irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070211

00:00.18[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : It might be a thought, but I'm too Linux-Challenged to profit from it....
00:00.22*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
00:00.24drakohow Can I stop asterisk for look at res_mysql or res_odbc
00:00.43[TK]D-Fenderdrako : "noload => [modulename]" in modules.conf
00:00.46*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
00:00.54ttuttleMy older laptop uses a SmartLink modem, which would actually be quite easy to support.
00:01.07blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: yah, but TAUG is running a mini-Asterisk conference inside Linuxworld -- so it'd be worth it
00:01.16ttuttleThere is an "off-hook" switch in the Alsa mixer, and you can use it just like a sound card.
00:01.20[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : You have our permission to begin coding it yourself.
00:01.34denonor you could just buy a real card
00:01.42denonor usb device, for laptop
00:01.51ttuttledenon: Are there cheap USB devices?
00:01.59denondefine cheap
00:02.05denoncheaper than a nortel module, yeah
00:02.10ttuttledenon: less than $40, as defined before?
00:02.31[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : Barring your disdain at the figure you're about to receive there ARE some cheap users on the other hand....
00:03.09[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : Whats your take on FXS while we're at it?
00:03.19ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: What do you mean, what's my take?
00:03.55ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: I don't particularly need it, as I would have to convince my family to switch to VoIP for our real phone line, but it's always nice to have an FXS port "for future expansion".
00:04.04ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: FXO would be most useful though.
00:04.06[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : Well you think that 15$ for a supported X100P is bad, so what about the cost of FXS ports, and what alternatives are you promoting?
00:04.08*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
00:04.58ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: Argh.  It's not that having to buy one is bad.  It's that there's a pretty standard voice command set and Asterisk removed support for it.
00:05.14ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: /me thinks it would be cool if someone could build a cheap FXS.
00:05.42ttuttleBut the reality is, most people who would pick up Asterisk and tinker with it would first try having it handle their incoming calls and sending them to a softphone.
00:06.10[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : and since you seem to be the judge of what the market value (which is based on demographics) should be, what IS that value of FXS in your mind?
00:06.59ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: Hmm.  It'd be cool if there was a cheap one around $30-$40.  I guess there are ATA's for about $80-ish right now, which do both, so that's getting there.
00:07.15ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: I think $50 for a good FXO/FXS device would be a sweet spot.
00:07.22ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: But the volume isn't enough for prices to be that low.
00:07.24[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : cool != reasonable.
00:07.31ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: I know.
00:07.42[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : Congratulations, you are coming around....
00:08.05[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : Time to acknoledge reality and move on...
00:08.23ttuttle18:56  * ttuttle admits defeat.
00:08.54[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : And then I asked you on the FXS side :)
00:09.00ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: Oh, yeah.
00:09.08[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : I'm just ensuring the "completeness" of your defeat :)
00:09.20ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: /me has been crushed, completely.
00:10.00[TK]D-Fender"Lord, give me the strength to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to accept the things I cannot change"
00:11.07ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: lol
00:13.39[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : I'm still waiting for the flying cars, robot maids, meal-in-a-pills, and dolphin-friendly tuna I've been promised all these years....
00:13.54[TK]D-Fender....oh wait.. scratch the latter off my list...
00:14.02denonyum.. dolphins
00:14.02[TK]D-Fenderone down...
00:14.08*** join/#asterisk karmatronic (n=karmatro@
00:14.10[TK]D-FenderNEXT!!@!@!@ (c) BKW
00:15.00denon(r)(c) 2007
00:15.06[TK]D-Fenderdenon : I hear they taste somewhere between a bald eagle & a Canada goose :)
00:15.26denonooh, canadian goose is tasty .. pan fried with a little paprkia
00:15.55[TK]D-Fenderone of my favourite spices.  the base of curry & prepared mustard....
00:16.15*** join/#asterisk brussel_ (
00:16.19denonwith a side of dolphin under glass
00:16.57denonall sprayed with aerosol butter
00:17.29[TK]D-Fenderand served in a non-bio-degradeable container :)
00:17.46denonand plastic silverware
00:18.23*** part/#asterisk mog (
00:18.32denonuh oh, mog's here
00:18.37denonooh, gone
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00:23.57roguebugi'd like the user to type a 3 or 4 digit pin (that my context gets as a variable via SetVar), and jump to different priorities depending on whether it was correctly entered.
00:24.01roguebughow do  i do that?
00:24.34*** join/#asterisk karmatronic (n=karmatro@
00:26.52ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: So do you know of a USB device that's "reasonably priced" by your standards?
00:27.37*** join/#asterisk Grnd-Wire (
00:28.06ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: Or any at all?
00:28.41*** part/#asterisk Sphiron (i=None@gateway/tor/x-206c020fb50b1119)
00:29.54Grnd-Wire[TK]D-Fender: hey there! Are you familiar with Aastra phones at all, or are you strictly Polycom?
00:29.58[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : Nope.  The only real USB option for ANYTHING out there is the Astribank, and its more feature/port packed.
00:30.09[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : Welcome to the wonderful world of ATA's.
00:30.38[TK]D-FenderGrnd-Wire : I am somewhat familiar with the 480i
00:31.24[TK]D-FenderGrnd-Wire : And I have owned plenty of Linksys gear.  So I am not "stricty" Polycom, just a strong proponent of...
00:31.28ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: Hmm, that's strange.  Wouldn't USB adapters be more of a consumer (i.e., low port count) item, and PCI cards be more of an enterprise thing?
00:31.43ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: Do you have any opinion of the SPA-3000?
00:32.30[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : Voip conversion of FXO/FXS isn't a consumer thing at all!  Since when do "consumers" have PBX's in their homes?
00:32.40[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : Works jsut fine.  I've owned one.
00:32.55[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : the closest thing to what you're hoping to find.
00:33.22ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: A 1 FXS/1 FXO device is much more common for consumers than something with 8 ports.
00:33.33Grnd-Wire[TK]D-Fender: hmm - That should work.. I am doing my first deployment of 10 phones (9331i's), and I'm trying to make use of 802.1q VLANs.. I'm having a serious issue with the passthrough port passing traffic into the network. Are you at all familiar with this type of setup, so you can validate my logic?
00:33.52[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : Petty semantics at best.... Consumer != PBX user.
00:33.59ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: True.
00:34.28[TK]D-FenderGrnd-Wire : No experiens with VLAN's at all, sorry
00:34.55[TK]D-Fendercan't type today.
00:35.11Grnd-Wire[TK]D-Fender: ack! ok.. Do you know of anyone else that hangs out in the channel that might be a good resource? I'll even buy coffee.. :P
00:35.22ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: lol, Astribank = really expensive.
00:36.14*** join/#asterisk e-milio (
00:36.40Qwellthere once was a usb fxs ATA
00:36.41[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : Astribank = reasonably priced for what it does.
00:36.44*** join/#asterisk mog (
00:36.44*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
00:36.46Qwellwe no longer talk about it though
00:36.49Qwellright mog?
00:37.16*** part/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
00:37.18ttuttleQwell: ?
00:37.47mogof course
00:38.00QwellI think he knows exactly what I'm talking about too :P
00:38.23ttuttleQwell: Will you tell me, or is it a secret?
00:38.35Qwellit doesn't exist
00:38.38ttuttleQwell: Oh.
00:38.42ttuttleQwell: So what was it?
00:38.54Qwelljust what I said
00:39.05Grnd-Wire[TK]D-Fender: oh my god.. I've never heard of the Astribank before.. Is that a product you recommend? It looks really cool (and small!) on Xorcom's site
00:39.06ttuttleQwell: Never mind.
00:39.27ttuttleWhat's the cheapest ATA with one FXO and one FXS port?  Is it the Sipura SPA-3000?
00:39.36Grnd-Wire[TK]D-Fender: At $61 per port, that's cheaper than Digium's/Rhino's $96 per port..
00:40.04QwellGrnd-Wire: USB turns some people off though
00:40.17Qwellnot to rag on Xorcom..  I'm sure their stuff is great
00:40.25Grnd-Wirettuttle: Grandstream has one, but there are those who would recommend staying AWAY from Grandstream.
00:40.31ttuttleGrnd-Wire: Oh?
00:40.36ttuttleGrnd-Wire: Why?
00:40.51Grnd-Wirettuttle: hmm - Quality.. There is a reason why it doesn't cost as much as other stuff..
00:40.56Qwellttuttle: let's put it this way...
00:41.06Qwellno chinese company is ever going to make cheap clones of grandstream
00:41.21ttuttleQwell: Ah, so they're the cheap clone ;-)
00:41.25Grnd-Wirettuttle: Go to and search around - find your own thing..
00:41.31Qwelltechnically, no, but yes :P
00:41.34Grnd-WireQwell: HAHAHA.. That was worth a beer..
00:42.18ttuttleGrnd-Wire: It's not much cheaper than the SPA-3000.
00:42.33Qwellttuttle: exactly
00:42.39Grnd-WireQwell: You know, I don't mind the fact it's USB - because that means I can attach like 6-8 of those devices, presuming their drivers don't have limits on that.. :D
00:42.50ttuttleQwell: And I bet the SPA-3000 is much more solid.
00:42.52QwellGrnd-Wire: I don't know...
00:42.54Qwellttuttle: yes
00:42.59Grnd-WireQwell: I am building stuff into 1U chassis, and it's really had to fit T1 boards or even FXO boards into cases that small..
00:43.00*** join/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
00:43.04QwellGrnd-Wire: I'm sure if tzafrir was around, he'd pipe in
00:43.19Grnd-WireQwell: Is he the anti-USB one? :P
00:43.25Qwellno, he works for xorcom
00:43.30Qwellor something
00:43.48Grnd-Wireohhh! That's cool..
00:44.16QwellGrnd-Wire: as for 1U, you should be able to fit at least a single span in there
00:44.20anothy_xi realize this is only tangentially on topic, but i'm trying to get a linksys rt31p2, formerly from vonage, connected to an asterisk, and am having trouble getting the thing unlocked. anyone know about such things?
00:44.26QwellI'm pretty sure there are low-profile brackets available for it
00:45.07Grnd-WireQwell: yeah, but not alot of my current customers use T-1's.. and channel banks aren't cost effective until you hit the 12-24 line level.. Then you either need to switch over, or you just keep doing the old thing, and using a channel bank.
00:45.35Qwellwell, IMO using a channel bank for FXO is silly
00:45.46QwellT1 can often be less expensive than 8 analog lines
00:46.02Grnd-WireI would agree with you - except if you're doing a drop-in replacement, then it may be the only way to go..
00:46.05Qwell(of course, in some areas, I hear that 24 analog lines are cheaper than a T1, but I digress)
00:46.15ttuttleQwell: Out of curiosity, what's an average price for an analog line for businesses?  I think (residentially) I pay $14.
00:46.27Qwellttuttle: $50-100 I'd imagine
00:46.33ttuttleQwell: Jeez, that's expensive.
00:46.40Grnd-WireQwell: In this area, a business line is about $33 after taxes..
00:46.54QwellGrnd-Wire: taxes/fees?
00:46.56ttuttleQwell: How much do the calls cost on top of that?
00:47.06Qwellttuttle: 2c/min is always a fair estimate
00:47.07Grnd-WireQwell: Yeah, all the universal access crap, etc..
00:47.25Qwellwell, for analog, probably more
00:47.58*** part/#asterisk roguebug (
00:49.03*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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00:55.43[TK]D-Fenderttuttle : Or you can forego POTS altogether and terminate on SIP for < .01/min WITHOUT investment.
00:59.18ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: I have Vitelity SIP for $0.0139/min out and $0.011/min in.
01:00.05ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: Have you had any experience with Vitelity?  Do you know any other providers in that price range (less than $0.02/min) that are better?
01:02.04ttuttleHow do I tell asterisk to use extensions.ael but *not* extensions.conf?
01:02.31*** join/#asterisk diarmaidol (
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01:02.36*** join/#asterisk i3inary (
01:04.19ttuttlenever mind
01:06.01*** part/#asterisk s0lid (n=jlq@
01:06.12*** join/#asterisk sevard (
01:06.31sevardWho knows anything about IRC + telnet, I can't get quit messages to work, QUIT :Goodbye World!  does not work
01:06.49*** part/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
01:06.49ttuttlesevard: Google "irc rfc".
01:06.58sevardThat's the syntax in the rfc
01:07.15ttuttlesevard: Hmm.
01:07.29sevardI've tried 3 different networks, no dice
01:07.54drakoOk here i go again, how I can stop asterisk to ask for res_mysql ?
01:08.28*** join/#asterisk ttuttle_ (n=randompe@gentoo/contributor/ttuttle)
01:08.44ttuttlesevard: hmm.
01:09.14ttuttlesevard: I know.
01:10.00sevardyou can toggle crlf from <CR><NULL> to <CR><LF> but that doesn't help
01:10.10ttuttleI'm going to test it using irssi and watching with wireshark.
01:10.17sevardgood idea
01:11.41*** join/#asterisk ttuttle (n=ttuttle@gentoo/contributor/ttuttle)
01:11.56ttuttleI'm trying it again, using CRLF.
01:12.14drako  <- i want to get rid of these warnings and error
01:12.28*** join/#asterisk PupenoR (n=pupeno@
01:12.32[TK]D-Fenderdrako : I already told you how to disable those modules...
01:12.38[TK]D-Fenderdrako : no go do it.
01:12.39drako[TK]D-Fender, i did
01:12.59drakonoload =>
01:12.59drakonoload =>
01:13.03[TK]D-Fendergo into your modules folder and remove the .so while you're at it then
01:14.04drakogot it
01:15.01*** join/#asterisk ttuttle_ (n=ttuttle_@gentoo/contributor/ttuttle)
01:15.15ttuttle_Hmm, I can't get it to work either.  That's strange.
01:17.19funkmasterwhere can i get the genzaptelconf?
01:17.38sevardttuttle_: what to do?
01:18.15danpttuttle_: i use vitelity, they're ok
01:18.16sevardall of the RFC docs say QUIT :msg, perhaps it's the newline stuff that telnet throws in
01:18.27danpdefinitely use SIP and not IAX
01:18.53ttuttle_sevard: Don't use telnet?
01:18.59sevardneed it ;/
01:19.01ttuttle_danp: Why?  How bad is IAX?
01:19.14ttuttle_sevard: Why?  And are quit messages so important?
01:19.24ttuttle_sevard: You could always use part messages before quitting
01:19.27sevardit's just really, really annoying
01:19.50danpit can get choppy during their busy times...i actually haven't tried it in a while (they've since moved to some new servers/network and asterisk has had some changes)
01:19.58danpbut SIP works fine for me
01:20.52*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
01:21.25ttuttle_danp: Yeah, their SIP seems to be okay.  I've had a couple problems connecting to toll-free numbers sometimes.
01:23.47danpi have a DID with them, too, and it works well
01:24.03danpbut i think when i had them turn on intl calling they fixed my caller id name to "sixtel, LLC" which is kind of annoying
01:24.37ttuttle_Is there any way using AEL to include one context in another, but set a variable depending on which context is used?  I want to have two outbound contexts that both route to Free World Dialup but with different numbers.
01:24.46ttuttle_danp: That seems annoying.
01:25.27*** join/#asterisk ttuttle (n=tom@gentoo/contributor/ttuttle)
01:25.36funkmasterdoes anyone know how i can get the genzaptelconf?
01:25.37ttuttleSorry, switching back to a real IRC client.
01:28.11danpfunkmaster: google?
01:28.22funkmasteryeah i tried but i don't find it
01:29.23danpmight not be exactly the right one but it's probably a start
01:30.00funkmasterhm sorry for the noob question, but this is a shell script or what?
01:30.28funkmasterand it goes in which directory?
01:30.40danpit probably doesn't matter
01:30.50funkmasterah okey thx for the help :D
01:39.39drakoanyone installed ARI standalone?
01:41.23i3inaryhas anyone gotten a cisco 7960 to work on 1.4.0 using P0S3-08-6-00 i cant seem to get my phone to register
01:45.14blitzragei3inary: nope, just on 8.4
01:45.27blitzragebut I haven't tried 8.6 yet
01:47.37i3inaryim going to give 8.2 a shot...i just went for the latest i never had anything working on this system to start with so i better get an old version working first
01:49.03*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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02:22.59ttuttleSometimes, when I place a call to a POTS line through my SIP provider, if I hang up my softphone while the POTS line is ringing, it keeps ringing.
02:23.24ttuttleIf I answer the POTS call, it immediately hangs up.
02:24.24ttuttleHow can I fix this?
02:32.21*** join/#asterisk karmatronic (n=karmatro@
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02:35.36ttuttleMy VoIP provider won't hang up a POTS call until it's been answered.
02:36.38*** join/#asterisk eltech (
02:45.47CrashHDanyone have an issue where a sip phone doesn't stop ringing?
02:49.03*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
02:49.03*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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03:05.12MavvieIf I want to stream TV over my network, I buy a Hauppage PVR250 card and it works. Does anybody know if these kind of cards also are available for radio? (in case you're wondering what this has to do with asterisk, I'm trying to figure out a way to stream radio stations over our VoIP network :-)
03:06.01JTa lot of the analogue tv tuner cards did fm radio too
03:07.20dansmithMavvie: the PVR350 has a FM tuner
03:07.29MavvieJT: aha, I'll have a look for them then.
03:07.44dansmithMavvie: and the ivtv modules have radio options, so I assume there is some way to get the stream
03:07.57Mavviedansmith: aha, didn't know that. I just have a 250.
03:09.21MavvieI see if I have played with ivtv a looong time ago:
03:09.21Mavviedrwxr-xr-x    3 edwin  edwin     512 Sep 29  2004 ivtv-0.1.10
03:12.57Mavviehmmm... so silly... everybody is streaming in Real of WMV format, but putting their archives online as MP3.
03:14.24Qwell0.1.10?  jeebus
03:15.10MavvieQwell: that's 2004 we're talking about.
03:15.20dlynes_laptopeh?  why is zaptel 1.2.13 over twice the size of 1.2.12?
03:19.58*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
03:22.15coppicethat's progress :-)
03:25.57*** join/#asterisk h0 (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:31.51dlynes_laptopprogress, eh?
03:31.56dlynes_laptopyou sure?
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03:32.19The_DoC^look at the changelog
03:33.10dlynes_laptopThe changelog'll show what's changed
03:33.17dlynes_laptopIt won't explain why it's over twice the size
03:34.26*** join/#asterisk frogzoo (n=frogzoo@
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03:37.24rue_mohrany suggestions for installing * on debian?
03:37.45coppiceyep, i'm sure. Vista represents more than 6 years progress over XP, and look how much that has grown
03:37.57rue_mohrcoppice, none?
03:38.20sevardcoppice: -72%?
03:38.25tzafrir_laptoprue_mohr, apt-get? at least on Etch
03:38.28*** join/#asterisk h0 (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:38.45rue_mohrok, nothing important I should know about then, cool
03:39.02rue_mohrsevard, none is pretty forgiving, isn't it
03:39.11coppiceif free software developers can't double size between two minor revisions they kind of competition would they be?
03:39.59sevardrue_mohr: pretty forgiving
03:40.02rue_mohris that like using ash to add volume to dog food?
03:40.40The_DoC^I hate tring to figure the ip address of a piece of equipment that is unknown
03:40.54rue_mohrlcdproc ;)
03:41.15rue_mohrI assume your using the mac adderss to start with the network card manuf
03:42.02rue_mohrI think theres a way to use knoppix to start a debian install
03:46.36The_DoC^I know the mac address off of the switch, just trying to find its ip, if it was setup fordhcp then no problem but its set static
03:46.48The_DoC^and its on a differnet subnet
03:46.49rue_mohroh thats easy
03:47.14rue_mohruse nmap to ping all the addresses on tehnetwork, cat its output to a file, do a search on it fo hte mac address
03:47.25rue_mohrbing bang boom done
03:47.29The_DoC^I did a arp -a
03:49.03*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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03:53.25Qwellchristel: I don't suppose you've heard from Bhaal in the last two days?
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03:56.29Gershwinhmm, i just got a flyer in the mail from comcast
03:56.41Gershwincomcast will do voip for 12 months for $396.00
03:57.27Qwellthat's like $35/mo
03:57.27Gershwinafter 12 months, it goes up to $479.00 / year
03:58.06Gershwinoh wait
03:58.46Gershwinthat's only if i have a cable TV and internet plan thru them
03:59.08Gershwinif it's only for VOIP, it's $659.40 a year
03:59.30coppiceI can't imagine paying $396 for phone service :-\
04:00.11Gershwini guess it shows that anyone with a phone switch and some bandwidth can become a telephone company, should they so chose
04:08.09*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
04:08.46tzafrir_laptopI see David Rowe posted something that is geting close to useful regrding the echo canceller:
04:12.59*** part/#asterisk fx0 (
04:14.20joe[TK]D-Fender: ping
04:15.10*** join/#asterisk vvortex3 (i=Lanniste@
04:15.29vvortex3how do you do extension _1, if you are already in extension _1 for another menu?
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04:16.07ManxPowervvortex3: you don't unless you can put it in a different context
04:17.28coppicetzafrir_laptop: it still has some way to go
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04:29.27joehow do you play a sound bite using page?
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04:47.40Bobthehuntersound bite using page ? ;) sound bites with jimmy page
04:48.11coppicearen't those called riffs?
04:48.26Bobthehunterdont know wht hes asking
04:48.29Bobthehuntersound bite ?
04:48.43coppicenibbling over IP
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04:49.36Bobthehunternibling over i p
04:49.38ManxPowerjoe: "show application dial" did not help.  Pay special attention to the A(x) optoin
04:50.10Bobthehunteranounce lol
04:50.30Bobthehunterhe meant .. how do i play a sound file to the called party ;)
04:50.41Bobthehunterhe asked that like i usually ask questions, without sense
04:56.04ManxPowerI'm in a good mood so I didn't berate him for being lazy when asking the question
04:56.57*** join/#asterisk Chrismo (n=Chrismo@fsf/member/chrismo)
04:57.41coppicenow where's the fun in that?
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05:09.57joeManxPower: yah, figured it out thanks
05:12.08*** join/#asterisk AlexGC (n=hpod@
05:14.04AlexGCMay I bother you gurus with a FXO question?
05:14.42Bobthehunterno gurus here only jedi's
05:15.02AlexGCha.. funny, that was mas school nickname
05:15.53AlexGC... those fast reflexes could have been handy do
05:17.37*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
05:18.43coppicean FXO cannot reliably detect answer. the other conditions can be detected by tone detection
05:19.06coppiceor is it detected by a light sabre?
05:19.48Bobthehunteruse the force to detect...
05:19.52Bobthehunter./detect -f
05:20.03Bobthehuntergot cha
05:20.29ShadowHntrin the near future.
05:20.47AlexGCI was setting up a teleyapper script that was going to dial out via an FXO, to deliver msgs.
05:20.55Bobthehunterjust played 6 hours of entropia universe..
05:21.11AlexGCbut on my preliminary tests, it starts playing before you answer makes ATAs, but do they use light sabres?
05:21.45Bobthehunternice eal cash game.. you can make millions.. one guy got 100k mortg on house to buy a space station and renting biz offices and 1000 lofts.. @ 1000 to 10000 peds each.. 10 PED = 1 US
05:22.20Bobthehunterso he makes 100k usd to 1 mill for lofts + all the commercial estates.
05:24.06AlexGCHow can one reliably detect answer?
05:24.16Bobthehunterlisten ?
05:24.19coppiceuse ISDN
05:24.21Bobthehunterno idea..
05:24.24Bobthehunterwe have only pris
05:24.35Bobthehunteranalog sucked.. echo and all
05:24.42AlexGCI have no ISDN here :(
05:24.54Bobthehunterwehre u at ?
05:25.02Bobthehunteroh shit
05:25.09Bobthehunteryeah i hear you .. lived 6 months there
05:25.21orlockwhat are the comms like?
05:25.22AlexGClarge telco monopoly
05:25.23Bobthehunterhad to pay the telmex guy 100$ USD to bypass 6 months install time
05:25.25coppicein a few places analogue lines give a signal on answer, but its pretty rare these days
05:25.25Bobthehuntercheap ;)
05:25.33orlockBobthehunter: ok, that says everything :)
05:25.37Bobthehunterthey analog crap with static..
05:25.45orlockbut at least you CAn pay a guy cash to bypass the telco!
05:25.51Bobthehunterhad torule keeping a 14.4 k modem up
05:26.04Bobthehunteryes.. in canada it cost me 1k to get a T1 overnight
05:26.12Bobthehunterinstead of 45 days
05:26.35Bobthehunterthen i paid 20k to get a 2 x fibers on 5 day deadline on a sonet loop
05:26.48Bobthehunterif ii dint i had lost 3 big clients
05:26.55AlexGCBob, so you actually bypassed telmex?
05:26.59Bobthehunterbut they wanted 20k monthly for local loops
05:27.12orlockBobthehunter: dang, we never even get the option for shit like that
05:27.14Bobthehunterso i bough the floor and drilled the wall between us and UUNET at the time.. saved 20k a month
05:27.22orlockBobthehunter: or did you have to go above somebodys head to get the option?
05:27.32Bobthehunterpassed 2 1/16th of an inch wires; )
05:27.48Bobthehunteryou pay call install co.. here was .. hmm
05:28.08Bobthehunterthen i asked for supervisor for some alram system i had to tell hiom about so i got is page.. he called back
05:28.14Bobthehunteri said ill give you cash if ...
05:28.19Bobthehunterand he said okay
05:28.21orlocknice work
05:28.36Bobthehunterlearned that in mexico
05:28.52Bobthehunterhad 4 laptops @ 5k each delivered FEDEX .... to mexico
05:28.55Bobthehuntererror !
05:28.57orlockyeah, i guess it would make you think of other ways to "get the job done"
05:29.05Bobthehuntercustoms told me to pay them 2k cahs or they kept merhcandise
05:29.20AlexGCyou need coyotes to bring merchandize in
05:29.22Bobthehunterso i said  fno way im not signing delivery so you have to send back
05:29.24AlexGCspecially fancy one
05:30.23Bobthehunterthey sent back then i called manuf.. and saidd send to sandiego.. i got 2 my employyes ion a plane and they flew .. came back with open boxes ;)
05:31.14orlockBobthehunter: here i think a lot of places are full of lazy people that are paid well enough that generally its not worth it for them
05:31.14Bobthehunterbah everyoen likes 1k cash
05:31.14Bobthehunteri do..
05:31.14orlockBobthehunter: open boxes or empty?
05:31.14Bobthehunternah they ripepd the boxes and came back with lappys ounder the arm
05:31.14orlockdell laptop being blamed for house burning down
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05:31.23Bobthehunteras personal crap .
05:32.07Bobthehunteri was staying at the marina vallarta in peurto vallarta
05:32.07orlockBobthehunter: ahh
05:32.07Bobthehunter2 suite pentoutses for 6 months
05:32.07Bobthehunterthen biat..that rented was asking me 5k each a month
05:32.08Bobthehunterand after 4 months i cought here counting and splitting rent before paying owenr.. so she was skimming 50% in her pockets
05:32.17Bobthehunterso i got her on a trip.. ;) and i dont know what hapepned next.. mexico you know
05:32.31Bobthehuntershe prolly won a depp sea fishing trip one way
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05:33.20Bobthehunterill never know.. all i asked is for the owner to get my 20k back... and it did reapeear.. so mexico is ..hmm off my list
05:33.29Bobthehunternuf said
05:33.45AlexGCgot the idea LOL
05:33.45orlockBobthehunter: fark
05:34.28orlockBobthehunter: have you read Neal Stephenson's Mother Earth, Mother Board?
05:35.16orlockBobthehunter: interesting story about a holiday he takes around the world following a fibre cable being laid
05:35.24orlockgoes through thailand, etc
05:35.50orlockBobthehunter: yup
05:37.21orlockBobthehunter: yeah, i was reading that
05:37.22Bobthehunterless PMD on fiber
05:37.26Bobthehunternice thing
05:37.31Bobthehunterthe lash dot ?
05:37.38Bobthehunternice coincidence
05:39.11orlockgoddamn, its getting hot
05:39.15orlockfeels like its 30deg
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05:54.29pardovei have problem installing TDM2400, system waits on modprobe wctdm24xxp forever.
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05:57.53rue_mohrok, Ihave my machine ready for *
05:58.05sevarddidja prep her good?
05:58.16rue_mohrapt-get install asterisk?
05:58.26sevarddownload the source
05:58.31rue_mohror should I avoid that likethe plauge,
05:58.31sevardcompile yourself
05:58.33rue_mohrhehe ok
05:58.41rue_mohryou sure you wanna take me down that road?
05:59.16sevardfor a fee.
05:59.38rue_mohrdownlaod source eh?
06:00.05rue_mohrhmm, version prefs?
06:00.17rue_mohra bit back form the bleeding edge?
06:00.54rue_mohroh, lets make this fun, 1.4
06:01.02rue_mohrooo its .0 too
06:02.23rue_mohris there testing I can d before installing the T1 card?
06:02.36rue_mohrease me into it?
06:03.37sevardput your fingers into the rj45?
06:03.56sevardi say 1.2
06:04.13sevardif you want, i know a really good consultant who charges reasonable prices
06:04.30rue_mohrthis is'n't a priority for me
06:04.39rue_mohrunless the roommates 3am call volume goes up
06:04.40sevardin fact, i know he's available right know
06:05.03rue_mohrin which case the evilness of his ivr goes up
06:05.06sevardyou have a T1 going to your apartment?
06:05.16rue_mohrno, I have a newbridge
06:05.25rue_mohrand a heap of modules for it
06:05.50rue_mohr1 analog line and 2 roommates
06:05.53rue_mohrno answering machine
06:06.10rue_mohrand its a house
06:09.02rue_mohrI have a merridian 616, but the idea of ivr and voicemail is much too appealing
06:09.57sevardare you... dumpster diving for this shit?
06:10.14rue_mohrno I might be in kb1_kanobies fallout
06:11.07rue_mohryou dont know kb1_kanobe?
06:11.18sevardi know obi wan
06:11.25rue_mohrno kb1
06:11.31sevardnot knowing
06:11.40rue_mohrhe's my guru, none the less
06:11.57sevardand he gives you expensive equiptment?
06:12.14rue_mohrI dispose of things for him
06:12.36rue_mohrthe T1 card I have *MIGHT* have a screwie clock
06:13.01sevardi wouldn't mind being a garbage disposal for said hardware
06:13.25rue_mohrmeridian 616?
06:13.46rue_mohrits got no T1 connector...
06:13.52sevardneither have I
06:14.05rue_mohryou work with *?
06:14.09sevardi do
06:14.20rue_mohrwhat do you use for human interface?
06:14.40sevardi use parts of my body, also vocalizations are good
06:15.01rue_mohr* has a string/can interface?
06:15.02coppicepsarts of the body are better
06:15.25*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (n=rob-x@
06:15.49sevardI'm currently constructing the world's largest string and can network
06:15.53coppicehave you noticed how with humans a male connector *always* fits a female connector? If on;y humans could design that well :-)
06:15.59rue_mohrI tried that once
06:16.16sevardit interfaces with ISDN lines into asterisk and a repeater with LED flashers pointed at the moon
06:16.22coppicesomeone is trying to do OFDM over a string and two cans
06:16.58rue_mohrhmm ok
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06:18.06rue_mohrwhats OFDM?
06:20.15rue_mohris a nortel system better or worse than string cans?
06:20.36rue_mohryea, I thought maybe
06:21.05rue_mohrif nortel made string cans, you coldn't hear the guy on the other end without a liscence for each can, right?
06:21.17rue_mohrand 1 or two for the string?
06:21.59rue_mohror 1 for the string and one for each word used over the string?
06:23.33rue_mohr"checking whether the C compiler (gcc -O6 ) works... no"
06:23.44Qwellsee config.log
06:23.49Qwell(like it says to do)
06:24.25rue_mohr:/ I cant find one
06:25.03rue_mohrah under editline
06:25.29rue_mohrno ld on the system yet
06:25.33rue_mohrthankyou :)
06:27.06rue_mohrahh, the fun of a new system
06:30.23rue_mohrI think I'm gonna need a soft phone for linux...
06:31.33rue_mohrkphone ?
06:32.44rue_mohrwait, voip or sip?
06:35.08rue_mohranyone have suggstions here?
06:35.26*** join/#asterisk shellshark (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
06:35.59rue_mohryay, it compiled
06:36.38rue_mohrok, its installed
06:36.45rue_mohrmeaning what I'm not sure
06:38.34rue_mohrok, I'v done some maintenance on an * machine, but never set one up from scratch
06:39.05sevardI know a really good consultant who charges reasonable prices
06:39.16rue_mohrI dont mind being lost!
06:39.28rue_mohrhmm /etc/asterisk is MT...
06:39.36rue_mohrthis could be a long road...
06:40.19rue_mohroh wait, the phone system dosn't change till this upcomming week
06:40.28rue_mohrthey will still have their * machines running
06:41.19rue_mohraccept all the border routers are now nortel
06:41.21*** join/#asterisk magickal1 (n=magickal@
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06:41.52magickal1its ok im just lurking
06:41.56Qwellmagickal1: 7 minutes and counting
06:42.46rue_mohrQwell, what that funny ora around you?
06:43.00sevardhe can't spell.
06:43.27rue_mohrdoes it mean you know kb1_canobe?
06:45.30rue_mohrall his work on echo and nobody ever heard of him eh?
06:47.21sevardyou should make samples.  you know nothing of asterisk.  they'll help
06:47.25sevardmake samples, then read the book.
06:47.30sevardbefore you ask
06:47.43jbotit has been said that thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
06:48.03rue_mohrI'v done things with * before, I'v made some ivrs, added voicemail boxes
06:48.15sevardgreat, good job.
06:48.26rue_mohrbut I'v never set one up
06:48.32rue_mohrkb1 did that
06:48.38sevardi can help you
06:48.43rue_mohrI know
06:48.56rue_mohrbut can I
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06:49.08rue_mohrQwell, bye?
06:49.36sevardI'm confused at this interaction, Qwell.
06:49.57QwellHe knows what it's about, and if he has any decency, he'll correct it.
06:50.23[TK]D-FenderQwell : "When the cure is worse than the disease."
06:50.54magickal1<grin> love them mIRC svripts
06:52.15rue_mohrhmm, asterisk -r seems to indicate a process is missing...
06:54.34rue_mohrConnected to Asterisk 1.2.15 currently running on phony (pid = 14751)
06:56.22rue_mohrhmm, 11:00 I really ought make supper
06:56.28*** join/#asterisk matiasds19 (
06:56.55matiasds19hey guys, i need to know how to force asterisk to transport the voice over udp
06:57.23matiasds19or at least who to tell asterisk to tell the server that he is using udp to transport the voice
06:58.15matiasds19someone know???
06:58.20rue_mohrnot me
06:58.42Mavvieisn't that part of the SDP ?
07:01.13matiasds19yes, i think so, im analyzing traffic with ethereal, when i have an incoming call from my sip provider, the providers hang up the call i dont know why just after i answer, but if i register the provider with eyebeam o xlite, it works perfect, so comparing the traffic the differnce that i see is that with eyebeam the SIP/SD ask for udp transport, and not with asterisk
07:01.49matiasds19sorry about my english
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07:05.48matiasds19someone who can help
07:08.19rue_mohrmatiasds19, I used to know this
07:08.36rue_mohrits a signaling problem
07:08.46rue_mohrthey dont know you awnsered it
07:09.07rue_mohrsorry, I cant help you much more
07:09.12matiasds19so, its my problem? or what?
07:09.38rue_mohrI dont know, I think so
07:10.26matiasds19thanks a lot, now i know where to search at least
07:11.32rue_mohrarg, I'm plugging in the T1 card
07:12.01rue_mohrthen atleast I'll *FEEL* like I'm making progress
07:13.13rue_mohrdigium.... serial #... rev a
07:13.26X-Robmatiasds19, asterisk *only* uses UDP, it can't use TCP.
07:16.28matiasds19yeah, thats what i read, but i thinked that i need to tell the provider that im using udp
07:17.09rue_mohrerm, digium T1 card?
07:17.54matiasds19because when he sends me the invitation (when registerd with eyebeam) it says transport=udp, but when it sends me the invitation when registerd with asterisk it dosent says anything about transport
07:19.13rue_mohrhmm anyone know digium cards well enought o help me identify mine?
07:19.20rue_mohrits a wildcard
07:19.29rue_mohrbut its only got 1 port
07:20.48X-Robrue_mohr, sounds like a TE110
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07:27.46rue_mohrhmm wonder how I can test this card...
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07:31.40rue_mohrmaybe I'll feel better if I mad ehte T1 crossover cable and plug in the channel bank
07:33.51matiasds19rue_mohr, are you sure that can be a signaling problem? cuz they hang up the call when i answer, why they dont hang up before or after?
07:34.13rue_mohrits a timer
07:34.27matiasds19i mean, i can hear audio for 1 second and then he hangs up
07:34.46rue_mohrI might be wrong
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07:35.05matiasds19but i dont answer always at the same time, and i always hear 1 second of audio
07:35.29matiasds19and then he sends the BYE request
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07:51.47rue_mohrso, looks like I'll need a xaptel driver
07:52.10rue_mohrwhich I think means I'm gonna need to configure and compile my own kernel, which is ok
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08:30.50pardovei have problem installing TDM2400, system waits on modprobe wctdm24xxp forever.
08:31.26[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr : Duh you're going to need Zaptel, but you don't need to compile a kernel for it
08:31.43[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr : Zaptel is jsut a kernel module that loads seperately
08:31.47rue_mohrits giving me grief about data types
08:31.58rue_mohrI want to adjust some kernel stuff anyhow
08:35.23capt-rogerswould i be better off signing up with vonage, or setting up astereisk? I dont have any VOIP hardware at all.
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08:36.21[TK]D-Fendercapt-rogers : that is not a valid comparison
08:37.02[TK]D-Fendercapt-rogers : thats like asking, whats better, a Honda Civic, or a smoked meat sandwich.
08:37.44[TK]D-Fendercapt-rogers : If you were looking for something to sell to recoup cash, then you'd say the car.  However if it were "you're hungry, which would you sooner eat", I think you'd pick the latter
08:38.03[TK]D-Fendercapt-rogers : What would you imagine * DOING for you?
08:38.55[TK]D-Fendercapt-rogers : And how do ITSP's that ARE supported under * compare to Vonage's service?
08:38.55coppicesandwich, that sounds like a good idea
08:39.31[TK]D-FenderMorning/whatever Mr. DSP.
08:39.52[TK]D-Fender(not sure of your time zone)
08:39.59capt-rogersi want to make long distance calls within canada and to the us. i have a bell line and a high speed internet connection. i do not want to change my current phone line since it is a VDSL phone line. thats it.
08:40.12coppicesmoked salmon sounds better than smoked meat, though
08:40.23hadsYou probably don't need Asterisk for just that
08:40.47coppiceAt the third stroke it will be 4:41PM, precisely... whip...whip....whip!
08:40.57[TK]D-Fendercoppice : Depends on our mood.  Montreal smoked meat is legendary.
08:41.26coppicemacdonald's burgers are legendary too :-)
08:41.31dlynes_laptopnah...smoked salmon is much better
08:41.46dlynes_laptopmontreal smoked meat is pretty good
08:41.52dlynes_laptopbut smoked salmon is still better
08:42.31capt-rogersjapanese colby burgers...better still :)
08:42.51hadsColby? Cheese?
08:43.02[TK]D-Fendercapt-rogers : At which point I'd have to say your easiest option is to buy an ATA like the SPA-3102 and you can configure it to connect with your ITSP.  It would also hook into your land line and inside you can tell it how to route calls.  for instance everything starting with ## will go out your ITSP, everything else out your land-line.
08:43.13[TK]D-Fendercapt-rogers : no need for *, and you can use a normal phone.
08:43.43capt-rogersi wonder how one becones a massage therapist for Colby cows...thats a weird profession.
08:43.55[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : Again, depends on your mood.  Smoked meat is "comfort food".  Smoked Salmon is more ... "intellectual" or 'refined" IMO
08:44.49dlynes_laptopyeah...salmon are much smarter than cows
08:45.01dlynes_laptopmuch more high brow creatures
08:45.52capt-rogerswhat is an ATA? I dont imagine the SPA-3102 is something you buy at radio shack...i will google it later...
08:47.28capt-rogersif i decide to use asterisk, i will still need an ATA SPA-3102, correct?
08:48.48[TK]D-Fendercapt-rogers : Everything depends on the kind of gear you want to use and how.
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08:49.09[TK]D-Fendercapt-rogers : And ATA lets you sue an analog phone as a SIP phone.
08:49.44PakiPenguinsue ;)
08:49.48[TK]D-Fendercapt-rogers : the SPA-3102 is special in that it also lets you take in a LINE and use with SIP, and the device canhandle all sorts of special routing all by itself without * if you wish
08:50.25[TK]D-FenderPakiPenguin : Laugh at my typos, and I'll retaliate on your grammar :)
08:51.00capt-rogersi am an open source zealot..if its cool, i have to figure it last oss project was mythtv.
08:52.51[TK]D-Fendercapt-rogers : * is worth looking at anyways, in terms of adding more features that you first mentioned.  Get a grasp of how ITSP's work, and the different kind of hardwares involved, and shop around
08:53.04capt-rogersi dont want to become a telecom expert, but if thats the road i have to travel, then i will be happy to become an asterisk expert too.
08:53.06*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
08:54.37PakiPenguin[TK]D-Fender :) sure :p hehe
08:54.38[TK]D-Fendercapt-rogers : Doesn't take much to pin down the in&outs.
08:54.52[TK]D-Fenderok, WAY past check-out time here.... later all
08:54.53fetcherwhat could cause a Polycom 501 to have consistent one-way audio? (no incoming, but outgoing OK)
08:55.02PakiPenguinlater [TK]D-Fender
08:58.11capt-rogersi wikipedia'd asterisk..yeah its got a high cool factor...i will find a good ATA and get cracking on this next week...
08:59.08*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
09:01.55unimprtntcapt: always a good idea..... hey, you said vonage right?
09:24.00*** join/#asterisk tr2x (
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09:29.39VecWhy would one put congestion after dialing a channel rather than hangup ?
09:33.16fetcherVec: better feedback to the user when/if the Dial() fails
09:35.42pardovedoes TDM2400 work on 3.3V PCI slots
09:35.48pardovedoes TDM2400 work on 3.3V PCI slots?
09:49.03*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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09:55.44Vecfetcher : would I need a congestion and then a hangup
09:56.47*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
10:00.11FuriousGeorgeim getting some error when compiling zaptel, and google is not helping
10:05.23*** part/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@miranda/eyecue)
10:08.50*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2002:58c6:2592:1:0:0:0:2)
10:10.23FuriousGeorgeso i went with zaptel 1.2.12 instead of ..13 and that seems to work
10:12.45FuriousGeorgeLoading module failed!
10:13.19FuriousGeorgeand i heard from a good source that 1.4 is *not* ready for production, so where does that leave me :)
10:16.01tzafrirFuriousGeorge, is this a standard gentoo kernel?
10:16.47*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
10:17.13*** part/#asterisk unimprtnt (
10:18.21tzafrirFuriousGeorge, as a bad workaround, rem-out the line 'EXTRA_CFLAGS    +=      -DXPP_DEBUGFS' in xpp/Makefile
10:18.55tzafrirFuriousGeorge, yet this shouldn't have happened.
10:19.20tzafrirRegarding 1.4: you're likely to get exactly the same error from 1.4
10:19.42tzafrir(trunk, that is)
10:21.09*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
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10:30.43fetcherah, found what was causing the Polycom's one-way-audio glitch
10:31.28fetcherchanging  tcpIpApp.port.rtp.filterByIp="0" -> "1" in its sip.cfg fixed it
10:31.34*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
10:32.09FuriousGeorgetzafrir_laptop: the failed to load chan zap was my fault :)  forgot to make samples
10:32.53FuriousGeorgeas for the issue with invalid arg. on the struct, i just assume use 1.2.12 for now and not worry about it
10:33.02fetcherer, "1" -> "0".  This * box is multihomed, and uses its outside interface IP for SIP invites, whereas RTP streams came from the inside IP... so Polycom blocked it by default
10:33.08FuriousGeorgeand it is a standard gentoo kernel, but i built asterisk from subversion
10:34.01*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=yellow@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
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10:47.54tzafrirFuriousGeorge, so you now use zaptel 1.2.12?
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10:58.56*** join/#asterisk Speedy2 (
10:59.17Speedy2Hey all.  Does anyone know if the Intel 600SM PCI FXS card is supported, or what chipset it is using?
10:59.34Corydon76-homeIt's not supported
11:00.22Speedy2Corydon-w:  Is it Intel's own chipset or something like a Dialogic part?
11:00.53Speedy2Corydon-w:  Do you know of any other single-port FXS cards? (USB or PCI)
11:01.17Corydon76-homeJust the Digium cards
11:02.08Corydon76-homeDear god... $300 for a single port FXS?
11:02.12*** join/#asterisk Stp1800 (
11:02.26Speedy2Corydon-w:  Yeah...see why I'm interested in the Intel card?
11:02.37Corydon76-homeI was talking about the Intel card
11:02.49Corydon76-homeThe Digium cards are much less expensive
11:03.03Speedy2The Intel card is $300?
11:03.11Corydon76-homeAccording to Froogle it is
11:04.06tzafrirSpeaking of drivers: where can I find drivers to use an x100P card as a modem? Hopefully linux drivers. The card seems to be one with a MD3200 chip
11:04.38tzafrir(need to test some stuff with a modem, and this is the modem I have handy)
11:05.22*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2002:58c6:2592:1:0:0:0:2)
11:07.10Stp1800Hi guys.
11:07.22Stp1800I'm looking to link several locations to the world for phone access.
11:07.42Stp1800Each location will be linked via satellite link to a main Asterisk server.
11:08.14Stp1800Basicall what I want to do is have the main asterisk server connect to say either voice pulse or voipjet for receiving / making calls.
11:08.36Stp1800What is the best codec to use between each location and the transcode server?
11:08.39Corydon76-homeYou had me until you said "satellite link"
11:09.05Corydon76-homeThat adds half a second of latency
11:09.22Stp1800Each system will be connects to the internet via a satellite link.
11:09.41Corydon76-homeI heard you
11:10.12Stp1800I've been messing around with a couple of my own systems here and have been playing with a few codecs to see what I can get as far as least amount of bandwidth used when making calls.
11:10.13Corydon76-homeDoesn't matter what codec you're using, the issue is the latency
11:10.39Stp1800Do any of the free codecs come close to what g729 does?
11:14.28*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
11:14.42niekieDoes a Nokia N80 support SIP?
11:14.50niekie(Or IAX(2))?
11:15.27tzafrirStp1800, take a look at speex
11:15.54tzafrirgsm is also not that bad
11:16.16Stp1800I took a little look at the config file for speex but there seem to be a lot of values that I'm not sure what they mean / are used for.
11:16.34tzafriruse the defaults...
11:17.59tzafrir"config file for speex"? which do you refer to? the speex library itself?
11:18.50Stp1800I think the file is called codecs.conf
11:20.53tzafrirhmm... I wonder how useful can it be to play with the "complexity" parameter
11:22.34Stp1800What I'm talking about is a file that has variables like, complex value,  and quality.
11:22.58tzafrirI saw that. Use the defaults for starters, I guess
11:49.03*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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11:49.29Stp1800Not bad.
11:49.29Stp18000.9 k per sec for three calls trunked with iax2.
11:49.33Stp1800Ah, 9.8
11:49.38*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
11:49.40Stp1800using speex codec.
12:01.00mafkeesdoes it sound good ?
12:01.22Stp1800Sounds ok.
12:01.33Stp1800There is a little more delay than I expected.
12:06.45*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:08.11pardovedoes TDM2400 work on 3.3V PCI slots?
12:15.01niekieHmmm... looks like I got chan_gtalk working.
12:15.23niekieDoes chan_gtalk auto-accept new subscribe requests?
12:16.22tzafrir_laptopniekie, I believe you subscribe there with your gtalk existing account.
12:16.22tzafrir_laptopyou connect as a client, not as another jabber server, right?
12:16.37niekietzafrir_laptop, no, I mean, does it automatically accept new contacts?
12:17.05niekieHmm, only 1 way to find out :)
12:20.16*** join/#asterisk misc-- (n=misc@
12:20.35misc--hello, where can i get the kernel source for Asterisk? I have trixbox installed and need to apply a patch to the kernel
12:24.31tzafrirmisc--, you probably mean zaptel
12:24.49tzafrirIf you use rpm packages, get the source rpm from which they were built
12:24.50misc--tzafrir: I don't actually need zaptel
12:25.21tzafrirwhatever. get the kernel package's source rpm
12:25.33misc--Ok. Actually I want to install OpenVZ but it requires either a new kernel (based off CentOS, so that's ok), or patch the existing one
12:25.48*** join/#asterisk back\slash (n=w@
12:26.16misc--so, I'm running kernel-2.6.9-34.EL so I should find the src rpm then
12:28.58niekietzafrir_laptop, I found out it does, and does not.
12:29.05niekieIt does, but it doesn't work due to a bug :P
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12:57.16*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
12:58.33L|NUXhello every one
12:58.40L|NUXcan some one tell me how to fix this issue
12:58.40L|NUXFeb 11 01:50:32 WARNING[11651]: chan_sip.c:1227 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 2629883498@ for seqno 2 (Critical Response)
12:58.41L|NUXFeb 11 01:50:32 WARNING[11651]: chan_sip.c:1244 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call 2629883498@ - no reply to our critical packet.
12:58.52L|NUXi keep getting this and my call disconnects
12:59.59L|NUXany one arround
13:00.26ManxPowerL|NUX: Is this disconnect in the middle of a call or during call setup?
13:00.37L|NUXmiddle of the call
13:00.51L|NUXthe problem is i am testing ATA with provider
13:00.58ManxPowerL|NUX: Weird.  The message means that the remote side stopped sending data
13:01.13ManxPowerspecifically it stopped sending responses to asterisk's data
13:01.29L|NUXremote side = my asterisk box ?
13:01.41ManxPowerUSUALLY that issue happens at the beginning of the call and is caused by firewall or NAT issues.
13:02.03ManxPowerBut it could also happen because of a transient network outage (more than a dropped packet or two)
13:02.28ManxPowerL|NUX: Make sure the device has all NAT features turned off.
13:03.15L|NUXcan i show you my ATA config
13:03.19L|NUXin pastebin ?
13:03.42ManxPowerL|NUX: No.
13:04.12*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
13:04.14ManxPowerBut you now have a place to start looking.
13:04.34L|NUXlet me check
13:04.57*** join/#asterisk littleball (
13:05.38L|NUXNatTimer: 0x00000000
13:05.47L|NUXthis is what i have in ATA config
13:06.10littleballhello, after i compile and install asterisk 1.2.14, i found i need to compile zaptel first. how to clean the previous asterisk installation?
13:06.31L|NUXmake clean
13:06.34L|NUXmake install
13:06.39L|NUXor make uninstal && make install
13:06.47xhelioxlittleball: Just 'make clean' in the source dir and then when you 'make install' again, it'll overwrite the old files.
13:07.00littleballxheliox, are you sure?
13:07.02shmaltzI have got an integrated T1 from a provider, pluged into an adit 600 using a router card, then the adit outputs 5 bchannels and 1 dchannel, the adit died, and plugged the t1 directly into a digium card but the dchannel is not coming up, I am assuming becuase it is shared between data, how can I make asterisk use it as a dchannel?
13:07.07*** join/#asterisk PupenoR (n=pupeno@
13:07.27littleballi need to make ztdummy work
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13:07.51xhelioxlittleball: Si. Unless for some reason when you recompile certain modules do not build as they did previously, so then you'd want to rm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk/modules  first, but that's not -usually- required.
13:08.43shmaltzlittleball, you followed the wiki?
13:09.19jbotdocs is, like, Documentation can be found at or or or or
13:09.19littleballshmaltz, i read all wiki.
13:09.32shmaltzlittleball, and???????????????? waht is the problem?
13:09.48*** join/#asterisk The_DoC^ (
13:09.50littleballafter my reinstallation, asterisk cannot run anymore
13:10.09shmaltzlittleball, reinstall of what?
13:10.13xhelioxSomething wrong with your ? key, shmaltz?
13:10.26shmaltzxheliox, what key?
13:10.42xhelioxsit down before your hurt yourself.
13:10.57shmaltzxheliox, what key?
13:11.34*** join/#asterisk Renacor (
13:11.52*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
13:11.57Renacorhi can somebody point me to a good howto for setting up asterisk with european analog phone lines?
13:12.01Renacori have a tdm400p card
13:15.58ManxPowershmaltz: set the data channels as unused.
13:16.06ManxPowersee the sample zap config file
13:16.37ManxPowerlittle WHAT is the error message
13:17.00ManxPowerRenacor: you should not require anything special to make the work.
13:17.04ManxPowerat least for testing
13:17.19shmaltzManxPower, first is that not the same is not setting those channles? also I think (again I think, i did not yet have a chance to log into the box, data part is down) that the problem is that the dchannel is shared between the data channels, is that not a problem?
13:18.34ManxPowershmaltz: the d channel is not shared no matter what kind of line you have.
13:18.54ManxPowerWell, other than NFTAS lines, but you need more than 1 PRI to have NFAS, so that is not your problem.
13:19.19shmaltzManxPower, thanks, and the fact that the other channles are not set could make trouble?
13:19.28ManxPowershmaltz: it should not matter.
13:19.48ManxPowerand if it does matter, it should not cause the error messages about the D channel that you are seeing.
13:19.57shmaltzthe only ohter thing I'm thinking (which I'm waiting to get access to verify) is that the dchannel is realy on a dirrerent channel, and was cross connected to anothe rchannel
13:20.04ManxPowerspeaking of error messages, what ARE the error messages.
13:20.24shmaltzManxPower, I don't know, all I kjnow, is that the LED is green and that it's NOT up
13:20.37ManxPowershmaltz: it could have been cross connected to a different channel in the channel bank.  I would call that "telco stupidity"
13:21.27shmaltzManxPower, but would it light green even if the dchannle is DOWN?
13:21.47ManxPowershmaltz: BTW, having the channel bank separate out the voice and data and only having the voice sent to asterisk is what I ALWAYS recommend..
13:22.05ManxPowershmaltz: "green" means "physical layer is good", not "protocol is good"
13:22.39ManxPowershmaltz: are you seeing ANY error messages on the CLI when trying to receive a call?
13:22.43shmaltzManxPower, thats what I would do, but appearantly they crossconnected it in zig zag fashion
13:22.54littleballhello, after my reinstallation of asterisk, i always got the error Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?) when i run asterisk -r
13:22.57littleballwho can help?
13:23.02shmaltzManxPower, no CLI as of yet, waiting for that guy to push VNC  to me
13:23.17ManxPowerlittleball: that means "asterisk is not running".  use "asterisk -cvvv" to see wha the ACTUAL error message is.
13:23.18shmaltzlitelball, run asterisk -vvvvvc what error do you get?
13:23.19littleball/var/run/asterisk.ctl exist
13:23.31shmaltzlittlenall, then delete it
13:23.33tzafrir_laptopanother asterisk is running
13:23.51shmaltzyes, tzafrir is right failed!
13:24.08ManxPowerlittleball: there is your error
13:24.09littleballthe last liine is  []Feb 12 05:29:00 WARNING[22337]: loader.c:325 __load_resource: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
13:24.09littleballFeb 12 05:29:00 WARNING[22337]: loader.c:554 load_modules: Loading module failed!
13:24.23shmaltzlittleball, add noload to your modules.conf
13:24.41ManxPowerto your /etc/asterisk/modules.conf not your /etc/modules.conf
13:24.51shmaltzunless you need it, then recompliet it against your new asterisk
13:24.54*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
13:25.04SuPrSluGhello all
13:25.08Stp1800leave #asterisk
13:25.15ManxPowershmaltz: you can't SSH into he box?
13:25.19shmaltztzafrir, busydetect for some reason doesn't work with clecs here
13:25.30shmaltzManxPower, not yet, soon I'll be able to
13:25.34ManxPowershmaltz: it doesn't seem to work at all. 8-)
13:26.09ManxPowershmaltz: until you can get access to the box, you would have better luck trying to diagnose the problem by reading tea leafs
13:26.10shmaltzManxPower, NO I'm in the UK, and the machine is in Inwood, NY
13:26.34littleballoh, thanks. it work now
13:26.37shmaltzin around an hour I shold have ssh to it
13:27.30shmaltzthe guy has internet (thru a backup DSL), and will just push VNC to his local net, the problem is that asterisk has only the t1 as the route and that is down
13:28.23SuPrSluGi want to originate a call from a meetme room through manager api. i know this is possible. i could use some help w/ the syntax.
13:28.25ManxPowershouldn't the telco be dealing with this channel bank problem
13:28.44shmaltzManxPower, yes on Monday
13:28.49ManxPowerSuPrSluG: remove meetme from your mind.
13:28.53Renacoranybody know what switchtype you have to use in zapata.conf for germany?
13:28.55ManxPowerSuPrSluG: thereis nothing special about it
13:29.07ManxPowerRenacor: switch type does not appply for analog lines
13:29.12Renacorahh k
13:29.29shmaltzManxPower, could be today we havnt' called them yet, in any case its our fault for the CB, there was a huge fountain like flud in the dmarc room
13:29.29Renacorso does the analog line plug into the fxs port or the fxo port?
13:29.55jbotfxofxs is probably An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage, you plug a phone LINE into this.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage, you plug a PHONE into this.
13:29.55SuPrSluGjust treat it as a normal originate?
13:30.16Renacorgreat :)
13:30.26ManxPowerSuPrSluG: yes with one leg of the call conneting to the extension that runs meetme
13:30.28Renacornow how do you figure out which port is fxo and fxs on a tdm 400 p heh
13:30.51ManxPowerRenacor: I don't know, but if you plug the phone line into an FXS port it will blow the port and you will have to replace it.
13:31.06ManxPower(it will only blow the port when the first call comes in)
13:31.12coppicegood test :-)
13:31.16Renacordon't want that hehe
13:31.23pardovedoes TDM2400 work on 3.3V PCI slots?
13:31.38ManxPowerpardove: what do the specs say?
13:31.39SuPrSluGfor channel do i use -> Channel:zap/${EXTEN} to dial a number?
13:31.55SuPrSluGlike calling normally
13:32.18ManxPowerSuPrSluG: I doubt ${EXTEN} will contain anything in manager
13:33.09tzafrir_laptopRenacor, there's an automated test for that. But you can also run genzaptelconf
13:33.41Renacordon't have genzaptelconf
13:34.02ManxPowergenzaptelconf is not part of standard zaptel IIRC
13:34.16tzafrir_laptopnow you do
13:34.22Renacorheh thanks :)
13:34.28tzafrir_laptopnow you have the man page
13:34.36Renacorcool thanks
13:34.37ManxPowertzanger: well there is a great place for it, in the USB channelbank driver directory
13:35.05tzafrir_laptopManxPower, originally it was the only place I had write access to
13:35.17ManxPowertzafrir does that tell him what port on the back of the card is fxo/fxs
13:35.19tzafrir_laptopNot the best of places
13:35.33tzafrir_laptopgenzaptelconf -l
13:35.33ManxPowertzafrir you might want to get it moved.
13:36.35tzafrir_laptopI will, but there are more important things in zaptel to move first
13:36.35shmaltzRenacor, dmesg should tell you
13:36.46ManxPowerI didn't think the TDM400P had numbers on the back of the card.
13:37.37shmaltzManxPower, IIRC it does have a one, in any event top is 1
13:37.49shmaltztop being the port closer to the screw
13:38.13ManxPowershmaltz: Ah.  The Digium analog cards never worked well for us so we don't use them (have not used them for several years)
13:39.23ManxPowershmaltz: I got tired of running from the mob of carrying torches and screaming "Burn the geek!"
13:40.17coppiceManxPowers have layers :-)
13:40.42ManxPowerAny Asterisk server with a Digium analog card in it now gets rebooted every monday morning.
13:40.50shmaltzManxPower, for a while I used only t1 cards and CB, but they are way too expensive
13:41.03Renacork so genzaptelconf tells me which ports are fxs and fxo
13:41.03Renacornow to figure out which port is port 1 physically
13:41.08shmaltzManxPower, no reboots here
13:41.34shmaltz08:41:22 up 59 days,  8:30,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
13:41.50ManxPowerDigium wanted to try to diagnose the issue (happens on multiple servers using different motherboards and different revisions of the TDM card), but the problem only seems to happen on production servers (never test servers) and only when call volume is fairly high.
13:42.00shmaltzpbx*CLI> show uptime
13:42.02shmaltzSystem uptime: 7 weeks, 2 days, 13 hours, 38 minutes, 8 seconds
13:42.03shmaltzLast reload: 5 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes, 25 seconds
13:42.15*** join/#asterisk Renacor (
13:42.19ManxPowerAnd I cannot and will not be rebooting production servers at random times
13:42.23shmaltzManxPower, what is the problem?
13:42.33Renacornow to figure out which port is port1 physically on this tdm400p
13:42.41ManxPowershmaltz: port stops responding until a reboot
13:43.39shmaltzsince 7 * $200 (per phone) = $3000 for customer, let them spend the extra $500 for the diff between CB and digijm
13:43.52ManxPowershmaltz: exactly.
13:43.53tzafrir_laptopBasically the test is:   (i=NN; ztcfg -c <(echo fxsks=$i) && echo $i not FXO ; ztcfg -c <(echo fxoks=$i) && echo $i not FXS )
13:44.24Renacoryeah I kno which ports are fxo and which are fxs
13:44.29Renacorbut physically which is port1
13:44.33ManxPowershmaltz: We let our telco put in a channel bank for the analog ports, they don't even go thru asterisk
13:44.44ManxPowerRenacor: someone said the top port
13:44.54Renacortop is where the screw is for the card?
13:45.03Renacoror where you screw the card into the case?
13:45.18tzafrir_laptopIsn't there a way to make the led on a specific port light?
13:45.24ManxPowerthe port furthest from the PCI connecotor
13:49.03*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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13:52.05dj-fulol I had such a mission on my tdm400p working out what one was the port1
13:52.18dj-fufortunately "the book" has a picture of my exact card, albeit with two modules instead of four
13:54.34jbotit has been said that book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
13:55.25pardoveManxPower: i have already a TDM400 working fine on 3.3V pci, but when inserting tdm2400 modprobe wctdm24xxp waits for ever. dmesg shows that it has detected tdm2400 but it waits on "Resetting the modules..."
13:55.34pardoveManxPower: i have already a TDM400 working fine on 3.3V pci
13:56.04ManxPowerpardove: does the td2400 require a power connector?
13:56.17*** join/#asterisk Jared_Leto (
13:56.19ManxPowerpardove: I mean't the specifications of the board as published by Digium
13:57.00pardoveManxPower: no (i think), 'cose all of them has just fxo modules.
13:57.44pardoveManxPower: connecting the 5/12V power to them doesn't change anything
13:57.49ManxPowerpardove: the TDM400P with onlly FXO does not need the power connected, but that may not be true for the TDM2400
13:58.27pardoveManxPower: i have tested both cond. with and w/o power
13:59.32pardoveManxPower: modprobe exits just when i kill it. after than dmesg shows: "Port 1: Not Installed, ..."
14:00.49ManxPowerpardove: odd
14:00.59ManxPowerpardove: why are you not using a PRI if you need all those FXO ports?
14:01.56shmaltzWhat is this:
14:02.03shmaltzasterisk sending or receiving?
14:02.27pardoveManxPower: i've just purchased this card (tdm24) because it was cheaper than t1+CB
14:04.25pardoveHas anybody used TDM2400 on 3.3V PCI slot?
14:11.47mafkeesis digium going to create an AADK with E1/T1 interface option ?
14:12.15*** part/#asterisk Stp1800 (
14:12.47ManxPowerwhat is AADK
14:13.54*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
14:14.15*** part/#asterisk Chrismo (n=Chrismo@fsf/member/chrismo)
14:15.39shmaltzhow does asterisk know what channel is the D channel?
14:15.52shmaltzthru /etc/zapata.conf?
14:16.04shmaltzImean /etc/zaptel.conf?
14:16.54shmaltztzafrir, I don't think so, where?
14:17.11tzafririn zapata.conf (asterisk): it basically gueses. You only write b channels
14:17.14shmaltzwhy am I getting this:
14:17.16shmaltzFeb 11 09:14:27 ERROR[1668]: chan_zap.c:9094 start_pri: Unable to open D-channel 32 (No such device or address)
14:17.21shmaltzFeb 11 09:14:27 ERROR[1668]: chan_zap.c:10907 setup_zap: Unable to start D-channel on span 3
14:17.23shmaltzFeb 11 09:14:27 WARNING[1668]: loader.c:414 __load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
14:17.34tzafrirshmaltz, zapata.conf is /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
14:17.37shmaltzI set dchan=9 in zaptel.conf
14:18.05tzafrirshmaltz, how come the d chan is not in a strandard place?
14:18.23shmaltztzafrir, standard is where you put it
14:18.29tzafriranyway, to tell that explicitly, look at the trunkgroups section in the sample zapata.conf
14:18.42ManxPowershmaltz: on T-1 the d channel is the 24th channel on the line.
14:18.45ManxPoweron E-1 it is the 16th
14:19.25shmaltzManxPower, only if I set it there
14:19.29shmaltzhow can I change it?
14:19.36shmaltzif I want it on 9
14:19.41shmaltzor 10
14:19.44shmaltzor whatever
14:20.04x86your friendly CLEC has to support that
14:20.14x86and you have to coordinate with them when you change it
14:20.30funkmastersvn checkout asterisk-sounds is not working what do i have to use instead?
14:23.53*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
14:26.08funkmasterok think i got it... thx anyways
14:26.48*** join/#asterisk karmatronic (n=karmatro@
14:30.32shmaltzPrimary D-channel: 14
14:30.33shmaltzStatus: Provisioned, Up, Active
14:35.00mafkeesManxPower: AADK == Asterisk Appliance Developer Kit
14:42.27*** join/#asterisk Dovid (n=Dovid@
14:42.59Dovid~bandwith monitor
14:43.14Dovid~bandwith calculator
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14:58.28*** join/#asterisk ccid (
14:58.44ccidmaybe somebody could help me with this question
14:58.52ccidis there a way to take an inbound iax call
14:58.58ccidautomatically dial an iax call
14:59.07ccidwait for dtmf from the inbound call
14:59.19cciddial a second iax call based on the dtmf input
14:59.32ccidand then bridge the two outbound calls and hangup the inbound one
15:00.01tzafrirccid, yes. Look into Read (show application read)
15:01.36ccidtzafrir, thanks
15:01.49ccidthat would help with reading the dtmf values though
15:02.14ccidhere's what happens. i can dial multiple extensions at once when I receive the inbound call
15:02.45ccidbut what I really need is one extensions to be dialed inmediately after the inbound call is received
15:02.57ccidand if this call is taken, dial the second extensions
15:03.17ccidi dont want the second extension dialed until im sure the first one was answered
15:03.38ccidnow, using agi exec(dial)
15:04.00ccidexec blocks, and I cant do any more processing until the first call is hung up
15:04.03pardoveHas anybody used TDM2400 on 3.3V PCI slot?
15:04.08*** join/#asterisk eliXier (
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15:17.58ccidI guess the actual question is how to make exec(dial) non blocking
15:20.25tzafrirccid, dial only when you have the number
15:21.06ccidtzafrir, I need to dial twice
15:21.19ccidfirst call to extension A
15:21.31ccidand if A answers, dial B
15:21.46ccidproblem is, if a answers, dial blocks and I cant dial B
15:22.06tzafrirYou'll only get into the dialplan when A answers.
15:22.28tzafrirno, that is not correct
15:22.48ccid.. and im inside an agi script
15:23.04*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
15:23.12tzafririnside an AGI? how did you get into the AGI script?
15:23.46ccidwhen the inbound call is received, i call the agi script to do some mysql processing
15:24.05ccidand then have the same script dial out
15:24.17ccidwhich is probably what i should avoid
15:24.33ccidand just use agi to do mysql and drop back to the dialplan
15:25.23mafkeesusing the dial() command in the agi ?
15:25.31tzafrir_laptopyou can do mysql from the dialplan, btw
15:26.01mafkeesdial can be instructed to run a macro once the call is bridged
15:26.07mafkeesmaybe that's what you need
15:27.24mafkeessomething like that
15:27.50ccidyeah, I will try that
15:28.03ccidI probably was expecting too much out of agi
15:28.16ccidthis is what im using now
15:28.17ccid$str = $protoStr."/".$this->cbProviderLogin.":".$this->cbProviderPass."@".$this->cbProviderIP."/"."537";
15:28.17ccid$this->say("Routing to $this->cbProviderIP using $this->cbProviderLogin : $this->cbProviderPass");
15:28.17ccid$this->agi->exec("Dial", $str);
15:28.42ccidand the last instruction is a blocking instruction
15:28.51ccidso any further processing is invalid
15:28.59ccidnot invalid, just .. cant do it
15:29.24mafkeesor you can use the G() option
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15:58.48*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
16:03.11L|NUXhey every one
16:03.40L|NUXcan some one take a look into this and tell me why this is happening and what is the solution
16:03.57L|NUXDSL Modem --> Cisco ATA --> Asterisk
16:04.37*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (
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16:07.28ManxPowerL|NUX: I didn't know the Cisco ATAs have two ethernet ports
16:07.50ManxPowerPerhaps you are missing some pieces from the diagram
16:08.27L|NUXi means to say
16:08.53L|NUXDSL Modem --> Switch --> Cisco ATA
16:09.02ManxPowerWhere is Asterisk?
16:09.09ManxPowerThe DSL modem is doing NAT?
16:09.16ManxPowerDoes it also have a firewall?
16:09.26L|NUXits in USA
16:09.36L|NUXwell i have disabled Firewall
16:10.10ManxPowerSo what you REALLY mean is: Asterisk <-> NAT Router <-> Internet <-> DSL Modem/NAT <-> Cisco ATA
16:10.44ManxPowerSince Asterisk not doing NAT and only has 1 network interface, that simplifies things quite a bit
16:11.20ManxPowerYou are rapidly getting close to my "He's too lazy when troubleshooting for me to help" threshold.
16:11.44L|NUXwell you know
16:11.52L|NUXwe are using Real time
16:12.09L|NUXand we do not even getting local extensions calls
16:12.15ManxPowerI assume you have UDP ports 16384 - 32768 and 10,000 - 20,000 fortforwarded on the NAT ROUTER for asterisk, as well as using localnet= and externip=
16:12.46L|NUXlet me check
16:13.01L|NUXit may dc me
16:13.03*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
16:13.05ManxPowerDude, this is basic NAT config for Asterisk.  Read the wiki, read the wook.
16:14.29RoyKread the wook. read the biki
16:14.29*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
16:15.41ManxPowerL|NUX: also, what is your Dial line for that extension?
16:17.03L|NUXexten => _1XXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},1000,tr)
16:17.13*** join/#asterisk irracional (n=irracion@
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16:17.37RoyKthat's one hell of a timeout
16:18.13RoyKL|NUX: if someone waits 18 minutes to get through, they deserve to have the opportunity to wait longer :)
16:18.39L|NUXits just for testing
16:18.43L|NUXwhen i do call
16:18.49L|NUXusing 101033 to 101038
16:18.58L|NUXit will go to voice mail after 3 minutes
16:19.13RoyKasteisk 1.4?
16:19.32L|NUXmysql> select defaultip,ipaddr,host from sip_buddies where name='101033';
16:19.32L|NUX| defaultip | ipaddr         | host    |
16:19.33L|NUX|   | | dynamic |
16:19.42L|NUXhave this in my sip_buddies
16:21.50ManxPowerI cannot help you with realtime
16:21.57ManxPowerit makes things much more complicated
16:22.02canapai know this is not a debian channel, but i am having problems installing debian. does anyone here want to help maybe?
16:22.42canapa(yes it was thought to end up as an asterisk later, but without debian..? well)
16:24.38DovidL|NUX: ~pb
16:24.54DovidL|NUX: what issues r u having with realtime ?
16:25.55jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
16:26.10L|NUXDovid : okay
16:30.31*** join/#asterisk Al_Berto (
16:31.41Al_Bertohi everyone. is there something like the g-flag to Dial() but for the calling party?
16:31.49Al_Berto(g - "When the called party hangs up, exit to execute more commands in the current context.")
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16:37.44Assiderr.. anyone tried using a SonyEricsson p990 to work with sip ?
16:40.25*** join/#asterisk MichaelLong (
16:41.04LoRezanybody familiar enough with the PAP2 to tell me why it's not sending the 'Authorization:' header in the REGISTER packet?
16:42.16*** part/#asterisk MichaelLong (
16:43.20tzafrir_laptopcanapa, #debian?
16:43.43tzafrir_laptopcanapa, or is this anything specific to Asterisk?
16:45.16*** join/#asterisk markit (
16:46.19markithi, I've this message when calling FWD for the time/date test answer: "chan_iax2.c:6946 socket_process: Call rejected by Unable to negotiate codec", how can I tell which codecs they tried to negotiate? I've 3 listed in iax.conf, fith ulaw being the last one, but listed... it sould work
16:49.03*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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16:49.12macTijnmarkit: how did you list the codecs ?
16:49.42ManxPowermarkit: only allow 1 codec
16:50.50markitIve 4 lines, the first "disallow all"
16:51.05ManxPowermarkit: well THAT won't work.  It needs to be disallow=all
16:51.08markitthen allow=gsm... the last allow=ulaw
16:51.20markitsorry, yes, is =all
16:51.32ManxPowermarkit: If you don't paste, we can't check for typoes
16:51.54markitManxPower: you are right, but if I paste, I'm told to use pastebin, and I hate it
16:51.55ManxPowerlets see, you said you are allowing 3 codecs, you have told us 2 of them.
16:51.58Al_Bertohow can i execute something in a dialplan, if the caller hangs up before the call was answered?
16:52.10ManxPowerAl_Berto: caller or callee
16:52.11markitbecause I've put there too many passwords and other secret stuf so far... :(
16:52.26Al_Bertothe calling party
16:52.28ManxPowermarkit: OK.  Not worth my time to help you then.  Someone else can
16:52.35macTijnmarkit: then go over your paste before submitting :)
16:52.49macTijnmarkit: or make it a private paste on
16:52.57macTijnand only give the url to ManxPower
16:53.20macTijnI see a typo
16:53.25macTijnallow is with 2 l's
16:53.25markitmacTijn: I really think pastebin should expire, not last forever, don't you?
16:53.33markitme also :((
16:53.33ManxPowersee what I mean.
16:53.34macTijnmarkit: use :)
16:53.45macTijnmarkit: there's the ability to expire
16:53.48markitok, I surrender, paste is needed for troubleshooting
16:54.05macTijnyes it is.
16:54.08markitmacTijn: I've used, but being in a hurry, often I forget to set the expiration
16:54.24markitManxPower, macTijn thanks a lot :)
16:54.30macTijnmarkit: might be a nice tool :)
16:54.38ManxPowerI usually just set the password to something temporary then not worry about pasting them
16:54.42markitmacTijn: I go to have a look
16:54.46macTijnmarkit: python-based command-line client for
16:55.29macTijn<- in the project group :)
16:55.31markitManxPower: yes, but I've my working config, sometime I change that, or upgrade asterisk, or whatever, and if I get in troubles I ask help and often I'm required to pastebin
16:55.37*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
16:55.46markitManxPower: well, I can't ever remember where / what reserved info are there
16:56.24markitfor instance, I just noticed yestrday that I set a variable with a password in the dialplan, and time ago i pasted the dialplan loading output... that showed the password, of course
16:56.39markitI mean, the Murphy law has no exception
16:56.59markitthat's why I think pastebin should have an expiration date, except if set otherwise, not the opposite
16:57.45macTijn...then use :)
16:57.50markitmacTijn: has "never" as default also
16:58.05macTijnmarkit: I always go over my pastes twice :)
16:58.23macTijnand "never" is the only sane default
16:58.30macTijnand I believe that setting is saved in a cookiw
16:58.41macTijnand if it's not, it will soon enough
16:59.19markitmmm interesting then
17:00.33macTijnmicrosoft people are dumbasses
17:00.47macTijnthe bottom option :)
17:01.15macTijn(iLife is osx-only)
17:01.49*** join/#asterisk Dovid (n=Dovid@
17:02.04markitstrange, no software for GNU/Linux listed there... lol
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17:11.44rue_mohrthis time for a T1
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17:16.46RoyKrue_mohr: rtfwiki
17:17.11*** part/#asterisk markit (
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17:25.45MattPayneHowdy!  I'm new.  I'd like to write a IVR where customers call to get the status of their orders.  Clerks in the shop will use a web based interface to update customer records.
17:25.53MattPayneWhere's a good place to get started?
17:26.07MattPayneCan I please buy some A* time somewhere instead of getting my own server setup?
17:26.11Dovidhave a look at ago''s
17:26.39DovidMattPayne: sent PM
17:29.03*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
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17:30.08rue_mohrRoyK, yup, thanks, got that
17:33.24rue_mohrthe T1 rossover link
17:34.04RoyKrowover link
17:34.17rue_mohrstill waking up
17:34.33The_DoC^anyone need a couple Mylex DAC960 Raid controllers?
17:35.12CrashHDhey guys I got a phone that isn't registering over a vpn link....(registered fine yesterday)...system shows it briefly registers then gets dropped for some reason (two phones doing this, 10 phones on site, 8 working just fine, all setup the same)
17:35.15CrashHDany ideas?
17:37.49*** join/#asterisk PupenoR (n=pupeno@
17:38.06Assidif its registering with vpn ip.. why is it trying the internet ip
17:38.18CrashHDpublic ip is routed over vpn
17:38.33*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
17:38.45CrashHD70.103.254.0/24 goes over the vpn
17:38.46Assidon the * box.. you see it registering?
17:38.50MrTelephonehi, is there a no frills area code csv?
17:39.01CrashHDya it is trying to register
17:39.06CrashHDif you look at that pastebin
17:39.20MrTelephoneI'm looking for country code and possible as detailed as city, if available
17:39.23Assidmy sip debugging is kind of bad honestly
17:40.04AssidCrashHD: ping from your * box
17:40.13CrashHDpings perfectly
17:40.23Assidand your pinging the sip device
17:40.25*** join/#asterisk eltech (
17:40.39CrashHDtraffic goes back and forth between asterisk and phone just fine
17:42.08rue_mohrok, I have the TE110, the crossover cable, and the channelbank, now all I need are some zaptel drivers :)
17:42.35Assiddontr know what to say.
17:44.04rue_mohrwell, as it is early morning, I need to have a shower
17:44.10rue_mohrand brekfast
17:44.28rue_mohrcant play with asterisk all morning
17:45.50MrTelephonenoone knows where to get an area code list for north america? Is that something you usually pay for?
17:45.58MrTelephoneit's like 300 bucks for the world or something
17:46.43*** join/#asterisk baldhead (
17:46.45QwellMrTelephone: ...first hit on google -
17:47.20LoRezman... linksys support is pretty crappy
17:47.32LoRezMrTelephone: google for 'npa nxx'
17:47.39MrTelephoneI was hoping maybe there was a free one made by asterisk community
17:47.53ccidMrTelephone, yeah, you can probably import it pretty easily from a website
17:48.10QwellI just...gave you...a link
17:48.13MrTelephonethanks guys
17:48.15MrTelephoneI'll check it out
17:48.20baldheadHi! I'm a novice here and not used to IRC at all. May I ask a question about a problem that I have with asterisk?
17:48.20ccidi dont have US, but can give you south and central america in a mysql dump file
17:48.31blitzragerue_mohr: asterisk is more important than smelling good or eating well :)
17:48.32MrTelephoneI'm developing NCS/chan_mgcp ITSP solution
17:48.39MrTelephoneim just working on the billing part
17:49.03*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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17:51.03baldheadI get "Auto-congesting call due to slow response" when i try to place a call with voipjet over IAX. Someone got an idea why?
17:52.19*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
17:52.22QwellLoRez: Thank you.  It will come back however.
17:52.28MrTelephonewhat do you call the ZZZ part of a number in XXX-ZZZ-0000
17:53.17ccidnpa nxx?
17:53.17QwellMrTelephone: prefix or NXX, if you call XXX the NPA
17:54.28MrTelephoneyeah the NPA
17:54.38MrTelephonethat is just North America I take it
17:54.42QwellNPA ~= "areacode"
17:54.46QwellNXX ~= "prefix"
17:55.03MrTelephoneQwell I appreciate the tutoring
17:55.18Qwellshould get Strom to feed the bot...
17:56.29danp perhaps
17:57.12LoRezthese guys have no clue wtf is wrong with this PAP2T
17:57.30QwellLoRez: is it an NA?
17:57.36LoRezQwell: yes
17:57.48Qwellwhat's it (not?) doing?
17:57.57LoRezone indian woman tried to tell me to call vonage.
17:58.09LoRezit's not sending the Authorization header in the REGISTER packet
17:58.11MrTelephonefor Canada
17:58.38MrTelephoneI work with indians
17:58.46LoRezI'm sorry. ;)
17:58.56MrTelephoneno problem
17:58.57LoReznot these I hope
17:58.59MrTelephonewhere you from?
17:59.03LoRezthe US.
17:59.11MrTelephoneI work with a nicer indian community
17:59.15MrTelephonebut some of them are hay wire
17:59.21QwellLoRez: So, what's the discussion inside freenode been about Bhaal this morning? :P
17:59.32LoRezthere's been none.
17:59.48LoReznobody's around.
17:59.53rue_mohrblitzrage, possibly, but the process wakes me up so I can think clearly
18:00.04*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
18:00.18ManxPowerIn French what "gender" would a PRI be?
18:00.32QwellManxPower: is that a rhetorical question?
18:00.33ManxPowerand does it matter if I wrote "Viva le PRI!"
18:00.43LoRezheh, again, "your service provider must support this"
18:01.00QwellLoRez: "I get my voips from linksys"
18:01.11Qwellmake certain to add the "s"
18:01.31ManxPowerIf I'm going to make silly comments in config files on foreign languages, at least they can be grammatically correct 8-)
18:01.49rue_mohrManxPower, :)
18:02.10PakiPenguin_how do i limit a sip user to one call only
18:02.21QwellPakiPenguin_: call-limit=1
18:02.27ManxPowerWell thanks for the help everyone
18:02.33PakiPenguin_thanks Qwell
18:02.53blitzrageManxPower: I'd be tempted to use Vive la PRI
18:03.00blitzragenot too sure why though :)
18:03.04QwellI was thinking la too
18:03.38blitzragePakiPenguin_: remember you won't be able to use attended transfers on that device
18:03.52blitzrageVive la Qwell ! :D
18:04.18blitzragehey yourself
18:04.29LoRezQwell: the device pretty much has to send the Authorization header in the first REGISTER packet, doesn't it?
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18:04.40ManxPowerI'm sure the cajun tech will correct the spelling
18:04.59QwellLoRez: I want to say that it only sends it if the other end requests it after the first packet
18:05.06Qwellbut, I know very very little about SIP
18:05.18LoRezhrm, well, I'm getting a service unavailable from them instead
18:05.28ManxPowerLoRez: no.  As I understand it, it can send no auth stuff with the first packet, asterisk rejects the register and replys with "requires registration", then the device registers with the auth info.
18:05.41blitzrageManxPower: in a 401 Unavailble I think
18:05.50Qwellwhat they said ^^
18:05.50ManxPowerLoRez: What is the ACTUAL error message?
18:05.56ManxPowerlike the one in the CLI?
18:05.56blitzrageif it works like an INVITE where you get 407 Proxy Auth. Required
18:06.31LoRezManxPower: ironically, my broadvoice account seems to work fine with *.
18:06.50ManxPowerLoRez: did you look at a packet tracte for the working account?
18:07.37LoRezManxPower: yeah, and it seems to behave like you said.
18:08.00LoRezbut, it's the same account.  I dunno why they're sending a 501 back to the PAP2T when it contacts them directly
18:08.45LoRezanyway... since apparently * will talk to BV, I suppose I can just set the PAP2T up to talk to * now
18:09.54ManxPowerLoRez: so you get NO non-debug message on the console?
18:10.37Qwellno, that isn't suggestive at all
18:10.48LoRezManxPower: * talks to BV just fine.  I was talking about the PAP2T-NA
18:11.13PakiPenguin_what does tell me ( 1-800-555-tellme) uses for voice recognition?
18:11.23ManxPower"A registration server, also know as a registrar, accepts SIP REGISTER requests; all other requests receive a 501 Not Implemented response."
18:11.33LoRezfrom * I get chan_sip.c:11045 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:100@asterisk>' failed for 'pap2t' - Username/auth name mismatch
18:11.49LoRezI wasn't getting a Not Implemented.
18:11.51baldheadCan anyone help me with the "Auto-congesting call due to slow response" problem?
18:12.02ManxPowerLoRez: do you have a [pap2t] entry in sip.conf?
18:12.12LoRezI was getting a "Service Not Available"
18:12.33L|NUXQwell : arround
18:12.37ManxPowerLoRez: I can't imagine why.  The PAP does not have a CLI
18:12.55LoRezManxPower: is english not your native tongue?
18:13.07LoRezI never said I was getting the response on the CLI.
18:13.11L|NUXQwell : can you take a look into my problem
18:13.13ManxPowerLoRez: Lack of sleep is not my native tongue.
18:13.15L|NUXQwell :
18:13.34ManxPowerLoRez: what I don't understand where you are getting the "service not available"
18:13.47LoRezManxPower: I was sniffing the wire.
18:13.56ManxPowerLoRez: that is helpful to know.
18:14.28ManxPowerLoRez: did you know that the [stuffinhere] in sip.conf is what asterisk expects the device to send as its username?
18:15.06ManxPowerLoRez: Any reason you are having the PAP2 register to the provider instead of Asterisk doing it and having the PAP register to Asterisk?
18:15.21ManxPowerbaldhead: that means the far end did not respond to the call setup request
18:15.44LoRezManxPower: I figured making it speak directly would be easier.  apparently that's not the case.
18:16.20baldheadManxPower: Thanks. Hmm. So either I'm talking to the wrong host or it's a problem on the other peers side?
18:16.28ManxPowerLoRez: sometimes it can help, but not usually -- asterisk is easier to debug than an embedded device.
18:16.48ManxPowerbaldhead: that would be my guess.
18:18.50baldheadManxPower: Either seems to be unlikely because the registration process succeeds (it fails if i alter the password), so I must be talking to the correct host. I also doubt that it's an issue with the peers side, because I'm having this for days. Any idea what I could try?
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18:21.23LoRezinteresting.  now I'm getting a 404 from asterisk.
18:24.20trelaneLoRez, what are you trying to do?
18:25.01ManxPowerLoRez: 404 means "extension not found"
18:25.20ManxPowerit usually means you have a context issue or an username issue
18:25.53ManxPowerAsterisk is a PBX slut.  It will accept most any SIP call, if it does not match anything then whatever is in [general] will be used.
18:26.47DovidManxPower: he will need an s exten in his default context, and btw that was sweet of u to call my g-d a slut :(
18:26.56*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
18:27.12LoReztrelane: get my pap2t-na to talk to *
18:27.48trelaneLoRez, have you pastebinned the connection block in sip.conf yet? could be as easy as a context mismatch based on the error above
18:27.58ManxPowerDovid: no, he will not as exten => s is only matched when there is NO incoming number.
18:28.03trelaneI havn't used a pap2t but I have used the spa2002
18:28.16ManxPowerDovid: OK.  "Asterisk is generous and friendly about accepting incoming calls"
18:28.26LoRezit would probably be more helpful to get a connection block pastebinned at me :)
18:29.05trelaneLoRez, we have no idea what you have set in the pap2t as of now, or we would ;)
18:29.12ManxPowerAbout the only time you don't get a destination number is from analog FXO ports or crappy ITSPs
18:29.27LoReztrelane: username is pap2t-1 password is 'password'
18:29.44ManxPowerLoRez: you hace a [pap2t-1] section in sip.conf?
18:29.59trelaneok, change the username to 100 in the pap2t
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18:29.59ManxPowerIf so, what is the context= line for it?
18:30.19trelaneManxPower, I'm trying to get the pap to sync with asterisk instead of vice-versa (so that the rest of the config works)
18:30.22ManxPowerand does that context= have a matching extension in that context in extensions.conf
18:30.48ManxPowertrelane: that is the opposite of what I do 8-)
18:31.16trelaneManxPower, we can take it outside later, lets make his phone ring first ;)
18:31.48LoReztrelane: ironically, I haven't purchased an actual phone yet ;)
18:32.12LoRezno, I don't have the context set up yet
18:32.59LoRezwell, I have a 'default' context set up like broadvoice suggested.
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18:33.30QwellStrom_M: telus?
18:33.48Strom_Mi'm in british columbia
18:33.56Qwellwhy? :p
18:34.04Strom_Mwent skiing in whistler
18:34.43ManxPowerStrom_M: Break a leg!  Oh, nevermind, that is for theater not skiing.
18:35.09Strom_Mi was planning on skiing today too, but i hurt my foot yesterday
18:35.46trelaneLoRez, please please please, go read *:TFOT (or purchase a copy!) there's a lot yet to learn
18:36.23LoRezthat didn't work :)
18:36.37jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
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18:53.55VecIs it a good idea to run asterisk with 'nice' to set it to the highest priority, top stop other system resources such as databases from sapping resources ?
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18:56.18ManxPowerVec: see the -p option to Asterisk
18:57.00rue_mohrsweet, he came through with the newbridge manuals! yes!
18:57.08ManxPowerat least I think it is the "-p" option.  I just use /etc/rc.d/init.d/asterisk and it sets the priority for me
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19:02.58VecManxPower : ran it with -p but does not seem to change the priority, when I run top it show the priority.
19:03.11VecManxPower : what priority number do u use ?
19:03.35ManxPowerfrom the man page.
19:03.52ManxPowerIf you want to know more, look at the source code.
19:04.20VecManxPower : not sure if my kernal supports -p maybe it does, thanks
19:04.55ManxPowerVec: are you running Asterisk as root?
19:05.16ManxPower-p would be supported on Linux
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19:07.51VecManxPower : yeh, I wonder if there is a way to check, using ps etc
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19:11.02rue_mohrhmm, this T1 channelbank dosn't seem too simple from the manual
19:12.35ManxPowerGawd I hate Mardi Gras
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19:13.59RoyKManxPower: -p is madness
19:16.34ManxPowerRoyK: So was voting for George Bush, but millions of people did.
19:16.34rue_mohroff the top of your head, anyone know what the LGE and the LGS stand for on the channelbank modules?
19:17.38RoyKManxPower: I'm just stating my meanings. -p will make the whole box hang if, or rather, when, asterisk fucks up
19:20.17ManxPowerRoyK: I've not had Asterisk lock the box in a very long time
19:20.40sweeperManxPower: are you in town for it, or are you just suffering from local parades?
19:21.17ManxPowersweeper: The damn telco was late installing the PRI for a customer near New Orleans.  I was supposed to be out of town by now.
19:21.18*** join/#asterisk ttuttle (n=tom@gentoo/contributor/ttuttle)
19:21.27ttuttleWhat does "A to Z" VoIP mean?
19:21.32sweeperManxPower: timewarner or bell?
19:21.34RoyKManxPower: I've seen that lots of times. it will happen. gambling it won't will fuckup your box
19:21.45ManxPowersweeper: I-55/XFone.  They are usually pretty good.
19:22.08sweepertimewarner is VERY nice with us, but we've had nothing but grief from bell
19:22.28sweepercan't even get fucking SIGNALLING PARAMETERS out of them
19:22.28ManxPowerwe try to not use bell when we have a choice.
19:22.48ManxPowersweeper: I have the cell phone number of the I-55 switch tech for New Orleans 8-)
19:22.50sweeperwe're contracted to them for our pbx, but that will hopefully be going away soon :D
19:23.42ManxPowerI would not want to piss him off.
19:24.05sweeperwell, google will do, I suppose
19:26.42sweeperlike, the only AGI variable it seems to allow access to is callerid :/
19:27.12ManxPowersweeper: variables you set or dialplan viarables?
19:27.37sweeperManxPower: the ones agi passes to the script when it calls it
19:27.50sweeperAGI Tx >> agi_context: default
19:27.51sweeperAGI Tx >> agi_extension: 1234
19:27.53sweeperlike so
19:28.16sweeperthe source code claims I should be able to do @params[RAGI::EXTENSION]
19:28.25sweeper@params[RAGI::CALLERID] works fine
19:29.02ManxPowersweeper: just for the heck of it before calling the RAGI do a Set(__MY_TEST=${EXTEN})
19:29.21ManxPowersweeper: and it would be @params[RAGI::EXTEN] wouldn't it?
19:29.34sweepercould be >.>
19:30.08sweeper[2007-02-12 02:39:53] ERROR NameError: uninitialized constant RAGI::EXTEN
19:32.13ManxPowerTry my set statement then try to access it as MY_TEST without the leading double _
19:32.26sweeperdoesn't work either
19:32.44ManxPowersweeper: you need to seriously reconsider RAGI. 8-)
19:33.05*** join/#asterisk markit (
19:33.23sweeperwell, there's always url parameter passing
19:33.47markithi, I've seen in CLI this message: "app_voicemail.c:6781 vm_exec: Prefixing the mailbox with an option is deprecated ('u111')", but VoiceMail description in the wiki does not provide alternative settings, nor mention is deprecated... any clue?
19:34.00sweeperbut I can't find an explicit statement in the source to allow CALLERID, so I'm probably missing something
19:34.42ManxPowermarkit: the wiki is NOT the first place to look for information on applications.
19:34.50ManxPowerThe FIRST place is "show application appname"
19:34.54ManxPowerin the Asterisk CLI
19:35.14markitah, thanks ManxPower
19:35.39sweeperI guess I could do the logical thing, and dump params :P
19:35.56markityes, I see the new syntax now, thanks
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19:50.34sweeperhar. stoooopid RAGI devs
19:50.47sweeperI dunno why the hell RAGI::CALLERID works
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19:51.14sweeperbut the way to get at everything is @params["agi_extension"], etc
19:53.46ManxPowersweeper: I'll bet agi_callerid would work too.
19:54.03sweeperoh, I know it will
19:54.16sweeperit's in the params hash as such
19:54.58sweeperbut for the life of me, I can't locate the code that makes RAGI::CALLERID work in the source
19:57.39ManxPowersweeper: remember CALLERID is a dialplan variable, so most other dialplan variable should be accessable as well.
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19:57.40sweeperI don't think so, in this case
19:57.44sweeperunless I
19:57.47sweeperI'm missing a source file that handles that
19:58.30sweeperat any rate, I now have an application that does call following based on shifts or 9-5 workers, and even takes vacations into account \o/
19:59.13FuriousGeorgei couldnt build zaptel 1.2.13 so i used 1.2.12.  that's not gonna be an issue, is it?
19:59.36sweeperFuriousGeorge: "couldn't build"?
20:01.26ManxPowerFuriousGeorge: so the fix that was talked about on asterisk users TODAY did not help?
20:02.01FuriousGeorgethis was at 6:am us eastern time, i didnt see anything on asterisk today.  iw as getting something about passing an invalid element to a struct
20:02.19ManxPowerWith the subject of Re: [asterisk-users] Can not compile latest zaptel -1.2.13
20:02.28mafkeesanyone interested in a pastebin with extensions.conf syntax highlighting ?
20:02.45ManxPowerFuriousGeorge: yup, that was the problem and the fix was posted.,
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20:06.02FuriousGeorgeManxPower: yeah thats it.  funny, i was talking about this with tzafrir this morning.  you guys work fast
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20:08.21mafkeeshhmm, no interest eh
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20:18.05tzafrir_laptopFuriousGeorge, well, it was an easy one. And no: it wasn't left in intetionally
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20:38.37AJaymnAnyone know where to buy ATA's inexpensive? maybe even refurbs? rebuilt?
20:41.30Dovidu can try voipsupply
20:41.44Dovidthe later is cheaper
20:43.31AJaymnno one selling refurbs?  I hate spending $40 a peice :P
20:45.39Bobthehunteri can get them cheap for 50 +
20:46.11putzz$40 a piece thats not bad
20:46.13Bobthehuntercould be around 30$
20:46.18Bobthehuntermaybe less
20:46.37ManxPowerAJaymn: being cheap will cause you problems.
20:46.38markitAJaymn: I've seen a 8 FXS port for around 200 euros, I think is a grandstream one
20:46.46putzzI bought 10 of them from ebay for $230
20:46.48ManxPowerThe real question is do you really need ATAs?
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20:46.56Bobthehunternah fleaybe is bad ;)
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20:48.11ManxPowerAnyone that complains about $40 for an ATA has never had to purchase PBX phones.
20:48.33ManxPowerThe phones for our Nortel PBX are somewhere around $250/each
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20:51.49linagee_how is the lag of asterisk over satellite (direcPC)?
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20:52.06linagee_is the phone quality usable, or beyond sucks?
20:52.16ManxPowerlinagee_: don't even try it
20:52.31ManxPowerlinagee_: do you know what the latency and jitter are over HughesNet/DirecTC?
20:52.31linagee_ManxPower: if it's a remote african jungle?
20:52.43J4k3err 800-1100ms
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20:52.50VecEven if canreinvite is set to yes, does asterisk still keep relativly accurate billing, i,e does the phone notify asterisk when the call ends, when dealing with SIP and IAX ?
20:52.51linagee_ManxPower: what's the better choice? run fiber cable along the jungle floor, or try wifi to wifi to wifi
20:52.53J4k31300 ms at a bad moment.
20:53.04ManxPowerlinagee_: cell phone or Irridium
20:53.11ManxPoweror VSAT
20:53.26ManxPowerMy latency on DirecPC is 800ms - 3000ms.
20:53.34linagee_ManxPower: cell phone to asterisk box? can't asterisk talk GSM or something?
20:53.38J4k3wow, they're oversold to the 3 second point now?! :)
20:53.42ManxPower3000ms is THREE SECONDS
20:54.00Dovid[Laptop]linagee_: asterisk can with the right equipment
20:54.03ManxPowerJ4k3: that' s usually when I'm actually using the link for something.
20:54.16ManxPowerlinagee_: no, cell phone to a cell company
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20:54.58linagee_ManxPower: if you can get cell signal, why would setting up wifi repeaters everywhere be a problem? hrm
20:55.35Dovid[Laptop]linagee_: what r u trying to accomplih ?
20:56.22linagee_Dovid: someone here at SCALE asked me about using asterisk in a jungle environment
20:56.26linagee_with satellite
20:56.39linagee_i was like, uhm.... you might be able to, but you probably won't be happy with the result
20:56.39Dovid[Laptop]ah. fun fun - cant help there
20:56.47Dovid[Laptop]it wouldnt be hard
20:56.48ManxPowerlinagee_: you would want "VSAT"  it is expensive, but has realistic latency
20:56.57Dovid[Laptop]if u can find a way to make it work like a pot sline
20:57.11linagee_ManxPower: this is different from off the shelf direcpc/direcway or some such?
20:57.34ManxPowerlinagee_: DirecWay is consumer.  VSAT is what corporations use.
20:57.49ManxPowerWhat corporations use for data and voice.
20:58.03linagee_ManxPower: i'm wondering what's so bad about renting out a chopper and just dropping redundant fiber lines over the top of the jungle. lol
20:59.50ManxPowerlinagee_: When I want to SSH, I switch to my Verizon 1xRTT PCMCIA card rather than use the DirecWay link.
21:00.00ManxPowerThose are my only options other than dial up where I live.
21:00.10linagee_ManxPower: ??? why not use the card for everything then?
21:00.19ManxPowerAnd yes, SSH over dialup is better than SSH over DirecWay
21:00.36ManxPowerlinagee_: DirecWay is high latency, but also much faster.
21:00.56ManxPowerso for stuff that doesn't care about latency like FTP, SCP, HTTP, etc it is fine.
21:01.12J4k3ManxPower: http over satellite is slower than dialup in my experience these days.
21:01.16J4k3for average page loads
21:01.31ManxPowerJ4k3: not when you have 15 people sharing the link 8-)
21:01.43J4k3especially if you use one of those graphic-compressing accelerators.  Its not like I wanna see ANOTHER picture of anna nicole smith in full quality.
21:01.46linagee_wait, vsat is 75 to 100 ms faster than direcWay's 575ms to 700ms
21:01.54linagee_that's not much faster. heh
21:02.09J4k3ManxPower: ok, true.... but for 15 people I think I'd be trying to figure out how to get some more folks and pay for a t1 ;)
21:02.16ManxPowerlinagee_: direcway's real world latency is 800ms on up
21:02.20J4k3nothing like 6 ms vs 3000 ms.
21:02.23linagee_ManxPower: yikes
21:02.34linagee_ManxPower: i thought it's not the latency that kills you but the jitter
21:02.34ManxPowerJ4k3: working on it, maybe by the end of the summer
21:02.48ManxPowerlinagee_: it's not, but the two can be related.
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21:02.57J4k3latency makes the conversation totally suck
21:03.03linagee_ManxPower: this is not the latency you'd experience on the call, right? it would be much more?
21:03.05J4k3jitter makes it break up
21:03.08ManxPowerlinagee_: with VSAT it's basically like a high latency T-1, i.e. you can put QoS on the ends of it.
21:03.20J4k3ever talked over a randomly super-laggy cellular connection?
21:03.29linagee_ManxPower: and with direcway?
21:03.36J4k3ie - the echo canceler goes nuts or gets overloaded
21:03.47ManxPowerlinagee_: with direcway it's like a generic internet connection, you share the bandwidth with everyone in north america
21:03.50J4k3heres the thing
21:03.55J4k3theres the speed of light
21:04.02linagee_ManxPower: oh great. sounds like an excellent place for jitter
21:04.03J4k3and theres the geosynchronous satellites
21:04.18linagee_ManxPower: hey. hah
21:04.21J4k3which are 27,500 miles above the equator.  higher/lower latitudes are even farther.
21:04.28J4k3speed of light is about 150,000 miles/second
21:04.34ManxPowerlinagee_: I suppose you are not old enough to remember international calling before fiber was run eveywhere?
21:04.35linagee_ManxPower: i said wifi and they were like, "no, we don't want to have large support structures" (not sure why not)
21:04.40linagee_ManxPower: what about wifi by balloon? hahaha
21:04.53ManxPowerlinagee_: I have 2 weather baloons for sale.
21:04.56linagee_(to get over the jungle capony)
21:05.18linagee_ManxPower: i'm thinking wifi is going to be a much much better option
21:05.20J4k3my 150' rohn 25 tower requires about 3 hours/year of maintenance.
21:05.23ManxPowerlinagee_: VSAT can sound like a standard telco international call sent via telco satellite.
21:05.28J4k3the actual structure maintenance
21:05.28linagee_likely you can get a T1 and even PRIs in town
21:05.37J4k3long-term maintenance on light duty towers is fairly cheap.
21:05.38linagee_even if it's in BFE
21:05.47J4k3you can get a T1 anywhere.
21:05.54J4k3PRI service will depend on the CO
21:06.03Dovidiwill run a T for u to any where in the world
21:06.04J4k3T1 = telco repeats it every 1200 meters or so.
21:06.18Dovidfor a billion USD ;)
21:06.20J4k3theres no degradation in performance at the repeaters
21:06.21linagee_J4k3: anywhere? heh. telco: "lets see. it will be $xxxxxxxxx to put a t1 out there" hehhe
21:06.32J4k3dovid: actually, in texas, the local loops (CO to your location) is flat rate.
21:06.38J4k3I'm 32kft out, I pay the same price as being next door.
21:06.41ManxPowerlinagee_: I suspect any workable solution would be too expensive for your client.
21:07.05J4k3theres like 8 repeaters between here and the CO though, and when lightning hits near them, theres a bit of downtime involved until a tech gets out there to replace the repeater.
21:07.11J4k3but that only happens about once every 2 years.
21:07.11linagee_ManxPower: i think wifi by weather balloon would be a very good option
21:07.13Dovidonce were talkin bout wifi can anyone tell me what the diffrent "channels" in my rotuer are ? i noticed that my signal will work better when I am using diffrent one's (i.e. channel 5 sux)
21:07.37linagee_ManxPower: you may have to replace it or take it back down and refill it every couple days, but that would just be somebody's job
21:07.44ManxPowerDovid: for 802.11b/g there are 3 non-overlapping channels.  1, 6, 11
21:07.58ManxPowerlinagee_: do you know how expensive helium is?
21:08.02Dovidhmm. i was using 5 till now
21:08.07Dovidi am in Israel ATM
21:08.13Dovidwhats the diffrence between em /
21:08.13linagee_ManxPower: not sure. very?
21:08.16J4k3wow, nevermind
21:08.20J4k3that article is lamer than ever now
21:08.25linagee_ManxPower: what if you just used it for the antenna and not equipment up there?
21:08.25ManxPowerI estimated $250/month in helium with a foil type of weather ballon
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21:08.35J4k3balloons are not reliable.
21:08.37linagee_ManxPower: that doesn't sound like too much
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21:08.49^HeLL^hello everyone
21:08.59J4k3a 3 meter weather balloon in a 30 kmh breeze will be sitting practically on the treeline :P
21:09.03linagee_ManxPower: a T1 in an urban area may cost the same, but in the jungle they may want to charge you tens of thousands per month to recoup expensive setup. heh
21:09.16J4k3it'll work fine on calm days
21:09.30J4k3wifi (802.11b/g) also hates random environments...  the spectrum sucks, the protocol sucks.
21:09.36ManxPowerI wish I had a 150' tower.  All I have is a measly 28' old telephone pole for all my antennas
21:09.36linagee_put up a freaking tower. :-D
21:09.37J4k311a is worse.
21:09.41linagee_or use hills and repeaters. :-D
21:09.58J4k3 <- tower building and such
21:10.02linagee_have every tower at least 5 feet above the treeline, and put repeaters at hills
21:10.03Dovidwould channel 7 work better than 6 or it dosent matter ??
21:10.19linagee_use solar panel wireless repeaters
21:10.30J4k3Dovid: wifi channels (ie - the spacing from 1 to 2) is 5 mhz wide...  The actual 802.11b/g carriers are 20 mhz wide.
21:10.50J4k3so...  if you're set for channel 5 (2432 center frequency) you're dealing with interference from 2422 to 2442 directly.
21:11.21Dovidso if i mess around wit the channles i may get better reception
21:11.49ManxPowerDovid: You will seldom get any improvement moving off of 1, 6, 11
21:12.19*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
21:12.25Dovid6 was way better than 5 but the speeds crap out on me at diffrent times
21:12.36DovidJ4K3: where did u get that URL from ?
21:12.40BSDTechok why is it digium converts all their soundfiles to gsm
21:12.45ManxPowerDovid: that is because any device running on channel 1 would intefere with channel 5, but not 6
21:12.51BSDTechwhen sln is the native asterisk format
21:13.03ManxPowerBSDTech: because they are small.
21:13.11ManxPoweryou can get the originals.
21:13.25Dovidso 1 6 and 11 are on the same spectrum
21:13.37Dovidis it the same for 2 and 7 ?
21:13.53BSDTechi find no links
21:13.53ManxPowerDovid: no, they are NOT, that is why they don't mess with each other
21:14.13Dovidso changing to 7 from 6 wont change anything
21:14.28ManxPowerDovid: channel 11 overlaps with channel 7
21:14.30J4k3it'll move the center frequency 5 mhz down
21:14.37Dovidok. will try
21:14.40J4k3ManxPower: technically not.  but the interference does.
21:14.44ManxPowerso if ANYONE is using channel 11 then moving to 6 will help
21:14.55ManxPowerJ4k3: he's obvoiusly not a radio.geek
21:15.11J4k3er level
21:15.29ManxPowerI'm not either, but since I built a small CATV system I've had to learn some about RF
21:15.37J4k3ugh, whoever edits the 802.11 article on wikipedia sucks.
21:15.44J4k3its so absolutely worthless
21:15.57ManxPowerWell, CATV headend, WiFi network, telco.
21:15.59J4k3it contains no useful information, and they insisted on linking all the 802.11 substandards into one main article that has nothing useful.
21:16.07hadsSo make it better?
21:16.35J4k3I did once and my changes got removed.
21:16.58J4k3oh well, if I'm going to waste my time on something, its going to be done on a medium that an idiot can't decide to go remove it.
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21:19.09FuriousGeorgetzafrir_laptop: the funny thing is i just built a kernel for this system using a .config from an older version and i saw something about debugfs
21:19.26LoRezok, I'm confused.  I'm pretty sure I still have the demo context set up, yet I can't send an incoming call to it as it "Cannot find extension context 'demo'"
21:19.27FuriousGeorgeand i didnt think anything of it
21:19.30FuriousGeorgemust have said yes
21:20.55tzafrir_laptopdebugfs is nice. for instance, modprobe usbmon, mount debugfs, ad start eves-dropping to the USB bus
21:21.51tzafrir_laptopJ4k3, someone actively edited it to a worse shape?
21:22.06tzafrir_laptopIf so: reverting it back is easy
21:22.36tzafrir_laptopJ4k3, what exactly is wrng there?
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21:29.40rue_mohrwill asterisk work on a 2.4 kernel?
21:31.34rue_mohrhehe, look at that ... kb1ec.h  heh, he said he just rewrote them
21:32.22tzafrir_laptoprue_mohr, but 2.6 is more fun
21:32.40rue_mohrits not happy with the sytem its on
21:33.51rue_mohrIn file included from zaptel-base.c:41:
21:33.51rue_mohr/usr/include/linux/kernel.h:72: error: syntax error before "size_t"
21:33.56rue_mohrthere's probably a page on this...
21:36.20*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
21:39.23fetcherrue_mohr: are you using gcc 4.x by chance?  If so, try reverting to gcc 3.3.5
21:41.21rue_mohrgcc version 3.3.5
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21:41.49wunderkinJ4k3, the population of elephants are increasing because of stephen colbert!
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21:54.10tzafrir_laptoprue_mohr, which specific 2.4 is it?
21:54.33rue_mohrI was just talking with kb1, he says go for 2.6
21:54.36tzafrir_laptopwhich zaptel?
21:54.52tzafrir_laptopwhich version of zaptel?
21:55.01rue_mohroh 1.2.13
21:55.13tzafrir_laptopanyway, try mg2 instead of kb1
21:55.23rue_mohrI cant remember who recommended to not go with the bleeding edge
21:55.45rue_mohr? mg2?
21:56.05rue_mohroh hah
21:56.19rue_mohrno, I was TALKING with kb1
21:56.30rue_mohrhe says to go with a 2.6 kernel
21:57.00rue_mohrgo i'll get the source and all
21:57.00rue_mohrrather build my own anyhow
21:57.18rue_mohrI just got a rough direction from him
21:57.29rue_mohrI'll make a T1 loopback in a bit
21:58.17ManxPowerrue_mohr: that would be "any sane person"
21:58.22tzafrir_laptoprue_mohr, which kernel headers exactly? what's the output of 'uname -r' ?
21:58.38rue_mohranright now its 2.4.27
21:58.42rue_mohrI'm looking at
21:58.52tzafrir_laptoprun uname -r
21:59.14rue_mohrsrroy, wrong machine
22:00.56tzafrir_laptoprue_mohr, I'm building it here with that kernel on a standard Sarge system. I get some warnings, but no error
22:02.08rue_mohrdo you have a /lib/modules/2.4.27-3-386/build
22:02.33rue_mohrI bet my problem is that mine is missing
22:02.38tzafrir_laptopThough I had to pass KSRC and KVERS explicitly, because this is not the kernel I'm running
22:03.03tzafrir_laptopdpkg -l kernel-headers-`uname -r`
22:03.24tzafrir_laptopIf you have it installed, and didn't mess with it, it should be OK
22:04.12rue_mohrphony:/lib/modules/2.4.27-3-386# ln -s /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.4.27-3/ build
22:04.17rue_mohrsound right?
22:04.48tzafrir_laptopyou shouldn't have to do this manually
22:04.53rue_mohrnow its happy
22:05.10rue_mohryea, I'm missing that key :)
22:05.34sevardno you're not.  "I'm"
22:05.54rue_mohrerm... theres a sharp jaggie edge that works sometimes
22:06.54rue_mohrI think I have zaptel drivers
22:07.31rue_mohrso ... I need to load wctlxxp and zaptel
22:07.52rue_mohroh, poo
22:08.01rue_mohrdepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.27-3-386/misc/zaptel.o
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22:08.50rue_mohrwonder what I'm missing
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22:10.26tzafrir_laptopdepmod -e   should probably be more verbose
22:10.48riddleboxwhat is the rule of thumb for how many calls and phones an asterisk system can support?
22:11.15tzafrir_laptopriddlebox, "it depends"
22:11.23fx0thats like asking, how many miles can i make with a ferrari.
22:11.30rue_mohrriddlebox, like how many T1 cards?
22:11.32riddleboxon cpu speed and ram?
22:11.35tzafrir_laptopFor instance: is there transcoding onvolved?
22:11.36J4k3fx0: about 80 between 20 gallon fillups.
22:11.39rue_mohrhow many 4 port T1 cards?
22:12.23rue_mohrpci_unregister_driver_Rsmp_e8061e13   I dont know where these functions should be from
22:12.27riddleboxrue_mohr, most likely just with 2 of the 4 port fxo cards
22:12.41denonJ4k3: who let you in their ferrari?
22:12.47rue_mohrthats not alot of calls
22:13.04tzafrir_laptoprue_mohr, you built it with 2.4.27-2-386 headers, by any chance?
22:13.12ManxPowerriddlebox: 2 x 4-port T-1/E-1 Digium cards, no transcoding
22:13.17rue_mohrI can see if you have 16 T1 ports the interrupts might start to get a little stressed on a standard desktop machine
22:13.30rue_mohrtzafrir, ... shouldn'ta
22:13.31ManxPowerThat may be higher now that Digium has cards (TExx) that do DMA
22:13.47J4k3denon: they were drunk and I wasn't.  Tossed the keys to my exploder to the friend I was with and rode around for a few hours.  Good god.
22:14.07rue_mohr/lib/modules/2.4.27-3-386/build -> /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.4.27-3/
22:14.09J4k3but I'm generally kinda cop-paranoid, especially in something that sticks out like THAT.
22:14.18denonJ4k3: though, I'm guessing a hummer still guzzles more
22:14.21riddleboxmy boss is going to be asking me tomorrow, he wants to look into selling an asterisk solution to small-medium size business
22:14.31denonJ4k3: friend of mine had one for a while, he was quoting mileage of like 8mi/gal
22:14.34J4k3denon: screwing around, we got about 5 mpg.
22:14.35ManxPowerriddlebox: the answer is really "it depends"
22:14.41tzafrir_laptoprue_mohr, but this is after a relink by you
22:14.49ManxPowerI've not personally done more than 4 T-1s in a box
22:14.51rue_mohrno there was no link
22:14.51denon'course I'm guessing you weren't doin 55
22:14.54tzafrir_laptoptry 'make clean' and 'make' again
22:14.57J4k3a real "gas-powered hummer" will get like 8-10, but won't be anywhere near as much fun
22:15.58riddleboxManxPower, but we really shouldnt have a problem with current desktops and just like 8 co's, we probably wont be doing T1's in them right away
22:16.08tzafrir_laptopManxPower, if the Asterisk system doesn't do much more, it should be capable of quite a few more channels
22:16.27ManxPowertzafrir: one would think so
22:16.28rue_mohrI have a 1Ghz K7 with 512M of ram
22:16.39rue_mohrI'm interested how far down I can dial the cpu before its noticable
22:17.06rue_mohrnope, cleaned and recompiled, still unresolved symbold
22:17.15mafkeeslet me ask again now the channel is active
22:17.16rue_mohrI think I'll make a new kernel use 2.6
22:17.37mafkeesanyone interested in a pastebin with extensions.conf syntax highlighting ?
22:17.43tzafrir_laptoprue_mohr, are you sure that that zaptel.o is actually a new one?
22:18.01tzafrir_laptopcould be nice
22:18.10rue_mohrwell I assume make install would overwrite the old ones
22:18.15mafkeesI have a pastebin with highlighting
22:18.34jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
22:18.39tzafrir_laptopedit away
22:18.44mafkeesI can start creating a file for extensions.conf based on the vim syntax file for it
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22:19.13mafkeeswhen that is done I can create more I guess
22:19.28mafkeeszaptel.conf, zapata.conf, iax.conf
22:19.37mafkeesand of course sip.conf
22:19.39mafkeesmost used
22:20.05rue_mohrwhats this, you want to write my zapata.conf for me?
22:20.20mafkeessyntax highligthing pastebin
22:20.24LoRezhow can I make sure * is loading my extensions.conf?
22:20.25rue_mohroh :/
22:20.33rue_mohrLoRez, !
22:20.38rue_mohrwhat are you doing here?
22:20.42dlynes_laptopLoRez: try 'show dialplan'
22:21.07mafkeesgoing to release the code in GPL tomorrow
22:21.13LoRezdlynes_laptop: then it definately isn't.
22:21.22mafkeesit's a php class
22:21.41dlynes_laptopLoRez: why's that?
22:21.54dlynes_laptopLoRez: what happens when you type show dialplan?
22:22.11LoRezI just show the 'parkedcalls' context
22:22.18mafkeesIfrid*CLI> show dialplan
22:22.18mafkeesNo such command 'show dialplan' (type 'help' for help)
22:22.48dlynes_laptopmafkees: type extensions reload
22:22.52dlynes_laptopmafkees: mistell
22:22.56dlynes_laptopLoRez: type extensions reload
22:23.12dlynes_laptopLoRez: what happens when you do that?
22:23.14LoRezseems I don't have that command
22:23.18mafkeesit's: dialplan show
22:23.23LoRezguess I'm missing a module
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22:24.49dlynes_laptopLoRez: type load
22:25.24mafkeesthe 1.4 cli stuff has changed a lot
22:25.26LoRezthat seems to have helped
22:25.31mafkeesmakes my life harder
22:25.40mafkeesmaintaining both 1.2 and 1.4 machines
22:25.47dlynes_laptopLoRez: i guess you have autoload=no in your modules.conf file?
22:26.30LoRezapparently so
22:27.01LoRezit keeps trying to load modules and failing if I leave it on.
22:27.44ManxPowerLoRez: you MUST have a [general] and [globals] section at the top of your extensions.conf
22:27.51ManxPowerif you do not your dialplan will not be loaded.
22:28.05LoRezit loaded those.
22:28.36ManxPowerif asterisk tried to load a module and fails asterisk will not start.
22:28.37LoRezit's bugging out on presently though
22:28.58ManxPowerLoRez: uh, that module is not part of the standard asterisk
22:29.41LoRezI noload'd it, now it tries to load
22:30.18tzafrir_laptopbtw: do you really have to use format_mp3?
22:30.57ManxPowerLoRez: "mv /var/lib/asterisk/modules /tmp" then "make install" in the asterisk source.
22:31.12LoRezManxPower: um, no.  I didn't install from source.
22:31.28ManxPowerLoRez: there is your problem 8-(
22:31.55ManxPowerYour first job is to spank the person that built the package
22:32.15ManxPowerAnd make sure they don't like it.
22:33.20ManxPowerI've never seen a software project where packagers do such a terrible job.  I'm sure they exist, but I've not seen them.
22:34.22LoRezanyway, I noloaded enough stuff that it started.
22:35.15mafkeeshhhmm, off to translate asterisk.vim to asterisk.php
22:36.25mafkees-= 54 extensions (231 priorities) in 17 contexts. =-
22:36.32mafkeesthat isn't huge is it ?
22:36.46JTit would be if you pasted it here ;)
22:37.16mafkeesthank god irssi protects me from that
22:37.24JTit does?
22:37.25mafkees"you are about to paste 300 lines"
22:37.34mafkees"press CTRL+k to do so"
22:37.38JTit doesn't warn me for pasting 20
22:37.46ManxPower-= 248 extensions (825 priorities) in 24 contexts. =-
22:37.56LoRezI'm not getting any notification of calls being attempted at the cli now :(
22:38.28mafkeesLoRez: set verbose 255
22:38.28ManxPowerthose numbers are bogus, I don't know why, but I know that I do not have 248 extensions
22:38.40mafkeesManxPower: macros ?
22:39.02ManxPowermafkees: I'm sure that is part of it.
22:39.07mafkeesJT: paste_verify_line_count = 5
22:39.17JTah ok
22:40.45mafkeeswhat acient version ?
22:40.50mafkees0.8.10 here
22:42.11LoRezhrm... from my voip provider, I'm getting an invite for $phonenumber@$asteriskip
22:42.20LoRezand * is responding with a 404
22:43.09mafkeesput $phonenumber exten in [default]
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22:43.44LoRezmafkees: in sip.conf?
22:44.01mafkeesLoRez: extensions.conf
22:45.43ManxPowerLoRez: any time you see a 404 it means there is not a matching exten => line for the number in extensions.conf (or at least not in the required context)
22:47.20LoRezok, I changed the 's' extension to the $phonenum, which gives me new errors :)
22:48.11LoRezhow do I pass that call off to my SIP ATA?
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22:49.05ManxPowerLoRez: exten => is NEVER matched if there is a destination number.
22:49.19ManxPowerLoRez: the new error would be a good start as a place to fix the new errors
22:49.21mafkeesLoRez: exten => $phonenumber,1,Dial(SIP/ata)
22:49.25*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*@freenode/staff/bhall] by LoRez
22:49.27*** kick/#asterisk [Bhaal!i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez] by LoRez (LoRez)
22:50.48LoRezManxPower: mafkees's correction f1x0r3d it :)
22:51.25mafkeesI f1xor3 3v3ryth1ng
22:51.33LoReznow... to get it to dial out from the ATA :)
22:52.30riddleboxafter you install the asterisk-gui, how do you access it?
22:53.13mafkeesriddlebox: isnt that in the readme ?
22:53.24riddleboxI have looked but I cant see it
22:55.47dlynes_laptopriddlebox: have you tried asking on #asterisk-gui?
22:55.52riddleboxahh localhost:8088
22:56.07dlynes_laptopriddlebox: I think the username on asterisk-gui is 'admin' with no password by default
22:56.27riddleboxyou have to set it in manager.conf I think
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22:56.34ManxPowerriddlebox: take a look at the /topic
22:57.06mafkeesannoying bot
22:57.50dlynes_laptopwouldn't /topic be easier to type than ~topic?
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23:01.41angryuseris it possible to use european R of the phone button in features conf?
23:01.51dlynes_laptop~topic list
23:03.29ManxPowerangryuser: in the docs replace the word "FLASH" with "R" or "RECALL"
23:03.43ManxPowerthey are basically the same thing
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23:05.02angryuserManxPower: i tryed do use R like xfer => R, no use;(
23:05.41ManxPowerangryuser: that will not work.
23:05.54ManxPowerAll the R key does is flash the line.
23:06.11ManxPowerangryuser: you DO realize that flash based stuff has nothing to do with features.conf, right?
23:06.39angryuserwell wright now R put's user on hold for me
23:07.12LoRezManxPower: so, now my ATA is sending SIP INVITEs to $dialednumber@$asteriskip and getting 404's.  which makes sense as I'm dialing "real" phone numbers
23:07.23ManxPowerangryuser: features.conf is for DTMF based call control.  R/RECALL/FLASH is not DTMF.
23:07.41ManxPowerLoRez: *sigh* What context is the ATA in?
23:07.58angryuserManxPower: is there any .conf for that?
23:08.01ManxPoweri.e. what is the context= line in sip.conf
23:08.05ManxPowerangryuser: I doubt it.
23:08.20mafkeesso put that $phonenumber in [default]
23:08.24ManxPowerLoRez: then you need exten => $dialednumber,1,whatever in default.
23:08.30ManxPowerthis is not rocket science.
23:08.35mafkeesno ?
23:08.38ManxPowerLoRez: you have not read The Book, have you?
23:08.51LoRezI'm too impatient :)
23:08.54ManxPowerALL this stuff should be covered in The Book
23:09.34angryuserManxPower:it is strange, why there is action preprogrammed then?(on hold) and the most strange thing is that R does nothing for FXS users
23:09.59ManxPowerangryuser: What type of interface are you using?  ATA? Zap?
23:10.13angryuserManxPower:FXS R=> no effect Sip/User => on hold
23:10.20JTzaptel controls flash
23:10.30ManxPowerJT: so would an ATA
23:10.37ManxPowerangryuser: so you have a SIPura ATA?
23:10.44JTi didn't catch if angryuser had zaptel or an ata
23:11.03angryuseri have astribank for fxs, and pap2 for sip client
23:11.04LoRezapparently it was already set up :)  I just had to dial the entire # including the 1.
23:11.06ManxPowerJT: Me neither, but most of the time it is like pulling teeth to get that info out of them.
23:11.32angryuseraster 1.4 cvs latest
23:11.48ManxPowerangryuser: For SIP ATAs the FLASH/RECALL controls the ATA, for Zap FXS it is configured in zapata.conf
23:12.29angryuserManxPower: ok thank you
23:12.32ManxPowerJT: I find it easier to assume something, if I'm wrong they will tell me I assumed the wrong device.  It frequently is easier than getting them to tell me the required info.
23:13.27JTyeah, cos don't zaptel devices and atas work the same ways?? ;)
23:13.46JTit's an astribank issue
23:13.55JTno idea how those things interconnect other than usb
23:14.35mafkeesI'd like to test one someday
23:14.39mafkeesthey seem handy
23:14.54JTi don't
23:14.59angryuserJT: astribank working really fine for me
23:16.12*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
23:16.32JTusb for telecommunications... yeah...
23:16.41ManxPowerI'll stick to Adtran TA750, thankyouverymuch
23:17.17mafkeesI dont use channelbank
23:17.23mafkeesget a sip phone
23:17.29JTManxPower: :)
23:19.23angryuserJT: why usb2 is a slow bus for you?
23:19.52JTit's not about raw speed, it's about reliability and lack of a positive locking connector
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23:20.34jserveHi all
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23:21.48angryuserJT: not sure about "positive locking connector" but astribank never generated crash of any kind for me
23:22.11ManxPowerangryuser: if you tug on an RJ-45 connector it won't come out, if you do so with USB it will
23:22.16robl^JT: USB2+Duct Tape ;-)
23:22.27JTusb2 + fireplace
23:23.04ManxPowerrobl^: I hate Mardi Gras
23:23.30JTusb has always been a hackish "standard" and the host controllers can be pretty dodgy, too
23:23.36robl^ManxPower: did you accidentially swallow the baby in a kink cake?
23:23.52ManxPowerrobl^: no.  There's always a damn parade between where you are and where you need to be.
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23:24.03robl^er.. king cake.  darn freudian slips
23:24.30ManxPowerrobl^: freudian, eh?
23:24.51robl^I am sweet and innocent
23:24.51angryuserManxPower: ah that connector;) hehe just dont any too much curios user aproach the site;)
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23:31.43angryuserwhat is "Flash-hook call transfer, requires a three way calling" activated by transfer=yes in zapata.conf?
23:32.08k-manwhat are the main differences between 1.2 and 1.4?
23:32.49k-manyes... very wise to duck
23:34.49mafkeesk-man: read UPGRADE.txt
23:35.49ManxPowerangryuser: it means that if you want to use flash based transfers you need to have threeway calling enabled in zapata.conf
23:36.27k-manis there a win32 build of 1.4 around anywhere?
23:36.40ManxPowerangryuser: DTMF * transfers are an ugly hack for phones that are too stupid to do real transfers
23:36.47E-bolahave asterisk been ported to win32?
23:36.48ManxPowerk-man: no need to be vulgar
23:37.05k-manManxPower, there is a build of 1.2
23:37.16k-mani meant to address that to E-bola
23:37.22k-manManxPower, its not vulgar
23:37.23E-bolaa native win32 build
23:37.26k-manits a fact of life
23:37.27E-bolaor a cygwin build?
23:37.32k-mani love linux...
23:37.47k-manbut right now, for testing, it would be useful for me if i could run it under win32
23:37.54ManxPowerAsterisk on Win32 is against god and country
23:38.05ManxPowerThink of the children!
23:38.39k-manJ4k3, yes, im running it under vmware now
23:38.51mafkeeswin32 ?
23:38.54mafkeeswhat's that ?
23:38.56angryuserManxPower: hm i have some problems with my DTMF transfer, the delay between each Sign or digit is too short, i have modified feturedigittimeout=2000 but nothing changes, if have like #2 for transfer, to do it i need to pres the sequence really fast
23:39.05k-manJ4k3, but i have this problem where playing audio is slow... i thought it might be because its running under vmware
23:39.22J4k3kman: there are kernel patches for vmware timer fixes iirc.
23:39.41mafkeesuse xen
23:39.45angryuserManxPower:any ides how to change a delay between DTMF?
23:39.50k-manJ4k3, ooh? really? url?
23:39.56J4k3kman: does the vm's RTC slip time, too?
23:40.02J4k3mine was, radically
23:40.11k-manJ4k3, um... not sure... how do i test that?
23:40.40ManxPowerangryuser: I never use DTMF based transfers.  I use the transfer button on my IP phone or use FLASH transfers
23:41.15mafkeesthe # is working great
23:41.20mafkeesI use it all the time
23:41.23k-manJ4k3, its about 10 secounds behind the host
23:41.44angryuserManxPower: flash transfer work only for pri?
23:42.07mafkeesangryuser: and for fxo/fxs
23:42.37ManxPowerangryuser: you can't do transfers on a PRI.  only for FXS
23:43.13k-manj4k, any idea where i can find more info on this?
23:43.38JTyou can actually do transfers on a pri
23:43.40J4k3k-man: hrm..  I googled it right up before
23:43.49*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
23:43.51angryuserManxPower: hm, maybe exctly what i need, going to search some info about it
23:45.06ManxPowerJT: technically yes, but it is not initated by the phone device
23:45.47*** join/#asterisk droemel (
23:47.12ManxPowerJT: Are #asterisk people becoming less technical or does it just seem like it?
23:47.39mafkeesManxPower: depends on the dayoftheweek and timeofday
23:48.11ManxPowermafkees: well someone needs to update the dialplan routing for those times!
23:48.12angryuseris there any info about asterisk and Flash buttons?
23:48.45ManxPowerangryuser: flash is so mind numbingly simple that there is no need for much information about it.
23:48.54mafkeeslol ManxPower
23:49.03mafkeesno GotoIfTime on irc huh
23:49.03*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
23:49.11*** join/#asterisk axisys (
23:49.16JTManxPower: day and time i guess, yes :)
23:49.27ManxPoweryou press flash on an zaptel FXS port and what happens is controlled by the items in zapata.conf
23:50.03ManxPowerangryuser: it works just like threeway calling or call waiting from the telephone company in the USA
23:52.18*** join/#asterisk mavior (
23:52.26maviorhello everybody
23:53.02Dovidhello mavior
23:54.14angryuserManxPower: kk, i have like last question;) i need a feature, the principe is simple, a user which goes somewhere for a good amound of time, pick up a phone, dials(whaever the number) and after that all incoming calls go directly to his message box, user comes back dials again that number=>he can receive calls, is it possible?
23:54.22maviorcan somebody help me out with this error : chan_iax2.c:6754 socket_process: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '123@'
23:55.04maviori am trying to call an asterisk server from another one
23:55.19maviorthrough iax2
23:55.34maviorboth servers are behind nat
23:55.51J4k3forward some darned ports
23:55.55mafkeesmavior: check extensions.conf
23:56.16DovidJ4K3: having a bad day ?
23:56.16mafkeeslooks like you dont have the correct extension in the context where incoming iax calls go
23:56.26angryuserManxPower: i can change it with time functions, but dont know if there any way that user turn the "message box mode on" from his phone
23:56.53mafkeesangryuser: use the asterisk db
23:56.57J4k3Dovid: nah.  Its just like... not that hard to forward ports in most situations.  People put a lot more into it than there really is.
23:57.03maviori have server1 which have the [peer] section that place the call to server2 which have the [user] section where the place is incoming
23:57.14Dovidso then just do
23:57.23jbotfrom memory, rtfm is Read The F*cking Manual (TM). It is a suggestion to do your homework before posting a question. Sometimes used as RTFM $SPECIFIC_MANUAL to refer to a specific source of information. See also
23:57.26Dovid~NaT problems
23:57.39ManxPowerThe newbies!  Oh god it's full of newbies!
23:57.41*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
23:57.49maviorand i've seen that server2 must be registered to server1 in order to be able ro place the call, otherwise it won't work
23:58.12Dovidi have a full bottle of glenfich - any body want ?
23:58.57maviori have forwarded the right iax ports in both servers
23:59.40Dovidi think we need a few new variables in asterisk
23:59.41mafkeesok, wife is wanting to go to bed with me
23:59.45mafkeestime to leave irc

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