irclog2html for #asterisk on 20070106

00:00.21codefreezeinfinity1: oh, that's easy-- you just define a the "i" extension in the same context, and put what to do with an invalid extension in there.
00:01.33infinity1codefreeze: what if you're using a macro?
00:02.03codefreezethen you use the "catch" for extension i.
00:02.16infinity1codefreeze: hmm .. i tried catch. hmm
00:02.26[TK]D-FenderMacros done HAVE extens.  They are meant to start & end with "s" only.
00:02.44[TK]D-Fenderinfinity1 : please SHOW us.  Would be nice to see what you're talking about
00:02.48jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
00:04.15codefreezeinfinity1: caution: when a macro reaches the end, it returns.
00:04.17infinity1[TK]D-Fender: :)
00:04.30infinity1what i pasted doesn't work
00:04.55codefreezeinfinity1: it isn't going to wait for an extension that might be invalid. Catch of "h" (hangup) would be normal in a macro.
00:05.54dlynes_laptopcan insufficient bandwidth cause echo on voip lines?
00:05.59infinity1codefreeze: catch h actually did something. hm
00:06.14infinity1codefreeze: ok. i'll play with catch h and see . thanks.
00:07.26codefreezeinfinity1: what I'm trying to tell you is that the "i" extension should be in the context that called that macro, perhaps, not in the macro.
00:07.37[TK]D-FenderYour catch statements aren't following the same syntax...
00:07.46*** part/#asterisk lullabud (n=lullabud@
00:07.55[TK]D-FenderAEL... *shudder*
00:08.14dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: Admit love AEL
00:08.16[TK]D-FenderAnd last i recall those were EXTEN, not "catch"
00:08.19dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: especially AEL2
00:08.23infinity1codefreeze: ahh
00:08.23[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : Shit on a stick
00:08.29infinity1codefreeze: i think i have that. lets see.
00:08.33codefreezeinfinity1: are you on 1.2 or 1.4?
00:08.41dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: you're into anal sex, i take it?
00:08.59[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop : YOU would look at it that way, wouldn't you :)
00:10.09dorphalsigWhen using cmd MYSQL within the extensions.conf ...
00:10.12infinity1codefreeze: 1.2
00:10.24dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: have you ever had insufficient bandwidth, or high latency connections causing echo for iax2 traffic?
00:10.29dorphalsigif I have exten=>s,3,MYSQL(Fetch FETCHID ${RESULTID} ROUTENUMBER)
00:10.36codefreezeinfinity1: because [TK]D-Fender is right, you should have gotten a syntax error for the "i" extension ... Ah, that's why, you are using the "old" AEL.
00:10.37dorphalsigand after that I close the MySQL Connection
00:10.43dorphalsigwill resultID still be available?
00:11.30infinity1codefreeze: is there a solution with old ael?
00:12.16codefreezeinfinity1: the "old" AEL just ignores syntax errors in some cases. So, fix it and it should generate code. But I don't know if it will work, anyway. You can try it.
00:13.25codefreezeNamely: the catch i => {  should not have the => in it, infinity1.
00:15.18codefreezeinfinity1: and yes, there are some alternatives to the "old" AEL in 1.2; you can look up AEL2 in the wiki, and get a patch for AEL2 for 1.2... or you can be careful, and maybe get it going with what you have.
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00:19.48infinity1codefreeze: ok. i got it to say invalid before hanging up. no to clean up my mess. thanks :)
00:19.56infinity1er s/no/now/
00:22.17[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm done for the night... later all
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00:38.16umop3plsdnany reason to why when i monitor calls remotely from my sip client that even when i hangup to go to the next agent the previous session stays on there and accumulates all the sip sessions so that i start hearing everyone at once?
00:45.56umop3plsdni have to do a soft hangup on each one to close the sessions
00:46.38*** join/#asterisk SimoAmi (
00:46.45SimoAmihi there
00:46.51SimoAmia quick question
00:47.10SimoAmithrough telnet, I connect to the asterisk manager console. I issue a "Originate" command. How do I confirm/execute the multi line command?
00:53.41tzafrir_laptopSimoAmi, with an empty line
00:53.49tzafrir_laptopThat is: with pressing Enter twice
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01:16.07linageeumop3plsdn: wtf? when you're monitoring calls?
01:16.40umop3plsdnyea when i monitor meetme conferences
01:16.56linageeumop3plsdn: why are you monitoring conferences? that sounds illegal
01:17.27BlackBishoprulz were made to be broken ! >:)
01:17.27umop3plsdnquality assurance for our call center =P
01:17.30linageeumop3plsdn: do the agents know they're being spyed on?
01:17.45umop3plsdnof course... big brother is always watching >=}
01:18.10BlackBishopyou spy the agent .. the agent spies a user .. the user spies someone else :))
01:20.00linageeumop3plsdn: "The Supreme Court noted that even at work there are some legitimate areas in which an employee has a reasonable expectation of privacy. These areas may include, for example, desks and file cabinets."
01:21.04perdwhere is the info on how to send people to different ext during certain times of day or days
01:21.19perdi saw some way to do it without using agi scripts but i cant remmeber the function or syntax :/
01:22.08perdgotoiftime ahhh yeah, thanks
01:22.27linageeperd: use freepbx. :) "Time Condition"
01:22.46perdfreepbx is too....annoying
01:23.57linageeif an employer just provided internet for employees to use without any sort of policy in writing, would the default be that it's illegal for them to search?
01:24.29ariel_perd, use the wiki it can help.
01:24.38perdim already good
01:24.38ariel_~time condition
01:24.45perdi just couldnt remember gotoiftime
01:24.59perdi have too many goddamn scripting languages in my head
01:25.13ariel_ahh I understand
01:25.35perdfucking perl, bash, php, asterisk, awk, sed, ....
01:25.38perdthe list goes on and on
01:25.43perdi get things mixed up now :P
01:25.43linageeperd: python, php
01:25.47linageeperd: c, c++
01:25.48ariel_linagee, employee rules are wrten mostly by the owners and are subject to change on there wim.
01:25.54perdyeah i dont know python
01:25.56perdor c++
01:26.00perdbut yeah add c to the list
01:26.03linageeariel_: but what if there are no written rules
01:26.16ariel_it's up to the boss
01:26.21linageeperd: learn python
01:26.27ariel_agian owner rules
01:26.39linageeariel_: if the boss just started spying on people though, and the employee sued, who would win?
01:26.57ariel_it's his network access to you.
01:27.04linageeariel_: what if the spying was used for fraud? like the boss takes the account numbers or something
01:27.37ariel_that is different. But in most cases the owner of the connection will over rule users.
01:27.55linageeariel_: how is it different?
01:28.22linageeariel_: what if the employee was transferring porn for financial reasons and the boss caught them and used it for financial gain?
01:28.27ariel_you might have a case you can get some retribution with laws but over all he has the right to listen in most states.
01:28.38BlackBishopanyone can tell me what rules I have to add in iptables for nat to work for outside people to connect to my asterisk ?
01:28.55linageehow could you prove the boss wasn't using the porn for financial gain in the first question
01:29.43ariel_those are far beyong normal questions here
01:29.48linageelol. :-D
01:30.24linageeariel_: what if umop3plsdn is monitoring all the call center lines, and someone dials their bank?
01:30.40BlackBishoplucky him ! :D
01:30.52ariel_do you know that any work like programming scripting you do at your employer location is actually in most states owned by them.
01:31.00linageeariel_: i think employees should only be allowed to monitor phones/computers when it is clearly noted on the device. (a sticker)
01:31.09perdi wrote a day/night/holiday message recording context. yay that was fun
01:31.10linageeariel_: s/employees/employers/
01:31.39umop3plsdnwe have our reps sign disclosures
01:31.47umop3plsdnthat all calls are monitored
01:31.55ariel_we do as well
01:32.14perdwe keep our reps in cages. they do as they're told or else.
01:32.15ariel_but if there is non the normal laws in the US are on the owner side
01:32.17linageeumop3plsdn: should be noted on the device. like a cuecat. "by using this device, you agree to follow the terms below"
01:32.38linageeperd: cages. lol
01:32.55ariel_linagee, actually if your employed by them and there paying you for your time the own you during those times....
01:33.22linageeumop3plsdn: what if something funny happens? agent takes their parent to work, parent makes a confidential call. replace parent with kid/significant other/whoever
01:33.24ariel_stupid keyboard on laptop
01:33.46ariel_linagee, your still shit out of luck
01:33.55linageeariel_: slavery is illegal. :) that's an excellent defense
01:33.58perdthen they're fired for using company property for personal use
01:34.08ariel_it's not slavery if they pay you.
01:34.16linageeariel_: they don't "own you". they own the things you make
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01:34.39ariel_yes but if your on there time being paid your theres for those times.
01:34.42perdyeah if they owned you i'd totally be banging my hot female employees
01:34.48perdbecause i'd enjoy owning them
01:34.54linageeariel_: if they "owned you", bosses would be forcing their employees to do sexual things during work time
01:34.58*** part/#asterisk squish102 (
01:35.05ariel_you can always quit
01:35.12perdman forced employee sex is so fucking awesome
01:35.15ariel_leave walk out the door
01:35.20perdnot if they own you
01:35.23linageeariel_: not while you're working! they own you, remmeber! :P
01:35.35ariel_well only if you want to get paid
01:35.59perdis there a way to modify the canned voicemail menus?
01:36.04ariel_perd, but in the US there is laws for sexual harrastment.
01:36.13ariel_perd, yes
01:36.30perdsweet, mind giving me a hint as to where? :)
01:36.45ariel_sure it's GPL software edit the source
01:36.57perdoh, it's hard coded?
01:36.59perdthat is disappointing.
01:37.11linageeperd: you make it sound like it's unchangeable
01:37.26ariel_but you can recreate your own menu via the extensions.conf
01:37.49perdi dont like either option, but modifyign the source is easier
01:38.15perdfucking app_voicemail.c
01:38.18perdhow i hate you
01:38.23linageeperd: why do you want to change it
01:38.29ariel_you should have seen the old version
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01:38.45perdi want to add an 'admin' menu to it
01:38.56ariel_admin menu?
01:39.03perdsomething privileged users can access to change system wide settings, like day/night greetings, etc
01:39.03linageeperd: you mean you dial "1337" and it gives you special access? :P
01:39.08perdhaha yes
01:39.10perdkind of :P
01:39.33perdit would be like, option 7 from the main voicemail menu
01:39.57linageeperd: why not just use freepbx and gives administrators access to that? :P
01:40.12linageeperd: you'd write yourself out of a job? :P
01:40.36ariel_linagee, I am guessing you use freepbx
01:40.44linageeariel_: yes
01:40.45perdi like to automate
01:40.51linageeariel_: what's wrong with it
01:41.02ariel_not a thing
01:41.04linageeariel_: unless you're routing a billion calls a second, i see no reason not to use it
01:42.00ariel_I use it for some of my customers. And I use asterisk setup without it. There is no one setup that fits all.
01:42.30linageeariel_: yes, i realize it does lots of database queries and adds a lot of variables to the dialplan. it's still way fast enough for me. :)
01:43.06ariel_for most use yes it works great. But some don't deal with the limitations it's based on.
01:43.27linageeariel_: you mean if you have like 100 IVRs, or something?
01:43.35ariel_like you can't do different context for users. unless you edit the extensions_custom.conf files
01:43.48linageeariel_: sure. edit the extensions_custom.conf file. ;)
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01:43.54linageeariel_: do that to add agi too. :)
01:44.05ariel_no like extension 100 can do outbound dial but exten 102 is only for local
01:44.32ariel_also it's not too felixable to multi-company setups.
01:44.40kizmetariel_, use the ASTDB and set up call policys =) its not to hard.
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01:45.16ariel_kizmet, well there are many ways to do things.
01:45.17linageeariel_: multi company would make it seem more confusing if you only use it for one company
01:45.37ariel_linagee, that is why it's not a one fit all system.
01:46.03linageeariel_: just because something can't do something doesn't mean it can't made to do that. ;)
01:46.16linageeariel_: like i said, ask rob to add that outgoing dial plan thing as a feature. ;)
01:46.38ariel_linagee, I know
01:46.51linageeariel_: now that i think about it...
01:46.57ariel_I do allot of the testing for the freepbx-dev
01:47.05linageeariel_: have an empty box on each outgoing thing
01:47.14linageeariel_: if it's empty, everything behaves normally
01:47.33linageeariel_: if you add extensions into the box, they have to be there for it to use that outgoing route. or else it drops to the next level
01:48.12linageeariel_: it works in the gui pretty easily anyway. lol
01:48.19ariel_linagee, there is almost nothing I can't do with freepbx
01:48.59linageeariel_: careful. you'll piss off the asterisk-only zealots. :-/
01:49.36ariel_it's ok I have been using asterisk for over 4 years now and have been here that long. It's not an issue when you can use both
01:50.30ariel_I have a few freepbx multi-company setups as well.
01:50.54ariel_even a call center I setup on freepbx.  But in some case it's not the fit all.
01:51.48linageeariel_: it depends what's more important. performance/absolute customizability, or ease of use. ;)
01:51.55linageeariel_: choose only one. :)
01:52.08ariel_I pick all
01:52.32ariel_nothing is easy in this world
01:52.43ariel_it all takes learning
01:53.03linageeariel_: learning is easy. :)
01:54.08*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
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01:59.06*** join/#asterisk Grnd-Wire (
01:59.14Grnd-Wiregreetings folks
02:01.15ariel_linagee, have you tried the asteriskNow?
02:02.00linageeis it possible to make an iax2 to SIP gateway out of a wrt54g? hrm.... :)
02:02.33linageeariel_: looks pretty similar
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02:02.52*** join/#asterisk Op3r (i=Op3r@
02:03.18Op3ranybody recommends a good voip provider for call centers?
02:04.03ariel_for a call center
02:04.12ariel_humm l3 is what I use via coreIP
02:05.00ariel_we have 5 centers now with over 400 channels used at one time or another.
02:05.48linageeOp3r: how many channels? less than a dozen? hundreds?
02:07.03linageeariel_: wouldn't that mean it's time to upgrade? :)
02:07.14Op3rreally depends
02:07.21ariel_I will be adding 3 more asterisk boxes in a week to our outbound dialers.
02:07.25linageeariel_: multiple company?
02:07.28ariel_we are at 22 boxes right now.
02:07.30Op3rcos it also depends on the campaigns that are running
02:07.47ariel_linagee, no this is for the call center I am working for right now.
02:07.50Op3rariel_: ur using VICIDIAL? joke what dialer are u using right now?
02:07.54ariel_5 locations
02:07.54linageeariel_: how is the load split? is each phone aimed at a certain box
02:08.00ariel_Op3r, never
02:08.12ariel_we made our own.
02:08.50ariel_linagee, no it's used by numbers and dns settings
02:08.53linageeariel_: outbound dialer? campaign? that sounds illegal! :P
02:08.54Op3rariel_: oh ok, vicidial became stable at version 2.0.1 i think
02:08.59ariel_we have a few load balance pc's
02:09.00linageeariel_: at the very least, annoying. :P
02:09.23ariel_unless they switch out of the meetme for connections I will never use it.
02:09.29battinihe's a phone spammer :)
02:09.39ariel_but yes
02:09.49ariel_I am not they people I work for are
02:09.52linageeno but yes. that sounds like phone spammer speak. :P
02:09.53battinitelemarketer pricks =P
02:09.55ariel_I just keep there boxes running
02:10.00Op3rariel_: thats the main problem of vicidial. i was hoping matt can switch it to queues
02:10.10ariel_most of our calls are inbound
02:10.18linageeariel_: upgrade to this "special" version of asterisk i want to roll for you. :)
02:10.19battinisure sure, make excuses
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02:10.33ariel_battini, someone has to do it.
02:10.49battiniI have no prblem with it what so ever
02:10.54ariel_besides at least we are here in the us. And have 5 call centers now up and running..... more coming
02:10.57battinias long as you follow the do not call list :)
02:11.02linageeariel_: do you at least use the do not call black list?
02:11.05ariel_we do
02:11.06linageebattini: jinx
02:11.10linageeariel_: how much does that cost btw?
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02:11.24linageeariel_: and how do you have it tied together?
02:11.29battinithen I have no problem what so ever with your business.
02:11.30ariel_we have operators that take you off the list or you can even do it via the ivr
02:11.33Op3roh by the way anyone recommends any VOIP provider for small time call center?
02:11.35battiniwell your companies business.
02:11.58ariel_it cost money to dial so if you don't want our dials why should we spend the money dialing you.
02:12.14linageeariel_: costs money. lol
02:12.17linageeariel_: like, a few cents
02:12.25battinithat shit adds up =P
02:12.35battiniwhen you have 400 agents getting hung up on constantly
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02:12.36ariel_well we have 400 channels at once so it does add up.
02:12.41linageebattini: and then when you rake in 5%, it adds up too. :P
02:12.55linageeariel_: that is, 5% actually buying whatever it is you're selling
02:13.03linagee(or less)
02:13.06battini5% seems like a pretty good rate =P
02:13.12ariel_we have 26 to 28% closing rate
02:13.20linageeariel_: that's frightening
02:13.34battiniare you allowed to say what your company is pushing?
02:13.36ariel_we hope to get it to 40%
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02:13.41linageebattini: or even the industry
02:13.43battinimagazine's? v14gr4?
02:13.44CrashsysAnyone seen a problem where a Sangoma A200D wont dial out correctly, but incoming dialing works fine? It's Asterisk 1.2.14, Linux 2.6.19, Wanpipe 2.3.4, Slack 11...
02:13.45linageeariel_: what sort of industry
02:13.49Op3rtelemarketing is not that bad. its just the people who are scammers are bad
02:13.51ariel_dish network, directv, comcast
02:13.55ariel_a few others
02:14.04CrashsysMy DTMF detection is also kind of hit-or-miss on another system with a Sangoma A200D
02:14.05battinithats a bit easier to sell i assume.
02:14.09linageeariel_: eww. you mean one of those middlemen companies? yuck
02:14.20ariel_well it pays the bills
02:14.32ariel_and we have our own customer service setups
02:14.53battiniyou dont work for hhgregg do you =P
02:14.54linageeariel_: so about the do not call list
02:14.56ariel_we have been doing so well that even Dish network sends some of there customer service calls our way now.
02:15.00battiniim stuck in a contract with them, since im a moron
02:15.06linageeariel_: how does that work with asterisk? do they give you a database file, or how much does it cost?
02:15.22Op3rbeing an fcc compliant is one of the strength our call center has though
02:15.34linageeOp3r: fcc compliant
02:15.40ariel_we start with mailers. inbound calls if we dont' close them there we then put them on the ort dials
02:15.42Op3rlotsw of call centers are not fcc compalint on fcc dnc
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02:15.48ariel_it's very warm customer sales
02:15.56ariel_we are
02:15.56linageeOp3r: you mean do not call lists?
02:16.23Op3ryeah fcc dnc compaliant
02:16.24battiniso you dont do blind calling
02:16.29battiniyou basically do call backs.
02:16.34Op3ror opt in
02:16.36ariel_inbound and call backs
02:16.40battiniso your company isnt complete scum.
02:16.42linageebattini: what is "not blind dialing"
02:16.59battiniblind dialing is where you have a huge list, of people that dont give a crap about you
02:17.04linageebattini: define blind dialing. dialing any number in a prefix, or dialing numbers from a provided telemarketing list?
02:17.05battinithat call you during dinner,,
02:17.11Op3rnow I need to know where to get a reputable VOIP provider for our TFN
02:17.15battinitrying to pawn off magazines.
02:17.25linageebattini: it has to be during dinner. :)
02:17.42ariel_dinner calls are allowed if they call you first
02:17.44battinium ariel
02:17.49battinistep one
02:17.53battinitalks about comcast cable
02:17.57battinibut that remote is a dish 311 remote
02:18.12battiniobviously not comcast, unless they use the same remotes
02:18.12ariel_we sell lots of brand
02:18.17ariel_those are just a few
02:18.23linageebattini: he said. a middleman company
02:18.28battinii know
02:18.30linagee(indirectly said)
02:18.37battinibut thats still my dish remote
02:18.41battinion a comcast ad =P
02:18.43ariel_we are middle man
02:18.58ariel_so our graphic people suck
02:19.00linageeariel_: how much do you make off of each sale? $1? :P
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02:19.15ariel_I have no Idea
02:19.23ariel_I just keep the asterisk working
02:19.27linageeariel_: margin must be low if you don't want them to just jump directly to the compamny
02:20.05battinipeople like the customer support aspect of it though
02:20.14battinibig company programming, small company tech support
02:20.23battiniunless something has to be escalated to the big company.
02:20.26ariel_linagee, we are doing very well. But as long as I get paid and they give me the support I need. it's up to the owners how they deal with the products.
02:20.27Op3ractually the profit on outbound campaigns really depends if it is on per hourly basis or performance basis (means per sale commision)
02:21.17battinii work for a smallish isp, we might not be the cheapest thing out there, but people love the customer support
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02:21.21battiniand talking to the same people
02:22.07linageelike i can call into it, it will timestamp something in a mysql database
02:22.29CrashsysAnyone got any tidbits of wisdom or suggestions as to why a Sangoma A200D wouldn't dial out? The console reports that it's dialed the zap channel, that it's been answered, and then after 20 seconds I get the "if you would like ot make a call, please hangup and dial again" message from the CO
02:22.35Crashsysout of 5 tries one might dial out...
02:24.23perddtmf issues?
02:24.34CrashsysIt's not dialing out correctly...
02:24.52CrashsysIt's like the DTMF aren't being generated...
02:25.00CrashsysDoes Asterisk or the Card make the DTMF?
02:25.02linageeCrashsys: OOB DTMF?
02:25.07ariel_just setup 8 new TE412b's
02:25.11CrashsysOn a Zap channel?
02:25.19Crashsysariel: But out of 5 tries one will dial through
02:25.34ariel_time our wait's
02:25.44ariel_add some www to the outbound dial rule
02:26.17CrashsysThe line also has an old Lucent/AT&T Partner plugged in on it...
02:26.29Crashsysdidn't think that could be causing the problem tho
02:26.36Crashsysspecially when no one is on the phone
02:26.43ariel_are you using e&m wink
02:26.59CrashsysJust good-old fashioned Analog Copper...
02:27.02CrashsysVerizon Florida...
02:27.09Crashsysmy CID aint working either...
02:27.34ariel_yes but what signal
02:27.36CrashsysI highly doubt it's E&M Wink...
02:27.43ariel_your side
02:28.00CrashsysI haven't even started to look at the CID yet... dialing out has priority unless I jump context :D
02:28.06CrashsysFXS Kewlstart...
02:28.12ariel_ahh there you og
02:28.21CrashsysGo with Loopstart?
02:28.37ariel_kewlstart is used more down in Florida
02:29.03perdi hate kewlstart just because the name is retarded.
02:29.07CrashsysIt's definately Loopstart w/ Supervision Disconnect (Kewlstart) cause when I call about a second after I hang up the voltage drops off
02:29.10ariel_bbl got to see if I can get my little girl back to bed.
02:29.19perdi find nyquil works well
02:29.26ariel_use the www on your rules
02:29.40ariel_let the channel have some waits to give you the tone.
02:30.11ariel_will be back in a bit. My little girl woke up... need to get her back to bed.
02:30.19CrashsysThat's the other thing... when I do a ztmonitor on the chan, there is no tone...
02:30.24Crashsysis that normal?
02:31.12Crashsysthe only other system i've done with CO Copper Pots (that weren't spitting out of a channel bank) had a tone on the line when nothing was going on...
02:31.18Crashsysaccording to ZTMonitor...
02:31.51CrashsysShouldn't I see some RX Level when the channel is at idle?
02:31.56Crashsysor am I just on dope...
02:35.21CrashsysOn a side note... any idea why polycom's give a "Internal Server Error 500" when you do a transfer in *?
02:41.48GlobetrotterHi Guys, i am trying to setup a script to record my prompts..  but when it gets to the response time out line it drops the call.
02:41.59Globetrotterthis is the line that i have
02:42.32Crashsyswhat's your t priority in the context?
02:42.36Globetrotteri get an Auto fallthrough, status unknown
02:43.28Globetrotteri dont have a t priority
02:43.38Globetrotteri will set one now
02:43.52Crashsysmake a t priority, rinse and repeat...
02:44.00*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
02:44.09Globetrotterrinse and repeat?
02:45.02*** join/#asterisk mega (n=mega@
02:46.23CrashsysIt's an old saying :)
02:46.31Globetrottersorry but i dont understand,,  :(
02:46.38Globetrottercan you please explain?
02:47.07Qwelllather, rinse, repeat
02:47.18Qwell10: lather
02:47.20Qwell20: rinse
02:47.25Qwell30: goto 10
02:47.46CrashsysI'm too tired/lazy to type an explanation :D
02:47.57CrashsysI just got done running 2000' of cable today :(
02:48.05Globetrotterok no problem  :)
02:48.26Crashsysbasically you try something, if it doesn't work, try again...
02:48.38Crashsysuntil you get the desired effect...
02:48.55Globetrotterso where sohould i send my t proirty?
02:49.13Crashsysto whatever you want it to do when it times out...
02:49.43Globetrotterbut i set the timeout and it does not wait the specified time,,  it droops right after it got to the time out line
02:50.19Crashsysis it TIMEOUT(response) or TIMEOUT(digit)?
02:50.25Globetrotteris this the correcrt command?
02:50.37Crashsyswell what's after the timeout?
02:50.45Crashsysis there a wait after the timeout?
02:51.02Crashsysthe timeout just sets a timer to do something... it really doesn't do a damn thing :)
02:51.12*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
02:51.17Globetrotterok i understand
02:51.27Assidhey _VoicePulse you there
02:51.59Globetrotterso after the timeout i would out a wait  then my t proitrity?
02:51.59Assidmy freaking account doesnt work
02:52.07CrashsysSo if you are doing an automated attendant, for the main menu you would set an absolute timeout, then do a background(main-menu), and have a wait command after that...
02:52.25Globetrotteror something like that then rinse and repeat? :)
02:52.46CrashsysAfter the wait command you would just have it goto the background command...
02:53.04Crashsysand once they do something, make sure you set the absolute timeout back to 0
02:53.25Crashsyskeeps a bug on pots zap channels from making a line useless :)
02:54.00Globetrotterkool thanks, i am gonna tryi it now
02:54.08Crashsyshave fun
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03:07.01Op3roh by the way anyone recommends any VOIP provider for small time call center?
03:07.06*** join/#asterisk corzo (
03:09.19corzohi all i have created an account with : i'm able to make calls .. this part is ok .. now i create another account with and they give to me 347xxxx number i create Trunk SIP/stanaphone-. and i create inbound Route 13476324807/13476324807/
03:09.54corzobut when i call 1347xx i have thge message the number you have dial is not in service
03:10.18corzoif i open the softphone and i caall the number 347xxx is working..
03:10.25Globetrotterho my t priority is not working :(
03:10.35corzobut with mi asterisk is not.. any ideas?
03:11.11Globetrotteri have wait then t proirty,,  but the call drops,,  Auto fallthrough, channel
03:11.13corzowith Jan 5 22:10:43 DEBUG[2399] chan_sip.c: Registration successful
03:14.28Nivexwow, somebody spammed the hell out of the wiki
03:15.30*** join/#asterisk horsesgofaster (
03:16.09perdhmm for some reason my caller id keeps getting set to what i have in zapata.conf
03:16.14perdfor incoming calls from pstn
03:16.23perdwhy the hell would it be doing that...
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03:35.40Assidvoicepulse just disabled the account without informing us
03:51.41*** join/#asterisk Mugatu (n=mugatu@unaffiliated/Mugatu)
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03:53.12MugatuI'm installing 1.4.0, and have set a custom --prefix with the configure script, yet make install wants to install files into /var/lib/asterisk... Is there anyway to force this to go to PREFIX/var/lib/asterisk ?
03:56.18perdmake a symlink :)
03:56.28EyeCueh4x :]
03:56.49Mugatuheh, no root... just need to play around with some SIP routing
03:57.09perdcygwin, your desktop box
03:57.14perdvmware, your desktop box
03:57.44perdmessing with directories is just going to make your life hell
03:58.12*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
03:58.19Mugatuusually build systems work that out via autoconf and friends..., just curious if that was customizable
04:00.47QwellMugatu: ./configure --help
04:00.52Qwellthere are several options for that
04:01.12Mugatuis /var/lib/asterisk considered DATAROOT?
04:01.18MugatuDATROOTDIR, rather
04:01.26Mugatugrr, DATAROOTDIR
04:01.31perdi thought it might be
04:01.38perdthen i saw read-only architecture-independent data
04:02.01perdoh you nkow what.. i think that is it
04:02.06perdbut you'll still have /var/spool/asterisk
04:02.17perdwhich is used for voicemail so it might be fine to ignore
04:02.36*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
04:03.11Mugatualright, thanks guys, I'll continue to hack around on it
04:07.12Mugatuah, got it, a little further googling turned up:
04:07.39Mugatuneed to specify --sysconfdir and --localstatedir
04:09.39*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
04:10.51dlynes_laptopIs it possible to have echo introduced to a iax2 channel/trunk if the connection's bandwidth and/or latency is insufficient to handle the voip traffic?
04:11.15Qwellno, echo is caused by traversing 2 wires...or something
04:11.48jbotit has been said that echo is an issue which can be best fixed using this link:, or fixed with fxotune:, or best fixed by troubleshooting your pci bus: ...
04:12.01dlynes_laptopOk, so it's 100% not possible for it to happen on a voip channel then
04:12.07dlynes_laptopI just wanted to clarify on that
04:20.39Globetrottermy music on hold is not working,,  is says starting then stops right away ,,  what should i check  please
04:32.38*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
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04:33.46corzohi all i have created an account with : i'm able to make calls .. this part is ok .. now i create another account with and they give to me 347xxxx number i create Trunk SIP/stanaphone-. and i create inbound Route 13476324807/13476324807/
04:33.51corzowith Jan 5 22:10:43 DEBUG[2399] chan_sip.c: Registration successful
04:34.09corzonow i have stanaphone The Stanaphone Subscriber is unavailable
04:44.08*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (
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04:54.37unsuchtwhy would my dnid be unknown when dialing a sip channel?
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05:38.43*** join/#asterisk Deciphan (
05:39.52DeciphanJust upgraded to Asterisk 1.2.14 and Zaptel 1.2.12 and now Asterisk seg faults as soon as it answers the phone... I got two TDM 4-port cards... any idea what might be going wrong?
05:41.35*** part/#asterisk Mugatu (n=mugatu@unaffiliated/Mugatu)
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05:56.10dseeb_Deciphan: did you reload zaptel.ko and wctdm.ko ?
05:56.38Deciphani've rebooted the whole server
05:57.31Deciphanis there something special i need to do?
05:58.06dseeb_nah, that should have loaded the new kernel modules
05:58.40Deciphanyah.. everything starts up just fine.. but as soon as it goes to answer.. bang, that's it
05:58.42dseeb_assuming you did a "make install" after you built zaptel
05:58.53dseeb_can you call out?
05:59.11Deciphani don't know... the server is a couple hundred miles away and no one is there right now
05:59.40Deciphani know.. i wasn't planning on having so much trouble.. it was a fairly minor upgrade
06:01.00sbingnerhow much trouble were you planning on having?
06:01.22Deciphanheh.. well, maybe a little...
06:01.28dseeb_Deciphan: do you have ssh access to the box?
06:01.47sbingnerDeciphan, I'd make sure all the module versions are right and you're not loading something outdated
06:02.28Deciphanis there an easy way of verifying all the versions
06:06.44dseeb_Deciphan: you need to stop asterisk. then do "rmmod wctdm" "rmmod zaptel", then "modprobe wctdm"
06:07.00dseeb_then do "dmesg" and see what version zaptel reports
06:07.28*** part/#asterisk pythonic (n=nick@
06:07.47dlynes_laptopDeciphan: You haven't stated what those two TDM 4-port cards are...are they Digium tdm400p's, Sangoma A200's, Rhino TDM's, or some other brand?
06:08.09Deciphansorry.. they're Digium's TDM400p
06:08.19dseeb_i guessed that :)
06:09.04dlynes_laptopdseeb_: well, it was pretty much a given, but I just wanted to be sure
06:09.19Deciphanzaptel shows 1.2.12
06:09.22perdupgrade everything to 1.4 :)
06:09.26perdall will be fixed
06:09.34dlynes_laptopperd: yeah...that'll fix it so well, nothing will work :)
06:09.50perdi didnt have problems going from 1.2 to 1.4
06:09.59dlynes_laptopperd: I guess you didn't use AGI?
06:10.06dlynes_laptopperd: Or AEL?
06:10.07perdi do
06:10.10perdnot ael
06:10.15dseeb_Deciphan: is the a core dump file in /tmp ?
06:10.35dlynes_laptopperd: There's one particular part of AGI that'll crash your system, unless you've got the latest patch for 1.4
06:10.49Deciphanis that a core.#### file ?
06:10.55dlynes_laptopDeciphan: yes
06:11.00perdno shit
06:11.01Deciphanyah.. there's quite a few
06:11.04perdthat would be fun
06:11.17perdluckilly my use of agi is very limited
06:11.19perdto sphinx
06:11.24dlynes_laptopI donm't know what aspect of it
06:11.36dlynes_laptopBut I'm not planning to use 1.4 in a production machine for a little while yet
06:11.59dlynes_laptopI want to make sure there isn't any hidden issues with it first
06:12.00perdim going production on my 1.4 box in 2 weeks
06:12.06perdhopefully it doesnt crash
06:12.18dlynes_laptopSo I'm waiting for a couple of minor version upgrades to go first
06:12.31dseeb_Deciphan: do "ls -l" find the core.xxxx file that corresponds with the time it last crashed
06:12.45Deciphanyah.. i can see it
06:13.05dseeb_ok, try this "gdb /usr/sbin/asterisk /tmp/core.xxxx"
06:14.12Deciphaninstalling gdb :)
06:14.28Deciphanthis is Gentoo btw
06:14.43perdso it will take a billion years to emerge
06:14.59Deciphan2.6.17 kernel
06:15.05Qwellgdb?  2 minutes on a reasonable machine
06:15.14perdyeah i know, i was just being a hater
06:16.22perddamn that page is down
06:17.15bkruse_homethat link doesnt look safe
06:17.20bkruse_homejk :P
06:17.25bkruse_home<3 google
06:17.42perdit's a password harvester
06:17.51perdgive me your infos.
06:19.27Qwellreal men USE="rice"
06:20.02perdthat site is so much better with the images, but you get the idea
06:21.15Deciphank, gdb installed and i ran that command.. what am i looking for?
06:21.29perdhere's where the fun begins
06:21.33perdget ready to go WTF
06:21.41dseeb_whats the above "(gdb)" ?
06:22.02CrashsysMan... OBSD must be like a root canal for a Gentoo user... it's allllll ancient 386-based compiles :(
06:22.16Deciphan162             p->step->framein(p->state, f);
06:22.17Crashsysif your lucky you get a 486 compile :)
06:22.30Deciphanabove that is
06:22.30Deciphan#0  0x0806ae39 in ast_translate (path=0x4, f=0x81979bc, consume=1) at translate.c:162
06:24.14billfor if you're lucky you realize quickly that you'll never gain back the time you spent compiling the optimized code and it's not worth it.
06:24.52perdi'm running on centos right now.. it's actually tolerable if you dont install any of the X shit
06:24.54Qwellbillf: that isn't why most people run gentoo
06:25.14Qwellit's all about USE flags
06:26.23CrashsysLOL... that quote about "I like to compile all my programs from source that way you dont get any dependency crap"
06:26.33CrashsysFell outo f my chair on that one...
06:26.47Crashsysok so I cant type
06:26.52Crashsysdamn my unoptimized code!
06:27.00perdreboot your brain
06:27.00billfyeah yeah yeah, but that doesn't provide enough benefit to warrant the additional hours of cpu times it involves wasting IMO
06:27.56Crashsysblah... I can spare the 3% of performance loss...
06:28.17CrashsysThe only thing I do to a fresh linux distro by force of habit is recompile a kernel specifically for that system... about it :)
06:29.50dseeb_Deciphan: are you sure you built * 1.2.14 with the same options as your previous version?
06:29.57Crashsyscourse, the first thing I do on an OBSD system is CVS the source and recompile :(
06:30.02Deciphani did a make upgrade
06:30.45dseeb_hmm, id say you have something old in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
06:31.39Deciphanwould i be able to tell by the file date/times?  cause they're all the same...
06:32.05dseeb_Deciphan: yeah you would
06:32.37Deciphani'm guessing if they're all the same... they're either all old or all new...
06:34.13dseeb_Deciphan: if it were me i'd do this:- "rm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk/modules" "make" and "make install" in the asterisk source
06:34.30Deciphani was just thinkin of doing that... i'll give that a shot
06:36.57Deciphanholy crap.. that was it!
06:37.05dseeb_cool :)
06:37.15Deciphanthanks for your help!!
06:37.20dseeb_no probs
06:42.51*** join/#asterisk puk_jp (
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07:21.29Grnd-WireDoes anyone know how to make the BLF buttons (hints) show the status of Zap channels?
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07:28.20brookshirehints should work for zap
07:28.37brookshireit's a command called 'hint'
07:38.20Grnd-Wirebrookshire: yeah - I'm pretty sure it's setup properly, except it's not working. :D
07:39.07Grnd-Wireexten => line1,hint,Zap/1
07:39.14Grnd-Wireexten => line1,Dial(Zap/1)
07:41.58bkruse_homehint has been known to not be the most reliable app.
07:42.48brookshireGrnd-Wire: what version of asterisk are you running?
07:43.15brookshirehints also don't work accross iax trunks
07:44.45*** join/#asterisk xlnc2002 (
07:44.53`Seanhey brookshire
07:44.56`Seanwusup :p
07:45.23Grnd-Wirebrookshire: hmm.. 1.2.13 svn rev 47264
07:45.36Grnd-Wirebrookshire: Should I maybe try 1.4? Is it more reliable there?
07:45.57Grnd-Wirebrookshire: yeah, I kinda figured that about the trunks - even though that's something I'd LOVE to have work :)
07:48.28bkruse_homerm -f app_hint.c
07:50.12bkruse_homeor you can vi app_hint.c and write it :D
07:51.13*** join/#asterisk unsucht (
07:51.48unsuchthi guys, i would like to Goto() another context loacted in another file in my dialplan but it doesn't seem to work, is this even psoobile?
07:52.03Grnd-Wireyeah but I don't want to delete it - I just want to figure out what the limitations are, and work within those..
07:52.26Grnd-WireDoes 1.4 address the hint app at all? The Changelog isn't available off the website, from what I can tell. :/
07:52.45bkruse_homeunsucht: just use includes in the dialplan
07:52.51bkruse_homeyou can include files in the dialplan correct?
07:53.07unsuchti did but it doesn't seem to work, do i include the file or the conext
07:54.27unsuchtit says that it's referring to an invalid dialplan
07:56.24SplasPood#include "file.conf"
07:57.19SplasPoodso if file.conf contained
07:57.37SplasPoodexten => 1234,1,NoOp(Blah)
07:57.49SplasPoodthat'd insert all that wherever you put #include "file.conf"
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08:47.45perdexten => s,n,Set(extension=${IF($[${LEN(${MACRO_EXTEN})} = 7]?${MACRO_EXTEN:3}:${MACRO_EXTEN})})
08:47.51perdyeah. that's hard to read.
08:47.56bkruse_homeperd: nah
08:47.59perdi need to use AEL or something
08:48.04bkruse_homeperd: AEL rocks
08:48.15perdhaha dude i had to inspect that line to figure out where i was missing a }
08:48.16bkruse_homeit converts it to normal dialplan, but easier to think and write out
08:48.29perdof course i'm tired
08:48.44perdman that privacy option for dial is really awesome
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10:45.53saschhi all
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10:47.25saschif i want to reinstall asterisk because i have 1.2.x and i want 1.4.x
10:47.34saschin wich mode i remove kernel modules
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11:03.36saschcan help me
11:14.44saschhave a link to explain the upgrade from asterisk 1.2 to 1.4
11:18.53rbrindley <-- look at about 1/2 through the page, it's a summarization
11:19.09rbrindleypost should be by russellb
11:40.30*** join/#asterisk Cae2 (
11:49.12Cae2Hi, can I play some music while I´m executing an AGI script? WaitMusicOnHold seems to not work on this case...
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12:01.19linageeself cleaning underwear:
12:01.45coppiceits called "black underwear" :-)
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12:15.00BlackBishopanyone here used a linksys pap2 thingy with asterisk !?
12:16.18Cae2anyone knows how solve my problem above?
12:19.36BlackBishopI can't figure out where am I supposed to set a username/password stuff
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12:35.39BlackBishopguess not ..
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13:10.44uwehello, there is a cisco 7940 ip phone, on one asterisk (older 1.0) it works fine, but on a new 1.2.13 it doesnt! same files in the tftp for both, but i get this small x, any suggestions where to start debugging, i have the extension added on both asterisks
13:12.13*** join/#asterisk SomeOne1 (
13:12.26SomeOne1can you reattach to an asterisk console?
13:12.47SomeOne1for example your putty/ssh connection got lost to the linux box running asterisk in console mode
13:13.02SomeOne1i logged back in and it was still running, can i attach back to it?
13:14.27uweyou were running asterisk with -c option?
13:15.30brookshireSomeOne1: asterisk -r
13:16.35uweif asterisk -r doesnt work and you were not using "screen", and the initial asterisk was run using asterisk -c, i dont think its possible , unless there is a way to hijack the stdin and stdout that were used
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13:18.08`Seaneveryones discussing cisco today :p
13:19.47Cae2Hi, can I play some music while I´m executing an AGI script? WaitMusicOnHold seems to not work on this case...
13:23.03DrukenHMEanyone know how i get a complette zone listing for a domain ?
13:23.51*** part/#asterisk oQPa (
13:24.50brookshirei don't think you can really.. you might be able to if the domain allows transfers
13:27.50brookshireokay.. nm
13:27.51brookshirehost -Z -a -l
13:27.54brookshireyou can do it
13:28.48brookshirebut.. yeah.. you have to have access to do it
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13:50.08SheriF_SpacEbrookshire: hey ;-)
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14:04.25uweum, does anyone know if a hard ip phone was working with asterisk 1.0.x there would any possible reason that it wont with asterisk 1.2.x for reasons related to the firmware ?
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14:31.06*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (
14:31.12Dr-Linux|homehi guys
14:31.29Dr-Linux|homeanybody is using LumenVox recognition?
14:44.21napoleao_what is the best hardware (ip phones, switch, router) to use with Asterisk?
14:44.56`SeanCisco 7985
14:46.48napoleao_thats is a too good :)
14:46.49*** join/#asterisk inv_arp[work] (
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14:47.08brookshireDr-Linux|home: i have :)
14:47.11ThoMea good isdn 2X s0 card?
14:47.14brookshireSheriF_SpacE: hey!
14:47.55ThoMereferences for a isdn 2x S0-Card?
14:48.09`Sean[9:48am] <napoleao_> thats is a too good :) ROFL
14:48.11`Seanu asked for BEST
14:48.16`Seanand i gave you BEST
14:49.10napoleao_thats is true
14:51.15brookshirekFuQ: yeah, that's funny
14:53.12ThoMeis this a good card? BRI von Digium [B410P
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15:06.22`Seani didn't know alison was canadian :D
15:08.38`Seanrobl^ :|
15:08.42ThoMekann hier wer deutsch? ;)
15:09.21robl^ja, aber nicht sehr gut.
15:09.46ThoMerobl^: kannst du eine gute isdn karte empfehlen fuer ein anlagen-anschlus empfehlen?
15:10.52*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
15:11.46robl^Es tut mir leid, aber ich sind nicht mit ISDN vertraut. Ich benutze nicht ISDN mit Asterisk
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15:14.46robl^ThoMe: Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht.
15:17.36*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
15:17.44`Seanrobl^ are you kidding you didn't pay for her to record "moose Penis"
15:18.16zoaThoMe: yes, its a very good card
15:18.53ThoMezoa: but i have read with a kernel 2.6.18 > not good?
15:19.32robl^`Sean: I did pay her!  I was getting ready to send her a long script.. about 15 pages.  IAs I was paying her for time, in 1 hour blocks, I had plenty of time left over, so I asked if anyone else wanted any prompts.  bkw_ said "have her to record 'moose penis'" so I did.
15:19.33*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
15:19.38ThoMeIMPORTANT: In kernel 2.6.18 (and later) the devfs support is removed!!!! Due to this reason the driver for the B410P will not compile and/or will not work!!!
15:20.12*** join/#asterisk Globetrotter (n=eric@
15:20.31`Seani dont get the point tho
15:20.34`Seanof recording moose penis
15:20.46CrescendoWhen dialing out, the phone picks up after 2-3 seconds, and then gives me an echo of whatever I say.   I'm trying to use the FXO line.
15:20.46`Seanwanna tell me whats the point
15:20.59lesouvageI have set up 1.4 for testing on a fresh fedora system on VMware fusion. Local things work fine but, although I disabled the firewall, I can't register because UDP ports are closed. How do I open the UDP ports?
15:21.13`Seanlesouvage read the docs???
15:21.17`Seanasterisk wiki
15:21.26jbotit has been said that thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
15:21.45robl^it was an inside joke. ... and to see if she really would do it.  She did it without question.  Just got my recordings back fromher and there it was.. as professional as "Please hold and someone will be with you shortly."
15:22.17`Seanahh i see
15:22.29lesouvageI did some searching on the internet but didn't find the answer.
15:24.53lesouvagebut you remind me that I actually have thebook in paper
15:28.00zoathome, i dunno if they fixed that already
15:28.09zoayou could check that with digium
15:28.21zoathe thing we wrote on that website was done a few months ago
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15:34.53CrescendoAnyone have any idea on how to solve my issue?
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15:38.48uweCrescendo, are you sure you are connecting to an fxo connected to the phone line?
15:39.05Crescendouwe, yeah
15:39.21robin_zhow simple/impossibly difficult is it to set up faxing on * so I can send a fax out of my ISDN line? I run chan_mISDN on a HFC card
15:39.59uwewell, then i dont know, i had similar beahviour and it was due that i was calling out on the wrong fxo, and that was not connected to a phone line
15:40.13zoarobin_z: i think you'd better look to hylafax
15:42.57robin_zzoa: thanks, but you didnt read the question
15:43.32zoaits is possible
15:43.38zoabut i dont think you will be happy with it
15:43.55zoayou use both an fxs port with a fax connected to it
15:43.56NivexHas anyone here actually seen a VoiceBlue SIP/GSM gateway for sale in the United States?
15:44.06robin_zI still dont think youve read the question
15:44.07zoathat will connect to an isdn card
15:44.37robin_zI have an ISDN line connected to a HFC card on my * box
15:44.41zoaeasy / hard depends a little
15:44.53zoatdm + HFC card is pretty easy
15:45.03robin_zI have a POTS line connected to a modem on the hylafax machine
15:45.06zoaasterisk + spandsp might work, but its not so easy
15:45.30robin_zI want to send a test fax from the * box, out over ISDN, back in on the POTS line and let hylafax answer it ..
15:45.36robin_zhow simple/impossibly difficult is it to set up faxing on * so I can send a fax out of my ISDN line? I run chan_mISDN on a HFC card
15:45.46zoai only saw that last part
15:46.00zoalook at
15:46.03zoadownload spandsp
15:46.05zoaand give it a try
15:46.18zoathe guy who wrote spandsp is often here
15:46.22zoa== coppice
15:46.34robin_zhmmm ...
15:46.56zoawhen you try it, make sure you follow the exact versions of Asterisk + spandsp etc very very closely or it will blow up in your face :p
15:47.07robin_zwell, lets forget that then
15:47.17Crescendouwe, well, I know the line is physically plugged in.
15:47.21robin_zso .. any other bright ideas on how to test this poxy incoming fax?
15:47.23CrescendoMaybe it's a configuration issue?
15:47.33CrescendoWhat method can I use to check?
15:47.37zoahey ho mr brookshire
15:48.20DrCroneasiest way to send legal docs though
15:48.38robin_zif you exclude emailing them, then yes
15:48.39coppicegroup III fax wasn't around in 1970
15:48.51DrCronsend them quickly
15:49.15uweCrescendo, how many fxo modules do you have ?
15:49.26Crescendo2 modules, 4 FXO ports total
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15:49.35CrescendoI only have one plugged in right now, we're testing
15:49.38uweok, how many lines connected
15:49.46robin_zsigh, I guess I'll take my plain old fax machine home with me and fax the office systems from home etc etc etc
15:50.29uweok, asterisk doesnt know which is plugged in and which is not, when you call it selects one, which can be one other than you have plugged, did you spicify to which it should talk to ?
15:50.39uwein zapata.conf
15:50.42uwei think ...
15:51.31Crescendouwe, I'll look
15:51.40BlackBishopanyone can tell me what the heck is wrong with this linksys spa2002 and PAP2 voip stuff ... is there any way I could use any of them with asterisk !?
15:52.04uweCrescendo, or you can try and plug it in each and try :)
15:52.18uwei hope asterisk doesnt select them randomly
15:53.15uweCrescendo, i found out what was happening by connecting a splitter on the phone line and listened to what asterisk was doing :)
15:54.01*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
15:55.04CrescendoNope, plugging the line into all ports does the same thing
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15:55.55PakiPenguinhello everyone
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16:02.59robin_zso, no one has any really good ideas on how to get a test fax sent in to me ?
16:03.51zoarobin, i just explained you!!!
16:04.07zoatry an email to fax thing
16:04.12zoaif its just for testing your own fax
16:04.19zoaor ask somebody here if they can send you a fax
16:08.27DrukenHMErobin_z: any government fax back service :)
16:15.49*** join/#asterisk xpato (
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16:16.34xpatohi, anyone knows how can i enable some kind of code to the users can redirect calls to another phone? internal and external ones?
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16:18.46philthCall me mad, Anyone think this is a good idea.. or if it's already been done. Setup a WAP page with a Call Me button, to work with cell that has unlimited incoming calls? I have two lines on the Asterisk box.
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16:21.31Belgartath_xpato: most of the soft phones has a transfer button
16:22.39xpatoi know, i need call forwarding, like im out of office so my calls follow me to my cell
16:23.35Belgartath_then put into extenison.conf
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16:24.08Belgartath_eten => your number,Dial(Local/number@default)
16:24.11Belgartath_or sth similar
16:25.20xpatoyes that its easy, but i one something that all can use, so they pickup they voip phone enter a code and then the number where they want to forward the call
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16:28.15Belgartath_xpato: hmm i am not so advanced yet
16:28.20xpatome neither
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16:31.38Dr-Linux|homeanybody is using LumenVox recognition?
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16:34.48JerJerDr-Linux|home:  I have rapped with the main LuminVox guy a couple times and tweaked on a system that was already setup
16:34.59JerJerbut have never setup a LumenVox system
16:35.48Dr-Linux|homeJerJer: i just bought lumenvox light starter package
16:36.03Dr-Linux|homei was looking for some expert suggestions . that how does it work with asterisk
16:36.07*** join/#asterisk PeppiX (
16:36.13JerJeryou should blog about your results and provide me a link
16:36.48PeppiXI'm new asterisk's installer :)
16:36.52JerJerPeppiX:  how are things on that side of the big pond?
16:37.17Dr-Linux|homeJerJer: sure, i'll mmm.. i'll blog that on my site as already i wrote something about shpinx
16:37.22PeppiXthere is the sun ;)
16:37.36PeppiX5:37 pm
16:37.42PeppiXI live in sicily
16:38.11Dr-Linux|homehere 9:38 pm
16:38.16PeppiXsicily is the island of italy
16:38.29PeppiXDr-Linux|home, where?
16:38.47Dr-Linux|homePeppiX: Pakistan
16:38.49ez`some one suggest me a voip provider allow me to choose my output name and # , on outgoing call ??
16:39.05JerJerez`:  that would be caller*id name
16:39.13JerJerand it is not set on a per call basis
16:39.43*** join/#asterisk Bazy (n=bazy@
16:39.45philthez`: Link2voip lets you pick any number with SetCallerID, but the name doesn't show up..
16:39.49ez`i set it on the trunk ; but only number is show and name is always : unknow
16:40.16`Seananyone know about TAUG?
16:40.16JerJerez`:  of course - the name gets looked up by the 'far end' telco
16:40.49Dr-Linux|homephilth: i don't think if you can send your favorite callerid, being on PSTN lines
16:41.16philth`Sean: Yes
16:41.25`Seanwhen thy meeting next
16:41.29ez`JerJer really ? at my office they can output name, maybe because its in the same telco ; right ^
16:41.32`Seanlooks like the site is bit outdated
16:41.48blitzrage`Sean: you should join the on-asterisk mailing list for TAUG
16:41.53JerJerez`:  yes within the same switch or switch group name could get populated
16:42.08`Seanblitzrage, i dont like mailing lists ends up creating more spam msg's for me
16:42.12`Seani signed up for asterisk-biz
16:42.20ez`thanks ; i will stop searching now about this prob .. hehe
16:42.23`Seanended up my email was all over google, and people use google to extract mails
16:42.30`Seanand i now ned up with 300 + spam msg's daily
16:42.33blitzrage`Sean: 3rd Wed. of each month is TAUG
16:42.35philthDr-Linux|home: Yes, I have used it to make my Girlfriend pick up her cell but showing up as her work # during a breakup.
16:42.49`Seanblitzrage where tho?
16:42.51JerJerez`:  one solution is to get a separate telephone number for each name you use - hopefully you don't need many names    :)
16:42.54blitzrageon-asterisk is one of the best noise/ratio mailing lists for Asterisk there is
16:43.22blitzrage`Sean: usually at Mel Lastman Square
16:43.33blitzrageJerJer: -dev and -commits for me
16:43.42`Seanerr so i can just showup no need to register or something :p?
16:43.46Dr-Linux|homephilth: hhm.. being on PSTN ?
16:43.46JerJerwell yeah commits too I guess
16:43.56DaminOh drat..
16:43.57wunderkinmoleman square
16:44.04DaminNow I have to learn about Wanpipe..
16:44.15blitzrage`Sean: no reg. needed -- but the mailing list is where the meeting is announced
16:44.18DaminCustomer has an a104d...
16:44.28JerJerblitzrage:  oh hey app_transfer worked
16:44.29*** part/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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16:44.37Dr-Linux|homephilth: i can send fales callerid from pri/digital channels, but i can't send via pstn lines
16:44.37philthDr-Linux|home: I called from Voip (Link2Voip) to a PSTN ( Telus Cellular) line. I have tested it with my house copper wire line as well ( Bell Canada)
16:44.39DaminSIR! SIR!
16:44.47blitzrageDamin: wanpipe isn't that bad -- I use it for my ADSL card
16:44.47JerJerthanks for the smack in the head -  I knew about it just didn't think before typing
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16:45.01blitzrageJerJer: wicked! glad it worked. Did you just use the 302 trick?
16:45.07blitzrageor did you end up modifying it?
16:45.16`Seanblitzrage how do i subscribe to mailing list
16:45.18blitzrageDamin: SIR! lol
16:45.19JerJerso far we haven't need to mod
16:45.22Daminblitzrage: Yeah.. It has been about 4 years since I even touched a Wanpipe install though.. :) and never done it w/ Astrix! :)
16:45.33JerJerbut being able to select 301 or 302 when SIP might be useful
16:45.45blitzrageJerJer: indeed
16:46.01DaminI wonder if Wanpipe works w/ 1.4?
16:46.05Dr-Linux|homephilth: "to a pstn" is fine, but did you have PSTN fxo lines for outgoing?
16:46.10blitzrageDamin: I'd think so.......
16:46.24blitzragehard to say though, I don't know how on top of it Sangoma is
16:46.49philthDr-Linux|home: Ah, Yes I do. And as far as I know that is not possible. I see the misunderstanding now.
16:47.57Dr-Linux|homephilth: yes, bcoz pstn signalling goes through telco side ...
16:48.20Dr-Linux|homea pri case is little different while have D channel, what carry signalling
16:48.55Dr-Linux|homephilth: but still doubt, bcoz i'm from Pakistan and our telco sucks in most cases
16:49.54Dr-Linux|homephilth: i'd like to ask a question, since you are from Canada
16:50.39`SeanDr-Linux|home you already askd me lol
16:50.45Dr-Linux|homephilth: my family members live in Cananda, but i have my servers in Pakistan/California .
16:51.39Dr-Linux|home`Sean: are you using PRI/PSTN ?
16:51.43Dr-Linux|homewith *
16:53.35`Seanyou asked me
16:53.39`Seanits not considered a LOCAL CALL
16:53.45`Seanwhat dont you get between USA/CANADA
16:53.48`Seanthere is a BOARDER
16:53.54`Seanand when you cross you get into another country
16:54.00`Seanhow can you have a local call to another country
16:54.10mistermochamorning all.... I'm a little confused since I've really only worked with pre-fab systems
16:54.26philthDr-Linux|home: Where in canada?
16:55.00mistermochaI just installed trixbox. Incoming calls just get a busy signal because they aren't being routed anywhere.
16:55.07Dr-Linux|homephilth: next to USA
16:55.13Dr-Linux|homei guess,
16:55.24Dr-Linux|homephilth: opss sorry,
16:55.29`Seanphilth hes going to ask you a dumb question, on how he wants to call from his server thats colo'd in Cali, and well its got a PRI and how he wants to call using it to CANADA
16:55.33mistermochaI know I still have to create contexts, but what is the first context to respond to the call?
16:55.34Dr-Linux|homephilth: i don't know the area name
16:55.35`Seanand make it count as a local call
16:55.54`Seanbut then yet again, he has to ask his carrier maybe the carrier allows unlimted nort america calls
16:55.56`Seanbut hes too lazy :p
16:56.06*** join/#asterisk McGee (
16:56.15Dr-Linux|home`Sean: baisti tou na karwa na ???
16:56.23McGeeHi, where is the pass for the flash operator panel defined ?
16:57.05*** join/#asterisk BigCanOfTuna (
16:57.10philthDr-Linux|home: If what `Sean is saying is correct that is not possible. However There are a few Voip companies in canada that offer Unlimited calling plans.
16:57.23Dr-Linux|home`Sean: thanks for explaination, but my question was something else
16:57.25BigCanOfTunaIs there an easy way to determine the ring pattern needed for zapata dring?
16:57.27`Seanphilth he wants to use his own
16:57.29`Seanhes got a PRI
16:57.47`Seanbut, he needs to ask his carrier if they allow calls to north america unlimted or if there on minute basis
16:58.17wunderkina pri with unlimited non-local calling, ha, thats like a voip provider with unlimited calling
16:58.50`Seani dont know all i know is certain voip providers
16:58.53Dr-Linux|homeaww, i'd not do those long process to just talk to my family
16:58.53`Seanlet you make unlimted calls
16:59.01`Seanbut thats usauly because theyve got PRI's in both countrys
16:59.09`Seanand or there carrier lets them somehow
16:59.10wunderkinyeah, right, unlimited...
16:59.11`Seanlike sharkshells
16:59.19`Seanwunderkin yes...
16:59.26Dr-Linux|homei'd prefer to give/take termination for a few calls
16:59.40`SeanDr-Linux you dont even know wich city you wanna call
16:59.56`Seani dont beleive, you have relatives probably trying to setup calling to canada for some freidns or somethin :P
16:59.58Dr-Linux|homei forgot that
17:00.06Dr-Linux|homei know the number,
17:00.06`Seangive me the first 3 numbers
17:00.09`Seanof the phone #asterisk
17:00.16`Seanerr phone number
17:00.43Dr-Linux|home`Sean: lol, my all first cousins and their whole families are in canada,
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17:00.53Dr-Linux|homeand my dad is after me here to call them call them
17:01.08Dr-Linux|homeotherwise i don't give a fuq
17:01.17`Seanhrmp, seems weird youre familie(S) as you put it are all in canada, but yet you dont know city :P
17:01.24`Seanif i had famil even in middle of brazil
17:01.26Dr-Linux|home`Sean: anyway no problem, i'll dial them from my cell
17:01.26`Seanid even know city lol
17:01.28`Seanand town
17:01.33`Seanwhat area
17:01.37`Seancode give me the area code
17:01.57blitzrageI have family in Denmark, but that doesn't mean I know my way around Copenhagen
17:02.05Dr-Linux|home`Sean: yes, bcoz i live in lahore, far away from my parents as well
17:02.09blitzragehell, I *live* in Toronto, and I still don't know where everything is
17:02.10Dr-Linux|homelemme tell you the code
17:02.25`Seanblitzrage youre a meth head ;P?
17:02.30_DAWCan someone tel me. Does the unique ID in cdr reflect the begining or end of a call?
17:02.43blitzrage`Sean: of course. When I moved into Toronto, they gave me a small starter bag of meth
17:02.56`Seanhah :)
17:03.04Dr-Linux|homei didn't come here to prove i know canada or not, i just asked an asterisk related question
17:03.22philthblitzrage: The welcome wagon gave you that? I only got coupons.
17:03.24Dr-Linux|homei don't give a fuck, what is canada and where is it
17:03.48blitzragephilth: yah, but I live in the downtown core
17:05.21Dr-Linux|home604 597 XXX <<< this is the number
17:05.37philthThere in BC.
17:05.42BigCanOfTunaDr-Linux|home: That doesn't look like a valid phone number.
17:06.20Dr-Linux|homelemme tell you the complete number as my parents gave me
17:06.28BigCanOfTunaDr-Linux|home: I'm looking at my phone, I don't have either 'X' or '<' the hell am I supposed to dial it?
17:06.43*** join/#asterisk ozoneco (
17:06.51Dr-Linux|home0016045970076 <<< this is the number
17:06.58Belgartath_when i have soft phone within a nat
17:07.03Belgartath_and asterisk on the gateway
17:07.06Dr-Linux|homeBigCanOfTuna: aww lol
17:07.22Belgartath_can i call somebody using the asterisk to the sip gateway ?
17:07.25*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
17:07.29Dr-Linux|homeBigCanOfTuna: what does "x" means ?
17:07.45BigCanOfTunaDr-Linux|home: You tell me.
17:07.50Belgartath_becauser it looks like it tries to negotiate with myh iax client insted of asterisk beaing a gateway
17:08.09_DAWI figured it out.  Looks like it reflects the start of the call
17:08.13Dr-Linux|homeBigCanOfTuna: do you know dialplan patserns?
17:08.23BigCanOfTunaDr-Linux|home: Yes.
17:09.26Dr-Linux|homethen you should understand what x mean when it comes as suffix
17:09.29BigCanOfTunaDr-Linux|home: Guess I don't know them that well.
17:10.16BigCanOfTunaIs there an easy way to determine what my telco is using for a distinctive ring pattern?
17:10.24Dr-Linux|homeBigCanOfTuna: friend , when someone asked you what asterisk version you are using , you answer  1.2.x  , so what does this "x" mean here?
17:10.37BigCanOfTunaSomeone mentioned it can be determined from the console, but I know see any indication of that.
17:10.46Dr-Linux|homeBigCanOfTuna: google for it
17:11.04Dr-Linux|homeit's something like X= 0 to 9
17:11.15Dr-Linux|homeN = 1 to 9
17:11.16BigCanOfTunaDr-Linux|home: Well, that has nothing to do with dial plans.....the x refers to the version of your asterisk.
17:11.26Dr-Linux|homeZ = 2 to 9
17:12.40Dr-Linux|home604 597 XXXX  << so then last XXXX refers to my number last 4 digits
17:12.51*** join/#asterisk ElZoido (
17:13.11BigCanOfTunaDr-Linux|home: Man're still talking about that!
17:13.52ElZoidoHello everyone. Is there someone who could help me with a little problem with DISA?
17:14.10ElZoidoI don't know how to interpret the sip debug messages correctly!
17:14.30Dr-Linux|homeBigCanOfTuna: i'm sorry if i missunderstood
17:14.32RoyKDr-Linux|home: ping
17:14.49Dr-Linux|home<philth> There in BC.  << what's BC.  ?
17:15.13Dr-Linux|homeRoyK: hey there :)
17:15.24QwellDr-Linux|home: probably British Columbia, Canada
17:16.04Dr-Linux|homeQwell: thanks
17:16.22Dr-Linux|homephilth: are you sure that number is far BC?
17:17.08*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
17:17.08philthI used to live near there
17:18.48Dr-Linux|homephilth: can you give me any link, from where i can put exact number and that tell me number's info etc?
17:21.04Dr-Linux|homelemme see
17:24.35Dr-Linux|homephilth: cool gotcha
17:24.44Dr-Linux|homei guess TELUS is a telco :S
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17:26.41philthYes, they are the major one in BC if nothing much has changed.
17:27.41Dr-Linux|homei see
17:28.14Dr-Linux|homephilth: i don't think my question was stupid
17:28.29Dr-Linux|homebcoz most of places and things you won't know in Pakistan
17:28.44`SeanDr-linux i called ur number lol
17:29.24Dr-Linux|home`Sean: i'm not so dump to give here the real number
17:29.31`Seani know
17:29.36`Seanim just saying i called
17:29.37Dr-Linux|home`Sean: the last digit it not 6
17:29.38`Seani got bored :p
17:29.49Dr-Linux|home`Sean: call them and abuse them
17:29.50`Seanlol i know u changed more then the last digit
17:29.52Dr-Linux|homego ahead
17:29.55Dr-Linux|homei knew
17:30.01`Seanits i know
17:30.03`Seannot knew
17:30.23Dr-Linux|homebut i knew, that you gonna call the given number
17:30.28dlynes_laptopphilth: Telus isn't a telco...they're a faceless entity, with no responsibility towards their customers :)
17:30.46`Seandlynes_laptop whered you pop out of :p
17:30.54Dr-Linux|home`Sean: tairi kuss main lun
17:31.08*** join/#asterisk metatrontech (n=chris@
17:31.12Qwell`Sean: no offense, but Dr-Linux|home has better grammar than you do, so you shouldn't correct him. ;)
17:31.16dlynes_laptop`Sean: I was hiding in your closet
17:31.23`SeanQwell i refuse to type
17:31.36`Seani just type when i get bored nothing to dooooooooooooooooooooooo
17:32.07`Sean[12:31pm] <Dr-Linux|home> `Sean: i'm not so dump to give here the real number
17:32.12dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: btw...I'll confirm that 604 597 ... is a BC number
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17:32.23Dr-Linux|homei don't know english, but try to use it
17:32.25dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: It's in the BC lower mainland (Abbotsford, I think)
17:32.40dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: Either that, or Surrey
17:32.40`Seandlynes far as i know isn't 604 vancouver
17:32.51dlynes_laptop`Sean: 604 is BC
17:32.53philthdlynes_laptop: Agreed,
17:33.10`Seanhrm i guss youre right
17:33.13dlynes_laptop`Sean: Vancouver is a city within BC, but not the only community within 604
17:33.20`Seanhere in ontario, we have several numbers each for certain citys
17:33.37Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: thanks, yeah i got all info from the website philth given
17:33.38dlynes_laptop`Sean: and to further that, Vancouver has more than one area code
17:33.48dlynes_laptop`Sean: Vancouver also has 778
17:33.49Dr-Linux|homei'll call them today
17:33.56philth`Sean: Another thig to mention is that just because two numbers start with the same area code (604) does not mean they are local
17:33.57`Seanmeh i wouldn't know about there numbering plan, ive never gone to bc
17:34.04`Seanalthough i will this summer garunteed
17:34.08Qwell`Sean: their
17:34.14dlynes_laptop`Sean: It's not like 416 being just Toronto
17:34.25dlynes_laptop`Sean: we don't have the population base of Toronto
17:34.32`Seanweve got 647 too :p
17:34.47dlynes_laptop`Sean: Is 647 toronto only, though?
17:35.04`Seanhrmp well its gta
17:35.07`Seanment for the cellphones
17:35.08dlynes_laptopI knew about that new area code...I just thought it was Toronto and area
17:35.14`Seanyes it is
17:35.16Dr-Linux|home`Sean: my cousin have "Shah Industry" there an "BC frozon food"
17:35.35`Seanso what you want me to do be his consultant lol?
17:35.46`Seaneh if hes got a business there then why aint he calling you :|
17:35.54`Seanhe should have some money no :p?
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17:36.19dlynes_laptop`Sean: It's part of Dr-Linux|home's plan to move from Lahore to Canada, eh?
17:36.39`Seanhah yep i beleive so
17:36.43dlynes_laptopSo take off, eh?
17:37.02`Seanhmm guess soo
17:37.08Dr-Linux|home`Sean: well, they don't know my number, and i'm not interested to talk to them,
17:37.16`Seanwow lol
17:37.19`Seanso whats all the hassel for
17:37.34dlynes_laptop`Sean: English isn't your native language, is it?
17:37.39Dr-Linux|homebut my parents, so i was calling this number last night but didn't work for me. So i ask here .... and "SORRY FOR ASKING"
17:37.47`Seanno it is, im just sitting backwards
17:37.49`Seantyping lol
17:37.56`Seanive got 3 keyboards in my lap
17:38.01`Seanand my body half twisted
17:38.13Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: well, that's not a case, he is living in CANANA , he should be a perfect
17:38.16`Seanmy lower body is towards my bed and my uppbody towards this comp
17:38.23dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: One would think
17:38.26`Seanand then my eyes on 3 monitors :p
17:38.29Dr-Linux|homei'm far awayyyy from english
17:38.42`Seandlynes im multi tasking
17:38.44dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: but at least your spelling is dead on, most of the time
17:38.50dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: just your grammar that's usually off :)
17:38.54`Seanoh shit
17:38.56`Seani gotta check ntop
17:38.57`Seanone sec
17:39.41Dr-Linux|home`Sean: i don't want to learn best english, i just want to learn, which could help me to learn/understand things and some expert can understand my funny english
17:39.44Dr-Linux|homethat's it
17:40.03QwellDr-Linux|home: you do better than most people I see ;)
17:40.08Dr-Linux|home`Sean: ntop is hella easy to install
17:40.26dlynes_laptopQwell: exactly :)
17:40.35`Seanno i know it is
17:40.37QwellI mean, c'mon, you use words like "hella" :P
17:40.37`Seani forgot to start it
17:40.46`Seani wanted to see a entire months output and so on
17:41.26Dr-Linux|home`Sean: my spelling is very weak, but luckely mailclient helps me with that :P
17:41.53`Seanenglish isn't a hard language to learn
17:42.05`Seanits easy, the wya i see it simplest one
17:42.18Dr-Linux|home`Sean: how long you are living over here
17:42.32`Seani dont live in asia
17:42.41`Seani live in canada...
17:42.51Dr-Linux|homebefore 2 years i didn't know even a simple engish word
17:43.08Dr-Linux|home`Sean: you live in Canada, that's what i'm asking
17:43.11QwellDr-Linux|home: "before 2 years" == "2 years ago, "  :)
17:43.22Dr-Linux|homehehe ;)
17:43.26`Seanguys im heading to bed
17:43.29Dr-Linux|homeQwell: :)
17:43.31`Seanbeen up all night
17:43.50QwellDr-Linux|home: it's one of the most common mistakes I see..  it's all good
17:44.39`Seanwhy not use a dictionary, and those translation books
17:44.42Dr-Linux|homeQwell: yeah, past/ago/before/since
17:44.48`Seanand maybe a grammer one woudl be hella lost easier
17:44.51QwellDr-Linux|home: exactly
17:45.01*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
17:45.16`Seani give up gnite
17:45.38Dr-Linux|home`Sean: my native language is Pashto, do you know even a sentense in pashto? :P
17:46.00`Seanwhich country is pashtoo from?
17:46.19QwellDr-Linux|home: Maktab ta laarr shey!
17:46.21Dr-Linux|home`Sean: Pakistan
17:46.35`Seanwasn't it URDU in pakistan
17:46.37Dr-Linux|homeQwell: walay?
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17:47.05Qwelldamn, that y shouldn't have been there
17:47.13Dr-Linux|homeQwell: you belong to pakistan and you know where Pashto language belong to?
17:47.23QwellDr-Linux|home: Paneer muhkhuurra :D
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17:47.33Qwellno, I'm just finding random stuff on wikipedia
17:47.37`SeanQwell there you go youve found a freind now we dont need you anymore asians can abuse you
17:47.39Dr-Linux|home`Sean: do you know pathans? Talebaans? Peshawar? etc areas
17:47.44`Seanim seriously out my heads hurting
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17:47.49`Seanthose wildabeasts lol?
17:47.52Dr-Linux|homeQwell: you were good :P
17:48.16Qwellmaa paneer khwarruh
17:48.23Dr-Linux|homeQwell: you said "don't eat cheez"
17:48.39dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: well, paneer is more like curds, not cheese :)
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17:48.52Dr-Linux|homeopss sorry dlynes_laptop :P
17:48.53Qwellwikipedia says cheese
17:48.58Qwellso cheese it is :P
17:49.01dlynes_laptopYeah, it's not quite true
17:49.33dlynes_laptoppaneer is not aged, nor made with rennet
17:49.53dlynes_laptopIt's just pressed curds, for the most part
17:50.23dlynes_laptopSorta like a more solid version of cottage cheese
17:50.25Dr-Linux|homewell, in my pashtun area peoples far away from ENGLISH word and they don't like to learn it
17:50.56dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: yeah, but you said you lived in a tribal area, right?
17:50.58Dr-Linux|homeandi think you can't learn a language if you don't speak it to someone
17:51.10`Seanyea they beleive in "alot of guns and alot of sons"
17:51.12Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: correct, and my language is pashto
17:51.33QwellDr-Linux|home: When you coming to the US? :p
17:51.43`Seanqwell you will get him killed
17:51.53Dr-Linux|home`Sean: but your peoples are using them on us
17:52.00`Seanif us DOD sees him they'll bag him up right away lol
17:52.14`SeanUm i didn't say anything bad
17:52.18`Seanall i said is alot of guns and sons
17:52.25`Seanbecause darra = illegal guns market
17:52.25Dr-Linux|homeQwell: i can't come there
17:52.34`SeanDepartment of Defence
17:52.41`Seanmeh i cant sleep
17:52.45QwellThey remove fences?
17:52.52Dr-Linux|homeQwell: very difficult to get VISA with a hella big money
17:53.21`Seanyoure making it sound likes it the lottery
17:53.25dlynes_laptop`Sean: is darra in the Khyber pass?
17:53.33`Seanbeleive so
17:53.35`Seansomewhere around there
17:53.44`Seani was reading from one sec
17:53.46`Seanlet me get you source
17:53.50dlynes_laptopThought that was on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border?
17:53.52Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: correct, but there is place named "dara adam khel"
17:54.01`Seanerr oops sorry thats just, the pen gun
17:54.17`Seananyway, yea its just around there somewhere..
17:54.25`Seanthey have most of the US guns there replicated
17:54.33dlynes_laptop`Sean: shurg
17:54.34`Seaneven serial numbers get replicated every detail
17:54.37Dr-Linux|homewell, you guys believe on media what they say about tribals etc, but reality is something else :P
17:54.43`Seanexcept, one thing it doesn't say Made in USA they say
17:54.47`SeanMade As USA
17:54.58dlynes_laptop`Sean: I've just heard about all the kalishnikovs, uzi's, and all that other shizzit
17:55.00`SeanDr-Linux i dont beleive in media..
17:55.05Dr-Linux|home`Sean: don't say something wrong and you don't know
17:55.12`Seandlynes_laptop theyve got mussets too
17:55.18dlynes_laptopwhatever mussets are
17:55.23`Seanumm one sec
17:56.07dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: most people in the tribal areas are brown, or caucasian?
17:56.30dlynes_laptopas opposed to white
17:56.32Dr-Linux|homedo you know skin color?
17:56.42Dr-Linux|homeaww no
17:57.06Dr-Linux|hometribals are very fair as compare to rest of Pakistan
17:57.14dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: most people in the tribal areas have paler skin than most pakistanis, right?
17:57.16Dr-Linux|homei'm a white guy
17:57.21dlynes_laptopYeah...that's what I thought
17:57.33RoyKDr-Linux|home: a _white_ paki?
17:57.38Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: nope
17:57.42monstedtribals are the guys with bows, blowpipes and peace pipes, right?
17:57.43dlynes_laptopRoyK: you don't get out much, do you?
17:58.05`Seanim out before this media frenzy thing starts here
17:58.15Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: actually tribals exist in pakistan's nothern areas and their climate and water is very fresh and fine
17:58.21RoyKdlynes_laptop: there's about 20k pakistani people in oslo.... I know a few
17:58.27Dr-Linux|homeall hilly and green area
17:58.32`SeanRoyK 20k?
17:58.39`Seani was told there is alot more in well Oslo
17:58.43`Seannot sure alone about norway
17:58.46Dr-Linux|home`Sean: bye
17:58.58RoyK`Sean: there's only 500k people in oslo.....
17:58.59Dr-Linux|homeRoyK: yes sir :)
17:59.36Dr-Linux|home`Sean: i'm living in Lahore
17:59.49dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: I thought you said you lived in the tribal area?
17:59.56Dr-Linux|homebut i'm pround to be a pathan
18:00.00dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: but then you're saying you work in lahore
18:00.05dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: but lahore is in the south
18:00.09Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: that is correct
18:00.15dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: and if the tribal areas are in the north
18:00.20dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: well, you're not making any sense, then
18:00.37Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: yes, i work here
18:00.49dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: but you said you live in the tribal areas
18:00.59Dr-Linux|homemy home, parents etc everything in tribals
18:01.01dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: don't you mean you live in lahore, but your hometown is in the tribal areas? were born in the tribal areas then, right?
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18:01.45Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: yes, correct
18:01.53dlynes_laptopah I understand
18:01.57RoyKlahore, a city with twice the population of norway.....
18:02.21dlynes_laptopPashtuns sounds pretty similar to a lot of the Punjabis
18:02.30Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: how can i do asterisk/voip/net stuff in tribals? :P
18:02.53dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: Get two cans, and put them together with a string, and then hook them up to voip
18:02.55Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: very wrong
18:03.05dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: I only mean in one aspect
18:03.14dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: They're both light skinned
18:03.27dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: the light skinned punjabis are originally German
18:03.29`Seanits larger then canadas population
18:03.29Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: nooo
18:03.32`Seanby like 4 folds +
18:03.37`Seanread cia fact book lol
18:03.43`Seanthere population = 170million +
18:03.48`Seani doubt norway has that many people
18:03.48RoyK`Sean: iirc it's about 8M ppl in lahore and 4,5M in .no
18:03.56RoyK`Sean: that's .pk
18:04.01`Seanmeh not 8m in lahore
18:04.04`Seanlahore has alot more
18:04.08dlynes_laptop`Sean: lahore is a small city
18:04.10Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: well, india/pakistan peoples don't make different in skin color, but tribals are very different in that case
18:04.30`Seantribals are the doing of persions and south asians :p
18:04.43dlynes_laptopwtf is that?
18:04.47Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: pashtuns are very similiar with Afghanistan peoples
18:04.51RoyK`Sean: in lahore, about 8M, in punjab, a lot more
18:04.53dlynes_laptopI think you mean Persians
18:05.20Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: the prove is, how US/CA forces getting some trouble to know who is Pashtun and who is talebaan etc
18:05.26RoyK`Sean: only 6.5M really
18:05.30`SeanLahore has alot more people then 8m
18:05.33`Seanyou know what youd be saying then
18:05.38`Seanthat KHI has over 150million people
18:05.41dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: Most punjabis I know look like slightly brown caucasians...they don't look like other Indians
18:05.44`Seanwhile isb/rwp has around 20ish
18:05.53RoyK`Sean: .pk in total is about 160M
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18:05.59saschhi all
18:06.00[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home : The old fashioned way : You walk up to them, ask them if they are the enemy.  If they say "yes", we shoot them!
18:06.03`Seanits actualy 165
18:06.05`Seanfrom 2005 census
18:06.08`Seanaccording to cia facts
18:06.14saschfor unload a kernel module what is the instruction ??
18:06.16`Seanand dont forget 2006 census is going to get updated soon
18:06.25dlynes_laptopsasch: modprobe -r kernelname
18:06.30dlynes_laptopsasch: erm modulename
18:06.34dlynes_laptopsasch: rmmod also works
18:06.46Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: yeah, but that doesn't mean you shoot every pashtun without knowing that who's innocent and who's what
18:06.49RoyK`Sean: still two million more in lahore than in .no
18:06.55saschFATAL: Module wctdm is in use.
18:07.09dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: no, that means you shoot only stupid people
18:07.15saschbecause i would upgrade my asterisk to 1.2.x to 1.4.x
18:07.15Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: i know shooting peoples are not a problem for US/CA army, but still ...
18:07.18dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: smart people will tell you they're not the enemy :)
18:07.46dlynes_laptopsasch: you have to unload modules in reverse order
18:07.57dlynes_laptopsasch: do an lsmod to see which modules are in use by other modules
18:07.58sasch<dlynes_laptop> ???
18:08.13dlynes_laptopsasch: you have to unload modules that are users, first
18:08.23dlynes_laptopsasch: then unload the modules that were being used by other modules
18:08.40dlynes_laptopsasch: also, you have to make sure asterisk isn't running when you do it
18:08.43saschfirst I unload zaptel ??
18:08.49Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: hhm.. well, i've very strong knowledge of such my area politics things, but i'd like to refuse this topic here. would just like to end with " Your media tells you wrong".
18:08.53dlynes_laptopsasch: zaptel should be the last driver you unload
18:09.00`SeanDr-Linux|home its not a problem because military is trained like that
18:09.04`Seanits what soldiers do best
18:09.07`Seanits track and kill
18:09.13`Seanits either kill or be killed
18:09.21dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: hrm?  I wasn't talking anything about politics
18:09.46dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: [TK]D-Fender had made a quip about you just ask them if they're the enemy or not, and if they say they're the enemy then shoot them
18:10.00Dr-Linux|home`Sean: when how this fuckin army killed my 12 years old cousin and his monther :@
18:10.01dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: if they say they're not the enemy, you don't shoot them
18:10.16Dr-Linux|home`Sean: please stop this dicussion right away. Thanks
18:10.18dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: so, logic would dictate any smart person would say they're not the enemy
18:10.36`SeanDr-Linux|home it wasn't the canadian army
18:10.45`Seanand far as i know they never came into pakistani side did they?
18:11.00dlynes_laptop`Sean: ummm....Canadian army is over there doing the same thing as the US army
18:11.08`Seannot really
18:11.10dlynes_laptop`Sean: why I don't know, but they are
18:11.13`Seancanadian army is a bit more peacefull
18:11.19`Seanoh well if they are
18:11.21`Seanits becase
18:11.23Dr-Linux|home`Sean: they never come? huh . as i already told you if you don't know anything then ignore this topic
18:11.25`SeanSteven fagg harper
18:11.32`Seanallthought i did like his tax reduction thing
18:11.32saschasterisk 1.4 is stable or unstable ??
18:11.42Dr-Linux|homeyou are sitting in toronto and assuming such comments ..
18:11.43`Seanand only because of that and the FAC he got his seat
18:11.45dlynes_laptop`Sean: I think the Canadian army is just trying to show solidarity for the US
18:11.58Dr-Linux|homesasch: well, 1.4 it's new yet
18:12.04`Seandlynes_laptop no its not the army
18:12.06`Seanis harper
18:12.21dlynes_laptop`Sean: If you'll recall, the Canadian army was up in the northern area of Afghanistan shooting people just like the Americans
18:12.32dlynes_laptop`Sean: that's how we had so many Canadian soldiers killed
18:12.34sasch<Dr-Linux|home> for my small office do you think is better asterisk 1.2 or asterisk 1.4
18:12.42saschexcusme for my english ... I'm italian
18:12.44`Seancanadian army has always been faithfull well to there country, but, see they where given orders wich came down from appropriate command channels
18:12.47`Seanmeaning prime minister
18:12.52`Seanthere told to do it they have to do it
18:12.56`Seanor else be court marshalled
18:12.58dlynes_laptop`Sean: regardless of why they were doing it
18:13.03Dr-Linux|homesasch: i suggest go for 1.2.13 for now
18:13.04dlynes_laptop`Sean: they were still doing it
18:13.13`Seanyea because PM
18:13.15`Seanget rid of PM
18:13.18`Seanand you fix the problem
18:13.19sasch<dlynes_laptop>  ok thanks
18:13.31Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: all plans are from US
18:13.40dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: i agree
18:13.40[TK]D-FenderNorth America needs to pull out of everywhere, mind its own business and lett other countries work their own shit out.
18:13.43Dr-Linux|home`Sean: canadian army is fine here
18:13.55saschroot@neo:~# modprobe -r zaptel
18:13.56saschFATAL: Module zaptel is in use.
18:13.58`Seanwell yea
18:14.01`Seankill them
18:14.09saschwhy in my system asterisk don't run ...
18:14.21Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: but they follow US army as US has command
18:14.51dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: yep
18:14.52Dr-Linux|homesasch: i'd say US/Bush is just using other armies for his means
18:15.31dlynes_laptopsasch: type ps -af | grep asterisk
18:15.37Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: in here canadian army dead bodies on top, and thats bad :(
18:15.53Dr-Linux|homein Iraq  US on top
18:16.22dlynes_laptopYeah...we stayed out of the Iraq war
18:16.34Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: google for "Bajuar madrasa attack
18:16.39dlynes_laptopBut for whatever stupid reason, we decided to help the US find Bin Laden
18:17.04`Seandlynes_laptop nato alliance...
18:17.12`Seanplus harper wants to suck upto bush
18:17.18dlynes_laptopNothing to do with Nato
18:17.27`Seanyea i guess youre right
18:17.29Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: lol and this finding Bin Laden job will be never end and thounsans on peple will be killed .. huh all bulshit
18:17.32`Seanbut there with haper impressing bush
18:17.39`Seanhe even signed the softwood lumber deal
18:17.41dlynes_laptopNato if anything only had to do with us helping the restructuring effort in Afghanistan
18:17.53dlynes_laptopIt has nothing to do with us helping the US find Bin Laden
18:18.02`Seanwell they aint going to find laden
18:18.09`Seaneven if they where
18:18.14`Seanthere is alot of supportive evidence
18:18.16dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home:'s pretty stupid
18:18.16Dr-Linux|homeSaddam ever killed thousands of people to help US, and now US killed Saddam for those killing :P
18:18.19`Seanthat cia was behind the 9/11
18:18.46Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: do you believe Usama is still there and hiding??
18:19.02dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: all it's going to do is make Pakistan more pissed off at the US everytime the US wants to throw their weight around and try to pressure pakistan into letting the US go into the tribal areas looking for Bin Laden
18:19.15dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: I think he's hiding in the US
18:19.22Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: if there were no Usama name, Canadain army and other forces never helped US/Bush ..
18:19.54*** part/#asterisk vooduhal (n=vooduhal@
18:19.55dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: Well Iraq was a different story
18:20.08dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: the US invaded Iraq under false pretenses
18:20.13Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: well, we will never accept US army or even Pakistan army in tribals area
18:20.29dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: the US invaded Afghanistan on a valid reason
18:20.35Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: what was the reason to attacking Iraq? huh no reason
18:20.43Dr-Linux|homeand no US is stuck there, US has no way
18:20.54saschto install asterisk 1.4 do you have a guide ??
18:20.59Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: just go there >>
18:21.09saschi want install it on my small office ^^
18:21.22dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: but the fight in Afghanistan has continued as a wild goose hunt
18:21.52`Seancut the political crap
18:21.55dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: like i said...false pretenses..US invaded Iraq because Iraq was "making chemical weapons"
18:21.56`Seantake it to #Politics
18:21.56Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: my friend believe me that all was drama
18:22.02[TK]D-Fender"The first rule about why the US is in Iraq is : you don't ask questions about why the US is in Iraq!"
18:22.08`Seaneveryone already knows republican = corrupt
18:22.16`Seanand they used a legal means of bribing
18:22.20Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: and who found those weapons? none
18:22.22`Seanto get billions of dollars off goverment
18:22.29[TK]D-Fender`Sean : s/republican/politician
18:22.30dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: which was complete bullshit...they only invaded iraq to get more oil
18:22.34`Seanand that was the reason for iraq war
18:22.45`Seanand the fact bush wanted vengence
18:22.49`Seanfor what saddam tried to do to his father
18:23.10Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: oil and Israel case as US economy is in Jews hands and other major case
18:23.39Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: now US has direct Oil line to US underground :)  good for americans
18:23.49dlynes_laptopI don't know
18:24.02dlynes_laptopthe whole thing is one messed up load of crap
18:24.11Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: but right now US is stuck, and there is no way to leave or get Iraq
18:24.18Dr-Linux|homethey can't run, they can't stay
18:24.19dlynes_laptopBin Laden wouldn't have even been in the position he was in if it wasn't for the US to begin with
18:24.38Dr-Linux|homebcoz most of US army is there
18:24.41`Seandlynes simply to put it iraq was a front to make billions of dolalrs, well actualy steal billions of dollars legaly, and afghanistan was a legit reason because of bin laden
18:24.41dlynes_laptopBin Laden only became powerful from all the money he was making through the taliban running drugs for the CIA
18:24.53Dr-Linux|homeSpanish/ca and someother forces left alone US in iraq
18:24.57`Seanno according to many source
18:25.00`Seanhe has a family business
18:25.09`Seanhis familys quite richj and its where he got the money
18:25.18dlynes_laptop`Sean: yeah...the family opium business :)
18:25.21Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: who did WTC job?
18:25.33Dr-Linux|homei don't think that was usama
18:25.36`Seandlynes_laptop no they had a legit business tho
18:25.40`Seani dont think usama did it
18:25.45dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: I have no idea....but apparently Osama dictated it
18:25.46`Seanand even if his partners did it
18:25.49`Seanit was premediated
18:25.55`Seani mean how would one get box cutters past security
18:26.03`Seanits hard to beleive and all the aspects of it
18:26.03Dr-Linux|homeUS needed a reason to attack afhanistan .. and look an eye on Russia , china and other region
18:26.21Dr-Linux|home`Sean: where you seen that? TV?
18:26.36dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: oh well...I don't know why the US is still concentrating on that area though
18:26.40Dr-Linux|home`Sean: who partners?
18:26.41monstedwith the old security, you could bring rocket launchers onto planes
18:26.48Dr-Linux|homewhome you know?
18:26.51saschi have one tdm400p with one FXO .... for remove echo in channel ??
18:26.51dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: I would think North Korea is a bigger threat with Kim Jong-Il
18:26.54`Seanur daddy
18:27.03`Seannorth korea and iran
18:27.06dlynes_laptopsasch: you can change the echo canceller algorithm
18:27.24sasch<dlynes_laptop>  ????? do you have a link
18:27.27Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: yes, and US is not in position to pickt N korea , since they lost in Iraq
18:27.41Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: N. Korea is not an issue,  issue is Iran
18:27.56dlynes_laptopsasch: or you can replace the tdm400p with a card that has an onboard echo canceller such as the tdm2400 with hwec option, or the sangoma a200d
18:28.08Dr-Linux|homeand US can't do anything in Iraq except serpration ..
18:28.21dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: how do you figure iran is more of an issue than north korea?
18:28.27*** join/#asterisk adorah (n=admin@
18:28.34Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: in Iraq 60% are shia and all Oil areas in shia area, and all shia's are IRAN
18:28.44`Seannorth korea is a bigger issue but if iran is dealt with now
18:28.53`Seanthen they wont be able to progess with there nuclear ambitions
18:29.06Dr-Linux|homeand Iran is first anti-US and Israel country
18:29.30sasch<dlynes_laptop> but for digium card there is echo canceller ??
18:29.34Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: bcoz Iraq still says, they gonna attack on isreal with nuke etc
18:29.36dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: yeah...all the mosques with Yankee Go Home written all over them :p
18:29.53adorahHi don't worry about Iran..we will take care of that..I wonder if anyone tried seriously the new asteriskNOW..
18:29.53Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: you might know, that UNO banned everything on Iran last week
18:29.59dlynes_laptopsasch: yes, but only on the tdm2400, not on the tdm400
18:30.19dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: no idea...but then again, I don't know what UNO is, either
18:30.31dlynes_laptopadorah: try #asterisk-now and #asterisk-gui
18:30.45dlynes_laptopadorah: those channels got created about a month ago
18:30.51Dr-Linux|homeadorah: lol take care? how ? same as iraq
18:30.55adorahoh there r special channels for that..really..
18:31.14Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: United Nation Orgnization
18:31.29dlynes_laptopDr-Linux|home: oh...I just hear it called the UN, not the UNO
18:31.44SanketMedhihello, can someone help me with PHP AGI ?
18:31.44adorah<Dr-Linux|home>I don't think the US will do anything so we'll take care the same as we took care of Iraq 24 yrs ago..
18:31.45*** join/#asterisk inspired (n=mikael@
18:31.53Dr-Linux|homedlynes_laptop: sorry, i think i miss understood
18:32.10dlynes_laptopI've gotta run...been an interesting conversation
18:32.19dlynes_laptopBut I've gotta get ready to head to a job site
18:32.22Dr-Linux|homeadorah: sorry?
18:32.26SanketMedhiI just want to try a simple example of displaying some text on the console using PHP AGI, and I am not able to do so, can someone help ?
18:32.44Dr-Linux|homeadorah: where from you?
18:33.15Dr-Linux|homeok, good luck :)
18:33.42adorah:)Otherwise u'll have to find refuge for 7 million ppl..
18:33.57Dr-Linux|homeadorah: i wonder if you crossed Hezibullah
18:34.03*** part/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
18:35.31adorah<Dr-Linux|home>well..once we kick out the goverment and the army command..we'll show what we r good at..
18:35.50*** join/#asterisk suge (
18:36.06sugehello. who is the best IAX provider for toll free numbers?
18:36.08Dr-Linux|homewhich govt? your own govt and command you mean?
18:36.41Dr-Linux|homeadorah: my friend nuke power country say the same
18:36.50adorah<Dr-Linux|home>sure..we have now a case of Tamany Hall sindrom here..:)
18:37.02*** join/#asterisk SHad|Work (
18:37.07saschwhat is the different for ISDN BRI and ISDN PRI
18:37.11Dr-Linux|homeadorah: but nuke is the bad thing which can destroy the world, that's why i said, Iran is the issue no korea
18:37.31Dr-Linux|homeadorah: aww is he bad man? or what
18:37.41SHad|Worksasch in what way?
18:37.53SHad|Workdoes anyone have any exerience with asterisk and H323?
18:37.58SHad|WorkI'm going slowly insane here
18:38.01`Seantaking a showe u feel soo good
18:38.04adorah<Dr-Linux|home>he is not bad at all..only The Capo di-Tutti capi"..
18:38.17SanketMedhiAGI anyone ?????
18:39.05SHad|WorkI can't get chan_h323 to compile
18:39.11SHad|Workor ooh323 to bridge channels
18:39.15SHad|Workany ideas or pointers?
18:39.17`Seanerr man
18:39.22`Seanfucking guy suge is msging me
18:39.37Dr-Linux|homeadorah: well, just asking to know, can you tell me please why is Iran after Israel? and why Isreal is after philestine?
18:40.21Dr-Linux|home`Sean: opss dude please don't abuse, just imagine what he will think
18:40.22sasch<SHad|Work> becuase i look a internet shop and i find isdn bri and isdn pri
18:40.34adorah<Dr-Linux|home>Israel is not after anyone..moslims seems to be after all the rest..they also chase Christians out of the middle-east..
18:40.47sugeI need to get some DIDs but looks like nufone doesn't have tollfree anymore. Who is the next best provider?
18:40.52SHad|Worksasch: BRI stands for Basic Rate ISDN and is a 2 channel ISDN connection
18:41.03Dr-Linux|home`Sean: tu kia huwa jo uss ne PM kia?
18:41.17`Seanpardon Dr-Linux|home?
18:41.20Dr-Linux|homesimply ignore of you don't like PM's
18:41.20SHad|Worksasch: PRI stands for Primary Rate ISDN and has 24 channels in the USA and 30 in europe
18:41.32`Seanno one likes recieving pms from people
18:41.37`Seanwithout those people asking first
18:41.47`Seanhe should ask a person before pm'ing them
18:41.47sugeno.. those are just antisocial nerds on irc
18:41.55suge<suge> don't answer or /ignore me if you don't want to answer a pm
18:42.05`Seanther epeople who dont want private messages
18:42.09`Seanand rather have you speak in the channel
18:42.11Dr-Linux|homeadorah: i believe your guess is wrong about Muslims
18:42.45sasch<SHad|Work> thanks
18:42.49`Seanaccording to my knowledge, quran makes alot of reference points to the bibel, and how to treat others with trespect
18:42.55`Seanbut i dont know about jews tho
18:43.04SHad|Workno brave souls with H323 experience on asterisk here?
18:43.11`SeanShad nopes :)
18:43.19SHad|Workcrap >:((
18:43.27Dr-Linux|homeadorah: who is hitller who killed billion of Jews? Christian, who comes 2nd , 3rd ?
18:43.31SHad|WorkI ran out of ideas >:))
18:43.52*** join/#asterisk thoughtpolice (
18:43.56`SeanShad whats the problem
18:43.58`Seanmaybe we can find a resoloution together
18:44.22adorah<Dr-Linux|home>Hitler was just more successful..for now..
18:44.31Dr-Linux|homeadorah: all media/TV in their hands, and they will spread out, what they want
18:44.50SHad|WorkI get WARNING[31188]: src/chan_h323.c:977 ooh323_indicate: Don't know how to indicate condition -1 on ooh323c_3
18:44.56`Seanadora you wanna see muslims more successful if they where really told to do it im sure...
18:45.01SHad|Workanytime I want to call to or from an H323 phone
18:45.02`Seanbut its just the radical idiots that want to do it
18:45.11`Seannowhere as far as i know does the quran say KILL jews
18:45.20`Seanit sjust different intrepetationfor the idiots
18:45.39`Seanone sec
18:46.12Dr-Linux|home`Sean: killing not allowed in unless there are only 2 reasons in Quran
18:46.20sugehmm plainvoip is gone now too?
18:46.31`SeanDr-Linux look at youre pm u idiot
18:47.28Dr-Linux|home`Sean: ok
18:49.09[TK]D-FenderIsreal didn't exist as a country until after WW2, and have been basically STEALING Palestinian lands for a LONG time.  In fact jsut last week the started making settlements on the west bank when they swore they wouldn't.
18:49.20adorah<Dr-Linux|home> long as I sell voip with GSM gateway in Pakistan..I don't care about your nukes..:)
18:49.38[TK]D-Fenderthe entire middle-east can be summed up by "An eye for an eye, for an eye, for an eye, for an eye, for an eye, for an eye, for an eye, for an eye, for an eye, for an eye, for an eye, for an eye"
18:49.55Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: i'd agree
18:50.09[TK]D-FenderAll a bunch of ^%$#@$ing blind mice.
18:50.39Dr-Linux|homeadorah: do i care about Israel? which can be hardly find on world map?
18:50.50[TK]D-FenderLet them create their own armageddon if they are fools enough, and saner people shall inherit what remains
18:51.18`Seanhavent the jews always been stupid tho im not speaking on a bias religion stand point
18:51.22`Seanbut they cruscified jesus
18:51.26`Seanthey did soo many stupid things
18:51.35`Seanits like there just attracted to stupid decisions
18:51.40SHad|Workno they are quite ingenious
18:51.48`Seanwell some
18:51.49`Seannot all
18:51.54SHad|Worka lot of them got killed an they got a country
18:51.55`Seanat least not the politicians
18:52.04adorahlol..Jesus was a Jew so what is y'r point?
18:52.05`Seanshad if you even read about einstien
18:52.09SHad|Workmore other people died but they got nothing
18:52.14`Seaneven he was sane enough to reliase he had caused hayvoc
18:52.15Dr-Linux|home`Sean: muslim believes Jesus was not curscified
18:52.19`Seanafter doing some work for usa for the bombs
18:52.23Qwellokay, enough
18:52.26`Seanthat where, dropped on Japan
18:52.34SHad|Workwell yes
18:52.45Dr-Linux|homeadorah: Jesus was a jew? and what he will be when he will come back?
18:52.47`SeanDr-Linux|home i know, they dont, they beleive he was taken to heaven before he was kileld just as he got on the cross
18:52.47SHad|Workbut einstein wasn't bent on world domination
18:52.49`Seanor something like that
18:52.52SHad|Workby the way
18:52.58`Seanthats why im saying
18:52.59*** mode/#asterisk [+m] by Qwell
18:53.18Qwelldone? :)
18:53.19*** mode/#asterisk [-m] by Qwell
18:53.20`Seanisreal politicians are...
18:53.23`Seanim done now
18:53.27adorah<Dr-Linux|home>let's wait and see..shall we?
18:53.38SHad|Workthou shal not speak anti-semmitistic thoughts >:))
18:53.58SHad|Workhelp with h323? >:D
18:54.02adorah<Dr-Linux|home>One thing in common..our current PM is as corrupt as Benazi Bhuttu..
18:54.19`Seanmeh im going to laugh my ass off when isreal is wiped off the map of the eart lol. and same with some neighboring countries
18:54.23`Seanbecause of there stupidity
18:54.29Dr-Linux|homeadorah: well, you guys are waiting for Najaal
18:54.53`Seanand arent the muslims waiting for Dujaal or something like that?
18:54.55`Seanthe devil or something
18:55.04Dr-Linux|homeadorah: our president as well
18:55.06`Seanand then the saviour jesus come back to eartth sometihng like that
18:55.08*** mode/#asterisk [+m] by Qwell
18:55.22*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
18:55.35*** mode/#asterisk [-m] by Qwell
18:55.36Dr-Linux|home`Sean: Muslims are waiting for Amaam Mehdi and Jesus Christ
18:55.41Qwellnext comes the +k's
18:55.47`Seaneveryone join #ast-chat
18:55.56`Seanthat will be the chat channel we can all discuss this there
18:56.21`SeanDr-Linux|home join #ast-chat
18:56.24Dr-Linux|homeadorah: actually they don't wanna be corrpt unless Bush use them :P
18:56.27`Seansamw ith anyone else who wants to talk about this
18:56.31`Seanand u too adorah
18:58.40`SeanHey Qwell
18:58.45`Seando you know how i can setup my own ANAC?
18:59.23Dr-Linux|homeQwell: what about Sergio ? still dead?
18:59.29QwellDr-Linux|home: probably
19:00.04*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
19:00.36*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:00.50Dr-Linux|homehhm.. ok
19:01.57`Seanwow anac is easy
19:02.02`Seanexten => s,1,SayDigits(${CALLERIDNUM})
19:02.02`Seanexten => s,2,SayAlpha(${CALLERIDNAME})
19:02.18`Seanyou can earease the calleridname tho if youre provider doesn't send calleridname..
19:02.23`Seanbut if they do then ur in luck
19:02.28`Seanor youre telco does tootho :p
19:02.44Dr-Linux|homewhat's ANNAC?
19:02.59*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
19:03.44`SeanDr-Linux|home ANAC is Automatic Name & Number Announcement Circuit
19:03.49TripleFFFFalos check that someyusers will send display name in xlite put displayname as username
19:03.51*** join/#asterisk SomeOne1 (
19:04.04SomeOne1how do i indicate congestion if the number is busy
19:04.07TripleFFFFso you hend up with sip:MYNAME@ instead in header and aster things that username..
19:04.09`SeanAn ANAC number is a telephone number that plays back the number of the telephone that called it. ANAC numbers are convenient if you want to know the telephone number of a pair of wires.
19:04.11*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
19:04.27SomeOne1how do i indicate congestion if the number is busy with the Dial command
19:04.36QwellSomeOne1: remove the ,r
19:04.56Dr-Linux|homeSomeOne1: Congetion
19:05.04*** join/#asterisk ^eugenics (
19:06.43SomeOne1i see
19:06.55SomeOne1so the priority AFTER Dial should be congestion
19:07.27*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
19:08.03Dr-Linux|homeno the priority after Busy
19:08.12Dr-Linux|homelike 104 or how you are using it
19:08.20EmleyMoorIs there a good free way to get fax capability on a Zap FXO channel? Is there a howto on setting it up?
19:08.24SomeOne1exten => _XX,1,Dial(SIP/${x${EXTEN}}@icall)
19:08.24SomeOne1exten => _XX,2,Congestion
19:08.27SomeOne1like that?
19:08.33*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
19:08.36SomeOne1if dial indicates error/congestion
19:08.42SomeOne1its gonna go to Congestion
19:09.03QwellIf there is a problem, it will already be passed on to the device calling
19:09.13QwellYou shouldn't need to add Congestion or anything
19:09.20philthAnyone have recommendations for a Home Office use SIP Hardphone?
19:09.23Dr-Linux|homeexten => _XX,1,Dial(SIP/${x${EXTEN}}@icall)
19:09.41Dr-Linux|homethen 2,Voicemail() << if you want
19:09.50Dr-Linux|homethen ,  , Hangup()
19:09.54SomeOne1if Dial gives congestion
19:10.04Dr-Linux|homethen, 103, Congestion
19:10.07SomeOne1it goes to the t rule
19:10.12Dr-Linux|home104, hangup
19:10.18QwellSo don't let it timeout
19:10.21Dr-Linux|homefor timeout
19:10.25SomeOne1no i want it to indicate congestion
19:10.33SomeOne1before hangup
19:10.37Dr-Linux|homeuse "t"
19:10.40SomeOne1so like _XX,1,Dial(blah)
19:10.52*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
19:10.59[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor : SpanDSP or IAXModem+Hylafax
19:11.10QwellCongestion() *NEVER* finishes
19:11.10Dr-Linux|homeSomeOne1: well, if it's busy it will jump to 101
19:11.18EmleyMoor[TK]D-Fender: Thanks... will read up
19:11.25QwellSo your user will sit there forever
19:11.25[TK]D-Fenderphilth : Polycom, Aastra, Linksys.  In that order
19:11.40EmleyMoorIs it Aastra that do an IAX phone?
19:11.41[TK]D-FenderCongestion(5) <- saner
19:11.53[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor : nope.  There are no decent IAX hardphones.
19:12.12EmleyMoorI didn't say there were
19:12.23[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor : Just pre-empting...
19:12.54SomeOne1Dr-Linux|home: so youre saying the priority it jumps to when Dial indicates busy is 101 hardcoded?
19:13.25SomeOne1Qwell: so if i indicate congestion, if they user doesnt hang up, it will add seconds?
19:13.36philth[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
19:13.55Dr-Linux|homeSomeOne1: there are various of way, you can use "n" as well, and lable the priorities,
19:14.16Dr-Linux|homeSomeOne1: i suggest you should use Macro
19:14.22Dr-Linux|homemake your life easy
19:15.02SomeOne1101 is when dial indicates congestion
19:15.11SomeOne1i know theres other ways...
19:15.32Dr-Linux|homeSomeOne1: in my extension.conf there are a few lines exist for sip users, and 4000 extensions are ready in extensions.conf part
19:15.35QwellSomeOne1: look at macro-stdexten, see how it handles different statuses
19:15.56*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
19:16.41SomeOne1thanks :)
19:16.43[TK]D-FenderSomeOne1 : Priority jumping is DEAD.  Please read up on ${DIALSTATUS}
19:17.20Dr-Linux|homehhm.. good thing to know
19:17.23[TK]D-FenderI never end up with extens that are so huge as to ever profit from "n".
19:17.37[TK]D-Fenderhardcoding = sanity and simplicity
19:19.41*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
19:19.41*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- Check out the new !!! -=- Asterisk, Asterisk-addons, Zaptel, and Libpri 1.4.0 released!!! (December 23, 2006) -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=- Join #asterisk-gui to learn about the new Asterisk GUI framework
19:19.48Qwellwell, sorta
19:20.09Dr-Linux|homewhat else is removed in 1.4?
19:20.21Qwelleverything that was deprecated in 1.2
19:20.40Dr-Linux|homeshould i'll not copy and paste my existing extensions.conf to /etc/asterisk dir :S
19:21.01Dr-Linux|homehhm... ok
19:21.08Qwellsee UPGRADE.txt
19:21.15Dr-Linux|homeis there any list for those deprecated things?
19:21.22Dr-Linux|homehhm.. ok
19:22.09Dr-Linux|homeQwell: i bought LumenVox starter license, i'll fight with that this week
19:23.25*** part/#asterisk SanketMedhi (n=sanket@
19:24.34PakiPenguinDr-Linux|home, we should have a pk asterisk-users meeting!
19:25.24Dr-Linux|homePakiPenguin: sure
19:25.39PakiPenguinDr-Linux|home, where you at ?
19:26.05Dr-Linux|homePakiPenguin: LHR
19:27.33EmleyMoorI have deliberately worked on my dialplan to remove deprecated stuff
19:27.34PakiPenguini see
19:27.55EmleyMoor(I am still on 1.2 and likely to stay there for some time
19:29.14Dr-Linux|homePakiPenguin: i'll promote my site to my domain soon
19:29.26PakiPenguinnice nice :)
19:29.36Dr-Linux|homei was insterested to use my but they are using strong arms
19:29.57SHad|Workdoes anyone use misdn?
19:30.07SHad|WorkI want to get rid of bristuff
19:30.51PakiPenguinah i see
19:31.06PakiPenguinDr-Linux|home, well i tried getting for
19:31.09PakiPenguinbut couldnt
19:32.02Dr-Linux|homePakiPenguin: i could do that, but prefered some other good domains, which i got
19:32.20PakiPenguini see
19:32.23PakiPenguinnice nice
19:32.29Dr-Linux|homeand many more
19:32.48Dr-Linux| :P
19:32.53PakiPenguinDr-Linux|home, so whats your primary work with asterisk
19:32.55PakiPenguinhahah nice one
19:35.25Dr-Linux|homePakiPenguin: hhm.. ciscophones/sipuras/ivr's/pri/pstn etc
19:35.52PakiPenguinah i see
19:36.36Dr-Linux|homePakiPenguin: asterisk is good for me so far
19:36.42PakiPenguinyeah :)
19:36.57PakiPenguinDr-Linux|home, local pri?
19:37.10Dr-Linux|homeaww local PRI sucks
19:37.29Dr-Linux|homeit's T1 in our US servers
19:38.15Dr-Linux|homePakiPenguin: local PRI can be used of your server is located at PTCL exchange :P
19:39.12PakiPenguinnot really
19:39.19EmleyMoorStill, can cope with hookflashing
19:40.26Dr-Linux|homePakiPenguin: you from isb or khi?
19:40.50EmleyMoorMaybe I can cope without patches once I get 1.4
19:40.57EmleyMoor(though that could be 18 months!)
19:42.29*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
19:46.16uweum, i have a new installation of asterisk where i copied its iax from an older one, now when i call another phone here, the caller id appears missing the first digit ... and when i call an outer phone, it appears 00000013 !!
19:46.43*** part/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
19:47.16uwei checked the outbound callerid , it looks fine
19:51.59[TK]D-Fenderuwe : Pastebin it all.
19:52.01jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
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19:59.10[TK]D-Fenderuwu : Your dialplan and IAX.CONF would be a smart and obvious choice including references to this "OUTCID_2" you mentioned....
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20:13.12Dienodoes any worked on UAN there
20:13.20Dienodoes any 1 worked on UAN there
20:14.17Qwellfitting a 1280x1024 window onto a 1280x800 display doesn't work too well...
20:14.43monstedQwell: you're not easy to trick, eh? :)
20:14.57Qwellvncing from my laptop to my desktop, heh
20:16.16[TK]D-FenderQwell : Use a VNC client that can scale
20:16.23Qwell[TK]D-Fender: huh?
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20:16.52Qwellthat would be cool, if it did it well..  it's only like...20%?
20:17.21QwellI'd only really want it to scale vertically
20:17.51QwellIf I didn't know any better, I'd say that sounds like such a buzz word, heh
20:18.30Qwellultra I assume you mean :D
20:18.41Qwellalright, I'll check it out
20:18.50Qwellthere windows and linux versions?
20:19.37Nugget"We play both kinds of music: Country AND Western!"
20:20.24Qwellno linux version...lame
20:20.47[TK]D-FenderQwell : sigh.  tightvnc is also decent
20:20.57Qwellit can scale?
20:21.14[TK]D-Fendernot sure....
20:21.48QwellI'm happy enough with realvnc, just that scale thing would've been nice
20:22.08[TK]D-FenderUltraVNC really DOES kill RealVNC though.
20:22.26[TK]D-FenderI used to use that until I switched to TightVNC, then finally UltraVNC
20:22.29sulanhow can I get rid of "WARNING[7512] translate.c: plc_samples 160 format 6" from the messages log of *?
20:24.24sulanQwell: which OS has the server and which OS does the client run?
20:24.41sulan(thinking of Remote Desktop on Windows + rdesktop client från *nix)
20:24.41Qwelllinux has the server, I'm using the X module, and client...any
20:24.50Qwellrdesktop is junk :)
20:25.05Qwelllet me rephrase that
20:25.11Qwellthe rdp protocol is junk
20:25.20sulanQwell: if only the X11 protocol could run that smoothly over a network link
20:25.41QwellI was *very* pleased with nx, but it's a real PITA
20:25.47Qwellnx is amazingly snappy
20:26.07QwellI was literally able to watch streaming video with nx
20:26.54Qwellvnc is just stupidly easy to setup, for the server and the client
20:26.57sulan"vnc < rdp < nx", then I guess
20:27.26QwellI can't complain about vnc...
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20:28.08monstedvnc just works
20:28.15Qwellmonsted: pretty much
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20:29.22EmleyMoorIf I'm on a Debian system, do I have to take any special precautions to replace my sound files?
20:29.39QwellEmleyMoor: are you using the debian packages or something?
20:29.52Qwellthen yes
20:30.04Qwellbut, you'll have to ask the debian package maintainer
20:30.31Qwellyou know, it's a shame vnc doesn't do audio...
20:30.33markbakerI registered my asterisk box with a service provider (voicestick) and I can receive calls, but not place them.  When I try to place calls, I get a 401 Unauthorized error - what am I doing wrong here?
20:30.39QwellSO, I guess rdp > vnc afterall :D
20:30.52EmleyMoorQwell: Hmmm, so I will
20:31.03EmleyMoorThe sounds are in a "depended on" package
20:31.11Qwellyuck even
20:31.53markbakerWhen I use their software client (sjphone) you see an invite, a 401 from them, an ack is sent, then another invite, and the call works.  When asterisk sends the invite, you get the 401, then the ack, then the invite again, but then the whole thing loops, because another 401 comes
20:32.31sulanI've thrown together some Debian packages of Asterisk 1.4.0 for Sarge (stable) at
20:35.09markbakerAnyone got any ideas on the call flow issue I am having?  I need to be able to send calls as well as receive them
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20:43.58sbingnermarkbaker, 401 = unauthorized
20:44.43markbakerWith the SJ Phone, it gets the 401, sends an ack, and then communications are allowed.  When asterisk gets the 401, it sends the ack, but it is not allowed to go through
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21:04.25rudholmthere goes the neighborhood
21:08.24napoleao_what is the recomend router trademark to work well with asterisk for a small bussiness?
21:08.53rudholmI don't think there is a recommended router brand
21:09.01robin_zyou mean LAN side?
21:09.12robin_zor ADSL stylee
21:09.56[TK]D-FenderDoesnt matter much reall
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21:10.03napoleao_basically, router and switch
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21:10.48napoleao_what is the best alternative for cisco then? because cisco equipment is so expensive
21:10.49robin_zfor switches, anything with decent VLAN support, put all your phones on a serperate vlan if you can
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21:10.56napoleao_I see
21:11.05robin_zCisco, 3com superstack if on a budget
21:11.32[TK]D-FenderAvoid Cisco PIX if you know whats good for you..
21:11.57robin_zfor a small business, I would recommend "whatever ADSL modem you have right now" as the ideal one
21:12.09BrandonH-PCNSsorry to butt in: I'm looking for a consultant or individual to program an already up and running asterisk box for me and help setting up 4 ip phones, other possible jobs to follow if a good job is done for an honest rate, the box is ready with ssh or remote desktop if someone has time to help, i'll compensate $ =)
21:12.28robin_zI would also recommend "not routing inportant business calls out over the internet as its too flakey"
21:12.49napoleao_robin_z but with out current adsl router will the voip packets not get priority?
21:12.54rudholmyeah, I'd agree with that.  generally the quality of your ISP is going to be the biggest factor
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21:13.46robin_znapoleao_: set up correctly, I dont see why our packets should ever even hit the ADSL router ... unless you want to route stuff out over the internet. Do you want to do that?
21:14.48napoleao_I want to some calls to go out over the internet, others to the traditional system, and then maybe later on, connect more than one office together
21:15.08rudholmwhat kind of internet connectivity do you have?
21:15.16napoleao_ADSL 4mbs
21:15.33robin_z4mbs down, how much up?
21:15.58napoleao_not sure  I think 256mb or 512
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21:16.14rudholmthat's a little sparse, depending on how small this office is
21:16.24rudholmhow many people are in this office?
21:16.37JerJerand if you don't run the right DSL modem you will have problems too
21:16.42[TK]D-Fender256 is dangerously low, 512, is almost livable....
21:16.44JerJerthey love to queue packets up
21:16.46robin_zeither way, dont do it. you'll save very little and the number of lost calls and bad echo and generally shitty routing makes SIP over the net just a non-starter right now
21:17.04napoleao_yes its 256
21:17.22Qwell256mb upstream?
21:17.27Rhizome256 is the amount sales people give you so you'll buy a new comp soon. :S
21:17.29JerJer256 would be fine for 3-4 G.729 or Speex
21:17.31Qwellthat's pretty ridiculous
21:17.32napoleao_we can upgrade to 8128/512 if
21:17.38robin_zput it this way, we had 12 people on "normal" useage on a dedicate 2mbs line, and it was still shit
21:17.43JerJer512 would be better
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21:17.58napoleao_yeah in Portugal ISPs are a bit stupid, we use to have even download limits here
21:17.59JerJerand seriously get a good dsl modem
21:18.12Dienoi am having ERROR 126 when compiling zaptel
21:18.13napoleao_only 2 months ago they did remove the limits
21:18.19Dienodoes any know how to resolve it
21:18.30napoleao_which kind of speed ytou guys recomend?
21:18.42robin_zwe found the best modem possible was a Eicon Diva or a Digium ISDN card
21:18.51rudholm512kbps and QoS configured to prioritize voice might be ok for the smallest of offices, assuming your ISP doesn't suck.
21:19.00Qwellrobin_z: isdn modem or something?
21:19.15robin_zand even if your ISP doesnt suck, finding a SIP service that doesnt suck is close to impossible
21:19.23Qwelloh, JerJer
21:19.26JerJerrobin_z:  that is your opnion
21:19.28rudholmgood point, robin_z
21:19.29QwellI need a new DID man
21:19.31napoleao_I see
21:19.40JerJerQwell: go grab one  :)
21:19.52Qwellit's not free anymore for tollfree, is it? ;/
21:19.54robin_zJerJer: go on then .. name me a decent SIP to PSTN termination
21:19.59Qwellfree monthly, that is
21:20.03rudholmJerJer: which SIP provider(s) do you like?
21:20.12QwellBIAS ALERT
21:20.23Qwellrudholm: JerJer runs nufone, which is very good
21:20.32robin_ztried that
21:20.40rudholmI guess I know what he'd recommend, then.
21:20.49robin_zit was not great from .ch
21:20.59Qwellrobin_z: I'm sure nothing really is
21:21.03JerJerQwell: any new toll-frees have a monthly fees, yes
21:21.30rudholmwhat was all that noise I read a while back about customer hostile attitudes/policies at nufone?
21:21.33QwellJerJer: yeah, I don't use it enough for that, really
21:21.36JerJerDieno:  don't private message people
21:21.45Dienook :)
21:21.52Qwellrudholm: FUD
21:22.17Dienothen can any tell me how to avoid Permision problem
21:22.17DienoERRO 126
21:22.17robin_zbasically, I would ratehr pay a few $$ a month from the business and get decent quality and have my customers actually able to hear me and know they ALWAYS get through than save a few bucks and lose that call that could have been another order
21:22.17Qwellrudholm: nobody ever posts to lists when they have good experiences
21:22.28Qwelland there are a ton of people in here who use them, and are quite happy with them
21:22.33JerJerDieno: pastebin the last few things that you see before the error 126
21:22.37rudholmyeah, Strom seems happy with them
21:23.12JerJeri'm gonna take a wild guess - you don't have the proper kernel headers installed
21:23.21QwellJerJer: got any good DID plans for somebody with ultra-low usage?
21:23.24rudholmI've been using Teliax for call completion.  they seem pretty good --2 cents/min to most of the First World.  not as cheap as, say, voipjet, but far far far better service.
21:23.31Dienomay be
21:23.49QwellI probably don't even need a DID, actually...nm, heh
21:24.00JerJerQwell: the issue is we have costs associated to manage those numbers
21:24.34*** join/#asterisk Assid (i=assid@
21:24.43napoleao_so in order to have a good VOIP working in our office I would need to have at least 512mb upstream, and a SIP provider?
21:24.53Assidhey _VoicePulse: you around
21:24.53robin_zwell, when they eventually offer a decent SIP termination in either .ch or .uk I'll try again, but so far, its been a waste of time. ISDN works perfectly for us right now
21:25.09JerJernapoleao_:  test test test
21:25.15rudholmI basically need four DIDs but have very low usage across all of them.  would love to find a good IAX2/SIP provider for my usage style
21:25.22JerJersign up with a few different providers and see what works for your situation
21:26.07JerJerQwell/rudholm:  how low usage are you talking?
21:26.20JerJerhow many minutes?
21:26.34perdyou need QoS napoleao, most of all
21:26.49rudholmunder 1000 mins/month
21:26.57AssidJerJer: whats it like now.. incoming.. 3 bucks?
21:27.13JerJernapoleao_:  buy an SPA-942 with the ethernet switch port
21:27.13markbakerAnyone got a good tutorial link for connecting 2 asterisk boxes over IAX?
21:27.27JerJerthen connect a computer behind the 942
21:27.38JerJerthat will help some
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21:27.54JerJeras well
21:28.03*** part/#asterisk frenzy_ (n=frenzy@unaffiliated/frenzy)
21:28.37Assidwhats an iotum relevance engine enabled number
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21:29.22JerJerif you want the iotum relevance service activated on your number
21:30.18Assidno clue what that is
21:30.54QwellJerJer: like, $10/year :P
21:30.55JerJerthre is a link there - click it  :)
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21:31.18JerJerbut before that reload the costs page - the cost just went down  :)
21:31.18Dienolove u all
21:31.20Qwellmy phone hasn't even been plugged in since I moved here
21:31.31Spidadoes anybody know whether the AVM b1 pci is 3.3V or 5V?
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21:34.58rudholmJerJer: the $5 additional numbers are just DIDs?  or does that buy me an additional channel as well?
21:35.32Qwellrudholm: afaik, outgoing isn't "channel limited"
21:35.36Dienojerjer: there it is
21:35.42Dienoplease tell me the solution
21:36.18rudholmQwell: yeah, that'd make sense, since it's not "unlimited" outbound minutes.  any idea about inbound channel limits?
21:36.25JerJerrudholm:  all of our non-toll-free numbers are $5.00 each and you are allowed to have 4 simultaneous calls
21:36.34Qwellthere you have it
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21:36.59rudholmhmm, that's not a bad deal then.
21:37.01Qwellrussellb: !!!
21:37.32russellbwhat's up
21:37.37Qwellnot a lot
21:37.48rudholmJerJer: can I set my calling number?  (often I want my calling number to be my cellphone number)
21:38.03Assidcaller id ani
21:38.11JerJerDieno:  you have file permission problem
21:38.16Qwellrussellb: 1 week?
21:38.22russellbQwell: yeah
21:38.30DienoJerJer:  do you know how to solve it :)
21:38.38QwellI've still gotta get on the whole desk situation :p
21:38.41JerJerDieno:  compile as root
21:38.47russellbQwell: ha, it's no big deal
21:38.53Dienoi am on root
21:39.04JerJerrudholm:  yes you can specify your calling party number.
21:39.17russellbQwell: did you see my silly "patch" yesterday?
21:39.23Qwellyeah, we talked about it, heh
21:39.33Dienofew minutes ago i have compiled Libpri and now its not compiling Zaptel
21:39.46rudholmJerJer: ok, last question: do you deliver CNAM on inbound calls, or just calling number?
21:40.01russellbQwell: heh... cool, i think :)
21:40.25Qwellrussellb: out of nowhere, Kevin goes "HA!" :D
21:40.36JerJerrudholm:  we have the ability to do CNAM, yes - however that is a service we will be offically rolling out soon
21:40.36russellbQwell: lol
21:43.37Spidais anybody here running asterisk on a soekris net4801?
21:43.37russellbQwell: i had a 13-hour train ride thursday, so that was one of the things i did :)
21:44.18russellbspent most time working on a personal coding project ...
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22:17.59brookshirerussellb: are you here yet?
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22:37.39BigCanOfTunaCalls into my PSTN (zapata) seem to be really quiet. What do I ned to look at, the gain options? Or, are these simply to do with echo etc?
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22:48.49[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna : Checkout the "rxgain" and "txgain" parameters in your zapata.conf.
22:49.00[TK]D-Fenderbig and slowly tweak them.
22:50.11squish102does any1 know if asterisk 2 RC2 can be upgraded to release version? or is it a reinstall?
22:50.39[TK]D-Fendersquish102 : please read the channel topic
22:50.52jbotit has been said that trixbox is is NOT supported here!  Trixbox is extensively modified with patches, custom configuration files, and so on.  FreePBX (trixbox's GUI) includes giant creeping thing-like macros which invade your dialplan, making debugging and customization extremely difficult.  People using it should join #trixbox or #freepbx for help.
22:51.02squish102i did ask there :(
22:52.07squish102but they only have like 7 ppl in channel, and all i was wanting was a simple yes or no from someone that may know
22:54.03[TK]D-FenderCheck out some Trixbox forums then
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22:54.48squish102that is what i normally do before asking in irc
22:59.15sivanapre-connect in res_odbc.... if I set that to no, does it connect/disconnect on each call?
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23:20.09Corydon76-homesivana: no
23:20.31Corydon76-homesivana: it just delays the connect until it is needed
23:21.03Deciphananyone know if 1.4 works any better in a virtual environment?  or is that just always going to be a problem with this sort of system?
23:21.52Corydon76-homeDeciphan: should work fine in a Parallels environment
23:22.21DeciphanWe've tried running in through VMware on Windows and always had audio problems... apparently due to timing source issues
23:22.29Corydon76-homeThe key with Parallels, though, is that only the OS API is virtual in that case
23:23.07Corydon76-homeYes, when you're talking about a time-sensitive app, you're going to have issues when the timing is not based upon hardware
23:23.51DeciphanI thought I was reading that 1.4 was better at multi-tenant environments... ultimately what I'd like to do is run more than one company from the same server
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23:24.16Corydon76-homeYou can do that already without virtualizing
23:25.00Deciphanwell, i guess the biggest problem was that phone extensions couldn't share the same extension numbers between two different companies
23:25.09Corydon76-homeSure they can
23:25.18Corydon76-homeThey just need to be in different contexts
23:25.23Deciphaneven with 1.2?
23:25.28Corydon76-homeeven with 1.2
23:25.41Corydon76-homeHeck, I think that was the case even with 1.0
23:25.42Deciphanhmm.. been a while since I tried.. but I remember having trouble with that before
23:26.05DeciphanI'm pretty sure 1.0 didn't allow it at all
23:26.14Corydon76-homeI'm pretty sure it did
23:26.16Juggieyes, it did.
23:26.28Juggie1.0 had contexts which is all you need.
23:26.36Deciphanwell then... i must have been doing something wrong :)
23:26.44Juggiei think thats obvious :)
23:27.12Corydon76-homeThe only question is whether Voicemail in 1.0 was v1 or v2
23:27.40Corydon76-homev1 Voicemail did not permit multiple mailboxes of the same number.  v2 did.
23:28.05EmleyMoorAny good free services in US to try other than 800-555-TELL?
23:28.28Deciphanmaybe that was one of the problems...
23:28.43Deciphani guess i'll fire up 1.4 and dig into that
23:29.31Deciphando any of you use a gui to manage asterisk?
23:29.39Juggiedo pigs fly
23:29.53BlackBishopofcourse they do !
23:30.04BlackBishopI saw one a couple of minutes ago ! :D
23:30.15BlackBishopwhat kind of silly question is that ? :)
23:30.35Deciphani dunno... linux folks usually scoff at gui's... :)
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23:31.56Deciphanso what gui would ya'll recommend?
23:32.05Corydon76-homeA homebrew custom
23:32.26Deciphanah, heh, that's kinda what i thought
23:33.11Corydon76-homeFunction over form
23:34.43EmleyMoorIs it possible to get a rotary phone and an MF TBR phone working properly on the same system?
23:35.18EmleyMoor(not necessarily on the same channel)
23:35.48EmleyMoorTBR doesn't work on one I have - but, with a debounce alteration, a rotary phone works fine
23:36.44EmleyMoorTimed Break Recall
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23:36.53EmleyMoor(want to use it for transfer)
23:37.11Strom_Mforgive my ignorance, but what is Timed Break Recall?
23:37.27EmleyMoorA very short hookflash (of about 90ms(
23:37.41EmleyMoorA British standard for such things
23:37.55Strom_Mwell, a hookflash in the middle of a call isn't going to be interpreted as a 1, is it?
23:38.08Strom_Mi know I can hookflash with my rotary phone all day long
23:38.37Strom_Mbut then again, i've never used british phones ;)
23:38.40EmleyMoorHave to use a manual hookflash right now, but the user of that phone may have trouble with hookflashing
23:38.56Corydon76-homeEmleyMoor: note that pulse dialling already works by default
23:38.59sulanStrom_M: you can call "rotary" with a touch-tone with the hook-button
23:39.13Strom_Msulan, welcome to 1951
23:39.18Strom_Mi knew that already :)
23:39.27EmleyMoorCorydon76-home: It was stifled by debounce on mine - had to patch zaptel
23:39.45Corydon76-homeHmmm, interesting
23:39.51Strom_MCorydon76-home, same here - none of my rotary phones work unless i patch zaptel
23:40.02EmleyMoorI have an actual rotary phone (1971 GPO Yeoman)
23:40.30Corydon76-homeStrom_M: strange.  Pulse dialling worked fine last I tried
23:41.03EmleyMoorMight try without patching as later versions come in but it needed a patch on the version I am using
23:41.08sulandoes anyone know why asterisk 1.4 has multiple pids while running, whereas 1.2 has just one?
23:41.21Strom_MEmleyMoor, it needed a patch on 1.4 for me
23:41.36Corydon76-homesulan: it's appearance only
23:41.37EmleyMoorStrom_M: Abgrq, gunaxf. :-)
23:41.48Corydon76-homesulan: both versions are multi-threaded
23:41.57EmleyMoor("Noted, thanks." in rot13)
23:42.14Strom_Msorry, i'm terrible at doing rot13 in my head
23:42.21sulanCorydon76-home: i know that, but with H the threads in 1.2 has the same pid, when it in 1.4 displays as multiple pids
23:42.40sulanis it different thread libraries used?
23:42.44sulansorry, ps Hax
23:43.44Corydon76-homesulan: no idea
23:43.56Corydon76-homeshouldn't be
23:47.38perdman. i cant get sip to work if i add secret= to my config... i've been trying to figure this out for hours now, anyone have a clue why? sip.conf and debug here
23:48.22perdim about to lose it!
23:48.47perdit works fine if i remove secret= ... but obvioiusly that's a bad idea.
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