irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070124

00:01.52ping2921is there a way to switch realtime for all contexts in extensions.conf?
00:06.37*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (
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00:07.29fiber0ptiI'm trying to do 10 digit dialing with a polycom 501. I have the following in my extensions.conf but the phone doesn't want to dial and there are no asterisk events in the cli: exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/1${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
00:08.07JTphones have dialplans too, is your set correctly?
00:08.19fiber0ptiI would have to say no since it's not working ;)
00:08.37fiber0ptido you know where the polycom dial plans would be?
00:08.38JTit's an issue in your phone if asterisk is getting nothing, especially with sip debug on
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00:09.22Shaun2222bah... i really wish asterisk would disable all modules and let people enable the stuff they need..
00:09.43JTShaun2222: you can configure it to do that in modules.conf
00:09.48Shaun2222ya i know..
00:09.59Shaun2222but the problem is that they dont list all the modules in the conf...
00:10.08Shaun2222would be nice if they listed them all but commented out..
00:10.31Strom_CShaun2222: you could always write a new sample file and submit it in the bugtracker
00:10.38xwireomg.. jon teh!
00:10.39JTyeah but that would depend on you updating the config file from sample every time a new release of asterisk came out
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00:14.13Shaun2222JT: not that big of a deal, each upgrade could tell the user, hey these modules where installed that didnt exist... add them :) or somthing.. really wouldnt matter because if they dont need it, it doesnt matter if it's in the file or not.. at least for upgrades..
00:14.40*** join/#asterisk cslinuxboy (
00:15.18cslinuxboyDoes anyone know if supports the g729 codec?
00:15.39dovidShaun2222: what modules do u not want loading and y ? for a general setup IMHO it would be a pain to start enabling everything
00:15.52dovidcslinuxboy: try to send a call and see if it goes thru
00:16.16TI83Pluswhere does one get a list of supported hardware?
00:16.37JTi don't think there's a single list
00:16.38dovidTI38Plus: what kind of hardware ?
00:16.44cslinuxboydovid:  well just wanted to check before I get an account with them.  Their website does not list it as one but was hoping that they have not updated their site.
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00:16.48JTjust tell us what you need to do
00:16.49TI83PlusI am just starting
00:16.56Shaun2222dovid: anything i'm not using... which makes sense... think about if you compiled apache or somthing and it enabled every module known...
00:17.05TI83PlusI want to replace our landline
00:17.18Shaun2222also, my guess is that asterisk loads every module in the modules dir?
00:17.18Shaun2222that sounds like a bad idea...
00:17.49dovidShaun2222: not sure if it loads every one. i would say make gen configs that u wana use on installs and copy em over to evey new system that you create
00:18.04dovidShaun2222: thats what i personally do
00:18.09dovidShaun2222: can I pm u ?
00:18.20shepimportHelllooo all... does anyone know how to enable direct media between two SIP endpoints without using a REinvite... or if asterisk supports this without a SBC or SIP proxy???
00:18.21Shaun2222well i have a modules.conf i use but it was for 1.2...
00:18.23xwirejt: hows sydney?
00:18.32Shaun2222now i guess i need to do the same on 1.4.x
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00:19.06Shaun2222one sec...
00:19.12*** part/#asterisk cslinuxboy (
00:19.14dovidShaun222: its for a working enviroment i am still staying with 1.2.X, i have seen a few complaints on 1.4 and ths enough for me
00:19.40JTxwire: fine
00:19.47xwirehaha.. it is you
00:19.47fiber0ptiok.. I've verified my polycom digitmaps are setup for 10 digit dialing yet asterisk won't dial 10 digits
00:19.48hardwireTI83Plus: don't replace your landline please
00:19.51xwireman, you still on austnet?
00:20.10J4k3e911 is a joke
00:20.14J4k3if you want to get found, use a cellphone.
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00:20.22apturastill best to have at least one land line in a small biz
00:20.37J4k3lat/long >>>>> sometimes maybe getting your e911 info properly looked up from a database
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00:20.40apturadont depend on a cell phone. Thay have legs and move around alot.
00:20.41hardwireJ4k3: back in the day
00:20.47hardwirethere used to be more phones in a house than cell phones
00:21.05J4k3yeah... and back in the day cellular contracts cost a fortune and came with a few dozen minutes.
00:21.12JTaptura: in the us all new mobile phones have gps receivers
00:21.16hardwire3 year olds weren't running around with micro brain tumors from chatting with their buddy next door on their cellies.
00:21.18Shaun2222dovid, ya i guess if it needs to be private.
00:21.23apturajt, im aware of that.
00:21.41xwireall of them?
00:21.45apturaJT, I have made GPS trasmitters 10 years ago for hamradio.
00:21.47J4k3I've always paid right around $70/mo for my cellular contracts...  I started out with 150 minutes in my region, now that same money gets me 1400 minutes and national calling.
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00:21.54JTxwire: yeah, e911, it's law
00:21.57J4k3oddly, still using the same company (GTE mobilenet -> Verizon)
00:22.04JTscary potential to be misused
00:22.12xwireno shit.. when did they implement that?
00:22.22hardwireJT: haha
00:22.23dovidi never rely on e911, also with voip u have many more points of failure
00:22.24hardwireyou have no idea
00:22.25J4k3so... just break your GPS
00:22.27JTcouple years ago iirc
00:22.30apturabtw anyone here knowlegable on gsm cdma technoligies?
00:22.33J4k3if you're paranoid about it
00:22.35dovidif some one needs medical attention i font wana take any chances
00:22.35JThardwire: i'm sorry?
00:22.43hardwireso I called our CLEC that handles cellular on their own and told them hey, I want do to asset tracking and fleet management
00:22.49hardwirecan I get a GPS feed of all the phones on our account?
00:22.50J4k3GPS requires an antenna, in every handset I've seen torn down on, you could *easily* disable the GPS
00:22.52kink0a quick cuestion: any way to set a call-id number when a call is originated from Asterisk and send to the PSTN, in a way the PSTN called party see these number in display, for call-back purposes ?
00:22.53*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
00:22.56hardwire"sure, I bet we could do that"
00:23.08dovidhardwire: i know nextel offers the option
00:23.11apturaI have a possible clinet that wants GPS tracking devices built for 4 assets and need a cell carrier to handle it. Analog is best for distance.
00:23.12J4k3hardwire: verizon can do it now, I think cingular can too.
00:23.21hardwireyeh, scary potential
00:23.38hardwireactually I wanted to talk to them about offering an opt in service for cell phones
00:23.42J4k3aptura: analog is dead next year.. if you want the best coverage in the USA, you're stuck with CDMA2000.
00:23.44dovidhardwire: i think they charge for it though
00:23.58Strom_Chardwire: what can the telco do?
00:24.01apturaJ4 I am talking about Vancouver BC.
00:24.01dovidno more analog ?? :(
00:24.11hardwirewell it would be a dream to give the traffic company GPS feeds from opt in users.
00:24.17dovidanalog in the city i think is still better than digital in many areas
00:24.21J4k3aptura: well, what are your choices...  Telus (CDMA2000) or Rogers (GSM)
00:24.28HushPenaftali5: back now... do i copy all the libpri/zaptel/asterisk to the /usr/src dir without the versioning?
00:24.33J4k3CDMA2000 beats GSM by about 10 dB in actual RF performance.
00:24.34hardwireeven better to give those feeds to a private company that can suggest redirections for traffic.
00:24.42apturaWith analog you can still hear somone even though it may be staticky. With digital, you get cut off if the Db gain drops to low
00:24.50apturaohh really
00:25.29J4k3I've made 1xRTT calls in places where my tri-mode phone couldn't hold an AMPS call.  Using the same towers (Verizon SID12, 850 mhz)
00:26.16J4k3aptura: I dunno... my new CDMA handset holds pretty good solid digital calls down to -108 dBm...  around -110 dBm is the point where AMPS goes to the point of "painfully noisy"
00:26.19apturaI know little about AMPS is that for areas that are far and remote?
00:26.27J4k3AMPS = analog
00:26.35Strom_CAMPS == Advanced Mobile Phone System
00:26.41perddoes asterisk have a sound file for a quick double beep
00:26.48Strom_Cessentially the north american standard from 1983-1993ish
00:26.50perdlike a hook flash beep
00:26.57perdUSA hook flash at least
00:27.04Strom_Chookflashes don't beep
00:27.07J4k3Strom_C: well, its still implemented on just about every 850 tower out there.
00:27.16perdwell when i send a hookflash i get a 'beepbeep'
00:27.23J4k3although that'll be rapidly changing this year
00:27.24perdthat's the sound i want
00:27.25Strom_CJ4k3: hence why I said "the" and not "a"
00:27.56Strom_Cperd: which phone generates beeps when you hookflash?
00:27.56JTaptura: what do you need to know about gsm or cdma?
00:28.14perdphone on POTS line
00:28.20J4k3JT: basically aptura was talking about asset tracking, and that AMPS would work better.
00:28.30perdi guess it's not so much a beep as it is a broken dialtone
00:28.36Strom_Cperd: yes, I understand that, but what kind of station equipment are you using?
00:28.36JThardwire: what did you mean "you have no idea"?
00:28.40Strom_Cperd: you mean a recall dialtone?
00:28.41perdtwo breaks in audio from the DT
00:28.47JTamps is junk
00:28.50perdstrom any PSTN phone i've used in the usa
00:28.55JTno security
00:28.57JTnot good for data
00:29.04perdi just wanted a sound to use in this dialplan i have for turning on/off privacy
00:29.11perdi'll just have it hang up i guess
00:29.14Strom_Cyou hookflash and get a dial tone which stutters momentarily and then goes solid?
00:29.23J4k3AMPS was designed for a $1/minute airtime world
00:29.28J4k3not 0.05c/minute airtime.
00:29.28Strom_Cthat's called recall dial tone
00:29.51Strom_CJ4k3: yeah, but it sounds amazing compared to GSM :)
00:29.55coppiceAMPS was also designed for a world without DSP or MCU chips
00:30.04J4k3Strom_C: tin can and strings sounds amazing compared to GSM.
00:30.05perdcool, any way to have it do that after I am already floating around my contexts?
00:30.07apturaJT, I have a potential customer that wants to asset track his equipment and I have built GPS Analog tracking devices for hamradio 10 years ago. But in this case being it is a commerical product would need a air carrier to carry the NEMA signaling when the cell phone or tranciver is called then the base would hear the steaming data. I would like a carrier that can send/recive into the bush since this is where some of the equipment will
00:30.53coppicewho considers GSM old and pathetic in the rest of the world?
00:31.55xwirecdma can suck, i like the fact I can change the sim card in my phone to switch between GSM providers
00:31.55J4k3coppice: any country that has WCDMA deployed
00:31.55J4k3like say...  japan, sk, etc.
00:31.55coppice1000M GSM subs. 5M UMTS subs. doesn't sound too old and pathetic
00:32.01J4k3coppice: UMTS isn't GSM, it just happens to be pushed by GSM providers.
00:32.01coppicemost people still consider UTMS phones suck
00:32.16J4k3UTMS isn't suck, but the spectrum carriers are using for it does.
00:32.20JTUMTS is WCDMA
00:32.24coppiceUMTS is the dominant WCDMA system
00:32.51J4k3I don't care what protocol you use, spectrum above 1 ghz is sketchy, spectrum above 2 ghz is downright worthless.
00:32.56JTcoppice: gsm is shit though, compared to newer telephony offerings
00:33.15coppiceGSM works better than anything else I've seen
00:33.38JTmaybe for a small densely populated european or asian nation
00:33.49JTit's a joke for nations with areas of low population density
00:33.58J4k3the carriers that switched to GSM already had IS-136 in place...  They gained very little and lost a whole lot in coverage.
00:34.19J4k3JT: exactly.  People fail to realize "GSM sucks from an RF performance aspect"
00:34.28coppicewell, most countries have ripped out an IS-136 they had as obsolete
00:34.28Mavviehmmm.. it would be nice if these cisco phones actually supported SNMP statistics...
00:34.30J4k3CDMA sucks in a peak-time-urban-area aspect.
00:34.38apturarogers voice recognition system works well
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00:34.49J4k3coppice: yeah, they got sold a lot of hype from the GSM camp.
00:35.11J4k3coppice: the customers didn't see any improvement.  They see more signal issues and the prices staying the same.
00:35.28coppiceno. the CDMA just sucked. China got suckered into a useless CDMA system the poor carrier can't sell as part of trade negotiatiosn with the US
00:35.28JTthe audio quality is much worse with gsm
00:35.49J4k3what china does has very little relevence to the rest of the world.
00:35.59J4k3and I'm not going to cry for the communists, sorry.
00:36.12dovidwhat ports are needed for nat again ?
00:36.17dovid5060 and 10k-20k ?
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00:36.41J4k3all I want is some of that czech 450 mhz 1xEVDO action...
00:37.02GaVakOk, my brains not working, whats the zap echo self-adjustment command?
00:37.09GaVakzttool -something?
00:37.40xwirebtw, e911 doesnt mean every phone has a GPS in it, but the networks have pretty advanced triangulation technologies/etc
00:38.00JTold phones might not
00:38.09J4k3xwire: afaik all the US carriers went GPS due to the liabilities of trying to use the cellular technology to triangulate.
00:38.17coppicexwire: I think the CDMA phone have GPS, and the GSM ones don't
00:38.28J4k3GPS = "hey, its the military's system, if it doesn't work well - bitch at the defense department"
00:38.41J4k3coppice: Cingular's phones are marked GPS now.
00:39.06coppiceGPS only works outside, though
00:39.09J4k3coppice: I believe the GSM handsets "AT&T Wireless" sold pre-merger were triangulation-based.
00:39.19robin_szits pretty obvous why CDMA has to have GPS, and GSM doesnt
00:39.20xwirewhat about phones purchased ourside of the US?
00:39.21J4k3my vx9800 has no problem getting a GPS fix inside my office
00:39.24J4k3takes about 45 seconds
00:39.44apturawhat audio ranges do cell phones transmit?
00:39.52JTrobin_sz: it is possible to triangulate cdma signals, just harder
00:40.07J4k3robin_sz: GSM-based triangulation takes a LOT of time off neighboring towers, and most american GSM networks lack the density to pull it off.
00:40.19coppiceaptura: just a few centimetres, usually :-)
00:40.39robin_szJT, quite. GSM calculates delay between handset and tower as part of the access scheme, so multiople towers in range make it a snap
00:40.43apturawhat Audio ranges do cell phones transmit? 3-16 khz?
00:40.45robin_szCDMA is much harder to do
00:40.53robin_szaptura, nah,
00:41.00J4k3its exactly equally as hard with CDMA... I can't see why you'd say it'd be somehow easier with GSM
00:41.04robin_szaptura, try 300hz to 3khz
00:41.04J4k3GSM just has fixed timing, thats it.
00:41.15JTaptura: lol, 16kHz, who are you kidding?
00:41.24coppiceaptura: most of the time is 3kHz bandwidth. some now do wideband audio, and go up to 8kHz
00:41.28J4k3and to triangulate, you'll have to force all the calls on that channel on the neighboring towers to hop off, hope to god you can hear the handset that you're trying to triangulate, etc.
00:41.28JTaptura: landline phones are 300-3.4kHz
00:41.32J4k3its just too sketchy.
00:41.38JTso normal bandwidth is 3.1kHz
00:41.41robin_szJ4k3, the timing is NOT fixed
00:42.06robin_szJ4k3, the timing varies to make sure the transmit burst arrives at the tower exactly in the right slot
00:42.08JTaptura: fm stereo radio only transmits 15kHz
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00:42.29J4k3robin_sz: yes, but its pre-negotiated.  cdma is chaotic by comparison
00:42.33coppiceaptura: GSM and UMTS have wideband options. I guess CDMA probably does too, these days
00:42.47robin_szJ4k3, so the handset has to knwo the tower<->handset delay, thus the distance
00:42.57robin_szCDMA is quite differetn
00:43.09J4k3robin_sz: yeah, but you can do the same with CDMA... and with CDMA you're already having conversations with the other towers... the bigger problem is the idea is just piss poor
00:43.24apturacoppice yea these are important questions to ask because if I solder my TNC to my gps and interface it with the cell phone it may not send the audio signaling if its outside the range of the phones Band Pass filters.
00:43.33J4k3if you're in a place you can't get a 1.4ghz GPS signal, chances are your 850 (or more likely 1.9ghz) signal is getting multipath'd to death also.
00:43.41JTaptura: dude
00:43.42test34Is there anyway to unlock a Motorola VT2442 that has recently been connected to the internet (ie today)?
00:43.47JTaptura: that is an insane idea
00:43.52JTaptura: use GPRS or similar
00:43.52robin_szCDMA uses code sets with a high dgreee of orthogonality, so the timing between one handset and another is irrelevant
00:44.00JTand send the data digitally, shesh
00:44.18JTsending modem signals over mobiles is almost madness
00:44.23coppiceaptura: use data, like GPRS. the compression codecs make any tone signalling iffy with any cellular system
00:44.27apturaJT and does it cover areas of 30 miles from the nearest cell site?
00:44.36robin_szaptura, contact a professional to help you
00:44.38J4k3f all this, dtmf over shortwave.
00:44.43J4k3psk31 over shortwave.
00:44.50apturarobin thats what I am actually doing.
00:44.56J4k3if you want to get into complex solutions for simple problems ;)
00:45.02robin_szaptura, look in the phone book for "doctors, mental health"
00:45.10apturapsk31 is awsome. We made contact with france from Seattle once.
00:45.45robin_szand ... how on earth is that connected to audio into cell phones huh?
00:46.27JTaptura: cdma will cover 30miles in the right terrain
00:46.40apturaBc is mountainous.
00:46.52JTaptura: if it's a super remote application, you may need to use iridium
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00:46.57apturaBut anyway thats all the info I need.
00:47.15coppiceits a while since i heard someone say iridium :-)
00:47.21J4k3my CDMA record is 47 miles...  the call was LOS with lousy fresnel
00:47.32J4k3the phone bounced between 10-23 dBm for the call.
00:47.35JTiridium is definately the best choice atm for voice sat calls
00:47.55apturasat works part of the time.
00:47.55J4k3iridium is quite awesome, just don't expect good battery life or cheap airtime
00:47.58J4k3but it *works*
00:48.11JTJ4k3: it's way cheaper than all the other sat phone networks
00:48.17J4k3JT: yeah, but thats not saying much
00:48.23robin_szJ4k3, ive managed over 150 miles with 200mw on 1.3ghz SSB
00:48.24apturaDepends where in the world you are the Sat phone may not work some times.
00:48.49coppiceiridium sound quality isn't too hot, though
00:48.53J4k3robin_sz: yeah... but did you do it with a handheld device with maybe an 1/8th wave antenna?
00:49.01JTaptura: umm, no, if you have clear view of the sky, and don't have bad weather, you are almost guaranteed iridium access
00:49.16JTaptura: iridium has 66 satellites, it covers every patch of sky exposed land
00:49.20apturaDepends where in the world you are the Sat phone may not work some times.
00:49.26robin_szJ4k3, well not quite ... that was with 4 x 96 ele loop yagis
00:49.31JTaptura: fucks sake, stop repeating, use brain pleas
00:49.36J4k3robin_sz: hehe, thats different ;)
00:50.10JTaptura: how much research have you done into iridium?
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00:50.33apturaJT, I know Iridium went bankrupt in the 19990s
00:50.41JTthanks, and it's now 2007
00:50.44JTget with the program
00:50.45robin_szJ4k3, it used to work even better with 250W from a water cooled 2C39 :)
00:50.47coppiceJT: how much did motorola do before paying for it? :-)
00:50.57JTbought out by a private consortium/US DoD for USD$25M
00:51.04JThence why it's so cheap now
00:51.17JTcoppice: i think they spent USD$6B making it
00:51.21J4k3thank the stupid investors into the iridium program originally
00:51.31J4k3who paid oodles of money for a business plan that could never work
00:51.39J4k3that now does work thanks to the fact that it was purchased for pennies on the dollar.
00:51.44apturaI could care less. If china has its way thay will knock out all of the Iridium sats out of the sky if thay wish :)
00:51.47robin_szare yo talkign about 3G here?
00:51.56coppiceJT: yep. probably broke the company, and left it in the mess it is today. well, that and the waste on iDEN
00:52.02JTaptura: fuck you talk a lot of shit, live in blisful ignorance
00:52.14J4k3aptura: yeah, but they might turn themselves into the "glass parking lot named china"
00:52.17apturaJT your ignorant on current events :)
00:52.19JTrobin_sz: iridium is the largest sat phone network
00:52.19sevardgerble gerble angry words
00:52.23JTaptura: bullshit
00:53.02JTaptura: we try to educate you on how iridium currently is, and you just keep sprouting crap from 7 years ago? that's what i call ignorant
00:53.46apturaJT personally I could care less about your comments. You need to chill. I know Craig McCaw enough that my step dad worked for him in the early years and did test one of the first cells in the states in the 70s.
00:53.52robin_szJT, sorry when you said "cost billions " and "business plan that could never work" i thught you must be talking about the UK/EU 3G system ;)
00:54.01xwirehaha.. such an angry man JT
00:54.06JTrobin_sz: J4k3 said could never work :)
00:54.23sevardTI83Plus: this is still #asterisk, regardless.  what's your issue?
00:54.28robin_szaptura, and ... stuff has moved on since the 70s ...
00:55.01TI83PlusI need help finding hardware
00:55.02JTaptura: hrm sorry, that name dropping failed to impress me, but really, we were giving you another option for your gps problem, trying to be helpful, and you just repeating < aptura> Depends where in the world you are the Sat phone may not work
00:55.07JTfrustrating, a bit
00:55.11apturaof course. Dont you appricate history in the telecom sector? :)
00:55.16JTand iridium was launched in 1998, not 1970s
00:55.18*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
00:55.20blitzrageevening all!
00:55.28robin_szis it?
00:55.35JTmaybe you're talking about inmarsat
00:55.36apturaJT I am talking about the cellular network when it was created.
00:55.44TI83Plus•sevard• Too expensive, they have ot have something less than 200
00:55.45JTwhich cellular network?
00:55.46blitzrageGot my 7970 working (w00t), but I'm looking for a guide from Cisco with the available options in the SEP<mac>.xml.cnf file
00:55.57DonXTI83Plus: lol
00:55.58apturaMcCaw Cellular..the first one.
00:56.02sevardTI83Plus: what kind of hardware do you need?
00:56.07JTah ok
00:56.39TI83Plusconnect exsiting land line to server
00:56.39TI83Plusthen out again
00:56.39sevardTI83Plus: do you care about quality?
00:56.39xwireaptura: you have to tiptoe around JT, he gets very angry when facts are not 100% factual
00:56.44apturaI could care less :)
00:56.47sevardthen you'll be paying out cash, if you care about quality and echo.  if you don't, pick up an x100
00:56.50xwireand irc is a very serious place, just ask him
00:56.58sevardvery, very serious place.
00:57.00JTxwire: not true, you just need to not ne a knob that keeps repeating the same wrong statement without discussing it :)
00:57.04blitzrageirc is the blind leading the blind :)
00:57.15Jinglesshit! I'm being led somewhere?
00:57.21xwirewith an angry JT in the middle
00:57.22blitzragestraight to hell!
00:57.28coppiceJT: why? it usually works for politicians
00:57.40JTxwire: take your personal problems elsewhere
00:57.59xwirei did, i left #unix on austnet and came here
00:58.02xwireoh wait, that was you.
00:58.08*** part/#asterisk TI83Plus (
00:58.15JTi'm still everywhere, and have been here for ages
00:58.18JTyou're new here
00:58.28xwireyou *think* that
00:58.44robin_szaptura, Craig McCaw didnt start looking at cellular until '81 .. not the 70s, he was tunning a cable tv system then
00:58.44xwireactually, i couldnt remember my password for my account here, so regged this so I could get into a few rooms
00:59.09JTxwire: what was your other nick?
00:59.45JTsince you say you've been here for a while
00:59.46apturarobin, my step dad was with craig MCaw when thay turned on the first cell cite with the mayor next to them in the late 70s.
01:00.23apturaThat was in Chicogo
01:00.34xwire/whois xwire
01:00.52apturaSorry robin but my step dad has pictures to prove it.
01:01.22JTxwire: already done that, thought you had another one, since you claim to have been here for so long
01:01.39robin_szwell, sorry, but the rest of your comments were not particualrly believable, I'll stick with the official biography version, thanks
01:01.46xwireand where was that claim made?
01:01.55apturarobin thats fine.
01:01.55JT12:22 < JT> you're new here
01:01.56JT12:22 < xwire> you *think* that
01:02.03JTi meant in this channel specifically
01:02.27xwireperhaps you should be clear in your facts jt, otherwise I may have to get angry and serious and correct you
01:02.52xwireno room for ambiguities
01:03.08JTyou infered that you've been in this channel for longer than i think
01:03.17xwireperhaps on the network.
01:03.23Strom_Cchildren, children
01:03.29xwiresee, jt gets very angry
01:03.35robin_szawww, it was just getting fun :)
01:03.41xwireand yeah, I am new to this room, just downloaded *now, and thought id see who the fanboys were
01:03.53xwireand trolls
01:04.16JTxwire: you're a shit stirrer, if you've been around for long enough, you'd realise i try to help people here as much as possible, instead of trying to stir shit
01:04.20JTbut anyway
01:04.31robin_szif any goats come past. I'm having them
01:04.34JTwho has an asterisk problem? :)
01:04.46blitzrageJT: I do
01:04.54robin_szJT, still me and mISDN :)
01:04.56Shaun2222why am i seeing these warnings?
01:05.03JTrobin_sz: given bristuff a go?
01:05.29blitzrageShaun2222: don't worry about it -- something in the code, but no harm with it
01:05.47apturarobin see chicogo was a cellular test site. Not in full operation. I was living near seattle when I saw the first cell equipment as a kid in the early 80s.
01:05.48robin_szJT, I am going to have to build another box for that ... so much stuff needed changing I feared screwing my install and thus the office phone system
01:06.12blitzrageJT: Quick!!! I need teh help!!!
01:06.13Shaun2222blitzrage: i'm a bit confused as to why 1.4.0 which is suppose to be released would have warnings like that for somthing like iax
01:06.17apturaIt was interesting and bizzare technoligy but soon it started to kick in.
01:06.18*** join/#asterisk xwire (
01:06.21xwiredamn wireless
01:06.26blitzrageShaun2222: because it's a point oh release
01:06.28xwireanyway, i had just said "fanboys"
01:06.56JTrobin_sz: oh ok, didn't think it would've impacted that badly upon your existing * installation?
01:07.02blitzragenever trust a .0 release
01:07.18blitzrageShaun2222: production should still be using 1.2.x
01:07.43robin_szJT, its the zaphfc stuff thats painful at the moment
01:07.46xwirewas actually here to ask a question, which is kinda newb
01:07.55blitzragexwire: just ask
01:08.18Shaun2222blitzrage: this isnt like a small bug that i discovered while diging deap into this thing... this is displayed like first thing... wtf says somthings released that has a obvious bug in it
01:08.25xwire* may be open source, but it seems (after speninging many seconds reading) that the guy who started the project has a monoply on the hardware for it
01:08.31blitzrageShaun2222: ok
01:08.33robin_szJT, I'll search out my Xorcom/Rapid install CD again ... seemed a quick and easy way of doing bristuffed
01:08.34Shaun2222i mean it's right in front of their face.
01:08.40blitzragexwire: totally un-true
01:08.41Shaun2222are you sure this is a bug.
01:08.43xwireis that true... and has anyone else used other hardware, such as a basic modem to interface with pots
01:08.49blitzrageShaun2222: I never said it was a bug
01:08.49JTnot so, sangoma, openvox and junghanns and others have hardware for *
01:08.49Shaun2222and not just a conf error on my part?
01:08.55xwire. nice
01:09.09xwirethere is not toom uch mention of that on the *now page
01:09.11Shaun2222jesus, do you just tell everybody who displays warnings/errors to ignore them..
01:09.13blitzrageShaun2222: just ignore it -- its probably because the CLI is going through a state of deprecation
01:09.13xwirego figure :P
01:09.14JTrobin_sz: installing bristuff is very easy
01:09.19JTxwire: wonder why :)
01:09.30blitzragexwire: uh... well DUH!
01:09.40JTthe book mentions sangoma though
01:09.41blitzrageit's called being a company
01:09.46jbotsomebody said thebook was a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
01:09.46robin_szJT with the download/build/install scripts?
01:09.50JTrobin_sz: yes
01:09.56xwireanyone know a decent indepandant site which talks about/rates/lists/whatevers hardware for *, with lots of hacks and the like?
01:09.59blitzrageI heard the guys who wrote it get tons of chicks
01:10.02robin_szJT, well, maybe
01:10.10Corydon76-homeWake me when somebody actually gets US ISDN working for Asterisk
01:10.12blitzragexwire: yah, google does
01:10.20robin_szblitzrage, chick with dicks ?
01:10.23xwiregoogle also licks my penis
01:10.27jbot[thewiki] at
01:10.27blitzragerobin_sz: not so much
01:10.41k-man__i'm trying to configure my linksys phone to talk to my isp's sip server.. do i need to do anything special on the firewall? like forward a port form the firewall to the phone?
01:10.55blitzragek-man__: usually not
01:11.05Corydon76-homeblitzrage: louder, some chicks might start hearing you
01:11.13blitzrageCorydon76-home: yah right :)
01:11.34Corydon76-homeJim must be getting all the chicks
01:11.42blitzrageCorydon76-home: yah, he's the party animal
01:12.52JTxwire: what are you trying to interface * with anyway?
01:13.32xwirenot sure yet, just bored, and seems something fun to play with
01:13.37*** join/#asterisk demigod2k (
01:13.47JTmost of the pci stuff isn't cheap
01:13.49*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:13.51JTATAs are cheaper
01:13.59demigod2kanybody use the Polycom 4000? is it nice? recommend anything else instead?
01:14.18Corydon76-homeJT: but you can't plug a T1 into an ATA
01:14.26xwireim behind a corporate firewall a lot of the time, and am wanting to setup an incoming voip service, so I dont have to pay the bullshit amounts we get charged
01:14.33xwire4cents per minute for a local call is bull shit
01:14.36JTtrue, i doubt xwire is looking at a t1 now
01:14.37robin_szdemigod2k, i recommend almost anything other than Grandstream :)
01:14.38Corydon76-homeJT: and fax machines don't exactly like voip, either
01:14.53JTCorydon76-home: i realise
01:14.57demigod2krobin_sz: ya, we've got all polycom otherwise. speakerphones are always touchy though
01:14.58*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:15.00HushPei got my TDM400P working :)
01:15.08Corydon76-homexwire: that's what I pay for my toll free number
01:15.12HushPeit's a little crackly though, like dial tones
01:15.27xwireyeah... i know, its shit, and its a university too
01:15.45demigod2krobin_sz: I tried a grandstream first (tempted by all the buttons). It's like the walmart quality phone of voip
01:15.52robin_sz4c minute sounds dirt cheap to me
01:16.05xwirefor local calls?
01:16.06Corydon76-homerobin_sz: for a tollfree number, sure
01:16.07robin_szdemigod2k, you mean yours actually worked?
01:16.22Corydon76-homerobin_sz: for local calls, not so much
01:16.30demigod2krobin_sz: ya it worked but it looked like it would be super high maintenance
01:16.36perdastDB data survives shutdowns, etc, right?
01:16.38JT4c/min for a local call is terrible
01:16.43JTperd: yes
01:16.45Corydon76-homeperd: correct
01:16.53Qwell4c/min for int'l is some terrible :p
01:16.54robin_szdemigod2k, wow. did you get a phot of it working?
01:16.55*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
01:16.59Qwell4c/min for some int'l is terrible :p
01:17.02xwirefunny thing was... when I was living there (its in Australia), calling the US... my calling card was 1.5cents per minute (awesome), but the university charged me 4cents a minute just to call the local number
01:17.13Corydon76-home4c/minute to Cuba is awesome
01:17.21demigod2krobin_sz: hahaha no :) I bought this off-the-shelf asterisk server. I love this as a hobby but for work I dont want to screw around
01:17.27JTmaybe the uni makes a profit
01:17.35Corydon76-homeThen again, calls to Cuba only have a 1/3 success rate
01:17.44demigod2krobin_sz: it came with a ready-to-go configuration for the grandstream which is probably the only reason it worked
01:17.45xwireeither that, or they get raped by telstra/govt contracts/whatever
01:17.55xwireperhaps an old ISDN contract
01:17.57robin_szdemigod2k, damn! ... a photo of a working Grandstream GXP2000 .. you could have sold that to fox news!
01:18.15demigod2kit didnt work well, if htat counts for something
01:18.45JTxwire: the uni in us or au charged 4c/min?
01:18.46robin_szdemigod2k, mine works great .. it keeps the door open, or can stop the truck rollign back on moderate slopes
01:18.54robin_sznot much use as a phone though
01:19.06demigod2khahaha nice. ya we went all polycom 301/501 and I was looking at the 4000 speakerphone although it's $700 which is steep
01:19.20robin_szSnom/Elmeg 290 here
01:19.50demigod2kI'm happy with everything except the message waiting indicator -- beeps every 30 seconds, no way to reduce the frequency of beeping
01:20.57demigod2krobin_sz: do you use any cordlesses?
01:21.27robin_szsipura ATA and dect phones :)
01:21.56robin_szwe tired some wifi phones .. zyxel and one other ... shite.
01:22.15robin_szafaik, there are no working wifi phones
01:22.16demigod2kwhat was the problem, echo? battery life?
01:22.30robin_szinablity to connect to the base relaibly
01:22.33xwireanyways, ive been moving around the world a lot lately, and am looking at purchasing something similar to vonage (although, definately not vonage) so I can keep the same phone number whereever.. the problem is, lots of the time I am behind firewalls with no upnp, or forwarding ports/whatever... any advise from anyone? (besides to give up)
01:22.37robin_szshit battery life
01:22.42robin_szshit hardware
01:22.49robin_szgenerally, shit.
01:22.59xwirei can't spell
01:23.03JTxwire: get a server somewhere, and connect to it with IAX
01:23.15robin_szi honestly would have prefered they sold me a block of wood
01:23.27robin_szthat way I wouldnt have wasted time trying to make it work
01:23.38JTxwire: or get a server somewhere, and connect to it using your mobile with ringback
01:23.44demigod2kya. I thought about the ATA but then you lack the forwarding, other software features, without hitting # key combinations
01:23.51JTyou could use a landline too
01:24.06robin_sztrust me ... its a better option
01:24.12zero-Gfrom someone who has just enough telephony experience to be dangerous ... just what kind of hardware would you need to utilize asterisk with POTS lines if you weren't using digium's cards in a pc?
01:24.17robin_szwifi dont work
01:24.28JTzero-G: SIP ATA
01:24.47robin_szor an old intel modem
01:25.02JTrobin_sz: he already said not using cards in pc though
01:25.05demigod2kzero-G: you can use an ATA (ethernet -> phone adapter). we actually use the digium PCI cards in my office which works great
01:25.08robin_szno he didnt
01:25.43robin_szhe said " if you weren't using digium's cards in a pc"
01:25.46JTi'm pretty sure the X100P and clones count as "digiums cards in a pc" even if they're not really
01:26.04demigod2krobin_sz: ya it seemed like wifi wouldnt scale for a full office. I was hesitant to drop $300 on a phone to learn that lesson though. we switched from a panasonic full cordless system
01:26.22JTdemigod2k: smart man :)
01:26.36*** join/#asterisk jtexter3 (
01:26.37robin_szJT, I assumed he meant "I dont want to spend $300 on a card, what alternative is there"
01:26.52JTah, well that's possible
01:26.59JTi wouldn't recommend X100P anyway
01:27.00ManxPowerIt really depends on how many people you want to be able to scale to
01:27.03*** join/#asterisk SECGOD (
01:27.03JTi assume he wants it to work
01:27.04demigod2kJT, so far we love it. every phone system has its issues (ours included). but for the price it's a steal
01:27.15zero-Gactually i was wondering was ther other equipment out there that could be controlled by * that wasn't necessarily inside the computer
01:27.19robin_szJT, it does work .. sorta ;)
01:27.30robin_szJT,  but yeah the SIP ata is a better option
01:27.32JTzero-G: yeah, an ATA might be what you are after
01:28.30zero-Gsorry, but what's ATA in plain english :)
01:28.40JTanalogue telephony adapter
01:28.50Strom_Cnot quite
01:28.50JTa box that has an ethernet port and one or more phone ports
01:28.52robin_szsee ebay for details
01:28.55Strom_Canalog terminal adapter :)
01:29.10zero-GOK thnx!
01:29.41robin_szanalogue tlephoen line, analogue phone port and an ethernet
01:29.52robin_szand a problem usually :)
01:29.57JTand power
01:30.00zero-Gwhat exactly is a channel bank?
01:30.19robin_sz20 phone ports in a box
01:30.20JTrobin_sz: maybe you're describing a sipura 3102
01:30.23robin_szor line ports
01:30.30robin_szJT, 2102
01:30.39JTzero-G: a box that converts between a PRI like a T1 and lots of ports (usually)
01:31.19robin_szJT, the 2102 is two phones, a "internet" port and a LAN port
01:31.28robin_szJT, and a problem
01:31.39Strom_CI've never seen a channel bank that operates on a PRI
01:31.48robin_szJT, it is incabable of believing your SIP server is on your LAN
01:31.58mmlj4probably it's just a 2-port switch
01:32.02Strom_Cyou get a channelized T1 out one end and a bunch of analog circuits out the other
01:32.03JTrobin_sz: the 2102 is 2 X FXS
01:32.10JTrobin_sz: right
01:32.11robin_szJT, regardless of the netmask
01:32.27JTrobin_sz: 2102 doesn't connect to phone line though
01:32.37robin_sz3102 ?
01:32.44*** join/#asterisk alrs (
01:32.53robin_szwill that believe yor * box is on your LAN?
01:32.55JTStrom_C: yeah, i meant CAS T1/E1
01:33.16JTrobin_sz: dunno, heard of plenty using it with *
01:33.24*** part/#asterisk alrs (
01:33.55robin_szyeah, my 2102 refused to send SIP lanwards .. regardless of network settings ... SIP was going "internet" port, but never LAN port
01:34.25*** part/#asterisk generalhan (n=asd@
01:34.43robin_szgot it working, but not between the router and the rest of the notwork .. sits as a device onthe net, whichj I prefer anyway
01:34.49JTrobin_sz: if i bought one i'd probably never use the router function
01:34.56JTbut that's a good headsup anyway
01:35.23*** part/#asterisk robin_sz (
01:35.54*** part/#asterisk Jingles (
01:44.59J4k3whee...  non-hiccupy asterisk
01:45.20J4k3tomorrow the p-m 915 arrives to further insist in non-hiccupyness
01:45.24J4k3p-d 915
01:46.55*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
01:46.57*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
01:47.19JTJ4k3: what is that?
01:48.48*** join/#asterisk xpot (
01:49.36xpotcan somebody assist me with the following issue? : ERROR[21061]: pbx.c:1498 ast_func_read: Function Cut not registered
01:50.01xpotmake menuselect shows that func_cut is enabled (with asterisk)
01:50.07J4k3JT: Intel pentium-d dual core "915" chip, which is 2x2.8ghz w/ 2MB L2 per core (4mb total)
01:50.43JTJ4k3: how much does that cost?
01:51.15*** join/#asterisk niZx (
01:51.44J4k3JT: 106 for the cpu, mobos can be had for $50 and up
01:52.15*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
01:52.19J4k3"does geeksquad come in a box or can?"
01:52.21JThmm, not bad
01:55.24xpotERROR[21061]: pbx.c:1498 ast_func_read: Function Cut not registered... any help?
01:56.13J4k3now all I need is a headset that doesn't say "playstation" on it.
01:57.49JunK-Yxpot: load it?
01:58.10Daveb21Has anyone got a recommendation for VoIP provider in Australia? Looking at about 4 VoIP lines i'd say.
01:58.20sivanaxpot: load
01:58.25JTDaveb21: depends on your criteria
01:58.27xpotI am not sure how?  I already checked the make menuselect
01:58.35xpotoh, I will try that
01:58.45sivanamight be:  module load
01:59.07xpotWARNING[20618]: loader.c:597 load_resource: Module '' already exists.
01:59.22sivanathere you go
01:59.35xpotI still get the error
02:00.25Daveb21JT: Havent really narrowed that down too much yet - the guy I've got researching providers reckons that most of the ones hes found look like "home" 1 line services rather than business services
02:01.02JTDaveb21: well, price or quality
02:01.07JTany particular did requirements
02:01.15JTdo you need 4 public numbers
02:01.20Qwellyou all ready for the State of the Union drinking game?
02:01.28QwellTake a drink every time Bush says something stupid
02:01.29Daveb21JT: brb in 2 mins
02:01.42JTsounds like some sort os speech we ignore in Australia ;)
02:01.47ClydeGoffehey has anyone gotten asterisk to work with using virtual numbers?
02:01.57ClydeGoffewhenever i recieve calls the person can hear me but I can't hear them
02:02.02ClydeGoffenot sure what's causing that
02:02.08ClydeGoffeif i call out everything works fine
02:02.11ClydeGoffeany ideas?
02:03.49Daveb21JT: Probably quality i'd say - its a business services - we'll only be using it for outgoing calls
02:04.11JTDaveb21: do you have any PSTN backup?
02:04.30*** join/#asterisk dseeb_ (n=dcb@
02:05.15Daveb21JT: We're looking at 4 incoming lines (ISDN) that we'll use as a backup in the event the VoIP provider or Internet link goes down. We'll also have a couple of PSTN lines for ADSL but those wont be linked to the Asterisk server
02:06.23JTDaveb21: personally, i don't think the provider needs top notch uptime since you have decent pstn backup
02:06.34JT4 * BRI i assume (8 chans)
02:06.50Daveb21JT: The catalyst for all this is we're moving offices and have to put in our own PBX system. And we're an IT company dealing mainly in linux so we figured we'd go an Asterisk solution with VoIP handsets and a VoIP provider for outgoing calls
02:07.02JTsounds like a plan
02:07.03Daveb21JT: 2 * BRI
02:07.23JTyeah, engin is pretty good for outgoing only
02:07.34Daveb21JT: Can you poke any holes in that theory :o)
02:07.57JTunlimited simultaneous inbound or outbound calls with engin, 20c/m to mobiles on business 50 plan
02:08.09JTsounds like a good plan
02:08.09Daveb21JT: Thats not bad
02:08.15JTi've done similar stuff before
02:08.52Daveb21JT: Excellent so im not completely crazy then hahah
02:09.23JTonly thing is, which is really a matter of how fussy your users are, is that engin has network wide RTP silence supression on the leg of the call from their end to yours
02:09.35JTso for users it can sound unnervingly quiet when there's no talking
02:09.55JTand if the other end has low volume, it may clip a bit
02:10.14Daveb21JT: I'll be sure to tell them not too be spooked by it - that would save a bit on bandwidth tho yeah?
02:10.30Daveb21JT: Obviously they support Asterisk
02:10.46perdmy silence sounds dont work!
02:10.47JTbandwidth is not much of a concern if you can get broadband
02:10.50perdwhat gives :(
02:11.04JTthey don't support asterisk, you can connect it to asterisk if you're on a "voiper" plan
02:11.28JTbut they won't tell you how to troubleshoot asterisk
02:11.59Daveb21JT: Sorry meant traffic not bw - probably wont matter anyway as we'll be on a 20 or 60Gb plan
02:12.20JTDaveb21: also, you either need good qos (and upstream data), or a dedicated broadband link
02:12.29JTvoip traffic is minimal, even with no compression
02:12.33JTwhuch is how i prefer it
02:13.05Daveb21JT: yeah definitely looking at a dedicated ADSL2 link, and will probably QoS anyway in case
02:13.46JTi'm curious what your average call volume/cost is
02:13.53JTyou don't have to say of course
02:14.12Daveb21JT: So basically with Engin you just configure Asterisk to "use this route/gateway/provider" (not sure on the proper term) and it will put all calls through there - you dont use IAX or anything funky like that
02:14.26JTDaveb21: you need to use SIP
02:14.28Daveb21JT: Im trying to get that info now from our people
02:14.40JTdon't have access to phone bills?
02:15.23Daveb21JT: We dont control our PABX at the mo - we piggyback off another company upstairs and they charge us. Yep, but im the tech guy and I gotta get it off the admin ppl
02:16.10JTpiggybacking doesn't sound like fun
02:16.21Daveb21apparently its $5 per extension per month and our call charges are about $600pm
02:16.40JTrelatively low i guess
02:16.44JTfor 4 lines anyway
02:16.45Daveb21but they are using Nodephone for their STD calls already so were already on a cheap std rate
02:17.12xpotERROR[21690]: pbx.c:1498 ast_func_read: Function Cut not registered => still having this issue... any other suggestions?
02:17.13JTdo you do much std?
02:17.47Daveb21apparently their std calls went from 1200pm to 55pm
02:17.56JTheh yeah
02:17.58Daveb21nah not really - mostly local and mobile
02:18.03JTit really depends on the volume though
02:18.10JTdo you get good rates on mobile now?
02:18.28Daveb21dunno - trying to get a breakdown on call costs at the mo
02:18.46Daveb21id suggest thats where most of our 600pm goes
02:18.55JTi built a spreadsheet app that can very accurately make call costs comparisons based on an actual bill from a typical month
02:19.19JTunlike the crappy guestimations that sales staff always try to give, that only look at totals
02:19.25*** part/#asterisk zero-G (
02:19.26JTthis works on the cost of every single call
02:19.33JTbut you need the data in electronic format
02:19.56JTwith duration, etc
02:19.57Daveb21we're looking at this solution as not only for us but potentially for our customers too
02:20.10Daveb21yeah - doubt id be able to get a hold of something like that
02:20.26Daveb21ill just be guessing :)
02:20.31JTyou could try scanning it in with ocr, probably wouldn't be fun
02:20.39k-man__how can i tell if my linksys spa942 is connecting to the sip provider?
02:20.44k-man__i can't make a  call on it
02:20.49k-man__and it doesn;t really tell me much
02:21.26*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
02:21.59Daveb21JT: what about maximum uptime strategies such as clustering or failover/load balancing - have you dealt much with those?
02:22.07perdthis IF statement is going to be true if ACTUAL_EXTEN is null, right?    ${IF($["${ACTUAL_EXTEN}"=""]?
02:22.23JTDaveb21: for 4 lines, it seems like overkill to have a cluster
02:22.27JThow many extensions?
02:23.10perdoh nm i had a misplaced "
02:23.10ManxPowerperd: in 1.2 and later, I believe so.  you might need spaces around the =
02:23.12perdfriggen a :)
02:23.25Daveb21about 20 - i was thinking the same also but would like to have a strategy if the server falls over or if we grow it is easy to move to a clustered solution
02:23.26perdexten => s,1,Set(extension=${IF($["${ACTUAL_EXTEN}"=""]?${IF($["${LEN(${MACRO_EXTEN})}" = "7"]?${MACRO_EXTEN:3}:${MACRO_EXTEN})}:${ACTUAL_EXTEN})})
02:23.40perdoh yeah, i love extensions.conf logic.
02:24.02perdi think that syntax just broke my head
02:24.21JTDaveb21: pretty much all * redundancy and clustering solutions involve accepting that you will lose currently active calls
02:25.30Daveb21Yeah I figured as much but even something that would failover within a couple of seconds so new calls could be made
02:25.47JTthat's possible
02:26.20Daveb21My initial thoughts are our worst case scenario we'll simply plug a phone into our PSTN line being used for ADSL and call forward the main number from ISDN
02:26.47Daveb21is it something that is done within asterisk or do you use Linux-HA or LVS style stuff
02:26.57JTthat's pretty last ditch redundancy :)
02:27.05JTthat can be done with isdn too
02:27.31JTDaveb21: it's up to you to work out a redundancy solution, taking care of your lines is usually the hardest bit
02:27.43JTalso fallover proofing the box is a good idea
02:27.44Daveb21need an ISDN phone tho dont ya? cant plug standard handset into ISDN line?
02:28.05JTisdn phone or an NT1+
02:28.13JTand analogue phone
02:28.37Daveb21as you can see my telephony knowledge aint flash :o)
02:29.02Daveb21box will definitely by RAID disk, UPS
02:29.32JTRAID1 + redundant power supply + online ups preferably is my recommendation
02:29.48JTmake sure the ups powers the PoE capable switch too
02:30.29Daveb21yep got in that listed in my requirements - not sure if theyll go redundant power tho
02:30.51J4k3UPSes are evil, but theres a general lack of decent pure-dc solutions.
02:30.59J4k3thats my personal side project.
02:31.04JTit's pretty stupid not to go redundant power supplies for telephony or any servers, really
02:31.37JTin fact for asterisk, it's better to buy a second hand unit that meets all requirements than buy a bare bones brand new nox
02:31.59JTJ4k3: fabricating bus bars, too?
02:32.04Daveb21yeah im in agreement there - I want to go Tier1 hardware (IBM,HP) preferably HP but we dont generally by brand hardware
02:32.23JTibm is pretty good
02:32.29JTalso, don't buy a pentium 4
02:32.42JTget a xeon or even a PIII
02:32.43Daveb21Ive had some bad experience with IBMs in the past so....... :)
02:33.50J4k3JT: nah, texas metal casting is good for that sort of stuff ;)
02:34.00JTJ4k3: heh
02:34.07JTthey do cast copper?
02:34.26J4k3yeah, they do all sorts of fun stuff with copper and brass
02:34.32Daveb21what about HDD i'm thinking 2x72Gb should do the trick for a business of our size (20 extensions/users)
02:34.43J4k3they also work alumimum out there, but thats less interesting.
02:34.54JTDaveb21: 2GB would be enough if you don't record calls
02:35.07JTrecording calls is the only thing you need space for really with asterisk
02:35.22Daveb21yeah but try getting HDDs with capacity below 40Gb nowadays :oP
02:35.38JTyeah i know, it's nice to have space to play with, anyway
02:35.52JT72GB is more than enough unless you're recording a lot
02:35.59Daveb21voicemail take up much space? i wouldnt have thought so
02:36.05JToh, and system prompts take up space, but not that much
02:36.10JTvoicemail takes a bit
02:36.16JTno, i mean recording calls
02:36.29JTlike callcentres and 000 do
02:36.39Daveb21yeah - we definitely dont have a requirement to record calls "for quality and coaching purposes"
02:37.10JT72GB might not be enough if you had 100lines and kept recordings for months
02:37.51Daveb21im looking at integrating the voicemail with our messaging environment also once we finally figure out which one we're going with
02:38.35Daveb21Top stuff, thanks for all that info JT - back in 5 after i pop over the road and grab some lunch
02:38.54JTi should probably do similar at some stage
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02:57.22neddyI'd like to set up an asterisk server so that my family can do VOIP to me -- don't care about landlines or much else -- what part of asterisk do I need for that?
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02:57.35neddywhat dialplan would that be?
03:00.52pigpenDoes anyone know if the orphaned txt file issue has been resolved in recent ver's of Asterisk?  (or still an issue?)
03:00.58sevardneddy: you'll want to figure out if you want to use analog lines in your home or voip phones, and how many, and how are you going to get service to your home
03:01.06sevardonce you have those pinned down you're golden
03:01.14neddysevard: no analog at all
03:01.33neddyI just want to install apps on their computers and use the mic and speakers on the computer to talk
03:01.45sevardalright, then you can get up and running right now
03:02.00sevardthere's xlite or zoa's whatever client for windows, and there are softphones for linux aswell
03:02.03sevardsoftware phones.
03:02.07JTtghat's what you're talking about
03:02.15sevard"install apps on their computers" == softphones
03:02.20neddydo you have a favorite MacOS softphone?
03:02.46neddyso, what part of asterisk needs setup for that?
03:02.53pigpenI use it allot.
03:03.13neddyI don't need a 'service provider' - do I ?
03:03.13JT/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf and /etc/asterisk/sip.conf or iax.conf
03:03.27JTnot if you don't want to talk to the phone network
03:03.27sevardyou'll need to install asterisk on a server in your home, set up the sip clients, register them with the asterisk box, and build your dialplan.
03:03.46JTwell, the server can be anywhere
03:03.46sevardif you want PSTN termination you'll need such a provider, if you just want to talk in house, then now.
03:04.01neddypigpen: very nice!
03:04.01sevardJT: of course the server can be anywhere, foolz.
03:04.23JTsevard: just saying, sometimes it needs to be spelt out to people
03:04.25pigpenneddy, very least on my quad mac, mac book pro and others...
03:04.30neddywhat's the benefit of iax.,conf over sip.conf?
03:04.49JTiax protocol only uses a single port, so less issues with nat
03:04.53sevardthey're different protocols, there's really no benifit if you're not doing NAT
03:04.58neddyif PSTN is Plain Standard Telephone Network, the answer is I don't care
03:05.03neddyI don't even have a landline
03:05.14JTPSTN is Public Switched Telephone Network
03:05.22sevardneddy: you can get VoIP service from a service providor to talk to the rest of the world on the telephone network
03:05.31sevardPOTS would be plain old telephone service
03:05.37sevarderm, set
03:05.52neddyI see
03:06.15neddyWell, to my family, I will have to do NAT because they live all over the place
03:06.17sevardIf you'd like a friendly contractor to do all of this for you, look no farther
03:06.46neddysevard: I'm a geek trying to learn more, so I'm hoping to figure this out myself
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03:06.52sevardright on
03:06.59neddyI'm installing this on the machine that currently hosts just MythTV for me
03:07.02jbotextra, extra, read all about it, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
03:07.02neddyit's always on
03:07.29neddyvery nice
03:07.41pigpenanyone know if the voicemail app was overhauled in 1.4.x
03:08.17pigpenEither the documentation is well hidden, or I am too lazy.... :)
03:08.48sevardneddy: it's worth a read, it answeres most, if not all, questions you'll begin asking
03:08.52neddySo, which extensions do I need?
03:08.58neddyand, what dialplan do I need?
03:09.08JTthe one that you write?
03:09.15neddyI built and installed the asterisk-gui yesterday and started the wizard
03:09.24neddybut I didn' t know what they mean by dialplan
03:09.26sevardneat, get rid of the gui and read the book.
03:09.32JTthe dialplan is extensions.conf
03:09.37neddyI set up myself as a user with extension 6000
03:09.52neddyI setup extension 7000 as the voicemail extension
03:10.16sevardsounds like logical digit maping :|
03:10.16neddynow, I'll try kphone or idefisk to see if I can check my voicemail
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03:10.39neddyWhat is the asterisk-lingo for a teamspeak-like server
03:10.46pigpenyeah...learn it in console..then graduate to your own custom built gui....
03:10.49sevarda conference?
03:10.56neddyOne where everyone registers and dials in and you have a big conference room...
03:10.59sevarda conference?
03:11.40JTyes, that's the answer
03:12.00JTplease either read the book, or search google, instead of repeating the answer i give :)
03:12.46neddyMy google-fu is weak
03:12.52neddylots and many hits for asterisk
03:13.05jbotrumour has it, thewiki is at
03:13.12neddyso I'm trying to narrow the scope so I can find individual terms to search for
03:13.28sevardneddy: google( <subject )
03:13.37dendriteneddy: The book cited is an easy read.  Really, plan to spend only a few hours, and you'll be MUCH clearer.
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03:14.56neddydid you say hours??
03:15.10JTyes, i believe so
03:15.13dendriteIt's not a very thick book.  It's a good introduction.
03:15.18neddy<whiny voice>Dude, that is such a long time...
03:15.26JTyou don't need to read the appendicies either
03:15.40JTwelll if you don't have much experience in telecommunications, you'll need it
03:16.03JTi thought you said you wanted to learn :)
03:16.18sevardI believe I said....
03:16.22sevardIf you'd like a friendly contractor to do all of this for you, look no farther
03:16.36sevardAsterisk is a big scary beast and if you're not man enough...
03:16.38JTi'm sure a lot of us could set it up for you neddy
03:16.40neddyLearn?  Does that mean reading?
03:16.54JTreading is the quick option
03:16.58neddyI'm just trying to be funny
03:17.03sevardyou're failing.
03:17.11JTthe slower one is to try random shit in configuration files and see if it does anything
03:18.03neddyMy mythtv experience started off kinda weak too, because I didn't know anything about it and I started by installing just the driver for my tv tuner card and then by making it work with something simple like tvtime and then finally installing mythv and then a big logical volume
03:18.18neddyI'm having a harder time figuring out where to start with asterisk
03:18.28neddyso, I think I'll read the book
03:18.45Daveb21just to clear up something, the PCI 2.2 standard used by most digium cards is NOT the same as PCI-x right?
03:19.13JTpci 2.2 specifices a bus voltage of 3.3v
03:19.24Daveb21damn servers all come with PCI-x nowadays
03:19.28neddywhich is still different than PCI-e, right?
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03:19.43JTDaveb21: so? the cards should still work
03:22.38Daveb21confused..... pci-e / pci-x / pci express - all the same? which ones can the digium cards (specifically B410P) plug into - forgive my ignorance been a while since i delved into hardware - normally its just gimme a server with X CPU, X RAM and X HDD
03:22.41*** join/#asterisk ltd (
03:23.01JTpci-e != pci-x
03:23.05*** join/#asterisk Trevor_B (
03:23.17JTpci will go into pci-x slot
03:23.42*** join/#asterisk Avochelm (
03:23.54pigpenbut, just because a PCI card fits into a PCI-X slot, does not mean it will work....but 90% of the time it works...
03:24.06JTif it's 3.3v it should work
03:24.12Daveb21ah ok - so many standards makes my head hurt
03:24.17JTif you have anything else on the bus, it may slow it down
03:24.29Corydon76-homeThe nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from
03:24.37JTi was going to say that
03:24.40Daveb21JT: card 3.3v or slot 3.3v?
03:24.46JT3.3v card
03:24.55pigpenI have this issue with a video capture card, where the pci bridge isn't  cheap card.
03:25.04J4k3wow....  why does a SIP call use 160kbit/sec of bandwidth? :|
03:25.15JTeach direction, J4k3 ?
03:25.18JTor both
03:25.23J4k3JT: total both ways
03:25.28J4k3its right at 80k both ways
03:25.30JTthat's normal with g.711
03:25.38J4k3between the voip provider and my asterisk
03:25.40JTi've found it closer to 85kbit/s each way
03:25.47JTif qualify is on
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03:26.14JTcodec is 64kbit/s, rest is overhead
03:26.20Daveb21ok thanks guys - makes my job of identifying appropriate server hardware MUCH easier :)
03:26.30J4k364kbit/sec sounds pretty well noncompressed :)
03:26.32pigpenhow do you start an asterisk console logger again?
03:27.06grandyhello... how do i troubleshoot why i have poor quality iax calls in spite of a 60ms ping time
03:27.23JTJ4k3: it is uncompressed, however is also companded, which can be argued is a form of compression
03:27.39pigpengrandy, you may want to define "poor quality"
03:27.47JTpigpen: /etc/asterisk/logger.conf?
03:27.50Daveb21ah screw it ill just give the specs to the hardware supplier and say gimme a price on a whitebox and on a Tier1 machine hehe
03:28.11grandypigpen: occasional jitter and missed words...
03:28.21JTDaveb21: it's not that hard really :)
03:28.50JTDaveb21: can you see my messages?
03:28.53pigpenJT, I thought I remembered a "side daemon" that dumps it out to a txt file....
03:29.08Daveb21JT: yeah im just lazy :P
03:29.09JTpigpen: you can make logger.conf do that
03:29.28J4k3ahhh, with GSM its about 60kbit total, thats better.
03:29.29pigpengrandy, is this IAX going over dsl/cable modem?
03:29.37JTfull log
03:29.48JTJ4k3: if you have no bandwidth, i guess it's better :)
03:29.59JTg.729 sounds better than gsm and uses less
03:30.01[TK]D-Fendergrandy : Your amazingly fast connection is capable of losing packets better that everyone else :)
03:30.06J4k3JT: well, it sounds pretty awful :)
03:30.33pigpen[TK]D-Fender, well line is the "King" of loss...
03:30.37grandypigpen: the setup is:  asterisk in a datacenter with a 20 megabit connection that is very fast to the backbones... and then i am using a cable modem to connect to that box and using idefisk on my laptop
03:30.40J4k3JT: hrm... whats the setting to enable 729?
03:31.07JTJ4k3: go to and buy transcoding licences and then activate them, then it needs to be in a high priority i guess
03:31.21grandypigpen: seems however that calls that don't go through voipstreet (the origination/termination provider) are of superb quality, but that the ones that go over pots via voipstreet are lousy and have lost syllables and jitter...
03:31.37pigpengrandy, it is more than likely a loss/latency upon load on your cable modem line, or a timing issue on your laptop....
03:31.37sevardJT: wait, in a high priority? what
03:31.46pigpengrandy, ulaw or gsm?
03:31.47JTsevard: allow=
03:31.57HushPeis there i reason i can make outgoing calls on a FXO line, but the incoming one's aren't picked up?
03:32.04grandypigpen: the connection to voipstreet is ulaw
03:32.08JTsevard: if both sides have other things with higher priorities, those codecs will be used instead
03:32.12sevardJT: I never ran into troubles as in where I placed the allow line
03:32.23sevardah, yes
03:32.25Corydon76-homeHushPe: are the FXO lines set up for a context which exists?
03:32.33pigpengrandy, try may help...
03:32.42grandypigpen: i did... it seemed worse actually
03:32.58grandypigpen: as did g729
03:33.03pigpenhow does it do when you are at the datacenter?
03:33.28JTDaveb21: ?
03:33.36HushPeCorydon76-home: might have a valid point there, i'm still getting the hang of this... does each line need the context defined? or one for the lot?
03:33.49grandypigpen: i haven't tried it from there... the datacenter is not local to me... but ping times are around 35-45ms from here...  when i call in via the voipstreet pots line the jitter and lost packets are there on the moh
03:33.49dseeb_can anyone tell me what this actually does ?
03:33.50dseeb_;exten => 6245,n(dial),Dial(${HINT},20,rtT)     ; Use hint as listed
03:34.03Corydon76-homegrandy: if available, you might try ilbc.  It's designed to handle lost packets better
03:34.16pigpenalso, if your laptop is wireless, you may be getting interference......try hardline.
03:34.16Corydon76-homeHushPe: one for the lot
03:34.27pigpenilbc is cool.
03:34.35HushPeah ok, then yes... here is the warning i'm getting chan_zap.c:3926 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 1
03:34.45grandyCorydon76-home: it has improved the quality of calls from idefisk to asterisk, but voipstreet doesn't support it (unfortunately)
03:34.51JTilbc sounds horrible though
03:34.55HushPeCorydon76-home: i've tried KS and LS to the same effect
03:34.58Corydon76-homeHushPe: and since it's FXO, you need to have extension s in that context
03:35.24HushPeCorydon76-home: it's 'picking up' like playing my welcome message, but not actually picking up the line
03:35.31JTHushPe: fxs-ks?
03:35.35Corydon76-homeJT:  only if you have insufficient CPU.  It's a hog.
03:35.39grandyso here's a question:  anyone know a good iax or sip origination/termination company that has very low latency to the western US?  The datacenter is in las vegas...
03:35.51Corydon76-homeHushPe: then you need an Answer() in there.
03:35.55JTCorydon76-home: it doesn't sound "nice" though does it?
03:35.58HushPeJT: yes :)
03:35.59[TK]D-Fenderdseeb_ : It dials whatever is in ${HINT} , which is either a constant defined in [globals] , a variable you should have set SOMEWHERE esle, or an outright conceptual flaw on your part
03:36.07Corydon76-homeJT:  yes, it sounds fine
03:36.21HushPei have answer too Corydon76-home
03:36.30Corydon76-homeJT:  iLBC is specially designed to lose up to 10% of packets without a corresponding loss of audio quality
03:36.59JTyeah i realise it was meant for bad connections
03:37.03Corydon76-homeHushPe: I'd have to see your configs then
03:37.21HushPezapata, extensions ?
03:37.27Corydon76-homeHushPe: yes
03:37.30jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
03:37.33HushPeany others?
03:37.43Corydon76-homeThat'll do it for now
03:37.44HushPedon't worry i know all about pastebin ;)
03:38.11dseeb_[TK]D-Fender: i understand that bit that it dials ${HINT} its the lines bfore it i dont understand.
03:38.38[TK]D-FenderCorydon-w : ilbc loses 10% of your initial quality up-front as a down payment ;)
03:38.44HushPeCorydon76-home: extensions:
03:39.13HushPeCorydon76-home: zapata:
03:39.15*** join/#asterisk infernix (
03:39.16[TK]D-Fenderdseeb_ : Well it'd be nice to SEE them now wouldn't it?  pastebin the whole mess.
03:39.37HushPei've for the FXS cards working, a little crackly, but i think that's just a tweaking thing right?
03:39.53dendrite[TK]D-Fender: Wassamatta?  You ain't psychic?
03:40.23JTHushPe: what's the average zttest score?
03:40.40JTcrackling is indication of poor zttest scoor
03:40.41Corydon76-homeHushPe: are you losing interrupts?
03:40.41[TK]D-FenderHushPe :Your dialplan is horribly insecure.
03:41.13[TK]D-Fenderdendrite : load &&
03:41.27HushPezztest = about 98-99
03:41.41Daveb21JT: Yeah sorry mate, got engrossed in reading some docco on
03:41.44dendrite[TK]D-Fender: ... Press 1 to hear what you're thinking...
03:42.00HushPeCorydon76-home: with an incoming line, it detects the ring, starts playing the message, but the phone isn't picking up
03:42.33HushPe76 passed: Best: 99.291992 -- Worst: 76.464844 -- Average: 97.769165
03:42.34dseeb_[TK]D-Fender: its the standard extensions.conf.sample
03:42.36Corydon76-homeHushPe: what do you mean, the phone isn't picking up?
03:42.43JTHushPe: fuck that's an awful score
03:42.48HushPeCorydon76-home: sorry i mean the line, i'll pase the debug
03:42.51Corydon76-homeHushPe: holy
03:42.55JTHushPe: the score must be 99.97% or higher AT ALL TIMES
03:43.03JTor you will lose interrupts and it will sound shit
03:43.08HushPeis that my line thing or the computer thing?
03:43.11Corydon76-homeHushPe: what else are you running in that machine?
03:43.19JTcheck if it's interrupt sharing
03:43.30[TK]D-Fenderdendrite : "If you have multiple personality disorder please press 4,5, and 6.  If suffer from OCD, please press 2 repeatedly..."
03:43.33Corydon76-homeAre you running an X server or text frame buffer?
03:43.38HushPefor sounding like a noob there abouts?
03:43.48HushPeCorydon76-home: none of the above
03:43.51[TK]D-Fenderdseeb_ :scrap the "sample" and start from scratch
03:44.14dendrite[TK]D-Fender: <grin>
03:44.23Corydon76-homeHushPe: so your screen is 25x80 and it has no faded penguin logo on the upper right
03:44.47HushPenothing fancy, just plain old text console :)
03:44.59dseeb_[TK]D-Fender: I'd love to, if i understood the concept
03:45.05Corydon76-homeHushPe: then it's probably shared interrupts
03:45.12JTHushPe: cat /proc/interrupts
03:45.42Corydon76-homeHushPe: grep wctdm /proc/interrupts
03:45.51HushPe << debug from asterisk
03:45.57Qwellgrep -ci mwar
03:46.04Qwelllspci | grep -ci mwar
03:46.16HushPe22:    2053969          0   IO-APIC-fasteoi   HDA Intel, wctdm << it's the sound card using the same interrupt i think
03:46.34Corydon76-homeOuch.  Yeah, that'll do it
03:46.40[TK]D-Fenderdseeb_ : ....
03:46.41HushPewhere do i force it's own?
03:46.44jbotbook is probably a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
03:46.51Corydon76-homeHushPe: your interrupts should all be less than 16
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03:47.01Corydon76-home22 is a shared interrupt
03:47.27[TK]D-FenderHushPe : Time to start looking in your BIOS to see if you can dedicate it there, if no, try switching slots, and from there possibly disabling features you don't need.
03:47.34HushPei've never had the need to change thing
03:47.42HushPe[TK]D-Fender: cheers will do :)
03:48.06HushPewould that be related to my incoming call problem too? or is that different again?
03:48.19xpotanyone know how to return to next priority after completing a GotoIf?
03:48.32Corydon76-homeHushPe: highly likely, yes
03:48.35[TK]D-FenderHushPe : what happens on incoming?
03:49.00HushPefrom what i see it's found that it's ringing, but doesn't actually pick up the line, it keeps ringing while i thinks it's picked up the line
03:49.01jqlthat's more of a gosubif
03:49.06Corydon76-homexpot: you want Gosub / Return
03:49.08[TK]D-Fenderxpot : the point of doing Goto and GotoIf is to NOT continue where you are, but to go somewhere else.
03:49.20HushPering ring, pickup play message, ring ring, playing messsage, ring ring
03:49.21xpotrgr, thank you
03:49.22HushPesomething like that
03:49.45J4k3if I want to bring in g.729 calls, and have asterisk handle them, then feed out to g.729 based extensions, do I need to buy g.729 licenses for both sides of the connection?
03:49.47JTHushPe: pci slot swapping is usually easiest
03:49.50[TK]D-FenderHushPe : Do you SEE * trying to answer in the CLI?
03:50.01Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: yes, he does
03:50.09HushPe << pasted ^^^ ;)
03:50.10JTJ4k3: depends if asterisk just bridges or what
03:50.11Corydon76-home[21:45:51] <HushPe> << debug from asterisk
03:50.21[TK]D-FenderJ4k3 : No, but if at any time * has to play a sound (like voicemail, etc), then you will need one.
03:51.03[TK]D-FenderHushPe : Ok, I wouldn't NOT attibute your problem to being "chared" inteerupts... where are you located?
03:51.05J4k3JT: I'd be bringing calls through an IVR then transfering them to various phones.  most will be on ethernet and therefore work fine with g.711, but a couple will be portables and I think they support 729
03:51.23Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: he's NZ
03:51.24HushPe[TK]D-Fender: i'm in nz
03:51.26JTJ4k3: i think that would be straight bridging
03:51.49JTJ4k3: straight bridging g.729 to g.729 = no licence needed
03:51.52[TK]D-FenderHushPe : Make sure your zaptel is set for your zone.  I THINK "au" covers both areas....
03:51.53HushPewe have bad telecom nz, and bad internet that stops voip LOL, but we just want a decent office pbx
03:52.05JTHushPe: internet that stops voip??
03:52.07HushPei'll paste that, there is one for nz :)
03:52.15Corydon76-homexpot: you have a knack for asking about things I wrote
03:52.20HushPesomething they do with the packets, makes voip lag really bad
03:52.52jqldeprioritizing UDP has that kind of effect
03:53.02HushPethat could be it
03:53.04jqljust drop 50% of all udp packets, and most people won't even notice
03:53.15jqlsince most traffic is that vile tcp
03:53.24Corydon76-homejql: except for DNS queries
03:53.25HushPezaptel for modprobe:
03:53.44jqlwell, the ISP probably has internal DNS servers
03:53.51jqljust have to... umm... whitelist them. :)
03:54.34Corydon76-homeRemind me again why network neutrality is bad?
03:55.07JTif my isp fucked with udp in a bad way... bye bye isp
03:55.07jqlI dunno. My cable/internet/phone company tells me it's evil
03:55.15HushPeat least it picks up the hangup on the other end, that's supposed to not happen very often here in nz (home biz)
03:55.35HushPei'll reboot and see if i can't assign irqs :)
03:55.56Corydon76-homeMy favorite CS prof who has gotten a lot of grant money from Ma Bell thinks it's bad, too
03:57.31*** join/#asterisk infernix (
04:01.43jlimbIs there problems if two people page at once?
04:02.14Corydon76-homeWell, kinda
04:02.29Corydon76-homeThe second person generally doesn't get through
04:02.31jlimbdoes app_page check for that at all?
04:03.05jlimbI will dialplan it then and see how it goes
04:03.12jlimbmy users report ringing sometimes
04:03.43jlimbI think it is when a second person is paging but I havent tested yet
04:08.41*** join/#asterisk Ryanw (
04:09.23docelmoDoes anyone know a way to make asterisk do a 302 reinvite
04:11.22k-man__how do i configure asterisk to use a sip provider only?
04:12.55[TK]D-Fenderk-man__ : Don't configure it to do anything else :)
04:13.31[TK]D-Fenderk-man__ : Its really easy to NOT do stuff..... I'll lend you a copy of my book on procrastination when I get around to finishing it..
04:14.21Shaun2222anybody know why when i upgraded to 1.4 that bridging of sip calls between phones fails..
04:14.23docelmo[TK]D-Fender any ideas on making asterisk do a 302 redirect to another sip box?
04:14.25Shaun2222[Jan 24 11:26:55] WARNING[18949]: res_features.c:1417 ast_bridge_call: Bridge failed on channels SIP/302-09c5ffb8 and SIP/301-09c61538
04:14.38docelmoShaun2222 check your codecs
04:14.48[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo : "show application transfer" ?
04:14.51Shaun2222docelmo: i can use the phone to call real phones..
04:15.03k-man__[TK]D-Fender, yeah, ok
04:15.07docelmothanks tk
04:15.33[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo : Any time...
04:16.33[TK]D-FenderShaun2222 : That means nothing.  turn up sip debug, and pastebin the ENTIRE failed cll from beginning to end.
04:16.47jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
04:28.30*** join/#asterisk Ritalin2 (
04:28.41Ritalin2anyone seen this when doing ztcfg?  ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 3: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
04:32.20[TK]D-FenderRitalin2 : If you're going to ask why its complaingin about your config, perhaps you should consider SHOWING it to us instead of leaving us to guess....
04:32.23jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
04:32.58docelmowow tk you're getting as bitchy as I do..  :)
04:34.19Ritalin2the cfg is pretty simple.   first line is    fxsks=3-4      then loadzone=us and defaultzone=us
04:34.42Ritalin2i dont know how it could be simplier
04:34.48[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo : Don't worry... I'm not after the crown :)
04:34.59Ritalin2life's too short to have patience
04:35.13grandyHello... is there any way to debug what aspects of tcp/ip are causing problems in an iax connection?  in other words, can asterisk issue a warning when there is too much latency, etc...?
04:35.24[TK]D-FenderRitalin2 : Are you really sure your modules are on the proper ports on the card?
04:35.57Ritalin2fender: i'm doing this remotely for someone else but i tried changing it...  to all possibilities
04:36.05[TK]D-FenderRitalin2 : And we are indeed talking about 2 red modules on a TDM400P frame as well right?
04:36.19Ritalin2i've never seen the card ;)
04:36.39Ritalin2but dmesg looks right
04:36.52[TK]D-FenderRitalin2 : "Double blind" is good for TASTE TESTS, not "hardware debugging" ....
04:37.05*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
04:37.05Ritalin2very true
04:38.52Ritalin2fender: i'm pretty sure the kernel modules  are jacked up
04:40.34[TK]D-FenderRitalin2 : when in doubt, complete recompile...
04:41.56*** join/#asterisk infernix (
04:42.25xpotanyone know how to write to a db using func_odbc?  I have: exten => s,n,Set(ODBC_CARDPIN(UPDATE demog SET pin=${NEWPIN} WHERE id=${IDNUM}))
04:42.47xpotdoes not work.  anyone know what I am doing wrong?
04:43.32[TK]D-Fenderxpot : what does "show function ODBC_CARDPIN" tell you?
04:44.32xpotSELECT * FROM demog WHERE cardcode='${ARG1}' AND pin='${ARG2}'
04:44.32xpotUPDATE demog SET pin=${VAL1} WHERE id='${ARG1}'
04:44.58Ritalin2fender: if this were my box i would do that.  i think it's time for an email
04:45.44[TK]D-Fenderxpot : Well that doesn't look like a standard app, so not sure what to say
04:46.17grandyhello, can anyone recommend a sip or iax origination company with good quality to the western US?
04:46.19xpotok thanks for the attempt... anyone else have a suggestion?
04:46.42xpotgrandy: try gafachi
04:46.53grandyxpot: saw their add... you usign them?
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04:47.08xpotI have used them before
04:47.14k-man__can i use the asterisk-sounds 1.2 package with 1.4?
04:47.38grandyxpot: cool i'll check 'em out
04:48.13grandyoh here is one other question:  Is there anything in asterisk 1.4 that would lead to better quality iax or sip callls?
04:48.28*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
04:48.29xpotg.729 I think
04:48.32De_MonI have a dialplan that calls a numbers and puts the caller/callee in a conference. How do I determine when either person leaves the conference?
04:48.39De_MonI tried adding a NoOp after the meetme command but it doesnt get executed, it says   == Spawn extension (elephant-queues, goto-500, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/jon-08268540'
04:48.57De_Moninstead of going to priority 4
04:50.16Ritalin2thanks fender
04:50.19*** part/#asterisk Ritalin2 (
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05:13.26[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon : "h"
05:15.46wunderkin[TK]D-Fender: "i"
05:16.09[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin : u
05:19.44neddy***[TK]D-Fender: dude, you just kicked off some major nostalgia
05:22.08*** join/#asterisk infernix (
05:24.58De_Mon[TK]D-Fender h seemed like overkill
05:25.16De_MonI'd have to set a variable and check for it every time a channel hung up
05:25.48De_Monor check the last extension for something, anyway itd happen for all channels that hung up
05:29.26*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
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05:47.06MrTelephonehey how do you get a list of the structures with suboptions and definitions? (for developers)
05:47.32MrTelephonefor example ast_channel->tech_pvt
05:47.43MrTelephonewhat the heck is that?
05:51.46MrTelephonethanks qwell
05:51.50MrTelephonevery nicely commented
05:53.22docelmoMrTelephone what is nicely commented
05:53.30docelmodont you say asterisk..
05:54.25*** join/#asterisk asterisky (
05:55.03asteriskyHi everyone,
05:56.32MrTelephoneis asterisk called asterisk due to all the pointers in the source code?
05:56.40asteriskycan some one help me with an iax trunk, im getting error: call rejected by: No authority found
05:57.37asteriskyand the same thing from the other end
05:58.18asteriskydid an iax2 show peers and both show online, how ever making the call hell breaks loose
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06:28.10docelmoAnyone know where I can buy SMS numbers?
06:41.19xpotis there a way to bubble up a arg from Func_ODBC to see it on the screen while the dail plan is running
06:41.48denonlookie what the cat drug in
06:44.12J4k3oh snap, the only incoming sms provider I've found yet
06:44.24J4k3wants thirty five pounds sterling/month for unlimited in/out service
06:44.45J4k3on *one* number
06:44.56denonpounds sterling ..
06:45.03denonsounds like you're buying a set of armor
06:45.53denona duel to the coredump!
06:46.55*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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06:49.13docelmoactually nevermind..  We will have SMS shortly..  :)  Anyone interested in buying?
06:49.56*** join/#asterisk j0 (
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07:02.45*** join/#asterisk Emrah (
07:02.51*** join/#asterisk azidenth (n=aby_azid@
07:03.00azidenthhello everyone..
07:03.10EmrahHello azidenth
07:03.37azidenthi need help
07:04.37azidenthusing asterisk realtime sip and extension to make call (testing)
07:05.12azidenthtrying to make sip call to another user---got error msg in asterisk CLI---no audio format to offer
07:06.48Emrahazidenth: what about the codecs you use?
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07:10.18azidenthi load all from asterisk modules
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07:20.33docelmoazidenth your codecs are incompatible..
07:26.25hadsAnyone know the deal with HPEC?
07:28.39*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
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07:30.33azidenth:how to make it compatible?
07:30.59hadsmitcheloc: Ping
07:31.33azidenthi used this codec g729;ilbc;gsm;ulaw;alaw
07:35.37*** part/#asterisk Trevor_B (
07:36.40azidenthasterisk CLI --> [Jan 24 15:44:16] WARNING[13837]: channel.c:3033 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from SIP/Aby-084ddf90(256) to SIP/abu-0849d2f8(1024)
07:36.41azidenth[Jan 24 15:44:20] WARNING[13810]: channel.c:2702 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from gsm to g729
07:36.53azidenthanyone can help?
07:37.45Emrahazidenth: g729 isn't a free codec
07:38.02EmrahYou should enable only g711 and ilbc...
07:38.43Emrahand stop pasting things there :)
07:39.34*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
07:40.09docelmoWell this should be interesting..   I am about to launch a free calling service in the next few hours..
07:40.33jqldo I get to call belgium?
07:40.48docelmoSorry US domestic calling only
07:40.56jqloh, darn
07:41.03docelmointernational eventually depends..
07:41.21docelmoits a service where you listen to a short advertisement then you make your calls
07:45.16*** join/#asterisk reber (i=reber@gateway/tor/x-1ef21d4b819a19a3)
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07:47.01docelmoWhat happened to absolutetimeout?
07:47.06docelmowas it replaced?
07:47.26jqlTIMEOUT(xxx) ?
07:48.25docelmonope in 1.4 its in the dial command now
07:48.41jqlmy version still has TIMEOUT(absolute)
07:49.32*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
07:50.08docelmoIf your using 1.4 I dont know how..  I am looking at it now and it shows the L option in the dial command
07:58.20oejI think those are different timers
07:58.34shimiI recorded a call not a while ago. While listening to the recording - I heard only the remote side - not myself - any idea?
07:58.47oejL plays a lot of prompts, timeout(absolute) just kills the call
08:07.41zoayo olle
08:07.44zoatoo late
08:09.53Emrahshimi: You should have two files. The input and the output, just mixe them
08:10.24shimiI think I have one, in the monitor directory. could be influence of trixbox?
08:10.40*** join/#asterisk Mportnoy (n=test@
08:10.41Emrahno idea
08:10.53EmrahI don't use this soft
08:11.37*** join/#asterisk poller (
08:11.38EmrahDoes anyone know where I may find a doc to implement a missed call notification via sms?
08:12.05EmrahCurrently I've implemented a first verison but I'm having a problem with the voicemail
08:12.13Emrahpfirst version*
08:17.19*** join/#asterisk oej (
08:20.33MportnoyANyone has a guide to enable CDR with mysql ? on Debian 3.1 ?
08:21.42dezentMportnoy: maybe this will help
08:21.51Mportnoydoes anybody have a guide to enable CDR with MYSQL on DEbian 3.1 ?
08:26.54*** join/#asterisk s1gny|wrk (
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08:27.56Mportnoymore specifiq guide?
08:29.47*** join/#asterisk inspired (
08:29.55Emrahdezent: I know something pretty good to find that kind of info
08:30.02EmrahIt's  called Google.
08:30.10EmrahAnd it's available on
08:30.28EmrahJust have a look and tell me what you think
08:30.45Emrahhey sorry
08:30.53Emrahthat was a message for Mportnoy
08:31.17EmrahYour answer was quite helpful and efficient
08:32.13Emrahow to make the asterisk to write the cdr in the table in the mysql. ... New tutorial on how to automatically test your extensions section: Asterisk ...
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08:33.07Emrahthat might also help
08:36.09dezentEmrah: ?
08:37.14EmrahnJlol sorry dezent
08:39.25docelmosup Z
08:40.27*** join/#asterisk profounded (
08:40.55profoundedquestion, how do i convert a wav to gsm?
08:41.32Emrahprofounded: install sox
08:41.41Emrahthen sox file.wav file.gsm
08:41.44profoundeddoes sox handle wav or is it a convertor
08:41.53profoundedok thank you emrah
08:42.04Emrahdocelmo: that's a good question
08:42.45JTfrustrated much, docelmo? ;)
08:44.06*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
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08:45.09docelmoJT of dumb newbie questions YES
08:46.55*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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08:55.35docelmosup sup
09:03.54docelmoanyone know the command to swap eth0 and eth1?
09:06.03dongcmaybe u can check out /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx. Not sure will this help or not.
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09:06.30docelmonot really..  there is a command that can be used to swap them
09:06.33docelmoI just dont remember it.
09:06.50docelmomy servers are setup for eth1 and I need them setup for eth0
09:06.58docelmothanks tho
09:07.07*** part/#asterisk Arnar (
09:11.55docelmothanks hads
09:15.16RhizomeAnyone know if 1.2 AEL supports arrays?
09:18.00profoundedim editing asterisk's dialplan and never worked with asterisk before: im editing /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf and i want to put a pause before: exten => s,4,Background(custom/welcome)
09:18.11profoundedwhat is the command for a pause?
09:18.42profoundedgot.. just found ty
09:18.46profoundedgot it*
09:19.38*** join/#asterisk reber (i=reber@gateway/tor/x-1b3ecae8163f29a7)
09:20.28profoundedim guessing wait is in seconds?
09:21.34profoundedyep.. ty
09:27.01*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (n=A-Tuin@
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09:36.18docelmoany debian guys in here?
09:38.14hadsI use Debian...
09:39.21docelmocool..  where does the config files for eth0 and eth1 reside?
09:39.36docelmoI changed the interfaces and now have no network..
09:40.54*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
09:41.23profounded"SIP Supports text messaging during a call, but not outside of a call. "   Im a bit confused with that statement, does it mean I can get text messages or is text something different, I want texts to go to my extension
09:41.35docelmothanks..  Im a redhat guy..  Trying to learn this one also
09:41.44hads/etc/network/interfacesNo worries
09:41.52hadserm, no worries :)
09:45.49profoundedwhen i dial an outgoing number im forced to add a 1 to the outgoing number if it doesnt exist (and is this a simple matter of programming or is their an option)
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09:51.49Shaun2222whats the deal with this?... [Jan 24 17:04:39] WARNING[23297]: translate.c:600 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6
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09:52.10Shaun2222whats the deal with this?...   [Jan 24 17:04:39] WARNING[23297]: translate.c:600 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6
09:56.30phearlesshello guys!
09:56.55phearlessI am a bit confused to origanise the phone extensions
09:57.08phearlesswe are 3 sales and 10 IT people
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09:57.34phearlessshould I use for ex : 4XX for IT and 5XX for IT ?
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10:10.22docelmoin all honesty dude its up to you
10:10.25docelmoYour design
10:11.18docelmoPersonally I segment 100 blocks for segmented locations..  For instance..  my delaware office is 1XX and our Orlando office is 2XX and mobile people are 3XX
10:12.07*** join/#asterisk shinux_ (n=shinux@
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10:16.08J4k3if your company is large enough you may wish to designate your own internal area code ;)
10:17.32Shaun2222anybody here seen a problem where when upgrading asterisk from 1.2 to 1.4 that when i dial another phone adn they connect that they cant hear eachother?
10:17.43Shaun2222i can call out and into the phone from outside of asterisk and they work fine..
10:17.49Shaun2222it's just phone to phone
10:20.12docelmoShaun2222 every heard of sip set debug ????
10:20.29docelmoever heard of this one?
10:20.38jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
10:23.19phearlessok docelmo
10:23.29Shaun2222ok maybe this is the problem..
10:23.35phearlessJ4k3: ?! we are 13, as I wrote
10:23.43Shaun2222sip show peers says Nat N for those 2 phones..
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10:24.54docelmoThat could be a posibility
10:25.03*** join/#asterisk telenieko (
10:25.07docelmoin all honesty its simpler to look at the debug
10:25.34teleniekoHi, with func_odbc, is it possible to return more than one column and get each one assigned to a different variable? or inside an array. asterisk 1.2 ;)
10:28.05Shaun2222docelmo: i pasted it..
10:28.25docelmoHold on
10:29.40docelmoPeer audio RTP is at port
10:29.43Chris-NBI've a 8port BRI card. 6 of these are in use (TE) and all connected to the pstn
10:29.46docelmoyes you have a NAT problem
10:30.19Shaun2222with 1.2 these showed up with Nat = Y
10:30.25Shaun2222with 1.4 now they are N
10:30.46Chris-NBhow do I have to configure the 6 spans?
10:30.53docelmoYou need to change the NAT setting.. I dont know if its changed..  I would check the sip.conf sample for the configuration of NAT
10:31.04yaccHmm, how can one setup a 2.4 kernel to NAT SIP correctly? I've got a problem where when I want to talk with twinkle to, I hear the other side, but they don't hear me. And twinkle complains about lost RTP tx packets.
10:31.06Shaun2222looks to be the same...
10:31.07docelmoChris-NB to call the pstn
10:31.15Shaun2222core it looks to be maybe ignoring it too
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10:31.43Chris-NBspan=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3, span=2,1,0,ccs,hdb3
10:31.48Chris-NBand so on
10:32.04docelmoChris who made the card?  Its not a digium board is it?
10:32.09Shaun2222errr... did polycom change the reboot key's on the latest firmware for the 601's?
10:32.14docelmoShaun2222 check into STUN
10:32.32Chris-NBor do I have to increase the 2nd parameter simiular to the 1st parameter?
10:32.33docelmoShaun2222 thats the best I can offer you
10:32.40Chris-NBdocelmo, it's a Beronet BN8S0
10:32.46JThaving span=1,1 and span=2,1 doesn't make sense
10:33.05docelmoyacc honestly dude..  Compile 2.6 make your life simpler
10:33.07JTthe second parameter is timing source priority
10:33.20JTalthought i don't know if it makes a difference on bri cards
10:33.40docelmoBRI's dont have timeing I dont think
10:33.49docelmoactually come to think of it I think they do
10:33.51Chris-NBJT, jep. and all ports should have the same clock (its pstn)
10:34.03JTprobably internal to the kernel driver actually
10:34.14JTChris-NB: no, it's priority, they should never have the same clock
10:34.14yaccdocelmo: not an option. The box involved currently has no video/keyboard, that makes me really unhappy about any reboot, not to talk about a new kernel.
10:34.28JTChris-NB: what kernel driver are you using?
10:34.38Chris-NBJT, qozap
10:34.56JTdid you modify qozap source?
10:35.05Chris-NBJT, they should have the same clock as it is pstn, the have to be syncron
10:35.08Chris-NBJT, jep
10:35.11Shaun2222yacc: not video or keyboard??? what are you using?
10:35.50JTChris-NB: you really don't understand how the parameter works, it's asking for a clocksource, once it successfully finds a clocksource, all zaptel stuff uses the same clock sync
10:36.04yaccShaun2222: a standard PC, but because of moves around here, I've ended in a situation where I've got no display that I could connect. :(
10:36.11JTset one to priority one, one to priority 2, and so on, or set the rest to 0
10:36.13tzafrirJT, actually not all of zaptel
10:36.17yaccHmm, is there a way to convert an analog VGA port to HDMI?
10:36.27tzafrirJT, each device may use its own clock
10:36.29Chris-NBJT, ok. so I just define span1 as first clock .. ok!
10:36.31JTtzafrir: it probably does nothing for bri anyway
10:36.40tzafrirBut conferences and such use the main clock
10:36.45JTChris-NB: it doesn't matter which ones, as long as it's usually connected
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10:36.55tzafrirAll spans from the same device share the same clock
10:37.05Chris-NBok. thanks
10:37.07JTwell it is one device :)
10:37.11*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (
10:37.32JTChris-NB: does qozap load successfully?
10:37.33tzafrirUnless I misread Zaptel's source or miss a point there
10:37.36BugKhaManyone knows how to define a key for a user to exit meetme?
10:37.50Chris-NBJT, jep.
10:38.31JTChris-NB: can you paste zapata.conf and zaptel.conf and the bit of dmesg pertaining to loading qozap into
10:39.09Chris-NBJT, ähm, mom.
10:39.39JTi'm going to go out on a limb that you've set all the jumpers on the card correctly
10:39.49JTand have made the necessary cables/patch panels
10:40.47BugKhaMor simply how can a user exit meetme with "X" mode specified?
10:41.38tzafrirChris-NB, what do you have connected to the card? any port connected to a telco?
10:41.38phearlessif one person in the office is on the phone, how can somebody else "enter in the conversation", from another phone of the office ?
10:42.24Chris-NBtzafrir, first 6 ports
10:42.41Chris-NBtzafrir, 5 work fine, but I've problems with the 6th one
10:42.49JT1-6 or first 3 physical ports?
10:42.50tzafrirmake the first with priority 1, the second with priority 2, etc.
10:42.55Chris-NBthat's why I asked for the priority
10:43.04Chris-NBJT, 1-6
10:43.09tzafrirYou should use the telco's timing
10:43.22Chris-NBJT, 1-6 physical ports
10:43.22JTChris-NB: pastebin?
10:43.27Chris-NBJT, in progress
10:43.29tzafrirDo you have any devices connected to other ports?
10:43.38JTChris-NB: isn't there only 4 physical ports?
10:44.14Chris-NBJT, ur right. hard to explain : ) port 1 - 6 or chan 1-2,4-5,7-8,10-11,13-14
10:44.31JTyes i have one from junghanns, i know how the card works
10:44.59*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:45.23JTspans 4+5,3+6,2+7,1+8
10:45.32*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
10:45.36Chris-NBjep. ... strange port numbering
10:45.40Dovidmorning all
10:45.54Dovidi am trying to install asterisk addons 1.2.5 and i am getting an erorr
10:46.09JTit makes sense, goes up then down
10:46.35phearlesshello folks
10:46.43phearlessif one person in the office is on the phone, how can somebody else "enter in the conversation", from another phone of the office ?
10:46.55*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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10:47.53Dovidphearless: u can use chanspy
10:48.04Dovidalthough I dont think u can talk - u can just listen in
10:48.12Dovidunless u have all calls go thru a confrence
10:48.18BugKhaMFrom the wiki, 'X' — allow user to exit the conference by entering a valid single digit extension
10:48.19JTerr MeetMe handles multiple users just fine
10:48.41BugKhaMwhat is this single digit extension? anyone?
10:48.42JTentering a meetme is easy, same as with the original extension in it
10:48.45phearlessDovid: yes I need t otalk
10:48.49phearlessto talk*
10:49.06phearlessI need to enter in any conversation
10:49.17Dovidphearless: do u want the option on the fly or for specific calls
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10:49.36JTChris-NB: are the lines from the telco PTP or PTMP?
10:49.36BugKhaMJT: how to leave meetme then?
10:49.43phearlessDovid: not sure what do you mean
10:49.46Chris-NBJT, ptp
10:49.56JTChris-NB: have you confirmed it with them?
10:50.01Chris-NBJT, jep
10:50.19Dovidphearless: how often do u think u will want to join the convo  ?
10:50.21phearlessDovid: I just need to enter in the conversation if I want to
10:50.25JTyou should probably also specify a default tonezone in zaptel.conf
10:50.31phearlessDovid: not for each calls
10:50.36phearlessDovid: just sometimes
10:50.41Chris-NBJT, as I said, span 1 to 5 come up and It's possible to place calls from asterisk or from outside
10:50.57JTwhat does span 6 do?
10:50.58Chris-NBJT, only span 6 comes up and down (cyclic)
10:51.05JTdoes asterisk spew errors?
10:51.36Dovidphearless: ok. so u can do 2 things
10:51.55Dovid1) if u want to join a call have the current call confence u in
10:51.59Chris-NBspan 6 is up (abaout 3 - 5 times) then span 6 is down and the thing that no available d channel 18 using it any way
10:52.04Dovidor have every call go thru a confrence room
10:52.11JTsounds about right
10:52.11Chris-NBand that repeats
10:52.18JTwhat version are you running
10:52.19Chris-NBno errs
10:52.44JTuse w or x
10:52.48JTi havent tried x yet
10:52.53phearless<Dovid> 1) if u want to join a call have the current call confence u in <---- how could I do this?
10:52.59JTw made significant changes to the qozap driver code
10:53.01Dovidon the phone
10:53.05Dovidwhat phones r u using ?
10:53.14Dovidanyone know the svn url for asterisk-addons ?
10:53.18JTwhich in my case, changed it from being completely unreliable and unusable, to quite stable
10:53.28phearlessDovid: I use Linksys/sipura SPA942
10:53.29yaccso anyone got an idea how to setup NAT with basic iptables rules for SIP?
10:53.51Dovidnever used it so i cant say for sure
10:53.56JTalthough i also use NT mode, that's generally poorly supported everywhere
10:53.59Dovidbut what u would do is u would confrence in the new user
10:54.21Dovidsomething to the affect of looking for a confrence button, pressing it and entering the exten of the phone that u want to confrence with
10:54.44phearlessokay Dovid
10:54.44JTChris-NB: also, is that the version of your source? asking because it appears that release "w" forgot to change the version displayed in asterisk from "v"
10:54.44phearlessI will have a lokk at this, thanks
10:54.50Dovidi never used the phone so i cant say for sure - poke around on it
10:54.58*** join/#asterisk webmad (
10:55.14Chris-NBJT, mom.
10:55.20webmadg'day to al
10:57.35Dovidan anyone help me with an issue installing asterisk-addons1.2.5 ?
10:58.16JTCrossRoad: brb
10:58.21JTChris-NB: brb, even
11:00.09*** join/#asterisk fadey (
11:07.53JTChris-NB: any luck?
11:08.06webmadI have a question about Dialogic hardware, does anyone use it?
11:08.48JTnot really
11:09.01*** join/#asterisk dj015 (
11:09.21dj015hi, i'm getting the error misdn/isdn_lib_intern.h:14:83: missing binary operator before token "("
11:09.45Dovidanyone out there for asterisk-addons ???
11:11.15Doviddj015: can u pb a lil more ?
11:12.49*** join/#asterisk dimmik (i=dimmik@ios4.intranet.GR)
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11:21.09Dovidanyone know how to apply a patch ?
11:22.01dj015patch -p1 < file.patch
11:27.38Dovidits asking me for the file to patch and i dont know which one i am supposed to be patching
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11:28.33dj015Dovid, you're in the wrong directory, try going into the directory you're patching
11:28.43Murdock__When dialing the pickupexten, is it possible to get the callerid of the call you're picking up onto the phone you picked it up from?
11:28.45dj015and/or try -p0
11:29.18dj015why is my misdn failing to compile ( ?
11:29.46Dovidcan't find file to patch at input line 5
11:29.46DovidPerhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
11:30.30dj015try -p0 instead of -p1
11:30.41Dovidp0 worked
11:30.50Dovidbut i still cant isntall the addons
11:31.16Doviddj014: any expirience with addons ?
11:31.50dj015they generally work out of the box :-)
11:31.53dj015what's wrong?
11:32.10Dovidi keep getting an erorr
11:32.14Dovidlet me pb it
11:33.22Dovidhere ya go
11:33.59dj015did you patch your addons?
11:34.26dj015because it looks like you patched it with the patch written for another version
11:34.44dj015or you're using addons for a different asterisk version
11:34.59Doviddj015 i got the same error b4 and after the patch
11:35.07Dovidi am using 1.2.5 for asterisk.1.2.14
11:35.31dj015did you install asterisk first?
11:36.00Dovidof course
11:36.14Dovidi am doing an upgrade
11:36.18dj015try a few earlier/later versions of addons
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11:45.06Doviddj015: dont know what i did but now it seems to be workign
11:46.43Dovidhave a good one
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11:48.44JTChris-NB: ?
12:02.56*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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12:24.38*** join/#asterisk santibiotico (
12:25.02santibioticoi'm in trouble trying to send/receive faxes over VoIP, using sip channels
12:25.17santibioticocould anyone help me?
12:26.16coppicenot really. you will never get it to work reliably
12:26.16zoahmm its normal to give problems
12:26.16zoayou shouldnt fly using a car either
12:27.05coppicetake no notice of zoa. he said there would never be a GPL'd T.38 :-)
12:28.38*** join/#asterisk jontow (
12:29.50zoai didnt say that did i ?
12:30.02zoabtw, our commercial version is ready
12:30.28coppicewhat does it do?
12:31.00dj015zoa, commercial version of what?
12:31.35zoat.38 termination / gatewaying
12:31.40zoa+ t.30
12:31.51coppicewhat do you use for modems?
12:31.52dj015he he, openpbx does that for free
12:32.04zoaour own modems
12:32.26zoait does not depend on spandsp
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12:33.00zoai demoed it on astricon, but we didnt have gatewaying back then
12:33.41coppicehas it been tested against many other implementations?
12:33.56zoalinksys, grandstream, allied telesys, mediatrix
12:34.26coppicemediatrix really sucks. I had to put in workarounds to tolerate their crap
12:34.42zoawe didnt have too much problem with the mediatrix, but had with the older grandstreams
12:34.59santibioticobut is there no way to work with t38 under asterisk?
12:35.07coppicegrandstreams do things other people don't, but its all to spec
12:35.21dj015santibiotico, t38 does work under openpbx
12:35.24zoathe older grandstreams seem to choke on big packets
12:35.32coppicemediatrix do crap like ending non-ecm data with and end of HDLC indication
12:35.37zoanot enough memory or so
12:35.51coppicethe SDP should take care of that
12:36.47coppicei haven't tried allied-telesis yet. I've tried a few other now, though.
12:37.01santibioticodj015 but any idea in how to integrate t38 under asterisk, not openpbx?
12:37.05zoadunno about that, i know only a little of the t.38 stuff (i obviously didnt program it myself)
12:37.10coppiceThere are some things you actually can't get right.
12:37.58coppicethere are too many commerical T.38 packages. I can't believe there is any real business in it
12:38.22zoayeah it might be problematic
12:38.34zoabut we needed it before you had it so started it
12:38.50zoathen we lost 6 months with a fraud that pretended to write code but didnt
12:38.53coppiceI've had mine for at least 18 months
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12:39.19zoaso in the end we just nearly beated you to it :)
12:39.26n0rusDoes X100P(clone) support the called ID function?
12:39.30zoabut we wouldnt have do it again
12:39.41coppiceOnly last summer did it get integrated with something and really exercised
12:39.42zoai dont get how you could do that for free and release it as GPL
12:39.43*** part/#asterisk Ebola (
12:39.45zoaits like a lot of work
12:40.23coppicewell, if you've paid someone commerical rates and got a proper implementation it should have cost you >$100k
12:40.37*** join/#asterisk sergee (i=opera@
12:41.02zoawe built it in house (All of it)
12:41.33zoabut needles to say that the bounty is not enough to actually open source it like that :)
12:41.48*** join/#asterisk clorabit (
12:41.51coppiceI assume you only do V.29 and V.17
12:42.06coppicevery few things do V.34, and you can't open source that
12:42.17tzafrirn0rus, yes, the x100p does
12:42.23clorabitanyone can assist me setup my fresh asterisk install
12:42.29zoawell there is something for v.38 and fax
12:42.34n0rustazfrir: even the clone?
12:42.36zoabut indeed we don't do v34
12:42.45zoai meant t.38 and v.34 in the first line
12:42.52tzafrirn0rus, where are you at? to which telco do you connect?
12:42.54zoaso we dont have v34
12:43.05n0rustzafrir: I'm located in Norway
12:43.09tzafrirn0rus, most of the detection is done in Asterisk
12:43.23coppiceyeah, the latest revision of T.38 has V.34 features, but very few T.38 implementation so it. actually, not that many FAX machines do V.34
12:43.31zoayeah indeed
12:43.35tzafrirn0rus, set in zapata.conf:
12:43.42zoaand i cant do it without some license again
12:43.43n0rustzfarir: it works with SIP calls.
12:43.59n0rusthank you
12:44.00coppicethere are numerous patents on V.34
12:44.02n0rusI'll try that
12:44.12coppiceand they have a number of years to run
12:44.27clorabittzafrir: where i can find tutorial to setup asterisk ?
12:44.40tzafrirclorabit, google?
12:44.40zoaour dsp guy also doesn't seem to like the idea to write it either :)
12:45.12coppicea polished V.34 would be a lot of work
12:45.34zoayeah probably
12:45.55n0rustzfarir: do I have to reboot after making changes to zapata.conf or will a "reload" do it?
12:46.09clorabittzafrir: i've install asterisk 1.2.13 what i should do next ?
12:46.17coppiceV.17 to V.34 is a bit jump. A number of pretty neat things are needed to make theat step
12:46.46zoai'm confident the guy could do it, but there is just no point now :(
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12:47.05zoai only know 2 freaky guys, atanas and coppice :)
12:47.29Chris-NBJT, hi. I was at lunch
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12:48.11Chris-NBJT, I try the new settings (in zaptel.conf) and inform you about my results
12:48.21Chris-NBJT, but it could last a while.
12:48.27zoacoppice, what other ata's do you know that actually have t.38 ?
12:48.36tzafrircoppice, in your foip page you mentioned v.37 as simple and nice thing. Isn't it possible to use it at least as a bridge between different Asterisk/[rt]xfax-s (or openpbx, or iaxmodem) ?  I figure you have given some minimal thought for that
12:48.48oejBah. T.38 can be coded in day powered by redbull. By using cat > t38.c - no editor or anything cheesy.
12:49.01sergeecan anybody give me a few TIPS about mISDN and H323? :)
12:49.12tzafrirOr is it basically an equivalent to sending the fax by email?
12:49.21sergeei have a problem when i call chan_h323 -> chan_misdn
12:49.33clorabitanyone can explain deference between fxs and fxo ?
12:49.46sergeeif i call chan_sip -> chan_misdn everything OK
12:49.53clorabitsorry for basic question still new in telephony
12:50.04tzafrirclorabit, what hardware do you have?
12:50.13clorabitno hardware at all
12:50.13sergeeclorabit: fxS generates power for a phone and fxO recieve power from PBX
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12:51.00Nobbieeish, * .1.4.0 has me sweeting blood at the moment .... just stopped accepting SIP calls for some reason. how does one troubleshoot that ?
12:51.00oejmv chan_sip.c  chan_misdn.c
12:51.03tzafrirYou need an FXO adapter if you want to connect to a telco. You need an FXS adapter if you want to connect analog phones
12:51.05oejShould fix a lot of Isdn issues
12:51.10clorabitif i have pstn line which tipe interface should be connected fxo / fxs ?
12:51.20coppicezoa: lots of ATAs say they have T.38. Not all do. There is lots of cheating. A number do have at least semi working T.38 these days, though.
12:51.58zoayeah i know
12:51.58zoathomson is one of those fuckers
12:51.58coppiceUT Starcom, any of the boxes using Myson Century chips, Most of the Welltech boxes
12:51.58clorabittzafrir: ic ic
12:52.04zoaoh yes, welltech i tried those too
12:52.16zoai've never seen a ut starcom gateway
12:52.18clorabittzafrir: any idea cheap price for fxo adapter ?
12:52.20coppiceThe put T.38 on the nice colour printed boxes, when there is none inside
12:52.25zoazyvel should also have some
12:52.26sergeeoej: hi! :)
12:53.06coppicetfzfrir: T.38 is stupid. anyone with half a brain would use T.37. However, offices are filled with people who have less than half a brain
12:53.13tzafrirX100Ps are dirt cheap. If you really want to use them
12:53.22coppiceyeah, zyxel
12:53.35clorabitX100Ps ??
12:53.38coppicecisco, of course
12:53.47zoaCoppice: no they would use email :p
12:53.55coppicethe sipura 2100, but none of their others
12:54.05coppiceT.37 is basically e-mail
12:54.06sergeehave some strange things in misdn log, no isdn knowledge though.., will dig source.. as always :) looks like irc is only for questions like "what is fxs/fxo"...
12:54.07zoasipura 3102 does too
12:54.29tzafriris there a specific mime type for a fax?
12:54.32coppicemost of the sipuras lack the DSP to do it. they can't even do G.729 properly
12:54.36merbztis sipura 3102 bad ?
12:54.42clorabittzafrir: where i can buy it online ?
12:54.44zoacoppice: we blew up 3 grandstreams like that :)
12:54.50zoathey just stop working
12:55.04coppicetzafrir: see T.37. Its basically a spec for packing a fax in an e-mail between mailboxes or gateways
12:55.36coppiceI've met a couple of boxes that lock solid as soon as they hear fax tone :-)
12:55.52zoahard reset doesnt cure the grandstream
12:55.57zoavery nice
12:56.54coppicemany of the boxes which have a fixed buffer mode and other features specially for fax over G.711 do things that mean it cannot possibly work. The industry standard for ATAs is unbelievably low
12:59.51zoaspa3102 is fine, but everything older than 2100 cannot do it
13:00.15zoaoops i replied to something lines higher
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13:01.37susinthswhich voice codec is used mostly in asterisk servers?
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13:01.56zoagsm i think
13:02.09zoaor ulaw / alaw internally
13:02.15susinthsgsm & G.711 the same?
13:02.26susinthsi see
13:04.18coppicezoa: do you integrate your T.38 with *?
13:04.43zoawell its a standalone library
13:04.59coppicethen either you do quite a bit of work to it, or you have some way to go :-)
13:05.09zoayeah we did quite a bit of work on it
13:05.42coppiceyou have to get RTP and UDPTL working on the same port to keep a number of things happy.
13:06.32coppicei separated out an additional UDP port management layer in openpbx, so that worked smoothly
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13:08.43neuwaldhi folks
13:08.47neuwaldI have one extension like this:
13:08.52neuwaldexten = _061.,2,Dial(SIP/tronco_enffbsb/${EXTEN:3},50)
13:09.24neuwaldso, I wanna make a new extension, like this: _0XX.,2,Dial(SIP/tronco_enffbsb/......
13:09.46neuwaldbut I wanna make the call like this: 025XXnumber
13:09.52*** join/#asterisk AstaWerksDotCom (n=doug@
13:10.14neuwaldSometime ago I did ${EXTEN:3:5..... but I don't remember how to do this. Anyone can help ?
13:10.49AstaWerksDotComi just logged in what were you trying to do ?
13:11.30neuwaldI'll answer you in PVT to not repeat here
13:11.58zoaim off
13:12.02zoabe back later
13:14.50clorabittzafrir: do you know products ?
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13:16.01tzafrirclorabit, there are also cheaper X100Ps. But I'm not sure I would use an X100P in a production system
13:16.34AstaWerksDotComyeah they dont work right with the newer versions of asterisk i tried it.
13:16.48AstaWerksDotComget a tdm01b instead
13:16.52coppiceit rather depends on whether the particular x100p like board is matched to your local line impedance
13:16.53clorabittzafrir: what u mean with production system ?
13:17.32coppiceif it is it works a lot better than something like a TDM400P
13:17.35tzafrirsystem where people actually expect a good voice quality (and pay for it)
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13:18.33tzafrirA lot better?
13:19.02clorabittzafrir: how about linksys spa3000 ?
13:19.36coppicethe TDM400 can't seem to run on most machines without loosing data
13:20.08clorabittzafrir: is it difficult to find voip adapter in my country so far i only find that product
13:20.08zoafor me the x100p was rubbish
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13:20.29coppicethe x100p is a modem card. modems need very solid operation to work
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13:21.37tzafrircoppice, surprisingly, people do report succesfully faxing through TDM400P
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13:22.17zoayeah we fax through it
13:22.20tzafrirActually in that thread noone has replied with "it does not work for me"
13:22.23zoabut im not sure if it works allt he time
13:22.38coppicesometimes. I did much of my early development with one. now the same card in the same box won't fax. either the newer linux kernel or the newer driver is probably at fault
13:22.38tzafrirwhich has surprised me
13:23.12coppicethe TDM400 doesn't fax reliably in most machines these days
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13:24.27jojo^I'm trying to build asterisk 1.4.0 and install it in a specific location, but ./configure --prefix= doesnt seem to do the trick. Any hints?
13:25.49Nobbiejojo: yeah, take baby steps with 1.4.0
13:27.09tzafrirjojo^, what error message do you get?
13:27.48tzafrirthe "permission denied" one
13:29.24RoyKdoes 1.4 still run as root 'out of the box'?
13:30.42jojo^tzafrir, Yeah. It tries to install in / regardless of --prefix, or manually exporting INSTALL_PATH
13:32.20tzafrirjojo^, Please be more specific
13:32.31tzafrirCould you pastebin the relevant details?
13:33.09tzafrirRoyK, I figure. Adding a user is not the job of a program
13:34.00jojo^tzafrir, I want asterisk to get installed in /home/asterisk  (+/bin +/etc and so on). How do I tell the build-process that?
13:34.52jojo^tzafrir, I've tried ./configure --prefix=/home/asterisk, and also export INSTALL_PATH=/home/asterisk and then make install, but it still tries to install in /. "mkdir -p /var/lib/asterisk/static-http"
13:35.12RoyKtzafrir: I'm aware of that, sir, but I was wondering if it did anything like chuser/chgroup like openpbx. openpbx us started as root, but changes later
13:36.54*** join/#asterisk badcfe (
13:38.39tzafrirRoyK, Asterisk has had -U since before the openpbx fork
13:39.20tzafririn the Debain package, the Asterisk init.d script refuses to run asterisk without those parameters.
13:40.04*** join/#asterisk nakee (
13:40.21tzafrirRoyK, in fact, you have to execute Asterisk as root and not as a user if you want -p (realtime scheduling priority) to work
13:42.10yassinetzafrir, i have enabled nat=yes for each sip user and forwarded calls comming from zap extention to a sip user now when a call comes in no one can hear eachother any ideas please ?
13:42.58Gido-Eyassine check your tunnels
13:42.59*** join/#asterisk Crescendo (
13:43.32yassineGido-E, how can i achieve that ?
13:44.14RoyKtzafrir: I don't want asterisk with -p. suddenly there's a hang, and someone has to drive up the server farm....
13:45.12tzafrirRoyK, keep the manager interface availble
13:45.48tzafrirRoyK, now you know why Digium developed the manager over HTTP ;-)
13:46.48RoyKtzafrir: I'd love to see the manager and the current cli go away. it's a security hole by design
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13:47.29tzafrirRoyK, what alternative do you suggest?
13:48.07RoyKa real client/server approach
13:48.09tzafrirThat is reasonably functional and resonably secure?
13:48.17Gido-Eyassine: iptraf, tcpdump, ethereal
13:48.30RoyKa real client/server approach
13:48.50yassineGido-E, i have mapped many ports from the router to my box and know that are well tunneled if thats what you mean ??
13:49.16tzafrirRoyK, even the CLI uses a client-server approach. e.g: command-completion is done by the server...
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13:50.10RoyKtzafrir: you probably know the difference between a server having a native cli/console and a true client/server architecture
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13:58.24badcfehallo.  is it possible to issue an outgoing call from an asterisk box.  i mean without having an incoming call falling in some context triggering this.  ?
13:58.46badcfesay from a crontab to take a concrete example..
13:59.37jojo^I'm trying to build asterisk 1.4.0 and install it in a specified location, but ./configure --prefix=/home/asterisk doesnt seem to do the trick. Any hints?
14:01.09HarryRjojo^, when you do 'make install' set the DESTDIR environment, e.g. 'DESTDIR=/home/asterisk make install'
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14:02.19jojo^HarryR, Thanks!
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14:17.11mialis it possible to make asterisk spawn less threads at startup ?
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14:19.36jojo^Is it supported to run asterisk 1.4.0 as a regular user and not root?
14:20.15mialafaik asterisk runs as the 'asterisk' user and not root
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14:23.23tzafrirmial, why does it bother you?
14:23.39mialtzafrir: I run asterisk on a nslu2
14:23.44mialwith only ... 32 Mb of ram
14:23.51HarryRI'd be very scared of running asterisk as root
14:23.52tzafrirremove modules you don't need
14:25.10tzafrirmial, actually: disable autoload, and load explicitly only the modules you need
14:25.25tzafrirThis can be a pain, but can save memory
14:27.27Chris-NBanyone knows what that mean: WARNING[30244]: chan_zap.c:8650 zt_pri_error: 9 !! Unexpected Channel selection 3
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14:37.48Tiliis it possible to select codec from extensions.conf
14:37.56Tilibefore answering a call
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14:52.05zoaits easy to talk to mark on irc
14:52.09zoahe does not show up for 30 days
14:52.11zoathen he says hi
14:52.14zoasays 1 phrase
14:52.18zoaand is gone again for 30 days
14:52.29Tilizoa: what is he upto?
14:52.56zoaworking i guess
14:52.58mitchelocsend him an e-mail or call him on the phone :)
14:57.22*** join/#asterisk mercestes (
15:01.19webmadI got a Dialogic D/4PCI card. Does it work with Asterisk?
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15:05.09e-ddiewebmad: ask google
15:06.32mercestesfor that matter, ask Dialogic.  lol
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15:13.27webmade-ddie: I found several pages on Google but I didn't find a clear answer. This page: doesn't talk about Dialogic hardware
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15:14.09webmadmercestes: will you pay consulting fees to Dialogic? LOL
15:14.19tzafrirwebmad, is obsolete. Ignore it
15:14.46tzafrirSome dialogic cards work with the proprietary Asterisk version from Digium
15:14.59tzafrirOthers don't work at all
15:15.55coppiceA D/4PCI won't work. its half duplex
15:16.02webmadtzafrir: AFAYK, do I need Dialogic software? Someone talks about "".
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15:16.17webmadcoppice: thx
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15:17.19emiquelitohello all! Is there any problems one iax softphone trying to call a sip softphone? Both are extensions registered at the same server. Can asterisk handle this situation properly?
15:17.36zoayes it works fine
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15:18.24emiquelitozoa, ok, but I'm having this debug message one trying to call the iax softphone using my registered sip extension: Unable to find key '5847' in family 'SIP/Registry'
15:18.29emiquelitoI'm using realtime
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15:19.12zoasomething is wrong in your realtime config then :)
15:19.19emiquelitoI have looked at the table in mysql and everything is ok
15:19.30emiquelitothere is a query in the debug message, which is also ok
15:19.39zoacant help you then
15:19.47zoawithout realtime it should work just fine
15:20.06*** part/#asterisk Delvar (
15:20.15emiquelitozoa, look, I have one table called users for both SIP and IAX
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15:20.32emiquelitoI think it should work
15:21.00emiquelitoand the interesting thing is that the IAX extension is able to call the SIP one
15:21.17emiquelitobut the opposite doesn't work
15:29.49*** join/#asterisk Weezey (
15:30.31clorabithello ...
15:30.58clorabitdo i need install zaptel even i don't use any fxo / fxs device ?
15:31.00WeezeyI'm running 1.2 on two machines, one has g729 licenses, the other doesn't.  So when I send a g729 call to the iax2 connection between them it sets it up as ulaw, but i get a ton of "Jan 24 10:27:56 WARNING[13043]: chan_sip.c:2561 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native formats is 256 (read/write = 64/64)" messages with no audio/rings/anything on the call.
15:32.02zoaso  you have A calling B and B will pass on the call to C ?
15:32.13zoaA sends it to B in g729
15:32.46tzafrirclorabit, you may need zaptel for a timind source. If you don't have any zaptel hardware, you can use ztdummy
15:33.52WeezeySip (g729) -> Asip (g729) --- Aiax2 (ulaw) --> Biax2 (ulaw) --- Biax2 (ulaw) --> Ciax2(ulaw) -- Csip(g729)
15:34.10clorabittzafrir: ah ic ic.. thanks
15:34.12Weezeyerror messages show up on A
15:34.39zoaso what server has a g729 license >
15:34.44WeezeyA and C
15:35.22zoaand what server bitches about the codec ?
15:36.07WeezeyI tried installing on B because I thought that might have something to do with it (because even though it's not using it, it's still setting up the call) but that didn't help.
15:36.18*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
15:36.52WeezeyI'm wondering if I should try allowing g729 for B instead and try to use it without a license
15:37.17zoahow about not using ulaw at all ?
15:37.22zoaand just go g729 all the way ?
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15:37.32Weezeyyeah, that's next.
15:37.48WeezeyI just wondered if there was something simple I was missing.
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15:37.57Weezeytechnically what I'm doing should be possible.
15:38.02Mportnoydoes anybody knows how to install Asterisk 1.2.14 addons 1.2.5 Debian 3.1 with CDR MYSQL ?
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15:39.27trixmancan someone help me with a ringgroup problem
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15:47.18mercestesMportnoy:  I know how to do it in gentoo.
15:48.52Mportnoymercestes: how can I test
15:48.57Mportnoyif everything is working ?
15:49.13mercestesMportnoy:  read the manual.
15:49.47mercestesMportnoy:  by everything, do you mean the Cdr mysql, or do you mean literally everything?
15:50.41MportnoyCDR MYSQL
15:50.57mercestesmake a call.  Log in to mysql.  Do a use asterisk; and a select * from cdr;
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15:51.38sudhir492hi all
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15:51.45mercesteshi sudhir492.
15:52.15Mportnoymercestes: which files I need to modify for MYSQL CDR?
15:52.31Mportnoyso far I did modules.conf and add the cdr_mysql.conf
15:52.43mercestesI think
15:53.09mercestesyea, res_mysql.conf
15:54.04Mportnoythere is cdr_my  and res_mysq
15:54.11MportnoyI read that for cdr is only cdr
15:55.05sudhir492is it possible to put 2 quad T1 cards in a PSTN gateway?
15:55.06mercestesMportnoy:  I focused on editting res_mysql.conf
15:55.24zoasudhir492: ues
15:55.31zoawould i do that: no
15:55.50mercestessudhir492:  If you wanna use two cards go sangoma.  They are mroe irq friendly.
15:56.02mercestesYou can do it with diguim hardware if you are careful to check your IRQs and maek sure they are not shared.
15:56.23mercestesor are shared with something lazy that doesn't care if the IRQ tables are being raped by a t1-device
15:56.51sudhir492Yes, I can go with Sangoma, (although people say that newer digium cards can match Sangoma's performance)
15:57.44mercestesSangoma doesn't rape IRQs
15:58.43mercestesother than that, I can't really say that Sangoma is superior, just IRQ and thus multicard friendly.
15:59.28mercestesDriver support is very anti-intuitive, the "stable" drivers are called "betas"
16:00.09coppiceinstalling the sangoma software sucks. other than that, their stuff is nice
16:00.23sudhir492I plan to use the box strictly for a PSTN gateway, which will distribute the calls to other boxes
16:01.34MportnoyJan 24 10:01:05 WARNING[8816]: res_config_mysql.c:522 reload: MySQL RealTime: Couldn't establish connection. Check debug.
16:01.37sudhir492coppice: You are right about Sangoma install. However I have done that for a few boxes
16:06.09mercestesMportnoy:  Turn on yoru debug
16:07.22Mportnoymercestes: set debug 100
16:08.24sudhir492zoa: why would you not put 2 quad cards in a box. With 2 dual core processors, and faster bus these days, they seem to have more that double the performance of boxes a few years ago. I have a dual Xeon server running faithfully for 3 years with quad card, average 30 simultaneous calls but peak between 60 to 60
16:08.47sudhir49250 to 50
16:08.54sudhir492oops. 50 to 60
16:09.52zoayes well you can
16:09.54zoabut i wouldnt
16:10.00zoaif 1 port fucks up
16:10.06zoachances are big everything would fuck yp
16:10.08sudhir492others will run fine
16:10.26sudhir4928 ports are distributed over 2 cards
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16:11.04sudhir492by the same logic, would you avoid 4-port cards also ?;-)
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16:11.51mercestesMportnoy:  set debug with no arguements.  make sure debug is under console => in logger.conf
16:13.41Mportnoynow i Have only this prob
16:13.44MportnoyJan 24 10:13:20 ERROR[8867]: res_config_mysql.c:651 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server asterisk on (err 2003). Check debug for more info.
16:13.44MportnoyJan 24 10:13:20 WARNING[8867]: res_config_mysql.c:522 reload: MySQL RealTime: Couldn't establish connection. Check debug.
16:14.17MportnoyConnected to asterisk@localhost, port 3306 using table cdr for 41 seconds.
16:16.42mercestesdo a logger reload
16:17.17mercestesand try setting your "dbsock" variables and using "localhost" if you are using a Mysql server local to *.
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16:22.50ez`asterisk support g729ab ?
16:23.13Tiliez`: yeah
16:24.34ez`g729ab ?
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16:25.25ez`my polycom ip500 use g729ab ; asterisk will be able to play with this codecs ?
16:25.52Qwell[]I think I recall hearing that it was somehow compatible
16:25.57stefmtlHello, is there a way to change RX and TX gain on a SIP channel, like we can do with a zaptel interface ?
16:26.11Qwell[]stefmtl: your phone should have a volume key...
16:26.50stefmtlQwell : the calling flow is : user over pstn>quintum fxo switch> asterisk IVR
16:27.09Qwell[]stefmtl: then it would be a feature of the quintum
16:27.45stefmtlQwell : on the asterisk side, there's nothing to do ?
16:28.02Qwell[]stefmtl: I don't think so, no
16:29.02ez`something funny about polycom ; i fix to g729 using web interface ; its dont use g729 ; but i edit manualy sip.cfg on my tftp server ; it use it ...
16:29.47*** join/#asterisk CPSK (
16:34.11*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
16:34.51MRH2Hi can an NMI error be caused by a compatability issue with a specific kernel
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16:36.37MRH2(NMI with zaptel)
16:37.45sweeperis there a list somewhere of crazy shit people do with asterisk?
16:38.12sweeperor a "solutions looking for problems" list? :v
16:38.56Qwell[]sweeper: what, you don't subscribe to the -users mailing list?  eh
16:39.03sevardhow about a wikipedia,
16:39.22MRH2Is it possible an NMI error will be fixed by a distro upgrade?
16:40.03Qwell[]MRH2: kernel upgrade, perhaps?
16:40.06sweeperwikipedia article is fairly barren
16:40.19sweeperQwell[]: mailing lists? :v
16:40.51coppiceMRH2: NMI errors are usually just to hardware problems
16:41.00MRH2yeah i know
16:41.19MRH2but could a kernel upg resolve it
16:41.25MRH2(is it feasible)
16:42.14sevardahh, another user looking for a magic bullet solution.
16:43.06coppicewould a distro upgrade solve world poverty?
16:43.17Qwell[]coppice: yes, it could
16:43.25Qwell[]at least...that's what ubuntu thinks ;)
16:44.50MRH2I've gone through the usual hw stuff,  narrowed it down to a specific zaptel revision, posted to mantis referred to digium not getting ver far
16:45.26ez`i registered my g729 licence bought from digium ; do i need to compile a module ; or g729 is compiled / included by default ?
16:45.45MRH2planning to move to move to cent-os and if it is possible that *could* fix it I will hold off
16:46.38MRH2so... could a kernel update resolve a NMi error?
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16:47.15coppicei think its more likely to solve poverty
16:47.46sevardCPSK: I've seen you ask the same question, over and over, and over.... and over.. and OVER.  Why don't you just call Tenovis?
16:48.58MRH2ok anyone know how many TE411P cards actually shipped before it got the new echo can?
16:48.58zoanot too much i think
16:49.00zoai have 3 or so
16:49.39GeertDoes anybody have more information about "zapata.conf -> privateprefix"
16:49.41fileit's a different model number don't forget for the newer echo cancellation
16:49.42MRH2that would explain why not many people will be complaining
16:49.50zoathe 412 is a lot better
16:49.52Geertand about unknownprefix too
16:50.03zoai dont think they sell the 411 now
16:50.17zoaim very happy with the 412
16:50.20zoaand was not with the 411
16:50.34MRH2any way to trade it up?
16:50.36zoathe 412 stops the dtmf talkoff
16:50.41zoai dont know
16:50.59MRH2i get probs with zaptel >=R1115
16:51.42MRH2i think that was when the 412 echo can was introduced
16:51.57dhillanyone know what this may mean from an adtran 900?
16:52.07dhill16:03:07 TM.T01 64 SipTM_ReInviting     Adding RTP Media Gateway Entry: ->
16:52.07dhill16:03:07 TM.T01 64 SipTM_ReInviting     No action taken, firewall traversal is not enabled
16:52.07dhill16:03:07 TM.T01 64 SipTM_ReInviting     call-leg-mod (0x2875228) -> Modify Re-Invite Sent
16:52.07dhill16:03:07 TM.T01 64 SipTM_ReInviting     ERROR! SipCallLegModifyStateChanged  to ReinviteSent ignored
16:52.07dhill16:03:07 TM.T01 64 SipTM_ReInviting     sent: re-INVITE
16:52.21dhill16:03:07 TM.T01 64 SipTM_ReInviting     call-leg-mod (0x2875228) -> Modify Re-Invite Remote Accepted
16:52.21dhill16:03:07 TM.T01 64 State change      >> SipTM_ReInviting->SipTM_ReInvitingPassed
16:52.21dhill16:03:07 TM.T01 64 SipTM_ReInvitingPassed sent: TA->ReInvite Response - PASS
16:52.21dhill16:03:07 TM.T01 64 SipTM_ReInvitingPassed sent: TA->ReConnect
16:52.39MRH2pastebin is ur friend
16:52.44dhilloh yea :)
16:53.37phearlesshum... I got a little question
16:53.49phearlesshow can I redirect a caller to the voicemail of another extension ?
16:54.51MRH2oh well .... i will check back next month lol
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17:00.47coppiceCPSK: The rectangular plugs go in the rectangular holes
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17:01.03Qwell[]coppice: can the square plug go into the rectangular hole?
17:01.08Qwell[]I'll fit
17:01.19coppicedepends on the size of hammer you use
17:01.22sevardthat's all we care about at this point.
17:01.30zoause lubricant
17:01.50sevardzoa knows all about lube, eh eh, eh zoa, eh?
17:02.20coppiceyou mean those KY-45s?
17:02.25sevardthat was a good night.
17:02.45CPSKcoppice: thanx :)
17:03.09Qwell[]zoa: stupid question...  what is .be?
17:03.26Qwell[]Why do I want to say Belgium?
17:03.26coppicethe worst place in the galaxy
17:06.01zoai use to have
17:06.06*** join/#asterisk Murdock__ (
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17:09.25in-pthi all
17:09.34in-ptanyone using cisco 7940G ip phone
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17:12.35zoaeverybody too shocked now ? :p
17:13.05l2cachei have a dialplan question : I want an agent to call extension 100 and prompt to add or remove their ext from a queue.  I need to put their caller id to a variable so i can put AddQueueMember(queuename|SIP/$variable) ...any thoughts?
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17:17.05sevardl2cache: look at the special variables on voip-info for asterisk
17:17.17CPSKcoppice: thanx :)
17:17.43*** join/#asterisk Vulpyne (
17:18.13l2cachecan i use  AddQueueMember(queuename|SIP/${CALLERID})
17:18.42coppiceah, CPSK is using an "annoy everyone" bot
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17:26.00CPSKcoppice: thanx :)
17:26.10sevardOH MY GOD.
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17:26.46phearlesshow can I redirect a caller to the voicemail of another extension ?
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17:27.22sevardyou can assign the voicemail box in sip.conf or you can create an extension
17:28.49dmaasi was wondering if anyone could tell me how reliable commercial non-asterisk pbxes are? Basically - I'm building an asterisk box and want to know how long it should be able to run for, how long the hardware should last for, and things like that.
17:30.30phearlesssevard: not like this
17:30.30phearlessI receive a call
17:30.30phearlessI talk
17:30.30phearlessand then the caller tell me  that he want to let a message for Mr 205
17:30.31phearlessso I want to redirect the caller to the voicemail 205
17:30.31phearlessmake sense?
17:30.35mercestesdmaas:  As long as the hardware lasts. and when the hardware dies, ti's far easier/cheaper to replace.
17:30.36*** part/#asterisk Vulpyne (
17:30.37sevardand you don't want the extension to ring
17:31.08sevardthe only other way I can think of doing that is to set up a seperate extension array or context that kicks all straight to vm
17:31.12phearlessno ring, that's right
17:31.29phearlessor it can ring but I would not prefer
17:31.41mercestesdmaas:  commercial hardware PBX's have this really annoying habit of never dying.  They become giant piles of sticky corroded liquified oxidized metal deposits slowly leaking out this amber residue that will never wash away....but they keep churning along emitting this acrid sulfur-like "burnt electronics" smell.
17:31.54sevardwhich you could do with exten = 5,1,(5@context)
17:32.10dmaasmercestes: hmmm, thanks.
17:32.13mercestesdmaas:  But they never "die"    They just slowly add more and more humm, static, distortion and sound anamolies as they slowly crawl through the centuries.
17:32.24yatesyyou just need something in your extensions to call Voicemail(uEXTENSION) surely?
17:32.40dmaasmercestes: hmmm, i didnt think of that...
17:32.42phearlessI want to redirect to a voicemail during a call
17:33.00phearlessbut there is something that I do not get :
17:33.03phearlessduring a call,
17:33.20sevarderm, Voicemail*
17:33.25sevardleft that out, scatterbrained this morning
17:33.30phearlessI can't use any asterisk commands, like VoiceMail, right ?
17:33.46yatesyassign numbers that go directly to Voicemail(uUSER) then, slap it in another context or something
17:33.51mercestesdmaas:  They're old skool electronics.  That stuff just didnt' die.  Now the *new* commerical PBX's are total trash.  They are proprietary and insanely expensive (just like the old PBX's) and they still die.
17:33.53phearlessI can't decide to redirect "*9 205" to the voicemail 205
17:33.53sevardphearless: you'd transfer them to an xtension that went straight to the user's vm box
17:34.13yatesyso say you've got 100,1,Dial(SIP/100) then just set up *100,1,Voicemail(u100)
17:34.29phearlessso how can I do *100 ?
17:34.35phearlessduring the call?
17:34.45mercestesThere is a software based "metaswitch" that you could look into that's a software commercial switch solution that has nothign to do wtih * but I hear it's a hog to work with.
17:34.47yatesyyea just transfer the call to that extension
17:35.01sevardphearless: for the fourth time, you'd transfer to the extension
17:35.01yatesyblind transfer would obviously work best here
17:35.22phearlessokay I see
17:35.29wunderkinexten => _#XXX,1,VoiceMail(${EXTEN:1}@vmcontext|u), if you are using sip, use the transfer button, if not, setup features.conf
17:35.34phearlessthe phones are Sipura/Linksys 942
17:35.57*** join/#asterisk frc11 (n=fribelle@
17:36.01yatesyperfect wunderkin :)
17:36.05yatesyta for that
17:36.14phearlessokay guys I will try that now
17:36.26phearlessI will tell you if it worked..
17:37.32frc11hello... my name is Fer and I would like that someone could answer some "basic" questions
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17:38.23sevardfrc11: it's best if you just ask instead of asking to ask, unless of course if you're looking for a contractor
17:38.51c4t3lhello all
17:39.16c4t3lhas anyone had any success with the asterisk-stat application
17:39.35frc11the first one is about Digium. I'm evaluating in purchase one TDM04B but I would like to know if it will be full compatible with AMD
17:39.50frc11yes, sevard, thnks
17:39.51*** part/#asterisk webmad (
17:40.18phearlesswhen I receive a call,
17:40.24phearlessI pressed "XFER"
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17:40.32FuriousGeorgewhat a pain in the butt
17:40.35phearlessthen I was ready to press #408
17:40.36phearlessbut !
17:40.38in-ptdoes any one knows if asterisknow supports skinny channels
17:40.42clorabitgot problem here anyone can help
17:40.45phearlesswhen I pressed #, I had the busy tone
17:40.58Strom_Cphearless: is # part of the extension number?
17:41.19Strom_Cif it isn't, then don't dial it
17:41.27FuriousGeorgei have a location that wants a video voip, which i know is better supported in 1.4, by softphones (like eyebeam) need it to work with video for windows
17:41.27Strom_Cjust try the XFER key followed by 408
17:41.33*** join/#asterisk somethingbad (n=vladi@
17:41.35FuriousGeorgeso im limited to fixed aperture usb cameras
17:41.37clorabiti trying to run safe_asterisk and failed with error message "Asterisk ended with exit status 127" any suggest
17:41.52Strom_Cclorabit: what happens when you run "asterisk -cvvvvvg"
17:41.57FuriousGeorgeive seen a driver that will turn a camcorder into a usb camera
17:42.07c4t3lclorabit, what Strom_C said
17:42.17FuriousGeorgebut i feel like that's a hack, that there should be a hardware solution, anyone know of one?
17:42.17Qwell[]Strom_C: "cutoff on disconnect" - ever heard of it?
17:42.18phearlessI got :
17:42.20phearless;DIRECT VOICEMAIL
17:42.21phearlessexten => _#[45]XX,1,VoiceMail(${EXTEN:1}@default)
17:42.38Strom_Cphearless: it's a baaaaad idea to start extensions with #
17:42.45phearlessbut  when I press #, at any time, I got the busy tone
17:42.49mercestesc4t3l: S orry, I don't even have an asterisk-stat app?  Where'd you get it?  is that a 1.4 thing?
17:42.49Strom_C# means "I am finished dialing now; put the call through"
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17:42.55c4t3lphearless dont use # it may be enables in features.conf
17:42.57phearless<wunderkin> exten => _#XXX,1,VoiceMail(${EXTEN:1}@vmcontext|u), if you are using sip, use the transfer button, if not, setup features.conf
17:43.00phearlessI did this
17:43.08phearlessok Strom_C
17:43.08Qwell[]Strom_C: me, me, me!
17:43.08clorabitStrom_C: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/asgterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: speex_decode_int
17:43.15FuriousGeorgephearless: ive used * and ** in the past
17:43.24Strom_CQwell[]: give me more context
17:43.31c4t3lmercestes, its supposed to be a web reporting app with graphs and such
17:43.47Qwell[]Strom_C: guy in Canada is looking to get disc sup on his line
17:43.48wunderkinyeah well * and # may not be the best but you can use whatever, i use it, because i dont use #, it is just an example
17:43.51FuriousGeorgeis there a such thing as a usb camera that doesnt suck?
17:44.09Qwell[]is "cutoff on disconnect" the magic option he wants?
17:44.16Strom_CQwell[]: battery drop at the end of the call?
17:44.18phearlessok FuriousGeorge
17:44.21phearlessok wunderkin too
17:44.25phearlessI tried with :
17:44.25clorabitStrom_C: and other unresolve message error
17:44.26Strom_Cand who's calling it "cutoff on disconnect"?
17:44.31Qwell[]telco, I guess?
17:44.33phearlessexten => _*8[45]XX,1,VoiceMail(${EXTEN:1}@default)
17:44.47phearlessbut when I press *84.... i got the busy tone
17:44.59phearlessI can not press *408 for example
17:45.00mercestesphearless:  Anything show up on the CLI?
17:45.01Qwell[]~lart Idle
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17:45.20Strom_Cphearless: dont' start extensions with * either; that conflicts with vertical service codes
17:45.24wunderkinnow you are getting into built-in feature code phone dialplan crap too
17:45.34phearless<mercestes> phearless:  Anything show up on the CLI? <--- no
17:45.44mercestesphearless:  Using a polycom phone?
17:45.48clorabitStrom_C: what should i do ?
17:45.54phearless<Strom_C> phearless: dont' start extensions with * either; that conflicts with vertical service codes <--- I use * for special features, like direct voicemail
17:45.59phearlessmercestes: sipura 942
17:46.08Strom_Cphearless: do you know what vertical service codes are?
17:46.12phearlessStrom_C: no
17:46.22mercestesphearless:  update your dialplan.  You need to match for *xxx and #xxx in order to handle it correctly.
17:46.23phearlessStrom_C: my extensions are 4XX and 5XX
17:46.23Strom_CQwell[]: "cutoff on disconnect" sounds like it might be disconnect supervision
17:46.42Strom_Cphearless: read that
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17:47.07mercestesphearless:  Your device is looking at what your dialing, going "FU" and not even bothering to send it to * because it believes it's wrong.  I agree wtih your device, but, hey, it's your dialplan, do it the way you wish.
17:47.46phearlessok Strom_C
17:47.59phearlessok mercestes , I have to modify the dialplan on the phone, not on asterisk, right?
17:48.14Strom_Cthere should be a list of things you are required to read before touching asterisk ;)
17:49.09mercestesphearless:  correct.
17:49.24pigpenI have a dtmf tone issue using asterisk 1.2.9, on a PRI with polycom phones....seems I here a weak dtmf with a skip  (like this:  "b..b"   where the tone should be "BBBB")
17:49.31mercestesStrom_C:  lol.  Linux for dummies would be a godo start.
17:49.33FuriousGeorgeif you guys had to install a video-sip phone in a conference room, what kind of camera would you use?
17:49.46dhillso fax doesn't work on 1.4 at all.. not even with g711ulaw
17:49.58pigpenI am only running echocancel=yes and relaxdtmf=yes
17:49.58mercestesgah, I typo so much.  I need to get back into programming so it matters again.  I used to never typo.
17:49.58dhill1.2 with same config works everytime
17:51.30phearlesson it is written : "The Dialplan constists of collection of contexts. These context definitions are the most important part of the extensions.conf file and are the most important part of Asterisk configuration. " so the dialplan is in extensions.conf  ?
17:51.53phearlessbut I have already seen a dialplan config on some phones
17:51.58phearlessso I am confused
17:52.19mercestesphearless:  For asterisk.  your device has it's own internal "dialmap" as well, which could be called a "dialplan" that determines when it should collect digits and when it shoudl pass those digits onto it's supervisory device.
17:53.00mercestesphearless:  Ever notice how if you dial 6 numbers your phone just sits there forever, and then goes, "beep beep BEEP!  You are retarded.  Please dial a valid number"  but if you dial a full seven digits it "just goes?"
17:53.02phearlessokay so in my case I have to define on the phone when the phone has to send the "numbers"
17:53.17phearlessok mercestes
17:53.21mercestesphearless:  The secret to that "magic" is the phone "dialmap" that basically sets up valid patterns of numbers to let the deviec know when to "just go."
17:53.27sevardmercestes: hahahaha
17:53.28phearlessI see
17:53.34phearlesswhy is this funny?
17:53.49mercestesphearless:  *your* device is setup to not send any digits at all until you dial a correct series of digits, and what is considered "correct" is controlled by you in that digitmap in the config.
17:54.26clorabitStrom_C: my workaround is add noload=> is this can cause other problem ?
17:54.28mercestesphearless:  It's funny because...most of us have gotten "the call" where "the phone system is broken" and after 2 hours of troubleshooting we find out that they are dialing an invalid number.
17:54.34phearlessok I will investigate to find the dialplan/dialmap on the phone ..
17:54.45mercestesphearless:  So most of us have thought to ourselves, "you are retarded....learn how to dial and stop wasting our time."
17:54.49*** join/#asterisk mrempire (
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17:55.07mercestesphearless:  So the idea of a pre-recorded message going "you are retarded" instead of "The number you have dialed...." is a riot.
17:55.27phearlesslol :)
17:55.27*** join/#asterisk ezw` (
17:56.25wunderkinpigpen, not an expert on this but you probably don't want relaxdtmf on a pri, you may want to show us your zapata.conf, also no rxgain or txgain, umm there are some other things
17:56.34phearlessgot it
17:57.14mercestesphearless:  Looks like it.
17:57.17pigpenwunderkin, yeah...the gain is set low to combat echo....but I plan to change the echo alogrythym to take care of that....
17:57.33pigpenk..I will disable relaxdtmf and give it a shot.
17:57.45phearlessokay thanks for the help
17:57.48pigpenI have had this prior with a bad echo cancel module on a 4 port PRI....
17:57.55pigpenbut not hardware modules here.
17:58.11phearlessso, for special features, should I use *number or #number ?
17:58.11IdleQwell[]: you suck
17:58.23phearlessfor example to listen to my voicemail *1
17:58.27phearlessis it ok?
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17:58.52phearlessI have seen the list of vertical things in the config of my phone so I know which ones to avoid
17:59.07mercestesphearless:  It *can* be if you do a *xxxT  and set a timeout.  Or *xT.  And don't use any *xx codes at all so you wont' be in conflict with Nanpa.
17:59.15*** part/#asterisk frc11 (n=fribelle@
17:59.35mercestesphearless:  The downside is,  somewhere, you are going to end up with a 3 second wait state on a valid * code, either on *x, or *xx.
17:59.59mercestesphearless:  unless you set the wait state down to 1 second instead of 3 seconds....but then old ppl will complain because they can't dial that fast.
18:00.02Strom_Cphearless: if you actually bother to read the vertical service code document I linked you to, you'll see that there are six codes reserved for you to assign as you see fit
18:00.30mercestesI've had old ppl complain that six seconds is too fast
18:00.42phearlessStrom_C: right, I missed the 6 last lines !
18:01.05Strom_Cyou didn't read the document
18:01.20phearlessbut *94 ... *99 seems a bit complex, *1 ... *10 is easier
18:01.33phearlessbut I understand the timeout problem
18:01.48sevardNANP, BEOCH.
18:02.03phearlessno I did not read each line of the doc .... 8-|
18:02.09*** join/#asterisk inv_arp[work] (
18:03.29phearlessNAMP = North American Numbering Plan
18:03.32phearlessbut I am in UK
18:03.42phearlessit is used here too?
18:05.18yatesyheh i knew there was a reason why i didn't reconise that listing
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18:05.38poppoAnybody developing asterisk with rubyonrails ???
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18:05.57Nobbiedamn what an awful day i've had after upgrading to * 1.4.0. SIP registrations failing, calls not being initiated, core dumps *argh*
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18:08.42JunK-Y13:06 < Nobbie> damn what an awful day i've had after upgrading to * 1.4.0. SIP registrations failing, calls not being initiated, core dumps *argh*
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18:08.52JunK-Ydid ya report these core dumps?
18:08.58poppophearless: You have experience with this?
18:09.24NobbieJunK-Y: 2 of them are 2GB
18:09.43JunK-Yread ur backtrace.txt in ur doc/ dir
18:09.49NobbieJunK-Y: plus i don't have the DONT_OPTIMIZE and THREAD_DEBUG flags set, only read about that afterwards
18:09.58JunK-Yand report to if isnt there yet.
18:10.04phearlessphearless: no but I have read this pdf a few days ago and it looks like a very good start for your question
18:10.15*** join/#asterisk Aurs (n=Aurs@
18:10.46pigpenWhy am I getting this:  Jan 24 12:10:26 NOTICE[22016]: channel.c:1904 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on Local/5646121@from-sip-d4a7,2 of format ulaw since our native format has changed to slin
18:11.08NobbieJunK-Y: you think they'll accept the backtrace's if i don't have the required Defines ?
18:11.13pigpenI have no slin defined.
18:11.22pigpenulaw only.
18:11.33JunK-Ywhat do you have in ur bt full and thread apply all bt?
18:11.35pigpenI will get 300 of these from time to time.
18:11.41Aurspigpen: transcode=no in asterisk.conf, i think
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18:11.47wunderkinnobbie, no
18:11.52Aursor transcode_to_slin=no or something
18:12.08CrazyTuxcan I set the hostname, of a DB to connect to in asterisk?
18:12.11CrazyTuxusing odbc?
18:12.12NobbieJunK-Y: it seems pretty useful, function names, parameter names and values
18:12.19pigpenAurs, thanks...I will google...
18:12.29JunK-Ysure, report it.
18:12.40Nobbie11 core dumps, do i report it as 11 bugs ?
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18:13.08JunK-Yjust once.
18:13.24JunK-Ythey are probably cause by the same thing, no?
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18:14.17Nobbiethe common part seems to be dummy_start(), but before that, there are all different functions
18:15.41JunK-Ynobbie: attach the infos requested in backtrace.txt for each coredumps (if segfault occured in different place)
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18:18.52poppoIs it possible to enter speak to txt on a call file?
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18:19.48pigpenso if a call was trying to transcode to slin from ulaw, could a call get borked?
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18:20.56JunK-Ypigpen: no.
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18:21.06JunK-Ydo a show translation, thats really cpu-eater.
18:21.32pigpenI just have been getting annoyed seeing it.
18:22.19fiber0ptiIs there any open source software that can make asterisk similar to vonage with a web front end and ability to edit functionality per subscriber?
18:22.38Qwell[]fiber0pti: the gui should be able to give you some basic functionality for that
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18:24.54fiber0ptiQwell, sure. But I'm looking for more advanced functionality that can more mimic vonage. Like checking voicemail and changing call forwarding.
18:25.11Qwell[]So, you want to be the next vonage?
18:25.23Qwell[]step 1: Spend more than you make each quarter on advertising.
18:25.25fiber0ptiQwell, not at all.. but I want to provide some of that functionality
18:25.27Qwell[]That one is quite easy
18:26.09pigpenfiber0pti, many have written their own interfaces to meet their needs.
18:26.29pigpenWe have written a gui to meet our needs, however it will more than likely not meet yours.
18:26.55Qwell[]and that's the problem with GUIs..  everybody needs something different
18:27.07pigpenas...probably most if all the pubilcly interfaces out there won't be to your liking either.
18:27.28pigpenQwell[], agreed.
18:28.18CrazyTux[Jan 24 12:28:43] WARNING[28764]: res_odbc.c:511 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=2013 [unixODBC][MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communicatio
18:28.25CrazyTuxHas anyone ever ran into that before?
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18:29.21pigpensorry, postgresql here...was it working prior?
18:29.25pigpenor new setup?
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18:29.32wunderkin2. don't give out your business plan, 3. ???, 4. profit
18:29.44CrazyTuxpigpen, new setup.
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18:29.50CrazyTuxpigpen, mysql
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18:29.54wunderkin5. buy some underpants
18:30.52pigpenCrazyTux, sounds like it is a basic setup issue, I would review the docs....ensure all requirements are met.
18:31.10CrazyTuxpigpen, I'm trying to connect to a remote database
18:31.15CrazyTuxI think I see whats wrong...
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18:37.30CrazyTuxrene-, lol
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18:42.51rene-~seen [TK]D-Fender
18:43.18jbot[tk]d-fender <n=joe@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 13h 27m 9s ago, saying: 'wunderkin : u'.
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19:01.05jbotIdle is a doodie head
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19:14.54jbotit has been said that mercestes is is the almighty dark overlord.  Worship him!  Worship or lament and suffer!  All hail Mercestes!  Dark lord of existance.  Mercestes is also my Evil Twin!
19:15.17mercesteswhen that last part get in there?  lol
19:15.32mercesteshi wysiwyg.
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19:22.23xpotanyone know how to write to a db using func_odbc?
19:25.29sweeperwow, there seems to be a lot of angst between openpbx and asterisk XD
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19:27.15nighty-I have a problem with mpg123 0.59s-r11 playing the moh too loud (distorted)
19:27.23nighty-anyone knows how to fix this ?
19:30.46aydiosmiodoes mpg123 not have a gain setting?
19:31.33nighty-aydiosmio: I believe this is only for hardware
19:32.06nighty-aydiosmio: is the zaptel board considered a hardware ?
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19:32.54aydiosmiowhat is only for hardware?
19:33.05nighty-aydiosmio: the -g
19:33.23nighty-aydiosmio: it sets the gain of the hardware I believe
19:33.37nighty-aydiosmio: the audio chip
19:33.40aydiosmiowell, you could certainyl try it, couldn't you?
19:33.46nighty-aydiosmio: I tried
19:33.52nighty-aydiosmio: that is why I say this
19:33.53aydiosmiogood deal
19:34.05aydiosmiomaybe someone else can help you then
19:34.12nighty-aydiosmio: can't be sure though
19:36.37nighty-aydiosmio: I hope someone can help me , as I have researched google and the only thing I found what that 0.59s-r11 seems to be borked according to one person
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19:37.41tzangerI ownder who I pissed off
19:37.42tzanger13:53 [freenode] -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You have been deleted from the access list for [#openpbx]
19:37.44wunderkinnighty-, i believe there is a problem using that version, is there a reason you are using mpg123?
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19:38.00nighty-wunderkin: what else can I use ?
19:38.10wunderkinif you are using 1.2 or higher, use native
19:38.11Corydon-w0.59r or native
19:38.19nighty-wunderkin: ok
19:38.24nighty-Corydon-w: thanks :)
19:38.27nighty-I'll try this
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19:40.37mercestestzanger:  Lol
19:40.50mercestesI think RoyK is the openpbx bitch.  Probably him.
19:40.55mercesteswonder if I'm deleted yet.
19:41.03mercestesnope, I'm not.
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19:42.50nighty-wunderkin: do you know where I can get the native moh files ?
19:43.15nighty-I am using 1.2.13
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19:45.35Hmmhesaysgood afternoon
19:46.45jbotextra, extra, read all about it, hmmhesays is not really here...
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19:51.53mercestesc4t3l:  I could teach him if you want..;)
19:57.25Hmmhesaysthis episode of ds9 is a good one
19:57.52Hmmhesaysthe one where playdoh and kira finally hook up
19:58.47yatesyplaydoh? :P
20:00.04yatesywell yea, why playdoh?!
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20:01.42Hmmhesaysit was a joke
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20:07.20sweeperzomg yate
20:07.24sweepera TRAITOR
20:07.49yatesyjust thought it was a bit random Hmmhesays!
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20:14.20CrazyTuxI'm having the hardest problem to get asterisk -> odbc, to connect to remote mysql server, any suggestions / help?
20:14.46Corydon-wHave you installed MyODBC?
20:14.52CrazyTuxCorydon-w, yes.
20:15.02CrazyTuxCorydon-w, Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=2013 [unixODBC][MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communicatio
20:15.09Corydon-wHave you configured /etc/odbcinst.ini and /etc/odbc.ini ?
20:15.17CrazyTuxCorydon-w, yes.
20:15.31CrazyTuxCorydon-w, I setup the DSN, etc, and referenced it in ref_odbc.conf
20:15.51Corydon-wCrazyTux: sounds like you're not permitted to connect from that host
20:15.58Corydon-wCrazyTux: or a firewall rule
20:16.04CrazyTuxCorydon-w, thats what I was thinking
20:16.33CrazyTuxCorydon-w, however I have replication setup between these two servers, and that works, so I don't see?
20:16.59CrazyTuxHowever I try and connect from cli, mysql -u user -pPASS -h HOST and it connec. refuses
20:17.01Corydon-wCrazyTux: replication uses a different permission
20:17.06CrazyTuxhowever I don't see how that is possible with replication
20:17.09CrazyTuxCorydon-w, really?
20:17.18CrazyTuxCorydon-w, How can I go in and fix this.
20:17.27CrazyTuxCorydon-w, In the mysql settings I have it to permit %
20:17.54Corydon-wGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO root@'%';
20:17.59Corydon-wGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON asterisk.* TO root@'%';
20:18.10Corydon-wor whatever your database is
20:18.26CrazyTuxCorydon-w, ok actually, I just got rid of that theory
20:18.32CrazyTuxCorydon-w, I connected from CLI with root mysql....
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20:18.37CrazyTuxCorydon-w, permissions granted, etc.. to the DB
20:18.52CrazyTuxCorydon-w, now I referenced the root information to connect via ODBC, same error.
20:19.11Corydon-wCrazyTux: try:  isql -vvvv asterisk
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20:20.08CrazyTuxCorydon-w, [S1T00][unixODBC][MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
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20:20.56CrazyTuxCorydon-w, however mysql -u root -pPASS -h HOST works... ?
20:21.06Corydon-wCrazyTux: 111 is connection refused
20:21.21CrazyTuxCorydon-w, why would the mysql CLI work than?
20:21.24Corydon-wCrazyTux: on the same host?
20:21.38CrazyTuxCorydon-w, only difference would be the hostname
20:21.42*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
20:21.52ctooleyI'm having some issues building zaptel on CentOS-4
20:21.53Corydon-wCrazyTux: so change the hostname in odbc.ini
20:22.15ctooleyWARNING: Error inserting zaptel (/lib/modules/2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp/extra/zaptel.ko): Invalid module format
20:22.38Corydon-wctooley: version skew
20:22.41CrazyTuxCorydon-w, hmm apparently it was having a problem resolving the hostname, that fixed it.
20:22.52CrazyTuxCorydon-w, thankyou :)
20:23.00Corydon-wctooley: your source and your kernel are probably not exactly the same string
20:23.06Juggiectooley, do a uname -a
20:23.08Juggiepaste it here.
20:24.26UVSofthi there, there's a problem, i've got an FXS device, my dialplay looks like: 1. Answer() 2. Read(..) 3. Dial(..) and so on, so when i hang off i hear absolutely nothing, no dial tone, and asterisk offers me to dial the number (answer(), read()), so the question is how to make asterisk play dial tone before user press first button as the real telephone station does?
20:24.48Corydon-wUVSoft: sounds like a dead board
20:25.00UVSoftwhat do you mean
20:25.11Corydon-wunless you've set immediate=yes
20:25.33Corydon-wimmediate=yes turns the phone into a hotline
20:25.46CrazyTuxCorydon-w, have you any experiene with setting up asterisk voicemail routed through another softswitch (proxy) ?
20:26.39UVSoftCorydon-w: thanks, I'll check it
20:27.22Corydon-wUVSoft: most fxs devices, you want immediate=no, which means offer dialtone and wait for the user to dial an initial extension
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20:28.30UVSoftas far as i remember i set it to yes)
20:28.40jaxxanhey guys
20:29.42jaxxanis there a console command i can issue to reset a voicemail password ?
20:30.58UVSoftand the second question, i've got another device, it's FXO one, after the dial is completed, asterisk (zaptel?) doesn't hang on for a long time... so who is responsible for it? and why can it be?
20:32.02Corydon-wjaxxan: no, but you can reset the password in voicemail.conf and issue a 'reload'
20:32.25jaxxani'm trying to automate changing voicemail passwords so i dont get bothered
20:32.27Corydon-wUVSoft: it doesn't do what?
20:32.37Corydon-wjaxxan: use realtime
20:32.47jaxxani haven't heard of that
20:33.03Corydon-wjaxxan: see the doc/ directory
20:33.22variable_officeanyone using broadwing/level 3 for origination?
20:33.33variable_office(or termination)
20:34.37mercestesvariable_office: Not atm but I have before.  What's your question?
20:34.50UVSoftCorydon-w: it doesn't hand up
20:35.05Corydon-wUVSoft: are you using kewlstart?
20:35.11variable_officemercestes whats the quality like? and does t.38 workk well with them?
20:35.31Corydon-wUVSoft: then your provider is probably not providing remote disconnect supervision
20:35.45Corydon-wUVSoft: other than bugging your provider, there's very little you can do
20:38.22UVSoftthere's the _context_ options in zapata.conf, is it possible to seperate FXO and FXS devices between different contexts?
20:40.36jaxxanthat's not exactly what i want to do though
20:41.14jaxxanbut i see the power in it
20:41.48anonymouz666anyone in here uses Nokia E61?
20:41.55Corydon-wjaxxan: well, you could write a parser for that file, if you liked
20:42.25Corydon-wjaxxan: and then rewrite the file.  That's what changing voicemail passwords does if you're not using realtime
20:43.27jaxxanright now i have an oracle server that remotely connects, echo's a new voicemail line to voicemail.conf and then issues   asterisk -rx 'reload'
20:44.17simplexioanonymouz666: i have one
20:44.20jaxxani'd kill for an   asterisk -rx 'voicemail extension password ####'   command right about now haha
20:44.21variable_officemercestes i guess what was your experiene with them?
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20:45.38anonymouz666simplexio: can you register the phone to asterisk? I think this firmware is buggy
20:45.49jaxxanlet me ask you a question, right now i have about 18,000 voicemail users, do you think moving all of that to realtime would be a better solution overall ?
20:45.55simplexioanonymouz666: yes
20:46.12simplexioanonymouz666: you using it throug wlan or 3g or edge ?
20:46.22UVSoftCorydon-w: could i ask you just have a look an my last question and tell me if that is possible or not? thanks
20:46.32anonymouz666simplexio wireless
20:46.58Corydon-wUVSoft: yes
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20:46.58UVSoftCorydon-w: so how to do it?
20:47.13simplexioanonymouz666: no problems with wlan here, few problem over 3g and edge but thats another story
20:47.43anonymouz666how can I upgrade the firmware?
20:47.43Corydon-wUVSoft: you just described exactly how to do it
20:48.03UVSoftCorydon-w: did I?
20:48.52simplexioanonymouz666: that one is used as ecample to put config to e61
20:50.09simplexioanonymouz666  tcpdump -i eth0 -n -s0 -vv port 5060 show sip traffic on asterisk. do you even get traffic there ?
20:50.20UVSoftCorydon-w: so that option isn't for all the devices, is it? it's just for those which are after it... right?
20:50.34|Rain|does anyone know of a way to fetch info about each leg of a transfered call (supervised, sip) in the dialplan?  I'd settle for having to catch it at hangup time...
20:51.39jaxxanSo if i used realtime, i wouldn't be able to edit voicemail.conf anymore huh
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20:51.47jaxxanwith vi that is
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20:52.26tzangerpirate day must be coming early
20:52.28jaxxani'm sooooo not into databases )=
20:52.30tzangerI just typed "arsync"
20:52.50simplexioanonymouz666: far as i know both e61 which i use have "default" firmware
20:56.19CrazyTuxWhats the codec that you need licensing for that I believe digum provides?
20:56.56CrazyTuxhigh-rez, how much bandwidth does that one use?
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20:57.22high-rezdon't remember off the top of my head.
20:57.45jbotsomebody said wikis was
20:57.45lamer9where can I buy a toll free number?
20:58.00Strom_CCrazyTux: 8kbps per channel plus overhead
20:58.11CrazyTuxStrom_C, and that is the one with the license fees?
20:58.38CrazyTuxStrom_C, Do you know where I can learn about all of the codecs, how much bandwidth etc, I'm looking at wikis although they provide irrelevant information
20:58.47lamer9where i can buy a phone number for my asterisk server?
21:00.12Strom_Cg711 - 64kbps; g726 - 32kbps; gsm - 13kbps; g729 - 8kbps
21:02.27CrazyTuxStrom_C, thank you.
21:02.38lamer9can someone pls help me?
21:02.49Strom_Clamer9: try teliax if you're in north america
21:02.56Strom_Cor call your local telco
21:03.07CrazyTuxStrom_C, ever setup asterisk as voicemail only, which it is routed there through someother means (softswitch) ?
21:03.26lamer9they can just give me a toll-free number
21:03.28CrazyTuxlamer9,, teliax, a few others.
21:03.30sevardyou can route voicemail whereever you want
21:03.40Strom_CCrazyTux: no, but I don't see how that would be any different than any other installation involving voicemail
21:03.41lamer9i dont want them to host it
21:03.41CrazyTuxsevard, I know, but as far as the handling of it with asterisk
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21:03.45lamer9i want to run it on my own machine
21:03.49lamer9i just want to buy the number
21:03.51lamer9and be able to run it
21:04.05Strom_Clamer9: you buy the number and the telco you buy it from becomes the resporg
21:04.13Strom_Cthey provide service to you at that number
21:04.21Strom_Cyou can port that number whenever you like
21:04.44CrazyTuxStrom_C, how can I debug asterisk extensions I setup, I want it to be realtime integrated into the system?
21:05.02Strom_CCrazyTux: um, ask me a more specific question
21:05.03lamer9the last time
21:05.06lamer9i had free outgoing and such
21:05.11CrazyTuxStrom_C, heard of ser/openser?
21:05.12lamer9the only thing i was using was bandwidth
21:05.23jaxxangod that realtime just seems alot easier in the end.
21:05.25CrazyTuxStrom_C, I want to route through ser/openser to voicemail asterisk
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21:05.47CrazyTuxStrom_C, now I have my routing done fine, I just need asterisk (voicemail) to pick it up nopw
21:06.00UVSoftmodern telephone exchanges offers following feature: when you're talking to someone, and he hangs up, the exchange plays you a dial tone, and you can dial next number immediately. how to make asterisk do the same?
21:06.01jaxxanthanks for pointing me in the right direction Corydon-w
21:06.21Strom_CCrazyTux: that's simple
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21:06.31Strom_Cyou'd do it just as you'd do any other voicemail implementation
21:06.40BlackthornHi, are keep-alive packets icmp?
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21:07.43ucfMethodcan anyone give advice on to best setup DTMF tones, or more precisely how to insure that outbound tones are picked up correctly by receiving parties. I have dtmfmode=rfc2833 and progressinband=yes in sip.conf set
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21:08.28ucfMethodbut people complain that some places pick up keys as duplicates etc, making it hard to use public conference call numbers and credit card balance info services
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21:08.59Strom_CucfMethod: describe, in detail, the route the call takes from end-to-end
21:10.12ucfMethodStrom_C: Polycom 501s, LAN, Asterisk 1.2.14, Vitelity Termination using SIP, PSTN
21:10.50Strom_CucfMethod: pastebin your sip.conf file
21:11.03*** join/#asterisk CPSK (
21:11.28JunK-Ysome1 has already cross-compile * for powerpc ?
21:11.55jaxxanthere's a mac version out, just google it JunK-Y
21:12.02JunK-Yjaxxan: any problem when compiling?
21:12.17JunK-Yjaxxan: i dont want a mac version, i want cross-compile.
21:12.19jaxxanjust make sure you have the developer tools installed
21:12.32jaxxanoh, sorry, powerpc i instantly think mac (=
21:12.36CrazyTuxStrom_C, care to give me a hand? :D
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21:12.45CrazyTuxStrom_C, I'm a first time asterisk user
21:12.56CrazyTuxStrom_C, well not first time, i've just barely *dabbled* with it.
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21:17.01Strom_CucfMethod: and what about the provider and telephone set entries?
21:17.36BlackthornHi, are keep-alive packets icmp?
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21:18.40phatmonkeycalls from my internal phones go through various contexts which set which lines they can call out on by setting a variable with Set(). at the moment i'm using a _X. extension in that context, but it seems to override the _X. extension deep inside another including context that is a "catch all" for outgoing calls
21:19.06*** part/#asterisk |Rain| (i=rain@2001:440:eeee:fffb:42:0:0:2)
21:19.14phatmonkeywhat's the best way to set a variable like that, or is there a better way to set outbound lines for internal phones?
21:19.37anonymouz666If I have an asterisk in front a legacy PBX (digital) how can I detect in Asterisk if for example peer 8000 (tradional) is calling and will pass through asterisk ?
21:19.41phatmonkey*deep inside another includED
21:19.42Strom_Cphatmonkey: um, jesus, stop kludging your dialplan :)
21:20.00Strom_Cphatmonkey: learn to use pattern matches and includes
21:20.02HushPewhich ways can i force the irq for my digium hardware? my bios doesn't let me do it, is there a way to do it via the kernel?
21:20.33phatmonkeyStrom_C, explain?
21:20.57Strom_Cphatmonkey: do you understand how to use pattern matches?
21:21.48anonymouz666If I have an asterisk in front a legacy PBX (digital) how can I detect in Asterisk if for example peer 8000 (tradional) is calling and will pass through asterisk ? explaning better: i will know that theres a call from a tradional system, but how i will know that is 8001 and not 8000 for example?
21:22.07anonymouz666or I wont be able to know ?
21:22.38phatmonkeyStrom_C, i think so...! the wiki is very vague, i've been fiddling with asterisk systems for almost a year now but i still don't fully understand it
21:23.06UVSoftHey guys! what about a dial tone after hand up on the other side and possibility to dial again immediately?
21:23.14phatmonkeyif no patterns are matched in the current context, it goes through the includes
21:24.08robin_szand .... importantly?
21:24.33robin_szthe matching rules DO NOT work down the current context in the order they appear
21:24.47robin_szthe matches are compiled and then hashed and then ...
21:24.57robin_szwell, the first match may not be what you expect!
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21:25.41robin_szincludes however ARE tested in the order they appear (obviously matching within the includes follows the same compiled rules as before)
21:26.24phatmonkeyStrom_C, i have a bunch of contexts that internal phones go to that decide whether they can make outbound calls and on what medium (PSTN, SIP service etc). for the PSTN options, i then want to set what PSTN line they can call out at the very end of the PSTN context. how can i set a variable there that won't affect anything else?
21:27.17wunderkinfuckin a
21:27.46Strom_Cphatmonkey: pastebin your extensions.conf
21:27.48phatmonkeyon an unrelated note... are there any plans for better asterisk documentation? the wiki is slow, unorganised and cluttered
21:27.51jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
21:28.42CrescendoWhat ports need to be forwarded to the server in order for a WAN Cisco IP phone to work through NAT?
21:29.03robin_szphatmonkey, there the book, when the bot wakes up and telss you the URL
21:29.14phatmonkeyStrom_C, that'll take ages... it's a huge dialplan with loads of passwords
21:29.35anonymouz666when Interconnecting two PBXs via ISDN the tradional system will send the callerid of a phone behind via ISDN to the asterisk?
21:29.52phatmonkeyrobin_sz, the oreilly book isn't really in depth or up to date!
21:30.36jbotrumour has it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
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21:31.10phatmonkeywhat would be the best way to specify outgoing lines for internal phones? my way does seem a tad kludgy
21:31.19robin_szphatmonkey, well, it is more organised ...
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21:32.31phatmonkeyeach phone has the same routing (various money saving routing), I just want to change the outgoing Zap line at the very end. variables with two underscores seemed to be the best way to do that, but I dunno how to set the variable at the start without affecting anything else
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21:39.15jaxxanhey guys
21:39.42phatmonkeyfound a better way to do it, nm
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21:44.34SomeOne1what kind of harware would i need to handle 2000 concurrent calls with no codec transcoding?
21:44.47SomeOne1preferrably in one box, not two
21:44.58SomeOne1like quad quadcore's?
21:44.58sivanacommodore 64
21:45.08mercestesI was thinking a high end TRS80
21:45.25SomeOne1i'll go with the commodore
21:45.28tzangerheh, heh...
21:45.47rudholmStrom has a Linksys WRT54 that runs *
21:46.25mercestesrudholm:  me too
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21:46.41cbullock81Hello everyone.
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21:47.05mercestesSomeOne1:  Seriously?  Any processor, around a gb or RAM (overkill, but still) and SATA or SCSI.  To run 2000 concurrent calls with no transcoding doesn't take a magical box to handle it.  Running 2000 lines to it could be a trick.
21:47.16rudholmStrom_C: very nice
21:47.49rudholmit seems to have survived the trunk of my car nicely :)
21:47.56rudholmI need to get mine mounted in the den
21:47.57cbullock81has anyone here used any linksys phones... i'm looking into them, and wanted to get some feedback
21:47.57mercestesSomeOne1:  Dont' forget to remix your MoH, voicemail and recordings to ulaw or gsm or whatever you are using.
21:48.12phatmonkeystill stuck. how can i send calls to different PSTN lines while having a common set of rules (adding prefixes etc)
21:48.22phatmonkeydo I just have to write out all the rules 8 times?
21:48.25mercestesbut once you eliminate's a smooth sea from there.
21:48.33rudholmStrom_C: phil is going to mail me his whole collection of payphone rate cards.  I'm going to scan them and mail them back to him.
21:48.52Strom_Coh sweet
21:49.04JunK-YStrom_C: nice rj-45 cable .
21:49.05rudholmStrom_C: that way I can just print out whichever one I want with my printer for my phones
21:49.24Strom_CJunK-Y: um, RJ-45 is a connector, not a cable
21:49.33rudholmwhat kind of cable is RJ-45?
21:49.35rudholmnever heard of that
21:49.37JunK-Yya know what i mean ;)
21:49.42Strom_Cdo I?
21:49.51Strom_CRJ-45 is an 8 position 8 conductor plug
21:50.03Strom_Cplug and jack combination
21:51.33Strom_Crudholm: i have to get a new handset from phil; the one he gave me doesn't terminate in spade lugs like the one already on the phone
21:52.00rudholmStrom_C: I need to figure out how to polish the brushed stainless on my 2C2.  it's not obvious what would work since it's not a flat finish.
21:52.11rudholmwhat kind of handset is it?
21:52.17rudholmis it armor cord?
21:52.20rudholmI didn't look in the box
21:52.27Strom_Cit's armor-corded
21:52.33rudholmwhat kind of termination?
21:52.42Strom_Cbut instead of spade lugs, it terminates in pin receptors (or whatever those are called)
21:52.43CrazyTuxOk this might be a stupid question, but is there any official documentation on asterisk?
21:53.23Strom_Crudholm: I imagine a wire brush on the end of a rotating tool like a drill or something would be best
21:53.30CrazyTuxWait that reminds me, I bought a book on asterisk, lol... brb
21:53.43cbullock81anyone used linksys phones in here?
21:53.48CrazyTuxcbullock81, I use pap2's
21:54.15Strom_CCPSK: how about you just ask a question instead of spamming the channel
21:54.18rudholmStrom_C: I think I might have phil mail me a 2C2 with the Bell logo (and the coin instruction plate).  'cause I really can't decide which I prefer so the clear answer is one of each.
21:54.20x86cbullock81: i've got some 921's on order
21:54.33Strom_Crudholm: haha, that's one solution
21:54.58rudholmStrom_C: he has to mail me the coin return chute anyway, right?
21:55.04cbullock81im trying to find out about the 942s. It says you have to upgrade it from a 2 line to 4 line phone... they dont tell you where or how much
21:55.15rudholmStrom_C: might as well put a 2C2 in the box with it.
21:55.50rudholmbut I should perhaps sell my NOS 2C2, since I don't need three (and that one has neither the clean coin slot instructions nor the Bell logo)
21:56.06rudholmbut it *is* NOS
21:56.08rudholmwhich is cool
21:56.08Strom_Ci thought your NOS one was a 2D2
21:56.19Strom_Cmechanical totalizer?
21:56.24*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
21:56.25rudholmit's actually a really good example of the phone
21:56.31rudholmyeah, the little wheel totalizer
21:57.07rudholmeven phil said "wow, that's a nice one you got" when I read him the part numbers off the assemblies inside
21:57.25rudholmwell, maybe 3 isn't too many.
21:57.28Strom_Cimpressing phil is...impressive :)
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21:57.36rudholmyeah, that says something :)
21:57.38Strom_Cyou can never have too many phones
21:57.45rudholmmaybe I could take four and make a "phone square"
21:57.53Strom_Chaha yes!
21:57.54phatmonkeyStrom_C, hokay,
21:57.56CrazyTuxAnyone in here have problems with DTMF in asterisk?
21:58.03phatmonkeyyou probably get the idea of what i'm trying to do
21:58.35rudholmthe panel phones are truncated 90-degree triangles, so they would form a proper square
21:59.02*** join/#asterisk tsurko (
21:59.18Strom_Cphatmonkey: actually, no, it's clear as mud.
22:00.34*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
22:00.45phatmonkeyinternal SIP phones will be sent to context internal-outbound-pstn-1. i want a variable set there so at the last line, they're sent to the right context on the other server
22:01.02Strom_Cphatmonkey: what exactly is your goal?
22:01.23Strom_Crudholm: my harris can wrench works perfectly for threading the enameled plaques
22:01.30*** join/#asterisk zmef420 (
22:01.38phatmonkeyStrom_C, assign PSTN lines (which happen to exist on another server) to certain phones
22:01.53Strom_Cphatmonkey: actual POTS lines?
22:02.03Strom_Chave you not heard of hunt groups?
22:02.13phatmonkeyStrom_C, yeah, on a Zap card
22:03.08phatmonkeyStrom_C, yes, but I want certain phones to be assigned to certain lines, and it's not practical to do that with contexts alone because prefixes are added/changed for all lines
22:03.29Corydon-wComments help.  A lot.
22:03.42Strom_Cphatmonkey: you're doing the asterisk equivalent of duct tape, cardboard, and chewing gum
22:04.07phatmonkeyStrom_C, that's why i'm asking what the best way to do it is!
22:04.11Qwell[]Strom_C: when all he really needs is WD-40
22:04.12phatmonkeythe documentation is no help
22:04.18Strom_Cphatmonkey: HUNT GROUPS
22:04.27Strom_Cand possibly....
22:04.28Qwell[]make it not move, instead of fixing the hinge so it can move easily
22:04.30jbotit has been said that hafc is hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
22:05.04*** join/#asterisk jtexter3 (
22:05.14JTit's about time CPSK gets the boot i say
22:05.22JTeither trolling or incredibly thick
22:06.21phatmonkeyStrom_C, how will hunt groups help me?
22:06.42Strom_Cphatmonkey: ok, let me ask you several qualifying questions
22:06.51Strom_C1. how many telephone sets are you supporting?
22:06.59Strom_C2. how many telephone lines are you supporting?
22:07.16Qwell[]90, 2 - in that order
22:07.51phatmonkey1. 8 2. 8
22:08.05Qwell[]it's always either a very high ratio, or 1/1
22:08.32Strom_Cphatmonkey: why is it imperative that you have a 1:1 relationship of lines to phones?  and furthermore, what role does asterisk play in your setup?
22:08.47phatmonkey*but* two phones are assigned their own lines, the other 6 can use any of the spare lines. i've done that with groups in zapata.conf
22:09.58phatmonkeyStrom_C, there were a bunch of PSTN lines on the old PBX, they need to be all hooked up. asterisk allows us to have employees around the world with SIP phones have access to the office lines
22:10.01phatmonkeyand call each other and all that
22:10.45Strom_Csomething's not adding up
22:10.52Strom_Cyou're a worldwide organization with eight employees?
22:11.24*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (
22:12.02robin_szmakes no sense
22:12.13robin_szso the first 2 phonbes have a line each ...
22:12.16phatmonkey8 hardware sip phones in the office, planning to have more connect from around the world who aren't based in the office
22:12.29robin_szand the last 6 phones have .. err any line from a group of 6 ...
22:12.45robin_sz6/6 = 1
22:13.15Qwell[]robin_sz: heh
22:13.40mercestesphatmonkey:  What you are trying to do is setup a turnkey system based upon analog switching using a digital software solution.  Not happening without a context for EACH line and EACH phone and yoru looking at a MAJOR pain to duplicate something that is officially outdated.
22:13.41Qwell[]8/8 == 2/2 & 6/6
22:13.52Qwell[]8/8 == 1/1 & 1/1 & 6/6, rather
22:14.16robin_szphatmonkey, ok, amaze us. the first two phones must use one perticular line each for waht reason exactly?
22:14.17Strom_Cphatmonkey: it's seriously recommended that you hire a consultant at this point
22:14.20mercestesbut if you wanted to do it....
22:14.26Corydon-wWhat's with August 8th and June 6th?
22:14.40mercestesit would be a context for each PRI and phone you want to "dedicate".
22:15.06robin_szmercestes, probably better to use the term "restrict"
22:15.16mercestesrobin_sz:  Exactly.
22:15.24phatmonkeyrobin_sz, the higher ups need their own phone lines ;)
22:15.30phatmonkeyright, this is going to take some rethinking
22:16.10mercestesphatmonkey:  And it *still* wouldn't be "turnkey" would just act that way because you walled it off that way.
22:16.10robin_sz"need their own lines"? for what reason?
22:16.10Strom_Cwait wait!
22:16.10Strom_CI know what he's trying to do!
22:16.11Strom_Che's trying to do "direct inward dial" without actually knowing what it is! :D
22:16.18mercestesStrom_C:  LMAO
22:16.38Qwell[]save yourself some trouble, and get a partial PRI
22:16.40*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
22:16.45Qwell[]that would completely solve that problem
22:17.04*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:17.34robin_szphatmonkey, are you talking "need their own lines" outgoing, or incoming?
22:18.54mercestesrobin_sz:  I think he means both and I believe he thinks it will occupy the same line, as if these phones were running off of dedicated copper and plugging straight into an FXO with an analog "roll over" switch.
22:19.08phatmonkeymaybe i should hire a freaking consultant...
22:19.24robin_szphatmonkey, for outgoin, even then you would not allocate a specific line ... you would just have "non-managemtn can only get a line in the group if there are at leat 2 free"
22:19.34mercestesrobin_sz:  You know, stuff they used to do in the 60's when they first introduced "transferring" and "hold."  Where the operator goes "Call on line 4" and she literally means, line #4 has a call on it and any phone can access it.
22:19.52robin_szmercestes, yeah, it sounds a bit 1970
22:19.59JTkey systems can still do "call on line #"
22:20.07JTworks for a small amount of lines
22:20.40robin_szphatmonkey, the beauty of asterisk is it is flexible ... that means you can do a lot of the sort of thing you want to do like priority outgoing calls, with less lines than a 1:1 mapping ...
22:20.55mercestesor more than 1:1 mapping.
22:21.00robin_szwell yes
22:21.25phatmonkeyrobin_sz, these separate lines are just totally removed from everything else - management want their own phone lines with their own numbers which they call out and receive on
22:21.28mercestesor phones with no mapping....or phones with no lines.
22:21.43Grnd-Wireand you CAN use GOTOIF logic to control which phones are dialing out on which Zap channels.. but it'd be some very scary dialplan code!
22:21.43rudholmis CPSK a cron job?
22:21.46mercestesphatmonkey:  So set them up on their own group
22:21.55JTrudholm: or an irc client timer
22:21.55robin_szphatmonkey, yes ... they get that
22:21.58mercestesone PRI.  Chans 1-4 = management lines g1
22:22.08mercestesChans 5-23 is everything else, as g2
22:22.11rudholmJT: that's kind of annoying
22:22.23robin_szphatmonkey, but "own number in and own number out does NOT , i repeat NOT mean own line, physically
22:22.24phatmonkeyhaving 8 hardware phones and 8 POTS lines is purely a coincidence! there will be more phones
22:22.28JTrudholm: no shit, and he doesn't reply when you ask him what his actual problem is
22:22.41phatmonkeyrobin_sz, yeah, but that's how it works at the moment
22:22.50robin_szwell, yes
22:22.56robin_szbut thats not an efficient solution
22:23.13phatmonkeyrobin_sz, they don't want to scrap the POTS lines, they just want a direct replacement for the crummy PBX they have there at the moment
22:23.32*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
22:23.41Grnd-WireIt sounds like what he's asking for is what Avaya refers to as "Private Lines"..
22:23.55robin_sza bit ...
22:23.56Qwell[]Grnd-Wire: yeah, but that's analog thinking
22:23.56Grnd-WireSo even when you're dealing with line pools - a user can actually have a line appearance on their phone that NOONE else can see..
22:24.11Strom_Cphatmonkey: that's a lot like saying "we want to replace the 1981 dodge omni with a 2007 Lexus, but we want to keep the same tires"
22:24.14robin_szbut its not necessary, as you dont do it that way, you just reserve space inthe pool
22:24.32Grnd-WireQwell: meh - When you're trying to communicate with someone, you need to figure out what he's asking for - then convince him there is a better way.. So far, you haven't convinced him you understand what he wants.
22:24.57Qwell[]Grnd-Wire: problem is, users often don't know what they want
22:25.33rudholmJT: yeah, a "/last CPSK" shows something of a pattern.
22:25.56phatmonkeyQwell[], i have absolutely no idea what i need or want now
22:26.01J4k3is it a normal occurrance for vitelity incoming trunks to return "you have reached a non-working number" unless its an extremely off-peak time?
22:26.22phatmonkeyStrom_C, what do you suggest I do then?
22:26.23JTrudholm: :/
22:26.40Strom_Cphatmonkey: I suggest you hire a competent consultant
22:26.41robin_szphatmonkey, you should consider a multi-channel digital line, either partial PRI or multi BRI ISDN
22:26.50Grnd-WireQwell: Yeah, and sometimes they need to be educated enough to understand.. Alot of customers HATE being treated like they're stupid.. So the trick is to understand what they want, and use some analogies .. Then, once you're sure  you're describing the samr thing, you go from there..
22:26.52mercestesphatmonkey  Hire a consultant.  Or study Asterisk extensively and figure out what it does before you present what improvements it can offer.
22:26.53robin_szeasier to interface
22:27.53JTi see at least 20 of the same messages from CPSK with /last
22:29.02robin_szphatmonkey, and then consider everyting as a "pool" ... so long as you keep enough space in the pool for management you are fine ... and incoming can be routed direct to them by dialled number (regardless of which channel it comes in on) and outgoing can have the right CID number for them, regardless of which channel it goes out on
22:29.10phatmonkeyi'll hire a consultant in the morning, right now i need to get some sleep
22:29.27robin_szpersonally, I always reserve space for sales ...
22:31.23*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
22:32.58JTCTCP VERSION reply from CPSK: mIRC v6.21 Khaled Mardam-Bey
22:33.06JTi guess it's easy to setup timers with mirc
22:33.28*** join/#asterisk dseeb_ (n=dcb@
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22:38.53J4k3shit... they didn't tell me I was 80 cents from paying my monthly DID bill
22:39.01J4k3thats just... ack...  damn... scary.
22:39.38robin_sz80cents from?
22:41.07[hC]perd: you alive?
22:41.39sevardJT: it _is_ very easy to setup timers with mIRC.. buttttt iirc that version is very exploitable and he IS extremly annoying so....
22:41.45sevardjust a suggestion.
22:42.49[hC]to anyone who may be using hylafax as their email-to-fax gateway here (i realize this is an off topic question, sorry) -- how on earth when attaching a pdf do i get it to KEEP the cover page (it does for every other doctype i try, but with pdf the cover page is gone)
22:43.02JTsevard: heh, it would be nice if CPSK took a 'holiday' from here ;)
22:46.55*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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22:47.25JTmercestes: pretty convincing
22:47.29*** join/#asterisk Crescendo (
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22:48.28bhrobinsoncan anyone help me on how to set up a disa to record and email the recordings?
22:50.00rudholm1 hour roundrip?
22:50.01rudholmthat's nothing
22:50.22mercestesI can do that in 45 minutes
22:51.14rudholmI drove from to in one go Monday.
22:51.33JTweb addresses aren't very geographic to me
22:51.45rudholmSeattle to Sunnyvale
22:51.46mercestesJT:  He meant he typed out both of those addresses all in one monday
22:52.08rudholmbut in fact, I was actually travelling from that museum to yahoo
22:52.50JTbhrobinson: put a MixMonitor before the DISA priority, then umm, work out how to email it :), you could uses system or AGI for that i guess
22:53.00CrescendoWhat ports need to be forwarded to the server in order for a WAN Cisco IP phone to work through NAT?
22:53.16mercestesbhrobinson:  Or a cron job.
22:53.42bhrobinsonI am good either way...
22:53.46JTbhrobinson: you probably won't want to save in .wav if you're emailing the recordings, the space usage would be huge and email's not a file transfer protocol
22:53.52*** join/#asterisk thoughtpolice (
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22:55.13bhrobinsonanyone have a template of how I can do it?
22:55.21JTa template
22:55.27JTare you asking someone to do it for you?
22:55.57mercestesbhrobinson:  You got about $250.00 to give me to cover the template? :P
22:59.00bhrobinsonwish I did..
22:59.33*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
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23:02.21Qwell[]CPSK: enough
23:02.38Strom_CQwell[]: it's an automated message
23:02.48Strom_Ccpsk doesn't respond
23:02.54Qwell[]CPSK: repeat that once more, and you will be removed
23:03.29*** part/#asterisk mog (
23:07.00sevardQwell[]: It's a timer, just remove him.  He's been going on for two days.
23:07.40*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
23:07.46Qwell[]next time it happens, point it out to me
23:08.25sevardQwell[]: if you check your logs you'll see it going at a regular interval for about 48 hours
23:08.38Qwell[]I don't have much scrollback here
23:08.52rudholmI just did a "/last CPSK"
23:08.55mercestesI think you should leave him.  He makes a good metronome.
23:08.58Qwell[]and unless you can get me Qwell's IP, I can't ssh into my box at home to check logs :p
23:09.11mercestes...I can
23:09.11sevardI don't generate logs either, if you grep them for 'Tenovis' though, you'll find lots.
23:09.38Qwell[]mercestes: I'm doubting that :)
23:09.55sevardQwell[]: you should use Hamachi
23:10.01Qwell[]sevard: eh?
23:10.16JTif it's a timer, the interval is irregular
23:10.29mercestesYour right....weird hostname
23:10.32JTthere might actually be a person there :/
23:10.38rudholmall I see is 15:07 [freenode] -!- CPSK []
23:10.41sevardyeah, how did you do that hostname? that's not a bnc
23:10.51Qwell[]sevard: standard freenode cloak
23:11.00Qwell[]well, project cloak, now
23:11.06Qwell[]RTFFAQ :p
23:11.18JTquite bog standard
23:11.18JT:P is in DNS
23:11.52rudholmthat might be it
23:12.11JTto get a standard cloak, you need to get a second nick, link it, then msg a staffer
23:12.16mercestesQwell's IP address...not CPSK
23:12.18JTrudholm: talking about Qwell[]'s cloak
23:12.20mercestesHe did it again!
23:12.23JThi CPSK
23:13.10*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*n=CPSK@*] by Qwell[]
23:13.10*** kick/#asterisk [CPSK!i=qwell@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell[] (constantly repeated messages - likely a scam)
23:13.24sevardyou have sexy, firm legs.
23:13.37Supaplexfor sure
23:13.44sevardmade of blubber.
23:13.50JTbye CPSK
23:14.16Qwell[]oh, sure, now he messages me
23:14.16JTit's a Tenovis Integral not a Tenovis Integra
23:14.24rudholmof course
23:14.35rudholmQwell[]: what'd he say?
23:14.39JTsaying what  CPSK is looking for help with E1 interconnect Asterisk / Tenovis
23:14.53sevardholy crap, don't paste that message again, fool
23:15.24*** join/#asterisk fetcher (
23:15.29JT<CPSK> Qwell[]: can you help with E1 interconnect??!11one
23:15.35*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
23:15.36SupaplexJT now has CPSK cooties
23:16.04sevardSupaplex: got any windex? hit him in the eyes!
23:18.26*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*n=CPSK@*] by Qwell[]
23:18.54Strom_Csounds like you gave him a stern talking-to
23:19.03JTmr Tenovis is welcome back? :P
23:20.59*** join/#asterisk Tili (
23:21.24*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*n=ldm@*] by Qwell[]
23:21.35*** mode/#asterisk [-bbb *!*n=Limon@85.102.155.* *!*@190.48.132.* *!*@85.98.165.*] by Qwell[]
23:21.51*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!n=Mr_DreaM@88.224.160.*] by Qwell[]
23:21.56Qwell[]meh, something like that
23:25.38clorabithelo anyone can help me
23:26.06JTclorabit: what?
23:27.07*** join/#asterisk HushPe (
23:27.25clorabitthis is my first time using asterisk, i've install and add username in iax.conf file also add simple dial plan in extension.conf but i still can't connect to server using idefisk any suggestion ?
23:28.02JTyeah, you share what errors you are receiving :)
23:28.39clorabitwhere i can find error message ?
23:28.51SomeOne1what kind of harware would i need to handle 2000 concurrent calls with no codec transcoding?
23:28.51JTidefisk must give an error
23:29.11JTSomeOne1: received over what tecnology?
23:29.17JTSomeOne1: a cluster is probably a good idea
23:29.36clorabitJT: when i click register button it's do nothing
23:29.52JTclorabit: have you tried to make calls
23:29.55SomeOne1JT: gigabit ethernet and SIP
23:30.10SomeOne1im not sure what you mean "received over what tecnology"
23:30.13JTSomeOne1: sip to sip?
23:30.20JTwell there's POTS, BRI, PRI
23:30.27filecarrying audio, or not?
23:30.30SomeOne1ahh, no, SIP to SIP
23:30.35JTas well as SIP, IAX and H.323
23:30.44SomeOne1no POTS
23:30.46SomeOne1or cards
23:30.48SomeOne1or anything
23:30.53clorabitJT: yes i do, but acctualy i'm not sure that my additional config at iax.conf and extension.conf is right
23:31.08Qwell[]pfft, 2000 calls with audio is easy
23:31.10HushPehi JT :) i'm still having problems with assigning an irq, my bios doesn't allow it :( is there something I can do at kernel level?
23:31.25JTclorabit: paste them into (minus your actual password)
23:31.32JTand tell us the url
23:31.42JTHushPe: have you tried swapping pci slots?
23:31.50HushPeJT: and that :(
23:32.05JTremoving all unnecessary pci cards, too?
23:32.08hardwireanybody else ignited an InterTel phone system lately?
23:32.58HushPeJT: there are no others, i only have 2 slots, one vacant, one with the card in it... i turned off a few onboard things like sound (which was sharing an irq), but it keeps taking irq 22 which i think is a 'virtual' type one
23:33.52JTHushPe: when you disabled sound, was the digium card sharing irq?
23:34.23SomeOne1Qwell: what hardware?
23:34.31SomeOne1im thinking dual quadcores 64 bits
23:34.50SomeOne1two boxes
23:34.52Qwell[]SomeOne1: I was able to get around 2500 (with zero optimizations) on a Sunfire T2000...
23:35.07SomeOne1one dual quadcore for 1000 calls
23:35.08JTdoes that run x86?
23:35.17SomeOne1and another for 1000
23:35.18SomeOne1so 2 boxes
23:35.24SomeOne1of course, the fastest system bus and all that
23:35.26Qwell[]JT: no
23:35.51JTsun hardware usually handles parallelism better than x86
23:36.02SomeOne1Qwell: how about in the x86 world?
23:36.23SomeOne1im trying to get a general idea
23:36.25HushPeJT: it was irq 22, but i can't get it lower than that
23:36.27SomeOne1i've been looking at:
23:36.33SomeOne1but, people usually have small setups
23:36.35SomeOne1nothing big
23:36.45JTHushPe: but is anything else using the irq now?
23:36.56HushPeJT: from /proc/interrupts : 22:     389644     755654   IO-APIC-fasteoi   wctdm
23:37.12JTHushPe: try booting with the kernel argument noapic
23:37.16fetcherhigh IO-APIC IRQs are usually 16-23
23:37.19JTsee if it makes a difference
23:37.45HushPeJT: doesn't appear so, but lspci -vb show it's sharing the video card (no vb or x), but really odd none the less
23:37.52HushPeJT: will do, be a few mins
23:38.00clorabitJT: but i just leave other default config is that ok ?
23:38.40JTclorabit: what is the default context in iax.conf?
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23:41.45clorabitJT: i don't know how to check it ?
23:41.59JTclorabit: is that whole iax.conf?
23:42.04JTthat you pasted
23:42.08*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
23:42.15clorabitJT: no
23:42.23JTwhy not
23:42.36clorabitJT: it just additional from default iax.conf when i install
23:42.52JTi have no idea what your default says
23:43.10clorabitJT: i will repaste then
23:43.23rene-is anyone available for some test calls over g729/sip?
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23:43.59rene-SomeOne1: how big do you want to go?
23:44.01HushPeJT: call me a little slow, but how do i tell lilo at  the boot prompt to turn if off?
23:44.21JTclorabit: just a thought, it may be easier to do initial testing with no authentication
23:44.24HushPeJT: linux noapic irhgt?
23:44.27JTsee if the problem doesn't lie elsewhere
23:44.47JTHushPe: if your kernel is called linux, then yes
23:44.56JTumm you may need to specify root and stuff
23:45.06JTbeen a while since i have used lilo
23:45.11JTi only use grub now
23:46.00rene-SomeOne1: if you dont do a lot of fancy stuff you could use a very simple box and do it with SER
23:46.46JTrene-: it's pushing audio so will still need the I/O grunt
23:46.55*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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23:46.57rene-audio playback?
23:48.36rene-you mean between the phones ? or do you use something like sipp with prerecorded rtp streams?
23:48.44clorabitJT: how to do that ?
23:49.32JTremove the username and password, and a couple of options need to be added iirc, which i can't remember now
23:49.35clorabitJT: this is contents of my iax.conf
23:49.38JTpretty sure the book says how
23:49.41jbot[thebook] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
23:49.56anthonylcomputer != telephone
23:50.48rene-anthonyl: i believe that used to be the case a few years ago because now pretty much any cellphone ~ = computer
23:51.08JTanthonyl: being all philosophical now?
23:52.13clorabitJT: this is my extentions.conf contents
23:52.20SomeOne1Qwell: do you think a dual quad core 64bit will be able to handle 2000 calls on SIP?
23:52.24SomeOne1over gigabit ethernet
23:52.36mercestesSomeOne1:  With no transcoding?
23:52.48SomeOne1no transcoding
23:53.02mercestesI am pretty certain
23:53.36mercestes64bit isn't going to help you much tho
23:53.38SomeOne12000 concurrent calls
23:53.51SomeOne1fastest system bus and everything
23:53.54SomeOne1avaliable today
23:54.45mercesteswon't hurt...but under linux I wouldn't install the 64 bit sources
23:54.56mercestesI'd stil go 32 bit
23:54.59mercestesjust for stability
23:55.16mercestesgo ahead and spot for the 2-4 gigs of ram, just to be safe.
23:55.54SomeOne1bandwidth wise
23:55.59SomeOne1what do you think i need
23:56.00SomeOne1for ulaw
23:56.03buruswe use two clustered x86_64 servers with asterisks and it's stable
23:56.14clorabitJT: what is default extention number to dial echo test
23:56.16SomeOne1no silence suppressioj
23:56.38*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2002:58c6:2592:1:0:0:0:2)
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23:57.33HushPeJT: ok apic off now, seems to be a great deal clearer even though it's sharing with 2 other items (network and something else)
23:57.55JTHushPe: zttest is more important first of all :P
23:58.25*** part/#asterisk burus (n=burus@
23:58.39HushPeJT: just running now for a few passes, but looking much better
23:59.04HushPeJT: 31 passes = Best: 99.987793 -- Worst: 99.975586 -- Average: 99.975980
23:59.12mercestesHushPe:  ew.
23:59.13JTSomeOne1: for 2000 calls (in and out), 320Mbit/s
23:59.18mercestesHushPe:  Is that for idle??
23:59.26JTthat's a fine score mercestes
23:59.26HushPeno calls
23:59.29JTHushPe: excellent
23:59.37mercestesno it's not.
23:59.45JTmercestes: clearly you didn't see the last time he pasted
23:59.47JTyes, it is
23:59.48mercestesthat would be great under a moderately load.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.