irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070116

00:03.31*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
00:04.21*** join/#asterisk eltech (
00:04.30Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: since my internet is slow, i just downloaded your music :P
00:04.53bkruse_homegeez.....thats slow
00:06.00*** join/#asterisk dendrite (
00:07.11*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
00:08.24*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
00:16.30ManxPowerAre there ant RF Geeks around?  /msg me, I have a couple of questions WRT 1.9Ghz antennas
00:17.43*** join/#asterisk SLiNK (
00:18.01*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
00:18.03*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
00:21.05*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
00:23.28*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
00:23.34AstermanManx : Doh, I'm in big trouble :))  I just recompiled * after I had compiled zap first, I spotted that it compiled chan_zap, so I thought I was in good shape, but when I try to start * now it complains that /etc/zaptel.conf isn't there :(
00:23.41AstermanManx: and * won't start at all :(
00:24.13[TK]D-FenderAsterman : "touch /etc/zaptel.conf
00:25.35Dr-Linux|homei'm having an issue, when an agent logged in to the queue and closed his client, this way if the call comes, it goes to his/her vicemail via macro. Do i need to change my macro or where i'm wrong?
00:25.35AstermanTK : ok, now it's complaining that /etc/zapata.conf isn't there now, I was told earler by someone to remove that as I'm using ztdummy with no that right?
00:26.04[TK]D-FenderAsterman : "touch /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf
00:26.10[TK]D-FenderAsterman : NEXT!!!@!@
00:26.16[TK]D-Fender(c) BKW
00:26.27Dr-Linux|homeas i'm using round robin, so it rings expected user and after that goes to his voicemail, but it should not
00:26.54[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : the you shouldn't be running extens that lead to vm.
00:28.27Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: hhm.. but agent extension also leads to VM.
00:28.56[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : So stop doing things that are clearly not bright....
00:28.56Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: if i use simple members in queues.conf, then all fine, but if i use agent callbacklogin, then this issue
00:29.14alamantiahumm, have any of you seen this?
00:29.32[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux : All that does is dil an exten in the context you tell it to.  its YOUR fault for letting it call macros that fallback to VM.
00:29.35AstermanTK : ok, touched that too.... how do I go about configuring channels in zaptel.conf if I don't have any physical cards in the box and I'm just using ztdummy   at the moment I'm getting an error that says the device is busy
00:29.50[TK]D-FenderAsterman : Should have to.
00:30.09[TK]D-FenderAsterman : modprobe ztdummy
00:30.16[TK]D-FenderAsterman : modprobe zaptel
00:30.20[TK]D-FenderAsterman : thenr etry
00:30.34AstermanTK : rmmod then first? (as they're already loaded)
00:30.55[TK]D-FenderAsterman : Dunno... jsut try
00:31.19Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: our clients always report new issue :P
00:31.59AstermanTK : Ok, did that I get multiple errors when doing the modprobe ztdummy (regarding Cannot get number of tones for channel 1)
00:33.32AstermanTK : sorted it out ;)
00:33.38bkruse_homeManxPower: i need to become an rf geek
00:33.54*** join/#asterisk awannabe (
00:34.04bkruse_homecheck it out
00:34.09awannabeanyone used the metermaid patch?
00:34.38AstermanTK : ztdummy loaded without any problems, but asterisk still won't start up, complaining about unable to register channel 1
00:35.04Mad|CowCan someone tell me why when I use type=user in my sip.conf file my SIP clients fail to register, but if I change them to type=friend, they work?
00:35.38AstermanTK : arggggggggggghhhhhhhh .... ok, so I fixed that last one too
00:36.07AstermanTK : but now I'm getting a new error on startup of asterisk : ast_register_application: Already have an application 'Pickup'
00:36.27Astermanlooks like somewhere I'm trying to load the same thing twice???
00:36.30SLiNKIm trying to log in Asterisk API with MD5 authentication by PHP generation challenge+password - I trim the string before hashing -Authentication Fails, all is good clear-text wise. The only think I can think references Ive found said use option "md5 -s" on command line. Though I have found no digest utilty that will take this option for confirmation of my php hash. Anyone know anything I should check into?
00:37.52[TK]D-FenderAsterman : go into /usr/lib/asterisk/modules and clear it out, and redo "make install" for zapte, then *
00:42.57AstermanTK : joy joy happy happy joy joy :))) asterisk fires up once again *phew*.... ok, so now that I when I dial meetme, I'm not geting any of the warning about not being able to load up the zap channel, but it's still giving me the invalid pin message even though I know the pin is correct
00:44.33AstermanTK : oh hang on, I thnk I might know what might behind this....brb
00:44.40*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
00:45.42AstermanTK : nope, I thought for a sec it might have been the dtmf setup, but it's not that
00:46.05awannabewhat access do you have to have to download patches off the digium site?/
00:46.59Astermanawannabe : me?
00:47.06[TK]D-FenderAsterman : verify between meetme.conf and how yoou call it in extensions.conf.
00:47.13X-RobYou need to know how to use SVN or a Web browser, apart from that, nothing special.
00:47.46awannabeX-Rob, it says access denied!
00:47.50De_Monsome tard set my asterisk startup script with the args -gvvvcr. no wonder they stopped working.
00:48.14awannabe -< no workie :(
00:48.44AstermanTK : my meetme.conf is blank in the [general] section and in the [rooms] section I have just one room that says conf => 0001,0001,0001
00:49.09X-RobI doubt there should be a %22 on the end
00:49.29awannabeahh, SOB!! lol
00:50.02AstermanTK : and then for my dialplan I have two lines for the conf call, one to answer and the other to invoke meetme (exten => 9000,2,Meetme(0001) )
00:50.36AstermanTK : sorry, typo, the conf line in meetme says conf => 0001,0001,0002
00:54.52[TK]D-FenderAsterman : You are supposed to pass a pin, try working that way first
00:56.04*** part/#asterisk mog (
00:56.55AstermanTK : you mean in the dial plan it should be set up to read exten => 9000,2,Meetme(0001,0001)   (this is different from the docs I've seen, maybe I've been reading docs from an earlier version)
00:57.02*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:00.21awannabeanyone messed with the metermaid patch, to have lights on the Snom and other phones for parked calls?
01:01.58AstermanTK : ok, I've got the dialplan setup as exten => 9000,2,Meetme(0001,i,0001)  but still no joy
01:02.59[TK]D-FenderAsterman : "show application meetme".
01:03.09[TK]D-FenderAsterman : aim SUPER basic to start,a nd work your way up
01:05.11flendershey, I spoke to our phone carrier yesterday, asking them if we could change the outgoing caller id on all our lines so they would look the same as our main number. they said they couldn't do it, but asked me to speak to the phone system guy (me), as it was possible to do it on the phone system. can I do that on asterisk? I mean, can I spoof the caller id on my outgoing calls?
01:05.38Strom_Mflenders, are you using an ISDN PRI?
01:05.49flendersnope, a bunch of PSTN lines
01:06.01Strom_Mwell then the telco has to change the caller ID
01:06.07Strom_Mor you need to upgrade to ISDN
01:06.24JTflenders: the answer i gave yesterday is still as valid today
01:06.27[TK]D-Fenderflenders : if your telco sys they can't change the callerid to match your primary they are FULL OF SHIT.
01:06.53AstermanTK : I thought you couldn't get much more basic than that :)  I would have thought the most basic would be not to have a pin at all :(
01:07.09flendersJT: sorry, my box went down yesterday, and i only got nugget's reply
01:07.13[TK]D-FenderAsterman : NOW your getting a idea ;)
01:07.49AstermanTK : what's irritating is there's no warning or error messages
01:07.49AstermanTK : even with the verbose turned right up
01:07.49JTflenders: it's not pysically possible to send outgoing callerid from your end if you do not have digital lines
01:07.58JTtelcos can set them statically to whatever they like
01:08.07flendersJT: got it
01:08.12flendersI'll ring them again
01:08.22perdyour telco are lazy jerks
01:08.50flendersperd: I know they are... they used to be a government company.
01:09.20flenderstelstra in AU. if there are any aussies in here, they would know what I'm talking about
01:09.26[TK]D-Fenderflenders : then aim where it hurts.  their POCKETS.  threaten to leave unless they give you  a level 2 tech who'll actually get something DONE.
01:09.53perdprobably the only carrier out in the middle of ozzieland
01:09.55flenders[TK]D-Fender: I thought I should ask here first
01:09.56*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
01:10.15[TK]D-Fenderflenders : "I wan all of my POTS lines (list them) to match my pilot number (1st number in your hunt group), OR ELSE".
01:11.12flenderswill ring them now
01:13.50perdget a sip client, connect to my asterisk box and we can call them in a #asterisk conference
01:13.54perdand verbally abuse them
01:14.03perdand their silly australian accents
01:14.03SLiNKIll be damned I got the FreeBSD md5 utility with -s extension and Im sending a proper hash. but authentication fails even entered manually in telnet. There must be something I need to switch on in manager.conf or asterisk although I got a challenge code
01:14.21JTflenders: yes, i'm in aust, and with telstra for some stuff
01:14.29JTperd: what are you taking about?
01:14.50perdhis phone carrier
01:14.57[hC]Ive got a polycom phone here that claims inuse, even though nobody's on it (in sip hints)  any idea why a hint might get stuck inuse?
01:15.47[hC]ah. found it. asterisk thinks hes got a channel stuck in app voicemailmain
01:15.51[hC]I wonder why that would happen.
01:15.53AstermanTK : when I have it set without a PIN it works fine, but the moment I try to put a PIN in there it always rejects it
01:15.56[hC]never had that happen before.
01:16.01JTperd: "silly australian accents" "only carrier out in the middle of ozzieland" how about you get some facts, first?
01:16.13JTand not be an arsehole
01:16.34SLiNKwell hmm i had to have AuthType: MD5 twice
01:17.52[TK]D-FenderAsterman : prove that your dtmf works.
01:18.01*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
01:18.02*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
01:18.12[TK]D-FenderAsterman : make an exten that answers, does a read into a variable thenr eads it back.
01:21.11[hC]If i have a call stuck in VoiceMailMain, and a soft hangup doesnt drop it, where do i start looking to figure out why that would have happened?
01:21.17perdjt, you're a little sensitive
01:21.56JTperd: you're a little arrogant
01:22.05perdyeah i suppose i am
01:22.07perdso what?
01:22.08flendersspoke to them again, they're still saying that it is done on the phone system.
01:22.33JTflenders: ask to speak to someone with a clue, make sure you make it cystal clear that they are analogue lines and not ISDN
01:22.44JTperd: /die
01:23.01flendersJT: man, I tried... they said they're a sales office, and she would not give me a tech support number
01:23.07flendersit's just the business sales
01:23.10JTflenders: say you want them statically set
01:23.12JTdo not ring sales
01:23.16JTring tech support
01:23.19JTbusiness tech
01:23.38dendriteOdd, around here, sales will tell you *anything* is possible...
01:24.07flendersJT: I'm trying to find their number
01:25.42flendersthat's the one I got
01:25.49flendersand the one I rang before
01:25.54flendersoptions 2 and 3
01:26.17*** join/#asterisk karmatronic (n=karmatro@
01:27.00AstermanTK : damn it.... I took a look at the dtmf settings, they had been changed since the last time I'd looked.... everything is now working perfectly.... thank you for all the help and patience :)
01:27.07*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:28.25JTflenders: ask for line inquiries or something like that
01:28.36JTsay you have a technical question about the configuration of the line
01:30.03*** join/#asterisk DocHolliday (i=RogerRab@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0E4F6D6C)
01:33.07flendersjust spoke to one of my mates who used to sell alcatel systems, and he said people used to ask him for that, and telstra would never set static caller ids
01:33.17[TK]D-Fenderflenders : BS... try someone else.
01:33.33[TK]D-FenderAsterman : Quite welcome
01:35.27JTflenders: ah, there you go then
01:35.48dendriteflenders: If all else fails, maybe you can play an orange-box code at the start of the call...
01:36.25JTorange box code, are you serious?
01:36.25flendersJT: so that's a no no I think
01:36.34JTthis is a digital phone network
01:36.53dendriteJT: I thought he said it was analog.
01:37.28JTthe network is digital, his line is analogue
01:37.44JTmost phone exchanges in the first world have been digital for at least 2 decades now
01:37.56dendriteAh.  So OB (after call established) wouldn't redraw the CID?
01:38.12JTi doubt it
01:38.29JTmost coloured "boxes" don't work anymore
01:38.45JTbecause exchanges use Out Of Band, or Common Channel Signalling
01:38.57*** join/#asterisk demigod2k (
01:39.04dendriteI thought the CID was quite audible.
01:39.18JTinbound sure
01:39.31JToutbound, none is set, it's set by a database in the exchange
01:39.40coppiceJT: 2 decades is an exagerration. the first place to achieve an all digital network only did so in the early 90s
01:39.52dendriteJT: Yep, and possibly reset, by caller squawk.
01:40.12JTcoppice: all digital vs. mostly digital
01:40.36JTdendrite: what? outbound callerid doesn't even come into play over analogue line customers' lines
01:41.05JTit is send as ANI and CLI over SS7 links to the destination terminating exchange
01:41.07dendriteJT: That's what the orange box does.  It plays the signal after the answer.
01:41.35JTdendrite: when it's too late? the exchange would have already sent the callerid
01:41.42JTduring the alerting phase
01:41.44coppicein 1986 many countries were still deciding about their all digital exchanges. most got pretty aggressive about their rollouts once they decided, though
01:41.44dendriteJT: Yes, but the CID may redraw.
01:42.04dendriteJT: YOu won't be able to affect the pre-answer CID, sure...
01:42.16JTdendrite: sounds pretty dodgy, and it won't affect HEAPS of terminating lines
01:42.29JTas a lot terminate to digital ISDN, digital mobile telephony, etc
01:42.36dendriteJT: flenders seems to be hitting a wall, and my (probably useless) suggestion was just a possible last gasp idea.
01:42.39Mad|CowI have a Cisco 7940 at a friends house (behind his firewall) which is configured to use my Asterisk server as its proxy.  When I try and call the phone, I get a "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)".  However when I do a sip show peers, I see the phone registered.  Anyone have any ideas?
01:42.52dendriteJT: "Pretty dodgy" hardly covers it.  :-)
01:42.58JTmost businesses terminate with isdn
01:43.05JTand a lot of calls go to mobiles these days :)
01:43.17dendriteJT: Point, and point.
01:43.34demigod2kis isdn affordable anywhere these days? the rates in michigan are awful
01:43.51sudhir492anyone using Flash Operator panel here, specifically the Panel_Context feature?
01:43.54flendersdendrite: thanks anyway mate
01:43.57JTflenders: how important is it to change outbound callerid?
01:44.13dendriteflenders: Hopefully you can get it sorted.
01:44.19flendersJT: well, it would be pretty good if we could do that
01:44.38JTflenders: what is the main advantage, from your viewpoint?
01:44.39flendersif telstra won't do it, then we'll have to live with that
01:44.53dendriteflenders: Maybe ask counsel if the telco is publishing false information?
01:45.10flendersJT: call back, calling clients, calling staff
01:45.16JTah ok
01:45.34JTflenders: my only suggestion that will definately work is going digital
01:46.19flendersJT: yeah, if ISDN cards weren't so expensive, we probably would
01:47.33JTdepends, single bri cards are pretty cheap
01:47.59JTmultibri cards can get expensive, i know :)
01:48.39JTbut they're still at least equivalent in price to a TDM400P on a per line/B channel comparison basis
01:49.00demigod2kand still way way way way way cheaper than a traditional PBX
01:50.06[hC]anyone using hylafax for email-to-fax?
01:50.08demigod2kmy music on hold sounds like garbage when you call from a cellphone. any suggestions?
01:50.14demigod2khc, not me sorry
01:50.32[hC]trying to figure out how to get it to get confirmation on successfully sent faxes.. i get reports on errors only right now
01:51.10ManxPowerdemigod2k: That is pretty common.  Music that is more musical and less lyrical tends to sound pretty bad over GSM codec.
01:51.17ManxPoweror most any compressed codec
01:51.28*** join/#asterisk flenders_ (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
01:51.45demigod2kya its sprint PCS in particular in this case. I figured there was almost no way around it. their silence detection is really aggressive with music
01:52.05*** join/#asterisk perd (i=[U2FsdGV@
01:52.43ManxPowerdemigod2k: try different music.  It DOES make a difference.
01:52.56dendritedemigod2k: Yeah, try some punk!  =)
01:52.58ManxPowerI Want Rock-n-Roll by Joan Jett sounded pretty good.
01:52.59*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
01:53.09ManxPowermostly lyrics, not a lot of instruments
01:53.10demigod2khad a santana CD previously, total garbage. switched to blues brothers and it works marginally better
01:53.11JTdemigod2k: does it just sound bad? or is it cutting in and out?
01:53.14*** join/#asterisk perd (i=[U2FsdGV@
01:54.02demigod2kJT: landline sounds fine, from a sprint cellular cutting in-an-out and terrible sound
01:54.16blitzragehey all!.... I'd like to conduct a poll: The 'h' extension is a reliable method of cleaning up channels: a) all the time, b) in most cases, c) in few cases, d) in no cases, e) it's file's fault
01:54.46blitzrages/cleaning up channels/cleaning up after channels (such as database cleanup, etc...)
01:55.03infinity1i have a few polycom phones in the office and the pbx is outside the office so we're using NAT. Obviously we're having problems getting the polycoms to work 100%. Is there a solution?
01:55.20JTdemigod2k: cutting in and out can probably be fixed with different music or volume levels, sounding terrible, not much you can do
01:55.28blitzrageinfinity1: you're having problems? What does your sip.conf look?
01:55.40JTdemigod2k: low bandwidth voice codecs are designed for voice signalls, not music
01:55.43demigod2kJT: ya. its already loud. I'm going to try turning it down a few dB tomorrow just in case.
01:55.51infinity1blitzrage: the phone works fine if there is ONE polycom. as soon as we get more, things go crazy.
01:56.08JTa lot of music appears as background noise to a vocoder
01:56.13[TK]D-Fenderinfinity1 : Set each onto its ownSIP signalling port and unique RTP range.
01:56.21blitzrageinfinity1: what [TK]D-Fender said
01:56.24demigod2kya I'm not totally surprised by that. sprint's silence detection seemed to make no sense to me :)
01:56.42JTit's looking for voice, not music
01:56.50JTthey're very different
01:56.58infinity1[TK]D-Fender: i thought that might be the answer. do we to setup the NAT /firewal to forward ports?
01:57.15demigod2kJT: fortunately, other than that, I've been really quite happy with it. we replaced a panasonic system with 2 weeks notice during an office move
01:57.22[hC]god damn hylafax is a botched piece of crap.
01:57.31[hC]its too bad it works well, or id ditch it
01:57.54flenders_demigod2k: we're doing the same, but it's a NEC system
01:58.03flenders_we're moving in 2 weeks.
01:58.12demigod2kflenders_: good luck with it. I ended up buying an off-the-shelf system from thevoipconnection
01:58.35demigod2kthe move was pretty miserable, but we were next door to a daycare which was probably even worse to begin with
01:59.24perdhaha hc
01:59.40perdhylafax is awesome, what botched problems are you having
01:59.45[TK]D-Fenderinfinity1 : should need to forward.
02:00.41demigod2kflenders_: my only advice after all that is to try and keep a homogenous system. buying all the same model of polycom (301) helped things along
02:00.44blitzrageI have 6 phones behind a NAT with no forwarding
02:01.17[hC]perd:  shit like trying to tell faxemail to always send out one fax machine, instead of randomly picking an available fax machine, as each has a different baner w/ diff company name... or, getting confirmation emails sent to the SENDER that their email-to-fax job went thru
02:01.24[hC]just stupid shit like this.. is such a pain.
02:01.43flenders_demigod2k: I installed it myself, and the basic PBX funcitions are all working
02:01.50perdoh, i write custom scripts to do all that
02:02.01infinity1[TK]D-Fender: k. will give it a shot.
02:02.10infinity1tnx for confirming what i didn't want to hear :)
02:02.14flenders_demigod2k: we'll have, at least, the same as we have now
02:02.20[hC]perd: so do i. and it sucks.
02:02.26perdworks well for me
02:02.45[hC]working is not the issue, i just said it works fine
02:02.52perdi think im going to try out app_txfax and app_rxfax though
02:02.58perdi had to downgrade to 1.2 for friggen chan_sccp
02:03.05[hC]i said its a botched pain in the ass, the crap you have to go thru to get to a final stage.
02:03.26perdheh, i didnt find it all that difficult to set up
02:03.31[hC]i tried rxfax and txfax... i wasnt super happy with those either.. they had some reliability issues
02:03.43perddo you use hylafax with iaxmodem?
02:03.54perdyeah, that seems to work well
02:04.08[hC]Its not difficult to set up, its just a pain. the way they laid it out is a mess.
02:04.27perdi have used hylafax for several years so i guess i'm used to it
02:04.35perdit's no worse than any other unix based faxing software
02:05.23flenders_JT: what sort of card would I need if I would go with ISDN?
02:05.27[hC]yeah the problem is they're all designed to work with legacy old crap
02:05.33[hC]hylafax is what, 10 years old?
02:05.39perdsomething like that
02:06.05[hC]do you have any idea how to instruct hylafax to send out a specific faxmodem?
02:06.10[hC]I still have yet to figure that out
02:06.19JTflenders_: either a multiport cologne card like a Junghanns quadBRI or OctoBRI, or a few HFC Cologne single port cards (which are cheap as, available from lots of manufacturers)
02:06.21perdthat's how i do my print to fax
02:06.30perdone sec i'll paste the line
02:06.50[hC]perd: have a suggestion on where to look? I need to be able to filter email so that certain customers emailing in from email-to-fax get queued into THEIR fax modem
02:06.52*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
02:07.19flendersJT: any resellers you'd know of?
02:07.39JTnot off hand
02:07.47JTnone of the ones for sale in .au are cheap
02:07.59rpmhas anyone here done much reviewing of conferencing apps.. meetme, sems, sipx boston-bridge?
02:08.01*** join/#asterisk karmatronic (n=karmatro@
02:08.07flendersJT: I was afraid you were gonna say that
02:08.18JTjust buy them from overseas
02:08.19JTproblem solved :)
02:08.20perdsendfax -h ttyIAX01@localhost
02:08.23perdsendfax -h ttyIAX02@localhost
02:08.30perdsendfax -h ttyIAXjenny@localhost
02:08.43perduses the modem name @ the host
02:08.50perdthen you pass the other arguments as normal
02:09.04perdsendfax -h ttyIAX02@localhost -n -d 911 saveus.pdf
02:09.48[hC]do you use faxmail for email->fax gateway?
02:09.59perdnah, im not fond of email to fax
02:10.04perdi force my people to print to fax
02:10.11[hC]wish i could :) im not doing one client
02:10.17[hC]im doing 50+
02:10.42perdyeah i dunno, i would probably use fetchmail or procmail for that
02:11.11perdjust set up a mailbox that is checked every minute
02:11.24[hC]i might just ditch hylafax's included faxmail script
02:11.36[hC]the output is horrid, and its kinda kludgy
02:11.42[hC]not very much flexibility
02:12.09perdyeah, the ones i use i replace, like faxrcvd
02:15.35[hC]ya i worked on the notification script so it outputs a ton differently
02:17.53perdi have mine set up to email the faxes based on the tty they come in on
02:18.01*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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02:19.20[hC]yup, thats how i deliver received faxes
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03:03.12rpmjesus i wish i took comp. sci, i cannot put the pieces together of mixing multiple rtp streams
03:06.13*** join/#asterisk welby (
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03:14.56connectahow do i pipe sip debug messages to a log file
03:15.19Nuggetin another window do asterisk -rvvv > logfile.log
03:15.29Nuggetit's not perfect but it works.
03:17.36[hC]that is a really bad idea.
03:17.51[hC]/var/log/asterisk/full (on a lot of distros) contains a full debug log
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03:18.27Nuggetthat's also a really bad idea, but in different ways.  :)
03:18.39[hC]yep :)
03:18.58connectawhy are they bad ideas
03:21.53*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doo@
03:23.17jtexter3anyone online have experience with the Audiocodes Mediant gateways?
03:23.57blitzrageI don't like them
03:23.59blitzragepain in the butt
03:24.08nick125_lappyconnecta: Well, one reason might be because it would fill your disk with a ton of logs
03:24.54jtexter3I have it working 99%.  But I'm having trouble with ringback when doing an attended transfer of a call that goes through the gateway
03:25.21jtexter3blind transfer works perfect, attended transfer results in no audio until the 3rd party answers, or goes to voicemail
03:25.36*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
03:25.57doolphare you using r?
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03:27.18jtexter3doolph: I tried r, but no luck
03:27.28blitzrage'r' just simulates the ringing
03:27.35blitzrageyou should really be getting the ringing indication
03:27.54jtexter3Looking at the debug output on the gateway, it looks like it's because Asterisk sends a BYE to the gateway when you complete the attended transfer
03:28.09jtexter3Originally, the gateway was hanging up the PSTN call
03:29.11danpare there any major asterisk conferences besides astricon?
03:29.46*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
03:29.54[TK]D-Fenderdanp : Cluecom
03:29.56[TK]D-Fenderdanp : Cluecon*
03:30.33jtexter3I really just don't know where to start on the troubleshooting with this gateway.  This darn attended transfer is the only thinging keeping me from having the gateway in production
03:31.06ManxPowerjtexter3: So, no hold music?
03:31.24jtexter3ManxPower: hold music works.
03:31.30ManxPowerIn attended transfers the person that is being trasfered would normally hear hold music
03:32.07jtexter3ManxPower: yep, that part works.  When I complete the attended transfer( using polycom 501's, so pressing transfer the second time), hold music stops, and I just get dead air
03:32.37*** part/#asterisk orlok (i=[IHSJAyU@
03:35.00ManxPowerjtexter3: have you done mailing list searches?
03:35.55jtexter3ManxPower: I've been trying google, but either no one has hit this, or i haven't come up with the right search phrase
03:36.10jtexter3I tried sending an email the asterisk-users, but it appears there is no mailing list traffic today....
03:38.01jtexter3s/email the/email to/g
03:39.54*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
03:42.37EyeCuehmm gstreamer codecs
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03:54.32connectawill someone please look at a debug and let me know why my incoming calls go to oblivion...
03:54.46connectaoh my god
03:55.13[TK]D-Fenderconnecta : ;;;
03:55.26jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
03:59.22connectanvm, i got it, im a jackass
04:00.33*** part/#asterisk connecta (
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04:09.57rbdhey guys, with meetme is there a way to get confirmation on the room number entered (if not specifying a room number and causing meetme to prompt you for one)?
04:10.22De_Monwhat do you mean?
04:10.53De_Mon1) enter number 2) enter number again 3) if numbers dont match have meetme prompt you for a number?
04:11.02rbdyou get the "please enter your conference ID followed by # sign" menu...enter the conf ID, then it normally just throws you into the room
04:11.33rbdno, instead it will say "you entered conference ID xxxx, press 1 if this is correct, press 2 to re-enter your conf ID"
04:11.35rbdsomething like that
04:11.49[TK]D-Fenderrbd : jsut make you're own little IVR in front of it.  no big deal.
04:12.03De_Monyou can do that in the dialplan and then throw them into MeetMe(${ROOM}|args)
04:12.34De_Monyou can do anything with a dialplan and enough creativity
04:13.01rbdokay, sounds good
04:13.24De_Monjust remember there are any number of ways to impliment the idea and most of them are right :)
04:18.01*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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04:29.45Corydon76-home~seen shadowhntr
04:30.16jbotshadowhntr <i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4d 11h 53s ago, saying: 'sweeper: haven't tried it lately? :P'.
04:33.12*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
04:33.42perdanyone know why when i transfer someone to park, then i pick them up i cant use feature #1 (transfer) again?
04:35.19*** join/#asterisk fastfinge-deskto (
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04:36.53[TK]D-Fenderperd : What kind of phone?
04:36.53*** join/#asterisk DocHolliday (i=RogerRab@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0E4F6D6C)
04:47.18*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (n=crashhd@
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04:51.37perd[TK]D-Fender: sip phone, cisco 79XX, whatever
04:51.51perddamn nick completion
04:52.00*** join/#asterisk paavum (
04:52.42dlynes_laptopceshia galee
04:52.58paavumI was wondering if I can get an asterisk server to do video streaming ... like connect to a h264 streaming server and then rebroadcast it
04:53.02CrashHDceshkabob what?
04:53.50paavumwtf u speaking about? :P
04:54.00rbdis there a command to play a prompt and gather any DTMF input into a variable that can be used in the asterisk diaplan (I see Background but that will transfer the caller to the extension they entered)
04:54.01dlynes_laptoppaavum, guess you're not punjabi :)
04:54.11CrashHDrbd: Read()
04:54.25paavumNope, but I can speak spanish if ya want
04:54.39CrashHDno habla espanol mi amigo
04:54.46dlynes_laptopnah...just figured you might be indian because of your nick
04:55.03dlynes_laptopa double a is often indicative of an indian name
04:55.34paavumhehehe nope, thats just "turkey" in my own variation of latin
04:56.29paavumbut now I have to think what a turkey could be doing in india
04:56.29dlynes_laptopanyways...i was just more or less saying welcome in punjabi :0
04:56.44*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
04:56.46joelsolankiHi all
04:56.48dlynes_laptoppaavum, getting eaten :)
04:56.53dlynes_laptopspeaking of indians
04:56.58CrashHDinternationally friendly
04:57.21joelsolankiHi daniel :)
04:57.25joelsolankiJan 16 10:17:57 NOTICE[27624]: frame.c:179 __ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
04:57.31joelsolankii get this on asterisk console. big deal
04:57.38dlynes_laptopJust ignore it
04:57.42dlynes_laptopI get it all the time, too
04:57.43joelsolankihmm ok. gr8
04:57.46paavumas a rule of thumb
04:57.47bkruse_homejoelsolanki: i think they call it a notice for a reason :P
04:57.49paavumyou can ignore notices
04:58.01dlynes_laptopIt's because asterisk doesn't support voice activity detection
04:58.07paavumas a rule of thumb you acn ignore everything thats not a warning
04:58.14bkruse_homenotice just says "hey, check this out, probably useful for debugging......i dont even know why i exist!"
04:58.17joelsolankiyes agree. but it can suddenly so thought to just what it is .
04:58.26dlynes_laptopand you're using the g729 annex that's trying to use it from another device that supports it
04:58.26joelsolankihow are u doing dlynes ?
04:58.32JTpaavum: ignore everything that's not a warning... like an "error"?
04:58.34joelsolankihmm ok.
04:58.41dlynes_laptopJT, Good idea!
04:58.42bkruse_homeJT: agreed.
04:58.51paavumJT --> Yeah
04:59.07paavumu sewe
04:59.17paavumwarnings are what you can eventually fix with hard work
04:59.25dlynes_laptopeven then
04:59.26paavumerrors just say "man u're f*cked"
04:59.35dlynes_laptopsome of the warnings in asterisk are mislabelled notices
04:59.45JTwarnings mean "doesn't need fixing" errors mean "doesn't work"
05:00.20*** join/#asterisk SwK_ (
05:00.26dlynes_laptoppaavum, warnings are usually because you haven't met a requirement, and it's asterisk's way of telling you to wise up
05:00.29bkruse_homeyep, but pay attention to the ones that say "YOU SHOULD NEVER SEE ME!!"
05:00.43dlynes_laptopbkruse_home, NO!!!!
05:00.45paavumbkruse_home --< NO!
05:01.34paavumYou take note that you shouldn't be seeing them and act accordingly
05:01.56[TK]D-Fenderperd : If you're using a Cisco, you shouldn't be using DTMF for transfers....
05:01.57bkruse_homeif(HACKER == "true")
05:01.57bkruse_homeast_log(LOGWARNING, "YOU SHOULD NEVER SEE ME!!!"
05:03.16bkruse_home~seen bkruse
05:03.36jbotbkruse <i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-c4bcfeee8bef66f6> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4d 9h 6m 28s ago, saying: 'mplayer?'.
05:03.36[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : Very mal-formed :)  "hacker" should be a boolean, which you couldn't compare to a string.  At which point you wouldn't even NEED a comparison.  so - if(HACKER == "true") { ast_log(LOGWARNING, "YOU SHOULD NEVER SEE ME!!!"); }
05:03.38[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : (also corrected your missing bracket)
05:03.40bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: :P
05:03.57[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : Very mal-formed :)  "hacker" should be a boolean, which you couldn't compare to a string.  At which point you wouldn't even NEED a comparison.  so - if(HACKER) { ast_log(LOGWARNING, "YOU SHOULD NEVER SEE ME!!!"); }
05:04.05[TK]D-Fender(missed the DELETE for that bad part :)
05:04.18bkruse_homeha, close enough
05:04.32[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : Yeah, I'll leave it at that :)
05:04.35dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, he's used to perl :)
05:04.52bkruse_homeI should have started with C instead of a scripting language
05:04.54[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : I was king of "perverse (ab)use of boolean logic"/
05:05.13bkruse_homehaha, thats quite a role to fill
05:05.23bkruse_homebut im learning :]
05:05.24[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : s'ok.  I wrote a language in Turbo Pascal back in the day :)  The worlds first mid-level language.
05:05.59fileStrom_C: eep
05:06.04[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : yeah, it was craptastic.  Mind you its starting to look a LOT like extensions.conf, based on the GotoIf section...
05:06.06fileI'm telling on you
05:06.19bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: i know how that is, trust me
05:06.20[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : actually... it never really did more than 1 operation at a time...
05:06.31bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: i shouldnt have started with scripting in bash though.....its spoiled me
05:07.06[TK]D-Fenderfile : ..... your continued ambiguity may arouse bkw_ .... take heed ;)
05:07.33file[TK]D-Fender: SNOW
05:07.38[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : I don't know bash at all really.  only the most very basic.  SUB basic even....
05:07.46[TK]D-Fenderfile : JSDLSLhkl;hs;dhf;hg;fdkg'hfdkj
05:07.53bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: thats what i grew up in unfortunatly.
05:07.56[TK]D-Fenderfile : TONS of the friggen white shit!
05:08.02bkruse_homeits good for dirty things, but not at all for any kind of real use
05:08.36[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : Perl <- all that is good AND bad in the *nix world.  Great to lrean from.
05:08.46bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: i agree.
05:08.56bkruse_homei dabbled in perl as my first book to read, but never really used it
05:08.58[TK]D-Fender(or so I hear.  I don't do Perl eiher)
05:09.12bkruse_homei always found perl as another dirty scripting language, far more powerful than bash though
05:09.28bkruse_homefile: agreed
05:09.47dendritePerl... The Swiss Army Chainsaw of Scripting.
05:10.01bkruse_homebut i figure, php for my scripting/web stuff and C for everything else will suite me fine
05:10.05Strom_C<camel> There's More Than One Way To Do Me
05:10.25filetrying to adjust your glasses when you aren't wearing them doesn't work too well
05:10.39bkruse_homefile: lies!
05:12.06bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: i just thought that it would probably be better to just do if (hacker) to see if hacker exists no?
05:13.42bkruse_home~seen blitzrage
05:13.44jbotblitzrage is currently on #asterisk-doc (3h 20m 45s). Has said a total of 29 messages. Is idling for 1h 46m 9s, last said: 'you should really be getting the ringing indication'.
05:14.09*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (
05:15.20[TK]D-Fenderdendrite :
05:15.53dendrite[TK]D-Fender: :-)
05:16.31[TK]D-Fenderfile : I had a phantom-glasses moment today where if felt like they needed to be pushed back up the bridge....
05:16.55[TK]D-Fenderfile : And then it like... hot-damn I don't have glasses!
05:18.01*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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05:18.48bkruse_homewell im off to bed
05:18.49bkruse_homenight all
05:19.40*** part/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
05:20.33filethere goes the snow plow...
05:21.05[TK]D-Fenderfile "Mr. Plow, thats my name.  That name again is Mr. Plow!"
05:22.11[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin : Get the ^%#$ off my telepathic frequency or I'll have the FCC give you an invasive "scan".  This time WITHOUT the K-Y :D
05:22.28wunderkin[TK]D-Fender <3
05:22.58wunderkinlook for a pot, they work better
05:23.22Strom_CI'm a would-be
05:23.25Strom_Cw o o d
05:23.32Strom_CI'm a would-be would-be
05:23.33Strom_Cb e e z
05:23.46[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : "You're not a has-been, you're a never-was"
05:23.57Strom_Cthat's not how the song goes!
05:24.19[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : Its called "improvisation".  or "stylized" even ;)
05:24.42[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : perhaps a "medley"?
05:26.17[TK]D-Fender-> C Texas?
05:26.28[TK]D-FenderI do :)
05:26.37[TK]D-FenderDyslexics of the world... untie!
05:28.05CrashHDhey there strom
05:28.30CrashHDhow goes it
05:28.46CrashHDnot apply?
05:29.09[TK]D-FenderThis channel has gone Fruit Loops.....
05:29.14Strom_Cit was going more pomegranatey, actually
05:29.26CrashHDwhere are my damn lucky charms
05:30.11CrashHDI wasn't able to return to the comp last night
05:30.14[TK]D-Fender"If ever I reach the end of the rainbow, as good fortune did intend, Murphy would be there to tell me the pot's at the OTHER end."
05:30.28CrashHDmurphy and his damn laws
05:30.44Strom_Che should stick to furniture products
05:30.49codefreezeTell me about it! (steve murphy here!)
05:31.05CrashHDa murphy with the alias of codefreeze
05:31.11CrashHDI think so
05:32.23[TK]D-FenderCrashHD : Who would by a book labeled "Murphy's Suggestions"?  No, people need to be TOLD what they think!
05:32.43CrashHDhah I agree, very true.
05:32.59codefreezeCrashHD: Ah, be careful of lightly treating Murphy's Laws. You will someday understand their importance in life and their role in its purpose.
05:33.40CrashHDthey bite me in the ass all the time...I of all people do understand
05:33.54filehaving codefreeze as a coworker just makes Murphy's Laws kick in even MORE!
05:34.33codefreezeYes, time and space do seem at times to bend in my presence. I will not bore you with my tales of woe!
05:34.41CrashHDbut what about crashes paradox....the one that poses the question if murphy would have been shot before him and his damn laws....would the laws still apply!
05:35.03CrashHDI choose to think not
05:35.35codefreezeNo, of course they would still be! They'd just be labeled as "McGillicutty's Laws" or whatever!
05:35.47filecodefreeze: if you're going to San Diego be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
05:36.02CrashHDohhh flowers
05:36.13CrashHDfile is feeling frisky codefreeze...better watch yourself
05:36.31[TK]D-Fendercodefreeze .... and thats just your gravitational field!
05:36.31codefreezefile: San Diego's not my kind of town; you know the rest!
05:36.57CrashHDhey fella's if you were building a dialplan macro for a multiple destination (simul. dial) follow me find me how would you do it?
05:37.21*** join/#asterisk conver2 (
05:37.22Strom_C"The Complete Idiot's Guide For Dummies"
05:37.24CrashHDtk is that volume two? really should get your updated copy.
05:37.34*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
05:37.34[TK]D-FenderCrashHD : Simul dail is tricky when involving the PSTN.
05:37.45[TK]D-FenderCrashHD : Using a PRI at least I hope.
05:37.49CrashHDya of course
05:37.58file[TK]D-Fender: analog partyline!
05:38.05CrashHDI built it using the dial() with M()
05:38.09CrashHDbut I found out later
05:38.12Strom_Canalog partyline ringdown circuit
05:38.20CrashHDthat dial() considers a line picked up when it is picked up
05:38.24CrashHDnot after a macro is completed
05:38.28[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : the problem with idiot-proofing everything is morons keep screwing it all up.
05:38.31CrashHDso it stops the other outbound channels
05:38.35[TK]D-Fenderfile : Whee!
05:39.06Strom_CCrashHD: didnt I already give you a solution to this problem?
05:39.07[TK]D-FenderCrashHD : Analog?  You're SCREWED. files, a meetme, and some macros
05:39.25CrashHDStrom_C, I wasn't able to make it back to the comp last night
05:39.37CrashHDno analog
05:39.59CrashHDI guess meetme is the only way
05:40.04[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : trying the out-calls so know to halt the other attempts must be a real bitch, and worse if timing allows both to be answered when a mutual-kill event gets triggered and EVERYONE gets hung up on...
05:40.27CrashHDI'm probably going to agi this
05:40.35codefreezeHere's another philosophical question: how many of those "XXX for Dummies" books are there? How many are possible?
05:40.36CrashHDgive me a bit more logic
05:40.54Strom_Ccodefreeze: stupid for dummies
05:41.00Strom_Cdrooling for dummies
05:41.06CrashHDdumies guide to reading dummies books
05:41.07Strom_Cadvanced neurosurgery for dummies
05:41.08[TK]D-Fendercodefreeze : Ther are SOOOO many stupid people out there, I doubt we'll max out.
05:41.27CrashHDstupid people o' plenty
05:41.53CrashHDstupid people whom know they are stupid, few, and a sad fact at that
05:41.59[TK]D-Fender"two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity" - Einstein
05:42.47CrashHDso strom you basically suggest opening up a meetme conference and dumping the first callee into it after they accept the call
05:44.16[TK]D-FenderCrashHD : its a Catch-22 psycholgical defense mechanism.  If stupid people were truely aware of how stupid and useless they were, man-kind would not have a sufficient gene-pool (due to self-termination) to continue creating the 1 / 1,000,000 people whose IQ is befitting more than drinking from the toilet.
05:44.42CrashHDsure would solve the overpopulation problem though
05:44.50[TK]D-FenderHoly crap I think too much......
05:44.58codefreezeGood to see you guys have such an upbeat attitude!!
05:45.08CrashHDyou should give that hamster a break tk
05:45.18CrashHDyour hamster wheel needs some wd40
05:45.46[TK]D-FenderCrashHD : The lights are on, the wheel is spinning but the hampster is just ^&%#ing DEAD, ok? :)
05:45.58CrashHDlizards run faster anyway right?
05:46.31CrashHDhave my quote of retarded comments for the night
05:46.36[TK]D-FenderCrashHD : WD40 + duct tape - the only 2 tools in a real man's toolbox.  If it moves and shouldn't : duct-tape.  If it doesn't, but should : WD40.
05:46.40x86anyone know anything about DVI cables?
05:46.56CrashHDif you can't duct it...fek it
05:47.12[TK]D-Fenderx86 : gota more specific question?  they are used by MONITORS.  next!
05:47.34CrashHDand are a replacement for dsub calbes
05:47.43dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, you scared CP away
05:47.45CrashHDand hook up to cool tv's
05:47.50[TK]D-FenderOddly enough one thing any plumber will tell you is that duct tape is useful for all sorts of stuff EXCEPT sealing ducts....
05:48.00x86[TK]D-Fender: well, i bought a DVI cable at wall-mart, and it's missing a set of 9 pins (by my count) right in the middle of the cable, and on both ends
05:48.02CrashHDsoooo true
05:48.09CrashHDto seal ducts you use beutal tape
05:48.22dlynes_laptopx86, don't buy it at walmart, then :)
05:48.23CrashHDthat is what you get for buying cables at walmart
05:48.41[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Could be an exclusively DVI-D (digital only).  DVI can simultaneously support an analog signal IIRC.
05:49.03CrashHDno real answers here.....that's the rule
05:49.31[TK]D-FenderAsk a stupid ascii, get a stupid ansi ;)
05:49.33CrashHDonly condesending rederric
05:49.52CrashHDdamn I have to format this damn comp tonight
05:49.56x86[TK]D-Fender: yeah, DVI-I combines both analog and digital...
05:49.56CrashHDsooooo not looking forward to it
05:49.59dlynes_laptopasterisk seems to be getting a lot of press lately
05:50.09dlynes_laptopphp architect even had an article on it this month
05:50.10*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:50.32CrashHDI want to see an opensource class 5 softswitch
05:50.35[TK]D-FenderCrashHD : "rhetoric"
05:50.45CrashHDyou'll have to excuse my spelling
05:50.59dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, spelling skills are not normally associated with Americans
05:51.04CrashHDit's not a lack of intelligence but more or less a lack of caring
05:51.16CrashHDya what dlynes said
05:51.37CrashHDpulls out the give a shit nuke and laughs as the mushroom cloud goes up
05:51.58[TK]D-FenderToday's magic word is "Ebonics"
05:52.18CrashHDhow many languages do you speek tk?
05:52.37dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, I guess he didn't understand the joke :)
05:52.38[TK]D-FenderCrashHD : 32 empty missile silos, a mushroom could on the horizon ; NOW its Miller Time!
05:53.06CrashHDnow I feel retarded...going to have to go download a dictionary applet
05:53.07[TK]D-FenderCrashHD : Several, most practical is my fluency in Gibberish :)
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05:53.40dlynes_laptopCrashHD, ebonics is black america's version of English
05:53.52CrashHDyes, this I knew
05:53.55CrashHDI meant in general
05:54.15CrashHDI'm not going to be able to have a conversation in here without making sure my spelling is correct
05:54.38[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : And thanks to the like of Eminim, Snow, Vanilla Ice, K-Fed, JT, and crew, soon to hit critical mass amongst white-trash America!
05:54.48CrashHDohh so true
05:54.59dlynes_laptopJT, you gonna take that?
05:55.12CrashHDalright off I go to start this damn format
05:55.18CrashHDcatch you fellas later
05:55.35CrashHDp.s. no comments on my class 5 softswitch idea?
05:55.38CrashHDcome on
05:55.59dlynes_laptopno idea what the diff is between a class 5 and a class 1 softswitch, personally
05:56.13CrashHDclass 5 sounds cool?
05:56.14JTdlynes_laptop: arg :(
05:56.25JT[TK]D-Fender: s/JT/Justin Timberlake/ damnit :]
05:56.55dlynes_laptopIs that what your nick is an abbreviation for? :)
05:57.02[TK]D-FenderJT : He's famous..... get your OWN INITIALS!
05:57.44JTdlynes_laptop: no, it's an abbreviation for my name
05:58.04[TK]D-FenderAt least now Cameron Diaz is available again :)
05:58.16dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, you're thinking about asking her out?
05:58.50[TK]D-FenderP&P... dear God I haven't seen that since my l33t g4m3r dayz...
05:58.51[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : No need to be so polite!
05:59.19dlynes_laptopI'd rather do that other chick that's in Girl Next Door
05:59.36[TK]D-FenderMind you I don't know what goes on "upstairs" in there.... brains are a turn-on (or off)....
05:59.36dlynes_laptopelisha cuthbert
05:59.55[TK]D-FenderEW.  Dumberer Bauer is her moniker in my circles thanks to "24".
05:59.57dlynes_laptopplus, she's canadian, eh? :)
06:00.09[TK]D-FenderShe is USELESS.
06:00.12*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
06:00.23dlynes_laptopi dunno...i thought she was pretty hot looking
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06:00.48dlynes_laptopbut i've never watched 24, either
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06:02.12dlynes_laptopjoelsolanki, different codecs
06:02.15joelsolankiyesterday my linux hdd crashed. so i have built up the new server on hdd
06:02.45joelsolankii had taken backup of licenses and i have restored too in new asterisk
06:03.02joelsolankishow g729 shows me 30 channels
06:03.08dlynes_laptopjoelsolanki, different codecs
06:03.20joelsolankidlynes_laptop: means ?
06:03.36dlynes_laptopjoelsolanki, one leg is codec 1, the other is codec 256
06:03.41dlynes_laptopjoelsolanki, show codecs
06:04.12x86heh heh... is the third leg codec 69?
06:04.40dlynes_laptopguess ya had to be there, huh?
06:04.46joelsolanki1 is g723 and 256 is g729
06:04.57dlynes_laptopthere ya go
06:04.59JTof course asterisk cannot transcode g.723
06:05.08dlynes_laptopand i'm guessing you don't have anything to transcode g723
06:05.10joelsolankioh not possible ?
06:05.19joelsolankiare u sure JT?
06:05.21JTnot possible
06:05.23dlynes_laptopnopenopenope...not legally anyways
06:05.32joelsolankihmm ok. NP.
06:05.35dlynes_laptopthe patent for g723 expires in June(?)
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06:17.14Corydon76-homeThe final patent for G.723.1 doesn't expire until 2014
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06:31.07dlynes_laptopCorydon76-home, so what part of it is expiring this summer?
06:31.21Qwellthe g
06:32.14dlynes_laptopso g.723 expires in June or July, but not g.723.1?
06:32.41Qwellg.723.1 is what people are talking about when they say g723
06:33.04conver2in queue application, how can I enable/disable moh?
06:33.14dlynes_laptopok so what's the 'g' you referred to that expires this summer, then?
06:33.26Qwella failed attempt at humor
06:34.08*** join/#asterisk azidenth (n=aby_azid@
06:34.11dlynes_laptopso any idea what exactly expires this summer then?
06:34.43JTg.723 with no .1 it sounds like sorry to interrupt...but is there anyone here can help me with Asterisk Realtime?
06:34.52dlynes_laptopsomeone was telling me it was kind of pointless to license g723, because the patent expires this summer
06:34.55*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (n=Nuke@
06:35.11dlynes_laptopand the amount of money you would need to invest to license it wouldn't be worth it for 6 months
06:35.24Corydon76-homeThe original G.723 is already free and clear of patents
06:35.53dlynes_laptopBut it's not compatible with g.723.1 right?
06:37.47*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
06:39.19azidenthi need to configure asterisk with mysql..
06:39.28azidenthanyone can help? please
06:40.41dendriteazidenth: I'm not a regular here, but in general, on IRC, if you ask specific questions you tend to get better results...
06:41.00Grnd-Wiredlynes_laptop: Are you referring to g.729 ?
06:41.17dlynes_laptopGrnd-Wire, no
06:41.19Grnd-Wireor am I the one that's confusing the two.. ?
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06:41.51dlynes_laptopGrnd-Wire, i'm curious about g.723 because the patent on it is much older than g.729
06:42.07dlynes_laptopGrnd-Wire, and because you cannot buy codec licenses for g.723 from digium
06:42.25Grnd-Wiredlynes_laptop: ahh, ok..
06:42.35x86dlynes_laptop: where do you get g.723 licenses from?
06:42.42dlynes_laptopx86, you don't
06:42.47dlynes_laptopx86, at least not legally
06:43.03dlynes_laptopx86, so iow, you don't
06:43.04x86i was gonna say, on my dev machine with the IPP g.729 codec, g.723 just works ;)
06:43.16dlynes_laptopx86, cause if it was legally, they wouldn't be called 'licensed'
06:44.20azidenth9 sip peers [Monitored: 2 online, 4 offline Unmonitored: 1 online, 2 offline]
06:44.21azidenth[Jan 16 14:53:39] WARNING[22203]: config.c:1231 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available
06:44.32azidenth9 sip peers [Monitored: 2 online, 4 offline Unmonitored: 1 online, 2 offline]
06:44.33azidenth[Jan 16 14:53:39] WARNING[22203]: config.c:1231 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available
06:44.42dlynes_laptopazidenth, you don't have the mysql realtime engine loaded
06:44.54azidenthcan u help me ?
06:45.04dlynes_laptopazidenth, nope...I don't use realtime, or mysql
06:45.09x86azidenth: do you have asterisk-addons installed?
06:45.09dlynes_laptopMaybe someone else does, though
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06:45.19dlynes_laptopbut need asterisk-addons for it
06:45.25*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (n=chatzill@
06:45.31azidenthalready intalled
06:45.36azidenthfrom the svn
06:45.37groogs[h]is there any practical limit on the number of includes that can be in a context?
06:46.02dlynes_laptopgroogs[h], limited by your memory, and how long you feel like waiting for asterisk to boot up
06:46.44azidenthchange the configuration in extconfig.conf and res_mysql.conf
06:47.18groogs[h]dlynes_laptop: how memory intensive is it? if i had say, 500 includes in one context..
06:47.28dlynes_laptopi have no idea
06:47.41dlynes_laptopbut if you tell the makefile to build memory debugging into asterisk
06:47.43dlynes_laptopyou can find out
06:47.53groogs[h]well, are we talking using like, 2 more MB of memory, or 200? :)
06:48.09dlynes_laptopdepends on how big the contexts are, i would imagine
06:48.18dlynes_laptopand how entry lines each one has
06:48.28groogs[h]one extension, maybe 5 priorities
06:48.31Grnd-WireSo is the READ application still supported in 1.2.14 ? It's like it's not even executing..
06:48.43dendriteazidenth: Did help?
06:48.52JTwhy do you need so many includes, groogs[h] ?
06:49.10azidenthdone that dendrite...
06:49.42groogs[h]JT: having different contexts for various users.. so eg, one user can call 101, 102, 103, 104, another can only call 101..
06:50.02JTi'm sure there are far smarter ways to omplement that
06:50.17groogs[h]rather than duplicating the dial lines for each extension for each context that has that extension
06:51.23azidenthanyone here had similar problem like me?
06:52.10JTgroogs[h]: what sort of includes are you talking about?
06:53.32groogs[h]uh .. include=>context
06:53.44azidenthim trying to add sip user/peers dynamically using mysql..
06:54.05azidenthany other solution besides asterisk realtime?
06:54.08JTgroogs[h]: you can include files too, that's why i asked
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06:54.30groogs[h]JT: oh, right, sorry.
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06:58.36JTgroogs[h]: how fine grained does it need to be? are you including a context for every extension, or are there groups of extensions in these contexts?
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07:00.03groogs[h]JT: a context for every extension..
07:01.58niZonanyone ever used an audicodes channel bank with astersk?
07:02.19JTgroogs[h]: that sounds highly unoptimal
07:03.24groogs[h]JT: yeah, i think it might make more sense just to duplicate the exten=> lines (theres at most 5, and at least 2 .. so its not a HUGE deal..)
07:03.50JTwhat about groups
07:04.03JTsurely you don't need such ridiculously fine grained access control
07:04.12groogs[h]well, thats an option too, but adds an extra step to creating everything
07:04.15JTyou could have context for groups like sales, management, etc
07:04.31JTsounds way easier to manager than a context for every extension
07:04.38JTand programmatically more efficient
07:05.05groogs[h]yeah, it might work better like that
07:05.14dendritegroogs[h]: Forgive my curiosity, but why are the complex restrictions needed in your installation?
07:05.44JTand if you need such a fine grain, you could use macros to dial, and set variables per extension to define what it has access to
07:05.48JTor use realtime
07:05.48groogs[h]probably the case where you want to create an extension that can only call one other extension is more rare than when you want an extension to only be able to call 'sales' group
07:06.09groogs[h]dendrite: doing work on freepbx
07:06.17groogs[h](oops, said the bad word..)
07:06.52JTnot sure how that relates to your business problem, groogs[h]
07:07.25CunningPikeniZon: We have a SIP FXS gateway - is that what you mean?
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07:10.31zeeeshi have been installed asterisk at redhat9 .. now want to test at my own cell number as access number ... if my cell number is 92321XXX then what shud be the extensions phase.... like "exten => 92321XXX,1,DeadAGI(astcc.agi,${CALLERIDNUM},${EXTEN}) "???
07:12.28Grnd-WireDoes anyone know of a replacement macro for SayDigits that would allow me to use my own voice, and hopefully speak the numbers alot quicker (so it's not so choppy?)
07:12.28Strom_CGrnd-Wire: write your own :)
07:12.53Grnd-WireStrom_C: Well, I might end up doing that (what a learning experience that will be.. :) - I was just thinking someone else may have done it already? Me-thinks I'll go google for "saydigits replacement".. Be right back. ;)
07:12.54JTdoes SayDigits play prompt files?
07:12.57JTif so, change them
07:13.11Grnd-WireJT: hmm.. but what about the timing, is it really that simple?
07:13.23JTunless it adds delays internally, yes
07:13.36JTfind out by making a test extension that plays the digits with Playback
07:13.48JTif the gaps are still there, they're probably in the file or unavoidable anyway
07:14.06Grnd-Wirecool! I'll mess with that when I get to that part, thanks for the advice.
07:15.09JTi think you can also have multiple copies of the prompts, for different regions, so you may be able to keep your prompt files, and just get certain dialplan stuff to use different "region" prompts
07:15.36Grnd-Wireooh, that would make me even happier..
07:18.01*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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07:19.07JTit may just be a matter of modifying the existing prompts
07:19.15JTif you're lucky you won't have to re-record
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07:29.04Grnd-WireThis is really cool.. I'm building an IVR so people can RSVP to my wedding just by calling in.. :)
07:31.53jeremy_gGrnd-Wire: you rule
07:32.57nahireancongrats on the wedding
07:33.26nahireani'll be taking your balls now, you've no more use for them.
07:33.31Grnd-Wirejeremy_g: ya.. My woman is sitting behind me designing the invitation, while I setup the RSVP system.. (website and phone IVR) haha..We're such geeks (art and technology)
07:33.57Grnd-Wireoh no, she lets me still use them - In fact, if you'll excuse me, I need to go use them right now.. Night guys!
07:34.05nahireangood night.
07:39.51Strom_Czeeesh: I suggest you start with something simpler
07:41.32nahireanalso depends on how the ITSP sends the call to you
07:41.44nahireanDo they send 11 digits, or 10?
07:41.56zeeesh<Strom_C> : what kind of simpler ??
07:42.02nahirean(assuming you're using an itsp)
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07:50.49tzafrirzeeesh, redhat9? Don't you have something that is a bit more in touch with reality?
07:51.48tzafrir(for RH fans: a later Fedora/CentOS/RHEL . Or other distros)
07:54.09Nugget  <-- this is for you, tzafrir
07:54.13zeeesh<tzafrir>:so i would like to face .. reality .. .so thats y using ... without .. entering into water .. how can u swim ... catch u later .. now going for lunch...
07:55.13tzafrirNugget, wow!
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07:56.14NuggetI was going to install it a while ago, just on a lark, but I was thwarted because it's so old that the CD isn't bootable.
07:56.38susinthshello everybody
07:56.41tzafrirNugget, can't you get something from
07:56.56Nuggetthat's too much work.
07:57.09susinthsis this the place where most asterisk knowledge is exchanged?
07:57.27Nuggetit's about 50/50 knowledge and insults.
07:57.36Nuggetyou're lucky though because today is a knowledge day.
07:57.36tzafrirzeeesh, while RH isn't my favorite distro, I have nothing against using it.
07:57.58susinthsNugget: OK
07:58.18tzafrirHowever working today with a Linux system from 2001 is just going to cause you extra grieff. Not to mention tons of unpatched security holes
07:59.53tzafrirzeeesh, if that system is a new installation, install a newer linux system over it, and be done. You'll e.g., have a newer kernel which is more responsive
08:00.19susinthsCan asterisk be used form a VOIP company offering IP telephony?
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08:00.34Strom_Csusinths: let me guess, you want to be the next vonage
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08:01.24susinthsfor example vonage
08:02.15susinthsStrom_C: can * be used for such ?
08:03.40Strom_Csusinths: yes, although unless you have the technical skill and the telephony experience, i wouldnt recommend you attempt it
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08:04.43susinthsStrom_C: OK, i do have tech skills, but NO tel experience at all. What about u?
08:04.45phpboyJan 16 10:03:38 WARNING[2695]: translate.c:88 powerof: Powerof 0: No power??
08:04.46phpboyJan 16 10:03:38 WARNING[2695]: translate.c:133 ast_translator_build_path: No translator path from gsm to unknown
08:04.48phpboywhat does this mean?
08:05.05Strom_Csusinths: six years of telephony experience and I still wouldn't go for it
08:05.17susinthsStrom_C: Oh, i see
08:05.38phpboyit happens when ever a call goes through pstn
08:05.43phpboyin or out
08:05.47susinthsStrom_C: What can be the biggest challenge?
08:06.15Strom_Csusinths: pay me $150 per hour for my telcommunications consulting services and I'll be happy to tell you everything
08:07.50susinthsStrom_C: I see. I'll think about it. I've been testing * , it seems for work very good. Thats why was wondering to offer something with asterisk
08:09.04susinthsStrom_C: Although i haven't tested with SIP trunks yet, but read a lot about it.
08:09.35susinthsStrom_C: I'm thinking of offering such in South Asia
08:10.37phpboyhey all
08:10.44phpboyI'd really appreciate some help :/
08:11.54niZonwell i think i just bricked this MP-124
08:11.54niZonaudiocodes and their broken firmware
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08:12.35susinthsanyone with comments to my plan to start a VOIP comapany with asterisk in south asia?
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08:15.09phpboyplease guys
08:15.12phpboyI love you!!
08:15.14phpboyall of you!!
08:15.17phpboyplease help me :T
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08:20.31azidenthanyone here have ever used asterisk realtime?..
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08:28.52Kighi did
08:30.36azidenthi have a problem here mate..
08:31.05azidenthi already installed the asterisk-addons..create dbase and table..
08:31.26azidenthand configured the extconfig.conf and res_mysql.conf..
08:31.46Kighwhats the problem
08:32.13phpboyWhy do you guys hate me so much? :T
08:32.28Kighwhat does "realtime mysql status" in manager console say?
08:32.45azidenthbut when i reload my asterisk server..and try to view the sip peers and says there mysql engine is not available
08:33.15azidenth"realtime mysql status" <-- wats the command?
08:33.25phpboyazidenth: check your mysql logs to see if asterisk is even trying to make the connection...
08:33.49Kighphpboy: "No translator path from gsm to unknown" means the asterisk cant _transcode_ the voice from gsm codec to "unknown"
08:34.05dlynes_laptopsusinths, as Strom_C suggested, I would hire someone to help you get started
08:34.09Kighi assume you have a typo somewhere in a codec definition or something
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08:34.13dlynes_laptopsusinths, however, before you even get to that stage
08:34.20phpboyKigh: where can I check this?
08:34.27dlynes_laptopsusinths, I would suggest you actually sit down with asterisk, and try it out more in depth
08:34.38dlynes_laptopsusinths, find out its strengths, and its pitfalls
08:34.41azidenthkigh: yeah wer?
08:34.41Kighazidenth: thats the status command that shows wether res_mysql is loaded and connected to DB or not
08:34.52dlynes_laptopsusinths, so that you're not going around a blind corner
08:35.16Kighphpboy: you need to read codecs.conf, sip.conf and misdn.conf/zapata.conf (depending on what driver youre using)
08:35.31Kighand the telephone settings of course. every part of configuration regarding the transcode
08:36.05Kighazidenth: and "sip peers" wont show a realtime peer until it is conntected. if i remember correctly
08:36.08phpboyKigh: my zapata.conf does not have anything in it regarding codecs
08:36.38azidenthkigh --> == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': Found
08:36.42Kighazidenth: the asterisk fetches the settings in "realtime" from the mysql table. use "realtime mysql status" to check if the module is loaded
08:36.52azidenthkihg:is that wat u mean?
08:37.04susinthsdlynes_laptop: Thanx a lot
08:37.09phpboyKigh: my codecs.conf is the default codecs.conf
08:37.12Kighazidenth: type "realtime mysql status"
08:37.16susinthsdlynes_laptop: I thought the same.
08:37.20Kighphpboy: then you dont have to check that part
08:37.47dlynes_laptopsusinths, yeah...anyone that has the telecommunications experience has the upper hand over you
08:37.58dlynes_laptopsusinths, their skills are more valuable for such a business than the technical skills
08:38.20susinthsdlynes_laptop: I see
08:38.35Kighazidenth: here's an example what the result should look alike:
08:38.35Kighasterisk*CLI> realtime mysql status
08:38.36KighConnected to asterisk@localhost, port 3306 with username root for 20 days, 15 hours, 36 minutes, 46 seconds.
08:38.36phpboyKigh: where else do you think I should look?
08:38.38azidenthkigh: where? in the asterisk CLI?
08:38.44susinthsdlynes_laptop: sounds reasonable
08:38.45Kighazidenth: damn yes =)
08:39.10azidenthit says there no such command..
08:40.05Kighphpboy: for greater debugging possibilities type "set verbosity 4" on the asterisk CLI and do whatever you did again. you will get more output about whats going on then
08:40.14Kighazidenth: then the module isnt loaded
08:40.22azidenthkigh: i followed the instruction in
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08:42.46Kighazidenth: do "!find /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ -name ''" (note the exclamation mark) in the asterisk CLI to see if the module exists ÃÃphysically on your HDD
08:42.46susinthsdlynes_laptop: I've the computer skills, but that alone is not sufficient i think
08:42.56dlynes_laptopsusinths, not even close
08:43.15Kighazidenth: do you use asterisk 1.2 or 1.0?
08:43.21azidenthis asterisk 1.4
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08:43.34Kighazidenth: so did you find the module?
08:44.43phpboyKigh: set it to 6
08:44.46phpboynothing more
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08:45.11susinthsdlynes_laptop: I understand
08:45.26susinthsdlynes_laptop: U got exp with tele?
08:45.44dlynes_laptopI've got experience with both, yes
08:46.08phpboyexact same info
08:46.55susinthsdlynes_laptop: But is Asterisk good enough to handle real life VOIP connections to the mass?
08:47.21phpboypomply :T
08:47.26tzafrirazidenth, it is built from asterisk_addons
08:47.32dlynes_laptopsusinths, yes, there's a few companies that have mass deployments that are using asterisk
08:47.57azidenthtzafir: i know
08:48.05susinthsdlynes_laptop: OK, good to hear.
08:48.08phpboypomple :T
08:48.13susinthsdlynes_laptop: Which country r u from?
08:48.16phpboythis is sakkie de kok :T
08:48.20susinthsdlynes_laptop: I'm from norway.
08:48.21dlynes_laptopsusinths, Canada
08:48.30susinthsdlynes_laptop: Oh i see
08:48.36phpboyKigh: what else do you think I should have a look at?
08:48.52susinthsdlynes_laptop: I live here, i'm immigrant
08:49.10dlynes_laptopsusinths, the people with experience in mass deployments you'll find all over the world...they're not really concentrated in any one country
08:49.51susinthsdlynes_laptop: that's true
08:50.14dlynes_laptopbut, i suspect in coming years
08:50.39dlynes_laptopyou'll probably find Indians to have the experience with the largest deployments
08:50.46dlynes_laptopbecause of the size of the call centers there
08:50.57susinthsdlynes_laptop: i see
08:51.04azidenthkigh:the module exist..wats next
08:51.32susinthsdlynes_laptop: U mean because of leasing over there?
08:51.46susinthsi'm from country next to India
08:52.00dlynes_laptopsusinths, because american companies (and I'm assuming others) offshore their call centers to India
08:52.10*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (
08:52.14dlynes_laptopsusinths, if you hang out in this channel long enough
08:52.23dlynes_laptopsusinths, you're sure to run across some Indians and Pakistanis
08:52.53susinthsdlynes_laptop: really
08:52.56susinthsdlynes_laptop: i see
08:53.29dlynes_laptopWhich country are you in?
08:53.56susinthsbut from srilanka
08:54.14dlynes_laptopsusinths, well, you could try talking to some of the chaps from India
08:54.23dlynes_laptopsusinths, perhaps they'd be willing to work for you
08:54.40dlynes_laptopsusinths, but somehow I kinda doubt it
08:54.47dlynes_laptopsusinths, most of them are business owners already
08:54.58susinthsdlynes_laptop: i see
08:55.25Kighazidenth: type "show modules like mysql" in CLI
09:00.08azidenthkigh: modules...
09:04.34azidenthkigh: im lost here..when i typed show modules like mysql it returned 0
09:05.58*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
09:06.45jeremy_gi know a lot of indians looking for work in stockhol
09:06.54jeremy_gsip guys
09:10.46*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
09:14.46susinthsjeremy_g: where is stockhol? uk?
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09:18.11dlynes_laptopsusinths, sweden
09:18.20dlynes_laptopsusinths, he meant stockholm
09:18.39azidenthkigh: anyway kigh i managed to load
09:19.06*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (n=A-Tuin@
09:21.42susinthsdlynes_laptop: i see
09:24.44azidenthkigh: when i type realtime mysql to connect database
09:24.59azidenthkigh: which config files should i look into?
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09:31.53yansolo90check /etc/asterisk/res_mysql.conf
09:32.22azidenthyansolo90: im checking it
09:32.54susinthsjeremy_g:  i se
09:32.58susinthsjeremy_g:  see
09:33.42jeremy_gsusinths:what do you do
09:38.15susinthsjeremy_g: study
09:38.47susinthsjeremy_g: has been working as a service techican earlier
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09:44.55susinthsjeremy_g: u?
09:44.59*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_XP (n=Dibbs@
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09:47.44azidenthyansolo90: i checked the res_mysql.conf
09:47.50azidenthbut still fail to connect
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09:47.59azidenthany ideas
09:51.15yansolo90you can try to connect your mysql DB with an other client
09:53.46Chris-NBanybody using astlinux?
09:55.59azidenthkigh: if u still around..can i asked u again same time tomorrow..
09:57.23*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
10:02.40potsboyChris-NB, used it a while back whats the prob?
10:02.58Chris-NBpotsboy, I try to upgrade kernel and asterisk
10:03.13Chris-NBpotsboy, kernel and modules where successfull
10:03.30Chris-NBpotsboy, but I've problems with asterisk (and other binaries I installed)
10:03.51Chris-NBwhen I try to start asterisk i get this err: -sh: /usr/sbin/asterisk: No such file or directory
10:04.12Chris-NBI tried to install wanrouter (sangoma) mdecrypt and asterisk
10:04.16potsboyhave you run a "which asterisk" ? may be that simple
10:04.34Chris-NBwhat do you mean with that?
10:04.38potsboyalso check your path
10:04.55Chris-NBpath is deffinitly right
10:05.02Chris-NBalso the file is read and execute able
10:05.21potsboyso you can run it lik # /usr/sbin/asterisk
10:05.24tzafrirldd /usr/sbin/asterisk
10:05.28tzafrirldd -s /usr/sbin/asterisk
10:05.47Chris-NBaahhhh ... that could be the prob : D
10:05.50Chris-NBfine, I'll try
10:05.50tzafrirhmm... wrong message
10:05.54Chris-NBjust a mom.
10:06.33tzafrirChris-NB, and there is no chroot magic involved here, right?
10:06.53Chris-NBtzafrir, ähm .... don't think so.
10:07.52tzafririf you have no better idea, the next step may be to find which script exactly runs this, and run it in traced mode (#!/bin/sh -x
10:08.35Chris-NBI've manually tried to start asterisk
10:08.50yansolo90anybody knows ipvsadm and ldirectord ?
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10:16.38Chris-NBtzafrir, jep. dynam libs where missing. better, they ARE missing : /
10:17.12Chris-NBtzafrir, but now I know there to look at. thanks mate
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10:18.43andrebarbosahi guys, i'm making a call from a fxs extension (zap) to a sip phone
10:19.11andrebarbosaon my SIP header i got the from as: "asterisk@ip"
10:19.20andrebarbosacan i change this fromuser?
10:19.48andrebarbosai know i can change the fromuser from a sip peer with fromuser option, but in a zap extension i don't know how to do it
10:21.11*** join/#asterisk santibiotico (
10:21.20santibioticocan anyone help me with iax??
10:21.43santibioticoi have 2 asterisk servers in the same network and i want to get them connected
10:22.02santibioticoin order to call users in asterisk#1 from asterisk#2
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10:29.10tzafrirsantibiotico, there should be a relevant page in , too lazy to search now
10:29.21tzafrirAsk here specific questions...
10:29.55tzafrirandrebarbosa, is the callerid set in zapata.conf?
10:31.04santibioticotzafrir of course i've read all i've found in
10:31.28tzafrirsantibiotico, so what's your specific problem?
10:31.51andrebarbosacaller ID is fine
10:31.56santibioticoi've defined in iax.conf the 2 "friends"
10:32.20andrebarbosabut i wonder how we change the fromuser
10:32.22santibioticobut i always get a registration error
10:32.40santibioticoi am using static ip addresses, so i do not need to register
10:33.00*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (
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10:33.58andrebarbosai got something like:            "my callerid" from: asterisk@ip
10:34.01andrebarbosain my SIP header
10:34.11andrebarbosai want to change "asterisk" to my extension name
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10:44.00tzafrirandrebarbosa, what do you have on the callerid field in zapata.conf?
10:44.26tzafrirFull Name <number>
10:44.29tzafriror just:
10:44.33tzafrirFull Name
10:50.37andrebarbosafull name
10:50.43andrebarbosalet me try
10:50.48andrebarbosawith callerid <number>
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10:52.10andrebarbosaThanks, tzafrir
10:52.14andrebarbosanow I have
10:52.28andrebarbosa"full name" from: number@ip
10:53.52*** join/#asterisk psk (
10:54.26andrebarbosacan you give me a hand to find that in the source?
10:54.39dlynes_laptopis something like the following:  exten => s,n(mylabel),dothis()
10:55.01dlynes_laptopA label for that dialplan priority, so that you can do goto(mylabel)?
10:55.13dlynes_laptopinstead of goto(10) or something similar?
10:55.47dlynes_laptopSo I could also define it as exten => s,10(mylabel),dothis()
10:56.05dlynes_laptopand then i could goto(10), or goto(mylabel), however I chose to do it?
10:56.34*** join/#asterisk viperdude (n=viperdud@
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10:57.58santibioticowhile trying to configure iax...whenever i try to make a call i get the following cli output error:
10:57.59santibioticoauto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response
10:58.03santibioticoany idea??
10:58.18santibiotico(of course, the call is not working...)
10:58.34dlynes_laptopsantibiotico, try decreasing your qualify= value in your sip.conf file
10:58.48dlynes_laptopsantibiotico, the default if I remember correctly is 3000
10:59.00dlynes_laptopsantibiotico, the default is applied if you do qualify=yes
10:59.33dlynes_laptopsantibiotico, it's probably some kind of issue with your firewall
10:59.56santibioticoi have no firewall ;)
11:00.00dlynes_laptopsantibiotico, i.e. it might be closing the port sooner than asterisk expects it to
11:00.07dlynes_laptopsantibiotico, you're not behind a router?
11:00.10santibioticoi'm changing the qualify value right now
11:00.35dlynes_laptopsantibiotico, on either end, that is?
11:00.45dlynes_laptopsantibiotico, or is this a purely lan setup for the sip?
11:01.16santibioticoi've changed the qualify value to 300
11:01.19santibioticobut still the same
11:01.32dlynes_laptopwhat's your topology?
11:01.33santibioticodlynes_laptop: i have both servers in the same lan
11:01.46santibioticodlynes_laptop: no firewall, no router between them...
11:01.46dlynes_laptopOk, and is this for iax2, or sip?
11:01.53santibioticodlynes_laptop: iax2
11:02.26dlynes_laptopHave you tried changing to different ports on your switch?
11:03.51dlynes_laptopAlso, try forcing duplex and rate on your nics to match that of the switch
11:04.14dlynes_laptopBut I would suggest switching ports first
11:04.24santibioticoyes, i've tried
11:04.41santibioticoobviusly i can ping each peer
11:04.52dlynes_laptopHave you tested your cabling to make sure it complies with a minimum of cat 5?
11:05.30dlynes_laptopi.e. set up testers at both ends of it
11:05.30dlynes_laptopto make sure there's no significant signal loss?
11:05.30santibioticoi've tried different cables
11:05.36santibioticoconnection is working between the servers
11:05.41santibioticoit's not a connection issue
11:05.49santibioticoit might be a misconfiguration ossue
11:05.58dlynes_laptopyeah...signal loss won't cause loss of connection
11:06.08dlynes_laptopit'll just cause degradation in the quality of the signal
11:06.27dlynes_laptopwhich can incur lost packets, decreases in speed, network latency, ...
11:07.19dlynes_laptopThere are also a number of fine tuning parameters for iax2 as well
11:07.30dlynes_laptopI don't know if any of them will help in your situation, or not
11:07.45dlynes_laptopBut you can look at the sample iax2 config file that came with asterisk to find out what they are
11:08.58santibioticothx, i'll be checking it all
11:13.41*** join/#asterisk badcfe (
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11:20.07queuetueDoes anyone make a 6 or 8-port ata?
11:21.10queuetueI suppose I should be looking at PCI cards then, huh?
11:24.16tzafrirqueuetue, there are a number of those. But for 8 ports they are sometimes called "channel banks"
11:25.08tzafrirqueuetue, audiocodes and such have ones. There should be a rather cheap one by grandstream
11:25.57tzafrirand there is our USB Zaptel device (Xorcom Astribank)
11:27.45*** join/#asterisk backblue (n=igor@
11:28.44backblueanyone have used siemens sl75?
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11:30.04JTqueuetue: there are also real channel banks that connect to a PRI
11:30.12JTqueuetue: it really depends what you need to use it for
11:31.06queuetueJT: Just providing 8 local cordless phones with connectivity to an Asterisk server.
11:31.20queuetuetzafrir: I don't see prices on your website - who do you resell through?
11:32.17queuetueAh, VOIP connection has them.
11:33.44*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:35.49queuetueLooks like I'll stick with 4 spa's for now - I was hoping price would go down as ports went up.
11:36.12queuetuePrice per port, that is.
11:40.49tzafrirqueuetue, there are prices there
11:41.04tzafrirlook at the bottom of the pages
11:44.51*** join/#asterisk AvoidingDeadlock (n=brian@
11:47.16*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (
11:47.46Newbie___hi, can anyone please help me on ADtran 750
11:47.58Newbie___cant seems to get the FXS light lit
11:48.36Newbie___and i am getting a T1 alarm on Adtran, but TE110P says is ok
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12:04.37JTqueuetue: there's also a card like a TDM2400P
12:05.06*** part/#asterisk raina (n=raina@pdpc/supporter/active/ro3159)
12:05.28badcfe./configure in asterisk-1.4.0 ends with "*** termcap support not found" on my debian.  and i _have_ installed termcap-compat.
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12:08.30tzafrirbadcfe, apt-get build-dep asterisk
12:08.44tzafrirspecifically: apt-get install libncurses-dev
12:08.52badcfetzafrir: is this safe when i will afterwards compile 1.4.0 from source?
12:08.55tzafriror something similar
12:09.15badcfetzafrir: i mean -- etch dont contain asterisk 1.4.0 yet right?
12:09.25tzafrirbadcfe, this installs build dependencies. Feel free to remove some of them (e.g.: libpri)
12:09.34tzafrirno, Etch has 1.2
12:10.15badcfetzafrir: ill do that.  and then ill remove libpri.  so zaptel does not get installed as dependecy?
12:10.39tzafrirlibtonezone-dev is
12:11.54tzafrirand also zaptel-source
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12:48.57lupino3hello *
12:49.17lupino3I've just posted a message to *-users, and I thought that I might find here an answer
12:49.29lupino3seems like IAX channels don't respect language setting
12:49.42lupino3I have "language=it" setting in iax.conf
12:49.50lupino3and still meetme plays english messages
12:49.58lupino3how can I get rid of this behaviour?
12:54.01*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (n=A-Tuin@
13:00.39DrukenLPYgood morning asterisk world :)
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13:29.18orsobobhello, somebody could help me with LumenVox Speech Engine?
13:30.02orsobobwe have bought LumenVox Power Kit for tests... but have some questions
13:30.26orsobobabout German, Franche and Italian lamguages
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13:41.14Dr-Linuxwhich SIP firmware is stable and would be fine for cisco 7960?
13:41.25Dr-Linuxcurrenlty i'm using 7.4
13:41.49Dr-Linuxas i got 10 new phones, so i need suggestion
13:42.13*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
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13:49.24jeremy_gwhat a hairpin call?
13:49.37Ahrimanesnat hairpin?
13:54.26Ahrimanesjeremy_g, :)
14:01.54*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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14:24.44jtexter3Any Audiocodes users online?
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14:25.18*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
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14:26.52qdkjtexter3: doing a survey?
14:27.03jtexter3qdk: No, trying to get it to work :D
14:27.19*** join/#asterisk treat (
14:27.27jtexter3Just having an issue with audio when doing attended transfers
14:29.29jtexter3When doing an attended transfer, if you complete the transfer, Asterisk appears to send a BYE to the Gatway, so the gateway thinks the connection is broken
14:29.39qdkjtexter3: ok, I would use such a box for a thing like that, so no input from me.
14:30.12jtexter3It appears to be a nice little gateway.  Makes for an easy way to get a lot of channels in a server
14:30.46qdk"get a lot of channels in a server" <- say what?
14:31.43*** join/#asterisk Mad|Cow (
14:31.46jtexter3I haven't tested this myself, but from everything I've read, you can't really put more than 2 Digium cards in a server
14:31.55jtexter3That limits you to 8 T1's/E1's
14:32.22jtexter3The Audiocodes gateway I have right now is capable of handling a DS-3 (28 T1's
14:32.36treati can only register sip clients to asterisk when the password is blank otherwise i get "Wrong password"
14:32.45treatwhat am i doing wrong?
14:33.05*** join/#asterisk andrebarbosa (n=andrebar@
14:34.03qdkjtexter3: well is a lot more hardware in the world than just digium (and audiocodes).
14:34.51qdkthere is*
14:35.26*** join/#asterisk zapata (
14:35.27jtexter3qdk: Agreed.  I'll be using Aculab soon, which supports 8 ports in a single blade.  What I haven't gotten an answer on is whether the 2 card limitation is a fundamental limitation in the channel architecture, or simply a limit with the Digium hardware
14:36.28[TK]D-Fenderjtexter3: Well You could get 2 Sangoma's in there nice and comfy @ 8 ports ea :)
14:36.48qdkjtexter3: the limits is probably i both digium and asterisk. Mostly asterisk.
14:37.06jtexter3[TK]D-Fender: I've been wanting to try a Sangoma card, just haven't gotten around to purchasing one yet
14:37.55qdkjtexter3: I have only heard good things about the hardware... not so much on their own drivers, but zaptel drivers actually make good use of the sangoma cards.
14:39.13[TK]D-Fenderqdk: All of my experiences have been great.  0 echo, no PCI/IRQ issues, nada
14:42.17*** join/#asterisk awannabe (n=brad@
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14:43.38qdk[TK]D-Fender: with what and to what?
14:43.38*** join/#asterisk inspired (n=mikael@
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14:44.18qdk[TK]D-Fender: inspired is reselling Sangoma cards, perhaps he can help you with a new shinny one. ;-)
14:44.53*** join/#asterisk mercestes (
14:45.17qdkinspired: ?
14:45.40inspiredif he's in canada, I can't help him. there should be plenty of other resellers there though :-)
14:51.49[TK]D-Fenderqdk: I'd worked with the A102/4d, and A200d
14:52.07[TK]D-FenderAnd yes, I'm in Canada :)
14:53.10*** join/#asterisk atnonis (
14:53.30atnonisanyone have experience with asterisk and OpenBSD(3.9) ?
14:54.14atnonisim missing iax.conf in OpenBSD, is that a port problem or i have to create it my self?
14:54.23mercestesatnonis:  YEs!  Just not together
14:54.47atnonisi mean together
14:55.15qdk[TK]D-Fender: ok, a bit wage on the details, but at least I know its Sangoma and not digium you are talking about.
14:55.22*** join/#asterisk dongc (
14:55.35[TK]D-Fenderqdk: ?
14:56.36qdkatnonis: are you sure IAX is compiled? coz I had to patch OpenPBX (and now fixed in release candidate) to make IAX work on OpenBSD.
14:57.44De_Monasterisk 1.2.14 Ive got agents in bridged calls, or in meetme rooms and suddenly get
14:57.48De_Monupdate_header: Unable to find our position errors
14:57.51De_Monerr warnings
14:58.14De_MonThe call is being recorded by mixmonitor
14:58.37De_MonSHIT nevermind hd is full
15:01.06atnonisqdk: i have download asterisk-1.2.4p0.tgz (i386) from ports i dont know if iax is compiled in
15:01.53De_Monatnonis 1.2.14?
15:01.57atnonisqdk: how can i see that?
15:02.01qdkatnonis: ok, I dont know either.
15:02.09atnonisDe_Mon: yes 1.2.14
15:02.50qdkatnonis: see if the is in libs i guess.
15:03.37Mad|CowFor my sip clients, in sip.conf, should I be using type=friend or type=user?  It doesnt seem to be clear when I should be using one v.s. the other
15:05.12mercestesMad|Cow:  I like having friends.
15:06.18atnonisqdk: it seems that no modules are installed :(
15:06.45Mad|Cowmercestes: Any reason?
15:06.46qdkatnonis: that doesnt seem right.
15:06.58mercestesMad|Cow:  Because I hate being lonely.
15:07.12Mad|Cowmercestes: That was a cheap setup ;-)
15:07.21qdkatnonis: but for anything other than linux i would recommend using OpenPBX... and probably on Linux as well.
15:07.35mercestesMad|Cow:  hehe.  Should be friends tho so they can make and recieve calls.
15:08.18Mad|Cowmercestes: What happens if it type=user?  They cant make calls?
15:08.45hwtanyone have problems with thomson st2030 and calls that fail to hang up?
15:09.03hwteven though i have rtptimeout = 60, it still stays open.
15:09.13mercestesMad|Cow:  It breaks ChanIsAvail().  They should probably be type=friend.  Type=user or type=peer is more for * to * sip connects.
15:09.20hwtand the phone has status = unreachable
15:09.23hwtasterisk 1.2.10.
15:09.45Mad|Cowmercestes: got it.  thanks
15:10.20hwtthe weird thing is that it's only st2030's.
15:10.48*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
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15:12.25maviorhello everybody
15:13.13hwtoh, and they're all nat-ed.
15:13.18hwtso that could also be the reason.
15:13.21mkl1525Hi, atm I'm trying to get hinting with my snoms to work. basically it works but on the display monitoring extension 201 I see "From: 201 To: 201" - does anybody know what I've got to do so that it shows "From: 4566656 To:201"?
15:14.29maviorpeople anyone experienced some problems with incoming calls using some sip provider (i mean by registering to them with asterisk) ?
15:14.40maviori have problem with skypho an italian provider
15:15.13maviorseems that some minutes after started asterisk the incoming calls stop to work!!!
15:15.50maviorfoe the first 5-8 miinutes it works...sometimes more, and then it stop
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15:16.44mitchelochey guys, front page of digg --
15:16.46elriahHi all.  Where does one download the national 911 database of psaps?
15:16.46mitchelocdigg it!
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15:18.13maviori had pastebinned my debug , can someone help me? seems that is something related to the registration expiry time !!!!
15:18.41*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
15:20.32[TK]D-Fendermavior: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
15:20.50[TK]D-Fendermavior: Looking for me in mycontext (domain
15:21.00[TK]D-Fendermavior: SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
15:21.19[TK]D-Fendermavior:  Bad passwords, bad target extens.  Your setup is a mess
15:21.44maviormhhh.but it works for the first minutes
15:21.59maviorand i' mlogged to my asterisk server with x-lite
15:22.10mavior"me" is my username on asterisk
15:23.30[TK]D-Fendermavior: Just because you can register doesn't mean std auth on calls will work or surpass timeouts.
15:23.44[TK]D-Fendermavior: Fic your password issues
15:24.11maviorfor example, now it is working and the log is here
15:24.13Marty-OTTPRetty neat..
15:25.43mavior[TK]D-Fender: i don't understand what is my pass problem...
15:26.45[TK]D-Fendermavior: That looks like an OUTGOING call...
15:26.48Marty-OTTIs AsteriskNow only BETA version?
15:27.46*** join/#asterisk hassler (
15:28.12hasslerMornin folks! I'm curious about any folks working with Asterisk Business Edition -- I'm not impressed with it so far.
15:28.47mavior[TK]D-Fender: the second log?
15:28.58[TK]D-Fendermavior:  yes
15:29.04*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
15:29.23[TK]D-Fenderhassler: Wow... very qualified remark.  Care to actually state your problem? :)
15:29.44mavior[TK]D-Fender: wait i'll post my little sip.conf and ext conf
15:30.58hasslerso far we've backed off the rPath distribution, and now having difficulties getting freePBX installed with it (doesn't look like that's going to work either).
15:32.08hasslerWe know 1.2 + freePBX works well, which is basically what my client wants, but wanted the "supported" version
15:32.30[TK]D-Fenderhassler: If I'm not mistaken, FreePBX tries to keep with more mainstream releases of *, and as ABE is sometimes noticably behind (Don't think they're on 1.4), it may not be compatible.
15:33.27[TK]D-Fenderhassler: And who said you had to use rPath?  While we're at it, what are you expecting out of ABE?  Does Digim support FreePBX for you just because you want to run it on top of ABE?
15:33.30hassleryou are correct, it is not compatible. Now, the only real problem we're having (with freePBX -- that we've noticed so far) is that the extra config files (sip_additional.conf for instance) are not generated.
15:34.26hasslerfender - no one, which is why we backed off of it. However, only RHEL and FCx are "supported" -- we backed off to CentOS for expediency.
15:35.09Dr-Linuxwhy is this happening >> Jan 16 07:31:02 WARNING[25129]: chan_iax2.c:7532 socket_read: Received mini frame before first full voice frame
15:35.11mavior[TK]D-Fender: this is my sip.conf configuration and this one is my only two extensions, and i register to trough register command and i put my server online passing asterisk the externhostname option
15:35.41[TK]D-Fenderhassler: Well so far your problem appear to be FreePBX, not * in any way.....
15:35.51mavior read one teoric manual and made this conf by myself
15:37.09[TK]D-Fendermavior: You don't have a [general] section?
15:37.18mavior[TK]D-Fender: yes i have
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15:37.48mavior[TK]D-Fenderi only posted the most important sections
15:38.19[TK]D-Fendermavior: Ok, well I don't know what they require, but I suggest you show them your config to see if they can see anything obvious that I'm missing...
15:39.11mavior[TK]D-Fender:who the other people here?
15:39.26[TK]D-Fendermavior: Your ITSP
15:40.07mavior[TK]D-Fender: mhhh they require this
15:40.25hasslerproblems, correct. but what's the real motivation for Asterisk Business Edition?
15:41.45[TK]D-Fenderhassler: Ask yourself "why did I pay for it?".  What were YOU expecting?
15:42.13*** join/#asterisk Marty-OTT (n=marty@
15:42.23mavior[TK]D-Fender: even though some options seems to be not necessary.....anyway my config is shit ? do you think that it could be made better? i mean there are some more "right ways" to do this simple thing: have an asterisk server, connect to it with xlite(so i made my user "me" ), use voipcheap for out calls and for incoming calls ?
15:42.26Marty-OTTI'm going to try an install of AsteriskNOW
15:43.51[TK]D-Fendermavior: Funny.. your config doesn't look anything like that....
15:43.59hassler*I* didn't -- client did. *THEY* are expecting SUPPORT, and were struggling with installation and expecially GUI interface (they first tried ThirdLane, which was also a failure). Now I'm trying to help them out. Rather experienced with Asterisk (using 1.2 on several installations)
15:44.08Marty-OTTDoes anyone have that link on you tube again for AsteriskNow Mark Spencer?
15:44.43hasslerWhich brings up another point, can AsteriskNOW fit in the picture with AsteriskBE? Sure looks good!
15:44.43mavior[TK]D-Fender: ehmm..why? after all it does the job right now, less this small imcoming problems
15:44.55mavior[TK]D-Fender can you suggest one way to do it, please?
15:45.25[TK]D-Fenderhassler: Well I guess they should have done their homework.  If all they wanted was FreePBX they might as well have gone with Trixbox.
15:45.53x86[TK]D-Fender: i actually prefer FreePBX to a full-blown trixbox
15:45.59[TK]D-Fendermavior: Check your [general] section to see if it looks right
15:46.00queuetueWhat is the linux distro sitting under asterisknow?
15:46.04x86[TK]D-Fender: trixbox's interface is crap, IMHO
15:46.04*** join/#asterisk oQPa (
15:46.09Marty-OTTMark Spencer is young - holy crap
15:46.18Marty-OTTVery impressive
15:46.20[TK]D-Fenderx86: Which interface would that be?
15:46.51queuetueIs it debian-based?
15:48.38tzafrirqueuetue, it is rPath
15:49.00x86[TK]D-Fender: the trixbox web interface
15:49.13x86[TK]D-Fender: the purple thing that puts freepbx in a little frame ;)
15:49.24[TK]D-Fenderx86: What aspects of that are seperate from FreePBX itself?
15:49.38[TK]D-Fenderx86: Thats IT>  The whole of your complaint?
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15:51.46mavior[TK]D-Fender: can you please have a look? this is the entire sip.conf
15:51.46x86it was never really a complaint :)
15:51.54x86[TK]D-Fender: personal preference
15:52.04x86[TK]D-Fender: i dont appreciate the extra cruft that trixbox adds
15:52.13[TK]D-Fenderx86: I'll lump that into the "whoopee shit" category, kplzthxbibi
15:52.16x86[TK]D-Fender: freepbx itself is enough bloat for me ;)
15:52.26x86[TK]D-Fender: lol, exactly :)
15:52.34*** join/#asterisk h0 (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:52.40x86i'm gonna check out this asterisknow thingy though
15:53.13[TK]D-Fendermavior: Your [general] section doesn't have any of the parameters that I saw in their sample.... and remove all that commented out crap
15:54.04queuetueSo, an *Now box basically can't be used for anything but asterisk...
15:54.07Marty-OTThmmm... can I use Nero to burn my AsteriskNOW ISO image?
15:54.25queuetueMarty-OTT: If it burns ISOs, then yes.
15:54.27mavior[TK]D-Fender: mhh but i have added them to my [] section, is it not enough?
15:54.50[TK]D-Fendermavior: How about you FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS, before wondering why it doesn't work...
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15:56.20mavior[TK]D-Fender:, i followed this one
15:57.29maviorand all seems to work
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16:17.18vader--anyone ever see where a cisco 7940G phone would have the Message waiting indicator on and no message is waiting
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16:17.27vader--and the user never had one?
16:17.43mercestesvader--:  Yes.  If I set teh "mailbox" incorrectly in sip.conf.
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16:22.44vader--mercestes good call
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16:29.08bipolarhey everyone. I'm having a lunch meeting with the boss in about an hour, and one of the things we're going to discuss is a new phone system.
16:29.44bipolarI'm going to push for an asterisk solution, but I'm wondering if anyone has used the Grandstream GXP-2000 phones and can share their experiances with it.
16:30.01bipolarit seems, well, a bit on the cheap side.
16:30.38bipolarand I'm wondering if it really is cheap, in the negitive sense.... or just amazingly inexpensive ;)
16:31.03[TK]D-Fenderbipolar: GrandSuck is a terrible idea
16:31.18[TK]D-Fenderbipolar: Avoid with extreme prejudice
16:31.22bipolar[TK]D-Fender: ok... thats what I was looking for. :)
16:31.30bipolar[TK]D-Fender: any recomendations?
16:31.32[TK]D-Fenderbipolar: Where are you located?
16:31.53[TK]D-Fenderbipolar: Planning on PoE?  Need speakerphone?
16:32.10[TK]D-Fenderbipolar: Backlight a heavy selling point?
16:32.26bipolar[TK]D-Fender: No PoE atm.... speakerphone yes, backlight no, in northeast USA
16:33.03[TK]D-Fenderbipolar: Polycom IP 501's for general users then, IP 601 for receptionist.
16:33.11[TK]D-Fenderbipolar: $170 USD
16:33.14bipolar[TK]D-Fender: cool. thank you :)
16:33.20[TK]D-Fenderbipolar: np, and gl
16:33.25bipolarthanks again.
16:33.38vader--bipolar defender is the man
16:33.40vader--listen to him
16:33.42hasslerVery happy with my Grandstreams (using GXP-2000), the BT-102's are hard to read with the flat displayes
16:34.16vader--i went with cisco 7940G
16:34.20hasslerAgree that Polycoms are even better
16:34.25vader--wish i would went with newer cisco
16:34.31bipolarhassler: cool. yes, we need quality
16:34.36vader--but the cisco 7940G work great
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16:35.07vader--like a cisco 7941g or somthing
16:35.31[TK]D-Fenderbipolar: In order of suggestability : (Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Cisco (7960+), Linksys.
16:36.00bipolar[TK]D-Fender: again... thanks! Lots of info :)
16:36.13[TK]D-Fendervader--: 7941 adds 802.3af IIRC and a double-res screen.  Pics looked nice.  Then again it wouldn't be "marketing" if they weren't ;)
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16:39.47vader--defender ya
16:39.58vader--i ran into the issue with the 7940g where they used cisco POE
16:40.04vader--kinda put a burden on things
16:40.09vader--but i worked around it
16:40.31Mad|CowIf I have RTP configured to listen on a certain port range (in my rtp.conf file) should I not see that range listening if I do a netstat -na on the system running asterisk?
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16:40.54Qwell[]Mad|Cow: nope, you shouldn't unless a call is initiated
16:41.17mercestesTry doing an nmap --insane on it.
16:41.21mercestesno wait, don't do that.
16:41.26Mad|CowGotcha... so the asterisk server decies which port to use
16:41.33Qwell[]Mad|Cow: yes, and when
16:41.51mercestesI mean I guess you could, if you didn't plan on passing any calls on it for a while.
16:45.31*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
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16:49.12Mad|CowIf I have a Asterisk server that is public accessiable on the I-Net (not NAT or firewall in front), if I am using xlite at a remote site (behind a firewall) can I connect to Asterisk?
16:50.09[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: typically, sure
16:50.15HarryRMad|Cow, depending on the firewall, you should be able to when using STUN or something like xTunnels
16:50.33[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: I run double-nat scenarios all the time without trouble.
16:50.54[TK]D-FenderHarryR: * doesn't support STUN, nor is it needed in the client most of the time.
16:51.09CrashHDno need for stun with client behind firewall
16:51.12CrashHDjust nat=yes
16:51.20CrashHDworks pretty well
16:51.28CrashHDfor most setups anyway
16:51.42*** part/#asterisk BarnacleBob (n=karl@
16:51.54[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: *cough* canreinvite=no *cough*
16:52.00CrashHDheh ya and that
16:52.13CrashHDbut I run that as a default
16:52.29Mad|Cowqualify=yes?  If they are behind a firewall though, it wont be able to ping... will that still work?
16:52.29[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: Assume nothing :)
16:52.45CrashHDit can still qualify
16:52.56[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: it pings through a SIP packet which keeps the UDP port "open" on the remote NAT router.
16:53.10CrashHDassume everything, explore nothing, help only when required
16:53.13[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: Thats how it succeeds
16:53.29Mad|Cowahhh... that explains a lot
16:53.32[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: If you have to give 1 setting, you probably have to revisit them ALL :)
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16:54.00Mad|CowIf I dont have qualify=yes, then it might try to jump around on different ports?
16:54.21[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: No, the port will close and your client won't get calls.
16:55.10CrashHDMad|Cow: basically your phone opens a port when it goes outbound to register with the have to keep that hole open
16:55.30CrashHDthe router will only open holes when going from the lan to wan...and not wan to lan (security)
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16:56.13Mad|CowMakes sence
16:59.09naitramIve got a lot of repition in this . Need to know how to run setVar in a context regardless of which extension is dialed in the context
16:59.40variable_officedtmf is not working for me in any way, inband, rfc2833, info; none work; what are some common problems that could make this happen?
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17:01.01watchyanyone seen a 601 not bootup its sidecars?
17:01.04SuPrSluGhi all
17:01.10andyshackthis is asterisk now gui related question. hope you dont mind..
17:01.11andyshackquick question, sorry i havent the time to go through the faqs : i was going to deploy this on a nice server with lots of scsi raid. i was going to use to raid 5 drives. using the expert gui config will it be simple enough to ask asterisk to save all recordings on raid drive #2 whereas the os etc. is on raid drive #1 ?
17:01.13hoobastoobawhich line in the iax.conf is it that I use to cause the server to register periodically in case a connection get dropped.
17:01.20watchyi just put in a new 601 in a place and its not loading its side cars for some reason
17:01.48[TK]D-Fenderexten => 101,7,SetVar(PLCUNITexten => 101,1,SetVar(MEMAREA=7400)
17:01.48robl^watchy: what do you mean not loading?
17:01.55hoobastoobai periodically needed to log in and restart asterisk so that it will register with my iax provider again.
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17:01.58[TK]D-Fendernaitram: Looks kinda broken
17:02.04[TK]D-Fendernaitram: and very deprecated
17:02.18watchyrobi: you know when most 601s boot finish then the side cars start to init on up and light up
17:02.20[TK]D-Fendernaitram: Make a Macro out of that.
17:02.21watchyit never happens
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17:02.47RichLhaving a problem with call routing (2 connections to voicepulse) working fine, (3 pots lines connected via TDM400P) inbound is working, but outbound is only allowing the first line to used everyone else get a scretching sound.
17:03.03robl^watchy: no polycom logo.. nothing?
17:03.05naitram[TK]D-Fender: yeah, this silly gedit broke it , sometimes the paste doesnt put it where i think it is. It does work (not as shown)
17:03.11watchyi read it should be auto if they have more then 6 or 8 or something contacts. the phone has like 30
17:03.18watchyrobl: nothin man
17:03.45fall0utwatchy: sounds like the power supply is messed up
17:04.06watchywierd, ill take another 601 out there and test it
17:04.08fall0utwatchy: we had a bunch of them that the cube was messed up and caused that
17:04.29Mad|Cowhmm... it's strange though... I just cant get xlite to register to Asterisk.  tcpdump shows my responce to the port xlite is at as failing (port unreachable).  Its like my xlite client isnt keeping the port open on the firewall.  Any ideas?
17:04.50robl^watchy: make sure you assign the contacts a speed dial number
17:05.16robl^if they don't have a speed dial number, then they won't show on sidecars
17:05.39watchyrobl: yea well i copied over a 50 user directory to the phones conf on the server and it loaded it
17:05.50StephenLAny idea when I try to dial an extension it always goes to their voicemail?  It does it for all extensions.  We just have a default asterisknow install with a couple of extensions defined.
17:05.51watchyand it still didnt load up the sidecars
17:05.56*** part/#asterisk andyshack (
17:06.28naitram[TK]D-Fender: as far as depricated, ill upgrade when i get time. its working now and am approaching a deadline. Do you think that ver 1.0.7-BRI is substantially depricated?
17:06.47robl^watchy: they have <sd>{some number]</sd> tags for each entry in your directory file?
17:07.01watchythey should ill check
17:07.07watchythey work on the other 601s
17:07.28watchyi have 5 of them deployed, i just added a new one and its not working
17:07.35variable_officeis there any way to check the workings of dtmf to see if asterisk is even sending it?
17:07.40robl^if it works on other 60s, but not that one..  then I'd say it may be a hardware issue
17:08.00watchyill trade out the 601 next time im out there then i guesss
17:09.11watchyi got a issue with a 501 dialing fine passing it to asterisk showing it dialing the right # but im getting the operater giving me an error 90% of the time
17:09.56CrashHDvariable_office: sip debug or iax debug usually shows dtmf activity
17:10.35variable_officeCrashHD what does it mean if it shows nothing?
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17:10.52CrashHDI would verify you are getting dtmf from the phone first
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17:11.30CrashHDif you are not seeing sip debug messages about dtmf my guess would be inband is being used
17:11.31variable_officehow can i verify that?
17:11.39CrashHDsame way you would see outbound
17:11.46CrashHDshould see dtmf even inbound as well
17:11.59variable_officeit is currently set to rfc2833
17:11.59CrashHDmake sure to use rfc if possible
17:12.37CrashHDsip show channel $#$@$@PTJ@JTP@JT@PTJ should show you your negotiated dtmf mode
17:12.44variable_officewhat line should i be looking for in the prinout of sip debug?
17:12.45CrashHDI would verify the devices have negotiated rfc
17:12.53Dr-Linuxagain forgot
17:13.09Dr-Linuxhow can i unblock cisco 7960?
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17:13.29CrashHDyou should see a dtmf event
17:13.33CrashHDwhen you press a key
17:13.42Mad|CowI think its **#*
17:13.47Mad|Cowor **#
17:14.06variable_officeif i type sip show channels i get 0 active channels (possibly because of realtime)?
17:14.18Mad|CowCrashHD: but it depends on your firmware version
17:14.35ManxPowerDr-Linux: you go to cisco's web site and find the docs for it.
17:14.37Mad|CowCrashHD: 8.x requires you to do it within the menu
17:14.38CrashHDyou have to have an active phone call for it to show a channel
17:14.57variable_officeah, gotcha, my bad
17:15.01variable_officetrying now
17:15.15CrashHDand you want show channel <channel id>
17:15.23CrashHDwill give you more details
17:16.44variable_officeis what it says
17:16.49CrashHDfor which channel
17:16.51CrashHDyour phone
17:16.55CrashHDor your outbound connection?
17:17.02variable_officephone, ill check outbound now
17:17.06CrashHDI forgot to ask how you were sending outbound
17:17.10CrashHDbut I assumed it was sip
17:17.29variable_officesip, yes
17:17.43variable_officeoutbound also:
17:17.43variable_officeDTMF Mode:              rfc2833
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17:21.11meshuggahey chaps
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17:21.27meshuggai wonder if i could somehow get ringing events with the asterisk manager api?
17:21.33meshuggai havent yet found a way to do that
17:21.44*** join/#asterisk qdk (
17:22.35cpmhow can I make my asterisk box 'answer' with a fast busy? aside from recording a fast busy and using that as welcome?
17:22.51hoobastoobaif my iax registration drops for whatever reason, is it qualifyfreqok that makes it reregister?
17:23.07meshuggato be more specific: i do "Originate", and asterisk won't give me any status about the ringing channel unless the called party takes the call
17:23.07ManxPowercpm: Congestion()
17:23.07CrashHDcpm: playtones(congestion)
17:23.07fetchercpm: 1,Answer, 2,Congestion ?
17:23.27CrashHDcpm: after you setup....indications.conf I believe
17:23.30cpmManxPower, Doh!
17:23.39variable_officeCrashHD did you see that outbound was rfc2833 as well?
17:23.43cpmCrashHD, fetcher et al, thanks
17:24.04StephenLAny idea when I try to dial an extension it always goes to their voicemail?  It does it for all extensions.  We just have a default asterisknow install with a couple of extensions defined.
17:24.10ManxPowerIf you Answer first, then the caller will be billed, as the call will have been connected.  If you simply run Congestion() then the call will not be connected, but the calling device will be signaled as to the congestion condition with whatever sound their telco uses for that indication
17:24.19CrashHDvariable_office: so now make a call through your box and hit a key while sip debug is on
17:24.27*** join/#asterisk SomethingISODD (
17:24.36SomethingISODDhello what Stun server is recommended to use with asterisk?
17:24.38CrashHDterminate at your box somehow
17:24.44ManxPowerStephenL: the phone you are trying to call is not registered. the CLI output if you are NOT running FreePBX/whatever
17:24.45CrashHDto make sure phone to asterisk dtmf is working
17:24.49ManxPowerSomethingISODD: no
17:24.50CrashHDthen call through
17:25.13CrashHDis it certain dtmf not getting through? or all?
17:25.19ManxPowerSomethingISODD: STUN is not recommend to be used with Asterisk.  Asterisk's nat=yes setting does the same thing.
17:25.33addeI just purchased a USB Bluetooth Dongle... Anyone who could point me in the direction to get it set up? using centos...
17:25.43SomethingISODDhrm ok i am having a problem with one of my ATA`s they will not connect to asterisk
17:25.47ManxPoweradde: try #CentOS
17:25.50addeis there a general driver or do i kneed something specific for my device?
17:25.50CrashHDadde: search the web, best bet
17:25.53SomethingISODDi don`t even see the attempt
17:26.00ManxPowerSomethingISODD: STUN will not solve that problem.
17:26.04variable_officeCrashHD while i pressed numbers in the call, nothing was printed out
17:26.09SomethingISODDManxPower oh ok.
17:26.18CrashHDnothing at all....?
17:26.21CrashHDwhat version of asterisk?
17:26.29*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (
17:26.43ez`i bought a polycom ip500 75$ US ebay ; they are good as ip501 ??? i always use ip501
17:27.04variable_officei tried on 1.4, and the same thing
17:27.06cpmManxPower, the idea is to allow folks who know me to connect through to my extension(s) but everyone else, go away
17:27.13*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
17:27.21CrashHDwell I remember around that version there was a bug having to do with feature codes and dtmf
17:27.31CrashHDtry disabling all your features
17:27.33CrashHDin features.conf
17:27.37CrashHDjust to see
17:27.48CrashHDbut I highly recommend atleast upgrading to newest 1.2
17:27.54CrashHDif not 1.5
17:28.25CrashHDsecondly try terminating straight to your asterisk box
17:28.33CrashHDsee if the phone is actually getting the dtmf to your * box
17:28.42CrashHDthen try terminating the phone directly to your sip provider
17:28.43variable_officei ran 1.4 on brand new machine, and no dtmf, although i did not watch sip debug on 1.4
17:28.51CrashHDsee if dtmf is getting through your sip provider
17:29.13ManxPowerI have not had DTMF issues in the last 3 years.
17:29.21CrashHDjust narrow down the actual problem, where it is, what criteria must be met for he problem to occur
17:29.22ManxPowerIt is almost always user or design or ITSP errors.
17:29.31*** join/#asterisk mog (
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17:29.39variable_officeCrashHD what do you mean terminate straight to asterisk box?
17:29.55CrashHDManxPower, I had some dtmf issues with feature digit buffering
17:30.11variable_officedisabling features did nothing
17:30.15Mad|Cowhmm... it's strange though... I just cant get xlite (behind NAT) to register to Asterisk.  tcpdump shows my * responce to xlite as failing (port unreachable).  Its like my xlite client isnt keeping the port open on the firewall.  Any ideas?
17:30.47CrashHDvariable_office, answer a call on your asterisk and do a read() or background() to see if digits are atleast getting to your asterisk box from your phone
17:30.56ManxPowerCrashHD: I use the native transfer feature of my phones.
17:31.11CrashHDearlier when you made a call with sip debug, you should had seen two dtmf events
17:31.17variable_officeCrashHD when i use voicemailmain from the phone it works fine
17:31.24variable_officedoesnt that use dtmf?
17:31.27ManxPowerMad|Cow: disable ALL NAT features of X-Lite.  They will cause a problem if you are using nat=yes in Asterisk
17:31.45CrashHDvariable_office: I would open up a ticket with your itsp and see if they are getting your dtmf
17:31.58CrashHDthey hand off their signal to another sip provider usually
17:32.05CrashHDand sometimes that handoff messes up dtmf
17:32.19CrashHD(where they don't negotiate the protocol correctly)
17:32.29Mad|CowManxPower: I'm using the most recent version of xlite; there doesnt seem to be any NAT settings.  Am I missing something?
17:32.36CrashHD*but you should be seeing dtmf events, I'm guessing you are just missing htem)
17:32.51variable_officei am going to print it out and ctrl f the output
17:32.54ManxPowerMost ITSPs that use Level 3 as their carrier have problems unless you use INBAND DTMF and the ULAW or ALAW codec.  It sucks.
17:33.01ManxPowerMad|Cow: Yes.
17:33.10CrashHDya itsp with level 3...big problem
17:33.16CrashHDwhich is sad lol
17:33.17variable_officei tried inband, and i am using ulaw, no luck
17:33.35ManxPowerOf course, I never send calls across the internet, so I've never had that problem.
17:33.37CrashHDvariable are you doing canreinvite?
17:33.53CrashHDfor both connections?
17:34.16CrashHDkeep your provider in the media path
17:34.18variable_officei have canreinvite = no for ALL connections
17:34.34CrashHDwell upgrade to the newest 1.2
17:34.44CrashHDas a desperation measure
17:34.57Mad|CowManxPower: Do you know what xlite calls NAT?
17:35.01CrashHDlook at your sip debug messages more closely
17:35.03*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
17:35.11CrashHDnat is nat
17:35.25CrashHDMad|Cow, let me look
17:35.51*** join/#asterisk _Vile (
17:35.56variable_officei put all the output into notepad did ctrl f > dtmf and it finds nothing
17:36.07Mad|CowThanks Crash - its killing me
17:36.08ManxPowerIf you want me to READ the pages for you then I expect dinner and drinks before holding your hand.
17:36.24CrashHDMad|Cow: when you setup your sip account under topology there are firewall traversal settings
17:36.37variable_officeCrashHD i could pastebin the output if you want?
17:36.50CrashHDI was thinking sexual favors were more appropriate for this kind of effort, ManxPower
17:36.52TripleFFFFi get Looking for 5141231234 in default (domain
17:36.56TripleFFFFis that normal ?
17:37.11TripleFFFFi get 404's with trixbox.. all is configed ok
17:37.13CrashHDvariable_office, sure I can take a quick look. I need to format this comp though so have to hurry
17:37.21CrashHDtrix be damned
17:37.40ManxPowerDrixbox wraps the Dial in an AGI so it is impossible to debug
17:38.02variable_officeCrashHD ->
17:38.08wunderkintrix is for kids
17:38.21TripleFFFFyes well a client is using it
17:38.27TripleFFFFso i got to work with that i got lol
17:38.38TripleFFFFi passed the message ;)
17:38.42ManxPowerAsking for help with Trixbox on #asterisk is like doing a total customization of your car, right down to the electrical system and then bringing it to the dealer for repairs.
17:39.04TripleFFFFwell its yeah i get it.. but its a general asterisk issue at core..
17:39.19TripleFFFFmeaning is it looking for that EXTEN 5141231234 or USER ?
17:39.34ManxPowerTripleFFFF: so what is the PROBLEM with that.  It is looking for the extension  5141231234 in the [default] context in extensions.conf
17:39.53variable_officeCrashHD in the sip debug printout while dialing into voicemailmain and entering my passwd i had no dtmf printout
17:40.05TripleFFFFduh ok
17:40.11CrashHDmaybe I should verify it is even there
17:40.54*** join/#asterisk cygar (n=cygar@
17:41.13variable_officeit doesnt EVER seem to print out a dtmf event?
17:41.31*** join/#asterisk ellisdee (n=ellisdee@
17:41.58ellisdeein my auto attendant that i have setup. when a end user press 0 for the directory. i have a slight pause before the enduser goes into the directory.
17:42.01CrashHDdoesn't on mine either
17:42.06CrashHDI could have sworn it did
17:42.10ellisdeeexten => 0,1,Goto(directory,4636,1)
17:42.15CrashHDmy apologies then
17:42.29*** part/#asterisk hoobastooba (n=ckwall@
17:42.33TripleFFFFwanna have fun ?
17:42.52variable_officeCrashHD no problem, we have essentially proven that asterisk is getting dtmf though correct?
17:42.56cygarI have configured an E1 and it looks everything alright... I receive incoming calls without any problems but got No Circuit/channel unavailable when I try to make an outgoing call. Can anyone give me a hint what to check for ?
17:43.22ManxPowerellisdee: you have another extension in the same context as exten => 0 that matches 0 as the first digit.
17:43.24*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (
17:43.34skirmishahello everybody
17:43.41ManxPowercygar: paste JUST the Dial line you are using.
17:43.57jbothmm... trixbox is unable to be supported here. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or use the trixbox forums at
17:43.59skirmishai've got a problem with asterisk
17:44.26skirmishais there a solution of doing call divert/redirect but not forward or using follow me
17:44.42cygarManxPower: -- Executing Dial("SIP/2339-08af1020", "Zap/g1/0212188684247|30|T") in new stack
17:44.52*** join/#asterisk Asterman (
17:45.12ManxPowercygar: In the line after the Dial do a Noop(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE})
17:45.50AstermanCould someone suggest a simple to setup yet reliable RTP proxy?  I've taken a look at a couple but so far they've seemed kinda flakey
17:46.15meshuggaanyone an idea how i could get a "ringing" state when originating a call?
17:46.25meshuggain the manager api
17:46.56TripleFFFFadd agent 1000,pass 1234; put exten => 777 ,1,AgentCallbackLogin(1000|1000@something) ; yes i know im missing the options seperator.. next dial 777 , put a wrogn pass..123... then asks for agent put 1000, pass 1234, then extensions put 1000.. INFINITE LOOP CREATED
17:47.15cygarManxPower: then I get "requested transfer capability: 0x00 - speech' ... called g1/..... and then 'channel 0/1 , span 1 got hangup' . It's not up now, but it will help to give me the cause...
17:47.15CrashHDya if your asterisk is reacting to dtmf it is getting it
17:47.25CrashHDcontact your itsp
17:47.26CrashHDbest bet
17:47.51PupenoRWhat frequency should wavs be for Asterisk ?
17:47.53cygarManxPower: I just wanted to get sure cause every failed attempt they charge you a lot ! and tomorrow will make the second try.
17:48.25variable_officeCrashHD is there another sip itsp that i could use to test this on for a buck or something?
17:48.39ManxPowerHANGUPCAUSE will tell you the EXACT reason for the failed call.  Assuming you are using PRI, of course.
17:48.42CrashHDnot that I know of, I'm sure someone here can suggest
17:49.09ManxPowerPupenoR: 8,000Hz, 16-bit, mono
17:49.11CrashHDI think sip uses hangupcause as well right ManxPower?
17:49.21ManxPowerCrashHD: yes, but he's not using SIP
17:50.01CrashHDjust didn't scroll
17:50.58ellisdeeManxPower, nope. no other entries in that context that match 0
17:51.20ellisdeeManxPower, just a 2sec pause before the directory wav's are played after executing 0 over the phone.
17:51.21skirmishaany ideas?
17:51.53ManxPowerellisdee: how about include =>'d contexts
17:51.59Dr-Linuxdifficult to me to assist my US client that how she can change the IP address on the cisco 7960 phone
17:52.04Dr-Linuxshe says: i only have a choice of select and cancel. It doesn't work when I type on keypad
17:52.12ManxPowerAslo watch the CLI to see if something happens as soon as your press 0 or if there is a delay before anything happens on the CLI
17:52.20CrashHDvariable_office: you still here?
17:52.55*** join/#asterisk oQPa (
17:53.35CrashHDthat should get you some dtmf events in console
17:53.43CrashHDthat was meant for a notice
17:53.46CrashHDignore me
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17:57.00cygarManxPower: thanks. Yes, I am using PRI. Will try to see what the noop() hangup cause gives me.
17:57.20demigod2kon a Polycom -- is it possible to change how often you get the message waiting trill? I've seen how to get rid of it entirely.
17:57.46demigod2kby default it seems to be every 30 seconds which is really annoying in a cubicle farm
17:57.56variable_officeah crap, i missed him.  what will get me some dtmf events in the console?
17:58.47JunK-Yztdummy compiled fine, but when doing a modprobe ztdummy, im getting WARNING: Error inserting zaptel (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-server/misc/zaptel.ko): Invalid module format
18:01.32shepimportdemigod2k: I could not see a setting for it in its config file...
18:01.42*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
18:02.06demigod2kshepimport, ya I didnt find one in the 2.0.x firmware admin guide either. Might not exist....
18:02.27demigod2kI'm surprised based on how annoying the sound is. :)
18:02.45*** join/#asterisk flashnet (
18:03.14skirmishaanybody home
18:03.21shepimportYou can change it by setting the tone value to a different sound
18:04.12demigod2kya. I may have to change the sound to "silence" and rely on the LED only. there was a snow/ice storm today so everybody's phone is trilling every 30 seconds with nobody around to answer
18:04.16shepimportdemigod2k: you can do it with all the tones on the polycom, just not the interval value
18:06.43skirmishais there anyone familar with asterisk
18:06.51demigod2kskirmisha, somewhat. just ask your question
18:07.11variable_officewhen i do dtmf sometimes it prints out something along the lines of comfort noise generation not supported?
18:08.18*** join/#asterisk AlfaScorpii (
18:08.28AlfaScorpiiHello all
18:08.45*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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18:10.08hardwirehey there little fellas
18:10.40skirmishademigod2k i asked already
18:10.46skirmishais there a solution of doing call divert/redirect but not forward or using follow me
18:11.17skirmishameans asterisk will not dial but will return new number to user
18:12.32skirmishathe problem is that i bill customers on caller id, and if they set follow me to their mobile's number, no one can reach them
18:12.34*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
18:12.59skirmishaas user caller id is diff
18:13.51*** join/#asterisk reber (i=reber@gateway/tor/x-2116c1965f54ce94)
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18:15.07addeIve been searching alkl about ... but im not getting further.... I need to install my USB Dongle for Bluetooth... Please can someone help me out....
18:15.38CrashHDadde, this isn't a hardware support or linux support channel...highly recommend searching google
18:15.52skirmishaso any ideas
18:15.58*** part/#asterisk AlfaScorpii (
18:16.32Dr-Linuxmy cisco 7960 is requesting still for SEP<mac>.cnf , it's not requestiong for SIP<mac> and relevant files, what could be the issue? :S
18:16.38*** join/#asterisk acehunky (n=chat_jok@
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18:17.08acehunkydoes anyone know what is the right room to talk on ss7 with asterisk ?
18:17.11Rhizomewhat a strange question to be asked here :p
18:17.27addeObviosly i have already tried google. ANd this is an Asterisk channel and most likely a few users are using bluetooth as a trunk and therefor most likely are sitting with knowledge that might help me... And beeing a channel sharing information that is relevant. If you do not know an answer just sit quite. You dont always have to me a smartass...
18:17.52[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha: If you're using a PRI you can set your outbound callerid when calling their cell so it looks like its coming direct from the customer...
18:17.58acehunkyi have installed chan_ss7 and i keep on seeing this message on CLI " mtp2_read_su: MTP2 CRC error "
18:18.01*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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18:18.02acehunkycan anyone help me with that ?
18:18.11ManxPoweracehunky: I don't think there is any, since asterisk does not come with SS7 support
18:18.21Rhizomeadde: lol
18:18.35skirmisha[TK]D-Fender i am using sip for outbound
18:19.03Rhizomeadde: Still doesn't change the fact that your asking in the wrong channel.
18:19.17ManxPowerDr-Linux: SEP, I believe means the phone is runnning SCCP, not SIP.
18:19.17[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha: Then its up to your ITSP as to whether they support setting CID or not.
18:19.27addeHow do get Bluetooth set up in/with Asterisk..
18:19.33addeThats wrong chan?
18:19.38*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
18:19.56Rhizomeadde: Ask a more specific question then.
18:20.00Dr-LinuxManxPower: yes, you are correct, but how can i install SIPfirmware on it
18:20.11BSDTechok I have a issue
18:20.18ManxPoweradde: Asterisk does not come with Bluetooth support, perhaps you can ask the person that wrote the Bluetooth stack you are using.
18:20.21Dr-LinuxManxPower: Cisco phone often comes with SCCP, but i always install SIP firmware on it
18:20.27ManxPowerDr-Linux: you have to purchase the SIP firmware
18:20.38EmleyMoorIf I pass a call to VoiceMail with two mailboxes specified, which unavailable/busy etc. messages does it use?
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18:20.42acehunkyManxPower yeah thats right .. but i see that there are a few trunks for ss7 and mailing list too
18:20.57BSDTechI have 1+NXXNXXXXXX on out bound trunks for matching but it all works fine for 5 calls on the 6th it fails and this is on zap channels
18:21.06Dr-LinuxManxPower: :) i've perchased a login, and i can download everything
18:21.08ManxPoweracehunky: I strongly doubt anyone that comes here is running SS7
18:21.10*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (i=dwayne@nat/digium/x-5c20388581bcb57d)
18:21.17skirmisha[TK]D-Fender currently asterisk is setting correct caller id for outbound calls
18:21.37skirmishabut the call is not auth at remote side and it fails
18:21.40ManxPowerEmleyMoor: I think it's the first maibox specified
18:21.59[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha: Then your provider is most likely not allowing you to set it.
18:22.07Dr-LinuxManxPower: it's not my first phone, i'm already using a couple of cisco 7960's
18:22.10ManxPowerEmleyMoor: I use that feature, but play my own custom greeting and turn off the mailbox greeting
18:22.25skirmisha[TK]D-Fender let me give u example
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18:22.58skirmishalets say mobile number(123456) is calling user within asterisk (2222)
18:23.15skirmishauser 2222 has set follow me to his mobile number 654321
18:23.21*** join/#asterisk jake[work] (n=Administ@
18:23.47skirmishawhat asterisk do is to follow this call to sip trunk out with caller id 123456 and dialed number 654321
18:24.00ManxPowerskirmisha: STOP!  Which of the 5 or so followme methods are you using?
18:24.01skirmishabut my provider bills calls based on called id
18:24.07skirmishaand user id set is 2222
18:24.12skirmishaand thus above call fails
18:24.27ManxPowerskirmisha: I don't see why it would fail.
18:24.52skirmishabecause asterisk set caller id to be the caller id of calling user (123456)
18:24.59ManxPowerSince the provider bills on called id, and the called id is 654321
18:25.02skirmishaand my provider does not auth that call
18:25.17acehunkyManxPower Do you know of any room where ppl talk bout it ?
18:25.20ManxPowerskirmisha: set the callerid in the sip.conf section for that provider
18:25.41ellisdeeor set it in macro-dialout context in your extensions.conf
18:25.42ManxPoweracehunky: no.  So few people use SS7 with Asterisk there is practically no community supporting it.
18:26.06skirmishai want to do it per user basis
18:26.23jake[work]i have several phones behind 1 router (NAT) that work fine and show different port numbers for each phone.  another group of phones are behind a different router and they all show as port 5060 when doing a sip show peers.  is this a router setting? what might be the setting to look for?
18:26.28ellisdeethen go with the ManxPower method, and set the appropriate caller id nfo for each peer
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18:26.42ManxPowerskirmisha: Then you have to do it within the dialplan using a complex set of lines and logic.
18:26.55*** join/#asterisk Katty (
18:26.57ManxPowerwhy not just use the fromuser= and similar options in sip.conf
18:27.05wunderkinjake[work], if it is doing nat, crappy router, update the firmware
18:27.10skirmishaManxPower provider auth calls on caller id
18:27.28ManxPowerellisdee: he could also set up TWO entries for the the provider, 1 with override and one without.
18:27.46Kattyit's snowing out today.
18:27.53Kattyand i'm craving ice cream... what next )=
18:28.08BSDTechBSDTech> it seems zaptel is haveing issues 5 calls work  fine but on a 6th call it fails to pass the dialing codes
18:28.08BSDTech<BSDTech> and only happeneds afeter updating from 1.2.12 to 1.2.14
18:28.08BSDTech<BSDTech> and to the current branch of 1.4 zaptel and libpri
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18:28.17ManxPowerskirmisha: I doubt the provider auths on callerid, as it would be trivial for people to spoof that.  I suspect it actually auths on from id (which defaults to being the same as callerid unles you override it with fromuser=_
18:28.20skirmishaif i set a caller id to all outgoing calls, user will make free calls
18:28.25BSDTechany input on this
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18:28.41jake[work]wunderkin: tnx - i'll try that
18:28.46ManxPowerBSDTech: I think the users is taking some very good drugs
18:28.58Kattymmm, rocky road.
18:29.08BSDTechno I have tested it
18:29.11ManxPowerBSDTech: does it work with the latest 1.2.x zaptel?
18:29.23Qwell[]ManxPower: Did that fix work?
18:29.31ManxPowerQwell[]: which fix?
18:29.40Qwell[]getgroupcount or whatever
18:29.47ManxPowerOh!  No by the time all users went home, I was drunk.
18:29.51Dr-Linuxanybody is using Cisco 7960 phone?
18:29.54Qwell[]fair enough
18:30.12jake[work]Dr-Linux: i'm using it
18:30.14ManxPowerQwell[]: I don't really have any interest in fixing the problem and using a custom patch set.  I'll wait for 1.2.15 to come out.
18:30.14*** join/#asterisk bkruse (i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-3a7dc65eefff1071)
18:30.14BSDTechI hooked up a polycom to thier system and it dials fine for 5 calls on the 6th you get your call could notbe completed . you let the systems set for a few min and it dials out fine again
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18:30.34ManxPowerBSDTech: PRI?
18:30.41BSDTechto me this says that the zaptel is not reseting properly
18:31.01ManxPowermaybe you just need a "w" in the dial plan
18:31.06*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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18:31.07ManxPoweras asterisk is starting to dial too fast.
18:31.10ManxPowerClassic problem
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18:31.47BSDTechok I will test that
18:31.54skirmishaManxPower your solution won't work
18:32.22ManxPowerskirmisha: it worked for every provider I've used.
18:32.37Qwell[]it's probably only an issue on analog lines
18:32.57skirmishaas follow me just dial the number listed with caller id -> caller id of user dialing that number
18:34.14ManxPowerskirmisha: what is fromuser= set to in sip.conf?
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18:35.01skirmishaManxPower i have many users in that asterisk and can not set in sip.conf fromuser because it will overwrite all others callers id's
18:35.14ManxPowerskirmisha: NO IT WILL NOT
18:35.32ManxPowerSet fromuser= in the [section] for your provider
18:35.46ManxPowerskirmisha: do you REALLY think you are the only one in the world that has had this problem?
18:36.19ManxPowerfromuser overides the SIP user id, not the SIP callerid
18:36.45ManxPowernow, your provider may be stupid and actually use the SIP callerid info, but that would be a massive security hole.
18:37.02ManxPowerIn which case there is no solution to your problem.
18:37.09demigod2kBSDTech, I had the same problem you described with polycoms "could not be completed" on analog lines, picking up and dialing too quickly
18:37.56BSDTechwell Imake 5 calls fine
18:37.56demigod2kBSDTech, I dont know if you're on pots or pri. if you've got a pots interface try changing the delay in your zaptel
18:37.56BSDTechthen the 6th 7th fail
18:37.56skirmishaManxPower let me see
18:37.56demigod2kBSDTech, if you're on PRI I dont think the delay applies or makes a difference
18:37.56BSDTechand then I wait 3 min and dial fine
18:38.06BSDTechthis is a tdm card
18:38.14demigod2kBSDTech, tdm with plain analog lines right?
18:38.38wunderkinare the phone lines being released
18:39.04ManxPowerBSDTech: Classhc symptom of a slightly overloaded telco switch.
18:39.05foRzaI'm having trouble with an IAX trunk. Status is "Unreachable" on one server, but is works fine on the other one though...
18:39.14BSDTechwell I get your call cannot be completed from the phone comany
18:39.17bkruseis it getting to hot?
18:39.23*** part/#asterisk hassler (
18:39.28ManxPowerBSDTech: Correct.  the telco is missing the first digit.
18:39.28BSDTechso Ithink it tries to dial with out dial tone
18:39.41ManxPowerBSDTech: Asterisk does NOT check for dialtone before dialing.
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18:39.55BSDTechthat sucks
18:40.15demigod2kya. in my situation adding a 0.5s delay solved everything
18:40.37wunderkinBSDTech, are the phone lines being released
18:40.47[TK]D-FenderManxPower: like a wise man once said ""Listen up maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.""
18:41.13ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he was a wise man
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18:44.00mercestesThat makes me want to cry.
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18:45.12ManxPowerGranted he was prolly a wise son of satan, but wise none the less.
18:45.26[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Tyler Durden :D
18:45.47[TK]D-FenderManxPower: The all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world :)
18:46.28[TK]D-FenderChuck Palahniuk rocks....
18:46.47[TK]D-Fendermercestes: You haven't seen it?!?!?! z0mg, no wonder your world view is so easily shattered!
18:47.35*** part/#asterisk foRza (
18:48.51mercestesmy world view is so not easily shattered..:P
18:48.55[TK]D-Fendermercestes: "Fight Club"
18:49.01mercestesI saw.
18:49.13[TK]D-Fendermercestes: Watch it again!
18:50.29[TK]D-FenderRemins me of Kurt Kobain....
18:50.47[TK]D-FenderDo know what colour his eyes were when he died
18:51.05mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  You would be deadly if you could type.  and red.
18:51.36mercestes* [TK]D-Fender tightens the know and prepares the trap-door
18:52.06[TK]D-Fendermy office is too damned cold.  muscles just not responding right :|
18:52.21perdmy quarter of a cubicle is cold
18:52.25perdso cold
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19:01.18RichLNewbie..., Can someone help me solve a call routing issue?
19:02.11RichLi have voicepulse and tdm400p to route for
19:02.28Dr-Linuxplease tell me someone **#  locks the entire phones button, or only configuration?
19:02.49RichLthe voicepulse it working fine, but I have issues with the tdm400p not rolling over to the next available line
19:03.15EmleyMoorIt even works with a rotary phone again now
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19:04.49ManxPowerRichL: paste JUST the Dial(... line to the channel.  If you are using FreePBX you must ask on #freepbx
19:05.51RichLoh ok
19:07.25fetcherdoes Argentina use T1 circuits or E1?  Anyone happen to know?
19:07.45*** join/#asterisk xxxAGENTExxx (n=x@
19:07.49ManxPowerfetcher: it should
19:07.55ManxPowerE1 that is
19:08.03xxxAGENTExxxwhats message problem?? Jan 16 13:19:30 NOTICE[840]: rtp.c:577 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 96 received ???
19:08.13xxxAGENTExxxwhats problem this message
19:08.26ManxPowerxxxAGENTExxx: It means that the device tried to use a codec Asterisk does not know about
19:09.01terrapenhas anybody ever tried a distributed call queue?
19:09.10terrapenlike, two servers handling two pools of operators
19:09.22terrapenand sending callers to the secondary server when the first queue is full?
19:10.11ManxPowerxxxAGENTExxx: specifically the device is sending DTMF using codec number 96, rather than what Asterisk is expecting.
19:10.11terrapeni'm going to be needing to run a queue for hundreds of callers and I'm afraid that one single machine cannot handle the load
19:10.11xxxAGENTExxxManxPower how solucion?
19:10.11ManxPowerBut you knew that already from your google searches, right?
19:10.11xxxAGENTExxxsolution this problem
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19:10.34ManxPowerThe solution is to fix the device or the config on the device.  There is nothing you can do in your
19:10.39ManxPowerAsterisk config to fix the problem
19:11.02ManxPowerunless you want to patch asterisk and recompile
19:11.12ManxPowerbut the links in your google search will show you how/where to do that
19:12.32terrapenI'm thinking that I could use the timeout= parameter of Queue() to send people over to the secondary server
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19:12.44terrapenwhat I really want is a way to balance people between the two
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19:17.11[TK]D-Fenderterrapen: All an AGI that will check the queue size of both and transfer to the best choice.
19:17.18*** join/#asterisk Mad|Cow (
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19:24.07lsl23_What is the URL for the att site that lets you choose an 800 number
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19:26.38wunderkinDDoS mthah4 & #ardour :P
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19:35.35ellisdeeanyone care to recommend a iax softphone for windows?
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19:40.29[TK]D-Fenderellisdee: Idefisk
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19:44.48Mad|CowIs there anyone that could do a little handholding with me? ;-)
19:45.57[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: pastebin your sip.conf so we can see if you did what was already advised to you.
19:46.06jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
19:47.52ellisdeethanks [TK]D-Fender ..great app
19:49.02Mad|CowTK: pb doesnt look like it supports this channel?
19:49.03[TK]D-Fenderellisdee: Gets the job done.  Icky interface, but better than some.  Suports native transfer so its not "crap".
19:49.40[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: is working jsut fine for me....
19:50.09Mad|CowTK: Ahh... didnt see the other address... one minute
19:50.33[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: BOTH seem to work just fine...
19:51.49mercestesMad|Cow:  Umm... If you can't use pastebin I don't think we can help you.  Have you considered hiring a consultant maybe?
19:53.00CunningPikeFor those of you in the Pacific Northwest, our office is hosting a Digium Asterisk Bootcamp next month:
19:53.17*** part/#asterisk RichL (
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19:57.06*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
19:57.17Mad|Cowmercestes: ouch... :-)  OK... I got it.  My number is 5107
19:57.18jjhallI'm having some issues connecting to Broadvoice.  It has worked in the past, then I temporarily suspended my account.  After re-enabling it, it will not register.  They are telling me my system is trying to register multiple times per second and is being IP blocked.  Nothing has changed on my end, are they full of it or is there something I can check from my end?
19:57.45Mad|CowTK: Sorry... I thought it was supposed to go to the channel... I didnt realize it would just post on a site
19:58.05mercestes5107 of which PB service?
19:58.29mercestes:)  Much better.
19:58.35Mad|Cowsorry.. new to this ;-)
19:59.06Mad|CowI have tried several differnt configs.... none seem to work
19:59.30mercestesyou have externip and localnet commented out?
19:59.32Mad|CowIf I put the phone in front of the firewall, it works.  It only fails behind the firewall (NAT)
20:00.03Mad|CowI tried both ways (with commented out and uncommented out)
20:00.09Mad|Cowneither seem to work
20:01.17Mad|Cow69.242.72.104 <-- Is the external IP address of the firewall that my PC is behind (running the soft phone)
20:01.46Mad|Cow74.92.109.0/ <-- Is the network my asterisk server is on
20:01.50Mad|CowAm I missing something?
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20:02.32mercestesdon't think so
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20:10.32terrapend-fender, that's an awesome idea
20:10.38terrapenthe AGI that checks the size of the queue
20:11.18Mad|CowMy output from tcpdump: 15:10:43.937632 IP > ICMP udp port 3478 unreachable
20:12.26Mad|CowTK/mercestes: Any ideas?
20:13.37terrapenthe trick would be to be able to move people to the other queue if the queue they are currently in does not empty as fast as the queue on the other server
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20:16.28ellisdeeMad|Cow, which protocol are you using
20:16.38Mad|Cowellisdee: SIP
20:17.18ellisdeeyou have port 5060 open?
20:17.22ellisdeethis is a softphone?
20:17.34Mad|Cow5060 is open, and this is a softphone
20:17.47Mad|CowFYI - If i put the softphone in front of my firewall... it works fine
20:17.58Mad|Cowtcp and udp are both open
20:18.01*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
20:18.01ellisdeewhat port does the softphone initiate communications with the pbx?
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20:18.18ellisdeewhen you have the soft phone outside of the firewall/nat
20:18.45ellisdeeis the port in the range of 10-20k?
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20:18.51fjean5hi guys
20:18.51mrg82I'm editing my extensions.conf and i want the wait() time to be at random between 10 and 20 seconds
20:18.59Mad|Cowit appears to come from 3478
20:20.02mrg82can i use math functions in the extensions.conf?
20:20.02[TK]D-Fenderterrapen: What's an excellent idea?
20:20.02Mad|Cowellisdee: no, it looks like 3478 (from my tcpdump)
20:20.03[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: You did NOT set qualify=yes as you were instructed to...
20:20.03ellisdeeMad|Cow, listen to [TK]D-Fender
20:20.04Mad|CowTK: I have tried that... no luck
20:20.34ellisdeealtho qualify=yes with multiple remote phones can be a bit of traffic on the wan interface =P
20:20.41ellisdeei learned the hard way.
20:20.44ellisdee100+ remote phones =P
20:20.53[TK]D-Fenderellisdee: TFB
20:21.25fjean5guys, how can i redirect all CLI messages to a file ?
20:21.56ellisdeethats done for you by default
20:22.04ellisdeei believe
20:23.27fjean5not really, I have var/log/asterisk but no messages file
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20:24.54ellisdeecheck /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
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20:25.01fjean5ok, right
20:27.29ellisdeetrixbox is nice
20:27.38ellisdeenever used it before. just installed it.
20:27.47ellisdeethat op panel sure is nice =P
20:27.54CunningPike~lart ellisdee
20:28.14ellisdeedial plan is really messy tho
20:28.25CunningPikeellisdee: Hence, /topic
20:28.31tzangerget to set up a branch office in Calgary
20:28.37dlynes_laptopellisdee, CunningPike just likes spanking people :)
20:29.11dlynes_laptoptzanger, ooh...don't you live in Calgary?
20:29.12tzangerthinking small form factor PC with Sangoma S518 for DSL and Polycom 501s
20:29.23tzangerport a # to Unlimitel and rock
20:29.26CunningPiketzanger: Bring a sweater - -20C today
20:29.27tzangerdlynes_laptop: no, Ontario
20:29.38ellisdeetzanger, sounds like a piece of cake =)
20:29.40ellisdeeeasy money
20:29.44tzangeryeah it's -9 here, -16 with windchill
20:29.49tzangerellisdee: unfortunately I don't get paid :-)
20:29.51dlynes_laptopIn order to get the S518 to work though, don't you have to get the settings from Telus?
20:29.52Strom_Mhere's a really stupid question - how do you do an iax2 debug in 1.4?
20:29.56ellisdeetzanger, doh!
20:30.10tzangerdlynes_laptop: yes, but that's a piece of cake, I have a dozen S518s working with Linux and Bell/Ikano/etc
20:30.15tzangerTelus PPPoE's no different
20:30.21ellisdeeiax2 debug?
20:30.35tzangeriax2 set debug?
20:30.44dlynes_laptoptzanger, ah...any idea where you get the info to set them up with?  Or do you just copy the settings off an already configured telus modem?
20:30.46ellisdeeyou debugging a iax channel?
20:30.57CunningPikeWhat's the concensus on hardware for an "install and forget" asterisk installation? By that I mean something that gets installed and sits unnoticed in the corner for years
20:30.57`Seani got my Cisco 7970 today
20:31.04tzangerdlynes_laptop: you ask them.  Bell writes it down in the little book they give you
20:31.05CunningPikeOr a PC?
20:31.12`SeanCunningPike CISCO 7970
20:31.14`Seanits a phone
20:31.15tzangerCunningPike: anything without fans or hard drives
20:31.16`Seanip phone from cisco
20:31.20dlynes_laptoptzanger, I've asked telus until I'm blue in the face
20:31.26dlynes_laptoptzanger, they don't know shit
20:31.26tzangerdlynes_laptop: really
20:31.30CunningPiketzanger: OK - that's what I was thinking
20:31.33ellisdeeCunningPike, i use only intel hardware.
20:31.44CunningPikeAnyone used any of the Xorcom boxes?
20:31.45tzangerdlynes_laptop: you can't just say "what is my DSL login information?"
20:31.51ellisdeeCunningPike, disable everything except for video, keyboard, and mouse ports.
20:31.57dlynes_laptoptzanger, I'm not talking about the login info
20:32.03ellisdeeCunningPike, supermicro motherboards. digium tdm cards.
20:32.05dlynes_laptoptzanger, I'm talking about the DSL setup information
20:32.06ellisdeeCunningPike, crucial memory
20:32.23dlynes_laptoptzanger, Or does the S518 autodetect all that?
20:32.24ellisdeeCunningPike, motherboard *has* to have two eth interfaces for my setups
20:32.46tzangerdlynes_laptop: huh?  S518 autodetects VPI/VCI, just as any modern DSL modem does
20:33.02tzangerall you need is user@realm and password
20:33.07dlynes_laptoptzanger, hrm...ok...the modem I tried a while back didn't autodetect anything
20:33.10CunningPikeellisdee: Agreed - ours do. One for admin and one for the VOIP VLAN
20:33.19ellisdeetzanger, why dont you just bridge that pos into a linksys wrt ? =P
20:33.28tzangerfeed that info into /etc/ppp/pap-secrets and run adsl-start after setting up pppoe.conf to point to w1ad
20:33.38tzangerellisdee: because I don't like external hardware for this stuff
20:33.42tzangerI want plug in and leave it alone forever
20:33.53ellisdeewill allow for remote phones as well in the event that the customer wants to expand.
20:34.03ellisdeevpn on a wrt
20:34.14tzangerbesides, if the * box is also handling the firewalling/NAT then your * box is not behind NAT, and also you can tune it out for QoS
20:34.21ellisdeeor some see it as another point of failure =\
20:34.29tzangerellisdee: how does a linux box doing the same thing not achieve that?
20:34.32Hmmhesayshow hard would it to make app_directory return the users name in a variable?
20:34.34tzangerwithout another piece of hardware
20:34.42dlynes_laptoptzanger, btw...they also tie their dhcp to specific mac addresses
20:34.42CunningPikeOK - next question - what are the 'good' solid state platforms? Stealth?
20:34.58tzangerdlynes_laptop: uh, PPPoE != DHCP
20:35.21dlynes_laptoptzanger, ic
20:35.30ellisdeetzanger, this is a pci dsl ?
20:35.33tzangerellisdee: yes
20:35.41dlynes_laptopthought pppoe still used dhcp under the hood
20:35.47tzangerI wish it had a Zaptel-friendly FXO port on it too but you can't get everything
20:35.48dlynes_laptopmuch like ppp did on dialup
20:35.48ellisdeetzanger, straight sip?
20:35.56tzangerellisdee: ?
20:36.05tzangerasterisk would be using SIP yes, as would the ip501s
20:36.23ellisdeetzanger, no digium card, etc?
20:36.36ellisdeetzanger, i have had problems with irq's, bus
20:36.52ellisdeeinterference from dsl modems with tdm cards.
20:36.57ellisdeetoo many headaches.
20:36.58dlynes_laptopellisdee, that's the reason I switched to sangoma almost a year ago
20:37.04dlynes_laptopellisdee, haven't had any problems since
20:37.35ellisdeepbx should only be a pbx =P
20:37.41[TK]D-Fendertzanger: 5$ for an RJ11 splitter & filter.
20:38.14[TK]D-Fenderellisdee: Its a Sangoma card.  It doesn't care about what you install it in (within reason)
20:38.23dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, yeah...those $5 splitters aren't worth the plastic they're made out of
20:38.43tzangerellisdee: I've had no issues
20:38.44[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: I know.... thats where the 2$ prfit comes from :)
20:38.53dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, the wilcom ones are the only ones that are useful
20:38.55tzanger[TK]D-Fender: don't need the filter, the S518 has it inbuilt
20:39.10tzanger[TK]D-Fender: but what I'm saying is that id' have been nice to have the S518 with an FXO port on it internal like
20:39.19tzangerso you have ONE card that gets you both internet and PSTN connectivity
20:39.20[TK]D-Fendertzanger: I meanin terms of splitting off so you can go into Zaptel card.
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20:39.29tzanger[TK]D-Fender: yeah bu tnow I need two PCI slots :-)
20:39.46[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Oh for USE as an interface, not jsut a dumb filtered port... thats ANOTHER matter ;)
20:40.16tzangeryes, mostly for 911
20:40.33dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, well, why pay $60 for a wilcom, plus another $100 for an a200?
20:40.50[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: "wilcom" is what?
20:41.06dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, a highgrade dsl filter...the same ones that telus, bell, et al all use
20:41.17[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop:  You mean MODEM, no?
20:41.39dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, no...the black or white filters that you put line in, phone out, modem out all onto
20:42.06dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, you usually glue them or screw them onto the wall in the phone closet
20:42.08[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: That would be a power bar then with line conditioning?
20:42.17dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender,'s only for DSL, not for power
20:42.31[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: Absurb.... never seen heard of or needed...
20:42.43dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, so that you can have analog conversations and DSL data communications, and the two don't interfere with one another
20:43.06[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: Sounds like you've been scammed for what should be a 5$ filter (I'm rounding UP)
20:43.11dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, nah
20:43.23dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, we've tried the $5 and even the $20 filters
20:43.30dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, they don't work in all cases
20:43.37[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: then something is royally screwed up where you are.
20:43.59dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, well, not all of our customers are in pristine downtown core offices
20:43.59[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop:  I've done installs across ON, and QC without need for more.
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20:44.22dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, some of them are in the likes of surrey, or really old buildings with really old wiring
20:44.29[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: I'm talking 50 year old crappy residential wiring too...
20:44.41tzangerI just had an echoey call out to Vancouver through Unlimitel
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20:44.52dlynes_laptopimagine that
20:45.01tzanger[TK]D-Fender: that's why I put this stuff in right at the demarc
20:45.04dlynes_laptopan imperfect call on a $10/mo unlimited minute plan
20:45.15tzangerdlynes_laptop: eh?
20:45.26[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop:  unlimited for $10?  really...
20:45.32dlynes_laptopUnlimitel is like $10/mo for unlimited calls out here
20:45.41tzangerdlynes_laptop: tell me where I can get $10/mo for unlimited minutes for a business
20:45.47dlynes_laptopOh..not for business
20:45.47robl^yay!  gotta love crappy ancient wiring.  pre-modular 4 conductor, wired for "party-lines"
20:45.50dlynes_laptopthat's for residential
20:46.04Strom_Mrobl^, ?
20:46.14tzangerdlynes_laptop: regardless, I terminate directly to their NAS equipment (not to their servers), and call quality is usually exceptional
20:46.25Strom_Mrobl^, party-line wiring is more dependent on the telephone set than the 4-wire quad cable
20:46.34dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender, so you don't work from demarc?
20:47.10robl^Strom_M:  right.  but the wiring was still going to a party line switch at the CO.  they have to move it.
20:47.31Strom_Moh okj
20:47.36[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: usually
20:47.44Strom_Mso what was this "party line switch"?
20:47.50Strom_Ma step-by-step exchange? :)
20:48.06aydiosmioI bet it has a crank
20:48.22tzangerhmm so I need to find a small form factor fanless PC with ethernet and 2 PCI
20:48.23dlynes_laptopparty lines were cool
20:48.34dlynes_laptopYou could catch up on all the latest gossip about your neighbors :)
20:48.41*** join/#asterisk endikos (
20:48.45robl^Strom_M: not sure.  it's a VERY old swtich at Cicninnati bell.  only for like all 6 party line customers.   People that haven't changed service in the past half century
20:49.00Strom_Mrobl^, define VERY old
20:49.14Mad|Cow[TK]D-Fender: I currently have: type=friend; regexten=3069; username=3069s secret=mypassword; host=dynamic; nat=yes; externip= ; localnet =; qualify = yes ; canreinvite=no.
20:49.14robl^Strom_M: older than me
20:49.21Strom_Mrobl^, and how old are you?
20:49.38robl^Strom_M:  lets change the subject. ;-)
20:49.57Strom_Mbecause you can do party-line stuff in 1ESS, 5ESS, and DMS
20:50.04[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: 1/2 of that doesn't belong in your phone setup, but rather up in [general]
20:50.13Strom_Mso it's a line class code thing, not necessarily an equipment change
20:50.19tzanger*coughs*  voipsupply has a Pentium-D Shuttle PC with 1G RAM, 100G SATA HDD, a Linksys SPA-841 and a TDM11B for USD$1500
20:50.36CunningPikeNone of you commercial guys are using solid state servers for Asterisk?
20:50.42tzangerCunningPike: I will be
20:50.50[TK]D-Fendertzanger: *cough* couldn't find anything WORSE? *cough*
20:50.57CunningPiketzanger: Which one are you looking at?
20:51.00dlynes_laptopCunningPike, we're looking at it...trying to find more free time
20:51.06tzanger[TK]D-Fender: oh Im' sure there's worse, that was just typing "asterisk smal form factor" into google
20:51.40Mad|Cow[TK]D-Fender: Even if some of this isnt in the general, would it still cuase this not to work?
20:51.45robl^Strom_M: Dunno all the details.  This is just something that was relayed to me by a relative 1200 miles away
20:51.55Mad|Cow[TK]D-Fender: The phone works if I'm not behind a firewall
20:52.19[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: Do you think this stuff doesn't matter?  yes its important where it occurs!  Pastebin the whole thing so we can clean up the mess.
20:52.26endikosHey folks, when Using a SIP extension to Dial out to a POTS number via my TDM400, the other party can hear me just fine, but they're a bit soft to me.  rxgain doesnt seem to be having any effect...  what can I do to increase that volume?
20:52.57dlynes_laptopCunningPike, what exactly are you looking for?  Something you can mount to the wall, or something you can throw into a small rack that's mounted on the wall?
20:52.57Strom_Mrobl^, you should know by now that ordinary folks dont know phones :)
20:52.58robl^endikos: press the volume up button on the sip phone?
20:53.40CunningPikedlynes_laptop: Something that can be left in an office that has no server room, no IT staff and can handle being unplugged by the cleaning lady
20:53.50endikosrobl^:  never woulda thought of that one. shucks and darn yer shoor smart!
20:53.59dlynes_laptopCunningPike, Do you want to be able to put any tdm cards in it?
20:54.03CunningPikedlynes_laptop: Not in terms of call preservation, of course - just HDD preservation :)
20:54.06dlynes_laptopCunningPike, or is it pure SIP?
20:54.14CunningPikedlynes_laptop: We're hoping to put a PRI card in it
20:54.27CunningPikedlynes_laptop: Or an external gateway would also work
20:54.54dlynes_laptopCunningPike, if external gateway is fine, try looking at something like WRAP
20:54.59CunningPikeHas anyone had any success with the Xorcom devices?
20:55.10CunningPikedlynes_laptop: Thanks - I'll take a look at that one
20:55.19dlynes_laptopCunningPike, they have miniPCI, but sangoma doesn't have any miniPCI cards yet
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20:55.35CunningPikedlynes_laptop: WRAP?
20:55.37dlynes_laptopCunningPike, otherwise, take a look at the dell sc430(?), or the Soekris boards
20:55.46dlynes_laptopCunningPike, yeah
20:56.14CunningPikedlynes_laptop: I was looking at Soekris - but they're just boards, right? I'd need a Tupperware container or something for it, right? :)
20:56.26dlynes_laptopNah....Soekris you can get fully enclosed
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20:56.39CunningPikedlynes_laptop: Oh, OK - thanks - good info to go on
20:56.45dlynes_laptopCunningPike, for WRAP, you buy a board, a case, a flash card, ...
20:57.07dlynes_laptopCunningPike, you might be able to get something fully assembled for WRAP, but generally, it's a do it yourselfer
20:57.08CunningPikeI'd sure be interested in real world Xorcom experience, though - their products look really neat
20:57.30dlynes_laptopCunningPike, if you order WRAP systems in quantities of 10 or more, you usually get discounts, too
20:57.31CunningPikedlynes_laptop: OK - probably rules it out then - has to be commercial-grade reliable
20:57.37CunningPikedlynes_laptop: OK - thanks
20:57.45dlynes_laptopCunningPike, it is commercial grade reliable
20:57.47CunningPikeAnyway, meeting time - ttyl
20:57.59aydiosmioB - YE
20:58.00dlynes_laptopCunningPike, I know someone that's doing a rollout of hundreds of them in Japan, atm
20:58.02FutZ247could someone here possibly give me a hand with bridging PRI and SIP?
20:58.08CunningPikedlynes_laptop: OK - good to know
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21:00.30*** join/#asterisk Ryanw (
21:01.26mercestesIs the Sip Firmware 2.0.1  pretty stable??
21:01.30RyanwHello All!, i'm using a TDM400P (4xFXO) and ocasionally when i place a call the called party only hears me speak at a very low volume, any ideas?
21:01.43Mad|Cow[TK]D-Fender: I really apprichate this..  I just dont understand where I am going wrong
21:01.59dlynes_laptopRyanw, increase your txgain
21:02.44[TK]D-Fendermercestes: Pretty much like the rest.  Though mind you we're up to at least 2.0.3 now
21:02.48Ryanwdlynes, i tried increasing my txgain and it intorduced echo, it only happens ocasionally 95% of calls work fine.
21:02.54mercestesRyanw:  Yea, I tend to suggest txgain=38497 for a good, default starterpoint.
21:03.07mercestesI'm kidding btw.  Don't do that.
21:03.10[TK]D-Fender~lart mercestes
21:03.22dlynes_laptopRyanw, sounds like you need to change your echo cancel algorithm, buy a hardware echo canceller, and/or get a faster cpu
21:03.37[TK]D-Fendermercestes: In a vacuum-sealed can... no one can hear you cry :D
21:03.40mercestesRyanw:  Or reject your T1 and yell at your telco
21:03.43Ryanwtxgain={if problem?txgain=6:txgain=2.4}
21:04.07ellisdeeRyanw, play with echotraining
21:04.10ellisdeeechotraining=400 or something
21:05.11mercestesI'm going to do that next time I want to yell at someone.  txgain=97 or something....and then yell.
21:05.31mercestesI'll crank up the .tx values on my polycom too
21:05.32FutZ247hehe make it a feature code
21:05.42Ryanwellisdee, does echocancelwhenbridged effect calls from a sip phone out a zap channel?
21:06.00c4t3lhello ellisdee
21:06.16Hmmhesaysbah my func_odbc is not working right
21:06.19c4t3li say hello ellisdee
21:06.23mercestesSo I get a "Got sip 500, internal server error back from" errors on phones sometimes and i have to reboot them.  any hints on what causes that?  Polycom phones, firmware 2.0.1
21:06.24ellisdeec4t3l, hello
21:06.29mercestesDo I need to upgrade?
21:06.44ellisdeeRyanw, not sure
21:06.46c4t3lupgrade of what ??
21:07.05[TK]D-Fendermercestes: Messing with base gains in Polycom's is NOT a good idea...
21:07.06mercestesShush, c4t3l.  Your still using Sip 1.6.9 because you like the version number.
21:07.26[TK]D-Fendermercestes: And that message gets spewed out by ALL firmware releases....\
21:07.35mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  Actually.....I fixed some call clipping issues on speakerphone messing with those gain settings, but..I had a few engineers on the phone at the time.
21:08.21mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  ya.  I fig'd.  What causes it?  I seem to be getting one phone a day...
21:08.29mercestesrebooty clears it.
21:08.42[TK]D-Fendermercestes:  I got an answer to that a while back, but don't recall the details.
21:09.25mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  What was the general consensus?  Was there a fix?  was it just a "deal with it" situation?
21:09.49[TK]D-Fendermercestes: Apparently "deal with it".  I should look it up again though.  Check Mantis
21:10.04mercestesAlrighty, thanks.
21:10.18`Seanmercestes i got my phone today
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21:11.26mercestes`Sean: yay!  Are you happy with it?
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21:14.05PupenoR[OT] Does anybody know howo to find out the provisioning names of the fields of a Linksys PAP2 ?
21:15.11*** join/#asterisk Mad|Cow (
21:17.10queuetueDoes anyone maintain "turnkey parts" lists for linux hardware configurations?  Like ARS Technica's old "budget box"...  I just want to put together a low-level linux NAS and Asterisk server, but am just not up to speed on the hardware anymore...
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21:18.04`Seanmercestes of course manim in love with it especialy the receiver lol its like perfectly made
21:18.24Mad|Cow[TK]D-Fender: I dont know if you saw my post to you ealier, but I have my sip.conf out at If you could give it a once over, I would apprichate it.
21:18.24`Seani spent 120 on this hunk of crap phone i have now wich is anologue
21:18.26`Seanand i regret it
21:18.42`SeanNow, i gotta get a support contract with Cisco
21:18.46`Seanso i can get login info for
21:18.51`Seanand download product updates and so on
21:19.23[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: Does your * box have a public IP?
21:19.43Mad|Cow[TK]D-Fender: yes (
21:20.20*** part/#asterisk jmls (
21:20.26perdanyone know how to create an extension in CCM that will dial to asterisk?  i have my dial-patterns set up on the router, i can get calls externally to go to my asterisk box but i cant get internal phones to be able to dial the extensions on asterisk :/
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21:29.54Mad|Cow[TK]D-Fender: No go :-(
21:30.09[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: You'll hagve to reset the remote device
21:30.33Mad|Cow[TK]D-Fender: I restrated Asterisk and restrated my SIP phone
21:34.05Hmmhesaysone of the very best star trek episodes is on
21:34.29endikosHmmhesays: Which one?
21:34.38*** join/#asterisk Globetrotter (n=eric@
21:34.41Hmmhesaysthe tng episode where they question data's rights
21:34.55endikosthat was a good one.
21:35.16endikosData had a lot of the best episodes
21:35.23Globetrotterhi Guys, iwant to record all calls in and out of my PBX..  is that possible?  if so how??
21:35.43Hmmhesaysright up to where they killed his character off on the big screen
21:36.18endikosMy jaw dropped about three feet when they did that
21:36.33Hmmhesaysyeah no doubt, that was a pretty awesome scene of him flying through space though
21:37.11Mad|Cow[TK]D-Fender: Is there anything else you might suggest?
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21:38.05perdsuch crap, i need to set up an h.323 channel to communicate with my old ass CCM crap
21:39.09monstedupgrade your old ass CCM crap and you can use SIP :)
21:39.21Qwell[]ditch your old ass CCM crap and you don't need either
21:39.43monstedand you can use a new ass asterisk crap instead :)
21:39.54Qwell[]wait a minute :P
21:41.37perdyeah im replacing CCM with asterisk
21:41.42perdi want to migrate users over slowly
21:41.44perdso i can work out kinks
21:41.55perdand i dont have a service contract with cisco any more
21:42.07perdunless of course i pay them a shitton of money
21:42.38Mad|Cow[TK]D-Fender: I have to run, I'll check back with you tonight again if your on. Thanks for all the help!
21:42.45apturaccm with asterisk?
21:43.05apturaahh okay
21:43.08endikosDamn.  looks like the busydetect routines are hardcoded.
21:43.32apturaWhat is the most bug free solid working version of asterisk as of late ?
21:43.54Qwell[]aptura: 1.4.0 of course
21:43.57perd1.4 just came out, i had to stay with 1.2 though
21:44.01perdthanks chan_sccp!
21:44.18Qwell[]perd: yeah...about that
21:44.22perdglobetrotter hells yes it is!
21:44.25apturaglobe its possible but you may have to do that on your own.
21:44.25Strom_Mwhat is the option to frob in the polycom configuration file to change the admin password of the phone?
21:44.29Qwell[]maybe later this week I'll try to get to it :p
21:45.05apturaor find somone that is willing to help. So far two people on this site that said thay would pay a fee to me never have so I dont except typed promisses anymore :)
21:45.08Globetrottersoi t is not possble to get help in here for call recording?
21:45.15perdcheck that globe
21:45.23Globetrotterok thanks
21:45.58apturaQwell, do you do in field consulting
21:46.03Dr-Linuxcan we send our own differen callerID's in ${CALLERID(num)} variable?
21:46.11Qwell[]aptura: I don't do consulting anymore
21:46.25perdqwell haha later this week you say? i'm not holding my breath :P
21:46.30apturaokay so you found another way to suplment your income then.
21:46.33Qwell[]aptura: If, however, I help you with something, and you feel like taking care of something on my wish list... :P
21:46.47Qwell[](I don't actually know if I can accept bribes like that either, heh)
21:46.50perdanyone know where to get the recommended versions of pwlib and openh323
21:47.03Qwell[]perd: good idea :P
21:50.30perdplease no
21:50.51apturaQwell, still not alot of people up here know what a pbx is or does or in come cases dont know what linux is :) BTW I am looking at embeded linux boards to run asterisk. Looking at ideas. Want rock solid stability and reliability or I become a liability :) Like it to handle 8 connections at same time using the g729 codec. Perhaps g711 ulaw since its not licenced. BTW what is the cost of 729 and really does it make a difference?
21:51.30apturaohh and qwell what is your wish list
21:53.23Qwell[]aptura: You know, it's never come up, so I've never created one :p
21:53.25perddude, the wrt54g runs asterisk
21:53.27perdwith openwrt
21:53.30perdit's amazingly cool
21:53.50perdand i ran it on a WRAP 1b board from
21:53.54apturayes but it needs one pci slot
21:53.56perdthat was also nifty
21:54.04perdthe WRAP board has minipci
21:54.06Qwell[]aptura: If you want a pre-made, supported embedded box, you can check out our Asterisk Appliance Developers Kit
21:54.22Qwell[]and g729 is $10 per channel
21:54.32perdi asume you want to drive an FXS though
21:54.43Qwell[]You don't get "rock solid stability and reliability" from a linksys router :)
21:54.46perdi dont think they make minipci FXS :/ but maybe you can make an adaptor
21:54.56apturaQwell[] and really, other then bandwith savings which I dont know what it takes up sound quality is the same right?
21:55.03perdhaha qwell whatever man! my little wrt54g rocks the voip :)
21:55.20Qwell[]aptura: sound quality is a bit less than ulaw
21:55.38Qwell[]but, it's like 1/8th the size, so that's to be expected
21:55.39tzangerno I have not seen minipci fxs or fxo
21:55.41apturaThese will be in small bussiness so my reputation is on the line.
21:55.47tzangerI would LOVE minipci adsl but can't find it either
21:56.01Qwell[]aptura: and if you want fxo/fxs on an embedded device, ours has modules :p
21:56.03tzangeryes WRAP boards do rock
21:56.03perdtzanger, time to get to work then, sir. make us some hardware.
21:56.13apturaQwell, which ones?
21:56.14tzangerperd: I've taken a look at it
21:56.19perdscrew digium, pcengines for you! :P
21:56.19tzangerunfortunately I don't think the market's there
21:56.31perdi didnt know digium made an embedded device
21:56.33perdi gotta check this out
21:56.39tzangeryes they did
21:56.58Qwell[]It's currently a Developer Kit (ie; not for mass consumption yet), but that will change soon
21:57.02Grnd-WireI'm trying to find the best way to "walk" through a variable that contains a phone number, and extra each number out individually.. Does anyone know how to make that work?
21:57.15perdman, all that coolness without any damn minipci fxo/fxs cards. for shame.
21:57.22perdi want a minipci pri also
21:57.42Grnd-WireI'm guessing I'll just use the ${VAR:x:y} with an incrementing variable below it.. right??  So the question is, how do I get the TOTAL LENGTH of the variable? That's the one thing I don't have right now.
21:57.49perdman that's a cool looking developer kit though, is it affordable? :)
21:58.03tzangernot really
21:58.10apturaQwell, I like to support digium but of course I worry about giving the companies name away may encourage other business to go on there own and buy the system.
21:58.12Qwell[]with training
21:58.15perdi was hoping like, 400 bucks
21:58.24Qwell[]aptura: it will be OEMable, afaik
21:58.42Hmmhesaysthat was a hell of a speech picard gave
21:58.44tzangerbut at what quantities
21:58.50tzangerI'm guessing no less than 1k/a
21:58.52apturaWhat do you mean by OEMable?
21:59.03Qwell[]aptura: ie; rebranded
21:59.49apturayea okay. Last thing I would want is a client get pissed off at me and say why are you charging above what we can buy online?
22:00.12Grnd-Wireaptura: Because you get support, and a custom tailored configuration..
22:00.36Grnd-WireYou can go buy a server from HP, but that doesn't mean it's got the OS on it, setup for them.. That takes ALOT of extra time, and money to pay for that work@!
22:00.52apturaI have done enough asterisk configurations.
22:01.06apturaBut i am also getting rusty :)
22:01.35Grnd-Wireaptura: I was explaining how you could charge more than Digium charges, and explain it to your customer..
22:01.55apturaGrnd, Canadians are different
22:02.02Grnd-WireThat box doesn't come with tailored onsite support, or hookup.. hell, it doesn't even come with phones..
22:02.17Grnd-WireHAHA.. Well uhh.. Is this going to become some sort of socialist vs. capitalist discussion? :D
22:04.20apturaThere was a article about Canadian buying behaviors and I dont recall if it was specifically pointing out British Columbians or Just Canada as a whole but a sale agent mentioned that you can try and sell a life saving device to a residential owner and most of the time thay would reject. Then the house would burn down and the owner would say "we need to buy a smoke alarm"
22:04.45greendiseaseis anyone who manages the accounts around?
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22:04.55apturaBut now the table has turned more and going into debt thay used to have really good saving accounts.
22:08.02apturaI hope this is the last snow of the year.
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22:15.55zriahHi all.  Is there a way to implement e911 with just asterisk?
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22:16.59CunningPikezriah: You - you'll need a PSAP as well
22:17.09CunningPikes/You -/No,/
22:17.23shepimportHey guys- has anyone messed with the routing of an RTP stream with asterisk?
22:17.48Hmmhesaysanyone know how hard it would be to return a variable from app_directory?
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22:18.19zriahHow would one implement e911 then?  Just forward calls based on a psap database lookup?
22:18.38shepimportI.e. asterisk box in data center... users are all offsite in "WAN" envirmont ... user A calls user B.. will asterisk route the RTP stream through itself?
22:19.04*** part/#asterisk amdtech (i=adaniel@nat/digium/x-fa84570583ded71b)
22:23.29mercesteswe got allthe "local" 911 numbers for our area and set a "call center" variable for each of our customers so we could direct them to the proper 911 call center, so we basically had our own database local. was an isolated area.
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22:30.46[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: You know rather than having * dial from app_directory, it SHOULD jsut exit with an exten that YOU choose how and if to dial
22:33.02Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: it does exit with the exten you have defined in vm.conf or wherever you store your directory info, the problem is I need to return the users name for an sql query later in the dialplan
22:36.38[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: I mean it DIALS it in the target exten.  It would be better to exit with a variable in the CURRENT context.
22:38.25*** join/#asterisk Juxt (n=denis@
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22:40.19shepimportDoes anyone know how asterisk would handle this? An asterisk box in data center... users are all offsite in "WAN" envirmont ... site A calls site B .. will asterisk route the RTP stream through itself/the datacenter?
22:40.38shepimportI could not find a value to enable direct RTP streams
22:40.58Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: thats what I'm looking to make it do
22:41.20[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: I'm beeting it'd be a damn easy hack.
22:42.15[TK]D-Fendershepimport: "canreinvite=yes" in sip.conf.  Guess you didn't look too hard.
22:42.45[TK]D-Fendershepimport: Thogh if you're talking about 2 * boxes, you should be trunking through IAX to save on bandwidth.
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22:44.41shepimportFender:  no, no ... that was what i was looking for... we use a reinvite in different context so i passed right over it... thanks!
22:46.08*** part/#asterisk oQPa (
22:46.37Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: we'll find out in a second
22:46.50Hmmhesaysi'm compiling my change right now
22:47.16[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays:  :O
22:56.51EmleyMoorDoes setting a default caller ID (for use when caller ID can be set, of course) for a Zap FXS channel work?
22:56.59EmleyMoor(in zapata.conf)
22:57.06EmleyMoorNot had much luck with it yet
23:00.13EmleyMoorAh, it does work
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23:10.49maviorhello everybody...can someone please help me out with this ? i'm getting this strange behaviour: i'm using xlite to connect to my asteris server with user called "me", and incoming calls works at the start , then stop working and then randomly after a while re-start to work for a bit....
23:12.11maviori guess is something related to the sip/404 not found error...seems like my asterisk cannot found anymore my user , even though x-lite shows status as connected
23:12.39maviori really don't know how to get out from this one...
23:13.00perdhmmm, asterisk is sending no audio through the h323 channel, but i can hear incoming audio (from ccm) fine.. any ideas why this is?
23:13.53perdeach audio channel is on a separate port?
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23:15.43De_Monmaybe youre blocking inbound but not outbound or somesuch, I duno
23:15.51perdnothing blocked
23:16.08Dr-Linuxfor some reason i can't unlock my cisco 7960's phone :S there are 3 :S
23:16.23Dr-Linuxif i press any key it says "key is not active"
23:16.26perdpress **# then hit the settings button
23:16.37perdall fast like
23:16.43Dr-Linuxperd: tried but it doesn't help
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23:18.34perddid you try going into setttings, have network settings highlighted, hit **# then the select softkey
23:19.37Dr-Linuxperd: hhm..
23:19.42Dr-Linuxnothing seems to work
23:19.53Dr-Linuxperd: how can reset default factory
23:20.07maviorany ideas with this ?
23:20.09perdunder the main settings menu hit 'more' and you should have an option for it
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23:20.50Dr-Linuxperd: aww i hve to load SIP firmware on about 50 phones :(
23:21.00Dr-Linux12 are done
23:21.09perdyou dont need to physically access the phone
23:21.21perdjust plugging it in should be enough assuming you have all your config files set up correctly
23:21.47Dr-Linuxperd: i know that, but alreast i should unlock the phone and put the TFTP server ip
23:21.58perdDHCP should provide that
23:24.22Dr-LinuxDHCP server is different and TFTP server is different
23:25.16CunningPikeHmm - What's the 'Linksys One' like - anyone tried it?
23:25.40Dr-Linuxperd: default password "cisco" is invalid :S
23:26.16*** join/#asterisk zapp-branigan (
23:27.06zapp-braniganhi, i have compiled the asterisk but the speex codec do not compile
23:27.44zapp-braniganand ./configure tell me :
23:27.47zapp-braniganchecking for speex_encode in -lspeex... yes
23:27.47zapp-braniganchecking speex/speex.h usability... yes
23:27.47zapp-braniganchecking speex/speex.h presence... yes
23:27.47zapp-braniganchecking for speex/speex.h... yes
23:28.01zapp-braniganbut the .o and .so not appear
23:28.14zapp-braniganin the codecs directory
23:28.23Qwell[]Is it enabled in menuselect?
23:28.30zapp-braniganwhere ?
23:28.35zapp-branigansome file ?
23:28.54zapp-braniganplease tell me where to activate
23:29.25perdoh shit RTP was messing me up
23:29.28perdthank god for h.323 debubg
23:32.59zapp-braniganin the menuselect directory the reference of speex is only in one file example_menuselect-tree
23:35.04*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
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23:41.02tzafrir_laptopzapp-branigan, when you run menuselect?
23:41.17zapp-braniganrun ?
23:41.28zapp-braniganin the asterisk directory
23:41.37zapp-branigani put ./configure
23:41.43tzafrir_laptopmake menuselect        or: ./menuselect/menuselect
23:41.48zapp-braniganmake         make install
23:42.21zapp-branigani have estered in menuselect
23:42.31zapp-braniganand cd ..
23:42.36zapp-braniganmake clean
23:43.01zapp-braniganand speex.o is not generated
23:43.15zapp-braniganis not done
23:43.35tzafrir_laptopwhat is the value of MENUSELECT_CODECS in menuselect.makeopts ?
23:43.47*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:44.27tzafrir_laptopnick125_lappy, so what problems do you run into?
23:44.51nick125_lappytzafrir_laptop: the ebuild kept trying to grab the file from the wrong mirror :P
23:45.08zapp-braniganthe file menuselect.makeopts is not generated
23:45.16*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
23:45.28nick125_lappyWewt! My PAP2T-NA should be here tomorrow!
23:45.32zapp-braniganyes yes i see
23:45.34tzafrir_laptopzapp-branigan, have you run 'make' in the toplevel directory?
23:46.16tzafrir_laptopthis means that it is disabled (menuselect configuration)
23:46.30tzafrir_laptopjust remove codec_speex from there
23:47.03Dr-Linuxcan set my callerID variable like this? >> ${CALLERID}(num)=${myvariable}
23:47.11blitzrageCorydon-w: usage question here... say I have a While() call such as follows: exten => *99,n,While($[${EXISTS(${PAGER_GROUP_MEMBERS(${ZONE},${PBX},${OFFSET})})}]).  Now, it seems to be that I obviously have to make the call each time through the loop, but I'd like to not have to make two calls to the same ODBC function to get the data (since I just returned it in the While()). Is there a variable set, or some other met
23:47.11blitzragehod I'm not thinking of that will allow me access to the "cached" copy of that function call?
23:47.55blitzrageopposite of ${ISNULL()}
23:48.33blitzragefunctions should be in uppercase
23:49.37blitzrageit'd be nice to use the value that was called from the While() instead of calling it again from the Set() application.
23:49.52Corydon-wblitzrage: no, it is not cached anywhere
23:50.02blitzrageok cool -- just wanted to check to make sure while I was thinking of it
23:50.02Dr-Linuxtzafrir_laptop: thanks, so will it work this way?
23:53.09*** part/#asterisk amdtech (i=adaniel@nat/digium/x-25bd454e1d16e384)
23:56.06apturawhat does vonage use for its sip backbone SER?
23:56.37Corydon-wblitzrage: in some While loops, you might actually want the function to re-execute and re-evaluate
23:57.46blitzrageCorydon-w: true -- would be nice to have that option though :)
23:58.05Corydon-wblitzrage: just do the Set just before you execute the While
23:58.10blitzragejust seems inefficient to have to call it twice each time through the loop
23:58.21blitzrageCorydon-w: but I'm doing the loop because I'm calling back multiple rows with OFFSET
23:58.32blitzrageso calling before the loop defeats the purpose of the loop :)
23:58.41Corydon-wRight  ;-)
23:58.44blitzrageindeed aha :)
23:59.04blitzrageso you see my dilemma :)
23:59.11blitzragewell... not dilemma... but issue
23:59.17Corydon-wI don't see a dilemna at all
23:59.29Corydon-wYou know exactly what you have to do
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23:59.52blitzrageright, I'm just curious about scalability. It's probably not that big a deal because SELECTs are pretty low cost.

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