irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070131

00:00.09potential1exten => 3212501333,1,GoTo(stations,1001)
00:00.10potential1This call is not going through
00:00.12potential1I just hear beeping
00:00.18potential1anyone know what would be wrong with this line?
00:02.14The_DoC^I am just curious what would the max number of fxs's asterisk supports
00:02.32The_DoC^or extensions rather
00:02.53JTThe_DoC^: in what way?
00:03.39burnproofexten => 3212501333,1,GoTo(stations,1001) Goto([[context|]extension|]priority):
00:03.52Moobiusanyone been working with the sip.conf directive "call-limit"?
00:04.17*** part/#asterisk nachoguy (
00:07.09*** join/#asterisk mavior (
00:07.13maviorhello people!
00:09.22potential1exten => 3212501333,1,GoTo(stations,1001)
00:09.28potential1can someone help me figure this thing out? heh
00:09.41mavioris it possible to make a sip call between two different asterisk server ( user1 and user2 are two user regularly connected respectively one to server1 and to server2) knowing servers ip of course ???
00:09.45*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:11.22*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
00:11.32*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
00:11.57Lurchtokewhat folder usually holds the voicemails that are recieved?
00:12.09*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
00:12.09maviordon't know...something like Dial(user1@server1) ??
00:12.23*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
00:12.37Lurchtokeare they saved as wav files?
00:13.01ManxPowerLurchtoke: /var/spool/asterisk
00:14.08JTMoobius: is it possible to make a sip call between 2 asterisk servers? yes
00:15.17maviorJT: can you explain how if user1 is logged on server1 by xlite and user2 is a zap channel on server2?
00:15.44ManxPowermavior: the user does not make the call, asteirsk makes the call
00:17.07JunK-Ysome1 running * with uclibc?
00:17.10*** join/#asterisk BigCanOfTuna (
00:17.22mavioryes I mean...what I have to do with my Dial application? I need to define something in my config file to call, say , from user1 to user2, how to use Dial() in this case ?
00:18.05BigCanOfTunaWhen the command documentation talks about the "asterisk database" are they talking about MySQL or an embedded DB? Specifically, I am looking at DB_EXISTS.
00:19.26*** join/#asterisk toresbe (n=toresbe@
00:19.28toresbehey guys!
00:19.38toresbeI'm trying to set up a BBS system (I know, I know...)
00:19.56toresbeand I heard there's a SIP softmodem out there. Do any of you know about that?
00:20.10toresbeI could write my own, I guess, but I *am* lazy..
00:21.19Moobiustoresbe: doesn't your bbs support telnet?
00:21.19Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
00:21.37toresbeMoobius: yes it does, but my 300 baud acoustic coupler doesn't
00:21.56toresbeMoobius: Neither do phone booths...
00:22.20J4k3toresbe: modem-over-voip requires either the voip provider doing the modem tones for you, or a lot of hassle
00:22.46Moobiusbut if you're aiming for 300 baud...
00:23.27maviorManxPower: but you have to use Dial() for intiate the connection right?
00:25.02*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
00:25.04saftsackhow is the service called which does a lookup in a telephone book on every incoming call?
00:26.01wltjrare variables set in one context available in an included one?
00:26.41wltjrfor some reason CHAN is not being passed along with a value to common_out
00:27.06k-man_what is the difference between a user and a peer?
00:27.50toresbeJ4k3: that's the point, it's not modern-day. It's a little plain thing which I can use to toy around in.
00:29.54saftsack is every bluetooth handy able to handle those calls?
00:31.34*** part/#asterisk oys (n=eoyslebo@
00:32.41*** join/#asterisk budmang (
00:33.22*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
00:33.24*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
00:37.09JTsaftsack: bluetooth handy?
00:37.38saftsackyes. a handy with bluetooth function
00:38.16saftsackdidnt you read the link?
00:38.55dseeb_saftsack: so long as the phone supports the HFP spec, it should work
00:38.55toresbeHandy is a German term for a cellphone.
00:39.06saftsackoh, ok sry i didnt say cp
00:39.40wltjrcould someone familiar with pri's plz take a look at
00:39.54wltjrI think I have my span off? not sure if I need to do 1,1 or 1,0
00:39.58JT"mobile phone" sounds find to me :P
00:40.07dseeb_me too
00:40.08saftsackso 4 cheap cellphones will throw those gsm cards away?
00:40.32dseeb_saftsack: most likely. test with one first though
00:40.36toresbeJ4k3: so what happens if I'm willing to go through the hassle? where shoudl I start?
00:40.55saftsackyes i have a motorola here and a macbook
00:41.00saftsackwill test it in the evening
00:41.32saftsackbecause i have to install linux on my macbook
00:42.38saftsacki go to bed now, good night
00:45.08budmanganyone recommend some cheap providers? VOIP?
00:45.22budmangtexas/cali servers iax/sip
00:45.43rudholmI like Teliax, but they're not the cheapest
00:45.53rudholmbut the cheaper outfits tend to suck (more)
00:46.13budmangI use teliax
00:46.18budmangnot a fan of the softcap.
00:46.21budmangi dont mind paying more
00:46.33rudholmteliax is 2c/min for most of the First World
00:46.40rudholmand they seem pretty reliable and quality is good
00:46.40budmangmy server is less then 1ms form teliax california beta server
00:47.35rudholm64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=1.29 ms
00:47.40rudholmI'm just over 1ms it seems
00:48.22budmangno other providers
00:48.27budmangi was hoping for some other then teliax :-)
00:48.45*** join/#asterisk Tebi (
00:49.03rudholmwell, there are companies like BroadVoice and voipjet
00:49.15rudholmvoipjet is cheap, but they suck
00:49.31toresbeNobody here knows about Asterisk softmodems?
00:49.52*** join/#asterisk kgx (n=kgx@
00:50.09hardwireasterisk has softmodems?
00:50.28hardwirerudholm: what chu up tu mang
00:50.51*** join/#asterisk terlouw (
00:51.01rudholmhardwire: just working
00:51.38terlouwhello all! i just installed the hudliteserver on trixbox2 but it wont connect... anyone got a clue on where to start looking?
00:52.07kgxif i do something like "exten => 1,2,Dial(SIP/david&SIP/andrew&SIP/lisa,15,rt)", how can i execute an agi as soon as someone picks it (and I need to know which extension picked it up)
00:52.08hardwirerudholm: actually, whats the issue?
00:52.37rudholmhardwire: the issue with voipjet?
00:52.47rudholmgeez, what's *not* the issue with voipjet?
00:53.01rudholmthat's someone else's question
00:54.07JTi think the x100p is pretty much it, for softmodems in asterisk
00:54.15budmangvoipjet is a no go then
00:54.32JTkgx: M() dialplan arg probably
00:54.35toresbehardwire: that's my question
00:54.50rudholmbudmang: yeah, I wouldn't recommend voipjet for anything other than experimental use
00:55.00*** join/#asterisk angler (i=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
00:55.46budmangi need full action VOIP
00:56.43JTactionman hero voip
00:56.59hardwiretoresbe: whats your question?
00:57.11hardwirestupid me
00:57.19kgxJT: thanks
00:57.20hardwiretoresbe: what do you need to kno?
00:57.35toresbe01:46 < hardwire> asterisk has softmodems?
00:57.43JTtoresbe: i can't see the real question
00:57.45hardwiretoresbe: right.. what do you need to know?
00:57.54toresbeIs there a softmodem for asterisk?
00:58.09toresbeI have searched the fine web, but no information revealeth she
00:58.24*** join/#asterisk Avochelm (
00:58.44JTtoresbe: what do you want, a single phone line connection for voice?
00:59.09toresbeJT: what? I want a... softmodem!
00:59.17toresbea V.21 softmodem
00:59.34JTwhat on earth does this have to do with asterisk?
00:59.42JTask the damn question already
00:59.53toresbehardwire: thanks!
01:00.00hardwireyou said you searched
01:00.02JTv.21 implies data
01:00.04hardwireI thought posting that would be redundant
01:00.30toresbeJT: exactly
01:00.37hardwireCan I use my modem to connect to the PSTN?
01:00.42hardwireform the FAQ
01:00.54toresbehardwire: yes, but that applies to very advanced modems
01:00.54*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:01.03toresbeoh no wait
01:01.04The_DoC^has anyone used a linksys rt31p2 router as a sip fxs?
01:01.11toresbethat applies to something entirely different
01:01.24toresbeRoyK!! Long time no see!!
01:01.34hardwiretoresbe: if the answer for very advanced modems is NO. what are you expecting from stupid modems?
01:01.51toresbehardwire: I want a software modem for asterisk - how much simpler can I put it
01:01.59JTmuch simpler
01:02.10toresbeI want... to dial into … my Asterisk machine... and hear a V.21 carrier.
01:02.21toresbeJT: Transfer text?
01:02.22JTasterisk is not a dialup server
01:02.27JTit's a telephony server
01:02.32RoyKtoresbe: hei
01:02.39J4k3JT: you could buy an FXS and feed a real modem with it.
01:02.51J4k3on a good day.
01:02.52hardwiretoresbe: you could use a real modem
01:02.58hardwireand dial into it
01:03.04JTtoresbe: what you want is a real modem and normal dialup software
01:03.12toresbeJT: no, I do not.
01:03.17hardwiresomething tells me his modem sucks
01:03.18JTwhy not
01:03.18toresbehardwire: I don't want to spend money on hardware... :\
01:03.34toresbeJT: because I want to *call* the machine
01:03.41hardwiretoresbe: so you want a software based modem
01:03.44hardwirewith no hardware attached
01:03.59hardwireyou do realize for a phone call to happen, you are gonna need somewhere to plug a phone line into it
01:04.00toresbehardwire: Yes! That's exactly what I've been saying!
01:04.05hardwirecause 56k via SIP is no good
01:04.07toresbe*sigh* I have an external SIP number.
01:04.20hardwireand you really expect this to work?
01:04.28toresbeWell, yes
01:04.29toresbe01:55 < toresbe> a V.21 softmodem
01:04.32hardwireI don't want to be rude, sorry.
01:04.33toresbeV.21 is 300 baud
01:04.43hardwiretoresbe: more power to you
01:04.55hardwirethere is a software modem that some folks here developed
01:04.59toresbeI have literally scotch taped a cellphone to my couplers and had this work
01:05.20hardwiretoresbe: what happened to your scotch tape?
01:05.29The_DoC^hi ...(dead air) ho... (dead air) and so on
01:05.57toresbehardwire: *sigh* I have a terminal with acoustic couplers which is very lightweight.
01:06.11hardwireI already gave you an answer
01:06.14toresbehardwire: I want to be able to ring my home SIP number, and get a carrier, and be able to communicate with it
01:06.28k-man_when i reload my sip.conf file, i get this error: Got 404 not found on sip register to service, giving up
01:07.05hardwirethats a good starting point toresbe
01:07.19The_DoC^is there such a thing as a "free" Sip provider?
01:07.31hardwireif he is paying for it, its free
01:07.33toresbehardwire: yeah, but they all tend to be FAX modems.
01:07.37hardwireI am guessing he has no telephone line
01:07.47hardwiretoresbe: IAXModem IAAXmodem
01:07.59potential1can you recieve faxes through asterisk?
01:08.03toresbehardwire: a fax modem.
01:08.08hardwireapt-cache search iaxmodem
01:08.08hardwireiaxmodem - software modem with IAX2 connectivity
01:08.11toresbepotential1: if you allocate sufficient bandwidth, you can.
01:08.33potential1how mch b/w is needed?
01:08.57hardwire300 baud worth :)
01:08.58toresbehardwire: hmm, the Debian description makes it sound as if there are more possibilities...
01:09.32hardwiretoresbe: you will scotch tape cell phones together to bridge v.21, but you won't randomly install packages and test them?
01:10.03toresbehardwire: I tend to read docs before I install software on my machine.
01:10.15toresbeAnd the docs I read made it sound as if it was a fax modem.
01:11.12hardwireI tend to read the source even in long shot situations
01:11.57toresbeThen you, Sir, have far too much time on your hands :)
01:12.13Moobiussays they guy setting up a bbs...
01:12.22toresbeTouché :)
01:18.37toresbehm, indeed
01:18.44toresbenow to actually make it work..
01:19.21hardwireyou connect to it via IAX :)
01:19.44hardwireso just route your sip inbound directly to it
01:20.57*** join/#asterisk WAudette70 (
01:21.35*** join/#asterisk angler (i=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
01:21.38hardwiretoresbe: you let us know how IAXmodem via SIP works for ya
01:22.05hardwireMy guess is unless you are 32+kbps ain't much gonna happen
01:22.36*** join/#asterisk Zand3r (
01:22.51toresbehardwire: mine too...
01:23.06toresbehardwire: thanks for the tips, even if I did have to wring them out of you ;)
01:23.19hardwireI looked it up
01:23.32hardwirenot like it was just sitting there all useful like
01:23.48hardwireI dunno, IRC performs well at 300baud, I am guessing google doesn't so much eh :)
01:24.20J4k37 people all blabbering at once at 100 wpm
01:25.42JTthe reason it's hard to do, toresbe, is technology has advanced
01:25.50JTwe have this thing called gprs
01:25.54JTrequires no scotch tape
01:25.57*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
01:26.11Zand3rHi all - is there are good resource that compares SIP phones? I'm looking at SNOM, Polycom and Aastara soall should be good quality- I am therefore looking for a comparison specific to their ompatibility / useability with Asterisk. Things like how calls are transfered, SLA, BLA, BLF, etc. (I know Asterisk does not support all of those features but I understand some phones allow sterisk to get close.
01:26.36b11d|bblif you find that, be sure to let us know about it :)
01:28.44Zand3rahh - it's like that is it - fair enough :0 - I'll continue gathering my info from all over the place.
01:29.28JTpolycom seems to be the channel favourite
01:29.58b11d|bblyeah, agreed.  I love mine..
01:30.25b11d|bblZand3r.. perhaps you should build that resource.. might be a nice contribution eh :)  -- would suck to maintain though.  Maybe on
01:31.28Zand3rb11d|bb1 - I'm digging up lots of info so maybe so - although much of it has actually originated from in th efirst place :)
01:32.29Zand3rI'm looking at the Polycom 501 and 301 phones - Do you find their use makes sense in an Asterisk context - i.e their various buttons can be configured to use the appropriate Asterisk control codes?
01:32.31b11d|bblwhat sucks is trying to cut through the marketing BS on all the websites..
01:32.32Carp1No one from Teliax comes on this channel do they?
01:32.36b11d|bblthe 301, you will regret.
01:32.53rudholmCarp1: not that I know of
01:33.01rudholmCarp1: why?
01:33.29b11d|bblthe 501.. absoultely.. but im not doing very much that could be considered "advanced" with those phones.
01:33.29The_DoC^just wondering if the Intel 537 modem works well as a single port fxo?
01:33.29*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
01:33.29*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
01:33.37Carp1I registered with them and got a DID, I worked on getting it to work for like 2 hours then they emailed me and said the DID should not have been in the list because they dont own it.
01:33.41b11d|bblbut with the polycom, you are the most likely to find a solution becuase so many of us here use them and have done many things with them
01:33.52Carp1Then they credited my account to register a new number
01:33.56b11d|bblThe_DoC^..not without serious work to the modem, i'd think
01:34.04Carp1so I did and someone else owns that number becuase when I call it, someone answers lol
01:34.10The_DoC^something about removing resistors
01:34.16b11d|bblyeah good luck with that :)
01:34.27rudholmCarp1: weird.  I didn't have any problems with them when I got a DID from them a few months ago
01:34.47Zand3rb11d|bb1: Thanks - Out of interest, what have you found is wrong with the 301? I was thinking of using higher spec phones for a receptionist type scenario and lower spec phones for the rest of the office - no good?
01:34.57rudholmCarp1: but I realized I didn't really need a DID from them so I submitted a ticket and they removed it in about a day.  now I just use them for call completion.
01:35.25The_DoC^now I need to come up with a new option, probably time to order a x100p
01:35.48b11d|bblthe 301 doesnt have a speaker phone, the display is hard to read and blocky, there is really nothing of note about the 301.. i bought a few but have gone with the 430 in their stead recently.
01:35.54Carp1Do you think they will get mad if I press 9 for imidiate assistant?
01:35.55b11d|bblyeah i'd say so The_DoC^..
01:35.56JTThe_DoC^: do you only have a tiny budget?
01:36.08Carp1because their office is closed
01:36.16b11d|bblgo with a 601 for your receptionist, and 501's for the offices..
01:36.17The_DoC^JT: yes and no
01:36.38b11d|bblyour end user will complain if they have to use a 301 for very long..
01:36.46b11d|bblthe 430 isnt much more expenseive and has a much better display
01:36.52b11d|bblimproved audio, etc..
01:37.14The_DoC^if I can justify spending the money then no otherwise I don't want to spend alot
01:37.38b11d|bblThe_DoC^.. is this for a hobby, or for somethign that would be in actual production?
01:37.55JTThe_DoC^: a SIP ATA unit is probably the cheapest, that would actually work properly most of the time
01:37.57The_DoC^hobby at the moment
01:38.00b11d|bblah cool
01:38.18J4k3grandstream 101 #2 hasn't locked up since I plugged it in...  Grandstream 101 #1 hasn't locked up since I got the settings correct on it.  Yay
01:38.31J4k3#2 has been up for about 21 hours
01:38.34The_DoC^wife is getting pissed cause I keep alling all of the extensions in the house
01:38.47Zand3rb11d|bb1: Thanks - I'll stay away from the 301 - I hadn't seen the 430 - nothing about it in th epolycom documentation i;d seen - I'll go check it out. It's interestesting at least that the issues with the 301 are sound quality and not Asterisk related though.
01:38.49JTcall them all at once :)
01:39.07The_DoC^haven't figured out how to call them all at once
01:40.00b11d|bblyeah you will not have any real issues with Polycom and Asterisk...  that im aware of anyway, and I use them both..
01:40.17b11d|bblThe_Doc, might want to use .call files maybe
01:40.35Carp1I just talked to the guy who owns the number i registered
01:40.46b11d|bblhaha i keep reading that nick as <crap>
01:41.03b11d|bblso I read that as:  crap, I just talked to the guy who owns the number i registered
01:41.09b11d|bblit brought a smile to my face :)   thanks
01:41.15Carp1he has a few numbers from teliax and he is porting them to a new carrier and teliax is just putting them back on their list for sale lol
01:43.51*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
01:44.39The_DoC^when I got the bright idea to start playing with asterisk I bought a 4 port fxo and a 16 port fxs made by packetizer for Tundo, but there is no way to configure them without Tundo's software that is no longer available due to the company going belly up
01:45.01*** join/#asterisk zpertee (
01:45.15JTno serial or telnet?
01:46.09zperteeHi all!  I'm working on using asterisk for nagios notifications.  Has anyone out there ever done this before?
01:46.18The_DoC^it has both and I can access them, they use vxworks as the os and loads a config file from a tftp server but I have no way of figuring out what the config file consists of
01:46.37JTThe_DoC^: it can't send files the other way?
01:47.24The_DoC^it can but it stores averything in a nvram then when it boots it loads it all into memory
01:47.59The_DoC^I know by errors it passes that it uses a elf file and cpp configs
01:48.40JTit should be alright if you can send configs the other way
01:48.58JTcan you use the telnet interface to configure various options interactively?
01:49.08The_DoC^I haven't dove to far into the locations they are stored yet
01:49.23The_DoC^yes, but options are limited
01:49.42JTnot enough to get it working?
01:49.57*** join/#asterisk DocHolliday (i=RgRabbit@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0E4F6D6C)
01:49.59Carp1The guy I talked to said he switched here because their service is better and cheaper.
01:50.40The_DoC^no, you can't set much other than ip, host, routes
01:50.50JTis there a reason you don't want to use sip?
01:51.10JTThe_DoC^: weird, so i'm guessing the phones annoying your wife aren't connected to it
01:51.25The_DoC^no, I am using unlocked pap2's
01:51.40DocHollidayannoying the wife? what a shame.
01:52.28*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:53.59The_DoC^I am good at it
01:56.56The_DoC^you can't set the gatekeeper ip in the command line
01:58.17*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
02:04.05The_DoC^oh well I will figure out that bookend one of these days
02:04.22JTgar use not .com ZZZzzzzzZZzz
02:05.08The_DoC^I noticed it was slow
02:05.58JTThe_DoC^: does it do h.323?
02:07.43The_DoC^yes and supposedly G711u and G711a
02:08.43JTyeah because gatekeeper is a term specific to H.323
02:08.52JTdoes it even do sip?
02:10.23The_DoC^from reading all of the articles out there (not many) it was supposed to be sip or H.323
02:10.39CrashHDhow can I set my asterisk up so that an inbound sip call (using DIAL(SIP/${EXTEN}) will be recognized that it is a valid peer and route the call?
02:10.41JThave fun connecting to it if h.323 :P
02:11.04The_DoC^thats even if I figure it out
02:12.08ManxPowerCrashHD: you would want Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@
02:12.30CrashHDwhy man?
02:12.39ManxPowerAnd for the most part, I believe Asterisk will accept pretty much any incoming call
02:12.53ManxPowerCrashHD: because that a correct Asterisk Dial() like for SIP.
02:12.58JTbecause that's the correct way to do it
02:13.20ManxPowerCrashHD: you may have to set insecure=very in sip.conf [general].  I don't know.  Try it without it,.
02:13.26CrashHDbut correct sip uri is user:pass@ip/exten
02:13.41ManxPoweralso whatever the extension is must exist in the context specified in [general]
02:13.50ManxPowerCrashHD: Asterisk does not use SIP URIs when dialing.
02:14.24CrashHDwell dial(sip/ip/exten) works
02:14.24ManxPowernow, if you are dialing from a SIP client, then that Dial line you quoted would not be valid anyway
02:14.38ManxPowerCrashHD: you actually type that into your SIP client?
02:14.51CrashHDinto my asterisk box
02:15.04*** join/#asterisk elriah (
02:15.09ManxPowerSince we don't know what your SIP client requires there is no point in quoting the dial strings you give it as they are useless to us and confuzing
02:15.09CrashHDexten => 1,1,DIAL()
02:15.18JTdoes 'ip' have an entry in sip.conf?
02:15.21CrashHDthese are two asterisk boxes
02:15.23elriahHi all.  Does Cisco ship a 7961 with SIP firmware?  i.e., easy asterisk install?
02:15.40ManxPowerCrashHD: then use the correct Asterisk SIP Dial syntax to start with
02:16.02*** join/#asterisk azidenth (n=aby_azid@
02:16.07*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@unaffiliated/luisjose)
02:16.13ManxPowerelriah: no Cisco phone comes with SIP firmware, you would have to buy it.  I don't know if the 7961 has SIP firmware available or not.
02:16.14azidenthgood day everyone..
02:16.40CrashHDwell correct is a relative term
02:16.44CrashHDif it works is it not correct?
02:16.45azidenthim having a problem receiving call from sip provider..but i'm able to make call
02:16.47elriahDo you use the Cisco 7960 with asterisk?  Anyonw know how it compares to the Polycom offerings?
02:17.04azidenthanyone can help?
02:17.05ManxPowerCrashHD: mugging a little old lady is possible, but not correct.
02:17.12JTCrashHD: there are often varying degrees of correctness for a lot of things
02:17.39ManxPowerCrashHD: and by doing it incorrectly, who knows what oddities you may encounter that could be avoided by doing it correctly.
02:17.50CrashHDthe problem still occurs when the other dial statement is used
02:17.51ManxPowerazidenth: what is the error message on the Asterisk console
02:18.11ManxPowerCrashHD: what CLI output do you have for a failed call on the destination server?
02:18.25azidenthno error..
02:18.45azidenthbut i can make outbound calls to another sip proxy..
02:18.53ManxPowerazidenth: you may have to enable sip debug in the asterisk cli, but that will generate alot of information to sift thru.
02:19.00azidenthbut cant receive/incoming call
02:19.07ManxPowerazidenth: inbound and outbound are TOTALLY different
02:19.13azidenthalready enable the debug info
02:19.34CrashHDthe call hits the system but the originating system is not sending the secret when the call is sent
02:19.35ManxPowerazidenth: what does "sip show registry" show for that provider?
02:20.05ManxPowerCrashHD: um, you don't use secrets with anonymous calls, and that is what you are really doing.
02:20.06CrashHDbecause the originating dial string uses the ip directly not the username of the sip entry
02:20.21CrashHDit recognizes the incoming user
02:20.32ManxPowerif you want a non-anonymous call then you need to put fromuser=whatever in the dialing server and reference it by that sip.conf entry
02:20.41ManxPowerCrashHD: what is your incoming user?
02:20.52CrashHDManxPower: fromuser= is being used
02:21.13ManxPowerCrashHD: don't expect it to work if you are dialing by IP.
02:21.15azidenthconnected to sip provide
02:21.17azidenthconnected to sip provider
02:21.29ManxPowerazidenth: paste the 1 line
02:21.30The_DoC^JT: maybe if I have time I will throw it online tomorrow and you can telnet into it
02:22.02CrashHDso it won't match an ip to a sip entry on an outbound leg
02:22.15azidenthName/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status     Realtime
02:22.15azidenthkarim/karim           D   N      47766    Unmonitored
02:22.15azidenthAby                   D   N      40533    Unmonitored
02:22.15azidenthName/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status     Realtime
02:22.15azidenthkarim/karim           D   N      47766    Unmonitored
02:22.15azidenthAby                   D   N      40533    Unmonitored
02:22.40ManxPowerazidenth: DO NOT PASTE MORE THAN 1 OR TWO LINES
02:22.42azidenthwellsip/666            N      5060     OK (61 ms)
02:22.44ManxPoweruse for larger pastes
02:23.17ManxPowerazidenth: That is from "sip show registry" not "sip show peers"?
02:23.44azidenthnope its for sip show peer
02:23.58ManxPowerazidenth: I did not ask for sip show peer
02:24.17ManxPowerI need the line from "sip show registry"
02:24.22azidenthooh ok
02:25.28azidenthHost                            Username       Refresh State                Reg.Time
02:25.29azidenth203.223.132.200:5060            666                105 Registered           Wed, 31 Jan 2007 10:32:46
02:25.49ManxPowergood, now we have confirmed that you do not have a registration problem.
02:26.09ManxPowerazidenth: put the sip debug of a failed incoming call on
02:26.44*** join/#asterisk k-man (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
02:27.02azidenththis maybe kind a stupid question but where to get :)
02:27.38ManxPowerazidenth: web browser
02:27.51jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
02:29.08azidenthi dont get any sip debug of fail incoming call..
02:29.24azidenthis there any configuration in extensions.conf i need to check?
02:29.50Moobiuswhat has "extensions reload" changed into in 1.4?
02:33.22*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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02:35.04JTThe_DoC^: hah, alright
02:35.23JTThe_DoC^: tomorrow night my time might be the only good time tomorrow
02:35.28JTit's 1335 here now
02:36.42k-manwhen i reload my sip.conf file, i get this error: Got 404 not found on sip register to service, giving up
02:36.52k-manany ideas why it wouldn't be finding my sip provider?
02:36.59k-mani can ping the  sip provider
02:37.55*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (n=brian@
02:38.57*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
02:41.41Moobiusis there a way to configure the colors in the asterisk cli?
02:44.28ManxPowerk-man: your provider is saying not found
02:44.36ManxPowerperhaps you need a password in your register
02:44.45k-manManxPower, strange..
02:44.52k-manyes, i have a password in there
02:44.55k-manmaybe i mistyped it
02:44.59k-manlet me double check
02:45.46*** join/#asterisk bitbandit (
02:46.16k-manit's definately correct
02:46.25k-manand my sip phone is able to connec to the provider
02:46.46bitbanditwhat are the main causes of choppy music on hold ? from my googling i see alot of SATA and P4 HT problems i am not running either
02:47.01JTk-man: your sip.conf, make sure you remove the secret
02:47.11k-manjt, ok, thanks
02:48.50*** join/#asterisk bitbandit (
02:49.12Moobiusbitbandit: the real answer is that music takes more bandwith than voice and the codecs are optimized for voice.
02:49.55bitbanditah, even over POTS ?
02:50.08JTwhat interface?
02:50.29test34bitbandit, you could tried to use a compressed music format ?
02:50.33bitbandituh, i have a x100p clone intel modem
02:51.01MoobiusPOTS uses dedicated circuits to deliver the sound. Those circuits provide more bandwidth in than voip.
02:51.12JTk-man: it looks like the secrets are there, unless they're bogus?
02:51.19Moobiusthe issue isn't compression. this is bandwidth in its more raw sense.
02:51.30JTah good
02:51.34Moobiusthe range of sound i can make with my voice is smaller than i can hear from music
02:51.35k-manjt, but thanks for checking :)
02:51.50test34Moobius, compressed music could use less bandwidth
02:51.57k-manspose i could have made them XXXXXXX or something less real looking
02:52.16JTk-man: with verbose set to at least 10, could you pastebin an unsuccessful sip call? may aswell turn on sip debug for the relevant ip, too
02:52.17*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
02:52.38bitbanditMoobius: ah ok, so if i ran a TDM400P do you think that would fix it up ?
02:52.45Carp1When I get kicked off IRC, and sign back on, it says my username is alreadyin use and I cant switch to it
02:52.45k-manjt, oh... i haven't gotten as far as trying to connect my sip phone to asterisk
02:52.48Carp1how do I fix that
02:53.01JTk-man: isn't it a connection to sip provider not working
02:53.02k-manjt, i was just trying to get asterisk to connect to nodephone
02:53.08k-manjt, well..
02:53.17k-manit gives me the error when i type "sip reload"
02:53.38bitbandithmm, what shouldi try to boost my bandwidth for the MOH ?
02:53.45JTtry removing the /s bit on the register statement
02:53.59k-manMoobius, you could possibly pass the music through a band pass filter to cut out low and high frequencies and hence the music would require less bw?
02:54.09JTMoobius: the POTS network does not have more bandwidth than voip if voip is using g.711
02:54.10Moobiusk-man: correct.
02:54.10k-manjt, i did try, no difference
02:54.17Moobiusthough the music will sound kinda band.
02:54.17JThowever it does have better delivery
02:54.22JTlike no jitter
02:55.12JTk-man: wouldn't make any difference, audio is already band pass filtered at the A/D conversion stage
02:55.12test34Moobius, phone isnt really high def. anyways
02:55.13MoobiusJT: how much voip traffice, do you suppose, is in g.711?
02:55.33JTMoobius: codec 64kbit/s, total including sip overhead, brings it to about 85kbit/s each way
02:55.48k-manjt... unless you filtered it evem more than the A/D conversion's band pass filter
02:56.01JTthat would just make it sound worse
02:56.16JTunless the a/d band pass filter is faulty
02:56.37JTi'm sure it's probably an implementation issue that bitbandit is actually having
02:56.42JTthe x100p is not a very good card
02:56.48ManxPowerg.711u is EXACTLY the same audio the telco uses in the usa.
02:56.54MoobiusJT: you can say that again.
02:56.59bitbanditits all i have for the time being
02:57.04JTand g.711a most elsewhere :)
02:57.07k-manjt, yeah, of course it would... but it might make it work better over the codec Moobius is suggesting... maybe?
02:57.15J4k3the x100p is a half-ass softmodem :P
02:57.16bitbanditi work at a computer repair shop and i came accross it and put it to use
02:57.17JTbitbandit: what does it score in zttest?
02:57.29JTk-man: bitbandit has the problem, with a POTS FXO interface
02:57.32JTno voip
02:57.38bitbanditdunno, never ran it
02:57.45k-manoh... sorry, i missed the first half of the conversation....
02:57.46JTplease run it :)
02:57.54ManxPowerJT: IRQ conflicts have been eliminated?
02:58.00*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte (
02:58.00bitbanditthe box is at the shop right now, i wil lahve ot run it tomarrow
02:58.04Moobiusdoes zttest work on x100p's?
02:58.11JTwhat irq conflicts?
02:58.18k-manjt, so i should get my sip phone to talk to asterisk, then try and make a call and get some debugging info from it
02:58.39bitbanditi dont "think" i have any conflicts because its the only card in the sys but that doesnt really matter
02:58.49JTk-man: well it'd be good to be able to register first :), you might be able to make calls, but not receive them, atm
02:58.55bitbanditsnap wrong convo my bad
02:59.03k-manjt, oh.. i see
02:59.17k-manjt, so registering is so you can receive a call?
02:59.46ManxPowerbitbandit: cat /proc/interrupts  make sure NOTHING is sharing the IRQ the wcfxo is on
02:59.52k-manso how do i set up asterisk so i can connect my sip phone to it?
03:00.03JTk-man: yes, if your ip address is not fixed on the remote server
03:00.18k-manjt, right, i see
03:00.21*** join/#asterisk andremi (i=181025c7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
03:00.30k-mansorry.. its a steep learning curve and I'm right at the bottom of the hill
03:01.35Moobiusk-man: check out your sip.conf file.
03:01.52k-mancheck it out?
03:01.58Moobiusread it.
03:02.00andremiI've been searching for the last 2 days web with no success trying to understand if I can pass an argument from php (or perl) to the asterisk context
03:02.08JTk-man: actually, i'm still interested in seeing sip debug output while it tries to register
03:02.27k-manMoobius, um... ok
03:02.44Moobiusandremi: i had PHP create .call files to jump asterisk to specific places within my dialplan.
03:02.46andremii.e. I want to pass in str="hello word" and want to execute Flite(str) in asterisk,
03:03.13Moobiusandremi: you can CURL() out from asterisk...
03:03.14bitbanditdoes zttest stop or do i need to stop it ?
03:03.19andremiThanks mobius, I've seen this technique
03:03.24JTbitbandit: ctrl + c
03:03.30bitbanditok i do need ot stop it
03:03.38bitbanditit is scoring 99 - 100
03:03.49bitbanditBest: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.987793 -- Average: 99.991344
03:03.50JTyou need to be WAAY MORE specific
03:03.56bitbandithows that
03:03.58JTok, that's a good score
03:04.21JTit must remain equal to or above 99.97% at all times or you will have problems
03:04.31*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte (
03:04.50bitbanditthink i found teh culpret
03:04.51bitbandit5: 25001439 XT-PIC VIA8233, ehci_hcd, wcfxo
03:05.07JTouch, maybe
03:05.13bitbanditlooksl ike its sharing
03:05.24JTi'd be interested if the zttest scores drop while you have MoH on
03:05.25Moobiusbitbandit: using a butter knife, pop any chips that say VIA off your motherboard.
03:05.32Moobiuswait. that might be a bad idea...
03:05.42JTMoobius: i think the x100p especially hates irq sharing
03:05.48JTbitbandit: even
03:05.50bitbandithaha, yeah i think that will make it work worse than it is
03:06.09JTwell if you buy non-via to replace it, probably better :P
03:06.31Moobiusbitbandit: put the card in a different slot. reboot. pray.
03:06.59bitbanditi might have another board laying around at the shop
03:07.32andremiI was just reading about CURL(), seems promising, but I need still to pass the URL in, is there a way to do this with something like AppData? field of originate ?
03:07.32JTcard swapping often fixes issues
03:08.00Moobiusandremi: aside from making an AGI program...
03:08.02bitbanditthis is a spare parts machine, mostly a testing ground for me, i will change its slot in the morn and see if that fixes it
03:08.24JTarg, freepbx
03:08.27andremiI am fine with AGI, I have plenty of experience in C/C++, but I am new to asterisk
03:08.38Moobiusandremi: you might try using the call files to go to callfileextension,sessionid
03:08.53Moobiusthen CURLing out from there using the session id to grab the right info
03:09.36JTk-man: there's no sip debug in that
03:09.52k-mani don;t think i know how to turn sip debugging on
03:09.52bitbanditthank you guys, your champs
03:10.11JT'sip debug'
03:10.15JTor 'sip debug <ip>'
03:10.26JTsip no debug to disable
03:10.57*** join/#asterisk wglenncamp (
03:11.07wglenncampIs the digium ftp site down?
03:11.27wglenncampI ordered a g729 codec, and I can't download it.
03:11.47wglenncampAny ideas?
03:12.24andremiOK, Moobius, I'll try that -- I just wasn't sure if there's a simple way to pass arguments onto the stack through "Originate" and I'd be doing something unnatural. Thanks!
03:12.37Moobiusgood luck.
03:13.21JTmanager interface can originate calls
03:13.23JTnot agi
03:13.31JTnot directly anyhow
03:17.43k-manjt, it says method not allowed
03:18.50k-mancould it be a nat issue?
03:18.58JTk-man: you should set nat=yes
03:19.02k-mandoes one need some sort of NAT to receive calls?
03:19.07JTand why do you only have a peer definition?
03:19.29JTyou need a user definition if you want to receive calls
03:19.31k-manjt, because i thought i would get the peer working, and then add my sip phone?
03:19.43JTa friend definition is a shortcut for peer and user
03:19.46k-manand then i thought i would add that part to receive calls after that
03:19.51k-manone small step at a time
03:20.04JTregistering is only for receiving calls, 90% of the time
03:20.23k-mani don't understand what the difference is between a peer and a user
03:20.23JTsome ITSPs only allow calls from hosts that have registered, though
03:20.39JTa user logs on to a host remotely and receives calls
03:20.45JTa peer sends calls
03:20.51JTa friend does both
03:20.56k-manok.. so a user could be a sip phone making a call
03:21.05k-mani mean a sip phone receiving a call
03:21.20JTyes exactly, it's acting as a user
03:21.36k-manok... and a peer is a sip phone making a call?
03:22.52k-manwell, i set net=yes and i still got that erro
03:22.57JTit's a definition in asterisk that refers to the host listed within it as a peer, yes to send calls
03:23.10JTadd user or change it to friend
03:23.19JTthere is no point registering otherwise
03:23.53CrashHDdoes a dundi lookup take in to account the cid?
03:24.13CrashHDfor instance exten => 1/1,1,NOOP()
03:24.20[TK]D-FenderNo, the ONLY reason for registering is when you have a dynamic IP, and need to keep the ITSP up to date with where it should be sending calls to.  it serves no other purpose.
03:24.30k-manjt, so change the type=peer in the [nodephone] section to friend?
03:24.36JTyes, that is pretty much what i already said, [TK]D-Fender
03:24.43erickperezHi there...
03:24.54[TK]D-FenderIf you have a fixed IP, then there is no need for registration.  It has nothing to do with AUTHENTICATING actual calls.
03:24.59JTalso, [TK]D-Fender, some ITSPs do not accept outbound calls from unregistered hosts
03:25.14[TK]D-FenderJT : I just though my version was a little more condensed an inescapable :)
03:25.25[TK]D-FenderJT : Nevere heard of one....
03:25.36k-manok, but for the moment, i don't want to receive calls
03:25.45JTthey do exist :)
03:25.49[TK]D-FenderJT : I have on the other hand seen a few ITSPS that don't use REGISTER.
03:25.52JTk-man: then try making one
03:25.53erickperezQuestion: I have a 4FXS in asterisk, connected to an avaya system...extensions 3001,3002,3003,3004. Is there any way i can call other avaya extensions using those 4 fxs?
03:25.56k-mani just want to get asterisk to talk to nodephone and get my sip phone to talk to asterisk
03:26.19JTerickperez: Dial(Zap/1) ??
03:26.25k-manjt, but how do i set up asterisk so my sip hone can talk to it?
03:26.27[TK]D-Fendererickperez : thats an AVAYA question, not an * one.
03:26.44erickperezwell, my asterisk is connected to an avaya, that why i ask here.
03:26.56[TK]D-Fenderk-man : what model?  pastebin your sip.conf masking only passwords.
03:26.57JTerickperez: ah yes, it is an avaya question :)
03:27.07erickperezthe 4fxs is a fxs-to-sip.
03:27.09k-man[TK]D-Fender, i did already
03:27.24k-manoh, thanks jt
03:27.31[TK]D-Fendererickperez : yes, but your questio is about AVAYA functionality which you should know.
03:27.31k-man[TK]D-Fender, passwords are bogus
03:27.42[TK]D-Fenderk, loooking
03:27.53k-man[TK]D-Fender, it is a linksys spa942 (recommended by you ;)
03:27.55erickperezD-Fender, im not the aya guy... :((
03:28.02erickperezD-Fender, im not the avaya guy... :((
03:28.16JTk-man: have you tried making a call? you can use a callfile
03:28.26JTif you dont want to setup your phone yet
03:28.34k-manwhat is a callfile?
03:28.40k-mani had no idea about callfiles
03:28.41[TK]D-Fenderk-man : [jason] looks like a perfectly valid interal SIP account you'd auth a phone as...
03:28.58[TK]D-Fenderk-man : Forget .call files... lets get the basics down...
03:29.21JTk-man:if you write a correctly formated .call file and move it into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/, asterisk will make a call
03:29.46[TK]D-Fendererickperez : No matter how many time you repeat that question its Avaya's functionality you are asking about.  you should already know what you can do with that port.
03:30.14[TK]D-Fenderk-man : Is your phone registering as [jason] ?
03:30.31k-man[TK]D-Fender, no, i have not configured my phone yet
03:30.36k-manill do that now...
03:30.36erickperezD-Fender, well it's my first time asking...if someone else already did that..sorry. thanks anyway.
03:30.56[TK]D-Fenderk-man : well * looks ready for it, if that context is the one you were planning on setting it up with.
03:31.05k-man[TK]D-Fender, yes, it was
03:31.17JTerickperez: it's probably rather difficult on analogue, the only easy way i can think of is with outbound callerid if you device supports that, and if the avaya can read the callerid
03:31.32[TK]D-Fenderk-man : Ok, well start up your phone and get cracking!
03:31.34k-manso what do i do, just set my sip proxy to the ip of asterisk?
03:31.47[TK]D-Fenderk-man : You mean in the phone config?
03:31.51JTcallerid works much better on digital too, and you can set the msn
03:31.57erickperezJT: thanks, I'll talk to the avaya guy in the morning.
03:32.11JTactually, you can't set callED number on analogue, so it seems highly unlikely
03:32.16JTunless you did something dicky with dtmf
03:33.27[TK]D-Fenderk-man : yeah, sounds about right.
03:33.27k-mani think its working
03:33.27k-manill just try making a call
03:33.27*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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03:33.30JTk-man: you should ask for help when there's *actually* a problem :P
03:33.37[TK]D-Fenderk-man : You only really need to fill in like 4-5 blanks for the phone to be up and running from scratch.  they are dead-easy.
03:34.09[TK]D-Fenderk-man : For sanity's sake make it an internal test.  I suggest an echo test first, followed by a visit to VoiceMail.
03:34.34k-man[TK]D-Fender, ok.. internal it is then
03:34.42k-manhow do i do an echo test?
03:35.03JTdon't know if it needs an Answer line first
03:35.17JTsome things don't work properly if you don't Answer them first
03:35.30JTso make that
03:35.45JTso when you dial the number 1
03:35.46k-manok... what do i do with that?
03:36.01JTit should go to it, assuming your linksys's dialplan allows that
03:36.09k-mani see
03:36.11JTin the incoming context
03:36.13JTfor the phone
03:37.30JTthen you need to do an extensions reload
03:38.01k-mansorry to be dense...
03:38.17k-mani currently have the extensions.conf template asterisk installed
03:38.31k-manshould i make some new section in there? or start a new blank file?
03:38.32JTyeah i saw piles of crap in the pastebin you did earlier
03:38.42[TK]D-Fenderk-man : TRASH IT.
03:38.47JTit'd be ideal to start from blank after renaming the existing one
03:38.47k-mantrashed it is
03:39.37*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:39.52k-manso i can just stick that line in there... under general?
03:39.53*** join/#asterisk SethWhit (
03:40.57CrashHDanyone recommend a freeware newsreader?
03:41.53CrashHDisn't that mozilla?
03:41.59JTk-man: you should have a context for every different type of function/device
03:42.09*** part/#asterisk SethWhit (
03:42.20k-manoh... ok
03:42.24JTCrashHD: slrn
03:42.51JTk-man: major security hazard otherwise, also inflexible
03:43.03[TK]D-Fenderk-man : never make a context named [general]  make one like [myphones] for your phones, and in there INCLUDE other contexts like [internal-extensions], [outbound-voip], [outbound-analog], etc as your systems needs dictate
03:43.39[TK]D-Fenderk-man : and naturally something like [internal-features] would be a good place to hold things like your echo test, direct access to VoiceMailMain, etc...
03:43.50[TK]D-Fenderk-man : make it a tiered approach.
03:45.37*** join/#asterisk jesdyn (
03:45.58k-mani think there is still something missign
03:46.16JTwhat makes you think that
03:46.52jesdynAre there any good, free Windows softphones out there?
03:47.26k-manjt, well... for one, its not working, and second... well... maybe just the first point
03:47.49JTis the call hitting asterisk?
03:47.50k-mannothing happens when i dial 1,1
03:48.03jesdynbitbandit: Thanks!
03:48.09JTyou're only meant to dial 1, but it should work anyway
03:48.27JTi think you need to read up on the book a bit :)
03:48.36bitbanditjesdyn: anytime, bout all i will eb able to helpwith in this chan though hah
03:48.58JTx-lite isn't really good though
03:49.15J4k3xlite "works" and thats all I can say for it
03:49.27JTsingle account
03:49.27J4k3its quality is inferior to my cheap-o hardware-based phones
03:49.27[TK]D-FenderX-Lite means well, but has issues.  I'd suggest the Snom soft-phone, or Idefisk
03:49.29JT2 lines
03:49.31JTno g.729
03:50.40[TK]D-FenderJT : screw that... no TRANSFER, or CONFERENCE.
03:50.50JTthat too
03:50.57JTnever used it long enough to notice
03:52.05*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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03:53.29jesdynSorry to leave so precipitously -- X-Lite snuck a reboot in on me.
03:54.01jesdynI heard someone say it barely works... is there a better one you could recommend? I've literally never touched this before, and only just now installed an Asterisk card.
03:55.06james_x-lite works fine
03:55.34JTjames_: except for all the deficiencies mentioned above
03:56.06jesdynWhich I was unfortunately absent for. Could someone do me the favor of a paste?
03:56.52james_JT: which aren't really so much deficiencies as features that dont meet your expectations... last i checked it could make clear phonecalls
03:56.53JTit's poo
03:56.55JTget irssi :)
03:57.04james_and that's because it's the free lite version
03:57.18JTjames_: yes but the question was asking for a GOOD free softphone
03:57.25JTi'm afraid none exist
03:57.34JTeven the ones you pay for, none seem that good
03:57.44[TK]D-FenderLike I said, Snom's softphone, or Idefisk.
03:57.48james_sorry, missed the original question
03:58.05[TK]D-FenderJT : I've got ill to speak for eyeBeam....
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04:10.05k-manwhat is the extensions.ael file for?
04:10.30k-manand what should i put in there?
04:12.22Corydon76-homeIt's a new language for writing a dialplan
04:12.26JTyou should rename it
04:12.34JTand not use it unless you want to use ael
04:12.39k-mani have extensions.conf and extensions.ael
04:12.52k-manshould i remove the .ael file?
04:13.00Corydon76-homeBasically it compiles free-form code into the same code as could be loaded as extensions.conf
04:13.23Corydon76-homeIf you remove it, you should also noload in modules.conf
04:14.08[TK]D-Fenderjust blank the file but leave it there.
04:14.52Corydon76-homeGenerally speaking, you should use extensions.conf or extensions.ael but not both
04:19.12*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
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04:23.32olsenhi, a friend asked me if i could receive sms from some cellphone, to some web based system, or anything
04:23.37olsenis that possible?
04:23.58olsenthough smpp or asterisk
04:24.55k-mani'm sort of feeling like make sample was a bad idea
04:25.08Nuggetremove the .ael
04:25.10k-manand i should have started with a blank canvas for the config files
04:25.11k-mani did
04:26.25k-manim testing a dial plan of exten => 1,1,Answer()     exten => 1,2,Echo()
04:26.32k-manbut nothing happens when i dial 1
04:27.12JTdoes the phone have a log, does the call make it to asterisk?
04:28.24k-manjt, i can't see a log in the phone, its a linksys spa 942
04:28.45JTdoes anything happen in the console at all when you make the call?
04:29.24k-manmaybe the phone is blocking it?
04:29.24JTwhat does the phone do?
04:29.35JTyes it has an internal dialplan
04:29.39[TK]D-Fenderk-man : You need to have it in a context that your phone has access to in its definition...
04:29.39JTyou should look into it
04:29.55k-manpick up, i hear dial tone, press 1, then silence.....
04:30.12[TK]D-Fenderk-man : Do youSEE * answering the call?
04:30.14k-manthen it gives me a sort of could not connect tone after about 10 seconds
04:30.36k-man[TK]D-Fender, i don't understand that bit about the context
04:30.48k-mani see
04:30.52k-manhang on
04:31.24jbotmethinks thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
04:31.25k-manyes yes
04:31.25k-mani have been reading the book
04:31.25k-manbut the book is not that helpful
04:31.25k-manits way to verbose
04:31.30JTas if, it explains all this stuff
04:31.34JTjust read the necessary bits
04:31.42JTstuff on the dialplan
04:31.43k-mantell me which bits those are
04:32.28JTpage 67 (pdf pg 85)
04:32.51JTpg 77 moreso
04:33.14JTthe whole section starting at 77 :)
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04:34.08rudholmthat book is a decent primer, but I agree it has some issues.
04:34.48k-mani found it lacking in a sort of "do these simple steps to get started" kind of wya
04:35.03rudholmyeah, and it presents stuff in a sub-optimal order
04:35.08k-mani like a bit by bit approach and it felt like a configure it all approach
04:35.31rudholmit does start out with a simple dialplan example, iirc
04:35.39k-mani think so
04:35.58JTasterisk is not simple
04:36.09[TK]D-Fenderk-man : there is always another recourse....
04:36.13JTi think the book only covers a small proportion of all commands and options available
04:36.18JTwell that maybe an exageration
04:36.25JTbut it seems like it at times
04:36.34JTi wish the book was twice as big
04:36.35k-manalso, the book is 1.2 and im using 1.4... so some things are different
04:36.38rudholmyeah, and it's out of date
04:36.41JTbecause i usually use it as a reference
04:36.44azidenthManxPower: can help with incoming sip call setting?
04:36.48jbot[osmosis] the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ...  or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
04:36.59JTi don't see a point in using 1.4.x in production yet, without a specific reason to do so
04:37.29[TK]D-FenderJT : print it yourself using 120lb card stock :)
04:37.30DaminJT: VLDTMF
04:37.46DaminJT: That's the major reason I've got it in pre-production now..
04:37.50NuggetI run 1.4.x in production because file said he'd beat me up if I didn't.
04:37.53JT[TK]D-Fender: more pages, not heavier pages :)
04:37.53ManxPowerJT me neither
04:38.02rudholmand it massacres quantization theory
04:38.17DaminJT: As well as the increase in SIP call setups / second 1.4 can handle before shitting itself..
04:38.24rudholmwhat is it, Chapter 7?  althought it's not really important for *
04:38.28JTi didn't think the bit on quantisation theory was that bad, yes they got some frequencies wrong
04:38.32JTbut still
04:38.40rudholmno, it sucked
04:38.47[TK]D-FenderJT : Oh sure.. NOW you get picky!
04:38.49ManxPowerWhat's the frequency, Kenneth?
04:39.00JT300-3400Hz :)
04:39.11JTit may vary a little
04:39.18JTbut i thought 300-3400 was the standard
04:39.22J4k3700-750 hz, 130+ dB
04:39.34olsencan i use asterisk as a sms gateway?
04:39.45k-manso what should i change my phones dialplan to?
04:39.56rudholmthey show these graphs of analog audio that is reconstructed from a digital data stream that has angles in it.
04:40.35JTrudholm: true
04:40.46JTso it's the graphs you mainly have issue with?
04:40.47rudholmcompletely missed the point that angles = infinite frequency
04:40.56rudholmyeah, that was the main thing that bothered me
04:40.59rudholmas I recall
04:41.03*** join/#asterisk BigCanOfTuna (
04:41.36rudholmthat's pretty basic Nyquist, and anyone publishing a primer on digital audio should understand the basics.
04:41.42BigCanOfTunaI've created my own GSM file for a greeting, but I don't see how to set it for use with it possible to configure it to use specific sound files?
04:41.51JTonly a couple of the graphs show them with straight line bits
04:41.55JTjust for comprehension
04:42.08JTand it is sort of correct, if the D/A conversion had no filtering or smoothing
04:42.20JTobviously they couldn't *actually* have infinite bandwidth
04:42.23[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna : You should be using VoiceMailMain to do your prompt recordings.
04:42.23rudholmyeah, they should have shown what the waveform actually looks like, since clearly, you can't have infinite frequency components in an output signal
04:42.39[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna : All of that functionality is built-in
04:42.39JTdude there's at least 5 graphs there
04:42.45JTsome are completely smooth
04:42.48BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: Yea, but I want to use more creative sound files that I created externally.
04:43.05rudholmI think the smooth ones are the input or "pre-digitization" graphs
04:44.05rudholmthen they explain the benefit of increased quantization resolution and sample rate as, near as I can tell, "you have a jagged output waveform that more closely approximates the input waveform"
04:44.48JTwhich is correct, to put it simply
04:44.52rudholmno, it's not
04:45.18rudholmthere are no angles in the output wave
04:45.28rudholmand that's not a function of quantization resolution or sample rate
04:45.54rudholmthe only thing on the output side are (a finite number of ) sine waves
04:45.54JTan output from D/A will always been an approximation
04:46.02JTsome approximations are btter than others
04:46.29rudholmalways be an approximation of an input signal of infinite BW and S:N ratio, yes.
04:46.56olsencan i use asterisk as a sms gateway?
04:46.56rudholmbut given finite BW and S:N ratios on the input side, it is possible to capture 100% of the information via quantization.
04:47.24rudholmthere is no wave in the real world that isn't a set of sine waves.
04:47.37JTdo you think phone networks capture 100% of the information?
04:47.38rudholm(a finite set)
04:47.46JToutput filtering is often what makes them nice and smooth
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04:51.30[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna : look under /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail for the recording files that * makes and substitute it with your then.
04:51.46BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: thanks!
04:53.49*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
04:55.12rudholmJT: filtering your output channel to match the spectral contraints of your input signal is integral to the A-D-A process
04:55.25JTof course
04:55.36rudholmif you take that jagged output curve and filter out anything > 4kHz, you get no angles
04:56.05JTthat's right, but there *is* a fairly jagged curve during one or two stages of the process
04:56.15rudholmyeah, and there's PCM in there too
04:56.22rudholmwhich is not relevant
04:56.47rudholmsince the point of the chapter was (obvsiouly) not a treatise on Nyquist and Fourier
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04:59.19rudholmthere are better ways of illustrating the limitations of quantization
04:59.45JTsure, maybe you should speak to them about it, they're writing the second edition :)
04:59.54rudholmyou could show an input signal with a 2kHz tone and a 5kHz tone, and then show the output signal would be just the 2kHz tone (sans jaggies)
05:00.02rudholmyeah, I may
05:00.06k-man[TK]D-Fender, so what dial plan do you put in your sip phones so they can talk to asterisk?
05:00.27rudholmI was talking to Strom about contributing to a new Asterisk book.
05:00.59rudholmyou could even relatively easily show the effects of quantization noise
05:01.13rudholmshowing how low-level signals suffer from more of it
05:01.15JTrudholm: blitzrage is one of the authors
05:01.50rudholm(which was the point behind the nonlinear µlaw and alaw digitization schemes)
05:02.36rudholmbut like I said, it was sort of an "extra" chapter anyway
05:02.41rudholmnobody needs to understand quantization to use asterisk
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05:02.48rudholmso it's not that big a deal
05:03.00JTonly if they want to use it well :)
05:03.07rudholmit just happens to be part of my field, so I'm sensitive to errors :)
05:03.52JTyou can use asterisk on so many different levels of knowledge
05:04.35JT(with different levels of difficulty)
05:04.59rudholmI've only scratched the surface
05:05.32rudholmbut there are information resources online
05:05.46rudholmand when that fails, I bug Strom :)
05:07.02*** join/#asterisk icyfire0573 (
05:07.15*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (
05:07.58Hmmhesaysanyone deal with webserver auth before?
05:08.07Hmmhesayshow does a client send its auth information
05:08.17rudholmyou mean like http-access-authorization?
05:08.31JThttp digest?
05:08.33danphmm, i have a polycom 501 that won't ack its offered DHCP lease when it's trying to run sip.ld
05:08.41rudholmthe credentials are in the header
05:08.48Hmmhesaysahh ok
05:09.09Hmmhesaysso on the client side it keeps sending those credentials in the header while the session is open
05:09.27rudholmover and over
05:09.29Hmmhesaysok that makes sense
05:09.45Hmmhesaysi've got an app here that verifies age and i'm trying to figure out how to get it to log in a user
05:10.16JThttp digest auth or cookies are the main ways
05:10.23Carp1I just watched all the systm videos lol
05:10.47Hmmhesaysi need my activex control to send the credentials when the webserver asks for them
05:10.51Hmmhesaysthat is the tricky part
05:13.32Hmmhesaysmaybe I can have the activex control write a cookie browser loads
05:15.26*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (n=CrazyTux@
05:15.44CrazyTuxDoes asterisk have a playback for 'number currently disconnected' or phone disconnected, or?
05:15.58Hmmhesayslook at the sound files on the wiki
05:19.48CrazyTuxHmmhesays, 'Replacement Sound Files' ?
05:20.19JTlook at the sound files on the filesystem already
05:20.59Hmmhesayssound files additional
05:21.46Hmmhesaysaka asterisk extra sounds on the ftp
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05:31.21k-manI can't work out why my sip phone does not appear to be able to dial asterisk
05:31.37k-mani mean, when i dial 1, the call never makes it to asterisk afaict
05:31.46JThave you checked its dialplan?
05:31.54k-manjt, i have looked at it
05:32.03JTwhat's in it?
05:32.08k-manbut i'm not sure what I should be trying to acheive with it
05:32.15k-manits this great big long thing
05:32.17k-manthat came with the phone
05:32.32k-mani also tried (x)
05:32.35k-manand that didn't work
05:32.55k-manmaybe it should be (1)
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05:33.01rudholmthat looks like a Sipura
05:33.06k-manas all i want to do is dial 1
05:33.07JTi wonder if it has timeout dialling too
05:33.07[TK]D-Fenderk-man : (*x.|x.|#.)
05:33.11k-manyeah, spa942
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05:33.30rudholmbut yeah, that dialplan won't sent a 1
05:33.45rudholmadd the expressions that [TK]D-Fender listed
05:34.18[TK]D-FenderThe proble with "smart" phones is just how STUPID they can be...
05:35.21joelsolankianybody knows unlimited usa/canada plan
05:35.56k-manno, that didn't work
05:36.09k-manand if i wait, it does the same thing
05:36.20k-manand asterisk does not see the call
05:36.59[TK]D-Fenderk-man : Now comes the time to distruct your configs.  pastebin sip.conf and extensions.conf
05:37.31rudholmyou might want to file off the passwords, if any
05:39.42litage_when i check my voicemail, why does the generated CDR have the "dst" field set to "s" (as opposed to, say, the # i dialled for voicemail)?
05:39.48JTnah i think it's the linksys config
05:40.01JT[TK]D-Fender: you sure those patterns will match a single digit?
05:41.46[TK]D-Fenderk-man : [myphones is actually EMPTY.  therese the problem
05:41.59k-mani thought they cascade
05:42.16[TK]D-Fenderk-man : what you should do is add "include => internal-features" in there
05:42.23*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
05:42.24[TK]D-Fenderk-man : You missed my BIG PRINT :)
05:42.27k-manin myphones
05:42.30k-mani did?
05:42.37[TK]D-Fenderk-man : You TELL it to include others in useful combinations.
05:42.44k-manok, thanks...
05:42.46[TK]D-Fenderk-man : Indeed you did.
05:44.09k-mangod damn! it worked!
05:44.15k-manthanks [TK]D-Fender
05:44.22k-manand thanks jt
05:44.25k-manfor all your help
05:44.39putzzanyone recomment a place to buy cheap sip phones?
05:47.25[TK]D-Fenderk-man : Quite welcome
05:47.39[TK]D-Fenderputzz : Depends where you are and what you're expecting.
05:47.58JTk-man: for future reference, enabling sip debug is a good way to see if anything is hitting asterisk or not
05:48.22k-manjt, it was enabled
05:48.38k-mani can't remember if i restarted asterisk since i enabled it
05:48.41JTwhen you made the call, a bunch of fat messages would've scrolled
05:48.42k-manbut thanks for the tip
05:48.55JTerr it's an interactive command
05:48.59JTsip debug
05:49.16k-manyes, i was in that mode before
05:49.24k-manbut i think i restarted asterisk since then
05:49.31*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
05:49.33JTthat'd do it
05:49.37k-mani have a headache now
05:49.43k-manall this concentrating...
05:49.52JTat least you can hear yourself with the headache
05:51.52k-manjt, yeah
05:52.09k-manare you in australia?
05:53.02AJaymnIs there a way to get Full Duplex in the conference room?
05:53.17JTit should be fdx
05:54.47JTfullduplex, it should already be
05:56.57AJaymnits not :(  you cant talk over someone else..
05:58.23k-man[TK]D-Fender, you'll be pleased to know i am printing out chapter five of The Book
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06:02.18litage_how do you prevent messages like this from being printed to the asterisk console?:   DEBUG[7094]: rtp.c:1299 ast_rtp_raw_write: RTP Transmission error of packet 20576 to Operation not permitted
06:02.40JTswitch off debug
06:02.42litage_i tried "debug level 0" and "sip no debug" but the messages still occur
06:02.56JTit's not sip debug, sip debug looks totally different
06:03.17litage_JT: how do you turn off debug if "debug level 0" doesn't do it?
06:03.31JTthat should've done it
06:03.42JTmaybe the message gets raised because it's an error?
06:03.50litage_JT: anything else i can try?
06:04.42JTnot sure
06:07.50litage_JT: i removed "debug" from the "console" line in logger.conf, ran "logger reload", and that got rid of the debug messages
06:08.00litage_very strange that "debug level 0" didn't help though
06:10.30Bobthehuntertheres no asterisk.conf ?
06:17.46litage_Bobthehunter: i have one...
06:24.12danpweird, i have two polycoms here that seem to be having a lot of trouble doing DHCP via this netgear wireless bridge
06:24.22danpbut i have a grandstream and a pap2 that are fine
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06:26.15Bobthehuntercan you pastebin it ?
06:26.30Bobthehunterand can i change an application name ? so its like FGI instead of agi?
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06:42.36danpno problems when i manually give them IPs, though...very weird
06:42.50k-mandoes this look right?  exten => 2,1,Dial(SIP/nodephone,10,r,0871271201)
06:43.14k-manif i dial 2, it will dial that number on nodephone?
06:43.49Bobthehunterwats nodefone
06:44.03Bobthehunteri got a bi-symetric openpbx-asterisk running
06:44.03JTk-man: no
06:44.11Bobthehunterstop now , start other
06:44.16Bobthehunterall runs
06:44.21Bobthehuntersame configs
06:44.31k-manjt, its not clear in the doco how you specify a SIP extension, at least not clear to me
06:44.33Bobthehuntera few mods using table views to replace ogi with agi and macrop and proc
06:44.36JToh and the options too
06:44.39JTif you want them
06:45.15k-manjt, the 08 number is the number i want asterisk to call when i dial 2
06:45.34JTi realise
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06:46.30k-manoh, i see
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06:47.41k-manjt, i get this error [Jan 31 17:46:08] WARNING[6588]: chan_sip.c:2821 sip_call: No audio format found to offer.
06:47.58k-manwhen i try and make a call
06:48.47JTwhat codecs are enabled on the linksys, and in sip.conf, for both the phone and the link to nodefone?
06:50.41k-manlinksys = all of them... prefered = G729a, nodephone = g729, and for the phone nothing is set
06:51.17JTjust allow all
06:51.29*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
06:51.29JTsee if it works then
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06:56.05k-mandidn't work
06:56.10k-manbut i have to go now
07:02.03BobthehunterDigium has announced a big move in its executive leadership as founder and VoIP technology leading light, Mark Spencer, shifts over to CTO to make room for Danny J. Windham, former President, COO and Director of ADTRAN.
07:02.47JTto be president?
07:03.05J4k3digium looking to go public, or get a large quantity of money otherwise?
07:03.31Bobthehunterthey already did.. that why they hmm ok
07:04.46Bobthehunteronce you get risk money involved you sell your soul
07:04.56Bobthehunterhes getting jerked down to cto
07:05.02J4k3make the investors warm and fuzzy
07:05.08Bobthehunterin next 6 months youll see
07:05.42Bobthehunterman bill gates is doing a tour for vista himself.. he got same things happened to him on msoft
07:06.06Bobthehunterloosing control on copanies is bad
07:06.23BobthehunterSecond, Digium needs to take its sales, marketing and general approach to business to another level if it is going to go up against industry giants like Avaya, Toshiba, Mitel, Nortel and especially Cisco.
07:06.46Bobthehunterso i guess soon they will sell the drivers for digium ;) this wont interfere with GPL but will get eveyrone to pay
07:07.04rudholmtrying to hold control too tightly is also bad
07:07.18rudholmto grow, companies must bring in outside capital and outside expertise
07:07.35Bobthehunteryes but controlling a company
07:07.41Bobthehuntermoney shoudnt controla company
07:07.44J4k3rudholm: boardroom guys don't really do that.
07:07.49J4k3they make investors warm and cozy
07:07.56Bobthehunterwhen you coo or ceo you on decision making operation..every day..
07:08.25rudholmyep, I've served on boards and been an officer of a C corp before.
07:08.26Bobthehunterwhen boards start moving staff like that its a restructure..meaning lots of change
07:08.32rudholmI know what the responsibilities are
07:08.33Bobthehunterand since the investores are doing that.. well
07:08.42Bobthehunterits gonna be changes to get more cash in theyr pockets
07:09.07Bobthehuntermaybe pushing mark on the side
07:09.10Bobthehuntermaybe not
07:09.11JTounds like what bill gates would always have liked to have done, touring himself
07:09.11Bobthehunterwell see
07:09.20rudholmbut it's not necessarily a bad thing for the company
07:09.22Bobthehunteryah ill never know
07:09.22james_Bobthehunter: how many companies have you controlled?
07:09.51JTbill gates still eats at mcdonalds and flies economy
07:10.08J4k3bill gates is silly
07:10.13Bobthehunterfirst one i was 21 i netted 3.4 mill a year
07:10.17J4k3he's a total waste of money
07:10.25Bobthehunter5 emplyees
07:10.28Bobthehunter1 partner
07:10.28J4k3he'd be perfectly content on $250k/year
07:10.32J4k3the rest should be sent to me
07:10.46JTJ4k3: not for his house he wouldn't
07:10.52Bobthehunterand went it went downhill it was simply moving principles  for cash
07:10.59J4k3JT: his house is a microsoft technology demo.
07:11.00Bobthehunterthat kills a co's clear vision
07:11.12J4k3JT: I believe technically, he rents a few rooms for himself, from microosft.
07:11.15Bobthehuntermoney is not eveything in life.. especialy around an open source project
07:11.26JTyeah it took over 10 years to build
07:12.06J4k3money is everything, and theres lots of money in open source
07:12.25J4k3its just not made in the same way as the typical commercial software market
07:12.47J4k3and its not really all that corporate-friendly, unless the corporation is at least slightly knowledgeable about how to make it work for them (digium is a good example)
07:13.18james_JT: are you trying to make out that his 30 car garage is humble or something?
07:13.25J4k3they've got the whole world toubleshooting their code, people who would *never* be in the market for their standard commercial pbx product.
07:13.50JTJ4k3: i'm not
07:13.53james_J4k3 rather
07:13.57JTjames_: even
07:14.05JTget some different letters, guys!
07:14.51J4k3so digium loses nothing, or very little
07:14.58J4k3and gains a worldwide programming department.
07:15.17JTdigium sell hardware, so their open source equation is not as hard as some
07:17.16J4k3I bet digium ends up selling more support than they do hardware
07:17.31JTdoubt it
07:18.49J4k3hard to say, you get these people who have been willing to pay thousands to lease some doorstop of a pbx for the last 10 years....
07:19.08J4k3a few hundred dollars/year for good vendor support is nothing
07:21.00drraymy boss refuses to lease equipment, he'd rather buy it and junk it
07:21.04drrayas  CE
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07:39.16CrazyTuxAnyone know of good information on setting up asterisks voicemail to use the DB
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07:44.17NuggetStep one is learning to spekk "aterisk"
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07:44.32NuggetThat alone might explain why you're not finding much on Google.
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08:08.38linageedoes anyone know how we can get a T3 for an open source conference? what is the company to go to? AT&T?
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08:18.56uwehello, i have an asterisk 1.2.13, cisco ip phones 7905, when i set call waiting to no and recive a call from outside, it doesnt report busy, it seems as if it just hangs the call up, how can i make it report being bust?
08:22.14*** join/#asterisk psk (
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08:24.59noworkhi i follow readme to install,  type make and get **** The configure script must be executed before running 'make'
08:25.32noworkwhat script?why not in the readme file? how? thanks
08:25.45*** join/#asterisk ComaVN (n=coma@unaffiliated/comavn)
08:28.18noworkanyone help?
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08:33.36uwenowork, ./configure
08:33.58noworkuwe,thank..just googled a page about this
08:34.13uweyou are welcomed
08:36.54noworkuwe, do u know if a2billing work with new ver *1.4
08:37.23uwenowork, i have no idea !
08:37.45noworkok..anyone else help ever tried?
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08:57.20ThoMean good morning!
08:57.26ThoMematt_: morning!
09:00.55FlatFootmorning all
09:01.03*** join/#asterisk clive- (
09:06.12Ahrimanesmm coffee and croissants
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09:24.00bertrand^i'm tracing a problem that appears for some days with some polycom sound point IP 300
09:24.53bertrand^tcpdump on my asterisk machines show that the asterisk server and some phones are echanging icmp udp port unreachable message
09:25.10bertrand^could that be related?
09:25.34bertrand^many unprivileged udp ports
09:33.22*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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09:52.33CrazyTux anyone know whats going on?
09:53.00CrazyTuxI'm sending asterisk a voicemail request, 89PHONENUMBER....... however it gives me this weirdness.
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09:57.02zeeeshwhat does it show  " == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
09:57.02zeeesh" ????
09:58.36*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_XP_ (
10:00.32*** join/#asterisk boddy (n=e@
10:02.19boddyHii all firstly I configured zyxel sip client on my network also that network is my asterisk's network everything was ok but after I send zyxel to another location that location connect to internet via dsl
10:02.27boddynow I am receving SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
10:02.41boddyhave you any idea ?
10:02.49*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_XP (
10:03.18boddyI have tested username/pass on local network, hasnt any problem
10:05.01*** join/#asterisk hkdaylxb (n=chatzill@
10:06.59hkdaylxbCan anyone tell me how to get jabber client connected ? I have got a "res_jabber.c:1820 aji_client_initialize: JABBER ERROR: No Connection" from CLI...
10:10.30hkdaylxbI have set an gtalk account in jabber.conf and gtalk.conf , get the modules reloaded, but seems no luck.
10:10.41bertrand^the phones who have a problem tried to connect to random udp ports on my asterisk machine
10:11.07bertrand^rebooted them, the problem is gone for now. i know it'll come back but that should be a phone problem instead
10:16.13*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
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10:19.15orlockcan anybody point me to the syntax for sipheader()?
10:19.16nfi|ermestill now i used Asterisk with florz's patch, now i d like to update everything at the 1.4 version; is there also zaphfc and florz patch for that ?
10:19.39ThoMehow i can send the callerid to a other channel?
10:19.57ThoMeexample: setcallerid(12345/SIP/26-08234328) ...?
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10:31.08JTnfi|ermes: don't believe so
10:31.20JTdo you actually have a need for 1.4?
10:32.06JTThoMe: you don't, usually
10:32.19JTThoMe: i think you can only set it for the current channel
10:33.05orlock3 days back at work and i am already spending nights fscking with asterisk for work
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10:33.25JThow exciting
10:34.06*** join/#asterisk martineyles (
10:36.36x86what's the latest sip application firmware for a polycom ip-601?
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10:42.23GeertI have a queue configured. How do I forward the call to another extension when all the phones return busy?
10:42.54Geertnote that there is no "all phones are busy" in the logs. Just phone X busy, phone, Y busy
10:43.22*** join/#asterisk Narkov- (
10:45.08martineylesdoes anyone understand this?
10:45.10martineyles[Jan 31 10:43:54] WARNING[2934]: pbx.c:2460 __ast_pbx_run: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'voicemenu-custom-1'
10:45.35martineyles(from the asterisk console)
10:45.51nfi|ermesyou miss t extension
10:46.19Narkov-should "pickupgroup" be assigned in sip.conf or in extensions.conf?
10:46.19martineyleswhich file will this be in?
10:46.34*** join/#asterisk clive-- (
10:47.01Narkov-nfi|ermes: was that answering my question or martineyles?
10:48.02nfi|ermesNarkov-, extension.conf
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10:49.46jmlsusing realtime queues and queue members: Should I have a column named "pause" ??
10:50.10jmlsand it probably should be called "paused"
10:51.06ThoMeJT: hm. ok.
10:52.49orlockSet(DID=${SIP_HEADER(TO):3:11}) seems to be truncating numbers
10:53.16ThoMeorlock: hm?
10:53.18ThoMeorlock: for me?
10:53.30martineylesnfi|ermes - should dialplan be in /etc/asterisk ?
10:53.48orlockNo, just pondering
10:55.00clive--martin , do you work with linus ?
10:55.07martineylesas I cannot find dialplan.conf
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10:56.21martineylesclive-- - if you are asking me, do you me a person (such as linus torvalds) or a mistype (such as linux)
10:56.52clive--sorry, :), its another martin then:)
10:57.17clive--the dial plan is a file called extensions.conf
10:59.50martineylesright, I have a mainmenu, which was set up by asterisknow
10:59.58martineylesand doesn't work
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11:00.36orlockdumb question but its pissing me off.. how do i get only the DID and not the whole URL from Set(DID=${SIP_HEADER(TO)})
11:01.04orlocki couldent get it to work with the string stuff
11:09.17ThoMeexten => gruppe_alle,1,Dial(IAX2/50&SIP/51&SIP/26&SIP/51,30,r)
11:09.19ThoMeis it wrong?
11:09.27orlockdont know
11:10.24tzafrirfunny things happen when logger.conf is unreadable
11:10.46martineylesso I intend to fix the actual file, rather than relying on the gui
11:10.58tzafririf you ever get that, asterisk will only read it back after a restart (at least 1.2.13)
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11:11.26tzafrirAnd no warning is logged
11:11.53martineylescomment = mainmenu
11:11.53martineylesexten = s,1,Answer
11:11.53martineylesinclude = default
11:11.54martineylesalias_exten = 1010
11:11.54martineylesexten = 4,1,Goto(default|1111|1)
11:11.56martineylesexten = 5,1,Goto(default|1111|1)
11:11.58martineylesexten = 6,1,Goto(default|1111|1)
11:12.00martineylesexten = s,16,Background(Bytronic - Thankyou)
11:12.02martineylesexten = s,17,Background(Bytronic - Sales)
11:12.04martineylesexten = s,18,Background(Bytronic - 4)
11:12.06martineylesexten = s,22,Background(Bytronic - Accounts)
11:12.08martineylesexten = s,20,Background(Bytronic - 5)
11:12.10martineylesexten = s,19,Background(Bytronic - Technical)
11:12.12martineylesexten = s,23,Background(Bytronic - 6)
11:12.14martineylesexten = s,21,Background(Bytronic - or)
11:12.16martineylesexten = s,24,Background(Bytronic - Extension)
11:12.18martineylesexten = s,15,Playback(Bytronic - Thankyou)
11:12.20martineylesexten = s,14,ResponseTimeout(10)
11:12.28*** join/#asterisk UVSoft (n=UVSoft@
11:13.01martineylesproblem -> sound doesn't play
11:13.02UVSoftHow to change ZT_CHUNKSIZE correctly?
11:15.43UVSoftIt seems to me that all Zaptel code extects it to be 8 samples, and what if I'd like to change it for example to 80?
11:15.58Ahrimanesmartineyles, pastebin please
11:17.18martineyles(sorry, I'm an IRC newb)
11:17.32jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
11:18.06Ahrimanesah there it was
11:19.08*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_XP_ (
11:19.51martineylesah, I understand - when you said, I thought you meant a windows .com file - not a website
11:19.51*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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11:26.13martineylesdoes anything look wrong with this?
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11:27.16clive--anyone here using sangoma cards?
11:27.42orlockclive--: adsl?
11:28.05clive--orlocl, no for E1 pri lines
11:28.10orlockahh, no then
11:29.10*** join/#asterisk Thome (
11:29.20Thomehow i can send text to snom 300 telefon?
11:29.55Thomeexten => _X.,1,SendText(hello world)
11:29.55Thomeexten => _X.,n,Dial(misdn/1/${EXTEN:0})
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11:34.32Ahrimanesdoes an Action: status on the manager interface show all channel variables for all channels?
11:35.00*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
11:35.52EmleyMoorI'm seeing this error ever since I accidentally tried to dial a number as presented to X-Lite:
11:36.02EmleyMoorJan 31 11:21:07 ERROR[23118]: chan_sip.c:10990 handle_request_subscribe: Got SUBSCRIBE for extension 01444242926@default from, but there is no hint for that extension
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11:36.10EmleyMoorWhat do I do to stop it?
11:37.14alib80Hi all
11:38.03alib80I was wondering if anyone knew the correct way of setting up zapata.conf to make use of hardware based echo cancellation on the certain dig pri cards
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11:38.35boddyHii all firstly I configured zyxel sip client on my network also that network is my asterisk's network everything was ok but after I send zyxel to another location that location connect to internet via dsl
11:38.38Ahrimanesi'm sure knows alib80
11:38.39boddyI have tested username/pass on local network, hasnt any problem
11:38.41boddyhave you any idea ?
11:41.36EmleyMoorWhy would I be getting these "spurious" subscribes?
11:42.21AhrimanesEmleyMoor, if x-lite tries to monitor an extension?
11:43.37alib80Ahrimanes: Thanks:)
11:43.37*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
11:43.37EmleyMoorHow do I stop it doing so?
11:44.03AhrimanesEmleyMoor, sorry, dont know much about x-lite.. but it sounds like its trying to monitor 01444242926, so look for that number in the config
11:44.20EmleyMoorWhat do you mean by "monitor"?
11:45.19AhrimanesEmleyMoor, see whether the extension is busy, available etc..
11:45.29*** join/#asterisk PupenoR (n=pupeno@
11:45.35Ahrimaneslike BLF on snom phones
11:46.11EmleyMoorWell, a symbol WAS showing in the contacts, despite the feature not having been enabled. Editing the contact but making no changes seems to have cleared it
11:49.03*** join/#asterisk myiagy (
12:00.43GeertJan 31 12:58:56 WARNING[11678]: chan_zap.c:10875 setup_zap: Ignoring internationalprefix
12:00.47GeertJan 31 12:58:56 WARNING[11678]: chan_zap.c:10875 setup_zap: Ignoring nationalprefix
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12:00.49Geertis that normal?
12:02.25mostywhen i load ztdummy in any of my dell machines, the console is flooded with "rtc: lost some interrupts at 1024Hz.", how can i fix this?
12:02.50JTdon't use, it's hosted on a 300baud acoustic coupler or something even
12:02.59JTuse :)
12:04.35*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:05.11Narkov-anyone got Call Pickup on a SNOM working using the BLF buttons?
12:09.13*** join/#asterisk phearless (
12:09.32AhrimanesNarkov-, yes
12:11.30clive--JT do you use sangoma cards at all?
12:13.47AhrimanesNarkov-, what asterisk version?
12:25.01Narkov-Ahrimanes: 1.2.14
12:25.05Narkov-sorry for the delat Ahrimanes
12:25.27Narkov-i can get BLF working fine but the phones don't seem to send anything when the button is "ringing"
12:25.59AhrimanesNarkov-, i had to patch 1.2.x to get pickup to work.. but works fine here
12:26.34Narkov-which patch Ahrimanes?
12:27.15AhrimanesNarkov-, checking
12:30.09*** join/#asterisk sergee (n=opera@
12:30.53Narkov-thanks Ahrimanes....what should I setup the buttons in SNOM as? Extensions?
12:31.16AhrimanesNarkov-, afair yes
12:32.39Narkov-thanks Ahrimanes
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12:33.39AhrimanesNarkov-, np
12:34.44sergeehi guys! i have a problems with SIP, NAT and 'canreinvite', maybe someone will suppose a workaround for me?
12:35.05Ahrimanessergee, what's the problem?
12:35.30sergeei have a scheme: Cisco -> Asterisk ---(NAT)---> Sipura
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12:36.50sergeecisco has canreinvite=yes
12:37.00sergeeand sipura has canreinvite=no
12:37.17sergeei have audio only in 1 direction
12:37.28sergeefrom sipura to cisco
12:37.34Ahrimanesis the sipura using stun?
12:37.43sergeesipura doesn't hear anything
12:37.52Geertwhen I enable monitor-format=wav in queues.conf I've got a wav for in and out. But when I enable monitor-join=yes I get an error
12:37.54pollerBlame NAT!
12:38.02Geertsoxmix: Unknown output file format for '/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/1170246964.0.wav':  File type '0.wav' is not known
12:38.03JTthen set both to canreinvite=no
12:38.46AhrimanesJT, sounds more like NAT issues on the sipura than reinvite issues
12:38.55chrisqGeert: only use one . in the filename?
12:38.57sergeei don't use STUN
12:39.32Geertchrisq: default file names
12:39.32Geertvoip /etc/asterisk # ls /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/
12:39.32Geert1170246964.0-in.wav  1170246964.0-out.wav
12:39.32Geertvoip /etc/asterisk #
12:39.35JTAhrimanes: canreinvite affects nat a lot
12:39.41sergeei'm using Sipura's workarounds for NAT (Handle VIA received:)
12:40.00JTsergee: so try setting both to canreinvite=no and try again
12:40.56Geertchrisq: any idea on how to fix?
12:41.05sergeeJT: if i set canreinvite=no on cisco, then i'll brake T.38 support, right? :)
12:41.46JTsergee: i don't know, it's a good diagnostic step anyway
12:41.46chrisqGeert: sorry, i'm very new to asterisk myself, just said what could be an obvious solution
12:42.08JTGeert: you could always use MixMonitor instead
12:42.13AhrimanesJT, yep i know
12:43.08sergeeJT: is there any way to control reinvites not by single peers, but by a couple of ppeers? e.g. when i can allow to use reinvites only between 100 and 101, but not between all peers who are connecting to 101?
12:43.13Ahrimanessergee, i've fixed a lot of one-way audio problems using stun..
12:43.15GeertJT: I don't think that works from queues.conf
12:44.01sergeeAhrimanes: STUN.... hmm ... can you advice a daemon for STUN?
12:45.22*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
12:45.34Ahrimanessergee, has worked fine for me
12:49.22sergeeAhrimanes: Thanks! will dig that way,
12:49.45sergeeAhrimanes: did you use it with sipuras?
12:50.10Ahrimanessergee, yes spa-1001
12:52.26GeertThe recording will start when the call is answered. The best part is no recording will be initiated while the people are listening to music on hold. The name of the file will be defined by the variable ${UNIQUEID}. If you would like to change it to something else, you can use the Set application.
12:52.31Geertexten => 24006111, 1, Set(UNIQUEID=conversation-${CALLERID(num)}-${EXTEN}-${TIMESTAMP})
12:52.37Geertit still saves as 1170247920.0-in.wav  1170247920.0-out.wav
12:52.44sergeeAhrimanes: thank you once more :)
12:53.45expat_iainWhat causes the following console messages on a SIP-to-SIP call using aLaw: "Asked to transmit frame type 8, while native form   Asked to transmit frame type 8, while native formats is 16"
12:56.17Thomecan i send a text to the snom 300 phone?
12:56.17*** join/#asterisk reber (n=reber@
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13:03.04Thomehow i can send a sms?
13:03.09Thometo a sip phone?
13:07.40ThomeJan 31 14:07:24 WARNING[26268]: chan_sip.c:7510 receive_message: Received message to sip:52@ from sip:sipsak@;tag=2b2d942d, dropped it...
13:07.43Thomewhat is it?
13:08.54*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
13:13.33sergeeAhrimanes: can you give me a few tips on STUN?
13:14.34Thomesay.. pickup. how i can get the call to my phone without the number (exten?) form the phone what ring...?
13:17.19Narkov-Ahrimanes: just compiled with that change...I dont see anything from the SNOM phones with trying to pickup a call
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13:30.13Thomeservetux:/var/www/htdocs/a# ./ring.php show_channels
13:32.59*** join/#asterisk NirS (
13:33.09NirShello all
13:33.11NirSanybody home ?
13:33.22*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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13:38.03AhrimanesNarkov-, hm worked for me with only compiling the patched files..
13:38.10Ahrimanessergee, what sort of tips?
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13:38.54sergeeAhrimanes: just can't understand why STUN needs 2 ips...
13:39.46sergeeAhrimanes: and after i enabled STUN my sipura continue to send packets directly.. i thought it will use STUN as a kind of tunnel/vpn
13:41.29NirShey all
13:41.37NirSdoes the number 1270 mean anything to anybody ?
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13:43.19truescotcan anyone answer a really newbie question for me? how do you apply a patch such as manager.c.sendevent.diff.txt to the manager.c file
13:43.32jmlscd /usr/src/asterisk
13:43.50jmlspatch -p0 <manager.c.sendevent.diff.txt
13:44.14Ahrimanessergee, nu stun is "just" used to discover the public ip of your connection and probe some ports
13:44.28jmlsgood luck :)
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13:44.33Ahrimanessergee, it needs 2 ip's to do a reliable test for your nat type afaik
13:44.44Ahrimanesno, not nu
13:52.04NirSany dialplan wizards around here ?
13:52.12NirSI've got a really funky question for you guys
13:52.49NirShere's a funky situations
13:53.06NirSYou perform a dial according to the following command:
13:53.26tzangerjmls: I always do patch -Np1 --dry-run < patchfile
13:53.29tzangerand see where it fails
13:53.37tzangerif it's asking for a file, try p0 instead
13:53.38jmlstzanger: cool advice
13:53.40NirSexten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/xxxxxxx@xxxxxxx,45,gG(RemoteCallBreak,1000,1)) ;;Dial to remote target
13:53.57NirSthen, once the call is connected, RemoteCallBreak looks like this:
13:54.03tzanger(p level depends on where the creator generated the patch in the directory tree, and where you are when invoking patch.  it's almost always p1 or p0)
13:54.09NirSexten => _X.,1,Goto(RemoteCallMeeemeAgent,${caller_meetme},1)
13:54.09NirSexten => _X.,2,Set(caller_meetme=${caller_meetme})
13:54.09NirSexten => _X.,3,Goto(RemoteCallMeeemeCallee,${caller_meetme},1)
13:54.24NirSnow, the next contexts looks like this:
13:54.53ez`if someone on internet call someone else on internet , using sip, both are external user; they will use my asterisk bandwitgh or they will will be hook together , an my asterisk will only supervise this call ???
13:55.17ez`with out using my bandwight
13:55.41NirSwhere caller_meetme is 1000
13:55.45puzzledez`: either they talk directly in which case asterisk can not supervise the call (canreinvite=yes in config) or they talk through asterisk which uses your bandwidth but you can supervise the call
13:55.53NirSin any case, I have the two channels directed into a meet room
13:55.55tzangerjmls: -N = create new files as needed, p# = ignore the first # directories in the paths in the patch file and --dry-run of course means don't actually do anything, just react as if you tried it
13:56.04NirShowever, while both should be directed to 1000
13:56.09NirSthe first is directed to 1000
13:56.16NirSthe second is directed into 1270
13:56.18NirSany ideas ?
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13:57.19ez`puzzled, is it a good idea to use this option ? canreinvite=yes ? do i need to change only this parameter to activate it ; to save my bandwight .. ? thanks
13:57.43jmlsNirS: G is a macro, so the 1000,1 are ARG1 and ARG2
13:57.55jmlswhere is caller_meetme set
13:58.06wltjrcan someone help me a bit with a pri, not able to place calls atm, here is a pastbin of a call
13:59.15puzzledez`: it depends. if the external users are behind nat than it will probably not work so then you are forced to let the call go through the asterisk box
14:00.50NirSjmls, G is not a macro
14:01.03NirSG is just a context with an extension, to run a macro, you use the M parameter
14:01.24NirScaller_meetme is an envrionment variable, set from an originate request
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14:01.40NirSI found that while the first channel will have the variables, the second channel doesn't for some reason\
14:01.54ez`this asterisk server is directly over internet ( do you thinks its safe by theway ??? ) and both user are behind SMC router ( do i consider it to bee a nat ??? ) ; this way its could b a good idea ???
14:02.53puzzledez`: only way to figure this out is to try what works
14:03.08ez`k thank you
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14:08.55jmlshowzit hanging
14:09.13NirSjmls, don't - I usually get confused with the 2 too
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14:10.00wltjrhere is debug of a pri call, could the libpri version be causing pri calls to fail?
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14:11.43maviorhello everybody, could somebody help me out with this: how to make a call between two ast servers, without calling trough some voip provider like voipstunt, voipcheap etc ??
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14:12.20maviorI mean how to make a simple SIP call session directly between two asterisk servers...
14:13.00ManxPowermavior: you need to set up entries in sip.conf on each server first.
14:13.15mostyor iax.conf
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14:13.25ManxPowermosty: not if he wants ot make a sIP call
14:14.02ManxPowermavior: give me a few mins and I'll put copies of my config froma production server doing what you want
14:14.04maviori have done yet: i want to make a call beetween user1 on server1 logged by x-lite and user2 on server2 , that is a zap channel
14:14.05mostythe endpoints would still be sip
14:14.31maviorI dunno how to use the Dial() function in this case
14:14.50ManxPowermavior: don't thin of it that way.  You just want a simple SIP call between they two Asterisk servers.  Asterisk will handle the endoiints
14:16.03mavioryes i know, my question is about the "proper syntax" of the Dial() function in this case (dunno Dial( ?? )
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14:17.53saftsackhi, someone tested the new cell phone patch?
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14:19.21susinthssaftsack: what is that for? call out 2 mobile?
14:20.15wltjris my problem to obvious or noob, to not merit reply or does no one have any suggestions? kinda in the mud with a pri
14:20.33phearlesshello folks !
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14:20.51ManxPowerwltjr: what is your problem?
14:21.04phearlesshow can I play a special message, when somebody try to dial an invalid local phone extension ?
14:21.17wltjrManxPower: can't place a call out on pri atm, here is debug, and ty vry much,
14:21.25ManxPowermavior: the stuff I posted is slightly modified from a config on a production server
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14:21.41wltjrManxPower: seen some posts pointing to libpri, not sure if the version I am running has issues
14:21.45ManxPowerphearless: exten => _XXX,1,Playback(you-ride-the-short-bus)
14:22.12phearlessManxPower: _XXX is any 3 digits number
14:22.17phearlessManxPower: not an invlaid one..
14:22.36ManxPowerwltjr: where are you located and what is your pridialplan= set to?
14:22.36ManxPowerphearless: then use _X.
14:22.42Corydon76-homephearless: you want the i extension
14:22.52ManxPowerphearless: there is no such thing as an "invalid" number.  All numbers are valid.  Some numbers just don't go anywhere.
14:23.01wltjrManxPower: US, FL zapata.conf.orig:;pridialplan=national
14:23.03ManxPowerCorydon: that only works in ivr, of course
14:23.07Corydon76-homeexten => i,1,Playback(invalid)
14:23.13ManxPowerwltjr: set it to unknown
14:23.21phearless<Corydon76-home> exten => i,1,Playback(invalid) <--- no, just for autoresponders
14:23.22ManxPowerwltjr: then RESTART asterisk
14:23.33ManxPowerwltjr: you almost always want pridialplan=unknown
14:23.40phearless<ManxPower> phearless: there is no such thing as an "invalid" number.  All numbers are valid.  Some numbers just don't go anywhere. <--- I see. how can I detect an ext not in sip.conf ?
14:23.43Corydon76-homephearless: otherwise, no.
14:23.47maviorManxPower: "host=" is this supposed to be the ip of the northpark server ?
14:23.58wltjrManxPower: that goes in zaptel.conf right
14:24.00Corydon76-homephearless: you can't.  It's handled automatically by the SIP stack
14:24.09ManxPowerphearless: you basiucally can't do it.  The closest you can do is set up an extension to match any extens not already defines
14:24.18Corydon76-homephearless: if the extension doesn't exist, the SIP stack returns 404
14:24.28ManxPowermavior: no, it is the address of server 2 (causeway)
14:25.01Corydon76-homephearless: you could also do something in dialplan logic that simulates invalid matching by doing a conditional GotoIf
14:25.11phearless<ManxPower> phearless: you basiucally can't do it.  The closest you can do is set up an extension to match any extens not already defines <-- how can I do this ?
14:25.35ManxPowerphearless: WITH A WILDCARD EXTENSION
14:25.49phearlessManxPower: do you got an example ?
14:26.19Corydon76-homeexten => _XXX,n,GotoIf($["${ODBC_CHAN(${EXTEN})}" = ""]?i,1)
14:26.19ManxPowerexten => _X,1,Whatever AND exten => _X.,1,Whatever togater should do it.  The first catches invalid 1 digit extensions, the 2nd one catches all others.
14:26.27maviorManxPower: for what I can see you called the Server2 [northpark] and you made the call to extension 3100 from causeway,that is server1, isn't it?
14:26.55ManxPowermavior: no!  The calls go from Sever 1 (northpark) to Server 2 (causeway).
14:27.24ManxPowermavior: I could have been more clear.
14:27.34saftsacksusinth, yes over bluetooth
14:27.58phearlessok ManxPower
14:28.04phearlessI will try to setup something like this
14:28.09ManxPowerThe Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@causeway) says send this call as SIP to the sip.conf entry called "causeway" with a destination extension of ${EXTEN}
14:29.11ManxPowerphearless: I do this on my servers, as my users have problems dialing phones.  I think their egos put pressure on the part of the brain that deals with eye-hand coordination
14:29.14maviorManxPower: gosh, oh ok now it makes the server1 is called northpark and server2 is causeway!
14:29.24ManxPowermavior: correct.
14:29.49ManxPowermavior: there are MANY ways, all slightly different, to do what you want to do.  I've been using Asterisk for at least 5 years and this is how I do it.
14:29.50maviorManxPower: nice! I give a try
14:30.09mavioroh ok
14:30.35ManxPowermavior: I only send calls from northpark to causeway, not from causeway to northpark.  Keep that in mind when you are working on this
14:32.52ManxPowermavior: there are many reasons to send calls between Asterisk servers as SIP.
14:33.10wltjrManxPower: still no go just yet, reg call non debug I was getting that yesterday, but the output changed a bit over time since I got a bit different output this morning
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14:33.23phearlessexten => _4[0-1]X,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},10,tT)
14:33.23phearlessexten => _4[0-1]X,2,VoiceMail(${EXTEN}@default)
14:33.30phearlessI use this for my local extensions
14:33.38phearlesshow can I use a list of extensions instead ?
14:33.41NirSis there a way to copy variables from one channel to another ?
14:33.51phearlesslike 401 402 409 412 415
14:34.02maviorManxPower: ok i see...just to know: if I want to be able to place calls from and to both server i only need to change the trunks to type=friends and to modify the extensions accordly, right?
14:34.17phearless4[0-1]X is 400-419 and I got less extensions
14:35.14ManxPowerwltjr: here is a list of cause codes  Try sending the full number including 1 + area code + number
14:35.27phearlessI do not want to use 2 lines for each extension, like exten => 401,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},10,tT)  exten => 401,2,VoiceMail(${EXTEN}@default)
14:35.34ManxPowermavior: no.  you want to use user/peer when calling between servers
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14:36.21ManxPowerphearless: best of luck with that.  you are not a telecom person are you.
14:36.36phearlessphearless: what do you advice me?
14:36.39maviorso I need to define both user and peer accounts for both servers,isn't it?
14:37.03ManxPowermavior: yes, but get it going 1 direction first
14:37.50maviorManxPower: ok, i'm trying
14:39.08wltjrManxPower: I get the same thing with area code an number, here is a debug with a 888
14:41.34ManxPowerwltjr: did you stop and start astersisk asfter making the pridialplan change?
14:41.43wltjrManxPower: yes sir
14:42.20NirSG** D*** inehritance - solves a s*** load of problems
14:42.20wltjrManxPower: I can do it again if you like, and is the debug helpful or just the normal output preferred /
14:43.06ManxPowerwltjr: sometimes debug is helpful, sometimes not.  Put a Noop(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE} as the priority after your dial.  HANGUPCAUSE is one of the most important things to know on a PRI
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14:43.45wltjrManxPower: ok, and ty again vry much for your assistance, popin my pri cherri :)
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14:46.47anonymouz666Corydon76-home: If today I want to connect to MS SQL server using Asterisk 1.2 should I use func_odbc?
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14:50.11maviorManxPower: i don't understand the use of "user and password", that you made in your sip files...
14:50.21angryuseri have a  some ne info about my strange and curios problem, if i receive a call From external to my isdn line, IVR attached to it is working fine, if i call from MY isdn to  MY isdn ivr is not working, DTMF tones not working...
14:50.30angryuserany ideas?
14:52.25wltjrManxPower: something is not right in my context/dialplan, I have the noop stuff right after dial, next priority #, but get nothing
14:54.55wltjrManxPower: this is what you want right?
14:55.39Thome"Oh. Nevermind. Settings -> Line x -> SIP -> X Enable support for broken registrar"
14:55.45Thomewhat is "Enable support for broken registrar" ?
14:57.38*** part/#asterisk mog (
15:02.19wltjrwhat would cause NoOp not to work? I put a test one before my dial pattern, and it's still not outputting anything :(
15:04.07wltjrmy verbose level is like 15, so noop should output
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15:05.31wltjrManxPower: having problems with noop, I switched to verbose, but it does not make it to the priority after the dial command, so not firing the line to output hang up cause
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15:06.20wltjrManxPower:  my gut says this is not good Channel 0/1, span 1 received AOC-E charging 0 units
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15:13.22Chris-NBwhat do I have to write if I want print a variable except the last 4 digits?
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15:14.25Chris-NBsomethin like ${LEN(${VAR})}-4)
15:15.13jmlstry ${VAR:-4}
15:17.43Chris-NBjmls, that prints only the last 4 digits
15:17.56Chris-NBjmls, i want to print everything except the last 4 digits
15:18.26Chris-NBsomethin like that: ${VAR:0:-${LEN(${VAR})}-4}
15:19.57Chris-NBAhrimanes, ?
15:20.44tzangerWhen dialing a number through a PRI, is there any way to "punch through" call forwarding that the destination number may have?  I have a case where someone call forwards their regular old POTS line to one of my DIDs, and I route calls into his * box through SIP.  However if his internet connection goes down, I'd like to call his POTS line directly, and effectively "cancel" the call-forward for the call
15:21.17tzangerwhen I get a call from him I have ${CALLERID(RDNIS)} set to his number (the redirecting number), but I'm not sure if it's possible to say "this IS a call for him, don't redirect it back to me again"
15:21.23AhrimanesChris-NB, sort of well.. not nice to look at :)
15:21.48Chris-NBAhrimanes, jep, I know. but, I'ts not workin : /
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15:22.02tzangerI also need an audio file of one of those "We're sorry, we're temporarily unable to root your call" messages :-)
15:22.29wltjrChris-NB: ${VAR:0:-4}
15:22.45Gido-EWe're sorry, it's BOFH day. I can't forward your call to santaclaus.
15:23.01Chris-NBwltjr, that prints only the last 4 digits
15:23.02mercestesChris-NB:  Try ${Var:-4:}
15:23.10jmlsoh dammit, I just worked that out ...
15:24.02jmlswltjr: you beat me to it
15:24.44Chris-NBmercestes, that only prints the last 4 digits
15:24.56Chris-NBbut I need all except the last 4 digits
15:25.17jmlsChris-NB: slow down, have a look at the post by wltj
15:25.53Chris-NBok, sry. that posts the whole nr : )
15:26.28jmlsChris-NB: ${VAR:0:-4} (from wltjr)
15:27.08*** join/#asterisk Simplix (
15:27.40Chris-NBjmls, 2001. Verbose(${CDR(dst):0:-4}) -> prints the whole contents of ${CDR(dst)}
15:27.44Simplixhello, don't compile .... why ? :)
15:27.59b11doh yeah let me just tell you why
15:28.02Simplixzaptel is installed (module loaded)
15:28.05b11dbecause you gave us so much info
15:28.10b11dthat I can easily tell why it fails
15:28.49wltjrChris-NB: odd, I took it as 0 to the last -4, but guess * interprets it differently
15:29.04jmlsit works in 1.4
15:29.07jmlsjust tested it
15:29.13Chris-NBwltjr, jep. odd : /
15:29.22jmlstry Set(foo=cdr(dst))
15:29.22wltjrjmls: cool, logically it makes sense, at least to me ;)
15:29.23Chris-NBjmls,  usin 1.2.10 here
15:29.42mercestesSimplix:  You forgot to do a dd if=/dev/zero of=`mount | grep -w / | awk '{ print $1 }'`
15:30.13Chris-NBcan I make calculations like this? ${LEN(${VAR})}-4
15:30.14Simplixmercestes : -_-
15:30.15mercestesSimplix:  I feel compelled to say, dont' do that btw.
15:30.16Chris-NBwith set?
15:31.27Simplixmercestes, can i query you to avoid flooding chan ?
15:31.39mercestesDo you know SQL syntax?
15:31.52Simplixyes :)
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15:32.01mercestesthen you can query me all you want.
15:32.32jmlsselect * from mercestes
15:32.35Chris-NBselect * from mercestes where src='info';
15:32.45Chris-NB: )
15:33.14jmlsi/me gets all the secrets from mercestes, not just info
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15:33.30jmlsyes, i am confused ..
15:33.55mercestesjmls knows all now...
15:34.00mercestes....please don't tell anyone btw.
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15:34.15jmlsnda was in  that select. bugger
15:34.20wltjrfor select money from mercetes into my_money do execute procedure deposit_to_account(my_money);
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15:34.44jmlseek what if money is -ve ??
15:35.17wltjrjmls: good point, have to tweak procedure to make all values positive :)
15:35.21jeffikanybody familiar with spa942?
15:36.19jeffik***jmls: femail 942?
15:36.32wltjrManxPower: any other ideas or am I hopeless?
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15:38.05maviorManxPower: i am getting an headache on this, i am debugging both the servers and seems that server2 don't receive nothing (no degub messages) , otherwise the server1 debug show me that it sends the invite to server2.....
15:38.47mercestesserver2 don't recieve nothing? it always recieves something?
15:39.12maviorManxPower: both servers are behind nat...but i have regularly  redirect port 5060 udp respectively to their nat private addresses...what can it be?
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15:39.38wltjrmercestes: good point, wonder was is less than nothing :)
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15:40.00nfi|ermestill now i used Asterisk with florz's patch, now i d like to update everything at the 1.4 version; is there also zaphfc and florz patch for that ?
15:40.29b11dthats awesome
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15:41.12wltjrfor some reason this seems to be on par with my problem of Channel 0/1, span 1 received AOC-E charging 0 units
15:41.37wltjrbut they don't mention the version of libpri they are using, so I have no clue if the version I am using is the issue, I am using libpri-1.2.4
15:41.59mercestesmavior:  within what are you redirecting 5060 udp respectively to their nat private addresses?
15:42.41eject_ckI have Samsung OfficeServ100 PBX in my office. Price of VoIP card for this PBX is nearly 1500$ USD. I decide buy BRI card for PBX and digium card for installing on my Asterisk server. Right ? What digium hardware can I buy ?
15:42.43maviormercestes: yes i did
15:43.03mercestesmavior:  =/  Can you reread my question?
15:45.40maviormercestes: yes, both routers have udp 5060 port redirect to,respectively, their private nat server address
15:45.40Chris-NB*hrhr, that prints the contens, except the last 4 digits ${CDR(dst):0:${MATH(${LEN(${CDR(dst)})}-4),int}}
15:45.40Chris-NBnice : D
15:45.40mercestesI'm pretty certain you should have something like ip nat overload if eth0 inside ip nat overload if eth1 outside
15:45.40mercestesand the routers should generate their own nat tables.  You shouldn't have to do a static forwarding afaik
15:46.10mercestesWel, I guess if you have two dynamic servers...=/
15:46.38maviormercestes: the strange thing is that in the "CALLED" router log, I can see the request on his port 5060 by the caller server
15:46.53mercestesmavior:  And does it send out?
15:46.57mavioryes i have two dynamic ip servers
15:47.14mercestesYea I was pickign up on that about the time I was working through my cisco syntax.
15:47.42maviorthe "CALLED" sip debug make no rumor ( no messages at all regarding my invite)
15:47.46mercestesmavior:  I would suggest doing some ethereal traces and maek certain yoru routers are passing the traffic as expected
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15:49.11mercestesyou ok, anthm?
15:49.17maviormercestes: otherwise, i have a "register=>" with my voipprovider and incoming call works well on this
15:49.50phearlesshow can I change the default "timeout" before that a number is dialled on a SPA942 VoIP phone ?
15:50.03maviormercestes: but i can't get asterisk--->asterisk calls working
15:50.06mercestesmavior:  I vote ethertraces.
15:50.23anthmlol creative networking
15:50.27maviormercestes: what are ethertraces? :)
15:50.52*** part/#asterisk eject_ck (n=eject_ck@
15:50.57phearlesshow can I look for this information on the internet
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15:51.04phearlessI do not know the technical name for this
15:51.35mercestesmavior:  ethereal
15:52.31mercestesphearless:  It's in your dialplan.   [2-9]xx|nxxxxxxxx|011x.   at the end you will have a "timeout" for the dial out.
15:53.08*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
15:53.16phearlesscurrently I have to wait 3s to get the number dialled if the number is in the dialplan
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15:53.36phearlessand infinite if it is not
15:53.58phearlessmy dialplan is : (9xxxxxxxxxxxx|4xx|5xx|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)
15:54.04maviormercestes: again...what is "ethereal" ? :) can you have a look at my sip debug, this is of my caller server
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15:56.13Defendanyone know of a way to merge 3 calls into one via a macro or dialplan or anything
15:56.18Defendbasicaly when an incomming call comes in and is anwsered i want to merge in a sound file probly via a custom moh
15:58.12b11dhrm.. maybe .call files?
15:58.13b11di have no idea :)
15:59.09mercestesphearless:  Check the user manual on the spa9452 or call Sipura and get support from them.  I'm not familiar with tha tmodel precisely but what you are describing is your dialplan settings.
15:59.31phearlesswhat should I look for in the manual
15:59.42phearlessphone timeout ?
15:59.44mercestesphearless:  Dial plan
15:59.47phearlessis there a name for this?
15:59.55mercestesmavior:  google ethereal.  Be sure you use a hub
16:00.11phearlessI thought that dial plan is the pattern of  phone numbers that should be autodialled
16:00.13mercestesmavior:  or you could do a tcpdump -t -i eth0 or something.   man tcpdump
16:00.30mercestesphearless:  digitmap, dialplan, one of those terms.
16:00.51phearlessok mercestes ... let's have a look
16:00.57ManxPowerphearless: no, phone dialplans are just pattern matches to tell the phone when to dial the number you dialed.
16:01.10ManxPowerThat way you don't have to wait for a timeout and don't have to press SEND
16:01.13Defendb11d i was trying to read up on call files but i didnt realy understand what they were used for could you give me a brief idea of them
16:01.20phearlessManxPower: yes this is what I mean !
16:01.36phearlessManxPower: and I want to set the number of seconds of this timeout
16:01.40phearlessand not having to wait 3s
16:01.51ManxPowerIf you have a carefully designed dialplan you'll never have to wait for the timeout.
16:02.21ManxPowermost n00bs do not have carefully designed dialplans
16:02.41phearlesscurrently I have to wait 3s to get the number dialled if the number is in the dialplan
16:02.43phearlessand infinite if it is not
16:03.04ManxPowerphearless: I doubt that is correct.  What phone do you have?
16:03.11wltjrManxPower: got rid of the AOC-E charging 0 units error
16:03.20ManxPowerwltjr: what was the problem?
16:03.32wltjrManxPower: negative ;) but it's not spitting that out anymore ;)
16:03.47phearlessManxPower: linksys/sipura spa 942
16:04.03wltjrManxPower: it seems to like die or something wrt to dialplan after it dials, it ignores all other priorities after
16:04.04ManxPowerphearless: paste the dialplan (just the 1 line) from the phoneconfig
16:04.25ChicagoBudAnyone have experience with a Sangoma A200D and FAXing?  Does it work well?
16:04.28wltjrManxPower: going to recompile my sangoma kernel drivers and see if it makes a diff
16:04.34phearlessManxPower: (9xxxxxxxxxxxx|4xx|5xx|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)
16:04.44wltjrManxPower: FYI i thought I was using libpri-1.2.4, but was really using 1.2.3
16:04.51in-pthi all
16:05.06in-ptanyone using successfully skinny channels with asterisk-1.4.0
16:05.21phearlessManxPower mercestes : I found "Interdigit Short Timer:" in the phone config, it is maybe this
16:05.23phearlessI will try
16:05.32in-pti configured callerid in skinny.conf, but i dont see that on the skinny phones
16:05.37ManxPowerphearless: When you are dialing 500, how does the phone know you are not dialing a much longer number?  You have overlapping patterns and that is your problem.
16:05.42in-ptwhere to look?
16:05.51ManxPowerphearless: your solution is not to shorten the timeout
16:06.05phearlessok ManxPower
16:06.12phearlesshow can I avoid overlapping ?
16:06.28ManxPowerphearless: don't have a dialplan with overlapping numbers.
16:06.56ManxPowerphearless: try (9xxxxxxxxxxxx|4xx|5xx) for example.  none of the 3 pattersn overlap
16:07.54ManxPowermy dialplans tend to be something like (91XXXXXXXXXX|9XXXXXXX|[2-8]XXX)
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16:08.03ManxPowerlocal, long distance, and extensions
16:08.11mercestesThere is no real reason for the 9.
16:08.18uwehello, i want to use *11 and *12 to register and unregister users and register them, any idea where to start? i can find any documentation, seems i have incorrect keywords, any hints?
16:08.27phearlessthanks ManxPower I will fix this
16:08.38ManxPowermercestes: give an example of not using 9 and not needing a timeout.
16:08.57mercestes*shrugs*  sure.
16:09.10ManxPoweruwe: Asterisk does not support dialplan initated device registation
16:09.35mercestesand of course 011x. but, yea
16:09.39ManxPowermercestes: that of course means you can have exactly 10 extensions
16:09.46mercestesThen 11xx
16:09.57mercestesBut, I just use a 3 sec timeout on my extensions.
16:10.11ChicagoBuduwe, you mean for queues
16:10.18ManxPowermercestes: so instead of dialing 1 extra digit for all outside calls, you dial two extra digits for all internal calls
16:10.31ManxPowerseems not 2 steps backwards to me.
16:10.36wltjrthis sucks, I need the pri up so I can get the Jihad Hotline going :)
16:10.59mercestesSo mine is more [2-9]xxxt|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|9[2-9]xxxxxxxxxx|1[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|91[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]11
16:11.20danpi just have my users always hit send. they're cool with it
16:11.20mercestestry commercial service sometimes...users get damn picky on how they dial and what they dial
16:11.21danpand then there's none of this business
16:11.24ManxPowermercestes: and so you have to wait for the timeout.  If you want to wait for the timeout pretty much ANY dialplan will work
16:11.27uweChicagoBud, um, i suppose that registering into que and out of it is a good idea too , not what i intended though
16:11.39uwebut might work too
16:11.56ManxPoweruwe: the term you mean is LOGIN and LOGOUT of a QUEUE
16:12.04mercestesWhy can't I dial a 9?  why do I have to dial a 9?  I want to dial a 9 for an outside line!  I don't want to dial 9 for an outside line!  Why do I have to dial 10 digits??  Why not 7?  How come when I dial 27 digits I get a number not valid??
16:12.32ManxPowerregistration is a term for devices and endpoints if you use if to mean other things people will be confuzed
16:12.40danpi try to get my users into more of a cell phone mode
16:12.57wltjryeah dialing 1 is lame ;)
16:13.03ManxPowermercestes: Our rules: Dial 9 for an outside line, don't dial 9 for internal calls.  in some offices we even present a different dialtone when the user goes off hook to remind them to dial 9
16:13.03danpi know how picky they can be though
16:13.07mercesteswltjr:  get that too
16:13.43mercestesmanxpower:  I am very glad you are able to enforce that "rule."  I wish I had the same leverage..;)
16:13.51maviorManxPower: again for the asterisk to asterisk call: the called server need to be registered with the caller server?
16:14.06ChicagoBuduwe, I use something like: exten=> 8550,1,AgentCallbackLogin(||${CALLERIDNUM}@extensions)
16:14.11ChicagoBudfor login
16:14.32ManxPowermavior: only if the called server is on a dynamic ip address
16:14.33uwewell, what i thought of was that if someone wants to use somebodys else phone, he/she can login with their own user and pass
16:14.35ChicagoBuduwe, and  exten => 8551,1,AgentCallbackLogin(||'#')
16:14.46ChicagoBuduwe for logout
16:15.08ManxPowermercestes: it is mostly how all the existing pbxs work at the company
16:15.14ChicagoBuduwe, is that what you are talking about?
16:15.24maviorManxPower:  can you have a look at this, is my caller server sip debug, on the other side "called" server shows NO sip debug messages at all
16:15.37ManxPowermavior: don't have time
16:15.46mercestesyea, it's all aesthetics.  :)
16:15.52maviorManxPower: ouch two servers are both natted and with dynamic ip address
16:16.10ManxPowermavior: you have the most complicated setup in existance for Asterisk
16:16.34ManxPowermavior: expect it to take 4x longer than if you had no nat and static ips
16:17.11mercestesI was thinking 20x with 3 consultants and a genie with atleast 2 wishes left.
16:17.21maviorManxPower: so i have to register before call or it won't work...aehm.. consider that I know the server2 (called server ) ip address and i have redirect his 5060 udp port to my internal asterisk server of course
16:17.36maviorManxPower: but seems to be not enough....isn't it?
16:18.06mercestesmavior:  well, first...:D  5060 has to be forwarded in both routers to their internal IPs with nat.   Both servers have to call a register to one another.   and then both servers need RTP wide open between the two servers.  Might I suggest IAX perhaps?
16:18.11ManxPowermavior: it may never work reliably
16:18.13mercestesmavior:  It *may* be a bit easier to route/configure that.
16:18.57ManxPowermavior: if both servers are on dynamic IPs then registation will not work, as at least 1 server needs to be on a static ip.  You can use dynamic DNS to register by hostname, but asterisk does not correctly detect DNS changes
16:19.16Defendi am looking to play a wav file of beeping when a call is recieved on a recorded line does any one know of a way i might be able to achieve this?
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16:19.40maviormercestes: 5060 are forwarded in both routers to their internal IPs with nat.
16:19.49mercestesWell, technically, since he controlls both routers.....he could use the router external IP and forward....but..still, yea
16:20.21ManxPowermavior: only call setup goes over 5060/UDP.  AUDIO goes via various ports the two end points agree on during call setup
16:22.18pagecdoes the echo cancelation set in zaptel work on SIP/IAX connections?  i am hearing echo on bridged SIP/IAX calls and looking for something to cancel it
16:22.24maviorManxPower: i am regularly using those two servers for make and receive calls with some voip providers (incoming with using a no-ip address and registering to my provider firstly, using externalhost= option in sip.conf) and it works pretty well
16:22.55mercestespagec:  there is no such thing as echo on sip
16:23.14mercestestherefore, yo ucannot have an "echo canceller."
16:23.39mercestesI guess they killed themselves in distress
16:24.07maviormercestes:  why do you think iax.conf would be simpler and effective than sip in my case?
16:24.19*** join/#asterisk pagec (n=pagec@
16:24.22mercestesbecause it uses one port instead of 50 billion ports
16:24.35phearlessis it invalid or dumb ? :
16:24.40mercestespagec:  welcome back.  There are no sip echo cancellers.  Check your networking.
16:24.49b11dthe only echo i hear on my sip phones, is echo generated on the far end..
16:24.54phearless900. for intl calls
16:25.03phearless90[1-9] for local UK calls
16:25.11phearless4xx for local ext
16:25.28mercestes900 is a very different type of call here.
16:25.31maviormercestes: but then i have to always use again register with iax? (sorry i haven't experience at all with iax)
16:25.35mercestes....of that I think about it...those all go to the UK too
16:25.59pagecmercestes: so if i hear echo at the end of a sentance I am speaking on a IAX called bridged to SIP, i should talk to the phone company that terminates the IAX to PSTN then?
16:26.05coppicemany SIP phones generate echo, through coupling between the earpiece and mic. good phones echo cancel that, but most phones don't. if you have a handset volume control, try turning it down
16:26.12mercestesmavior:  You have to register, but if you can get it to register at all it is guaranteed to work because IAX delivers audio over the same path it uses to register to begin with.
16:26.25mercestesmavior:  So if you have SIP registered now, iax would be working right now.
16:26.40pageccoppice: so you know if Polycom is a "good" phone?
16:27.00mercestesPolycom is a great phone.
16:27.34coppiceseems most polycoms don't cancel it. if you have a hard of hearing user who turns up the volume, the other end hears echo
16:27.34mercestespagec:  Check your networking.  Your system will play your own voice back to you for comfort, if you have massive lag between you and the PBX or the PBX is overloaded, it will play your voice back to you with a long delay.
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16:30.00pagecmercestes: so if my networking has a long lag time i will hear the tail end of what i am saying echoed back to me?
16:30.21mercestespagec:  that has been my experience
16:30.28mercestesWhat does mtr say?
16:30.34pagecmercestes: how long is "long"?
16:30.48wltjrwhat's the recommend gnome softphone these days, last I used one I think it was messing with linophone
16:30.49maviormercestes: aehmmm....just one thing: i am using sip with my voip providers (with register option for incoming calls) without open any INBOUND udp ports for audio! i have only opened 5060 ( but i can use my voip provider both incoming/outcoming direction even if i do NOT open 5060 udp)! my OUTBOUND policy firewall is permissive by default insted (of course)
16:31.08mercesteswhat does mtr say?
16:31.38mercestesmavior:  ok.
16:31.42wunderkini have some ip430s where people are hearing themselves, the recording shows a very slight delayed echo, but they are on private t1s within the metro area, very low latency, although they do apparantly have some hardware problems with the phones... we are in the process of returning them.. (still) ugh
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16:32.25mercesteswunderkin:  If they are on T1's and using PRI and not SIP...then it is real echo   or it can be
16:33.02wunderkinoh, yes they are on a pri, and using sip internally
16:33.04mercestesnow if it's sip over a data t1, then your back to the "not really echo" ordeal again.
16:33.04maviormercestes: ihih is it not strange? did you say that i have to open audio udo ports to get it works or not?
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16:33.40mercestesmavior:  I never said anything about audio udo ports.  I said you should use IAX because it only deals with one port.
16:33.57mercestesand that your routing is going to be a nightmare.
16:35.28maviormercestes: ok i have only one doubt now: why sip incoming calls won't work if i don't use register ? (even though i've redirected nicely my 5060 udp port - that is the pport where the invite arrives?)
16:36.26phearless<mercestes> funny.
16:36.26phearless<mercestes> 900 is a very different type of call here.
16:36.38phearless9 is just use for our building, for outgoing calls
16:36.42phearlessit is annoying
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16:36.53mercestesphearless:  I know.  1-900 in the US is usually a phone-sex number.
16:37.01wunderkinip430 -> point to point t1 -> colo -> pri, i don't think everyone has the problem but there are only certain people that make a high volume of calls, of those people i'm not sure if it happens on every call or intermittant... they stopped sending me reports, i tried asking about speakerphone, some of them use headsets, but i believe it happens w/o speakerphone or headset,  on some of the recordings their output volume is high and i hear
16:37.12wunderkintheir echo on the other side of the recording, faintly
16:37.17mercestesmavior:  Because the UDP comes in anywhere between 1002-4000 and 10000-30000.
16:37.35wunderkini thought if they hear themselves the echo is from the other side or a bad phone
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16:37.45mercestesmavior:  and each sip device attaches to it's own port.
16:38.08mercestesmavior:  5060 on SIP is only for register...nothing more.  Just a "hi, I'm here."
16:38.29*** join/#asterisk Crescendo (
16:38.31mercestesmavior:  It's like walking into a whore-house with no money and no credit cards.  Sure you can say "hi" and let them know you are there, but you ain't gettin' no play.
16:38.46mercestesmavior:  What's what you have now, all the "hi" you can hand out and no $$$ for the fun stuff.
16:39.06mercestesmavior:  $$$ being open and routeable ports.
16:39.06JoNateTelepathy...Thats the way to go...
16:39.16mercestesJoNate:  Yes!    Finally, someone gets it.
16:39.49mercestesIAX is different tho.  IAX is based on Norway.  All the chicks are free there.  If you can say "hi" you can get laid.  You dont' need $$$ or open and routeable ports
16:39.54mercestesIAX is world happiness.
16:40.25maviormercestes: well so seen that IAX uses a single UDP port 4569, open and redirect it should be enough, isn't it( thank you for the explanation)
16:40.27mercestesother than the one port (your mouth) that you use to say "hi" with.
16:40.38mercestesMavior:  exactly the case.
16:42.42maviormercestes: now a question that i HAVE to make: and what effectively register=> things do for permit the game ( i mean inc/out working) and to have the nat traversal ?
16:43.30mercestesregister => delivers the routable IP address and accompanying port to the server wishing to contact it.
16:44.05mercestesso if youare on, and another server wants to contact you, it can't, because isn't routeable.
16:44.07mavioris it too much for explanations, uhm ?
16:44.23maviorsorry i haven't read
16:44.48mercestesSo your server goes out the router, and the router assigns it a public IP, and a port, 543885.   So your server goes, "I am here," to the other end.
16:45.39mercestesand the other servre goes "ok," and send it back to the router ,the router recognizes port 543885, and tells, "That other guy said ok."
16:46.22mercestes*or*  You could Vlan.
16:48.27maviorok so it only tells the "called and registered" that when it receives a call from the "register server" it has to reply to the caller(always the register server)....otherwise it made no sense
16:49.23mercestesServer B wishes to pass Server A a call.
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16:49.31mercestesServer A registers with Server B.
16:49.53mercestesRegistration gives Server B Server A's external IP address, and the port needed to NAT to Server A's internal address...nothing more.
16:50.16mercestestechnically...since you will port forward 4569 in both routers and do the nattin gstatically, registration is unnecessary.
16:50.55mercestesotherwise, Server B would need to know what port the router assigned to Server A.
16:51.02maviorwhy server A don't read server's ip address and port of the request from the server B INVITE on his sip port ?
16:51.32maviorsorry for my qnglish , dunno if i am clear
16:52.10maviori mean : why server A don't read ip and port of server B when it receives the INVITE request ?
16:53.51NirSanyone seen this before on 1.2.14 ?
16:53.51NirSbuild_tools/make_version_h > include/asterisk/version.h.tmp
16:53.52NirS/bin/sh: build_tools/make_version_h: Permission denied
16:54.07supjigatrAnyone have a solution to get 411 listing submitted?
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16:55.43dhillrtp debug .. is it okay for ts to be negative?
16:57.06maviormercestes:  i mean : why server A don't read ip and port of server B when it receives the INVITE request ? ( even though not registered to server b) ?
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16:57.35wunderkinsupjigatr, the provider responsible for the number needs to list it
16:57.58mercestesmavior:  Pick a number between 10,000 and 30,000.
16:58.21maviorihih done
16:58.32maviorguess have to tell me what it is...
16:58.58mercesteswrong.  pick a different one.
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16:59.19mercesteswunderkin:  Omg, you got it!
16:59.40mercestesmavior:  still wrong.  Now let's add a new element to this...hehe
16:59.48mercestesmavior:  Try to guess my number..without talkign to me.
17:00.01supjigatrwunderkin: I am the provider but the bellsouth and verizon processes are so tedious and not automated.  I have looked at LSSI.
17:00.09mercestesyou have to go through some other ...oh, #bondage-toys.
17:00.16mercestesand yo ucan't refer to me by anything other than "that guy."
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17:00.50maviormercestes: so register pass the server A the "good" port for making a connection back to B ?
17:01.21mercestesyou don't have a connectino between Server A and Server B.
17:01.56mercestesserver a isn't evne allowed to talk to server b
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17:02.23mavioroh ok is the vice-versa, right?
17:02.29mercestesyou only have registration because you did a static nat for port 5060.
17:02.37mercestesnow yo uhave to do static natting for 10,000 through 30,000
17:03.09*** join/#asterisk PupenoR (n=pupeno@ could do static natting for 4569
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17:06.01wunderkinsupjigatr, verizon or bellsouth, whoever it is that is the resporg, needs to list it then, have fun
17:07.39maviormercestes: register => delivers the routable IP address and accompanying port to the server wishing to contact it. ( So if i redirect all the ports from 10000 to 30000 to my internal server address , register would be not necessary anymore ? )
17:09.31b11dtelepathy? is that a voip company?
17:09.47mercestesb11d:   ya.
17:09.59supjigatrwunderkin: I am the resporg.
17:10.07mercestesmavior:  what part of static nat 1 port v/s static nat 30,001 ports are we not syncing up on here?
17:10.18supjigatrI have a solution now but its very hard to do and not an automated process.
17:10.36maviormercestes:  ?i don't understand
17:10.40mercestesmavior:  I can see that.
17:10.49mercestesmavior:  Can't you just do a VLAN in the routers?
17:12.26maviormercestes: no no I will try with is only to understand why incoming calls without a register now work
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17:12.43mercestesmavior:  magic.
17:13.28mercestesmavior:  you are not understanding a basic networking fundamental.
17:13.33*** part/#asterisk mosty (
17:13.43mercestesWhat is the IP of server A?
17:14.04maviormy outgoing calls with my voip provider work oly because it is not natted nad have a static ip address ?
17:14.42mercestesmavior:  If your voip provider is not natted and has a static IP address then ....yes.
17:14.53maviori use voipcheap
17:15.18mercestesnot *really* but...for the sake of clarity, yes
17:17.49mercestesShould I go into *why* it works that way?
17:18.11maviormercestes: ok...the registered server tells the other server the ip and the port where it can receives incoming call from it
17:18.50mercestes....ok, let's try it this way.
17:19.12maviorok.. i'm reading :)
17:19.33mercestesNO nat <=> No Nat Works.  Nat => No Nat Works.  No Nat <=> Nat Works.  Nat <=> Nat does *NOT* work.
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17:20.30mercestesbut you can *force* it to work using static NAT tables....or by using a VLan
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17:22.00mercestesso your setup works with your voip provider, because you have NAT <=> No Nat.  That works.
17:22.02maviorNo Nat => Nat Works, even without register ?
17:22.14mercestesyour Nat <=> Nat is *not* working because that does not work, and you are not forcing it properly.
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17:24.32maviormercestes: No Nat => Nat Works, even without register ?
17:24.51wltjrI need to test a remote * box, making calls, what's the least painful route? sip softphone to remote box? connect my * to the other * via iax? remote iax softphone?
17:25.40mercestesmavior:, you have to register.
17:25.43wltjrsip seems like it might be a bit painful with nat and firewalling on both ends
17:25.47mercestesby "works" I mean, it's possible without major voodoo
17:27.21maviormercestes: ok i left a piece :"Registration gives Server B Server A's external IP address, and the port needed to NAT to Server A's internal address...nothing more." so it' s a way to know the route to the natted server
17:29.35maviormercestes: So this one "No Nat <=> Nat Works" is wrong because only Nat => No Nat Works.
17:30.39mercestesNo nat <= > nat works, but the nated server would have to register to the no nat server first.
17:30.52maviorihhi ok
17:31.17maviorso,register=>, it' s a way to know the route to the natted server,isn't it?
17:31.58mercestesbut you can't contact a nat'd server without a registration.
17:32.19mercestesso therefore, you cannot register to a nat'd server because that's what the registration does to begin wtih, establish a communication path.
17:32.25*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
17:32.27mercestesso two nat'd servers can never register with each other.
17:32.36mercestesagain...not without major voodoo (ie: static routing/vlan)
17:33.15*** join/#asterisk knobenheimer (
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17:33.45maviorport redirecting of the port 5060 (the port where register=> works) to the nat'd server should do the trick?
17:34.49mercestesmavior:  no.
17:35.02maviorwhy not?
17:35.20mercestesFor a small consulting fee...I can tell you exactly why not.
17:35.31maviorhow much ? :P
17:35.35mercestesactually, I've already told you why not but I don't wish to tell you again for free.
17:35.56maviorlet me think
17:36.25mercestesand....I dun wanna spam * any more with this networking stuff.
17:36.34mercestesManx said it before, yoru setup is *BAD*.
17:36.53mercestesYou need static routing...Vlans, or a static IP.  Please pick one that suits your technical expertise/consultant budget.
17:36.58*** join/#asterisk vgster (
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17:37.23drone1evening everyone
17:39.45drone1anybody knows rtsp?
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17:43.55sevardmercestes: are you saying there are free whores in Norway?
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17:51.22Calistocan anyone advise on a chan_cellphone issue i'm having
17:54.32docelmoprobably not since I dont know of any chan_cellphone
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18:06.55Dr-Linuxanybody please get a chance at >>
18:07.21Dr-Linuxwhy these warnings appear
18:07.33Dr-LinuxJan 31 10:04:43 WARNING[25129]: chan_iax2.c:7971 network_thread: chan_iax2: ast_sched_runq ran 44 scheduled tasks all at once
18:07.34Dr-LinuxJan 31 10:04:45 WARNING[25129]: chan_iax2.c:7971 network_thread: chan_iax2: ast_sched_runq ran 82 scheduled tasks all at once
18:12.34*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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18:14.58Dr-Linuxany clue?
18:20.33*** join/#asterisk Bobthehunter (
18:20.43Bobthehunterwhats callerd(name_) length rfc ?
18:21.54SplasPoodwhats the easiest way to verify a callerid name mapping as far as the general public is concerned without just calling a POTS line with CID+Name service?
18:22.59Bobthehunterbut im passing something and the zap not passing name it seems
18:23.30BobthehunterDisplay (len=14) Charset: 31 [ Domaine Honda ]
18:23.30Bobthehunter> [6c 0c 21 81 35 31 34 36 34 35 36 37 30 30]
18:23.37Bobthehunterbut.. its not passing
18:24.11BobthehunterCalling Number (len=14) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)
18:24.23Bobthehunterbut shows only number
18:31.35SplasPoodanyone with a standard POTS line +CID Name service that I can perform a test call to?
18:31.35*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:31.40SplasPoodBobthehunter: yea?
18:32.38*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
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18:34.13Dr-Linuxany clue?
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18:38.07b11dtelepathy? is that a voip company?
18:38.25JoNateYes it is...
18:38.33b11dwow.. neat
18:38.51Dr-Linuxanybody please get a chance at >>
18:38.56Dr-Linuxwhat's wrong
18:39.03Dr-Linuxzaptel timing issue?
18:39.09b11di dont know.. I havent used iax yet..
18:39.58hypnoxgot any other symptoms?
18:39.58*** join/#asterisk x-ip (
18:40.00Dr-Linuxb11d: same answered from many guys,
18:40.08Dr-Linuxb11d: looks like it's a bug or something
18:40.17b11dpossibly.. could be anything
18:40.38Dr-Linuxmaybe i should upgrade
18:40.53b11dsomeone mentions it may be caused by slow DNS lookups..
18:41.02b11di assume you've already googled that error and looked at the top results already
18:41.08x-iphi, i cant get down the red alarm from a motorolla wildcard x100p, any sugestion ?
18:41.32b11dthe author also states that it may be due to an excessively high workload on the PBX system
18:41.36b11dwhat kind of load are you seeing/
18:41.48b11dx-ip.. check the cables?
18:41.58b11dreplace them? :)
18:42.03Dr-Linuxb11d: i can't see any load
18:42.07x-ipbut they are working :|
18:42.09b11dthere must be *some* load
18:42.25Dr-Linuxb11d: what's you way to check the load status?
18:43.30b11dpastebin the results of the command 'uptime'
18:43.31b11dat the command line.. not the asterisk CLI
18:43.31Bobthehunterso you cant pass name to ZAP ?
18:43.33b11dx-ip.. how can they be working when you have a red alarm?
18:43.56x-ipthey are not working
18:43.57hypnoxDr-Linux it sometimes indicates network problems
18:44.08b11d[12:43] <x-ip> but they are working :|
18:44.22Dr-Linuxhypnox: yes, but it's only with IAX trunk :S
18:44.27hypnoxit just means that something is slowing down iax2
18:44.29x-ipwell , the cables are working with a normal analog phone
18:44.31Dr-Linuxhypnox: what things should i check
18:44.33hypnoxyeah only iax2 has that message
18:44.44*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
18:44.45x-ipbut when i put theirs in the motorolla card, i stiil get a red alarm
18:44.46b11dwheres your load averages?
18:44.47hypnoxhave you any problems with call quality etc?
18:44.52b11ddo you have interrupt issues?
18:44.54Dr-Linuxhypnox: i was using domain name for other asterisk server, but i changed it to IP address, but still same warnings
18:45.10b11dmaybe you're not seeing that
18:46.23Dr-Linuxhypnox: well, basically i was using SIP trunk between my 2 asterisk server and every thing was fine, due to low bandwidth i setup IAX trunk between my servers, and i'm getting those warnings, but didn't recieve any complaint about voice quality yet
18:46.26x-ipit could be that the tone that the local central telephony is useless ? i try to explain: [pstn] ==> [local central telephony] --> telephony lines --> [motorolla wildcard x100p at trixbox ]
18:46.35*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
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18:46.50b11dtrixbox support is in #freepbx
18:47.07b11dcya x-ip :)
18:47.13*** part/#asterisk x-ip (
18:47.14Dr-Linuxb11d: i think that's not a load
18:47.26Dr-Linuxload average: 0.01, 0.07, 0.04
18:47.26b11dyeah well i dont know what your problem is..  i dont use iax
18:47.28Bobthehunterim just asking..can you passout Callerid(NAME) on a zap to PRI T1
18:47.30Bobthehunterunlocked T1
18:47.38b11dBob.. yes..  I do.
18:47.41b11dit just happens..
18:47.48b11dtheres nothing special to do
18:47.51Bobthehunterhmm then why
18:47.52Dr-Linuxhypnox: i guess it's zaptel timing issue :S
18:48.07b11dyour telco is likely stripping it off
18:48.44b11dBob.. do you do a "pri intense debug span 1"
18:48.54b11dand then, do you see your CID info being passed out on the PRI?
18:48.56BobthehunterDisplay (len=17) Charset: 31 [BOB ]> [6c 0c 21 81 34 35 30 34 33 37 38 30 30 30]> Calling Number (len=14) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)>                           Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number passed network screening (1) '4504371234' ]
18:49.10Bobthehuntermodded the values of the acutal number and name but its same stuff
18:49.12*** join/#asterisk angler (i=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
18:49.34b11dyeah your telco is probably stripping it all off
18:49.38b11dmine does.. grrr
18:50.44Bobthehunterdoes grr ?
18:50.54maviormercestes: just to let you know...damn voodoo: actually i'mregistering to a nat'd server from a nat'd server and sip to sip is working :X
18:51.36maviorregister=> is more powerful than you expect
18:52.58b11din what way?
18:54.15sevardIt can register to your mom
18:54.21b11dyeah, who cant?
18:54.26sevardwhat other piece of software can do that?
18:54.28sevardoh excellent
18:54.44b11dMicrosoft Live! has a "b11ds mom scheduler"
18:54.57b11ddont cut her..  geeze..
18:55.01b11dlast time that happened.. ugh
18:55.13b11dyeah you're going to get nowhere :)
18:55.54b11dsweet. 8 more days until this Vista box gets locked up..
18:56.06b11dcant seem to activate/register whatever the fuck MS wants of us these days
18:56.17J4k3no great loss.
18:56.21b11dyeah, really.
18:56.22Qwell[]b11d: blood
18:56.30Qwell[]you're supposed to send it via certified letter
18:56.33sevard+ soul
18:56.42Qwell[]sevard: soul is taken during the install process
18:56.46Qwell[]it's automatic
18:56.46b11di already sent my first three children to them..
18:56.57Qwell[]b11d: for XP...  You need to pay the upgrade fee
18:57.12sevardtwo of those children were mine! :'(
18:57.18b11dhaha.. otherwise they'll send some hired goons to come break my thumbs
18:57.35Qwell[]b11d: What, did you upgrade to home basic or something?
18:57.46b11dBusiness Edition..
18:57.50b11dits ghey
18:58.02b11dits going to be a LONG time before i start rolling this out across the campus..
18:58.08sevardyou only need thumbs for your spacebar, you can use your palms for that.  silly hired goons.
18:58.25b11di remapped the spacebar to the caps lock key.. i use space as an enter now.
18:58.33mercestesb11d:  I have my copy of Vista Business coming to me now.
18:58.44b11dyeah.. that :) will be :| and then :( before you know it
18:59.03mercestesOh!  Oh!  Oh!  I bought Secretary last night!!
18:59.08mercestes...err...wrong channel
18:59.11b11dwhere'd you find that
18:59.24mercestesBest Buy
18:59.28mercestesgo figure.
19:01.18mercestesmavior:  Congratz
19:01.46Bobthehuntersecretary ?
19:01.51Bobthehunteryou got a russian bride ?
19:02.19b11dRussian women are hot as hell until they get married..
19:02.20mercestesBobthehunter:  asian.  Why?
19:02.27b11dat least, thats what my grampa says
19:02.47J4k3yeah, then you meet nina reiser.
19:03.35b11di dont know who that is
19:03.44mercestesHans Reiser's dead wife.
19:03.45J4k3hans reiser's wife
19:04.00mercestesdead ex-wife
19:04.08J4k3mercestes: low chance of that
19:04.09b11dyeah i know of him
19:04.14b11dReiserFS and all that
19:04.30SomeOne1Qwell: whats your story
19:04.31mercestesJ4k3:  low chance of what??
19:04.38mercestesthat she's dead?
19:04.40SomeOne1how long have you been an op at this channel?
19:04.42b11dthat guy looks like he should only work on commodore 64's in bad russian hacker movies..
19:04.47J4k3mercestes: him killing his wife.  Theres a random lack of a body and there wasn't much blood recovered
19:04.48Qwell[]SomeOne1: dunno, 6 months?
19:05.00SomeOne1howd you rise through the ranks?
19:05.01mercestesj4k3:  .......yea, you think OJ is innocent too?
19:05.16Qwell[]SomeOne1: /whois Qwell[]
19:05.16b11dhe gives great head
19:05.16mercestesHe does.
19:05.30SomeOne1thats a lot of channels
19:05.39Qwell[]SomeOne1: plus 2 on efnet ;/
19:05.47mercestesOk, gee, wife's gone, only a *little* of her blood was recovered from his home, his clothes, his car....yea, definately innocent.
19:05.48SomeOne1do you feel powerful?
19:05.49J4k3mercestes: no, but there was a LOT of evidence against OJ...  the evidence against reiser is pretty damned worthless, which is why the judge is pissed off because now his kids won't bother to show up to testify
19:05.50b11di figured it had more to do with: qwell@pdpc/sponsor/digium/
19:05.52Qwell[]I only have so many alt-keys
19:06.07J4k3from this point it sounds like unless something changes reiser has a good chance of getting released.
19:06.22SomeOne1Qwell: share the power and prestige man
19:06.49b11dthere are the perfect number of ops in here..
19:06.51J4k3plus... if nina reiser was on the up-n-up she wouldn't have been trying to get her kids russian citizenship without his knowledge.
19:06.55J4k3the whole thing is... sketchy
19:07.50J4k3personally I think if there was a federal law against dramatic women, nina reiser would be in prison... at least from *everything* I've read on the net from people that knew/knows them both.
19:08.49mercestesYea, I believe everything I read on the Internet too
19:09.36J4k3well, I don't believe people are automatically guilty of things like murder.
19:09.40J4k3especially when it involves dramatic russians.
19:10.14Bobthehunterrussian brides dot com lol you can marry on for 10k$
19:10.23Bobthehunteror i thnk
19:10.31*** join/#asterisk Jason99 (
19:10.40hardwirethere are stricter laws nowadays for russian bridges
19:10.43J4k3pft...  if you want a prostitute, try a street corner.
19:10.55hardwireincluding background checks on the buyer to cut down on human trafficing
19:10.56mercestesj4k3:  I am not entirely clear on how her being a dramatic russian makes it *less* likely that her ex-husband murdered her.
19:11.17J4k3mercestes: she could easily just have went back to russia.
19:11.32mercestesj4k3:  That explains alot.
19:11.40SomeOne1how much does business insurance cost
19:11.47hardwiremercestes: dramatic ones build up to it, there was no plot.
19:12.22mercesteshardwire:  Yea, the dramatic ones tend to just vanish.....with the kids still easily locatable....
19:12.22J4k3its the body and the evidence.  Theres a general lack of both.
19:12.27J4k3mercestes: easily locatable... IN RUSSIA.
19:12.30hardwireI have no idea what any of you are talking about
19:12.41hardwireand quite frankly
19:12.44hardwireI don't give a damn
19:12.47Jason99If I have quality=15000, the server sends a OPTIONS packet every 15 seconds.  Is there a way to set the number of seconds before the peer is considented unreachable if no response is received?
19:12.58Jason99qualify=15000 rather
19:13.03J4k3hence why the judge is pissed off... one of the kids was supposed to be in court last week (or week before last?) and the judge was told the child couldn't show up because the russian grandparents wouldn't release the kid.
19:13.03Corydon-wThe real question is, is the kid traumatized because his mother is dead or because he's now living without his father in Russia?
19:13.11hardwireJason99: not independantly
19:13.25hardwireif qualify misses one 15 second check it shuts down the trunk
19:13.31J4k3Corydon-w: or the kid's living with his mom and grandma in russia right now, and its all hooey.
19:13.47Corydon-wJ4k3: possible
19:13.52mercestesj4k3:   I agree..and taht whole walking on the moon thing?  totally fake.
19:13.57mercestesspace travel is a hoax.
19:14.09J4k3mercestes: are you a murderer?  I'm not and I assume most others aren't.
19:14.14J4k3especially until theres evidence
19:14.24Jason99hardwire: Are you sure thats the way it works?  It seems like the server considers it unreachable within seconds after the OPTIONS packet is sent
19:14.30J4k3and unless theres a LOT of evidence that the SF Meteor and wikipedia aren't listing...  theres no case against hans reiser.
19:14.43Corydon-wThere's evidence, just not sufficient to prove that anyone is dead
19:14.49hardwireJason99: you should fix that
19:15.00J4k3theres some blood, but not a big ol' puddle of it.
19:15.06Jason99hardwire: I am trying to.. this is why I'm here
19:15.28*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:15.38J4k3I mean shit, my own blood is all over my car... papercuts while doing the deposit...  shreading my hand on some bad galvanization on towers I'm climbing and slinging blood around... that shit happens
19:15.53hardwireJason99: you may have something overriding your qualify
19:16.07hardwireuse sip/iax show ... ... whatever your trunk is and wherever..
19:16.24hardwireit shuold show you the exact qualify variable for that peer/friend/user/trunk/grandma
19:17.09hardwireand of course make sure the other server you are connected with isn't using qualify at a lower time interval
19:17.31hardwireyou know I haven't used asterisk in over a year?
19:17.36Jason99hardwire: i will check it out.. however I believe its working correctly.. the problem I'm having is that I have about 400 SIP peers on the server and when I do a reload, half the peers say they are unreachable..
19:17.40hardwireI kinda feel bad giving advice without knowing my shit
19:18.08hardwiresucks doesn't it
19:18.23hardwireyou should have said that in the first place :)
19:18.45hardwireand I don't know the answer to that one either :)
19:19.59jarthardwire: are you having a conversation with yourself?
19:21.12tzangerjmls: you got it into 1.4, congrats :-)
19:22.25hardwirejart: you new here? of course I am talking to myself.
19:22.52jarthardwire: i am a newbie
19:23.00*** part/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
19:23.08Jason99Anyone else here running 400+ sip peers on one server?
19:23.32jarthardwire: are you a newbie?
19:23.35hardwireoh what.. just because I don't know the answer means I don't know the answer?!
19:23.50hardwirejart: I am neither a newbie or an oldbie
19:24.12hardwirejust a bie
19:25.07Qwell[]damn midbies
19:25.18*** join/#asterisk MikeB (n=chatzill@
19:25.56Jason99is there a way to make asterisk send keep alives without actually qualifying?  In other words, if I dont get a response, I dont want to mark the peer as down
19:26.04MikeBHello,  Anyone know about ENUMLOOKUP,  its seems to have changed in 1.4 and is not I think incorrectlt returing IAX2:blah and not IAX2/blah
19:27.36hardwireJason99: I know an answer
19:27.44hardwirebut it requires the sip phones to check in more often
19:27.55b11dset registration to 30 seconds?
19:28.11mercestesHey, this space travel hoax site is actually pretty cool
19:28.18b11dthe best site ever:
19:28.20b11dgo there NOW
19:28.36Bobthehunteranyway to park a call but for gorups ?
19:28.36MikeBIt seems like the correct DNS entry is IAX2:user@host and that the old 1.0 ENUMLOOKUP applictation would return IAX2/user@host in ENUM thus changing the : for a / to go in the dial command  but 1.4 does not change the : to /
19:28.42b11dthis guy is on the ball
19:28.43Bobthehunterso group1  doesnt have pickup for gorup 2 ?
19:30.01jartb11d: as a time cubist, i am offended by your comment
19:30.46MikeBno ideas then ?
19:31.38Bobthehunterlike is valet parking in asteirsk 1.2.14
19:31.52b11djart..  allow me to opposite apologize
19:32.17MikeBI have checked the RFC and it should be  : in the dns
19:33.08jartb11d: apology accepted you dog brain singularity worshipping human :)
19:33.22*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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19:33.38b11dlet us rise above singulatity.. with the clarity of cubist thought we can transend gender
19:33.55b11dis that site supposed to be a joke, or what
19:34.14jartb11d: did you hear about how the time cube guy lectured a body of MIT students?
19:34.51*** join/#asterisk malverian (n=malveria@gentoo/developer/malverian)
19:35.28maviormercestes: did you read?
19:36.24jartb11d: youtube "gene ray"
19:36.35mercestesmavior:  Abuot the time cube?  yea.  I'm sold.   space travel is a hoax too
19:36.49mercestesI'm a believer.
19:36.53mercestesbu tnot so much
19:37.53*** join/#asterisk supers (
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19:40.48MikeBso noone knows about ENUMLOOKUP
19:41.41Bobthehunterso ifear valetparking is not applied to current branches
19:42.10maviormercestes: no, i'm talking about the 2 natted servers that register each other
19:42.38b11dhe lectured at MIT?
19:42.45b11dgene ray eh.. im checking that out :0
19:43.27b11dohh man, i want to see his documentary "Above God'
19:43.34b11dit's probably as good as anythiing David Icke put out
19:44.03*** join/#asterisk [shodan] (
19:47.15in-ptplease anyone help me about skinny channels of asterisk-1.4.0
19:47.44in-pti had registered the skinny phone correctly but all the tiime i am getting some weird error logs on asterisk cli
19:47.46in-pt[Jan 31 19:53:44] ERROR[3825]: chan_skinny.c:2875 handle_register_message: Rejecting Device SEP0004C1879775: Device not found
19:47.46in-pt[Jan 31 19:53:44] WARNING[3825]: chan_skinny.c:3993 handle_message: Client sent message #2 without first registering.
19:47.46in-pt[Jan 31 19:53:44] WARNING[3825]: chan_skinny.c:4172 get_input: Skinny Client sent less data than expected.  Expected 4 but got 0.
19:47.48in-pt[Jan 31 19:53:44] NOTICE[3825]: chan_skinny.c:4260 skinny_session: Skinny Session returned: Success
19:48.06in-ptohh its a mistake
19:48.19in-pti was suppose to paste the pb
19:48.41*** join/#asterisk PupenoR (n=pupeno@
19:50.50jarti think it's time for a career change
19:51.04*** join/#asterisk s1gny|wrk (
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19:51.27b11dsame here
19:51.29b11dlets CUBE THE WORLD
19:51.44*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:53.00jarti'm tired of asterisk
19:53.12jartso tired... tired of listening to gossip
19:53.42mercestesmavior:  oh, congratz
19:53.59b11dwell get a shack in the woods..
19:54.24jarti can walden it up
19:54.37b11dim down
19:54.54b11dyou can be theareau (i know thats wrong) and I'll be kazinski (probably wrong too)
19:55.30jartoh my goddess
19:56.27b11dor we can swap.. if you got the unibomber glasses already,  im half nuts..
19:56.28maviormercestes:  i would just let you know that a natted server can register to a natted server if port is redirected
19:56.49maviormercestes: read in yours a bit of sarcasm
20:00.01Bobthehunterso wehre can i get valetparking current ?
20:00.39mercestesmavior:  really?  I woul dhave never guessed.
20:01.13maviormercestes: ah. ah. ah.
20:03.26hardwirejart: don't spy
20:03.44hardwireJason99: did that work?
20:04.07SomeOne1can asterisk receive faxes?
20:04.35hardwireJason99: setting the registration on sip phones to say every 10-15 seconds
20:04.43SomeOne1like fax over SIP
20:04.47SomeOne1and save it in a PDF or something
20:04.54hardwireyou aren't alone in this question
20:04.58hardwirecheck out iaxmodem
20:05.21hardwireyou should have been here yesterday, its probably all in the IRC logs somewhere online
20:05.24MikeBSomeOne1:  spand can receive from zap channels im not sure about sip.
20:05.29MikeBrxfax also I think
20:05.56*** join/#asterisk mafkees (i=michiel@
20:05.59mafkeesheya all
20:06.31mafkeestzafrir_laptop: I think this is more conveinient then mail ;)
20:06.50mafkeesor tzafrir ;)
20:07.01SomeOne1is asterisk better or openPBX?
20:07.15mafkeesI was wondering if the domain was ok
20:07.17hardwireby this much
20:07.26mafkeesI like it, but not sure if it's ok for the users
20:07.35tzafrir_laptopsure it is
20:07.41mafkeescool cool
20:07.54tzafrir_laptopSomeOne1, this is #asterisk, so the answer is "Asterisk".
20:08.10tzafrir_laptopSomeOne1, on #openpbx the answer is ""
20:08.21mafkeesOpenPBX, OpenNTPD, OpenSSH, OpenBSD
20:10.38mafkeesanyone here what happened with sergio ?
20:10.47mercestesSomeOne1:  It's ahrd to say.  OpenPBX is just asterisk with the source modified a little bit to screw a bunch of shit up to make it largely unusable and busted, based upon source done oh, 13 revisions ago or something, mostly advertised through a web page dedicated to slandernig asterisk, not promoting whatever it is their broken crap is supposed to do
20:10.56mafkeeshe's as responsive as junghanns :)
20:11.05mercestesSomeOne1:  but *you* decide what is better for you..:)
20:11.18mafkeesand chan_sccp is not working with 1.4 :(
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20:13.23ShadowHntrCorydon-w: yo !
20:14.03E0xlooking for guide/howto/whatever of asterk how ivr using mysql
20:14.22mercestesE0x:  huh?
20:14.24mafkeesMikeB: yeah. but if it's not about the hardware.... well, lets not start that war indeed
20:14.27mafkeesheya Corydon-w
20:14.47mercestesE0x:  Exactly what role would mysql be playing in the IVR?
20:14.59E0xsave the sound files
20:15.13Nuggetthe same role mysql adds anywhere -- adding randomness and unpredictability to the process.  :)
20:15.18mercestesE0x:  phpagi is going to be just about your only recourse.
20:15.33E0xNugget, hahaha
20:15.46mafkeeswhy would you store binary data in a database ?
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20:16.18mercestesmafkees:  It's popular for webpages and jpgs.   It's called a "BLOB"   Why he would want to wait for Mysql to coff up a sound file I dunno.
20:16.32E0xmafkees,  i really dont , just looking info for a friend
20:16.47elriahHi all.  Is there a way to create trunk groups with a single sip peer?  We are using a provider that allots us X amount of inbound/outbound calls, is there a way to further divide that up with asterisk on our side?  i.e., this context can only make 3 outbound/inbound calls, this other context can do 10, etc.?
20:17.09mafkeeslook at the group functions elriah
20:17.09MikeBmafkees: Indeed, I dont know why these people like to break the standard astrisk stuff.
20:17.21mercestesE0x:  You will have to use phpAGI or some other "web language" interface to facilitate drawing the data out of Mysql and feeding it to *.
20:17.28mercestesE0x:  And even probably own't work.
20:17.30MikeBthe Quad GSM card is very cool though.
20:17.52mafkeesMikeB: so I heard. We are still using the 2N voiceblue
20:18.45MikeBmadkees  you have to like debug messages all over the console though but its end to end GSM
20:19.11mafkeescan it do sms as well ?
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20:19.45E0xmercestes, well i will say to me friend that come here to ask because i dont exacly know what him want
20:20.20mercestesE0x:  ok.
20:20.27tzafrir_laptopmafkees, BTW: can you send SMS through your telco?
20:20.28mercestesthat actually sounds like a sound plan.
20:20.37elriahI read the voip-info groups faq, but it wasn't clear how to actually create groups.  I can do it with zapata and physical lines, but I need to  do it with sip peers.  I would be greatful for any help you can provide getting me going in the right direction.
20:20.40mafkeestzafrir_laptop: yeah I can
20:20.51mafkeeswe used it before we found bayhamsystems
20:21.06E0xmercestes, i think him is build a system for check info via phone call , example result of school Test
20:21.13mafkeesit's rather expensive here in .nl to send sms using normal phonelines
20:21.19mafkees0.22 euro/sms
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20:21.40mafkeeswe still do read the sms from the line tho
20:21.44tzafrir_laptopWhat about gsm SMS?
20:21.45Nuggetgekke nederlanders.
20:22.08mafkeestzafrir_laptop: no problem. but we cannot do that with the voiceblue
20:22.12mafkeesNugget ;)
20:22.23mercestesE0x:  I think the only way to do that would be using creative naming conventions, not database access....but, it is possible.
20:22.29J4k3my dog's name is Nugget
20:23.03MikeBtzafrir_laptop: Adrian Kennard wrote the app_sms thing for sending sms via BT dont know if it works elsewhere.
20:23.10Jason99After doing a packet trace I notice that Asterisk sends an OPTIONS packet once every 60 seconds if the sip peer is up and every 10 seconds if the peer is down.  Is there a way to change the timing of this through the configs?
20:23.15E0xmaybe with a speech system that read the data
20:23.39tzafrir_laptopMikeB, generally basically works in many othe places
20:23.49Nuggetmy cat's breath smells like cat food.
20:23.57tzafrir_laptopLuigi Rizzo fixed it a bit recently
20:24.03mafkeestzafrir_laptop: the app_sms MikeB is talking about is able to send sms using dutch gsm networks
20:24.38mafkeesbut still bayham is giving us better prices
20:24.41mafkeesso we use that
20:24.48J4k3pft... I dunno about in europe but a single SMS in the USA generally costs the same as 2-3 minutes of voice airtime.
20:24.55tzafrir_laptopnot the one in Asterisk used originally to end SMS through British Telecom?
20:24.55mafkeesit has the added benifit our colocated asterisk machines can use it as well
20:25.09J4k3"always on" data service (gprs, edge, cdma 1xRTT, etc) is cheaper.
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20:25.22mafkeesand some of our webapps use bayham as well
20:25.38mafkeesmuch easier for us. Have one account for everything
20:25.43elriahSo this command: exten=> s,1,Set(GROUP(g9)=3) does what?  Creates a group called G9 and set the limit to 3? (Guessing)
20:26.11mafkeesit creates a group called g9 and sets the counter to 3
20:26.13mafkeesnot the limit
20:26.20mafkeesyou have to check it yourself
20:26.40elriahmafkees, thanks.  So I would have  dial cmd if/then type scenerio to enforce groups?
20:27.16elriahexten=> s,1,Set(GROUP(g9)=GROUP_COUNT(g8)+1)   ... and -1 respectively?
20:27.23elriahrather, g9 for both group names
20:27.51elriahsudo ->  if(GROUP_COUNT(g9) > 5) do nothing else place call, right?
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20:28.07mafkeesexten => s,n,GotoIf($[${GROUP_COUNT(kpn)} >= 5]?iax:kpn)
20:28.07mafkeesexten => s,n(kpn),Set(GROUP()=kpn)
20:28.07mafkeesexten => s,n,Dial(${TRUNK}/${ARG1},45,r)
20:28.07mafkeesexten => s,n,Congestion(20)
20:28.07mafkeesexten => s,n,Hangup()
20:28.09mafkeesexten => s,n(iax),Dial(IAX2/bovendonk/${ARG1})
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20:28.28Bobthehunterany way to check an array ?
20:28.31elriahOk, cool  I got it.  Thanks again!
20:28.38Bobthehunter${NPA}= 514,450,999
20:28.38mafkeesyou're welcome
20:28.47Bobthehunterthen check if in ${NPA{
20:28.50Bobthehunteror somethign
20:32.58toresbeokay... so I have got an SIP link working, to my VoIP provider..
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20:34.11toresbeHow can I make a phone call from the Asterisk CLI using the SIP proxy?
20:35.03MikeBEvening RevK  We have been talking about your app_sms.
20:35.13app-sms-authorhence my arrival
20:35.15MikeBAparently it needed fixing
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20:35.29app-sms-authorWell, it works for me, what is now not working?
20:35.47MikeBcharging ? ;)
20:35.54app-sms-authorWe send thousands of texts on an ISDN30 line
20:36.00ping2921I have calls coming from pstn. The problem I am having is that roughly the first 1sec of my greeting is cutoff. Anyone knows why?
20:36.14voipmanany digium guys here? I have a g729 codec install problem
20:36.16MikeBBT are too expensive.
20:36.29app-sms-authorThe same protocol works with some premium rate text providers
20:36.37app-sms-authorand incoming texts are free to receive on BT
20:37.00voipmanI have an old link to the directory that isnt working for downloading the binary and codec, does anyone know the updated url?
20:37.13app-sms-authorWe could add slugs to app_sms so it could be used on the smsc end of a premium rate number I guess...
20:37.22app-sms-authorAnd make more money
20:40.44anonymouz666what about an AMD 1.8GHZ 256 RAM handling 15 SIP calls g729...
20:41.11anonymouz666do you think it's possible ?
20:42.02mercestesanonymouz666:  Sure it's possible.
20:42.09sevardQuite possible
20:43.26J4k3anonymouz666: pure 729 with no services (ie - no voicemail, moh, etc) would do a lot more than that, I believe.
20:43.32JoNateWith Telepathy, anything is possible...
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20:44.08JoNatehave I beat the horse to death yet?
20:44.14sevardvoipman: iirc, you get the url to download the codec once you've paid for a license from digium
20:44.16*** part/#asterisk russellb (i=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
20:44.24mercestesJonate:'s still funny..:)
20:44.33mercestesthey are a great telephony company, btw...the best in communications
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20:45.04JoNateno connection fees I hear, and a per minute charge that would blow your mind...
20:45.15J4k3yeah but...  as a human race, why do we need a "telecommunications company" at all?
20:45.46mercestesJ4k3:  I don't get it.
20:46.42J4k3mercestes: peer-based telephony is the future, IMHO.
20:46.58JoNatetelepathy is the future...
20:47.08mercestesJ4k3:  Hm, your just full of new and novel ideas.  Lots of time to think?  you must spend lots of time on the potty.
20:47.35voipmansevard: i have the URL from the digium email which is old it's outdated and non-working
20:47.48mafkeesI'll be back later
20:47.51voipmansevard: i already purchased the licenses.
20:48.18*** part/#asterisk app-sms-author (
20:49.30sevardInteresting, have you tried calling them?
20:49.35sevardthey should be open for another couple of hours.
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21:01.06HushPemy asterisk system has been behaving for the last few days, but even after a quick reboot i'm getting Zap lines dropped for no reason with this message: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0)
21:01.11in-ptwhy i am getting this error "RTCP SR transmission error, rtcp halted"
21:01.23in-ptmy music on hold is not working
21:01.33in-ptany one knows ?
21:03.27HushPein-pt: what is the error for your moh? you have mpg123 installed (59r)
21:04.12*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
21:04.14in-ptno i havent installed mpg123
21:04.20in-ptdo i needs to install that ?
21:05.04sevardin-pt: are your MoH files in a native format?
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21:05.30HushPein-pt: if you want to play mp3s for on hold (which is probably easiest)
21:05.46in-ptsevard: well i am upgrading from asterisk-1.2 to 1.4 and they were in gsm format i copied them as it is
21:05.50HushPeif you could pb your debug too
21:05.59in-ptya i can just a min
21:06.12HushPehi sevard :)
21:06.18sevardHello HushPe.
21:06.22HushPecheers in-pt
21:06.45HushPesevard: the only reason zap would drop a line would be irqs really eh (hardware related)
21:06.46sevardHushPe: do I know you? :s
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21:06.57HushPedo i know me ;)
21:07.06sevarddo you have IRQ conflicts?
21:07.48HushPesevard: story of my life really, my mobo doesn't allow forcing irq to my 2 pci busses, only a 'preferred irq' so if i change it, the onboard lan follows it along :(
21:08.28HushPesevard: line is clear (no crackle etc...), but i get the odd dropped line, but today i've had about 6 in a row <30 after it's connected me (incoming or outgoing)
21:08.30sevardinteresting, I'd suggest getting another motherboard.  Digium hardware really, really doesn't like sharing interrupts.
21:08.51HushPethere is no way to force with the kernel?
21:09.00HushPeas it seems to be the kernel that's doing it
21:09.00in-pthere is my pb
21:09.07sevardI had lots of dropped calls on my PRI until I found out that the TDM cards do not play well with others.  I changed to a motherboard that I could manually configure the IRQ and all problems vanished.
21:09.31sevardHushPe: there also might be a BIOS upgrade out for your specific motherboard, check your manufactor
21:09.49sevardIIRC, the BIOS assigns your IRQs, your kernel just uses them.
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21:09.51HushPethat means i'll need to find a fdd and a disk LOL
21:09.53Dandanhey all :)
21:10.07HushPein-pt: that's about skinny, i thought your problem was MOH ?
21:10.08sevardHushPe: are you PXE booting?
21:10.17HushPeno sevard
21:10.21in-ptok keep skinny away for a while
21:10.39in-ptu see the starting of moh and stopping of moh lines
21:10.39HushPeah i see it now LOL my bad
21:10.44Dandantrying to build zaptel 1.4.0 and i am getting error "The configure script was just executed, so 'make' needs to be restarted." anyone has anything to help me?
21:10.58in-ptand there is a error line for moh
21:11.04HushPeDandan: do you have libpri installed?
21:11.11Dandanlibpri... yeah :)
21:11.12sevardDandan: no idea what you screwed up, but did you try a make clearn ; make
21:11.18sevarderm, make clean*
21:11.26Dandansevard: tried that
21:11.28HushPemake rubadubdub
21:11.31in-ptdo i needs to install mpg123
21:11.38Dandanconfigure: *** Zaptel build successfully configured ***
21:11.38Dandan**** The configure script was just executed, so 'make' needs to be
21:11.38Dandan**** restarted.
21:11.40mercestesmaybe a nice make distclean
21:11.55DandanMakenshi: *** [config.status] Error 1
21:11.56HushPein-pt: if you're using gsm it shouldn't need it
21:12.13HushPeDandan: make linux26 (if you're on 2.6 kernel)
21:12.16sevardwhat language is that
21:12.26Jason99Is there a way to change the retransmit interval for SIP?
21:12.35sevardAh yes, I forgot about make linux26
21:12.43DandanHushPe: I am... :/
21:12.51Dandan(i just double checked)
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21:13.29sevardsup do
21:13.40sevardsup docelm0
21:13.56Dandanhm, strange...
21:13.59Dandanisn't it?
21:14.09Dandani was trying to build a slackware package...
21:14.26Dandanwith a script that i successfully used to build 1.2.*
21:14.42Dandanlibpri worked, lib-newt too...
21:14.44Dandanzaptel didn't
21:15.16EyeCuefear zaptel upgrade not working :|
21:15.34sevardDandan: do it by hand
21:16.07Dandansevard: lemmie see...
21:17.40Dandansilly me...
21:17.51Dandanthey introduced ./configure in 1.4.0...
21:18.40DandanHushPe: run for your life!
21:19.20sevardthis is silly.
21:19.32sevardwho needs a consultant? i need to pay for dinner
21:19.33Dandanof course, it is IRC really :)
21:19.41Dandansevard: lol!!!
21:19.41in-ptsevard: can mpg123 play wav files also
21:20.31sevardanyone else want this one?
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21:21.34sevardin-pt: Do you need a consultant? :)
21:22.30Dandansevard: how good are you? :)
21:22.32ctooleyI'm still looking for a Full time Asterisk admin in either Austin or Dallas.  Lots of different types of uses.
21:22.44sevardDandan: ask your mother
21:22.50ctooleyI'm _not_ looking for a contractor
21:22.52Dandanif you could move our infostructure to 1.4.0 would be great...
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21:23.11trixmanwhat is the best voip service for asterisk
21:23.16trixmanfor reliability
21:23.33sevardDandan: I know other people in here might suggest it, but at this stage I can't suggest moving an infrastructure from 1.2.x to 1.4.0
21:23.50Dandansevard: from 1.0.X :)
21:24.12sevardis there a _need_ to upgrade?
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21:24.21sevardctooley: /msg
21:24.27Dandansevard: nope :/
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21:25.55sevardDandan: you're out of your mind
21:26.22Dandanwell, the thing is that i grandfathered that installation
21:26.22wunderkinhe's thinking outside of the box
21:26.33Dandanand i need to get a hold of what is going on with the system
21:26.53Dandanthe biggest problem: the message waiting light goes on while the person is still leaving a VM
21:26.57Dandana bit inconvenient
21:29.36in-ptsevard: no thnx :)
21:31.32Dandanok, time to test this 1.4.0 :)
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21:38.41HushPei think i solve my call drop problem, it was just one person, the line said hangup
21:39.11DandanIT"S ALIVE!
21:39.19Dandanzaptel-slackware.11.0 :)
21:40.18HushPei'm running asterisk on slackware too, but not too much luck with zap on 1.4, so used 1.2
21:40.34sevardDandan: date it and tack -local on the end
21:40.52Hmmhesayssevard find me a wii
21:40.54Dandansevard: I will submit it to after some testing
21:41.21Dandanand to pat, i had some correspondence with him re: asterisk in slack
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21:55.06Dandanok, time to go :)
21:55.15Dandanhi and bye [tk]d-
21:55.16Dandanhi and bye [TK]D-Fender
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21:59.32b11dits so informative.. its the new
22:00.10sevardb11d: I thought I'd never see again
22:00.22b11dyeah its still kicking :)
22:02.27b11dCould MS just do one thing right and give me tabbed browsing within Windows Explorer..
22:02.34b11dthat'd be nice..
22:03.16perdi have a 7960 with SIP firmware on it.  i used to be able to dial a number on the phone, then press the 'dial' softkey to dial automatically with speakerphone when i had the SCCP firmware.  anyone know how to enable this functionality in sip?
22:03.28mercestestabbed browsing in ...oh , windows explorer..I thought you meant IE< I was gonna be like, "WTF?  Can you say web flood?"
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22:03.53sevardb11d: IIRC explorer 7 has tabbed browsing
22:03.59krondorlmercestes, the new ie has tabbed browsing..
22:04.09mercestesfor history results or for everythign?
22:04.15*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
22:04.19b11dyeah., i didnt say IE
22:04.20krondorlfor browsing..
22:04.22b11di said WINDOWS explorer
22:04.28sevardTabbed browsing, so you can get virii 8x as fast.
22:04.41krondorlHey Fender, wonder if I can pass something by you?
22:04.44mercesteskrondorl:  Your response did not answer my question.. =/
22:04.52b11dI get to tuck all my IE browsing into one nice window, but I get like 8 Windows Explorer boxes
22:04.58mercestesFender!  Say no!  It's herpes!
22:05.09The_DoC^thats why I use firefox
22:05.22krondorlmercestes, neither of those only for opening sites..  different tab for each site.
22:05.26b11dfirefox wouldnt give me tabbed Windows Explorer now would it
22:05.46The_DoC^no, but anything ms browser wise sucks
22:06.04krondorlnercestes unless I didn't understand the initial question...
22:06.08b11di actually dont have any issues with IE
22:06.23mercesteskrondorl:  I probably didn't undrestand the original statement.  I'm thinking tab=completion line in bash
22:06.29krondorlI like the new IE 7..    but I still use firefox..
22:06.34mercesteskrondorl:  I know what your talking about now.
22:06.41sweeperIE7 lacks extensions
22:06.48krondorlmercestes Ah I gotcha now..  doh!!!
22:07.37mercestesyea, doh.
22:07.43mercestesI blew that one up.  lol
22:08.37krondorlI don't seem to be having any luck finding a site that can show me an example of how to add a number to a phone number if the first 3 digits match certain numbers.
22:08.50[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl : So long as it isn't infectious, I'm listening ;)
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22:09.46krondorlFender: lol, actually just look at my last comment and that's waht I am looking for..  :)
22:09.48[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl : pastebin what you're doing now and I'll show you.
22:09.54jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
22:10.06b11dyeah well you heard WRONG jbot..
22:10.20krondorlActually I haven't even attempted it yet..  was looking for examples.
22:10.56perdif i'm getting weird sound from time to time (clicks, robot sounding voice for a second or two) what should i be looking at for troubleshooting? the jitter buffer? this is for SIP
22:11.39mercestesperd:  Your network connectivity
22:11.50mercestesperd:  You have bad jitter and probably a hardware debauchery with a firewall or switch.
22:11.52perdit's all local
22:12.08mercestesperd:  Oh!  In that case....
22:12.12b11dI had that problem before, it was keystrokes on a PS/2 keyboard..
22:12.12mercestesperd:  your network connectivity.
22:12.15b11dgoing to USB fixed it
22:12.30perdasterisk server connected via gigabit ethernet, cisco phones connected directly to switch
22:12.38mercestescisco switch?
22:12.41perdgigabit ethernet to thje switch i mean
22:12.43perdno, foundry
22:12.47b11dirq conflict?
22:13.00mercestesI still blame the infrastructure
22:13.11b11dlike i said, i had clicks on my lines due to a keyboard..
22:13.27*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
22:13.29mercestesb11d:  With a digium card?
22:13.42b11dthe clicks only happened when I was typing, of course.
22:13.43wunderkin"you're using voip, there's your problem" -integra
22:13.48b11dbut I could hear them on the phone
22:14.00perdSpan 1: WCT1/0 "Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 0" B8ZS/ESF RED
22:14.01mercestesb11d:  that's ......freaky
22:14.09perdthat's the only shit i see in regards to irqs
22:14.11perdi dont see conflicts
22:14.11b11dyeah I thought so..  like I said, switching to USB fixed it.
22:14.26dasenjoHi! I need help with format_mp3 in asterisk 1.2 I'm getting errors about junk bits I have no idea about get rid of them
22:14.41perdthing is, i dont get them on my softphone that i have noticed
22:14.50perdmaybe it's the cisco phone, i think they have jitter buffers in them hrmm
22:14.57[TK]D-Fenderperd : Check "cat /proc/interrupts" and verify if the card is sharing its IRQ.
22:15.23perdyea it appears to be sharing it with the raid controller and usb controller
22:15.25perd169:  255126080  257609853   IO-APIC-level  3w-9xxx, uhci_hcd, wctdm24xxp
22:15.27[TK]D-Fenderdasenjo : Have you verifiedt that the MP# is not VBR, and has no ID3 tags?
22:15.30b11draid eh
22:15.31perdat least the 24 port card
22:15.34b11dthat can be intensive
22:15.36[TK]D-Fenderperd : the is HORRIFIC
22:15.37perdthe t1 card is on its own irq
22:15.54perdi suppose i should move the 24 port
22:16.01[TK]D-Fenderperd : "duh" <-
22:16.12perdJERKS! /me runs off crying
22:16.20perdok i'll try that and see if i still suck
22:16.22perdthanks dudes :)
22:16.27perdnow for pizza
22:16.43dasenjo[TK]D-Fender, the mp3 is not VBR, I think it has and id3v1 empty tag ...
22:16.59[TK]D-Fenderdasenjo : Trash the tags.
22:17.01b11dgoodnight chaps
22:17.06[TK]D-Fenderb11d|bbl : later
22:17.47dasenjo[TK]D-Fender, how can I do that, I use audacity and easy tag, but can't find a way
22:18.50dasenjo[TK]D-Fender, give a minute apt-getting id3ed :)
22:19.35Jason99I'm trying to find the best way of controlling call waiting with the server... At the moment i'm putting call-limit=1 for customers who don't want call waiting and its working.. the only problem is that when you do a reload, the server no longer knows how many calls were in progress on each peer... any ideas anyone?
22:20.33mercestesJason99:  What type of phones?
22:20.56*** join/#asterisk anthonyl (
22:21.12Jason99Using Linksys ATA.. I know I can disable/enable on the ATA but I would rather the server to handle it
22:21.30mercestesJason99:  You'll be better suited handlign it in the ATA>
22:21.58mercesteshowever, if a "reload" makes * dump callwaiting on a peer with a call in progress....and you can always reproduce that, you could bug report it if it's not already reported.
22:22.03mercestesWhat v. of asterisk??
22:22.27[TK]D-FenderJason99 : "show application chanisavail"
22:22.48mercestesya, I so never got that thing to work..;)
22:22.59mercestesmaybe it will work for you tho.
22:23.49Jason99[TK]D-Fender: Thanks I will test it out
22:24.00Jason99looks like it'll do what I need.. if it works :P
22:24.12mercestesJason99:  Let me know if it does work, plz.
22:24.18mercestesI've been tinkering with that thing for awhile
22:25.25docelmoCan you setup a linksys wrt54g router be setup as a wireless repeater?
22:30.01*** join/#asterisk nahirean (i=nahirean@unaffiliated/nahirean)
22:30.47mercestesdocelmo:  I don't think that's quite on topic.
22:30.54mercestesAsk Cisco
22:32.15Jason99[TK]D-Fender: ${AVAILSTATUS} returns 0 no matter if im on a call or not..
22:33.22*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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22:36.42docelmomercestes dont EVEN come to me about topics..   We are ALWAYS off topic..
22:37.02docelmoits a basic question..  either yes or no..  if you dont know then dont say anything..  simple enough..
22:38.39*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
22:38.52hardwirecan anybody give me the chinese chars for "F*ck You"
22:38.54[TK]D-FenderJason99 : then you're clearly not doing something right.
22:39.01hardwireI need to respond to a person in china taking over my village online
22:39.15toresbeWhat is the default extension for the demo recording?
22:39.47toresbeawesome, thanks!!
22:39.51Jason99[TK]D-Fender: this is what i'm doing
22:39.52Jason99exten => 1,1,ChanIsAvail(SIP/TEST1)
22:39.52Jason99exten => 1,n,NoOp(AVAIL STATUS ${AVAILSTATUS})
22:39.55The_DoC^docelmo, you can with different firmware
22:40.08[TK]D-FenderJason99 : read the instructions AGAIN.
22:40.11*** join/#asterisk shodan- (
22:41.38perdso what's a quick way to change the irq my digium board is taking
22:42.13nahireansup folks.
22:42.34Jason99[TK]D-Fender: I dont know what I'm missing..
22:42.36[TK]D-Fenderperd : Disable as much as you can in your BIOS, and check there for any hopes of dedicating one to it.
22:42.40perdfucking bios irq crap, such a pain in my ass
22:42.50perdit's a supermicro server board, at least i can do that
22:42.56perdneeds more softirq
22:42.56[TK]D-FenderJason99 : Keep re-reading it until you get it or your eyes bleed.
22:43.58mercestesdoclemo:  As I recall, you were jumping my ass discussing polycom phones as being "off topic."  so...I believe I shall come to you about topics all I like.
22:44.31[TK]D-Fendermercestes : Nobody wants to know ANYTHING about what goes on with your ass... ok?
22:44.47mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  ....that's not....*entirely* true....>.>
22:44.59nahireanyes it is.  >:)
22:45.37Jason99[TK]D-Fender: so ChanIsAvail(SIP/TEST1) should tell set the value of ${AVAILSTATUS} correct?
22:46.04mercestesJason99:  that's the idea.
22:46.23[TK]D-FenderJason99 : I don't see blood flowing, nor even 10 minutes since being told to re-read the instructions.....
22:46.26mercestesJason99:  use sip=friend and don't set call-limit btw.  and make sure to use the |s I believe flag.
22:46.42Jason99[TK]D-Fender: there is 1 line to read.. it doesnt take 10 minutes to read
22:46.47Jason99This application will check to see if any of the specified channels are
22:46.47Jason99available. The following variables will be set by this application:
22:46.54mercestes...zomg.  Pastebin.
22:47.00mercestes~lart jason99
22:47.14Jason99lol sorry
22:47.19mercestesno your not
22:47.26Jason99yes I regret it
22:47.32mercestesok, I forgive you...*this* time.
22:47.33[TK]D-FenderJason99 : Well now that you spammed the hell out of us with that... READ IT AGAIN!!!!!
22:47.38Jason99it looked smaller in my ssh screen ;)
22:47.48[TK]D-Fendermercestes : that's "you're" <-
22:48.18[TK]D-FenderGrammar Rangers.... ATTACK!!!!!!
22:48.47EyeCuegot a compile fail in zaptel 1.0 - 1.1 upgrade on freebsd
22:48.48EyeCueany ideas?
22:48.55*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
22:49.33[TK]D-FenderEyeCue : 1.0?!?!
22:49.41EyeCueit's what in the ports tree :)
22:49.53Jason99[TK]D-Fender: maybe you dont know what I'm trying to accomplish.. I'm trying to figure out if a channel is in use or not so that I know if I should send a second call
22:49.53EyeCuezaptel-1.0_1                <  needs updating (port has 1.1_1)
22:50.54*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekon@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
22:51.00teknoprep  <---- is this true ?
22:51.10teknoprepabout the switching of pairs ?
22:51.29[TK]D-FenderJason99 : Yes, I know EXACTLY what you want, and you still are having problems focusing on the big print...
22:52.34brodiemanybody here use vitelity?
22:52.40J4k3I do
22:52.45[TK]D-FenderJason99 : Keep re-reading the instructions... and don't forget the occular exsanguination....
22:52.59EyeCueztcfg.c:865: error: `ZT_GET_PARAMS_RETURN_MASTER' undeclared (first use in this function)
22:53.05brodiemJ4k3 did your call quality degrade severely after they moved their outbound carrier?
22:53.25J4k3brodiem: yeah, my call quality isn't what it originally was
22:53.50brodiemJ4k3 yet they will not admit to there being any sort of problem
22:54.22Qwell[]EyeCue: You aren't going to get any help with compiling 1.0
22:54.29EyeCue1.1 ?
22:54.46Qwell[]no such thing as 1.1
22:55.14EyeCueperhaps its the zaptel-bsd version
22:55.20EyeCueshould get the port renamed infact.
22:55.51Qwell[]just get it from the zaptel-bsd svn
22:55.51brodiemi'm thinking of trying teliax even though they're expensive..just want decent termination
22:56.20[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : VoicePulse seems to be pretty decent....
22:56.32[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : and really inexpensive as well.
22:57.56brodiem[TK]D-Fender oh yeah? I'll check them out, I'm tired of hanging on with vitel and hearing everyone complain about it that makes any calls lol
22:57.56mercestesteknoprep:  I dunno, try it and let us know
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22:58.53brodiem[TK]D-Fender err, no per-minute pricing?
22:58.57[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Well I'd never heard of Vitel until your mention of them just now.
22:59.17[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Sure they do. < .01c mostly, and IAX
22:59.30brodiem[TK]D-Fender ah, they used to be sixtel, and then merged with exgn and called themselves vitelity
22:59.33[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem : Look for their "VoicePulse Connect" service
22:59.57brodiemcool, ty
23:00.36kenaedahow can u record to mp3 with phone? im confused sorry :(
23:01.02mercesteskenaeda:  google asterisk monitor   and asterisk 2wav2mp3
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23:01.46Jason99No go.. but thanks.. I'll find another way to get this done
23:02.05Jason99According to some pages I read, it doesnt work with SIP properly
23:02.29mercesteskenaeda:  Tring to see if Record() supports mp3.  I don't think so tho.
23:02.36Qwell[]mercestes: no
23:02.44Qwell[]it only reads...can't write
23:03.19mercestesQwell[]:  Just saw that.  Fig'd with the format_mp3 It might have picked up write by now.  :)  guess not.
23:03.38mercesteskenaeda:  2wav2mp3 and monitor is your best bet to "automatically" make mp3's.  Otherwise you can choose another format and convert.
23:03.44Qwell[]mercestes: we can't legally add write support (just like all other open source projects - but some just ignore that fact)
23:04.23mercestesyea, I heard that come up before.  I remember now
23:04.51kenaedamercestest: thanks. my main confusion is what hardware do i need to best accomplish this
23:05.43[TK]D-FenderJason99 : Yes it works perfectly fine.  I've done it with all sorts of SIP devices, Polycom Phones, Sipura ATA's, etc.
23:05.54mercesteskenaeda:  harddrive, ram, motherboard, a phone.
23:06.18[TK]D-FenderJason99 -  <Jason99>     s - Consider the channel unavailable if the channel is in use at all <------ wake up and smell the toast burning
23:06.53Jason99[TK]D-Fender: I have tested that as well and it didnt work either
23:06.53[TK]D-FenderJason99 : Dear God there were only 2 things to pass to that app.  the channel and OPTIONS.
23:07.18mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  Yea, I never got it to work either.
23:07.36[TK]D-FenderJason99 : Check with "j" as well.  I've done it plenty of times. shove them in, doa "show channels", then place your test.  if it fails, this I wanna see...
23:07.41mercestesJason99:  Try to NoOp ${AVAILSTATUS} in different scenarios and see what it returns.
23:07.45The_DoC^ok, I need a few more opinions before I try this. I don't have a fxo yet and I happen to have a intel 537 modem. I have read that if you remove r13 and r19 it disables the vendor code thus resulting in a x100p. what I am asking is does anyone suggest doing this?
23:07.49kenaedamercestes: my goals is to try to let multiple users call a phone number/extension and enter a special number and record a message which saves to mp3 format
23:08.25kenaedathis is a job for asterisk , right?
23:08.28[TK]D-Fenderkenaeda : MP3 is not a format you can record to IIRC.  You'd have to record into another format and then convert it externally.
23:08.52[TK]D-Fenderkenaeda : But yes, the overall task is suited to *, plus a few common audio tools.
23:08.58kenaedaokay cool
23:09.12kenaedado you have to buy digium software?
23:09.20kenaedahardware i mean
23:09.40[TK]D-Fenderkenaeda : * does not require any special hardware.
23:09.54Qwell[]unless you want to connect analog phones or T1s or something
23:09.57Qwell[]but yeah
23:10.18kenaedahave you guys seen they let users record by cell phone and it puts a voice message on a webpage
23:10.24kenaedai want to try something similar to that
23:11.14Jason99[TK]D-Fender:  "show channels" shows an outgoing call on the specified channel..  ${AVAILSTATUS} ${AVAILCHAN} returns 0 and channel name
23:11.44Jason99[TK]D-Fender: I will try with j now
23:11.51*** part/#asterisk brodiem (
23:12.54Jason99[TK]D-Fender: same results.. didn't jump to line 101
23:13.02[TK]D-FenderJason99 : make sure you have priorities to match and PASTBIN the attempts.
23:13.17[TK]D-Fenderand show your dialplan....
23:13.32*** join/#asterisk progeek (
23:13.44[TK]D-FenderQwell : Not even, but we won't dwell on the laternatives ;)
23:14.00mercesteskenaeda:  search for monitor and 2wav2mp3 on  They ahve working examples.
23:14.26progeekI have a network that has no default route to the internet, all communucations must use proxies.. is there a way to interact with asterisk through a proxy? (is there proxy software designed specifically for this?)
23:14.59progeekby interact, I mean make and recieve calls
23:15.16progeekor would the solution be to setup an asterisk instance as the proxy?
23:15.24mercestesprogeek:  Could try SER to route to *.  As far as via proxies, your phones should be on the * network.  The only "outbound" you should do is a register to your SIP provider telling them where to find you.
23:15.58progeekbut i can't connect directly from my phone to the outside sip provider.
23:16.07mercestesprogeek:  Now if you are talking about having phones all over the world then I would put * on an external IP...or use Vlans.
23:16.24progeeki don't want to/can't change infrastructure
23:16.29mercestesprogeek:  You don't want to connect directly from your phone to yoru sip provider.
23:16.41mercestesYou want your phone to connect to * and * to connect to yoru provider
23:16.59progeekso asterisk would be teh proxy.
23:17.02progeekthanks :)
23:17.08mercestesany time..:)
23:17.10nahireananyone here know of an ITSP that can port vegas numbers?
23:21.25*** join/#asterisk catpants (
23:27.31*** join/#asterisk PaulTech85 (i=PaulTech@
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23:28.25PaulTech85Simple question, I have a menu prompt that prompts for a 4 digit ID, WaitExten would be the expected function, I have _XXX that should populate {$EXTEN} with the extension desired
23:28.32PaulTech85This is not happening, Any suggestions
23:30.07mercestesPaulTech85:  show application authenticate
23:30.57[TK]D-FenderPaulTech85 : I suggest you pastebin the entire context so we can see what you're doing.
23:31.01jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
23:31.21PaulTech85It's not a static number to enter, They can enter any 3 digit code and are then prompted for a second code
23:31.27PaulTech85I know what pastebin is ;)
23:31.40[TK]D-FenderPaulTech85 : Around here, you never know.....
23:31.41mercestesPaulTech85:  You'd be the only one around here.
23:31.44PaulTech85Let me grab the context
23:32.14PaulTech85Well if I was to 'brag', I am a server admin on efnet, Been around IRC for about 5 years. I know my way around
23:32.28PaulTech85Hehe, let me grab that context, and thank you guys
23:32.47mercestesgood thing he doesn't brag....he might come off as pretentious.
23:33.01*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
23:33.05orlockPaulTech85: and i muck out sewers!
23:33.09shido6shouldnt the followme app use Background and not "playback"
23:33.22*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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23:33.23orlockefnet, right of way by the most bots.
23:33.31PaulTech85I was attempting to convey that I am not a complete noob and not sound like a dick at the same time
23:33.36PaulTech85We've cleared alot of drones ;)
23:34.21mercestesPaulTech85:  ;)  D-Fender's point is, you can't tell a n00b from a luser by a username so better safe than sorry and specify what a PB is before they flood us with their entire extensions.conf
23:34.43mercestesn00bs will appreciate the info and lusers will understand that n00bs do exist and tend to flood.
23:36.20PaulTech85mercestes, Completely understood :-)
23:38.13[TK]D-FenderPaulTech85 : Care to share some * CLI output for the attempt?
23:38.46PaulTech85Just jumps to no timeout 't'
23:39.00PaulTech85Let me get full output
23:39.31mercestesPaulTech85:  Call an Answer() first.
23:39.48PaulTech85Playback calls the answer for me
23:40.47PaulTech85Shouldnt it?
23:40.47mercestesnot that I am aware of
23:40.47[TK]D-FenderPaulTech85 : Technically, though I wouldn't rely on that personally.  Explicit wins every time.
23:41.10[TK]D-FenderPaulTech85 : That PB doesn't seem to have * CLI output....
23:41.24PaulTech85I'm adding it on
23:41.26mercestesI pb'd that, Fender, sorry
23:41.42[TK]D-FenderOn the house!
23:45.25PaulTech85Worked prefectly, not to prompt for a second one
23:45.34PaulTech85That should be the interesting part
23:45.41PaulTech85Should I send to a second context to prompt for it?
23:46.16mercestesCould throw in a DISA somewhere if that's what your trying to do.
23:46.29*** join/#asterisk cekc (
23:46.38cekcyay my digium card has arrived!
23:46.38mercestesbut yea, a secondary context should work.
23:46.46mercestesthen you can continue with the _xxx thing.
23:47.10cekcwhoa, it came in a box, the last one I ordered was OEM or something
23:47.51PaulTech85Well, Hmm the digittimeout is a second, So if someone is typing in a outbound number NXXNXXXXXX it wouldnt match the _XXX correct?
23:47.51PaulTech85So no need for a second context '/in theory/'
23:47.51PaulTech85but playback answers a context in theory
23:48.30[TK]D-FenderPaulTech85 : Or you could just call DISA...... they'd get some nifty dialtone too :)
23:48.33mercestesnot really in theory, in fact, it would not match _XXX
23:48.41mercestesYea, I vote DISA
23:50.54PaulTech85Yeah I dont want the second to match _XXX
23:51.07PaulTech85Hmm also, Using set how do I set the value to a pre-existing var?
23:51.13mercestesIt won't, unless they dial 3 digits then wait for a really logn time.....
23:51.15mercesteswhich is common
23:52.20PaulTech85Any idea on the set question?
23:52.31wylieQuestion; In zapata.conf logical groups can be assigned to allow outgoing rollover, (e.g. group=1).   Can I also include IAX2 or SIP channels as part of a outbound rollover group?  If so, how?
23:52.58mercestesPaulTech85:  Check out Disa.  I think it does what you want.
23:53.00*** part/#asterisk ctooley (
23:53.14PaulTech85mercestes, its the other direction :-)
23:53.31PaulTech85People on the inside, Wanting to call outside line must enter a companyid and then number
23:53.42mercestesIt should work either way really
23:54.36PaulTech85Any idea on the set question? I am looking at Disa now
23:55.17PaulTech85I see
23:56.04[TK]D-Fenderwylie : Nope. its up to you to do it in your dialplan.
23:56.35mercestesPaulTech85:  :)  Have fun
23:56.37mercestesgoodnigh tall
23:57.08wylie[TK]D-Fender; could you point to a reference or example that would show attempting to use first line, detecting in use, trying next outbound line?
23:58.02[TK]D-Fenderwylie : Ending up on the next priority after a Zap call is pretty much an immediate reason to dial out the next tech.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.