irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070225

00:00.51DocHollidaythe only thing that has not worked thus far is DND (not a huge issue)
00:04.05DocHollidayargh, so many phones on my desk i cant tell which one is ringing
00:04.16jqlfor DND, try it through the menu:
00:04.39jqlI have my cisco using the ringtone from 24. makes it easy to tell if a *real* call is coming in. :)
00:05.05DocHollidayjql, same here :P
00:05.27DocHollidayproblem is i have 4 phones on my desk, and one of them is programmed with 4 different rings (line 1 / line 2 / line 3 / intercom)
00:05.30jqlHeh. No point in having a voip phone if you don't set it to the 24 ringtone
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00:05.51DocHollidayso true
00:06.20DocHollidaythanks for that link, problem is i want a constant soft key, not one that disappears when you disable it
00:06.40jqldistubingly, Cisco provides a softkey api
00:06.46jqlI recommend you don't even look at it
00:07.24DocHollidayyeah that frightens me
00:07.24*** join/#asterisk QueTwo (i=DaStuff@
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00:08.18DocHollidayjql, i spent 45 minutes today making the background image i want fit properly
00:08.56jqltook me 2 days to get my logo on there right
00:09.09jqlwhat a phone...
00:09.31DocHollidayto be honest i thought i was an idiot.. i was thinking.. this has to be easier, but once i figured out the pixel dimensions of the screen it was fairly easy
00:10.47jqlan xml file, though...
00:11.37DocHollidaywell the screen pixel dimensions for the background is 320x196, so in MS paint i made a white space that large and adjusted the image accordingly
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00:20.51KuJaXAnyone alive? :)
00:26.39JerJernobody here but us chickens
00:27.06KuJaXIs there a standalone device which will convert a PTSN POTS analog line to digigal format (FXO) for my Asterisk box that doesn't connect directly into the Asterisk box?
00:27.17KuJaXLooking for two or possibly four analog phone lines for my ASterisk box.
00:27.32KuJaXI haven't heard very many good things about the Digium PCI cards.  too much echo (from what i've heard)
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00:27.43JerJeryou have heard wrong
00:27.51JerJerecho problems are not because of Digium cards
00:27.57KuJaXWhat are they caused from?
00:27.58JerJerthey are because of poor copper
00:28.03JerJeror improper wiring
00:28.13JerJeror just a shitty telco
00:28.36KuJaXbut would the echo be there with the SPA-300x?
00:29.23KuJaXBasically a quick rundown.  I have tried two voip providers, two ISP's incase it was that, and I am getting about 50% of my calls as staticy, in and out or simply dropped.  So we are looking to move analog.
00:29.47jqlwell, that's a disturbing scenario
00:30.02KuJaXI know.  It isn't THAT bad, but it is a constant struggle, and we only have two people on the phones at a time.
00:30.17KuJaXEveryday I hear "are you on a cell phone" or "we have really bad feedback on this line"
00:30.23KuJaXfrom customers or worse, potential customers.
00:30.31DocHollidayKuJaX, i have a solution for you
00:30.42DocHollidaydeliver your voice over a PRI terminate it on an Asterisk ISR and use that to feed asterisk
00:30.46KuJaXWe love the functionality and versatility of Asterisk..... but I think we need the clarity and professional sound of analog.
00:30.49DocHollidayerr Cisco ISR
00:31.01KuJaXDocHolliday:  What do you mean?  What would that do?
00:31.18DocHollidayi hate to break it to everyone but the DSPs on a Cisco voice gateway will always beat the sound quality of asterisk
00:31.27KuJaXIt is a big enough struggle that we may end up purchasing a NEC or Avaya analog phone system and ditch VOIP completely. :(
00:31.47DocHollidayKuJaX, you can keep asterisk, simply deliver your trunks over a PRI instead of VoIP
00:32.12DocHollidayterminate the PRI on a Cisco ISR and have the the ISR feed calls to Asterisk
00:32.39QueTwoor feed a PRI to a dialogic card within your asterisk box
00:32.40KuJaXDocHolliday: what would I be looking to spend for that setup?  and would I still use my same VOIP providers?
00:33.15jqlwhat model of voip phone do you have atm?
00:33.24fetcherI use a Cisco AS5300 full of VFC cards (in place of modems) for the same purpose.  Sound quality is as good as any other TDM switch
00:33.26KuJaXLinksys spa-941
00:33.53fetcherHaven't tried using the Cisco's DSPs for compression, though
00:34.01KuJaXUsing Voicepulse provider, Teliux provider, Asterisk box with two SPA-941 phones and a Cisco 7940 IP Phone.
00:34.10DocHollidayQueTwo, i am not impressed with PCI non-DSP based PRI cards
00:34.17DocHollidayKuJaX, naw get rid of the damned voip :)
00:34.18DocHollidayhow many voice trunks?
00:34.38KuJaXRight now we aren't getting consistant results.  Terrible sound quality.  When we page each other or talk within the local network, it isn't bad.  But it is when the outside world enters or exits..... bad voice quality.  Terrible most of the time.  Sometimes it is fine.
00:34.59jqlKuJaX: Are you in a big city, or off in the stix?
00:35.01KuJaXIf we went the analog route, we would start with two POT lines, but would like expandability for up to 4 for the future (next 6 months)
00:35.15KuJaXjql:  neither, not big city nor stix.  Rural city area.
00:35.18DocHollidayyeah sounds like a combination of a shitty voip provider and internet connection
00:35.24jqlusing DSL service?
00:35.52jqlDoes the problem increase with both phones in use, or is it a permenent feature?
00:35.56KuJaXI wouldn't mind ditching VOIP at the moment until 1gb per second lines are out, so I believe we want to make the switch to analog.
00:35.59DocHollidayKuJaX, whats your call volume like?
00:36.34KuJaXIt is a consistant problem.  Like I said, when me and my co-worker talk via the phones over the network, nothing is wrong.  When we use it to go outside or incoming calls, it is a hit or miss.  About 50% are absolutely terrible (we have to call them back) and the other 50% will go in and out.
00:36.54DocHollidayKuJaX, you barely need 1Mbps for VoIP..
00:36.55jqlwell, that sucks
00:36.57KuJaXDocHolliday - About 3000 to 4000 minutes a month.
00:37.15KuJaXDocHolliday - Yeah, I have tried cable internet (a bit better, but not perfect) and DSL.
00:37.16jqlI'd fire my provider(s) if I couldn't get better than that
00:37.30DocHollidayhow many simultaneous calls / circuits?
00:37.34KuJaX2 max.
00:37.46KuJaXRight now there are only two of us.
00:38.18jqlwell, since you've already tried two different VoIP services, seems like you're right to move on. very weird
00:38.22DocHollidayKuJaX, so why did you get rid of the analog lines in the first place?
00:38.31QueTwoKuJaX: what is your jitter/delay like between you and your voip service?
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00:39.57KuJaXabout 80ms
00:40.05KuJaXDocHolliday : we never had analog phone lines.  New startup company.
00:40.22jqland this is always reproducable?
00:40.42KuJaXYes.  Everyday I hear "are oyu on a cell phone" from the person on the other end.  or "we have a bad connection, let me cal back"
00:40.54DocHollidayyeah i love analog even though its expensive
00:41.12KuJaXI got teliux service and routed all services through them instead of Voicepulse and didn't tell my co-worker.  HE didn't even notice a difference (i asked him if the call quality has been getting better)
00:41.50KuJaXDocHolliday - Well, in our situation, analog wouldn't be that much more per month.  $30 per line, $25 for unlimited long distance, a few bucks for features such as call hunting.. so we are at about $150 a month for two lines the way we need it
00:42.12QueTwo80ms is pretty high
00:42.19KuJaXRight now we are spending about $60 to $70 a month on VOIP phone service, of which we are easily losing the $80 difference each month in sales by having bad voice quality.
00:42.39QueTwo80ms with no jitter will account for "cell-phone" quality
00:42.40DocHollidayyeah, i usually try to go the VoIP route for 'a couple lines' anything more is analog all the way
00:42.53QueTwo80ms with little jitter will become unusable quickly
00:43.01fetcherKuJaX: ISDN BRI might be worth considering, depending on how it's prived in your area.
00:43.01KuJaXSo we are going to make the switch to analog.  PRoblem is that we like the functionality of Asterisk.  We have to decide to try to implement analog lines with Asterisk or simply go with a totally analog NEC or Avaya phone system.
00:43.54KuJaXjbot- right, well is ISDN analog phone lines or will we still be using VOIP?
00:43.55QueTwoyou can get away with an Avaya partner system for under 5k
00:44.20KuJaXyeah we are looking at their One-X system, or the NEC DSX-40.
00:44.27QueTwoor they have that new One-X system too
00:44.29KuJaXboth under $2,000./
00:44.42QueTwoOne-X is pretty neat... i've implemented a few of those
00:45.02QueTwothey are pretty basic, but do what 80%of the population need
00:45.07KuJaXHow is the call quality?  Because with One-X, it does change analog signal to digital.  That is whawt I am afraid of, changing analog signal to digital and getting echo or problems that way.
00:45.30KuJaXWhat about NEC DSX-40 or TalkSwitch systems?
00:45.44fetcherKuJaX: ISDN gives you dedicated bandwidth... not VoIP-related at all.  It can sound better than analog.  Hardware is more expensive though
00:47.44KuJaXfetcher- I don't want to invest in a bunch of ISDN hardware which may not be around in a couple of years due to the demand.
00:47.45QueTwono call quality issues from the Analog -> SIP box
00:48.07QueTwoi did have a few customers who had call quality issues when they used switches that didn't support QoS
00:48.25QueTwothey had some linksys pieces of garbage that couldn't handle it
00:48.25KuJaXRight now we have absolutely no QOS within the network.  On the router nor switch level.
00:48.39QueTwothat may be something to look at
00:48.55QueTwoQoS can make a world of difference, at both echo and call quality
00:49.22KuJaXQueTwo - Yeah, but I may purchase a new QOS Router and nothing changes and then I am out even more money towards this stupid thing. :(
00:49.56QueTwowell, if you want to do any IPtelephony, you need to invest into QoS equipment
00:50.09QueTwoi mean, even some small soho routers do qos
00:50.24KuJaXUsing Linksys right now.
00:50.29QueTwowich one?
00:50.47KuJaXtheir 4 port dsl/cable router NON-wireless.
00:51.05jqlahh, the classic
00:51.15QueTwocheck under the application & gaming section... some firmware versions have a QOS tab
00:51.23QueTwoit's easy to setup on those guys
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00:51.39KuJaXNot on this one.  Maybe firmware upgrade will do it?  Would I point the QOS to the Asterisk IP address?
00:51.55QueTwowhatever is comsuming your VoIP trunks
00:52.00QueTwoso, yes
00:52.11KuJaXQOS isn't there on that ta.
00:52.41QueTwofirmware upgrade will put it in there, if your model has enough RAM
00:52.45JerJerqos has nothing to do with echo
00:52.52QueTwosure it does
00:53.14QueTwoif you get too much jitter, the echo canclers will depleat and you get echo
00:53.19JerJeryou are talking about 'talk back'  which is not echo
00:53.37KuJaXwe aren't getting much "talk back"
00:53.50KuJaXwe can't hear ourselves, but sometimes the other person on the other end says they can hear themselves a little bit.
00:53.55JerJerif you get too much jitter the call generally sounds bad - but its not echo
00:54.11JerJeri have tested this extensively
00:54.55jqlif your callers hear echo, it's probably caused by your end
00:55.17jqlbut then, I also have had nasty echo on PSTN calls, but usually I tell them to turn off their damn speakerphone
00:56.34sumawhen i do a read with p,vm-enter-num-to-call,,,,60000  and NoOP(${p})  it says user entered "12345" but the variable is not showing anything
00:56.41QueTwoREF :
00:58.48KuJaXSo... end result.  I can either get something to convert analog signal (normal phone lines) to digital format for my Asterisk box.  Or dump Asterisk and go with a propriteary Avaya, NEC or TalkSwitch pure analog based small business phone system???????
00:59.00*** join/#asterisk Dovid (n=Dovid@
00:59.11jbothmm... centosbug is a problem with the 2.6.9-42 kernels prior to 2.6.9-42.0.1. If you can't compile zaptel, do a 'yum update', you're running an old kernel. If you HAVE to run an old kernel, the fix is "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
00:59.28jqlthere's always another provider and different hardware and whatnot
00:59.35jqlbut it's hurting your business. :/
00:59.46KuJaXyeah, it is.  I can't take any more of these calls like this.
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01:05.12vlt|homeHello. I installed a QuadBRI card to my asterisk box. Now I get the following output:
01:05.24vlt|home*CLI> zap show status
01:05.27ModocNetanything change from 1.2.0 -> 1.4.0 regrading subscribecontext in sip.conf and hint in extensions....I cant get BLF to work in 1.4.0
01:05.28vlt|homeDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
01:05.28vlt|homequadBRI PCI ISDN Card 1 Span 1 [TE] (ca� UNCONFIGUR 0          0          0
01:05.28vlt|homequadBRI PCI ISDN Card 1 Span 2 [TE] (ca� UNCONFIGUR 0          0          0
01:05.28vlt|homequadBRI PCI ISDN Card 1 Span 3 [TE] (ca� UNCONFIGUR 0          0          0
01:05.28vlt|homequadBRI PCI ISDN Card 1 Span 4 [TE] (ca� UNCONFIGUR 0          0          0
01:05.29vlt|homeCan anyone tell me which conf file to edit to access these channels?
01:07.54[TK]D-FenderKuJaX : y0
01:08.11ModocNetmy quad PRI card gets configured in zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
01:09.19vlt|homeModocNet: Both files?
01:11.13sumavlt|home: can you paste the zaptel.conf in pastebin ?
01:12.05vlt|homesuma: It should be the original one (empty) but I'll paste it ;-)
01:13.50Qwellpublic-: If you want to add support -
01:16.26vlt|homesuma: Oops, there is only zapata.conf, no zaptel.conf. But I got an example from a vendor page:
01:17.06vlt|homesuma: I'll reload *
01:19.26vlt|homesuma: I even restarted, no difference. Does the zaptel.conf file make sense? What do I have to edit in zapata.conf?
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01:24.06jqldo the bri drivers use ztcfg or someething?
01:24.15jqlcause it's required for pri usage
01:26.01sumavlt|home: you need to have zaptel.conf
01:26.27sumazaptel drivers uses zaptel.conf
01:26.32sumaasterisk uses zapata.conf
01:27.06sumaif the card is not zaptel based, then no need of zaptel.conf
01:27.09*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
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01:27.21sumaBut make sure the respective module is loaded with modprobe or insmod
01:33.12vlt|homesuma: zaptel module is loaded. Before that I couldn't see the card in asterisk. I just found another example: zapata.conf: -- But when restarting I get "Feb 25 02:28:53 ERROR[31499]: chan_zap.c:7239 mkintf: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address here = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1"
01:33.21*** join/#asterisk AndyCap (n=aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
01:35.37*** join/#asterisk Phel (
01:37.00PhelQuestion: If you aren't supposed to have to forward ports in order to get a SIP client to work, why do they insist on listening on port 5060?
01:38.06[TK]D-FenderPhel : Because most NAT aware gateways can send "Qualify" packets to keep the UDP port active on your NAT router so that the inbound signalling doesn't get shut down./
01:38.43[TK]D-FenderPhel : and when it comes time to start RTP, the clietn will initate the contact so as to begin a new UDP map which will survive the length of the call.
01:39.03[TK]D-FenderPhel : Its all about making sure the UDP stays mapped.
01:39.08*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
01:40.32PhelWell if I'm currently listening on UDP Port 5060, can you see that with a port scan?
01:41.46PhelIf I port scan, should I be able to see a service running on 5060 if it's not being blocked?
01:41.49[TK]D-FenderPhel : Yes, if the server you are qualifying with is helping keep your port mapped.
01:42.10PhelCan you port scan my ip please?
01:42.22vlt|homesuma: Aah, now I know why I have to configure zapata.con AND zaptel.conf. I found this line in a wiki: Asterisk  <-->  Zap Module  <-->  Zaptel Driver  <-->  Digium Interface Card  <--> Phone/switch/PSTN
01:42.36vlt|homesuma: But it still doesn't start :(
01:45.04PhelWell should I see port 5060 on
01:50.32*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
01:52.28*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:57.18Dovidwhere are the voicemail's stored ?
01:57.39Dovidin /var/lib?
01:59.49vlt|homesuma: I had to tell `ztcfg` where zaptel.conf is ... Now the card shows up in cli.
02:00.06*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
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02:05.45vlt|home"CRC error for HDLC frame on card 1 (cardID 7) S/T port 1" and similar fill my dmesg since I ran `ztcfg` ... Any idea?
02:09.02*** join/#asterisk aptura (
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02:15.16*** join/#asterisk _paulos_ (
02:15.28_paulos_Hi people...
02:16.32_paulos_coppice, is offline?
02:19.25Bobthehunteryes it is
02:24.47*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
02:28.32Dovidhi guys
02:28.48Dovidi moved over asterisk from one box to another am i using real time
02:29.21sumaDovid: ask your question. OK
02:30.27Dovidsorry got side tracted
02:30.55Dovidi removed from my sip users table the entries for the sip from mysql since i want the DID still ring on the old box
02:31.07Dovidasterisk seems to try to look for it in mysql even thought it is no longer ther
02:31.21sumayou configured in,
02:31.27sumaextconfig.conf ?
02:31.28DovidMySQL RealTime: Everything is fine.
02:31.28DovidMySQL RealTime: Retrieve SQL: SELECT * FROM sip_users WHERE name = ''
02:33.46sumaDovid: i really don't know what could be other problem out there
02:34.14*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
02:34.16Dovidany way to clear the real time cache ?
02:36.03Dovidfound it
02:37.22_paulos_is there some mirror to
02:37.53jqlI haven't found one
02:37.59jqland I regret that
02:38.11jqlI needed to download an older version, and couldn't
02:38.20jqlurge to mirror... rising
02:38.49_paulos_jql: I have spandsp-0.0.2pre26.tar.gz.
02:39.29_paulos_jql: would it serve you?
02:39.32bkruse_homesql is SO easy
02:39.55jqlno, I was looking for a particular revision in the0.0.3 branch
02:40.36_paulos_I have spandsp-20061026.tar.gz and some other also.
02:40.47RoyKsql is quite easy unless you start doing complex joins
02:40.49jqlnow that's closer to what I need
02:41.15bkruse_homeRoyK: agreed, once you have your database setup, then its easy
02:41.49_paulos_let me see... spandsp-20070112.tar.gz and spandsp-20070222.tar.gz
02:42.04bkruse_homei need to do more sql stuff
02:42.35RoyKbkruse_home: from a single table it's easy, but take a hundred table setup with intricate joins and it becomes a headache
02:43.09_paulos_also spandsp-20061105.tar.gz
02:43.37jqlyou have more versions than I do. put up a mirror. :)
02:45.58joaoviannaAnyone using video with asterisk ? I'm having trouble with grandstream 3000 sending video. Anyone ?
02:46.10jqlI haven't bought one yet.
02:46.13jqlRather, two
02:46.19jqlone is somewhat pointless for testing
02:46.33joaoviannaThat is my problem !
02:46.36DocHollidayjql, i have everything working except DND, fine i guess
02:48.10_paulos_jql: hope you find it useful.
02:48.22jqlcool, thanks
02:48.48*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
02:49.42_paulos_I'm having troubles with new TE110P. Lots of frame slips.
02:51.09_paulos_Digium told me to upgrade zaptel. zaptel-1.4.0 worked better, but its far from perfect
02:51.25apturaI have somone who wants to test my system in india for a call center. The calls will come in from north america and piped to india. He is going there for another purpous so I want to sugest a low cost call center phone. Polycom is perhaps one but what else is a low cost alternative? I was thinking of Sipura also.
02:51.44apturawhat do you mean by far from perfect _paulos_
02:52.03bkruse_homei dont know sql enough to argue, I havent found the need to create such complex structures, Yet.
02:52.24_paulos_I'm in Brazil, so I have to use libunicall
02:52.40jqlwith a decent headset, even a grandstream isn't all that bad
02:53.12apturabkruse` your bkw right?
02:53.12_paulos_aptura: I'm having sync problemas since the upgrade
02:53.22apturaI see
02:53.52_paulos_aptura, every hour or so, all my channels get blocked for a few seconds.
02:54.32_paulos_aptura, since the upgrade, I cant receive fax anymore (with app_rxfax)
02:56.18apturaThat sucks.
02:56.25apturaI have not used the fax feature yet.
02:56.28bkruse_homewill write dialplan for food
02:56.46jqlHow can I compete with that?
02:56.51jqlI might as well quit now. :)
02:56.56xhelioxI was just thinking the same thing.
02:57.06apturabtw can cli show a current channel performance?
02:57.17jqlWill write manager-api-using-tools for $
02:57.30jqloh, I know
02:57.38xhelioxI'll write dialplans just for the satisfaction of knowing bkruse will starve. ;)
02:57.41jqlwill write ser routes for $$$
02:58.02_paulos_damm digium, they shoud support unicall or MFC/R2.
02:58.55xhelioxhow dare you even think of it!
02:59.26apturaA few months ago Nortel was responding to media reports about there low stock price and thay blamed it on the low cost of chinese imported phones. The report never did mention what was driving those phones :)
03:01.53apturaA year ago I was visiting a well known city hall driven by nortel ippbx system and there phone sysadmin said its a headach always having issues and going down. Tech always comes in. Its a big system at 1,500 phones. Everything goes though three boxes.
03:02.28bkruse_homeaptura: you could totally do that with 3 boxes, if you do it right and maybe just a couple other pieces of equipment :]
03:04.43xhelioxI asked this the other day, and no one replied -- anyone seen It's a caller ID name lookup service.
03:04.58jqloh really?
03:05.04apturawell in there case it was mission critical and a bane for the phone admin. I asked her if she ever heard of asterisk and said nope :)
03:05.56*** join/#asterisk bmd (n=bmd@
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03:07.11_paulos_jql: take a look at
03:07.33jqlaha, the version I wanted!
03:08.04jqlthanks, _paulos_
03:08.12_paulos_you are welcome. is a very useful mirror :-)
03:09.46_paulos_coppice: needs a new home?
03:10.47_paulos_coppice: I think I can get you free hosting.
03:10.56coppiceI can't contact the person who hosts it for me to find what has happened. dedicated rental servers are a pain
03:12.51JTshared hosting might work?
03:13.10*** join/#asterisk kuku5 (
03:13.30coppiceit's shared on someone else's rental server :-)
03:13.59jqla dedicated Celeron < shared P4
03:14.13jqlbut, I like my Celeron nonetheless
03:14.55coppicecolos really don't seem to care about power consumption. they rent all these AMD K7 2000+, and P4 1.8GHz boxes because the hardware has already been amortised, but they consume a lot for what they do
03:15.34DocHollidaycoppice, i beg to differ
03:15.58DocHollidaypower is an expensive commodity now in datacenters (probably one of the most expensive costs), especially in metro areas
03:16.01jqlit wouldn't surprise me if $10/month of my bill is going to power
03:16.12DocHollidayjql, try $10+ per amp
03:16.14_paulos_coppice: most colo business uses some datacenter facility, and they charge by rack space, not for Watt.
03:16.37DocHolliday_paulos_, again.. they are charged for each Amp of power they consume
03:16.45jqlwell then, I'll start running SETI on this box
03:16.49coppiceso why do they use these old boxes, when a cheap current AMD will consume much less, especially at idle
03:16.51jqlafter all, it's unmetered
03:17.38coppiceDocHoliday I've never known a colo charge per amp. they don't even measure that
03:17.44_paulos_DocHolliday, we have a cage at Miami NAP, and they charge a flat fee.
03:17.56DocHollidayfor power?
03:18.14coppicethey charge per U, but not per amp
03:18.23_paulos_DocHolliday, for the cage, including bandwidth and power.
03:18.24DocHollidaycoppice, sure but how much power is provided to you?
03:18.24wunderkinyes i've seen colos charge for power
03:18.27coppicesome charge for data, and some are unmetered
03:18.53DocHollidayright but chances are if they include say 20A.. if you use the 20A you pay for more (its just builtin to your fee at the moment)
03:19.04coppiceDocHoliday: as much as any 1U could draw without melting :-)
03:19.18DocHollidayohh 1U.. makes sense then.
03:19.20*** join/#asterisk omarc55 (
03:19.38JT_paulos_ has a full cage
03:19.41JTnot 1RU
03:19.53jqlmy company's colo doesn't permit blade systems, just to limit power/cooling needs
03:20.04coppicefor rental servers they run rack of old AMD K7 2000+ boxes, rather than a modern energy efficient design
03:20.25omarc55Hi all, I am trying to setup asterisk and I keep getting Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl' when running ztcfg, I know the device is being created in /lib/dev-state and not /dev. what could I be doing wrong?
03:20.31DocHollidayjql, chances are if you were willing to pay a reasonable fee for the power they wouldnt care
03:20.38bkruse_homeomarc55: re-modprobe
03:20.45bkruse_homeaka rmmod zaptel modprobe zaptel
03:20.50bkruse_homewait till you can ls /dev/zap
03:20.53bkruse_homeztcfg -vv
03:20.59DocHollidaymost blade systems are 208V though
03:21.26jqlDocHolliday: If they hadn't hit a cap on cooling in their existing facility, perhaps so. And the backup generator also serves as a good limiting factor...
03:21.33coppice208 is a weird number
03:21.56_paulos_DocHolliday, may be there are datacenter charging per Watt, mine is not so I dont care about power consumption or heat.
03:21.59DocHollidayjql, thats a whole other can of worms all together
03:21.59omarc55I tried that and /dev/zap doesn't get created.
03:22.19bkruse_homeudev problem
03:22.24bkruse_homeyou running rhel?
03:22.27jqlno amount of monthly fees will make a bigger generator an easy purchase. The thing's already bigger than my apartment
03:22.27bkruse_homedmesg, is zaptel running?
03:22.39omarc55yes, zaptel is running
03:22.45DocHollidayjql, yes it will.. the power cost builds it generator costs
03:22.49bkruse_homeeww, check the scripts
03:23.08DocHollidayevery amp of power you buy includes hvac, ups, generator etc
03:23.12bkruse_homenot sure where its at in gentoo, /etc/modprobe.d/blah blah, doesnt sound like z aptel problem
03:23.12jqlwell, I said easy, not necessarily possible. :)
03:23.18bkruse_homeif it is, report a bug,
03:23.51omarc55ok, will do.
03:23.55JThow much fuel to most datacentres in the states have on hand?
03:24.46DocHollidayJT, usually they agreements for fuel trucks to replace consumed fuel
03:25.00kuku5how do I get dhcpd installed
03:25.04JTyeah, but they still need fuel onsite or there's issues
03:25.05jqlJT: depends on how quickly they'd expect a resupply. Even New Orleans got fuel shipments the first week
03:25.35kuku5As in, I have an asterisknow box, and there is not dhcpd (weird), so Now I need to install it, any suggestions ?
03:25.37coppiceof course most power problems occur in winter, when the fuel trucks have trouble getting to them :-)
03:25.48JTjust looking  at some d/c specs, a rather large facility here in sydney, australia here keeps 900000L of fuel onsite with agreements for more
03:25.58_paulos_Here in Brazil its worst: eletricity is somewhat cheap and clean (90% hydroelectric).
03:26.26coppiceits not so clean. hydro has major pollution problems
03:27.12*** join/#asterisk hohum (
03:27.31_paulos_well... hidro is way cleaner than burning coal...
03:27.54coppicehydro produces greater global warming than coal
03:28.56Dovidkuku5: what do u need to install ?
03:28.57jqlkuku5: you're sure it's not there? ls /usr/sbin/*dhcp*
03:29.15_paulos_coppice, you mean due to plant material in flooded areas decaying in an anaerobic environment, and forming methane?
03:29.21coppicebut coal produces more radioactive pollution. you're screwed whatever you do
03:29.32*** join/#asterisk Aces1Up (
03:29.46Aces1Upjust a quick question, whats the easiest way to set the root password on mysql?
03:29.53coppice_paulos_ yes. coal -> CO2, but hydro -> methane which is much worse than CO2
03:29.57jqlwell, fusion also has some radioactive byproducts as well, but it's too cool not to do
03:31.08*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
03:31.30coppicejql: the biggest problem with fusion would probably be disposing of th irradiated plant at the end of its life. this happens with every accelerator, and they usually dump the old radioactive material somewhere into the next generation accelerator system as a target :-)
03:33.43wunderkinbut... 3 eyed fish are cool! haven't you seen the simpsons?
03:34.21coppicethey won't be cool with all this global warming
03:35.08jqlwell, the inedible fish which remain will end up suffering from warm, dead oceans
03:35.15jqlserves them right for not being tasty
03:38.27_paulos_better spare my dilithium crystals.
03:38.38kuku5jql: its not there
03:40.15coppice_paulos_ maybe brazil just needs to oxygenate its reservoirs. London did this to revitalise the river Thames  :-)
03:41.57_paulos_Brazil is blessed with so much water that most people her doesnt realizes its a finite resource.
03:42.37coppicenot just finite. if you don't care for it, it turns into a pollution nightmare
03:43.18jqlkuku5: I'm not sure how you install new packages on rpath, but you should look for a dhcp package somewhere. maybe google rPath dhcp?
03:43.40wunderkinrpath uses conary or something like that
03:43.51apturatalking green house gases?
03:45.42_paulos_what is this smell???
03:46.31kuku5so this is rpath, is this asterisk now worth using?
03:46.59aptura_paulos_ what part of Brazil do you live in?
03:47.01kuku5somehow i think it will create problems for me
03:47.13coppicethe dry part
03:47.15kuku5ok. time to install fedore
03:47.35_paulos_I live ast São Paulo
03:47.54apturaI see
03:48.06coppiceAh, São Paulo, a hotbed of Unicall users :-)
03:48.07apturaWinter is comming to Sao right?
03:49.11d00gsterguys, is it possible to create a incoming call rule based on the dialed number (to field of the sip invite)? I have a secondery number -alias- and I want that to ring a separate extension.
03:49.14_paulos_Winter is by July
03:49.37coppicecan't you ski all year round in the Andes?
03:50.04coppiceyou would get altitude training at the same time
03:50.13_paulos_Brazil has almost no snow.
03:50.15*** join/#asterisk luke-jr_ (n=luke-jr@2002:1891:f663:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
03:50.21luke-jr_how can I see what codec a channel is using?
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03:50.56coppicewe have no snow at all. my kids keep wanting to see some
03:50.56Qwellshow channel blah
03:51.59coppiceError: channel blah does not exist. Hit any key
03:52.37luke-jr_Qwell: don't see it there
03:53.16*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
03:53.20_paulos_coppice, where do you live?
03:53.55luke-jr_Qwell: what am I looking for?
03:55.07bkruse_homecoppice is a bot fool!
03:57.14*** join/#asterisk InHisName (
03:57.34bkw_coppice, isn't a bot you fool!
03:57.54bkw_coppice, you see ityet?
03:58.04ez`asterlink always down ;(
03:58.17hohumfrom a pure SIP prespective would there ever be a reason to write seperate parsers for the From: To: and Contact: headers?
03:58.20coppicebkw_: nope
03:58.23bkw_ez`, must just be you or your ISP.. it works everywhere else
03:58.29bkw_ez`, you on pppoe?
03:58.32*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
03:58.52ez`no; adsl
03:59.01Qwellbkw_: actually, it doesn't work here :p
03:59.12Qwellnot resolving
03:59.12ez`hhe thanks Qwell
03:59.14bkw_Qwell thats nice it works everywhere else.
03:59.27apturabkw back in business?
03:59.32bkw_never was out of business
03:59.37ez`actualy unreachabl since 2 day now ...
03:59.39*** join/#asterisk elriah (
03:59.46Qwellbkw_: dig @
03:59.48Qwellnot responding
03:59.48bkw_ez`, i'm on sbc/att dsl and I can reach it
03:59.54bkw_and you can't use to tell
03:59.54elriahHey guys, in sip.conf, how do I bind to multiple ips with bindaddr?
04:00.11bkw_its th emost used nameserver on the planet
04:00.18Qwellexactly :P
04:00.20_paulos_coppice is the guy who taught Graham Bell a few tricks.
04:00.25Qwelland it doesn't work for them :P
04:00.31ez`bkw_, i tested it with 3 diff isp ; all same .. ; = game over ;(
04:00.40coppice_paulos_ I ain't quite that old :-\
04:01.08kuku5So how not stable is 1.4 ?
04:01.11coppiceI can see, but its very slow
04:01.13ez`bkw_, of cours there is sumthing wron man
04:01.54bkw_ez`, its hard to find since it works fine for everyone I have test it
04:02.07luke-jr_how can I see what codec a channel is using?
04:02.13AJaymnis there someway to make sure Asterisk is running so if there is a system crash with the software it doesnt lock up the machine?  like some kind of safemode?
04:02.19apturacoppice do a tracert to asteriskink web site or his sip server.
04:02.22Qwellbkw_: hows the route look from the nameservers to gtei?
04:02.31coppiceez`: try a traceroute. they sometimes still work
04:02.32Qwellthat's likely to be the problem
04:02.44Qwellcoppice: can't resolve it to traceroute ;)
04:02.45bkw_yep looks like that is an issue
04:02.55ez`bkw_,  some user here have the same issue ; talked to them todays ..
04:02.58elriahOr rather, can I bind to multiple addresses in sip.conf?
04:03.12JTAJaymn: safe_asterisk script
04:03.15coppiceoh, the nameserving is the *really* slow part for me. took a minute or more
04:03.19bkw_no that traces
04:04.02_paulos_coppice, but you seems to know so much about telephony that sometimes it looks like you have 100 years in the field...
04:04.11bkw_I see zero traffic coming from into our network
04:04.31Qwellheh, I still have a hardcoded IP for in my hosts file..  I should remove that
04:04.44aptura_paulos_ that would be my instructor. guy had 30 years and any question you can toss at him he would give you a answer in a second ;)
04:05.06coppice_paulos_: its amazing how slowly the old stuff dies. you learn about some real ancient stuff by needing to interface to or emulate it
04:05.16ez`Qwell, hard coded = manualy add in your /etc/hosts ? ; is that what you mean ?
04:05.48elriahQwell: Is it possible to bind to more than one address in sip.conf?
04:05.59apturaMy instructor was giving us where some of the fiber was laid in washington. He knew it all :)
04:06.03ez`to vrything ;)
04:06.21coppicefiber? how modern :-)
04:06.22elriahQwell: Ok, thanks.  Will it send sip packets back on the receiving interface or first interface?
04:06.57_paulos_coppice, how long are you in china?
04:07.04coppicesince 1991
04:07.15bkw_ez`, i'm looking at this again..
04:07.25apturacoppice are you native to the mainland?
04:07.49coppiceI 'm one of those rare tall blonde blue eyed asians
04:08.05apturaI see. :)
04:08.08_paulos_its a lot of time...
04:08.48ez`bkw_,  why are you not beleiving me ; because i am from quebec, canada ... hehhe
04:09.21bkw_ez`, no
04:09.34mitchelochi coppice, can i have your sip address? i chat you?
04:09.49coppiceSIP address? what's that?
04:10.04_paulos_coppice, 1991 was before the transfer of sovereignty, wasnt it?
04:10.51coppiceyep. didn't need any work permits. I could just come here and do as I liked then. I can now,  but for different reasons
04:11.18ez`bkw_,  2 time now i told you about this issue ; ... well ;
04:11.27apturaez, met some montrialians today. I did not speak there language but thay were in for a medical checkup. It was interesting thay were working for a petochemical company in the interior of bc laying geophones into the ground every kilometer or so and was paid 10 bucks a hour for 14 hours a day. Cheap petro companies! I gave them some sugestions on working in a better industry.
04:11.45bkw_ez`, I have checked and rechecked everywhere I try
04:12.16ez`bkw_,  ...
04:12.34bkw_what are your nameservers?
04:12.37apturaBTW what is the longest line of site test for wifi?
04:12.55bkw_aptura, isn't it like 100 miles
04:13.03ez`aptura, montreal city got very nice woman by the way ;)
04:13.03JTit's line of siGHT, and at least 100 miles
04:14.09apturaThese kids would lay I think fiber above the ground and walk many kilometers though the interor then detonate explosives. Idea is the echo from deep undergroundwould echo back gas or oil deposits. I was think perhaps a wifi setup would be better in this case.
04:14.41*** join/#asterisk avleen (
04:14.56coppiceaptura: I think they need strict timing
04:15.00ez`bkw_,  this problem was not there last week
04:15.11apturaCome to think about it you are probebly right.
04:15.26coppiceez`: maybe it doesn't like the year of the pig :-)
04:15.38avleenhey folks, i was wondering.. what would the memory and CPU requirements be to run asterisk to handle (at most) 5 simultanious calls?
04:15.44JTdamn superstition :/
04:16.03avleencould i do it with 32Mb of mem?
04:16.05ez`coppice, hum; dunno my friend ...
04:16.46ez`coppice, i only know they pig years slow down so much my ebay order ; they do fiesta ! ;) party ...
04:17.11apturaez, we have these new minning laws that states you can place a claim on private land as long as you mine it without the owners permission. Thanks to Premiere Gorden cambell anyone can do it. It cost 35 dollars and 17 cents a acre to have minning rights.
04:18.36*** join/#asterisk ocgltd (
04:19.09_paulos_i was born in a pig year
04:19.28apturaWhen it became law I think spring of last year it caused a huge amount of network traffic for companies to file claimes on BC govermnts web site.
04:19.30JTi don't know what "animal year" i was born in and don't care
04:19.50JTdon't care about starsigns either
04:19.52JTall bullshit
04:19.57ez`bkw_,  i asked to 5 user arround our small planet ; 4/5 told me ; you site is unreachable. ..
04:19.58apturaBC is doing very well in about every sector.
04:20.20ocgltdCan someone offer some debugging advice:  I have an asterisk server acting as a gateway between SIP and H323 networks.  Audio traffic originating on the H323 leg and terminating on the SIP legs has great audio, both ways.  Traffic originating on the SIP leg and terminating on the H323 has incredibly choppy audio.  Any ideas?
04:20.21coppiceJT: it is *not* bullshit. it gets us 3 days holiday
04:20.26apturaez what is your ip address
04:20.37JTi get no holidays from it
04:20.41apturathe site name that is having issues
04:20.49CrashHDgood evening everyone
04:20.53QwellJT: Then you aren't doing it right
04:21.10coppiceJT: move to asia
04:21.30JTas if, that's be worse, people who actually care about this superstitious stuff
04:21.34apturammm 6.3 billion dollars in revenue in BC last year.
04:21.44apturain minning revenue.
04:23.06_paulos_move to Brazil, this week was "carnaval", 4 days holiday, beautiful women naked all over.
04:23.30JTbrazil is way too hot and humid for my liking
04:23.48_paulos_JT: mine too...
04:23.57*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
04:24.02*** join/#asterisk DocHolliday (i=RgRabbit@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0E4F6D6C)
04:24.07generalhanwhats going on all ?
04:24.17ez`_paulos_, i wanna see it ;) ; canadian women ; are not naked this time on year ; its 10 celcius below zero ... 4 feet of snow ;))
04:24.19coppicebut the hot women compensate for that, don't they?
04:24.25bkw_ez`, dig @
04:24.41DocHollidayi was given a workaround for Asterisk 1.2 in order to get the Cisco 7941G message waiting indicator working, if i upgrade to asterisk 1.4 will that still work?
04:24.47bkw_ez`, or dig @
04:25.09aptura96 ms here bkw
04:25.51bkw_ez`, I asked people all over also but I can't find a problem.. I have restarted.. reloaded.. bitch smacked.. traced .. everything
04:26.17*** part/#asterisk avleen (
04:26.29_paulos_DocHolliday, * changed a lot... Most like you will have to fix something in the old fix...
04:26.37generalhani need some help with setting up a remote Cisco 7960 to my asterisk box. im pretty sure that i forwarded all the ports i needed, but for some reason it just doesnt get to the * machine. anyone have a good site to help walk me through it ?
04:27.35ez`bkw_,  i added it to my hosts -> , this on werk now
04:27.45DocHolliday_paulos_, in order to upgrade from 1.2 to 1.4 can i just download to the new tar files and compile them?
04:28.13ez`coppice, yes they really do ; our quebecoise ( quebec woman are very very hot .... )
04:29.16coppiceasia has most of the really hot women
04:29.54ez`coppice, i  agree man ; i taste it only 1 time ; but i can remember ... ;)
04:29.54coppicewhy else would I live here?
04:30.30bkw_ez`, did this start about 7 days ago?
04:30.35DocHollidaydo people recommend starting with a fresh box for asterisk 1.4?
04:31.19bkruse_homeDocHolliday: why not?
04:31.20ez`bkw_, i cant tell you exactly ; but this is a real issue ...
04:31.33bkw_ez`, I think I figured it out.. its an issue with the webservers only
04:31.35DocHollidaybkruse_home, is it only 1.4 that supports T.38?
04:31.42bkw_they wereall rebooted 7 days ago
04:31.49bkruse_homeDocHolliday: t.38 passthru
04:32.05ez`bkw_, ok i give a try with voip iax ...
04:32.07*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
04:32.07DocHollidaybkruse_home, correct (for faxing
04:32.09_paulos_DocHolliday, I think you will have to correct the patches.
04:32.18bkw_ez`, that should have always beenworking
04:32.20bkruse_homei believe so, but im not sure how HARD it would be to backport
04:32.55DocHollidaybkruse_home, my problem is that i had to comment out one line in chan_sip to make the MWI work on my cisco phones, can i do the same with asterisk 1.4?
04:33.38bkw_doesn't help that one of the three webservers has three default gw's on it
04:33.41*** join/#asterisk rene- (n=rene-@
04:33.47rene-hi gnite
04:34.31ez`bkw_, ;P
04:34.57rene-guys do you know of any wlan gear that would allow me to create 'vlans' as in two different ssids ? and then to route one vwlan using one wired interface and to another using a second one?
04:36.18bkw_odd it rebooted and add it 4 times
04:36.21bkw_dumb thing
04:36.38bkruse_homeDocHolliday: ha, lets hope its that easy
04:36.49DocHollidaybkruse_home, any suggestions?
04:37.03bkruse_homelet me check
04:37.39rene-well maybe that was too much to ask maybe an access point that can do roaming so wisip phones dont drop the connections?
04:37.43ez`bkw_,  do you recommend m to use sip or iax with asterlink ???
04:38.04rene-vwlan that sounds stupid doesnt it
04:38.05DocHollidaybkruse_home, appreciated as usual
04:38.05JTrene-: wifi sip phones are super dodgy
04:38.25*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
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04:39.36bkw_ez`, we recommend SIP right now
04:39.51bkw_ez`, i'll have some new stuff to test out soon if you wanna try that
04:39.58DocHollidaythat was the line i commented
04:40.07bkw_just remove (0/0)
04:40.10QwellDocHolliday: that's gonna remove the message entirely
04:40.13bkw_the rest is right
04:40.14Qwellyou don't want that
04:40.20bkw_just (0/0) is WRONG
04:41.12DocHollidayQwell so just remove from (0/0) ?
04:41.44_paulos_"Voice-Message: %d/%d\r\n"
04:42.01ez`bkw_, i will try sip , so . brb
04:42.05DocHollidaythats how it should read?
04:42.22DocHollidayQwell, if so can i do it just like that with Asterisk 1.4?
04:42.56_paulos_try it, its faster than asking.
04:43.39ez`bkw_,  do i actualy need to add all this 7 servers ?? [asterlink-switch-01] @ [asterlink-switch-07] ; what happen if i only add one .,,,
04:43.45DocHolliday_paulos_, well i want to install the system from scratch heh
04:43.53bkw_ez`, you can use just one if you like
04:44.08bkw_ez`, that will be changing soon but i'll email everyone the beta info
04:44.21ez`brb 2 min
04:44.39bkw_ez`, I have been working on adding FreeSWITCH to our stuff :P
04:44.49bkw_i'm going to be using it for the IAX stuff
04:45.18*** part/#asterisk rene- (n=rene-@
04:45.44bkw_you guys wanna test something out?  1-712-872-3350
04:46.02*** join/#asterisk tb0301s (
04:46.04apturaWho wants to be a billionare?
04:46.19bkw_aptura, I wish :P
04:46.20apturaJoking of course :)
04:46.47*** join/#asterisk jpalmer (
04:46.58apturaBut working up north in BC or Alberta and the money is very good. Met a 21 year old making 80k plus a year working in Alberta.
04:47.04coppicewell, I suppose if I have to be one I could cope with it
04:47.15jqlI will accept the burden
04:47.29DocHollidayaptura, not bad at all
04:47.46apturawith some years expraince in heavy industry try 120k a year.
04:48.04apturaThats insane I know.
04:48.17DocHollidayand Centos 4.4
04:48.18coppiceyeah, but it takes 118k a year for heating fuel :-)
04:48.22apturaBC is a very RICH resource province.
04:49.07jqlthe console debugging of 1.4 alone made it so I feel pain using 1.2
04:49.18bkruse_homeDocHolliday: centos? lame.
04:49.35DocHollidaybkruse_home, i have only used debian a handful of times
04:49.37jqlit really makes me cringe not having context/extension/priority on every single console line
04:49.46DocHollidaybesides for a box going into production i dont like taking chances
04:49.50bkw_bitching about what distro someone uses is pointless
04:50.31bkw_Anyone ever get asterisk working in Xen?
04:50.41DocHollidaybkw_, agreed, some may be better than others but it really comes down to how experienced you are.
04:50.49bkw_DocHolliday, yep
04:51.04bkw_moving on.. I wonder if anyone has gotten asterisk working in Xen
04:51.11Qwellwell, you wouldn't run a server on lindash
04:51.12DocHollidayheh not me.
04:51.14jqlI've wanted to get one in Xen, but haven't had a chance
04:51.29Qwellor, whatever the hell it's called now
04:51.33DocHollidayQwell, i guess i didn't have to mail you that 7941 after all ;)
04:52.02bkw_jql, the only thing about it is meetme won't work in xen I suspect
04:52.50CunningPikebkw_: Just about to set one up on openvz
04:53.03bkw_CunningPike, tell me if you get meetme working in there
04:53.29CunningPikebkw_: OK - we're not planning to use this server for that, but I can sure see if it works
04:53.41apturaEvening CunningPike
04:53.47CunningPikeHey, aptura
04:54.00bkw_CunningPike, I suspect it won't unless you can get zaptel loaded
04:54.01apturaCunningPike you ever follow the minning news up nort?
04:54.07apturanorth :)
04:54.21bkw_raise your hand if you wish you could use conferencing without the zaptel requirement?
04:54.21CunningPikeaptura: Drinking again, are we?
04:54.54coppicebkw_ been there. done that :-)
04:55.00bkw_coppice, same here :P
04:55.03omarc55I am trying to setup some phones on asterisk 1.4, but when I pick up the phone and dial an extension, asterisk just hangs up.. the console says: -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/2-1' -- Hungup 'Zap/2-1'. any ideas what could be wrong?
04:55.07DocHollidayshame to pull down a box thats been up 182 days just to reinstall the OS :(
04:55.21bkw_the truth is you don't have to have a perfect clock either for it to work :P
04:55.28apturaCunningPike :) I dont drink but like the idea of a province's economy that is very diverisfied.
04:55.32jqlpentiums has clocks
04:56.31*** join/#asterisk sharp (n=sharp@2001:470:1f01:ffff:0:0:0:1c23)
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05:08.06Aces1Upanyone know how i access the flash operator panel in asterisk?
05:08.20Aces1Upi just want to know if its is installed in my system and running correctly.
05:09.33ManxPowerAces1Up: did you follow the instructions?
05:09.56Aces1Upmanx just point me in to the right page and i will follow the instructions :)
05:10.21ManxPowerWell where did you download it from?
05:10.57ManxPowerOther fun channels: #asterisk-gui, #asterisknow, #asterisk-commits -=-  Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=-
05:10.58Aces1Upwell i'm running trixbox, and just am not sure if it is already installed or not.
05:11.09ManxPowerAces1Up: we cannot help you with Trixbox
05:11.24JTbkw_: is that a public conference server, that number you posted?
05:11.33bkw_JT yes
05:11.47bkw_JT thats freeswitch running on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
05:12.35JTah ok
05:12.46coppiceI think i'd be too embarassed to run my code on something called the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud :-)
05:13.53SwKdid he post 3350?
05:16.59*** join/#asterisk Ifaistos (
05:21.15bkw_swk you see the website?
05:22.52DocHollidayanyone here running grsecurity on their asterisk box?
05:23.19kuku5how unstable is 1.4 ?
05:23.20*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
05:24.07ManxPowerkuku5: If you like your job don't run it.
05:25.28SwKyeah I just looked at it hahah
05:25.50coppiceOh, brave new world, that hath such people in it :-)
05:26.41ez`bkw_,  good news ; you website is back
05:28.24DocHollidaydo you technically need zaptel or libpri if you are not using any cards?
05:29.38apturaI havnt had a issue.
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05:30.22bkw_ez`, good deal
05:30.43DocHollidayaptura, is there a howto for asterisk 1.4?
05:30.59DocHollidaygot it
05:31.15apturaI suspect there is
05:32.25*** part/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
05:35.50Qwelldseeb_: around?
05:35.55*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (n=CrazyTux@
05:36.08dseeb_Qwell: yep
05:36.14Qwelldseeb_: fyi, I'm working on headset support
05:36.24dseeb_oh, ok
05:36.28QwellI can get one-way audio so far...and it's completely hacked in
05:36.33Qwellbut it works :p
05:36.48dseeb_in chan_cellphone? or something different
05:36.52Qwellin chan_cellphone
05:37.20dseeb_cool, i just posted a new patch, fixes some issues and has the start of SMS support
05:37.24QwellI saw. :)
05:37.37Qwells'why I figured you were here
05:37.43dseeb_ah, ok
05:37.59dseeb_who do i talk to to get a code-review happening?
05:38.12QwellI've been reviewing it as I've been going
05:38.25dseeb_ah, ok. good.
05:39.12QwellI went and rewrote your rfcomm_read func too..  that static char bit me pretty hard when I connected multiple devices
05:39.24QwellI'll post a patch with that tomorrow probably
05:40.03Qwellit's good though so far, I like it
05:40.49dseeb_think it will make mainline?
05:41.04QwellI don't know.  That depends on licensing (of libbluetooth)
05:41.22dseeb_ah, ok
05:41.40Qwellif nothing else, it'll probably go into -addons
05:42.10dseeb_what does the libbluetooth license need to be?
05:42.18Qwelllgpl would be great
05:42.29dseeb_dunno what it is, might find out
05:42.34Qwellthere is conflicting information about what it really is..  I haven't researched it much
05:42.57QwellDid you become a SIG member?  Tons of documentation there
05:43.26*** join/#asterisk Ifaistos (
05:43.31dseeb_bluetooth sig?
05:43.42dseeb_no, i should.
05:43.49Qwellthere is a free membership
05:43.59Qwellwhich gives you access to all the specifications
05:44.15dseeb_cool, i got my spec docs from there. ill sign up
05:44.20JTi have a pile of the bluetooth specs all printed out here... somewhere
05:45.37dseeb_just looking at rfcomm_read(), thats bad, cant believe i did that..
05:45.40Qwelldseeb_: I didn't see where you implemented the dialing from the AG...  where would that be?
05:45.44Qwellheh, yeah :)
05:46.25dseeb_ah, it detects if theres a call setup and it did not send the dial, if so it will disconnect
05:47.41dseeb_if figured if the user is dialling from the cellphone itself, theres a fair bet they are about to walk off
05:47.41*** join/#asterisk Piano_ (
05:48.56kuku5Do I still need to change the header file if I want to use ztdummy ?
05:49.06kuku5or will * do it automatically if nothing is there
05:49.57*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
05:49.58DocHollidayqwell, preparing to kill a machine thats been up for half a year :(
05:51.08*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
05:52.49*** join/#asterisk foobar778 (
05:54.23Aces1Upanyone here have much experience with a2billing?
05:54.32Aces1Upi need some help.
05:54.40foobar778Any one have any opinions on inexpensive fxs/fx0 atas or fxs/fx0 converters under 100 dollars with ease of use with asterisk
05:56.20JTfxo damnit
05:56.25JTspa-3102 is around that mark
05:57.00foobar778read about it good reviews
05:57.16foobar778read bad stuff in grandstream 488
05:57.35foobar778VPC1000 FXS to FXO Port Converter Jt what about
05:57.47foobar778good price
05:58.34foobar778seems so easy really no need for asterisk setup if fxs us setup in ata
05:58.46[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : SPA-3102 is "not bad".  Depending where you are and a few toher random circumstances, you might be quite happy with it.
05:58.56[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : it IS very flexible, thats for sure.
05:59.14foobar778Fender u talking about the converter
05:59.25[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : yes, the one I mentioned
05:59.48foobar778u mentioned the supura
06:00.13foobar778VPC1000 FXS to FXO Port Converter what about that Fender
06:00.25foobar778any opinion?
06:00.51[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : Thats a real "hack", and only help change a port you have from giving voltage, to accepting it.  Unadvised.
06:00.52*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
06:01.15Qwellwhat a useless toy
06:01.19[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : Considering the base port may not be capable of sending out DTMF in a natuarl way to dial, etc... jsut not "healty"
06:01.19foobar778ok so not good with the converter
06:01.36[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : I would highly advise against it.
06:01.36foobar778ok gotcha
06:01.47foobar778supura then huh
06:02.07[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : Linksys technically.
06:02.17foobar778everything else seems to get very [pricy
06:02.35jboti guess ygwypf is You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
06:02.37Qwelljbot: You suck
06:02.39jbotno, *you* suck!
06:02.44[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : I suppose it depends on your idea of pricy and consider the number produced, vs prospective clients.
06:02.51Qwelloh sure, now he answers fast
06:03.39foobar778Fender I mean when u start getting more than one fx0 ports the price goes to 3 4 5 hundred do;;ars
06:04.13[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : Ask yourself how much a real phone system would cost to support multiple lines & offer what * does.
06:04.26[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : YGWYPF....
06:04.47QwellI should add an exception to the YGWYPF addage
06:04.58[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : And depending on what models you choose, a 4-port card would be under $400
06:05.03QwellQwells Exception to the YGWYPF Addage
06:05.20QwellUnless it costs more than 5x the rest of the competition
06:05.34foobar778BuThe power of an fxo port gateway is valuable now I just have a pstn passthrough but again one phone line versus many soho versus enterprise is the question
06:05.46[TK]D-FenderQwell : Which basically says "Don't you wish you DIDN'T buy Cisco?" :)
06:05.59Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I'm thinking more along the lines of Avaya, but okay
06:06.09[TK]D-FenderQwell : Same shit, different smell :)
06:06.39[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : Well the cost scales differently depending on your application.
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06:07.01[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : The SPA's FXO may be too hit/miss for many companies.
06:07.26foobar778are u saying its not reliable?
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06:08.29foobar778or are u saying that the many simultaneous calls it cant handle
06:09.18[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : That the audio quality / echo cancellation capabilities aren't always good enough for corporate use.
06:09.45[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : There is no comparison to a proper quality HWEC enabled FXO card.
06:10.13kuku5Do I still need to change the header file if I want to use ztdummy ?
06:10.21foobar778Im looking for a single home user with pstn gateway for friends and family at a reasonable price traliable and ease of use
06:10.41foobar778FXO cards are expensive
06:11.32*** join/#asterisk yonahw-work (
06:12.06foobar778doesnt sipura have echo cancvellation
06:12.40[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : Well single port you'll probably be happy withthe SPA.  Multi-port corporate use... probably not.
06:12.55foobar778Echo Cancellation (G.165/G.168) on sipura
06:13.13[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : Its not the best, but like I said, might do well for you.
06:14.37DocHollidaydamned slow cd burner
06:15.07*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
06:15.37foobar778tahst what I have now
06:16.52[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : looks like "life-line" use only.... can't sue as a real dual-direction FXO
06:16.56foobar778Not a gateway just a passthrough I, pretty sure tell me Im wrong I would be so happy
06:17.14foobar778yes I thjink so Fender I agree
06:17.22[TK]D-Fenderfoobar778 : Sorry, your first assessment is just about right
06:17.49foobar778yes so thatsa why Im looking for an alternative
06:18.25*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
06:21.54Flautoanyone has problems with 1.4 would have error and stop running?
06:22.40Flauto[Feb 25 00:20:02] NOTICE[20701]: chan_sip.c:16441 reload_config: Can't add wildcard IP address to domain list, please add IP address to domain manually.
06:22.46Flautoi get this often too
06:22.49Flautowhat does it mean
06:22.50foobar778I had isuues with 1.4 one way audio yet same ports open on 1.214 no problem
06:23.21Flautoit seems 1.4 is still buggy
06:24.35foobar778hey add free 411 to ur voip add dialplan to 1800free411
06:24.50foobar778addbased but free411
06:25.13foobar778cellphones will be happy
06:25.44*** join/#asterisk HockeyInJune (
06:26.20foobar778he how did u do that??
06:28.43Flautojust put 411,1,dial(sip/,60)
06:29.11foobar778ok that will do
06:29.25Flautoi have not really used it much thoug
06:29.26*** join/#asterisk jjhall (n=chatzill@
06:30.06Flautousing fedora core 6 with 1.4
06:30.16Flautosome minor problems
06:30.42jjhallI'm looking for a sound file for a project, and I've done some googling with no luck.  The sound I need is an alarm that starts low for a second then sweeps high.  I've heard it used on movies as a nuclear warning.  Anybody know where I may be able to find it?
06:30.48Flautothough, gtalk does not seem working
06:31.26foobar778how much is trixtel??
06:31.35foobar778Fender got a question
06:31.55Flautotrxtel is paying you to use its service
06:32.16foobar778I noticed that my frree batamaz voip providers allow simultaneous calls from the same user
06:32.28foobar778How Flauto
06:32.49Flautocheck out
06:32.53foobar778I did
06:33.01foobar778but havent read all yet
06:33.28Flautoi have not got paid so far
06:33.33Flautoso, i dont' really know
06:33.35Flautohow it works
06:34.00foobar778how do u start credit card?
06:34.01Flautoone thing for sure, i won't get rich from using it
06:35.03Flautoonly if you can use it for millions of minutes every months
06:38.26kuku5is there a problem with 1.2 and 2.6 kernel ?
06:43.15fetcherkuku5: no.  Running fine here at several sites for over a year (albeit mostly without Zaptel)
06:45.14[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : nothing I've heard of.
06:46.01kuku5do i need to compile zaptel if im not using any cards ?
06:46.19kuku5I need ztdummy for timing right ?
06:46.24[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : Yes if you intend on using IAX2 trunking, or MeetMe
06:46.52kuku5i get errors compilng
06:49.05kuku5Any help would be great about now
06:55.59JTkuku5: maybe no-one knows the answer or is around? being demanding won't help
06:56.20kuku5probably not :(
07:07.10Aces1Upcan someone point me to a good guide on dial rules?
07:07.26Aces1Upon how i set up dial rules for outgoing calls?
07:07.31Aces1Upi'm confused on all of it.
07:07.38Aces1Upis there a good guide somewheere?
07:08.34*** part/#asterisk mog (
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07:27.18jbot[thebook] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
07:31.36*** join/#asterisk topping (n=topping@
07:49.52sumai got a problem with the addons
07:52.59*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
07:53.44kuku5How can I test if Sip is accepting session ?
07:54.02kuku5sip debug shows nothing, and I can't register with different clients...
08:02.19*** join/#asterisk coppice (
08:07.49kuku5nm, it didnt bind to an ip
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08:41.06pardoveis there any way to control a call after dial command, for example dial xxxx and then wai for n seconds and then send DTMF then wait again and again send some dtmf
08:46.57pardoveIs there any way to control a call after dial command? ex: Dial xxxx and then wait for n seconds and then send DTMF then wait again n secs and again send some dtmf and then hangup
08:51.31*** join/#asterisk pardove (n=chatzill@
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08:54.13pardoveis there anybody in?
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09:28.29CabDriver151does anyone have any experience with Cisco 7960 phones?
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09:37.53tzafrirhmmm, maybe add to the /topic: /msg jbot ask  ?
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10:01.36kezza491why would all my attempts to dial asterisks get rejected?
10:02.30kezza491all i get from my logs is just `[Feb 25 20:46:42] NOTICE[2286] chan_iax2.c: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '1@'`
10:05.07tzafrirHow exactly do you try to dial? from what client?
10:05.20tzafriror is it a different Asterisk server?
10:06.12kezza491iaxComm i am just trying to fiddle around learn how asterisks works
10:06.15Mpls-EricHelp!  I've just upgraded from cvs around Dec 2004 to 1.2.15 and my pri d-channel will not come up. Any ideas?
10:06.58Mpls-EricDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
10:06.58Mpls-EricT4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1                OK         0          0          0
10:06.58Mpls-EricT4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 2                OK         0          0          0
10:06.58Mpls-EricT4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 3                RED        0          0          0
10:06.58Mpls-EricT4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 4                RED        0          0          0
10:06.59Mpls-EricSending Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended
10:07.01Mpls-Eric> [ 00 01 7f ]
10:07.03Mpls-Eric> Unnumbered frame:
10:07.05Mpls-Eric> SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
10:07.07Mpls-Eric>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
10:07.09Mpls-Eric>   M3: 3   P/F: 1 M2: 3 11: 3  [ SABME (set asynchronous balanced mode extended) ]
10:07.11Mpls-Eric> 0 bytes of data
10:08.53*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
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10:09.21vanumohi :-)
10:09.26*** part/#asterisk existx (
10:10.36vanumoi have a working chan_cellphone,  i can dial out but if i tell in i can't reach my sip phone ?
10:11.33jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
10:11.59*** join/#asterisk existx (
10:12.10tzafrirMpls-Eric, the above was for you
10:12.28Mpls-EricThanks,  I'm stumped...
10:12.38*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (n=rob-x@
10:12.59tzafrirkezza491, can you get the iaxcomm to register with Asterisk?
10:13.02Mpls-EricDo you know from the > or < if the data I see is from the telco or from asterisk to the telco?
10:13.18kezza491i dont know i am new very confused
10:13.26tzafrirDo you see the IP address in 'iax2 show peers'?
10:13.27Mpls-EricI'm guessing the telco is polling for me, but asterisk it's replying?
10:13.53tzafrirWhich ports are connected to the telco?
10:13.58Mpls-EricI'm guessing the telco is polling for me, but asterisk isn't replying?
10:14.03Mpls-EricPort 1 is telco
10:14.07kezza491tzafrir ?
10:14.07Mpls-Ericspan 1
10:14.25tzafrirkaldemar, Do you see the IP address in 'iax2 show peers'?
10:14.50tzafrirkaldemar, in the asterisk cli: run asterisk -r
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10:15.38tzafrirMpls-Eric, that trace showed you sending a SABME
10:16.01tzafrirkezza491, right, you. kaldemar, oops, sorry
10:16.20Mpls-EricThanks, So what should I be sending and what should I expect back? Whats a SABME
10:16.31kezza491i am using AsterisksNOW if that means anything
10:17.19tzafrirYou should expect a UA (Unnumbered Acknowlegement , IIRC)
10:18.04tzafrirSABME: Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended . IIRC every second or so each party sends a SABME and should be replied with a UA, to see that the connection is still up
10:18.30kezza491tzafrir i dont have the command iax2
10:19.11tzafrirI need to be going now
10:19.52Mpls-EricI wonder if this could be a bad patch connection?  Maybe the telco is seeing errors from me?  Wouldn't we see a yellow alarm from them, or does Asterisk not see yellows all that well?
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10:34.50kezza491whats the point of asterisk now?!
10:35.15vanumohave anybody chan_cellphone in use ?
10:36.29kezza491I canseem to find any begginers guides to it
10:37.15*** join/#asterisk xF|DarkSC (
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10:43.20kezza491\what are the alterniatives to asterisks?
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10:50.13tzafrirkezza491, for what exactly?
10:51.38tzafriropenpbx is basically in the same space. yate likewise. ser/openser is a good for something that is basically a sip gateway
10:52.17kezza491I am just finding it hard to get help on problems and i think the docomentation is a little anoying
10:52.53tzafrirkezza491, I find it strange that there's no command iax2
10:53.05tzafrirtry:  load
10:53.20tzafrirhave you disabled automatic modules loading?
10:53.44kezza491I am using AsteriskNOW to learn all of this so i dont know what they have got setup
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11:04.28vanumohow must i extensions.conf edit to get over chan_cellphone incoming call to my sip phone ?
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11:46.53yonahw-workcan anyone advise me on the correct zaptel.conf settings for bezeq (israel)?
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11:56.49sweeperyonahw-work: depends entirely on what your telco line is, and what hardware you're using :P{
11:57.58tzafriryonahw-work, try genzaptelconf ...
11:58.09sweeperugh, no don't touch that script
11:58.11sweeperis NASTY
11:58.43tzafrirIf you set the country to il, it has a special case for E1 setting for Israel. I'll have to look into it to see what they are
11:59.05tzafrirsweeper, that's a nasty thing to say
11:59.15sweeperand yet, true \o\
11:59.23sweeperdoing it by hand isn't hard at all
12:00.14tzafrironly you have to know the exact settings. or ask here
12:00.33tzafriror guess, or whatever.
12:01.24tzafrirThere are things that are easy to automate. If zaptel doesn't do them on its own, I want to at least script them
12:01.46d00gsterguys, is it possible to create a incoming call rule based on the dialed number (to field of the sip invite)? I have a secondery number -alias- and I want that to ring a separate extension.
12:02.23tzafrirAnd speaking of scripts:
12:02.25sweeperthe script is ALSO just guessing
12:02.38sweeperonly people who KNOW what the settings need to be is his provider
12:02.51uNK_d00gster the incoming call is via SIP or something? or zaptel pots?
12:03.02sweeperand srsly, there's what, 5 settings for a t1?
12:03.17tzafrirright: guessing that if your country is "il" and you have E1, your settings are such-and-such. You can always correct it by hand. But it's a better starting point
12:03.28tzafrirIf you can provide a smarter guess, let me know
12:04.07sweepereh, you could put standard provider configs in it, but that's about it, and still not a guarantee
12:04.09tzafrirexample script that uses this perl module:
12:05.16sweepera bit of a hassle for 5 settings, when it would take less time to just call up the provider and say "yo, what framing are you using, and which channel is my d-chan"?
12:06.02tzafrirsweeper, what exactly do you need to ask the provider?
12:06.21tzafrirNot to mention that getting the replies from the provider is no so straight-forward
12:07.12sweepertzafrir: haha, true on the latter
12:17.14d00gsteruNK_> via SIP
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12:42.53tzafrird00gster, basically the dialed number is the extension number
12:51.41d00gsternot sure I understand your question tzafrir. I have to house number. when someone dials my secondry number my secondry number apprears in the sip invite specifically in the "to" field (ie
12:52.58d00gstersince the secondry number is for my wifes home business, I wanted it to ring her own asterisk extension and maybe get a different answering service on asterisk. to make the business isolated from the house number
12:54.21uNK_d00gster the # dialed will most likely be the extension in asterisk.. which means you can do what you want with it from there
12:54.31uNK_this your first time using asterisk?
12:55.47uNK_well i havent used the new gui stuff yet.. you using the gui or just editing config files?
12:56.03d00gsterI installed  asterisknow. and I know I show go cli to learn this better
12:56.12d00gsterI am on cli now
12:56.35uNK_well its not the cli but the config files themselves really
12:56.39d00gsterfirst problem with gui is that I can check my sip truml status
12:56.48d00gstertrunk I mean
12:56.57uNK_but basically in the extensions (extensions.conf) they have contexts.. like seperate sections
12:57.24d00gsterso can asterisk route calls based on the "to" field?
12:57.24uNK_then incoming numbers like a sip connection or zaptel connection get set to specific contexts (sections)
12:57.35uNK_them the #s dialed in go to extensions
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12:57.47uNK_like 5145551234 is an extension because thats the # dialed
12:57.48d00gstersee it is  not the caller number I am forwarding to an extension
12:57.57d00gsterit is the called number
12:58.01uNK_yeah i know
12:58.20uNK_you are probably thinking of extensions like 6000 for phone 1.. and 6001 for phone 2
12:58.26uNK_but the phone #s themselves are extensions as well
12:58.36d00gsterI see
12:58.59d00gsteruNK_ how can I tell if my sip connection with Bell is up?
12:59.18uNK_so like 5145551234 is an extension in context 'incoming' or whatever so whenever someone calls the # 5145551234 and it goes to my sip provider.. it will go there
12:59.45uNK_from cli? sip show channels
13:00.01uNK_or sip show peers
13:00.13uNK_or sip show users
13:01.35d00gsterso peers seems to be the one
13:01.58d00gsterso now if I dial my house number, would asterisk answer?
13:02.11uNK_depends if you configured it properly hehe
13:02.23uNK_but if the connection is up
13:02.25d00gsteractually, let me rephrase. how can I test asterisk and make sure it is getting the call
13:02.29uNK_then asterisk should answer
13:02.39uNK_but now the question is what asterisk will do
13:02.47uNK_call the # and view debug messages
13:02.54uNK_and it should tell you whats wrong/whats happening
13:03.29uNK_i didnt even realize bell did SIP voip
13:04.31d00gsteruNK_ PM?
13:04.39uNK_sure shoot
13:04.43d00gsterwhat is the  command to view the debug
13:04.55uNK_well normally you start asterisk with asterisk -vvvvc
13:04.58uNK_to have it verbose
13:06.17d00gsterroot      2963  0.2  6.6  42496 15896 ?        Sl   Feb24   2:28 /usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvg -c
13:06.34d00gsterso it is in verbose (Asterisk now)
13:06.51d00gsterbut I am ssh'ing to the  box and not on console
13:07.22d00gsterdoes the  debug so to var/log/messages or something?
13:07.31flying_Luckuse asterisk -r
13:07.46uNK_to reattach to the console
13:07.53d00gsterthat takes me to the cli
13:08.04uNK_and should be in verbose mode
13:08.24uNK_now make a call to the #
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13:08.44d00gsterwell I need a softclient first ...
13:09.02uNK_use an outside line
13:09.05uNK_cellphone.. home line
13:10.00d00gsterok so how do I see the debug messages? would they pop on the session or do I have to issue a command?
13:10.10uNK_they would show up
13:10.20uNK_what happens when you dial the # from an outside line?
13:11.40d00gsterI must have done something wrong...
13:11.51d00gsterno messages and I get the provider vm
13:12.03uNK_it goes straight to provider vm?
13:12.13uNK_perhaps you aren't connected with them
13:12.53uNK_is this machine public IP or nat?
13:13.36uNK_sip and nat dont like eachother much hehe
13:13.40d00gsterbut my Sipura is  also behind it and conneting  to the provider without issues
13:13.40uNK_but did you forward the sip ports?
13:14.09uNK_whats the network layout?
13:14.14uNK_is sipura at edge?
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13:14.39d00gsternetscreen FW and on it there is  the asterisk server and also my sipura
13:14.54uNK_so netscreen is at edge
13:15.03uNK_you have one ip which is dynamic i assume
13:15.13uNK_then what is after
13:15.29d00gstermodem (not layer 3)
13:15.31uNK_asterisk-> netscreen... and sipura->netscreen? or is it netscreen->sipura->asterisk
13:16.03d00gsterno sipura and asterisk are on separate  netscreen ports
13:16.24d00gsternetscreen > sipura and netscreen> server
13:16.26uNK_you getting rid of sipura for asterisk?
13:16.49d00gsterwell eventually the sipura  will be taking to my server instead of provider
13:17.06d00gsterand it will be my ata to get  analog
13:17.29uNK_hmm yea could do that if its not locked down
13:17.37uNK_ok so the thing is.. you need to forward your sip ports
13:17.40uNK_to the asterisk server
13:17.46uNK_but itll prob break the sipura
13:17.55uNK_since you prob have them forwarded to it now
13:18.57uNK_there's a quick sip ports google for ya
13:19.59d00gsterok. so to recap. If I configure and extension with the  same phone number as my outside DID, it should reing that extension everytime someone calls  that DID?
13:20.39uNK_in the right context yeah
13:20.54d00gsterloaded answer :-)
13:20.58uNK_then from that extension you can say goto 6000 context whateverwhich is your phone extension
13:22.49d00gsteris everything  configurable from cli or so I need to edit files to achieve all this?
13:23.04uNK_cli is just to see statuses and stuff
13:23.11uNK_its the config files you need to change for settings
13:23.21uNK_altho the gui edits the configs for you
13:23.29uNK_but i havent used it at all so i cant help ;)
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13:24.57d00gsterany good guide outhere you would recommend?
13:25.27uNK_well the gui came out recently and is still in beta so prob not many good guides.. but would be for that
13:25.44uNK_but for general asterisk info rocks
13:25.50d00gsterI don't want to sre gui anymore :-)
13:26.16uNK_then the config file you want to look at is extensions.conf
13:26.17uNK_exten => 5145551234,1,Goto(main,6000,1)
13:26.17uNK_exten => 6000,1,Macro(stdexten,6000,SIP/office,vm2)
13:26.28uNK_is basically your config depending on your settings
13:27.30d00gsterthanks a million uNK_
13:27.33uNK_yea np
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14:06.53uNK_chan_cellphone looks pretty sweet
14:08.37uNK_was gonna get a dock n talk but now there's no need
14:08.54uNK_and i dont need to use a port
14:12.16public-uNK_: it works pretty well... lacks the call waiting feature for now, but still pretty nice
14:12.56uNK_yeah prob not gonna run it just yet
14:13.01uNK_wait till it hits a stable branch
14:13.22uNK_but was surprised it was out there
14:13.33uNK_was thinkin about either hardware device or chan_celiax
14:13.41uNK_but this is a much cleaner way of doing it
14:20.51saftsackwhere to find asterisks log?
14:21.33saftsackbecause theres not all in /var/log/asterisk
14:25.53*** join/#asterisk `ghost (n=fopsdjfi@
14:25.57`ghosthi all long time no type
14:27.27`ghostquestion I want to use our asterish server I got working about a month ago to use with our skype account (user dials 0 then the phone number and it gose thu the skype system) are there any docs out and about or am I wasting my time ?
14:28.25mafkeesyou are wasting your time
14:29.04flying_Luckthere are some commercial linux solutions for skype
14:29.27`ghostgo on flying_Luck
14:30.45`ghostyeah they have someting for $19.95 us (lookin at it now)
14:30.49`ghostwith a trial version
14:32.24`ghostnot bad I guess cause we have temp sites we sometimes hook up via fibre (and I hook our asterisk server into the ethernet hub so we can talk to each site without having to make a interstate phone call)
14:33.00`ghostsience when we do these things we may as well use skype (cause these events use a lot of international phone calls)
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14:35.51`ghosthummm psgw requires a runnin x server more work
14:36.45mafkeesall them skype things require X
14:37.00`ghostoh ok
14:37.15`ghostonly used skype on the xp desktop here
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14:59.58`ghost?? oh I do have x installed on this machine
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15:22.26ocgltdI have an  Asterisk 1.40 system doing protocol conversion, with SIP on one leg and H323 on the other, all using G729 (no transcoding).  When calls originate on the H323 leg, audio is great.  When calls originate on the SIP leg, audio is horribly choppy.  Can anyone offer ideas?
15:23.43`ghostthe only words that registered with me is asterisk and sip :P
15:23.50`ghostsorry thats to deep for me
15:27.54flying_Luckanybody has an asterisk <-> nec neax 2000 E1 connection ? i'm stuck with q.sig protocol errors nec sends me on call setup
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15:39.02`ghosthey flying_Luck have you ever had a crack at running psgw ?
15:40.02flying_Luck`ghost, i have never used it. just heard somewhere about existance of such thing
15:40.22`ghostoh ok well I installed the trial and tryin to chew over it now
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16:05.56`ghostnote to self when screaming why your program cannot talk to a ip address make sure you have the right IP address
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16:06.24markithi, other people having problems in compiling asterisk 1.4 svn today?
16:06.31`ghostit's 3 in the morning
16:08.36`ghostthis pgsw is still dring me up the wall... I think I am missing something
16:08.42`ghostmarbles more like it
16:13.10ocgltdI'm getting tons of these errors, anyone know what they mean?  [Feb 25 01:46:13] DEBUG[13282] rtp.c: Forcing Marker bit, because SSRC has changed
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16:19.43KnowWhatFeb 25 11:17:17 WARNING[2664]: chan_iax2.c:7103 socket_read: Call rejected by No such context/extension
16:19.52KnowWhatwhy i am getting this error, if some body can help me
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16:25.21tzafrirKnowWhat, so the iax2 user was authenticated, codec negotiation was successful etc. However there was no dialplan extension for it
16:25.38tzafrirdo you know which iax2 user / friend was used there?
16:26.37KnowWhatyou mean to say in extension?
16:27.22KnowWhatwell you know when i dial a number, like 8008004214
16:27.46KnowWhatat asterisk cli it shows 918008004214
16:28.33KnowWhatwhile i have extension define as exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(IAX2/mxconn@vitel-outbound/${EXTEN})
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16:40.39public-anyone been successful in getting music on hold working over chan_cellphone?
16:44.38elriahThere's a chan_cellphone?
16:44.53NivexI've tried to find this elusive chan_cellphone to no avail
16:45.38public-there is a chan_cellphone
16:45.41Corydon76-homeIt's in the bugtracker
16:45.43public-that uses BT
16:45.51elriahBT? Bluetooth?
16:46.01public-and then you can dial out from a SIP phone on the cell
16:46.06public-and receive calls on it as well
16:46.32elriahWhat would you use it for?
16:47.04Corydon76-homeConnection to BT headsets and BT-enabled cellphones
16:47.29elriahWith a 50 foot range, I'm trying to see the value?
16:47.39JTthe value is obvious
16:47.43public-you can use a BT enabled phone for dialing out
16:47.48public-from any voip phone
16:48.08elriahRight, if you're withing range of your asterisk server?
16:48.12JTput your mobile near the asterisk box, calls to mobiles come into asterisk server
16:48.17JThow is that not super useful
16:48.43elriahOh, well, all the asterisk servers we have are geographically unreachable from our userbase so I didn't connect the dots.
16:48.46NivexI have no landline.  That could become my FXO port while I'm home.  This makes me happy.
16:48.47Corydon76-homeBT range can also be extended
16:48.58public-elriah: more for @home setups
16:48.58JTasterisk can be used in many ways
16:49.12public-Nivex: exactly.. for people with no landlines
16:49.16public-and this is my FXO port
16:49.34elriahAhh, interesting.
16:49.37Nivexthere was a chan_bluetooth floating around awhile ago.  This based on that, or a new codebase?
16:49.53public-chan_bluetooth lost support
16:50.04public-and chan_cellphone is doing a good job picking up where it left off
16:50.10Nivexok.  are there any particular requirements for a BT dongle, or if it works with Linux it should Just Work (tm) ?
16:50.18public-in theory
16:50.24public-if you have the BT stack installed
16:50.25public-you should be fine
16:50.35public-good documentation, makes it quite easy to get everything working
16:50.56NivexI think I need to order that BT dongle soon :)
16:51.24public-it's nice on a laptop
16:51.31public-works as a perfect lil asterisk machne
16:51.45Nivexmy asterisk box at the moment is an HP e-Vectra
16:51.48Nivexnice tiny little thing
16:52.12public-anyone know how to dial 2 extensions when a call comes in from the outside?
16:52.25public-I want to dial the 2 voip phones in my house
16:52.36public-when I receive an incoming call
16:52.41public-just an &?
16:52.44NivexFirst to answer gets the call
16:52.51tzangerhas anyone here done any high-availability asterisk installs?  What did you use?  heartbeat or something more complex?
16:53.05mafkeestzanger: dundi
16:53.34tzangermafkees: oh yeah?
16:53.56mafkeesroundrobin dns
16:54.06mafkeesso clients would connect to one of the asterisk boxen
16:54.08tzangermafkees: so you just have two machines which provide the same routes/destinations?
16:54.14mafkeesand dundi to find them routes/stations
16:54.16tzangerhow does that allow for failover of sip phones, etc.
16:54.24tzangerdundi would just be a routing destination
16:54.39mafkeesset the registry timeout really low
16:54.44mafkeeslike 5 seconds
16:54.49elriahtzanger: We have 5 two tier installs, mysql on the backend, asterisk on two or more front end...
16:55.12elriahtzanger: And load balancers in front
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16:55.38tzangerhmm... I'll have to investigate this a little further
16:55.40elriahtzanger: We did have a similar config without mysql just using rsync for configs and voicemails, worked great actually.
16:56.03mafkeeswe use shared storage for the configs and voicemails
16:56.23mafkeesgnbd with ocfs2
16:56.24elriahmafkees: As w/a san?  Just nfs?
16:56.26tzangerelriah: "five two-tier installs" is that five separate highly-available setups?
16:56.41elriahtzanger: Yep.  In 5 different datacenters.
16:56.47`ghostok I understand no man on this planet has ever got psgw working but would any1 have any idea why I am getting this error "could not open any listnener from udp$" (I set that ip cause thats the ip to my asterisk server is on (same with pgsw and skype)
16:56.54tzangerelriah: but they're totally separate from each other... i.e. the 5 installs do not inter-communicate
16:57.28mafkeeselriah: no san, gnbd and ocfs2
16:57.37mafkeeswe had to built it with little bugdet
16:57.37tzangermafkees: Other than the wiki, do you have any helpful sites or other documentation on dundu?
16:57.38elriahtzanger: No, they are the same disperate cluster.
16:57.40tzangerer dundi
16:57.44tzangerelriah: ahh okay
16:58.16mafkeestzanger: nope
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16:58.28elriahtzanger: We rarely have issues with it, most of our problems are phone related, lol
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16:59.01tzangerelriah: :-)
16:59.07mafkeessame here elriah
16:59.10mafkeesstupid phones
17:00.00elriahI haven't seen any in action, but I bet a SAN with a bunch of bridgehead nodes would work great with flat files...
17:00.11`ghost.. oh hang on
17:00.39elriahHas anyone tried to install asterisk in an NFS environment?  i.e., one set of configs and voicemail dirs?  Does asterisk handle the locked files gracefully?
17:00.59tzangerI'm looking at something for a business with two separate "main" offices (about 600km away from each other) -- basically there'll be a decent WAN between them and I was going to have the phones for office A have a secondary register to office B's asterisk and vice-versa
17:01.20elriahHow big of a userbase?  i.e., how many phones and calls per hour (guestimate)
17:01.38mafkeeselriah: yeah, voicemail and configs on nfs works great
17:01.41tzangerbasically if asterisk A died any calls would die with it bu tthe phones should fail over to Asteirsk B automatically
17:01.45elriahtzanger: Don't underestimate the power of a properly setup rsync environment...
17:02.03tzangerelriah: well asterisk A and B would not be configured identically
17:02.46tzangerbut I was also thinking of forgetting that idea and just taking two boxes at A and two at B and using heartbeat to failover everything locally
17:03.12tzangere.g. A1=main, A2=hot backup, heartbeat between them.  A1 dies A2 takes over locally
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17:06.52mafkeestzanger: for that to work they should be able to takeover eachothers ip
17:07.00tzangermafkees: yes exactly
17:07.21mafkeesor run asterisk on openbsd
17:07.52mafkeesthat way you can use CARP for the ip address takeover
17:07.52mafkeesthat's what I do at home and at some setups at customers
17:07.52tzangermafkees: hmm
17:07.57mafkeesof course you cannot support zap channels that way but who cares ?
17:08.35mafkeesI never use zap anymore
17:08.52`ghostYYYEEEESSSS I got it working (note when using psgw if you are running it on the same machine as asterisk server... change your port on the sip.config)
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17:09.27public-anyone here with a cisco 7940?
17:09.30public-using SIP?
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17:10.24mranostaymy company does, i have littl insight on it though
17:10.51mranostaydoes anyone have a sample asterisk call file using festival?
17:12.50mafkeespublic-: not me sorry. I use SCCP on them
17:13.11public-Got a couple of questions about them... and they may not be SIP specific.
17:13.30public-I am looking for the option to display the clock on the screen. Mine currently has no time display
17:13.44public-And the next option I'd like is being able to dial a number before hitting new call
17:13.56public-so the number will show up, but won't dial until I hit newcall
17:14.13mafkeesI dont think that's possible
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17:14.29mafkeesbecause newcall will simply open a channel
17:14.43mafkeeslike lifting the handset
17:14.56elriahtzanger: You want cheap failover?
17:14.57public-it works when the phone is on a call manager network
17:15.01elriahIs "cheap" the key?
17:15.19public-was wondering if it is possible with the SIP version
17:15.20mafkeespublic-: that's because it's in the callmanager/sccp stuff
17:16.08public-mafkees: ok
17:16.17public-any idea about the display of the clock?
17:16.24public-this an option I can put in SIPDefault.cnf/
17:17.08mafkeesno idea
17:17.19mafkeesyou can try to include the time in the date related option
17:18.35tzangerelriah: cost is always a factor, but I'm just looking at different ways of doing it... asterisk is only one part of the equation, db is another thing that needs to be failed over as well... I've never done any high availability before, but I've used asterisk for about 4 years and linux for 12 or so
17:19.13elriahCost-effective and cheap are generally two different solutions...
17:19.17elriahWhich one are you looking for?
17:19.38elriahcheap = bash script for failover and heartbeat
17:19.55tzangerelriah: I don't think that cost-effective and cheap are necessarily at odds... cost effective just means that you get the best bang for buck
17:20.07tzangercheap that doesn't work is neither cheap nor effective.  :-)
17:20.17elriahugh, brb
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17:35.10pardoveIs there anyway to control a call after dial command? ex: dial xxx, then wait for n sec. the send xx DTMF and then wait for n sec. then send DTMF again and finally hangup
17:36.42mafkeespardove: show application dial
17:36.48mafkeesit's possible to do that indeed
17:40.45pardovemafkees: if you mean D option for Dial command.  it just can send DTMF. no wait and no more control. am i right?
17:41.03mafkeesw == wait
17:41.13mafkeesyou can use the w in the D stuff
17:41.25mafkeestzanger: windows 2000 advanced server
17:41.40tzangermafkees: damn you have done work on windows clustering as well?
17:41.42mafkeesdont know what version of windows 2003 can do clustering
17:41.52*** part/#asterisk Rusty1 (
17:42.07tzangermafkees: does that let exchange server and IIS and SQL Server to custer as well?
17:42.23tzangeror do you need special licenses for each of those to cluster as well?
17:42.36pardovemafkees: "w" just waits before dialing and does nothing else while the is established
17:42.38mafkeesIIS is there by default
17:42.52ManxPowerpardove: the Dial(Zap/G2/5551515,,D(1234wwww5667) will send 1234 as soon as the call is answered, wait 4 x .5 second, then send 5667.
17:43.06mafkeestzanger: I dont know about exchange because we never used it
17:43.15bkruse_homeManxPower: thats pretty sweet, i did not know that
17:43.19mafkeesand sql server 2000 has clustering with it as well
17:43.26ManxPowerRemember analog FXO channels are considered "answered" as soon as dialing is finished
17:43.32mishehuexchange, from a technical standpoint, is teh suck.
17:43.34Qwellbkruse_home: incoming sms support was added last night
17:43.44Qwellbkruse_home: it only outputs to the CLI, but yeah, it's a start
17:43.51tzangermafkees: hmm okay, good stuff.  I'm up against Objectworld's Unified Communications Server product on this job :_)
17:43.51mishehua nice idea but very poorly implemented.
17:43.57mafkeesas is hints on skinny ;)
17:44.20pardoveManxPower: thanks for your comment. but is there anyway to have more control over an established call.
17:44.31mafkeesI had to revert chan_skinny.c before svn up would be nice to me ;)
17:44.36bkruse_homeQwell: ya, thats DEF a start!!!
17:44.40bkruse_homethats awesome!!!!!! im excited
17:44.41ManxPowerpardove: define "more control:.
17:44.42bkruse_homei wana hack at it
17:44.48bkruse_homemake some configs for somethin
17:45.18pardoveManxPower: so there no more now! btw, how can i hangup the call after sending DTMF string?
17:45.42ManxPowerpardove: use the L option to Dial
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17:46.23ManxPowerOr use the Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=5) to limite the total call length to 5 seconds, you would set this before the Dial
17:46.25Qwellrussellb: !!!
17:46.32Qwellrussellb: I saw you on TV the other night :P
17:46.35bkruse_homepardove: uh? Hangup() ?
17:46.37Qwell...your legs, anyhow
17:46.40bkruse_homeQwell: ohrly?
17:46.50bkruse_homeconcerning "the incident?"
17:46.53ManxPowerbkruse that won't work.
17:46.57russellbQwell: nice!
17:47.06pardoveManxPower: thanks again! I just wondering to have a way to pass a call to an AGI when its established.
17:47.12Qwellrussellb: apparently they arrested the guy in Atlanta, "on unrelated charges"
17:47.30QwellKentral Smith or some such
17:47.35ManxPowerpardove: look at "show application external ivr"
17:47.41ManxPowerI don't know if it will help.
17:48.02ManxPowerpardove: perhaps you need to use .call files to place a call and send the other leg of the call to an AGI
17:48.16ManxPowerlook on the Wiki for example of using .call files
17:48.23russellbthe bank robbery pic :-p
17:48.31Qwellrussellb: yeah :D
17:49.42russellbum, yes?
17:49.42russellbQwell: good.  he was a nub
17:49.42pardoveManxPower: thank you very much. i will read more on your suggestions ;-)
17:53.38pardoveManxPower: I have wrote a dirty patch to make the callprogress work accurate. and now while dialing on FXO channels it will answer the fxo channel as the callee picks up the phone
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17:56.02`ghostok question about psgw I am trying to make a incomming call. skype catches it, sends it to psgw then it is ment to pass it to my asterisk server, but I am getting this wierd meassage "root did not answer your call" where is that comming from
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18:09.55XVampireXHeylo :)
18:10.35XVampireXCan you people tell me if it is possible to build a PBX that works with a microphone/headset or something like that instead of having to use a phone?
18:10.48XVampireXAsterisk PBX^
18:11.06ManxPowerXVampireX: That is callled a "softphone".  You need to read The Book first.
18:11.10jbot[book] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
18:12.00XVampireXWell, softphone would be an application that connects to Asterisk, yeah?
18:12.57XVampireXI know that Gizmo Project can work with Asterisk, but say I can't use SIP because I'm behind a router and it just won't work for me... can I use jingle with asterisk/gizmo project?
18:13.18XVampireXOr there is no other softphone that I know that connects to Asterisk
18:13.49XVampireXOr maybe I have no clue ;)
18:13.51uNK_ok wait a second
18:13.56uNK_you want to use gizmo
18:13.59uNK_so why not just use gizmo?
18:14.02*** part/#asterisk phetaudicili (
18:14.27XVampireXI don't want to use Gizmo, gizmo uses SIP and it doesn't work well for me.
18:14.52uNK_oh ok
18:15.03uNK_did you open the SIP ports on your firewall?
18:15.18pardovewhats the best software-based fax solution for asterisk?
18:15.29XVampireXBut any connection that I make it either lags, or stutters... can't have a good connection with SIP, although with Skype it works fine.
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18:15.50uNK_oh ok
18:15.55uNK_what kinda net connection do you have?
18:16.24mafkeespigeon carrier
18:16.35uNK_when's the last time you fed the pigeons?
18:16.49EmleyMoorIs there any way, other than by using a specific detect and Goto, that I can include some extensions from a "lower" context in a higher one to take priority over a less specific extension?
18:16.50mafkeesouch, that 96kb will kill you
18:17.07mafkeesuNK_: try this in sip.conf:
18:17.19mafkeesand try again
18:17.31XVampireXYes will kill me
18:17.35XVampireXbut skype works
18:17.43mafkeesI mean XVampireX
18:18.13mafkeesyeah, skype uses ilibc (or however it's called)
18:18.23mafkeesfor asterisk, try gsm
18:18.38uNK_he doesnt have asterisk installed i dont think
18:18.44uNK_he's thinkin about switching from skype to it
18:19.06mafkeesgood thinking ;)
18:19.10XVampireXYeah, I don't have asterisk installed but I'd like to try it, just don't have phone for it
18:19.13mafkeesow wait
18:19.29mafkeescant you select the codecs in the gizmo client ?
18:19.44EmleyMoorWhat, if anything, do I need to do to have asterisk take incoming SIP and/or IAX2 calls from clients not registered on my box?
18:19.48XVampireXDon't think
18:19.59XVampireXBut I tried twinkle, that wasn't all that great either.
18:20.14mafkeesXVampireX: in twinkle you can select them
18:20.24EmleyMoorI use ekiga, X-Lite, kiax and moziax
18:20.27mafkeestry to disable all audio codecs and only enable the gsm
18:20.36ManxPowerEmleyMoor: Registrations has nothing to do with calls Client -> Asterisk
18:20.52EmleyMoorIAX2 softphone for KDE
18:20.56ManxPowerAll registration does is inform Asterisk what the IP address is for a specific user/pass
18:21.19EmleyMoorManxPower: So, could someone outside with a SIP phone dial one of my internal extensions directly?
18:21.32mafkeesEmleyMoor: depends on your configs
18:21.39*** join/#asterisk foxxtrot (
18:21.43XVampireXIs IAX2 free for PC-to-PC?
18:21.46pardovewhats the best software-based fax solution for asterisk?
18:21.48EmleyMoorThat is that upon which I am seeking information
18:21.50XVampireXOr what is it? :P
18:22.02mafkeesEmleyMoor: if you enbable guest calls in sip/iax they will most likely endup in the [default] context
18:22.09EmleyMoorXVampireX: I think so
18:22.09ManxPowerEmleyMoor: That depends on many things, but does not depend on registration.
18:22.12mafkeesif you dont put any logic there nothing well happen
18:22.17XVampireXWhere can I call with twinkle to test gsm?
18:22.31ManxPowerEmleyMoor: Generally unauthenticated calls will land in the context specified in [general] in sip/iax.conf
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18:23.00EmleyMoorOK - so I need to read up on enabling guest calls?
18:23.59EmleyMoorallowguest=yes is default... hold on a moment
18:25.28XVampireXare there any good free iax providers?
18:25.47XVampireXkiax looks strangely like skype
18:26.37*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
18:27.44EmleyMoorCan someone try calling me?
18:28.08J4k3what the fuck
18:28.08XVampireXI called you
18:28.11XVampireXCan you hear me? :P
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18:28.35mafkeesJ4k3: ???
18:29.02J4k3denon's kline.
18:29.04XVampireXSo you can still hear me? :P
18:29.05EmleyMoorYou are breaking up a lot
18:29.12XVampireXAh, ok....
18:29.23XVampireXYeah, that's the problem with me and sip :P
18:29.32mafkeesJ4k3: looks like it's their quit msg
18:29.42ManxPowerRememeber before 1.4 Asterisk did not gave an RTP (SIP audio) jitter buffer.
18:29.46J4k3oh, that freaked me out
18:30.07mafkeesI need that s//g script jbot is running
18:30.09mafkeesit's leet
18:32.22Carp1Any ideas why voice is only working one way???I cant here a caller talking but they can hear me.
18:33.15EmleyMoorCarp1: Using SIP?
18:33.45XVampireXSIP gives lotsa problem to people
18:34.01EmleyMoorSIP and NAT don't mix well
18:34.08ManxPowerSIP only gives problems to people that don't understand SIP, RTP, NAT and firewalls.
18:34.15ManxPowerSIP and NAT work just fine.
18:35.18ManxPowerIf SIP didn't work thru NAT then how does Vonage, Broadvoice and all the other SIP ITSPs work thru NAT?
18:35.31`ghostyou know wot folks... I think the reason it is not working is because I am very tired and have missed something so I will call stumps and I will get PSGw working tomrrow thanks anyway kids
18:37.16ManxPowerReinvites and Asterisk server behind a dynamic IP NAT would not work, but that's about it.
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18:47.10Bobthehunterso reinvites are blind and attended trasnfers and thats al ?
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18:59.40bkruse_homewhats the commnad to show file version?
18:59.46bkruse_homecore show file version right?
19:01.23mafkeesbkruse_home: it should be
19:01.26mafkeesbut mine is empty
19:01.27mafkeesIfrid*CLI> core show file version
19:01.27mafkeesFile                      Revision
19:01.27mafkees----                      --------
19:01.36bkruse_homemafkees: same!
19:01.38bkruse_homei think it got broke
19:01.43bkruse_homei was going to use it for something similar
19:02.11mafkeesI'm on the bugtracker already ;)
19:02.16bkruse_homemafkees: thanks :]
19:02.26bkruse_homeits been broke for awhile
19:02.30bkruse_homei need it for somethin else
19:05.06bkruse_homety ty ;]
19:05.13bkruse_homei was going to do it, but i can just yell about it monday
19:05.43bkruse_homegood way to get karma :P
19:08.34Bobthehunterwahts the normal sip header for a call from peer BLAH callerid BOB 555 333 4444 ?
19:09.32mafkeesbkruse_home: you'll have to wait with your application then ;)
19:09.46bkruse_homemafkees: nah, its somthing i can skip for now
19:09.53bkruse_homejust has to do with tab completion and filename completion
19:10.10bkruse_homeno big
19:10.10bkruse_homethanks though :]
19:10.10mafkeestab completion _is_ working
19:10.13BobthehunterFrom: "BOB" <5556665555>  <sip:BLAH@>
19:10.26Bobthehunteror number in the ""
19:10.41BobthehunterFrom: "BOB <5556665555>"   <sip:BLAH@>
19:10.43Bobthehunterlike this ?
19:10.47bkruse_homeBobthehunter: thats right
19:10.51Bobthehunterfirst ?
19:11.38mafkeesbkruse_home: any idea where I can find this file version thing ?
19:11.38bkruse_homethe only one
19:11.39bkruse_homeyes first
19:11.39bkruse_homelook at in /usr/src/asterisk ( or wherever your source is)
19:11.39bkruse_homesearch for callid:
19:11.39bkruse_homecallerid: *
19:12.01Bobthehunteryes well its for SER.. asterisk doesnt use right values
19:12.45bkruse_homethe function?
19:12.46bkruse_homegrep -r '"core", "show", "file", "version"' *
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19:15.24Bobthehunterdoing what you said asterisk gives... agi_calleridname] => Bob <123123123>
19:15.33Bobthehunterand callerid= 123123123123
19:16.07mafkeesbkruse_home: found it
19:17.38*** join/#asterisk steve___ (
19:18.37mafkeeshhmm, looks like that whole function is broken
19:19.27mafkeescore show file version like <something here>
19:19.51bkruse_homeits in main/asterisk.c i believe......
19:19.51bkruse_homemafkees: it is
19:19.51bkruse_homeit USED to work
19:19.51mafkeeswhatever I try, I keep getting the usage info
19:19.51mafkeesit's in main/asterisk.c line 550 and below
19:19.56Bobthehunterwow rpid is the solution
19:20.35Bobthehunterthat why its there lol ok
19:21.46steve___MSG tzanger booga?
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19:23.31mafkeesthe file is weird
19:23.52mafkees#if !defined(LOW_MEMORY)
19:23.54mafkeessome code
19:24.04mafkees#if !defined(LOW_MEMORY)
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19:49.15Carp1Any ideas why voice is only working one way???I cant here a caller talking but they can hear me.
19:55.18ManxPowerDaeJeo1: ask on the #asterisknow channel
19:55.23ManxPowerCarp1: nat
19:57.34ManxPowerone way voice is a classic indication that you do not have the NAT stuff set up correctly.
20:00.16ManxPowerBut it's pretty obvious that Carp1 doesn't actually want to fix the problem, he just wants to complain about it.
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20:09.02Carp1I didnt complain about it?
20:09.22Carp1Maybe adding nat=yes to sip.conf?
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20:12.57clive-hi, anyone here know of a reasonable source of ITFS numbers ?
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20:18.38Carp1nat=yes under [general] didn't work.
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20:19.53ManxPowerCarp1: What is the diagram of the connection?  i.e. Asterisk <-> NAT router <-> Internet <-> SIP device?
20:20.31Carp1Asterisk - Linksys router with DD-WRT - Internet
20:20.44Carp1asterisk and phone are plugged into the router.
20:21.15Carp1And NuFone providing inbound and outbound calls.
20:21.16ManxPowerSo you are trying to do a call between a phone on the local network and an asterisk on the local network?
20:21.29ManxPowerWhat is the specific diagram of a problem call?
20:21.39Carp1phone - asterisk -NuFone
20:21.53ManxPowerAnd you are connecting to Nufone via IAX or SIP?
20:22.05Carp1when i call my NuFone DID, I have * rinf my phone
20:22.23ManxPowerand you are calling out from the phone to a PSTN number via NuFone?
20:22.46ManxPowerWell via Asterisk via NuFone
20:23.28Carp1Both ways, it doesnt work....I think....I can check quick.
20:23.47ManxPowerAnd you have set /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf to be the same port range as your are port forwarding on your router?  You set localnet= and externip= in [general] in sip.conf?
20:24.15Carp1I didnt do any of that.
20:24.19*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
20:24.24ManxPowerCarp1: Then it's not going to work.
20:24.31ManxPowerand you will get 1-way audio
20:24.48*** join/#asterisk yonahw (
20:25.15Carp1Ok....I wasnt aware of rtp.conf.
20:25.28ManxPowernat=yes is for a PHONE behind a REMOTE NAT.
20:25.59*** join/#asterisk edgecase (
20:26.17Carp1So if I added an extension and hooked a phone up at another location, I would use nat=yes?
20:26.41edgecaseok chan_bluetooth, go!
20:26.41ManxPowerif that remote location was behind a NAT router, yes
20:27.45ManxPowerrip.conf tells asterisk what ports to accept incoming audio on.  You must port forward that range of ports to the asterisk server on your NAT router.  externip and localnet tells asterisk what devices are local and do not need fixup of the SIP headers.
20:28.23*** join/#asterisk kgx (n=kgx@
20:29.18Carp1I dont see anything on google about it.
20:30.06ManxPowersee /path/to/src/asterisk/configs/rtp.conf.sample
20:30.41Carp1So I need to foward rtpstart and rtpend in my router?
20:30.45Carp110000 to 20000
20:31.42ManxPoweryes, if you leave the defaults
20:32.19ManxPowerIthe porwarding would be UDP, of course.  You also need to forward 5060 UDP
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20:34.44Carp1I already have 5060 fowarded to my ATA
20:34.48EmleyMoorIs nat=yes for situations when the extension is behind NAT or simply when it might be?
20:35.28Carp1I'm wrong, 5060 is fowarded to *
20:35.37Carp1hmm, still one way audio though.
20:35.55blitzrageEmleyMoor: when it might be -- basically it is just to tell Asterisk to ignore the IP in the Contact field and use the IP of where the packet actually came from
20:36.06blitzrageCarp1: 5060 is just for signalling and has nothing to do with RTP (media)
20:36.33EmleyMoorThought so
20:36.37ManxPowerCarp1: you must forward all the ports listed in rtp.conf to your asterisk server
20:36.37EmleyMoor(hence my setting)
20:36.43Carp1Well, I fowarded the range I have set in ftp.conf and I'm still getting one way audio.
20:36.43ManxPowerI'm not going to say it again.
20:36.58EmleyMoorIf it really gives me trouble, I use an iax phone while I investigate
20:37.05ManxPowerCarp1: forwarding will do no good without localnet and externip
20:37.12Carp1ManxPower: I did.
20:37.14nibbler_deis there a way to destinguish further than via dialstatus CHANUNAVAIL if a sip-peer exists or is just not logged in?
20:37.19Carp1I forwarded the range.
20:37.45ManxPowerCarp1: and you stopped and started asterisk or did a reload
20:38.12Carp1Just a reload, But I didnt edit the config file....I left the default values.
20:38.37ManxPowerCarp1: You cannot "just leave the default values" you have to set the values for your netwokr
20:38.59ManxPowerexternip is the public IP address of your connection
20:39.12ManxPowerlocalnet specifies what your local network is
20:39.44Carp1The sample config didnt show any of that.
20:39.58Carp1Just rtpstart=10000 and rtpend=20000
20:40.52bkruse_homeCarp1: that should be default, correct?
20:41.23Carp1Yes, it is.
20:41.36ManxPowerCarp1: rtpstart and rtpend are in rtp.conf, you need to add localnet and externip in sip.conf
20:42.27ManxPowerCarp1: It won't work unless all settings are correct.
20:42.28Carp1Ok....Under [general] I assume.
20:42.45EmleyMoorIs there a recipe for dialplan-controlled call diversion on the web anywhere?
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20:43.07ManxPowerCarp1: localnet and externip would be in [general] in sip.conf, yes.
20:43.32*** join/#asterisk chema (
20:43.50Carp1externalip=24.x.x.x (my outside IP)
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20:44.06ManxPowerCarp1: the sip.conf.sample shows a / between the network and the netmaks
20:44.17Carp1yeah, I made a typo.
20:44.22ManxPowerlocalnet would be localnet=
20:44.33ManxPowerassuming your internal network is 192.168.1.*
20:44.42Carp1Yes, it is.
20:45.16ManxPowerCarp1: also put caneinvite=no in the section of sip.conf for your phone, just in cse
20:47.43Carp1Ok, I set those up and did a full restart...Still one way audio....I cant hear any audio in my earpiece on my IP phone.
20:50.13ManxPowerTo review:  You forwarded UDP ports 10000-20000 and 5060 from your NAT router to the IP of the Asterisk server?  You set localnet= and externip= to the correct values for your local network in sip.conf [general].  You set canreinvite=no in the section of your sip.conf for your phone.  Just to be sure, also put disallow=all and allow=ulaw and allow=gsm in [general] sip.conf.  Do not ever put allow=all in sip.conf.
20:50.34markithi, is there the possibility to have a test "call back" in iax protocol to test if I'm reachable from the outside?
20:51.13Carp1Ok...let me make a couple changes in sip.conf
20:53.47markitfound, fwd does, thanks
20:53.52Carp1Ok.  I did everything you said....Still one-way audio :(
20:53.57markitops, with sip :(
20:54.26ManxPowerCarp1: do a sip debug and out the CLI output if a failed call on
20:54.42ManxPoweralso put your sip.conf and the Dial line on
20:56.21*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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20:57.47Carp1CLI dump:
20:58.30nirzhello , iv installed trixbox, but there is a problom with the root user(bad password)
20:58.38nirziv tried root/password
20:58.49bkruse_homenirz: /join #tribox
21:01.21mranostayThis book is scary
21:01.28ManxPowerSo your failure is on an inbound call, not an outbound call.
21:02.05ManxPowerand your sip.conf?
21:02.09mranostayanyone else read The Art of Demotivation?
21:02.38Carp1Yes inbound only.
21:02.49ManxPowerCarp1: what NAT router do you have?
21:03.02Carp1Linksys flashed with DD-WRT
21:03.44ManxPowerdo you have the firewall features enabled?
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21:04.18Carp1SPI Firewall
21:04.21Carp1is enabled.
21:04.32ManxPowerturn that off
21:05.27ManxPowerIf that fixes it then you know the firewall is breaking it and you need to tell the firewall to allow all outbound UDP
21:06.06wunderkini have spi on with dd-wrt and it works ok for me, didn't realize i had it on
21:07.17ManxPowerwunderkin: are your running Asterisk behind that box, talking to sip devices on the internet?
21:07.26*** part/#asterisk chema (
21:07.31wunderkinoh... yeah i don't have asterisk behind it.. just phones
21:07.48ManxPowerthen your config is not comparable to Carp1's config
21:07.50Carp1That didnt fix it either.
21:07.56wunderkini wasn't paying attention sorry
21:08.11ManxPowerCarp1: This is my THIRD request for your sip.conf to be put on
21:08.43Carp1I did lol
21:08.54ManxPowerand that URL would be?
21:08.57Carp1scroll us a little but.
21:10.23ManxPowerCarp1: you misspelled externip.
21:10.27ManxPoweryou called it externalip
21:10.42Carp1Damn....Good catch,
21:10.49ManxPoweralso remote the port= line
21:11.24Carp1remove? ok.
21:11.35ManxPowerremove the port=5060 line, that is.
21:14.59Carp1I cant call in my box at all now.
21:15.17Carp1I am pretty sure its a problem with my internet connection though.
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21:27.14masterm1ndguys .. is this the place to ask config-related questions or is there another channell ?
21:28.33*** join/#asterisk kgx (n=kgx@
21:29.41JTthis is a channel where you ask your question and hope someone is able to respond, not where you ask to ask :)
21:30.00masterm1ndok .. here's the question
21:30.15masterm1ndI have box with one PRI
21:30.23masterm1ndattached to a PSTN gateway
21:30.42masterm1ndI want the box to play a message while the call is being switched from the VoIP side to PRI side
21:31.15masterm1ndif the call is successfully setup on the PRI side, i.e. you get a ringing tone, then it's switched
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21:31.25JTwhat do you mean box with pri is attached to a pstn gateway, are they not the same thing?
21:31.43masterm1ndotherwise, I want the script to wait 20 seconds, and then drop the call with an unsuccessful message
21:32.16masterm1ndno, they are not. the PSTN gwateway in this case is a GSM gateway
21:32.25masterm1ndwe pickup calls from VoIP side
21:32.29JTwell you could've been more specific :)
21:32.34masterm1ndthen route over the PRI card to the GSM gateway
21:32.35JTa box with a pri is also a pstn gateway
21:32.49masterm1ndok .. symantics aside ..
21:33.00*** part/#asterisk mog (
21:33.10JTjust trying to understand what is going on
21:33.17masterm1ndhere it is:
21:34.07masterm1nd[VOIP] -> [asterisk H323 channel -> PRI card] -> GSM gateway
21:34.28JToh ok
21:34.28masterm1ndissue is that I don't want network announcements to be played back to caller
21:34.49masterm1ndso really, caller calls, gets played a message "please wait while we connect you" ..etc
21:34.57masterm1ndcall setup attempt
21:35.13masterm1ndif the call gets connected, bridging happens
21:35.22masterm1ndotherwise, wait 20s and timeout with a failure message
21:35.50JTwhat's the 20seconds for, waiting for a response from gsm?
21:36.20masterm1ndbecause if a network announcement is being played, the call terminates in 11 seconds
21:36.24lenne_dkWaiting for the phone to get picked up
21:36.50JTwell if the gateway suitably signals on the pri, there's no need for silly timeouts :)
21:36.53JTbut it might not
21:36.59JTi guess you'll have to find out
21:37.29masterm1ndit's not a signalling issue
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21:37.46masterm1ndI just don't want it to play out of credit announcements
21:38.31JTso how will asterisk now if it is to timeout with a failure message, or to bridge the call?
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21:38.54masterm1ndsorry, my mistake
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21:39.02masterm1ndwe wait 7 seconds for setup
21:39.05masterm1ndnot 20 seconds
21:39.16masterm1ndannouncements are 11 seconds end-end
21:39.26masterm1ndi.e. connect -> announce -> drop
21:39.31masterm1ndthis is an 11 second affair
21:39.41masterm1nd7 - 9 seconds is within our acceptable PDD
21:39.46JTat the pri level, both a bridged call and an out of credit announcement, do they look the same?
21:39.58masterm1ndpost dial delay
21:40.07masterm1ndthe only difference is the duration of the call
21:40.13masterm1ndout of credit is always 11 seconds long
21:40.15masterm1ndthn drop
21:40.46JTso how do you tell whether it's an out of credit announcement, or the called party being bridged?
21:41.03masterm1ndhence the delay before bridging
21:41.11lenne_dkdoes the gsm announce the credit even if it is high? My network only announces if it is below 25kr, approx Eur 3.5
21:41.28masterm1ndthis is not really the issue
21:41.35masterm1ndthe route is heavily loaded
21:41.53masterm1ndand you can never gaurantee a particular credit level throughout the day
21:42.01masterm1ndso, as a failsafe mechanism
21:42.06lenne_dkIf you delay the setup always, you might cut off the start of the call
21:42.11masterm1ndI want the gateway to surpress out of credit announcements
21:42.36JTi still think you must be able to tell the difference if you want to handle them differently
21:42.49masterm1ndJT/all ..
21:42.55lenne_dkI have a send/expect script which logs on to my gsm-suppliers webpage to read the balance
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21:43.12vlt|homeHello. I need some help configuring zaptel.conf and zapata.conf to run a QuadBRI card. I loaded the qozap module successfully. But after running `ztconf` I get lots of "CRC error for HDLC frame" messages. Maybe that's no problem but I don't know how to access the ports from extensions.conf. When I do a call on one of the BRI lines nothing happens (in *CLI). The error log:
21:43.13masterm1ndif I can setup the call within the allowed 7-9s delay, then the call gets switched
21:43.17masterm1ndany longer and it's dropped
21:43.20vlt|homeCan anyone help?
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21:43.42DocHollidayis there an  asterisk 1.4 install manual somewhere?
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21:44.03masterm1ndlenne_dk .. no such facility on T-Mob UK
21:44.31JTmasterm1nd: doesn't that mean up to 9 seconds of the call could be dead air for the callED party?
21:44.49lenne_dkCan you "recharge" your account over the web?
21:45.06JTvlt|home: crc errors aren't good
21:45.10masterm1ndJT .. no
21:45.23masterm1ndso really, if the call can be setup within 9 seconds, we switch
21:45.39masterm1ndi.e up to 9 seconds to setup the call is acceptable
21:45.46masterm1ndany longer, and it's an announcement
21:45.46vlt|homeJT: So I should first get rid of them before trying to do anything in extensions.conf, right?
21:46.06JTmasterm1nd: if an out of credit announcement is played, does the call not go to SETUP, or not fast?
21:46.18masterm1ndaha .. not fast
21:46.19JTvlt|home: yes, how often do they happen?
21:46.41masterm1ndso really, if the call gets setup in less than 9 seconds, then it is not an announcement
21:46.48JTmasterm1nd: i'm seriously not sure if asterisk can do that
21:47.46masterm1ndI thought there was a T variable somewhere, which allowed you to set a maximum limit on dials
21:47.48vlt|homeJT: Saw the logfile I pasted? Every 4-5 seconds on each (of the connected) ports
21:48.28lenne_dkThe demo on shows you can top up and see the credit balance.
21:49.04lenne_dkSo it should be possible to script a balance check and either top up, or call somebody to do it automatically.
21:49.25JTmasterm1nd: i think the timeout variable waits for an extension to be answered, not for pri SETUP
21:49.45masterm1ndwell, PRI is just an extention. that bit works.
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21:50.30JTyou want a timeout for PRI SETUP, i'm saying i don't think asterisk can handle this case
21:50.36masterm1ndlenne_dk: can you perhaps give me your send/expect script and the associated config in asterisk to invoke it ?
21:50.57JTgive, lol, i'd think i'd be worth money :)
21:51.16masterm1ndok, not give.
21:51.26masterm1ndjust how do you invoke a script pre-dial ?
21:51.29lenne_dkWouldn't help you much, because I use the danish provider CBB.
21:52.19masterm1ndbut how do you invoke it before dialing every call ?
21:52.22JTyou might need to hack on zaptel/libpri to get what you want
21:52.24masterm1ndwhere do you call it from ?
21:53.47masterm1ndJT .. that's what I was afraid of
21:53.47vlt|homeJT: When I first plugged in the BRI card into my asterisk machine (ubuntu) an older hisax driver (now blacklisted) loaded. I could see every incoming call in syslog so I assume it's not a hardware problem ...
21:53.47masterm1ndbut .. if I can ballance check before dialing, then that's problem solved
21:53.47JTvlt|home: did you patch qozap?
21:53.48lenne_dkIt's actually a shell-script which "logs in" with wget. Then parse the amount with perl to deduce the amount to top up, then use the output as post-variables to wget again.
21:54.03lenne_dkI don't use it for the gsm gateway.
21:54.10vlt|homeJT: Yes, I applied a patch I found for using Beronet cards with Junghanns driver and patched that again for using it with my QuadBRI clone with different vendor ID ...
21:54.17masterm1ndthat's fine, but what I am curious about is the asterisk integration
21:54.37JTvlt|home: so what's plugged into it?
21:56.24vlt|homeJT: It's an HFC4S based "4xS0" card that looks like a Beronet but is mentioned in Junghanns's qozap source as "CologneChip HFC-4S evaluation board".
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21:56.33lenne_dkHowever, that might be possible. what I DO do prior to a call is have a agi-call log on to my voip-provider, which have a price-lookup page. I read the per-minute price of the call, (cache the result), then only allow the calls from certain phones, if the price is too high.
21:56.38JTah ok, did we speak before?
21:56.49vlt|homeJT: Yes it's me again :(
21:56.51vanumoi have a question about chan_cellphone
21:57.27JTvlt|home: what's plugged into the card?
21:57.44vanumoi have connect my cellphone to asterisk via bluetooth over chan_cellphone i can make outgoing calls but i can't get incominng calls from gsm to my sip phone ?`
21:58.24lenne_dkmasterm1nd: But the simple solution is to just make sure the credit is high to cover a days worth of calls. :-)
21:58.36vlt|homeJT: port 1 and 2 is connected to telco's NT, port 3 to one of my ISDN pbx's "internal S0" ports.
21:58.43mafkeesvanumo: unload, set debugging to 3, load, call your gsm and catch the DEBUG logging lines
21:58.51JTvlt|home: port 4 to nothing?
21:58.55masterm1ndlenne_dk, trust me it's not always possible with a large number of gws
21:58.55mafkeesattach that to the ticket on
21:59.06vlt|homeJT: port 4 to nothing, right.
21:59.37JTvlt|home: port 3 is setup wrong, it needs to be in NT mode
21:59.43lenne_dkWouldn't it be simpler and cheaper to have billed cards instead of prepaid cards?
21:59.50JTwhat sort of cables are you using, vlt|home ?
21:59.53vlt|homeJT: No, I don't think so.
22:00.18vlt|homeJT: It's plugged into a "client S0" where ISDN phones are connected
22:00.27JTalso make sure you use the correct line signalling, PTMP vs PTP
22:00.44JToh ok, might work then
22:00.49vanumomafkees why ?  i think this is only a part in extensions conf
22:00.56vlt|homeJT: ordinary ISDN cables, not longer than 2 metres, provided by the card vendor, I remember.
22:00.56lenne_dkOr don't the GSM-company like gateways, and shut down the cards when they discover them?
22:01.08masterm1ndlenne_dk: exactly
22:01.24masterm1ndnot only that, you also remain liable for the contract even tough they cut you off
22:01.30mafkeesah, if it's an extensions.conf problem you can see that when you do: core set verbose 255
22:01.35masterm1ndso it's a reall pain in the ass
22:02.01vanumomafkees have you an sample configuration for incoming calls from chan_cellphone?
22:02.27mafkeesI want to test it, but I cant get it to work on my ibook
22:03.30vanumoexten => Cell/David,1,Dial,SIP/30|30|r this have i entry for incoming calls from chan_cellphone ?
22:03.48vlt|homeJT: The card appears as "BeroNet BN4S0 card" in the qozap debug because I didn't change that string in the source when modifying it to match my vendor id ...
22:03.58*** part/#asterisk masterm1nd (n=worldent@
22:04.16mafkeeshuh ?
22:04.22JTi think it was a reference design
22:04.23mafkeesexten => Cell/David ?
22:05.22vanumoi think this false but i don`t know what i should be entry ?
22:05.24JTvlt|home: is termination switched on the ports?
22:05.34JTvlt|home: and are you using the correct topology setting?
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22:06.41mafkeesvanumo: try this:
22:06.52mafkeesfor the phone entry in cellphone.conf
22:06.58mafkeesgive it some context
22:07.03mafkeesin that context:
22:07.25mafkeesexten => _X.,1,Verbose(1,Call from cellphone to number ${EXTEN})
22:07.59mafkeesexten => _X.,n,Goto(some_context_where_your_sip_phone_is|extension_for_your_sip_phone)
22:08.13mafkeesthat way it will show you the exten you can use for that phone
22:09.18vlt|homeJT: On all ports the card is one of two ISDN clients on the bus (client 1 on the telco's NTs is the pbx, client 1 on the pbx's bus is an ISDN phone). What does "topology setting" mean?
22:09.33lenne_dkmasterm1nd: I might accept the challenge of writing a script to check the balance on a t-mobile card. For the price of a sim with £10.
22:10.02vanumook sip i call local as context
22:10.13JTvlt|home: there are 2 isdn modes, Point to Point (PTP) and Point to MultiPoint (PTMP)
22:10.16vanumoi can use für cell maybe cell as context ?
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22:10.26JTvlt|home: check with your provider and pabx settings
22:10.48JTlenne_dk: he left
22:11.03mafkeesvanumo: yeah
22:11.25JerJermafkees:  Verbose?   i always use NoOP
22:11.36lenne_dkDamn. :-) Can I write offline like yahoo so he gets it if he logs back on?
22:11.48mafkeesJerJer: yeah, but I like my pbx to run at: core set verbose 1
22:11.52mafkeesyou wont see the noop
22:12.06mafkeeslenne_dk: gheh, nope
22:12.08JerJerok - good point
22:12.10vlt|homeJT: zapata.conf is set to "p2mp TE mode (for connecting ISDN lines in point-to-multipoint mode)": signalling = bri_cpe_ptmp
22:12.11mafkeeslenne_dk: they call it email
22:12.24JTJerJer: yeah Verbose allows you to set the level it appears at
22:12.35JTvlt|home: check with your telco
22:12.45vlt|homeJT: But the errors occur already before loading ...
22:13.18JTok, umm, pastebin zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
22:13.22vlt|homeJT: So maybe it's one of zaptel.conf's settings .. I'll paste...
22:13.52JTvlt|home: is termination enabled in the card and on the NT1?
22:14.00lenne_dkmafkees: email needs something called a domain. You know, the thing on the right of @
22:14.19lenne_dkDo you know that?
22:14.21vanumomafkees you mean it so : [lokal]
22:14.21vanumo; Erreichbarkeit der Nebenstellen 30-39
22:14.21vanumo; untereinander herstellen
22:14.21vanumoexten => _3X,1,NoCDR()
22:14.21vanumoexten => _3X,n,Dial,SIP/${EXTEN}|55|Ttr
22:14.21vanumoexten => _9X.,1,Dial(CELL/David/${EXTEN:1},45,tT)
22:14.23vanumoexten => _9X.,n,Hangup
22:14.27vanumoexten => _X.,1,Verbose(1,Call from cellphone to number ${EXTEN})
22:14.29vanumoexten => _X.,n,Goto(lokal|30)
22:14.41mafkeesyeah exactly
22:14.44JTvanumo: oi!
22:14.44mafkeesthat should work
22:15.01mafkeesif you put 'context => cell' in your cellphone.conf
22:15.02vanumosorry JT
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22:15.19jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
22:15.23JT< mafkees> lenne_dk: gheh, nope
22:15.38JTthat's not so, you CAN send messages to people for when they logon
22:15.44JTif they are registered
22:15.46mafkeesfor real ?
22:15.55JTand you cannot get in this channel without being registered
22:16.11mafkeesah, freenode has memoserv
22:16.28vlt|homeJT: On the NT: yes. (NT <---> pbx and pbx <---> isdn phone work fine) On the card I don't know. Is it a qozap option?
22:16.42JTno it is usually a hardware jumper
22:16.50vanumomafkees what do you mean with call from cellphone to number ?
22:17.03JT2 metre cable will probably cause tonnes of reflections with insufficient termination
22:17.16mafkeesvanumo: it will tell you what the 'exten => some_nr' should be
22:17.24mafkeesit's just information
22:17.32mafkeesto get the right exten for it
22:17.37mafkeesyou now have Cell/dave
22:17.43mafkeesthat is not working for incoming calls
22:17.49mafkeesit needs to be the correct extension
22:17.54mafkeesbut because you dont know it
22:17.59mafkeesthis little trick will tell you
22:18.16vanumothe correct extensions will be the number of cellphone ?
22:19.01vlt|homeJT: I think hardware is configured fine because it kinda worked with the automatically loaded hisax or whatever driver (forgot the name) .. "works" means I could see what was happening on the D channels (calls, caller IDs, dialled MSNs ...)
22:19.02vanumothe context in cellphone.conf is David ;-)
22:19.23JTvlt|home: do a zttest then
22:20.13vanumoi am to stupid for it *grml*
22:20.48mafkeesvanumo: I have no idea
22:20.50mafkeestry it
22:21.57mafkeesvlt|home: what side is not working ?
22:22.07mafkeesthe NT => pbx or the pbx => phone ?
22:22.32vlt|homeJT: "Opened pseudo zap interface, measuring accuracy..." Then "8192 samples in 16383 sample intervals 0.012207%" or "... 0.000000%", one line a second ... counting ...
22:23.06JTyou must ctrl c to stop
22:23.12JTwhat is average
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22:23.25JTwhat comes up the most, and what are the LOWEST numbers you see?
22:23.42vlt|homeJT: 98 passes: Best: 0.012207 -- Worst: -0.012207 -- Average: 0.003737
22:23.53JTvlt|home: something is stuffed
22:23.57JTthose numbers are all wrong
22:24.07JTit should be percentages, 99%+
22:24.35JTi think maybe it's the wrong version of zttest or something, it's just not parsing the data right
22:26.12vlt|homemafkees: I can't access the ports of the QuadBRI card from asterisk.
22:27.20mafkeesI use them on several locations
22:27.31JTvlt|home: it's misleading to say QuadBRI
22:27.41JTit's a 4 port BRI card, possibly reference design
22:27.45vlt|homemafkees: It's a QuadBRI clone, actually
22:28.00mafkeesI only use normal quadbri cards
22:28.55vlt|homemafkees: It's HFC-4S based, too, and looks like a beronet card ;-)
22:29.19mafkeeswhat did you try ?
22:29.22mafkeesbristuff I guess
22:29.28vlt|homemafkees: Yes
22:29.34mafkeesdid you try misdn ?
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22:29.59JTvlt|home: so you still have no idea where the card came from?
22:29.59mafkeesif you load the, what does it say in dmesg ?
22:30.03vlt|homemafkees: I wanted to but the folks here tried to stop me ;-)
22:30.44mafkeesthe folks here are good ;)
22:31.08mafkeesmaybe I missed part of the conversation
22:31.21mafkeesbut can you pastebin the dmesg output of 'modprobe qozap'
22:31.34vlt|homemafkees: That was two weeks ago ...
22:31.43mafkeesah, sorry
22:31.56vlt|homemafkees: Yes:
22:32.23vlt|homemafkees: It says "Beronet" because I didn't change that string in the qozap source ...
22:33.11mafkeesno need to
22:33.26vlt|homeJT: I didn't manage to look between the card in the lowest PCI slots and the atx case ;-) ... and the server never went down since then ...
22:33.29mafkeesif it finds the ports I really dont care what name it gives the card ;)
22:33.50vlt|homemafkees: Yes, I know, just wanted to prevent confusion ...
22:33.56mafkeeshhmm, the infamous hdlc crc errors
22:34.03JTvlt|home: so you still can't explain how this card just appeared in the server? i find that very strange
22:36.24vlt|homeJT: Maybe it appeared a bit strange to you that I didn't know the card's vendor (you thought something like inheritated I remember) ... I bought this card from our VoIP store as an "Asterisk 4xS0 card"
22:36.34vlt|home... DOT C N ;-)
22:36.54jqlgood that you buy from reputable sources
22:37.01jqland not something that fell off the truck. :)
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22:37.52DocHollidayi cant seem to find the package bison-devel is it important for asterisk 1.4?
22:38.19KuJaXDoes anyone have any comments or experience with Sangoma FXO PCI with Echo Cancellation?  Worth the extra cost over Digium?
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22:40.05mafkeesvlt|home: you mailed that company to ask for help ?
22:40.16mafkeesdumb question, I know
22:40.27vlt|homemafkees, JT: I think I should call him again, tomorrow.
22:40.56vlt|homemafkees: He said he had a lot of customers using the card successfully with *
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22:41.06JTvlt|home: check the termination jumpers, try using longer cables
22:41.08mafkeesthe hdlc crc errors mostly come from bad cables
22:41.32JTa normal ethernet straight through cable will be fine
22:41.46vlt|homemafkees: Why did the folks here advise not to use misdn?
22:41.54JTvlt|home: make sure the termination jumpers are on
22:42.18mafkeesmisdn is a lot of work to setup
22:42.33JTthat and i't alpha-code level software
22:43.44vlt|homeJT: Can you imagine the card working (at least reading D channel) with wrong termination jumpers or bad cables when using the other driver?
22:44.04DocHollidaydoes asterisk 1.4 have an extra sounds and addons package?
22:44.21JTvlt|home: hrm not sure
22:44.45vanumoi geht message that Cell/David sento in invalid extension `s`
22:44.46JTvlt|home: do you have zaptel and zapata pastebinned?
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22:45.16mafkeesvanumo: can you pastebin it ?
22:45.37VecIs development still occuring on asterisk 1.2, or only bug fixes etc ?
22:45.57JTvanumo: do you have an extension s?
22:46.33vanumono i have
22:46.45JTin the relevant context?
22:46.53JTEmleyMoor: haha, what's the point?
22:46.53vlt|homeJT: zaptel.conf (from the junghanns page):
22:47.22EmleyMoorJT: I have a rotary phone and might not always be able to get at something easier
22:47.26mafkeeshang on
22:47.37EmleyMoor(I rarely need call diversion, but I just cancelled BT's)
22:48.02JTEmleyMoor: do you actually have a sentimental liking for it or something?
22:48.16vlt|homeJT: zapata.conf (from junghanns, too):
22:48.21JTvlt|home: change all the x,x,3 bits to x,x,0
22:48.34JTvlt|home: so the third parameter, change them all to 0
22:48.41EmleyMoorThe rotary phone? I like its bell and bought it for its amplified handset
22:48.49vanumoi pastebin my extenions.conf
22:48.51JT3 is plain wrong, although i don't know if it makes any difference with bri
22:48.54mafkeesvlt|home: try this:
22:49.11EmleyMoorSomeone is trying to get me a Hull rotary phone - the one I've got is Post Officer
22:49.17EmleyMoorPost Office, even
22:49.27mafkeesvlt|home: that one is taken from a system that has the quadbri in production
22:49.37Carp1ManxPower: You still here?
22:49.39mafkeesjust ssh-ed in for it
22:50.15*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:50.19vanumo; --------------------------------------------------------------------
22:50.19vanumo; Es hat sich als gute Praxis erwiesen, die Inhalte der Datei
22:50.19vanumo; extensions.conf modular aufzubauen. Diese Praxis wollen
22:50.21vanumo; wir auch hier anwenden
22:50.27vanumo; Erreichbarkeit der Nebenstellen 30-39
22:50.29vanumo; untereinander herstellen
22:50.29mafkeesvanumo: NOT HERE !
22:50.31vanumoexten => _3X,1,NoCDR()
22:50.32mafkeespastebin it !
22:50.33vanumoexten => _3X,n,Dial,SIP/${EXTEN}|55|Ttr
22:50.35vanumoexten => _9X.,1,Dial(CELL/David/${EXTEN:1},45,tT)
22:50.37vanumoexten => _9X.,n,Hangup
22:50.40JTvanumo: stop pasting to channel
22:50.41vanumoexten => _X.,1,Verbose(1,David${EXTEN})
22:50.43vanumoexten => _X.,n,Goto(lokal/SIP|30)
22:50.45JTvanumo: you've been warned already
22:50.49vanumo; hier kommt der default-Context, in dem alle Geraete in der
22:50.51vanumo; Grundkonfiguration erstmal laufen.
22:50.53vanumo; Alle Geraete koennen sich gegenseitig anrufen
22:50.57vanumoinclude => lokal
22:50.59vanumoinclude => David
22:51.05vanumoexcuse me i want paste the link
22:51.16DocHollidayi got an error when compiling libpri about SELinux status
22:51.46EmleyMoorI only discovered today that it is valid to Goto a context which includes the context you actually need
22:51.51mafkeesDocHolliday: you should disable selinux
22:52.00DocHollidaycan anyone help me with a libpri selinux error
22:52.00Carp1Any idea's why I'm getting only 1-way audio on incoming calls?
22:52.16[TK]D-FenderCarp1 : First guess, NAT issue
22:52.28Carp1I dont think it should be an issue
22:52.29DocHollidaymafkees, any idea how i can do that? :P
22:52.39mafkeesehm, no
22:52.43vanumoin 10 minutes in my timezone it is 00:00
22:52.43mafkeesI never install it
22:52.47Carp1I forwarded the ports defined in rtp.conf
22:52.54EmleyMoorIs there a program that can convert a table on a web page into something like CSV?
22:53.18mafkeesEmleyMoor: shouldn't be too hard to code
22:53.21KnowWhatwow, EmleyMoor, if you find one let me know
22:53.24Carp1I've added localnet to sip.conf and I tried to add externip but then it wouldnt let me recieve any incomgin calls.
22:53.29[TK]D-FenderCarp1 : Lots more to do than jsut that...
22:53.30*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
22:53.38EmleyMoorI want a SIPBroker code list in domain name order
22:53.58JTEmleyMoor: yes there is a program
22:54.08JTEmleyMoor: don't laugh, it's called microsoft excel
22:54.09Carp1Maybe you could point me in the right direction?
22:54.11KnowWhatJT: which one is that
22:54.26JTi've pasted stuff from html tables into excel
22:54.40KnowWhatJT: does that open html table into it
22:54.50KnowWhatJT: ahhh he wants to get rid of copy pasting i thought
22:54.57VecDocHolliday : y not disable selinux ?
22:54.59JTno, i copy it with web browser, paste into excel
22:55.03JTthat's a little harder :)
22:55.07JTbut doable
22:55.27DocHollidayVec, i want to :P
22:56.00VecDocHolliday : it should not be too difficult : google disable selinux
22:56.07vanumomafkees do you have an idea ?
22:56.14vanumowhat have i wrong ?
22:56.15[TK]D-FenderCarp1 : pastebin the [general] section of your sip.conf
22:56.22*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
22:56.26DocHollidayVec, i got it
22:58.01Carp1ok...give me a oln phone
22:58.07EmleyMoorI just want it to work
22:58.16EmleyMoorCopy and paste won't work with that page
22:58.27JTwhat happens?
22:58.33JTis it actually a html table?
22:58.46EmleyMoorIt pastes the whole thing into 1 cell, so I suspect not
22:59.02vlt|homeJT, mafkees: I tried all suggestions: changed 3rd bit to 0, changed "span=2,2,..." to "span=2,0,..." ... no success ...
22:59.13JTvlt|home: damn
22:59.29JTEmleyMoor: what browser?
22:59.52EmleyMoorHmmm... it is
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23:00.49mafkeesDay changed to 26 Feb 2007
23:01.40Carp1I fixed the typo in externalip to enternip
23:01.59Carp1but right now I have it commented out because if I dont, it wont allow incoming calls,
23:02.03JTEmleyMoor: haven't tried with firefox, i used IE when i was successful
23:02.06vanumook thx good night
23:02.31JTmafkees: 10am here on the 26th
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23:03.37mafkeestry opera
23:04.18[TK]D-FenderCarp1 : Very important an missing in [general] : "nat=yes", "canreinvite=no", and make sure that typo's fixed
23:05.44Carp1I have canreinvite under [NuFone-in] now
23:06.05Carp1let me add nat=yes
23:06.24[TK]D-FenderCarp1 : add it to GENERAL.
23:07.03mafkeesthat way his phones will use that setting as well
23:07.10mafkeesmaybe that's not what he wants
23:07.14Carp1let me try this.
23:08.05Carp1Ok, I've made those changes and still getting one-way audio.
23:08.07JacksLivrWhat is generally considered to be the best OS to load asterisk on?
23:08.16Carp1Linux :)
23:08.29JacksLivri know everyone has their own distro fav
23:08.42JacksLivris fedora allroght?
23:08.53[TK]D-FenderCarp1 : Repastebin.  And what are you forwarding exactly?
23:09.02JTi think you mean distro, not os, JacksLivr
23:09.11[TK]D-FenderJacksLivr : Whatever youre most comfortable administering.
23:09.24JTCarp1: what device is doing NAT?
23:09.26Carp1im forwarding 10000 to 20000 to * server.
23:09.47Carp1I'm guessing my NuFone connection would be NAT right?
23:09.49[TK]D-FenderJT : Linux is not an OS per-se, only a kernel.  But thats a retarded semantic war jsut waiting to hapen.
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23:09.58mafkees2.6.20 has a state helper for sip ;)
23:09.59[TK]D-FenderCarp1 : What about SIp itself?
23:10.06[TK]D-FenderCarp1 : And what protocol?
23:10.07JT[TK]D-Fender: heh
23:10.26JT[TK]D-Fender: sounds like something an ESR fan would debate about
23:10.28JTomg gnu
23:10.58mafkeesthe only workable thing from gnu is gcc
23:11.09mafkees<--- not a linux fan
23:11.14Carp1[TK]D-Fender: I dont kn ow what you mean..
23:11.15JTmafkees: linux nat is pretty decent, i haven't actually needed the sip contracker so far, have you found it useful?
23:11.20Carp1sip is the protocol from NuFone.
23:11.31[TK]D-Fendermafkees : And Scrren, and a TON of other shit.  Never diss the people who got us all where we are.
23:11.32mafkeesJT: I never tried it
23:11.37JThe means did you forward tcp or udp?
23:11.56JacksLivrOh, I prolly have most experience with Fedora and FreeBSD
23:12.03[TK]D-FenderCarp1 : ...... I was silently hoping you'd think about the protocol for those PORTS <-
23:12.07mafkees[TK]D-Fender: I'm not dissing them, I simply say _I_ dont like linux and the gnu stuff
23:12.14JacksLivrif Fedora is allright, I'll just stick with learning a new app instead of a new distro
23:12.25mafkeesJacksLivr: indeed
23:12.38mafkeesFC can run asterisk, no problem
23:12.55JTzapp-branigan: the device you put the port forwards on...... what is it?
23:12.56KnowWhatyeah it can
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23:13.02KnowWhati dont know if it can run vicidial
23:13.05KnowWhatbut i hope it can
23:13.09JTCarp1: i mean
23:13.10JacksLivrthanks guys, I'll starting loading Fedora. I'm sure I'll be bugging you all again real soon ;-)
23:13.17JTCarp1: what device?
23:13.19KnowWhatbut i am always afraid of compiling through sources in fc
23:13.30mafkeesI run * on OpenBSD and I'm happy with it
23:14.01JTmafkees: run any hardware?
23:14.12mafkeesJT: ehm, cpu and stuff
23:14.16mafkeesbut no zaptel no
23:14.23JTasterisk related...
23:14.35mafkeesI dont need zaptel
23:14.38JacksLivri have a 4 port fxs fxo card
23:14.55mafkeesJT: why should I need zaptel ?
23:15.08JTif you're only doing voip, you don't
23:15.20JTi do realise that
23:15.31JTopenbsd may have issues if you need to run hardware
23:15.35mafkeesthere's a reason pstn is called pstn
23:15.41JacksLivrFC run hardware allright?
23:15.48mafkeesJacksLivr: yes
23:15.49JTJacksLivr: yes, it's linux
23:16.01JTthe drivers are all written for linux
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23:16.14JTmafkees: eh, what about the pstn?
23:16.22mafkeesif I need an analog or isdn landline I use an FXO
23:16.43JTthat's one option
23:17.19mafkeesI have a couple of installs on linux because customers wanted their pstn connected directly to the box
23:17.40mafkeesbut my preferred setup is asterisk under systrace on openbsd with ATA
23:18.32JacksLivrallright, last question and if off to build.... with FC, should i compile all the stuff from source or look into yum for the installs?
23:18.53mafkeesgrab the sources
23:18.54[TK]D-FenderJacksLivr : Use the Source Luke!
23:19.06mafkeesknow the force, read the source
23:19.47JacksLivr[TK]D-Fender: wow, that was white and nerdy ;-)
23:20.29JTmafkees: locally attached hardware has the potential to be more flexible than ATAs
23:20.49JTmafkees: but most people don't need that flexibility
23:21.00Opperiorif you are only receiving calls via IAX and SIP, is there a difference between "s" and "_." extensions as your starting point in your starting context?
23:21.06JTalso PRI SIP gateways are super expensive
23:23.06JacksLivrapparently i am not done asking advice ;-) 1.2 or 1.4?
23:24.34*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
23:26.15*** join/#asterisk Dovid (n=Dovid@
23:26.18Dovidmorning all
23:27.15JTCarp1: what device is doing the nat and port forwarding?
23:27.21mafkeesJT: pri cards are too
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23:27.38JTmafkees: have you actually priced both?
23:27.44JTmafkees: the difference is ridiculous
23:27.46mafkeessame price
23:27.56JTyeah maybe if you get the redfone
23:28.04JTbut what abut SIP ones
23:28.15DocHollidayhi guys i disabled selinux however libpri wont install because it seems to think its enabled :)
23:28.16mafkeesredfone works
23:28.22JTwhere can you get cheap SIP gateways with hardware ec?
23:28.26JTit has no hardware ec
23:28.51mafkeesJT: the pri cards with hardware ec are freaking expensive as well
23:28.52vlt|home"y-y-y-o-o-u-r-r    c-c-a-l-l-l-l   i-i-s-s    n-n-o-w-w-w      f-f-i-r-r-r-s-t     i-n-n       l-l-l-i-n-e-e ..." after I upgraded asterisk to "v1.2.14-BRIstuffed-0.3.0-PRE-1x". Where to look first for the reason?
23:29.13mafkeesget the y version
23:29.22mafkeesthat's your first action
23:29.49vlt|homemafkees: really?
23:30.03JTvlt|home: maybe bad zaptel timing, but your zttest was giving erroneous results
23:30.11JTvlt|home: probably not necessary to upgrade
23:30.21mafkeesI would upgrade anyways
23:30.23mafkeesit's easy
23:30.28mafkeestar zxvf
23:30.38JTmafkees: umm, what's the cheapest pri sip gateways you've seen?
23:30.44JTmafkees: nope, he must patch qozap
23:30.47JTnot easy
23:30.47mafkees500 euro
23:30.49DocHollidayanyone know a workaround for libpri?
23:30.55JTmafkees: what brand?
23:31.04JTmafkees: what about quad pri with hardware ec?
23:31.07mafkeescant remember
23:31.18DocHollidayits disabled but it think its enabled :)
23:31.34mafkeesnever used the hardware ec
23:31.43mafkeesmg2 is doing the job for me
23:31.48JTmafkees: the quintums run at USD$16k or something outrageous
23:31.49vlt|homeJT: I disabled zap for now. I'm connected via chan_sip now. Btw: moh (native and gsm files) plays fine ...
23:32.04edgecasewhy would chan_bluetooth fail to link to str2ba() in ?
23:32.14mafkeesedgecase: wrong versions
23:32.19JTchan_bluetooth is unmaintained i believe
23:32.29edgecaseyeah i'm fixing it up for * 1.4.0
23:32.43JTis the new one
23:32.47edgecasei wonder if str2ba() moved to a different lib
23:32.52JTby all reports a lot better
23:32.59edgecasei thought it only did AG, not headsets?
23:33.10JTheadsets is in the pipeline
23:33.50mafkeesthere's the new chan_cellphone
23:34.02JTmafkees: is mg2 the default?
23:34.05Dovidwhats new about it ?
23:34.21JTmafkees: anyway, the pri cards are waaay cheaper than anything like a quintum
23:34.31JTDovid: the fact it's a totally new channel driver
23:34.57DovidJT: not from the coding aspect but what does it to better that the old one didnt do ?
23:35.01mafkeesJT: in 1.4 it's the default yeah
23:35.13mafkeesand yeah, the quintum is expensive
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23:35.22DovidJT: does it work for 1.2 ?
23:35.29mafkeesI have to admit that for most pri setups we use the sangoma cards
23:35.31JTDovid: i think so
23:35.54mafkeesbut we have only a couple of those
23:36.02mafkeesmost setups have IAX2 setups
23:36.11JTmafkees: you can buy 2 pri cards and computers and a layer 1 failover box for the price of a quintum
23:36.34lenchonewbie question. I want an Asterisk server that I would like to connect to the PSTN line. I need some calls that Asterisk receives through IP to be routed to PSTN line. Asterisk will be connected to internal line. To access exnernal line I need dial "9".
23:37.36DocHollidaycan someone tell me based on my libpri output if libpri successfully compiled?
23:37.55mafkeesDocHolliday: pastebin it
23:37.56JerJerDocHolliday:  does it say Error ?
23:38.07DocHollidaythe install script isnt giving me much to work with :P
23:38.53*** part/#asterisk mog (
23:39.05DocHollidayanyone willing to look at my pastebin *please*
23:39.44mafkeeslink ?
23:40.03mafkeesdamn, I should smoke less
23:40.16DocHollidaymafkees, ^^ Thansk!
23:40.26DocHollidayjust pasted, *thanks
23:40.44JerJerthat is a successful install
23:40.48[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Well I don't SEE any errors.  How about getting off your ass and trying to compile Zaptel? ;)
23:40.51mafkeesthat is a nice install
23:41.11DocHollidaymafkees, heh the link is above.. lots will kill you before smoking
23:41.41Dovidsmokin is great... it keeps the world movin ;)
23:41.48DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, LOL i just did :)
23:41.51mafkeeswell, smoking cigarette 32 of today.....
23:42.10Dovidhehe. for me it depends on the stress level
23:42.34edgecaseJT, i only saw a brief mention of headset support in that forum.  so here i fixed all the warnings and errors, just 1 linker problem remains for chan_bluetooth
23:42.41mafkeesDovid: that's the freaky part. not stessed at all today
23:42.53Doviddepends on the mood i guess.
23:43.04mafkeesI need a fax
23:43.08Dovidmy ex C**** is gettin married tonight so i am up in smoke
23:43.16JTedgecase: the developer for chan_cellphone hangs around in here and -dev
23:43.31JTedgecase: Qwell is working on headset support too
23:43.44mafkeesQwell is working on a lot of stuff
23:43.47mafkees(I hope)
23:43.48JTmafkees: a sip fax?
23:43.59mafkeesJT: any fax will do
23:44.12JTsip fax will help increase stress
23:44.27jbothmm... t38 is see for a decent overview of how it all works, no, it's not ready yet, we'll let you know. a really lousy spec. a lightweight fighter, also known as the Talon
23:44.27mafkeesI need to get my disclaimer to digium
23:44.34mafkeesbut since I dont have a landline
23:44.41mafkeesand no mail->fax services
23:44.50Dovidmakfees: i think u can email one it
23:44.55JTman having no landline would suck
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23:45.16mafkeesDovid: I asked mog, he told me: 'fax or plain-old-snail-mail'
23:45.25DocHollidayi seem to have a lot of errors when doing a make linux with mpg1213
23:45.53mafkeesDocHolliday: that's because mpg12313 is not the program you need ;)
23:46.00mafkeessorry, couldn't resist
23:46.05DocHollidaymafkees, 123 :P
23:46.17mafkeesI said sorry
23:46.19DocHollidaymafkees, dont blame ya
23:46.29DovidDoc: use native
23:46.38Doviddont use mpg123 anymore
23:46.42mafkeesme neither
23:46.46mafkeesI use native as well
23:46.53Dovidbtw any admins here for the bot ?
23:47.01Dovid~t38 is no longer an article
23:47.03jbot...but t38 is already something else...
23:47.03DocHollidayis that a separate program or built-in to asterisk?
23:47.16Dovidit just goes here
23:47.35Dovidsome one realized that thier link is used a lot and they prob. took it down for a link to make $$$$
23:47.57JTDovid: i think anyone can modify it
23:48.05DocHollidaymafkees, is 'native' built in or a separate app?
23:49.00DovidJT: how is that done ?
23:49.12DovidDocHoliday: built in to the asterisk add-ons
23:49.22JTDovid: no jbot, t38 is blah blah blah
23:49.34JTor maybe it's jbot no
23:49.47Dovidu just dont install mpg123 and u compile asterisk and then asterisk add ons
23:50.15DocHollidaymafkees, thanks for all the help thus far.. ;)
23:50.25mafkeesDocHolliday: no problem :)
23:50.58vlt|homemafkees: upgrade to 1y solved the p-p-p-r-r-r-o-b-b-l-l-l-e-m-m-m, thanks.
23:51.17DocHollidaythe install is really quick on a dual 2.4 :P
23:51.18mafkeesvlt|home :) it solved that for me as well, that's why I told you
23:51.31JTvlt|home: is that voip or qozap problem?
23:51.40mafkeesJT: bristuff problem
23:51.50JTfor voip or qozap
23:51.54vlt|homeJT: I disabled (qo)zap completely for today ...
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23:51.56JTis it only with x?
23:52.06mafkeesyeah, only X
23:52.10mafkeesas far as I tested
23:52.15DocHollidaywhat software do people typically use for TFTP on linux?
23:52.16mafkeesbut I did not test all of them
23:52.30Dovidi only use ftp
23:52.31mafkeesDocHolliday: I use tftpd package form debian
23:52.32vlt|homeDocHolliday: tftp
23:53.00mafkeesbut that's only when there's no bsd box present
23:53.26*** join/#asterisk Phel (
23:53.41DocHollidayused to loading all the firmware off a windows box.. times change i guess
23:54.14DovidDoc: goto learn the linux
23:54.20Dovid3 years ago i didnt know anything
23:54.23Phel[TK]D-Fender: FYI, specifying the router's real IP addr seems to help (I get further) but still no registration
23:54.29Dovidnow i am almost married to linux ;)
23:54.39Doviddoc: what kinda phones r u using ?
23:54.40mafkeesDovid: been there as well
23:54.42JTthey're sharing an apartment
23:54.44PhelWhat will you be doing on your honeymoon
23:54.53mafkeesbut I broke up with linux and moved in with OpenBSD
23:55.04DocHollidaydo you guys find asterisk-addons for asterisk 1.4 worthwhile?
23:55.10mafkeesDocHolliday: yeah
23:55.21Dovidnah. centos is my gal
23:55.22mafkeesformat_mp3 and cdr_mysql
23:55.27Dovidi am still on 1.2
23:55.30DocHollidayits taking longer to compile then asterisk
23:55.37mafkeesall my production boxes are 1.2 as well
23:55.44mafkeesI wont run 1.4 in production right now
23:55.50Dovidme neither
23:56.07DocHollidaymafkees, this box is going production (1.4) what do you do if you need T.38?
23:56.13Dovidbug tracker has been busy - i would play with it but i am not a coder and i wouldnt know whats wrong
23:56.27mafkeesDocHolliday: I never played with t38
23:56.33mafkeesas far as I know it's not ready
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23:56.45mafkeesthere is passthru support, but that's it
23:57.02PhelIs there  a good forum for discussing general SIP clients?
23:57.20Dovidalso i have not seen many providers that support T.38 well that i would use it
23:57.29DocHollidaymafkees, am i going to regret using 1.4 for production? (small setup)
23:57.32DocHollidayall i need is passthru :)
23:57.46DovidPhel: try wiki but more info on phones
23:57.52Doviddoc: i would still stay wit 1.2
23:57.58mafkeesDocHolliday: I run svn trunk here at home and it's working fine, but I wont use it in customer production setups
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23:58.24PhelI basically need a place to ask ppl to help me get my SIP softfone to work
23:58.37mafkeesPhel: did you google ?
23:58.47mafkeesstill no answer ?
23:58.50DocHollidaymafkees, mind if I pm you?
23:58.52DovidPhel: what kinda phone ?
23:58.59mafkeesDocHolliday: go ahead :)
23:59.08vlt|homemafkees: Didn't patch qozap this time (while installing 1y). Now I loaded qozap module, ran ztconf (with junghanns's zaptelconf) and got no CRC errors by now. I think I'm a little too anxious to load chan_zap now ;-)  What doeas happen to other cards than genuine QuadBRI with the driver?
23:59.09PhelI mean, I'm set up properly according to 3 different places instructions
23:59.36Dovidso it can be an issue that u r lookin over
23:59.42mafkeesvlt|home: what other cards do you have ?
23:59.59PhelDovid: lol at me?  y?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.