irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070218

00:01.23xx8xxi see file
00:01.24xx8xxand console
00:02.43cerviwhere can i find users.conf and sip.conf?
00:02.59xx8xxthats users.conf
00:03.13xx8xxand thats sip.conf
00:04.29cerviwhich ID is for cisco and which one for softphone?
00:04.44xx8xx101 is cisco
00:04.48xx8xx103 is soft
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00:08.22cerviyou have a difference between 101 and 103
00:08.32cerviin 101 you have set "registersip=yes"
00:08.38cervitry to remove that
00:10.12xx8xxI did and restarted asterisk
00:10.15xx8xxstill same problem
00:11.55cerviwe could try a dirty UNSECURE hack
00:12.12cervicopy numberplan-custom-1 to context default, to see, if its an extension problem
00:12.44xx8xxthey are both in extention.conf right
00:14.00cervidoes it work?
00:14.40xx8xxI can't find the section
00:14.49xx8xxcontext default ?
00:15.44cerviin extensions.conf copy the line "_480..." from [numberplan-custom-1] to [default]
00:16.38xx8xxI did find the numberplan-custom-1
00:16.43xx8xxbut copy it to where ?
00:16.46xx8xxwhich section
00:17.54xx8xxit worked
00:18.22cerviok, so for some reason, you telephone wants only to work with [default] :-(
00:18.46cerviPlease change later you changes, as now EVERYBODY could use your T1 line!
00:18.54xx8xxso is it ok to have two copies of that dialplan ?
00:19.21robin_szdefine ok
00:19.27*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
00:19.28robin_szok it will work
00:19.40robin_szbut it will be a nightmare to maintian
00:19.57xx8xxwell I guess thats a bug for asterisknow :P
00:20.03robin_szdoubt it
00:20.16xx8xxso those with cisco phones cant use *now ?
00:20.29mafkeeseh ?
00:20.36cervicisco can use it
00:20.36mafkeesI have cisco phones
00:20.40mafkeestry chan_skinny
00:20.41cervibut something is wrong
00:20.44mafkeesit rules
00:20.52robin_szdid you try dialing from the console?
00:20.55robin_szdid that work?
00:21.10cervifor some reason, asterisk is looking in [default] instead of [numberplan-custom-1]
00:21.23mafkeesthat is with sip?
00:21.24robin_szI ask again
00:21.38robin_szcervi, so did you try dialing from the console, did that work?
00:21.57xx8xxdialing from a soft phone works perfect
00:22.03*** join/#asterisk moprilo (
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00:22.11cervirobin_sz: Its not me who has the problem ;-)
00:22.14xx8xxits only the cisco that wants to look in the default
00:22.15mafkeesdialing from cisco phones works as good as with the xlite
00:22.20moprilohi.. i was looking to create a new context through the asterisk CLI.. is that posible?
00:22.26moprilov1.4 (btw)
00:22.27robin_szxx86xx , so did you try dialing from the console, did that work?
00:22.28mafkeesxx8xx: cisco with sip or with sccp image ?
00:22.50mafkeesthere you go
00:22.53xx8xxrobin_sz how do I do that
00:22.59mafkeesthe cisco phones were made for sccp
00:23.17robin_szdial 1234@number-plan-custom1
00:24.30mafkeestoday the chan_skinny channel driver became 100% usable
00:24.52robin_szive never had any luck at all with chan_skinny
00:25.00xx8xxits giving me a repeated warning
00:25.02xx8xxhow do I stop it
00:25.02mafkeesit was usable before, if you didn't care about callerid on the phone
00:25.19xx8xxI did
00:25.24robin_sztype hangup
00:25.25mafkeestoday that last issue was fixed
00:25.30xx8xx[Feb 17 17:25:25] WARNING[9005]: chan_oss.c:686 setformat: Unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
00:25.40robin_szdont worry about that
00:25.48xx8xxyeah but its going and going
00:25.48robin_szso ...
00:25.57xx8xxbut the number did go through
00:26.03xx8xxmy outsidee number rang
00:26.05mafkeesI never tried chan_oss or chan_alsa
00:26.18robin_szoh, I have to go ... things to do
00:26.27xx8xxhow do I stop that warnning
00:26.36xx8xxit's filling up the screen
00:26.37mafkeesmy * is not in my 'to be reached' distance
00:26.46mafkeesit's tucked away in a datacenter
00:26.55xx8xxoh got it
00:27.11mafkeescisco phones should not use sip
00:27.25mafkeesthe skinny firmware is so much better
00:27.37mafkeesfor 7905, 7910 and 7960 that is
00:27.44mafkeesI did not try any other phone
00:27.58mafkeesthe ATA's also run better on sccp firmware
00:28.16mafkeesJ4k3: no way
00:28.34mafkeesJ4k3: their quality is great
00:28.59mafkeesI did not find a phone with a good speakerphone function till I tried the 7960
00:29.24mafkeesand their xml browser rules
00:29.42mafkeesI really like this phone (cisco 7960 that is)
00:30.16mafkeesand the 7940 is even better when you want to save some $$$$
00:30.24mafkeescheap, good, stable
00:30.25*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
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00:35.22SkramXany (php)agi gurus around? I am getting the following in the console.. Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/outgoing.php\n outgoing.php: Failed to execute '/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/outgoing.php': No such file or directory... The file is definitely there, I can read it from / using the path outputted by the console
00:35.28SkramXany ideas?
00:35.28SkramXchmodded to 755
00:36.05cerviSkramX: how do you start it?
00:36.17Strom_Cdoes it execute when you start it from the console?
00:36.25SkramX;; call script and stuff
00:36.26SkramXexten => web-submitted,1,agi,outgoing.php
00:36.36SkramXStrom_C: I haven't tried that yet
00:36.49Strom_CSkramX: that should be your first step
00:37.57Strom_Cs/console/bash prompt/
00:42.37cerviSkramX: Make sure, /var is not mounted with "noexec"
00:44.01SkramXi'm debugging this for someone and there were multiple error
00:44.03SkramXworking on it
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01:00.43SkramXhow do i halt all retries?
01:01.08mafkeeshalt -p
01:01.38SkramXjust for asterisk calls
01:02.11mafkeesasterisk -rx 'stop now'
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01:04.25SkramXanyone here use voicepulse connect?
01:04.41AJaymnAnyone use Shellshark?
01:10.11mafkeesnot me
01:14.07SkramXall fixed :)
01:28.21*** part/#asterisk SkramX (
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01:44.20MysticOnehi all ... hopefully a quick question :)  Obviously asterisk does SIP, but does it also do anything with SIMPLE?
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01:55.19rbdhey guys, with meetme, can I use the 'b' (run AGI background script) along with the 'r' option (record conference to a file). the meetme voip-info documentation is a bit unclear there
01:55.42*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@unaffiliated/luisjose)
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02:00.02kanaedawhat is the best service provider for multiple simultaneous phone calls
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02:49.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o Qwell] by ChanServ
02:49.54*** join/#asterisk Swabby-- (
02:50.03Swabby--Is it possible to use Asterisk at home if i have VoIP service?
02:50.45J4k3there are also cards and network boxes to attach phone lines to your *
02:50.49J4k3ISDN, POTS, whatever.
02:50.50Swabby--How does Asterisk know how to handle the incoming calls? Do I still need FXO cards?
02:51.06J4k3if you have VoIP, its pure IP to whatever you want to use for phones
02:51.10Swabby--I understand the outgoing...i guess you would specify the SIP login/password info and server info
02:52.27Swabby--does asterisk say logged into the SIP server and "listen" for a call?
02:53.00Swabby--now..for the extensions...
02:53.08Swabby--two questions
02:53.18Swabby--1. Can you get phones that work with a wireless network..or do you have to do some "wiring"
02:53.47J4k3there are some wifi phones out there
02:53.51J4k3that resemble cellphones
02:54.05J4k3I have a utstarcom f1000g.  it feels like a 1999 digital cellphone
02:54.08J4k3ie - cheezy
02:54.12*** join/#asterisk pbd (
02:54.17J4k3but it works fairly well once I got my wireless network friendly with it.
02:54.36*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
02:55.33Swabby--Where does my VoIP converter that i got from the VoIP supplier come into play in my little network
02:55.40Swabby--does it become simply a "backup device"
02:55.41*** part/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
02:55.48Swabby--if i use all voip phones because they will be talking to the server anyway?
02:55.54*** part/#asterisk pbd (
02:56.38moprilohow do i create a new context through cli?
02:57.32*** join/#asterisk krezel (
02:57.37*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
02:58.00*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
02:59.44dansmith[TK]D-Fender: I'm having trouble getting my polycom registered to asterisk
02:59.59dansmithasterisk says: Registration from '<sip:500@>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch
03:06.23*** part/#asterisk MysticOne (
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03:07.29bkruse_homedansmith: i think thats prety self-explantory....
03:07.50Swabby--dansmit: check your username/password
03:07.53dansmithbkruse_home: yea, you'd think... but I think I've got the right values
03:08.18dansmithSwabby--: it's the username, apparently, because if I use the wrong password from a softphone, I get a different message
03:08.19bkruse_homedansmith: i beg to differ.
03:08.32bkruse_homedansmith: the ip address's are wrong.
03:08.33bkruse_homelook at it.
03:09.11dansmiththe "from" should be the IP of the phone?
03:09.19bkruse_homeis it?
03:09.28dansmithno, 88 is the server, 65 is the phone
03:09.42bkruse_homeyour right
03:09.54dansmithI thought that seemed right
03:10.04bkruse_homeit has to be man.
03:10.26bkruse_homeusername / password, turn sip debug on
03:10.29dansmithI was wondering if there is anything polycom-specific that I need to know for the poly config
03:10.32dansmithhow do I do that?
03:10.54bkruse_homesip debug on the * cli
03:12.31dansmithI see "Digest username="501"...
03:17.09dansmiththat has to be it, because the softphone registers with "Digest username="500""
03:20.09*** join/#asterisk TedNJ37 (
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03:21.57dansmithnow if only I knew why it was doing 501 instead of 500...
03:22.19bkruse_homelook at ur polycom config file
03:22.50bkruse_homeor better yet, web interface
03:23.19*** part/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
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03:33.57dansmithomg, I'm going to f'in kill this thing
03:34.36Swabby--do'nt kill it
03:35.04kanaedadont do that
03:35.15J4k3^no way man
03:35.17J4k3^smash it up!
03:35.24J4k3^get the video camera first tho
03:35.39dansmithI'm making progress at least
03:36.01dansmithI wish the f'in web interface didn't take 5 f'in minutes to become available after boot
03:40.05elriahPolycom's are easy, what's the problem?
03:40.47dansmithwell, now the problem is that I've got the password for the extension plugged into the phone directly but asterisk says the password is wrong
03:40.58dansmithit's right in the config and right in the phone itself
03:41.07dansmithand a softphone works
03:41.17elriahWhat does your sip.conf look like?
03:41.58elriahdansmith: Try #tribox
03:42.07dansmithelriah: I have :)
03:42.15dansmithalthough not with the password problem I guess
03:42.27elriahdansmith: Switch to asterisk proper?
03:42.43dansmithnow, now :)
03:43.06dansmithbut, what in my sip.conf were you going to have me look at?
03:43.47elriahI don't know anything about tribox, sorry :(
03:44.15dansmithI think I'd switch to asterisk proper once I get comfortable enough.. only been a week though :)
03:44.27elriahIt's really easy.
03:46.35dansmithare there any restrictions on passwords that I don't know about
03:46.47dansmithlike have to be alpha or over a certain length?
03:46.57dansmithfor sip, I mean, not trixbox or asterisk
03:49.13sharpwrong channel.
03:49.17sharp(excuse me.)
03:50.01coppicewhy? there is no excuse for using capitals on irc
03:50.49sharpthere is when its a song lyric meant to be sung... loudly.
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04:10.00J4k3^(he was a bit dull there for a moment...)
04:12.01*** join/#asterisk quidpro (
04:12.17quidproHas anybody had any build issues with the Zaptel 1.2.13?
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04:35.36tonyhebThe following message could not be delivered to all recipients:
04:35.36tonyhebstie de caliss de marde
04:35.50tonyhebpad paste
04:36.47Strom_CThe following message could not be delivered to all recipients: Bienvenue a merde
04:49.48*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
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04:53.14tonyhebStrom_C: frenchy?
04:53.37Strom_CI only know perhaps a dozen phrases
04:56.05*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
05:00.50*** join/#asterisk foobar778 (
05:01.06foobar778hello all
05:01.20foobar778I got it working!!!!!!
05:01.25bkruse_homefoobar778: :D
05:01.43foobar778outbound calls to priovider
05:02.41foobar778despite the grief earlier and I apalogize for my part but for the information Fender wqas very off on the extensions.conf any way its all working
05:03.02tonyhebWe are having a strange sound when a caller direct dials an extension from the ivr, its almost a crunching sound. Sound like a corrupted sound file, any idea?
05:04.28foobar778For my part if anyone need to know how to make entries in their sip.conf or extensions.conf I would tell them in two sentences rather than have to read all the manuals and more as I have done
05:06.32putzzfoobar: you are back again.......if you dont read the manuals you wont learn, so someone telling you to go read is a good advice. now have a nice day!
05:07.33bkruse_homeuse the gui
05:10.00foobar778puttz I got it working and Fender was way off I have read them and it works but I will help if anyone asks me I wont be arrogant and say read the manual when someone is just starting out I will help them alomgf I read a ton and what I needed was just a short bit It took hours I would rather encoiurage someone ratherr than have them give up and not force them tp spend hours just because I have!@!!!!!
05:10.35bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender is never off, it was probably because you did not give him sufficent information, and was just trying to help
05:10.51foobar778sorry he was way off
05:11.36bkruse_homefoobar778: that was because you did not give him sufficent information
05:12.05Bobthehunterjust gave ALMOST accurate info
05:12.09bkruse_homefoobar778: wow, congrats, you solved your first problem, go get a beer, and stop flaming please.
05:12.10foobar778I gave him more than he needed and since u werernt there u are talking out your .......
05:12.13Bobthehunteris my last message ;) maybe he applied
05:12.20*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=Op3r@
05:12.28bkruse_homefoobar778: its called having more than one nick moron, please stop the flaming.
05:12.37foobar778First problem hahahaha dont make me laugh
05:13.07*** mode/#asterisk [+b %foobar778!*@*] by Qwell
05:13.15QwellWe settled this earlier.  It's over.
05:13.16bkruse_homeQwell thanks.
05:13.20bkruse_homethanks qwell
05:13.20Bobthehunteromg.. 2 much drama for me here.. have fun and dont burn in flames
05:13.21bkruse_hometemp ban?
05:13.30Bobthehunterassholes ruining this channel again
05:13.36Bobthehunteroh ok
05:13.40bkruse_homeBobthehunter: he banned him.
05:13.42Bobthehunterill stay since someone took measures
05:14.04Bobthehunterwell still to much chances where given...
05:14.07moprilois there a way to create a context dynamicly.. with the asterisk java api or with a CLI command?
05:14.16Bobthehunterafter 2 times you ban 1 day then another and 1 month
05:14.21Qwellmoprilo: no, but you can add an extension to a context
05:14.42moprilobut if i want to add users dynamicly and don-t want them to share contexts.. ?
05:15.06mopriloany work around ..?
05:15.09JTreally pisses me off when people rubbish others' genuine efforts, 'specially since we aren't paid to be here :/
05:16.13bkruse_homeyou can make them pretty dynamic with writting and reloading your dialplan
05:16.30bkruse_homeJT: seriously
05:16.47moprilotrue..  bkruse, i'm affraid i'll go with that..
05:16.50bkruse_homeI normally wouldnt have joined in, but all tk fender does is help people
05:17.57*** join/#asterisk iq (n=iq@unaffiliated/iq)
05:18.57bkruse_homesup iq
05:19.24*** mode/#asterisk [-b %foobar778!*@*] by Qwell
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05:40.25JTbkruse_home: true
05:55.16tonyhebAny idea on what could cause the weird sound i'm hearing when an caller dials an extension from ivr?
05:55.50tonyhebI dont think it's a corrupted sound file as I dont see any sound beeing played in the CLI
06:09.27*** join/#asterisk orkid (
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06:23.45kanaedawhat is a good free softphone for testing purposes?
06:23.54kanaedai tried sj phone but it is buggy
06:26.02AJaymnX-Lite ?
06:26.59kanaedadoes that require a login?
06:27.27AJaymnya. you need to give it an exten and stuff..
06:30.53kanaedak ill try it out thx!
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07:51.35kanaedawhat is default asterisk port
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07:58.46dlynes_laptopkanaeda, 5060 for sip, 4569 for iax2, ...
07:58.59pnlarsson5038 for ami
08:03.54J4k3666 for the FBI/CIA/DHS backdoor
08:03.58J4k3j/k ;)
08:04.29dlynes_laptopI was wondering why my system was listening on udp 666
08:07.21coppiceand 42 has all the answers
08:07.57dlynes_laptopi don't have any answers :(
08:08.01coppiceI think the daemons listen on 666
08:09.00dlynes_laptopxing yen kuai le, coppice
08:09.27coppicedlynes_laptop: san nin faai lok
08:09.42dlynes_laptopcoppice, is that the same thing in cantonese?
08:10.06coppicewhat's yen?
08:10.22dlynes_laptopcoppice, cantonese almost always looks and sounds completely different from mandarin, so i have no idea
08:10.22J4k3something I want a big stack of
08:10.33coppicekuai le == fai lok
08:10.44dlynes_laptopyen means year
08:10.50dlynes_laptopxing means new
08:10.55dlynes_laptopkuai le means happy
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08:11.33coppiceå¹´ is nian, isn't it?
08:12.02J4k3its a silly looking rectangle on my ignorant XP install.
08:12.25J4k3but if I copy and paste it into another window
08:12.31J4k3its a line of text about 10 charectors long
08:12.33J4k3thats wild.
08:12.41coppicethen you don't have the asian fonts installed
08:12.49J4k3I've been hacked by a foreign language!
08:13.13putzzæ–°å¹´å¿« heh
08:13.42putzz= æ°å¹´å¿«
08:14.39dlynes_laptopcoppice, ah...maybe...I just know how to say it...never asked what the hanyu pinyin is
08:14.50dlynes_laptopcoppice, so maybe i've always pronounced it slightly incorrect
08:15.47dlynes_laptopcoppice, and i've looked at five different websites, and they spell it five completely different ways in hanyu pinyin
08:15.58dlynes_laptopcoppice, so nobody seems to know what it is
08:17.53dlynes_laptopcoppice, I guess it's:  æ–°å¹´å¿«ä¹  (xin nian kuai le)
08:17.55putzzque passa hota
08:18.49dlynes_laptopcoppice, I guess you were using traditional chinese?
08:19.50coppicewhere do you come from originally?
08:21.04J4k3heh, awesome
08:21.22J4k3I always wanted a nice tower mounted weather station, and now I have an excuse to buy one
08:21.42J4k3time/date... and real local weather (we have no government weather station within 40 miles)
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08:42.57coppicegovernment weather? is that "its fine and sunny, but definitely no warmer than historic averages"?
08:43.34mafkees"It's a beautiful day to start a war"
08:44.35coppice"There will be liught showers of cluster bombs"
08:46.06mafkeessomething like that yeah
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08:51.33J4k3its a good day to die for god and country!
08:54.46coppiceI think a country's consitution should allow its leaders to declare war, but the must forfeit their lives if they do, if the wars are really so necessary, they should be happy to be the first to lay down their lives for them :-)
08:55.24mafkeescoppice: good one. write a letter to your goverment
08:58.56tzafrircoppice, normally they have a good excuse:
08:59.11tzafrir"<the other party> started"
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09:08.39J4k3the second one flew straight in, the first one was pulling quite hard.
09:25.54coppicethey were probably arguing over which tower they should be going for
09:28.34coppicetzafrir: I didn't say the forfeiting thing should only apply when the declaration comes ahead of the one from the other side. the weasels always try to create the impression they are the injured party. even the nazis did that.... damn, Godwin's law has just struck me.
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09:37.01tRSShey everyone
09:37.29tRSSis it possible to use FWD sip services on a different port? my isp is blocking 5060.
09:38.10coppicebomb the ISP, and teach them not to mess with net neutrality
09:38.30tRSSwell, i would love too, but I cant sadly
09:38.49tRSSi am able to configure FWD IAX successfully, but that also works sometime
09:39.08tRSSit would stop working for weeks and then start working by itself
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09:39.41J4k3have all your sip traffic replicate itself 10x onto their DNS servers... they'll appreciate the random traffic.
09:39.58J4k3onto being 'toward'
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10:06.20sumahow can i make asterisk to use mysql for DBPut ... asterisk database commands ?
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10:37.14twostepsbackhi all, i want to send a recorded voice to a mobile phone from a computer, will asterisk help?
10:39.50endreasterisk always halps
10:40.00endrei do it for wakeup alarm
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10:42.37twostepsbackendre: thanks
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14:33.41sumaanyone in here ?
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14:56.17robin_szBAH ...
14:56.33robin_szso, these Snoms ...
14:56.46robin_szit seems that *sometimes* authenticate
14:56.54robin_szsometimes not
14:57.16robin_szthe ones on the local network seem to be happily authenticating 100%
14:57.40robin_szthe ones out on VPN sites seem to be getting 401 unauthorised about 50% of the time
14:57.58robin_szseriously weird
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15:05.43robin_sznow, this is even wierder ... the phone show "unauthorised" ..  sip show peers shows that it is not auth'd either ...
15:05.46robin_szoffice                     (Unspecified)    D          0        UNKNOWN
15:05.59robin_szyet ... it can still make calls ...
15:07.06robin_szboth to internal and external numbers ... I hought the general idea was that unless the SIP device managed to authenticate, it couldn't dial out??
15:11.58mafkeeswhen you dialout
15:12.11mafkeesasterisk will send a reply: not authenticated
15:12.17mafkeesyour phone will send username/pass
15:12.22mafkeesasterisk will accept that
15:12.26mafkeesand setup the call
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15:20.39jserveHi all
15:20.40sumahow can i make asterisk to use mysql for DBPut ... asterisk database commands ?
15:21.05mafkeessuma: you cant
15:21.29mafkeessuma: you have to use an agi script or the mysql() dialplan functions
15:21.48sumai c
15:22.16sumamafkees: thanks
15:22.40mafkeesgood luck
15:23.44sumamafkees, what is the best way to store the data of asterisk (DBPut ) and retrieve through web?
15:23.58sumaDBPut I can use in dialplan
15:24.15sumaIs there is any API, i can take and use it to retrieve data through php ?
15:29.51mafkeesasterisk -rx 'database show'
15:30.04mafkeesand maybe the manager
15:30.18mafkeesI dont know if the manager can read the astdb
15:30.26mafkeescheck the docs about the manager interface
15:30.44mafkeesI do know you can do it with the command asterisk -rx 'database show'
15:30.57mafkeesI use that in my php script to prepare xml for my cisco phones
15:31.22sumai c
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15:34.17sumathat is great !
15:34.39sumamafkees: Looks like DB works with asterisk manager interface,
15:40.40websaeanyone in here used a grandstream gxw 4104 (4 port FXO gateway)?
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15:48.08PakiPenguinwebsae: any issue
15:48.19PakiPenguini've used some of the beta ones
15:48.24websaeI can place calls to it
15:48.34websaebut call coming in...
15:48.37websaenot hitting asterisk
15:48.58websaei see in the syslog log of the grandstream that it's ringing the fxo port
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15:55.01ruiedI'm trying to set a voipbuster outgoing account, when I dial the number * reports the error: "Got SIP response 400 "Bad request" back from 'x.y.z.w'   -- SIP/voipbuster-081ebb20 is circuit-busy
15:55.53ruiedwhat colud be the problem? * is behind a nat router, do I need to set STUN?
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15:56.52quidproAnybody able to help me with me Zaptel 1.2.13 compiler error (RHEL kernel)?  Pastebin here...
15:56.57[TK]D-Fenderruied : pastebin your entire sip.conf less passwords, and the section of extensions.conf being called to dial out (including set-up.
15:57.00jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
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16:18.59ruied[TK]D-Fender,   this is a litle bit confusing, I'm testing yet....
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16:35.45ruiedexten => _351xxxxxxxxx,2,Dial(SIP/{EXTEN}@voipbuster), I've missed the {EXTEN}@voipbuster ...   now It looks like it makes the call, but the problem now seems to be the codec... how can I define the codec type for voipbuster account?
16:37.41[TK]D-Fenderruied : Do yourself and everyone else a big favour and remove EVERYTHING that is commented out in both files, and everything that you are not using.  Sample files suold never be used, only examined...
16:38.26[TK]D-Fenderruied : onces thats done, redo the pastebin and I'll look
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16:55.16gnubienhi, grandstream 101 has only 1 RJ45 connector, how to connect phone and eth card at the same time?
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16:58.38OpperiorBest way would be to run another line.  If that's not an option, a small switch would do the trick, but I wouldn't recomend it
16:59.28gnubienOpperior: how to run another line from the cable modem which only has 1 RJ45 connector?
17:00.15Opperiorah, oops.  Ok, then you'll need a router, like a Linksys
17:01.11gnubienOpperior: ok, no way to use a cable splitter that has 1 rj45 in and 2 rj45 out connectors?
17:01.23Opperiorno, ethernet doesn't work that way
17:02.04gnubienOpperior: ok, granstream 102 has 2 rj45 connectors, still need a router?
17:02.36Opperiorlet me look up some specs on that device to see
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17:04.03Opperiorthis would depend on your cable provider.  If they allow multiple devices on their network, then no.  If they restrict you to a single device, then yes
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17:04.48gnubienOpperior: ok, thanks for the info
17:04.49Opperioreither eay, I would still recommend a router with a built-in firewall for security
17:04.59robin_sz[TK]D-Fender, right ... you remember that annoying auth problem ?
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17:06.17robin_sz[TK]D-Fender, strangely it seems to be intermittent ... somtimes it auths, sometimes it fails ... I havent narrowed it down to when exactly it does what, but its not consistent, which is weird.
17:06.48[TK]D-Fendergnubien : Run it behind a router
17:07.12[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz : Strange
17:07.21robin_szyeah, very
17:07.36gnubienneed a router using an ATA also?
17:07.36robin_szand ... right now its not auth'd .. but I can make calls
17:09.10ruied[TK]D-Fender, sip.conf-; extensions.conf-
17:09.56robin_szyeuw! two general sections?
17:10.30gnubienOpperior:  need a router using an ATA?
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17:10.41Opperiorone sec...
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17:10.58robin_szruied delete one [general] header and decide on which bits you need and remove the duplicates
17:11.26robin_szI suspect it will work but it looks messy and is confusing
17:14.07[TK]D-Fendergnubien : You'll need a router if you have a bunch of networked devices.
17:14.56Opperiorhonestly not familiar enough with ATA devices to say
17:15.07gnubien[TK]D-Fender: thanks
17:15.15gnubienOpperior: ok, thanks again
17:15.52[TK]D-Fenderruied : You're behind NAT right?
17:25.51[TK]D-Fenderruied : You're missing all the settings to allow it to work.
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17:27.47ruied[TK]D-Fender,  what do I need to add? stun? I've checked with my own voipbuster account that * oliveirasnet is not connected...
17:28.17[TK]D-Fenderruied :
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17:48.46ruied[TK]D-Fender, I've made the changes it seems oliveirasnet is not connected (with my personal voipbuster account the * voipbuster account is not registering). When I dial it reports the following error:
17:50.32ruiedah... I forgot one thing...
17:50.58[TK]D-Fenderruied : You meant he "register" line? :)
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17:53.39ruiedI meant that the 'oliveirasnet' voip account doesn't appear to be connected to the voipbuster server
17:56.19[TK]D-Fenderruied : Why would it be "connected"?
17:56.38[TK]D-Fenderruied : Its a PEER. you use that to dial out w/ auth.
17:56.49[TK]D-Fenderruied : It does not maintain any kind of idle connection.
17:57.57ruied[TK]D-Fender, ah, ok... Do I need to set the "externalip=a.b.c.d" ? cause I don't have fixed ip...
17:58.10Qwellruied: externhost
17:59.44Qwell(make sure you look at externrefresh also)
18:00.19mafkeesQwell: you really made me enjoy the first couple of phonecalls yesterday evening ;)
18:00.29mafkees"ooooooooooooooooh, callerid !"
18:00.45Qwellthank wedhorn, not me..  I just cleaned it up (and sent him the dumps :p)
18:00.57mafkeeshe did a great job
18:01.10mafkeesbut you put it in trunk
18:01.14Qwellthe actual patch ended up being really simple...
18:01.15mafkeesno more patches for me
18:01.25Qwellit was literally just moving some of the calls around
18:01.26mafkeesI noticed on asterisk-svn list yeah
18:01.47mafkeessometimes things are easy
18:01.54mafkeessometimes not
18:03.18QwellI looked at speeddials a bit yesterday...  and the way it dials is silly
18:03.42mafkeesgheh, what else is new with them phones ;)
18:04.11Qwellwell, it'
18:04.11Qwell's my code that's broken :P
18:04.16QwellI think I'm just gonna do a simpleswitch, and just queue up some DTMF
18:04.48mafkeesthat should work
18:05.12mafkeeswell, you know I'm willing to test :)
18:05.27mafkeesI'm trying to understand how it all works
18:05.33mafkeesreading and reading and reading
18:05.36mafkeesman what a code
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18:06.14mafkeesnot easy to become an asterisk programmer
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18:06.44brookshiresure it is!
18:07.11Qwellunless you want to develop on chan_skinny :P
18:07.15brookshireasterisk is actually rather easy to program for, compaired some other projects in c
18:07.29brookshirecompared to
18:13.19*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
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18:16.36ruiedhehhe "exten => _351xxxxxxxxx,2,Dial(SIP/{EXTEN}@voipbuster)"  I've missed the $ in {EXTEN}
18:16.56ruiedit's working now...
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18:18.17bkruse_homeso did you see it dialing the word {EXTEN{@voipbuster?
18:19.08ruiedyeap, that was when I've noticed something was wrong... :)
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18:24.52DocHollidayhey bkruse_home
18:30.47bkruse_homeDocHolliday: wuts up brotha
18:31.07bkruse_homejust throwin down a lil code, and yourself?
18:31.29[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : thanks for the good word late last night, but I did withhold the ansewr from that guy.  He was trash talking and lazy expecting us to just do it all for him and showed no dedication to actually learning *.  Qwell had kicked him twice prior and he never learned his lesson
18:31.46DocHollidaygetting up in the morning is extremely difficult.. especially when its 1:30 in the afternoon
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18:32.32bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: either way, i knew you were right
18:32.38DocHollidaybkruse_home, trying to research existing fax issues with asterisk
18:32.39[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : :)
18:32.48bkruse_homeDocHolliday: thats actually a good idea.
18:33.11bkruse_homejust dont transcode anywhere along the line and it makes things more probable
18:33.32DocHollidaywell if i get an ATA thats T.38 compatible.. does it matter since asterisk doesnt support T.38?
18:34.05bkruse_homeit does support T.38 passthru right Qwell?
18:34.06bkruse_homeand [TK]D-Fender i knew that either a) You gave him the answer to the best of your abilities from the information or b) he was being a dick and demanded someone ssh into his box and fix it "ZAPTEL IS BROKE!" or something similar
18:35.23DocHollidayQwell AH! so technically if the ATA supports T.38 then Asterisk can do passthru to the SIP compatible T.38 provider?
18:35.35Qwellthat's what I said like 2 days ago, yes :)
18:35.41bkruse_homeyour endpoint must do T.38
18:35.45bkruse_homeQwell: thats what i thought :]
18:35.53bkruse_homeQwell: hows SMS going in the new channel driver? has the dude committed to doing it?
18:35.59bkruse_homeif not, ima take a stab at it today
18:36.01DocHollidayand if the endpoint *does do T.38* am i guaranteed that faxing will work?
18:36.06Qwellbkruse_home: he wants to stabalize first, but yeah
18:36.14bkruse_homeoh, awesome
18:36.18bkruse_homethats exciting
18:36.28Qwelltuesday, I should be getting my headset :D
18:36.45Qwellthen I'll write "fxs" support for it
18:36.46DocHollidaywhat kind of handset?
18:36.50bkruse_homeima use USB instead of bluetooth
18:36.51bkruse_homewe can have texting wars
18:36.55bkruse_homeQwell: nice!!!!
18:37.08*** join/#asterisk [1]J (
18:37.08Qwellbkruse_home: the other day, I still had Keiths adapter, and I put mine in too...
18:37.15QwellI did a scan with asterisk, and it found...
18:37.38bkruse_homethats a potenial uh, loopback, major
18:37.42Qwellsame box though, so it was useless :p
18:37.47Qwellwell, kinda useless anyhow
18:37.48DaminThat sounds pretty bad...
18:37.54QwellI'm sure *somebody* could find a use for it
18:38.09DocHollidayqwell, what kind of headset are you getting?
18:38.11bkruse_homea meaningless use for it
18:38.19bkruse_homei want to make it compatible with 3rd party SMS gateways and what not. eventually
18:38.26bkruse_homealot of them have super simple API's for it
18:39.03DocHollidaybkruse_home, does the Cisco SIP firmware support the headset jack?
18:39.05Damin"Does your VoIP service support fax?". Yeah.. about as well as Tin can and String do...
18:39.38bkruse_homeDocHolliday: im almost positive
18:39.39DocHollidaythats what i hate.. its impossible to get a straight answer out of this channel :P
18:39.48bkruse_homesome rumor its kind of hacked, but its worked fine for me
18:40.01bkruse_homehacked, because they want you to use MGCP and SKINNY
18:40.05bkruse_homebut it doesnt matter :]
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18:40.23DocHollidayim running 8.6 SIP and the phones are rock stable
18:41.14bkruse_homefigured cisco's implementation would be pretty rockin
18:41.20DocHollidayi know for example if you want to use Cisco 7914 in conjunction with Cisco 7960 you need SCCP
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18:41.58bkruse_homefor phone to phone and presense stuff, ya
18:42.04bkruse_homebut for everything SIP related, no
18:42.10ruiedwhat do I need to set the callerid? from the pstn? I have usecallerid=yes... what more do I need
18:42.11Qwellwell, luckily, 7960+7914 work in asterisk ;)
18:42.12bkruse_homei see where your coming from though
18:42.18Qwellof course, if somebody were to *cough* send me one...
18:42.29bkruse_homeruied: you cannot, alot of telco's block the callerid field on a PSTN
18:42.50DocHollidayqwell, im suprised Digium wouldn't send you the stuff if you are willing to write the modules?
18:42.51bkruse_homecallerid = above the user entry
18:43.22Qwellno, *Cisco* should be sending me stuff
18:43.23ruiedbkruse_home, going to check inserting my wireless phone in the line....
18:43.52JuggieQwell, you need a what, 7960?
18:43.59bkruse_homeruied: k
18:44.04bkruse_homeoh, gotcha
18:44.11QwellI actually asked Cisco once.  They basically said "We don't give a shit.", then they went on to say that less than 1% of phones sold are used with something besides CCM
18:44.15Qwellwhich is complete BS
18:44.15bkruse_homeQwell: we could have jacked it from upstairs in the atrium
18:44.19QwellJuggie: 7914 :)
18:44.26Juggieoh, no can do :)
18:44.26Qwellbkruse_home: heh
18:44.33QwellJuggie: or 7985 :P
18:44.35J4k3Qwell: thats how much cisco appreciates your business...  find a real vendor.
18:44.56J4k3cisco's day came and left long ago.
18:45.24bkruse_homeJ4k3: in VOIP, sure, kinda, but they still own a huge market involving networking as a whole
18:45.30DocHollidayQwell, but i would think Digium would be greatful to have hardware support?
18:45.42ruiedbkruse_home, you are right.... :(
18:45.58bkruse_homeruied: told ya, i had the same problem too, when i first started using asterisk :[
18:45.59QwellDocHolliday: Why?  The phones support SIP too
18:46.11bkruse_homeget a PRI or a provider that wil let u set the callerid field (few and far in between)
18:46.17DocHollidayQwell, but is Cisco 7914 supported under SIP?
18:46.25[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Nope
18:46.27J4k3Cisco's business plan seems to be wrapped around selling mostly-sleazy or mostly-completely-outdated crap for absolute sucker prices.
18:46.35DocHollidaywhich is my point..
18:46.42OpperiorIt's all about the name now
18:46.49[TK]D-FenderJ4k3 : They become significantly less "sucker" once you get a sales rep
18:46.54DocHollidayit would be good for digium's bottom line if products actually worked with asterisk
18:46.56QwellDocHolliday: well, Digium *is* willing to write the support - or at least, I am
18:47.01J4k3[TK]D-Fender: doesn't change the fact their stuff is sleazy.
18:47.25[TK]D-FenderOpperior : Lets say I wouldn't know Cisco's manufacturing quality.  they ARE nice phones.... SIP could be a fair bit better and more stable though.
18:47.29QwellDocHolliday: but it's silly to go and buy every piece of hardware out there
18:47.38[TK]D-FenderJ4k3 : Just some of their policies
18:47.45DocHollidayQwell, sure but thats a pretty popular piece of VoIP gear?
18:47.46bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: agreed, but i think the lack of SIP support is for a reason :]
18:47.54Qwell7914?  not really
18:47.58J4k3hell, cisco was still selling 68030-based routers for >$3k retail in 1999 (when the routers got EOL'd)
18:48.06DocHollidayatleast companies are guaranteed they can take all their cisco handsets and transition to asterisk
18:48.09[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : And what... destabilize their private little empire?! oh noes!
18:48.25*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
18:48.53DocHollidayQwell, *most* companies i have been to now use Cisco handsets.. and as a result they have *many* Cisco 7914
18:49.02J4k3In this world, one must know their ABCs...  *A*nything *B*ut *C*isco.
18:49.15QwellDocHolliday: well, it *IS* proprietary
18:49.48DocHollidayQwell, i dont dispute that, but the fact of the matter is there are a lot of *but's* with asterisk.. this would be one less (in my mind anyway)
18:49.53Juggiecisco phones suck, NEXT!
18:50.09DocHollidayJuggie, tell that to all my customers who haven't had one dead Cisco IP Phone
18:50.11mafkeesdont listen to all those angry people 7960. You are serving me great ;)
18:50.16QwellDocHolliday: they *do* work with asterisk :)
18:50.21JuggieDocHolliday, the hardware isnt the problem
18:50.28Juggiethe software is horrible
18:50.31OpperiorWell, then, what would you use if not Cisco?  Just Polycom?
18:50.32[TK]D-FenderPolycom > Cisco
18:50.40DocHollidayJuggie, SIP 8.6 is perfect
18:50.43[TK]D-FenderPolycom > ALL
18:50.43J4k3anything you don't have to hack to make work > Cisco.
18:50.47bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: agreed!
18:50.56[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : Perfect?  You mean full presence support, and SLA?
18:51.03bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: i meant that by making their Sip firmware crap, forces you to use SKINNY/MGCP
18:51.14DocHollidayi stand behind whatever solution i offer
18:51.18[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : Insidious isn't it? ;)
18:51.28JuggieDocHolliday, if you think ciscos sip FW is perfect, then you really need to try some other phones
18:51.30bkruse_homeincredibly, yes
18:51.31[TK]D-FenderDocHolliday : All hail the Almighty Dollar! ;)
18:51.36Juggiebecause i can assure you, it is FAR FAR FAR from perfect.
18:51.44Qwellbkruse_home: they don't want people using mgcp either
18:52.02[TK]D-FenderQwell : Ummm.. why OULD anybody use MGCP?
18:52.08Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I have *NO* idea
18:52.10OpperiorI've looked at Polycoms, and it seems like they don't have enough programmable buttons
18:52.13DocHollidayJuggie, i have heard Polycom is a good phone... i simply use what i have experience with
18:52.22Juggiego go mitel :)
18:52.24[TK]D-FenderOpperior : Programmable to do what?
18:52.30brookshireopperior, how many do you need?
18:52.31bkruse_homeQwell: agreed.
18:52.32mafkeesmake coffee
18:52.41[TK]D-FenderMakenshi : My * used to do that for me...
18:52.45[TK]D-Fender(no joke)
18:52.45DocHollidayQwell, hmm if the Cisco 7914 works with asterisk.. but it doesnt work with SIP?
18:52.53QwellDocHolliday: right
18:52.53Opperiorwhatever you want.  Quick access to system featues, speed dial, extention monitoring.. you name it
18:52.54mafkees[TK]D-Fender: I know. mine too
18:52.57[TK]D-Fenderbrookshire : I can arrange that :)
18:53.01brookshireif my coffee pot talked ruby :)
18:53.02DocHollidayQwell, so how *does* it work?
18:53.20[TK]D-Fenderbrookshire : I can arrange that too :)
18:53.20DocHollidayahh okay so whatever phone you want to use cisco 7914 with you simply run sccp?
18:53.23mafkeesoh yeah
18:53.27mafkeesskinny runs fine
18:53.28OpperiorI use a Snom 360, and sometimes I find 12 buttons aren't enough
18:53.31brookshire[TK]D-Fender: hot.. i need that
18:53.32QwellDocHolliday: no, you run it with skinny
18:53.34Qwellsccp is dead
18:53.43Qwell^ my official comment
18:53.48[TK]D-Fenderbrookshire : I get back with you on that shortly :)
18:53.55DocHollidaywell thats not a terrible solution i guess.. but not optimal obviously
18:54.02QwellYou can go ahead and quote me on that too :)
18:54.03brookshireOpperior: the polycom phone i've got, has a webbrowser!
18:54.11mafkeessccp will die on some softbuttons, being member of a queue, and meetme
18:54.12Opperiorso does my Snom
18:54.16brookshireso... there are like.. menus of buttons for other buttons
18:54.17mafkeesoh, and it wont work with 1.4
18:54.21DocHollidayQwell, i mean if i have to run skinny on one phone..i can live with that
18:54.28[TK]D-FenderOpperior : Get sidecars for IP 601/650
18:54.41brookshire[TK]D-Fender: then you could have like 50 buttons
18:54.46QwellDocHolliday: of course, skinny doesn't support hints, so your 7914 will be mostly useless, but hey
18:54.50Opperiorbut I find users like to have fast access to buttons on the phone it'self, not have to dig though a web interface
18:55.04DocHollidayQwell LOL useless POS
18:55.04mafkeesno hints, no speeddials
18:55.10Opperioryea, sidecars are nice, but an added expense
18:55.12Qwellyou could have 30 line keys
18:55.13brookshireOpperior: you can program the buttons.. the web interface is just the method of delivery
18:55.21Qwellor, however many...  what is it, 14?
18:55.27[TK]D-FenderOpperior : Good.  Fast. Cheap.  Pick two....
18:55.28mafkees14 it is
18:55.36Qwellyeah, that's right...
18:55.42OpperiorI know, I've quoted that to others myself :)
18:56.02[TK]D-FenderOpperior : then add "Physician, heal thyself!" to the list ;)
18:56.07mafkees1166                                 (btn++)->buttonDefinition = BT_CUST_LINESPEEDDIAL;
18:56.10brookshireQwell: 14 * 3 + 6
18:56.11J4k3"good fast and cheap..." "define cheap"
18:56.19Qwellyou know...I wonder
18:56.35Qwellis 2 7914s a limitation in CCM, or of the hardware itself?
18:57.09brookshireqwell: i blame gentoo
18:57.10DocHollidayQwell so its back to using one polycom phone i guess
18:57.35QwellDocHolliday: like I said - if I had one, I'd get it working.  Convince Cisco to send me one :P
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18:57.52DocHollidayQwell, if i sold enough of them i'd send you one ;)
18:58.37razorIs there a way to check if there is currently an active call on an extension (i need to return Busy in that case)
18:59.21*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
18:59.35DocHollidayqwell, but as it is its hard to even get an answer if Cisco 7941/61 works as well as 40/60 with asterisk
18:59.55Qwellthey should work jsut fine
19:00.19DocHollidayyeah i dont like 'shoulds' in my life :P going to get a friend to lend me one next week hopefully
19:01.02brookshireDocHolliday: if you absolutely must know if it will work, send a phone to qwell :)
19:01.10brookshireproblem solved :)
19:01.18DocHollidaybrookshire, well i'll just get one for myself and test it out :P
19:01.25brookshireor you could do that
19:01.36[TK]D-Fenderrazor : What would you like to do the checking?
19:02.49razor[TK]D-Fender, sorry - i dont understand the question. I am relaying the call to another PBX using zaptel. I need to only let one call pass trough per extension.
19:03.36[TK]D-Fenderrazor : Ok, you need to know within your DIALPLN.  in that case "show application chanisavail"
19:04.04DocHollidayqwell, apparently chan_sccp2 supports 7914?
19:04.14QwellDocHolliday: but not asterisk 1.4
19:04.15*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
19:04.28DocHollidayjust 1.2?
19:05.37DocHollidayqwell, actually it does work on 1.4 according to this article
19:06.01bkruse_homei seriously want a cupcake
19:06.07razor[TK]D-Fender, looks like something i can use - thanks :)
19:06.12DocHollidaywith sprinkles?
19:06.22bkruse_homenot really digging the sprinkles now
19:06.49DocHollidayit looks like a use rhas posted a diff file to patch 1.4 for sccp2
19:07.06QwellDocHolliday: $20 says it won't compile.
19:07.29DocHollidayi dont like betting with a person that knows more than me :)
19:07.39Qwell<Qwell> sccp is dead
19:08.03mafkeesand it crashes a lot
19:08.07[TK]D-FenderI only "gamble" when the outcome is guranteed ;)
19:08.09mafkeesIF you use it
19:08.31Qwell[TK]D-Fender: oddly enough, so do I ;)
19:08.52mafkeesdont hit the gpickup button if you like your asterisk to keep running
19:08.57DocHollidayim just being hopeful i guess
19:09.17DocHollidayqwell is there a T.38 ATA you recommend?
19:09.31brookshireQwell: sure does help that you have the "inside knowledge" :)
19:09.36Qwellbrookshire: :P
19:10.40*** join/#asterisk andrew` (
19:21.25mafkeesQwell: can I overwrite the softkey labels on the 7960 ?
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19:21.36mafkeesthe 4 under the display
19:21.42Qwelloh, yeah, in code...
19:22.25mafkeesfound it
19:22.33mafkeesgonna rename CFwdAll
19:22.59mafkeeslike the comments: it's the same
19:23.18mafkeesactually, it should be handled different
19:23.25mafkeesbut that's something to do in the future
19:25.41*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
19:25.44PakiPenguinhello everyone
19:25.55PakiPenguincan anyone suggest a good iax based ata?
19:26.28bkruse_homeuh, the iaxy?
19:26.39PakiPenguinanything other then that :p
19:27.22bkruse_homenot really
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19:34.16*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
19:34.24Carp1Is this a good phone:
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19:36.25redaxis it possible to have AND/OR in a GotoIf() command
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19:38.02[TK]D-Fenderredax : &&
19:38.09[TK]D-Fenderredax : ||
19:38.35[TK]D-FenderCarp1 : Yes, excellent phone
19:38.44Carp1Ok, thanks
19:38.46_MDC_is there a way in queues to run a command (eg CURL) when the call is answered? We would like to get statistics on how long the customers are waiting in the que...
19:38.50Carp1I am going to buy it I think.
19:38.56redaxI read some docs where '|' mentioned, but not worked for me
19:39.13PakiPenguinwill iaxy work , if i attach a fax machine with it and send faxes from it in this way faxmachine --> iaxy --> * --> zap
19:39.14redaxok, so like in lang C
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19:39.27[TK]D-Fender_MDC_ : thats alrady in the queue_log file
19:39.36Carp1does anyone use SellVoIP?
19:40.13[TK]D-FenderPakiPenguin : Don't get your hopes up.  If I were you I'd forget the idea of fax over VoIP
19:40.33_MDC_<[TK]D-Fender>: I use a homemade system for logging to a databas with additional information, do I have to use the log file?
19:41.01[TK]D-Fender_MDC_ : if its already there, why are you reinventing the wheel?
19:41.15[TK]D-Fender_MDC_ : And you could always add a macro in your Dial tot he agent.
19:42.17_MDC_<[TK]D-Fender>: using it together with our case system, but the macro will do it! thanks!
19:43.10_MDC_<[TK]D-Fender>, btw, will it be the same unique id for the call that goes in to the que and the one that will get it answered?
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19:50.19[TK]D-Fender_MDC_ : how to cheat : pass the Unique ID to the macro IN your dial statement.  Worst case : mod the callerID before the call gets dumped in queue.
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19:54.12Carp1I am ordering from a Yahoo store and it doesnt tell me how much shipping costs
19:54.23Carp1but it has 3 dofferent shipping options
19:54.51_MDC_<[TK]D-Fender>: can i set the macro directly in queues.conf like member=SIP/s1|M^answer or do I have to do a LOCAL/bla ?
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19:55.37redax[TK]D-Fender: seems like not double '&' and '|'
19:55.41redaxjust single
19:56.02[TK]D-Fender_MDC_ : Local
19:56.13redaxanyway thanks
19:56.16[TK]D-Fenderredax : Go read up on expression on the wiki
19:56.19ikaRus1any pointers for asterisk scripting tutorials?
19:56.24_MDC_<[TK]D-Fender>: thanks alot, will try
19:56.29[TK]D-FenderikaRus1 : as in?
19:56.43ikaRus1as in learning how to do it
19:57.20[TK]D-FenderikaRus1 : What kind of scripting?
19:57.46ikaRus1extentions programming for one
19:58.18bkruse_homelook at ael2
19:58.39bkruse_homelet me link u
19:59.13bkruse_homeasterisk extension language i believe
19:59.17ikaRus1thanks again.
20:00.14ruiedbkruse hehe, about the callerid, I've called to my service provider and they will activate the callerid in 48 hours without costs... :)
20:00.31DocHollidaycant you just set it yourself?
20:00.51bkruse_homeDocHolliday: no
20:00.54bkruse_homenot on a pstn
20:01.08bkruse_homewell, you can set it, but its dis-regarded
20:01.12DocHollidaybkruse_home, if you set the caller ID yourself.. on the call recipient's phone bill will it show the caller ID you set or whats been set by your provider?
20:02.28bkruse_homedepends on what provider also
20:02.38bkruse_homeusually, the local bells for residential do not let you set callerid
20:02.53bkruse_homebut enterprise/business types, including PRI/t1 let you set callerid
20:03.03DocHollidayfair enough :)
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20:03.20DocHollidaywhat about setting your phone number.. is that that the same deal?
20:03.40x86_PRI lets you modify CID, but CAS does not
20:03.44bkruse_homeall the same field
20:04.23DocHollidayyeah, but if you do set your number to one other than the actual number.. does the recipients bill show the real number?
20:04.50bkruse_homeits called callerID spoofing
20:05.10DocHollidayright :) and there is no way for the telco to 'track a spoofed #'
20:05.14bkruse_homethe reason for being able to do this is say you have 90 phones but only 1 PRI, but you only need 23 lines at all time
20:05.30bkruse_homeeach person can have a callerID set to THEIR number or exten, whatever, whatever
20:05.45bkruse_homeDocHolliday: hmm, probably not, but they could tell where it came from, i bet
20:06.04DocHollidaythe exchange you mean?
20:06.37bkruse_homebecause technically, it is coming from that number
20:06.40bkruse_homeits just a field thats set
20:06.50bkruse_homeso they could say hey, it came from our pri line 1231 or whatever
20:07.18DocHollidaygotcha, for example i will be buying 1 DID but multiple channels so to speak
20:08.15DocHollidayi'll be setting CID to whatever extension is being dialed from
20:08.15bkruse_homeyou can do that, yes
20:08.43DocHollidayi dont know why more companies dont do that.. usually you call back and they have no idea who called you!
20:10.45DocHollidaysome VoIP providers seem to offer unlimited DIDs incoming, but i cant seem to get them to give me free local termination :P
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20:13.48ruiedHow can I add  3 digits to a  number, I've tried this: exten => _282xxxxxxxxx,2,Dial(SIP/351${EXTEN}@voipbuster)
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20:18.42ruiedforget, It is like I've wrote... I had tree  more 'X' than I needed
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20:29.59J4k3a transcoded call on my * box, after anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes, I start getting regular 'static' in the call
20:30.23J4k3it starts off slow, just some pops every second... then more pops, then complete dropouts in the audio, then its totally unusable
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20:55.17mafkeesello oej
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21:05.35k84How can i have two voipbuster accounts, and call out via the one which isn't busy automatically?
21:06.56*** join/#asterisk nettie (
21:18.23nettieHi guys, I would like to connect 2x bri isdn to my asterisk box and I'm in the market for a 2+ bri card. I saw the Digigum one and is very expansive, I also found some clones but in my opinion their price is not low enought to push me buy them and maybe deal with possible troubles. I find very interesting the isdn cards based on the HFC Cologne chipset, they cost almost nothing and *IF* they work this will be a terrific deal. Has anyone experiece using
21:18.34*** join/#asterisk J4k3^ (
21:21.20cervinettie: What is the advantage of HFC?
21:21.40cervinettie: I am using AVM. They are cheap and work
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21:24.53nettiecervi: well I read about hfc mostly, I wasnt sure about AVM
21:25.04nettiecervi can you tell me more please?
21:25.31nettiecervi are those easy to find as well?
21:25.49nettieAVM fritzbox producres
21:28.22cervinettie: AVM is a german company. As I am german, they are easy to buy :-)
21:28.41cerviI don't know if they are easy to buy in other countries
21:28.53nettiecervi: well I'll them :)
21:29.04cervigood idea
21:29.11nettiecervi :
21:29.17nettiethats' the one?
21:30.00nettieis it fully supported and stable with asterisk?
21:30.45cerviyou want not fritzcard (passive), you want active (AVM B1 Card)
21:31.31cerviYes, AVM is supported (together with chan_capi)
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21:35.58nettieohh ok, great! thanx. Do you know if there might be some troubles with asterisk using 2 of them at the same time please?
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21:37.53cerviyes, it should be possible but try to buy a 2 or 4 Port card instead
21:37.57cerviAVM C2 or AVM C4
21:39.22nettiedo you know how much an AVM C2 is please?
21:40.22cerviin germany it's est. 500 Euros
21:40.31cervimaybe better luck on ebay
21:40.46nettieyeah.. a digium 4 bri is 800ish
21:41.24k84cervi, thanks
21:41.31*** join/#asterisk [[blah]asfd (
21:41.58cerviyou could also try an other competitor
21:42.07[[blah]asfdis it possible, and if so can someone point me in the direction of how to install an asterisk server on a 2GB usb jump drive?
21:42.19cerviToday I bought a 4 port Card for 150 Euro on ebay
21:42.34cerviUnfortunately you have to ask for Linuxdrivers by email
21:43.05cervi[blah]asfd: Could be a problem
21:43.13cervifor example for /dev files
21:43.35cervido you want to boot or "plug & start" ?
21:43.47nettiecervi hstnet has hfc
21:43.50J4k3[[blah]asfd: It can be done (linux doesn't care what you install to really, as long as your BIOS can boot from it)
21:43.54J4k3but the issue is longevity
21:44.03J4k3I've personally had flash drives fail within 1 month due to excessive writes
21:44.17[[blah]asfdwell, plug start would be ideal, but I know that would not be easy.
21:44.33cervinettie: What is the advantage of HFC?
21:44.54nettiecervi it's just a different chipset
21:45.14nettiecervi as far as I know. I just wanted to point it because the single channel hfc costs 15 euros
21:45.42cerviJ4k3: You could try again but avoid write (disable log or use remote syslog)
21:46.38*** part/#asterisk abrdeco (
21:46.38nettiethat's the reason I was very amazed by the pricing and I started to worry about stability and compatibility
21:46.40[[blah]asfdwhat I REALLY would like is to build something like vonages usb phone they just came out wiht
21:47.04J4k3cervi: yeah.  it *can* be done, if you avoid writes... but you start to lose usability.
21:47.17J4k3you can log to ram... but you lose the log upon reboot
21:47.21J4k3same for voicemail, etc.
21:47.40redaxis it possible to suppress the Manager  messages from console like: ` == Manager 'admin' logged on from'
21:47.57redaxonly the manager messages that I dont want...
21:48.16cerviJ4k3: You could set up an File/Storage Server, where you could write
21:48.31cervithe application itself still can run on other machines
21:48.38cerviyou could use NFS or iSCSI
21:49.11*** join/#asterisk Style-Z (
21:49.29Style-Zhello. i was wondering if anyone knew how to DROP calls from a certain area code?
21:49.54Style-Zi just want my pbx to hang up if you call from a certain area code.. not sure how to do this
21:50.10Style-Zim using asterisk 1.07
21:50.12[[blah]asfduse gotoif and redirect those calls to a hangup() extension
21:50.16Style-Zthanks in advance
21:50.46Style-Z[[blah] i actually tried this and i must be doing something wrong
21:50.53Style-Zlet me pastebin what i have
21:53.09[[blah]asfdtry making 1000 an extension instead of part of the macro
21:53.31Style-Zoh ok... like hangup_on_cunts,s,1
21:53.41Style-Zthen have that just be a hangup within its own extenstion
21:53.44Style-Zheh ok
21:55.44*** join/#asterisk IguanaNed (
21:56.52Style-Zwierd. its like its not picking up the caller id
21:57.19[[blah]asfdwhat does your NoOp show?
21:57.23Style-Zi just tried calling in again (i listed my area code as one to hangup on)
21:57.32Style-Zhow do i find that out?
21:57.40IguanaNedAsterisk n00b here... Just wondering if anyone has a good solution for Installing a Chat Server on my Asterisk box.. to enable people to chat while in conference call
21:58.26[[blah]asfdwatch the cli for the noop output
21:58.50Style-Zyeah im in the CLI its not showing anything when i call in
21:58.56Style-Zwhich is wierd because it used to
21:59.06Style-Zmaybe i got logging to display to cli turned off somehow
22:01.50[[blah]asfdset verbose 5
22:02.53Style-ZVerbosity was 0 and is now 5
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22:03.52Style-Zoh interesting
22:04.02Style-Zcalling number shows with the 1
22:04.12Style-Zcalling name shows as the number without the 1 prefix
22:04.23[[blah]asfddont use name
22:04.27[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : "show application meetme"
22:05.01Style-Z[[blah can i msg you?
22:07.40*** part/#asterisk mega (n=mega@
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22:17.38IguanaNedFender... does metme have chat capabilities?
22:17.59[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : it is a conference room.  Go read up on it,
22:18.47IguanaNedFender... "Your application(s) is (are) not registereF"
22:19.05[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : You may only get that app if you installed Zaptel before *
22:19.09IguanaNedI have read up on meetme but it loks to only do voice
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22:19.28IguanaNeddoes it do chat too?
22:19.34JTthis is asterisk
22:19.38JTit's meant to do voice
22:19.58IguanaNedI got the voice part down I just want to be able to chat at the same time
22:20.19[TK]D-FenderIguanaNed : * does not do IM of any kind
22:21.25ManxPowerIguanaNed: IF you want text chat then use a different system
22:21.57Style-Zinstall an ircd
22:22.35IguanaNedI amplanning on installeing ircd
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22:22.53IguanaNedi heard ircu is probably the most secure?
22:23.01Style-Zno idea/
22:23.09Style-Zgoogle will help with that.
22:23.10mafkeesI use ratbox
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22:28.01MarkWDim having problems getting make to work with redhat es3 does anyone know a howto for that version ?
22:35.25mmlj4MarkWD: are the tools installed?
22:35.33mmlj4rpm -qa | grep gcc
22:35.35mmlj4rpm -qa | grep make
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22:42.00MarkWDand make-3.79.1-17
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22:44.30MarkWDhave you heard of problems with that version of make ?
22:46.21fireshadeGreetz: question - I have an iaxy S101i connected to my asterisk backend, the backend has a digium TDM400P card in it.  Now, everything works great when the iaxy is provisioned for ULAW, however when provisioned for ADPCM the iaxy registers with the backend, but incomming FXO calls to the IAXy just ring and ring - while from the IAXY, I HEAR the FXO party... any ideas?
22:47.10fireshadeiaxy firmware is version 23
22:48.46fireshadeI'm anxious to solve this problem, since the ADPCM codec saves me approximately 40 kb/s vs ULAW (G.711)
22:49.07JTi assume it's going over the Internet :)
22:49.22fireshadeJT: correct.
22:49.46JTnot many people use the iaxy, not sure how much of a response you'll get
22:50.12fireshadeJT: It's so strange, I dial into the FXO line from my cell phone, the IAXy connected phone rings, I pick it up, I HEAR the party on the cell phone.. but the cell phone just keeps ringing
22:50.35fetcherfireshade: maybe try specifying G.726 instead of ADPCM?
22:50.48fetcherthey're basically the same codec.  Not sure why Asterisk has both...
22:51.00fireshadefetcher: you mean in the iax.conf file?
22:51.37fetcherfireshade: yup.  And on the IAXy if it has its own preferred-codec setting
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22:52.33fireshadefetcher: I'm currently provisioning the iaxy from the windows tool.. mabey that's a problem, I'll try from the shell tool in linux instead.. thanks.
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23:06.47kfictionhi there - just wondering what people think of Snom?
23:14.52fireshadeUnfortunately, the allow=g726 command didn't work at all for the iaxy.. appears to need allow=adpcm, still can't seem to get the incomming FXO line to stop ringing on dial to the iaxy's extension.. it's so odd that I can hear the caller through the iaxy tho, tho whole time they hear ringing.. is there any zapata.conf settings for "call pickup detection"???
23:17.01JTthat's pretty freaky
23:17.05JTanalogue line?
23:17.50kfictionanyone here has had any experience with Snom phones?
23:18.59fireshadeJT: yep.. it's an analog line connected to one of two FXO ports on the TDM400P card in the asterisk backend.  Things appear to work just fine when iaxy is provisioned for ULAW.
23:19.22JTso where's the ringing again?
23:21.05fireshadeJT: I hear continuous ringing from a call into the analog line (FXO) when the extension of the iaxy is dialed.. but from the iaxy, the connected phone rings, I pick it up, and I can hear anything said from the FXO incomming phone, while they hear only ringing...
23:21.58JTok, so you get a ringing tone in your earpiece, but no phone bells are still ringing or anything?
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23:23.05fireshadeJT: right... the phone connected to the iaxy initially rings, I answer it.. and can hear anything said from the outside phone, but the outside phone just keeps hearing ringing (through the phone)
23:23.44fireshadeJT: It's like the zap channel doesn't recognize that the iaxy answered
23:23.57JTyou receive a ringing indication, is a nice way to put it :)
23:24.02JTdoes the console show much?
23:24.25fireshadeJT: Let me try again with the console up...
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23:29.29fireshadejt: here's what I see...
23:29.41jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
23:29.58JTthere are at least 300 users here, it is not fair to flood them all
23:30.04fireshadeJT: oops... sorry
23:30.31JTwell at first glance that looks ok
23:30.59JTi'd be guessing the ringing indication is provided by asterisk
23:31.47putzzanyone have the pdf with PRI trouble codes?
23:32.11JTno, but you can google them
23:32.12fireshadeJT: right...  it shows that IAX2/1/3 answered the zap channel.  I'd agree with that too.. that the ringing indication is being provided by the backend
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23:32.50JTfireshade: when you ring with your cellphone, does asterisk answer and then provide a different ringtone, can you hear when it switches over?
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23:36.14fireshadeJT: Yes, the asterisk server answers and provides my recorded dialplan.. when I press "1" and the backend routes to the iaxy - the iaxy rings, I pickup and can hear the cell phone but the ringing indication continues to the cell phone
23:37.09fireshadeThat's odd, considering that the cli shows IAX2/1/3 answered Zap/3-1
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23:37.57JTok, umm pastebin your extensions.comf
23:40.35fireshadeJT: ok - pastebin refernence 362658
23:41.31fireshadehang one sec.. that was iax.conf.. pastebin of extensions.conf comming
23:42.05JTbe nice to send the url next time :P
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23:44.13JTiax_additional what the hell, don't tell me it's freepbx
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23:44.53fireshadeJT: worse than that - it's asterisk@home v1.5
23:45.08JTso it's like 5 centuries old too
23:45.13JTyou should upgrade :P
23:45.37fireshadeJT: you're absolutely right.. :)  I think I'm probably fighting old code
23:46.18JTi don't even know if the revant stuff is in extensions.conf or if it's included
23:46.21JTit's just a mess
23:46.27JTthe latest Asterisk 1.2.x is the go
23:46.58fireshadeJT: right-o.. I'll read up, switch over, and give a try from that distribution.. thanks for the patience up to this point JT
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