irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061217

00:00.09lters_DaeJeon-novice: if you only have one partion there, than in menu.lst add
00:00.36DaeJeon-noviceI have two disks
00:00.43DaeJeon-novicehda -centos
00:00.47DaeJeon-novicehdb debian
00:01.51matt_you have 2 disks and you cant "cd /boot/grub/"
00:01.59matt_2 disks of linux os's
00:02.07*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (
00:02.49lters_do this, "mkdir /mnt/hda1" then "mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1" than "ls /mnt/hda1/"
00:03.01lters_that should show the cent os kernel name
00:03.36lters_matt_ are you on ipv6?
00:03.45matt_lters, yea
00:03.53lters_thats fancy
00:04.56DaeJeon-novicelters_: yes
00:04.59DaeJeon-noviceit did
00:05.03matt_lters_, i have a firefox plugin that shows the remote ip of the web server, and if its ipv4 its red and ipv6 its green, theres quite a few sites these days that have ipv6 support
00:05.08DaeJeon-noviceI can see the kernelname now
00:06.18lters_DaeJeon-novice: add that to the bottom of the menu.lst , save and reboot
00:07.06matt_cant you just leave out the initrd line ?
00:07.18lters_yeah, sorry, leave that blank
00:07.34DaeJeon-noviceresult of ls /mnt/hda1/  ---
00:07.58matt_unless your kernel dosn't have support for your root filesystem ...
00:08.35lters_DaeJeon-novice: so, where it says put kernel here, put this instead vmlinuz-2.6.9-42.0.3.EL
00:09.07DaeJeon-noviceother things same?
00:09.08matt_something isn't right
00:09.25matt_in grub.conf you have .... /boot/kernelnamehere
00:09.38matt_but a ls /mnt/hda1 shows the kernel is in / on that filesystem
00:09.42matt_and not /boot
00:10.18lters_I was thinking about that too. remove the /boot from that 3rd line.
00:10.22matt_if you did ls /mnt/hda1/boot and got the kernel that would be fine
00:10.45matt_hda1 is your boot partition, i dont see any /usr /proc /dev
00:10.56matt_im guessing hda2 is your root partition
00:11.07matt_so ... kernel          /boot/kernelnamehere root=/dev/hda1 ro   .. should be ..
00:11.15matt_kernel          /kernelnamehere root=/dev/hda2 ro
00:11.30*** join/#asterisk JJMan123 (
00:12.19DaeJeon-novicei am confused
00:12.24matt_but then hda2 might be your swap
00:12.37matt_i and hda3 your root
00:12.39DaeJeon-novicecan give the file code to put in
00:12.43matt_wheres your fdisk ?
00:13.20matt_/dev/hda2              14        2438    19478812+  8e  Linux LVM
00:13.23matt_linux LVM
00:13.32matt_your root is on a logical volume manager
00:14.03matt_that stuff is WAY more complicated to boot off than just a normal partition with a fs
00:14.42DaeJeon-novicehow can I do?
00:14.43matt_it might be a better idea to leave out LVM support and play around with /boot grub and getting to know filesystems n stuff
00:15.06matt_that might be what the initrd was setting up
00:15.33matt_when you installed centos ... was the drive connected to your pc in the same way it is now?
00:16.18DaeJeon-novicecentos drive is primary master
00:16.31DaeJeon-novicedebian  primary s
00:16.39lters_there is a img out there that should work.
00:16.46matt_when you boot you get a debian boot?
00:17.08DaeJeon-noviceonly debian
00:17.19matt_ok your booting from hdc the drive with debian on
00:17.32matt_and all the modifaications that you are making are on hda
00:17.48matt_so even if this works you will still need to tell your bios to boot from the different drives
00:17.54matt_to boot into the different os's
00:18.42matt_if you want 2 menu options then you will need to edit the menu.lst on the debian /boot partition
00:19.05DaeJeon-novicewhat should I put in?
00:20.05DaeJeon-novicegood to go?
00:20.18lters_I would try that, unless matt_ sees any catches..
00:20.56matt_the only thing i can see is because your using lvm
00:21.04matt_your root might not be /dev/hda2
00:21.18DaeJeon-novicecan't we check that?
00:21.26matt_but something like /dev/group01/lvm01
00:21.30matt_just remove it
00:21.58matt_the initrd should take care of that for you
00:23.09*** part/#asterisk Z_God (
00:23.11matt_yea, you will have to tell your bios to boot from hda
00:23.26matt_but if it works you can put it in the debians menu.lst
00:24.58*** join/#asterisk drfreeze (
00:25.02DaeJeon-noviceyes system will boot from hda
00:25.20DaeJeon-noviceI already changed the bios
00:25.49drfreezeI've got a single polycom phone that has decided it wants to show the time 6 hrs behind. (the gmt offset is ok)
00:25.57drfreezeAny ideas why this would happen?
00:27.33*** join/#asterisk brian (i=brian@unaffiliated/brian)
00:38.43DaeJeon-novicematt_: did not work
00:39.00DaeJeon-novicecould not mount
00:46.21*** join/#asterisk kyo (
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00:57.20*** join/#asterisk jbot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:57.20*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk 1.2.14, 1.4.0-beta4, Zaptel 1.2.12, 1.4.0-beta3 Released! (Dec. 15, 2006) -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=- Join #asterisk-gui to learn about the new Asterisk GUI framework
01:00.45*** join/#asterisk ast_freak|Laptop (
01:15.52*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
01:15.52*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Asterisk 1.2.14, 1.4.0-beta4, Zaptel 1.2.12, 1.4.0-beta3 Released! (Dec. 15, 2006) -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=- Join #asterisk-gui to learn about the new Asterisk GUI framework
01:22.23*** join/#asterisk Omer (i=Omer@
01:31.16*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
01:47.25*** join/#asterisk hbsmurf (
01:48.17hbsmurfAnyone here know if multi-server asterisk installs are a pain in the ass when it comes to cdr?
01:52.10Nuggetas long as you're using a database-backed cdr (like cdr_odbc or cdr_pgsql) I'd expect you'll have no problems.
01:52.49hbsmurffigured as much
01:52.49hbsmurfWasn't sure anyone would be here on a Saturday night
01:52.49hbsmurfbut figured I'd try
01:53.01hadsIt's not Saturday everywhere mate.
01:53.24hbsmurfYeah yeah
01:53.33hbsmurfit could be Sunday morning
01:53.54hadsOr Sunday afternoon.
01:54.04hbsmurfGood point
01:54.38*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doo@
01:55.11hbsmurfI've gotta shut the power off so I can get my new outlets hooked up
01:55.22hbsmurfgot the plywood on the wall in my mechanical room
01:55.33hbsmurfI need a decent shelf up there for my server
01:55.41hbsmurfand my wife doesn't think I'm crazy
01:57.08lters_DaeJeon-novice: and ?
02:13.07*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
02:16.58*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
02:18.21*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
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03:00.40*** join/#asterisk Mad|Cow (n=thirt@
03:00.46Mad|Cowanyone know if there is such as thing as a tftp resource record?  I'm trying to figure out how to make my phone find my tftp server without hard coding the IP.
03:02.29naftali5there is a DHCP option for that you can set up in your router sometimes
03:02.35naftali5don't know much more
03:03.17Mad|CowI was hoping you could add a service record or resource record.... but I cant find anything on it... not sure if such a thing exists
03:03.26JTMad|Cow: you need to set it at the dhcp server
03:03.40JTyou can set arbitary information in a decent DHCPd
03:04.00Mad|CowJT: Do you know what the record needs to say?
03:04.40JTno, read your phone documentation
03:06.46*** join/#asterisk frogzoo (n=frogzoo@
03:06.48Mad|Cownaftali5: you rock... I have been searching all over google... couldnt find a thing :-)  
03:10.08*** join/#asterisk dmd1222 (
03:15.18*** join/#asterisk nvicf (n=v@
03:17.32*** part/#asterisk dmd1222 (
03:24.37*** join/#asterisk Stephnie (
03:25.33Stephniewhen I issue "sip reload" ... then it takes a bit time to reload  "sip_notify.conf" ....any help??
03:26.55naftali5dns issues
03:27.03Stephnieu r right...
03:27.25StephnieI got some msgs last nite .... unable to look dns
03:27.29naftali5check your /var/log/asterisk/full you should see the 20 second pauses on DND lookup
03:27.51naftali5try to ping each of your provider hostnames on py one
03:27.57Stephnieis this issue with my dns or the dns my asterisk is registring with ?
03:28.00naftali5*DNS lokups
03:28.49Stephnieso this problem is with any of my service provider's dns ?
03:29.19naftali5maybe them, maybe your internet, maybe your ISP's DNS server
03:29.29naftali5like i said, try to ping them one by one
03:29.59Stephnieokey...let me check plz
03:30.17naftali5check the logs, you should see the one/ones which made it pause around 20 seconds
03:30.47Stephniecdr-csv  cdr-custom  event_log  messages  queue_log
03:31.15Stephniethat is what I have in /var/log/asterisk
03:34.21nvicfI've configured extension, sip, and the rest of asterisk, I'm restarting it, and when I try to use a softphone from another machine it doesn't connect, I've nmaped the machine and it doesn't have anything open, is that correct?
03:41.59*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
03:42.58*** part/#asterisk Bog (
03:51.23*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
03:52.28*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
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03:54.12shmaltzanybody here seen the news? I'm Time Magazine Person of the year
03:56.52Stephnienaftali5:  if I get ping reply from all of the domains/dns of my service providers then ?
03:57.31Stephnienaftali5:  but I am sure ...problem is with asterisk used to prompt me unable to lookup
03:58.15naftali5maybe at specific times
03:58.31naftali5but if it prompts you only for one, and you have multiple
03:58.38naftali5it is probably their problem
03:58.59Stephniebut they are working fine at my another dedicated server....
03:59.40Stephniemust be some problem with my current dedicated server....and their tech says....there is not any problem at their end.
03:59.58*** join/#asterisk suma (
04:00.17sumaany place where i can get iax DID's for US? if possible free
04:01.42Stephnienaftali5:  they asked me to check   dig  command
04:02.16shmaltzlooks interesting:
04:04.08naftali5Stephanie: I was able to pinpoint your problem because I have seen it before, that's where my expertise ends
04:04.36Stephnie:)   thanks
04:05.27*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
04:15.40nvicfI'm having the obnoxius Found no files in '/usr/share/asterisk/mohmp3', where can I find those files?
04:17.10nvicfthanks godines
04:17.20dlynes_laptopwho's godines?
04:18.01nvicfa funny character from a mexican comedy, el chavo del 8
04:18.08nvicfdlynes sounded like godines in my head
04:18.14StephnieDec 16 19:08:15 WARNING[16251]: chan_sip.c:1989 create_addr: No such host:
04:18.14StephnieDec 16 19:08:15 WARNING[16251]: chan_sip.c:5470 transmit_register: Probably a DNS error for registration to, trying REGISTER again (after 20 seconds)
04:18.25nvicfdlynes_laptop, how do I know which one of those?
04:18.46dlynes_laptopnvicf: Just grab all the .wav files
04:19.17StephnieI am stucked in 2 service providers...both says...they are fine...then I must be wrong in paying that b****
04:19.30dlynes_laptopStephnie: Just put in instead of if you're having issues
04:20.43dlynes_laptopStephnie: that'll solve the issue until your dns server gets fixed
04:21.05dlynes_laptopStephnie: then when you're able to type in 'dig' and it works
04:21.15dlynes_laptopStephnie: change it back to
04:21.23*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
04:21.42Stephniedlynes_laptop:  I think I tried that ..but let me check again
04:22.06dlynes_laptopStephnie: obviously you didn't, or it'd be sayiing no such host: instead
04:23.18dlynes_laptopStephnie: after you made your changes, did you do a 'sip reload'?
04:24.45Stephniechecking again
04:25.05*** join/#asterisk frogzoo (n=frogzoo@
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04:43.22linageehas anyone played with that wengo flash phone?
04:43.27linageedoes it work with asterisk?
04:43.42linageeit says SIP compatible....
04:44.42nvicfweird, I'm downloading the spanish files and still sounds in english!
04:44.53*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
04:45.07*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
04:45.20FuriousGeorgenvicf: how can spanish sound english?
04:45.44nvicfFuriousGeorge, no idea, I've downloaded the english files, then deleted everything, and downloaded the spanish files
04:47.51*** part/#asterisk Primer (
04:49.48resistancecould anyone recommend a sound board to use for the intercom system
04:50.11resistancei have a sound blaster and theres a horrible sound which sounds like an echo
04:56.10linageeFuriousGeorge: maybe it has an english accent? :)
04:57.23nvicfno man, that's english
04:57.53FuriousGeorgenvicf: are you using a@h?
04:58.00nvicfno, only asterisk
04:58.28FuriousGeorgenvicf: and you changed the filenames in the dialplan?
04:58.37nvicfI've downloaded ../asterisk-core-sounds-es-wav-1.4.4.tar.gz    ../asterisk-moh-freeplay-wav.tar.gz
04:58.40dlynes_laptopresistance: maybe lower your input gain on the soundblaster?
04:58.50*** join/#asterisk naftali5 (
04:59.12dlynes_laptopnvicf: you need either 1.4.4 or the current, but not both
04:59.38nvicfone overwrites the other I guess
05:00.06FuriousGeorgeso the spanish filenames are the same as the english names?
05:00.30nvicfappears to be when I detargz
05:01.18FuriousGeorgein a way that makes sense, but what if you wanted to have both on your system, which to me makes just as much sense, you would obviously need different files
05:03.01FuriousGeorgenvicf: having said that, it should be very simple.  try to find on your filesystem the spanish clip you are expecting to get
05:03.16FuriousGeorgeeither its there, and you can invoke it from the dialplan, or it's not
05:03.20FuriousGeorgeand you cant
05:04.23resistancedlynes-laptop: how can i do that?
05:04.42FuriousGeorgeresistance: is this a usb mic?
05:04.58FuriousGeorgeerr, you already said it was your soundcard
05:05.07resistanceno, i dial into the console with my phone
05:05.12FuriousGeorgeanalog phone?
05:05.40FuriousGeorgeso try negative values
05:06.08FuriousGeorgetx is transmit and rx is receive in case you didnt know
05:06.18FuriousGeorgei forget what the range is
05:07.24resistanceit seems that my voice when i speak into the phone breaks up, it really funny
05:07.37*** join/#asterisk bulatitoy (
05:07.40resistanceit doesn't matter how much i have the volume turned up or down
05:08.00resistancebut i will try the gain
05:08.00FuriousGeorgedid you reload chan_zap after changing the values
05:08.11resistancethanks 4 the advice
05:08.12FuriousGeorgeyou might even have to restart entrirely
05:08.13bulatitoyneed help regarding zaptel compile
05:08.20resistanceno, i'm actually not at my box right now
05:08.44nvicfI have no idea where this come from
05:09.00nvicfI've tar-zxvf in /usr/share/asterisk/mohmp3
05:09.05nvicfmmm maybe it doesn't go there
05:09.20FuriousGeorgenvicf: show me the ls output of the file you expect it to play
05:09.50bulatitoyits says in thebook before compiling zaptel you need to do ln -s to point to the kernel source
05:09.52nvicf-rw-r--r--  1 arquimedes arquimedes 631698 2006-12-11 19:48 demo-congrats.wav
05:10.09bulatitoyhow do you do that in debian sarge?
05:10.33FuriousGeorgenvicf: doesnt it go in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
05:11.24FuriousGeorgebulatitoy: when you type ls -la in /usr/src do you see a link called linux pointing to a dir called linux-(something)-2.6.(something)?
05:11.52nvicfFuriousGeorge, what?but it complains about mohmp3 if it's empty
05:13.31FuriousGeorgenvicf: if you were your client wouldnt you complain if you had no Music On Hold b/c someone hadnt put any MP3s in that dir
05:13.34nvicfI though it was a different thing
05:13.50nvicfFuriousGeorge, I have no /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
05:13.56nvicfFuriousGeorge, only /var/lib/asterisk
05:14.09nvicfFuriousGeorge, I have /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/
05:14.13FuriousGeorgenvicf: so you dont have asterisk-sounds installed
05:14.15nvicfbut I have some gsm I don't want to screw
05:14.20bulatitoyFurious: no i dont
05:14.27FuriousGeorgeso by all means dont screw them :)
05:14.48FuriousGeorgebulatitoy: do you have that linux-(something)-2.6.(something)
05:15.05nvicfFuriousGeorge, perfect it goes in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds, btw spanish sounds are really bad:)
05:15.27bulatitoydo i need to do ln -s /boot/config-2.4 /usr/src/linux-2.4?
05:15.28FuriousGeorgenvicf: tiene us accento terrible?
05:15.46nvicfFuriousGeorge, lol, it sounds like arnold speaking english
05:15.55FuriousGeorgebulatitoy: close
05:16.06bulatitoyi have the config-2.4 in /boot
05:16.08FuriousGeorgebulatitoy: you need to go into /usr/src (cd /usr/src)
05:16.11bulatitoyis that the file?
05:16.31FuriousGeorgebulatitoy: err, it should be a dir with kernel headers installed
05:16.39bulatitoyall i have in /usr/src are the asterisk source
05:16.57*** join/#asterisk h0 (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
05:17.03FuriousGeorgebulatitoy: in debian, it sounds like you need to apt-get your kernel headers
05:17.23bulatitoyi see
05:17.28FuriousGeorgenvicf: its not allison, is it?
05:17.38bulatitoythe  kernel-headers are already 2.6
05:17.46bulatitoymy kernel version is only 2.4
05:17.49bulatitoyis that fine?
05:18.15bulatitoyso i need to upgrade my kernel to 2.6
05:19.06FuriousGeorgebulatitoy: if you have linux kernel headers installed why dont you have a linux-2.6 something?
05:20.02FuriousGeorgebulatitoy: truth is, i use gentoo which "comes with" kernel headers by default, so im not exactly sure what package you need
05:20.24bulatitoyi see...i will try gentoo later
05:20.24FuriousGeorgebut you could just upgrade to 2.6 wich i think everyone will agree plays nicer with *
05:20.37FuriousGeorgebulatitoy: im not suggesting you use gentoo
05:21.11bulatitoyi have tried trixbox earlier but with dialing out is inconsistent, am using x100p to test
05:21.20FuriousGeorgeif you think you can do it, upgrade to 2.6
05:21.51bulatitoyyeah i think thats the best way to do it
05:21.53nvicfFuriousGeorge, no idea, it doesn't show any names
05:21.58FuriousGeorgenever used an x100p but i hear people have bad luck with it
05:22.08FuriousGeorgenvicf: she is the voice of the default sounds
05:22.10bulatitoyi really wanted to make it work on debian
05:22.45bulatitoyyeah, ive read a lot about x100p, shouldnt hve bought it, tho its on $10
05:22.56nvicfFuriousGeorge, ah no idea, I can only use 8bit mp3 for music on hold isn't?
05:23.20FuriousGeorgebulatitoy: and if you want "production quality" analog channels use a server mb.  zaptel hw is sensitive about irqs
05:23.38FuriousGeorgeand maybe upgrade to tdm400 :)
05:23.49bulatitoyare the TDM400P cards good?
05:23.57FuriousGeorgenvicf: i believe so
05:24.04bulatitoyhow about the sangoma?
05:25.28danpi'm liking my sangoma so far
05:25.51bulatitoyis it more expensive than the tdm400p?
05:27.42danphow many portts do you need?
05:30.16danpa quick froogle search and digging got me a tdm400p with 4 FXO ports for $395. the comparable sangoma (A20002) is $360
05:30.42danpbut i'm sure those prices vary quite a bit from place to place
05:31.19bulatitoyi see
05:31.20[TK]D-FenderAnd the A200 can expan past 4 ports without requiring more PCI resources and at a lower cost.
05:31.37danpi have a 12 FXO port setup
05:31.39bulatitoyhow about echo cancellation?
05:31.48bulatitoyis it better on sangoma?
05:32.44[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : flawless in my experience.  the TDM400 doesn't have any hardware EC.
05:33.36bulatitoywe are planning on replacing our old key tel system
05:33.53bulatitoywe only have 4 pstn lines and planning go get a voip service
05:34.16bulatitoyi would definitely look in to the sangoma card
05:34.58bulatitoybut im totally new to * thats why im testing everything from trixbox to the asterisknow
05:35.14bulatitoybut would like to make it work on debian
05:38.32danpi'm having no trouble using my sangoma and asterisk on an ubuntu system
05:38.46[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : There are guides for FreePBX for Debian, but if its a set&forget box, why bother.
05:38.59nvicfdamn, not getting any music on hold, I've used lame to convert to 8bit
05:39.06[TK]D-FenderThen again.... * GUI's ..... shudder
05:39.33hadsDon't discount external gateways either, they give you driver independance.
05:41.56bulatitoyi find the GUI more difficult, its suppose to be easier :)
05:42.09bulatitoyespecially when i tried asterisknow beta1
05:43.11[TK]D-FenderThe reason for choosing * is control.  And that is exactly what you give up when you take that road.
05:45.13bulatitoyright, thats why, as much as possible, i want to make it work on debian and do the tinkering on the CLI
05:45.50StephnieAsteriswin32 only supports 2 concurrent channels that true?
05:46.14[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : tip : don't touch any of the debian packages, just build from source on a sane intall of Debian.
05:46.53bulatitoythe try, i did the apt-get
05:47.03bulatitoyi was not able to make it work
05:47.19bulatitoynow im trying again w/o using deb package
05:47.50bulatitoyby the way, i dont have to do the ln -s thingy when im using kernel 2.6 right?
05:48.40[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : No idea what you're talking about.
05:48.59[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : Just make sure you have the pre-req's installed, and that you build it the way they tell you to.
05:50.58Stephniedlynes_laptop: u there?
05:51.05bulatitoyit says in thebook that you need to make a symbolic link pointing to the kernel source before compiling zaptel
05:54.05[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : You should have your kernel's source in /usr/src just try it out.  yes I suppose you might have to make a link for Linux and Kernel.
05:54.59bulatitoyim compiling now, hope it works...tried several things today
05:55.23bulatitoyi was  not happy with trixbox
05:56.03*** join/#asterisk dahunter3 (
05:57.12bulatitoyone problem with trixbox and the x100p is sometimes the x100p gets the unconfigured alarm
05:57.32bulatitoythen u have to run genzaptelconf twice to make it work
05:58.01nvicfI have a voip account to connect via softphone and they didn't gave me any info as to how to connect asterisk, that's nice... there are like 30 ways according to the docs
05:58.03bulatitoymake a call once, it will get through (dialing my cellphone)
05:58.17bulatitoytry to redial, then boom, wont work
05:58.48dlynes_laptopStephnie: yep
05:59.00dlynes_laptopStephnie: what's up?
06:06.42bulatitoyjust finished doing make on asterisk i received this error make: *** [editline/libedit.a] Error 1
06:06.50bulatitoywhat is it?
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06:14.34Stephniedlynes_laptop: if I change to then line doesnt get registered.
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06:14.34Stephniedlynes_laptop: broadvoice have some kind of restrictions I think....I must need to use ...other than IP Address...I have checked it in xlite softphone as well.
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06:40.10Lurchtokehey all
06:40.45nvicfsup lurchtoke
06:45.41*** join/#asterisk Grizzy (
06:47.08Lurchtokenothing much...just trying to get my first taste of asterisk
06:47.40Lurchtoketaking over a company...guess who has the responsability of making sure our asterisk server stays running  :/
06:48.10nvicfnot even funny
06:48.24Lurchtokecrash course....
06:48.35LurchtokeIm thinking the gui would be best for me
06:48.37nvicfwhat company?
06:48.48nvicfnot air company I hope
06:49.07Lurchtokeretail company with three stores
06:49.19Lurchtokeasterisk is co-loed at time warner
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06:49.48Lurchtokeshit would go down all the timedue to the idiots stupidity
06:50.09LurchtokeIm thinking just delete the shit and reinstall fresh and setup with the gui
06:50.27LurchtokeIve down pascal...and some unix...but its been a while
06:50.30Lurchtokeerr done
06:50.41Lurchtokepascal...basic...unix...and a little C++
06:51.17Lurchtokebut alas....never messed with asterisk
06:51.43Lurchtokeshoot....too bad its not irc scripting
06:53.31Lurchtokebasic setup is a T-1 coming into our main store with 4 sip adapters......the other 2 stores gotr sdsl 768/768
06:54.08Lurchtokeso....I have like 3 weeks to learn...because we are moving main store and I gotta set it up with my head tech
06:54.32Lurchtokeour company sells computers and electronics..and does computer service work
06:54.52Lurchtokeso....on top of that I gotta deploy everest software also
06:56.00Lurchtokeim thinking best solution might be to hire third party to set it up
06:56.29Lurchtokeless stress for me
06:56.34nvicfI'm in argentina so...
06:56.37nvicffar far
06:56.43nvicfcheap cheap, but far far
06:59.56FuriousGeorgeLurchtoke: where are the stores?
07:00.28coppicenvicf: how much do the digium cards cost in .ar? I heard some extremely high prices for them in some of your neighbours, due to import tarrifs
07:01.01nvicfcoppice, depends, which type?
07:01.38coppicelets say a TE405P
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07:04.16humbugI am trying to create a macro that executes some additional commands after a user leaves a voicemail.  The problem is that after the user hangs up the commands below Voicemail() don't get executed
07:05.19nvicfcoppice, can't get prices because the reseller is not giving those in the web, but something like, Digium X100p Clon Port Fxo Para Asterisk Voip, USD45
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07:06.51coppiceavicf: since that is a clone, and we don't know how it was created, it might not be representative. In brazil someone told me the T1/E1 cards are several times the US price, due to taxes
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07:10.15nvicfmmm no idea really, but yes, things are expensive, not only due to taxes, in argentina are worst because of 3x1 devaluation
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08:27.23THX2000has anyone tried those grandstream 8x fxo gateways?
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09:17.04qwertzHI, just installed asterisk 1.2.13-BRIstuffed on a debian etch rc1. If I call the voicemail app the debug output shows "Playing 'vm-youhave' (language 'en')" but I don't hear anything on the phone. Using mpg123 on the linux cli I can hear mp3 so the sound system seems to work. * sounds are in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds - so is there a way to test if * tries to open the right files or are there some other things I could check?
09:36.37*** join/#asterisk coppice (
09:37.45qwertzusing MP3Player also works from inside of
09:38.31qwertz*, so the problem seems to be the gsm file so is there any special lib needed to play it?
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10:50.14*** join/#asterisk WQDEQWDQW (
10:50.22WQDEQWDQWhello all
10:50.44WQDEQWDQWanyone can help me with a trouble
10:51.27WQDEQWDQWi have some problem receiving calls with asterisk
10:51.38WQDEQWDQWi installed it on my wrt54gs
10:52.05WQDEQWDQWI make sip.conf
10:52.24WQDEQWDQWbut i make many time a simple conf for extensions.conf
10:52.28WQDEQWDQWi can make calls
10:52.32WQDEQWDQWbut i cant receive
10:52.49WQDEQWDQWcan you help me?
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11:43.06DonXAnyone have an example t1 config for a te110p as a t1?
11:47.19dlynes_laptopDonX: gimme a sec...just downloading the latest zaptel
11:50.43dlynes_laptopDonX: that's using a sangoma u101, which is the same thing as far as zaptel is concerned
11:51.08DonXthanks :)
11:51.17dlynes_laptopDonX: that was my zaptel.conf file
11:51.24dlynes_laptopDonX: did you want the zapata.conf file as well?
11:51.33DonXHow do I tell it to do T-1 instead of PRI?
11:51.42DonXthat would be nice too :)
11:51.51dlynes_laptopDonX: Also, the machine that that's in, is in a telecommunications colocation center
11:52.07dlynes_laptopDonX: so the lead-out is almost nil
11:52.20DonXwould this be right for a t1?
11:52.25DonXloadzone = us
11:52.31dlynes_laptopDonX: Well, I'm using a t1 pri
11:52.39dlynes_laptopDonX: i don't know about a straight t1
11:53.04dlynes_laptopDonX: but yeah, i'm guessing just get rid of the dchan and replace it with a bchan
11:53.07DonXalso, how do you target the extensions in extensions.conf
11:53.25dlynes_laptopDonX: gimme a sec, and i'll post my zapata.conf file
11:53.51dlynes_laptopDonX: the extension naming in the dialplan only makes sense based on your particular zapata.conf file
11:54.57dpenevHi I was sniffering the udp port 5060 on my local machine to see what is going wron with my configuration
11:55.11dpenevI have asterisk installed and several soft phones
11:55.32dpenevI see the following:
11:55.32dpenevU 2006/12/17 13:59:35.808105 ->
11:56.47dlynes_laptopDonX: Then you would use something like Dial(Zap/g1/6041234567) to dial
11:57.41*** join/#asterisk dpenev (n=dpenev@
11:57.54dlynes_laptopdpenev: now you see what happens when you don't use pastebin
11:58.02jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
11:58.23dpenevpaste bin?  sorry I am new to IRC :-(
11:58.35dlynes_laptopdpenev: read jbot's message
11:58.54dpenevOK  sorry guys!
11:59.14dlynes_laptopIt's considered quite rude to post more than three lines to an irc channel at a time (2 lines in some channels)
11:59.31dlynes_laptopIt's even more rude than typing in all CAPS LOCK
12:00.01dpenevOk dlynes_laptop sorry again I did this because I didn't know that it is not good ... sorry
12:00.22dlynes_laptopYeah, it's cool
12:00.24dlynes_laptopdon't worry about it
12:00.33DonXsorry aboutthat
12:00.36dlynes_laptopIt's more of an issue when the channel's busy
12:00.52dpenevok what should I do?
12:01.09dlynes_laptopUse pastebin
12:01.14dpenevok it is clear
12:01.21dlynes_laptopTo paste whatever it was you were trying to paste to the channel
12:01.23dpenevnow can I ask my question?
12:02.03dpenevI greap the udp 5060 trafic between softphone and *
12:02.52dpenevit seems to me that the users I put( dpenev and test) in sip.conf and extension.conf  are not recognized
12:03.21dpenevI mena my softphone twinkle says that it can not register dpenev and test ... what can be the problem?
12:03.31dlynes_laptopdpenev: if you paste your asterisk log to pastebin, that'll be more useful to start with than a sip debug
12:03.55dpenevI set verbosity 10 and debug 10 at my * console but I don't see any life there?
12:04.19dlynes_laptopdpenev: check /var/log/asterisk/full (assuming you don't have it commented out in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf)
12:04.21dpenevwheer can I find this log?
12:04.41dlynes_laptopI just told you
12:05.54DonXwhat if I have ore than one group in zapata.conf?
12:06.01DonXIE: two cards
12:06.27DonXdo I need to make two seperate contexts?
12:06.38dpenevwell logger.conf was created by make samples as far as I undestood and I have not modified it
12:06.42dlynes_laptopZap/g1/number for first group, Zap/g2/number for second group
12:07.01DonXyeah, but for the actual card
12:07.05dlynes_laptopdpenev: That doesn't preclude you from taking a look at it, to see if full is commented out or not
12:07.33dlynes_laptopDonX: you don't need to make two separate contexts, if you don't want to
12:07.36DonXwould I just do group       => 2? Can that be in the same context?
12:07.45DonXjust define the diff chans
12:07.47dlynes_laptopDonX: just do bchan=1-48 instead in your zaptel.conf
12:08.04DonXwell, they're going to be two seperate circuits
12:08.09dlynes_laptopDonX: and channel => 1-48 in your zapata.conf file
12:08.27dpenevI think it is commented, so I uncomment correct?
12:08.27dpenev;full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
12:08.34dlynes_laptopDonX: two separate circuits in zaptel.conf?
12:08.37DonXI don't want to trunk them together or anything
12:08.46DonXone to one switch and another to the other one
12:08.49dlynes_laptopdpenev: remove the ';' in front of it, and then save it
12:09.02dlynes_laptopdpenev: then type 'logger reload' at the asterisk CLI
12:09.09dlynes_laptopdpenev: then reboot your phones
12:09.17dlynes_laptopdpenev: and pastebin the full file
12:09.20dpenevOK will do right now
12:09.51dlynes_laptopDonX: I think you might still be able to set your zapata.conf so that it's channel => 1-48 if you want
12:09.58dlynes_laptopDonX: but I would try it first, myself
12:10.14dlynes_laptopDonX: I don't know off the top of my head whether it would work for sure, or not
12:10.15DonXwell...there are going to e two seperate extensions ranges for each switch
12:10.35dlynes_laptopDonX: I don't follow you
12:10.42dlynes_laptopDonX: 'extension ranges'?
12:10.51*** join/#asterisk alpinus (
12:10.51dlynes_laptopDonX: is it analog phones hooked up to these t1's?
12:10.57DonX6XXX goes to switch1 and 7XXX goes to switch two
12:10.59dlynes_laptopDonX: or co?
12:11.10dlynes_laptopDonX: ok, so it's analog phones, then
12:11.37dlynes_laptopDonX: you need to configure each channel individually in zapata.conf then
12:11.55dlynes_laptopDonX: iow, you won't be using channel groups
12:12.21dlynes_laptopDonX: each meridian only handles 24 extensions?
12:12.25dpenevstrange I've uncomented full and for the first time I manage to logion to asterisk using xlite
12:12.26DonXI can't just config two groups? One for 1-24 and another for 25-48?
12:12.41dlynes_laptopdidn't think so
12:12.46dlynes_laptopI think you want pri, not t1, no?
12:13.04dpenevnow aas I try to dial 4321 which is test user I see in * prompt '3 - No route to destination'
12:13.05DonXYeah I'd like pri but there isn't a free d chan port on either switch
12:13.11dlynes_laptopIt was my understanding that t1's can't tell what number you dialed other than by the channel you called in on
12:13.20dpenevany ideas?
12:13.49dlynes_laptopdpenev: you're not registered with asterisk
12:13.53dlynes_laptopdpenev: type sip show peers
12:14.23dlynes_laptopdpenev: you'll probably see a bunch of stuff in that display indicating how well it's not working
12:14.48dpenevI see 3 lines I will copy it here?
12:15.03dpenevso 3 lines are not so much :-)
12:15.13dpenevtest/test                  (Unspecified)    D          0        Unmonitored
12:15.13dpenevdpenev/dpenev            D          5061     Unmonitored
12:15.17dlynes_laptop3 lines is the limit in this channel,a faik
12:15.29dpenev2 sip peers [2 online , 0 offline]
12:15.32dlynes_laptopOk, as you can see
12:15.43dlynes_laptopdpenev can make calls, no problem
12:15.46dlynes_laptoptest cannot
12:15.52dpenevdlynes_laptop can ypou translate thease lines to me?
12:15.55dlynes_laptopwell, actually
12:16.00dlynes_laptoptest might be able to make calls
12:16.05dlynes_laptopbut test won't be able to receive calls
12:16.26dlynes_laptopdpenev can probably make calls and can definitely receive calls
12:16.27*** join/#asterisk puk_jp (
12:16.31dpenevOk what should I do to fix it?
12:16.50dlynes_laptopCheck your log file to find out why test isn't registering
12:17.23dlynes_laptopI'm guessing you've got the wrong ip for your asterisk system saved in the 'test' phone, or you've got the wrong username and/or wrong password
12:17.43dlynes_laptopdpenev: You usually need to define a proxy and a registration server for each phone
12:18.41dpenevok I will check again the settings of test at my softphone . thank you! but still it is not clear why everything become OK as I uncomented full in logger.conf?
12:18.49dlynes_laptopDonX: You'll probably be able to get more knowledgable help on the difference between regular t1's and pri-t1's in another 3 hours or so when the rest of north america starts to wake up
12:18.59dlynes_laptopdpenev: just coincidence
12:19.21dpenevcoincidence ? with what?
12:19.52dpenevI played almost whole day to see some life in * prompt but it was necesery to uncomment full?
12:20.21dpenevI am pretty sure that it will stop working if I comment full again
12:20.25dlynes_laptopdpenev: what can I say?  it probably just hates you
12:20.29dlynes_laptopdpenev: :)
12:20.43dlynes_laptopdpenev: but maybe it was the fact that you rebooted the phones
12:20.57dlynes_laptopdpenev: trust had nothing to do with the log file being enabled
12:22.38dpenevyes I've just check that disabling full  and still I can connect to *? strange things happens :-(
12:22.56dpenevI have reboot the phones probably 30 times
12:23.13dlynes_laptopbut not after i told you to
12:23.48dpenevprobably it is something with linux permisions... I came from windows world and I see that in linux the complicated file permissionsscheme often introduce problems , do you think it is posible?  
12:24.11dpenev:-) Yes tahst right:-)
12:24.11dlynes_laptopdpenev: windows permissions are a lot more complicated than linux
12:24.31dlynes_laptopdpenev: the biggest difference is that most windows users don't use the permissions
12:24.57dpenevyou mena NT well they both get the unix idea but it is fact that on linux I get lot of troubles unless I type su
12:25.34dlynes_laptopdpenev: same thing on windows if you don't have administrator privileges
12:25.59dpenevI mean strange behaviour which seems unrelated with file permissions at all but appears related  
12:32.02dpenevnow I see: sop show peers and I see ringing as I dial test from dpenev
12:32.02dpenevtest/test                D          5061     Unmonitored
12:32.02dpenevdpenev/dpenev            D          5061     Unmonitored
12:33.14dpenevCan you tell pls. me now how I can test the system I have xlite and twinkle  installed  and one audio card on my PC I don't have analog phones and FXO/FXS for my PC
12:33.40dpenevis there voicemail or someting?
12:34.40dlynes_laptopdpenev: yes...get all your answers at the wiki
12:34.52jbotDocumentation can be found at or or or or
12:34.54jbotmethinks docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
12:35.06jbotthewiki is, like, at
12:35.45*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
12:35.54dlynes_laptopmorning, roy
12:36.05dpenevOk thank you all very much! I'll check the documentation now!
12:38.06lenne_dkDocumentation is not always easy. This is from the doc of my ip-phone: "Enter setting mode: press this machine phone number key, newspaper finish copies of
12:38.06lenne_dkmachine after the number first, the display screen appears : menu password: , input at this
12:38.06lenne_dkmoment : 1234 passwords, press the handfree key; the display screen presents setting of
12:38.06lenne_dk# press, pin the # key and does not put at this time, see display screen
12:38.06lenne_dkappear"password:" ,Input: 1234, press the handfree key, the display screen appears : Network
12:38.07lenne_dksettings, the microphone enters the mode of setting up at this moment"
12:38.20lenne_dkNewspaper? :-)
12:38.36masoncGUI question: I have a plain vanilla asterisk install going in today to a lawyers office. The systems admin at the office is not capable of root access, but I would like to give him the ability to change the extensions info, especially email addresses for voicemail. The system is configured, I don't want to startt again with a freepbx install. What GUI would work for this?
12:43.26*** join/#asterisk tuck3r_ (n=tuck3r@unaffiliated/tuck3r)
12:45.40sumai got a problem with iax calls
12:45.45sumaanyone please help
12:47.49shellsharkwe cant help if you don't describe the problem
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12:48.57sumawhen i make calls between iax to iax, it works fine, when i make calls between zap to iax the call drops
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12:49.18sumazap is a pri line
12:49.32qdksuma: and you are use that it isnt zap?
12:49.55sumaqdk: i did not get you
12:49.56shellsharkqdk: s/use/sure/ ?
12:50.14qdksuma: and you are sure that it isnt zap?
12:50.39sumayes, i can make iax to zap and works fine
12:50.42sumait is not zap
12:50.45sumait is iax
12:50.55sumaone moment let me get the basic debugging info
12:51.25qdksuma: does it work with a SIP channel?
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12:53.11sumaqdk: i'm sure it is problem with iax
12:53.57sumathis is the basic call flow
12:55.21sumaqdk: point me which point you want more debug information, i will get you the same
12:56.16sumaqdk: the problem is, the iax phone is ringing eventhough the call is dropped in the asterisk side, when i pick up the phone nothing happens
12:56.38cpmI have that happen
12:58.18sumacpm: you have solved that problem ?
12:58.20qdksuma: yes, it looks much like a problem with IAX: chan_iax2.c:1628 iax2_destroy: Avoiding IAX destroy deadlock
12:58.23tzafrirmasonc, make your own inteerface. It basically needs to rewrite voicemail.conf
12:58.34tzafrirNothing more
12:59.09qdksuma: I have never used IAX for anything else than trunks, and I dont even use that anymore. (or at least im phasing them out).
12:59.15cpmsuma, naw, I don't worry about it. It happens to me, when iax2 extensions call some extensions on my channel bank, and I'm not sure my channel bank is properly detecting the hangup
12:59.32cpmeventually it stops, but way way past when it should
12:59.55DonXDoes anyone have a plan T1 (non-pri) working with asterisk?
13:00.18qdkDonX: plan = plain?
13:00.28qdkDonX: answer still no though. :-)
13:00.52dlynes_laptopqdk: zapata.conf/zaptel.conf/extensions.conf for a t1 as opposed to a pri t1
13:01.15qdkdlynes_laptop: huh?
13:01.15dlynes_laptopqdk: He's trying to hook some meridians up to asterisk via t1 links (w/o pri signalling)
13:01.21*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
13:01.29dlynes_laptopqdk: so that he can dial the extensions directly
13:01.40dlynes_laptopqdk: he has more than 24 extensions on each meridian
13:02.09dlynes_laptopqdk: i'm referring to DonX's issue
13:03.02qdkdlynes_laptop: well he asked for people with plan (which i guess is a plain) T1 working with *, and I just replied no... Really dont care whatever he is using it for. ;-)
13:03.39DonXyeah sorry
13:04.58Drukenanyone know where i could find a listing of early media messages of telephone companies?
13:12.58*** join/#asterisk pif (
13:13.32pifhi, I get this regularly at the * console: "midget packet received (1 of 4 min)"
13:13.40pifhow can I get rid of it?
13:16.50dlynes_laptoppif: It might be getting caused because your network is having issues if you're getting a lot of them
13:18.26dlynes_laptoppif: it's an iax error, usually
13:18.27pifI get it every 30 seconds
13:18.42*** join/#asterisk reber (
13:19.29dlynes_laptoppif: is the iax communication happening over the local area network?
13:19.29dlynes_laptoppif: or is there some distance communication involved?
13:19.38pifdistant hosts are involved
13:20.01*** join/#asterisk isladelobos (
13:20.05dlynes_laptoppif: check to make sure you're not getting major packet loss on your external ip address
13:20.35pifit happens on all hosts involved
13:20.46dlynes_laptoppif: normally that's just a warning, but if you're getting it repeatedly, i would suspect there's a bigger problem
13:20.56dlynes_laptoppif: Yes, but you only have one external ip address, right?
13:21.16dlynes_laptoppif: yeah...check for packet loss on it, if you can
13:21.20pifok, i'll dig deeper, thanks
13:21.27dlynes_laptoppif: are you using wireless to get to the gateway?
13:21.47pifno wireless, connexions are professional grade
13:21.50dlynes_laptoppif: ok
13:22.02dlynes_laptoppif: anyways...from what i can see by digging into the code
13:22.20dlynes_laptoppif: that error is caused because it was only able to get a partial packet where it was expecting a full packet
13:22.43pifthe firewall might be involved...
13:22.44dlynes_laptopThat's why I suspect it might be an issue with some packet loss on the network somewhere
13:23.51*** join/#asterisk justin__ (
13:24.31pifwhat's really vexing is google returns nothing on this, I'm alone :-/
13:25.15*** join/#asterisk lanec (
13:25.40lanecis there anyone here who can help answer some questions I have about Asterisk?
13:26.43pifdon't ask to ask
13:27.05lanechaha just making sure someone was on
13:27.10lanecif no one responded I would disconnect
13:27.38lanecIs it possible to forward say 4 voip lines to an asterisk box and have the asterisk box manage them?
13:27.43dlynes_laptoppif: try using ethereal, ettercap, ngrep, sipsak, sipp
13:28.01dlynes_laptoppif: well, actually sipsak and sipp aren't going ot help you with that issue
13:28.04pifthe message is from  chan_iax2.c
13:28.06lanecI know you can take 4 land lines and share them over the web
13:28.18dlynes_laptoppif: but ethereal should be able to help for sure
13:28.27pifgood idea
13:28.39dlynes_laptoppif: who knows...the problem may even be a bug in the iax2 channel code
13:28.50dlynes_laptoppif: but i suspect something on your network is the issue, not the code
13:29.16*** join/#asterisk vgster (
13:29.46dlynes_laptoppif: but at least if ethereal is showing a full iax2 packet, and asterisk is reporting an issue, then you'll know it's an issue in the channel driver
13:30.25dlynes_laptoppif: or perhaps ethereal will show an incomplete packet, and then you'll know it's a network issue, or perhaps it's an iax2 issue on the remote end
13:30.48dlynes_laptopanyways...i need sleep
13:30.50dlynes_laptopgood night
13:31.20lanecGood night
13:32.17lanecI am sorry if my questions are lacking obvious technical specifications such as protocols or bandwidth needs but I am asking in extreme basics here
13:32.36laneccan Asterisk support 4 incoming voip lines through something like sips and turn them into copper lines?
13:32.45lanecwhile handling voicemail and call forwarding for them
13:33.13lanecif the answer is yes I plan to explore the documentation much more
13:33.18lanecif not I would like to save myself some time
13:33.59Drukenwhat do you mean turn them into copper lines?
13:34.05dlynes_laptoplanec: the short answer is yes
13:34.06pifdlynes_laptop : good night
13:34.39lanecokay, is this something that can be done without writing my own scripts? such as through a gui or tutorial on the subject?
13:34.53lanecor following a tutorial on the subject*
13:35.28Drukenuhm... doing anything with asterisk requires some intelligence, and brain work...
13:35.47Drukenasterisk is not for the stupid and lazy... ok well... maybe for the lazy.. but not the stupid
13:36.26lanecI mean I have standard phone lines in a small business I do some work for
13:36.29piflearning curve is very steep, consider hiring a consultant
13:36.38lanecthey have been getting cut off by long distance providers for making to many phone calls
13:36.45pifunless your time is worthless
13:36.47lanecI have lots of experience with Linux
13:36.52lanecand network security
13:36.54Drukenpif: steep? it's like a hairturn turn....
13:37.02lanecwell I won't know untill I try
13:37.16Drukener.. hairpin turn
13:37.16lanecfrankly this isn't exactly a warming experience
13:37.27lanecalthough i'm sure its necessary
13:37.52lanecI am downloading asterisk now at this time and I will give it a spin in an hour or so
13:38.05Drukenhehehe we tend to be a bunch of crusty bastards... especially early mornings
13:38.20lanecanyone going to object to me coming back here for more of these questions? or am I just annoying you grumps ;-D
13:38.45pifwe suffered to master asterisk
13:38.54Drukendo some reading while your waiting :)
13:39.03pifso you should sweat a little  :)
13:39.30jbotsomebody said docs was Documentation can be found at or or or or
13:39.30lanecyeah sounds good
13:39.30Drukenhmm.... jbot broken ?
13:39.33lanecthanks guys i'm sure i'll be back later after I get a bit of this under my belt
13:39.40*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
13:39.42Drukenahh, just slow this morning like everyone else
13:40.02EmleyMoorWhen I finish a call, I get this:
13:40.17EmleyMoorWARNING[7279]: ast_expr2.fl:183 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error, unexpected TOK_EQ, expecting TOK_MINUS or TOK_COMPL or TOK_LP or TOKEN; Input:
13:40.23EmleyMoorWhy would that be?
13:40.30Drukencheck your dialplan
13:40.37*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
13:40.48Drukenare you doing some kind of math after you hangup ?
13:41.15EmleyMoorI do nothing special on hangup unless the call is an emergency call
13:41.20pifobsolete bison libraries?
13:41.27pifor yack?
13:41.47EmleyMoorI suppose that's vaguely possible
13:42.02pifall _yy functions use bison/yack
13:42.09dlynes_laptopEmleyMoor: it's a bug in your dialplan....probably a space where one doesn't belong, or something
13:42.47EmleyMoorAny clue as to what it is near?
13:42.56dlynes_laptopEmleyMoor: no idea without seeing your dialplan
13:43.06EmleyMoorIt could well be outdated bison as pif suggests
13:43.11Drukeni would guess near the hangup ?
13:43.11dlynes_laptopEmleyMoor: and I just forgot something i was doing, or i'd be sleeping already
13:43.32dlynes_laptopEmleyMoor: doubt it's an outdated's a possibility, but doubtful
13:43.52EmleyMoorThere is no specific hangup on this kind of call
13:44.31dlynes_laptopEmleyMoor: just pastebin your dialplan where you're having this error
13:48.03dlynes_laptopEmleyMoor: have you pastebinned it yet?
13:50.14dlynes_laptopJust pushing you because I need to get to sleep, and that other job I forgot I was doing is finished now
13:51.27*** join/#asterisk mosty (
13:51.49dlynes_laptopEmleyMoor: What's ${BT}?
13:52.05dlynes_laptopEmleyMoor: and what's ${VT}?
13:52.33EmleyMoorZap/4 and IAX2/xxxxxxxx@voiptalk (xs representing numbers)
13:52.58dlynes_laptopso BT is Zap/4?
13:53.06dlynes_laptopand VT is IAX2/xxxxxxxx@voiptalk?
13:53.37dlynes_laptopEmleyMoor: Then it's your third line that's not making any sense
13:53.47EmleyMoor... why?#
13:53.58*** part/#asterisk isladelobos (
13:53.59dlynes_laptopIt becomes Dial(IAX2/xxxxxxxxx@voiptalk/44xxxxxxxxxxx)
13:54.07*** join/#asterisk isladelobos (
13:54.20EmleyMoorYes... that is correct
13:54.21dlynes_laptopAfter all the expansion kicks in
13:54.32dlynes_laptopYou've got your number in there twice
13:54.41EmleyMoorNo, not the same number
13:54.56Drukenit's got his username in the variable
13:54.57dlynes_laptopOk, so $VT is the iax with the username
13:55.18dlynes_laptopYeah...I don't see anything wrong with it then
13:55.31dlynes_laptopUnless your problem is somewhere else
13:55.45dlynes_laptopTo know where it is for sure
13:55.56dlynes_laptopYou can add in a bunch of Noops
13:56.31dlynes_laptopAnd then you'll know which line of your dialplan, specifically is causing it
13:56.42dlynes_laptopanyways...on that note, i'm going to sleep
13:56.43EmleyMoorNo new bison anyway
13:56.44*** join/#asterisk frogzoo (n=frogzoo@
13:56.45dlynes_laptopgood night, again
14:01.39lenne_dkQueues: I've got two phones listed in a queue, the second with a penalty.  If the first phone is busy, the second is called when a second caller is in the queue. But if the first just doesn't answer, the second is never called. How can I make the call roll over to the second phone if either the first is busy (as it does now) or when the first doesn't answer (which it doesn't now)
14:02.20mostyset a timeout on the first queue member
14:02.50mostyi think it's a field of the queue settings
14:03.02mostynot on the member (sorry), i meant the queue
14:03.18mostythat, or limit the number of simultaneous calls to the sip user in sip.conf
14:04.29lenne_dkI don't see how the simultaneous calls can help. The first caller is still ringing on the first phone forever.
14:05.42mostythat would fix another common queue problem, where the first queue member has taken a call and gets sent another before they're finished
14:06.58Drukenvery annoying when that happens :)
14:08.04mostyQueue sucks :/
14:08.20lenne_dk36949608     has 2 calls (max unlimited) in 'ringall' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s
14:08.29jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
14:10.03pifdlynes_laptop : found what caused the midget packet
14:10.31pifit's a monitoring program that sends probes, wmnetmon, thanks for you suggestions
14:11.12pifon what port do you guys monitor an active asterisk?
14:11.20*** join/#asterisk mustafa (n=mustafa@
14:12.12lenne_dkPerhaps I should use 36949608   roundrobin: take turns ringing each available interface.
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14:13.14lenne_dkBut I can just imagine some poor guy alone at the office chasing arould trying to catch the call as it goes from one phone to the next :-)
14:14.00mostylenne_dk, use rrmemory instead of roundrobin
14:14.59*** join/#asterisk moon06 (
14:16.06lenne_dkNo, the first phone should always be tried first, only if not avalilable/busy/not answering should the second be called. rrmemory will call the first and second on alternative callers, I think
14:16.10*** join/#asterisk mustafa (n=mustafa@
14:17.06mustafahow can i get actuall call duration?
14:17.31lenne_dkBut I have two cabled phones and two wireless phones on my desk, so I can easily find out...
14:17.58mustafai mean bridged call duration
14:18.47lenne_dkthe duration is available in the CDR log.
14:19.04mustafaits not the actuall call duration
14:19.12mostylenne_dk, doesn't the penalty take precedence over the round robin-ness? not really sure about that
14:19.41mostylenne_dk: but if you only have two queue members, you probably don't need a queue, you could write your own dialplan code for that
14:19.44mustafait adds 5 to 10 extra seconds in call time
14:20.15mostymustafa, duration and billsec don't give you what you want?
14:20.33mustafaforexample i dial a cellfone number from my ip phone. it takes me to asterisk server. where i have some agi scripts taking 5,10 seconds
14:21.27mustafaplus for the time other party is ringing my cdr also includes that time
14:21.39mustafawhat i want is actuall Bridged call duration
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14:22.10mostycan you call the agi script before Answer'ing the call on the asterisk server?
14:22.41mustafai have no idea if its possible.
14:22.42Drukenmustafa: that is what billsec is for
14:22.51mustafai dont knwo about it
14:22.53mustafalet me see
14:23.11Drukenin cdr you have duration, and billsec, billsec is the billable seconds
14:23.19Drukenfrom ANSWER to HANGUP
14:23.25*** part/#asterisk brif8 (
14:23.31mustafaoh i c
14:27.00lenne_dkqueues suck :-)
14:27.23Drukenqueues are wonderfull things....
14:27.27Drukenonce setup properly
14:27.31mostylenne_dk, akkurat
14:28.44mostywell, queues are wonderful things, but Queue sucks ;)
14:29.31lenne_dkI tried rrobin, no penalties, and two inbound calls. With nobody answering, only one phone was ringing at a time. I'd still like the fancy stuff with MOH and "you are number 27 in the queue", but I probably need to do it in dialplan instead...
14:30.00Drukenyou want them both to ring?
14:30.07Drukenthen use ringall
14:30.39mostylenne_dk, rrobin only appears useful if the queue is never empty
14:30.50*** join/#asterisk ucfMethod (
14:31.14lenne_dkBut phone 2 should not ring if phone 1 is available.
14:31.45Drukenso use priorities
14:32.00lenne_dkPerhaps I should first call phone 1 with a short timeout, and then if not answered, put it in the queue.
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14:33.10lenne_dkBut I'd like it announced if it is a call from the private line or the office line, as queue-announce can.
14:33.43mostylenne_dk: i use caller id for that
14:34.15lenne_dkBut the phones doesn't all support that...
14:34.59mostyi use standardised equipment for queues
14:36.41pifwhat is the "standard" dial code to suppress caller id?
14:37.06pifwhat is generaly used?
14:37.42Drukendial without passing CID ?
14:39.11nibbler_dehas anybody of you clue how i can play music to the caller without using the music-on-hold feature? i'd like to start with the audio-file the caller hears when the application is called via the extensions.conf
14:39.51Drukenpif: i belive you have to set it to nothing before dialing
14:40.19Drukennibbler_de: playback ?
14:40.21pifbut then the telco display your default
14:40.42Drukenpif: try "private" <>
14:41.21Drukenor ask your telco how to eliminate the cid, what do you need to set it as to have it come up as private
14:41.29nibbler_deDruken: i want to have the audio-file while the destination party is ringing
14:41.58Drukenno idea if you can without moh...
14:42.07Drukenwhy not just use moh?
14:42.29*** join/#asterisk af_ (
14:42.30lenne_dkm: Provide Music on Hold to the calling party until the called channel answers. This is mutually exclusive with option 'r', obviously. Use m(class) to specify a class for the music on hold.
14:42.42lenne_dkan option to Dial()
14:42.53Drukenhe wanted to do it WITHOUT moh
14:43.49lenne_dkOk, then give us the reason for not using MOH to do MOH.
14:43.51*** part/#asterisk dpenev (n=dpenev@
14:44.42nibbler_deDruken: i have 120 seconds of music here - the first 10 seconds are like an intro, then the call is forwarded to the callcenter, after 90 seconds there is an outro of 20 seconds that asks you to leave a message. the 120 seconds music in the background should play seamlessly
14:46.18Drukenok, so you want to answer, play 10 seconds of audio... ring an extension for 190 seconds, and play a 20 second voicemail into
14:46.22Drukensound about right?
14:47.10lenne_dknibbler: perhaps you can "premix" the audio and the music externally of asterisk?
14:47.27nibbler_delenne_dk: this has already happened
14:48.21lenne_dkSo why bother finding another solution? :-)
14:49.07nibbler_dethe problem is that asterisk will loop the 90sec part and play it to the caller from an arbitrary position when i use the m flag
14:49.27nibbler_deso the music and the announcements aren't seamlessly connected anymore
14:49.50*** join/#asterisk Tili (
14:50.13nibbler_dei want asterisk to start playing the 90sec of 'wait' for every caller from beginning
14:50.39Drukeni wonder if you could background the file, and dial the extension
14:50.52nibbler_de"background the file"?
14:51.20Drukeni doubt that would work... but i guess it'd be worth a try
14:55.10*** join/#asterisk humbolto (
14:55.23nibbler_dedoesn't work :(
14:55.52humboltowhat do I need to connect an asterisk server to a dms100?
14:57.14mostywhat's a dms100?
14:57.36humboltotelephony switch
14:57.40*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
14:58.55mostyhumbolto, analogue? use a digium tdm card, or similar
14:59.22benjkhumbolto a PRI card
15:00.11humboltocan I do that with the free software version or do I need an enterprise edition for that?
15:00.35mostythe free software version is fine
15:02.14humboltowhen do I need the enterprise edition?
15:02.46lenne_dkENUMLOOKUP: exten => 551,1,Set(foo=${ENUMLOOKUP(+4536949608,sip,,})
15:02.46lenne_dkexten => 551,2,noop(${ENUMSTATUS})
15:02.47lenne_dkexten => 551,3,noop(${ENUM})
15:03.02lenne_dkWhy is ENUMSTATUS not set?
15:03.28lenne_dklog says :
15:03.35lenne_dk-- Executing Set("SIP/ip-085f0000", "") in new stack
15:03.47benjkT1 cards will do
15:03.53lenne_dkso enumlookup is working
15:04.16humboltoI would like quickly setup an asterisk testing environment. nothing fancy, just to test the voip part of the system. are there any nice distros out there?
15:04.20benjkhumbolto, entreprise edition is never needed, under no circumstances
15:04.21mostyhumbolto, get the enterprise edition if you want printed manuals an support, amongst otherthings
15:04.36benjk20 hours of support, you can buy that separately
15:05.06lenne_dkEnterprise solution is for when the boss thinks "if it's free, it's worthless"
15:05.06benjkthe entreprise edition is proprietary closed source software
15:05.06*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
15:05.15mostyi think you're best off with the free software version, on your preferred dist, and pay for support by itself (if you need it)
15:05.22benjkand you get the same vendor lock-in that you get with any other proprietary PBX
15:05.29humboltobenjk: I understand. But I thought you need the enterprise edition for special environments where special codecs are needed.
15:05.39humboltowhen you use certain hardware
15:05.46mostyhumbolto, no
15:06.29pifhumbolto : you need the Extreme edition
15:06.56humboltopif: extreme edition?
15:07.11humboltodo you know any good voip upstream provider, I could hook my asterisk server up to?
15:07.34mostythere are lots. look at the wiki for providers in your area
15:11.16lenne_dkYou can also look for providers, which have (free) numbers in areas, where you want to appear to be. I have just setup a number in London.
15:11.25lenne_dkAnd I'm in denmark
15:11.26humboltodo you know a version which runs on my wrt54gl?
15:11.34humboltolinksys wlan router
15:11.56humboltolenne_dk: london sounds good
15:12.01benjkhumbolto, will not interface with the DMS100
15:12.11lenne_dkshow version
15:12.30humboltolenne_dk: and I find links to these providers at the asterisk wiki?
15:12.40mostyhumbolto, the wrt54gl does not have the right hardware
15:13.03benjkasterisk wiki? whats that?
15:13.13humboltomosty: what, to interface with a dms100, certainly
15:13.18humboltono, just for home use
15:13.19benjkdo you mean ? that's not an Asterisk wiki
15:13.45benjkto interface with a DMS100 you need T1
15:13.52lenne_dkPure luck :-) I first got a +44 871 number, but as it is an overcharged number, it can't be used from cellphones and some voip isp's
15:16.53humboltowhat hardware requirements do I have for a pure voip asterisk server?
15:16.54*** join/#asterisk _BOBWEEVER (
15:17.01humboltofor 1-30 users
15:17.19humboltono, for max 10 concurrent connections
15:17.20benjkusers means nothing
15:17.34*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
15:17.38TripleFFFFanyone use mediatrix ?
15:17.43benjkthe linksys is too weak for that
15:17.55benjkmaybe a Soekris will do
15:18.11benjkor a WRAP
15:18.23mostyhumbolto: depends what codec you use, and if the pbx will be transcoding
15:18.42TripleFFFFis this worth anything
15:20.54benjk10 concurrent SIP or IAX calls with alaw/ulaw you could probably handle on this: or this:
15:22.43mostyi have a net4801, it's about as fast as a pentium 133 or so
15:23.59benjkactually the Geode SC1001 is a Pentium 266
15:24.05TripleFFFFi guess not then
15:24.18DrukenTripleFFFF: my god man... what's with the bold?
15:24.23benjkwell, equivalent to it
15:24.59mostybenjk, it feels like my p133, i've never used a p2-266 to compare with
15:25.03DrukenTripleFFFF: i personally have no used mediatrix, however, i have not heard anything bad about them either
15:25.18Drukeni belive thinktel out of edmonton uses them often
15:25.29benjkthe AMD chip on those is equivalent to a P266
15:25.31mostybenjk, it's 266Mhz sure, but it's not clock for clock equivalent to a pentium
15:25.50benjknext year they launch a new board with the newer 500MHz Geode
15:25.55benjkabout March or so
15:26.10lenne_dkIs PSTN = POTS or PSTN = ISDN + POTS, i.e. is POTS = analog
15:26.30Drukenpstn == publicly switched telephone network
15:26.33benjkPOTS is analog, ISDN is digital
15:26.34lenne_dkISDN != PSTN?
15:26.37mostyit's a great little router, too slow for anything complex though
15:26.44benjkISDN is one part of the PSTN
15:27.19lenne_dkso PSTN = ISDN + POTS
15:27.20benjkmosty, it is a P1-266
15:27.26benjknot a PII
15:27.38Drukenlenne_dk: POTS == plain old telephone service
15:27.55benjkISDN and POTS are the two last mile technologies of the PSTN
15:27.56Drukenwhat ma'bell serves to residential customers
15:28.00lenne_dkis mobile phones also considered PSTN?
15:28.11benjkthe core network of the PSTN runs on SS7
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15:28.16mostybenjk, in any case, it's no speed demon
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15:28.38benjkno, but it should be able to handle about 10 ulaw/alaw calls
15:29.53benjkand the new boards due out in March might be able to handle a full T1 without transcoding
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15:31.39EmleyMoorIs there a way to make my Zap phone give a special ring cadence based on the number that was called?
15:33.13EmleyMoor(I am sure there is - probably pointing me to an example would be enough - will search though)
15:36.46xhelioxI have some sort of PLX T400P clone, with a PCI ID of 0x3000, looking at tor2-hw.h, I don't see that PCI ID. I tried just adding it using one of the other Tor2 lines as a template, but that didn't seem to work. At least it doesn't load the card. Is anyone familar with these pieces of junk and how to get them detected? :)
15:36.56*** part/#asterisk KenSentMe (
15:37.21xhelioxDlsclaimer: I had no part in deciding to buy this card. It was dropped in my lap.
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15:43.51mostyhow much time are you going to spend on this clone vs how much would a name brand card cost?
15:44.21xhelioxmosty: Don't lecture me. I've already given the lectures.
15:44.59EmleyMoorHmmm... default dring here is 0,0,0
15:47.09*** join/#asterisk kyo (
15:47.27benjktormenta-2 cards are by default all clones
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15:48.44benjkits GPL hardware, designed by Jim Dixon and put up for download for the sole purpose of being "cloned"
15:48.57xhelioxOk, fair enough.
15:49.21EmleyMoorAnyone in the UK with a BT line? (not necessarily on asterisk)
15:50.02benjkif you have trouble it could be a result of recent legislation in Europe which bans certain toxic substances in electronic circuit boards
15:50.15benjkalso known as ROHS
15:50.39benjksome of the card manufacturers have altered the design to use parts which are ROHS compliant
15:50.49benjkthis may require patches to the driver
15:51.20tzafrirBut the fun part is that code from driver of those cards does not seem to be merged back into the Zapata project.
15:51.50xhelioxMy biggest problem is, I don't even know who manufactured it.
15:51.58EmleyMoorOther than in zapata.conf, do I have to make any settings to make dring detection work?
15:51.59xhelioxThe guy who sold it too him lied and said it was a Digium.
15:52.04benjkI know of one card which was modified for ROHS compiance and the manufacturer did submit the patches
15:52.18tzafrirEmleyMoor, not that I know of.
15:52.20xhelioxWould that be in Mantis?
15:52.38EmleyMoorOK - so I just need to find someone with a BT line to help me test...
15:52.46benjkxheliox, that consitutes fraud
15:53.09xhelioxbenjk: And how is that my problem now?
15:53.10*** join/#asterisk Menace- (i=menace@
15:53.19benjkif you have any name or contact details for this guy, you can report it to the local authorities
15:53.46xhelioxyeah, yeah.. I'll let him worry about that, I'm just concerned about getting his phone system online
15:54.17xhelioxHe's already ordered a true blue Digium, but it won't be there until Tuesday morning and that's an entire business day without a phone system.
15:54.26benjkwell, you could start by verifying the components on the card against the BoM on
15:54.28*** join/#asterisk BitBandit (
15:54.56benjkif some parts are different, then it is probably modified for ROHS compliance and then it probably needs patched drivers
15:55.19benjkif the parts are all the same, then you know you have a good chance to get it working
15:55.36xhelioxI don't care about having to patch code if I can find the code. :)
15:55.56benjkfinding the code is difficult if yo don't know who made the card
15:56.20benjkin any event, the first step should be to compare the parts with the BoM to see if it actually has been modified
15:56.56*** join/#asterisk Rhiliam (
15:57.21Rhiliamis there way to group sip channels the way you group POTS channels?
15:59.23xhelioxbenjk: I've actually done that, they good very similar..  
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15:59.50benjkvery similar isn't good enough, you need to verify if the components are the same as on the BoM
16:00.28Drukendoes anyone have allison saying i'm sorry?
16:00.47benjkI seem to remember the most likely one to be different for ROHS is some MAXIM RS422 chip
16:01.11benjkmaybe even the PCI bridge, but its been a while since I looked at that
16:01.17blitzrageDruken: vm-sorry?
16:01.27lanecis Mini-Itx a very poor form factor for an asterisk box because of its lack of pci slots?
16:01.37Drukenblitzrage: oh yeah.. hehe i forgot about that one
16:01.49blitzrageactually... I have a im-sorry prompt and this is just stock asterisk with extra sounds file
16:02.03blitzragels /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/*sorry*
16:02.27blitzragelanec: depends if you need to install a bunch of cards
16:02.35blitzrageif that is the case... then I would say yes
16:02.36Drukenpfft... guess i should have checked the damn files i have before asking eh?
16:02.43blitzrageDruken: possibly :)
16:03.49lanecSorry my question would yield a more accurate answer if I had stated it correctly.
16:04.02lanecAre there USB cards or just PCI cards for an asterisk box
16:04.30benjkthere is a USB channel bridge, its called Astribank
16:04.40benjkchannel bank
16:04.55blitzragezoa had another one that he liked more at AstriCon, but I can't remember the name of it
16:06.01benjkalso there is a USB based single-port BRI interface
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16:10.21_BOBWEEVERIf the codec stays the same, does SIP => IAX conversion use a lot of cpu?
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16:14.01Drukenblitzrage: know where i might find 'networks' ?? :)
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16:19.43blitzrageDruken: record it?
16:20.05blitzrageif you have all the sound prompts installed, and its not listed... seems pretty obvious it might not exist
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16:23.39*** join/#asterisk QbY (
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16:25.13QbYI'm encountering a problem, hopefully someone has some experience with.  I need to conect a caller to an outside number, as soon as the other number answers (its an IVR) I need it to send a DTMF 0.  I have this working fine with the D option, however the toll free number I connect them to for some reason doesn't actually send an "ACK" which tells Asterisk the call has been answered, yet the call has.  Any suggestions?
16:27.27danpi'm not familiar with the ACK does that work wit other calls?
16:27.37blitzrageQbY: what do you want Asterisk to do about the other end not sending an ACK?
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16:28.44QbYblitzrage.  I'd like it to go ahead and send the dtmf 0.  What's funny is, the call is set up and it is passing audio.  However, in the CLI you don't see SIP/blah answered ...  you only see SIP/blah is making progress..
16:28.54QbYI found its not sending an ACK by dumping the traffic..
16:28.57*** join/#asterisk hi365_ (
16:29.23filewhat's the tollfree number for?
16:29.25blitzrageQbY: right... so Asterisk isn't going to progress unless the other call answers the call. You'd have to hack the code to progress where it doesn't expect to
16:29.31QbYfile: for ADT.
16:29.32blitzrageat least that'd be my guess
16:29.52filethey are cheating so they don't have to pay probably and sending some audio as inband progress until the last possible moment they can
16:30.12QbYfile.  that's what i'm guessing.  because when i call any thing else, it works fine.
16:30.59danpi'm just trying to understand...are you calling them via SIP or through a SIP provider?
16:31.26QbYdanp.  through a SIP provider, I have also tried IAX2 but it is exhibiting the exact same behavior.
16:32.10blitzragefile: !!!
16:32.26danphuh. sounds funky
16:36.44*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
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16:39.10humbugI would like to be able to execute some additional commands after a voicemail is left, but none of the exten's below Voicemail() get executed.
16:39.38blitzragehumbug: use the 'h' extension
16:40.36EmleyMoorIf my standard ring cadence is 0,0,0, should I be worried?
16:41.20EmleyMoorAlso, how do I dial # with SJphone? (as part of the number)
16:41.30EmleyMoorasterisk is changing it
16:41.35humbugblitzrage: the only options I see on the wiki are 's' 'u', and 'b'
16:41.53blitzragehumbug: the wiki has errors sometimes
16:42.07blitzragehumbug: 'h' is for processing stuff after a call ('h'angup)
16:42.14humbugahh... perfect
16:42.45EmleyMoorAnyone around on BT?
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16:50.58StephnieDec 17 07:46:35 WARNING[18054]: acl.c:244 ast_get_ip_or_srv: Unable to lookup ''
16:51.14StephnieI get this msg when I issue "sip reload"
16:52.01cpmdns issue?
16:52.08*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
16:52.09Stephniebut when I ping ...I get ping reply....
16:52.09QbYcan you ping hostnames?
16:52.57Rawplayersrvlookup = yes
16:53.03Rawplayerdo you have that?
16:53.13cpmon your asterisk server, what is the hosts: line in your nsswitch.conf file?
16:53.41Stephniein   /etc/hosts ?
16:53.54cpmno, nsswitch.conf
16:54.02cpmthere is a line 'hosts:'
16:54.12Rawplayerhosts: files dns
16:54.17Rawplayerthat should be there
16:54.28Stephniehosts:      files dns
16:54.40cpmjust for fun, reverse the order to dns files
16:54.47Stephnieeverything was fine till last nite..
16:55.09Rawplayerwhat happens when you create a mapping in /etc/hosts?
16:55.14Rawplayerfor that host
16:55.32StephnieI tried to do that too...but same problem...
16:55.45Stephniebroadvoice told me to put entry in hosts.
16:55.59QbYWhat would cause * to ignore the # coming from the called party when the Dial command has the t?
16:57.39Stephnieif this problem doesnt get resolved..then I must changed my dedicated server provider.
16:59.10*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
16:59.16QbYI'd change my SIP provider first.  I hate Broadvoice.
16:59.17*** join/#asterisk moon06 (
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17:00.21StephnieQbY: I hate Broadvoice whats your SIP Provider now?
17:00.39QbYStephnie.  We use a bunch.  Including ourselves now.
17:01.05*** join/#asterisk ozoneco (
17:01.29StephnieI wish I could get a low rate routes for US and Canada ...I better kick this broadvoice out then.
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17:02.16QbYSome that I'm happy with, and didn't cost a fortune to get in or high monthly rates, are,, and
17:02.32EmleyMoorI need some help from soneone in the UK with a BT line
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17:05.35RawplayerStephnie: what if you use
17:05.50Rawplayerinstead of is a CNAME for
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17:12.59StephnieRawplayer: if I use or IP Address then lines doesnt get registered.
17:13.16StephnieRawplayer: is a must ..
17:13.43StephnieI have tried it in X-lite softphone too
17:13.55Stephnieit only works with
17:13.56QbYthen it is probably broadvoice
17:14.04QbYcall them, and wait an hour on hold..
17:14.08QbYso they can tell you nothing.
17:14.22QbYi hate them.
17:14.28Rawplayerwhat if you create a zone file on your local dns server
17:14.32Stephnieyeah I called them...he said ..he never tried to use ip ..then he used ip
17:14.36Stephniebut ...failed
17:14.52Rawplayerand then create with the ip
17:15.10Stephnieso...then he came up with must be used...
17:15.36StephnieRawplayer :   create ?
17:15.46Stephniesorry..could get you
17:15.51Rawplayeron your local dns server
17:16.59Stephniecreate for ?
17:21.30*** join/#asterisk toxap (n=toxap@
17:21.42EmleyMoorI need some practical help from someone on BT
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17:29.48QbYhrmmm..  What would cause Asterisk to detect DTMF over an IAX2 channel and not SIP
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17:30.11danpis your dtmfmode set correctly
17:30.18QbYi've tried all
17:30.24QbYauto, inband, rfc...
17:31.59toxapWhen I compiling zaptel (zaptel-1.4.0-beta3), I have a problem. I do make and have error:
17:31.59toxapconfigure: *** Zaptel build successfully configured ***
17:31.59toxap**** The configure script was just executed, so 'make' needs to be
17:32.00toxap**** restarted.
17:32.04toxapmake: *** [config.status] Error 1
17:32.06toxapWhat this?
17:33.03xhelioxbenjk: This card I was talking about has that Maxim-IC as you said... does that give you any clues as to who made it?
17:33.20toxapsorry, I badly know english
17:35.48toxapHelp me please, with zaptel
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17:40.20jbrockgood afternoon all
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17:46.42jbrockwhat new features were added to  1.2.14  ?
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17:51.30EmleyMoorWhat's the easiest way to tell if a call is internal or from outside in the dialplan?
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17:52.36JVHHi all, trying to setup an Asterisk Testbed for our new phone system. Not being a Linux person the learning curve is somewhat steep.
17:52.38EmleyMoor(Outside calls come in over Zap/4, SIP and IAX2)
17:54.52JVHI have 2 phones Aasta 9133i and a Grandstream GXP2000. For the inital setup I am using Trixbox with Centos 4. The Aastra loads fine but the Grandstream says NO IP. The tech from Grandstream says the Bootp server is not running. I don't find a bootp server on the system. Is this a function of Dhcpd?
17:57.21tzafrirtoxap, just like the text says. This is not really an error. Just a way to make you re-run make.
17:57.49tzafrirShould be a workaround some buggy make implementations that require re-running make separately
17:58.18tzafrirJVH, no
17:58.25tzafrirJVH, what distro is it?
17:58.39tzafrirJVH, netstat -lnup | grep 69
17:58.48toxaptzafrir, When I re-run make, this problem repeats oneself
17:59.02EmleyMoorIf a Goto (or GotoIf) happens, into a new context, do the variables for the call remain available?
17:59.16tzafrirtoxap, what do you get when you run 'make -n' ?
17:59.40tzafrirtoxap, did you see any warnings about a skewed clock?
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18:00.16toxaptzafrir, Yes, make: Warning: File `Makefile' has modification time 2.8e+07 s in the future
18:00.34tzafrirtoxap, what is the output of 'date' ?
18:00.48toxaptzafrir, Tue Jan 17 22:01:04 MSK 2006
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18:01.00JVHTrixbox 1.2.3 Centos 4
18:01.37EmleyMoorWhat are local variables local to?
18:01.43tzafrirtoxap, get your clock straight. e.g: ntpdate -u
18:02.09tzafrirtoxap, you're almost a yeaqr behind the rest of us.
18:02.28EmleyMoorLiving in the past
18:02.41naftali5and hurry up or you'll miss the holidays!
18:03.43JVHtzafrir I entered that command I am not sure what the results mean
18:03.49tzafrirJVH, if that netstat command gave any output, you have a tftp server (tftp uses UDP port 69)
18:04.15tzafrirJVH, hmm, my mistake
18:04.35tzafrirJVH, it probably also picked up IAX2 (4569)
18:04.49tzafrirnetstat -lnup | grep -w 69
18:04.53humbugI would like to execute some additional commands after a voicemail is successfully left, but nothing in the macro after the voicemail() gets run.  Someone mentioned the 'h' option, but I can't find anything about it (not even in the source - I'm using 1.2).
18:05.01toxaptzafrir, Thanks, there was a problem in time
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18:05.44tzafrirhumbug, the user hangs up?
18:06.04tzafrirthe 'h' extension gets executed when the call hangs up
18:06.09*** part/#asterisk Alter-Ego (
18:06.25humbugahhh... I was thinking it was a voicemail option
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18:06.52JVHI get udp 2424/xinetd
18:07.22humbugtzafrir: so it would be something like exten => h,n, command()?
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18:07.41tzafrirJVH, that one is irrelevant
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18:11.39tzafrirJVH, ask some centos people here. I'm not sure if the tftpd runs independently or with xinetd
18:12.23tzafrirJVH, hmmm... my mistake again. It seems that xinetd is indeed listening on port 69. Anyway, I got to go now
18:12.52JVHok thanks
18:14.19*** part/#asterisk humbug (
18:14.46xhelioxIs there anyone in Dallas with a true blue Digium or Sangoma T1 (doesn't matter how many ports, one or more) card in stock that can be picked up today?
18:15.10xhelioxOr first thing in the morning.
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18:32.10resistancehello everyone
18:32.24resistancei've been doing some reading about deadagi
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18:32.41resistancei need something that will execute after hangup
18:33.05resistancewill i be able to initiate a dial command from the dadagi script
18:33.47resistancewhose u're daddy?
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18:46.05resistanceif i pass an argument into php agi: AGI(agi.php|23), how so I access it in the script?
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18:52.15resistanceif i pass an argument into php agi: AGI(agi.php|23), how so I access it in the script?
18:52.25blitzrageresistance: yes, you could execute another Dial() from the AGI script
18:52.38blitzrageresistance: repeating is unnecessary
18:53.03blitzrage$incoming_arg = $argv[1];
18:53.26jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
18:53.30blitzrageread the AGI chapter
18:53.33resistanceblizrage: i thought someone else might have come on that could help me out
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19:00.41_BOBWEEVERCan anyone here tell me if * can connect to an mysql server on another box for realtime?
19:00.58_BOBWEEVERI thought I read somewhere that you could not, but it appears that you can in res_mysql.conf
19:02.51blitzrageI know in ODBC it doesn't matter where the DB server is
19:03.04blitzrageso if you're using res_odbc, no problem doing that
19:05.29_BOBWEEVERThanks.. I will probably go that route.  I have never had a problem with res_mysql on the same box, however I am unable to connect to a mysql instance on another box.
19:06.10NuggetI'm pleased to have gotten res_pgsql going last night.  Looking forward to 1.4 release.
19:06.33NuggetI'm running the beta on my home system for now, but not on my production boxes.
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19:10.52_BOBWEEVERI dont even see mysql traffic in the tcpdump on the target server..
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19:14.50nvicfhello there
19:15.32mcquaidhello, not asterisk related, but i'm about to unlock an ata and wondered if anyone had experience with that
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19:58.34SheriF_SpacEwhy no one updated news with the new asterisk releases ?
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20:02.18Nuggetbecause file is a slacker.
20:03.25Un1xim a slacker
20:03.28Un1xits why i use slackware
20:03.35NuggetI used to be but I sold the domain.  :(
20:03.42SheriF_SpacEi see the post are astersikteam where is the rest of the team
20:04.01SheriF_SpacEUn1x: no u use slackware cuz u don't need a pacakge manager :P
20:04.20Un1xheh that too
20:04.27Un1xi prefer compiling from source i dont mind it
20:04.39Nuggetslackware is the least linuxy linux.  that's why I love it.
20:05.03SheriF_SpacEUn1x: me too but i don't have a powerful machine or fat connection , if i do i'll use Gentoo
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20:47.30savage1hello all
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20:54.15nvicfI have no idea how to setup this voip in my asterisk, I only have user/pass/ip, nothing more, I have some interns, and I don't have a clue, there's a lot of voip resources for this, it's a mess
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21:11.18hmmhesayswell the vikings tanked again
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21:31.07dknight11Is there any information available on the 1.4 Shared Line Appearance (SLA) feature beyond sla.conf.sample and comments in app_meetme.c?
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21:32.40masoncGUI question: I have a plain vanilla asterisk install going in today to a lawyers office. The systems admin at the office is not capable of root access, but I would like to give him the ability to change the extensions info, especially email addresses for voicemail. The system is configured, I don't want to startt again with a freepbx install. What GUI would work for this?
21:34.52hmmhesaysyou could try the 1.4 gui
21:35.34Drukenmasonc: i reccomend a custom built one :)
21:40.17Strom_Cmasonc: it's a lawyer's office for god's sake.  sell them a maintenance plan :)
21:40.32hadsThat'sa much better idea.
21:40.44enema_cowwrong terminal... :P
21:40.48hadsLawyers love that sort of thing
21:40.49enema_cowhi all
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21:53.40lenne_dkAccess to voicemail prompts: Is there a more portable way to access the greeting from the mailbox than /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/${number}/greet ?
21:54.39tzafrir_laptopOT: here's the latest spam I got. Nice try:
21:56.22orlokDoes anybody here know about/how to use SIP_HEADER?
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21:56.39orloktzafrir_laptop: bwahaha! thats a way to defeat OCR
21:56.54*** part/#asterisk bluregard (
21:59.19resistancei can't seem to get this: how can i do a max ringtime with AGI: $AGI->exec("DIAL zap/channel,30")
22:03.56*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
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22:06.06masoncThere will be a maintenance plan - but the guy likes to tinker information available on Shared Line Appearances?
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22:18.35lenne_dkWhat do you want to know about SIP_HEADER?
22:19.05orlokAs far as i can see in the docs,it only allows for getting sip header information
22:19.21orloki am wondering if you can set it as well, so i can set the Invite address to be the same as the To: address
22:19.25lenne_dkexten => s,1,Set(SIP_HEADER(headername)=Foo Fighters)
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22:20.14filethat wiki page is wrong
22:20.23fileyou can't write to the SIP_HEADER dialplan function
22:20.29lenne_dkThen fix it :-)
22:20.46lenne_dkEither the wiki or asterisk
22:20.56filethe Asterisk documentation has already been fixed
22:20.58orlokwell, damn, cos asterisk is using the wrong data to determine the number the inbound call is for
22:21.52*** join/#asterisk Ciber311 (
22:22.10lenne_dkstrange it only happens to you, orlok... Sure you are not doing anything wrong?
22:22.25fileorlok, are you registering somewhere and then they are sending calls to you?
22:23.54*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
22:24.19orloklenne_dk: n, it does seem to happen to other people
22:24.25orlokfile: yup
22:24.48filethen they are using the Contact URI as the Request URI in the INVITE
22:25.07orlokfile: one sip account, 10 DID's, inbound calls all have the same INVITE: DID, the To: number is the one the call is actually inbound on
22:26.41*** join/#asterisk Ciber311 (
22:27.04lenne_dkIsn't the Wiki page example part of what you need?
22:27.08lenne_dkexten => +49123456789,1,Set(DN=${SIP_HEADER(TO):5})
22:27.08lenne_dkexten => +49123456789,2,Set(DN=${CUT(DN,@,1)})
22:27.23lenne_dkthen jump on the DN
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22:34.49_BOBWEEVERHas onyone here noticed choppy prompts with 2.6.9-42 kernel and vmware?
22:35.52lenne_dkorlok, can you use this idea?
22:37.01*** join/#asterisk tinrsh (n=claudiu@
22:37.50*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
22:38.35Dovidmorning all
22:39.00rudholmgood afternoon
22:39.03xhelioxgood evening
22:39.20tinrshhi there, any one worked here with audiocodes mp-118 fxo ?
22:39.33Dovid:( - sorry
22:39.37Nuggethappy festivus
22:39.52Dovidhappy hanulah and soon to be merry christmas
22:39.57_BOBWEEVERahh.. a festivus for the restofus
22:40.36xhelioxBah humbug.
22:41.49tinrshcould someone point me on reading or something about how to choose a specific port for dial-out, but still be able to select a trunk with a random free line ?
22:41.57tinrshon AC MP-118 FXO ?
22:42.05Dovidspecific yet random ?
22:42.10Dovidis than an oxymoron ?
22:42.46Dovidisnt tha(
22:42.53Dovidamaybe i am jsut real tired
22:43.21tinrshdependind on the extension that is dialing I have to choose a specific port for dial out, or an random one
22:43.39tinrshlike some users have to "go out" on a specific line
22:44.19Dovidthen u can group the users in diffrent context's based on what u want
22:44.35Dovidso users 10-20 will go out thru random
22:44.42Dovidand 20-30 will have specific ports
22:44.49Dovidgorup them by diffrent context's
22:45.19tinrshyes, but the random ports should also include the ones that are used by the 10-20 group
22:45.41Dovidso u use the canisavail command to see if the channel is available
22:46.21tinrshmy problem si the tunks and endpoints on mp-118, I really don't get it how to do that
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22:47.28Dovidmp-118 is ?
22:48.02tinrshAudioCodes MP-118 FXO
22:48.13Dovidtoo tired to really think
22:48.17Dovidbeen up for 3 days
22:48.25tinrshok, thanks for trying
22:48.25Dovidis it a gateway or card
22:48.33tinrsha gateway
22:48.49Dovidsip to pots ?
22:49.10Dovidso y not try this
22:49.19Dovidset a diffrent sip acocunt for every pots line
22:49.29Dovidand then when a call is made set a vairable to say 1
22:49.34Dovidso the logic is
22:49.54Dovidif SIP1 is in use (meaning pots1 is in use) then set flag to in use
22:50.07Dovidnow when u want to make a call check first to see if the flag is set to in use
22:50.14tinrshoh... yeah good ideea
22:50.18Dovidif it is then go to next sip account
22:50.31Dovidif it isnt than set flag to in use and use that sip account
22:50.48Dovidwhen when the call ends use the h extension to reset the variable
22:50.52tinrshI did one account per gateway, and I was thinking to manipulate it from the trunking and routing in the gateway
22:51.09tinrshbut you ideea seems more reliable at this moment
22:51.19Dovidi perosonally think its better when you have more control on the asterisk side
22:51.23Dovidits open source
22:51.27Dovidwe help one another ;)
22:51.37Dovidpeople have helped me and i feel its my duty to give back
22:51.38Dovidgood luck
22:52.21ucfMethodanyone having issues with the Polycom 501s and the latest 2.0.3 sip.ld???? After I upgraded the phones, occasionally (almost every time i try) the buttons are not responsive, sometimes you have to press a number 2-4 times before it works.
22:53.19*** join/#asterisk PupenoR (n=pupeno@2002:c87b:b75a:0:240:f4ff:fe6b:7650)
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23:03.58Ryanwis there a way to listen to hold music through a speakerphone then have the music cut out when a call comes in?
23:06.30IronHelix\AFKits a function of the phone i think
23:06.44IronHelix\AFKa handful of phones have the option to connect to something when idle
23:12.21*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
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23:12.54EmleyMoorMy asterisk is detecting both of my available ring cadences as 0,0,0
23:13.03EmleyMoorI'm on BT in the UK - why would that be?
23:13.06IronHelix\AFKdo you have distinctive ring detection turned on?
23:13.26EmleyMoor(in zapata.conf)
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23:13.36EmleyMoorIf it needs to be anywhere else as well, please advise
23:14.22noworkhello..I am in Toronto, any advise on where to buy a 1U server for *DID service?
23:14.43EmleyMoor(I am thinking of getting the third ring cadence but it will be of no use if asterisk refuses to tell the difference)
23:14.47IronHelix\AFKemley, what hardware?
23:14.58EmleyMoorDigium TDM400P
23:15.26noworkalso think to use Asterisk to do phone card service,what kind of service should i know?what about Dell poweredge 1950?
23:15.41IronHelix\AFKand you have   usedistinctiveringdetection=yes ?
23:15.52EmleyMoorIronHelix: Yes
23:16.18IronHelix\AFKand then you turn on verbose and it says 0,0,0?  hmmm.... what signalling type?
23:16.21EmleyMoorIt detects and displays the cadence as 0,0,0 in both the normal call and ringback service
23:16.47IronHelix\AFKthat all sounds right
23:17.13IronHelix\AFKnowork- any decent box will do
23:17.23IronHelix\AFKit depends on what kind of line you get and if you are transcoding etc
23:17.52IronHelix\AFKem do you have all the localizations set to uk mode?
23:18.15IronHelix\AFKtry pastebinning your zapata and zaptel.conf and i'll see if anything sticks out
23:18.35EmleyMoorIronHelix: As and where I know about them, yes - configs coming up soon
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23:40.26IronHelix\AFKput loadzone and defaultzone above the channel definitions (fxoks=1 etc)
23:40.44IronHelix\AFKtry turning off all the settings for distinctinve rings but leave usedistinctiveringdetection on
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23:42.29IronHelix\AFKie turn off the custom ring cadences on lines 487-492, and put the dring context stuff after the normal context stuff (but comment it out for testing)
23:44.04IronHelix\AFKalso try putting the dringcontext stuff below the signalling=fxs_ks part on line 581, perhaps its being cleared by the above *shrug*
23:45.01EmleyMoorStill detects 0,0,0
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23:46.51EmleyMoorThe dringcontext stuff does work - but as it only detects 0,0,0 it's pretty pointless :-(
23:51.42EmleyMoorI need this to work soon :-(
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23:55.06Farris1Can anyone using SIP trunks from help me figure out what I need to do to get dtmf working on inbound calls?
23:59.03EmleyMoorAnyone else here know about dring detection and BT?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.