irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061219

00:00.21[TK]D-FenderSkramX : Ask a specific question, get a specific answer :)
00:00.52SkramX:) Well.. I havent looked att her product line too extensively yet.. but like Cisco, can I code apps for the phones (such as simple 'websites', etc.)?
00:01.58*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
00:02.16[TK]D-FenderSkramX : IP 6XX series, minimally, yes
00:02.24SkramXany experience with that
00:02.44hardwiredoes asterisk still need a usb or zaptel timing interface for accurate operation?
00:02.52hardwirelooking to move my asterisk install into a vserver context
00:03.31rpmwhat can i use in linux for transcoding a .gsm or .wav file to g729?
00:03.38SkramXhardwire: you would need to patch the host
00:03.42SkramX's kernel
00:04.25hardwireSkramX: to what avail?
00:04.39[TK]D-FenderSkramX : Yes, I've got live queue stats on Idle on my 600's, and user directories with click-to-call functionality, and a bit more. -- I didn't write that but I am an administrator of Telephreak, an organization, and work for a company which does similar Virtual Private Servers
00:05.20SkramX[TK]D-Fender: okay.. do they have a dev kit or what? is it XML silliness like Cisco or WAP/HTML?
00:06.36hardwireSkramX: OpenVPS servers?
00:06.37SkramXor should i google? :)
00:07.05hardwirewhat are you rambling about?
00:07.07*** join/#asterisk jebba (
00:07.45hardwireSkramX: I would read the papers to find out what kind of patch you are suggesting.. but its access denied
00:07.49jebbabeta3 is still listed in /topic   ;)
00:08.27SkramXhardwire: hmm lemme look into that
00:09.07hardwireI will totally let you
00:09.11hardwireno worries :)
00:09.32hardwirelast I used asterisk was 1.2
00:09.49SkramXYour screen name looks familiar
00:09.49JTit's still in the 1.2.x series
00:10.05hardwireztdummy rtc patches
00:10.06JTdude, it's a "nickname" ;)
00:10.23SkramXyeah.. i thought of that right after I hit enter
00:10.27hardwireSkramX: yeh.. I've been here before .. for a solid year probably
00:10.39hardwireSkramX: ztdummy rtc I assume?
00:10.45SkramXthink so
00:10.56hardwireotherwise you are telling me to patch vserver patches in :)
00:10.59hardwirewhich is sorta dun
00:11.08hardwireby the good people of debian, inc.
00:11.31SkramX[TK]D-Fender: does it do WAP/XML/HTTP? what?
00:11.57hardwireSkramX: any vserver issues other than timing?
00:12.06hardwirejust right off the bat you wanna swing my way :)
00:12.34hardwireI love kids movies
00:12.39hardwireHello fence!
00:13.53jebbafwiw, i've been running asterisk in a debian vserver for a year now. Works quite well. (actually the guest is fedora, host is deb)
00:15.23hardwirejebba: read this paper?
00:15.42hardwireI have no idea why they are defining /dev/zap devices
00:16.01SkramXit may be a bit out of date
00:16.13hardwiredate aside.. vservers can't really use devices like that
00:16.20hardwireI could be totally wrong however
00:16.52jebbahardwire, i haven't read that paper
00:17.51hardwirejebba: SkramX: multiple vservers per host?
00:17.52jebbai did create /dev/zap/* on the guest & host though. No zap hardware.  I don't get why asterisk does timing with ztdummy......
00:18.05*** join/#asterisk ronaldl79 (n=chatzill@
00:18.05hardwireotherwise I have no idea how ztdummy would share as a module between contexts gracefully
00:18.15hardwirejebba: because it can
00:18.27jebbahardwire, i have a 1.2.14, a 1.4 beta4, some random web/mail servers all in their own vservers.
00:18.38hardwirejebba: ok
00:18.45hardwirewhich asterisk instance loads first?
00:19.02hardwireI would love to know what the last to load one says about the timing interface
00:19.03jebbawould be nice if it didn't requite ztdummy. I can't even remember at the moment if 1.4 yanked that requirement or not.
00:19.18ronaldl79Just upgraded * to 1.4 Beta 4 (actually, it's a clean install .. damn HD crapped out ln), and decided to try out Asterisk-Gui -- are the URLs malformed?
00:19.33jebbahardwire, i can check if you want.  How do you want me to see "what it says"?
00:19.57hardwirejebba: I wonder if the zaptel drivers were written well enough so that multiple applications can easily access them and allocate channels in a polite fashion
00:20.25hardwirejebba: jsut grep for ztdummy or "tim" in the asterisk logs I guess
00:20.56*** join/#asterisk DavoFrom818 (
00:20.57jebbaheh. The other issue is that i send logs (or mostly in the past) to /dev/null (!). ...
00:20.59DavoFrom818hi guys
00:21.25DavoFrom818is there like a trixbox solution to a prepaid calling cards system?
00:21.48jebbahardwire, the main 1.2.14 installation usually has 5-20 calls running through it. The 1.4 beta very few, maybe one or two at a time. No heavy use of conferencing.
00:23.24[TK]D-FenderSkramX :XHTML.  a funny subset
00:23.44jebbahardwire, oh, actually i do have /var/log/asterisk/messages, i was just nixing CDRs.   No matches for zt or tim in the logs tho
00:23.56SkramX[TK]D-Fender: hmm.. *shrug*
00:23.59hardwirejebba: danke!
00:24.16SkramX:XHTML != XHTML, [TK]D-Fender?
00:24.37SkramXnone of the polycoms are color, are they
00:24.58irqcan someone tell me what the big differences are between asterisk 1.4 and 1.2?
00:25.03SkramXoh.. they do video stuff but I bet that's over our price range
00:25.19ronaldl79irq -- -- there's a good starting point
00:26.05hardwireirq: hehe.. the answer is .2
00:26.13hardwirewhich really isn't that big at all
00:26.18*** join/#asterisk znoG (
00:26.26irqi don't see anything that really answers my question on that page ronald, but thanks (i have used that resource for other things in the past)
00:26.42znoGhi all. is it possible that the 1.4.x version of Asterisk doesn't let you include a context from extensions.conf in the extensions.ael file?
00:28.44SkramX[TK]D-Fender: want to give me a code example?
00:28.52ronaldl79irq -- Have you tried Or viewed the SVN tree?
00:29.22ronaldl79I just read the latest changelog and it had some interesting tidbits you'd be interested in.
00:29.42*** join/#asterisk edwar64896 (
00:29.49irqit's quite amazing how difficult it can be to find a changelog for software through my web browser, without having to actually check out the code
00:30.08irqbesides, i'm only looking for the really big changes, which i'm guessing someone could have summarized in fewer words than this one line i'm typing right now :)
00:30.58[TK]D-FenderSkramX : Just picture basic HTML except where ALL tags need to be closed.  IMG for instance. <BR /> can be self enclose.  Stuff that normally doesn't does now.
00:30.58edwar64896'ello asterisk peoples... anyone done any work with meetme applications - selecting empty conferences and using dynamic conferences?
00:31.33jebbairq, fixes. cleaner.  jabber/jingle/t38/foo
00:31.33SkramXok. i thought you said :XHTML was a subset
00:31.39SkramXI do XHTML strict sites all the time
00:31.50irqthanks jebba! just what i was looking for :)
00:31.55SkramXbut you meant "Skram: XHTML", not "Skram :XHTML"
00:32.01[TK]D-FenderSkramX : This won't be a stretch then.  But its lacking in several areas.  like tables.
00:32.07SkramXthat just sort of threw me off.
00:32.23SkramXhmm. [TK]D-Fender: how does the user get to a web server? does polycom document this stuff?
00:32.41[TK]D-FenderSkramX : "Services" button is sorta staring you in the face :)
00:32.57SkramXwell, how does the phone know where to get the web server ip/address?
00:33.02[TK]D-FenderSkramX : Fromt here it initially starts off on whatever you define as the home page, and away you go.
00:33.10[TK]D-FenderSkramX : All in the phone setup
00:33.39SkramXhrmm. while I like XHTML more than weird XML.. Cisco's phone is color and seemingly more expandable
00:34.01SkramXI would be developing something for a web-development company. they like flashy stuff.. like colors, heh
00:34.04SkramXyou know what I mean?
00:35.02*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:36.29[TK]D-FenderSkramX : Cisco has Polycom's number on this point, but loses on the phone & cost fronts.
00:36.39SkramXright. hrmm
00:37.11SkramX[TK]D-Fender: can the polycom push and pull or only pull data from the webserver
00:37.24SkramXlike.. could i make a form and/or maybe buttons?
00:38.10[TK]D-FenderSkramX : Yeah, they can do forms.
00:38.23SkramXok.. any documentation how to do so, since it isn't a touch screen
00:38.34SkramXor am I missing something
00:38.44[TK]D-FenderSkramX : But again, I'm sure Cisco is a better deal if thats what you're pushing.  Thenk again in the converged world you should be doing this stuff on a PC anyways
00:39.11[TK]D-FenderSkramX : thats what the cursor keys are for
00:39.29SkramXpolycom has the right idea about letting the developer use XHTML though
00:40.24[TK]D-FenderSkramX : Well it doesn't let you manipulate the PHONE in any meaningful way, and lacks colour and a lot of the essentials like tables (which really pisses me off), but you can do stuff with it.
00:40.43SkramXhrmm; i'll need to think about it.
00:40.54SkramXi dont really want to learn the details of ciscos XML stuff
00:41.20resistancehi guys, i'm having problems with my flash: it works but i have to keep pressing # till it works
00:43.11[TK]D-Fenderok, off for a bit, back later
00:43.32JTflash... hook flash?
00:44.23*** part/#asterisk VoipMasta (
00:44.31shmaltzwhich application module is the manager api? I want to unload it
00:44.43Strom_Cresistance: pressing # is not the same as a hookflash
00:45.19resistancedoesn't work with hookflash
00:45.25resistanceit just hangs up
00:45.33Strom_Czaptel channels?
00:45.49Strom_Cyou do have threewaycalling=yes in the zapata.conf, right?
00:45.52JTresistance: der, # is the key that skips through priorities in asterisk
00:46.17JTby default anyway
00:46.17Strom_Cbecause if you don't, then of course the hookflash won't work
00:46.42resistance3 way calling = yes
00:47.20resistanceyes, i was just a bit fancy (ehem)
00:47.38Strom_Cnot "3 way calling" or "threeway" or "oh cool look what this does = yes"
00:47.48Strom_Cthis is a precise syntax
00:47.58resistancei should try that oh cool one
00:48.09Strom_Cyeah, and then try "lol=very" in iax.conf
00:48.25resistancethen everything will start working
00:48.41Strom_Coh, and "irritateeveryoneonpoundasterisk=true"
00:49.00resistanceor dumbass=me
00:49.03resistancehe he
00:49.26[hC]hmm. is there a way to, in your dial plan, force-modify the CDR to change the number that was dialed? I have to dial a number stupidly because of my telco, and i want to modify it to show up sane in my cdr database.
00:51.16*** join/#asterisk dahunter3 (
00:51.26*** join/#asterisk Eliran_Itzhak (
01:02.21*** join/#asterisk eltech (
01:04.09shmaltzanybody here ever installed/used astbill before?
01:04.42znoGhi all. is it possible that the 1.4.x version of Asterisk doesn't let you include a context from extensions.conf in the extensions.ael file?
01:04.49*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
01:06.10resistanceStrom_c: r u around?
01:06.22Strom_Cwhats up
01:07.13resistanceexcuse my ignorance on this ok?
01:07.20*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
01:07.23Strom_Chardwire: i'm sorry, that's mot a valid question
01:08.01hardwireDuck Fuo
01:08.11resistancet = allow called user to transfer using #? correct?
01:08.21resistancego buck a Fuffalo
01:08.43Strom_Cresistance: let me give you a helpful piece of advice:  type 'show application Dial' at the CLI
01:09.14znoGit looks like extensions.conf can't see extensions.ael and vice versa
01:09.14Strom_Cresistance: but you really shouldn't be doing inband transfers like that.  get your switchhook transfers working instead
01:10.19resistanceok, right now if i do that it just hangs up, and I have threewaycalling = yes
01:10.31Strom_Cin zapata.conf for your specific FXS port?
01:10.41Strom_Cand you did a reload, right?
01:10.56resistancewell the option has been on forever
01:11.10Strom_Cpastebin the file
01:11.26resistancei have it under the [channels] context
01:11.29resistanceis that correct?
01:11.30Strom_Calso try transfer=yes
01:11.41Strom_Cit has to be assigned to your fxs port
01:12.00resistancetranfer=yes is also enabled
01:12.08Strom_Cpastebin the file
01:12.12Strom_Cit'll be easier than trying to talk you through it
01:12.13resistanceok, how do i assign to fxs ports?
01:12.25jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
01:13.20wunderkini wonder who added in the debian one
01:13.29Strom_Cand what's in zapata-auto.conf?
01:15.01resistancestrom_C: people make fun of me for that one
01:15.14resistancebut i had to.....
01:15.16Strom_Cresistance: ?
01:15.21*** join/#asterisk python_ (
01:15.57resistanceStrom_C: ?
01:16.14Strom_Cwhat do people make fun of you for?
01:16.24resistancethat .conf
01:16.36resistancei posted it here once before
01:17.12Strom_Ctry this - in zapata.conf, before you include the other file, try adding "channel => 1-48"
01:17.41resistanceok, thanks, brb
01:18.00Strom_Cand nothing says you "had to" autogenerate a conf file :)
01:18.08Strom_Creal men make 'em by HAND!
01:18.38resistancei'm a real woman
01:18.42resistancehee hee
01:19.10python_i am very new to asterisk, i am having some troubles getting 2 soft phones to talk to each other through a asterisk server, the two phones are behind simple linksys nat router, and the server is on the public internet, the phones ascossiate with the asterisk server, and when i make a call it shows ( sip debug ) the call is going to the right extention, but the call is never receaved
01:20.12python_the asterisk server is run on openbsd, and the clients are on suse 10.2 and windows, but i tryed with 2 windows machines today also using x-lite
01:21.22*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
01:25.54python_is anyone hear?
01:26.23Strom_Cno, sorry, we all died three seconds after you started typing
01:26.28Strom_Cfood poisoning
01:26.55JTStrom_C: eating irc printouts is never healthy
01:27.00shmaltzhow do I deflate a bz2 file?
01:27.48JTtar -jxvf
01:28.04JTif it's a tar.bz2
01:28.47python_anyone have anyclue on my issue? my conf files are hear if you want to look
01:29.29Strom_Cpython_: try adding nat=yes and qualify=yes to the sip.conf entries and see if that works
01:30.11Strom_Cand make sure your contexts are correct and whatnot
01:30.18*** join/#asterisk l2cache (
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01:33.30*** join/#asterisk h0 (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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01:38.51[hC]Qwell: you arent still updating chan_skinny are you?
01:38.58*** join/#asterisk guptaa (
01:38.59python_i already had the nat=yes and i tryed it with qualify=yes and no luck :(
01:39.02[hC]Qwell:chan_sccp is making my 7970 eat crap all the time.
01:40.02*** join/#asterisk foxxtrot_ (
01:40.34*** join/#asterisk foxxtrot_ (
01:41.00python_is there a way to send a test call from the asterisk server? files
01:41.22JTor manager interface
01:41.33JTor console (if you have working sound card)
01:42.03python_i am logged into the asterisk box and have the asterisk cli up?
01:42.30*** join/#asterisk paolob (
01:42.37jbotthebook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
01:42.41*** part/#asterisk paolob (
01:44.15*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
01:46.57*** join/#asterisk jart (
01:48.03jartIf I got a SIP call coming in to Asterisk where the SIP headers showed: From: <sip:+12345678901@;isup-oli=27>;tag=BLAHBLAH
01:48.16jarthow could I extract the isup-oli=27 in my dial plan or whatever?
01:49.11Strom_Mjart: which provider is giving you olip data?
01:49.22jartbandwidth which is a level3 reseller
01:49.46*** join/#asterisk foxxtrot_ (
01:49.46Strom_Mi love olip data :)
01:50.00Strom_Myou could use the cut application
01:50.08*** join/#asterisk servat (
01:50.09jartoh nifty
01:50.15jartbut how do I get that string?
01:50.42Strom_Mshow application cut
01:51.38jartbut that's assuming i can extract that olip data in the first place
01:51.39[hC]jart: how do you like their service? and what does it cost ya?
01:51.53[hC]jart: ive been looking for a level3 reseller as i dont do enough minutes yet to meet commits for them
01:51.54*** join/#asterisk foxxtrot_ (
01:52.10jartabout 1.5 cents to 2 cents  a minute
01:52.20jartthey're pretty good
01:52.59jartnot a lot of people can meet commits for level3, and even if you could they're not a fun company to deal with from what i hear
01:53.19guptaaI would like to create a macro that will place a call (to a cellphone) to notify someone that a voicemail was left.  I was planning on using the 'h' extension after the voicemail is left to run a DeadAGI that will create a .call file.  Does anyone know a better way to do this?  The thing I don't like about the .call file is that I want to use a 'hunt' or 'memoryhunt' from dialparties to call a number of people until one answers the call.
01:53.41jartbut Strom_M, i know how to use cut, i just need to /get/ the olip data
01:54.03jarti don't know where asterisk is hiding it, if it even extracts it from the sip data at all
01:54.11Strom_Mjart: that header is from an actual call. right?
01:54.47Strom_Mand what did you use to reference it in asterisk?
01:55.10jarti know it's there by packet sniffing
01:56.28*** part/#asterisk mog (
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01:58.16*** join/#asterisk jeffgus_ (
01:58.45*** join/#asterisk Omer^ (i=Omer@
01:59.02Strom_Mjart: there is a way
01:59.08Strom_Mi just dont remember how
02:00.49Strom_Mwhen i get back from the cafe, ill find out :)
02:01.53jartif you email it to i will love you forever :) because i have to bounce
02:04.26*** join/#asterisk Druken (
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02:06.06*** join/#asterisk anthonyl (n=anthonyl@
02:06.23Drukenanyone have allison saying USA ?
02:06.58resistancestrom_c: i tried the channel => 1-48, and i can't start asterisk
02:07.21[Outcast]just take u s a from the photonetics stuff
02:07.28Strom_Mresistance: asterisk -cvvvvvg and pastebin the error
02:07.33*** join/#asterisk lat1234 (n=lat@
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02:07.42Qwell[Outcast]: why the phonetics?
02:08.10lat1234anybody here knows how to let asterisk passthru a firewalll... what will be the port to allow if asterisk in sip?
02:08.21Drukeni think he ment the letters, but that wouldn't sound right...
02:08.30Strom_Mlat: one time only please
02:08.33Drukenpeople don't use U S A, they say USA
02:08.53lat1234so anybody
02:08.59[Outcast]if the sound file didn't exist already you could piece one together
02:09.31*** join/#asterisk zmef420 (
02:09.40Strom_Mor you could see if she says "united states"
02:10.23*** join/#asterisk Winkie_ (
02:13.07Drukennah... need USA
02:13.10Drukencompany name....
02:14.08wunderkinand the company name is only usa? sorry that one is taken
02:14.47Strom_Mhire allison to say the damned thing
02:15.32resistancestrom_M, what information do you want? where do i find it?
02:15.38Strom_Mor can "bjorns authentic tacos usa incorporated" not afford the twelve dollars?
02:16.28Strom_Mresistance: pastebin the whole thing
02:16.36resistancethe full log?
02:16.47DrukenStrom_C: no idea... hehehe i was just doing it as a favour for someone
02:16.57Strom_Mthe colsole output from that command
02:17.07resistancei'm using putty,
02:17.07*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
02:17.28Strom_Mdont you know how to redirect?
02:17.58resistanceu said it
02:18.05resistanceit's a sad shitsuation
02:18.12lat1234anyone who knows what port to allow in the firewall to let asterisk-sip passthrough?
02:18.14Strom_Mlearn linux :)
02:18.21resistancehey man, i'm trying
02:18.29resistanceit's a huge learning curve
02:18.36hadsgoogle bash redirection
02:18.55lat1234i know linux... what i want to know are the ports to allow
02:20.03Strom_Clat1234: i was talking to resistance
02:20.06hadsIf you know Linux then grep -i sip /etc/services
02:20.14Strom_Cok, now that i'm home I can type again :)
02:20.26Strom_Cresistance: asterisk -cvvvvvvg > output.txt
02:20.33Strom_Cthen pastebin the contents of output.txt
02:20.39Drukenlat1234: 5060, 10000 - 20000
02:20.59guptaagrep -i bindport /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
02:21.48*** join/#asterisk l2cache (
02:23.03lat1234thanks drunken... but it wont work to me
02:23.15Strom_Clat1234: UDP
02:25.03Strom_Cresistance: i don't think that's the full file
02:25.13*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
02:25.17lat1234yes its udp
02:25.20JTeww trixbox
02:25.25lat1234but no still no audio...
02:25.32JTno wonder my browser froze for a few seconds loading up all that text
02:25.45resistancewell that's what i got from asterisk -cvvvvvg
02:25.54Strom_Choly crap, it /is/ trixbox
02:26.00Strom_Cresistance: no wonder you're having trouble :)
02:26.06*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
02:26.12resistancei know that shit sucks
02:26.21*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:26.37resistancebut my knowledge is limited and i though this would be the easier routr
02:26.38l2cacheI use asterisk at my work, why do people not like trixbox? is it only good for small setups?
02:26.43riddleboxif I get a sipura ata device from broadvoice, is there a way to unlock it so I can use both ports?
02:26.58jboti heard trixbox is NOT supported here!  People using it should join #trixbox or #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
02:27.10Strom_Coh dammit
02:27.14Strom_Cthats not the one i wanted
02:27.18jbotfreepbx is probably the Microsoft BOB of PBXes and NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
02:27.23Strom_Cthere we go :)
02:27.25lat1234im using isa 2004 ...
02:27.33*** join/#asterisk nassy (
02:27.47lat1234there is no audio out...
02:27.49jbotamp is probably NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
02:29.37l2cachemy friend swears by trixbox.  Is there a good argument for using straight asterisk over trix? other that the obvious reasons(gui is not for admins)
02:29.51Strom_Ctrixbox is full of unnecessary garbage
02:30.13l2cacheany other points...i appreciate it
02:30.23resistanceStrom_C: what i'm trying to do is slowly switch myself over the straight asterisk
02:30.26Drukenat least if you build it, when it breaks, you have a slight chance of figuring out wtf went wrong....
02:31.13l2cachei run straight asterisk at home and at work 400+ extensions...has anyone used trixbox in a large-scale environment
02:31.15cjlowewtf mate :)
02:31.17Strom_Coh there is no "slowly switch myself"
02:31.30Strom_Cjust jump in the deep end now while you still have a fighting chance
02:31.36JTcjlowe: yeah true blue, dinky di
02:31.51JTl2cache: only insane people
02:31.52cjloweJT too right mate
02:31.58l2cachetrue that
02:32.12*** join/#asterisk hfb (
02:32.31hadsWeird aussies :)
02:32.32resistancewell i'm f'd then
02:32.43*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
02:32.47JThads: go say bugger, for me :D
02:33.04resistancebugger is another word for shitpacker
02:33.12resistancenot nice
02:33.25hadsresistance: Well it really depends where you are from .
02:33.41JTand what decade you are living in, too
02:34.00resistanceif i'll wanna pack shit, i'll use a baled
02:34.14l2cachehas anyone experimented/used an asterisk load balancing/high availability setup at all?
02:34.19hadsYes, the Internet being international really seems to catch some people out.
02:35.25JTwhere some people = americans
02:35.25*** join/#asterisk lpmusic (
02:35.40resistanceStrom_C: trixbox is all in the configs, technically i could just adjust the configs and get fresh asterisk, or an i fos?
02:35.47jbotsomebody said am was an application manager.  Armenia
02:35.59JTresistance: trixbox will overwrite them if done wrong
02:36.24JTand have to ever seen the difference between a dialplan made to do something in trixbox, and a dialplan coded by hand to do the same thing?
02:36.27resistanceyup, if i use that web editing thingy, i don't
02:36.27Strom_Cresistance: taking trixbox and slimming it down is entirely the wrong approach
02:36.31cjloweresistance, the _additional files are the ones that trixbox seems to put most of your stuff in...
02:36.34JTthe trixbox ones are at least 3 times bigger
02:36.45JTwith tonnes of garbage
02:36.47cjloweresistance, better to build from scratch and copy the relevant settings across :)
02:41.52*** join/#asterisk _cleric_ (
02:43.24*** join/#asterisk Avochelm (
02:43.28lpmusichas anyone in here worked with queues and announcements (of what queue it is)?  Ideally I'd like to make it so the announcement plays "you have a call for: x" then you have to ack the call (#) and then you take it rather than ack the call then hear what it's for
02:49.36*** join/#asterisk hoobastooba (
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02:50.02orlokAvochelm: hwy, you guys do wireless internet?
02:50.25*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
02:50.42Avochelmorlok, yes, in adelaide and the iron triangle
02:50.53orlokhavent heard that term before
02:50.57orlokiron triangle
02:51.12orlokAvochelm: we have used a few wisp's, and in general, they have all sucked :-(
02:51.31orlokcant cope with something like battleship radar testing withou falling over
02:52.24lat1234question --> what port should be opened aside from the dns in order to use domain name instead of ip?
02:52.33lat1234im using xlite
02:53.01lat1234if i use ip the registration of xlite is succesfful
02:53.11Avochelmorlok, the iron triangle is the mining areas of SA around port augusta
02:53.19lat1234if i use domain name the registration fails although dns is already allowed in the firewall
02:55.12*** join/#asterisk kyo (
02:55.58*** part/#asterisk l2cache (
02:57.04hoobastoobaI am still trying to figure out why asterisk is taking up 54402 of my ram... Here is what I have in top right now:
02:57.58hoobastoobai am really chewing up the ram!!!!
02:58.22hoobastoobaI am running Asterisk SVN-branch-1.2-r48272M
02:58.37hoobastoobaany help would be greatly appreciated.
02:58.55orlokAvochelm: ahh, thought it would have been something like that
02:59.10orlokAvochelm: Only thing i like from SA is Coopers :)
02:59.30orlokport augusta.. van nats were there a few years ago :)
03:00.29hoobastoobahere is from ps aux | grep asterisk
03:00.38orlokmy first "real" set of holidays in years starts in a few days
03:00.52orloki am stitting here crossing my fingers that nothing breaks
03:01.10orlok"Dont touch anything, dont try anything, just sit here and hope..."
03:01.10*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
03:03.35*** join/#asterisk irq (
03:04.47*** join/#asterisk Osochebol (n=Osochebo@
03:10.14OsochebolHI ALL
03:10.29OsochebolS.O help me for Asterisk realtime view database from UNIXODBC?
03:14.58hoobastoobais 1309044 bytes in   202 allocations in file 'chan_sip.c' too much for 8 bridged calls?
03:16.12[TK]D-Fenderhoobastooba : 1.3meg seem too much?
03:17.48hoobastoobai just for the life of me cannot figure out why I have to restart my asterisk server once every three days. that is my highest use part of asterisk.
03:17.52hoobastoobaI am stumped.
03:17.55*** join/#asterisk tracy_ (
03:18.13hoobastoobait starts to swap after two days.
03:18.21hoobastoobathen calls start sounding horrible.
03:18.53hoobastoobaI have been to the list and google quite a few times on this... sorry to keep bringing it back.
03:18.59hoobastoobai cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.
03:20.09tracy_hi every1. i have had a trixbox running in a VM and working nicely with a few voip providers. i want to take to next level and get a cheap fxo card to connect to pstn. should i just buy a x100p or one of the clone cards?
03:20.51tracy_and i am going to take it out of a vm, before i get into trouble by from the ppl here
03:20.52[TK]D-Fendertracy_ : How many lines to start?  Where do you see this going?
03:21.11tracy_this is home use with a very small 2 person company
03:21.38tracy_at the moment i have too many phones in the house
03:22.05tracy_this phone to call out voip, that one for receiving calls... etc
03:22.36hoobastooba[TK]D-Fender: to me 1.3 meg seems to much
03:22.57[TK]D-Fendertracy_ : With * any phone can do EVERYTHING.
03:23.13cjlowe[TK]D-Fender, them's fightin' words
03:23.14[TK]D-Fenderhoobastooba : Does it release it upon termination of the channels?
03:23.32[TK]D-Fendercjlowe : Where I come from all words is fightin' words!
03:23.34hoobastoobait just keeps growing
03:23.42[TK]D-Fenderhoobastooba : What version?
03:23.55tracy_[TK]D-Fender: my problem is my landline is not plugged into * as i dont have a fxo card
03:24.22cjlowe[TK]D-Fender, in soviet russia, words fight you!
03:24.23[TK]D-Fendertracy_ : Do you need any more devices (extensions) as well?
03:24.31JTtracy_: you cannot buy real X100P cards anymore
03:24.42JTthe ones that are out there are likely to be crap
03:24.44tracy_JT, i'm looking on ebay atm
03:24.50JTnone are real
03:24.59JTunless it's an old second hand one
03:25.08JTalmost impossible to verify without seeing it in person
03:25.26JTeither get a TDM400P or an ATA like the Sipura SPA-3102
03:25.39hoobastooba[TK]D-Fender: Asterisk SVN-branch-1.2-r48272M ... and I take it back... it did just release a bunch...
03:25.41tracy_last i looked those were $$$$
03:25.48hoobastoobai have more calls than before and now I am at 1.0
03:26.02tracy_for home use it seemed an overkill :(
03:26.10JTSipura ATAs are very good value for money
03:26.25JTif you can't afford them for home/soho office, i don't know what you can afford
03:26.34hoobastoobasee, here is my real concern...
03:26.54[TK]D-Fendertracy_ : so how many analog lines max are you thinking about bringing in in say the next year?
03:26.59hoobastoobaas i start to run out of memory and start to swap, I can kill the extra processes and get my memory back.
03:27.06[TK]D-Fenderhoobastooba : how old is thatr SVN?
03:27.07tracy_i'm pretty cheap, run 2 linksys paps that cost $0
03:27.24tracy_[TK]D-Fender: only the one i have
03:27.38hoobastoobaabout 2 weeks
03:27.41[TK]D-Fendertracy_ : Then just get an X100P clone and be done with it.
03:28.03tracy_ok, gonna try that, tx
03:28.20JTX100P fakes are great if your time is worth nothing
03:28.20JTso yeah, go for it
03:28.21[TK]D-Fendertracy_ : If you're saying your very cheap and don't need more than 1 line and don't have any need for an extra phone, then X100P it is.
03:28.32JTyeah might get one that mostly works, or you might get a complete dud
03:28.40orlokby voip provider says asterisk people need to fix their code, heh
03:28.46[TK]D-FenderJT : Tony Robins you are not!
03:28.47orlokmy voip my, even
03:28.54JT[TK]D-Fender: who?
03:29.07[TK]D-FenderJT : Motivation speaker.  massively famous.
03:29.17[TK]D-FenderJT : Get back under that rock!
03:29.20JTi see
03:29.21*** join/#asterisk bbsf (
03:29.29JTi hate motivational speakers and all similar things
03:29.36JTpossibly why i don't know who he is
03:29.39orlok[TK]D-Fender: us aussies are not always infected by your scary american memes!
03:29.41[TK]D-FenderJT : Besides tracy_ here is running Trixbox, so mediocrity is the NORM ;)
03:30.00[TK]D-Fenderorlok : .... I'm CANADIAN :D
03:30.35JTnorth american names, then :P
03:31.48bbsfanyone who might help with SIP trouble connecting to Hong Kong HKBN-2b?
03:32.12JTyes i'm sure everyone here knows what HKBN-2b is...
03:33.23bbsfwell, if it's not recognized it's unlikely help will be forthcoming :-)  (== Hong Kong Broadband Network "2b" service)
03:34.30*** join/#asterisk mog (
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03:37.29*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
03:38.00hmmhesaysallison fisher is kind of hot
03:39.23[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Pool... a game thats ALL about foreplay...
03:40.02[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Lean down over a flat hard surface. Spread your legs.  Give long  steady strocks with your "stick".
03:40.18*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
03:40.32[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : But remember its not how hard you slam your stick... but rather how you position your balls ;)
03:40.37Qwelltrying to put "balls" in a "pocket"
03:43.47[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Ewe Laurance = hottie....
03:44.57[TK]D-FenderLets not even get started about Jeanette Lee......
03:44.58JTthat sounds similar to Hugh Laurie...
03:44.58*** part/#asterisk mog (
03:50.51fileget back to work, slacker!
03:52.27*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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04:00.08*** join/#asterisk lee_is_me (
04:05.13lee_is_mehi all
04:06.54*** join/#asterisk naftali5 (
04:08.00lee_is_meI'm having a couple of problems with features.conf that I was hoping I could get some help with
04:08.04*** join/#asterisk BigCanOfTuna (
04:09.01BigCanOfTunaCan someone point me in the right direction for initiating a call from the server side, like as a result from making a request to a browser....if I remember correctly, it has something to do with creating a file in a certain directory....sorry, mind drawing a blank right now.
04:09.35BigCanOfTunaDoh, just found something on
04:10.34*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/unconfirmed/bhaal)
04:11.53*** join/#asterisk JVH (
04:13.36JVHAnyone using Grandstream GXP2000 phones?
04:14.01*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (
04:16.39*** part/#asterisk hoobastooba (
04:17.05lee_is_meI'm trying to get some help with features.conf.  I am having the following problems:
04:17.06lee_is_me1. If a call comes in and I place that call into callparking and then retrieve that call, the outside call will now have transfer capability when I did not give it transfer in the dial comment (no "T" was given, only "t").  I've tested this from a soft phone and a hard phone.  Can anyone suggest a pointer on where to look for the problem?
04:17.07lee_is_me2. I'm still using asterisk 1.2.4 and am having trouble getting features.conf variables such as blindxfer => *1 to work.  No matter what I do, only the # key will trigger a transfer.
04:17.09lee_is_meAny ideas?
04:19.03icyfire0573You've got to allow transfers in the dialplan to make transfers work.
04:19.07[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me : What kind of phones re you using?
04:20.08lee_is_meFender: I am using a budgetone 100
04:20.32[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me : Any other phones?
04:20.40lee_is_meicyfire: But why must an outside caller need to have transfer capabilities?
04:21.16lee_is_meno just that and xlite
04:22.03[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me : Ok, if not for x-lite, the BT has a dedicated transfer feature.  Maybe just get a better soft-[hone so you don't have to touch features.conf ever again.
04:23.19lee_is_meLOL, I want to touch features.conf!  Otherwise I'd just use trixbox or fonality ;)
04:23.20[TK]D-FenderDTMF driven call-features = ass
04:24.14[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me : No, using features.conf driven options with app_dial is crap.  get a real soft-phone that has native transfer capabilities and you won't ahve to worry about crap like this impacting parked calls, etc.
04:25.00lee_is_meOK, I see where you're coming from
04:25.22rpmi like being able to dial #9 and it start playing tt-monkeys to the person i am calling..
04:25.25*** join/#asterisk luke-jr_work (n=luke-jr@2002:1891:f663:0:205:4eff:fe44:18ed)
04:26.09[TK]D-Fenderrpm : ok, fine... for NON-basic stuff sure.
04:28.05lee_is_meFender: At any rate,  you're saying that I can only use the # key to transfer because it's built into the BT and maybe soft phone?
04:28.52*** join/#asterisk creativx (
04:30.03[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me : No, I'm saying with the BT you don't need "tT" or any of that period, and only X-Lite needs it because they crippled the native SIP transfer feature on it.  get another soft-phone and you can ditch "tT" altogether.
04:31.23hmmhesaysthat was a pretty bad ass match, the dutchess of doom beat out the kim
04:31.40lee_is_meFender: Ah got you now.  I wasn't sure how it related to my original questions.
04:32.51lee_is_meIf I'm not including "T" in the dial command to dial the extension, then any idea why when I put caller into parking and retrieve them, they now have xfer ability?
04:34.02[TK]D-Fenderlee_is_me : I'm guessing based on who is calling who at the point where the call is picked up.  Its a bridginge question with parking.
04:34.07tzangerQuesnel, BC is ... meh
04:34.36*** join/#asterisk Faithful1 (
04:35.16lee_is_meFender: Just seems odd and not very secure to have an outside caller get xfer ability into my system...
04:35.43tzangerlee_is_me: so don't give it to 'em :-)
04:36.01rpmtzanger: you're from quesnel?
04:36.08tzangerrpm: no, I'm in Quesnel right now
04:36.31rpmthats rough.
04:36.54tzangerrpm: heh
04:38.18lee_is_meAh well, maybe I'll have better luck on the message boards.  Night all.
04:38.23*** part/#asterisk lee_is_me (
04:39.18tzangerso he gets a call in, parks the dude and then retrieves him and the caller can transfer?
04:41.25*** part/#asterisk JVH (
04:41.26tzangerI don't think I've ever run into that
04:41.30tzangerI don't really do that though
04:41.33tzangermy phone use is very simple
04:42.02tzangereven though I'm an asterisk guru
04:42.25tzangerit's a zen thing...  when you have mastered the *, you will get by with a normal phone
04:43.04JTi guess transfering is pretty advanced :P
04:43.34*** join/#asterisk pemuda (n=hyde@
04:44.29pemudaanybody have a script to store data in mysql to write in sip.conf?
04:44.34[TK]D-FenderThe only reason for features.conf transfers is X-Lite.  Virtually every other solution has a native transfer option. (short of letting inbound boring PSTN callers think they're extensions)
04:44.52*** join/#asterisk _VIle (
04:45.16[TK]D-Fenderpemuda : Please rephrase.  That is unclear
04:45.28JT[TK]D-Fender: what about analogue phone extensions?
04:46.00*** join/#asterisk ronaldl79 (n=chatzill@
04:46.18[TK]D-FenderJT : Any real FXS interface will let you trigger this stuff on a hook-flash therefore liberating pre-hookflash DTMF for what its intended for
04:46.27pemudai need to write a new account in sip.conf based on data in some mysql database
04:46.42ronaldl79Well, #Asterisk-Gui is a lively bunch tonight. More like dead silence.
04:46.52JT[TK]D-Fender: ah hmm
04:46.52[TK]D-Fenderpemuda : And what do you want to use as the trigger to do this?
04:46.59JTronaldl79: welcome to every dya
04:47.24ronaldl79JT: I'm just trying to find out who else is having 404 errors with Asterisk-Gui after logging on.
04:48.04pemuda<[TK]D-Fender>: maybe some web application
04:48.09ronaldl79I've been searching everywhere for answer and haven't found anything. It doesn't make sense to me, because the config is flawless.
04:49.07pemuda<[TK]D-Fender>:like cgi-bin
04:49.24[TK]D-Fenderpemuda : Well so far these actions have nothing to do with *.  Your web-app is going to do its thing all on its own
04:50.24pemuda<[TK]D-Fender>: or maybe there is some shell or perl script so i can execute via crontab?
04:50.29*** part/#asterisk bbsf (
04:51.21[TK]D-Fenderpemuda : You can do it any which way you want.  this is web programming and has nothing to do with *.
04:51.46pemuda[TK]D-Fender:what is *. ?
04:52.04tzangerthere's a bird or mouse in my A/C unit in the hotel room
04:52.15BigCanOfTunaI have  a .call file that calls my cell phone, I want it to prompt me for a phone number when I pick up, however, it seems that as soon as it dails Zap/1/xxx it start prompting for the number (before I even have time to answer the phone), is there a command that tells the dial plan to wait until the connection is established?
04:52.27*** join/#asterisk eltech (
04:53.22[TK]D-Fenderpemuda : ASTERISK.  You know.  The PBX application who's channel you're in.
04:54.13[TK]D-Fenderpemuda : Thats like going to Mercedes Benz and asking how to make a milk-shake.
04:57.45[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna : What kind of PSTN link are you using?
04:58.12*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
04:58.43FuriousGeorgeBigCanOfTuna: show application background
04:58.46BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: Sorry dude, my experience with asterisk isn't great....PSTN link? I know what the PSTN is, but what do you mean by link?
04:59.22JTwell i assume your asterisk computer has some method to actually call your phone
04:59.43[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna : what kind of lines?
04:59.48FuriousGeorgeBigCanOfTuna: hes just asking how you hook up to the pstn
05:00.16BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: Well, just regular Telephone lines, to a Wildcat? card in my linux box.
05:00.25BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: I think that's what you mean.
05:00.44FuriousGeorgeyeah, thats an analog link to the pstn, so to speak
05:00.56FuriousGeorgeso you need a context for incoming calls
05:01.02[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna : Sorry, but analog lines are considered "answered" as soo as zaptel seizes the line.  Lack of call progress is a big reasont o go digital.
05:01.22BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: does this mean I can't do it?
05:01.47BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: The best I can do is put a long wait on it?
05:01.51[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna : you can try turning regional call progress indication on but that suually results in randomly dropped calls, etc.
05:02.16FuriousGeorgeand it sure does :)
05:02.16[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna : Just about.  Also think what happens when your cell's VOICEMAIL kicks in.  This whole idea kinda blows fast...
05:02.47BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: Cell phone doesn't have voice mail (I'm too cheep)
05:03.13tengulre11how to using the iaxclient on visual C++ 6.0?
05:03.17[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna : lucky you....
05:03.33BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: It's not an option for you? You have to have it?
05:04.05tzanger[TK]D-Fender's right, BigCanOfTuna... analog is a big pain in the ass and any cool hack is only cool in theory
05:04.11tzangertrust us on this
05:04.12[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna : No, I meant that semi-sarcastically... in that not EVERY force in the telecom world is against you on this :)
05:04.14tzangerwe've been there and done it
05:04.28BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: you.
05:04.45[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna : Only 95% of them :D
05:05.01[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna : Once you start pumping calls out the PSTN, its dial & pray :)
05:05.16wunderkini thought that there was a dial option 'c' that i saw mentioned on the lists sometimes... but it is not listed....
05:05.19BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: Alright, thanks.
05:05.59wunderkinthat required you to press # or something when you pick up to consider it answered
05:06.11tzangerI should go get a drink and some desert
05:06.39[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Indeed you should!
05:06.45tzanger[TK]D-Fender: I'm lazy
05:06.47tzangerand tired
05:06.49tzangerand not really hungry
05:06.56hadswunderkin: Yeah, that option is there but doesn't seem to be documented.
05:07.53tengulre11how to use the iaxclient.dll on Visual C++?
05:08.28wunderkinummm i wonder if my config is wrong or somethin, on my ip430, i have 2 registrations - 2 diff servers, but both the same username... the calls coming in for the 2nd reg come in on the 1st line... and it has displays the sip address for caller id... :P
05:08.47wunderkini think it must have a problem matching them now
05:10.07tzangerhello file
05:10.18filehow're things?
05:10.57JTBigCanOfTuna: another potential hackish solution is using a wait priority or something
05:11.14JTso after a certain amount of time it then gives you the option
05:11.25BigCanOfTunaJT: Yea, that is what I just did...wait 10 seconds.
05:11.31BigCanOfTunaWorked alright.
05:11.57BigCanOfTunaJT: I'm going to set up a google talk bot that will call me on command...nothing special.
05:12.23JTsomeone should update the wiki to at least include the c option
05:12.33JTand wunderkin seems to know something about it :P
05:12.44wunderkinit should be in show application :P
05:12.44resistancewhat do u guys think of running asterisk on debian
05:13.07wunderkinits all file's fault
05:13.29JTresistance: works fine
05:13.41resistancebetter than centos?
05:13.48filewunderkin: darn right
05:13.49wunderkinhow about... running asterisk on..... hmm.. os/2? :P
05:13.55JTit's just a distribution
05:14.09JTcentos has a bug that affects asterisk too, so i guess you could say it works better
05:14.14WilliamKwunderkin, that would be just down out right wacky
05:14.25*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (
05:14.53[TK]D-Fenderresistance : Almost any *nix will do.
05:15.07JTexcept if you want to use hardware
05:15.12JTthen usually a form of linux
05:15.15JTis easiest
05:15.25JT(and sometimes the only thing supported)
05:15.57resistancejt: appreciate it
05:19.40Strom_Mresistance, finally decide to ditch trixbox?
05:19.42*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:25.35X-RobJT, 'a bug that affects asterisk'? What bug?
05:27.12resistancetrixbox fuckin sucks my #$@!
05:27.18jbothmm... centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
05:27.52resistancei am a very pissed off person right now
05:28.19resistancestron_m, one question, can i get something that will log calls like trixbox, i like that feature
05:28.30tengulre11anybody using AsteriskNOW ?
05:28.41tengulre11is that good?
05:29.53[TK]D-Fenderresistance : You can use the same GUI for tracking your CDR's without surrendering your entire system over to a GUI.
05:30.57JT[TK]D-Fender: how?
05:31.47[TK]D-FenderJT : What do you mean how?  CDR's can be viewed and processed by a large number of GUI;d tools that won't impede how you deploy the rest of your system.
05:32.44JTi thought you meant you could use the trixbox CDR viewer without the rest of it
05:34.23[TK]D-FenderJT : You can.  It just reads them out of a MySQL Database.  just keep the rest of the GUI away from your files by whatever means you feel like and there you go.
05:34.47JTheh, was that what you were suggesting?
05:34.57[TK]D-FenderJT : its a seperate product, jsut like FOP, and so much else that Trixbox uses.
05:35.44[TK]D-FenderJT : So-so.  more like you could get the exact same viewer as a seperate download and build it in yourself, or get another similar one.  There are plenty of them out there.
05:36.13filetrixbox be a package of it all together matey! yarrrrrr
05:36.27russellbgo to bed
05:36.36filerussellb: I'm talking to a friend on my cellular telephone!
05:37.03russellbi'm just jealous :-p
05:37.03JT"ARR, want to see what's in my box of TRIX??"
05:37.30russellbyou don't know my number!
05:37.38Corydon76-homeAre you sure?
05:37.40filerussellb: I know 2 of your numbers!
05:37.46russellbCorydon76-home: no :)
05:38.08Corydon76-homeNeither am I.
05:38.08russellbi have ... no number!
05:38.18fileI have too many! >_<
05:38.39*** join/#asterisk juanmanuel (n=jmacz@
05:38.59russellbi'm *that* old ... I got the number 7
05:40.04Corydon76-homeIn Soviet Russia, number calls YOU!
05:40.18FuriousGeorgei got an icq number in the 6 digits i still use from time to time
05:40.22juanmanuelHi everyone, any one knows where I can find information about the prices for assisting to the next astricon (or the prices of the last one at Dallas). The Astricon site doesn't provides much information on this.
05:40.55FuriousGeorgeassisting!=attending my multilingual friend
05:40.55filerussellb: are you... 911?
05:41.44juanmanuelFuriousGeorge, yes I mean attending (sorry e.s.l)
05:42.15FuriousGeorgejuanmanuel: lo siento, pero no se el precio ;)
05:43.18juanmanuelFuriousGeorge, vale, en todo caso gracias :P
05:43.32russellbfile: yes no maybe so
05:43.37FuriousGeorgeno hay porque
05:43.52filegah emails! go away.
05:44.03*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
05:44.16russellbfile: fine.  not that important
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05:50.49*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (n=me@
05:51.24Newbie___hi , anyone using a adit 600
05:52.08tzangerNewbie___: yep
05:53.12Newbie___tzanger: thank god. if i have a 48 FXS in one box and a router card, do i still need a TDM ?
05:53.44tzangerI haven't used the router card before but unless it does TDMoE and it's the exact same spec as what Zaptel does, you're scrogged
05:54.14Newbie___hmm , i though by using CMG card, i would not need a TDM card
05:54.46tzangerNewbie___: you need ot research first :-)
05:55.08Newbie___tzanger: been lookig for days
05:55.48*** join/#asterisk ozoneco (
05:55.49Newbie___just not sure if a CMG card can handle 48 FXS
05:56.18*** join/#asterisk anthonyl (n=anthonyl@
05:56.19tzangeragain, unless the CMG is giving you SIP or TDMoE, and the latter is the same "brand" as what zteth uses, it's useless
05:56.51Newbie___tzanger: ok
05:59.31*** join/#asterisk swdevv (n=software@VDSL-130-13-100-226.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
06:00.51tzangerlove it
06:01.12jboti heard centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
06:01.23*** join/#asterisk stephane (
06:02.37X-Robjbot no, centos bug was  a problem with the 2.6.9-42 kernels prior to 2.6.9-42.0.1. If you can't compile zaptel, do a 'yum update', you're running an old kernel. If you HAVE to run an old kernel, the fix is "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
06:02.39jbotX-Rob: what are you talking about?
06:02.51X-Robjbot no, centosbug was a problem with the 2.6.9-42 kernels prior to 2.6.9-42.0.1. If you can't compile zaptel, do a 'yum update', you're running an old kernel. If you HAVE to run an old kernel, the fix is "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
06:02.52jbotX-Rob: I think you lost me on that one
06:03.04X-Robjbot no, centosbug is  a problem with the 2.6.9-42 kernels prior to 2.6.9-42.0.1. If you can't compile zaptel, do a 'yum update', you're running an old kernel. If you HAVE to run an old kernel, the fix is "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
06:03.06jbotokay, X-Rob
06:03.09X-RobThere we go.
06:04.27*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
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06:05.37Newbie___tzanger: yes, a CMG router card can support up to 48 FXS
06:05.48JTX-Rob: dude, in private next time :P
06:05.53Newbie___and uses MGCP protocol
06:06.18tzangerNewbie___: oh, MGCP
06:06.24tzangeryou can probably get away with it then
06:06.43X-RobMGCP *spit*
06:06.49Newbie___tzanger: only support FXS at this time
06:09.44*** join/#asterisk npalmer (n=nate@
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06:13.50Strom_Mwell, i think the aastra 480i wins the "bedside phone" contest for now
06:14.02JTno ip650?
06:14.14tzangerbedside phone for me is a Panasonic 5GHz cordless
06:14.17Strom_Mdont have one of those
06:14.19hadsHuh, what's the critera for a bedside phone?
06:14.38tzangerhads: barowarm-chicka-chicka-barowarm-barowarm ringtones
06:14.43hadsMy main critera is no lights.
06:14.50Strom_Mbut the 480i wins on the grounds of having a loud ringer that sounds like a phone ringing and not like synthesizers farting, and a backlit screen
06:14.52hadstzanger: Hahaha
06:15.17*** join/#asterisk Splat (
06:15.22JTrofl, syntehsizers farting
06:15.30JTdo they make for bad wakeup calls?
06:15.44Strom_MJT: that polycom ringer just will not wake me up
06:16.08JTmaybe you need a force transducer under the matress
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06:53.01Strom_Minstant catsex
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07:51.42hadsquit your red crap.
07:51.54hadsand your yelling.
07:52.12sevardyou should be banned for using that sort of text in any channel.
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07:54.28*** join/#asterisk DarkWater13 (n=erestu@
07:54.57DarkWater13Hi, someone can help me, with a small question? ( i think it´s easy for you :D )
07:55.26Strom_Mthe answer is lol=very
07:56.34DarkWater13thx Strom_M ... are you a good friend ...
07:56.44DarkWater13Please, it´s an important thing.
07:56.58hadsSo... ask the question then.
07:57.13hadsNo one wants to hear you ask about asking a question.
07:57.13*** join/#asterisk pfn (
07:57.18Strom_Mperhaps if you just asked the question instead of writing a lengthy preamble, we'd be able to get on with answering it
07:58.06DarkWater13ok, sorry. I only want to be educated
07:58.16hadsYou just have been :)
07:59.00DarkWater13Good. I have now Asterisk installed on a server. I have 2 zapchannels with a Digium card, and 2 IPPHones. All runs fine, the inbound calls are redirectly to the phones each of zapchannel.
07:59.14DarkWater13My problem is that i don´t know how to assign a zapchannel to each IPphone
07:59.27DarkWater13channel 1, only for ipphone 1
07:59.30DarkWater13and channel2, only for ipphone 2
07:59.36DarkWater13( I have Asterisk@Home )
07:59.40hadsYou would use a different context
07:59.50jbotmethinks trixbox is NOT supported here!  People using it should join #trixbox or #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
07:59.51DarkWater13yes, Trixbox, sorry
08:00.04hadsOver that way ->
08:00.25DarkWater13Ok , i understand
08:00.33DarkWater13Thx for your time
08:00.39mitchelochave you tried asterisk now instead?
08:01.24DarkWater13I know that asterisk isn´t equal that trixbox, but i think that you knows that.
08:01.44DarkWater13I have read all extensions.conf, and I intuit someone .. but ..
08:02.50hadsDon't bother trying to read the extensions.conf from trixbox, you won't get anywhere.
08:03.48DarkWater13oh, and .. have you some idea for me ? Any information will be good
08:04.02hadsYes, we told you already.
08:04.08jbotsomebody said trixbox was NOT supported here!  People using it should join #trixbox or #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
08:04.44DarkWater13yes, i have readed this, but in trixbox there are nobody :D
08:04.54DarkWater13Also .. thx for your help.
08:07.51*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
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08:27.13angryusersorry for offtopic, has anyone here managed to get to work netgear vpn switch with openvpn?
08:28.29hadstry #openvpn
08:30.29evilbunysearch for openwrt
08:37.49*** join/#asterisk _omer (i=_omer@
08:38.01_omeranyone know how to delete an IP Alias ?
08:38.42*** join/#asterisk kumamoto (
08:39.27_omerno linux...and didnt get answer in ##linux
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08:40.38hadsSo you came here? Tey man ip
08:41.32_omerifconfig eth0:0  IP_ADDRESS to create an alias
08:41.36_omerbut how to delete it
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08:51.25*** join/#asterisk Oh-Ya (
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08:51.40Oh-Yacan some one tell me which codec got better voice quailty g723 or Ilbc
08:53.07*** join/#asterisk badcfe (
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08:54.05DavitFrom818is there any softphone for windows that supports LPC10 codec?
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08:58.56dlynes_laptopOh-Ya: probably ilbc, but it's got a huge demand on the processor
08:59.16dlynes_laptopDavitFrom818: you want to sound like a robot?
08:59.26*** join/#asterisk frogzoo (n=frogzoo@
08:59.29DavitFrom818its allow=speex?
08:59.40dlynes_laptopDavitFrom818: no...lpc10 is different from speex
08:59.55DavitFrom818is speex better?
08:59.58dlynes_laptopDavitFrom818: Why not take ulaw from the softphone, and convert it to lpc10 inline, then?
09:00.04dlynes_laptopDavitFrom818: yes
09:00.16dlynes_laptopDavitFrom818: but not for robot sounding codecs
09:00.20DavitFrom818ok here is my problem
09:00.24dlynes_laptopDavitFrom818: for human sounding codecs
09:00.34DavitFrom818my user gets charged per meg
09:00.45DavitFrom818i was hoping i can get 5 minutes of talk time for 1 meg
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09:00.49DavitFrom818is that possible?
09:00.50Maroderhi, i have problem with ata grandstream device, when user make a call transfer the device just die and only way is turn off
09:00.59dlynes_laptopDavitFrom818: why not go with g729?
09:01.02Maroderanybody with same problem ?
09:01.03DavitFrom818i am
09:01.12DavitFrom818i get 2 1/2 minutes for 1 meg
09:01.22DavitFrom818i was hoping i can get 5 or more
09:01.32dlynes_laptopDavitFrom818: one second
09:02.49monstedmmm, g711ulaw :)
09:03.31DavitFrom818yeah that would give me about half a minute for 3 megs
09:03.33dlynes_laptopDavitFrom818: g729 is a lower bandwidth codec than ilbc
09:03.42*** join/#asterisk badcfe (
09:03.45DavitFrom818so should i try speex?
09:03.55monstedwe want our users to use as much bandwidth as possible so they'll buy fatter pipes
09:04.09dlynes_laptopDavitFrom818: erm...nvm....ilbc is slightly less bandwidth than g729
09:04.24monstedspeex is quite configurable, but sounds like crap
09:04.42hadsmonsted: That's a rash generalisation.
09:05.25monstedyes, it is
09:05.28Oh-Yais asterisk come with ilbc codec
09:05.35Oh-Yaor i have to install it seprately
09:05.36*** join/#asterisk nortex_work (
09:05.49DavitFrom818i installed it
09:05.58DavitFrom818ok guys
09:06.02DavitFrom818im going to hit the sack
09:06.08DavitFrom818good night thnx for everything
09:06.11monsteddon't do that, she might press charges
09:19.03Marodercan somebody help me
09:20.27*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
09:22.49dlynes_laptopMaroder: never run into that problem, personally...but then again, I use sipuras, not grandstreams
09:24.34Maroderdlynes_laptop ahamz
09:25.03*** join/#asterisk inspired (n=mikael@
09:25.27hadsClearing your throat?
09:25.52JTMaroder: ?
09:26.58hadsWow, an ad just reminded me that's it's only 6 days till christmas.
09:27.48MaroderJT <Maroder> hi, i have problem with ata grandstream device, when user make a call transfer the device just die and only way
09:27.51EmleyMoorI can't detect distinctive rings if caller ID detection is turned on, even with the patch installed and enabled - I'm on BT in the UK - can anyone advise what I might be able to do, if anything?
09:28.19JTget an isdn line ;)
09:28.21EmleyMoor(all ring cadences appear as 0,0,0)
09:29.06EmleyMoorWithout getting an ISDN line
09:33.40EmleyMoorAre there any workable FoIP options (for *?) yet?
09:34.04JTnot as far as i'm aware
09:34.04MaroderJT are you work with grandstream ata
09:34.07EmleyMoor(I still need dring detection for another purpose)
09:34.27JTthe only solutions i'm aware of aren't with asterisk, EmleyMoor
09:34.33JTMaroder: no
09:36.54*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
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09:38.41EmleyMoorAnyone else got any clues on Caller ID and dring detection on BT?
09:38.52FreePBX8734hello....I was wondering if anyone here has connected an Asterisk box to a PABX in the specific designed of having 2 cards, one connecting to in TE mode to a T1/E1 serice and another card T1/E1 card in NT Mode connecting to a PABX?
09:40.01FreePBX8734or any information on doing so?
09:41.02JTwell it's quite possible
09:42.28*** join/#asterisk tr2x (n=alvar@
09:42.34FreePBX8734sure...I know this ;-) But looking for cards that do it (from what I can tell Digium don't have an E1 card that talked in NT mode for connecting to the PABX) and also can't find a how-to
09:42.45JTthey do
09:43.02JTthe mode is set in software
09:43.11JTT1 or E1 is set by a jumper
09:43.56FreePBX8734talking about NT mode and TE Mode...NT mode is for connnecting to a PABX and TE mode is for connecting to a T1/E1 ISDN service
09:44.13FreePBX8734once need a card that supports NT mode, most only do TE Mode
09:44.30JTi know very well about the modes
09:44.40FreePBX8734ok...sorry I don't other than what I've just said
09:44.57JTTE mode = pri_cpe, NT mode = pri_net
09:45.30FreePBX8734for example of you look at Digium's new 4 Port BRI card is states that it does TE and NT mode....whereas on Digium's information on their E1/T1 cards it doesn't state this
09:45.53JTi think they do it, even if it's stated
09:45.57JTnot stated there anyone that has done a how-to/example on the net using Asterisk connecting to a PABX?
09:47.15FreePBX8734specifically in the design of being in front of the PABX instead of "tacked on to the side"
09:47.38JTthere are some mediocre docs online
09:47.43JTi know, gateway configuration
09:47.58JTit's not hard once you have an understanding of asterisk
09:48.26FreePBX8734well I am pretty ok with Asterisk...but never done this design
09:49.11FreePBX8734got a number of boxes out there with Digium card in them, using FXS devices and even tacked on to the side of a PABX...but never done it in front of a PABX...
09:49.13JTyou basically just have two pri spans
09:49.26JTcalls go between them as you desire, some calls can go via voip if you wish
09:50.05FreePBX8734ok...all sounds simple enough...but was looking forward to reading someone else's how-to first ;-)
09:50.24JTdon't use freepbx though :P
09:50.51FreePBX8734how come? FreePBX using handles most things ok?
09:51.16*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
09:51.32JTnot great for business
09:51.38JThard to manage in the long term
09:51.45JTit makes horrible dialplans
09:51.46*** join/#asterisk xnon (n=xnon@
09:52.53FreePBX8734all true...but quick and easy for a simple small business that is really only interested in adding in some SIP phones and keeping their old PABX all still using their ISDN for outbound...not real routing..all calls go via the ISDN
09:54.11JTyou won't find much support for it either
09:55.15FreePBX8734actually...quite honestly I've found the other way around...massive and really good forums for FreePBX etc. Even Rob helps out a lot himself...not much on plain Asterisk and you have to dig dig dig dig etc.
09:55.57inspiredEmleyMoor, you might have luck with for fax
09:59.07*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
10:00.01JTFreePBX8734: shrug, up to you, the experienced people here will all recommend against doing PRIs worth of business (or any business) on ast
10:00.54FreePBX8734sorry JT, you recommand against using PRIs with Asterisk? Not sure what you mean
10:01.24JTfreepbx i mean
10:01.55JTif you're experienced like you say you are, you would've moved on from freepbx
10:03.59FreePBX8734I used FreePBX for limiting end users in companies to manage their own PBX, like adding an extention easily etc....without it, or similar products, the cost of owning a soft PBX for companies is reduced over a typical plain old PABX's the way Digium is going itself anyhow
10:04.20FreePBX8734so, live with it JT ;-)
10:05.04FreePBX8734not everyone wishes to waste time and be hardcore...not everyone needs or wants carrier grade Asterisks
10:06.25JTasterisk doesn't have an S on the end
10:06.30JTand is not really carrier grade
10:06.52JTand end users should not be configuring more than their name on their phone and voicemail
10:07.11JTpabxs are beyond the understanding level of most users
10:07.42JTthe cost of ownership should reduced due to being able to do lots more for less money
10:08.01JTnot because you let noobs screw up your pabx
10:08.44sweeperbut then you  can charge them $$$ to fix it >.>
10:10.03JTdigium is doing a gui because there obviously is a market, newbies/lazy people, and because freepbx makes such horrible dialplans
10:10.21*** join/#asterisk Aboulafia (
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10:14.29EmleyMoorIs there a general * support mailing list?
10:15.19Oh-YaJT so you are saying Asterisk gui will be better then Frepbx
10:15.33EmleyMoorOK - will look into joining - maybe someone on there will have an idea for my dring problem
10:15.36JTit may be one day
10:15.49JTbut i also say you should avoid guis to build your pbx
10:16.14*** join/#asterisk tr2x_ (
10:16.17Oh-Yawell I think beigners like me its good to have gui once you know the hole system then you can paly around with cli
10:16.45JTthe risk there is that guis can teach you bad habits though
10:17.06Oh-Yaits heard when you are not linux sabby ... to use cli
10:17.34JTwell you need to learn *nix of course
10:18.45*** join/#asterisk isladelobos (
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10:52.14MGSsanchook at work im going to setp asterisk. i want to do this,    T1 -> cisco 1700 then have data out ts ethernet port, and have another T1WIC -> an asterisk box
10:52.19MGSsanchois shit possible
10:53.31MGSsanchoi would like for my internets to go through the 1700. and see if the 1700 can split the channels so the voice goes to an asterisk box with a digium t1 card
10:53.51MGSsanchoand i have 1 more question, can i put a T1 card in a PCI-X slot?
10:54.39Aboulafiahi everyone....
10:56.26Aboulafiai would like to offer to myself (for chrismas) a book :)
10:56.37*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
10:56.52Aboulafiai was looking for the oreilly, asterisk, the future of voip... what do you think about it ?
10:57.31MGSsanchohavent read the oreilly one et =/
10:58.27JTAboulafia: future of telephony you mean
10:58.37AboulafiaJT: yes ;]
10:58.37JTAboulafia: it's generally considered the yardstick of asterisk books
10:58.39JTthe standard
10:58.46FreePBX8734JT, you sound like a LINUX person that doesn't agree with GUI's for desktops
10:58.47JTyou can read it for free first if you wish
10:59.08jbotextra, extra, read all about it, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
10:59.18JTFreePBX8734: GUIs are good for desktops and users
10:59.23JTa PBX is NOT a destop item
10:59.45[hC]hmm .... uh -oh's.... my remote polycom upgrade seems to have requested the boot rom, wrote the boot log, then stopped.
10:59.52FreePBX8734but...I've still found that there is nothing I cannot do with FreePBX as per doing it from conf files...
10:59.54AboulafiaJT: ok, but I love paper support :)
11:00.10JTyeah paper is easier to read in a lot of ways
11:00.16AboulafiaJT: but i will have a look about it befoire bying
11:00.41*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
11:01.07JTMGSsancho: if the 1700 has 2 T1 interfaces and can act as an add-drop interface, then yes it can be done
11:01.18JTif you have voice and Internet data delivered over the same T1
11:01.30JTadd-drop multiplexer i meant
11:01.49MGSsanchoahh cool. o i just need to but another T1 WIC then
11:02.16JTi would check the 1700 can do it
11:02.36JTdoes your Internet and TDM voice get delivered over the same T1?
11:02.49MGSsanchothere are also fxs and fxo cards for the 1700 <__<
11:03.05MGSsanchoit will when i call at&t
11:03.30JTi assume there is some financial advantage to doing so, otherwise it wouldn't be worth it
11:03.37MGSsanchoboss wants to get of of our 2pots and 1 fax line
11:03.49MGSsanchoit would save $157 a month
11:03.56JTumm, will it be proper TDM voice
11:04.01JTor delivered over IP
11:04.34MGSsanchoim just curious if we would need to change our buisness phone numbers
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11:05.26MGSsanchoif its TDM, im assuming we get slower internets and keep the numbers
11:05.27Aboulafiajust to say, because, I'm so proud about my last stupid thing that i do : @home (because I've to internet access) I've 2 asterisk, who are runing in the same domU, with one allowed to use my TDM400P :)
11:05.41Aboulafia(and it's seem to wok fine :)) )
11:05.48Ahrimanesanyone using cisco's "piggyback" nat feature with asterisk?
11:06.07JTAboulafia: domU?
11:06.26*** join/#asterisk FWP (n=FWP@unaffiliated/fwp)
11:06.46AboulafiaJT: yep in a Xen virtual machine :)
11:06.56JTwhat is domU?
11:07.03MGSsanchoJT,if i had it dilivered over IP, i would need to get a third party VoIP and get new phonenumber correct?
11:07.21JTi have no idea what number portability islike in your area
11:07.23JTbut possibly
11:07.39Aboulafiain Xen you have the Dom0 who is the hypervisor (who give physical ressouce to the virtual machine) and all the virtual machine called DomU
11:07.49JTah ok
11:10.59*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
11:11.18AboulafiaJT: so it's less expensivive than buying several computer....
11:14.59Aboulafiaand I prepare two asterisk, because I've two internet access, and with SIP.... but my problem, now, is to make a correct dialplan to allowed everyone to register onto each asterisk, with the same dialplan....
11:17.25*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
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11:27.28shtoomHi can we use asterisk realtime static and realtime dynamic simultaneously?
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11:28.10RoyKwtf is realtime static?
11:28.36MGSsanchoi think hes missing 2 camas
11:29.25shtoomRoyK: realtime static is storing *.conf files is in database
11:30.12*** join/#asterisk FreePBX3608 (n=FreePBX3@
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11:30.52shtoomand dynamic is storing sip peers or user in database not the exact .conf files, that is what i came to know after hours of googling
11:31.27*** join/#asterisk Faithful1 (
11:33.49shtoomthe later link says so static realtime and dynamic realtime but to avoid confusion we may simply call it as database static configuration and database realtime configuration for asterisk
11:34.51shtoomHi can we use asterisk static and realtime database configurations simultaneously?
11:35.33shtoomAre there any known problems by doing so?
11:37.36*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
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11:43.20kippiwhat is the best way of linking to asterisk servers together? SIP?
11:47.09shtoomHi can we use asterisk static and realtime database configurations simultaneously? Are there any known problems by doing so?
11:50.14*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
11:52.24Ahrimanesshtoom, is it realtime for some config files and static for others or a mix that you want?
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11:57.13shtoomAhrimanes: thanx for the reply yes,i want a mix, because there is no way to use "include" statement (in entensions table ) as well as register a trunk in realtime sip table
11:58.06RoyKshtoom: how can "static" == "realtime"?? "realtime" implies dynamic operation, as in 'config is updated in realtime'
11:59.15Ahrimanesshtoom, i do believe that if you use realtime sip peers, you can still do register's in sip.conf
11:59.35shtoomit is explained here
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12:01.01kippikaldemar: many thanks
12:01.57shtoomAhrimanes : ya i can do that but i am writing a web based interface for asterisk where i dont want to parse a text file, want to do every thing in database
12:03.13Ahrimanesshtoom, i doubt you can do #include like things in the database.. but do test..
12:05.20*** join/#asterisk stephane (
12:05.50shtoomAhrimanes: in realtime database you can't use include,  just scroll down to the last part of this page and see that we can use include statement there as there is no column to hold that !
12:10.20*** join/#asterisk tr2x (
12:11.54shtoomHi can we use asterisk static and realtime database configurations simultaneously? Are there any known problems by doing so?
12:14.44*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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12:21.35Ahrimanesshtoom, i think it's safe to say by now, that noone here seems to have an answer.. test it, and write a howto :)
12:26.03*** join/#asterisk frogzoo (n=frogzoo@
12:26.58kippihas anyone got anyideas why when using exten => 478102,1,Dial(sip/1130&sip/1134&sip/1131&sip/1133&sip/1135&sip/1136&sip/1138&sip/1141&sip/1139) why they dnt keep on ringing, my moblie keeps on ringing and asterisk dosn't hang up but the phones stop anyideas?
12:28.22shtoomAhrimanes: Oh this is my first query on this irc, ya i'll test it if noone is going to answer , anyways thanx for your help
12:28.57*** join/#asterisk amir_ (n=amir@
12:31.51hwtkippi: try with e.g. a |300 at the end of the appdata.
12:32.05hwtkippi: to force it to dial for 300 seconds.
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12:36.44kippihwt: is there a default setting for one min somewhere?
12:38.42kippihmm that stoped to
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12:53.12hwtkippi: sorry, i have problems understanding you.
12:54.57kippiThere must be a default setting somewhere that tells the phones to keep on ringing but not hangup the call
12:55.37DrCronah, you mean the Dial timeout?
12:55.49hwtkippi: try with |300 after the Dial. like this: Dial(SIP/foo&SIP/bar&...|300)
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13:07.39xainwhere CDR save in LINUX ???
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13:09.25kaldemarxain: if you're using asterisk: /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv
13:09.31jmesquitaIs anyone using dynamic queue members here?
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13:10.07jmesquitaOr has anyone used ?
13:11.25DrCronso, asterisk realy wants a hardware timing source it seems. What is the cheapest available one
13:12.00xain<kaldemar> yeah i m using .. asterisk ... and want to delete some record from back hand ... don't want to delete from DB .. can i delete from back hand ...
13:12.20tzafrirDrCron, x100p
13:13.12DrCronnice, can it recieve faxes?
13:13.13tmkann hier wer deutsch? ;)
13:13.18DrCronnot needed, just wondering
13:13.57hwtcan anyone recommend a mysql-cdr web-frontend?
13:14.05hwtopen source/FOSS.
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13:14.56tmeliXier: hallo
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13:28.32cjlowethe "goodbye" recording is so darn enthusiastic...
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13:41.34robl^need coffee!!!  morning everyone
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13:44.17cjlowerofl,  morning robl^
13:45.10tzangeryou're telling me
13:45.24tzangeris it 5:45 or 6:45 in British Columbia right now?
13:46.06*** join/#asterisk vooduhal (
13:46.26vooduhalWould there be a reason why pressing "*" on a zap channel would cause problems?
13:46.48tzangerI think there's a dial option which lets you hang up with *
13:47.31*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (i=icebrkr@
13:48.14robl^how is everyone this morning?
13:49.12cjlowerobl^, pretty darn good
13:49.17cjlowerobl^, you?
13:50.26tmanybody here?
13:50.32heartonesdoing well here u?
13:50.39robl^cjlowe: I have coffee on my desk.  I will be ok, soon
13:50.46tmheartones: i need help
13:51.10cjlowerobl^, nice =)
13:51.10tmheartones: can u help me with misdn? ;)
13:51.10heartonesany one has configured a sipura 3000 here
13:51.10cjlowerobl^, I know the feeling... just hang in for the coffee :)
13:51.32cjlowehey, quick question... asterisk isn't beeping when we one-touch-record calls, where is one-touch defined? we just want a confirm beep.
13:51.45cjloweheartones, is that the one with the port in as well as out?
13:51.48*** join/#asterisk PupenoR (n=pupeno@2002:c87b:b75a:1:240:f4ff:fe6b:7650)
13:52.13heartonescjlowe : the one with FXO/FXS/RJ
13:52.51heartonesI just wanted to know if I have to load a specific driver on zaptel.conf
13:53.49heartoneswould asterisk recognize it automatically
13:53.58cjloweheartones, doesn't it act as a SIP device?
13:54.16heartonesyes it does
13:54.38heartonesI wanted to hook it up to the pstn as well
13:55.20cjloweheartones, ahh :) only ever used it as an extension, sorry... maybe you define it as a sip trunk, at a guess... but I wouldn't know
13:55.43heartoneskwel start protocols and the span, etc.... do I have to set this manually for it
13:56.16*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_ (n=tzafrir@
13:56.20heartonesI haven't hooked it up yet :)
13:58.05cjloweheartones, I honestly wouldn't know :) it was ages ago, and I just added it as an extension, so I pretty much just copied and pasted everything...
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13:58.58tmcan anybody speak german here?
13:59.15heartonesso if I use it as an extention I won't be needing to lood any zaptel driver
13:59.23heartonestm : little
13:59.31cjlowetm I can, but its been a while
13:59.44tmheartones / cjlowe ah schoen
13:59.48cjloweheartones, as an extension, I don't think you can route calls through it
14:00.17tmich möchte meinen isdn asterisk server anwählen (it works..) und mich dann weiter verbinden mit einer bestimmten numme,r wie mache ich das?
14:01.00cjloweI want to dial my asterisk server and then get further connected to a specific number, how do I do that?
14:01.09cjlowemy ISDN asterisk server*
14:01.13nibbler_detm: du willst via isdn einen anruf annehmen und ihn wieder via isdn rausschicken an eine bestimmte nummer?
14:01.16cjlowefor those who don't understand :)
14:01.29tmnibbler_de: ah hi :-)
14:01.44nibbler_demahlzeit ;)
14:01.54tmnibbler_de: genau. ich hab zum esten ein: exten => 37061215,1, Dial(misdn/1/08003301000)
14:01.57tmdas tut.
14:01.58tmich moechte abeR:
14:02.09*** join/#asterisk EyeCue` (
14:02.18nibbler_de.oO(warum nehmen alle grad diese nummer immer zum testen *gg*)
14:02.26tmnu moecht eich aber 37061215 anrufen, einen pin eingeben bsp. 1234, und dann ein OK hoeren.. wie auch immer und dann
14:02.36tmeine weitere nummer eingeben wohin er mich verbinden soll
14:02.38cjlowenibbler_de, LOL
14:02.53nibbler_detm: du willst dir mal disa ansehen ;) und nach disa gucken
14:03.43tmfind hier kein disa
14:03.51tmnibbler_de: kann man das ned irgend wie realisieren?
14:03.57tmmit meinem normalen aufgesetzt asterisk?
14:04.00nibbler_demit dem disa command
14:04.21tmauch so mit pin und so?
14:04.26nibbler_deich kann grad nicht  cut&pasten, sonst wuert ich dir schnell den teil aus meiner config geben
14:04.50tmnibbler_de: ja klar... nibbler_de lad mal hoch
14:05.04nibbler_deich lade dir sicher nicht meine config hoch
14:05.32tmnibbler_de: aeh. nein doch nicht die ganze.
14:05.35tmhorn horn..
14:06.24nibbler_deman google ;) der tipp von wegen "disa" sollte dich eigentlich schon in die richtige richtung bringen
14:07.03robl^Ich bin krank, aber ich trinke jetzt Kaffee. Ich verbessere bald.
14:07.11nibbler_dedas example2
14:07.13tmnibbler_de: iss disa schon mit drin?
14:07.19tmoder en modul?
14:07.41nibbler_demodul? aehm - ist halt ne application - und die ist standardmaessig freilich dabei
14:07.49tmnibbler_de: iss ja gut!  :-)
14:08.10cjlowewie komisch... dies ist ja ##australia, doch sprechen wir alle auf deutsch
14:08.52*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (n=gsdfgdgf@
14:08.53nibbler_decjlowe: je parle francais aussi si tu veux changer la langue ;)
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14:09.22cjloweengrxyz, mmhmm?
14:09.36cjlowebah, i'm such an idiot, this isn't ##australia, it's #asterisk
14:09.55cjloweit's 1am in australia, so I claim tiredness in defense
14:10.02tmnibbler_de: was eigenartig ist das er immer scho abspielt obwohl ich onch ned verbunden bin?
14:10.03engrxyzneed some help down here.. i am a totally should i get a dialtone from my ip phone
14:10.18tmnibbler_de: also manchmal bekomm ich ein wort ned mit..
14:10.51nibbler_detm: wait(1) ist dein freund ;)
14:10.55nibbler_demach ich hier auch so
14:10.56robl^Ich werde nicht von den deutschen Sprechern gestört. Ich kann Deutsches gut verstehen, leider ich spreche es nicht gut.
14:11.21nibbler_derobl^: your german is... uhm... improvable.
14:11.23cjlowerobl^, ich habe das selbe Problem
14:11.29engrxyzi installed asterisk but i cannot get a dialtone when i attached my ip phone to it
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14:11.46cjloweengrxyz, what do you mean by "attach" your phone?
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14:11.58tmnibbler_de: geil
14:12.16robl^I only had 6 weeks of german.  ;-)
14:12.17djfluxanyone with a 1.4.0-beta4 and an Ekiga softphone want to verify something for me?  DTMF within a call doesn't seem to work and I want to make sure it's not just me
14:12.26*** join/#asterisk tdonahue-laptop (
14:12.29tmnibbler_de: darf ich nochmal? ;9
14:12.34nibbler_detm: was?
14:12.47tmnibbler_de: das mit dem passwor thab ich nun. um nun weiter zu verbinden geht das dann so?
14:12.55tmode so aehnlich?
14:13.16nibbler_deaehm - nimm halt disa
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14:14.18engrxyzi have a unix box with fresh asterisk installed on it. one of its interface is connected to a which in which my ip phone is connected as well. hints and tips on how to get the dial-tone?
14:15.32tmnibbler_de: wenn du wieder da bist schrei mal kurz ;)
14:16.26cjloweengrxyz, would recommend you define an extension for the phone and set the details for it in the phone :)
14:16.27*** join/#asterisk tdonahue-laptop (
14:17.02engrxyzcjlowe: this are my extensions.conf entries
14:17.08engrxyzexten => 14344,hint,SIP/sipura
14:17.08engrxyzexten => sipura,1,Goto(internal,14344,1)
14:17.21jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
14:17.24cjloweengrxyz, better not to paste stuff here :)
14:17.31engrxyzok sorry
14:18.08engrxyzcjlowe: those are my entries
14:18.33robl^pasting more then 2 lines is usually enoug to have you hung, skinned, boiled, and electrocuted.  ;-)
14:18.53engrxyzon the sipura ip phone, i configure the first extention and its says registration fails
14:19.03cjloweengrxyz, does it say why?
14:19.35engrxyzit just says that registration failed
14:19.55cjloweengrxyz, what's the phone?
14:20.09engrxyzsipura ip phone
14:20.25cjlowespa-841 or whatever it is?
14:20.49cjloweengrxyz, have one of those on my desk :)
14:21.04engrxyzbut this ip phone works with an edgebox here
14:21.08tmnibbler_de: hm ich muss nun was neues definieren oder in der ext*.conf?
14:22.08cjloweengrxyz, first things first - can you get to the phones web configuration page?
14:22.49engrxyzcjlowe; yes
14:26.22*** join/#asterisk badcfe (
14:26.28*** join/#asterisk _BOBWEEVER (
14:26.37tmexten => s,1,Read(Nummer,give-number-sound,20)
14:26.38tmexten => s,2,Dial(misdn/1/${Number})
14:26.38tmexten => s,3,Hangup
14:26.48tmexten => 37061215,1,Read(Nummer,give-number-sound,20)
14:26.48tmexten => 37061215,2,Dial(misdn/1/${Number})
14:26.48tmexten => 37061215,3,Hangup
14:28.10*** join/#asterisk b11d (
14:28.27b11dQwell you bastard..  you could have warned me before banning me ;)
14:28.52b11dmorning lads
14:29.30tmengrxyz: emm
14:29.49tmif u haven...
14:29.51tmexten => 37061215,5,Authenticate(12345)
14:29.51tmexten => 37061215,6,DISA(no-password|mycontex
14:29.57tmexten => Read(Nummer,give-number-sound,20)
14:29.57tmexten => Dial(misdn/1/${Number})
14:29.57tmexten => Hangup
14:30.06tmthen hang up my server after
14:30.13tminsert my code 12345
14:30.45tmbut i like a forward to my insert number...?
14:30.54*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
14:31.02engrxyztm; just a typical thing
14:31.10tmengrxyz: hm. can u help me?
14:31.30*** join/#asterisk ima (
14:31.48engrxyztm; i have an asterisk in a unix box and i have an ip phone, any hints or tip for my ip phone to have a dialtone
14:32.37tzafrir_engrxyz, depends on the ip phones. Some of them don't need to be configured to give a dialtone...
14:33.38engrxyztzafrir_: i tried sipura-spa-841 in an edgebox and it works well. i tried it in asterisknow as well as in asterisk 1.2 and i don't have heard any dialtone at all
14:34.15engrxyzit says registration state failed
14:35.16tzafrir_engrxyz, now is the time that you try to convince us that you configured things properly.  Please post the relevant config bits, and relevant traces that demonstrate that you have configured things properly.
14:35.27tzafrir_(to the best of your knowledge)
14:35.54engrxyzwhat do u want to know then
14:36.36*** join/#asterisk ast_freak (
14:37.18tzafrir_never mind. do you have an entry for the device in sip.conf (a section where the type is user or friend)?
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14:40.50Dovidanyone know where I can get info on the asterisk database
14:40.59Dovidhow i can clean it out, remove entries etc. ?
14:41.17*** part/#asterisk s1gny|wrk (
14:41.17b11dyou mean astdb?
14:43.05*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:43.26b11dbonjour ManxPower
14:43.35*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
14:43.36engrxyztzafrir_, i have entry in sip.conf
14:45.47Dovidboker toker tafrir
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14:46.06tmnibbler_de: hm
14:46.11Dovidshtoom: what do u mean bu that ?
14:46.17Dovidb11d: yes
14:46.23Dovidi did show applications astdb
14:46.26Dovidcorrect command ?
14:46.38Dovidbeen a while since i have played in asterisk - the old memory is getting to me
14:47.00resistancehi, how can i install FOP and the log feature into straight asterisk
14:48.59shtoomDovid: there two styles of configurations realtime and static i am askign can we use both?
14:49.12shtoomtogether at a time
14:49.52*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
14:51.39tmneuersamba*CLI> misdn reload
14:51.39tmReloading mISDN Config
14:51.39tmDec 19 15:38:22 WARNING[30192]: misdn_config.c:940 _build_port_config: misdn.conf: "ports=(null)" (section: TEports) invalid or out of range. Please edit your misdn.conf and then do a "misdn reload".
14:52.03Dovidshtoom: i never tried but dont think so
14:52.10tmcan anybody help me?
14:52.22Dovidi know u can use the conf. files and real time at the same time
14:52.55Dovidtm: please use pb in the future
14:52.59jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
14:52.59Dovidand if some one has an answer they will reply.
14:53.00tmDovid: hm?
14:54.39b11dtm.. maybe because you cant set a NULL port?
14:54.53*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
14:55.33b11dooohh.. i cant wait for 1.4
14:55.49tmb11d: ports=1 works
14:55.50tm2 not
14:57.01tmi have
14:57.01tmDec 19 15:43:52 WARNING[30642]: misdn_config.c:942 _build_port_config: misdn.conf: "ports=(null)" (section: TEports) invalid or out of range. Please edit your misdn.conf and then do a "misdn reload".
14:58.50*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (
15:00.30b11dlets see that misdn.conf then
15:00.36b11dput it up on
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15:13.08Dovidtrying to remove an entry from astdb and having a problem. can anyone help ?
15:13.27Gankhuuwhat equipment would I need if I had a T-1 with 6 voice channels and 18 data channels, to split out the voice and data?
15:14.19GankhuuI need to put the audio into tdm cards and use the data for trunk
15:14.31blitzrageDovid: you're best to paste the error into a pastebin and not ask for help -- if someone knows the answer, they will help
15:14.32b11dwhat do you need to remove from astdb?
15:14.39b11dits a bdb db iirc..  
15:14.56Dovidits a syntax error
15:15.04*** join/#asterisk supjigatr (n=syslod@
15:15.11Dovidi dont know what it means by family and key
15:15.18tmis it okay?
15:15.19tmexten => _.,3,Read(Number,call-forwarding)
15:15.19tmexten => _.,4,Dial(misdn/1/${Number})
15:15.53blitzrageDovid: then you should read some documentation I'd suggest
15:16.05blitzrageA family contains one or more keys, and keys contain a value
15:16.11Gankhuuor even where I could read to figure it out myself?
15:16.19Dovidblitsrage: on voip info - it doent explain well
15:16.22b11dhow many times must it be said?
15:16.35blitzrageDovid: read the book at
15:16.36*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
15:16.42tmb11d: sorry.
15:16.49tmb11d: but is the row ok?
15:16.50Dovidis the book there Aserisk TFOT ?
15:16.53*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
15:16.55blitzrageDovid: yes
15:17.04Dovidnever got that fat
15:17.46JerJersurely someone in here has experienced this:   two (or more) sip phones in an office using a 'hosted' service yet their office has NAT.  how does one make it so calls between the IP phones keep the RTP local for those calls, but properly sends the RTP thru for pstn calls, without having a box locally dealing with this logic ?
15:18.05*** join/#asterisk parag (
15:18.07DovidJerJEr: I believe ur outa luck
15:18.30blitzrageJerJer: great question........ I've not done it either
15:18.34DovidJerJer: I had an idea to use a wrt54g and put on ur own firmware
15:18.41JerJeri have to beleve SER should be able to pull this off
15:18.42Dovidand add asterisk
15:18.46supjigatrJerJer: On polys we just put direct DSS buttons.
15:18.47JerJerby using domains
15:19.01JerJerthen give each 'office' their own domain
15:19.01blitzrageJerJer: that makes sense to me -- I've just started using SER myself
15:19.06supjigatrJerJer: We have done it with openser.
15:19.06robl^Dovid: it stores data in a simple structure..  A "family" is like a group of related items.  Like a folder or branch on a tree.  The key allows you to identify a specific item in a family.  For example, a family might be a category.. like "callforwading", the key might be an extension.  so family  callforwarding / key "240" and a value of "5551212" might mean to forward calls fro extension 240 to 5551212
15:19.31*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
15:19.38JerJerhmm domains might not be necessary
15:20.17JerJerperhaps for TBD digits (which as to be less than a 'regular' pstn format) could be instructed not to 'fix' the nat addresses
15:20.18supjigatrJerJer: Just watch for NAT checks.  You need to ignore and have the phone do a direct connect for local contacts.
15:20.49ManxPowerand jerjer too
15:20.50JerJeri might have answered my own question by typing it out like this
15:20.56JerJerManxPower: howdie
15:21.05robl^hey ManxPower
15:22.27*** join/#asterisk reber (
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15:26.36JerJersupjigatr, thanks for helping too
15:27.22*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
15:29.36tmhow i can read the dtmf?
15:29.51tmwith exten => s,1,Read(Nummer,give-number-sound,20)   .. exten => s,2,Dial(misdn/1/${Number}) ?
15:36.28*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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15:58.43tmcan anybody help me?
15:58.49tmtwen ? aydiosmio ?
15:59.13Strom_Mtm, the answer is "cheese=yes"
15:59.14twentm: about what ?
15:59.15aydiosmioyou're beyond help my friend
15:59.32tmi have
15:59.32tmexten => 37061215,5,Authenticate(54321)
15:59.32tmexten => 37061215,6,DISA(no-password|weiterleitung)
15:59.52tmexten => 37061215,3,Read(ziel)
15:59.52tmexten => 37061215,4,Dial(misdn/1/${ziel})
15:59.57tmbut not works :/
16:00.01tmsyntax error?
16:00.17Qwell[]where are your priority 1 and 2?
16:00.30twenin weiterleitung
16:00.38Qwell[]I only see 3,4
16:00.40tmexten => 37061215,1,DigitTimeout(5)
16:00.40tmexten => 37061215,2,ResponseTimeout(10)
16:01.04Qwell[]so, you're always going to dial 37061215 in DISA?
16:01.13Qwell[]because if not...then it isn't matching anything
16:01.54Qwell[]b11d: Be glad the ircops didn't kline you...  they have a script that does it ;/
16:01.57Qwell[]it was for your own good, heh
16:02.04b11dcoulda just warned me
16:02.06b11dbut its cool..
16:02.09twendoes someone knows where to buy fxo card for a computer ? (from France) :/ I couldn't find yet a reseller, any links ?
16:02.36Qwell[]b11d: If this were efnet, it would've been a bit longer than 20 minutes ;p
16:02.53tmQwell[]: better?
16:03.11b11dnever the less..  I wonder what clients those guys were using to get knocked off like that..
16:03.29Qwell[]b11d: various, sadly
16:03.29b11di'd not seen that before
16:03.29blitzragenot client -- server
16:03.56tmQwell[]: ?
16:04.29Qwell[]tm: not quite, heh
16:04.46Qwell[]tm: that would only match an empty extension
16:05.11*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
16:06.12tmQwell[]: ok and now?
16:06.19tm refresh?
16:06.31Qwell[]tm: _X. would be far better
16:06.45Qwell[]but, it would be best if you could make it specific for your regions dialing plan
16:07.12tm ?
16:08.25Qwell[]it'll work, but it's not great
16:08.34Qwell[]and I don't know what your region uses for a numbering plan, so...
16:08.53Qwell[]like, in the US, we'd use _NXXNXXXXXX,1,blah
16:09.06Qwell[]well, _1NXXNXXXXXX
16:09.25*** join/#asterisk Op3r (i=Op3r@
16:09.55tmQwell[]: hm
16:09.58tmif i have:
16:10.15tmexten => _X.,4,Dial(misdn/1/08003301000) <<its works
16:10.28tmexten => _X.,4,Dial(misdn/1/${ziel})
16:10.40tmP[ 0] misdn_call: No Extension given!
16:10.42tmQwell[]: hmm?
16:11.00Qwell[]I don't know - I just work here
16:11.44*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
16:13.27Corydon-wtm: did you actually Set(miel=something) ?
16:13.40Corydon-wor ziel, or whatever variable you're using
16:13.48Qwell[]Read(ziel), or something
16:14.22tmCorydon-w: oeh
16:14.41tmexten => _X.,3,Read(ziel)
16:14.41tmexten => _X.,4,Dial(misdn/1/${ziel})
16:14.42*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
16:14.48tmread <<for dtmf or?
16:14.49Op3rwhat's the php script that trixbox used to allow you to edit the conf's via web based?
16:14.59tmCorydon-w: what u mean?
16:15.03b11dtrixbox is in #openpbx
16:15.04Qwell[]Op3r: see topic
16:15.15*** join/#asterisk Fraeggl (
16:15.23tmFraeggl: tach
16:15.24b11doh man Fraggle rock was the best
16:15.26b11dI miss boober
16:15.28Op3roh ok
16:15.38Corydon-wtm: so are you entering any digits at that prompt?
16:15.46*** join/#asterisk aleswy (n=aleswy@
16:15.54tmCorydon-w: aeh with my isdn phone u mean? jo
16:16.15tzafrir_b11d, was that intentional? (#openpbx)?
16:16.20tmCorydon-w: hm?
16:16.28*** join/#asterisk topping_ (
16:16.29b11dam I wrong
16:16.32b11dits freepbx isnt it
16:16.38b11dwhy do I ALWAYS get those backwards..
16:16.39*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (n=timr@
16:16.43b11doh yeah.. the weed..
16:16.49*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
16:16.50Corydon-wtm: might also be that you haven't answered the channel
16:17.29irqb11d: you've probably seen a lot of these before but i don't think i gave you the url last time, (definitely nsfw)
16:17.34tzafrir_Op3r, the script name is asterisk-config or something. You can find it in the Asterisk distribution in the contrib section
16:17.51Corydon-wtm: and it's really kind of strange that you don't just use ${EXTEN}
16:17.57Op3rtzafrir_, oh ok
16:17.59b11dirq, you always make my day so much brighter..
16:18.18*** join/#asterisk Strom_C_ (
16:18.36tzafrir_Op3r, mind you, it requires permitting the web server to write to Asterisk configuration. Which is not necessarily a smart idea
16:18.38*** join/#asterisk jart` (
16:18.50b11dis this the result of your weekend of trolling usenet?
16:19.02Op3rtzafrir_, im thinking about integrating it to the vicidial admin page though
16:19.04tmCorydon-w: u mean exten => _X.,4,Dial(misdn/1/${EXTEN}) ?
16:19.21Corydon-wtm: yep
16:19.29*** join/#asterisk shellsha1k (
16:19.34tmCorydon-w: i test it.
16:19.45tzafrir_Op3r, are you sure you want to allow arbitrary editing? If you want to allow arbitrary editing, use winscp and be done with it
16:19.53irqno b11d, i've had those for a long time, it was going to be a project but i ended up getting a real job
16:20.42tmCorydon-w: ah, now. its works ;)
16:20.45tmCorydon-w: :-)))
16:20.49Op3rtzafrir_, i am just going to see the code that show's how they edit the confs then just create an interface to add a trunk and sip extensions nothing more
16:20.49tzafrirIt puts a saner and more controlled method of authentication.
16:21.00Corydon-wImagine that
16:21.46blitzrageb11d: don't blame the weed
16:21.52tzafrirOp3r, also consider the simple interface from #asterisk-gui is you want very simple things and can afford 1.4
16:22.49Op3rtzafrir, still dont want to use 1.4 cos its not yet needed
16:23.15tzafrirOp3r, for the #asterisk-gui it is a requirement.
16:24.02b11dyou're right blitzrage..  its not the weeds fault..
16:24.04*** join/#asterisk anthonyl_ (n=anthonyl@
16:24.04b11dit never is..
16:25.41tmCorydon-w: hach hach
16:26.50tmCorydon-w: the timeout is long hmm
16:27.10tmfor the dtmf
16:27.17jbotmethinks thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
16:27.23Corydon-wGo read.
16:27.44tmCorydon-w: under?
16:27.46tmthe word?
16:27.52*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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16:30.59b11dits just like old times :)
16:31.33tmCorydon-w: oeh
16:31.44tmexten => _X.,1,DigitTimeout(1)
16:31.44tmexten => _X.,2,ResponseTimeout(2)
16:35.01buleeahnSo, does anyone know the difference between 1.2.13 and 1.2.14 ?
16:35.32Qwell[]buleeahn: the release announcement explained the difference
16:35.54buleeahnI missed that then...checked the changelog and readme, I'll go peek at that.
16:36.21buleeahnpfft...yeah, that big obvious notice on the website...that fills in the blanks.
16:36.36Op3rhave anyone tried using mysql for sip or iax extensions?
16:37.04b11dbuleeahn.. you rule
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16:46.43dasenjoI'm obtaining an error trying to get the callerid on TDM400 FXO:
16:47.02dasenjoDec 19 11:24:43 ERROR[21795]: callerid.c:276 callerid_feed: fsk_serie made mylen < 0 (-5)
16:47.17dasenjowhat can I do?
16:47.22*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
16:49.17*** join/#asterisk irq (
16:49.18b11dit sets the caller id to a negative integer.. strange indeed..
16:49.39b11dtry turning callerid off on that particular sip peer?
16:49.41b11dis that possibe
16:51.28*** join/#asterisk mog (
16:51.36dasenjosip peer? I'm getting the error on a zap line
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16:54.26resistanceis there something out there that can be used to keep a record of calls with asterisk?
16:55.28blitzrageresistance: its called CDR
16:56.13*** join/#asterisk kippi (
17:07.06tmQwell[]: hello?
17:07.38ai-a[work]is view/asterisk/trunk/ always the head version ?
17:09.10*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
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17:12.27shellsha1kis it possible to get fractional PRI's?
17:12.31jbotextra, extra, read all about it, root is not a Good Thing to use when using IRC. Please use a different account. You will probably not be able to speak until change your user account.
17:12.34Qwell[]shellsha1k: sure
17:13.31shellsha1kQwell[]: cool, because POTS lines in my area are crap, and I don't need 23 total channels
17:14.03blitzrageai-a[work]: its the trunk version (no such thing as HEAD anymore) -- but it is the equivelent of HEAD (newest development version -- not for production)
17:14.09bkruseshellsha1k: ya, call up your local provider and ask, ive seen fract t1 with 12 channels
17:14.17shellsha1kQwell[]: i've never priced out a voice PRI, is the pricing about the same as a data T1 circuit?
17:14.22ai-a[work]blitzrage: but something to use for the fun of it :)
17:14.22b11dget your d channel on channel 7
17:14.26b11dfor no real reason
17:14.35ai-a[work]blitzrage: sorry, still a cvs user :)
17:14.41*** join/#asterisk boqui (
17:14.43blitzrageai-a[work]: ahh... asterisk uses SVN now :)
17:14.49bkruseb11d: ha i like it
17:14.50blitzragethank god
17:14.58bkruseyay svn!
17:15.11blitzrageugh.... back to more dialplan
17:15.12shellsha1kb11d: when then build it out they let you choose what channel the D channel takes up?
17:15.27ai-a[work]we'll convert soon..
17:15.34*** join/#asterisk bnolte (n=bnolte@
17:15.34blitzragemaybe I'll get this clustered centrex environment ready for testing soon
17:15.58bkruseblitzrage: yay clusters
17:16.13bkrusecluster knoppix ( based off rocks i think )
17:16.37blitzragebkruse: nope -- own solution
17:16.42b11dshell.. dont listen to me..
17:16.47bkruseblitzrage: elaborate plz ;]
17:16.49b11dim kidding about d on ch7
17:17.11blitzragebkruse: I'm just using a clustered DB solution, then using Asterisk stuff to cluster with the DB and across the network
17:17.43blitzrageeach box is a node in the cluster, and it doesn't matter where you drop the calls into, it routes the call to the appropriate destination
17:18.00blitzrageeven if the destination isn't on the box the call was delivered to
17:18.53bkruseblitzrage: awesome, mysql clusters management stuff is Very interesting
17:19.02blitzragemysql sucks
17:19.07blitzrageI use postgresql
17:19.35bkruseblitzrage: good choice ;]
17:19.38boquiyou know a error in te110p where channels is restarted?
17:20.57b11ddoes anyone know how I can manipulate what the "reject" option does when i hit it on a Polycom 501?
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17:23.06Pelipecan you tell me how to change the language of my aterisk?
17:23.14Pelipei am german
17:24.06boquianyone see this error before? pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
17:24.21b11donly if you can tell me what the hell a specific german phrase is..  all I know is it sounds like "rushus los" and people say it when greeting one anothe.r
17:24.30b11dbut its probably not that at all..
17:24.34blitzrageboqui: does it say [ERROR] beside it, or WARNING, or NOTICE?
17:24.37swilliamsondoes not sound right
17:24.42swilliamsonlos is go
17:24.43swilliamsonor move
17:25.14b11dhrm..i know im spelling it wrong..
17:25.14blitzrageboqui: then its not an ERROR
17:25.15b11dbut its a common phrase
17:25.15b11dive heard it in movies, etc..
17:25.15boquibliztrage: i know
17:25.19swilliamsonPelipe: do you have the german recordings
17:25.28Pelipei dont know
17:25.40swilliamsonoh where are the recordings stored again...
17:25.41Pelipehow to check?
17:26.03*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
17:26.06boquibliztrage: but this not affect the performance?
17:26.27b11dno, it wont..
17:26.27infernix"Wass ist los" probably
17:26.31b11dTHATS IT!
17:26.40b11dwtf does that mean?
17:26.44infernixit means "what's up"
17:26.49infernixsort of
17:26.50Pelipeits german
17:26.53b11dI thought "los" meant go..
17:27.01b11dkind of a "lost in translation" thing eh
17:27.20b11dI appreciate you finally putting that one to rest for me..
17:27.24b11dits bothered me for YEARS
17:27.32swilliamson" /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
17:27.38swilliamsonlook for -de
17:27.40Pelipei'll check
17:27.41swilliamsonin the file name
17:27.49Pelipeand then ?
17:27.59swilliamsonwas ist los
17:28.07swilliamsonb11d: that is what you are thinking of
17:28.22b11dyeah, like infernix said..
17:28.24boquiok, and.. anyone see this error?
17:28.26swilliamsonmeans what's up, or directly translated "what is going"
17:28.28swilliamsonmissed it
17:28.32b11dthats cool..
17:28.34b11dI appreciate that
17:28.40boquiDec 13 02:01:44 WARNING[1622] chan_zap.c: Detected alarm on channel 13: Yellow Alarm
17:28.53b11dit totally makes sense. i'm going to say it now that I know what it means :)
17:29.03boquibefore this the channels are reseted
17:29.16Pelipeswilliamson: there is noch folder named sounds in /var/lib/asterisk/
17:29.35swilliamsonb11d: hit the non-vowels hard when you do say it
17:29.48swilliamsonPelipe: humm, what install you using
17:29.59swilliamsonPelipe: linux distro/asterisk version
17:30.22swilliamsonand the asterisk was installed by what method
17:30.40Pelipei dont know, mom
17:30.44b11dwill do
17:31.31Pelipevia apt-get install
17:32.05swilliamsonokay, maybe do a find / -name vm-intro.gsm
17:32.24*** join/#asterisk in-pt (
17:32.44swilliamsonboqui: no idea
17:32.51swilliamsonboqui: no zap here
17:33.02*** join/#asterisk h0 (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:33.13swilliamsonPelipe: then check this page for files:
17:33.30swilliamsonkein problem
17:33.40*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
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17:33.59boquiswilliamson: where can find the solution for this??
17:34.15*** join/#asterisk diegor (n=diegor@
17:34.27swilliamsonboqui: what does google say when you put in the error in quotes
17:34.31*** part/#asterisk diegor (n=diegor@
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17:36.01swilliamsonboqui: other than that check
17:37.17boquiswilliamson: i'm check on this places, asterisk-guru say card broken but i trade with 3 cards and all have same problem
17:38.20swilliamsonboqui: humm, could be the kernel module
17:39.03swilliamsonmaybe it's not being loaded, check a lsmod for zt... stuff
17:39.35*** join/#asterisk Crescendo_ (
17:39.46boquiswilliamson: all ok, i can call good but every five minutes the channels is reseting
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17:41.21boquiswilliamson: with the last card this time is too large, every... fifty minutes
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17:41.51redondosboqui: What does your provider say?
17:42.10redondosYou're using what, E1? With whom, Telefonica?
17:43.07PupenoRAnyone tried trixbox ?
17:43.36redondosPupenoR: Yes, but this is not a Trixbox support channel. Read the topic, join #freepbx.
17:43.42*** join/#asterisk irq (
17:44.35swilliamsonboqui: I have never used a E/T1 with a zap card... sorry
17:45.14*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
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17:47.36kippiwhere can i find the information about putting the cdr data to mysql?
17:47.46redondoskippi: has it.
17:48.21Younsscan you tell me which is the best material configuration for asterisk to work well ( i mean CPU Speed,RAM...)?
17:48.24*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
17:48.36redondosYounss: There's no rule of thumb.
17:50.36kippiI have installed Asterisk-Stat and setup my database but it dosn't seem to be drawing the graphis anyideas/
17:51.09ai-a[work]how do i install the sources for the 2.6.18-1.2849.fc6 kernel ?
17:54.03Younssredondos: why
17:54.13swilliamsonbase hp gl360 g4 is what I use
17:54.17swilliamsonworks good
17:54.23swilliamsonis not cheep
17:54.44*** join/#asterisk vAd0r (
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17:55.08vAd0rdoes anyone know how to setup a cisco vg200 to connect to asterisk
17:55.15vAd0ras my trunk
17:56.09*** join/#asterisk irq (
17:56.33Younssswilliamson: how many users do yo have
17:56.51swilliamson1500 just for voicemail, we hope to support 24 concurrent calls
17:56.54swilliamsonvia sip
17:56.59swilliamsonfrom cisco call manager
17:57.16swilliamsonbut I am sure it could do a lot more
17:57.29vAd0rwill vg200 work with asterisk
17:57.37Younssi ve
17:57.45Younssi ve more than 50 users
17:58.31swilliamsonif you have the cash, and a rack, i would get the hp dl360 cuz it's on the tested list from digium... you can get support and run business edition on it
17:58.57swilliamsonYounss: softphone? ata's? zap T1's? what is your config
17:58.58Younssi build my own pc's
17:59.11Younssi'll bay polycom
17:59.27Younssi ve bouth zap & T1
17:59.43b11ddoes anyone know how to manipulate the "reject" button on Polycom 501's ?
17:59.52swilliamsonwell you need to consider # of concurrent calls, and what channels, is there media conversion, from sip/rtp to t1 for example?
18:00.29Younssthat's why i m asking about the best configuration
18:00.41swilliamsonwill you have a T1?
18:00.41vAd0rdoes anyone know the answer
18:00.54b11dim using a vg224
18:01.01b11dcisco vg224
18:01.06swilliamsonvAd0r: no, b11d: no idea
18:01.09redondosYounss: I also build most of the servers I administer, unless the customer wants support from the vendors and that's their problem.
18:01.19b11dim going to have to email polycom..
18:01.21redondosYounss: what are those 50 users going to do? what kind of simultaneity do you expect?
18:01.38swilliamsonYounss: will you have a T1?
18:01.42b11dI dont know what the vg200 is..
18:02.03vAd0rdoes anyone know how to setup a cisco vg200 to connect to asterisk
18:02.10b11dread the responses
18:02.21vAd0rb11d who are you talking to
18:02.25swilliamsonokay, I would use some server class MB, like from tyan with multiple pci busses, one for the zap T1 card, one for the nic
18:02.28vAd0rwhat response
18:02.29*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
18:02.38*** join/#asterisk VJG (i=VijayG@
18:02.39vAd0rok now i see yours
18:02.41b11dthe vg-series works with asterisk
18:02.45vAd0rcan you take a moment to help me
18:02.46b11dim using the vg224 and it runs fine
18:02.53b11dbecause others helped me with mine..
18:02.54Younssi'll bay tyan
18:02.57vAd0ri have a vg224 at my work
18:02.57monstedi don't think any sort of voice application can stress a pci bus
18:02.58b11dso I will help you with yours
18:02.58vAd0rto cisco
18:02.59Younssi ve here 7 TYAN server
18:03.04vAd0rand a vg200 at my house
18:03.04b11dto cisco?
18:03.09Younssthey work all well
18:03.12vAd0rcisco call manager at work
18:03.14b11dok vad0r. quit breaking up your sentences so muhc
18:03.16vAd0rasterisk at home
18:03.36b11dwhen people
18:03.39b11dlike this
18:03.39groogswhat happens if you have parkext=>70 and parkpos=>70-79  (ie, they overlap)? I'm assuming that's a bad thing(tm) to do?
18:03.44vAd0ri want to plug in my home telephone line to my vg200 and then make it a trunk to asterisk so i can get local calls to my system
18:03.44swilliamsonYounss: asterisk is timeing sensitive, so that will help, and modern cpu and normal ammount of ram ~1gb should do you
18:04.11b11dhrm.. never done that..  I only use SIP on the vg224
18:04.12swilliamsonvAd0r: do you even have IOS on there that supports SIP?
18:04.12vAd0ri know the vg200 was setup for my call manager that i had running at my house and working so do i just need to build a trunk for it
18:04.13Younssswilliamson: an amd opteron is good?
18:04.39*** join/#asterisk irq_ (
18:04.45b11dim using opterons in my asterisk servers
18:05.05vAd0rhow is yours setup b11d
18:05.08swilliamsonYounss: can't say 100% but should be fine... be carful that you checkout the distro and package version of asterisk that you will run to see that it supports the cpu and mb chipset well
18:05.09infernixI wonder if it'll run on my SGI O2...
18:05.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
18:05.24b11d<analog phones>----[vg224]==(SIP)===[asterisk]
18:05.48Younssredondos: my 50 users hemm... may be 30 will make calls in the internal and 12 make outgoing calls
18:05.56vAd0rhow did you link it to your asterisk
18:06.08b11dwith SIP as i've illustrated
18:06.19swilliamsonmaybe try it with a spare you have around, that config sounds fine to me though
18:06.25b11dover a category 5e cable
18:06.37vAd0ri understand that part
18:06.41b11dthats all
18:06.53Younssswilliamson:that what i m afraid that asterisk will not support the hardweare
18:06.56vAd0ri want to setup analog phone -->vg200 sip to asterisk
18:07.05b11dok..  so whats the issue then?
18:07.13vAd0rwhat did you do to make your vg talk to asterisk
18:07.19b11di'll post my config here in a minute..
18:07.20redondosYounss: Do you want to record these calls? What codec are you going to use? What type of users are they? (SIP?)
18:07.28vAd0rcool thanks alot
18:07.29swilliamsonYounss: it should, pay close attention to the PCI cards for T1's as they have specific requirements for bus voltages and such
18:07.32*** join/#asterisk wiljacket (
18:07.33b11dnp.. hang on
18:08.10redondosYounss: I think any 2.6GHz system with 1-2GB of memory will be able to handle that with room for expansion, even. But, as usual, the better the hardware the better the results.
18:08.18*** join/#asterisk rmayorga (i=rmayorga@
18:08.33swilliamsonand who wants to upgrade hardware right after you put something in production
18:09.10Younssi don't gess
18:09.23swilliamsonI run 19 users voicemail off a crappy p4 celeron desktop no problem
18:09.42Younsstyan is good no
18:09.43b11dthats my config..
18:09.51swilliamsonsound is a little sukky though, choppy
18:10.03b11dI've obfucscated the passwords and stuff..
18:10.36groogsswilliamson: oh, that's a great thing to do, especially if you're bored on a friday afternoon
18:10.36vAd0rdid you have to setup a trunk or anything in asterisk
18:10.52b11di just add each Voice Port peer as an entry in sip.conf
18:10.54swilliamsonYounss: If you have the money, I would go with my config, hp gl360 + asterisk business edition, just because it's tested and you can yell at digium if it breaks
18:10.58b11dlike that 5454 is a 'sip peer' in sip.conf
18:11.07*** join/#asterisk avalone (
18:11.17b11dthe "session target" IP is the asterisk server itself
18:11.21Younssno problem with money
18:11.22b11dthat will be the IP of your 'remote end'
18:11.25swilliamsongroogs: ha
18:11.31Younsswhen it tuch the production
18:12.14swilliamsonswilliamson: we spent about 7k CAD for software, support contract and gear
18:12.16*** join/#asterisk boqui (
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18:12.23b11dtalking to yourself again
18:12.25vAd0rso you add it manually in the sip.conf
18:12.33b11dthat 5454 has a regular entry in sip.conf
18:12.37b11d"sip show peers" shows it as a regular peer
18:12.38*** join/#asterisk Ravi1974 (
18:12.50vAd0rcan you paste that portion of the sip.conf
18:13.02b11dits a regular sip entry..
18:13.03vAd0ri usually use the webpage to do it
18:13.12b11di'd hit you with a ruler if I could..
18:13.16vAd0ras i just installed this 2 days ago
18:13.18b11dbad vAd0r.. bad..
18:13.20vAd0rsry man
18:13.21swilliamsoncisco unified messenger for the same number of users was 305k
18:13.26b11dyou're learning bad habbits already then :)
18:13.33Qwell[]swilliamson: how many users?
18:13.35b11dtake the time, learn the system..
18:13.38b11ddo NOT rush
18:13.44Ravi1974is there a way to differentiate between carriers? Like cingular or verizon, land line or VOIP or Cellular?
18:13.45b11dor you'll have a nicely fucked phone system..
18:13.49swilliamsonQwell ~1500
18:13.51*** join/#asterisk distortion (
18:14.04vAd0ronce thing that sucked when i used the web it didn't seem to actually go into the files
18:14.07vAd0ris that normal
18:14.12b11dI dont know
18:14.18b11dI never use the "web" for configuring asterisk
18:14.30b11dbecause thats all a bunch of moron bullshit
18:14.33swilliamsonb11d: what if I use a web text editor?
18:14.38b11dthen you're cool..
18:14.53b11dstill.. i'd probably rip on you a bit  :)
18:15.11b11dnah im totally aware that people should use what works best for htem..
18:15.18b11dits just that 95% of the people DONT TRY ANYTHING ELSE
18:15.38b11dnot only that, they cant understand why the "web interface" doesnt have "all the options"
18:15.42b11dthat others are talking about..
18:15.51swilliamsonnah, the web is okay, saves time, lets you do stuff without knowing how it works at a lower level, try to do something outside of the user/extension/trunk model and you are not going to get it done
18:16.18swilliamsonasterisk still needs extensions.conf to be edited to get what you want done
18:16.20b11dwell anyway
18:16.35b11dI need to know how to manipulate the "reject" option for inbound calls
18:16.36swilliamsonI guess if you could make macros or modules for freepbx
18:16.39b11don Poly 501's
18:17.12swilliamsonb11d: i am agreeing with you I think
18:17.31vAd0rif i edit the sip.conf
18:17.39vAd0rdo i need to restart any services or anyting
18:17.48b11dat the CLI
18:18.03vAd0rso just type reload?
18:18.06b11dat the CLI
18:18.10b11dnot the command prompt
18:18.13b11ddont type http://reload either
18:18.15vAd0rdoes that just reload asterisk or the whole thing like shutdown -r now
18:18.22vAd0rim not a moron
18:18.23b11dit reloads!!!
18:18.37b11dahh im just breaking your balls.. we all started sometime..
18:18.39swilliamsonor sip reload, to reload the sip config, just the sip config
18:18.39vAd0rim just windows man and novice linux
18:18.46swilliamsondoes that still work?
18:18.56groogsswilliamson: just dont' forget, the goal of freepbx (i'm assuming thats what you all mean by "web" in this conversation) is not to present every option in asterisk (since that's impossible), but just to provide an interface to configure a pbx.
18:19.35swilliamsonyeah, sorta what I was saying, i agree with you
18:19.49b11dI just dont like web interfaces when it comes to configuring software, plain and simple.
18:19.56b11dpersonal choice, personal opinion.
18:19.59swilliamsonb11d is just hardcore
18:20.05b11dthanks for the recognition!
18:20.07vAd0ri hate the gay cisco web config pages
18:20.11vAd0rdrives me crazy
18:20.14b11dyeah me too
18:20.22swilliamsonconf t man
18:20.28vAd0ri can't never figure out how to do anyting
18:20.28groogsit's like comparing visual c++ and c++.. the visual editor can't write ALL the code that it's possible to write in c++, it just does a bunch of common/tedious stuff for you
18:20.35b11dpfft.. I only manipulate cisco config's with a magnet..
18:20.44b11dhell, im not even using a screen right now..
18:20.47swilliamsonsolar flares here
18:20.48b11dthere is no monitor attached to this computer.
18:20.57b11dyour responses are put out in a series of beeps
18:21.27b11dTK.. you know Polycom phones well..
18:21.30groogspsh, if you were really hardcore, you'd have electrodes connected to all your toes, and read one byte at a time
18:21.31vAd0rlol im using 4 screens
18:21.34b11dis it possible to change how the "reject" option works?
18:21.34swilliamsongroogs: the good thing is that abstraction (like freepbx) opens up the product to many more people
18:21.53b11di do not see anything in the SIP Admin guide.. :(
18:21.58swilliamsonhardwire to brainstem
18:22.06[TK]D-Fenderb11d: Yup.  You can toggle it as "rejet", and "busy", and I think 1 other thing.
18:22.14b11dhrm..  do you know offhand where to set that?
18:22.27b11dlike I said, I dont see anything in it's -sip.cfg or -phone.cfg files
18:22.29[TK]D-Fenderb11d:  For which you might be able to grab a return code to change your processing for.
18:22.41[TK]D-Fenderb11d:  not offhand.  Can maybe check later.
18:22.48b11di'll keep digging in the mean time
18:22.54vAd0rb11d is this a sip peer in sip.conf
18:23.11b11dchrist you've got a lot of crap in there
18:23.22vAd0rhey i just copied it
18:23.29*** join/#asterisk mercestes (
18:23.35b11dim pretty sure the callerid statement is improperly formatted
18:23.52b11dhey merbanan
18:23.54vAd0rbut that is a sip peer right like you were referring to
18:23.56mercestesis there a good freenode FoP resource?
18:24.00b11di've got a big shoulder here mercestes
18:24.09b11dits "like" what i meant.. yes..
18:24.18vAd0rthen sip reload
18:24.22vAd0rroger that
18:24.32b11djust remember that "tammari" is now going to have to be on your vg224..
18:24.36*** join/#asterisk h1 (
18:24.39b11dyou cant name a number a name when it comes to analog phones..
18:24.53vAd0ri should be able to setup the vg200 as my voip provider
18:24.55[TK]D-Fenderb11d: "call.rejectBusyOnDnd"
18:24.57b11dyour [tammari] needs to be changed to the ACTUAL number thatg will be on the vg200
18:25.00mercestesCallerID is "name" <number> in sip.conf and can be set via Set(CallerID(Name)) and Set(CallerID(Number)) later.  and not all carriers transmit both name and number.
18:25.03vAd0rlike i do w/ trunks
18:25.09b11dTK.. I saw that.. it didnt seem like it was the right option
18:25.16b11di'll mess with it though
18:25.37b11dand name & number ONLY works on PRI.. from what I've been told
18:25.46b11daside from a pure-voip environment that is
18:26.44[TK]D-Fenderb11d : have you done some calls and output the SIP reject reason, and the DIALSTATUS?
18:26.47b11dno.. performing that now..
18:26.56mercestesPRI, with ISDN signalling.
18:27.00mercestesaccording to TWTC.
18:27.02b11dI thought PRI implied ISDN
18:27.07mercestesit does.
18:27.08*** join/#asterisk tehhh (
18:27.18b11dthen why say PRI, with ISDN signalling?
18:27.30mercestesbecause I'm redundant and repetitivce.
18:27.45[TK]D-Fenderb11d: Should throw back a 606 IIRC
18:27.48ai-a[work]how do i add asterisk as a service to start on boot up ?
18:27.49b11dtheres nothing wrong with that..
18:28.02b11dyeah I saw a thread on it returning 6xx messages..
18:28.45b11daparently thats not standard ?
18:28.45*** join/#asterisk goodcat (n=torgeir@
18:28.45[TK]D-Fenderai-a[work]: Depends on your distro and where you want it to start in order
18:28.45b11dai.. depends on your OS..
18:28.45b11dwell thanks TK..   I'll let you know what I end up with :P
18:28.45ai-a[work]just assumed it would install a service.
18:28.46ai-a[work]can write one i guess.
18:28.54b11dhaha new schoolers..
18:28.59mercestesSO...any good FoP resources?  I read the crap at asternic and it no worky..:(
18:29.00[TK]D-Fenderai-a[work]: "make config" should install SysV inits for you
18:29.28ai-a[work][TK]D-Fender: tahnks.
18:29.32mercestesFlash Operator Panel.
18:29.44vAd0rreload does not work on my cli
18:29.53b11dwell that doesnt make any sense
18:29.58b11dare you sure you're in the asterisk CLI?
18:30.12vAd0rim at a linux bash
18:30.13vAd0ris that what you mean
18:30.13b11dasterisk -r
18:30.13b11dthen type reload
18:30.24vAd0ri see
18:30.26goodcathas anyone gotten relatime asterisk->odbc->mysql to work?
18:30.27b11dheh.. linux parties suck
18:30.30mercestesyou should specify "asterisk cli" since cli is ambiguous.
18:30.36mercesteslol   Linux ftw!
18:30.45b11dwell we're in #asterisk and for christ sakes it says CLI right on the prompt..
18:30.53wiljacketMy penny-pinching client needs about 2 dozen phones, and likes the Grandstream GPX-2000 -- does anybody have any experience with those units?
18:30.54b11dit's in context..
18:30.58ai-a[work]k, asterisk-gui isnt servicing on port 8088, make checkconfig comes back fine,, basicly copied its readme examples.
18:31.01b11dyeah.. they suck.. dont get them
18:31.10goodcatwiljacket: gxp 2000 sucks...
18:31.11mercesteswiljacket:  They suck.
18:31.15goodcatgrandstream sucks. period.
18:31.21b11dsaving the money is NOT a good idea in this case..
18:31.22vAd0rshould i stay at 1.2.3
18:31.25vAd0ror upgrade ?
18:31.26b11dspend a LITTLE more and get Polycom's
18:31.33b11d1.2.3 ??  1.2.14 is out
18:31.34goodcator thomson
18:31.45wiljacketOh thank you guys, I knew they looked awful :)
18:31.46goodcatthomson st-2030
18:31.54b11dyeah they really arent good phones..
18:31.54goodcatbrilliant phone
18:32.04vAd0rasterisk cli shows me at
18:32.05b11dI dont think i've heard of anyone who likes the Grandstream phones..
18:32.10b11dok cool
18:32.13b11dyou're good then
18:32.17b11d1.2.14 IS out, but 1.2.13 is good
18:32.21vAd0rwhat is the 2.0 something
18:32.28vAd0ris that trix upgrade or something?
18:32.35b11dno idea
18:32.38b11dwe dont talk about trixbox here
18:32.40mercestesI give them away as Xmas presents when I run out of fruitcake.
18:32.54vAd0rso to check my version asterisk -r
18:33.04b11dasterisk -r will bring you to the asterisk CLI
18:33.06mercestesasterisk -V
18:33.09goodcathas anyone gotten relatime asterisk->odbc->mysql to work?
18:33.13b11dit should say like "  host*CLI>"
18:33.16b11dtype 'reload' there
18:33.19mercestesyou need to remove that trixbox crap and get "real" asterisk however.
18:33.42vAd0rcan i just leave it on
18:33.51vAd0rwhat will it matter if i do everything for cli
18:33.55vAd0rfrom cli
18:33.57goodcatseems that asterisk realtime doesn't bother to read the table
18:34.09goodcatsip show peers returns 0 users
18:34.10swilliamsongoodcat: I have been using the new realtime ldap, unixODBC lacks docs in my oppinion
18:34.18b11dyou CANT do everything from the CLI
18:34.20b11dits not possible.
18:34.24b11dwell.. in a way it is.. but not really
18:34.31mercestesgoodcat:  they won't show up until they reg
18:34.33vAd0rlol you guys are confusing me
18:34.37*** join/#asterisk olinux (
18:34.41goodcatmercestes: they can't reg either
18:34.42vAd0rmercestes say take trixbox off
18:34.43b11dwell you need to edit your config files..
18:34.43mercestestry sip show peer <peer>
18:34.49b11dtrixbox sucks
18:34.53vAd0ryou say i can't do everything from cli
18:34.54goodcatmercestes: returns 0 peers
18:34.56b11dwait.. you're using trixbox vAd0r?
18:35.07b11dgo to #freepbx then
18:35.08goodcatmercestes: and the odbc connection is ok
18:35.18*** join/#asterisk niter3_ (
18:35.20vAd0rwhat the heck difference does it make
18:35.25b11da big difference
18:35.42mercestesgoodcat   turn debug could be a db error
18:35.42vAd0ri thought freepbx was just a front end
18:35.42b11d#freepbx is the trixbox support channel
18:35.45tmnibbler_de: huhu nochmal?
18:35.45b11dits specifically for trixbox & openpbx
18:35.58niter3_Is there a site where I can find ideas that some people have done with their asterisk systems?
18:36.10vAd0rbut it has asterisk
18:36.19b11dit doesnt matter
18:36.22tmhow i can transfer a call with music on hold?
18:36.23b11d#freepbx is the trixbox support channel
18:36.25b11dnot #asterisk
18:36.32b11d#asterisk is for vanialla asterisk
18:36.38swilliamsonfreepbx configs are they come with trixbox are like spagetti, extension.conf -> extesions_custom.conf where is that context?
18:36.45tmexten => _X.,5,Dial(misdn/1/${EXTEN})
18:36.46tmi have
18:36.52*** join/#asterisk sukimono_ (n=sukimono@
18:37.12bkruseyay gui
18:37.18mercestesvAd0r:  Let me give you an example.  Gentoo installers.  We have to download and compile our stage three, manually setup our modules and our kernel support options, compile the kernel, set our hostname, our locale, our localtime, our network, etc. all in text.
18:37.29bkruseb11d: echoing is the new cool thing to do
18:37.33b11dright on
18:37.34b11dim down
18:37.38Younssthank you all for your help
18:37.45bkruseb11d: sweet
18:37.45mercestesvAd0r:  Then they come out with this graphical installer crap where it acts like a palm reader, asks you a few questiosn about your birthday and your sign and stuff, and then automagically edits everything for you.
18:38.03bkruseb11d: exactly
18:38.06bkrusefreepbx ftl
18:38.12bkrusemercestes: ha, gui nubs ;]
18:38.16mercestesvAd0r:  Then a problem happens....and they go to gentoo, and ask what's wrong, and we ask them "what did you put in this file?"  They don't know..because they didn't.  we don't know what Trixbox is doing to you.  Neither do you.
18:38.29*** join/#asterisk Shadower (
18:38.30niter3_Is there a site dedicated for projects that people have done with Asterisk (eg: alarm reminder)
18:38.36Shadowerhi all
18:38.41goodcatmercestes: debug just says registered database handle 'mysql2' dsn->[MySQL-asterisk]
18:38.41vAd0rso you guys use asterisknow version 1.4.0?
18:38.42b11di just finished porting asterisk to CP/M -- anyone want it?
18:38.49niter3_bkruse: Nothing for Nagios? You can program one up
18:38.52*** join/#asterisk _BOBWEEVER (
18:38.58goodcatand then res_odbc: Connected to mysql2 [MySQL-asterisk]
18:39.05swilliamsoni copy stuff from the gui ast distros to do stuff
18:39.13bkruseniter3_: how many people really use nagios? is it work doing?
18:39.25tzafrirmercestes, but many others give up in the long and error-prone process of compiling and building and such
18:39.32niter3_bkruse: Is what worth doing?
18:39.34mercestesgoodcat:  Did you setup your res_mysql.conf or your res_odbc.conf to point those configs to the proper databases?
18:39.37tzafrirWhich is easy to automate for the common case
18:39.41bkrusebuilding a plugin/script for nagios
18:39.58niter3_bkruse: It's not difficult if that's what you mean. It's only worth doing depending on your situation.
18:40.06filebkruse: moo
18:40.12bkrusefile: :D
18:40.13mercestestzafrir:  Gentoo community is *huge*.  I don't see many failures there.  Same with *./
18:40.22b11d[TK]D-Fender..  no dice man..
18:40.22tmfile: can u help me?
18:40.24bkrusefile: i passed my physics exam !!!!1!11!111one1!
18:40.25swilliamsonb11d: can you port ztdummy to openbsd?
18:40.36tzafrirmercestes, the answer is simple: you don't see them. They have not made it inside.
18:40.39b11dI heart openbsd
18:40.45tmfile: how i can transfer with misdn with music on hold?
18:40.48filebkruse: zomg
18:40.51tmfile: exten => _X.,5,Dial(misdn/1/${EXTEN}) <<this is my row
18:40.56goodcatmercestes: sipusers => odbc,asterisk,sip_buddies
18:41.05goodcatmercestes: same for sippeers
18:41.06mercestestzafrir:  ???
18:41.21swilliamsonb11d: and sun4u? yeah it needs to run on sun4u
18:41.28mercestesgoodcat:  have you tried connecting to and accessing that database and tables with the username and password you setup in odbc?
18:41.33b11dfuck..  that'll only take five mins.
18:41.37b11dwhat am I supposed to do with the other 55 mins?
18:41.46b11dthats how hardcore I roll
18:41.47bkrusetalk in irc
18:41.52swilliamsonjust bill be for 6 mins and we'll be good
18:41.57goodcatmercestes: yes
18:42.01bkruseb11d: i love how people say "back port" and everyone is like ZOMG!
18:42.13mercestesb11d:  omg?  really?  OpenBSD is so mean.
18:42.18goodcatmercestes: table created using
18:42.19bkruseopenbsd is so awesome
18:42.22b11dyeah but thats what I love about it
18:42.37b11dTheo can whip me any day
18:42.54mercestesb11d:  ....oh...true.
18:42.59niter3_Hate to ask again, but is there any dedicated sites for projects people have done with their asterisk boxes?
18:43.07b11dyou can whip me too mercestes.. if you ask nice
18:43.16swilliamsonyup. sun4u , net install , remote managment card in a closet that will be my legacy machine...
18:43.20bkruseniter3_: ?
18:43.29mercestesniter3_:  I think is probably your closest equivalent.  There is also the netdomination VoIP overlay laying around somewhere.
18:43.37*** part/#asterisk parag (
18:43.43mercestesniter3_:  Ok, ignore my link.  Use the real one bkruse gave you.
18:43.44swilliamsonniter3_: I will get jumped on but nerdvittles has some flashy stuff, if you can get it to work
18:43.57mercestesb11d:  Can I whip you and make you my OpenBSD slave?  >.>
18:44.02mercestesor should I ask in #openbsd?
18:44.12filebkruse: not bad
18:44.13swilliamsonthey are fans of wget url -C | sh instructions though,
18:44.16fileit's cold out, but meh
18:44.29swilliamsonhey download some shell script from my website and run it as root.
18:44.46b11dyou can
18:44.50bkruseswilliamson: ok!
18:45.08bkrusewhat does #now mapping local port to my box in nigeria mean?
18:45.16swilliamsonjust like the old rm -fr ... days
18:45.18goodcatmercestes: odbc show says everything's ok..
18:45.21bkrusemercestes: one day wont be the only central place for information :D
18:45.27b11done day..
18:45.32b11dwe can only keep the dream alive..
18:45.42mercestesbkruse:  And then it will die...and I will be out of a job.
18:45.47b11di dont mind -- it just needs a good cleaning & organizing
18:46.08tmfile: huhu?
18:46.08mercestesgoodcat:  Hrm.  :/  Sip show peers showing nothing is normal.  What's failing is it seems to not be seeding peers.
18:46.13bkrusemercestes: nono, isnt going anywhere, im just saying there will be more than one place
18:46.21bkrusei assume?
18:46.23mercestesgoodcat:  I'm going to make the blind assumption that you do have data in your sip_buddies table or whatever it was called.
18:46.27Shadowerhow would I go about transfreing a analog incoming call (FXO) to a softphone?
18:46.37*** join/#asterisk apardo_ (n=apardo@
18:46.40goodcatmercestes: duh. yes, I do :)
18:47.10goodcatmercestes: but I only filled name,secret,host,context...that should be enough?
18:47.22mercestesgoodcat:  Well, here is what should happen.  * should successfully connect to said database.table.  A peer tries to come in and register.  * will fail to see it in sip.conf (which will still work, btw), then * will try to find that peer in the odbc sip table.
18:47.30b11dactually.. really does have a fuckload of info on it..
18:47.31goodcatmercestes: and type of course
18:47.36b11dI wonder how much space that takes up
18:47.38*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
18:47.45MatBoyHi guys !
18:47.53b11dwhats up MatBoy!!?
18:47.58MatBoyhey !
18:47.59mercestesgoodcat:  Then it will do what it calls "Seeding" which will load that information into it's internal database, where it will stay until you shut it down, or restart it, or do a sip reload...or it crashes.  It wont' show in sip show peers until it's seeded.
18:48.00b11dIt's just like old times!!
18:48.18PupenoRHow do I see the queries performed by Asterisk when retrieving realtime values ?
18:48.30goodcatmercestes: ok
18:48.31MatBoyI was wondering if it's possible in some way to route real telephonenumbers with asterisk
18:48.36b11dfuck.. I really hate this.. I've got a song stuck in my head and all that repeats is the break..
18:48.46*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes_ (
18:48.46b11dI cant remember ANY lyrics except "sorrow"
18:48.52mercestesgoodcat:  Now, what could be happening is your phones are failing to reach your server.  but, if you had a db entry for say, peer bob, and you did a sip show peer bob  in the cli, it *should* force bob to be seeded and show it's information on it, and show it as offline.
18:49.21*** join/#asterisk nand2 (i=94f54f63@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
18:49.22MatBoybetter now ?
18:49.23b11dI fear the only way its going out is to overplay the song, which I cant do, because I dont knwo what it is
18:49.28swilliamsonack, who knows how to do apt-get's in the rpm world
18:49.28goodcatmercestes: what I don't get is that I seem to have to specify DATABASE=asterisk in odbc.ini
18:49.29mercestesgoodcat:  So if sip show peer bob isn't working.  Then * can't see your DB.  Are you sure you have debug on?  Compiled with the debug flag, have debug set to 37257, and you have debug listed in the cli for logger.conf?
18:49.41*** join/#asterisk arcy (
18:49.53MatBoybut are here persons that use asterisk as a telephone provider ?
18:50.05b11dim not one of them
18:50.06b11dbut yes
18:50.10swilliamsonhave one in hong kong
18:50.14goodcatmercestes: I'll try sip show peer <peer>
18:50.16swilliamsonand germany
18:50.19b11dlet me be your hongkong pothead..
18:50.22b11dsend me there
18:50.25mercestesini?  omg?  your in windoze?
18:50.34MatBoyhow is it done with number-porting when you have to route the number from another telco ?
18:50.36goodcatmercestes: nope, /etc/odbc.ini
18:50.53mercestesnever setup odbc in linux. never seen an ini in linux either. =/
18:50.59b11dI need you all to call me and play clips of the song you think is stuck in my head
18:51.10goodcatme neither, but odbc IS (or was) windows-stuff
18:51.11b11dand then i'll say if its right or not..
18:51.12b11dsounds good
18:51.13mercestesHey, if I did all my flash operator panel setup crap and changed my manager, etc.  would I Hvae to restart asterisk to make it work??
18:51.23mercestesgoodcat:  good point.
18:51.28b11ddid you edit any * config files?
18:51.32b11dor just fop stuff?
18:51.43b11dthen reload manager
18:51.43mercestesbut I did a reload app_manager.conf
18:51.48mercestesbut my fop screen is blank.
18:51.49goodcatmercestes: asterisk shows "peer 111 not found"
18:51.51[TK]D-Fendermercestes: UnixODBC is pretty easy to set up, even from source.
18:51.52b11dyou might need to reload..
18:52.03swilliamsonget yourself a job in berlin you call that number
18:52.08*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
18:52.08mercestesI did several screen is all blank...*cries*  I need a FoP guru
18:52.16b11d[TK]D-Fender.. no dice on that BusyOnDND option
18:52.31in-ptmercestes: i had setup fop
18:52.38in-ptwhats your problem
18:52.54*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
18:52.57mercestesin-pt:  Well, my screen is all blank.
18:52.58*** join/#asterisk nand2 (i=94f54f63@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
18:52.59[TK]D-Fenderb11d: Like I said, I'm betting you'll need to dump the SIP reason and teh DIALSTATUS to be sure (if eve) as to why the call wassn't answered
18:53.24*** join/#asterisk keyhack (n=keyhack@
18:53.25mercesteslol.  And before it was showing three big squares, pink, green, and some other color, with some Wcgt535rt text in I'm up to just a blank screen.
18:53.40mercestesgoodcat:  * is likely not seeing the db then.
18:54.09mercestesgoodcat:  Did you see all my steps to turn debug on in *?
18:54.15b11dTK.. i think we're not on the same level here..
18:54.20b11dthe problem isnt with calls not being answered
18:54.33b11dits when I hit the "reject" button, its trying to shove the call to a voicemail box that doesnt exist..
18:54.51in-ptmercestes: which version of fop you are running
18:54.52b11dand thats "reject" when an inbound call is currently being received..
18:55.09mercestesI dl'd it from asternic like 3 days ago.
18:55.15b11d3 days? thats tomorrow..
18:55.49in-ptok so its the latest.. well i was also having that problem ..but i solved it long time back
18:55.55in-pti am thinking what i did for that
18:56.25mercestesin-pt:  Awesome.  I believe in you!  You can do it!
18:56.30*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:56.36keyhackDoes anyone know of a VoIP provider that offers unlimited phone calling for non-residential? heh
18:56.36b11dYou CAN do it!
18:56.46goodcatmercestes: allright, I have debug=>debug in logger.conf
18:56.49b11dyeah.. Uncle Franks Illegal Telco
18:57.00*** join/#asterisk tsurko_ (
18:57.01mercestesgoodcat:  Nah, put it under CLI.  :)
18:57.15mercestesgoodcat:  It should be showing you info down to the individual mysql queries.
18:57.47goodcatmercestes: sorry..I don't follow
18:58.09goodcatmercestes: like asterisk -cvvvvvvvvvvvv ?
18:58.17b11dok TK..
18:58.18mercesteslogger.conf:  console => notice,warning,error,debug
18:58.18swilliamsonkeyhack: < 1ct a min is pretty much free
18:58.20b11dyou can stop laughing at me
18:58.20in-ptmercestes: whats the flash dir you had setup in op_server.cfg file
18:58.24b11dI fixed it ..
18:58.27mercestesinstead of the default console => notice,warning,error
18:58.28b11dgod damn error in extensions.conf
18:58.32goodcatI see
18:58.35b11dnot with the poly at all. (big surprise)
18:58.37keyhackswilliamson: who offers < 1 ct/min?
18:58.54*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
18:59.04[TK]D-Fenderb11d: Illegal VM box?  Sounds like a dialplan error then, if not a voicemail.conf one
18:59.04docelmoI offer term but not < 1c/min w/o volume
18:59.19mercestesin-pt:  flash_dir=/var/www/localhost/htdocs/panel
18:59.40*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
18:59.54b11dTK.. read my messages above
18:59.54swilliamsoncan be had from regional telco's here in canada without volume, check service providers
19:00.00b11dit WAS the extensions.conf
19:00.02b11dall along :)
19:00.47in-ptbut in panel folder do you have operator_panel.swf file
19:00.47b11dthanks for your help, as usual..
19:00.48keyhackswilliamson: yeah I was looking at the few they list on there
19:00.50b11dhey Mercestes.. im moving like 3 blocks from you
19:01.00mercestesb11d:  ??  In tx?
19:01.04b11dhaha yeah
19:01.08b11dok no..
19:01.11b11dim not..
19:01.12mercestesb11d:  ....aww....
19:01.14b11dsorry man.
19:01.19mercestesI wanna cry now
19:01.19goodcatmercestes: right, done.. console still normal
19:01.26b11di'd stalk you if I had the money right now, but I dont..
19:01.29mercestesI wanted to whip you and make you my open bsd slave.
19:01.36b11dyou will be able to sooner or later :0
19:01.39mercestesgoodcat:  type set debug 99
19:01.58mercestesin-pt:  Let me try something just in case.
19:02.02docelmoYou know the debug doesnt go > 5 right?
19:02.03goodcatmercestes: ok
19:02.12b11ddebug doesnt go > 5??
19:02.13goodcatmercestes: and then reload?
19:02.18swilliamsonkeyhack: good thing about voip term, you can buy from anywhere, lag and voice quality suffer tho
19:02.33keyhackswilliamson: right
19:02.34docelmoThe most verbose debug cant get is 5..  Anything higer is pointless
19:02.35mercestesin-pt:  Yea, ok, I wanted to make sure I could view the  I can.
19:02.37b11dI can set "set debug 10" and it says it does..
19:02.49b11dnow i see I can enter any value
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19:02.56mercestesb11d:  I know, but it makes me happy.
19:02.58b11dirq.. to save the party..
19:03.03mercestesgoodcat:  shouldn't have to reload.
19:03.06keyhackswilliamson: I was thinking of a software service that would place outbound calls but, even still, 1ct/min is expensive investment
19:03.07mercestesgoodcat: set verbose 99
19:03.11docelmoahh well back to setting shit up..  
19:03.21in-ptmercestes: i dont remembers now :( what i did
19:03.43mercestesin-pt:  Could it have been a cold restart maybe?
19:04.43goodcatmercestes: chan_sip.c:6648 register_verify: SIP REGISTER attempt failed for (null) : Bad digest user
19:04.51goodcatthat's about the only extra info I get
19:05.00mercesteskeyhack:  Your best bet for unlimited local termination would be fxs to analog lines.  But....about hte time you start terminating 70k minutes to your $20 a month AT&T line, questions will be posed I am certain.
19:05.17mercestesgoodcat:  Hrm.  SO yea, not seeing any information.
19:05.23keyhackmercestes: hahaha
19:05.30mercestesgoodcat:  do a sip show peer 111 and it should show you a SQL query.
19:05.49swilliamsonkeyhack: oh, you one of those dudes who builds those predictive outbound dialer systems that call me all the f'n time?
19:06.01goodcatmercestes: it doesn' just says "peer 111 not found"
19:06.04goodcatno queries
19:06.11swilliamsonsometimes they don't even trasfer the call to an agent...
19:06.26keyhackswilliamson: haha no, its a free service people can sign up for, to receive notifications
19:06.29mercestesgoodcat:  :/  Ok, let me ask some philosophical background questions.  Why are you setting up realtime for sip.conf??
19:06.40b11dmaybe he wants both
19:06.48b11dor maybe I SHOULD SHUT UP
19:06.51goodcatmercestes: to have realtime sip peers?
19:06.54*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
19:07.05mercestesgoodcat:  to what end?
19:07.20goodcatmercestes: to be able to store peers in mysql db
19:07.28swilliamsonkeyhack: oh, well if it is a big investment, than commit to a volume and you will get a better deal than even that
19:07.48goodcatwithout using the shoddy "config file in a database" workaround for 1.07
19:07.49keyhackswilliamson: what do you mean? I'm new to phone networks
19:07.52mercestesgoodcat:  real time sip peers is in general, bad, troublesome, problematic, and buggy.  The only real benefit to it is to allow users to modify their own dialplan via a GUI web interface.
19:07.56swilliamsonPSTN, costs. hell internet costs... how much does 120k fibre run cost to install?
19:08.43goodcatmercestes:'s obviously buggy :p
19:08.45swilliamsonkeyhack: there are people in this channel that will sell you call termination (outbound) and if you contract with them to buy x mins a month, they give you a rate of y
19:08.52mercestesgoodcat:  sip.conf is a far better solution.  The primary headache is that a sip reload in sip realtime is catastrophic to a large scale system, because it shuts all phones down for atleast 1 phone call, or up to one hour, whichever happens first.
19:08.53goodcatmercestes: or at least lacking docs
19:09.21mercestesgoodcat:  Now, if you wanna keep bugging with it we  but, I think you'll be far more satisfied with sip.conf because it's changes and effects are immediate and predictable.
19:09.27goodcatmercestes: what? reload doesn't cut active channels
19:09.33mercestesthere is nothing "realtime" about it.
19:09.42keyhackswilliamson: hmm, 70k+ mins @ $30 a month? :-p
19:09.51mercestesgoodcat:  it doesn't cut active channels, but it does remove every phones registration which will deny it atleast one call.
19:09.53swilliamsonkeyhack: but why compete with yahoo with < $1bn
19:10.06mercestesgoodcat:  the good news is, when it fails that first call it will seed the peer and will accept the second call.
19:10.18swilliamsonkeyhack: because violates TOS, they pay rates/min too
19:10.20mercestesgoodcat:  now, why it doesn't seed first them pass the call I don't know.  I'm not a developer.
19:10.23goodcatmercestes: we could try right now.. just a moment
19:10.28b11dyeah.. dont fuck with The Original Series
19:10.44goodcatmercestes: I have a phone right here, registered
19:10.57swilliamsonkeyhack: sounds like you are trying a bit of arbitrage
19:11.20goodcatmercestes: doing reload...
19:11.23goodcatmercestes: can still cal
19:11.28keyhackswilliamson: just trying to see how cost-effective it is to give it away for free when it costs so much to run the service, heh
19:11.31mercestesgoodcat:  It can still call can't call it tho.
19:11.40mercestesgoodcat; that one phone registered via sip realtime?
19:11.46goodcatgoodcat: no
19:11.53swilliamsonkeyhack: it's not free, they take a risk that you will not use it that much.
19:11.56goodcatI see
19:12.00mercestesgoodcat:  oh, then it won't be effected by that particular feature.
19:12.04goodcatI see
19:12.12mercestessip.conf still works, and still is loaded immediately at sip reload.
19:12.16swilliamsonread about broadcomm on voxilla forums
19:12.18goodcatthought you were talking about sip registrations in general
19:12.21mercestessip.conf also overrides yoru database.
19:12.26keyhackswilliamson: I am talking about me here, I'm giving my service away for free to my customers and paying per minute to call them, when I'm not making that much money out of it
19:12.28mercestesnah, just the ones in SQL.
19:13.20swilliamsonkeyhack: then why do it
19:13.25mercesteskeyhack:  Most of the ones giving the service away for free have some alterior motive/service that their free service is promoting.
19:13.54*** join/#asterisk DaeJeon-Newbie (i=Singh@
19:13.56keyhackbecause there is potential to make money, whether or not that in the end means i profit is a different story lol
19:14.09DaeJeon-Newbiehello asterisk guys
19:14.18mercesteskeyhack:  Here is a shocker.  Your local phone company still pays $$$ for your free local calls.
19:14.26mercesteskeyhack:  There are no "toll free" calls.
19:14.46mercesteskeyhack:  Every phone call, from the ringing, to the busy signal, to the nifty sleep inspiring static, is costing *someone* money.
19:14.51goodcatthat's why companys almost never get those deals
19:14.59bkrusekeyhack: nothing is free!
19:15.06bkrusekeyhack: with the exception of *
19:15.09keyhackyeah, as long as that *someone* isn't me
19:15.13mercesteskeyhack:  Sometimes.......just costs people money for calls that don't even exist.   mostly with AT&T.
19:15.17irqsomeone said my nick
19:15.44mercesteskeyhack:  If you wish to offer any form of telco service, that someone will almost invariably be you.
19:15.59mercesteskeyhack:  Unless you find some way to abuse an existing system which is short term at the best.
19:16.11*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
19:16.50b11dI did
19:16.56b11dawhile back
19:16.56mercestesyou could, theorhetically, "team up" with other VoIP terminated switches out there in the world and offer local "in net" call termination to whatever peers are connected to their switch...or even build your own VoIP network nationwide...
19:17.02swilliamsonbkruse: * costs time, but now I get to bill for it
19:17.18mercestesbut...I think your chances of finding a genie to be slightly higher.
19:17.28keyhackinbound is a different story though? I saw many providers offering unlimited in
19:17.52mercesteskeyhack:  inbound still costs them money.
19:18.03b11dI dunno.. I ate these mushrooms last week and there were genies all around me..
19:18.11b11dtook a ride on a magic carpet and everything
19:18.25*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
19:18.28mercestesyou don't know what....we will find...why don't you come with me little girl?
19:18.34DaeJeon-NewbieI want to buy  IP-PHONEs, which run on an asterisk with 0 problem. anyone recommends?
19:18.34b11dgreat song there any authoritative source (except the source code) for config file options (i.e. sip.conf, extensions.conf)?
19:18.40b11da lousy can was all i found..
19:18.41mercestesI have a techno version of it.
19:18.54b11di had a chemical bro's remix
19:18.56mercestesgoodcat:  #asterisk and
19:18.56b11dit was good
19:19.01kippianyone using asterisk gui ?
19:19.07goodcatmercestes: ok
19:19.13swilliamsoncisco 7940g work great for me
19:19.15mercesteskippi:  #freepbx does.  ask them.
19:19.28DaeJeon-NewbieI want to buy  IP-PHONEs, which run on an asterisk with 0 problem. anyone recommends?
19:19.37swilliamsonhey cisco thanks for charging me 450$ for an okay phone
19:19.46goodcatmercestes: so there're no "specs" released?
19:19.48b11dPolycom phones are the phones of choice..
19:20.07danpi am very impressed with these 601's
19:20.09b11dthey offer the best mix of price/reliability and config options
19:20.11mercestesgoodcat:  the problem with it's so stinking simple it's nearly impossible to setup.  If there were something to "break" then ..there would be more documentation...and a direction to go in.
19:20.15danpi've used grandstreams before and they sucked
19:20.22b11deveryone hates the grandstreams
19:20.28goodcatb11d: not if you're a normal end user who doesn't have "special access" to upgrades, manuals, etc.
19:20.29b11dI know of no one who has praised the grandstream line of phones
19:20.30mercestesgoodcat:  The problem is, realtime is already "there" and if you setup the dbase and flip a switch in a config file, it magically works.
19:20.49danpgoodcat: huh? the manuals are openly available
19:20.54mercestesgoodcat:  You can get one revision backwards, which, at this time, is not bad at all.
19:21.03*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
19:21.04DaeJeon-NewbieI want to buy  IP-PHONEs, which run on an asterisk with 0 problem. anyone recommends?
19:21.08mercestesgoodcat:  And if you *ever* need polycom manuls, just let me know.
19:21.09b11dholy shit
19:21.15b11ddo you not read anythign in here DaeJeon-Newbie?
19:21.20b11dwhat did we just say about the polycoms?
19:21.29danpyou can download the polycom manuals from the website
19:21.29in-ptDaeJeon-Newbie: cisco 7960
19:21.40mercestesDaeJeon-Newbie:  NO!  Polycoms.  definately polycoms.
19:21.43*** join/#asterisk zmef420 (
19:21.48DaeJeon-Newbiein-pt: it is very expensive
19:21.49b11d420.. yeahhhhhhh
19:21.50b11dim down
19:22.02mercestesgoodcat:  make sure you compiled asterisk with the debug option.  what linux are you in?
19:22.04DaeJeon-Newbiecheap: 100$
19:22.04goodcatmercestes: so why do they keep newest versions from end users?
19:22.05in-ptyes: but it is ultimate
19:22.07b11dDaeJeon-Newbie.. buy Polycom 501'
19:22.09goodcatmercestes: debian
19:22.25mercestesgoodcat:  They keep the latest version for certified users (it's easy to get certified)< and one revision backwards to everyone.
19:22.26b11dwhy the fuck do I want end users upgrading SIP?
19:22.28*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
19:22.31b11dI'll handle that, thank you
19:22.33mercestesgoodcat:  And the one revision backwards at this time is still very good.
19:22.54goodcatwell. anything's better than GS
19:22.58mercestesgoodcat:  gah, you couldn't have said gentoo could you?  Do you have portage in Debian?
19:23.03b11dsoftphones are not better
19:23.05mercestesgoodcat:  Or are you a compile from source guy?
19:23.08b11dxlite sucks worse than gs..
19:23.14goodcatmercestes: I have apt
19:23.28goodcatb11d: you can't compare soft phone and hard phone..
19:23.33b11dI think I just did
19:23.36b11dbut i hear ya
19:23.50mercestesgoodcat:  ah yes.  can you pass compile flag options to apt-get?
19:24.01goodcatwell, I tried x-lite on mac os crashes when you hang up! lol
19:24.02b11ddoesnt apt just install binaries?
19:24.07DaeJeon-Newbie"b11d: softphones are not better'  why?
19:24.15mercestesb11d:  Probably. :/
19:24.17b11dheh.. ALL softphones suck horribly
19:24.23b11dits the consensus of #asterisk
19:24.25danpgoodcat: -- there are all the docs for the 601s...what were you talking about?
19:24.32in-ptsjphone is good..anyone had problem with that ?
19:24.41b11dcant claim to have used it
19:24.46b11dor heard of it
19:24.54goodcatsjphone is ok
19:24.59DaeJeon-Newbieb11d: expresstalk
19:25.03mercestesin-pt:  I liked xlite over sjphone.
19:25.17DaeJeon-NewbieI never had prob
19:25.20mercestesin-pt:  Mostly in the eye-candy department.
19:25.24b11danyway DaeJeon-Newbie.. you should go with Polycom 501s or 601's
19:25.30swilliamsonwhat do people say about ata's?
19:25.32b11dif you're just getting started and want a good reliable high quality phone
19:25.37*** join/#asterisk Tili (
19:25.37b11dATA's are alright..
19:25.38in-ptbut xlite had some works well with asterisk but create problems with ser
19:25.40b11dwhen you need them
19:25.42mercestesATA's blow.
19:25.47b11dwhen you need them, they are great
19:25.55mercestesin-pt:  Ah, ser.  :)  You know Clona?
19:26.01swilliamsoni hate my ata's, waiting a whole ring for callid
19:26.02in-ptyes of course
19:26.05b11dI'll take FAXing across ATA's before e-faxing(at this point)
19:26.08in-ptshe is mastermind
19:26.11mercestesb11d:  they blow...
19:26.18mercestesin-pt:  clona is a sexy man..:D
19:26.20b11dmy cisco vg224 rocks..
19:26.22b11dNO issues
19:26.26mercestesin-pt:  I made the same mistake once.....but then he sent me pics.
19:26.38mercestesb11d:  multimode T1: with pri channels....
19:26.43swilliamsonsipura 3000 here, echo;s like mad
19:26.44in-ptmercestes: ohh jessus ..the name predicts as if it is a female name
19:26.49goodcatmercestes: you can compile from source with apt, but I don't have a reason to do that
19:26.55in-ptthank god i havent said that to him
19:26.56mercestesin-pt:  I know!  I so thought he was a girl atfirst
19:27.02mercestesin-pt:  I was hitting on him.
19:27.26in-ptmercestes: thats great
19:27.28mercestesin-pt:  Then he's like.."want my pic?"  and I was like, "yea!"  he was all bald...making a kissy face at me.  lol.  It was great.
19:27.48mercestesit was like prison all over again.
19:27.53b11dahh prison..
19:27.55in-ptgreat: i escaped that situation..hehehehe
19:27.56b11dthe good old days
19:28.07mercestesyea...were men were men and boys were girls.
19:28.23*** join/#asterisk kamuix (
19:28.36mercestesgoodcat:  Try downloading the asterisk sources and compiling them with the debug flag.  Google debugging asterisk.
19:28.51b11deveryone should know how to install * from source.
19:28.52mercestesgoodcat:  You have to compile in the frame pointers or some technical developer term like that.
19:28.59b11dif you're going to run it halfway seriously anyway
19:29.09mercestesb11d:  I know how to install asterisk from source.  emerge -av asterisk   and grab a sammich
19:29.34mercestesyour so jealous.
19:29.39b11dyeah, I am :)(
19:29.40mercestesgentoo ftw
19:30.00mercestesUSE="pri debug zaptel t38" emerge -v asterisk   and voila.
19:30.02b11deff tee doubleyou
19:30.04mercestesdoes my samples....
19:30.18mercestesit even works "out of hte box" without me touching anything.   not useful..but in a working state.
19:30.32b11dim moving to tx tomorrow then
19:30.42b11dI was in houston a few months back..
19:30.52mercestesI can *even* emerge -av =net-misc/asterisk-1.0.9 if I want and get a specific version.
19:30.56swilliamsonthe stock ast source for 1.4 beta builds good too, even checks your enviornment and stuffs
19:30.59b11dwhat an ungodly spread out city that is..
19:31.13mercestesHouston is nice.....very inefficient, but nice.
19:31.18b11dyeah I enjoyed it
19:31.32*** join/#asterisk djflux (
19:31.35mercestesshould come live under my bed...we can take over the city with cheap VoIP service.
19:31.41b11deveryone stoo
19:31.44b11dwheres that mix djflux?
19:31.45*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:31.52b11dmercestes.. sounds like a plan
19:31.58*** join/#asterisk domingues (
19:32.04b11ddjflux.. dont leave me hanging
19:32.11b11dI need to hear some DrAirRider
19:32.33djfluxHAHA ... haven't had the time to put it together ... I had to watch my bengals get their a** wiped on MNF last night :(
19:32.50djfluxand then the day job calls
19:32.50b11duse the loss as inspiration
19:32.57b11dif you had been able to play your mix to them.. they would have won
19:33.04b11dthey'll change their name to the "Benfluxz"
19:33.08djfluxI think so
19:33.09b11dwhen they hear it
19:33.15hardwireanybody here ever had digium hardware hang up.. but the long distance carrier never showed a hangup?
19:33.19mercestesok, well I have to go torture my wife.  I'm home sick and she's all "torture meeeee!" because she's bored.
19:33.25mercestesgoodcat:  Look up compiling with debug optins.
19:33.30b11denjoy the anal
19:33.34mercestesb11d:  Check out for cheap tickets.
19:33.36dominguesHello All, does everybody already worked with BroadVoice Account in Asterisk, I getting problems to activate a account, I made all config exatly in BV Site, but When I dial the Number I got ringing and the called answer, but it is stay in ringing
19:33.37hardwireits happened twice with AT&T resulting in multiple bills of over $20,000
19:33.44mercestesin-pt:  Let me know if you manage to figure out how you fixed FoP...
19:33.45b11dI'm in with Northwest Airlines.. can fly anywhere for free..
19:33.48b11dso no worries
19:34.03mercestesi'm going to take a break and come back later.  I might go back to trying to get bugzilla working.
19:34.13b11dlet me bug marshall for you when you get that done
19:34.13in-ptits more than 6 months and the version is also different..i am not sure
19:34.20in-pti am sorry
19:34.33b11dwell im going to head out for the day
19:34.34b11dcya chaps
19:34.58dominguesI have BoradVoice, I Dial a number, The order end answer the call, but the call still stay in ringing in ASterisk...
19:35.07dominguesany Idea
19:35.16goodcathow do I see which use-flags asterisk is compiled with?
19:35.35swilliamsoncat Makefile
19:35.42b11d|bblcat Makefile | more
19:35.56goodcatno, without the makefile
19:36.18b11d|bblcat makefile > more
19:36.33b11d|bblok im bbl
19:37.26codefreezedomingues: sounds suspiciously like a prob with devicestate... I'm assuming this is SIP. Try call_limit...?
19:37.49codefreezedomingues: 1.2 or 1.4 version of asterisk?
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19:38.18domingues<codefreeze> I tryed with both 1.2 and 1.4 Beta
19:38.43domingues<codefreeze> let me try call-limit...
19:41.17*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
19:41.29TripleFFFFanyone know why a 7960 would ALWAYS look for a sbn file ? P0S3-07-2-00.sbn
19:41.38TripleFFFFi think sbn is P00 no P0s
19:41.39dominguescodefreeze, I set call-limit to 100, but the same problem, the order side answer the call, but to asterisk it still stay ringing
19:42.11domingues* goodcat has quit IRC ("leaving")
19:42.11domingues* TripleFFFF has joined #asterisk
19:42.11domingues<TripleFFFF> anyone know why a 7960 would ALWAYS look for a sbn file ? P0S3-07-2-00.sbn
19:42.11domingues<domingues> codefre
19:43.18codefreezedomingues: Then it is not a devicestate issue... I think I saw a bug with a similar prob on; you might check there
19:43.19TripleFFFFwahts the repeaing mode ?
19:43.33dominguesIn the BV website they say to use inband as dtmfmode, but I set to inband I get Bad Request from BV SIP SERVER, if I set to rfc2833, I dont get Bad Request, but I got the problem
19:44.22*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
19:44.29swilliamsonBV is broken
19:44.34swilliamsonin so many ways
19:45.06dominguesswilliamson do you have a sample of SIP.conf to use with BV
19:46.02swilliamsonyou try the one from voip-info? i gave up on bv two years ago
19:46.11swilliamsontry the voxilla forums
19:46.24swilliamsoni have no more config
19:46.44*** join/#asterisk Strom_C_ (n=strom@
19:46.52domingueslet me see in voip-info
19:47.24tmso kann hieer wer deutsch? ;)
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19:49.25swilliamsonnicht muttersprachlich
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19:51.17naitramanyone have any success using Aastra 480i phones
19:52.35tmswilliamson: hi
19:52.43tmswilliamson: ich moechte ein transfer einleiten mit musconhold
19:52.57tmexten => 37061215,5,Dial(mISDN/1/31772818) ist das so korrekt?
19:53.00tmoder was fehlt mir da?
19:53.26swilliamsonglaub, ,Dial(mISDN/1/31772818,m) moment
19:53.58wunderkinno that isn't right either
19:54.23swilliamsontimeout failt
19:55.03tmswilliamson: ah sooo einfach
19:55.54swilliamsones ist fast immer einfach
19:56.55[TK]D-Fendernaitram: Plenty of people
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20:01.38tmswilliamson|gone: darf nochmal? ;)
20:05.27tmswilliamson|gone: noch da? ;)
20:06.08*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (
20:06.45naitram[TK]D-Fender: I cant get the 480i to connect to the tftp server to get its configuration file, any experience?
20:06.53Dr-Linux|homeanybody tried LumenVox recognition with asterisk?
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20:07.36[TK]D-Fendernaitram: Make sure your TFTP server is running and test it from a PC client.  Then make sure your phone is pointing at it.  Then make sure your filenames are correct
20:07.55robl^and make sure you have it turned on
20:07.59holmierjust god dman it make sure!
20:10.17swilliamson|gonewireshark, sniff those packets
20:11.12swilliamson<td> weider da
20:15.55Dr-Linux|homeanybody tried LumenVox recognition with asterisk?
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20:17.46linageedoes anyone know of a voip service that will let me port over my number and has IAX and is reliable?
20:17.57DaeJeon-NewbieI want going to buy analog cards
20:17.58*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
20:18.11DaeJeon-Newbieany issue with this card?
20:18.39*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
20:18.42blitzrageanyone happen to use ChanIsAvail() on an IAX2 channel in Asterisk For some reason I have a peer registered, and it works if its SIP, but not if its IAX2
20:19.17DaeJeon-Newbiethis guy claims that  X100P different than "clone" cards
20:19.31DaeJeon-Newbieplz have a look
20:19.58DaeJeon-Newbieany comments?
20:20.04DaeJeon-Newbiegood to go?
20:20.21Strom_C_DaeJeon-Newbie, save yourself a lot of headache and just don't touch anything that claims to be x100p, clone or not
20:20.27naitram[TK]D-Fender: as far as I can tell the aastra phone never attempts anything, i have ethereal sniffer and I never get anything when it boots up. All the settings look right
20:20.35robl^X100P (even clones) are not really useful for production.. problemmatic.  
20:21.21robl^I have a Digium X101P and it sits in a box (cardboard)
20:21.45linageerobl^: you have a server running inside a cardboard box? heh
20:21.48Dovidanyone know polycoms?
20:21.57blitzrageyep, lots of people I imagine :)
20:21.58naitram[TK]D-Fender: also i can grab the file from my windows pc using tftp
20:22.08*** part/#asterisk hardwire (
20:22.25blitzrageDovid: just ask a question, it works better
20:22.28robl^linagee: it's my imaginary backup server!   ;-)
20:22.39Dovidi want to upgrade to 1.6.7 from 1.6.6, i made lots of changes to sip.cfg - my question is if I have to upgrade that file to or can i just upgrade ?
20:22.47linageerobl^: hehehe. better to have a backup server running inside a cardboard box than no backup server. ;)
20:22.48DaeJeon-Newbierobl^: what can I buy then? I need one FXO  port
20:22.51blitzragejust upgrade the sip.ld
20:23.14linageerobl^: do you have some sort of failover software running?
20:23.23robl^DaeJeon-Newbie: you can get a single port (upgradable) TDM card from Digium
20:23.47linageeshellsha1k: around?
20:23.51DaeJeon-Newbierobl model number?
20:24.20linageeshellsha1k: you have a bug on your website. also, what do you charge for LNP?
20:24.30[TK]D-FenderDovid: you can keep your existing sip.cfg, it'll be fine
20:24.44DaeJeon-Newbierobl^: model number?
20:24.56DovidTK: so all i need to upload is ? do i need to update sip.ver ?
20:25.00linageeDaeJeon-Newbie: cardboard box model number XJ-281
20:25.27robl^DaeJeon-Newbie: I am looking.  Digium has changed their site..
20:25.51DaeJeon-Newbierobl^: no way to buy now?
20:25.54robl^Does Digium still sell the 1 FXO / 1 FXS developer kit???
20:26.16robl^DaeJeon-Newbie: I am trying to track it.  the site has been reorganized since I bought mine
20:26.21Strom_Mrobl^, it's called the TDM11B
20:26.40linageeStrom_M: what's the diff, Strom_M, Strom_C?
20:26.47robl^Strom_M: right.. but..  I mean they used to sell a discounted version for developerss..
20:26.55Strom_M_M is "mobile"
20:26.59Strom_M_C is "at the office"
20:27.06[TK]D-FenderDovid: LD & VER
20:27.15*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:27.17Dovidjust did ld.
20:27.32danpwhat's the single FXO SIP convereter of choice
20:27.36linageeStrom_M: what a funny ip. your isp needs to do reverse dns
20:27.37danperr, single FXS
20:27.46Strom_Mlinagee, I'm at my client's site rightnow
20:27.47Doviddanp: matter of opinion
20:27.53Dovidmany people like sipura
20:27.58linageeStrom_M: oic. i thought mobile=EVDO or something
20:28.08[TK]D-Fenderdanp:  Single ports FXS is a complete waste.  Spend the extra 10$ ad get a 2-port.  SPA-2002 is a good choice.
20:28.09Strom_Mmobile == not at the office
20:28.43robl^DaeJeon-Newbie: call digium ask for a TDM400P with a single FXO
20:28.53*** part/#asterisk SkramX (n=mark@
20:29.03linageerobl^: that sounds expensive. why not get a TDM400P clone instead? ;)
20:29.28danpwhat are the other main options?
20:29.41robl^linagee: I use NO analog cards ;-)  all digital is cheaper.
20:30.06linageerobl^: might as well use no analog lines either. go with a T1. ;)
20:30.29[TK]D-Fenderdanp: Linksys/Sipura SPA series is decent, and Meditrix ATA's a really top-end, but cost a bit more and are more cryptic to learn at the start.
20:30.46[TK]D-Fenderdanp: There are no others I recommend for this level.
20:30.49*** part/#asterisk naitram (n=danny@
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20:31.19danpcool, thanks. i'm just trying to find options for plugging a cordless phone or similar into
20:31.21robl^linagee: I have low volume.  I just have 2 IAX trunks and about a dozen SIP phones...  works for our needs..
20:32.09linageerobl^: "all of our circuits are busy now. if you'd like more free channels, please chip in to the robl^ fund"
20:33.17[TK]D-Fenderdanp: If you're talking in-lan use, then SPA-2002 it is.
20:33.28danpi'll check it out
20:33.46robl^linagee: hah!  I have had up to 15 concurrent calls on the system via the IAX trunks..  but that is VERY rare.  never had all circuits buys..  again its for use with a group of volunteers / non-profit (NO money)
20:33.54hadsThe 2102 has replaced it
20:34.43danpcan each port have its own registration?
20:34.47danpi would assume so
20:35.37[TK]D-Fenderhads: Should have, the 2002 replaced the 2000, and the 2102 replaced the 2100.  The 2100 series ATA's have a built-in router which you do NOT want since SIP only worked on the WAN port.  Avoid.
20:35.47[TK]D-Fenderdanp: Yup
20:36.13*** join/#asterisk eltech (
20:36.21hads[TK]D-Fender: Ah sorry, my bad. We don't get the 2002 over here, just the PAP2T
20:36.41hadsQuite right about the WAN, I was just typing that out myself.
20:36.50[TK]D-Fenderhads: PAP2 is similar, but I believe cut-back somewhere... just can't confirm where.  where is "here"?
20:37.20Drukendo they even make the PAP2 anymore?
20:37.35hadsThe PAP2T replaced it. Compared to the 2102 the PAP2T doesn't do T38.
20:37.49*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
20:40.38hadsI think the PAP2T may have replaced the 2002?
20:41.49hadsAFAIK they only have the PAP2T, SPA2102 and SPA3102 in that series now.
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20:45.21Dovidi am having problems with MWI on a polycom 601, does anyone know what i have to edit in the cfg files ?
20:46.21naftali5Dovid, what's up
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20:46.32Dovidi cant get MWI to work on the phone
20:46.55Dovidwhat do i have to edit so the light blinks when there is a VM
20:47.03danpDovid: using realtime?
20:47.05blitzrageI don't want to meet your mom... I just want
20:47.17[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: ! ! !
20:47.21danpDovid: you need rtcachefriends=yes in your sip.conf [general] section
20:47.21[hC]doh.. pap2-na's cant do vlans
20:47.24[hC]tats so weak.
20:47.29Dovidand the phone will get it ?
20:47.41[TK]D-Fenderhads: The SPA-2002 is still current and available.
20:47.43danpif you have the mailbox set for the user
20:47.55Dovidi do
20:47.57*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
20:48.09[TK]D-FenderDovid: Pastebin your entry
20:48.11danpthen once you add rtcachefriends and reload they should just work
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20:53.16s34nanybody using snom360 phones?
20:53.34Doviddanp: do i have to set anything in the phone at alll ?
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20:54.27Doviddanp: anything under message center for the polycom 601 ?
20:54.50danpDovid: i'm pretty sure i didn't...if you have the equivalent of mailbox=123 for that sip user it should just work
20:55.10[hC]anyone know if its possible for the linksys pap2 to do vlans?
20:55.13Doviddanp: its mailbox=123@companyname
20:55.14[hC]Its not there by default
20:55.43danpmight turn up your asterisk verbosity and see if there are any errors when the phone tries to subscribe
20:56.04Doviddanp: rebooted the phone and its working
20:56.17danpoh good. it probably would have started working after a while
20:57.25*** join/#asterisk groogs (
20:57.36robl^s34n: I used Snom360s until about 3-4 months ago.  switched to Aastra
20:57.56s34nrobl^: did you use setting_files?
20:58.34robl^s34n: I used the config files.  nothing was set in the web..
20:59.00Doviddanp: once i have u here - client is complaining that when they are on the phone if they get a second call then they only hear one beep
20:59.12Dovidthey want the phone to beep more often - how do i change that ?
21:00.36s34n  seems to be broken
21:02.12robl^s34n: hrmm. prolly a link from the OLD wiki
21:02.14Rawplayeris there any alternative for festival on freebsd?
21:02.27danpDovid: hmm, no idea about that...let me look at the admin guide real quick
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21:03.28Dovidokies. the guide is a lil complicated for me - i have made lots of mods to the cfg files but it makes my head spin
21:03.43hads[TK]D-Fender: Two random sites;
21:04.05hadsThey both say that it's been replaced by the PAP2T
21:04.20s34nrobl^: I'm looking for more detail on the setting_file contents for snom mass deployment
21:04.50robl^s34n:  <-- try that
21:05.20*** join/#asterisk seele_ (
21:06.18s34nrobl^: I've been there, but it doesn't really tell you the setting names, etc.
21:06.38s34nrobl^: some settings reference would be nice.
21:07.39robl^s34n:  <-- that should have the names
21:08.03*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
21:08.08s34nrobl^: thanks!
21:08.33hadsDoesn't the phones web interface itself have a settings file dump
21:08.50robl^s34n: you can set up one phone in the web interface..  then there is a link on the web interface to allow you to view a settings file.. you can use that as a template for all the phones
21:09.04*** join/#asterisk ClydeGoffe (
21:09.07hadsYeah. Thought so.
21:10.31[TK]D-Fenderhads: Nope.  Outright misinformation.
21:10.34ClydeGoffeHey all
21:10.52seele_please help I need to split 2 different groups of extensions ... how can I configure the context?
21:10.52ClydeGoffehoping someone can help me decipher a warning i'm getting in the asterisk's logs
21:10.56ClydeGoffeWARNING[32000] interface.c: Junk at the beginning of frame 41504554
21:11.04ClydeGoffemultiple times
21:11.13ClydeGoffeany idea what that means and what could be causing that
21:11.33robl^I like(d) Snom..  but they kept breaking the firmware.  every version had some pretty annoying bugs.. I ended up ditching them all. still ahve 3 Snom 360s sitting on a shelf after I retired them
21:13.37hads[TK]D-Fender: OK, good to know. It's accurate for the situation here, the current models are the PAP2T, SPA2102 and SPA3102.
21:14.04hads[TK]D-Fender: At least that's all that Linksys NZ are supplying.
21:14.40hadsrobl^: Intersting, what firmware version did you get up to with them?
21:15.10robl^hads: 5.x like .54, I think
21:15.20robl^5.4, even
21:15.31seele_how can I create anew context
21:15.45hadsOK. I think 6.x is more stable. The snom 360 would be nicer if the screen was slightly higher res IMHO.
21:15.46bkruseexten => whatever,1,Answer()
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21:17.00robl^hads: had issues for a while with dropping calls on phones.. had another with a phone rebooting constantly.  had one where if you were transfering a call and a call came in at the same time.. you lost both calls
21:17.17seele_bkruse, I can make same number extensions in different context?
21:17.30bkruseseele_: yes
21:17.34hadsFair enough dropping them then :) The pixels on the 360 are too big compared to the cheapy Linksys sitting next to me.
21:17.42bkrusebkruse: [zomgseeleisnub]
21:17.42bkrusebkruse: exten => 1,1,Answer()
21:17.51seele_bkruse, sorry for my ignorance ... how ... example please
21:18.30robl^hads: the rez was low.. but it was useable.  I wanted them for a phone.. not to play video games.  ;-)
21:18.56hadsWell that's all I do with my phones.
21:19.31robl^using Aastra 480i and 9133is now.  rock solid.  not as many bells and whistsles.. but solid.
21:19.35bkruseseele_: make something like this
21:19.35bkruseexten => 10,1,Answer()
21:19.35bkruseexten => 10,n,Noop(YAY!!!)
21:19.35bkruseexten => 10,n,Playback(tt-allbusy)
21:20.02seele_extensions.conf ?
21:21.03robl^"Use the wiki-source, Luke!"
21:21.26Nivex"I'd rather kiss a wiki!"
21:21.32Nivex"That can be arrranged!"
21:23.00*** join/#asterisk drfreeze (
21:23.45drfreezeI've got a couple of Polycom501 phones that seem to ignore their GSM setting and the clocks are off by 6hrs. Anyone have an idea as to why?
21:24.18bkrusedrfreeze: no idea, can 501's do ntp?
21:24.21dlynes_laptopdrfreeze: wrong time zone?
21:24.34Corydon-wPolycom doesn't support the GSM codec and you forgot to set an NTP server in your DHCP
21:24.57Corydon-wand/or you forgot to set that in the config
21:25.00drfreezedlynes_laptop: time zones seem to be ignored
21:25.19dlynes_laptopdrfreeze: see Corydon-w's suggestion regarding an ntp server
21:25.49drfreezebkruse: I think they all use the same ntp
21:26.00dlynes_laptopCorydon-w: you can't specify an ntp server, manually?  it only grabs it from the dhcp option clause?
21:26.10Corydon-wSure you can
21:26.25danpDovid: hmm, i don't see anything about making it beep more than once
21:26.25dlynes_laptopCorydon-w: ah...would just seem kinda silly if it couldn't :)
21:26.31bkruseweb interface ;]
21:27.00danpi use the phone configs to set the GMT offset
21:27.03dlynes_laptopweb interfaces are highly overrated
21:27.10danpthat way there's only one extra option in DHCP
21:27.11bkrusedlynes_laptop: agreed!
21:27.13bkruselinks http:// :]
21:27.19[TK]D-FenderYou can set NTP in either DHCP or in the phones direct configs overriding DHCP.
21:27.35danpthese polycoms are great...i haven't even touched the web interface yet
21:27.41dlynes_laptopI wish all phones would allow you to all the configuration from the phone's dialpad
21:27.44[TK]D-Fenderdanp: No should you ever
21:27.54dlynes_laptops/to all/to do all/
21:27.58danpi have a rails app that generates configs
21:31.14*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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21:31.44luke-jr_workany ideas on determining why Asterisk has decided a SIP client is Unauthorized?
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21:32.05luke-jr_workit's a PAP2 that has moved from the LAN to a WAN location
21:32.20luke-jr_workso credentials are the same and all
21:32.34CunningPikeluke-jr_work: Pastebin your sip.conf
21:32.37jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
21:34.22dlynes_laptopluke-jr_work: chances are it's set to a static ip, and it's coming from a different static ip now
21:35.44CunningPikeHey, dlynes_laptop
21:35.58dlynes_laptopheya anthony
21:36.03dlynes_laptopoops...not on mud
21:36.09luke-jr_workdlynes_laptop: nope
21:36.36dlynes_laptopluke-jr_work: well, we're not going to be able to help you without a pastebin of your sip.conf file, either
21:36.45luke-jr_workdlynes_laptop: working on it
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21:37.06dlynes_laptopCunningPike: i'm getting too much sleep lately
21:37.16CunningPikeLucky you
21:37.24dlynes_laptopCunningPike: averaging about 3-1/2 hours every night lately
21:37.33CunningPikedlynes_laptop: Ugh
21:37.45dlynes_laptopyeah, tell me about it
21:37.53CunningPikedlynes_laptop: Should I ask why, or does it involve Oriental ladies?
21:37.56drfreezeAnyone know the default password for the webinterface to a polycom phone?
21:37.56dlynes_laptopGetting faxing working
21:38.03dlynes_laptopGetting monitoring working
21:38.05CunningPikedlynes_laptop: Ewwww
21:38.13jbotsomebody said wglwat was well, good luck with all that
21:38.13dlynes_laptopGetting a foreign exchange server written
21:38.25dlynes_laptopbasically way too much crap
21:38.26robl^faxing on a pbx has NEVER made any sense to me.  
21:38.40bkruserobl^: when i see your name i think rofl
21:38.42dlynes_laptoprobl^: We're not trying to fax on a pbx
21:38.46CunningPikedrfreeze: Have you tried 456?
21:39.14dlynes_laptoprobl^: we're trying to do it from a softswitch
21:39.17drfreezeCunningPike: that is for the phone. I remember something like 'polycom' for the phone, but it is not working
21:39.28drfreezeAlso, I am assuming the username is admin, but that may be wrong too
21:39.34CunningPikedrfreeze: Worth a shot :)
21:39.42dlynes_laptoprobl^: i.e. it's only used for routing calls, fax blasting advertisements, and receiving fax for fax 2 email
21:40.40CunningPikedrfreeze: Try 'Polycom' and '456'
21:40.42robl^dlynes_laptop: ahh!
21:41.21dlynes_laptoprobl^: on our pbxes, we only care about being able to fax through, and receive faxes which will get emailed
21:41.23drfreezeCunningPike: Hey, that worked. Thx
21:41.41CunningPikedrfreeze: Try reading the manual, too ;)
21:42.00CunningPikeluke-jr_work: If you remove the defaultip entry, does it work?
21:42.56drfreezeCunningPike: Do you know why the 501's would ignore the time offset when configured via the phone, but not when configured via the web interface?
21:43.25CunningPikedrfreeze: Hmm - not sure. We use a provisioning server
21:44.28dlynes_laptopdrfreeze: the keypad interfaces and web interfaces for most voip phones are flaky at best
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21:52.53drfreezedlynes_laptop: do you know of a way to get the current config of a phone in XML format?
21:53.30drfreezeIn other words, I would like to modify the current config and setup the tftp server with that file instead of a completely new file
21:53.53dlynes_laptopdrfreeze: for a polycom?  no
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21:53.58dlynes_laptopdrfreeze: I don't use polycom
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22:01.47CunningPikedrfreeze: There isn't a way to do that - although lots of people would like that
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22:09.51sweeperlink to voice compression protocol comparison matrix?
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22:22.21CunningPikedrfreeze: My advice is to start with the default files and make the changes you need from there
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22:33.09robin_szsigh ... fscking BT
22:33.22robin_szwhat a totally useless company
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22:48.27sweeperThe One Book is tasty ,3
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22:58.52dlynes_laptopCunningPike: you can do that with aastra, though:)
22:59.08dlynes_laptopanyways...gotta run
22:59.15dlynes_laptopfreaking octel voicemail sucks so bad
23:01.04_BOBWEEVERIs zap show status the best way to see errors on T110P?  I am measuring BPV errors on the bert tester but am seeing nothing on the * box?  Am I not looking in the correct place?
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23:06.08luke-jr_workany ideas on determining why Asterisk has decided a SIP client is Unauthorized?
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23:06.38luke-jr_workno credentials have changed on either client or server (username, password, etc)
23:08.16hachihey, I've been patching asterisk's rtp.c myself to fix a RFC2833 packet ordering problem for about 6 months now. Is it in scope to be fixed any time?
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23:09.03orlokhachi: yeah, it will be fixed after they unfuck the sip header handling
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23:09.08orlok(yeah, right.)
23:09.13file1.4 and trunk's handling/producing of RFC2833 is vastly different then 1.2
23:10.30hachiI'm just tired of patching it when a new version of 1.2 is released, and now I just found out that I have to start building it for 64bit platforms as well
23:10.35hachiso my work just tripled
23:10.41filewhat's the patch?
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23:13.44hachithe patch I have basically ignores packets that step backwards in time
23:14.08hachilike... I'd get start-9 start-9 end-9 start-9 end-9 end-9 for DTMF tones
23:14.12hachiand asterisk would read that as 99
23:14.17hachiwhen it's actually just one 9
23:14.20fileyay out of order
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23:17.41hachiif I file a bug regarding this against 1.2, is it just going to get thrown away because 1.4 is 'out soon' ?
23:18.04filelemme look at the RFC2833 in 1.2
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23:22.56wwalkerOK, so can anyone give me a reason to use a Netrake nCite instead of a good server running OpenSER?
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23:25.48PutLinuxInIti don't know what Netrake nCite is :-(
23:26.37filehachi: post it as a bug and I will see if I can come up with a solution based off the stuff I learned from doing the 1.4/trunk implementation
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23:29.04hachifile: k... uh, where do you do that?
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23:40.09wwalkerPutLinuxInIt: it's a "session border controller"  much like a big SIP proxy server
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23:43.56PutLinuxInItthanks wwalker
23:44.36PutLinuxInIt<<----- needs help on setting up a pbx for less than 10 users with asterisk.
23:46.51Aboulafiawhat kind of help ? (I'm not usefull about tuning...
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23:52.23hachireported, bug # 8628
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23:53.32Strom_CPutLinuxInIt: what kind of help do you need?
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.