irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070219

00:00.59*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
00:03.36*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
00:17.17*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
00:24.03robin_szgah .. useless snom configuration bollocks
00:27.53*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
00:35.30Opperiorrobin_sz: problem?
00:36.06*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:51.46robin_szOpperior, sorta .. .used settign files for configuring Snoms much?
00:52.01OpperiorI have, yes
00:54.38*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
01:05.34*** join/#asterisk ronfox (
01:12.29robin_szOpperior, SO, I copy the settigns out of the setttttigns page of one phoen ... remove all the ip related stuff as ts DHCP,
01:12.53robin_szremove various other useless crap in there ... and then load it into another phone
01:12.57robin_szso far so good right?
01:13.26robin_szthen .. the second phoen instead of just booting, loading the settitngs and getting on with its life ..
01:14.11robin_szcomes up, dhcps, loads settings ... "select language" .. ok, DHCP? err, we already did that, but select yes ... phoen reboots
01:14.15robin_szrepeat until bored
01:14.49Opperiorit's generally not recommended that you copy the settings page.  Better to go from scratch.  A good configuration only needs about 20 lines
01:14.53*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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01:15.34robin_szI only needed it to clear the phone of some internal craziness
01:15.37Opperiorcan you pastebin your config file?
01:16.11robin_sztwo elmeg 290s,. same software .. same config according to the http interface .. one woudl auth, the other wouldnt
01:16.53robin_szbut various differences in the "settings" page ... that didnt seem to show up anywher ein the http interfaces
01:17.42robin_szeventually, I just copied and pasted it over ... it blew the crap out of the memory of the non-working one and its off and working now ...
01:18.13robin_szpastebin it/ what? all of it?
01:18.17robin_szits huge ...
01:19.24Opperiorcan I msg you?
01:19.27robin_szit basically as it comes off the phone settigns page
01:19.48robin_szif you like and you feel it cant be said in public ...
01:26.57*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
01:34.47*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
01:47.32*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
01:52.27*** join/#asterisk y3hsDotBiz (n=w00t@
01:52.50y3hsDotBizhi people
01:52.51y3hsDotBizgood day to all
01:52.58ManxPowerhello y3hsDotBiz
01:53.55y3hsDotBizi would like to ask how many concurrent connections a 2 MB line can have if i use g729 codec
01:56.41*** join/#asterisk DocHolliday (i=tabmeist@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0E4F6D6C)
01:57.38y3hsDotBizManxPower , 2000kbps is 2 MEG right?
01:58.19ManxPower2000kbps would be close enough to the actual number.
01:58.27ManxPowerI assume you are on a E-1 line.
01:58.50DocHolliday2000kbps = 2Mbps ~
01:59.05y3hsDotBizok.. tnx
02:12.50JTan E1 is 2.048MBit/s
02:13.08JTMbit/s, i should say
02:13.36J4k3(4.096MBit/sec total)
02:14.06sumais there is any PHP API class to interface with Asterisk ?
02:14.12JTan E1 is plesiochronous actually
02:14.25JTnot synchronous
02:14.35JTmaybe you mean symmetrical
02:14.55JTsorry, an E1 is plesiochronous not synchronous
02:14.56J4k3ie - you can send and recieve data at the same time (based on the same timing)
02:17.16*** part/#asterisk [1]J (
02:17.43J4k3this article lacks...
02:17.51tzangerplesiochronous?  sounds like a dinosaur
02:17.55J4k3basically its spending its entire content explaining basic multiplexing.
02:18.00JTsynchronous relates to timing
02:18.06J4k3yes, this is correct
02:18.07JTas in clocking
02:18.16JTnot whether you can transmit and receive at the same time
02:18.22JTin telecommunications anyway
02:19.08JTtzanger: i guess it is a bit of a dinosaur ;)
02:19.52*** join/#asterisk [1]J (
02:22.10[1]JNew to AsteriskNOW, anyone available to answer a few questions?
02:24.15JTthere's actually a specific channel for it i believe
02:25.01[1]JDo you know the name?
02:26.33[1]JTHX JT
02:30.03*** join/#asterisk [shodan] (
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02:39.14DocHollidaywhat are the advantages of asterisknow versus asterisk?
02:39.20DocHolliday(besides a GUI)
02:40.07DocHollidayJT, i can honestly say thats what i was hoping for :P
02:40.19*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
02:40.30JTthe gui is pretty much the point
02:40.59DocHollidaydoes the GUI make it nearly impossible to actually review the config files?
02:41.15ManxPowerDocHolliday: The FreePBX one seems to
02:41.47DocHollidayyeah, thats not good.. i like doing everything manually
02:43.33LoRezhow on earth do you play the voicemail wave files?
02:52.55*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
02:54.04flendersJT: just had a chat with the optus sales rep, and they've given us no installation fees on their ISDN
02:54.25JTnot even a credit?
02:54.29JTjust flat out nothing?
02:54.36flendersJT: yeah!
02:54.48flenders10 lines for a start
02:54.51JTi wonder if they will provision it over copper or fibre
02:55.22flendersone of their techies is gonna ring me soon, I'll ask him
02:56.00JTtake photos of the finished install, i want to see
02:56.14flendersare you serious?
02:57.43JTyeah, i want to see what optus does
02:57.47JTcable installs and stuff
02:57.50JTsilly i know
02:58.03flendersJT: ok, I'll take photos
02:58.16flendersyou want to know if theyre as messy as telstra?
02:58.25ManxPowerflenders: where are you located?
02:58.47JTflenders: yeah, and what hardware they use
02:58.48flendersManxPower: those lines will be in brookvale
02:58.57JTflenders: think more global :P
02:59.00ManxPowerflenders: uh, what country?
02:59.08flendersManxPower: .au
02:59.19*** part/#asterisk [1]J (
02:59.33ManxPowerWhy not get a PRI if you are getting 20 channels on 10 BRIs?
02:59.39ManxPowerAnd how are you going to interface them to asterisk?
02:59.41JThe is getting a pri
02:59.45JT10ch fractional e1
02:59.46ManxPoweroh.  nevermind
03:00.04ManxPowerPerhaps I am lacking sleep.
03:00.14JTsleep/background story :)
03:00.59DocHollidaythe cisco people aren't very happy when you tell them you have made a 28xx series voice box route calls for asterisk *laugh*
03:01.21JTis that like a low-mid range router?
03:01.59DocHollidayits midrange i would guess, you used for FXO/FXS & PRI.. and data obviously..
03:04.50JTdoes it talk sip?
03:05.07ManxPowerJT: It can
03:05.45ManxPowerI used a 1750 box with FXOs when I first started using asteirsk.  Biggest waste of money I've ever done.  (the FXOs in the router, not the router itself)
03:06.53JTdue to functionality or sheer cost?
03:07.27flendersJT: to run a fax on one of those channels (10ch PRI), do I need a FXS module on a TDM400?
03:08.00JTwhy not buy an additional analogue line
03:08.04JTit will be so much easier
03:08.06JTfor $20
03:09.24ManxPowerI've had nothing but trouble running Fax thru Asterisk
03:09.29ManxPowerOthers have had no problems
03:10.02DocHollidayManxPower, even with a T.38 ATA + asterisk pass thru and a T.38 provider?
03:10.42*** join/#asterisk putzz (
03:10.54ManxPowerDocHolliday: 1.4 is the first version to do T.38 pass thru and 1.4 is not stable enough for my requirements.
03:11.13ManxPowerAlso, it seems like a lot more work than just getting an analog line for fax
03:12.21[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Still shopping for pain I see....
03:12.27*** join/#asterisk joat (
03:12.42DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, as much as i can get
03:12.51[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Welcome to the buffet
03:13.15DocHollidaycan i have fries with that?
03:13.26[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : All you can eat.
03:14.06*** join/#asterisk techie (
03:14.15flendersJT: a card would cost me 250 max, and only on l ine rental, I would spent 240 a year
03:14.47JTflenders: again, you need to weigh up the pain in the arse factor
03:14.55ManxPowerflenders: if you ever have fax problems you don't have to worry about asterisk if you get an analog line
03:15.04JTanalogue line should just work
03:15.13JTi assume your time to fix problems isn't free
03:15.32flendersJT: that's true
03:15.35ManxPowerand if it does not, everyone does understand that it should work and can't blame it on "that free communist PBX"
03:16.00ManxPowerAnd if your company is anything like my clients, one thing that MUST work is fax.
03:16.39ManxPowerWhen fax is broken it is hard to fix because the villagers with flaming torches are chasing you chanting "Burn the geek!  Burn the geek!"
03:18.05[TK]D-FenderMy company almost roasted my ass when our failure rate passed 50%
03:18.12[TK]D-Fenderthis is NOT a joke...
03:18.16ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: same here.
03:18.29[TK]D-FenderPay for a friggen 1FL and be done with it.  Your sanity is worth more...
03:18.50ManxPowerPersonally I believe that the reason the faxes were failing is because I had to screw with the audio gains so much to get rid of the echo
03:19.02ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: 1FB I think
03:19.25ManxPowerYou should not have to keep fixing the PBX.  It should Just Work
03:20.12flendersManxPower: was that echo on ISDN?
03:20.17ManxPowerIt should process and route calls and the only time you should have to mess with it is for adds/moves/changes
03:20.28ManxPowerflenders: yes.  caused by the far end analog lines
03:20.41ManxPowerISDN just means you can't have NEAR end echo.
03:21.00ManxPowerBut since virtually all echo is FAR end echo, ISDN doesn't fix it.
03:21.01[TK]D-FenderManxPower : Even after I switched to my Sangoma for which I DIDN'T have to play with gains, it was still just kinda "off".
03:21.05DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, the problem is as i explained im in executive suites.. they want close to $500 to provision POTS
03:21.06flendersManxPower: any tips on tweaking echo?
03:21.16ManxPowerflenders: buy a good echo canceler
03:21.25[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Sucks to be you then.
03:21.35ManxPowerwe use tellabs EC cards from ebay.  dirt cheap and it is what the telcos use for echo canceling
03:22.12ManxPowerthey are a miserable hell to set up, but once you know what you need to know they are simple and Just Work
03:22.30ManxPowerMy biggest issue with them is finding -48V power supplies
03:22.49ManxPowerwell, -48V power supplies that do not cost a fortune
03:23.32JTManxPower: can you get them in E1 versions for cheap though? :)
03:23.43JTheh i have a few -48VDC supplies sitting around at home
03:23.51JTbut yeah they're not cheap new
03:23.54ManxPowerI have alot more confidence in the Tellabs then I do in the Digium open source EC, the Digium commercial EC, or the Digium hardware EC.
03:24.41*** join/#asterisk sharp (
03:25.04JTManxPower: so what's the E1 availability like? flenders is getting E1 not T1
03:25.14ManxPowerAt least in Louisiana and Mississippi Bellsouth seem to run toll calls (Inter-LATA) via an EC, so we only had problems with local calls to POTS lines
03:25.26ManxPowerJT: I doubt he'll find E-1 tellabs.
03:25.35ManxPowerbut there are other hardware ECs out there.
03:28.25*** join/#asterisk IguanaNed (
03:28.32IguanaNedhello all
03:28.57ManxPowerHe could always use a 4-port T-1/E-1 card for asterisk and Telco E-1 -> Port 1 Asterisk port 2 T-1 -> Tellabs EC -> T-1 Asterisk Port 3
03:29.31IguanaNedquick question regarding meetme.. I did not install Zaptel prior to installing asterisk. do I need to recompile asterisk after Zaptel?
03:29.39ManxPowerIguanaNed: yes
03:29.49JTManxPower: that'd be a little crazy, but sure
03:30.01ManxPowerJT: It would be horribly crazy
03:30.04JTit'd restrict the number of channels you use too
03:30.17IguanaNedwill I lose all my conf file if I reinstall asterisk?
03:30.26ManxPowerIguanaNed: only if you do a "make samples"
03:30.31ManxPowerback them up just in case
03:30.48*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:31.24IguanaNeddo I need Libpri too for meetme?
03:31.58flenderswith the echo, we have a couple of TDM400Ps with 8 FXO modules... we can notice echo in the very beginning of the call, but it's gone after a couple of seconds... wouldn't it be the same case with E1?
03:32.19*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
03:32.47ManxPowerflenders: it dends on many things
03:33.12ManxPowerJT: I experienced echo on an ALL ZAPTEL config the other day.  very weird
03:34.06JTall zaptel?
03:35.43flendersManxPower: so even with the echo training on, I could experience echo during the whole call?
03:36.47ManxPowerJT: Yup.
03:37.06ManxPowerAnalog -> Adtran -> Asterisk -> same adtran -> analog phone
03:37.14ManxPowerthe first analog is POTs
03:37.45ManxPowerI THINK the issue was gains.  The echo sounded "weird" to me.
03:44.27JTah ok
03:45.06ManxPowerI have a line test device I'll put on the system at some point.
03:47.00ManxPowerIguanaNed: try a make clean before make install
03:48.09IguanaNedthx Manx will try
03:51.59*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:53.41IguanaNedcrap no luck.. still cant find meetme app
03:53.56IguanaNedshould I be able to locate a file?
03:54.34IguanaNedfound /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk/apps/app_meetme.c
03:54.38*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:54.45[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : I'm assuming you don't have a zaptel card.  that in mind did you follow the instructions on how to enable ZTDUMMY?
03:55.02IguanaNedI must have skipped that part
03:55.04[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : if not, there's your next probelm
03:55.14IguanaNedhtx will look into it
03:55.30IguanaNedi have no zpatel card ..
03:55.37IguanaNedthis is purely IP pased box
03:55.41IguanaNeder based
03:55.57JTwell yeah
03:56.01JTmeetme need zap timing
03:57.33[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : Go recompile ith ZTDUMMY support
03:58.59flenders[TK]D-Fender: someone mentioned the other day that the linksys SPA941 was in forth place on your list... what list is this?
03:59.42*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
04:07.47*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
04:10.05IguanaNedis this the line that is suppose to be commented :
04:10.06IguanaNedztdummy.o: ztdummy.h
04:10.09*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
04:10.36IguanaNedcuz it was already un-commented
04:12.35IguanaNedMy Makefile has :
04:12.36IguanaNed# build ztdummy by default for 2.6 kernels
04:12.37IguanaNedifeq ($(BUILDVER),linux26)
04:13.26[TK]D-Fenderflenders : on my list of suggested phones for *
04:13.53[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : My need to modprobe it, and zaptel as well
04:14.26IguanaNedbefore installing asterisk?
04:16.36IguanaNedmodprobe returned no error messages
04:17.44[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : try "ztcfg -vvvv" and the start *
04:17.47IguanaNedFeb 18 23:06:39 localhost kernel: Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
04:17.47IguanaNedFeb 18 23:06:39 localhost kernel: Zaptel Version: 1.2.11 Echo Canceller: KB1
04:17.47IguanaNedFeb 18 23:06:40 localhost kernel: Registered tone zone 0 (United States / North America)
04:17.55IguanaNedwill try
04:18.37IguanaNedgot Zaptel COnfiguration
04:18.39IguanaNedChannel Map
04:18.45IguanaNed0 Channels configured
04:18.45flenders[TK]D-Fender: where can I find that list?
04:18.47*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
04:18.53[TK]D-Fenderflenders : In my head :)
04:19.14flenderswhat's number 1?
04:19.27flendersactually, 1,2 and 3
04:19.52flendersI'm pretty happy with the SPA-9xx, but want to see what others think
04:20.16[TK]D-Fenderflenders : Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Cisco 7940+, Linksys, Snom
04:20.48IguanaNedFender: What wa I suppose to see after issuing the ztcfg command?
04:21.21[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : Not a question of what you see, its jsut to help enable everything. try starting *.  Then try loading
04:21.28[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : y0
04:21.31bkruse_homeIguanaNed: if you dont see anything, your good to go
04:21.36bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: wuts happ-o-ning
04:21.45bkruse_homeIguanaNed: lsmod | grep zap
04:21.46[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : Just killing time like usual.
04:21.52bkruse_homenice nice nice
04:22.06[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : We're just walking him through getting ZTDUMMY up and running for MeetMe.
04:22.19bkruse_homealways fun :P
04:22.22bkruse_home<3 ztdummy
04:22.29IguanaNedzaptel                191584  1 ztdummy
04:22.29IguanaNedcrc_ccitt               2369  1 zaptel
04:22.29IguanaNedzaptel                191584  1 ztdummy
04:22.30IguanaNedcrc_ccitt               2369  1 zaptel
04:22.30IguanaNedthanks guys
04:23.04*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
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04:23.53[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : All good?
04:24.26IguanaNedhmm cant load app_meetme
04:24.45IguanaNedshould I be able to locate
04:25.08[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : typically in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules IIRC
04:25.25wunderkinwas asterisk recompiled after zaptel
04:26.00IguanaNedI did install libpri
04:26.14IguanaNedthat would do it eh?
04:26.33IguanaNeder I mean I did NOT install libpri
04:26.36wunderkinmaybe this question would be better for tomorrow afternoon but i saw on some off-site that echotraining is not used for pri, is that right? the echo is probably from the phones but i'm not sure yet, i have a pri and using sip phones
04:27.14IguanaNedI will recompile both
04:27.25IguanaNedbut to be clear .. do I need Libpri or not?
04:27.49wunderkinonly if you have a pri but if you are using ztdummy then no
04:28.10IguanaNedsorry ,,, I dont know what priu means
04:28.14IguanaNedso I guess not
04:28.29IguanaNedok I will clean and make both .. back in a bit with results
04:28.38wunderkinjust redo asterisk
04:34.37JTwunderkin: you can get echo on pri lines, however it is far end echo from analogue lines
04:35.08*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:37.11wunderkinyeah, but we do apparantly have some bad phones, they also have reported at least once having echo between 2 sip phones, i don't know if it was due to a speakerphone or not though, hopefully this weekend we will have the new ones in, they used to report echo on almost all of their calls i believe, but now i think it is more intermittant, i've been trying the different echo cancellers and settings
04:38.23JTgoing hardware EC in the firstplace usually heads off a lot of these problems
04:39.10wunderkinthere was also a problem with the sidetone setting on polycom sip 2.0.3 i think, but this has gone on for awhile...
04:40.19wunderkinmaybe its getting better now i dont know, they have just stopped reporting most of the things i think
04:41.06wunderkini've never had any echo but it doesn't help that most of my calls are to cell phones
04:42.25bkruse_homeanyone messed with the svn api?!
04:44.26*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
04:51.15IguanaNedNo application 'meetme' for extension (conferences, 5101, 1)
04:53.15[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : Go verify that the module is in your modules folder
04:54.25IguanaNedFender what shold the module be named?
04:57.10*** join/#asterisk fakhir (i=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:58.17IguanaNedFender: Is in my "/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
05:00.56*** join/#asterisk techie (
05:01.39[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : and when you try to load it manually?
05:02.01[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : "load" <-
05:03.33IguanaNedhmm it registered!
05:04.19bkruse_homevi /etc/asterisk/modules.conf  possibly
05:05.09IguanaNedWoohoo! I have conference!
05:09.19*** part/#asterisk techie (
05:09.39[TK]D-Fenderthere you go...
05:10.29*** join/#asterisk Roey (n=abc@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Roey)
05:10.30Roeyhi all
05:10.55Roeyanyone have Verizon?  How can I download all my messages from my phone to my email, if I can't connect the phone with bluetooth to my computer?
05:11.43IguanaNedbkruse: autoload is set to yes
05:12.12bkruse_homeand you dont have a noload anywhere
05:12.13bkruse_homethere u go
05:12.13IguanaNedbut I see no reference to
05:12.23bkruse_home<3 subversion
05:12.26IguanaNedthere are a couple noloads
05:12.55[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : maybe it'll all be fine from the get-go on next restart...
05:12.58IguanaNedshould I add something like load =>
05:13.21IguanaNedif I do a 'reload will that tell me ?
05:14.08bkruse_homecore show application meetme
05:14.15bkruse_homemodule load (tab)(tab)
05:15.14IguanaNedshow application meetme worked
05:15.31IguanaNednot sure what you mean by module load (tab) (tab)
05:16.05bkruse_homeif its not loaded, you can load it with module load
05:16.09bkruse_hometab for tab completion :]
05:16.48IguanaNedI wa just wondering if it will restart... say if my server is rebooted for whatever reason
05:17.04[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : Try it right NOW and see
05:19.55IguanaNedahh rather not reboot yet.. but will try on next convenient time
05:27.47*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
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05:28.38IguanaNedanyone know a good source for meetme how-to? configuring confernces?
05:28.55IguanaNedI want to set only one person to be the "speaker"
05:29.12bkruse_homejust let him dial in with one option, and the others dial in as muted
05:30.00[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : "show application meetme"
05:30.00IguanaNedfender am in there now
05:31.05IguanaNedIf i am correct those options are only set in the meetme.conf?
05:31.23[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : sever work on the dialplan line that calls it.
05:31.50IguanaNedoh right I see
05:34.13*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
05:35.38IguanaNedone more ? .. I want the ability to dynamically add users to my iax.conf file without dropping a conference
05:36.23IguanaNedhey bkruse... BY any chance is your last name kruse?
05:36.35QwellIguanaNed: what gave you that idea? :p
05:36.59IguanaNedjust curious as I know someone else with the lastname kruse
05:37.14IguanaNedwasn;t sure how common it was
05:40.33bkruse_homefirst name?
05:40.36bkruse_homeits not TOO common
05:43.02*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
05:43.25*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (n=CrazyTux@
05:44.51IguanaNedbkruse: first name of the person I know is David
05:45.34IguanaNedany relatives named David?
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05:48.48bkruse_homenot that i can think of
05:48.50bkruse_homewhere in the US?
05:49.55IguanaNednope Canada
05:50.03IguanaNedshould have asked that first I guess
06:01.29*** join/#asterisk J4k3^ (
06:02.34flendersJT: what handsets do you use?
06:02.44JTisdn pabx :P
06:04.32tydelCAasterisk can't be used on a nat gateway?
06:04.37IguanaNedanyone know a good source , or etailed guide for "meetme"?
06:04.44tydelCAlike, it can't bind to the inside and outside interface?
06:04.58[TK]D-FendertydelCA : By default it can bind to ALL interfaces
06:05.05[TK]D-FendertydelCA : And the answer is YES
06:05.10tydelCAso all or one
06:05.15[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed :
06:05.16tydelCAnot multiple specific
06:05.24[TK]D-FendertydelCA : so far, yeah.
06:05.37[TK]D-FendertydelCA : you can always use iptables to filter off the others though.
06:06.09flendersJT: dunno why I thought you had IP phones
06:07.33flendersJT: you know ingrammicro?
06:08.06flendersJT: they have cisco 7940g phones for 312 AUD inc GST
06:08.27tydelCAthey have ingram micro in .au?
06:08.45tydelCAI didn't know they were so widespread
06:09.54JTingram micro are ripoffs
06:10.10J4k3^ingram micro is a ripoff unless you move a few million/month through them
06:10.18J4k3^then they'll hump your leg (see newegg)
06:11.36Qwellwhat's wrong with newegg?
06:12.19J4k3^other than its hard to find a human if something goes wrong, but its rare (never happened to me) for something to go wrong
06:12.27Qwellno it's not...
06:12.39Qwellit takes 2 seconds to get somebody
06:12.44J4k3^but that was also a few years ago
06:12.50J4k3^they also don't do order pickups
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06:13.00J4k3^which is kinda silly IMHO
06:13.13tydelCAthey're an online company
06:13.14Qwellwhy would they?
06:13.17Qwellit only raises costs
06:13.19J4k3^why wouldn't they?
06:13.24tydelCAdo they have a storefront?
06:13.28J4k3^tydelCA: no.
06:13.39Qwellif you're close enough to pick something up, you can have it the next day (with standard shipping)
06:13.52bkruse_homethey have a wearhouse close to us, kinda
06:13.54J4k3^Qwell: well, I wish newegg (or somebody with similar clue) would come through and knock the bestbuy/circuitcity/frys/etc out of the way
06:14.09Qwellbkruse_home: Nashville..
06:14.11J4k3^anybody with half a bit of sense (and deep pockets and good connections) could.
06:14.31*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
06:14.56J4k3^yeah, I've learned that if I need something *today* to order from directron...  its a 210 mile trip one way though
06:15.10J4k3^these days I don't have those kinds of situations.  keep spares onhand.
06:15.38*** join/#asterisk dj-fu (
06:16.01J4k3^frys is 150 miles, but damn they suck
06:16.14Qwellfrys rocks too :p
06:16.19QwellI *wish* we had frys here
06:16.48J4k3^generally I stop by frys, see that they don't have what I want, or they want 3x more than they should for it... then I hop on my cellular connection and make my directron order
06:16.51J4k3^then drive over and get it.
06:17.04J4k3^since dropping by frys is maybe 2 miles out of my way for that entire trip
06:17.25|ryan|Is there anything special I have to enable in asterisk to get it to recognize DTMF?  I'm dialing a agi app and it does not seem to be recognizing DTMF digits.
06:17.36J4k3^frys in north houston is fairly ghetto.  Its in a crappy neighborhood, they treat everyone line a 3rd rate illegal alien criminal.
06:18.08J4k3^never went to the one on the southwest side of houston... the neighborhood isn't much better, and if I'm over there I might as well save myself the bother and just drive directly to directron.
06:18.09|ryan|I'm using a sip phone on my lan if that matters.
06:18.52bkruse_home|ryan|: change your dtmf mode in sipconf
06:19.54|ryan|I have it set to inband with the G711u codec
06:20.31Qwellyuck, don't use inband dtmf if you have a choice
06:20.46|ryan|what should I use?
06:21.14|ryan|My options are InBand, AVT, INFO, and Auto.
06:21.28Qwellbkruse_home: I don't know if it's just here in the south, but wendys makes their food look awful in commercials
06:21.36Qwell</random thought>
06:21.51J4k3^theres something generally unappetizing about meat thats square.
06:21.54tydelCArfc2833 = avt
06:22.03J4k3^it looks... manufactured
06:22.20QwellJ4k3^: is
06:22.53J4k3^I prefer my burgers from whataburger (texas only) or jack in the box...
06:22.59JTtydelCA: avt?
06:23.08J4k3^whataburger is almost a real burger, jack in the box is the exact opposite of a real burger, but I love it anyways.
06:23.18Qwell<3 jack in the box
06:23.20bkruse_homeQwell: dang, i totally mentioned we should start a franchise
06:23.26Qwellclosest one is in nashville :(
06:23.27J4k3^everybody loves jitb tacos!
06:23.33bkruse_homeQwell: there is one in decatur!!!!
06:23.34Qwelljitb tacos FTW!
06:23.36J4k3^the closest one here is 28 miles one way
06:23.37Qwellbkruse_home: what?!
06:23.40Qwellare you kidding?
06:23.49Qwella jack in the box?
06:23.57bkruse_homeunless it closed within the last 2 years, its still there
06:24.00QwellI would totally drive to decatur
06:24.10bkruse_homelet me look it up
06:24.17J4k3^it'll search
06:24.20J4k3^for like a 100 mile radius
06:24.22bkruse_homeQwell: we should take a mini roadtrip
06:24.31bkruse_homesteak and shake is up there also
06:25.07|ryan|AVT works, thank you.
06:28.16[TK]D-FenderOk, late & tired.. the deadly duo wins again.  Later all.....
06:29.07*** join/#asterisk dj-fu (
06:34.45*** part/#asterisk HeinrichSA (n=hh@
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06:34.56HeinrichSAHi all
06:35.13HeinrichSAI am having a problem with h323 and g729...
06:35.34HeinrichSAwhen i use sip g729 works perfectly
06:36.31J4k3^free m2m = teh win
06:36.37J4k3^downsides = additional call setup time
06:36.45*** join/#asterisk putzz (
06:38.57HeinrichSAfree m2m?
06:39.37HeinrichSAok ? is that an asterisk module?
06:39.50HeinrichSAwill it enable h323 with g729?
06:40.03J4k3^you'll need licenses for g729
06:40.18J4k3^or else the codec police will come arrest you
06:40.32HeinrichSAi already bought one
06:40.41HeinrichSAso im set
06:40.52J4k3^you just need to do what the email instructions say
06:40.55J4k3^and g729 will work
06:41.14coppicelucky fellow
06:41.18JTclearly what J4k3^ was talking about had nothing to do with your problem HeinrichSA...
06:44.01*** join/#asterisk kb1_kanobe (
06:44.09kb1_kanobeg'day all
06:44.58kb1_kanobetrying to work around an issue with libpri - how can I match a 'null' extension in the dialplan? Ie., when I get:  -- Extension '' in context 'in-cs1000' from '8856800' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/5, span 1
06:45.49JTs ?
06:46.44kb1_kanobeDuh! I suppose that's it, isn't it. Let me try...
06:48.54HeinrichSAHas anyone had a problem with h323 before?
06:49.54kb1_kanobeJT: no, did't do it. Still get a -- Extension '' in context 'in-cs1000' from '8856800' does not exist.
06:51.11HeinrichSAwhen i RTP debug. I dont see anything being sent to the gateway...
06:52.03HeinrichSAcall attempt X-lite (sip) -> asterisk -> h323 gateway (g729)
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07:36.51J4k3^hrm...  does anyone have any experience with chan_cellphone with cdma handsets?
07:42.54IguanaNedanyone here familiar with iaxclient?
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08:29.28Mavvieintersting #warning: "xpp_timer must be sampled EXACTLY 1000/per second"
08:29.37Mavviebut who is setting the HZ define?
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08:33.23Mavvie/usr/include/asm/param.h:#define HZ sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)
08:37.23*** join/#asterisk phpboy (n=shane@
08:37.43phpboyhey all, the junghanns phones work fine with bristuff, right?
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08:41.22kippiwhat is the best way to turn up the volume on calls, the handsets are up full, i am sure there is a opstion on asterisk
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08:44.01yansolo90hey, anybody knows what login/password are for ssh Cisco 79XX (other than "debug/debug" or "log/log") ?
08:48.19*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
08:48.27angryusergood day
08:50.08angryuseri have a little proble with my asterisk sip peers, sometimes they become Unreachable, and stays unreachable, but when i try to register with softphone with my provider, alls is fine and account is working, asterisk 1.4 svn latest, server ports routed, no firewall on the machine
08:50.47angryuserand when i reboot * peer become reachable
08:52.08angryuserall i need to know, where if the parameter of "reregister timeout" exist at all?
08:56.01*** join/#asterisk psk (
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09:06.58corruptorangryuser: it exists
09:09.08angryusercorruptor::] * asterisk somehow stuck with the registration....
09:10.34corruptorsuch problem can be dns related...
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09:12.08corruptorthere are options registerattempts and registertimeout in sip.conf
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09:17.17angryusercorruptor: i tuned them a bit, will see;)
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10:18.53zeeeshlike vodafone or orange cellular user can block his caller id ... is it possible to block caller id by using asterisk ?????
10:19.38angryuserzeeesh: yes
10:20.18zeeeshwill u pls guide how ... ?
10:20.56zeeeshwhich .. conf file take a part of this feature
10:22.20angryuserzeeesh: you just need to check the variable and use gotoif
10:23.32*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (n=A-Tuin@
10:24.59angryusergotoif($[${CALLERID(num)} = youridhere]?1:2)
10:25.20jbot[thewiki] at
10:25.49angryuser al vars used in asterisk
10:28.48*** join/#asterisk HarryR (
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10:36.56Bazyhi, i need to capture packets for someone to analyse, voice is now working well, jitter, loss. I need to do that with tethereal, can anyone help me with this?
10:40.38MavvieBazy: try argus (
10:41.52*** join/#asterisk dseeb_ (n=dcb@
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10:43.26_omerwhat is best for speech recognition ?
10:43.40*** join/#asterisk FreezeS (n=bla@
10:43.48FreezeShey guys
10:43.53BazyMavvie i need the capture to be in pcap format... 10x for your help, i'll read argus's page later
10:44.06FreezeSanyone knows if it's possible to have zaphfc without bristuff ?
10:44.32FreezeSthe problem is they don't have bristuff witn 1.4 at the moment
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10:50.59mafkeesFreezeS: use misdn
10:51.42FreezeSthanks :)
10:55.11*** join/#asterisk martineyles_ (
10:55.59martineyles_I'm trying to do hangup on dial-tone in an incoming call
10:56.43martineyles_(My phone line give me this instead of the usual call progress or polarity change or on/off busy signal)
10:57.09martineyles_any ideas?
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10:59.43phearlesshi guys!!
11:00.31phearlesswhen I call from a SIP phone to another local SIP phone, I got this :
11:00.45phearless414 is calling 404
11:00.58phearlesshow can I debug this? because 404 do not receive the call
11:02.01angryuserphearless: you ment Sip dialing zap?
11:02.25phearlessahhh i see
11:02.59phearlessit may be an extensions.conf error
11:03.37phearlessif I do :
11:03.39phearlessdialplan show 404@default
11:03.42phearlessI got :
11:03.55phearlessit's good , right?
11:04.18angryuserphearless:and what about registration status?
11:04.28phearlesslet's have a look...
11:04.40angryuser"sip show peers"
11:06.30phearlessin fact it was a mistake in sip.conf
11:06.38phearlessI did put a wrong context
11:07.41phearlessthanks you angryuser
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11:11.25angryuserphearless: you found it all by yourself
11:11.41phearlessyes but I appreciate when people try to help :)
11:12.40angryuserphearless: i am trying to help coz a lot of people helped me
11:13.19phearlessexcellent :)
11:18.08*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
11:20.25kippican someone help
11:20.31kippiI keep on getting this error
11:20.32kippiSIP/1153-006f7250 is ringing
11:20.50kippikeeps on hanging up the calls, have to reboot every 30 mins
11:21.25kippiout going calls are fine
11:23.42kippiand its not reloading probley
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12:25.46Ahrimanesis it possible to configure outgoing sip registrations (register => ...) in realtime?
12:28.23creativxis there any other way of getting a SIP user's CallerID field other than AMI-> Command: SIPshowpeer, Peer: <user>
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12:40.05thekidrioAnyone have a good guide for distro selection for asterisk?
12:40.33thekidrioI am currently leaning towards CentOS/RHEL
12:42.54angryuserthekidrio: i am happy with debian sarge
12:43.26tzafrirthekidrio, you need a guide for that?
12:43.56kippiI keep on getting this error
12:44.02tzafrirDebian and CentOS seem to be the most popular. Naturally if you have your favorite distro, you it
12:44.08kippiSIP/1153-006f7250 is ringing
12:46.28thekidrioi like reading opinions yes tzafrir
12:46.51thekidrioserver wise i don
12:46.59thekidrio't have much pref
12:47.14thekidriomost distros look the same in a console really hehe
12:47.45thekidriolooking for the least headache causing route honestly
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12:51.52angryuserthekidrio: i have used suse 10.1 entreprise also, kernel compatible outbox with misdn (just need to change headers) no pb at all at installation of misdn/astribank/zaptel/libpri/asterisk
12:56.07thekidrioseems then that its fairly compat across the board then with the major distros
12:59.25*** join/#asterisk Druken (i=Druken@
12:59.49Drukenmorning everyone, anyone happen to have the pri crossover cable pinouts handy?
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13:04.20yansolo90hey, anybody knows what login/password are for ssh Cisco 79XX (other than "debug/debug" or "log/log") ?
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13:22.28VeNoMouS_hay does anyone know when record route is going to be fixed in 302?
13:22.44Drukenanyone here done work with a channelbank ?
13:23.52tzangerDruken: yep
13:23.55tzangerall kinds of it
13:23.59tzangerwhat can I help you with?
13:24.10tzangerDruken: T1 crossover is pin 1->4 and 2->5
13:24.28Drukenwell, i have a channelbank... the pri set to NET, i've made the crossover cable, and hooked it all up
13:24.36tzangerchannel banks are CAS, not CCS
13:24.57DrukenFeb 19 03:21:44 NOTICE[6464]: chan_zap.c:8194 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
13:24.57DrukenFeb 19 03:21:45 NOTICE[6464]: chan_zap.c:8194 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
13:25.02tzanger(i.e. signaling=fxs_ks or fxo_ks, not pri_net or pri_cpe)
13:25.04Drukenwould that explain why i'm, getting those?
13:25.22tzangerI'm not aware of any channel bank which emulates a switch
13:25.54Drukenuh... so i need to change the signalling then?
13:26.59VeNoMouS_so... anyone 302.. route not there .....
13:28.54Drukentzanger:  Signalling requested on channel 1 is FXS Kewlstart but line is in PRI Signalling signalling
13:30.29*** join/#asterisk Crescendo_ (
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13:31.15tzangerDruken: what channel bank is this??
13:33.29tzangerDruken: keep going
13:33.41VeNoMouS_well if i cant sort this issue im switching to ser
13:33.42ManxPowerDruken: that means "You're screwed because data is being lost from the PRI"
13:33.45tzangerI have used Carrier Access Access Bank I and II and Adit 600s... all CCS not CAS
13:34.00tzangerManxPower: he's using a channel bank, I have never seen a channel bank with PRI signaling
13:34.27ManxPowertzanger: oh, then that message means "You're an idiot, don't set the line as PRI for channel banks"
13:34.37Drukeni belive it's a cac1
13:34.54DrukenManxPower: thanks for those words of encourangement :)
13:35.01tzangerDruken: ok, and use a regular PRI straight-through cable
13:35.21tzangerDruken: make sure zaptel.conf is set for fxs or fxo, whichever is correct for your channel bank (what is in it?)
13:35.25tzangerDruken: and make zapata.conf match
13:35.26Drukenso how do i set the signalling properly then ?
13:35.29tzangerdon't forget ot re-run ztcfg
13:35.35tzanger(I'm guessing that's your problem right there)
13:35.43ManxPowerDruken: do NOT use any switchtype= setting
13:35.46ManxPowerthat is for PRI
13:36.10ManxPowerDruken: put the non-comment lines for your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf on pastebin.
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13:39.03ManxPowerhello, Telemac
13:39.25TelemacHas anyone ever tried using cisco 7912 with asterisk ? I'm trying to use it with skinny at least, or with SIP but I didn't succeeded in upgrading its firmware...
13:40.42ManxPowerTelemac: many more people use SIP because Asterisk's Skinny/SCCP support is not as stable or full featured.
13:41.33*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (
13:41.37TelemacManxPower: That's what I've read, but the firmware is not longer on cisco website as far as I see, and upgrade procedure is not really clear
13:41.58TelemacManxPower: I really like to have some docs about this upgrade
13:42.07ManxPowerTelemac: Cisco charges for SIP firmware.  That is why we do not use them at my clients
13:42.25ManxPowerTelemac: SCCP/Skinny works, but you won't find many people that use it.
13:42.28ZawCisco charges for everything
13:42.38VeNoMouS_<ManxPower> Telemac: Cisco charges for SIP firmware.  That is why we do not use them at my clients
13:42.41VeNoMouS_^^ wtf
13:42.47VeNoMouS_u just d/l the firmware
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13:42.51ManxPowerTelemac: later in the day there should be more SCCP/Skinny using people on the channel.
13:42.52VeNoMouS_and flash the fone
13:43.02VeNoMouS_i use sccp
13:43.09VeNoMouS_with 7940's and 41's
13:43.19VeNoMouS_and 12's
13:43.22VeNoMouS_had a 60
13:43.40ManxPowerVeNoMouS_: If you have a support contract (most any type of support contract) you CAN download the SIP firmware, but you are violating the Cisco licence and copyright.
13:43.44TelemacVeNoMouS_: The one I try to configure is a 7912
13:43.57HarryRwow, they charge for sip firmware
13:44.11HarryRI'd hate to think how much it costs per seat just for an average installation
13:44.13VeNoMouS_technically no
13:44.17VeNoMouS_they charge for the license
13:44.25VeNoMouS_ManxPower so whats the problem?
13:44.26ManxPowerAnd individual may not care about not being legally allowed to use the downloaded SIP firmware, but any kind of production enviroment will care.
13:44.47ManxPowerVeNoMouS_: It increases the cost for 1 thing.
13:45.25*** join/#asterisk phearless (
13:45.42HarryRwouldn't it be possible just to use snoms or aastras and hack up a sip<->sccp/skinny bridge if you're determined to use CCM?
13:45.58TelemacWe have a contract but when we ask for cisco to obtain firmware they didn't give us more information
13:46.10ManxPowerHarryR: I believe that CCM supports SIP as well.
13:47.03tzangerDruken: get it working?
13:47.05TelemacI've d/l firmware from "LATEST FIRMWARE VERSION" but the upgrade is not ok
13:47.32ManxPowerTelemac: log into Cisco using your support contract userid/password.  Then download the software
13:47.37VeNoMouS_<ManxPower> Telemac: Cisco charges for SIP firmware.  That is why we do not use them at my clients
13:47.58TelemacManxPower: which software ?
13:48.06tzangerManxPower: that's a hell of a thread on DNIS on -users... wow
13:48.12ManxPowerTelemac: the one for your phone.
13:48.21ManxPowertzanger: yeah, I'm getting sick of it.
13:48.35TelemacManxPower: ? firmware or software ?
13:51.24ManxPowerthe 7905 and 7912 use the same firmware
13:52.49ManxPowersorry, they do not use the same firmware, but both phones are on the same firmware page.  In fact, here is the SIP firmware for 7912 for non-CCM applications.
13:53.41ManxPowerYou will, of course, need a calid CCO login and password authorized for software downloads.
13:54.18TelemacManxPower: And then I just but that firmware on my tftp ?
13:54.28ManxPowerTelemac: I don't know.
13:55.45ManxPowerTelemac: the readme in the zip file will include information with a link to upgrade instructions
13:55.45TelemacManxPower: I hope :(
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13:59.32ManxPowertzanger: the guy has a signalling timing problem.  until he gets that fixed nothing is going to work
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14:05.58Drukentzanger and ManxPower: thanks for the help, got it working
14:06.07tzangerDruken: awesome
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14:24.28JTwhat the hell is your problem VeNoMouS_ ?
14:26.42JoNateMy damn music on hold still isn't working!
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14:28.30Broomhey all
14:28.36Underhandi'm having a problem with app_sms.. i'm trying to send sms to * from an SMS-capable DECT handset, via an SPA-3000
14:28.49Broomcan anyone tell me how to stop asterisk loggin either to the file or to the console
14:28.50Underhand* is able to receive the message (it appears in the spool file) but the phone reports Message Failed
14:29.04UnderhandBroom, logger.conf?
14:29.45Underhandsetting verbose shows that after the phone has sent the message, * sends an ACK, and the phone responds with an ERROR of type Wrong message length
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14:29.58Underhandas far as i can see, the message length is correct (2)
14:30.05Underhandhas anybody else seen anything similar?
14:30.10Broomi edited that file
14:30.23Broomand commented out every line
14:30.23Broomand still
14:30.27jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
14:32.34Underhandbroom: have you tried leaving in a line for console, but with nothing on the right hand side?
14:32.50Broomlets see, wait a sec
14:33.37Broomthis is what i get: Logfile Warning: Unknown keyword '' at line 29 of logger.conf
14:34.29Underhandok, that was just a guess..
14:34.53Broomunderhand: it gave me an error
14:34.56Broombut it worke
14:35.00Broomit stopped loggin
14:35.05Broomwhich is what I wanted! thanks
14:37.25Underhandso, anyone with SMS experience? :)
14:38.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:42.56coppiceYs, iv snt sms b4
14:43.06tzangercoppice: :-)
14:43.19tzangerI wish I could find an SMSC for Telus Mobility
14:43.43tzangerI want to send MWI SMS and the email gateways all prepend a space to the msg so I can't send "fun" SMS messages
14:43.53coppiceTelus where your SMSC is?
14:44.00tzangercoppice: *groans*
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14:44.42tzangercoppice: how does your wife put up with you?
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14:45.13coppiceas a second language speaker of english, most of it passes over her
14:45.33tzangercoppice: she is fortunate
14:46.25UnderhandSMS RX 92 01 02 6B  <--- I did understand correctly that that means error, Wrong message length, right?
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14:49.34ManxPowerIt sure would be nice if USA carriers like Verizon would have "SMCS"
14:49.46ManxPoweror even SMSC
14:50.12coppicethey must have. how else would you send an SMS
14:50.12ManxPowerARGH!  It is president's day today!
14:50.28ManxPowercoppice: you don't.  you send it from your handset or via SMTP
14:50.50tzangerManxPower: yes but the SMTP gateways all talk to SMSCs
14:50.53coppiceI bet that's not true for everyone.
14:51.15tzangerI called my Telus rep (a pretty bright guy) and asked for the SMSC phone number or IP address...  His precise response was "what's an SMSC?"
14:51.16ManxPowertzanger: yes, but they do not have a real SMSC telephone number to send SMS thru
14:51.41tzangerI've found a few SMS gateways on the intenet for Telus/Bell Mobility but they were all pretty pricey
14:54.16coppicemost direct access to an SMSC is through contracted links
14:55.17tzangercoppice: yes, and there are a few SMS gateway providers online which will charge you about US$0.17/SMS to use them
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14:59.03wwalkeranyone running asterisk in a xen domain?
14:59.21JTVeNoMouS_: so what's your problem?
14:59.39coppiceyou mean like in a Buddist monastery?
14:59.59wwalkercoppice: Xen, not Zen!  :)
15:00.11VeNoMouS_JT: that when u transfer you it dont add route in, so u get 0 sip data back when the call ends
15:00.16JTwwalker: no but i plan to
15:00.18coppiceits spelt both ways
15:00.27JTVeNoMouS_: oh, i was refering to you flooding the channel
15:00.36VeNoMouS_and when was i flooding?
15:00.44VeNoMouS_oh i see back up
15:00.51VeNoMouS_mutsa been cat walking on laptop
15:00.56JTi see
15:01.00VeNoMouS_i been lookin after the kids
15:01.03ManxPowerI assumed it was a cat
15:01.06JTfair enough
15:01.33VeNoMouS_ManxPower so whats your sccp issue now that im back
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15:02.03VeNoMouS_so jt is any 1 working on that issue in chan_sip v2?
15:02.17JTi'm not sure, check mantis
15:02.33VeNoMouS_thats the only reference i could really find bout it
15:02.41VeNoMouS_but thats dated jan 2006 :\
15:03.15wwalkerJT: thx.  I've tried running under VMware before but the clock skew/inconsistencies of a VMware guest (even with fixes in place) were just too high.
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15:03.34JTwwalker: vmware is just... yeah... no good
15:03.42JTmassive performance hit
15:03.46JTxen is so low overhead
15:04.09Makenshiapples and oranges
15:04.25VeNoMouS_heh moh sucks on vmware
15:04.25JTsure you can run more OSes in vmware
15:04.30VeNoMouS_it cant handle it
15:04.31elriahIs skinny NAT friendlY?
15:04.36JTbut who cares if you want to do virtualisation
15:04.39wwalkerI did some testing with Xen yesterday and it _appears_ that the domains don't actually keep their own time.  I think that time calls go all the way to the hypervisor.
15:04.43VeNoMouS_skinnny isnt friendly to anyone
15:04.44Makenshivmware is not so good for things like asterisk, but it's great for server consolidation
15:04.46VeNoMouS_but yes it is
15:04.57JTMakenshi: server consolidation?
15:05.30MakenshiJT, yes, since with Windows VMware can share memory pages between machines, and DR is much much easier
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15:05.42MakenshiWindows guests, that is
15:05.44wwalkerXen is just _so_painful_ to setup new machines
15:06.00MakenshiAlso, there are plenty of well-supported third-party management tools
15:06.02JTMakenshi: why on earth would you want to do that? i assume the guests are fairly low load
15:06.03VeNoMouS_u know the answer to that wwalker
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15:06.11tzafriranybody tried qemu/kqemu or kmu/kvm ?
15:06.19tzafrirqemu/kvm, that is
15:06.26VeNoMouS_stop being a cheap bastard and quit using vm's!
15:06.34MakenshiMakenshi, there are many reasons for it
15:06.36Makenshier JT even
15:06.49JTvms are great when implemented right
15:06.55JTnothing to do with being cheap
15:07.03AlfaScorpiineed help with Micronet SP5050 and Asterisk
15:07.18Ahrimaneswhat's a micronet sp5050 ?
15:07.26VeNoMouS_jt the only ppl who use vm's are cheap bastards
15:07.32JTVeNoMouS_: wrong.
15:07.33VeNoMouS_hell even if u have like a sunfire or something
15:07.38VeNoMouS_ure still being cheap
15:07.48JTyou're a f*cking idiot, to put it nicely
15:07.51VeNoMouS_we did heaps of dev work with xen couple yrs back
15:07.58JTthere's these amazing new things
15:08.00AlfaScorpiimicronet SP5050 is a voip gateway, im using one as FXO for PSTN interface
15:08.03VeNoMouS_its shit
15:08.03JTcalled multi core cpus
15:08.11VeNoMouS_wtf u think a sunfire is newb?
15:08.12tzafrirI'm checking vserver now. Looks nice if you just want to separate userspace daemons
15:08.15JTthat benefit from parallelisation
15:08.22VeNoMouS_sunfire has more then 8 cpu's lol
15:08.23JTVeNoMouS_: yep, leet speak will get you far
15:08.36JTVeNoMouS_: no shit, and you need the applications to utilise them
15:08.40Ahrimanestzafrir: we do hosted pbx based on vserver atm, but changing to openvz to get layer 2 networking
15:09.12VeNoMouS_the fact is , xen is still virtual, it still pushes everything through its own software back plane
15:09.20JTblah blah
15:09.30JT"software back plane" rofl!
15:09.46tzafrirwell, debian comes with a vserver kernel. I didn't really bother
15:10.05VeNoMouS_tzafrir err it does?
15:10.16Ahrimanestzafrir: yeah, we run debian :)
15:10.43infernixopenvz should be ideal if its the same OS for all guests
15:11.22infernixanyway saying that VMs are for cheap bastards is ridiculous
15:11.29JTinfernix: indeed
15:11.45JTnot everyone using VMs is in the virtual hosting business
15:11.52Ahrimaneswe can run about 50 vm's on a dual cpu machine..
15:11.54JT[TK]D-Fender: uhh, ok...
15:11.59coppiceVMs are really for people who's like isn't hard enough right now
15:12.10VeNoMouS_Ahrimanes and u run that in a production envoriment too?
15:12.26AhrimanesVeNoMouS_: yes, with customers paying happily
15:12.29Makenshicoppice, untrue :p
15:12.36[TK]D-FenderOk people, feel free to agree to disagreee any time now...
15:12.42AlfaScorpiii have problems routing incoming calls from PSTN-VOIP GATEWAY-ASTERISK
15:12.54Makenshifor instance, vmware ha will handle the failure of physical resources and reallocate the guests when necessary, reducing downtime
15:12.56AlfaScorpiii can make calls to the ouside
15:13.06AlfaScorpiibut cant recibe calls from the outside
15:13.15VeNoMouS_so basicly your saying is u give your customers bout 120mhz each
15:13.38VeNoMouS_if they were to max out all there cpu policy
15:13.53VeNoMouS_or was 50 just some number u pulled out of the air
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15:14.27infernixVeNoMouS_: your logic is flawed
15:14.31JTthe applications i'm thinking of a more like a 1 VM to 1 core mapping
15:14.39JTsay 8VMs to 8 cores
15:14.43AhrimanesVeNoMouS_: 50 is our max for any piece of hardware.. cpu and memory usage is nowhere near maxed out with 50, but we dont want any more customers to be affected by hardware failure
15:14.44ManxPowerI'll stick to real hardware, thakyouverymuch.  No drama.
15:14.46JTperformance should be ok :)
15:15.15elriahI missed the first part of this, what's the goal of your VM scenerio?
15:15.17VeNoMouS_ManxPower word
15:15.18ManxPowerFor a hosting company I can see using virtualization
15:15.19hal23456hi all!  Does anyone know why some analogue phones connected to the TDM400P don't ring for an incoming call, but others are fine?
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15:15.31ManxPowerhal23456: usually a config error
15:15.35infernixeven with real hardware there's much to say about using VM - even just with one guest - such as VM suspend/resume, live migration etc
15:15.45VeNoMouS_hal23456 : could be a voltage thing
15:16.03JTManxPower: the latest server processors benefit a lot from virtualisation, in that most conventional applications don't take fully advantage of so many cores
15:16.08hal23456Manx - but if I change the phone for one that I know works, it works fine
15:16.35JTyeah vm suspend/resume and migration is quite sweet
15:16.48hal23456Venomons - yes, I believe this is most likely to be true - is there any way to amend the config so it supports the voltage of the phone?
15:17.04Ahrimanesan average hosted customer in our setup eats around 24 megs of physical ram...
15:17.11VeNoMouS_hal23456 *shrug*
15:17.22elriahAhrimanes: What are you hosting?
15:17.39VeNoMouS_some fones are wanky about the voltage they get to generate a ring tone
15:17.48hal23456also, how can you tel whether a phone will be compatible?
15:17.53VeNoMouS_we had a couple cisco ata's that sorted sending enuff voltage
15:18.02[TK]D-Fenderhal23456:  So you're saying that using the same port, if you swap the phone attached to it, the 2nd one rings properly as opposed to the 1st?
15:18.03VeNoMouS_so fones wouldnt flash or hang up properly
15:18.17Ahrimaneselriah: asterisk pbx's for customers
15:18.36hal23456it would be a very expensive task to test lots of different phones, just to see if they are compatible with asterisk
15:18.50hal23456surely they shold follow some standard?
15:19.17elriahAhrimanes: How much per month?
15:19.48hal23456yes, that is right, fender
15:19.54Ahrimaneselriah: around $12/active extension/month
15:20.13hal23456bare in mind that these are analogue not voip phones
15:20.16elriahDoes that include the trunks?
15:20.26[TK]D-Fenderhal23456: Just a silly question, but have you physically verified that the ringer wasn't disabled on those phones?
15:20.41hal23456yes, I have fender
15:20.48Ahrimaneselriah: no, that unfortunately depends alot on the internet providers here in denmark
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15:21.29[TK]D-Fenderhal23456: Do you see any pattern in the ones that aren't acting right?  (different number of attached devices/port, all the same model, etc)
15:21.42maviorhello dudess
15:22.14hal23456if nothing springs to mind, I will go and confirm again my setup and report back...
15:22.33maviorsomebody knows how to re-set my voicemail unavaible message to the asterisk default one?
15:22.50[TK]D-Fendermavior: Delete the one you recorded
15:22.59maviorhow? :P
15:23.05VeNoMouS_mavior cp the wav
15:23.19maviorthere are no voicemailMain() option to do so
15:23.20hal23456fender - wel, I only have a couple of phones, so it is difficult to determine a general rule of thumb, however, I think venomous is right that it is about voltage
15:23.43[TK]D-Fendermavior: "rm /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/[context]/[box]/unavail*
15:24.05mavioroh ok...thank you
15:24.34maviorand are there such options to play some combinations of default ast messages instead of the default one?
15:24.46[TK]D-Fenderhal23456: Do you have a lto fo phones loaded on the flakey ports?
15:24.55[TK]D-Fender"lot of"*
15:27.14elriahAnyone use chan_skinny for cisco phones?  If so, can you point me to a sample XML config for the phone 79x1's?
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15:29.17ManxPowermavior: either record a new message, or remove the greeting files from the /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/whatever directory outside of Asterisk
15:29.43Telemacelriah: I too trying to use asterisk with cisco 79xx, SIP seems better but firmware upgrade is a pain
15:29.52[TK]D-Fenderelriah: Boy you really are completely up a creek with these phones.  I don't think there's been one aspect you haven't had to come crawling back in here for help on....
15:30.06maviorsomebody knows? I mean "combinations of default ast messages" --> "combinations of default ast sounds" instead of the dafult voicemail one
15:30.36[TK]D-FenderManxPower: We really ought to fix all these odd bits though.  Stuff you should be able to do from VoiceMailMain.....
15:30.48ManxPowermavior: there are no defauilt asterisk sounds for voicemail other than the default voicemail sounds
15:30.59Ahrimanes[TK]D-Fender: yeah, like disabling the user menu :)
15:31.15[TK]D-Fendermavior: You get the "glued together by Allison" message when you have no recorded one.
15:31.17elriah[TK]D-Fender: Yea, and I knew it going in.  They work great as long as NAT isn't involved.  We're going to try chan_skinny and see if it will solve our NAT issues.
15:31.40ManxPowerelriah: last I heard Skinny has NO support for ANY NAT
15:31.56ManxPowersince skinny has no authentication I assume it was meant for only LAN usage
15:32.47ManxPowermavior: you want the default greeting files played like before you recorded your voicemail greeting, correct?
15:32.55maviorManx and Fender...OK but if i want
15:32.56maviorno man...
15:33.21ManxPowermavior: you can either have your own custom recorded greetings or the default greetings.  You have no other choices.
15:33.30maviorI got it....i understand how to revert to the default one(just deleting my own custom message)
15:34.47ManxPowerActually you do have one other option.  Use Playback before running Voicemail to play whatever sound file you want, then run Voicemail with the "s" option.
15:35.23VeNoMouS_im going sleep
15:35.27ManxPowerVeNoMouS_: is this a CCM feature or a phone feature?
15:35.29VeNoMouS_Tue Feb 20 04:34:41 NZDT 2007
15:35.55TelemacI've setup a tftp server on my linux box, when my 7219 start I can see with tcpdump that it access tftpserver but on status messages on the phone I get error about timeout to get file (XMLDefault.cnf.xml and SEPXXXXXX.cnf.xml). What can cause that ?
15:35.59VeNoMouS_ManxPower im pretty sure it supports nat
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15:36.04Ahrimaneswhy do we need to see those timestamps?
15:36.25VeNoMouS_Telemac data chunk size on your tftp
15:36.39VeNoMouS_linux tftpd or wintendo?
15:36.50VeNoMouS_if using aftpd change the data size
15:36.59VeNoMouS_atftpd even
15:37.13VeNoMouS_its a flag btw
15:37.14VeNoMouS_good nite
15:37.27TelemacVeNoMouS_: tftp server is on linux
15:37.37maviorOh ok ManxPower, that's what i want.....because i want to achieve this behaviour: have the default asterisk voice say instead of this "The person at extension ... 1234 ... is unavailable" --> "John ... is unavailable" Please leave a message after the tone
15:37.53mavioror better "Marco ... is unavailable Please leave a message after the tone"
15:38.24ManxPowermavior: Why can't you use the custom greeting you record in voicemail for that?
15:38.47AhrimanesManxPower: i guess he wants it like that for all users
15:39.13ManxPowerAhrimanes: I guess he wants lots of work to do.
15:39.27AhrimanesManxPower: true
15:39.27maviorcause i don't want my voice to be played....but the default one
15:39.46ManxPowermavior: you are going to have someone record everyone's name?
15:40.47maviorprobably...yes...or the way...i'm new to only in the very alpha-testing of the features right now :P
15:41.26maviorjust a bit of curiosity and nerdesses from my side
15:41.32maviorjust a bit
15:41.51ManxPowermavior: you have two options.  You can fight Asterisk oddities and live a miserable life and hate Asterisk or you can accept Asterisk's oddities and live a happy life and love Asterisk.
15:42.01TelemacWhat's the block size for tftp so that cisco phone can work with ?
15:42.01[TK]D-Fendermavior: Then have them record their name for the directory.  It should play the name instead of the box #
15:42.10ManxPowerToo many people hate the first option Too many people pick the first option.
15:42.49mavioryes it possible?
15:43.48ryantanyone have any cool asterisk or digium wallpapers?
15:43.50[TK]D-Fendermavior: When I just finish telling you what to do, how about you go TRY it? :)
15:44.02maviormanx,i think that this is true indeed for almost the 90% software around
15:45.15maviorFender ? (i'm italian..sometimes probably i miss some sarcasm)
15:48.17hal23456ok, I have fully tested the analogue phones, and the ones that don't work definitely don't work, and the ones that  I have tested the cables, which are also ok.  I only have one phone connected per module on the TDM400P
15:49.23hal23456I have found that I can't hear a dial tone when the "non-working" phones are connected, but if I connect them directly to the analogue phone line, they work correctly
15:49.24[TK]D-Fendermavior: First you described what you needed.  Then I told you how to do it.  Then you ask me if its possible.  There is something inherently wrong with that...
15:50.49mavioroh ok...I don't understand how to play the name instead of extension name.
15:53.15hal23456my questions are, 1) is there any way to modify asterisk/zap drivers  to support these (currently) non-working analogue phones and 2) is there any way to tell (before buying them) which phones are no likely to be compatible with asterisk/zap and 3) has anyone else had problems getting some analogue phones to work (or is it just me!!) ?
15:54.44ManxPowerhal23456: every single analog phone I've put on a zaptel card worked.
15:55.09ManxPowerhal23456: if you have a long run of wire, or too high of an REN you may want the boostringer option to the kernel driver
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15:55.43tzafrirhal23456, what do you mean by "non-working"? You don't get a dialtone from Asterisk?
15:55.56robsdeskhi is there a problem with the digium cvs service?
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15:56.05hal23456yes, that is right, trafrir
15:56.06tzafrirYou only get a dialtone if asterisk is running and a proper channel is defined in zapata.conf
15:56.53ManxPowerhal23456: I have never, ever heard of an analog phone not getting dialtone from a correctly configured and wired asterisk box
15:56.55hal23456I have configured the channel etc, and it works fine with another analogue phone, but not 2 phones I have discovered
15:57.11tzafrirhal23456, does any other phone work with your TDM400P card?
15:57.12ManxPowerI've only heard of issues of ringing
15:57.22hal23456yes, it does trafrir
15:57.26elriahDoes anyone have a working SEP<mac>.cnf.xml for chan_skinny and Cisco 7941/7961s?
15:57.30hal23456but not 2 (different models) of phones
15:57.52maviorFender:I don't understand how to play the name instead of extension name.It was a question. :)
15:57.56hal23456really, manx?  I cannot explain why I have the problem
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15:58.28ManxPowerhal23456: You are plugging the non-working phones into the SAME PORT as the working phone for testing?
15:58.42hal23456yes, that is right, manx
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15:59.07hal23456It has to be something to do with voltage, I think, as venomous said
15:59.13[TK]D-Fendermavior: I just told you.  Delete the unavailable message, and have them record their name for the directory.
15:59.46hal23456I hoped that someone may know a workaround, or how to determine whether a phone is likely not to be compatible before purchasing it
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16:00.11ManxPowerhal23456: ALL standard analog phone should work.
16:00.13*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
16:00.27Ahrimaneshey russellb my devstate hero ;)
16:00.28ManxPowerhal23456: what is the make/model of one of the non-working phones.
16:00.40ManxPowerhal23456: voltage is only an issue for ringing.
16:00.44kippiwhich file do i need to config for pickup groups?
16:00.47ManxPowernot for getting a dialtone
16:01.09ManxPowerkippi: zapata.conf, sip.conf, iax.conf, sccp.conf, skinny.conf, h323.conf
16:01.36kippiok thanks
16:01.47ManxPowerkippi: oh, and extensions.conf of course
16:01.59hal23456Unfortunately I do not have one non-working phone with me, and I am pretty sure I could get a dialtone, but it would not ring.
16:02.42hal23456the current one I can't get either a dialtone or a incoming ring
16:03.03phearlessI got a strange problem, when I call with a mobile my asterisk system, I pick up the VoIP phone (phone 408), then I transfer the call (xfer key on a Linksys/Sipura SPA942), then I transfer the call to the phone 404, then the problem : the guy on the mobile do NOT hear the 404 guy, and the 404 guy DO hear the guy on the mobile. How can I debug this?
16:03.33hal23456I think, actually, that there is a relationship between the two phones - they are BT (British Telecom) phones
16:03.38[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Sounds like a NAT problem.
16:03.43hal23456has anyone tried these, to their recollection?
16:03.45ManxPowerphearless: sounds like a NAT problem from the very confuzing description you just gave.
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16:04.04ManxPowerhal23456: is it a 2-wire phone or a 3-wire phone?
16:04.18[TK]D-Fenderphearless: And never ever give someone extension 404.... its just bad karma...
16:04.20phearless[TK]D-Fender and ManxPower ok I will investigate this.... by the way I use a PRI ISDN line
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16:04.29hal23456oooh, I don't know Manx - how do I tell?
16:04.29ManxPowerAsterisk only supports 2-wire phones.  You can buy a 3-wire to 2-wire adaper
16:04.49ManxPowerhal23456: I have no idea.
16:05.00hal23456that is very interesting information, manx
16:05.23ManxPowerhal23456:  As I understand it the original UK phone lines used 3-wires.  I don't know when 2-wire lines started to be used.
16:05.28hal23456do you have any suggestions where I could obtain a 3wire to 2wire adatper?
16:05.50phearlessNAT problems are mostly when people use VoIP over internet? right?
16:05.53ManxPowerhal23456: your local retailer might have them.  search the mailing list archives for more information
16:05.57jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
16:07.40[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Where are each of your phones located relative to your server?
16:07.54kippifor pickup groups I just need to add pickgroup=1 to the sip.conf to the two extenstions i want to pickup?
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16:08.53hal23456thank you, Manx, and everyone for your valuable help.  I appreciate it
16:08.56phearless10.2.12.104 is 404, is 414, and asterisk is
16:09.46phearless255.255.192.0 is the netmask
16:10.20[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Does that mask imply they are on the same local LAN>
16:10.43kippianyone know what this error means?
16:10.43kippiFeb 19 17:11:39 WARNING[5633]: chan_sip.c:2561 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 64/64)
16:10.44phearlessthe phones are connected to asterisk, because they can call each others
16:10.49[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Ok, NAT shouldn't be an issue...
16:11.08TelemacWhy cisco 7912 phone could experience trouble with a ftp server under linux ? I see the phone access the server but I still get timeout error ...
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16:12.45phearlessok [TK]D-Fender
16:12.57phearlessit is a quite weird problem
16:13.01ManxPowerkippi: "show codecs" will tell you the number / codec names
16:13.07w0ls0nHi all. I have in my sip.conf my dialing provider but I cannot seem to make a call. I get a dialtone but how do I make outgoing calls?
16:13.35ManxPowerw0ls0n: you need to configure you phone to allow that
16:13.48ManxPowerw0ls0n: SIP phones provide dialtone, not Asterisk.
16:13.50w0ls0nI have a softfone called x-lite
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16:14.22kippiso ManxPower: I have a problem with my codecs?
16:14.29Telemac7912 phone has a tmout error in status message about XMLDefault.cnf.xml but when I try to get the same file by hand against the same server (with a CLI tftp client), everything is ok
16:14.58w0ls0nI have my softfone as ext 101 so how do I make the dialing work
16:17.30jbotrumour has it, codecs is  If you have audio/codec problems, first try to 'disallow=all' and 'allow=all' and see if that works
16:17.37[TK]D-Fenderw0ls0n: Go lern how to create your dialplan....
16:17.51[TK]D-Fenderw0ls0n: That would be "extensions.conf" in case you were wondering....
16:17.57jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
16:18.08[TK]D-Fenderw0ls0n: Go download and read THE BOOK.
16:18.28w0ls0nI actually have the book downloaded already, just needed something to start with
16:20.16*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
16:20.40[TK]D-Fenderw0ls0n: Good.  Start with.... THE BOOK :)
16:22.33badcfei now see that i have "writeprotect=no" in my extensions.conf isnt this dangerous?
16:23.47Corydon-wnot unless you type 'save extensions'
16:24.03badcfegood lord.  im glad i havent.
16:25.59jbotfrom memory, codecs is  If you have audio/codec problems, first try to 'disallow=all' and 'allow=all' and see if that works, or  Number/Name: 1/g723, 2/gsm, 4/ulaw, 8/alaw, 16/g726, 32/adpcm, 64/slin, 128/lpc10, 256/g729, 512/speex, 1024/ilibc
16:26.18ManxPowerI think that should read "If you want to
16:26.50ManxPowerI think that should read "If you want to CAUSE codec problems first try disallow=all and allow=all"
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16:27.47kippiwhen I transfer calls, i get one way traffic, i can hear them but not the other way, anyideas?
16:28.00w0ls0nFeb 19 11:26:53 NOTICE[717]: app_dial.c:1056 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
16:28.09w0ls0nohhh wait a sec
16:28.49ManxPowerkippi: Sounds like a NAT problem.
16:29.39jserve*hmms* I have  question to the G.729 Licenses, when I have one Softphone what supports G.729. Do I need on the Server 2 G.729 Licenses (one for encoding/one for decoding) when the server isn't working in passthru?
16:29.45De_Monthe last call event for this extension is to enter a Meetme room with some arguments. The lastdata CDR field is empty though.
16:30.10De_Monafter the meetme it goes to the hangup extension... I bet that's screwing up the cdr
16:30.26kippiManxPower: this is over a local network
16:31.32De_Mondamnit that's exactly whats going on.
16:31.42De_Monhrm... how to track the conference number
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16:43.27ManxPowerkippi: then look at your codecs.  disallow=all and allow=ulaw
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16:50.07dansmithanyone have anything good or bad to say about broadvoice?
16:50.25MarkWDWe have set up a test server and all is well. We are wondering on a single server how many connections can be made before the quality goes to hell on us?
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16:51.34[TK]D-FenderMarkWD: You question has a giant "depends" looming over it...
16:52.46[TK]D-Fenderdansmith: Somewhat flakey.  Occasional DNS issues with their proxies winking out, audio quality somewhat infrequently, idiotic support staff.
16:53.01MarkWDof course but if we fill up one pri
16:53.14dansmithany suggestions for a less-flaky one?
16:53.37De_Monbroadvoice's call quality wasn't as good as we wanted. I'm using
16:53.54[TK]D-Fenderdansmith: Teliax has been recommended by some.  I have clients on VoicePulce Connect who've not ill to speak of them.
16:53.56De_Monmore expensive but also crystal clear
16:54.10ManxPowerdansmith: All ITSPs suck.  Teliax seems to suck less than most.  Since your call is going over the internet, there is nothing you can do about network related call quality issues.
16:54.24kippicould this error be why I am getting one way voice:
16:54.28dansmithok, well, it's not going to be worth it to me unless it's significantly cheaper than my analog line, of course.. just thought i'd investigate
16:54.29De_MonManxPower get a ITSP closer to your server
16:54.46ManxPowerDe_Mon: That does not change my stance.
16:54.59dansmithplaying with freecall gave me surprisingly good quality, aside from the delay (although I was calling from the US to Australia)
16:55.05ManxPowerkippi: that is all normal messages and does not indicate a problem
16:55.07MarkWDwith a server 1g local network 8g of ram and dual processors on RH AS4 to a pri
16:55.10De_MonManxPower if the network is giving you problems reduce the network path.
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16:55.23kippihow can I trace this problem down?
16:55.29ManxPowerDe_Mon: no, if the network is giving you problems, add QoS
16:55.53De_Monya, good luck getting that implimented across your 30 hop route...
16:56.16ManxPowerObviously the fewer number of hops the less issues you will have, but that does not change the fact that you have non-qos service going thru routers you do not manage
16:56.29*** join/#asterisk Cyon (n=cyon@
16:56.31tzangermost times QoS is a problem at the last hop of each side
16:56.45tzangerthe middles are *usually* not the problem
16:56.47ManxPowerand unless you use the same ISP as your ITSP company, your data is transiting networks of which you are NOT A CUSTOMER
16:57.02tzangerif you're using cheapass internet though you could be using a provider who's grossly overcommitted his bandwidth
16:57.46dansmithteliax's prices seem reasonable
16:59.26ManxPowerkippi: Sorry, but I'm just burnt out on newbie questions for today.
17:01.26kippiManxPower: where can I read up on things like this? really need to get this fix, its a live system
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17:03.27[TK]D-Fenderkippi: pastebin at leat an ENTIRE call, from the initial answer, through the transfer, to the very end.  Not just a little snippet in between.
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17:08.54[TK]D-Fenderkippi: Now do the same with SIP debug enabled
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17:16.21[TK]D-Fenderkippi: I might suspect that the user isn't waiting for the transfer to complete before haning up and killing the call...
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17:17.40kippiwhere would this be set?
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17:19.30De_MonOIY,  Why doesn't asterisk raise a WARNING when an 'exten => foo,n,' has no preceeding priority
17:19.55Qwell[]De_Mon: the operator should be smarter than that :)
17:20.01Qwell[]De_Mon: and there are very valid reasons to NOT have one
17:20.22[TK]D-Fenderkippi: This isn't a "setting" this is a user not doing a transfer properly on their phone and hanging up before its properly completed
17:20.23Qwell[]like regcontext in sip.conf or whatever
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17:20.31Qwell[]or having _.,1,NoOp(something)
17:20.50kippiah ok
17:20.52Qwell[](I'm not suggesting anybody use it, but there are very valid reasons for doing so - which I won't explain..)
17:21.03CJLinstI'm trying to change the identity of an SNOM 360 and keep getting this:  "chan_sip.c:8065 check_auth: username mismatch, have <226>, digest has <221>" - phone can receive calls but cannot make them.
17:21.10CJLinstAny suggestions?
17:21.27Qwell[]De_Mon: or say you have a setup where you only want an extension to be "live", if you add the 1 priority from the CLI
17:21.33CJLinst226 is old ID, 221 new.
17:21.38[TK]D-FenderCJLinst: Yeah.  Fix your phone.
17:21.55De_MonWell after spending 30min trying to figure out why my extension didn't exist that little jem finaly got my attention
17:22.20De_MonI doubt it'll take me this long to check the priority next time hehehe
17:22.28[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: you = silly
17:23.12ManxPowerkippi: read the manual for the phone to make sure the user is correctly doing the transfer
17:23.14[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Always look for your first priority, double check the context and pattern match (forgot a "_" where needed?  Oh noes!)
17:23.54De_Mon[TK]D-Fender make sure you're not using a reserved character [xn .. some others]
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17:24.21[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: yup.
17:25.05kippiThe phone is saying transfer ok
17:25.50ManxPowerkippi: Since it is a Grandstream I would immediatly suspect a firmware bug
17:25.55kippiah lol
17:26.05kippiI'll have a look for a upgrade
17:26.40ManxPowerkippi: Grandstream has the worst history of releasing stable firmware of any IP phone company I am aware of.
17:26.42mafkeesit's a phone issue
17:26.59mafkeesthose grandstreams never come with correct firmware
17:27.10ManxPowerWhat most people do is just keep trying different versions of the firmware until they find one that does not have serious bugs for the features they require
17:27.25ManxPowerSometimes the process takes weeks
17:27.43[TK]D-FenderGrandSuck should be avoided with extreme prujdice.  Period
17:28.54ManxPowerI can't imagine anyone using grandstream products in a production enviroment unless they are trying to get fired.
17:31.32[TK]D-FenderManxPower: No, there are the "terminally frugal" who will ignore advice of those who know better feeling assuered that because they bough one for home and can't complain that its can't be as bad as they were warned.  People assigning insufficient budgets is a key factor.
17:32.17NuggetWhat ManxPower isn't telling you is that he uses all Grandstream phones clone X100P boards at work.  In eMachines servers that he bought from Costco.
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17:36.32phearlesssecond try :
17:36.33phearlessI got a strange problem : when I call from a mobile to asterisk system, I pick up the VoIP phone (phone 408), then I transfer the call (xfer key on a Linksys/Sipura SPA942), then I transfer the call to the phone 404, then the problem : the guy on the mobile do NOT hear the 404 guy, and the 404 guy DO hear the guy on the mobile. How can I debug this?
17:36.42phearlessI still have not fixed that...
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17:38.09[TK]D-Fenderphearless: Try adding "canreinvite=no" to each of your phones entries, and in [general]
17:38.11ManxPowerphearless: you want a 3-way call, not a transfer
17:38.32phearlessI do not want the 404 guy to be still on the phone
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17:39.17ManxPowerphearless: check the manual for the phone, sounds like the transfer is not completed.  most phones require another button to be pressed (transfer?) to complete the transfer
17:39.31phearlessI will retry !
17:40.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Um... he says the audio path is ther, just 1-way.  thats not a 3-way issue (and he specified the soft-key being used even).
17:40.47ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: What is it with all these non-NAT 1-way audio problems today?
17:41.02[TK]D-FenderManxPower: CRAZYNESS I say!
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17:41.40elriahOh, dear god of Cisco firmware, please deliver to us a NAT capable SIP firmware, for we have invested in your infinite wisdom, for we have decision makers that make buying decisions based on their stock portfolio, for we cannot return to the likes of Polycom, in your name we pray.
17:41.57Qwell[]elriah: use sccp :p
17:42.00[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I for one believe that its having a non-standard net-mask in on of the cases shown today.  Many devices don't like this even if it is "legal".
17:42.03Qwell[]or, skinny rather
17:42.30elriahQwell[]: We're experimenting with channel_skinny today with 7941's.  Have you had luck with 7941's and Asterisk
17:42.32[TK]D-Fenderelriah: s/invested/"wasted scads of money having been warned against"/
17:42.38Qwell[]nope, don't have any 7941s
17:42.44elriah[TK]D-Fender: I know, I know. lol
17:43.19[TK]D-Fenderelriah: Just adding a litle salt, pepper, some lemon juice, and a sprig of parsley to your wound :)
17:43.42elriahQwell[]: Well, we got the phones 'trying' to register with skinny, but asterisk reports trying to send a 12SP template to the phone and a bunch of "RECEIVED UNKNOWN MESSAGE TYPE" messages.  Any suggestions?
17:43.45[TK]D-Fender(parsley for color only.  No noticable effect on nutrient value)
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17:43.57elriah[TK]D-Fender: lol
17:44.15Juggieelriah, send Qwell a phone.
17:44.38elriahQwell[]: 7941's
17:44.38Qwell[]well, the 7941g has its own device ID
17:44.40Qwell[]so unless it's doing something blatantly wrong...
17:45.07elriahQwell[]: Could it be my SEP<mac>.cnf.xml config?
17:45.18Qwell[]3 != 115/309
17:45.35Qwell[]is it a g or g-ge?
17:45.49elriahI'm using the standard chan_skinny, are you using sccp or sccp2?
17:45.50Qwell[]not that it would make sense either way
17:46.01Qwell[]you *ARE* using 1.4, right?
17:46.19elriahQwell[]: Not in production, 1.2.x
17:46.26Qwell[]then no, it won't work
17:46.37elriahQwell[]: Will plugging in the updated chan_skinny work?
17:47.05elriahQwell[]: one last question, to make sure this battle is worth fighting, does the 1.4 chan_skinny support all the class 5 features?
17:47.19Qwell[]I don't know what that is
17:47.21Qwell[]but no
17:47.33Juggieelriah, i woudnt upgrade to 1.4 in production unless you intend to upgrade to 1.4svn
17:47.50Juggieif you wont do that then you should wait for 1.4.1
17:48.59[TK]D-FenderJuggie: ETA on 1.4.1?
17:49.11Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: ...when it's ready
17:49.13Qwell[]what are you, new?
17:49.27Juggie[TK]D-Fender, like i would know!
17:49.36[TK]D-FenderQwell : I just haven't heard it in a while... was feeling nostalgic ;)
17:49.36elriahQwell[]: i.e., transfer, dnd, all the basic stuff ...
17:49.43Qwell[]dnd works. :P
17:50.04phearlessphearless: check the manual for the phone, sounds like the transfer is not completed.  most phones require another button to be pressed (transfer?) to complete the transfer  ---> yes the guy 408 has to press xfer another time
17:50.06elriahJuggie: Thanks.  I take it 1.4 is buggy?
17:50.14Juggie1.4.0 has its share of problems yes
17:50.22Juggiemost of which have been fixed in the 1.4svn
17:50.38elriahQwell[]: Here's what I'm trying to ask -> Are there any features on the phone that you're missing with Asterisk 1.4 and chan_skinny with your Cisco phones?
17:50.40phearlessphearless: you want a 3-way call, not a transfer --> 3way is with 3 people on the same call ?
17:50.49phearlessphearless: Try adding "canreinvite=no" to each of your phones entries, and in [general] ---> ok I will try this ...
17:50.54Qwell[]redial, transfer, speeddials
17:50.56elriahOk, that's out.. lol GOD HELP ME
17:51.03Qwell[]they're all "unimplemented" - they're quite buggy
17:51.49denon$7, you ship
17:51.49Juggiegood luck unloading cisco
17:51.56Qwell[]$8, I'll pay for shipping
17:51.57kippithanks you guys that fixed it!
17:52.10elriah[TK]D-Fender is dying to chime in here, go ahead, let me have it.
17:52.13denon$8.01, but I get to use my amex for miles
17:52.15[TK]D-Fenderkippi: You're welcome.
17:52.25Qwell[]$9, and I'll use denon's amex
17:52.30[TK]D-Fenderelriah: Sorry... I capped out at 5$ ;)
17:52.53denonQwell gets stuck with crappy phones, I get the miles ..
17:52.55denonsounds ok
17:53.02elriahlol, well it was a good fight... Guess our remote users are going to be using Polycom's.
17:53.03Qwell[]denon: and a bill for the phones
17:53.14denonQwell: that's fine, I'll just do a chargeback
17:53.18Juggieelriah, you shuld of known better.
17:53.54[TK]D-FenderJuggie: He was warned, but his boss said "we're going Cisco, TFB", and then was left to pray....
17:54.06elriahJuggie: I did, I did (and I tried, I tried) but the decision makers bought a name here.
17:54.22[TK]D-Fenderelriah: You should have kept a few extra virgins around to keep the Cisco God's happy...
17:54.27elriahHell, I recommended against it just based on issues with TFTP, let alone anything with the phone itself.
17:54.31Juggiei coudnt even get my 7960's to do TFTP across a subnet
17:55.51Juggieeg tftp was on say 192.168.0.x and phones were 192.168.45.x
17:55.51Juggietotally routeable
17:55.51Juggiebut the phone just flat out refused
17:55.51[TK]D-FenderJuggie: I like my phones being treated like MORE than trivial, thank you ;)
17:55.51Qwell[]user error :P
17:55.53JuggieQwell, umm no, if i plugged them in on the same subnet they worked, or if i changed the tftp to the 45 subnet they worked.
17:56.03Qwell[]user error! :P
17:56.09elriahQwell[]: Don't you work for Digium?
17:56.09Juggiejust not across subnets, the sip firmware is teh suck
17:56.16Qwell[]elriah: yeah, why?
17:56.22Qwell[]oh, sip, yeah, there's your problem
17:56.35elriahJust curious, thought I read that in the past.
17:56.37JuggieQwell, at the time i did this, i think 1.2 wasnt even out
17:56.43Juggieso chan_skinny was still a dream.
17:56.47Qwell[]Juggie: I'm trolling :)
17:56.52filehehe... Qwell works...
17:56.59Qwell[]file: :(
17:57.02Juggieworking's for suckers ;)
17:57.08fileQwell[]: I kid! <3
17:57.10JuggieQwell, did you hear those mp3's after?
17:57.21Qwell[]Juggie: yeah, Russell let me borrow his headphones :)
17:57.48Juggiemaybe you shuld umm, get some! :P
17:58.09Qwell[]planning on getting speakers eventually
17:58.11Juggie:( i just found more code i have to fix for the daylight savings time change.
17:58.21Juggiethis time a SQL stored procedure, fun fun.
17:58.22Qwell[]file: ^^ That's what I thought you meant
17:58.38fileQwell[]: now I'm confused :(
17:58.38ManxPowerJuggie: My plan is to ignore the users for 2 weeks until the problem fixes itself.
17:58.50Qwell[]file: "time change thingie"
17:59.16file'fraid not
17:59.19JuggieManxPower :)
18:00.15Juggieand of course, MSSQL doesnt provide anyway to get the timezone
18:00.27Juggieso that means i have to code all the dates in.
18:01.29elriahManxPower: lol, ignoring users
18:01.36Juggieand i'll admit, this code kind of scares me.
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18:02.08phearless[TK]D-Fender: your canreinvite trick worked !
18:02.17phearlessamazing, thanks
18:02.19[TK]D-Fenderphearless: You're welcome too....
18:02.49[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@!@@! (c) BKW
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18:04.15[TK]D-FenderJuggie: Because some phones are smarter than others (few), and his is actually a local-lan issue.  I was just betting its too dumb to know how to pass off RTP if a SASE was sent to it ;)
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18:07.01dansmithI get a lot of echo dialing into my company's conference call numbers.. echo that I don't get when I just call someone directly
18:07.15dansmithboth with an SPA-3102 and with a generic X100P card
18:07.39dansmithI've got both tuned so I don't get echo with normal callers... is there anything else I can do?
18:08.26[TK]D-Fenderdansmith: Yeah... try realizing that for a real PBX you'll need to invest in REAL hardware....
18:08.46dansmithI do realize that :)
18:09.00mafkeesin .nl the DST stuff stays the same
18:09.29mafkeesno changes needed
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18:11.01Qwell[]mafkees: heads up
18:12.10aaqqi'm going to try to make a hack in chan_sip.c, to make it wait some seconds before sending a reinvite. has someone did something like this. any idea the place where to do it?
18:12.23Qwell[]mafkees: if you make a speeddial like the following, it'll magically become a hint
18:12.39Qwell[]speeddial => 1234@hints,Bob Fakeperson
18:12.51Qwell[]then, of course, in the hints context, you add your hint like normal
18:13.14Qwell[]tested on a 7960, 12SP+, and 30VIP
18:13.21Qwell[]seemed to work pretty well
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18:15.23mafkeescan I mix ael and extensions.conf stuff ?
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18:16.19mafkeeschan_skinny.c: In function ‘handle_message’:
18:16.19mafkeeschan_skinny.c:3538: warning: ‘sd’ may be used uninitialized in this function
18:16.30[TK]D-Fendermafkees : Well... you can jump to contexts & macro's between either, but if you try implement the code-style of one in the other you're in for some upset...
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18:16.40Qwell[]mafkees: You can pretty safely ignore any warnings in that code, heh
18:17.13mafkees[TK]D-Fender: I was referring to this [hints] thing
18:17.23mafkeesI have converted my dialplan to ael2
18:17.36Qwell[]mafkees: yeah, it should be fine
18:17.38mafkeesbut I still have to figure out how this hint stuff works in ael
18:17.41[TK]D-Fendermafkees: BRILLIANT!  WGLWAT ;)
18:17.43Qwell[]just make it a different context
18:17.57Qwell[]codefreeze: do hints work in ael?
18:17.59Qwell[]ael2 that is
18:18.07mafkeesit should work
18:18.15mafkeesbut I have no idea how ;)
18:18.24Qwell[]mafkees: you can see if it worked by doing a `core show hints`
18:18.28[TK]D-FenderAEL(1/2) .... what a waste...
18:18.42Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: nah, ael makes dialplan a lot cleaner and more straight-forward
18:18.43[TK]D-FenderGimme a new chan_sip!
18:18.50[TK]D-Fenderbrookshire: So.... hows SLA coming along? ;)
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18:19.46[TK]D-FenderQwell : Straight to hell.  Structured programming is often a way to combine everything on one line so that its even MORE unreadable because you get to apply your personal "style" to it.
18:20.44Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: ask codefreeze for some ael2 examples.  His dialplan is beautiful :P
18:20.45[TK]D-FenderQwell : std EL works jsut great, is very linear and easy to interpret.  And AEL adds nothing you can't do with std as it is (being that its parsed back to it anyways).
18:20.51codefreezeQwell: hints work in AEL fine. I'm using them with success on the status lights on the SNOM360.
18:21.16[TK]D-Fendercodefreeze: Waitasec... you wrote it didn't you?
18:21.43codefreeze[TK]D-Fender: I didn't invent it. I rewrote it for better parsing behavior.
18:22.11mafkeesso that works
18:22.24mafkeesbut no watchers
18:22.30Qwell[]mafkees: and if you do the speeddial right, the watchers should go up
18:22.49mafkeesspeeddial => 6002@hints,Livingroom
18:22.56Qwell[]yeah, that's right
18:22.58mafkeesI have that in my skinny.conf
18:23.12codefreezemafkees: The watchers have to ask for events... you might reboot your phones or whatever.
18:23.13Qwell[]under the line, in the device?
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18:23.39Qwell[]mafkees: turn on skinny debug, see if it says adding hint
18:24.10mafkeesresetting phone
18:25.06mafkeesthat's my skinny.conf
18:25.30Qwell[]looks right
18:25.44Qwell[]does "Livingroom" show up on your phone?
18:26.47mafkeesReceived Alarm Message: 22: Name=SEP0015626A4B99 Load=8.0(3.0) Last=Reset-Reset
18:26.50mafkeesDevice SEP0015626A4B99 is attempting to register
18:27.06Qwell[]it didn't get the context properly
18:27.06codefreeze[TK]D-Fender: on AEL; you are technically correct; AEL does compile down into EL. There is nothing you can do in AEL that you can't do in EL. Just as in the fact that there is nothing that cannot be programmed in Assembler language. There is nothing in C, C++, Java, etc. that can't be done in assembly. So why use 'em?
18:27.11mafkeesit does show up indeed
18:27.39mafkeesmaybe because I put the [hints] in extensions.conf and my phones context is in extensions.ael
18:27.46Qwell[]shouldn't matter
18:27.49Qwell[]it just isn't parsing it right
18:28.05Qwell[]sure the patch applied properly?
18:28.16mafkeesoffset 25 lines
18:28.30mafkeesI can revert to a clean svn version
18:28.30codefreezemafkees: Uh... the hints have to be in the same context...
18:28.37[TK]D-Fendercodefreeze: Lets just say I shudder to think the kind of dialplan you could have that would warrant such a structure.  as of a certain point, AGI becomes far more useful.  Oh, and can AGI send you around your dialplan created in AEL as easily?
18:28.38ManxPowerHappy Fscking Lundi Gras
18:29.06[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Ummm.... thats supposed to be Mardi Gras, no?
18:29.19mafkeescodefreeze: so I have to add this hint in [internal] ?
18:29.24mafkeeshow to do that in ael ?
18:29.26[TK]D-Fender(although, yes it is technically Monday today)
18:29.49Qwell[]mafkees: I'm fairly certain chan_skinny isn't parsing the context properly
18:30.37codefreezemafkees: It is not good to have two contexts of the same name; one in AEL, one in extensions. You may find that one wins and the other is ignored.
18:31.12codefreezemafkees: Hopefully, some kind of error results.
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18:31.56mafkeescodefreeze: I have nothing in extensions.conf, only: [hints]\nexten => 6002,hint,Skinny/6002@livingroom
18:32.05mafkeesall the other stuff is in extensions.ael
18:32.07danpi usually have a 'hints' context in extensions.conf and include that in my internal/whatever context in extensions.ael
18:32.17mafkeesand there's no context named 'hints' in my extensions.ael
18:32.29danpperhaps that's what's being discussed :P
18:32.31mafkeesQwell[]: I did a svn -R revert * && make clean
18:32.34mafkeespatched again
18:32.38ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Lundi Gras is the day before Mardi Gras
18:32.38mafkeesmake is running now
18:32.55codefreezemafkees: OK, that'll work.
18:33.10[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Too damned many fat people ;)
18:33.30tzangerI used a part that doesn't exist
18:33.31ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I have come to hate Mardi Gras season
18:33.42tzangerI need a 1% resistor array, but 5% only exists
18:33.46tzangerclose enough for the protos though :-)
18:33.51mafkeescodefreeze: how can I do them hints in ael ?
18:34.23[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Start blaring something by "Tragically Hip" on a PA system ;)
18:34.36codefreeze[TK]D-Fender: There are issues with AGI with interprocess comm. times, and process set up and tear down times. As in all programming tasks, the goal is to use the languages and tools most appropriate for the tasks at hand.
18:34.52n|cotineIf I wanted to write a PHP script that would be called via crontab, that would execute commands on Asterisk (IE, a PHP script that parses the CDR DB, and issues a RemoveQueueMember() for extensions that missed a queue call), should I be looking at PHPAGI to pull this off?  Or should I interface with Asterisk some other way?
18:35.05[TK]D-Fendercodefreeze: True, but how well does AEL mesh with AGI, vs STD?
18:35.12mafkeesQwell[]: my patch was in the way
18:35.20Qwell[]kinda what I figured
18:35.43ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I'm 300 miles from New Orleans right now, but all my clients are in the New Orleans area
18:35.55[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Like I said... BLARING ;)
18:35.57mafkeesnow if my 7905 would boot ;)
18:36.24[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You ro P2P Microwave, so I presume you hav access to a high antenna array.... get mounting! ;)
18:36.27codefreezemafkees: lets see:  context somename {
18:36.28ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: but I basically get tomorrow off, and I doubt I will get many support calls the rest of today.
18:37.27ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I don't do P2P microwave
18:37.29codefreezemafkees: put your hint() in front of the extension name.
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18:37.52mafkees_6XXX => {
18:37.59mafkeesswitch ($EXTEN)....
18:38.00[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Could have sworn that you dealt with those.....
18:38.03mafkeessomething like that
18:38.14[TK]D-FenderManxPower: "Point 2 Point,", not "peer 2 peer"
18:38.15mafkeeshow will it know what device to use for the hints ?
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18:38.32wunderkinn|cotine, well, i believe you can automatically remove members from the queue if they do not answer a call... check agents.conf, autologoff
18:38.39mafkeesthat's where I'm lost
18:38.46n|cotinewunderkin:  Does not work for agents added via AddQueueMember
18:38.48[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Could be it was one of your customers, or maybe I'm just mixing people up entirely.  last mention of which was MANY months ago
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18:39.16elriahIn 1.2.x, how well does SIP presence work with Polycom phones?
18:39.25wunderkinoh, thats only chan_agent, damn.. so just check the dialstatus after the dial for a noanswer, and log them off that way?
18:39.32mafkeesQwell[]: it works
18:39.46mafkeesthe icon changes when I lift the handset of mi 7905
18:39.47Qwell[]mafkees: try various states, like busy, hold, etc
18:40.01ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: nope.  My main experience with point to point microwave was at Tulane Univ and that one went out every time it rained hard
18:40.04mafkeesand it gets back to a normal 'phone' icon when it's onhook
18:40.25Qwell[]mafkees: the 7960 doesn't have lamps, but it does update those also
18:40.38n|cotinewunderkin:  I am attempting to wedge this in without changing the dialplan, as the dialplan is dynamically generated.
18:40.44n|cotineHence the hacky approach
18:41.03wunderkinadd that as part of the autogenerated template?
18:41.10mafkeeswow, the hold is weird
18:41.26Qwell[]mafkees: that block icon is sweet :D
18:41.35Qwell[]It's like "NO!"
18:41.42[TK]D-Fenderelriah: Works just great
18:41.50mafkeesbut my 7960 shows as if it has a call
18:42.03Qwell[]mafkees: yeah, no other way to do it on those phones. :(
18:42.12Qwell[]7941/7961 can, but I don't have one, so I have no idea how it works
18:42.19Qwell[]but you can set the lamps to different colors
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18:42.33elriah[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.  Any tips or is it just as simple as specifying a hint to the peer?
18:42.44mafkeeswell, it's working :)
18:43.06mafkeesthere's no difference between Idle and Unavail tho
18:43.06[TK]D-Fenderelriah: * side is as advertised.  For the Polycom side you need only enable presence in your provisioing.
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18:43.22elriah[TK]D-Fender: Ok, cool.  Thanks again.
18:43.37[TK]D-Fenderelriah: How many remote phones do you have?
18:45.16elriahPotentially 15-20.
18:45.37elriahIs that a lot?
18:45.47[TK]D-Fenderelriah: You going to be able to return those phones to your vendor?
18:45.57*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (
18:46.23elriahOh! No, the Cisco phones are for internal use.  We're ok there, we were just trying to stick to one model.  We have a bunch of Polycoms internal and external.
18:46.59[TK]D-Fenderelriah: Ah, so you actually have enough of the right kind to shuffle around?
18:47.40*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
18:48.17elriah[TK]D-Fender: Here's the history: We were a Polycom shop but the "powers that be" hated the speaker phone.  One of them read somewhere (who knows where) about the quality of the Cisco phones.  So, when we ordered a bunch of new phones we ordered Ciscos.  You know the rest - so we're back to being a Polycom shop wtih a bunch of Cisco phones, lol
18:48.53NivexeBay the Ciscos :)
18:48.56[TK]D-Fenderelriah: Ok.  How much did you get your 7941's for BTW?
18:48.58elriahIt kills me though they blame their IT shop for "not being able to get the Cisco phones to work properly for remote users"
18:49.31elriah[TK]D-Fender: Hrm.. I think they ordered them from It was less than from a big distrubutor like Insight but I don't recall the exact amount.
18:49.34[TK]D-Fenderelriah: And hating Polycom's speakerphone is almost isane...
18:49.50[TK]D-Fenderelriah: Must have gotten a big inside deal.
18:49.52ChicagoBuddoes anyone have a good script for handling dialing out thorugh an (or multiple) itsp and handing all the various conditions like busy, congestion, etc?
18:50.08elriah[TK]D-Fender: Man, I just process 1's and 0's all day, I pick my battles.
18:50.14elriah.. carefully
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18:53.39mafkeesstill I cannot see why it didnt work with my patch applied
18:53.46mafkeesbut that has to wait till tomorrow
18:54.02mafkeesI'm breaking more then fixing today
18:54.11mafkeesso it's time to do something else ;0
18:56.25mafkeesI'll be back tomorrow
18:56.30mafkeesthnx for the patch Qwell[]
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19:00.42soyuzgood afternoon people.
19:01.12elriahGreets, soyuz.
19:01.21soyuzcan anyone point me to some half-decent wholesale carriers?
19:03.29elriahOh, dear god of Cisco firmware, please deliver to us a NAT capable SIP firmware, for we have invested in your infinite wisdom, for we have decision makers that make buying decisions based on their stock portfolio, for we cannot return to the likes of Polycom, in your name we pray.
19:04.45ManxPowerelriah: Um, Asterisk's nat=yes removes the need for NAT aware firmware and in fact if you enable NAT features on the phone it will break Asterisk's NAT magic
19:05.29ManxPowerelriah: so unless you have "special needs" like reinvites thru NAT, stop praying and start working on getting your config correct.
19:05.53Hmmhesaysanyone in here ever do any cross compiling
19:06.00elriahManxPower: Eh? It don't work with 8.2.x.. I don't care who you are, the phone drops packets that don't come back on port 5060.
19:06.14ManxPowerwhen we did Cisco testing all the SIP firmware versions we used worked just fine with NAT
19:06.17elriahManxPower: 79x1's, mind you
19:06.31elriahManxPower: Our 7940's seem to work well with 8.0.2
19:06.38ManxPowerelriah: do you have multiple phones behind the same nat without asterisk on the local lan?
19:06.50elriahPublic Asterisk box, nat'ted 7941's...
19:07.31ManxPowerelriah: If the packets go out from 5060 they should return to 5060, that is what NAT routers do.  you have some other problem
19:07.32elriahManxPower: Do you have any working 7941's or 7961's running NAT?  If so, beer on me and what did you do?
19:07.50*** part/#asterisk mega (n=mega@
19:07.53ManxPowerelriah: gads, I would not use cisco, but because of their licensing policies.  I still think you have a non-cisco issue.
19:08.07aydiosmiohow would I send a call back to particular context from an AGI using Asterisk::AGI?
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19:08.43ManxPoweraydiosmio: Goto(context,extension,priroity) does not work?
19:09.05ManxPoweralso I seem to recall if you SET the context, extnesion, proiroty, etc it will go there when the AGI exits
19:09.21aydiosmioManxPower: nah, on exit; my calls are dropped
19:09.26aydiosmioneed them to go back to my IVR
19:09.43aydiosmioI'll just us ea goto
19:09.54elriahManxPower: I've tried everything -- it's not a NAT issue as I have other phones working, it's just the 7941's (25 of them).  When a sip registration packet is sent to asterisk, it returns the response on a high port (say 39000) then NAT throws that back to the phone.  This is also how the Polycoms work and 7940's work.  But on the 7941's, the packets are just ignored and asterisk resends until it gives up.
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19:11.02elriahManxPower: I've also tried various combinations of Cisco firmware.  Unfortunately, the 79x1's have a "new generation" of firmware that isn't cross compatible with all the docs on the 79x0's.
19:11.06ManxPowerelriah: The response from asterisk should go out the same port it came in on.
19:11.09ManxPoweris that not the case?
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19:13.21ManxPowerPhone sends registration packet from local port 5060 to remote port 5060, nat router translates the source port to some high port like 16893, keeps the destination port and sends it to asterisk on the original destination port of 5060, asterisk responds from port 5060 to the translated port (16893), the nat router then translates the destination port of the response packet (16983) back to the source port of 5060 and passes it on to the
19:13.33ManxPowerThis is BASIC nat theory.
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19:14.06elriahManxPower: Right, totally agree and understand that.  Something about the packet is different that makes the 79x1's drop them.  Again, other phones on the same LAN work great.
19:14.12ManxPowerAsterisk's NAT=yes, localnet, and externip should then handle all the weird stuff INSIDE the DATA part of the SIP packet to have the correct port information.
19:14.15elriahthe 'return' packet
19:14.49elriahAsterisk in this case is on a public IP, so no issue there.
19:14.49ManxPowerelriah: I assume you removed all nat features from the phones.
19:14.56ManxPowerand disabled any SIP nat features of your NAT router?
19:15.00elriahManxPower: There is a true/false setting, I've tried it with both and there's also an externip type setting that I've tried.
19:15.14elriahtried nat=yes,nat=no,nat=DEARGODPLEASEWORK and none seem to help on the asterisk side...
19:15.21ManxPowerelriah: setting NAT stuff on the phone will pretty much guarntee nat failure
19:15.23elriahNo sip natting features.
19:15.46ManxPowerelriah: ask on the mailing list.
19:15.51elriahOk, so nat=no in asterisk, nat disabled on phones, yep tried that.
19:15.56ManxPowerI'll bet you get zillions of resonses saying it works for me.
19:16.12elriahManxPower: Will do, I haven't tried that yet.  Which list?
19:16.18ManxPowerelriah: you want nat=yes in the [device] section for each device.  that is the only nat setting you want anywhere.
19:19.38aydiosmio== Spawn extension (custom-accountbalance, s, 3) exited non-zero on ...
19:19.53aydiosmioanyone know why this is non-zero and how it affects call flow?
19:20.08aydiosmiomy AGI exits returning 0
19:25.55[TK]D-FenderOk, I'm feeling dumb again, and have 2 book open in front of me, and the MySQL reg guide CHM.  Dangit, whats the command to actually choose a database to use? :)
19:26.35Qwell[]use database?
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19:27.38aydiosmiohe feels dumber now. remembering that I'm a complete noob with asterisk...any ideas as to why my MoH won't start?
19:29.13elriahJoNate: Which version of asterisk?
19:30.10JoNateI was trying to use just the default...should I use the native?
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19:30.48elriahJoNate: I've had best success with native...
19:31.04elriahJoNate: Post your config in a pastebin and I'll give you a hand...
19:31.07JoNateok...let me try that
19:31.53*** join/#asterisk giasai68 (
19:32.02giasai68I have 2 PRI
19:32.08elriahGreets, giasai68!  I have none...
19:32.16JoNateelriah: I think I might have found it
19:32.25giasai68when I connect both appear this warning: PRI Error on span 0: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too
19:32.27JoNateelriah: When I fail miserably, I'll let you know!
19:32.31elriahJoNate: Cool.
19:32.36giasai68any help to fix it?
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19:33.20[TK]D-Fenderaydiosmio: No.... not dumber...  I know it would be a 1-2 keyword answer, just that none of my references are layed out with any sanity....
19:33.30[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: thanks.
19:37.09giasai68when I connect both appear this warning: PRI Error on span 0: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too
19:38.22CunningPikegiasai68: Change your PRI to pri_net
19:41.14Kritters/ 2
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19:51.29giasai68CunninPike: done... but same warning
19:53.25[TK]D-Fendergiasai68: And did you completely restart *?
19:55.12klasstekcan anyone test this patch for meetme please.
19:55.31giasai68yes, but I have noticed layer 2 not syncronized
19:56.32ManxPowergiasai68: put all your non-comment lines on for zapata.conf
19:56.36ChicagoBuddoes anyone know if Playtones works in 1.4?
19:56.43[TK]D-Fendergiasai68: pastebin your zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
19:56.52ManxPowerChicagoBud: it should, but you need /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
19:57.48ChicagoBudManxPower, I seem to have that.  I am doing a "exten => s,1,Playtones(congestion)
19:57.49ChicagoBud" but it just drops to the next priority
19:58.09ChicagoBudI see it on the console
19:58.17ManxPowerChicagoBud: yes, it does that.  it makes the line play the tone and then continues the dialplan,  that is the way it works
19:58.29ManxPowerif you don't want it to do that then use the Congestion() app
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19:59.41ChicagoBudManxPower, That's what started this.  I want to use Busy() in one case and Congestion() in another but they both seem to just play a standard busy
19:59.54ManxPowerOr you could add a Wait(30) (or whatever) then a  Hangup.
19:59.55ChicagoBudManxPower, I expect the Congetion(0 to play a fast busy
20:00.00ManxPowerChicagoBud: on what devices?
20:00.15ChicagoBudhard sip phone - mitel in this case
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20:00.31ManxPowerChicagoBud: of the call has not been answered then congestion and busy just send a message to the device to play the congestion or busy tone as locally defined on the device
20:00.43ManxPowerthey may do so even if the call HAS been answered
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20:00.59ChicagoBudManxPower, is it the device that is "playing" the busy?
20:01.04funkmasterhi guys i was wondering, how many extensions can asterisk handle, is there a limit?
20:01.13ManxPowerChicagoBud: most of the time it is the SIP device playing the tone
20:01.15ChicagoBudManxPower, when I call Congestion()
20:01.34ManxPowerfunkmaster: I vaguely recall 65,000 might be a hardlimit
20:01.38ChicagoBudManxPower, OK.
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20:01.54ManxPowerChicagoBud: sip debug would tell you
20:01.56elriahDamn, that's all?  pfft, asterisk sucks.
20:02.04ManxPowerbut don't expect me to sift thru all the debug info for you.
20:02.16funkmasterManxPower: thx
20:02.56ManxPowerfunkmaster: the extensions list might be a linked list with no hard limit, but I would not put more then 10,000 extensons on 1 box
20:03.16giasai68here is zapata.conf:
20:04.07ManxPowergiasai68: we TOLD YOU TO SET IT TO PRI_NET!
20:04.27ManxPowerAnd yet it is still signalling=pri_cpe
20:05.02giasai68here zaptel.conf:
20:05.03ManxPowergiasai68: start out by cleaning up your config file.
20:07.16tzangerManxPower: you know of any magic to get physical fax machines to play nice through a rhino channel bank?
20:07.31tzangerI have them working just fine though my adit600 and had it working though my old access bank 1
20:07.32giasai68I have did
20:07.54ManxPowertzanger: my solution is to not run fax thru anything.
20:08.05Nivexeeeeew fax
20:08.10giasai68now i have 2 different gateway connected to my pri card 1 work fine but other not waork
20:08.12elriahtzanger: I agree with ManxPower on that one.  POTS all the way for fax.
20:08.16tzangerManxPower: gee thanks :-)
20:08.19Nivexemailing PDFs for great justice
20:08.21tzangerelriah: I do use pots :-)
20:08.31tzangerpri - TE407 - adit600 - fax
20:08.36*** part/#asterisk mog (
20:08.42giasai68i try to sett cpe mode on 2th pri but i have the same problem on layer 2 on gateway's pri
20:08.48ManxPowergiasai68: See line 10 and line 37
20:09.00ManxPowerset them to pri_net and see what happens
20:09.13giasai68I see
20:09.44ManxPowergiasai68: if you now get a message about both sides thinking they are PRI_NET then the remote side is looping the line so anything asteris sends out the line is being echoed back to asterisk
20:09.55ManxPowerremove the loop
20:12.05giasai68if i connect the 2th gateway to a cisco machine the gateway's pri work fine
20:12.08[TK]D-FenderNivex: All Your PDF Are Belong To Us
20:12.40giasai68tthis think is strange because on a gateay work fine with the same settings
20:13.29*** join/#asterisk ping2921 (
20:17.51*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
20:18.12khan_geeHi all
20:18.38khan_geeis this possible to use Asterisk as Soft switch to interconnect h323 and sip both
20:19.48[TK]D-Fenderkhan_gee: * is a B@BUA (back-to-back-user-agent).  It is not a proxy or soft-switch, but you can take calls in on each kind of interface, and by your design place calls back out using another protocol and bridge them.
20:20.03ManxPowerkhan_gee: yes, but I believe that doing so will cause a hole in time-space and destroy us all
20:20.45khan_geehmmm ok
20:21.29ManxPowerkhan_gee: H323 is very difficult to get working with Asterisk
20:21.41ChicagoBudManxPower, you were right.  it is the phone itself that is generating the tones
20:21.56khan_geewell for h323 i can use Mera as brige
20:22.01khan_geeits not an issue
20:22.23ManxPowerChicagoBud: that is the way SIP works.
20:22.32*** join/#asterisk mog (
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20:22.47ManxPowerChicagoBud: you may be able to force inband tones by issuing an answer first, try it and see.
20:24.59*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
20:28.24*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
20:29.13elriahIs there any way to further 'buffer' to attempt to clear up forward calls?  i.e., telco -> sip trunk provider -> asterisk -> sip trunk provider -> telco?
20:29.32jserve*hmms* Perhaps someone help me here faster. I have a problem with implementing the G.729 Codec. When I dial out I got as response When I use MusicOnHold I not get the problem, so I assume it's a indication problem. Any ideas how I could fix it?
20:29.32ManxPowerelriah: buffer?
20:29.40Bobthehunteris TDM400 4FOX can work with analog BELL TELCO lines ?
20:29.45Bobthehunterand does it have echo
20:30.04ManxPowerBobthehunter: all analog lines have echo, usually cause by the FAR end analog lines
20:30.14ManxPoweryes, that card works with Bell.
20:30.17Bobthehunterecho canel i meant
20:30.28elriahBobthehunter: I have one for sale with 4 FXO ports if you want it, $225.00+shipping.
20:30.34ManxPowerBobthehunter: yes
20:30.57elriahManxPower: I was just looking for a way to clean up the call due to apparent latency.
20:30.57|ryan|Anyone here set up incoming IAX connections with callwithus?
20:31.25ManxPowerjserve: what does " show g729" say?
20:31.25Bobthehunterhmm got it at less ;)
20:31.28Bobthehunternew ?
20:31.48elriahBobthehunter: You got one with 4 FXO cards for less?  Where?
20:31.59ManxPowerelriah: remember Asterisk's SIP implimentation does not have a jitter buffer.  (has this changed in 1.4?  I don't think so)
20:32.05jserveManxPower: 0/0 encoders/decoders of 1 licensed channels are currently in use
20:32.19jserveManxPower: Do I need 2 licenses for that?
20:32.20elriahManxPower: Ahh.  Oh well, maybe g729 will help here.
20:32.29ManxPowerelriah: it won't
20:32.38elriahCompressed calls = smaller packets?
20:32.39ManxPowerjserve: I don't know.  I never buy less than 10 licenses
20:32.59ManxPowerelriah: jitter is the VARIENCE in the transit time for the packet
20:33.03*** join/#asterisk backblue (
20:33.03jserve*hmms* I just thought to test it out with one license...
20:33.08ManxPowernot the acutal transit time
20:33.20elriahRight, but if the packets are smaller, they should get there quicker?  no?
20:33.27elriahOh, got ya.
20:33.30elriahI see..
20:34.27jserveManxPower: Because, when I use dial() with the MoH stuff it seems to work. Just when I use dial() without the MoH feature (so that I can hear the ringtones from my carrier) I get the problems.
20:35.02ManxPowerjserve: what specific problem?
20:35.34*** part/#asterisk putzz (
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20:37.28Bobthehunterok so no echo canel on the tdm 400 ? whats the best for me for echo can 4 FXO lines hardware
20:37.33jserveManxPower: My problem is that I get the response when I just do a dial() without the MoH
20:37.41ManxPowerBobthehunter: hardware or software?
20:38.06ManxPowerjserve: yeah, looks like you are out of licenses
20:38.14ManxPowerBobthehunter: no idea.
20:38.27jserveManxPower: Ok, I just want to have verified it.
20:38.46jserveNot that this is something in the configuration. But so I can buy more licenses and see what happens :)
20:38.50Bobthehunterhmmm ok
20:40.19BobthehunterProduct Code: TC400B  Price: $1675.00  lol
20:40.21elriahManxPower: What would be the best codec in a situation where latency is apparently an issue?
20:40.54ManxPowerelriah: not use SIP in 1.2 or upgrade to 1.4
20:41.18ManxPowerBobthehunter: Hardware EC will add about $1,000 to the price of a card
20:41.22elriahAhh, lol
20:42.01ManxPowerWe don't use SIP except for QoS'd links or LAN
20:42.06ManxPowerfor exactly this reason
20:42.13*** join/#asterisk GTX (i=charlie@pdpc/supporter/monthlybronze/GTX)
20:42.22GTXIs there anyway to encrypt convo's going over asterisk?
20:42.30ManxPowerGTX: Yes, a VPN
20:42.46elriahWould IAX have better quality in this condition with 1.2.x?
20:42.59GTXWhat about the User to the server ManxPower ?
20:43.48ManxPowerGTX: Use a VPN
20:44.05ManxPowerelriah: in theory tes.
20:44.22ManxPowerGTX: do you know of any IP hardphones with encryption support?
20:44.46Kritterhe's saying there is no encryption support, use a VPN.
20:44.58GTXIndeed* Thanks
20:44.58elriahHrm.. I wonder if there is a way to transfer the call back to my sip trunk provider therby eliminating our asterisk server once the call is transferred/bridged...
20:45.22Kritterso a hardphone with encryption support is really a phone with a VPN, and that is way outside scope of what a phone or asterisk at it's core should do.
20:46.04KritterThere is nothing to stop you from using a * to terminate an OSS VPN tunnel, but I'm not sure I want to see that under load.
20:46.14ManxPowerelriah: is there NAT involved?
20:46.34elriahManxPower: Nope.. Got an idea?
20:46.43ManxPowerelriah: it is called canreinvite=yes
20:47.33elriahOn my side of the sip.conf definition?  Ahh.. let me look this up.. I think I smell what you're stepping in! (thanks)
20:47.35ManxPowerSIGNALING will still go thru asterisk but the AUDIO (RTP) should not unles you are doingsomething on Asterisk that requires asterisk to stay in the audio path like t/T/w/W on the Dial line, or many other dial opts or transcoding or protocol translation
20:48.08Bobthehunterso is for waht ?
20:49.02[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter: For your request for options and pricing on a 4 port FXO card w/ HWEC
20:49.45[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter: so $1600 is BS
20:49.45*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@unaffiliated/luisjose)
20:49.50Bobthehunter1600 wast the new pci card from digium to transcode only lol
20:50.26[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter: Well either way thats the price for the kind of card you were looking for.
20:50.59ManxPowerBobthehunter: see line 2 of "technical specs" on that page
20:53.54Bobthehuntercalling sangoma
20:54.02Bobthehunter;) just dont know diff in A200X and TDM
20:54.11elriahManxPower: Ok, I understand the canreinvite setting.  Thanks for that, if It works it will certainly help as it will take about 15 hops out of the RTP stream.  My questions are: How will I know if the call was successfully 'reinvited' back to the upstream peer?  And does the upstream peer have to have a sip.conf setting change? (it's asterisk as well)
20:54.21tzangerhmm, is Digiums TDM800 not available anywhere yet?
20:54.36ManxPowerelriah: you would need to use a packet sniffer on the asterisk box
20:54.41[TK]D-FenderTC400B = 1675$ ( = 96 channels = 17.45/channel.  Standard codec = 10$/channel.... hmmmm
20:54.50tzangerI'm just curious as to whether it's possible to have 6FXO/2FXS on that card or not, and if hardware echo cancelleation is available
20:54.59elriahManxPower: So the console/logs will still report the call as "bridged" ?
20:55.03[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Sure
20:55.10tzanger[TK]D-Fender: yes, but what CPU :-)
20:55.10ManxPowerelriah: I believe so
20:55.11file[TK]D-Fender: you get 723 as well too
20:55.20elriahManxPower: Even if it's been 'reinvited' upstream, i.e., the RTP terminates at an upstream peer?
20:55.21file[TK]D-Fender: and can handle more per system
20:55.24tzanger[TK]D-Fender: sure, as in the ports are in groups of 2, not 4 like the TDM2400?
20:55.31[TK]D-Fenderfile: Yeah... if you needed it, I guess it'd factor in.
20:55.36elriahManxPower: thanks again.
20:56.06elriahAhh.. I see why NAT breaks canreinvite...
20:56.16[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Yes, A200 series is 2 ports/module, intermixable, and expandable w/ Remora backplanes
20:56.32tzanger[TK]D-Fender: that's A200 (sangoma), not TDM800 (digium)
20:56.46[TK]D-Fendertzanger: And what IS the realistic transcoding power of say a 3.0ghz P4?
20:56.48tzangerI know the A200 is groups of 2 and has octasic option
20:57.03[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Oh ... Digiums?  not a clue :)
20:57.05Bobthehunteryeah hehhe jsut got reminded that
20:57.44Bobthehunterk thanks
20:59.00*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
20:59.15elriahManxPower: Wow! That makes a HUGE difference in call quality (canreinvite=yes), thanks a bunch.  Where do I send the beer?
21:00.36ManxPowerelriah: cash to paypal is a good place.  Imagine how much money my advice has saved you, then send 1/2 of that amount to the paypal address
21:02.04elriahHow about a Cisco 7941 instead?  I have a pile of them stacking up beside my desk, lol
21:02.23ManxPoweruh, no thanks
21:03.31*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
21:04.28elriahManxPower: What is an Fnord?
21:04.59*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
21:05.02ManxPowerelriah: if I told you I would have to kill you, and nobody wants that.
21:05.07*** join/#asterisk sasch (
21:05.18elriahManxPower: "nobody wants that" <- You'd be surprised...
21:05.47ManxPowerOk, "most people don't want that"
21:07.33jserveManxPower: Just received my other licenses... And I can acknowledge the problem.
21:07.55jserveMy problem stated happens when the ringtones of my carrier can't be converted back to G.729 because of missing licenses.
21:08.10*** join/#asterisk JackEStorm (
21:08.22jserve(I assume, one license is used for the conversation from the software -> carrier, and the other from carrier -> softphone)
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21:15.07[TK]D-Fendertzanger: So... about that CPU power requirement question.... ?
21:15.28tzanger[TK]D-Fender: no idea, I've never benchmarked it
21:15.53[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Got any relevent #'s on transcoding power ?
21:15.57*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
21:16.27ManxPower[TK]D-Fender:  show translation recalc 30
21:16.50ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I've never really worried about it. My servers are not heavily loaded.
21:17.08ManxPowerand my servers don't do much transcoding anyway
21:18.00Bobthehunteraint no more a asterisk-biz channel ?
21:18.04*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
21:18.25elriahBobthehunter: $225, Digium TDM400P w/4FXO ports...
21:19.24Drukentzanger: did ya see my thank you this morning? got it working...
21:20.58Bobthehunterneed GSM gateway to sip etc
21:25.24tzangerDruken: I did, no worries and you're welcome
21:27.33*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
21:27.40*** join/#asterisk Dovid (n=Dovid@
21:28.04Dovidcan anyone help me with this ?
21:28.35Dovidwhat dependancy am i missing ?
21:29.49jservelinux/config.h? That looks like Kernel Sources=
21:30.12Dovidi installed me
21:30.45elriahDo you have a link called 'linux' in your /usr/src dir?
21:31.03elriahWhat distro?
21:31.22*** join/#asterisk Witwolf (
21:31.33Dovidno folder linux in usr/src
21:31.44elriahAssuming you have the kernel-headers or kernel-source installed, you may still need a link called /usr/src/linux.  Dunno about FC, but I used to need it in debian.
21:32.03elriahln -s /usr/src/linux /usr/src/whateveryourdiryourheadersarein
21:32.25elriahWould be a semi-educated guess.
21:32.26WitwolfHi, what is the rules and what questions may be asked. Have never been here before!
21:32.44elriahWitwolf: These guys are really helpful, just ask away.
21:32.45thekidrioi think you can just ask away :)
21:32.54Dovidhave a look at this
21:33.10Dovidelriah: what should i point it to ?
21:33.14Dovidwhat folder is it looking for ?
21:33.23elriahWhat's in /usr/src now?
21:33.46elriahand under kernels?
21:34.07Dovid2.6.17-1.2174_FC5-i686      2.6.17-1.2174_FC5smp-i686  2.6.19-1.2288.fc5-smp-i686
21:34.07Dovid2.6.17-1.2174_FC5-smp-i686  2.6.19-1.2288.fc5-i686     2.6.19-1.2288.fc5smp-i686
21:34.27elriahOk, now of those kernels, which one are you actually running?  Sometimes a uname -r will show you.
21:34.47Dovid2.6.19-1.2288.fc5smp #1 SMP
21:35.16jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
21:35.19WitwolfHi, just finished my trixbox setup and working perfectly. I just need a bit of info which I am struggling to find one the internet. Maybe my own stupidity? I want to know if it is possible to answer a phone call on another extension, even if my phone is not ringing?
21:35.25elriahOk, link to that one and see if it helps.
21:35.26Dovidln -s /usr/src/linux /usr/src/kernels/2.6.19-1.2288.fc5smp ?
21:35.33elriahYep, try it.
21:36.13elriahMake sure you get your casing right, if it's looking for "Linux" make sure you call the link "Linux", etc.
21:36.37elriah'make clean' in between failed attempts, fyi
21:37.14elriahIs it compiling?
21:37.26[TK]D-FenderWitwolf: ...
21:37.31jbotmethinks trixbox is unable to be supported here. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or use the trixbox forums at
21:38.16Dovidnot working
21:38.19*** join/#asterisk axisys (
21:38.30WitwolfOk, do you know if there is such a feature on Asterisk, and what its called D-Fender?
21:38.32elriahOk, post the results again ...
21:38.40Dovidln is bad
21:38.55Krittersuspect you want to call steal
21:38.57elriahYou're getting a message that says 'ln is bad'
21:39.05WitwolfI am planning to move to just Asterisk on our debian server.
21:39.23elriahOops, it's ln -s <target> <link>
21:39.27elriahI think we got it backwards.
21:39.39elriahSo ln -s /usr/src/kernels/whatever /usr/src/linux
21:40.14Dovidwill try agian
21:40.57Bobthehunterever heard of a pcmcia fxo card ?
21:41.07[TK]D-FenderWitwolf: * can do just about anything.  FreePBX's dialplan lets you do a FEW cook-ie-cutter things.
21:41.07elriahBobthehunter: A modem?
21:41.24Bobthehunterwell comaptible to asterisk
21:41.48Dovidstill not working
21:41.51[TK]D-FenderWitwolf: Yes its possible if you do it yourself.
21:41.53WitwolfSo if I go and look in the dailplan.conf I would find it or even write it myself?
21:41.59elriahOk, post the results again...
21:42.08Kritterdid you look at the forum link I gave you Wit?
21:42.36[TK]D-FenderWitwolf: There is no dialplan.conf  and forget about trying to implement it in FreePBX.
21:42.46*** join/#asterisk quidpro (
21:43.00WitwolfAbout to. On 56K Modem at home! Very slow. Cant wait until our exchange gets DSL!
21:43.23Kritterit addresses your issue on your choice of implementations.
21:44.28quidproHmmm, did shared line appearance ever show up in Asterisk?
21:44.51WitwolfThanks Fender, Did not get that page before. Will help me lots. New to *.
21:45.48[TK]D-FenderWitwolf: Which page?
21:46.02KritterI suspect the one I sent him.
21:46.21[TK]D-FenderWitwolf: Actually, that won't help you with * at all.... just FreePBX.
21:46.52WitwolfToo much info!
21:47.12Bobthehunterlet me rephrase for some... a pcmcia card  zapable for asterisk
21:47.29WitwolfDo anyone know of a sip of IAX gateway to test you internet connection?
21:47.45WitwolfWithout subscribing to anyone?
21:48.11[TK]D-FenderWitwolf: I believe FreeWordDialup has an IAX2 connector.
21:48.18quidproAyy beat me to it
21:48.49cerviWitwolf: Try
21:48.59WitwolfInternet = South Africa = Sucks!
21:49.12cerviWitwolf: Or with ENUM +43 720 0101011
21:49.16[TK]D-FenderWitwolf: "too much info"?  What... that the FreePBX forums won't help you learn about * at all?  How is that little tidbit of info "too much"?
21:49.44[TK]D-Fendercervi: He just specifically asked for *IAX2*
21:49.46Bobthehunteror do you mean any modem car d works
21:50.05WitwolfLOL, sorry, I mean everything I am dealing with at the moment. Not Trixbox.
21:50.06elriahHey guys, with a TDP400P w/4FXO ports and asterisk, what types of conditions would cause calls to just randomly drop?  I have an install that, for no apparent reason and no apparent pattern, drops calls here and there.
21:50.15[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter: *NO*
21:50.28[TK]D-Fenderelriah: "callprogress=yes"
21:50.38ManxPowerelriah: busydetect=yes or callprogress=yes.  Both options should be renamed randomlydisconnectcalls=yes
21:50.38cerviD-Fender: Oh, you're right
21:51.08Bobthehunterso is there a solution ? for laptop to pstn ?
21:51.11elriah[TK]D-Fender / ManxPower: yea, I've been down that path.  Thanks,I'll see if this install has those options enabled.
21:51.13Bobthehunterlike usb adaptor or something
21:51.20Bobthehunternot ATA please ;)
21:51.37[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter: SIP gateway or AstriBank
21:51.59Bobthehunterjust need 1 channel
21:52.01Witwolfcervi Do I add it in the * config somewhere? Sorry very new to this.
21:52.05Bobthehunterlike a X100P for laptops
21:52.07[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter:  TFB <-
21:52.25*** part/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
21:52.33[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter: You are what's classed as an "insignificant demographic"
21:52.36ManxPowerBobthehunter: there are no PCMCIA Zaptel cards that I am aware of.
21:52.40Bobthehunteryes i know
21:52.51*** join/#asterisk mega (n=mega@
21:53.57[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter: So see above ^
21:53.57*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
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21:54.10Bobthehunterhmm sais astribank is fxs
21:54.30aydiosmiois there a "session" collection associated with a call? can I, for example, store a value someone dials that will persist through context changes or can be passed to AGI?
21:54.39Bobthehunterah darn
21:54.43Bobthehunter600$ lol
21:54.48*** part/#asterisk mega (n=mega@
21:54.55Bobthehunterill try something else.. maybe a pci to pcmcia adaptor
21:55.15[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter: Has FXO as well IIRC, but thats before you got too picky on PRICE :)
21:56.18[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter: Not sure, but I think I HAVE seen PCMCIA>PCI converters around, but there is a severe risk concerning IRQ requirements, and the load order to have zaptel start properly.  You are on a severly bad path.
21:56.39ManxPowerBobthehunter: it appears that you are setting your requirements to ensure failure.
21:57.00*** join/#asterisk edguy3 (
21:57.01Bobthehunterwell.. anysolution is good..
21:57.29Bobthehuntergot a x100p layin arounf.. a laptop .. and .. no idea how to make both work ;) unless the x100 could run in windows of course
22:01.33cerviWitwolf: you are looking for IAX, so it would'nt help you
22:02.10WitwolfNo problem. Think I am off to bed! Thanks for the help
22:03.06[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter: Linksys SPA-3102 is still your best bet
22:05.46quidproHmm, what's people opinions about the Linksys or Aastra phones... looking at the 942 and the Aastra 9133i
22:07.50[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: You're located where?
22:08.06ManxPowerBobthehunter: You can fight Asterisk's oddities and have a miserable life and hate Asterisk, or you can accept Asterisk's oddities, live a happy life, and love Asterisk.  It is your choice.
22:08.30[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: I'm Guessing Ontario....
22:12.06quidproTK:  Sorry, Toronto.
22:12.57Juggie[TK]D-Fender, rogers is more then just ontario.
22:13.02Juggiehe is in the center of the universe.
22:13.04*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
22:13.29quidproManx:  Haha.. don't blame Digium for not having a PCMCIA Zaptel card.. blame the laptop manufacturers who don't have PCI slots. :)
22:13.37*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
22:13.54Bobthehunterhmm you
22:14.22*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
22:14.43[TK]D-FenderJuggie: You're jsut jealous because I'm right ;)
22:14.55[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: Forget BOTH of those phones.
22:15.14Bobthehunterbon cop bad cop
22:15.22Bobthehunterthat my 2 cents on soem regions
22:15.59quidproTK:  Only reason I am particular to the Aastra is that I am replacing a legacy Norstar 3x8, and the employees at my relative's business aren't exactly the brightest people in the world.
22:16.05[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: In order here's the pecking order : Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Cisco 7940(+), Linksys SPA-94X.
22:16.13[hC]Do you guys have any idea how i can limit users on polycom 501's to only be able to take one incoming call at a time (no call waiting, a second call goes to VM) but things like 3 way calls, transfers, etc, still work? (taking up two channels)  ... the call-limit feature didnt work for this, because it broke 3 way calls etc
22:16.40[hC]If i use the calls per line key on the polycom, will 2 simultaneous originated calls from the phone (ie 3way call) still work?
22:16.44[hC]off of a single line
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22:17.01[TK]D-Fender[hC]: linekeys="1" callsperlinekey="1"
22:17.19[hC][TK]D-Fender: yeah... and a 3 way call still works in that scenario?
22:17.24[TK]D-Fender[hC]: Off that, yes, you can originate 3-way / transfer
22:17.32[hC]Perfect, all i needed to know
22:17.35quidproTK:  Who gives the best deals on phones in Canada?
22:17.53Bobthehunterwaht do you need ?
22:18.07[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: Depends... I don't know them all, but call up CCP ( for Polycom pricing. and check out :
22:19.00Bobthehunterioh phones n/m
22:19.05Bobthehunterwe dont ship to ontario
22:19.06Bobthehunter;) sounds like vaporware lol bad biz decision
22:19.32quidproI was looking at Voipware... prices are much better than Canadian Voip Store.. and no border hassle.
22:19.54quidproI wish there was a B&M place I actually go to try these phones out.
22:20.04[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter:  And you're looking to hack a X100P into a PCMCIA>PCI adaptor for processing calls.  Talk about the pot & the kettle....
22:20.22Bobthehunterfor dev purposes
22:20.24Bobthehunterand fun
22:20.33[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter: Oh... you mean MASOCHISM
22:20.35Bobthehunternothing serious about it other then you taking it seriousely ;)
22:21.16Bobthehunterjust testing soem thing im writing ATM.. and need that.. but i amnaged something else..
22:21.49quidproThe Polycom 301 falls into the price bracket I am looking... but no full-duplex speakerphone
22:22.05ManxPowerquidpro: what about the Polycom 430?
22:22.34quidproHmm, let me look that one up
22:22.56[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: Unless you're planning for PoE, get the IP 501 instead. +/- $200 is you shop around
22:23.10ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I assume you have some 430s?
22:23.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I have everything except the 4000
22:23.43[TK]D-FenderManxPower: and I HAVE configured one for a client :)
22:23.57quidproTK:  430 is ~ 210CAD......
22:24.06ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: we put about 8 of them in service last week
22:24.13quidpro501 is $240 CAD
22:24.21quidproThat's from voipdepot
22:24.55[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Don't get me wrong, the IP 430 is PLENTY enough for most uses, but the 501 is worth the extra 20$
22:25.00[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: Call CCP.
22:26.02quidproTK:  Thanks.. will give them a shout tomorrow... going wrap up here in a lil' bit
22:26.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Unless you're factoring in the included PoE, which is where it swings in the IP430's favour.  But the bigger screen, stronger base of the IP 501 plus considerably larger screen ( matters with MicroBrowser a lot, as well as basic call handling)
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22:27.12[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Depends how you want to value things of course.
22:27.33quidproHow are the Polycoms though in terms of user friendliness... in other words, are they almost idiot proof?
22:28.51[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: Nothing is idiot-proof, because we all know how gosh-darned clever idiots can be....
22:29.19[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: Lets just say the screen and buttons are very clear about what they are doing, the printed documentation is nice.
22:29.24quidproThat's the truth.
22:29.53[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: Or worse... you find out you were actually dealing with MORONS, which is a whole other ball-game
22:30.01quidproYeah, maybe I should pick one up and see what the "users" think of it... worst comes to worse, I've got myself a nice new deskphone
22:34.42*** join/#asterisk jero (
22:35.55quidproTK:  Ouch, called CCPIN for the heck of it (Vancouver office)... ~ $360 she quoted me.
22:36.00quidproFor IP-501
22:36.13[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: BS.  she's an idiot
22:36.24[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: I get my IP 601's for less than that
22:36.45[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: As someone else.
22:36.48jerois there a way to trap the end of an agent (from a queue) at the end of the communication, in order to do some action at the end of the call ?
22:37.17quidproTK:  Yeah, maybe I made the mistake of saying "yes" to the "are you an end user" question
22:40.57*** join/#asterisk dseeb_ (
22:40.58*** join/#asterisk Sputtering (n=Keelan@
22:41.13Sputteringdoes anyone here have any experience with fxotune?
22:42.06Sputteringmore specifically, the effect of rxgain and txgain settings on it
22:48.14[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: Winston Zeddemore: Ray, when someone asks you if you're a *God*, you say "YES"!
22:50.10quidproTK:  Winston Zeddemore?
22:51.00quidproOh.. ghostbusters
22:52.15*** join/#asterisk tsurko (
22:55.19quidproHmm, anybody worked with a Valcom paging unit?  I am thinking I am going to need an FXO card for it.. or is it FXS?
23:03.28Qwell[]quidpro: where do you normally plug it in?
23:03.51[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: Won't need valcom.  Using Polycom's you can just page through the phones.
23:04.18[TK]D-Fenderquidpro: And you can get differnt models for Valcom, being FXO or FXS depends on what your system supports
23:06.09*** join/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
23:06.39errrhow can I simulate a call coming in from the outside to test if some time conditions are working or not?
23:07.48osashi all :-)
23:07.49*** join/#asterisk nosbig (
23:08.13osasIs there a way to answer a call with 183 in SIP? (early media)
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23:19.46VeNoMouS_Segmentation fault
23:19.48VeNoMouS_gg svn
23:23.55J4k3always blame hardware
23:23.59J4k3its more fun to replace.
23:30.56*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
23:30.59syzygyBSDhey all
23:31.18syzygyBSDwhat is the easiest way to get a recording from Allison now?
23:32.01JTgoing to the correct digium page i assume
23:33.21syzygyBSDwell, I know site I used to use isn't used anymore
23:34.06JTyes it changed
23:37.14|ryan|This is probably a total n00b question, but I'm not finding an answer via google;  How does one set up an extension that starts with a *?
23:37.28quidproTK:  Two Polycom's sitting in a 10,000 sq foot warehouse aren't going to have enough juice to get the page out. :)
23:37.33Sputteringexten => *69,1,PlayBack(blah)
23:37.41*** join/#asterisk DrkShdw (n=scorpio@unaffiliated/drkshdw)
23:37.55Sputteringif you're using asterisk-gui, it seems to not want to let you use a *.
23:38.05|ryan|ok, then my pap2 is eating the *. damnit.
23:38.51Sputtering|ryan|, test your theory with a soft phone
23:40.43Sputteringallison's rendering of a british accent is bad.
23:42.18JTlogic would dictate one gets a british voice person to do british prompts :)
23:42.36Sputteringi guess logic escapes digium
23:42.52JTshrug, if people are silly enough to buy it...
23:43.53*** join/#asterisk zorro___ (n=zorrillo@
23:44.35zorro___i need help whit Sphinx
23:44.36JTi'm wondering if there's a market for redneck australian voice prompts :P
23:44.46ManxPowerSputtering: try the asterisk gui channel
23:44.50Sputteringor wesern canadian prompts, eh?
23:44.51JTi was bored the other day and made some redneck sounding prompts
23:45.33Sputteringi find that allison's prompts are heartless... not as bas as rogers/att voicemail, but close.
23:45.37Bobthehunterby any chance anyone have the x100p clone windows drivers around ?
23:45.47JTheartless is good
23:45.59JTi love neutral tone
23:45.59Sputteringheartless is creepy
23:46.00JTi hate "excited" voice prompts
23:46.09Sputteringjane barbe (rip) was much better
23:46.12JTa phone system should not have emotion
23:46.22Sputteringi didn'tsay excited, just a little less monotonous
23:46.29*** join/#asterisk Avochelm (
23:46.34JTyeah depends how it's done i guess
23:46.39Sputteringi find the monotonous voices aggrivating
23:46.58Sputteringtelus has re-done their IVR system with a voice that hastually has some inflection, and it is very pleasing
23:47.07Sputteringhasctually = actually
23:47.16JTokay :)
23:47.34Sputteringokay then.
23:47.46JTi am almost never in american IVR systems
23:47.51Qwell[]I hate voice prompts that are plain wrong
23:48.00Qwell[]Don't read me an email address, if it doesn't exist
23:48.09Sputteringtelus = canadian (very offensive to call a canadian an american!!)
23:48.18JTnorth american then
23:48.29[hC]I didnt realize telus had changed theirs recently
23:48.29Sputteringcan't hide from that one.
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23:48.37[hC]I should call and observe
23:48.46[hC]Allisons are sometimes a bit too... dramatic/stage voice for me
23:48.50[hC]but overall they're good
23:48.51Sputteringwell, recent, as in the last few years -- i only call them when I move
23:49.21Sputteringsince they switched to their voice recognition system
23:49.49[hC]Sputtering: you're in kelowna?
23:50.13Sputteringhc: yup
23:50.25[hC]Right on.. I'm in vancouver.
23:50.29[hC]I used to live in kamloops though.
23:50.29j0<-- abbotsford
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23:50.52[hC]j0: know anyone looking for work for a voip company? :)
23:51.01j0i visit kamloops once a year to goto sunpeaks. :)
23:51.02Sputteringi haven't been to vancouver since 1997... I should get out that way more often!
23:51.04j0[hC]: nope, sorry
23:52.01Sputteringwhat is sphinx anyway?
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23:53.18Qwell[]speech recognition...
23:53.21Qwell[]big difference :)
23:53.49*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
23:54.30[hC]So, is there a quicker implementation of Page() in 1.4? client is complaining that having to add 80+ phones to a meetme when i do a page() takes like 10 seconds, and thats too long
23:54.50zorro___i need examples, i read about this page
23:55.09JTabbotsford must be a real popular place name
23:55.19JTwe have a few abbotsfords in australia too
23:55.41[hC]i think its an english name, we have alot of those here
23:55.48[hC]Langley, Surrey, Abbotsford
23:55.52Sputteringwe have sydneys in canada to
23:55.53[hC]New Westminster
23:56.12j0jt: i passed through ABbotsford australia a few months ago.. lol
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23:56.52j0if surrey had waterfront, it'd almost be the same in some areas
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.