irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070110

00:00.13RoyKso bug mashals can always blame people for not having the latest version of whatever driver
00:00.38*** part/#asterisk anthonypjshaw (
00:01.02grandyHello... quick question:  Is there a way in the dialplan to see if Dial(foo) is ringing? Or to fail it if it does anything other than ring?
00:01.56RoyKsip debug?
00:02.31*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=linagee@unaffiliated/linagee)
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00:09.43perdwell my extensions.conf snippet should work
00:09.48perdyou can use that to verify your install
00:12.25*** join/#asterisk battini (
00:12.31*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
00:12.35Dovidhello all
00:12.39Dovidlong time no time ;)
00:12.58Dovidusing asterisk real time if I want to send a voicemail via email to more than one address what do I have to do
00:13.02*** join/#asterisk kieranmullen2 (; ?
00:13.29Dovidor| ?
00:14.00kieranmullen2Where are some good asterisk related forums?  voip-info should have forums but I guess that they dont want to manage it
00:14.02perdi dont know, unix uses , to separate addresses normally though
00:14.09kieranmullen2beside son the digiu, site of course
00:14.12perdby unix i mean mail/senxmail/mailx/etc also i mean
00:15.18kieranmullen2how well is asterisk faxing working for people?
00:15.27kieranmullen2I have ordered a pots line for it
00:15.31grandyHello... quick question:  Is there a way in the dialplan to see if Dial(foo) is ringing? Or to fail it if it does anything other than ring?
00:15.34kieranmullen2I have not had a pots line in 5 years
00:15.39perdi use iaxmodem and faxing is awesome
00:15.48perdhooks right into hylafax
00:16.43kieranmullen2if asterisk recioeevd the fax when do you need hyla for?
00:16.53perdit doesnt receive fax
00:17.11kieranmullen2what "it"?
00:17.24perdasterisk passes the faxes to the iax channel, the iax channel is being listened to by hylafax via the iaxmodem, etc
00:17.53perdit's easy to set up and use if you're familiar with hylafax
00:17.59kieranmullen2i see...  I saw an option from within free pbx for faxes...
00:18.09Dovidusing asterisk real time if I want to send a voicemail via email to more than one address what do I have to do; ?
00:18.13Dovidor| ?
00:18.15kieranmullen2so I just assumed.. guess I was wrong.. wonder when they use
00:18.16perdyeah you can use spandsp and txfax rxfax
00:19.35*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
00:19.43kieranmullen2I am looking for someone to setup a faxbox/voicemail box for multiple users based on extensions  call in to pots line to zaptel card...enter in extension.. listen to message.. leave message or start fax....then have it emailed off.
00:19.49SomeOne1i'm having problems with DTMF, sometimes it counts a digit twice and sometimes it misses it... what should i do?
00:20.23kieranmullen2previous virtual pbx service from had such a feature but I canceled them
00:20.39perdeasily doable with either spandsp and txfax/rxfax or iaxmodem
00:20.54perdzaptel gives you faxdetect
00:21.08kieranmullen2not using hyla
00:21.16kieranmullen2yeah its for 3 users...
00:21.18perdthat would be the first option
00:21.24perdspandsp and txfax/rxfax
00:21.40kieranmullen2perd  you for hire?
00:21.43*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:21.50perdno, i'm still learning all this stuff myself
00:22.50perdand chan_skinny is currently pissing me off.
00:22.54kieranmullen2oh :-)  I am also looking at repairing my freepbx install
00:22.59kieranmullen2somethign messed it up
00:23.10perdbackups i hope
00:23.22kieranmullen2yeah I made a backup in free pbx
00:23.37kieranmullen2although I dont know how to uninstall the old version and go back
00:24.04kieranmullen2the time scedule isnt working so I am closed... and I am getting mailbox erros when people try to leave me voicemail
00:24.11jaxxankieranmullen2: sounds like you might wanna check out
00:24.55kieranmullen2I think it may be a username permissions issue
00:25.02kieranmullen2since I installed in on a cpanel server
00:25.23*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
00:26.05jaxxanDovid: i dunno how you're setup, but i just create alias's in postfix to send to multiple email addresses
00:27.12jaxxangrandy: just turn on verbosity (cli: set verbose 5) and watch the dialplan in progress
00:27.24grandyjaxxan: ok
00:28.02jaxxanok so i provisioned 30,000 voicemail boxes and everything looks good
00:28.35kieranmullen2jax - did you switch from another pbx?
00:28.52kieranmullen2for a company you work for?
00:29.07jaxxani ran a meridian pbx about 5 years ago and replaced it with asterisk
00:29.19perdoooh meridian, very snazzy
00:29.22jaxxani'm replacing a glenayre voicemail box with another asterisk server right now
00:29.39kieranmullen2Who is the person that does the merian voicemail annoucment?
00:29.46jaxxani have 18,000 current subscribers with potential for 30,000
00:29.52perddamn jaxxan, nice
00:30.01perddo you provide only voicemail?
00:30.05kieranmullen2I was thinking that while driving home?  You can determine the system type by the default voice used
00:30.10jaxxani do all kinds of stuff with asterisk
00:30.28jaxxanevery year I do dialin voting for a Eukele Contest
00:30.38jaxxanlast year i recieved 10,000 calls in 2 hours
00:30.41perdhaha nice
00:30.48kieranmullen2call center?
00:30.49perdwhat kind of setup handles that many calls?
00:31.03jaxxani have multiple PRI's to a DMS100
00:31.14perdand where do you live that 10000 people want to vote on a eukele player :)
00:31.15jaxxani have a small 5 person call center
00:31.22jaxxani live in American Samoa (=
00:31.30perdhaha, im on oahu
00:31.31jaxxansmall island in the middle of the south pacific ocean
00:31.40*** part/#asterisk YoYo (
00:31.59perddoesnt it get boring over there man
00:32.09kieranmullen2Do you use digium hardware ?
00:32.15kieranmullen2For the cards?
00:32.32RoyKdigium hardware sucks
00:32.44jaxxanwe sell mobile phones and stuff too, so i have sim cards provisioned on the DMS100 that only dial one number no matter what you dial on the demo phone that goes directly to asterisk and plays back a voice file telling you about the phone you're holding
00:32.57jaxxani'm using a TE410P
00:33.33kieranmullen2royk- What other PRI cards work with asterisk?   Why do the digium cards "suck"
00:33.49jaxxanand a ummmm... wctdm... what card is that
00:33.56jaxxanthe 4port FX0 card
00:34.02perdor 24 port
00:34.26jaxxani used a T400P for like 2 years after Digium stopped making it haha
00:35.01jaxxanin fact i'm using it for this voicemail server now
00:35.10jaxxanit's out of retirement
00:35.30RoyKkieranmullen2: I've used digium, but they have all these "incompabilites" with dell and ibm and hyperthreading and whatnot. now I just use sangoma
00:35.48jaxxanRoyK: i gotta be honest with you, i've not had any problems with my digium hardware and i've spent thousands on different pieces
00:35.50perdwell there's your problem, dont buy crappy dell and ibm hardware :)
00:36.06perdsupermicro servers for me!
00:36.06jaxxanRoyK: if you're having problems, you can contact digium support and they'll troubleshoot it for you fast as hell
00:36.11kieranmullen2dell and ibm make nice labels
00:36.30perdi have a supermicro server with like 7 fans in it that will suck your face off if you get too close
00:36.37perdthat's a server.
00:36.39undrdawgperl = kr5kernel?
00:37.03undrdawgsomeone else on a forum i guess
00:37.05RoyKperd: IBM really makes good hardware
00:37.22undrdawgperd = phone nerd?
00:37.23perdi was just trolling
00:37.26RoyKjaxxan: I tried, they said "try another server"
00:37.27jaxxani dont care for IBM personally, I do have alot of Dell PowerEdge Servers though.
00:37.34RoyKthat's not what I want to hear
00:37.49RoyKwe only use IBM. it works
00:37.52*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
00:37.57jaxxanRoyK: eh, you must be running a piece of crap if digium said that to you haha
00:38.09RoyKhehe. right.
00:38.13kieranmullen2since when do dell and ibm make hardware?  they justa ssemble them and provide terrible support
00:38.20RoyKibm 306 and 345 and 346 and 336
00:38.25RoyKquite crappy
00:38.38jaxxani think the only way they'd say that is if you were using the wrong voltage PCI Slots
00:38.55grandyjaxxan: i see one thing that might be interesting... it says:   Received mini frame before first full voice frame
00:39.15RoyKit's all 3.3V, but dougium hardware has lots of pci bugs
00:39.40jaxxanRoyK:  /shrug i dont have any problems with my power edge servers
00:40.05RoyKjaxxan: I have no problems with my ibm servers with sangoma cards either
00:40.17jaxxangotta go with what works for you (=
00:40.31jaxxangrandy: sorry, what's the problem ?
00:40.54jaxxanhey Qwell, you still around ?
00:41.04grandyjaxxan: trying to do follow me with cell phones and i am trying to figure out if i can check to see if it at least rang once... as opposed to going straight to the cell phone's vm
00:41.19jaxxangrandy: wanna know what i do ?
00:41.28grandyjaxxan: sure
00:42.18perdhe baits you then leaves you hanging
00:42.30perdthat's what he does. pretty nice guy.
00:42.40jaxxani dial SIP for 16 seconds then dial ZAP for 20 seconds, then send it to voicemail
00:43.05jaxxanit varies, but i use macros for it
00:43.40grandyjaxxan: ahh so you pretty much time it to see how long it needs to dial ?  but what if the cell is off and it goes straight to vm?  Won't it pick up sooner than 16 secs?
00:43.45grandyor 20?
00:43.53RoyKjaxxan: that's wrong. if you say digium's hardware is good, but only with certain hardware, it means you'r in there pockets. hardware is supposed to work regardless of other hardware, such as sangoma does
00:44.03jaxxanwell i tie my cellphone voicemail into my asterisk voicemail
00:44.07*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
00:44.10jaxxanso i have one voicemail box for my mobile and ip phones
00:44.58grandyjaxxan: ahh ok... so if you don't mind me asking how do you do that?  when you put in an asterisk number for your cell phone's voicemail does it pass caller ID even when the phone is off?
00:45.04jaxxancheck out that pastebin
00:45.56jaxxani should update that...
00:46.04jaxxani never get to 104-6
00:46.44grandyjaxxan: ahh...  but what happens when the cell phone gets a call on its own?
00:47.03*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
00:47.24jaxxanif you call my IP PHones i'll see your callerid, and if the call is forwarded to my mobile phone i'll see your callerid there too
00:47.39*** join/#asterisk HeppyCat (
00:47.44jaxxanit's the same thing, just a different route
00:47.50grandyjaxxan: what if the call is forwarded to your mobile and you don't answer?
00:47.57grandythen the mobile forwards it back to asterisk?
00:47.58jaxxanthen it goes to my voicemail
00:48.10grandyjaxxan: to your cell voicemail?
00:48.10jaxxansee i have a different situtation than you do grandy
00:48.14grandyjaxxan: ahh
00:48.22jaxxanmy cell phone voicemail is directly attached to my asterisk voicemail server
00:48.41jaxxani have one voicemail box that's tied into my two ip phones and my mobile phone
00:48.59grandyjaxxan: ok... i'm just trying to figure out how cell phones work in that respect... i know mine (t-mobile) has a setting where you can set the vm phone number, and i imagine it probably does caller iD
00:49.00jaxxani have direct access to a DMS100 Switch so i can do pretty much whatever i want
00:49.14grandyjaxxan: ahh
00:50.32HeppyCatwhats a DMS100?
00:50.33*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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00:50.39jaxxanit's a telco switch
00:50.46jaxxannortel specifically
00:51.09HeppyCati spent most of my day dealing with an intertel pbx
00:52.16jaxxaninternal ?
00:52.30*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (
00:52.49HeppyCat4 'nodes'
00:53.38HeppyCataccording to the tech it's a rather old system
00:54.22HeppyCatguess the most advanced thing it does is some hacked on mgcp phones
00:54.58jaxxanreplacing it with asterisk?
00:55.20HeppyCatany idea why my pstn provider says i should switch to SIP because IAX 'causes jitter during peak times' 'due to an asterisk bug'
00:55.29HeppyCatjaxxan: im workin towards it
00:55.36*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
00:55.40jaxxani use SIP exclusively
00:55.58jaxxani've never even tried IAX
00:56.02perdi wish i didnt have these damn 7902 phones
00:56.12*** join/#asterisk karmatronic (n=boumkar@
00:56.16karmatronichi there
00:56.31karmatronicdoes rtp.conf need any configuration ?
00:56.43jaxxannot usually
00:56.50karmatronicin longer terms,i m running chan_bluetooth
00:56.51HeppyCative never touched it
00:57.07karmatronicand although connections are made , i just cant hear anything...
00:57.22karmatronicconnection is from sip client to headeset
00:57.43karmatronicor from sip to cell phone usinf a cell in the middle
00:58.00flendershey, I have a question about IVR. can I paste a 5 line dialplan here?
00:59.39karmatronicjaxxan: yeah ?
01:00.02karmatronicjaxxan: chan_bluetooth s not maintained,shouldnt use it ?
01:00.27jaxxanso basically, you run that, it access your computers bluetooth hardware and directs calls to the bluetooth device of your choice within the coverage area ?
01:00.49jaxxanflenders: no you can't
01:00.54jaxxanflenders: use
01:01.07karmatronicjaxxan: actually it reaches gsm cell phones using bluetooth cell phone as gateway
01:01.47karmatronicjaxxan: and you can also redirect incoming cell phones from gsm to the sip clients in your local network
01:01.59jaxxansounds interesting
01:02.07jaxxanalso sounds like a pain in the ass to setup
01:02.19karmatronicjaxxan: really reasy
01:02.24flendersif I use this dialplan (, should the call be dropped (hung up) after priority 5?
01:02.32flendersI thought it would wait for input, no?
01:02.42karmatronicjaxxan: worst part was compiling chan_bluetooth module
01:03.02karmatronicjaxxan: although...its not working at the moment
01:03.25jaxxanflenders: no, you have to specify the timeout
01:03.57karmatronicanyway , i changed rtp ports in sip,conf and just thought the guy that created chan_bluetooth expects standard rtp ports
01:04.04jaxxanflenders: specify the timeout with something like exten => t,1,Goto(s,9)
01:04.16karmatronicso here s my last try ...before going to sleep
01:04.48jaxxanflenders: but yeah it waits for input
01:05.03*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
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01:05.57perdanyone see what might be wrong here?
01:06.02perdi cant get skinny to work :/
01:06.05jaxxanif you want it to hangup after 5, then exten => t,1,Hangup
01:06.31flendersjaxxan: I already have 'exten => t,1,Goto(inbound,s,1)' in there
01:06.50flendersbut it drops the call as soon as it reaches priority 5
01:07.44jaxxanchange response to 10
01:07.48jaxxanand try again
01:08.24jaxxanactually, you dont even need response
01:08.34jaxxanjust set the time out
01:08.42*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
01:08.43jaxxanfor the digit
01:09.18flendersthis is what I get on the console:
01:09.56jaxxancause your response timeout is set to low
01:10.11jaxxantoo low
01:10.17jaxxanchange it to 10 and see if that helps
01:10.50flenderssame thing
01:10.54jaxxando you want the call to hang up ?
01:10.54flendersI changed both to 20
01:11.07flendersno, I don't want it to hang up
01:11.13jaxxanthen remove the response line
01:12.08*** join/#asterisk unsucht (
01:12.12jaxxanresponse works like.... if you dont repond with keypress during the timeframe i'm hanging up the call
01:12.13flendersstill drops right after setting the digit timeout
01:13.51jaxxandunno, i just use exten => s,6,Set(TIMEOUT=3)
01:14.03jaxxanworks fine for me
01:14.25*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
01:14.52unsuchthi, i'm trying to excute a dialplan when  an extention hangs up, i got the extention to ring but it rings for only a split second and hangs up, can i do something about ths?
01:15.28jaxxanunsucht: so you want to process more dialplan when there's no call established ?
01:15.47flendersjaxxan: I think I had another server running the same way over here, and I didn't even need to set the timeouts
01:16.09unsuchtjaxxan: what do u mean?
01:16.22unsuchtJaxxon: yes
01:16.33flendersjaxxan: it would wait for input. but now, it drops the call right after the message is heard, so, no time to enter digits.
01:17.44jaxxanhave you tried not specifying digit and response ? just use the  set(timeout=X)  ??
01:18.07jaxxanunsucht: good luck with that, you should process everything you need before the call is connectd
01:18.35jaxxanunsucht: as far as i'm aware, you can't process anything unless a call is established
01:19.44unsuchtjaxxon: what i meant was the after i get this to work i want to executre more stuff like a macro, but for testing i 'm just dialing up an extention, but it only rings for a split second
01:20.34jaxxanpaste your problem dialplan
01:21.39jaxxanflenders: i'm not sure man
01:21.48jaxxani can paste my autoattendant if you wanna compare
01:21.51jaxxanmine works fine
01:21.59jaxxani'm running 1.2.6
01:22.07flendersjaxxan: yeah, that'd help
01:22.12flendersjaxxan: thanks
01:26.33jaxxanunsucht:  that dialplan you pasted makes freaking no sense to me
01:27.50unsuchtit's only past of it, there is also an agi script that sets the variables
01:28.18*** join/#asterisk km- (
01:28.51km-hello!  Anyone here have a unlocked PAP2 and find that even though the unit registers with asterisk, picking up the line presents a fast busy?
01:28.52jaxxani see the DEADAGI script being loaded and i see you spewing the variable data to your console and i see your if statements, but then you just hangup
01:29.05jaxxanand you make reference to 10 and 15, but wtf is that
01:29.31jaxxanyou're never gonna get past 6,Hangup
01:29.39jaxxancause you've *tada* hungup the call
01:30.04jaxxanrethink lines 4 and 5
01:30.24jaxxanand use +101
01:31.37*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:32.02k-man__[TK]D-Fender, is grandstream in the "ok" list of brands?
01:33.35unsuchtjaxxon: i'm just using 10 and 15 as reference points, is that a big deal, also if the gotoif things don't return true, i want the call to hang up[
01:33.51*** part/#asterisk karmatronic (n=boumkar@
01:36.23riddleboxk-man, I have a grandstream phone and it works great
01:38.33k-man__riddlebox, ok
01:38.57unsuchtthe problem i
01:39.10riddleboxk-man, I have heard lots of people dont like them but I havent had a problem with my GXP-2000
01:39.21unsucht'm having is that the remote ext only rings for a split second
01:42.29[TK]D-Fenderk-man__ : GrandSuck *shudder*
01:43.25k-man__such different responses from riddlebox and [TK]D-Fender
01:43.42[TK]D-Fenderk-man__ : Stick with the Linksys series for now...
01:43.47k-man__i will
01:43.56riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, I knew you wouldnt take to long to answer
01:44.05k-man__i was just wondering as somehow ebay keeps emailing me that someone is selling them
01:44.11k-man__i must work out how to stop it
01:44.21[TK]D-Fenderk-man__ Grandstram has been chronic for flakey firmware, HARDWARE ECHO, and all sorts of "fun"
01:44.30*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
01:44.54ctooleyisn't there a setting for a sip peer to limit the number of channels it will allow?
01:45.09ctooley(ie don't accept inbound connects anymore)
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01:50.54k-man__yeah, good reason not to get one
01:51.28[TK]D-Fenderk-man__ : another of my recent clients got them before I could advise him.  The lose registration when put on hold....
01:51.39[TK]D-Fenderk-man__ Wierd shit happens... pain you don't want.
01:51.47[TK]D-Fenderk-man__ : ymmv
01:52.38k-man__don't worry
01:52.44k-man__im sold on linksys or polycom
01:53.14DocHollidayor cisco >:)
01:53.33[TK]D-Fenderk-man__ : while polycom is a better quality and functionality vs Linksys, the latter is at least SOLID.  The same cannot be said for Snom or Grandstream
01:53.55[TK]D-FenderCisco is even MORE expensive, and their SIP isn't exactly stable or as functional....
01:54.27DocHolliday[TK]D-Fender, well yeah.. i wish someone would start a SIP firmware project
01:54.47[TK]D-FenderAastra is a little less stable than some, but more functional that anything except Polycom.
01:56.52*** join/#asterisk hot_wheelz (
01:57.11riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, do you like the actual Aastra pbx's?
01:57.15*** join/#asterisk abatista (
01:57.36HeppyCative had a gxp for a year or so now
01:57.45HeppyCatwouldnt call it 'solid'
01:58.02[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox : Never tried.
01:58.17[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox : the 480i is a very god phone though
01:58.55flendersjaxxan: if I use 'exten => s,4,WaitExten(15)' then it doesn't drop the call
01:58.56riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, I cant find that phone on voipsupply anymore, the only way I see it is with the cordless phone bundled
02:00.11riddleboxnevermind now I have :)
02:00.51*** join/#asterisk karmatronic (n=karmatro@
02:01.43ctooleycall-limit it is
02:01.55[TK]D-Fenderflenders  : == Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/' status is 'UNKNOWN'
02:02.14[TK]D-Fenderflenders : thats your problem.  You didn't set "autofallthough=no" in [globals]
02:03.13*** join/#asterisk Globetrotter (n=eric@
02:03.33GlobetrotterHi Guys,,  how do i recompile asterisk bussiness edition?
02:04.10[TK]D-FenderGlobetrotter : the same way as normal.  Its not magically different
02:04.30filethey distribute the source with BE?
02:04.33Strom_Myou don't recompile ABE.  it's already compiled.
02:04.35[TK]D-FenderGlobetrotter And besides which, having bought it that means you got the nifty manual that puts it in BIG PRINT for you too :)
02:05.20fileugh the manual
02:05.48Globetrotteryes, i made a mistake. i ran this command and recomplied  :(
02:05.50Globetrottersvn checkout asterisk-1.2
02:06.00Globetrotterobviuoly i am a newbee
02:06.24[TK]D-FenderGlobetrotter : And very clearly that should not be ABE you are downloading, otherwise anyone could do it.
02:06.47Globetrotteryep, gotcha
02:06.58[TK]D-FenderGlobetrotter : ABE dosn't DO SVN.  they only have nice old stable.
02:07.16[TK]D-FenderGlobetrotter : So did you PAY for ABE?
02:07.25fileB is based off of 1.2
02:07.34Globetrotterbut, i was rrying to install the addons
02:07.36fileso not quite "nice old"
02:07.39Globetrotterthen i f*cked up
02:08.10[TK]D-FenderGlobetrotter : Time to actually figure out what you're doing rather than downloading mis-matched bigs.  Go use that support you paid for.
02:08.35Globetrotterthnbaks guys
02:09.22*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:09.24[TK]D-FenderGlobetrotter : That IS why you piad for it isn't it?
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02:14.53Globetrottervery true  :)
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02:34.49flenders[TK]D-Fender: thanks a lot mate!
02:35.45flenders[TK]D-Fender: I had autofallthrough=yes
02:36.39niZonanyone got ztdummy working on a 2.6 kernel without usb uhci?
02:36.50*** part/#asterisk kieranmullen2 (
02:37.37jaxxanflenders: glad you fixed i
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02:38.44jaxxanomg did you guys see the new iphone ?
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02:39.59HeppyCatit's $600 subsidized
02:40.33HeppyCatim more interested in motorola's slim, no frills phone
02:40.57HeppyCatbut then again, i just got a treo last month
02:41.24DrCronmeh, i want one of the htc phones
02:41.25jaxxani dont care if it was $1k dollars
02:41.33jaxxani can't wait to get one
02:44.12james_wow, a model consumer if ever there was one
02:44.53james_brand/label + old technology + a couple of gimmicks  = "i dont care if it was $1k dollars"
02:44.56battiniyeah really
02:45.06*** part/#asterisk _Sam-- (
02:45.14james_i'm not an apple hater
02:45.25jaxxani'm a mac user so i'm all about apple hardware
02:45.26battinidude neither am I
02:45.27james_but if you put the iphone next to the nokia n95
02:45.29battiniI have a G4
02:45.33james_it's nothing *spectacular*
02:45.34battinibut jesus christ
02:45.37battinithe ipod is worthless
02:45.41[TK]D-Fenderflenders : You're welcome
02:45.42jaxxani have a macbook pro
02:45.43battiniits all name recognition
02:45.56jaxxanit kicks the shit out of my g4 and i liked that one too
02:46.05russellbi'm pissed that it requires a cingular 2-year contract
02:46.07battiniI have a dual cpu 1.2 g4
02:46.12battinithat i use illustrator on
02:47.07[TK]D-FenderG4 was a puny processor and Intel saved Apple from being crushed on performance.  Apple does make great products, but I LOATH their "our way or the highway" method of managing it.
02:47.23[TK]D-Fenderitunes = crap, ipod = crap (software).
02:48.12jaxxani hated Macs until OS X came around. OS X's BSD is hella better than running debian on a laptop
02:48.32battinithe ipod is a way overpriced mp3 player
02:48.42km-Hey guys, any idea how I remove the @10.x.x.x from my callerid on the 7960?  Do I need to reset the caller ID in my dialplan?
02:48.44battiniMy Rio Karma might be ugly, but its 20gb and it cost me 150 bucks
02:48.47battiniand that was a few years ago
02:48.49km-or am I missing something like callerid=yes in sip.conf
02:50.13jaxxani have a sony walkman w850i 4g and it's hella kewl
02:50.27jaxxanbut the iphone kicks the hell out of it functionally
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02:50.53jaxxanif only i could route it thru asterisk (=
02:52.16jaxxani wanna be able to dial extensions from my mobile phone
02:52.23jaxxandirect extensions that is
02:53.39jaxxanthe ability to be travelling and make calls from my cell phone via IP from any access point would be the shit
02:53.57jaxxani'm asking to much though
02:54.09battiniyou could just get a wireless sip phone
02:55.17jaxxanyeah, but i need it to play mp3's, video, sync with my macbook and make love to me too
02:55.56battinisounds like you want a laptop.
02:56.20jaxxanthat's my macbook pro haha
03:02.59luke-jrAnyone up for a game of freeciv?
03:03.00*** join/#asterisk SimoAmi (
03:03.03SimoAmihi there
03:04.44SimoAmiwhat's the syntax for permit to allow all hosts
03:07.16russellbwell, it's the default, so you don't have to configure it
03:07.56SimoAmiah, I'll try that now
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03:19.09flendersI know this may sound stupid, but so far I've only used SIP, and just got a digium card installed... question is, how do I make calls using channel 1 on my digium card?
03:19.39flendersI know that on sip it would be Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@provider)
03:19.48flendersManxPower: thanks mate
03:19.51ManxPowerzap must be installed before asterisk of asterisk willl not build zap support
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03:20.14flendersManxPower: it is, all modules loaded, and incoming calls are working
03:20.50flendersManxPower: I was trying Zap/${EXTEN}/1
03:21.13ManxPowerThat would call telephone number "1" using channel ${EXTEN}
03:24.21flendersManxPower: makes sense now
03:24.35*** join/#asterisk jasonpr (n=jasonpr@
03:25.39flendersif I have 4 FXO modules on the card, and channel 1 is in use, channel 2 is in use but 3 and 4 arent, how do I dial using the first available channel?
03:25.57flendersI also want to dial using SIP, if all Zap channels are busy
03:26.24Grnd-WireCan someone tell me what MeterMaid it is?
03:27.43[TK]D-Fenderflenders : ou set each channel into the same group like "group=1", and dialthem like Dial(ZAP/g1/1234567)
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03:28.30[TK]D-Fenderflenders : G1 an g1 each choose group 1, 1 in ascending order, the other in descending (of availability.  I forget which)
03:28.52flendersin zapata.conf?
03:28.53[TK]D-FenderGrnd-Wire : Rita is indeed lovely :)
03:28.57[TK]D-Fenderflenders : Correct
03:29.06flenders[TK]D-Fender: thanks again!
03:29.14[TK]D-Fenderflenders ; np
03:30.18flenders[TK]D-Fender: if I add a second TDM400 card, will the channels be Zap/1-1, Zap/1-2, Zap/2-1...?
03:30.18Grnd-WireTKD: hmm - I was serious.. I'm seeing that MeterMain is some sort of addon patch to the normal parking functionality, or something.. Is there documentation for it on ?
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03:31.06[TK]D-Fenderflenders : zap/1 through zap/8
03:31.32[TK]D-Fenderflenders : Everything after the dash signifies a unique call on an active channel
03:31.39flendersso the first card on the PCI bus will be 1-4 and the other one 5-8?
03:31.46[TK]D-Fenderflenders : Which is the way you'll see it in the CLI as commands are executing
03:32.00[TK]D-Fenderflenders : Well.. the first of the 2 to initialize.
03:32.09[TK]D-Fenderflenders : I don't know about guranteeing the order.
03:32.28flenders[TK]D-Fender: well, I don't think it makes a difference, does it?
03:32.56clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: per our converstaion earlier you were correct we need a global rate table - seems the way to get the rate is just use the CDR's and calculate it from duration of call and amount charged.  Only downside is we are forced to go by carriers CDR's instead of our own - but works for now.....
03:32.58flenders[TK]D-Fender: all calls coming in on any of the channels will be on the same group, and context
03:34.20[TK]D-Fenderflenders : In the grand scheme of things SORTA.  if you don't have all 8 ports FILLED, that can be a porblem if the order is wrong.
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03:36.14flenders[TK]D-Fender: true
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03:50.56TripleFFFFwhats the jumper for on sangoma card ?
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04:01.47rue_mohrif I have a T1 card and a newbridge channel bank, can anyone guide me through making a phone play music?
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04:05.12[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr :
04:06.27rue_mohrwhat would you say is the simplest thing I can make using that system, would that be it?
04:06.37rue_mohrI would like something almost garunteed to work
04:07.08[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr : "Simplest thin you can make"? HUH?  What are you really trying to do?
04:08.34rue_mohrI'm tryign to start, successfully if possable :)
04:08.52rue_mohrI have grand ambitions, but am no fool
04:09.23[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr : Do you get dialtone in the CB and does it WORK?
04:11.43rue_mohrwell it would help if I had the centronics connector to hook into it
04:11.51rue_mohrshould I get a dialtone with no T1 on it?
04:12.03[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr : So basically you're not equiped to really begin.
04:12.13rue_mohrI have 9/10ths the parts
04:12.16[TK]D-Fenderrun, no you probably shouldn't
04:12.32[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr : Congratulations.  thats like have an engine without GAS :)
04:12.55rue_mohrwell I have yet to make supper tonight, so gas might not be a problem
04:14.10rue_mohrnewbridge 3624
04:14.18rue_mohrand about 4 boxes of modules
04:14.28rue_mohr2 echo cans with no edge connectors
04:14.40[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr : Ok, well ask when you're in a position to find out for sure that everything works.
04:15.31rue_mohrthe newbridge should be able to act as the clock source, shouldn't it? I understand the clock on the card I have might be flakey
04:15.36rue_mohrwhat I need is a manual
04:16.02rue_mohrpossibly a terminal cord
04:16.16rue_mohrI dont know how smart this thing is
04:18.53*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
04:19.49rue_mohranyone have a copy of "newbridge3624.pdf" as all copies ont eh web seem to have dried up ?
04:21.35rue_mohrdigium, I think thats the T1 card I have
04:28.47k-man__i know it's totaly off topic, but anyone here know how to program an nec Xen system?
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04:36.29[TK]D-Fenderbkruse : what do you play?
04:38.03bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: guitar!
04:38.05bkruse_homeand drums and keyboard and bass
04:38.05bkruse_homebut bass doesnt count because its just a cheap guitar :P
04:38.20[TK]D-Fenderbkruse : got any recordings to share?
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04:51.49Mattwj2005good evening all :)
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05:11.30horsesgofastervery quite tonight...
05:12.31horsesgofastersooooo, has anyone tried to config sip video?
05:14.16[TK]D-Fenderhorsesgofaster : Yes, it passes though jsut fine
05:15.00horsesgofasterexcellent!  I'm working on setting up my server now with beta4... how is the quality and refresh rate?
05:16.24[TK]D-Fenderhorsesgofaster : Doesn't work so well over smoke-signals, tin-can-and-string, or jungle-drums....
05:16.57filehorsesgofaster: 1.4.0 beta4?
05:16.59horsesgofaster[TK]D-Fender, I've been play with asterisk for a year on and off and decided to go up to NYC asterisk bootcamp
05:17.11horsesgofasterfile, yep 1.4.0 beta4
05:17.23[TK]D-Fenderhorsesgofaster : All signed up and ready to go?
05:17.29filehorsesgofaster: uh, there's a 1.4.0 release - or you could grab 1.4 from SVN
05:17.37horsesgofaster[TK]D-Fender, yep!
05:18.01horsesgofasterfile, grabbed it from asterisknow, used the iso.
05:18.19[TK]D-Fenderhorsesgofaster : well try to do as much reading and testing before you go so you can get the most out of it.
05:18.23fileoh asterisknow
05:18.35horsesgofasterfile, played with the liveCD, it was pretty cool
05:19.26*** join/#asterisk tim0123 (
05:19.30horsesgofaster[TK]D-Fender, yep, last week and this week almost full time on asterisk config and voip-supply config... also read the 'book'... haven't done that in a long time :)
05:20.31tim0123is the anyway to use xml with asterisk
05:20.40Mattwj2005I am going to try a Asterisk build on Gentoo.....right now I am compiling the dependencies
05:21.11Mattwj20051.4 :D
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05:21.54[TK]D-FenderThats what Gentoo is... a compiler :)  GCC!
05:22.06Mattwj2005I like it :)
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05:22.34Mattwj2005now if I had a nice life would be prefect ;)
05:23.30HeppyCatMattwj2005: what arch?
05:23.44[TK]D-FenderHeppyCat : McD's :D
05:23.57HeppyCat[TK]D-Fender: disgusting
05:24.08danpergh, i can't seem to get rid of these 500's from my polycom phones
05:24.16Mattwj2005plain old 32 bit
05:24.18danpi updated to the latest svn
05:24.20[TK]D-FenderDefinately a few fries short of a Happy meal!
05:24.41Mattwj2005it is only a 600 Mhz system.....enough for a hobbyist such as myself
05:24.53HeppyCatim runnin asterisk on debian
05:25.06HeppyCatbeen too lazy to move it to my gentoo box
05:25.14Mattwj2005that works pretty good too .... that is how I did my first systems
05:25.47Mattwj2005nice thing about gentoo is they finally have an is cheating.....but at least it is easier
05:25.55[TK]D-Fenderdanp : You won't.  They're a fact of life, but don't seem o cause any problems on my side. I think of them more as "warnings".
05:26.11HeppyCatan installer?
05:26.29Mattwj2005it is even called "installer"
05:26.35flendersI installed gentoo 2 or 3 months ago and it was a nightmare
05:26.41Mattwj2005download the livecd and try for yourself :)
05:26.56flendersonly reason was cause I couldn't find proper SATA drivers for a dell server on any other distro
05:27.35Mattwj2005the live cd allows you to use either a text based or a gui installer
05:27.36HeppyCative got most of an gentoo installation on this box
05:27.46HeppyCatoh, i bet you mean the gentoo installer
05:27.51HeppyCatnot an asterisk installer
05:28.12Mattwj2005yeah exactly
05:28.30flendersMattwj2005: so now you don't need to download all the stage3 and portege files and do it all yourself?
05:28.31HeppyCati bet that means you used genkernel too
05:28.52Mattwj2005nope....the installer is a bit buggy but it works fine
05:29.00HeppyCati highly suggest *not* to use that installer
05:29.03Mattwj2005for the most part
05:29.04HeppyCatnor genkernel
05:29.29flendersHeppyCat: in summary, not to use gentoo
05:29.48HeppyCatflenders: no no, im sayin if you're going to install gentoo, do it right ;)
05:30.07HeppyCatthe installation isnt difficut, it's just long
05:30.14flendersI'm way past the times I used to enjoy installing linux, compiling kernels, etc...
05:30.41flendersit's way too long
05:30.53HeppyCati hear you. i reserve gentoo for servers
05:30.58HeppyCatones i dont put x on
05:31.17flendersthe servers we got would be used as a firewall cluster, and it works just fine
05:31.36Mattwj2005that is why I have chosen it for Asterisk....I just want a minimal os install
05:31.38HeppyCatfirewall cluster?
05:31.42flendersbut it could have an easier minimum install disk, like debian does, for example, and you take it from there
05:31.57flenderscluster of firewalls
05:31.59Mattwj2005debian is a good choice too
05:32.44HeppyCatonly reason im running debian is i was lazy and in a rush at the time
05:32.57flendersI'm always lazy
05:33.11HeppyCatwell, i guess technically this box is running debian. it's ubuntu :)
05:33.16HeppyCatahh the slack
05:33.41flendersdo you run * on ubuntu?
05:33.52HeppyCatno, asterisk is running on debian sarge
05:33.58HeppyCatthe only thing on that box
05:34.21HeppyCati tried for some time to get it working on gentoo/sparc
05:34.24flendersI'm alo running sarge on the * box
05:34.53flendersspeaking of sparc, even solaris is easier to install than gentoo
05:35.18HeppyCattoo bad solaris isnt linux
05:35.52flendersI like it though... sun hardware could be a little bit cheaper to make it worth it
05:36.34*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
05:36.48[TK]D-FenderSlackware = all
05:37.25[TK]D-FenderBinary w/o the bloat!
05:37.32[TK]D-Fender"Just works"
05:37.39flendersfirst linux I installed was a slackware running kernel 2.0.x
05:38.15flendersused slackware for years, but then I got old and lazy, and debian became my preferred distro
05:38.59file[TK]D-Fender: it's you!
05:39.41[TK]D-Fenderfile : oh noes!
05:40.47[TK]D-FenderDebian : Where the moral high ground gives way to : what the hell are we trying to acheive anyways?
05:41.54flendersI always thought slackware was a great distro, but during sometime, it was a nightmare to make things work
05:42.07[TK]D-Fenderfile : while the res isn't the best, the size/cost ration is pretty sweet :)
05:42.27[TK]D-Fenderflenders : its instant success with e or the past 3 years really.
05:42.34*** join/#asterisk RahaiL (
05:42.36flendersI had it as a desktop as well... oh god! why did I punish myself for so many years?
05:42.37file[TK]D-Fender: not bad
05:42.52RahaiLany one know who can do branded softphone
05:42.58flendersI got the latest version (11?) on a linux magazine, but haven't installed yet
05:43.37*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
05:44.28[TK]D-Fenderflenders : As much as I love it, I'm starting to fall into the "support" category of CentOS.  its just more maintainable, and comes with more commonly expected packages.
05:44.34file[TK]D-Fender: how goes teh work?
05:44.42[TK]D-Fenderflenders : I'm likely to rebuild my server on it.
05:44.51[TK]D-Fenderfile : Screw work, I'm *HOME*
05:45.00flendersthat's the one based on RHEL, isn't it?
05:45.02file[TK]D-Fender: lol
05:45.09file[TK]D-Fender: how goes teh home? it is... homely?
05:45.16[TK]D-Fenderfile : Guitar is going great though.  Evenings of just goofing off with sweeping is really paying off.
05:45.29[TK]D-Fenderflenders : 100% identical, minus the logos :)
05:46.08[TK]D-Fenderfile : Homely?  Don' talk about my bitch like that!
05:46.26flendersthere was a asterisk@home(?) thing that was based on that, is that right?
05:46.51file[TK]D-Fender: pfft, you just want...
05:47.03[TK]D-Fenderflenders : yes thats what A@H / Trixbox uses as a base.
05:47.08[TK]D-Fenderfile : ! ! !
05:47.14fileI thought so!
05:47.46[TK]D-Fenderfile : I'm mastering the art s of drugs & rock'n'roll so I can sway teh laydeez
05:48.05file[TK]D-Fender: sounds like a plan.
05:49.20fileJuggie: speak... or implode
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05:54.01pigpenanyone know how to have asterisk format the voicemail audio file so that a Windows Mobile 5 phone can play it?
05:54.18pigpenSorry I run a windows phone...the Apple iPhone won't ship until late June.
05:54.39pigpenI have tried the standard wav & wav49
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05:58.29[TK]D-Fenderpigpen : install codecs for it
05:58.42pigpenyeah...I have been looking for that too.
05:59.13pigpenSo far I have found Codec Pack All in 1 by
05:59.40pigpengsm is fine with me if possible.
06:03.10pigpenDam..I can't find anything.
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06:04.13RahaiLany one know who can do branded softphone
06:04.43pigpenlook at idefisk (I don't know if they do it or not)
06:04.49pigpenor .... dam...I forget.
06:05.01HeppyCatasterisk doesnt dump wav or mp3?
06:05.33pigpenRahaiL, it is the one that Vonage has branded.
06:05.40pigpenHeppyCat, dump?
06:06.00HeppyCatwhat is asterisk writing that you can play?
06:06.30pigpenWell, mp3's and from what I can figure out, pcm encoded wav files.
06:06.38RahaiLpgpen any softphone that work on windows 98+
06:06.55pigpenRahaiL, yeah..check those out.
06:07.16pigpenI may have found a solution...but I need to try.
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06:07.39RahaiLwhich one
06:08.23RahaiLmay I pm you
06:08.31pigpenI may be asleep.
06:08.35pigpenbut go for it.
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06:13.45pigpen"Unrecognized file type"
06:13.56pigpenOh well...maybe in the morning.
06:20.41*** join/#asterisk Deciphan (
06:22.16DeciphanAnyone know why I'd be getting tens of thousands of log files generated... messages.1891, messages.1892... event_log.5939, event_log.5940... queue_log.9998, queue_log.9999... etc?  They seem to be generated very quickly
06:25.42CunningPikeDeciphan: Check your logrotate configuration
06:27.04Deciphanis that in one of the asterisk conf files?
06:27.54CunningPikeDeciphan: No - it's a system-wide setting
06:28.00CunningPikeDeciphan: man logrotate
06:28.53Deciphani don't have an entry for that... doesn't look like i have that.. this is Gentoo if that matters
06:29.12clyrradDeciphan: what distro are you using?
06:29.47Deciphani think it was originally the 2005 but the kernel's been updated to the latest version
06:30.13clyrradno - I mean what Distro of Linux are you using?
06:30.52clyrradhrm... I just checked what CunningPike suggested it works on CentOS / RedHat and Debian based installs of Linux
06:31.23DeciphanI just looked on a different Gentoo box that I've got running Asterisk and it doesn't seem to have logrotate either... but it doesn't have this problem.. i just have one log file for each function
06:31.54clyrradare you looking in /var/logs ?
06:32.20Deciphanyah, /var/log/asterisk
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06:32.38DeciphanI've run Asterisk on several Gentoo servers and never seen this before
06:32.48clyrradand you have 10's of thousands of log files in there???
06:33.50Deciphanyah.. so many that I can't even rm * .. i get an error and I have to ls | xargs rm   to clear it out
06:34.25Deciphanit's not building up over time either... it happens overnight
06:34.41clyrradthat seems very strange to me - not only have I never seen that - I have never even heard of that
06:34.46clyrradim not even sure what to suggest you
06:35.16FaithXDeciphan: What log files and what is in them ... fix the problem...
06:35.56FaithXDeciphan: What are they telling you?
06:36.17DeciphanMost of them actually appear to be empty...  However.. the message.#### logs all seem to say  "WARNING[30066] format_wav.c: Unable to find our position"
06:37.03FaithXyou could turn syslog off I guess till you fix the problem... if it is crashing your box.
06:37.05*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
06:37.26FaithX39deg C today...
06:37.59FaithXquite mild :)
06:39.39clyrradFaithX: yea but wonder what causes him to get that many log files
06:39.42clyrradthat seems very strange
06:39.44DeciphanThe queue_log.#### files all show something like "1168404289|NONE|NONE|NONE|CONFIGRELOAD|"
06:39.47QwellDeciphan: You're recording a wav > 2GB..  don't do that :)
06:40.00*** join/#asterisk at561 (i=wintermu@
06:40.18at561is there still an asterisk cvs server somewhere?
06:40.28DeciphanQwell, that's interesting that you mention that... because when I was upgrading to 1.2.14 and backing up the voicemail.. I noticed strange folders which HUGE wav files in some of the peoples voicemail boxes...
06:40.41QwellDeciphan: That's what's causing that
06:41.07Qwellwhich means, you don't have proper hangup detection, and no max silence option
06:41.08DeciphanMore importantly, what's causing asterisk to generate these multi-gigabyte wav files?
06:41.37clyrradDeciphan: are you sure they are not wave files that were recordings of callers that came in on Queues?
06:41.43DeciphanWe were having a hangup detection problem with this box too... very intermittent tho
06:41.46Qwellsomebody is doing something mischievous
06:41.48clyrrada long converstaion on a Queue could cause a huge flie like that too
06:41.57DeciphanNo, this box is not setup to record any calls... these were inside people voicemail folders
06:41.58Qwelllong == several days
06:42.19DeciphanThere aren't even any queues setup.. they don't use them... just rings straight to extensions
06:42.24rue_mohr:( I cant find the diagram on the web for the proper wiring of the back of a bix strip
06:42.26clyrradI see....
06:42.47rue_mohrwell not wiring as much as how to bundle the wires properly
06:42.49*** join/#asterisk dorphalsig (
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06:43.04QwellDeciphan: in the short term, set voicemail to have a max silence of several seconds (something reasonable - maybe 6-10 seconds)
06:43.14Qwellin the long term, figure out what's causing the hangup detection to fail
06:43.21Qwellactually, both would be ideal
06:43.30dorphalsigGnight =)
06:43.49clyrradQwell: you think something is hititng his voicemail and keep recording or something similar?
06:43.50dorphalsigI have a small q ... umm... is sip_mysql_friends
06:43.58rue_mohris there another name for bix strips?
06:43.58Qwellclyrrad: I know so :)
06:44.02dorphalsigon in * 1.2 or is it a 1.4 feature?
06:44.26Deciphanyah.. i was trying to figure out the hangup detection.. it all looks good... but maybe the phone company is doing something weird... come to think of it, this is a voice/data circuit that's being split with some telco box with pots lines going into the asterisk box... maybe that splitter box is acting strange
06:44.30clyrradQwell: can that be done on purporse as an attack on the system, or its a mistake in the dial plan that does not stop the recording?
06:44.52QwellDeciphan: very likely
06:44.55conver2is there a way to specify the ringtime for each member when using rrmemory strategy ?
06:45.19Qwellconver2: I think ring time is per queue, however, if you use a Local channel, you can use Dial with a timeout option
06:45.57conver2ringtime per queue meaning total ringtime for all members?
06:45.57Qwellso, instead of adding the users device to the queue, add their exten or something
06:46.02clyrradconver2: you are looking for the timeout parameter
06:46.04rue_mohrbix is nortel...
06:46.04Qwellfor each member
06:46.17Qwellie; it's the same for all members of a given queue
06:46.36QwellSo, if you add like Local/bob@queues
06:46.38Qwellyou could have
06:46.55Qwellexten => bob,1,Dial(SIP/bob||20)
06:47.00rue_mohrWe have 50,100,250,300 pairs metal frame with bracket, god, I hope I ever have to punch 50100250300 conductors...
06:47.04clyrradQwell: so could what I ask above hold true that someone can do it as an attack?  Or its just a mistake in the dialplan?
06:47.11Qwellexten => bob,1,Dial(SIP/steve||8)
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06:47.23rue_mohrhmm missing quotes ;)
06:47.29Qwellclyrrad: sure, it's possible
06:47.36clyrradas an attack?
06:47.49clyrradinteresting... something to watch out for then
06:47.57clyrradguess thats why you put /var in its on partition
06:48.10Qwellwell, there are other options, like max message length in voicemail
06:48.16conver2ok, how do i specify the ringtime that applies to eacg member if a queue?
06:48.19QwellI mean, NOBODY is going to get a 10 minute voicemail
06:48.19clyrradyea that too
06:48.28Qwellso, set the max length to 600 seconds
06:48.32clyrradUnless its a wife gone mad hahaha
06:48.45Qwellhowever, that doesn't stop somebody calling back in every 10 minutes. ;)
06:48.58Qwellthat's just something you as an admin need to be aware of
06:49.23Qwell(of course, the way to alleviate that problem, would be to have a max message count...but...yeah)
06:49.30Qwellconver2: I just explained it above
06:49.48clyrradso you need to set those 2 parameters to protect your server
06:49.58dorphalsigis SIP_MYSQL_FRIENDS on asterisk 1.2 or is it a 1.4 feature?
06:49.58clyrradmax message count and max lenght
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06:50.34clyrradQwell: what happens if a mailbox count == Max mail count and someone tries to leave a message in that voicemail box?
06:50.35conver2only using the queue app.
06:50.39Qwellit fails
06:50.42clyrraddoes the system tell them its full?
06:51.11Qwellobviously there are some drawbacks - like legitimate messages being blocked
06:51.13clyrradyea thats a good thing.... prolly one of the only ways you can save your Hard Drive
06:51.33clyrradyea but at the same time if someone lets their mailbox fill up like that they clearly dont care about the messages
06:51.38clyrradunless they are being spammed
06:52.20*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
06:52.23conver2qwell-- so you are saying to implement the queue using a queue context, and not by the queue app?
06:52.34Qwellconver2: no, you would use the queue app too.
06:53.01Qwellconver2: see doc/queues-with-callback-members.txt  in the 1.4 source
06:53.22Qwellthat gives an example or two of using chan_local with queues.  You should be able to see how you could add a timeout in the Dial() calls
06:53.53clyrradQwell: do you do coding for Asterisk as well?
06:53.59Qwellyes, full time
06:54.13clyrradno wonder you know all the in's and out's :)
06:54.38clyrradI cant wait to upgrade to 1.4 but I need to re-do most of my dial plan's :(
06:54.44Strom_Mqwell is lying - he spends his days as a circus monkey groveling for peanuts ;)
06:55.12clyrradStrom_M - see I remembered not to call you STORM hehe
06:55.20clyrradI know thats a pet peeve of yours
06:55.24clyrrad:) :) :)
06:56.22clyrradso how you guys find the new variable lenght DTMF on 1.4?  Do you guys fine you are able to use more IVR systems?
06:56.33clyrradI have lots of issues on 1.2 of certain systems not getting the DTMF's
06:56.46clyrradwonder how much improved you guys find this on 1.4
06:59.00Qwellyes, vldtmf is MUCH better
06:59.02*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
06:59.12clyrradso you are able to use more of these systems you finding?
06:59.24clyrradI get lots of complaints that systems dont get the DTMF's
06:59.29Qwellyeah, there were several systems that we couldn't interop with, that we now can
06:59.40clyrradwe are waiting to upgrade - but need to re-do much of the dial plan syntax
06:59.51clyrradQwell: thats great news
07:00.43clyrradQwell: since your a DEV this is a good question to ask you
07:01.03clyrradhow come Asterisk dial plan is written like scripting - instead of a coding langauge like C or PHP or Java?
07:01.10Qwellsee ael
07:01.20Qwellit's very c-like
07:01.28clyrradim not famaliar with ael
07:01.33Qwellgoogle it :)
07:01.43clyrradbut I can code in C and PHP :)
07:01.44jboti guess ael is Asterisk Extension Language - a dialplan language with 'c like' syntax?
07:01.44clyrradso thats exciting
07:01.44Qwellstupid bot
07:01.48Qwellthere we go
07:01.58clyrradoh cool
07:02.03clyrradis it ment to replace AGI?
07:02.29Qwellno, it's just like extensions.conf, but a different format
07:02.36Qwellway cooler
07:02.48Qwelland very massively overhauled in 1.4 - it works great
07:02.55Qwellsyntax checking and the whole 9
07:03.03clyrradoh so I could use extensions.ael instead of extensions.conf and code like I do in C / Java / PHP sytle?
07:03.08Qwell(props to codefreeze)
07:03.17Qwellclyrrad: basically
07:03.24clyrradoh thats orgasmic!!!!!!!
07:03.26Qwellcheck out the wiki entry for ael/ael2
07:03.30clyrradim there now
07:03.36Qwelland the sample extensions.ael
07:03.48clyrradcan you create variables loops and functions and all that fancy jazz???
07:04.12Rhizomeit even has goto :P
07:04.26Qwellloops are easy..  just a While/EndWhile loop (which uses the asterisk applications)
07:04.30clyrradRhizone: yea but thats a bad bad word in coding
07:04.41clyrradcalled spagetti programming
07:04.42Rhizomehehe, yea I jsut thought it was nostalgic :P
07:04.44Qwellnah, goto is good for some things
07:04.57clyrradyes but for the most part its to be avoided like the plague
07:05.04clyrradlike Global Variables
07:05.20Qwellglobals are also good for some things
07:05.36clyrradyes they have a very specific purpose other than that they are to be avoided :)
07:05.37Qwellhell, your kernel wouldn't be able to count without them ;)
07:05.44clyrradthis is true
07:05.48Qwelljiffies :p
07:05.55clyrradbut we know as a general rule not to use them right???
07:06.02clyrradwhen at all possible....
07:06.12Qwellsure, always use the smallest scope possible
07:06.19clyrradyep yep
07:06.21Qwellbut, occasionally, global is the smallest scope
07:06.30*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
07:06.40clyrradI like to declare my itterator varaibles inside the scope of the loop (ie.. in the for syntax) so they dont exist out side the loop
07:06.50clyrradI see some devs declare and initalize them above the loop
07:06.54clyrradthen never use them outside the loop
07:06.58clyrradmakes no sense to me
07:07.37Qwellanyhow, time for bed
07:07.50clyrradOk have a good one - nice chatting with ya
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07:26.26unsuchtis there something available that will alert a user if an extention dialed earlier becomes available
07:27.37zeeeshhow to verify that ... mysql installed or not ... at any server . what is the command and where to check in redhat /??
07:29.14*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
07:30.29tzafrirzeeesh, you can use rpm to check the the packages
07:31.01tzafrirmysql server? or the command-line client?
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07:43.47CunningPikezeeesh: mysql ?
07:45.47dongsdoes asterisk support session timers yet
07:45.49dongsin a usable way?
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07:50.48dongslol @ seeing mailing list posts about this shit back in 2003
07:50.50dongswith NOTHING done.
07:50.55dongsthats just amazing
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07:56.01xlnc2002hi there, i'm having trouble setting up an extension, can anyone help pls? .. the AsterikInfo (status) says the extension's host is "UNSPECIFIED". Where does one specify the host of a (SIP) extension? I would have throught it would just default to the PBX server IP#... thanks
07:56.41*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
07:56.47xlnc2002i missed out - this is setting up extension on the  PBX server
07:56.58angryusergood morning;)
07:57.31xlnc2002hiya, angryuser
07:57.54angryuseri am searching for a voip phone compatible asterisk, with line status of other accounts
07:58.36WAudetteI am attempting to get Overhead Paging running while useing * 1.2.13.  It looks like my sound card is configured.  I have added exten => *52,1,Dial(console/dsp) and exten => *52,2,Hangup() extensions_custom.conf.  Is there a way to pump say an mp3 to see if I can hear it.  I am running CentOS 4.4.
08:00.06xlnc2002angryuser, isn't this something the Flash OPerator Panel can do? it monitors line status..
08:01.43*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
08:01.59angryuserxlnc2002:  yes fop can do this, but it is difficult to change habits of people;)
08:02.02Strom_Mangryuser, polycom ip430/501/601
08:03.25Strom_Mxlnc2002, explain your question again
08:03.34xlnc2002so you want a harware phone device...Snom has individual LEDs model 320 configurable for varous "lines"
08:03.48xlnc2002besides haveing some excellent Codec support.
08:04.37xlnc2002Strom, thanks.. I am setting up (Trixbox 2.0RC) an extension on the PBX server. A simple SIP extension.
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08:04.48angryuserStrom_M: thanks
08:04.56Strom_Moh christ
08:05.00Strom_Mcan't you read the topic?
08:05.19jbotextra, extra, read all about it, trixbox is unable to be supported here. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or use the trixbox forums at
08:05.20xlnc2002however, asterixinfo reports the extension's host is Unregistered
08:05.48xlnc2002ok , sure thing. .. :)
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08:07.21xlnc2002okay folks, sorry for the intrusion.... bye for now..cheers
08:09.01*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
08:09.48angryuserStrom_M:how polycom ip430/501/601 manage to monitor lines?(asterisk managed inplemented?)
08:10.07Strom_Mangryuser, sip present support
08:10.13Strom_Mno AMI stuff
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08:11.15angryuserStrom_M: so will i have a status, like sip/205 busy, Sip/206 free?
08:12.15Strom_Mi believe you'll be able to see the status on the telephone set
08:15.32*** join/#asterisk foRza (
08:15.57angryuserStrom_M: i need status of sip client to avoid blind transfers
08:16.33Strom_Mwhat do you mean?
08:16.33brookshireangryuser: and do what with them?
08:16.45brookshireStrom_M: !
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08:17.10Strom_Mwhat's new?
08:17.11angryuserStrom_M: nothing more, status of sip clients on buttons;)
08:17.22Strom_Mangryuser, you can do that with a polycom set
08:17.35angryuserStrom_M:  thank you for help
08:18.26brookshireStrom_M: not much.. should be in bed
08:19.14Strom_Mare you at the office?
08:19.20brookshireat my house
08:19.30Strom_Mi'm in bed ;)
08:19.36brookshirei'm close!
08:19.48brookshireit's just around the corner begging for me
08:20.04Strom_MI spent all of today battling a crazy-ass fever
08:20.23clyrradStrom_M: join the club :s
08:20.23brookshireeveryone is sick
08:20.27brookshirei'm not!
08:20.38clyrradnot yet :)
08:20.42brookshireVitamin C
08:21.08brookshirei haven't been sick in a long long time
08:21.10Strom_Mthis is the first time I can remember being sick in at least a year
08:21.11brookshirei changed my diet
08:21.13Strom_Mmaybe two
08:21.27brookshireand i haven't been sick since
08:33.54*** join/#asterisk drone1 (
08:34.17drone1Hi u all
08:34.41drone1could any one help me with gtalk connection?
08:35.16drone1I got my asterisk connected to gtalk .. but when I make a call there's no audio
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08:38.11brookshirewish i could help you, i've never played around with gtalk
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08:38.28brookshireso are you sure it's on the gtalk end?
08:38.49drone1how do you mean?
08:39.14drone1I've made a test call with SIP ... works fine
08:39.15brookshirehow are you connected to asterisk on the other end?
08:44.52drone1there's way too little doc on this subject
08:47.38*** join/#asterisk sasch (n=sasch@
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08:48.48saschfro pstn line what is the best codec ???
08:49.11saschfor remove eco .... because i have a tdm400p and with telecom line I have a lot of echo
08:49.40saschthis is correct ??
08:49.50saschin my sip.conf
08:50.27brookshiresasch: that will not help your echo problems
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08:55.19saschin asterisk 1.2 at start of call i have a echo but after echo go out
08:55.29saschnow with asterisk 1.4 echo stay all dial
08:56.09sasch<brookshire> thanks for link
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09:06.24phj-hi, i was wondering if its possible to terminate a hanging call from the asterisk console?
09:06.29zoathis is funny
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09:08.46perdphone nerds gone wild
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09:10.31perdthat needs more technical details though, zoa
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09:15.27zoayeah i didnt write that
09:15.30zoait was posted by someone
09:17.10frawdhello, anyone know how the alarms work in zaptel for analog cards?
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09:26.14monstedeep, just added a third PRI to a customer who was whining about dropped calls with their 60 channels... minutes later all 90 are in use - good capacity planning?
09:28.28Ahrimanesmm "not my problem"
09:29.28monstedthey might've been a little bit more ahead of thing when they started adding more branches to the setup :)
09:29.48Ahrimanesmonsted, still @tdc?
09:32.45Ahrimanesmonsted, ok, involved in wholesale traffic stuff?
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09:33.18monstednope, hosted voip
09:33.47Ahrimaneswe're competitors then... hehe
09:34.16angryuseris there any tuto how 'hints' (aster BLF) work?
09:34.49monstedAhrimanes: i do the network side of things for 20 hosted cisco ccm and nortel cs1000 setups for medium and large customers
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09:35.45Ahrimanesmonsted, ok, I do a homebrew webinterface for a bunch of small and medium customers ;)
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09:37.14monstedAhrimanes: for who?
09:37.27monstedyour own company?
09:38.01Ahrimanesmonsted, segtel
09:46.28zoaanybody from digium online ?
09:46.56BrokenNozeAnyone used ALERT_INFO with 1.4?
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09:51.45frawdhi again, i have one small doubt: on a "zap show channel x", what is the "Hookstate" parameter supposed to tell? The state of the line (cable connected or not), or the state of a call (currently in communication or not)?
09:53.52sasch<brookshire> i resolve echo channel
09:54.53queuetueWhen asterisk can't find a sound file, why doesn't it show an error on the console?
09:55.23queuetueIt does show in the logs, though - wish I had bothered to look there a few hours ago. :)
09:56.02Ahrimanesqueuetue, what have you set verbose to on the console?
09:57.02Gido-Equeuetue check logger.conf
09:57.36queuetueAhrimanes: A whole bunch of v's - 12 or so, so verbose 12, I guess.
09:58.07Ahrimanesqueuetue, ok.. usually when debugging i do "set verbose 99" on the console.. much more info :)
09:58.20queuetueAhrimanes: Ok, good to know.
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09:59.27drone1could someone explain: during a gtalk communication, 'gtalk show channels' says 'no gtalk channels in use'
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10:07.31drone1did anyone here manage to get gtalk working?
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10:10.43saschfor transfer a call with my sip phone
10:10.52saschis key #  + trasfer number ???
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10:13.13Ahrimanessasch, if it's enabled in res_features yes
10:14.08saschatxfer => *2                    ; Attended transfer
10:14.24saschthis in the features.conf
10:14.27Ahrimaneslook for blind transfer as well
10:14.36Ahrimanesusually # or #1 afair
10:14.57saschblindxfer => #
10:15.10saschbut in sip.conf i edit any line ??
10:15.33Ahrimaneshitting # on your phone should play a voiceprompt saying transfer
10:15.38Ahrimanesthen enter the number
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10:21.50angryuseri am using aster 1.4 with external voip provider, but when aster does a dns search like it has 2 ip adresses, aster takes first one, any way to change it so asterisk finds automaticly good ip to register to?
10:22.16Ahrimanes"good" ?
10:22.50angryuserhm, correct ip to register to;)
10:23.17angryuserauto swith between ip's
10:23.33Ahrimanesload balance or just if the first one is down?
10:24.25angryuserdns lookup = 2 ip's, try to register to first one if not success another one
10:25.42angryuserjust tired to change ip's manually
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10:27.06saschi had features.conf
10:27.17saschbut transfer don't run
10:28.24Ahrimanesangryuser, hm not sure how far the domain support in asterisk is
10:28.42Ahrimanessasch, is res_features enabled in modules.conf ?
10:29.05saschi look
10:29.05angryuseril look
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10:33.54kupsihello everyone, currently i administrate a local network with large number of clients. I'm looking for a VOIP solution, can asterisk do the job? I'm planning to host my asterisk server on a SunFire x4200 server but it doesn't come with a sound card, is it possible to install asterisk on it? thanks in advance...
10:35.24Ahrimaneskupsi, sure asterisk can do it.. soundcard is only needed for local calling on the server..
10:35.26pollerHow are you planning on receiving/making outside calls?
10:35.53Ahrimaneskupsi, "large number og clients" <- how many is that approx?
10:35.56kupsithe server will simply act as a pbx?
10:36.02kupsiAhrimanes: around 500
10:36.25Ahrimaneskupsi, should be just fine..
10:36.35kupsithe server will only route voip calls... is that possible?
10:36.46sasch<Ahrimanes>  can help me with transfer
10:36.54kupsisince i don't have a sound card on my server
10:36.58kupsiok thanks
10:37.05Ahrimanessasch, try load from the console
10:37.26kupsiis it hard to configure asterisk?
10:37.54Ahrimaneskupsi, not really.. you might look at
10:38.26saschi had but don't run
10:38.51Ahrimanessasch, what does it say?
10:39.15saschi add line load =>
10:39.19saschin featerus.conf
10:39.21*** join/#asterisk gripner (n=leif@
10:39.23saschand i restart asterisk
10:39.24gripnergot some wierd problems i cant seem to get ontop of. I have  sip phone connected to my server, the server is behind a fw with port 5060 forwarded to the server. The sip phon registers ok nd i can make calls and i hear the person i speak to but what is said in the sip phone i cant hear. also when calling voicemail i get wrong password error. any ideas ?
10:39.30BrokenNozeAnyone help me with an ALERT_INFO problem?
10:39.41saschbut when i call a number and i digit # (after) don't transfer
10:40.33Ahrimanessasch, ah maybe your dtmf mode settings on the phone and asterisk are not the same
10:40.55kupsiAhrimanes: thanks a lot.
10:41.00Ahrimanesgripner, your asterisk is behind nat?
10:42.03Ahrimanesgripner, has a lot of info on this
10:42.42gripnerit is behind a nat, and i followed instruktions to forward pots and update the sip_nat.conf
10:43.18Ahrimanesgripner, this is a typical NAT one way audio problem
10:43.39sasch<Ahrimanes> i post my sip.conf
10:44.24*** join/#asterisk SimoAmi (
10:44.28SimoAmihi there
10:44.46*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
10:46.18saschdtmfmode = rfc2833
10:46.23saschin [general]
10:46.33SimoAmiI wonder if someone can remember that asterisk computer processing background sound ?
10:47.46Ahrimanessasch, you need to check dmtf settings in sip.conf with what the settings is on the sip phone
10:50.04saschthis is my sip.conf
10:50.33*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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10:53.03kupsiwhat's the latest stable version of asterisk? is it 1.4 or 1.2?
10:53.58*** join/#asterisk Nobbie (
10:53.58Nobbieheya =)
10:54.22gripnerhumm been reading some, do u HAVE to use the STUN stuff if your sip clients is behind a nat firewall and your asterisk server is behind another nat firewall?
10:54.23Nobbiewhat different SIP packets/events do asterisk send to a client busy doing a SIP REGISTER, when nat is enabled, as opposed to disabled
10:58.21*** join/#asterisk emiquelito (
10:58.44zoaNobbie: nothing diffferent
10:59.01zoait just remembers other return addresses
10:59.09zoaand thus will send the same packets to different ports / ips
10:59.16*** join/#asterisk ShaneAu (
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10:59.49Ahrimanesgripner, in general, client AND asterisk behind different NATs will be a big headache
11:00.06ShaneAuHi all! :D
11:00.18Ahrimanessasch, what's your sip phone setup to?
11:00.57ShaneAuI'm having an annoying problem, this is the error in the log when I attempt to make an internal call
11:00.58ShaneAuWARNING[4916] chan_sip.c: username mismatch, have <501>, digest has <500>
11:01.29ShaneAuThis is when I try to make a call from ext 500 -> 501
11:01.45ShaneAuI just get a engaged tone, and that error in my logs.
11:01.55ShaneAuAny ideas?
11:03.03CtRiXcheck your client config or your sip.conf
11:04.08ShaneAuOk thanks, another thing I did not mention though is if I make a call from 501 -> 500 it works fine, both phones are setup the same on the client side
11:04.19*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=jaike@
11:10.39ShaneAuEverything seems to be fine, :S. I'm really out of ideas, that why I've came here.
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11:12.55Makenshiif only there were ipv6 support :-(
11:12.56AhrimanesShaneAu, looks like 500 has authuser set to 501 or something like that
11:13.18BrokenNozeAnyone know how I can Call SipAddHeader from the Manager API???
11:13.55gripnerdo i have to open the RTP ports in the firewall protecting the asterisk server AND the firewall protectiong the sip phones?
11:16.29ShaneAuAhrimanes, In  users.conf you mean?
11:16.56ShaneAuFor 500, there is no "authuser" defined, or any of the other ext's.
11:18.01AhrimanesShaneAu, on the phone
11:18.24ShaneAuIt's correct
11:18.32ShaneAuIt is registered
11:18.43ShaneAuIf it was wrong, it would not be able to register, correct?
11:18.45Ahrimaneswell it's somehow sending an md5 hash with the wrong username in
11:18.52penguinFunkhey guys, is there a nice easy way to find out which codecs are being negotiated, i.e syslog or asterisk CLI command?
11:19.25AhrimanespenguinFunk, sip show channels shows what codecs are being used
11:19.52penguinFunkthanks Ahrimanes :)
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11:34.06kupsiseems like Ahrimanes is an asterisk god.... :D
11:45.17BrokenNozeanyone deal with the asterisk website, I can't register for the forums
11:45.35penguinFunkok got another one for you... I have setup a bunch of users assigned to a caller group = 1
11:46.01penguinFunknow how can i bind a sip user to the group so that when i dial this sip user, all phones on the caller group ring
11:46.17*** join/#asterisk myiagy (
11:47.21BhaalAnyone know of a free Linux skype<->asterisk module yet?  Im surfing around but found nothing yet... Anyone know of anything?
11:48.50*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
11:49.37zoathere is something
11:49.42zoabut it requires X
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11:50.40penguinFunknevermind got it sorted now :)
11:50.55zoaits not really free
11:50.59zoabut there is a free demo
11:51.10e-ddieAhrimanes: hi man. how's life?
11:51.21Ahrimaneshey e-ddie, pretty good, you?
11:51.25e-ddiesame here
11:56.50Ahrimanese-ddie, hows foniris?
11:57.28*** join/#asterisk vgster (
11:57.59e-ddieAhrimanes: fine...
11:58.30e-ddieAhrimanes: still working for the same company you started at when you left?
11:59.48*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
12:03.13penguinFunkcan anyone please tell me.. whats syntactically or logically wrong with this: Dial(SIP/101&SIP/102&SIP/103&SIP/104&SIP/105&SIP/106&SIP/107&SIP/109) ?
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12:04.45Ahrimanese-ddie, yup, good pay and others to do the vagtordning ;)
12:05.13e-ddiesounds nice
12:06.00*** join/#asterisk Hello2007 (
12:06.07Hello2007hwllo everybody
12:06.19Hello2007does asterisk supprt h264?
12:08.29AhrimanesHello2007, i believe there's preliminary support for h264 calls
12:08.43Ahrimanese-ddie, you still the only one there, or?
12:09.08penguinFunkhow can I manually register a sip user using the CLI ?
12:09.23AhrimanespenguinFunk, from asterisk cli?
12:09.24zapp-braniganhi what is the diference between iax and iax2 trunked?
12:09.25Ahrimanese-ddie, ok
12:09.47Ahrimaneszapp-branigan, trunking has less overhead for many channels between 2 servers
12:10.17zapp-braniganonly i must place trunk=yes
12:10.17penguinFunkive created a sip user called '100'. I want it to refer to everyone in the office. but how can i manuall register it?
12:10.39zapp-braniganonly i must place trunk=yes in the iax.conf ?
12:10.43penguinFunkyeh Ahrimanes: asterisk CLI
12:11.08AhrimanespenguinFunk, use queues or just make an extension like exten => 200,1,Dial(SIP/1&SIP/2...)
12:11.18Ahrimaneszapp-branigan, yes, and have a timing source...
12:11.20penguinFunkexten => 100,1,Answer()
12:11.20penguinFunkexten => 100,2,Dial(SIP/101&SIP/102&SIP/103&SIP/104&SIP/105&SIP/106&SIP/107&SIP/109)
12:11.23penguinFunki have that
12:11.35penguinFunkbut it also has a sip entry in sip.conf... shall i remove the sip entry ?
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12:11.40zapp-braniganbut the sound is the same?
12:11.48Ahrimaneszapp-branigan, yes
12:11.59AhrimanespenguinFunk, yes, sip entry is not needed
12:12.16zapp-branigani want to route 120 calls can i use that ?
12:12.39Ahrimaneszapp-branigan, if you can enable trunking at both ends, yes
12:12.48penguinFunkthank you very much Ahrimanes
12:12.53zapp-braniganthanks for all penguinFunk
12:12.56AhrimanespenguinFunk, np
12:12.57SimoAmihow to play a sound file in the dialplan and move on to the next command without waiting for a digit
12:13.52AhrimanesSimoAmi, Playback()
12:14.19SimoAmiok, it's a 2 minutes background sound
12:14.53SimoAmiit's not supposed to play all 2 minutes, but just until to remote transaction is performed
12:14.57zapp-braniganthe anothers g729a in internet work fine ?
12:15.42zapp-braniganor work better the digium codec
12:16.30zapp-braniganand the another is the intel codel ipp
12:16.31AhrimanesSimoAmi, hm not sure theres anything standard for that.. you could use music on hold somehow i guess
12:16.56SimoAmiyes, I was thinking about that
12:16.57Ahrimaneszapp-branigan, depends on regulations on the g729a codec patents in your country/region i guess
12:17.14zapp-braniganspain ?
12:17.18SimoAmiyou got it, it's some kind of music on hold
12:17.42Ahrimaneszapp-branigan, ok, i dont know what the regulations are there.. i'd buy the license and get the module from digium.. works like a charm for me
12:18.22*** join/#asterisk radclifff (
12:18.50AhrimanesSimoAmi, yeah, so you could start musiconhold, do your transaction and do SetMusicOnHold(none)
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12:19.15AhrimanesSimoAmi, allthough i'm not entirely sure if MusicOnHold() will return control to the dialplan
12:19.23atif_hello all, can some one tell me if packetization support is merged in 1.4.0, e.g. allow= g729:10, g729:20 etc
12:20.32SimoAmiI think it will. and SetMusicOnHold(none) is what stops it
12:20.53SimoAmijust reading the wiki right now
12:21.05AhrimanesSimoAmi, test it out, and please tell me if it works.. interesting way to handle this
12:21.54*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:22.46SimoAmiok, one moment
12:22.52SimoAmiI'm on it
12:28.06Hello2007Ahrimanes : do you have any link that talk about asterisk+h264 support?
12:29.15AhrimanesHello2007, hm will check, but i have made h264 calls through asterisk around 5-6 months ago with asterisk trunk
12:29.52AhrimanesHello2007, search for h264 on that page
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12:31.57Hello2007does it support it by default,or you need a pacth?
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12:34.57AhrimanesHello2007, as far as i can tell it should be in 1.4 standard.. try show video codecs on the cli
12:35.34Hello2007any recommanded video codec for asterisk?
12:35.53AhrimanesHello2007, i've used h.263 a lot, works quite well, mostly depending on the phones you use though
12:36.20Hello2007k, thanks man
12:38.43*** join/#asterisk santibiotico (
12:47.42santibioticodoes anybody know how to restore the conversation after trying to transfer a call (attended transfer)
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12:51.32Ahrimanessantibiotico, the other end doesnt pick up or hangs up while you're attending, the original call should come back to you
12:51.32santibioticoi know
12:51.33santibioticobut in case the other end doesn't hang up
12:51.40santibioticoi transfer a call
12:52.15santibioticothe person who i transfer the call says he doesn't want to speak to that person
12:52.24santibioticobut doesn't hang up
12:52.33Ahrimaneswhy wouldnt he hang up?
12:52.36creativxtransfer him back then
12:52.41creativxreturn the problem
12:52.52Ahrimanesthe call hasnt been transferred yet..
12:53.02santibioticothe example is not correct
12:53.05creativxthen you dont need to transfer him :-)
12:53.09santibioticoas my english is not very fluent
12:53.20creativxfeel free to rephrase:)
12:53.21santibioticoi didn't want to say "hang up"
12:54.28santibioticoi transfer a call to somebody
12:54.40santibioticothen that person answers the phone
12:54.54santibioticoand he says he doesn't want to speak to that person right now
12:55.07santibioticothe normal procedure is that person to hang up the phone
12:55.23santibioticothen i would restore the original call
12:55.33santibioticoimagine now
12:55.43santibioticothat the person who i transfer the call to
12:56.02santibioticoanswers the phone, says: i don't want to speak to that person right now
12:56.05*** join/#asterisk Mr_Jingle (
12:56.13santibioticobut remains with the phone in his hand
12:56.15Mr_JingleHello hello
12:56.25santibioticoand doesn't hang up
12:56.39santibioticoi would not restore the original communication
12:56.40Ahrimanessantibiotico, then i'd use call parking or a multiline phone.. and make a seperate call to that person
12:57.44santibioticois there any procedure to restore the control?
12:57.50santibioticoapart from using call parking
12:58.07Mr_JingleQuestion. Does anyone has experience in delphi programming? I'm looking for a free opensource sipstack or activeX control for
12:58.07Ahrimaneshm i'm note sure
12:59.26AhrimanesMr_Jingle, ? - a google search for delphi sip stack gives lots..
12:59.46Mr_JingleOk I already tried that.
13:00.07Mr_JingleBut I'm experiencing some bugs with it
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13:01.44Mr_Jinglethanks Ahrimanes :)
13:02.57Hello2007can asterisk do video codec conversion?i found that it work in passthrough mode by default?
13:03.11zoaMr_Jingle: we use reciprocate with delphi
13:03.20AhrimanesHello2007, i don't believe video transcoding is supported
13:03.31*** join/#asterisk olivier__ (
13:04.10AhrimanesHello2007, "core show translation" on the CLI will show you what formats  asterisk can convert between
13:04.21Mr_Jinglezoa: really?
13:07.56angryuserit is possible to define a Sip peer's group in sip.conf?
13:08.28Ahrimanesangryuser, "group" ?
13:09.18Hello2007Ahrimanes: core is not a command???
13:09.47AhrimanesHello2007, what asterisk version are  you running?
13:10.55AhrimanesHello2007, ah ok
13:11.05Ahrimanesshow translation maybe then
13:11.31Hello2007yes show translation return info about voice codecs only , not video codecs
13:11.39angryuseryes i would like to make a script for outgoing peer selection, if Groupcount >2 then select another peer to dial out
13:12.38AhrimanesHello2007, right, so video transcoding is not implemented.. which is probably for the best.. would be rather cpu heavy
13:13.26Ahrimanesangryuser, usually this is done in the dialplan.. dont think you can set variables from sip.conf
13:13.35AhrimanesHello2007, but there is work being done for this
13:13.53Hello2007is it possible to do video transcoding, or some codec need a licence like g729 in voice?
13:14.17AhrimanesHello2007, there's a mailinglist about this
13:14.34AhrimanesHello2007, i think it has some answers.. but a lot of patent questions are unanswered
13:14.45Hello2007k ,thanks
13:14.50angryuserAhrimanes: ok i will search for more info
13:15.07monstedset port name       1/7  APM TB HN205860
13:15.30monstedhov :)
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13:15.50Ahrimanesmonsted, irc != prompt?
13:16.24monstedCatOS, irssi... same same but different
13:19.36Ahrimanesmonsted, except.. once you type enable or the like and enter passwords on irc, so much work changing passwords awaits
13:21.09monstedmmm, trusted ssh keys
13:21.26Ahrimanesah yes.. they finally got ssh a few years back ;)
13:25.27*** join/#asterisk flujan (
13:26.36e-ddiei prefer telnet
13:27.00e-ddiemakes it a little more interresting
13:27.19Ahrimaneshaha, leaves that extra bit of danger in the everyday
13:27.38e-ddieactually i think telnet might be more secure in some years
13:27.44e-ddiebecause noone expects you to use it
13:27.44flujanHi guys, I am trying to stream a wav file and I am having this message: "format_wav.c:161 check_header: Not in mono 2". Do I need to convert the file to another format?
13:27.59e-ddieas long as you disable ssh and ushc
13:28.13*** join/#asterisk ShadowTech (
13:28.42Ahrimanesflujan, mono 8khz
13:29.37flujanthanks Ahrimanes
13:29.48Ahrimanese-ddie, not too sure about that
13:30.00Ahrimanese-ddie, port scanners are widely used ;)
13:30.17e-ddieAhrimanes: port scanner, wtf is that ?? :)
13:30.49tzafrirsearch engines for the BSD port colelctions
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13:31.02Ahrimanestzafrir, hehe /usr/ports/security
13:31.59Ahrimanese-ddie, remind me to add a short list of random ip's on arrownet's range to my scan list ;)
13:32.21guilherme_jorgehello all, I'ld like to do a load sharing with 2 asterisk servers. Is there any software to do this, or I have use generic softs to do this, for example, IPVS and heart beat...
13:32.54Ahrimanesguilherme_jorge, hm well heartbeat would be for failover.. simple loadsharing could be done with round-robin dns
13:33.01e-ddieAhrimanes: heheh
13:33.09*** join/#asterisk af_ (
13:37.34Gido-E_build_general_config: misdn.conf: "method=standard" (section: general) invalid or out of range. Please edit your misdn.conf and then do a "misdn reload".
13:37.50Gido-Eis this normal?  I have more of these messages.
13:40.42*** join/#asterisk mmoreno80 (n=mmoreno8@
13:42.42mmoreno80There is a call timeout?
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13:43.05Bhaalzoa: Yeah, saw that...  Im looking for something thats free, its a home thing and I dont have the cash atm...
13:43.08Ahrimanesmmoreno80, explain?
13:43.20Bhaalzoa: re: skype <-> asterisk
13:43.21mmoreno80Ahrimanes: because TIMEOUT(type) is a channel timeout, an I want a call timeout.
13:43.49Ahrimanesmmoreno80, ah, when you execute dial() you can set an absolute timeout
13:44.01mmoreno80Ahrimanes: Ok, thanks.
13:46.14*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
13:48.33zoaBhaal: there is nothing else
13:49.20monstedBhaal: i do skype/asterisk with a windows box running skype, a usb/fxs box and an fxo/sip gateway to asterisk
13:50.21monsted(yeah it's ugly, but it works and i even get peoples names via DTMF)
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13:50.40monstederr, via the caller id thingie that is
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13:53.06*** join/#asterisk RahaiL (
13:53.35RahaiLgot question I have friend who have daiup speed its only 16kb 2kB
13:53.49RahaiLwhat you guiess recomend to use ilBc or g729
13:53.50tzafrirBhaal, don't use skype
13:54.11tzafrirbah, he left
13:55.22*** join/#asterisk DerPraktikant (
13:55.51tzafrirRahaiL, gsm is also marginally good enough fopr that. or speex. And if you're really desparate: adpcm
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13:55.58DerPraktikantdoes anyone of u use t-online with asterisk?
13:56.27DerPraktikanti got my server running and i can get incoming calls, but i cant call out
13:57.04DerPraktikantthe error is:  Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"032226260403" <sip:92@>;tag=as4dfd2cf8'
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13:57.43RahaiLso you are saying 15kpbs gsm is good enough
13:57.49atif_can some one please tell me if 1.2.14 supports variable packetization .... e.g. g729:10, g729:20 etc
13:57.55gripnercan you set delay on voicemail answering per etension?
13:57.59DerPraktikantah sorry this is the right error: chan_sip.c:9856 handle_response_invite: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"032226260403" <>;tag=as5f74f66b'
13:58.42DerPraktikantdoes anybody knows what i am doing wrong or got experience with such things
13:58.45tzafrirgsm is 13kbps, right?
13:58.56RahaiLi am not sure
13:59.14tzafriranyway, indeed too marginal
13:59.17DerPraktikant12,6 k
14:01.21RahaiLtzfrir which one got better sound quality
14:01.25RahaiLgsm or ilbc
14:01.26DerPraktikantthe asterisk does the registration but then it gives in error when it wants to dial?!
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14:04.30mmoreno80How I especify more than one argument to agi EXEC?
14:04.42*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
14:05.01mmoreno80For example: dial(SIP/foo,100).
14:05.28DerPraktikantu want to dial 2 people or more at same time?`
14:05.46mmoreno80DerPraktikant: No. I want especify 2 arguments to dial.
14:06.04jeremy_gmmoreno80:try that &&
14:06.18jeremy_gthats a stab in the dark though
14:06.26mmoreno80jeebusroxors: Ok.
14:07.18DerPraktikantDial,SIP/91&SIP/92|30|r for example
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14:08.38mmoreno80DerPraktikant: But that example is for agi?
14:09.23DerPraktikantu can even write dial(SIP/100&SIP/101,100)
14:10.01DerPraktikantit look different but is the same
14:10.27DerPraktikantdoes nobody has an idea to my problem above? :(
14:10.30jeremy_gdo you have anything for say for vlan trunking?
14:10.43jeremy_gtwo voip phones on a diffrent vlan
14:11.33mmoreno80DerPraktikant: Ok.
14:11.51gripnerwich codec is asterisk useing by default to sip phones?
14:12.34DerPraktikantmd5 for passwords and µlaw / alaw for the voice
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14:13.11DerPraktikantu can even use sha for password , but its ab bit difficult to configure
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14:14.10DirtyDhiya hiya.
14:14.27DerPraktikantmaybe u can help me...
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14:14.58DerPraktikanti got an athentitcation error when i try to call out over the sip provider
14:15.15DerPraktikantregistration goes fast and well
14:15.34DirtyDwhich provider?
14:15.39DerPraktikantbut when i try to dial asterisk gives the error that the password is wrong
14:15.44DerPraktikantt-online :(
14:16.17DerPraktikanti post the extensions mom
14:16.46NirShello all
14:16.50NirShow is everybody doing ?
14:17.29DerPraktikantexten => _0.,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@032226260403,45,Ttr)
14:17.29DerPraktikantexten => _0.,1,Set(CALLERID(name)=032226260403)
14:17.29DerPraktikantexten => _0.,3,Hangup
14:17.35jeremy_gDerPraktikant:what are they using for auth
14:17.49DerPraktikantmd5 i guess
14:17.53DirtyDdoes this help?
14:18.01*** join/#asterisk Aurs (n=Aurs@
14:18.12DirtyDWhat's that German?
14:18.48DerPraktikantno sry the scripts on this side dont function
14:19.15DerPraktikantthe post autor doenst post the finaly working version
14:19.42*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
14:20.02*** join/#asterisk b11d (
14:20.03penguinFunkhey guys, is there anyway of using logic in sip.conf? or is the dial plan in extensions.conf the only way to do it
14:20.05b11dmorning lads
14:20.40*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
14:20.45jeremy_gdoes * support tls?
14:21.03penguinFunkthe reason being... I want to use alaw when the dialled number is _9. but i want to use G729 any other time is there a way to do this?
14:21.05DerPraktikantin the sip.conf u can only configure ur phones, server and users
14:21.26Ahrimanesjeremy_g, i remember some patches in the bugtracker.. but stock asterisk doesnt.. requires sip over tcp afaik
14:21.46penguinFunkbut since coders are defined in sip.conf and dial plans are defined in extensions.conf, how can i implement this logic ?
14:21.51AhrimanespenguinFunk, hm, dont think so..
14:22.03jeremy_gAhrimanes:yup,sip over tcp is a pre-req for that.
14:22.09DerPraktikantmaybe u can use a user whis hast allow=g729 and one with allow=alaw and link back from the extensions.conf to this user like u do by outbound calls
14:22.13tzafrirpenguinFunk, what kind of logic?
14:22.18jeremy_gAhrimanes:chan_sip3 might have tcp for sip
14:22.21AhrimanespenguinFunk, only way is to have the other end require g729 or alaw.. but then * will probably transcode
14:22.48Ahrimanesjeremy_g, yeah.. hope work is progressing well on that :)
14:23.04*** join/#asterisk yitzhakbg (
14:23.09jeremy_gAhrimanes: :)
14:23.22Ahrimanestzafrir, choosing codecs based on dialled extension
14:23.42yitzhakbgHi. Can anybody help do an initial setup?
14:23.44DerPraktikantoenguinFunk maybe this way : _9.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@userinSIP.CONFwithalaw)
14:23.50tzafrirchoose a different peer
14:24.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:24.05tzafriryitzhakbg, ask a specific question...
14:24.23Ahrimanestzafrir, wouldnt * just transcode?
14:24.23yitzhakbgI don't seem to be making the initial connection
14:24.43Ahrimanesah of course if allow=ulaw,g729 it would switch yes
14:24.52yitzhakbgi've got all the debugging on, yet I can't see what's going on?
14:24.56tzafrirAhrimanes, have several peer entries to the same target, each with different codec setting. Ugly, but works
14:25.10Ahrimanestzafrir, yep
14:25.28*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
14:25.30tzafriryitzhakbg, nither can we ;-)
14:25.34yitzhakbgTzafrir, did we see you Mon. night at the restaurant with Mark spencer?
14:25.37Ahrimanestzafrir, Set(CODEC=g729) in dialplan would be cool though
14:26.36AhrimanesSet(CODEC(voice)=ulaw) and Set(CODEC(video)=h263)
14:26.40tzafriryup, that's me again
14:26.49Ahrimanesoops sorry
14:27.19tzafrirAhrimanes, there's actually some work to rewrite the whole Dial command
14:27.19yitzhakbgTsafrir, Can I send u an e-mail?
14:27.41tzafriryitzhakbg, maybe pastebin some relevant output
14:27.45Ahrimanestzafrir, oh to include codec choice, etc?
14:27.48jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
14:28.42yitzhakbgOK, will do. One moment
14:28.58tzafriryitzhakbg, what do you try to do?
14:30.00*** join/#asterisk oQPa (
14:30.07*** join/#asterisk kuto (n=kuto@
14:30.28yitzhakbgI'm connecting to a machine on the LAN through the X-Lite SIP phone. Seems to register, but I can't see the call connecting
14:30.42yitzhakbgI have to learn how to use pastebin
14:31.06[TK]D-Fenderyitzhakbg : Copy & paste.  Its not rocket science
14:31.07tzafrirbefore that: do you see it registered?
14:31.30tzafririn the asterisk CLI, zap show peers
14:31.38tzafrirDo you see its IP address?
14:31.45tzafrirsip show peers
14:32.05yitzhakbgI saw it registered from the X-Lite log. What do I tell Asterisk to display registration?
14:32.06penguinFunktzafrir: I basically want to use alaw when users dial '_9.' but want to use G729 when users dial any other number... is there a way to do this?
14:32.31yitzhakbgyou mean sip show peers? I'm not using zap
14:32.44Ahrimanestzafrir, ip adresses on zap... do elaborate ;)
14:33.18[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: He just said up top.... make 2 differnt peer entries.
14:34.04yitzhakbgI'm going to paste the peers on pastebin. One sec...
14:34.15*** join/#asterisk Godsey (n=jason@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Godsey)
14:34.37Godseyis there anything special about cisco callmanager and it's sip implementation?
14:34.44b11dccm sucks
14:34.50b11dok, maybe it doesnt.. i dont know..
14:34.54Godseymy telco is offering sip but only to callmanager customers
14:35.05yitzhakbgIt's at
14:35.24Godseywondering if I can change my vendor string and just tell them I have callmanager :)
14:35.47[TK]D-Fenderyitzhakbg: That tells us virtually nothing.  pastebin your entire sip.conf, and then another with your extensions.conf
14:36.03yitzhakbgOK, will do
14:36.12jeremy_gyitzhakbg:do not include the passwords
14:36.16tzafriryitzhakbg, seems to be registered
14:36.20penguinFunkokay thanks tzafrir / [TK]D-Fender
14:36.29yitzhakbgI don't mind. It's only on the LAN
14:37.33tzafrirnext: what do you see on the CLI trace?
14:37.41tzafrirwhat version of Asterisk is it?
14:38.30yitzhakbgextensions.conf is at
14:38.57[TK]D-FenderYAY * GUI!
14:39.55jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:you like it
14:40.05[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: to DEATH!
14:40.08yitzhakbgPardon me. First time I used pastebin. I think extensions.conf is at
14:40.16jeremy_gyitzhakbg: :d
14:40.45[TK]D-FenderGUI = ass.
14:40.52jeremy_gyitzhakbg:pardon me =>reminds me of oliver twist
14:41.03tzafrirso: core set verbose 3
14:41.25[TK]D-FenderI think I'll jsut quietly step away from this now....
14:41.32tzafrirDo you see anything when you try to call?
14:41.50yitzhakbgsip.conf is at
14:42.24yitzhakbgone sec...
14:42.46tzafriryitzhakbg, mind you, if this is the 1.4 with the gui, the set up may be through users.conf (if you used the "basic" interface)
14:43.43yitzhakbgNo. I don't see anything and verbose is set to 10
14:43.50[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
14:43.56Kattyi think my shoulder is out of place this morning.
14:44.01yitzhakbgYes. I'm using 1.4 Did I have to do something else?
14:44.02Kattyit feels all..needing to crack
14:44.25yitzhakbgWhat's this about users.conf
14:44.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: Slam it into a wall like Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon :)
14:44.54Kattymaybe i'll just visit the doctor instead.
14:44.58tzafriryitzhakbg, anyway, you don't have any allow or disallow
14:45.04yitzhakbgI'm a newbie. Setup the new Asterisk GUI, but didn't understand some of the questions, so I went back to trying from the book
14:45.20tzafriradd a 'allow=any' to the last sip.conf entry to allow any codec there
14:45.28yitzhakbgWhere does allow or disallow go?
14:45.38yitzhakbgone sec.
14:45.40tzafrirsorry: allow=all
14:45.46Kattyso my boss came to me this morning and said...gee, you don't have any linux books.
14:45.47tzafrirwhich codecs may be used
14:45.58Kattyand i said yeah, and i'd really like a few, since i sorta have to work on linux.
14:46.05Kattyso he said okay, much to my surprise.
14:46.16Kattyand now i'm looking for recommendations.
14:46.23*** join/#asterisk mercestes (
14:46.38yitzhakbgreload sip file now?
14:47.05tzafrirsip reload   , or simply:    reload
14:47.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: recommendations?
14:47.27mercestesKatty:  I recommend more Mercestes love.
14:47.31penguinFunktzafrir: how is that to work though? you mean 2 peer entries in sip.conf for each user ?
14:47.46Kattymercestes: i dun think that's a book title.
14:47.50yitzhakbghow to reload sip file or should restart Asterisk?
14:47.53tzafrirpenguinFunk, as I said, it is a lame method, but it will work.
14:47.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: I suck at Linux :)  Wouldn't know whats best.
14:48.09Kattyk, i'll enquire elsewhere
14:48.13penguinFunkim not sure i completely understand what you said
14:48.29mercestesKatty:  I am in a book.
14:48.35Kattywhich asterisk book are we all recommending this week?
14:48.42jbot[book] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
14:48.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: However the O'Reilly series of books is highly regarded.  I'd say look for one for your distro, one general for Linux overall, and any specifics that you use.
14:48.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: The one Ture Book!
14:49.00tzafrirpenguinFunk, or get someone (you?) to code this into chan_sip (codec selection from a channel var), if this is not already coded somewhere...
14:49.02[TK]D-FenderMY PRECIOUS!!!!!
14:49.04penguinFunktwo entries in sip.conf > one with type=friend one with type=peer > both have same sip username
14:49.05mercestesThe one book, to RULE THEM ALL!
14:49.15Kattyand in the darkness..
14:49.20Kattyi mean
14:49.21[TK]D-FenderDisconnect them!
14:49.21mercestesbind them.
14:49.27mercestesI like binding.
14:49.28Kattydisconnect them!
14:49.30tzafrirdnsmasq them
14:49.34*** join/#asterisk phearless (
14:49.42mercestesAnd in the darkness, chown them.   >.>
14:49.46*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
14:49.51kutoKatty: freepbx is running on CentOS, its a better alternative
14:49.53yitzhakbgyou there tsafrir?
14:50.07tzafrirtzafrir, but yes, I'm here
14:50.19mercesteskuto:  What did you just ssay?
14:50.21Kattykuto: let's not start propaganda, mkay?
14:50.33*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
14:50.33*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
14:50.36penguinFunkthe codec selection based on dialled extensions is for both incoming and outgoing calls
14:50.46yitzhakbgI intentionally placed the name of a non-existant sound file in the extensions.conf to make it bomb
14:51.11yitzhakbgI just tried after having done resatrt gracefully. Still see nothing
14:51.32tzafririt will not bomb. It will simply give a little warning that it cannot find that file and move on to the next phase
14:51.38tzafrirnext line
14:52.08[TK]D-Fenderkuto: I'd offer you some crack, but I can see you've got an ample supply already ;)
14:52.08tzafrirIf you want to print something to the CLI, use NoOp
14:52.12yitzhakbgNo warning. I think X-lite is calling OK. I see the IP of the server pop up
14:52.19tzafrirNoOp(got here)
14:52.35[TK]D-Fendertzafrir: You're parience at this is quite remarkable...
14:52.40yitzhakbgwhat do u mean NoOp. Is that a command?
14:53.10tzafriryitzhakbg, make it something longer. a longer sound file, Echo, etc.
14:54.13yitzhakbgBy what u mean to change the name of the sound file? What exactly do I have to do after every change? restart asterisk?
14:54.31tzafrirextensions reload   or: reload
14:54.34*** part/#asterisk mog (
14:54.58yitzhakbgNow what? rplace the sound file? With what?
14:55.19tzafrirdo you have the extra sounds installed?
14:56.03yitzhakbgI've got all the 1.4 sounds in /var/...
14:56.09*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:56.17tzafrirhmmm... I know a long sound file: ;-)
14:57.37yitzhakbgI keep on seeing: "Really destroying SIP dialog '7f29a60f0ae2b8365b5a8ba46e9eb822@' Method: NOTIFY"
14:57.40[TK]D-FenderKatty: Ew.... No, you are really better off with straight Debian.
14:57.45tzafrirlyrics-louie-louie is also quite long
14:57.53yitzhakbgI'm not working locally. Does that have to bother me?
14:58.07Katty[TK]D-Fender: but ubuntu is pretty
14:58.13*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
14:58.24tzafriryitzhakbg, well, why don't you try listening to the sound on the phone?
14:58.29e-ddieKatty: pretty, how?
14:58.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: Its just Gnome... you can do that really easy just as you are
14:58.43e-ddiethat brownish color is pretty ugly, imo
14:58.44Kattye-ddie: visually pleasing.
14:58.53[TK]D-Fendere-ddie: Hear hear
14:58.54yitzhakbgI don't hear on the phone. Just a moment
14:59.16e-ddie[TK]D-Fender: hear what?
14:59.45Kattyspeaking of hear, i outta start on my dialplan again.
15:00.27[TK]D-Fendere-ddie: Just raising a voice agains the BROWN.
15:01.06[TK]D-FenderBrown is a horrid colour.  its teh colour of SHIT, and NO it does not work on suits, corduroy, or much else!  A fasion FAILURE!
15:01.16yitzhakbgtsafrir, I'm lost. What do u mean listen to the sound on the phone. Also, I don't have lyrics-louie...
15:01.21Kattyi ask dumb questions every day
15:01.35Kattyand i'm about to ask fender to help me setup this auto answer thingy
15:01.39tzafriruse Echo
15:01.53tzafrirthis will run an echo test
15:01.55mercestesbu tyour katty, your special.  I'm just the dark overlord, mercestes.  I need to know if *I* am allowed a stupid question today..:D
15:02.08Kattyso i'm just katty
15:02.09Kattya girl
15:02.12Kattywho's supposed to be dumb?!
15:02.16Kattywhat are you trying to say?!
15:02.40tzafrirmercestes, you just asked a dumb question.
15:02.53mercestesKatty:  :D  I said you were special.  :)  That's what I meant to say.
15:03.32mercestesOk:  So I'll ask another one.  Is there a standard way to say, offer a user the ability to "Continue to hold or press 69 to leave a voicemail" while in a queue without loosing their place in the queue?
15:04.33mercesteslike you call some places and they go, "You are the 375th person in line, the average hold time is 3 days.  You may continue to hold, or press # to leave a voiecmail, and someone will not return your call."  I wanna do that, and I can using a timeout but with a timeout it would basically reorder them in the queue.
15:04.45*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
15:04.55b11dheh 69
15:04.58Kattysomeone just called me to inform me they changed their password.
15:05.32Kattyas if i somehow need to keep track of all passwords inside this building.
15:05.41mercestesKatty:  You should have gone, "Ok, just lte me know what it is so I can update the list."   lol  Bet they give it to you.
15:05.53yitzhakbgtzafrir, all I hear is a little beep. I think it's local to the SIP phone
15:05.56Kattyi'm sure they would.
15:06.39*** join/#asterisk mog (
15:06.39*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
15:07.47Kattyin sip.cfg what does 'class' refer to?
15:08.00Kattyexample: voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.class="somenumber"
15:08.41mercestesso, has anyone done this yet?
15:08.43Kattyis it just an identifiying number?
15:08.48b11dim up for anything once
15:09.06Kattyoh dear.
15:09.14penguinFunktry anything twice
15:09.14b11dohh yeahhh
15:09.19b11dreally.. three times..
15:09.30mercestesKatty:  this sets a sip header called "alertINfo" which has to do with ring behavior, or other phone alter behaviors, such as a blinking light, a chirp, a phantom ring, a full ring, or a phaser blast to the head.
15:09.39mercestesNah, just twice.
15:09.48mercestesJust in case you got it wrong the first time.
15:10.22Kattyoooh la la.
15:10.31yitzhakbgtzafrir there?
15:10.38Kattynow explain, again, katish terms...
15:10.43Kattyi get sip headers now.
15:10.47mercestesKatty:  It makes it ring special.
15:10.51Kattyi'm going to setup a sip header named 'page'
15:11.01Kattyand when the sip.cfg sees page...
15:11.31Kattyit's going to se.rt.ringer="phasernoise"
15:11.43Kattythere's this line that does not parse.
15:12.08tzafrirso in an echo test you don't hear yourself?
15:12.09mercestesWell, alert info doesn't have to ring tho.  It also has to do with what a sip notify does which, usually, reboots the phone.
15:12.09tzafriryitzhakbg, so in an echo test you don't hear yourself?
15:12.15Kattyand i see that number later on in everything
15:12.31mercesteserm, let me open up my sip.cfg
15:12.33Kattyis it just a reference to another place in time and space?!
15:12.36mercestesyou owe me a queue config tho..:P
15:12.46Kattyi dunno how to queue yet
15:12.54Kattyi'm queueless.
15:13.44Kattymercestes: ref:
15:14.13yitzhakbgEcho test? Let me look up the instruction
15:14.21Kattyi like echo test.
15:14.43`SauronKatty: You just like hearing yourself
15:15.02mercesteswel, first, ignore the ipmid reference, ....that's deprecated to be included in sip.cfg
15:15.21tzafrirDo you see that extension of the 'Echo' being reached in the CLI trace?
15:15.24mercestesKatty:  Also in this context the "alertinfo" is a "ring type" that is basically a "don't ring, just answer" ring tone.
15:16.01mercestesFor the .class...I dunno what it refers to specifically, I haven't had to touch it
15:16.28*** join/#asterisk DrkShdw (n=scorpio@unaffiliated/drkshdw)
15:16.31Kattyyesyes, all good.
15:16.33Kattyvery nice.
15:17.02mercestesThe class is an "index" and then under se.rt.# you set the parameters for the ring tone of that index.
15:17.16mercestesso the .class is for custom ring tones not already found in sip.cfg
15:17.23mercestesso if you wanted to make a phaser blast....there you go
15:18.27Kattythat's for ringer.
15:18.39Kattybut there's a whole bunch of se.rt.number variables.
15:18.49Kattyname, type, timeout, ringer...
15:18.51[TK]D-FenderKatty: Don't mess with any of those.
15:19.02danpare "avoided initial deadlock" messages bad?
15:19.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: i just wanna comprehend it.
15:19.11Kattydanp: usually yes.
15:19.12mercestesDon' tlisten to hom.  mess..mess....
15:19.21danpany tips on tracking them down?
15:19.25mercestesDon't listen to him.  Mess..messs
15:19.39mercestesSo, can anyone help me with my q?
15:19.52Kattyif i wasn't queueless, i'd love to.
15:20.19[TK]D-FenderKatty:  <alertInfo voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value="" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.c
15:20.20[TK]D-Fenderlass="" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.value="Ring Answer"
15:20.22[TK]D-Fenderass="4" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.3.value="Auto Answer"
15:20.25mercestesKatty:  You can be in my queue anytime you wish.
15:20.51mercestesI won' teven assign you a timeout value.
15:21.27mercestesI *would* like to offer you the option to continue to hold, or press # to leave a general voicemail tho if someone could help me do that.
15:21.34[TK]D-FenderKatty: then under <patterns> much lower down ensure that : <AUTO_ANSWER"Auto Answer" se.rt.3.type="answer"/>
15:21.36mercesteswithout you loosing your place in line.
15:21.37[TK]D-Fendert.4.timeout="2000" se.rt.4.ringer="2" se.rt.4.callWait="6" se.rt.4.mod="1"/>
15:22.29[TK]D-FenderKatty: Please note the unfortunate line breaks my client added and adjust accordingly
15:22.30Kattyoh ah.
15:22.42Kattyso the class does point somewhere else.
15:23.04Kattyclass="number" goes to the se.rt.number.type
15:23.14[TK]D-FenderKatty: And to USE it : exten => 31,1,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Ring Answer)
15:23.15Kattyso you could have a bazillion enteries.
15:23.22yitzhakbgHow can I tell if I'm reaching the context I intend to use?
15:23.30mercestesKatty:  I bet yo ucould.  Yo ushould try it.
15:23.31[TK]D-FenderKatty:  31,2,Macro(stdexten,SIP/31,0)
15:23.38Katty31,1,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Sales Department)
15:23.47*** part/#asterisk mog (
15:23.49Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew?
15:24.04[TK]D-FenderKatty: No, don't mess the the type like that .  It will have to match an XML tag.
15:24.06mercestesKatty:  /[macro-stdexten    :)
15:24.06yitzhakbgIsn't there some kind of like a breakpoint or watchpoint to inform whether it got there?
15:24.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: No proactical point.
15:24.40danphere's an example of the deadlock stuff i'm seeing:
15:24.41Kattyif you make class="5"
15:24.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: You are just deptermining HOW you want it to reing, not what you want the phone to SAY when you call.  You'd just muck with CallerID for that.
15:24.58danpany clues as to what would be causing that and how to fix it?
15:24.59Kattyand then set se.rt.5.type="sales stuff"
15:25.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: Again, no point.
15:25.18*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
15:25.25yitzhakbgCan someone help a newbie setup?
15:25.31Kattynot what i'm trying to do
15:25.34Kattyi want a blast group.
15:25.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: You are only really messing with 2 kinds of AA.  Immediate AA (no ring indication or anything), and "Ring Ansewr".
15:25.43Kattyto page a group of sales people.
15:25.51mercestesKatty:  Oh, then...yea, leave that alone.
15:26.14mercesteskatty:  Just use a sipAddHeader("Auto Answer") and then do a Page(Sip/Tom&Sip/dick&Sip/harry)
15:26.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: that is *'s job, not Polycom's.  You're just preparing the phone to be ABLE to auto-answer.  You don't tell it 5 ways it can do it!
15:26.36[TK]D-FenderKatty: Much like mercestes jsut said./
15:26.37Kattyokay, that works too
15:26.45mercestesyay, I get a gold star.
15:26.59mercestesnow I just need to know how to do my queue debauchery thing.
15:27.09Kattystand back! i'm gonna try it!
15:27.26[TK]D-FenderKatty: And actually, adding a global header (if applicable to all the devices added) means you don't need to do the extra macro & context crap you saw in the WIKI example./
15:28.16danpdo you guys set call-limit for polycom phones?
15:28.24danpwould that have anything to do with my deadlock stuff?
15:28.53a1faD-Fender > *
15:28.59danpi'm trying to get any clue as to what my problem is
15:29.30Kattybut it still doesn't matter which class number i use.
15:29.48Kattyvalue="auto answer" voIpProt.SIP.alertinfo.2.class="anynumberiwantas long as it matches in ipmid.cfg"
15:30.13*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
15:30.17danpthe classes are defined in sip.cfg; look for a tag called RING_ANSWER for an example
15:30.30mercestesYOu should not have an ipmid.cftg
15:30.32mercestesignore that.
15:30.34[TK]D-FenderKatty: I suggest you take my samples as they are from my WORKING config.  ipmid was discontinued 3 major releases ago :)
15:30.37danp(those tag names are just for your information, the class numbers they use when setting stuff up is what really matters)
15:30.40mercestesput everythign in sip.cfg.  and update your firmware.
15:30.42mercestesno ipmid.cfg
15:31.08tzafriryitzhakbg, let's see: do you know that the calls actually start?
15:31.08Kattyso the second bit...goes into sip.cfg now
15:31.13danpi'm using 2.0.1 and all i had to add to my site phone config was a mapping from Ring Answer to class 4 i believe
15:31.30yitzhakbgtsafrir, can u help me pls?
15:31.31tzafrirWhat do you see on show dialplan getting_started
15:32.04yitzhakbgI'm asking how I can see some debug info, like if it hts the context or not?
15:32.04mmoreno80I have a question: There is a way to hangup but keeping the channel?
15:33.12Katty[TK]D-Fender: where at under patterns does this go?
15:33.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: under callprogress?
15:33.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: on it's own?
15:33.25tzafrirshow dialplan context_name   shows exactly that context (exactly what Asterisk thinks it is right now)
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15:33.41mercestesI need a queue guru.
15:33.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: under ringer?
15:33.43yitzhakbgtzafrir, How can I tell if my context is being reached?
15:33.46mercestes....hey..that rhymed.
15:33.54mercestesI'm a poet and I wasn't even aware of it.
15:34.25tzafrirYou should see that in the CLI trace, if the core debug is at least 3
15:34.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: It should already exist about 1/2 way down
15:34.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: just ensure that it matches like I pasted
15:34.49Kattyit's set as class 3
15:35.14mmoreno80Or, there is another way to hangup not using AUTOHANGUP and HANGUP?
15:35.24Kattyyeah it's set.
15:35.25Kattyall the same.
15:35.51yitzhakbgtzafrir,  I'm not getting anything in the cli trace
15:35.52Kattyi'm gonna give it a shot now (=
15:35.54[TK]D-FenderKatty: So up top : <alertInfo voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value="" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.class="" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.value="Ring Answer" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.class="4" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.3.value="Auto Answer" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.3.class="3"/>
15:36.16Kattythere's only the first one.
15:36.18tzafrirIs the SIP client still registered?
15:36.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: For which you'd have to note that I added a class from where it used to only have 1, AND....
15:36.20Kattyi added the third one.
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15:36.48Kattybut all three are listed down at the bottom below patterns.
15:37.15[TK]D-Fender<AUTO_ANSWER"Auto Answer" se.rt.3.type="answer"/>
15:37.17tzafririt is a friend, so it is both a peer and a user. You'll see the context to which it goes in the sip users list (but also its password)
15:37.21[TK]D-Fender<RING_ANSWER"Ring Answer" se.rt.4.type="ring-answer" se.rt.4.timeout="2000" se.rt.4.ringer="2" se.rt.4.callWait="6" se.rt.4.mod="1"/>
15:37.22tzafrirsip list users
15:37.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: THESE 2 lines should be below ringers
15:37.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: yes, they are.
15:37.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: Alertinfo stuff is way at the top
15:37.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: but only 3 is above at the top
15:37.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: 1, and 3...ring answer isn't at the top
15:37.54yitzhakbgtzafrir, Yofi! finally got some debug feedback. It says "There is no existence of 'getting-started' context" What now?
15:37.56[TK]D-FenderKatty: Substitute with my line
15:38.01Katty[TK]D-Fender: but i don't need ring answer, do i?
15:38.20Kattyi just want auto answer.
15:38.26tzafriryitzhakbg, is it "getting-started" or "getting_started" (- or _ ?)
15:38.45mmoreno80Please, any idea?
15:38.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: Its a POLITENESS thing.... do you just want to start blaring over their phone without beeping first?
15:38.57Kattyyes ;P
15:39.03Kattyi see what you're saying tho
15:39.04[TK]D-FenderKatty: Either way you're setting up a frameworks to support BOTH.
15:39.15Kattyk, let me add that in too
15:39.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: Thats evil... like unannounced eavesdropping...
15:39.20yitzhakbgtzafrir, I'm embarresed. Now I got feedback.
15:39.20Kattywhat about visual?
15:39.29[TK]D-FenderKatty: Dunno about that one.
15:39.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: Start with these 2
15:39.59yitzhakbgHere's the output: [ Context 'getting_started' created by 'pbx_config' ]
15:39.59yitzhakbg-= 1 extension (3 priorities) in 1 context. =-
15:40.16[TK]D-FenderKatty: exten => 31,1,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Ring Answer)
15:40.23Kattyhold up (=
15:40.26[TK]D-FenderKatty: exten => 41,1,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Auto Answer)
15:40.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: Those are the 2 foramts to shoose your ringtype before you do your dial.
15:40.58tzafrirand is that the context of the SIP phone's user?
15:40.59yitzhakbgtzafrir, how can I tell if it's reaching there?
15:41.10tzafririt is a friend, so it is both a peer and a user. You'll see the context to which it goes in the sip users list (but also its password)
15:41.31yitzhakbgu mean on the SIP phone?
15:41.37tzafrirsip list users
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15:42.14danphmm, i wonder if Monitor was causing my problems
15:42.16yitzhakbgtzafrir, no such command. Is it changed in 1.4?
15:42.30danpi was recording every call but i took it out last night to see if it helped today
15:42.52tzafrirany 1.4 user here? do I have a typo? sip show users?
15:43.43zoaany chinese people here ?
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15:44.01yitzhakbgtzafrir, right it was sip show, not sip list
15:44.16in-pttzafrir: sip list users
15:44.18tzafrirgood. At least not that
15:44.44yitzhakbgtzafrir,  Can I show the list here? its about 4 lines
15:44.50tzafrirso I guess that this is a 1.2 system
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15:45.03tzafrirthe line for that phone's user
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15:45.28brettnemhello all.. long time no talk
15:45.30yitzhakbgoutput from sip show users
15:45.33yitzhakbg*CLI> sip show users
15:45.33yitzhakbgUsername                   Secret           Accountcode      Def.Context      ACL  NAT
15:45.33yitzhakbgyitzhakbg                  1234                              getting_started  No   RFC3581
15:46.04mmoreno80(again) there is a way to hangup keeping the channel?
15:46.27yitzhakbgtzafrir, U asked: "the line for that phone's user" How to do?
15:46.35tzafrirso it seems to go to the context getting_started , indeed
15:46.55brettnemhey anyone know how to detect call progress tones (SIT) on a SIP channel?
15:46.59yitzhakbgtzafrir, how can u tell?
15:47.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: hmm.
15:48.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: that's hot
15:48.28Katty[TK]D-Fender: but the ring answer...
15:48.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: for some reason it just rang and rang
15:48.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: and didn't pick up after one.
15:48.49brettnemPolycom phone?
15:50.06danpdid you reboot the phone?
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15:50.33danpi'm just saying :P
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15:50.47Kattywrong class number.
15:51.35Katty[TK]D-Fender: auto answer is my new hero.
15:51.37danpthat'll do it
15:51.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
15:51.57danpi'm using ring answer at this deployment i'm trying to debug
15:52.07danpit works well...i might take the timeout down a little
15:52.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: So both modes tested and happy?
15:52.17danpit takes just a hair too long to come off hook
15:52.29Kattyauto answer does, ring answer had the wrong class number...phones are rebooting slowly right now.
15:52.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: Creepy isn't it?
15:53.09Kattyboth answer now.
15:53.22Kattynow it's time to setup my fancy schmancy ring tone!
15:55.36[TK]D-FenderKatty: This part has proven tricky, esp with custom tones.
15:56.01Kattyit's just like a number.
15:56.46Kattyi've got customized ringtones for everything else already...when its my extension, it plays a wav file that says incoming call from angie
15:56.50Kattysurely it can be anymore complicated than that
15:57.10hoobastoobai am getting deadlock errors after every time I start Monitoring.
15:57.17hoobastoobacan anyone tell me why?
15:57.49brettnemhey anyone ever delt with detecting call progress tones (tri tones) on SIP channels?
15:58.09Strom_Mbrettnem, do you mean SIT tones?
15:58.36brettnemStrom_C: yes, SIT tones
15:58.45brettnemStrom_C: Over SIP
15:59.02brettnemStrom_C: transmitted in 183 SDP
15:59.11Strom_Mbrettnem, the vast majority of the time, the call never supervises if you're going to a recording with SIT tones
15:59.56brettnemStrom_M: I have a lot of calls going to these numbers.. I'm definately getting 183 with SDP and an inband SIT
16:00.29brettnemStrom_M: I don't ever get a 200, but I don't want to pass that kind of call to the user
16:00.43Strom_MI smell.....a telemarketer
16:01.15brettnemStrom_M: It's a business. at least they are non-profit.
16:01.41Strom_Mbrettnem, so only pass the call to the user if it supervises, and make note of any call that tears down without supervising.
16:02.08brettnemStrom_M: How do you control the call before it supervises?
16:02.26Strom_Mwhat do you mean?
16:02.29brettnemStrom_M: Btw, using amd2 right now.. it detects SIT as answering machines
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16:02.52zoawhat is SIT ?
16:03.15brettnemzoa: tri-tone.. special information tone. <beep> <beep> <beep> we're sorry, the number you reached has been disconnected
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16:03.51Strom_Mbrettnem, you're better off going based on supervision, not tones, because a lot of recordings that don't supervise also don't play SIT.
16:04.47tzangerI wonder what's changed now
16:05.02brettnemhow do I handle the call based on supervision
16:05.13tzangersend a call to unlimitel (SIP), get back busy, asterisk sees it as busy and goes to play busy to my norstar (PRI) and the norstar just hangs up
16:05.56Strom_Mtzanger, are you supervising and sending busy tones, or are you just sending a BUSY message?
16:05.56hoobastoobai get that avoided deadlock after every time a call starts the Monitor command. What could I have done wrong?
16:06.41tzangerStrom_M: I am using priindication=outofband for the connection to the norstar, and sending busy via Busy() in the dialplan, so I am betting that I'm sending a PRI hangup with a causecode of busy (whatever that is) and terminating the call
16:06.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: if i try to dial more than one phone....
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16:07.07Katty[TK]D-Fender: the second SIP/number gives me a 500 internal server error
16:07.22[TK]D-FenderKatty: Using Dial, or Page?
16:07.37Kattythat's the problem, isn't it
16:07.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: Shouldn't do that... every phone then tries to fight for the call...
16:07.54[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yeah, mass callouts should use Page
16:08.18[TK]D-FenderKatty: Single Dials are a great way to go "get the hell off your ass!" and freak people out.
16:09.03Kattyi see, i see.
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16:11.04[TK]D-FenderKatty: Also think about nifty shit like letting poeple record "reminder messages" and cron up a .call file to AA themselves :)
16:11.12Katty[TK]D-Fender: what's this SIP/numberx1 thingy
16:11.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: Where?
16:11.33Kattyexample 2
16:11.46KylerI need to limit the amount of time spent in app_dictate().  I've been looking at timeout settings but it's not obvious that provides what I need.
16:12.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: Oh, thats jsut actually PART of the the guy's device name because he's redarded and didn't know how to set up his line keys :)
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16:13.02[TK]D-FenderKatty: Actually... nix that, but he's still retarded ;)  Not forPolycom
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16:13.21[TK]D-FenderKatty: Simple and fun now?
16:13.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: "here's how i got this to work for my polycom phones" <- that looks polycomish to me
16:13.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: that *96...the 96 is the extension?
16:13.49*** part/#asterisk karmatronic (n=boumkar@
16:13.56[TK]D-FenderKatty: Thats the second part of that example...
16:13.58Katty[TK]D-Fender: that catch all is confusing me
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16:14.25[TK]D-FenderKatty: He's just using that macro to add the header to each dial.  Actually.... you might HAVE to.. I'm not sure...
16:14.37santibioticoi'm having trouble with dtmf
16:14.54Katty[TK]D-Fender: that set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5 means they have 5 seconds of talk time?
16:14.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: Does adding the header, then Page(whack'o'SIP'shere) actually AA all the phones?
16:14.56b11dget a restrining order
16:14.59santibioticoi've checked all dtmf parameters, but i might be forgetting something
16:15.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: lemme see
16:15.23santibioticowhenever i try to make a call through sip, dtmf is not working
16:15.43santibioticohowever, if i try calling through zaptel, dtmf is working
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16:15.50[TK]D-FenderKatty: That guy's example is to use a single little IVR to either let you page a targeted phone, or "*" to page all.
16:15.58santibioticoi'm using dtmfmode=rfc2833 in sip.conf
16:16.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: "no application 'page'
16:16.14[TK]D-FenderKatty: Must fix!@
16:16.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew?
16:16.26[TK]D-FenderKatty: You still on that old release or is this the new box?
16:16.30Kattynew box
16:16.34[TK]D-FenderKatty: 1.4?
16:16.40santibioticois there any other parameter i should look for when confguring dtmf?
16:16.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: HRM
16:16.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: Check your source for app_page
16:17.17santibioticoi'm sure it's not a problem of the phone, as with other asterisk server and the same phone config, dtmf is workng
16:17.28santibioticoany idea??
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16:18.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: i have app_page.c in /asterisk/asterisk-1.4.0/apps
16:18.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: should there be an app_page.conf file?
16:18.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: Do you see the .so in your modules folder?
16:18.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: nope.
16:18.56Kattythat's the only app_page file on the machine
16:18.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: no configuration needed
16:19.13[TK]D-FenderKatty: Do you see a compiled .so in your source folder?
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16:19.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: Should be under "apps
16:20.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: most of them have .c, .o, and .so files
16:20.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: but app page does not.
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16:20.40Kattyit didn't compile right, did it.
16:20.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: Somehow got left out.  Someone more experienced than I can probably answer you quickly from here now that we got this far.
16:21.28santibioticoanyone helping me with dtmf, plz?
16:21.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: they additional files are created when you compile tho, right?
16:22.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yup, part of the compile process.  I am not a Linux programmer, so I can't ay much more than this....
16:24.06undrdawgwhy does dialing 14435551212 fail with Call Failed: Not Found
16:24.07undrdawgin kphone
16:24.31[TK]D-Fenderundrdawg: Means there is no match in your dialplan.
16:24.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: josh said it's because i don't have zap.
16:24.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: EEK!
16:24.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: and meetme needs zap too, and meetme didn't compile right either
16:24.53undrdawgyou happen to know the code to dial in the US with
16:25.00[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yeah, you need a timing source, because its effectively a Meetme
16:25.03undrdawgi think they're in uk
16:25.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: call me dumb....
16:25.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: No it wouldn't have
16:25.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: zap doesn't mean zaptel tho, right?
16:25.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm confuzzled about zap.
16:25.31[TK]D-FenderKatty: Minor oversight.  It didn't have Meetme blatantly labeled on it :)
16:25.58brettnemStrom_M: Hey sorry, I had a phone call. :/ So how do I handle the call based on supervision? Call progress is immeditelly sent to the endpoint
16:26.10[TK]D-Fenderundrdawg: I'm sure they'e a basic SIP provider like everyone else.
16:26.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: now the million dollar question, where and what is zap.......
16:26.23Katty[TK]D-Fender: and how do i get it on here, so i can recompile everything
16:26.26[TK]D-FenderKatty: You know.... Zaptel.....
16:26.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: ah ha!
16:26.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: i just got zaptel on here
16:26.51Katty[TK]D-Fender: yesterday in fact.
16:26.58Strom_Mbrettnem, you could generate call files, which dial a specific extension only if they answer
16:26.59Katty[TK]D-Fender: should i just...recompile?
16:27.04[TK]D-FenderKatty: Recompile and rebuild in the right order and all should be good.
16:27.13undrdawgthey claim to let you make a few calls for free
16:27.16Katty[TK]D-Fender: there's a right order? :<
16:27.30[TK]D-FenderKatty: Normally libpri, zaptel, then Asterisk
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16:27.45undrdawgi'd pay for real service if it'd let me make a call to see if the call is clear
16:27.59brettnemStrom_M: Hmm, I'm not sure how that would work in a call center environment.. I'd have to think on that.. call files seems messy
16:28.16undrdawgright now i kinda got screwed a bit by a service that doesnt have service in my area so i have to wait for the void on my CC
16:28.26Strom_Mbrettnem, are the calling users dialing the phone manually?
16:28.30brettnemStrom_M: It'd be nice to totally disable inband progress
16:28.35Katty[TK]D-Fender: i guess that means i need libpri too
16:28.35brettnemStrom_M; well no
16:28.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: joy.
16:28.42undrdawgyou have any ideas [TK]D-Fender?
16:28.53brettnemStrom_M: Calls are made with Originate API
16:29.35santibioticoarggg i'm getting crazy hehehe any help with dtmf over sip¿
16:29.55brettnemsantibiotico: use RFC2833
16:29.58brettnemand be happy
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16:31.35santibioticobrettnem hehe it is what i am using right now
16:31.36santibioticoand i'm having problems
16:31.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: wait...
16:31.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: pri? am i even using pri?
16:33.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: An ounce of prevention ;)
16:33.15mmoreno80There is a war to access channel's variables when the channel is closed with hangup?
16:33.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: i don't have libpri on my machine
16:33.35[TK]D-Fenderundrdawg: Yeah... stop being cheap and just choose somebody, or ask them for free service and cross your fingers.
16:33.40Katty[TK]D-Fender: actually, i don't even have zaptel cards in here yet ;)
16:33.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: FIX !@
16:33.52Kattyi can't
16:33.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: No matter!
16:33.58Kattythe zaptel cards are in the other box, in use.
16:34.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: I mean just download libpri!  Doesn't matter if you don't think you'll need it NOW.
16:35.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: i love how there are instructions on how to get it on the wiki
16:35.23Katty[TK]D-Fender: s/are/aren't/
16:36.08Kattyhow do you guys get libpri on debian? libpri-dev?
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16:40.30mercestesIn my queues, I want to add an option that says, "Press 1 to continue to hold, or press # to leave a general voicemail."  What is the best way to do that???
16:41.30brettnemmercestes: I think you just set a context in the queue definition for those extensions
16:41.55[TK]D-Fendermercestes: Not happening.  You press something to LEAV the queue, not CONTINUE to hold.
16:42.09[TK]D-Fendermercestes: So its "continue to hold, or press "X" for VM)
16:42.18Kattyi feel better now.
16:42.21Kattythis calls for a cookie.
16:43.16brettnemhaha.. just don't 1 a valid extension? :)
16:44.20[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: smooth......
16:44.38[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: But liable to piss off teh paranoid :)
16:44.55brettnemwell.. good.. ;) haha
16:45.04brettnemwe're out to get those paranoid types you know
16:45.15[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem: 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1...  (fingers fall off due to RSI).  Lawsuit, etc....
16:45.30brettnemoh, well when you put it that way
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16:46.23anonymouz666When I call from SIP/100 to Zap/1 and get a tone to dial to any number... is there a way to get this number on CDR?
16:46.49brettnemreset cdr?
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16:47.44[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: No, nor should you.  You shouldn't just give them raw line tone like that
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16:48.04[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Dial(Zap/1/1234567)
16:48.12anonymouz666CDR is alway from SIP/100 to Zap/1 and that's correct. If I call from SIP/100 to 999 through Zap/1 i don't get this 999 on cdr
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16:49.59anonymouz666oh sorry I am talking about the flash operator panel... you drag the external 1 (zap/1) and drop on SIP/100... so you get the tone to dial on SIP/100... but there is no way to record the number that you will call
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16:51.44anonymouz666then you call to 999 when you hang up, the cdr will be sip/100 -> zap/1
16:52.23[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Well that clearly jsut won't cut it and you're up a creak...
16:52.50[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Need a better way to initiate calls.
16:52.53DirtyDIs it possible to interface a SIP/Device with a Desktop agent? Such as CRM Software? An example of something I'm looking to do is when a Sip extension rings, customer information will display on the user's desktop.
16:53.28hoobastoobaanyone here recording files to ramdisk? I am trying to make my ramdisk 1GB, but it doesnt work... anything larger than ramdisk_size=16000 fails
16:53.31[TK]D-FenderDirtyD: Jsut before doing your Dial, tell your dialplan to do some sort of script that will do your screen-pop.
16:53.40[TK]D-FenderDirtyD: This script has nothing to do with * however.
16:54.14DirtyDTK, thanks.. I kinda understand what to do. Thanks.
16:54.51*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
16:55.03anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender but If I get the DTMF digits I could have the number
16:56.24[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Except you CAN'T.  * will not just spy on DTMF and collect.  It will never know how many to expect or when to stop.  IVR's would screw you.
16:56.33[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: So this is another case of TFB.
16:57.34wunderkinheh heh
16:59.11undrdawganyone ever use vonage?
16:59.31DirtyDAsterisk can't detect DTMF? Oh no, how will I ever use asterisk to take credit card payments.
16:59.34undrdawgi noticed a promo for a free phone card that doesnt really become active until tomorrow
16:59.51undrdawgi was wondering if i could use kphone or the like to dial with vonage
17:00.02jbotrumour has it, tfb is Too #&^$ing bad....
17:00.18anonymouz666heh heh
17:00.39[TK]D-FenderDirtyD: Please read in context......
17:01.16[TK]D-FenderDirtyD: It means that the 10 million DTMFS you send AFTER your dial have no impact on the # * was TOLD to dial initially.
17:01.25*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
17:01.42[TK]D-Fenderundrdawg: You just keep looking for pain... it will find you...
17:01.55undrdawgi need to call someone
17:02.00wunderkinin the butt
17:02.02undrdawgits free trial i can cancel heh
17:02.09wunderkinand you need vonage for that?
17:02.35undrdawgi wanted phonehog minutes
17:02.41undrdawgfor signing up free and then cancelling
17:02.59undrdawg500 minute phone card for free
17:03.35hoobastoobaGlobal charged me 10cents per.
17:03.39undrdawgi used to do this all the time with aol ads and stuff
17:03.40hoobastoobaerrr. wrong window
17:03.48undrdawgand get free calling minutes
17:03.51hoobastoobabut now you know.
17:04.04hoobastoobathat is how much they charged me for DID numbers ;-)
17:04.17anonymouz666who is using 1.4 in production enviroment ?
17:05.07undrdawgoh noes
17:05.14undrdawgscrew that im not buying hardware :P
17:06.01undrdawgsome of them you can just get a stupid PO box and whore out your address to spammers for free minutes
17:06.09*** join/#asterisk alamantia (n=Anthony@
17:06.15[TK]D-Fenderundrdawg: Look at all the running around you doing being a cheap-ass.  God, just get Skype and pay their 10$ charge and abuse away.
17:06.21mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  So do the queues accept DTMF while playing music on hold??
17:06.30[TK]D-Fendermercestes: Yes
17:06.57undrdawgA: its $15
17:07.02undrdawgB: skype sucks
17:07.12[TK]D-Fendermercestes: Set"context=" in the queue def and that will define the exist context in which you should have a matching single digit entry for place you'd like them to go as they leave.
17:07.17undrdawgC: other phone co took the damn money out of my card so i cant
17:07.34*** join/#asterisk waverly360 (n=waverly@
17:07.40mercestesomgzorz.  You rock.
17:07.42[TK]D-Fenderundrdawg: How much did they take?
17:09.23[TK]D-Fenderlunch time... BBIAF
17:10.56undrdawgwell $25
17:11.00mercestesHeya, Brettnem, long time no hear
17:11.07undrdawgnot loads, but it was a prepaid CC that i have to pay money to put money on
17:15.24frawdanonymouz666: i'm using 1.4 in production
17:16.32frawdanonymouz666: but i'm kind of stupid
17:20.57frawdwhile i'm alone talking, can anyone tell me why the "hookstate" of an analog line shown with "zap show channel x" doesn't show the real hook state, but the "connected state" (cable plugged in or not)??
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17:24.21a1faD-Fender > *
17:24.37a1fafrawd : 1.4 > 1.2
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17:31.58jmlshowdy !
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17:32.23jmlswanted to know if there was anyone using 1.4 with realtime queues and queue members
17:32.41KylerIs it possible to get the channel ID from "sip show channels" or something similar?  I can't even get a usable ID from "show channels".
17:32.53*** part/#asterisk hoobastooba (n=ckwall@
17:34.57[TK]D-Fenderfrawd: Hook-state has nothing to do with being PLUGGED IN.
17:35.04*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
17:36.43penguinFunkanonymouz666: why do you ask?
17:36.55penguinFunkwe're are using it in production as of 1 hour ago
17:37.06penguinFunkwe're using it in production as of 1 hour ago even
17:39.54KylerFinally figured out how to hangup a SIP channel from the CLI.
17:39.55Kyler1. Type "soft hangup " hit [tab].
17:39.57Kyler2. Grab the channel names that result.
17:39.59Kyler3. Backspace over "soft hangup ".
17:40.00Kyler4. Execute "show channel chanid" for each of the channels discovered in step #2.
17:40.02Kyler5. Execute "soft hangup chanid" for the ones I want to kill.
17:41.54a1faand if you only figured out not to paste to channel, that would be nice
17:42.37Kyler"paste"?  Who pasted?
17:42.58a1fayou did
17:43.10KylerNot here.  Not today.
17:43.18a1fayou just did>
17:43.41KylerLet's be real clear.  You're claiming that you watch me "cut and paste" some text into this channel?
17:44.14KylerFrom where do you think I cut/pasted it?
17:45.20a1fai dont know.. it doesnt matter anymore
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17:57.10Dr-Linuxmercestes: around? :)
17:59.17Dr-LinuxMy problem is that, i can't transfer the call to the agi(something.agi). It executes the file and crash, while i can transfer the call to any other extension.
17:59.39Dr-Linuxhere is my Debug logs:
18:01.48*** join/#asterisk adker (
18:02.29clyrradDr-Linux: I had an issue like this with an AGI before - I found that it was an issue with my code - I had a syntax error, another time I used the echo command for debugging and that caused the problem too
18:02.40caio1982does someone here uses asterisk with UTF-8 (conf files, databases, doesnt matter) ?
18:02.55caio1982(i meant, does it work, asterisk supports utf-8?)
18:03.17Dr-Linuxclyrrad: aww but it doesn't work with my any Agi,
18:03.35Dr-Linuxclyrrad: when i dial directly the agi, it just works fine
18:03.55Dr-Linuxbut when i transfer the call to the agi, it crashes
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18:04.24Dr-Linuxclyrrad: is there any solution for this. Or do you suggest me any other way for Transfer ?
18:04.28clyrradDr-Linux: the EXACT same code is executed each time?  It does not branch out to other code from an if?
18:04.54clyrradlike if (transfer) blah blah blah if (direct) do something else?
18:04.57*** join/#asterisk yitzhakbg (
18:05.05clyrradim refering to your AGI code
18:05.16Dr-Linuxclyrrad: well, i have about 8 AGI's , and they work just fine since long
18:05.45Dr-Linuxclyrrad: but now i want my CSR should trnasfer the caller back to the agi IVR
18:05.59Dr-Linuxso in this case agi doesn't work
18:07.02clyrradDr-Linux: im not sure why its crashing on you - I remember pulling my hair out when mine was doing that - it ended up being the way I coded the AGI
18:07.12*** join/#asterisk wacky_ (
18:07.15wacky_heya :)
18:07.27wacky_Is there a way to connect Asterisk to the JACK audio connection kit, in some way ?
18:07.33Dr-Linuxclyrrad: my problem is only with tranfser
18:07.45Dr-Linuxclyrrad: is there any laternative way to transfer the call?
18:07.47clyrradDr-Linux: yep I know
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18:08.22Dr-Linuxclyrrad: the other way you mean? :)
18:08.27clyrradDr-Linux: I normally transfer all calls on the actual phone - using its transfer button.  Have not done it with any AGI
18:09.01Dr-Linuxclyrrad: hhm.. yeah i can transfer the call everywhere but not to the AGI
18:09.14beehiveHello folks.  I have some very technical oriented questions.  Our service provider needs answers on how Asterisk deals with RTP.  Any takers?
18:09.18clyrradyour trying to transfer from the phone to the AGI?
18:10.02[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: And if you call your AGI normally w/o transfer?
18:10.29Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: that works just fine
18:10.34[TK]D-Fenderbeehive: Just ask, and see what you egt.
18:10.51Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: not only one agi but i tried the same, on many agi's also on 2 different servers
18:11.21beehiveok.. is Asterisk 'SIP RFC 3261 Compliant'  My answer is no.
18:11.30[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: I'm referring SPECIFICALLY to the one that crashed.  Have you proved that it only crashes on a transferred call?
18:12.51wacky_would it be hard for Asterisk to connect to Gstreamer or the JACKit..
18:13.05wacky_I'd like to use Asterisk for on-air calls, in an Internet radio station...
18:13.06Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: yes, and i'm trying to resolve this issue since before x-mas , i often asked here but no solution
18:13.16Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i changed the agi file, same happend
18:13.23Dr-Linuxi changed the server, same happend
18:13.34[TK]D-Fenderwacky_:  Seriously doubt it.
18:14.06[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: I said the SAME AGI.  as in call it from a transfer = crash, and then immediately restart and try to call it direct = crash?
18:14.11Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: anthm told me to debug it and give me logs, he suspected it's MASQU.... problem.
18:14.50Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: no, directly always works
18:15.13Dr-Linuxtransfer never works if the transfering to an agi
18:16.12Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender did you get my multipage faxes yesterday?
18:16.49[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays: Nope.  Think its my fault though
18:17.24Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: is there any other way to transfer the call back to the agi?
18:17.35Dr-Linuxsince blind transfer doesn't work
18:17.46[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Not sure of a way to trick it....
18:18.28Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i'm not sure if it's bug or needs some configuration
18:18.38Dr-Linuxi'm sure it's CHANNEL issue
18:19.09*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
18:19.20TripleFFFFanyone got the voicemail /myapp thing to use templates or html ?
18:19.45Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: this guy has a little similiar problem:
18:20.57[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Ancient news, and the only thing in common is a failed transfer.  Nothing to do with AGI even.
18:22.09beehiveDoes asterisk support E.164 numbers with a + in the front?
18:23.35ruzulfnaghello all, does anybody have any suggetions for this:
18:23.54ruzulfnagtriggered by a http-GET, I want asterisk to dial a specific phonenumber and ask the user to press a key...
18:24.09ruzulfnagthen I want the http-get to return the value of the key that was pressed
18:24.59ruzulfnagI'm thinking of hacking something using the manager-API, but maybe there is some other way?
18:26.03*** part/#asterisk wm4k (n=chris@
18:27.50beehiveAnother item on the voip provider interop questionnair: List all SIP messages used.
18:27.58beehiveanyone have a list?
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18:33.23[TK]D-Fenderbeehive: I think you'll need to go to the WIKI for all this stuff...
18:33.26jbotwikis is probably
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18:38.54TripleFFFFi guess not
18:39.09mmoreno80There is a way to get channel variables from a hanged channel?
18:39.55TripleFFFFhmm the fact its hung is meant locked and not acceible i assume
18:40.56danpthis system i'm working on seems to be doing a lot better since i took out the calls to Monitor
18:41.38perdanyone have the cisco 7912 sip firmware?
18:42.32mmoreno80TripleFFFF: But if I set AUTOHANGUP and then take the var ANSWEREDTIME, for example, there is a error.  So, I need access to the channel.
18:42.47*** join/#asterisk emiquelito (
18:42.56brettnemWhat is AUTOHANGUP?
18:43.06perdit's off the hook
18:43.18perdor is that on the hook, i cant get slang right these days.
18:43.20*** join/#asterisk Grnd-Wire (
18:43.41Grnd-Wiregood morning!
18:43.45TripleFFFFHANG= FUCKED
18:44.07TripleFFFFif your door is locked.. you can break a get in but still cant open door
18:44.25brettnemso is AUTOHANGUP= AUTOFUCKEDUP ?
18:44.28TripleFFFFso its unreliable once locked
18:44.34*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
18:47.06brettnemHmm when was AUTOHANGUP added?
18:47.24brettnemI've been "gone" for a while. :)
18:48.11mmoreno80brettnem: Is agi command.
18:48.57Grnd-WireHas anyone integrated Asterisk with a Merlin Legend/Magix over a T1/PRI connection? (like a Digium board)
18:49.36brettnemcouldn't be too hard...
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18:51.51yitzhakbgtzafrir, are you back?
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18:53.12Grnd-Wirebrettnem: I'm sure it's not hard - just wondering if someone has done it, so they can tell me if there are any limitations they have identified.. I would definately set it up as a PRI, so all of the caller ID info would pass..
18:54.26brettnemit should work fine provided everyone follows the protocols
18:54.43Grnd-Wirehehe.. Do you have any experience with Digium's T1 boards yourself?
18:54.55brettnemit'll probably not work at all, work without callerid, or work just fine
18:55.06brettnemyes, I do..
18:55.13brettnembut i don't particularly like them
18:56.04Grnd-Wirebrettnem: This is the sort of information I'm looking for! Tell me what it is you don't like, and what brand do you like instead?
18:56.41brettnemwell, I got turned off by all of the digium boards quite a while ago for poor resource utilization, echo, and overall quality problems
18:57.10brettnemI use Sangoma boards instead. I've never had any problems with sangoma hardware.I think they are just built better
18:57.25brettnembut that's my opinion
18:57.51Grnd-Wirebrettnem: So Sangoma has hardware echo prevention as well?
18:58.35Grnd-Wirehmm.. and the pricing is pretty competitive - In fact, I think Sangoma is less expensive..
18:59.00Grnd-WireDo they have support for getting things setup, like Digium does?
18:59.19brettnemI'm sure they have some support. However, if you can't setup the T1 card. You probably can't setup Asterisk. so you may want to consider a consultant.
18:59.22*** join/#asterisk dahunter3 (
19:00.05brettnemThen again, if you can setup asterisk, you can probably handle the T1 card as well. I wouldn't be too intimidated
19:00.19Grnd-Wireheh.. Well, I can setup Asterisk, and I'm quite familiar with T1's in both data and voice utilizations.. I've just never made Asterisk use a T1 board.. Only Digium FXO ports..
19:00.35brettnemoh, then you'll be fine
19:00.55brettnemthey've got some pretty good documentation on it.. read up before you decide
19:01.08Grnd-Wireoh that's happy! and they have PCI-E/X cards! So you can use them with newer servers..
19:01.29brettnemThe Digium cards *are* easier to install.. But that's mainly because someone won't allow competitor drivers commited to the trunk. :)
19:02.03brettnemGrnd-Wire: Sangoma has been making T1 hardware for computers for like 10-15 years I think. They know what they are doing.
19:02.03Grnd-Wiretee hee..
19:02.32Grnd-WireYah! Well I know you can buy Soekris boxes with Sangoma hardware integrated with the unit..
19:02.49brettnemyes, I have one in my drawer here actually. :)
19:03.11Qwell[]brettnem: "Won't allow"?
19:03.16brettnemit's a pretty little think
19:03.19Qwell[]brettnem: When they file a disclaimer, we'll put them in
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19:03.35Qwell[]until then, *WE* would be in violation, if we were to do so :)
19:03.45brettnemQwell: :) I'm not really a part of it. And I've been gone for quite some time.
19:04.32Grnd-Wirebrettnem: <drool> Can I borrow it!? I need to buy one of these boards for testing.. and to build the proof-of-concept that I'll use to sell this to a customer that wants to link two of their Magix systems together.
19:05.09brettnemI'm not sure how it'll work with T1 boards.. The one I have I think is analog only.
19:05.18brettnembut I think they have models suitable for T1
19:05.27brettnemyou're proof of concept will work
19:05.32brettnemit's really quite trival actually
19:05.42brettnemor trivial as the case may be
19:06.01brettnemI don't know if I'd waste my time getting it to work on soekris tho
19:06.10brettnemit's pretty, but do you really need that form factor?
19:06.12Grnd-Wireya.. I'm heading over there now.. I'm wondering if someone has a good Linux distro that is built around ramdrives, or at least running with as little drive access as possible..
19:06.30brettnemsee, that's what I'm saying about wasting time on soekris.
19:06.37Grnd-Wirebrettnem: hmm - Everything I'm doing is Mini-ITX, so that would actually be ok
19:06.46Grnd-Wireyeah - and that's the one reason I haven't deployed them already. :D
19:06.52brettnemJust get a real pc, get whatever nice stable distro out there and you'll be fine.. should be up in a few hours. :)
19:07.18mercestesGrnd-Wire:  Check out astlinux for a ramdrive distro fo rasterisk
19:07.38Grnd-Wiremercestes: Are you serious? oooh!
19:07.39KylerGrnd-Wire: Have you considered an IDE flash drive?  I use one in a colo machine.
19:07.46mercestesYea it's largely read only
19:07.50*** part/#asterisk jmls (n=asterisk@
19:08.12brettnemastlinux is kinda a pain if you want to do "anything else" from what I know about it.. HOwever, it'll make you happy with based asterisk setup like what you've descried
19:08.49Grnd-WireKyler: I've got one in use right now running OpenBSD, and I get all sorts of weird IDE bus errors.. but that could just be the OBSD implementatin, and the fact it's trying to talk to it at UDMA 2 :P
19:09.02Grnd-WireThanks for the advice on astlinux - I'm going to go look at that!
19:09.20brettnemit's been around for a while.. it should make you happy
19:09.45Grnd-WireWell I like to be happy. :)
19:10.24Grnd-WireSo does anyone know about the SLAtrunk functions in * v1.4 ?? I've read the changelog, but it's very very vague. I'm not sure where to get documentation on what it does, or how it works.. ?
19:11.02*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:11.18brettnemGrnd-Wire: Did you read bugnotes on #7701?
19:11.47brettnemthere arn't any. :)
19:13.19Grnd-Wireno - I guess that's what I'm asking for, is a starting place for that.. It seems to me the only Asterisk documentation that really exists is all of the people who spend time documentation stuff they've made work.. and if it weren't for them, I wouldn't know nearly as much as I know! I certainly plan on documenting my Magix<->Asterisk experimentation, since I'm not seeing anything identical in the "Legacy Interfacing" sections.
19:13.38fileignore the SLA Stuff forn ow
19:14.04brettnemsounds like the voice of reason to me
19:14.26Grnd-WireIs it still too broken to be useful? I guess what I'm mostly interested in.. is HOW is it going to work once it's ready to use?
19:14.26Grnd-WireIt is even too early to get a handle on that?
19:14.56fileokay - the SLA stuff right now is not what you expect and not what people want, therefore it's going to be rewritten by an individual who has used key systems and know how people expect them to work
19:15.38Grnd-Wireaha! That's pretty cool.. ok.. I won't even bother asking "how long", because I know you couldn't have an answer.. even though I still want to. :D
19:20.40Strom_Cfile: want me to ship you the 1A2 frames I have rotting away in a garage? :)
19:22.18fileStrom_C: :P
19:23.57*** join/#asterisk jtexter3 (
19:24.34jtexter3If I'm using native formats (wav, format_mp3) for music on hold, how can I get it to cycle, like when using mpg123 rather than always starting hold from the beginning of the file?
19:26.01ManxPowerjtexter3: I think I saw a resolved bug that indicated the starting sound file was not random.
19:26.25Qwell[]ManxPower: he wants more than that
19:26.35jtexter3Qwell: Exactly
19:26.35Qwell[]he wants it to continue to stream when no calls are on hold
19:26.42Qwell[]it's not possible with files
19:26.58jtexter3I was afraid you were going to say that
19:26.58ManxPowerNope, not possible with native.
19:27.26Qwell[]Strom_C: You just volunteered to do the SLA stuff :P
19:27.28jtexter3So, I need to set it up to call an external app that just keeps it streaming?
19:27.39Strom_CQwell[]: I don't know C
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19:27.48Qwell[]pfft, minor detail
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19:36.34DirtyDAnyone familiar with how Asterisk, MGCP and NCS are coming along?
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19:38.25masonfanyone heard of a zaptel card screetching for about a second every once in a while?
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19:42.24markithi, I'm unable to understand what means "overlap dialing" (mISDN)... what is in practice?
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19:47.57RoyKOne question - I want to run this SIP/SIP gateway, preferably multihomed, replacing two other ones. The problem is - will this one be able to reply to requests from both IPs with the correct source IP? or even - to the right gateway? I can't see how this can be done. Should I use a default gateway per nic?
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19:51.03zzirhcRoyK: I guess that can be fixed by setting up the routing on the box correctly.
19:52.16RoyKzzirhc: any specific link? there's quite a lot at lartc
19:53.02zzirhcRoyK: and also
19:53.18sjwilliamson2007hey did they change RDNIS in 1.4?
19:53.23zzirhcRoyK: assuming that I understood your problem correctly
19:54.19sjwilliamson2007I don't seem to get this information anymore, ie ${RDNIS} would give me a value in 1.2, not in 1.4 I get nothing
19:55.45RoyKzeeesh: box has two nics, one at x.x.x.1 and one at x.x.y.1 (for reference). if a client on the net contacts x.x.x.1, it should reply with the correct IP, through the correct gateway. same with x.x.y.1
19:56.42RoyKzeeesh: so I guess split routes is what i'm looking for
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19:59.51masonfwhen I get get run zttest I get numbers down to 97.  Could it be my machine is too slow?
20:00.39RoyKmasonf: see for reference
20:02.21RoyKis 1.4 stable yet?
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20:04.54masonfRoyK: could you be a bit more descreet with the file name?
20:05.21masonfRoyK: Thanks! now the noise stopped
20:06.18masonfRoyK: Was my question too RTFM for you or where you just having a good time
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20:08.01jartall i do is play the blues
20:08.26RoyKmasonf: just having fun. there's generally no reason to run zttest without initial problems. is audio bad? is that because of zap? etc. etc.
20:13.39masonfRoyK: yes. I get a schreech that lasts about half a second every once in a while
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20:17.06JoeDeveloperWhat kind of things should I check for if my SpeechCreate() is returning an error?
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20:17.46Asteriskmonkeyoff topic, but does anyone have experice with hylafax?
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20:18.01TheCopsAsteriskmonkey yup
20:18.28Asteriskmonkeycool, I seem to have it going but its mangling my email attachemnts to 64 bytes any ideas where to look whats causeing that?
20:19.12TheCopsAsteriskmonkey, sorry I don't use this feature in Hylafax, only paging/faxing from a web-app. sorry
20:19.53TheCopsAsteriskmonkey, look at your fax2file converter
20:20.50Asteriskmonkeywill do thanks :) just need a place to start looking thanks
20:21.10Asteriskmonkeythe tifs are fine, just email is mangles :P
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20:31.31RoyKmasonf: what sort of hardware? ht enabled?
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20:36.51RoyKmasonf: hyperthreading. it's known to fsckup digium cards or drivers
20:36.59zogulushello folks, anyone know of alternative queue impls for Asterisk?
20:37.11RoyKzogulus: app_icd
20:37.20[TK]D-Fendermasonf: pastebin "cat /proc/interrupts"
20:37.39masonfits freebsd
20:37.42zogulusRoyK: cheers I'll take a look
20:37.43RoyKzogulus: but I don't know if it's been ported to 1.2/1.4
20:38.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: i wiped the box.
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20:38.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: Whee!
20:38.50Kattyit's gonna be clean!
20:38.50mercestesKatty:  Is it all clean now?
20:38.58Kattymercestes: yesh.
20:39.04[TK]D-Fendermasonf: Dunno about Zaptel on BSD, sorry
20:42.14*** join/#asterisk unsucht (
20:42.32unsuchtwhat is the point behind priorities over 100?
20:42.48unsuchtlike when a dialplan skips from 6 to 102
20:44.39mercestesunsucht:  Well, it's a deprecated option known as "priority jumping" in which, when encountering an error, asterisk would take the current priority and add 100.
20:44.39markitunsucht: is a "trick" to have a jump in the dialplan in certain conditionz... i.e. like "if busy, jumps to priority + 101"
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20:45.20unsuchtyou say depreciatiing does that mean it will be gone eventually?
20:45.21mercestesunsucht:  So what you are probably seeing is exten => blah,1,Dial(Sip/blah)   exten => blah,2,Voicemail(ublah@blah)   exten => blah,102,Voicemail(ublah@blah).
20:45.26Marty-OTTmansonf:  I just paid M. Solodev to upgrade Zaptel for BSD
20:45.29Marty-OTTFreeBSD mind you
20:45.41Marty-OTTmy contribution to Open Source
20:46.01mercestesunsucht:  This means that if you run into an error or priority 1 in the dial then play voicemail isntead of being stupid and going "Syntax Error or file not found." or something.
20:46.40mercestesunsucht:  I didn' tsay deprecating.  I said deprecated.  You  have to specify -j somewhere to enable it again.  the prefered method is the use of ${DIALSTATUS}
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20:47.52unsuchtok, thanks, one more question: let say i have some external php script not related to asterisk and I want to dial an exention when some condition is met, is this possible
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20:48.04Marty-OTTHey... recently... I just configure Asterisk with a Blacklist to block numbers
20:48.11mercestesunsucht:  Yes.
20:48.12unsuchtlike lets say a fire alarm or something
20:48.14Marty-OTTBut I need to do it on a per-destination-nmber bases
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20:48.33unsuchtwould it work to just us the $agi object in that script?
20:48.33zogulusam I right in saying that it wouldn't be possible to write a queue using AGI?
20:48.50Marty-OTTIn other Words... if number 555-1212 dial *60 and blocks 333-4444, well, 333-4444 is block to dial 555-1212 but can get to everyone else
20:49.20mercestesunsucht:  possibly.
20:49.27Marty-OTTIn order to do this, I'm going to have to create  table to store the info when people do *60 with source and destination number - can I do that with AstDB?  Thinnking of using MySQL
20:49.29unsuchtis there a better way?
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20:50.52Marty-OTTAsterisk seems very flexible in letting you use AGI to use Perl, for example to manage calls... but I'm not there yet
20:51.15Marty-OTTso, anyone, can I create my own table in AstDB?  If so... .. hmm... lmme check wiki
20:52.11Strom_Cyes you can
20:52.44Strom_CSet(DB(users/${CALLERID(num)}/${EXTEN})=1) or something
20:53.20Marty-OTTStrom_c: so what is users?  Is that the table I would create?
20:53.34Marty-OTTI don't have my head completely wrapped around AstDB - I'm used to SQL
20:53.42Strom_Cbrb, phone
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20:55.19wunderkinnot ok
20:55.19Strom_Cbasically, the astdb is a simple berkeley db
20:55.19Strom_Cthe data is organizesd as key/value pairs
20:55.19Marty-OTTwhich I've never had any experience with..
20:55.19Strom_Ckeys can have subkeys
20:55.24Marty-OTTphone.. just a sec.
20:55.27Strom_Call keys must be in a family
20:57.35Marty-OTTok,.. that's what I find weird.. I.e.  when I entered a number to be blocked yesterday... the number as the key .. but I would have expected the number to be the value
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20:57.57Marty-OTTso the family was blacklist, the key was 5551212 and the value was 1
20:58.01Marty-OTTThat was confusing
20:58.04JoeDeveloperAnyone using lumenvox know what I can check/look for if my speechCreate() function is giving me an ERROR=1?
20:58.32entelechyhi - i'm new to asterisk and trying to sort out dialtone / PSTN providers... anyone know a web site with maybe a side by side comparison of different providers rates and services?
20:58.56Strom_CMarty-OTT: well, you can check if a key exists fairly easily
20:59.08Marty-OTTphone again... :}
21:00.02*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
21:00.05rpmdoes asterisk lock the astdb? or will it not get mad at me if i try to open it externally?
21:00.14b11di rsync mine every 30 seconds
21:00.19b11dno complaints
21:00.31rpmgood stuff.
21:00.34b11dcant speak to editing it live though.. then asterisk might bitch
21:02.19entelechyim surprised nobody here has a provider to plug? over on #freeswitch i asked the same question and immediately had PM's from several individuals proffering their services.
21:02.57sjwilliamson2007so does anyone know why my ${RDNIS} and ${CALLERIDNUM} variables don't seem to work on my test 1.4 asterisk setup, they work on my production 1.2
21:03.36wunderkinbecause you werent paying attention to the deprecation message
21:03.39mercestesIf I were in the commercial sector I would gladly offer my services.
21:03.49sjwilliamson2007wunderkin, ah,
21:03.52Strom_Csjwilliamson2007: because those were deprecated as of 1.2 and removed as of 1.4
21:04.16sjwilliamson2007Strom_C, wunderkin, where is the info on this?
21:04.27Strom_Cchanges.txt, upgrade.txt
21:04.33wunderkin${CALLERID(rdnis)} ? maybe? and ${CALLERID(num)} ... show function callerid... and that
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21:05.48[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: Thats because most of the people involved with freeswitch are carrier types, so most of them ARE businesses that hope to use it.
21:05.49entelechymercestes: maybe you could recommend a decent provider with flat rate nationwide and good international rates? im a total n00b to this, was hoping to find a side by side comparison of different providers somewhere
21:06.04sjwilliamson2007i just see something about a callerid change, but not specific info in upgrade.txt
21:06.09[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: Here's you'll find mostly normal USERS
21:07.42entelechy[TK]D-Fender: this is a good thing, im sure i will be getting down and dirty with the nuts and bolts and asterisk.conf files, but first im stuck with a telephony implementor who just doesnt happen to have a preferred provider they work with... they tend to do LAN setups with FXO->PSTN  and voip for LAN only
21:07.42sjwilliamson2007for the record, CALLERID(<all|num|RDNIS...>)
21:08.22[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: Which is what any normal business WOULD do...
21:08.50entelechy[TK]D-fender: well, we already have a T1 here, so we really dont have any physical lines to attach to a FXO
21:08.57[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: But if you're talking USA, then VoicePulse seems less assy than most.
21:09.19[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: Ditch the T1 for ADSL, and get a partial PRI out of it :)
21:09.32sjwilliamson2007wunderkin, Strom_C thanks for the pointer
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21:09.41[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: End cost would probably be a fair bit less
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21:10.32Kattydoes it really matter where you put libpri, zaptel, and asterisk when you get ready to compile them?
21:10.40Strom_Cyou can put them into /home/suzie/dogballs/catsex/ if you wanted to
21:10.47Kattythat'd be hot.
21:10.57b11dwell..  most of the time it doesnt matter
21:10.59b11dsometimes it certainly does
21:11.05Strom_Cbut if you have root access, why not just put it in /usr/src?
21:11.13b11dim a /usr/local/src guy myself :)
21:11.15Kattyis that what usr src is there for?
21:11.21b11d/usr/src is system shit
21:11.30[TK]D-FenderKatty: Highly advised to use /usr/src
21:11.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: why?
21:11.35b11dlocal packages should go to /usr/local/src
21:11.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: and symlink the asterisk & zaptel folders
21:11.40b11dsystem sources stay in /usr/src
21:11.46b11dbut im a BSD guy
21:11.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew?
21:11.53sjwilliamson2007b11d right
21:11.55Katty[TK]D-Fender: i've only done symlinks once.
21:11.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: because many add-in scripts expect them to be there and we want a sane install
21:12.02[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
21:12.03Kattyoh ah.
21:12.14b11dmeh.. this is how systems become "messy"
21:12.16[TK]D-FenderKatty: We're about to DOUBLE your experience!  Time for a raise!
21:12.19Kattyoh god.
21:12.22KattyGOD NO
21:12.40[TK]D-Fender5 dolla! 5 dolla!
21:12.43entelechy[TK]D-Fender: hmmm... well... we're contractually stuck with the T1 provider... and either way, even if we switched to ADSL, theres still the matter of getting someone to provide dialtone/PSTN/phone # for any new lines that arent already served over the T1 (more contractual nonsense)
21:12.44Kattykeep your money - i want my sanity!
21:12.48b11d5 dolla love you long time
21:13.06entelechyvoicepulse looks good but they look maybe consumer related? we need like 10 lines, 10 fixed phone numbers
21:13.09[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: Fine, like I said, KEEP the T1, just cange to PRI signalling, and divide the channels :)
21:13.21b11dif PRI is an option from his vendor, that'd work
21:13.22Kattyi'd sure like me a pri.
21:13.31Kattyinstead of this channel bank stuff.
21:13.39Kattysilly t1 analog line crap
21:13.40b11dyeah im glad I went to PRI instead of doing that
21:13.51[TK]D-FenderKatty: Last I recall.... you HAVE one.  Your idiot boss just has you using that stupid channel bank only to go into TDM cards!
21:13.55b11dwhat kind of rates are you guys seeing for PRI out there?
21:14.00b11dim paying $450/mo for PRI
21:14.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: it's nota pri, it's a t1
21:14.05b11d$1000 installation.. which was waived.
21:14.22[TK]D-FenderKatty: Close enough to have changed with 1 phones call, and 1 card....
21:14.33[TK]D-Fenderb11d: Usuall 0-500
21:14.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: i think we just need a t1 and a pri
21:14.40*** join/#asterisk jyme (n=jp@
21:14.47b11d0 would be cool
21:14.49[TK]D-FenderKatty: Doubt you need T1... just PRI....
21:14.50sjwilliamson2007T1 servive over SDSL with pri signalling
21:14.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh trust me, we need both
21:15.06b11dPRI implies T1..
21:15.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: really really
21:15.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: You host services locally?
21:15.09entelechy[TK]D-Fender: well, actually, I'd love to use a PRI interface myself, except the provider currently uses a cisco 2496/8 to break out our phone lines off the T1... im pretty sure they wont let us plug into the T1 directly, when we complete our migration to the asterisk system they will be switching out the 2496 for some other box that requires we use "Sipconnect"
21:15.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: we're sharing the t1 with 8 phone's god awful slow.
21:15.42cpmjust get another T1
21:15.44[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: You could do COMPLETELY without that other gear....
21:16.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: So split voice/data?  Convert to partial PRI, and get an ADSL.  Cheapr & faster...
21:16.20*** part/#asterisk JoeDeveloper (
21:16.37jymehi, i am trying to setup a sangoma wanpipe card to replace a broken digium care. however the T1 isnt coming up properly. The only error i get is:
21:16.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: i think i'll stick with getting an asterisk box up by myself first.
21:16.45jymeany thoughts?
21:16.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: Good idea :)  The rest can wait a little bit
21:17.08cpmKatty, how many folks?
21:17.11Kattybut hot dog! we having paging!
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21:17.35Kattyi've been calling people sporadically throughout the day without warning
21:17.43Kattyespecially the ones i have video cameras on throughout the building
21:18.01Kattyit's been reeeeeeeeeall good ^_^
21:18.02[TK]D-FenderKatty: "I'm waitching youuuuuuuuu!!!!!!"
21:18.47sjwilliamson2007so is it true that T1 (&DS1) no longer refer to the signalling, but just a set of services? and can be signalled using other forms of SDSL?
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21:19.02entelechy[TK]D-Fender I know, that would entail getting a PRI itnerface card and plugging the T1 directly into the box. Unfortunately the provider (Cbeyond, a reseller of sprint i believe) doesnt allow that as I think they couldnt support their own management interface for the separate lines that we get from them...
21:19.05`SauronDS1 isstill signaling
21:19.21sjwilliamson2007`Sauron cool
21:19.22Strom_CDS1 is the framing and whatnot, T1 is the actual physical interface spec
21:20.03[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: Supremely shitty telco, and being bound by a long term contrac as you say you are, this whole setup fall under the category of "unfortunate"
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21:21.06Dr-Linux|homeperd: around ? :)
21:21.24entelechy[TK]D-Fender yeah it is *definitely* unfortunate, I agree 100%. I'd rather NOT get the 6 lines we're currently getting from Cbeyond, they use a minute plan and it sucks, but we're locked in contractually for another year... so I wanna at least make sure now that we're migrating to asterisk that any new lines we get are from *anyone else but them* :)
21:22.38entelechywe need like 10 more lines/phone #'s within the next 2 weeks
21:22.48[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: EEK.
21:23.21[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: Tieing yourself to a VoIP provider isn't a great deal either......
21:23.24entelechyand im the lucky one stuck researching what providers might suffice since our asterisk implementor has no suggestions to offer for providers
21:23.38monsteduse several providers?
21:23.42entelechy[TK]D-Fender well the ideas was , of course , not to get contractually locked in too tightly with any VOIP providers either at this point
21:23.55[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: Might be better to pay the startup of a new partial PRI from someone else.  I wouldn't want to run a business on voip for termination/origination.
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21:24.24Marty-OTTstrom_c: you there?
21:24.35Marty-OTTawesome! :)
21:24.42Marty-OTTback on this... friggin phone
21:25.17Marty-OTTso yeah, that key/value pair thing.  I would have expected the VALUE to be like a number 5551212 but when I blocked the nubmer, the key was 5551212 and the value was "1"
21:25.19entelechy[TK]D-Fender: you wouldnt want to run a business on voip termination/origination? why? you suggest getting a 2nd PRI, wouldnt we still be in the same situation?
21:25.29Marty-OTTIf you could shed some light on that - it would be great!
21:25.32Strom_CMarty-OTT: that's because i didnt finish explaining the theory
21:25.37Strom_Cyou ran off for a phone call
21:25.48Marty-OTTyeah... i know... sorry about that.  Really appreciate your help
21:26.00[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: Don't get locked in for more than a year, and make sure they let you use your equipment.
21:26.15[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: Think Quality of service, and uptime guarantees.
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21:26.39entelechy[TK]D-Fender yes... we absolutely require a provider with a decent SLA
21:27.18entelechyand we are looking to go month to month if possible... there seem to be a few providers who offer that
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21:27.43[TK]D-Fenderentelechy:  a tad extreme.  Single year is acceptable...
21:28.33CunningPike~seen serge-v
21:28.57jboti haven't seen 'serge-v', CunningPike
21:29.11CunningPike~seen serge
21:29.14jboti haven't seen 'serge', CunningPike
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21:29.43Dr-Linux|homeanynone using agi?
21:29.43entelechy[TK]D-Fender true. as long as they dont have some kind of hidden minutes cap on their "unlimited" packages, as well as having a SLA with a decent then a 1 year contract would be acceptable
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21:34.45SimoAmiis anyone familiar with the dialplan command Backgroud()?
21:35.46CunningPikeMan, that website does that to me every time
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21:39.04b11di hate that new website
21:39.07b11dso much
21:39.10b11dbut whatever..
21:39.36`SauronIt's awfully... "cute"
21:40.00terrapenanybody ever used Juniper's media gateways?
21:40.23*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
21:41.11b11dyou could cut a roast on that website.
21:41.59terrapeni'm finding that the Cisco media gateway (AS54xx series) that can handle a T3 is ridiculously priced
21:42.02Dr-Linux|homei'm not sure if ever my "transfer the call to the agi" will be resolved or not :(
21:42.20SimoAmiI'm trying to play a background sound while retrieving information from a remote webserver! how would I do that?
21:43.12terrapenso i'm thinking demuxing the T3 into T1/PRI and putting 4 or 8 PRIs on each * server
21:43.57terrapenand having them convert to IAX2 w/ G.729, which would be sent out to the main * server that handles the call center queue
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21:45.30perdis anyone familiar with 7902 and chan_skinny?
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21:47.12tzangerwhich is the format windows understands best, wav or wav49? I  can never remember
21:47.12mikefooAnyone know of a way to tell how many pages in a .tiff?
21:48.05mikefoofor windows.. its wav
21:48.15mikefoowav49 is an asterisk thing, no?
21:48.45zoanot really
21:50.15perdmikefoo each page of a tiff is a layer
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21:50.35perdi bet imagemagick could tell you how many laters an image has
21:52.48Dr-Linux|homeperd: your config were nice :)
21:53.09b11dnot if the image was flattened
21:53.18b11dif you had the project file, then yes..
21:54.34perdah nice dr, so it all works now?
21:55.13Dr-Linux|homeperd: yeah, your configs were pretty easy to understand.
21:55.23perdif the image was flattened then it would only contain one page
21:55.30Dr-Linux|homeperd: but i'd need your suggestion for one case
21:55.32perdunless tiffs have multiple ways of defining pages
21:55.58perdwhat case is that, dr
21:56.17b11dyeah im not so sure about tiff
21:56.25b11dall i know is tiff's are usually gigantic
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21:56.29perdhaha yeah
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21:57.53Dr-Linux|homeperd: the hard part is, i want from the user 16 digits input, i mean card number
21:58.24Dr-Linux|homeperd: but not sure, how timeout will work in this case
21:58.39Dr-Linux|homemaybe your suggestion would helpfull
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22:00.57Dr-Linux|homeperd: timeout starts once caller ends speaking, or i will to put a specific timeout?
22:01.25SimoAmiI'm trying to use backbround(), but it blocks execution of the dial plan until someone dials a digit
22:02.19SimoAmiis there a way to start a background sound and stop it later on when done
22:02.38b11dyou want to be able to control it via DTMF tones?
22:03.13b11di guess i dont follow what you mean..
22:03.49Dr-Linux|homeSimoAmi: are you looking for Playback() ?
22:06.48perddr it will stop when the file you're playing stops, i think
22:06.55perdi havent really messed with lumenvox past the basics
22:07.08perdfor long entries play silence/20 or something
22:07.19SimoAmiplayback won't multitask. I want to play a background sound while (at the same time, while the caller is waiting) retrieving his info from a remote server
22:08.05perdjust play tt-monkeys
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22:08.35b11dor 'beep'
22:08.37b11dthats classic
22:08.44SimoAmiand I'm planning to use phpagi
22:08.51b11dI recorded a few seconds of me breathing heavily.. i play that over top of conversations at random..
22:08.57b11din a loop
22:09.39SimoAmihow do you do that?
22:09.49b11dumm..  well.. first off, I was joking.
22:09.52b11dSo.. theres that.
22:09.52perdhahha b11d
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22:09.57perdthat's uhh, creepy and sexy
22:10.21b11dyou could probably do it with Local channels though.. somehow
22:10.32perdthat would be funny as hell
22:10.35b11dthat reminds me, i need to check out these ".call" files
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22:13.08SimoAmithis is how I want it: " Please hold while I access your information...(background processing sound)  (5 seconds later) (background stops) I got your information...."
22:13.19b11dsounds like Music On Hold to me
22:14.08perdthose background processing sounds irk me
22:14.42b11dI wish all call menu's were started with "press 1 if you're a moron, press 2 if you know whats up"
22:14.47perdif you have a cingular prepay phone you know what i mean... every time you enter a piece of information they play this god damn loud ass sound of keys beign pressed annoyingly, like a damn typewriter
22:14.50b11dand then each would be a totally seperate menu system
22:15.34Dr-Linux|homeanybody ever have problem with transfering the call to the agi() ?
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22:16.48b11dim sure someone has..
22:17.16SimoAmiI tried MusicOnHold() but I can't get past that line. It seems that it's waiting for an Answer event
22:18.03Dr-Linux|homeb11d: i'm trying to solve this problem since 3 weeks but no luck so far, looks like it's an asterisk bug in agi app
22:18.29Qwell[]Dr-Linux: "I've been trying [...] for 3 weeks [...]"
22:18.33b11dcant get past what line?
22:18.48b11dyou just put someone on hold, and they get MoH..  take them off hold, its returned
22:18.52b11dyou dont do it in the dialplan
22:18.55b11dyou do it in sip.conf
22:19.01b11derr.. you dont do it in extensions.conf
22:19.25b11dDr-Linux.. submit a bug report?  ask in #asterisk-dev ?
22:19.51Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: thanks :)
22:20.15perdanyone have a clue as to why my cisco 7902 doesnt get dialtone until i dial it from a different extension, then it wont hangup unless you hang up the phone twice
22:20.27b11dits not registering ?
22:20.32perdit's registering
22:20.36b11dare you sure?
22:20.45perddebugging shows it register
22:20.48b11dcould it be a bad phone?
22:20.49perdhere i'll pastebin..
22:20.52b11dhave you tried a couple?
22:20.58b11dno I believe you
22:20.58perdno it works if i put it on the CCM system
22:21.05b11dhrm... weird eh
22:21.15perdyeah.. the 7912 does the same thing
22:21.22b11dI've only played with the 7940 and 7914.. so.. I dunno..
22:21.23b11dthey worked fine
22:21.23robl^chan_skinny is a weird beast.
22:21.34perdi use sip for 7912/7960 now
22:21.35Qwell[]perd: send me pcap dumps from CCM
22:21.52perdi have the pcap i used to build my config
22:21.55perdone sec
22:22.03perdi nevermodified it
22:22.08perdit was some pcap file that was on the system
22:22.17*** part/#asterisk entelechy (i=user@
22:22.20perdoh it's ptag.dat that i have
22:23.13SimoAmithis is an automated call made to the client, so when setting the moh on, no one is there to answer, because it's just automated
22:23.31perdhow do i create a pcap dump?
22:23.42Qwell[]with ethereal/wireshark
22:23.56perdi thought you meant something else ok ... one sec
22:24.02perdi'm slow.
22:24.47Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: what should i send you my 7936 ? :)
22:25.00Qwell[]Dr-Linux|home: you should :P
22:25.15Qwell[]shipping costs would be ridiculous though
22:25.16perdar downloading ethereal source
22:25.56Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: and you will not send me back? :P
22:26.14Qwell[]shipping costs would be ridiculous ;)
22:26.23Qwell[]Dr-Linux|home: pcap dumps from CCM would be best
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22:27.13monstedQwell[]: you need ccm pcaps?
22:27.32Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: can you guide me with that, i really don't understand that how can i get those dumps
22:28.08Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: how can i get that for you?
22:28.14Qwell[]with ethereal/wireshark
22:28.18Qwell[]and call manager
22:28.23monstedQwell[]: anything specific you want to see?
22:29.06Qwell[]monsted: incoming call (ccm > phone), outgoing call (phone > ccm), hangup initiated by phone, hangup initiated by ccm
22:29.06Dr-Linux|homemonsted: what phone you have?
22:29.10Qwell[]for...various phones
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22:29.44unsuchtis it possible to create a virtual channel with asterisk
22:29.59monstedQwell[]: just signalling, right?
22:30.08Dr-Linux|homeundrdawg: dummy channel?
22:30.11Qwell[]monsted: yeah, rtp is pretty much covered
22:30.26Dr-Linux|homemonsted: what phone you have?
22:30.44monstedDr-Linux|home: which one of them? ;)
22:30.50Qwell[]monsted: this is with skinny, obviously
22:30.57monstedQwell[]: 'course
22:30.57Qwell[]in case that wasn't clear :)
22:30.59perdalmost done with little ethereal
22:31.19unsuchti need something that will dial a user and play a message when a situation is met
22:31.26monstedQwell[]: i'll see if i can pick up something that doesn't expose too much of our IP :)
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22:31.36Dr-Linux|homemonsted: mine is cisco 7935
22:31.48Qwell[]monsted: you should be able to capture just skinny packets going to/from a specific device
22:32.13monstedDr-Linux|home: i have about 10000 cisco phones of various shapes and sizes out there
22:32.26Qwell[]monsted: does that mean I get to request which caps I want? :P
22:32.45entelechymonsted: got any 7940G's you wanna get rid of cheap?
22:32.48monstedQwell[]: not really, i've got to find a place that doesn't carry user data :)
22:32.53Qwell[]793x, 797x, 791x, 7920, 7085 ;)
22:32.58Dr-Linux|homemonsted: wow, ever you got 7935 running with asterisk?
22:33.11Qwell[]Those would be ideal captures, heh
22:33.14monstedi only play with our left-over test 7960s
22:33.29entelechyanyone got 10 7940G 's they wanna donate, give away or otherwise sell cheap :)
22:33.39Qwell[]entelechy: I bet ebay does
22:33.40Dr-Linux|homemonsted: my 7960s are just fine with sip firmware
22:34.00monstedentelechy: i'm sure cisco wants to sell some ;)
22:34.11Dr-Linux|homeentelechy: i've alot, but why i'd sell if they are working fine
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22:36.13monstedQwell[]: you don't want 7960 dumps? those are the most prolific phones by far and the easiest cap to get
22:36.22perdqwell will a tcpdump -w work?
22:36.29Qwell[]monsted: sure, they'd help, but the rest would be best
22:36.42Qwell[]perd: umm...lemme see
22:37.05wiljacketI'm having a problem with 7940s running sip firmware where the local user hears a bad echo when dialing out through pstn (listening on the other side they sound great), soft-phone to 7940 causes the same echo on their end, but sip to sip between 7940s is ok.  Anybody got an idea what this could be?
22:37.06monstedQwell[]: i don't have any on our test system, but i'll snoop around and see if i can find something useful
22:37.10Qwell[]yeah, 0w should be good
22:37.11Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: please also tell me the way to get dumps. i'll send you
22:37.32Qwell[]Dr-Linux|home: the problem is, they need to be from cisco call manager
22:37.43perdok cool im gonna send you the udp data from this 7902 if that's ok
22:37.45perdit's 1.7k
22:37.58perdok cool
22:38.35Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: i've cisco login and mybe i can download/install CCM , would that help?
22:38.43Qwell[]Dr-Linux|home: ccm isn't free, heh
22:39.02terrapenso, can you run two 4-port PRI cards in a 2-CPU opteron server if you're just translating B channels to IAX/G.729?
22:39.02Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: i didn't said, it's free login :P
22:39.04Qwell[]BUT, if you can somehow "get a working copy"'d work fine
22:39.19terrapenand sending the calls to another * server?
22:39.19Qwell[]just need ethereal/pcap/whatever dumps
22:39.41Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: we are paying for login
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22:40.17Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: i think i already downloaded the CMM
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22:41.09monstedyou can't download a full CCM, i believe
22:41.24Dr-Linux|homemonsted: why?
22:41.41monstedand if you do, it contains a hardware check to make sure it's running on supported hardware
22:41.53terrapeni'm debating buying Juniper media gateways to go from PRI to SIP or just building my own with Asterisk and 4-port digium cards
22:41.58monsted(a few specific HP and IBM servers)
22:42.03Dr-Linux|homei see
22:42.14monstedterrapen: hardware gateways are quite nice
22:42.16perdok qwell i just emailed the dump to you
22:42.23terrapenthe hard part is finding 1U servers that are fast enough to handle the 4-port cards but use compactflash disks
22:42.28perdit has the initial tftp transfer, the skinny registration and then an attempted call
22:42.36terrapenmonsted: that's what i've heard
22:42.40monstedterrapen: a cisco 5300 does the job nicely and has excellent debugging abilities
22:42.44Qwell[]perd: call both ways?  Both would be great
22:42.49terrapenI like the idea of using an appliance for PRI<->SIP
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22:43.04terrapenmonsted, I need 300-400 channels, so the 53xx won't cut it
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22:43.20terrapenand the 54xx series is absolutely ridiculously priced, even without the required DSPs
22:43.21perdi did this: tried to make a call right after the registration, it failed.  then i used another phone and called it, it rang the 7902 fine, i answered and hung up, then i dialed out from the cisco 7902 and it worked
22:43.22monstedterrapen: and you can probably pick one up for a low price since most ISPs are dropping them as dial-in platforms
22:43.26perdbut it wouldnt hang up correctly
22:43.37terrapenmonsted, how many PRIs per box?
22:43.43perdlet me know if you need anything else
22:43.48Qwell[]perd: this dump is from ccm, right?
22:43.53perdoh shit actually this one doesnt have a successfull call
22:43.56perdno this is from asterisk
22:44.01Qwell[]I need it from ccm :)
22:44.07perdhaha uhh ok hold on
22:44.14Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: :P
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22:44.40monstedterrapen: i know that we have upwards of 500 5300s sitting around somewhere (not that we can get rid of them due to internal policies and such)
22:44.41Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: it's same site as Sergio one?
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22:45.03monstedterrapen: i know that they do 4 PRIs, but i would imagine they did more
22:45.16terrapen4 PRIs per unit...and you have 500?  wow
22:45.22perdgotta dl ethereal for windows
22:45.26terrapendo yours have PRI cards in them?
22:45.33terrapeni might just buy some off of you
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22:45.49monstedterrapen: we had upwards of 3 million dial up accounts...
22:45.51terrapenI'll probably need around 16 of them
22:46.04monstedcan't sell 'em to you, sorry
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22:46.14monstedbut other ISPs probably will
22:46.17perdim sure he wont mind taking them for free then
22:46.52monstedok, 120 channels max on a 5300
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22:47.21terrapen6 PRIs
22:47.27terrapenwell 5
22:47.59monsted96 on those ghetto PRIs you 'merkins use
22:48.34Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: looks like that chan_sccp is for someone else than Sergio :S
22:48.37terrapenI'm thinking two Juniper J6350s
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22:48.42perdqwell, out of curiosity why do you want to see the ccm traffic?
22:48.46terrapenbut that would probably run almost US$60,000
22:48.51monstedterrapen: ouch
22:49.14terrapeni wish someone would make a nice 1U opteron server that had a built-in CompactFlash slot
22:49.18monstedterrapen: you could possibly buy a catalyst 6500 and a 6608 gateway blade for that
22:49.25terrapenbecause I would run * and some 4-port digiums
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22:49.57monstedterrapen: just use a CF-to-IDE adapter and stick it directly in the IDE connector
22:50.22terrapenI think we're gonna get fiber to our premises and get that broken out into a bunch of PRIs and also some ethernet
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22:50.29Qwell[]perd: so I can fix chan_skinny
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22:50.46terrapenmonsted, the problem is, i've had trouble finding servers that have room for that aadapter
22:50.56terrapenmonsted, we tried it with the Sun X2100s, didn't fit
22:51.00monstedi want an STM1 and speak SS7 instead of fiddling with these damn PRIs
22:51.12terrapenwhat is the deal with SS7
22:51.13Qwell[]Dr-Linux|home: yeah, that's Sergios site.
22:51.15monstedterrapen: a cable and some duct tape then? :)
22:51.28Qwell[]or, wait, maybe not
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22:51.46terrapenheh, this is why i'll probably buy the junipers
22:51.58monstedterrapen: SS7 is the backbone of the phone system - in this case i'd get a 155 Mbps fibre connection and just act like any other telephone switch
22:52.00terrapenour call center is crucial to our business
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22:52.19terrapenmonsted, i only need about 300 total voice channels
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22:52.51terrapeni have XO coming out tomorrow to talk PRI/T3/etc
22:52.51monstedit would be awesome to just tell the network that i had a pile of DIDs and not have to care about how many phone lines people actually had
22:53.09Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: i think sergio never got some random donations :P
22:53.15Qwell[]Dr-Linux|home: no comment
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22:53.24terrapenmonsted, I would love to pay only for the channels that we use
22:53.31Qwell[]but, my feelings on that matter were made very clear in the past
22:53.36terrapenmost of the time we will use about 100-150 channels
22:53.50monstedone customer had a third PRI added today and immediately went from saturating 60 channels to saturating 90... two more PRIs are on their way :)
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22:53.54terrapenbut let us scale up to 400 channels on the same piece of fiber
22:54.05terrapenand not charge us for a bunch of PRIs that we won't use very often
22:54.22monstedterrapen: well, get something bigger than PRI or do it over IP then :)
22:54.27terrapenis there a better solution for us than a shiatload of PRIs?
22:55.42terrapenyeah, I suppose we could have XO provide SIP over that fiber to us
22:55.42terrapeni wonder how the quality would be
22:55.42terrapenlet THEM buy the ciscoes and junipers
22:55.42terrapeni'm sure we'd pay "far out the ass for it"
22:55.42monstedall of our customers are using g711 - sounds just like an ISDN call
22:55.56terrapenwe'd need at least 30Mbps for that
22:56.26terrapeni'm sure XO will offer multiple ways of doing this
22:56.37terrapeni hope that we can get them to justify a fiber build
22:56.44terrapencurrently have no fiber to our callcenter/warehouse
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22:56.53Charles[NS]hello quelqu'un aurrait un modele pour 2 context incoming sur asterisk
22:57.14Charles[NS]pour gerer 2 entreprises
22:57.18monstedi've got four GigE links to the MPLS backbone and have only ever peaked 40 Mbps - i'll live for some time yet :)
22:57.43Charles[NS]j'ai fais plusieurs essais de conf et j'aimerai savoir l'astuce
22:57.44Qwell[]Strom_C: lol@cake
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22:58.05Strom_Cill just eat twice as much cake when i'm in huntsville in marchish
22:58.27TheAspi'm looking at getting a sipura 3000, is there anything similar i should be looking at instead?
22:58.57Charles[NS]someone have ever make ipbx for 2 company on the same asterisk ?
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22:59.46TripleFFFFhow much calls can a p3 1000 hold ?
22:59.55b11ddepends on the codec
22:59.58unsuchti can't seem to get channel_status working, i've tried all different types of ways to enter the channel but asterisk always says there is no such channel
23:00.04Dr-Linux|homeTripleFFFF: RAM?
23:00.29TripleFFFF512 ?
23:01.40b11ddepends on the codec
23:01.57b11dtell us what one and then you can figure out how much ram you need and how many calls she'll handle
23:02.52b11dgoodnight all
23:04.04Qwell[]TheAsp: 3102 or whatever it is
23:04.21TheAspQwell: is that the one with the router?
23:04.33Qwell[]dunno, I just see people recommending that one
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23:05.32perdfix chan skinny! wee
23:06.20Qwell[]perd: let me know when you send those new dumps, so I don't lose them
23:06.44Strom_CQwell[]: eat cake for me at the party :)
23:06.51Qwell[]likely not going
23:07.12*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
23:07.27Strom_Chow can you not go for FREE CAKE?
23:07.28Qwell[]"The eight-to-one Medimmune v. Genetech decision, written by Justice Scalia, held that by paying royalties to a patent holder, one does not necessarily waive the right to challenge the validity of the patent."
23:07.42Qwell[]that's pretty huge
23:07.58Strom_Cyeah, that is
23:08.24Drukenanyone have access to the ajax ratecenter in ontario ?
23:09.16rudholmI have a noob AGI question
23:09.21rudholmreally really simple thing I want to do
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23:09.38Qwell[]Druken: Colgate-Palmolive is based in NYC
23:09.41rudholmI want to send a call to a phone number that is defined by the output of a PERL script
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23:10.01EmleyMoorCan I use the Voice Mails count in ekiga when it is connected to asterisk? If so, how?
23:10.07EmleyMoor(SIP, not OH323)
23:10.09rudholmI've tried just creating a little perl script that sends a Dial(blahblah) to STDOUT, but that doesn't seem to do it
23:10.10De_Monwhat do you call a hardware device that translates UDP SIP <-> TCP SIP?
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23:10.24Qwell[]De_Mon: pointless
23:10.28rudholmQwell[]: I'm looking at you  :)
23:10.28Jay97232ekiga works fine as a sip phone with asterisk
23:10.34DrukenQwell[]: i'll add that to my bank of useless information
23:10.35Qwell[]rudholm: from outside?
23:10.39Qwell[]because that would be creepy
23:10.43De_MonI cant seem to find anything
23:10.50EmleyMoorJay97232: How do I get the voicemail count to work?
23:10.54*** part/#asterisk mog (
23:10.56Strom_CQwell[]: i set up a secret webcam in your phone when i was repairing it
23:11.04rudholmQwell[]: I'm not sure what you mean by "from outside"
23:11.06Qwell[]Strom_C: it's at home, unplugged :P
23:11.09Jay97232unknown, I've not tried that
23:11.14Strom_Cthere goes my joke
23:11.25Jay97232any ABE users here?
23:11.45Qwell[]Jay97232: if it's a support question, you'll need to call Digium support
23:11.45perdok qwell i sent you the dump from CCM
23:11.53Jay97232I'm wondering if I re-register my ABE license, will it kill the old server...
23:11.57perdi dialed to and from it, letting the phone ring once each time
23:11.59EmleyMoorI have the stuttered dialtone working on my Zap phones now :-)
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23:12.11Qwell[]perd: answer is important too.  Sorry, I should've been clear
23:12.21perdok let me make another one
23:12.28perdatl east now i know how the software works
23:12.41rudholmQwell[]: basically, I have an inbound call (from outside) that I want to redirect to one of several destination numbers (off-asterisk) based on, say, time of day or whatever.  so I need the PERL script to be able to define the Dial() command parameters.
23:12.42Qwell[]and if possible, I'd like to see each side hang up one of the calls
23:12.55Qwell[]doesn't matter which, just on one of them
23:12.57perdok i'll make two calls from both sides
23:13.05Qwell[]only need one from each side
23:13.11perddo you want the data from the phone i call as well?
23:14.47Qwell[]perd: this is perfect otherwise
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23:20.58Aurscdr_odbc question: if i have a column named foo in my cdr-table. will CDR(foo) be saved to this column?
23:21.15Aursor does that require changes to cdr_odbc.c?
23:21.43perdok qwell! i just sent you the dump with dialing
23:21.59perdi made two calls, the first call i hung up on the remote phone after saying 'test'
23:22.06perdthe second call i hung up on the 7902 after asying 'test'
23:22.37perdanything else you need just let me know
23:22.46perdi'm more than happy to make dumps if it's goign to help
23:22.51Jay97232Qwell, so there is no ABE support on IRC?
23:23.11Qwell[]Jay97232: well, you're paying for support
23:23.21Qwell[]and there are some things we simply can't help you with
23:24.20perddamn this 7902, i am going to have to set up a second 1.2 asterisk system for chan_sccpif i cant get this thing working heh
23:24.45perdit's a shame the 7902 doesnt use the same firmware as the 7912
23:26.20perdi just like phones that i dont have to torture myself to get working
23:26.41perdthe 7912 was cake, the 7960 a pain in the ass and the 7902 just plain old doesnt work :)
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23:29.44monstedit's nice to just pick up a handset and dial instead of fiddling with software... dunno why, but it just feels right
23:30.07perdholy shit /me overload
23:30.46perdmonsted no lie
23:30.47monstedEmleyMoor: take a hint from someone with experience: pull twice as many cables to twice as many places as you think you'll need - you WILL run out
23:30.52perdthe sip stuff is very nice though
23:31.16monstedEmleyMoor: that works too :)
23:31.40EmleyMoorI like my 746
23:32.02EmleyMoormonsted: A connection to an FXS port
23:32.53monstedwhy not just pull Cat5e and plug phones into the RJ45 ports, FXS or ethernet as required?
23:33.27EmleyMoorThat is somewhat my plan - but I have to mount my NTEs somewhere
23:33.29monstedor am i missing something? :)
23:33.44codefreezeJUST WONDERING: RANDOM POLL: of the 298 people here, has ANYONE ever used ForkCDR to your satisfaction? Has ANY of you EVER even tried to use it?
23:34.00monstedmount all the ugly stuff in the wiring closet, ofcourse
23:34.26EmleyMoorThe phone plugs here are different too
23:34.41ManxPowerSince we don't bill for calls, there is no need to do ANY CDR stuff.
23:35.23monstedEmleyMoor: so are ours, but you can get rj45-to-phone adapter cables for next to nothing
23:35.32EmleyMoormonsted: Where are you?
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23:35.59EmleyMoorMy wiring here is "right but slack"
23:36.00Marty-OTTI MA BACK!
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23:36.08EmleyMoorI will tighten it at some suitable point
23:36.16Marty-OTTMy call blocking problem is LICKED!
23:36.18EmleyMoorMarty-OTT: Are uoy really?
23:36.25Marty-OTTTime to do Call Forwarding and CAll Return
23:36.33Marty-OTTEmleyMoor:  Not really
23:36.49Marty-OTTPizza's on it's way .. in my EST
23:37.03codefreezeManxPower: understood... that's logical... I hope...
23:39.24[TK]D-FenderMarty-OTT : Call return is a VERY difficult proposition...
23:40.18Strom_Cpfft, it's simple
23:40.28Marty-OTTTK: huh?
23:40.37Strom_Cput the number in the DB on the last inbound call, look it up when dialing *69
23:40.48Marty-OTTthat's what I was thinking...
23:40.56Strom_C8-20 lines of dialplan depending on how fancy you want to get
23:41.14Marty-OTTwell, I'm doing Call Forward first right now
23:41.53[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : Maybe I'm missing the right name for the one where if they number is busy it'll keep calling till its not...
23:42.00Strom_Cno, that's repeat dial
23:42.04Strom_Ccall return is *69
23:42.21Marty-OTToh! ok, I'll do that WAYYY last
23:42.25[TK]D-FenderMarty-OTT : yeah, scratch that!  *69 = Easy, *66 = bitch
23:42.25Strom_Cand *66 would be easy too; call files and some AGI magic
23:42.55Marty-OTTActually, once I have half a dozen basic features done, I want to make one where people can dial for the weather.. it would be REALLY neat
23:43.02[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : Cahnnel type dependant :)  If you have an analog card, lack of progress will screw you :)
23:43.05Marty-OTT*55 "Welcome to the Weather NEtwork"
23:43.15[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : in many cases even if you DO, heh
23:43.20Strom_C[TK]D-Fender: well of course, but what kind of nudnik would do this on an analog card? :)
23:43.20Marty-OTT"Dial 100 for Ottawa, 101 for Toronto, 102 for Miami"
23:43.22*** join/#asterisk kink0 (
23:43.38[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : Careful.. you'll offend %90 of this channel!
23:43.41Marty-OTTor... "Enter the city name using your keybad"
23:43.43Grnd-WireMarty-OTT: Better yet.. Prompt them for the zip code of the area..
23:43.54[TK]D-Fendermmm KEY  BAD!
23:44.01Strom_CMarty-OTT: that already exists.  it's called 800-555-TELL
23:44.11Grnd-WireMarty-OTT: Kinda like the *61 Weather functionality in TrixBox does.. :P
23:44.29Marty-OTTOh shit.. YEAH!! That's good or maybe just the airprot.. yes.. but people don't know what.. but yo ujust gave me a GREAT idea.. I'll code a *55 to forward to that number!!!! LOL!!!
23:44.46Marty-OTTWhat's *61?
23:45.02Strom_C*61 is already reserved for Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting Activation
23:45.26Grnd-WireStrom_C: ok, well it doesn't prompt.. but my default TrixBox has that in it!
23:45.36Strom_CMarty-OTT: *55 is already reserved for Single Line Variety Package (SVP) - Distinctive Ring D
23:45.37Marty-OTT*69:  "Hello There, how may I help you tonight big boy?"
23:45.48Strom_Ctrixbox can go play with a nut
23:45.50[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : Screw Ma's plan!
23:46.04Marty-OTTgreat... well,... if I ever decide to pick extensions... I'll look up the reseved first
23:46.05*** join/#asterisk SwK (
23:46.32Qwell[]stupid bot
23:46.42Qwell[]jbot: vsc is Vertical Service Codes
23:46.44jbotokay, Qwell[]
23:46.44Strom_Cqwell: i was just checking to see if jbot knows about vsc
23:47.09Marty-OTTYou know what would be great (bookmarked - thanks)... design a perfect Astrisk box, have a programmer write it for VxWorks with full Web Manageability and call it:  ASTROID (Asterisk on Steroids)
23:48.08[TK]D-Fenderjbot: no, vsc is Vertical Service Codes -
23:48.14jbot[TK]D-Fender: okay
23:48.15*** join/#asterisk Cunk (
23:48.15Strom_Cjbot: no, vsc is Vertical Service Codes - these codes are generally reserved for specific uses, and it's a bad idea to conflict with the official assignments.  A list of assigned VSCs for North America is at
23:48.18jbotokay, Strom_C
23:48.18dlynes_laptopMarty-OTT, pipe dream :)
23:48.42[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : Horse by commitee!  Lets start on the "buggy" now ;)
23:49.15mercestescan I play with the bot?
23:49.25[TK]D-Fendermercestes : back to your room!
23:49.26Marty-OTTdlynes:  Every journey begins with a FIRST step... maybe Mr. and Mrs Bosack were being told the same thing.
23:49.40dlynes_laptopwhoever mr. and mrs. bosack are :)
23:49.46Marty-OTT.. :P
23:49.50Qwell[]Strom_C: there are a ton of those things...
23:49.52*** part/#asterisk oQPa (
23:49.55[TK]D-FenderMarty-OTT : In that case we'll make a shorter plank for you ;)
23:49.55Marty-OTTThe creators of CISCO
23:49.58Strom_CQwell[]: VSCs?
23:50.13Strom_CQwell[]: note the six at the end that are "reserved for local assignment"
23:50.15Qwell[]are there are reservered?  heh
23:50.19dlynes_laptopI think I agree with [TK]D-Fender on that one
23:50.25codefreezejbot: send me a muffin!
23:50.27jbotGo (.*?), codefreeze
23:50.32Qwell[]figured "local assignment" meant the local telco, but I guess that could work
23:50.33*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
23:50.33*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
23:50.42Marty-OTTBelieve it or not, Mrs Bosack (divorced) actually retired with her billions on a farm (with tons of animals) in a small shack.
23:50.46codefreezejbot: you are NOT nice!
23:50.47jbotcodefreeze: what are you talking about?
23:50.52*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (n=Nuke@
23:51.03[TK]D-Fendercodefreeze : how is that supposed to be read?
23:51.04dlynes_laptopMarty-OTT, she should take cisco and throw in that small shack, too
23:51.16dlynes_laptopMarty-OTT, that crap's way too expensive
23:51.38Marty-OTTbut brand new ... I agree.  I'd rather buy HP Switches - less expensive
23:51.43dlynes_laptopMarty-OTT, and judging by all the complaints I've heard in here about the sip firmware, the price is totally unwarranted, too
23:52.00codefreeze[TK]D-Fender: with a grain of salt!
23:52.01Marty-OTTOh, I didn't talke about doing voice on a Cisco router... heh heh
23:52.14Marty-OTTI mean... doing SIP to clarify
23:52.29[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : Cisco is like Apple.  The hardware is great, just that it you don't like it "Their Way", you know what you can do with it...
23:52.38[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : AFTER forking over way too much :)
23:52.45codefreezejbot: how smart are you?
23:52.47jbotI think you lost me on that one, codefreeze
23:52.47Qwell[]Strom_C: how are these implemented? all telcos implement all, some subset, or?
23:52.57[TK]D-Fendercodefreeze : More like a PILLAR
23:52.57Qwell[]is it completely telco dependent?
23:53.09Strom_CQwell[]: they're generally implemented based on the services offered by the telco
23:53.11jbot[jbot] only marginally useful at best,  He got a C- on his Turing Test
23:53.16*** part/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
23:53.50codefreezewell, at least jbot's honest!
23:54.57robl^Strom_C:   "Hideaway"?
23:55.12rudholmStrom_C: ship of fools?
23:55.13Strom_Cno, i dont have that one
23:55.18Strom_C"chains of love"
23:55.22*** join/#asterisk newbie22 (
23:57.55jbotextra, extra, read all about it, vsc is Vertical Service Codes - these codes are generally reserved for specific uses, and it's a bad idea to conflict with the official assignments.  A list of assigned VSCs for North America is at
23:59.01codefreezejbot: codefreeze is the most wonderful guy you'd ever like to meet!
23:59.03jbotcodefreeze: okay
23:59.14*** join/#asterisk infoeng2006 (
23:59.29codefreezejbot: codefreeze is an alias for Steve Murphy
23:59.30jbot...but codefreeze is already something else...
23:59.54codefreezejbot: codefreeze is also an alias for Steve Murphy
23:59.56jbotcodefreeze: okay

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.