irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070125

00:00.02JT99.97% or higher is fine
00:00.11mercestesnot at idle.   You dump processes on there he's going to drop down to 98-97 and that sucks.
00:00.11JTmercestes: so long as it doesn't go down under load
00:00.16mercestesyea, if it stays at 99.97.
00:00.24JTzttest is a lot of voodoo more than anything
00:00.48JTmercestes: not so, i have systems running constant 99.97 or 99.98 at idle that run the same during load and work fine
00:00.50mercestesProbably.  I'd give it a whirl under some test load then to be sure.
00:00.54HushPelike i said it's not sounding crackly any more (if any it's bugger all, probably just a  gain thing)
00:01.13mercestesI run 100% straight through, even with call volume
00:01.21JTHushPe: try running some calls, and some load on the system, see if it gets the shits
00:01.23mercesteslight call volume
00:01.29SomeOne1JT: jesus christ thats a lot of bandwidth
00:01.35JTmercestes: you need magic hardware to do that :)
00:01.46HushPemercestes: not with a 102NZD motherboard
00:01.46JTSomeOne1: no shit, 2000 calls is a lot
00:01.48HushPewith 2 pci slots <g>
00:02.04JTmercestes: what is your hardware?
00:02.19mercestesPE something or another.
00:02.24mercestesIntel Xeon 64bit
00:02.47clorabitJT: i've try connect without password asterisk log show message restricting registration for peer '1234' to 60 seconds is that ok ?
00:02.48mercestes4g memory.  SCSI drives.
00:02.51mercestesyou know, the standard.
00:02.59JTmercestes: yeah, zttest has always favoured dell from what i hear
00:03.07JTmercestes: dual proc?
00:03.20mercestesdual core rather.
00:03.23mercestessame diff.
00:03.39mercestesyea, most of my zttests have been on dells so you may have me there.
00:03.44JTclorabit: you don't need to register, with no auth, not sure if you can get incoming calls on the softphone though
00:04.03JTit was probably designed around a dell
00:04.23JTmercestes: HushPe's worst score before was 72%, this is a MASSIVE improvement
00:04.59mercestesTrue that.
00:05.06SomeOne1JT: for 2000 calls, i calculated: 95.2kbits/sec * 2-way call = 190.4kbits/sec = 0.1859375mbits/sec * 2000 = 371.875
00:05.23JTit's 85kbit/s
00:05.24mercestesthat's only what, 200 t1's?
00:05.31data23I thought ulaw was 64? :)
00:05.37SomeOne1with all headers
00:05.39SomeOne1and ethernet
00:05.42SomeOne1and stuff
00:05.44data23ah yes
00:05.50SomeOne1it comes out to be 95.2 doesnt it?
00:05.58HushPeJT: 2 calls outgoing 73 passes: Best: 99.987793 -- Worst: 99.975586 -- Average: 99.975753
00:05.59JTwell all sip overhead brings it to 85kbit/s
00:06.07HushPeso it looks like it's holding
00:06.11JTno idea about ethernet overhead
00:06.18SomeOne1but its not always true that in a normal conversation both people are talking
00:06.24SomeOne1and if theres silence suppression
00:06.27SomeOne1that can be cut in half
00:06.35JTi hate silence supression, it sounds awful
00:06.52SomeOne1well without silence suppression BOTH sides will be transmitting continusously?
00:06.58JTbecause it's always implemented shit
00:07.03SomeOne1or will one side stop transmitting when the other side is talking?
00:07.04clorabitJT: i try to dial echo extension asterisk log show that it spawn extensions but nothing happen in client no sound at all
00:07.23JTSomeOne1: both will transmit, like a normal phone line
00:07.27SomeOne1god damnit
00:07.31SomeOne1thats so much bandwidth
00:07.36SomeOne1do you have any idea how much that will cost
00:07.37bmdsomebody needs to write an adaptive comfort noise generator that listens to the "silence" that it's suppressing
00:07.41JTSomeOne1: so, where's the bandwidth going?
00:07.45JTSomeOne1: Internet?
00:08.01data23hope you have a big cheque book
00:08.09JTbmd: gsm silence supression is much better than sip rtp, it detects it better, and inserts whitenoise
00:08.14mercestesI hope you have your own WAN.
00:08.25SomeOne1how the hell does level 3 do it?
00:08.25JTsip rtp silence supression is dumb dumb dumb
00:08.30HushPeJT: next problem is my incoming trunk not being picked up correctly asterisk detects the ring, but it's not actually opening up the line
00:08.30SomeOne1im sure they do like
00:08.38data23SomeOne1: they have big fat junipers
00:08.39SomeOne1a million calls concurrently
00:08.40mercestesLevel 3 has their own infrastructure
00:08.43data23SomeOne1: and their own network
00:08.43HushPebut outgoing calls via the same card(s) work great
00:08.46JTSomeOne1: how come you need to handle 2000 calls?
00:08.58mercestesTime Warner runs over their net for their cable service in some areas.
00:09.00JTSomeOne1: probably have a real phone exchange that uses TDM, not voice
00:09.01SomeOne1putting up a PBX
00:09.02mercestesThey *ARE* the backbone.
00:09.05JTbut even voice is doable
00:09.17JTSomeOne1: you do have 2000 calls to put on it?
00:09.25SomeOne1i really do
00:09.26JTwhere from
00:09.34JTi assume you have an income stream
00:09.36SomeOne1and india
00:09.39JTfrom those calls
00:09.42mercestesSomeOne1:  Call centers?
00:09.43JTif not, there's an issue
00:09.52JTso then you can afford it
00:09.55SomeOne1what do you mean income stream? like.. monetary?
00:09.59SomeOne1of course an income stream
00:10.00JTyou don't have to run g.711 though
00:10.01data23surely if you're just on about doing least cost routing, you'll want them locally in each country anyway
00:10.34SomeOne1well if you wanted to give a company in the USA termination in india over SIP
00:10.40SomeOne1or well, anyway else
00:10.45SomeOne1how the hell else could you do it
00:10.49SomeOne1besides over internet
00:10.52JTSomeOne1: have you checked indian law?
00:10.58data23you'll probably find 300mbits is the total bandwidth for india =)
00:11.04SomeOne1JT: dont worru about that :)
00:11.15JTSomeOne1: there's been a big crackdown on voip there
00:11.22SomeOne1JT: explain
00:11.27SomeOne1what about DIDs?
00:11.38JTerr they have a govt run telco iirc
00:11.49mercestesas in their infrastructure blocks it if they can identify what it is and they come chasing after you.
00:11.49JTand it's a monopoly
00:12.06SomeOne1recently theyve lifted this ban though
00:12.07mercestesiirc they hot spot data encryption as well.
00:12.08data23aye, even the likes of BT have trouble with places like that
00:12.11JTvoip is only allowed for businesses purposes like callcentres
00:12.13SomeOne1okay forget india for a second, i know pakistan does it
00:12.22JTi see
00:12.35mercestesSomeOne1:  Well, first, I wouldn't run SIP over the ocean to pakistan.
00:12.39SomeOne1how would you transport like 100,000 minutes between india and pakistan
00:12.47SomeOne1okay what would you use
00:12.51mercestesI would establish my own honkin' data channel from the US to Pakistan and dump a PBX in pakistan
00:12.56JTdo you actually have 2000 Erlangs of traffic, or are you just hoping you'll have that much?
00:12.57mercestesand I would IAX that bitch from box to box.
00:13.26data23SomeOne1: so let me get this straight, you have someone in pakistan that has a E1 channel bank, that will convert the signals from their phones to SIP and wants to deliver it to you in the USA? You then want to 'route it' for them elsewhere? i.e. India or whatnot?
00:13.26SomeOne1honkin data channel?
00:13.51SomeOne1yes i want them to deliver it here
00:13.52SomeOne1to the USA
00:13.56mercesteswhat do you call a dedicated 350 mbps of throughput from the US to Pakistan?
00:14.13mercestesgood call
00:14.15SomeOne1dude how does like at&t do it
00:14.21SomeOne1explain to me
00:14.26SomeOne1people call pakistan
00:14.27JTthey have money
00:14.27SomeOne1and india
00:14.33JTquite easy then
00:14.36mercestesAT&T owns the lines you are trying to lease.
00:14.42JTSomeOne1: you talking about the normal phone network?
00:14.49data23the likes of AT&T have their big atm network around the world
00:14.54SomeOne1what is an E1 channel?
00:14.56data23cables like TAT14 etc
00:14.57JTSomeOne1: international TDM network
00:15.04data23E1 = PRI (euro version of your T1)
00:15.05JTSomeOne1: seriously...... learn more about telcoms
00:15.36JTthere are massive undersea fibre cable networks that run TDM voice
00:15.41JTthey don't use voip usually
00:15.42data23^ go read that
00:15.50SomeOne1okay call
00:15.54SomeOne1screw voip
00:15.56SomeOne1im in the wrong channel
00:16.00JTso they run 64kbit/s each way per call
00:16.04SomeOne1if anyone wants it
00:16.18SomeOne1i can get you the cheapest termination rate in india and pakistan
00:16.52mercestesUm....Asterisk isn't just voip, ya know.
00:16.58JTSomeOne1: the way most cheap voip providers do it is by running highly compressed codecs
00:17.03JTthat save bandwidth
00:17.08JTat the expense of call quality
00:17.09data23and sound like tin cans :)
00:17.34data23hence why most calls to those sort of destinations, always sound tinny :)
00:17.46SomeOne1so we need to lay a PTAT-1
00:18.10data23if you want to go to Ireland via Bermuda, sure :)
00:18.22data23and you have a spare $400 million
00:18.26SomeOne1you all are mocking me, but at good reason
00:18.34SomeOne1i dont know about this stuff
00:18.37clorabithello do i need sound card to run asterisk ??
00:18.44[TK]D-Fenderclorabit : nope
00:18.44data23clorabit: no :)
00:19.44clorabitwhen i try to dial my extension using command dial it show error unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp what this mean ?
00:19.44SomeOne1what is erlangs?
00:20.12HushPeJT: i have a GSM connected to one incoming line, that works perfectly except i can't dial extensions for some reason... this pastie: << real land line, it rings, asterisk doesn't seem to open the line up (SIP/Zap phone rings).  If the user hangs up I get a 'call back' with a dial tone.
00:21.50JTSomeOne1: a telecommunications traffic engineering term
00:21.50JT1 Erlang = 1 circuit in use for 1 hour
00:21.51SomeOne1okay so to transport 500,000 minutes per month transcontinent... VoIP is not a good idea
00:21.51JTit is, if you have the bandwidth
00:21.51bkw_TOP THAT BABY
00:21.53JTand resources in general
00:21.58data23whatever you do, if you don't have the infrastructure, it's gonna cost big time
00:22.06bkw_you can now use your Asterisk speech recognition ports with FreeSWITCH
00:22.17JTvoip over Internet is less reliable than TDM though
00:22.35JTtime division multiplexing
00:22.48anthonylso what is this asterisk thing?
00:22.53anthonylcan i make calls with it?
00:23.03bkw_anthonyl, did you see what we just checked in?
00:23.05anthonyllike over the regular phone ports?
00:23.15JTthis site is quite slow
00:23.16anthonylssh im being funny!
00:23.26anthonylbkw_,  should i check the fisheye?
00:23.36bkw_please do
00:25.13bkw_anthonyl, so boi what ya think?
00:25.18bkw_our ASR connector is open source
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00:28.17data23right bedtime, 00:39. nn all
00:28.36wunderkinsync your clock
00:28.43data23i was just thinking that :)
00:29.02Mad|CowHi eveyone, I'm trying to set option 150 in my dchpd.conf on a Ubuntu box. Does anyone have an example I could copy from?
00:29.20JTwhat does that have to do with asterisk
00:29.24data23consider it synced (00:29 :p) <- gone
00:29.46Mad|Cowjt: option 150 is what the cisco phones use to TFTP boot from
00:30.25JTright, well i'm sure dhcpd.conf is well documented
00:30.35JTi'm not sure what the exact parameter is
00:30.50Mad|CowJT: I wish it were true... but its not in there
00:32.23SomeOne1JT: can you lease a dedicated TDM?
00:32.27SomeOne1between pakistan and here?
00:32.32Mad|CowJT: yeah... I have google'd it a couple of times... most of the references seem to be on RedHat. Doesnt work with Ubuntu's version of dhcpd
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00:33.09Zodiacalanyone know how i could plug in a voip phone at home and have it connect to my asterisk server at work via my vpn?
00:33.20Zodiacalconsidering the phone doesn't have a vpn client :P
00:33.49Zodiacali guess i could add a nic to my home pc and use ICS
00:34.01Zodiacalor would that even be on the same network?
00:34.05Zodiacalproably not
00:35.13rudholmcan you run your vpn client on your router?
00:35.28rudholmthat way anything on your LAN can see the vpn
00:36.28JTSomeOne1: yes, if one is available
00:36.34SomeOne1how much will it cost?
00:37.36JTi don't know, those sort of things are not advertised in price
00:37.39JTyou may not need one
00:37.43JTdepends what you're doing
00:38.09SomeOne1i'm transporting 2000 concurrent calls
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00:45.23litageis there any particular reason why asterisk doesn't have a log message priority of "info"?
00:46.35james_because what it does is secret
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00:55.07JunK-YSomeOne1: on 1 single box?
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01:28.22[hC]anyone know if any of polycoms video conferencing products do sip w/ asterisk?
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01:48.56test34Is there anyway to unlock Vonage's Motorola VT2442 that has recently been connected to the internet (ie today)?
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01:59.13HushPeis there a simple reference that lets me connect a SIP line as an incoming/outgoing trunk line?
01:59.39HushPeso i can 'dial 9' then my number and it uses that trunk
02:02.37*** join/#asterisk bricecubed (
02:06.12bricecubedI am new to the PBX world && have a (likely idiotic) question; I would like to deploy Asterisk as a "gateway" for the telephones to use in the house. I would also like the ability to put calls on hold and intercom the family letting them know so & so is on hold ;) . The telephones are currently hooked up to a POTS line.. and I wired (internally) in daisy chain fashion. My ? is must I re-wire? e.g. run a seperate wire to ea
02:06.12bricecubedch room in order to have hold/intercom functionality? Also, is Asterisk capable of this?
02:07.04demigod2kbricecubed: the most common case is that you're running CAT5 ethernet in a star fashion back to a central ethernet switch, out to VOIP phones.... so yes
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02:10.22bricecubeddemigod2k, OK.. do the VOIP phones support intercom, etc? I remember doing this once using the 4 wire phone line going to a panasonic box
02:10.46bricecubedso there's no special phones, etc. that would allow me to do this on the existing wiring?
02:11.54demigod2kbricecubed: it depends on the phone and I haven't configured the polycoms at work for it yet... but it is "possible" to configure for speakerphone (2way) or paging (1way)
02:12.11bricecubeddemigod2k, I see
02:12.11demigod2kall you mean by intercom is "autoanswer speakerphone" I guess
02:12.32bricecubedyeah.. a page that says.. "pikcup the phone!"  so people know to pickup ;)
02:13.03bricecubedhmm.. is registration maxed out/disabled @ forums?
02:13.08demigod2kbasically. I know its possible (maybe not on everything) to do an autoanswer paging type thing
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02:15.08demigod2kbricecubed: I mean... not really. It's called POTS service.
02:15.24demigod2kethernet goes back to a switch/hub, so you can't really daisychain
02:15.37demigod2kplus you need higher quality twisted-pair wire for ethernet. its just not really an option
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02:16.55bricecubedahh OK
02:17.27bricecubedI thought my asterix box would be full of those digium cards that can handle the RJ11 connection
02:17.28demigod2kwas this a recently built house? odd to wire phone like that when copper wire is just so cheap (except recently)
02:17.50bricecubedbut.. I guess that's more expensive than running cat5 & using VOIP phones?
02:17.50demigod2kwell sure. 1 RJ-11 = 1 extension. just like your old POTS service
02:18.00bricecubedbuilt 1966
02:18.18demigod2kso then you have totally fucked up  service where everything on one daisy-chain is the same extension (which you surely dont want)
02:18.20bricecubedright.. so it sounds like I may as well run cat5
02:18.30bricecubeddemigod2k, right
02:18.38demigod2ktotally. if you're in a ranch it cant be that tough either
02:19.45demigod2keven in a 2-level just run one bundle of cables up to your attic and then down from there
02:20.04demigod2kwhen I "rewired" my house it was little more than a 1 week task, with a beer in hand every night
02:21.00bricecubed:) nice
02:21.38bricecubedyou come to Richmond, we'll give you 2 beers every night ;)
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02:22.01SupaplexI'm considering fiber+media converters for each room (or sx adapter).
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02:23.48JTanyone know where the ISDN Subaddress is in pri intense debug, or alternatively, how to get it from the dialplan?
02:25.15demigod2knope sorry
02:25.25demigod2kisdn = it still does nothing
02:26.11JTdemigod2k: err, what do you use?
02:27.42demigod2kactually my family had ISDN for years and just switched off finally to DSL
02:27.57demigod2kwe use a digium with POTS on the new asterisk system at work (just hang out here for fun, I kinda do it on the side)
02:28.04JTi'm talking about voice, not data
02:28.10demigod2kISDN is awesome the rates are just very, very, very unfavorable around Michigan
02:28.17JTpots is far inferior to isdn
02:28.45demigod2kAmeritech then SBC then AT&T. Nobody has charged a reasonable amount of money for it. I think they decided that only ATMs need it so they should charge like crazy for it
02:29.07xpotanyone know of a way to write data to db on hangup?  So if the caller calls in and hangs up the call after a few seconds (or anytime during call) write to db
02:29.15JTyeah i hear that's the story in north america
02:29.19JTa PRI is also ISDN, btw
02:29.22J4k3here in texas we just didn't get ISDN til it was very much out of style
02:29.37demigod2kya NA it's insane...... hence the acronym
02:29.37J4k3but, at least it was flat rate
02:29.38rudholmI'd like to switch from POTS to ISDN at home but a) AT&T (nee "SBC" nee "Pacific Bell") doesn't offer CNAM on BRI and Digium's BRI card is for EuroISDN not National ISDN.
02:29.42demigod2kmy boss used to work in telecom back at Mot and had to laugh. its awful here
02:29.51demigod2kits effectively dead - DSL took over as a profit center
02:29.58rudholmCalling Name
02:30.10JTerr are you sure digium's card doesn't work on national isdn
02:30.18demigod2kwe paid per-minute for data/voice on ISDN -- absolutely no way to get an "unlimited" plan despite it being digital
02:30.25JTdigium aren't the only people who make isdn cards either
02:30.40Supaplexbut digium invented ISDN ;)
02:30.48Supaplexnawt! :P
02:31.12rudholmyeah, I'm pretty sure it's Euro only
02:31.24J4k3oh well... ISDN BRI = 24 hour repair time...  my data T1 has 4 hour max repair time...  and the voip provider is "24 hour onsite with best effort response time"...  Beats the hell out of the "oh no its the weekend" situation where the line dies friday night and its promised to be fixed by monday evening.
02:32.07rudholmdigium isn't the only BRI card maker, but I don't know of any other BRI card that is known to work with Asterisk.  Do you?
02:32.18JTrudholm: i really doubt that
02:32.33JTlol there are tonnes of BRI cards that have worked with asterisk for years
02:32.49Strom_Cbut I doubt any of them support NI2
02:33.16JTany evidence, or just a feeling you have? :)
02:33.33Strom_Cconsidering they're all for the european market....just a feeling
02:33.39rudholmthe evidence is that I haven't been able to find one.
02:33.46rudholmthat's why I asked if you knew of one.  I've been asking everyone.
02:34.03JTi thought it was more a software issue
02:34.22rudholmeither way, lack of support is lack of support.
02:34.22JTand if you're using software like bristuff that uses zaptel, you can choose national isdn
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02:34.32JTassumed lack of support
02:34.37JTdocumentation may be poor
02:34.55CherebrumIt seems someone has been editing the Asterisk_PBX wikipedia entry:
02:36.55rudholmthat criticism sounds like someone has an axe to grind.
02:37.38CherebrumI thought it was interesting.
02:38.09JTthe criticism there isn't that harsh
02:38.39Strom_Crudholm: there are plenty people here who will be more than happy to tell you at great length what absolute garbage Asterisk and anything even remotely associated with it is should you choose to ask them :)
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02:39.16Cherebrumheh heh
02:39.20rudholmno, the criticism isn't very harsh, but it's also not very convincing.
02:39.30rudholmI'm running Asterisk without a Digium card and have no timing problems
02:39.49rudholmand the criticism says that I am "...likely to experience timing problems."
02:39.59Cherebrumrudholm: for personal use or business use?
02:40.02JTdo you run meetme conferences?
02:40.29JTi think the article means without using ztdummy
02:40.36rudholmit's personal.  but the criticism doesn't make the distinction.
02:40.48rudholmand no, I don't run meetme conferences.
02:40.50rudholmbut that's not my point
02:40.59CherebrumI've had timing issues even with the ztdummy module
02:41.00rudholmmy point is that the criticism is unconvincing
02:41.09CherebrumRTP gets all wonky and asterisk injects jitter
02:41.21rudholmI realize that there are circumstances in which the timing signal from the card is needed
02:41.28rudholmand the criticism could have said that
02:41.32rudholmand even enumerated those cases
02:41.53JTif you aren't happy with it, you could submit an edit
02:42.40Cherebrumactually.. the whole criticism part was ripped out. I was looking at the history on the wikipage and I saw that
02:42.57Cherebrumalso some edit about MArk Spencer not being the primary code maintaner anymore.. What's up with that?
02:43.07JTheh, of course it's ripped out
02:44.35tzafrir_laptoprudholm, Asterisk requires an external kernel module to operate properly
02:44.57rudholmnot in all cases.
02:45.06Cherebrumdoesn't the kernel allready have a timing source?
02:45.07rudholmit runs just fine on my server without any.
02:45.28JTwhat the hell does your server do?
02:45.38JTi think tzafrir_laptop means for more than a very small volume
02:45.40rudholmit's pure VoIP, there are no line cards in it.
02:46.03tzafrir_laptoppure voip and no IAX trunks and no meetme
02:46.29tzafrir_laptop(unless you use the unofficial app_conference)
02:46.30rudholmit uses IAX for call completion (via Teliax)
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02:48.02CherebrumI really like the yate and freeswitch conferences better than the asterisk one anyways. They sound much better and they don't drift like the asterisk ones do
02:48.29Strom_Cive never had an asterisk conference drift on me
02:49.56CherebrumThere is a noticable diference in audio quality between a ztdummy timed conference and one that is timed by the kernel's exsisting timing source
02:50.23Strom_Cztdummy uses the kernel's timing source
02:50.56Cherebrumthen how come it doesn't work as well in a virtual machine?
02:50.57*** join/#asterisk codword (
02:51.08rudholmmy complaints are with my home Asterisk box' zaptel driver (it often fails to recognize the card on boot)
02:51.46codwordHey all... I recently upgraded to fedora core 6 (and.. thusly... got a newer version of asterisk).. while my config files have not changed, my blindtransfer seems to have stopped working... Could anyone point me in a direction to troubleshoot ?
02:51.58*** join/#asterisk murdmath (
02:52.08Cherebrumcodefreeze: check features.conf I think
02:52.15Cherebrumer codword:
02:52.26Cherebrumdamn autocomplete
02:52.30codwordYeah? I mean, as I said, my configs have not changed.. it looks fine to me ?
02:53.10JTwould be nice to say what the version change actually was, codword
02:53.31Cherebrumcompare the new stock config to yours
02:53.37*** join/#asterisk infernix (
02:54.13codwordJT: 1.2.13 to 1.2.14 I believe
02:54.28codwordCherebrum: features.conf is a fairly simple file, its pretty straight forward.. nothing has changed..
02:54.48codwordIt's almost like my dmtfmode is wrong for my sip channels.. BUT.. thats not the case because # works fine for things like voice mail functions etc
02:55.33codwordNote, I am using packages for asterisk... and I'm wondering if perhaps theres a known bug with asterisk-features that they may not have inlucded a patch for..
02:56.37codwordapparently, you guys are not aware of other people complaining regularly about this.. so ... now I'm worried it's something goofy thats gonna take me forever to find :)
02:57.09codwordNot sure if me not using zaptel has anything to do with it?
02:57.13codwordI am 100% VOIP
02:57.13JTyou should check modules aren't failing at start time
02:57.37JTnot using zaptel
02:57.45JTwell of course that could make a differnece
02:57.49JTtry adding zaptel
02:59.07codwordzaptel appears to be loading.. but I'm just using the default zapata.conf
02:59.10codwordI always have....
03:00.20clorabitJT: can u help me ? my client can call other extentsion but after i accept call no sound at all is there any wrong wing server configuration ?
03:01.04codwordcodec_zap.c: No Zaptel transcoder support!
03:01.07codwordis that bad? :)
03:01.43JTcodword: what's connected to the other extension?
03:01.54codwordchan_iax2.c: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory
03:02.00codwordthose are the only two bad things i notice during the startup
03:02.21JTclorabit: i mean
03:02.21codwordJT: I'm using grandstream BT-102 SIP phones... thats all.
03:02.32JTclorabit: what is connected to the other extension?
03:02.47codwordand everything works great.. and has worked great for a long time... its jsut that my # button seems to have stopped wroking for blind transfer..
03:02.54codwordoh.. soryr
03:03.36demigod2kcodword: no offense, but maybe the button broke?
03:04.03clorabitJT: i've set 2 extension 1235 and 1234 from 1234 call to 1235 ringing is ok, but after accept call there are no sound delivered from 1234 to 1235
03:04.09demigod2kI evaluated those BT's when I was looking for phones. They were somewhere between walmart and "the dollar store" quality
03:04.33JTclorabit: umm, use the Echo application before trying to go any further
03:04.45codworddemigod2k: heh.. multiple phones... also using a linksys PAP-2NA for a few FXS ports, and the # button on the analog phones also quit working...
03:05.03codworddemigod2k: but I agree, they are cheaply made.
03:05.21litagedoes asterisk rotate its log files automatically?
03:06.34clorabitJT: echo application also same, i never heard welcome message from echo application, any idea ?
03:06.35litageJT: so asterisk admins must either automate it with logrotate, or manually run "logger rotate" every so often?
03:07.02JTclorabit: the echo application has no welcome message unless you playback a welcome message first
03:07.38JTclorabit: try playing back a sound file you definately have
03:07.46*** part/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@pdpc/supporter/base/Cherebrum)
03:08.00JTPlayback(filename) with no .wav or .gsm
03:08.26JTsince you are using a softphone, it is quite likely your audio settings are incorrectly configured
03:09.04JTif you can't playback, or echotest, and they look fine in the console (no errors), you have issues there
03:09.15clorabitJT: where i have set this sound file ?
03:10.03*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
03:10.19JTif you don't specify a full path, it will assume the default sounds directory /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
03:10.25*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
03:10.38JTwhich should have sounds unless you failed to install them
03:11.19Flautoi had an error when i tried to make config after compiled and installed asterisk
03:11.29Flautoi am using suse 10.2
03:12.49clorabitJT: after call echo application i saw that mic meter at idefisk doesn't show any signal ? i've try this client connect to asteriskguru with no problem
03:13.17JTdoes playback have any audio?
03:14.01clorabitJT: what u mean with audio ?
03:14.09Qwellsomebody plz to be helping me with taxes, kthx
03:14.26JTclorabit: well when you use the Playback application, can you hear anything??
03:14.48Flautoqwell, hehe
03:15.05Qwellno, seriously :p
03:15.18Flautoget turbotax
03:15.22Flautoit is easy
03:15.27Flautoi used it last year
03:15.31Qwellnah, not mine ;/
03:15.41QwellI went to H&R Block, and it confused them
03:15.50Flautoyou need a pro
03:16.02Flautohr are for poor people
03:16.05Qwellyeah, heh, or somebody who's been in the same situation
03:16.10Qwellpoor, pfft..  they want $250
03:16.25*** join/#asterisk nighty-- (
03:16.30Flautoright, they want 250 from poor people
03:16.41Flautorich people don't pay them
03:17.03QwellI *could* still walk away from it, but...meh
03:17.19Qwellshe's having to consult her bosses, to figure out just htf it's supposed to work
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03:19.28clorabitJT: is playback app need any parameter to play file ?
03:19.43Qwellclorabit: it needs the filename (WITHOUT the extension)
03:20.18JTclorabit: i already told you
03:20.29JTclorabit: these are pretty basic questions, i suggest you read the book
03:20.36jbotthebook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
03:21.44Flautoqwell, i have had a few problems when i reinstalled asterisk on suse 10.2
03:23.08Flautowhen i did make config after installing asterisk, there was an error
03:23.22tzafrir_laptopclorabit, show application playback
03:23.26tzafrir_laptopin the CLI
03:23.26clorabitJT: ok i've add playback application
03:23.32QwellFlauto: something about not being a supported distro?
03:23.52Flautosuse is not supported?
03:24.07Flautoinstall: cannot stat `init.asterisk': No such file or directory
03:24.07Flautomake: *** [config] Error 1
03:24.10Flautothis is what i got
03:24.13clorabitat asterisk CLI show that Playing hello-world but i don't heard any sound from my client any idea ?
03:24.23QwellYou aren't using 1.4
03:24.32Flautoi am using 1.2
03:24.36tzafrir_laptopFlauto, you have debs of 1.2.13 with suse 10.2
03:24.51Qwellyeah, don't run make config with 1.2, unless you're on RH or something
03:25.01Flautono, i have 1.2.14
03:25.05QwellSuSE is silly...uses silly paths
03:25.07Flautonot from rpm
03:25.40Flautoso, what should i do
03:25.40tzafrir_laptopAt least it comes with a proper init script and such
03:25.48clorabitJT: at asterisk CLI show that Playing hello-world but i don't heard any sound from my client any idea ?
03:25.58Flautoyou mean i should get the rpm package?
03:26.07JTclorabit: i suggest you switch on your speakers :P although i dunno, maybe there's some other problem
03:26.26*** join/#asterisk k-man_ (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
03:26.33tzafrir_laptopI don't think suse is that unsupported. I saw some people using asterisk with suse
03:26.37JTclorabit: did you Answer the call before doing Playback
03:26.48codwordvery frustrating grrrrrr
03:26.53tzafrir_laptopthe rpm package is part of the official opensuse distro
03:26.54Flautoi mean, everything else seems working fine
03:26.57Qwelltzafrir_laptop: it just uses a different init path
03:27.09clorabitJT: it is ok when i connect ro asteriskguru servefr
03:27.29tzafrir_laptopQwell, actually, SUSE was the first to implement the LSB standard for init scripts
03:27.59k-man_once I have made and installed asterisk, how do i set it up so i can make sip calls on it? is there a guide that will take me from after "make install" to making calls?
03:28.07Flautoyes, qwell
03:28.08tzafrir_laptopRH places the scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d
03:28.11codwordI upgraded to 1.4.0 just for shits and grins.. manually edit each config file to include my necessary configs (which, really, is minor)...
03:28.13Flautoit is /etc/init.d
03:28.22codwordEVERYTHING works great... except blind transfer! # is still ignored exactly as it was in 1.2.14
03:28.25codwordw-t-f :(
03:28.31QwellFlauto: You could copy the rc.suse.asterisk from 1.4..  it should work the same
03:28.32JTclorabit: version of asterisk, distro and kernel version please
03:28.58Flautoso, i need to download the whole thing
03:29.08clorabitJT: 1.4, centos 4.3 2.6.9
03:29.08Flautoand just to copy it to init.d?
03:29.21Qwellnah, you can download the that one file
03:29.28JTclorabit: have you tried 1.2?
03:29.31Flautowhere to?
03:29.35tzafrir_laptopFlauto, browse
03:29.37JTsound like some sort of bug, clorabit
03:29.51tzafrir_laptopthen copy the link to wget and fetch the file
03:29.59QwellFlauto: get, and copy it to /etc/init.d/
03:30.42clorabitclorabit: no i have not, i can't find any rpm package, is it ok build from source ?
03:31.08Flautookay got it
03:31.23JTclorabit: should be find as long as you get rid of the directory of .so files for asterisk first
03:31.49QwellFlauto: rename that file to "asterisk", then run /sbin/chkconfig --add asterisk
03:32.14Qwellthat'll make it start on boot
03:32.31Flautohow to change the name
03:32.37Bobthehunteranyone got a working 3 way scenraio with openser ?
03:32.54Flautoi need to make it excutable as well, i guess
03:32.58QwellFlauto: mv /etc/init.d/rc.suse.asterisk /etc/init.d/asterisk
03:32.58BobthehunterA , B, C where A is ser b,c, asterisk ?
03:33.17Bobthehunterif so pm me for paypal ;)
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03:35.00clorabitJT: ok i will try 1.2 then.. thanks
03:35.32Qwellso, seriously, who's gonna help me with my taxes? :P
03:35.51Qwellplease don't make me /j #taxes on efnet, heh
03:36.28JTdepends how much you want to pay :P
03:36.41JTyou need to make learning the american taxation system worthwhile
03:37.04HushPeis there a trick to let me dial an extension number via a zaptel interface (i.e. dial in, press extension number, then it rings) - at the moment it doesn't seem to work i'm using WaitExten
03:37.34JTHushPe: DISA allows you full access to a chosen context
03:37.42*** join/#asterisk pingwin (
03:38.01HushPeah ok, that might be it :)
03:38.26HushPewhich would probably let me transfer the calls too right?
03:38.46pingwinhey, I've got a simple question. which Asterisk LiveCD is the best?
03:38.49HushPeat the moment it just cuts me off
03:39.06JTdisa gives you a dialtone and drops you into a given context after optionally entering the correct password
03:39.16Qwellpingwin: whichever one does what you need
03:39.50pingwinQwell well I'm writing an article on asterisk, and i operate asterisk. however I haven't used any of the liveCD's
03:40.09Qwellpingwin: then don't write about something in which you don't know. :)
03:40.25Qwellsave that behavior for the NY Times and such
03:40.40JTand don't promote trixbox/freepbx :P
03:40.49pingwinyeah or you can continue to be a prick
03:41.06JThow is that being a prick
03:41.11JTbeing realistic
03:42.02pingwinwwell I can understand it at the aspect of if I am a noob, but I'm not.
03:42.10pingwinhe doesn't know my skill level.
03:42.19QwellYou are a self admitted "noob", when it comes to live CDs
03:42.24pingwinhe could have given me a straight answer
03:42.28JTwell i guess he's saying you should test the livecds out
03:42.50pingwinno I am not, I said haven't used any of the liveCD's. doesn't mean i'm a noob to liveCD's
03:43.03QwellIf I were being a prick, you'd know it
03:43.12pingwinor he could have used his even more expert experience than mine, and given me his opinion
03:43.27pingwinif he had one
03:43.27QwellIf I had an opinion, it'd be me writing the article
03:43.38JTnoob to asterisk livecds maybe? i dunno
03:43.54JTi'm a noob to asterisk livecds
03:43.59JTi just don't use them
03:44.01Flautolet me try to reboot my computer see if asterisk will start
03:44.05Flautothanks qwell
03:44.12Flautoit seems everything went okay
03:44.14pingwinneither have I,
03:44.23*** join/#asterisk awannabe (
03:44.34Qwellthen you don't have an informed opinion, and you shouldn't be writing about it...
03:44.34pingwinbut i'm doing a piece on asterisk, and I was going to do a paragraph about "getting your feet wet" with a liveCD
03:44.57pingwinand instead of spending a month testing cd's for a paragraph I thought maybe someone in here might know of something worth checking out
03:44.58JTpingwin: well, astlinux sounds ok
03:45.03codword[Jan 24 22:43:16] WARNING[19063] translate.c: plc_samples 160 format 6
03:45.05codwordis that bad? :)
03:45.10pingwinJT cool, thanks
03:45.11awannabeare there any patches to let * have multiple parking lots?
03:45.16Qwella...month?  it's a live CD.  You can test it in 10 minutes
03:45.23JTspend a paragraphs worth of time on it
03:45.51JTpingwin: things like trixbox  have a gui for noobs, but make it harder to troubleshoot or do advanced tasks with
03:45.56*** join/#asterisk AndyCap (n=aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
03:45.59JTand they make bad dialplans
03:46.27*** join/#asterisk SethWhit (
03:46.34zerowarezhi guys, anyone knows how is the best way to get money with Asterisk ?
03:46.39pingwinwill note, thanks alot for the advice JT
03:46.55*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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03:46.57Qwellzerowarez: You could become the next Vonage
03:47.30greendiseasezerowarez: sure. install aterisk onto a machine, then go into your local subway, leave the case open and bang on some cans a get donation from the passersby
03:47.42rudholmthe best way to get money with Asterisk is to learn it well and do consulting work installing/fixing/configuring it.
03:47.47greendiseaseit works in new york
03:47.52Qwellgreendisease: I already said be the next vonage :P  no need for a redundant answer
03:48.01greendiseaseQwell: hahaha
03:48.17rudholmQwell: yeah, their IPO was basically that
03:48.21Qwellrudholm: totally
03:48.23JTbut what if you were running the next vonage on that computer that you bang on, at the same time??
03:49.00rudholmQwell: nobody wanted to buy in, so they put giftwrap on the turd and "offered" directed shares to customers as if it was some great privilege
03:50.48zerowarezVonage From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Vonage is a commercial voice over IP (VoIP) network and SIP company that provides telephone service via a broadband connection (the company's name is a play on their motto "Voice-Over-Net-AGE").
03:51.14zerowarezcool, i'll be a Vonage, thx :D
03:51.26QwellStrom_C: I should've bet
03:52.19zerowarezi'll try to @ least
03:52.46zerowarezi''ll study hard first ;)
03:53.03rudholmthis weekend Strom_C and I saw these mechanical versions of Asterisk.  Very interesting how you can actually implement a phone switch in purpose-built hardware.
03:53.23rudholm"It's all done with relays"
03:53.26Strom_Cyeah - something about space-division electromechanical switching
03:53.32Strom_C"western electric" or something
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03:54.01rudholmyeah, and something called "AE" which I think stands for, what was it, "Almost Electric"?
03:54.13JTrudholm: what's so unusual about that? :P you can implement a lot of things in purpose built hardware
03:54.19Strom_CAlmost Equipment :)
03:54.24*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
03:54.25JTrudholm: ok, switching trivia time
03:54.37Strom_Coh, it's on
03:54.45JTrudholm: what was the occupation of the first person to invent an automated telephone switch?
03:54.50rudholmoh god
03:54.57rudholmfucking duh
03:54.57QwellJT: $20 says Strom_C answers every question you have :P
03:55.09rudholmcomplained that the operator was sending calls to his competitor
03:55.10Strom_Cask me something DIFFICULT
03:55.11Qwell...telco related
03:55.24JTi was asking rudholm, but it seems he knows too
03:55.28rudholmyes, I know
03:55.32rudholmAlmon Strowger
03:55.36Strom_Coh, rudholm and I will gladly compete
03:55.42Strom_Cright, rudholm? :)
03:55.47Nivexthis is better than having a trivia bot :)
03:56.00JTwhy was ISDN invented?
03:56.08Qwelloh come on
03:56.11*** join/#asterisk BSDrAk0 (n=ljd@unaffiliated/luisjose)
03:56.12rudholmwho invented the phone?
03:56.17Qwellrudholm: seriously
03:56.28wunderkinwho is picking their nose right now
03:56.40rudholmBell, or Gray???
03:56.40JTso why was ISDN invented
03:56.49JTStrom_C, rudholm; stop googling!
03:57.01Strom_Crudholm would not be googling
03:57.03rudholmI don't google
03:57.07*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
03:57.12Qwellfriggen yahoo :p
03:57.26wunderkinask jeeves
03:57.27rudholmQwell: did a /whois, did we?
03:57.33Flautoqwell, another problem, it seems that zaptel was not starting
03:57.34Qwellnot until just now :)
03:57.40Strom_CJT: there was a specific reason beyond "ooh ooh, look, digital telephony!"?
03:57.43Qwellrudholm: good guess, I suppose
03:57.44Flautoi had to modprobe and ztcfg
03:57.57JTdo you lose your job if you google at yahoo?
03:58.00Qwellrudholm: besides...who uses jeeves?
03:58.02Nivexhere's one the head of networks at my first employer tried to stump me with:
03:58.05NivexIn a constellation diagram, all the points lie on a circle centered on the origin.  What kind of modulation is being used?
03:58.08Nivexif a modem has data points at the following coordinates: (1,1), (1,-1), (-1,1), and (-1,-1).
03:58.11NivexHow many bps can a modem with these paramters achieve at 1200 baud?
03:58.20QwellNivex: 6
03:58.39Strom_CNivex: that's QAM
03:58.44Strom_Cso therefore....4800
03:58.46JTNivex: 4800bits/s
03:58.54JT4 * 1200 omg
03:58.56NivexStrom_C <- the winner
03:59.11rudholm1200 baud * four states per baud
03:59.21JTi was hesitant in replying because it looked too easy
03:59.23Qwellrudholm: welcome to 5 minutes ago
03:59.32rudholmsorry, I'm actually *working*
03:59.39rudholmsomeone has to keep things running here, you know :)
03:59.53Qwellrudholm: please, rabid monkeys actually run yahoo
04:00.00Qwellthat's what slashdot tells me anyhow
04:00.06rudholmQwell: only in senior management
04:00.10Nivexjust make sure you duck the flying poo
04:00.16JTStrom_C: yes, the transmission of NTSC video signals around the US digitally, because phase changes induced in analogue amplifiers cause colour changes in NTSC pictures
04:00.28JT(reason for isdn)
04:00.47Strom_CJT: what, for picturephone service?
04:00.51Qwellyou don't even need to read the page - just look at the URL, heh
04:00.54JTStrom_C: from tv stations
04:01.01Strom_Cthat makes little sense
04:01.05Strom_CAT&T wasn't in the TV business
04:01.06*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (
04:01.08Flautoqwell, i did modprobe zaptel and wcfxo and ztcfg when i installed zaptel, but when i restarted my computer, i had to re-do modprobe again,
04:01.10JTto move video across the US
04:01.18BugKhaMany using meetme here?
04:01.18QwellFlauto: you need a zaptel init script also
04:01.23Strom_Cand anyway, you dont need ISDN for that
04:01.29Strom_Cjust digital transmission facilities
04:01.35JTtv stations paid the telcos to use it
04:01.40rudholmyeah, why would you need ISDN signalling?
04:01.45JTyeah and there weren't much of such facilities
04:01.58Strom_Cthat story sounds like 99 and three fifths per cent bullshit to me
04:02.11Flautowhen i did make config after installing zaptel, i did not get any error though
04:02.15BugKhaMI enter meetme with X mode but cannot leave it
04:02.16JTwhich means it's probably true :D
04:02.24JTtruth is stranger than fiction
04:02.29BugKhaMonly happened to ZAP calls
04:02.30rudholmyeah, I don't buy it
04:02.49rudholmI worked for an MPEG member when the MPEG spec was written
04:03.17rudholmdecent digital video at PRI/T1 speeds didn't exist prior to MPEG-1
04:03.35rudholm(the MPEG member in question being Philips, N.V. fwiw)
04:03.45rudholmand this was in the early 90s
04:03.47rudholmwell after ISDN
04:04.09JTso you're saying there was no digital video before the 90s?
04:04.29rudholmno, I'm saying that there was no good video compression prior to the 90s.
04:05.03JTi'm sure the bitrate was high
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04:05.09rudholmhell, D1 and D2 videotape are from the 80s
04:08.27rudholmJT: do you have any references for your ISDN Digital NTSC story?
04:08.55JTnot on hand
04:09.08JTi have papers at home referencing it, from college
04:09.15codwordWARNING[19294] translate.c: plc_samples 160 format 6
04:09.16JTbut dunno where they're buried now
04:09.20codwordAnyone know if that might be some kinda problem?
04:09.24codwordi cant find anything relevant on google about it
04:09.27rudholmdo you know where the papers were from?  or where they were published?
04:10.20JTwas years ago, how do you expect me to remember who published them? :) easier just to remember the obscure fact
04:10.45rudholmwell, I was thinking if it was an AT&T/Bell System doc, you might remember that much
04:11.17Strom_CI'm looking in my ISDN book from the early 90s, and it mentions nothing about television transmission
04:11.41*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
04:11.52JTwar on isdn facts ;)
04:13.10*** join/#asterisk SomeOne1 (
04:13.13Strom_Cit does mention video-on-demand as a possible application for ISDN, but in 1990, video-on-demand was one of those cool vaporware things that everyone was talking about
04:13.23SomeOne1can someone make a kickass professional looking flash intro for me?
04:13.27SomeOne1i'll pay $50 through paypal
04:13.42Strom_Cinterestingly enough, it talks about the future of the ISDN network as what the internet has become instead
04:13.45SomeOne1i'm desperate for it, and im good on the payment thing
04:13.53SomeOne1but i need it done RIGHT now
04:15.26codwordwell guys....
04:15.38codwordIf anyone else comes on here complaining about transfer not working
04:15.45codwordHere's the answer for them.
04:17.51*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:18.35rudholmwe'll make a note of it
04:18.40Strom_C"B-channels operate at 64kbps, but user equipment does not always generate data at that rate.  For example, a personal computer in an office may not be able to operate at speeds greater than 9600bps."
04:19.01rudholmgood thing we have all that headroom
04:19.05rudholmwe'll never outgrow that
04:19.27Strom_Cwho would ever possibly want to transmit at 64kbps?
04:19.57JT9600 would fit in the d channel
04:20.07rudholmGSM was originally intended to be full wireless ISDN (at BRI speeds)
04:20.30Strom_Cnow that would be the sex
04:20.39JTthat idea clearly died in the arse ;)
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04:20.50rudholmyeah, they realized they couldn't get that much bandwidth
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04:21.08rudholmbut the architecture is the same, they just reduced the B channels down to 4800bps
04:21.11rudholmdunno about the D channel
04:21.19JTwhat is with mtaht4's join/parts
04:21.31JTthere's quite a lot of different types of control timeslots in gsm
04:25.37BugKhaMDTMF doesn't work with ZAP in meetme
04:25.37BugKhaManyone knows how to fix this?
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04:37.39Flautoqwell, would you send me the link for zaptel init script
04:37.45Qwellit's in zaptel
04:38.06Qwellshould be fine
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04:45.25drrayHi, I'm getting red alarms on my adit 600, it's set via dip switches and has worked fine for a year and change.  I removed it from the setup (a tormenta III card) and tested it on another box with a wildcard t100p on it.  The fxs lights are flashing orange then greeen, orange then green.
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04:49.00tzafrir_laptopred alarm sounds like no wire or something...
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04:50.56Flautoqwell, still working working
04:51.10Flautoas soon as i did modprobe, asterisk started automatically
04:51.21Flautoso, it is the modprobe step which is missing
04:51.45bkw_Got Speech?
04:51.48bkw_oh Qwell
04:51.54bkw_oh where art thou?
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04:56.49xpotis there a way to get a partial cdr?  For example, a caller calls in and hangs up after a few seconds of connect (or any time during the call before the connect to user)
04:59.44bkw_you should get a CDR for that
04:59.48bkw_if not then something is bbbbbbbroken
05:01.49CunningPikexpot: That is the difference between 'duration' and 'billableduration' - for a call such as you describe, a  CDR is created with a billable duration of 0
05:02.14CunningPikeFlauto: Which distro?
05:02.24Flautosuse 10.2
05:02.52tzafrir_laptopFlauto, which hardware?
05:02.57CunningPikeFlauto: We're on RHEL, but I know I had to modify 1.2 init scripts to contain the paths to modprobe and other bins
05:03.21CunningPikeFlauto: As in '/sbin/modprobe foo' etc
05:03.30tzafrir_laptopdoesn't wcfxo getmodprobed automatically?
05:03.47Flautoit does not for some reason
05:04.15Flautowhat you mean? qunninglike
05:04.27tzafrir_laptopremove all the silly "install" lines from /etc/modprobe.d/zaptel and use a propr /etc/init.d/zaptel script
05:04.53Flautolet me see
05:06.17Flautothere is a lot of stuff in there
05:07.56Flautoyou mean remove everything there in /etc/modprobe.d/zaptel?
05:08.36Flautothere is only one i need, which is wcfxo
05:08.47tzafrir_laptoprem-out, with a #
05:09.01Flautoall of them?
05:09.15tzafrir_laptopjust the scfxo is the one that affects you
05:09.34Flautoleave along only that one
05:10.08Flautoand use # for the others?
05:11.15Flautojust did it
05:11.45Flautowhat do i need to do to the script at /etc/init.d/zaptel then?
05:13.23Flautoor, i am done?
05:15.45Flautotzafrir, are you there
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05:16.50tzafrir_laptopdon't you have one?
05:18.56Flautoi have one there
05:18.57greendiseasehey so any idea when beta4 of *now is due?
05:19.39Flautookay, i think that is gonna help
05:20.00k-man_do many people use FWD?
05:20.40Flautolet me try it
05:20.47Flautothanks, tzafrir
05:23.55PuTzz30,783 FWD users online at this time looks like they do
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05:25.34HushPeJT: just clarifying about DISA, do i set my Zap group to call a context which answers using DISA? then when a user dials an extension, they can be forwarded to it?  i.e. ring ring, answer, disa > context > extensions > dial extension (SIP mostly)
05:26.00k-man_putzz, how does FWD make money? any idea?
05:26.17HushPeso that means that WaitExten will work from inside the PBX, but not when dialing in using a Zap card?
05:28.21PuTzzFWD why would they need to make money? they dont have outgoing except for tollfree numbers
05:28.39PuTzzFWD = pulver communications wich makes money
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05:38.18jlimbIs there anyway to determine if a phone is off hook?
05:38.39CunningPikejlimb: Yup - look at it
05:38.47CunningPikejlewis: Ba-bum-tish
05:38.52jlimbsmart :)
05:39.22*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
05:39.24CunningPikejlimb: What are you trying to do?
05:39.25blitzrageevening all!!!
05:39.27blitzragehey, if I use one-touch recording (wW flag in Dial()), is there a way to get a tone indicating recording has started?
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05:41.15blitzrageJuggie: any ideas?
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06:01.22murdmathDoes asterisk have a "state" for when the handset is off hook, nothing has been dialed?
06:03.01niZonnothing thats really executed in the dialplan...
06:03.17niZonchan_sccp/skinny knows when a phone is off hook, but it doesn't do much
06:03.55sevardif you have something like a tdm2400p run asterisk in a very verbose mode, or zaptel debug, i can't remember which, but you can see when somebody picks up the phone.
06:04.00niZonsome devices have a hotline feature, you could have it auto dial into * then have * handle the dialing
06:05.07murdmathWe are trying to solve a problem with paging.
06:05.33murdmathIf someone has the handset off the hook, and a page comes in, it actually rings the phone.
06:06.59murdmathWe are working with snom phones.
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06:08.15yxacan I group misdn channels? so that it will search for a free line out of 4 ports?
06:08.55JTonly on TE ports i believe
06:12.25[TK]D-Fendermurdmath : That falls under the category of TFB
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06:20.17yxaJT how do i do it?
06:22.04murdmath[TK]D-Fender: TFB? (pardon my ignorance)
06:23.47JTyxa: just like in zaptel
06:24.35jboti guess tfb is Too #&^$ing bad....
06:25.47[TK]D-Fendermurdmath : SIP phones have their own "brains" and tell things to the server when THEY feel like it, when it has something to say in the scope of what SIP is meant to be able to do.  "Off-hook" in NOT part of that.
06:26.28[TK]D-Fendermurdmath : You will usually get that with analog Zaptel channels, and MGCP, and Skinny/SCCP (I believe)
06:29.49[TK]D-FenderOk, checkout time... later all...
06:30.00*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
06:30.25yxaport1 of my misdn is assign 8 extensions from my telco. now that i want to add another 8 ext to port2, they tell me they cant do a huntgroup. are they on crack?
06:30.46BugKhaManyone using meetme with ZAP clients at all?
06:31.47yxatheir exact words: "The prob with ISDN-2 is that the MSN nos cannot be shared across another ISDN-2; One way to work around this is to split the nos (8 MSN on 1 ISDN-2, and another 8 MSN on another ISDN-2); Other option would be to upgrade to an ISDN-10, with a whole new set of DDI nos.."
06:32.07yxais that true?
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06:34.30JTthat is false
06:34.33JTyour telco is an idiot
06:35.08yxaJT not surprised you said that
06:35.28yxaJT how should i "teach" them to do?
06:37.10JTmaybe there's an 8 extension limit
06:37.23JTbut technically, it think you can get a lot more lines
06:37.31JTthere's no isdn technical limitation
06:37.39JTas long as they send full digits in the msn
06:37.45JTyour end can pick it up
06:37.58yxathey do send full digits in the msn as of now.
06:38.03JTunless they're hardware or software is crap
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06:38.12JTi'm sure it can be done
06:38.22MrYhi all
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06:39.13MrYi have a p4 2.8ghz, how many extensions can my box handle simultaneously?  ie on the phone...
06:40.10J4k3MrY: depends on a lot of variables.  I'd estimate anywhere from 20 to 2,000.
06:40.15JTdepends how they're connected, but probably a few
06:40.21JTand if you're transcoding
06:40.24nilkanthpMrY, Well I have p4 with 2GB RAM and I run 80 extensions
06:40.44sevardRAM is an issue. also, what matters more is not sym calls but transcoding
06:40.52sevarddamn wireless lag, got beaten
06:41.07MrYnilkanthp: can you box handle all 80 extensions actively connected (talking)
06:41.30nilkanthpyes, very well
06:42.29yxaJT is there any documentation on the net i can show them?
06:42.44MrYi have a p4 2.8, but experience loads in 2.0 to 4.0  with just 5 extensions on the phone... the daemon mpg123 is taking up lot of resources.. not sure why.
06:44.01yxaJT but it doesnt make sense. If both ports listen to a same extension, would it be confused as to who will pick it up?
06:44.33JTwhat do you mean
06:45.44yxaJT now that I have only 1 set of 8 ext, when i add another 8, both ports will be listening to the 16 ext?
06:46.06JTyou said they'd only let you have 8 different ones on each port
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06:47.10JTso why would both ports be listening for the same extension?
06:47.18yxabut i'm not applying them at the same time. we got 8 last year. and this year we are going to add another 8
06:48.11yxaso when the first port are in used, incoming calls to the first 8 will get a busy tone. we want to utilize the 2nd port too
06:48.26JTyes that's a telco issue
06:48.31JTnot asterisk
06:49.13yxaJT i know. so what are they _supposed_ to do?
06:49.19yxaa hunt group?
06:49.27JTa linehunt group
06:49.54yxafor all 16 numbers?
06:50.04yxaor just 1 from each set
06:50.38JTerr, they should be able to put them all in a linehunt
06:50.53yxayou are sure they can do that for bri numbers? i'm gonna confront them on that
06:51.37JThere in .au, i have a system running 3 BRIs sharing a few numbers in a single linehunt group
06:51.50JTof course, if it's a residential blan, they'd probably refuse to do it
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06:55.20JTyou're on a residential plan?
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06:55.56yxano, but its a pretty cheap plan with non-running numbers
06:56.09JTi see
06:56.10yxacan you believe it? 8 NON RUNNING NUMBERS for a business
06:57.36yxaJT when you got your 3 bris did you get them all at the same time?
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06:58.14yxamaybe that's why
06:58.46JTi dunno
06:59.49yxaanyone else here has a 2nd opinion?
07:00.16JTwhat country are you in?
07:01.11JThow many bris do you have?
07:01.26yxaas of now 1
07:01.55JTi thought you had 2
07:02.05JTwhy do you need so many numbers for so few lines?
07:02.29yxai have 1 and going to get another. its not my call.
07:02.47JTdo you need so many numbers
07:04.24yxaas it said its not my call. i'm just the engineer\
07:04.52JTsomtimes the engineer has to report back to management that it is not possible
07:06.21JTand suggest new solutions, suggesting new solutions requires understanding the business need
07:07.53yxalets just assume that we need 16 DIDs for 16 staff
07:08.16JTit could work with 8 on each bri, just not as well
07:08.32JTpeople will get busy tones during high call volume on the bri (2 calls)
07:09.13yxayeah, precisely why i wanna add another
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07:09.44JTsomething you'll have to negotiate with your telco
07:11.21yxayeah. and thanks for the comments JT
07:12.17JTi find bristuff a little better than misdn (or a lot better, depending on your circumstances), but if misdn works, no real reason to switch from it
07:15.58yxamisdn works pretty ok for me
07:16.00yxaso far
07:16.28JTif you do basic stuff with it, and use only single port cards, it can work ok
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07:31.23yxaJT you still there?
07:32.42yxaJT what if I do not add any more extensions. just the bri. can it be done?
07:32.56JTcan what be done?
07:33.16JTputting all MSNs on both BRIs? that's up to the telco
07:33.49yxaputting x MSNs on y BRIs
07:33.52JTtelco must implement that for incoming calls
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07:41.58robin_szyxa, wait until you try DTMF tone detection with misdn :)
07:43.04robin_szyxa, works for some phones, not others ... especially callers with older analogue phones, misdn doesnt seem to detect the dtmf digits reliably
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07:51.09DefrazDoes anyone know if there is a codec for h264 for askerisk 1.2.
07:51.13DefrazI understand it is in 1.4
07:51.30DefrazI am trying to get two Grandstream gvx 3000 phones working
07:51.48Defrazbut it only supports g264 and what I have read nobody has anything for it on asterisk.
07:51.52DefrazJust was curious
07:52.10JToh dear, grandstream make video phones now?
07:52.43hadsThey have for some time now
07:53.06hadsIt's a bit ugly but aparently it works.
07:56.07zoaDefraz: no there is not but passthrough should work
07:56.14zoalet me check if i have a tutorial for it
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08:11.17HushPein my dial plan, i have an incoming and then a officehours contexts.  do i need exten => s,1,Answer() in the office, or just exten => s,1,Dial(${MYPHONES}) ?
08:11.53HushPei know i need to answer in the incoming :)
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08:15.20osirismay i take a general poll ?
08:15.51HushPewhat are you polling?
08:16.00osiriswhat are people paying for ip trunks, and from whoooooo
08:16.10osirissorry about the o's
08:16.15osiristhis keyboard
08:17.00Strom_Cwhooooooooo is perfectly acceptable if I get to go on and on about level threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
08:17.17osirisyes, level 3 is very kewl
08:17.36Strom_Cok, i'm done :)
08:17.59HushPehere in nz there are a few providers, at work we use the local wireless isp, it's free connection and calls within their networks are free, outgoing calls are 5c a min (NZD), and mobiles are quite a bit more like 45c (NZD) a min
08:18.11zoanoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo prooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooblem fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor the ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo's
08:19.23osirisi guess i meant ip trunk registrations with a voip provider
08:20.14osirisconcurent calls, and # of registrations.  did's.....
08:20.51HushPedids are about $25/mo (all nzd), i think we only have one registration, but i'm sure it's not too much of a hassle to get more
08:21.24HushPewe use ours mostly for outgoing calls
08:22.14osirisfrom what country
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08:48.36hadsHushPe: NZ eh?
08:48.46HushPehads: indeed
08:48.58hadsWhere abouts are you?
08:49.01HushPephone services are ratshit here
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08:50.25HushPeyou're not nicegear are you?
08:50.45HushPei'm arron from KAMAR
08:50.55hadsOh. Hi :)
08:51.02HushPeorganizing our voice server so the boss buys more stuff (it was my idea)
08:51.24hadsHow's it all going?
08:51.29HushPei do helpdesk there, sick of telecom's voicemail man, press 1 blah, i like it emailed to me :)
08:52.05HushPegetting there, initial problems with the IRQs, but i got some help in here and put noapic in the kernel options, which solved my sharing and crackly problem, now crystal clear
08:52.30HushPeproblem now is when i ring to the land line, asterisk doesn't pick up the line (like open it up)
08:52.41HushPeso start playing the welcome message, but it keeps on ringing
08:52.54HushPehave a GSM box which it works perfectly with (erricson one)
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08:53.29HushPeso i'm just setting up our dial plan now (at home) to test tomorrow, and hopefully i can work out the pick problem with the telecom line
08:54.14hadsSo what's the problem? You call into the analog line from an external PSTN line.
08:54.29HushPeyeah, it rings but doesn't pick up
08:54.39HushPecall out works a charm :)
08:55.10hadsDo you get output on the console to say that the line is ringing?
08:55.24HushPethen i get warnings
08:55.31Chris-NBanyone testet Q.SIG signaling bewteen Asterisk and an Alcatel PBX?
08:55.33HushPei don't have them with me at the moment
08:55.34hadsWhat are the warnings?
08:55.40hadsOh, bummer
08:55.52HushPesomething about state 6
08:57.17HushPehang on i might have it in a log
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08:58.14HushPechan_zap.c: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 1
08:58.23HushPethen it ring again
08:58.26HushPeand does that again
08:58.40HushPethen when i hang up the PSTN i get
08:58.48HushPeJan 25 10:12:52 NOTICE[9111] chan_zap.c: Got event 17 (Polarity Reversal)...
08:59.10HushPewhich if i answer i get a dial tone (telecom) and can happily dial out if it really felt the urge
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08:59.41HushPeso i'm guessing we have call forward reversal on, as our current pbx (hybrex) works fine with it
08:59.55hadsYeah, looks like it
08:59.57HushPe(afk shower, i'll check back when i get out)
09:00.06HushPei have fksks i think
09:00.19HushPewhich works good for the gsm channel
09:00.31hadsYeah that's correct
09:00.47HushPeso i'm not too sure why it's not actually picking up correctly
09:01.18HushPei even get caller id from the gsm box ;)
09:02.11*** part/#asterisk jlimb (
09:03.41hadsWhat's your incoming context look like?
09:03.44*** join/#asterisk reber (i=reber@gateway/tor/x-a981856b7f51e8f3)
09:07.08hadsand your modprobe options
09:12.09ThoMeGood Morning.
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09:21.01HushPehads: i'm about to head off to bed (5:30 start), will you be around tomorrow
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09:22.03HushPemodprobe options are the default (so everything i think), incoming context is about to be changing, but it tired an answer, welcome message, then dial extension you want, or answer and dial a group of sip/zap phones
09:22.53hadsCheck on the site for the nz modprobe options
09:23.01HushPeoh, i added those too :)
09:23.07HushPedown the bottom
09:23.24hadsDown the bottom of what?
09:23.36HushPeof the modprobe.d/zaptel file
09:23.49HushPei see it setting nz mode in the dmesg
09:24.05ThoMeNa, spricht hier auch wer deutsch?
09:24.29hadsOK that's good. I'd suggest a post to the mailing list with these details.
09:25.09HushPeok, i hadn't got a change to do that yet, i found in here pretty helpful, but i'm guessing there are some very nz specific settings
09:25.17HushPewith telecom and all ;)
09:25.48hadsYeah, the settings aren't too specific. I just suggest that as it's the place I keep an eye on the most.
09:26.00HushPeah yep
09:26.25HushPei must say the snom phone is really great! web interface, but in terms of voip phone hardware i don't think you could get too much better
09:27.15hadsYeah, I quite like the snoms
09:27.32hadsSo you see something like this in your dmesg? Module 0: Installed -- AUTO FXO (NEWZEALAND mode)
09:27.35HushPei knew they were linux based that's why i had the boss get those
09:27.44HushPeyep that's the one
09:30.33hadsHushPe: I get the strage state 6 message sometimes and it doesn't seem to do a lot.
09:30.48hadsIt is only a warning, not an error.
09:31.00HushPeonly odd thing for me it it doesn't pick up the line
09:31.18HushPeinitially i thought it was the irq and fixing that would resolve it, but no avai
09:31.41HushPeavail*, but could be my context too, so hopefully with the new one i'm doing it may resolve it
09:32.06hadsYeah, a problem with the context is what I'm thinking at the moment.
09:32.11hadsUntil proved otherwise.
09:32.53HushPeyep, well off to sleep i go... i'll pastie/pastebin my extensions.conf tomorrow hopefully some good feedback will come from here
09:33.06hadsLater mate
09:33.08HushPeapparently my current one is insecure, which it no surprise it was my 'get it going' one
09:33.15Chris-NBcan someone plz look at that:
09:33.52Chris-NBIf I call 436621234 why the 2nd block is choosen? not the 3rd one?
09:34.29HushPeChris-NB: you might need to check the ordering think on the asterisk wiki
09:34.35HushPei recall reading something on there about regex ording
09:35.00Chris-NBHushPe, I've allready changed the order, same result
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09:35.32hadsThe order doesn't matter, you need to specify them in different contexts and include them
09:35.41Chris-NBHushPe, I thought, the tighter match is user. so 43662 should match more than 43. right?
09:35.59Chris-NBhads, different contexts? why?
09:36.23HushPethere you go :)
09:36.30HushPesomething about the contexts order which does it
09:36.37HushPeincludes are done last or something rihgt?
09:37.00*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
09:37.20Chris-NBbut the regex which matches most is used. Isn't that true?
09:38.37hadsChris-NB: It's getting late here. Check the wiki, there is a page with explains it there.
09:40.10Chris-NBk, just reading it up in the asterisk book
09:45.52Chris-NBthe asterisk book says, the more specific regex is used
09:46.50*** join/#asterisk Jenna (i=CherryRe@gateway/tor/x-9d858b76489992de)
09:46.51Chris-NBso for 436621234 this one should be used: _43662. and not that: _43. <-- right?
09:48.42Jennahi guys, Anyone with experience of using sangoma cards especailly the analog telephony card with asterisk ?
09:49.10Chris-NBhads, found it out. I've to put these two extensions in: _43X. and _43662X.
09:49.25Chris-NBthan the more specific (_43662X.) is used.
10:06.35JTwhy are you doing funny stuff like that? :)
10:07.07JTdo you need them to be handled differently?
10:07.11Chris-NBcause if to decide if its a local or national call
10:07.29JTwhat is 43?
10:07.38Chris-NBinternational prefix for AT
10:07.49Makenshihmm,, denmark iirc
10:07.56Chris-NBAustria == AT
10:07.56JTat is austria
10:08.10JTat sounds nothing like denmark lol
10:08.11Chris-NB: ) np
10:08.17Makenshi45 is denmark
10:08.23Makenshii thought you were talking modem speak
10:08.33JTso what is 662 then?
10:08.41Chris-NBlocal prefix for salzburg
10:08.54Chris-NBor 0043662
10:09.08Chris-NBand for local calls I only need to dial 1234
10:09.14Chris-NBand not 06621234
10:10.30JTso don't you dial international with 00?
10:11.48*** join/#asterisk Growly (
10:12.28Chris-NBto make enum lookups I only need 436621234 so I strip the 00 away, make enum lookup. If I get no result, I need to check if it's a local, national or international nr, metch acording and dial the right nr
10:12.57Chris-NBold, but funny : D
10:13.06*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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10:13.14MakenshiChris-NB, i have a dial plan that does exactly that, would you like to see? it should be trivial to modify it to your requirements
10:13.34Chris-NBMakenshi, would be nice.
10:13.35JTChris-NB: i don't know why you strip away 00, wouldn't it be easier to dial with it in place?
10:13.57Makenshiok one sec lemme extract it onto pastebin
10:14.37Chris-NBJT, but for enum lookup the nr has to be in that format: <intern. prefix><national prefix><nr><extension> without leading 00 or 0
10:14.57JTwhat do you mean enum lookup?
10:15.22Chris-NBJT, look the number in the enum up, if there is a sip entry for this nr.
10:15.44JTdo you have different providers for different countries?
10:15.49Chris-NBJT, enum - Electronic Numbering Mapping
10:15.58JTi know what enum is
10:16.13JTi don't know why you'd be doing lookups from the dialplan
10:16.21JTunless you were trying to be the next vonage :P
10:16.50Chris-NBI look if the call can be established via SIP/internet directly
10:16.55Chris-NBto save costs.
10:17.01Chris-NBIf not, I dial via pstn
10:17.16JTisn't it pretty much the case that if the call is not going to your country, it goes via sip?
10:17.20Makenshimy plan takes into account the dialing codes
10:17.45Makenshiand uses enum also
10:17.50phearlessHow could I change the timeout before dialing a number on my Linksys/Sipura 942 ?
10:18.41phearlessit seems to be 3s on my phone
10:18.44phearlessby default
10:19.00Chris-NBthanks Makenshi. looks very good. and very well structured!
10:19.00JTwhat is the point in using enum unless you have multiple international routes, and very complicated ones at that?
10:19.11MakenshiChris-NB, why thank you! i tried hard to make it that way :)
10:19.31Chris-NBMakenshi, cause u showed it to me.
10:20.24JTi don't know why you don't just do
10:20.25Chris-NBJT, If there is an enum entry for a given nr, you can call that nr directly via SIP and don't need to use pstn or a sip provider
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10:20.38MakenshiJT, it saves money, for instance, let's me call toll-free numbers in a lot of countries for free
10:20.55Makenshieg, +18005558355
10:21.11JTso 1800 numbers, that's about it?
10:21.27Makenshino, that was just an example
10:21.55Makenshimy number is in there, +441213146461
10:22.03Makenshiso you could call me free direct via sip
10:22.22JTdoes it use or something else?
10:22.46JTahh right
10:22.48Makenshii've also registered the number range for my organization
10:22.49JTnow i get it
10:22.51Makenshi1000 numbers
10:22.59Chris-NBJT, if you do a dig NAPTR you get an SIP uri back
10:23.12JTit's that unofficial e164 setup by evilbunny
10:23.28JTi hate that dude
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10:23.31Makenshinot many countries use yet unfortunately
10:23.33JThe lives in my city, heh
10:23.33Makenshihow come?
10:23.39JThe;s a complete idiot
10:23.50Chris-NBso I can call that nr directly via sip if I dial +18005558355 from my phone in austria
10:23.56Chris-NBso I save money : D
10:23.59Makenshihave a look at the records in :o)
10:24.09Makenshithere's not just sip
10:24.11JTarogant fool who mostly copies ideas from others
10:24.53JTsounds like one of his few projects that haven't died in the arse
10:25.05Chris-NBhey Makenshi. way to much entries : D
10:25.13Chris-NBI've only my sip entry : D
10:25.17J4k3so much anger
10:25.59Chris-NBbut mine is in : D
10:26.06Makenshihow did you manage that?
10:26.08JTi told him his wireless plans were ridiculous and wouldn't work, and why
10:26.12JTheaps of people fanboyed him
10:26.19JTthen 2 years later, i was proven right
10:26.28J4k3what was he trying to do?
10:26.33J4k3lemmie guess... mesh the planet!
10:26.35Chris-NBin austria is very well supported <-- you can register entries
10:26.56Chris-NBeven delegate the entries to you (own dns)
10:27.03Makenshiwireless is a pita.. gonna be spending 16k this year on new wireless switches
10:27.07JTJ4k3: community wireless in 2002 with a subscription fee system
10:27.13MakenshiAhh cool, my country is really slow about such things
10:27.24JT"wpop"s only costing about $2500
10:27.34JTthey were going to have 250GB HDDs, this is in 2002
10:27.38JTstupid idea
10:27.41Makenshiwe have 80 waps over 2 campuses
10:27.45J4k3JT: haha...  thats just silly.
10:27.47JTit never got off the ground
10:28.03Makenshii hope wimax will crush wifi
10:28.08J4k3it won't.
10:28.17JTwho wants to subscribe to what's meant to be a community project, and it doesn;'t come with Internet
10:28.25Makenshican't say that, you never know :)
10:28.36J4k3well wifi's main thing is price at this point
10:28.41J4k3wimax radios aren't cheap
10:28.48J4k3they also, so far, don't perform amazingly well.
10:29.12Makenshiannoyingly there are 2 deployments in towns next to mine, but not here :/
10:29.26J4k3but most of the stuff on the market is designed for 2ghz+ spectrum, which means the laws of physics apply a lot harder than any protocol can compensate for
10:29.55JTso now there's almost no community wireless action in sydney because everyone got behind his idea, but was disappointed when it all went nowhere, and he eventually jumped ship
10:30.04*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
10:30.13Makenshii just noticed a flaw in my dial plan.. it doesnt do enum lookups for local numbers, oops
10:30.31JTprecious cents being wasted ;)
10:30.36Makenshii am hoping to move back to sydney by the end of next year
10:30.41Makenshii didn't know that's where he was
10:31.07Makenshioh, scratch that comment, it does to enum lookups for local numbers, nvm
10:31.52Makenshihey why not :)
10:31.59J4k3its free
10:32.02J4k3toll free calls too
10:32.06J4k3I've gotta have the line for backup
10:32.27J4k3its incoming calls will be forwarded to my did (unmetered incoming)
10:32.34J4k3unluckily we have no number portability here yet
10:32.34JTMakenshi: you from sydney?
10:33.25Chris-NBMakenshi, your enum lookups. do you really need these?
10:33.39Chris-NBMakenshi, cause you do 5 enum lookups for every call?
10:33.56MakenshiChris-NB, if you don't want them you can easily take them out
10:34.02Makenshii like to exhaust every possible alternative first
10:34.05JTso if enum is down or slow, calls are slow or don't happen? :)
10:34.23MakenshiJT, I lived there for a couple years 1999-2001 and gained permanent residency
10:34.33Makenshiengland is a dump and i want to leave
10:34.52JTah ok
10:35.02JTi want to visit england sometime :P
10:35.11Makenshii lived in sa and wa for a little while too
10:35.24JTnice and hot
10:35.27Chris-NBJT, I've a local dns cache on the server, so if nothing is found, or its down, it doesn't take long to recognize
10:35.36Makenshimmmm that's another thing, the weather here sucks
10:35.43Chris-NBI studied in stafford for one semester
10:35.45JTi hate hot weather
10:35.52Makenshii love hot weather!
10:36.01Chris-NBand jep, weather in the uk sucks!
10:36.36JThot weather makes me angry
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10:47.13ameris there any access list for asterisk, like we have for ssh?
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11:20.21nilkanthpamer, what is the goal?
11:21.02Makenshihe gone
11:24.25nilkanthpMakenshi, have you done fax on asterisk?
11:24.51Makenshinilkanthp, nope
11:25.22nilkanthpok :)
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11:45.22ThoMeJT: Hey. :-)
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11:49.20my007msi have somethng upnormal
11:49.48my007msi use cisco phone 7940 with my asterisk
11:49.56my007msit was work fine
11:50.27my007msthe i start get busy while i am sure not one use phone in the othere end of the line
11:52.17Jennahi guys, Anyone with experience of using sangoma cards especailly the analog telephony card with asterisk ?
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12:18.53bcnldamn, I swear I saw a bot in here previously
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12:28.51zeeeshif i want to dial ... how can i dial .. access number through xpro ... is this extensions is right or not ?  " exten => XXXXXX,1,Dial(sipserver/XXXX@XXXXX) " ???
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12:33.47zoahey ho!
12:34.26anonymouz666let's go!
12:39.19zeeeshwhat does it mean.."" == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf': Found
12:39.39Chris-NBthat the file /etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf was found
12:39.48Chris-NBand got parsed
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12:41.29zeeeshso what about this if i want to dial ... how can i dial .. access number through xpro ... is this extensions is right or not ?  " exten => XXXXXX,1,Dial(sipserver/XXXX@XXXXX) " ???
12:42.28Chris-NBis XXXXXX a number or do you want to match for numbers?
12:42.38Chris-NBif you want to match, you have to write _XXXXXX
12:44.30Chris-NB_XXXXXX matches numbers 000000 - 999999
12:45.20Chris-NBotherwise you have to write the number exten => 123456,1,Dial(SIP/123456@sipprovider)
12:45.26zeeeshif this is my access number what i want to dial through using ... xpro ... " exten => 22222,1,Dial(sipserver/22222@22222)???? will it or something else
12:45.53Chris-NBshould this bee a SIP-call?
12:46.34Chris-NBthen the Dial should be Dial(SIP/sipprovider/22222)
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12:47.41Chris-NBworks if you have a [sipserver] in your sip.conf
12:47.42Chris-NBwith username and secret in it
12:48.54Chris-NBor Dial(SIP/22222@sipserver)
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12:54.40my007msi need to remove one line of sip show peers
12:54.48my007mswithout restart my asterisk
12:56.50clorabitJT: are u there ?
12:56.57zeeeshwhat is the difference about .. " username " and the " fromuser"????
13:03.44clorabithello anyone can help me with my asterisk configuration
13:04.35clorabiti've install it but when i dial to echo / playback extension there are no sound at all
13:05.19clorabitlog showing that i asterisk receive connection but no sound at client
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13:20.57merbztwhen I'm using Dial(...,M()) the macro doesn't terminate if the one calling hangs up, is there anything that can change that ?
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13:25.48zeeeshoye gandooo ..jhooot bolna hai
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14:04.21Dr-Linuxwhat does this warning mean: Jan 25 06:02:28 WARNING[25129]: chan_iax2.c:7971 network_thread: chan_iax2: ast_sched_runq ran 129 scheduled tasks all at once
14:09.32MakenshiYesterday Siemens received the biggest fine ever given by the EU for running a cartel
14:09.54Gido-EDr-Linux exact what it says.
14:10.20Dr-LinuxGido-E: i'm sorry but what didn't understand
14:11.02coppiceMakenshi: I wonder how they will pay that, when they can't seem to make any money :-)
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14:11.28Makenshicoppice, good question..
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14:30.52earthsoundhas mark been in here the past few days?
14:31.29yassineneither me nor the caller can hear each other and when i dial a wrong nummber i can here the operator tell me that the person call is not available ... any idea why i can hear the operator and not the caller ?
14:34.49SomeOne1can someone make a kickass professional looking flash intro for me?
14:34.53SomeOne1i'll pay $50 through paypal
14:34.57SomeOne1i'm desperate for it, and im good on the payment thing
14:35.00SomeOne1but i need it done RIGHT now
14:36.10*** join/#asterisk reber (i=reber@gateway/tor/x-b5d890ffc31b5dec)
14:36.18yassineSomeOne1,  why dont you try #flash
14:36.46earthsoundanother scott adams reference to linux:
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14:39.39Faithfulearthsound: you have to be a linux geek to think that's funny
14:39.47CrescendoWhat ports need to be forwarded to the server in order for a WAN Cisco IP phone to work through NAT?
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14:45.18tsurkoI've a problem with asterisk-gui. I've modified manager.conf and http.conf, reload asterisk's configuration, but nothing answers on the specified port
14:45.37tsurkoDo you have any ideas where the problem is?
14:45.44mercestestsurko:  Ooo!  I do! I do!
14:46.10mercestestsurko:  Your problem is....*shakes magic 8 ball*  Your asking #asterisk-gui questions in #asterisk instead of #asterisk-gui.
14:46.22tsurkoI do apologise!'s ok.
14:46.34mercestesI appreciate every opportunity..:)
14:46.41tsurkojust noticed it in the topic
14:46.50mercesteslol.  It's comic relief at this point..
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14:47.03mercestesbut yea, They'd be able to help you.  be sure to mention your OS btw.
14:47.14tsurkookay thank you a lot
14:47.30mercestesI'm *guessing* it's something to do with your apache setup and your "listen" variable in httpd.conf in /etc/apache
14:47.40mercestesbut I honestly have no clue beyond that
14:47.45tzangertwinkle seems like a pretty decent little linux qt sip phone
14:48.52tsurkomercestes, i've checked that, but whatever... I've *spammed* enough for today:)
14:51.10CrescendoAsterisk should support UPnP. :)
14:52.06yatesyfor what purpose?
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14:57.40skirmishahello all
14:58.17skirmishadoes anyone know if latest svn version of asterisk support RTP packetization
14:59.43doolphwhat is rtp packetization
15:00.14skirmishaTo set a desired packetization interval on a specific codec,
15:00.14skirmishaappend that inteval to the allow= statement.
15:01.30doolphfor what is that
15:01.48*** join/#asterisk elriah (
15:02.10elriahHi all.  If I'm trying to join one asterisk box to another via sip, do I neeed a register command and a peer definition on BOTH boxes in sip.conf?
15:02.53doolphelriah, if you want to call each other yes
15:03.05Gido-Eelriah use IAX
15:03.19elriahIf I want box "A" to just call box "B", I need a register on box "A" and a peer definition on box "B", right?
15:03.27elriahGido-E: It's not an option in this config.
15:03.40elriahGido-E: i.e., I don't make the remote box's policy.
15:04.38CrescendoWhat ports need to be routed to the server to use a Cisco IP phone outside?
15:04.42elriahIf I want box "A" to just call box "B", I need a register on box "A" and a peer definition on box "B", right?
15:04.48elriahOr do I have that backwards?
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15:11.20phearlessHow could I change the timeout before dialing a number on my Linksys/Sipura 942 ?
15:12.42Chris-NBCrescendo, TCP Port 5060
15:13.25CrescendoChris-NB, already done, still not receiving audio on the server side.
15:13.30Chris-NBCrescendo, my experience is that the udp ports 20k-30k are opened when the 1st packets travel from asterisk outside
15:13.47Chris-NBCrescendo, made this with sonicwall and checkpoint
15:14.10Chris-NBCrescendo, rtp packets use a rand port between 20k -30k
15:14.27Chris-NBCrescendo, deffined by asterisk. but you can set that range
15:16.55elriahIf I want box "A" to just call box "B", I need a register on box "A" and a peer definition on box "B", right?
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15:20.16skirmishaanyone who can tell me this
15:20.21skirmishadoes anyone know if latest svn version of asterisk support RTP packetization
15:23.36Chris-NBwhat is packetization?
15:23.42fileof what? there's 1.2, 1.4, and trunk
15:23.45file1.4 and trunk support it
15:24.31skirmishafile svn
15:24.51skirmishai am not sure what standart svn downloads
15:25.12fileSVN is a version control system, it's where all the Asterisk source code is kept for all the different versions...
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15:25.16fileso saying SVN could mean any of them
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15:26.12CrescendoWhere are the RTP ports configured?
15:26.30CrescendoLol, oops
15:26.32CrescendoDidn't see it.
15:27.17skirmishafile i need trunk right?
15:27.24CrescendoIn the scenario with Cisco IP phones, should I increase the upper RTP end to 32766?
15:27.32fileif you are asking that question then no
15:27.39file1.2 does not have the RTP packetization support, 1.4 does
15:28.11mercestesomg...not this jerk again
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15:28.55sevardno, fucking, way.
15:29.13skirmishafile what about the patch released
15:29.23clorabithello anyone can help my problem
15:29.24phearlessexten => i,1,Answer
15:29.24phearlessexten => i,2,Playback(pbx-invalid)
15:29.24phearlessexten => i,3,Hangup
15:29.30phearlessit should work, right?
15:29.37skirmishafile bug id 5162
15:29.52clorabiti've post it here
15:29.58fileskirmisha: then you can use the patch if it works
15:30.18mercestesclorabit:  should work.  What is you rproblem?
15:30.52clorabitmercestes: no playback sound
15:31.00elriahGuys, if I'm making a call from one asterisk box to another, and I can't use IAX only SIP, on which box do I put the peer definition and on which box to I put the register definition and how do I format the dial command?  Thanks for any help.  I'm struggling here.  IAX is easy, this has confused me.
15:31.50sevardelriah: it's basically the same as IAX
15:32.23sevardelriah: I believe there's an article on; why can't you use iax (curious)?
15:33.09elriahsevard: the remote's policy won't allow for IAX (paper policy, i.e., business decision).
15:33.53sevardstrange, did you try to convince them that connecting asterisk to asterisk with IAX is a much better decision?
15:33.57*** join/#asterisk phsultan (
15:34.09elriahlol, yea.
15:35.22sevardI also believe there's an example of registration in sip.conf.sample
15:35.26sevardcheck that out, i'm off to school.
15:35.31sevardgood luck mate.
15:35.53elriahThanks ;)
15:36.41*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
15:36.46clorabitmercestes: i've this situation comp A with config user 1234 and comp B with 1235, when A dial to B, B can ring2 but not for B dial to A or perhaps there are missing configuration
15:37.15clorabitanyone can solve my problem ?
15:37.20*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
15:37.29mercestesclorabit:  blame one way audio and go from there.
15:37.54clorabitmercestes: what u mean with one way audio ?
15:38.12mercestes... i could explain it but I would come across as condescending and sarcastic.
15:38.30mercestesit literally means "one way audio" as in audio is only going one way.
15:38.46mercesteswhich is usually caused by NAt, firewall issues, or port issues.
15:39.02clorabitic ...
15:39.08drrayanyone familar with red alarms on adit 600's?
15:39.08sevardelriah: if you can't figure it out, here's a reference (ignore all the freepbx shit and iax stuff)
15:39.40elriahThanks! :)
15:40.38*** join/#asterisk XIN01OZ (
15:42.26clorabitmercestes: i've turn off all firewall. can it become a problem when comp i use for asterisk also become a NAT gateway ?
15:42.50mercestesclorabit:  first this all on the same box or two different boxes?
15:43.29clorabitasterisk comp and nat gateway is a same box
15:43.51clorabitclient run on 2 other difference box
15:46.52phearlesshello guys!
15:46.55*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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15:47.14phearlessexten => i,1,Answer
15:47.14phearlessexten => i,2,Playback(pbx-invalid)
15:47.14phearlessexten => i,3,Hangup
15:47.17phearlessis it right?
15:47.32phearlessit is in my [default] of extensions.conf
15:47.39mercestesclorabit:  ...
15:47.55phearlessbut when I dial a wrogn extension, I got no error message
15:47.59mercestesclorabit:  You have a phone....and Asterisk.  Is the phone and asterisk on the same box?
15:48.24clorabitmercestes: i think i found some wrong in my box configuration here ..
15:48.42clorabitbrb changing ip ...
15:48.47mercestesGood luck
15:49.55jojo^Suppose I were to set up a sales office with about 15 employees. What IAX-based softphones would you recommend? I am also yet to decide between Linux-based computers or Windows-based.. The quality of softphone could make me favour in one or the other direction. I've only tested diax on Windows so far, but I've seen there is kiax, and maybe others too?
15:50.37clorabitmercestes: works!! :)
15:50.59clorabitmercestes: thanks bro
15:51.01elriahIf I want to do a one-way asterisk to asterisk call with iax2, I only have to define a peer in the RECEIVING hosts iax2.conf then just use a dial() cmd on the CALLING host to make the call, right?
15:51.05*** join/#asterisk asnowden (n=dont@
15:52.14phearlessmercestes clorabit , any clue ?
15:52.34clorabitmercestes: my problem is cause by i'm access from different ip address which 1234 extension is access from 192.x.x.x subnet and 1235 exten connect from 10.x.x.x subnet
15:53.34clorabitmercestes: my asterisk box is working as a router and have 3 difference subnet perhaps this cause the problem :)
15:53.42asnowdenhey guys. i'm trying to get asterisk working with multiple frame ABR speex, i've hacked the respective functions in codec_speex.c and from what I can see it is generating the correct data into the ast_frame, but by the time the rtp packet gets written there are a seemingly random number of "random" characters that have been inserted before my payload data. Anyone have any idea why or where this happens?
15:54.27clorabitphearless: i'm a newbie but if you don't mind can u explain your problem perhaps we can discuss together
15:54.47phearlessok clorabit
15:54.48phearless<phearless> exten => i,1,Answer
15:54.48phearless<phearless> exten => i,2,Playback(pbx-invalid)
15:54.48phearless<phearless> exten => i,3,Hangup
15:54.54phearlessit is in my [default] of extensions.conf
15:55.08phearlessbut I do not hear the message if I dial a wrong exten
15:55.26phearlessI do not know if there is a special order of the lines in extensions.conf...
15:55.46clorabitwait let me try those config in my box
15:56.28phearlessI use Asterisk 1.2.10
15:57.02*** join/#asterisk voipgeek (
15:57.39clorabithave u check log message ?
15:58.26voipgeekCan anyone recommend a place to choose/purchase DID numbers?  I want to pay by the minute, and terminate it myself with SIP.  I'm looking for numbers in the US (Chicago/Madison).
15:59.05clorabitphearless: those not work in my box also, i'm using 1.2.14
15:59.47phearless<clorabit> have u check log message ? <--- yes, nothing interesting
15:59.48mercestesclorabit: NAT issue then..:)  Your welcome.
16:00.20elriahOn an outbound IAX2 call, how do I specify the context on the RECEIVING asterisk server?
16:01.35clorabitphearless: is your log file also look like this "Jan 25 22:57:18 NOTICE[4817]: chan_iax2.c:6931 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '12221@default' does not exist"
16:01.38*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:02.32elriahOn an outbound IAX2 call, how do I specify the context on the RECEIVING asterisk server?
16:03.06phearlessJan 25 16:00:28 WARNING[23781]: chan_sip.c:1980 create_addr: No such host: 522
16:03.06phearlessJan 25 16:00:28 NOTICE[23781]: app_dial.c:1049 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
16:03.08phearlessJan 25 16:00:28 WARNING[23781]: app_voicemail.c:2412 leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for '522'
16:03.12phearlessI got this!
16:06.36*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (n=timr@
16:06.43mquinelriah: IAX2/user@host/extension@context
16:09.51*** join/#asterisk Overworked554 (
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16:11.21elriahmquin: If there is no extension, you just want to drop in a context, just omit the "extension@", right?
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16:12.53mquinelriah: possibly, or use 's'
16:13.44elriahThanks.  I keep getting: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach 's@whatevercontext'
16:15.07clorabitphearless: try to use _. instead i extension
16:15.19clorabitworks for me ..
16:15.47clorabitphearless: but still don't know why it's not work with i
16:16.49phearlessI just tried
16:16.52phearlessit seems to work
16:17.09phearlessi seems to be impossible to use for dialled numbers
16:17.30mquinelriah: do you have an 's' (i.e. defautlt) extension defined in the context you are using?
16:17.33*** join/#asterisk hohum (
16:18.20wunderkinumm _. picks up i, h, t, everything, not good... and in that case i will not work
16:18.41elriahYep... Weird... my dial string is: dial(IAX2/,90,r)
16:19.37wunderkinyou can get rid of r too
16:20.12*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
16:20.13elriahWould the rejected attempt be auth related or something to do with the context?
16:20.48wunderkinmaybe an iax2 debug will help but probably auth related
16:21.10*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (n=Nuke@
16:23.05CrazyTuxWhere can I find documentation on using *?
16:23.19CrazyTuxI'm looking at voip-info wiki, but not much detail?
16:23.24elriahCAUSE: No authority found...
16:23.25CrazyTuxI'm looking for specifically 1.4
16:24.18elriahDo I have to have an iax.conf entry on the calling machine if I specify username/pass in the dial command?
16:26.59*** part/#asterisk Overworked554 (
16:27.39clorabitphearless, mercestes gtg
16:28.58mercestesI want to club a baby seal
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16:29.52zoahey ho russie
16:29.53wltjranyone here familiar with CallingPres/SetCallingPres ?
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16:30.26wltjrtrying to figure out of I need to set that to a particular value to specify cid on outbound call over a pri
16:30.42mercesteswltjr:  Don't see why you would have to.
16:30.48CPSKHi, looking for help with Tenovis Integral E1 and TE110P.. msg me, thanx
16:30.57wltjrmercestes: everything I am reading seems to imply it's used for incoming calls?
16:31.14mercesteswltjr:  IS this in zapata.conf or extensions.conf?
16:31.47mercestesCPSK:  I know about 50 ppl who answered you yesterday when you spammed us forever and according to them, you never answered anyone.
16:31.53wltjrmercestes: well I turned it on in zapata.conf, "usecallingpres=yes", but then in extensions.conf where I am setting the cid, I was not sure if I needed to call that function or not
16:33.29mercesteswltjr:  Shouldn't need it, should default to something usable
16:33.35wltjrmercestes: one doc said it should be called before placing an outgoing call
16:34.06mercesteswltjr: I pass callerID and I don't have a "CallingPres" anywhere.
16:34.09wltjrmercestes: just trying to figure out what I need to do, in order to specify CID on outbound calls via pri
16:34.15wltjrmercestes: ok sweet
16:34.26mercesteswltjr:  It *should* be called before setting CallerID, if you are going to call it.
16:34.28wltjrmercestes: does that effect inbound cid info?
16:34.57mercestesYou shouldn't be responsible for inbound CID tho you can reset it if you wish.
16:35.14wltjrmercestes: just want to make sure there is nothing special I need to do to receive it :)
16:35.35wltjrmercestes: whole point to the pri is to be able to specify cid on outbound, and capture it on inbound
16:35.41rene-guys, how come i can chanspy all my extensions but in one i just get beeps, and the extension is up in a call?
16:35.45*** join/#asterisk tclark (
16:35.55CrazyTuxHow can I pass the incoming SIP uri as the voicemail mailbox to check?
16:36.13wltjrgranted some calls might be private, blocked, hoping the cid info provided via 888 number will resolve that, since 888 must know # for billing purposes
16:36.13mercesteswltjr:  NOthing really special about it that I've had to play with
16:36.14elriahrene-: It's the flux capacitor...
16:36.20wltjrmercestes: great, ty
16:36.29tclarkwhat is the fav no brainer iax softphone to install these daz
16:36.31*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
16:36.36CrazyTuxso say I send sip:VOICEMAIL_MAILBOX_TO_CHECK@whatever -> asterisk grabs VOICEMAIL_MAILBOX_TO_CHECK, and asks 'enter password'
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16:37.04rene-elriah: i knew it
16:37.14*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
16:37.21rene-i have been telling to those guys not to mess with it
16:37.36ctooleyLooking for a full time Asterisk/Linux administrator in Austin TX.  We've got a large number of servers handling a very large number of calls.  If you're interested, email
16:38.28mquinCrazyTux: ${EXTEN} will get you that bit
16:38.55mquinactually, I'm waffling
16:39.01CrazyTuxmquin, so exten => _89XXXXXXXXXX,1,Voicemail(${EXTEM}) ?
16:40.49mquinI think you'd need to use ${CALLERIDNUM}
16:41.08mquinyou'll probably need some sort of security arrangement to stop the calling party from just spoofing that,  though
16:41.24*** join/#asterisk BrokenNoze (n=Simon@
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16:41.33CrazyTuxmquin, what do you recommend?
16:41.50CrazyTuxmquin, well they'd have to enter their password to check the voicemail...
16:41.56BrokenNozeHi, is there a simple way to add a batch of SIP devices to a server without adding a single entry into SIP.conf for each one?
16:42.10mquinCrazyTux: no idea - I'm by no means an expert on *
16:42.19mquinjust thinking out loud, mostly
16:42.48*** join/#asterisk Marlow (
16:43.01ScottyTMupps, sorry caps was on
16:43.07raidenzWhat's going on with svn (1.4)? Each time I check out the 1.4 branch it's stuck at revision "51363" for the last few days.
16:43.13Marlowhi boys :)
16:43.17ScottyTMwhat's the reason for "WARNING[6330]: db.c:67 dbinit: Unable to open Asterisk database"
16:43.49raidenzmissing and possibly permissions issues?
16:45.00ScottyTMraidenz: sounds good
16:45.29ScottyTMahh, /var/lib/asterisk belonged to root
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16:48.50bleblebleAnyone have an idea why the ARI wouldn't be showing calls that were outbound and monitored? They are actually be monitored and i see see the .wav file in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor but they aren't listing in the ARI for that user (inbound works fine but no out)
16:52.58tzafrir_laptopanyboddy connecting to France Telecom with BRI?
16:54.07Marlowblebleble: sounds like it's identifying the records belonging to the destination, channel instead of pairing them with a agent/extension
16:55.10*** join/#asterisk chiang_sg (
16:55.31chiang_sghi, my asterisk trow this "pbx_find_extension: No such switch 'IAX'
16:55.38chiang_sgwhat does it mean ?
16:56.33bleblebleMarlow: yah in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor the outbound show as OUT99-20070125 to where the inbound show as 20070125-114339
16:57.00mquinchiang_sg: you've probably typed IAX somewhere when you meant IAX2
17:01.21variable_officeis there any way to simulate a whole lotta' calls for throughput & pps testing? (for ulaw)
17:02.09*** part/#asterisk blebleble (
17:03.21tzafrir_laptopchiang_sg, it needs to be IAX2
17:03.37tzafrir_laptopchiang_sg, using the asterisk GUI with 1.4.0?
17:05.53*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
17:06.37De_Monhow to do I 'goto' exten => h,n(hangup),Hangup()
17:07.07*** part/#asterisk asnowden (n=dont@
17:07.15De_Monexten => h,1,GotoIf($["1" = "0"]?:n(hangup)) didn't work
17:07.50Strom_CDe_Mon: the h extension is only executed /after/ the channel hangs up
17:09.02De_Monwhere would I send the channel to exit the hangup extension?
17:09.24Strom_Cwhat are you trying to do?
17:10.40De_MonI used the G dial option to put caller/callee into a meetme conference. When they both leave the callerID is screwed up for the caller, so I reset the callers callerid and just dump the other members via MeetMeAdmin's Kick everyone option.
17:11.04*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
17:11.52De_Monso, set callers callerid in the h extension and kicke veryone from conference, and do nothing for all the other members that go through the same h extension
17:11.54*** join/#asterisk PupenoR (n=pupeno@
17:12.33Strom_CDe_Mon: why are you putting both parties in a meetme?
17:13.17De_Monbecause its a conference call where more than 2 members will be present
17:13.34De_Moneveryone else gets an email saying join conference suchandsuch
17:14.39Strom_Cand why can't the called party just dial into the conference bridge himself?
17:15.35De_Monwhat does that have to do with the h extension?
17:16.43Strom_CDe_Mon: because your initial question is kind of bizarre, and I'm trying to narrow down whether you're experiencing a greater architectural problem overall
17:16.51Strom_Ci.e. "are you making this too complicated?"
17:17.00De_MonYeah it is pretty weird.
17:18.20De_MonCaller calls in and enters someones extension, it spawns a meetme room for the caller and the called party and notifies other members of the group via email someone has called in. other members join.  If the called party hangs up (marked to kill conf when he leaves) everyone is kicked out
17:18.22*** join/#asterisk qdk (
17:18.43De_Monif caller leaves, I want everyone to get kicked out too.
17:18.56elriah@$&(^@(&^%@&(&^($% I've been fighting a IAX/SIP call issue for four hours to find out that our jackass sysadmin has jacked up our dns servers (inside vs outside) arrrgggghhhhh!!!!
17:19.07De_Monif they are both marked as kill conf when these people leave they both have to leave to satisfy the condition
17:19.49Strom_CDe_Mon: that's in the realm of "highly unorthodox" - what exactly is the reason for doing things that way?
17:20.02De_MonI am being paid to :]
17:20.30Strom_Cwrong answer
17:20.33*** part/#asterisk Marlow (
17:20.35De_Monits in the that doesnt make sense but if you want to do it, I can realm
17:20.35Strom_Cwhat exactly is the reason for doing things that way?
17:21.22Strom_Cis this one of those "the client wants me to do this weirdo thing and i'm just going to implement it without asking questions first" deals?
17:21.35chiang_sgif i have switch => Iax2/a:b@ in my extensions.conf   how do i check that the server know other server dialplan
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17:23.07yelmanshi all ,please help ,i want i have asterisk 1.2 on debian kernel 2.6 i want to use my 3 internet connection to share traffic over them ,any suggestions?
17:23.18De_Monno.. They want to know how long each member was in the conference, and if one side leaves and everyone forgets to hangup it skews their data
17:23.34Strom_Cthat's not what i was asking, De_Mon
17:23.45Strom_Ci was asking you why they need this weirdo automatic conference feature in the first place
17:24.01De_Monthats the way they do business
17:24.19chiang_sgparty chat line ?
17:24.28Strom_Cwhich is a roundabout way of saying that you really have no idea, right?
17:24.56De_Monthey do support, and regularly have multiple people in the support call, often times 3+
17:25.50De_Monsometimes it turns into a meeting of 5-9 people. But the ptb want the conference ended if either the caller of called person leave the conference
17:26.31Strom_Cso how about doing this instead
17:26.42Strom_Ccalling party dials internal extension number from the IVR menu
17:26.56Strom_Ccalling party generates a .call file and dumps into a meetme as a marked user
17:27.15Strom_Ccalled party gets called when the .call file is processed, answers, and also gets dumped into a meetme as a marked user
17:27.42Strom_Cother parties dial into a different extension so as not to be marked
17:28.29markithi, is theoretically possible run asterisk under a VM, like with KVM? or there are performance/responsiveness issues too bad?
17:29.44*** join/#asterisk Skymarshal (
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17:30.33SkymarshalI build zaptel-1.4 and asterisk-1.4 but after modprobe ztdummy and starting asterisk I can not use MeetMe(). Same way works with version 1.2. Any ideas?
17:31.08*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
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17:32.19potentialHello, anyone awake on this beautiful thursday afternoon? :)
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17:33.56Qwell[]potential: ...
17:34.09jbotrumour has it, unlimited is <Nugget> unlimited voip == punch the monkey to win a free ipod
17:34.11Qwell[]stupid slow bot, I swear
17:35.03ez`my asterisk is behing a debian gateway box ; do i need to foward a port to enable extenal iax client to reach my asterisk ; ??
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17:35.39ez`i beleiev yes
17:35.50De_MonStrom_C how does that end the conference if the person who initiated the conference leaves?
17:35.53*** join/#asterisk mwbgrob (n=mgrob@
17:36.30Strom_CDe_Mon: it was a general suggestion for you to tweak to your needs
17:36.30*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
17:36.39Strom_Cbut it works around the caller ID problems you were having
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17:37.02jbotwikis is, like,
17:37.08Qwell[]oh, sure, be fast for him
17:39.36Chris-NBanyone knows what ISDN Timer t200 is?
17:42.14markitChris-NB: no, but I'm happy to find one that has isdn and asterisk :) do you use mISDN?
17:43.30potentialwhere do I find a list of providors for free incoming and outgoing?
17:45.27Strom_Ctoday's dilbert wins big:
17:46.19*** join/#asterisk Jingles (
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17:46.52cygarI am sending dtmf through rfc2833 in sip. Is there an option [with verbose and sip debug peer XX] where i can see the digits [dtmf] pressed by some extension? I'm having problems with dtmf "1" and not sure if it's getting to the * box or is having a problem when sending it to the e1 card [r2]
17:47.40cygari remember i used to see the dtmf in the logs when using verbose or sip debug...
17:48.09JunK-Ycygar: rtp debug?
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17:48.58cygarJunK-Y: when sending through rfc2833 the dtmf are sent in rtp as "inband" ? good?
17:49.45cygarJunK-Y: i know, i should read the rfc. I think i used to see it cause i was using dtmf in INFO [ sip ]
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17:51.31brad_msswupgrading from asterisk 1.2.12 -> 1.2.14 jacked up my music on hold, it's loud as hell ... granted mpg123 was also upgraded for 0.59r (think that was the version), to 0.61
17:52.24*** join/#asterisk nvicf (n=nvicf@
17:53.02wunderkinyou should only use mpg123 0.59r, or rather i recommend native, unless you have a reason to use mpg123 instead
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17:59.05nvicfcan I use asterisk to answer my door?like a doorman?weird question, I need to do it as if it were just an extra telephone line?
18:00.02brad_msswwunderkin: native doesn't decode mp3, does it ?
18:00.13brad_msswwunderkin: you'd have to convert those to ulaw or whatnot first, right?
18:00.21wunderkinno you convert your files to whatever codec you want, do you always use the same one?
18:00.36brad_msswwunderkin: well, we have some g729 and some ulaw ... that's it though
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18:07.39elriahOk, I'm dialing an IAX2 host.  It connects to the default context just fine.  How can I tell the call to go to another context?  I tried to put context=whatever in the iax2.conf user definition but it always wants to go to s@default.
18:08.24*** part/#asterisk bricecubed (
18:08.50elriahRather, how do I force a context on an inbound IAX trunk?
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18:09.46Dr-Linuxwhat this warning means: chan_iax2.c:691 jb_warning_output: Resyncing the jb. last_delay -5, this delay 1537, threshold 1062, new offset -6556
18:09.46Dr-LinuxJan 25 10:00:31 WARNING[25129]: chan_iax2.c:7971 network_thread: chan_iax2: ast_sched_runq ran 49 scheduled tasks all at once
18:10.04trevarthanhello. what sort of CPU/RAM requirements are recommended for 48 simultaneous calls over a dual T1 card?
18:10.30Qwell[]trevarthan: shouldn't need a whole heck of a lot of power, especially if you do hardware echo can
18:10.51trevarthandoes digium hardware do that?
18:11.10Qwell[]trevarthan: If you buy the module, yes
18:11.12bkw_the correct question is can it do it very well ;)
18:11.19Qwell[]I think the dual port has it
18:11.57elriahHey Qwell, how do you force a context on an inbound iax peer?
18:12.05trevarthando you think a 2.8ghz would be enough?
18:12.06*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
18:12.14Qwell[]trevarthan: should be
18:12.22[hC]morning people
18:12.27[hC]Qwell[]: want a 7970 yet? :)
18:12.36Qwell[][hC]: not yet...
18:12.51Qwell[]and, technically, there is one sitting...somewhere in this office
18:13.08Qwell[]I assume it's got skinny firmware - I haven't actually checked
18:13.13[hC]well... if you want mine... just let me know
18:13.19[hC]I'll unplug the one off my desk and send it along
18:13.21De_MonStrom_C I worked around the callerID issue another way, my orignal question was how to kick everyone of of a conference when one OR another user left.
18:13.21Qwell[]"want" ;)
18:13.27Dr-LinuxQwell[]: any clue about my question?
18:13.47[hC]I'm using skinny ..... 7.0.1?
18:13.53Qwell[]sounds about right
18:14.02Qwell[]I think that's what I was using last time I messed with a 7970 at WF
18:14.13Qwell[]maybe 7.0.3 or something
18:14.29[hC]Ive kept cisco firmware behind on all my devices, Skinny and SIP... after my last experience
18:14.36Qwell[]good thinking ;)
18:14.53[hC]I upgraded the SIP firmware and it introduced a bug where callers would lose audio for approximately 5 seconds when dhcp renewed, or something stupid
18:14.57[hC]The ones i have work.  They stay.
18:15.15De_Monwhere should I send channels in the h extension when I want to stop processing them
18:15.28trevarthandoes the Digium Wildcard TE205P have hardware echo cancel?
18:15.33De_Moninstead of h,n(hangup),Hangup()
18:15.38Qwell[]trevarthan: it can - if you get the module
18:15.49Qwell[]then it technically becomes a TE207P or something
18:16.04trevarthanIs that the Digium Wildcard TE207P with the module?
18:16.04De_Monmaybe a NoOp()?  that seems verbose.
18:16.07Qwell[]trevarthan: not everybody needs echo can
18:16.15trevarthando I need it?
18:16.16Qwell[]trevarthan: so, I'd try without it, and see how it goes
18:16.28bkw_Qwell[], If Asterisk and Digium are so Open Source why do they not release the Lumenvox connector source code?
18:16.43Qwell[]bkw_: Now you're just trolling.
18:16.44bkw_Qwell[], they have the power to grant the exception for the code...
18:16.47bkw_no i'm not
18:16.51bkw_honestly I want to know
18:17.09Qwell[]like I said last night - I don't know the agreement we have with Lumenvox.  If you'd like to know, you'll have to call sales or something
18:17.24elriahAnyone?  How do I construct a dial() command to include the context?  I've tried Dial(IAX2/somehost/s@somecontext) but it defaults to s@default everytime ...
18:17.37Qwell[]whatever they tell you - feel free to make it public, but the fact of the matter is, I don't know the answer, so I don't even want to entertain a guess
18:18.06bkw_Qwell[], i'll email sales then ;)
18:18.58*** join/#asterisk justinc- (
18:19.05trevarthanQwell[]: does asterisk benefit from dual processors?
18:19.15Qwell[]trevarthan: yes, it's heavily threaded
18:19.19De_Monelriah dialing a new host? the host decides what context the call goes into
18:19.33trevarthanin other words, would it be smarter to just buy dual CPUs and the cheaper card if that's cheaper?
18:19.38bkw_Qwell[], you forgot to mention that its scared of threads
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18:19.49bkw_it uses them but doesn't take full advantage where it COULD
18:19.52De_Monelriah tell your host that calls from you belong in a specific context and go from there.
18:19.55Qwell[]trevarthan: possibly - it's just something you'll have to test yourself, and come up with a proper solution
18:19.56bkw_more threads the better
18:19.59Qwell[]trevarthan: it would, however, work
18:20.06elriahRight, but where do I set that (on the host side) I tried context=whatever in the iax.conf user definition.  Always wants to default to s@default.  (Thanks for the help, btw)
18:20.32elriahDe_Mon: So on my peer iax.conf entry, specify context=whatever there?
18:21.05De_Monelriah do you have a guest context where context=default?
18:21.15elriahNope.  Removed it.
18:21.47elriahI actually don't have a default context at all...
18:21.47De_Monelriah did you reload iax after making changes to iax.conf?
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18:22.01De_Monelriah something is trying to send your caller there...
18:22.11elriahI get this: Rejected connect attempt from xx.xx.xx.xx, request 's@default' does not exist
18:22.12De_Monhaving it doesn't change where it tries to go :)
18:22.34elriahAnywhere besides my extensions.conf or iax.conf that would be?
18:22.55De_Montry not using the @ sign, I don't think IAX knows about contexts in dial like that
18:23.29rene-hello guys anyone can please give me a ring at my mexican number, i think my internationally connectivity is down, just a quick hi 52 9982874123
18:23.30elriahI'm not specifying anything in that example, no context at all, and s@default is what asterisk is telling me is invalid.
18:24.07De_Monwhat is the dial command you are using when that error occurs
18:24.11elriahIf I put a default context in there and then just do a goto, it works fine.
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18:25.31elriahI'd like to be able to do something like: dial(IAX2/myiaxconfuser:mysecret@my.fqdn/s@somecontext)
18:26.26De_Monhrm, it should be doing s@whateverdefaultcontextissetto
18:26.37elriahRight.  That's what I thought.
18:27.02Dr-LinuxQwell[]: i have simliar problem >>
18:27.04elriahIf I specify any valid context, it just returns the error.
18:27.14elriahIf I don't specify a context and my default context exists, works grat.
18:27.24Dr-Linuxi'd appreciate any help
18:27.25De_Monwhen you dial a resource there is no context, just the extension
18:28.00De_Mondefault context is set in iax.conf globaly or specific for that user/peer (whatever)
18:28.01elriah.. in one set of documentation, which is fine by me, then I should be able to control it with my iax.conf peer/user definition with context=whatever, right?
18:28.25justinc-the context in aix and sip .confs are for outbound dialing...
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18:28.57De_Mondundun duuuuun
18:28.57elriahSo if my peer's iax.conf has a context=whatever, it's going to try to find the context 'whatever' on the host it's calling?
18:30.16Qwell[]That was hardly a split
18:30.17sevardi thought a bunch of people just decided to quit
18:30.18sevardsilly me.
18:30.18justinc-no it'll try to dial from context=whatever on the machine it's registered to
18:30.19Qwell[]that was like...nobody
18:30.19justinc-what just happened?
18:30.19De_Moncontext= is the context in extensions.conf where the received call goes on that machine
18:30.31justinc-no I think it's the other way around
18:30.37elriahSo again, in host A (The "Client") calling via iax2 host B (The "Server"), host B's iax.conf entry should have context=whatever and anyone calling to that iax.conf peer/user definition should fall into that context?
18:30.38justinc-unless you're talking about zap channel config
18:30.57De_Monyou can set an inbound context for peers
18:31.04elriahRight.  Where?
18:31.09justinc-oh .. that's right good point
18:31.09elriahWho's on first?
18:31.19De_MonI dont know is on first!
18:31.23De_Monwho's at home
18:31.24elriahTHIRD BASE!
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18:32.12justinc-I'm used to sip as opposed to iax
18:32.17skirmishafile hello again
18:32.48skirmishafor asterisk ver 1.4 do i need to download trunk in order to have this rtp payload manipulation
18:32.57skirmishaor in branches is also supported
18:33.02elriahGot it.  It works now.  Thanks for the help.
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18:34.13justinc-I have a bit of a complex enigma dealing with the new dynamic agents if anyone's willing to help me take a shot at it:
18:34.58justinc-I've built a proxy for asterisk ( for call center stats and such. I'm trying to dynamically map a dynamic agent on a Local/ channel to the phone's real channel and can't think of a good way to do it
18:35.17justinc-any ideas?
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18:38.24skirmishajustinc- what's the idea
18:38.39justinc-I'm sorry? :)
18:38.50justinc-what am I trying to do you mean?
18:39.02justinc-oh ok
18:39.14justinc-asterisk did away with "agents" as we knew them
18:39.58justinc-so now dynamic agents run the show. My proxy tracks agents making outbound calls, but it doesn't know how to tell that SIP/300 is logged in as Local/300@agent-contact
18:40.01justinc-for example :)
18:40.09Qwell[]there is a doc in 1.4 that explains how you should do dynamic queue members
18:40.11justinc-I'm trying to figure out a way to map them ..
18:40.23justinc-no no I know how to make dynamic members work...
18:40.42justinc-but digium destroyed the agent encapsulation that makes working with agents "easy"
18:40.46anonymouz666very very strange.... the serveremail does not set correctly the hostname on mail from when sending voicemail
18:40.55Qwell[]justinc-: the doc in 1.4 explains it
18:41.00elriahDo agi scripts have to be called from the agi-bin directory?  Can they be called from any system path?
18:41.07justinc-I have read the docs
18:41.14Qwell[]elriah: should be able to, if you give it a full path
18:41.14justinc-maybe I'm not explaining this correctly ...
18:41.23elriahk, thanks, Qwell.
18:41.39justinc-as per 1.4 docs you log an agent in say as Local/${EXTEN}@context
18:41.45Corydon-wjustinc-: the problem with the old AgentCallbackLogin was that it was fraught with so many race conditions, it was better to get rid of it
18:41.51Qwell[]justinc-: yes
18:42.02justinc-yes I know I've dealt with the issues myself :)
18:42.05justinc-anyway ...
18:42.14xpotanyone know how to output a number VAL=60.000000 when performing MATH func to just a whole value ex: VAL=60 ?
18:42.17justinc-if an agent makes a call directly from their phone .. say SIP/300
18:42.43justinc-there's no way to know that the actual phone belongs to Local/300@context
18:42.46Corydon-wxpot: int type
18:42.47justinc-get what I mean?
18:43.32xpotCorydon: how do I specify in the MATH func?
18:43.54Corydon-wjustinc-: no intrinsic way, but you always have to make assumptions in your dialplan, because you wrote it
18:44.02justinc-that's the thing
18:44.18xpothere is what I have: exten => s,n,Set(MINREM=${MATH(${RSEC} / 60)})
18:44.28justinc-this isn't for asterisk .. it's for the proxy software.. and I can't make assumptions about a dialplan because other people are using it
18:44.36Corydon-wxpot: ", int" at the end
18:44.42justinc-so I'm just trying to figure out *some* way to map them
18:44.45xpotok, thank you
18:45.10Qwell[]justinc-: the same way you would have with agents
18:45.20Corydon-wxpot: type:  show function MATH
18:45.21justinc-I was hoping someone might have an idea that would avoid making people write another conf file that maps Local channels to actual phone channels ... which would be annoying to the people using the software
18:45.26Corydon-wxpot: it's right in the example
18:45.48justinc-Qwell[]: What do you mean?
18:45.51Qwell[]an "agent" didn't make outbound calls previous
18:45.56xpotsorry, I must have read it too fast
18:45.58justinc-correct a phone does
18:46.07Qwell[]so, you'd do the mapping the same way you did before
18:46.09justinc-however it was trivial to map an agent to a phone channel
18:46.10Qwell[]however that was
18:46.14justinc-now it isn't
18:46.45Qwell[]How did the map them before?
18:46.45Qwell[]How did you know that SIP/200 was Agent/Bob?
18:46.45skirmishaanonymouz666 check how u have created asterisk account in passwd
18:46.45justinc-agent channels are forced to be numbers
18:46.45justinc-so it was easier
18:46.50Qwell[]okay then
18:46.52Qwell[]How did you know that SIP/200 was Agent/400?
18:46.53Corydon-wjustinc-: there's no such assumption in the code
18:46.58xpotok, that is different.. I pulled the info from voip-info didn't see the type-of-result there
18:47.11xpotI will use the show function instead
18:47.15justinc-oh because Agents have "Locations" when logged in
18:47.25justinc-I didn't need to do any hacking or assumptions
18:47.37justinc-the actual channel of the PHONE was an argument to agentcallbacklogin
18:47.42justinc-no assumptions needed :D
18:47.44Corydon-wjustinc-: actually, you DID make an assumption
18:47.49justinc-what's that?
18:48.02Corydon-wjustinc-: you assumed that the agent number matched the channel number
18:48.14justinc-the actual phone channel was an argument to agentcallbacklogin
18:48.18justinc-no assumptions made at all
18:48.36justinc-however with dynamic agents this doesn't work at all
18:48.43Corydon-wjustinc-: sure it does
18:48.47justinc-because it's completely free form with no agent->channel linkage
18:49.01justinc-Corydon-w: explain...
18:49.03Corydon-wjustinc-: which you define
18:49.18Corydon-wyou define the linkage in the dialplan
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18:49.27justinc-uh huh...
18:49.38justinc-but that's fine
18:49.55justinc-in the old way the dialplan would log an agent in using their phone channel
18:49.58justinc-so it all worked out
18:49.58Assidanyone using freecall/sipdiscount or those mirror companies?
18:50.02Corydon-wVMAuthenticate establishes which Local channel to use
18:50.24Corydon-w(in the example provided)
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18:51.29J4k3sipdiscount = * Max 300 minutes per week of free calls, measured over the last 7 days and per unique IP address.
18:51.59justinc-hmm I guess there's just no way around it ... the channels have to be mapped in a config file .. /sigh that kinda sucks :(
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18:52.58Corydon-wjustinc-: I don't see why they have to be mapped anywhere
18:53.20justinc-well the whole point is to keep outgoing statistics for agents
18:53.44Dr-Linuxanybody know about this warning: WARNING[19418]: chan_iax2.c:691 jb_warning_output: Resyncing the jb. last_delay 5, this delay 15876, threshold 1068, new offset -15876
18:54.01justinc-if an agent is logged in under a channel (like a Local channel) that isn't specifically their phone channel .. there's no way of keeping stats on that agen'ts outgoing call
18:54.13justinc-so they have to be mapped...
18:54.22Corydon-wAh, you're worried about statistics
18:54.25Dr-Linuxis it bandwidth issue?
18:54.26justinc-yep :)
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18:55.04Corydon-wWell, then you track statistics via CDR
18:55.18justinc-nope .. real time via events ...
18:55.25justinc-this is 3rd party stats
18:55.32justinc-er 3rd party software I mean
18:55.38sevardI wish there was a way to run voip over 4Kb/s :|
18:55.44Assidsure you can
18:55.49Assiduse gsm
18:55.53Strom_Csevard: it's called lpc10
18:56.03sevardilpc will run over 4KB?
18:56.12Strom_Cnot ilbc
18:56.20Strom_Cit's 2.4kbps for the codec
18:56.20Corydon-wMr Roboto
18:56.33sevardIt's got to sound like ass
18:56.35Strom_Cwell, when you're desperate...
18:57.01Dr-LinuxStrom_C: any clue for my question?
18:57.30sevardsince I don't have money for PSTN termination I was thinking about hooking up an * box and then hooking up my parents and my girlfriend, but my girlfriend wanted her mom to be on the system... but her mom has shitty dialup
18:57.35Strom_CDr-Linux: yeah, you've got severe jitter
18:57.57Dr-LinuxStrom_C: is that a bandwidth issue?
18:58.04JinglesI've been drinking rockstars all morning. I've got severe jitter too.
18:58.05justinc-Cordyon-w: what do you think about this idea? When the proxy gets an addQueueMember event, it can call the Location (channel) it gets and track for a Dial event to record the channel that gets dialed and map it that way ...
18:58.17Dr-LinuxStrom_C: or i need some settings for iax?
18:58.33sevardStrom_C: Have you ever tried lpc10 over a dialup connection?
18:59.08sevardI'm going to have to give it a shot.
18:59.14Strom_Cit's been so long since i've used a dialup connection....
18:59.21Strom_Csevard: let me know how it works out
18:59.30Strom_Chow shitty is the dialup?
18:59.31sevardwill do, i just need to find a colo for my * box
18:59.46Dr-LinuxStrom_C: should i change my codecs or what?
18:59.48sevardit's shitty enough that it'll run at about 3-4 KB/s
18:59.53Strom_CDr-Linux: I don't know
19:00.05Strom_Csevard: oh, kiloBYTES per second
19:00.16sevardyeah, bytes, not bits
19:00.40sevardi'm taking anywhere between 29-35,000 bits
19:00.48Strom_Cso it's roughly a 33.6kbps modem
19:00.52Strom_Cyeah, ok
19:00.58sevardwell, it's a 56k, but the line quality is such
19:01.13Strom_C56k modems are always asymmetric though
19:01.52Strom_Ceven with 28.8kbps upstream though, you should be fine with iax2 and gsm or ilbc
19:02.17J4k3for interactive activities v.34 beats v.90
19:02.26J4k3v.92 on a perfect line beats both, but perfect lines don't exist in the real world
19:02.27sevardreally, i thought the overhead would kill a 56k connection
19:02.58Strom_Cnope....13kbps for gsm audio + 9.6kbps iax2 overhead
19:03.32J4k3Strom_C: well the bigger issue is that modems are asynchronous and they do have a tx/rx switchover time
19:03.36sevardi'll give it a shot, do you know if xlite supports lpc-10 if I run out of options?
19:03.55J4k350 pps is quite a challenge for a modem
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19:05.09BB|AtWorkinclude => a_context_here would run the [a_context_here] script that follows it right?
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19:06.09naftali5BB|AtWork, not really, it would jutst make the extensions within that context available to the context it was included in
19:06.17sevardJ4k3: so you're saying it wouldn't work out simply because of the delay between tx/rx
19:06.50J4k3sevard: no, I'm just saying its a bit of a challenge ;)
19:06.57J4k3it *can* work, theres no doubt
19:07.11J4k3its just going to require tweaking to get it happy
19:07.19sevardLPC10 Total: 54 bits per frame, 2400 bps
19:07.21BB|AtWorknaftali5, hrm well in this case its a handler for just call forwarding (all extensions *73)
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19:07.55Legendhas anyone used these net2phone voicedirector things?
19:08.00Legendseem to be built on asterisk
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19:08.23naftali5BB|AtWork, so if you define the exten=>*73 in that context, then dialing *73 in the original context will run that
19:09.12BB|AtWorkhrm.  thats what i thought.  but its not working
19:09.15BB|AtWorkmust be something else
19:09.37Manfishanyone here able to shed any light on a moh problem where the track restarts after each announcement in a queue instad of pausing and picking up where it left off
19:09.51sevardwho wants to host my pbx? :|
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19:25.36tzafrir_laptophi, anybody here connecting to BRI inFrench? preferably with ZapBRI? I'm trying to debug a connection
19:25.55tzafrir_laptopI'm not exactly sure about the settings
19:26.21rikstahtzafrir, im in UK, is it euroisdn?
19:26.46tzafrir_laptopyeah, euroisdn
19:26.56rikstahok i guess i can help, whats the prob
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19:27.12bkruseanyone here help me with a php problem im having with sessions? just conceptual problem :[
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19:28.04tzafrir_laptopin zaptel.conf I have span=1,1,1,ccs,ami
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19:28.36rikstahhere i have ccs,hdb3,crc4
19:28.45rikstahthats for isdn30/euroisdn
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19:29.00tzafrir_laptopthat's PRI, isn't it?
19:29.17tzafrir_laptopanyway, I'll give it a shot
19:29.23hasslerhi folks, new trixbox installation. sip phones can hear MOH, but not recordings. Quick, what did I miss?
19:29.58tzafrir_laptopThough if I had such wrong settings I would have had alarms on the span, I believe (yellow or blue?)
19:30.14rikstahtzafrir_laptop, i woulda have thought so too...but who knows ;)
19:30.41rikstahtzafrir_laptop, i'm just telling you what i have here for UK (which i believe is the same)
19:31.33tzafrir_laptopI'm also not sure BRI and PRI are the same even within the same telco. Not to mention the UK tends to be "different"...
19:31.46sevardOooooooooooooooo pretty
19:32.11De_Monhow can I end a conference when either marked user leaves instead of both marked users leave
19:32.37CPSKHi, looking for help with Tenovis Integral E1 and TE110P.. msg me, thanx
19:32.38sevardDe_Mon: killall -9 asterisk
19:32.50sevardCPSK: Dude, shut the _fuck_ up.
19:33.04rudholmsevard: it's automated
19:33.11rudholmno point responding
19:33.14sevardDe_Mon: I hope you knew that was a joke.
19:33.26sevardrudholm: I thought we banned him, and he changed the timer to a /say instead of a /me
19:33.31sevardthat means he has to at least be around
19:33.33Manfishnice new phones, screens are cetting bigger than my laptop :)
19:33.35tzafrir_laptopBTW: any point at all to play with the LBO parameter? Or is it only for small analog changes?
19:33.44HushPeis it possible to set a context for my zap channels? so some lines are for some depts, and others for another?
19:33.55rikstahtzafrir_laptop, to be honest, i have no idea :)
19:34.04HushPeor do i pick that up within a context and then change the context in the extensions file?
19:34.35mercesteshe also fixed his typeo
19:34.44tzafrir_laptopHushPe, surprisingly, this is done with the setting "context=custontext"
19:35.34HushPei know how to do it ;) it's just where to do it (like correct place)
19:35.34HushPei don't usually pull out my idiot hat until later on in the day (it's 8:30am local time)
19:35.50sevard1:30 P.M. here
19:35.58sevardmy idiot hat is well under way
19:36.15J4k3I keep my idiot bottled up, and only pour it out after hours.
19:36.18HushPesevard: ;)
19:36.42mercestesHushPe:  It's somethign like bchan=1-5 group=1 context=catsex   and bchan=6-10 group=2  context=wtf     I think.
19:36.43*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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19:37.02HushPemercestes: cool :)
19:37.17mercestesbe sure you use the context catsex or the whole thing won't work
19:37.20[hC]When doing an attended transfer in asterisk (I have # set up to transfer attended) - When the transfer is complete, it beeps to the transferrER that the transfer is complete. Is there a way to indicate to the person who has just had a call transferred to them that they are now connected with the caller?
19:37.50mercestes[hC]:  The real answer is yes.  The practical answer is no.
19:37.56*** part/#asterisk hassler (
19:38.06tzafrir_laptopHushPe, mercestes mixed zatel.conf and zapata.conf. channel => 1-6
19:38.33*** join/#asterisk tutt9876 (
19:38.36[hC]mercestes: :) Interesting answer.   So you're saying, with some extra hacking, it can be done, but there is nothing to facilitate it out of the box?
19:38.51[hC]mercestes: and by hacking, I mean hacking the code, not the dial plan. :)
19:38.53tutt9876A question about sound files
19:38.56mercestes[hC]:  Yes to both cases.  Another answer would be "not without modifying the source."
19:39.10mercestes[hC]:  exactly the case.
19:39.24tzafrir_laptop[hC], in practical settings, you won't have catsex on your dialplan
19:39.25tutt9876may I Ask?
19:39.25*** join/#asterisk reber (i=reber@gateway/tor/x-668dddf0b2cdcab8)
19:39.44[hC]tzafrir_laptop: in practical settings, i prefer not to have catsex at all!
19:40.04tutt9876my asterisk is looking for gsm files in /usr/share instead of /var/lib
19:40.09mercestestutt9876:  You may ask, my supplicant.
19:40.17tutt9876How can I change config?
19:40.48tzafrir_laptoptutt9876, apt-get install asterisk-sounds-extra
19:40.51mercestestutt9876: Edi tasterisk.conf
19:40.53potentialAnyone have some free time to help me get a server together?
19:41.07mercestestutt9876:  Edit asterisk.conf
19:41.31tutt9876no parameter in asteriks.conf for sound directory
19:41.51mercesteswhat does it say for astvarlibdir?
19:42.02tzafrir_laptopastdatadir is /usr/share/asterisk in your case
19:42.40tzafrir_laptopAnd a hird alternative: symlink
19:42.46tutt9876astvarlibdir => /var/lib/asterisk
19:43.12tutt9876I made a grep in asterisk.conf
19:43.15mercestesTry tzafrir's suggestion then.
19:43.38tutt9876tzafrir's and after installing the package?
19:43.43mercestespotential:  How much is free time worth to you?
19:43.51sevardpotential: check your messages.
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19:47.18tutt9876sorry I just apr-get for asterisk-sounds-extra but i still get some not found gsm files because of a wrong directory search
19:47.46*** join/#asterisk Ritalin2 (
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19:48.50Strom_Ctutt9876: edit asterisk.conf
19:49.03EmleyMoorWhen I get calls in over SIP, if the caller hangs up before I answer, it appears the calls "ring on" and then get diverted to the VoiceMail, which cuts out due to lack of audio. Why would the calls "ring on"?
19:49.04tutt9876And which parameter to change?
19:49.08tzafrir_laptoptutt9876, how can you tell?
19:49.32Assidhrmm.. anyone knoiw a sip client that can be used on a Sony Ericsson P990
19:49.34tutt9876Tzafrir: sorry?
19:49.44tzafrir_laptopwhen is asterisk.conf read to apply changes? only on restart of asterisk, right?
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19:50.23tutt9876I did a relaod
19:51.23jedir0xHi all.  I'm an astrisk newbie (if i can even be considered that)... what i'd like to know is what all is needed (outside of astrisk) to setup a VoIP situation where people on regular land linds could make calls to it, and it could make calls outbound...
19:52.23robin_szwell, youd need some incoming lines to take the calls on
19:52.32EmleyMoorjedir0x: An incoming PSTN number, routed by a VoIP provider over SIP or IAX2, and outbound SIP or IAX2 connectivity with a provider that can router the calls to the PSTN for you
19:52.48jedir0xawesome, thanks :)
19:52.57EmleyMoor(I have all that and my PSTN line hooked in too)
19:53.13jedir0xhobby stuff?
19:53.30jedir0xcheaper than paying for service from somewhere else?
19:53.30EmleyMoorWell, semi-serious
19:54.07*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
19:54.27EmleyMoorThis way we can both be on the phone at the same time, have our own numbers, our own voicemail... and calls route "cheapest available way"
19:54.44tutt9876some one ti help me with my directory problem?
19:54.50tutt9876to help
19:56.37tzafrir_laptoptutt9876, a. I believe you need to fully restart asterisk in order for asterisk.conf to e read
19:57.08tzafrir_laptopb. I asked how can you tell that the problem is with the base sounds path
19:57.41tzafrir_laptopasterisk -rx 'restart now'
19:57.56tzafrir_laptopin case you had no running calls and such nonsense
19:58.07tutt9876I just see that there was a asterisk.conf.dpkg-dist file with the wrong directory
19:58.26tutt9876do you know what is asterisk.conf.dpkg-dist ?
19:58.29Ritalin2who wants to help me figure out why hook flashing on my zap channel is causing it to hangup? :)
19:59.01RoyKtutt9876: just setup a cron job: 0 * * * * asterisk -rx "restart now"
19:59.17mercestesRoyK:  Don't be an ass.
19:59.43mercestesWasn't OpenPBX enough of a joke?
19:59.52RoyKworks better for me
19:59.59tutt9876sorry for thaht stupid question : bu what should i do with asterisk.conf.dpkg-dist ?
20:00.13mercestestutt9876:  Never heard of asterisk.conf.dpkg-dist.
20:01.03RoyKit's what comes when you have an existing asterisk.conf and you upgrade or install from a dpkg
20:01.11HushPei have a loop in my dial plan for some reason... background, wait, macro (which should dial), but it's looping the background message
20:01.17RoyKdpkg asks if you want to overwrite the original config, and you answer no, so it leaves that
20:01.25HushPeif i dial an extension it goes away and does that
20:02.38*** join/#asterisk DavoFrom818 (
20:02.49DavoFrom818can anyone help me out im getting fast busy dialing out
20:03.10HushPe(waitexten does the same)
20:03.28tutt9876<tzafrir_laptop>: sorry I remove asterisk.conf.dpkg-dist and restart but no effect
20:03.54RoyKtutt9876: that file has no effect with asterisk
20:04.43tutt9876tzafrir: I remove a gsm file in some sub directory of /usr/share and asterisk didn't find the file it used before
20:05.24tzafrir_laptopasterisk.conf.dpkg-dist is the file dpkg leaves because it had a new version of a configuration file (asterisk.conf) but it didn't want to override the user's copy
20:05.34tzafrir_laptopThis is the default policy with Debian
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20:05.38HushPegot it! my sip extensions didn't quite exist yet ;)
20:06.16tutt9876ok if noone has a solution I will copy the missing files in the other directory
20:06.17tzafrir_laptopYou get to change that on a per-file bais during an update (if the configuration file was actually chamged locally)
20:06.49EmleyMoorHas anyone got a number reachable through SIPbroker I could try?
20:06.54sevardnow he changed it from a /say to a /me
20:06.58tutt9876tzfrir: didn't catch your answer
20:07.16tzafrir_laptopI see RoyK answered the same answer already
20:07.44Ritalin2I have an analog zap channel (FXS).  Works fine with one call.  If another call comes in and I hook flash this happens (it drops the first call)
20:08.12tzafrir_laptoptutt9876, what is your test to show where Asteris is taking sound files from?
20:08.33tzafrir_laptopHave you restarted Astersk since you last edited asterisk.conf?
20:08.44tzafrir_laptopcan you pastebin your asterisk.conf?
20:09.10tutt9876yes restarted many times
20:09.14Manfishanyone here able to shed any light on a moh problem where the track restarts after each announcement in a queue instad of pausing and picking up where it left off
20:10.23tutt9876Ok I copy the missing files with a cp -Rp and it's ok: no idea why asterisk get the wrong directory..
20:10.30tutt9876thanks everyone
20:10.47*** part/#asterisk tutt9876 (
20:10.52tzafrir_laptopRitalin2, are you sure that the flash wasnot interpeted as a hangup?
20:12.02FuriousGeorgemy adventures with asterisk today seem to have something to do with this -> Notify answer on an owned channel?
20:12.07Ritalin2tzafrir: well it appears to be thought of that way.  I tried using the flash button and tapping the hook as quickly as possible.  both result in a hangup
20:12.08FuriousGeorgesilly chan_sip
20:12.32oejit's not silly!!!!
20:12.43FuriousGeorgesorry oej
20:14.36rene-oej: why asterisk ## transfers can drop the transferer but SIP refer with replaces or without them keem em reported as busy/unavail
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20:15.05DavoFrom818can anyone help me out im getting fast busy dialing out
20:15.06*** part/#asterisk s1gny|wrk (
20:15.06oejrene-: That is indeed a bug.
20:15.10DavoFrom818We're at port 10078
20:15.13DavoFrom818is that my prob lem
20:15.20oejrene-: I need to test that. Thanks for reporting.
20:16.30[hC]oej: good on you for understanding rene's english there.. I couldnt make sense of it
20:16.44oejhC: It was SIPish!
20:16.57[hC]oej: Ha! :) I guess you take what you need out of it easily enough.. :P
20:17.47rene-[hC]: thats 1337 for you :P
20:18.14PMantisAnyone have pointers toget fax detection going in Asterisk 1.4 ? Zaptel detection seems to not work, and NVFaxDetect won't compile in 1.4
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20:19.18mercestesPMantis:  I suggest not using fax detection
20:19.27De_Monsevard yeah, but it wasnt funny.
20:20.19PMantismercestes, Not acceptable to my client. :( Their clients expect the 800 number to the queue to accept faxes as well.
20:20.35De_Monany real answers to how to end processing a call thats in the h extension? i'm inclined to issue another Hangup()
20:20.37mercestesPMantis:  It will never work with all faxes
20:20.39PMantismercestes, All on a PRI, so Zap detection should work...
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20:22.39rene-Pmantis: asterisk faxing has never been strong, why not use a did for faxing and send those calls out to something like hylafax and a modem or some fax HW
20:23.27PMantisrene-, I'm using Hylafax with iaxmodem - works great... but I just need to detect faxes to send them to the right destination.
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20:25.42mercestesPMantis:  Can't help you, I suggesting going back to 1.2.13 or 1.2.14 if this is production, 1.4 is not stable yet AFIAK.  I still suggest giving up on the fax detect thing.  It won't work with all faxes.
20:26.46mercestesPMantis:  Your askin' for trouble there.
20:26.50mercestesNugget:  Very nice.
20:36.43*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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20:36.56sahafeezPMantis: you could just avoid the whole thing by having a set fax number and route by the inbound number dialed
20:37.39PMantissahafeez, Yeah, that's not going to work well for them
20:38.11sahafeezi never understood that? what do they do just say oh, just call or fax me at the same number?
20:39.24*** join/#asterisk zapx (
20:39.39zapxI have been having a SIP registration problem... It stays on "Request Sent" (tried multiple SIP providers)... It's the DMZ, under SIP Registry it shows:       N      5060     Unmonitored. Any ideas?
20:43.24PMantissahafeez, There's multple clients (of my client) that want fax and voice on the same number
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20:47.33ThoMehow i can "send text" to a display
20:47.43ThoMeor set the name from the source number?
20:47.56bkrusesendtext is kinda old and iffy
20:48.04ThoMebkruse: hmm?
20:48.09bkruseworks on some phones, some phones dont support it or have bad implementation
20:48.28ThoMebkruse: kannst du deutsch? ;)
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20:53.30Zodiacalanyone know if i really need an amplifier for a headset for a polycom 601?
20:53.49Zodiacalalso, which is better do you guys think, the tube headsets or the little plastic stub (noice canceling) ones?
20:54.03Zodiacaloh and is plantronics any good?
20:54.24*** join/#asterisk has_many_questio (
20:54.44Qwell[]plantronics is good
20:55.26rudholmQwell[]: /last CPSK
20:55.38rudholmhe's at it again <sigh>
20:55.39Qwell[]no such command
20:55.54mercestes\last CPSK
20:56.20mercestes<CPSK> Hi, looking for help with Tenovis Integral E1 and TE110P.. msg me, thanx
20:56.30bkruseoh god.
20:56.54bkruseI needs help configuring the linux with the asterisk, kthx - russell
20:57.47mercestesbkruse:  your kidding, right?
20:58.11Zodiacalif i get a headset that has an amp or a wireless base, can i plug it into the headset port on my phone and just press the headset button to answer or do i *have* to use the handset "Lifter"?
20:58.17*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (
20:58.19bkrusemercestes: haha, yes
20:58.27mercestesbkruse:  making sure..:)
20:59.06mercestesZodiacal:  No.  And if you have polycom phones I suggest you hide the headset lifters and don't tell *ANYONE* you have any.  and disevow any knowledge of them forever.
20:59.19DaPrivateerSo my asterisk PBX has been running fine for 101 days. I reboot today cause someone at my office is a retard and unplugged the power cord, and now all the sudden im getting "Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'" when i try to ztcfg -vvv
20:59.31DaPrivateerthis is on debeian (kernel 2.4) any one haev any ideas?
21:00.02Zodiacalmercestes seems like a weird device...
21:00.08AursDaPrivateer: check README.udev
21:00.25mercestesDaPrivateer:  Check yoru permissions.  And make sure /dev/zap/ctl even exists.
21:00.38DaPrivateerit does exist
21:00.45DaPrivateerthe thing is nothing has changed on the box
21:00.58mercestesDaPrivateer: ....did you reboot?
21:01.09*** join/#asterisk cyrk (
21:01.11DaPrivateerof course
21:01.15mercestesThen things changed.
21:01.19mercestesWho owns /dev/zap/ctl?
21:01.22anthonylare the driver actully loaded?
21:01.33mercestesroot:root?  root:dialup?  root:asterisk?  etc?
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21:01.52Jinglesjust a guess.
21:01.55mercestesDaPrivateer:  What user are you trying to use to run *?
21:02.05mercestesare you sure?
21:02.23mercesteshwo are you running *?
21:02.51DaPrivateerim not even getting to that point mercestes
21:03.00DaPrivateerim still trying to ztcfg -vvv
21:04.07mercestesdo a modprobe zaptel and try again
21:04.28DaPrivateersays it can't locate the module, even though the module is there
21:05.21AursDaPrivateer: less <zaptel source dir>/README.udev
21:06.29mercesteslol.  I would go with Aurs' suggestion.  There may be something important in there.
21:07.17DaPrivateerim not running udev
21:07.27cyrkcan anyone help me with a cisco 7960? It boots up and says tft timeout..I can't get into the menu or anything..tried resetting numerous times
21:07.47Aurs/dev/zap/ctl sounds like udev
21:08.20Aursor... hmm
21:08.30DaPrivateerim running kernel 2.4.27
21:08.37DaPrivateerdoesnt udev need 2.6?
21:08.37Aursif you were running udev, the devices shouldn't be there before loading the module I gues
21:09.45markitis it possible to run asterisk under a VM, like with KVM? or there are performance/responsiveness issues too bad?
21:09.55Qwell[]markit: it's possible, but not recommended
21:10.24Qwell[]some people have had good luck with it, others have seen horrible results
21:10.42markitQwell[]: any doc about the issues involved? would be great for me
21:10.45DaPrivateerAurs or mercestes any other thoughts?
21:11.00bkrusemarkit: asteriskNOW has VM images already built
21:11.43AursDaPrivateer: you're correct. it needs 2.6
21:12.01markitQwell[]: so the only real recommanded way is a "stand alone", dedicated pc?
21:12.03Aursso you're probably not running udev ;)
21:12.07DaPrivateer*sigh* my boss is screaming at me right now, and i have no idea what to tell him
21:12.27qdkwhat does an asterisk in graceful restart/stop mode signal ZAP/SIP/IAX channels, so that they know its "offline"? and does it signal all those 3 channels according to specifications?
21:12.41*** join/#asterisk Fausted (
21:12.43AursDaPrivateer: tell him to quit unplugging your servers
21:12.44mercestesDaPrivateer:  Nice.  You work for Cytel?
21:12.44markitQwell[]: or havin that pc that does also samba file server, KDE remote X support, etc is just fine?
21:13.16mercestesDaPrivateer:  well, first, what distro are you on?
21:13.18DaPrivateermercestes - nope
21:13.24DaPrivateerDebian 3
21:13.28FaustedI have a littler question about the election for asterisk
21:13.33FaustedI bought a x100p CARD
21:14.10mercestes*sighs*  Couldn't be gentoo.
21:14.23mercestesIt can't find the module even though the module is there?
21:14.24Faustedmy question is what is the better distribution for asterisk ?
21:14.42FaustedI tried asterisknow but some things doesn't work
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21:14.43qdkFausted: whatever dist. you know best.
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21:15.16DaPrivateerits def. there
21:15.25qdkFausted: you can put my vote on Debian, if you care.
21:15.27mercestesare you in panic mode?
21:15.33markitFausted: well, I have some issues with debian and kernel module compilation (i.e. zaptel), I solved using a kernel from the new, debian based, sidux distro
21:15.41mercestesFausted:  I vote gentoo
21:15.58PMantisCan anyone help with nv_fax_detect compile errors?
21:16.17DaPrivateermercestes - luckily im off site right now
21:16.24DaPrivateerso i just dont answer my cell :-p
21:16.28qdkmarkit: i bet it wasnt debian fault.
21:16.29Faustedand then what is the step for set pstn with sip ?
21:16.36Faustedbecause I tried with asterisknow
21:16.45Faustedbut I can't make work it
21:16.46qdkFausted: read a guide/howto.
21:16.50mercestesDaPrivateer:  well, if you wanna risk blowing up the filesystem (which could ahve been done already).
21:17.01Faustedqdk Yes I read, but don't work :(
21:17.09markitqdk: asterisk guys think so, instead
21:17.23mercestesDaPrivateer:  cd /usr/src/linux then make modules_prepare && make modules_install assuming that works in Debian linux.  (should).
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21:17.38mercestesDaPrivateer:  make a backup of zaptel and zapata.conf and give zaptel a nice recompile too.  Then try the modprobe zaptel
21:18.22DaPrivateerblowing up the file system probably isnt a good idea
21:18.23qdkmarkit: ok, I dont care, so lets say that the "asterisk guys" are right.
21:18.37DaPrivateermercestes - im using versions from apt-get
21:18.45DavoFrom818hi can anyone tell me what this means?   Jan 25 13:16:03 NOTICE[5200] chan_sip.c: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"ITC INC" ;tag=as701112da'
21:18.46DaPrivateeri could never actually get it to compile on the box
21:18.47Faustedand the better GUI for asterisk ?
21:18.49Faustedfreepbx ?
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21:19.08qdkFausted: then ask questions to what you have done wrong instead of expecting a spoon feeding.
21:19.23DavoFrom818i asked how come no one will answer
21:19.37slimaasterisk 1.4 need root account for install, and working?
21:19.42FaustedOk sorry qdk
21:20.08mercestesFausted:  I suggest against any GUI and instead, suggest using vanilla asterisk.
21:20.33DaPrivateermercestes - intersting:
21:20.38mercestesFausted:  If you want a GUI consider using "RTA" and put some of the config files into a Mysql database and write your own interface.
21:20.47qdkslima: you could probably make it work without, but will somewhat limited functionality.
21:21.04Hmmhesaysbah skype is so damn easy
21:21.21slimaqdk: mhm, thx.
21:21.48anonymouz666for the first time I got that: The previous reload command didn't finish yet
21:21.51hadsIf you want your phone system reliant on a database that is.
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21:22.36DaPrivateeryou could also right a script to generate config files from the database, either cronned or when you click something on the custom web interface hads
21:22.52DaPrivateerand by right i mean write
21:23.08mercesteshads: =/   of all the failure points...I would think a DB is the least worrysome.
21:23.13hadsYou could. or you could just write the config files.
21:23.28mercestesI am pro config file
21:23.30hadsMore failure points == more failure
21:23.46mercestesCluser mysql.
21:24.10hadsor you could just write the config files :)
21:24.20Aursor use traditional PSTN
21:24.23mercestesDaPrivateer:  Oh crap
21:24.28DaPrivateermercestes did my pastebin mean anything to you?
21:24.30Aursand dont bother with asterisk at all
21:24.42Aursthen you have very few failure points :)
21:24.59sweeperis there a list of feature bounties somewhere?
21:25.13mercestesDaPrivateer:  Yea, your zaptel isn' tcompling..:P
21:25.13Aurssweeper: yes, there is one on
21:26.06mercestesDaPrivateer:  Did you run a chdsk on this box?  chkdsk.  fixdisk...whatever it's called?
21:26.09AursDaPrivateer: did you say that you used apt-get to install asterisk/zaptel?
21:26.22mercestesDaPrivateer:  I don't tend to randomly manage to unplug dual powersupply servers so ..yea
21:26.31DaPrivateeryes; i have never been able to get it to compile successfully on debian
21:26.54hadsI compile zaptel on Debain all the time so I don' think it has anything to do with that.
21:27.14DaPrivateermercestes - they unplugged it cause none of the phones could connect, all of the sudden. of course, now i won't know what caused that cause they unplugged it
21:27.40DaPrivateermy boss refuses to lock the area where are servers are cause it would cost too much to put up a f*ing door, apparently
21:27.41hadsSo put it in a locked room
21:27.49mercestesDaPrivateer:  so give it a nice apt-get zaptel then.
21:27.50hadsor not
21:27.58*** part/#asterisk trevarthan (
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21:28.04DaPrivateermercestes - i did lol
21:28.08mercestesDaPrivateer:  Ask him how much revenu ehe's loosing on this particular.....debauchrey.
21:28.13DaPrivateeri tried that long before bothering you guys :-p
21:28.18mercestesDaPrivateer:  Anythign on fsck ?
21:28.20Hmmhesaysthe skype guys are offering a year of unlimited calling for 14.95
21:29.23DaPrivateermercestes - says its clean
21:29.52Strom_CHere's a really dumb question - which ATAs support T.38?
21:30.06rudholmI love my doorphone :)
21:30.22Strom_Cit's a pretty sweet doorphone, rudholm :)
21:30.29rudholmthe new pool service showed up just now and I answered from my office 20 miles away
21:30.39rudholmtold him he could just let himself in the side gate
21:30.39mercestesDaPrivateer:  =/  And apt-get is failing.
21:30.48*** part/#asterisk ctooley (
21:30.58Strom_Crudholm: that is so kickass :)
21:31.02DaPrivateerno, apt-get says it worked fine
21:31.17mercestesDaPrivateer:  And apt-get compiles nicely?
21:31.29DaPrivateerapt-get doesnt compile; it downloads binaries
21:31.51mercestesso you get it, but then it won't compile.  ..nice   Are you getting the right version?
21:32.20DaPrivateerafaik, yes
21:32.27DaPrivateerit doesnt really give me an option
21:32.29mercesteshads:  ?
21:32.40DaPrivateerwhat still kills me is that it worked before, and now doesnt. its confusing as hell
21:32.50DaPrivateeri considered the possibility that the card died, but it still appears to be software
21:32.58hads"< DaPrivateer> apt-get doesnt compile; it downloads binaries" "< mercestes> so you get it, but then it won't compile."
21:33.00mercestesDaPrivateer:  I agree.
21:33.17mercesteshads:  oh...downloads binaries.
21:33.33mercestesppl and their binaries.  Source is tasty
21:33.44mercestesDaPrivateer:  Ok, so you get new binaries and you can't modprobe it still?
21:33.58DaPrivateerand i tried to insmod the new binaries and it still didnt work
21:34.03DaPrivateeralas, im gonna try upgrading to kernel 2.6
21:34.17DaPrivateerive been meaning to do it for a while
21:34.26mercestesNow would be a good time.  :0
21:34.44DaPrivateerim downloading the kernel source for 2.6.19 right now :-p
21:35.20mercestessee..this is why I vote gentoo
21:35.25DaPrivateeri prefer freebsd
21:35.28*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
21:35.32DaPrivateerbut asterisk doesnt really like freebsd
21:35.40sweeperyea D:
21:35.48hardwireJT: was I bugging you the other day?
21:35.53hardwireI am sure of it
21:36.00rudholmif you prefer FBSD, why are you downloading (linux) kernel 2.6?
21:36.15mercestesrudholm:  LOL
21:36.16DaPrivateerrudholm - [16:35] <DaPrivateer> but asterisk doesnt really like freebsd
21:36.21hadsDaPrivateer: You will just get yourself into more trouble mixing source installs and debs
21:36.42*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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21:36.46DaPrivateerhads - im hoping i will be able to compile it under 2.6
21:36.53rudholmbut you said you prefer FBSD in response to a gentoo recommendation
21:36.55rudholmwhich doesn't make sense
21:37.04rudholmsince FBSD isn't an option
21:37.14hadsI'll leave you all to it.
21:37.15rudholm'sall I'm sayin
21:37.23mercesteshads:  If you have an answer........
21:37.25DaPrivateermercestes was knocking my choice of debian, so i was countering that i dont like it much either
21:37.50rudholmI'm running Asterisk on a couple of gentoo systems
21:38.18mercestesDaPrivateer:  Yea, "emerge zaptel libpri asterisk asterisk-sounds asterisk-addons" is inexcusably difficult..;)
21:38.19rudholmthe package database is generally pretty current (the Asterisk package maintainer is generally quick)
21:38.39mercestesrudholm:  stkn is my hero.
21:42.57*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
21:43.13BB|AtWorkhow does one start on demand call recording?
21:43.21Aursanyone using polycom buddy list in asterisk here?
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21:46.06DaPrivateerconfiguration complete; compile run has begun
21:46.46DaPrivateerat least this things 3 Ghz; i had to compile 2.6 the other day on a 700 Mhz system ... sucked
21:48.40*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
21:51.18HushPei have my first working 'real' asterisk pbx
21:52.05HushPecheers :) dial plan still still need changing as we add a few more phones, and another TDM400P card
21:52.52HushPebut it's functional welcome message, moh, extensions, outgoing dialing :) haven't got DISA working just yet, but i'll get there, oh, and emailed voicemail! << so love that feature!
21:54.44HushPenext one will be the caller id database :) i should be able to get that working with mysql :) and send names through to the phone
21:54.57rudholmmercestes: even making the tweaks I had to make to the zaptel driver was easy with gentoo.  one simply has to know how to use the ebuild command so that the various steps in an emerge can be done separately
21:55.15rudholmmercestes: or one could simply write a patch and put it in thier portage overlay directory
21:55.33mercestescompile from source is a beautiful thing.
21:56.11rudholmI had to make a couple of changes (to get dial pulse to work
21:56.38rudholmthe de-bounce timings weren't very good, so dial pulse interpretation didn't work
21:56.57rudholmit's a pretty well-known issue that I expect to be fixed in an upcoming release
21:57.29*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
21:57.37rudholmdoes anyone know if an IAXy does CPC on both inbound and outbound calls?
21:57.48Strom_Crudholm: let me go test
21:57.50Strom_Cone moment please :)
21:57.56[hC]anyone here use commpartners for SIP termination?
21:58.00rudholmStrom_C: thanks
21:58.01zapxi have a very strange problem, i am unable to get any sip trunks to register.. if i tcpdump on the machine i see the udp packets being sent out on 5060.. if i run tcpdump on a machine that sees all packets on the network.. i see that the packets dont actually leave the asterisk server... if i 'telnet 5060' i do see the packets in the lan tcpdump..  any ideas?
21:58.48rudholmStrom_C: as you might have guessed, I need more FSX channels and if the IAXy does CPC on both in and outbound, I could use it for my doorphone
21:59.41rudholmStrom_C: the Sipuras not doing CPC on outbound calls made it not suitable for the doorphone, and despite the myriad settings on an SPA, there isn't a way to turn it on.
21:59.51*** join/#asterisk MonkeyHugs (n=jojo@
22:02.24pjzso I've had a feature request that I don't even know what to call to be able to see if it's possible
22:02.37Strom_Crudholm: the answer is "yes"
22:02.46Strom_Cpjz: describe it
22:02.55rudholmStrom_C: oh cool
22:02.56pjzJoe wants to be able to call Bob, and, if Bob is on the phone, to see 'Bob is on the phone'
22:03.02DavoFrom818Jan 25 13:57:17 NOTICE[7607] chan_sip.c: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"ITC INC" ;tag=as55454e68'     <<<<< Does this mean my password or username is wrong?
22:03.14Strom_Cpjz: "see"?  are they using videophones?
22:03.19pjzer, to see 'Bob is on the phone' displayed on his (Joe's) phone
22:03.19rudholmStrom_C: not surprising, since the TDM400 card does it both ways as well.
22:03.35Strom_Cpjz: they want to see this /after/ they dial the call?
22:03.44pjzStrom_C: yes
22:04.04Strom_Cthat makes no sense
22:04.19Strom_Ceither you can set it to display status on the phone before the call is placed
22:04.25Strom_Cor you can play a recording after they place the call
22:04.57rene-~seen oej
22:05.38jbotoej <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1h 48m 54s ago, saying: 'hC: It was SIPish!'.
22:05.38*** join/#asterisk Jingles (
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22:05.39pjzso Bob (on an internal extension) is talking to Carol (anywhere) on the phone.  Joe calls Bob.  Joe wants his phone to display 'Bob is on the phone', as well as have it ring Bob
22:05.39rudholmI really wish the IAXy was < 90$
22:06.01pjzStrom_C: does that make more sense?
22:06.05Strom_Cpjz: that is going to be highly dependent on your station equipment, and I don't even know if that's possible
22:06.17pjzStrom_C: we've got all Polycom 501s
22:06.21pjzStrom_C: me either
22:06.38Strom_Cbetter to design a solution that isn't so dependent on station equipment - play a short tone before alerting the called party
22:07.37Strom_Crudholm: do you want an iaxy instead of the $50 I owe you for the sofa?
22:08.53DaPrivateermercestes still around?
22:09.00*** join/#asterisk Fausted (
22:09.18mercesteslol.. .Yea, what's up?
22:09.19DaPrivateerwell, zaptel compiles now, but still doesnt work
22:09.40Jingleshave you loaded the wctdm module first?
22:09.56Jingleswait. that's only on my system, since I'm using a TDM card.
22:10.22Jinglessomething about having to use ztdummy if you're not using a TDM card comes to mind, though.
22:12.00Lokijihello could someone help me? how can i configure more than 1 sip trunk?i mean "register....." and i would like to chose the context for each sip incomink trunk
22:12.39*** join/#asterisk netstatic (
22:12.48netstaticwhat is the command to drop a SIP channel in the * cli?
22:13.02Strom_Cnetstatic: soft hangup (channel)
22:13.19netstaticStrom_C: i can't seem to get the channel part correct
22:13.28Strom_Chow about using tab-complete
22:13.37Strom_Csoft hangup <tab>
22:14.03netstaticahh, awesome
22:14.07netstaticthank you very much
22:14.46*** part/#asterisk netstatic (
22:15.16DaPrivateerso im assuming i should run 1.2.14, cause im betting there are a lot of changes in 1.4?
22:15.25DaPrivateercd ..
22:15.33Jingles1.4 is not a stable release, apparently.
22:15.42Jingleswhich explains all the trouble I was having with it on my dev box.
22:15.49Strom_Cit's 1.4.0
22:16.01Strom_Cwhen was the last time you had a completely .0 release of ANYTHING?
22:16.07Strom_Cer, completely stable
22:16.08Jinglesfair enough.
22:16.10pjzStrom_C: the point is to alert the caller, not the callee
22:16.23Strom_Cpjz: yes
22:16.34fileif you do have issues try the latest 1.4 from SVN, and if it still happens then file a bug on Mantis
22:16.46fileand we will try to fix it... but keep in mind we are not gods
22:17.02Strom_Cthats why I said "play a tone before alerting the called party" which implies "play a tone to the calling party before beginning to ring the called party's telephone set"
22:17.13*** join/#asterisk matt_ (
22:17.34pjzStrom_C: ah, I see. I misunderstood who you were playing the tone to.
22:17.43Strom_Calerting == ringing
22:17.44pjzStrom_C: so how would I do that?
22:18.05Strom_Cpjz: easily
22:18.19Strom_Cdo your status check and conditional branch before you execute Dial()
22:18.37*** join/#asterisk sbingner (n=sam@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
22:18.56pjzStrom_C: ah, I guess I don't know how to do the status check. conditional branches I've done, but not that kind of status check
22:19.11Strom_Ctry chanisavail()
22:20.31*** join/#asterisk matt_ (
22:21.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:21.14matt_hello :)
22:21.28matt_i have a asterisk setup and everything it working fine
22:21.51matt_but i want to add a new phone, but this phone is routed to my asterisk box (not natted)
22:22.10matt_and i get one way audio unless i change the localnet= line in sip.conf
22:22.19matt_is it possiable to have 2 subnets on the localnet line?
22:22.54mercestesDaPrivateer:  zOmg?  You went from 1.2.14 to 1.4?
22:23.28jbotfrom memory, zomg is making fun of internet people
22:23.39bkrusesomeone changed the good oen.
22:23.54jbotmethinks mercestes is is the almighty dark overlord.  Worship him!  Worship or lament and suffer!  All hail Mercestes!  Dark lord of existance.  Mercestes is also my Evil Twin!
22:24.05Strom_Csome idiot misspelled existence
22:24.14mercestesthat RETARD!
22:24.29jbotyou are probably not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed
22:25.16mercestesjbot, no, mercestes is the almight dark overlord.  Worship him!  Worship or lament and suffer!  All hail Mercestes!  Dark lord of existence.  Mercestes is also my evil twin!
22:25.18jbotmercestes: okay
22:25.38mercestesdum people, can't even spell existence.
22:25.43sivanajbot, no, sivana really is the sharpest tool in the shed
22:25.45jbotokay, sivana
22:26.10jbotstrom is probably the coolest #asterisk lurker
22:26.12Qwell[]is a nub
22:26.18jbotyou are probably just some nub
22:26.18Qwell[]stupid bot
22:26.44Strom_Chey, i am a proud card-carrying member of the digium nub club
22:26.58Aursmercestes: dum?
22:27.32sivanamercestes: you retard.. you can't even spell almighty
22:27.51mercestesAh crap
22:27.56mercestesjbot, no, mercestes is the almighty dark overlord.  Worship him!  Worship or lament and suffer!  All hail Mercestes!  Dark lord of existence.  Mercestes is also my evil twin!
22:27.58jbotmercestes: okay
22:28.06mercestesI hope I got it right this time.
22:28.27*** join/#asterisk cekc (
22:28.41jbothmm... twisted is, but you can paypal him at
22:29.26[TK]D-Fendermatt_ : No, you cannot put multiple subnets on a "localnet" line.  You can however have multiple "localnet" lines...
22:29.45matt_[TK]D-Fender, cheers i have it working now :)
22:30.05matt_had to do a stop now and restart it wouldn't work from a module reload for some reason
22:32.27mercestesStrom_C:  You are now hired as my grammar checker.
22:34.19[hC]aaah.. chan_sccp you kill me.
22:34.22[hC]you kill me i say
22:34.29[hC]i wonder if 7970+SIP is usable yet.
22:34.39[hC]Last time i tried, when the firmware just came out, i couldnt even get it to register
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22:37.55DavoFrom818the register string is for incoming calls?
22:40.03EmleyMoorDavoFrom818: In general, yes, though if you have a section for the given number, any settings in it override [general]
22:41.04DavoFrom818question please
22:41.08DavoFrom818app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
22:41.13DavoFrom818what does this mean
22:41.22*** join/#asterisk elriah (
22:41.50robin_szit means ,there is no route to the destination ...
22:41.50elriahHi all.  What's a good network switch to use with asterisk?  one that will prioritize voice?
22:41.50robin_sznetwork error I guess
22:42.00robin_sztry doing a traceroute to the IP its trying to contact
22:42.43robin_szelriah, thats a more complex question
22:42.54DavoFrom818any answers for mine?
22:43.12robin_szelriah, you should probably put your phones on a separate vlan
22:43.21EmleyMoorDavoFrom818: Do you know which server it is trying to connect to?
22:43.55robin_szcan you run traceroute to it?
22:43.57CunningPikeelriah: We've had good success with Cisco 3750s
22:44.01EmleyMoorOK - can you traceroute from your * box to it?
22:44.12DavoFrom818yes i can
22:44.35EmleyMoorDo you have any other SIP providers defined?
22:44.50DavoFrom818yes just one but its no in the outbout route
22:45.34EmleyMoorDamn - still, does it work?
22:45.54DavoFrom818no i dont want to use the other one for outbound
22:46.31EmleyMoorBut does it work? (whether you WANT to use it or not, this is a technical question)
22:46.38DavoFrom818i have a innomedia now im in the config of that device how do i know how to create a trunk with those settings
22:48.58*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
22:49.07robin_szelriah, in a nutshell, you can either buy expnsive routers and switches with "voice" capability andd hope they do the right thing, or just use standard gear and set up vlans and assign vlan priorities etc
22:50.00*** join/#asterisk UVSoft (
22:52.12CunningPikeelriah: Or just have a fast enough network that it doesn't matter :)
22:53.22*** join/#asterisk Ritalin2 (
22:53.26Ritalin2what it is fellas?
22:53.50EmleyMoorWhat is what, which fellas?
22:54.10Ritalin2everyone.  just asking how everyone is doing
22:54.18Ritalin2ladies as well
22:54.22elriahThanks, all.
22:54.35HushPeis it possible to transfer from a zap ('real phone') by flashing the hook or something?
22:55.04Ritalin2HushPe: it should be.  if you set threewaycalling=yes in zapata.conf
22:55.06EmleyMoorHushPe: Yes. Might need enabling but even works from my rotary
22:55.28HushPenice one
22:55.35HushPei'll add that and give it a shot!
22:55.37Ritalin2or blind transfer with #   if that's enabled
22:55.41EmleyMoor(British TBR doesn't work, at least if you recompile to squelch the debounce so rotary phones work)
22:57.51*** part/#asterisk markit (
22:58.54Ritalin2HushPe: you also need to set transfer=yes
22:59.05HushPeRitalin2: cheers :) that might help
22:59.40Ritalin2but transfer=yes needs threewaycalling=yes  :^D
22:59.53*** join/#asterisk MrY (
23:00.08HushPelegend, that's working now :)
23:00.08Zodiacalanyone know if this headset is an ear bud type?
23:01.06HushPethat's legend, even has call announce!
23:01.06[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : Voicetube seriously sucks.  Get a foam covered noise cancelling model like the H261
23:01.20MrYi have asterisk 1.2.14 installed - i see the program mpg123 running and it's taking up like 50% of cpu time.. why?
23:01.34HushPeMrY: i just had that
23:01.39HushPekill asterisk, and restart it
23:01.40ZodiacalTKD-fender really? you have tried both?
23:01.51ThoMekann hie rauch einer deutsch?! :_9
23:01.53ZodiacalTKD-fender i havn't tried either :)
23:01.54MrYHushPe: everytime you have that, you have to kill it?
23:01.56HushPei suspect it's a rogue process
23:02.15HushPeno, it was just a rouge process (or 3) in my case
23:02.26MrYasterisk i stopped it.. but i still see the 2 daemons there
23:02.33ZodiacalTK-D-fender do you have a fav. headset?
23:02.44HushPekill them manuall
23:02.49[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : I've gone through a number of these in my call center.  the H261 really wins.
23:02.49HushPethen restart asterisk
23:02.56HushPerogue being the main word ;)
23:03.05MrYbug in asterisk?
23:03.12Ritalin2ThoMe: was?
23:03.16MrYmy gentoo install doesn't have 1.4 yet
23:03.20MrYi wish i can install 1.4
23:03.43ZodiacaltkD-fender looking for one that goes behind the neck
23:03.48ThoMeRitalin2: wollt nr wissen ob hier auch einer deutsch spricht :-)
23:03.50MrYHushPe: i know mpg123, my question is why is it there all the time?
23:04.06Ritalin2ThoMe: Ich kann ein bisschen sprechen.  aber nicht sehr gut
23:04.19ThoMeRitalin2: cool, wie kommts? wo hast du es gelernt?
23:04.20*** join/#asterisk seva (i=seva@
23:04.34Zodiacaltkd-fender like this guy?
23:04.38Ritalin2ThoMe: ich lerne es im Uni.  Komme aus Amerika
23:04.45sevawhat are suggested fax solutions for asterisk, i want to be able to send/receive from the desktop
23:04.50HushPeMrY: i think i've worked out why
23:04.53ThoMeRitalin2: cool. :-) udn du hast auch asterisk am laufen oder was?
23:05.01ThoMeRitalin2: bist du fit mit asterisk?
23:05.03HushPei did killall -HUP asterisk to reload
23:05.08HushPeand i have the rogue processes
23:05.14[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : Ok, well keep looking, go binaural, and make sure to get the NS mic,.  Voicetube catches wind too much and breathing sounds like a hurricane...
23:05.37ZodiacalTK D-fender wahts binaural off hand?
23:05.39[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : Falls under the category of "too good for its own good".
23:05.56Ritalin2ThoMe ein wenig :)  haben Sie ein Frage?
23:05.57[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : over both ears.  Lets your CSR's focus on their callers
23:06.16Zodiacaloh like ear muffs?
23:06.51Zodiacalsometimes the users will need to hear other local people
23:07.01[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : there are differen sizes available.  I personally would find anthing that ENCASED my ears very obnoxious.  Shuold be secure, but not "tight"
23:07.12MrYHushPe: so no way to solve it right?
23:07.15[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : For that... volume control (M12 amp)
23:07.37Zodiacalwould a polycom 601 be able to control the volume?
23:07.43Zodiacalor would i need an amp still?
23:07.50[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : Sure, but you still need an amp....
23:07.57ThoMeRitalin2: ach.. mich wuerde interessieren ob man mit set(CALLERID(name)=bla) auch zeilenumbrueche machen kannß
23:07.58elriahOn moving numbers/dids from one telco to another, anybody do this?  is it painful?
23:08.14[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : better to let the amp do its job and leave the phone on 50%
23:08.25*** part/#asterisk seva (i=seva@
23:08.25qdkelriah: In Denmark it takes at least a month.
23:08.45elriahAny U.S. customer nightmares to report?
23:09.20ZodiacalTK D-fender ok, thank you for the info! i'll go get one and try it...
23:09.34Ritalin2ThoMe: was ist zeilenumbrueche ?
23:09.57ThoMeRitalin2: \n <br> breaks ;)
23:10.05rene-[TK-Dfender]: Hey man how is it going
23:10.26HushPeMrY: not killalling asterisk, you're probably right it's a bug... asterisk isn't keeping track of the mpg123 processes it's launching
23:10.30*** join/#asterisk eltech (
23:10.37[TK]D-Fenderrene- : "still breathing", and about to head out the door.  Martial arts tonight...
23:11.18[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : NP.  I theid a "direct connect" on, and believe me... no amp = suck.  Binaural helps, and voicetube... *bleh*
23:11.30Ritalin2you can't have a carriage return in the CallerID string can you?
23:11.53elriahDuring a number transfer process, do the numbers go dark or do they just suddently start working on the new service?
23:11.55[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : I USED to thing it was nice, until the clarity gave way to "just too damned sensitive".  This is clearly MCI's headset of choice...
23:12.18ThoMeRitalin2: hm? ich moechte returns mit in der caller-id (name) bps "Thomas\n1234567"
23:12.39ZodiacalTKd-fender have you tried wireless ones?
23:12.52Ritalin2ThoMe: ich weiss nicht aber ich frage jemand auf englich :)
23:13.05ThoMeRitalin2: hihi, danke :-)
23:13.18[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : I've tried Plantronics wireless lifter one's yeah.  TOTALLY wasted time & money.
23:13.44[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : You can't DO anything but lift the handset to answer (for which you'll have to mod the phone to even work).
23:13.58[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : If yuo want wireless, get an ATA + cordless phone.
23:14.06UVSofthi there! there's a question, i've got one FXO and one FXS devices. if the first phone (phone1, connected to the FXO device through TLS) hangs up, i hear from the other one (phone2, connected to the FXS devices) short dial tones, than looooong dial tone, so i can dial next number (just like it should be), _but_ the FXO device itself doesn't hangs up, so when i dial a number it goes right through the FXO to the TLS without my dialplan at all!!
23:14.06UVSoft! so the TLS tries to dial the second number (and what if i want to dial to a SIP user or something). it's wrong! i want to be able to dial again without hanging up and picking up... and with my dial plan. does anybody know how to do it?
23:14.06[TK]D-Fenderok, I've got to run.  Back in a few hours.
23:14.51Zodiacalcya and thanks again
23:15.55Ritalin2ThoMe: ich dinke es nicht moeglich
23:16.22ThoMeRitalin2: nagut. ok danke :_9
23:17.16Ritalin2ThoMe: ich hoffe mein Detusch ist nicht zu schlect
23:17.56rudholmStrom_C: that sounds fair.
23:18.30ThoMeRitalin2: nein, im gegenteil, sehr gut. ein paar rechtschreibfehler, aber jeder deutsche versteht dich einwandfrei. :-)
23:18.39ThoMeRitalin2: und besser ist dein deutsch zu meinem englisch alle male :-)
23:20.15ThoMeRitalin2: kennst du eigentlich ne gute GUI fuer asteriskß
23:20.30ThoMeRitalin2: hab mir jetzt ersmtal das geholt: ist auch ganz ok...
23:20.32Ritalin2ThoMe: FreePBX
23:20.57*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
23:21.14Ritalin2ThoMe: also...
23:23.15EmleyMoorAnyone got a number I can reach over SIPBroker?
23:23.51ThoMeRitalin2: siehe query.
23:24.09cekcemley: you in AU?
23:24.48EmleyMoorIf I was from AU, I'd have a hat with corks dangling from it <g>
23:25.05cekcif you were in AU you could call +61-2-8214-6640
23:25.29EmleyMoorI'm more after an ID on a VoIP provider...
23:26.04EmleyMoorAustralia is inexpensive on VoIPtalk :-)
23:27.03matt_does anybody know of a service that will allow me to route sip calls to the tesco voip network?
23:27.25matt_i dont want to buy a stupid phone just to get an account
23:28.42*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
23:30.20matt_EmleyMoor, i was just reading into that, theres an intresting story here ..
23:31.58matt_i can easily see it becomming a big mess tho, like i would have to have multiple numbers just some people on different networks can call me
23:32.57*** join/#asterisk malverian (n=malveria@gentoo/developer/malverian)
23:33.01matt_i really hope there will be a centeral enum database where people can get free numbers and add voip addresses and that number will work on every network with voip support
23:33.17EmleyMoor# We shall overcome...
23:33.28EmleyMoor# We shall overcome...
23:33.38EmleyMoor# We shall overcome some day #
23:34.22EmleyMoorI ought to be going to bed soon
23:34.43matt_do you know what the tesco service is like ?
23:34.52matt_somebody was saying the quality is rubbish
23:36.42*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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23:38.23matt_humm looks like tesco voip uses iax
23:38.31matt_wonder if they accept guest connections
23:38.34matt_bet they dont
23:38.41marv[work]in 1.4, how do you get make to give you the raw output, instead of the pretty [useless] output it defaults to
23:40.43*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
23:40.57syzygyBSDwow, what a pain
23:41.31*** part/#asterisk dendrite (
23:41.33syzygyBSDof all the things to go wrong on a server, the onboard raid dies
23:41.59marv[work]why are you using onboard raid?
23:42.04marv[work]wait, you're not anymore
23:42.10*** join/#asterisk BZBW (
23:42.18syzygyBSDlol, sure I am, got a replacement MB
23:42.35marv[work]ah, ok
23:42.35syzygyBSDdidn't realize it was the onboard raid till everything was working again and I could track it down
23:42.45syzygyBSDafterwards the entire mb died...
23:42.52*** join/#asterisk dendrite (
23:42.58marv[work]wait, the one with the bad raid, or the new one?
23:43.16syzygyBSDsorry, not onboard raid, onboard scsi controller
23:43.29syzygyBSDraid was done via software...
23:43.45marv[work]oh, that's a slight difference
23:43.49syzygyBSDthe mb with the bad scsi controller died
23:44.05syzygyBSDya, but we only have raided scsi drives...
23:44.31syzygyBSDI can't wait till I get my new SATA controller.. will be fun times
23:44.57syzygyBSDtrying to fit 50 HD's into 1 4U box
23:45.42Nuggetplus you'll be able to use it to cook pop tarts.
23:46.22syzygyBSDlow access HD's though
23:46.25*** part/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
23:47.04syzygyBSDjust make sure you clean the crumb tray
23:47.35*** join/#asterisk sbingner (n=sam@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
23:48.47Ritalin2whats the exten for dropping X number of digits?
23:49.38*** join/#asterisk lenne_dk (
23:49.44matt_humm theres somebody saying here that they registered 2 tesco accounts is that possiable ?
23:50.02matt_does anybody know if you can register at a site
23:52.09*** join/#asterisk NeonLevel (n=NeonLeve@
23:52.15lenne_dkcat the astdb be accessed from php or perl?
23:52.52*** join/#asterisk smackus (n=ckwall@
23:54.10smackusi am having an iax connection go up and down over and over. i set qualify=yes on each side of the account. When the connection is up, it works great, but then it drops. I have looked at udp dump... nothing. I have tried to make heads or tails of the debug output. I dont see anything the jumps out at me... anything else I can try?
23:54.40matt_smackus, have you tried quality=no ?
23:55.05smackusquality=no? I kinda want it to be quality
23:55.09smackusdid you mean qualify?
23:55.14Corydon-wsmackus: qualifysmoothing=yes
23:55.24smackusis that in 1.2.14?
23:55.49smackuswith that can i use qualify=yes? so i can see that status?
23:56.02Corydon-wYou have to
23:56.11Corydon-wIt only means something when qualify=yes
23:56.13ThoMeCorydon-w: what is ** ? _XX ?
23:56.19ThoMei have
23:56.19ThoMeexten => _XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},30)
23:56.28ThoMebut not 0051 << > **51...?
23:56.47Corydon-wThoMe: two digits
23:57.03Corydon-w* is not a digit
23:57.05ThoMeCorydon-w: and if i want "**" ?
23:57.20De_Monhow unique are priority labels? context, or extension?
23:57.22smackusand would i have experienced a call not going through over the iax because qualify=yes was set and its time exceeded? or would that have happened regardless of the qualify = value?
23:57.43Corydon-wDe_Mon: extension
23:57.50smackusi mean would qualify=yes made it so the call did not go through since it found it was not responsive?
23:57.53Corydon-wDe_Mon: actually, both
23:58.18ThoMeCorydon-w: i have now: exten => _**XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},30)
23:58.24ThoMebut: Jan 26 00:57:58 NOTICE[12612]: chan_iax2.c:7331 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '**50@from-inside' does not exist
23:58.29Ritalin2Corydon:  how do you truncate the first so many numbers off an extension?
23:58.34De_Monboth? this is an either or type question
23:58.35smackuswell, i gotta run. i will play with this more and come back for help if needed. thanks
23:58.38Corydon-wsmackus: qualifysmoothing requires two bad responses in a row for the peer to be considered unavailable
23:58.38*** part/#asterisk smackus (n=ckwall@
23:59.04De_Moneither I can add exten1,n(label) and exten2,n(label) or it says that label already exists.
23:59.13Corydon-wDe_Mon: so same extension, different context, means the label is different too
23:59.14De_Monguess I should just test
23:59.25Corydon-wDe_Mon: yes
23:59.50Corydon-wor same context, different extension, the label is still different
23:59.56De_Monsame extension in different contexts is still a yeah

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