irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070224

00:00.04EmleyMoorCheaper on VoIP for me during daytime
00:00.07delmarBananaskin, this seems the case in many places these days.
00:00.35delmaranyway.. does anyone have a solution for me with regards spandsp ? i just need to get my hands on it and the site is down.. maybe someone can email me, or upload to somewhere ?
00:01.10delmarEmleyMoor, let me tell you what settings i have on my tdm400 ...
00:01.34delmarEmleyMoor, obviously echocancel=yes
00:01.56delmarEmleyMoor, echocancelwhenbridged=yes
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00:02.05delmarEmleyMoor, echotraining=800
00:02.08EmleyMoorI found that makes matters worse
00:02.15Bananaskinhmmm, I was advised to disabled whenbridged
00:02.42delmarEmleyMoor, did you modify the source and change the echo canceler or leave the code as default?
00:03.22delmari also have..
00:03.23EmleyMoordelmar: I did not alter that part of the code
00:03.41InHisNamewhat should I expect from testfeatures item in the features.conf file?  I changed the code from #9 to #29 but I seem to have no response.
00:04.08delmarEmleyMoor, ok.  There are other echocans you can try, but usually the TXgain directly effects the amount of self echo you hear.
00:04.25delmarthe lower the TXgain the better, but not so low that the other party can't hear you.
00:04.59EmleyMoorI've just turned txgain down to -3
00:05.01delmarlast time I played with spandsp, i found i needed to mess with the rx/tx to get fax send/receive working..
00:05.07delmarbut then.. the trade off was.. increased echo
00:05.10delmarso u cant win :P
00:05.34delmarEmleyMoor, have you used the fxotune utility?
00:06.02EmleyMoordelmar: Yes, it ran very quickly though so I am not sure
00:06.08elriahAnyone here use Vitelity?  I wroke a pretty extensive PHP class for their web API if anyone needs it.
00:06.11delmarEmleyMoor, how quick?
00:06.34delmarEmleyMoor, not good.
00:06.45delmarEmleyMoor, it takes a minute or so for each FXO
00:06.55EmleyMoorOK, how do I make it work?
00:08.03EmleyMoorI'm doing it now
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00:08.09EmleyMoorIt's working this time
00:08.43EmleyMoorOnce I've tuned it, do I have to take action to keep the tuning or is it self-remembering?
00:09.21delmarEmleyMoor, if u reload your modules at all, you need to do fxotun -s /etc/fxotune.conf
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00:09.40delmarfxotune -s /etc/fxotune.conf  *
00:10.40psyferrehey, folks... anyone have a moment to help with a new installation issue?  I'm SO very close to having this done and working, but for some reason I can't get the IVR to answer incoming calls, or outgoing calls to get anything but a busy signal !  I'm sure everything else will fall into place if I can figure that out
00:11.07EmleyMoorIt seems to have been running for several minutes now
00:11.08delmarthe echo might be on your FXS more than the FXO.. you need to test them separately.  I suggest you use a SIP client .. either a SIP hardphone or a SIP softphone.. when testing the FXO and FXS ports.
00:11.17RyushinCan I use zaptel-1.4 with asterisk-1.2?
00:11.18delmarEmleyMoor, yes it does take a long time
00:11.29EmleyMoorSIP-FXO echoes worse!
00:11.35elriahpsyferre: Pastebin your extensions.conf
00:11.44EmleyMoor"about a minute per FXO"?
00:11.54delmarEmleyMoor, even longer
00:12.30EmleyMoorDoes it not give a progress indication?
00:12.45*** join/#asterisk diclophis-work (n=jbardin@
00:12.54diclophis-workare there notions of Arrays in asterisk variable types?
00:13.08Carp1if there a feature in asterisk to pick up another extension?  Like if the phone is ringing in the next office over and I hear it ringing, I want to pick up my phone and dial like 6XXX where XXX is the extension in the office next door...Say it was 200, I would dial 6200 and answer that call?
00:13.09ManxPowerdiclophis-work: No, but you can emulate it.  Want an example?
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00:13.19russellbthere is an ARRAY function somewhere
00:13.26ManxPowerCarp1: yes, it is called call pickup
00:13.40ManxPowerrussellb: 1.2 or 1.4?
00:13.40russellbmight be in 1.4 ... might be just trunk
00:13.40russellbnot 1.2
00:13.50ManxPowerI emulate simple arrays in 1.2
00:14.54delmarmy Asterisk and zaptel here is a bit old and i see new features in the fxotune app, so im gonna go upgrade mine.
00:15.29psyferrehmm.... outoing calls give me an "all circuits busy" message instead of a busy signal now
00:16.19Carp1With call pickup, can I define the ext I want to pick up?  I dont want to just pickup some random extresion
00:16.23elriahpsyferre: You connected to POTS or IP trunks?
00:16.29diclophis-workManxPower: please
00:17.04psyferreelriah, POTS if i'm not mistaken
00:17.05ManxPowerpay attention to the INDEX variable
00:17.24elriahpsyferre: Did you pastebin  your extensions.conf?
00:17.24diclophis-workthats exactlyu what i was gonna try to implement too
00:17.32psyferreelriah: yes,
00:17.48psyferresorry, didn't put your name in front of it up there, sorry :)
00:17.57elriahIs it FreePBX as the pastbin implies?
00:18.06psyferreyes.. installed trixbox
00:18.21russellbManxPower: that's cool
00:18.23elriahTry #tribox or #freepbx for help on these, I'm not familiar with them (sorry) ...
00:18.38psyferreokay, thank you for your time :)
00:18.42ManxPowerrussellb: it's %100 cosmetic, of course.  Not REAL arrays
00:19.16ManxPowerdiclophis-work: if you are using 1.4 I would suggest using it's built in real array stuff.
00:19.30diclophis-workManxPower: i am using 1.4
00:20.11Grnd-WireDoes anyone know anything about voxee ?
00:20.22ManxPowerdiclophis-work: then you can use my fake arrays or the built in 1.4 real arrays
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00:20.46diclophis-workManxPower: do you have an example of real arrays, the wiki only shows how to set them
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00:22.59EmleyMoorWhich side of the gain do the parameters affect?
00:23.44ManxPowerdiclophis-work: no.  I won't use 1.4 until I consider it "stable", and that won't happen for a while.
00:24.05EmleyMoorFor exa mple, does the RX side get affected by txgain or rxgain?
00:24.32ManxPowerrx is set using rxgain for that port
00:25.03EmleyMoorMine seems to be working backwards
00:25.09ManxPowerAsterisk gets stable enough for my use around the time the next release comes out.
00:25.15delmarEmleyMoor, if you increase the TXgain you are increasing the dB level of the audio sent out the FXO to the calling party, hence increasing the ech heard by you on the SIP end.
00:25.26ManxPowerEmleyMoor: easy enough to get confused.
00:26.00EmleyMoorSo, if the peak level is not high enough on the rx side, do I do the txgain?
00:26.09EmleyMoor(or the rxgain?)
00:26.09delmarEmleyMoor, increasing the RXgain therefore, will increase the volume of the caller, making them louder to you on the extension
00:26.10ManxPowerEmleyMoor: imagine this: rxgain=10  txgain=-5  fxoks=1  fxsks=2  Now what is the gain for a call to the pstn from the fxs thru the fxo?
00:27.08EmleyMoorI need this in reality
00:27.32delmardoes anyone here have a recent version of SpanDSP and the asterisk patch? i dont have it anymore and the main site is down.
00:27.42ManxPowerwell the rxgain for the fxs is 10 and the rxgain for the fxo is 10 so the total gain would be 20
00:27.52ManxPowersorry, that is wrong
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00:28.33ManxPowerthe rxgain for the fxs is 10 and the txgain for the fxo is -5 so your total gain caller -> pstn is 5
00:29.14Carp1Calls are coming in to asterisk via NuFone, but then I get a respons on the call saying "The user you are trying to reach is currently unreachable....
00:29.17EmleyMoorManxPower: Consider this: I have an FXO with which I am having problems tuning the audio. fxsen are irrelevant at this stage
00:29.20ManxPowerEmleyMoor: USUALLY you only need to fix the gains on the FXO, so you would want rxgain=10  txgain=-5  fxoks=1  rxgain=0  txgain=0 fxsks=2
00:29.23EmleyMoorNo matter what I do, the rx is too week
00:30.43ManxPowerCarp1: last time I used nufone the [nufone] section name must be EXACTLY as nufone says it should be including the correct caps
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00:31.30Carp1I have NuFone
00:31.47EmleyMoorTX is all over the place, RX is just plain too low
00:32.15Carp1ManxPower: I believe my caps are in the right places.
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00:32.57ManxPowerCarp1: looks like Nufone switched to SER, so my experience is not valid.
00:33.05ManxPowerCarp1: your paste looks like a registration not a call.
00:33.20Carp1Thats what happens when I try to call in.
00:33.34Carp1See at the bottom is says destroying call?
00:34.16Carp1I would ask their support if it didnt suck...
00:34.18diclophis-worki can wildcard #include right?
00:34.33wunderkineverything in sip is a call
00:34.34ManxPowerCarp1: a registration is considered a call
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00:35.01ManxPowerCSeq: 108 REGISTER means it is a register not an INVITE
00:35.20Carp1On NuFone member portal, there is a tutorial for outgoing calls...not incoming though :(
00:35.23ManxPowerdiclophis-work: I believe so
00:37.18EmleyMoorCan setting txgain too high cause silence to come back from the line?
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00:47.49EmleyMoorAnyone here got distinctive ring detection and caller ID working successfully together in the UK?
00:48.20ManxPowerDoes anyone have a user reference for Asterisk voicemail?
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00:48.44Grnd-WireManxPower: There's a decent one on VoIP info..
00:48.59Carp1So is anyone successfully recieving inbound NuFone calls? :)
00:50.11EmleyMoorI tried the patch many people in Australia found worked, and it doesn't work :-(
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00:55.35ManxPowerGrnd-Wire: I don't see it.  I see many config guides, but no simple, easy 1 page document to give to users that have trouble tieing their shoelaces
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00:56.14notoriousrabhey, anyone know how to reset a linksys ATA to factory settings, i have been locked out - password does not work
00:56.20kuku5Which OS should I use for 1.4 ?   I'm trying to decide between centos and redhat
00:56.31ManxPowerkuku5: which one do you like best?
00:57.01ManxPowerno matter which distro you pick, many people will tell you not to use it.
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00:57.22kuku5I want to use one and re use it :)
00:57.39kuku5I'm not a heavy user, so its hard to say which one I like. I don't like rpm's
00:57.52kuku5I like to compile things from scratch
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00:58.40JTkuku5: debian or gentoo
00:59.34EmleyMoorI think, apart from putting some of the wiring right and getting my wall phone up, I'm about done
01:00.57kuku5is centos basically a free version of redhat enterprise?
01:02.54kuku5so that is not better than debian ?
01:03.02JTimho, no
01:03.05JTit's rpm based
01:03.12JTand i don't like it much :)
01:05.12kuku5centos is rpm based?
01:08.41elriahcentos is redhat enterprise linux without the redhat commercial software.
01:09.02JTrpm = REDHAT Package Manager
01:09.06elriahUbuntu LTS 6.06 Server Edition is my favorite for Asterisk installs.
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01:11.15Strom_CJT: s/REDHAT/Ridiculous/
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01:12.40grinsbalucan someone help me with asterisk and sccp? i've installed asterisk out of the svn from and want to install chan_sccp2 from but getting these errors.. :/
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01:13.24elriahgrinsbalu: Is there a specific reason you're not using SIP?
01:13.24grinsbaluasterisk 1.4
01:13.33grinsbalucisco sccp phone
01:13.46elriahAhh.  Which phone? 79x1 or 79x0?
01:13.46EmleyMoorgrinsbalu: Onw
01:13.57grinsbaluno 0
01:14.11elriahI have the latest SIP firmware if you want it. It's pretty easy to upgrade.
01:14.14grinsbaluno 1
01:14.44grinsbaluthat would be nice too
01:14.46elriahThat's what we have, a bunch of 7941's.  Doesn't work with NAT without help, though.
01:14.52elriahDunno if skinny does.
01:15.08grinsbaluthx alot
01:17.20elriahJust fire up a TFTP server, change the SEP<mac>.cfg to suite you (and rename it with your phone(s) mac address, cycle the power on the phone while holding down #, when the lights blink enter 123456789*0#, and it will update.  Also, send option 66 or 150 in your dhcp to point to the IP of your tftpd.
01:17.43elriahAltering the XMLDefault.cnf.xml might help you, I didn't need to, just the phone specific file.
01:18.43elriahOh, in Asterisk 1.2.x-1.4.0, you'll need to alter chan_sip.c and take out the text "(0/0)" without the quotes and recompile that module and install it.
01:18.48elriahTo get MWI to work.
01:19.50elriahI like the phone a lot, but it doesn't like NAT.
01:20.03elriahThe quality, though, is what you would typically expect from Cisco.
01:20.29elriahOh, and the ringtones.xml is easy, just drop your PCM or WAVs in the tftpd dir and point to them in ringtones.xml
01:21.01elriahAs a joke today, we replaced everybody's ring with ducks quacking.  Mostly everyone got a kick out of it, mostly.
01:22.06diclophis-workhow would i play multiple fliles during a Read() ?
01:22.30grinsbaluback to watching futurama
01:22.43grinsbaluand waiting for the mail to arrive ;)
01:26.16*** join/#asterisk ez` (
01:29.14diclophis-workarg, its not possible to play multiple files during a Read
01:29.21diclophis-workhow would i make a multi file prompt
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01:35.14grinsbaluwell goin home
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01:40.42Carp1Does anyone know how to add 3 digit dialing to my digit map on a Polycom 501?
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02:11.04ZilasbI have serverA and serverB. Sip clients on both servers. How can A know about register information of sip user on B?
02:12.02ZilasbIs it possible?
02:14.18ManxPowerZilasb: no.
02:14.35ManxPowera calls b via b's server.  b's server then does what it does
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02:17.10ZilasbSo there no way A sip registered user to call B sip user locally?
02:18.11ZilasbManxPower: what I was thinking I could use same extension.conf file for both servers
02:18.32Carp1ManxPower: I dont understand those examples? How to I edit a.cfg file?  I have web based editing???
02:19.20ZilasbManxPower: and I was thinking if there is any other way from B server to bypass all the registry information to A... Would SER help me?
02:22.33ManxPowerCarp1: if you cannot edit a config file then you need to step away from the computer and find another hobby
02:23.10ManxPowerCarp1: you can look at the dial pattern section of the sip.cfg, paste that in your polycom "my first phone" web interface.
02:23.29ManxPowerZilasb: I know nothing about SER
02:25.36Zilasbmy thing is that I have 2 servers in other parts of the wolrd using literally same config files. I just need some kind of solution to be able to make calls in between sip users registered to other servers. Nothing comes to my head how to implement that
02:26.21backblueZilasb: dundi?
02:28.50ManxPowerCarp1: if you want to do anything complicated with the polycoms you will have to set up a tftp or ftp servers and have the phone download their configs from the server.
02:30.23clyrradManxPower: they support https too?
02:32.47backblueand more i think, but i dont remeber
02:33.09clyrradwhat you think of polycom vs sipura?
02:33.29backbluepolycom for me, it's the best phone on the market.
02:33.40clyrradwhy do you like it more than Sipura?
02:33.42ManxPowerclyrrad: the x01 series with new bootroms do support https
02:33.45Carp1ManxPower...I've never had a "real" IP phone before.....Grandstream a few years back....I dont know where the config files are...
02:34.12Carp1I goto the web interface, I've been through everything, I only see where you can edit valued via input boxes.
02:34.12backblueclyrrad: i was giving my opinion, i dont use sipura.
02:34.28clyrradCarp1: I missed the first part of your conversation, but if im on track with your question, you send the configs into the phones via FTP, TFT, HTTP, or HTTPS
02:34.32ManxPowerCarp1: they come with the firmware that you should get from polycom (2nd from the most recent versions) or your reseller (newest version)
02:34.59backblueclyrrad: no, the phones get them for you.
02:35.04Carp1I didnt get anything but a new phone and power cable and cat5 with PoE injector
02:35.10Carp1no CD or manuel.
02:35.18clyrradbackblue: even with out connection to a provisioning server?
02:35.24backblueCarp1: yeah, that's polycom :(
02:35.25Carp1Oh, the phone has an FTP server?
02:35.48backblueclyrrad: yes, you have to manually configure on the phone
02:35.57backblueto get the config from where it should be
02:36.06backblueCarp1: no.
02:36.15clyrradbackblue: ok but if he connected to a provisioning server it would do it all for him, would it not?
02:36.26backblueclyrrad: yes it will.
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02:36.32clyrradok cool
02:36.38clyrradso its like the Sipura products then
02:36.38backblueAnd does a very good job.
02:36.54backblueyes, all the professional line, of IP phones, do that.
02:36.56clyrradyea I use provisioning server for all our Sipura stuff and it works great
02:37.40Carp1Ok....I know I'm sounding like an idiot...but I just dont know lol...Where are the config files located? How do I open them....I only see the easy editing via web interface.
02:38.20clyrradCarp1: generally you can set everyting from the Webadmin
02:38.42backbluenot in polycom
02:38.44Carp1Ok...What I really am looking to do it add 3 digits to the dial pattern
02:38.56backblueyou will really need remote provisioning
02:38.59Carp111 is already added but I dont understand how to add 3.
02:39.15clyrradbackblue: how you config your polycom in this situation?
02:39.32backbluefor the 3 digits?
02:39.43Carp13 digit extensions
02:39.48Carp1so I dont have to hit "send" each time.
02:39.57clyrradfor most advanced stuff if you dont have a capable webadmin
02:40.22clyrradis it that you use some kind of profile compiler and sync it with the device?
02:40.29elriahCarp1: Are you selecting a line first or dialing the number first?
02:40.36ZilasbHey one tech question. How many simultenious channels asterisk can handle?
02:40.45ManxPowerZilasb: 1024
02:40.51clyrradZilasb: 2048
02:40.52Corydon76-homeAs many as the hardware will allow
02:40.53Carp1I am opening up a line
02:40.58backblueclyrrad: i just manually edit the config, and reload the phone.
02:40.59ManxPowerunleess you want a REAL answer
02:41.02Carp1get dialtone, and then dial 3 digits
02:41.19Corydon76-homeYour limit is based upon CPU, available memory, and available bandwidth
02:41.19ManxPowerZilasb: the answer is "it depends"
02:41.21elriahAre you provisioning via ftp/tftp or are you manually configuring phones?
02:41.31ManxPowerelriah: he doesn't know how to do that.
02:41.37clyrradbackblue: yea but where are you editing the config if not in webadmin?
02:41.54backblueCarp1: and if you wait after sending the 3 digits, it does never dial?
02:42.05elriahCarp1: You're configuring the phones how?  With the menus on the phone?
02:42.13backblueclyrrad: locally on the provisioning server.
02:42.13ManxPowerclyrrad: you edit the text config file on the file server.  Or you config the phone via the web interface on the phone.
02:42.15ZilasbManxPower: depends on hardware right?
02:42.37ManxPowerZilasb: hardware, codecs, technology, interfaces, protocols
02:42.51elriahCarp1: HOW are you configuring the phones, pick one: phone interface, web interface, ftp/tftp/http?
02:42.55ManxPowerCarp1: you can't just "enable 3 digit dialing" and expect it to work.
02:42.56Carp1No, with the web interface
02:42.58clyrradManxPower: yea thats what I thought but backblue said the webadmin was limited - unless I mis-understood him
02:43.10elriahPaste your current dial plan from the web interface.
02:43.15Carp1no, i dial 3 digits, and it never goes throuigh until i hit send
02:43.24elriahCarp1: Paste your current dial plan from the web interface.
02:43.25ManxPowerCarp1: you need to design your dialplan so that you have no overlapping extension patterns
02:43.50ManxPowerclyrrad: you can set the dialplan via the web interface.  yes, the web interface is very limited.
02:43.53elriahOr, just add |xxx| to the end of it.
02:43.55backblueyes, webadmin it's limited, you cant do everything in the webadmin.
02:44.09elriahYou can specify a dial pattern in the web admin.
02:44.29elriahCarp1: Just add |xxx| to the end of your dial pattern, being sure not to duplicate vertical bars.
02:44.32Carp1ahh, I've had enough for tonight...Im goin to the bar..,thanks everyone
02:44.34clyrradManxPower: k so my last part of that question was how you best config them.... for advanced reasons... you make a config.txt or something similar... then sync it with the phone?
02:44.45Carp1I might have to pay someone on monday to help me learn about this Polycom.
02:44.46elriahCarp1: I gave you the answer dude. DID YOU SEE IT?
02:44.51elriahDear God.
02:44.55ManxPowerclyrrad: the configs are XML and the default config files come with the firmware
02:44.59Carp1I didnt
02:45.00Carp1but thanks
02:45.09clyrradManxPower: ok so thats like Sipura hardware then
02:45.14elriahCarp1: Just read the book, it's pretty clear.
02:45.22elriahCarp1: Or the info at
02:45.43Carp1I dont have the book lol.
02:45.53Carp1I know, I can probably find it on the polycom website.
02:46.00clyrradManxPower: What you prefer Polycom or Sipura?
02:46.01elriahCarp1: You can download it from like 99% of manuals these days.
02:46.03backblueprobably you dont! :)
02:46.07ManxPowerelriah: he got the phone from some fly by night reseller
02:46.21backblueelriah: only if it uses old versions
02:46.32ManxPowerclyrrad: I manage 100+ polycom phones and no other brand of phone.  That should be your answer.
02:46.35backbluepolycom only gives stuff to resellers or something
02:46.46clyrradManxPower: indeed
02:47.03elriahbackblue: You can get the firmware if you search for it for a few minutes.
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02:47.12elriahbackblue: Still doesn't change the fact that the manual explains all.
02:47.16backblueelriah: so, download me version 2.*
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02:47.19elriahbackblue: And you can download back versions.
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02:48.10ManxPowerbackblue: you can only download old releases, but they are fine for our use.  I am a certified polycom tech and so get access to all the firmwares
02:48.27ManxPowerand we don't use 2.x, we still use 1.6.7
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02:48.59elriahPolycom will give you the new firmware if you call them and ask nicely.  And it's available online if you search in any number of places.
02:49.01backblueManxPower: i will be next month or so too, but until there, have to ask them to a reseller!
02:49.05backblueManxPower: why dont use 1.6.7?
02:49.20backblueelriah: that should not be needed!
02:49.39backblueelriah: and i will not put firmware from some place on the web
02:49.52Zilasbwhat is interesting when my asterisk box has a 60+ simulteneous calls g729 it takes forever to do a answer on channel... Maybe slow hardware dual p3. Just upgraded to dual p4 will see if any change
02:49.54elriahbackblue: Well that's a pointless debate... They can do what they want with their software...
02:49.58backblueprobably you never hear of the backdoors on ciscos IOS and stuff like that.
02:50.13backblueelriah: yes.
02:50.15elriahbackblue: Well, pack the phone back up and put it on ebay.
02:50.33elriahbackblue: It's useless I guesss.
02:50.48backblueelriah: what it is useless?
02:51.16ManxPowerbackblue: it's better than Cisco, which makes you PAY $120 for a legal copy of the SIP firmware
02:51.24elriahbackblue: Because there is a disconnect between the hardware and the user or something.   If you troubleshoot a problem from the point of defeat then you'll never solve it.
02:51.24*** join/#asterisk Barmal (
02:51.58elriahNO THEY DON'T.  Cisco firmware is at most $11 which is the cost of a 1-year support contract which entitles you to free updates and all SIP/Skinny firmware.
02:52.12ManxPowerAnd no, a Cisco support contract does not give you legal license for the SIP firmware.
02:52.18backblueManxPower: IOS cost much more.
02:52.31ManxPowerIt gives you the legal right for minor point updates of whatever firmware you already have.
02:52.36elriahManxPower: Eh?
02:52.40JerJerelriah:  that $11 only applies if you acquired the phone via a Cisco authorized reseller
02:53.00elriahManxPower: Even without a contract I called them and they gave me the SIP firmware knowing I had a skinny phone, so I don't guess they really care that much.
02:53.00JerJerotherwise you will need to have the phone re-certified by cisco, which costs just about as much as a new fone
02:53.02ManxPowerelriah: read the fine print of the support contract.
02:53.05backblue"disconnect between the hardware and the user" -> dont understand this statement!
02:53.16backbluesorry but my english it's not the best.
02:53.20elriahI'm out, peace fellas.
02:53.25BarmalManxPower: so there is no way in * to foward all the real time sip registry information from one server to other?
02:53.56ManxPowerBarmal: not that I am aware of.  The ARA ("Realtime") might do it
02:54.04backblueBarmal: SER, forget asterisk.
02:54.43backblueBarmal: why are you asking a car to bark?
02:55.05backbluehehe, nice.
02:55.21BarmalFunny :)
02:56.01ManxPowerJerJer: I see you switched to SER at NuFone
02:56.15JerJerwe have always used SER
02:56.36JerJerser+mediaproxy+asterisk+my magic sauce
02:56.46Barmalbackblue: I was thinking about SER, but all my billing is on AGI... So ser would be as a registar and proxy nothing more???
02:56.48ManxPowerJerJer: Ah.  Maybe I only used IAX when I had NuFone
02:56.51backblueJerJer: ser+freeswitch does not fit?
02:56.59JerJerbackblue:  hell no
02:57.03ManxPowerI miss having an internet connection with less than 900ms latency
02:57.15backblueBarmal: ser would do only what you were asking.
02:57.17JerJerBarmal:  your billing will not scale
02:57.25backblueread again what you asking
02:57.29backblueJerJer: why not?
02:57.42JerJerfork new thread
02:57.45JerJerparse script
02:57.49JerJerexecute script
02:57.55JerJerfor every call
02:58.01backbluethat's your billing?
02:58.25JerJerbackblue: not mine - for damn sure
02:58.36backbluewell, freeswitch scale with ser
02:59.00backblueyou have to fit the billing, but a better plataform for shore.
02:59.06JerJerum no
02:59.17florzJerJer: Where did he say it was a script?
02:59.26JerJerflorz:  AGI
02:59.40florzJerJer: Why does an AGI need to be a script?
02:59.48Corydon76-homeYeah, AGI is about the worst when it comes to scaling
02:59.49JerJerif not script it then has to execute a new process each and every time
03:00.03florzJerJer: Which isn't really _that_ expensive ...
03:00.04Barmalso if SER is before * and it forwards all sip req to * we are adding additional lantecy?
03:00.06Corydon76-homeFastAGI is much better, though still less than optimal
03:00.08JerJerFastAGI is better, bu t not good
03:00.35backblueBarmal: SER it's very good in it's job, it does not do any media stuff, and it's pretty fast.
03:00.35JerJerBarmal:  SER only deals with SIP signalling
03:00.43backblueprobably you will not fell anything
03:01.28Corydon76-homeBarmal: SER assists in setting up the call, but it does not add additional latency
03:01.37BarmalI need to read about it more. Whitch one SER or openSER?
03:01.41Corydon76-homeThat's the whole point of a proxy
03:01.48Corydon76-homeBarmal: either one
03:02.10Corydon76-homeA gateway, such as Asterisk, is the only endpoint which could possibly add latency
03:02.27Corydon76-homebut a gateway lets your bridge between media, which a proxy will not let you do
03:02.55BarmalI see debian has openser... SER deal with datagrams level not with sip users right?
03:03.15Corydon76-homeBarmal: yes, it deals with SIP users
03:03.21JerJerBarmal:  SER is older, less features
03:03.27Corydon76-homeBarmal: you're oversimplifying
03:03.34*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
03:03.48JerJerOpenSER is actively being developed, which means bugs and stability problems
03:03.56JerJerbut it has more features
03:04.13Corydon76-homeBarmal: there are two different streams involved.  The first is the control protocol, which is what the proxy works with.  The second is the media stream, which is passed directly between peers, not through the proxy
03:05.11BarmalCorydon: Does ser have in configuration something like sip.conf, I mean info about sip user?
03:05.27Corydon76-homeBarmal: yes
03:05.30JerJerBarmal:  SER is very radically different than Asterisk
03:05.35Corydon76-homeBarmal: or, it can anyway
03:05.54Corydon76-homeBarmal: it can also be blind about peer configurations
03:06.41JerJerSER can be setup to very simply route sip messages around
03:06.59JerJeror it can statefully inspect the packets and keep track of dialogs and what not
03:07.06JerJerall depends on the configuration you give it
03:07.27*** join/#asterisk orkid (
03:07.29Barmalthe bad part so many books about * but not that many on ser... Anyway sounds like a powerfull tool... I am at the point that I need something more since company and users are growing...
03:10.12bkw__any mISDN folks around?
03:10.20Barmal1 day old article? Wov
03:10.55ManxPowerI pretty much avoid all these issues by working in a corporate environment rather than an ITSP environment
03:11.10ManxPower<nelson>Ha! Ha!</nelson>
03:11.26JerJerser still is relevant for the enterprise
03:11.39JerJeri've done some pretty sweet presence based stuff using SER
03:11.40ManxPowerJerJer: In what way?
03:12.25ManxPowerJerJer: My users don't use text messaging on their phones because "its too complicated", but if your users are tech literate, then I can see your point.
03:12.44JerJerdoens't necessarily have to be text messaging
03:13.17JerJerone can detect where a user is logged in at and send them the call there
03:13.27JerJerversus blindly sending to all possible devices
03:13.31ManxPowerMy point is that they have enough trouble remembering to dial 9 for an outside line, anything more complicated than that and they won't use it and will complain about it.
03:13.44JerJerprolly   :)
03:13.45*** join/#asterisk PBX-Nick (i=Sktymelb@
03:13.45ManxPowerWe have found that the fewer options we give users the less they complain
03:14.33*** join/#asterisk joaovianna (
03:14.35ManxPowerOne out of 15 receptionists at the 15 offices even knew what a blind transfer is.
03:16.02ManxPowerPeople constantly overestimate the end users willingness to learn anything new.
03:16.51ManxPowerat least when it comes to telecom
03:17.12ManxPowerfor computers they will spend hours downloading the latest spyware laden screen saver
03:17.18JerJeri guess it depends on the enterprise
03:17.25ManxPowerJerJer: *nod*
03:17.30ez`asterlink is dead ???
03:17.36JerJerseems like most of my customers are totally into features and functions
03:17.44ManxPowerJerJer: I envy you then
03:17.55ManxPowerJerJer: but you are a service provider, they want your service.
03:18.18ManxPowermy users put up with IT because they can't figure out how to fire the entire department and put their nephew in charge of it.
03:18.18Barmalis it a big differnce in configuration files between ser and openser?
03:19.09ManxPower(and yes, we had several attempts to do EXACTLY that)
03:19.12JerJerBarmal: very ver much so
03:20.32bkw__ez`, what?
03:20.34*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
03:21.31joaoviannaAnyone using asterisk with video ?
03:21.38ez`hum ... ; dunno; website seem unreachable ...
03:21.48bkw__dns is a bit slow today
03:21.55bkw__ez`, what country are you in?
03:22.14bkw__ez`, we'll talk in private
03:24.31JerJerit doesn't work in michigan or Los Angeles either
03:25.27*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
03:26.11QwellStrom_C: nub
03:26.22Strom_Cis this re my bug?
03:26.31Qwellyeah, you caught a 10-20 minute window where it didn't compile
03:26.36Qwellsvn up :)
03:26.41Qwell(on both)
03:26.42Strom_Ci waited and then svn'ed again a few times :)
03:26.47Strom_Cso i figured it was afe
03:27.00ManxPowermt first choice for a gmail userid was available
03:27.10Qwellshould've been fixed in 56548
03:27.18bkw__now to kill someone
03:27.36QwellStrom_C: update zap too
03:27.39Strom_Cqwell: hmm ok, a new version of that module didnt download; let me try it
03:27.57wunderkinManxPower, your nickname always makes me think of Max Power
03:28.13ManxPowerwunderkin: it's supposed to.  reference to the Simpsons, of course
03:28.17JerJeri think that is intentional
03:28.33QwellManxPower: Simpsons?  What's that?
03:28.33wunderkinhis name can be said by anyone! la la la
03:30.14florzwunderkin: Your nickname always makes me think of some outstanding chin or something ... =:-)
03:30.33Strom_Cqwell: i'm compiling
03:30.51JerJershe has more chin's than a chienese phone book
03:32.17wunderkinflorz, your nickname always makes me think of... floors..
03:32.28Strom_Cwhat about Flooz?
03:32.33Strom_Cthe intarweb currency !!!!!!!!!
03:32.45JerJeror  floosie
03:33.23wunderkinManxPower, but you didn't get your nickname off of a hairdryer..
03:33.49florzwunderkin: hehe :-) - but seriously, is there a d or an n missing at the end of your nick? Or is it of some completely different origin?
03:34.07wunderkinyeah.. i was stuck with the 9 character limit from undernet and left it there
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03:36.28ManxPowerwunderkin: I got it from a guy that got it off a hair dryer
03:37.37wunderkinthe name again is mr plow
03:40.33Strom_Cqwell: it still crashes
03:40.54Strom_Ci hope you didnt close the bug already
03:42.49Strom_Cif you're interested in poking at it, I can let you into my box
03:43.02Qwellshould be trivial to reproduce
03:43.27Strom_Cwell, just on the off chance it's something stupid I'm doing
03:43.38QwellStrom_C: doubtful.  Kevin was doing stuff today
03:43.59bkw__Qwell Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
03:44.27bkw__I love this S3 stuff too
03:44.31bkw__nice stuff
03:44.56bkw__Amazon Simple Storage Service
03:45.12bkw__haha never thought of that
03:45.14bkw__but that is funny
03:45.24bkw__guess thats why they call it S3
03:45.29QwellAmazon Simple Storage Elastic Service
03:46.18*** join/#asterisk sbingner (n=sam@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
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03:56.00*** join/#asterisk rudholm (i=rudholmm@nat/yahoo/x-88c0b6ebf58446c4)
03:56.28Strom_Ci already told you: the answer is balls
03:56.42*** join/#asterisk Zaw (i=zaw@unaffiliated/zaw)
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03:57.59AJaymn2 in a sack!
03:58.08rudholmas it should be
04:00.02*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
04:00.05rudholmyou and your General Telephone
04:00.41rudholmwas GLadstone "GTE" when you lived there?  or had it already become "Verizon"?
04:00.48Strom_Coh, it was GTE
04:00.51Strom_CI grew up there
04:01.14rudholmbut it wasn't "General Telephone", right?
04:01.18rudholmyou're too young for that
04:01.37Strom_CI lived on GLadstone from 1983-1994
04:01.52rudholmyeah, I remember General Telephone as well
04:01.59Strom_Cqwell: yep
04:02.09Qwellclue in the nub
04:02.15rudholmI grew up in ANgelus
04:02.20Qwellwhy the cap L?
04:02.28Strom_Cthat's GLadstone
04:02.29joaoviannaAnyone using video in asterisk ? I'm using Grandstream 3000 but no sucess using video.
04:02.45rudholmwell, back in the day, telephone numbers used to be denoted by exchange names
04:03.06Qwelloh, right
04:03.06*** part/#asterisk Johnnie (
04:03.17rudholmoh, speaking of history, Strom, remember how I was showing you that AAA book from 1919?
04:03.19Qwellso, 45X?
04:03.26rudholmand it had phone numbers like "Home" this and "Central" that?
04:03.56rudholmI recently read something about how the original telephone companies in Los Angeles were The Home Telephone Company and The Central(?) Telephone Company
04:03.59rudholmand they didn't interconnect
04:04.04rudholmQwell: yes
04:04.08Strom_Cbrb phone
04:04.19rudholmI lived in GLadstone5 for 8 years
04:04.29rudholmgrew up in ANgelus
04:04.39Strom_Cand now you're back in ANgelus
04:04.44rudholmyes, yes I am
04:04.54rudholmWEbster was fun
04:04.56Strom_Cok, im back
04:05.07Strom_Crudholm: oh interesting re Home and Central
04:05.13Strom_CI remember GTE bought...was it Home?
04:05.28rudholmwell, The General Telephone Company bought out a number of companies
04:05.30rudholmincluding Home
04:05.47rudholmthey had Santa Monica, Long Beach, and some other areas
04:05.57Strom_Cqwell: I'll give you three guesses what this restaurant's telephone number is
04:06.32Qwell56849474, duh :p
04:06.45Strom_Cthats not even a NANP number, silly
04:06.53Qwellwait, wtf
04:07.04rudholmQwell: what country are you in?
04:07.13rudholmis that a Mexico City number?
04:07.18Qwell4543474 :p
04:07.18Strom_Crudholm: the people's republic of alabama
04:07.21rudholmParis?  Tokyo?
04:07.26Qwellhad an extra number in there somewhere
04:07.57rudholmGood old Sunset Blvd and PCH
04:08.08Strom_Cwhat's amusing is that, last time I checked, their website still lists their number as GL4-FISH
04:08.12rudholmmy car died right there once
04:08.22ManxPowerwhat are you doing with a pic of a place in alabama
04:08.41QwellManxPower: That is not alabama :P
04:08.41rudholmyeah, the battery connector came off and on modern cars, the ignition system dies if that happens (on my older cars, that wasn't an issue)
04:08.47*** join/#asterisk mosty (
04:09.01Strom_Cgah, they changed the site and now it just says 454
04:09.08QwellManxPower: palm trees in the distance..  many, many powerlines
04:09.13ManxPowerI need to get to Huntsville next time oej is there
04:09.22QwellI count like 8 stoplights
04:09.27QwellThat's so LA :p
04:09.29rudholmwait, they don't have power lines in Alabama?
04:09.34rudholmI thought they had electricity now
04:09.39Qwellrudholm: not that many, heh
04:09.42Strom_Crudholm: only downtown
04:09.47Qwelloh, and traffic
04:09.50rudholmwell, that's the beach
04:10.07Strom_Cqwell: oh please.  University in the afternoon is comparable to the 405
04:10.15rudholmnote the chevy in the right lane going to try to jump ahead when the light turns green
04:10.24Qwellrudholm: heh
04:10.33rudholmthree lanes become two right there
04:10.40ManxPowerso, so who is in AL?
04:10.48rudholmQwell is in AL
04:10.54rudholmapparently they have no electricity there
04:10.56rudholmor signal lights
04:10.57QwellManxPower: I'm in Huntsville now
04:10.59rudholmor phone lines
04:11.05ManxPowerQwell: Ah.
04:11.13Strom_Crudholm: what's disappointing is that the restaurant is now called "Gladstone's of Malibu"
04:11.23Strom_Cwhich is stupid, because wasn't Malibu always GLobe 6?
04:11.24*** join/#asterisk ez` (
04:11.30ManxPowerWhen a get a car (soon) I'll be about 2 hrs away from Digium
04:12.27*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
04:12.29ManxPowerI can't wait for spring/summer
04:12.30QwellSokol really needs to have Astricon in LA again this year
04:13.28Strom_Ci think it is in LA this year
04:13.32rudholmI always thought Topanga was GLadstone5
04:13.39Qwellblitzrage said maybe not :(
04:13.44Strom_Crudholm: yeah, that's topanga
04:13.52Strom_Crudholm: I'm talking about malibu
04:14.05rudholmyeah, well, Gladstone's is in neither :)
04:14.05Strom_Cwtf, qwell
04:14.08rudholmit's in Los Angeles :)
04:14.17rudholmyeah, wtf?
04:14.23rudholmI'm not going if I have to go to AL
04:14.30rudholmhow much does it cost, btw?
04:14.35rudholmI wonder if I can expense it.
04:14.37Strom_Crudholm: but we can eat at waffle house
04:14.51rudholmwhat do I get for that?
04:15.05rudholmI paid less than that for LISA
04:15.13*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
04:15.15rudholm(well, *I* didn't pay anything at all)
04:16.02rudholmunfortunately, since I don't work in our voice messaging/voip group, I probably can't justify 600$ on an asterisk conf
04:16.40Qwelltell them google is sending somebody from their <insert your department> department
04:17.13*** join/#asterisk ars247 (
04:17.40Qwellwhat do you even do there? :p
04:17.42rudholm"But Google is sending someone from their jerk-off and do nothing department!"
04:17.53Strom_Cqwell: he shows off his Telstar phone
04:18.05rudholmyes, and my white tone dial Ericofon
04:18.35rudholmand soon my 2C2  :)
04:18.45rudholmit's so darn heavy though
04:18.52Strom_Coh cool, so you are putting it on your desk at work
04:18.54rudholmgonna need a dolly to get it up here to my office
04:19.02rudholmsince I'll have three of them
04:19.17rudholmwell, I'll have 2 2C2s and one 2D2
04:19.25Strom_Cdetails, details
04:19.34*** join/#asterisk ars247 (
04:19.47rudholmit'll snuggle right into the corner of my cubicle
04:20.05rudholmwould be sweet if I could get the coin relay to work first, though
04:20.24Strom_CDO NOT PUSH
04:20.30rudholmeveryone does
04:20.37rudholmit's like the warning on silica gel
04:20.40rudholmeveryone eats it
04:20.48rudholmyou have silica gel??
04:20.50Strom_Cive never eaten it, actually
04:20.52rudholmoh good, I'm hungry!
04:20.58rudholmhaha, neither have I.
04:21.11Strom_Ci tried pouring it into the toilet once
04:21.35rudholmI use it as cat litter now
04:21.38rudholmit's pretty good at that
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04:22.24Strom_Coh, cool
04:22.38Strom_Cyeah, nothing exciting happened when i poured it in the toilet
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04:29.11*** join/#asterisk mrc3_ (n=mrc3@
04:29.38mrc3_hello! anyone here with a pap2?
04:30.29Strom_CI've got one within kicking distance
04:31.17mrc3_mine is requesting the tftp file all right, i've got dns spoofed, but the http request never comes
04:31.32mrc3_in fact, there's never a dns query for httpconfig
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04:32.32mrc3_i've got a pap2 with 3.1.9(LSc). is it possible to unlock it with that firmware version?
04:32.52AJaymnmrc3_ has it been on the internet before?
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04:33.55mrc3_it might have been. i blocked traffic to vonage with iptables (it's working fine), but i think i plugged it right away when i received, before blocking traffic
04:34.11mrc3_i was able to access the pap2's web server, but not anymore
04:34.26Strom_Cmy key to unlocking mine was to create a network which was not physically connected to any other network
04:34.30mrc3_i set the user password, i could dial **** and all, but not anymore
04:34.45*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
04:35.24mrc3_my network setup seems to be fine, because it is effectively blocking network traffic to vonage's network
04:35.32mrc3_the thing is that my pap2 is not asking for the firmware
04:35.45mrc3_it doesn't look for it in the server
04:36.23mrc3_i'm using tcpdump at all times
04:37.23*** part/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
04:38.45mrc3_(for the record, my iptables rule was: `iptables -A FORWARD -s -j DROP`; works pretty well!)
04:40.30*** join/#asterisk lyroy (
04:41.41lyroyDoes someone know why with an Cisco ATA 186 an Asterisk my ATA always disconnect after a certain time, and then when an inconmig call comes it goes straight to the unavailable message...
04:42.12Strom_Cdisconnects after a call has been up for a while?
04:42.47lyroywhen I'm not using my phone fow a while
04:43.02lyroythe ATA seems to goes down
04:43.08Strom_Clet me guess
04:43.15Strom_Cthe ATA is behind a router
04:43.36*** part/#asterisk mog (
04:43.57lyroyyeah right
04:44.23Strom_Cis that "correct" or is that you being sarcastic?
04:44.43lyroyno no it is not workin ;)
04:44.57lyroysorry about that..
04:45.12Strom_Cso, let me rephrase, and please answer "yes" or "no":
04:45.17Strom_Cis the ATA behind a router?
04:45.42Strom_Cok, and the asterisk box is in front of the router?
04:46.06*** join/#asterisk anthonyl (
04:46.22lyroyno the asterisk box is on a public ip outside
04:46.32Strom_Cright, so it's in front of the router
04:46.44Strom_Cwhat's happening is that the router is closing those ports
04:47.27lyroyok so is there a way to fix it?
04:47.32Strom_Ceither (1) shorten the registration interval, (2) have the ATA send keepalives, or (3) use qualify=yes in sip.conf
04:47.54lyroywich one is the best
04:48.14Strom_Cprobably 1 or 2
04:48.22matt_hello, in asterisk.conf what is the line that points to the sounds dir ?
04:48.31matt_i have installed the sounds but asterisk isn't finding them
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04:48.49lyroyIn the Cisco ATA 186 the registration interval would be: SIPRegInterval??
04:48.59deb_useranybody out there using dundi? care to chat about its uses and implications?
04:49.06matt_humm, ok i have found them but they are in a different place
04:49.20Strom_Clyroy: probably
04:49.49lyroyhmm I alredy drop it from 3600 to 5
04:49.58lyroyand no success
04:50.03Strom_C5 seconds is a little too short
04:50.06Strom_Ctry 60 seconds
04:50.26Strom_Cand then reboot the AT
04:50.28Strom_Cer, ATA
04:51.17lyroyalright ill try it
04:56.55matt_can somebody help me please, i'm tring to use wakeup.php but it attemps to call asoon as i set it
05:00.11*** join/#asterisk InHisName (
05:03.35InHisNamehow does testfeature work ?
05:05.34lyroythx i think it will fix the problem
05:16.52InHisNameam I the only human left listening ?
05:17.50mrc3_InHisName, nope. i'm human and i'm listening, but i can't really help
05:18.43InHisNamemrc3_  can't help or just haven't learn much since (yesterday) when you started ?
05:19.09Fr0zen_Does asterisk work behind nat connecting to another sip server or stun server?
05:19.53InHisNameAs far as I understand works all ways. Not so sure as all at once though.
05:20.21mrc3_InHisName, haven't learnt about testfeature, can't provide insight
05:21.01InHisNameI know too little also. Tried to blindly use it but nope, no luck there.
05:23.20InHisNameAny running with Stanaphone, freedigits,, fone4life, onesuite, sunrocket ?  Last 2 work fine for me, others I need some help with.
05:23.24*** join/#asterisk d42 (n=don@
05:23.43InHisNameHiYa d42
05:26.04d42I am attempting to setup 000 emergency dialing in Australia. The info found so far suggests calling 141162000982 from NSW VOIP number. However my VOIP Provider doesn't allow that number. Is there another prefix or number I can call?
05:30.06InHisNameHere is USA, some have called the emergency no from neighbors house and asked how to call using standard numbering. Several got yelled at for not being an emergency. etc. Others called the NON emergency no and they sometimes were helpful.
05:33.50InHisNameyawn sure is quiet tonight (morning)
05:34.42*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
05:34.58InHisNamewelcome back dennis
05:35.10*** join/#asterisk cburn123 (
05:35.19cburn123Good evening all.
05:35.35InHisNameevening cburn123
05:36.24cburn123I am having a bit of an issue and man is it getting late!
05:37.16InHisNameLate ? its only 39 minutes into the new day here!  So what is the issue ?
05:39.51cburn123I installed the custom context module from aussievoip.
05:40.22cburn123After a reboot a problem cropped up that I'm not to sure how to fix..
05:41.51cburn123When I dial in on PSTN to my VegaStream Gateway it is route onto my lan as a SIP message.  The Asterisk box stopped responding to my inbound route.
05:43.24InHisNamecburn123 can you remove the custom context and problem goes away ?
05:43.29cburn123It's as if asterisk doesn't 1. get did or 2. doesn't respect the route
05:43.45*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
05:43.47InHisNameWhat does the custom context supposed to do?
05:44.02cburn123I have tried although I suspect unsuccesfully..
05:45.43cburn123What would be an easy way to direct my boss to this room.. he is having troubles getting here
05:47.07InHisNameA. needs a login
05:47.07cburn123he has that.. he has hjoined the asterisk channel vbut says he is the only one there
05:47.07InHisNameB. needs to be validated. i.e. needs to have a password and be unique user name
05:47.44cburn123ahh wrong server..
05:47.47InHisNameOnly one there ?  Never have seen less than 200. Must be spelling it wrong.   /join #asterisk is way to do it.
05:48.05InHisNameI am on freenode
05:48.41cburn123Same here.
05:48.51cburn123back to the problem..
05:49.37cburn123is there anyway for me to see spacifically how a call is being handled?  I mean I have my debugs cranked up and this call only shows a few things.. None of which is informative.
05:50.06InHisNameset verbose is high ?
05:50.30cburn123May I paste a section of the debug in here?
05:50.54jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
05:50.56InHisNameuse one of the pastebin places .
05:51.28cburn123it's only about 4 lines.. that to much?
05:51.55InHisNameOther debug tools I have used is NoOp()   put stuff in the () and it show on cli as it is tripped over while running.
05:52.14cburn123how do i enable that?
05:53.32InHisNameexten => s,23,NoOp(user=${EXTEN})    and other nifty things as they change around.
05:56.04InHisNamecannot find extension context 'Lane'
05:56.13InHisNamewhat is 'Lane' ?
05:56.43[TK]D-FenderInHisName : A context you mentioned somwhere else in your config
05:57.16cburn123It's one of the "custom contexts" we made using the custom context module..
05:57.42cburn123This call comes in on a sip trunk and should be directed to an IVR
05:57.54cburn123somehow though the call is being pushed to ext 201..
05:58.01InHisNameUnderstood.   aparantly it is not where * is looking for it.
05:58.36InHisNamewhat is the context name where the IVR is at ?
05:59.18InHisNamewhat context does the sip trunk start with when a call comes in ?
05:59.43cburn123the IVR was created using freepbx and before any of this custom businees was installed.  so it would be in the default for IVR
06:00.03InHisNamethe name of it is.....
06:00.27*** join/#asterisk elmerbug (
06:00.37*** part/#asterisk mrc3_ (n=mrc3@
06:00.40cburn123Welcome ElmerBug
06:02.41cburn123for the incomming settings on the sip-trunk
06:03.06InHisNameSo, cburn123 the IVR is in 'hehe' context ? and the start up is 'from-trunk' ?
06:03.29*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
06:03.33cburn123no hehe was me laughing.. I am looking for the IVR's context
06:03.45joelsolankiGood evening
06:04.07*** part/#asterisk techie (
06:04.09InHisNameI thought you were having fun with the 'Whos on first game'
06:04.16cburn123Are the IVRs normally kept in extensions.conf?
06:04.26[TK]D-FenderInHisName : No, Who's on second....
06:04.57InHisNamewhats on third ?  I forgot why
06:05.03[TK]D-Fendercburn123 : Everything that gets processed on any call is in there.
06:05.40sbingnerwho's on first
06:06.07InHisNameI have IVRs in 'house-day', 'house-night', 'office-day', and 'office-night'.  I start with 'default'
06:06.26sbingnerwhat's on second, and I Don't know's on third
06:06.28kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: unless other files are included in extensions.conf. ;)
06:06.52[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar : Same thing.
06:07.25joelsolanki202.202.202.202    1419564207  708df1592ad  00102/00000  unkn  No       Tx: ACK
06:07.25joelsolanki202.202.202.202    1803796301  2b1c32e10ff  00102/00000  unkn  No       Tx: ACK
06:07.31InHisNamesearch on #include to find the includes
06:07.32cburn123Hrmm I don't see any of my IVR's in extensions.conf
06:07.41[TK]D-FenderInHisName : It is a terrible idea to have a context so generically named as [default].  LIke what the hell does that imply as far as access goes?  Bad idea, period.
06:07.43joelsolankii see this when i do sip show channels
06:07.53joelsolankiand what i see this this calls are not connected.
06:08.15InHisNameThat is the way it came with install, I just left it that way.
06:08.18[TK]D-Fendercburn123 : the joys of running FreePBX or some other GUI.  You get to use * and not have a CLUE where anything is or how it works.
06:09.16cburn123The joys of running it is figuring these things out, I mean I've got to start somewhere right?
06:09.28InHisNameany you new guys try out testfeatures ? I have a question or two.
06:09.45InHisNameyup, sure due, cburn123
06:09.49[TK]D-FenderInHisName : "came with install".  Frankly * doesn't come with ANYTHING, and only if you install the samples do you even get the first pile of crap, for which you should only read and build your own from scratch.  Sample files are bloated garbage without a proper sense of heirarchy, and forget the GUI created stuff entirely.
06:10.42[TK]D-Fendercburn123 : No.  the GUI won't teach you anything.  its bloated crap thats so damned complex its like trying to learn astrophysics before basket-weaving.
06:11.00joelsolankiany hints
06:11.01joelsolanki202.202.202.202    1419564207  708df1592ad  00102/00000  unkn  No       Tx: ACK
06:11.01joelsolanki202.202.202.202    1803796301  2b1c32e10ff  00102/00000  unkn  No       Tx: ACK
06:11.14InHisNameptui samples are great, it now is 90% different than what I started with. I keep learning. name wasn't all that important to fix up.
06:11.16[TK]D-Fendercburn123 : Loaded full of crappy macro's populating all sorts of DB values without a proper understanding of WHY.  That is no way to learn
06:11.16joelsolankiis this calls still connected ?
06:11.31[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki : "show channels".  See anything there?
06:11.46[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki : I seriously doubt it
06:12.01joelsolankishow channels i dont see anything.
06:12.19joelsolankimeans those calls are not there.
06:12.23cburn123So you suggest then that I ditch my production server and leave my company without a phone system while I go learn the proper way?  I am not quite sure where you are going with this..
06:12.26joelsolankibut it is there in sip show channels
06:12.27InHisNameDB values, hmmm, musta loaded the dummies version as I didn't get the deluxe samples after all.
06:12.36joelsolankiis this problem ?
06:12.59*** join/#asterisk Phel (
06:13.14[TK]D-Fendercburn123 : See you are having to look at this backwards because you thought you could get somewhere at the start and work your way back.  That was the mistake.
06:13.49[TK]D-Fendercburn123 : You'd have been better served to have waited a bit first, and take the time to learn how it works before dragging them into a pidgeon-holed setup.
06:13.56PhelWhere would be a good place to ask general SIP questions.  I cannot register to any SIP VSP to save my life
06:14.28cburn123No actually it was working great till I installed that module ..
06:14.30[TK]D-FenderInHisName : was referring to GUI generated configs.  the "samples" that you can install along with * upon compile should be examined, but never used.
06:14.45[TK]D-Fendercburn123 : Which "module"?
06:14.48elmerbugFolks, I need to understand how to definitively determine what context asterisk has chosen on an inbound call?
06:14.51InHisNamecburn123, try to undo that install then.
06:14.55cburn123custom context
06:15.00elmerbugAny guidance you can offer?
06:15.04[TK]D-FenderPhel : Specifically from *?]
06:15.05cburn123I needed multi tenant
06:15.24Phel[TK]D-Fender: What?
06:15.24joelsolanki<[TK]D-Fender> : ??? is this problem
06:15.35[TK]D-Fendercburn123 : Welcome to the "dead-end" of your system.
06:15.36cburn123I have already tried and aussievoip is down so I can consult the docs..
06:15.39PhelI can't do SIP VoIP
06:15.57PhelI've tried different service providers
06:16.03[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki : No, its probably just a lingering message where the other side shut up before * knew they acknowledged that its over.
06:16.07elmerbugPhel, please describe your calling scenario.
06:16.08PhelCan't register to anyone
06:16.23[TK]D-FenderPhel : What kind of errors do you get?
06:16.41joelsolankihmm ok
06:17.28PhelDepends on what I do, but for example, in Ekiga, if I try to use a stun server (which I probably should since I am behind a NAT), it says it's blocked
06:18.02PhelEkiga opens ports 5060-5063 and 1720, all of which I forward UDP
06:18.12Phelbut no dice
06:18.12*** join/#asterisk irq (
06:19.22[TK]D-FenderPhel : And I'm betting you have not done ANY of the sip.conf NAT settings required for your system to function.
06:19.40[TK]D-FenderPhel : And you need a heck of a lot more ports forwarded to *,e tc...
06:19.46cburn123If * was looking for a context it couldn't find and I can't get my IVR to play when I dial in could I create that context and have it play the IVR for a bandaid?
06:20.13Phel[TK]D-Fender: My nat is on the router
06:20.28PhelAnd I've even tried forwarding all prots
06:20.44[TK]D-Fendercburn123 : You need to actually provide the PROPER and expected context names.
06:21.03InHisNamecburn123, you could, but not sure if that will help in long run.
06:21.06[TK]D-FenderPhel : There are a number of seetings you need to do under [general] in sip.conf
06:21.32cburn123how do you ignore someone?
06:21.37InHisNamecburn123 need to find what 'Lane' is and rebuild it or make sure it is in right path.
06:21.43PhelI'm not using asterisk, just a softfone
06:21.52Phelcburn123: /ignore
06:22.40PhelWHich is why I first asked where general sip questions would be appropriate
06:23.29[TK]D-FenderPhel : Ok, where are you trying to connect to?
06:23.58Phelsipphone for example
06:24.20Qwellcburn123: who you ignoring?
06:24.40cburn123Not important
06:24.50[TK]D-FenderPhel : Well if you're jsuta  client behind NAT connecting to an outside service, and are onlya  single VoIP device doing so, you generally don't need to forward anything.
06:24.52QwellI would very highly recommend listening to [TK]D-Fender
06:25.12cburn123I do not have time to be lectured.. I only have time to move this issue forward.
06:25.24jbotsomebody said hafc was hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
06:25.58cburn123Pulling my hair out is why I get up in the morning.
06:26.12Phel[TK]D-Fender: Hmm.  I dunno.  What's stun for then?
06:26.28[TK]D-FenderPhel : usually the other side will have a keep-alive which will allow you to work.  Perhaps your ISP is blocking SIP.  Many do this, especially if they offer VoIP services of their own or are in choots with another company that does
06:27.22PhelI am using a phone company ...
06:27.56PhelHow could I really tell?
06:28.00[TK]D-FenderQwell : Yeah some people shut down at the ealrier signs of resistance.  Of course some people ignore anything but what they want to hear so, c'est la vie...
06:28.30[TK]D-FenderQwell : I wasn't going to make anything of it.  He just wants his answer so to that I say...
06:28.35jboti heard wglwat is well, good luck with all that
06:28.53[TK]D-FenderPhel : I'm not entirely sure...
06:29.16cburn123Dude listening to you tell me how to learn is not benificial at the moment.  It may make you feel superior and great and all that.. Great.. But I've got a problem to fix..
06:29.37InHisNamewow, one I don't know, what is whlwat ?
06:29.56PhelIs there any way around such port blockage?
06:29.58[TK]D-FenderPhel : have you tried hooking Ekiga up to say FWD?
06:30.22PhelWould that be any different?
06:30.30PhelI'll try that if you think it would
06:30.33[TK]D-FenderPhel : What router BTW?  Some are particularly bad with NAT and can really just KILL SIP.  Some D-Links are like that, and Cisco PIX is a nightmare.
06:30.43cburn123Sorry InHisName.
06:30.55[TK]D-FenderPhel : Just another common service you could test with for free
06:31.27[TK]D-FenderInHisName : its exactly what jbot said.
06:31.52InHisNameoh, yea
06:32.07Phel[TK]D-Fender: the router and Nat are built into my ISP's device
06:32.29PhelSo it's a very weird setup
06:32.34[TK]D-FenderPhel : STUN is jsut a little trick to help your client know what kind of NAT its behind so it can try picking the best way to signal the other side toe nsure the best odds of traversal possible.  It doesn't actually "FIX" anything per-se
06:32.43*** join/#asterisk putzz (
06:32.54[TK]D-FenderPhel : Oh, so you're trying to get Ekiga running BEHIND that?
06:33.48PhelMy PC <-> NAT Router <-> Internet
06:34.17[TK]D-FenderPhel : Ah well thats a key factor.  With any luck thats exactly the problem.  It could very well be intercepting all SIP traffic and mangling everything up.
06:34.39[TK]D-FenderPhel : try another router
06:34.45PhelI don't have any other option :(
06:35.16PhelI suppose I could ask them to give me one without the router built in
06:35.39[TK]D-FenderPhel : Or just buy one yourself.  Or temporarily jsut connect your internet connection to a PC.
06:35.57[TK]D-FenderPhel : Just a temporary measure for the test
06:36.08*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
06:36.22*** join/#asterisk IguanaNed (
06:36.32PhelNaw, the DSL device and router are the same thing.  So I have to get a plain DSL device
06:36.41IguanaNedHello all
06:36.42Pheland a router
06:37.06[TK]D-FenderPhel : Oh wow... a SUPER all-in-one box... yeah tahts a bad combo and you are completely owned by it...
06:37.19[TK]D-FenderPhel : thats the exact sort of dependency you should avoid.
06:37.23IguanaNedanyone use a2billing for billing voip instead of calling cards
06:37.23PhelIt's sooooo convenient
06:37.47cburn123So if I have any DID/any CID as an inbound route.  How could an inbound sip call with a 404 not found?
06:38.02[TK]D-FenderPhel : For the guy who wants the exacty service it was sold for use with perhaps... and the second thats not good enough, you're up a creek.
06:38.30PhelI was being facetious
06:38.48[TK]D-FenderPhel : I was being kind :)
06:38.50PhelI think I'm gonna curl up into a ball and sob now
06:39.19[TK]D-FenderPhel : No, now is a golden opportunity to rethink your infrastructure and plan how YOU want thing to work.
06:39.47PhelUnder port forwarding, it has a "SIP Client" option
06:39.59PhelWhich you'd think would help
06:41.22[TK]D-FenderPhel : Smart = dumb with most of these units....
06:42.00IguanaNedcan anyone suggest a good program for billing voip
06:42.40[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : best bet, check the WIKI, then the mailing lists (biz)
06:42.54PhelAnd also, after I did start forwarding ports, my PC seemed to make more progress.  By that I mean, with nothing forwarded, it only opened 5060, but with 5060 forwarded, it opened 5060-5063 and 1720
06:43.15[TK]D-FenderPhel : like I said, you shouldn't even HAVE to forward anything....
06:43.48PhelDoes anyone here run something I could point my client at.  I'd like to get good info on what the server sees
06:44.06[TK]D-FenderPhel : Try FWD
06:44.08PhelAnd all the VOIP providers have sucky support
06:52.59*** join/#asterisk coppice (
06:53.22AJaymnAnyone know of a wholeseller that offers set cost for per outbound US calling trunk? (not per min) ?
06:54.43SwKnone that are worth a damn
06:54.58[TK]D-FenderAJaymn : that doesn't sould like a "wholesaler" kind of product.
06:55.21SwKactually gerbil crossing has a service liket hat but I think its TDM only hand off
06:55.27[TK]D-FenderAJaymn : individual unlimited accounts sure, but not massively multi-channel typically.
06:56.00SwKgerbil crossings it like 100USD/channel (+/- 10USD or so)
06:56.46SwKbut depending on what you are doing and how many minutes you need, that can be had for far less
06:57.11SwKie; 0.01/minute blended (maybe even better)
06:58.01Phel[TK]D-Fender: Registration Failed
06:58.38[TK]D-FenderPhel : code #?
06:59.33PhelEkiga doesn't say.  Question though.  Is your account password = FWD password because FWD Number is not the same as User Name
06:59.45PhelAnd I am using FWD Number
07:01.00[TK]D-FenderPhel : I'm not sure on the precise settings, but I'd bet there's an Ekiga how-to on their site
07:02.26*** join/#asterisk HockeyInJune (
07:03.45*** join/#asterisk adorah (
07:11.39Phel[TK]D-Fender: Yo, so I managed to get some debugging output and it keeps on saying "STUN could not create socket!"
07:11.55*** part/#asterisk r0d3nt (
07:12.07PhelAnd it's timeing out during registration
07:12.17[TK]D-Fender:/ who;s stun server are you pointing it at, and have you tried without it altogether?
07:12.31JTstun isn't necessary most of the time
07:12.47JTonly for old retarded sip proxies/B2BUAs that were dumb
07:13.04[TK]D-FenderJT : non * scenario.  We're covering our bases here...
07:13.13[TK]D-Fenderphel : ok, and completely without...?
07:13.20Pheltrying now
07:13.39JT[TK]D-Fender: heh yeah, as i said, only shit servers need stun these days :)
07:14.44PhelStill times out but no more stun messages
07:14.59[TK]D-FenderPhel : debateable improvement ;)
07:15.26[TK]D-FenderPhel : Ok, you serioulsy need to test without that gateway of yours..... I am seriously distrusting it ATM....
07:15.38Phel"Set state Terminated_Timeout for transaction 15 REGISTER"
07:16.00[TK]D-FenderPhel : do you ahve a stop in Ekiga to TELL it your WAN IP?
07:16.20[TK]D-FenderPhel : if so plug it in.  Typicaly its when the other side doesn't know where to respond to.
07:16.53PhelI assume that was a spot
07:18.02PhelBut I could use siproxd as an outbound proxy right?
07:18.40PhelI know there's an option for that with it
07:21.33[TK]D-FenderPhel : I am pretty sure at this point its your gateways fault.....
07:24.31*** join/#asterisk dseeb_ (n=dcb@
07:28.45*** part/#asterisk AJaymn (
07:37.47[TK]D-FenderOk, very late here... off to bed.  later all, and GL
07:39.46*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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08:36.24breaAnyone having issues with Global Crossing right now?
08:44.00*** join/#asterisk Ifaistos (
09:16.41*** join/#asterisk foobar778 (
09:18.19foobar778I have an fx0 port How to make another user be able to use this line for outgoing extensions.conf suggestion please
09:19.41mostyuse the Dial command with a zap channel type
09:20.05foobar778mosty I dont have a zaptel device
09:20.16foobar778do I need one?
09:20.24mostywhat FXO device do you have then?
09:20.43foobar778Im using a DVG-1120s router
09:20.54foobar7782fxs and one fx0
09:21.13mostyerm, does that thing run asterisk?
09:21.51mostywhat driver does it use for the FXO port?
09:22.05foobar778same fxs phone is receiving pstn calls
09:22.43mostyat the asterisk console, do "zap show channels"
09:23.42foobar778only pseudo
09:24.29mostyso that d-link box runs linux+asterisk?
09:24.49foobar778its the ata
09:25.22foobar778and working on awith asterix on debian
09:25.31*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
09:25.49mostyi'm confused- how is it connected to your debian box?
09:26.06foobar778its is not
09:26.34mostythen what does your debian box have to do with this?
09:26.49foobar778debain from another port on router
09:27.08foobar778the debain runs asterix
09:27.13mostyok, and you are trying to configure the dvg-1120s to do what?
09:27.20*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
09:27.52foobar778I want the other users to access the fx0 phone on the dvg-1120 to make outbound pstn calls
09:28.55foobar778dvg-1120 registers as 6001 user and can do both I want the other users in sip.conf to have same ability
09:29.21foobar7786001 can use pbx and pstn
09:29.22mostyyou mean you want asterisk sip users to be able to dial out via the dvg-1120s?
09:29.39foobar778using the fx0
09:30.30mostyyou need to setup the dvg-1120s as a sip server, create a sip account for asterisk, then dial an extension via that sip account
09:32.15foobar778mostydvg-1120 is a user in sip.conf user 6001\
09:32.47foobar778But how to make it a server??
09:33.27foobar778as of now from the dvg-1120s is setup as automatic call redirect
09:33.46foobar778I think I got u
09:34.09mostythen you can Dial(SIP/6001/<pstn number here>)
09:34.10foobar778friend wont do it??
09:34.33mostyfriend if you want to send and receive calls from the device
09:34.44foobar778its friend now
09:35.00foobar778let me try that from console
09:38.16foobar778reda that
09:38.46foobar778mosty the problem in the above DIAL was pstn no context
09:39.50foobar7786001 is in context from-sip
09:40.17foobar778anyway to redo DiIAL command syntax
09:40.55foobar778888 is set as prefix for redirection to pstn in dvg-1120s
09:42.43foobar778so I have several users 6001 which the dvg-1120s registers as 6002 .6003.6004
09:43.44foobar778so far when I pick up the analog phone and dail the prefix888 I have outbound pstn
09:44.20foobar778and if I get an incoming pstn the analog phone rings
09:44.57foobar778the same analog phone can act as fxs and dial all other extensions like 6002 as well
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09:45.57foobar778So the snag is to get 6002 to use the pstn line I dont even lnow if it is possible
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09:58.58Aces1Uphas anyone here used astbill?
10:00.43Aces1Updoes anyone here have any billing solutions for asterisk other than a2billing?
10:05.01d42My Austalian VOIP Provider does not allow 1411 (the Telstra prefix) calls in Australia. I want to set up 000 emergency calls, and have found documented that calls can be made to 141162000982 from VOIP phone in NSW.
10:05.29d42Does anyone know of another number that can be called to contact the 000 emergency call center?
10:05.35JTwhat provider is that?
10:05.48d42JT, it is Freecall
10:06.14JThmm, never heard of them
10:06.42d42JT, they are
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10:09.22d42Perhaps there may be another way of directing a call through the Telsra network?
10:09.57JThardware :)
10:10.26d42JT, I'm thinking of a phone number that may be called?
10:11.27JTwhat's the point? if the voip provider doesn't support 000 then likely they don't send unique ANI with IPND details for you, so if you call 000 it won't give them sufficient information
10:13.01d42JT, The point is that in Australia, Government regulation provides interum service that designates VOIP location as nomadic by state, or nomadic nationally.
10:13.25d42JT, thus the 000 operator is prompted to ask for location.
10:13.31JTi'm in australia
10:13.42JTwell it sounds like it's an issue with your voip provider
10:13.53JTif they can't help you, time to change provider
10:14.05JTlooking at their plans, they're not very good value for money anyway
10:14.28CrazyTuxHey guys, does anyone have any good examples of asterisk and click to call, agi type stuff?
10:14.29d42JT, what is it about their plans that concerns you.
10:15.03d42JT, can you be more specific?
10:15.04JTlack of features (as we can see here with 000)
10:15.18JTmonthly fees are too high for the level of service
10:16.13d42JT, what would you recommend?
10:16.19*** join/#asterisk flying_Luck (
10:16.44JTto be honest, i find engin not that bad considering how compliant their number plan is with a real telco
10:17.04JTthey populate ipnd etc too, so they do proper telco stuff
10:18.17d42JT, you compain about the monthly fees. engin is twice the monthly fee, and for last month I saved $7 on local calls compared to what it would have cost if I were with engin.
10:19.06JTif you make tonnes of local calls that are less than 10mins, then, yes, you could save a couple of dollars
10:19.15JTumm if i'm reading freecall'
10:19.24flying_LuckHello everybody, i'm trying to connect asterisk with nec neax 2000 station via E1 card. physical level seems to be ok, but i've got repeating <-- SABME -> UA from station without any RR. I'm using asterisk 1.2.13 with libpri 1.4.0. Where should i dig ?
10:19.27JTumm if i'm reading freecall's site right it's $5 + $7 for a real phone number
10:19.57JTit's $9.95 or so for the same with engin
10:20.12JTlet's not forget a proper numbering plan and 000 service is worth something too
10:20.53d42JT, yes when you include the DID fee. However it is still an overall saving when compared to engin.
10:21.21d42JT, I think that the 000 issue is something I will resolve.
10:21.43JTwell to be honest, $5 a month for no DID and outgoing only is ridiculous
10:22.00JTthere's plenty of voip provders with no monthly fee for outgoing only in australia
10:22.27d42JT, How is a cheaper plan than engin rediculous? Why aren
10:22.49d42JT, Why are you not using one with no monthly fee?
10:22.49JTit is not cheaper for the same level of functionality, we've been through this
10:23.08JTbecause i want a real phone number and better service
10:23.15JTi am actually using some with no monthly fee too
10:23.23JTi use a number of service providers
10:24.06d42JT, which ones do you use, and why?
10:24.24JTi'm also sceptical whether freecall would support callerid sending, to be honest
10:24.31JTif you had a did
10:25.09JTantratel is an interesting one, cheapest calls to mobiles for no monthly fee, and you can choose your routes for calls, for price vs quality
10:25.17JTwithin australia and overseas
10:25.21JTvery interesting system
10:25.28JTstrictly outgoing only, no CID sending
10:26.29JTi tried pennytel but their system seemed like a bit of a joke, i wasn't able to recharge to attempt calls that cost
10:26.35JTmight give it another go some time
10:26.45JTas quality was good for free numbers, and their paid prices are ok
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10:31.08JTok as in cheap, not as cheap as antratel
10:31.34JTbut yeah if you want something close to a proper phone line service, only the more expensive/polished providers offer that
10:31.54JTand engin has good mobile call rates on their biz 50 plan, which is good for business
10:32.13redaxcan't compile zaptel-1.2.10 on newer kernels...
10:32.56Aces1Upquick question, what is the password if i use this line to reset my password on my mysql database?
10:32.56Aces1UpSET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('my_new_password');
10:33.42redaxcompile warning like: kmem_cache_t is deprecated (declared at include/linux/slab.h:17)
10:34.25redaxshould be the `my_new_password' ;-)
10:35.41Aces1Upman, thats not workin :(
10:35.46d42JT, The reason I chose freecall is they provide IAX support, and an overall cheeper deal than engin. Engine does not provide support if you want to connect up a Trixbox.
10:35.48redaxalthough I use `mysqladmin -p password my_new_password
10:36.57redaxwhat kernel would you use with a bristuffed asterisk (bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1y)
10:37.46JTd42: well i guess that's not an issue with me, i don't need or want provider technical support on configuration, only with issues or faults with their service
10:37.57Aces1Upcrap, now i locked myself out of mysql, is there anyway to reset my password?
10:38.12JTfreecall is definately not cheaper than engin on the biz 50 plan for calls to mobiles if you make a lot of them a month
10:38.24d42JT, I hope you don't have any faults with their service. Your on your own.
10:38.35JTd42: err no, they support faults
10:38.43JTnot typing in sip settings
10:39.20JTalso they have one of the longer hours support lines of the .au voip providers
10:39.25redaxhave a nice weekend
10:40.01JTand yeah, trixbox, i'll reserve what i think of it :)
10:40.24d42JT, they kind of do and then they don't. Your using non approved equipment. So unless you can clearly demonstrate that the problem is there end, your in trouble. Anyhow had some very dismissive experiences with them.
10:41.02JTsure, but i can clearly tell if it is their end or not, so i guess it's been a non-issue so far
10:41.27JTit's not premium support, but not much is in the voip world
10:41.43JTmargins are very low
10:42.28d42JT, you appear to be very one eyed. Do you represent engin?
10:42.39Aces1Upanyone know how i reset my mysql database server password?
10:42.56JTno, i'm hardly one eyed, i pretty much gave a run down of the disadvantages as well as advantages
10:43.32JTmy only ongoing complaint with engin is they have RTP silence supression turned on coming from their end and they won't turn it off
10:43.45foobar778Jt do u use fx0 ports??
10:44.00JTbut that's a minor quality issue when you compare it to most other voip providers' quality
10:44.58JTalso, as a rule, i don't trust voip providers to be reliable, but engin has proved fairly reliable
10:44.58foobar778JT: do u use or are u familair with using fx0 ports
10:45.08JTfoobar778: it's "FXO" not "fx0"
10:45.19JTForeign eXchane Office
10:45.34foobar778ok wyes I know do u use them
10:45.41JTfoobar778: not really
10:45.51JTi have some gear here that does FXO
10:46.00JTbut yeah, i try to use digital where possible
10:46.07foobar778my problem is I want other sip users to access the pstn line
10:46.18JTright, that should be do-able
10:46.27foobar778to me JT?
10:46.45foobar778I need a little help here
10:47.04JTwhat is the problem that you are experiencing?
10:47.06foobar778where do u want me to begin
10:47.24foobar778my setup?
10:47.56foobar778ok here is my setup
10:48.03JTwell what's the problem, you can't work out how to do it?
10:48.55foobar778modem>>router>>dvg-1120s 2fxs and one fx0 with automatic call redirection
10:49.06JTd42: btw i don't think engin walk on water, none of the providers do, they just offer a good cost/features proposition, i've found
10:49.25foobar778can call out using phones in fxs ports to pstn
10:49.41foobar778but other sip users cant
10:49.48JTwell i'm not sure how this dvg-1120s works
10:49.59JTwhat's auto call redirection?
10:50.05foobar778I have a pps on it
10:50.22foobar778auto call allows a prefix to dial to pstn
10:50.49foobar778888 will hit the pstn even though default line is voip
10:51.12foobar778powerpoint slideshow on 1120s is pps
10:51.22foobar778ppt maybe
10:54.44d42JT, I think you work for engin. I can tollerate no CID on outgoing. Other than issues with 000 emergency, which I will resolve, there just are cheeper plans than engin. So I think you over dramatise the differences, and different people value different things. Respect the differences, and don't push your view.
10:55.20foobar778JT link works now
10:55.32JTlol work for engin
10:55.55JTyou're a little paranoid d42
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10:56.44foobar778JT: did u see the picture??
10:56.51JTnot yet
10:57.22JTd42: does everyone conspire against you?
11:00.12JTd42: i know different people value different things, which is clearly why i've qualified all my statements with reasons and particular advantages or disadvantages
11:00.24foobar778Hey it migt be in the routing table
11:00.27JTi'm happy to move from engin the moment a superior deal comes out
11:00.30JTfoobar778: most likely
11:00.48foobar778I will take a creenshot of it
11:01.15d42JT, what you read as paranoia was intended as humor. Sorry is seems it didn't come across as intended. My intention here is not to say my way is the best way or anything like that.
11:01.40JTd42: okay
11:01.46d42JT, I'm just after some information.
11:02.24JTright, well i don't think it's easy to properly call 000 without it being supported
11:02.40JTsure there are some dodgy pabxes like parliment house's that'll let you do it
11:02.46JTbut probably not advisable to us
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11:03.05foobar778 JT what do u think
11:03.18hackeronhey, I'm looking for a test number in the UK that's always engaged - anyone know where I can find one?
11:03.27d42Does anyone know of an alternate phone number that may be called to access the telsta network beside the 1411 prefix?
11:03.49JTfoobar778: yes it's relevant, you really need to read up on the dlink documentation
11:04.23JTd42: most people here aren't in australia
11:04.53foobar778I have more documentation on that model than dlink has and what I have is minimal
11:05.40foobar778I called dlink they use whats on the web I found documentation elsewhere
11:06.08JTyeah dlink sucks
11:06.15JTi guess you may need to use trial and error
11:07.36foobar778yes JT I have another shot coming and when u see it Ill tell u what Im thinking for ur feedback
11:09.40foobar778so if I have other sip users
11:09.59foobar778looks like I can define a number
11:10.33foobar778and it will route the user to the pstn
11:11.08foobar778so say user is 6006 and asterisk is
11:11.27foobar778then those will go in the entries
11:11.57foobar778and just define a number and it will route is that ur gues JT?
11:13.31JTyeah probably
11:13.35JTi've never used the unit
11:13.40JTso not sure
11:13.53d42I wish to enable calls to the 000 emergency service in Australia. The documentation says that calls may be made to 141162000982 from VOIP phones in NSW.
11:13.56d42My VOIP Provider does not allow 1411 calls. Is there an alternate phone number that may be called to access the Telstra network, or of calling the 000 emergency call center?
11:14.47JTd42: what documentation says this?
11:15.37d42JT, If you don't know the answer, please leave it clear for someone else to answer.
11:16.21JTi am asking a genuine question, please don't tell me how to act in this channel again
11:16.26JTanyone is free to respond
11:16.30JTi am hardly blocking them
11:16.35JTi'm curious too
11:19.04JTd42: if you check the australian numbering plan, there may be an alternative number there
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11:32.40usnhi there - I am desperately looking for a documentation for capicommand - is there a listing of available options?
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11:37.05*** join/#asterisk Mike800 (
11:37.32Mike800hello :p
11:37.57Strom_Cwhatcha doin up this late?
11:38.05Mike800need some help...
11:38.13Mike800with the application map in features.conf
11:38.18Strom_Clay it on me
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11:38.59Mike800basically, i want to create a key sequence that will transfer someone to a queue, or different voicemail boxes
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11:39.48Strom_Cflesh it out; i think i know how to do it
11:40.01Mike800tough one
11:40.54Mike800lemme re-explain what i want it to do
11:41.49Strom_Cwell, i just said "flesh it out"; i dont want you to re-tread :)
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11:42.06Mike800i dont know what that means :-)
11:42.28Strom_Cit means "please explain in greater detail"
11:42.46Strom_Cor it means "dead hookers"
11:42.51Strom_Cone of the two :)
11:42.56Mike800Key Sequence #1:  Places call on hold, asks employee what extension to transfer to.  Key Sequence #2: Transfers call to a specific queue
11:43.18Strom_Cah ok, so you're having a human transfer inbound calls?
11:43.35Mike800not even necessarily inbound
11:43.47Strom_Cwhat kind of telephone sets are you using?
11:43.49Mike800it could be an outbound call that needs to be transferred as well
11:43.52Mike800Linksys SPA-942
11:44.01Strom_Cthere should be a transfer key on the set
11:44.04Mike800(not enough customizable buttons for these things)
11:44.16Mike800ya, but the secretaries would rather just press #1 or something
11:44.35Strom_Ceh, inband transfers are icky; what if they're calling an IVR menu that requires them to press #?
11:44.39Mike800right now they have to press transfer, extension, transfer aain
11:45.00Mike800well, voip-info says as long as its not #1, you're ok
11:45.37Strom_Cwell....they press #, then the next selection is 1.   or 2.  or 3.  or....
11:46.04Mike800if they press it fast enough, then it will perform the application map function...otherwise, it will just go through
11:46.22Strom_Ci suppose it's worth a go
11:46.52Mike800its asterisk 1.2.15
11:46.58Mike800just for reference
11:48.03Strom_Cwhy not just uncomment the blindxfer line, modify it to whatever you want it to be, and leave it at that?
11:48.25Strom_Ci don't see any benefit to having an application mapping when you can just do blind transfers to extensions in your dial plan
11:49.27Mike800well, they seem to want it... :-\ they're lazy do a blind transfer on that phone, they have to do 3 key sequnces (not including the keys they have to press for the transfer extension)...and they thing it will be easier this way
11:49.40Strom_Cno no no
11:49.46Strom_Clook in the config file
11:49.52Strom_Cthere's a featuremap, and there's an applicationmap
11:50.06Mike800ya...but like, transferring to a specific queue?
11:50.32Strom_Cyeah, leave #1 as blind xfer, and then have sales on 500, support on 501, billing on 502...etc
11:50.55Mike800(i wish my dads company was that simple....;p)
11:51.11Strom_Cthe last PBX I set up has seven queues
11:51.18Strom_Cand four queue members
11:51.46Mike800my dads has 15-20
11:52.01Strom_C20 queues?
11:52.03Mike800and about 10 members :-)
11:52.09Strom_Cwhy 20 queues
11:52.19Mike800cause each person has their own personal queue
11:52.33Mike800that other employees can transfer people into
11:52.43Mike800it works well for their business..
11:52.53Strom_Cwell ok, this comes to mind:
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11:53.06Strom_Cyou have the 20 sets as, say, extensions 501-520, right?
11:53.27Strom_Cmap your queues such that 601 is the queue for 501, 602 is the queue for 502, etc etc etc
11:53.45Strom_Cor, even better
11:53.52Strom_Cmake it so that /every/ call to the telephone set goes into a queue
11:54.00Mike800it does
11:54.04Mike800and i already have it set up that way
11:54.24Strom_Cah ok, so you're at least two steps ahead of me already :)
11:54.40Mike800my issue is that the secretaries would rather have a 2-digit number that completes the full transfer to a specific queue...
11:55.13Mike800(i made the mistake of giving tem my e-mail address...i get at least 2 e-mails a day from them asking me for this...i made the mistake of telling them this was possible)
11:55.45Strom_Cso just # followed by a 2 digit code?
11:56.22Mike800or it could be *#(number)
11:56.33Strom_Cyeah, there you go
11:56.34Mike800ive never had to enter *# on any IVR
11:56.42Strom_Cmap *# to blind transfer
11:56.55Strom_Cand then have a separate context with two-digit mappings to the queues
11:57.03Strom_Cmake sure they dont conflict with your existing numbering plan
11:57.09Strom_Cwham, bam, thank you sir
11:57.17Mike800but thats not using the app map
11:57.32Strom_Cit's going to be too much trickery to use the app map
11:57.40Mike800i guess
11:57.45Mike800i cant find any documentation on it
11:57.50Strom_Cone moment
11:57.54Mike800nothing that really teaches me much
12:00.02Strom_Chow about this
12:00.09*** part/#asterisk Aces1Up (
12:00.14Strom_Cer, no
12:00.15Strom_Cnever mind
12:01.51Strom_Cyeah, applicationmap for this would be a huge kludge
12:02.06Mike800thats why its gonna be fun
12:02.20Strom_Cjust use blindxfer in conjunction with some dialplan jiggerypokery and you're set
12:02.48Strom_Cunless you want to add an application mapping for each queue
12:03.00Strom_Cso #21, #22, #23, #24, etc etc etc
12:04.00Mike800thats what i wanna do
12:04.10Strom_Cso, yeah, just do:
12:04.31Strom_Cer no
12:04.39Strom_Cthat will just queue the secretary
12:04.44Strom_Cwake up, strom
12:05.03Mike800i dont like the way they have it set up....its so confusing
12:06.21Strom_Choly cocks, it's 4 AM
12:06.29Mike800i know!!
12:06.29Strom_Cbrb, switching to laptop
12:06.33Mike800its ok
12:06.38Mike800we'll work on it tomorrow
12:06.44Mike800i didnt realize its this late
12:07.39JT2307 here :)
12:08.01Mike800where is 'here'?
12:10.16JTsydney, australia
12:12.02Mike800hehe gonna go sleep
12:13.41Mike800i cant keep my eyes open
12:13.51Mike800thanks for your help strom
12:14.26Mike800i'll talk to ya tomorrow
12:14.35Strom_Msleep well :)
12:14.39Mike800thanks :)
12:14.42Mike800good night
12:17.19Strom_M((( IN STEREO )))
12:17.47JTomg stereo
12:18.42macTijn(where available)
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13:27.20public-good morning
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13:46.21usnHi folx. I want to perform all kinds of actions AFTER a dial command. I know that dial does not come back, if everything went good. But how can I work around that behaviour?
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13:50.31PakiPenguinhi everyone
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14:12.40ManxPowerusn: the "h" extenson will be executed when the caller hangs up
14:15.38public-anyone using chan_cellphone?
14:16.04public-actually.. 2 questions.. anyone using a 7940 in SIP mode and have the time displayed on the screen?
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14:53.32Qwellpublic-: I'm using chan_cellphone some
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14:58.41public-Qwell: any idea if it works with the call waiting on the cell phone?
14:58.48Qwelldoubt it
14:58.53public-ok, didn't see anything
14:58.59public-was wondering if I missed somethign
14:59.45*** join/#asterisk snickerdoodle (
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15:01.27snickerdoodleIs there a seperate channel for Asterisk 1.40 suppport?  Or same?  (Topic suggests I might be in the wrong place)
15:02.05uwehello, im trying to write expect script to be used with cisco IP Phones (telnet) to simulate real load on asterisk, i thought ill ask if someone already did something similar? well, does anyone know of something similar?
15:02.05Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
15:02.29uwehmm... i really hope Nugget is a bot
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15:07.15coppiceI suppose you want them to wait and just watch the TV series of minds
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15:12.51marty-ott-athomeGood Morning!  Been a few week since I've been here..  we're about to try ASterisk for the first time. I've got a caller setup - however, the only thing I'm missing is the routing of calls... and this is an easy one (probably in the handbook).. but
15:13.10marty-ott-athomecould someone tell me how to send ALL calls to an IP address of another SIP server?
15:13.59joaoviannaAnyone using asterisk with video ?
15:14.31w9shHi Marty. I'll try and help.
15:14.45marty-ott-athomeIm not 100% on it but I think that video is not yet 100% define for SIP..
15:14.49marty-ott-athomew9sh.. cool!
15:15.05w9share u using trixbox, freepbx or all with a handedited dialplan
15:15.41marty-ott-athomehandedited dialplan - is there an easier way?  I thought Trixbox and freepbx were simply alternatives to Asterisk
15:16.00cburn123not alts.. just front-ends
15:16.05w9shthey are gui's around asterisk
15:16.05joaoviannamarty-ott-athome: Thanks, I'm using a Grandstream 3000 but I could not put video to work yet.
15:16.17Qwellpoor ones, at that
15:16.24marty-ott-athomeoh... cool.. I'll use trixbox in the future then
15:16.38w9shso what do u want to do to start. a home system or at the office or what?
15:16.47Qwellmarty-ott-athome: I wouldn't recommend that my grandmother use trixbox
15:17.18marty-ott-athomeWell, I've got a Mediatrix gateway setup (Quell -ok - any suggestions) and my voip only calls work fine.  I just need to send my calls out to my SIP upstream provider
15:17.19w9shtrue qwell, but i would have my grandmother try and do anything with asterisk :)
15:17.47marty-ott-athomeMaybe trixbox then would be good for an admin person who needs to add a customer ..
15:18.16w9shmarty what OS and cpu hardware?
15:18.39marty-ott-athome3 ghz - 1 gig ram - intel, asus, FreeBSD
15:18.42snickerdoodleCan someone suggest where I might get advice / support on T.38 passthrough on Ast 1.40 ???
15:18.50w9shand do you have the box doing anything else that you care about?
15:19.24marty-ott-athomejust ssh
15:19.24Qwellsnickerdoodle: I have yet to see you ask a question about it
15:19.24marty-ott-athomethis box is dedicated to Asterisk
15:19.35w9shthat's too nice a machine for *!
15:19.54w9shgot anything older laying around?
15:20.15snickerdoodleI have an Asterisk 1.40 install with H323 in one leg, and SIP out the other.  This works great for audio (g729 codec), but attempts to passthrough T.38 cause a disconnect.
15:20.18marty-ott-athomewhich reminds me - I have to ( :) ) -- think we're doing G711 right now - I'll have to get license for G729 -- our upstream will do both so it's non issue
15:20.35Qwellsnickerdoodle: I don't think h323 supports t.38 passthrough
15:20.51snickerdoodleFor some reason Asterisk says the RTP channel is switching to ulaw (even though both legs are g729), and then hangups up because it can't transcode
15:21.21Qwellsnickerdoodle: get the latest 1.4 branch from svn..  that g729/ulaw thing has been fixed
15:21.27Qwellat least, I think it has
15:21.49w9shwell i just got called to daddy taxi duty so i gotta jump out. marty send me an email to and i can call you and chat while i drive.
15:21.51snickerdoodleDo you mean in general H323 can't do T38 passthrough - or just Ast 1.40 ?
15:22.04public-Qwell: does chan_cellphone support any of the fax services?
15:22.19Qwellpublic-: no
15:22.34marty-ott-athomewow!  I appreciate that but I'm sure I can figure it out here..  it's a one-line I'm sure in the Dialplan
15:22.37Qwellpublic-: it's just an audio gateway for now
15:22.47public-Qwell: ok, thanks. Just thinkin outside the box. :)
15:22.50Qwellor, rather, it's just a headset
15:22.51marty-ott-athomeit's cool.. thx though
15:22.56Qwellit supports audio gateways
15:23.20QwellI'm sitting on a patch right now to support headsets though :D
15:23.22w9shwell maybe 6 lines, k cu
15:23.27Qwellthen sms is next, if t-mobile comes through
15:23.47Qwellpublic-: and I did briefly mention fax over bluetooth the other day
15:23.50marty-ott-athomeok.. anyone - I'm sure I can my answer in the handbook but its an easy questoin.. I simply need to send all (6 lines eh.. hmmm) my calls to my upstream sip provider in my dial plan ... sorta like
15:24.00Qwellpublic-: the response was "...why?"
15:24.23marty-ott-athomeexten => * sip:209.50.x.x
15:24.41public-Qwell: my question being... why not? it makes sense to use the phone's capabilities... especially for people who lack phone lines. P:|
15:24.54Qwellpublic-: it's new yet..  sure it's possible, but...yeah
15:25.11public-Qwell: agreed.. I was suprirsed when I saw chan_bluetooth lose support.
15:25.43marty-ott-athomeanyone?  send my calls to my upstream sip provider?
15:25.54Qwellwell, I went out and bought like $60 of bluetooth gear so I could play with it :p
15:26.03Qwellpublic-: it'll probably eventually support more stuff
15:26.10public-Qwell: I've got a motorola v3 and one of their headsets
15:26.24public-don't think this phone has a BT fax profile though
15:28.31Qwellis the v3 called something else?
15:28.36Qwellor...oh, that's a razr, isn't it?
15:29.08public-tryint to find a good tftp server for gentoo
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15:30.01snickerdoodleQwell: I'm a little lost...if I have an H323-SIP channel up with RTP using g729, and then the caller wants to send a fax using T.38, it looks like the RTP channels should close and T.38-over-UDPTL should start.  I see UDPTL support in the sip.conf and (according to Open H323 web site) in H.323.  Why/where would this fail?
15:30.19dlynes_laptoppublic-: gentoo doesn't ship with hpa tftpd?
15:31.16public-I don't have it installed by default
15:31.19public-I did a source build
15:31.27public-so all of my packages are custom
15:31.55dlynes_laptopthat would suck
15:32.00dlynes_laptoptalk about giving your hard drive a workout
15:32.02public-it takes some time to install
15:32.11dlynes_laptopand you did that on purpose?
15:32.21public-higher customization
15:32.24public-don't end up with as much BS
15:32.30public-however... I think where i'm at now, I've got the BS anyways
15:32.52dlynes_laptopso you should've started with a stripped down version of the a and d series from slackware, instead
15:32.57coppicesnickerdoodle: openh323 may have T.38 support, but I don't think anything has been done to ie that into the rest of *
15:33.00dlynes_laptopforget gentoo :0
15:33.44snickerdoodleThe 1.40 docs/wiki suggest T.38 support is in least on the SIP side.
15:33.54Qwellpublic-: I use net-ftp/tftp-hpa
15:33.55dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: t.38 passthrough
15:34.08public-Qwell: I just installed atftp
15:34.12public-looks like this will do the job
15:34.16dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: and i'm guessing it's probably not well tested
15:34.18coppicepassthrough support is there for SIP, but no work has been done on chan_h323
15:34.20public-right now using a windows tftp client..
15:35.17snickerdoodlehmmm....does that mean that T.38 will not work in my case (h323 one leg, SIP the other) ? I'm using open H.323 - does it replace chan_h323?
15:37.05elmerbugGood morning, folks!
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15:39.16elmerbugI have a VERY interesting question
15:39.53dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: depends on whether you're using openh323 as a sip<=>h323 gateway, or if you're just using it as an interface for one of the h323 channel drivers in asterisk
15:39.55marty-ott-athomeCan nyone tell me how to send all my sip calls to an upstream sip provdier by IP i.e. (" _* sip:ip_address
15:40.10elmerbugInbound SIP calls with DIDs that match an inbound route are being handled by * as internal calls (extension calls)
15:40.15dlynes_laptopmarty-ott-athome: set up a sip peer
15:40.24Qwellelmerbug: because your dialplan says to
15:40.52elmerbugQwell: ok, thanks.  Can you suggest how to identify and kill the culprit?
15:40.53Qwellcomputers only do what you tell them to do
15:41.00Qwellsplit up your contexts
15:41.19marty-ott-athomedlynes... ok.. isn't as simple as exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/ipaddress)
15:41.21marty-ott-athomesomething like that?
15:41.42elmerbugQwell: Can you expand that a bit?  Thanks for assisting.
15:42.43dlynes_laptopmarty-ott-athome: you could do that, too
15:42.51snickerdoodledlynes_laptop:  I'm not sure I follow.  I'm trying to create a SIP-H323 gateway, have installed Open H323, and am letting Asterisk do it's thing to bridge the SIP and H323 legs.  Asterisk should just handoff the T38 stuff from one leg to the other I thought...
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15:43.03dlynes_laptopmarty-ott-athome: assuming you don't need to authenticate
15:43.08dlynes_laptopmarty-ott-athome: or register
15:43.19elmerbugQwell: For example, it wuld help if I could run a debug detailed enough to actually catch it in the act.
15:43.24marty-ott-athomeI don't
15:43.33dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: are you doing sip to openh323, or are you using h323 to it?
15:43.35marty-ott-athomemy upstream simply permits me though some access-list
15:43.40dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: openh323 has a sip stack now
15:43.43redaxcan anyone help me to figure out why does segfaults asterisk (bristuffed) with an OpenVox B400P card?
15:43.52marty-ott-athomeSo... is that the right way to do it then?
15:43.55redaxwhen chan_zap loaded it segfaults
15:44.19dlynes_laptopmarty-ott-athome: yeah, that should work then, but you'll need a different format
15:44.36dlynes_laptopmarty-ott-athome: check the docs on the wiki for sip dial format
15:44.50snickerdoodledlynes_laptop:  I'm reaching the limits of my knowledge I'll answer as best I can.  I installed Open H323 which I though replaces the built-in H323?
15:44.51marty-ott-athomeor is it.. like:    exten => N,1,Dial(SIP/ip)   ... I amreading hte handbook righ tnow
15:44.56marty-ott-athomebut I'm not sure...
15:45.09marty-ott-athomelooking for a section on send my call to a sip peer.
15:45.26dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: the built-in h323 (h323 channel driver from asterisk-addons) doesn't require openh323
15:45.37dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: there's three or so other h323 channel drivers that do require openh323
15:46.14dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: however, you can just set up a sip peer to route all your calls to openh323, also because the new openh323 has both a SIP stack and an H.323 stack
15:46.45dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: the version of openh323 that supports both is called 'Opal'
15:47.54elmerbugFolks, a debugging "how to" question.  How do I turn up debugging so that I can see how * is handling incoming SIP calls to a context?
15:47.55snickerdoodledlynes_laptop: I'm sinking fast (getting lost).  Should I remove my Open H323 insallation and use the H323 from asterisk addons?
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15:48.28dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: if you want, but save yourself the headache, and avoid the h323 channel drivers in asterisk
15:48.34dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: install opal instead
15:49.39snickerdoodledlynes_laptop:  I'm going to do some quick reading on OPAL.  BRB.  Thanks
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15:51.17dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: It's up to version 2.0.0 now
15:51.25dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: so, that document isn't quite up to date
15:51.51dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: it's part of openh323 v2.0.0
15:51.59dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: donm't need to grab it from svn/cvs anymore
15:52.43dlynes_laptopsnickerdoodle: you can also do a search on the main openh323 homepage for the term 'opal'
16:03.53RyushinHow close do the zaptel version have to be to the released asterisk code?
16:04.36RyushinI'm trying to use asterisk-1.2.15 with zaptel 1.2.12.  I'm getting a compile error for asterisk.
16:08.09Nugget"a compile error" is not very helpful.
16:08.28RyushinNugget:  Okay, let me give you the error.  :)
16:09.06snickerdoodleStill a bit lost. OPAL a replacement to the latest OpenH323 ? offers Oh323 v1.12 but cannot download OPAL.  Sourceforge offers Oh323 v1.19 and OPAL v.2.2.
16:11.48RyushinIt looks like 1.2.14 compiled fine.
16:12.33RyushinI'm having problems compiling wanpipe with anything newer than zaptel-1.2.14 so I have to use zaptel-1.2.12.
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16:16.20NuggetHrm, that's not very helpful to me either.  :)  Hopefully someone else will have a better idea.
16:16.23NuggetStrange error.
16:17.24Nugget may be related.
16:21.11Ryushinthanks Nugget, I'll look at the bug.
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16:29.46grinsbaluone of you got the sip firmware for cisco 7941 and can send it?
16:40.15uweum, can anyone help with how to know what the status of cisco 7940 phone is via telnet? is the speaker just open, or is there actually a call taking place!
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16:45.53sergeusCan anybody share Tormenta2 (T400P) manual with me?
16:46.59coppicethe only real documentation is at
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16:49.19sergeuscoppice: Thanks a lot! will dig that site
16:51.10sergeuscoppice: there is a radial switch on my T400P with positions 0-f, can you explain me /briefly/ what is it?
16:53.11JerJersergeus: i believe that is a card identifier
16:54.09QwellJerJer: device state stuff is in trunk ;)
16:54.28JerJerQwell: i saw that -  kick ass stuff
16:54.47JerJeri'm gonna have to bust out my 7910 and 12SP  here soon
16:55.06Qwellhaven't tested it on a 7910 yet...  no more room on my desk
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16:55.32Qwellshould work fine though
16:55.57JerJergreat - it will be a good thing for me to do then
16:56.39truescotcan anyone suggest any good predictive dialers too me? i have installed and tested gnudialer, vicidial and sinedialer so far, any other i should be looking at?
16:57.34truescoti'm not a telemarketer :)
16:57.54truescoti am just playing and seeing whats possible
16:58.01coppiceI predict that anyone receiving calls from a predictive dialer will be pissed off
16:58.10truescoti use asterisk for business and am just trying to learn everyting
16:58.33sergeusJerJer: so this switch should be engaged if i have a few cards in the same server, right? what if i have only 1 tor2 card? what should i set there? 0?
16:58.42truescotseriously i work for a private bank, we have no need for a dialer, but i am learning more and more on asterisk and would liek to look at dialers
16:58.52Qwellso that you can telemarket
16:59.23JerJertruescot:  write your own
16:59.33JerJerthat will ensure good learning
16:59.33truescotnot much need in that field but the private banking sector has to phone loads of clients every day to update them on their profile
16:59.43truescotgood point,
16:59.55coppiceand we all believe the tooth fairy will visit you when a pissed off call recipient knocks your teeth out :-)
16:59.57JerJerthank you, drive thru
17:01.03truescoti work for not exactly a telemarketing company, when you are fishing for multi million euro accounts telemarketing doesnt tend to help ":)
17:05.00coppicedunno. I get telemarkers trying to sell me houses in other countries for investment.
17:06.15truescotdoes anyone actually buy from these assholes tho?
17:06.31Qwellof course not
17:06.35truescoti think they tend to go outta business quite quickly if thats ther only form of introduction
17:06.55truescotwhen they come in just place them on hold
17:07.07truescotsee how long they are willing to wait
17:07.13truescotbait them a bit
17:08.19coppicethat's what we've been trying to do with you
17:09.44coppicethese are big property companies and banks calling me. they aren't scams, in that they are genuinely trying to sell property. they're just bloody annoying
17:09.57truescotmy dad got pissed off with a double glazing company that kept calling, so on a day when he was bored called them and spent 4 hours going thru their range then told them the have nothing he wants so stop fin calling :
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17:13.34Qwellmog: !!!
17:14.23sweepertruescot: just say "take me off your list, or I will call bell and report you as an annoyance call"
17:14.43Qwellsweeper: I doubt companies in .nl care about bell :p
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17:15.01mogQwell, !
17:15.02sweeperQwell: um, they care if they don't want bell to stop accepting calls from them :P
17:15.15sweeperunless you mean, he lives in nl,
17:15.39sweeperin which case, s/bell/${TECLO_PROVIDER_OF_YOUR_CHOICE}/
17:17.19saschany person have a swissvoice ip10s ???
17:17.23sergeusfound my misterious switch in Assembler's manual :)
17:18.34sergeushowever, still no explanations about it's usage..
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17:23.55sweeperanyone have recommendations for call record web frontends?
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17:42.36vlrkhello all i have zapte card tdm400p in that i have 03 04 only with fxo
17:43.17vlrkthe problem iam facing is when i configure in zaptel.conf as fxoks=3-4
17:43.46vlrkit says that fxs are configured with fxo signalling
17:43.50vlrkany ideas
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17:44.39Cybertoyhi .. anyone know if zfone works with asterisk?
17:45.13Cybertoyif I understand zfone correct you need to start it .. .and then start the phone client.. and zfone acts as "proxy" ... so in theory asterisk could be the client, no?
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17:51.13Qwellvlrk: swap your signalling
17:51.24Qwellvlrk: You are supposed to configure it with fxs signalling
17:52.22flying_Luckanybody can point me to a free q.921/q.931 software protocol analyzer ? asterisk intense debug seems not enough
17:53.06kb1_kanobeflying_Luck: Asterisk dumps the raw hex when you ask for 'pri debug span...', so you only need a copy of the relevant tables.
17:53.35kb1_kanobeA completel copy of q931 is hard to come by, but most of the used IEs are documented on the web
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17:53.51vlrkQwell: but what i have is fxo not fxs
17:53.59Qwellvlrk: yes, trust me, switch it
17:55.40vlrki did that , it says configured but when i do ztcfg
17:55.51vlrkit shows as fxs that 03 and 04
17:56.15Qwelldid you swap it in both configs?
17:56.50vlrkQwell what do you mean that fxs to 3-4 and fxo to 1-2
17:56.55vlrkif that is then i did that
17:57.08vlrkand in ztcfg it shows as 4 channels configured
17:57.24Qwellin zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
17:58.17saschanyone use swissvoice ip10 phone ??
17:58.21vlrkyes i did
17:58.33kb1_kanobeflying_Luck: I should clarify - asterisk dumps verbose decoding of the IE's when you issue 'pri debug span...' and also shows the raw hex in []. If it doesn't understand an IE then you'll get the raw hex and an explanation of what wasn't understood. Eg.
17:58.51sasch<vlrk> do you use swissvoice phone ??
17:59.12vlrkQwell it does not detect
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18:01.01flying_Luckkb1_kanobe, i've got itu-t q.921 pdf. My problem really is at q.921 or lower level. with 2 different software setups (same configs) i've got either cycling SABME/UA or just SABME from asterisk side without any UA from pbx side. I really don't know where should i dig
18:02.21kb1_kanobeflying_Luck: heh. you're on the right track already then, so you probably need to ask this question in asterisk-dev. It'll be burried somewhere in the libpri code.
18:02.50kb1_kanobegood luck :-)
18:03.03flying_Lucktnx :)
18:03.47vlrksasch: what s that swissvoice phone ?
18:05.28saschi have a swissvoice sip phone ... i configure it but when connect to my server
18:05.31saschasterisk say
18:05.32saschSaved useragent "Swissvoice IP10 SP v1.0.1 (Build 4)" for peer 15
18:05.39vlrkQwell i pasted my configs here
18:05.47saschbut in my telephone is write connect to proxy server
18:06.10vlrkand i connected the phone line to 3 rd jack in card
18:06.28vlrkwhen i dial to that number it does not show any signals ..
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18:11.21smellybellyug... I'm having some awful zaptel trouble... can anyone help?
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18:33.30DocHollidayhey Qwell
18:33.38QwellI'm not here.
18:33.54DocHollidayqwell the 7941 works :)
18:34.04Qwellwith chan_skinny?
18:35.03QwellThen I don't much care :P
18:35.24DocHollidayskinny is more important to you?
18:35.29Qwellof course
18:35.42DocHollidaywhy? :O
18:36.05Qwellbecause it's a much nicer protocol
18:36.24DocHollidayheh okay..
18:43.25*** join/#asterisk deb_user (
18:44.33deb_userI have an fxo interfaces that rings an fxs interface right away on incoming calls, then after 20 sec. it rolls over to voicemail, only problem is the fxs still rings for a few seconds after it is already in voicemail, any dialplan suggestions to remedy this?
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19:25.37DeLmArHi everyone. appears to be down and I am looking for a tarball of a recent version of spandsp 0.0.2 .  Does anyone here have a copy I can get a hold of please?
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19:28.48fetcherI have spandsp-0.0.2pre20.tar.gz, but that's probably out of date by now (downloaded it in '05)
19:30.52KnowWhatbut i want to know if there should be directory /var/run/mysql??
19:34.15DeLmArfetcher, that might help tho
19:35.27DeLmArfetcher, hrm. ok. my debian distro has 0.0.2pre26-1
19:36.36DeLmArwhen i apply the patch to the makefile, and copy the rx/tx fax apps to the apps folder.. everything compiles as expected... yet when i load asterisk, it dislikes the fax modules.
19:37.00tzafrir_homeDeLmAr, the .orig.tarball from a Debian mirror is just as good
19:37.15DeLmArtzafrir, you would think. but i cant make it happy.
19:37.51tzafrir_homethe patch to the apps dir is highly version dependent
19:38.09tzafrir_homeYou should be able to patch it manually yourself
19:38.16DeLmArtzafrir, yeah.. and I only have a patch+apps from an earlier version...
19:38.23DeLmArtzafrir, the patch works
19:38.32Qwell*cough*bug coppice*cough* :P
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19:38.41tzafrir_homethe apps normally don't change between versions
19:39.04DeLmArtzafrir, as i say.. i can patch it ok.. and it compiles without an issue but when i start asterisk, it has symbol issues with the two modules.
19:39.16DeLmArasterisk 1.2.15
19:40.18DeLmArso if anyone has a working spandsp + patch + rx/txfax apps combination that works with 1.2.15... id love to get ahold of them.. or even for an earlier version of Asterisk.
19:42.39Carp1if I do Background(file) someone should be able to enter an extension during the prompt, right?
19:44.02DeLmArshould do.
19:45.53tzafrir_homewell, as qwell  said, the maintainer of is currently in the channel
19:49.09DeLmArtzafrir, i have no idea who that is im afraid.... no offense :P .. but I don't spend alot of time in here
19:55.41DeLmArperhaps the maintainer could give an idea as to when might be back online?  perhaps its online but its a 'route' issue between here and there... /shrug
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20:03.35DeLmArhrm. is it possible to setup something with Asterisk & spandsp to provide remote access .. ie. a ppp session, from an extension on the IVR? kinda thinking about having an alternative means to access my system if my DSL goes down and needs intervention.
20:04.23DeLmAralmost always comes back up itself, but once a year it goes down and the modem is lazy.
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20:10.31n|cotineAny nat gurus around?
20:10.45IguanaNedanyone use a2billing for billing voip instead of calling cards
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20:14.15DeLmArn|cotine dunno about guru but im not bad at dealing with nat, altho the best way is to just avoid it :P
20:14.50n|cotineDeLmAr:  It just seems that placing our company desk phones on public IPs is not the best way to do things.
20:15.15DeLmArn|cotine what kinda phones?
20:15.33n|cotineDeLmAr:  Sipura/Linksys and Cisco.
20:16.25DeLmArn|cotine, well mostly people are all over the place, and each client site is different but most of the time a user is going to be behind nat of some sort.
20:17.04DeLmArn|cotine, most of the recent model routers seem to support SIP devices quite nicely
20:17.11DeLmArn|cotine, what issues are you having?
20:17.16n|cotineNot having any yet.
20:17.18n|cotineStill in planning.
20:17.49n|cotinePlan on putting the phones on private IPs - the 3 sites are linked by private lines, so we can route the private IPs internally
20:17.52RhizomeJust remember that fax might not work on a sip enabled router
20:18.08n|cotineJust thinking what kind of problems I'd have when adding external phones to the mix
20:18.28DeLmArn|cotine where is the Asterisk box?
20:18.35n|cotineMy first thought was to just set canreinvite to "no" for any external phones, as the asterisk machines will be on both the internal and external networks
20:18.45DeLmArn|cotine it really does help is the Asterisk box has a public IP
20:20.24*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
20:22.35pigpenHi all, I need a bit of advice for some dialplan "planning"
20:22.47*** join/#asterisk JacksLivr (
20:23.06jbotwell, wikis is
20:23.06JacksLivrhello all. I just installed *now this morning. I set up the outgoing port to be port 4 (FXO) of my 4 port card. I noticed that when I rang in, it came in on port 4, but when i ring out, the channel status screen showed that it was going out port 3. i moved the phone line over and now it rings out
20:23.06pigpenI am working with * 1.4, with RTA on postgres.
20:23.08Dovidpigpen: whats up ?
20:23.08Qwellpigpen: any time
20:23.42pigpenShould I keep my main extension handling (like forwarding, dnd, followme, etc...) in the extensions.conf or put it in postgres.
20:24.04pigpenthe catch is that with RTA with a database backend, you cannot have variables.
20:24.19JacksLivrshould/can I just close the browser and use the asterisknow install with just the config files. I'm a n00b.
20:24.40JacksLivror is it better to build a fedora box and start from scratch?
20:24.58pigpenie: if I have a dailplan where when calling an extention it looks for 10 differenet things, I would have in the database 10 differetn things per extensions. (sorry for the spelling)
20:25.01pigpentyping fast.
20:25.23pigpenWhere as in extensions.conf, one set covering them all.
20:25.59pigpenI hope I made some sense.
20:27.29pigpenI am thinking, keep the "mass variable stuff" in the extensions.conf, putting extension specific in the database.
20:27.51Defendhey fellas any one happen to know where the new asterisk gui puts log info? i goto log in and it imedately logs me out so i was looking for a log file to see what is going on
20:28.46Bobthehunterso wahts up with fromuser....
20:28.52Bobthehunterits desteroying call from info
20:29.11pigpenDefend, sorry, I've never worked with it.
20:29.31Defendalright thanks tho mate :/
20:29.38*** join/#asterisk bkervaski (
20:31.12pigpenshit..I think I ran everyone off.
20:31.37JacksLivrcan anyone read this?
20:31.44pigpenread waht?
20:31.59JacksLivrok, thanks. i wasnt sure everyone could see me
20:32.07pigpensee what?
20:32.29JacksLivri didnt know if i had logged on to freenode... oh made it.
20:33.06JacksLivrshould i punt *now and start over with fedora, etc?
20:33.38pigpenstart over with Gentoo.
20:33.41bkervaskiUbuntu 6.06LTS Server.
20:34.01JacksLivrive fun fedora and freebsd, not really the others
20:34.04pigpendistro war...
20:34.08Defendthe asterisk gui doesnt work with ie
20:34.17JacksLivrim using firefox
20:34.18Defendi swaped to ff and it works
20:34.46JacksLivri can do stuff int he gui, its just seems buggy
20:35.25Defendi just want it for quick start so i can let people make calls while i read docs
20:35.35*** join/#asterisk tom_kelleher (
20:36.30tom_kelleherhello, I am curious if it is possible to use Asterisk to create a "virtual conferance room" on the server
20:36.50pigpentom_kelleher, meetme..yes.
20:37.19tom_kelleherpigpen, could you please breifly explain how that works.
20:38.33pigpenWell, you call into an exten and punch in a pin if necessary, and you and whomever is in a conf room.
20:38.42*** join/#asterisk tclark (
20:38.47pigpenlots of options.
20:39.17pigpenOne of my customers use it when they have group training.
20:39.18tom_kelleherthank you pigpen.
20:39.41pigpenone person calls the training facility, transfers the call to the conf room...then the other 60 people joins in.
20:40.44*** join/#asterisk digiportbram (
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20:40.54mikeekimhello ladies
20:41.22digiportbramanyone using accountcode on a per user basis in iax.conf?
20:41.50DeLmArdigiportbram yup
20:41.51digiportbramseems to have a bug that makes it pickup the last accountcode= setting in iax.conf instead of the ones based on user
20:42.08DeLmArdigiportbram cant say im having that problem.
20:42.20digiportbramdelmar: hmm...
20:42.28digiportbramdelmar: 1.4.0?
20:42.36DeLmArdigiportbram no. 1.2.15
20:42.53digiportbramdelmar: i really don't want to downgrade
20:43.16filedid you confirm that the correct user entry is being matched?
20:43.49digiportbramwell...not sure if it matters, but the are friends not users
20:43.50DeLmArdigiportbram, ill be damned if im going to upgrade.. just yet :P.  too many other things to do than replace something with something else when the first something aint broke, and the upgrade would mean I have to actually do some work to make sure configs confirm and such like :P
20:43.51*** join/#asterisk ocgltd (
20:43.56DeLmArrather waste time on something else.
20:44.25ocgltdDoes anyone have experience with OPAL and Ast 1.40 ?
20:44.34DeLmArmight take a look at it in the next few weeks tho.
20:44.51fileocgltd: chan_h323 does not have the capability to use OPAL
20:44.55*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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20:45.08DeLmArfile, hey man. long time.
20:45.09digiportbramthanks delmar
20:45.23digiportbrammaybe downgrade
20:46.04digiportbramwhich leads me to my next question then...anyone know is 1.2.x and 1.4.0 have interop issues?
20:46.32filedigiportbram: if you are using SIP with RFC2833 for DTMF between them you need to turn on an option, but besides that no - shouldn't be any issues
20:46.49ocgltdI have integrated Open H323 1.18 into Ast 1.4.  Although it runs, I've run into a problem.  I'm trying to send a t.38 fax from leg (H323) to another leg (SIP).
20:46.54digiportbramthanks file
20:47.00DeLmArdigiportbram, I was under the impression that there were a few differences in configs and you would need to make changes to youre 1.2.x configs when going up to 1.4 so it would stand to reason you would need to make changes to go back..
20:47.20DeLmArfile, how much is different between them that needs changing ?
20:47.20digiportbrami would be doing iax sessions between several * servers
20:47.28ocgltdThe problem is that the connection drops.  Although voice calls pass through fine, t.38 calls fail
20:47.38fileDeLmAr: depends... but it is all detailed in the UPGRADE filee
20:47.51digiportbramthanks again delmar, file
20:48.01fileocgltd: T.38 isn't supported in chan_h323, so you would have to probably rewrite how T.38 is done to add support
20:48.35Qwellfile: he was told that twice earlier
20:48.38DeLmArcheers everyone. back later perhaps.
20:48.55*** part/#asterisk tom_kelleher (
20:49.02fileQwell: excellent!
20:49.49Qwellskinny_set_lamp(s, sd->instance, SKINNY_LAMP_LAVA);
20:50.13QwellI'm gonna do that when I get the 7970 working
20:51.32bkervaskiQwell: You guys use Cisco phones, right?  In an Asterisk 1.2.x install, where NAT is required, any suggestions on how to make the Cisco 79x1's NAT friendly with Asterisk?  We're all out of things to try.
20:51.36bkervaskiSIP, not skinny.
20:52.03QwellSIP sucks
20:52.08QwellCisco SIP moreso
20:52.08bkervaskiOk, that's where we were.
20:52.09*** join/#asterisk DrukenLPY (
20:52.41bkervaskiWe can't upgrade to 1.4 yet, too many users to risk it.  I guess we're just stuck for now.  The 1.2.x branch doesn't recognize the 79x1's.
20:53.08*** join/#asterisk uNK_ (
20:53.27bkervaski(for chan_skinny)
20:53.42QwellI wouldn't use chan_skinny in 1.2 anyhow
20:53.56Qwellnot unless Corydon-w releases his backport
20:54.01ocgltdFile/Qwell: I've gone back to Open 323 site and from what I understood, their H.323 implementation supports T.38.  I thought (perhaps mistakenly) that this replaces chan_h323.  Am I mistaken here?
20:54.47bkervaskiOk.  Oh well, when 1.4.1 official hits we'll throw it in the lab.  Thanks, Qwell.
20:54.47*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@unaffiliated/luisjose)
20:54.47bkervaskiThat weather hit you guys yet? (We're down in Birmingham).
20:54.48Qwellit's pretty windy here
20:55.07bkw__man this is cool
20:55.23fileocgltd: OpenH323 is a library that chan_h323 uses for H323 capability, chan_h323 would still need to support T.38 and it does not
20:55.35Qwellbkw__: apparently I can find a real sex partner in Huntsville - now!
20:55.45bkervaskiThat's just wrong, lol.
20:56.20Qwellbkw__: does
20:56.34Qwelland, btw, did you read the little note at the bottom?
20:56.41Qwell"we may contact you in the future with offers and promotions"
20:56.42pigpenbkw__, playing for the other team?
20:56.46nibbler_dehow did they get this bedroom pic of my place here
20:57.20uNK_there we go
20:57.23Qwelloh god
20:57.24uNK_was waiting for you to try it
20:57.43uNK_my fav web service ;)
20:57.43Defendany idea what this mean? Correct auth, but based on stale nonce received from
20:57.46bkw__pigpen, gee you figure that one out your own?
20:58.00ocgltdfile: ok I'm getting it now.  Is there another way to achieve this (T.38 passthrough from h323 to sip) in Asterisk?
20:58.10ocgltdOr do I have to look at another product?
20:58.51*** join/#asterisk LeeEMel (
20:58.59Corydon76-homeQwell: the backport isn't quite there yet
20:59.00fileocgltd: you will have to look elsewhere
20:59.10LeeEMelhello all, anybody ever connect an asterisk box to a shoretel system using sip?
20:59.26QwellCorydon76-home: see my patches from last night :)
20:59.59Qwelldevicestate ;)
21:00.05Qwell(and a couple bug fixes)
21:00.25LeeEMeli semm to beable to register just fine.  I can call out just fine but an incoming call gives me handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user
21:00.45bkervaskiAnyone run SIP/RTP through an IPSEC vpn?  If so, how does it perform?  Is the extra overhead noticeable?
21:00.52nibbler_dedoes anbody of you use the siemens gigaset 450IP?
21:01.39pigpenbkervaski, better in my case, as my isp has a higher QOS for vpn traffic over sip.
21:01.57ocgltdfile: I think that I read that future versions of asterisk will use OPAL, and that chan_h323 dev is stopped.  Anyone up on this?
21:02.06bkervaskipigpen: Thanks!
21:02.30Qwellocgltd: there's been talk of compiling against opal
21:02.30fileocgltd: Paul Cadach heads up chan_h323 stuff these days, and he made a note of that... but it's up to him
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21:11.40*** join/#asterisk InHisName (
21:12.52InHisNameanyone working with testfeature command ?
21:12.53pigpenAm I correct that all dialplan statements stored in databases (mine is in postgresql), commas "," are not allowed, use  " | " instead?
21:13.34*** join/#asterisk dahunter3 (
21:13.57InHisNamepigpen could be as many store databases as csv files.
21:14.16*** part/#asterisk dahunter3 (
21:14.31Bobthehunterhickaing domains again
21:14.36Bobthehunterhighjacking i mean
21:14.58pigpenI read a note that in GoTo and Dial, use | instead of , way to find out.
21:15.23*** join/#asterisk yassine (
21:16.28Defrazwould playtones have any issues with using g729?
21:16.30DefrazI wouldn't think so.
21:16.43DefrazI just can't get the busy tone to generate.
21:18.57nibbler_deDefraz: no possibility to signal busy? would be much cleaner if you ask me.
21:19.50DefrazI do after I answer I playtone busy then I use the busy() function
21:20.19nibbler_dewhy the busy tone at all?
21:20.52Defrazcuz figured it would help
21:21.23*** join/#asterisk darken_darken (
21:21.34Defrazand it said it wouldn't hurt
21:21.42Defrazon the Wiki on what I have found.
21:22.32nibbler_dehelp (with) what?
21:23.02Defrazplaying the tone
21:23.22*** join/#asterisk daveheun (i=davidheu@
21:23.32Defrazsaid some providers don't play a tone when they receive the busy() notification
21:23.36Defrazso it can't hurt
21:23.40daveheunhi there people
21:23.43InHisNameDefraz =  answers, plays tone, then sets busy(), is that right ?
21:24.02nibbler_dewhy should they play a tone? they pass the information "busy" to the other party, done/done
21:24.32DefrazWell, nibbler_de I agree with you but, just was trying what the wikii said or other forums.
21:24.47DefrazIt is always my last resort to ask in here. Been looking all over.
21:24.47nibbler_dethe equipment of the calling/called party is responsible to signal "busy"
21:25.03InHisNameDefraz to what purpose are these 3 steps do for you ?
21:25.15Defendi am liken 1.4 so far
21:25.36daveheunanyone have some time to help me with a problen an a asterisk system with b410p isdn module
21:25.38DefrazIf the SIP device is busy with a call.
21:25.43Defrazthen it will ring busy.
21:26.01DefrazUnless I direct it to something else. like voicemail or something.
21:26.09InHisNameHmmm, I might need that too.
21:26.48InHisNameRight now I am trying to get testfeature to work first then transfers to work.
21:27.17daveheunanyone have a sample config file for extensions.conf to answer a call from misdn.conf?
21:28.07nibbler_deexten => 3000,1,Answer
21:28.47daveheuni have exten => _X.,1,Playback(vm-goodbye) to test but dont get error: cant match extention
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21:29.23daveheuni have exten => _X.,1,Playback(vm-goodbye) to test but  get error: cant match extention
21:30.22*** join/#asterisk DocHolliday (i=RgRabbit@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0E4F6D6C)
21:30.33daveheunanyone active?
21:30.33DocHollidayanyone done anything interesting with the 7941?
21:31.08nibbler_dei made some...
21:33.21daveheuncan anyone help me please
21:34.17*** part/#asterisk daveheun (i=davidheu@
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21:34.44sweeperdaveheun: make sure your contexts are correct
21:35.38daveheunsweeper: i am sure it is rigth
21:36.05sweeperdaveheun: pastebin logs plz
21:38.59daveheunmisdn.conf [incoming]  ports=1,2  msns=*  context=misdn-in ***** extensions.conf [misdn-in]  exten => _X.,1,Playback(vm-goodbye}
21:39.25daveheuncan,t paste logs i am at home now
21:39.42daveheunhave this problem at home
21:39.49daveheunsorry work
21:42.03*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
21:45.07InHisNameduplicate:  exten => _X.,1,Playback(vm-goodbye) and change the _X to 's'. Change vm-goodbye to tt-monkeysintro, then try test again.
21:47.52InHisNamedaveheun, may want to setup extensions i, t also just to find which extension it is trying.
21:47.52daveheunexplain please
21:47.52*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=Chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
21:47.52daveheuni did thy the s,1,Answer() and then  exten => _X.,1,Playback(vm-goodbye}
21:48.01daveheuni did try the s,1,Answer() and then  exten => _X.,1,Playback(vm-goodbye}
21:48.11InHisNamecopy the test line 3 more times and change the "_X" to: 1. s, 2. i, 3. t  then change the mesage to 3 others then test the call.
21:48.55InHisNamedaveheun: still get the error: get error: cant match extention ?
21:49.54InHisNamedaveheun are you watching the CLI>  while testing ?  What is verbose level ?
21:50.05Bobthehunteroh my god.. rehan and is trolls are just..
21:50.15daveheunwhat does the 1.s and the rest do?
21:50.21Bobthehunterhe  puts clients lists as they where clients when its all is troll sub sites...
21:50.25daveheunverbose 10
21:50.25Bobthehunterof is
21:51.08InHisNamejust s i t     s is default, i is for error conditions and t for timeout conditions.
21:52.44InHisNameif you have dialed a number then _X. is best match.  s is most useful for incoming calls that have not dialed any extensions yet.
21:53.12InHisNamei is when they dialed and error encountered and EXTEN is set to i
21:53.20daveheunohhh i see you meed s,1,Playback(vm-hello)    i,1,Playback(vm-test)       t,1,Playback(vm-goodbye)
21:53.56InHisNameyes, then check for error.   OR you may be in different context that what you thought.
21:54.58InHisNameSeeing the CLI output with high verbose settings can clue you in which context you are using when a number is dialed by user.
21:55.20daveheunyip if i set the misdn set debug to 5 i cann see a lot of info running down the screen what does oad: 8007 mean
21:56.06daveheun8007 is the extention i am dialing from from is 8007 so is that the did number
21:57.04*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
21:57.16daveheuni then tried doing something like this exten => 8007,1,Dial(SIP/100)
21:58.01daveheunto test but still error: cantmatchext
21:58.11DocHollidayanyone here have a cisco 7941/61?
21:58.32InHisNameexten => s,n,NoOp(user=${EXTEN})      will leave marks in CLI so you can see where things are heading and values of var are like.
21:58.33jqlyeah, I have a 7961
21:58.36*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
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21:59.52InHisNameChange the _X,1 to _X,2 and do the NoOp as _X.,1   or try earlier where you know it runs.
22:00.22*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
22:00.33daveheuntried NoOp does not write screen
22:00.54jqlprobably because of the context. hmm
22:01.03daveheungot noop to work on fxo ports not the b410p diguim module
22:02.01*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
22:03.53daveheunis this an australian channel?
22:03.58pigpenDidn't I see a patch that would allow the asterisk dialplan to access items in a postgres database?
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22:04.09pigpenie: instead of the built in db?
22:04.13DocHollidayjql, running SIP firmware?
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22:04.22jqlDocHolliday: yep
22:04.32DocHollidayjql, what version of SIP are you running?
22:04.43daveheunanyone check the rugby today?
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22:04.57jqlgood question. let me see
22:05.06DocHollidaythanks :)
22:05.31Dovidits a worldwide one ;)
22:05.45DocHollidaydaveheun, i should.. but im busy :(
22:05.58Doviddont know much - but can try to hel
22:06.01Dovidwhats up?
22:06.24daveheunscrathing my head with asterisk
22:06.35daveheunyou anygood on asterisk
22:06.36jql8-0-2SR1-0-1 is what the loads file says
22:07.01DocHollidayjql, is the phone stable?
22:07.19jqlbeen running that revision for over 9 months without issue
22:07.57DocHollidaygreat, i have noticed that with the 79x1 SIP the call forward button is missing, have you found a work around?
22:08.28jqlHmm. The call forward button is a soft-key
22:08.36jqland it works fine with asterisk
22:08.38DocHollidayright :)
22:08.46DocHollidayoh its actually there on your phone!??!
22:09.03jqlused it for testing
22:09.40DocHollidayi am runing 8-2-0-55 and that button is missing
22:09.52jqlwell... remind me not to use that revision
22:10.24DocHollidayhah, on your version does call transfer work?
22:10.45LeeEMelany shoretel users out there
22:10.48jqlstrangely enough, it's the Polycom that I have trouble transferring with
22:10.49daveheundoes anyone know ehere i can get some docs on linking misd.conf to extensions.conf???????????
22:10.56jqlthe call transfers, but the Polycom doesn't hang up
22:11.02jqlstill working on that...
22:11.26DocHollidayi have the same problem but with this cisco phone :P
22:12.23DocHollidaythe call transfers but my phone holds on to the call in a 'hold' position
22:12.23jqlyeah, same for me with the Polycom. Very weird
22:12.25KnowWhati am getting this problem
22:12.25KnowWhaterror in make /usr/include/linux/ixjuser.h:351: error: syntax error before '*' token
22:12.25DocHollidayjql, is there a chance you could give a copy of the firmware you are using? *please*
22:12.33KnowWhatwhat could be the problem
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22:15.06Defendany one here fimilar with jitter control on 1.4?
22:20.22Hmmhesaysstone cold crazy is such a bitch to play on guitar
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22:21.35kanaedathats old school
22:21.59HmmhesaysI'm learning the metallica remake version
22:22.36Hmmhesaysmetallica covered the song
22:23.02KnowWhaterror in make /usr/include/linux/ixjuser.h:351: error: syntax error before '*' token
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22:37.13InHisNameanyone working with testfeature command ?
22:44.38DocHollidayanyone been able to get a do not disturb softkey on their Cisco 7941/61?
22:47.52bkervaskiDocHolliday: Not me, but would like one :)
22:48.15DocHollidayhey bkervaski, thanks for helping me before :)
22:48.37DocHollidayLostFrog, Tor = Latency ++
22:49.06DocHollidaybkervaski, the firmware works its just that for example when i transfer a call.. it transfers but holds on to it :P
22:49.24bkervaskitransfers but holds on to it?  What do you mean?
22:49.52DocHollidaythe cisco phone initiating the transfer will transfer the call put it will stay on the phone in a 'hold' status
22:50.15bkervaskiThat's odd.  Mine doesn't. hrm...
22:50.34*** part/#asterisk th3073ch (n=stephen@
22:51.29DocHollidayit doesnt even transfer actually.. it just places the transferred phone in a hold status, and the call transfer initiator in a hold status :P
22:51.40bkervaskiSo the Cisco phone is basically bridging the call?
22:51.42*** join/#asterisk bmd (n=bmd@
22:51.57DocHollidaybkervaski, as per my analysis right now it just puts both phones on hold
22:52.34bkervaskiWeird.  Our transfers work fine... Dunno on that one.. But definitely let me know if you fix it and what you did..
22:53.18DocHollidaywill do :)
22:53.38DocHollidaybkervaski, but you have been unsuccessful in getting a do not disturb button?
22:54.35bkervaskiI didn't spend a lot of time on it, but our polycoms have it and I like the feature.
22:56.13DocHollidaygotcha :)
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22:57.47DocHollidaybkervaski, this what i just determined.. the 'transfer' function doesnt work, but if i dial my Cisco 7940 from my 7941 and do a 'blind transfer' it works
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22:58.40bkervaskiAhh... So you're calling the transferee, then hitting transfer... That's just a conference call and your phone is bridging...
22:59.28weazahlim having problems calling from one GS386 port to another...  is this the problem? 6002/6002            D   N      5062     OK (6 ms)
22:59.36DocHollidaybkervaski, Cisco 7941 -- > Cisco 7940 -- > [7940 transfers to voicemail] .. puts both phones on hold
22:59.38weazahlport 5062??????
23:00.07bkervaski(Sorry, I'm half paying attention to this, trying to get a damn IPSEC tunnel to work on an Ubuntu box)
23:00.21DocHollidaybkervaski, Cisco 7941-->Cisco 7940 --> [BlindXFR to voicemail] = WORkS
23:00.37DocHollidayunfortunately my cisco 7941 does NOT have the BlindXFR softbutton
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23:01.40weazahli never saw anything try to register to port 5062 what is up with that?
23:01.53nibbler_deDocHolliday: which software do you run on the 7941?
23:02.08bkervaski8.2.1 for the 79x1's
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23:02.38nibbler_dehmm, ok. reasonably recent.
23:02.45nibbler_destrange that there's no blindxfer button
23:02.46DocHollidaybkervaski, nope 8-2-0 not 8-2-1
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23:03.00DocHollidaynibbler_de, maybe im missing a line in my SEP file?
23:03.05bkervaskinibbler_de: Do you have one on yours?
23:04.03DocHollidaybkervaski, are you running 8-2-1 or 8-2-0 ? :P
23:04.09bkervaskiTHe one I sent you...
23:04.13bkervaskiIt's the most recent...
23:04.18DocHollidaywhich is 8-2-0 :)
23:04.46bkervaskiI stand corrected, sir.
23:05.12DocHollidayno problem :)
23:05.12daveheunIn his name i think i have it check msns
23:05.13daveheunCalls whose destination is equal to this will be ignored. This doesn't make sense to me and I suspect this is a relict from an earlier version..
23:05.59DocHollidaybkervaski, hah i just solved the DND problem
23:06.05daveheunone more question pls
23:06.17DocHollidayyou have to enable it through the menus
23:07.49bkervaskiCool!  What option?  If it's a menu option then its a config xml option as well...
23:08.33DocHollidaySettings --> Device Config --> Call Preferences
23:08.41DocHollidayissue is when i enable it and then click the soft key it disappears :)
23:09.28daveheunin your misdn.conf file you have a setting where you can select msns=??? i have this set to msns=* on this site on misdn it says "calls whose destination is equal to this will be ignored" saw this on
23:09.47DocHollidaybkervaski, it auto enables.. when you press it in (it disables), but then its gone :P
23:09.57daveheunmight this be the reason my calls are ignored???????
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23:11.12daveheunInHisName are  active?
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23:11.23daveheunInHisName are u active?
23:11.34bkervaskiDocHolliday: How did you change the setting? Mine says it's locked?
23:11.48InHisNamedaveheun i am here.  Cant get win popup to work right.
23:12.04DocHollidaybkervaski, you have to unlock your phone first.
23:12.10DocHollidaysettings --> **#
23:12.45daveheuncan i ask you one last qeustion please
23:12.58bkervaskiYea, did that.  But it won't let me change it.. hrm..
23:13.41InHisNameI am at the site now, reading up on it.
23:13.57daveheunthx for your help
23:15.34DocHollidaybkervaski, oh
23:15.46DocHollidaywell thats because you have to set the option to '2' in the configuration
23:16.17daveheundidnt catch that?
23:16.36daveheunwhat option is that?
23:17.20DocHollidaydaveheun, me?
23:17.43daveheunyes Doc?
23:17.45CrazyTuxAnyone here have experience with asterisk and AGI type stuff?  I.e. say I wanted to make a verify call type setup, where a customer orders something, my system generates a random number, gives them a call, and says the number over the phone, and they have to enter that number into the order system?
23:17.59InHisNamedaveheun  msns
23:18.13DocHollidaybut it doesnt really work..
23:18.18sweeperCrazyTux: for that, you'd just use call files
23:18.21sweeperno need for agi
23:18.37CrazyTuxsweeper, could you point me to some doc?
23:18.58DocHollidaybkervaski, i.e. you can enable it everytime going through the menus.. but not directly
23:19.03CrazyTuxsweeper, thanks
23:19.26*** part/#asterisk daveheun (i=davidheu@
23:19.44weazahlarrrgh, why cant i make both the ports on my GT 386 ring at the sam time. i can either have one working or the other, not both
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23:19.49InHisNamedaveheun I am really out of my territory ...   Reading manual and giving my interpertation is all I can do.
23:20.53daveheunthanx for the pointers i will try it tommorrow, thx thx thx may H be with u
23:21.22DocHollidaybkervaski, by setting it to '3' it is on automatically but you cant turn it off :P
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23:23.12InHisNameHow do I activate features.conf ?
23:23.40daveheunjust vi or nano it
23:23.45jqlres_features loaded?
23:24.06weazahli can dial out from my GT386 port 1, but cannot dial into it
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23:24.11InHisNamelike this ?  reload ?
23:24.33jqlmodule load in certain versions
23:24.48jqlprobably the fantasy version that doesn't exist
23:24.53InHisNamewait I'll try that....
23:25.15DocHollidayjql, have you managed to get DND as a softkey that works on/off?
23:25.24jqlDocHolliday: yes
23:25.42DocHollidayand you are running the firmware version you sent to me?
23:25.57weazahli can dial from port 1 to port 2, can dial out on port 1, but cannot ring port 1
23:25.58DocHollidaywould you mind telling me what you set? <dndControl> to?
23:26.06jqlgimmie a minute
23:26.12DocHollidaythanks again! :)
23:26.34InHisNamejql    No such command 'module' (type 'help' for help)
23:26.52jqlInHisName: it might be just 'load' and 'unload
23:26.52InHisNamejql tried 'load' nope but reload worked at something.
23:27.06jqlbleh. I'm addicted to asterisk 1.4
23:27.16DocHollidayjql, is it worth upgrading?
23:27.32jqlit had 2 features I required
23:27.35jqlso I had no choice
23:27.44InHisNameUNload did something, I guess it is off now ?
23:27.54DocHollidayah, with dndcontrol set to 0 does it appear as a softkey on startup with the ability to turn the feature on/off?
23:28.06DocHollidayi.e. once you've pressed it once does it disappear
23:28.36jqlyes, the softkeys (if I recall -- the phone's on my desk) include Forward and DND in idle mode
23:29.02DocHollidaybbl need to reflash this phone :)
23:29.14Grnd-Wirejql: What phone are you referring to?
23:29.41jqlcisco 7961
23:29.59bkervaskijql / DocHolliday: What XML config options enable those softkeys?
23:30.04bkervaski(I wasn't paying attention)
23:30.14jqlForward is          <localCfwdEnable>true</localCfwdEnable>
23:30.21jqland dnd was the one above, I believe
23:32.54DocHollidayjql, do you know if there is a way to make the phone accept new firmware without doing a factory reset?
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23:33.28jqlthe .loads file is what determines the firmware revision it loads
23:33.35jqlto downgrade requires a reset, I believe
23:33.38jqlupgrades no
23:33.45DocHollidaythanks again, heh
23:34.07bkervaskiDocHolliday: Did you find newer firmware?
23:34.25DocHollidayjql, provided me with a copy, i haven't had a chance to test it though
23:34.29DocHollidaybbs (dinner)
23:34.33bkervaskiWhich version?
23:34.45bkervaskiI thought 8.2.0 was the latest...
23:34.56jqlit's older, not newer
23:35.08bkervaskiAhh.  Does it work with NAT properly?
23:35.28bkervaskiOh well :)
23:35.41jqlIndeed. It works by virtue of the PIX at work
23:35.56bkervaskiWe just did ipsec tunnels with little or no encryption.
23:36.06bkervaskiSeems to work pretty good actually, surprised.
23:36.27jqlthe sip-aware PIX firewall opens up the asymmetric SIP ports as needed
23:36.46jqlwhich works for anyone beind a PIX. So, not much use to customers
23:37.01bkervaskiYou guys do hosted solutions?
23:37.11bkervaskiWhich E911 provider?
23:37.14jqlI do, thay is
23:37.27bkervaskiCool.  Same here.  What's the name of your company?
23:37.35jqlI work at FreedomVoice
23:38.03jqlstill under development, so nothing exciting yet
23:38.06bkervaskiGood deal.  HeavyLogic, myself.
23:39.23jqlI love my Cisco... much more stylish than the Polycom, IMO
23:39.45bkervaskiSame here.  Wish it didn't have so many issues.
23:39.47jqlAnd, the linksys/sipura knockoffs don't impress me. I bought one, and it feels cheap
23:40.10bkervaskiPolycom's are by far the best bang for the buck.  If Cisco would get there act together, they would dominate.
23:40.29bkervaskiDid you guys provision an Introdo solution or are you outsourcing it?
23:40.31jqlWell, I still have fun with the Polycom nat traversal... they ever fix that?
23:40.43jqlI handled the Intrado integration personally.
23:40.48weazahlon my HT-386 i can dial from port 1 to port 2, can dial out on port 1, but cannot ring port 1.  any ideas?
23:40.49jqlA fun 4 months that was...
23:40.54bkervaskiPolycom's handle nat no problem.
23:41.04jqlhow do I turn on pinging? heh
23:41.50bkervaskiGotta run, ttyl8r
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23:52.56DocHollidayjql, still around?
23:53.26DocHollidayif i use the version you sent me and its an internal NAT network (asterisk and the phone on the same subnet) will i  have a problem?
23:54.54jqlCiscos use asymmetric SIP, which means sip-ignorane firewalls won't open the incoming port
23:54.57jqlno firewall, no problem
23:55.00DocHollidayOMG i got call transferring work *runs around*
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23:55.42DocHollidayjql, i cant tell whether i got it working in one case or all around
23:56.09DocHollidaywhen i dial from the console i was able to transfer the call from one of the phones to the other phone (so its questionable)
23:56.44jqlahh, console. I never really tried that
23:58.00DocHollidayjql, yup it works sweetness
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