irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061207

00:02.26*** join/#asterisk raphWRKN (n=raph@
00:02.53raphWRKNanyone here able to help me with iax issues?
00:03.57*** join/#asterisk Crescendo_ (
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00:08.44raphWRKNtrying to get diax to register from an external ip through nat
00:08.48raphWRKNand having 0 joy
00:09.08Omerwhats diax?
00:09.57raphWRKNsoft iax phone
00:10.03*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (n=Newbie__@
00:10.59raphWRKNi must be doing something wrong in iax.conf, but cant work out what
00:12.30riddleboxraphWRKN, you setup the iax user right?
00:15.57Newbie___hi, can a single Te110P support 1 adit600 with 48 FXS /
00:16.27apturaraphWRKN let me see it.
00:16.57*** join/#asterisk OneBinary (n=d@
00:17.24OneBinarywhen trying to login to a queue, I'm getting the following.  any ideas on what this means?
00:17.24OneBinaryDec  6 16:05:43 WARNING[19702]: chan_agent.c:1849 __login_exec: Extension '364' is not valid for automatic login of agent '364'
00:17.32JTNewbie___: no
00:17.35raphWRKNriddlebox: afaik
00:17.48JT48 FXS is more than 1 E1 or T1 worth of channels
00:18.09riddleboxitsa ok
00:18.22apturaraphWRKN what is the issue
00:18.41Newbie___JT: another word i need dual T1 then
00:18.43raphWRKNaptura: its not registering
00:18.46raphWRKNso cant call out
00:19.00*** join/#asterisk h3x (n=hex@
00:19.29JTNewbie___: i have no idea how the adit600 connects, but dual T1 sounds right, as a T1 is 24 channels in CAS mode
00:19.31raphWRKNentry in iax.conf
00:19.38JTso 2 * 24 = 48
00:19.46apturaraphWRKN okay then do you have and not here!
00:19.53apturasend it to
00:20.00raphWRKNaah sorry
00:20.01JTraphWRKN: stop that
00:20.06OneBinaryraphWRKN: try changing qualify to no
00:20.18jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
00:20.21Newbie___JT: never seen a adit 600 before, sure hope its got 2 T1 plug
00:20.25OneBinaryi had a similar problem until i turned quality to no
00:20.41JTNewbie___: well it'd be a good idea to do some technical research before buying one
00:21.07JTthe TE110P is only a single T1/E1 card
00:21.43raphWRKNhmmm still no joy...
00:21.59raphWRKNwas trying to get it going through sip, got connection but only 1 way audio
00:22.03raphWRKNnat sucks for that
00:22.03*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
00:23.22OneBinaryanybody know why i can't login to a queue?  WARNING[19702]: chan_agent.c:1849 __login_exec: Extension '364' is not valid for automatic login of agent '364'
00:28.40te_lo_meto_mamiyo raphWRKN  your lines that you put in iax.conf raphWRKNdisallow=all
00:28.41te_lo_meto_mamiraphWRKNallow=alaw   con i use the codec g729 allow only that? can providers support any codec that a peer setsup in their config?
00:28.42*** join/#asterisk knobenheimer (
00:29.20raphWRKNyah you can use only g729 but you need a valid license for it
00:29.39te_lo_meto_mamiyou know the cost off the top?
00:29.50BlepsoaFanyone ever have any issues with DTMF not working when enabling automon in features.conf & Ww in the dial cmd
00:29.52raphWRKNnah, something like US$10 a channel i think
00:29.56JTUSD$10 or so
00:30.07JTper transcode session, not channel
00:30.11te_lo_meto_mamiahh ill find the link thanks
00:30.16raphWRKNi own 50 of them, but they are all in use, and its not part of my issue
00:30.26JTsometimes it's possible to to use more than one transcoding session per call
00:30.47te_lo_meto_mamii know , im a newbie also just thought you coudl shed some light
00:30.52te_lo_meto_mamiJt thanks
00:31.07te_lo_meto_mamiwait i dont have a digium card
00:31.11te_lo_meto_mamivoip only
00:31.17te_lo_meto_mamistill need it right?
00:31.25te_lo_meto_mamidigium is just a source
00:31.40te_lo_meto_mamicodec im talkking about
00:31.51JTdigium sell the codec licences
00:31.58JTdigium write asterisk
00:32.12*** join/#asterisk mosty (
00:32.15te_lo_meto_mamii love digium
00:32.28te_lo_meto_mamiman i just dove into asterisk and i learned so much in two days
00:32.34te_lo_meto_mamii feel like a crack head
00:32.47JTyes it is a bit insane
00:33.04JTi wish asterisk had inbuilt stable bri support
00:33.04te_lo_meto_mamiits like neverending the things you can do with it
00:33.17te_lo_meto_mamiyou not in North america?
00:33.21JTyeah it's fairly flexible
00:33.23JTi'm not
00:33.31mostydoes asterisk support array variables?
00:33.32*** join/#asterisk diclophis-work (n=jbardin@
00:33.46JTarrays, i don't think so
00:33.47mostyor variable arrays, if you prefer
00:34.00JTit has ast db
00:34.05JTwhich is key:value
00:34.14te_lo_meto_mamilike a registry in windows?
00:34.18JTand realtime, which allows you to use an rdbms
00:34.26JTthe ast db is similar to a registry
00:34.33te_lo_meto_mamiyuk windows by the way
00:34.36JTnon-volatile db
00:34.42mostyi would prefer not to use realtime just for this
00:34.50mostyastdb might be ok
00:34.57JTwhat do you need an array for?
00:35.01BlepsoaFjust use agi
00:35.07JTit has global variables as well as channel variables
00:35.25BlepsoaFthen use any programming lanuage you want
00:35.49mostyi want a series of mappings from DID to local extension, so i can simplify one of my contexts
00:35.58JTwe don't even know what he wants to do yet
00:36.08JTagi introduces performance penalties though
00:36.17BlepsoaFJT: true, but I do all my dialplan stuff in AGI
00:36.28BlepsoaFeasier to build a framework and go nuts
00:36.36mostyi would prefer not to use AGI in this case too
00:36.37JTyou absolutely don't want did mappings in the dialplan?
00:36.56JTBlepsoaF: sounds like unnecessary overhead for most stuff
00:37.40BlepsoaFre-phrase -> I do most IVR stuff in AGI
00:37.48mostyi want did mappings in the dialplan in one place (i was hoping for an array), then i could write one set of rules to route each of the did's, instead of the same thing for every did
00:38.00JTmosty: macros?
00:38.08BlepsoaFmacros would be the way to go
00:38.32*** join/#asterisk zeppelin_ (n=zeppelin@
00:38.41BlepsoaFanyone ever have any issues with DTMF not working when enabling automon in features.conf & Ww in the dial cmd
00:39.02BlepsoaFsounds like an asterisk media path thing to me, but I dont know why
00:40.15Newbie___JT: thank you
00:40.17mostyjt, hrm let me look at that then
00:40.36*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
00:41.18JTmosty: read the book?
00:42.03mostythe o'reilly one? i skimmed through it a while back
00:42.20JTit mentions all these major principles like macros
00:44.33apturahas asterisk and linux been installed on single board computers before?
00:46.02mostyyes but transcoding is painful
00:46.03JTa lot of people have done that sort of stuff
00:46.18apturaJT, was that for me?
00:46.39Un1xHye for Sangoma cards
00:46.47Un1xare the green modules FXS and red FXO
00:46.52Un1xthere opposite of Digium?
00:47.56Un1xyes they are just looked at handbook
00:49.29apturavery very very odd. My asterisk box called my extension using my CID name.
00:51.07[hC]anyone know why my polycom 601 w/ 3 expasion modules might be rebooting?
00:51.10[hC]on its own
00:51.31wunderkin[hC], ive been having rebooting problems too but i have a 430
00:51.31apturamy asterisk box just called me on its own figure that one out :)
00:52.01mostyjt: is is possible to take the value of a variable and use that as a variable name? eg something like ${$foo} ?
00:53.14*** join/#asterisk Phoenix^ (
00:53.32mostyin that case i can emulate arrays
00:53.59mostyi set that to $value
00:54.18JTwhy do you need to do that?
00:54.36mostyi want a map from did to sip extension
00:54.47[hC]wunderkin: any ideas?
00:55.07JTmosty: i have no idea why you'd do it like that
00:56.10mostythen i can have a context which tries to do something like this: $did,1,Dial($hash_${did}) ; $did,1,Goto(voicemail,$hash_${did},1)
00:56.24mostyer, the second one would be priority 2
00:56.35tessierAnyone know why calls would get stuck with channels open even though nobody is actually on the phone?
00:56.45mostytessier, what kind of channels?
00:56.50*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
00:57.22mostyjt: i have quite a few did's, and i would like this mapping defined in a single place in the dialplan
00:57.23tessiermosty: SIP channels
00:57.33tessiermosty: This has been a problem in my callcenter for a couple of months.
00:57.35JTmosty: why wouldn't you use ast db or global variables?
00:57.57tessierEvery now and then someone will stop getting calls. It's because there is a channel stuck. Even if the phone has been rebooted. Sometimes they will have a number of channels stuck open.
00:58.11tessierMostly channels going into an ivr I built but occasionally other things.
00:58.32mostyjt: the natural way of expressing this map in most languages is to use an array, i want to use a global array (or something similar)
00:58.34tessierSeems like there should be a timeout of some sort that would kill them.
00:58.52JTmosty: there is no arrays, as far as i know
00:59.02JTso you'll have to do it in some key:value format
00:59.04*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
00:59.04mostytessier: look at the t extension
00:59.08tessierI wonder if I should put the timeout() application in my dialplan somewhere...
00:59.12JTi fail to see why that's a problem
00:59.21tessiermosty: Isn't that only for when the user doesn't enter a selection in an ivr?
00:59.22JTotherwise you could use realtime
00:59.47mostyjt: yes, i will use a format like that, but it would be simpler if asterisk simply supported arrays
01:00.10JTmosty: i guess realtime is intended for that sort of stuff
01:00.26*** join/#asterisk mceGEEK (
01:00.30mostytessier: it would help for the ivr case. where else do your zombie calls live?
01:00.47mostyjt: i suppose, but i am not a fan of realtime
01:00.53tessierhmm...there is no t extension in that ivr...
01:00.57mostyit's overkill for this case
01:01.00tessierHopefully that will fix it.
01:01.02mceGEEKwhat is provisioning ?
01:01.06tessierI actually looked at that before and have t extensions elsewhere.
01:01.17tessierBut I didn't realize this particular IVR didn't have one
01:01.32*** join/#asterisk emphyrio (
01:02.15tessierhmm...but it already does seem to be timing out by itself.
01:03.35tessierSIP/141-b7b9fa20     1@company-outbound-d Up      DISA(no-password|drjays-outgoi
01:03.42tessierThat is a typical hung channel.
01:05.22Phoenix^Does anyone know of an IP phone that has an 802.1x supplicant built in?
01:06.38*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
01:07.14Un1xtessier you doing DISA?
01:08.15tessierUn1x: Yes
01:09.43*** join/#asterisk Mad_guy (
01:09.53JTmosty: your problem isn't that hard
01:10.03JTjust use a pattern that will match all DIDs
01:10.17Un1xtessier i'm trying to do somethin similar but, have no luck with it yet...
01:11.16JTand have either that extension, or a macro it calls do something like Dial(Blah/DID_${EXTEN})
01:11.40JTand have global variables setup with DID_<DID number>
01:11.44JTor you could use ast db
01:12.12JTas ${DID} as the extension name would not work
01:12.29mostyi'm using global vars of the form DIDtoSIP_<DID>=<SIP>
01:12.37mostyalready halfway done
01:12.56JTyeah so you only need one pattern in your dialplan to catch it most likely
01:13.13JTit's easy if all the DIDs are the same number of digits
01:13.52*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:14.04mostyotherwise i would need lots of extra contexts
01:14.18JTor a matchall ;)
01:14.30JTi'm doing something similar
01:14.40mostyin that case i would use an sql database, and either generate dialplan files or use realtime
01:14.41JTexcept i just retransmit the DID/MSN
01:14.47JTas it interfaces to an isdn pabx
01:15.10*** part/#asterisk raphWRKN (n=raph@
01:15.13JTi don't see why you'd need to, just due to differing amounts of digits
01:18.03DrCronman, it seems all the cool voip->dect stuff is made in china, and they cant write up the specs for crap
01:18.19DrCronand the manuals are even worse
01:18.30mostyjt: it helps in terms of management, when i have encountered that in the past
01:18.38ManxPowerThe worst phone I ever used is one of the USA DECT phones.
01:18.44*** join/#asterisk alamantia (n=alamanti@
01:19.14mostyi write a script which queries the db, sorts by prefix length, creates contexts in decreasing length of prefix length and generates the contexts in a file which is #included by extensions.conf
01:19.32DrCroni just want a system where each dect phone has a sip address, and can register to asterisk
01:20.06De_MonIm trying to get asterisk and exchange 2007 to talk to eachother, anyone had any success?
01:20.24JTmosty: is that more due to the volume of dids? because the exact same solution for fixed length numbers would be applicable to variable length numbers
01:20.46JTtalk to each other... i think you will need to be more specific
01:20.51De_MonI've got openser on the asterisk server on port 5061, and so far things are not going very well
01:20.53ManxPowerDe_Mon: I didn't know Exchange talked SIP
01:21.08De_Monit's called Unified Messaging
01:21.09ManxPowerDe_Mon: Does it work if they are on different servers?
01:21.27mostyjt: yes. i had a huge number of dids in that case, it was a fairly complex dialplan
01:21.27De_Monduno, don't have another server to find out with
01:21.38ManxPowerDe_Mon: Oh!  Like Cold Fusion, the tooth fairy, and pepertual motion machines!
01:22.11De_MonManxPower no, thats just what ms calls their autoatendent and phone features
01:22.19ManxPowerDe_Mon: What specific problem are you hving?
01:23.18De_Monexchange 2007 only supports TCP, so Ive got openser proxying the protocols and it's not working...
01:24.28De_Mon.225 is the asterisk server, so something is amiss
01:25.59ManxPowerDe_Mon: 302 is call has been forwarded.
01:25.59ManxPowerDe_Mon: good luck with it.
01:25.59*** join/#asterisk zmef420 (
01:26.11*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (n=me@
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01:30.04De_Monyeah, thats why I was looking for someone with some previous experience in the area
01:31.00*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
01:31.02djfluxsince Exchange 2007 is fairly new I doubt you're going to find someone with experience :)
01:31.30ManxPowerI have a new policy.  Anyone with questions on Exchange goes on the ignore list.
01:32.00djfluxwow ... harshness
01:33.18ManxPowerdjflux: GAIM's /ignore seems to only be for the current session.
01:34.04djfluxhrm ... you use GAIM for IRC?
01:34.38djfluxI tried it for a bit and wasn't fond of it ... went back to xchat
01:35.01DrCronhmm, what would you guys (and gals) sugest for a wireless phone interface to asterisk?
01:36.55ManxPowerDrCron: an ATA with a 900Mhz DSS
01:39.04ManxPower900Mhz DSS is next to impossible to find, but if you need range and have lots of plants around it's the only way to do.
01:39.21ManxPowerThe last one we had reached almost 1/2 a mile.
01:40.57*** join/#asterisk kyo (
01:41.25DrCronthe dect handset we had last (base just died) reached nearly that, with buildings in the way no less
01:41.48DrCronand i like the fact there are dect handsets with bluetooth
01:44.59djfluxDe_Mon: check out  ... looks like there is some TCP SIP support but you have to patch *
01:45.05djfluxnow I'm REALLY going home
01:47.44ManxPowerDrCron: you must not be in the USA
01:52.20DrCronis dect on a diffrent freq here?
01:52.40DrCroni was using a gigaset 2400
01:52.46De_Mondjflux I saw it, it's still rather experimental though
01:52.54ManxPowerIn the usa it is in the 1900 range
01:53.25ManxPowerI imagine it COULD be in the 900 and 2.4ghz rane as those are unlicenses.
01:53.26De_Monim loosly following:
01:53.42DrCronin the US and in europe its in the 1900mhz band
01:54.02ManxPowerBut all the "DECT 6.0" phones I've seen were 1900 range, it is a new unlicensed range in the USA
01:54.50ManxPowerThey got like 300 ft and that was it.
01:55.07ManxPowerI really witch I could find a non-Sony 900Mhz DSS phone.  
01:55.32ManxPowerThe Sony one we had was AWESOME, but kept dropping calls even if you were near the base.
01:55.55DrCronhuh, well the seimens phone we had rocked
01:56.03DrCronand it was dect
01:56.11ManxPowerDrCron: Usa or Euroland?
01:56.13De_Monis there a simple test I could perform using telnet or something to check my connections?
01:56.28DrCronum, it was a USA model
01:56.37De_MonIm mostly interested in the CLIENT -> OpenSER -> Asterisk  path
01:57.03De_Mon(tcp)CLIENT -> OpenSER ...
01:57.19ManxPowerWe have almost 50 acers to cover
01:57.32ManxPowerprolly 40 actually need coverage
01:58.14*** join/#asterisk ivanfm (
01:58.18ManxPowerhell no.
01:58.24ManxPowerhills, woods
01:58.38ManxPowerthe 900Mhz covered most of the 40 acers
01:58.52ManxPowerpretty much a 2.4Ghz phone's worst nightmare.
01:59.00mceGEEKhi bkw
01:59.19ManxPowerhence my fetish for 900Mhz DSS
02:07.53*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
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02:24.26puzzledRoyK: ping
02:25.29puzzledRoyK: if I use Slav's JB patch does that mean that there is no JB on SIP-SIP calls?
02:26.03RoyKsip/sip should't be dejittered
02:26.11RoyKdejittering happens at endpoints
02:27.00puzzledRoyK: ah so if the * server is in the middle it basically should just pass the stuff on and leave it to  (in my case) the 7961's to take care of dejittering?
02:27.31puzzledgot it. thanks
02:27.36RoyKbut without the jitterbufferpatch
02:27.41*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
02:27.45RoyKasterisk will rewrite rtp timestamps
02:28.02RoyKwhich will fuck up any possibility to dejitter the data
02:28.11puzzledright. just what I was thinking
02:28.53RoyKbut the jitterbufferpatch includes a little one that passes on the timestamps
02:29.10puzzledany way I can see SIP-ZAP JB stats during a call?
02:29.41RoyKasterisk -gvvvvvc
02:29.57RoyKand then a green line comes up when the jb kicks in
02:30.13RoyKjust make sure you enable jb in chan_zap
02:30.27puzzlednever seen that one but this is on a local lan with hardly any traffic
02:30.32puzzledthe green line I mean
02:31.03*** join/#asterisk robeph (
02:31.20RoyKpuzzled: you'll see it if you configure it correctly
02:31.43puzzledRoyK: do I need to set jb-log=yes?
02:32.20RoyKno. that only creates rubbish in /tmp
02:33.03RoyKgood for debugging, but that's it
02:34.46*** part/#asterisk loldongs (
02:35.13groogsDoes anyone know anything about chan_bluetooth? the official svn for it seems to be gone, it was last updated in 2005 .. has anyone taken it over? (the 'lastest' snapshop doesn't compile against 1.2.13)
02:35.26puzzledRoyK: ok thanks. will mess with it a bit more
02:36.21RoyKpuzzled: it works, beleive me, we've been using that jb code in production since may or so
02:37.26puzzledRoyK: don't doubt that :)
02:42.42Un1xHmm, i wonder if i can switch the 2 FXO modules i have in my TDM400P with FXS ones
02:42.50Un1xor if there actualy solderied onto the board
02:42.58QwellUn1x: They're modules
02:43.18*** join/#asterisk DoktorGreg (n=Greg@
02:55.31*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
02:55.36TripleFFFFanyone use a cisco phone?
02:56.11TripleFFFFyou use with multiple providers ?
02:56.17TripleFFFFif so what firmware
02:56.25TripleFFFFcoz me its alwyas registering them to #1
02:56.51TripleFFFFthat user seems to have it to work
02:57.33*** join/#asterisk km- (
02:57.41tim27drwhy just dont connection your provider to your asterisk box...
02:57.54km-hey, does anyone here happen to know what context I'm supposed to pop outbound calls to on my nufone account?
02:58.08TripleFFFFcoz i got none @ home
02:58.12TripleFFFFinstalling now lol
02:58.25tim27drjust install asterisk
02:59.16tim27drtrixbox have a great GUI based to config your phones etc
02:59.57TripleFFFFno way
03:00.03TripleFFFFill install openpbx with a one line
03:00.08TripleFFFFextensions to my phone
03:00.58*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
03:01.04te_lo_meto_mamifunny newbie mistake
03:01.17te_lo_meto_mamii just wasted 10 dollars on g729 codec
03:01.21te_lo_meto_mamiand im using freebsd
03:01.29*** join/#asterisk scropia (n=Scorpia@
03:01.54scropiatengo un problema
03:02.14scropiaalgien puede ayudarme?
03:05.22mceGEEKi'm seeing msgs about SIP Express Router
03:05.24mceGEEKwhat is that
03:06.24TripleFFFFnow the hmm show config is cached in linksys ? its not redownloading the config from tftp
03:06.29TripleFFFFbut i see tftp serving it
03:06.35TripleFFFFi mean in cisco
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03:13.10mostyte_lo_meto_mami, do the non-digium g729 modules compile on freebsd?
03:13.44mostyor alternatively, doesn't freebsd have some sort of linux executable compatibility library?
03:16.24DrkShdwyes, it does.
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03:35.10DrCronwhy use g729?
03:37.27Un1xBecause, its Bandwidth efficient
03:37.28[TK]D-FenderDrCron : Top 2 reasons : Bandwidth, and maybe he has hardware that ONLY uses that codec.
03:37.30Un1xfor home users specificly...
03:37.50Un1xbecause if you have a corproate line you really dont need it unless you wanna cut costs on bandwidth,
03:37.55benjkbandwidth alone is not a good reason to use g729
03:37.59benjkthere's speex
03:38.02benjkits free
03:38.06Un1xbut home users id assume would want it if hardware supports it due to it being bandwidth efficient like me :P
03:38.19benjkthe only reason to use g729 is if you are forced to use it
03:38.26Un1xi got a 100KB upload so i prefer to use g729 then i can have more calls active as to with ulaw itd be getting 1 call only...
03:38.34DrCronspeek or gsm
03:38.36Un1xyou familiar with DISA?
03:38.55benjk*CLI> show application disa
03:39.40JTUn1x: there's not much to DISA
03:39.56Un1xJT, well err i got that but the context is whats making me weary
03:40.09Un1xbecause it needs a new context
03:40.21Un1xnevermind let me read then i'll know what im talking about :P
03:40.46JTwell it needs to look at a context to extension match
03:41.29benjkUn1x, there are also some examples for DISA on
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03:44.11[hC]can anyone explain why zttest would return either 100% across the board, or some crappy numbers, differing every time you simply kill and restart zttest?
03:45.01JTdo you reboot between attempts?
03:45.20[hC]its in a dell that also returns /dev/rtc issues upon boot
03:45.29[hC]if that is any indication
03:45.41JTany zap hw?
03:45.52[hC]ya, sangoma a200
03:46.02Un1xheh sorry guys its not DISA disas got like 4 lines to it its all its context and call routing that scares me because i want disa accissble, only by a person who dails the correct did not the other dids i have
03:47.50DrCronso set up a context for that DID
03:49.10[hC]any ideas?
03:50.02Supaplex[hC]: not involving duct tape and three crazed weasels?
03:50.25[hC]yeah... unfortunately ive only got two weasels in stock....
03:50.34Supaplexoh ok.
03:50.42[TK]D-FenderUn1x: You'll want to password it as well as seperate by DID.  You could alternately do DID + CID.
03:50.48Supaplexand they're only partially crazy.
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04:06.22Un1xD-fender for sure :P
04:08.55De_Mon<-- SIP read from
04:08.55De_MonOPTIONS;transport=TCP SIP/2.0
04:08.55De_MonRecord-Route: <sip:;transport=tcp;lr=on;ftag=fa65c1f0e8>
04:08.55De_MonFROM: <>;epid=8C-D4-0D-19-22;tag=fa65c1f0e8
04:09.09De_Monack thankyou irssi
04:09.53De_Moncan someone translate that debug log for me
04:10.26De_MonIt looks like is telling Asterisk SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
04:10.51De_Monbut im not sure why asterisk is looking for s in local
04:12.18JTprobably to do with sip.conf?
04:13.35*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
04:13.37De_Moneo-dev isn't supposed to be doing anything but checking the connection
04:14.04De_MonIP Peer did not respond to the PING request. The error code returned is 500 and the error text is I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (1/SL)
04:14.12converxanyone here can please share the file?
04:14.51De_Monconverx try #sendmail
04:16.52*** join/#asterisk _Vile (
04:18.13DrCrondoes asterisk have a module for challenge response authentication?
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04:27.30JTauthentication for what?
04:36.32DrCronvoicemail, that disa thing
04:36.42DrCronwhen you call in from a remote ptsn terminal
04:39.26JTso what do you mean challenge/response?
04:42.06DrCronum, it gives you a n digit code, you punch it into a device, you get a n digit code back to enter via dtmf
04:42.18*** part/#asterisk Phoenix^ (
04:42.40mostydrcron: you could write an agi script to do that, if you know what the algorithm is
04:43.23JTyeah it doesn't come with that, a little too difficult for most users
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04:50.30mostyif i have the name of a variable $x stored in $y how can i find the value of $x ?
04:51.27awannabecan someone tell me why that doesnt work!?! exten => _XX,1,Set(CALLERID(ALL)=${IF($[ ${EXTEN} = 400]?Foo BAR<12343216554>:Normal Name<1234565555>}
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05:05.16leprechaucan anyone reccomend a good third party PSTN connection service?
05:05.25leprechauare there any 3rd party commercial IAX services?
05:06.49leprechauI have a client that I would like to do an askerisk install for....but they are not interested in bringing in any phone lines....they only have data services
05:07.08leprechauand are currently using aptela ...but would like to have more control themselves
05:10.30awannabeleprechau: teliax does IAX
05:10.38awannabei use them on a very very small scare with no issues
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05:13.00Un1xwhere is a good place
05:13.08Un1xto get 18** dids
05:13.41fx0black market.
05:14.17QwellI don't think 8** is valid NANPA
05:14.24QwellNANP rather
05:15.04jbotit has been said that nanpa is North America Numbering Plan Administration:  an integrated telephone numbering plan serving 19 North American countries that share its resources.  Regulatory authorities in each participating country have plenary authority over numbering resources, but the participating countries share numbering resources cooperatively.  ...
05:15.13*** join/#asterisk wunderkin- (
05:15.24[hC-]is there a way to boost vmail volume when people listen via handset?
05:15.31[hC-]i have a patch for email
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05:17.45leprechauawannabe, what have you heard about VoIPJet ??
05:17.56awannabeleprechau: used em in the past, were total crapo
05:18.01Un1xanyone been having problems with voicemail on Slackware?
05:18.04fx0_nothing but nice things about john
05:18.08leprechauouch :/
05:18.10Un1xdue to the mpg321 instead of mpg123
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05:18.21awannabeUn1x: ive had none yet
05:18.32leprechauawannabe, so your reccomendation would be teliax?
05:18.35Un1xi dont know man i dont get any sound its pissing me off
05:18.40QwellWhy would voicemail be using mpg123?
05:18.50Un1xI dont know ask fx0_
05:19.12leprechauthe current usage load will be about 20-30 total phones and prolly 15 max simultaneous conversations
05:19.27leprechaunothing large
05:19.48awannabewell they charge 2 cents a minute
05:20.32awannabeper channel
05:20.33awannabeive had good luck with them, had a account for about a year or so
05:21.06leprechauand they are worth the double price in your oppinion over someone like voipjet?
05:21.12mostydoes anyone know of a good little soho router that has reasonable qos? this is for a 2M/2M cable internet connection
05:21.12awannabei never really found a ton of companies that did IAX, tons of SIP, but IAX is kind of iffy it seems
05:21.39awannabevoipjet sounded like you were making calls while on a jet! its a great name for them!
05:21.53leprechauwell would i be better off having the local asterisk box SIP proxy out instead of IAX out?
05:21.56awannabei had more issues then i could count, crappy termination, disconnects, etc, etc
05:22.06awannabeIAX can tranverse a firewall uber nice
05:22.28leprechauwell the asterisk box will have direct T1+ connectivity
05:22.29awannabeand good for wan links cause it can compress
05:22.33leprechauso that's not a huge issue
05:22.42awannabeis this housed in like a data center/
05:23.22leprechauguy has a bonded T1 data connection... 3Mbps link
05:23.51awannabei would check to see if you get good ping times to their sites
05:24.08leprechaubut doesn't want to bring in any voice lines....and wants voip internally for i gotta do voip external to someone for PSTN connectivity
05:24.28awannabeyeah, i think your going to spend a arm and leg though
05:25.00leprechauwell right now he is using aptela and spending $20/mo per phone
05:27.54awannabei guess it depends on usage
05:33.25leprechauteliax has a 2500 minute plan for $40/mo
05:33.30leprechauthat's pretty decent
05:33.48awannabebut, thats one concurrent call
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05:34.21leprechauright...but don't multiple concurrent calls counted the same minutes of all calls == total minutes?
05:35.11mostydoes anyone know how to do the equivalent of php's $$x with asterisk variables?
05:35.36mostyie use the value of a variable to access another variable
05:35.39leprechaulike if sam, sally and joe all are on the phone at the same time.... sam talks 5 ... sally 4, and joe 10 .... total minutes are 19 .... right?
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05:50.04[TK]D-Fenderleprechau : 1 concurrent call means if you try a 2nd call you get refused.
06:01.53Un1xhow long is 1500 MS
06:01.54Un1xin seconds
06:02.01Un1xexten => s,1,Answer()
06:02.01Un1xexten => s,2,Dial(Zap/1,60)
06:02.01Un1xexten => s,3,Playback(vm-isunavail)
06:02.01Un1xexten => s,4,Playback(vm-intro)
06:02.01Un1xexten => s,5,Voicemail(s89)
06:02.03ShadowHntr1.5 seconds
06:02.05Un1xthats my contex but
06:02.09ShadowHntrms = milliseconds
06:02.11Un1x- Nobody picked up in 15000 ms
06:02.13ShadowHntr1/1000 second
06:02.13Un1xthis happens
06:02.19ShadowHntr15000ms = 15 secs
06:02.24Un1xso why is it cutting the phone off in 15 seconds
06:02.28Un1xwen i have 60
06:02.35Un1xexten => s,2,Dial(Zap/1,60)
06:03.55JTyou don't know what a milisecond is?
06:04.16Un1xi know what a mili second is dont know how to convert into seconds
06:04.43JTwell you can't if you don't know how to convert it, mili = thousandth
06:04.50ShadowHntrdrop 3 zeroes
06:04.54JTso divie by 1000
06:05.02ShadowHntror move the decimal place to the left three places.
06:05.02Corydon76-homePerhaps you're looking at the wrong context
06:05.58*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
06:06.04Corydon76-homeDo you have a context where the Dial timeout is 15 seconds?
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06:11.55[TK]D-FenderIts like I always say.... there are 3 kinds of people in the world... those that know math.. and those that don't...
06:13.17JTthere are 2 types of people in the world, those that say "maths" correctly, those that don't :D
06:14.07*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
06:14.19benjkthere are 10 types of people, those that understand binary and those that don't
06:14.41Un1xguys any idea why this isn't working
06:14.44[TK]D-Fenderbenjk : base 13 FTW
06:14.47Un1xplease help guys :P
06:15.21[TK]D-FenderUn1x : How about you tell us what PART isn't working there...
06:15.31benjkthere are actually only two types of people ... those who divide people into two types of people and those who don't
06:15.36Un1xi called that did
06:15.39Un1xand i get person unavailable
06:16.08Un1xhere is my extensions.conf
06:16.09[TK]D-FenderUn1x : what you showed us means NOTHING then.  Check your inbound context.
06:16.21Un1xfor some reason when i call my did it says person unavailable
06:16.27Un1xand im in console as well i see no activity
06:17.02[TK]D-FenderUn1x : The problem is current in your channel definition.
06:17.16Un1xso how do i fix it?
06:17.30Un1xoutgoing calls are working perfectly just the incoming in the default context are having problems
06:17.39Un1xwhen i remove the did beside the answer and everything calls come in fine
06:17.44[TK]D-FenderUn1x : You haven't shown it yet.  Time to wake up....
06:18.42Un1xD-Fender i just pasted you all of my extensions.conf man :(
06:18.47Un1xits in there
06:19.00*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work] (
06:19.18[TK]D-FenderUn1x : And I just told you that your problem is in your CHANNEL definition.  that means sip.conf, zapata,conf, etc, depending on where the call is coming in from.
06:19.28*** join/#asterisk heison (
06:19.42[TK]D-FenderUn1x : Your extensions.conf isn't even coming into play.
06:19.47Un1xsee if i replace this exten => s,1,Answer()
06:19.47Un1xexten => s,2,Dial(Zap/1,45)
06:19.47Un1xexten => s,3,Playback(vm-isunavail)
06:19.47Un1xexten => s,4,Playback(vm-intro)
06:19.47Un1xexten => s,5,Voicemail(s89)
06:19.57Un1xif i replace the s with my did
06:20.14Un1xor is the s supposed to be the number im calling from?
06:20.22heisonhi there... i have cdr_odbc running on one box which I setup years ago... i'm trying to replicate on a new box but i can't recall how cdr_odbc was built...
06:20.44[TK]D-FenderUn1x : Look at you damned sip.conf entires to see where they point.  then if everything looks right, turn on sip debug and see what your provider is calling to send you calls
06:21.02heisonI check asterisk/cdr/Makefile on the machine that has, and compare that to my new box... they are identical
06:21.24[TK]D-FenderUn1x : GET YOUR ASS OUT OF EXTENSION.CONF.  Is that clear enough for you?  You ar barking up the wrong tree.
06:21.35*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
06:22.19[TK]D-FenderUn1x : pastebin your sip.conf substituting only passwords.
06:24.13*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
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06:24.49Un1x[TK]D-Fender ther you go
06:26.06[TK]D-FenderUn1x : You did not tell them what exten to dial into you with in your register line
06:26.32[TK]D-FenderUn1x : register => <-
06:26.48[TK]D-FenderUn1x : * most likely told them to send calls to "s".
06:27.04BSDTechwhat does asterisk use from x11 ?
06:27.09[TK]D-FenderUn1x : For which you have no match in [default]
06:27.19BSDTechis the lib really neede ?
06:27.24Un1xahh so i just gotta add my did after the .net?
06:27.38Un1xbut D-Fender i have more then one DID...
06:27.46Un1xthen if i put one did there where will the others go?
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06:29.29Un1x[TK]D-Fender : so how do i solve this problem how do i tell them what exten to dail into instead of using 's'
06:29.52[TK]D-FenderUn1x : more than 1 DID on that registration?
06:30.08orlockUn1x: have you specified anything on your REGISTER line?
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06:30.12Un1xcan i do more then one did on that registration?
06:30.13orlockuhh, register, even
06:30.35Un1xhow do devide them : | ; or ,
06:30.47orlockUn1x: how many numbers are assigned to that account?
06:30.53Un1xregister =>
06:30.55Un1xlike that?
06:31.03[TK]D-FenderUn1x : no, you can only pass 1 value
06:31.08orlockjust the one
06:31.18orlockUn1x: do you have multiple DID's on that one SIP account?
06:31.36[TK]D-FenderUn1x : You didn't answer my question.  Do you have more than 1 DID coming inbound from that provider?
06:32.02orlockUn1x: asterisk determines the DID based on the account in the INVITE, not the To:, and your ISP will probably be specifying the DID in the To:
06:32.10orlocki actually think thats a bug in asterisk
06:32.31orlockbut i am not sure if the RFC specifys it, and there is a workaround
06:32.46Un1x[TK]D-Fender yes i have 2 dids coming from that provider
06:32.54orlockUn1x: on the one account?
06:32.57Un1xand one from did-ww as you see at the bottom
06:33.00hadsParse the header
06:33.10Un1xhow so?
06:33.32heisonah... found it... need odbcinst.h which I do not have installed... it's part of unixodbc-dev (I have only installed unixodbc)
06:33.35orlockSipGetHeader and SipSetHeader, or theres another function now i think
06:34.13Un1x[TK]D-Fender ?
06:34.28[TK]D-FenderUn1x : did-ww and splitinifinity appear to be 2 different places....
06:34.41Un1xYes, i have 2 dids from splitinfinity and 1 from did-ww
06:34.54Un1xso total of 3 but to you answer youre question about splitinfinity yes i got 2 from them
06:34.59[TK]D-FenderUn1x : Also you context setups in sip.conf are backwards.  you use "user" to recieve calls against, and "peer
06:35.10[TK]D-Fender" to send calls.  you have defined them backwards.
06:35.58Un1xD-fender the did from did-ww is only incoming not outgoing service i can only receive calls from that provider
06:36.14[TK]D-FenderUn1x : If your provider has a guide, or are listed on the WIKi I suggest you go over their samples again.
06:36.21[TK]D-FenderEither way I've got to hit the sack...
06:36.28Un1xalright man gnite
06:38.23*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
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07:16.07Un1xSigh anyone know of 8** did provider
07:16.10Un1xtoll free did providers
07:17.14rob0Oh I think there are many. Asterlink, for one.
07:17.35rob0By 8** ITYM toll-free?
07:17.47*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
07:17.55Un1xrob0 yes
07:17.59jbotmethinks nanpa is North America Numbering Plan Administration:  an integrated telephone numbering plan serving 19 North American countries that share its resources.  Regulatory authorities in each participating country have plenary authority over numbering resources, but the participating countries share numbering resources cooperatively.
07:18.18*** join/#asterisk redebr2818 (n=rede@
07:18.39DrCronactually only a 800 and 888 are toll free in the 8xx block
07:19.00rob0877, 866?
07:19.14*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
07:19.20Un1xso list some...
07:19.50DrCronalmost any DID provider will do it
07:20.46DrCronvoipjet,, broadvoice
07:27.49benjkDrCron, not true
07:28.39benjk800, 855, 866, 877, and 888 are all for toll free use, 855 not being deployed yet, 866 still lacking overlay codes, but all of them are toll free
07:29.42benjkit depends on the service provider how they customise their offer, what you pay for incoming calls on those though
07:30.44benjkin order to keep cost as low as possible, many providers offer 8xx toll free services such that only callers from within the same country can call the number, so as to avoid the international charges for calls from other NANPA countries
07:31.44benjkthis means that in some cases you cannot call a toll free number directly, but you have to use an overlay code, in which case both the caller and the called party pay
07:33.00benjkfor example if you want to call an 800 number restricted to US48 from Canada, you dial an overlay code instead of the 800 code and then it is not toll free to you, but the 800 number is toll free from within US48 area codes
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07:39.41DrCronsorry, i forgot 55 and 66
07:39.56DrCronbut most of the 8xx codes are not
07:45.38*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
07:48.03Un1xfuck i have bad lucky
07:48.22Un1xi cant even find one god damn 18** provider that doesn't want u to sign up to there shit like voicermail etc
07:48.24Un1xor other services
07:50.01DrCroncheck voip-info
07:50.07DrCronthey have a listing
07:51.16Un1xthere listing has been truncated recently
07:51.19Un1xi clicked all
07:51.23Un1xwell the retailer ones
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07:57.38benjkDrCron, only 800, 855 (not implemented yet), 866 (overlay codes not implemented yet), 877 and 888, yes
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08:38.31HaMYaIhas anyone had a problem where outgoing sip calls get sent to default context?
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08:39.59HaMYaIseems like it's the authentication problem
08:40.30Un1xhamyai paste youre extensions.conf and we can see what might the problem be
08:40.38Un1xotherwise no one will even both responding to you :P
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08:48.01phonetalkhello everybody
08:48.09phonetalki m having a little problem in ss7
08:50.13Un1xOkay, guys how would i get a specific phone on a specific channel to use a specific carrier what would the syntax be for the context
08:50.40phonetalkanybody here experience with asterisk-ss7 ?
08:54.44*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (
08:55.58JTphonetalk: what on earth are you using ss7 for?
08:56.23*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (
08:57.14HaMYaIUn1x: should I paste the sip.conf instead?
08:57.38phonetalkJT: its because of my PSTN
08:58.18HaMYaIUn1x: the call hasn't actually been authenticated
08:58.21*** join/#asterisk websae (
09:00.44HaMYaIand there's no link between user's context and the default context either
09:01.47Un1xHaMYaI ask JT
09:02.48*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
09:03.26HaMYaIJT: I am having a problem where outgoing sip calls get sent to the default SIP context but it only happens not very frequently
09:04.06HaMYaIJT: you know where I should start looking at in order to solve this problem
09:04.38HaMYaIUn1x: well, don't think he's awake
09:06.35JTwhat do you mean by an outgoing sip call?
09:08.07phonetalkanybody experienced with ss7 here ?
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09:12.17HaMYaIJT: I am using SIP softphone to dial out
09:12.54HaMYaIadded this user to sip.conf and set context=user-context
09:14.47HaMYaIJT: This works fine generally but sometimes the calls were sent to default context set in the [general] section of the sip.conf
09:15.42HaMYaIno realm parameter is set in user's setting but in [general] section
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10:13.52merbananif asterisk 1.4 doesn't open the sip port what do I need to configure ?
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10:21.01phonetalk2anybody have experience with asterisk-ss7 ?
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10:22.46vooduhalAnyone alive?
10:22.46darkskiezprobably not many folk, best get support with digium for that specialist topic
10:23.57zoai dont think digium supports it yet
10:24.07zoaits best to subscribe to the asterisk-ss7 mailinglist
10:24.08zoaand try there
10:24.28dlynes_laptopand the asterisk-ss7 list seems to be sparse at best
10:24.42vooduhalCan anyone suggest a way to do the whole, "Enter the extension you'd like to dial followed by the # key" and have it either wait for the # and then dial the extension or timeout and dial what was entered?  My dialplan currently just as _XXXX and as soon as they enter the 4 digits it starts going but the prompt we have recorded says to follow it with #.
10:25.04darkskiez_XXXX# :)
10:25.16vooduhalThat doesn't account for the timeout though.
10:25.56vooduhalIf they enter just 1234 it will jump to either i or t depending.
10:26.24vooduhalNm.. Just found a way.  Looks like Read can do what I want.
10:28.39MrChimpygood morning
10:28.51MrChimpyanyone running asterisk in x86_64 build?
10:29.18zoafor 2 year or so already
10:29.20zoaworks fine
10:29.23MrChimpydo you use zaptel?
10:30.07zoacheck your kernel timing
10:30.22zoaah i have no experience with wanpipe
10:30.34MrChimpykernel timing would sound feasible
10:31.17MrChimpyit's playing alaw sample, the stuff works on 32 bit build on other boxes
10:31.28MrChimpysample plays about 4x too slow with loads of clipping
10:31.29*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
10:31.48*** join/#asterisk henrique (
10:32.22zoatry the kernel timing thing
10:32.27zoaive seen similar things before
10:33.46merbananI get Registration error 405 when I try to register to the asterisk server, the accounts are listed correctly, what can be wrong ?
10:34.56jeremy_gmerbanan:what does 405 mean?
10:37.04merbananit is a sip error code for the "Method Not Allowed" message
10:42.08jeremy_gMrChimpy: :) how do you do
10:42.52*** join/#asterisk jamiem (
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10:47.02tparcinahi channel!
10:47.29tparcinahow can I tell competer to reboot tonight at 2AM?
10:48.15dlynes_laptop0 2 * * * /usr/sbin/shutdown -r now Now!!!
10:48.18dlynes_laptopin your crontab
10:49.20tparcinadlynes_laptop: anything else except crontab?
10:50.03dlynes_laptoptparcina: you could run something silently in the background as a daemon that wakes up at 2am
10:50.13dlynes_laptoptparcina: but why bother when you have cron?
10:50.24dlynes_laptoptparcina: also, you can use the 'at' command
10:52.05tparcinadlynes_laptop: echo reboot | at 2am
10:52.15jeremy_ghi tparcina
10:52.31tparcinadlynes_laptop: I think I'll use that one
10:52.43tparcinajeremy_g: hi jeremy
10:52.56jeremy_gtparcina:hows your work going
10:53.07jeremy_gtparcina:yeah use at, cuz u need one time rebboot
10:53.21tparcinajeremy_g: what my work?
10:53.27dlynes_laptoptparcina: is it every night you want to do that, or only tonight?
10:53.42tparcinadlynes_laptop: only tonight
10:53.49dlynes_laptoptparcina: ah..yeah...use at then
10:55.21tzafrirtparcina, why not with a cron job?
10:55.39tzafrir@reboot sleep 86400; reboot
10:56.25*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
10:56.42tparcinatzafrir: thank you for sugestion
10:57.59*** join/#asterisk ruskie (n=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
10:58.43tzafrirtparcina, the @reboot one? it was not serious. Consider what happens if you reboot once during the day
10:58.46*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:00.36*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (n=roy@
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11:05.34asterisk_babyim having problems registering sip users on my godaddy server (fedora 4)
11:07.01_omerany suggestions??
11:08.06jeremy_g_omer:you seem to be asking whether asterisk supports refer method?
11:10.34*** join/#asterisk SoftIce (
11:11.21SoftIcehi could anyone tell me here, if I install freepbx for gui for asterisk will it mess with my zaptel conf ? as its taken me ages to get the isdn modem working and all the modifications ive mad to zaptel
11:11.48jm|workSoftIce, just back up /etc/asterisk and /etc/zapata.conf ?
11:11.54asterisk_babyhelp plz
11:12.12*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
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11:12.38jeremy_g_omer:asterisk does support refer method
11:13.16SoftIcejm|work: ye I ca do that, but overwriting /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf and /etc/zaptel.conf with what ever freepbx does
11:13.22SoftIcewill that cause freepbx not work?
11:14.36zapp-braniganhi the Open Source G.729 ? where can i donload the license ? the txt say    register to intel site but i can't find this ...
11:16.35*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
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11:23.54asterisk_babyneed help
11:24.58RoyKasterisk_baby: if unable to register sip users, first doublecheck everything, then try to make a sip debug
11:26.09hadsSome clients have trouble with non-standard ports.
11:26.17*** join/#asterisk xAD (i=doddo@
11:27.16*** part/#asterisk xAD (i=doddo@
11:27.48asterisk_babyroyk: i just compiled everything again..checked the sip debug too its still the same
11:28.17RoyKwhat does 'sip debug' say?
11:29.26asterisk_babyi see nothing.. no activity
11:29.48*** join/#asterisk Omer (i=Omer@
11:30.38RoyKwell, then no data reaches the box
11:32.32RoyKasterisk_baby: and don't contact people privately unless it's private. this is support
11:32.53*** join/#asterisk vIR_uS (
11:34.57asterisk_babyalright RoyK. the requests are coming on my pc
11:35.10OmerFOP is not showing anything that who is calling or who is on the line
11:36.27jbotAn XSL formatter written in Java that outputs PDF. URL:, or the Flash Operator Panel
11:39.14*** join/#asterisk jm|work (
11:41.01asterisk_babyi meant the requests are NOT coming on the server
11:41.07asterisk_babyroyk: any ideas?
11:41.22Omeri just checked it
11:41.25*** join/#asterisk jm|work (
11:41.45Omerits working fine for local users but not for external users
11:42.15asterisk_babyhelp me guys :(
11:42.30RoyKasterisk_baby: fix your network
11:42.53RoyKif the packets aren't arriving at the server, there is NOTHING asterisk can do about it
11:43.53zoadoes anybody here have sample support contracts for PBX'es ?
11:44.26asterisk_babyi tried registering it on the server itself.. register => .. but even that doesnt works
11:45.16*** join/#asterisk myiagy (
12:01.03*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
12:01.27EmleyMoorDo Zap channels support caller ID boxes?
12:02.59MrChimpyin that i can make a call out on a zaptel port and see clid on my phone
12:03.25MrChimpymay depend on your interface and provider, and also config
12:03.28EmleyMoorHow about on calls bridged to Zaptel ports?
12:05.00EmleyMoor(e.g. an incoming call - can a caller ID box on the Zaptel port show caller ID, if the dialplan is programmed appropriately)
12:05.02*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
12:06.30MrChimpyyep afaik
12:06.56MrChimpyi've done various bits of bridging and it passes CLID as it should without extra stuff
12:07.01EmleyMoorAny examples of how, assuming UK incoming line and UK equipment?
12:07.13MrChimpyit'lll just work
12:07.22MrChimpyyou using analog equipment?
12:07.48MrChimpyah. probably your zaptel/zapata config then
12:07.53MrChimpyi'm using E1s
12:08.08MrChimpydo you have CLID working at any level?
12:08.22MrChimpydo you see the variables set correctly in dialplan when people call in?
12:08.49EmleyMoorWell, it gets passed to softphones, and it's presented on the incoming line. I can't answer the last point until my replacement FXO module arrives
12:09.06MrChimpytry #asterisk-uk for advice on this
12:09.20MrChimpymay well be provider stopping you setting a CLID
12:09.31EmleyMoorI don't want to set it
12:09.55MrChimpyso your problem is CLID just not appearing on outbound analog calls?
12:10.08EmleyMoorNo, nothing to do with outbound
12:10.44*** join/#asterisk phonetalk (
12:10.53EmleyMoorMy query is about how I can handle incoming CLID and how I can display it on British equipment designed to do so but plugged in on the inside
12:11.44MrChimpyoh. I'd expect it can.
12:11.53MrChimpybest mailing list it.
12:15.55*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
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12:23.05EmleyMoorMy FXO module has arrived
12:33.50EmleyMoorWhat a pain to fit!
12:35.45*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
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12:39.13EmleyMoorWell, the permissions fixed the "asterisk doesn't run at startup"
12:52.26*** join/#asterisk tRSS (n=tRSS@
12:55.06*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
12:55.18joelsolankiI have installed sangoma's wanpipe. installation is sucessful. but how do i configure the sangoma card.
12:55.39joelsolankiwancfg: Error in File: menu_hardware_probe.cpp, Function: run(), Line: 174. Text:
12:55.48joelsolankiFailed to get Card Type from selected card line!! line: AFT-A200-SH SLOT=8 BUS=2 IRQ=193 CPU=A PORT=PRI
12:55.57joelsolankiany help plz
12:56.00tRSSI am having a hard time getting my TE110P to work with the channel bank. i had the card and the channel bank working on another machine before I moved it onto this machine.
12:56.04RoyKA104 and so
12:56.39joelsolankiA200 sangoma with 8 analog ports
12:58.33*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
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13:12.53acidoverflowdoes anybody know what to do against increasing lags i get now and then?
13:13.50acidoverflowlike this IAX2/101-35      101         00035/26986  00063/00061  lag:17220ms  0025ms  0086ms  ulaw
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13:19.48zoaacidoverflow: disable the iax2 jitter buffer
13:20.14*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
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13:20.55acidoverflowzoa i had it disabled, just enabled it yesterday as probably solution ... but it didn't help
13:22.42zoahey ho coppice
13:22.44acidoverflowwhen the lag in iax2 show channels is around 17000ms and i do a normal ping from the server to the client or vice versa the ping is under <1ms
13:24.00coppiceanyone use mediatrix boxes?
13:24.14acidoverflowit normaly happens 1 hour after the client is bootet and from then on every hour the lag increases and after 5 minutes when starting nxt call its back to normal
13:25.00*** join/#asterisk kimmimy (
13:29.36javarhi coppice
13:29.37*** join/#asterisk TypMic1004 (
13:29.37javari have a mediatrix 1204
13:29.37coppicethe 1204's T.38 looks like total crap. is the whole box that bad?
13:29.37zoai think it is
13:29.37zoai hate them
13:29.37zoai had some
13:29.37zoaand started to really kick them
13:29.37zoathey used to be snmp only to configure
13:29.38*** join/#asterisk oej (
13:29.38zoai gave up after a week
13:29.38zoahey ho
13:29.38oejhey ho
13:29.39*** join/#asterisk DeeJayTwo (
13:29.39coppicemost of the weird stuff we've had so far with T.38 has been with mediatrix boxes. I'm just starting to work through the issues
13:29.57DeeJayTwoI just insatlled 1.4b3 but I need some fax detection on it lik nvdetect did
13:31.24kimmimyhello , If I buy many sip accounts and register to asterisk server  , and then lets user call pass this asterisk  , how its called this way  ?  registra server ?
13:31.24DeeJayTwothe nvdetect stuff doesn'T seem to compile on 1.4 unfortunately...
13:31.24*** part/#asterisk TypMic1004 (
13:33.26kimmimyhello , If I buy many sip accounts and register to asterisk server  , and then lets users call pass this asterisk  , how its called ?  registra server ?
13:35.59EmleyMoorWhat do I type to see the details presented on my Zap channel?
13:40.06*** join/#asterisk reber (
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13:48.57EmleyMoorHow do I see if asterisk can see incoming CLID?
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13:50.44in-ptI got problem in starting asterisk-1.4.0-beta3..its like this
13:50.48in-pt[Dec  7 13:44:47] NOTICE[29428]: cdr_radius.c:258 load_module: Cannot load radiusclient-ng configuration file /etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf
13:51.04in-ptthough i had disabled cdr loggings in cdr.conf filew
13:51.30in-ptcan anyone give any suggestion???
13:52.29in-pti dont want to do anything with radiusclient-ng with asterisk
13:53.09darkskiezwhats the problem ?
13:53.21darkskieznoload the module
13:53.31darkskiezor delete it
13:54.36in-ptthanks darkskiez its working now
13:55.43jmesquitaAnyone has problems with ticket 7765?
13:57.17*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
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14:16.52EmleyMoorI'd like to see if asterisk can get the caller ID on incoming Zap calls - what do I need to do to see it?
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14:30.57joelsolankican anybody help with installing sangoma ?
14:31.03joelsolankii have A200 sangoma card
14:31.18joelsolankii have installed it correctly. wanpipe driver is installed.
14:31.52*** join/#asterisk SnAzZpOp (
14:32.03joelsolankiwanroute hwprobe gives me output for AFT-200--SH
14:32.10joelsolankinow how do i configure ?
14:32.18joelsolankiany docs / hints
14:33.12*** join/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
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14:39.45*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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14:42.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
14:42.22*** join/#asterisk Agimat2K4 (i=0@
14:43.02*** join/#asterisk stresscool (
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14:43.25Kattygosh so quiet :<
14:43.36mercestesHi, Katty
14:43.41Kattyello, mercestes
14:43.52stresscooli try to record a message for my queue, but when i do that it's happen this mistake
14:44.03stresscool“Unable to add /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/test.wav
14:44.05mercestesI missed you.
14:44.09Kattydid you?
14:44.13mercestesI did.
14:44.15Kattymercestes: i still have no clue who you are :P
14:44.17Agimat2K4hi all
14:44.31KattyAgimat2K4: hihi
14:44.34mercestesstresscool:  did you check for the existance of that folder and permissions?
14:44.36Kattystresscool: did you hug it?
14:44.44Agimat2K4hi katty
14:44.45mercesteskatty:  You remember that cute guy?  at that place?  you know, the one you were hitting on.
14:44.51Kattymercestes: mew?
14:45.04Kattymercestes: i love everyone equally.
14:45.07mercesteskatty:  that blonde guy...oh come on, you remember.
14:45.10Agimat2K4katty wer from?
14:45.17Kattymercestes: i dun like blondes :<
14:45.31mercesteskatty:  well I was the guy *next* to know, the one you were hitting on.
14:45.36stresscooli use trixbox on sme7 with php4.3.9 freepbx 2.1.1
14:45.37mercesteskatty:  with dark hair.
14:45.48Kattymercestes: are you a canadian?!
14:45.48mercestesstresscool:  try #freepbx
14:46.01mercesteskatty:  eh?
14:46.07Kattymercestes: umm, umm..
14:46.12Kattymercestes: i need more hints, apparently.
14:46.55*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_3rd (
14:48.14hmmhesayswalker texas ranger
14:48.22hmmhesaysis on right now
14:49.27Kattyhmmhesays: mew.
14:49.36Kattyhmmhesays: you recorded any new stuff lately?
14:49.58hmmhesaysKatty: not as of late
14:50.04hmmhesaysI could though
14:50.43*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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14:50.48Kattymorning anthony (=
14:50.57Kattyhmmhesays: you should.
14:51.08Kattyhmmhesays: it'd give ya somethin to do, other than chase girlies around.
14:51.21xnon_asterisk en español? #asterisk-ve
14:52.58hmmhesaysKatty: haha
14:54.59Kattyhmmhesays: in other mews, do you know of a terminal based yahoo client that will work with asterisk?
14:55.21*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
14:55.36hmmhesaysdoesn't really have to work 'with' asterisk cause you can do a system call with asterisk
14:56.13Kattybut i still need one just the same.
14:56.20hmmhesayswhats google tell ou?
14:56.21Kattycause, clearly, i need to be spammed everytime the phone rings.
14:56.27hmmhesaysof course
14:57.09Kattyi found centericq.
14:57.32hmmhesaysthat maybe
14:58.10Kattybutbut, centericq has more client support.
14:58.15*** join/#asterisk bigjb (n=nnbigjb@
14:58.45DeeJayTwohow can I detect fax with asterisk 1.4 on iax channels?
14:59.25hmmhesaysKatty: I dunno I just pulled that off google
14:59.35mercestesDeeJayTwo:  Must you *detect* fax or can you use dedicated IAX #'s?
14:59.36Kattyhmmhesays: kay.
15:00.57*** join/#asterisk celosdedma (n=celosded@
15:02.37hmmhesaysI think i'm going to make a pizza
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15:05.26xnon_anybody can help me! i need some help i was probe all tutorials and i can finish nothing! i have a problem with de polarity detecction! whe a people make a call near movil or other PSTN line and latter hang up Asterisk cant recognized this action
15:05.38xnon_and continue the call!
15:06.24Kattyhmmhesays: i want some.
15:06.53tim27any consultant here can help me with a DID inroute problem with a sip provider... i use freePBX and i have paypal to pay
15:07.33mercestesI like his
15:08.20mercestesWhat's your inroute problem?
15:10.05hmmhesaysyeah people should be willing to pay more
15:10.45mercestesIndeed...but now that I'm offering him help.....he's not talking to me..:/
15:11.00hmmhesaysoh i'd help him too
15:11.01mercestesmaybe he read the topic and went away.
15:11.04hmmhesayscause i'm poor
15:11.11tim27mercestes: my provider sent the DID info in the TO: field of the sip headere
15:11.33tim27they alway sent the principal DID number in the INVITE field
15:12.11mercestestim27:  By DID, you mean ..the number they dialed?
15:12.18tim27they say they use the INVITE field for the account number who it also the pricipal number
15:12.40tim27By DID i'm mean my 3 numbers on my sip account
15:13.03tim27if i dial 18198502523 they will sent like this...
15:13.28tim27INVITE: SIP 18198502520@ TO: 18198502523@
15:13.55mercestestim27:  That looks right to me.
15:14.00tim27and 18198502520 is the principal number
15:14.33*** join/#asterisk pif (
15:14.39mercestestim27:  here is a question, if *I* dial 18198502523....
15:15.03mercestestim27:  Will you still get INVITE: SIP 18198502520@ TO: 18198502523@
15:15.38mercestestim27:  Or are you getting that because you are dialing from 18198502520 or your CID is set to 18198502520.
15:17.39*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
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15:21.25mercestestim27:  Maybe you should post yoru extensions.conf to and then give us an example call, and an explanation of what yoru Sip/UId's are.
15:23.49mercesteshi, puzzled
15:25.00*** join/#asterisk HarryR (
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15:27.41hmmhesaysmercestes: thats not going to help much, if he's using freepbx, gonna be a mess
15:28.53*** join/#asterisk badcfe (
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15:30.03mercesteshmmhesays:  Yea, I know, but I hate to trust #freepbx to know everything.
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15:30.31badcfehello, is there some way on detecting that the RTP has disapeared and then destroy the bridge and both call legs?
15:31.14mercestesbadcfe:  I am going to surmise that you are complaining about a "hung" sip call.
15:31.28badcfemercestes: you can name it so
15:31.33mercestesbadcfe:  I'm also going to guess that if a sip call is "hung" then the RTP stream would still be present, but not transmitting anything worthwhile.
15:32.09badcfemercestes: nope.  i guess the RTP is not present -- as i physically breaks my eth cable.
15:32.13mercestesbadcfe:  Try canreinvite=yes.  That should allow the phones to establish a direct RTP stream from peer to peer and "drop" once they are no longer recieving RTP.
15:32.26mercestesbadcfe:  you what?
15:32.53badcfemercestes: to test i detach the ethernet cable.  the sip call is still there, in asterisk.
15:33.11badcfemercestes: since there is no BYE ofcourse.  and i cant do re-INVITE here.
15:33.30mercestesbadcfe:  so you set up a call...and then unplugged the phone?
15:33.33badcfemercestes: do you say that having * in between the peers induces this issue?
15:34.06badcfemercestes: exactly.  i unplug just to see if * detects RTP is gone and kills it.  * doesnt.
15:34.08mercestesbadcfe:  no, I said that by removing * from between the peers you could resolve the issue by offloading it, I never said * was causing it.
15:34.53mercestesbadcfe:  *stares*  What version of * are you running anyways?
15:34.56badcfemercestes: * continues sending RTP to my sip friend even if it doesnt receive any.
15:35.05badcfemercestes: * v 1.2
15:35.14mercestesbadcfe:  1.2.?
15:35.18mercestesbadcfe:  or BE?
15:35.34badcfemercestes: not BE.  Asterisk 1.2.13
15:35.41mercestesSame version I'm running.
15:35.45mercestesI have *GOT* to see this happen.
15:35.47mercestesone sec.
15:37.48*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
15:37.54mercestesWell I'll be a monkey's uncle.
15:37.56tim27my principal number is 8198502500... this is what happend on the server when i call the phone number 8198502523
15:38.34badcfemercestes: you get to provoke the same behaviour?
15:39.00mercestesbadcfe:  Yea, I did.  Call still shows in show channels.
15:39.03*** join/#asterisk lilalinux_ (n=plasma@
15:39.06mercestesbadcfe:  I'd bug report that one.
15:39.15badcfemercestes: and your sip phone.  what does it tell ya?
15:39.31mercestesbadcfe:  Nothing.  Just silence.
15:39.44mercesteshowever, when the "other" end hangs up, it does destroy the channel
15:39.55*** join/#asterisk spyda (
15:39.58mercestesI am assuming that a full lock condition would only occure if both phones were unplugged.
15:40.30mercestesstill bug report worthy if there isn't another bug similar to that one.
15:40.51*** join/#asterisk ESCulapio__ (n=ESCulapi@
15:41.27mercestesAsterisk should be handling that for you in that case.
15:41.34ESCulapio__I have problem with h323 out call
15:41.50ESCulapio__Called 2090@
15:41.50ESCulapio__Dec  7 11:40:31 ERROR[18785]: ast_h323.cxx:169 void PAssertFunc(const char*): Assertion fail: Null pointer reference, file h225_1.cxx, line 431, Error=115
15:41.50ESCulapio__Dec  7 11:40:31 ERROR[18785]: ast_h323.cxx:169 void PAssertFunc(const char*): Assertion fail: Invalid cast to non-descendant class, file h225_1.cxx, line 431, Error=115
15:41.50ESCulapio__Fallo de segmentación
15:41.52mercesteshmm...I recreated on 1.0.9 though.
15:42.33mercestesmy 1.2.13 isn't online yet but I trust your seeing the same behavior.
15:42.40De_MonWhat does this SIP traffic tell you?
15:43.33De_MonEither asterisk, openser or Exchange is having issues and I can't really tell
15:43.43bkw_I bet on asterisk
15:45.24tim27mercestes: you have a clue
15:45.59mercestestim27:  Yes.  Exactly what errant behavior are you seeing?  What is getting screwed up?
15:46.49tim27i'm not able to route call to did
15:50.48*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
15:50.57DeeJayTwoHow can I detect incoming fax on a iax channel with asterisk 1.4?
15:51.41mercestesDeeJayTwo:  I so asked you a question a long time ago...and even found a WIKI with an example on IAX2.
15:51.56frenzyusing IAX2 wont receive a call unless I set the string in the context to s,1,Dial(SIP/123)
15:52.14frenzyI want it to go to 123,1,Dial(SIP/123)
15:53.22DeeJayTwooh sorry didn't see the answer..
15:53.52mercestesDeeJayTwo:  Google asterisk cmd faxdetect   and it's the WIKI hit.  It even has an IAX example.
15:54.06*** join/#asterisk mkrufky (n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky)
15:55.13De_MonI have asterisk setup in a callcenter and want supervisors to have the ability to monitor calls, and to break into established SIP calls. What's the best way to make that happen?
15:55.30mkrufkyis atcom harvesting email addresses from the asterisk / digium mailing lists ?
15:55.52mkrufkyi got a solicitation from them about an X100P clone
15:56.21zoai didnt get one yet
15:56.25mercestesDe_Mon:  try the operator Flash Panel.  rewrite it..make it open source.  Share with the rest of us.
15:56.30mkrufkyi'll fwd it to you if you want to see
15:56.53mkrufkybut i cant think of any way they would have gotten my email other than harvesting from the mailing lists
15:57.14*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
16:01.03mercestesDe_Mon:  Oh, sorry, you said "best" not "easiest."  Look up zapbarge barge I think.
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16:04.07mercestesDe_Mon:  zapbarge and Chanspy.
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16:06.04De_Monmercestes chanspy doesnt let you break into the call, just listen
16:06.04DeeJayTwomercestes : it talks about the NVFaxDetect which I already use on 1.2
16:06.09DeeJayTwobut it doesn't compile on 1.4
16:06.12DeeJayTwothat's the problem..
16:07.37badcfemercestes: do you think that "RTP dead=>call hung" issue is address till release of * 1.4?
16:08.51mercestesbadcfe:  I don't know, I'd never heard of it before.  Search the bug reports.
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16:14.55vader--does anyone know if it's possible to speed up or slow down the audio of a voicemail? or is there a way to enable that option? We have an old avaya system which would allow you to adjust the playback rate of the voicemail so you could catch what people were saying.
16:17.02mercestesvader--:  that would require you to have that functionality in the audio player handling voicemail, which I believe is internal to *.
16:17.37mercestesvader--:  So it's *possible* but not without altering internal code.
16:18.35*** join/#asterisk queuetwo (
16:18.41mercestesvader--:  What you would need is to have asterisk use an external player with that functionality either via commandline or API and then create system commands in extensions.conf to pass the audio player the required interaction to adjust it's playback speed.
16:19.31mercestesvader--:  Or you could just get an Fxs card and make it interface with your avaya system voicemail and just use it.
16:19.36*** part/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
16:21.35vader--ok ill just tell them no then
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16:27.49Xen^mog : arroun ?
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16:35.15frk2hey people
16:35.37frk2anyone willing to shed some light on my random E1 issues?
16:36.03frk2and why on this particular PRI i keep on getting a Yellow alarm back?
16:36.07*** part/#asterisk jm|work (
16:36.43frk2it runs PERFECTLY and then i get yellow alarms on all channels and the whole PRI resets itself
16:37.01mercestesfrk2:  Does it run perfectly after that??
16:37.09frk2runs perfectly after that as well
16:37.13mercestesfrk2:  Are you sure that's not normal?
16:37.33frk2dude- all the calls drop out.. so its not normal
16:37.38mercestesfrk2:  there is an issue with PRi that sometimes results in hung channels and the "fix" for it is to call a full reset of the PRI.
16:37.49mercestesfrk2:  oh, well the dropping of calls is *not* normal.
16:37.51frk2and besides... i have 4 other PRIs working.. just this one keeps on throwing the random yellow alarm
16:38.11frk2dude this happens every 5 minutes
16:38.14frk2sometimes 15
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16:38.27mercestesOk ok ok, I just said it wasn't normal..:P
16:38.45frk2so am i the only one with this issue?
16:38.57mercestesIs it possible something is wrong with the PRI itself?  What happens if you move it to another card?
16:39.17frk2I dont have another card
16:39.35mercestesfrk2:  I thought you said you had 4 other working PRis?
16:39.47frk2yes at different clients
16:39.53mercestesfrk2:  ...
16:39.56mercestesfrk2:  oh.
16:39.57frk2same telco though
16:40.10mercestesSwitch out the card and see what happens.
16:40.19frk2you think its a bad card?
16:40.27frk2could it be a bad connection to the mdoem?
16:40.35mercestesIt could.
16:40.50mercestesIt could be monkeys peeing on your E1 line at this point, I don't know.
16:41.06mercestesI am going to assume your configs are correct...because you ahve 4 other workign E1s
16:41.10frk2i thought about little piranhas chewing away at the telco though
16:41.16mercestesand I'm going to assume the Telco is saying there is nothign wrong with their E1.
16:41.34frk2yes, thats what the telco always says though
16:41.48mercestesso my next troubleshooting step would be to switch out the card.  If it works, buy yourself a drink.  If not, then I would reject the E1 with the Telco
16:42.23frk2I was thinking of installing a Hardware PBX like panasonic just to show the telco
16:42.24mercestesfrk2:  I would not dismiss a possible error in your configs, but I'm also guessing that you probably copy pasted from one installation to another just to be safe.
16:42.51frk2yes.. but im wondering if different exchanges of the same telco are running different configs
16:43.49mercestesfrk2:  Not if it's the same E1 setup
16:44.09*** join/#asterisk danbrwn (n=danny@
16:44.10mercestesfrk2:  different on their end I'd wager.  Not likely too different on yours
16:44.55mercestesfrk2:  I've seen T1's occassionaly just drop carrier for no damned reason and the Telco swear it was a clean connectino otherwise....until I got an engineer giong "holy crap!  Your entire T1 just went down for a full 48 seconds!  WTF?  how long has it been doing that?"
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16:58.57danbrwnanyone with experience with aastra 480i sip
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17:10.19tRSSI unplugged and replugged my TDM400P w/ 4 FXO and now I am getting a 'Freshmaker failed register test' error? Anyone knows about this problem?
17:11.20mogtRSS, it is possible sign of a bad card
17:12.22tRSSbut it was working just fine. I took the card out, cleaned the connectors and put it back in
17:13.34tRSSi am going to unplug the card, since, I really don't need it anymore.
17:13.43mogyou might try powering off and making sure there isnt a short or other issue
17:16.08*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|work (n=Nothing@
17:16.24tRSSi am going to do that now... but thanks for the help mog. really appreciate it.
17:16.48Dr-Linux|workhow can i change voicemail application messages?
17:18.04frk2sorry got distracted
17:18.07frk2okay some more info
17:18.27frk2This PC which has the T1 card has two other TDM-400ps attached to it
17:18.39frk2its i take out the TDM 400ps, the E1 works a whole lot better
17:18.45frk2the HDLC messages disappear
17:18.56frk2ANd the yellow alarms are less frequent
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17:42.30tim27yout here
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17:50.56danpwhat's the problem?
17:52.06*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
17:53.14tim27danp: check this
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17:53.46tim27when i compose 8198502523, they invite my server as 8198502500 , because they say its my principal number.... and they say they pass the DID infos in the TO: fields
17:54.15*** join/#asterisk BSD_Tech (
17:55.43danphow does that mess things up?
17:56.01tim27freepbx look in the invite field to route DID
17:56.47tim27so i will need someone to do a special context that will look in the TO: field ... of the sip header to match the DID ... and route all call based on the DID that was composed...
17:56.55danpahh, i see. is there a way to look inside the SIP headers?
17:57.39danp${SIP_HEADER(TO):5:11} perhaps
17:57.55tim27what the 5:11 mean
17:58.45danpthat should give you back the prefix and extension of the number (like 5551212)
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18:00.50tim27to it possible to do it
18:00.52danpthat's not'd want 5:15 to get the whole number
18:01.28tim27danp: do you know free pbx
18:02.13*** join/#asterisk Robyn (
18:02.42danpi'm familiar with asterisk
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18:08.29tim27so you are also familiar with freepbx... its just a GUI that make diaplan
18:08.37tzangerasterisk doesn't support sRTP yet does it?
18:08.47OneBinarythis may be beyond the scope of this chan, but anybody know of a good place i can get royalty free music for MOH?  or org?
18:09.06danpi'm not familiar with freepbx specifically, no. it uses extensions.conf/ael, though, right?
18:09.27EmleyMoorAre there any notes on using a caller ID display unit on a Zap channel?
18:09.43naftali5tim27, u need help w/ freepbx?
18:10.16danpOneBinary: maybe
18:10.43tim27i need routing DID from a sip provider based on the TO: field and the the INVITE field in a special context
18:10.50OneBinarydanp: 99% of those sites you have to pay for the royalty free music (kind of an oxymoron)
18:12.00naftali5tim27, your provider doesnt give you DIDs?
18:12.19tim27but they call this virtual number
18:12.31naftali5you tried DID inbound routing?
18:12.36tim27but the prob is that they link all this to the main account
18:12.45tim27check this and you will understand
18:13.16danpOneBinary: i've used stuff from before but it's pretty cheesy
18:13.28tim27when i compose 8198502523 ... they send the invite 8198502500 ... because they say it my main account...
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18:13.44tim27they say they send DID infos in the TO: fields
18:15.17naftali5one trunk set up for all your dids?
18:15.22danp, see Crossed Incoming SIP Lines
18:16.11tim27yes one trunk for all the dids
18:16.16*** part/#asterisk ruinous (
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18:17.26tim27danp ... i think we are near a solution
18:17.33naftali5tim27, i was going to suggest what danp said. It should work. give me a minute and i'll rewrite it for freepbx
18:18.36tim27they are a very sucking provider... :(((
18:18.42*** join/#asterisk Digivoice (n=ronaldo_@
18:20.13tim27danp... that exactly what i need. to do... put my trunk it this special context...
18:20.22tim27it will check the TO field...
18:20.32tim27and route the did from the TO field...
18:21.40frk2tzanger asterisk DOES support srtp
18:21.44frk2through libsrtp
18:21.57frk2never got it to work myself though
18:22.01frk2need a srtp phone
18:23.56*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
18:24.20tzangerfrk2: oh I did not know that
18:24.26tzangerdo the polycoms have sRTP support?
18:24.28frk2yeah man
18:24.34frk2i think the 601 does
18:24.41frk2snoms got it
18:26.01tzangerthank you
18:26.41naftali5tim27, if you didnt get it set up yet
18:26.50frk2this is the shit you really wanna see
18:26.58naftali5[from-babytel] exten => s,1,Set(FROM_DID= ${SIP_HEADER(TO):5:11}) exten => s,n,Goto(from-trunk,s,1)
18:27.52tzangerthere were some references before to recording a LOT of simultaneous calls with asterisk
18:30.07tzangerI thought it was ManxPower
18:31.52tim27naftali5: doing it like this will not overwrite... all the FROM_DID...
18:32.21*** join/#asterisk te_lo_meto_mami (
18:32.27naftali5no the start of [from-babytel] means make this new context in extensions-custom
18:32.37naftali5then put that as the incomin context for that trunk
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18:32.57tim27ha ok
18:33.03tim27so all things will work
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18:40.47hmmhesaysyou figure out your problem tim27?
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18:50.39Kattyhmmhesays: i'm getting ready to start on my project!
18:53.00mercestesKatty:  Good luck with that! :)
18:53.10SheriF_SpacEKatty: if i may ask what kind of project ?
18:55.32KattySheriF_SpacE: the kind of project that makes people ask questions. ;)
18:55.53mercestesShe's trying to take over the world.
18:56.59KattySheriF_SpacE: it has to do with centericq
18:57.11mercestesIt involves the evolution of a new language based loosely upon english called "Kitty" in which the consonant noun combination "mew" is gratuitiously integrated into everyday words.
18:57.14rob0I thought the world was already overtaken?
18:57.27mercestesIt's a mew standard of communication.
18:57.38SheriF_SpacEKatty: lol i can see best luck :-)
18:57.41mercestesHey katty, comewnication.  add it to the dictionary..:)
18:57.59Kattyrob0: hush, dear.
18:58.01*** join/#asterisk KD-Misafir270 (n=KD-Misaf@
18:58.20mercestesmew-hahaha...It's an evolution.
18:58.48mercestesmew cannot resist.
18:59.05mutmew 2!
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19:02.34BSDTechok in a dial plan
19:03.14BSDTechhow do I make a exten check a id and pwd from a conf file with out a agi ?
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19:03.42BSDTechI am writing a custom chanspy
19:03.59BSDTechand it needs to check user id and pwd to allow
19:04.12De_MonBSDTech you can do that in the dialplan
19:04.15BSDTechand I want to store them in chanspy.conf
19:04.46De_MonBSDTech er, it would be easier to use a database
19:04.50BSDTechhow ?
19:05.04De_Monor use agent pins/passwords
19:05.08hoobastoob1I am doing a ps aux | grep asterisk and I am seeing something strange....
19:05.27hoobastoob1what causes these additional processes to start /usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvg -c
19:05.41BSDTechbut not all agents get chanspy
19:05.43hoobastoob1asterisk is running as 3723
19:05.49BSDTechI want it for managers only
19:06.23De_Monthen make agents with an agentiD 1XXX is a manager or something simple
19:06.42mercesteshoobastoob1:  Asterisk is running as root...
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19:07.22mercesteshoobastoob1:  What is the strangeness, other than your running asterisk as Root?
19:07.26De_Monpbx*CLI> *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x081866a8 **
19:07.40naftali5hoob, the easiest way to run as asterisk is amportal restart
19:07.55hoobastoob1the multiple processes are what confuse me. should there not only be one?
19:08.17mercesteshoobastoob1:  Depends on your load.  If * gets overburdeneed it seems to manage to chain off new processes of itself.
19:08.41mercesteshoobastoob1:  Somewhere around 10-20 you start running into problems.
19:08.59BSDTechI want it to be like disa
19:09.12mercestess/start/can start
19:09.23Kattyhmmhesays: :>>>
19:10.36hoobastoob1mercestes: do you know, is that CPU or ram that gets overburdened?
19:10.49BSDTechthis is what I am doing now but want to cut out the perl agi
19:11.29mercesteshoobastoob1:  Depends on where yoru bottlenecks go.  I'm not 100% sure why * chains off new processes.  It could be whenever it fails to respond, it could be just in response to load, it could be threading.  I don't know.
19:12.15hoobastoob1interesting... but i should be able to kill all processes but the original one and be ok right?
19:12.42mercesteshoobastoob1:  ...erm.  Well, attaching to one asterisk process via CLI will give you output from all * processes, so they are linked together.
19:13.02mercesteshoobastoob1:  I'm not certain killing any one of them would be wise...they should self terminate as load decreases.
19:13.17hoobastoob1i will see if it does, thank you
19:13.22mercesteshoobastoob1:  NP..let us know.
19:13.24*** part/#asterisk jmls (n=asterisk@
19:14.00BSDTechsorry had to fix a few things
19:14.06De_MonBSDTech yave you looked at
19:14.11BSDTechbut how would I rm the agi
19:15.27BSDTechok but 2 parts have to be stored the id and the pwd
19:15.54mercestesBSDTech:  why?
19:16.16BSDTechmanagers are given id's and pins
19:16.25BSDTechhow the company wants it
19:16.43mercestesCan't just use one pin for all managers?  Not like your gonig to do any logging of who listens to what channel.
19:17.09BSDTechthey want every manager to have his own id and pin
19:17.10mercestesSo there is no reason to have multiple ID's and PIN's.  But you can still do tha tin exten.conf
19:17.14De_MonBSDTech do your managers have a way to join a call in progress?
19:17.35mercestesBSDTech.  have an extension background a (please enter your PIN number).  
19:17.41hmmhesaysmanager redirect into a meetme conference
19:17.59mercestesBSDTech:  then exten => ID_NUMBER,1,AUTHENTICATE(PIN_NUMBER)
19:18.09De_MonI have it setup so managers phones are able to chanspy, managers just have to keep their phones secure.
19:18.12mercestesBSDTech:  Basically use the "ID" as an extension.
19:18.30BSDTechthey just want chanspy for now and told me how they want it and I am trying to code it if you look at the pastebin
19:18.42BSDTechcant use exten
19:18.46mercesteswhy not?
19:19.01BSDTechmanagers have to be able to loginfrom any phone and enter thier id and pwd
19:19.27mercestessec, let me code it in pastebin so you can see.
19:19.44BSDTechedit what I have done to understand
19:19.49De_Monexten => Read(${MANAGERID} ... s,n1,GOTO(${MANAGERID})
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19:20.01De_Monoh man I jumbled that up
19:20.30De_Monexten => s,1,Read(${MANAGERID} ... exten => s,1,GOTO(${MANAGERID},1)
19:20.33BSDTechI want to get away from agi
19:21.04BSDTechdid you look at what I have working
19:21.09De_Monexten => <managerid>,1,Authenticate(PIN_NUMBER)
19:21.31De_Monare you paying any attention to what we are suggesting
19:21.49BSDTechyes but its not making sense from what I have learned
19:21.52De_MonI like the authenticate(/etc/asterisk/${MANAGERID} method myself
19:22.15*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
19:22.24mercestes1111, 2222, 3333 are your manager "IDs"
19:22.34mercestes1234, 4567, and 7890 are your PIN numbers.
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19:23.35BSDTechI guess the way I do it will have to do
19:23.43BSDTechwith the agi
19:23.52mercestessomething is wrong with your brain.
19:23.57BSDTechadding loads of exten is not the answer
19:24.18BSDTechI want it to read the id and pwd from a file
19:24.21De_Monno, writing modules to do something the dialplan is perfictly capiable of doing is much better...
19:24.25BSDTechits the proper way
19:25.47BSDTechlet me show you more
19:25.50BSDTechhold on
19:27.08BSDTech this is what I modeled it after
19:27.20De_Monhow about that
19:28.42De_Monif your managers all have agent ids that follow a specific patern you can test if the ID matches that patern and then authenticate using the agentID pin
19:30.04BSDTechI guess I will have to rewrite my agi in php .  my disa module works perfectly allowing staff to work from home when neede
19:30.21*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
19:30.24BSDTechit checks the voicemail.conf for exten and pbd
19:31.12BSDTechow ell thanks
19:31.47BSDTechand your free to use the disa module if you like
19:33.32*** join/#asterisk ComPuTeR (n=ELif__@
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19:34.14BSDTechexten => s,n,Authenticate(/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf|${id_num}|${id_pwd}) whold this not work
19:34.42BSDTechbut change voicemail to chanspy ?
19:34.43*** join/#asterisk Ashura (
19:36.53BSDTechwout that auth line work ?
19:37.20BSDTechexten => s,n,Authenticate(/etc/asterisk/chanspy.conf|${id_num}|${id_pwd}) whold this not work
19:38.18*** join/#asterisk atSquiGgs (
19:38.24atSquiGgshey guys
19:38.52BSDTechno responce O well
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19:40.51atSquiGgscan someone explain how you get over users wanting to have 20 buttons they can push to dial other people in the company when you switch to voip phones?  Just use the directory or memorize the extentions?
19:41.28awannabeatSquiGgs: yeah or use a phone with programmable keys. people are lazy and want speed dials!
19:41.59atSquiGgslol.  The polycom 601 has the expansion module, but that is 500 bucks for a phone a dock.  Are there any better solutions?
19:42.07awannabesnom 360
19:42.11atSquiGgsdo you think it will hold back people accepting the technology?
19:42.11awannabe200 for phone, sidecar is 100
19:42.40atSquiGgsfor a polycom 601?
19:42.55awannabeno no, a snom 360
19:43.47naftali5grandstream gxp2000 has sidecar option, cheap
19:44.07awannabeyeah, IMHO the grandsstream look like a cheap POS
19:44.21atSquiGgsgrandstream phones suck!
19:44.25atSquiGgswell I think so anyway
19:44.43naftali5true, but some ppl like the old ksu look&feel
19:46.08*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
19:46.11BSDTechbut you are limited to 3 sidecars
19:46.15BSDTechright now
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19:46.31BSDTechand 2 with the grandstream gxp2000
19:46.52atSquiGgsthey are coming from a partner system so it's very different
19:47.27atSquiGgsthe partner 18d
19:47.38atSquiGgsdo you guys like the polycom 501 and 601 phones?
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19:49.59atSquiGgsso what do these large companies do?  just make everyone remember the extensions?
19:50.37BSDTechI like them alot
19:50.53BSDTechall great phones
19:51.26atSquiGgswhats the point of having mulitple lines?  don't you just make them all the same extension anyway?
19:51.51atSquiGgsLike why buy the 601 over the 501, just for extra lines? and you can use the sidecar?
19:52.04naftali5yes sometimes, but it makes it easier to juggle calls
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19:52.33atSquiGgscan you explain that?  I think I'm just missing something here
19:54.31naftali5get a call, next call rings on the next key. you can place first on hold take second
19:55.20atSquiGgswhat about incoming/outgoing lines?  I have two customers that I'm thinking about this for.  One has 3 lines now, that would be using a Digium TDM04B(fxo) card right?  What about a customer that has 12 lines?  They are coming from the T1, what card would I buy for that?  3 of the TDM cards? or can I get one card that will handle it all?
19:55.31naftali5see the first still on hold on the first key, hit transfer, then a key on your sidecar to xfer to another exten, get back to key 1
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19:55.53atSquiGgsthank you naftali5
19:56.04naftali5digium has T1 cards
19:56.13marlowhowdy folkgs
19:57.08atSquiGgswhat card would you recommend? or anyone for that matter
19:58.09naftali5or if you already have a channel bank for the T1, you may want to get TDM2400
19:58.32naftali5 handles 24 analog lines
19:58.45atSquiGgsWe already have a channel bank
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19:59.18atSquiGgsso that beast just plugs right into our t1 channel bank?
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20:00.00naftali5if it works well, you may want to just go with the tdm2400p which can handle 24 analog lines (from channel bank or other)
20:01.33atSquiGgsI think that is what I would use for the T1 setup
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20:02.26Qwell[]only problem there, is if you ever add more T1s, it's much harder to stick two of those cards in the box
20:02.38hmmhesaysuse external gateways
20:02.39Qwell[]can get much higher density with T1 cards
20:02.41atSquiGgsso I could buy one of those cards and get this and then plug whatever into it?
20:03.04atSquiGgsQwell I see what you are saying
20:03.22hmmhesays2500 bucks for a 24 port fxs fxo sip gateway
20:03.44atSquiGgshmmhesays - do you mean for the card alone?
20:04.08hmmhesaysi'm saying instead of a card in ther asterisk box
20:04.14afrosheenwouldn't it be cheaper to go Sangoma A101dm to a PRI box locally?
20:04.31afrosheenbut that requires a card..
20:04.48atSquiGgshmmhesays - i'm not sure what you are talking about, can you link something?
20:05.14hmmhesaysweren't you looking for a way to get 24 analog lines to your asterisk box?
20:05.34atSquiGgsyeah, I just didn't understand what you mean by a sip gateway
20:05.40atSquiGgsisn't that an asterisk box
20:05.49atSquiGgsas you can see I'm new to this
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20:07.01afrosheenatSquiGgs, there would be a standalone box that the 24 analog lines go into..then asterisk connects to that via a special card
20:07.16afrosheenthat's one way to do it at lease
20:07.20atSquiGgsoh ok
20:07.21afrosheens /lease/least
20:07.29hadsGateway usually refers to PSTN in Ethernet out.
20:07.32atSquiGgsright now they only have 12 lines, so it would take awhile to get to 24
20:07.45atSquiGgsthis is what you are talking about right,
20:08.04hmmhesaysi was talking about a stand alone sip gateway what handles the pstn connection, then it is sip between that box and asterisk
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20:10.25BSDTechexten => s,n,Authenticate(/etc/asterisk/chanspy.conf|${id_num}|${id_pwd}) whold this not work
20:10.42BSDTechwill it not read into the fill and match the info ?
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20:10.55[hC]anyone experienced a problem w polycom where  the phone starts to get really slow and sluggish, for example when dialing, then soon after reboots/crashes?
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20:11.19BSDTechHC what ver of firmware what model poly
20:11.23afrosheen[hC], yeah details
20:11.45[hC]1.6.7 and an ip601 w/ 3 expansion modules
20:12.01Kattyhmmhesays: i got it to work :>
20:12.09Kattyhmmhesays: asterisk is spamming my yahoo client ^_^
20:12.16hmmhesaysKatty: great
20:12.22Kattyhmmhesays: it's hotttt.
20:12.25Kattyhmmhesays: in a very slow way.
20:12.31hmmhesayswill you pet my brain?
20:12.47[hC]BSDTech/afrosheen: any ideas why or how to fix?
20:12.47BSDTechsounds like te firmware might have a bug
20:13.07BSDTechI use 2.0.1 firmware
20:13.26[hC]has the 2.x stuff been stable enough?
20:13.26BSDTechand looking for 2.03 wich is out
20:13.28afrosheenexpansion modules? are you talking about the sidetrain thing for secretaries?
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20:13.46[hC]afrosheen: yep
20:13.46BSDTechthey are called sidecars
20:13.56Kattynow if only i knew what protocol the microsoft IM server thingy used.
20:13.57afrosheensidecar, sidetrain, sidetrack, whatever
20:14.10hmmhesaysKatty, sip capable i believe
20:14.23mercestesFrom what I've read, it is sip
20:14.23afrosheenhave you done the vulcan neck pinch to clear the flash memory yet?
20:14.26Kattyhmmhesays: mew?
20:14.36hmmhesaysKatty: google msn sip
20:14.39Kattyhmmhesays: i just want to send ims that says ${callerid} blahblahblah etc
20:14.48hmmhesaysyou'll find some guides on using msn messenger with asterisk
20:14.58Kattyhmmhesays: but..but...that's slowwwwwwwwww.
20:15.06Kattyhmmhesays: it'll take forever to get through the msn network.
20:15.13*** join/#asterisk spunz (
20:15.14Kattyhmmhesays: i want it nownownow!
20:15.25hmmhesaysit should be near instant
20:15.27Kattyit takes like 10 seconds to get it from asterisk to the yahoo client
20:16.00Kattyi'm doing an echo "foobar" | centericq asdkjflaksjdf
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20:16.07De_MonBSDTech thats what the docs say it will do
20:16.15Kattyis that not a good way to do it?
20:16.17afrosheen[hC], that question about the neck pinch was for you
20:16.44Kattyhmmhesays: so i figured if i could setup an internal IM server...
20:16.44[hC]afrosheen: hah no havent done that
20:16.45De_MonBSDTech authenticate just reads a list of valid pins from <file>
20:16.47Kattyhmmhesays: it would go faster.
20:16.54Kattyhmmhesays: and not spaz out if our internet was down, etc.
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20:17.15De_MonBSDTech it doesnt match it with user names, so 1 file = userid and many valid pins
20:17.34BSDTechcrap ok
20:17.34Kattyhmmhesays: irc is too complicated for our receptionist
20:18.07Un1xDec 8 03:21:10 WARNING[10421]: pbx.c:2415 __ast_pbx_run: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'inbound'
20:18.10De_MonBSDTech thats why I was using /etc/asterisk/managers/${ext_num}
20:18.12Un1xwhy do i keep getting that :(
20:18.39rob0IRC is too receptive to complications!
20:19.09afrosheen[hC], if you can figure it out, give that a shot, it's the best reset for the phone
20:19.21hmmhesaysKatty: set up a jabber server
20:19.25[hC]afrosheen: will do. i may do that then upgrade to 2.x
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20:28.44mercesteskatty:  how come you never talk to me on yahoo anymore?
20:31.53hadsUn1x: Because there was a timeout but there was no t extension perhaps?
20:32.35Un1xi finished up cleaning my extensions.conf and got disa to work as well with a perfectly well context :)
20:32.56hmmhesaysdisa is cool
20:33.22Un1xhey is there any free Hello msgs from disa by default
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20:34.28hmmhesaysUn1x: use cmd playback before disa
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20:36.13Un1xhmmhesays, i know that im asking about the soundfiles lol
20:36.58hmmhesaysgo to the wiki and look at the sound files additional page
20:38.06Un1xlink please ;P?
20:38.22hmmhesaysgoogle sound files additional
20:38.34*** part/#asterisk hoobastoob1 (n=ckwall@
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20:39.35Un1xheh there is nothing good
20:40.48afrosheenwhat about the super high quality sound files..where did those go
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20:41.35Un1xwhere are those
20:41.58atSquiGgswhat a good phone for a conference room?
20:42.59Un1xPolycom Soundstation
20:43.14atSquiGgsthe 4000? or 100?
20:43.33hmmhesayswhy do you need a super high quality file when it gets transcoded down anyway
20:45.39ManxPowerMe: "So where is the other end of the Frac Data T-1 going?".  Telco: "You don't have a Frac Data T-1, you have 6 pots lines and 384k of internet."  Me: *sigh*
20:46.57ManxPowerMaybe next time the office admin guy will listen to me when I say "run all telecom contracts by me before signing them"
20:48.03Un1xi dont know wich one is analogue one wichever one is analogue is the one i'll get because
20:48.06Un1xi dont have a digital card
20:48.09Un1xi got the TDM400P
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20:57.51brianhey is there anyway to make the DTMF in a meetme be quieter
20:59.06afrosheenmeetme seems like a forgotten module at this point :(
20:59.23ManxPowerbrian: I didn't know that DTMF was supposed to be transported in MeetMe
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21:02.40brianwell it is
21:03.21brianthere has to be a way to silence the channels
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21:03.37blitzragejust mute them (listen only)
21:04.02brianits kind of hard to mute them BEFORE they press the DTMF
21:04.23brianthe module shouldn't really broadcast it to all the participants :(
21:04.37ManxPowerare you sure it's not just a DTMF mode problem.
21:04.46ManxPoweri.e. Asterisk is set for rfc2833 and the device is inband?
21:05.05ManxPowerthat would explain meetme hearing dtmf
21:05.26brianit might be
21:05.48brianbut i also have it set that if a user presses a certain button it exits the meetme conference
21:05.56brianand then returns them back to it
21:06.05brianlike to get user count
21:06.16ManxPowerbrian: does that work?
21:06.28brianbut it broadcast the DTMF
21:06.38brianhow do I change the DTMF mode though its probably that
21:06.53ManxPowerchange it on the phone and set dtmfmode=rfc2833 in sip.conf
21:07.41brianit is already rfc2833
21:07.55brianu sure i don't need inband
21:09.26brianManxPower: i'm not calling using a sip phone
21:14.19linlinwhat is an MGCP gateway ?
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21:17.49brianI try to change to inband and nothing works at all.
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21:23.37ManxPowerbrian: well what tech are you using?
21:24.12jbotrumour has it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
21:24.12ManxPowerbrian: Asterisk and phones do not magically figure out what dtmf mode to use.  You need to set it on the device and on the server.
21:26.21danpmight i also recommend pastie:
21:27.40blitzrageno way, .ca is better! :)
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21:28.46zoawussie eh?
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21:29.26afrosheencanada FTW
21:29.35mercestescanada is silly
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21:31.20mercestesThere  :)
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21:35.05StyleWarzHey guys
21:36.18StyleWarzis there any hardware for asterisk which allows me to attach isdn phones directly to my asterisk pbx? it looks kinda stupid if i sell my customer an asterisk solution where he needs a new ntba (dunno what that is in english) for every two phones :)
21:36.27zoathere are
21:36.39zoafor example the digium b410p
21:37.05zoamr gayanalfisting
21:37.06StyleWarzi almost forgout about digium *headbang*
21:37.16StyleWarzhrhr ;)
21:37.16zoathere are more cards
21:37.16zoadepends on how much you want to spend
21:37.34zoaall HFC cards should work
21:37.41zoathe cheapest one is some USB thing
21:37.45zoagazelle or so
21:37.48*** join/#asterisk bageddy (n=chatzill@
21:38.12StyleWarzzoa: well my customer is quite in the mood to spend good money for a good solution
21:38.21StyleWarzzoa: but digium only has 4-port cards :(
21:38.25zoaGazel 128 USB modem
21:38.27zoais the only 1 port
21:38.37zoathe best one by far is the digium
21:38.40atSquiGgssee ya guys
21:38.46zoabecause it has the on board octasic
21:38.57StyleWarzzoa: i want to connect 6 isdn phones, 1 isdn to analog terminator, and one for outgoing calls over PTP
21:39.09*** part/#asterisk atSquiGgs (
21:39.16zoacheck the big beronet cards then
21:39.20StyleWarzzoa: so i would need 2x b410p, right?
21:39.21*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
21:40.07StyleWarzzoa: with the beronet one's i won't need an NTBA?
21:40.42*** join/#asterisk slayer192 (
21:40.43zoai have no clue what an NTBA is
21:41.28StyleWarzetwork termination for basic access
21:41.45StyleWarznetwork even
21:42.14zoaNT i know
21:42.18zoathey can do NT
21:42.22zoaall hfc cards can do NT
21:42.27StyleWarzyeh i know that =)
21:42.28zoabut i dont know the BA :)
21:42.46StyleWarzit is the little box you put inbetween your multipointlink which makes your s0 bus
21:43.01zoai think you will need one
21:43.14StyleWarzwell then i can also stick with the junghanns octobri
21:43.30StyleWarzzoa: so there is no way to connect s0 phones directly to my asterisk? :(
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21:44.12StyleWarzHrmpf, this is ugly because my solution looks like "self-made" ;)
21:44.24StyleWarzbut well
21:44.29StyleWarzwith those beronet i won't need them
21:44.38StyleWarzi can enable the 100 ohms for each port
21:44.46StyleWarzso i could leave it out
21:44.50zoaberonet or junghanns should be pretty much the same
21:47.46*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=jlq@
21:50.18mutwhat're polycom phones default passwords?
21:50.27mut& username
21:55.06ManxPowe1mut: Depends on which one you are asking about.
21:55.11ManxPowe1456 is one of the default passwords
21:55.47mutdefault user?
21:55.55linlini need someone with experence with MGCP
21:56.29ManxPowe1mut: no default user for the phone interface via the keypad.  What SPECIFIC default user/pass do you need?
21:56.42mutweb admin
21:56.58ManxPowe1This is in the Admin Guide
21:57.05ManxPowe1As is everything else you want to know.
21:57.07mutthat works
21:57.17muti dun have the admin guide
21:57.27muti just have a user trying to login with an invalid username and password
21:57.30mutevery 60 seconds
21:57.31ManxPowe1Well get it!
21:57.37mutso i'm killing their config
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22:03.04zoahey ho manxy
22:03.54mercestestry googling polycom admin guide
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22:09.38M_atQuickie: If I have a PRI card and nothing plugged into it should that be anough to cause * to stop loading at chan_zap ?
22:10.39M_atOK - I have a bigger zaptel config problem then :)
22:11.11M_atif I don't have the "channel => 25-47" line in place it doesn't complain but of course I have no PRI channels
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22:13.43tzangerM_at: did you run ztcfg? does /etc/zaptel.conf match?
22:14.57M_atCan someone suggest a alternative - it's down currently
22:15.07linlinhelp me out here
22:15.08linlinDec 7 16:14:52 NOTICE[621]: chan_mgcp.c:1654 find_subchannel_and_lock: Gateway '' (and thus its endpoint 'aaln/1') does not exist
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22:15.15linlinwhat would you do if you got that error
22:15.28linlin192.168.1.103 = my asterisk box by the way
22:15.37mercestes<jbot> rumour has it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
22:15.37mercestes<danp> might i also recommend pastie:
22:16.18mercesteslinlin:  I would google that error and see what it meant and how to fix it.
22:16.28M_atztcfg -vvvvv output :
22:17.19M_atzaptel.conf :
22:18.10M_atzapata-channels.conf :
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22:20.00M_at./var/log/asterisk/full :
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22:33.32*** join/#asterisk Weezey (n=ohno@
22:34.22WeezeyWhat's the best way to make your sets stay online in the event of a hardware failure?
22:36.27WeezeyDo I run two asterisk boxes with Linux-HA?  Or does something like SER allow for a cluster of front-ends?
22:37.50Supaplexoh that kind of hardware failure. :p
22:38.03SupaplexI thought you were speaking of the handsets
22:38.23Weezeyheh, nah, if a handset is down, it's down.  I'm talking network-wide.
22:46.16rpmhow do i execute more commands in my dialplan after the a meetme conference is over?
22:46.42CunningPikeWeezey: Take a look at Asterisk-at-large in The Wiki
22:46.49jbotsomebody said thewiki was at
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22:51.26Kattybye bye (=
22:56.00*** join/#asterisk FWP (n=FWP@unaffiliated/fwp)
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22:57.08hoobastoob1i have one server (180) trying to dial another server (189). I have in the general section of the iax.conf of 180 a register => line and at the bottom I have a [user] section. on 189 i have the [user] section with all of the matching user name and secret stuff... am i thinking of this correctly?
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23:03.28hoobastoob1i dial from one server to the other which shows registerd, but i get the error:
23:03.28hoobastoob1Call rejected by No authority found
23:04.00hoobastoob1on the server i am dialing to i get: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach 's@'
23:05.14hoobastoob1Call rejected by No authority found
23:05.36*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
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23:13.04runderwoodHello every body
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23:13.24runderwoodI'm kind of new in asterisk
23:13.50runderwoodand I was wondering if some one can give a direction with a problem that I have
23:14.16linlin-- Resetting interface aaln/4@
23:14.16linlin-- No command found on [] for transaction 19. Ignoring...
23:14.22linlinwhat would something like that mean
23:14.42runderwoodI have my box setup with Asterisk 1.2, with AMP and g729 as default codec
23:15.01runderwoodI can ear fine the people that calls me but they don't
23:15.50De_Monrunderwood tell us about your setup, sip/iax nat pstn etc
23:16.03runderwoodis fully sip
23:16.08runderwoodI don't have any pstn
23:16.23runderwoodI have a DSL modem and small network at my place
23:16.49runderwoodI have a free service from gizmo
23:17.16runderwoodso the people is trying to call me from their pstn phone
23:17.36runderwoodthe box is running under RH 4
23:17.41runderwoodRH E$
23:17.48runderwoodsorry RH E4
23:20.27runderwoodat the begining I thought  it was the bandwith but why I can listen so fine
23:20.32fx0codec mismatch ?
23:21.28runderwoodmaybe, I ran asterisk -rvvv and then the comand show g279 and it shows 1/1 encoders/decoders of 1 licensed channels are currently in use
23:22.25runderwoodso I'm kind of loss
23:23.26runderwoodmaybe some one had have the same problem in the pass
23:24.06runderwoodand can give a tip or something that guide me a little, because I have try everything that I know
23:24.23linlinsounds like a NAT issue
23:24.35fx0that too
23:24.44runderwoodyou think
23:25.18runderwoodI don't have a public IP address
23:26.09hoobastoob1so I think that my server is registered to the one i am trying to dial, but i get an error: on the server i am dialing from i get: Call rejected by No authority found and on the one i am trying to dial to i get: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach 's@'
23:26.48*** join/#asterisk mrichmanM (n=richmanm@
23:27.33runderwooddoes the asterisk log show something about it?
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23:28.37hoobastoob1i do an iax2 show registry from the server i am dialing from and it shows registerd
23:29.05hoobastoob1but i get no authority found when i try to dial that other server
23:29.39robin__szmmm .. nice new phone
23:29.47*** part/#asterisk mrichmanM (n=richmanm@
23:30.05*** join/#asterisk npc105 (
23:30.20robin__szjust picked up some Elmeg 290's ... basically Snom 190s made by some other non-snom firm
23:30.40robin__szusing the original Snom tooling
23:30.56robin__szvery nice .. and cheap too. £57.50 inc vat and postage :)
23:31.50JT60 pounds doesn't sound the cheap for a clone :P
23:32.07robin__szhow do you mean "clone"?
23:32.10robin__szas in copy?
23:32.21JThow is it not a clone?
23:32.24npc105Anyone ever had a problem with MONITOR_EXEC not being recognized by Monitor()?
23:32.27JTfrom what you're described
23:33.05robin__szbecause Snom no longer make it ... they sold the whole design and tooling ... it is even loaded with the original Snom firmware
23:33.28JTso will updates be coming out, support too?
23:33.34npc105I am trying to get sox to join the two legs and compress the single file into a ogg, however it never calls the MONITOR_EXEC commmand
23:34.09robin__sza clone woudl be if someone copied it .. its not a copy, its the original thing, with a different badge
23:34.26JTso how are updates and support?
23:35.11robin__szits a mature product, so I dont really expect any updates, it had stabilised and the last couple of updates were stunningly minor
23:35.47JTwell sometimes people find issues or security flaws in something years after it's released
23:36.04robin__szas for support? just how much supprt do you need ona basic office phone? I already have a dozen or so Snom originals and never really felt the need to phone Snom
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23:36.16robin__sztrue .. that could happen
23:38.44robin__szthey run Linux anyway, so perhaps will eventually release a GPL phoen application to run on it
23:39.14robin__sznow, that would be WAY kewl :)
23:39.34JTi'm not sure if there's all that much point in buying new at retail prices if you get no updates, support or warranty
23:39.37JTmay aswell go to ebay
23:40.06robin__szsorry, please explain why I get no updates, support or warranty?
23:40.17JTyou seemed ti imply such
23:40.25JTor at least tell me they were unnecessary
23:41.08robin__szoh they are unnecessarry IMHO, but Elmeg are a proper real company .. I expect they are there shoudl I wnat them .. certainly the warranty is there
23:41.52robin__szI was just pleased to find decent hardware at a very good price
23:42.19robin__szmakes me kinda happy afetr my grandstream disaster
23:43.21*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (n=alex@
23:43.47The_Ballim reading about a voip provider and they state as a featuer: "no flag falls" what does that mean?
23:45.58JTit means there's no flagfalls
23:46.18The_Balloh, marketing term i bet
23:46.27JTshrug, it's quite common here
23:46.52Un1xhey JT know of a player i can use to play .gsm files on windows?
23:47.03JTand you are in australia i see, The_Ball
23:47.08JTit's a common term here :)
23:47.34JTif you've ever spent any time shopping around any telcos whatsoever
23:47.56JTmost of the traditional PSTN providers have flagfalls on timed calls
23:48.04*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
23:48.04The_Ballim from norway though ;)
23:48.08JTthe term really only applies to a timed call
23:48.10JTi see
23:48.51The_Ballso which voip provider do you use=
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23:55.31JTThe_Ball: using engin a bit at the moment
23:55.36JTtrialling a few others too
23:58.14The_Balli do a heap of calls to my family in norway, would i be better getting a voip provider there, and a different voip provider here in australia for the other calls?
23:58.22hoobastoob1so if server is registered to server with iax2, why when dialing from to give me the error: Call rejected by No authority found
23:59.06JTThe_Ball: will you be calling norwegian landlines?
23:59.23JTget a voip account in norway then
23:59.55JTwell, check the prices first and compare with voip rates from an australian provider to norway
23:59.55The_Ballthen i can get an incoming norwegian number for them to call me on as well i guess

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.