irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070226

00:00.41*** join/#asterisk Abdu (
00:00.54mafkeesvlt|home: basically, the bristuff patches in support for their cards, that's it
00:01.08*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:01.08mafkeesit will not touch support for PRI and analog stuff
00:01.33vlt|homemafkees: no other non-sip stuff installed.
00:01.50Dovidthat u got 3 diffrent places wit diffrent opinions
00:02.27PhelNo, I've tried with 3 different SIP service providers
00:02.29mafkeesvlt|home: then it's safe to reload everything
00:02.40PhelFollwed their directions
00:02.56mafkeesI tried ekiga once
00:03.03PhelDId it work 4 U
00:03.09mafkeesI did not like it so I never took time to get it working
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00:03.46mafkeesfor sip softphone I use x-lite or twinkle
00:03.58mafkeesdepends wether the client is running kde or not
00:04.03PhelI think it's my router
00:04.53vlt|homeJT, mafkees: I loaded chan_zap with the unpatched qozap driver and my card is shown and recognized by zap. Even an incoming call was shown on *CLI ...
00:05.38mafkeeswhat patches for qozap did you use before ?
00:05.39vlt|homemafkees: What traps will I face using the junghanns driver?
00:05.45mafkees<--- never had to patch his qozap
00:06.06vlt|homemafkees: I found a patch from someone using his beronet card with bristuff
00:06.15*** part/#asterisk mog (
00:06.17JTvlt|home: ok, can you go further than that?
00:06.22JTvlt|home: can you handle calls?
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00:06.47vlt|homeJT: Never used zap before .. will read a bit and brb ...
00:06.48mafkeesI would use stock qozap
00:06.52JTmaybe junghanns removed the stuff that stops it working for non junghanns card, or maybe it only blocks beronet, his main rival
00:07.08mafkeesno, beronet works fine on stock qozap
00:07.57JTmaybe junghanns changed his stance
00:08.06JTotherwise why would people post patches? :)
00:08.19mafkeeslook at the digium bugtracker ;)
00:08.24mafkeestalking bout patches
00:08.42mafkeesevery software has bugs
00:08.49mafkeesbristuff is no exception
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00:09.07vlt|homeJT, mafkees: My card is explicitly mentioned in his original qozap.c as "evaluation board" but I can't find any beronets there, Maybe JT is right ;-)
00:09.27JTmafkees: no but the patch was not for a bug, it was for an intentional vendorid check
00:09.35JTto prevent beronet from working
00:10.00mafkeesthat's not a block by junghanns
00:10.08mafkeesit's simply something they did not know
00:10.23mafkeesthey wrote their driver with their own pci-id's in mind
00:10.40mafkeesactually it was nice
00:10.43JTheh, debatable
00:10.49mafkeesit meant they only touched their own hardware
00:10.57mafkeesto prevent other hardware drivers to bork
00:11.07JTmafkees: you on the bristuff mailing list?
00:11.19mafkeesehm, yeah
00:11.22mafkeesI host it
00:11.27JTthat's right
00:11.29JTi forgot
00:11.38mafkeeslol, never mind is my company
00:13.18mafkees36 members right now
00:13.21mafkeesstill small
00:13.55mafkees28 in the first day
00:13.58mafkeesthat was nice to see
00:14.29mafkeeslet me spam it once more
00:14.47mafkeesThere's now an in-official bristuff-users mailinglist at
00:14.53vlt|homeJT: btw: --- Results after 16 passes --- Best: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.987793 -- Average: 99.994659
00:15.08*** join/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
00:15.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
00:15.14mafkeesWe tried to contact about it but we got no reply so feel free to subscribe to it
00:15.17mafkeesheya mog
00:15.25mafkeesyou return 1 second too late
00:15.37mafkeesvlt|home: that looks a lot better !
00:16.26mafkeesThere's now an in-official bristuff-users mailinglist at
00:16.29edgecaseDovid, re: t.38, a guy in hong kong Steve Copice seems to be the only one in the world working on it.  my SIP terminator supports t.38 BTW
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00:17.01mafkeesspamming there
00:17.04Dovidwhat do u mean by working on it
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00:17.31JTDovid: writing code to handle actual t.38 termination
00:18.43mafkeesI need 3 ipods to hold all my mp3z
00:19.01mafkeesoh wait, the new ipod is bigger
00:19.16mafkeesI thought 20gb was the biggest one
00:19.34DocHollidayedgecase, have you attempted to use it?
00:19.54AbduCDR Works with canreinvite=yes ?
00:20.12mafkeesAbdu: yeah, only the RTP will be peer-to-peer
00:20.19edgecaseyeah there's a library used by t38modem (h323) PSTN -> h323 -> softmodem in asterisk,  he's adapting for PSTN -> sip terminator's modem -> t.38 over IP -> asterisk t.38 to image file or whatever
00:20.21mafkeesthe control channel will stay at asterisk
00:20.39edgecaseDocHilliday, i'm waiting for the sip -> t.38 part to be finished
00:20.48vlt|homemafkees, JT: I can access the BRI channels!!!!!!11!11!11one! Thank you!
00:20.49edgecasefax over u-law is too flakey for me
00:20.56mafkeesvlt|home: congrats :)
00:20.57JTvlt|home: sweet
00:20.59mafkeesgood work
00:21.10JTedgecase: over u-law over what?
00:21.14mafkeesedgecase: fax over u-law will work 5% of the time
00:21.26mafkeesI tried with SIP and IAX2
00:21.34edgecaseyeah, ulaw over sip/rtp
00:21.42JTAbdu: yes cdr may work, but is susceptible to toll fraud if you don't control the media path
00:21.44mafkeeseven on lines with 0.00000% packetloss and latency of 5ms it's not perfect
00:21.48JTedgecase: sip over what?
00:22.05mafkeesJT: asterisk only supports SIP over udp
00:22.17mafkeesno tcp support yet
00:22.24mafkeesI think oej is working on it
00:22.25edgecasethe idea of t.38 is the "modem" is in the PSTN gateway, and fax HDLC frames are encapsulated in udptl or RTP over IP
00:22.27vlt|homeedgecase, mafkees: I reached up to 20 % successful fax over u-law ;-) then switched to T.38. Now got 98%
00:22.48mafkeesvlt|home: in passthru mode ?
00:22.53edgecaseyou have a t.38 ATA -> analog fax machine?  that is supported in asterisk apparently, yeha passthru
00:22.58JTmafkees: i know, over the internet, a lan....
00:23.03JTrtp is over udp anyway
00:23.21vlt|homemafkees: To be true: Bypassing asterisk at all. ATA <---> QSC server
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00:23.47DocHollidayedgecase, i want to use a T.38 ATA --> Asterisk Pass Thru --> T38 Provider (any thoughts?)
00:23.48mafkeesI use the fax2mail and mail2fax services my IAX provider gives me
00:23.53mafkeesI get 100% succes
00:24.10mafkeesbut they use their sangoma cards to get the fax, forward it with iaxmodem to hylafax
00:24.15ManxPowerDocHolliday: As I understand it you need 1.4 to do that.
00:24.37mafkees1.4 supports T.38 passthru
00:24.58JTsome stuff even supports t.38 for real ;)
00:25.05DocHollidaybut if i were to do that, would everything be pretty?
00:25.19AbduJT if i use canreinvite=yes i can have fraud with cdr ?
00:25.29edgecasewell t.38 is limited to 19.2k baud yes?  not fancy colour faxes etc
00:25.35vlt|homeJT: Doesn't OpenPBX support T.38?
00:25.43JTAbdu: yes, i guess it depends on your clients
00:25.46JTvlt|home: yes
00:25.58DocHollidayedgecase, i just want black and white.. would the faxes send/receive with little problems?
00:26.01JTi've never seen a colour fax
00:26.20jqlBrother supposedly sells them
00:26.24jqlI have yet to buy one
00:26.27edgecaseDocHolliday, well that's the dream, to no deal with a fax machine on your end, but it's still vaporware
00:26.36jqldamn patents and piss-poor libtiff support...
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00:26.52edgecasei hate faxes, i hope people switch to scan/email and colour fax doesn't take off
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00:27.02ManxPowerReinvites only reinvite the AUDIO, the signalling still stays with the server
00:27.04mafkeessame here edgecase
00:27.12JTedgecase: scan email isn't very legally strong
00:27.14DocHollidayJT, yeah.. i own one but the difficulty is finding someone else that owns one :)
00:27.29mafkeesJT: a fax is as easy to manipulate as email
00:27.34jqldon't need color faxes for transmitting legal signatures, either
00:27.37DocHollidayedgecase, noo i will have a fax plugged in to the ATA that supports T38...
00:27.40mafkeesemail has the benefit of having gpg/pgp
00:27.48edgecasemafkees, yeah technically weak, but legally strong, what a mess
00:27.51JTmafkees: once you hand off the media path to untrusted parties, you are liable to toll fraud/inaccurate CDRs
00:28.06DocHollidayindeed, i dont mind faxes as long as they work :P
00:28.11JTmafkees: err, faxes go through the pstn
00:28.15mafkeesso ?
00:28.19edgecaseamerican bar association is working on legal foundation for digital signatures
00:28.21JTmafkees: all pstn calls have CDRs
00:28.27JTat the telcos
00:28.30JTwho are independant
00:28.35JTin 1st world countries :)
00:28.43mafkeeslol, you wish
00:28.58mafkeesin .nl the digital signatures are legal stuff
00:29.25edgecaseok here's a good question for #asterisk, my SIP termination provider doesn't allow re-INVITE on a hairpin call in my * and out thru them again
00:29.28mafkeesI even sign my tax papers with my digital signature and send them with email
00:29.53edgecasesmartcards or software keystore or ?
00:29.53vlt|homein .de there's something called "qualified digital signature"
00:29.53JTmafkees: well telcos keep records of calls for quite some time
00:30.15mafkeesedgecase: software keystore
00:30.34mafkeesJT: that's only because goverment wants to tap your line
00:30.36edgecasei like the german HBCI banking, use your linux + smartcard to do banking
00:30.52mafkeesedgecase: we have that in .nl as well
00:31.00JTmafkees: sure, and telcos also like to be able to settle fees with each other
00:31.13mafkeeslinux/osx/windows/openbsd + bankcard + device to generate key
00:31.19JTand telcos generally just keep records out of habbit
00:31.31JTIT seems to be good at not keeping good records
00:31.43jqlthe number of phone-calls in the world grows slower than the amount of storage available, it seems
00:32.03mafkeesI do hate .nl goverment regulations tho
00:32.05edgecaseso serious question, how do i tell * 1.4 not to do reinvite on hairpin PSTN -> SIP bridged to SIP -> PSTN, but still do reinvite for SIP bridged to SIP -> PSTN
00:32.08jqleven a billion calls a day can go on a single drive
00:32.16mafkeesas an ISP I have to keep logs of all the traffic for 10 years
00:32.21mafkeesthat's plain sick
00:32.45mafkeesedgecase: use a different sip account for it
00:32.48edgecasei've tried the 't' flag in Dial command
00:32.50ManxPoweredgecase: you would have two sip peers in sip.conf
00:32.53AbduJT i need to have nat=no to canreinvite work ?
00:33.08JTAbdu: nat has nothing to do with it
00:33.17edgecaseyes the difference between peer, user, friend, and which register associates with is unclear in docs
00:33.29mafkeesJT: with 'nat=always' canreinvite=yes wont work
00:33.44Abdumafkees with nat=yes dont work to ?
00:33.47JTwhat is the 1.2 equivalent of always?
00:33.51edgecaseManxPower, yes i was thinking to have a 2nd peer, that calls which shouldn't reinvite would use in Dial()
00:34.02JTmafkees: it depends where your clients are anyway
00:34.06mafkeesI think nat=yes will work
00:34.12mafkeesJT: true true
00:34.22ManxPoweredgecase: Just remember you will still have correct CDRs even if you reinvite
00:34.23*** part/#asterisk mog (i=ejabberd@
00:34.31Abdumafkees and with nat=no i need to work ?
00:34.31mafkeescanreinvite only works when they are no the same subnet
00:34.50mafkeesAbdu: nat=no and canreinvite=yes will work yeah
00:34.57Abduok ok
00:35.00Abdulet me test
00:35.01edgecaseManxPower, ie CDRs follow signaling not media path?
00:35.08mafkeesedgecase: indeed
00:35.16ManxPoweredgecase: CDRs are part of the signaling.
00:35.24*** join/#asterisk tsurko (
00:35.24vlt|homemafkees: How can I disable span 4 (that's spamming syslog and *CLI)? I commented the lines in zaptel- and zapata.conf, reloaded and even restarted * ... idea?
00:35.34jqlthey have to follow signalling. early media would wreck things for pstn-style billing otherwise
00:35.47edgecaseapparently 1.2/1.4 changed how reinvites work, there should have been another canreinvite= setting IMO
00:36.07mafkeesvlt|home: remove it from /etc/zaptel.conf, unload and load module
00:36.24mafkeesvlt|home: remove it from /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf after that an restart asterisk
00:36.26edgecaseis there any better documentation on how sip.conf work re: friend/peer/user/foe
00:36.36Abdumafkees if the ATA uses stun the canreinvite dont work ?
00:36.40mafkeesedgecase: try the wiki  that was incomplete
00:36.57mafkeesAbdu: I have no idea, I never used stun
00:36.58ManxPoweredgecase: type=friend can make and receive calls, a user can only send calls to asterisk, a peer can only receive calls from asterisk
00:37.03edgecaseuse the source eh?
00:37.15mafkeesknow the force, read the source
00:37.39jqlone of these days, I'll have to learn the magic of stun
00:37.42edgecasehmm well i'll have something worthy of posting for my efforts
00:38.17mafkeesI'm off to have sex
00:38.19mafkeeslatero all
00:39.05DocHollidayholly shit asterisk 1.4 sounds soo clear
00:39.23JTManxPower: yes CDRs are based of signalling
00:39.33DocHollidaysorry for the profanity
00:39.45jqlyeah, they turned it up to 11
00:39.51JTManxPower: they are susceptible to toll fraud if you offer a charged service and you allow reinvites.
00:40.03ManxPowerJT: How.
00:40.22vlt|homeNext problem: "app_queue.c:3244 queue_exec: Unable to join queue 'officeq'" when answering zap channel. Incoming sip calls enter the queue w/o problems. What's different in handling the channels?
00:40.39ManxPowerIf signalling stays with the server, then how would fraud happen in a way that was diferent if the media stayed with the server.
00:41.47JTManxPower: because something could happen to the media and the server can't see it, it sees only the view presented by signalling, that's it
00:42.16JTask any voip provider offering service to members of public what they think of reinvites
00:42.22JTin the end it's a business decision/risk
00:42.57*** join/#asterisk mog (
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00:43.02*** join/#asterisk tzanger (n=tzanger@
00:43.14ManxPowerJT: The only "fraud" I can see is to redirect the audio to some other device.
00:43.21ManxPowerIt's still not billable.
00:44.29edgecasewell if the signaling didn't enforce media disconnect and vice-versa, that would be  a weakness, ie reinvite, then signal hangup, but keep media going?
00:44.31JTwell not so much on fraud, but billing accuracy, what if you lose the media path? sometimes it's not nicely in the signalling
00:45.04JTedgecase: yep
00:45.13ManxPowerJT: If you lose the mediapath so what.  User will be billed until the signaling path is torn down.
00:45.29edgecaseit seems like a pretty lame PSTN gateway that would allow that
00:45.36ManxPoweredgecase: I agree.
00:46.05edgecasesignaling and media seem to be split for scalability, perhaps creating this issue
00:46.35JTit's also a LIG problem, reinvites
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00:46.54JTi think most voip providers offering public voip service handle media all the time
00:46.58JTespecially due to NAT too
00:47.11jqlall media goes through my servers
00:47.16edgecaseok so if str2ba is in libbluetooth.a, it's probably not in yes?
00:47.39edgecaseoh 2 customers with media re-invited direct between them?  seems voip peering should be free to me
00:47.41ManxPowerJT: Many ITSPs outsource their PSTN stuff anyway.
00:47.56JTManxPower: 'pstn'?
00:48.02JTwhat do you mean pstn stuff
00:48.16ManxPowerJT: I mean calling non-voip numbers.
00:48.39ManxPoweri.e. Many ITSPs use Level 3 for DIDs, for example.
00:48.47JTManxPower: sure, you could have a wholesaler, unless you're a virtual itsp, probably still goes through your servers
00:49.31ManxPowerJT: reinvites would allow you to not have the media go thru your servers
00:49.46ManxPowerthe media could go direct to Level 3, for example.
00:50.09jqlif my upstream provider actually allowed that, I might consider enabling reinvites
00:50.11jqlbut, no
00:50.22JTManxPower: you wouldn't do that anyway, most customers would have NAT
00:50.40JTand you want a high level of call control, which could include cutting off the media
00:50.46JTor recording it
00:50.48edgecasei think there's a difference depending on which end of the media path you want to move
00:50.57jqlrecording: ding ding ding. CALEA
00:51.11edgecasedoes that extend beyond PSTN now?
00:51.11JTyeah, CALEA, LIG for the rest of us
00:51.44JTedgecase: if you're calling enum numbers, that's really pstn now even if on voip, but yes, that act includes it
00:52.21edgecaseso voip -> voip with end to end encrytped media stream ?
00:52.30JTseemed like common sense to me that if you offered paid enum service, authorities may come to you wanting to listen in :)
00:52.44jqlif you facilitate voip connections, as far as a court is concerned, it's your responsibility to enable tapping
00:52.48JTin the US it's more official now
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00:53.36edgecaseif users were to download a softphone from a 3rd party that enabled encryption, that would get interesting
00:54.09jqlyou could easily scramble the binary audio data to transmit anything. even setup a vpn over rtp
00:54.11JTsure you can do that already in a p2p scenario
00:54.38jqlI implemented something like that in Perl, for laughs
00:55.05jqlit sounded like nails on a chalkboard, but whatever
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00:56.36*** join/#asterisk orlock (
00:58.41JTi think the only place i'd consider reinvites is on a LAN where calls aren't charged
00:58.55JTbut then reinvites seem a bit academic with that much bandwidth :)
00:59.18orlockdamn QoS doesnt seem to be working right
00:59.47JTorlock: so much trouble for so many months, are you sure your voip provider isn't just crap? ;)
01:00.19edgecaseoh wow $ gcc  -o  -lbluetooth -shared -Xlinker -x chan_bluetooth.o
01:00.25edgecasethe -l bluetooth is wonderful stuff :)
01:00.38vlt|home"Unable to join queue 'officeq'" on zap was my fault, a typo, its name is just "office". Sorry.
01:01.27orlockJT: nah, just that trying to concentrate on QoS rules when you get  inturrupted every 15 minutes aint easy
01:01.43JTQoS is such a bother
01:01.48JTeasier to not do it ;)
01:02.17orlockthe thing is, i implemented it at home ok
01:02.33orlockbut on production ites it doesnt seem to function as well
01:04.24orlockneed to hook asterisk into th QoS script so you can change dedicated bandwidth on the fly
01:04.34*** part/#asterisk mog (
01:05.11*** join/#asterisk olsen (n=diego@
01:05.14JThow exciting :P
01:08.05wunderkina note on my problem with polycoms and the problem when you press a button and it does not register... i have now noticed that when this happens, the cursor stops blinking... odd eh? sounds like a software/processor thing
01:10.41*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
01:10.56*** join/#asterisk k-man (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
01:11.40[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin : if it isn't a bungled up config file, then I'd say the board is fried (lightly)
01:12.17JTk-man: hi
01:13.43*** join/#asterisk mog (
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01:13.48wunderkin[TK]D-Fender, well i'm back to using a standard config, but i had a new ip501 with a barebones config (only enough to register and a simple dialplan match) i forgot to change imposisble match to 2... but i know they still had key related problems, either keys not registering or the long dtmf thing.. sucks.. the client says he just started having this problem on his phone within the last month.. that phone is from the summer or fall..
01:14.13DocHollidayfor voicemail.conf can i set tz=EST?
01:14.19*** join/#asterisk Brian|lfs (
01:14.30Brian|lfshello is anyone there
01:14.42k-manjt, do voip providers ever offer voicemail with their service
01:14.55wunderkinseveral people started to report that problem around that same time... so you would think config... but even bare a new phone still sucks... zOmg
01:14.56*** join/#asterisk jcool (n=zoro@
01:16.00JTk-man: some do
01:16.10wunderkini think the phones need a blessing or something, the sheeps are almost all gone
01:16.32Brian|lfsI installed trixibox on a machien over here and configured a sip client in it but what ports do I need to forward so people from the itnernet can connect to it
01:17.13[TK]D-Fenderbrian : 5060, 10000-20000 all UDP
01:17.17Brian|lfsI don't see anything about ports int eh documentation on the trixbox home page
01:17.25k-manjt, can you recommend an australian provider that has a voicemail service?
01:18.02jqlaustralian? scary. the incumbent telco is scary, there
01:18.14k-manjql, yes
01:18.24k-manjql, i'm doing my best not to give them any of my money
01:18.40Brian|lfscool thanks now I have to go read up on forwarding ports in shorewall
01:18.43jqlthe best of luck with that. nobody deserves that kind of abuse
01:19.18*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
01:20.06jcoolgood day guys, today i setup my * server to do b2bua to another * server, i'm encoutering some strange problem i can call to another * pbx, but no on ther way around any idea ? thanks
01:20.43jcoolbut not on the other way around*
01:20.55jqlyou can calll them, but they can't call you?
01:21.00jqlis there a nat in the way?
01:21.23jcooljql: there is no nat involve since they are all on the same segments
01:21.44jqlis your server rejecting the call, or never receiving it in the first place? (sip debug)
01:22.38k-mananyone know if faktortel offer voicemail?
01:22.46k-mani  can't see it on their website
01:23.01jcooljql: w8
01:24.07k-manoh, its ok, i found it
01:24.23vlt|homeDoes anyone know if and how I can set CFU on a BRI channel?
01:24.56*** join/#asterisk fakhir (i=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:25.03vlt|home(CFU is Call Forwarding Unconditional, an ISDN function)
01:25.06jcooljql: pbx1 is not rejecting the call, but using the same type=friend account to go to pbx2 that's the problem started
01:25.52jcooljql: i will just get a fresh svn branch 1.2 then i'll report it back
01:30.17JTjql: drama much, re. australian telco ;)?
01:30.25JTk-man: i think engin does
01:31.31jqlheh, long second-hand history with telstra. :)
01:34.33*** join/#asterisk foxxtrot (n=craig@
01:37.25DocHollidayhey guys i want to set voicemail.conf for eastern standard time.. what do i set tz to?
01:37.47wunderkinanyone familiar with hpec? do you have to run zaphpec_enable during ever start up or just once?
01:38.25bkruse_home<3 hpec
01:38.48JTbkruse_home loves a lot of things
01:39.07mogwhat is up
01:39.19bkruse_homemog: I will <fill in you know what word here> you
01:39.30bkruse_homerussellb:  tell kpfleming to have another party, that was fun
01:39.34mogwhat i was thinking
01:39.41mogyeah that last one did rock
01:39.51bkruse_homemog: agreed.
01:39.53bkruse_homerussellb: im working on the res, its going GREAT
01:40.02jcooljql: now, it's getting worse, the 2nd asterisk server can no longer register on the 1st huhuhu :)
01:40.09bkruse_homemogs been helpin me with my nub errors
01:40.22russellbbkruse_home: i saw your email.  i dont' know, i guess i just need to install trunk and try it myself
01:40.33bkruse_homerussellb: no!
01:40.34bkruse_homei fixed it
01:40.39russellboh, ok
01:40.49bkruse_homeit didnt make much since, it should be if a->argc == e->args not !=
01:41.06bkruse_homebecause then if # of args is equal to the default command, do usage:
01:41.18bkruse_homeit made more sense once i thought about it, but thanks anyways, new_cli rocks.
01:41.26jqljcool: well, that's bad. What does the 1st server say about the attempted registration?
01:41.32jqlpeer not found?
01:41.36bkruse_homerussellb: i wana start that janitor project after this
01:41.43bkruse_homemake new_cli be the normal cli_
01:41.52bkruse_homethats lots and lots of code, but this way is so much more effecient
01:41.57bkruse_homeand fun :D
01:42.00orlockthat sounds good
01:42.15russellbheh, yeah
01:42.16orlockat least you know the tools to keep the pipes flowing work in that job
01:42.27russellbi think that term came from the kernel community
01:42.31russellbthey have kernel janitors
01:43.14orlock<----- digital janitor
01:43.26russellbwe don't have official janitors ... but we always have a list of janitor type projects :)
01:43.47bkruse_homerussellb: could i be an official janitor :D
01:44.34russellbok, i think I should go home before my body can't make it there
01:44.37fileclean my office!
01:44.48macTijnbeing a janitor isn't all that cool ;)
01:44.52bkruse_homeagreed, i am tired sitting here on the couch
01:45.00bkruse_homemacTijn: pfft, janitors own you.
01:45.12mogwhy dont you go to work bkruse_home
01:45.49bkruse_homemog:  why dont you!!!!!!
01:45.57macTijnbkruse_home: I used to play janitor on lots of stuff, but all you get back is bitching from coders saying "nono it has to be like this!"
01:46.06orlocki wonder if janitors ever get complaints cos of the fact the toilet somebody installed upside down on the roof doesnt work right
01:46.15*** part/#asterisk mog (
01:46.24orlock"Hey, my ass gets wet when i use that thing! fix it!"
01:46.28macTijnbkruse_home: so no more janitoring :)
01:47.10macTijnyou know what's the best way of auto-janitoring stuff ?
01:47.31macTijn(do NOT tell me * doesn't need a rewrite.)
01:53.52*** join/#asterisk n|cotine (i=nicotine@
01:53.52macTijnyou know you're a bot.
01:53.52n|cotineIf a sip device that has canreinvite=yes calls another sip device that has canreinvite=yes - at what point does asterisk remove itself from the media stream?
01:53.52*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
01:53.52n|cotineHow does one determine if that is happening?
01:54.03JTwell can the ends talk to each other?
01:54.22JTi guess they're bridging then
01:54.48jcooljql: now it's getting back to the same problem a whle ago, still i can call from pbx2 to the local extension of pbx1 but not from pbx1 going to local extension of pbx2 :(
01:55.14jcooljql: all i get is circuit busy from pbx1
01:55.47jcoolany idea guys, thank you!
01:55.58n|cotineJT:  Not happening.
01:56.05n|cotinetcpdump shows media stream still going through the asterisk server
01:57.42DocHollidaywhats the best way to have asterisk restart if it dies?
01:57.51jqlI use safe_asterisk
01:58.10jqlof course, that doesn't help with the kernel oopses... but, oh well
01:58.13jqlcan't be perfect
01:59.10*** join/#asterisk oQPa (
01:59.46JTn|cotine: is both canreinvite and reinvite set to yes?
02:00.02JTjql: need a watchdog for that scenario
02:00.14n|cotineJT:  I am confused - see
02:00.50n|cotineAnd checking chan_sip.c, there is no mention of the 'reinvite' option
02:01.00jqlduplicate server + remote power control = decent uptime
02:02.03DocHollidayQwell, are you around?
02:02.05jcoolJT: man can i ask a question please?
02:02.30orlockJT: reinvite=yes/no is plain wrong, even if you see it mentioned in example .conf files. The correct syntax is canreinvite=yes/no
02:02.44orlockoh, he saw that already
02:02.48orlocki was just reading it
02:02.50JTorlock: umm
02:02.57JTnot sure about that
02:03.01DocHolliday"Voice-Message: %d/%d (0/0)\r\n", newmsgs, oldmsgs); whats the best way to edit that chan_sip.c line to get rid of (0/0)?
02:03.13jcoolJT: i'm performing b2bua scenario on 2 asterisk server, i'm having a small problem, i can call from pbx2 to the local extesion of pbx1 but not on the other way
02:03.35jcoolJT: all i get from pbx1 is circuit busy .
02:03.45jqlit's safe to just edit it out
02:03.52jqland recompile
02:11.47*** join/#asterisk eltech (
02:16.13DocHollidaywoohoo ported chan_sip.c change to 1.4 :D
02:17.48*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
02:17.57wunderkinorlock, how about dtmf=? :D heh
02:18.08*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
02:19.27wunderkini know, you missed the joke
02:19.37wunderkindamn you nubbed it all up, thanks ;D
02:20.19Carp1my bad coach
02:21.17*** join/#asterisk eltech (
02:30.20wunderkinjakdjfsklfjad  polycom
02:31.33DocHollidaywhat is the best way to restart asterisk if it crashes?
02:31.53JTwhat do you mean?
02:32.43wunderkinfound another way to make a polycom reboot, nice
02:33.25wunderkini think the gerbils in mine are always almost dead by the time i get them
02:34.28wunderkindialing onhook, i keep dialing numbers until it reaches the limit, it looks like if i press another number after ive reached the limit, that makes it reboot :P  sip 2.1.0
02:35.57jqlremind me not to use that version
02:36.12DocHollidaywhats the best voip provider for worldwide calling plans?
02:36.17wunderkinnot like anyone normally would notice that anyway
02:36.59*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=Chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
02:40.43wunderkinlets just try trusty rusty 1.6.7
02:40.58jqlan oldie, but a goodie
02:45.32[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin : On my IP 501 w/ 2.1.0 I cannot replicate that.
02:45.45[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin : What model have you encountered this with?
02:46.45wunderkino rly? on an ip501 also... i formatted it and tried bare config... trying to 'fix' the button problem.. i selected a line key, kept pressing numbers, noticed it stopped.. kept pressing... then pressed menu... to see if it was ok.. and nope it started to reboot after a bit
02:47.53wunderkini only added registration information, changed impossible match to 2, and changed the dialplan to x.T
02:48.05wunderkinedited the default files
02:48.45ManxPowerwunderkin: want my default polycom config files?
02:48.50wunderkinwon't do it now.. ugh
02:48.56wunderkini saved the url :D
02:49.04ManxPoweroh, SIP 2.0, nevermind
02:49.07wunderkini got it to do it twice before
02:49.16jqlour combined mental powers have prevented your phone from failing while we focus on it
02:49.28wunderkinkeep up the good work
02:50.01[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin :  eek... mine just hard-locked....
02:50.11[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin : scratch that entirely.
02:50.14wunderkinmust be intermittant :)
02:50.17[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin : Reboot in progremm.
02:50.20wunderkinjql did you stop? :)
02:50.27[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin : No I sis it ON hook.  misread.
02:50.28jqlyou didn't accidentally hit the reboot combinarion, did ya? :)
02:53.03wunderkinat least i finally get you to replicate one of my problems so i'm not alone
02:53.57wunderkindid you keep pressing buttons? maybe it is something with the playing of the sounds for the dtmf... it isnt that immediately when you go over the limit it happens.. and it is intermittant
02:54.24wunderkinperhaps if that is true, that could be related to my other problem?
02:54.41wunderkinmaybe turn off the dtmf chord? heh
02:55.08*** join/#asterisk timphnode (
02:55.36wunderkinthe problem regarding pressing a button and it stops responding... it acts like a cpu problem... the cursor stops blinking.. nothing responds..
02:56.13[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin : first guess.. input buffer overflow
02:56.21wunderkininformation overload!
02:56.29wunderkinjohnnie five no more input
02:57.20[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin : Johnny Five NOT alive....
02:57.49wunderkinthe gremlins are after him
02:58.34*** join/#asterisk hohum (
03:00.13[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin : He was far better in Early Edition instead of being jsut another whitey playing and Indian role...
03:00.52wunderkin... not sure who you're talkin about... i'm not that much into movies.. just the classics
03:01.03wunderkinyou know, like office space.. ;)
03:02.00wunderkinsince that problem is intermittant i would not think some kind of overflow... i still like my guess with the playing the sound thing
03:02.13[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin : the guy who played the scientist following Johhny-5 around in Short Ciruict was in Early Edition, as well as being bad-guy in Hackers.
03:03.29wunderkinthe phone sounds funny when you press multiple buttons at once.. you can make some cool music..
03:05.04*** join/#asterisk hellop (
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03:11.33mswI have a quick AMI question -- is there a way to originate a call and track its call progress sync
03:14.55wunderkinthere's supposted to be like a eventid or something you can tag to it... there used to be some problems with that... but i dont know.. havent used it
03:14.57*** join/#asterisk tim0123 (
03:15.47tim0123What is the best way to upload .conf files to mysql for Realtime
03:16.05msw*nod* - I can use that eventid to match up with current channels -- not sure if it will let me figure out if the call I originated failed due to busy, etc...
03:24.12helloptim0123, upload?
03:25.36tim0123Well read .conf files and update realtime asterisk tables
03:27.42helloptim, what .conf files?  asterisk files?  like extensions.conf?
03:27.47hellopdo reload command in the CL*I
03:31.10tim0123Basically Im try to get asterisk realtime working
03:31.39tim0123But first I have to have my config in the database
03:34.41Phel[TK]D-Fender: Ping
03:38.17*** join/#asterisk Foobs (
03:38.33JacksLivrwhy 1.2 over 1.4
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03:39.52JacksLivrdo i need to install libnewt, or will the zaptel stuff install that?
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03:48.00mswJacksLivr: libnewt is only really needed for zttool, which you don't have to have
03:48.46JacksLivrthanks. installed asterisknow yesterday and really wanted a clean, non gui. this is much more involved. trying to get one up and running now
03:49.23JacksLivrinstalled fedora6 and openssl and bison and made sure gcc is over 4.x
03:50.18JTJacksLivr: 1.2 is more stable, less bleeding edge
03:50.34JacksLivrthanks. about to download one
03:50.42JacksLivrdot 2
03:51.53*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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03:53.39JacksLivrasterisk-1.2-current.tar.gz or asterisk-1.2.15.tar.gz ?
03:54.07cnet2hi guys.. what's the top asterisk used phone?  I always been between polycom and snom.. (polycom is really cool, but slow.., was thinking of try-n snom, but first wanted to ask your opinion(...
03:55.44cnet2jackslivr, isn-t the current version 1.4_
03:56.06*** join/#asterisk Piano_ (n=Piano@unaffiliated/piano/x-000001)
03:56.37JacksLivryeah, but the fellas here are suggesting 1.2
03:56.43JacksLivrim learning
03:57.29cnet2ohh i see. well, i-m using 1.4 since 2 weeks ago.. and it works great
03:57.59jqlthe snom is awesome for debugging
03:57.59*** join/#asterisk anthonyl (
03:58.14jqlbut, I've gotten shot down on using it in the call center
03:58.23jqldamned users didn't like it
03:58.31jqlso, I stuck em with Polycoms
03:58.52JT[TK]D-Fender doesn't have too many nice things to say about snom :P
04:00.10jqlthe snom is a swiss-army knife. It's the Perl of voip phones
04:00.35cnet2jql, so.._
04:00.42k-manwhat do you call the facility to show who is on the phone?
04:00.43cnet2why didn-t they like them.. too simple?
04:00.58k-manso i could see which users are on the phone?
04:01.12jqlbleh. complained about the buttons, complained about the menu, complained about the display, complained about the handset
04:01.20jqlwhine, whine, whine
04:01.35jqlk-man: busy lamp
04:01.46cnet2so i'm guessing i should stay with polycom
04:01.56k-mandoes asterisk support busy lamp?
04:02.07jqlk-man: to a degree, yes
04:02.31k-mando any voip phones support it?
04:02.35cnet2in polycom the busy lamp works
04:02.49jqlyeah, polycom, grandstream, snom all work. haven't tried the cisco
04:02.51cnet2with asterisk.. lol
04:02.53jpalmerit works in snom too.
04:03.15jqlI think I tried the sipura, too
04:03.39jqlbut it didn't work
04:03.44JTjql: cisco must work, people keep talking about a change to the sip code to make it work, in here
04:04.18*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
04:04.23jqlMaybe I'll try out the Cisco's BLF next week
04:04.34k-manwhat does the f stand for?
04:04.40jqlfield, I think
04:05.01k-manso linksys doesn't support that?
04:05.35jqlnot that I recall. Can't take my word as gospel, but I remember trying
04:16.11ez`bkw__, again is unreachable ...
04:16.11JacksLivrasterisk-1.2-current.tar.gz or asterisk-1.2.15.tar.gz ?
04:17.03*** join/#asterisk anrn (n=maroouch@
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04:21.08Lgvpld: crtbegin.o: No such file: No such file or directory
04:21.12Lgvpsomeone can help me ?
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04:25.07Lgvpld: crtbegin.o: No such file: No such file or directory
04:25.08Lgvpsomeone can help me ?
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04:51.08k-mananyone heard of a roland e-35 keyboard?
04:51.28k-mandoes it have a midi interface? can i use it as a midi keyboard?
04:52.42*** join/#asterisk mog (
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04:55.03orlockk-man: asking some muso geeks i know.... tried google?
04:55.17k-manyeah... couldn't find much
04:55.24k-mani think its about 10-12 years old
04:56.32[TK]D-Fenderk-man : Apparently, yes.
04:56.37DocHollidayany voip providers that have world calling plans?
04:56.41[TK]D-Fenderk-man :
04:56.48[TK]D-Fenderk-man : Do you own it already?
04:56.51k-man[TK]D-Fender, you guys are tops
04:56.59k-man[TK]D-Fender, no, i saw someone offering it for free
04:58.17[TK]D-Fenderk-man : Well.... if you don't like it, you can always ask for your money back :)
04:58.40k-manits more whether i can be bothered to pick it up and have it lying around
04:58.46k-manand will i really ever use it?
04:58.51[TK]D-Fenderk-man : I own one of these :
04:59.05k-manoh right...
04:59.12k-manare youy happy with it?
04:59.30k-manlooks pretty cool
04:59.39DocHollidaynobody has any provier recommendations? :(
04:59.43k-man[TK]D-Fender, have you played around with ardour at all?
05:00.21k-manoh... crap, its already taken... I was too late
05:00.32*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
05:01.05[TK]D-Fenderk-man : nope.... not yet.  I have it bookmarked for future reference though
05:01.25k-man[TK]D-Fender, yeah its pretty damn cool - although it doesn't support midi yet
05:01.25[TK]D-Fenderk-man : Its a great controller that I'l eventually get around to learning how to really profit from.
05:01.50k-man[TK]D-Fender, do you play a lot?
05:03.44orlockk-man: i know some linux geeks who are heavily into techno too
05:06.28[TK]D-Fenderk-man : not so much.  I'm a minor hack on piano.  I'm primarily a guitarist
05:06.44k-man[TK]D-Fender, ah i see
05:06.52k-man[TK]D-Fender, i'm also a guitarist
05:06.55k-manor at least trying to be
05:07.03k-mani think we might have spoken about this before actually
05:09.07[TK]D-Fenderk-man : Shitty clip I made about a month and change ago when jsut starting to learn sweeps :
05:09.49DocHollidayi want to create an extension that dials to a menu, how can i accomplish this?
05:10.17k-man[TK]D-Fender, nice
05:10.41jqlif that menu is another context, exten => 666,1,Goto(menu-context,s,1) perhaps?
05:10.45JTi should do some nice prompt editing
05:11.01JTk-man: i was bored the other day, so started recording crompts for "ChopTel" ;)
05:11.05JacksLivrzaptel is not compiling in fc6 ||
05:11.19orlockJT: uncle chop chop?
05:11.37k-manjt, what is choptel?
05:11.51JTfictional telco with the "voice" of mark "chopper" read
05:11.53orlockk-man: Mark Read
05:12.06DocHollidayChannel 'SIP/4000-b77013f8' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'mainmenu', but no invalid handler
05:12.25k-manorlock, sorry, who is mark read?
05:12.51orlockk-man: infamouse australian hitman/criminal/standover man
05:13.01k-manchopper read
05:13.02orlockwhats known as a toecutter.. he only goes after crims
05:13.05k-mani'm with you now
05:13.21[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Maybe you could try pointing that Goto to a place that actually EXISTS...
05:13.45k-manjt, where are you recording it from?
05:14.58DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, i just want to be able to go from my default context to the mainmenu context
05:15.46[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Thats all fine and dandy, but it helps when you've confirmed the target is valid... so go check where you should be going...
05:16.03JTk-man: my voice :)
05:16.10JTi'm not sure how authentic it is
05:16.22JTbut i can impersonate a few different people
05:16.25k-manoh, i see.. you are mimicing chopper?
05:16.37k-manok... i'm with you now
05:16.42k-mani was a bit slow off the mark
05:16.44JTlame i know :P
05:16.49orlockheh, even william gibson based a character on him
05:17.07k-manjt, i seem to recall hearing that he lives in richmond or somewhere and that he is often seen at the local there
05:17.18DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, the context where i was supposed to go was commented :P
05:17.18k-manyou should just go there and ask him to record it for you
05:18.27*** part/#asterisk techie (
05:18.28JThe already made ringtones and sms alerts for the rohnnie johns half hour
05:18.34JTk-man: richmond in sydney?
05:18.55k-manjt, yeah, i think so
05:19.19k-mani can;t recall who told me that now... but they lived there and said they had seem him there numerous times
05:19.30JTah ok
05:21.49orlockk-man: which local?
05:21.57orlockk-man: as far as i know he lives in collingwood
05:22.18JTis collingwood near richmond, vic?
05:22.21orlockJT lives in sydney anyway
05:22.36DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, why is asterisk missing submenuopts and the default mainmenu sound file?
05:22.39k-manorlock, no idea, it is a vague memory - i could well be wrong, or he could have moved since then
05:22.40orlockJT: yeah, pretty close
05:22.49JTorlock: sounds likely then
05:23.03[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : What do you mean "default mainmenu"?
05:23.20JTi know one of the dudes on the rohnnie johns half hour was from sydney, so either he moved or they film in both states
05:23.31[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : and "missing submenopts"?
05:24.13*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
05:24.33DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, in the default mainmenu context with asterisk 1.4 it references sound files that dont exist
05:26.17JTk-man: i was recording prompts for ChopTel and BoganTel
05:26.17[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Ok, apparently no one has told you this, so I'm going to make sure that any illusions you have left are cleanly shattered.  The sample files are bloated piles of crap that are at BEST an example on HOW to implement things a few different ways (not necesarily SANE even).
05:26.26JTi can probably also make prompts for PoshTel
05:26.37[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : They are meant to be studied (if even) and NEVER USED.
05:26.57[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Trash absolutely everything you did not do yourself and start from scratch.
05:26.59DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, much appreciated sir.
05:27.16[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Just here to share the holiday cheer :)
05:27.22DocHollidayoh and [TK]D-Fender i ordered the cisco phones ;)
05:27.33[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Seriously.... its a psychotic mess....
05:27.49[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : At elast you are CONSISTANT in your mosochism :)
05:27.57DocHollidaysure, do you know of a good tutorial for dialpllans and menu systems?
05:28.17[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday :
05:28.28jbothmm... book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
05:28.44[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : All there is to say about IVR's can be summed up with an understanding of *'s "Standard Extensions".
05:28.54DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, thank you oh all powerful one
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05:29.56k-manjt, sounds good
05:30.01[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : set your timeouts.  play some sounds.  wait for input.  pattern match the options that are valid.  on timeout, "do somthing".  on invalid option "do something else".  There really isn't anything more to it.
05:31.01DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, haha funny considering asterisk came loaded wtih warnings in the CLLI
05:31.18JTk-man: i did some normal prompts at first, but they were a bit boring
05:31.28JTalso i probably need a quieter recording environment :P
05:31.31[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : I think "affirming" of my previous claims would be a more accurate assessment...
05:32.10k-manjt, i wonder if you could get enough graps of say, john howard from TV, and make prompts like that
05:32.16k-mannot that i would want john howard tel
05:32.36DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, sure.. i spent a lot of time today making this machine ready for production asterisk
05:33.07JTk-man: that'd be interesting
05:33.26[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Its a lot easier to build something well that to try and fix something from being bad.
05:34.17DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, sure.. well i take lots of care making sure the box isnt going to trip and die with angry customers
05:35.31DocHollidaycan i safely get rid of every dundi context?
05:35.58[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Just take the time to evision all of the scenarios yur dialplan could encounter and ensure that you have an option in place to account for it.
05:36.09[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Are youplanning on using DUNDI?
05:36.18Hmmhesayswell that was a pretty good movie
05:36.21Hmmhesays"stranger than fiction"
05:36.47[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Then keep these sort of things in mid following my statement that you should "trash everything and strart from scratch".
05:37.42[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : I'm thinking of buying a Carvin custom guitar..... going to set me back over 1K$USD.....
05:40.37HmmhesaysCarvin makes some nice gear though
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05:45.23[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Well it IS a ful custom job.  Fretboard, frets, trem, body (its a 1-piece slim through neck), etc....
05:45.40[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Wilkinson trem & Sperzal locking tuners
05:46.12flendersquestion about DISA... I added this to my extensions.conf:
05:46.12flendersexten => 98,1,VMAuthenticate(05)
05:46.13flendersexten => 98,2,DISA(no-password|outgoing)
05:46.26flendersI get the dialtone, but when I start dialing, it hangs up
05:46.47[TK]D-Fenderflenders : Check your target context.
05:46.49JTmaybe it doesn't like what's in outgoing
05:47.14flendersoutgoing is my context on extensions.conf, right?
05:47.14DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, i get errors upon reload that reference extensions.ael
05:47.34[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : empty that file out completely.
05:47.51DocHollidaywhat is the purpose of it?
05:47.52JTflenders: yes
05:48.05flendersshould work then
05:49.12[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Alternative extensions programming logic method.  Looks like "real code" only nobody but luke-jr_ gives a rip about it ;)
05:49.14JTDocHolliday: different extensions.conf format
05:49.42flendersthis is one of my entries on my extensions.conf:
05:49.44flendersexten => _XXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN})
05:49.55DocHollidayahh consider that gone :P
05:50.04flendersso if I try an 8 digit number, it should work right?
05:50.19jqllooks like 8 digits to me
05:51.44JTflenders: never used vmauthetnicate for that
05:51.44DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, is there a way to prevent .ael from loading? (instead of just getting rid of the file)?
05:51.44k-mancan anyone recommend a good wireless router with 4 port switch?
05:51.44k-manlinksys are all sold out
05:51.44k-mani can't get one for like 2 weeks
05:51.46[TK]D-Fenderflenders : I don't trust singular lines pasted like that.  Pastebin everything related
05:51.58jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
05:52.16[TK]D-Fenderk-man : First you ask us what we'd advise and then tell us you won't accept our answer.  Good start :)
05:52.22flendersJT: that's just to have the same password as voicemail
05:52.32k-man[TK]D-Fender, err...
05:52.45k-man[TK]D-Fender, i mean, in the absense of linksys, would you get any thing else?
05:52.47JTDocHolliday: mv extensions.ael extensions.ael.disabled
05:54.13DocHollidayJT and that will prevent the AEL load process from starting?
05:54.15DocHollidayi already moved it to extensions.ael.bak
05:54.49[TK]D-Fenderk-man : Some D-Link's are flaky with SIP, and I couldn't advise any others.
05:54.55JTit will stop the file from loading, you can put a noload directive in for the ael parser too
05:55.07k-man[TK]D-Fender, ok, i'll just have to wait the 2 weeks
05:55.08JTd-links are flaky with staying up for a little shile
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05:55.31DocHollidayJT, *raises the cisco flag*
05:56.00DocHollidayJT, which file is the AEL parser in?
05:56.13[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : EW.  Cisco PIX = NAT Hell
05:56.21JTyou can disable it in modules.conf
05:56.27DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, i meant in terms of ATAs
05:56.33JTyeah pix are shit at NAT
05:56.58JTthere's a little known router that's really good with nat
05:57.04JTit's called linux iptables
05:57.17jqlJT: I have one of those
05:57.36[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Even their ATA's... overpriced..... just too much trouble
05:57.40orlockJT: heh, yeah.. been dealing with a company that uses a PIX.. they cant have different internal destinations for port forwards from the one external IP
05:57.53JTorlock: heh
05:58.18jqlbleh. I loathe the PIX
05:58.25orlockso seperate internet IP's needed for every port forward to a different internal IP
05:58.40JTorlock: rofl!
05:58.41jqlmy company has one, so I can't test voip worth a damn behind it
05:58.56orlockthe best soho modems i have found have been Draytek
05:58.58JTjql: good if you're testing nat punching solutions ;)
05:59.00jqlthe PIX magically "fixes" the sip packets, making debugging useless
05:59.10jqlit's got sip-awareness turned on
05:59.23orlockJT: "fixes".. like what you do to dogs, you know?
05:59.32jqlrewrites the whole packet, and then opens up the ports for it
05:59.35JTwhen they bark too much?
05:59.48jqlneuters the packets. :)
05:59.54DocHollidayjT, any idea where i can disable the parser?
05:59.57jqlnot spay... neuter
06:00.02JTDocHolliday: YES modules.conf
06:00.12JTjql: only when sip awareness is on?
06:00.27jqlyes, only when the sip option is on
06:01.12DocHollidayJT, i dont see it in there.. :0
06:01.14jqlit does the fixup, and my asterisk server sees all the calls coming from the pix, rather than the internal IPs. can't test anything with that...
06:01.24flendersdamn it. it works if I dial in through one of my sip providers, but it doesn't if I dial in on my Zap channels
06:01.49JTDocHolliday: you need to add it!
06:02.42JTjql: ah yikes, is that actually supposed to be useful in certain scenarios?
06:03.09jqlyes. It's useful when you have Cisco phones using SIP, because they're asymmetric. :)
06:03.14jqlotherwise, no
06:03.34JTexplain more? :)
06:04.34jqlSince the PIX rewrites the packet, it can know both the incoming and outgoing SIP port, and keep them open within itself. Since the Cisco phone likes those ports to be different, a PIX firewall works where other non-sip-aware firewalls wouldn't
06:04.56*** join/#asterisk joebob777as7 (
06:06.01joebob777as7just heard about asterisk and skimmed through the manual... What desk phones work best with asterisk? We currently have a NEC Aspire system
06:06.22JTah so it pretty much only works with cisco phones a CCM?
06:06.39jqlwell, the feature works with SIP, which CCM doesn't normally use
06:06.51jqlso it's more generally useful for Cisco phones
06:06.57JThmm ok
06:07.07jqlit's the only firewall behind which Cisco phones can reliably be natted, AFAIK
06:07.26[TK]D-Fenderjoebob777as7 : Polycom.
06:07.26jqland by phones, I mean LOTS of phones
06:07.27JTconnecting to what sip server?
06:07.51JTdoes asterisk support assymetric rtp?
06:07.53jqlyou can make one or two cisco phones work via port mapping, but a PIX lets you have as many as you want
06:08.08jqlthe cisco uses symmetric rtp, but not symmetric sip
06:08.14jqlthat's what's special. :)
06:08.25JTsymmetric or assymetric?
06:08.31DocHollidaywhy would i get this error? NOTICE[4136]: codec_zap.c:364 find_transcoders: No Zaptel transcoder support
06:08.40joebob777as7[TK]D-Fender only polycom phones?
06:08.58jqlthe Cisco will send SIP packets from, say, port 12345, but expect responses to port 5060
06:09.17sbingnerthat's stupid
06:09.28jqloh, yeah
06:09.37[TK]D-Fenderjoebob777as7 : You asked for the best phones.  there are a few other acceptable ones...
06:09.45jbotit has been said that phones is at, or  is In order of quality: Polycom (Any), Aastra 480i, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-94x
06:09.45jqlstupid like a FOX
06:09.47joebob777as7oh ok thanks
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06:10.10jqlThe Aastra looks like a east european car from the soviet era, though. :(
06:10.33JTjql: wait...
06:10.41orlockql: Astra?
06:10.53jqlyeah, the Aastra
06:10.57orlockVauxhall/Opel/Holden Astra?
06:11.04DocHollidayjql, how about a Cisco 7985? only 5,000
06:11.24orlocki cant wait till the new Torana comes out
06:11.29jqlI considered asking for one
06:11.36JTCisco phone SPort: 12345 DPrt: 5060 >>> SIP SERVER >>> SPort 5060 DPort 5060 >>> Cisco Phone
06:11.39JTthey want that?
06:11.50jqlbut, really, I'd be stupid to use it without callmanager
06:12.03jqlJT: yes
06:12.14JTthat's F***ING STUPID
06:12.16JTi mean hi
06:12.25jqlCisco sets the Contact: me@foo:5060, and you're supposed to do the right thing
06:12.36jqlunfortunately, the firewall disagrees
06:13.12jqlunless it's a PIX
06:13.13sbingnersip is F***ING stupid... it shouldn't ALLOW you to do that
06:13.19jqlin which case, it agrees heartily
06:13.21DocHollidayanyway, night guys.. thanks for the help
06:13.31JTall voip protocols are stupid
06:13.33jqlsbingner: In Cisco's opinion, it's the Right Thing(tm) to do
06:13.41jqlthey staunchly refuse to budge on it
06:13.45sbingnerjql, doesnt linux's SIP masq module handle that too?
06:13.51sbingnerI never looked
06:13.54jqlsbingner: it might
06:13.58JTalmost no other protocol does that
06:14.12JTmost expect clients to use random high numbered ports and to respond to it
06:14.16jqlno, certainly no protocol abouve port 1024 should be trying that
06:14.29jqlbelow 1024, perhaps there would be a historical security reason for it
06:14.34jqlbut port 5060? wtf?
06:15.18JTi wasn't sure if you agreed with the cisco stance for a minute there ;)
06:16.08jqlnaw, it just excludes Cisco from the market for people without a PIX
06:16.15PhelWell if my asterisk server could talk with a SIP service provider, couldn't I point the client to my local asterisk server?
06:16.26jqlof course, Cisco would rather lock you in with CallManager, so they probably don't give a damn
06:16.34sbingnerjql, I think it's just because cisco doesn't want people to USE SIP
06:16.36JTjql: there seem to be a few people using cisco phones with asterisk?
06:16.44sbingnerI bet their skinny works fine over non-pix
06:17.01jqlI love my Cisco, and use it all the time with asterisk
06:17.08jqlI just dread any customer asking for one
06:17.20JTsurely most people use them without a PIX
06:17.51jqlthey would if they could. I'm pretty sure more than one cisco phone behind a sip-ignorant firewall isn't going to work
06:17.54PhelI know the router can at least do basic port forwarding
06:17.57*** join/#asterisk jjhall (n=chatzill@
06:18.19jqlone cisco phone is easy, more than one makes port forwarding a disaster
06:18.23JTjql: ah but what about on the lan?
06:18.31jqllocally, it'd work great
06:18.31JTno firewall
06:18.39JTso it's only a nat issue
06:18.43jqlasterisk handles the port business perfectly
06:19.01jqlyeah, only nat
06:19.14JTokay, that's what i though
06:19.20sbingneractually, only PAT
06:19.23jjhallI haven't updated in at least 6 months (SVN-branch-1.2-r), should I update to 1.2.15 or go to 1.4?
06:20.02sbingnerjjhall, probably :)
06:20.18jjhallLOL  Very helpful... ;-)
06:21.07jjhallIts for my home phone, but we primarily use our cells anyway so it isn't horribly critical.
06:22.26jjhallWhat would be the biggest ups and downs of moving to 1.4?
06:22.57JTpossibly less stable
06:24.13jjhallAny advantages?
06:24.35JTsome new features
06:24.54[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time here... back tomorrow.
06:26.34joebob777as7i'm a complete linux newb started using ubuntu about 1 month ago what are my chances of getting one of these up and running? how long do you think it would take me?
06:27.18PhelJT: You know, when I try making a call the dubugging output looks like it actually working
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06:28.16jjhalljoebob777as7: Not long actually.  There are some good walkthroughs out there.  For a basic system you can be up and running in about a half hour.  Do you already have a provider to use?
06:29.06PhelI receive an "INVITE", it waits a minute, then I get a "BYE"
06:29.17jqlthat's bad
06:29.30JTPhel: cool, what did you change?
06:29.49PhelIt still can't register
06:30.16PhelI'm just saying it *looks* like a call is happening from the dubugging output
06:30.23Phelwhich is weird
06:30.36JTsure, but clearly the RTP isn't getting through
06:31.02jqlRTP doesn't start until asterisk sends back a port to send it to
06:31.04PhelI give up
06:31.08joebob777as7jjhall: well that's the thing I'm not sure what I'm going to need to get, and what my advantages are going to be... I have standard phone service through my local providor. it's all analog currently and we have 3 phone lines and the wiring looks daunting with our current phone system... it looks like a rat's nest to me lol
06:31.13jqlif you only ever receive packets, and never send one, no rtp
06:32.06PhelI'm gonna sledge the router
06:32.50PhelI've tried "Static NAT" meaning forward all unsolicited packets to me, and still nothing
06:33.19JTport forward the rtp ports?
06:35.05jjhalljoebob777as7: Is this for a business or a home system?  Business I'm assuming?
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06:41.14PhelJT: How about putting myself in the DMZ?
06:42.47JTworth a shot i guess
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06:47.56joebob777as7yeah in home business
06:48.39joebob777as7we are in the process of buying a building though
06:50.07jjhalljoebob777as7: How many phones attached to the 3 lines?
06:50.34joebob777as7currently 3 standard base phones and 2 cordless
06:51.45jjhallAre you wanting to stick with those phones or upgrade to IP based phones?
06:52.36joebob777as7i'm not sure... I don't know what the benifit would be... I'm not up to speed on this yet sorry for my extreme phone system newbness...
06:53.17jjhallNo problem at all.  I guess the first question to ask then is why are you here, as in what are you looking at asterisk to do for you?
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06:55.02joebob777as7I'm looking to design my own phone system that isn't some proprietary piece of crap that I actually have some control over... I'm sick of paying between $4000 and $6000 for another pile of junk and I want to do it all myself
06:55.41jjhallOk, what about functionality, do you just want to be able to call between the phones, or are you looking for something more?
06:55.46jqlhowdy, zeeesh
06:56.24JTargh it's the attack of the j nicks
06:56.25*** join/#asterisk Waverly360 (n=mirc@
06:56.48jqlj <tab>
06:56.56jqlthe result is insanity
06:57.15joebob777as7I want to be able to monitor calls, record them, call in to hear my email, conference, easy call forwarding, barge in funcionality and whisper
06:57.37Waverly360Anyone who's played around with fastAGI before, I'm having a problem with asterisk passing single digits (like for menu selections) to my agi script with the proper newline characters on the end.  Has anyone else had a problem with this?
06:57.38jqljoebob777as7: all noble goals
06:58.03Waverly360jql: you're everywhere :P
06:58.11jqlyou cannot escape me!
06:58.16Waverly360damn :P
06:59.41Waverly360crap...he's onto me
07:00.12*** join/#asterisk Phel (
07:00.19jjhalljoebob777as7: All things you can do with asterisk.  Before taking the plunge, I'd do some serious reading and decide if you want to stick with analog lines or move to digital, and whether you want to replace your phones or use a linecard or adapters.  If it were me I would replace the phones so that you can have feature buttons and such, but it also depends on your budget.
07:00.27PhelJT: Answer: Update Firmware
07:00.34JTPhel: works?
07:00.44Waverly360jql: :P
07:00.46JTPhel: everything?
07:00.53JTPhel: registrations, calls?
07:01.01JTi know your router was a pile of junk :P
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07:01.30joebob777as7jjhall: I'll definately replace the phones. what is going to be the major benifit of switching to digital?
07:01.41jjhalljoebob777as7: For the lines?
07:01.46JTproper call progress signalling, joebob777as7
07:01.49PhelPlus the router config GUI looks and works much better
07:02.06JTanalogue has signalling that make the baby jesus (or computers) cry
07:02.10jjhalljoebob777as7: JT couldn't have said it better.
07:02.30joebob777as7what is that? lol
07:02.44JTdetecting when calls are answered, hanged up
07:02.47JTetc etc
07:02.53jjhallThe ability for the PBX to know when calls are in progress, when they ended, caller ID, etc.
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07:03.33joebob777as7ok so is that only with voip? what is the cost associated with switching usually? why wouldn't i switch?
07:03.47JTno digital
07:03.59JTvoip implements digital over packet switched networks
07:04.06JTdigital usually means isdn
07:04.12jjhallExpandability as well.  You're fairly limited to 4 analog lines depending on how many free PCI slots you have.  With digital or even VoIP your limits are far greater.
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07:04.39xo8oxhey guys
07:05.01joebob777as7so i'd have to get an isdn line and drop my phone lines?
07:05.19JTthat would be the idea, however it may not be economical depending on the area
07:05.27xo8oxif I have a .wav file and wanna use it for menu.. how do I convert it so it can be placed in the sounds dir in asterisk to be used ?
07:05.35JTusually the minimum number of channels on PRI is 8 lines in the us
07:05.36joebob777as7yeah i'll probably keep the analog then
07:05.54JTbri is unfavourably priced in most places in the US
07:05.57JTBRI is 2 channels
07:06.05jqlvery unfavorably
07:06.14jqlbut only when compared to residential service
07:06.14JTjql: depends on location though
07:06.29jqlbusiness lines are generally anti-competitive with BRI. :)
07:06.34jjhalljoebob777as7: What kind of Internet connection will you have?  T1 or DSL?
07:06.45joebob777as7DSL with a static ip
07:07.21jjhallOk.  If you had a T1, you can sometimes break part of it off for voice channels.
07:07.31joebob777as7the DSL is my fourth line that I don't currently have through our phone system.
07:07.52joebob777as7jjhall: oh ok bummer... well t1 is about $400 a month here lol
07:07.55xo8oxso anybody :)
07:08.04jjhalljoebob777as7: That isn't bad actually.
07:08.24joebob777as7jjhall: is that what you have?
07:08.34*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
07:08.48jql$400 / 23 < $20/line/month
07:08.56joelsolankiGood Evening people
07:09.04jqlnot a bad deal
07:09.13xo8oxif I have a .wav file and wanna use it for menu.. how do I convert it so it can be placed in the sounds dir in asterisk to be used ?
07:09.26jqlxo8ox: wav is supported if is loaded
07:09.31joelsolankiwas thinking to implement sip 2 h.323 & h.323 to sip translator in Aserisk. Is this possible ?
07:09.44jqljust put file.wav in the sounds dir, and use it like anything else
07:09.47xo8oxif its not
07:09.48jjhallHere at home I use VoIP, but at work we have a T1 for voice, a T1 for data to the Internet, and a fractional T1 that is split among several of our remote offices.
07:09.52xo8oxhow do I convert to GSM ?
07:10.15joelsolankiAny hints plz for translation ?
07:10.22jqlIf audacity can't do it, then I might try sox, and after that I'm lost
07:10.28joebob777as7jjhall: what would my advantages and disadvantages of VOIP be?
07:10.34*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
07:10.41jjhallAt another location we have a T1 that runs full data speed, then dynamically allocates voice channels as needed.
07:11.02jjhalljoebob777as7: Reliability.  If you have a rock-solid DSL, and a good provider, you'll be fine.
07:12.28PhelJT: Many Thanks
07:12.30Chris-NBis it possible to hav a queue with 3 members. If a call comes in, first ring the 1, then the 2. then the 3. If none of them pick up the phone, call another nr?
07:12.50jjhallIf you're using your DSL for both voice and data IP traffic (VoIP, not the analog line the DSL rides on) you'll want to get a router (or use a linux-based solution like Smoothwall) that can provice Quality of Service.
07:12.59jqlChris-NB: the ring pattern is possible, not sure of integration with the queue
07:13.23joebob777as7ok i still don't understand voip but i think that's ok for now lol i think
07:13.49Chris-NBjql, exten => xxx,1,Dial(SIP/1);...2,Dial(SIP/2);...3,Dial(SIP/3) <- did you mean that?
07:14.09xo8oxin my modules.conf there is no ..!
07:14.14jqlthat would indeed call them in sequence
07:14.23jjhallThere is a lot to consider when setting up a new system.  Do you currently just have 3 lines and several single or multi-line phones or do you have some sort of PBX?
07:14.37Chris-NBjql, but is it possible to pack that into a queue?
07:14.57jqldo you want them ringing simultaneously?
07:15.09Chris-NBjql, noop. in sequence
07:15.34jqlwell, put Local/s@sequence in the queue
07:15.41joelsolankianybody has done h.323 sip translation in asterisk ?
07:15.43jqland setup the [sequence] context with the above pattern
07:15.45joelsolankii heard asterisk can do it.
07:15.55jqlDial(),Dial(), ...
07:16.12Chris-NBjql, oh, that would be possible. your right. thanks!
07:16.18jqlenjoy. :)
07:16.48joelsolankinobody ???
07:17.03jqlnot I
07:17.22jjhalljoebob777as7: If I'm not still here when you return, feel free to contact me hall(dot)jeremy(at)gmail(dot)com and I can chat with you more tomorrow.
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07:20.29jjhallOk.  I'm headed to bed in about 5 minutes (or whenever my compile gets done)
07:20.49*** part/#asterisk mog (
07:21.18joebob777as7ok me too I'll email you tonight. but we currently are running 3 phone lines into our NEC apsire system and we have multifuncion phones
07:23.10*** part/#asterisk kfhdk (
07:23.14jjhallWhat is your budget for the changeover?
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07:23.54joebob777as7$1000-$2000 i'd say
07:24.18jjhallDo you already have a computer of sufficient power to run Asterisk or do you need to buy one?
07:24.38joebob777as7I own a computer business I have plenty laying around
07:25.51jjhallOk.  Are your cordless phones standard phones or are they part of your PBX?
07:26.34joebob777as7part of the PBX
07:28.54jjhallOk.  Well here is what I would probably do in your situation.  Buy one IP phone or an adapter for a regular phone.  Set up Asterisk on an extra box, and get setup with a business-class VoIP provider and just give it a try.  You can base your decision on whether to change to VoIP based on how that works in your testing.  You would only be out $60-$300 depending on what you buy, and won't be...
07:28.55jjhall...commited to something you won't be happy with.
07:29.43jjhallAnyway, time to assume the horizontal position.  I'll check my e-mail tomorrow, and feel free to add me on Google Talk if you use it.  Have a good evening!
07:30.36joebob777as7thanks night
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07:41.36xo8oxguys I placed the wav file in the sounds folder and it doesn't work
07:42.18xo8oxwhen I dial the voice menu I hear distorted noice
07:45.49jqlmight be the wrong bitrate or stereo or something
07:46.14xo8oxwhat format or file conversion does it need to be ?
07:46.24xo8oxI have it in PCM 8000 8bit mono
07:46.48*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
07:47.05jqldid you ulaw it and name it .ulaw?
07:47.07Chris-NBjql, if you are interested: When you call a queue like that: queue(queuename,n) then every phone in that queue will ring 1 time, then the queue is exited and the next action(s) take place. If you set the ring strategy to roundrobin, so every phone rings in sequence and .... call another nr. after the timeout
07:47.36Chris-NBjql, ring 1 time is wrong, should mean ring
07:47.38Chris-NB: D
07:48.26xo8oxits a .wav file
07:48.39xo8oxthe sound folder in asterisk has only .gsm files in it
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08:45.45SheriF_SpacEhmm i have a proble, ... 2 grandstreem phones. one using gsm and one usong PCMU " ulaw as i understan " both can't hear each others " both in the same nat with the server " .. it's codec issue cuz when i change both to pcmu both works .... what is wrong ? aren't asterisk 1.4 should do codec translation ?
08:48.02dj-fumake them both use ulaw?
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09:04.51vltHello. How do I activate monitoring on iax2 channels? I tried "qualify=yes" in iax.conf's [general] section (like in sip.conf) but hat seems to be wrong ...
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09:06.28thekidrioanyone else get this error: ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
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09:12.51tutt9876get a problem to mach a sip addre in extensions.conf
09:12.57tutt9876sip address
09:13.35tutt9876I have tried 's', 'i' extension but didn't work
09:13.41tutt9876Someone to help?
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09:14.48tutt9876how can I match '' in extensions.conf?
09:17.14sbingnerare you trying to match an extension or a peer?
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09:17.29tutt9876no a peer
09:17.35sbingnerthen configure it in sip.conf
09:18.08tutt9876but i would like to match any sip address like
09:18.35sbingnerI think you may need to explain what you mean better
09:19.09tutt9876a peer is logged on sterisk proxy (message ready in xlite) and..
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09:19.53tutt9876then the peer want to join a sip adress:
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09:21.05tutt9876but when dialing there is no pattern entry for and the dial failed
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09:22.35tutt9876because s extensions didn't match in extensions.conf
09:23.27tutt9876I don't know wich pattern to give in extensions.conf to make the rigth match
09:25.57tutt9876ok thanks i will try this
09:31.13tzafriris that case-sensitive?
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09:33.46jm|workregex is
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09:35.40webmanis it possible to have a guest IAX2 account (no secret,context=noauth) and a IAX2 account (with a secret,context=allfeatures) and have the call routed to the correct context?
09:36.04webmanBTW, the wiki seems to say no, and this is the behaviour I seem to see, but I
09:36.30webmanBTW, the wiki seems to say no, and this is the behaviour I seem to see, but I must be wrong, ..... well, I think I am :(
09:36.42Ahrimanestzafrir: yes lower only
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09:45.07Ahrimanesi guess _[a-zA-Z.@]. would be used?
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10:17.20mkl1525Hi, I've installed asterisk-bristuff on a debian etch system. * works (I can call other phones etc) problem is I can't hear any messages not my own nor * internal like voicemail etc. sound works on the system I can play mp3 with mpg123 from cli and hear the output - any suggestions what could go wrong?
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10:22.57tzafrirmkl1525, zaptel timing problem?
10:23.18tzafrirmkl1525, what do you get from running 'zttest -v'?
10:24.31tzafrirmkl1525, do you have zaptel built?
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10:40.25ozanthi, will Agent channel deprecated ? i am trying to use it on 1.4.It says AgentCallbackLogin deprecated and dialplan versions seems to use Local channel instead of Agent channel
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10:41.46joelsolankiHi morning all
10:42.08joelsolankii have sucessfully configured h323 to sip translation in asterisk.
10:42.34joelsolankicisco ata --> asterisk (h323 - sip ) --> gateway
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10:43.25joelsolankicisco ata i have already configured 0x00140014 in audio mode which means VAD ( silence suppression is OFF )
10:43.48joelsolankibut still i see Feb 26 16:11:35 NOTICE[10513]: frame.c:179 __ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
10:43.57joelsolankiwhat could be the issue ?
10:44.57joelsolankiany hints plz
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10:53.18WasntMehi all
10:54.08WasntMecan someone help me with bri isdn hcf card installation on asterisknow beta 4 the question is if this beta support bristuff
10:55.08JTnah just don't use asterisknow
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10:56.53mkl1525tzafrir, thanks for your help "zttest -v" hangs after "Opened pseudo zap interface, measuring accuracy..." zaptel module was build using m-a a-i and ztdummy, zaptel and rtc  is loaded
10:57.08tzafrirright, you're missing a zaptel timing source
10:57.19tzafrirztdummy is loaded?
10:57.28tzafrirls -l /dev/zap/pseudo
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11:16.00vltHello. Is there a " (${CALLERID} == 00) ? 0 : ${CALLERID} "  syntax in dialplans? Do you know what I mean?
11:17.34jql?: is valie
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11:20.07Daejeo1guys plz help. how can I configure php/apache with flite (TTS engine)?
11:20.42vltjql: hmmm, What's wrong here then? exten => _44440XX.,n,Set(CALLERID(number)=555(${CALLERID} == 00 ? 0 : ${CALLERID}))
11:20.48jqloh, example?
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11:22.08jqlIF($[ ${CALLERID(num)} = "00" ] ? "0" : ${CALLERID(num)})
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11:27.38puzzledDaejeo1: iirc search on the nerdvittles website or use google
11:28.14puzzledvlt: use "num" instead of "number"
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11:32.29Daejeo1puzzled: i tried but could not find
11:33.56kippiwhat is the best way to set a cid when it is matched to a number?
11:34.03puzzledDaejeo1: wonder what you tried if at all. Second link, not that hard to spot...
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11:38.53kippiJT: when someone on there mobile rings you, how can you get it to flag there name up on your screen by changing the CID, I would have a big list off them
11:40.49JTsomething like exten => _X./123456,1,Set(${Callerid(name)}=FRIEND)
11:43.50kippigot a massive list of them, can i load them from a database or somthing?
11:45.01JThrm maybe, there might be a couple of mechanisms for it
11:45.07JTor you might have to make your own
11:46.51Chris-NBis it possible to say a digium 1 port E1/T1 to get the clock from the pbx?
11:47.03Chris-NBso it recieves the clock
11:48.43JTthe pbx is not asterisk?
11:50.40mkl1525tzafrir, thanks again, after rebooting and doing a ztcfg -vvv it works :)
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11:51.29tzafrirmkl1525, do you have a zaptel hardware? or do you use ztdummy?
11:51.59mkl1525tzafrir, I've got a hfc-s isdn card
11:52.22tzafrirI just wonder: do you use zaphfc or vzaphfc?
11:54.04vltpuzzled: Why do these variable names like CALLERID(number) change every now and then?
11:54.32puzzledvlt: afaik it was always num
11:55.02vltpuzzled: hmmm ... ok.
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11:55.55Chris-NBJT, correct
11:56.10JTChris-NB: 1,1,0
11:56.14JTspan definition
11:56.14Chris-NBJT, what I need, is this in /etc/zaptel.conf .... ok. thanks
11:56.17JTassuming span 1
11:56.28Chris-NBJT, jep. thats what I meant
11:56.44Chris-NBanother question. How do I get a BUSY status on sip phones?
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11:58.22Chris-NBnormally there is a call limit from 5. when I set this to 1 I get an Error, Call to user '130' rejected due to usage limit of 1 and the channel is CHANUNAVAIL, not BUSY
11:58.29Chris-NBhow do I get a busy status?
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12:09.21mkl1525tzafrir, zaphfc afaik - it's all precompiled in the asterisk-bristuff package of debian
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12:15.13soo-hickplease any body can help here?
12:15.13dj-fuIt's usually better to ask a question
12:15.13dj-futhan ask if anyone can help
12:15.13soo-hicki have asterisk setup with h232 registered to GNUGK
12:15.13soo-hickabd installed zaptel on astresik
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12:15.14soo-hickthe call comes in from the GNUGK to asterisk, asterisk push is it to the zaptel, terminating it to the isdn channels
12:15.14soo-hicknow the problem i'm having is there is alot of calls been droped
12:16.14soo-hickand that because the carrier i'm using is not terminating these calls for me
12:16.14soo-hickis ther any way i can connect these calls with a small duration to improve my ASR?
12:16.14soo-hickon asterisk i mean?
12:17.41dj-fusorry, out of my knowledge range
12:17.41dj-fuperhaps someone will read your message and enlighten you
12:17.41soo-hickthank you dj-fu
12:17.41soo-hicki'll be here any way
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12:19.11HeinrichSAHi guys
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12:19.38HeinrichSAanyone have any XP using PRI and Q.931
12:20.21HeinrichSAI need to use some of the information elements in the dial plan...
12:20.25HeinrichSAIs there an easy way to do this?
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12:22.29kieran491would any one happen to know if there is a problem with the freeworld IAX2 server'(s)
12:23.21vltHello. Yesterday I installed a 4xBRI card in TE mode (as client) using zaptel drivers. When dialling a number I can hear 0.3-0.5 seconds of another running call on this ISDN bus. What could be set wrong here?
12:23.52vltThen connection is established correctly.
12:26.07JTdid you get ptmp/ptp mode right?
12:28.02kieran491when reciving an error like  `chan_iax2:7344 socket_process: registeration of '838764' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: ''` dose that mean its my fault or is it freeworld fault or could be both?
12:29.16vltJT: Hello again. I'm using it in ptmp mode. Didn't try ptp yet.
12:29.48mkl1525Is there anything like NoOp($GLOBAL) that shows all variables that are available in the dialplan at this moment (trying to find if I can get the queue agent of a call that finished)?
12:29.48vltJT: PS: Thanks again for your help getting it working.
12:31.05*** join/#asterisk alexandrekeller (n=alexandr@
12:31.10kieran491any one?
12:31.10alexandrekellerhi everyone
12:31.18JTvlt: check with the provider already
12:31.50alexandrekellersorry ?!
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12:44.53kieran491no ideas any one relating to my questions?
12:45.26Kighkieran491: could be both sides fault
12:45.45tzafrirmkl1525, I believe not
12:46.01mkl1525tzafrir, ok thanks
12:46.11Kigheither you entered the wrong auth-parameters or they didnt set up your account correctly.   but in first term: search for a mistake on _your_ side :-)
12:47.00kieran491been spend a fair amount of time searching..
12:47.01Kighkieran491: setting up FWD is a bit tricky, there is a HOWTO you should read on
12:47.04kieran491the logs dont say much
12:47.18kieran491i am reading the doc on the asterisk site
12:47.19Kighcheck out the howto, if not already
12:47.30Kighthe asterisk docs suck
12:47.51Kighwell you want to use FWD, right?
12:48.04Kighthen you are wrong with the asterisk doc
12:48.05JTi didn't find fwd very hard at all
12:48.12JTthere's docs on the fwd site
12:48.15Kighread the howto on voip-info or fwd websitee
12:48.46kieran491i have tead the fwd site
12:48.53KighJT but FWD is not set up like the others ive seen
12:49.18JTkieran491: did you enable IAX on fwd?
12:50.18JTyou must log in and enable it
12:50.22JTand wait a little bit
12:50.24JTor it will not work
12:50.34JTit clearly states this in the documentation on their site
12:50.39JTit defaults to sip
12:50.53JTas they can't accept registrations on the one account for sip and iax2
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13:12.24soo-hicki have asterisk with zaptel installed on h323 registered to GNUGK
13:12.55soo-hickcalls come in from GK to asterisk to the ISDN channels
13:13.14soo-hicksome of these call can't be terminated by the carrier
13:13.43soo-hicki want to make these call have a small duration to improve my ASR, any ideas?
13:13.46knathraakHi, anyone have {howto,sample configs,advice} for making asterisk with 2 TE110Ps talk gr303, emulating 5ess?
13:20.16SheriF_SpacEhmm i have a proble, ... 2 grandstreem phones. one using gsm and one usong PCMU " ulaw as i understan " both can't hear each others " both in the same nat with the server " .. it's codec issue cuz when i change both to pcmu both works .... what is wrong ? aren't asterisk 1.4 should do codec translation ?
13:21.41ManxPowerSheriF_SpacE: how are you forcing the codec for each phone?  sip.conf?
13:22.08ManxPowerI didn't know GS phones even supported GSM
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13:44.30SheriF_SpacEManxPower: nop in the phone it self.
13:45.10ManxPowerSheriF_SpacE: do it in sip.conf.  leave all codecs enabled on the phone
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13:47.11coppiceI don't want to support codecs. I want codecs to support me.
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14:00.54omyzhello people
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14:09.01tparcinaomyz: hello omyz!
14:09.09soo-hickhow to set ivr on asterisk, any one knows?
14:09.45omyztparcina..thanks for reply...i thought everyone was away :)
14:09.51tparcinasoo-hick: do you need ivr or aa (auto atendant)?
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14:10.17tparcinaomyz: you are wellcome
14:11.54omyzthanks. im new to asterisk (and irc). i wanted to try asterisk. i have downloaded the cd image and am ready to install. my question is regarding the wiring the house.
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14:12.13soo-hicki have these unconnected calls
14:12.28soo-hickand i want to connect them for a few seconds
14:12.46vltHello. How can I prevent callers waiting in a queue hearing the first part of the moh file over and over again? A "workaround" is "random=yes" but continously playing would be much better. How to do this?
14:13.03soo-hicki thought by putting ivr or aa in between the calls that comes form the gk to asterisk will solve that problem, no?
14:13.47omyzwhats the best (cheapest) way to wire my house. i mean should i be thinking of analogue phones or sip phone or may be something better?
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14:15.10vltomyz: What do you want to do with the phones ;-) ?
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14:16.33soo-hickany ideas on ivr or aa
14:17.11*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:17.16omyz:) i mean extensions. i want to connect all my rooms to we can call each other :)
14:18.52pigpenCould someone tell me what the _% extension is?  I am running realtime asterisk and I am getting the following query in postgres debug:
14:18.53pigpenSELECT * FROM extensions WHERE exten LIKE '\_%' AND context = 'office-open' AND priority = '-1' ORDER BY exten
14:19.06*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
14:19.39sandorppigpen: _% looks like a wildcard query for anything that starts with an _
14:19.45*** part/#asterisk HeinrichSA (n=hh@
14:20.10pigpenI get this when I finish a call to a successful call.
14:20.14soo-hickanyone in here knows how set up ivr or aa
14:20.30pigpensoo-hick, check the wiki
14:20.48pigpenalso, google is your friend.
14:21.39tzangerI'm having a major brain fart here -- what do you call the cat5 termination "strip" that is usually located in offices?
14:21.44mindframeis there a way to get a package to install without a dependency (i.e. need mozplugger without iceweasel)
14:21.49tzangeri.e. all the office data jacks go to the back room to one of these "strips"
14:21.54pigpentzanger, patch panel?
14:21.58tzangerthe phone jacks usually go to BIX strips
14:21.59tzangeryes that's it
14:22.01tzangerthank you
14:22.05tzangerI could NOT think of htat word
14:22.47sandorpfileframe: tried  rpm --nodeps file.rpm ?
14:23.30omyzany suggestions about cheapest extension phones that are suitable for asterisk. i need to connect 13 rooms to each other in my home
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14:23.47mitchelocuse a t1
14:23.57pigpenI am using used polycom 500/501's
14:24.19mitcheloct1 is cheaper
14:24.58pigpen13 rooms? it name of any phone set?
14:25.11sandorpdoes that include closets?
14:25.19mitchelocexpensive house, cheap phones?
14:25.26omyzhe he no closets
14:25.26pigpenI have 12 including 3 bathrooms....and one closet.
14:25.50pigpendam..since you have that much money, get the Polycom 650's.
14:26.00*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
14:26.08[TK]D-FenderT1 != Cheaper.  7 x SPA-2002 = cheaper :)
14:26.34omyzwell... i wanna start small... i really interested in asterisk and father is gonna pay for those. i dont wanna give him heart attack from begining
14:26.44mitchelocT1 is cheaper when you can swipe an adtran from a client :)
14:27.16[TK]D-Fenderomyz: First you need to consider your current (and/or planned) wiring.
14:27.16pigpen[TK]D-Fender, why would asterisk be polling my database with a query for _%   ?
14:27.39[TK]D-Fendermitcheloc: No.... 7 SPA's still undercut the T1 card you'd need ;)
14:27.52omyzokay.... currently we have no wiring
14:27.57[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: no clue either.
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14:28.20pigpenwell, it is working...but bitching...
14:28.52[TK]D-Fenderomyz: Then run Cat5E to each room, terminating on RJ45.  Then have them all come back to a central point and have them terminate on a patch panel.  From there you can choose what kind of setup you're going to want.
14:29.22[TK]D-Fenderomyz: You have a lot of learning to do as to the kinds of equipment you can use with * and to find out what best suits your budget & needs
14:29.33sandorpI suspect _% matches builtin extensions of some kind, since using _ at the beginning of a name is a common way of defining "private" values in a program
14:29.34[TK]D-Fenderomyz: Start by downloading and reading THE BOOK
14:29.40jbotrumour has it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
14:30.19jbotextra, extra, read all about it, strom_c is just some nub
14:30.22omyz[TK]D-Fender : ready to learn whatever i need to learn to get asterisk working
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14:31.00[TK]D-Fenderomyz: More important at the start is understanding the kinds of hardware you can use, and where each kind is most useful.
14:31.21sandorpI have 4 analog voice lines
14:31.21sandorpIt looks like I will need to get a Digium card for those to work
14:31.22sandorpDo I need a VOIP provider to enable remote employees to connect to asterisk to make/receive calls via the analog lines?
14:31.22sandorpI was hoping to use software-based "phones" on people's home PCs + Asterisk to provide a "central office" phone
14:31.24pigpensandorp, hmm.... yeah..that is what I was thinking.
14:31.26omyzahan okay...i may have that book already..if not i will download it again
14:31.36pigpenbut I only seem to get it upon hangup.
14:31.44pigpenmaybe I'll just define it and move along.
14:31.50pigpento like "hangup"
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14:33.07sandorpcan asterisk do what I'm trying to accomplish and do I need a VOIP account from my phone company to make it work?
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14:35.14[TK]D-Fendersandorp: No.
14:35.31[TK]D-Fendersandorp: To your "do I need a VoIP provider to have remote users)
14:35.38*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:36.19sandorpD-Fender: thanks
14:36.22[TK]D-Fendersandorp: Get a TDM card of some sort to give * access to your lines, and your remote users will connect directly over your internet connection.  Please take your bandwidth into consideration.
14:37.45sandorpis 768k cable fast enough for 4-5 people talking to each via the net connection?
14:38.04sandorpor, how does one calculate the necessary bandwidth ?
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14:38.51pigpen^^^first hit.
14:39.12sandorppigpen, thanks
14:39.13[TK]D-Fendersandorp: if thats your upstream, you could do OK, but I'd highly recommend whatever they use run either G.729 or GSM codecs (far lighter than most).
14:39.44*** join/#asterisk eald (n=eald@
14:40.27sandorpare then any software-only phones that someone could recommend?  I'm trying to keep costs *down*
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14:41.38[TK]D-Fendersandorp: idefisk ( ) is a decent choice, followed by X-Lite ( )
14:41.39danpi just had a sangoma card freak out...the wanpipe driver kept logging things like this:
14:42.36sandorppigpen  and [TK]D-Fender: thanks I will look those up
14:43.01PupenoRCan "permit" on manager.conf have a hostname instead o an IP?
14:45.26pigpenPupenoR, to my knowledge it is ip's or ip blocks.
14:45.58pigpenbut if using a fqn, then you probably would be opening it up to the internet...which is a bad idea.
14:46.09pigpenif the remote is out there somewhere, use a vpn.
14:46.19pigpenthen permit from that ip block.
14:48.25PupenoRpigpen: the remotes are in the LAN as the DNS resolving them. Since they are dynamic IPs I try to use names. I'll have to use static IPs for those connecting to the manager.
14:48.32edgecaseheh ok you have to send some obscure dbus command to make bluez "discoverable", before the Motorola HS-850 can connect to chan_bluetooth.  now, to actually try making a call to it...
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14:49.21pigpenPupenoR, yeah...then a manual dhcp lease is your best bet.
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14:50.33sandorpwhat's the difference between an FXS module and and FXO module?  the website makes it sound like you plug analog lines into both;  I'm trying to figure out which TDM card and modules I will need if I have 4 analog voice lines
14:50.39jbotdocs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or
14:51.04[TK]D-Fendersandorp: FXS module is for connecting PHONES.  FXO is for connecting LINES.
14:51.37ctaloihey all - anyone have any experience using Mediatrix 3000 gateways?
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14:52.19sandorp[TK]D-Fender: thanks (again)  :)
14:52.27pigpensandorp, Remember, FXS (phone Set) , FXO (central Office)
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14:52.45[TK]D-Fenderctaloi: Oh yuck..... Meditrix Digital gateways are PITA Cisco wanna-be's.
14:53.08sandorppigpen: gotcha
14:53.52*** part/#asterisk soo-hick (
14:53.56ctaloiha - yeah - but i'm trying to get a specific call flow to work reliably (Mediatrix ATA (T38) --> Mediatrix GW --> ISDN and doing it with Cisco gear isn't cost effective
14:54.27Schreiber1337Anyone here experienced on configuring a TDM400P on Debian based system?
14:54.38Schreiber1337I keep getting  Error: missing /dev/zap!
14:54.58pigpensounds like you are missing some modules
14:55.11pigpenis /dev/zap even created?
14:55.23pigpendoes lsmod show the necessary modules?
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14:55.33pigpendoes lspci show any cards?
14:57.12sandorpso, I would use FXS modules if I wanted to plug regular phones into an asterisk PC?  the FXO presumably handles the actual management of calls and such
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15:01.38[TK]D-Fendersandorp: I personally suggest AWAY from using PCS cars for FXS usage.  FXO modules are used to plug your analog home LINES into.
15:01.55Schreiber1337Sorry, my connection got wacked.
15:02.08[TK]D-Fendersandorp: Keep in mind that a call can be from 1 FXS to another, or from an FXO, or in 1 FXO and out another.
15:06.23vltDoes anyone know how to prevent callers waiting in a queue hearing the first part of an moh file over and over again?
15:08.02vltDo I have to create a separate sound stream on the system running all day? If that's the only way how can I plug that into moh?
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15:11.39EmleyMoorHow do I use the first character of a string for comparison? How do I specify it?
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15:13.07pigpenEmleyMoor, you may want to elaborate.
15:13.25[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: ${thevariable:0:1}
15:13.33EmleyMoorAh, thanks
15:13.42[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: Go lookup "asterisk variables" on the WIKI while you're at it.
15:13.46Mpls-Eric$[${myvar:0:1} = "a"]
15:13.52Mpls-EricH's a faster typer
15:14.31*** part/#asterisk msw (
15:15.57Mpls-EricHey vlt, have more music files, with starts at different points(clip the beginnings) and pick them at random.
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15:22.16Curihello everyone, does anyone knows if i can rewrite the SIP packet that asterisk is sending in an AGI?
15:23.03vltMpls-Eric: hmmm, but then a caller continuing singing the song during the announcement will be confused when the music continues ... I can't take responsibility for this ;-)
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15:25.58angryuserto stop dialplan exacution it is softhangup()?
15:27.01[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: "Hangup" or just run out of dialplan.
15:27.16[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Though I suggest "hangup"
15:27.54*** join/#asterisk gmcinnes (
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15:28.31Flautohaving a problem, asterisk would stop itself and saying core dumped
15:28.36Flautowhat does it mean
15:28.43gmcinnesHi guys:  Any torontonians in here who could recommend a good DID provider with 416 numbers and 1-800 numbers?
15:29.46angryuser[TK]D-Fender: ok, but i i got for example xxxxxxxxx,1,Dial() and then xxxxxxxxxx,2,Hangup and i have "g" option set in Dial, will it hangup immediatly  or *After* a call?
15:30.13[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Depends who ended the call.
15:30.31gmcinnes[TK]D-Fender: a ha!  That's who I was trying to remember.  Thanks.
15:30.49[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: If the CALLER hung up, the call will end immediately.  If the CALLEE hung-up, then "2" would be executed
15:31.20*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
15:31.22[TK]D-Fendergmcinnes: NP.  Several of my clients use them and are very happy with the range and quality of services.
15:31.23angryuser[TK]D-Fender: ok, thank you
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15:32.04Flautotkd-fender, i have a problem with voicestick did, it gives error 500 message when caller hangs up or it keeps going in circles within my ivr
15:33.28jbotAnthm just f'n rocks.....
15:34.00gmcinnes[TK]D-Fender: d'you know if they do rollover numbers etc.?  I'm sure they do.
15:34.18angryuserin priorities if i have  1 2 4 and 3 is not present, 4 will never be executed wright?
15:34.34[TK]D-Fendergmcinnes: These guys are really flexible, and even if they don't advertise a service doesn't mean they might not offer it to you.  Call them up.
15:34.48[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Correct.
15:35.19gmcinnes[TK]D-Fender: right o.
15:35.51*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
15:35.55Flautowhat is anthm
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15:37.28[TK]D-FenderFlauto: A long-time contributor to * and the VoIP development community at large...
15:37.53*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
15:38.34Flautohave you run into any problem that 1.4 would stop itself and gives a message saying conre dumped?
15:38.49[TK]D-FenderFlauto: I don't use or advise using 1.4 yet.
15:39.41gmcinnes[TK]D-Fender: thanks.  Are you in Toronto?
15:40.11Flautoi only have this problem once in a while after i upgraded to 1.4
15:40.16[TK]D-Fendergmcinnes: Montreal, but I didn't think that pertinent to answering your question :)
15:40.36Flautoi saw that 1.4 is released officially, so, i thought it would be okay
15:40.56*** join/#asterisk RaeTheGit (
15:41.03gmcinnes[TK]D-Fender: No, it wasn't :)  I was just wondering if there was a * user group or something.  I seem to always be getting drawn back to doing telephony programming :)
15:41.24gmcinnes[TK]D-Fender: I'm sure I can look one up and find it tho.
15:42.41[TK]D-Fendergmcinnes: Google up "TAUG" (Toronto Asterisk Users Group).  They have regular meet-ups, etc....
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15:43.39gmcinnes[TK]D-Fender: thx again.
15:45.06*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (n=CrazyTux@
15:45.14RaeTheGit <-- this is what is supposed to deal with incoming calls in my extensions.conf - it is supposed to forward the call (depending on the 7.+8. digit) to different users. now, when i call, say, 30640307, asterisk says, the extension doesnt exist - why?
15:46.17edgecasegmcinnes, yeah i'm using they were the first to explicitly support asterisk in canada that i could find
15:46.28RaeTheGitfunny enough, before, i made a few tries with the extension "s", which never disappeared in the logs after reload or restart, when i changed the entry to the above
15:46.49RaeTheGitit disappeared from the dialplan, though
15:47.47RaeTheGitany ideas?
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15:50.26PupenoRHow can I get the IP of a realtime sip peer?
15:50.31[TK]D-FenderRaeTheGit:  Pattern matches have to be preceeded by "_".
15:51.24JacksLivrhey guys, where are the asterisk-sounds kept that are talked about in the o'reilly book. I can find many on the web, but I wanna get the right ones that the book refferences. I'm kinda following along in the book. thanks.
15:51.46mercestesPupenoR:  "Sip show peers"   with "qualify=yes" or "sip show peer <peername" maybe.
15:52.09mercestesJacksLivr:  The default sound folder is under /var/lib/asterisk/sounds on most distros
15:52.39RaeTheGit[TK]D-Fender: *bang* thanks.... :o)
15:52.55mercestesJacksLivr:  you might need to install asterisk-addons to get some of the extra ones.
15:52.56*** join/#asterisk Netranger78 (n=netrange@
15:53.02PupenoRmercestes: what do you mean by "with" there?
15:53.04JacksLivrmercestes: this is like an expanded version
15:53.06Netranger78morning gentlemen
15:53.22JacksLivroh, they are in the addons
15:53.22*** join/#asterisk funkmaster (
15:53.34mercestesJacksLivr:  no problem.  good luck
15:53.41funkmasterhello ppl :)
15:53.53Netranger78anyone up for helping me with a 7970 running sccp....ive got some wierd goings on with the speeddials
15:53.57mercestesPupenoR:  IP in "sip show peers" requires that qualify=yes in your DB table.
15:54.30funkmasteri have a question, i have a problem with one of my sip providers, the registration time, in sip.conf what the max value i can set for it? or can i make it register only once and then not again or sumthing liek that
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15:55.28sevais there a way to restrict the number of peers that can login using set of credentials?
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15:55.38PupenoRmercestes: oh, thanks.
15:55.41sevalike if i have a perr "foo" i want to make sure it's logged in only once
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15:55.57mercestesPupenoR:  NP, good luck
15:56.27[TK]D-Fenderseva : if by "logged in" you mean registered, then you can only have 1.  Any subsequent register will kill off its predecessors
15:56.37mercestesfunkmaster:  Maybe you should start with what is going wrong.  If you set reg time to like, 9 billion, if it ever fails to register than it won't notice forever.
15:56.54seva[TK]D-Fender: i don't think that's the case.. i have multiple ones logged on right now
15:57.01sevathe calls that they've alread placed are working fine
15:57.16Netranger78here is what i a 7970 running sccp.....i have other sip channels showing up as second lines on here....which i want....and they all ring through....however one of these.....lets call it 3678 ....when i call in on that line the speed dial light that it is assigned to doesnt flash and it looks like it is coming in on the main line of the phone....none of the others do this......any ideas?
15:57.19[TK]D-Fenderseva : Using SLA on 1.4?  Because thats the only way to multi-register a single user....
15:57.54sevano, i have iax softphones connecting using a single peer setup
15:57.59sevathey all login to a conference call
15:59.12funkmastermercestes: in sip.conf defualtexpirey and maxexpirey do they have any maximum values? or i can set whatever i want?
15:59.26mercestesfunkmaster:  Try it.
15:59.57bertrand^is it possible _not_ to choose a channel when talking to an E1?
16:00.05bertrand^my provider asks me to do that
16:00.14mercestesfunkmaster:  I think setting qualify to a numeric value (like 100) is more than likely to fix whatever problem yoru having than setting expirey to an insane value if I am guessing correctly on what you are experiencing.
16:00.45mercestesfunkmaster:  However, your not telling us what's wrong so I'm guessing the max value for those variables is likely the maximum size of an INT32.
16:01.29mercestesbertrand^:   By "choose a channel" you mean "dial any one of 30 or so available channels within an E1 PRI?" then that would be the default behavior.
16:01.45*** join/#asterisk ChicagoBud (
16:02.12mercestesbertrand^:  You define your e1 with a 1-30 with dchan=31 or something, assign it a group, then DIAL/ZAP/g1/######  etc.
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16:02.30ChicagoBudhello, is there a spec for the number of characters in caller id name
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16:03.08Netranger78any ideas on the 7970 button issue?
16:03.17aydiosmioremove it
16:03.27aydiosmiothen no one can complain it doesn't work
16:03.39*** join/#asterisk queuetue (n=scott@ love to....but unfortunately this will be sitting on the asssistant to the presidents desk
16:04.24bertrand^mercestes, i've already tried every channel choice methods r1 R1 G1 g1, but i still can't make an outogin call
16:04.37mercestesChicagoBud:  It just cuts it off at like 11 chars or something, I can't remember exactly how many tho
16:04.39bertrand^my phone provider now asks me "to not choose a channel"
16:04.46mercestesChicagoBud:  Just count them sometime.
16:04.48aydiosmioNetranger78: you say that like you should really care
16:04.51bertrand^i'm not sure that's possible
16:04.55aydiosmioyou shouldn't
16:05.04aydiosmiodamn the man and all that.
16:05.09[TK]D-Fenderbertrand^: You need to make sure of how you have allocated groups in your zapata.conf
16:05.23Netranger78im sure in some deep dark part of my soul i dont.....but unfortunately they pay me to
16:06.02funkmastermercestes: well the problem is like this, i have a voip sip provider configure in my sip.conf, works fine i can receive make calls etc.. but after a while it does not work anymore, e.g. incoming calls still make my phone ring but it does not show up in the console, though verbose mode and there is no connection established when i pick up, not audio transfer, so then i have to wait a couple hours, stop the registration of that provider during that
16:06.02funkmastertime and then after a couple hours or a day re-registrer, then it works again for while and the same thing starts over...
16:06.07mercestesNetranger78:  Sounds like a config issue to me, but I can't tell you exactly *waht* config.
16:06.23aydiosmioNetranger78: sorry I can't provide anything other than comic relief
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16:07.06Netranger78im pretty sure i know where it is....i just cannot figure out why this one isnt the /etc/asterisk/sccp.conf i have i line in there for this particular extension that reads
16:07.07Netranger78autologin= 8955,8978,8985,3678
16:07.08mercestesfunkmaster:  Weird, phone should not ring with nothing in the CLI, tho, if you need a faster rereg, qualify=100 is what you need, not expirey= 2 billion.  What type of phones are these??
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16:07.52Netranger78its wierd
16:07.56aydiosmioJerJer: a.k.a. How to let everyone on the planet make free phone calls through your SIP account
16:07.58bertrand^[TK]D-Fender, you mena this line: channel => 1-15,17-31 ?
16:08.07funkmastermercestes: well i have an ata grandstream 486 and use among others skypho, italian provider, which is the one causing the trouble..
16:08.18[TK]D-Fenderbertrand^: No, I mean "group=" for those channels.
16:08.21funkmasterwill try with qualify=100, had turned it of so far..
16:08.38[TK]D-Fenderfunkmaster: 100 is way to high. 2000 is the norm
16:08.52JerJeraydiosmio:  no -  a working, basic configuration of Asterisk
16:09.05mercestesok, maybe 100 is a bit extreme.
16:09.13funkmasterbut iqualify just checks if my client is reachable
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16:09.14mercestesMaybe 500
16:09.19funkmasteri don't c how that is gonna help me
16:09.43aydiosmiothe last thing we need is everyone and thier brother running asterisk at home
16:10.06mercestesfunkmaster:  Ditch the grandstream ATA's.  That wil help you.
16:10.16[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Your macro is busted... exten => s,n,Goto(${DIALSTATUS}) <----
16:10.26funkmasterwell the grandstream box ain't the problem..
16:10.28JerJer[TK]D-Fender:  no it aint
16:10.30bertrand^i use group=1
16:10.41JerJeri'm going to that extension in the local context (macro)
16:10.53[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Goto with a single parm is to a PRIORITY within the current exten.
16:11.00[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Read again :)
16:11.04funkmasteranyone has worked with sphinx and speech recognition in asterisk?
16:11.22[TK]D-FenderJerJer: That should be exten => s,n,Goto(${DIALSTATUS},1)
16:11.41JerJeroddly enough thats pulled from working config files
16:12.06JerJerbut i'll fix it
16:12.23[TK]D-FenderJerJer: good :)
16:12.30JerJerany more input ?
16:12.39[TK]D-FenderJerJer: I jsut love erroneous * how-tos :)
16:12.43Corydon-w[TK]D-Fender: you can do a Goto(${DIALSTATUS}) if you have the corresponding label defined
16:12.48JerJermy goal here is to make this a valid document
16:12.59[TK]D-FenderJerJer: exten => ANSWER,1,Hangup
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16:13.05[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Will never get called.
16:13.09aydiosmiosomeone should post a * conf validator
16:13.13Corydon-w[TK]D-Fender: in fact, it's generally good, because it preserves the extension
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16:13.55Netranger78well....i kinda figured out the button thing
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16:14.07[TK]D-FenderCorydon-w: Idea can be nice, and can be worked a number of ways.  Th one was simply WRONG.  mismatch=bad.
16:14.45[TK]D-Fenderaydiosmio: Sorry, its doing exactly what he's telling it to, and * is interpreted, not compiled.  You can't know if every way a line will be called is going to be valid every time.
16:14.47JerJer[TK]D-Fender:  hmm - i remember seeing Answer get fired for whatever reason
16:14.48Netranger78looks like i cant make SIP channels ring well on a SCCP extension
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16:15.16pigpenanyone know if asterisk "hints" can be stored in the RTA database yet?  (last I saw it was moved to a feature request back in '06)
16:15.29[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Would also be nice if you called dial in a consitant format like other apps - Dial(SIP/${MACRO_EXTEN},25)
16:15.30JerJerbut its mainly there to ensure a call doesn't make it into voicemail after the other end hangs up
16:15.43mercestesI've got a dumb question.  What's wrong with the Wiki and thebook?
16:15.54aydiosmioeverything, next question.
16:15.59JerJeroh - kill the pipe
16:16.01[TK]D-FenderJerJer: We both know (or you should) that the only reason for dialplat continue exectution would be if you passed Dial a "g"
16:16.12JerJerthats the old school coder in me
16:16.29[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Mixed school apparently :)
16:16.42JerJer[TK]D-Fender:  that could be why I had to add it into my standard macro
16:16.44[TK]D-FenderJerJer: I might not have commented if it were consistant :)
16:16.54kanaedalol britney gone crazy
16:17.31JerJer[TK]D-Fender:  input is good -  Thank you
16:17.54bertrand^if i used the following line, i get the clock from the line, right? span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3
16:18.15JerJer1 uses that line as the primary clock source
16:18.33JerJer2 secondary  -  3, 4  ...  so on
16:18.35sweeperI use your mom as my primary clock source
16:18.43aydiosmioooooh burrrrn
16:19.08Corydon-wsweeper: It's a trifle bit early for that
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16:19.15[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Ok, while you're at it ${MACRO_EXTEN} is horrible IMO, I always pass the device to call as a parameter as the tech may change, etc.  All keeping with the "flexible".  But this is more optional as you are teacing some more basic stuff first.  However the POINT of Macro's is parameters, and having a return point.  You have NEITHER.
16:19.25Corydon-wsweeper: I'd suggest keeping that for after 10pm
16:19.35sweeperit IS after 10
16:19.40JerJer[TK]D-Fender:  ok
16:19.46sweeperyea, 10 pm
16:19.56Corydon-wOver here, it's 10am
16:20.01bertrand^zttool says: Sync Source:        Internally clocked
16:20.04sweeperI'm sorry
16:20.07JerJer[TK]D-Fender:  I will make that point in the next article
16:20.24bertrand^doesn't that mean it doesn't use the line as a primary clock source?
16:20.46[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Sometimes its an intentional scope lesson.  I'll leave you some "artistic/scaling" leaway  here :)
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16:21.30JerJeryeah - I didn't want to get too complex for this first instance of asterisk article
16:21.57JerJerhowever it is a totally valid point
16:23.08[TK]D-FenderJerJer: sip.conf - mailbox should have the context, and does "peer" now fully take the place of "friend"?  Might be nice to include callerID in there as well...
16:23.48JerJeri have always used peer in the SIP world
16:25.09sweeperzogulus: sorry, we run on official Digium time here, it is 10 AM
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16:25.41aydiosmioat the sound of the fake silence, the time will be 11:24 AM
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16:25.59[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Also in 1.4 IIRC you have to pass the VM message to play as parameter 2 now, not as a character prefix to the box.
16:26.10sweeperyou are not allowed to make time of day-inappropriate comments, lest you be reprimaned~
16:26.16bertrand^what does your zttool say about your Sync source?
16:26.18*** join/#asterisk edit_21 (n=edwho@unaffiliated/edit21/x-00000001)
16:26.25edit_21evening all
16:27.51edit_21noob syupid question time, Can i configure asterisk to recieve phone calls from a pstn line - ie route to the asterisk answerphone
16:27.59JerJerwonder if there is code in there that checks?   i serisouly pulled this config from my very functional home pbx
16:28.10JerJerVoicemail(${MACRO_EXTEN}, u)   ?
16:28.12sweeperedit_21: yes
16:28.19edit_21sweeper, thanks
16:28.29[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Correct.  do a "core show application voicemail"
16:28.45[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Keeping in mind I read this once, and don't personally use 1.4 :)
16:28.59JerJerin run 1.4 on my home stuff
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16:29.16JerJerbut it does maybe 2 simultaneous calls - on an extreemely busy day   :)
16:29.57Netranger78here is what i have found with me button problem on the 7970......while i CAN make a SIP extension ring on a SCCP will only ring in on the main apparently doesnt send either enough or correct enough header information to make it specify WHICH line is just makes any incoming SIP calls ring on the main line.
16:30.06pigpenSorry to be a noob, but what does the "a" extension provide to the voicemail app, while a greeting is being played?  Just another extension like operator?
16:30.16JerJerthe admin menu
16:30.28JerJerif you press * in Voicemail asterisk will attempt to call the 'a' exten
16:31.07pigpenwhile listening to voicemail or while the greeting is being played to a callee.
16:31.15JerJerwhich brings up another point  -  there is no way to check voicemail in my article    :D
16:31.25JerJerpigpen:  greeting
16:31.41pigpenso just assign it to operator is the standard?
16:31.43[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: While you're listening to the greeting, you can press * to bomb out and do other stuff, like nag the receptionist to hunt down the person you don't want to leave a VM for.
16:31.47zogulussweeper, ;)
16:32.07[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: I just jumpts to "a,1" in the current context where you can do "whatever".
16:32.26[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: I jstu gave a more common application of what you'd do with it.
16:32.34pigpenPostgress was bitching about it not being a defined extension in RTA.
16:32.39pigpenyes...still on the quest.
16:33.00[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: in my home setup, I don't have a real IVR, I jsut ring-all, then hit VM.  on * I VMauthenticate, then DISA for full remote access.
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16:33.27pigpenStill trying to figure out _% ...
16:33.30angryuseris there any option for MISDN dialing to make it select automaticly the upper port, and if it is busy, select another one? or i need to write a script?
16:33.39seva[TK]D-Fender: this is basically what i am looking for
16:33.52seva"   Currently IAX2 allows a given set of credentials to be used from more than one device without notice or complaint. This leads to situations where the two devices compete for call directed to their channel. This leads to missed calls and also to general confusion."
16:33.52[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: In most of my clients setups' I usually use "*" as the way for them to ENTER their box (aside from an extra code).
16:33.55sevai want to limit it to 1
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16:35.36[TK]D-Fenderseva : Sorry, I accidentally assumed "SIP".  I have no idea how IAX2 will react.
16:35.37pigpen[TK]D-Fender, ah..good idea.
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16:36.29sevait reacts by allowing multiple iax2 account to register, lat iax peer to register gets incoming call
16:36.34sevabut outbound works for all the peers
16:36.45[TK]D-FenderJerJer: In your macro you should also be passing the VM context.....
16:37.01[TK]D-Fenderseva : same as SIP then.
16:37.20seva[TK]D-Fender: what i'd like to do is prevent second registration from occuring
16:37.29sevaor at least kick the original off
16:37.34sevaand then register
16:37.45sevai might be submitting a patch for that soon ;)
16:37.51[TK]D-FenderJerJer: And continuing : exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial,SIP/${EXTEN}@NuFone <- this format has cause DNS issues with others in places where it is assumed to be a hostname, not a peer entry
16:37.56sevaif i can't find a solution
16:38.33Kritters/ 1
16:38.40[TK]D-FenderJerJer: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/NuFone/${EXTEN}) <- consistant and clearer way to call an entry from sip.conf
16:38.55JerJerso perhaps     DIal,SIP/NuFone/${EXTEN}
16:39.07JerJer[TK]D-Fender:  do you want editing credit on my article ?
16:39.13JerJeri'll gladly give it to you
16:39.23[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Sure, why not :)
16:41.29queuetueI've tried trixbox and asterisknow, and they both have good points and lots of bad points...  Do most of you just write dialplans by hand, or are there other tools out there to simplify life, that aren't quite as buggy or messy?
16:42.30[TK]D-Fenderqueuetue: This is the "know better and do it ourselves" channel.
16:43.02[TK]D-Fenderqueuetue: All of those GUI's simply limit you.  Some have made custom tools for the most menial bits, but as it implied... CUSTOM.
16:43.43mercestesqueuetue:  the answer is, we do it by hand.
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16:43.58mercestes....  the config files...I mean.
16:44.00mercestesI meant the config files
16:44.09[TK]D-Fendermercestes: TMI <-
16:44.24mercestesOh you do it too, Fender1
16:46.08file[TK]D-Fender: the floor is not very comfy
16:46.44[TK]D-Fenderfile: Careful now ;)\ another 7970 SCCP do i get the call forward softkey to work..... i tried adding cfwdall=on to the sccp.conf but it only shows up when you take the phone off hook.....any ideas?
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16:47.50Qwell[]Netranger78: chan_sccp?  yeah, it's there so you can forward to a number, which is why you have to go offhook
16:47.59Qwell[]go offhook, hit the button, dial a number
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16:51.27anonymouz666mpg123-0.59r is VERY old, so I am having problems to compile that under x64 arch...
16:51.33PupenoRDes $[] perform arithmetic operations on the dialplan?
16:52.00anonymouz666format_mp3 is recommended ?
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16:53.12angryuseranonymouz666: use wav 8 bit mono
16:53.17macecould i trouble anyone for some assistance with linking two asterisk servers? i keep getting "No authority found" errors on the called PBX but for the life of me can't figure out whats setup wrong :(
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16:54.12Netranger78ok....then ive got something else wrong then.....after i go off hook and press the cfwdall button it just beeps twice and goes back to dialtone
16:54.19elriahHi all.   In a call queue, what's the setting that tells the queue how long to ring each member before it gives up?
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16:54.39Netranger78tried to dial a number and hit end call and that didnt work
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16:58.41[TK]D-Fenderelriah: "timeout"
16:59.03elriah[TK]D-Fender: In the queue definition, right?  Not from the queue cmd?
16:59.13generalhanHey all !! i need a bit of direction on setting up a remote Cisco7960 to my local * box ( ver 1.2.10 ). Im not completely sure i have all the right ports forwarded over, or something. but i am NOT using NAT and i thought this would be simple, but the phone just wont connect. can some one point me in the right direction ?
16:59.43[TK]D-Fenderelriah: Correct
16:59.47generalhanmaybe a link with some good information or troubleshotting advice ?
16:59.52elriah[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
17:00.41elriahIs there a way to play a specific MOH file instead of having to define a MOH class for a queue?
17:03.47mercesteselriah:  You have to use both places.  The "timeout=" in the queues.conf tells it how often to check to see if it's timed out, and the timeout in application queue is how long the timeout is.
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17:04.20Netranger78ok...back to my call forward issue.....i have just one more question....when i go off the cfwdall softkey and dial the actually dials out the there anywhere i can go to keep it from dialing and instead just forward to that number instead?
17:04.21mercesteselriah:  And Set(MusiconHold=) or some nonsense like that should play custom MoH
17:04.45elriahmercestes: hrm.. Ok, thanks! :)
17:05.03mercestessend me copies of vista via paypal. :D
17:06.03elriahAs in Windows Vista?
17:06.04zogulusI've got a couple of mods I want to make to the Asterisk server and I wondered if anyone could give me some hints on developing/testing them.  e.g. do you always do a "make install" to test changes?
17:06.28Qwell[]zogulus: usually
17:06.37Qwell[]zogulus: I'll generally just copy the module over, if only one module changed
17:06.47zogulusQwell, ah ok good to know that works
17:07.52zogulusQwell, how about debugging, ever tried to bring it up in gdb?
17:07.58Qwell[]sure, always
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17:09.52zogulusQwell, it's been several years since I've done any C so the curve is looking a bit steep at the moment! ;)
17:11.08elriahmercestes: set(musiconhold=path/to/file) should play moh a specific file?
17:12.59Qwell[]elriah: I don't think so.  I think you need to set a class
17:13.07elriahQwell[]: Thansk.
17:13.10Qwell[]actually, that's only a var...that won't do anything
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17:35.16AbduSomeone know if the REINVITE works with AGI ?
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17:39.13clyrrad1It seems like Canada has absolutly no decent provider for the 905 Exchange area code, does anyone here know of a decent provider?  One that you can actually get a hold of?
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17:41.36Kritters 2
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17:43.01clyrrad1Do you use them?
17:43.14elriahYep, great service.
17:43.30clyrrad1are they able to Port / LNP DID's?
17:43.43clyrrad1how is the quality of Voice?
17:44.03clyrrad1and what your opinions on the Tech support?
17:44.08clyrrad1are they fast slow ?
17:44.35elriahI've never really had problems so dunno.
17:44.59clyrrad1guess thats a good sign
17:45.13Drukenclyrrad1: yes we do...
17:45.24clyrrad1im checking them out - I was using telantek before - but these guys never answer the phone
17:45.28clyrrad1Druken: who is that?
17:45.33AbduSomeone know if the REINVITE works with AGI ?
17:46.13Drukenclyrrad1: you looking for a selfserve option or a large wholescale option ?
17:47.28ManxPowerAbdu: AGI itself should not prevent reinvites.
17:47.33Drukenclyrrad1: or 866-92think
17:47.52ManxPowerAbdu: However, many other things can prevent reinvites from happening.
17:48.09clyrrad1Druken: you work for this company?
17:48.47clyrrad1ah you just know they do the 905 exchange?
17:49.34Drukenclyrrad1: yeah... i used to deal with them on a regular basis, and have an extensive knowledge of their network :)
17:51.13clyrrad1I have been having such a hard time to find a good reliable provider for these DID's
17:51.14clyrrad1I use Unlimitel for the rest - those guys are great - I need a provider like that on the 905 DID's
17:51.14Drukenwell, keep in mind, the 905 is a HUGE regional area code....
17:51.14Drukenwhat ratecenters?
17:51.14ManxPowerAll Voip Phone Companies suck.
17:51.15ManxPowerSome suck less that others, however.
17:51.15DrukenManxPower: how come i can never get them to suck??? :)
17:51.15clyrrad1Drunken: yea this is true 905 is huge but I want some of the ones close to Toronto
17:51.41clyrrad1I was using Telantek but seems like a one man show - been waiting a week to get a call back - horrible service
17:52.07Drukenso you have numbers you want to port then...
17:52.26clyrrad1some for Alberta too
17:52.45Drukenupper or lower?
17:53.12clyrrad1im not sure the DID is 403-255-XXXX
17:53.18[TK]D-FenderDruken: Have you considered MAKEUP? ;)
17:53.23Drukenlower, 403 is lower alberta
17:53.41Druken[TK]D-Fender: nah... i don't like the rainbow down there :)
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17:56.41xo8oxguys whats the exact format settings for the asterisk voices so we can convert our own voice greetings to match it
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17:56.52Qwell[]xo8ox: there are many formats
17:57.00xo8oxlike .gsm 8000khz.. 8bit.. stereo/mono etc...
17:57.18Qwell[]yes, gsm is 8khz, mono
17:57.20ManxPowerxo8ox: 8khz, mono, don't know if it is 16-bit or 8-bit
17:57.25Qwell[]8 I think
17:57.29[TK]D-Fenderxo8ox: If you're using any diecrt to PSTN hardware, then ULAW/ALAW depends on your region
17:58.56xo8oxwell I did convert the wav that we have to the right GSM 8000khz and placed it in the sounds dir and used it but when we call that voice menu we hear distorted noise
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18:00.28generalhanok guys, i have an * box - ver 1.2.10 behind an IPCop box forwarding ports 5060 for Sip, 69 for TFTP, and my rtp port range from *. My Cisco 7960 is behind a little DI-624 router with the same ports forwarding, but the phone wont register. i tailed the logs on the * server and i cant see that the phone even hits that machine ... am i missing some ports that need to be forwared ??
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18:03.41ManxPower5060 is all you need for registration.
18:04.45[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: 2 things can easily be screwd up.  Your sip peer entry, or your general settings for NAT overall on your * box.
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18:05.49generalhanwell im not using NAT so that shouldnt be an issue ...
18:06.04generalhandoes my sip entry look differently for a remote user than a local one ?
18:06.08ManxPowerIf you are forwarding ports then you are doing nat
18:06.24generalhanuh oh ...
18:06.29[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: " ok guys, i have an * box - ver 1.2.10 behind an IPCop box "
18:06.36ManxPowerAre you sure you cisco phone is configured to register?
18:06.39[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: I dunno... SOUNDS like itt to me..
18:06.46generalhanlol my fault.
18:07.25generalhanthis is a phone that i ripped from the local net and was working. i was hoping to make it work at home that i would just have to forward the correct ports.
18:07.31[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Sounds like a duck, walks like a duck, and its duck season, does that mean I can shoot him? ;)
18:07.52[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: You sure the phone is pointed to your public IP now , and not the private one?
18:08.29[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Well it'd still be nice to verify that yoursip.conf is properly set up...
18:08.48generalhanive tried 2 ways. connecting to the TFTP server on my local * machine. and making a TFTP server on a remote computer on the same net as the remote phone. niehter work. though when i check the sip settings on the phone it shows the public ip
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18:11.14generalhanthis is how all my Cisco 7960s are setup on the local network. i didnt change anything when i took the phone to a remote location.
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18:13.51generalhandoes that look like it should ?
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18:14.48tutt9876hi, got a problem to match an extension in my dialplan
18:15.25tutt9876I am trying to make Dial(SIP/
18:16.03tutt9876with a exten => _[a-z0-9].@[a-z0-9]. patern but I can't get the domain
18:16.08tutt9876any idea?
18:16.10*** join/#asterisk KuJaX (
18:16.37KuJaXWhat is the command to hangup a line via the asterisk console?  I am showing two of my extensions are using minutes and I need to manually hang them up via asterisk console.
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18:17.29tutt9876${EXTEN] only get sipaddress
18:18.07generalhani think you can do a 'hang up <channel>'  id check on that though before you just trust me ! lol. wouldnt want it to hang up ALL channels ! lol
18:18.20Qwell[]soft hangup <channel>, actually
18:18.46ManxPowertutt9876: see README.variables in the asterisk source
18:18.58*** join/#asterisk jesster_ (
18:19.02tutt9876yes but didn't find the good one
18:19.20generalhansee this is why i say not to trust me ! lol
18:19.43KuJaXit says unknown channel when I put "soft hangup <extension>"
18:19.53Qwell[]not extension, channel
18:20.01KuJaXhow do i see the list of chnnals?
18:20.02generalhando a sip show channels
18:20.10Qwell[]hit tab
18:20.15Qwell[]soft hangup <tab>
18:20.45jesster_Hey guys - I have some 7961 and 7941 phones running SIP 8.0.4 SR2 and am having problems getting the time to show. It keeps showing the wrong date and time. I see it's querying my NTP server - any suggestions where to look? my SEPmac.cnf.xml file is pretty much copy/paste from the voip-info wiki
18:20.52tutt9876sip show channels?
18:21.05*** join/#asterisk BrianR___ (
18:21.05KuJaXOkay cool.  Thanks! :)
18:21.26ManxPowerjesster_: make sure the timezone offset is correct in the phone
18:21.42generalhanManxPower: did you see my sip config for my cisco phone? i just need to make sure that they dont need to be set up differently for remote phones
18:21.46KuJaXCool it worked!  thanks,
18:22.23jesster_ManxPower: would a time offset help the date? It's showint Jan 10th, 2007 UTC
18:22.36PupenoRWhere can I read how to use labels in extensions.conf?
18:22.37[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: With * being behind NAT as well as your remote phone, NEITHER is at all ready to function as-is
18:22.54BrianR___I think I may have found a rather interesting bug in Asterisk 1.2.10. I have an asterisk box with two t1 interfaces sitting between another asterisk box and the pstn. It has two simple contexts which are causing it to forward calls in both directions without doing much else (like an exten => _X.,1,Dial(othert1,${EXTEN}) type of dialplan). Calls are working in both directions, but active channels don't show up in "show channe
18:23.02generalhan[TK]D-Fender: wonderful ...
18:23.13[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Actually... you never showed the [general] section... so maybe * is ready as a core... but I can't SEE that
18:23.26BrianR___I'd say about 90% of calls don't show up in "show channels" or Master.csv. I don't even see the Dial() get executed when I turn up verbose.
18:23.32BrianR___But the calls go through.
18:24.09generalhan[TK]D-Fender: sorry ... i has been a long time since i have had to think about this system. ill put together a post with as much information that is relevant !
18:25.17BrianR___Show channels says "0 active channels / 0 active calls"
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18:28.28[TK]D-FenderBrianR___: Perhaps a user has unplugged * from the middle...
18:28.49generalhan[TK]D-Fender: [incoming]
18:28.49generalhanexten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1,NoOP(Call From-- ${CALLERID(number)} ** Calling to-- ${EXTEN})
18:28.50generalhanexten => _XXXXXXXXXX,2,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(number)}"=""]?1000)
18:28.50generalhanexten => _XXXXXXXXXX,3,Goto(phone-numbers,${EXTEN},1)
18:28.50generalhanexten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1000,Set(CALLERID(number)="No-Number")
18:28.50generalhanexten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1001,Goto(phone-numbers,${EXTEN},1)
18:28.56generalhanOMG im sorry
18:29.02BrianR___[TK]D-Fender: I thought that was a possibility too - I actually went and checkted the wiring closet. Of course that doesn't explain why some calls show up but not others.
18:29.12[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: And I don't care about DIALPLAN.  that isn't the issue here
18:29.14generalhan   <------ what i meant to paste
18:29.45generalhani just tossed it in cause it was referenced in the sip.conf ... didnt know if you wanted to see it !
18:29.50ManxPowerI doubt most phones will accept "no-number" as the callerid digits
18:30.00[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Ok, my first statement sticks... you have NONE of the NAT settings on either end for this to work.
18:30.05generalhanManxPower: its for mine ! lol
18:30.14generalhanfor labeling purposes
18:30.50generalhan[TK]D-Fender: what NAT settings ? im trying to learn HOW to do this ... ive never attempted before.
18:31.15jbotsomebody said nat was Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
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19:04.17BrianR___[TK]D-Fender: Ok. I figured it out. Someone futzed with my wiring, and only calls which were overflowing onto a second span were going through the box.
19:04.58BrianR___[TK]D-Fender: In fact, it may have been possible that I wired it wrong myself, since it appears the labeling is wrong :(
19:07.41jesster_I'm trying to setup a 7941 / 7961 and am having problems with the date. It always shows 7:45 10/01/07 on it. I have the SEPmac.cnf.xml file set to Pacific Standard/Daylight Time and the dateTemplate is D/M/Y -- I verified with wireshark the phone is polling our NTP server, however, phone does not have correct time/date. Any suggestions would be great
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19:21.59cpatrywhat could makes this happen, [Feb 26 14:20:10] WARNING[483]: channel.c:2380 ast_indicate_data: Unable to handle indication 3 for 'SIP/204-101588e8' , just just sometimes.
19:24.10ManxPowercpatry: not having a /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
19:24.51cpatryi do, if im calling directly, thats perfect, but if im using a background(foobar), it happens.
19:25.47ManxPowerAsterisk uses /etc/asterisk/indications.conf to provide inband indications, like ringing after answer, etc.
19:26.15cpatryive that file in my config dirs.
19:26.55ManxPowerIf the line has not been answered then Asterisk can use out of band indications and not need /etc/asterisk/indications.conf.  cpatry, try copying the indications.conf.sample to /etc/asterisk/indications.conf in case it was corrupted.
19:27.13cpatryis res_indications.c is a must for that?
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19:27.26cpatryive no /etc/asterisk/ my config dir is at other place.
19:28.00ManxPowercpatry: perhaps asterisk is still looking for it in the default location.  There has been issues with getting asterisk to look in non-default locations
19:28.24ManxPowercpatry: Yes, I imagine that would be required
19:28.27cpatryi will make few tests, but even my defaults.h doesnt point there.
19:28.38cpatrylet me reload my res_indications
19:30.20aydiosmiocan one of you fine lads tell  me how to diagnose why asterisk is offering gsm and g711 but not g729 to my gateway for outgoing calls?
19:30.41ManxPoweraydiosmio: I That is configured in sip.conf.
19:30.48ManxPoweraydiosmio: do you have a G729 license?
19:30.51aydiosmio0/0 encoders/decoders of 1 licensed channels are currently in use
19:31.05Juggiebecause you havnt set allow=g729 for your sip peer i would imagine
19:31.46aydiosmioah yeah, there was no global allow-g729
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19:51.20iceyphey guys, I had a asterisk (on debian) server die yesterday, after the reboot my meetme has stopped working
19:51.29iceypFeb 27 08:48:32 WARNING[2480]: chan_zap.c:915 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': No such device or address
19:51.37iceypHowever that file still exists
19:51.43*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
19:51.44iceypcrw-r--r--  1 root root 196, 255 May 25  2006 /dev/zap/pseudo
19:51.52iceypand i've also tried to run modprobe zaptel
19:53.41cpatrylsmod|grep zap
19:54.25iceypzaptel                234340  0
19:54.26iceypcrc_ccitt               2368  1 zaptel
19:54.36Juggiemodprobe ztdummy
19:54.44Juggieunless you have a real card in there
19:55.53iceypWARNING: Error inserting rtc (/lib/modules/ No such device
19:55.56EmleyMoorI'd like to add some additional country free calls to my Asterisk system - is there a listing of what can easily be done anywhere?
19:56.07iceypand FATAL: Error inserting ztdummy (/lib/modules/ Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see
19:56.18*** join/#asterisk darken_darken (
19:56.33Juggieiceyp, looks like you should reinstall zaptel, you probally updated your kernel
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19:57.44dlynes_laptopiceyp: you need to rebuild your kernel, and enable the rtc module (real time clock)
19:58.24EmleyMoorI have US, UK, NL, NO and DE already
19:58.43iceypahh damn
19:58.59iceypi usually use apt for that :/
19:59.02dlynes_laptopJuggie: ztdummy requires the rtc and crc_ccitt modules; but somehow he's able to compile, link and install the drivers without support for it in his kernel
19:59.24Juggiedlynes_laptop, he said the problem occured without a reboot so i would imagine he had compiled on a old kernel
19:59.31Juggieer, after a reboot
19:59.47dlynes_laptopJuggie: yeah, but look closely at the's trying to load a non-existent rtc module
20:00.19dlynes_laptopJuggie: and it's ztdummy that's trying to load it
20:00.23iceypthose files exist -rw-r--r--  1 root root 19429 May 25  2006 /lib/modules/
20:00.43iceypprobably my apt-get update , updated my kernel with a non rtc module'd kernel
20:00.54cpatryuname -a?
20:01.01iceypsame with -rw-r--r--  1 root root 152923 May 25  2006 /lib/modules/
20:01.06iceypLinux #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu May 25 22:03:47 NZST 2006 i686 GNU/Linux
20:01.25dlynes_laptopiceyp: try the following:  insmod /lib/modules/
20:01.33dlynes_laptopiceyp: what do you get when you try that?
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20:01.40iceypinsmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/': -1 No such device
20:01.50dlynes_laptopyou don't have a real time clock?
20:02.05iceyp*shrug* this all worked before the reboot
20:02.07dlynes_laptopthat's kinda like impossible, afaik
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20:02.21dlynes_laptoptry the following, then:
20:02.23dlynes_laptopdepmod -a
20:02.27aydiosmiowhen I Dial from an AGI, the calls don't seem to get logged to the CDR, do I have to do something so they get logged as a separate call?
20:02.28Juggiewhat does rtc depend on?
20:02.36ozanthi, anyone used app_icd with asterisk ?
20:02.37Juggiewhat hardware i mean
20:02.55cpatryicd? never heard about it.
20:02.56dlynes_laptopJuggie: I think it's the 8259 pic, but I'm not sure
20:03.07iceypdepmod -a run
20:03.17foobar778Fender solved the problem about fxo found a better solution and free
20:03.19ozantcpatry, it is like app_queueu
20:03.25RoyKicd - intelligent call distribution iirc
20:03.28cpatryozant: isnt in trunk.
20:03.30dlynes_laptopiceyp: what happened after you did 'depmod -a'?
20:03.33RoyKdunno if it's that intelligent, though
20:03.36dlynes_laptopiceyp: any errors?
20:03.40iceypdlynes_laptop just went to the next line
20:03.41cpatryRoyK: hehehe
20:03.48iceypdlynes_laptop  no errors
20:03.53dlynes_laptopiceyp: let's try this
20:04.05cpatryisnt just include in openbpx?
20:04.07ozantRoyK, it seems it is just on opbx
20:04.23cpatryozant: so better ask the opbx guys, no?
20:04.23Juggiecpatry, go leafs tonight :)
20:04.25dlynes_laptopiceyp: cp -R /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ && rm -rf /lib/modules/
20:04.32dlynes_laptopiceyp: and then reinstall your kernel modules
20:04.35cpatryJuggie: bah, habs rocks.
20:04.36RoyKozant: I beleive you can compile it for asstrix as well
20:04.54iceypdlynes_laptop  I feel a little embarresed but i wouldnt know how to do that, I'm a freebsd man
20:04.56ozantRoyK, hmm it worth a try
20:05.00dlynes_laptopcpatry: dood...everyone knows the canucks kick the habs' ass
20:05.13Juggiedlynes_laptop, thats kind of extreme... why not just apt remove and then apt install them.
20:05.14dlynes_laptopiceyp: didnm't you just finish saying you did that using apt-get?
20:05.17foobar778[TK]D-Fender: are u there
20:05.28[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778: Yeah, whats up?
20:05.33iceypdlynes_laptop  yeh, so can i just do an apt-get update?
20:05.40cpatrydlynes_laptop: ya, you're too hot for yus
20:05.42Juggiecpatry, the leafs are going to win tonight! :)
20:05.43dlynes_laptopJuggie: yes, it is extreme, but it leaves it in a known state...i.e. no leftover modules
20:05.44cpatrybut not toronto.
20:05.50foobar778I found a bettr soution to fx0 and free
20:05.54RoyKozant: it's probably quicker to just try it with opbx first
20:06.10foobar778most usa cities can go staright in and its not peering
20:06.22[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778: Oh, better,and free?  Explain
20:06.37foobar778I have one did number ok
20:06.51dlynes_laptopiceyp: i really donm't know...i'm not a debian guy...juggie seems like he would know, though
20:06.53iceypdlynes_laptop  i ment apt-get upgrade
20:06.54cpatrydamn, im still getting  Driver for channel 'SIP/202-10155480' does not support indication 3, emulating it
20:07.04iceypdlynes_laptop ok
20:07.14foobar778i set it upon call in to dial an extesion wait send a DTMF and then disa
20:07.18dlynes_laptopcpatry: that's not an error...that's a warning
20:07.39cpatrydlynes_laptop: the ringing tone is so odd from that channel
20:07.42cpatrybut okay from pstn.
20:07.56Juggieisnt ringing just audio on SIP?
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20:08.16Juggieits just part of the RTP its not like the sip phone generates the ringing
20:08.22foobar778I then route my number from free craigsnumber or grandcentral to that number in almost all udsa cities thats why the dtmf
20:08.32dlynes_laptopJuggie: yes, it's not an indication
20:08.55cpatrynot sure how to fix that thought.
20:09.05dlynes_laptopcpatry: nothing to fix
20:09.06Juggiethe only way it could be an indication would be if chan_sip generated the ringing rather then *
20:09.09dlynes_laptopcpatry: nothing's broken
20:09.10Juggiebut it would still be audio.
20:09.10foobar778So anyone in the usa dials a local number and with DISA is in the pbx straight away
20:09.27cpatrydlynes_laptop: the tone is horrible and doesnt sound like normal.
20:09.38dlynes_laptopcpatry: then you need to fix your region
20:09.38cpatrywhen im background(foo)
20:09.42foobar778Thus can do more than having a pstn fx0
20:09.45cpatrybut if im dialing directly, thats fine.
20:09.50dlynes_laptopcpatry: You're probably set for some country that's not yours
20:10.03[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778: Sounds ugly, but possibly effective.  I wouldnt do taht to a company, but for your own free use you can use whatever makeshift method you want I guess.
20:10.10cpatryand how come, directly and from pstn is all fine?
20:10.20foobar778works splendidly
20:10.32Juggiecpatry, je ne sais pas :)
20:10.32dlynes_laptopcpatry: pstn isn't generated
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20:10.52foobar778voicestick free did but credit card signup
20:11.15dlynes_laptop~clue cpatry
20:11.17jbotACTION fans out Vegas-style a stack of clues for cpatry "Pick one, any one!  ...and don't show it to me."
20:11.18cpatryand why that behavior isnt the same for direct call?
20:11.36Juggiecpatry, perhaps you need to explain your call path thats working and the one thast not
20:11.40Juggieand which direction its going
20:11.47dlynes_laptopbecause for a direct call, asterisk isn't intervening, because you have canrevinvite=yes
20:11.55cpatryphones a is calling phones b directly, all okay.
20:12.13dlynes_laptopor because you're not going through asterisk at all, if you're using a sip url on the one phone to dial the other phone
20:12.30cpatrybut if a is dialing my ivr, which is just background(foobar), then im dialing b'extensions, tone is odd to A.
20:12.41Juggiewhat is A?
20:12.45Juggiea cell phone, sip phone, etc.
20:12.48dlynes_laptopcpatry: CHECK YOUR REGION
20:12.57cpatrya,b are boths sip phones.
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20:13.09dlynes_laptopcpatry: if the ringing soudns like aliens or somehting, you're probably set for Japanese region
20:13.21dlynes_laptopcpatry: not for Canada
20:13.34[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778: Well more power to you then...
20:14.08dlynes_laptopSee?  There's your problem....your ringing is set up like George Bush's
20:14.17dlynes_laptopYou've got an Iraqi ringtone
20:14.57dlynes_laptopcpatry: have you used a call to Set() in your dialplan anywhere to change the default region?
20:15.10Juggiecpatry, pastebin the working/broken dialplan
20:15.12dlynes_laptopcpatry: or modified indications.conf?
20:15.20cpatrydlynes_laptop: nope.
20:15.35dlynes_laptopcpatry: try juggie's suggestion then
20:15.38jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
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20:19.34[TK]D-Fendercpatry: What kind of devices are those 2 SIP channels?
20:20.04cpatry2 analog phones thru an mediatrix 1104
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20:22.44cpatrytkfender: in what that matters?
20:23.30[TK]D-Fendercpatry: Just wondering if perhaps one end didn't have a complete SIP indications set on the remote side.
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20:28.17Carp1Alright, my internet is working again and I'm not tired anymore!
20:28.28generalhan[TK]D-Fender: ok i think 3rd times the charm here !!  hows that look now !?
20:28.30Carp1Anyone willing to help me with my one-way audio issuse...once again.
20:28.48Mpls-EricWow, I just added a single extension in extensions.conf and on reload, this is what I got: "pbx.c:929 pbx_find_extension: Maximum PBX stack exceeded" Any ideas? Running 1.4 SVN updated yesterday...
20:29.09Mpls-EricNew bug or stupid human trick?
20:29.12[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Getting warmer.... missing canreinvite=n (everywhere), and "nat=yes" for [general]
20:29.44Carp11.4 is really buggy,
20:29.48Carp1I had to downgrade to 1.2.
20:29.55tzangerCarp1: compared to trunk?  :-)
20:29.59Mpls-EricI'm learning that quickly...
20:30.00generalhan[TK]D-Fender: ohh i didnt notice that in the docs ... so im looking for a nat=yes line under the general context? and i need canreinvite=no for ALL sip entries ? or just for the remote phones ?
20:30.02[TK]D-FenderMpls-Eric: 10 PRINT "I AM GOING INSANE" 20 GOTO 10
20:30.28[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Highly advisable for ALL.
20:30.56mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  ROFLMAO
20:30.57generalhanhmm ok ... will that restrict functionality that i have gotten used to on the local phones ? lol
20:31.03cpatryMpls-Eric: hey dude, whats up?
20:31.14mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  10 bucks says he has no clue what your talking about.
20:31.14cpatryMpls-Eric: and if you remove that extension, its all fine?
20:31.24[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: No, nothing to lose, all to gain
20:31.31Mpls-EricI though I should run 1.4 in the hopes of improving it. Never thought it was going to be released in such bad shape.
20:31.36Mpls-EricAbout to try removing now.
20:31.59Mpls-EricGoogle was no help, tried that first, now its IRC, next its used my head....!
20:32.07generalhan[TK]D-Fender: perfect ! thanks for the help ... again. it was you and Qwell about a year and a half ago that helped me get this thing up and running in the first place !!
20:32.18cpatryMpls-Eric: change #define AST_PBX_MAX_STACK       128 for 256 to see.
20:32.24cpatryin ur pbx.c
20:32.30Mpls-EricProblem solved... Removed line.
20:32.34[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Bill is in the mail ;)
20:33.14cpatrywhats ur line looks like btw?
20:34.13Mpls-EricHere's the real problem, I'm calling a destination inside a macro, ie Dial(blah/blah|o)...   After the remote party hangs up, my polycom used to go back "onhook", now it sits with dead air... CLI shows hangup, but polycom still sits.
20:35.17Mpls-EricIt was stupid after thinking about it. I added ;exten => h,Hangup()
20:36.06cpatryand if ur increase ur value like i said, no more warnings?
20:36.57Mpls-EricI'm guessing that calling Hangup from h, creates the loop. I haven't tired changing AST_PBX_MAX_STACK
20:37.28Carp1 this is my sip.conf......
20:37.33Carp1I'm getting one way audio.
20:37.50Mpls-EricCarp1, do you have NAT anywhere?
20:38.23vltHello. Does anyone know how to play moh but prevent callers waiting in a queue hearing the first part of an moh file over and over again?
20:38.25Carp1only inbound calls.
20:38.32Carp1I believe I took care of the NAT
20:38.34cpatryMpls-Eric: so all fixed now?
20:38.37Carp1Yes, I have a router....
20:39.16Mpls-EricWell, the real problem is the polycom phone not going onhook when the remote party hangs up the line. CLI shows hangup, but phone sits.
20:39.58Mpls-EricCarp1, have you made any adjustments in your sip.conf file so that asterisk understand the nat you have?
20:40.30Carp1Thats my sip.conf
20:40.37Carp1I did localnet
20:40.54Carp1I had externip but I commented it out becuase it wouldnt allow incoming calls when I had it.
20:41.56Mpls-EricOne-way audio as in works from PBX to phone, but not phone to pbx?
20:42.56Carp1When I call out, it works both ways, when someone calls in, only one way works.
20:43.00Carp1I cant hear anything but they can hear me.
20:43.46Mpls-EricAre you forwarding the UDP ports to the pbx in your nat box?  That's your problem I think.
20:43.54Carp1Yes, I am.
20:44.02Carp1the port range I defined in rtp.conf
20:44.08Mpls-EricWhat ports?  Are you sure?  What NAT are you using?
20:44.28Carp1It's a Linksys router, and I fowarded the defaults.....10000-20000 I believe.
20:44.56*** part/#asterisk backblue (
20:45.19Mpls-EricI'd use tcpdump and filter for the remote IP space and see what you get incomming on thiose ports. I'm guessing bug or misconfiguration.
20:45.41Carp1I dont know how to do that :(
20:47.00J4k3wow.. now my f1000g spontanious reboots.
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20:53.42generalhanAnyone know if you can edit config settings on a 7960 via telnet .. as opposed to just looking at what the settings are ?
20:53.42Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
20:54.36mercestesftp is eeeeeeeeevil.
20:56.28jesster_I'm trying to setup a 7941 / 7961 and am having problems with the date. It always shows 7:45 10/01/07 on it. I have the SEPmac.cnf.xml file set to Pacific Standard/Daylight Time and the dateTemplate is D/M/Y -- I verified with wireshark the phone is polling our NTP server, however, I don't see any packets back from the NTP server to the phone (NAT problem?)  Any suggestions would be great
20:56.46rad07Hi, I have MultiModem ZPX (MT5634ZPX-PCI Series) Can I use it with Asterisk
20:58.06rad07If somebody can have a look at to see if it is usable
20:59.38spaceinvaderhmm I have Modem: Intel Corporation 82801AB
21:00.27rad07spaceinvander: Is it working?
21:01.04spaceinvaderhavent trie
21:01.10dlynes_laptopcpatry: Juggie had asked you paste the working/broken dialplan, not your log file
21:01.14spaceinvaderi want to make a poor-mans personal PBX
21:01.26dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: get a long string and two tin cans
21:01.27spaceinvaderusing that modem for the line and the sound card for the phone
21:01.43spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: where do I stick the ethernet for SIP? ;P
21:01.50cpatrydlynes_laptop: let me write ya a quick one to simplify things.
21:02.20dlynes_laptopcpatry: before giving me the quick one to simplify things, test it, and make sure it still shows the same problem
21:02.37cpatrydlynes_laptop: of course.
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21:02.51spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: would it work?
21:03.01generalhananyone know if configuration options can be changed via telnet for a Cisco 7960 ?
21:03.04rad07Is your voice modem used as FXS, FXO or both FXO/FXS. Can I connect my regular phone and dial out and receive calls as well as receiving inbound calls and route it first to Asterisk PBX if I don't answer (this should be FXO function) and can somebody call me via SIP software and will my regular phone ring (FXS function)?
21:03.05spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: you see the box I want to use has no spare PCI slots
21:03.08dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: stick it in your ear :)
21:03.20spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: :)
21:03.29spaceinvaderrad07: voicemodems can only be used for the line afaik
21:03.35dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: obviously you've never heard of firewire or usb ethernet adapters?
21:03.48spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: noooo
21:03.56spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: i meant the FXO/FXS
21:04.06dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: sipura 3000
21:04.08spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: it has 2 PCI NIC's, a modem and a tv card
21:04.12spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: no more space
21:04.21dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: a tv card in a phone server?  that makes sense
21:04.28spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: 2 nics for routing, modem is on its own silly slot, and tv for streaming tv
21:04.35spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: its my home server
21:05.00elriahWhat does ALI actually stand for?
21:05.14elriahAutomatic Location Information?
21:05.23dlynes_laptopelriah: don't you mean ANI?
21:06.06rad07spaceinvade: voicemodems can only be used for the line afaik. What do you mean? Aren't we talking about FXO/FXS functionality
21:06.57spaceinvadersame thing
21:07.02dlynes_laptoprad07: besides...voicemodems with the shorted jumper so that they function as an x100p or x101p give you horrible quality audio with a shitload of echo
21:07.18dlynes_laptoprad07: and you also get dropped calls on those from time to time
21:07.29spaceinvaderFXO goes to the line, FXS goes to the telephone
21:07.38dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: sipura 3000
21:07.44spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: no space...
21:08.09dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: no space?  do you live in a microwave oven?
21:08.25spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: oh, thats an ATA
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21:08.40dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: no, it's not an ATA
21:08.44dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: it's a SIP gateway
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21:08.52dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: one fxo port, one fxs port
21:09.05dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: an ATA has one or more FXS ports, and no FXO ports
21:09.09rad07dlynes_laptop: I just want to see if it works and allow my parents to ring me on a regular phone.  MultiModem ZP MT5634ZPX-PCI should be a good voice card configurable via script?
21:09.23dlynes_laptoprad07: no
21:09.44dlynes_laptoprad07: unless you are feeling overly ambitious and you feel like writing your own driver for it to work with asterisk
21:10.07justdavehmm, what's this mean? :)
21:10.08justdaveFeb 26 13:07:12 NOTICE[29117]: chan_iax2.c:3161 iax2_read: I should never be called!
21:10.12rad07spaceinvader: Am I right to say as you said FXO goes to the line, FXS goes to the telephone that proper voice modem card can be used instead of FXO/FXS.
21:10.27spaceinvaderrad07: no
21:10.48spaceinvaderrad07: FXO goes to the line, FXS to the telephone, and you can only use a voice modem as a FXO
21:10.51dlynes_laptoprad07: a voicemodem card has an analog in port, and an analog pass-through port
21:11.01dlynes_laptoprad07: it does not have an fxs port
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21:11.23spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: seems a waste of money since its only going to be used for the FXO/FXS and nothing else
21:11.52spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: this is going to be a poor-mans^Wstudents version ;p
21:12.26dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: so get your trusty student's pcb designer, and acid bath, and copper clad boards and parts, and make your own :)
21:12.51spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: a possibiliy but it would be nicer to use existing junk
21:12.57dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: do you really need an fxs port?
21:13.08rad07dlynes_laptop: "it does not have an fxs port"!!  spaceinvader is saying that FXS goes to the telephone
21:13.11[TK]D-Fenderspaceinvader: You had us at "junk".
21:13.39spaceinvaderFXS is any device that, from the point of view of a telephone, seems to be a telephone exchange.
21:13.40[TK]D-Fenderrad07: it is a PASSTHROUGH, not a CONTROLLED port.
21:13.55spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: probably not
21:14.14spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: it would be ok if i could just rig up a "normal" phone and use it for VoIP activities
21:14.15Carp1Has anyone here been through the asterisk bootcamp?
21:14.29[TK]D-Fenderspaceinvader: And to end this : The FXO passing through is what makes the phone work.  Your computer can't DO anything with it however.
21:14.29Mpls-EricHey, cpatry... I tied again to add an extension, this one wasn't like the h,Hangup() and it did the same as the other... I tried the 128 to 256 setting and it didn't help.
21:15.01[TK]D-Fenderspaceinvader: Buy and ATA or get a card with proper FXS on it.  I'd personally suggest the former.
21:15.41rad07[TK]D-Fender: Can you explain plz. I just want my folks oversees to ring me on my normal phonen via Asterisk SIP call. Is the regular phone plugged in the phone jack acting as passthrough in that case (and not a controlled port that can receive ring/calls via voip)
21:15.47justdaveCarp1: I'm going to the one in April in San Jose, but I haven't been to one before, so I'm probably no help to you
21:15.52Mpls-EricOK, never mind again, stupid human trick again. I forgot to add a priority when coding it up.
21:16.19[TK]D-Fenderrad07: Buy an ATA or get a real FXS card.  Some cheap junk modem will NOT work.
21:16.41dlynes_laptoprad07: if you want to be able to ring the analog phone from asterisk, whether it's coming from the analog line or from a sip call, you either need a true FXS port, or a SIP gateway
21:16.42spaceinvader[TK]D-Fender: Ive seen several things saying you could use a sound card as a FXO
21:16.57dlynes_laptoprad07: a pass-through port will not work for those purposes.   PERIOD.
21:16.59[TK]D-Fenderspaceinvader: And what else do your Rice Crispies say to you?
21:17.09spaceinvader[TK]D-Fender: they say use gentoo
21:17.13mercestesSpace, didn't we just have this conversation in #gentoo-chat?
21:17.13spaceinvader[TK]D-Fender: its ricylicous
21:17.14rad07How were x100p or x101p cards used then?
21:17.17spaceinvadermercestes: yep
21:17.29mercestesDidn't *I* tell you it wouldn't work that way?
21:17.36[TK]D-Fenderrad07: X100/X101 were FXO.  for LINES.  get it?  not FXS.
21:17.38dlynes_laptopmercestes: he's an invader from space...that should explain it right there...
21:17.39Carp1What is the best book to read reguarding asterisk.....The asterisk handbook?
21:17.40spaceinvaderwell, the internet suggests its possible
21:17.59mercestesof course it's possible.  Anything is possible.  I fyou wish to build/write it yourself.
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21:18.01spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: OK, so i am after a budget FXS card
21:18.05mercestesI could use my flashlight as a cattleprod too.
21:18.10dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: you're dreaming
21:18.14dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: there's no such thing
21:18.19spaceinvaderdlynes_laptop: they are $$$?
21:18.21[TK]D-Fenderspaceinvader: "The internet" is not a quoteable or reliable source.  Perhaps you should provide a specific reference.
21:18.32spaceinvader[TK]D-Fender: guess so
21:18.40[TK]D-Fenderspaceinvader: Suggestion : Linksys SPA-2002
21:18.41J4k3spaceinvader: theres a bluetooth module floating around that claims it'll make your bt earpiece work as an 'extension'
21:18.51J4k3not an fxs, but your sound card wouldn't be either.
21:18.53dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: tdm400p with one fxs module is about the cheapest you're going to get there
21:18.56[TK]D-Fenderspaceinvader: $70 for 2 ports.  Decent quality.
21:18.57dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: about $150
21:18.58J4k3(a true fxs, simply an extension)
21:19.19[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: One of many reasons I never suggest PCI FXS :)
21:19.21J4k3I think what spaceinvader wants is a cheap extension device, not a true rj-11-on-the-back fsx
21:19.22dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: you probably want more like a sipura 3000, (one fxo, one fxs) for about $80 or so
21:19.22J4k3er fxs
21:19.22spaceinvaderhow much would a native IP phone cost?
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21:19.38J4k3spaceinvader: you can buy one that "works" for about $40 USD.
21:19.41dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: about $35-40 for a grandstream budgetone
21:19.45J4k3a good one.. expect to pay 2-3x that
21:19.49Mpls-Ericsoftphone = free
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21:19.58spaceinvaderhardware... ;p
21:20.04dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: but it has super low gains, and looks like a toy
21:20.10spaceinvader0 items found for
21:20.14spaceinvadersipura 3000
21:20.16spaceinvaderebay fails
21:20.18J4k3it looks like a $12 walmart POTS phone
21:20.21dlynes_laptopspaceinvader: spa-3000
21:20.21J4k3with an ethernet jack on the back
21:20.25J4k3and a webserver
21:20.27[TK]D-Fenderspaceinvader: If you'd like to use a SINGLE phone for both your VoIP calls to your folks, as well as having access to an analog line where you are, then the Linksys SPA-3102 is a more appropriate choice for you.
21:20.37spaceinvaderI dont really need analog
21:20.42spaceinvaderThats just a nice addition
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21:20.55Bobthehunteranyone have comments on david levine
21:20.57[TK]D-Fenderspaceinvader: SPA-3102 has 1 FXS and 1 FXO in a single ATA frame.
21:21.34spaceinvader£85.00 GBP :(
21:21.43tzangerwith the asterisk sounds strutcure with en/ es/ fr/ etc is it necessary to have the sounds in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds anymore or will asterisk automatically try to locate the correct sound in the en/ directory (for example)
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21:22.13J4k3spaceinvader: if you're not after super-high-quality, just get a grandstream budgetone 101 and be happy with it
21:22.23[TK]D-Fenderspaceinvader: Nobody said all this hardware was FREE.  If you're that cheap, then get a computer headset and use a soft-phone.
21:22.35[TK]D-Fenderspaceinvader: Cost = $5
21:22.48J4k3treat yourself to a USB headset, $8
21:23.46jesster_anyone have any problems using NTP with Cisco's ?
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21:24.33spaceinvaderJ4k3: headsets ftl!
21:25.01dlynes_laptopmercestes: fark the loogan
21:25.19generalhan[TK]D-Fender: so still wont connect !! i think i know why, when i telnet into the remote phone and check the config it shows "nat_enable 0" ive been checking with cisco's docs to see if i can change that setting from telnet, rather that just see that its wrong ! lol. any idea if thats possible ?
21:25.44spaceinvaderfor the loss
21:25.54mercestesthat makes no sense.
21:25.54rad07[TK]D-Fender: What exactly is "a true rj-11-on-the-back fsx"? is it =ATA  =combination of FXO/FXS?
21:26.16[TK]D-Fenderrad07: TDM400 + FXS modules.
21:26.21J4k3"ATA... hey my motherboard has 6 of those connectors!!!  Super ATAs!!!"
21:26.34[TK]D-Fenderrad07: Thats a PCI card based solution.
21:26.46Schreiber1337Anyone ever run across a situation where the 1st callers voice is lost after a transfer... Happens on all internal transfers.
21:27.25[TK]D-Fenderrad07: You can also get an ATA.  These are Ethernet FXS devices that let you plug in a regular phone and allow it to talk SIP to other devices (like Asterisk)
21:27.49[TK]D-FenderSchreiber1337: "canreinvite=no" <- your friend
21:27.50spaceinvaderhah my school has the worst PBX ever
21:27.52spaceinvaderits ancient
21:28.23Bobthehunteranyone tried serveriron...
21:28.36Bobthehunterand ser + server iron
21:29.01rad07[TK]D-Fender: I would like to have a device that will work in both Windows/Unix environment (what are the best choices of USB and PCI based devices. I would like to play with only one FXO/FXS for now). I need a device that can be connected to Microsoft Speech server (to have TIM drivers for SIP)
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21:29.56[TK]D-Fenderrad07: Depends what your software supports.
21:30.01[TK]D-Fenderheading home
21:31.18rad07[TK]D-Fender: Let's say I wanted to program in .NET (web based multipoint conferencing) and interconnect users via Asterisk
21:32.10spaceinvaderPrice: $241.00
21:32.11*** join/#asterisk nextime (n=nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
21:32.35spaceinvaderThe Wildcard TDM11B Retail Package is the most budget overall setup I could find
21:32.47nextimehi. Is chan_misdn in * 1.4.0 stable usable, or it is better to upgrade it from the latest chan_misdn snapshot?
21:32.52rad07Is there any difference between ATA device and PCI based FXO/FXS card regarding receiving/sending calls from a regular phone (from PSTN and voip calls)
21:33.04*** join/#asterisk frenzy_ (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
21:34.20spaceinvaderrad07: an ATA dosent need a pc
21:34.26spaceinvaderrad07: its just a consumer device like a router
21:34.46spaceinvaderrad07: whereas a PCI based FXO/FXS card can exploit the full capability of asterisk
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21:35.06jesster_Any idea why my TFTP logs request United_States/g3-tones.xml for Cisco phones?
21:35.09rad07spaceinvader: Can it work with asterisk then? If yes, how?
21:35.25Aces1Updoes anyone here have a good suggestion for a softphone that works great with asterisk?>
21:36.10E-bolaAces1Up: xlite
21:36.34spaceinvaderrad07: I dunno with an ATA
21:36.44spaceinvaderrad07: a FXO/FXS is basically designed for it
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21:38.45Aces1Upxlite keeps crashing'
21:38.51fetcherrad07: I've used ATAs as Asterisk ports quite a bit.  As FXS's they usually do OK
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21:39.26fetcherrad07: ATAs with FXO (telco line) ports are less common, and the only one I messed with, a Sipura 3000, had some problems with low audio volume, or echo if the gain was turned up to compensate
21:39.44DocHollidaywhat do you guys use to power PoE phones?
21:40.12NuggetI hook them up to treadmills and make the call center staff burn off the calories from lunch.
21:40.27lymershave a quick question, im trying to setup a ivr that actually dials outside lines...  could i use something like Dial("SIP/334", "SIP/MTI-PBX/18005556666|300|") ? or would that not work?
21:40.30fetcherrad07: one drawback is that you'll have a bit more latency (speech delay) with the ATA, because of internal buffers inside the device
21:41.38fetcherlymers: I don't think you can dial two endpoints at once like that
21:42.02rad07fetcher:  Is this any better? Sipura SPA-3102
21:42.48lymersfetcher: i figured the first of it was caller-id info?
21:42.57spaceinvaderUnder misc HW support it says ALSA, what kind of setup could you use that for?
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21:43.18rad07fetcher: If I install one of Sipura ATA's will I be able to dial out from asterisk to my cell when my parents oversea call me via SIP call
21:43.43fetcherlymers: Caller ID should contain the SIP phone's extension by default.  To override it and show something else, you have to SetCallerId() on a separate line, prior to the Dial()
21:43.56Schreiber1337[TK]D-Fender: That did it.. Thanks.
21:44.56fetcherrad07: That looks like an updated version of the SPA-3000.  OK as an answering machine or IVR
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21:46.22fetcherrad07: What would you use as the second outside line, to dial the cellphone after receiving a call?  SPA-3xxx has only one line port-- the other jack is for a local phone
21:46.46jesster_Does anyone have a copy of g3-tones.xml and mk-sip.jar
21:46.58jesster_for Cisco
21:47.53DocHollidayjesster_, why do you need those? mine works fine without em'
21:48.24dlynes_laptopcpatry: i guess the stripped down version wasn't eliciting the same problem?
21:48.24Bobthehunteryo.. can serveriron do LOAD balance on RTP ?
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21:48.27jesster_DocHolliday: NTP for setting date and time is ignored unless it is able to download the locale configuration files
21:49.20DocHollidayjesster_, if you find copies let me know :P
21:49.25rad07fetcher:1.VoIP to PSTN and PSTN to VoIP Gateway (both origination and termination) 2.Forward calls to and from the PSTN / VoIP service 3.Advanced inbound and outbound call routing and dialplan support
21:50.00jesster_DocHolliday: there's some on the CCO site but none are in en
21:50.09lymersExecuting Goto("SIP/105-0899dd58", "Dial("SIP/MTI-PBX/600|300|")") anyone have a idea how to make that actually dial ext 600?
21:50.38DocHollidayjesster_, sucks, just realized the time on my phone is off :P
21:50.49jesster_DocHolliday: :)
21:51.09lymersmaybe use from-internal ?
21:51.13rad07fetcher: These are some of the features of this device? It seems it can replace Asterisk. But I wanted to use some inteligence from my program to route the calls. Let's say I wanted to use an application to text-to-speech call out a client and allow some interaction with a program with DB connectivity
21:51.51jesster_The phone has internal en locale files but always requests them from TFTP
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21:55.26fetcherrad07: you can use it with * for basic FXO functions.  The worst problem may be the low audio level, if they haven't fixed that in the newer model, but for personal home use it's mostly ok... just an annoyance
21:55.38vltHello. Can I change the codec during a running call?
21:55.49fetcherrad07: the SPA will be harder to setup compared to a PCI card, and less flexible in some ways.  e.g. I never figured out a way to make mine pick up the line while it was already in use by another POTS phone
21:55.51vlt^^SIP or IAX
21:55.55rad07fetcher: Thanks, I hope this version is supported by Asterisk. This is an USB device
21:56.49fetcherrad07: USB?  SPA-3xxx?  That doesn't sound right.  It should connect through Ethernet
21:57.02fetchervlt: No way to do that, as far as I know :(  It would be a useful feature
22:00.35lymersanyone have any ideas?
22:01.37lymerscould anyone help me with using goto to dial a number?
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22:03.06dlynes_laptoplymers: exten => _X.,1,Goto(my_new_dialplan_context,${EXTEN},1)
22:04.10dlynes_laptoplymers: then in my_new_dialplan_context, exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/mysippeername/${EXTEN})
22:04.51dlynes_laptopvlt: you can, if your phone supports it
22:05.06dlynes_laptopvlt: but it's a very phone-dependent method
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22:05.11lymersdlynes_laptop: thanks, ill see what i can do with that...
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22:08.40fetcherdlynes_laptop: that would affect only transmitted audio from the phone, not the receive path, right?
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22:10.03lymersdlynes: thanks for your help, but i actually got from-internal,600,1 to work =)
22:10.13fetcherSipura/Linksys ATAs can switch to T.38 on the fly on hearing a FAX tone, which is sort of the same thing
22:10.18rad07fetcher: USB? It is a mistake
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22:11.35dlynes_laptopfetcher: yeah...not sure...never used it
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22:16.11dlynes_laptopfetcher: use the dialplan variable:  Set(${SIP_CODEC}=g729)
22:19.57[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : Alsmot got it... jsut a little closer :)
22:20.44dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: ?
22:20.55DocHollidayanyone here used the Cisco ATA 186 I1?
22:21.06dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: almost got what?
22:21.49[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : that statement right :)
22:23.28fetcherdlynes_laptop: interesting!  Is there a parallel to that for IAX?
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22:24.39fetcherdlynes_laptop: right now I'm defining multiple copies of peers, like [customer1-g729], [customer1-ulaw] differing only in the allow= lines, which seems like an ugly kludge
22:25.28dlynes_laptopfetcher: that's not channel's a general dialplan variable
22:25.40dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: i still don't follow you
22:25.55[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : "Set(${SIP_CODEC}=g729)" <- formatting error
22:26.17dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: how so?
22:26.38[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : Thats not how you set a variable.....
22:26.57[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : Think how that parses...
22:27.48dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: oh yeah...sorry...1.0 method
22:27.55mercesteshe still doesn't get it
22:28.03mercestesoh, yea he does.
22:28.06Snapple42hey all.. out of curiosity... what do people out there use to monitor calls... jitter/loss/etc...?
22:28.18dlynes_laptopmercestes: in the old 1.0 days you had to put the braces in there
22:28.32mercestesI think I prefer it that way, actually.
22:28.35dlynes_laptopmercestes: I just don't use variables regularly, so my brain was still in 1.0 mode
22:28.42[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : No you didn't.... and back then it'd be SetVar ;)
22:28.56dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: yeah...but you'd specify the braces, too :)
22:29.16[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : You never set a variable on the left within braces...
22:29.31[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : thats what you use to GET the value of a variable, never to set
22:29.56*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
22:30.00[TK]D-Fender<- Syntax Nazi.... NO SYNTAX FOR YOOUUUUUUUU!U!!!!!@!@!@!@
22:30.20dlynes_laptopso i haven't had my timmy's yet today
22:31.11[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : I know the feeling... after my first 3 cups in the morning I'm the best so-and-so around ;)
22:31.28dlynes_laptopunca timmah's is da bomb :)
22:31.46dlynes_laptoptoo bad they don't have any in washington state
22:32.03dlynes_laptopso when I drive south, I end up having to go to dunkin donuts or whatever
22:32.07dlynes_laptopthose places suck
22:32.22dlynes_laptopand starpukes
22:33.00Mavvieis there here somebody who wants to share a polycom configuration file with me?
22:33.00[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : You forgot to rant on American beer!
22:33.23dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: it's good if you need to go to the washroom bad
22:33.26[TK]D-FenderMavvie : next thing you know you'll be looking to pass used needles around.... stop the INSANITY!!!!
22:33.28dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: it's pretty close to water
22:33.40*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
22:33.42[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : Starts the same as it ends.... piss water :D
22:33.55ChicagoBudAnyone know what's up with the SpanDSP website?
22:34.00Mavvie[TK]D-Fender: we're moving from Ciscos to Polycoms. I don't consider it really getting worse to be honest :-)
22:34.38[TK]D-FenderMavvie : Worse?  You just jumped on the best bad-wagon in town!
22:34.40lymersisnt there a way to dail directly to someone's voicemailbox? i forget how though =(
22:35.20[TK]D-Fenderlymers : Yeah, make an exteen that just calls voicemail.  End of story.
22:35.51[TK]D-FenderCarp1 : Hazardous for all that implies....
22:35.57lymerserr no i thought there was a shortcut allready installed?
22:36.26[TK]D-Fenderlymers : Nothing exists that you didn't create yourself.
22:36.53*** join/#asterisk p0w3r3d (n=p0w3r3d@
22:37.01ChicagoBudlymers, or Voicemailmain(${EXTEN}) if that is what you really want
22:37.39[TK]D-FenderChicagoBud : No, I seriously doubt that it is...  UNPREFIXED... thats going to seriously clash with any sane dialplan....
22:37.44[TK]D-FenderWAKE UP TIME PEOPLE!
22:38.37Carp1Well, whats the answer then?
22:38.47mercestesand for those of you with screwed up dialplans and strange error message, I do offer consulting to fix what these other guys did! :D
22:39.05ChicagoBud[TK]D-Fender, true.  VoicemailMain(${CALLERID(num)})
22:39.18ChicagoBudfor internal use
22:41.22dlynes_laptopChicagoBud: what's wrong with it?
22:41.23Carp1ChicagoBud: THat doesnt work for me,
22:41.57fetcherafter some testing, SIP_CODEC appears to only affect SIP, not IAX
22:41.57mercestesWhy not just "VoicemailMain()"?
22:41.58ChicagoBuddlynes_laptop, rxfax seems to crash * for me
22:42.09dlynes_laptopChicagoBud: because it doesn't work with asterisk 1.4
22:42.24dlynes_laptopChicagoBud: it's not supported on anything higher than
22:42.29[TK]D-FenderChicagoBud : No... NOT Voicemailmain.  that is NOT what he asked for.
22:42.34fetcheronly channels/chan_sip.c references that variable, as of 1.2.13 anyway
22:42.39JTfetcher: doesn't tjat sound obvious? :)
22:42.47file[TK]D-Fender: you are amusing me
22:43.03dlynes_laptop <-- here's a mirror for anyone that's having difficulty accessing
22:43.08fetcherJT: yeah, thought so, but someone early said it might work for IAX... worth a try :)
22:43.13dlynes_laptopSteve's sleeping, so no chance of getting it online atm
22:43.15[TK]D-Fenderfile : Moreso because you similarly know the answer and are laughing at the chaos of it all :)
22:43.27JTfetcher: ah ok, probably not then
22:43.31[TK]D-Fenderfile : Almost pathetic, isn't it?
22:43.51ChicagoBuddlynes_laptop, really?  It seems like there are reports of it working:
22:44.14dlynes_laptopChicagoBud: perhaps, but the author doesn't officially support anything newer than
22:44.28ChicagoBuddlynes_laptop, I think I have a bad libtif or a bad version of spandsp
22:44.58ChicagoBuddlynes_laptop, Interesting.  Bad for me.
22:45.11dlynes_laptopChicagoBud: i've had good experience using the version of spandsp distributed with iaxmodem, though
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22:45.27ChicagoBuddlynes_laptop, under 1.4?
22:45.43dlynes_laptopChicagoBud: no...I don't have a spare system to test 1.4 on
22:45.49dlynes_laptopChicagoBud: so I'm still using 1.2
22:46.32ChicagoBuddlynes_laptop, yeah, sometimes I thing 1.4 was a bad choice but I figurred the next time I would upgrade would be 2.0
22:47.04dlynes_laptopChicagoBud: You mean in another 5 years?
22:47.27ChicagoBuddlynes_laptop, LOL yeah...  I hope
22:47.41dlynes_laptopChicagoBud: that wasn't meant to be funny...I was serious
22:48.12dlynes_laptopChicagoBud: It took more than 2 years to go from 1.2 to 1.4
22:48.26dlynes_laptopChicagoBud: and 1.0 had been out for probably 3 or 4 years before 1.2 came out
22:48.48ChicagoBuddlynes_laptop, I mean I hope I don't have to upgrade for 5 years
22:49.04dlynes_laptopChicagoBud: you're running
22:49.09dlynes_laptopChicagoBud: of course you're going to have to upgrade
22:49.15ChicagoBuddlynes_laptop, I know...
22:49.20Corydon-wdlynes_laptop: uh, no.  It was only about 2 years between 1.0 and 1.2
22:49.34Corydon-wdlynes_laptop: and only about 1.5 years between 1.2 and 1.4
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22:49.40dlynes_laptopCorydon-w: there was a lot of people running on a pre 1.0 asterisk?
22:49.40Qwell[]eh?  I thought it was more like a year
22:49.48Corydon-wdlynes_laptop: yes
22:50.01Corydon-wQwell[]: it was at least 14 months
22:50.10Qwell[]a far cry from 2 years :p
22:50.16dlynes_laptopCorydon-w: ummmm....1.4 was supposed to come out last June, and it didn't come out until December(?)
22:50.23Corydon-wQwell[]: I meant between 1.2 and 1.4
22:50.32Qwell[]I meant 1.0-1.2
22:51.03Corydon-wdlynes_laptop: there are still people running on pre-1.0 Asterisk
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22:51.45dlynes_laptopCorydon-w: what's it good for, besides a conversation piece?
22:51.58Corydon-wdlynes_laptop: if it ain't broke...
22:52.14type0what's the average sip session use (data wise) with a semi decent codec?
22:52.25JT85kbit/s each way
22:52.34[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : It did come out around June... if you consider the "Beta" the "real deal"
22:52.46type0damn.. that's quite a bit
22:52.57type0considering a PRI would use the 64k timeslot
22:53.09Qwell[]type0: plus part of the D channel
22:53.19type0fair enough.. but still no where near 85 ;0
22:53.20Qwell[]type0: consider network overhead, SIP packets, rtp overhead
22:53.35type0yeah.. I'm just REALLY limited to the bandwidth I have
22:53.42Qwell[]then don't use g711
22:53.44JTtype0: tdm is obviously more efficient if you want high quality
22:54.00type0ie, t-1 over a 500 mile microwave link with 7 timeslots open (64k)
22:54.12Qwell[]gsm or g729 would be far better
22:54.22JTilbc :)
22:54.28Qwell[]lpc10 FTW
22:54.45filelpc10 is *the* best codec
22:54.53type0doesnt 729 need a license?
22:54.57Qwell[]type0: yes
22:55.08Qwell[]but, if you're limited...what other choice do you really have?
22:55.09type0what's better about lpc?
22:55.11Qwell[]That's kinda the point of it
22:55.12[TK]D-Fenderfile : Domo friggen' Arigato!
22:55.27type0this is for a project traveling over a governemtn microwave link
22:55.32type0I really dont care about cost.. within reason
22:55.42Qwell[]then use g729
22:55.47[TK]D-Fendertype0 : the LPC10 is for you.  Its ALSO half-baked.....
22:55.53JTg.729 isn't expensive
22:56.27Defendcheaper then a week worth of smokes thats for sure
22:57.01dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: even then, hte beta didn't come out until September or so, didn't it?
22:57.19type0so if I have 320k available
22:57.25type0what's the max calls I could have concurrent?
22:57.40fetchercounting the packet headers, iLBC uses slightly less bandwidth than G.729 for about the same quality.
22:58.24fetcherAbout 22kb/s vs. 25kb.  No need for licenses either, but there usually has to be an Asterisk box on either end to transcode is'll need to use if you want to access the files
22:58.42[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : "when its ready".  All other claims are vapourware :)
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22:59.05generalhanAnyone know if you can make changes to the configuration of a 7960 via a telnet connection? ive been through almost all of cisco's docs and all i can find are logging/debugging commands. i just want to adjust a setting ... with out driving 2 hours out to the location !
22:59.25type0my mode of thinking was to get some wireless sip phones and use a 22dbi 5.8ghz antenna to beam the signal off a mountain 15 miles into a city.. just have them connect to the asterisk box ontop of the mountain with a 'wifi' sip phone.. and ba-dow.. dialtone
23:00.12type0i was redundant with the sipphone part.. sorry
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23:01.56type0anyone use asterisk in a scenario like that?
23:04.18JTwifi sip phones suck
23:04.41JTthey're all rubbish
23:04.46type0well.. give me an alternative then?
23:04.52type0cat5 isnt an option
23:04.57JTalso it's a fundamental problem with the tehnology
23:05.01*** join/#asterisk Dimik_ (n=Dimik@unaffiliated/dimik)
23:05.13JTwalking around with wireless network stuff gives you variable lag, packet loss and jitter
23:05.19JTnormal cordless phone
23:05.23type0tin cans dont stretch 15 miles, that ive seen
23:05.31type0a cordless phone with an ATA?
23:05.39JTtype0: stable point to point wireless links are ok
23:05.48JTnot moving around
23:06.37type0so if its the technology.. a sip or iax (if they even make one) wireless phone wouldnt matter
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23:07.51JTiax hard phones don't really exist anyway
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23:09.55type0hmm. what about if it has a REALLY high gain antenna?
23:10.31JTare you talking about point to point
23:10.44JTor walking around with a high gain antenna on your wireless phone?
23:11.00type0the idea is.. point to point wireless to an access point on the ground at the other side
23:11.06type0so its like
23:11.32type0microwave -----wireless---- access point --- access point (high gain antenna) --- sip phone
23:12.05spaceinvaderyou can get budget FXO's but not FXS's :(
23:12.30type0I have a shitload of FXS and FXO cards in my mux
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23:12.41JTtype0: that should work if the link is stable, and not too high latency
23:12.53JTtype0: lo/no packet loss, no/low jitter
23:13.00type0over the microwave link, im getting 100ms pings
23:13.00Qwell[]over microwave?  ha
23:13.01spaceinvadertype0: do you have a shitload of money too then?
23:13.16jboti guess wglwat is well, good luck with all that
23:13.21type0this is a project for a 3rd generation radar site for the US airforce
23:13.43JTif you have tdm timeslots, use them
23:13.53JTdon't fart around with voip if you can avoid it
23:13.57[[blah]asfdcan anyone tell me the keystrokes on a polycom 301 to reset the phone to factory if it gets locked up.
23:14.54type0the only problem with that is.. I want to avoid using the goverment pbx on the end of the microwave link
23:15.04xo8oxguys when we call in to our * box the sounds is choppy ?!
23:15.17xo8oxwhen we dial localy the sound is just fine
23:15.18type0I was just going to add another RLB (radio lan bridge) to the coastcom and assign some timeslots to that
23:15.39xo8oxand we r using voicepulse
23:15.40JTtype0: err so why can't you send the timeslots to asterisk?
23:16.07type0I can send the timeslots to asterisk.. off the mux
23:16.13type0I cant straight off the microwave equipment
23:16.20JTso what's the problem
23:16.35type01. can i use wireless sip phones effectively
23:17.08JTyes but i've already told you they're rubbish
23:17.16JTuse a conventional cordless phone
23:17.47type0i guess we'll have to get another generator for the site then
23:17.52type0since there's no power in the city either
23:18.04type0do they make wireless ATA's?
23:18.15JTdon't think so
23:18.29mercestesno.  Why don't you just use cell phones if you want a wireless solution?
23:18.34mercestesNextel or some nonsense like that?
23:18.41type0there's no cellular service either
23:18.52type0this city is connected to the world via US postal service and satellite phone
23:19.01type0there is NOTHING else.
23:19.01Qwell[]how are you going to use a wifi phone over microwave, exactly?
23:19.11mercestesok, if you set up enough wireless repeaters in bridge mode and you *flood* that area in wireless signals, you can get a wifi phone to work.
23:19.14orlockurgh.. slept in
23:19.16type0microwave brings in the IP based traffic over an RLB
23:19.27type0then connect the RLB with the assigned timeslots to a wireless access point
23:19.30mercestesbut you take however far you can get with a laptop at full signal, and half that distance...that's about as far as a wifi phone will get you.
23:19.35Qwell[]and how are you going to power the AP?
23:19.39mercestesabout 10 feet from a standard consumer Linksys router.
23:20.16*** part/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (n=ckwall@
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23:20.37JTtype0: so my recommendation would be to run tdm voice over the microwave link if you can
23:21.36echosypassuming i don't have an analog to digital converter how could i go about setting up asterisk
23:21.47type0so basically come out of the FXS card on the city end and just connect the asterisk box to the that?
23:21.53echosypwith a VoIP service subscription
23:22.20JTtype0: sorry, is the city end this site or somewhere else?
23:22.38vltHmmm, can I get something like ${CALLERS_IN_QUEUE} in a dialplan?
23:22.54echosypi guess what im asking is, how would the computer connect to the VoIP box my ISP gives me
23:23.29mercestesechosyp:  Via broadband internet presumably.  Or some other broadband data connection.
23:23.46mercestesechosyp:  Wait. a .."voip box?"
23:23.51mercestesechosyp:  Is that an ATA device?
23:23.52Qwell[]mercestes: an ATA
23:23.54type0hang tight
23:24.12mercesteswhy would you hook your computer to a voip box your ITSP gave you?
23:24.21echosypwell, my experience is the modem my isp gives me has rj-11 ports on it
23:24.33echosypim n00b, obviously
23:24.43JTit's an ATA, not a modem :)
23:24.49mercestesit's an itsp not an isp
23:24.54Qwell[]JT: no, it's probably the modem
23:25.15echosypits a broadband modem too
23:25.21echosypavis or something like that
23:25.24mercestesWell, the answer to your question is you provide the "voip box" an FXO port and you plug that into your rj11 where you normally plug a phone.
23:25.25Qwell[]echosyp: Do you mean you get your "voip subscription" from Cox?
23:25.30mercestesand then you run an fxs port to your telephone device.
23:25.45Qwell[]cancel it :p
23:25.49Qwell[]get a real provider
23:26.05mercestesor do what Qwell said and ignore my smart-@$$'d answer will only cause pain. :)
23:26.06Qwell[]You're probably paying about 5x more than you should be
23:26.07echosypseriously? well i was thinking id just get an analog line and get an converter
23:26.22Qwell[]What's it costing, $40+/month for just voice?
23:26.25mercestesoh well, g'nite.
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23:26.45echosypi don't have the service anymore, im just brainstorming here
23:27.02Qwell[]well, find a real ITSP, and just connect directly to them with asterisk
23:27.28echosypfigure i could get a converter for $100-200 and pay $10/month for an analog line
23:28.23Qwell[]That would be ideal
23:28.23echosypim calling it a converter, is there a real term for it
23:28.23Qwell[]FXO for that, yes
23:28.23JTif it's a hardware box it's an ATA
23:28.31echosypthen im talking ATA
23:28.34echosypi guess
23:30.26*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
23:31.13echosypand this ATA will let my computer talk to an analog house line?
23:31.24echosypgive me something to read so i can stop asking stupid questions
23:31.30JTyes an FXO will talk to analogue house line
23:31.33jbotthebook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
23:31.33Carp1as long as I have port 5060 fowarded to my * box, a remote IP phone should be able to connect, correct?
23:31.50JTCarp1: no
23:32.00JTCarp1: you must forward all rtp ports too
23:33.36vltHow can I achieve the following: exten => s,1,IF( $[callers_in_queue > 0] ? Queue() : Goto(dialZap,1) ) // exten => dialZAP,1,Dial(Zap/xy) // exten => dialZAP,102,Queue()
23:33.38vltto achieve
23:33.46vlt(If anyone can guess what I mean)
23:34.03vlts/to achieve//
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23:35.06Bobthehunteranyone have a viable solution for SER accounting ?
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23:36.44JerJerBobthehunter:   no but give me a week or so
23:36.56Bobthehunterlwhat are you gonna do ?
23:37.09Bobthehunterhold CHARGEBACKING a ebay fraud again
23:37.23*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:37.23JerJereither extend rtpproxy or write my own media proxy application
23:37.49Bobthehunterwhy rtpproxy
23:38.16JerJerI use SER+Asterisk in production now  - its nice but seems overkill for straight call term/orig
23:38.38JerJercuz Andreas won't support mediaproxy
23:38.55JerJerand osas suggested I take a look at rtpproxy
23:39.18Bobthehunterwelll thing is accoutning sucks
23:39.52Bobthehunterone could pull the plug or simply block all BYE packets going out  and bang
23:40.01JerJeryes - exactly
23:40.08[TK]D-Fendervlt : Break that crazy shit up.... and stop trying to do everything on 1 line!
23:40.29JerJerone could use SST but i really dont' want to trust a timer
23:40.47JerJeri would rather know that there is no more media flowing and the call actually came down
23:40.50Bobthehunterwatswouldsst do ?
23:40.57JerJersession timers
23:41.15JerJerits a newish part of the SIP RFC
23:41.32Bobthehunteralso how u use modparam("acc", "dst_leg_avp_id", 111)
23:41.44Bobthehunter"fr_inv_timer", 90)
23:41.46JerJeri don't do ser acc at all
23:41.47Bobthehuntergot does also
23:41.50JerJerits a joke
23:41.54Bobthehunteryes its a joke
23:41.58Bobthehunterlets say i GW to L3
23:42.05Bobthehunterhtf am i supposed to know length
23:42.31JerJerthe mediaproxy app could provide it
23:42.32Bobthehunterso i need asterisk as last hop always.. then whats the use of SER lol
23:42.38JerJeras long as you are proxying that media
23:42.38Bobthehunterand SER+asterisk aint compat CDR's
23:43.02JerJerasterisk can be made to produce decent CDRs - but that take custom code
23:43.03Bobthehunteragain why would i want that.. why not offload the media/bwidth to term box
23:43.28Bobthehunterthen OSP form transnexyus could manage the CDR's
23:43.38BobthehunterBUT it still not really managable as i see it
23:48.32[TK]D-FenderJerJer : SST? Are you really in that much of a hurry?
23:49.33vlt[TK]D-Fender: Do you mean one line in the dialplan or here in the channel? (Didn't want to flood here)
23:49.46vlt[TK]D-Fender: I'll try to use words:
23:50.15vlt[TK]D-Fender: When there are callers in the queue -> join it.
23:50.34vlt[TK]D-Fender: If not -> Dial
23:50.37JerJerno no no - I prolly won't ever run SST on any of my systems
23:50.55JerJerplus we have private routes to our carriers, so we have to proxy anyways
23:51.26JerJerthus i need to either hook accounting into rtpproxy or write a better mediaproxy app and properly document and support it
23:51.27vlt[TK]D-Fender: If Dial gets BUSY (102?) -> join queue
23:52.02vlt[TK]D-Fender: If Dial was successfull or UNAVAILABLE -> hangup
23:52.08vlt[TK]D-Fender: EOF
23:53.43ManxPowervlt: priority jumping is no longer supported in 1.4  Use the value of DIALSTATUS
23:54.07Bobthehunterjerjer how you account for L3 atm ?
23:54.16[TK]D-Fendervlt : break that up into a step-by-step dialplan section.
23:54.25[TK]D-Fendervlt : gotoif = your friend
23:54.42DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, my phones are arriving tomorrow :P
23:54.47Bobthehunterso sEr talks to ASTERISK (wich v?) that goes to L3 ?
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23:54.53Bobthehunterso SER LB's the AST ?
23:54.58[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Congrats, whats coming in?
23:55.16Bobthehunterlol is 0.99 a version ? lol
23:55.18DocHolliday3 Cisco 7941Gs + Cisco 186 ATA I1
23:55.38JerJeri run 'SER' in production
23:56.17JerJerbeen playing with OpenSER for quite a while here in the batcave and have deployed a handful of smallish systems using v.1.1.1
23:56.30elriahDocHolliday: How's the firmware battle going?
23:56.54DocHollidayelriah, appreciated your help earlier.. everything is going smoothly
23:57.05DocHollidayso much so i decided to order more =P
23:57.15[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : elriah here has just been our altest guinea pig, he'll be able to help you out with them if you're lucky (or NOT)
23:57.37DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, haha.. well mine is really stable..
23:57.38elriahDocHolliday: Anything worthwhile to note?  i.e., did you find any magic pixie dust to make it work with NAT?
23:57.59elriah[TK]D-Fender: lol, you know we solved that shit by just building IPSEC tunnels with the lowest settings and no encryption.
23:58.07elriah[TK]D-Fender: Works great, now.
23:58.11DocHollidayelriah, bah it worked out of the box.. phone and asterisk are on the same subnet
23:58.13[TK]D-FenderDarn.... Lymers left before he could fully incriminate himself!@!@!@
23:58.21JerJeropenvpn  SSL tunnels work nicely too
23:58.50[TK]D-Fenderelriah : And have you worked a way out of that clause making claims on your first-born? ;)

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