irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061206

00:02.01*** join/#asterisk sp0n9e] ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:05.31grantaI have a X100P card, and asterisk is set to just do an echo test when I call in (from a different POTS line).  I hear the echo test annoucements fine, but all asterisk seems to receive is noise, not me talking.  Any suggestions how to troubleshoot this?
00:05.31*** join/#asterisk technoid_ (
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00:53.02*** join/#asterisk bkrus1 (n=root@
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00:54.35cmdlngood evening
00:55.19bkrus1cmdln: hello
00:56.12*** join/#asterisk abes (
00:56.42cmdlni need some help figuring out asterisk
00:57.17cmdlni dont quite understand what all i need to get from my carrier
00:57.35bkrus1just go to voip-info and poke around, its a GREAT information source
00:58.26cmdlnim sure ill be back
00:59.17bkrus1cmdln: k, just let me know, PM me if you wish, my aim is kruzweb and my jabber is
00:59.29bkrus1happy reading!
00:59.59docelmoWhat is the easiest way in asterisk to limit concurrent channels?
01:00.47*** join/#asterisk Soul (
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01:01.29bkrus1docelmo: uh....not sure
01:01.40bkrus1you could make a counter in the dialplan, but im sure theres greater ways of doing it
01:01.51*** join/#asterisk nvictor (
01:02.04nvictorI'm a php developper
01:02.22nvictormy co-workers user asterisk
01:02.30nvictorand I'm building their interface
01:02.50bkrus1nvictor: ive written TONS of stuff for asterisk in php
01:02.58bkrus1you want my class file? i can get it tomorrow
01:03.09nvictorbkrus1: cool
01:03.16nvictorbkrus1: I want it
01:03.22bkrus1nvictor: because php does sockets so cool
01:03.38nvictoryou see, I want to see which calls are fowarded
01:03.45nvictorwhich numbers sorry
01:03.59bkrus1youve been messing with the managers interface i hope write?
01:04.22nvictorwell somehing like that
01:04.31nvictorthey've written the scripts
01:04.35nvictorI do the interface
01:04.42nvictorsend variables to the scripts :D
01:05.01nvictorbut while testing the forwarding, I've messed up a bit with things
01:05.05bkrus1it should be in the managers interface, have you checked out ajam?
01:05.14bkrus1you need my php class file
01:05.19bkrus1i have one for 1.4 and 1.2    
01:05.22nvictorI need it
01:05.33nvictorwhat is ajam?
01:05.38bkrus1*getting link*
01:05.45nvictorok :D
01:06.05bkrus1youlll also want this....
01:06.10bkrus1and this
01:06.30nvictorbkrus1: cool
01:06.46bkrus1nvictor: youlll love my php class, let me see if i can vpn in real quick....
01:06.50*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
01:07.10nvictorbkrus1: can you send it to me?
01:07.23bkrus1of course!
01:07.32bkrus1open source :]
01:07.43bkrus1i found php classes awesome for sockets
01:07.55bkrus1because i can do something like make the socket name the server name
01:08.02bkrus1then address it in your main php file as
01:08.23bkrus1$asterisk->call_in_agent($server, $agent_array, $delay etc etc)
01:08.54*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:08.55nvictorthat will make my interface easy to write
01:09.14bkrus1$asterisk->login($server, $password)
01:09.24bkrus1for convenience, i set all my server passwords to the same in the managers interface
01:09.35bkrus1but if its used in a production envirnment, its best not to do that ;]
01:10.20nvictorbkrus1: it is said that ajam is for version 1.4
01:10.30bkrus1these classes will do just fine
01:10.33bkrus1how much php you know?
01:10.44bkrus1i have a version in my email, not sure how old it is :X
01:10.49*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:11.20bkrus1and its not the 1.4 version.......the only difference in the 1.4 version of the php file is a little syntax changing for the command line
01:11.20nvictorbkrus1: well, I have been coding in php for 4 or 5 months
01:11.21*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
01:11.21bkrus1are you using 1.2.13 i hope?
01:11.21bkrus1nvictor: have you done class/object oreiented coding?
01:11.22nvictor1.2.3 yes
01:11.36bkrus1and are you fimiliar with class coding
01:11.43bkrus1class {
01:11.43bkrus1functions yay
01:11.49nvictornvictor: well a bit, but I can learn..
01:12.03bkrus1(looking in email)
01:12.47*** part/#asterisk rene1 (n=rene1@
01:15.29*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work1 (
01:17.42*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
01:19.31*** join/#asterisk slePP (
01:19.40bkrus1slePP: hello
01:20.56nvictorbkrus1: have you found the code? by the way can you explain me some things??
01:21.17slePPbkrus1: common belief thinks you're... not tired?
01:21.25bkrus1slePP: yes.
01:21.31bkrus1nvictor: what?
01:21.56bkrus1nvictor: someone else IM'd, and ive been talking to him about php for about 5 minutes
01:22.01nvictorwell, I only hear my co-workers discuss asterisk... never search on it myself...
01:22.05*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
01:22.07bkrus1slePP: being overworked ;[
01:22.12bkrus1nvictor: if you know php you will be fine
01:22.21slePPbkrus1: aren't we all?
01:22.46bkrus1slePP: yes ;]
01:22.47nvictorhow does asterisk work to make calls?
01:22.50bkrus1<3 insomnia
01:22.58bkrus1nvictor: that i do not want ot answer
01:23.21bkrus1nvictor: how does asterisk make calls?
01:23.39bkrus1nvictor: can you IM me tomorrow in the hours of 1-5 pm?
01:23.43bkrus1i can get you the files then.
01:23.55bkrus1but for now i must go, hit me up on jabber or aim && kruzweb
01:24.22nvictorwon't you log into irc?
01:24.32bkrus1ill be to busy probably
01:24.34bkrus1but i will try
01:24.41nvictorI don't have jabber
01:24.47nvictorI don't have aim
01:24.57bkrus1whats ur yahoo
01:25.17nvictorlet me connect
01:25.22bkrus1and i can get that to ya....i have one in my email, but its super old, and I do not think it works
01:25.46nvictoroh, I'll wait for the new one
01:26.24bkrus1k, good
01:26.52nvictorsee you tomorrow then
01:27.01bkrus1k, bye
01:27.02*** part/#asterisk bkrus1 (n=root@
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01:31.17*** join/#asterisk kyo (
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01:38.42*** join/#asterisk DavoFrom818 (n=Vito310@
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01:38.56DavoFrom818anyone here ever use the endpoint manager for asterisk
01:40.40*** join/#asterisk Nick49782 (
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01:49.30tim27anyhere how SIP provider handle DID
01:59.28*** join/#asterisk sipboy (n=kevin@
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01:59.55jboti heard book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
02:00.09*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (n=me@
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02:03.07*** part/#asterisk sipboy (n=kevin@
02:09.01*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-400e097a257353b7)
02:09.10Newbie___hi all, is CAC bank II good for * ?
02:09.25DavoFrom818anyone here can help me please?
02:11.02*** join/#asterisk SkymeyeR (
02:15.11*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
02:15.59*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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02:17.56tim27you there Davo
02:23.58converxwhat is the cmd for sending voicemail to more than one mailbox?
02:24.31[TK]D-Fenderconverx : "show application voicemail"
02:30.28hmmhesaysharmonic minor modes are interesting
02:30.43slePPi bet they are
02:32.08[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : is that the one thats a 3rd & 7th half-tone drop off the major?
02:34.08hmmhesaysi'm building myself a scale lesson book
02:38.51[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : I tend to mix the normal & harmonic minors.  the 7th note drop differencemakes the transition span octaves better as a start/finish.
02:39.49hmmhesaysif you're playing at warp speed your passing notes don't really matter
02:40.21*** join/#asterisk wyoming (n=steve_mu@
02:40.27[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : I guess somewhat.... made a warp-speed sample for me to listen to?
02:41.32*** part/#asterisk rtcg-tx (
02:43.03hmmhesayslol no
02:43.41[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays : Gimme a sec, I'mm make on for you :)
02:43.57*** join/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
02:47.49*** join/#asterisk rtcg-tx (
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02:49.31[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays :
02:58.18*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
02:59.05*** join/#asterisk infernix (
03:03.34*** join/#asterisk darqchild (
03:07.36*** part/#asterisk wyoming (n=steve_mu@
03:08.00darqchildmay i trouble someone for some support? :)
03:08.16*** join/#asterisk codefreeze (n=steve_mu@
03:08.27[TK]D-Fenderdarqchild : Ask a specific question and you may get a specific answer...
03:08.36*** join/#asterisk phoem (
03:08.49Newbie___any one has any idea which model of CAC CB does not require a T1 card
03:09.32darqchild[TK]D-Fender: Dial() won't generate a ring tone when i use the 'r' flag.
03:10.22darqchild[TK]D-Fender: I answer a call coming in on an IAX2 trunk, and attempt to dial an SIP trunk.  the 'm' flag will give me music, but the 'r' flag gives me nothing.  Have i missed something in the docs?
03:10.23[TK]D-Fenderdarqchild : You shouldn't be using that option execpt in extreme cases.  What are on both ends of your call?
03:10.44[TK]D-Fenderdarqchild : You should not put "r" in taht case at all.
03:11.12darqchild[TK]D-Fender:  i don't get a ring without it either
03:11.13[TK]D-FenderNewbie___ : CB is by std definition a T1/E1 device....
03:11.33[TK]D-Fenderdarqchild : What is on the SIP end?
03:12.09darqchild[TK]D-Fender: xlite
03:15.45darqchild[TK]D-Fender: the soft-phone, rings, and i can complete a call.  everything else works fine.
03:15.56DrCronhmm, so what sort of streams can asterisk use as MoH
03:17.04[TK]D-Fenderdarqchild : X-Lite rings, but the IAX side doesn't hear it?
03:17.36*** part/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
03:18.33darqchild[TK]D-Fender: Here is my full dial command: Dial(SIP/xlite1|60|dr)
03:20.05[TK]D-Fenderdarqchild : remove the ,dr
03:20.24darqchild[TK]D-Fender: okay ...
03:21.18darqchild[TK]D-Fender: Still no ring.
03:21.54[TK]D-Fenderdarqchild : hrm.
03:23.15darqchildI haven't seen anything in the debugging output that gives me any clues either.  I can pass music while i dial, that's not a problem.
03:27.25*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (i=HaMYaI@
03:28.37HaMYaIhow do we know how long a sip client will be recognized by asterisk?
03:29.07HaMYaIis it from the "Expire" value in "sip show peer <peername>"?
03:32.10[TK]D-FenderHaMYaI : Until then unles it re-registers earlier to renew.  Failing a qualify will kill it off too, even if it comes backa  while later, or only just dropped off.
03:34.04HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: you mean it will not be renewed if qualify has not been set to "yes"?
03:35.03[TK]D-FenderHaMYaI : no, if it IS set to "yes" and it fails.
03:35.23HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: right
03:36.20*** join/#asterisk wolrah (
03:36.41*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
03:37.27HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: I'm using Eyebeam and I saw the values Max/Min register time there
03:38.43HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: don't know if it has anything to do with this
03:40.26HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: I set my client to re-register every 300 secs but even the client isn't registered, asterisk still recognizes the client
03:40.49HaMYaIeven the staus is "UNREACHABLE"
03:47.52HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: what I was trying to say is that even sip client fails to qualify, asterisk still send my call to the right context
03:49.42[TK]D-FenderHaMYaI : You mean a call FROM your SIP phone, not TO it.
03:50.34HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: yes, not to it
03:51.26[TK]D-FenderHaMYaI : You need to remember that reistering has NOTHING to do with authorizing you to place calls.  All it does is tell the registration server what IP to send your phone's calls TO.
03:51.53HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: so, I'm wondering if "Expire" is applicable for this case too
03:52.06darqchild[TK]D-Fender: I've done some more poking around here, and it seems that if i use Ringing(), Congestion() etc anyone on the other end of the IAX trunk gets nothing.
03:52.15HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: I see
03:52.31*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:52.34darqchild[TK]D-Fender: is this a local configuration issue? Or should i be calling my voip provider?
03:52.55[TK]D-Fenderdarqchild : I'd double check what kind of indication you put on that IAX2 channel if I were you... pastebin the peer setu (mask only the user/pass)
03:52.59jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
03:53.37[TK]D-FenderHaMYaI : The expire bit should oly affect how often your SIP client is requested to rerister (to keep track of possibly changing IP's)
03:53.53file[TK]D-Fender: stick your head in the microwave and give yourself a tan
03:54.54[TK]D-Fenderfile : Bake, not fried :)
03:55.04[TK]D-Fenderfile : Got your call this afternoon :)
03:55.11filemy friend dialed the wrong number
03:55.18fileso it ended up at your speed dial entry
03:55.55HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: I understand that now but from what I found here. Asterisk sometimes send my out-going calls to from-sip-external context which I set it for un-authorized sip calls
03:57.56HaMYaIwith normal settings, so I thought we need to be registered to place a call
03:59.11HaMYaI[TK]D-Fender: haven't you had this problem before?
04:00.04fileI hear him typing
04:00.08fileoh, yup - there we go
04:00.50HaMYaIfile: is that about what you talked to him? =)
04:01.03Qwellfile: the PHONE?!
04:01.45[TK]D-FenderQwell : We don't want to meet your mom!
04:01.47*** join/#asterisk dkf3s (n=hare@
04:02.11fileQwell: We just want...
04:02.16[TK]D-Fenderfile : ! ! !
04:02.40fileoh god
04:02.57filethat was close.
04:03.01[TK]D-FenderQwell : Since you weren't in on the joke -
04:03.06*** join/#asterisk Narkov- (
04:03.48Narkov-whats the easiest way to split calls over two separate net connections?
04:04.05Narkov-two IAX trunks over two ADSL connections to the same provider
04:05.32Narkov-i cant figure out how to split/route the packets over the two DSL connections
04:06.02file[TK]D-Fender: So did you hear about the SIP phone that couldn't place calls? Yeah, it conformed strictly to specs.
04:13.37blitzrageNarkov-: you don't do that with Asterisk, you do that at with something like IPtables
04:14.28Narkov-any hints blitzrage? is it even possible?
04:14.58blitzrageyah... I just gave you a hint :)
04:14.59*** join/#asterisk sbingner (
04:15.13blitzrageNarkov-: you don't do that with Asterisk, you do that at with something like IPtables
04:15.46Narkov-hehe...thanks blitzrage
04:16.12Narkov-i'm just a bit unsure where to start given that they both register to the same IP address
04:16.37Narkov-so its not as if I can chuck in a static route because they all go to the same IP
04:17.30linlinanyone know what kind of monitor i'd have to use for this?
04:17.55*** join/#asterisk sbingner (
04:18.08darqchild[TK]D-Fender: I have to go now, thanks for your help.
04:18.21blitzragelinlin: umm... a normal one?
04:18.40blitzrageor get a DVI connector
04:18.51linlinthe description the guy states it was giving out of ranger errors
04:19.08linlinjust wondering if anyone had experence with this line of HP systems and if they know from experence
04:19.48blitzragelinlin: this room is not appropriate for that question
04:20.06linlinjust wonderin...seemed dead anyways
04:21.18*** join/#asterisk diclophis-work (
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04:29.30*** part/#asterisk Narkov- (
04:30.05HaMYaIdo you have any idea what causes this?
04:31.35*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
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04:34.54DrCronasterisk can do transcoding, right?
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04:35.23bcnlDrCron: yup
04:39.14Supaplexare $(CDR(DST)} and "exten => _" after the _ suppose to be the same on in incomming call?
04:39.53DrCronhow many terminations can the iaxy drive?
04:39.56slePPbcnl: boo?
04:40.20Corydon76-homeSupaplex: an underscore means it's a pattern
04:40.21slePPyou are who i think you are, i'm sure.
04:40.34Corydon76-homeslePP: !!!
04:40.37slePPcoyrdon :>
04:40.53*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:41.14slePPbeen working, etc.
04:41.31Corydon76-homevoiceovers for pornos?  ;-)
04:41.48slePPheh. i wish
04:41.53slePPthat'd be far more fun
04:42.04Corydon76-homeYou have the voice for it...
04:42.10slePPi know ;>
04:42.15slePPbeen a while since i did that, though
04:42.22SupaplexI have no idea how to identify sip calls based on where they want to go. ${CDR(dst)} is empty in these situations.
04:42.37Corydon76-homeSupaplex: was the call answered?
04:43.03Supaplexyes, it dropped into my bitbucket handler. (eg operator intercept)
04:43.19Corydon76-homeand it bridged?
04:43.42Corydon76-homeIf it bridged, you should have a dst
04:44.13bcnlslePP: yes boo
04:44.17Corydon76-homeIf it didn't bridge, well, that's why there's no destination
04:44.24slePPbcnl, that is.
04:44.37Supaplexdidn't match any known numbers.  I use pattern matches on the dids to direct to a specific project/queue etc.
04:44.49bcnldon't do that
04:44.53Corydon76-homeslePP: whip me, beat me, make me vote Republican
04:44.55bcnlI got beats enough last week from the move
04:45.01slePPme too, don't worry
04:45.15bcnlyea you poor bastard
04:45.23filewow - it's slePP
04:45.24slePPhi josh
04:45.26bcnlI'll come up there again soon and take you to the pub
04:46.33bcnlbye bye file
04:46.44orlockDoes anybody know if asterisk buffers rtp streams?
04:47.21Corydon76-homeorlock: uh, no...
04:47.29orlockyou dont know, or it doesnt?
04:47.33bcnlthat would be
04:47.35Corydon76-homeIt shouldn't
04:47.51orlockyeah, i was thinking it might be
04:47.55orlockhaving some call quality issues
04:47.58file"Please wait... buffering phone call."
04:48.06Corydon76-homeAny buffering would cause the conversation to lag...
04:48.08linlinany guides around to teach me how to link two asterisk boxes together with iax?
04:48.11Supaplexpowered by real media
04:48.11orlockdoes anybody know of any good ways to test/verify rtp?
04:48.22orlocki was thinking just a jitter buffer
04:48.22Corydon76-home"rtp debug"
04:48.48DrCronthe asterisk book focuses on connections to the ptsn,  is there somewhere i can read about setting up an IP only system?
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04:48.51docelmoI HAVE DIDs!
04:49.10Corydon76-homeDrCron: it's the same concept
04:49.19orlockCorydon76-home: that gives me the same data i can get with ethereal+tcpdump
04:49.37Corydon76-homeWell, not the same data
04:49.41Corydon76-homebut close
04:49.44Supaplexdurring sip debug, I do see "To: <"... it'll answer and since I cannot match ${CDR(dst)} it falls through
04:50.13Corydon76-homeSupaplex: did you intend to match the EXTEN ?
04:50.13Supaplexs/match \S* /match /
04:50.26Supaplexyea, 1s
04:50.27*** join/#asterisk sbingner (
04:50.28orlockCorydon76-home: yeah, same stuff
04:50.31Corydon76-homeSupaplex: or is the fallthrough intentional
04:50.32orlocktimestamp, length, etc
04:50.42orlockethereal has some quite nice RTP analysis stuff now
04:50.49converxin cmd voicemail, if I do voicemail(box1@context&box2@context&box3@context)  -- the field in extensions_table is limited to 128char.
04:51.22Corydon76-homeconverx: please see #openpbx
04:52.02fileif you were using a jitterbuffer it would buffer it some...
04:52.09converxthis is for * realtime.
04:52.16SupaplexCorydon76-home: it's sort of intentional because I don't know how to match it. all my iax2 registry entries work fine. for the conext= from sip.conf in extensions.conf: exten => _012341234,1,Goto ...
04:52.29orlockfile: yeah
04:52.39Corydon76-homeSupaplex: _X. will match pretty much anything
04:52.46orlockclients are hearing quality issues when one packet goes missing
04:53.02bcnlslePP: so find anymore metaswitch bugs today?
04:53.09slePPacually, yes
04:53.11orlockupstream rovider has said, ok, lets eliminate asterisk as one missed packet should not cause a noticable call issue
04:53.24Supaplexmaybe there's a different variable I can dump for debugging.
04:53.55converxanyone in here has the right file to work with asterisk?
04:53.55Corydon76-homeconverx: why are you loading extensions from a table in the first place?
04:54.09Corydon76-homeconverx: there is no "right" file
04:54.52converxcorydon -- because my extensions.conf is 8000 lines ..  doh!
04:55.12Corydon76-homeconverx: so?
04:55.35converxcorydon -- so you go and edit an 8k line text file!!!
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04:55.47Corydon76-homeconverx: I do.  all the time.
04:56.03Corydon76-homeconverx: In fact, I edit 100,000 line text files all the time.
04:56.54Corydon76-homeconverx: what it really speaks to is that you're probably not using patterns to your advantage
04:57.51Corydon76-homeconverx: there is zero reason to use realtime extensions.  None.  It's a waste of resources.
04:58.30bcnlslePP: next time you're at TB kick derek into updating the stuff on vids/tv
04:58.31converxcorydon -- easier update/search/debug.
04:58.59Corydon76-homeconverx: Doesn't fly.
04:59.21*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@unaffiliated/luisjose)
04:59.24DrCronrealtime or db based, there is a diffrence, iirc
04:59.31Corydon76-homeThe only reason it was ever created was to make it easier to edit from a web browser
04:59.33converxspeed is meaningless.
04:59.47DrCronyou can still use a db then run reloads, right?
05:00.31slePPand now, it's time for food
05:00.32Corydon76-homeDrCron: actually, the better course of action is to use a static dialplan which does lookups from a database... a truly dynamic dialplan
05:00.59converxis there a problem in redefining the field structure in * realtime. for example, increasing length of field from 128char to 256char.
05:01.28Corydon76-homeconverx: nope, the only reason it was 128char in the first place is because you're using openpbx.
05:01.34DrCronmy real interest is using a mysql backend for voicemail, blobs and all
05:02.05converxcorydon-- you keep mentionning openpbx. I am not using openpbx.
05:02.05Corydon76-homeDrCron: can be done already, in 1.2
05:02.21Corydon76-homeconverx: why is your table named extensions_table ?
05:02.47converxthats how I named it.
05:02.49DrCroni know it can be done, i'm just tring to figure out how to get it working on my system :)
05:03.08Corydon76-homeconverx: so it's complete coincidence that that is the name used by #openpbx
05:03.31Corydon76-homeconverx: and since you created the table, you should know whether or not 128 char was a limit, right?
05:03.40Corydon76-homeconverx: it doesn't fly
05:04.14converxcorydon -- voip-info has the realtime table definition -- Get a clue!
05:04.32Corydon76-homeconverx: Hah, a clue...
05:04.43Corydon76-homeconverx: you seem to be the one who needs a clue
05:05.42fileeasy you two
05:05.53Corydon76-homefile: sorry
05:06.08fileCorydon76-home: ... or else you'll have to be punished!
05:06.25Corydon76-homefile: spank me?
05:07.28orlockanybody have any suggestions on debuggig rtp?
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05:07.52orlocki am thinking maybe using a high quality WAV file, using asterisk to play it back, and then dumping the wav file
05:07.59orlockfrom the packet dump
05:08.13Corydon76-homeorlock: what is the issue that you're having?
05:08.29orlockand then viewing the original wav file, and wav file from the payload, and viewing the waveform
05:08.46orlockCorydon76-home: inbound audio quality glitches
05:09.07Corydon76-homeorlock: dropped packets/collisions perhaps?
05:09.14orlockwe are going to remove asterisk from the equation at one of the sites, for one of the DID's
05:09.34Corydon76-homeorlock: perhaps try ilbc as your codec
05:09.52orlockCorydon76-home: one of the calls i tcpdump'd has two missing inbound rtp packets, and they noticed the audio glitch when it was missed
05:09.59*** join/#asterisk Narkov- (
05:10.06orlockusing g729 currently
05:10.22Corydon76-homeorlock: that should alleviate the trouble for dropped packets, as long as they don't exceed a certain threshold
05:10.24Narkov-is it possible to set the peer port on a peer by peer basis in IAX?
05:10.36Corydon76-homeNarkov-: yes, it is
05:10.45orlockCorydon76-home: provider seems to think one acket wont be perceptibloe, so has asked us to remove *
05:10.50Corydon76-homeport=1234 in the peer definition
05:11.05Corydon76-homeNarkov-: but you need to set the bindport on the remote host to match
05:11.07Narkov-thanks Corydon76-home....voip-info didnt have that in the iax.conf page it cant be 4569-> 4570 ?
05:11.53Corydon76-homeNarkov-: it can but the remote host must be listening on 4570
05:12.17Narkov-...and my local listen port can be 4569?
05:12.35Corydon76-homeYes, that's the bindport definition
05:12.40converxHow can i set a voicemail greeting for each mailbox?
05:12.43Narkov-thanks mate
05:12.52Corydon76-homebindport = local listen port; port in peer = remote connection port
05:13.28jbotit has been said that book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
05:13.28Narkov-is it possible to set my local port for sending?
05:13.40Corydon76-homeNarkov-: no, that's your bindport
05:14.01Corydon76-homeconverx: most of your questions can be answered by reading the book
05:14.43Narkov-hrmm...i want to split two peers (both the same provider/IP) using some kind of IP differentiation I can route over two DSL connections
05:15.02linlinwhats the easiest way to link two asterisk machines together to act as one machine
05:15.03converxcorydon - name?
05:15.12Corydon76-homeconverx: see above
05:15.39Corydon76-homeNarkov-: not sure I understand
05:16.18Narkov-i have two accounts with the same IAX end point...two DSL connections...and I want to be able to force peer1 to go over dsl 1 and peer2 over dsl2
05:16.30Corydon76-homeNarkov-: I think you'll want to look at the Linux routing tables, which Asterisk observes
05:17.03rob0iproute2 if installed, "man ip" with recent versions.
05:17.28rob0BUT you have to know a lot about IP routing to be able to understand that. :)
05:17.37Narkov-yeah I'm pretty sure i'll need iptables but I dont know how i can differnetiate the two connections given they go to the same IP/port combo
05:17.55rob0nono I did not say iptables, I said ip(8)
05:18.03orlockNarkov-: ip, not ip tables
05:18.11Corydon76-homeNarkov-: sounds like connection bonding...
05:18.27orlockyou can set up routes based on ranges
05:18.35Corydon76-homeNarkov-: in any case, Asterisk is not involved at that point; that's advanced networking
05:18.41Narkov-sure but it goes to the same IP/port combo orlock
05:18.48rob0LARTC HOWTO,
05:19.23orlockwhat rob0 said
05:19.23Narkov-thanks guys..i'll have a look at lartc
05:20.01Sed[PCT]anyone here using a 7960 phone with sip image... do you have speed dial lines setup in your tftp config?
05:20.10orlockSed[PCT]: nope
05:20.19Sed[PCT]hmm ok
05:20.36Sed[PCT]I know it can be done on the phone.. was wondering if it could be done with the SIPXXXXXX.cnf file on the tftp server...
05:20.40monstedSed[PCT]: i use them, but not with speed dial
05:24.18DrCronhow are incoming calls from unknown sources (ie direct sip calls) handled?
05:24.47Supaplexyea, like DrCron said,
05:24.54SupaplexCorydon76-home: ^^^ :)
05:25.17Supaplexnono not unknown sources (me), unknown dst :-x
05:25.37SupaplexI'm putting the grey matter to bed real soon now.
05:25.54DrCronoh, sorry, i was asking a new question. I dont quite understand where they go
05:31.44*** part/#asterisk Narkov- (
05:33.56Newbie___anyone using a cmg card ?
05:37.44docelmoSay anyone got time for a couple questions..  1..   Where can I find a list of the USA area codes?   And also whats a simple way to control concurrent calls on a peer?
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05:46.44DrCrongoogle nanpa
05:49.43docelmoany ideas on the concurrent calls?
05:50.09hads(in sip.conf)
05:50.28docelmohmm..  Any other way to set it w/o the peer?
05:50.38docelmoCause I am using SER as my front end which uses SER's IP
05:51.10hadsPossibly some configuration there, but I don't know SER.
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05:59.10Sed[PCT]orlock and monsted you have the mwi working with asterisk?
06:05.24Sed[PCT]the light..message waiting indicator
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06:18.41Sed[PCT]ah ha.. nm
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06:34.50DrCronI'm trying to figure out how to set asterisk up to accept incoming calls from anywhere over sip, and make sure it comes in with the correct context
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06:38.58Dustyservershello every one do I need an fxo or and fxs to connect and ip phone to my asterisk server am still new with this stuff..
06:40.14DrCronip phones only need some sort of ip connection, 802.3 802.11 something like that
06:40.32Dustyserversthen what are fxo/fxs cards for then
06:40.39DrCronfxo and fxs are for connections to the analog network
06:40.45lowlevelfor interfacing to real phone lines and real phone.s
06:40.46DrCronand to analog phones
06:41.14JTwell they are real
06:41.14Dustyserversok so whihc one I need to connect my telus phone line to the box then?
06:41.22JTdigital isdn lines are even more real :P
06:41.34lowleveljt; no, those are sureal
06:41.35DrCronDustyservers, ick ick ick telus
06:41.44DustyserversI know I hate telus too
06:41.45Dustyserversbut yea
06:42.03DrCronfxs iirc
06:42.10Dustyserversfxs for telus lines then?
06:42.45Sed[PCT]fxo is what you plug your telephone line into from the wall
06:42.49Sed[PCT]fxs is what you plug a analog phone into
06:42.51lowlevelwait till he finds out the fxo talks fxs and vice versa ;)
06:42.55Dustyserversaww ic now
06:43.06Sed[PCT]so you want a fxo to pull your landline phone into asterisk
06:43.08Sed[PCT]lowlevel: lol
06:43.23Dustyserversaww make sence now
06:43.29DrCronwhat does fxo stand for?
06:43.38Sed[PCT]FXO: Foreign Exchange Office
06:43.45Sed[PCT]FXS: Foreign Exchange Station
06:43.52Sed[PCT]and spelling too probably
06:44.08DrCronsee, that seems totaly backward to me
06:44.21Sed[PCT]DrCron: wanna know whats really confusing?
06:44.31DrCronit is totaly backward?
06:44.31Sed[PCT]fxo's talk with fxs signalling..
06:44.38Sed[PCT]and fxs's talk fxo signalling
06:44.53Dustyserversmake sence
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06:45.44DrCronDustyservers, if you have a broadband connection you could drop your landline all together, and use a voip provider for incoming and outgoing calls
06:46.46DrCronis there a list of bastard npa codes that lead to unregulated markets?
06:49.17Dustyserversthanks for all the help
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06:59.54wdwould anybody mind, if I'll ask question not directly related to Asterisk?
07:00.38Sed[PCT]I guess it depends what it is.. and if anyone can answer it :p
07:01.02wdI would like to have one PBX connected to more VoIP providers
07:01.41wdif provider no1 will be unavailable, the PBX should use the 2nd etc.
07:01.56wdmy question is:
07:02.40wdwhat number will I use for outgoing calls?
07:03.05DrCronyou mean CID?
07:03.22wdwhat is CID?
07:03.35jbotTCP client/server Caller-ID system, including server and Tk GUI client.. URL:
07:03.35Sed[PCT]depends how you have your dialplan setup... if you manage to have the same number with both providers (hard to do)... usually your outgoing number will be the one from the respected provider your going out
07:03.57Qwellstupid bot
07:04.00Sed[PCT]he's lagging... be kind :p
07:04.12russellbjbot: cid is CallerID, you nub
07:04.13jbot...but cid is already something else...
07:04.24Sed[PCT]job: no, cid is CallerID
07:04.26Qwelljbot: no, cid is CallerID
07:04.27jbotQwell: okay
07:04.34Qwelljbot: cid is also a TCP client/server Caller-ID system, including server and Tk GUI client.. URL:
07:04.35jbotQwell: okay
07:04.37Sed[PCT]ops :p
07:04.37DrCrondo you need the caller id set properly? or do you need the actual out bound number set
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07:04.52wdok...give me few seconds to absorb these informations
07:05.15Sed[PCT]if your provider allows you to set your caller-id on outbound.. you can set it to whatever number you want
07:05.29DrCronif you need the demarcation to ss7 to have the same info, you are most likely SOL
07:05.48DrCronif you just need the caller-id information to be the same, well thats easy
07:05.59wdOK. Small example:
07:07.04wdusually I'll use no1. Anyone who calls me will use no1 network and servers to reach me. But if its network/server crashes... will incoming calls reach me via no2 network/servers?
07:07.47DrCronah, incoming
07:08.08DrCronincoming backup paths are more difficult
07:08.28wdmy potential customers shouldn't know anything about network failures...
07:08.54JTneeds to be setup on your provider's end
07:09.05wdthey should dial/receive calls independently on network failures.
07:09.43DrCronyhea, short version, its a pain in the ass, and requires your provider to work with another provider, and well, it can be ugly
07:09.46JTincoming backup paths have to be setup at whoever is providing the DIDs
07:10.07wdI'm not so familiar with dial plan - I prefer IP. Is the routing process the same?
07:10.23JTIP, what does that have to do with the dial plan?
07:10.40wdmy provider says: number xyz is on this IP address?
07:11.02wdI just tried:)
07:11.02JTyeah with SIP usually
07:11.09JTif they terminate to the pstn
07:11.21JTthey won't normally be informing callers of your ip
07:11.21DrCrondo you want protection against your provider going down. or one of your servers
07:11.30JTjust routing a phone connection in their switching matrix
07:11.48wdDrCron: providers server
07:12.04JTto put it basically
07:12.08JTunless you're a telco
07:12.11JTyou're dreaming
07:12.14JTto get reliable backup
07:12.21JTfor inbound
07:12.23wdJT: :(
07:12.26JTyour provider is meant to work
07:12.28DrCronhow much are you willing to spend?
07:12.46JTif reliability is a concern, get PRIs for your inbound lines, don't use voip
07:12.54JTvoip is less reliable than POTS/TDM
07:13.14wdDrCron: it depends on reliability:)
07:13.31wdJT: I know that...
07:13.41wdI'm ISP
07:13.43JTthen why talk about inbound voip
07:13.51DrCronif you want it for less then a PRI, dream on
07:14.00DrCronPRI's would be much cheaper
07:14.09wdI work with no1 provider, but he has problems
07:14.25JTthen don't work with him if the problems are too great
07:14.28wdmy customers don't understand the meaning of word problems
07:15.07wdso I'm trying to solve it
07:15.13JTanyway, long and the short of it is you should get inbound PRIs
07:15.32wdI have PRI
07:15.40hadsUse it?
07:16.07wdbut I was thinking about VoIP
07:16.07DrCronyour pri provider has problems? ick
07:16.25hadsThis conversation is going in circles.
07:16.26wdDrCron: no...the VoIP provider
07:16.34wdhads: jop
07:16.34JTwell if reliability is super important, you shouldn't be thinking about voip for inbound
07:16.37DrCronstick with the pri
07:16.54wdOK. thanks everybody
07:16.58DrCronuse voip for outbound
07:17.53DrCronanyways, is there a list of npa codes that go to, how shal we say, nasty places?
07:18.15wdDrCron: but outgoing calls will not use the same number as incoming calls
07:18.33JTshrug, it's a way to save money, just block CID sending
07:18.40JTotherwise use PRI for outbounds too
07:18.50DrCronor you can have the CID set as the same
07:18.57JTnot always
07:19.16DrCronsome providers can
07:19.18JTsensible telcos have sanity checking on CIDs set by customer PRIs
07:19.46JTor SIP (which would end up at a PRI anyway)
07:19.53orlockours does
07:20.11DrCronatt/sbc doesnt, at least not for residential
07:20.30DrCronand cingular doesnt
07:20.57JTi don't know of any providers in .au that let you set CID to a number that's not yours
07:21.07wdThanks. I'll think about it few hours:) I'll be back ;)
07:21.16DrCronthey happily report what ever i tell voipjet to use
07:22.08DrCronnow, I've only used my own numbers, i wonder if it would complain if I set it to the white house tour information number
07:22.43JTwell that's not a real test
07:22.54JTif you've only used your own numbers
07:22.59JTof course you can set that
07:23.32DrCronvoipjet doesnt know they are my numbers
07:24.11DrCronyup just set the cid as the white house comments line #
07:24.18DrCronnever trust your CID
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07:28.15yxahi how can I let Voicemail not prompt for the mailbox and only the password? the mailbox should be the same as the extension which called voicemail()
07:31.07Sed[PCT]I wish my teliax cid would work
07:32.16yxahads thanks!
07:34.09DrCroni seem to remeber a voip provider that offered free outgoing 800 number calls
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07:38.47EmleyMoorDrCron: FWD?
07:39.54russellbiaxtel ... *should* work for that, too ...
07:40.15wdsummary: I should turn off CID sending (easiest way). Or I have to ask my providers to cooperate (then I can use them as backup for outgoing/incomming calls). Are my conclusions right?
07:41.08DrCronthey dont just have to cooperate, it would cost them $$, and so would cost you $$
07:41.59wdDrCron: allways a catch:)
07:42.27wdthanks for help
07:43.12DrCronoutbound cid setting shouldnt be a problem though,
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07:43.45wdbut it wont help with inbound...
07:44.29DrCronif you need high 9's reliability inbound use pri
07:44.52DrCronand then save money by routing outbound over voip providers
07:45.15wdDrCron: ok
07:45.57shellsharkwd: i can provide you outbound calling very resonably
07:46.21wdDrCron: is there a way how to find out if my providers allows me to set any CID?
07:46.41DrCroneasiest is to ask
07:46.44shellsharkwd: we allow all of our business accounts to set CID
07:46.47DrCronother wise, just try it
07:46.54wdDrCron: :)))
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07:47.11Chris-NBanyone got some experience with AoC records?
07:47.22wdshellshark: can you send me some contacts?
07:48.49wdshellshark: ok. thanks
07:48.57shellsharkwd: no problem
07:49.23shellsharkwd: we just have a couple standard plans listed on the site, but we can custom-tailor to anything you need
07:50.51DrCronhmm, so i'm trying to set asterisk up to do uri calls inbound
07:51.30shellsharkDrCron: should not be too difficult as long as the extension is defined in extensions.conf and you expose port 5060 to the world
07:52.05wdshellshark: I will send you an e-mail. I need to know more and more people (my boss;) )
07:52.27shellsharksure :)
07:52.29DrCronhow does asterisk handle incoming calls, ie what context do they go under?
07:52.31wdshellshark: ...and ask more...
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07:52.51shellsharkDrCron: whatever context you desire
07:53.38DrCronum... yhea, thats where i'm having a bit of a problem, how do i set up the sip.conf for anon incoming calls
07:53.49DrCronor iax for that matter
07:54.30DrCronwould it be [guest]?
07:54.32shellsharkDrCron: you have a guest user in both that allows calls from anywhere, ie. no host and no secret declaritive
07:54.53DrCronthats too simple
07:54.59shellsharkIAX URI's include the username
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07:56.28DrCronshellshark, do you agree that setting up an inbound backup for calls would be a huge pain? (same inbound number)
07:56.48shellsharkyou'd need SS7 to do it
07:56.58DrCronthats what i thought
07:57.02DrCronthats what wd wanted
07:57.21shellsharkyou're talking major costs at that point
07:57.28DrCronI've had friends set that up, but they had money to burn
07:57.54wdDrCron: how much is it?
07:58.16shellsharkDrCron: doubt it... to get SS7 trunks you have to be a CLEC (in the USA at least)
07:58.34DrCroni mean they had it set up thorugh their providers
07:58.52DrCronnot personaly, they dont have that much $
07:59.45DrCronyou dont want to do that over ip
07:59.59DrCronyou want that done by a local pri provider
08:00.10DrCronover two phys lines if you realy need it
08:00.43DrCronso, cost of pulling new cable, maint fees,
08:01.08DrCronhow much reliability do you need, how many 9's will you pay for
08:01.41wdDrCron: 100 :))) No. I think it's not a good idea
08:02.01wdDrCron: I have to ask my providers
08:02.22DrCron5 9's is usualy standard,
08:02.39DrCron99.999% uptime is good enough for almost everyone
08:02.46shellsharkthe people who own the number can do alternative routing on it without having to do SS7
08:03.39wdDrCron: It is more than enough
08:04.35DrCronthey were in palo alto i remeber them doing something complicated with both the local fiber loop and a t-1 for their phone and data service it required 2 providers to work together though, that much i do remeber
08:05.27DrCronwd, then stick to pri for your inbound that would almost certainly be the cheapest way to go
08:06.46wdDrCron: it looks like the only way...
08:07.07DrCronjust call your pri provider, see what their uptime guarantee is
08:07.29DrCronyou might be suprised, will most likely be four or five 9's
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08:12.21DrCrondoes asterisk match sip.conf by placment in the file or by specificity?
08:15.59*** join/#asterisk Jurian (
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08:17.28JurianGood day, I have a question, how can I specify the outgoing SIP accountname to use? Currently, it appears my phones try to use their internal extension as the outgoing account, which is (obviously) rejected by our provider
08:17.45Jurianoh, and there's an on join spammer here: <aLeX> Free Porno Videos
08:20.37*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
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08:22.20hadsJurian: Account? If you mean callerid then you can Set(CALLERID(num)=123) before you dial the provider.
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08:27.01pukkitagood day
08:27.01EmleyMoorJurian: Surely outgoing calls go via your *?
08:27.39pukkitaI'd like to use distinctive ringing depending on the calling source
08:28.07EmleyMoorI believe it's possible but I'd like to know more about that too
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08:28.25pukkitaI see this is done using the _ALERT_INFO var but wonder how to integrate that in the dial plan
08:28.37zepmantrahello, our other phoneline comes down (telco problems), this is my test asterisk line, how can i playback using xten the process when the channel rings, is it possible?
08:29.08pukkitabut where
08:29.44DrCronpukkita, in your dial plan where you handle incoming calls
08:30.29DrCronpukkita, look at  << defining extensions
08:30.54pukkitayes, I have them set up
08:31.04DrCronby calling source you mean CID?
08:31.13pukkitaI have SIP and a mix of digital lines
08:31.48pukkitamix = digital telco lines, digital "lines" connected to the PBX
08:31.49DrCronset up individual contexts for the ones you want to have distinctive ring on
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08:32.10Jurianhrm, not sure how to explain this, I have 10 numbers with our voip provider, but depending on which phone is used, I want to use a different outgoing number, right now, * appears to be sending my phone's SIP account username as the "from", and the voip provider is rejecting it, cause it needs to be one of the 10 numbers
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08:32.37JurianSIP/Belcentrale-0819d4c0 is making progress passing it to SIP/802-b6d3b588
08:32.47Jurian802 is my internal number
08:32.49Jurianit should be external one
08:32.55X-Robqwell, Qwell[], file, Corydon-w, Corydon76-home, the user Alex is doing spam /msg's on joins.
08:33.03Juriansetting callerid and cdr(accountcode) doesn't appear to help
08:33.14tparcinaARI - where can I download it? I have check but it gives me an error.
08:33.15DrCronJurian, this is dialing thorugh an asterisk server right?
08:33.49Jurianmy phone --SIP--> my asterisk --SIP--> provider system
08:34.12Jurianexten => _0[1-9].,n,Dial(SIP/31${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}}${SIP2})
08:34.30Jurianis what I have in extensions.conf
08:34.45tparcinaARI - Asterisk Recording Interface; does anybody know where I can download it (except from - which doesn't work right now)?
08:34.55pukkitaDrCron, I have a HW PBX integrated with my *. When someone from a traditional extension dials e.g. 5XXX the PBX "dials" out thinking it's attached to a phisical line, then my * catches it and dials the SIP exten. I'd like the SIP phone receiving that call use a distinctive ringing.
08:34.59Jurianalong with Set(CALLERID(number)=anumber) and Set(CDR(accountcode)=anumber)
08:35.41DrCronyou are going to need to modify the 31${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}}${SIP2} part
08:36.11pukkitait shouldn't be difficult but right now I'm still digesting all I've read
08:36.27Jurian${SIP2} is @voipprovider
08:36.40DrCronso, calls going from pbx ->analog line -> *-> sip should do the distinctive ring
08:36.57DrCronJurian, try entering the details manually
08:37.22DrCronwell, directly on that line anyways
08:37.35Jurianhow do you mean?
08:38.16Jurianis there a way to, like, Dial(SIP/destination@provider, mynumber)
08:38.29pukkitamy problem is the dialplan is always clear to me on where are you going, but not where are you coming from :)
08:38.29DrCronwell, i'm using voipjet and instead of using variables i have the info on that line ie: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial,IAX2/nnnnn@voipjet/${EXTEN}
08:39.01DrCronpukkita, the easiest way to fix that is have the calls coming in from the pbx use a diffrent context
08:39.18DrCronwell, easiest way that i see
08:39.24DrCroni'm a noob myself
08:40.38pukkitaand just do a Set(_ALERT_INFO) there?
08:40.58DrCronthats what i would try, yhea
08:41.36DrCronthere is probably a cleaner way to do it
08:42.11pukkitathat looks fine
08:42.28pukkitathat var is inherited in the following contexts?
08:42.41DrCroni think so
08:42.47DrCrontry it
08:42.54pukkitagimme a sec
08:43.21DrCronyou wouldnt be here if you weren't willing to fool around with the configs and see if it worked
08:43.34hadsshow application Set
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08:54.25pukkitaif I use an s extension, will it be processed, or will * jump to the more specific ones in that context?
08:54.40pukkitafor the Set(_ALERT_INFO)
08:55.09EmleyMoors is for calls entering a context without an extension, so the more specific ones will be used
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08:57.06pukkitathen what should be used? I'm looking to execute a Set() everytime we enter that context, then go with the rest of extensions
08:57.28HaMYaIanyone knows what causes a problem where out-going sip calls are redirected to default context?
08:58.00HaMYaIit only happens to me every once in a while
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09:04.18DrCronfwd is traditionally called by the npa 700, correct?
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09:20.53Newbie___hi, can a single TE110P handle a single adit600 with 48 FXS ?
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09:36.08mattfletcherHello, does anyone know how to disable the extra virtual lines on a Aastra 480i IP Phone. I want it to act as if it were only a single-line phone
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09:39.15DrCroni dont know if you can
09:39.21DrCronwhy would you want that?
09:40.10pifdo you guys let your users hide their caller id ?
09:40.12mattfletcherbecause when i'm using agents, the queue is seeing the extra lines on the phone, and passing calls to those agents, rather than skipping to the next one
09:40.47mattfletcher* when they are already off hook i ought to say :)
09:41.18qwertzHi, does anybody know if GotoIfTime is available in * 1.0.10?
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09:42.37DrCronmattfletcher, i'm sure there is a way, i just have no idea how to do it
09:42.48DrCronis it a pretty good phone?
09:43.01DrCroni'm thinking of getting the one with the wireless handsets
09:45.48mattfletcherto be perfectly honest, i don't know how good they are. we bought two, and shipped them down to our other office the day after they arrived. from looking at them briefly they seem to be fine. they replaced some rather nice DECT handsets and I have heard no complaints so far (after a week)
09:46.46DrCronyhea, well i would, admittedly love to see a good dect gateway to iax
09:47.01DrCronbecause then i could have a wireless phone with bluetooth
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09:55.13zumbushHave an old  Asterisk 1.0.9 box with an Wildcard TDM400P with analog ports
09:55.13zumbushJust installed a new box with Asterisk SVN-branch-1.2-r46258 connected to an 32-channel PRI through an Wildcard TE110P.
09:55.19zumbushThings seem to work well an i can call in and out to the box. But when i try to dial in with my old box to the incoming digital receptionist on the new box it just keeps on ringing and never reacts to my new box Answering and playing the recording.
09:55.23zumbushIf i do an direct in dial to a sip-extension everthing works ok but not when i call my main number that is direkted to the digital receptionist.
09:55.23zumbushAny idea what might be wrong.
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09:55.49pifhow to detect a prohib flag on a call?
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10:06.15yxaanyone has experienced with Cologne based HFC bri cards with mISDN?
10:06.32yxaie, Digium B410P
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10:10.27yxapif i've successful set up incoming calls and outgoing
10:11.20yxapif but when someone picks up an incoming call and transfer, asterisk and the misdn driver hangs
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10:12.03yxaAsterisk SVN-branch-1.2-r48192
10:12.31Guest77166hello guys
10:12.38yxai just issue make b410p from zaptel/
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10:12.57Guest77166I tried to install asterisk 1.4
10:13.15pifyxa: that's not misdn
10:13.20Guest77166but i was unable to install
10:13.48Guest77166do i need to install any additional package?
10:15.07yxapif how do i check?
10:15.26Guest77166anyone can help me in here?
10:15.45EmleyMoorWhat went wrong?
10:20.47yxapif its misdn. but i just don't know the version that digium gave
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10:29.07DrCronhmm, interesting, free US DID
10:29.26DrCronactaully, they pay you
10:30.19X-RobI'll have a million DID's then, thanks!
10:30.32DrCrononly if you can get incoming calls on them
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10:35.57Dovidmorning all
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10:47.46pukkitais there any variable that holds the channel a call comes from?
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10:49.36Dovidi believe channel or channelid
10:49.41Dovidhave a look on the wiki
10:50.02pukkitaDrCron: the _ALERT_INFO didn't work. It seems the s extension there only gets called if a call coming from there doesn't find any extension
10:50.12Dovid(my connection is too slow to get u the URL)
10:50.54Dovidpukkita: thats what the s extension is for
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10:51.08pifSIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: blah)
10:51.26pukkitaDovid is there any other that always is executed?
10:51.47pukkitaI want to set an specific ALERT_INFO depending on the incoming channel
10:52.20pifhave your channels use different contexts
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10:53.17Dovidpukkita: for diffrent DID's ?
10:53.27Dovidthen do as pif said. create diffrent contexts.
10:53.40DrCroni thought that was what i sugested
10:53.42Dovidso u can add the alert before you send it to the exten or IVR
10:53.55pifor learn GotoIf()
10:54.16DrCronwow, DID's can be cheap
10:54.23DrCron$4 a month?
10:54.49DrCronthis could end up saving me a metric butload of cash
10:56.03oinkHow's Cisco 7912G phones compared to Snom 300 ?
10:56.12oink(Hello! ;-)
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10:56.46DovidDrCron: Be carefull with whom you go with
10:56.55Dovidcheap doesnt allways = good
10:57.46DrCrondo you have any recomendations on a DID for the united states?
10:57.47Dovidi found a provider for $5.00 per DID and i ccan get up to 10 channels at once incoming (although if you keep up heavy traffic they will can you)
10:57.48pukkitaDrCron: that's what I've tried, but cannot make it execute it always then go on with the dialplan.
10:58.18Dovidi use em only for inbound
10:58.22Dovidoutbound they arent cheap
10:58.39Dovidits not on thier site. you have to email them for a mydeviceplan
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10:59.03Dovidbeen with them for 2 1/2 years. They were down once for 30 min cause of "network issues"
10:59.35DovidPukkita: y cant you split the incoming calls by context ?
10:59.37ModcutsGood morning, anybody know of any alert software that can be used in conjunction with sip phones to alert calls coming in?
10:59.39pukkitaDrCron, I already have a context defined for incoming calls through a digital line. but what kind of extension should I declare there so that it's always executed?
10:59.56DrCroni was trying out voipjet for my outbound calls, seemed decent
11:00.16DovidModcuts: define alert software
11:00.28DovidDrCron: Voip jet is good but thier cc sux
11:00.44Dovidi use them as primary (cause of thier rates) and fail over to teliax if they arent up
11:00.52DrCroncc = payment system?
11:01.10Dovidcs = customer service
11:01.13pukkitadovid yes, I can. say that context is [isdn_in_te] then the call goes to a SIP extension.
11:02.00DrCronyhea, i prefer to use a pre paid system, seems like a better idea then monthly
11:02.18Modcuts<Dovid>: you have a call coming in and the number........, use sip hardware phones but i have been asked to get software alerting also any ideas?
11:02.22DovidDrCron: montly usualy costs more
11:02.26pukkitahow do I set the __ALERT_INFO var in [isdn_in_te] so that no matter where that call ends up, that var is set (and inherited in the final context)
11:03.23DovidModcuts: dont know off hand
11:03.28Dovidgoogle it
11:04.08DovidPukkita: SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Variable)
11:04.13Dovidpukkita: I asume now u have something like
11:04.18Dovidexten => s,1,Answer ?
11:04.22Dovidso the next line put in
11:04.33Dovidexten => s,2,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Variable)
11:05.09Modcutswill take a look
11:05.26DrCronick, i guess if i want to do call fowarding it has to go through my asterisk server
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11:05.58dlynes_laptopI'm just curious what the best way would be to solve a problem I'm having
11:06.07dlynes_laptopThe problem is that all incoming calls must ring on all phones
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11:06.26dlynes_laptopHowever, I want it to ring on all phones that have available non-inuse lines
11:06.34dlynes_laptopEach phone has four incoming lines
11:06.59oinkAnyone's using 7912G phones along with Asterisk ?
11:07.10Doviddlynes_laptop: so u want to call only the phones that are not in use ?
11:07.12dlynes_laptopChanIsAvail() reports the phones as being free, regardless of whether they're busy or not, and completely ignores the call-limit field in sip.conf
11:07.45dlynes_laptopDovid: No, I want to call the phones that are in use, too (if they have available free lines, and they don't have do not disturb enabled)
11:07.54dlynes_laptopDovid: each phone registers five accounts
11:07.55benjkChanIsAvail() is evil, try to avoid it
11:08.19dlynes_laptopDovid: So I want it to try account #1, if that isn't free, try account #2, and so on and so forth
11:08.56Dovidi simple work around would be to set a variable per pone each time it gets a call
11:09.00dlynes_laptopDovid: but say if user 1 called out, they might have called out on line 3 (on the phone), and wanted to conference in another user that they have on line 2 (on the phone)
11:09.29dlynes_laptopDovid: Yeah...I was just curious if it would be simpler to solve this with AEL, AEL2, AGI, or writing my own module
11:09.29Dovidif the variable = 4 then u know that all lines are in use
11:09.38pukkitaDovid, no, I don't
11:10.05Dovidpukkita: what do u have ?
11:10.19dlynes_laptopbenjk: returns available, every seems to be unwavering
11:10.44pukkitathat line is connected to a hw PBX. Users from regular hw extensions can call sip extensions from theirs
11:10.45benjkeven if it "works" its still better to avoid it
11:11.02dlynes_laptopbenjk: I guess you wouldn't know which of the four methods would be the easiest to solve that problem, eh?
11:11.09pukkitawhat I want is SIP users get a distinctive ring when they're called from the hw PBX
11:11.14dlynes_laptopbenjk: I just want the solution that's the most maintainable and easiest to debug
11:11.31dlynes_laptopbenjk: and the least buggy
11:11.34benjkI usually dial out and make the dial command to continue in the dialplan, then check DIALSTATUS
11:11.36pukkitaI know how is done, but don't know how to set the _ALERT_INFO per each incoming channel
11:11.44dlynes_laptopbenjk: that's not an option though
11:12.02dlynes_laptopbenjk: using that method it'll ring on four of the five phones, if that channel is busy on the fifth phone
11:12.02Dovidpukkita: create diffrent channels for the diffrent lines
11:12.06benjkanything where you check in advance is subject to glare and race conditions
11:12.14Dovidso line A goes to context A etc
11:12.48pukkitaI've done that already
11:13.09pukkitawhat statement should I put in those context to set the var always
11:13.12dlynes_laptopbenjk: so i'm guessing agi doesn't give you any better call checking?  or modules for that matter?
11:13.32Dovidlike i said above
11:13.51Dovidpukkita: can you pb your configs please ?
11:13.57jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
11:13.58benjknot in this particular case, it gives you better performance and more syntactic freedom, but not any relief from race conditions
11:14.01dlynes_laptopI'm guessing I'm going to have to go with a module app
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11:14.49dlynes_laptoprace conditions?  I can check the status of the phones reliably from a module though, right?
11:15.19benjkchanisavail and its underlying mechanism is subject to race conditions
11:15.52benjkand if you don't lock, then its subject to glare
11:16.01dlynes_laptopbenjk: Yeah, but if I write my own application module 'Dial2', where it takes a regex for each channel parameter
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11:16.15benjkdamned if you do, damned if you don't kind of scenario
11:16.24dlynes_laptopbenjk: Then, theoretically I have access to the underliying data structure for the channel information, no?
11:16.48benjknot really, because ultimately asterisk maintains the channel structures
11:17.15dlynes_laptopAnd the channel structure isn't reliable?
11:17.43benjkthere are plenty of locking issues with the internal storage in asterisk
11:18.00dlynes_laptopIf I type 'show channels', I can reliably see what channels are in use, though
11:18.11benjkpart of the problem is that everything is in a linked list
11:18.29dlynes_laptopbenjk: And asterisk doesn't synchronize access to the data stores?
11:18.44benjkmost of the show foobar (list all list elements) commands in the CLI will make everything else stop
11:19.14dlynes_laptopAh, and that introduces call quality issues too, I would imagine
11:19.21dlynes_laptopbut actually
11:19.27dlynes_laptopthat shouldn't make everything else stop
11:19.31benjkif you ever use the CLI over a slow modem dialup link, you'll find out that all calls stop (no audio) while your CLI command is printing the list
11:19.31dlynes_laptopYou're just reading, not writing
11:19.47dlynes_laptopYou shouldn't need to synchronize reads
11:19.49dlynes_laptopOnly writes
11:20.13benjkwell, asterisk uses what I call Rocky Mountain locking
11:20.14pukkitaDrCron, can you have a look at that pb?
11:21.00benjkthere are certainly many places where you could lock more fine grained but the reality is that they err on the other side of the spectrum and lock bigger scopes and often they lock when they don't even need to
11:21.47benjkanyway, the potential for glare (or race conditions) is there with chanisavail
11:22.30dlynes_laptopyeah...chanisavail is already out of the picture
11:22.40dlynes_laptopAs soon as I tried it, I realized it was useless
11:23.04dlynes_laptopit doesn't even return an appropriate status
11:23.20dlynes_laptopand sippeer:status is just as useless for my application
11:23.28dlynes_laptopbut at least sippeer:status is reliable
11:23.34benjksee, many of us have stopped trying to do smart things in the dialplan (agi or otherwise) because we found that we should first fix such obstacles in the core
11:23.51benjkthat's why there is FS and OPO
11:23.58dlynes_laptopYeah, but regardless, I need to do this today
11:24.07benjkgood luck with that :)
11:24.23dlynes_laptopNot three months from now, or whenever the core gets fixed elsewhere :0
11:25.00benjkFS might already be there, in this particular aspect, go and ask them
11:28.53*** join/#asterisk HarryR (
11:30.18Guest77166hello guys
11:31.05Guest77166I am installing asterisk 1.4
11:31.09Guest77166i got an eror
11:31.21Guest77166checking for ptlib-config... no
11:31.21Guest77166Cannot find ptlib-config - please install and try again
11:31.21Guest77166[root@localhost asterisk-1.4.0-beta3]# ]
11:31.22Guest77166checking for ptlib-config... no
11:31.22Guest77166Cannot find ptlib-config - please install and try again
11:31.22Guest77166[root@localhost asterisk-1.4.0-beta3]# ]
11:31.44dlynes_laptopGuest77166: do exactly what it says
11:31.47dlynes_laptopGuest77166: install ptlib
11:32.14Guest77166how can I installed ptlib
11:32.23*** join/#asterisk xnon (n=xnon@
11:32.39DrCronis there a short list of npan numbers that are dangerous to dial? (crazy fees and the like)
11:33.04Guest77166from red hat cd?
11:34.18*** join/#asterisk UnderMine (
11:34.29dlynes_laptopGuest77166: I have no idea...I don't use redhat
11:34.35dlynes_laptopGuest77166: Try asking on #redhat, or #fedora
11:34.46DrCronpukkita, sorry for the delay
11:35.03dlynes_laptopDrCron: npan?  As in North American Numbering Plan Authority (NANPA)?
11:35.26DrCrondlynes_laptop, yhea, which area codes arent safe
11:35.40dlynes_laptopDrCron: well, it woudl all depend on what you call 'not safe'
11:35.47dlynes_laptopDrCron: they're all 'safe' afaik
11:35.48DrCroni guess that would be npa numbers
11:36.03benjk900 numbers are not safe
11:36.11benjknot safe for your finances
11:36.15*** join/#asterisk beyond ( mean that kinda crap
11:36.31dlynes_laptop1-976, 1-876, 1-900
11:36.38dlynes_laptopThose are all pay per use services
11:36.47dlynes_laptopUsually for party and sex lines
11:36.57benjkDrCron, for that I have PREMIUM_RATE_BARRED=YES in my dialplan
11:37.14DrCronpukkita, change the s to _.
11:37.21dlynes_laptopAnd some NXX codes within certain Carribbean NPAs, too
11:37.33benjkthose aren't premium rate though
11:37.42benjkthey are to be rated as international
11:38.14dlynes_laptopbenjk: so the sex lines in carribbean countries just charge you regular carribbean rates?
11:38.19*** part/#asterisk peterme2005 (
11:39.01benjkI maintain a db entry for each extension which has flags for tollfree, emergency, local, mobile, national, premium-rate, international and sattelite
11:39.30benjkso for every one I can control what they can call
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11:40.14benjkif you barr them from calling the caribbean in the first place, then you don't have to worry about what kind of numbers there are more or less expensive
11:40.27DrCronadmitedly i just want to block premium rate and unregulated rate area codes
11:40.30dlynes_laptopI just block all 1-900, 1-876, and 1-976 calls
11:40.35pukkitathx DrCron! I managed using another way (ExecIf using ${MACRO_CONTEXT}) but using that looks cleaner
11:40.51pukkitaso _. mateches always?
11:40.52benjkunless you have a likely need for your users to call the carribean, it is unlikely they have a justified reason to call the carribean
11:41.01dlynes_laptopAll of our customers are business customers...I don't think they want their employees calling those numbers, anyways
11:41.10DrCronand if I do, i can always add in a specific pass rule
11:41.20DrCronwell, this is for my home use
11:41.42dlynes_laptopDrCron: keep the teenaged son from calling the sex and party lines ;)
11:41.42DrCroni just dont want someone who gains user level access to be able to call premium numbers
11:42.07benjkcheck the NANP
11:42.15DrCronno teenage son, i am the son of the family, and heck if i want pr0n, i use cheggit
11:42.16benjkit tells you all about the area codes in use and reserved etc
11:42.58DrCronyhea, i hoped there was something, well, faster then flipping through the full nanp
11:43.09pukkitaDrCron how do I keep the call going? it stops there
11:43.10benjkthere are some sites
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11:43.21benjkactually, there is some good overview on wikipedia
11:44.03DrCronswitch the 1 to n in telsip
11:44.03benjkyou probably want to whitelist all the US48, Hawaii, Alaska and Canada, and keep anything else out
11:44.51*** part/#asterisk Guest77166 (i=Singh@
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11:47.31nvictorI know it's a little off topic but, how do I get on jabber and chat with someone of which I've got a username??
11:47.35dlynes_laptopDrCron: try this site:
11:47.43nvictorI'm under windows xp
11:47.54*** join/#asterisk ]Airwolf[ (n=airwolf@
11:48.05dlynes_laptopDrCron: or these ones:
11:48.28DrCroni found it in the wiki
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11:51.29nvictorsalut stephane
11:51.36nvictoraide moi stp
11:52.55clive-hi all, anyone got a few minutes spare to help me figure out why this tdm card with fxo and fxs interfaces doesnt like my configuration ?
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11:56.50jeremy_gi want asterisk to load all modules
11:56.53jeremy_gwhat do i do?
11:57.06RoyKjust enable autoload in modules.conf
11:57.10jeremy_ghave only autoload=yes in modules.conf under module
11:57.15jeremy_gand remove all noload statements
11:57.32FuriousGeorgehi all
11:58.31jeremy_ghi FuriousGeorge
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12:03.29*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (n=alex@
12:04.28The_Ballwhat does it mean when the TDM wildcard card prints out Freshmaker version: 71 \n 05 != ff Freshmaker failed register test wctdm: probe of 0000:00:0e.0 failed with error -5
12:04.36The_Ballit lists all registers as ff
12:04.55mattfletcheris it possible to use SendText() to leave a message onscreen which persists? I want to show a particular state to phones at all times
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12:06.39jeremy_gis there anyone here who uses Progress application
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12:16.32DrCroncan you nest brackets?
12:16.57clive-anyone knwo what time digium support wake up?
12:16.57DrCronfor matching, ala 2[1[1234]3[14]4[126]]
12:17.33DrCronoops, forgot commas
12:17.43clive-hi benjk
12:18.56clive-whats news from japan?
12:19.19benjkbusiness as usual
12:19.21clive-we chatted ages ago, something about jitterbuffers or something if I recall
12:19.55x86benjk: you got your voice back ;)
12:20.16benjkyeah, the banlist on the channel got wiped
12:21.28clive-anyone got a few minutes spare to help me figure out why this tdm card with fxo and fxs interfaces doesnt like my configuration ?
12:22.40dlynes_laptopclive-: it's always best to describe what the problem is you've got and provide a pastebin of the log and the config files in question
12:22.51dlynes_laptopclive-: then ask your question
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12:32.03clive-dlynes, thanks, ust making the pastebin
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12:36.32mattfletcherCan I use SendText (or anything else) to put a message on the phone's screen, and have it remain after the call that created it has ended?
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12:38.21x86mattfletcher: if you figure that out, let me know ;)
12:42.30clive-updated :
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12:57.00DrCronwhat do sip and iax URI's look like
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12:57.45yassineworkany suggestions for an asterisk book ?
12:58.10DrCronthere is one out there
12:58.41DrCronand the safari online service has a few
12:58.43dlynes_laptopclive-: so what exactly is the problem?
12:58.58dlynes_laptopclive-: oh...nvm
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12:59.10dlynes_laptopclive-: after you modprobe wcfxo, you need to do a ztcfg -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
12:59.36yassineworkKizmet, i even know that there is somthing called amazon btw im looking for impressions on differnt book
12:59.39dlynes_laptopclive-: also wcfxo is for x100p cards, not whatever card you're trying to use
13:00.03dlynes_laptopclive-: the tdm400p card needs wctdm, not wcfxo
13:04.55DrCroncan someone make an sip call to <me
13:05.23KizmetHow do we know it is you =O
13:05.31DrCronyou dont
13:05.36DrCronbut it is
13:05.38M_atHow do you know it is you?
13:06.15coppicenobody else is
13:06.39dwmw2I'd check my passport,but wenchlet has confiscated it last time I got back into the country :)
13:06.46dwmw2not allowed it back till January
13:07.00*** join/#asterisk asterisk_5432 (n=shady@
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13:07.17DrCronso, um could someone ring that address?
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13:08.14coppiceif someone confiscated my passport that would make december a much more tranquil month
13:09.55asterisk_babyhello guys
13:10.12asterisk_babyi was having trouble compiling asterisk on fedora 4
13:11.12asterisk_babyits a godaddy dedicated server
13:11.42asterisk_babyi followed the step by step instructions on for installing asterisk on fedora 4
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13:12.01zackyKizmet, you need to show the trunk in the extension.comf ex. SIP/trunk/XXXX
13:12.03coppicethe only dedication at godaddy is to pissing off hgih bandwidth users :-)
13:12.34asterisk_babycompilation went well but im not able to able run asterisk -rvvv.. not even simple asterisk or safe_asterisk
13:12.49asterisk_babycan you help me out with this problem please.. coppice
13:12.53M_atwhat error does it give?
13:12.59dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: pastebin your log of 'asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvg'
13:13.26asterisk_babybash: asterisk: command not found
13:13.40dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: ummm....then type in the full path to your asterisk binary
13:13.48dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: try '/usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvg'
13:14.17asterisk_babyAsterisk already running on /var/run/asterisk.ctl.  Use 'asterisk -r' to connect.
13:14.29dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: i thought you said it wasn't running?
13:14.39asterisk_babywowww.. amazing
13:14.49dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: try /usr/sbin/asterisk -r
13:14.57dlynes_laptopasterisk_baby: see if you get an asterisk CLI
13:15.00*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
13:15.04asterisk_babyits working.. thanks dlynes.. thanks so much
13:15.37M_atdlynes_laptop: Sice you fixed that one so quick can you get me a dialtone on a Sangoma A200? ;o)
13:16.00dlynes_laptopM_at: got logs of your dmesg and that kinda thing?
13:17.03dlynes_laptopM_at: also log of 'wanrouter status'?
13:17.04M_atYeah - it's detected, ztcfg -vvv is happy, the card has power and provides power to the phone, zaptel is configured, there's just no dialtone or audio - I can make it ring but no audio is heard. Handset checks out on a standalone line.
13:18.20M_atI'm just trashing the config and building a minimal one manually
13:19.40*** part/#asterisk darqchild (
13:19.40DrCronhmm, incoming sip calls arent even registering.. kizmet just tried, can anyone else give it a shot?
13:19.40dlynes_laptopM_at: Just humor me and pastebin your dmesg
13:19.45dlynes_laptopM_at: i suspect you might have a common issue
13:20.01*** join/#asterisk dasenjo_ (n=dasenjo@
13:20.18M_atI hope se - 1 minute :)
13:20.54dlynes_laptopM_at: when someone on calls in to the asterisk box with the sangoma card, they don't hear any audio from anything, right?
13:21.03dlynes_laptopM_at: not even background, playback, voicemail, ...?
13:21.09M_atIt's an FXS
13:21.19M_atSo when I pick up there's no dialtone
13:21.20dlynes_laptopM_at: probably still the same issue
13:21.31dlynes_laptopM_at: no audio getting generated
13:21.37M_atpower so local audio echo  but nothing * generated
13:23.08*** part/#asterisk zacky (n=chatzill@
13:23.33M_atIt's a biggie
13:25.05dlynes_laptopM_at: this is an a200u/a200d right?
13:25.33M_atYup - not the d though
13:25.34dlynes_laptopM_at: or is an a101u, or something?
13:25.48dlynes_laptopM_at: ok, so why do you have it configured as an a101u?
13:25.51M_atthe A101 is a Pri interface also in there but that's not connected to anything yet
13:25.56dlynes_laptopah, ok
13:26.03M_atyou're looking at wanpipe1
13:27.20dlynes_laptopM_at: you're using a backplane on it? i.e. you've got daughterboards attached to it?
13:27.51dlynes_laptopThat's how you've got it configured
13:27.54dlynes_laptopmodule 2 and module 3
13:28.11dlynes_laptopmodule 2 is on the first card, module 3 is on a daughterboard connected to the backplane
13:28.16M_atit's a 4 port card, 2 module slots, one populated
13:28.24M_atNo backplane
13:28.25dlynes_laptopYeah, 2 modules, not 3
13:28.34M_atyeah but they're 2 port modules
13:28.44M_aton one module
13:28.45dlynes_laptopwanpipe1: Module 2: Installed -- Auto FXS!
13:28.45dlynes_laptopwanpipe1: Module 3: Installed -- Auto FXS!
13:29.04M_atYup - they're packaged together on a single card
13:29.09dlynes_laptopI know that
13:29.12dlynes_laptopI've got several
13:29.26dlynes_laptopAll of mine are a200d's
13:29.30dlynes_laptopI also have two a101u's
13:29.50M_atYup - I've never had any problem with the A100 series
13:29.52*** join/#asterisk shellshark (n=x86@
13:30.00M_atGot a 102 running faultlessly in the UK
13:30.27dlynes_laptopMaybe because you've got an a101u in that box, the modules are loading kinda weird
13:30.38dlynes_laptopCan you try changing the slot positions for the a101u and the a200u?
13:30.58*** join/#asterisk heh_v_water (
13:31.05dlynes_laptopThen maybe the module numbering might be a little more sane
13:31.10M_atI'll remove the 101
13:31.23dlynes_laptopand then pastebin your new dmesg
13:38.43*** join/#asterisk xnon_ (i=xnon@
13:40.19M_atHere we go:
13:41.43dlynes_laptopM_at: yeah....still getting detected as module 2 and 3
13:41.51M_atTHey are tho ren't they?
13:42.02dlynes_laptopshould be module 1 and 2, not 2 and 3
13:42.06M_at0 & 1 are empty, 2 & 3 are one FXS card, 4 & 5 would be on a daughterboard
13:42.32dlynes_laptopM_at: also, it shouldn't even be echoing stuff like that
13:43.11dlynes_laptopNormally you would get something like the following:
13:43.12M_atecohing how?
13:43.19dlynes_laptopi guess that is correct
13:43.22dlynes_laptopon mine I have:
13:43.24dlynes_laptopwanpipe1: Module 0: Installed -- Auto FXO (FCC mode)!
13:43.25dlynes_laptopwanpipe1: Module 1: Installed -- Auto FXO (FCC mode)!
13:43.25dlynes_laptopwanpipe1: Module 2: Installed -- Auto FXO (FCC mode)!
13:43.25dlynes_laptopwanpipe1: Module 3: Installed -- Auto FXO (FCC mode)!
13:44.00dlynes_laptopM_at: and you don't have echo canceller on there, right?
13:44.08M_atNot as far as I know
13:44.24M_atdidn't specify one
13:44.43dlynes_laptopM_at: also, you have an error in your wanrouter setup
13:44.55dlynes_laptopM_at: you haven't specified whether you want to use ulaw or alaw
13:45.54dlynes_laptopM_at: it assumes ulaw for you:  zaptel: Span WRTDM/0 didn't specify default law.  Assuming mulaw, please fix driver!
13:45.54M_atI have in wancfg but it doesn't seem to be taking
13:46.01M_atShall blat out the configs
13:46.09dlynes_laptopM_at: did you use the sangoma configuration utility?
13:46.15dlynes_laptopM_at: or did you edit the file manually?
13:46.19*** join/#asterisk Crescendo (
13:46.22M_atSangoma all the way
13:46.34coppiceoh, that's bad :-)
13:46.47M_atcoppice: How?
13:46.49coppicethat sangoma utlity really sucks
13:46.51*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
13:47.06coppiceI only ever seem to get the config right by hand
13:48.14coppicethe sangoma stuff is great hardware let down by a crappy install experience
13:48.17dlynes_laptopcoppice: works just fine for me
13:48.25dlynes_laptopcoppice: but yeah, the install process is horrible
13:48.26M_atAnd me with a 102
13:48.37ManxPowercoppice: I agree that the Sangoma stuff can be odd to install.
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13:51.49pukkitabye and thanks to everyone
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13:52.07M_atdlyne: Dialtone!
13:53.00M_atI think my wanpipe config may have got a bit screwed
13:53.56The_Balli have the tdm400 wildcard and compiling zaptel under gentoo i have the option of enabling the watchdog or not. Should i use the watchdog?
13:55.25*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
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13:58.14dlynes_laptopM_at: cool
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14:00.01DerPraktikanthi , got a problem with my dialplan , 1 got 2 softphones via SIP which can phone each other , and an zaphfc card in NT mode
14:00.18DerPraktikantat the zap card there is an isdn phone
14:00.43DerPraktikanti can call from the isdn phone to the sip softphones
14:01.02DerPraktikantbut not from the sip to the isdn phone
14:01.18DerPraktikantmaybe my exten is not true
14:01.40DerPraktikantexten => 4,1,Dial(Zap/1/4028474,60)
14:01.55DerPraktikantdid i make something wrong with the syntax?
14:02.31DerPraktikantnewest vers
14:02.37RoyKsounds right
14:02.42RoyKor loos
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14:03.15DerPraktikanti dont understand it , because when i call the softphone the number 4028474 comes
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14:03.29DerPraktikantso i thought this must be added into the extension
14:03.48DerPraktikantbut it dont rings :(
14:04.08DerPraktikantdoes somebody know why?
14:05.04*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
14:05.06DerPraktikantor maybe u got an reverence syntax which i can modify?
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14:08.32DerPraktikantif i call from the isdn to sip this msg comes :
14:09.06DerPraktikantbut from sip to isdn there comes nothing , not even an error
14:13.07DerPraktikantcant nobody help me plz? :/
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14:15.44shellsharkDerPraktikant: did you set your verbose level really high?
14:16.03shellsharkset it higher
14:16.06shellsharkset verbose 99999999999999
14:16.12shellsharkfrom the CLI
14:16.40shellsharkthat's not what i said
14:16.45shellshark"set verbose 99999999999"
14:16.50shellsharkdo that from the CLI
14:17.47EmleyMoorMy Digium supplier are sending me a new FXO module
14:17.59DerPraktikantit gives no other msg
14:18.06EmleyMoorI will finally have it working by Christmas
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14:18.09DerPraktikanti set it to the verbose lvl u said
14:18.25shellsharkturn debug on?
14:19.05DerPraktikantyes by the initialtion
14:19.56shellshark"sip debug"
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14:23.35DerPraktikantok i cant find something
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14:25.02DerPraktikantmaybe i got some error in my syntax exten => 4,1,Dial(Zap/1/4028474,60)
14:25.41shellsharkDerPraktikant: why not just Dial(Zap/4028474|60) ?
14:25.53aadilismailwhere and how to check a specific call detail record..??"?
14:26.09shellsharkaadilismail: depends on the CDR back-end you're using
14:26.19DerPraktikanti will try it
14:26.44shellsharkaadilismail: by default, /var/log/asterisk/cdr/*
14:26.44shellsharkaadilismail: of course, it's better to set it up to use MySQL
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14:27.51DerPraktikantcall failed : not found
14:28.03shellsharkthats... eh... descriptive :p
14:29.15DerPraktikantwith the 1 in my expression i defined the group where the zaphfc is in
14:29.37DerPraktikant2-1 is the channel it used to take
14:30.06DerPraktikantthe problem is that the isdn telefon has no synonym like a softphone ;)
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14:31.13DerPraktikanttechnik is magic , someway it functions but randomly logical ^^
14:31.56DerPraktikantdid u read the msg asterisk gave me when i call from the isdn phone?
14:32.15DerPraktikantExecuting Dial("Zap/2-1", "SIP/platz2") in new stack
14:32.51DerPraktikantthe kontext is Zap/2-1 , but if i want to call this with the sip phone it wont function
14:33.29DerPraktikantsry 4 my bad english
14:37.21DerPraktikantwell maybe somebody can help me with this problem: Dec  6 15:37:12 NOTICE[5210]: chan_sip.c:5402 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for 'platz2@platz2.megafunk.local' timed out, trying again (Attempt #5)
14:37.49puzzledRoyK: in libpri ir says int pri_sr_set_redirecting(struct pri_sr *sr, char *num, int plan, int pres, int reason). Does it make sense to decalre redirect_reason as an int too?
14:39.04DerPraktikanti dont know why it comes , the soft phones tell me the status " registered" but the asterisk gives me all 10 s this error
14:39.40DerPraktikantmaybe because i didnt register to an extern sip provider ? i got them registered to my asterisk server
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14:40.10aadilismailwhere "var" exist ... in which folder or dir???
14:40.13RoyKpuzzled: where in what file? my patch may be broken
14:41.00DerPraktikantregister => platz2:52@platz2.megafunk.local is the string , did i something wrong? qualify is not enabled..
14:41.12puzzledRoyK: doh, I did not paste the top part of the patch. /me slaps /me with clueby4
14:43.58DerPraktikantthe folder is in root
14:44.24DerPraktikantget into ur terminal and type cd /var
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14:45.51XR6anyone knows if asterisk can dial out, inform me there is one parked call for me and if i accept it will bridge the parked call to me ?
14:46.08XR6I've been trying to fingure this out for the last hour
14:46.23darkskiezcould script it i suppose
14:46.44XR6the only way i seen asterisk to dial out is via a .call file
14:46.53puzzledRoyK: what does the alaw PLC fix exactly do?
14:46.58darkskiezyeh, an external script perhaps
14:47.05DerPraktikantyes u should make a script which checks ur parket calls and dial to u if necessary
14:47.08XR6but it looks like that won't bridge the calls
14:47.12darkskiezinvoked via your park action, using originate to inform you.
14:47.41aadilismailif i want to check a single number call detail record then ... its like ... / something???
14:47.49RoyKpuzzled: using alaw with pri means no transcoding, which means no plc
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14:48.31shellsharkRoyK: i thought pri used ulaw?
14:48.38puzzledor ulaw
14:48.39XR6so how can triger the script if there is a parked call?
14:48.42DerPraktikantpri can use both
14:48.50DerPraktikantulaw and alaw
14:49.09puzzledRoyK: why would you want plc with pri which is tdm technology?
14:49.21hoobastoob2I am having in issue where only one of the 3 members in a queue are ringing. The queue is set up with a ringall strategy. Any ideas? Here is the show queue and the queues.conf entries.
14:49.32RoyKpuzzled: the receiving channel is the one doing dejittering and plc, not the sending channel
14:49.37RoyKdon't ask why
14:49.53hoobastoob2members are added using add queue member, except for the one member who is static in the queues.conf
14:50.05RoyKreceiving a SIP call and terminating the call on Zap, the dejittering and PLC is in Zap
14:50.10RoyKbecause slav wrote it that way
14:50.11puzzledRoyK: ah right. so the patch makes the jb work between zap & sip channels?
14:50.32RoyKthe design is generic
14:50.42RoyKbut there's only a sip/zap implementation (in asterisk)
14:50.48RoyKthere is in openpbx, though
14:50.59puzzledRoyK: I understand now. thanks. will add the patch to my RPM
14:52.04DerPraktikantRoyK: i only say bristuff
14:52.36DerPraktikanti would breffer anyone of u to use a RedHat distri and A@H , its the simplest way
14:52.59XR6with .acall how does one invoke an ivr style to the caller, as in Playback(yougotacall-press1-accept-press2-deny) then bridge with parked call, at the moment it dials out but can't bridge the calls
14:53.38DerPraktikanti must use suse 10,1 and it sucks hard
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14:55.25DerPraktikantwhat experience u got with the speex codec? in teamspeak i know it at very good , but what u say about it in VoIP ?
14:57.24DerPraktikantwell cu
14:57.57vader--Do any of you guys have a portal system or collaborative system or wiki you use for your IT department to store documents, FAQs, KB, etc?
14:58.20darkskiezvader--: we use tikiwiki
14:58.36mattfletcherCan I use SendText (or anything else) to put a message on the phone's screen, and have it remain after the call that created it has ended?
14:58.37darkskiezI actually store our asterisk config in it, and have scripts that convert that to configuration files
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14:59.22vader--dark is your site open to the public?
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15:00.07vader--dark why tikiwiki and not metawiki?
15:00.14vader--or wikimedia i mean
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15:00.31darkskiezwikimedia is tooo big and complicated
15:01.00darkskiezvader: no, its vpn/intranet only
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15:01.20vader--i setup mediawiki
15:01.38vader--i don't like it too much
15:02.07vader--dark any way i could see a few screenshots to get an idea if thats something i would like to implement?
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15:02.55vader--ya im looking more for how other IT departments are using it
15:03.01vader--i found the tikiwiki site
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15:05.40hoobastoob2is it possible to make a call go to queue and simultaneously make an extension that is not a member of a queue ring? All at the same time?
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15:17.30asd23I'm having trouble with dtmfmode.  Seems that that in order to get outgoing calls to send dtmf signals to other pbx's I need to set dtmfmode=inband, however then my asterisk server won't recognize incoming calls' dtmf signals in the IVR.  Anyone experience this?
15:18.33shellsharkwhat codec?
15:19.23shellsharkinbound calls are using ulaw also?
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15:20.20asd23Yes, it's all ulaw.  I'm using a voip service and it's setup in my sip.conf file in it's own context.  If that context's dtmfmode is set to auto or rfc then it works fine, but my outgoing calls suffer.
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15:20.50asd23Its a flip flop, can't get incoming and outgoing dtmf to work.
15:23.10asd23I tried setting dtmfmode=rfc2833 under the general context (for incoming calls) but it gets overridden when I set it to inband under another context.
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15:24.38asd23I looked it up and it seems that you can't set the dtmfmode under the general context.  But I tried it anyways.
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15:28.23asd23anyone here knowledable in sip?
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15:29.20ManxPoweryou want rfrc2833  Check the dtmf tone length option to make outgoing DTMF work
15:29.21asd23anyone here familiar with setting dtmf in asterisk?
15:29.28ManxPowerassuming your PSTN connection is via Zap
15:29.44asd23Everything I'm sending is over a voip connection.
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15:30.04ManxPowerasd23: then you must work with your carrier.
15:30.34ManxPowerof course you could just use different sip.conf [sections[ for incoming .vs. outgoing like you are supposed to anyway.
15:31.03asd23ah, ok I was thinking of doing that?  How do you setup an incoming context?
15:31.25asd23How do you tell asterisk to route incoming calls to a specific context in sip?
15:31.34*** part/#asterisk hoobastoob2 (n=ckwall@
15:34.23danbrwnhave extension conf setup and sip.conf setup, using sjphone and aastra 480i. how to make both go through asterisk now?
15:35.18asd23My provider is using his asterisk server to send calls my server over sip.
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15:37.56asd23benjk: context=foobar send the call to a context in extensions.conf.  I need a way to be able to get incoming calls routed to a context in sip.conf.  Once in that context, I can then do a context=foobar.
15:39.28benjksip.conf doesn't handle calls
15:40.07ManxPowerasd23: they are not called contexts in sip.conf they are called sections or devices.
15:40.20ManxPowerand the [whatever] will match an incoming call if the auth info matches
15:40.32benjkit doesn't matter what you call them, the fact is that you can't send calls into sip.conf
15:41.01benjkyou might as well try to send calls into README
15:41.08danbrwntrying to get aastra sip phone and sjphone sip phone working with asterisk server, setup both in sip.conf and extensions.conf. Now what?
15:41.09Supaplexhow do you setup more then one isolated registry in sip.conf?  I'd like to start different registry each in a different context
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15:41.40ManxPowerSupaplex: register => only notifies the far side what your ip address is.  It does nothing else.
15:41.45asd23well, then how does an incoming sip connection know where to route the call in extensions.conf.  It knows by whats setup in a sip section, no?
15:41.56ManxPowerdanbrwn: start calling
15:42.15ManxPowerasd23: the incoming call will have a destination phone number
15:42.25benjkeach section for incoming calls should have its own "context=foo" statement
15:42.27asd23In other words, what tells the remote party (voip service in my case) to send it
15:42.56asd23In other words, what tells the remote party (voip service in my case) to send it's data to a specific section in my sip.conf?
15:42.56ManxPowerasd23: the /extension on your register => can request the far end send the call to a specific extension but the carrier must support it.
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15:43.12benjkthen foo in extensions.conf should deal with those calls in the way you want them to be handled
15:43.27Supaplexthen why is it when I receive calls from them they go into the context [general] decides?  Is there someway to distinguish which provider I've setup and have it start in a specified context? or is it all or nothing?
15:43.29ManxPowerasd23: the username / password tells asterisk what sip.conf section to match.  Asterisk has no other information about the call
15:43.51ManxPowerSupaplex: if the call is going the the [general] context then it is NOT matching a sip.conf section
15:44.16Nuggetall your calls are belong to general.
15:44.53danbrwnManxPower: how does the aastra and sjphone know to call into the server when I dial the  extension on the phone?
15:45.20ManxPowerdanbrwn: you configure them to use asterisk as their server.  I can't help you with that as it is not an asterisk issue
15:45.32Supaplexso I can put registry in a different section so it'll default to a specific context?  I tried that, and it never registered.
15:45.44ManxPowerSupaplex: no you cannot.
15:46.09ManxPowerSupaplex: Do you know what a register => line does?  (no it is not REGISTRY)
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15:46.51asd23Is there a way to get incoming calls to go to another section other than the general section?
15:47.01ManxPowerasd23: yes, they will do that by default.
15:47.32ManxPowerasd23: IF the incoming call's auth info matches a sip.conf section then the stuff in that [section] will override the stuff in [general]
15:47.37asd23I ask because I can't set the dtmfmode in the general section.  It must be set in another section.
15:47.41SupaplexManxPower: so register => has nothing to do with sip show registry?
15:48.05ManxPowerAPPARENTLY either asd23's calls and Supaplex's calls are not coming in with username / secret that matches a sip.conf section.
15:48.25ManxPowerSupaplex: It might, but why do we care?
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15:49.21ManxPowerThis is why I put context=INVALID in sip.conf [general].  This makes sure that if a call comes in that does not match a sip.conf [section] the call is rejected because I do not have a [INVALID] context in extensions.conf
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15:50.35ManxPowerThis has saved me hundreds of hours in trying to figure out sip issues.
15:50.49Supaplexso far I have it ending up in a recording for tracing/debugging information, but it hasn't done much yet.
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15:51.11asd23here is what I have
15:51.11asd23auth = value1:value2@ip address
15:51.15mattfletcherCan anyone explain to me how I should use the 'd' option for the Dial() command. I'm hoping to use it to allow callers to access a hidden menu of options
15:51.31ManxPowerasd23: wrong
15:51.44asd23You mean to tell me that I need a sip section named after something in my auth?
15:52.01asd23whats wrong?
15:52.02ManxPowerasd23: of course!
15:52.12danbrwnwhat is the port number asterisk is using for clients
15:52.20ManxPowerasd23: there is no such option called auth=
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15:53.40ManxPowerin [general] you would put your register =>
15:53.43asd23so what goes in the [authentication] section?
15:54.00ManxPowerasd23: there is no such thing as an [authentication] section.
15:54.08ManxPowerWhere do you get this crap?  The Wiki?
15:54.19ManxPowerunless your username is "authentication"
15:55.01asd23Thats what I get for copy and paste eh?
15:55.34asd23So the only reserved section name is general?
15:55.54ManxPowerasd23: the only reserved section name in sip.conf is [general]
15:56.11ManxPowerunless you are using something like 1.4.  I don't know how it is done in 1.4 since that has not even been released yet.
15:56.21asd23well, then don't I feel stupid.  :)
15:56.51asd23I'm using 1.2.13
15:57.23Supaplexmy default config had an empty authentication section to
15:57.31ManxPowerin [general] you put your default options as well as your register => lines
15:57.51ManxPowerSupaplex: there is an [authentication] section in sip.conf.sample?
15:58.14Supaplexmust be a debian thing. *shrug*
15:58.15asd23Manx: If I don't have a section named after my username then the incoming calls get routed to general, I'm assuming.  Correct?
15:58.16ManxPowerOr are you doing something really stupid like trying to use freepbx/trixbos configs?
15:58.23ManxPowerasd23: correct.
15:58.28Supaplexheck no
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15:58.52ManxPowerasd23: you didn't read The Book did you?
15:58.55jbotrumour has it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
15:59.08asd23I'm reading O'Reilly
15:59.35asd23But O'rielly's book is more for breadth and less on depth.
15:59.41ManxPower*grumble* I guess I should start packing for my trip.
16:01.36asd23Manx:  The only thing I should have under general then is the register statement, right?
16:01.50ManxPowerasd23: that is a good start
16:01.54asd23ok, cool
16:05.16asd23manx: I tried it, but my IVR won't accept dtmf signals, I tried dtmfmode=rfc2833 and auto.
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16:08.27heh_v_waterso if I set musiconhold as well as announce on a queue should it play the music and every once in a while announce their status?
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16:29.53b11dhello lads
16:30.17b11dI've got a problem..  two Polycom 501's cant talk to each other.. they can call each other just fine, but once both ends pick up, it goes silent.
16:30.29b11dI can successfully call each of those 501's from other 501's and it works..
16:30.38b11djust those two cannot speak to one another..
16:30.40b11dit doesnt make any sense
16:30.46b11drtp seems to be fine..  sip seems to be fine..
16:34.24*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
16:34.34TripleFFFFanyone know if stun setting sin xlite can casue drop calls ?
16:34.41TripleFFFFsees m 1.2.13 and lxlite are nasty
16:40.00shellsharkis there english in there somewhere?
16:42.33*** join/#asterisk newbie^^ (n=DSM@
16:42.54shellsharkb11d: are you provisioning all of the phones? or using their web-based config interfaces?
16:43.18synthetiqim trying to access a meetme confernce room , it used to work before, but know when i try to access it i constantly get message that zap/pseudo hangs up...any idea for the cause?
16:43.45b11dim provisioning them from an ftp server
16:43.52b11dit is successfully pulling the configs and uploading log files
16:43.56b11dit is = they are
16:44.19ManxPowerTripleFFFF: I can imagine that it could cause dropped calls.  Don't use STUN
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16:44.39newbie^^do i have to wait for a turn something?
16:44.48hmmhesayswhy not use stun
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16:47.37newbie^^i'm new to Asterisk but my callcentric insisted that i install it if i wanted to use multiple channels.. anyway everything is working fine.. what i want to ask about is the following.. if i have a phone book that contains let's say 100 entery and i want to give each entery a time limit for calling into my PBX like a monthly plan of 15 hours.. is that possible?
16:48.24M_atIs there any easy way to see exactly what MOH file is being played to a call?
16:49.17shellsharkM_at: ps aux | grep mpg123 ?
16:49.17M_atI hope not - I deleted all the MP3 files :)
16:50.20shellsharkthen how is it able to play anything at all? ;)
16:50.43M_atBecause I have installed the native versions in A, u, G722, G726 and Wav
16:51.13M_atWant to make sure the u law version is played on this call
16:51.22M_atg72 on the g726 calls etc
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16:51.45M_atwhy yuck?
16:51.52shellsharkyou should just keep them wav's and let asterisk transcode them for you
16:51.57shellsharkor use icecast :)
16:52.19M_atshould? Or "the wasy way is to"
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16:57.43hmmhesayscan read take multiple file names to playback?
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16:59.37b11dmy problem was that I had to specify canreinvite=no for the two polycom's having the issue..
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17:01.44CunningPikeM_at: We are using native MOH with ulaw files - works fine
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17:02.22newbie^^i'm new to Asterisk but my callcentric insisted that i install it if i wanted to use multiple channels.. anyway everything is working fine.. what i want to ask about is the following.. if i have a phone book that contains let's say 100 entery and i want to give each entery a time limit for calling into my PBX like a monthly plan of 15 hours.. is that possible?
17:02.46b11dyou want to allow each number only 15 hours of "PBX" time a month?
17:03.02b11dor.. they can use that number for up to 15 hours each month?
17:03.53b11dok.. so.. you want help.. and then you dont respond?
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17:05.13newbie^^sorry i'm back
17:05.17newbie^^and... you're gone
17:05.51b11d|bblim still here
17:05.59b11d|bbljust I might be in-and-out
17:06.09newbie^^ok ..
17:06.31newbie^^and the answer is yes.. each number would get 15 hours per month..
17:07.11b11d|bblwell.. you'd want to start by looking at the available billing packages..
17:07.17b11d|bblthat might get you started
17:07.28newbie^^will go and have a look
17:07.29b11d|bblI dont know how they integrate, but I know its possible to do what you're asking.. other people do it..
17:08.09TripleFFFF10ManxPower: 01TripleFFFF: I can imagine that it could cause dropped calls.  Don't use STUN
17:08.12TripleFFFFhmm yeah ?
17:08.40TripleFFFFwhat config then i dont see NOT USE
17:08.57TripleFFFFthat the menu
17:09.11b11d|bblyou rule TripleFFFF
17:09.42b11d|bblhehe.. nothing..
17:11.26mattfletcherWhat is the easiest way to run a PHP from a call? AGI, mod_php or curl?
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17:16.59mattfletcherI have a trivial PHP script which returns a name from our bespoke customer DB when passed a number. What is the best way to integrate this into my dialplan?
17:18.16b11d|bblAGI as I understand it..
17:18.24b11d|bblbut I dont know that for sure, nor do I know if thats the best solution
17:18.45TripleFFFFFAST AGI with
17:19.20TripleFFFFthis wait you can limit time it gets.. if whatever reason the tcp url is hung
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17:26.58SoftIcehi, to get isdn stuff working on asterisk can i just add the modules or do I have to install bristuff?
17:27.10SoftIceor how would one of you sugest to get an isdn modem working?
17:27.23CunningPikeHas anyone experienced problems with Polycoms IP4000 failing to get their config files? We are using vsftpd and our setup works fine for 100+ 501s, but the IP4000 gives curl timeouts when trying to download its config files and sp.ld
17:27.48CunningPikeThis is a replacement phone, so it seems to be something specific to the model - maybe a bootblock issue?
17:28.19XIN01OZI need a good friend/mentor/business partner that knows business ethics and asterisk that is good at making money flow.. heh - really though if somebody has a moment that might be able to help me, please pm me. I think I might have alot going...
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17:31.06XIN01OZI could really use the help.
17:31.18SoftIcesame here ;)
17:31.25SoftIcewhat is the best way to install an isdn card for asterisk?
17:32.06XIN01OZhmmhesays: is it not through ZAP?
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17:34.18XIN01OZwith a name as SoftIce- that seems like a simple question
17:34.35DrCronis there a nice place to put voip addresses in outlook?
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17:35.12SoftIceXIN01OZ i'm new to asterisk and asking wha the best way around is, using a bri patch or to install briasteisk base with the allready customisation to zaptel, etc.
17:37.40XIN01OZI think you have to compile Zaptel with the drivers configured
17:38.15SoftIceisdn ?
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17:38.41XIN01OZnot sure- have not used isdn in asterisk
17:38.47SoftIceerr, never midn.. i'll work it out.
17:39.00SoftIcei have configured this before with bristuff for 1.2
17:39.06SoftIcethis is version 1.4 of asterisk this person is using
17:39.53XIN01OZSorry Im not the one to help you on that situation
17:40.21SoftIceits fine, i remeber using chan capi ages ago, but i think its all moved to bristuff now
17:42.30mattfletchertripleffff: where will i find docs about fast agi?
17:42.47TripleFFFFgoogle is the main doc
17:42.51TripleFFFFas far as i know
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17:43.02TripleFFFFgoogle is my main encyclopedia
17:43.04XIN01OZAnyone in here do Asterisk consulting?
17:43.25zoaWhat do you need ?
17:43.49XIN01OZah, nice. what basis do you generally perform consultations?
17:43.51SoftIcewell i need for started can asterisk 1.4 support isdn modems
17:43.58SoftIceor do i have to install bri asterisk?
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17:53.58PupenoRHow do I compile 1.4.0beta3 with debuging symbols (-ggdb) ?
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18:09.36mattfletcherhow on earth do u pass an argument to an agi script? i've tried everything i can think of!
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18:11.09mattfletcherdoh, pipe not comma, grr! thanks
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18:15.01TheCopsHi, I have a Bell Canada voicemail and I want to map the MWI of my Polycom (Passing trought Asterisk) for this Voicemail. Someone know how?
18:15.56Qwell[]TheCops: I don't know if zaptel detects the stuttertone from the telco
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18:16.19Qwell[]afaik, it only does it when the line goes off hook
18:16.37Qwell[]there may be an option in one of the configs to check periodically though.  I'd take a look in the zaptel sample configs
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18:21.00te_lo_meto_mamigrrr I am so frustrated I am a newbie at asterisk and I HAVE read voip-info, but with no success on a stupid little issue. During  Background message I am trying to allow users to interact with asterisk and when they are hitting the #5 it does not playback the 5 , but goes on to transfer the call
18:21.03te_lo_meto_mamican someone help
18:21.09te_lo_meto_mamiI have a small dialplan
18:21.12te_lo_meto_maminothing fancy
18:21.14te_lo_meto_mamijust learning
18:22.09TheCopsQwell, this is normal to see asterisk taking the line after 2 or 3 ring?
18:22.27TheCopsQwell, I know it is waiting the caller ID, but 3 ring is very long.
18:23.20te_lo_meto_mamiCan someone help me out wit this
18:23.22te_lo_meto_mamiexten => s,2,Background(jorges-recording)
18:23.22te_lo_meto_mamiexten => 1,1,Playback(digits/5)
18:23.23te_lo_meto_mamiexten => 1,2,Goto(damn,s,1)  
18:23.30jboti heard paste is
18:23.31te_lo_meto_mamiexten => s,1,Answer()
18:23.31te_lo_meto_mamiexten => s,2,Dial(SIP/pimp)
18:23.53*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
18:24.08*** mode/#asterisk [-b g0tw00d!*@*] by Qwell[]
18:25.45te_lo_meto_mami<<<<sighs, aight guys thanks 4 the help :-(
18:25.49jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
18:26.08mcabCunningPike: re the IP4000 - is it running the same BootROM as the 501s? (and stupid question - it is trying to get to the server you think it is, right? :-)  )
18:26.13tzafrir_laptopQwell[], shorter, and with instructions
18:26.32Qwell[]tzafrir_laptop: yeah, people keep changing them
18:27.02CunningPikemcab: Yes to both - xferlog on the server shows the ftp attempts......
18:27.18tzafrir_laptopte_lo_meto_mami, first-off, please avoid foul language here
18:27.39Qwell[]tzafrir_laptop: foul language?  His context name was "damn" :p
18:28.00te_lo_meto_mamicontext not me typing at someone
18:28.03te_lo_meto_mamibut my bad
18:28.04Qwell[]I don't consider that foul, to be honest
18:28.17te_lo_meto_mamii dont know asterisk room rules
18:28.21te_lo_meto_mamilike i said i am new
18:28.36te_lo_meto_maminext time ill just rename before pasting
18:28.43tzafrir_laptopI don't really mind that myself. The point is that when people see such words they tend to become more emotianal and think about their meaning rather than about your question
18:29.03tzafrir_laptopA similar reason to why you should avoid typos
18:29.05*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
18:29.12_-Jon-_Hey all
18:29.15te_lo_meto_mamican u guys look pastthe word and help me out please
18:29.35tzafrir_laptopanyway, you have not defined a problem
18:29.47te_lo_meto_mamii will repeat problem
18:29.54_-Jon-_I'm having a sligh problem I'm hoping someone can assist with..  Basically when someone calls my number, it answers, then dials my SIP device.  However it doesn't ring to the calling party
18:29.56tzafrir_laptopHow do you see that something is wrong?
18:30.15te_lo_meto_mamiwell when i dial phone asterisk answers and plays recording no problem
18:30.24te_lo_meto_mamibut i want caller to hit 5
18:30.26mcabCunningPike: and a 501 in the same location works fine? Do you have an ethereal capture of what the IP4000 is doing?
18:30.48te_lo_meto_mamithan when they hit 5 i want asterisk to say 5 and Goto context defined
18:31.08te_lo_meto_mamiif i hit 1 it says 5
18:31.30CunningPikemcab: Yes - it does. And I'm setting up for a pcap as we speak........
18:31.36*** join/#asterisk Katty (
18:31.43mcabCunningPike: :-)
18:31.51tzafrir_laptopwhere? I don't see any extension 5
18:32.35tzafrir_laptopthe Playback is in the extension of 1
18:32.40*** join/#asterisk spyder5150 (
18:32.53te_lo_meto_mamiin dial plan i need to setup a variable than i guess is what you are saying   like   extension 1020 = 5?
18:33.23te_lo_meto_mamii have  a sip peer called SIP/pimp
18:33.28te_lo_meto_mamiexcuse the name
18:33.31tzafrir_laptopIn the context where the caller is, you need to have something in the lines of:
18:33.53tzafrir_laptopexten => 5,1,DoSomething
18:34.26tzafrir_laptopexten => 5,1,Dial(SIP/11)
18:34.42tzafrir_laptopPlease take a look at the sample extensions.conf
18:34.44Kattyspyder5150: hi.
18:35.12*** join/#asterisk Lunatic (n=RodeO@
18:35.19te_lo_meto_mamii understand , 5 is the name of the extension defined in digits/5?
18:35.21Kattyspyder5150: you don't recognize me, do you :P
18:36.03te_lo_meto_mamithanks laptop, appreciate it
18:37.01_-Jon-_Any one have any idea why Dial(SIP/200,25,r) wouldn't produce a ringing sound?
18:39.13Qwell[]_-Jon-_: get rid of the r
18:39.56tzafrir_laptopdigits/5 is an arbitrary file name
18:40.07hmmhesaysr should produce ringing no matter what is happening though
18:40.24Qwell[]hmmhesays: it causes very bizarre things...
18:40.49Kattyhmmhesays: are you causing trouble again?
18:41.34hmmhesaysKatty: always
18:42.31_-Jon-_Qwell, but then how is the caller to hear anything?
18:42.51Qwell[]_-Jon-_: the remote side is supposed to take care of it
18:43.21_-Jon-_Qwell, my provider doesn't seem to
18:43.34Qwell[]Then you have bigger problems...
18:43.49Kattyhmmhesays: i setup my second asterisk box yesterday :>
18:43.50_-Jon-_I have s,1,Answer then s,n,Dial(SIP/200,25)
18:43.53Kattyhmmhesays: all by myself :>>>
18:44.02_-Jon-_If my * box is answering, how is my provider to know to provide a ring?
18:44.08Qwell[]Don't answer :)
18:44.36_-Jon-_Nice, it worked :)
18:44.52hmmhesaysKatty: cool, what for?
18:45.22Kattyhmmhesays: just demoing purposes.
18:45.51Kattyhmmhesays: it's not gonna be used for real.
18:49.36te_lo_meto_mamiso laptop for asterisk to say 5 i must create a gsm sound file and put in /sounds directory and than it will play 5 once the 5 key is hit?
18:50.33awannabeis the only way to set callerid different for phone call (outgoing caller id) is by a if statement?
18:51.56Kattyhmmhesays: what kinda neat stuff can you do with asterisk and sql?
18:52.12Kattyhmmhesays: besides dumping the log into it.
18:52.16hmmhesaysKatty: what do you want to do?
18:52.22Kattyhmmhesays: i dunno.
18:52.28Kattyhmmhesays: just looking for something fun and new.
18:52.30hmmhesaysstore your configs? cdr's?
18:52.43hmmhesaysi use cmd mysql to pull values out of a database sometimes
18:52.47Kattyyeah, we're gonna store the csv thingy in there...
18:52.56Kattyhmmhesays: but i really dunno what else is possible.
18:52.57hmmhesaysand I wrote a pre-paid dialplan based on cmd mysql
18:53.01Kattyhmmhesays: or even slightly useful.
18:53.17hmmhesaysthe cdrs are especially if you use areski's asterisk stat page
18:53.27Kattyokay, dumb qustion...i'm gonna bite. cdr?
18:53.36hmmhesayscall detail record
18:53.42*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
18:54.02Kattythat's just the same thing as the master.csv then, just in a different format, etc.
18:54.16Kattywhaaat about....
18:54.20Kattylike callerid stuff
18:54.33hmmhesaysput it in a database with a nice web page front end and they become more readable
18:54.37Kattymake a database of numbers, and whatever callerid you want it to read
18:54.47hmmhesaysyou could
18:55.09Kattythat might be kinda neat to have if you want to put notes into the database.
18:55.17Kattyand then you can do a netsend message..
18:55.24Kattyand i dunno if you can get a link into the net send message or not
18:55.27hmmhesaysbased on what?
18:55.55Kattyjohn doe calls, net sent $computer message with who it is and a link, person clicks link, brings up database inflimation with notes fields...
18:55.55hmmhesaysi don't know if you'd need sql to do that
18:55.59*** join/#asterisk TheBearded1 (
18:56.17Kattyit's still somethin you could do with sql.
18:56.23spydareverse number lookup!  that'd be awesome
18:56.31TheBearded1anybody here that can help a dumb linux guy that knows zilch about pots?
18:56.34hmmhesaysa *nix system call to a windoze webserver could accomplish that
18:56.34Kattyand you could pull up the other table and get latest call information or somethin
18:56.45Kattyyeah, i've done a net send popup from linux before
18:56.53Kattythat's how we used to tell our receiptionist to answr the phone
18:57.08hmmhesaysyou could send a gtalk message
18:57.15TheBearded1looking to setup an asterisk box but know nothing about what is required on the pots side
18:57.19Kattyi think our receptionist is too dumb for that ;)
18:57.29Kattyyahoo, maybe...she already uses that
18:57.40hmmhesaysif you could find a linux commmand line yahoo client
18:57.47hmmhesaysTheBearded1: nothing if you don't want
18:57.56Kattyoh wow, i never thought about it that way
18:58.02Kattyjust do a sytem command and spam somebody
18:58.20Kattyhmmhesays: you're a genious!
18:58.47TheBearded1we want a business single 1-800 number, allowing ~6 simultaneous calls inbound or outbound
18:59.00TheBearded1we don't know if we need DID + 6 SIP accounts
18:59.06TheBearded1or one SIP account with 6 channels
18:59.10TheBearded1or what
18:59.17hmmhesaysdepends on the company you go with
18:59.30hmmhesayswhere you buy your 800 number from
18:59.37Kattyhmmhesays: arg, you make me wanna go to work now
18:59.40Kattyhmmhesays: damn you!
18:59.44*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (n=tsurko@
18:59.55hmmhesaysdo you still work at the same place?
18:59.59TheBearded1we already have an 800 number, would it need transfered?
19:00.05Kattyhmmhesays: oh yeah (=
19:00.13hmmhesayswhere does the 800 number go to?
19:00.16Kattyhmmhesays: i'm just..uh...sick today. yeah.
19:00.28TheBearded1this pbx system in question is for our new office we're moving to
19:00.30hmmhesaysahh, I ditched the 8-5 back in august
19:00.34TheBearded1800 number goes to our current office
19:00.45hmmhesaysanalog lines coming in or a t1?
19:00.53TheBearded1we didn't set up this
19:00.59TheBearded1we know it works and we get phone calls
19:01.01*** join/#asterisk enjay- (n=yea@
19:01.03hmmhesaysin the new office then
19:01.13TheBearded1nothing, trying to figure it out
19:01.14hmmhesaysanalog lines or a t1 coming in
19:01.19TheBearded1T1 for our net
19:01.25TheBearded1for voice, we don't know, that's why we're here
19:01.27hmmhesaysok, what about for the phones
19:01.32hmmhesaysits up to you
19:01.41TheBearded1maybe partial T1 for phone, but we're open to voip going outbound
19:01.41hmmhesaysif you're moving to a new office with nothing in it
19:01.51hmmhesayshow many incoming channels?
19:02.03TheBearded1we want 12 channes
19:02.09TheBearded1want* 12 channels*
19:02.12enjay-What file format and sample rate is best for asterisk recordings?
19:02.14hmmhesaysthen you'd probably end up with an incoming t1
19:02.20hmmhesaysget a t1 card
19:02.24enjay-as far as playing them via asterisk to an end-user.
19:02.25hmmhesayseither digium or sangoma
19:02.39TheBearded1okay, just for the hell of it what would be required to implement the same with voip outbound?
19:02.40hmmhesaysboth make t1 cards
19:02.54hmmhesaysa good ip connection
19:03.02hmmhesaysand an outbound account with someone
19:03.33te_lo_meto_mamigot it going thanks laptop
19:03.34te_lo_meto_mamiexten => s,1,Answer()
19:03.34te_lo_meto_mamiexten => s,n,Background(jorges-recording)
19:03.34te_lo_meto_mamiexten => s,n,WaitExten
19:03.35te_lo_meto_mamiexten => s,n,Playback(digits/5)
19:03.37te_lo_meto_mamiexten => i,1,Playback(invalid)
19:03.39te_lo_meto_mamiexten => 5,1,Dial(SIP/pimp)
19:03.58jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
19:04.00TheBearded1okay, so we hook up the t1 cable into our t1 card, how does that translate into a telephone number
19:04.09TheBearded1how does that enable us to get calls just by plugging in a t1
19:04.25awannabecan you set outgoing callerid over a Zap channel on a per phone/extension basis? I have one extension/login that needs to have a different callerid set
19:04.31hmmhesaysyou would have to order a voice t1 from your telephone carrier
19:04.32TheBearded1do we need to setup something with, say at&t, if att provides the partial t carrier do they have to know we're using it for voice
19:04.48hmmhesaysbecause their the ones the provision your t1
19:05.14TheBearded1so att/sprint would basically hook their end of the t1 into their telephone network
19:05.17TheBearded1and our end goes to ours
19:05.25hmmhesayssomething like that
19:05.34TheBearded1ridiculously oversimplified ofcourse
19:05.39TheBearded1so DID
19:05.58TheBearded1does it forward calls from the ordered number to the local number provided by att/sprint?
19:06.10TheBearded1or is the DID number the one attached to the T1 connection?
19:06.22hmmhesaysboth could be the scenario
19:06.26TheBearded1do we have to have a local number?
19:06.40hmmhesaysprobably not
19:07.46Kattyhmmhesays: i ever tell you about my lil xmms/paging project on asterisk?
19:08.07TheBearded1so we get a local number t1 line from att/sprint, then we go to a DID provider?
19:08.14enjay-What recording format and sample rate is best for asterisk playback?
19:08.15Kattyhmmhesays: yup.
19:08.17hmmhesaysx multimedia sstem?
19:08.22Kattyhmmhesays: two servers...public ssh keys...
19:08.35Kattyhmmhesays: one server plays xmms over speakers all day long.
19:08.38TheBearded1okay we saw plans on DID sites for phone numbers, but they listed channels
19:08.45TheBearded1are their channel requirements on a DID account?
19:09.02Kattyhmmhesays: the asterisk box sshes over to the second one, uses xmms-shell to kickt he volume down...and then asterisk connects to the line in part of the second box...and it's unmuted, so it just plays whatever it hears...
19:09.22Kattyhmmhesays: then it dumps the audio file it recorded to the regular output...when then routes through the second box...and out the speakers
19:09.25hmmhesaysKatty: cool
19:09.30Kattyhmmhesays: kicks the volume back up...and kills the ssh session
19:09.38hmmhesaysTheBearded1: you should call your carrier
19:10.09hmmhesaysthey'll be able to be more specific than any of us
19:10.44TheBearded1would att/sprint be able to provide us the DID service as well?
19:10.52hmmhesaysugh I have to take my zinc pill now
19:10.55Kattyhmmhesays: i theory...
19:11.09Kattyhmmhesays: i could make the speakers say whoever's calling on based on callerid and wav files ;)
19:11.11hmmhesaysoh, I thought you alread set this up?
19:11.22TheBearded1me? no
19:11.29TheBearded1we are trying to plan a system out
19:11.33hmmhesaysthe last comment was directed at katt
19:11.41TheBearded1and are unsure of what to buy
19:11.56hmmhesaysTheBearded1: i suggested that you call the carrier that will be providing service to the new site
19:12.10TheBearded1i thought you were asking me if i had built the system
19:12.28TheBearded1we're gonna go ahead and call att/sprint to finish this up
19:12.40TheBearded1you did clarify some of the cluelessness we had here though
19:13.50enjay-What recording format and sample rate is best for asterisk playback?
19:13.52*** join/#asterisk inspired (n=mikael@
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19:16.31hmmhesaysenjay: whatever format your calling party is using for a codec
19:17.51TheBearded1thanks for the consult guys
19:17.53*** part/#asterisk TheBearded1 (
19:18.09hmmhesayshe can pay me in hookers and blow
19:18.49awannabethats a nice payment :)
19:19.25*** join/#asterisk Delta239 (i=Delta_Of@
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19:20.06Delta239hello... i have a problem.. my softphone wont connect to my asterisk server... if i go to the CLI it doesnt even shows up that is trying to connect
19:20.22hmmhesayswhat softphone
19:20.31Delta239eyebeam sip softphone
19:20.38hmmhesaysKatty: so your project wants to play the calling party on a remote box?
19:20.51hmmhesayscheck your settings
19:21.01Delta239everything is fine
19:21.21hmmhesaysobviously not
19:21.26Delta239i have done this many times... adding and removing extensions
19:21.36Delta239if i go to sip show peers
19:21.50hmmhesayswhat is your verbosity level?
19:23.32*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
19:23.50Delta239on my softphone says registration error 408 request time out
19:24.07Delta239on the options on the domain i have the correct ip
19:24.47Delta239im using astrisk
19:25.02hmmhesaysset get out your packet sniffer and check where it is sending the registration request
19:29.14*** join/#asterisk Eliran_Itzhak (
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19:29.37philippelanyone know off hand what the size limit is for an astdb variable (string length)?
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19:41.05*** join/#asterisk BlepsoaF (
19:41.57BlepsoaFhello all, does anyone use automon?  It seems when I set Ww on the dial command it will block sending of all DTMF digits.  IE if you call an automated bank teller line, you wont be able to do anything....anyone experience this?
19:42.06*** join/#asterisk mithraen (n=mithraen@
19:42.53SheriF_SpacEwhat is automon BlepsoaF ?
19:43.16BlepsoaFcall recording on the fly when entering a digit on the phone, such as *1
19:43.27BlepsoaFvia features.conf
19:43.47SheriF_SpacEah i c
19:43.50SheriF_SpacEworks fine with me no problem
19:44.02BlepsoaFyou use that feature?
19:44.12SheriF_SpacEbut never tired to do it then try to use DTMF yes
19:44.25BlepsoaFhmm strange
19:44.31SheriF_SpacEi have all IN - OUT calls recored using monitor and teh sip internlay on demand wiht wW option
19:44.44SheriF_SpacEbut i never tired to use DTMF after i start to record
19:44.52SheriF_SpacElet me try with my voicemail
19:44.52BlepsoaFthis is even before
19:44.54EmleyMoorWhy would a softphone be taking ages to register?
19:45.22BlepsoaFit could be because I made changes to features.conf to enable it, but didnt restart asterisk, I just did a reload res_features
19:46.22*** join/#asterisk jakehow (n=jake@
19:46.39SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: enable full logger asterisk
19:46.51SheriF_SpacEand set verbose 9999 in * CLI and see why
19:46.59SheriF_SpacEi think it might be firewall droping packages ?
19:47.30SheriF_SpacEBlepsoaF: u mean ur asterisk ignoures ur DTMF ?
19:47.33jakehowanyone got an idea what could cause intermittent DTMF issues on outgoing calls?
19:47.46jakehow(touchtone prompts dont recognize tones)
19:47.47EmleyMoorHmm... started working again OOB
19:48.41*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
19:51.13tim27my sip provider... is, i have a account with multiple DID, they invite my server with INVITE 18198502500@ and send the DID info in the TO: FIELD as TO: 18198502523@ ... i called them and they say they allways send DID info in the TO: field and i have to program my server to be able to link the TO: field to the inbound DID
19:51.28EmleyMoorOne of the others will be adapted to have two sockets when the system goes live
19:51.44BlepsoaFSheriF_SpacE: Dunno, my cell phone voice mail for example doesnt receive anything
19:51.44EmleyMoorAnyone on FWD care to give me a call? 794933
19:52.34SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: i think mine is not activated anymore
19:52.36SheriF_SpacElet me try
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19:54.43awannabeis there any good examples how to use the if function, i dont see any comments on it really
19:55.19SheriF_SpacEawannabe: voip-info and there is nice examples there about call status and so on
19:55.30SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: give me sometime i need to fix a dialplan for Fwd
19:56.09awannabeSheriF_SpacE: ok ill look again, there is nothing under the actaul wiki page for fucntion if, heh
19:56.18*** join/#asterisk jsolares (n=jsolares@
19:58.18EmleyMoorIs there any way to drive the voicemail using a rotary phone?
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19:59.53Qwell[]EmleyMoor: sure, if whatever you connect it to understands rotary
20:00.17EmleyMoorIt seems to be the voicemail itself that doesn't understand
20:00.54SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: ok will try
20:01.57tim27any asterisk consultant here can help me i can pay by paypal ...
20:03.18*** join/#asterisk shellsha2k (n=x86@
20:03.26SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: sorry my connection not great
20:03.46EmleyMoorNever mind - proves it's working anyhow
20:03.57EmleyMoorThat was my rotary phone, btw
20:04.11SheriF_SpacEhow come rotary ?
20:04.33*** join/#asterisk GaVak (
20:04.41EmleyMoorI just happen to have one and I like the way it rings
20:05.54SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: sorry i didn't get it i'm from egypt :-) so most of USA talk is out of my small brain :D
20:05.56EmleyMoorThey were still quite common here until about 10 years ago
20:06.08EmleyMoorI'm English
20:06.50*** join/#asterisk visba (n=dca[
20:07.24SheriF_SpacEokay nice to meet u :)
20:07.33SheriF_SpacEwhat kind of 11 line u'll use EmleyMoor ?
20:08.06EmleyMoor1 Zap and a 10-number DDI range from a VoIP provider
20:08.19SheriF_SpacEDID ?
20:08.35SheriF_SpacEDIDs incoming right >?
20:08.59*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
20:10.01EmleyMoorWell, yes
20:10.40SheriF_SpacEthats easy
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20:11.15EmleyMoorYes - been waiting for a working FXO port before I go too far - should be here within 2 days
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20:12.00EmleyMoorGetting the 10-number range so that selected people can bypass the IVR
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20:13.11awannabewhat is the point of exten =>1234/XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/bla,20,tr) what does the /after the xtension do?
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20:16.50SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: working ? u got a damage one before ?
20:17.16EmleyMoorYes - it went off-hook on the first ring and stayed there for good
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20:17.47SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: digium ?
20:19.05SheriF_SpacEvery strang
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20:23.33awannabecan anyone help me get callerid to work over a zap channel, but have it different depends on what extension it orginated from? also willing to pay for help to!
20:26.31*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
20:31.00SheriF_SpacEgood night guys
20:31.30SheriF_SpacEawannabe: i have caller ID over zaptel card
20:32.31awannabei do to, i just gotta change it per phone
20:32.38SheriF_SpacEwhat u mean ?
20:33.30awannabelike i have extension 200, and when it makes a outgoing call it needs a diff outgoing callerid
20:38.41*** join/#asterisk Soul (
20:40.03hmmhesaysso use an if statement to change the callerid
20:40.15EmleyMoorawannabe: You mean you want to change the outgoing caller ID over the Zap channel?
20:40.15*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (n=John@
20:40.18awannabehmmhesays: yeah thats what im trying, i guess im just confused
20:40.28fiber0ptiHas anyone else had problems with getting AsteriskNOW working?
20:40.30awannabeEmleyMoor: correct, but just when a certain extension dial it!
20:40.44EmleyMoorawannabe: I very much doubt that is possible
20:40.45fiber0ptiI'm getting a bunched of "undefined" errors in the GUI.. can't even make a new extensions
20:40.49awannabelike if extension 200000 dials out, caller id is set to 1234565555
20:41.34awannabeEmleyMoor: well the PRI can handle is, just cant figure out the login in *.
20:41.36hmmhesaysextension 2000000 can't dial out
20:41.44hmmhesaysuser 200000000 can dial out
20:42.11awannabewhat do you mean?
20:42.30hmmhesaysexactly what I said
20:42.40awannabewell sorry, user
20:42.52awannabeim not thinking good today!
20:43.18awannabeconfused how this if statement works
20:43.59hmmhesaysexten => s,1,Set(foo=${IF($[ ${x} = 7]?tval:fval)})
20:44.01hmmhesayslike that
20:45.01hmmhesaysexten => s,1,Set(foo=${IF($[ ${CALLIERID(num)} = 2000]?1800BOOBIES:${CALLERID(num)})})
20:45.09hmmhesayswhoops forget that one
20:45.20hmmhesaysexten => s,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${IF($[ ${CALLIERID(num)} = 2000]?1800BOOBIES:${CALLERID(num)})})
20:45.23hmmhesaysthere that is better
20:45.24*** join/#asterisk Kyler (n=chatzill@
20:45.47hmmhesaysin that case if the callerid that came in was 2000 it would be reset to 1800BOOBIES otherwise it would stay the same
20:45.56KylerI recently started getting "SIP/2.0 484 Address Incomplete" when trying to place calls through Telesthetic.
20:46.45KylerI'd been using "17657421212" but I've tried "+17657421212" and "7657421212" with no luck.
20:46.55hmmhesaysawannabe: hows that?
20:47.09awannabei think so! just gotta try it!
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20:47.32hmmhesaysok i'm going to play battlefront II now
20:48.01*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
20:48.13awannabehmmhesays: thanks for the help, ill mess with that!
20:49.15hmmhesaysawannabe: np it'll work
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20:49.49russellbhmmhesays: that kind of Set() line is why people should use AEL :-p
20:50.06hmmhesaysnot if he is only doing it for one callerid
20:50.17hmmhesaysthen changing your whole dp over to use ael would be a pain in the ass
20:50.31awannabeyeah i want the easiet! lol
20:50.40russellbi have this evil side of me that really enjoys seeing complicated lines like that, ha
20:50.56hmmhesaysthat one isn't bad at all
20:51.05hmmhesayssomething with LEN in it  ARGH
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20:51.21hmmhesaysor multiple comparisions
20:51.37hmmhesaysanyhoo, i'm about to take this rebel scum base
20:51.46awannabehmmhesays: yeah it works, thanks alot!
20:51.51hmmhesaysawannabe: np
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20:53.18awannabeif for some reason thats typed wrong, it wont crash * on a realod, right?
20:54.01*** join/#asterisk ternaryworks (
20:54.12ternaryworksHi all!
20:55.13awannabehmmhesays: now except if its doest match, it only passes the callerid number, not name to
20:55.40awannabei see! lol
20:56.36ternaryworksI'm trying to execute some basic commands via a PHP AGI script, anybody have any experience with this?  It's probably en easy thing I'm overlooking
20:58.10*** part/#asterisk philippel (
20:58.56Delta239hey quick question.. how to load the ztdummy??
20:59.37Nuggetthat's a quick question but not a quick answer.
20:59.59Nuggetperhaps you'd be better off taking a look at the docs, giving it the old college try, and then coming to the channel if you have a specific problem?
21:00.10Qwell[]not the new college try?
21:00.34NuggetI don't trust that "new math" stuff.
21:00.41russellbshort answer.  1) Install Zaptel.  2) as root, modprobe ztdummy
21:02.58ternaryworksWell, if anyone knows anything, I'm running a PHP script via AGI and it'n not passing in or out the information, though I know the PHP script is executing as it leaves a log.
21:03.38*** join/#asterisk Eliran_Itzhak (
21:05.14vooduhalQuestion all.   If I have two SIP phones on a call between them (alaw) and they are set to reinvite=no, how much bandwidth would be used by the pbx for this call?
21:07.26vooduhalAnd can you guys see any reason to use reinvite=no when all of the phones are on the same network segment?  Would have any effect on echo that we may be having?
21:07.53*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
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21:11.58vIR_uShi. I have a short question. I googled for about 2 hours but I could not find a simple hint. Is it possible to send/receive chat messages over IAX? If it's possible to send SMS, it should be so, or? Which softphone supports this?
21:12.51russellbwell... the protocol supports TEXT frames
21:13.01russellbbut i'm not aware of any softphones that have good support for using it
21:15.08vIR_uSI would not care if they didnt have good support. I'd be glad to find one with any support.
21:15.21vIR_uSany text support at all
21:16.16vIR_uSWould a switch to SIP make anything better?
21:16.57Qwell[]seems like it'd be fairly straight-forward to add it to an existing IAX2 softphone
21:17.31Qwell[]it would already support different frame types, so adding one more would be simple, then...a textbox for reading/writing text :p
21:17.51*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=nono@
21:17.56Qwell[](okay, maybe not THAT easy, but still)
21:18.16vIR_uSI'll download the IAX spec and kiax sources. Let's give it a try... but not before next weekend :-(
21:18.18Dr-Linux|homehey Qwell[] :)
21:18.37Dr-Linux|homeQwell[]: what about Sergio new chan_sccp version? or patch for old one? :)
21:18.44Qwell[]nothing yet
21:18.55vIR_uSthat could be faster than waiting for anyone else to implement that
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21:23.35TripleFFFFany way to sip reload one peer only ?
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21:23.41TripleFFFFor does sip reload drop active calls ?
21:23.49Qwell[]sip reload doesn't affect calls
21:24.13TripleFFFFhmm wont it all reset register to now().. then i get hammered with them ?
21:24.40TripleFFFFand any idea on how to USER1 -> AST1 -> AST2 -> USER2
21:24.44TripleFFFFi get 407's
21:24.46awannabeexten => _XX,2,Set(CALLERID(ALL)=${IF($[ ${CALLERID(num)} = 400]?Foo BAR<77777777>:Set(CALLERID(all)=Other Call<111111111>))}
21:24.54awannabeanyone know why that command hates me and wont work?
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21:29.49elriahHey guys, I've been looking (voip-info, google) and can't find the column layout for Master.csv, anyone have a link?
21:35.00jsolareselriah: look at cdr/cdr_csv.c in the asterisk sources
21:38.14elriahheh... docs are now in the source code? lol, thanks jsolares ...
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21:40.23jsolareswell it's documented at the beginning of that file, and since that's the file that writes it out... you might want to add to the voip-info site with that info
21:42.57BSDTechanyone here have the polycom 2.0.3 firmware ?
21:43.55*** part/#asterisk Mother_ (
21:50.47sahafeezstrange issue. i transfered a call to the general line 4201, which goes to 4201 voice mail if not picked up. the msg light is on for 4 phones now for that one voicemail, 4202,04,03
21:52.30danbrwnregistration failed for 192.168....50  [DansLaptop], type=friend, host=192.168...50,secret=1234,dtmfmode=rfc2833,mailbox=101,context=sip,callerid="
21:52.52danbrwn"DansLaptop" <101>
21:54.02*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
21:56.45fiber0ptiHas anyone tried AsteriskNOW?
21:57.07NuggetI'll try it LATER.
21:57.39*** join/#asterisk infernix (
21:58.40mogi tried it earlier
21:59.24Nuggetwhen it was AsteriskTHEN?
22:02.13*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
22:02.20fiber0ptiI can't get it to work
22:02.32fiber0ptiGUI comes up but there's a bunch of "undefined" errors everywhere
22:04.18Juggiesahafeez, all your sip peers share the same mailbox, 101 for MWI
22:04.38*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
22:04.54sahafeezyup. figured that out a few mins after i posted. made a ton of changes and did not think it thru. thanks for you help!
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22:16.24hmmhesayshaha vagina bolton
22:17.19sahafeezstrange one. ever since i updated to 1.2.13 i see this on the console even tho the call transfers Incoming call: Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from
22:17.48*** join/#asterisk ac3c (
22:21.02sahafeezare there any wireless sip phones for a home. something that i do not have to plug into an ethernet but can use 802.11
22:21.50Juggienone of them are 'amazing'
22:21.54Juggiebut there are a few decent ones.
22:22.06DrCronand they cost a bundle
22:22.34DrCroni would realy like to see a decent sip or iax -> dect gateway
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22:23.12sahafeezJuggie: an module you can point me @
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22:24.54reza_what does this mean : chan_iax2.c:6907 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach 's@'
22:25.40DrCronreza_, someone from tried to call in to extension s@
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22:34.22sahafeezanyone ever use the DPH-541 (Dlink) sip phones
22:34.49vIR_uSwhy does iax2 only allow html instead of xml?
22:35.27moghtml frames are supported through out asterisk
22:35.28Corydon-wvIR_uS: what makes you think it only allows html?
22:35.29mogxml arent
22:35.42mogsend_html is  a supported frame type
22:35.51Corydon-wYou're certainly welcome to embed xml in the frame type
22:36.07Corydon-walthough some things may not interoperate
22:36.27vIR_uSif xml was allowed, html would also be ok, or?
22:36.51Corydon-wThe intent of the html was to send web-viewable content
22:37.03moggnophone supported it
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22:37.30Corydon-wvIR_uS: no, because html is not strictly xml-compliant
22:38.21Corydon-wvIR_uS: what precisely are you trying to do that you cannot?
22:39.28vIR_uSi was (crazily) thinking of using iax for a whole peer2peer-groupware-solution. an i thought there would be much more possibilities with xml.
22:39.56vIR_uSor for filesharing
22:40.16vIR_uSbut this would need a solution to transport binary data
22:40.16Corydon-wUDP is not a good protocol for filesharing
22:40.53Corydon-wIAX2 is built to be realtime, not built for ensuring that all packets transmitted are received
22:41.15Corydon-wTherefore, it's pretty well useless for file sharing
22:41.46Corydon-wunless you don't mind having files with 1500byte holes in the center
22:42.32*** join/#asterisk Omer (i=Omer@
22:43.12vIR_uSi've gone through iaxclient and kiax. iaxclient supports text frames.
22:43.30vIR_uSas kiax makes use of it, it shouldn't be that hard to implement that
22:43.36Corydon-wText frames are intended for use as instant messages
22:43.50vIR_uSbut no softphone supports it
22:44.00Corydon-wexcept gnophone
22:44.03vIR_uSthis is what i asked some minutes ago
22:44.35Corydon-wThe IAX protocol was developed around gnophone, as a multimedia endpoint
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22:44.41DrCrondo any of you know if there is a dect gateway for iax?
22:45.27Omeri can not hear anything when i connect to my office * machine
22:45.33Omerneither music on hold
22:48.56hadsHeh, donut files.
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22:56.41tim27drany consultant here to resolve a incoming DID problem from a sip account provider i can pay by paypal
22:59.34*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:59.49spydawow, I suck.  sorry
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23:03.19tim27drmy proglem is that my sip provider say than cant pass their DID info trought the INVITE field from the sip header... they always pass the principal DID of the account in the invite field ie INVITE 18198502500@ and they say i can get the did info from the TO: field... ie TO: 18188502523@ ... any way of doing that
23:03.41Juggiehave you tried looking @ all the variables of a channel
23:03.43Juggiewhen the call is up
23:03.46Juggieits probally in there somewhere
23:12.15BSDTechany one know is asterisk does channel wisper
23:12.34BSDTechwhere I can whisper to the exten but not the person he is talking to
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23:26.36vIR_uSi'll go to bed, good n8 all
23:28.02EmleyMoorn8? Are you Hornsey? <g>
23:28.54*** part/#asterisk Kerry_G_JR (
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23:38.55EmleyMoorIs there a way to write a "ringback test" in *?
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23:39.43EmleyMoor(by that I mean a number is dialed on a channel, a reorder tone is given and the channel is rung back when it becomes free - the reorder tone being played again when answered)
23:43.31[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor : Sort of.  You could use 1 script to get the "call-back" #'s, and then generate a call file for it starting with chan-local.  Then if the real target succeeds a ChanIsAvail, it could generate a "real" call file, or just patch a double-ended local channel based one.
23:43.34*** join/#asterisk aptura (
23:44.15[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor : Of course you'd have to poll constantly (or on manager event).  Ugly for sure
23:44.46apturalooks like the editor body of Cnet has been found.
23:45.16EmleyMoorStill, I seem to have three lines here now all capable of making 3-wire phones ring :-)
23:45.38[TK]D-Fenderaptura : That verdict has been flip-flopping on Digg for the alst while.  Nothing conclusive on the final condition last I checked
23:46.03aptura[TK]D-Fender what are you talking about ?
23:46.33JTeditor body of cnet?
23:46.37apturaI was talking about the body of james kim, editor of CNET was found in the Oregon forest. Its been all over the news.
23:46.47hadsAparently he was missing.
23:46.58JTyou mean the body of the cnet editor then
23:47.02apturahis body was just found about a hour ago.
23:47.09JTright, perhaps in the US it's all over the news
23:48.07apturaI have SAR training and one of the things you should not try to do is leave your vehicle. It is almost impossible to spot a person from the air in a sar mission. Vehicles are alot easier to see from the air.
23:48.33apturaAlso bring emergency food and gear incase your stuck off the betten path.
23:48.55JTand NBC suits
23:48.59JTjust in case
23:49.14apturaI have my land cruiser and hamradio gear so If this ever happened to me it would not be to hard to contact someone.
23:49.24hadsSo.. the situation in Fiji is dissapointing.
23:49.45JTnot as disappointing as the siutation in iraq though
23:49.58apturaIRAQ is a failuer.
23:50.02apturaFailure :)
23:50.42[TK]D-Fenderaptura : Not after GWB redefines the word "success" ;)
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.