irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070208

00:00.05flendersk-man_: you have to set it up with them
00:00.18flenderscall forward if unavailable
00:00.19k-man_flenders, oh...
00:00.21flendersI know engin does that over here
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00:00.49k-man_flenders, so if the voip provider went down, ie, they had a major hardware crash or something, would that call forward if unavailable still work?
00:01.38flendersk-man_: I don't believe they would have a major crash like that, or at least, chances are pretty small
00:02.10flendersk-man_: i've been with engin for about 2 years now, and they never went down...
00:03.20diclophis-workhas anyone seen a flash (swf) application that talks VOIP ?
00:03.20flendersk-man_: I think any service provider (especially telcos) must have a decent failsafe system in place
00:03.21k-man_flenders, anything can happen, i am just wondering what happens in the worst case scenario.. .say there was an earthquake and the whole building collapsed for example
00:03.32JTengin does go down flenders
00:03.36JTjust not very often
00:03.41flendersk-man_: dunno mate... ring them and ask. :o)
00:03.49k-man_thanks :)
00:03.50flendersJT: I guess I'm lucky then
00:04.10JTmuch more than the pstn though, which generally has never ever gone down except when they fuck up our line phsyically due to changing service
00:04.21JTflenders: no, you just didn't notice them
00:04.24flendersJT: I also have my sip channels on my nagios, and they haven't been down since I put them in there
00:04.31JTthey had a few major outages in the last couple of months
00:04.57flendersJT: that might have been just before I added them to the monitoring system
00:05.12JTonce they were down for a few hours
00:05.20JTlots of people complaining on voip boards
00:05.53JTengin is good as long as you understand what you are getting and what service levels to expect
00:06.16JTdon't expect a good personally relationship with their staff or the staff to be that cluey
00:06.21JTit's like a big behemoth
00:07.04flendersJT: yeah, I know, but so is telstra
00:07.10flenderstelstra is a lot less likely to go down, though
00:07.28JTalthough the way their cust svc reps speak, you'd think they only have 1 tech
00:07.36JTthat operates the entire network
00:08.01JT"yeah the tech guy is out at the moment, i'll find out with him and call you back later"
00:08.16JTi mean props to him if it's pretty much just him, as it's a massive network :P
00:08.57flendersI was shocked with telstra cust service the other day
00:09.21JTtelstra can be useful if you speak to the right person
00:09.27JTspeaking to the right person is the hard bit
00:09.29k-man_how is nodephone's DID plans going?
00:09.47JTnodephone isn't that cheap
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00:10.09k-man_its not cheap
00:10.13k-man_but as i use internode
00:10.18k-man_and i am in a testing phace
00:10.19flenderswe changed our carrier for PSTN here to newtel, which is owned by commander, and at least, their tech team seems to be alright.
00:10.27JTk-man_: hey your question about if the provider is down, was that inbound or outbound calls?
00:10.37flendersyou can always talk to the tech people
00:10.47k-man_JT, i was talking about inbound
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00:10.56JTflenders: do newtel just rebill?
00:11.02JTk-man_: ok, provider problem then
00:11.04flendersJT: yeah
00:11.18flendersJT: their rates are great for landlines
00:11.31JToptus have some exchanges with their own gear now
00:11.43JTi doubt they'd beat optus's line rental rates :P
00:11.45k-man_jt, i guess my real question is "what should one do to ensure you are always contactable on your main phone number if you plan to implement a mostly voip based system?"
00:11.54flendersJT: how mych?
00:11.59JTk-man_: pray?
00:12.25k-man_jt, any other suggestions about building a bullet proof system?
00:12.26JTk-man_: imho, main numbers should come in over digital BRI or PRI circuits, but that's just me
00:12.35k-man_jt, ok
00:12.43k-man_jt, i think that answers my question
00:12.58JTthe Internet is unreliable, but if your provder can reliably implement call forwarding, they might be ok
00:13.05JTyour voip provider, that is
00:13.10JTflenders: $20/mo
00:13.23JTflenders: analogue or PRI.
00:13.29JTmin 10ch pri
00:13.36JTno line hunt fee
00:13.37flendersthat's cheap
00:13.50JTnot sure if it's just a temporary offer
00:14.02JTbut they've been phone marketing it like crazy
00:14.06flendersare they in north syd?
00:14.15JTyeah i almost want to get a personal 10ch pri just for the fun of it, but not quite
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00:15.49flenderscan you set your outbound caller id to anything you want on a PRI?
00:16.02JTnot with telstra
00:16.07JTthey sanity check
00:16.13JTto make sure it's a number you own
00:16.28flenderswhat if the number is a landline owned by us?
00:16.52JTnot sure, you might have to enquire if they can add it to an allowed list
00:16.56JTdunno if they would
00:17.19mogormanflenders, if your provider lets you you can
00:17.24mogormanmost will
00:17.38JTmost, most .au providers, ie. telstra?
00:18.13JTah, i was giving him the specific answer for over here
00:18.17JTi've tried it
00:18.28Cheetahthanks for your support earlier. I somehow managed to compile the driver ont he newer kernel by using a suse .rpm ;)
00:18.32Cheetaherr wrong channel :D
00:18.37Cheetahsupposed to go to #debian
00:19.10Cheetahthanks for YOUR help, too, of course :D
00:21.21JTflenders: the optus office is really good
00:21.29JTif i'm reading my notes right
00:21.37JTif they "changeover" your lines from telstra to their pri
00:21.42JTit's $1200 install
00:21.54JTbut they put that cost as a credit on your account
00:22.33JTway to make them lose money, use the lines for incoming calls only ;)
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00:24.02station49can someone tell me if I am able to register with a SIP server via something like X-LIte, shoudl i be able to via Asterisk in sip.conf using the register => .....
00:25.24flendersJT: fuck! that's a pretty decent offer
00:26.49JTflenders: yeah they're crazy
00:27.09*** join/#asterisk ttuttle (n=tom@gentoo/contributor/ttuttle)
00:28.05ttuttleI added the client in sip.conf, but it (Ekiga) says "Registration failed".
00:28.10JThe should use the dial command to call the sip entry for the soft phone
00:28.38ttuttleJT: exten => 617xxxxxxx,1,Answer then exten => 6178808012,n,Dial(SIP/hostname)?
00:29.00JTif 'hostname' is what is in square brackets in sip.conf
00:29.09ttuttleJT: It is.
00:29.16JTis it type=friend
00:29.35ttuttletype=friend, host=ip username=user, secret=pass, context=from-sip.
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00:30.00arctic_importCan someone help me get a PRI (TE110P) working?
00:30.08arctic_importI have the T1/PRI wired up to the local telco but they are telling me they get nothing on the D channel or something?  How can I debug this?
00:30.31JTarctic_import: have you configured zaptel.conf and zapata.conf?
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00:30.53arctic_importmy /etc/zapata.conf shows  span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs
00:31.09JTthat bit is right
00:31.15JTthere is more to it than that
00:31.28jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
00:31.28ttuttleJT: /me wonders if there is a better (less user-friendly, more clear about the terms) softphone to use than Ekiga?
00:31.46JTttuttle: not sure
00:32.10arctic_importJT, also using bchan=1-8 and dchan=24
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00:33.33JTarctic_import: sorry, please the whole of zaptel.conf AND zapata.conf or we are unable to assist
00:33.43arctic_importJT, in the /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf I have : switchtype=national, signalling=pri_cpe, group=1, channel => 1-8
00:33.48arctic_importJT, okay.
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00:35.39ttuttleJT: Do I need a separate daemon to do SIP registration?
00:35.49JTarctic_import: 8ch fractional t1?
00:36.18arctic_importJT, yes its a PRI with 8 B channels, and 1 D channel
00:36.49JTargg, AMP
00:36.59JTis there anything in zapata_additional?
00:37.11ttuttleAnyone?  I'm basically trying to get Asterisk to act as a SIP server.
00:37.23arctic_importJT, no its empty
00:38.02JTarctic_import: seems ok, as long as your telco is has a national switchtype
00:38.23JTarctic_import: next thing to try is a pri intense debug in the console
00:38.47arctic_importJT, yes the telco is using national as well.  We even tried 5ess but we still couldn't get it working.
00:39.32arctic_importJT I've done this but I don't know what it means.
00:40.42JTyou may have to paste some into pastebin then
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00:41.17doolphanyone know how to determine the callprogress / indications.conf for my country?
00:41.47JTarctic_import: yep so it's clearly receiving nothing back from the line
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00:42.05JTwhich may mean your cabling is bad or any number of things
00:42.22JTdoolph: it's not in there already?
00:42.30doolphnop :(
00:42.39JTwhat country?
00:43.00JThmm, check if it's in zonedata.c by any weird chance
00:43.14JTin the zaptel sources
00:43.38JTif not, you may have to try and see if your country has any standards documents published on it
00:44.06doolphthey are Cable&Wireless
00:44.21JTalso, you could record them, and use audio software with spectrum analyser capability to see the frequencies of the tone
00:44.36arctic_importJT, so when I use zttool  it tells me its up.  but maybe that doesn't mean anything?  The telco can see the span go down when I unload the modules. and it comes back when I reload the modules.  Would this still happen with a bad cable?
00:45.18JTmaybe they are getting sync from you, but you aren't receiving theirs?
00:45.24JTdid you make the cable
00:46.33arctic_importJT, no its a pre-made cat5 cable.  Straight thru.
00:46.36doolphJT have you done this before?
00:46.40ttuttleHow do I configure Asterisk to act as a SIP server for softphones on my LAN?  I tried it but my softphone is getting "Registration failed".
00:46.46anonymouz666exten => 123,1,Set(COUNT=1)
00:46.46anonymouz666exten => 123,2,While($[ ${COUNT} < 5 ])
00:46.54doolphi mean record, audio software... etc
00:46.55anonymouz666set count 1 will increase the count?
00:46.58JTdoolph: analysed tones? not really, the ones i needed already exist
00:47.07JTdoolph: but i've done similar stuff in audio software
00:47.22doolphJT so you can use callprogress=yes without any problem
00:47.24JTanonymouz666: err, that will just set it to 1
00:47.34ttuttleAnyone, please?
00:47.38JTdoolph: i guess so
00:47.53doolphttuttle put nat=yes
00:48.02ttuttledoolph: In the softphone entry in sip.conf?
00:48.15doolphin any sip user context
00:48.23JTarctic_import: hrm ok
00:48.39JTarctic_import: is the jumper set to T1?
00:48.51arctic_importJT, whats the default
00:48.57ttuttledoolph: Hmm.
00:49.02JTprobably t1, but i'd never assume
00:49.06ttuttledoolph: Then what?
00:49.27ttuttledoolph: But there's no NAT between Asterisk and the phone.
00:49.33arctic_importJT, I didnt' change the jumper from default so I can't say for sure that its set to T1
00:49.46doolphttuttle no?
00:49.55doolphwhat softphone are you using
00:49.57JTsomething you should've checked before putting the card in ;)
00:50.24JTarctic_import: so the card never goes up in asterisk?
00:50.36ttuttledoolph: It's Ekiga.
00:50.41ttuttledoolph: They're on the same LAN.
00:51.12doolphummm try another softphone first
00:51.30doolphlike SJphone
00:51.33ttuttledoolph: ok
00:52.12ttuttledoolph: installing...
00:53.03ttuttledoolph: Where do I enter the server name?
00:53.24doolphoptions, profiles
00:53.43ttuttledoolph: Hmm...
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00:54.01ttuttledoolph: General doesn't have it, Advanced doesn't have it, DTMF doesn't have it, is it in STUN?
00:54.37doolphwhere are you
00:54.41ttuttledoolph: Where?
00:54.48ttuttledoolph: On my bed, looking at my laptop ;-)
00:54.57doolphi said options, then profiles, then new
00:55.01ttuttledoolph: yeah
00:55.13doolphok, dont ask any other stupid questions
00:55.25ttuttledoolph: /me gets it.
00:55.29lbaPlease help parse this to show result of ChanIsAvail:  exten => _4XX,n,VERBOSE("Status:  is ${ChanIsAvail(EXTEN)}" 1)
00:55.31doolphcool lol
00:55.39arctic_importJT, well I don't really know how to check the status in asterisk.
00:55.42ttuttledoolph: So it says "squirrel: Service unavailable" (squirrel is the serveR).
00:56.07doolphthen your server is not available ?
00:56.14ttuttledoolph: But it's running.
00:56.23doolphcan you connect to it?
00:56.28ttuttledoolph: Okay, I'm getting "Username/auth name mismatch" from Asterisk.  Just a sec.
00:56.38ttuttledoolph: Yes, but I get an error when I try to log in.
00:56.48arctic_importJT if I do a pri show span 1,  it always reports Status: Provisioned, Down, Active
00:56.51doolphmaybe you havent reload the sip config
00:57.36ttuttlejust a sec.
00:58.01JTlba: ${EXTEN} not (EXTEN)
00:58.20lbaJT: Thanks.  I'll try that.
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00:58.47JTarctic_import: hmm so it's down
00:59.09ttuttledoolph: Nah, I reloaded the SIP config.
00:59.36doolphgive me user/pass/host
00:59.38doolphto test it here
01:00.04ttuttledoolph: It's not on a public IP.
01:00.10lbaJT: Better coz it dosn't report an error but the only result is:  "Status:  is " 1
01:00.14JTdoolph: what makes you think it's even Internet accessible?
01:00.47lbaJT: I need to know the status == return code of ChanIsAvail
01:01.02JTnot familiar with it
01:01.20doolphJT dude, any idea to dont make TDM answer all my calls even when its ringing? i cannot have a correct billing in this way
01:01.43doolphthis is sad
01:02.01JTlba: did you do ${ChanIsAvail(${EXTEN})} ?
01:02.24lbaJT: Was "not familiar with it" addressed to me or doolph?
01:02.28JTdoolph: huh?
01:02.31JTthe variable
01:02.36JTsounds like a function though
01:02.37joeIs anyone here doing central provisioning w/ polycom phones who has there own local-settings-sip.cfg file so as to not touch the distributed sip.cfg?
01:02.41lbaJT: Do spaces matter?
01:02.44*** join/#asterisk ttuttle (n=tom@gentoo/contributor/ttuttle)
01:02.58JTso if it is, you will need brackets around the EXTEN var
01:03.05ttuttleSorry about that, IPv6 went down.
01:03.14lbaJT: I'll try again.  brb
01:04.13ttuttledoolph: What now?
01:04.31doolphttuttle is it still available or its password problem
01:04.46*** join/#asterisk mosty (
01:05.00ttuttledoolph: I'm just getting that error message -- username/auth name mismatch.
01:05.25mostywhy does $DIALSTATUS rely on the peer being qualified?
01:06.21lbaJT: Your line give WARNING No application '${ChanIsAvail' for extension (default, 430, 3)
01:06.30doolphttuttle where
01:06.33JTttuttle: to be honest, it's very pointless us trying to debug your problem until you paste sip.conf into after removing the actual password(s)
01:06.36ttuttledoolph: From Asterisk.
01:06.40ttuttleJT: Ok.
01:06.59doolphttuttle i think its your sip config
01:07.27doolphthe zap line was still ringing, not really answered
01:08.42doolphtdm400 yes
01:08.50JTthat is normal operation
01:08.55JTanalogue has crap signalling
01:09.04JThard for a computer to detect events
01:09.28doolphif I use T1 then it can detects it correctly
01:09.45JTyeah you need answer supervision if zaptel even supports it, and maybe it can try and detect it but it may not be reliable
01:10.05JTof course, each stage of call progress is a Q.931 data signalling message sent over the D channel
01:10.11JTvery easy for a computer to understand
01:10.29doolphu mean the T1
01:10.39CJLinstIs there a quick way to run commands like ChanIsAvail(SIP/112) from the CLI and look at the result?
01:10.52*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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01:10.53JTlba: you are doing things totally wron
01:10.59JTlba: i checked the docs
01:11.01QwellBhaal: must you keep doing that? ;/
01:11.18ttuttledoolph: Can you look at my sip.conf?
01:11.19JTchanisavail is an app, not a variable or function
01:11.27JTQwell: he does that to check for onjoin spammers
01:11.49Qwellyeah, an onjoin spammer isn't gonna grep -v "freenode/staff" ...
01:12.22Qwellhim leaving and joining every couple hours is FAR more spammy
01:12.43ttuttleQwell: Every couple hours?  That's not spammy.
01:12.50doolphanalog line is very stupid
01:12.51ttuttleJT: Can you take a look at my sip.conf?
01:12.58Qwellttuttle: it is when you have 1 spammer every month or so
01:13.05ttuttleQwell: ah
01:13.12Qwell120 times/mo > 1 time/mo
01:13.31doolphi invested more than $400
01:13.37doolphand this is not working like I want
01:13.46ttuttledoolph: What are you doing?
01:13.58arctic_importJT: okay here some more info.  When I load the modules. and cat /proc/zaptel/* I show the channels and they are all "CLEAR" after I start asterisk this changes to "In use"
01:14.04lbaJT: I'm also looking at the docs at voip-info and can't figure how to parse ChanIsAvail.
01:14.06arctic_importJT: Is that normal?
01:14.06doolphjust trying to have log every call
01:14.09JTdoolph: you could always use an itsp
01:14.27doolphan what
01:14.35lbaJT: What I want to do is dial an internal exten and get a Congested if the exten doesn't exist, else call the exten
01:14.42JTlba: show application chanisavail
01:15.04JTchanisavail is an app, that returns vars
01:15.21JTarctic_import: i believe so
01:15.32JTdoolph: internet telephony service provider
01:15.38lbaJT: I'll examine and play with that info.
01:15.40JTsip has sufficient signalling
01:15.41lbaJT: Thanks
01:17.37doolphJT ah, yes but I have a telular
01:18.01JTdoolph: what does that mean?
01:18.33lbaJT: I tried:  exten => _4XX,n,ChanIsAvail(${EXTEN})    exten => _4XX,n,VERBOSE("${AVAILSTATUS}" 1)
01:18.35doolphtelular=a gsm to pstn
01:18.43doolphits to make mobile calls
01:18.54JTyou mean a gsm to pots gateway?
01:19.04lbaJT: Result: ChanIsAvail argument takes format ([technology]/[device])
01:19.23JTlba: you are missing sip/zap/etc
01:19.43lbaJT: device is just 'SIP'  No number?
01:19.49doolphits a equipment that convert mobile network to any standard line fxs
01:20.07JTdoolph: yes, a gsm to pots gateway
01:20.15doolphyes that thing
01:20.30doolphi need to do what you said
01:20.36JTlba: err, exactly *What* are you try to check, what channel?
01:20.37doolphrecord the line
01:20.50doolphthen do the indications.conf strings
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01:22.27lbaJT: I am trying to check if an sip extension is not an actual channel in sip.conf and Congested if so.
01:22.44lbaJT: This is to prevent mis-dials which cause * to go wild.
01:23.13lbaJT: I check 430 which does not exist, then 413 which is right next to me.
01:23.18JTlba: still have no idea what you're trying to do
01:23.26JTthe concept of channels doesn't quite align to sip
01:23.33ttuttleWhere do I put the username and password that I want to have to enter on a SIP softphone that will connect to my Asterisk server?
01:23.43JTas you can establish sip connections at will
01:24.16lbaJT: OK.  _4XX numbers dial sip phones thruout the house.  But sometimes wife dials a non-existing number.  Asterisk goes crazy and I want to detect this.
01:24.38JTttuttle: you must set host=dynamic
01:24.46JTotherwise registrations are pointless
01:25.03lbaJT: And run Congestion.    host _is_ dynamic in sip.conf
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01:25.16ttuttleJT: Ok.
01:25.22JTi sait ttuttle not lba
01:25.30ttuttleJT: Can I just not do registration?
01:25.31lbaJT: Sorry
01:25.37ttuttleJT: IT's a static IP on my LAN.
01:25.54JTttuttle: you either set the host statically, like you are now, and stop the client from registering, or you register
01:26.07ttuttleJT: Okay, I've set it to host=dynamic, and it's still getting an error logging in.
01:26.25ttuttleJT: Asterisk says "Feb  7 20:26:10 NOTICE[7508]: chan_sip.c:11131 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:tom@>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch".
01:26.34JTlba: umm, it sounds like a very esoteric setup, why don't you have each extension in your house setup with their own entries in extensions.conf and sip.conf?
01:26.49JTttuttle: did you do a sip reload?
01:26.58ttuttleJT: Yes, I've restarted Asterisk itself several times.
01:27.34JTttuttle: i'd set the sip entry name to conf just to test
01:27.41JTsometimes it can be anal about it
01:27.42lbaJT: Each extension _is_ setup in sip.conf.  I use _4XX because there are 15 sip phones and it's cumbersome to have so many separate extens
01:27.45ttuttleJT: Instead of lion?
01:27.55JTttuttle: yes
01:28.00ttuttleJT: "conf"?
01:28.12JTttuttle: if that fails, try adding insecure=very
01:28.13doolphttuttle why you are setting it as tom
01:28.16JTsip.conf, where else?
01:28.21doolphput a number
01:28.24ttuttledoolph: Wait, the username?
01:28.31JTerr, names work fine, doolph
01:28.36ttuttledoolph: Because I figured I would be logging in with a username.
01:28.43ttuttledoolph: My upstream provider, for example, uses a username.
01:28.46mostyJT: why cant you have registrations AND host=<some fixed address> ? i would still like to be able to see if the peer is contactable even if it is static
01:28.58doolphjust try it before
01:29.31JTmosty: arrgh, it specifically states they're mutally exclusive in the default documentation like the sample sip.conf, registration is ONLY to know what dynamic ip a host is on
01:29.44wunderkinmosty, that is what qualify is for
01:29.46ttuttledoolph: Still doesn't work.
01:29.51JTmosty: qualify finds if hosts are up
01:29.54wunderkinlba, if each valid exten has a voicemail box, use mailboxexists instead
01:30.18ttuttleJT: Okay, it's still not working, it says "Username/auth name mismatch".  Should I set authuser in the [lion] setting too?
01:30.29lbawunderkin: They don't.  We use a single voicemail box for the whole house (residence)
01:30.34JTyes, give it a go
01:30.58JTlba: how does your system dial?
01:31.25lbaJT: Not sure I understand.  Dialing is done with Dial()  Is that what you asked?
01:31.26mostyjt/wunderkin: perhaps i am confused, i thought i tried that, and qualify wasn't happy if it was a static host
01:31.47wunderkini thought you could, dunno
01:31.53JTlba: yeah i'd like to see the dial line if possible, i'm not sure i understand your setup
01:31.58JTmosty: that's not so
01:32.03ttuttleJT: Still same problem.
01:32.19JTttuttle: look at the actuall error using sip debug
01:32.44wunderkinlba, chanisavail is yucky for this, what do you mean that asterisk goes weird if they dial an invalid exten?
01:33.21lbaJT: exten => _4XX,n,Macro(stdexten,${EXTEN},SIP/${EXTEN},{20,rt})
01:33.35JTi think he is using some sort of crackpot method of dialling his extensions
01:33.41lbawunderkin: It continually issues messages in the CLI.  Each 2 lines each.
01:33.59wunderkinuse the real macro-stdexten
01:34.25ttuttleJT: I'll post the errors to
01:34.27lbawunderkin: This is not the real macro-stdexten?
01:34.30JTlba: ok, if you want to continue using that crackpot method, there are easier methods :P
01:34.40JTlba: are all the extensions in a continuous block
01:34.46JTwith no gaps in numbering?
01:34.58*** join/#asterisk orkid (
01:35.11lbaJT: Not in a continuous block.  I'm still installing phones.
01:35.23JTbecause you could use a better pattern
01:35.27JTinstead of stuffing around
01:35.57JT_4[0-2][0-9],n.........  etc
01:36.05*** join/#asterisk GiantPickle (
01:36.07JTor you could specify them all
01:36.39*** join/#asterisk bmd (n=bmd@
01:37.09lbaJT: I'll think about it.  I really like the present numbering system.  How would your method prevent misdials?
01:37.38wunderkinyour problem is just with the macro or extensions.conf
01:38.14JTsay the pattern is _4[0-2][0-3], that'd only match an extension between 400 and 423
01:38.17wunderkinshow the complete macro, all of 4xx, and the cli output
01:38.58ttuttleJT: Can you take a look at that pastebin?
01:38.58JTwunderkin: the problem is also that his pattern is broad and catches extensions that do not exist
01:38.59wunderkinno... the 2nd number could only be 0,1,2 and the 3rd number 0,1,2,3
01:39.09lbawunderkin: As far as I can tell it's the stock * stdexten macro
01:39.25wunderkinthat doesn't matter, he could just play a congestion or something, it should not be looping
01:39.41wunderkinlba, nope
01:40.17JTwunderkin: umm, yes, which is the same as saying "the range between 400 and 423"
01:40.20JTwhy not?
01:40.32JTwhat are you on about?
01:40.51ttuttleJT: Me?
01:40.52wunderkin[0-2] means 0,1,2 on the 2nd digit, [0-3] means 0,1,2,3 on the 3rd digit, not a range as a whole
01:41.07wunderkinthe whole range would be 400-423
01:41.15JTi know how the patten works wunderkin
01:41.20JTwhat's your point
01:41.28JTso it's between 400 and 423 effectively
01:42.06wunderkinoh, i mean that would not match 419 or 418, etc
01:42.18wunderkinthe 3rd number is not 0,1,2,3
01:42.28JTah true
01:42.30JTmy mistake
01:43.57lbawunderkin: I don't understand why you say 'nope' about my stdexten macro being the standard * one.
01:44.44wunderkin[macro-stdexten]; ; Standard extension macro: ;   ${ARG1} - Extension  (we could have used ${MACRO_EXTEN} here as well ;   ${ARG2} - Device(s) to ring
01:45.16lbawunderkin: That's exactly what I have in extensions.conf
01:45.27wunderkinyou're not calling it like that
01:46.05wunderkini guess, with extra cruft
01:46.13wunderkinbut anyways, pastebin
01:47.38ttuttleHow do I specify the authentication that Asterisk should require of a softphone?
01:49.27doolphttuttle why don't you try freepbx or something
01:49.43doolphor just install asterisk 1.4 web
01:51.02arctic_importWell I officially have no Idea what to try next on this stupid PRI.  I've verified the Jumper is set to T1, I've changed cables.  I cannot get the darn thing to work.
01:51.27lbaJT: wunderkin general pastebin - Miscellany - post number 344861
01:51.53wunderkinarctic_import, well if it says provisioned, down, active, um its turned down on the other side, i dont know if there are any other causes of that, from your side
01:51.58ttuttledoolph: Never mind, I fixed it.
01:52.02wunderkinlba, whole url
01:52.45arctic_importwunderkin, yeah except the Telco is blaming my equipment.
01:52.53wunderkineverything else?
01:52.59wunderkin^ lba
01:53.22wunderkinarctic_import, you probably need to talk to someone that is not lazy and high
01:53.37Lurchtoke8080 is the default port for remote gui access?
01:53.41arctic_importwunderkin, haha ya maybe.
01:54.36lbawunderkin: JT This is the original DP to dial any house extension.  I want to modify it to detect and Congestion on bad exten numbers.
01:54.58wunderkinshow the complete macro, all of 4xx, and the cli output <--
01:55.12lbawunderkin: JT My extensions for in-house dialing are between 400 and 499
01:55.20lbawunderkin: The std-exten macro?
01:55.22Bobthehunteris there such a thing as strstr for dialplans ?
01:55.31wunderkinlba, yes, [macro-stdexten]
01:55.35Bobthehunteri need oh!
01:55.38Bobthehunterchantype =zxp
01:56.06wunderkinwhat bob
01:56.39BobthehunterGotoIf($[${ChannelType} = Zap]?10)
01:56.44Bobthehunterthat wat im looking for lol
01:56.59Bobthehunteri assume its not case sensitive
01:57.26Bobthehunterbut can i goto a macro ?
01:57.35BobthehunterGotoIf($[${ChannelType} = Zap]?nameofmacro1)
01:58.30wunderkinBobthehunter, well, i guess you can use ${CHANNEL}, check the doc directory for the variable stuff
01:58.49lbawunderkin: I got this from someone elses DP but thought it was the standard * std-exten
01:59.08wunderkinpacket corruption
02:06.58*** part/#asterisk hkdaylxb (n=chatzill@
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02:07.33lbawunderkin: I paste binned my macro-stdexten at
02:07.43*** join/#asterisk techie (
02:07.48wunderkinyou did not
02:08.38lbawunderkin: Maybe I did something wrong.  Will pastebin again ...
02:09.07wunderkinthat or there is interference in one of your internet tubes
02:09.54Bobthehunteractually i dont know channel type yet.. since call not trough..
02:10.05Bobthehunterim trying to see if zap avail.. already got a checkpri macro
02:10.37Bobthehunterso i need a REGEX in the strgin ill ddial.. and i got that in ${ARG2}
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02:12.48wunderkinset to every hour now?
02:13.19wunderkinwell im out of energy and patience at the moment
02:13.36wunderkinlba, use the stock macro-stdexten and go from there, get rid of the call forward crap
02:14.34wunderkinlooks to me like it will keep looping
02:15.31wunderkinBobthehunter, you can try one more time in english, otherwise im out for awhile
02:15.58Bobthehunterim trying to regex the channel to see if ZAP in the name so i can call my macro checkpriavail
02:16.28Bobthehuntersorry.. im trying to REGEX my newdialstring.. to see if ZAP in it..
02:16.48wunderkinuh yeah thats what i said
02:16.53Bobthehuntermy dial strign is FOO and containx either SIP/BLAH/${EXTEN} or  ZAP/g1/${EXTEN}
02:17.10wunderkinwell you just said zap before
02:17.21Bobthehunteryeah sorry lol long day here too
02:17.44*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekon@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
02:17.50lbawunderkin: I didn't realize my macro-stdexten was not stock.  I'll look for the stock one.  However, my problem has not been with the std-exten except for the looping was a bad exten is dialed.  That's why I'd like to check the status
02:17.56wunderkinwell if ${CHANNEL} does not work, then i don't know what you're doing so i don't really feel like it now, sorry
02:18.49wunderkinlba, well.. if you are using stock asterisk, it is in /usr/src/asterisk/configs/extensions.conf.sample
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02:21.29k-man_how can i make my phone and asterisk make sounds that are more like the australian signals?
02:21.31teknoprephey anyone here use voicepulse ?
02:22.11JTk-man_: in asterisk you set the tonezone to au
02:22.17teknoprepbeen having choppyness problems until i moved to iax2 trunk
02:22.18JTin sip phones, you'll have to set it there too
02:22.29k-man_jt, oh....
02:22.46k-man_jt, where is it in asterisk?
02:23.16JTif there's any zap channels, you set it in zapata.conf
02:23.32JTindications.conf for default asterisk indications
02:23.41JTyou can also set it with a var per call iirc
02:24.08k-man_but i only have a sip phone so its a setting in the phone?
02:24.24JTthere are two tone sources in asterisk, zaptel ones, for zap channels, and asterisk ones, for Congestion() and playtones, etc
02:24.36JTwell the sip phone makes the noise, so yes
02:24.40JTat least the dialtone
02:25.34k-man_in regional settings, there is a bunch of tones that can be set
02:25.40k-man_cryptic strings
02:27.10lbawunderkin: OK I've copied macro-stdexten into my extensions.conf but I'll have to carefully examine it.
02:27.35lbawunderkin: It doesn't seem to allow options in the dial command like rtT
02:28.16lbawunderkin: I appreciate your help.  Unfortunately, I have been called for dinner right now and this is last night before my wife flys off early tomorrow.
02:28.26lbawunderkin: Please excuse me.
02:30.17lbawunderkin: And thank you very much for showing me that my macro-stdexten wasn't stock like I thought.
02:31.12lbawunderkin: and JT Thanks to both of you.  Bye
02:37.45flendershow do I get a dialtone after dialing an extension?
02:40.34[TK]D-Fenderflenders: To do what?  What happens between your initial dial and your 2nd dialtone?  Are you expecting this to be an * provided tone?
02:41.05flendersI can dial out
02:42.01flendersJT: ?
02:43.29doolphanyone got a good qos solution for linux router?
02:43.43doolphi got a network that is mixing p2p & voip
02:44.23Qwellqos solution: Don't do that
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02:47.16JTflenders: i'd say that'd be it
02:47.24JTwhat other disa would there be in asterisk
02:47.33flendersJT: just tested, works great! thanks mate
02:47.44JTyeah it's a useful command
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02:58.23k-man_hey, can you use asterisk to do voice directed ivr?
02:58.27k-man_like telstra has here?
02:58.51[TK]D-Fenderk-man_: lookup Sphinx on the WIKI
02:59.07soylentanyone familiar with setting up asterisk to connect to a cisco router holding the T1 line?
03:00.42soylentguess not?
03:01.19*** join/#asterisk xpot (
03:01.35soylentfor some reason, I'm not allowed to get a digium or equivalent card and connect the T1 to asterisk directly. I'm only allowed (business decision, not mine) to use the Cisco.
03:02.07soylentso just curious if people use that setup much or if that is "offensive" in this realm.
03:02.20xpotanyone know the proper use of calleridnum in 1.4 using agi?  Here is what I currently have> my $callerid            = $input{'calleridnum'};
03:05.18[TK]D-Fendersoylent: I've heard of a number of people in here that have done this, and it is not offensive
03:05.37k-man_anyone know of nodephone have a callback service for testing purposes?
03:05.47k-man_so i can test DID
03:06.30soylentso Fender, maybe this question has nothing to do with Cisco though. My problem, through cisco, is how do I handle early media, if that's a term used here.
03:08.02soylentright now the Cisco is sending me a 100 message and then nothing until the call gets dropped.
03:10.43jpablosoylent, i once almost lost all my hair with a cisco passing me sip calls. finally i found that the stupid cisco expects that you send them a ringing message before anything
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03:10.52jpabloso start with a exten bla,1,ringing
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03:11.08[TK]D-Fendersoylent: You can't really. SIP has no means or representing it IIRC
03:11.50soylentso busy signals and such? won't get passed back? or fast busies or just "sorry, number not in use any more" messages?
03:12.27soylentdoes that work ok with the T1 attached to the asterisk box directly?
03:12.41soylentcause so far, none of that seems to be getting through.
03:12.56soylentor maybe it's a config issue on the cisco?
03:13.20soylentsorry to be so noisy. just been pulling my hair out as you say...
03:14.02jpablosoylent, thoses messages dont work for me in a ISDN E1 connected to a digium e1 card.
03:14.13jpablosoylent, other people say the messages work for them
03:14.28soylentanyone know for sure??
03:14.48[TK]D-Fendersoylent: * will have no way to TELL the PRI to send early media
03:14.52jpablosoylent, they work when i connect 24 fxo channels to a channel back and connect the channel bank to the digium card.
03:16.05jpablo[TK]D-Fender, why not ? I'll like to get that working ...
03:16.31[TK]D-Fenderjpablo: there is no such functionality in SIP
03:17.25jpablo[TK]D-Fender, you can answer the sip half and pass the audio
03:19.11[TK]D-Fenderjpablo: You are missing the point.  Early media is a digital telecom signaling method.  There is not translation from SIp to that.  You can RECEIVE early media just fine, but thats THEIR side doing the work.  don't expect to dial OUT and send early media...
03:19.33soylentoh wait Fender
03:19.38soylentI'm having a problem receiving it.
03:20.03soylentthe cisco should be passing it from the tdm to my asterisk but is not, or seems not to be.
03:20.15soylentthe only sip message I get is 100 trying
03:20.16jpabloearly media makes no sense when you dialout
03:20.34jpabloyou could talk for free
03:20.43[TK]D-Fenderjpablo:  Hrm
03:21.29[TK]D-FenderNo matter.. I'm still overjoyed at Polycom SIP 2.1.0 today :)
03:21.40xpotanyone know of a way to count the number of digits entered?
03:22.14[TK]D-Fenderxpot: Entered on what?  when?  How?
03:22.30soylentdamn, I'm still on 2.0.1.b
03:22.34xpotsip chan, when requested
03:22.47xpotfor ex: Read(blah)
03:22.54jpablosoylent, i remember cisco sip implementation sucking badly, you can try to buy a sangoma or digium card.
03:23.00jpablosoylent, are you using e1 or t1?
03:23.09soylentt1 in us
03:23.15soylentcan't remember for the other office
03:23.21soylentI think it's a t1 too though.
03:23.25[TK]D-Fenderxpot: "show function LEN"
03:24.16xpotFender: would you be able to answer my previous question as well?
03:24.35xpothere it is again: anyone know the proper use of calleridnum in 1.4 using agi?  Here is what I currently have> my $callerid = $input{'calleridnum'};
03:24.39*** join/#asterisk ttuttle (n=tom@gentoo/contributor/ttuttle)
03:24.58ttuttlesjphone is the only softphone I've tried so far that works right with Asterisk.  Neither Kphone nor Ekiga manage to register properly.
03:25.25soylentcould this have anything to do with the progressinband setting in asterisk?
03:25.27[TK]D-Fenderxpot: Never did AGI
03:25.32ttuttleAre there any other open source softphones that might work?
03:25.34ttuttlesoylent: me?
03:25.35jpablosoylent, i guess i should work.
03:25.36xpotok, thank you
03:25.55[TK]D-Fenderttuttle: ekiga works fine for me...
03:26.36ttuttle[TK]D-Fender: Hmm.
03:30.02*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
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03:30.37Carp1Is it possible to get a T1 with ONLY 5 or 6 voice channels? and no data.
03:30.56ShadowHntrCarp1: you can get a fractional t1 perhaps...
03:31.10ShadowHntrcheck with your local telco and data providers
03:31.10Carp1Whoops, I meant that.
03:31.26ShadowHntrwhat country are you in
03:31.28Carp1Where I live, there really isnt local anything
03:31.32ShadowHntrnew york
03:31.42ShadowHntrcheck with like XO Communications ( or local large isps
03:31.59ShadowHntryou can get a fractional t1. it doesn't matter to the ISP or telco what you use the channels for
03:32.08ShadowHntrperhaps Verizon Business will be able to help you out =)
03:32.38*** part/#asterisk techie (
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03:33.34Carp1With a fractional T1, you dont get 24 channels tho right?
03:33.42Carp1Im reallt not sure how a T1 works lol
03:34.11ShadowHntra T1 consists of 24 8-bit channels
03:34.14JTit's a fraction
03:34.16ShadowHntrthat can be used for either data or voice
03:34.23ShadowHntrfractional means you don't get the whole T1 circuit
03:34.27Carp1Not a fractional though
03:34.30*** join/#asterisk Milk_ (
03:34.31ShadowHntryou tell the ISP how many of the 24 channels you want.
03:34.33Milk_good evening!
03:34.36JTbasically they allow you to only use a certain amount of channels
03:34.43JTtelcos provide T1s, not isps, really
03:35.07JT8bit channels, that's a bit misleading
03:35.15[TK]D-FenderI want a 100% fraction of a T1. THERE! 24 channels!
03:35.18JTit has 24 * 64kbit/s
03:35.37Milk_I was here last night, but blew a fuse and lost connection, so.. I'm back
03:35.57Milk_I'm trying to use an fxo card in my trixbox to allow me to dial out from a sip phone on my pots line
03:36.04JTit's just a tdm interface, and you only use what timeslots you need
03:36.05Milk_I'm getting a "all circuits are busy" message
03:36.10Milk_but not sure whats wrong
03:36.14Carp1Milk_: there is a channel fro trixbox
03:36.21Carp1try #trixbox or #freepbx
03:36.36Milk_Carp1, no one ever answers in there
03:36.41[TK]D-FenderMilk_: ....
03:36.46jbotrumour has it, trixbox is unable to be supported here. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or use the trixbox forums at
03:37.05Milk_ok... lets ignore that its trixbox
03:37.06JTShadowHntr: 8bits is irrelevant at the interface level, as it's just a serial bidirectional data stream
03:37.14[TK]D-FenderMilk_: That unfortunately falls under the typically category of "TFB"
03:37.15Milk_its a problem with the asterisk install on the trixbox machine...
03:37.26JTit's not asterisk
03:37.30JTit's freepbx on trixbox
03:37.35[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  No, we won't.
03:37.41ShadowHntrJT: you're right. just trying to relay the info to Carp1.
03:37.48JTfreepbx is asterisk with very complicated included dialplans
03:38.07JTShadowHntr: :)
03:38.28Milk_no one is even willing to give it a go huh
03:39.34JTMilk_: if you do lots of hunting to narrow down the problem beforehand, people might find it possible to give a little advice
03:39.49Milk_I've done quite a bit
03:40.31Milk_I've opened the CLI, set verbosity and debug to 10, and was in the process of pastebining the output when I lost power last night....
03:40.34*** join/#asterisk putzz (
03:40.53Milk_I can recreate the error and start with that, but I assume I will be told TFB and RTFM instead of getting any help
03:41.09[TK]D-FenderMilk_: Trying to find out what you put in wrong to cause your failure just isn't worth the time for most of us.  Check the forums if their IRC channels aren't actiice enough
03:41.17[TK]D-FenderMilk_: there are plenty of those
03:42.02[TK]D-FenderMilk_: the odds of you're conveying enough useful info for us to help find out what you did wrong are somewhat bleak
03:42.23Milk_[TK]D-Fender, I find you offensive and a terrible representative of OSS, I'm trying to get help, and all your giving me is attitude
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03:42.36JTis not attitude
03:42.40Milk_I'm not a newbie, scared of the CLI, scared of criticism, or scared of config files
03:42.57JThow can we help with something we aren't familiar with?
03:42.59[TK]D-FenderMilk_: Tell you what : Show us where you think the problem is.
03:43.15Milk_I've been running a non-windows environment for many years and I am quite capable of problem solving, with some basic guidance
03:43.17JTif you ask for a very specific advice about something, with actual config data, we may be able to assist
03:43.19wubbaAll circuits are busy - usually a registration problme.
03:43.25[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  the fact you get an error recording is of no assistance'
03:43.35Milk_I appear to be registered just fine
03:43.49[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  CLI output, config files for the channels affected, etc...
03:43.51putzzhow would I go on to block only a certain area code, instead of listing all the allowed ones?
03:44.01Milk_[TK]D-Fender, if you would read and get off your high horse, you would see that I said I had more info last night
03:44.11Milk_maybe.. . just maybe I'm running debug now
03:44.12Milk_just maybe
03:44.17Milk_oh.. but wait.. I'm a newbie and TFB
03:44.24wubbaScrew that
03:44.26[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  If you hear a recording then your phone isn't the problem, its the other end you're trying to bridge in
03:44.31JTputzz: s/_123XXXXXXXX, or similar
03:44.36wubbaI was going to jump on and help - but this guy is a goof.
03:44.44JTMilk_: last night is not now
03:44.52JTwe can't see last night's conversation
03:44.58JTit's a long time ago in #asterisk land
03:45.00Milk_it appears.....
03:45.07[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  So you had more info tlast night.  That to say you're going to provide even less now?
03:45.18Milk_I'm working on it
03:45.19[TK]D-Fenderconterproductive :)
03:45.20JTif we scrollback 10million lines, no thanks?
03:45.30wubbaCLI would probably show exactly what the problem is...
03:45.35Milk_do you guys really treat everyone this way?
03:45.43[TK]D-FenderJT : "load"
03:45.53wubbaNope - only people that act like we owe them something
03:45.54[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  Again, not an * generated error.
03:46.08Milk_further up
03:46.12JTonly people who complain about us telling you that it's hard to fix vague problems in unsupported software without lots of details
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03:46.21JTthat is not debug output
03:46.33[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  Thats just part of the spam of message put out by FreePBX as a marker, but not truely indicitive of what channel caused the error
03:46.41Milk_ok.. how can I differeitiate between debug and verbosity
03:46.52JTthere's sip debig
03:47.01Milk_let me pop that up
03:47.04JTwhich may or may not be necessary
03:47.12[TK]D-FenderMilk_: Dump the CLI output of an ENTIRE failed call
03:47.23[TK]D-FenderMilk_: and do "set verbose 10' prior to the call
03:47.29JTprobably worth seeing what the hell your configs are actually trying to do though
03:47.47[TK]D-FenderJT : we dont even know WHICh oe to look foor yet :)
03:47.56[TK]D-FenderJT : No channel types mentioned!
03:48.05[TK]D-FenderJT : lets work from the ground up...
03:48.17[TK]D-FenderJT : or at least our head start at 6' under :)
03:48.22JT< Milk_> I'm trying to use an fxo card in my trixbox to allow me to dial
03:48.50[TK]D-FenderJT : Still I wanna see the DIAL command and the lines immediately following it
03:49.00JTwould be useful
03:49.04[TK]D-Fender( Milk_  this should be a HINT for you )
03:49.13Milk_I'm pasting it now
03:49.13*** join/#asterisk acecase (
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03:50.23JTpeople are annoyed because you're making all sorts of remarks like "geez", Milk_, might be why you're getting a little bit of resistance
03:50.26[TK]D-Fender-- Executing Dial("SIP/3101-09c10640", "ZAP/g0/13092872137|300|") in new stack
03:50.35Milk_I can pare that down to remove the basic debug and basic verbosity, if its helpfull
03:50.42CrashSysCorydon: Ping ...?
03:50.43Milk_geez.... haha
03:50.48[TK]D-Fenderat least it looks like you're dialing a legit NA LD #
03:51.28[TK]D-FenderMilk_: No, phase 1 complete.  now pastebin your zapata.conf , zaptel.con, and ALL files they link to (#include)
03:52.10JTMilk_: well you're doing an awful lot of complaining, keep in mind people here aren't paid to help
03:52.24Milk_I wasn't complaining about the help
03:52.27Milk_just the attitude
03:52.29[TK]D-FenderJT : Ok, I think he's recovering a bit...
03:52.32Milk_... I appreciate the help!
03:52.47*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
03:52.49[TK]D-Fenderok, everyone cool it a bit.  We'll see how this progresses
03:53.00[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  get to that 2nd set of PB's you
03:53.05[TK]D-Fenderve been requested to provide
03:53.19Milk_working on it now
03:53.20marc7does anybody have any ideas how I can configure asterisk to beep every 60 seconds during a Record() statement?
03:53.29Milk_heres zapata.conf
03:54.16Milk_I don't see a zaptel.con
03:55.01acecasecan anyone point me to a real good set of asterisk configuration and language documentation?
03:55.21jboti guess wikis is
03:55.24QwellWhy does jbot hate me so much?
03:55.35JTmm, wouldn't it be useful for channels to be in zapata.conf?
03:56.02acecasethanks Qwell. I have been looking through that and its very fast but kinda unorganized for a noob
03:56.12acecasevery Vast*
03:56.15jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
03:56.15putzz~seen mygod_run
03:56.45jbotputzz: i haven't seen 'mygod_run'
03:56.45JTand zaptel.conf
03:56.45JTlooks like both files do not have channel numbers in them
03:56.45sumasumahi, Is there is any asterisk GUI, so that i can just install it on my webserver and provide services to my customers and manage my asterisk ?
03:56.45JTslight issue
03:56.58[TK]D-FenderMilk_: Please provide the 2 #include-ed files from zapata.conf
03:57.35acecaseand its a free pdf even :) I apriciate it
04:00.22sumasumaany help for asterisk GUI please ? commercial ones is also ok
04:00.23marc7our SIP carrier is prematurely terminating phone calls because someone is in the middle of a "record" statement... and because asterisk is just "receiving" sound, not "transmitting" or echoing anything back... our carrier thinks the call has ended. is there any way we can have asterisk echo a "beep" every minute, without interrupting a Record() command?
04:00.45*** join/#asterisk mishehu (
04:01.04[TK]D-Fendersumasuma: Wrong place for that.  Please read the channel topic to see which other channel to go to for support
04:01.11marc7we need to be able to record ~10 minute long messages, and we can only get to 3-4 minutes of our asterisk server not echoing anything before our carrier drops the call
04:01.33[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  Ok, that all looks fine.  pastebin the * CLI output of "zap show channels"
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04:01.41filemarc7: set transmit_silence_during_record to yes in asterisk.conf under the options context
04:01.51fileit will probably not be there, so just add it
04:01.55filerecord will then transmit silence
04:01.58marc7file: you rock steady
04:01.59[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  FYI, the X100P has 2 ports.  i already suspect you plugged the line in the wrong jack...
04:02.19Qwell[TK]D-Fender: "But I plugged a phone into the phone port"
04:02.21Milk_my card has only 1 port
04:02.32[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  And its not really 2 ports so much as a "pass-through"
04:03.18*** join/#asterisk canadiancow (
04:03.23JTfile: what's the alternate to transmitting silence?
04:03.23[TK]D-FenderMilk_: Well... everything else looks fine..
04:03.33fileJT: not transmitting silence?
04:03.44JTfile: i though ast didn't support rtp silenve supression
04:03.45[TK]D-FenderQwell : duh....duhh..duh...DUMB :)
04:03.59*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
04:04.13fileJT: it doesn't.
04:04.43JTwell it seems to transmit rtp packets for me even when there is no activity
04:05.05fileRecord does not transmit packets while recording unless you turn on that option
04:05.30JTso whilst Record is being used, asterisk stops transmitting rtp packets?
04:05.42[TK]D-FenderManxPower: SIP 2.1.0 iss out and add MicroBrowser support for IP 501 & 430 :)
04:06.11ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I'll play with it when a client wants to pay me to.
04:06.19JTis there any other situation when asterisk stops transmitting rtp packets during an in media path call?
04:06.27Milk_the fxo card is deffinatly 1 port, and the line is active as I just tested on an analogue phone
04:06.31ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: What do you use the microbrowser for anyway?
04:06.41fileI do not know off the top of my head at this time of night
04:06.43QwellManxPower: ascii pr0n
04:07.05[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Live Queue status, VM count in multiple boxes.  Line concurrency checks, etc
04:07.05JTfile: ok, isn't that a bug, if asterisk doesn't support rtp silence supression?
04:07.49ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I knew there was something missing from my life.
04:08.00[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  :hrm. put that card on a splitter with another phone and try while offhook on the parallel phone
04:08.17fileJT: if you want to add support, feel free
04:08.18[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Sorry, I don't work for Pfizer...
04:08.25filebut not supporting something does not a bug make
04:08.31ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Anyway, 1.4 is an example of why I don't install .0 releases.
04:08.51Milk_that line is connected to the whole house.. so I can just pick up another line
04:08.53Milk_let me try
04:09.11[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Yeah I suppose, but it does solve a number of existing issues.  I'll simply keep you abreast of my progress then.
04:09.12JTfile: i understand, but shouldn't asterisk always transmit rtp packets during an in-media sip session, if it is the case that rtp silence supression is not supported? just curious
04:09.43Milk_[TK]D-Fender, I hear nothing on the house like when trying to dial
04:10.02[TK]D-FenderManxPower: seriously ups its functionality sa well.  Tables support (about time!) and a few things
04:10.21[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  Hrm.  now its moved on to being a mystery...
04:10.41Qwellunplug all phones
04:10.50fileJT: should? probably
04:10.53ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Yes, but other than queues and trivial things like stoke quotes and weather, what USE is the microbrowser.
04:10.53[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  Try PB-ing "show channels"
04:11.08QwellManxPower: I'm telling you...ascii pr0n
04:11.10JTfile: okay
04:11.13QwellYou could sell that
04:11.24russellbQwell: that would rock
04:11.25*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
04:11.28[TK]D-FenderManxPower:  Anything beyond nearly incidental info / company directory (good reason), begins asking why you're not using a PC.
04:11.33Qwellrussellb: totally
04:11.38Qwellright bkruse_home ?
04:11.55ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: um, many of my users are not technical enough to use a computer.
04:12.06[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  Ok, we've covered just about everything....
04:12.26Milk_[TK]D-Fender, and no thoughts on why?
04:12.32[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Ok, get them a channel bank and a bunch of analo gphones and ship me their overstock :)
04:12.47[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  Not offhand, still looking at to see if there's something I missed.
04:13.09Milk_[TK]D-Fender, thanks!
04:13.13canadiancoware there any mirrors i can download asterisk from?
04:13.18[TK]D-FenderMilk_: maybe try replugging the line.  maybe loose/
04:13.33[TK]D-Fendercanadiancow: has links
04:13.55ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Maybe I could tap into the account database and post the most recent check written to the top 10 paid people in the company.
04:14.20bkruse_homeQwell: yes!
04:14.21canadiancow[TK]D-Fender, it has links to the companies that provide bandwidth, but no other download links
04:14.36russellbbkruse_home: have you done your homework young man?
04:14.46Milk_[TK]D-Fender, I had just done that a minute ago
04:15.28Qwellpear flavored vodka?  wtf
04:15.53bkruse_homerussellb: no ;[
04:15.59bkruse_homerussellb: i got some pre-cal :[
04:16.10bkruse_homebut ill do it tomorrow in physics, its resource writing time
04:16.22russellbdidn't your mother tell you to do your homework before getting on IRC?
04:17.28russellbrewritten the CLI commands?
04:17.57Qwellbkruse_home: You should do well in physics.  We need somebody to write res_physics
04:18.11russellbwhy do we need a physics engine in asterisk ?
04:18.13Qwelloh wait, that's res_psychic :P
04:18.14bkruse_homeQwell: what do we need res_physics to do?
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04:18.34russellbthat would be silly
04:18.34Qwellrussellb: and the obvious answer, is...Wii bowling
04:18.49ManxPowerAs you can see the infrastructire in New Orleans is not very reliable yet
04:18.50bkruse_homeQwell: i wanted to through down some wii tenis today
04:18.52[TK]D-FenderMilk_: Ok, zaptel.conf one last time please...
04:18.59bkruse_homemitchel got op'd but bkruse didnt?? :[      no irc op's under 20?
04:19.02Qwellsee, what you do, is swing an analog handset around...
04:19.12Qwelland it can "hear" it's direction
04:19.23*** mode/#asterisk [+v bkruse_home] by Qwell
04:19.28bkruse_homeQwell: and it tells you the area of the room and providers echo can?
04:19.30*** join/#asterisk andres_pag (n=andres_p@
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04:20.57CrashSysbowling for TDM
04:20.59CrashSysI like it
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04:22.09[TK]D-FenderMilk_:  Ok, I officially can't see why....
04:22.26Milk_[TK]D-Fender, well.. I appreciate your time!
04:22.33*** join/#asterisk bpiper (
04:22.36CrashSyswell that's interesting... chan_oss shoots the CPU usage to 160% when I call it...
04:22.38CrashSysI like it...
04:22.56[TK]D-FenderMilk_: Well you started producing materials.  that'll increase your odds.
04:23.25Milk_[TK]D-Fender, I always produce... just no point in spilling your guts off the bat when you don't know if anyone is willing
04:24.17russellbooh, code that uses 160% of a processor?
04:24.21russellbthat must be pretty l33t
04:24.37CrashSysit's so l33t that it goes oops :D
04:24.54bkruse_homerussellb: its pretty crazy,i use res_fakesmellingdwaynecandleforrussell
04:25.01bkruse_homeits a thread hog, and smells like bubble gum.
04:25.02Milk_well.. I'm off to do some reading
04:25.05Milk_thanks again guys
04:25.15russellbbkruse_home: o.O
04:25.30bkruse_homerussellb: I want HALF of your candle, its delighful
04:25.45russellbwhy do you want my candle?
04:25.55russellbit's ... a cheap candle from walmart
04:26.06CrashSyschan_alsa fires the CPU up to about 2%...
04:26.15CrashSysbut the dsp/answer and dsp/noanswer patch aint workin'...
04:26.26bkruse_homerussellb: its an awesome color, and an awesome scent
04:26.32bkruse_homeand does NOT smell like bubble gum.
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04:27.14QwellPQ would be...mad :p
04:27.18russellbi think burning incense would be over the line ...
04:27.32russellbi guess if you closed your door :)
04:27.32Qwell"Are you...  ... ...baking something?"
04:27.38bkruse_homeQwell: omg. matt would not shutup about the bubble gum
04:28.03bkruse_homeQwell: get the cinnamon candle and fan the door
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04:28.31russellbi wonder if they have chocolate chip cookie incense
04:29.26bkruse_homerussellb: I found it!
04:29.45ManxPowerrussellb: They have leather scented candles, chocolate chip cookie incense doesn't seem like a stretch.
04:30.12rudholmwhat about "New Car" candles?
04:30.20Qwellrudholm: heh
04:31.03rudholmwhere's Strom?  don't they have teh intarweb in Canada by now?
04:31.32bkruse_homerussellb: HA, i like it
04:31.32ManxPowerrudholm: It's Feb.  The internet tubes are frozen up there
04:31.37rudholmoh right
04:31.44rudholmhe must be freezing
04:31.53canadiancowits not that cold ;)
04:32.13rudholmhe was one big shiver in Seattle a couple weeks ago.
04:32.21[TK]D-Fendercanadiancow: yes it is.  Spit BOUNCES
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04:32.32rudholmspit shatters
04:34.17bkruse_homemsg russellb russellb: some of these NEW_CLI declarations in the ast_cli_entry struct dont have cli commands to get to them??
04:34.33bkruse_homethere :]
04:34.51bkruse_homeoh noes!
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04:38.06bpiperinteresting question for you guys...    I've been running asterisk for since it first came out. Had no problems, then all of the sudden the other day it started crashing. I checked ps aux and it shows the asterisk process at 99.9% cpu. Since then I upgraded to 1.2.14 and same problem. It runs for about 15 min & crashes again... Anyone know where to look to figure this one out?
04:38.31Qwellbpiper: using mpg123 for MoH?
04:38.58CrashSysUsing Chan_OSS? :D
04:39.12bpiperhuh? Chan_OSS?
04:39.26CrashSyswell mine uses all the CPU
04:39.34CrashSysbut i'm special so far
04:40.16bpiperit used to use less than 1% on a dual xeon 3.2ghz
04:40.55bpiperif I do "restart now" it will kick me out & never let me back in until I reboot
04:41.16bpiperit says that it can't connect to asterisk.ctl
04:41.51ManxPowerbpiper: perhaps you need to do some debugging
04:42.07ManxPowerlike run asterisk -cvvv then do a restart now and see what the error message is
04:42.07bpiperthat's why I'm here, I'm not sure where to start...
04:42.23bpiperit says segmentation fault if I do that after it crashes
04:42.50ManxPowerbpiper: that is not typical  What version of the linux kernel, what verison of Asterisk, any custom patches?
04:43.20*** join/#asterisk dseeb_ (
04:43.36bpiperManxPower... asterisk-1.2.14, CentOS, no custom patches
04:44.20[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: Thats why you get to ride in the little bus :)
04:45.59bpiperManxPower, everything worked perfectly for months... nothing was changed and then it started crashing every day... the only way to route traffic again is to reboot
04:46.01CrashSysd-fendeR: the twinkie bus
04:46.14*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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04:46.21CrashSysbpiper: HW Failure?
04:46.25CrashSysbad PS?
04:46.42CunningPikebpiper: Do you yum automatically?
04:46.46bpiperhow would a bad power supply affect asterisk?
04:47.02bpiperno, but I just ran it today to see if it would help
04:47.07CrashSysa bad power supply with low voltage on the supply rails will effect everything
04:47.21CrashSysyou say it causes a kernel panic right?
04:47.42bpipernot really, asterisk seems to be the only thing that is affected
04:47.57CrashSysnevermind then... I came in half baked...
04:48.13bpipersmoke one for me ;-)
04:48.15CrashSysI may ride this thing, but fender does the driving...
04:48.34CunningPikebpiper: I would try gdb - see if a stack trace shows anything
04:49.08bpipernot familiar with gdb, how do I use it?
04:49.22CrashSysMaybe if I try using chan_oss with OSS turned on in kernel (instead of the alsa wrapper) it'll work better...
04:49.30CrashSyshope my sound card loads...
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04:53.16bpiperCrashSys: is it odd that ps aux shows both asterisk -vvv -c and safe_asterisk?
04:53.34CrashSyssafe_asterisk makes sure asterisk -vvv -c is running
04:53.39CrashSyslike a watchdog
04:53.47bpiperI'm one stop away from formatting this damn thing & starting over
04:53.59CrashSyswhat distro?
04:54.00ManxPowerbpiper: it won't help.
04:54.01bpiperI really don't want to do that though since it is in a colo about 2 hours away
04:54.15CrashSysit didn't just break...
04:54.20CrashSyssomething happened...
04:54.28ManxPowerbpiper: not unless you updated something betwen the time it worked and the time it stopped working.
04:54.34CrashSysif you dont figure out what happened, it will just happen again
04:54.39CunningPikebpiper: Rebuild with DONT_OPTIMIZE selected in menuselect
04:55.06bpiperCunningPike: rebuld asterisk? with DONT_OPTIMIZE?
04:55.19CunningPikebpiper: Then, when asterisk is in its 99% state: sudo gdb /usr/sbin/asterisk `cat /var/run/`
04:55.43CunningPikebpiper: Then: sudo gdb /usr/sbin/asterisk `cat /var/run/`
04:56.01CunningPikebpiper: That will yield stack traces that you can pastebin for the smarties in here to look at
04:56.09CrashSyswill it his 99% at idle?
04:56.13CrashSyshis = hit
04:56.35bpiperyea, not a single call going through right now & it is at 103%
04:56.39ealdhi, anyone had has any problem with Hyperthreading enabled computer when running asterisk? It is recommended to turn off?
04:56.57CunningPikebpiper: Yes - but previous activity may have done that
04:57.08bpiperi rebooted about 3 minutes ago
04:57.10CrashSysusing realtime or anything fancy like that?
04:57.19CunningPikeeald: Yes, it is. Turn it off in the BIOS and boot with noht
04:57.20bpiperno realtime, static only
04:57.38CrashSysHyperthreading = a windows thing :)
04:58.15bpiperperhaps but it's been running some form of asterisk for almost 2 years now
04:58.23bpiperno problems until 2 days ago
04:58.33CrashSyswhat distro?
04:58.48ealdI had a 10 segmentation fault in one hour in a 60 people configuration, after two weeks of testing without problems
04:59.12bpiperstarted back in 1.2.1 and presently on 1.2.14
05:00.16ealdI really don't *know* what was the problem, I ran the hardware diagnostic utility that comes in the BIOS and everything is fine there, but hyperthreading is enable and now is the primary suspect of the multiple crime
05:02.38bpiperfreaking yum was on in a cron.daily job... I wasn't aware of that...
05:02.55bpiperanyone know if I can "uninstall" a yum update?
05:03.25ManxPowerbpiper: I would recommend rebuilding asterisk first
05:03.41bpiperalready done...
05:03.46ManxPowerany any asterisk related software.  If the issue is a library update compat issue, that would fix it.
05:03.54ManxPowerAh, OK.
05:04.03CunningPikebpiper: kernel updates too?
05:04.55bpiperI'm not sure...
05:05.01k-man_how can i make a dial plan so, on my  local phone I can hear what an inbound call would hear?
05:05.37bpiperCunningPike, here is the cron... perhaps that can tell you if it was a kernel update too
05:05.38bpiperif [ -f /var/lock/subsys/yum ]; then
05:05.41ManxPowerk-man_: your question makes no sense
05:05.53k-man_doesn;'t it?
05:05.55k-man_made sense to me
05:06.20k-man_imaging i am setting up an ivr for inbound calls
05:06.38ManxPowerk-man_: dial the extension of the IVR
05:06.40k-man_i want to access that ivr from my local sip phone
05:06.46k-man_i see
05:07.08ManxPowerWell designed systems would not have the IVR on exten => s.
05:07.19*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe_blow@
05:07.29ManxPowerWell designed systems would use a Goto in exten => s to go to the real IVR extension
05:08.09CunningPikebpiper: On the phone - sorry
05:08.17ManxPowersince exten s is ONLY executed when Asterisk does not receive a destination number for the call and that usually only happens on analog fxo ports and (arguably) no well designed system would use analog fxo ports
05:08.33bpiperNo prob, CunnincPike, I appreciate the help
05:09.04ManxPowerWe use XX01 as the IVR extension where XX is the 2 digits that are assigned to all the extensions at that office.
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05:11.08ManxPowerXX09 for voicemail, XX15 for parking, XX16 - XX19 for picking up a parked call, etc
05:11.42Qwellmitcheloc: next to the V key
05:12.27ManxPoweryou could of course use exten s for the ivr and set up an extension with a goto, of course.
05:12.54mitchelocQwell: can't seem to find it
05:12.56CunningPikebpiper: Does your yum.conf have exclude=kernel in it?
05:13.38bpiperCunningPike, no
05:14.28CunningPikebpiper: Rebooted recently (i.e. between when it worked and when it started this behavior)?
05:14.51CrashSysWhatever this yum thing is it doesn't sound very delicious...
05:14.59bpipermany times, and upgraded from to 1.2.14... nothing made any difference
05:15.24ManxPowercrash it is a URPMI wannabe, which is a replacement for RPM
05:15.25CunningPikebpiper: What might have happened is that a kernel updated borked zaptel
05:15.44ManxPowerI doubt that bpiper has zaptel
05:15.48bpiperI don't
05:16.02ManxPowersince if he did then ASTERISK WOULD NOT START AT ALL
05:16.13CunningPikeNo need to shout, ManxPower
05:16.52ManxPowerstupid jbot
05:17.36CunningPikebpiper: Well, I would try rebuilding everything in any case.....
05:18.00ManxPowerbpiper: As I said, your experience is not typical.
05:18.08*** join/#asterisk remowylliams (n=Mare@
05:18.12bpipertried that too, if by everything you mean asterisk. I completely deleted all instances of asterisk & rebuilt
05:18.26bpipermy next thought was to reinstall the OS
05:18.57bpipersomething sure is f&^ked up and I need this server back up and running
05:19.02remowylliamsI'm sorry bringing this up if it's in the wrong room. I just updated my trixbox to 2.0 and it seems like I have to register on the trixbox site first. Is this for real?
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05:19.21bpipereek, trixbox... I believe they have their own forum
05:19.28CrashSysI dunno
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05:20.52bpiperCunningPike: Thanks for all the help, I'm just going to have to make the 2 hr drive & format the server.
05:21.03CunningPikebpiper: OK - have fun :)
05:21.05bpiperI'm betting it was the yum after all
05:21.09jbotrumour has it, wglwat is well, good luck with all that
05:23.06tim0123Are there any Third party verification add on's out there for asterisk
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05:30.51yidiyuehanhello good afternoon everybody.
05:31.08yidiyuehancould anyone tell me how i can allow h.263+ in asterisk?
05:31.27yidiyuehanjust put allow=h263+ in /etc/asterisk/sip.conf?
05:31.29Qwellplus you need to enable video support
05:31.30*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:31.45Qwellhmm, I'm not sure if there's a separate one for h263+
05:31.49yidiyuehanbut allow =h263 is just H263 instead of H.263+ right?
05:31.50QwellI guess there would have to be though
05:32.10yidiyuehanyes i can use H263 for video call and i have tested it successfully.
05:32.25Qwellthen yeah, it's probably allow=h263+
05:32.26yidiyuehanhowever H.263+ is better right? but i cannot use it with X-lite 3.
05:32.53Qwellx-lite does video now?
05:33.11yidiyuehanx-lite 3.0 is a lower versio of eyebeam
05:33.32yidiyuehanbut qwell, do you know how i can patch H264 for asterisk 1.2.14?
05:33.39Qwellpatch it how?
05:33.47yidiyuehanas i am using freepbx, i cannot install asterisk 1.4.0 with it
05:34.04yidiyuehanwell, ok, i know there is a way, but forgot the link:), thanks although
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05:46.50Qwellalindeman: ^^^
05:47.22Qwellbrookshire: !!  when you gonna stop by? :p
05:47.29brookshirei tried to today
05:47.35brookshirebut my id wouldn't let me inside
05:47.45QwellYou could've...called somebody ;/
05:47.50brookshirei did
05:47.59brookshireno one let me in
05:48.12SwKbrookshire: maybe it was a hint
05:57.44[TK]D-FenderWell i'm talking the dive into SIP 2.1.0.  Will know how it all turns out momentarily
05:57.59CrashSyswho's 2.1.0?
05:58.08danpthe polycom firmware
05:58.19wunderkinwe're still having reboot problems with 2.1.0 :P
05:59.10danpwhat's new in it?
06:00.26CrashSys2.1.0 - 1.6.7 = approximately 0.4.3 things worth :)
06:01.01wunderkinclose to half
06:01.03danpi use 2.0.1 currently
06:03.55[TK]D-Fenderdanp:  MicroBrowser support for IP 501 & 430,a pile of other fixes, not redundent server support, dialplan prefix/suffis ability, etc.
06:06.16*** part/#asterisk bpiper (
06:08.36danpwhere did you obtain it?
06:09.11[TK]D-Fenderdanp: My reseller
06:10.56k-man_i still don't understand the difference between type=friend and type=peer in sip.conf
06:11.16k-man_which one should I have to allow DID? or is that not connected to DID?
06:12.50CrashSysAnyone ever used the #8 (call pickup on ringing phone) with Polycom IP430's?
06:15.05JTk-man_: it's in the book
06:15.11JTfriend is an alias for peer and user
06:18.42[TK]D-Fender501 MB is nifty....
06:18.48[TK]D-Fenderseems to be the same
06:19.00[TK]D-Fendernew tags supported including tables
06:19.02[TK]D-Fenderthanks god
06:19.14*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
06:22.25remowylliamscan rockwell hfc modems be used with asterisk? I"m not sure if this card has voice on it or not.
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06:25.53JTremowylliams: i don't think so
06:27.06remowylliamsWell darn
06:27.39JTi assume you're talking about isdn
06:28.10hadsCheck if it's supported by mISDN
06:28.11remowylliamsjt: No I'm talking a plain old modem
06:28.23hadsOh, then don't :)
06:28.24JTremowylliams: oh, definately not then
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06:35.18CunningPikeIs there an openSER channel?
06:35.32CunningPikenm - found it
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06:41.03CrashSysok... paging and ringing notification taken care of...
06:41.13CrashSysi'll just record the page, then issue a command to the OS to play the file
06:41.19CrashSysand alsa can just ring
06:41.21CrashSysall solved
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07:11.27joeanyone know what a config error 0x4020 is?
07:11.41joenot many answers via google...
07:19.52CunningPikejoe: Is that from a Polycom phone?
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07:20.28joeCunningPike: yes, polycom 301
07:21.45CunningPikejoe: Usually a syntax error in your config file
07:22.06joeCunningPike: heh, k. thanks
07:22.28joeCunningPike: any config file parsers available from polycom that you know of?
07:22.40CunningPikejoe: I wish :D
07:22.51joeyou'd think they would have one!
07:23.25joefigured it was a silly error of some sort, I just can't see it atm and I'm too tired so off to bed ...
07:23.36CunningPikejoe: Yup - fresh eyes are better
07:24.52J4k3"Remedial Mail...  Mailbox"
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07:48.22adeelnasterisk is core dumping on me, and i can't seem to figure out what's causing it...the last thing it loads is
07:49.55adeelnhmmm...there are some unresolved symbols
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08:12.18Mavvieis it just me, or is it not possible to disable CallerID on zap channels.
08:12.36MavvieI see #defines like AST_PRES_RESTRICTED, but it is nowhere used.
08:12.55Corydon76-homeUse SetCallerPres
08:13.27Mavvieaaah. thanks Corydon76-home
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08:50.01parag_asthi can anybody tell me that if i want to accept any call from ip address without authenticating then what context do i need to write....
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09:06.39asteriskdude9Hi, it got disconnected before.
09:06.40asteriskdude9I have a fairly complicated setup. Extensions (1,2 and 3). In 3 - I execute AGI in java which play few wav files depending on external parameters. How do I accomodate user who needs to reach extension 2 from my agi. Can I have a dial plan inside my AGI?
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09:51.11hkdaylxbI have receive an undefined indication from zap , how can I figure out the tonelist ?
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10:17.20tzafrirhkdaylxb, what do you mean by "undefined indication"?
10:19.20mkl1525Hi, I've setup hints for my snom phones so that I can see who's calling an other phone and pick it up (using debian etch asterisk-bristuff version). Problem is that I see on my display "441 > 441" where 441 is the called phone. Can anybody please give a hint which config might be wrong?
10:21.01hkdaylxbtzafrir, I mean a tone that asterisk cannot resolve within the dialplan
10:21.43hkdaylxbsuch as Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
10:22.52hkdaylxbif the indication tone is defined , asterisk will be able to jump to s-something
10:23.18tzafririndications are defined in indications.conf
10:24.24hkdaylxbyes, but I have received an undefined tone . It may be generated by a special switch that does not follow standards
10:25.52corruptorhas any1 got problems with ver 1.2.14 when asterisk drops some calls with "No response to our critical packet" after 20 secs? I've watched sip debug and everythings seems ok with signalling but it seems that * just ignores ACKs. I've rolled back to 1.2.13 and that's solved the problem.
10:26.23hkdaylxbI would like to record the tone list, so that I can append a special extension for it.
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10:26.38corruptorit looks like a bug
10:36.26Mavviehmm... do you think that the features described in features.conf works via a SIP phone towards a PRI channel?
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10:51.59lyGPany guide to run 2 asterisk together?
11:09.52dlynes_laptopMavvie, which features, specifically?  afaik, all the features in features.conf are pbx features; they're not channel features
11:10.39Mavviedlynes_laptop: I just want to see if they work. I can press * as often as I want, but it still doesn't disconnect the call.
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11:10.56Mavviewhich makes me go "You're doing it wrong again dutchman!"
11:11.18dlynes_laptopI think you're doing it wrong again, trekkie
11:12.59dlynes_laptopYou mean like '*0'?
11:13.09Mavvieyeah, same result.
11:13.17dlynes_laptopWhat's your Dial command?
11:14.05dlynes_laptopAnd also do you have canreinvite=no set on your sip channel?
11:14.45*** join/#asterisk frogzoo (n=frogzoo@
11:15.11Mavviethere is no canreinvite=no
11:15.57dlynes_laptopMavvie, do a show peer peername on the sip peer in question
11:16.24dlynes_laptopMavvie, do you see 'CanReinvite : No' in the properties?
11:17.06Mavviedoes it matter, it's the SIP phone on my desk.
11:17.46Mavviefirst a #, then it works with the tT option in the dial command
11:18.18dlynes_laptopMavvie, now is this phone connected to asterisk from behind a nat?
11:18.25dlynes_laptopMavvie, or is it and asterisk on the same network?
11:18.44Mavviedlynes_laptop: it works with a hH option. nice nice.
11:18.49Mavviedlynes_laptop: all on the same subnet. forgot hH :)
11:20.23dlynes_laptopWhen you add t, T, h, H, w, or W it's the same as specifying canreinvite=no in your sip.conf file
11:22.03dlynes_laptopIf you want *0 to work for hangup, though
11:22.09dlynes_laptopYou need w and/or W
11:22.22dlynes_laptopAnd you also need to do a Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=automon)
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11:22.47dlynes_laptopThat should be placed before the Dial command
11:22.47Mavviestrangely enough it's not shown up as "show features"
11:23.09dlynes_laptopWhat isn't?
11:23.23Mavvie*0 is "disconnect call"
11:23.24dlynes_laptopOr '*'?
11:23.31MavvieOne Touch Monitor
11:23.31MavvieDisconnect Call           *       *0
11:24.01dlynes_laptopYeah, cause you have it remapped to '*0'
11:24.07dlynes_laptopIn your features.conf file
11:24.39Mavvieyeah, but I'm more worried about the absence of things with regarding to automon
11:24.55Mavvieone touch monitor
11:26.29Mavviereload doesn't reload the configuration file.
11:30.03ThoMekann hier wer deutsch? :-)
11:30.31ThoMeif i have incomming call, and the caller is forward to my mailbox, how i can get the call back?
11:30.44ThoMecaller back from the mailbox to my phone?
11:32.38*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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11:36.12Nobbieheya =)
11:36.58Nobbiehas anyone tried setting up a BLF to indicate on each dynamic queue agent wether they're logged in or not ?
11:37.34MavvieI wonder if I can set that DYNAMIC_FEATURES in my [globals] section.
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12:28.46Nobbiehas anyone tried setting up a BLF to indicate on each dynamic queue agent, on their ip phone, wether they're logged in to a queue or not ?
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12:45.21backbluehi, anyone using call-limit?
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13:33.35UVSoftHi. I've got a problem. Asterisk became absolutely silent, it doesn't play the dial/busy/etc tones, however it works properly, so I can phone someone and talk to him... why can it behave so strange?
13:36.03UVSoftAsterisk doesn't need any gsm files, does it? It generates such tones himself, right?
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13:37.27tzafrirUVSoft, do you see any warnings regarding indications? Do you have indications.conf?
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13:39.31UVSofttzafrir: there's no any warning or errors.... and i have this config
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13:48.20anonymouz666when using .call files... how to check the DIALSTATUS?
13:48.23anonymouz666on busy
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14:04.22jojo^Isn't the 's' extension suppose to be catch all? How do I make it work with IAX2? (diax windows client to be specific).. Trying to get pattern matching working
14:04.50clive-jojo use _X.
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14:07.22orlockwhats the diff between X. and _X.?
14:08.06NivexX. won't work, _X. will
14:08.17Nivexthe _ means pattern match
14:13.30Corydon76-homeX. means match a LITERAL "X."
14:14.13Ahrimanes_ turns on pattern matching
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14:14.34anonymouz666what happens if I put a dial() inside a while() on dialplan? while() dial() endwhile()
14:14.53anonymouz666on success
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14:21.04codefreezeanonymouz666: It will dial multiple times? Until a hangup.
14:21.58acecaseif i may get by with another unrelated question here. Does anyone know of any activex or other .net control for iax2? google is giving me too much junk to weed through
14:22.57anonymouz666codefreeze: so I am thinking to put a condition ANSWERED after this Dial()
14:23.20anonymouz666because this loop will try 5 five times, on sucess, I don't need to try again
14:24.30codefreezeanonymouz666: sounds like a plan.
14:24.45jojo^clive-, Thanks
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14:27.04leejohnhi! good day guys, what's the prefered rtptimeout setting i could set any idea? TIA
14:30.13evgenimaybe somebody know how to make that asterisk will send userpassword to as5300 ?
14:33.36leejohnevgeni: register => myusername:mypassword@your_ip_of_as5300 ? is this want you are saying?
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14:47.45giasai68can I to have complete dialplan example with ZAP channel?
14:54.07anonymouz666exten => s-BUSY,2,While($[ ${COUNT} < 5 ])
14:54.08anonymouz666exten => s-BUSY,3,SET(COUNT=$[${COUNT} + 1])
14:54.28anonymouz666do I need to Set(COUNT=1) to work?
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15:00.16giasai68is it possible to have complete dialplan example with ZAP channel?
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15:16.53jontowany chance anyone has had 1.4 working on freebsd with a sangoma A101?
15:20.21brookshirei've gotten a te110p to work with freebsd :)
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15:22.03nfi|ermeshi all
15:22.21nfi|ermeswhere can i download and find documentation about asterisk-gui ?
15:23.15in-ptnfi|ermes: for documentation and svn for download
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15:23.58jontowbrookshire; i have t100p's and they don't :/
15:24.02jontow<-- sick of gentoo
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15:24.59jontownothing but HDLC FCS errors/aborts and clicking audio and echo
15:25.31jontowi can get 1.2 to work with the sangoma, but the lack of support from digium regarding their cards and freebsd is discouraging at absolute best
15:25.50jontowand res_smdi would be damned nice, so i don't have to keep using my weak-ass shell script hack to signal MWI to the softswitch ;)
15:26.15jontowi don't really want to backport all of 1.4 to 1.2 to get a compatible zaptel interface
15:26.45jontow(if i do; i get a very distinct "we don't care if you have bugs, you're using a wildly unsupported codebase and configuration" (which indeed is the case)
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15:27.10jontowi wouldn't expect support on such a creepy setup :)))
15:27.10chat_jokeyanyone knows if there is any way to connect Asterisk using SS7 to transfer SMSs ? .. i have tried libss7 and chan_ss7 .. they both dont work
15:27.44jontowjust wish i could deal with linux.. this would all be much less painful.. (i guess)
15:28.11evgeni_71I'm having issues with my Viatalk sip trunks.   outgoing works flawlessly...   incoming calls make it in about 1/4 of the time..   Any ideas?
15:29.47penguinFunksnprintf(fileNoExt, 19, "%c%c%c%c%c%", c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4]);
15:29.53penguinFunktheres got to be an easier way of doing this
15:30.24penguinFunkin python you can do c[0:4]
15:30.43penguinFunkto reference multiple elements in an array
15:31.34penguinFunkwrong channel
15:32.14*** part/#asterisk Rhizome (n=Rhizome@
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15:39.19endrethanks anyway
15:39.32endrei didn't know this multiple reference thing in python
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15:45.52yansolo90hello, anybody knows what default login/password are to ssh Cisco 79XX ?
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15:46.29chiang_sghi anyone can suggest free sip softphone that can dial 123932@ directly ?
15:47.02in-ptchiang_sg: sjphone
15:48.09*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
15:48.39yansolo90i can log me with log/log and debug/debug but i want to be able to reboot the phone...
15:49.23in-ptyansolo90: which cisco phone u have?
15:50.18*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
15:50.45yansolo90and 7961
15:50.57in-ptdo telnet
15:50.57Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
15:51.06in-ptand use cisco password
15:52.22yansolo90u have 2 login. first is login/password u put in SEP<MAC>.cnf.xml and u have a second login to acces the CLI
15:54.30*** join/#asterisk eltech (
15:54.54giasai68I have configured asterisk with TE205P and making a dialplan, if I try to do a call dont have answer and there is 'status is 'CONGESTION' any help?
15:55.01yansolo90and you cant telnet the phone with a SIP firmware
15:55.08giasai68please, give me a feedback, thank you :)
16:02.18*** join/#asterisk xpato (
16:02.18xpatohi anyone using asterisknow?
16:02.47*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
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16:05.45giasai68I have configured asterisk with TE205P and making a dialplan, if I try to do a call dont have answer and there is 'status is 'CONGESTION' any help?
16:05.47giasai68please, give me a feedback, thank you :)
16:07.30*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
16:09.16*** join/#asterisk vooduhal (
16:09.32vooduhalWere voicemail distribution lists added to app_voicemail in 1.4?
16:13.16Qwell[]distribution lists?
16:13.27Qwell[]Why not just send the voicemail to multiple mailboxes?
16:16.35*** join/#asterisk pirulo (n=andres_p@
16:17.24ludeman what a weird issue
16:17.47jm|workNo manual entry for what
16:17.48jm|workNo manual entry for a
16:17.48jm|workNo manual entry for weird
16:17.48jm|workReformatting issue(5), please wait...
16:18.18ludeasterisk isn't passing callerid to *just* sip phones from a certain zap group
16:18.37mercestesman jm|work you are a retarded bot.
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16:18.52vooduhalQwell, That works but the user wants to be able to save these groups.  We wrote a patch for a very old version of asterisk that we've been running but we would like to upgrade our voicemail server.
16:18.57mercestesaww..I'm sorry.
16:19.00mercestesi take it back
16:19.13dasenjo[OT] Hi! I want to change my asterisk-users mailling lists email address to a gmail one, mailman says me that a confirmation was sent to the address .. but it never arrives
16:19.22dasenjocan someone here help me?
16:20.32mercestesdaenjo:  Help you what?
16:20.32pirulowith what?
16:21.34mutwhats a good place to lookup clec's for an areacode?
16:22.43*** join/#asterisk mog (
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16:22.49*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
16:22.54Corydon-wWell, you could purchase a copy of the LERG
16:22.57mercestesmut:  lerg tables.
16:23.08MrTelephonehi, can someone direct me to an example dialplan using DID from a pri to route calls to the proper SIP endpoint?
16:23.10CrashSyscorydon: Get my message?
16:23.16Corydon-wCrashSys: no
16:23.23*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
16:23.35CrashSysCorydon: the alsa patch doesn't have an effect...
16:23.43CrashSysit still reads from alsa.conf
16:24.13Corydon-wI'll look at it at some point if I have time
16:24.17CrashSysso I made chan_alsa not answer (to get ringing), and made a [page] context that records the page, then issues a system command to play it
16:24.55CrashSysthe page isn't "live"... but that will work out fine...
16:25.02*** join/#asterisk af_ (
16:25.02CrashSysspecially for the 2-3 phones that are near the horn...
16:25.49*** join/#asterisk h0 (i=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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16:30.00MrTelephoneIs there a variable for DID in asterisk?
16:30.17CrashSysyes, somewhere...
16:30.21*** join/#asterisk lba (
16:30.46mutdoes asterisk peer with vonage right?
16:30.58Qwell[]it's just SIP
16:31.07muti didn't know if they did anything weird to disallow it
16:31.21CrashSysOther then being vonage?
16:31.23Qwell[]Do you have a biz account?
16:31.31muti dun have an acct at all
16:31.32mutwas just asking
16:31.43Qwell[]well, unless you do, it's against their TOS or whatever
16:31.52Qwell[]or, used to be...  maybe they've gotten undumb
16:32.10yansolo90hello, anybody knows what default login/password are to ssh Cisco 79XX ?
16:33.09MrTelephonecisco cisco or something
16:33.31*** join/#asterisk Jynger (
16:33.47cpmdefault? default is no password, and ssh isn't enabled. If ssh is enabled, the unit has been configured
16:34.01MrTelephoneI can't find many examples of dialplans that include a 24 channel pri
16:34.56yansolo90no cisco/cisco does'nt work but i'm sure cisco/payus will
16:35.07CrashSysMrTelephone: Dialplan examples?
16:35.24wunderkinMrTelephone, the number is sent as the exten in the context you specify
16:35.41CrashSysnot sure a dial-plan example would do you much good... since they're all specific to their usage
16:36.19lbaHow to insert context B in the middle of a context A and have it execute in-line?
16:36.47*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
16:36.52lbalba Other than typing the exten => lines?
16:36.59MrTelephonedo phone companies usually send 888 777 3939  10 numbers?
16:37.07Corydon-wlba: include => othercontext
16:37.25Jyngeri got a problem with asterisk1.4.0svn trunk, i cannot get no output to rawman query but asterisk/mxml?action=l and manager?action= querys produce correct output
16:37.34wunderkinlba, the order it is typed in is not the order followed
16:37.36Corydon-wMrTelephone: it depends upon what you want them to send
16:38.08Jyngerdoes that suppose to be like that? but then gui doesnt work if rawman doesnt produce output reply
16:38.11CrashSysif you cascade the include statements from context to context you can get the context's to go in order specified
16:38.19lbawunderkin: Hello.  Is there anyway to have it execute in-line except typing the lines in the first context?
16:38.29anonymouz666exten => s-BUSY,3,SET(COUNT=$[${COUNT} + 1]) - can I use that without SET(COUNT=1) first ??
16:38.36lbawunderkin: These contexts all use n type priorities
16:38.37MrTelephoneso if I have 15 zap channels in [from-pstn], I just start putting the extensions in there? I don't have to GotoIf(${DID}=???:Extension) <-- cheap example
16:39.12wunderkinMrTelephone, if they send 4 digits for did, then just exten => 1234,1,blah
16:39.42ludejeez this is weird
16:40.05ludeasterisk knows the caller id
16:40.11ludebut check out what it puts in the sip headers
16:40.20ludeFrom: "Unknown" <sip:Unknown@>;tag=as4cf3d02e
16:40.20ludeTo: <sip:6096@;user=phone;transport=udp>
16:40.51jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
16:40.54*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
16:40.54CrashSysI'm confused
16:40.58CrashSystoo much chat
16:41.01CrashSyssomeone bring me a beer
16:41.05ludei can paste the whole thing in there if someone cares to look
16:41.11CrashSysI think i'm an alchy
16:41.33*** join/#asterisk dasenjo_ (n=dasenjo@
16:42.04CrashSysI like it
16:42.42HarryRbeer balloons :)
16:42.59CrashSystoo messy if one pops
16:43.16ludeso asterisk does know tha caller id
16:43.18HarryRnah, just the right size to fit in your mouth
16:43.25ludeit'll even pass it off to a zap channel
16:43.32ludeit just doesn't include it in the sip headers
16:45.22MrTelephonewell i got the motorole sbv520 cable modems working good with asterisk
16:45.33*** join/#asterisk hal2385614 (n=chatzill@
16:45.41MrTelephonebut i need to use embedded transaction requests in the chan_mgcp.c to cut down on traffic
16:45.48hal2385614hi all - how are you all today?!  ;-)
16:45.55MrTelephoneright now everytime you press a digit it sends a packet
16:46.14*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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16:46.43hal2385614Can someone tell me how to install the fxotune utility from the zap source, please?
16:47.08MrTelephonedid you compile it?
16:47.13MrTelephonejust move it into /usr/sbin or something
16:48.29joeon polycom phones how does one downgrade sip?
16:48.52hal2385614It did seem to compile, but when I run it from the tmp directory it complains that Cannot open /etc/fxotune.conf, but there isn't one
16:49.05MrTelephonethe sip version? I remember reading once you go to a certain version you can't go back.. better check out polycoms website
16:49.24MrTelephonefxotune is supposed to create that file
16:49.38hal2385614yes, mrT that's what I thought
16:49.38MrTelephoneoh because you have to run it like fxotune -i 4
16:50.06MrTelephoneI'm using polycom 501's and I didn't do the "secure" firmware install because of the warning
16:50.22nfi|ermesif i use chan_mISDN with asterisk 1.4, do i need to install zaptel and libpri too ?
16:50.29MrTelephoneand I'm having a bitch of a time getting ntp working with the 501's so I had to install sntp
16:51.15MrTelephoneyou can tell asterisk is putting a dent in commercial pbx systems.. a lot of bad articles about how hard it is to configure and setup
16:51.40MrTelephoneIf I get my echo issues ironed out (when my pri is installed) I beleive its the best thing ever
16:52.26*** join/#asterisk critch (
16:52.30anonymouz666answering my own question if you don't initialize a variable the value will be 0.
16:52.43hal2385614I expected a bit more output from fxotune (I thought there was last time I ran it a couple of years ago),  It just says fxotune: successfully set echo coeffecients on FXO modules
16:52.50hal2385614I hope that has worked
16:53.05anonymouz666do that with an int using C language...
16:53.43*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekon@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
16:54.23hal2385614has anyone tried attaching a fax machine to an FXO port?  I am finding the sound quality of the sender's fax through it is not very good.  Does anyone have any ideas about how I could improve it?
16:55.22jm|workhal2385614: which codec?
16:56.07hal2385614jm - there is no codec, it's just straight from the FXS port to the FXO port
16:56.23hal2385614I just want it to pass it straight through
16:57.29*** join/#asterisk angler_ (i=angler@nat/digium/x-cf05be3f5e5007df)
16:57.43CrashSysMrTelephone: What problems you having with NTP?
17:02.11*** join/#asterisk Lann (
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17:09.15hal2385614am I correct that when a call comes into asterisk via an FXS interface, and is routed to dial a traditional phone on an FXO interface, there is no codec that can be changed or configured to improve the sound quality?
17:09.55critchcorect, no codec involved
17:10.17critchyou probably need to consider wiring problems
17:11.19brad_msswor get better quality FXO/FXS ports ... try messing with the gain levels, echo cancellation, etc
17:11.42critchecho cancel should be thwarted by the fax call
17:12.37anonymouz666 - where in this macro I can set COUNT, I think the way is configured today won't work COUNT will always have value 1 before while.
17:13.44anonymouz666I am stuck on that
17:13.55*** part/#asterisk pythos (i=lanebob@unaffiliated/pythos)
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17:17.17hal2385614tank you critch - I have just called the fax port using a phone, and the sound is very clear, however, when a fax calls it, it sounds "gurgly"
17:19.02*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (
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17:19.36critchunfortunately, most of my asterisk knowledge is old-skool compared to what is current.
17:20.13HarryRI'm the same with windows :\
17:20.38HarryRwhich is why I don't do desktop support anymore ;) "Win.ini, wtf is that!"
17:21.00CrashSysYeah, my aeroglass interface isn't coming up...
17:21.03CrashSyswtf is that?
17:21.19HarryRoh... vista
17:21.43CrashSysI dont even know what it is
17:21.46CrashSysother then the name
17:22.11*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
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17:22.51CrashSysAlthough I do enjoy the Mac vs. PC commercials...
17:22.55CrashSysthey're entertaining...
17:23.12HarryRhave you been to the mac stores?
17:23.43HarryRI went to one on regent street or something, very very nice, but all the staff were airheads
17:24.12CrashSysThey can play iTunes and surf the web!
17:24.15*** part/#asterisk jp_away (
17:24.34CrashSysI've been to a few "geeksquad" places to pick up some people's computer and they aren't much better...
17:24.48lbaIs there any way to force a macro to "return" to the line after it was called in an exten?
17:25.44CrashSyslba: set the priority number when calling the macro (pass it as a variable), and script yer macro with an exit to return to the context,priority+1
17:26.13lbaCrashHD: Is 'return' an Asterisk command?
17:26.24CrashSyslba: no, it's how you script things
17:26.46*** join/#asterisk w0ls0n (
17:26.58lbaCrashHD: The 'exit' command?  I just want the name so I can look up how the command works in a macro
17:27.01w0ls0nhi all
17:27.11CrashSyslba: there is no return or exit command
17:27.24Qwell[]CrashHD: there is in ael2 I believe
17:27.38w0ls0nI have a asterisk box setup and working. I need a card that will take 2 analog phone jacks.
17:27.51Qwell[]w0ls0n: tdm400p
17:27.52w0ls0nI can't seem to find anything on
17:27.53lbaCrashHD: OK. How do I specify a macro should return to a certain line in the calling context?
17:28.18w0ls0nI was looking at that one
17:28.27w0ls0nbut those look like ethernet jacks
17:28.34Qwell[]w0ls0n: it's analog :)
17:28.42w0ls0noh ok
17:28.43lbaCrashSys: OK.  How to I specify that the macro should return to the calling context at a certain priority?
17:28.45Qwell[]the older cards did use RJ45, but RJ11 works in an RJ45 jack just fine
17:28.53w0ls0nanyone know if that comes with freebsd drivers
17:29.20Qwell[]zaptel support on freebsd is fairly minimal
17:29.23Qwell[]and unsupported
17:29.29CrashSyslba: You program it to do so
17:29.32critchanyone know how to read documentation for w0ls0n?
17:29.50Qwell[]critch: his questions are fair
17:30.06Qwell[]he did his research - it's just that the conclusion he came to was incorrect
17:30.20lbaCrashSys: Do you think it's possible to specify the returning priority as n+1?  I use most n as priorities in dialplan
17:30.37anonymouz666can use macro dial inside macro dial ?
17:30.45Qwell[]anonymouz666: "macro dial"?
17:30.47evgeniMaybe someone know ? Is it possible to authorize cisco with radius by sip userid and password ?
17:30.54Qwell[]w0ls0n: you're fine :)
17:30.56giasai68I have a dial problem: exten => s,1,Dial(Zap/G1) how I can dial to my equipement the same number that I have calling? E.G. if I call with SJphone my asterisk machine with number XXXXX if I write: exten => s,1,Dial(Zap/G1/XXXX) all work fine, if I dont specified XXXX number in dialplan dont work. Any help?
17:31.03w0ls0nwell had I found documentation, I wouldn't have asked :-)
17:31.09anonymouz666Qwell recursive
17:31.14CrashSyslba: You would have a line like this Macro(macro,arg1,arg2,arg3)
17:31.16Qwell[]anonymouz666: You don't "dial" a macro
17:31.28critchw0ls0n: some of that was just teasing you
17:31.37Qwell[]w0ls0n: hmm, you're right - they do look like ethernet jacks
17:31.56Qwell[]anonymouz666: yes, you can call a macro from within a macro - up to like 7 levels deep
17:31.57w0ls0nis it the leds throwing me off?
17:32.18Qwell[]w0ls0n: no, we need to update the image, since afaik, it doesn't use RJ45 jacks anymore ;)
17:32.33lbaCrashSys: Thanks for your help.  I'll work on this 'returning macros
17:33.01w0ls0nwell what is the recommended distro to run asterisk on?
17:33.08Qwell[]w0ls0n: whatever you know best
17:33.15w0ls0nI know BSD best :-)
17:33.26JuggieCentOS! :P
17:33.28HarryRportage is your friend :)
17:33.33critchBSD isn't a distro
17:33.37mutthey just look like it cause its a tall slot
17:33.40Qwell[]~kill Juggie
17:33.41jbotACTION shoots a inverse pseudotachyon gun at Juggie
17:33.41w0ls0nFreeBSD that is
17:33.48mutits a 4 pin thing so it looks bigger
17:33.58mutmine look the exact same
17:33.59HarryRYou could try asterisk on freebsd
17:34.09HarryRjust don't expect support for tdm cards & stuff
17:34.10w0ls0nit works
17:34.18w0ls0nyea thats what I figured
17:34.46anonymouz666Qwell my problem is with set(count=1) so the while loop never will reach endwhile()
17:35.39anonymouz666I think the Set(COUNT=1) must be elsewhere
17:36.42*** part/#asterisk mog (
17:38.10giasai68I have a dial problem: exten => s,1,Dial(Zap/G1) how I can dial to my equipement the same number that I have calling? E.G. if I call with SJphone my asterisk machine with number XXXXX if I write: exten => s,1,Dial(Zap/G1/XXXX) all work fine, if I dont specified XXXX number in dialplan dont work. Any help?
17:38.17giasai68please, give me a feedback
17:38.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
17:38.58critchgiasai68: exten => _X.,1,Dial(Zap/G2/${EXTEN})
17:39.12*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
17:39.46giasai68thanks, I'll try
17:40.44*** join/#asterisk mog (
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17:42.43critchQwell[]: I think they can get chanserv to remove the +b
17:43.04Qwell[]sure, that's easy, but I wonder if they're completely immune to it
17:44.21critchircops, as in freenode operators, or members in the channel with +o?
17:44.25Qwell[]freenode opers
17:44.49critchI don't know
17:45.37*** part/#asterisk mog (
17:45.37*** mode/#asterisk [+b Bhaal!bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] by Qwell[]
17:45.43Qwell[]let's find out
17:46.03Juggiehats +b?
17:46.14Qwell[]Juggie: ircnub
17:46.22Juggieoh jeeze...
17:46.26w0ls0nis the Asterisk: The Future of Telephony by O'Reilly really a good book to get? I got a SpamAssassin book by O'Reilley and it sux0red
17:46.37Juggietemporary brain fart.
17:46.37Corydon-wQwell[]: not exactly a way to make friends
17:46.40Qwell[]w0ls0n: yes, it's very good
17:46.47Qwell[]Corydon-w: he's spammy, and it's annoying
17:47.03Qwell[]I've asked him to stop several times.  I've asked another oper to remove him/ask him to stop.
17:47.08Corydon-wHe is?
17:47.09*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_home (
17:47.19Qwell[]he does a part/join every hour or so
17:47.27Qwell[]a /cycle probably
17:47.38Juggieso? :)
17:47.41*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
17:47.50Qwell[]it's more spammy than what he's trying to stop
17:48.00Qwell[]it completely defeats the purpose
17:48.09[TK]D-Fenderw0ls0n:  Best book out there to date.
17:48.59Corydon-wQwell[]: it defeats the purpose of getting rid of bots that spam on join?
17:49.08CrashSysI dont own any software books
17:49.13CrashSysprolly explains why I suck as an admin
17:49.14Qwell[]one bot per month sends one line of text
17:49.19[TK]D-Fenderw0ls0n: If you don't like it you can return the freely downloadable PDF for a full refund...
17:49.27Corydon-wQwell[]: sure, NOW
17:49.31Qwell[]an oper who /cycle's every HOUR, is like...3600 times more annoying
17:49.46Qwell[]off by a factor of 10 there...
17:49.53Qwell[]or 1..  I give up
17:50.06Qwell[]Juggie: :p
17:50.11Corydon-wQwell[]: 720
17:50.14JuggieQwell, relax :)
17:50.20Qwell[]Corydon-w: true, two lines
17:50.28Qwell[]so yeah
17:50.39w0ls0nthanks all
17:50.42[TK]D-Fendercpatry: Your nick looks a little off there :)
17:50.42CrashSysor wrote c-code
17:51.14cpatry[TK]D-Fender: i know, JunK-Y is @home
17:51.56[TK]D-Fendercpatry: Ever consider Reg-ing JunK-Y[notathome] ? :)
17:52.00Juggieby day he is 'claude'! :)
17:52.36cpatryim like neo and mr.anderson. :P
17:52.58*** part/#asterisk Navman (n=Navman@
17:53.13CrashSysThe matrix needed a fat-guy doing wire-fu
17:53.18CrashSyslike me
17:53.38Corydon-wOn IRC, everyone is thin
17:54.00CrashSysi FORGOT
17:54.13CrashSysdamn caps
17:54.14cpatryCorydon-w: you scare too much ppl, they are all running away!
17:54.33CrashSyson the internet everyone's a porn-star/model
17:55.31Corydon-wcpatry: people aren't scared of me; they're scared of the TRUTH
17:55.37critchjust because some one is a pornstar doesn't mean you want to see it
17:56.59Juggiethis conversation is going in the wrong direction
17:57.08HarryRcritch, a perfect example would be "My mum used to be a porn star"
17:57.12[TK]D-FenderCorydon : Does it bear a remarkable likeness? ;)
17:57.15w0ls0npix please?
17:58.32Corydon-w[TK]D-Fender: dunno, do you like gay porn?
17:59.27anonymouz666my dialplan in a forever loop and you are talking about pron stuff :D
17:59.39[TK]D-FenderCorydon-w: Don't know, have never seen.  Being that I'm most assuredly heterosexual means I'm likely to never know :)
17:59.49Corydon-wangler_: usually that's a way to end the topic
17:59.56[TK]D-FenderCorydon-w: (Not falling for the obvious baited question) :D
17:59.59Corydon-werr, anonymouz666
18:00.10cpatrywith MOH, the time diff between each packet is huge, is there any way to stabilize it?
18:00.51*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
18:00.58[TK]D-FenderCorydon-w:  Just joking around and all, and my comment was in your resemblance to the "truth" you are the carrier of...
18:01.16danp[TK]D-Fender: how did 2.1.0 go?
18:01.24Corydon-w[TK]D-Fender: oh, that.  That was a reference to a movie
18:01.27[TK]D-Fendercpatry: 1-800-SHIP-UPS !
18:01.43[TK]D-FenderCorydon-w: Doesn't ring a bell.  Which one?
18:01.53*** part/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
18:01.55Corydon-w[TK]D-Fender: A Few Good Men
18:01.59[TK]D-Fenderdanp: Works great, as does the IP 501 MicroBrowser
18:02.06cpatry[TK]D-Fender: and seriously?
18:02.16danpwhat are you using the MB for?
18:02.18[TK]D-FenderCorydon-w: Only saw it once, shortly after it hit video.  I should revisit it in my collection.
18:02.24danpthat's something i'd like to explore
18:02.41wunderkingay text porn
18:03.07Corydon-w[TK]D-Fender: Jack Nicholson, screaming "You can't handle the TRUTH"
18:03.24critchwhen it is text, it is called literotica, unless it is ascii pron
18:03.27[TK]D-Fendercpatry: Check your MP3's (assuming thats what you're using) forID3 tags, etc.... then barring that try another tech (Native vs MPG123), and failing even that, re-encode them as a more native codec and go Native MoH
18:03.46[TK]D-FenderCorydon-w: Ah, paraphrased, not verbatim.  I do remember that line.....
18:03.53cpatryits native and ulaw
18:04.04[TK]D-Fendercpatry: And only MoH sucks?
18:04.16[TK]D-Fendercpatry: and the overall call is ULAW?
18:04.24cpatryeverything is alaw ya
18:04.28cpatryulaw sorry
18:04.33[TK]D-Fenderdanp: At home, nothing yet.  Will have to come up with some stuff.
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18:05.02[TK]D-Fenderdanp: Were I to reinstall all of my home-automation gear I'd assuredly to an interface for that.
18:05.25[TK]D-Fendercpatry: Is it shitty on all phones?
18:05.35giasai68when I receive a call and hang up appear this worning: WARNING[30055]: src/chan_h323.c:977 ooh323_indicate: Don't know how to indicate condition -1 on ooh323c_86 and call is terminate
18:05.48giasai68please, give me any feedback... thanks
18:06.09cpatryi ran ethereal, for a playback its almost standard at 20ms, but MOH has a lot of variation.
18:06.30[TK]D-Fendercpatry: Give another MoH a try.
18:06.33Qwell[]cpatry: you don't have VAD on the other end?
18:06.56cpatryanother, like?
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18:07.14Qwell[]cpatry: Do you see RTP coming back from the other end?
18:07.43cpatryi close my window, i will reproduce it in 10 minutes.
18:08.53[TK]D-Fendercpatry: MPG123, Madplay, etc....
18:09.11giasai68when I receive a call and hang up appear this worning: WARNING[30055]: src/chan_h323.c:977 ooh323_indicate: Don't know how to indicate condition -1 on ooh323c_86 and call is terminate
18:09.13giasai68please, give me any feedback... thanks
18:10.22[TK]D-Fendergiasai68: We heard you the first time, and if somebody knew, they'd answer you
18:11.05cpatry[TK]D-Fender: im using native and ur telling me to use mpg123? stop smokin' dude :)
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18:13.48cpatrytk: which polycom firmware has the microbrowser again?
18:13.51anonymouz666why ${DIALSTATUS} is always 0 using call files to dial out ????
18:13.57dlynes_laptopcpatry, I would still try [TK]D-Fender's suggestion, and also try different files
18:14.13dlynes_laptopcpatry, especially try the default moh files for asterisk...make sure those ones work
18:14.28dlynes_laptopcpatry, it might be your custom moh files
18:14.51cpatrydlynes_laptop: its the original files, nothing customized so far.
18:14.58dlynes_laptopcpatry, one of my customers is using custom files and their autoattendant files sound like crap
18:15.13dlynes_laptopcpatry, they had a professional record them, and the volume is way too high on them
18:15.21dlynes_laptopcpatry, so of course they're distorted like crap
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18:15.50dlynes_laptopcpatry, yeah...try a different moh method then
18:15.56*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
18:16.00dlynes_laptopcpatry, what cpu are you using?
18:16.29dlynes_laptopcpatry, and are you using the 1000Hz timer in the kernel?
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18:17.05Qwell[]cpatry: make sure that you're getting rtp back from the other side.
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18:18.06dlynes_laptopQwell[], he said he was having variations in packets, not one way audio for moh
18:18.07giasai68when I receive a call and hang up appear this worning: WARNING[30055]: src/chan_h323.c:977 ooh323_indicate: Don't know how to indicate condition -1 on ooh323c_86 and call is terminate
18:18.08giasai68please, give me any feedback... thanks
18:18.16Qwell[]dlynes_laptop: I'm thinking vad
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18:18.28Qwell[]which would possibly explain the "choppiness"
18:18.33cpatryQwell[]: from packet 426 to packet 470, no RTP is comin back.
18:18.36dlynes_laptopQwell[], ah...but asterisk doesn't support vad
18:18.41Qwell[]dlynes_laptop: EXACTLY
18:18.50Qwell[]which is why it needs to be turned off on the remote end
18:18.53dlynes_laptopQwell[], ah...didn't think that would affect anything, then
18:19.04Qwell[]dlynes_laptop: we time outgoing packets based on incoming packets
18:19.11Qwell[]if there are no incoming packets...
18:19.26dlynes_laptopQwell[], asterisk usually just silently ignores it for me, but i always disable it on all my clients, because i hate the spam in the cli window when it happens
18:19.41Qwell[]cpatry: If you blow into the phone on the other end, you may start getting rtp flowing "properly" again
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18:19.47[[blah]asfdi am having complaints of users who are taking calls over sip. the calls work just fine. they can hear the person they are talking to and the person can hear them. but if they transfer to another station, the person who picks up the transfer cannot hear the caller, but the caller can hear them. what could be causing this?
18:19.50Qwell[]like, try blowing into it for 5-10 seconds
18:20.09dlynes_laptopQwell[], sounds your phone a blow
18:20.12[TK]D-Fendercpatry: SIP 2.1.0 (brand new)
18:20.20dlynes_laptopthings that make you go hmmmmmm
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18:24.18Jyngercan somebody help me with a asterisk manager interface problem ?
18:24.30[[blah]asfdany idea on why that would happen with my sip calls?
18:24.46cpatryQwell[]: it works great now, it has something related to VAD, thanks bro.
18:24.53Qwell[]cpatry: np
18:25.15cpatryQwell[]: but what about if they have VAD turn on?
18:25.26Qwell[]then you'll get what you just described - or worse
18:25.51cpatryis there any tweak we can do to get it work with VAD?
18:25.58[[blah]asfdanyone ever experienced that? where after a tranfer, only half of the call is there?
18:26.45Qwell[]cpatry: I think you can use the zap timing thing
18:27.00Qwell[]I don't recall the option, but you can time packets with zap or something
18:28.56*** part/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
18:29.45giasai68hello, when I receive a call with asterisk 1.4 (trougth a gateway) and hungup phone call is terminate
18:29.58giasai68please, give me a help
18:30.00giasai68thank ypou
18:30.35Qwell[]Chapter 12, Page 346, Paragraph 3: "When you hangup a call - the call gets hung up."
18:31.13Qwell[]giasai68: Unless you've described the problem incorrectly...I see no issue
18:31.36critchyou must be on an old version, should be "When you hangup a 2 party call - the call gets hung up"
18:31.53Qwell[]critch: ahh, didn't realize they released a new book with the errata
18:32.21Qwell[]critch: 3 party call, with the hanguper in the middle
18:32.30giasai68Qwell[]: when I hangup call after 1 or 2 second call is autoterminate, why?
18:32.32Qwell[]that would also be a valid call termination
18:32.53critchWell, the editor of the original book didn't think about anything more complex than a simple call
18:33.04Qwell[]critch: silly editors
18:33.16Qwell[]I bet they used emacs in rev 1
18:33.24[TK]D-FenderQwell : tautology :)
18:33.47giasai68Qwell[]: I can paste log call, if u read it
18:34.54Qwell[]giasai68: I really still don't see an issue
18:35.10clyrradremiss: its your dial plan you should be worried about :p
18:35.33giasai68Qwell[]: call is autoterminate when I hangup phone
18:35.40remissasterisk answered when I called it.. so good so far.. *try incoming call*
18:35.44Qwell[]giasai68: yes, that is supposed to happen
18:36.19critchgiasai68: what are you expecting to happen that you don't seem to be observing?
18:36.38giasai68Qwell[]: I need talk when hangup phone
18:36.44Qwell[]talk to who?
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18:37.12clyrradto Record() ?
18:37.46remissclyrrad: should I replace the dialplan?
18:37.53remissseems to work ok
18:37.54Qwell[]remiss: read UPGRADE.txt
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18:38.04Jyngerplease help, raw asterisk manager interface does not reply to querys...
18:38.09clyrradremiss: alot has changed, lots has been added, depreciated etc...
18:38.39remissQwell[]: I was going to -- but then I saw how long it was :p
18:38.43clyrradremiss: if you see the change log - its huge!
18:38.47giasai68Qwell[]: I'm calling with IPPhone my asterisk machine trougth PRI card call is forward to gsmgateway. The gateway dial number, when otherside hungup phone call is aoutoterminate and there is any conversation
18:39.07Qwell[]giasai68: if the other end hangs up, who do you expect to be talking to?
18:39.30giasai68Qwell[]: yes
18:39.40Qwell[]That...wasn't a yes/no question
18:40.04giasai68Qwell[]: whats do u mean?
18:40.14Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: cue
18:40.16mafkeesIf I pickup my phone I hear a dialtone, can someone help with that ?
18:40.37clyrradmafkees: what is the issue with that?
18:40.46Qwell[]clyrrad: He's trolling. ;P
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18:40.55clyrradah thank gawd!
18:41.06mafkeescouldn't resist
18:41.07J4k3mafkees: call my local telco named "Windstream", they're the experts in removing dialtone from active phone lines.
18:41.11J4k3... and the ability to ring, too.
18:41.21giasai68Qwell[]: u still there?
18:41.29Qwell[]giasai68: no, I left, sorry
18:41.29mafkeesJ4k3: hahahaha
18:41.50mafkeesactually, that's not funny if you want to place a call
18:41.58remisswill extensions reload tell me if I'm using something deprecated/removed?
18:42.11remissugh.. it's deprecated :p
18:42.13mafkeesremiss: some of it will be reported
18:42.14clyrradremiss: usually you will see some error or warning
18:42.16Qwell[]remiss: :P
18:42.22Qwell[]remiss: the irony there is...nice
18:42.30mafkeessome of it will be notified when you go through the dialplan
18:42.44remissfirst i did reload extensions -- that's deprecated.. ok I go extensions reload.. that's deprecated :p
18:42.50clyrradremiss: you really need to look at the change log
18:42.53Qwell[]dialplan reload
18:43.12remissclyrrad: ok.. will do
18:43.24mafkeesyeah, I was puzzled with the new cli as well
18:43.36clyrradI am waiting to upgrade
18:43.40mafkeesfirst thing I always do is: set verbose 255
18:43.49mafkeesnaw that did work great in 1.4 ;)
18:44.12clyrradI will upgrade when its 1.4.2
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18:44.54remissthis asterisk-gui thing.. is that some sort of web-interface to asterisk or what?
18:45.56clyrradGUI's are evil
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18:46.13remissclyrrad: yes, yes.. but it's great to show off
18:46.17mafkeesuse echo and sed to edit configfiles
18:46.39clyrradremiss: nah that has zero coolness factor
18:46.54clyrradshow me a nice script with sed etc - thats great to show off
18:47.24shmaltzanyone in central New Jersy looking for a job msg me
18:48.37w0ls0nwhat kind of job
18:48.42w0ls0nI know someone looking for one
18:49.04shmaltzw0ls0n, managin and installing configuring PBXs
18:49.08w0ls0nand he has a good solid asterisk background but I'm not sure if hes willing to move yet
18:49.23shmaltzw0ls0n, don't want him to move
18:49.26mafkeesw0ls0n: I did not know you knew me
18:49.30shmaltzdid you see my request?
18:49.39shmaltzanyone in central New Jersy
18:49.45w0ls0noh sorry
18:50.25Opperiorbah, remote office
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19:05.10CrashSysDont suppose anyone is aware of a way to get timestamps on the console? :)
19:05.19*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
19:05.29CrashSysGuess I coult put no-op's in the dialplan
19:05.57CrashSysor something
19:06.15joelsolankihow many simulteneous calls does P4 with 1 GB SIP g729 calls run on asterisk ?
19:06.44CrashSys250 channels (ballpark)
19:07.13joelsolankiat a time 250 channels g729 SIP ?
19:07.27CrashSysdunno about G729...
19:07.38CrashSysbut an asterisk server will handle 250-ish channels
19:07.51CrashSysyou get around the 300-mark and funny things happen
19:08.05CrashSysSo it depends on what your doing...
19:08.06joelsolankihmm ok.
19:08.35CrashSysLaunch like 10 calls on the platform, see how much CPU it's burning for your G729, and use that as a metric...
19:08.49critchjoelsolanki: if you are talking SIP to SIP, asterisk would try and get out of the loop, and can handle many more calls
19:09.13CrashSysYeah, i'm talking zap to zip
19:09.17CrashSyserr zap to sip
19:09.33critchI want chan_zip, care to share?
19:09.53CrashSyscall PKWare
19:09.59CrashSystell them you want chan_zip
19:10.16critchahh but that is chan_pkzip
19:10.34critchwhat about bzip2?
19:12.07joelsolankiyes SIP to SIP ? how many calls ?
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19:12.28critchjoelsolanki: depends on many variables outside of what you have given us
19:12.38joelsolankihmm ok
19:12.56critchjoelsolanki: if calls can be sent from endpoint to endpoint, then asterisk isn't involved shortly after call setup
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19:13.52joelsolankiit connects to our parent service provider
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19:16.27critchjoelsolanki: do you have enough bandwidth to transport 250 channels to your parent service provider?
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19:18.01flying_LuckI'm trying to link asterisk(1.2.14/fbsd6.2/cronyx tau32pci) via E1 with Nec NEAX ips 2000 station. 'pri show span 1' shows it as 'Provisioned, Up, Active'. switchtype is set to q.sig because as i undertand station want q.sig.  When i'm trying to call to station i'm getting some 'T200 counter expired, What to do' and than - ''== Primary D-Channel on span 1 down. Where should i dig ?
19:19.04CrashSys250 channels is not 250 calls either
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19:21.32giasai68when I do a call using ooh323 protocol, whenI hangup call is destroit immediatly... any help please???
19:21.47joelsolankiyes i have bandwidth
19:21.52critchhangups SHOULD destroy the call
19:21.56joelsolankiwe have about 20 Mb bw.
19:22.10joelsolankiso thats not an issue.
19:22.23[TK]D-Fendergiasai68: What do you THINK it should be doing after you hangup?
19:22.25giasai68critch: how I can fix?
19:22.36critchhangups SHOULD destroy the call _need_ to be in the loop when calls are placed?
19:23.05critchjoelsolanki: Does asterisk _need_ to be in the loop for all calls?
19:23.07[TK]D-Fendergiasai68: Why should a call continue AFTER you've hung up?  That makes little sense unless you can tell us what actions you need it to perform...
19:23.41giasai68yes, I need continue calls after I have hung up the call
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19:24.22giasai68is it possible fix this issue?
19:24.35critchgiasai68: take about 4 steps back from the problem and give us the bigger picture of what you want to do.
19:24.49Bobthehuntercan i do || ? in a check as in GotoIf($[${ACCOUNTCODE} = ("123" || "234")
19:24.50CrashSysyou want to make more calls after you hangup
19:24.55CrashSysso make more calls?
19:24.58*** join/#asterisk angler_ (i=angler@nat/digium/x-cfdfcde2a0a086d1)
19:25.14Qwell[]Bobthehunter: not like that, no
19:25.25Bobthehunterim searching for format on vinfo
19:25.37Qwell[]$[$[${ACCOUNTCODE} = 123] || $[${ACCOUNTCODE} = 234]]
19:25.42Qwell[]something like that should work
19:25.49giasai68sjphone ---> astersik ---> PRI ---> gsmgateway ----> call in gsm network
19:26.08critchgiasai68: take another step back, bigger picture
19:27.03giasai68after I have generate call and I have hangup with gsm phone call is immediatly destroit and can do continue
19:27.19Bobthehunterbx.c:1814 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Error in extension logic (missing ']')
19:27.32critchgiasai68: at this level of detail, NO you can not continue without hanging up and calling back.
19:27.52critchgiasai68: are you trying to implement call center where agent is always on the phone?
19:27.56remissgiasai68: why would you want to continue the call when it is hung up?
19:28.06Bobthehunterme dumb
19:28.11[TK]D-Fendergiasai68: "show application dial"
19:28.20giasai68remiss: yes, I want to continue the call
19:28.30remissgiasai68: but why and to who?
19:28.45remissyou want the call to return to asterisk?
19:28.47[TK]D-Fendergiasai68: Go type what I just gave you in * CLI and READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.
19:29.03[TK]D-Fenderremiss: I've just figered where he needs to go.  Let him run with it...
19:29.25remiss[TK]D-Fender: okay.. I don't get it :p
19:32.39giasai68[TK]D-Fender: how I can apply all that?
19:32.54critchby reading and understainding documenation
19:33.09giasai68[TK]D-Fender: in my dialplan?
19:34.24critchJ4k3: elaborate?
19:34.42[TK]D-Fendergiasai68: Quick answer : you are loking for the "g" parameter for your dial.  That handles when the REMOTE side hangs up.  You need to read bout the "h" standard extension for the LOCAL side hangs up the call to handle that case.
19:35.22[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: Silly moron, Trixbox is for kids!
19:36.04CrashSysThe best thing I ever did with Trixbox was installing Slack :D
19:36.08*** join/#asterisk ChicagoBud (
19:36.47CrashSysmaybe fonality will improve that
19:37.49CrashSysor whoever bought 'em
19:37.59ChicagoBudis there an "application" that will write to the log/console?  For debugging, I'd like to write the caller id of a call to the console
19:38.08J4k3[TK]D-Fender: exactly!  kids!
19:38.45jpe-nychello all... does anyone have any leads for a hook-up line app (chat-line)?
19:38.55giasai68[TK]D-Fender: I want call isnt termiante befoar the calling party hangs
19:39.23[TK]D-Fendergiasai68: I just told you with method accounts for each condition.  Get reading.
19:40.52ChicagoBudI guess NoOp()
19:41.15[TK]D-FenderChicagoBud:  and "show application verbose"
19:41.28CrashSysD-Fender: Read? Learn? What's that?
19:41.37ChicagoBud[TK]D-Fender, thanks
19:41.38giasai68[TK]D-Fender: thanks
19:41.50acecasehows it goin Moobius?
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19:44.09acecaseCrashSys you just getting into asterisk?
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19:44.51w0ls0nI am too. I'm just starting doing research on asterisk
19:45.22acecaseI was just going to point to . Someone from here pointed me to it and its full
19:46.02acecaseI had no idea just how huge asterisk was when I decided to set it up. Universities should offer cirtificate courses
19:47.17[TK]D-Fenderacecase: Not enough deployments, or a stable enough product to truely evaluate some on at that level.
19:47.42[TK]D-Fenderacecase: I trust you've downloaded THE BOOK, by this point?
19:47.49acecaseits the only full software solution though rite?
19:47.57acecaseyes I have the book. thanks for that
19:48.18[TK]D-Fenderacecase: Solution to WHAT :)
19:48.31acecasePBX? rite?
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19:49.22acecaseyeah PBX. i was hoping I got that rite
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19:50.24acecasewhat I'm getting at is, it is bound to be the future. its the human condition to want control and hardware PBX systems don't give you that
19:50.28CrashSysace: I dunno what I am to asterisk but i'm not quite new
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19:50.34CrashSysi'm more noobish
19:51.02acecaseIm completely new so I don't meen any disrespect.
19:51.28CrashSysNone taken :)
19:51.32[TK]D-Fenderacecase: Well of course * is only software :)
19:51.54acecasei actualy know what you meen by * now though. :)
19:52.10[TK]D-Fenderacecase: By which point, so are SIPX, OpenPBX, FreeSWITCH, and a pile of other softwares....
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19:52.29acecaseic. I thought asterisk was the only one
19:52.31CrashSysSome of them are piles for sure
19:52.46[TK]D-Fenderacecase: Stop thinking and start reading....
19:52.58acecasealright!! :)
19:53.19*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe ( = da bomb
19:53.51CrashSyssometimes the diggity too
19:54.09CrashSysother times it's crap
19:54.10[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: A good place to go once you know the basics, and need some specifics. is how I learned :(
19:54.33mafkeessame here
19:54.39[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: It isn't a place you should go without having gone through th BOOK first.
19:55.05CrashSysI've never read the future of telephony
19:55.20acecaserite. its a lot of info but its scattered. need to know a little to get much out of it
19:55.24CrashSysI just starting changing things and seeing what happened...
19:55.31[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: Technically the same here, but I come from a old school programming background when they were still printing BASIC raw function & syntax books...
19:56.00[TK]D-FenderCrashSys:  : I am the kind that can imagine the pieces fitting together just by looking at the raw pieces.  many/most aren't built that way...
19:56.18CrashSysd-fender: Yup...
19:56.41CrashSysd-fender: I just compiled it... then started poking around conf's, changing things and seeing what happened...
19:56.46CrashSyssame way i've learned everything
19:56.58CrashSyswhich means I threw away my first 2-3 server's configs :D
19:57.03WubbaTKDfender - Did you get that Milk guy  taken care of last night?
19:57.57acecaseCrashSys I envy people like you. I'm not natural at all. I have to learn from the ground up with everything and then I need a reference laying around still
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19:59.52CrashSysace: Everyone finds what works for them... if that works for you then go with it...
19:59.53acecaseI still have a copy of complete idiots guide to C# laying here and have been using C# since 2003
20:00.16acecaseI just messed up and said C sharp in a channel full of linux gurus. now everyone hates me don't they :)
20:00.24CrashSysI have yet to learn C or C#
20:00.30CrashSysone of these days I will
20:00.41CrashSysC# = C++ aint it?
20:01.19acecaseC# is a Microsoft variant of C thats mainly used for programming in .NET
20:01.30mafkeesit will run with mono
20:01.34acecasethe only thing C about it is the syntax realy
20:01.44mafkeesc++ syntax yeah
20:01.54acecasemafkees is mono getting good yet? havn't looked at it in a couple years
20:02.20mafkeesacecase: it's ok. but it's not really fast
20:02.26mafkeeswe only use it for one thing
20:02.29mafkeesbeagle indexing
20:02.58mafkeesI dont know a lot of it, I'm not a C# guru
20:03.43acecaseI'm gonna break down some day and learn the STL and standard C libraries and use C++ everywhere. rite now I use C# for windows and perl or just bash for what little I do in linux
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20:06.01acecase[TK]D-Fender do you know of any good IAX2 controls or libraries? I have looked at a few but most seem incomplete
20:06.57remissugh.. is there nothing I can do about the client noise thing with sip? I sendt an email to the sip-provider but they didn't even bother replying :S
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20:09.52w0ls0nremiss what voip provider do you have?
20:10.20acecasegotta go. thanks for letting me loiter
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20:11.08remissI mean silence support thingy not noise :S
20:11.17remissw0ls0n: a norwegian one... televoip
20:11.21w0ls0nah ok
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20:12.07remissbah.. comfort noise support*
20:12.29Bobthehunteranyway to delay zap .. i mean when i send to an ivr from zap it missing the start of playback.. tried playing a silence but same..
20:14.03*** part/#asterisk hyphen (
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20:14.20CrashSysbob: like it's breaking up?
20:14.24J4k3wow, this is an interesting couple of bugs
20:14.24J4k3Feb  8 14:01:53 WARNING[3571] channel.c: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to unknown
20:14.24J4k3Feb  8 14:01:53 WARNING[3571] file.c: Unable to open vm-password (format g729): No such file or directory
20:14.54*** join/#asterisk [Mr_X] (i=1000@
20:15.03[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: Looking like you don't have G.729 licenses or native encoded recordings.
20:15.45J4k3yeah...  which is odd because I installed g729 last night.
20:15.58J4k3oh well, this is what I get for mixing proprietary crap up in the mix.
20:16.10heisoni have been relying on app_pgsql, but it's no longer available in 1.4... does anyone know of a way to access a postgres database directly from the dialplan?
20:16.41critchheison: func_odbc
20:16.52J4k3blah...  I need to reinstall this box, then play the kiss-digium's-ass routine because this will be my second reinstall with the g729 codec license
20:16.59J4k3and if they give me any lip I'll just stop payment on my credit card :P
20:17.04heisoncritch: thought so... thanks!!
20:17.30CrashSysheison: ODBC?
20:19.15heisonCrashSys:  thx
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20:23.18[TK]D-FenderJ4k3: You should be able to save your license file if you're using the sme hardware
20:25.07Bobthehunterok so i need a zap inbound predelay...
20:25.13Bobthehunteranyway to do this ?
20:26.07CrashSysinbound pre-delay
20:26.46[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter: Clarify plesae...
20:26.48CrashSyslike your trying to dial and it's not reading all the digits (dialing out)
20:27.04[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: that'd be OUTBOUND...
20:27.05shmaltzanybody here interested please follow up:
20:27.13CrashSysd-fender: could be :)
20:28.40CrashSysToo bad i'm not in jersey... i've got experience with asterisk, and a toshiba strata DK40i...
20:28.48CrashSysand all the toshiba CRAP
20:29.22Bobthehunteri mean when i send to an ivr from zap it missing the start of playback.. tried playing a silence but same..
20:29.30shmaltzCrashSys, where do you live?
20:29.49CrashSysit's pretty cold today
20:29.53CrashSyslike 70
20:30.11shmaltz30 here in the UK where I am at the momen
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20:31.42Bobthehunteronyly thing i found is $agi->answer() then sleep(1); then do the shit
20:34.14CJLinst1.4 isd giving me a segmentation fault trying to transfer to park orbit (700).
20:34.29[TK]D-FenderBobthehunter: Thats pretty normal to wait 1-2s after answering to start audio on analog.
20:34.57CrashSysI've gotta use w's in my dial commands for the line to come up
20:35.34Bobthehunterits PRI TDM
20:35.39Bobthehunterno analgo here
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20:37.54CrashSysThe the set-up of the channel is taking a long time... Hummm...
20:43.49*** join/#asterisk elriah (
20:46.15elriahHi all.  I'm about to buy a bunch of Cisco 7941G's.  I found one for $299 called "Cisco CP-7941G IP Phone Global Spare" and another one for $399.00 called "Cisco CP-7941G-CH1 IP Phone w / License", I obviously want to use SIP, so which of these phones should I get?
20:46.38Qwell[]elriah: You should call your Cisco sales rep and ask him that question.
20:46.52Qwell[]elriah: The answer _I_ was given, however, is that the license is to use the software on the phone
20:47.20*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
20:47.25Qwell[]I basically had to beat that answer out of them though
20:47.30CunningPikeelriah: Or, you could get Polycoms instead and pay less money and no license
20:47.32Skarmethhi all
20:47.37Qwell[]CunningPike: there is that ;)
20:48.02Juggiei would avoid cisco for sure :)
20:48.16J4k3isn't that the master plan to modern internet existance?
20:48.19J4k3"avoid cisco"
20:48.42w0ls0nI thought Cisco was good
20:48.49Skarmethany news about blocking charged calls in ISDN/PRI channels??
20:48.50Qwell[]w0ls0n: the hardware is
20:49.10bcnlis there a reason why ${TIMESTAMP} would work for mixmonitor just ifne in 1.2.x but not in 1.4.0?
20:49.31elriahHey thanks.
20:49.35bcnlI have it set exactly the same exten => s,n,MixMonitor(/audio/uk_calls/uk-sales-${TIMESTAMP}.wav)
20:49.46bcnlbut I'm not getting the timestamp in 1.4
20:50.51OpperiorI use Snom myself.  Cost less the Polycom, same features
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20:51.20mafkeesI really like the quality of the cisco phones
20:51.47[TK]D-Fenderelriah: You should forget Cisco alotogether and go Polycom...
20:53.25[TK]D-FenderOpperior: No, Polycom doesn't have the "flakey firmware", "only passable audio quality", and "crappy display" features of Snom :)
20:53.26Opperioror Snom.  never found a good comparison between Snom and Polycom, though.  Always thought you were paying extra for name with Polycom
20:53.40[TK]D-FenderOpperior: Surprisingly, no.
20:54.10[TK]D-FenderOpperior:  they are the "gold standard" SIP phone of #asterisk currently.
20:54.42Opperiorwonder if I could get a demo unit to compare...
20:54.49syzygyBSDwhat is the platinum standard?
20:54.53trixmani need help with the local prefix error
20:55.06russellbthe platinum standard is the polycom 650
20:55.09russellbwith HDvoice :-p
20:55.16syzygyBSD:( never got one that high
20:55.21syzygyBSDjust 501's
20:55.25mafkeesdoes it come with bluray ?
20:55.27syzygyBSDand a 301 somewhere...
20:55.49mafkeeshhmm, a phone that can play divx
20:55.54mafkeesthat would be awesome
20:56.13syzygyBSDthey have them don't they?
20:56.17Bobthehunteranyway to use RGN on pri's ? like a 302 on the pri to say hey hes not here hes at NXX XXX XXXX
20:56.33mafkeesor like: nethack on the display
20:56.33Opperiorplay a movie across the phone line
20:56.48syzygyBSDBobthehunter: what does RGN stand for?
20:57.09*** part/#asterisk BruXo (
20:57.23syzygyBSDOpperior: look at "video" phones
20:58.06OpperiorI was referring to playing DivX  ^
20:58.09BobthehunterRedirecting Number (RGN)
20:58.49Bobthehuntermeaning can asterisk say on the pri zap line ..hey its not here its there and push back to hairpin
20:59.16syzygyBSDya.. you need to be on the ss7 network for RGN I believe
20:59.27syzygyBSDor for it to take up 2 zap lines
21:01.25w0ls0nholy shit
21:01.26w0ls0nAnna Nicole Smith is dead
21:02.00mafkeesand your point is ?
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21:02.13w0ls0num, shes like dead
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21:02.45Opperiorshe was dead inside long before
21:02.57w0ls0ncocaine overdose prob
21:03.20J4k3or both
21:05.07J4k3or...  she hit her limit on trashyness.
21:05.29syzygyBSDstart the consipricy theories about how it was the RIAA that killed her
21:05.45Opperiorno, it was the pirates!
21:05.53J4k3no, that'd be Brooke Hogan...  because if anyone ever hears her godawful "music" they'll never want to hear any other music-like thing again.
21:06.07syzygyBSDpirates and ninja's agree, cowboys suck
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21:07.32syzygyBSDhi kg12gk how are you today
21:07.39kg12gkgood how r u
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21:08.09kg12gkguys I need to setup a phone system. should I go with plain asterisk, or asteriskNOW or Trixbox ?
21:08.09syzygyBSDI'm good, kinda, well to be honest life sucks, what a pointless existance with no hope for....
21:08.22syzygyBSDlol, j/k I'm doing well
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21:08.57syzygyBSDkg12gk: well, depends on what you want to do, how much time you want to devote, your skill level....
21:09.38kg12gkwell ... intermediate level, very quick setup we have no time to mess around so we need a phone system quick
21:10.00kg12gkis asterisk now reliable ?
21:10.05kg12gkit's in beta4 now
21:10.29syzygyBSDkg12gk: any special features you want on your phone system?
21:10.52kg12gkqeues, and multiple auto atendents
21:11.12syzygyBSDkg12gk: ya, they all can do that
21:11.15kg12gkversion numbers no but version NAMES hehe
21:11.19kg12gkBEAT is a bad name
21:11.32J4k3its not really a "Beta" or anything else
21:11.35J4k3its a source snapshot
21:11.36J4k3tahts it.
21:11.44kg12gkhehe there u go
21:11.49syzygyBSDkg12gk: so gmail beta isn't stable?
21:11.58J4k3syzygyBSD: no, its not.
21:12.10kg12gkit is but it's features are limited :P
21:12.17syzygyBSDhmm, well for the last 2 years I have used it it has been
21:12.27mafkeesJ4k3: you cannot use it with telnet ?
21:12.30syzygyBSDkg12gk: how much more can you ask for from a mail client?
21:12.41J4k3mafkees: well that, and the fact that if it deems something spam I CAN NOT FORCE IT TO STOP.
21:12.41syzygyBSDJ4k3: what problem?
21:12.47kg12gkhehe it doesn't have imap :P
21:12.52J4k3and once it deems it spam, it blocks all the images off the email
21:13.06J4k3be it attachments or URLs...  so therefore the mail is now useless, spam or not.
21:13.15J4k3and I can't convience gmail to stop that crap.  so I quit using gmail
21:13.19kg12gkguys now back to asterisk
21:13.29J4k3I only used it for silly crap anyways.  Its the new hotmail - too useless to be useful but convienent to give spammers.
21:13.35syzygyBSDJ4k3: I just checked, I can view images in spam just fine
21:13.37kg12gkI tried trixbox and it keeps crashing with EXT3-fs errors every now and then
21:13.44kg12gkso I just gave up on it
21:13.52J4k3syzygyBSD: well, I certainly can't on a few mailing lists I was on.
21:13.58mafkeeskg12gk: that's not trixbox fault
21:14.02J4k3which work fine when they're delivered to a real mail account and a real mail application
21:14.03mafkeesit means your disk is rotten
21:14.03kg12gkthen I saw that we have asteriskNOW
21:14.10syzygyBSDJ4k3: might have been a past error, they have gotten a lot better
21:14.16J4k3too little/too late.
21:14.24*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (n=John@
21:14.28J4k3I prefer my real mail account.  I prefer ownership of my own content.
21:14.29CrashSysLOL, version numbers... reminds me of this "IT" guy that came in to set-up servers after I wired an office... told the owner that I had wired everything incorrectly...
21:14.29syzygyBSDmeh, I like the fact that it is a POP3 client now
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21:14.50fiber0ptiDoes anyone know where I can download the SIP firmware for a Cisco 7912 without the need for a cisco login?
21:14.50mafkeesI dont use gmail because I cannot read it with mutt
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21:14.58mafkeesfiber0pti: you cant
21:15.11syzygyBSDmafkees: you haven't really tried have you
21:15.18syzygyBSDyou can read it with mutt just fine
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21:15.24CrashSysso after driving up there, and getting grilled, I ask the guy what was incorrect, and he goes "It's not wired to T568b!"... to which I reply "Yeah, it's T568a"... and he goes "Well B is the newer one!"
21:15.40J4k3well, the bigger problem is... gmail offers nothing and delivers nothing
21:15.47J4k3nobody on earth wanted another fucking hotmail, and thats what was delivered.
21:15.49LeddyHMyay for vendors who no longer support us making changes w/o our knowledge or approval
21:15.55fiber0ptimafkees: i have for a 7940.. someone had a link too it a long time ago
21:15.57LeddyHMthey borked up DTMF
21:16.18LeddyHMyou guys know of anywhere I can look to see why the autoattendant doesn't recognize dtmf tones?
21:16.39CrashSysI check my e-mail with rm
21:16.42syzygyBSDJ4k3: if you think gmail is another hotmail.... I'm sorry.
21:17.01J4k3syzygyBSD: thats exactly what it is.  Nobody else wants any other gmail features unless they're idiots.
21:17.02Juggiegmail is miles better then hotmail, speed, threading, built in IM, etc...
21:17.17J4k3wow, like I want an IM.
21:17.22J4k3I don't want to store files on gmail's servers
21:17.22mafkeesfiber0pti: that's not legal
21:17.34J4k3(come on, $4GB usb flash devices are under $40 now...)
21:17.35mafkeessyzygyBSD: does gmail offer imap ?
21:17.46syzygyBSDmafkees: no, pop3 though
21:17.46Juggiethen dont, no one's asking you do, furthermore this isnt #gmail, so i dont see how any of this matters.
21:17.50fiber0ptimafkees: slap the cuffs on and take me to jail ;)
21:17.53CrashSysI hate my thumb drive
21:17.57CrashSysI always loose it
21:18.05CrashSysI just ftp to my server anyways
21:18.14CrashSysor http if I know I need it
21:18.16J4k3Juggie: ok congrats, content whiner.  I didn't see you adding anything to the discussion before the OT so fuck off.
21:18.48*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
21:19.10CrashSysthat's 3l33t
21:19.19CrashSysor something
21:19.57Corydon-wJ4k3: calm down
21:20.15syzygyBSDJ4k3: just for me, the ability to have all of my email ever from all of my accounts available everywhere with an internet connection is very very convinent
21:20.24*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
21:20.39J4k3syzygyBSD: except you lost the ownership of that mail.  I personally have no desire for my words to be (c) Google.
21:20.50J4k3if google wants to pay me for content, they can.  I don't think they'll like my price.
21:20.53mafkeesah well
21:20.56Corydon-wJ4k3: OT, please take it elsewhere
21:21.12J4k3Corydon-w: you realize this conversation has more than me in it.
21:21.15syzygyBSDJ4k3: lol, you lose "ownership" of your email if it ever touches a router on the internet
21:21.17CrashSysI'd pay to have someone delete my e-mail for me
21:21.21LeddyHMhmmm. no ideas?
21:21.28mafkeeslol CrashSys
21:21.32J4k3I'm going to be quiet before Corydon76 has a fit.
21:21.47CrashSysHe's crazy like that
21:21.49mafkeesJ4k3: you dont want to mess with Corydon ;)
21:21.57CrashSysI once saw him fling trixbox CD's at people
21:22.14J4k3mafkees: yeah, I'm sure he'll ban me or something... oooh.
21:22.16mafkeeslol, that's one of the 2 things they are made for
21:22.22mafkeesfling at ppl
21:22.22syzygyBSDi KNEW those cds were good for something, smart guy...
21:22.25mafkeesput your mug on it
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21:22.37CrashSysCD's make bad coasters for cold drinks tho :(
21:23.21syzygyBSDI never thought they were good coasters, I like something that is a little absorbant to soak up the sweat from the glass
21:23.44CrashSysfloppies work better, but only marginally
21:24.41syzygyBSDCrashSys: have any 11" floppies?
21:24.49CrashSysbsd: you win :(
21:24.53*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
21:24.57syzygyBSDoh, I don't, I want some though
21:24.59CrashSysI think I have one 5 1/4" somewhere
21:25.03J4k3hey, is this #coasters?
21:25.08syzygyBSDya, 5.25 was the most I ever had
21:25.52Corydon-wJ4k3: if you're campaigning to piss me off, you're doing a good job
21:26.10Corydon-wCalm down
21:26.12J4k3Corydon-w: I'm not responsible for your emotions.
21:26.28J4k3I was just trying to get the channel back on topic
21:26.38J4k3since its apparently a high priority for you
21:26.41Corydon-wAn admirable goal
21:26.45syzygyBSD"it's not my fault you got angry when I pissed on your car"
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21:27.59mafkeeslol syzygyBSD
21:29.03blitzrageI have an 8" floppy
21:29.16blitzrage(and I mean the disk)
21:29.40Corydon-wOooooo.  Hi, blitzrage.  (oh, darn)
21:29.55blitzrageCorydon-w: lol -- you are the reason I qualified :)
21:30.24blitzrageok, off to the Tragically Hip concert!
21:30.26mafkeesasterisknow == linux2.6 right ?
21:37.56JTis it wrong to have 8" disks as well as mainframe reel to reel?
21:38.47*** join/#asterisk ttuttle (n=tom@gentoo/contributor/ttuttle)
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21:39.51ttuttleIs it possible (using AGI or something else) to get Asterisk to spontaneously initiate a call to a number, and then do whatever it would do as if the user had initiated the call?  Would I be right in assuming that using Dial would not allow me to execute other applications until the user hangs up?
21:42.14Corydon-wttuttle: call files
21:42.31ttuttleCorydon-w: What do you mean?
21:42.45Corydon-wttuttle: see in the root directory
21:42.53ttuttleCorydon-w: Ah.
21:43.23ttuttleCorydon-w: Ooh, this is cool!
21:43.25JTalso search the wiki
21:43.31JTthey're briefly mentioned in the book too
21:44.01JTthe manager interface is the other way to spawn calls from a process
21:45.32ttuttleJT: Mmm, automated phone calls.
21:45.41ttuttleIs it normal that Vitelity allows me to completely spoof my CID?
21:46.18JTapparently it's normal for a lot of us providers
21:46.18ttuttleNice. =D
21:46.18OpperiorMost PRI lines let you specify your Caller-ID
21:46.31Opperioruseful for extension-specific caller-IDs
21:46.42Opperiorjust thought I'd mention
21:46.53ttuttleOpperior: Ah.
21:46.53JTsip terminates at pri
21:47.56ttuttlePRI = ?
21:48.07mafkeesisdn30 or T1
21:48.27mafkeesoh, or J1
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21:48.55OpperiorI think the closest description is a particular use of a T1.  It's a T1 where one of the chanells is used for management info
21:49.06JTOpperior: not sort of, yes
21:49.11JTPRI is ISDN
21:49.17ttuttleAre there any open-source voice recognition programs that can be used with Asterisk?
21:49.28JTmafkees: isdn30 = E1, not T1
21:49.37mafkeesJT: uhhuh
21:49.42JTall voice recognition sucks major arse
21:49.46mafkeesJT: PRI == E1, T1 or J1
21:49.55ttuttleJT: I know.  But is there any open source?
21:49.58mafkeesthat's what I answered
21:50.06JTmafkees: well a T1 has 23 traffic channels in PRI mode
21:50.07JTnot 20
21:50.16mafkeesI know
21:50.29mafkeeshence the: isdn30 _or_ T1
21:50.33JTyour answer sounded like it equated isdn30 to t1
21:50.45mafkeesnot meant to be
21:50.56Corydon-wttuttle: practically, there are no open source programs.  There's Sphinx, but that doesn't do an acceptable job.
21:51.10JTsometimes hard to express stuff easily over irc :)
21:51.14Corydon-wttuttle: You may be interested in a Lumenvox license, however
21:51.20ttuttleCorydon-w: How much?
21:51.32ttuttleCorydon-w: Mind you, I'm just tinkering with this.
21:51.46Corydon-wttuttle: don't quote me, but I think the unlimited license is around $150, while the developer license is around $50
21:51.57ttuttleCorydon-w: Hmm.
21:52.04ttuttleCorydon-w: Too much for playing, but reasonable for an app.
21:52.25Corydon-wttuttle: I dunno, the text-to-speech stuff is $30/voice
21:52.37Corydon-wttuttle: cepstral kicks ass
21:52.53mafkeescepstral is paid as well right ?
21:53.33mafkeesmust be better then the robotlike stuff festival creates
21:53.43ttuttleMmm, festival isn't that great, but it's free.
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21:53.58Corydon-wIt's noticeable on some words, but over all, Cepstral is very natural sounding
21:54.05mafkeesever tried to let festival read a mail message to you
21:54.29mafkeesit's horrible
21:54.44ttuttlemafkees: No, I haven't.
21:54.50ttuttlemafkees: But I imagine it sucks.
21:54.55mafkeesCorydon-w: does cepstral come in non-uk languages ?
21:54.56Corydon-wYou can download Cepstral and listen to the samples, if you don't mind it tacking on an unlicensed message to the beginning
21:54.58mafkeeslike Dutch
21:55.11anthony]anyone looking for a dedicated to run your pbx on?
21:55.19Corydon-wmafkees: it does, but I don't know about dutch
21:55.32mafkeescool, I think I'll need to check it out
21:55.43mafkeesduring testing I can live with some extra message
21:56.33Corydon-wUS English, UK English, Italian, Canadian French, German, Americas Spanish
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22:00.07robl^Corydon-w:   can it do Kilingon?
22:00.25Corydon-wNot yet
22:01.09joeanyone know how to fix a config file error 0x4020?
22:01.32nachophonein my logs, i'm getting app_queue.c: No one is answering queue  followed by ast_expr2.y: non-numeric argument  followed by app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3- No route to destination)
22:01.46nachophoneis it possible I'm hitting some sort of upper limit on SIP sessions?
22:03.15*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
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22:03.33CrashHDI'm getting unauthorized messages
22:03.36CrashHDcan someone tell me what
22:04.18*** join/#asterisk max_______ (
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22:06.41ModcutsDoes anybody know of a sip soft phone that allows multiple extensions to be logged in?
22:06.55mafkeesthnx all. I'm downloading cepstral now and I'll start to rip festival from all my proof-of-concepts
22:07.12mafkeesfinally something good enough to put this stuff into production soon
22:07.23CrashHDI'm getting unauthorized messages
22:07.26mafkeesintegrate it into my monitoring
22:07.27CrashHDanyone know why?
22:07.46mafkeesmy nice menu with coffeemachine and vcr
22:08.02mafkeesno more listening to my own voice there :)
22:08.11mafkeesno more prerecording every message I can have
22:10.35mafkeesI need 2 licenses before I can use it in asterisk ?
22:10.48mafkees1 for the voice and 1 for the ADL ?
22:11.39jpe-nyci think it is a single user and multi user license schema
22:11.50*** join/#asterisk digilink (
22:13.46mafkeesso for my home pbx I can use the 29,99 license
22:13.53mafkeesbut in my hosted pbx I have to get the ADL
22:15.09mafkeesI'll mail cepstral about it :)
22:15.14mafkeesthey will know best
22:18.32*** join/#asterisk ruied (
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22:21.01elriahSo I have 25 Cisco 7941's on the way.  Any suggestions for use with asterisk beyond what's on
22:22.40perdi think you should all know, anna nicole smith is dead
22:22.55[TK]D-Fenderelriah : Sad overexpenditure, but hey, whatever.  Hope you got your SmartNET support with it for firmware, etc.
22:23.22*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
22:23.29elriahYep, sure did.  Not my decision, really.
22:23.32mafkeesperd: yeah. overdose
22:24.37*** join/#asterisk Opperior (
22:25.15mafkeeswhat kindda hostnames is that ?
22:27.58elriahWhich tftp server are you guys using on debian/ubuntu?
22:28.55mafkeespure-ftpd or proftpd
22:29.01mafkeesdepends on what it has to do
22:29.05elriahThey do tftpd?
22:29.29elriahFor cisco phones, wil the new 8.6 firware do ftp?
22:29.39mafkeesnot that I know
22:29.43mafkeesit uses tftp
22:31.02elriahI have a barely used TDM400P w/4fxs (red) cards installed if anyone wants it, first reasonable PM offer gets it.
22:31.03mafkeesfor debian: apt-get install tftpd
22:31.14elriahmafkees: thanks
22:35.07*** join/#asterisk olinux (
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22:35.24Corydon-wred is fxo, not fxs
22:35.42elriahfxs is station, right?  o is telco?
22:36.06elriahAnyway, they are red.  Designed to plug 1fb's into.
22:36.27elriahFromt he phone company
22:36.32elriah*from the
22:37.56*** join/#asterisk Ironhand (
22:40.33mafkeesI'm off
22:40.35mafkeeslatero all
22:41.45*** join/#asterisk orkid (
22:42.09nachophoneis there a maximum amount of calls that can be in a a queue?
22:45.14*** join/#asterisk megasquid (
22:49.07perddamnit, i cant figure out this sound quality issue over sip
22:49.49perdanyone have issues with prompts garbled every now and then? if i go into voicemail i can reproduce it pretty regularly, one or two syllables is garbled and the rest is fine...
22:50.11perdconnection is cisco 7912 -> POE switch -> asterisk box
22:52.28OpperiorI had something similar once.  At random times, sound in voicemail would be garbled for a second or so.  Turned out to be an interrupt issue with my TDM card.
22:52.48perdthe TDM card affected your SIP audio?
22:52.55perdor were you using an analog phone
22:53.26OpperiorI had two TDm cards and they were trying to share the interrupt.  It went away when I replaced my analog lines with PRI, so I only needed one card
22:53.36perdmy digium pri card and both my ethernet cards all have their own irqs
22:53.43*** part/#asterisk mog (
22:54.11perdi have like 0% cpu usage
22:54.13perdand memory usage
22:54.23perdno transcoding, my sound files are in ulaw format
22:54.56*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (
22:55.03perdoh wth they're gsm now hmm
22:55.08perdmaybe that's my problem
22:55.09*** join/#asterisk [shodan] (
22:55.52CrashHDhey guys what would cause retransmits from my server?
22:56.02*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
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23:05.17critchwhat is this, the watched * install never goes to zero channels in use? Just logged in to our switch and was finally down to 2 calls, and then it mushroomed to 8
23:05.29elriahI have a barely used TDM400P w/4fxo (red) cards installed if anyone wants it, first reasonable PM offer gets it.
23:06.10elriah*reasonable* ;P
23:06.26putzzmore reasonable then 0
23:06.36putzzok 40
23:06.43elriahoh geez lol
23:06.49*** join/#asterisk dasenjo_ (n=dasenjo@
23:07.15putzzI give u 120
23:07.18critchelriah: does $10 sound reasonable for one of the jumpers, or is that a jumperless card?
23:07.23putzzand thats all u get with all 4 modules
23:07.52elriahI'll do $150+shipping
23:08.11putzz150 including shipping with the 4 modules with DOA garantee
23:08.21*** join/#asterisk macli (
23:08.25mogi got all day ^_^
23:08.45mogi actually have 30 or 40 cards at home
23:09.16JTcritch: indeed
23:09.20JTanalogue is poop
23:09.23denonmog: and you've never sent me any freebies?
23:09.33mogthey are dead
23:09.38mogi was making a sculpture
23:09.39denonah well ..
23:09.43denonI'll just RMA em <G>
23:10.19denona pci card sculpture?
23:10.22denonthat'd be ... interesting
23:10.32*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
23:10.33denonkinda hard to mold, no?
23:10.37*** part/#asterisk bkruse_home (i=kruz@nat/digium/x-f35f4b1235a3fcad)
23:10.39mogmy wife was making for her art class
23:10.56mogit was really her sculpture
23:11.07mogfor her art class
23:11.10denonso .. what's it a sculpture of?
23:11.13anthony]anyone looking for a dedicated server to run your pbxs on?
23:11.47denonbig red phone
23:11.49putzzanthony], where, how much, specs?
23:12.06denonanthony]: sure, free? I'll take 10
23:12.33OpperiorTitle it " Hello -ello -lo -o"
23:12.37perdis there a CLI command to show me what codec a registered sip client is using
23:12.38elriahLater, all.
23:13.29critchperd: is there a codec used if the client is only registered?
23:13.44perdnot sure
23:14.03critchperd: answer is no. codecs are part of a channel
23:14.12critcha channel is part of a call
23:14.33perdah ok
23:14.35perdsip show channels did it
23:15.08critchcool, I was a bit of a smart ass, and still answered a question right
23:15.09*** join/#asterisk orkid (
23:15.19perdyou asshole!
23:15.20perdthank you!
23:15.41critchyour welcome
23:16.21critchahh, but I see what that did to my karma, the server I need to clear of calls ended up getting to more calls
23:16.25JTanthony]: hmm, details?
23:16.28wunderkinthe great cornholio!
23:17.23critchoops, guess I should have better specified the replacement
23:18.57anthony]A few people in this channel rent dedicated servers from our company, the reason I am mentioning it is because of our sale.
23:19.02critchhmm, just looked over at one of the big air handlers in our colo facility and noticed it is reading 80F inside, why should they have cooling problems when it is 37F outside?
23:19.04anthony]I'm trying to hook the community up :)
23:19.43CunningPikecritch: Maybe it's on fire
23:19.59critchanthony]: purchase computers, or hosted?
23:20.14anthony]Hosted, in a datacenter.. not my home office.
23:20.27anthony]Level3, TWTC multihomed.
23:20.48anthony]Can be setup within a few hours of ordering.
23:20.49critchahh, then not so interested. We are about to purchase another machine to have as a warm spare
23:21.16critchkind of limited to physical access to our PRI circuit
23:23.04anthony]I do have a personal Dual opteron 246, 2GB memory, 80GB HDD server (1U) that I might be interested in letting go of at a good price.
23:23.21mercestesanthony]:  can I msg you? :D
23:23.21critchand didn't level3 get bought recently, or was it they bought someone else?
23:23.36mercesteslevel3 generically sucks, don't see why anyone would buy them.
23:23.45*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
23:24.03anthony]mercestes, you've been in one of my servers right?
23:24.03critchahh yeah, they bought Telcove, formerly Adelphia
23:24.10anthony]Level3, doesn't get bought.
23:24.12anthony]They buy :)
23:24.24mercestesanthony]:  no...
23:24.44mercestesyou'd know if I was on yoru server.
23:25.06anthony]<- potential1
23:25.10mercestesbut I wanna be...amybe
23:25.16anthony]you're my friend.
23:25.20anthony](i hope)
23:25.30mercestesI was on one of your servers..:D
23:25.53*** join/#asterisk shodan- (
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23:39.40ModcutsI'm currently working on a java based setup app for asterisk , and was wondering what you thought was better trying to parse the configs directly or using a db to store the information which is then written to the configs?
23:39.48*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
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23:40.01*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- Asterisk, Asterisk-addons, Zaptel, and Libpri 1.4.0 released!!! (December 23, 2006) -=- Other fun channels: #asterisk-gui, #asterisknow, #asterisk-commits -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=-
23:45.18dlynes_laptopModcuts, I think it would all depend on which is easier for you to program
23:45.45dlynes_laptopModcuts, from a user interface perspective, it shouldn't make much difference as long as you don't force them to install a sql server
23:46.23dlynes_laptopModcuts, i.e. just use berkeley db, or one of the many embedded db's
23:47.00dlynes_laptopModcuts, or even just a binary file with a binary index, using your own predefined data structure
23:47.03ThoMehas anyone the phone SI-7800 ?
23:47.34*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
23:47.39J4k3ThoMe: just don't get an F1000G :)
23:47.44J4k3(the utstarcom one)
23:48.05J4k3I'm filling out return forms for mine right now
23:48.15J4k3I'm going to get a Linksys WIP300
23:48.40*** join/#asterisk Vec (
23:48.40J4k3see if its any better
23:49.18VecDoes anyone know if asterisk or the zaptel drivers will have any issues compiling on a x86-64 processor and distribution ?
23:49.55CrashSysVec: I know of people who compile it without issues
23:50.25VecCrashSys : I mean no more issues then normal x86
23:50.30*** part/#asterisk mog (
23:50.42CrashSysThey were gentoo users too!
23:50.49CrashSysdunno what USE flags they had
23:51.16CrashSysprolly fOMG and l33t :D
23:51.46*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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23:52.27VecCrashSys : what u mean USE flasgs ?
23:52.40CrashSysit's a gentoo thing
23:52.57critchVec: what gentoo users do to pass info in like what would go to a configure script
23:53.16VecCrashSys : ok, sounds odd
23:53.18mercesteslike -fomg-optimized.
23:53.20*** join/#asterisk h0 (i=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
23:53.56Vecoh, they sound clever, so u don't always have to set configure options over and over again
23:54.38critchVec: it is more because they compile most everything from source,and therefore need to specify things like use GTK, or use Gnome, or don't use KDE
23:55.02CrashSysor fOMG
23:55.38Modcuts<dlynes_laptop> : Cheers
23:55.48*** join/#asterisk eltech (
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23:57.26OpperiorI've seen the WIP300.  It feels like it's break if you dropped it on a pillow
23:57.40Opperiorer, it would
23:58.28*** part/#asterisk spua7 (i=spua7@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.