irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061208

00:00.28JTwell yes as long as the company accepts your account, you may have to put down a norwegian address when signing up
00:00.58The_Ballyes, that's probable, but that's not a problem
00:01.18*** part/#asterisk gJon (
00:01.31JTonly other major concern i can think of is the latency and in general the quality of the Internet connection to norway
00:02.09The_Ballwhat network does the voip providers use between countries ?
00:02.26JTerr, it's voip, so, the Internet
00:03.20The_Ballso it would be the same problem using an australian voip provider or a norwegian provider when making calls to norway
00:03.36JTmaybe, maybe not
00:03.44JTlikely a voip provider has better connectvity
00:03.46Un1xhey is there a command to log all numbers dailied into a TEXT file or sometihng similar?
00:03.58JTthey may even have dedicated bandwidth, but unlikely
00:04.11JTUn1x: you mean like CDRs?
00:04.14The_Balli see, btw, does engin support iax?
00:04.32Un1xCDR? no not record the call i ment just record the number dailed...
00:04.37JTthey use cisco call manager at the border
00:04.48JTyes that's what a bloody CDR is
00:04.56JTcall detail record
00:05.02Un1xI See
00:05.23JTplease look it up next time before correcting me, i was on the right track :P
00:05.43JTmost asterisk installs write CSV CDRs by default
00:05.47The_BallJT, engin has a good norwegian rate, 4c/min
00:05.53JTThe_Ball: cool
00:06.01JTis the rate the same to landlines and mobiles
00:06.12The_Ballno, 39c/min to mobile
00:06.28Un1xHey JT, where are th soundfiles for asterisk
00:06.33JTabout the same price as telstra charge for a call from a landline to a non-telstra mobile
00:06.40Un1xexten => s,3,Playback(vm-isunavail)
00:06.48Un1xlike this for example where would that soundfile be?
00:06.57Corydon-wUn1x: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
00:07.00Un1xthanks :)
00:07.03JTall this info is in the book
00:07.06JTyou should read it
00:07.17jbotwell, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
00:07.17*** join/#asterisk h0 (i=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:07.17The_BallUn1x, try the command locate if installed on your system: "locate isunavail"
00:07.22EmleyMoorAre there any docs on using a British caller display with *?
00:07.45JTi've seen stuff on voip info about it, EmleyMoor
00:08.29Un1xJT, i am going to read it, last and simple question so if i have .gsm files the recordings basicly i just shove whatever i want into /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ and then i can use it correct like any othe recording?
00:08.51JTyes as long as it's a format asterisk recognises
00:09.04EmleyMoorAlso, is there a way I can get a Strowger-like dialtone?
00:09.29Un1xYea, it is i donloaded asterisk sounds from :)
00:09.33JTi'm not sure what a strowger-like dialtone is, but there is a us-old tonezone or similar
00:09.55JTUn1x: the best quality is slin, ulaw or alaw files
00:10.03JTgsm isn't very good quality
00:10.10EmleyMoorJT: A purring sound...
00:10.20JTno idea
00:10.23JTtry us-old :P
00:10.40*** join/#asterisk Aximas (
00:10.50JTyou could always make your own tonezone
00:10.58JTcall it "the-undertaker"
00:11.00hmmhesaysyou can make whatever tones you want
00:11.08*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
00:11.31JTyeah, not always easy to get it right though
00:12.32hmmhesaysif you know what frequencies you need it is
00:13.39robin__szEmleyMoor, I failed to getUK CID to work with a X100P card or a clone, using ISDN2e and a HFC/Cologne card and mISDN, it worked right out of the box ... but then again thats ISDN, not the weird ass UK CID schema
00:13.57*** join/#asterisk DocHolliday (i=RogerRab@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0E4F6D6C)
00:14.13Un1xthis file was in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
00:14.17Un1xim trying to use it but it says
00:14.23EmleyMoorI have the caller ID coming in from BT on a genuine TDM400P - just wondering how I can send it out to displays
00:14.23Un1xDec  8 07:17:02 WARNING[21272]: file.c:512 ast_openstream_full: File agent-loginok.gsm does not exist in any format
00:14.23Un1xDec  8 07:17:02 WARNING[21272]: file.c:824 ast_streamfile: Unable to open agent-loginok.gsm (format g729): No such file or directory
00:14.23Un1xDec  8 07:17:02 WARNING[21272]: app_playback.c:133 playback_exec: ast_streamfile failed on SIP/perlninja-b6c03450 for agent-loginok.gsm
00:15.00robin__szEmleyMoor, for genuine Strowger tones, you need a tonewheel set :)
00:15.26*** join/#asterisk stuq (
00:15.58robin__szbasically, some large steel discs on a motor ... with some magnets :)
00:15.58Un1xnevermind i entered extension hehe :P
00:16.13EmleyMoorI remember when they modernised the exchange where my dad lives - a new TXE4RD for the 5-digit numbers, and a change of dialtone on the 4-digit, which remained on the Strowger
00:17.01*** part/#asterisk hoobastoob1 (n=ckwall@
00:17.13EmleyMoorOne of our phones back then was a Yeoman
00:17.20EmleyMoorSo glad I have one now
00:19.32robin__szI still have a problem with one of my real Snom 190s, runing the same firmware as another one that works fine
00:19.48EmleyMoorSounds like a hardware fault
00:19.54robin__szwhen I go to do a transfer, it clears down the incoming call
00:20.14robin__szive got a SIP debug soemwhere on pastebin
00:20.18JThmmhesays: in theory it's easy
00:20.29JTthe au tonezone's busy tones is mostly right
00:20.45JTbut it's still wrong
00:21.01Un1xhey JT i beleive youre familiar with DISA you know when it asks you to enter pass then it if you enter wrong pass it says Password InCorrect file wich is auth-incorrect
00:21.01EmleyMoorHow can I implement a means of transfer that will work on a phone (a) with and (b) without TBR?
00:21.10Un1xcan i change it instead o playing auth-incorrect to something else?
00:21.18JTbetween the noises there's some weird effect that sounds like aliasing
00:21.41robin__szUn1x, yes
00:21.58Un1xrobin__sz wich file do i change it in
00:22.03Un1xso it plays a differnt soundfile
00:23.40*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
00:24.03robin__szor. for a quick and dirty solution, move auth-incorrect.gsm out of the way and symlink it to something else
00:24.10Un1xoh crap that means recompiling and such nevermind :P
00:24.16Un1xheh yea i could rename the file :P
00:24.20Un1xgood idea thanks
00:24.25Dovidanyone know whent he next astricon will be ?
00:24.28EmleyMoorMy partner is usually but not universally known by his middle name
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00:25.21EmleyMoorWhen I realised that his first name was needed, I had to re-record
00:27.08*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
00:27.10blitzrageanyone happen to have an example config set for a 7970?
00:27.31blitzragethe phone configs, not the sip.conf :)
00:27.38EmleyMoorInteractive Virtual Receptionist
00:27.51EmleyMoorGive it a try if you like
00:28.16robin__szmmm, no ta :)
00:29.02robin__szsounds fun, but we;re running a business ...
00:29.15robin__szgotta try and stay focussed :)
00:29.35robin__szblitzrage, tried the info on
00:29.54robin__szquite a bit of phone config on there
00:30.00bkw_its Interafcive voice Response
00:30.19EmleyMoorWell, whatever it is...
00:31.41JTyeah that's what i thought
00:32.15EmleyMoorNow I have a working FXO port it's great
00:32.41JTrobin__sz: what hardware do you use with mISDN?
00:32.56robin__szsome random hfc/cologne card
00:33.04robin__szAsus I think
00:33.10JTah a small thing
00:33.13JTlike 1 or 2 ports/
00:33.31robin__sz0000:02:09.0 Network controller: Asustek Computer, Inc. ISDNLink P-IN100-ST-D (rev 02)
00:33.34robin__sz1 BRI
00:33.56JTi'm curious how well it works with an 8 port card :)
00:34.28robin__szIve got 8 port cards from Eicon .. but I use CAPI with those
00:34.50JTthe bristuff version, or pre-bristuff?
00:34.58robin__szpre I think
00:35.07robin__szlong time since I looked at those boxes
00:35.10JTbristuff has chan_capi
00:35.16JTbut hmm
00:35.28robin__szistr having to add it specially
00:35.42robin__szfrom a rep run by ... mmm
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00:37.52robin__szso pre-bri I guess
00:38.22JTis the eicon card cologne hfc chipset?
00:39.26robin__sznot as far I I remember
00:39.33robin__szcustom glue chips
00:39.56danpmog: would it be ok if i had the pastie IRC bot join this channel? you can read about its usage here:
00:40.04JToh, what does it use for drivers/
00:41.18robin__szmmm ... something from eicon .. these a CAPI interface to it once its up and running, and a open source utility to control it
00:41.26mogwhy not just use pastebin danp
00:41.27JToh ok
00:42.04robin__szits an "active" card ... makes faxing low trouble
00:42.34JThfc cologne i think is active
00:42.48danppastie has better IRC integration...not as much work to get and give out the paste URL
00:43.05robin__sznah, passive AFAIK ... it can do NT or TE mode though
00:43.09*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (
00:43.44robin__szbut, I could be worng
00:44.45JTit's listed as active acording to
00:45.43Un1xDec  8 07:48:48 WARNING[17902]: chan_zap.c:10874 setup_zap: Ignoring signalling
00:45.44Un1xDec  8 07:48:48 WARNING[17902]: chan_zap.c:10874 setup_zap: Ignoring signalling
00:45.44Un1xDec  8 07:48:48 WARNING[17902]: chan_zap.c:10874 setup_zap: Ignoring signalling
00:45.48Un1xi wonder why get those :S
00:46.21Un1xlet me try something
00:46.45robin__szJT, oh, OK, thats good ... especially as you can buy Cologne cards for $trivial if you shop around
00:47.06JTrobin__sz: i have not seen any cologne cards for $trivial with 4 or 8 ports
00:47.23robin__szbut for single BRI they are plentiful
00:48.12JTwhich is not very useful for anywhere but a house or the smallest of businesses
00:48.16Un1xSomone please tell me why i get those Warnings?
00:48.40JTUn1x: you haven't even told us what you were doing
00:48.54Un1xnothing when just starting asterisk like 'asterisk -vvvvc'
00:49.00Un1xi just see those when asterisk is startiung uo
00:49.22JTprobably something wrong in either /etc/zaptel.conf or /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
00:49.54Un1xwell i moved around zaptel.conf nothing fixed it i'll try zapata
00:50.07JT"moved around"?
00:51.19JTdo you have any idea what you are doing?
00:54.38Un1xerr jt moved around meaning the signalling
00:54.39Un1xlet me show u
00:54.49*** join/#asterisk aptura (
00:54.58JTyou better use pastebin
00:55.01Un1xloadzone = us
00:55.01Un1xdefaultzone = us
00:55.07JTdo not paste here
00:55.10Un1xi think its wrong
00:55.16jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
00:55.21Un1xits not working well .ca isn't
00:55.56JTthat doesn't make it ok to spam 300 people
00:56.17apturaAnyone have specs on the ip501 and how many watts it consumes? works fine for me
00:56.40apturaAlso, is there such thing as a POE blade based switch that would fit in a pci slot?
00:57.03apturaOr just a nic that supplies poe.
00:57.29JTiirc the limit for PoE is around 15W
00:58.04jbotfrom memory, iirc is "if I recall correctly"
00:59.09apturaTrying to tally the total watts a low power mobo with flash and possibly a switch that while it may not exist can snap into a pci slot and have everyone enclosed in one case. Called the only company that sells an tough 37 bls pbx like case.
00:59.22apturaand want to put a ups inside it.
00:59.37JTwhy ups
00:59.49JTjust use a 12vDC power supply
00:59.52JTmakes more sense
01:00.10apturanot when power is down.
01:00.39JTyes it does
01:00.49JT12VDC sead lead acid battery
01:00.51apturaBut what ever is best. Going to use a Antex ps in the case. One of the most reliable units.
01:01.15JTif you're going the lowpower compact route
01:01.20apturaIm not asking for sugestions.
01:01.31JT12VDC power supply + battery makes the most sense
01:01.36*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
01:01.37apturaJust watt req for the phone.
01:01.51JTno need to get all anal
01:01.54JTjust trying to help
01:01.58*** join/#asterisk jusse (n=jusse@
01:02.09JTwhy mention something if you don't want it commented upon
01:02.58apturaI know
01:03.14JTmy suggestion would allow you to put it into a smaller case, i assume you want it to appear to be a normal pbx from the outside
01:04.11apturaWell there really is no atx case that looks like a pbx. The one I am looking at is mil spec. pricy but its can accomidate 115 volt conduit.
01:04.28JTthen why use an ATX case?
01:04.37JTmount it in something else
01:05.03apturaI have a case in mind.
01:05.06JTi thought you might've been using something smaller than ATX though
01:06.40aptura17x22x8 is the size of this box.
01:10.14Un1xaptura got a picture of the case?
01:11.06apturaSince thay are very low volume I would hesitate to give it out as it can take up to three weeks to order it.
01:12.22Un1xheh save the image of the bo
01:12.27Un1xand upload it to
01:12.37Un1xi just wanna see what it looks like man i like rachmounts
01:12.44Un1xi dont like other cases :p
01:12.50apturaits not a rack mount
01:12.59Un1xyea i know i just wanna see it
01:13.04Un1xits why i said upload image
01:13.08Un1xi dont care where its from :p
01:13.32*** part/#asterisk aptura (
01:18.52*** join/#asterisk Dustyservers (
01:19.26Dustyserverscan anyone tell me where I can get an fxo card?
01:20.31Supaplexwell yea. digium, ebay
01:20.58Dustyserversis there a candian digium site
01:21.02Dustyserversas am from canada
01:22.35*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:23.14Un1xDustyservers Sangoma
01:23.16Un1xthere canadian
01:23.22Un1xthere in Markham
01:24.06Dustyserversok so that would be then?
01:25.06Un1xDustyservers no
01:25.18blitzrageSangoma != Digium :)
01:25.22Un1xno \
01:26.05Un1xSangoma cards are way better
01:26.08*** join/#asterisk BZBW (
01:26.21Un1xand alot of people have said same thing due to quality and less interrupts and shit
01:26.33Un1xi dont think i would have spend 2k on a A200 if it wasn't good
01:26.54JThow much is the A200 board alone?
01:27.25Un1xlike 300
01:27.25Un1xor something
01:27.25*** join/#asterisk SimoAmi (
01:27.25Un1xim not exactly sure but i bought mine with 24 FXS ports
01:27.25SimoAmihi there
01:27.25ManxPowerSangoma and Digium cards both work.  More people use Digium so there are more people around to help.  Sangoma's install procedure is a little weird.  However, many people think that Sangoma cards are compatible with a wider range of motherboards and that is a plus.  Both company's products are priced similar.
01:27.25Un1xwith the addition daughter boards
01:27.45Un1xYes. but Sangoma tends to bend over backwards for there customers
01:27.50Un1xif you have problems with installs or anytihng
01:27.51blitzragenot in my experience
01:27.55Un1xthey will help you with all of it
01:27.59blitzrageSent an email, had no reply for 3 days
01:28.00Un1xand even do it for you if you want
01:28.11ManxPowerMy one tech support experience with Sangoma was good.
01:28.11Un1xblitzrage they dont like americans :P
01:28.22orlocki use Traverse PCI ADSL cards
01:28.25Un1xi dont know man i ususaly call
01:28.26Un1xi dont email
01:28.27blitzrageUn1x: who said I was an American -- I live in Toronto
01:28.30SimoAmiI get "All circuits are busy now" when using a boadvoice sip trunk. any idea/help?
01:28.30orlockwhich are essentialy Sangoma cards
01:28.35blitzrageUn1x: AND they know who I am there :)
01:28.35ManxPowerblitzrage: I thought I had that experience too until I checked my spam folder.  For some reason their response got tossed in there.
01:28.37Un1xand they help solve the problem within like 6 hours usualy
01:28.39orlockwell, theyare rebadged sangoma cards
01:28.40Un1xall the times ive called
01:28.43blitzrageManxPower: nah, it wasn't that :)
01:28.44Un1xgotten help witihn 6 hours
01:28.47ManxPowerSimoAmi: You want #freepbx
01:29.31Un1xanywya i prefer sangoma over digium cards
01:29.33blitzragewell either way, hardware sucks :)
01:29.40orlockblitzrage: yup
01:29.48Un1xheh the money part
01:29.50Un1xor all hardware :P
01:29.50blitzragetotally unnecessary except for phones
01:29.55Un1xi hate when u gotta give money lol
01:29.56orlockMAC addresses vanishing from the arp cach every 30 seconds
01:30.02blitzragemoney doesn't bother me, I make enough
01:30.10ManxPowerorlock: not a duplex mispatch?
01:30.16Un1xi prrefer money coming in rather then going out
01:30.23Un1xand anyonew with a business mind will tell you same thing
01:30.26Un1xits all more about profit
01:30.28Dustyserversanyways thanks for all the help
01:30.29Un1xthen revenues :)
01:30.32blitzragewell duh
01:30.33Un1xheh cya dusty
01:30.37blitzrageyou go to school for that?
01:30.47Un1xim 18 f00
01:30.57*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
01:31.01blitzrageahhhh, it all makes sense now :)
01:31.08Un1xwhat makes sense?
01:31.52Un1xthat i know about business at this age
01:31.53ManxPowerUn1x: Not quite as bitter, jaded, and hateful as the rest of us, eh?
01:31.53Un1xim a peoples person
01:32.02*** join/#asterisk dr0ne (
01:32.03Un1xi gotta go warm my stupid gell packs i got drom doctor
01:32.31ManxPowerSome asshole consultant from the Accounting department wants to put the company on Vonage.  A USD$ 550 Million/year company with 400 employees, and 18 offices.  On Vonage.
01:32.46QwellManxPower: congrats
01:33.02ManxPowerI'm really glad I was not at the meeting.  I would have wet my self laughing.
01:33.26QwellManxPower: $20 says you would've wet the consultant
01:33.57orlockManxPower: hahahah
01:34.01ManxPowerQwell: They don't let me go to those sorts of meetings anymore.  I tend to make people mad at me.
01:34.08blitzrageManxPower: wow... that's amazing
01:34.12orlockManxPower: heh, i do thatto
01:34.14blitzrageI would have laughed HARD
01:35.02ManxPowerI used to spend 1/2 of my time fending off those fly by night consultants, then I realized they are all idiots and could not do anything cheaper than we are already doing things so why not just ignore them.
01:36.01blitzragein fact, if a business is going after the cheapest possible solution, I don't want them
01:36.13blitzragethey are usually the worst as they expect the moon for $1
01:36.20ManxPowerblitzrage: someone got mad at me for saying that person X not knowing what the RELEASE button on a Nortel phone (she is the dept receptionist) is, is like a 30 yr old now knowing how to tie their shoes.
01:36.25blitzrageand tend to have very little idea what they really want
01:36.40ManxPowerblitzrage: the ACCOUNTING department wants to take over IT.
01:36.51blitzrageoh yah, that makes a lot of sense
01:37.07SimoAmi#freepbx is very quiet
01:37.27ManxPowerSimoAmi: well that is the place to ask questions about FreePBX/Trixbox
01:37.37SimoAmimaybe someone here can help
01:37.38*** join/#asterisk marlow (n=marlow@
01:37.51ManxPowerSimoAmi: Asterisk does not play the message you are receiving
01:38.00ManxPowerAsterisk does not have "SIP trunks"
01:38.07ManxPowerAll that stuff is specific to FreePBX/Trixbox
01:38.08blitzrageI can't help with GUI stuff since I only know the CLI
01:38.10JTfreepbx users are probably too busy 0wning others in online games atm to help with freepbx
01:38.17JTor whatever it is that kiddies do
01:38.58SimoAmiok, well, I'll have to dig in through the different configs
01:39.13*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
01:39.39blitzrageJT: lol
01:39.49SimoAmialso, I want to setup a pure asterisk application that interacts with php
01:39.50Supaplexit's for kids
01:40.03blitzrageSimoAmi: learn Asterisk then
01:40.04JTagi would do that interaction
01:40.22Supaplexsh -c "rm -f `which php`"
01:40.52SimoAmihow easy is it to have a service call a specific client and ask for a confimation code for a specific transaction?
01:41.07blitzrageusing a GUI tends to just delay the inevitable. I only recommend GUIs for managers, and those who already know asterisk and only use the GUI for repetitive/management type things
01:41.22blitzrageSimoAmi: that's reasonably easy
01:41.26SimoAmisort of "Hello, Please enter the code for transaction 14678"
01:41.40blitzrageyah... use a callfile to dump the caller into a context which does that
01:41.46blitzragecallfile + Read()
01:41.55JTumm if it's inbound
01:41.58JTwhy use callfile
01:42.05*** join/#asterisk kyo (
01:42.06JTuse diaplan + agi
01:42.10blitzrageoh... for some reason I thought he was polling out to an end point
01:42.17blitzrageagi for what?
01:42.26blitzrageif you say the DB lookup, use func_odbc
01:42.27JThe wanted to connect with php
01:42.52blitzragefor that situation, I don't see the advantage of using AGI, unless you're doing something really funky
01:42.57blitzragetoo much overhead
01:43.12SimoAmiit could be through xmlrcp instead of connecting remotly to mysql server
01:43.39*** join/#asterisk Dustyservers (
01:43.41blitzragestill, calling a parser is still going to be more memory than calling the DB from the dialplan directly
01:43.47JTyeah it depends on the application
01:43.57blitzrageright -- I'm just a func_odbc fanboy :)
01:44.09blitzrageI still use AGI for certain tasks, but rarely anymore
01:44.30SimoAmithe main program will be a cron job that inquires for new unconfirmed transactions and get the list of numbers to dial, the trxn # and confirmation code
01:44.30Dustyservershi I notice that the fxo card is an rj45 connector how would I connect my regular phone compnay to that when the regular phone connector is a rj11?
01:44.49blitzrageDustyservers: you just plug it in, it fits
01:44.56JTSimoAmi: you can use call files or the manager interface to make outgoing calls
01:45.01blitzragerj11 is just narrower (2 pair instead of 4 pair)
01:45.15JTrj45 are 4 pair btw
01:45.17Dustyserversit will fit even if it not the right size?
01:45.23JTyes it will fit
01:45.31Dustyserversthat new to me
01:45.33*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:45.35blitzrageDustyservers: not really if you look at the connectors
01:46.01SimoAmiJT: manager interface of "FreePBX" ?
01:46.01Dustyserversone outher question
01:46.09JTof asterisk
01:46.31JTyou wouldn't want to be running a business system on freepbx
01:46.32Dustyservershow to I do an auto attence message thingy
01:46.49SimoAmiok, does asterisk automatically dial out call files?
01:46.59jbotthebook is probably a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
01:46.59JTPlayback() plays sound files
01:47.01jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
01:47.17*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
01:47.23JTSimoAmi: yes, also covered in the book
01:48.05shmaltzanybody seen this? Polycom 501 with asterisk 1.2.13, asterisk keeps losing the registrations fo the Polycom phones. THey are all on the same network, no NAT
01:48.34Dustyserverswould you recomend to use freepbx or to configure asterisk your self?
01:48.36blitzragetry dropping the registration timeout
01:48.43blitzrageso it re-reg's more often
01:48.44Dustyserversjust trying to figure out what woudl be best for me
01:49.05blitzrageDustyservers: depends what you're trying to do -- if for business, learn Asterisk. Play hobby, you can start with FreePBX
01:49.35blitzragesome things you have no choice but to learn asterisk if you want to take full advantage
01:49.52Dustyserverscan you have auto attence with freepbx?
01:50.02blitzrageDustyservers: go look at the freepbx website
01:50.02JTwtf is attence?
01:50.07JTdo you mean auto attendant?
01:50.11Dustyserversliek prince 1 sale 2 for support
01:50.20blitzrageDustyservers: yes, of course
01:50.24JTnever heard of the word "attence"
01:50.36Dustyserversaww ic
01:50.38JTi know what an ivr is
01:50.44blitzragewell... ivr is more than just an auto attendent
01:50.45Dustyserverssorry am new to this
01:50.57blitzrageDustyservers: yah, you should read some docs,
01:51.10Dustyserverswhy is ivr more then just an auto attendent jw?
01:51.46shmaltzanybody seen this? Polycom 501 with asterisk 1.2.13, asterisk keeps losing the registrations fo the Polycom phones. THey are all on the same network, no NAT
01:51.47*** join/#asterisk topping (n=topping@
01:52.19blitzrageyah.. try dropping the registration timeout so it re-reg's faster
01:53.05shmaltzblitzrage, done that :( still no help
01:53.17blitzragehrmmmm.... thats weird
01:53.33*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (
01:53.42blitzragetry like.... 60
01:53.44shmaltzin fact the Polycoms think that they are registerd
01:54.58shmaltzI changed it to this, lets see if it will help, but I doubt it will
01:55.16SimoAmidon't you think using some kind of api is better than creating call files?
01:56.05blitzragesure... that's what the manager is for
01:57.44*** join/#asterisk hoobastoob1 (n=ckwall@
01:58.12SimoAmiah ok
01:58.43blitzrageagi is for asterisk to interact with programs, and manager is for programs to interact with asterisk (generally)
01:58.49*** join/#asterisk bkrus1 (n=root@
01:59.26SimoAmiis manager an api, a source file within the asterisk file structure?
01:59.48blitzrageyou connect to it over a network socket (like telnet)
01:59.48Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
01:59.52blitzrageinfact, you can telnet into it :)
02:00.31SimoAmiah, I think I remember something about the manager now
02:01.34hoobastoob1when i am dialing a meetme conference number and then hanging up, the channel is not being removed. what could be causing that?
02:01.44SimoAmiI think there's a php api that does the low level connection
02:01.59blitzragethat'd be useful
02:02.25blitzrageluckily someone I work with wrote a class that did it
02:03.08SimoAmialso, do I need to write a file for the asterisk logic?
02:03.08hoobastoob1and if i do a soft hangup and the channel, it does not hang it up
02:03.17blitzragewhat version?
02:03.28blitzrageis it only in the meetme?
02:03.32hoobastoob1Asterisk SVN-branch-1.2-r48356
02:03.34blitzrageI've never experienced that...
02:03.43blitzragedoes it do it in
02:03.53hoobastoob1have not tried it
02:04.02blitzragegive that a quick shot to make sure its not a new bug introduced
02:04.09hoobastoob1ok, will do
02:05.25hoobastoob1i just tested it on another Asterisk SVN-branch-1.2-r48356 server and it does not do it
02:05.30hoobastoob1it works correctly there
02:05.36hoobastoob1so it shouldnt be a bug
02:05.44hoobastoob1this is one i am trying to set up with vicidial
02:05.46blitzragewhats different in the network?
02:05.55bkrus1someone mention php class? :D
02:06.27bkrus1blitzrage: whats up <3
02:06.45blitzrageleafs game
02:06.55bkrus1i need to post my 1.2 and 1.4 class for php, it does anything you can do at the command line
02:07.09bkrus1s/command line/manager interface
02:07.17SimoAminot sure it's a php class but it's an api to interface with asterisk's manager interface
02:07.18blitzragebkrus1: that'd be useful
02:07.30bkrus1SimoAmi: yes, class
02:07.40bkrus1so when you include('whatever.php');
02:07.46bkrus1how do you do that in php again(thinks)
02:08.16bkrus1then new asterisk....whatever i forget, its been a couple weeks and my mind isnt in php mode
02:08.24bkrus1correct, thanks
02:08.46blitzrageyah, I go work on php, then I go back into asterisk mode and forget about the php :)
02:09.01bkrus1then $asterisk=new('class...i forgot
02:09.04bkrus1ill get it to you though :]
02:09.06blitzrageanyways... GO LEAFS GO
02:09.39bkrus1JT: its blitzrage, who knows :]
02:09.56bkrus1but then, you can just do $asterisk->login_agents("agent_array etc etc"); and $asterisk->blah blah blah
02:10.27bkrus1$asterisk->raw_command("$server1", "command", "args"); etc etc, ill try to get that to somewhere you guys can get to it
02:10.48shmaltzanybody seen this? Polycom 501 with asterisk 1.2.13, asterisk keeps losing the registrations fo the Polycom phones. THey are all on the same network, no NAT
02:10.55Qwellbkrus1: Where's your e?
02:11.05partitionQwell: he didn't pay his bill
02:11.13Qwellnub ;/
02:11.15bkrus1at&T cut it off ;[
02:11.27bkrus1Qwell: Im signed on irc at work, and this was my secondary name :P
02:11.44bkruse_homewhats up qwell
02:13.16bkruse_homeSimoAmi: what would you be interfacing the manager interface in php for?
02:14.16SimoAmigood question
02:15.03bkruse_homeSimoAmi: :P   I will get them to you and you can go from therE :]
02:15.28SimoAmilet me explain
02:15.53*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
02:16.22SimoAmiI want to create a simple application that queries a db for new client transactions
02:16.48shmaltzanybody seen this? Polycom 501 with asterisk 1.2.13, asterisk keeps losing the registrations fo the Polycom phones. THey are all on the same network, no NAT
02:17.00jbotwell, fxsfxo is an FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
02:17.00SimoAmithen call each client and ask them to confirm the transaction via a confirmation code
02:17.04shmaltzanybody seen this? Polycom 501sip 1.6.7  with asterisk 1.2.13, asterisk keeps losing the registrations fo the Polycom phones. THey are all on the same network, no NAT
02:17.37bkruse_homeSimoAmi: that will be easily done with this class
02:17.41hoobastoob1anyone here done vicidial?
02:17.41bkruse_homeyou can call on the db with
02:17.52bkruse_home$asterisk->raw_command("blahb lah"):
02:17.53SimoAmiso the voice prompt is "Hi, please enter the confirmation code for the transaction 14256"
02:18.27Un1xSimoAmi even if you do thatthere is a way around those applications
02:18.47SimoAmigood, like what?
02:18.52Un1xno not a good way for you
02:18.57bkruse_homeSimoAmi: you could probably do something like handling your variables in php and then making a call with whatever your var names are..........
02:18.57Un1xmeaning a way around for clients
02:19.09Un1xif youre trying to prevent fraud etc on ur site with that app there is a way around
02:20.07SimoAmiit's not what you think. We need to confirm over the phone. It sets the transaction status to a higher level "Confirmed"
02:20.35bkruse_homeSimoAmi: I think you could do that, i could help you with it if you need it
02:20.51bkruse_homeUn1x: I some extent..........but for a basic confirmation i dont think its a problem
02:20.56SimoAmibkruse_home: what do you suggest?
02:20.59bkruse_homeit depends how big security plays a role
02:21.15bkruse_homeSimoAmi: we could just design our own php based system to handle everything, as long as the call volume isnt huge
02:21.39SimoAminot much of a security issue. because you don't provide any info could still be high call volume we are just reading db numbers and originating calls in the manager interface
02:21.58bkruse_homeSimoAmi: anything could be hacked, just always remember
02:22.33bkruse_homeso my suggestion is to keep all (most) your vars that you can in php, so you can directly reference them instead of $callerid = $asterisk->db_call("blahblahblah");
02:22.41bkruse_homeor whatever.
02:22.53SimoAmiI know how to inquire for the list of pending transactions. I would need help initiating the calls, speaking the transaction number and getting the code back
02:23.49SimoAmithe db query can be done through a mysql_query()
02:23.53bkruse_homeya, i dont think its a problem, we could do it
02:24.20bkruse_homeso you just want them to punch in a confirmation number, match that to their number/username whatever authentication we want etc etc
02:24.54SimoAminow the details would be something like how to repeat the message after 10 seconds of non response
02:24.57Un1xbkruse_home well at least you agree it doesn't help prevent fraud
02:25.05Un1xi mean if the guy is doing fraud he probably has a bunch of dids anyway
02:25.17Un1xso he could just use anyone of them for his server will just call he will answer get code
02:25.20Un1xand hes verified
02:25.26Un1xit really doesn't protect anythin
02:25.29bkruse_homeUn1x: deffinitly not....
02:25.32Un1xbut just basic confirmation
02:25.39Un1xthat the phone #asterisk is active
02:25.44Un1xphone number
02:25.52bkruse_homeor w/e
02:26.01bkruse_homei would NOT implement this system in some type of ordering system
02:26.09Un1xneither would i
02:26.11bkruse_homecallerid spoofing = easy, imagine what you could do with that!!!
02:26.12*** join/#asterisk rtcg (
02:26.27Un1xi would rather, a Verified by Visa and mastercard secure code along with bg credential verification
02:26.30Un1xits alot harder process
02:26.30bkruse_homeauthentication by DID's is never a good idea :P
02:26.35*** part/#asterisk mog (
02:26.40Un1xbut as long as you do it thoroughly bank cant chargeback
02:26.44bkruse_homeanything is crackable, but this method is a couple of numbers
02:26.48*** join/#asterisk Mad_guy (
02:26.53SimoAmijust remember, the call will target subscribed clients, so they know they're getting these calls
02:27.12bkruse_homeSimoAmi: i dont see a problem with this then, looks like a good project
02:27.33Un1xtbh i hate people/telemarketers who call and ask if i would like new services or woudl like to renew or would like to buy something
02:27.37Un1xi prefer if i dont phone u
02:27.43*** join/#asterisk Qwell_ (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
02:27.43*** mode/#asterisk [+o Qwell_] by ChanServ
02:27.45Un1xdont call me
02:27.55bkruse_home+v Qwell
02:27.57Un1xbecause if i wanted to keep youre service i would have called you to extend
02:28.00Un1xnot you calling me
02:28.05SimoAmiok, now is the ivr script something to code in php as well or no?
02:28.09bkruse_homeis this a telemarkter this SimoAmi?
02:28.16Un1xi dont know...
02:28.21Un1xbut somethingh with calling clients
02:28.28bkruse_homeSimoAmi: um.....maybe?
02:28.29Un1xi bitch at my insurance company once for calling me
02:28.33Un1xnever receieved calls from them again
02:28.36bkruse_homeSimoAmi: the COOLEST thing about the manager interface is tihs
02:28.52partitionQwell: stay!
02:28.54bkruse_homeSimoAmi: you can do this with my manager interface
02:29.07bkruse_homeSimoAmi: $asterisk->addvar("varname", "varvalue");
02:29.12bkruse_homeso in your dialplan you could do
02:29.24*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
02:29.28bkruse_homesaydigits($custom_digits_from_manager_interface); or w/e
02:29.37bkruse_homewell ${}* not $()
02:30.40SimoAmibkruse_home, no it's a form of quality of service improvement. I know you're trying to understand the concept but trust me this is legitimate
02:30.50bkruse_homeSimoAmi: kk, cool
02:31.03bkruse_homeSimoAmi: the cool thing is, you can update your vars from php into your dialplan
02:31.12bkruse_homeso you make your dialplan SUPER dynamic
02:31.22QwellI'm not a huge fan of AGI. :p
02:31.40bkruse_homeQwell: me either!
02:31.47Qwell</random admission>
02:32.17bkruse_home+v Qwell
02:32.19SimoAmiwow that's cool
02:32.22bkruse_homeexten => dial(Iax2/zomgtrunk/${allthiscrap}|30)
02:32.30SimoAmiand is the dial plan in a seperate file?
02:32.35bkruse_homeso SimoAmi we can work on that later on if you want much asterisk experience do you have?
02:32.53*** mode/#asterisk [+v Qwell] by Qwell
02:32.56Qwellbkruse_home: good idea
02:33.15Un1xman hes more lost then i am at times
02:33.50bkruse_homeSimoAmi:  vi /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
02:33.56Un1xQwell; you know all those previous issues i used to have with extensions.conf i got some time yestorday to take a good look at it
02:34.04bkruse_homeset aside some time tomorrow night SimoAmi and we can work on it
02:34.06Un1xi found out the dumbass freind of mine duplicated many rules
02:34.10Un1xthats why everything was a mess
02:34.15SimoAmiIn terms of asterisk experience, I just setup a trixbox server for a company
02:34.17Un1xnow its soooooo clean :)
02:34.24Un1xtrixbox lol
02:34.39SimoAmior maybe even better
02:34.41docelmoSimoAmi ok great you figured out how to be dumb..   No go join their channel
02:34.50JTno need to be so rude docelmo
02:35.10bkruse_homeSimoAmi: trixbox=lame
02:35.12docelmoI said it everyone else was thinking it
02:35.31bkruse_homeSimoAmi: you wana know where its at? what all the best of the best use?
02:35.35bkruse_homeits not trixbox.... but
02:35.43bkruse_homeQwell: Laugh
02:36.03SimoAmiok, thx
02:36.11bkruse_homeSimoAmi: no problem, you will LOVE it
02:36.18JTdocelmo: no, they weren't, it's a starting point for some people, there really is no need to put things that way
02:36.28SimoAmiok, do you have an email
02:36.37bkruse_homeSimoAmi: we will have to get you caught up to speed on asterisk before we dive into the managers interface, but your idea is DEffinitily do-able
02:36.54*** join/#asterisk foxxtrot (
02:37.19SimoAmiok, thanks bkruse_home
02:37.40bkruse_homeno problem, let me know how you like asterisknow, it has a nice pretty web interface any everything
02:37.59bkruse_homeand if you like that, you will love Business Edition Asterisk :]
02:38.42bkruse_homeSimoAmi: send me an email one day when you think your ready :]
02:39.37Un1xOkayguys i'll be back in a bit
02:39.46SimoAmithe gui looks neat
02:39.50bkruse_homeUn1x: have fun :]
02:39.54Un1xI'm going to try and look for more toll free did providers
02:40.02SimoAmithx Unlx
02:40.02Un1xthat provide only DID, not other crap services with it :p
02:40.12Un1xSimoAmi for what?
02:40.18bkruse_homeUn1x: tell me how that goes :P
02:40.19bkruse_homeSimoAmi: oh its awesome, very very helpful for getting down asterisk in a quick, and getting the conceptual in your head
02:40.35SimoAmifor sharing this conversation
02:41.00Un1xbkruse_home i found one that charges 50 cents per month for the did and .017 cents a minute
02:41.06Un1xits pretty cheap compared to most
02:41.10Un1xand doesn't even charge setup fees
02:41.17Un1xits where i got one from
02:41.24bkruse_homeUn1x: WHAT!
02:41.28bkruse_homeUn1x: thats awesome!
02:41.40bkruse_homeUn1x: thats the best ive seen, who is it, link meh! plz
02:41.45Un1xyep 50 cents per month and .017 cents a minute its better then all
02:42.07bkruse_homethats the best ive seen, by a good bit, i wonder how good the service is
02:42.10Un1xyou will love them quality is good too
02:42.13Un1xthey support g729 as well
02:42.19Un1xits good i like it
02:42.22Un1xespecialy for that price
02:42.24Un1xits awesome
02:42.38Un1xi mean even if you dont use the did or anytihn u only pay 50 cents per month to keep
02:42.43Un1xnot like 5-20$ per month
02:42.43bkruse_homewell if your running more than a couple g729 channels licensed, then your not worried about DID costs :P
02:42.45Un1xfrom other carriers
02:42.56Un1xheh im running 4 licenced channels ;)
02:43.04Un1xi would have got more but i doubt i will have the need :)
02:43.22Un1xN/ADebit$0.05N/A11-06-2006 to 12-07-2006 Usage Charges (2.8 minutes)
02:43.22Un1x12-07-2006Credit$501398z73454z7789Initial Credit Card Payment
02:43.22Un1x12-07-2006Debit$.50naqvujwuflucqyrjajToll Free Number: 8772329080
02:43.29Un1xonly charged 50 cents :P
02:43.59Un1xbkruse_home where do you get youre dids from
02:44.00bkruse_homethats so cool!
02:44.08Un1xi got a asian did from btw it costs 10 per month
02:44.17Un1xbut worth it since it obsoletes the long distance call
02:44.25Un1xand they dont charge per min either :)
02:45.18bkruse_homeUn1x: dids from which place i have asterisk at :X
02:45.27bkruse_homeUn1x: im currently looking for a good iax provider
02:45.31bkruse_homeerr. iax termination
02:46.21Un1xyea same here
02:46.27Un1xi heard Nufone is ok
02:46.32bkruse_homethats what i heard to
02:46.34Un1xand they allow you to spoof callerid
02:46.38bkruse_homei wonder what the price is, i want a fixed rate.
02:46.39Un1xi might sign up with them
02:47.01Un1xwell if you dont care about digital phone type high quality
02:47.05Un1xyou can go with decent quality
02:47.12Un1xoffers like for 30$ a month
02:47.16Un1xcall in 32 countrys
02:47.26*** join/#asterisk Laggy_McGee (
02:47.32bkruse_home30 dollars flat rate eh?
02:47.39Laggy_McGeeDon't mean to start a flame war, but...  GSM better than ulaw?
02:48.00Qwellbetter in what way?
02:48.01bkruse_homeLaggy_McGee: depends on what you compare it to, what are you looking for, call quality err what
02:48.10Laggy_McGeeBetter quality
02:48.16Qwellthen no
02:48.20Laggy_McGeeI just used ulaw and it was kind of choppy
02:48.28bkruse_homeabsolutly not.
02:48.31Laggy_McGeewill gsm be more or less choppy?
02:48.34bkruse_homeLaggy_McGee: thats not ulaw's fault.
02:48.40bkruse_homeits your fault for not settings things up right :]
02:48.45bkruse_homeLaggy_McGee: over a PRI?
02:48.59*** join/#asterisk mceGEEK (
02:50.01Laggy_McGeebkruse_home: no, an IAX phone connecting directly to my server over FiOS
02:50.23*** join/#asterisk waverly360 (
02:50.24Un1xheh i liked ulaw but i needed the bandwidth so went to g729 its not bad its like high class cell phone quality calls, without the dropped calls :P
02:51.35bkruse_homeUn1x: i agree. thats a good way to describe it
02:51.36bkruse_homeLaggy_McGee: i would look into your network traffic being to great
02:51.50bkruse_homegota remember its 64kbps per call, not to mention overhead, its about 80kbps per call
02:52.13Laggy_McGeebkruse_home: Well, it was overseas, so the latency was probably not great either
02:52.31mceGEEKwhen we look at SIPDEBUG information what is the f: tag and what is the m: tag?
02:52.53bkruse_homeLaggy_McGee: that would be ping between the machines, thats a first easy thing to do
02:56.11JTbkruse_home: it's closer to 85kbit/s for g.711 with sip ovethead
02:57.58JTLaggy_McGee: ulaw and alaw are base codecs (g.711) and are uncompressed, but companded, they will always be better quality than gsm unless you have insufficient bandwidth, then you may experience breakups :)
02:58.39bkruse_homeJT: i would beg to differ its almost exactly 80 kbps.
02:58.54bkruse_homenot to start a flame, but i would deffinitly argue that
02:59.01JTbkruse_home: i found in real world usage it is close to exactly 85kbit/s continuous
02:59.17JTwatching traffic over a dedicated connection in realtime
02:59.34bkruse_homeJT: me to, and thats what spec sheets tell me to ;]
02:59.46bkruse_homeeither should be able to tell if u are overloading ur network
02:59.51JTthis would include  any overhead introduced by asterisk
02:59.55*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
03:00.07JTi think qualify=yes adds some overhead
03:00.11bkruse_homeJT: interesting, ima checkl that out tomorrow ;]
03:00.19bkruse_homebut i gota go, ill see you guys lata :D
03:00.42JTqualify sends sip messages for OPTIONS the way i understand it
03:00.46JTbkruse_home: alright
03:00.48*** part/#asterisk _DAW (
03:00.57bkruse_homeJT: Up
03:01.07bkruse_homeJT: it does, depending on your quality time also
03:01.29bkruse_homequalify=1000 ; seconds or milisecs or w/e
03:01.35JTbkruse_home: i've noticed 80kbit/s bandied about the place, but i found it to be an almost completely constant 85kbit/s
03:01.57bkruse_homeit doesnt seem like much, but on a system pushing 3 quad span cards.........
03:01.58JTa 512kbit/s connection could not handle 6 concurrent g.711 calls
03:02.14bkruse_homethats kinda cool
03:02.39JTa tiny bit of that would be dsl overhead, and not being able to get full speed out of provider
03:02.42JTcool? :P
03:02.50bkruse_homehaha, ya :D
03:02.56bkruse_homei love people that wana run 100+ call centers with a "5 meg line"
03:03.04bkruse_homeoptical cable/t1 build up?
03:03.05bkruse_homeno comcast
03:03.17JTdo they just do cable/
03:03.29JTilibc :P
03:04.00bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: agreed. but they wanted ulaw :X
03:04.24JTas if not use pri for inbound calls
03:04.36JTi'd have a pri at home if i could afford it
03:04.37*** join/#asterisk zmef420 (
03:04.37mceGEEKhowdy kruz!
03:04.41Qwellbah, lpc10
03:04.42bkruse_homesame here,
03:04.44bkruse_homewhats up mceGEEK!
03:04.51*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes_ (
03:05.04bkruse_homeQwell: bah = cant find or bah = dangit i hate it
03:05.07JTi have a t1 at home, but it's only 3metres long and connects straight to the channel bank
03:05.10[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home : Ask them if they want fries with that....
03:05.16mceGEEKnot much .. SR is fishy .. heh
03:05.19bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: ha! i need to :]
03:05.21[TK]D-FenderQwell : Domo arigato...
03:05.23Qwellbah = lpc10 > g729
03:05.27Qwell[TK]D-Fender: exactly
03:05.38bkruse_homemceGEEK: </3 SR
03:05.44bkruse_homeQwell Dang!!
03:06.08JTIMBE over VoIP would sound... interesting
03:06.15JTIMBE is used for digital 2-way radio
03:06.52bkruse_homeJT: like techno
03:07.01JTheh yeah
03:07.16JTthey use it to fit a voice channel in 10kHz of RF spectrum
03:07.16JTso yeah
03:07.19JTit's low bandwidth
03:07.26JTless thank 10kbit/s
03:07.42QwellJT: see lpc10
03:07.52bkruse_homeQwell: HAHA was just typing that!
03:08.09bkruse_homesome describe it as "a bit like a robot sound..."
03:08.26JTwas lpc10 tested by public safety committies by using it whilst driving a pursuit cars or with gunshots in the bacground? :P
03:08.39QwellYou can get like 12 lpc10 channels on a dialup line
03:08.43Qwell(not really)
03:08.55bkruse_homepssh thats like a call center!
03:09.08bkruse_homethe earth on a 3 meg comcast line.
03:10.10JTdoes comcast do just cable?
03:10.55JTyou know what we call comcast in australia?
03:11.09JTbecause we only see spam from people with comcast addresses :P
03:11.13JTon irc and in emails
03:11.23Juggieoh yes
03:11.25JTowned machines i'd expect
03:11.27Juggiebecause bigpond is a brilliant isp
03:11.47Juggiecheck mate my friend :)
03:11.49*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
03:11.50JThas it's good point(s?)
03:11.53JThas bad points
03:12.23JTi haven't seen much spam from the bigpond domain
03:12.25Qwelldamnit, I opened a shell...and I don't remember why
03:12.27Juggiegotta love how all the wifi/cable/adsl routers support real tcpip, pppoe, and bigpond
03:12.33JTQwell: rm -rf /
03:12.49JThah, bpalogin ftw
03:12.51QwellI don't have +r on /
03:13.02Qwellor +x for that matter
03:13.06JuggieQwell: emacs ~/asterisk/res/res_agi.c find fgets, fix.
03:13.24Qwellsvn rm res/res_agi -m "Juggie is a nub"
03:16.05bkruse_homecya guys.
03:16.06*** part/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=root@
03:17.04Juggiei'd like to know who these nubs are on the bug tracker who think agi should be async
03:17.40JuggieQwell, you could also fix app_dial
03:18.00Juggie1.2 svn its broken
03:18.07Juggieno longer does proper ring indication
03:18.29Juggieeg, lets say i have a did on a pri, for arguments sake, 1111.
03:18.39Juggiei have exten => 1111,1,Dial(SIP/qwell)
03:18.40Qwellthat the thing Damin was talking about earlier?
03:18.44Juggiethe far end wont hear ringing
03:19.05Juggiei can call you and i'll hear dead silence until you answer.
03:19.24Qwellonly from PRI?
03:20.14Juggieso it seems so far yes.
03:20.37Qwellnot just sip, right?
03:20.44Juggiedamin tested it on iax2 as well
03:20.59Juggiebut it seems to only happen when zap is involved
03:21.04Juggiei havnt had time to test it myself.
03:21.10Juggiei dont have a box w/ a pri i can flatten right now
03:21.44Juggiebut as the bug says if you do Ringing()
03:21.46Juggiebefore the dial
03:21.47JTfunny that
03:21.47Juggieit works
03:22.05JuggieQwell, who generates the ringing on  a zap channel?
03:22.12Juggieasterisk via audio from the core or chan_zap?
03:22.17*** join/#asterisk nvicf (n=vincent@
03:22.32Qwellcore, I think?  via a signal from chan_zap
03:22.48Juggiei mean on a zap channel.
03:23.01Juggieis the ringing sound audio? or is it generated in zap.
03:23.30docelmoAnyone know how to pipe shit into a php script?
03:23.53Juggiedocelmo, your going to have to be more specific then 'pipe shit'
03:24.10docelmocat textfile | phpscript.php
03:24.24docelmohow would I read what cat is sending me?
03:24.47Juggieummm... good question.
03:25.03Juggiewhy not just read the textfile in the php code?
03:25.08docelmoI have been all over the web and the only function I could find would be popen
03:25.12mceGEEKi think i may be able to help someone who wants to configure asterisk with SR ..
03:25.21SimoAmiI get the following message on asterisk console:
03:25.30docelmoCause I am gonna pipe emails from sendmail to a php script
03:25.30Juggiedocelmo, why not just use php to read the file.
03:25.50SimoAmiREGISTED attempt 7 to
03:25.50Juggiewell, i dont know if php could read it from stdin maybe?
03:25.52*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
03:25.55docelmobasically I am making my own mail2fax gateway
03:26.04Juggielook at the source code for more
03:26.06Juggiefind out how they do it.
03:26.12Juggiebut that doesnt mean php will be able to do it.
03:26.13docelmoI cant find any..
03:26.20docelmoyes it can do stdin
03:26.33JTalmost anything can do stdin
03:26.41Juggieyeah i know php can, but i dont know if cat blah | php -q myphp.php
03:26.50Juggiei dontk now if the 'cat blah' will end up in stdin or not
03:27.09JTthere must be a way to do so
03:27.14JTnot familiar with php
03:28.28docelmoI have a php guru on staff..  Im buggin him right now
03:28.35docelmothought someone here might be able to throw me a bone
03:29.12*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
03:29.13Juggieyour only chance is if you can read of stdin probally.
03:29.17Juggiethat would be how i'd try.
03:29.38docelmook thanks!
03:29.45Juggieor alternatively you could pipe to a temp file first, then use php to read that file.
03:30.49*** join/#asterisk _cleric_ (
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03:42.03*** join/#asterisk mog (
03:43.26Juggiemog, fix appdial :P
03:43.52Qwellmog, fix mythtv
03:44.01Juggiemog, buy me jack in the box.
03:44.23[TK]D-Fender"Error in reality.sys, press any key to reboot Universe..."
03:44.25*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
03:44.41QwellI get to go to JitB next month :P
03:44.50mogwhats wrong with mythtv
03:44.57Qwellit doesn't record, heh
03:45.15Qwellunless I'm sitting there watching it - then it records fine
03:47.50nvicfis there a way to share an E1 line between asterisk and a digital panasonic?
03:49.51JTnvicf: not really, best to act as a gateway between the telco line and the pabx
03:50.09JTin theory you could but an add-drop multiplexer in the middle, but yeah... :P
03:50.38nvicfadd drop multiplexer?what's that?
03:51.30JTa piece of telco hardware, you probably don't need to worry about that option
03:51.50JTallows you to take out or insert timeslots/channels
03:51.59nvicfso how can I do then?the E1 enters the digium and from that I should go to the panasonic?
03:52.35*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:53.10JTyeah, so a 2 port PRI card
03:54.58Un1xOKay, is there a way i can setup other secondary security measures for disa other then the password?
03:55.12*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
03:57.42JTyou've got a whole dialplan at your disposal
03:57.56JTyou can do whatever you like before letting someone get to the DISA application
04:00.51mceGEEKwhat is regcontext used for?
04:01.12*** join/#asterisk kashmish_ (
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04:08.44nvicfJT: any digium 2 port pri card works to act as a gw?do I need to configure something else?
04:11.10Kumbangif im going to use a T1 gateway, what do you guys prefer to connect to *?
04:11.44*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
04:11.46JTnvicf: one will need to be set as pri_net the other as pri_cpe
04:11.55JTit's mainly a software issue
04:13.13*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
04:13.33joelsolankidlynes_laptop: hello
04:18.07*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
04:20.07dlynes_laptopjoelsolanki: goodbye
04:20.38*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
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04:21.37TheCopsSomeone know how to change the incoming caller ID "asterisk" when the caller ID is unknown?
04:22.01rob0TheCops are here ... RUN!
04:22.12rob0Depends what kind of channel of course.
04:22.29rob0well, then there's SetCallerID()
04:22.31TheCopszap <-> SIP
04:23.07JTrob0: that's deprecated
04:23.45TheCopsbut, how can I set it if Bell is not sending it
04:24.15russellbTheCops: it's near the top of chan_sip.c
04:24.21russellbjust search for "asterisk"
04:24.25TheCopsthanks russellb
04:24.28russellbyou're welcome
04:24.29rob0On my Zap FXO and FXS lines I set a default caller ID for each channel.
04:24.58TheCops#define DEFAULT_CALLERID "asterisk"
04:25.00rob0Since I don't have caller ID service on the POTS line (!) that's what I see for FXO calls.
04:25.03russellbTheCops: that's it
04:25.44TheCopsrussellb, does it is accepting accent (french) like é ?
04:25.53TheCopsI'll test it anyway hehe
04:26.14russellbTheCops: i doubt it will work, to be honest
04:26.21russellbyou can try, though.  :)
04:26.49mceGEEKif i use register => the extensions context s: rings and if i say register => .. the call goes to my providers voicemail .. any ideas?
04:29.22TheCopsrussellb wow this is pretty well, all default value of the config file are there, useful. I'm not really a coder but I understand hehe that's the important part.
04:29.58*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
04:32.15russellbTheCops: ;)
04:32.19russellbwe're not *that* evil
04:32.32partitionor... are we?
04:32.36russellbpartition: !!!
04:32.37*** join/#asterisk Entrophy (
04:32.38Entrophythis is amazing! -->
04:32.40*** part/#asterisk Entrophy (
04:32.45partitionrussellb: who are YOU!
04:32.59TheCopsseem to be a asterisk coder
04:33.14TheCopsrussellb, you did chan_sip module?
04:33.39russellbi've made small changes ... but I did not write it.
04:34.14russellbi review a lot more of other people's code than actually write code myself
04:34.30russellbthat's just what ends up being needed the most ...
04:34.39partitionrussellb: everyone's coming to get me!
04:34.40russellbi suppose i end up making changes to contributed changes
04:34.42russellbpartition: eep
04:34.48partitionhear the voices in my head...
04:37.10Qwellfdisk /dev/partition
04:37.21partitionuh oh
04:37.54Supaplexit's rude to point
04:39.29*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
04:40.39rob0So, since symlink points to russellb ... who's the rude one?
04:41.40*** join/#asterisk JamesDotCom (
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04:57.37*** join/#asterisk lwizardl (n=1@
05:00.11lwizardlI currently use vonage and want to have my own voip phone system (home use). and was told about asterisk. will any pc work as the asterisk pbx?
05:01.20*** join/#asterisk frogzoo (n=frogzoo@
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05:05.06*** join/#asterisk hterag (
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05:07.01hteragG'day all
05:10.41joelsolankianybody using sangoma
05:10.49joelsolankii m having problem with configuring sangoma
05:11.02*** join/#asterisk Mad_guy (
05:11.08*** part/#asterisk lwizardl (n=1@
05:11.12leprechaui've used several sangoma cards
05:11.30leprechaunever for VoIP though...just data connections :/
05:11.31joelsolankii have just bought sangoma A200 card with 8 ports
05:12.00joelsolankii have installed wanpipe sucessfully and recompiled zaptel sucessfully.
05:12.14joelsolankisangoma seems to be installed corectly.
05:12.17leprechauwhat's the problem?
05:12.23leprechauis the wanpipe coming up?
05:12.23joelsolankibut how do i configure it.
05:12.26leprechauand reporting status?
05:12.44leprechauwell there is a configure directory /etc/wanpipe by default i believe
05:12.57joelsolankiyes it is thre
05:13.06leprechaudid you create a config file?
05:13.15leprechauor use the wizard to make one?
05:13.30leprechauthe install source comes with a config generator
05:13.31joelsolankiwhich wizard
05:13.40leprechaucheck out the README
05:13.49leprechauit's just an interactive shell script type deal
05:13.53joelsolankii tried with wancfg zaptel but it gives error
05:14.01leprechauwhat error?
05:14.07joelsolankilet me give u
05:14.43joelsolankicard detected is AFT -A200-SH
05:14.52joelsolankiwancfg: Error in File: menu_hardware_probe.cpp, Function: run(), Line: 174. Text:
05:14.59joelsolankiFailed to get Card Type from selected card line!! line: AFT-A200-SH SLOT=8 BUS=2 IRQ=193 CPU=A PORT=PRI
05:15.51*** join/#asterisk hohum (
05:17.37joelsolankiany hints /
05:21.11*** part/#asterisk mog (
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05:44.32*** join/#asterisk dlucas (
05:44.56dlucasok, lots of people here
05:45.12dlucasanyone able to answer a question on dtmf timing on outgoing calls?
05:45.30monstedshush, we're sleeping
05:45.36dlucasasterisk 1.4-beta3
05:45.47dlucasyou might be sleeping ... ;)
05:46.02dlucasstill daylight here!
05:48.30*** join/#asterisk denon (
05:48.32dlucasno takers?
05:49.34Sed[PCT]anyone here ever configure a 7912G with sip.. when it has a sccp image on it?
05:50.21dlucasnot I
05:50.45dlucasstill looking for help on the DTMF tones outgoing while on call through ZAP
05:53.10rob0dlucas: You probably should ask it, maybe someone who knows will see it.
05:56.10*** join/#asterisk Math` (
05:57.17*** join/#asterisk dlucas (
05:57.31dlucassorry I missed the last few minutes
05:58.10dlucasrob, did you respond ... I just saw something before my comp crashed
06:09.15*** part/#asterisk dlucas (
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06:29.51*** join/#asterisk yardB (
06:33.23peter21anyone online ?
06:35.29yardBi am peter ..half asleep anyway
06:38.15yardBpeter do u have a sip phone?
06:42.13*** join/#asterisk ComPuTeR (n=DeviL_Of@
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06:50.11joelsolankiany body using sangoma
06:50.23joelsolankii have problem with it configuring
06:51.38joelsolankidlynes_laptop: u tre
06:51.39yardBnot i
06:51.54joelsolankiyardB: do u use sangoma
06:52.15yardBno, what is it?
06:52.48joelsolankioh ok. it is pstn card.
06:53.15yardBdo u have a sip phone
06:53.31joelsolankino not right now.
06:53.35joelsolankihave it at office
06:54.08yardBok, i needed to see if mine work by having someone call me or me calling someone
06:54.42joelsolankioh ok. right now i dont have else
06:54.43*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
06:54.46joelsolankino i m not.
06:56.08*** join/#asterisk spunz (
07:01.57*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
07:02.27*** join/#asterisk Un1x|laptop (
07:04.12Un1x|laptopis there a way to forwards incoming calls to a phone number or something
07:04.52DrCronit takes another chan though, and an outgoing line/service
07:05.43Un1x|laptopDrCron what is the command or how is it done so i can read up
07:06.08Un1x|laptopand by the way when im on my phone and someone else trys to call asterisk denies the call because call waiting isn't set, whats is the cmd for that as well
07:06.33jbotsomebody said cmd was the ultimate Microsoft IIS remote administration tool.
07:07.34hadsshow application Dial
07:07.43Un1x|laptophads is that for forwarding?
07:09.03Un1x|laptopsigh, no help in here at all lol
07:09.14Un1x|laptopdynes wusup man
07:09.20dlynes_laptopnot much
07:09.26Un1x|laptoplong time since i've spoken to you
07:09.35dlynes_laptopyeah, maybe
07:09.37dlynes_laptopbeen busy with work
07:09.56Un1x|laptophey dlynes_laptop can you help me out a bit here trying to find out how call waiting works on asterisk when im on the phone no one else can call me
07:10.02Un1x|laptopasterisk denies the call :(
07:10.20DrCronUn1x, you know how to dial a call from asterisk?
07:10.31Un1x|laptopfrom console you mean?
07:10.36DrCronyou take your incoming call, and you dial out
07:10.45DrCronin the extensions.conf
07:10.52DrCronjust as an example
07:10.53dlynes_laptopUn1x|laptop: you must have a call-limit of 1 on that line
07:11.25Un1x|laptophmm dlynes how do i fix it so i can get call waiting so when someone calls my phone knows there is a call waiting so i can switch
07:11.40dlynes_laptopUn1x|laptop: or you might have an incoming-limit of 1, or outgoing-limit of 1, or something equally incompatible
07:11.55dlynes_laptopUn1x|laptop: what technology is the line using?
07:12.05*** join/#asterisk LoneShadow (
07:12.15Un1x|laptopdlynes.. technology?
07:12.25Un1x|laptopwhat do you mean by that? as in encoding?
07:12.37dlynes_laptopUn1x|laptop: zaptel, sip, skinny, h323, iax2, iax, ...
07:12.47Un1x|laptopoh zaptel
07:14.12dlynes_laptopUn1x|laptop: make sure you have callwaiting=yes in your zapata.conf file
07:15.14dlynes_laptopUn1x|laptop: after it's added, do an unload and then a load
07:15.33Un1x|laptopdlynes_laptop where exactly should it be
07:15.39Un1x|laptopat the top right?
07:15.46Un1x|laptopunder the other stuff
07:17.06dlynes_laptopUn1x|laptop: under each of the lines that say fxo_ks, add it
07:17.21Un1x|laptopsame with fxs_ks?
07:17.36dlynes_laptopIt's only an option for fxs ports
07:17.45dlynes_laptopIt's not an option for the phone lines
07:18.01Un1x|laptopso its not a option if i dont use a incoming pstn line then...
07:18.12Un1x|laptopi thought maybe it was if i had a sip account with 2 channels
07:18.14dlynes_laptopIt's not an option if you don't use analog phones
07:18.23Un1x|laptopim using a analog phone...
07:18.25dlynes_laptopUn1x|laptop: No, it's an option for that, too
07:18.29Un1x|laptopbut phones plug into a FXS port
07:18.40Un1x|laptopok so add it under fxs_ks too then correct?
07:18.52dlynes_laptopUn1x|laptop: what part of no, did you not understand?
07:19.07*** join/#asterisk VibroMax (n=phisto@
07:19.22dlynes_laptopUn1x|laptop: fxs_ks is for fxo ports; fxo_ks is for fxs parts
07:19.25JTfko_ks for FXS ports
07:19.38*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
07:19.42JThow many times have we said to read the book, Un1x|laptop ?
07:19.56JTevery single question you've asked is easily answered by the book
07:19.59Un1x|laptopdude i am reading it just got it today :P
07:20.03*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
07:20.09JTyou can use it as a reference as well
07:20.12JTjust text search it
07:20.12Un1x|laptopso fxs_ks is fxo and fxo_ks is for fxs now i got ya thanks
07:20.33Un1x|laptopok adding callwaiting=yes under fxo_ks
07:20.33dlynes_laptopUn1x|laptop: Yes.  fxo ports use fxs signalling and fxs ports use fxo signalling
07:20.40dlynes_laptopUn1x|laptop: now you got it
07:20.54hadsDon't forget, options are inherited in zapata.conf
07:21.21Un1x|laptopheh i always though FXO uses FXO_KS
07:21.28Un1x|laptopi dind't know they used each other :P
07:22.18*** join/#asterisk psiforce (
07:22.58DrCronUn1x, so, do you want to have your phone company forward the phone? or do you want to do it
07:23.29Un1x|laptopi want to do it
07:24.22Un1x|laptopbasicly, about forwarding its simple as this.. i want to have someone call in by dailing my DID wich reaches my server from there i want to put a command into the answering context that answers plays a file with the playback cmd and then i want to forward it to another number
07:24.31Un1x|laptopbut i dont know the command for forward
07:25.05DrCronhow many lines do you have?
07:25.11Un1x|laptopwill it bridge the calls automaticly?
07:25.19Un1x|laptopwell the 2 lines
07:25.24Un1x|laptopeach account comes with 2 channels
07:25.31Un1x|laptopthe one channel will be used when the person calls
07:25.37Un1x|laptopand then one more when the call is forwarded
07:25.51Un1x|laptopor if i can use the conference command and have asterisk phone the person
07:25.58Un1x|laptopand him automaticly enter the conference
07:26.05Un1x|laptopthat would be same too but prefer forward
07:26.43psiforcehi all, I have  a dual xeon 3ghz with a 4 port pri card installed (sangoma) and terminating 90 calls via the pstn (40 of which are g729), but asterisk is maxing out the cpu at 99% (or so top tells me). People are then complaining about drop outs.. Suggestions? Digium say you can terminate 150
07:26.53DrCronok, what exactly do you mean by forward
07:27.26DrCronyou want someone to call in, and for it to connect to a diffrent number, right?
07:27.26psiforcecalls. perhaps this is because asterisk is only using one cpu? so is there away to get asterisk to use both?
07:27.30Un1x|laptopDrCron corrrect
07:28.07Un1x|laptoppsiforce did you compile with SMP support ur kernel
07:28.24Un1x|laptopoh wait nvm
07:28.24*** join/#asterisk DaeJeon (i=Singh@
07:30.39DaeJeonHello guys, I recently installed Solaris 10 on x86(intel)machine. Now, I want to install an asterisk. can I get some help?
07:30.57DaeJeonis it possible?
07:31.01*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
07:31.04psiforceuni1x|laptop: yep, I assume so as "cat /proc/cpuinfo" states that there are 2 cpus
07:31.06*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
07:31.31DrCronDaeJeon, i think so
07:31.53DaeJeonDrCron: can I get link?
07:32.00DaeJeonany documentation?
07:32.29DrCronjust a standard install
07:32.59DaeJeonu mean, whatever we do on linux?
07:33.34DrCronsolaris is very much a *nix system
07:33.38dlynes_laptopDaeJeon: might want to make sure you've got a gnu development environment set up, though
07:33.57dlynes_laptopDaeJeon: and have some sane CFLAGS and LDFLAGS environment variables
07:34.09joelsolankidlynes_laptop: u  r up again
07:34.42DaeJeoni am new to solaris
07:35.41dlynes_laptopDaeJeon: good way to get your feet wet :0
07:35.51dlynes_laptopDaeJeon: wade in up to your shoulders :)
07:35.56DaeJeonis there anyweb site i could read more how to install asterisk on soloris 10
07:36.27*** join/#asterisk lorinc (n=ang@
07:36.43dlynes_laptopDaeJeon: nope
07:36.52dlynes_laptopDaeJeon: and certainly not on intel
07:37.08dlynes_laptopDaeJeon: anyone that I know of that's running Asterisk on Solaris 10 is running it on a SPARC
07:37.20DaeJeongot it man
07:37.29dlynes_laptopDaeJeon: are you wanting to use the zaptel stuff as well?
07:37.35DaeJeonno no
07:37.40DaeJeonjust sip
07:37.46dlynes_laptopOk, I was going to say, that would definitely be a no-starter
07:38.03DaeJeonpc to pc
07:38.09*** join/#asterisk mithraen_ (n=mithraen@
07:38.13dlynes_laptopspandsp has a few issues building on solaris, too
07:38.26dlynes_laptopbut it has been tested on 64-bit
07:38.36*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
07:38.53dlynes_laptopIt hasn't been tested on sparc yet
07:38.58dlynes_laptopI'm in the process of doing that, myself
07:39.07DaeJeonwell i found one site
07:39.18DaeJeonkind of benchmark
07:39.26dlynes_laptopGot a url?
07:39.44DaeJeonhold on plz
07:41.41DaeJeonis it true?
07:42.05DaeJeonthats why I wanted to play with solaris
07:43.17dlynes_laptopDaeJeon: if you notice, the solaris machine is running on a sunfire
07:43.31DaeJeonI saw that
07:43.36dlynes_laptopDaeJeon: Solaris is extremely good for telecommunications on UltraSPARC
07:44.00dlynes_laptopDaeJeon: not necessarily on Intel, although they've been getting really good performance on Opteron-based smp systems
07:44.33DaeJeonactually I want to learn more abt it
07:44.34dlynes_laptopDaeJeon: traditionally, telco software has run on Solaris on UltraSPARC and SPARC
07:45.04DaeJeoni do not have sun hardwares
07:45.16DaeJeonright now
07:45.36dlynes_laptopDaeJeon: You can achieve more simultaneous calls on a Solaris on UltraSPARC than you can on Linux running on Intel chips
07:46.03DaeJeonis it really true?
07:47.15DaeJeonsun is providing systems for 60 days on trail
07:47.25DaeJeoni ordered one
07:47.33dlynes_laptopIf you want some benchmark results, talk to qwell[] some time about how many simultaneous calls he's able to get on his sunfire
07:47.45Un1x|laptophey anyone know did providers from asian countrys such as japan
07:47.58*** join/#asterisk unfo (
07:48.01*** join/#asterisk RichiH (i=richih@freenode/staff/richih)
07:48.29RichiHunfo: thanks
07:48.38*** part/#asterisk RichiH (i=richih@freenode/staff/richih)
07:48.46benjkUn1x, how many DIDs do you need?
07:48.50*** part/#asterisk unfo (
07:49.38Un1x|laptopbenjk one probably depending on this clients request...
07:49.42Un1x|laptophe only wants one yea :(
07:50.10benjkone is going to be expenisve, you can only get them in blocks of 100
07:50.16Un1x|laptopReally from where?
07:50.26Un1x|laptopcall up the phone exchanges in that country or something?
07:50.33benjkand Japanese companies are extreeeeeeeeemely suspicous of foreigners who want a Japanese phone number
07:51.10benjkI can get you DIDs for Tokyo
07:51.10Un1x|laptopbut only in block of 100's huh
07:51.16benjkbut a single one will be expensive cause I have to order it retail on our own ISDN circuit
07:51.44jbotfrom memory, isdn is (Integrated Services Digital Network) This is a digital line that is often used to connect to the Internet. It generally come in two flavors: one is a 56 Kbps version, which in actuality only uses half of the ISDN line's bandwidth; the other is the 128 Kbps version, which uses both the 56 Kbps channels on the line. However, that's only 112 ...
07:52.02benjkjbot is talking garbage
07:52.07Un1x|laptopheh i figured
07:52.12benjkISDN is no longer of any interest for internet dialup
07:52.36hadsThat should be moved to BRI
07:52.36benjknobody in their right mind uses ISDN for internet dialup in places where you have other options
07:53.08benjkalso the description doesn't take into consideration that ISDN = BRI + PRI
07:53.08Un1x|laptopi would die and have a heart attack
07:53.11Un1x|laptopif i was on dailup
07:53.23Un1x|laptopi can barely handle free wlans that are around 50kB/s
07:53.37benjkwell, ISDN BRI dialup is fast and not too slow as you get 128K full duplex
07:53.42benjkbut its expensive
07:53.55Un1x|laptopbenjk is a ISDN just like a asterisk/openbx server with bunch o FXO cards?
07:54.17benjkin our case ISDN means a digital telephony circuit
07:54.54nibbler_deUn1x|laptop: think of isdn like a digital version of your phone line
07:55.19Un1x|laptopso when you buy lets say block of 1000 numbers from a specific exchange do they transfer those over internet lines , or they sent to the ISDN via traditional copper lines
07:55.27benjkso you would get a DID number, calls coming in on which would arrive via ISDN on our server and then forwarded via SIP or IAX to you
07:55.31JTjbot is also talking rubbish because who the hell has 56kbit/s isdn anymore
07:55.40JTmost places on the planet are 64kbit/s per B channel
07:55.49benjkJapanese telcos deliver DIDs via ISDN voice
07:56.08Un1x|laptopis that the case wit all asian countrys or just japan?
07:56.10benjkno SIP, no H323, no MGCP, no IAX, not other VOIP
07:56.25nibbler_deJT: was that 56kbit/s isdn anywhere deployed outside of the us?
07:56.33benjkfor VOIP there are 050 DIDs, special numbers for VOIP service
07:56.42benjkthos are only avaolable to Japanese residents
07:56.56JTnibbler_de: maybe us
07:57.00JTdoubful anywhere else
07:57.02nibbler_deUn1x|laptop: in germany it's very common that you get an isdn line where your numbers terminate
07:57.02JTi mean canada
07:57.18benjkso you have two options to get Japanese DIDs delivered over VoIP to you ...
07:57.22nibbler_deUn1x|laptop: almost nobody here has analog phone lines
07:57.25JTbri is common in most worst world countried outside north america, Un1x|laptop
07:57.34JTit's available in north america, just very expensive
07:57.43JTmy engrish is bad
07:57.46Un1x|laptopso what kinda equipment is needed so you can terminate for other people
07:57.48benjk1) you can colocate a server in Japan, have an ISDN circuit delivered by a telco to the colo and get your block of 100 numbers
07:57.59JTbri is common in most first world countries outside north america, Un1x|laptop
07:58.04benjkthen deliver the calls over VOIP yourself from your own colocated server
07:58.05JTwhat i meant to say
07:58.07Un1x|laptopoh ok so ISDN is Circut connected to the server :)
07:58.09DaeJeonUnix/laptop:  try
07:58.17nibbler_deUn1x|laptop: mostly BRI for end users (featuring 2 lines of 64kbit/s each and a signalling channel of 16k) or PRI for larger enterprises that has 31 64k lines, one of them for signalling and one for sync
07:58.22DaeJeonu might good deal
07:58.23Un1x|laptopDaejeon i have one with them cant have another for disa
07:58.30benjk2) find a provider who does this for you, mostly wholesale though
07:59.01benjknibbler_de only 30 voice channels
07:59.04benjkwith E1
07:59.15Un1x|laptopi was thinking of terminating in countrys where voip is still emerging because once VOIP is really stable like how pstn is at the moment it will be superseded by voip
07:59.20Un1x|laptopjust like how isdn was by DSL
07:59.23nibbler_deah, ok - i'm always unsure about the exact numbers there
07:59.28benjkJapan uses J1 though which is T1 with different framing but also 23 voice channels like T1
07:59.48Un1x|laptophey benjk mind if i pm you for a sec?
07:59.50JTUn1x|laptop: illegal in a lot of those countries, btw
08:00.06nibbler_dewith 30 we're talking about channelized E1, right?
08:00.17Un1x|laptophmm yea its only illegal because local telcos pay the goverments money to force people to use local telcos
08:00.24Un1x|laptoprather then cut costs and ssave money via Voip
08:00.28benjknibbler_de, in general E1 = 32 timeslots => 30 payload channels, 1 signaling channel, 1 slot used as a timing reference
08:00.46JTUn1x|laptop: often the government is the local telco
08:00.53Un1x|laptopyea or that :P
08:00.56nibbler_dea-ha! ;) ok. then i recall it rather correctly - was unsure about the timing reference
08:01.04nibbler_debenjk: is the timing reference mandatory?
08:01.11Un1x|laptopJT so what kinda of equipment do i need seeing how the ISDN Circut comes from the telco there must be other things i need no
08:01.15benjkits part of the protocol
08:01.27benjkyou cant use that timeslot for anything else
08:01.28JTi've hearof the timeslot referenced as for framing purposes
08:01.59benjkwell, you could, but that it wouldn't be compatible with the standard anymore
08:02.46nibbler_debenjk: ah, ok - that's why i wondered - on the systems i configured in the past you can set the channel where your signalling is taking place but not the timing reference
08:03.57psiforceanyone know why asterisk would only be using 1 cpu ?
08:04.57*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
08:05.01DrCroni dont know how asterisks threading works
08:05.47*** join/#asterisk xtr-II (
08:06.31Un1x|laptoppsiforce youd have to talk to the devs :P or someone who nows...
08:06.47Un1x|laptopbenjk so what kinda equipment do you use for youre server?
08:06.56Un1x|laptopthat the ISDN circuit connects too
08:07.02*** join/#asterisk SimoAmi (
08:07.26benjkasterisk threading is not exactly a story of glamour and fame
08:08.10benjkUn1x, Sangoma for PRI and Billion on smaller BRI based ones
08:08.35Un1x|laptopo benjk btw
08:08.38Un1x|laptopi got the A200
08:08.43Un1x|laptopfrom sangoma i forgot to tell you
08:09.33benjkA200 is analog, not ISDN
08:09.37Un1x|laptopyea i know
08:09.40Un1x|laptopits for home :)
08:09.48benjkfari enough
08:09.51Un1x|laptopfor testing etc just to play around u know :)
08:09.56Un1x|laptopgrasp the technology learn a bit
08:10.02Un1x|laptopthen i will get the ISDN one :)
08:10.09Un1x|laptopbenjk wich card do you use for ISDN
08:10.13benjkit depends on where you are
08:10.23benjkNorth America is not exactly very BRI friendly
08:10.38Un1x|laptopno if i get a ISDN i will use it in asia
08:11.02hadsAre you in Asia?
08:11.30Un1x|laptophads i will use it in asia when i go...
08:11.35Un1x|laptopwich will be few weeks probably
08:11.41Un1x|laptopi go often with dad
08:11.47Un1x|laptophe goes business meetings to tokyo
08:11.54Un1x|laptopi end up going elsewhere
08:15.21benjkyou can't just go to Asia on a trip and plug in to some PRI or BRI somwhere
08:15.28Un1x|laptopi know that
08:15.33Un1x|laptopim just saying i go
08:15.38benjkyou'd have to have a server colocated
08:15.38Un1x|laptop[3:10am] <hads> Are you in Asia?
08:15.43Un1x|laptophes asked that :p
08:16.08benjkI can get you colocation in Tokyo, in the building where all the big telcos have their biggest pipes go through
08:16.17*** join/#asterisk frogzoo (n=frogzoo@
08:16.48SimoAmihi again
08:17.15Un1x|laptophow much
08:17.33SimoAmiI have 2 broadvoice sip accounts that can't be registered
08:17.38SimoAmican anyone look at the debug message and see if something is odd?
08:18.00Un1x|laptopbenjk have a quick look at youre pm please.
08:18.18*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
08:18.55DrCronSimoAmi, um, pastebin em?
08:20.05SimoAmiyep, one sec
08:22.52SimoAmithis damn java ssh cannot copy text
08:23.02SimoAmigetting putty in a moment
08:29.41SimoAmiok, finally
08:29.48SimoAmihere's the log
08:31.39DrCronwhat does the err mesage say
08:32.23SimoAmihave you looked at the log I just pasted?
08:32.32mendolmorning guys, CAUSE CODE      : 50, no authority found, its becouse of wrong context (incoming calls got busy signal)
08:32.59*** join/#asterisk zumbush (n=ztriver@
08:34.31DrCronum, unless i'm reading something totaly diffrent thats a log of exactly what your machine sent out
08:35.31SimoAmiafter a "sip debug" command
08:35.58SimoAmithe status is unregistered
08:36.34DrCronhave you tried running asterisk -rddvv then doing a reload? see if any err messages popup?
08:37.34SimoAmilet me try
08:39.40*** join/#asterisk badcfe (
08:40.07SimoAminothing that I could spot
08:41.03mendolCAUSE           : No authority found, and my iax2 trunk registered just fine, just have no idea how to fix that error :-/
08:41.19badcfeare there any techniques that could kill a sip call where incoming RTP stream is dead.  as * apparently does not do this by itself.  known "work-arounds"?
08:42.16*** join/#asterisk reber (
08:42.32DrCronSimoAmi, sip debug isnt going to help much for  me
08:43.10SimoAmiok, check this log
08:43.15*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
08:43.41SimoAmiit's the result of "sip show registry" and "sip show peers"
08:43.51DrCronyou have a firewall?
08:44.17SimoAmia router with firewall
08:44.42DrCronanything between your asterisk server and the internet
08:45.08DrCronie: are you sure packets incoming to port 5060 get to the asterisk server
08:45.27SimoAminot sure, how can I?
08:46.02SimoAmiall I know is port forwarding is active on 5060-5080 on udp for the * server
08:46.11SimoAmiso is 10000-20000
08:47.17DrCroni think its a NAT issue
08:47.44SimoAmiwould you suggest trying DMZ ?
08:48.03SimoAmifor * server
08:48.51*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:50.39DrCroni have no idea how your router/firewall is set up
08:50.48DrCrontry asking back here later
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08:51.46SimoAmiok, thx
08:52.38badcfeare there any techniques that could kill a sip call where incoming RTP stream is dead.  as * apparently does not do this by itself.  known "work-arounds"?
08:53.54badcfemy problem is that a sip to sip bridge just hangs when one of the friends dies by network disconnection (no BYE).  this is not good for the CDRs...
08:55.13hadsHow about rtptimeout
08:55.13badcfeand, no, i cannot do re-INVITE, wich would "fix" it, in this case.
08:55.51badcfehads: does that live in rtp.conf?  ill check my current config.
08:56.37mostyare the echo cancellation settings in zapata.conf for software or hardware echo cancellation?
08:57.02hadsBoth, sort of.
08:57.35hadsechocancel=yes/no will turn on/off either the hardware or software EC depending on what you have.
08:57.46hadsThe other settings only apply to software EC.
08:58.09mostyhads: how can i verify that echo cancellation is being done entirely in hardware?
08:58.51hadsmosty: I don't have a hardware EC system so I can't tell you for sure.
08:59.48benjkmosty, you can't
09:02.36*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
09:07.21zumbushIn the asterisk dialplan.. I want to trigger an action when an incoming call is answered. Anyone how u catch the pickup of a call in an AGI-script ???
09:07.36zumbushAnyone know*
09:08.24zumbushThe CDR doesnt write to mysql until the call ended
09:08.45mostybecause it doesn't know all the details until the call is ended. what exactly do you want to trigger?
09:09.21zumbushwrite to mysql the id of the call and the answering ext
09:09.56EmleyMoorI continually get the warning Dec  8 09:07:27 WARNING[2961]: db.c:67 dbinit: Unable to open Asterisk database - probably permissions related, and I intend to do some things shortly that need the database - what do I need to check permissions on?
09:10.57zumbushim writing to a custom table in mysql not the CDR
09:11.21dlynes_laptopAnyone on that uses sangoma cards?
09:12.43*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
09:13.07dlynes_laptopqdk: you use sangoma, right?
09:14.05zumbushwant the person to enter a couple of digits on the phone, save these together with the extension that picked up the phone and retrieve these from a webapp (check what the person I'm talking to entered)
09:15.35qdkdlynes_laptop: no, not yet anyway. still only have digium in production and in stock.
09:15.42*** join/#asterisk phonetalk (
09:16.24dlynes_laptopphonetalk: ceshia galee
09:16.50qdkdlynes_laptop: but i plan to use sangoma E1 PRI/SS7 for my new/own system.
09:17.03dlynes_laptopqdk: yeah...they're great little cards
09:17.11dlynes_laptopqdk: just a huge pain in the ass to configure
09:17.19mostyEmleyMoor: are you using debian?
09:17.38qdkdlynes_laptop: that pain at that time. .-)
09:17.45dlynes_laptopqdk: they've got some new cards now, too
09:17.51dlynes_laptopqdk: with a db25 connector
09:18.07dlynes_laptopqdk: why they're not using an amphenol connector is beyond me, though
09:18.22mostyEmleyMoor: it's because asterisk doesn't run as root in debian. try chown'ing /var/lib/asterisk to asterisk:asterisk
09:18.59qdkdlynes_laptop: oh, so I dont have to convert to RJ45?
09:19.11dlynes_laptopnever did
09:19.20dlynes_laptopsangoma a200's use rj9
09:19.42EmleyMoorOK - chowned the whole thing
09:20.23dlynes_laptopqdk: only their pri cards use rj45
09:20.26EmleyMoorI am planning to set up time-dependent black/whitelisting - presumably that's easy
09:20.31qdkdlynes_laptop: I have BNC-something to RJ45 converters to use with my digium to hookup to my E1/SS7 connection.
09:20.43qdkdlynes_laptop: yes, what else is there to use?
09:21.01dlynes_laptopqdk: want it for the pri
09:21.09dlynes_laptopqdk: rj45 is pretty standard for pris
09:21.47dlynes_laptopI donm't think i've ever seen bnc connections
09:21.49qdkdlynes_laptop: yes, i though so too... but E1 uses BNC connectors.
09:22.16dlynes_laptopSangoma might have a version available that uses bnc, for all I know
09:22.33dlynes_laptopBut t1's use rj45
09:22.54*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
09:23.32qdkdlynes_laptop: are you use? or is it just what your supplier provides you with?
09:23.32hadsTHe E1's that I've seen use RJ45 too.
09:23.44qdkdlynes_laptop: ISDN-30 for PRI uses RJ45 too, but E1 doesnt.
09:23.46dlynes_laptopqdk: that one supports dual channel bnc connectors
09:24.24dlynes_laptopqdk: You're using e3, not e1?
09:25.26yebosome E1s use BNC
09:25.35qdkdlynes_laptop: Well i pay for E1. :-)
09:26.03dlynes_laptopqdk: ah
09:26.19dlynes_laptopqdk: well, anyways...the one with bnc connectors is in cvs, so you wouldn't want that one :)
09:26.52qdkdlynes_laptop: but that card might be a good option when i go from multi ISDN-30 to SS7/E1.
09:27.07qdkdlynes_laptop: cvs?
09:27.12dlynes_laptopqdk: yeah, but then you'd have to switch to yate or freeswitch
09:27.18dlynes_laptopqdk: I don't think it's supported by zaptel
09:27.51dlynes_laptopqdk: or Opal for that matter, or write your own driver for bayonne
09:28.02*** join/#asterisk tr2x (
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09:29.01qdkdlynes_laptop: well im surely not gonna write anything like that. :-)
09:29.48qdkdlynes_laptop: but i need to do more research and get more VoIP<-> PSTN minutes. ;-)
09:30.08*** join/#asterisk rtcg (
09:31.19benjkbayonne is usually the driver-availability champion, what kind of drivers do you think it lacks?
09:31.44qdkdlynes_laptop: <- ill probably get a few of those.
09:31.45dlynes_laptopbenjk: ah...just assumed it didn't have drivers for sangoma, because I don't recall it ever being mentioned on their wiki
09:32.05dlynes_laptopqdk: comes standard with hardware echo canceller, too
09:32.24benjkthey don't list the hardware they support in great detail, but from talking to David Sugar I know that there is more than what's on their website
09:33.00*** join/#asterisk jm|home (
09:33.01dlynes_laptopbenjk: david sugar is a sangoma employee?
09:33.02benjkwith a bit of luck (timezone matching wise) you might be able to catch david on #bayonne
09:33.14benjkDavid Sugar is Mr.Bayonne :)
09:33.30dlynes_laptopYeah...I was talking about sangoma's wiki, not bayonne's website
09:33.54benjkSangoma don't list all the software that uses their cards though
09:33.56*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
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09:34.18benjkit took us at least one month of asking again and again before they added to some of their pages
09:35.00benjkthere's also
09:35.13dlynes_laptopyeah...they support Opal PBX too, whatever that is
09:35.19benjkdont recall ecactly how complete the list of hardware on there is though
09:35.34benjkOpal is the new name of what used to be OH323
09:36.08benjkthey have embraced SIP now I think
09:36.22benjkand I hear they have their own IAX2 stack
09:36.32benjkactually I was looking that it last week
09:37.04benjkthe Freeswitch folks evaluated it against Digium's IAX stack and they claim that the Opal IAX stack is superior
09:37.16dlynes_laptopmeans nothing to me
09:37.22benjksomething to look into in the not so distant future
09:37.28dlynes_laptopI had no interest in open h323
09:37.41dlynes_laptopIt's a huge pia to get installed
09:37.47benjkthat's what I am telling you, they are no longer H323 only
09:37.55benjkthat's why their renamed to Opal
09:37.58dlynes_laptopf'in thing requires you to have X windows installed on your server
09:38.33benjkOpal is a multi-protocol softswitch/PBX thing, just like Asterisk, Bayonne, FreeSwitch, and Yate
09:38.41benjkits been transformed
09:38.46qdkbenjk: you know if the EC of sangoma is working on a lower level than the software?
09:39.13qdkbenjk: or does the software have to support it directly to make use for the hardware EC?
09:39.17benjkqdk, if it is hardware EC, then it would have to
09:39.19dlynes_laptopYeah, but coming from open h323, I would imagine it still requires the h323 component to be compiled and linked, right?
09:39.48benjkdlynes, I haven't used it myself and never built it, so I don't know
09:39.51dlynes_laptopqdk: zaptel software echo canceller is used unless you tell wanrouter to use a hwec
09:40.00qdkbenjk: yes, but without a software driverthingy then the hardware is useless.
09:40.17qdkdlynes_laptop: wanrouter?
09:40.23benjkqdk, I don't know the details of the hardware EC architecture
09:40.34dlynes_laptopqdk: then all the code within zaptel to use the software echo canceller will call the hardware echo canceller on the sangoma instead
09:40.37qdkbenjk: Ok.
09:40.56dlynes_laptopqdk: wanrouter is the tool used to administer your sangoma card
09:41.13benjkI am still looking forward to Sangoma completing libsangoma, so we don't have to use zaptel anymore
09:41.33qdkdlynes_laptop: ok, i would love not to be bound to zaptel drivers.
09:42.10dlynes_laptopqdk: it's still using the zaptel drivers, but if you have the hwec on the sangoma card, it's used instead of the zaptel software echo canceller
09:42.29dlynes_laptopqdk: you still configure the hardware echo canceller through the use of the echo canceller options in zapata.conf
09:43.10dlynes_laptopqdk: so, to asterisk, it doesn't know any different between the software echo canceller and the hardware echo canceller
09:43.19qdkdlynes_laptop: ok, so the hardware EC have the same issues with JB and PL as the software or can it compensate better for that?
09:43.33dlynes_laptopJB and PL?
09:43.50dlynes_laptopjitterbuffer and packetloss?
09:43.54qdkups, just J... as in jitter and pack... yes
09:43.59dlynes_laptopthe hardware echo canceller has nothing to do with iax
09:44.07dlynes_laptopnor does the software echo canceller
09:44.09qdkdlynes_laptop: huh+
09:44.14dlynes_laptopit only controls zaptel channels
09:44.25dlynes_laptopzaptel channels don't have packets
09:44.33dlynes_laptopso therefore there's no packet loss, anyways
09:45.21qdkperhaps the fact is still that either, high latency, jitter and/or pl will case the software EC to be interrupted/reset.
09:45.48dlynes_laptopYeah, if you're talking about a heavy machine load affecting the echo canceller, the hwec is not affected by that
09:45.58dlynes_laptopOnly the software echo canceller
09:46.29qdkIm not sure whats really causing it to get disabled thereby introducing echo in the call, but i have customers complaining about it.
09:46.50qdkdlynes_laptop: the machine isnt doing that much.
09:47.18dlynes_laptopqdk: it's caused by the remote analog end usually
09:47.31dlynes_laptopqdk: and yes, the hwec does a much better job of controlling it
09:47.50dlynes_laptopqdk: the echo canceller sangoma is using, is a carrier grade echo canceller
09:48.01dlynes_laptopqdk: digium has some new cards that use the octasic chipset as well
09:48.10qdkdlynes_laptop: wel i know its the VoIP.
09:48.21dlynes_laptopvoip doesn't cause echo
09:48.23dlynes_laptopanalog does
09:48.42qdkdlynes_laptop: pay attention or this is pointless.
09:49.00*** join/#asterisk asterisk_baby (n=shady@
09:49.38asterisk_babyi am not able to register sip users on my asterisk
09:49.49asterisk_babyConnected to Asterisk 1.2.13
09:50.08qdkdlynes_laptop: there IS echo from the analog, but thats NOT what we are talking about.
09:50.46dlynes_laptopqdk: so you're getting call quality issues on your sip or iax channels then?
09:50.46asterisk_babydlynes_laptop: hiiii.. i was having problems with my asterisk. could you help me again plz
09:51.02qdkdlynes_laptop: yes
09:51.38dlynes_laptopqdk: and how would a hardware or software echo canceller for a zaptel channel have anything to do with your voip channels?
09:51.55dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: pastebin your log file
09:52.12asterisk_babyone moment
09:52.41dlynes_laptopthat's your config file
09:53.07asterisk_babythere's nothing in the logs.. its a fresh system
09:54.15asterisk_baby'/var/log/asterisk/event_log' is empty
09:54.18qdkdlynes_laptop: the echo is too close to the real voice in analog to be an issue.
09:55.06dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: Not event_log
09:55.12dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: /var/log/asterisk/full
09:59.12*** join/#asterisk merbanan (
09:59.48asterisk_babyi dont see a 'full' file in /var/log/asterisk.. there was 'messages' so i copied the stuff from that
10:01.29asterisk_babyi was using register =>
10:01.30qdkasterisk_baby: /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
10:01.32asterisk_babyin my sip.conf..
10:01.45qdkasterisk_baby: and then activate full-logging.
10:02.28dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: well, that server address has port 5060 open and filtered
10:03.04dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: however wherever port 5060 is forwarded to or listened on by is probably not running
10:03.14dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: because you're timing out, trying to register
10:03.58asterisk_babythat makes sense
10:04.12asterisk_babylet me copy the logger.conf thing too
10:04.39asterisk_baby;debug => debug
10:04.39asterisk_babyconsole => notice,warning,error
10:04.39asterisk_baby;console => notice,warning,error,debug
10:04.39asterisk_babymessages => notice,warning,error
10:04.39asterisk_baby;full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
10:05.19mendoli have problem with IAX2 incoming settings/ context :-/
10:07.19qdkmendol: probably a typo.
10:07.28qdkasterisk_baby: remove ; in ;full => ... and restart *
10:08.52asterisk_babyupdated logger.conf & restarted asterisk
10:09.34dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: check line 438 of extensions.conf
10:09.43dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: you'll find you've got an error in your dialplan
10:10.07asterisk_babywow its registering on 5060
10:10.29asterisk_babydlynes_laptop.. just checking line 438
10:11.16asterisk_babydlynes_laptop: yyes there was an error on 438.. its fixed now. thank u
10:12.17*** join/#asterisk seva (
10:13.16sevait's really late and i am getting confused, i just want to test * out and want a simple extension to dial out via Zap/g1 shouldn't the following work for dialing from the console?
10:13.17sevaexten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1})
10:13.17sevaexten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1})
10:13.40*** join/#asterisk inspired (n=mikael@
10:13.47dlynes_laptopseva: it depends
10:14.02asterisk_babyits not registering for 8891 though
10:14.14dlynes_laptopseva: do you have and/or loaded?
10:14.26sevayes, chan_oss is loaded
10:14.28asterisk_babyhow do i fix it? i need it on 8891 and not 5060
10:14.42dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: port 8891?
10:15.01sevaoh wait, it is working!
10:15.20asterisk_babydlynes_laptop: yes
10:15.38asterisk_babydlynes_laptop: it just registered on 5060.. bt i need it for port 8891
10:15.55asterisk_baby has the sip debug result for u
10:16.15dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: you're wanting to register elsewhere on port 5060?
10:16.27dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: or you want someone else to register to you on port 8891?
10:16.31dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: you're wanting to register elsewhere on port 8891
10:17.35asterisk_babybasically i want it on port 8891.. for myself and for anybody who needs it
10:18.38sevadlynes_laptop: hrm, it seems to be working sporadically
10:18.43asterisk_babyi have another machine working just fine on 8891.. ive changed the port (bindport = 8891) but its still not registering
10:19.17asterisk_babyhave a look at this.. Retransmitting #2 (NAT) to
10:20.44dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: after you did bindport=8891
10:20.53dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: did you do unload
10:21.00*** part/#asterisk seva (
10:21.01dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: and then load
10:21.01asterisk_babyno.. i reloaded it
10:21.11dlynes_laptopYeah...try unloading and then loading instead
10:21.20dlynes_laptopI don't think reload unbinds and binds ports
10:21.28asterisk_babyhmm k im stopping asterisk and starting it again
10:21.35asterisk_babyis that ok dlynes_laptop?
10:21.54dlynes_laptopyeah...that works, too
10:22.01qdkasterisk_baby: restart * is the safe bet.
10:23.01asterisk_babystill the same :(
10:23.19dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: pastebin the output of "netstat -anp | grep asterisk"
10:23.20asterisk_baby sip debug
10:24.12asterisk_baby "netstat -anp | grep asterisk"
10:27.08dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: your sip peer is binding to port 8891, not asterisk
10:27.21dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: and your sip peer is still trying to register on port 5060
10:28.10asterisk_babydlynes_laptop: how do i fix it then
10:28.34dlynes_laptopRead up on sip.conf
10:28.58dlynes_laptopIt seems you don't understand a lot of the options...if you read up on sip.conf on the wiki, you'll be aware of all the options available for sip channels
10:29.20asterisk_babythat's true.. im new to asterisk
10:29.57asterisk_babyi'll check
10:30.22*** join/#asterisk af_ (
10:30.41*** join/#asterisk clive- (
10:30.59asterisk_babydlynes_laptop: thanks for ur help
10:31.14clive-Hi, anyone got any pointers as top why a tdm fxo module doesnt answer the phone
10:31.15asterisk_babydlynes_laptop: u the best
10:31.37DrCronclive-, yhea, you didnt post any info
10:32.12DrCrondoes full debugging show anything?
10:32.12clive-drcron hi
10:32.59clive-well, it seems to load up all fine, the modprobes and stuff, but when the phoen rings, the CLI says "ringing" and exectuing answer, but it just doesnt answer
10:33.27DrCrondoes the phone keep ringing?
10:34.00*** join/#asterisk henrique (
10:34.05dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: i know
10:34.11*** join/#asterisk adker (
10:36.12clive-drCron, yup, the phone just rings
10:36.42DrCronhow familiar are you with *
10:36.55*** join/#asterisk Gr1ncheux (
10:37.44clive-usually use isdn, this analogue is a whole new bag of tricks
10:39.16*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
10:39.22mendolsorry anybody could give me www adress for some good iax context tutorial? cant get mine to work :-/
10:39.41clive-I have this on my screen: Executing Answer("Zap/3-1", "") in new stack
10:39.42clive-...but no luck in actually doing it
10:39.59clive-mendol try the wiki
10:41.45mendolyeh was looking around, just to stupid to understand all this :-/ and cant get my incoming calls working
10:42.18clive-lol..same as me, calls dont get answered
10:42.23*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
10:42.52mendolfirst i had no authority found, now it cant ring
10:43.17qdkmendol: just look at context in general... the context of ANY channels it the context which a call with start at coming "in" that way.
10:44.20mendolnow you are just confusing me. i have incoming call from somewhere, and "IAX2/home-3", "No DID or CID Match"
10:44.33mendolfrom debug :-/
10:44.47clive-mendol, you should use exten =>s,1,.....
10:45.03qdkmendol: as in context=im_the_context_coming_form_IAX_users/peer_X_make_me_do_something_in_your_extensions_please
10:45.06*** join/#asterisk newbie1 (n=Main@
10:45.21*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
10:46.15newbie1Hello every body
10:46.22newbie1I'm new in asterisk
10:46.51newbie1I want to catch from which IP a call is coming in my AGI
10:46.56newbie1how can do that?
10:47.15clive-newbie you will have to do that from teh dialplan
10:47.23qdkmendol: and in extensions: [im_the_context_coming_form_IAX_users/peer_X_make_me_do_something_in_your_extensions_please] exten => s,1,NoOp(Well hello there mr. im_the_context_coming_form_IAX_users/peer_X_make_me_do_something_in_your_extensions_please, what can i do for you today?)
10:47.28clive-and transferthe ip address from the dialplan to your agi
10:47.58newbie1clive: Can you show me an example?
10:48.24qdkclive-: or just "ask" the dialplan for it.
10:48.27clive-perl agi?
10:48.41newbie1clive: How can I have the IP in my dial plan?
10:48.48*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:49.03newbie1clive: Is there any asterisk variables that holds the IP?
10:49.29clive-not too sure
10:49.35newbie1clive: PHP agi
10:50.04qdknewbie1: what do you need it for?
10:51.47*** join/#asterisk mattfletcher (
10:52.14*** join/#asterisk Stephnie (
10:52.43mendolo thanks qdk
10:52.54newbie1qdk: I want to  include origination IP in my cdr
10:52.55StephnieSometimes I get "== Forcing Marker bit, because SSRC has changed"  ..after Attempting native bridge....may I know wht is this msg for ?
10:53.08mendolclive yea i tried that :-/
10:53.40clive-mendol any success?
10:54.09qdknewbie1: show function SIPCHANINFO perhaps.
10:54.30qdknewbie1: as an extra info or for billing purpose?
10:54.51clive-qdk any suggesstions to help get a fxo module to pick up an incomming call , , the CLI shows:  Executing Answer("Zap/3-1", "") in new stack
10:54.57mendolnope still the same error in debug
10:54.59newbie1qdk: Yes
10:55.36newbie1qdk: also i want to setup a firewall by observing IP
10:55.45*** join/#asterisk te_lo_meto_mami (n=te_lo_me@
10:56.08newbie1qdk: I want to pass only some particulars IP
10:56.22newbie1qdk: Isn't better doing in AGI?
10:56.47mattfletcheris it possible to maintain the original incoming caller id after using a phone's transfer button to transfer a call
10:59.21qdkclive-: well thats seem correct, whats the problem?
10:59.28newbie1qdk: I got it. THanks
10:59.48newbie1qdk: It is
10:59.49qdknewbie1: i put an or in my question, so yes is a rather irritating answer. ;-)
10:59.52*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
11:00.34kaldemarmattfletcher: what phones are you using?
11:00.47qdknewbie1: imho you should have some firewall thingy doing the IP accounting and not your *
11:00.58newbie1qdk: I missed your question. For billing purpose.
11:01.44mattfletcheraastra 480i's mainly
11:02.18qdknewbie1: ok, I dont really see how to IP is relevant to the billing. IPs tend to change, so it will probably be a pain to maintain.
11:02.26qdknewbie1: ok, thx.
11:03.12*** join/#asterisk lilalinux (n=plasma@
11:06.48newbie1qdk: Can you refer me an open source SIP phone?
11:07.24mostythere's lots on google
11:07.53clive-qdk the trouble is that the line is not picked up
11:08.06newbie1mosty: ya... I'm not sure which one would be good
11:08.14mostynewbie1: try a few, see what you like
11:09.35newbie1mosty: Thanks, I will try
11:11.07qdknewbie1: i use sjphone, but the source isnt open.
11:11.49qdkclive-: ok, i dont do much ZAP-TECH so i cant help you much.
11:11.57*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (n=jmesquit@
11:12.41clive-qdk analogue sucks, I must prefer isdn
11:12.49clive-much prefer
11:14.04qdkclive-: yes, me2... and I want "big" ISDNs. :-)
11:15.49mendolbaahh, kill me ;-p
11:17.56qdkmendol: ?
11:19.00*** join/#asterisk topping (n=topping@
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11:19.40mendolstill got this error on 2nd asterisk,on 1st one all is fine  -- Executing Set("IAX2/etel-3", "FROM_DID=224346287") in new stack
11:19.50mendoldont know how to fix it
11:20.37mostymendol: what is the error?
11:21.07*** join/#asterisk evandro (
11:21.37mendol"IAX2/home-3", "No DID or CID Match"
11:21.41mendolfrom incoming call
11:22.28*** join/#asterisk beyond (
11:22.53mostywho are they trying to call?
11:23.39*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
11:24.18mendolhave to test iax2 trunk if its working, outbound is ok, inbound doesnt work
11:24.30mendoland dont know how to edit context for it
11:24.34key2Do I need to authentify before connecting to a stun ?
11:24.56mostymendol: well it's not an error per se, the dialplan is doing exactly what you've told it to
11:25.47mendolso its dialplan fault?
11:26.58mostymendol: it's the fault of whoever wrote the dialplan
11:27.18mendolhah, means me ;-)
11:28.07mostypaste that context on a paste site somewhere
11:28.19mostyand explain what you want it to do
11:31.32EmleyMoorIf I have an extension that rings all of a SIP, IAX and Zap channel, should the unanswered channels stop ringing when one is answered?
11:31.50mattfletcheremleymoor: yes
11:32.15EmleyMoorIt's not happening when I answer my Zap phone - SJphone still rings
11:32.37mattfletcheremleymoor: assuming you're using for example dial(sip/201&IAX/202&Zap/1)
11:33.04EmleyMoorYes - does including a timeout and options make any difference?
11:33.20mattfletcheremleymoor: i haven't found it o
11:33.31EmleyMoorMaybe it's SJphone's fault
11:33.40zoause zoiper!
11:33.49mattfletcheri think so
11:33.56zoathe unanswered calls should NOT keep ringing (shameless plug)
11:34.20*** part/#asterisk newbie1 (n=Main@
11:34.29kaldemarwhen can we get zoiper free? ;)
11:35.11zoaits there already
11:35.16zoain beta
11:37.03*** part/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
11:37.33kaldemarwell that's logic.
11:37.40*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
11:38.16kaldemarisn't it only biz beta that expires dec 20th?
11:38.48*** part/#asterisk beyond (
11:40.05*** join/#asterisk ambriento (n=ambrient@
11:40.06EmleyMoorIs there a good way of looking at the cdr.db?
11:40.58*** join/#asterisk myiagy (
11:46.32mattfletcherzoa: the version i just downloaded says it expires - hardly free
11:47.30benjkfree is an illusion anyway
11:48.44zoaits the beta that expires
11:48.49zoathere will be a new beta by that date
11:49.06benjkthat's a great feature then
11:49.12benjkautomatically expiring bugs
11:49.32zoathat was the idea
11:49.40zoai dont want the people to run something buggy for too long
11:49.47zoaits bad for the name :)
11:50.22*** join/#asterisk _mh (n=largo@
11:50.59zoabtw, you can bypass it just by changing the date before you startup the phone
11:51.01kaldemarhope the gui gets improvements before an official version is released.
11:51.09zoasend me all your comments
11:51.23zoaon gui and all other stuff
11:51.46qdk${SIP_CODEC}: Used to set the SIP codec for a call <- is there a similar way to get the codec?
11:52.00kaldemarwill do.
11:53.34mattfletcherzoa: cunning! u ought to make that obvious on your site. it looks great and works fantastically, but i almost didn't download it coz of the expiry - i immediately thought "shareware"
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12:22.10vooduhalDoes anyone know of a manual way to turn on the MWI on a SIP phone?
12:23.23*** join/#asterisk Idle (
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12:30.12*** join/#asterisk SoftIce (
12:30.41SoftIcehi, what is the best troubleshooting steps to identify why asterisk wont accept a call, I can phone out through the line just wont get any calls in
12:31.34EmleyMoorWhat happens on the console (set verbose 10 if you haven't already done so) when a call is attempted?
12:32.00*** join/#asterisk lilalinux (n=plasma@
12:32.35SoftIcek, hard as its all done remotly
12:32.40SoftIcewill have let you know now
12:34.05SoftIcegood sign
12:34.35*** join/#asterisk rwa (n=rwa@
12:34.51rwahi all
12:35.04SoftIcewhat is a fast pastebin
12:35.17rwacan anybody tell me how i can remove spaces out of a dialstring ?
12:35.52EmleyMoorHow is your dialstring getting spaces in it in the first place?
12:36.03SoftIceEmleyMoor: where can I paste this info to you
12:36.07*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
12:36.10rwai had to add them cause of a fixed field length
12:36.25EmleyMoorrwa: Are they at the end?
12:36.30SoftIceI just get the number u have dialed is not in service
12:36.42rwaYes, and there can be 3 til 5 of them
12:36.54rwalets say 5 till none
12:37.06SoftIcethank you ;)
12:37.13EmleyMoorSoftIce: I probably can't help you but I'll look and I'm sure someone will
12:37.43*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:37.55EmleyMoorrwa: Well, I don't know how * handles strings, but maybe you could find the position of the first and slice it to there - 1?
12:38.17rwaI tried, * is limited in this
12:38.39rwaalso i can't find FILTER function, its not inthere
12:39.10EmleyMoorSoftIce: No idea - maybe someone else can advise
12:40.01SoftIceanyone here, might be able to help ?
12:40.31*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
12:43.09kaldemarSoftIce: where does your dialplan come from?
12:44.36kaldemaryour channels are set immediate in zapata.conf so asterisk tries to find extension s in the incoming context for the channel.
12:45.00*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
12:45.01vooduhalDoes anyone know of a good way to manually turn on an MWI indicator on a SIP device?  I've used a pcap dump of a NOTIFY message before and just resent it but that no longer seems to work to turn it off.   All of our users are agents and not tied to a phone but they still want the MWI to come on when they are logged into that phone.
12:45.24SoftIcekaldemar: so what do you sugest, as i'm not smart enough to give you all the answers ;)
12:45.42SoftIcewith out people like you I would be in deep water..
12:45.43kaldemarafter all that checking and nooping it goes to context ext-did extension s priority 1 that gives you the announcement ss-noservice and hangs up the channel.
12:46.36kaldemarSoftIce: have you configured your * box yourself?
12:47.10SoftIcekaldemar: no, i'm a sys admin, I just got the hfc drivers, etc working
12:47.24SoftIcenot of this system either, I was just able to get bristuff, etc working
12:47.31SoftIceI don't know enough about asterisk to comment
12:47.54SoftIceand the person that configured it doesn't know why it isn't working
12:48.03SoftIcemaybe you could have a peek at the config?
12:48.32kaldemarumm, set the immeadiate=yes to immediate=no in your zapata.conf for these channels.
12:49.04kaldemarso you at least have a chance of getting the B-number from the signaling.
12:49.36*** join/#asterisk cstextiles (n=SpShah@
12:49.52SoftIceok, thats done
12:50.14SoftIcekaldemar: should I pastbin my zapata.conf file?
12:50.52kaldemarno need to, give a try like that, if it fails, you could pastebin your extensions.conf.
12:51.06SoftIcek thanks.
12:51.11*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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12:52.30vooduhalDoes any know if it is possible to change a SIP phones mailbox= entry on the fly?
12:52.41vooduhalAnd without making config file changes.
12:53.17mostyvooduhal: realtime
12:54.06SoftIcekaldemar: heh, remote box and they have a busy phone system, so getting them to plug the isdn line back into this box
12:54.11SoftIcethen will see if it works,.
12:54.20SoftIcekaldemar: how long have you been working with * ?
12:54.24vooduhalmosty, good idea.  
12:54.30*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
12:54.32kaldemarSoftIce: a bit over two years.
12:54.51SoftIcekaldemar: what sort of scale?
12:55.08JTif that doesn't make you look like a formidable geek
12:55.11JTi dunno what will :P
12:56.37kaldemarSoftIce: not full time, but i've become familiar with most parts.
12:57.24kaldemarSoftIce: here's some good reading regarding asterisk's dialplan:
12:57.47vooduhalMessage waiting.
12:58.53vooduhalmosty, with realtime, can I change the table structure (by adding a field) without breaking realtime?
12:59.29SoftIcekaldemar: well that sorted that service error
12:59.34*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (n=airwolf@
12:59.35SoftIcebut still not working
13:00.17SoftIcethat is the asterisk log
13:00.25SoftIceand let me show you my extentions
13:00.41mostyvooduhal: i doubt it. the standard method is to add/delete/modify rows of a table, not change the table format
13:00.52*** join/#asterisk Kigh (
13:01.43*** join/#asterisk M_at (
13:02.52M_atCan someone help me diagnose a problem with config for a Sangoma PRI card. I have two Sangoma cards n one box, Analog (FXS) and PRI. The analog works fine but when the PRI channels are activated in zapata.conf asterisk fails to start
13:03.11mostym_at: what error in the logs?
13:03.51M_atztcfg -vvvvv output     :
13:03.52M_atzaptel.conf             :
13:03.52M_atzapata-channels.conf    :
13:03.52M_at./var/log/asterisk/full :
13:04.45mostyfix the unknown directive bits
13:05.18M_atWhere are those? Can yo give me the file and line number?
13:05.33mostyit's in the asterisk log you pasted
13:05.54mostybut that's not the fatal error, that is probably the bit about the unknown D channel
13:06.27mostyi'd check that your zaptel.conf is configured correctly for your country
13:07.12M_atIt's a # on a line on it's own - they're removed now - same errors in full just without the unknown directives
13:07.39M_atI'm in the US right now - the card is not plugged into anything yet
13:07.44*** join/#asterisk psiforce (
13:08.11psiforcedoes anyone know why asterisk seems to only run on 1 of my cpus on a smp machine
13:08.40cy3o3anyone on FWD that'd be down to give me a ring and see if I'm up and running correctly?
13:09.02psiforcecat /proc/cpuinfo shows 2 cpus
13:09.34JTpsiforce: what makes you think it should run on both?
13:10.57kaldemarSoftIce: is it working?
13:13.04mostyjt: asterisk is supposed to be "heavily threaded"
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13:19.06*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Zaptel 1.2.11 released (Nov. 9, 2006) -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=- Join #asterisk-gui to learn about the new Asterisk GUI framework
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13:26.47cy3o3no one on FWD that can just give me a ring?  :P
13:26.56*** part/#asterisk clive- (
13:27.15phonetalki have a question
13:27.32phonetalkhow can i change default law = ulaw in zaptel ?
13:29.20phonetalki m asking in zapata
13:29.20phonetalkits easy to use it in sip
13:29.20phonetalkbut when i type this
13:29.20phonetalkin CLI
13:29.20phonetalkzap show channel x
13:29.35phonetalkits output is Default law: alaw
13:29.38phonetalkFax Handled: no
13:29.56phonetalkhow it can be changed there ?
13:30.42kaldemarwrite those lines in zapata.conf...
13:30.49phonetalki did
13:30.54phonetalki add defaultlaw=ulaw
13:30.58phonetalkbut no use
13:33.01*** join/#asterisk af_ (
13:33.32M_atdid you add disallow and allow lines like kaldemar said or just defaultlaw?
13:34.27phonetalkjust defaultlaw
13:34.38phonetalkcz i think zapata.conf doesnt allow these entries
13:34.41M_atdo as kaldemar said AND remove defaultlaw=ulaw
13:34.52*** join/#asterisk mithraen (n=mithraen@
13:36.06phonetalkDefault law: alaw
13:37.08phonetalki want my e1 channels on ulaw
13:37.15phonetalkcz i m not having voice on ss7 e1 link
13:37.28M_atwhat is on it then?
13:39.24M_atwhat is it linked to?
13:39.24phonetalkon ss7 link
13:41.46*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
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13:46.19M_atCan anyone diagnose why * is only showing the first 15 channels on a T1 card and bitching about the 16th?
13:47.19docelmoYou have something screwed up?    or your provider does
13:47.48M_atIt's not connected to a provider yet - it's me at fault. Or the card.
13:47.57M_atztcfg -vvvvv output     :
13:47.58M_atzaptel.conf             :
13:47.58M_atzapata-channels.conf    :
13:47.58M_at./var/log/asterisk/full :
13:48.21zumbushCISCO SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worst ever when it comes to customer support. Atleast when ure just an end user.
13:48.34zumbushjust had to get it off my chest :-P
13:48.48docelmozumbush cisco rules..  :)
13:49.10mostym_at: because the 16th is the D channel
13:49.24docelmoMy whole network is cisco..   But then again I know cisco very well so issues dont bother me
13:49.35zumbushtried to get support for my Cisco phone and get firmware updates supporting SIP now for like 1 month
13:49.39JTit's connected to anything, you really shouldn't expect it to work
13:49.43benjkmosty, looks ike your setup is for an E1, not T1
13:49.47zumbushtheir support phone numbers and emails dont work
13:49.56zumbushno one is there to help me
13:49.59benjkm_at, I meant
13:50.03mostybenjk: correct
13:50.04docelmoohh ya..  ok phones.   They suck
13:50.11M_atmosty: Even on a T1? I know it is on an E1
13:50.18docelmoIm talking about hardware that is > $10,000 USD
13:50.25mostym_at: i guess not, i've never seen a t1 before
13:50.28JTisn't the D chhan TS24 on a T1?
13:50.47docelmoThe D chanel on a E1 is 15 on a T1 is usually 24
13:51.03benjkm_at, you can configure the d channel wherever you want it, but 16 is the default for E1 not for T1
13:51.32*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
13:51.46M_atI haven't configured it - got genzaptelconf to do it
13:51.59JTdocelmo: wrong, TS16 is the C chan on  an E1
13:52.02JTD chan even
13:52.08docelmomy bad..  
13:52.17docelmoIts been about 6 months since I have had to deal with one
13:52.36M_atI have an E1 working fine at home. bchan=1-5, dchan=16
13:52.40*** join/#asterisk merbanan (
13:54.13JTyou can 5 chan fractional E1?
13:56.05M_at1-15 rather
13:56.05*** part/#asterisk jerlique (
13:56.41JTthat's a few chans for at home :)
13:57.02M_atHome = UK, I'm in our US office right now.
13:57.21docelmoM_at where in the US?
13:57.23M_atphone talk reckons I must have the PRI as Span1 and the analog card as 2
13:57.30docelmoahh nice..  
13:57.40docelmoI used to live in Tampa..   Now I live in the fricken cold
13:58.26M_atIt's just about the right temperature for me this morning - 68 :)
13:59.06*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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14:13.33npc105Anyone ever had a problem with MONITOR_EXEC not being recognized by Monitor()?
14:13.36npc105I am trying to get sox to join the two legs and compress the single file into a ogg, however it never calls the MONITOR_EXEC commmand
14:13.54ashish_15 i need help in configuring PRI line ussing TE110p01
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14:45.12mostywhat does this warning mean? WARNING[17008] pbx.c: Requested contexts didn't get merged
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14:53.02ashish_15 i need help in configuring PRI line ussing TE110p01
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14:58.55key2Is there any open source TURN server ?
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15:03.40tRSSmy mitel 5220 phone was working fine until yesterday. I installed a T1 (TE110P) card yesterday, and now my mitel dtmf is not getting detected by Asterisk? How can I troubleshoot dtmf problems?
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15:10.12vooduhalIf I'm using realtime for my sip.conf and I update the mailbox entry in the database, when exactly does that mailbox setting get retrieved?  On registration, or is there a way for it to update dynamicly?
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15:12.08slothGood morning.....Has anyone played with t.38 passthtru on 1.4b3?
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15:13.52PjErIs it normal that asterisk send this to a server "NVITE SIP/2.0" (notice le lack of 'I' in INVITE) ... cause, after this, each time the server respond "SIP/2.0 500 I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (1/SL)" ?
15:16.48*** join/#asterisk qdk (
15:17.17phonetalki am having problem
15:17.21phonetalkno audio on asterisk-ss7
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15:32.11hoobastoobai did a new install of an asterisk server last night using current svn asterisk on centos. I am trying to set up vicidial. testing asterisk, I get no sound. has this ever happened to anyone else? if so what can I check on and fix?
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15:34.43mostywhat is vicidial?
15:35.04benjkpredicitive dialer
15:35.18benjktelemarketers use that
15:35.23benjkto dial out
15:35.33benjkthe agents who call you don't actually dial
15:35.46benjkthe software picks the victims for them and dials automatically
15:35.58benjkthat evil magic is called a predictive dialer
15:37.34blitzrageits even better when you answer and it drops you into a queue
15:37.41blitzrageI just hangup
15:37.46blitzrageor leave the phone offhook
15:39.13mostyi want a little answering machine sized device that prompts the caller to dial some random pin if they're not telemarketers or pollsters, and only ringing through to the phone if they do that
15:40.20Nuggetthat's what asterisk is for, mosty.
15:40.30hoobastoobajust use authenticate in your dialplan
15:40.30hoobastoobaworks really nice
15:40.36mostyi want something smaller than a pc
15:40.52mostysomething the size of say an adsl line filter, ideally
15:41.07blitzragemosty: look at gumstix and astlinux
15:41.39*** join/#asterisk shinux_ (n=shinux@
15:42.24mostyi'd also like to buy a premade unit, for under $40USD ;)
15:44.43*** join/#asterisk supers (
15:46.42mostyhrm, and it should draw power from the phone line too
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15:57.26cy3o3any recommendations for PSTN -> FWD access?  None of these seem to work on
15:57.54*** join/#asterisk Chr1ztian (n=Christia@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:0:0:0:15d)
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16:03.13mishehuugh morning :-/
16:03.17blitzragemosty: does not exist afaik
16:04.45blitzragedarn... I broke the chain of action
16:04.56blitzragethat'd be a good band name...
16:04.59blitzrage"Chain of Action"
16:05.18Kattyblitzrage: we love you!!!
16:05.20symlinkKatty: how are 'chu?
16:05.21blitzragethe love is stifling
16:05.27blitzrageKatty: good to know :D
16:05.29Kattysymlink: wishing i was drinking, actually
16:05.33blitzrageoh great idea
16:05.46blitzragehrmmm..... maybe I should wait till noon...
16:05.56blitzragebreakfast would be good about now
16:06.08symlinkblitzrage: PIZZA?!?
16:06.29Kattyi'm thinking a shot of chocolate cake.
16:06.38Kattythat'll help me make it to lunch, anyway
16:06.40*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
16:06.58blitzragesymlink: actually yah, other than that, I only have canned tuna. But last night I got a free pizza, so I have like 1.5 pizza's in the fridge
16:07.34blitzragechicken, bacon, feta, green pepper, mushroom
16:08.19*** join/#asterisk Gr1ncheux (
16:09.07Kattyskip the meat, and that's sounds pretty good
16:09.17Kattyfour cheese souffle! mm!
16:09.48*** join/#asterisk h0 (i=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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16:11.38mutcheese ftw!
16:13.41mishehuKatty: you don't drink guiness beer do you?
16:14.14Kattymishehu: ugah, no. i hate bear.
16:14.17Kattyi mean beer.
16:14.21Kattybears are awesome.
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16:14.38mishehuKatty: ah, even if you did I wouldn't think you'd drink it because I hear they put beef broth in it for flavor.
16:14.43Kattymew :<
16:16.28mishehuI won't tell you what flavor they are trying to simulate
16:17.41Kattythat'd be just...swell.
16:19.29blitzrageok... pizza time
16:19.35*** join/#asterisk shinux__ (n=shinux@
16:19.46Kattyblitzrage: you could be my new best friend :>
16:20.27blitzrageyou just need to get to Toronto
16:20.32*** join/#asterisk af_ (
16:20.39Kattybutbut toronto is forever away.
16:20.57blitzragebut at least you'd be in the centre of the universe
16:21.17blitzrageand I have a great view.. AND pizza
16:21.31blitzrageand I've got a selection of wine and liquor :)
16:21.46blitzragethe Za
16:21.51zoaZoA ?
16:21.57blitzragenot so much :)
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16:44.44cy3o3anyone on FWD?  heh
16:44.47*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
16:55.01*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
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16:56.56skirmishahave a quick question
16:57.12skirmishaif asterisk have 2 interface one public and one private
16:57.27skirmishawill asterisk do nat of calls that come from private interface
16:57.33skirmishaor i need to configure it?
16:59.32BSDTechIf you are behind a NAT you probably need to create an /etc/asterisk/sip.conf file with AT LEAST these two lines: 1) externip=your.external.dotted.IPaddess   2) localnet= (assuming your local network uses 192.168.0.x addresses)
16:59.37*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
17:00.09BSDTechand on the exten that is external you have to have nat=yes
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17:01.08skirmishano no
17:01.17skirmishaasterisk server has 2 interfaces
17:01.28skirmishaone with public ip and one with private ip
17:01.36skirmishathere is no nat at all on both interfaces
17:01.41cy3o3NO one is on FWD?  heh... jeeze
17:01.50skirmishabut calls are coming from private ip
17:02.06skirmishaso will asterisk do nat and forward calls to pubplic interface auto
17:02.10skirmishathat is my question
17:02.34Nivexcy3o3: I am connected to FWD via IAX2
17:02.45BSDTechyour asking if the inbound call will get routed toth right phone ?
17:02.57Nivexcy3o3: I haven't done much with it lately as the connection was rather unstable for awhile.
17:03.08BSDTechit should
17:03.43skirmishaok lets make it clear
17:03.57skirmishaprivate ip -->asterisk-->term provider
17:04.08skirmishaasterisk has 2 ip assigned
17:04.15skirmishaone public and one private
17:04.19cy3o3Nivex: awesome!  All I want is someone to call my FWD extension to see if it works, heh
17:04.30skirmishacall comes from private ip
17:04.38cy3o3can you do that?  heh
17:04.48skirmishaalso phone is registered with private ip with asterisk but it's not behind nat
17:04.54skirmishaast listen on
17:04.59IPmongerskirmisha: make sure canreinivte=no
17:05.08Nivexcy3o3: I'm not in front of the thing at the moment.  Lemme see if I can remote in and bridge someting to you.
17:05.19skirmishathat's default i think
17:05.22cy3o3that'd be sweet dude thanks
17:05.38skirmishaIPmonger is that enough for call getting thru?
17:06.00skirmishaanyway i need to test and see
17:06.10*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
17:06.11Nivexcy3o3: what # ?
17:06.25*** part/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
17:07.12cy3o3Nivex: 788998
17:08.01cy3o3yay!  it wored
17:08.01Nivexshould be hearing music
17:08.01cy3o3worked even
17:08.01*** join/#asterisk DroopZ (
17:08.03cy3o3thanks man... I really appreciate it
17:08.06NivexYou're welcome.
17:08.35*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
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17:08.59cy3o3now here's an error I've never seen.. heh
17:08.59cy3o3Dec  8 10:08:27 WARNING[9800]: interface.c:215 decodeMP3: Junk at the beginning of frame 00000000
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17:30.43LordBacondoes the asterisk system let a user change their extension password, and their voicemail password?
17:31.36Crescendo_If I'm in a queue, and I'm on a call, how can I tell how many people are waiting? Or if there's anyone waiting at all?
17:32.33CunningPikeLordBacon: No, and yes
17:34.48LordBaconis there a way to say #include foo/*.conf ?
17:35.26CunningPikeLordBacon: You just did
17:35.28*** join/#asterisk alamantia (i=alamanti@nat/digium/x-c5e040dec81a336e)
17:35.43LordBaconok, so wildcards work in #include... good
17:35.55MrChimpyin what?
17:35.58CunningPikeLordBacon: Yes, they do
17:36.05MrChimpythey certainly don't in C
17:36.15LordBaconMrChimpy: I'm not on #C am I?
17:36.33CunningPikeLordBacon: In almost every .conf file - voicemail.conf is an exception, as people won't be able to change their passwords
17:37.15LordBaconlooks like I can't use wchars in the caller ID
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17:45.30CunningPikeLordBacon: wchars?
17:45.49LordBaconmy office is mostly asian
17:46.11LordBaconI wanted caller ID to show both english and korean
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17:48.53CunningPikeLordBacon: Ah
17:55.27*** join/#asterisk shinux_ (n=shinux@
17:55.48LordBacondo snom phones auto-configure the same way grandstream do?
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17:57.08wunderkin... auto configure?
17:59.26wunderkinwell everyone here doesn't like trixbox.. they just have scripts setup to generate the phone config files... it only lists support for cisco and grandstream, so the answer would be no i guess, but do you mean do snoms do mass provisioning? probably..
17:59.56*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
18:00.31LordBaconI'm just using trixbox in a vm for now until I know what I'm doing
18:00.50LordBaconthen I'll put a real asterisk server on the gateway (native linux, not vm)
18:01.01wunderkinasterisk isnt that hard, you can figure it out
18:01.39*** join/#asterisk jmls (
18:01.47LordBaconI still prefer to experiment in vms than on production machines :)
18:01.52jmlsjust installed the latest 1.4 svn in a production environment, 75 agents on queues, 150 people in total (Cisco 79xx). Using Jabber in the dialplan, running like a champ. rock solid. Kudos to the development team. Good Job!
18:02.08wunderkinright, jmlsnmnopqyz?
18:02.56jmlsI know nathing, I from Barcelona ..
18:03.51*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
18:04.10afrosheenanyone have problems with missing audio during calls on polycom ip501's?
18:04.18CunningPikejmls: On Spanish TV, Manuel was Portuguese
18:04.27CunningPikeafrosheen: NAT?
18:04.41afrosheenCunningPike, nope, everything on a local network
18:04.57CunningPikeafrosheen: Codecs?
18:05.05afrosheenCunningPike, ulaw from phones to asterisk, out through a PRI
18:05.09wunderkinis the power plugged in?
18:05.19*** join/#asterisk queuetwo (
18:05.41afrosheenit's like some calls turn into bad cellphone calls, the audio never gets dirty, just drops out from time to time
18:05.44CunningPikeafrosheen: Something else to check - make sure that the cable into the bottom of the handset is pushed in all the way. They click twice on the way in
18:06.14afrosheenCunningPike, haha..yeah, I noticed that awhile back on one person's phone, but all these are on new phones I personally double clicked myself
18:06.30wunderkinhow hard was it to double click yourself?
18:06.37afrosheensurprisingly simple
18:06.39wunderkinthats kinda kinky
18:06.55CunningPikeafrosheen: OK - just checking the obvious. Hmmmm, does it drop in and out, or stay gone?
18:07.03afrosheenCunningPike, it's dropping in and out
18:07.15afrosheenthe call just keeps on trucking though, it's not being dropped
18:07.15jmlsCunningPike: no way! didn't know that.
18:07.18CunningPikeafrosheen: And nothing on the CLI, I take it
18:07.26CunningPikejmls: It's true :)
18:07.37afrosheennothing on the cli, nothing in the full logs...the pri links isn't throwing any alarms
18:07.42jmlsman that it so funny. Bit like the English and Irish ;)
18:07.54jmls(or could we agree on a common foe, the Welsh ?)
18:08.16CunningPikejmls: No - the common foe of the Irish, Welsh and Scots is.....?
18:08.29afrosheenliquor shortages
18:09.02afrosheenbrb gotta attend a benefits meeting
18:09.13*** join/#asterisk Weezey (
18:09.19jmlsThere's a bridge between England and Wales. You gotta pay to get into Wales. Kinda like a fine for even thinking of going there
18:09.26Weezeyhow do I set my QoS to 5 with asterisk?
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18:14.56vooduhalDoes anyone know of a solution to turn on MWI manually for a SIP device?
18:15.02vooduhalSpecifically Polycom phones.
18:15.19*** join/#asterisk zmef420 (
18:15.21jmlsyeah - leave a voicemail ;)
18:15.32jmlssorry. had to say that ;)
18:15.49Weezeyvooduhal:  mailbox=voicemailcontext  ?
18:15.54vooduhalLol.  Can't use mailbox in sip.conf because the voicemails are being left for the agents, not the sip extensions.
18:16.21WeezeyI believe you can manually send a NOTIFY
18:16.48vooduhalWe've used sipsak to send them in the past but now the phones are no longer responding to it.
18:18.07vooduhalI wonder if it is ignoring the NOTIFY becuase the phone never registered to receive the notifications.
18:18.26vooduhalI wonder if I had it register to the phones exten (which no box exists) would allow me to send them.
18:22.22Weezeycan you make it light on more than one mailbox?
18:22.47Weezeynever mind.
18:23.12*** join/#asterisk zmef420_ (
18:23.14Weezeymy friggin' asterisk box has narcolepsy.  Need a new power supply.
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18:29.24Dobajhello, anyone got a Siemens Gigaset phone talking to Asterisk?
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18:31.20Dobajbetter still anyone got WMI working on the Gigaset phone?
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18:32.44hoobastoobaso i have tried both xlite and sjphone... I can connect the to my old server and my new server. my new server however I get no sound. I did playback and some different files, the cli shows they are playing, but i dont here them, the old server works fine. so i know its not my softphone or laptop, it has to be something with asterisk. any help would be appreciated.
18:32.52hoobastoobai am using the latest svn version of asterisk
18:33.29hoobastoobai get no warnings or errors regarding sound or anything.
18:36.16*** join/#asterisk DavoFrom818 (
18:36.44DavoFrom818is there any module or addon that i can install to do Email 2 Fax?
18:36.44vooduhalNm.  Got sipsak working again.
18:43.57SupaplexDavoFrom818: there's a few options in the wiki
18:46.26*** join/#asterisk Block (
18:48.06BlockI use the Sipura-3000 (ATA) with asterisk. Now to the problem. For some reason the Sipura "eats" the tones dialed from the caller analog->sipura->asterisk, thus asterisk does not respond to them.
18:49.11*** join/#asterisk mrichmanM (n=richmanm@
18:50.51*** join/#asterisk mog (
18:51.30*** part/#asterisk Dobaj (
18:51.51*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
18:53.55Blockanyone? :P
18:57.07rob0Block: I don't have a Sipura, but I bet you need to reconfigure the onboard dialplan, read the docs for it?
18:58.08Blocksorry  for my ignorance. I have passed through numerous of docs but I seem to keep getting it wrong.
18:58.42Blockthis is my current dial plan "(S0<:>)"
18:58.49Block24 is the ast server
19:00.28npc105Anyone ever had a problem with MONITOR_EXEC not being recognized or honored by Monitor()?
19:00.31npc105I am trying to get sox to join the two legs and compress the single file into a ogg, however it never calls the MONITOR_EXEC commmand
19:00.59*** join/#asterisk Dobaj (
19:01.29Dobajanyone got zaptel knowledge to help me with an issue?
19:01.46mogwhats wrong dobaj
19:02.06*** join/#asterisk Ant0n1zz (
19:02.54hoobastoobaif I missed a package durring os installation would that affect the sound on asterisk? for example is there a dependency in asterisk for some sort of a sound processing engine? i have arts installed... but i am lost as to why i have no sound.
19:03.24DobajI'd like to get asterisk to wait 30secs and if no one picks up the incoming call then got to the unavailable voicemail. However I need to detect if the call has been picked up outside of asterisk so I do get the VM announcements appearing mid chat
19:03.40BlockIs there anything wrong with my dial plan?
19:04.30mogDobaj, waitforring
19:04.41mogits an application that allows you to do exactly
19:07.03Dobajmog, I've exten => s,1,wait(30)
19:07.03Dobajexten => s,2,Voicemail,u3000
19:07.23mogno there is an application waitforring
19:07.33mogif someone picks up it fails and asterisk never answers line
19:07.43mogthat will answer in 30 seconds no matter what
19:07.45mogunless call is over
19:08.05Dobajbut zaptel will get the ring at the sametime fixed line phones ring
19:09.00DobajAsterisk and other phones are on the same line so it'll not ring one then the other
19:10.24BlockCan anyone just throw me a generic DP that throws all calls to an asterisk server?
19:10.25mogDobaj, if you use the application waitforring, asterisk will only pickup the line if the phone is still ringing at the time of time
19:10.41moginstead of wait
19:11.43Dobajso I could have exten => s,1,waitforring(7)      exten=> s,2,voicemail,u3003 and if someone has picked up the call then it'll stop at point one
19:12.23Dobajcheers mog
19:12.34*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
19:12.36mogshow application waitforring for more info
19:13.56npc105does anyone use asterisk with broadvoice? I am trying to figure out how to set my broadvoice call forwording (*72/*73) from withon my DP so I can set the forwarding from my phone instead of having to login to their portal...
19:14.54Blockanyone with a spa-3000 or any other spa with a pstn chan?
19:16.10*** part/#asterisk Dobaj (
19:19.04*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
19:20.43Ant0n1zzhello all, anyone can help me with this error ? I get this when I try to make the latest Zaptel drivers You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.9-34.0.2.ELsmp kernel installed.
19:22.56rob0Ant0n1zz: Install the sources for the 2.6.9-34.0.2.ELsmp kernel. Check your distro documentation for help.
19:24.27Ant0n1zzwill do so rob0 :D
19:26.45*** join/#asterisk loadsysinc (
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19:35.40*** join/#asterisk Alowishus (
19:36.02[hC]anyone here doing full g729? (aka g729 pass thru)
19:36.14[hC]without needing codec licenses?
19:38.24*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
19:41.19BlockI got it verified, nothing is wrong with my DP or the ast server. Its the settings in the SPA-3000.
19:41.40*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (
19:43.09rpmhow do i allow Playback() to be interrupted by a user dialing an extension and jumping to the next priority?
19:43.41*** join/#asterisk malverian (n=malveria@gentoo/developer/malverian)
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19:49.21*** join/#asterisk champster (
19:50.12champsterHas anyone here used Vonage as a trunk?
19:51.36brad_msswchampster: do you have one of the 'business plus' plans ?  we had vonage a couple years back, and it was terrible
19:52.22champsterYes, the business Plus BYOD plan
19:52.43champsterBut I always get a 404 error when dialing out.
19:52.52champsterI am also not seeing it in sip show registry
19:53.32brad_msswdid you use the wiki:
19:55.19heh_v_waterso for a little home setup do i go with a linksys sipura or a grandstream or other.. any expericences woul dbe greatly appreciated
19:56.00*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
19:56.25*** join/#asterisk Curus (
19:56.42champsterYes, I did and other examples I found as well.
19:56.44CurusWhat is the English word for the three tones which signify number error?
19:56.46Kattyfile: i just put another video on youtube :>
19:57.16Crescendo_If I'm in a queue, and I'm on a call, how can I tell how many people are waiting? Or if there's anyone waiting at all?
19:57.20spydaoh yeah, it's great. too.  *moan*
19:57.28Curus(And how do I make Asterisk play that sound)
19:57.37*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
19:57.47Kattyspyda: shut up, you.
19:57.56fileKatty: ooh where
19:58.00Kattyspyda: or i'll transfer all my calls to you :P
19:58.18Kattyfile: see /query
19:59.34IPmongerCurus: the tone is called reorder
19:59.45*** join/#asterisk PupenoR (n=pupeno@
20:00.00yardBheh_v linksys sipura works find for me
20:00.23spydaKatty: aren't you already doing that anyway?
20:00.47*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
20:00.49Kattyspyda: you know you love me.
20:01.30hmmhesaysI want my mtV
20:02.00spydaI want one of these usb missle launchers!
20:02.42CurusThanks IPmonger, turns out that wasn't the one I wanted, but "special information tone" is
20:03.41CurusNow I just need a sound file for it
20:04.20champsterCall a bunch of number until you find it, then record it. lol
20:05.04champsterI want a modem connecting sequence as my ringtone, I think I will have to record it myself.
20:05.12CurusHeh, I guess that'd work. Apparently Zapateller can do it
20:06.48peter21hi everyone,  what is the best snom 320 firmware to use ?
20:08.06IPmongerCurus: did you look at
20:08.12champsterDoes anyone know if you can force a re-registration to a SIP service? (without restarting asterisk)
20:10.25Kattyhmmhesays: and a few hot chicks.
20:10.29Kattyhmmhesays: and a few beers.
20:10.48Kattyhmmhesays: i'm tellin ya, this august we need to find a few to share.
20:10.49CurusIPmonger: Zapataller does it perfectly, but thanks
20:10.51hoobastoobadoes sip reload do that?
20:13.20[hC]anyone here doing full g729? (aka g729 pass thru) , without g729 licenses?
20:13.33*** join/#asterisk hads (
20:15.04[hC]ive run into some issues
20:15.54*** part/#asterisk hoobastooba (
20:16.24mogwhat issues
20:16.29*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
20:16.33brad_mssw[hC]: you'd run into issues if you had to put someone on hold, or do voicemail, etc ...
20:16.58brad_mssw[hC]: either buy licenses or don't use g729 ... for the most part
20:17.15[hC]well, thats the easy part
20:17.28[hC]the hard part is when meetme wants to do slin for dtmf/silence detection
20:17.32SwK[hc] it should work just fine in passthru mode
20:17.40[hC]or voicemail wants to do it for the same reason.
20:17.43mogno hc
20:17.48[hC]meetme plays the welcome tone in slin
20:17.51mogmeetme mixes audio in slin
20:18.01mogyou cant mix 729 streams in 729
20:18.07mogthey need to be converted to slin
20:18.14[hC]right so i need g729 licenses for meetme
20:18.15mogyou cant do it without transcoding
20:18.29mogall the other files you can get 729 versions of
20:18.33SwKdoing meetme, voicemail etc (ie: interacting w/ the media streams) you must transcode thats not passthru
20:18.36mogbut you cant have a meetme with slin
20:18.50mogvoicemail can be done without licenses swk
20:18.56SwKwell voicemail you can store and retrieve like mog says
20:18.58mogyou just record files to 729
20:19.03*** join/#asterisk reber (
20:19.05mogand have 729 prompts
20:19.05SwKog: :P was correcting myself ;)
20:19.11[hC]it seems that the limitations are (that ive found): meetme, no wav file attachments in voicemail ( i could be wrong) no silence detection in voicemail,
20:19.21*** part/#asterisk rtcg (
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20:19.45SwK[hc] if you intend to do all that stuff, your best bet is just to call up digium and order some licenses
20:19.48[hC]wav file attachments n email i mean.
20:19.59*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
20:20.07mogconverting 729 to wav would require a license
20:20.23[hC]SwK: have already, just making sure i hadnt missed a hack somewhere. apparently app_conference doesnt use slin, but the other limitations are enough to warrant licenses
20:20.36[hC]customers would be upset if they got g729 email vm attachments/
20:20.45[hC]man its hard typing with one hand in a cast
20:20.54mogapp_conference doesnt mix audio is my understanding
20:20.55[hC]i broke a bone in my hand last friday
20:21.04brodiem[hC] you seem to be typing fairly fast for one hand
20:21.05mogshould just get some licenses
20:21.07[hC]app_conference also seems kinda,, alpha.
20:21.23[hC]brodiem: im holding a pen in one hand
20:21.27[hC]and pecking
20:21.27brodiem[hC] lol
20:21.41[hC]its pretty quick, but it can be error prone
20:21.44rob0The pen is mightier than the sword.
20:22.05brodiem[hC] is half your keyboard blue? haha
20:23.19Blocksipura anyone? *cries*
20:23.21[hC]hah the lid's on "_
20:24.48[hC]mog: hows the new house?
20:24.57mogi love it
20:25.11*** join/#asterisk bkruse (i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-3e0937e2645eba96)
20:25.24rob0New house? How can you afford such a thing?
20:25.25mogmy first mortgage payment cleared today
20:25.31bkrusemog: woot!
20:25.31mogits my first house
20:25.31Qwell[]yuck, already?
20:25.39mogfealt good
20:25.44Qwell[]they usually wait for 45 days
20:25.51Qwell[]with some products anyhow
20:25.55mogits been 45 days
20:26.09Qwell[]well then
20:26.09moghave you payed your first one?
20:26.17Qwell[]yeah, couple weeks ago
20:27.20*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (
20:29.01BSDTechok where is 1.4 -r
20:29.09Qwell[]-r what?
20:29.26BSDTech-r =-Release
20:29.32mogwell i bought my house a few weeks after you did
20:29.35mogjust seemed longer
20:29.43[hC]45 days al;ready
20:29.48Qwell[]mog: guess so..  doesn't really feel like I've been here 2 months yet
20:30.01Qwell[]BSDTech: doesn't exist
20:30.03mogi have nothing but boxes on first floor still
20:30.04[hC]since astricon
20:30.09mogbut i do have my white board wall
20:30.23rob0I happen to like boxes. ;)
20:30.26mogstill dont have my projecter
20:30.39BSDTechthats what I asking for . For them to get off thier butts and get it out
20:30.40Qwell[]I was thinking yesterday - I have the perfect place for a projector
20:30.52Qwell[]BSDTech: submit patches to fix bugs
20:31.02mogwaiting for asterisk community to send me a wedding present
20:31.06moghint i want a projector ^_^
20:31.08BSDTechI do on BSD
20:31.27BSDTechand I need 1.4-r so we can find and patch all the breaks
20:31.41Qwell[]BSDTech: there is a beta3, and you can get svn
20:32.28BSDTechjust have to svn and patch daily
20:35.40danp1.4 was looking pretty cool until was bitten by this bug:
20:36.47*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
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20:47.26jarrodanyone have problems using cisco pstn as gateway and receiving short intervals of 'hiss'
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21:08.31*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes_ (
21:10.38Blockmeh, what are the options to suppress DTMF tones in asterisk?
21:13.50*** join/#asterisk SimoAmi (
21:13.58SimoAmihi there
21:16.14SimoAmihow can i change the sip registration timeout
21:16.31SimoAmiqualify=yes sets the time between 2 retries
21:19.36*** join/#asterisk hads_ (
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21:25.03*** join/#asterisk GrabrielA (n=metfan@
21:25.07GrabrielAhello all!!!
21:25.53MetfanI need help to use Asterisk with a Norstar MICS
21:26.03Metfanplease help
21:26.41Nuggetwe can't help you unless you actually ask a question.
21:26.53Metfanok ok
21:27.22LordBaconWHat is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
21:27.27MetfanWhat is the cost of telephone suppor per hour in Mexico????? hehehe
21:27.35Nuggetafrican or european swallow?
21:28.58joeMetfan: what is the problem would be a good place to start
21:30.13MetfanOk, I want to place Asterisk between a Norstar MICS and the Telco using T1 links
21:31.04MetfanWe have found bugs regardin this in various forums, and I think we have the same problem
21:31.56MetfanAstersik does not pass the correct signal from Nortel span to Telco span T1 link
21:32.41*** join/#asterisk peter21 (n=Peter@
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21:33.09peter21hi everyone.  does anyone know when ABE 1.3 will be ready for download ?
21:33.56Metfandoes anybody has done a succesfull integration with Norstars???
21:37.52*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
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21:43.38*** part/#asterisk visba (n=dca[
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21:48.29afrosheenI'm getting " interface.c: Junk at the beginning of frame" in some spots, is this something to be concerned about?
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22:06.56LordBaconok, I have a snom phone, and I can't figure out how to get in to the menu without rebooting
22:07.58*** join/#asterisk te_lo_meto_mami (
22:09.45psiforcedoes anyone know why asterisk seems to only run on 1 of my cpus on a smp machine
22:09.46psiforcecat /proc/cpuinfo shows 2 cpus
22:10.09Supaplexhow many asterisk threads are there?
22:12.42*** part/#asterisk pdunkel (n=pdunkel@
22:17.14*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
22:19.09ChkDigitHey all,
22:19.36ChkDigitI've got a Mediatrix 1204 gateway that is calling into *, but using the Caller-ID as the From: address.
22:20.25ChkDigitHow do you change the From address in the SIP session, or just tell * to send it to a default context.
22:20.42ChkDigitPresently, I'm just getting a SIP authentication failure.
22:21.49*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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22:23.59LordBaconwtf is going on
22:24.50LordBaconI setup like 30 extensions in freepbx, and I don't see them in /etc/asterisk
22:27.51LordBaconthere. found them
22:28.14robin_szLordBacon, there is a special command to type for help on that very subject
22:28.17LordBaconnow to get asterisk to allow NxxNxxxx
22:29.32robin_szon your IRC client .. type "/join #freepbx"
22:29.38*** join/#asterisk h0 (i=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
22:34.23hmmhesaysgoogle spreadsheets rocks
22:35.03psiforcesupaplex: only 2 or so... and I have over 30 g729 calls being transcoded to pstn
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23:06.08peter21anyone still online ?  i'm confused with the context matching.  I want outgoing calls to match contexts like [international] - currently cdr shows default
23:15.31*** join/#asterisk PupenoR (n=pupeno@
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23:17.08e-miliohello all
23:17.41CunningPikepeter21: Are you placing outgoing calls in a context called 'international'?
23:24.25*** join/#asterisk backblue_ (
23:44.28*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
23:45.48LordBaconcan I set this grandstream to have a password that isn't just numbers?
23:53.19*** part/#asterisk LordBacon (n=kvirc@unaffiliated/frb)
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.