.06LanceSnyderelriah, after the agent's max ring time is up, the agent is deemed unavailable
03:16.08LanceSnyderand logged off
03:16.20LanceSnyderso i was wrong.
03:16.48elriahBut if I'm using ringall, and all agents are being called, and the timeout is exceeded, will they *all* be logged off?
03:17.04LanceSnyderthey will all be deemed unavailable
03:17.13JTk-man_: i already asked, but... what versions?
03:17.53k-man_jt, actually, it was kernel but i just upgraded and i realised its still finding the old kernel source
03:18.02k-man_jt, just reconfiguring.. .standby
03:18.07MooingLemurdarn electrostatic cat resetting my GPX-2000 with his tail.
03:18.14k-man_or just go about your business until i get stuck again ;)
03:19.04MooingLemurGXP, rather
03:19.29*** join/#asterisk thoughtpolice (
03:19.43LanceSnyderelriah, there may be ways to stop it
03:19.47LanceSnyderbut i've not ever used it
03:19.48LanceSnyderso i dont know
03:20.03elriahI'm going to write an AgentLogoff() app.
03:20.18*** join/#asterisk mog (
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03:34.28nop45tried to enable testfeature with: DYNAMIC_FEATURES=hangup#blindxfer#testfeature#atxfer#automon I am still missing something to get it to go.
03:36.23*** join/#asterisk foxxtrot (
03:45.56*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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03:50.32*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
03:50.50*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
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04:03.39*** join/#asterisk topping (n=topping@
04:07.26mrc3__LanceSnyder, JT, eald_home, yesterday you were helping me to get ekiga/twinkle to talk to asterisk. well, they now work: i had a stun server configured from previous attempts. removing it did the trick!
04:07.58JTyeah i thought so, it clearly stated the STUN server wasn't working :P
04:08.10sfboschI have a voice mail question. Anybody game?
04:08.30mrc3__thanks for the help!
04:11.03nop45WHEN do I use testfeature (#9)? during a conversation or after "flashing" ?
04:11.53k-man_jt, fyi, once i fixed the link the compile of zaptel worked
04:12.09*** join/#asterisk foxxtrot (
04:12.20k-man_jt, also fyi, apparantly the jitter problem can be because if no 1khz clock.. hence the need for the zaptel dummy driver
04:12.24k-man_jt, 1.4
04:13.13JTright, and if you want to get real technical, you could compile your kernel with HZ of 1000Hz
04:13.21JThaven't heard of sip needing zaptel
04:13.25JTsounds strange
04:13.32JTwhy aren't you going 1.2?
04:14.04jpalmerJT: asterisk depends on zaptel for timing.  why they don't just move to POSIX timers..  I don't know..  but thats another question
04:14.19k-man_jt... dunno
04:14.33mostysfbosch: don't ask to ask. just ask.
04:14.37JTjpalmer: zaptel interfaces, IAX trunking, and MeetMe relies on zaptel
04:14.44k-man_jt, i guess someone has to test 1.4 or it will never proceed.. and i'm not in production so its not hard for me to test
04:15.20JTjpalmer: nothing else should require zap
04:15.20JToh, i thought you wanted to fix the problems, k-man_ :P
04:18.16k-man_jt... well.. at least help in the debugging of them
04:21.18*** part/#asterisk mog (
04:21.50sfboschOkay -- voice mail problem:
04:21.56*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
04:22.01sfboschCallers do not hear the "unavailable" message.
04:22.08sfboschany idea why?
04:22.35mostydid you specify the "play unavailable" message option to the voicemail command?
04:23.00sfboschAs in: exten => 2211,1,Dial(SIP/211,10)
04:23.00sfboschexten => 2211,2,VoiceMail(u211@default)
04:23.01sfboschexten => 2211,3,Hangup
04:23.20sfboschThis looks right: exten => 2211,2,VoiceMail(u211@default)
04:23.46sfboschCLI output shows that Asterisk is trying to play something
04:24.17sfboschbut caller hears only a loud click
04:24.19sfboschor scraping sound
04:24.41mostydoes that file exist? is it readable by asterisk? can you test the sound with a sound playing app?
04:25.06sfboschthe sound file is unavail.wav, and it is in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/211
04:25.24sfboschthe directory "unavail" does not exist until the first time you call voice mail -- then something is creating it
04:25.40sfboschand the sound was created using VoiceMailMain()
04:25.45*** join/#asterisk xo8ox (
04:25.47xo8oxhey guys
04:26.02mostysfbosch: what codec is the call using?
04:26.14LanceSnydersfbosch, ls /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/211 | grep unavail
04:26.49xo8oxguys howcome everytime I call any extention in the network it says that exten is not available ?
04:26.58sfboschasterisk1 211 # ls | grep unavail
04:27.21sfboschI don't actually know what codec the call is using -- it's defaults
04:27.41mostysfbosch: do you have g729 licences, and is the caller using g729?
04:27.58JerJerxo8ox: maybe because the extension is not available ???
04:27.59sfboschcaller is a SIP extension, a Polycom 501
04:28.27LanceSnydersip show peer extension@context
04:28.28LanceSnydertry that
04:28.44LanceSnydererr... sip show peer extension
04:28.52orlockIs there echo cancellation in asterisk?
04:28.54LanceSnyderreplace extension with the extension
04:29.26*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
04:29.27xo8oxit is
04:29.41mostyorlock: there is for zaptel and misdn devices, but not for voip channels as far as i know
04:30.06xo8oxfrom that extens phone I can call outside or go to voice mail etc but from exten to exten the system keeps saying its not available
04:30.15sfboschLanceSnyder, mosty: Codecs are gsm, ulaw, alaw, h263
04:30.33mostysfbosch: can you confirm that unavail.wav is ok? play it in audacity or something
04:30.35LanceSnyderin that order?
04:31.16LanceSnyderasterisk -rx 'sip show peer $EXTENSION'
04:31.20LanceSnydertell me what you see there
04:31.29LanceSnyderthis will tell you if the device is even registered with the server
04:31.31sfboschLanceSnyder: hang on
04:31.45xo8oxI get this
04:31.46sfboschLanceSnyder: I am seeing registration messages
04:31.48xo8ox[Feb 27 21:30:18] WARNING[22117]: app_dial.c:1081 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
04:31.59LanceSnyderit's in your dialplan
04:32.21LanceSnydercheck your spelling and syntax
04:32.29xo8oxme ?
04:34.32xo8oxguys whats this warning ..  WARNING[22138]: app_dial.c:1081 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
04:34.43*** join/#asterisk bigred (
04:36.03JunK-Ythe message isnt pretty clear?
04:36.57k-man_is there some way i can get asterisk to report the frequency of the clock it is getting?
04:37.05k-man_or to test that the clock i have set up is working?
04:37.32*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
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04:42.49xo8oxanybody here can help me debug this issue ?
04:43.07k-man_zttest returns very variable results... is that normal for ztdummy?
04:43.42*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
04:44.17pigpenxo8ox, sounds like your peer is not associated or setup correctly...check out your sip.conf
04:44.37pigpenk-man_, depends....what variable results are you referring to.
04:44.55k-man_Best: 99.963379 -- Worst: -136.853027 -- Average: -52.220962
04:45.05bigredI got a fresh install of asterisk, followed the vitelity instructions, but when i start up with the -vvvc, the CLI prompt continually loops and I have to ctrl-c the process to kill it
04:45.19bigredanyone know why?
04:45.43pigpenbigred, check out your log files for answers.
04:46.40pigpenk-man_, my thought would be this.  It is a dummy interface...who cares?
04:46.53k-man_pigpen, because i need it for the 1khz timer
04:47.01k-man_to solve this jitter problem
04:47.28xo8oxpigpen: when I dial from my cisco phone to my soft phone it works.. but when I call from or to the polycom phones that we have it says extenssion is not available
04:47.31k-man_is there a decent searchable archive of the asterisk-users mailing list somewhere?
04:47.32xo8oxI don't get it
04:47.48pigpenWell, I have cards in all mine, from one port to 4 pri's.....I have no need for ztdummy.
04:47.51sfboschmosty: The file plays as the scraping sound
04:48.22*** join/#asterisk foobar778 (
04:48.26pigpenxo8ox, my guess is your polycom's are not setup right.
04:48.32sfboschmosty: so I guess my question is -- why is the format wrong?
04:48.49xo8oxdamn polycoms hehe
04:48.51foobar778[TK]D-Fender: are u there
04:49.02*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
04:49.05sfboscheven weirder is that I can record the message using VoiceMailMail(), then replay them
04:49.09*** join/#asterisk pardove (n=chatzill@
04:49.31pardoveis UP?
04:49.35sfboschbut when somebody actually calls the voicemail, scraping noise instead
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04:52.01pardovewhat's happened to
04:52.03*** join/#asterisk angom_w (
04:52.03foobar778I have a question I have a did numvber and after a certain time and is unanswerd it goes to DISA allowing the outside user to make voip calls bridging the inbound call to the outside provider but when the inbound call jangsup the longdistance outbound calls continues How to make that call terminate aswell
04:52.25nop45anyone working with testfeature command ?
04:52.40orlockWhat exactly does zttest test?
04:53.09foobar778I have a question I have a did numvber and after a certain time and is unanswerd it goes to DISA allowing the outside user to make voip calls bridging the inbound call to the outside provider but when the inbound call hangsup the longdistance outbound calls continues How to make that call terminate aswell Spelling corrected
04:53.16mostysfbosch: try watching the asterisk console when you record the file, see if there are any errors
04:54.59sfboschmosty: I set "format=wav" in the general context of voicemail.conf: it works now!
04:59.10pigpenI am trying to replace a IAX trunk (don't ask problems).   I am attempting to setup a sip peer/user in it's place.
04:59.19pigpenI can call from the remote asterisk just fine.
04:59.33pigpenbut inbound it bitches...that the remote doesn't exist.
04:59.53pigpenNow, the first thing you would think is "set up the peer/user in reverse..."  Neither side will auth.  Fails pathetically.
05:00.37Juggiepigpen, did you consider setting up a iax trunk w/o trunking first
05:00.59Juggiei think solving your 'audio problems' would be much better
05:01.02pigpeniax trunk with out trunking
05:01.11pigpenJuggie, I have been fighting it for 6 months.
05:01.21pigpenBut if you want to take a shot I am game.
05:01.42Juggiebetween what versions of *?
05:02.49pigpen1.2.11 >
05:02.57pigpen1.2.9.1 >
05:03.05pigpen1.4.0 >
05:03.13pigpen1.2.14 >
05:03.23Juggiehave you tried w/o in the mix?
05:03.34pigpenWell, 1.2.12 is the head.
05:03.48Juggiehave you considered that version may have the problem? :)
05:04.36pigpenWell, I have spoken to many that have noted that iax can have voice chopping....
05:04.39*** join/#asterisk bigred (
05:04.48pigpenmoving to sip resolved the issue.
05:04.56Juggieunder how much load?
05:05.15pigpenVaries...1 - 2 calls up to 10-15
05:05.25Juggiethat doesnt make sense
05:05.25pigpenCalls over a 40MB fiber connection.
05:05.34pigpenwelcome to my world.
05:05.39Strom_Mwhat kind of latency on the fiber?
05:05.43Juggieso, the first thing i would do is change the version of * on the head.
05:05.52Juggieor try iax w/ trunk=yes/no etc.
05:05.57LanceSnyderohhhhhhhhhh fiber
05:05.58bigredis 1.4 the latest stable version of asterisk?
05:06.30pigpenthat fiber line is the skinny side...the other side we have 400mb....(uplink)
05:06.38*** join/#asterisk dfsexor (
05:06.41pigpenSo what do you think of 1.4 at the head?
05:06.48Juggieeugh, no, not yet
05:06.54Juggienot unless you are ok w/ 1.4svn
05:06.55LanceSnyder<even more drooling>
05:07.02pigpenI have been working on moving to 1.4 to take advatage of RTA with postgres (which I have working I might add)
05:07.16Juggieif you use 1.4svn more power to you, i would not use 1.4.0 however
05:07.31bigredwhat's wrong with 1.4?
05:07.32pigpenYeah..that is why I haven't deployed yet.
05:07.59Juggienothing in perticular just that the point release of 1.4.0 has a million different little bugs that you'll complain about, only to discover they are already fixed in svn
05:08.01pigpenbigred, well, some things are not quite...there, documented, just right, etc...
05:08.19bigredpigpen: what are you getting to work w/postgres then?
05:08.33pigpenSo, 1.2.14, get all up to 1.2.14 try again.
05:08.44dfsexorhello everybody I just installed AsteriskWin32 and I continous hear a woman telling me the 1000 box speach. How I can disable this? (pls excuse my english)
05:08.48pigpenif it still borks the voice...then I will try sip.
05:08.57Juggieupgrade both your boxes to latest and try.
05:08.59pigpenbut why change trunk=yes/no?
05:09.09Juggiebecause it could be a bug in trunking
05:09.13Strom_Mlatest is 1.2.15 :)
05:09.16antlersnot an Asterisk question per-se, but anyone have an opinion on OS X softphones?
05:09.28pigpenwill it still work as a trunk?
05:09.37Juggieyes, it will just not conserve bandwidth
05:09.38pigpenantlers, idefisk.
05:09.47pigpenJuggie, got plenty of that.
05:10.04Juggiepigpen, all trunk=yes does is share the packet
05:10.06bigredso should i run trunk or 1.2.15?
05:10.07pigpenbigred, RTA (real time exten, voicemail, cdr, etc...
05:10.09antlerspigpen, danke
05:10.34Juggieso if i have 10 calls up, instead of sending 10 headers w/ 20ms of audio it will send 1 header w/ 20x10ms of audio
05:10.38pigpenJuggie, good idea....
05:10.39Juggieor whatever, something like that
05:11.11Juggiebut try it on or off
05:11.20Juggiewhatever the oposite is of the way you have it now
05:11.28bigredpigpen: voicemail stored in the db?
05:11.34SplasPoodQwell[]: ah!  I seem to be having a Dell 2950 irq sharing + zaptel problem
05:11.48pigpenbigred, voicemail.
05:11.57pigpenwell..the settings.
05:12.01bigredpigpen: but the actual sound files?
05:12.06pigpenvm is still in the file system.
05:12.27bigredyou dont happen to have vitelity sip setup, do you?
05:12.30pigpenbut I love having my dialplan in postgres...much nicer.
05:12.42pigpenthat too.
05:12.56*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
05:13.02pigpenworking nicely with my polycom 500,501,600,650
05:13.14antlerspigpen, what about a SIP softphone... any suggestions there?
05:13.18pigpenwell...define vitelity...
05:13.30pigpenantlers, I think xten has one...
05:13.31dfsexorhello everybody I just installed AsteriskWin32 and I continous hear a woman telling me the 1000 box speach. How I can disable this? (pls excuse my english)
05:13.33bigreduhm. vitelity pay as you go?
05:13.46bigredwhat do you use then/
05:14.08pigpenuse what?  pstn?
05:14.38wunderkinso.. is it ok not to have any kind of directory file on a polycom?
05:14.39pigpenJuggie, thanks bty...
05:14.59pigpenwunderkin, just won't have a directory file.
05:15.48*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
05:15.53blitzragexheliox: I think your bug got fixed
05:15.55wunderkinnot too sure if this is going to fix anything... i dont think that was the problem... i bet we will be back to having phone reboots.. again .. :/
05:16.07foobar778I have a question I have a did numvber and after a certain time and is unanswerd it goes to DISA allowing the outside user to make voip calls bridging the inbound call to the outside provider but when the inbound call jangsup the longdistance outbound calls continues How to make that call terminate aswell
05:17.32pigpenfoobar778, not seeing your dialplan, you may want to insert a hangup in your dialplan...somewhere...
05:17.50blitzrageit should really drop the channel automatically
05:17.52foobar778pigpen I have placed a hangup
05:18.06blitzrageI'd be interested in seeing your dialplan to see how you exactly accomplished that happening
05:18.11pigpentrue...but who knows...
05:18.15foobar778is there a delay
05:18.47blitzragethe whole situation sounds a bit odd to me
05:18.59*** part/#asterisk dfsexor (
05:18.59foobar778how so blitz?
05:19.13blitzrageI'm confused as to what you're actually trying to do... (it is late here too)
05:19.16*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:19.27foobar778Ill get dial plan
05:19.34blitzrageit goes to DISA after not being answered? odd
05:19.46blitzragefoobar778: yah -- dialplan will help a lot. PUt in a pastebin
05:20.13foobar778pastebin link
05:20.48jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
05:25.29foobar778did the pastebin work?/
05:26.44*** join/#asterisk Jared_Leto (
05:27.45pigpenI would say no..use the first one.
05:28.01foobar778me pigpen?/
05:28.57foobar778works here it is there.
05:32.26pigpenwhich did are you having issues with?
05:33.27*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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05:34.59foobar778when it goes to disa
05:35.10foobar778Il dial out_99
05:35.17foobar778then hangup
05:35.25foobar778seems after disda
05:35.34foobar778call continues
05:36.48pigpenpretty straight should hang up.
05:37.04foobar778well u would think
05:37.37foobar778but it doesnt thie issue is this it will increse charges
05:38.18pigpenWell, first, I would clean up your dialplan...
05:38.25pigpenget rid of all the extra crap..
05:38.33pigpenI am still trying to find out_99
05:39.58foobar778exten => _99.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2}@tom88940,60)
05:40.20pigpenyou may try putting a exten => _99.,Hangup
05:40.23pigpenafter that line.
05:40.46pigpenthat's what I would try anyway.
05:41.10foobar778will fdo
05:41.15foobar778will do
05:41.17pigpenotherwise it is left open ended...
05:42.50foobar778actually I had done that
05:43.16foobar778I pasted a previous extensions.conf
05:43.34pigpensubmit a bug?
05:43.54pigpenyou may want to ask tomorrow as many are I should...
05:44.48foobar778yes seems once it gets into Disa and u hangup the line u caled on the Disa line is still going
05:45.08foobar778and the calls fron disa continue
05:46.15pigpenyou may try setting up "#" as a hangup in the features.conf...
05:52.36*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (i=zeeesh@
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06:01.26k-man_jt, have you seen
06:01.31k-man_jt, free sounds for asterisk
06:02.41JTyes, i thought we already discussed them
06:02.46JTi didn't like them
06:04.22k-man_jt, oh... i don't recall discussing them
06:04.22k-man_jt, what don't you like about them? isn't it better than the american voice
06:05.53k-man_jt, what about the british sounds? are any of them any good?
06:06.51JTit sounds crap, it doesn't sound neutral, it's male, and the guy is a radio announcer and it sounds like he's doing a radio announcement
06:07.21JTpigpen: so let me get this straight... you tried 10 billion versions of asterisk but didn't try trunk=no?
06:08.41k-man_jt, yeah it does sound kind of commercial radio station ish
06:09.06JTthey're not very good
06:09.17JTi can make better ones for a phone system, given a recording studio
06:09.37k-man_jt, i think we should start a fund
06:09.43k-man_to get some good sounds recorded
06:09.53JTtry the other ones first
06:09.53k-man_we could hire a studio or something
06:10.00k-man_which other ones?
06:10.16JTthere's at least 2 sets of australian asterisk prompts
06:10.22k-man_is there? hmm
06:10.28JTdunno if the other ones are at all available for free
06:12.10k-man_jt, ah yes... free for non commercial use
06:12.17xo8oxguys when I dial a que I do go on hold with music on hold but none of the que lines ring ?
06:12.23xo8oxdo agents have to logg in ?
06:12.44xo8oxfor their phone to ring ?
06:14.08xo8oxanyone ?
06:14.30JTwow, waiting a whole 2 minutes, bravo
06:20.45k-man_is there some way i can listen to gsm files under windows?
06:20.49*** join/#asterisk masked (
06:20.54maskedhi ho
06:21.31xo8oxchange the .gsm to wav
06:21.36maskedi get these errors when loading ztdummy, i think maybe it doesn't like my openMosix kernel, can someone confirm please?
06:22.14*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
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06:23.36JTmight be compiled against the wrong kernel tree
06:23.42JTmasked: what do you need ztdummy for?
06:24.14phpboyhey all, I changed my recordings log DIR in agents.conf... but it doesn't seem to be set correctly, can anybody give me any advice on this?
06:24.14maskedJT: meetme
06:24.30JTyou could use app_conference instead
06:24.44maskedJT: i do have an one of those motorola cards around that do real timing
06:25.31JTmotorola cards?...
06:25.35maskedJT: i actually just did a fresh install with the asterisk-gui, and make a conference, i only guessed that used meetme
06:25.43maskediono, they are old dialup modems
06:25.44JThaha asterisk-gui
06:25.55JTwhy the hell would that provide zap timing?
06:25.56maskedwith zaptel drivers
06:26.06JTit's not motorola
06:26.07maskedand you can use them for pstn
06:26.21maskedbut they are crap here cos of the impedence on the lines
06:26.28maskedumm... thought it was..
06:26.34JTintel chipset
06:26.47JTit's no longer made at all
06:26.53maskedyeah x100p, has a motorola chip on it though.
06:27.08*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
06:27.12JTyeah they're pretty crap
06:27.52maskedhmm, i just want a conference app for the car club
06:28.01JTanyway, use real asterisk and you can make your own conferences with app_conference
06:28.28maskedyeah, i've done that in the past, i thought the gui might be mature enough to do it for me
06:28.37JTit's super alpha
06:30.00maskedwell i'll guess that it's the gui that is giving me problems then
06:30.13JTwell meetme still needs zap timing
06:30.16JTno idea why
06:30.17JTbut it does
06:30.39maskedif i call the box via a voip gw, the itsp tells me i'm on the phone
06:30.50maskedasterisk says the call has been rejected.
06:31.03maskedi thought it was for syncrony
06:31.32JTsure, there's no technical reason why it's required though
06:31.38JTjust one of those strange quirks
06:31.39*** join/#asterisk dennisharrison (
06:31.44maskedbeyond me.
06:33.17dennisharrisonmurderer ....
06:33.54maskedok, fresh install
06:33.59maskedi'll try again
06:34.08dennisharrisonwell hope you get it right this time
06:37.15*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
06:40.56xo8oxguys someone plz help
06:41.22xo8oxits midnight and I'm still at work trying to fix this problem
06:45.10k-man_how do i tell asterisk to use the sound prompts in au instead of the default?
06:48.36*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:48.45phpboyhey all, I changed my recordings log DIR in agents.conf... but it doesn't seem to be set correctly, can anybody give me any advice on this?
06:56.13*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
07:05.25yonahw-worki am trying to convert a number so that it is in the format that my provider will accept it and am having some trouble here
07:05.36yonahw-workcan someone take a look at and tell me what i am doing wrong here
07:13.44*** part/#asterisk sfbosch (
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08:02.16Mahmoudregarding dial plans, are periorities just steps of execution, which one comes 1st?
08:03.04Mahmoudsimilar to firewall rules, we assign them with numbers, which means which one is looked up 1st
08:03.12EmleyMoorPriorities are steps of execution
08:03.24Mahmoudso my understanding is right =) thanks
08:03.30EmleyMoor1 comes first, and there must always be a 1
08:03.52EmleyMoorYou can number, or use n, thereafter, and use labels and offsets from labels
08:03.56Mahmoudhmmm why didn't they just do it without priorities being mentioned, just execution the 1st line 1st
08:04.05MahmoudEmleyMoor, yeah, n makes it easier
08:04.36Mahmoudwhat would happen if two lines of commands regarding same extention had the same priority
08:04.39EmleyMoorBecause some apps jump to n+100 automatically in certain conditions
08:04.49Mahmoudi see
08:05.06EmleyMoorProbably, it would stop
08:05.17yonahw-workis there a function to append variable2 to variable1?
08:06.02EmleyMooryonahw-work: Set(variable1=${variable1}${variable2})
08:07.04yonahw-workemelymoor: can i do set(variable3=${variable1}${variable2})?
08:08.17yonahw-workhmm thought i tried that but apparently not since it now works
08:11.36MavvieIs there a way to get more output from the RTP streams? For example, the amount of traffic pushed through them, jitter etc?
08:11.49SheriF_SpacEMahmoud: oh god at last someone else from arabic country :-d
08:12.12Mahmoudfrom egypt?
08:16.29MakenshiTenders for Tier-1 Registry for are due in just under 4 hours
08:18.17tzafrir_laptopyonahw-work, please pastebin the relevant snippet from your dialplan and fron a CLI trace
08:18.57tzafrir_laptopMahmoud, ask whois
08:19.17Mahmoudtzafrir_laptop, whois can't tell nationality
08:19.31MakenshiWhois is useless
08:20.19*** join/#asterisk dorel__ (
08:21.04tzafrir_laptopI actually mean a whois on the IP address, but then again, not helpful for both of you, for different reasons
08:21.21Makenshioh well on ip it's fairly useless
08:21.39Makenshii've never had a reply to an email i've sent to an contact listed on ripe/arin/apnic
08:22.22Makenshiat least you can find out the upstream provider
08:22.28Makenshisorry, i'm being an arse
08:22.42Makenshiit's very early here
08:29.59*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
08:34.25Mahmouddo i need to load certain modules in order for asterisk to listen on a UDP port
08:34.46Mahmoudfreebsd's sockstat shows "root     asterisk   783   3  stream /var/run/asterisk.ctl
08:35.10*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
08:35.12Mahmoudnot listening to any specific port, and when i try to connect to it, it replays with an ICMP port not available packet
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08:44.20yxaare there any other service provider like IPKall?
08:45.40Mahmoudhmmm using asterisk we can make a systematic prostitute phone
08:45.52Mahmoud"pres more.. more"
08:46.33Mahmoudamazing bot o.O
08:47.02*** join/#asterisk [shodan] (
08:48.21Mahmouddoesn't fully support regexp =]
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08:58.36sudhir492Hi All.
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10:11.41angryusergood day everybody
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10:15.41AF-Slashgod day angryuser
10:16.43angryuserAF-Slash: ypu can call me god, no problem:)
10:17.40*** join/#asterisk Zefk (
10:18.45AF-Slashwhats up angryuser
10:19.20Mahmoudany one here running asterisk on freebsd?
10:19.37angryuserAF-Slash:  nothing * is working fine(finally) going to run some new tests in 40 min's
10:19.59AhrimanesMahmoud: i used to run lots of Asterisk on FreeBSD
10:20.21AF-Slashzaptel hardware doesnt work great on freebsd
10:20.28MahmoudAhrimanes, when i type "sockstat | grep asterisk" i don't see it listening on UDP 5090, instead, it just says "stream"
10:20.50*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
10:20.53MahmoudAhrimanes, when my SIP phones connect to it, they recieve UDP messages "port not available" or similar
10:21.00AhrimanesMahmoud: hm 5090? sip is 5060
10:21.07Mahmoudsorry, i meant 60
10:21.22AhrimanesMahmoud: you sure that is loaded right in asterisk ?
10:21.54MahmoudAhrimanes, heh, 0 modules loaded
10:21.59Mahmoud"module show"
10:22.08AhrimanesMahmoud: thaaat might be a problem :)
10:22.09MahmoudAhrimanes, this is my 1st touch with *
10:22.26AhrimanesMahmoud: :)
10:24.42Mahmoudso, i'll create modules.conf and add some modules
10:25.08Ahrimanesor autoload
10:25.50*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
10:26.49Mahmoudis ODBC used to store user accounts and dial plans in databases?
10:30.44Ahrimanesit can be used for that
10:33.52Mahmoudhmm still getting port unreachable icmp messages
10:34.47Mahmoudi have only one config file, called "modules.conf" with [modules] \n autoload \n
10:34.58Ahrimanesasterisk -rx "load" && sockstat -4 | grep 5060
10:36.30Mahmoud[Feb 28 14:33:36] WARNING[1612]: loader.c:362 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': Cannot open "/usr/local/asteresk/lib/asterisk/modules/"
10:36.54Mahmoudno sip.conf
10:37.00Mahmoudis it required for the module to run?
10:37.21Ahrimaneshm probably, but doesnt exist.. that is required for sure
10:37.40Mahmoudis is there
10:37.47Mahmoudi     am        stupid
10:38.08Mahmoudtypo /usr/local/asteresk/lib/asterisk/modules/
10:38.14Ahrimanesseems your install might not be good
10:38.16Mahmoudi renamed it manually
10:38.26Mahmoudi renamed asteresk to asterisk
10:38.29*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
10:38.33Mahmoudby "mv" command :D
10:38.39Mahmouda very dirty way
10:38.52Ahrimanes/usr/local/asterisk/etc is where the configs are then ?
10:39.07Mahmoudmy prefix is /usr/local/asterisk
10:39.21Mahmoudso under there, i have etc, share, var, lib, bin, sbin..etc
10:39.48Ahrimanesok, well if you renamed a folder or file, you need to change asterisk.conf to reflect that change
10:39.50Mahmoudi just wanted to see all files in one place, since i'm totally new to *
10:39.59Mahmoudyeah.. which i didn't
10:40.15Mahmoudactually i have no asterisk.conf, but it seems the default is what it was told in the ./configure process
10:40.51Ahrimanesah you didnt do make samples ?
10:41.05Mahmoudnope, didn't work as it was written in the PDF guide
10:41.13Ahrimaneshm ok
10:41.13Mahmoudthe PDF says, no need for ./configure either
10:41.19Ahrimanestried installing from ports?
10:41.22Mahmoudbut the version i'm using is new, and changed
10:41.29*** join/#asterisk giasai68 (
10:41.41Mahmoudi want to learn it.. if i used ports it will swamp my system without knowing what happen
10:41.54Mahmoudi think you installed it without ./configure right?
10:43.46Ahrimaneshm ./configure && make
10:43.54Ahrimanesis basically what i usually do
10:44.10Mahmoudand then "make samples" ?
10:44.42Ahrimanesmake install
10:44.45Ahrimanesthen make samples
10:44.57Ahrimanesthen you'll get sample config files to play with
10:45.11Mahmoudyeah, but it didn't work for me.. could be typos
10:45.32Mahmoudi was doing it ad midnight
10:48.02Mahmouderased everything and started from scratch =]
10:52.18giasai68I want generate a call and forward it to IP address using asterisk
10:52.23giasai68how I can do?
10:55.35MahmoudAhrimanes, listening on 5060 now, thanks to make samples
10:55.53AhrimanesMahmoud: glad to help
10:56.02MahmoudAhrimanes, but i'll erase all files in /usr/local/asterisk/etc/asterisk to do the config from scratch by my self.. is this enough to undo everything made by "make samples"
10:56.08*** join/#asterisk key2 (n=key2@
10:57.03AhrimanesMahmoud: yeah, make samples just installs configs
10:57.10Mahmoudhow neat
11:03.50*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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11:20.22kieran491to recive calls on asterisk what ports do you need open?
11:22.27Ahrimanes5060 and 10000 to 20000 udp
11:22.53kieran491k thanks
11:23.14Ahrimanesif you're doing sip anyways.. if you're doing iax more ports would be needed
11:26.45tzafrir_laptopI just wasted a while on a stupid problem: if after reloading zaptel (and/or xpp) things "don't work" and /proc/zaptel (or /proc/xpp) is empty when it shouldn't be, try lsof /proc/zaptel or lsof /proc/xpp
11:27.17tzafrir_laptopand see if any shell whose cwd is there
11:27.45penguinFunkhow can i find out about what music i can use for my music on hold without breaching any copyirghts ?
11:28.23Ahrimanesany royalty free music will do
11:28.29tzafrir_laptoppenguinFunk, classical
11:28.34kieran491Ahrimanes: what other ports sorry? i am using iax
11:28.42tzafrir_laptopor look in creative-common's site
11:29.32Ahrimaneskieran491: 4569 udp
11:29.58kieran491no range?
11:30.02Gido-Etzafrir_laptop check for creative commons
11:30.55Ahrimaneskieran491: uhm afair iax sends rtp over the same port
11:31.17kieran491ohh k
11:32.30Ahrimaneskieran491: has lots of info
11:34.30penguinFunkcant believe that you still have to pay for royalty free music
11:34.58AhrimanespenguinFunk: you can find free, royalty free music on google
11:35.53*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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11:45.51fourcheezeour outbound sip provider in their reporting gives me lots of stats like packet loss during calls
11:46.01fourcheezecan I get stats like that out of * ?
11:48.25*** join/#asterisk kezza491 (
11:48.31kezza491i have set my asterisk box up and i cant seem to recive any calls...
11:56.35fourcheezekezza491: something in the logs?
11:59.00MakenshiT-00:01:00 until the tenders are due
11:59.52kezza491fourcheeze: Nop
12:00.09fourcheezekezza491: so nothing arrived then
12:00.17fourcheezetry debugging the ip that things are coming from
12:00.26fourcheezekezza491: are we talking incoming sip?
12:00.53fourcheezeand it's in debug mode?
12:01.14kezza491ehh nop
12:01.21fourcheezeyou might want that
12:01.27fourcheezethen put a call through and see what appears on the console
12:01.33fourcheezerun the console with asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc
12:02.15fourcheezethe exact number of vs isn't important ;-)
12:03.02kezza491there gose me...
12:03.19kezza491i am geting nothing
12:10.16*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
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12:13.30Mahmoudwhy sould asterisk need or ?
12:13.46tzafrirto use a local sound card
12:14.09Mahmoudto play things to the local * server speaker?
12:14.14tzafrirsending messages to a speaker, or even as a poor-man's phone
12:14.40Mahmoudis it all about playing things in the local * server?
12:14.44tzafrirtake a look at yate's gtk interface for some inspiration
12:21.18*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
12:25.26Mahmoudany idea what modules are dependencies?
12:25.44Mahmoudi have no modules loaded, but, and sure doesn't work
12:25.53Mahmoudit works when i load all modules
12:26.56tzafrirtry loading half the modules, then
12:27.12Mahmoudthey are 135 modules
12:28.59Mahmoudwhen i try to load, it says undified symbol "ast_park_call"
12:29.36Mahmoudgoogle doesn't seem helpful
12:39.19*** part/#asterisk kezza491 (
12:41.40*** part/#asterisk Bazy (n=bazy@
12:41.40*** join/#asterisk Bazy (n=bazy@
12:41.48fourcheezeMahmoud: I think that might be
12:41.59fourcheezecan't remember exactly OTTOMH
12:42.00*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
12:42.15Mahmoudyou are probably right, i tried loading all res_ ones and it worked
12:43.36Mahmoudthat's it,!
12:44.13*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (n=qwertz@
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12:44.56mkl1525Hi, when a caller leaves a calling queue I can get the call with the h extension, but is there any way to get which agent handled this call?
12:56.04*** join/#asterisk taishi (
12:57.55HarryRmkl1525, yeah, you get an AgentConnect event through Manager
12:58.08taishiI can't figure how to make an user in sip.conf/users.conf to receive calls and direct him to a context
12:58.18taishiThe main thing is I dont want that user to log in
12:58.24taishiIt's more likely an 'operator'
13:03.53*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
13:09.57mkl1525HarryR, thanks for the hint but can I use this in the dial plan?
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13:16.48emiquelitohello! I'm writing a softphone with G.729A codec and I would like to know what is the correct number of bytes each rtp packet must have to talk properly with an Asterisk server. Is it 20 bytes?
13:17.39fourcheezeemiquelito: isn't that measured in ms worth of sound?
13:17.58fourcheezei.e. 20ms per packet?
13:19.58emiquelitofourcheeze thats true, unfortunately I'm not an expert in VoIP.
13:20.09emiquelitofourcheeze so in this case, 20ms would be 20 bytes?
13:20.29emiquelitoat least that's what I'm having in the client side when talking to Asterisk
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13:24.01fourcheezeI've no idea how many bytes in 1 ms
13:24.33ZefkI have tested asterisk 1.4.0 with softphones and VoIP hardphones (Avaya 4610 and 4620) in our call center. I'm looking for a solution with hardphones because all the softphones that I tested (X-lite, SJPhone, IDEFisk, Diax) does not provide the voice quality requested in a call center. Is anyone know a quality hardphone that have soft comands (from PC) in order to integrate the phone in our applications? ... Thx
13:24.49*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ermsewrk@
13:25.17nfi|ermeshi all
13:25.37*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
13:25.44Strom_MZefk: which codec are you using?
13:26.09ZefkStrom_M:  a-law, u-law, and gsm
13:26.19Strom_Mdon't use gsm
13:26.24RoyKemiquelito: 8000 / 50 = 160 - that's the average number of bits per package with g.729, meaning an average of 20 data bytes per package @20ms packetization, but keep in mind that g.729 is not a linear codec, so packet sizes will vary
13:26.35fourcheezewhat's wrong with gsm?
13:26.36TaiSHiI'd like to make a 'virtual' operator inside a LAN (for testing purposes)
13:26.38Strom_Mespecially not if you're going for quality
13:27.00TaiSHiBut I can't seem to make up an user to direct it to an extension
13:27.06ZefkStrom_M:  The main test was done with a-law and u-law with no transcoding
13:27.17Strom_Mfair enough
13:27.19|Vulture|HAs anyone ever seen this issue:
13:27.44Strom_MZefk: good, inexpensive, quality hardphones that I like are the polycom ip430
13:27.46|Vulture|I am wonder what your resolutions were, I have a PRI that keeps cycling up/down because of errors on the D-Chan
13:27.51emiquelitoRoyK, I see... sorry for the basic question but, why 50? (800/50)
13:28.09RoyK1000ms / 20ms = 50 packets per second
13:28.22emiquelitoouch, now I understand
13:28.27emiquelitothanks a lot
13:28.29ZefkStrom_M:  I need a phone with soft interface. I have to integrate the phone in our applications
13:28.47Strom_MZefk: what do you mean "soft interface"
13:29.14TaiSHi== Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/600-08aa22c8' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'
13:29.15ZefkStrom_M:  An app that commands the hardphone.
13:29.24Strom_Merm yeah...I need to wake up
13:29.56Strom_M*shrug* I have no experience with that...
13:31.01TaiSHiI'd like to make a 'virtual' operator inside a LAN (for testing purposes), so when an intern receives a call (without an user logged in), it would do Answer(), Playback() and Hangup()
13:31.16nfi|ermeswhen i logon in asterisk-gui, asterisk goes to segmentation fault: dbg of core dump --->
13:32.07nfi|ermesanyone can help me ?
13:32.07TaiSHinfi|ermes: what motherboard do you have ?
13:33.37nfi|ermeswhy TaiSHi ?
13:33.59TaiSHiThere is explicit doc on the source that says
13:34.15TaiSHiIf you have a VIA mobo, and it detects the proc as i686
13:34.20TaiSHiIt will cause random core dumps
13:34.49nfi|ermesit will cause segmentation fault ?
13:35.01kippiI am getting a busy tone when I ring in
13:35.07kippiI am getting this message
13:35.07kippichan_zap.c:8383 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on channel 0/1 already in use on span 1.
13:35.33TaiSHinfi|ermes: random core dumps, I don't know much more :P
13:35.43Strom_Mkippi: are your outbound calls hunting from the high-numbered channel, or from the low-numbered channel?
13:35.55kippinot sire
13:36.05|Vulture|Anyone here use XO Communications for PRI providing?
13:36.25Strom_Mkippi: well, now would certainly be a good time to find out :)
13:36.48kippihow can I find out
13:37.20nfi|ermesTaiSHi, where can i find this documentation ?
13:37.33Strom_Mwhen you place an outbound call, what channel does the call go out over?
13:38.59TaiSHiI'd like to make a 'virtual' operator inside a LAN (for testing purposes), so when an intern receives a call (without an user logged in), it would do Answer(), Playback() and Hangup()
13:40.37TaiSHiI cant seem to find it nfi|ermes, still looking @ it
13:40.58nfi|ermesok thx
13:41.44creativxhow can i get the configured CID name of a SIP user via the manager interface?
13:42.45*** join/#asterisk AlfaScorpii (
13:42.51AlfaScorpiimorning people
13:43.01creativxnevermind, sipshowpeer was it
13:43.14TaiSHimorning Alfa
13:43.23AlfaScorpiiTaiSHi: how r u?
13:43.31TaiSHiWith problems :D
13:43.48*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
13:44.00TaiSHiTrying to make a virtual operator with a sexy voice
13:44.04TaiSHiBut I can't get it to answer :P
13:44.06AlfaScorpiipeople i have a proble with outbaund calls (pstn) the calls cuts at 40 sec,
13:44.15*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
13:45.14AlfaScorpiicodec problem?
13:45.19AlfaScorpiiany idea?
13:47.33TaiSHiPersonally, no, but the forums had some info about calls cutting @ 40secs
13:49.17TaiSHiOk, nfi|ermes
13:49.24TaiSHiCheck TFOT manual
13:49.38TaiSHiCompiling Asterisk -manual page- 45
13:51.16|Vulture|Anyone here use XO Communications for PRI providing?
13:52.30TaiSHiNot me
13:52.45AlfaScorpiinot me
13:53.13TaiSHi|Vulture|: Know how to direct a call (to an user in sip.conf - users.conf who is logged out) to an extension ?
13:53.29TaiSHiRight now, I just made the user, and set him up w/o voicemal and context = incoming
13:57.48|Vulture|I don't think I understand the question
13:58.01*** part/#asterisk emiquelito (
13:58.07e-ddiei dont think i understand the answer
13:58.09|Vulture|you are trying to call a sip user who is offline?
13:59.01TaiSHiActually, my idea is to
13:59.21TaiSHiCall $(something/someone/UFO)
13:59.29TaiSHiAnd get an answer from an extension
13:59.40*** join/#asterisk flujan (
13:59.56flujanhi guys... I am placing some calls using call files...
13:59.57TaiSHi(The extension I refer to is: [incoming] // answer, playback, hangup)
14:00.09flujanIt works fine, but sometimes I got error messages like this:
14:00.12flujanCall failed to go through, reason 8
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14:00.35flujanHow can I debug this information, for instance, reason 8 sounds nothing to me... What this really means?
14:02.50TaiSHiUnderstood now |Vulture|?
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14:05.48TJBrazaI'm in need of some help.. can I shoot a question, or is this not that kind of forum?
14:06.00TJBraza*channel*, i mean
14:06.13*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
14:06.35Dovidmorning it all
14:06.46flujanmorning Dovid.
14:06.50TJBrazahello Dovid
14:07.40*** join/#asterisk Zoid_99 (n=chris@
14:08.22TJBrazaanyway, is there a way to force echo cancellation on sip to sip channels?
14:08.26tzafrir_laptopTJBraza, we tend to shoot troubles here
14:08.44TaiSHiYeah, they usually shoot me u_U
14:10.05TaiSHiI'd like to make a 'virtual' operator inside a LAN (for testing purposes), so when an intern receives a call (without an user logged in), it would do Answer(), Playback() and Hangup()
14:10.06TJBrazahello TaiShi
14:10.20Chris-NBanyone using a Thomson ST2030S phone?
14:10.21TaiSHiI was just saying mornin' to Dovid
14:10.23TaiSHiBut Hello
14:11.11Dovidback at ya
14:13.50*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:13.50TJBrazai'm getting echo on a strict sip-to-sip channel.. all references on echo cancellation i can find are for zap channels
14:14.09Strom_MTJBraza: what kind of station equipment are you using?
14:14.10TJBrazai dont even have a card plugged in
14:14.10[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: What are you using on the endpoints?
14:14.25TJBrazalinksys pap2
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14:14.42TJBrazai think it's due to the latency
14:14.48[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: on both sides fo the call?
14:14.52TJBrazait's kind of huge... about 300ms
14:15.07TJBrazaonly the one making the call gets echo
14:15.18[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: Whats on the other side of the call?
14:15.27TJBrazaPSTN line
14:15.33TJBrazathey dont get echo, ever
14:15.36[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: Then its not SIP-SIP.
14:15.49Dovidwhats the command to limit the amount of channels a SIP acount can have ?
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14:15.53[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: And they might very well be the point of echo.
14:16.19*** join/#asterisk ximwork (
14:16.20TJBrazaah, yes, but if i put another pap2 on the other side (300ms latency), i get echo anyway
14:16.24TJBrazaalways for the person calling
14:16.29TaiSHiI think I found out
14:16.30AhrimanesDovid: set call-limit in sip.conf on the pere
14:16.38TJBrazai think the echo suppressionon the pap2 is very poor
14:16.52*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:17.10DovidTJBraza: which pap2 r u using ?
14:17.14[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: It is a lower model than the old SPA-2000 base....
14:17.54vltHello. I'm having problems with (or understanding) IAX2 connection between 2 * servers. In A's iax.conf I defined a peer B of type friend. Whose username is defined there? A's on B or B's on A?
14:18.03TaiSHiIn an extension, how do I make it to go to another extension ?
14:18.11vltTaiSHi: GoTo()
14:18.26TaiSHiThank you :)
14:19.32vlterrm ... who's*
14:20.17TaiSHiIt didnt send me to other context
14:20.24TaiSHi(I think I mis made my question before)
14:20.27[TK]D-FenderTaiSHi: "show application goto"
14:20.35[TK]D-FenderTaiSHi: Read the full instructions.
14:20.41*** part/#asterisk tparcina (
14:20.53TaiSHiCommand not found
14:21.09TaiSHiNo such command 'show application goto' (type 'help' for help)
14:21.13[TK]D-FenderTaiSHi: you did that at the * CLI?
14:21.36TJBrazado you know of a way to force echo suppression in asterisk in this case?
14:21.48[TK]D-FenderTaiSHi : wait... try "core show application goto"
14:22.06TaiSHiGreat, worked :)
14:22.09TaiSHiThanks, I will read up now
14:22.12TJBrazai`m using th pap2t, latest firmware.. the one with green leds
14:22.18[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: there is no EC on Sip unfortunately.  The endpoints are expected to do their jobsproperly
14:22.43[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: Your firmware comes with LEDS? :)
14:23.38TJBrazaso basically i'm screwed?
14:23.59elriahGreets.  Are there any user-doc templates for asterisk out there?
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14:24.48vlthmmmm, to connect two Asterisks I have to create _two_ peers on each machine, right? An [A-outbound] and an [A-inbound]?
14:26.02Strom_Mvit: you can also create a single "friend" entry on both machines
14:27.12vltStrom_M: But who's username do I need in iax.conf's [A] section? A's on B or B's on A?
14:27.53Strom_Myour question is more confusing than it needs to be
14:27.59Strom_Mon box A:
14:28.38*** join/#asterisk inspired (
14:28.52Strom_Mon box A, the name in brackets will be used as the user= entry on box B
14:28.56Strom_Mand vice versa
14:30.33vltStrom_M: Can we go private?
14:33.48kippiI am getting this error, I have added the information to sip.conf and reloaded, but getting this error
14:33.59*** join/#asterisk Vulture- (n=|
14:34.29penguinFunkusername in the phone config doesnt match the user= part of the sip.conf
14:34.49Vulture-Anyone here ever install a PRI from XO Communications?
14:35.14penguinFunkkippi: try using type=friend, host=dynamic
14:35.29Strom_MI think we should explicitly change all error message text to read "Go to #asterisk" -- since no one reads the text of the message, no one will come to #asterisk to inquire about the error :)
14:36.29[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: "Perverse Psychology 101"
14:36.39*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
14:36.42kippipenguinFunk: already got that there
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14:37.43[TK]D-Fenderkippi: Then read the BIG PRINT.
14:38.21kippibut it is correct, could it be because i am coming from another subnet?
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14:40.04hellojoeis there a way to dial into another context withing extensions.conf. For example, let's say there is an incoming call received on [inbound] context which, after processing needs to go to [processed] context with a Dial(LOCAL/5555${EXTEN}) command?
14:40.18[TK]D-Fenderkippi: * is not lying.  you have configured an end wrong.
14:40.38hellojoei thought LOCAL translates to [default] context within extensions.conf
14:40.39[TK]D-Fenderhellojoe: "show application goto"
14:40.50hellojoegoto doesn't do multiple calls
14:40.58aydiosmioI want to recieve a call, play a message and send MOH to the channel, this initiates a call to a representative and when the representitive picks up, I want to play a message to the rep and then move the caller from MOH to that rep... how would I do that?
14:41.10[TK]D-Fenderhellojoe: No, "Local/" is just a way to nest an entire sub-channel which I doubt you need.
14:41.13hellojoei want to be able to throw Dial(LOCAL/${Call1}&LOCAL/${Call2})
14:41.17[TK]D-Fenderhellojoe: Or maybe you do.
14:41.31hellojoeyou are right, I don't want to nest the channel
14:41.38[TK]D-Fenderhellojoe: Dial(Local123@contextyouwant)
14:41.49[TK]D-Fenderhellojoe: Dial(Local/123@contextyouwant)
14:41.57[TK]D-Fenderhellojoe: But barring that... GOTO <-
14:41.58vltStrom_M: I pasted a config here: -- Can you have a look?
14:42.07hellojoethanks a lot TK
14:42.12[TK]D-Fenderhellojoe: np.
14:42.16TJBrazahey, [TK]-D-Fender does Fender have anything to do with the guitar?
14:42.21Vulture-Anyone here ever install a PRI from XO Communications?
14:42.24TJBrazamaybe a D-tuned one? ;)
14:42.32[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: Nope, though I do play guitar
14:42.47[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: Its an old CTF FPS gaming nick.
14:43.09TJBrazacool.. i play too.. i have a les paul clone ..hehehe
14:45.09TJBrazaanyway, on the echo matter, i'm pretty much left in the cold, right?
14:45.18TJBrazano way to create a dummy zap channel to handle echo or anything?
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14:47.08[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: Pretty much if there aren't any more AEC options available.
14:47.38TaiSHiI did it!!
14:47.42[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: On SIP its not considered "echo" so I'm not sure how you could even really filter it.
14:48.03*** join/#asterisk JoNate (
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14:49.12[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: See if there are gain settings you can play with.
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14:50.10TJBrazait boggles the mind
14:50.37*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
14:50.49TJBrazahave you used * Realtime?
14:51.04Vulture-Anyone ever seen a PRI not turnup, goes green, but then says Up/Up/Up/Up/Down and errors with "pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 24 as D-channel anyway!"
14:51.13ManxPowerVulture-: Yes.
14:51.21Vulture-Manx: what was the issue?
14:51.45Vulture-I sent 2 new cables to make sure thats not it
14:51.47vltCan anyone tell me how to configure this --> ?
14:52.03ManxPowerI've seen it several times.  It is either a mismatch between Asterisk/Zaptel/Libpri or the telco does not have the line correctly set up.
14:52.13JoNatehey guys, is there a canned application launcher that works well with asterisk?
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14:52.24ManxPowerVulture-: you are in the USA, right?
14:52.26Vulture-Manx: when you say mismatch, do you mean that the software is not correctly installed?
14:52.36Vulture-Manx: correct, it is an XO Communications PRI
14:53.03ManxPowerVulture-: I mean something like 1.0 zaptel with 1.2 libpri or something like that.
14:53.06Vulture-I was hoping it was the cable, Ill find out in an hr or two
14:53.30ManxPowerVulture-: I assume the system is running 1.2?
14:53.45Vulture-Manx: I am running the latest 1.2 release
14:54.04anonymouz666I am nothing without voip-info
14:54.04Vulture-Manx: using a Sangoma A101u
14:54.04ManxPowerVulture-: reinstall zaptel and libpri just to be sure.
14:54.06anonymouz666the best site ever
14:54.15vlt[TK]D-Fender: Thank you.
14:54.31ManxPowerVulture-: A101u?  I thought that was the unchannelized version of their card.
14:54.36[TK]D-FenderVulture-: And what does "wanrouter status" tell you?
14:54.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Single port non-ec (equiv to TE110P)
14:55.00ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Ah.
14:55.08ManxPowerWe use A102's
14:55.29[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Technially that should read "A102u"
14:55.34Vulture-Manx: I updated the Kernel, then did fresh installs of libpri and zaptel and wanrotuer
14:55.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: The only unchannelized card they have is their DS3 card.
14:56.09*** join/#asterisk Daejeo1 (n=chatzill@
14:56.14Vulture-I have a few 102s but switched to 101s because we only needed 1 PRI
14:56.26ManxPowerVulture-: Perhaps there was a kernel issue and a newest 1.2 zaptel was not installed
14:56.27[TK]D-FenderVulture-: Ok, pastebin your zaptel & zapata
14:56.59ManxPowerWe use 102's because we want to be able to standardize and keep spares.
14:57.13Daejeo1anyone have idea about integrating ASR-engine with asterisk server?
14:57.49Vulture-Manx: that is a good idea
14:58.04ManxPowerVulture-: then the only thing left is a bad PRI.
14:58.17ManxPowerWhat do you see when you do a pri debug span 1
14:58.22Vulture-I hope it isn't a kernel issue those are a PIA :(
14:58.47Vulture-debugging on, I will pastebin any output
14:58.57ManxPowerVulture-: are the date/time stamps on the kernel modules what you expect
14:59.00[TK]D-FenderVulture-: Looks kosher... how about "ztcfg -vvvv"
14:59.30Vulture-everything is looking good, I even compared it right next to a working PRI with the same Sangoma card
14:59.33ManxPoweri.e. find /lib/modules -name "zaptel.*" -exec ls -l \{\} \;
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15:00.08ManxPowerVulture-: call up the telco and say "I don't see a D-Channel"
15:01.06Vulture-Manx: thats what I did all day yesterday and they kept confirming it was working
15:01.10ManxPowerVulture-: can you plug the working PRI into the non-working server and see if it works
15:01.19Vulture-I had a tech hook up his handset and that worked for inbound/outbound
15:01.35ManxPowerVulture-: handset?
15:01.44ManxPowerYou mean the T-Berd, right?
15:01.49Vulture-Manx: different locations
15:01.57Vulture-correct, test set sorry
15:02.39ManxPowerVulture-: pastebin the output of find /lib/modules -name "zaptel.*" -exec ls -l \{\} \;
15:02.43Vulture-I don't really see any debug info on the PRI
15:03.28tzanger[TK]D-Fender: I've tried a half dozen incarnations of the device.prov.user/poassword thing
15:03.32tzangergonna contact polycom
15:03.41tzangerthis is the only downside to these phones... documentation's there but not specific
15:03.43|Vulture|stupid IRC client
15:03.51|Vulture|ManxPower: I am still here
15:04.23[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Well thats the first thing I've seen that isn't pretty well documented....
15:04.38tzangerall of the config entries are vague
15:04.39ManxPower|Vulture|: mv /lib/modules/2.6.9-42.0.8.ELsmp/extra/zaptel.ko /tmp
15:04.54tzangeri.e. you don't know if you need a container, and if you do, you don't know if you repeat the container name in the leement name
15:04.55[TK]D-Fender|Vulture|: And about that "ztcfg -vvvv" ?
15:04.59ManxPowermv  /lib/modules/2.6.9-11.ELsmp/extra/zaptel.ko /tmp
15:05.40[TK]D-Fendertzanger: I understand... its that this is a FIRST of its kind in my experience.  Pretty much everything else they documented is spot-on
15:05.47tzanger:-)  ah vell
15:05.56[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Oi
15:06.02tzanger[TK]D-Fender: I appreciate your efforts in locating that though, I'll go bug my polycom guy
15:06.10|Vulture|ManxPower: both moved, restart * and wanrouter?
15:06.13ManxPower|Vulture|: after the mv's stop wanrouter  confirm zaptel is not loaded with an lsmod
15:06.16tzanger[TK]D-Fender: reseeller pricing on polycoms is *insane* .. wowza
15:06.18ManxPowerthen start wanrouter again
15:06.35[TK]D-Fender|Vulture|: Whats your actual error again?  What do you get in pri debug span 1"?
15:06.52[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Low or high?
15:06.55|Vulture|ManxPower: zaptel is still running, force it to stop?
15:07.01tzanger[TK]D-Fender: stupidly low
15:07.07tzangerlike CAD$160 for a 501
15:07.27|Vulture|[TK]D-Fender: I get PRI up/PRI up/PRI up/PRI up/PRI down/"chan_zap.c:2438 pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 24 as D-channel anyway!"
15:07.30ManxPower|Vulture|: rmmod zaptel.ko
15:07.43|Vulture|ERROR: Module zaptel is in use by zttranscode
15:07.53ManxPower|Vulture|: rmmod zttranscode
15:08.01|Vulture|okay both removed
15:08.16ManxPowerand lsmod confirms this?
15:08.17|Vulture|and confirmed with lsmod
15:08.27ManxPowerok, now start wanrouter and asterisk
15:08.49|Vulture|ztcfg -vv checks out
15:09.35[TK]D-Fender|Vulture|: Whats your telco have to say about their D-Chan?
15:09.41|Vulture|PRI showing "Status: Provisioned, Down, Active" no data from the PRI yet
15:10.10|Vulture|[TK]D-Fender: they say it is fine, because their tech used his testing device to make outbound and rx inbound calls
15:10.19ManxPower|Vulture|: you are SURE you rebuilt asterisk and libpri after installing the latest zaptel.
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15:10.28|Vulture|ManxPower: possitive
15:10.32|Vulture|I will do it again though
15:10.46ManxPower|Vulture|: I have no more suggesntions then
15:10.55|Vulture|is it possible to uninstall libpri/zaptel?
15:11.07[[blah]asfdi have a group of phones that are hearing the hold music periodically while takling to people on the phone... sounds like bleed over almost.
15:11.09|Vulture|just so I can clean it out and start fresh
15:11.18[[blah]asfdas well as other calls
15:11.23[[blah]asfdwhat can I do to stop this?
15:11.44|Vulture|ManxPower: I am going to see if the new cable fixes this (Fingers crossed)
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15:11.54|Vulture|oh got a debug!
15:12.39|Vulture|I am not sure what that debug means though
15:13.11ManxPower|Vulture|: IT means you are not seeing a D-Channel
15:13.27|Vulture|oh okay
15:13.39[TK]D-Fender|Vulture|: Sanity check - pastebin wanpipe1.conf please
15:13.42|Vulture|well another hr and I will know if it is the cable or not
15:14.25|Vulture|btw ManxPower and [TK]D-Fender thanx for the assistance
15:14.37[[blah]asfdi thought that cross talk was something I would never have again having left pots lines. this group of phones is fed via sip
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15:15.17[TK]D-Fender|Vulture|: Looks good, but try setting dchan in ther to "0", restart wanrouter & *.
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15:16.06MarkWD[TK]D-Fender: can you spam the wiki address ?
15:16.18jbotextra, extra, read all about it, wikis is
15:17.01|Vulture|[TK]D-Fender: I owe you a beer
15:17.10|Vulture|a big one
15:17.24aydiosmio[TK]D-Fender is the man
15:17.26wunderkinour darned (!@$@#!) key problem is back, even with 1.6.7... it was ok monday but tuesday i checked with one person and she says it started again a little bit.. this is on a NEW ip501.. skafjsdkfadsf
15:17.29|Vulture|thank you so much! man I should have checked there before
15:18.04[TK]D-Fender|Vulture|: Yeah, that can be a strange one to interpret for sure....
15:19.39wunderkini only see things on the polycom website for resellers.. how can an average joe get polycom certified if they arent a reseller? what do they call it?
15:19.42[[blah]asfdI can understand cross talk on zap devices and such, but this is SIP
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15:21.29aydiosmio[[blah]asfd: your call recording servers, were they voip channels?
15:21.29wunderkinyes, time for another one, the last one is full
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15:22.37thinwiresI have a question, is there such a thing as an IAX IP phone? or are they SIP only, and if so then i need to configure my sip.conf right?
15:22.41Chris-NBif I have a hangup extension, in the cdr the dst is allways the hangup extension
15:22.48[[blah]asfdaydiosmio: what do you mean?
15:23.05Dovidthinwires: there are several of them
15:23.11Dovidgoogle iaxcom
15:23.16aydiosmiowere you recording analog calls for recording voip calls (extra cpu load)
15:23.17Chris-NBis there a possibility to save the original destination extension?
15:23.19thinwiresDavid: ok thank you
15:24.36wunderkin[TK]D-Fender, you aren't a reseller.. right?
15:24.38JoNatedoes a
15:25.20JoNateI wish I was smarter...
15:26.32[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin: Not yet, but I'm either going to be, or the tech cert. (can't co-exist currently)
15:27.02[TK]D-Fenderthinwires: Yes there are IAX phones.  They all SUCK however
15:27.15aydiosmioit's called inter-asterisk or a reason
15:27.29thinwiresok, maybe that was the wrong question to ask, Can anyone explain how difficult it is to get SIP phones working with NAT's
15:27.30wunderkinyou have to be under a reseller though dont you?
15:27.41[TK]D-Fenderthinwires: Easy for most
15:27.56cpmthinwires, because sip SUCKs
15:28.05[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin: No, this isn't some psycho pyramid scheme...
15:28.13cpmsorry, that wasn't helpful
15:28.21cpmjust digging at [TK]D-Fender
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15:28.46[TK]D-Fendercpm: And missing the mark squarely :)
15:28.53santibioticois there any way to use an external smtp server for voicemail to email feature instead of using sendmail/etc..??
15:28.55thinwireswell I ask because at my home I might have to dual NAT to get a phone in my room, running a wire would take a fort night
15:29.03[TK]D-Fendercpm: I didn't knock the PROTOCOL, just the hardware that uses it :)
15:29.05cpmyeah, but if you are flaming, it doesn't matter if you have a clue
15:29.28wunderkin[TK]D-Fender, maybe i read their pyramid requirements incorrectly then, trying to find it again :D
15:29.33[TK]D-Fendercpm: I know plenty of shitty SIP phones too...
15:29.36jbotwell, gs is South Georgia and the South Sandwich islands, or ghostscript.  GrandSuck phones are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice
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15:30.07[[blah]asfdI have been happy with the linksys spa942 sip phone
15:30.13thinwireswell i'm looking at these Polycom's they look sexy..
15:30.33[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd: Yeah, Linksys are pretty stable, but "not worth it" in North America.
15:30.51[[blah]asfdwhat do you mean by "not worth it"
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15:30.59aydiosmio[[blah]asfd: were you recording analog calls or recording voip calls (extra cpu load)?
15:31.17[[blah]asfdcalls from sip as well as t1 on zap card
15:31.22santibioticois there any way to use an external smtp server for voicemail to email feature instead of using sendmail/etc..??
15:31.22[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd: They offer nothing special at all, and have inferior call handling and low LCD readability.
15:31.26aydiosmiooh okay, thanks
15:31.45[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd: For the fact they are too closely price to Polycom and the Aastra 480i
15:32.01[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd: Which both severly thrash it
15:32.13aydiosmiodude, totally
15:32.14[[blah]asfd[TK]D-Fender: wow... I have had the exact opposite experience. as compared to the polycom sp 501
15:32.28[[blah]asfdsame price, better quality
15:32.30[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd: Should have asked for help on it earlier....
15:32.42[[blah]asfdand they dont take 5 minutes to reboot
15:33.03[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd: Don't think you'll find anyone but our "Sacrifice" here to attest to your POV.
15:33.25[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd: And typically my phones never NEED to reboot.  actual time is more like 2 mins
15:33.42[[blah]asfdreboot required when making setting changes...
15:33.47[[blah]asfdcompany is always making changes
15:33.52[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd: To what?
15:34.03[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd: How often do your regs change?
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15:36.55[[blah]asfd[TK]D-Fender: about once a month.
15:36.58Strom_Min my experience, if you're always fiddling with the phone system, then you never made the initial effort to adequately assess the needs of the client and engineer the system to meet those needs
15:36.59TJBrazaFender dude
15:37.01[TK]D-Fender[[blah]asfd: Linksys does factor in to the "consideration list" though, ust further down for their lack of features
15:37.08jbotsomebody said phones was at, or  is In order of quality: Polycom (Any), Aastra 480i, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-94x
15:37.22TJBrazawhat exactly are the benefits of a polycom over a linksys one, in general?
15:37.31|Vulture|Polycom IP501 is my fav ;)
15:38.25thinwiresI'm looking at the IP501's now... we're going to buy three of them, it looks sound and almost everyone that has them likes them
15:38.43[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: Superior call handling, better audio quality, larger screen (IP 501+), MicroBrowser (IP 501+), All phones have a passthrough port, massive configurability
15:39.04[TK]D-FenderTJBraza: Presence support.... I could go on....
15:39.18Strom_MI'm less impressed with the 480i than I am with the 7940/7960
15:39.27thinwiresis a good place to purchse phone gear? (they are like a 15 minute drive away from me :-)
15:39.35Strom_Mthe 480i isn't a bad phone, but it has a cheapy feel about it
15:39.39[TK]D-Fender|Vulture|: IP 501 is nice, but I'd prefer an IP 650.  Mind you you'd never see me PAY for it ;)
15:40.01[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: It is a bit lower on feel & audio quality, but HUGE on functionality.
15:40.03|Vulture|are the 650s in color?
15:40.25|Vulture|we use to use 7960s but dumped them in favor of the ip501
15:40.32|Vulture|never messed with a 650
15:40.40[TK]D-Fender|Vulture|: nope, just backlit
15:40.40Strom_Myeah, but physical build and audio quality are a fairly major factor with my clients
15:40.45wunderkin[TK]D-Fender, do you have 5 fingers?
15:40.47wunderkinha ha ha ha
15:40.48|Vulture|ah backlit is nice
15:40.58[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin: 8 actually ;)
15:41.12|Vulture|tried the 301.. but just didn't like it
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15:41.29[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin: My discount structure works in a differnt manner ;)
15:41.47wunderkinoh.. fall off of the truck discount :-)
15:41.49|Vulture|man 12 lines...
15:42.14|Vulture|that would be nice for testing
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15:42.30[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin: no the "resell as new near/at full market value when actually originally purchased at wholesale" ;)
15:43.20[TK]D-Fender|Vulture|: Keep in mind thats 12 REGISTRATIONS.  That actually capable of handling a SIC number of calls.
15:44.08|Vulture|well one thing I liked about my 7960 is that I had 6 lines and could keep a registration in multiple locations for testing
15:45.00thinwiresthat 7960 is expensive though eh?
15:45.29|Vulture|next to the ip501 it is
15:45.42wunderkini think we need to go with grandstream budgetone phones... :-D
15:45.49thinwiresyeah, it is, but it supports more lines and such
15:45.57tzangerI want polycom to make a wifi phone with bluetooth
15:45.59tzangerthat's all
15:46.10Strom_Mwunderkin: no no, i propose tooling up to do to grandstream what grandstream is doing to polycom
15:46.13tzangerno color screen, some programma ble soft buttons...  nothing much
15:46.20JTwifi is a bad idea anyway
15:46.22tzangermaybe a vibrate and a decent set of NORMAL ringtones
15:46.26tzangerJT: compred to what
15:46.33Strom_Mwe can make phones out of hair-thin strands of gossamer moonlight
15:46.40tzangerJT: dect's not really available in north america
15:46.46JTor similar
15:46.46tzangeralthough I have contemplated bringing in DECT phones
15:46.50JTjust not wifi
15:47.12tzangermeh, I find it's passable
15:47.12Strom_Mjt: why not wifi?  in theory, you can create a wifi network with wide coverage
15:47.17thinwireswhat's wrong with wifi?
15:47.18tzangerand easy to cover
15:47.53JTthe whole mobile terminals
15:48.00JTwith variable lag, jitter and packet loss
15:48.02tzangerwifi's jittery but honestly it's fine enough
15:48.12tzangerJT: so it's basically the internet but confined to your office
15:49.17JTthe Internet doesn't have wireless terminals moving about the place in the backbone, usually
15:49.42thinwiresso with the IP501, those soft buttons, I'm assuming those are programable buttons?
15:50.08tzangerJT: minor problem
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15:51.04Dr-Linuxhi guys
15:51.16Dr-Linuxquestion, how can i hangup this channel:
15:51.17Dr-LinuxChannel              Location             State   Application(Data)
15:51.17Dr-LinuxLocal/45001@users-bd 45001@users:3        Ring    Queue(mcp-support|tT|||600)
15:51.42macTijnsoft hangup channel Local/45001@whatever
15:51.43macTijnon console
15:51.56*** join/#asterisk rdb_ (
15:51.58*** join/#asterisk techie (
15:52.40Dr-LinuxmacTijn: that i aready tried:
15:52.41Dr-Linuxivr1*CLI> soft hangup Local/45005@users-f6
15:52.41Dr-LinuxLocal/45005@users-f6 is not a known channel
15:53.05[TK]D-Fenderthinwires: Depends.  The soft-keys under the screen?  No.  The line keys?  Sure.  for call handling, or speed-dials (w/ presence support)
15:54.15[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: thats because you don't have the full channel name
15:54.19*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:54.26JoNateand its a different number
15:55.52Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: that's all i have. So what's the solution to kill them?
15:56.00*** join/#asterisk topping (n=topping@
15:56.06[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Get better info
15:56.19filetab complete the channel name?
15:56.49Dr-Linuxfile: channel name is complete, and there not one, but about 8 channel hanged
15:56.55Dr-Linuxnow i wanna kill them
15:56.55siddu999Hello all, I am having trouble with outbound calls on asteriskNOW. Can anyone give me some help pls?
15:57.00Strom_Mpress the "LOL" button
15:57.09Dr-Linuxusually i do as "soft hangup" but that doesn't seems to work
15:57.12ManxPowersiddu999: no.
15:57.18thinwiressuddy999: /join #asterisknow
15:57.21ManxPowersiddu999: because this is not the #asterisknow channel
15:57.22Strom_Mit's right between "OMG" "ROFL" and "any"
15:57.24Dr-LinuxLOL button? :S
15:57.25wunderkinafter that press the any key!
15:57.27filethat is not a complete chan_local channel name
15:57.55siddu999Thanks guys. I will join on asteriskNOW.
15:57.59thinwiresWhere's the "ANY" key?
15:58.13aydiosmionext to the abort key
15:58.23wunderkinand eject
15:58.25thinwiresabortion is murder.
15:58.30thinwireslol jk
15:58.33Dr-Linuxfile: have a look here:
15:58.47Dr-Linuxthese channel got hanged due to internet issue
15:58.56[TK]D-Fender"Guns don't kill people... *I* kill people"
15:59.00filelike I said, those are not the complete names.. just hit tab to do tab completion
15:59.08Dr-Linuxbut i wanna kill them, i'm looking for any solution except restart asterisk
15:59.17aydiosmiookay how about this, how can I start a timer from when a Dial() Answers to when it hangs up and retrieve that value?
15:59.20Dr-Linuxlemme try
15:59.24[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Do I really have to say it again.  You Do Not See The Full Channel Name There <---
15:59.35tuan_modulisDr-Linux: try service asterisk restart
15:59.35filethis is not rocket science.
15:59.37thinwiresi <3 tab completion
15:59.38Doviddoc: what do u get from show channels verbose ?
15:59.38tuan_modulisoops didnt read
15:59.43aydiosmioDr-Linux, more like Mr-Linux amirite?
16:00.06[TK]D-Fenderaydiosmio: "Physician heal thyself" <-
16:00.10Dovidcertain people should be banned from using computers and technology in general (like a few clients of mine)
16:00.24wunderkinfile, zOmg.. damn... *puts away the rocket science book*
16:00.35Dr-Linuxwell, i can see the full channel name but ..
16:00.37Dr-Linuxivr1*CLI> soft hangup Local/4040@users-1cfd,1
16:00.37Dr-LinuxRequested Hangup on channel 'Local/4040@users-1cfd,1'
16:00.41[TK]D-FenderDovid: Yes, for "crimes against technology"
16:01.06TaiSHiUse christian linux
16:01.10filethat means the channel is hung, you'll have to restart... how did the agents login?
16:01.12Dovidi got a list of stories - like a friend that had "issues with his wireless" it wasnt plugged in - happend last week
16:01.21TaiSHiIt has no kill, no abort, etc
16:01.34Dr-Linuxfile: agents logged in through an application
16:01.38coppicedoes christian linux evolve?
16:02.00fileDr-Linux: didn't exactly answer the question... are they dynamic queue members, callback agents, what?
16:02.16wunderkinmaybe it spawns into other distros
16:02.22Dr-Linuxfile: they are callback agents
16:02.43fileDr-Linux: that could be the reason why.
16:03.00coppiceI would have thought its development was probably slowed by sex
16:03.14DovidTK: have a look at this. it was on the users list a while back. I wanted to yell RTFM !!!
16:03.20Dr-Linuxfile: actually the reason i'm asking here, to understand the issue so i can do better in future
16:03.37Doviddoc its ok. we goto rip on some one - i get the abuse too ;)
16:03.53TaiSHicoppice: :O
16:04.01TaiSHiI think they don't use pipe either...
16:04.05TaiSHiIt would mean too much contact
16:04.39Dr-Linuxi restarted asterisk and everything is fine now
16:05.14*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
16:05.45TaiSHiDid you kill it ?
16:05.57*** join/#asterisk _VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
16:07.14Dr-LinuxTaiSHi: no
16:07.24Dr-LinuxTaiSHi: as i said, i restarted asterisk
16:07.33Dr-Linuxand for sure that could fix my issue
16:07.43Dr-Linuxbut i don't like restarting solutions
16:08.01tuan_modulisit's not exactly atomic...
16:08.46tuan_modulisin my case, i have credit cards involved
16:08.59tuan_modulisso it;s like.... charged to the max
16:13.07tuan_modulisbut i'll have to test it out more
16:13.21tuan_modulisi think the hangup is reliable
16:13.41*** join/#asterisk Giofe (n=opera@
16:15.08TaiSHiDr-Linux: ... be careful, you can't kill it >.< or abort!
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16:19.00TaiSHiCan a user have multiple alias ?
16:19.22SeyrAnyone know why when recording a phone call, you only capture the extensions side of the audio? when calling extension to extension, it records both sides fine, but when talking to an outside person, it only captures the extensions side of the audio
16:19.28TaiSHiLike "Debora" and "843" (internal number) and 398493 (external number)
16:20.17*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
16:20.38aydiosmioah sweet, I got my setup in just a few dialplan lines... I love asterisk
16:21.14TheCopsSomeone had problem with SIP TO SIP audio quality (one-way audio etc) ? I have a SIP tunnel between a tekelec 7000 and Asterisk, on the other side I have 1 phone Polycom ip601 to my Asterisk.
16:21.36*** join/#asterisk Dimik (n=Dimik@unaffiliated/dimik)
16:22.27jargheya all, i have a problem when i outgoing calls from broadsoft (another voip box) i do it using a softphone and all works well, but when i send the call from * it doen;t work, i can see that my invite is diferent, from the softphone i have: From: "MYACCOUNT" <sip:MYACCOUNT@MYDOMAIN> and To: NUMBERTOCALL@MYDOMAIN, from my * i have From: "NUMBERTOCALL" <sip:MYACCOUNT@MYDOMAIN> and To: NUMBERTOCALL@IP:PORT
16:22.44TaiSHiCan a user have multiple alias ? Like "Debora" and "843" (internal number) and 398493 (external number)
16:22.52jargthe broadsoft people said me that i need send the DOMAIN in the TO
16:23.04jargthe question is, how i can do it in *
16:24.10simplexioim "using" asterisk realtime wiht postgresql, any idea can i read somehow is sip user registered or not from database. far as i can see it dosent touch database if regester expires
16:24.37nfi|ermeswhen i logon in asterisk-gui, asterisk goes to segmentation fault: dbg of core dump --->
16:25.25*** join/#asterisk toot (n=toot@
16:25.26TaiSHinfi|ermes: Still ?
16:27.20JTjarg: fromdomain= ?
16:28.21toothey folks - just wondering anyone taken the dCAP - i can't find much in the way of example info or syllabus for it
16:28.35TheCopsSomeone had problem with sip to sip audio quality?
16:28.48jargJT: fromdomain modify the domain from the From, no from the To
16:28.59JTrelm= ?
16:29.10jargok, let me try, thanks
16:29.17JTi'm going off memory
16:29.19JTi might be off
16:30.40JTit's 3am here
16:31.35Dovid3am ? u in aus land?
16:31.56JTotherwise known as "Australia"
16:32.08JTwhat is it with people making up strange names for Australia
16:32.32*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
16:32.55Nugget"aus" isn't a "strange name."  it's merely a tacit admission by David that he doesn't know how to spell "Australia."  Like when people say "def" because they're afraid to type "definitely."
16:33.23simplexiobeware tyops
16:33.32Dovidyup. i never finishe high school
16:33.38*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
16:34.02aydiosmiothe best course of action is to use .au
16:34.03simplexioaustralia vs austria is another common mistake
16:34.06aydiosmioit's cool
16:34.16JTthat's such a poor excuse, not finishing high scool :P
16:34.20aydiosmiohow anyone can confuse those countries is beyond me
16:35.00vltHello. I defined a [peerB] in peerA's iax.conf and a [usernameA] section on "peerB" (both type friend). I can place calls from A on B, but can't register to receive calls: "Registration of 'usernameA' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''". On peerB I get "No registration for peer 'usernameA' (from". How is this possible?
16:35.43simplexiowell i have heard this tale about students from USA who wanted spend year in warm australia and see kengurus, but ended few thousand kilometer away.
16:35.49TaiSHiCan a user have multiple alias ? Like "Debora" and "843" (internal number) and 398493 (external number)
16:36.01ManxPowervlt: you have register => peerB:password@ip.of.peer.a on Peer B
16:36.02JTsimplexio: wow, that really is pretty dumb
16:36.18aydiosmioand KOALAHS
16:36.28JTargh :P
16:36.38aydiosmioand DINGOHES
16:36.46ManxPowerTaiSHi: Yes, multiple exten => lines pointing to the same device
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16:37.32TaiSHiAnd now... the conclusion
16:37.32aydiosmiooh oh an d RATTLAHS
16:37.35vltManxPower: hmmm, I tried "register => usernameA:pw@peerB" on A
16:37.35TaiSHiOk, that's from Heroes
16:37.57*** part/#asterisk Giofe (n=opera@
16:38.05ManxPowervlt: and you have a [usernameA] on Peer B's sip.conf?
16:38.06vltManxPower: @ip.of.peerB*
16:38.22vltManxPower: Yes. iax.conf.
16:38.36ManxPowerasterisk uses [whateverisinhere] as the expected incoming userID for registratons and calls
16:38.53TaiSHiIf I have 13 lines, how do I make that when someone wants to call to the outside, it passes an if (to check region) and select the available line(s) (I have more than 1 line for each city)?
16:38.56vltManxPower: that's why A can already place calls there.
16:39.36ManxPowerTaiSHi: see the group= option in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf for PSTN / Zap ports
16:39.57TaiSHiI have 2 FXO and 11 VoIP
16:40.10ManxPowerTaiSHi: you have 11 voip providers?
16:40.18TaiSHi11 VoIP lines...
16:40.23TaiSHi3 diff providers u_U
16:41.26ManxPowerThere is no such thing as a "voip line"
16:41.41JacksLivranyone know how to make x-lite not wake up Anna Nicole Smith everytime it rings? No matter how low i turn the volume or if i plug headphones in, the PC speaker deafens me.
16:42.12TaiSHiI have 11 HandyTone 486 devices
16:42.17TaiSHiWith 3 different providers
16:42.34pigpenThere is no such thing as a SIP trunk either.    :)
16:42.47JacksLivrthe tooth fairy is also a myth
16:42.48pigpenManxPower, I couldn't get it to work to save my life.
16:43.09pigpendialout fine.....inbound couldn't register.
16:43.18vltManxPower: O damn, sorry, my fault. I still got type=user on B ...
16:43.43ManxPowerTaiSHi: so you have 3 providers and 2 PSTN lines.
16:44.09ManxPowercan all phones place calls thru any provider or line?
16:44.31TaiSHiWe're using hardphones now
16:44.37TaiSHiThere is 1 phone per handytone
16:44.43TaiSHiSo 11 phones to VoIP
16:44.47ManxPowerthat was not my question.
16:45.12TaiSHiAll phones can call wherever they want
16:45.26aydiosmioHow do I get the time between Answer and Hangup on a Dial()?
16:45.28ManxPowergood, just set up your dialplan accordingly
16:45.40TaiSHiThat's why I'm worried...
16:45.45aydiosmioor the absolute time/date
16:45.49ManxPoweraydiosmio: billseconds in the CDR
16:45.52TaiSHiI dont want someone to call Barcelona from a Mexico line
16:46.09ManxPowerTaiSHi: "mexico line"?
16:46.27TaiSHiWell, our VoIP providers give us different countries
16:46.31TaiSHiI mean
16:46.40ManxPowerTaiSHi: you use your dialplan to match specific dialed numbers to send the call out the required provider.
16:46.40TaiSHiWe have lines for each country/region
16:46.47TaiSHiI thought of that
16:46.53ManxPowerTaiSHi: if you insist on using the wrong terms I cannot help you.
16:47.03TaiSHiOk, I'm not pro :P
16:47.08ManxPowerThe only kind of line you have are the telco lines.
16:47.22TaiSHiOkay, the Mexico VoIP phone
16:47.42ManxPowerWhy would you not want the mexico phone to be able to call barcilona?
16:47.52TaiSHiBecause we have a Barcelona phone
16:48.19ManxPowerTaiSHi: one of us is terribly confused.
16:48.41JTManxPower: cheaper rates to different countries with different providers
16:48.46JTeasy done
16:48.52TaiSHiGreat :P
16:48.59TaiSHiNow, let's move to the next part
16:49.21TaiSHiI have 3 phones (2 VoIP 1 analog) for the same city
16:49.38TaiSHiHow can I make that, if an operator calls
16:49.56TaiSHiAnd the first line is busy
16:50.01TaiSHiHe will move to the next one
16:50.05ManxPowerTaiSHi: you have phones (handytone + hardphone), you have telco lines, and you have voip providers
16:50.13aydiosmioManxPower: I checked the CDR, it only has the billseconds of the incoming call, not the separate Dial
16:50.16ManxPowerI assume you have telephone numbers
16:50.30TaiSHiI think we missed on the voip providers
16:50.32ManxPoweraydiosmio: you need to find the cdr for the outgoing call
16:50.33TaiSHiI ment my ITSPs
16:50.47TaiSHiI have phones (HT+Hardphone) and 2 telco lines, yes
16:51.00*** join/#asterisk _m_ (
16:51.05aydiosmiooh wait, I think I found it, there's no billseconds but there is two timestamps about the same duration as my last Dial
16:51.07ManxPowerTaiSHi: you need to figure out what telephone numbers (or patterns) you want to send to each provider.
16:51.21ManxPoweraydiosmio: see CDR.txt
16:51.22aydiosmioneed to find the column names of Master.csv
16:51.29TaiSHiYeah, dialplan to redirect calls for each country/region
16:51.34TaiSHiNow I ment something else
16:51.42TaiSHiI want that, if one phone is busy
16:51.49TaiSHiCall from another or give busy tone
16:52.05ManxPowerTaiSHi: you need to disable call waiting on the handytones.
16:52.06*** join/#asterisk gr1ncheux_ (n=devine@unaffiliated/gr1ncheux)
16:52.16TaiSHiHandyTones will not be used anymore
16:52.16ManxPowerTaiSHi: see [macro-stdexten] in extensions.conf.sample
16:52.23aydiosmioah [answer] and [end]
16:52.38TaiSHiLet me check
16:52.41ManxPowerTaiSHi: you need to disable call waiting on whatever endpoint you are using.
16:52.47*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
16:52.54TaiSHisoftphone (will use)
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16:53.42TaiSHiAs far as I see
16:53.50TaiSHi[macro-stdexten] will do the job
16:53.53TaiSHiThank you ManxPower
16:54.01TaiSHiOnce again :)
16:54.14*** join/#asterisk slayer192 (
16:56.07*** part/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (n=ckwall@
16:56.15TaiSHibb everyone, off to lunch-time
16:56.41aydiosmiois there a variable I can set in a channel that will be recorded to the CDR? like ${LOG-CUSTOM}
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17:00.23cpmI ran over my neighbor
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17:03.06ManxPoweraydiosmio: "show applications like cdr" in the Asterisk CLI
17:05.31tzangeroooh baby
17:05.34tzangerchan_cellphone fucking ROCKS
17:07.34heh_v_waterIf anyone has pretty good asterisk skills I was just contacted for work as an Asterisk analyst for a company in Lowell, MA, USA... if interested message me and I will paste you the information
17:08.16aydiosmioManxPower: I'm using cdr_mysql, is it a big pain to add a new column and have * insert it or should I just put my data in an existing column?
17:08.22tzangerwho's dbowerman on mantis?  I owe him a big wet sloppy kiss
17:10.17Corydon-wtzanger: ME!!!
17:10.39*** join/#asterisk anthonyl (
17:10.42tzangeryou horny old goat
17:11.06tzangerthat was one of THE most painless bluetooth implementations I've ever seen
17:13.07*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (n=timr@
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17:14.47ealdcdr_mysql doesn't support adding custom fields, someone here said that is easy to add your own columns in the cdr_mysql addon
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17:16.48aydiosmioright, I saw something about having to recompile though
17:17.05aydiosmiostill looking for a howto
17:17.25ealdmm, recompile... if you are reading wiki then that is kinda old about the topic
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17:18.24ealdsee, you downloads addons and yet you won't get cdr_mysql to use custom fields (I'm talking about adding others, not userfield)
17:18.37anonymouz666is there any problem running mpg123 different than 0.59r ?
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17:18.49ealdcustom fields only works with csv backend for cdr
17:18.50JunK-Yanonymouz666: yes
17:18.52*** part/#asterisk Seyr (
17:20.53anonymouz666JunK-Y: what problem?
17:21.08anonymouz666mpg123-0.59r does not work properly on x64 arch
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17:22.08aydiosmiomy Dial doesn't seem to be getting it's own CDR record
17:23.20aydiosmiomaybe I need ForkCDR()?
17:23.24JunK-Yanonymouz666: use the native MOH?
17:23.29*** join/#asterisk rbd (
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17:24.52rbdhey guys, simple question. I have two asterisk servers (no connection between then or anything via IAX, etc)... I have a call come into one (via SIP), and I'd like to transfer it to a SIP extension on the other server in an AGI script. Would I use the dialplan apps Transfer, Dial or what to do this?
17:25.29*** join/#asterisk foobar778 (
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17:26.07foobar778[TK]D-Fender: u around
17:26.27[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778: .... maybe?
17:26.43foobar778ok have a question
17:26.57[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778: Antoher one?  I just finished answering your first!
17:27.28foobar778ok Im using a did
17:27.48foobar778and having it go to disa
17:27.57foobar778then making an outbound call
17:28.06foobar778with voip provider
17:28.09pigpenhere it comes....
17:28.11*** join/#asterisk ronki (
17:28.18ronkihi everyone
17:28.21*** join/#asterisk angel--- (n=Dark@
17:28.32[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: What pray-tell? :)
17:28.42ronkiI have a question if someone could help me
17:29.01pigpen[TK]D-Fender, I was working with foobar778 last night on this...
17:29.05NuggetThe answer is 42.
17:29.23pigpen[TK]D-Fender, just me being a smart ass...  :)
17:29.23ronkiwhat is the role of the function "answer call"
17:30.02foobar778yes right pip
17:30.49[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778: Continue...
17:30.51aydiosmioah yes
17:30.57ronkisomeone could help me it's very important
17:31.14aydiosmioI needed to use ForkCDR before Dial to get the billseconds for the Dial
17:31.28foobar778sorry fender call
17:31.40foobar778whn the voip call is made
17:31.47foobar778and then hung up
17:31.56foobar778then call persits
17:32.13foobar778it was routed did to disa then voip provider
17:32.29foobar778so when I hangup disa is still gouing
17:32.42foobar778make any sense??
17:32.53ronkiwhat is disa?
17:32.55[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778:  Your problem is unclear.
17:33.10rbdlooking at the docs, it looks like I could do an automated blind transfer to another SIP extn on the other asterisk server by doing something like Dial(SIP/XXXX@OTHERHOST|TD(#)) ...meaning that the call will be transferred if the calling party presses a key (# in this case for blind transfer) and the # DTMF will automatically be sent after call setup...make sense?
17:33.18foobar778sec fender
17:33.43[TK]D-Fenderrbd: "show application transfer"
17:34.06ManxPowerronki: it answers the call.
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17:35.09ManxPowerronki: Most applications will answer the line if it is not already answered, so it is not needed all that often.
17:35.56jesster_hey all - running 79x1 phones trying to get the background image to load out-of-the-box. Any suggestions? Right now i have to goto Settings -> User Pref. -> Background Images
17:36.07foobar778fender give me a minute
17:36.54foobar778fender be back in 5 minutes would like to pick up
17:38.09*** join/#asterisk AlfaScorpii (
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17:38.29ronkiexcuse me I have some connexion pb
17:38.55ronkiso "answer call" means that if a call persist it will be routed at another post?
17:39.04AlfaScorpiineed help with outband calls (pstn) cutting at 40 seconds
17:39.14ManxPowerronki: no.  It means answer the call so you can play audio
17:40.10ronkihum I think I made a mistake I talk about the function "answer call" presents in asterisk and asterisk java
17:40.24*** join/#asterisk topping (
17:40.30ronkiin the package fastagi more exactly
17:40.51ManxPowerronki: I cannot help you with asterisk java.  I am referring to "show application answer" in the Asterisk CLI and Dialplan
17:41.16ronkibut it's a function of the dialplan but I don't understand the goal
17:41.50ManxPowerronki: the function is not used very much
17:41.50TheCopsSomeone had problem with sip to sip audio quality? (One way, hear weird thing on the phone, ppl have problem to hear the caller etc etc..)
17:41.51AlfaScorpiiManxPower: dou you know why my outbaund calls pstn cutting in 40 seconds?
17:42.13ManxPowerAlfaScorpii: if I knew I would tell you.
17:42.25ronkiManxpower : but my project require this function
17:42.43AlfaScorpiiManxPower: :)
17:42.47*** join/#asterisk mercestes (
17:42.55AlfaScorpiimercestes: HI!
17:43.05ManxPowerronki: most applications and functions will automatically answer the call before proceeding.
17:43.42ronkiManxpower: yes but in asterisk there's the function "answer call" too
17:44.09AlfaScorpiimercestes: my asterisk is finally working... but i have a little problem yet coz my outband calls pstn r cutting everytime in 40 seconds, can u help me?
17:45.04ManxPowerronki: See
17:46.40ronkiI read it
17:48.03ronkiso....I haven't found information maybe I don' t see it
17:50.24ronkiManxpower: french I suppose?
17:50.34*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
17:53.07jesster_Hey guys, when I try to ssh to my 7961 with the values in sshUserId and sshPassword, i am authed for SSH and am presented with a new login: for the phone, any idea how to get through?
17:54.01CrashHDwhy would a sip channel show in use (when setup as a queue member) when in fact it is not in use
17:54.48[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: Pastebin all the CLI backup of this evernt please.
17:55.03AlfaScorpiiDoes any body know why my outbaund calls psth only can live for 40 seconds¿?
17:55.20[TK]D-FenderAlfaScorpii: You haven't given us any details.  We know NOTHING.
17:55.38CrashHDbasically phones show (in use) but nobody is on them
17:56.13[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: And the "show channels" to back it up?
17:56.21AlfaScorpii[TK]D-Fender: ok, look when i make an outbaund call using pstn lines the call is cutting in 40 seconds
17:56.47CrashHDin fact it is showing channels not in use when in fact they are in use
17:56.54CrashHDand vise versa
17:57.05CrashHDcall-limit set to 100 on all sip channels
17:57.17[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: Yikes.  reload the Queue
17:57.20AlfaScorpii[TK]D-Fender: i thik the problem may be the audio codecs or tone config on my gateway...
17:57.37[TK]D-FenderAlfaScorpii: If it was a codec issue you wouldn't even GET 40 seconds
17:57.50[TK]D-FenderAlfaScorpii: SHOW us sonething USEFUL.
17:57.53CrashHD[TK]D-Fender: just a reload doesn't clear in use propertes
17:58.04anonymouz666when using MOH is running asterisk is doing transcode?
17:58.13[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: "reload"
17:58.21AlfaScorpiiim using g711A-Law
17:58.25[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Depends on the format of your music
17:58.35CrashHD[TK]D-Fender: did that, did not reset the in use stats
17:58.53[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: I'll let you think on that ;)
17:59.50anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender I am doing a sipp test on intel duo
18:00.11anonymouz666120 calls and nothing
18:00.19anonymouz666and can handle much more than that
18:00.26anonymouz666the load is ridiculous low
18:00.59[TK]D-FenderAlfaScorpii: Since you don't seem to have a clue : Pastebin the ENTIRE CLI output of a failed call with SIP debug enabled.
18:02.40AlfaScorpii[TK]D-Fender: ok
18:02.41*** join/#asterisk Mahmoud (n=fake@unaffiliated/mahmoud)
18:05.20CrashHD[TK]D-Fender: any ideas?
18:05.37[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: "restart now" ?
18:05.49[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: (will kill your calls of course)
18:05.57CrashHDI meant
18:06.00CrashHDwhy this would be happening?
18:07.48*** join/#asterisk mafkees (
18:08.17AlfaScorpiicli is changing all the time
18:08.24AlfaScorpiicant paste all
18:08.54AlfaScorpiihow can i only see the debug of an specific call?
18:09.09[TK]D-FenderAlfaScorpii: Use a better clieint or learn how to use the one you have properly.
18:09.33AlfaScorpii[TK]D-Fender: client?
18:09.41[TK]D-FenderAlfaScorpii: Yes
18:09.46AlfaScorpii[TK]D-Fender: u meen the ssh client?
18:09.52[TK]D-FenderAlfaScorpii: yes
18:10.40AlfaScorpii[TK]D-Fender: i need to see only the info abaut one call but cli is showing all including the nat changes
18:12.03[TK]D-FenderAlfaScorpii: do it without debug, but on verbose 10 at least to start.  You are not being pro-active on this at all...
18:12.48JunK-YAlfaScorpii: you cant debug only one specific call.
18:12.55JunK-Ythis is "in progress"
18:15.37*** join/#asterisk sav_mcfly (
18:15.54*** part/#asterisk siddu999 (
18:16.32[TK]D-FenderAmazing how it takes over 15 minutes to squeeze a friggen pastebin outta someone....
18:18.47thinwires<3 pastebin's
18:20.09type0anyone running asterisk on solaris 10?
18:20.25*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
18:20.43mercestesif I do a reload   will it kill current calls?
18:21.00type0im sure it will
18:21.05JunK-Ynot a reload
18:21.12jesster_Hey guys, when I try to ssh to my 7961 with the values in sshUserId and sshPassword, i am authed for SSH and am presented with a new login: for the phone, any idea how to get through?
18:21.26JunK-Ybut requires restart much of the time, which will kill ur current calls.
18:22.38tzafrir_laptopJunK-Y, there a little 'zap restart' in recent asterisk versions (1.4?)
18:22.47tzafrir_laptopso you at least won't kill sip calls
18:23.00tzafrir_laptopIt needs some further debugging
18:23.14AlfaScorpiiresonm hungup normal clearing
18:23.18AlfaScorpiiwhats that?
18:24.24tzafrir_laptopand 'reload' of sets most of the things you need
18:24.32*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:24.34*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
18:24.37generalhanhey all !
18:24.57mercestesdoes reload kill current calls?
18:26.19aydiosmioI sure hope so
18:28.16ManxPowermercestes: I don't believe so.
18:28.54ManxPowerconfirmed.  reload does not kill active calls.
18:29.39ManxPower*sigh*  When will users understand that when we say we will be rebooting the phone system at time X, that if they are on a call at time X it will disconnect.
18:30.06CrashHDManxPower: never
18:30.22NuggetProbably the day after people will figure out that it's not any easier to read the asterisk documentation after they've asked us to paste it into IRC than it is to just read the documentation directly.
18:32.24jesster_hey all - running 79x1 phones trying to get the background image to load out-of-the-box. Any suggestions? Right now i have to goto Settings -> User Pref. -> Background Images
18:33.09[TK]D-FenderAlfaScorpii: Its now been over half an hour for you to provide a pastebin of a defective call.
18:35.40ManxPowerjesster_: I suggest you check the Wiki and the Cisco web site for docs on how to do this.
18:35.42*** join/#asterisk friedrich| (
18:37.27*** join/#asterisk AlfaScorpii (
18:37.59AlfaScorpiiwhat meens when sip debug "hungup reason normal clearing"
18:39.24pigpenso is metermaid integrated into 1.4?
18:39.35AlfaScorpiiis this ok?
18:41.02*** join/#asterisk friedrich| (
18:41.47creature_anyone here using pap2 with asterisk?
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18:43.28ManxPowerAlfaScorpii: what IS that pastebin.
18:44.18ManxPowersip debug
18:44.48ManxPowercreature_: PAP2 is locked to the provider.  PAP2-NA is not locked to a provider.
18:45.21*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
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18:45.57fiber0ptiDoes anyone know where I could find statisitcs on Asterisk adoption?
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18:47.08creature_ManxPower: i'm using a PAP2T not locked
18:47.38creature_just got it and trying to make it register with my asterisk
18:47.41*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@unaffiliated/luisjose)
18:48.00creature_load of parameters, but i hope i will find out how to register it pretty soon :)
18:48.23ManxPowercreature_: reset it to the factory defaults.  You only need like 3 things set.
18:48.33ManxPowerproxy, userid, secret/password
18:48.43*** join/#asterisk jart (
18:48.58jarthow do i disable this packet2packet bridging in 1.4? it doesn't work
18:49.56filejart: what doesn't work with it?
18:50.08creature_ManxPower: yeah, i will have a look at it now
18:50.32[TK]D-FenderAlfaScorpii: No, that is not at all what I asked for.
18:50.32jartfile: i have two 501s calling each other, and no audio at all
18:50.51filejart: what does an rtp debug show? NAT between them?
18:51.01jartno nat between them, same lan
18:51.10[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti: No real odds on that.  there are no sales metrics to guage this by
18:51.24ManxPowerjart: disallow=all and allow=ulaw
18:51.25filejart: okay pastebin an rtp debug, and what version of 1.4?
18:51.55jartfile: 1.4.0, the rtp debug stops once it bridges
18:51.56jartPacket2Packet bridging SIP/300-081dd028 and SIP/301-081e43e0
18:52.00creature_ManxPower: yeah, that was easy. registered now :)
18:52.20filejart: get 1.4 from SVN, it has some fixes
18:52.25filejart: in relation to that
18:53.09pigpenany idea when svn will commit to a full release?
18:53.10ManxPowerjart: does canreinvite=no fix it?
18:53.14*** join/#asterisk bitbandit (
18:53.34[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: "when its ready"
18:53.37*** join/#asterisk philippel (
18:53.43pigpen[TK]D-Fender, :P
18:53.54[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: You asked for it... by NAME no less ;)
18:54.10pigpenyeah....I deserve a beating....
18:54.20filepatience is a virtue
18:54.31pigpen....and test in the meantime....
18:54.40[TK]D-Fenderfile: Forgive me Lord for .......
18:54.59pigpen.... doing RTA with postgres....
18:55.04thinwireshey D-Fend, you said you have IP501's right?
18:55.23jartdevil bunnies! now it's being really weird
18:55.36pigpenI must say...1.4.0 has been running well in my limited environment...
18:56.03foobar778Fender Im back
18:56.09bkruse[TK]D-Fender: run!
18:56.23foobar778The issue is this
18:56.33jarti'm trying to update our phone system in the vain hope that faxing will work
18:56.38foobar778I have a did number
18:56.48foobar778I call that number
18:56.57foobar778I have it set to goto DISA
18:57.07foobar778so now Im in my internal pbx
18:57.09jartbecause wasted hours of my bloated salary pulling my hair out with asterisk is a better solution than buying a phone line
18:57.09LostFrogI need teliax quality at broadvoice prices. :(
18:57.43foobar778then I dial a prefix and make an outbound call thru a provider
18:57.55foobar778If I hangup my analog phone
18:58.11foobar778it doesnt kill the DISA bridge
18:58.21creature_ManxPower: this was easier then i thought, took me 10 mins to make my first successfull call in/out :)
18:58.36foobar778therefore I will use more minutes on the ld call than wanted
18:58.39*** join/#asterisk reza_ (
18:58.58reza_ok, my voip provider is down; too many other choises
18:59.04reza_what's a good reliabe one that supports iax2?
18:59.11foobar778The problem is that many bridges are being made thru this method
18:59.23ManxPowerjart: I manage 4 asterisk servers and have been using Asterisk for 5 years.  I run faxes thru a standard POTS line.
18:59.25Qwell[]reza_: all providers suck
18:59.28Qwell[]in one way or another
18:59.30bitbanditwhen i try to dial out all i get is "all circuts are busy..." and i use teliax, what are some things i can check to get this working ?
18:59.33Qwell[]JerJer: No offense
18:59.35type0teliax always worked for me
18:59.41reza_ok, i need a new one so i can get the phones up again. any suggestions?
18:59.43ManxPowerbitbandit: the Asterisk CLI for one thing.
18:59.44type0I had a 310 did that was amazing
18:59.44reza_teliax? cool
18:59.46reza_us based?
18:59.51type0great support
18:59.56type0lots of did blocks
18:59.58reza_what's 210?
19:00.02type0310 is socal
19:00.09type0they dont issue it anymore
19:00.12ManxPower310 is west los angles
19:00.13type0i think 310 is full
19:00.19Qwell[]type0: They're all full :P
19:00.29reza_i use voxbone for did, great at night, sucky during congested hours
19:00.36type0teliax rocks anytime
19:00.44type0Qwell.. you ever use teliax?
19:00.57generalhanHey guys, im still working on this remote cisco7960, i was wondering if someone could take a look at my IPCop log and tell me whats going on here. the phone wont register, but it looks like its trying to get through on a strange port number....
19:00.59bitbanditManxPower : i dont see any errors in there
19:01.05Qwell[]I use about 20 voip minutes a month...if that
19:01.09bitbanditsays i am registered to teliax
19:01.14reza_how hard is it to port a did voip# to another carrier?
19:01.21Qwell[]reza_: meh...can be difficult
19:01.36type0umm.. pretty hard
19:01.36Qwell[]and usually costly
19:01.36type0LNP isnt exactly, for voip
19:01.57reza_i wouldn't mind switching did providers, but dont want to lose the number
19:02.02type0forward :P
19:04.53bitbanditis there a pastebin for this channel ?
19:05.47*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
19:07.07jesster_hey all - running 79x1 phones trying to get the background image to load out-of-the-box. Any suggestions? Right now i have to goto Settings -> User Pref. -> Background Images
19:08.01bitbandithere is the output of the CLI when i try to dial out could somone take a peek and tell me what i am missin?
19:08.19generalhanlol ... so take my pastebin .. thats cool ! lol
19:08.36*** join/#asterisk friedrich| (
19:08.53JoNatei'm ready to kill someone...
19:09.05JoNateanybody have any experience with CyberGuard routers?
19:09.12generalhanJoNate: me too ,,, lets go on a rampage !
19:09.15elriahjesster_: There is no way to specify a 'default' background image that I've found.
19:09.20bitbanditgeneralhan : sorry
19:09.36ManxPowergeneralhan: We cannot help you with trixbox
19:09.38elriahOf course, the XML config isn't all that well documented...
19:09.38jesster_elriah: bah that's too bad. the older stuff let you
19:09.52generalhanManxPower: this is Asterisk 1.2.10, not Trix
19:10.31ManxPowergeneralhan: then simplifiy the whole thing down to a single Dial() line and then as the next priority do a Noop(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE})
19:10.45generalhanManxPower: im still trying to get that cisco 7960 to register from a remote location .. but those entries on my local router are weird.
19:10.51JoNatedamn router is blocking something, and I don't know why or where!
19:10.59ManxPowergeneralhan: I see the problem
19:11.01generalhanManxPower: lol youre referring to bitbandit's post i think ... he used my pastebin
19:11.09elriahIs there a complete set of high quality asterisk stock audio for 1.2 in sln format yet?
19:11.11ManxPowergeneralhan: you are correct.
19:11.15ManxPowerbitbandit: I see the problem
19:11.33ManxPowergeneralhan: (13:07:34) bitbandit: here is the output of the CLI when i try to dial out could somone take a peek and tell me what i am missin?
19:11.40bitbanditsorry generalhan i thoguht i made new bin
19:11.51bitbanditi see the link that says new bin now
19:11.55bitbanditafter the fack
19:11.59bitbanditoops fact
19:12.08ManxPowerbitbandit: I see the problem.
19:12.21bitbanditwhat is it ?
19:12.22generalhanManxPower: my post was at  --- just trying to make sense of the router log and why my phone wont register
19:12.34ManxPowerYou do not have enough digits:     -- Executing Dial("SIP/301-08dbf7c0", "IAX2/teliax/6692249|300|") in new stack
19:13.31wunderkin1 + area code, if us, also.. 300 sec timeout?
19:13.32bitbanditeven when i do a 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx it doeds the same thing
19:14.02*** join/#asterisk geejay101 (i=Tannenba@
19:14.11JoNatehey guys, if I've opened EVERY port on my router and forwarded it...why the HELL can't I make a call!
19:14.13ManxPowerbitbandit: well paste bin a failed call when dialing 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx
19:14.50*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
19:14.57ManxPowerbitbandit: also put a Noop(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE}) as the priority after the Dial
19:15.21*** join/#asterisk angom (
19:17.08JoNateso no one has any experience with cyberguard?
19:17.56bitbanditwhere wouldi put the Noop(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE}) this is my first asterisk project
19:17.56geejay101Good evening gentlemen.
19:18.28jartyea so anyway, canreinvite=no works around the problem
19:18.28ManxPowerput as the priority after the Dial line
19:18.33jartand i'm using 1.4 svn
19:18.58geejay101As we seem to have quite a number of users who still use pulse dialing phones I wonder whether there is any way in asterisk to detect on a voip channel whether the user uses pulse dialing trying to use an IVR application ?
19:19.36*** join/#asterisk diclophis-work (n=jbardin@
19:19.40diclophis-workhello all
19:19.54jarthello young grasshopper
19:19.57diclophis-workis there a way to set a variable in a channel thats being dial from the Queue command
19:20.13diclophis-workfor example, i have a bunch of "Local channels" logged into a queue
19:20.36diclophis-workand i would like a way to tell if a call is being sent to that local channel via the queue command, or some other path in the dialplan
19:20.52jartif it's going past a local, prefix the var with _
19:20.54diclophis-worki tried setting a channel variable right before the Queue comamnd, but the variable gets lost
19:20.58geejay101I was reasoning that perhaps asterisk could detect a pulse dial attempt as a flash signal ? Possible ?
19:21.00ManxPowerdiclophis-work: Set(__HAPPY_VAR=sad)
19:21.18ManxPowerthe __ prefix means make the vairable be on all created child channels.
19:21.36ManxPowerthat is two _ (underscore)
19:21.45diclophis-workwell the one underscore worked...
19:21.51jartif you're dialing local twice
19:21.57ManxPowerdocelmo: you need to read README.variables
19:22.39geejay101diclophis the number of underscores defines the scope of the variable
19:22.51[TK]D-Fenderthinwires: Yes, I have an IP 501, what about it?
19:23.07diclophis-workgeejay101: can there be more than __ ?
19:23.25ManxPowerdiclophis-work: you need to read README.variables
19:23.40geejay101disclophis - I dont think so - read wikipedia on asterisk variables
19:24.21creature_FXS Port Impedance: 270+750||150nF
19:24.30*** join/#asterisk notoriousrab (n=robert_m@
19:24.34ManxPowercreature_: where are you?  Peru?
19:25.09notoriousrabcan anyone help me configure an auto attendant with version 1.4, cant get the samples or instructions in the book to do any logic
19:25.55ManxPowernotoriousrab: there really isn't anything special about auto-attendant in 1.4.
19:27.54notoriousrabmanxpower: ok, i am using the book asterisk the future of telephony and the demo in the sample file which is generated from make samples, i point a call at a different context and then answer it then try to get user input by using "background" and "waitexten" - when the user presses the option nothing happens
19:28.22geejay101BTW: I spent the better half of a day to get an attended transfer work on a cordless phone connected to a Cisco ATA 186. Flash didnt work, *2 in features didnt work, *3 in features.conf didnt work, finally I came up with ** in features.conf - works. Anyone any clue why this is so ?
19:28.43ManxPowergeejay101: your ATA is configured wrong
19:28.56ManxPowerFLASH transfers on SIP devices are done by the device, not asterisk
19:29.10ManxPowernotoriousrab: what specifically is not working?
19:29.37ManxPowergeejay101: chances are the ATA was eating the *codes for it's own stuff, you would have to diable that
19:29.41geejay101MaxPower I thought so too - but it worked perfectly with a fixed phone.
19:30.04ManxPowergeejay101: You just said it did not work on the ATA
19:30.46geejay101The cordless phone didnt work with the ATA with flash, *2, *3 but the fixed phone did.
19:31.00ManxPowergeejay101: that is weird
19:31.20geejay101Very wierd - I banged my head against the wall several times.
19:31.30generalhananyone know of a cmdlet or app that will let me do a port test to see if i can get to my remote phone via a specific port. like a PING but where i can specify a port number ?
19:31.55ManxPowergeneralhan: nmap
19:32.05notoriousrabmanxpower i will use the pastebin script and try to figure out what is not working, thanks for that, what isnot working just now is that asterisk does not take input from the phone eg pressing a 1 then doing whatever exten => 1,xxxx says in the same context
19:32.07generalhannmap eh !? ok thats ill take a look at that
19:32.40ManxPowernotoriousrab: what kind of phone?
19:32.50notoriousrabmanxpower - polycom ip501
19:32.52geejay101Manxpower, Sorry it is not quite right what I said, flash transfers didnt work with the fixed phone either - I am under the impression that flash transfers are broken in my Asterisk.
19:32.59ManxPowernotoriousrab: maybe your REAL problem is that DTMF is not being recognixed.
19:32.59*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
19:33.24ManxPowergeejay101: on a SIP ata when you do a FLASH, the ATA handles everything for the transfer.
19:33.42ManxPowernotoriousrab: what is your dtmfmode= set to in sip.conf?
19:34.00geejay101back to my pulse dialing problem - how can I detect uses with a pulse phone in an IVR on asterisk ?
19:34.19ManxPowergeneralhan: I don't believe you can over VoIP
19:34.31generalhanim not on VoIP
19:34.44generalhanPRI lines here
19:34.51geejay101I have a bunch of grannies who get pretty upset that their pulse phones are not working in the IVR
19:34.57ManxPowerthere needs to be fewer people here with ge as the first 2 letters of their nick
19:35.07ManxPowergeejay101: Then Asterisk is not a solution for you.
19:35.20generalhanManxPower: lol ... thats TWICE now !!
19:35.37NuggetWhen he's right, he's right.
19:36.57*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (
19:37.11geejay101Manxpower what is my solution ? I have difficulties believing that I am the first one facing the problem of people with pulse phones in asterisk.
19:38.45ManxPowergeejay101: have you looked in the mailing list archives?
19:39.22ManxPowergeejay101: there IS no solution.  You want Asterisk to support a technology that was "old" in the 1970s
19:39.27geejay101Manxpower, I googled like crazy - Ifound only hints regarding the zapata channels doing pulse dialing.
19:39.29type0ummm.. pulse phones would not work with Voip
19:39.39Qwell[]type0: says who?
19:39.52type0how would you translate a pulse
19:40.02Qwell[]how did they do it 50 years ago?
19:40.07notoriousrabmanxpower - will check in a min, the dtmf setting, thanks
19:40.09ManxPowertype0: it would come in as audio
19:40.34LostFrogCount the clicks.
19:40.39LostFrogTHat would be CPU intensive.
19:40.42geejay101Pulse phones work perfectly with Voip - ideally the pulses should be caught on the switch an be transmitted out of band. The problem is that the switch doesnt do it.
19:41.08Qwell[]geejay101: then yell at your provider
19:41.26type0a pulse is actually a break in the telephone line.. the audible part is the click
19:41.46LostFrogsign each of your clients up for a year of Sports Illustrated so they get the free clock radio phone. :)
19:41.56geejay101Once the call is connected the switches dont seem to look at pulses anymore. However they catch DTMF and transmit it.
19:42.01NuggetNah, the phone that looks like a shoe is cooler.
19:42.09Qwell[]it's all about the football phone
19:42.12Qwell[]come on now people
19:42.25LostFrogI want a pink princess phone!
19:42.29Qwell[]geejay101: They should be transmitting it...  there is nothing you can really do
19:42.51type0that is pretty funny though, voice over ip with pulse dialing
19:42.52ManxPowerAsterisk does not support pulse ivr as far as I know
19:43.14type0that's like printing an email, and sending it through the postal service
19:43.15Qwell[]well, as type0 pointed out - it isn't audio
19:43.16creature_omg the pap2 is so full of settings (
19:43.21geejay101My humble thought was that Asterisk might be able to "see" a pulse inband as a flash signal.
19:43.45Qwell[]geejay101: a "pulse" will sound different depending on various things
19:44.03type0a pulse is just really a hook flash
19:44.15creature_trying to get the phone ringing (sound) but that doesnt seem to be easy :)
19:44.34geejay101can asterisk detect hook-flash inband ?
19:44.36ManxPowergeejay101: you are a shining example of why you have to fully test and prototype an asterisk system before deployment
19:44.40Qwell[]geejay101: no
19:45.01ManxPowergeejay101: only on FXS ports
19:45.05Qwell[]geejay101: a hook is a physical layer thing, and like I said, it can sound very different
19:45.28ManxPowercreature_: I doubt it will work with that impedience setting
19:46.10geejay101Manxpower I can assure you that we did - unfortunately the pulse phones didnt come to our mind - to no ones else apparently either otherwise there would be a solution in Asterisk.
19:46.12Qwell[]geejay101: Imagine trying to get the password somebody typed on a keyboard - using just sound
19:46.17Qwell[]geejay101: it just ain't gonna work
19:46.41creature_ManxPower: thats not mine
19:46.43ManxPowergeejay101: Why not just send pulse dialers to an operator?
19:46.51creature_ManxPower: im trying with 270+750||150nF now
19:47.00Qwell[]ManxPower: about all you can do is let them timeout
19:47.01ManxPowercreature_: if you are in the usa you want 600
19:47.07creature_ManxPower: im in sweden
19:47.18ManxPowercreature_: Ah. then you do not want 600
19:47.28ManxPowerQwell: exactly
19:47.34creature_dunno and cant google the difference between sinusoid and trapezoid waveform
19:47.37geejay101Qwell I get your point.
19:48.00creature_ManxPower: ok, that didnt work.. dunno if thats the problem though
19:48.56geejay101is there any DSP plugin for Asterisk available ?
19:49.03*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:49.17Qwell[]geejay101: give up - you're going down the wrong path.  It isn't possible.
19:49.23creature_the cable from my phone to the fxs line is only connected to the two middle ports, think it might has something to do with that
19:49.31*** join/#asterisk boojit (
19:50.21ManxPowercreature_: no, the center two pins are all that is required
19:50.29creature_ManxPower: ok
19:51.01creature_then i must have the wrong settings
19:51.08geejay101Qwell I guess the only way to tell pulse dialing people that they have the wrong phone would be to ask them to dial a specific digit - if nothing happens one can announce to them to go to the supermarket and buy a new phone.
19:51.17ManxPowerQwell: You gotta admit that seeing him run around flapping his arms, thinking he can fly if he just wants too badly enough is sort of funny
19:51.45ManxPowergeejay101: there are several sound files for asterisk available telling people that.
19:51.49Qwell[]geejay101: Do what EVERY other IVR in the world does.  "[...] otherwise, please stay on the line."
19:52.09LostFrogMy local Giant doesn't sell phones.
19:52.15wunderkinpress 1 for english, press 2 for spanish
19:52.23ManxPowerLostFrog: you are not in the USA are you?
19:52.28LostFrogYes, I am.
19:52.38LostFrogI've never seen phones in supermarkets.
19:52.40ManxPoweryou can buy phones at the local pharmacy
19:52.51*** part/#asterisk boojit (
19:52.52LostFrogIn Walmart/Target/Kmart.. yes..
19:52.54ManxPowerusually near the camera stuff
19:53.05LostFrogI will have to check next time I go shopping.
19:53.18geejay101Qwell thanks for the idea
19:53.46LostFrogThat's true.. CVS does have phones.
19:53.52Qwell[]You should just Playback(rotary)
19:53.53LostFrogCVS has just about everything.
19:53.55*** part/#asterisk angom (
19:54.09Qwell[]LostFrog: except revisioned repositories
19:54.26LostFrogWell.. they have suppositories, which is close enough.
19:55.43geejay101I guess we should send people using the IVR and making two bad attempts off to a special application handling that.
19:56.01*** join/#asterisk GiantPickle (
19:56.03LostFrogSwitch to voice recognition. :)
19:56.10LostFrogGod I hate companies that do that.
19:57.30geejay101voice recognition over VoiP is hell - I was recently in an IVR abroad unable to do anything - no DTMF - no voice recognition,
19:57.49type0how did you fit yourself into an IVR?
19:58.01type0pulse dialing and living in IVR's
19:58.08type0you need to get your life together.
19:58.39type0"Please stay on the line or go to a store and purchase a telephone made this century, thank you"
19:59.08*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
20:00.13[TK]D-Fender"If you don't have a touch-tone phone please stay ont he like while we find someone to tell you what a back-water hick you are and arrange burial"
20:00.23geejay101type0, you would be amazed to hear how many pulse phones are still around in the ex-USSR. They have nice buttons but make pulses
20:00.53type0I will trade russian women for DTMF 'enabled' telephones
20:00.58type0call the embassy, we'll make the deal
20:01.03[TK]D-Fendergeejay101: You sound like a perfect candidate for
20:01.19wunderkinwe may need that too
20:01.37type0FLY MY PRETTIES!
20:01.39[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin: NO!  You are our Sacrifice!  We need you right as you are!
20:02.03wunderkini told you that we're going to get grandstream budgetone phones!
20:02.16reza_type0 - cool, it works, thanks for the suggestion
20:02.20type0I'm thinking about buying those Linksys WIP330's
20:02.25wunderkinheh :D
20:02.39reza_they do have good support, picked up right away, but really didnt want to spend much time helping me
20:02.40type0reza_.. teliax?
20:02.40[TK]D-Fendertypo : Wifi phones suck.  All of them.  HARD.
20:02.40reza_just said 'something wrong with your config'
20:02.43reza_yeah teliax
20:02.52type0tell them you want better support
20:02.59type0or you will dos their entire network
20:03.04type0they'll help you out
20:03.06type0just dial *67
20:03.22reza_problem was that i forgot to put a hole in the firewall
20:03.33type0you are putting holes in your firewall
20:03.38type0you're adding "exceptions"
20:03.39wunderkinmaybe i forgot to put a hole in these phones
20:04.02type0its not good practice to tell people you have a firewall full of 'holes'
20:04.30*** join/#asterisk l2cache (n=ghansen@
20:04.43type0however, teliax will help you if you tell them they arent
20:04.53type0just straight up say.. what you are saying sucks.. please help me
20:05.00*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
20:05.41l2cachei am writing a program that assigns a variable in asterisk, passes it to System(linux command here) .. i need to find a way to pass the variable back to asterisk...
20:05.44type0i'm still not understanding why wireless sip phones suck
20:06.12NuggetThey don't have to suck.  They just do.  There is no "why", just "is"
20:06.16reza_type0 - hack into teliax's server, and you can then connect through a firewall hole to my asterisk server over one udp port - if you want
20:06.22Moobiusl2cache: I CURL() them in...
20:06.37reza_though i don't that'll help you accomplish anything much
20:06.42type0or I could just nmap the interweb and hack the planet.
20:06.51l2cacheMoobius: what do you mean?
20:07.06geejay101Nokia E60, E61 E70 also suck on VoIP over Wifi ?
20:07.06reza_i dare you
20:07.17reza_ping -f while you're at it
20:07.18type0im not even fucking with nokia equipment
20:07.23type0not a CHANCE
20:07.29*** join/#asterisk notoriousrab (n=robert_m@
20:07.30Moobiusasterisk issues an http request to a web server which runs a script, gets the data i want, and returns it as a dialplan variable
20:07.35wunderkintype0, get out of my tube!
20:07.49type0there's no reason to have one, when I cannot get cell coverage
20:08.06type0and I'm scared to buy a shitload of ATA's and hook them up
20:08.18type0cordless phones are bullshit sometimes
20:08.23mafkeestype0: get the tiptel/kirk stuff
20:08.29notoriousrabmanxpower sorry got internet problems, tried modifying the pastebin code you sent me, same problem, what was your suggestion with dtmf in sip.conf
20:08.32[TK]D-Fendertype0: Like the sign over the bar says : "Good.  Fast. Cheap.  Pick TWO."
20:08.48geejay101type0 no cell coverage ? are you located in Mongolia ?
20:08.56type0I'm working on a site in remote alaska
20:08.59type0near the canadian border
20:09.07[TK]D-Fendertype0: Cordless phone may bullshit sometimes, but Wifi phones bullshit ALL THE TIME/
20:09.09type0with 50 million dollars of radar equipment
20:09.17l2cacheit seem like asterisk will pass a channel variable to System(grep $variable /var/log/data.dat) but it will not pass back from system to asterisk?
20:09.17type0a t-1
20:09.25type0and no electric or phone service
20:09.32JunK-Y[TK]D-Fender: i disagree, somes arent.
20:09.55geejay101type0, volountary ? that explains your humor I guess :-)
20:10.13[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y: I have not found one thats at all friendly with hopping around and has a decent battery lif, and an acceptable feature set.
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20:10.18type0actually, I have FXS cards on my coastcom mux with phones that do DTMF.. I win.
20:10.54type0the problem is getting the phone service 5000 ft down a mountain and 15 miles into a city
20:11.05*** join/#asterisk hellojoe (
20:11.09type0I basically have 15,000$ to blow on this
20:11.20geejay101type 0 - radio link ?
20:11.22*** join/#asterisk s1gny|wrk (
20:11.22type0since a satellite phone is 5000$/year plus equipment costs (1000 a phone)
20:11.34type0I already have a 5.8ghz microwave network running over 500 miles
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20:13.13type0I found these wireless range extenders that'll do up to 1.2mbps
20:13.23geejay101type0 - I can only guess that the radar data must somehow get off your mountain to some analysts - so presumably there is a link that can also carry speech.
20:13.24type0at 20 miles LOS
20:13.40type0geejay101.. of course.. I have an RLB on my coastcom
20:13.41*** part/#asterisk s1gny|wrk (
20:13.54type0getting the speech from the mux to the city, is the problem
20:14.05type0I can pickup the phone and use the FXS card on the mountain perfectly
20:14.23geejay101neither a RLB nor a coastcom means anything to me.
20:14.33type0radio lan bridge on a coastcom multiplexor
20:14.44type0my adtran radios are connected to a mux
20:15.09type0so there is a mux on each end
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20:15.29type0one end is the mountain, the other is at an airforce base -- where the FXO cards live
20:15.34Mahmouddoes * support video conferencing via sip?
20:15.36geejay101and that link also carries internet ?
20:15.48type0I just assign timeslots to the card in the mux
20:16.08type0I have 512k of radar data, and the rest is fxs cards and "internet"
20:16.33geejay101surprisingly little radar data
20:16.47type0you'd be amazed of the shit they can transfer over 512k
20:16.50type0no joke
20:17.50type0that's the radome
20:17.59type0on the left there, that's the microwave dish
20:18.13geejay101So when the Russian ICBMs are flying in then someone just has to stand in the sight of the radiolink and NY is history ?
20:18.27type0this isnt for national security
20:18.31type0this is for flight tracking
20:18.47type0me at -70
20:19.28type0this site is for military training
20:19.35type0all the jets carry datapods
20:19.44type0and we simulate missile threats direct to the aircraft
20:19.56type0so they can travel at mach 2+
20:20.01type0and the data is being sent down to our sites
20:20.06type0and onto the military base
20:20.26type0so when a missile threat is received.. we can detect the aircrafts movement through the training ranges
20:20.28type0in real time
20:20.31LostFrogI hate my fellow IT staff.. I told them make install linux.. They did it as an unprivileged user.
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20:20.41LostFrogOoops.. make install asterisk
20:21.20geejay101type0 So how long do your stints on the mountain last ?
20:21.29type0depends on the weather.. and mode of how we get there
20:21.38type0if I snow machine the 100miles in.. I can stay there for up to a week
20:21.46type0helicopter I have about 6 hours on the ground.. weather permitting
20:22.14type0last time we were up there for 3 days, the helicopter showed up with another company who maintains the radar.. their helo wouldnt start after sitting there for 3 hours
20:22.30JunK-Ywhen leaving a vm, if ive: origdate=Wed Feb 28 03:17:48 PM EST 2007
20:22.31geejay101Thats not too bad - I thought they locked you up there for months .
20:22.37type0oh no..
20:22.38type0fuck that
20:22.46type0its an unmanned site
20:22.47JunK-Ybut a date from shell is okay, what's wrong?
20:22.57JunK-Yi recorded that msg 5 min. ago
20:23.21Qwell[]JunK-Y: 5 minutes ago was 3:17 EST
20:24.04JunK-Yi mean, yeah, but: origtime=1172693868
20:24.14JunK-Yvm is saying 8 oclock
20:24.24thinwiresis that what it says? Feb28 (today) 3:17:48 EST (3, 17)
20:24.26geejay101type0, is it possible to barbecue something in the radar beam ?
20:24.34type0that's a myth
20:24.52type0standing in front of it isnt exactly, healthy
20:25.02type0but standing in front of the radar array will definately warm your ass up
20:25.10Qwell[]JunK-Y: that's seconds since's right
20:25.26Qwell[]...give or take
20:25.54JunK-Yso why its saying received at 8:17 ?
20:26.15geejay101warm your ass up - might be beneficial in that height.
20:26.30type0heh, warm clothes are better than radiation
20:26.34JunK-Y(Pm) and my tz is eastern
20:26.45type0you can be in the radome when its powered up.. but you dont want to be in front of it
20:26.45Qwell[]JunK-Y: it's saying it in utc
20:27.10type0this is 3rd generation radar shit
20:27.14type0not even the FAA uses it
20:27.19Mahmoudthis totally sucks.. my ISP blocks voip providers to force its people to use their damn analog costy telephony
20:27.22SplasPoodQwell[]: so turns out the problem with the TDM800P seems to be related to ACPI and irq sharing
20:27.23[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y: "load"
20:27.43SplasPoodQwell[]: works fine in an older box (HP DL-140)
20:27.44geejay101Mahmoud where are you located ?
20:27.44Mahmoudi'm accessing voip websites to download SIP soft phones and feel as if i were browsing some pr0n sites
20:28.03JunK-YQwell[]: since? can i return to eastern time (like specified in my .conf) ?
20:28.07Mahmoudgeejay101, UAE, where people do nasty things (palm island, tallest buildings.etc)
20:28.23type0is porn filtered?
20:28.52type0Mahmoud can you VPN to anything/
20:28.53Mahmoudpr0n is acceptable, but voip?!
20:28.58SplasPoodDoes anyone know if its possible to get VoiceMailMain() to play msgs back from newest to oldest rather than the default oldest -> newest ?
20:29.11creature_Gah, i'm having problems with my PAP2T. I can answear incoming calls but i cannot hear the ring tone when someone calls my phone (though i can answear if i know someone's calling).
20:29.13Mahmoudtype0, i use t0r to by pass their proxy.. but it is slower any way
20:29.15Qwell[]SplasPood: nope, not without hacking up the code
20:29.24geejay101Mahmoud - do they also block specific websites of VoIP providers ? Or only the VoIP traffic ?
20:29.36SplasPoodQwell[]: lame/exepected :)   I wonder if I care enough to hack up the code for this client...
20:29.42Mahmoudgeejay101, both, voip traffic + voip providers
20:29.59type0just vpn to your network, and browse through that
20:30.04Mahmoudgeejay101, they did also block google's translation feature, because people can use it to view blocked sites heh
20:30.20Mahmoudgeejay101, certain keywords are banned from being searched in google, yahoo or other popular search engines
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20:30.43Mahmoudand yet, their proxy is transparent.. means no way
20:31.10geejay101type0 . the VPN doesnt help if they block the IP of the remote site - hence my question. Unless he sets up some personal IP somewhere abroad.
20:31.27type0you'd be routing the traffic through the VPN
20:31.34type0thats a tunnel brotha.
20:31.43Mahmoudtype0 is right =P
20:31.44type0they have no idea of whats going over it
20:31.54type0they just know you're connected to another network
20:32.04type0its not like you're sending the request to their proxy
20:32.08type0you're sending it to yours
20:32.42type0now the speed of the vpn is dependant on quite a few things
20:32.50type0however --- thats your solution
20:32.55creature_ManxPower: i was able to solve it now.. changed the ring frequency from 25 to 50.. oh i should have known ;)
20:33.02geejay101type0, if they know that the remote VPN provides VoIP they will block it I suppose.
20:33.14type0they cant block VPN
20:33.21type0well they could
20:33.24type0but they wouldnt
20:33.28*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
20:33.29type0that's 'i need this for business' shit
20:33.31geejay101They simply block the remote IP. Period.
20:33.43type0they might filter the port
20:33.48type0but i'd cause a big stir about that
20:33.49Mahmoudshhhhh they may hear it!
20:34.05type0they have no idea what's going over a PPTP/IPsec tunnel
20:34.06Mahmoudthey blocked udp 5060 i guess
20:34.09*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
20:34.23Mahmoudi'm using some other ports
20:34.34geejay101They can block ports, IPs and traffic type.
20:34.41type0seriously, just VPN and connect to your box through that
20:34.52Qwell[]meh, just move
20:35.05Mahmoudevery channel has two guys loving to argue with each others.. you both seem the twh for #asterisk
20:35.08LostFrogIt sucks, but I use IAX over tinc.
20:35.12geejay101Type0 suppose you wanted to offer commercial VoIP to UAE - how would you go about it ?
20:35.30type0I would colocate a box somewhere out of the UAE
20:35.31type0but near
20:35.44LostFrogLike Iraq?
20:36.02geejay101If you would avertise that then they could easily find the IP of your VPN box.
20:36.18type0thats not true
20:36.19Mahmoudhmmm iraq is a good idea, every thing is so cheap
20:36.28*** join/#asterisk backblue (
20:36.44type0You could build an application similar to Hamachi
20:36.46aydiosmiowe do pc2phone in the UAE
20:36.48geejay101how could they NOT detect it ????
20:37.16aydiosmiowe use a proprietary SIP client that uses a non-standard SIP port and tunneling protocol
20:37.17type0ok.. as a provider.. they can filter whatever they want
20:37.35type0with stateful packet inspection
20:37.43type0they can do anything
20:37.46ManxPowerthen your client is not SIP
20:37.55type0SIP is a protocl
20:38.00aydiosmiohaha it is SIP
20:38.01type0ports and tunneling have nothing to do with it
20:38.05aydiosmioit's just tunneled
20:38.18type0thats like tunneling a telnet session on port 7500
20:38.19Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
20:38.22ManxPowerCan X-Lite use the service?
20:38.24type0its still telnet
20:38.37geejay101aydiosmo, that means they are not very sophisticated.
20:38.41type0X-Lite is a softphone, im sure it could if you could add the tunneling
20:38.51aydiosmioManxPower: yes, we offer both types of connections, tunneling on port xxxx and direct sip on 5900
20:38.53ManxPowerAs far as I am concerned, if a standard SIP device cannot use the service, then it is not a SIP service.
20:39.06Mahmoudany good free sip soft phone for windows that support video
20:39.09type0as far as the RFC is concerned..
20:39.12LostFrogI wonder how often there is a call on all five of my landlines at the same time..
20:39.27aydiosmioManxPower: in many countries it's impossible to use the SIP ports/protocols directly
20:39.32ManxPowerMY website supports HTTP, but no existing browser works with it.
20:39.42aydiosmiothey're filtered at the application later in some cases
20:39.51type0who cares about the application layer
20:40.00aydiosmiowhat are oyu yammering about? we offer both
20:40.01*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
20:40.02ManxPowerperhaps a good term would be "modified SIP protocol"
20:40.12type0you arent modifying the protocol though
20:40.18*** join/#asterisk sbingner (n=sam@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
20:40.20type0you're modifiying the CONNECTION to the protocol
20:40.36type0the protocol is still the same
20:40.41type0the way you're connecting is different
20:40.50*** join/#asterisk genz (
20:40.52type0the game is still the same, the rules have just changed
20:40.58aydiosmioenough anologies
20:41.05aydiosmiowe offer both connection types
20:41.05type0a modified protocol is routing video of DNS
20:41.16aydiosmiowe aren't offering a draconian voip service
20:41.56*** join/#asterisk topping (
20:42.45ManxPowerI'm just sick and tired of vendors claiming to support a specific standard, but you eventually find out that nothing actually supports whatever changes they made to the "standard".
20:42.57type0that's what I would use if I were to make a voip provider in the UAE
20:43.04type0tunnel sip traffic over dns
20:43.06aydiosmioThe client encapsulates the SIP data and sends it to our proxy tunnel and then forwards it to the softswitch, we specifically requested this feature for our version of the client
20:43.10type0because they can NEVER filter DNS
20:43.14genzAnybody running Cacti and have a T1 and want to try my script that monitors T1 usage?
20:43.17aydiosmioand we offer both clients
20:43.42ManxPowerNortel has done this with pretty much every VoIP protocol they claim to support.
20:43.46LostFrogThey can filter based of heuristic queing..
20:43.59LostFrogLet a certain number of DNS messages per second.
20:44.00aydiosmioLostFrog: they can, but it's expensive
20:45.44ManxPowerYou'd think it would be easier just to get into a legal business, rather then an illegal voip service in a country where voip is not legal.
20:46.09wunderkingenz, yeah i can take a look
20:46.25LostFrogLuckily VoIP was legalized in India.
20:46.42aydiosmiothey had too
20:46.47aydiosmioall those call centers...
20:47.00aydiosmioManxPower: you'd think so.
20:47.12type0i think an illegal sip provider would do well in the UAE
20:47.34type0and tunneling it through DNS would let the country know you are a complete arab ninja
20:48.33LostFrogThat's pretty good.. DNS is QoSed as interactive.. :)
20:48.33generalhanManxPower: so im using nmap like you suggested and im confused about what im seeing.  does that mean that the port is being forwarded at the remote router? or just that the port exists ? lol
20:48.54mercestestype0:  "tunneling it through DNS" and "ninja" together in one sentence proves beyond all doubt that you are a virgin.  :D
20:49.06creature_I have a problem with the PAP2T hanging up the line. The PAP2T is configured on line 1 where i have a analogue phone connected to that FXS port. On my computer i'm using a SIP Client. If i make a call from my SIP Client to my analogue phone and then hang up the analogue phone the PAP2T doesn't send a Hangup. I found a thread where another guy have the same problem and solved it using the CPC Setting, though that didn't work for me (https:
20:49.43type0I get more ass in a weekend that you've seen in a month
20:49.45type0i promise you that.
20:49.48*** join/#asterisk _m_ (
20:49.51ManxPowergeneralhan: I don't know.  You used -p 5060 and yet the response came back from 5062
20:50.06LostFrogtype0: It's unfortunate that it's all man ass.
20:50.10type0just beacause I use the word ninja, does not count me out of the vaginal pool
20:50.10aydiosmionow now
20:50.15generalhanManxPower: sorry, i must have mixed up the pastes ...
20:50.15aydiosmiolet's put our dicks away
20:50.22type0man ass is sexy
20:50.28creature_The SIP Client stays connected.. when haning up the SIP Client i get this from asterisk cli: WARNING[1870]: chan_sip.c:12171 handle_response: Remote host can't match request BYE to call '460e99320874cf205646bade68674c61@'. Giving up. (where is the asterisk ip
20:50.51creature_aydiosmio: works great
20:50.55geejay101type0 - tunneling through "DNS" ????
20:50.58aydiosmioyou kids and you silly imaginary IP addresses
20:51.10creature_aydiosmio: imaginary ip adresses, lol
20:51.16generalhanManxPower: comes back in the same format for 5060 "5060/udp open|filtered sip" which is why im confused, beause im not forwarding port 5062 and the test came back with the same results
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20:52.58ManxPowergeneralhan: I suspect I think, that when sending to that port the router send back ICMP prohibited, which would mean the port is open, but the source ip is not permitted to get thru the router filter
20:53.47generalhanyou know what the output would look like if it went through successfully ?
20:57.15*** join/#asterisk sbingner (n=sam@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
20:58.15generalhanmaybe i can set this up via IAX instead of SIP ??
20:58.21*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
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21:01.50LostFrogIAX rocks.
21:02.21mercestesI think I hurt Type0's feelings.
21:02.50mercestesI'm sorry,  :( I was kidding.
21:04.40type0im on the phone with the bank
21:04.42type0getting a loan
21:07.31*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
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21:13.41aydiosmioI still haven't figured out why WwTtHh won't work on my Dial
21:16.11geejay101type0 - what do you need a loan for ? Just stay on they montain.
21:17.48*** join/#asterisk ocgltd (
21:18.14creature_anyone knows what ERROR[1870]: chan_sip.c:14652 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/16188-081ae4a8! means?
21:18.51ocgltdMy asterisk 1.40 install, with 2000+ active channels, is showing the following every 1/2 second: chan_sip.c:2739 auto_congest: Auto-congesting SIP/  What does this mean?
21:19.16*** join/#asterisk techie (
21:19.50*** join/#asterisk boch (n=fran@
21:20.17aydiosmiohey Hh worked from my landline!
21:20.23*** join/#asterisk ocgltd (
21:20.25aydiosmiostupid cellphone.
21:21.01bochhello, anyone using Bridge() dialplan app ?
21:27.28*** join/#asterisk funnymanva (
21:27.41ocgltdSorry to repeat, I got disconnected.  My asterisk 1.40 install, with 2000+ active channels, is showing the following every 1/2 second: chan_sip.c:2739 auto_congest: Auto-congesting SIP/  What does this mean?
21:28.15*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
21:28.20aydiosmiooh hH is only working for the calling party, not the called. Damnit.
21:29.01*** join/#asterisk mut (n=ana@
21:29.30muthaving a problem with ringing not ringing correctly.. what happens is...
21:29.50mutuser has polycom phone, call comes in, sent to polycom, user has a call forward setup to call her cell in the polycom
21:30.08geejay101ocgltd - 2000 active channels ? I wasnt aware that Asterisk can handle that. what are these channels doing ?
21:30.09mutso the call comes back out of the phone, and goes to pstn, the caller can't hear a ring, but the cellphone does ring
21:30.40*** join/#asterisk dasenjo_ (n=dasenjo@
21:31.34ocgltdComing in H323, our SIP.  Asterisk is serving as a gateway.
21:31.42ocgltdBut, at around 2500 calls Asterisk hangs
21:32.18*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
21:32.20LostFrogIt sounds like you need a cluster.
21:32.30ocgltdI would like to limit the number of active channels to 1000.  Is there a setting in Asterisk that will refuse calls once the max (1000) is hit?
21:33.22JoNateAnyone have experience with * and CyberGuard routers?
21:33.24type0asterisk on solaris is supposed to be able to handle 325 calls per second
21:33.39type0with the mtmalloc library you can do 1400calls per second
21:33.44ManxPowerocgltd: look in the Wiki for GROUP_COUNT
21:34.35JunK-Ytype0: right, i doubt so.
21:34.36*** join/#asterisk rushowr (
21:34.55*** part/#asterisk rushowr (
21:36.04type0solaris 10 with a sunfire is going 1400 calls per second
21:36.07*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
21:36.09type0at 28% system cpu
21:36.17type0with 14,000-15,000 context switches
21:36.28*** join/#asterisk topping (
21:36.29diclophis-workhow can a call be connected, with recieving audio not working during the application Voicemail ?
21:36.34type0with mtmalloc
21:36.47ocgltdIs there a way to send a message back the caller that all channels are congested?  (H323 channel)
21:36.53geejay101ocglt, so Asterisk does protocol conversion H323-SIP, and handles also RTP traffic ?
21:37.34aydiosmio**/*1 work for the calling party, but not the called, anyone have an idea why?
21:37.42FuriousGeorgewhat does it mean when you are making a sip call and the other end complains that you are too quiet?
21:37.52type0FuriousGeorge.. that you need to talk louder.
21:38.11FuriousGeorgetype0: thanks, will you be here all week?  if so, should i try the veal?
21:38.32type0try out turn up the gain on the channel special
21:38.54bochDo you know why i have no audio when Bridge() two channels ?
21:39.02nasls_lsahow can I set-up Asterisk to use skype for outgoing calls ?
21:39.08type0much like that.
21:39.15FuriousGeorgeon the sip phone i would assume its the headset volume.  i assumed they had it all the way up, or that it was only for inbound audio
21:39.35*** join/#asterisk sasch (
21:39.36type0what kind of card are you using?
21:39.46type0or this is just straight zaptel?
21:40.02FuriousGeorgeif ur asking me, its all sip, no card involved though i do have a tdm400p for inbound POTS and timing
21:40.22type0so the sip call is strictly sip, or its a phone going out of the tdm?
21:40.33mercestestype0: batting 20 today are ya?
21:40.39FuriousGeorgeno analog until (maybe) the answering party when i call out
21:40.40mercestesFuriousGeorge:  Don't suppose yoru using a polycom??
21:41.17mercestesFuriousGeorge:  on a polycom yon can adjust the tx.gains.  not sure on snom.  Try a new snom and see if it gets better.
21:41.33FuriousGeorgeguess i could swap it
21:41.42type0rxgain: Adjusts receive gain. This is the audio recieved by Asterisk from the device. E.g: in a phone connected to a FXS channel, this would control the audio that is sent from the phone to Asterisk. This can be used to raise or lower the incoming volume to compensate for hardware differences. You specify gain as a decimal number from -100 to 100 representing 100% to 100% of capacity. Default value: 0.0
21:42.06FuriousGeorgetype0: i know
21:42.07mercestestype0:  yes, I always use zapata.conf to configure my sip calls.
21:42.11ManxPowertype0: that is wrong
21:42.18ManxPowertype0: the values are in DB
21:42.21type0that's wrong?
21:42.34FuriousGeorgethe call that is too quiet goes from my sip phone out via iax provider
21:42.36type0do if the rxgain=4.2 that would be 4.2DB right?
21:42.44ManxPowertype0: In theory
21:42.58ManxPowerFuriousGeorge: you need to adjust the gain on the phone
21:43.15geejay101ocgltd - quite frankly I find asterisk incomprehensible in some aspects and error hunting fruitless since it takes a huge effort to understand the code - consider yate for h323-SIP conversion.
21:43.17type0i guess the real question is, is it the same for all phones on the same channel, or just one phone on any channel?
21:43.34mercestesthere are no sip channels.
21:43.50FuriousGeorgeManxPower: yeah, i assumed that either they would have put it all the way up already, or that the setting im familiar with is only for the ear piece, not the mike
21:43.55FuriousGeorgebut i can look into that
21:44.09type0ok, sip is a channel.. i was wrong
21:45.03*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
21:45.05type0still though
21:45.07type0turn up the gain
21:45.21ManxPowerFuriousGeorge: what brand of phone?
21:45.57*** part/#asterisk mut (n=ana@
21:46.25creature_grr my atabox doesnt understand or send any information to asterisk that the phone has been hanged up
21:46.36type0hung up?
21:46.49creature_hung up maybe :)
21:46.50FuriousGeorgeManxPower: snom360
21:46.59creature_sometimes doesn't make the grammar right :)
21:47.05nasls_lsahow can I set-up Asterisk to use skype for outgoing calls ? is that do-able without buy software ?
21:47.23ManxPowerFuriousGeorge: I've never used them.
21:47.40type0ive seen someone use vonage as an extension
21:47.42FuriousGeorgeManxPower: they work nice with asterisk i got a friend who is a part time conspiracy theorist
21:48.29mercestesall conspiracy theorists are out to get me.
21:48.32FuriousGeorgesays other isps deprioritize voip
21:48.33*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
21:49.58nasls_lsathaaat I am reading right now , thanks :)
21:50.15creature_don't know of any free software, never needed to use such a gateway
21:50.15nasls_lsafreeware right ?
21:50.18ManxPowerFuriousGeorge: I imagine they would depriortize bittorrent first
21:50.24nasls_lsaaaah :(
21:50.33creature_nasls_lsa: they link to chanskype which isn't freeware
21:51.03russellbugh, "freeware" is a windows term :-p
21:51.10nasls_lsaI checked that .. :/ ..
21:51.33russellbi can send you the chan_skype source code, but it won't do you much good
21:51.41russellbit requires a proprietary kernel module that does all the real work
21:51.50russellbbut trust me, you don't want this code ... it's pretty terrible
21:51.52ManxPowerI just realized today is the last day of the month.  The used car salesmen should be desperate. *evil laugh*
21:52.19bochDo you know why i have no audio when Bridge() two channels ?
21:52.29maskedwho's ya daddy?
21:52.45maskedexcuse me
21:52.55nasls_lsaI don't know what VoIP provider to use for outgoing calls .. any good ideas for Greece ?
21:52.57funnymanvachanskype is only $19 for a single channel.  That's darn close to free.
21:53.23nasls_lsa$19 lifetime ? or /month / year ..?
21:53.40nasls_lsadoes it run on linux so I can use one pc for that ?
21:53.59russellbfunnymanva: too bad they infringe on copyright ...
21:54.18creature_oh i'm getting so frustrated over my atabox right now :(
21:55.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:57.04funnymanvait's $19 lifetime, and it runs skype in a VNC on your linux box and connects to Asterisk as a channel.
21:57.30funnymanvarusselb:  didn't know that.
21:57.43FuriousGeorgeManxPower: i said the same thing (that they would block bit torrent first), but then i pointed out that cablevision and to a greater extent verizon are the ISPs around here, and they are in the phone service, not file sharing
21:57.43ocgltdgeejay101 - does yate do T.38 over both protocols?
21:58.39*** join/#asterisk kore (
21:59.16FuriousGeorgeerr meant to say "they are in the phone business"
22:00.51aydiosmio[TK]D-Fender: Dial(SIP/17275551234@,,mghHwWM(record|${recordid})) **/*1 works for the caller but not the callee, any ideas?
22:00.51*** part/#asterisk ctooley (
22:00.51type0i dont think its legal to deprioritize voip service
22:00.51type0since E911 is going over it, which is a critical service
22:01.24*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
22:02.22type0they could make the arguement that selling dialtone over a tarriffed line is against the law i guess
22:02.43aydiosmiohow would you know?
22:02.56aydiosmioany carrier on the route could drop your call
22:03.29type0right, and when someone dies because they called 911 from a vonage line and couldnt get through because the ISP dropped their data .. game over
22:03.40aydiosmiogane over for who?
22:03.45type0the telco
22:03.52aydiosmiowho is the telco?
22:04.01type0whoever's selling internet
22:04.15creature_Anyone here who uses PAP2T?
22:04.30[TK]D-Fenderaydiosmio : Just dialing an IP like that I'm betting * can't guess a DTMFMODE and doesn't accept ANYTHING back.  Make a peer entry for it and set a mode
22:05.03aydiosmio[TK]D-Fender: thanks I'll try it
22:06.35JoNate[TK], you have any experience with * and cyberguard routers?
22:06.55[TK]D-FenderJoNate : Nope.
22:07.22JoNatedamn me!  I've opened every port on the damn thing, and still no dice
22:07.55aydiosmiopacket sniff both sides
22:08.01[TK]D-FenderJoNate : Perhaps you could explain your actual probelms, and not just mention a piece of its puzzle
22:08.09aydiosmiomake sure thigns are getting through and addressed properly
22:09.40geejay101ocgltd unfortunately I am not familiar with T.38. But if T.38 is handled fully in the RTP stream then yate should be able to handle that because you could simply forward the RTP directly between endpoints - yate can simply handle the SIP-H323 signalling side and does not need to see the RTP.
22:09.49JoNate[TK]: I think I'm missing pieces of the puzzle, but I can't dial out, I get a busy/congested issue, when I am behind this firewall/router.  However, if I set the * box with the public IP directly, everything is gravy
22:10.26[TK]D-FenderJoNate : So its a NAT router, * is behind it, and calls jsut aren't working?
22:10.47JoNate[TK]: Yep, I get a fast busy
22:11.17diclophis-workwould codec negotiation cause a delay in the "answering" of a channel
22:11.33[TK]D-FenderJoNate : Pastebin your entire [general] section of sip.conf
22:11.42jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
22:11.54[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work : Nope.
22:12.20diclophis-workwhat would cause a channel to "answer slowly", by that i mean, answer, but deliver silence for ~3-4seconds
22:12.36JoNateGah! I'm getting called into a meeting!
22:12.53aydiosmiodon't tell them you failed
22:13.20[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work : Describe the call-path from end-end
22:14.32diclophis-work[TK]D-Fender: ok, here goes.... A call is delivered to BOXA through a Zap channel, then delivered to BOXB over SIP, where by it get sent through a Queue, and down a Local channel, which then gets delievered back to BOXA over a SIP channel
22:15.00diclophis-workwhen BOXB is trying to get back to BOXA, there is a 3-4sec silence period before any voice is deliever to BOXB
22:15.27creature_When the other end user hangs up and i leave my cordless phone alone, it SHOULD detect that the phone call is over and end automatically. However when i hangup my analogue phone connected to my atabox (PAP2T) it just plays a "busy tone" followed by a louder (busy?) tone. I think its because the PAP2T doesnt handle PSTN and therefore its no reason for it to go off hook. I tried to change something called CSC but that wont solve it. Anyone
22:16.19*** join/#asterisk CunningPike_ (n=CunningP@
22:16.59[TK]D-Fenderdiclophis-work : Pastebin a complete call
22:17.11tzafrir_laptopdo the span parameters in zaptel.conf (framing, coding, etc.) affect the layer 1 connectivity?
22:17.14*** join/#asterisk HockeyInJune (
22:17.16boch[TK]D-Fender, have you dealed with Bridge() app ?
22:17.41[TK]D-Fenderboch : nope.
22:17.43tzafrir_laptopI fail to get layer 1 connectivity somewhere. I wonder if there's any point of playing with them
22:18.15JTyes they should affect L1, otherwise nothing does...
22:18.24[TK]D-Fendercreature_ : AFAIK all of the linksys/sipura only give the annoying re-order tone on disconnect.  Heck their HARD PHONES work that way too...
22:20.13aydiosmiois there a show that will display a channel dtmf mode? I can't tell if my outbound supports rfc2833
22:20.26creature_[TK]D-Fender: Ok. This is a big problem :(
22:20.51[TK]D-Fenderaydiosmio : "sip show channel [channelnamefromshowchannels]"
22:21.14[TK]D-Fendercreature_ : No... only YOURS.  Try another ATA
22:21.37creature_[TK]D-Fender: If i hangup my phone connected to the PAP2T the channel isn't closed, remains open until the remote caller has hanged up
22:21.50creature_Ow, thats how it should work :D
22:21.54[TK]D-Fendercreature_ : Wait... you mean hanging up the ATA side?!
22:22.15Mahmoudhmm where can i get
22:22.19creature_[TK]D-Fender: Wait, i'll try to explain this in a better way
22:22.20[TK]D-Fendercreature_ : Pastebin a sample of this.
22:24.28type0why are 1U voip servers so expensive
22:25.23Qwell[]"voip servers"?
22:25.30FuriousGeorgewhen i have her call me of course it works fine...  maybe its just congestion with my isp/bane
22:25.49FuriousGeorgeisnt 2-4 peak hours for internet usage?  (after lunch)
22:25.59aydiosmioDTMF Mode: rfc2833
22:26.09aydiosmiocalled party supports it:(
22:26.16[TK]D-Fenderaydiosmio : make a peer, make sure.
22:26.23aydiosmioI did
22:26.45aydiosmioI set dtmfmode=rfc2833 for the peer
22:27.42[TK]D-Fenderaydiosmio :**/*1 = ?
22:28.40[TK]D-Fenderaydiosmio : Whats in that macro?
22:29.11aydiosmioWait, SayDigits
22:29.18aydiosmiohappens with or without the macro
22:29.42JTi'll second that Qwell[]
22:29.46JTtype0: "voip servers"?
22:30.00aydiosmiowhy woudl you use 1U?
22:30.05aydiosmio2U are better for expansion cards
22:30.18JTaydiosmio: err, rackspace costs
22:30.30JTsure you don't always need expansion cards, especially if it's voip only
22:30.34JTor more than 1
22:30.36LostFrogIf you just need network cards, 1U make senses..
22:30.42JT1RU servers can do 1 or 2 PCI cards
22:31.14LostFrogI'm tired of finding low-profile cards.
22:31.33JTjust remove the backplate then :P
22:31.39JTsome do full profile cards
22:31.44LostFrogSome do.
22:31.58LostFrogI'm going to blades soon.
22:32.04JTso get one that does :)
22:32.12LostFrogIf I can talk my boss into it.
22:32.14JTsome datacentres are banning or restricting blades now
22:32.23LostFrogWhy so?
22:32.36JTexceeding their power density capacity
22:32.43JTW/sq m
22:32.55aydiosmiothat's no fun
22:34.36creature_[TK]D-Fender: i ran some tests now.. seems like i only have problem in one situation. that is if i call either from sip client to analogue phone or the other way around.. and then hangs up on the analogue phone.
22:34.46creature_i will pastebin that
22:41.05*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
22:41.18Mahmoudhmmm i want to test my asterisk with someone here
22:41.24Mahmoudjust to know if my ISP blocks 5060 or not
22:41.37Mahmoudany one wants to join me for testing ?
22:41.47Mahmoudi'll make for him a temp account + password
22:42.51creature_Mahmoud: no need for that, msg me the ip and i will check to see if i can get any connection on your port 5060
22:43.04*** join/#asterisk deb_user (
22:43.15Mahmoudare you behind nat?
22:43.24deb_useri'm trying to use mysql_cdr
22:43.28generalhanok guys, i need to ask what maybe a really dumb question. on a remote phone's configs when it asks for registrar ip and proxy ip, those addresses will be different right ? like the proxy ip is the WAN IP that im going out of, and the registrar ip is the ip of the * box.  is that correct ?
22:43.29creature_Mahmoud: no
22:43.59deb_usercdr status gives me: CDR mode: simple CDR registered backend: cdr-custom
22:44.08deb_userthat doesn't seem right...
22:44.13deb_usercan anybody offer some tips?
22:44.14mercestesgeneralhan:  It's your PBX ip.
22:44.41mercestesgeneralhan:  The idea is you can have a register server, and a proxy server (sip gateway), and a routing server, etc.  I never got any of that to work.
22:44.50mercestesgeneralhan:  Atleast...that's my understanding of it
22:45.10deb_userand...from the cli how can I tell if * is connecting to mysql?
22:45.26generalhanso the 2 ips WILL be the same then ?
22:45.43generalhani dont technically have a proxy in the remote location.
22:45.54generalhanwhich i think is why im getting so confised here ! lol
22:46.06generalhanwhy cant the remote setup be as simple as the local ones !! lol
22:46.06mercestesgeneralhan:  "proxy" to me has always been the server you dial out of in my phone configs
22:46.18generalhanok ... lets try that i guess !
22:47.46diclophis-workif i am using a Local channel as an interface for a Queue member, i can put a Hangup in there right?
22:51.54deb_userI can't connect to mysql server
22:52.15*** join/#asterisk sbingner (n=sam@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
22:52.37tzafrir_laptopdeb_user, can you connect to mysql with the command-line mysql?
22:52.53deb_usertzafrir: i'm pretty sure
22:52.56deb_userlemme try though
22:53.34*** join/#asterisk fastfeet (
22:53.52deb_usertzafrir_laptop: yes, I can connect no prob
22:54.03*** join/#asterisk Mahmoud (n=fake@unaffiliated/mahmoud)
22:54.22tzafrir_laptopwith the same username, pass and database name as in the asterik config?
22:54.36JTgeneralhan: they should all be the same unless your ITSP advises otherwise
22:54.43deb_useryes sir
22:55.10JTin which case your ITSP is stupid, as there is no technical reason why they need to be different IPs
22:55.28generalhanITSP ?
22:55.40tzafrir_laptopdeb_user, maybe there is an incorrect socket setting?
22:55.55deb_userI greped the socket setting for mysql
22:55.57deb_userto make sure
22:56.08deb_userand inserted it directly into the configuration file
22:56.36deb_useralthoug cdr status does give me: CDR mode: simple
22:56.44generalhansee on all my configs here they are the same address ... but they are local. for some reason i can not get any of these phones to work from a remote location. so i was thinking that maybe the proxy addy was suposed to be the remote WAN IP
22:56.45deb_usernot exactly sure what that means...
22:57.26*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
22:58.25diclophis-workthis doesnt make sense, it was working ealier
23:00.17*** join/#asterisk benno2 (
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23:03.13*** join/#asterisk Mahmoud (n=fake@unaffiliated/mahmoud)
23:03.13*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
23:03.25benno2hi, question: normally on asterisk I use internal numbers (for example 10,20 etc) and to dial outside 0 + intl prefix + number eg 0 001 ...   is it possible to tell asterisk that if one enters let's say at least 5-6 digits then it's automatically an external call and that asterisk should simply add the first 0 so that the user can type 001 ...
23:04.42Mahmoudcould someome try if he can connect to my * srever?
23:04.49Mahmoudi changed the port number to bypass my stupid isp
23:04.54Mahmoudthey blocked 5060
23:05.49Mahmoudif any one wishes to help me test my pbx, please pm me
23:05.50JTbenno2: depends, you need a completely non interfering dialplan with internal vs external numbers
23:06.15LostFrogI just dial 9 to get out..
23:06.25JTgeneralhan: Internet Telephony Service Provider
23:08.30benno2JT: I am asking this because I have a gsm/voip mobile phone which is quite cool (german tc-300) and if you look up the number in the address book you can choose ... dial via gsm or dial via voip. but the phone would then send 001 ... and not 0 001 ...   this is why I asked.
23:09.08benno2but I could simply memorize all numbers in international format and then tell asterisk to look at numbers that begin with 00
23:09.14tzafrir_laptopanybody here uses zaptel/bri? specifically in Itally?
23:09.16deb_usermahmoud: is your isp trying to kill voip traffic
23:09.31Mahmoudthey want to make more money by their analog telephony
23:09.35tzafrir_laptopor otherwise BRI in Italy?
23:09.36benno2tzafrir I use bri, zap-hfc in italy works well
23:09.56tzafrir_laptopcan you please give me a sample zaptel.conf?
23:10.57JTbenno2: that's pretty unusual but cool
23:10.57ealdmmm I in that case, I guess that what you want is Dial for 0+{$EXTEN} or whatever the RIGHT syntax is for that
23:11.15deb_usermahmoud: what country?
23:11.27JTbenno2: how does it call via voip... gprs?
23:11.37benno2tzafrir_laptop: I just downloaded bristuff stable from junghanns , compiled and it worked
23:11.43benno2JT: no via wlan
23:12.01JTbenno2: hrm ok, range can't be good
23:12.11JTi recommend the latest bristuff testing branch generally
23:12.19JTstable was so old and... crappy
23:12.31MahmoudDe_Mon, UAE
23:13.00diclophis-workanyone work with Queues and Local channels
23:13.11benno2JT:      click on Die Endgeraete  .. on the left upper side
23:13.24tzafrir_laptopbenno2, so you use the settings from the sample zaptel.conf...
23:13.26JTbenno2: shrug, more interested in how it works in the real world :P
23:13.30tzafrir_laptopthis is what I use as well
23:13.45benno2JT: the range is the normal range a wlan device can achieve
23:14.01JTbenno2: that's not been true for other wifi sip phones
23:14.12*** part/#asterisk mog (
23:14.14benno2JT: I have not yet tried roaming yet, which means placing multiple access points and walking through them
23:14.25JTdoesn't sound like fun
23:14.50benno2JT: in what sense ? that they are very bad in terms of reception ?  basically the phone sees the access point of the neighbor while my acer laptop does not
23:15.15aydiosmiobah, no dtmf works on my outbound calls.
23:15.31JTyeah, and sip would hate speed changes, variable lag, jitter and packet loss
23:16.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
23:17.06benno2JT: it's a pity that's not more widely available ... I'm italian but I know german so I got it from the german ebay site, but here it's unknown and generally on the inet it's hard to find infos about it. I accidentally found out about while surfing a german voip forum because I was looking for reviews about the siemens voip phone (it does not provide GSM, its pure voip) and then there was a guy that said the tc300 is
23:17.11Mahmoudany idea how to change x-lite's SIP soft phone destination port number statically without using SRV records?
23:17.52*** join/#asterisk aptura (
23:18.06JTbenno2: yeah i think i'll try and steer clear of it personally, 802.11b/g is not a good protocol for voip in a mobile configuration
23:18.11generalhancan i just use IAX to connect these remote phones instead of SIP ? stupid SIP ! lol
23:19.01benno2JT: as long as there are no alternatives what can we do ? for home use it's ok , I'm waiting for WiMax phones :)
23:19.17JTi'll stick to cordless phones :P
23:19.23benno2JT: is the bristuff testing branch stable in your opinion ?
23:19.37JTmore stable in my opinion, if you get the right version
23:19.48JTand asterisk 1.0.x just sucks
23:19.55JTno priority n, wtf
23:20.28benno2JT: but with cordless phones you don't go to a foreign country, log in to a hotspot (the phone even has a small http/wap browser so hotspots that require http login should work) and then use it as a local extension of your pbx
23:20.51JTi wouldn't trust sip to work at a random hotspot anyway
23:21.29benno2JT: I compiled the asterisk version that is indicated in bristuff, basically I used & :)
23:21.30apturaunless the hotspot was owned by the same company such as fatport.
23:21.48benno2aptura: what is fatport ?
23:21.51JTbenno2: yes bristuff stable uses asterisk 1.0.x
23:21.59JTbenno2: which is ancient
23:22.25benno2JT: so you think that my uptimes will not suffer if I use the testing branch (which uses asterisk 1.2.x)
23:22.35JTwhat card do you use?
23:22.36[TK]D-Fenderbenno2 : Bristuff uses ASTERISK.... tha somehow sounds massively BACKWARDS...
23:22.48JTwhat uptimes do you currently experience?
23:22.53benno2JT: zap-hfc compatible (an italian card)
23:23.02JT[TK]D-Fender: ?
23:23.26benno2[TK]D-Fender: sorry :)   s/uses/requires :)
23:24.58apturabtw I am trying to find the most likely caue of why asterisk takes up to 8 seconds to dial a local pstn call but is instantanios with wholesale voip. Did some googling around did not come up with much of a answer. Cli has not responce until the eight second threshhold is passed.  It could also be the sipura adapter.
23:24.59benno2JT well I cannot tell because I have no UPS attached to the mini-itx box running it so each week or so the power goes off .. but I must say it always worked and the ISDN has always worked. with older versions of asterisk (but it was not a hfc card) I remember the ISDN simply freezing after a few days or so
23:25.27benno2aptura: I had similar problems which were DNS related, if DNS was not working the SIP dialing was slow
23:25.37JTaptura: sounds like timeout dialling
23:25.51JTaptura: sharpen up your dialplans and you won't use timeout dialling
23:25.55JTon your ATA
23:26.10apturaokay I did read something about dns. Was your adapter on the local network logging in to the local asterisk box?
23:27.01[TK]D-Fenderaptura : You are somewhat vague about the exact hardware in this call path.  Please clarify
23:27.02JTbenno2: i have bristuff systems running for over a month at a time
23:27.32benno2JT: nice but it never crashed or freezed ?
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23:27.47apturaTK, I am going to try the DNS then the dial plan before going on to the card.
23:27.49JTbenno2: mind you i'm using qozap no zap-hfc, but all indications are that zap-hfc is even more stable
23:28.13JTbenno2: not since 0.3.0-PRE-1w
23:28.29JTbenno2: i use TE and NT mode too
23:28.33JTmost people only use TE
23:28.39JTwhich seems universally more stable
23:28.43JTdue to more people using it
23:28.46benno2I use only TE
23:29.00apturaJT, which dns server did you use?
23:29.14JTaptura: what?
23:29.15benno2I think asterisk is godsend for people that travel a lot
23:29.32JTaptura: what has the dialplan got to do with dns?
23:29.35apturabenn02 thats for sure :)
23:29.35[TK]D-Fenderaptura : "the" dialplan, "the" phone, "the" card.  PRONOUNS GODDAMMIT!
23:30.12benno2what I find extemely disturbing are european cellphone roaming costs
23:30.32benno2with an italian phone while in germany I pay an arm and a leg to only receive calls
23:30.51JTyeah i think it's cheaper to use an Iridium satellite phone sometimes :P
23:30.56JTthan roaming
23:31.03benno2this is why I am handing out my PSTN number instead of my cell phone
23:31.23benno2and will use call forwarding and possibly multiple SIM cards one for each country
23:31.36generalhani was pleasantly suprised with european cell phones. i went to paris and walked into a wireless store picked up a new account on a new phone in about 15 minutes tops.
23:31.59generalhanworked great ... i didnt do any roaming though !
23:32.10benno2I'm curious when the GSM operator monopoly will fall
23:32.33JTgsm is dieing in most other parts of the world
23:32.39JTpeople moving to 3/4G services
23:32.47benno2I find 20-25cent/min to call my neighbors cellphone robbery
23:32.52JTand the fact that GSM works like shit in a lot of countries
23:33.33benno2JT in europe GSM is still the only alternative,  video calls over UMTS are even more expensive not to talk about data plans ... 4-5euro/MByte :)
23:34.13JTgsm is the most common in .au
23:34.24JTbut market share will be seriously erroded in a couple of years
23:34.35JTlots of 3G and 4G services now
23:35.37benno2I really hope that WiMax will put an end to this robbery. but on the other hand in many european countries UMTS licenses were sold for stratospheric prices ... so cellphone operators need to recoup costs and are probably "protected" by the state, which means they will probably place hurdles if wimax operators want to enter the scene
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23:36.11benno2JT: but what are the 3g,4g prices ? same operators, same prices, same mafia ?
23:36.28JTi don't think wimax is a mobile phone technology, thought it was data really
23:36.30Mahmoudany free dynamic and public SRV services?
23:36.45JTbenno2: yes and no, some providers are a lot cheaper than others
23:36.58JTthe networks with the best coverage cost the most to use
23:37.34benno2JT: so what are typical cellphone to cellphone prices ?  how many cent/min ?
23:38.08JTbenno2: i think australia is recorded as having the highest, or one of the highest mobile phone adoption rates in the world, funny thing is it's definately not the cheapest prices
23:38.24JTbenno2: varies between 15c/min to $1/min depending on network and plan
23:38.56JTmedium of around 35/min maybe
23:39.47[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter : Perhaps you could actually phrase that in the form of an intelligable question...
23:40.09creature_  <- I have a problem with this macro. If the call get answered the NoOp(EXECUTING HANGUP); and Hangup; is never runned. Why's that?
23:40.36creature_in case it matches any dialstatus that part is runned.
23:40.40creature_which is correct
23:41.05benno2JT: so the prices are similar like here in europe. still expensive
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23:41.48JTbenno2: actually they're pretty good if you are willing to commit to a cap
23:41.58JToften calls and text are cheaper to the same network too
23:42.19JTi've heard of couples sending 40000 SMS to each other a year, and not going over $50/mo cap plan
23:42.28JTthey were on the same network
23:42.53JTbenno2: the rates are also much better on the networks with less coverage
23:43.58CrashHDwith 1.2.x do sip agents still show status (in use)?
23:44.36benno2JT: sure, calling people on the same network certainly saves money but murphy's law says that you've got friends of business partners that use different networks and you need to call them all the time. given that each country has at least 3-4 gsm operators one would need to run around with 4 cellphones in order to save money ... or just call asterisk and let it dispatch calls
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23:44.59benno2but unfortunately voip provider still charge a lot to call cellphones
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23:45.05JTyeah calling asterisk is a cool hack :)
23:46.13VecI have compiled zpatel and libpri and installed a TE110P pri card, loaded the module and everything seems fine, but when I start asterisk I get "WARNING[8775]: loader.c:362 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': cannot open shared object file:No such..", no idea why this is happening or even if its a problem ?
23:47.19benno2jt: but the problem is by going through asterisk in order to save money you loose the phonebook functionality of your phone. first dial asterisk and then manually dial the number you want to dial
23:47.36apturaJT, made some changes to the adapter. 4 seconds for cli to respond and 8 seconds for the other end to ring.
23:47.37benno2it's annoying ... but for long distance and longer duration calls it definitively pays off
23:48.13JTbenno2: i think some phones let you send dtmf of an address book number once connected
23:48.23apturaBenn02, you travel alot with a ATA adapter over seas and had good results so far?
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23:49.44benno2aptura: I used voip mostly using a windows laptop and a sip client like xten, it worked well in most cases.  with an ATA you should achieve similar results
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23:50.32benno2JT: yes that dtmf feature is cool but unfortunately my combined voip/gsm phone does not have that feature :(
23:50.53FuriousGeorgei think im gonna cycle my providers, collect data, and see if i can find any correlation between "robotic sound" or "choppy sound" and time of day or provider used...  i talked to one of the higher level techs at the isp, and they were like "yeah, our optimum voice customers complain about that too"
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23:52.21FuriousGeorgeso, maybe ill call verizon about a t1 or something
23:53.05wunderkin'Verizon.. The New AT&T' one offers sdsl around here for some reason, except brand x providers
23:53.25FuriousGeorgewunderkin: that doesnt make me feel any better :)
23:53.50benno2question, what does it cost to receive a call on a cellphone in the US ?
23:54.43benno2in europe we don't pay for inbound calls, in the US AFAIK yes, but OTOH calling cellphones costs like calling fixed lines
23:54.50apturaJT, what did you do to speed up your dial responce for local pstn calls? I have done two of the three things mentioned.
23:55.11techieyeah, the NEW AT&T...
23:55.20JTaptura: checked the ata dialplan?
23:55.29benno2aptura: so can you give an example of a plan ? for example  if I get a call from a landline ... 10min ... how much is it going to cost ?
23:55.41apturayes. Included one for local area code then 7 x marks
23:55.59apturabenn I dont know
23:56.16apturaBut here in canada it can be unlimited incomming
23:57.12FuriousGeorgei need a third provider for my variables, can anyone recommend a good one theyve been using
23:58.45benno2what I am wondering about (at least in italy and germany) there seem many people which get rid of their landline in order to save some money but on the other hand  cellphone dataplans are very expensive. so people wanting internet are likely to keep their landline
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23:59.08benno2it will be an interesting phenomena to follow
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23:59.45FuriousGeorgeif you dont want to incite a riot, feel free to /msg me your provider of choice

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