irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061204

00:03.24orlockANybody here have any advice on debugging quality issues on RTP?
00:06.45*** join/#asterisk mceGEEK (
00:07.32mceGEEKi'm getting an error [Dec  3 18:02:59] WARNING[16595]: app_dial.c:1081 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
00:08.12JTmake sure it can actually contact the sip provider with tcp/ip
00:08.20JTthat means it's unable to reach the host
00:08.51mceGEEKwhen i add the line outboundproxy i'm able to reach the host
00:09.01mceGEEKhowever incoming calls stops
00:09.13JTyou must have a strange network setup
00:09.26mceGEEKanything to do with sunrocket has been strange :)
00:18.09*** join/#asterisk hads (
00:24.27orlockDoes asterisk have an rtp jitter buffer?
00:26.11icyfire0573Why would background() not work for an outside caller?
00:33.30*** join/#asterisk tim0123 (n=cash247@
00:33.36tim0123Hello guys
00:35.06tim0123I need some help getting zapbarge to work
00:35.56*** join/#asterisk tr2x (
00:36.49dlynes_laptopicyfire0573: it does
00:36.58dlynes_laptopicyfire0573: how about telling us what makes you think it doesn't?
00:37.40icyfire0573I have a dialplan setup and when I call from outside it dosen't work, but if I copy the context internally to internally and give it an extension it does work.
00:38.05*** join/#asterisk doolph (i=doo@
00:39.27[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : Does playback work in tis place?
00:39.56icyfire0573If I call the extension, it always plays the recorded message, it just refuses to respond to dtmf
00:40.28[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : You are talking apples and oranges.
00:40.54[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : Put the context the way it should be, and show us the channel config for the origin of your "outside" calls.
00:41.00jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
00:41.08*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
00:41.12doolphanyone have setup sipura 3000 for trunking?
00:43.00*** join/#asterisk SomeOne1 (
00:43.21SomeOne1RoyK: sup
00:45.41*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
00:45.52*** join/#asterisk bkruse (n=root@
00:46.11[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : Taking forever to load
00:46.30icyfire0573its only 15 lines though.
00:47.13dlynes_laptopdoolph: you mean as a gateway?
00:47.44JTso anyway
00:47.57JTicyfire0573: it sounds like you have inbound DTMF recognition problems
00:48.08RoyKSomeOne1: hey!
00:48.10JTwhat sort of channel is the call coming in over?
00:48.17bkruseicyfire0573: what are the calls coming in on?
00:48.21[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : ok, its up.  So what is this about DTMF not working?
00:48.47bkruseicyfire0573: ive seen this before, can you noop the extension dialed one your in a call, to see if it reconized the dtmf?
00:48.52icyfire0573basically calls that come in to the sippeer extension don't listen to DTMF even though the ones that go to the testing context do
00:48.54doolphdlynes_laptop yes
00:48.59[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : And to my awareness you can't do Background followed by a Dial and have it play while dialing is in progress
00:49.06*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
00:49.18JTicyfire0573: is dtmf inband?
00:49.24icyfire0573[TK]D-Fender, that I do know, if you don't dial before the timeout it goes to the operator.
00:49.31bkruseJT: i bet it is, and i bet thats the problem
00:49.38[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : You don't have a proper IVR setup in there so its not listening for any input.
00:49.38icyfire0573JT, i was looking at the sip.conf and that channel looks like it does sip-INFO so probably not.
00:49.41JTicyfire0573: or rfc2833?
00:49.45dlynes_laptopdoolph: yeah...there's plenty of examples on the linksys/sipura users' group on voxilla on how to set them up with asterisk
00:49.57JTicyfire0573: dtmfmode=???
00:50.07[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : Your entire methodolgy for that "menu" is really really wrong.
00:50.09JTicyfire0573: what codec are you using?
00:50.10bkruseexten => s,1,Answer()
00:50.10bkruseexten => s,n,Noop(${1.4 or 1.2 extension syntax)
00:50.11icyfire0573i just changed it to inband
00:50.17bkruseits not the codec
00:50.21bkrusetry inband dtmf.
00:50.25JTbkruse: it can be.
00:50.32doolphdlynes_laptop those gateways are stupids, it answer the call first, then make call, this means that I get wrong cdrs
00:50.37JTicyfire0573: what codec do the sip calls come in over?
00:50.40[TK]D-FenderJT, bkruse : its not SIP settings (yet), the entire context is just... WRONG.
00:50.47icyfire0573JT, not sure, never checked
00:50.50bkruseoh really? i havnet looked at it
00:50.56icyfire0573[TK]D-Fender, how so?
00:51.04bkruseshow me the extensions.conf part and sip.conf of the phone entry
00:51.10bkruseJT: i would put money on it :], if its what im thinking.......
00:51.11dlynes_laptopdoolph: Yes, that's how it works, but i've never gotten incorrect cdrs from them
00:51.14[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : You need to do IVR's starting with the "s" exten.  Go read the basics on this again
00:51.18JTthats his pb
00:51.24dlynes_laptopdoolph: or do you mean answer the call and pass it off onto the fxs port?
00:51.26bkrusek, let me hceck it out.
00:51.31[TK]D-FenderJT  : Yes, I'm looking at it.  You can't do IVR's off #;'d extens
00:51.36tim0123Yoo someone help a brotha out with zapbarge
00:51.39[TK]D-FenderThis is dialplan 101
00:51.43bkrusetim0123: what
00:51.43dlynes_laptopdoolph: fxo->fxs is the default mode of operation, unless you override it
00:51.46icyfire0573[TK]D-Fender, I would use S but it didn't work right
00:51.51bkrusejust use chanspy
00:52.03[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : It works just fine, you just aren't setting it up right.
00:52.12tim0123How does that work
00:52.16icyfire0573maybe its the way the sip.conf is setup. But I debugged it for a while and found that the sip calls were coming in with that extension so that's how I made the phone pickup
00:52.18doolphdlynes_laptop, its voip --> asterisk --> spa 3000
00:52.37JTicyfire0573: he's absolutely right
00:52.42JTyou must start at context s
00:52.47dlynes_laptopdoolph: ok
00:52.57JTunless you have isdn, then the extension numbers are inbound MSNs
00:53.02[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : No its no.  If you aren't running your "ivr" off "s" you're DOA.  Period.
00:53.03bkrusethis is disgusting
00:53.03tim0123well im using hudlite and it uses Barge as a command
00:53.16bkruselet me link you
00:53.22icyfire0573but  I can call extension 3333 internally and it works ...
00:53.43tim0123Go ahead
00:53.44bkruseicyfire0573: can i get ssh? i have a couple minutes before i have to go
00:53.45[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : This nic... but its not an IVR, you're just generating another inbound call.
00:53.58tim0123Appriciate that bkruse
00:54.37bkrusetim0123: no problem, you will come to LOVE chanspy, especially when you are the administer over some funny people + phones
00:54.40icyfire0573bkruse, rather not do ssh at this point.
00:54.46[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : I'd let you work your way through this, but I'm betting this will take a long time so I'm just going to GIVE you the proper way you should have built it.  Hold on.
00:55.34bkruseicyfire0573: thats fine, i wouldnt trust some random dude in an irc room anyways
00:55.40bkruseicyfire0573: what version asterisk you using, if trunk, what rev?
00:55.43*** join/#asterisk FastFeet (
00:55.53icyfire0573Asterisk 1.2.13,
00:56.25*** join/#asterisk AJayMn (
00:56.29bkruseis this a production server?
00:56.43bkruseand what dtmf mode are you using again?
00:56.46icyfire0573nope, just me
00:56.56bkrusek, awesome
00:56.58icyfire0573I just changed it from dtmfmode = info to dtmfmode = inband
00:56.59bkrusetry different dtmf modes
00:57.09bkruseand ALSO MAYBE try the asterisk 1.4 beta3 tarball from digium's website
00:57.22bkruseWARNING: command line is different, and itll scare you at first
00:57.34[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 :
00:58.24icyfire0573Thanks so much [TK]D-Fender
00:58.38bkrusenow what do you want to do icyfire0573
00:58.41bkrusedtmf just not working
00:58.43[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : Try it and let me know.
00:58.46bkrusefender what idd you change exactly?
00:59.04[TK]D-Fenderbkruse : Again, its not a DTMF problem, its the fact the IVR was completely broken
00:59.13[TK]D-Fenderbkruse : Go look.  EVERYTHING
00:59.54bkruse[TK]D-Fender: awesome
01:00.00bkrusesorry im just trying to offer my quick asterisk knowledge
01:00.07bkrusebut i see what you mean
01:00.18bkruseit just set off an alarm, ive been working with some sip dtmf problems in the 1.2 branch
01:01.35dlynes_laptopdoolph: try this:
01:01.42[TK]D-Fenderbkruse : Step 1 : Actually LOOK at what they show you.  Step 2 : Realize the blatantly obvious core errors (never trust their description of what thy THINK is wrong.). :)
01:01.45*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:02.32AJayMnAnyone know of a low startup cost E911 provider?
01:03.26FastFeetMaybe a silly question, but I need to ask anyway: Is the Linksys SPA3000 and SPA3102 the same, except that the SPA3102 includes a Router?
01:03.30bkruse[TK]D-Fender: i know asterisk pretty well...........
01:03.43bkruse[TK]D-Fender: i just jumped in irc and thought i saw a bug i was working out.
01:03.47FastFeetAlso will either of those work from behind a NAT router already?
01:03.57[TK]D-FenderFastFeet : Both.
01:04.11FastFeetBoth work from behind my current NAT router?
01:04.41FastFeetWhich would you choose? Both are similarly Priced.
01:06.38*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes_ (
01:06.47[TK]D-FenderFastFeet : Take the SPA-3102.  It can act as a standalone router if you need it to later, comes with more ram & a bigger processor
01:07.11FastFeetSweet thanks for you time... I shall order it now....
01:07.53bkruse[TK]D-Fender: good chose
01:08.23[TK]D-Fenderbkruse : I've owned both, as well as SPA-2000, 1001, and 941.
01:08.32AJayMnAnyone know of a low startup cost E911 provider?
01:08.47dlynes_laptopAJayMn: You might want to specify in which country
01:08.50bkruse[TK]D-Fender: and that was your favorite
01:08.59AJayMnUS E911 Provider
01:09.09bkruseAJayMn: i honestly dont know of any :[ never had to do 911 :P
01:09.16[TK]D-Fenderbkruse : Dunno.. they all seemed jsut about the same in the end to me personally (for the similar models)
01:10.44bkruse[TK]D-Fender: isnt the 3000 a little cheaper?
01:11.30[TK]D-Fenderbkruse : Depends where, bu the 3000 is being phased out for the 3102.  It is more functional as well.  I wouldn't touch an old one at this point if yuo can buy the newer one
01:11.45bkruse[TK]D-Fender: right on, thanks :D
01:14.06bkrusethis is random, but my friend just asked me what a noob is, what should i tell her?
01:14.18bkrusei dont wana say the usual, old, "you"
01:17.54*** join/#asterisk paolob (
01:18.01*** part/#asterisk paolob (
01:18.18bokare there problems with having multiple voip numbers/accounts registered with the one provider?
01:18.41AJayMnbok depends on the provider..
01:18.55bokgetting a problem where when it tries to bridge sip channels it always uses the credentials from the second account in the proxy-authenticate message
01:19.02*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
01:19.45bokso the second account works great, obviously, but the first account just wont send the right details
01:20.07bokbeen trying to figure this out for three days now
01:20.23AJayMnbok who is ur provider?
01:20.34bokengin, in australia
01:21.08JTare they all voiper accounts?
01:21.59bokits odd, the From: header in the INVITE message has the right number, but the Proxy-Authenticate one doesnt
01:22.25JTi have heard of problems with multiple accounts on one provider
01:22.35JTthere are seperate sip sections for each account?
01:22.48orlocki have problems with multiple DID's on the one account, multiple accounts is fine though
01:23.19bokim thinking that whenever asterisk looks for auth details, it does so based on the ip/host of the request and picks the first one listed
01:24.13orlockbok: may, it actually does it based on the To: address in the INVIET
01:25.31rob0I have 3 accounts from ipkall and 2 from stanaphone ... is this the sort of thing you mean?
01:25.32*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
01:25.32rob0I have each going to its own context, using different extensions therein per account.
01:25.32bokyeah i have that also
01:25.40bokall works great
01:25.53bokuntil it tries to bridge channels and sends the wrong username bacmk
01:26.35mceGEEKhmm incoming doesn't work again
01:27.19bokok found a solution
01:27.27bokjust need to register with different proxies
01:27.30bokso it is ip based
01:29.10*** join/#asterisk benjk (
01:30.46JTsounds more like a hack than a colution
01:31.30bokwell yeah
01:31.49bokespecially since the outbound proxy only wants to allow the call half the time
01:31.58bkrusejt: agreed
01:32.07JTengin has a few bugs itself, bok
01:32.59JTone of the silliest is that it uses the location of the sip proxy you are registered to, not the location of you as set in your account, to determine the local calling area code
01:33.30JTso if you happen to get given a melbourne area code and you are in sydney, you dial locally in melbourne
01:35.19JTi meant get given a melbourne sip proxy in dns rotation
01:35.21JTbut yeah
01:37.28JTspecifying the sydney proxy doesn't help, as it still can get melbourne proxies in SRV requests
01:37.36JTbok: have you noticed this?
01:37.49boknot yet no
01:38.11bokhavent been using engin long enough
01:38.13JTi'm guessing you haven't come across trying to block CID sending with SIP?
01:38.45*** join/#asterisk kyo (
01:38.46JTi do both of them with automated prefixing in the dialplan atm, although it's not ideal
01:40.23bokok better solution :)
01:40.41bokleft the host as byo, set different outbound proxies for each
01:43.08orlockJT: heh, when i am testing sip stuff i will commonly register with a NSW or QLD sip server
01:43.19orlockthen dial the home voip phone from it
01:43.29orlockdial from computer..,. hardware voip phone rings on desk
01:43.35orlockGF looks.. "Sydney? WTF!"
01:43.50*** join/#asterisk Soul (
01:43.56JTwhy would it say sydney unless you get a sydney DID
01:44.07JTwell outgoing line moreso
01:44.28orlocki was testing a sydney did
01:44.37orlockbut yeah, i can see how that engin bug would suck
01:44.59JTi wonder if it affects engin voice box customers
01:45.12bokdont know
01:45.16JTmaybe the SPAs have dialplans that override the problem
01:45.23bokbut i have one on my desk im supposed to test
01:45.31JTotherwise it would've veen fixed by now
01:45.41JTnot sure if they work on the byo network
01:46.02bokshould be no reason why not
01:46.08JTwell i'm led to believe that both networks are exactly the same
01:46.09bokbut i do have a normal account to go with it
01:46.16JTexcept one has a lower level of tech support
01:46.26JTwell it might do something funny
01:46.43JTengin hide the sip password on normal non voiper accounts
01:47.05JTso their softphone must translate the sip password from the user password
01:47.13JTusing som algorithm
01:47.15JTis my theory
01:50.08*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
02:05.25*** join/#asterisk jayvabb (
02:07.04*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
02:07.08BSDTechhey all
02:07.13*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (n=me@
02:07.18BSDTechok addons fails to compile
02:07.40BSDTechrc/chan_h323.c: In function `ooh323_new':
02:07.40BSDTechsrc/chan_h323.c:250: error: too few arguments to function `ast_channel_alloc'
02:07.52BSDTechit errors out there
02:07.55bkruseuh oh
02:08.03bkruseBSDTech: made a boo-boo
02:08.17bkrusei honestly have no idea, havent messed with h323 at all
02:08.18*** join/#asterisk _SowdaH_ (
02:08.20russellbBSDTech: feel free to open a report on the bug tracker.
02:08.20BSDTechno I ran ./configure and make
02:08.38jayvabbmsg NickServ help register
02:08.38russellbthere was an API change ... probably a month ago
02:08.42russellbi guess addons never got updated
02:08.47bkrusejayvabb: /msg
02:09.07ariel_so when is the 1.4 non beta going to be released?
02:09.14ariel_hello everyone
02:09.16_SowdaH_got a newbie problem if someone can help
02:09.18BSDTechI just pulled breanch/1.4 svn tonight
02:10.09ariel_what no posting for it?
02:10.17russellbjust kidding :-p
02:10.38*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc ( down :[
02:10.54russellbbut seriously, soon.  just one more thing to fix.
02:11.13ariel_yes that is always the case just one more thing to fix
02:11.19russellbbkruse: only for nubs.  it works for me
02:11.23russellbariel_: :)
02:11.29Newbie___hi all, when using a channel bank to connect to a analog phone. does the line polarity matter?
02:11.39bkruserussellb: it wasnt down, i was just testing you russell (refreshes firefox)
02:11.45russellbariel_: we still have to fix the shared line appearance code.  but that's the last thing on our list
02:11.45ariel_depends on the cb
02:11.46bkrusewireless > bkruse
02:12.01Newbie___ariel_: i see
02:12.09ariel_russellb, great to hear it. I was glad to see the wisper mode get in the code.
02:12.10_SowdaH_got this kind of problem with my asterisk server
02:12.27_SowdaH_WARNING[6692]: chan_sip.c:1082 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x816c818 (len 535) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor
02:12.48ariel_disk space?
02:13.00Newbie___ariel_: would a wrong polarity cause strange analog phone behavior. ie random hangup
02:13.18JTwisper mode?
02:13.19ariel_depends on the CB and other things
02:13.22BSDTechO well I can wait
02:13.26_SowdaH_ar u talkin to me?
02:13.31JTNewbie___: call progress decetion in the config would
02:13.32BSDTechzaptel libpri and asterisk built
02:13.52_SowdaH_ariel_: u talkin to me?
02:13.58bkrusedisk space or is that ulimit?
02:14.01BSDTechI dont really want h323 I might just comment it out
02:14.34bkruseBSDTech: sounds like a plan
02:14.51ariel__SowdaH_, yes it was too you check space available
02:14.54*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
02:14.59Newbie___JT: my callprogress=no and there are some phone acted strangly ie randon hangup when bridged
02:15.17JTNewbie___: what are your zttest scores?
02:15.30ariel_Newbie___, what are you using e&m wink kwel start?
02:15.41Newbie___zttest ?
02:15.52JTNewbie___: dude, run zttest
02:15.54_SowdaH_ariel_: still have plenty
02:16.10JTNewbie___: sort of essential if you are setting up any sort of zap hardware
02:16.33ariel_for the user that asterisk is running on?
02:16.41_SowdaH_worked before i dont undertstand
02:16.44Newbie___JT: hmmm what does zttest do
02:16.52ariel_worked before what?
02:16.55JTmeasures zap accuracy
02:16.59JThurry up and do it :)
02:17.16Newbie___i am getting mostly 100% a few 99.987793%
02:17.26JTthat's fine
02:17.33JTbelow 99.97% is bad
02:17.35_SowdaH_JT: do u have any suggestion with this plz?
02:17.36_SowdaH_WARNING[6692]: chan_sip.c:1082 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x816c818 (len 535) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor
02:17.43Newbie___damn, i am learning new stuff everyday
02:17.59JTno, if i did i would've said something, _SowdaH_
02:18.05JTno need to repaste it
02:18.20_SowdaH_thought u didnt see it
02:18.24bkruse_SowdaH_: df /
02:18.27JTNewbie___: umm, try running zttest while you are having issues
02:18.35JTduring call problems
02:18.38bkruse_SowdaH_: what are the results of df / and unlimit
02:18.41JTsee if the score spikes downwards
02:18.44Newbie___so i take it maybe a bad polarity or a bad analog phone
02:19.12JTis there any reason you are using loopstart instead of kewlstart?
02:19.18JTyou haven't tried alternative phones?
02:19.32_SowdaH_careful its french :p
02:19.38_SowdaH_Sys. de fich.           1K-blocs       Occupé Disponible Capacité Monté sur
02:19.38_SowdaH_/dev/hda1             36969672   2769516  32322160   8% /
02:19.50_SowdaH_so i have margin
02:20.12Newbie___JT: because cb is configure a loopstart
02:20.38JTNewbie___: i don't think that should matter
02:20.47JTkewlstart is like an enhanced loopstart
02:20.47BSDTechok I disable oh323 and it builds fine
02:20.51*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
02:20.56JTbetter progress detection iirc
02:20.56ariel__SowdaH_, it can also mean your not able to get to the correct ip address or domain name resolve
02:20.56BSDTechand installs
02:21.29bkrusethats fine
02:21.32bkruseand ulimite?
02:21.35ariel_are you runing X86_64?
02:22.13*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
02:22.13*** mode/#asterisk [+o mogorman] by ChanServ
02:22.23_SowdaH_ariel_:  i agree more on this
02:22.38Newbie___JT: i have been experiencing random hangup when bridged last few weeks. just last night i figure out the random hangup only cause by a certain extensions. when i removed those extensions from call group. it's been working fine since this morning
02:22.48filemogorman: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02:22.56Newbie___i therefore suspect a polarity issue or a bad phone
02:23.03mogormanyup yup
02:23.07JTNewbie___: so have you actually checked their polarity?
02:23.13_SowdaH_but u dont have to specify any ip on basic modifications of sip.conf or extensions.conf
02:23.28bkrusehow was the honeymoon mog?
02:23.35bkrusefriends dont ask and a man doesnt tell?
02:23.49bkruseright on!
02:23.49mogormanvery good way to spend a honeymoon
02:23.59Newbie___JT: no not yet, but before i do that. i wanna try to change the phone. from no random hangup to a problem one
02:24.05ariel_Cruise yes I know them....
02:24.12bkrusemogorman: no sea sickness for either?
02:24.22mogormanactually a bit of one
02:24.24ariel_but did you make it out of the cabin?
02:24.35mogormanbut i got over it
02:24.37_SowdaH_ill try to figure it out on a french asterisk forum
02:24.39mogormanoh yeah
02:24.48_SowdaH_thx all for the help tho
02:24.57blitzragemogorman: welcome home!
02:25.26ariel__SowdaH_, are your dns and names for your server setup correctly?  
02:25.30*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
02:26.08mogormanbeen crazy weekend
02:26.08blitzragesomeone de-nubify me. What does "MUL" under the "KEY" column in the odbcstorage.txt file mean?
02:26.21mogormanall of my computer equipment over heated some how while i was on cruise
02:26.30mogormanhds burned up, computers crashed
02:26.39mogormanall very messy suprise to come home to
02:27.25russellbmogorman: i pwned your desk friday
02:27.29blitzrage| Field          | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
02:27.34mogormanyou were here?
02:27.37mogormanor are here?
02:27.39russellbmogorman: was
02:27.50bkruseagreed with russellb, he owned it
02:27.54mogormani almost came in friday
02:28.16mogormani had to finish lots of last minute junk last friday and was way to tired
02:28.52mogormanyou didnt take your water bottle russellb ?
02:28.53_SowdaH_ariel_: in my client i set it up for my asterisk server so
02:29.01russellbmogorman: i didn't even see it
02:29.09blitzrageno one huh? :)
02:29.11mogormanits still was on my desk
02:29.13filemogorman: you also missed a sexy party!
02:29.16mogormanbefore i left
02:29.22mogormanno i dont think i did file ^_^
02:29.22russellbmogorman: i didn't see it ...
02:29.43russellbsomeone stole it while you were gone!!!!!
02:29.52mogormanthat is depressing
02:30.45*** join/#asterisk Tond (
02:32.22TondHi, i need to do routing for my national and international calls to different carrier.  I will be perhaps passing over 2 million minutes per month of traffic.  However i am not sure if I should let my asterisk box handle this routing and proxying task or look into another software?  Any tips are appreciated...  tnx
02:33.40blitzrageif you don't have to handle audio, then use OpenSER
02:33.49blitzrageif you want to do fancy things, then add asterisk into the mix
02:33.59bkruseTond: asterisk can handle that no prob
02:34.20mogormanso what has happened in asterisk whilst i was gone
02:34.30TondI have OpenSer installed and looking at it, but it doens't look very easy to configure...  
02:34.30blitzragemogorman: file fixed all the bugs
02:34.53blitzrageTond: yah, I find asterisk easier, but that's because I've used asterisk for many years, and SER for a few mins :)
02:34.55TondI dont want to do anythign fansty simple call route and if it fails, it will jump to the next carrier in route
02:35.02JTshould something that handles 2 million minutes of calls a month be "easy" to setup?!
02:35.13blitzragemogorman: oej and I found the CANCEL/BYE bug in 1.4
02:35.13Tondha ha
02:35.16bkrusehey Tond
02:35.29blitzragebkruse: oh yah, I keep forgetting about that thing :0
02:35.45mogormannice blitzrage
02:36.11filemogorman: it is nifty to have you back online!
02:36.15blitzrageand I got func_odbc updated so I can use the HASH() function in it, and upgraded all my test servers to it :)
02:36.23bkruseblitzrage: its easier for people coming off of trixbox :]
02:36.23blitzragemogorman: have a good cruise?
02:36.28bkruseits a good enticement
02:36.29mogormanwell spent all saturday rebuilding everything
02:36.35mogormanyeah real nice
02:36.38mogormanand good wedding too
02:36.38blitzragebkruse: I don't use gui's, so I have no idea :)
02:36.47blitzragemogorman: excellent. good to hear.
02:37.12bkruseblitzrage: same here
02:37.18blitzrageincase you missed it, it's not very obvious what MUL under the Key column in the odbcstorage.txt file... :)
02:37.19TondI mean i am very comfortable using Asterisk and doing stuff with it.  However iw as a bit spectical about passing 2-3 mil minutes of traffic on it.  and thought maybe i can install a sip proxy in the way to do the routing, but SER looks more complicated specially if i have few hundred routes in place..  
02:37.23bkruseblitzrage: give me a console and thats it, links http if i have to :]
02:37.54bkruseTond: i think with the right hardware and network, it could deffinitly handle it
02:38.09blitzragewell... SER might be easier to learn than to cluster asterisk :)
02:38.30blitzrageI've been working on a carrier system to do that for the last 2-3 months... almost done :)
02:38.30TondI see..  Well as for hardware I am thinking of a dual Xeon and lots of ram on a SuperMicro hardware and Cent OS
02:38.37Tondwith version 1.2.13
02:38.45bkruseCent OS?
02:38.53TondCentOS 4
02:38.53bkruseany reason for Cent OS?
02:39.01blitzrageits easy, well supported, stable
02:39.10JTsupermicro is good
02:39.11*** join/#asterisk mceGEEK (
02:39.13Tondno, just found it easy and seems very stable
02:39.15JTbut buy a brand name server
02:40.10Tondblitzrage, how do you setup routes in SER becsuse form what i undrestand a route that can be as short as exten => in asterisk can turn into a few lines of code in SER, and where do i keep my routing?
02:40.30blitzrageTond: no idea.. as I said before, years on asterisk, minutes on ser
02:40.36bkruseblitzrage: bleh
02:40.40bkruseblitzrage: :]
02:40.41TondOh..  ok thnaks..
02:40.49JTand yeah, you wouldn't use a single server for that sort of call volume
02:41.00bkrusevoip-info has some good info on SER from what i remember
02:41.32Tondwell I much rather keep my Asterisk box if I can..  I mena after all if my minutes gro I can dedicate a seperate box for each part of the world instead of loadbalacing which I am not sure is stable enough yet
02:41.53blitzrageaccording to my tests on a dual xeon 2.4 w/ 2GB of ram, you can get around 120 simultaneous calls. At 120 calls * 60 mins * 24 * 31, you can get around 5356800 minutes in a 31 day month on a single box.
02:41.55TondI looked at those, wanted to see what others here think too
02:42.00JTwell as long as you're sure your boxes will stay up
02:42.03blitzrageso yes -- I'd say 2 million minutes and you're good.
02:42.16blitzrageoh, and that's on
02:42.23blitzragewith fancy DB lookup stuff
02:42.26*** join/#asterisk NeonLevel (i=Otto@
02:42.46JTan average month is 30 days :)
02:42.58TondYa I am planning to have the extension to be loaded from MySQL...
02:43.01blitzrageso I picked the longest billing month :)
02:43.11JTpump up those figures
02:43.57TondI have used DynamicSoft SIP proxy before and it worked really well.  Simple and easy.  But not felxible at all
02:43.58NeonLevelis there a step guide on deploying and use realtime?
02:44.01bkruseTond:  if it gets to intense, make a mysql cluster :D
02:44.11blitzrageNeonLevel: nah, I haven't written one yet
02:44.13bkruseNeonLevel: is your friend
02:44.23JTmysql cluster, why, so you want to kill yourself? ;)
02:44.28NeonLevelthanks guys
02:44.30blitzragepostgresql is way better
02:44.41blitzrageI've got the DBs clustered too
02:44.43bkruseJT: haha
02:44.47Tondwill it make a difference if i don't handle the audio wit Asterisk?  you think i'll be bale to pass more calls through?
02:44.53bkrusemysql does crush under intense data flow.
02:45.04JTit makes a huge difference
02:45.06bkrusei would NOT deploy a mysql cluster in an enterprise type situation
02:45.21bkruseTond: i bet so
02:45.32bkruseespecially if you kept the same codec and technology across the board
02:45.56TondI mean I don't really need to handle Audio on a signaling serevr which all that Astersik box is gonna be.  to tell other routers and boxes where to send the call (route engine)
02:46.42Tondwell if i do pass-throughs and not get * to handle the rtps then I think i should be good..
02:46.58Tondi ahve never used postgres, is it as easy as MySQL to install?
02:47.10bkrusei think so
02:47.23bkruseyou mean have asterisk handle the actual sip sessions and route rtp otherwise
02:48.39Tondya..  so lets say a call is made, the asterisk will tell the originator where to send the call and let the to end point establish their rtps and when the call is ended log it for billing
02:49.30Tondso it will just handle the signaling and routing, it the voice packets will always be going from point 1 to pint 2.  only the signalings will be going 1 <-> asterisk <2->
02:50.05NeonLevelanyone has used frw-out ?
02:51.04NeonLevelanyone has used fwdout, ??
02:51.14Tondas i said, make asterisk a simple stateless proxy.
02:53.19mceGEEKanyone using sunrocket as their voip provider ?
02:54.03blitzragenever heard of them
02:54.58mceGEEKwhats the difference between => and = in sip.conf
02:56.58blitzrage= is an assignment, => is for objects
02:57.32blitzragetypically you don't have to know or care why, but just be aware of the syntax difference on some options
02:57.51russellbactually ........ i think the parser treats them the same
02:58.00blitzragetype=friend, and register => user:pass@host/exten
02:58.12blitzragehaha, I suppose that's true
02:58.25blitzrageI think register=user:pass@host/exten works the same
02:58.28russellbyeah, it's more just common usage
03:01.05*** part/#asterisk Ryanw (
03:03.41Tondanyone has used the vovida's SIP load balancer?
03:05.13benjkblitzrage, if you look at the code though you will find that => is treated exactly the same as =
03:06.00benjkthe distinction between = and => is only in the early documentation, it was probably intended originally but not actually implemented that way
03:10.34mceGEEKNative bridging SIP/4483-081c5b08 and SIP/fwd-081caa60
03:10.38mceGEEKand it stops
03:10.42mceGEEKi can't hear anything
03:11.04*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
03:11.16bkrusewhat codecs
03:11.19bkruseulaw and ulaw/
03:12.48bkrusewierd, not sure
03:12.54bkruseturn debug up and look for messages ;]
03:12.55mceGEEKoh kruz sorry to trouble you :)
03:13.22bkrusemceGEEK: it is no problem :] i got a couple minutes before i have to do physics homework *bleh*
03:13.29bkruseany kind of debug i can see? :[
03:14.51bkrusehaha didnt realize it was you, ya IM me ;]
03:17.36*** join/#asterisk leoncamel (n=leoncame@
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03:24.48*** join/#asterisk momelod (
03:24.52*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
03:25.37momelodhello channel.  can anyone point me to some info regarding the setup/config of the digium wildcard te207p
03:26.45momelodthe quick setup guide on says i should be loading the wct2xxp module. but i dont see this module included in any of the zaptel source i've downloaded
03:27.43momelodi didnt see anything there
03:27.54momelodis there a keyword u used?
03:28.49russellbmomelod: it's not its own source file
03:28.57russellbmomelod: but it will be there after you install zaptel ...
03:29.27russellbit's included in wct4xxp.c
03:30.30momelodokay, are there any tools i can use to interact with the card so that i know its working?
03:30.34momelodlike zttool
03:32.03*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
03:33.07momelodwhen i search for TE207P all i see it was a news topic a few months ago, but i cant ready there article b/c theres no link to it
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03:48.52mtindormomelod: did you get my message?
03:52.11bkrusemtindor: need help?
03:52.29*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:52.40mtindornosir.  i was trying to assist momelod by providing him to a link i googled on some other guys configuration of asterisk with a te207
03:52.54mtindori had pm'd him but didn't get a response so i asked in pub
03:53.19bkruseahh, ya PM owned me earlier
03:53.27mtindorthanks tho - you can ask me that question again in a few weeks when I attempt to get a server going
03:53.39bkrusehaha, awesome :]
03:53.40*** join/#asterisk raina (n=raina@pdpc/supporter/active/ro3159)
03:53.41bkruseill be here :D
03:53.46mtindorgood deal :)
03:53.51*** part/#asterisk raina (n=raina@pdpc/supporter/active/ro3159)
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04:04.33mtindorright there
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04:27.40jayvabbGood evening channel -  I have an Adtran TA9xx registered with *  and traditional analog phones hanging off the fxs ports.  When a call comes in to the TA, from *, and the calling party hangs up before the phone is answered, the phone attached to the TA fxs port continues to ring.  Any ideas?
04:29.57*** join/#asterisk icyfire0573 (
04:30.07bkruseuh, do you use a page in teh dialplan?
04:30.43jayvabbNot familar with page
04:31.01bkrusei know there is a page bug
04:31.31bkrusebut im not sure jayvabb
04:31.41bkruseif youve researched it, and think that its asterisk,
04:32.14jayvabbOK, TY
04:41.25*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
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04:42.35[TK]D-Fenderjayvabb : Comes in from where?
04:42.56bkrusean adtran TA9xx?
04:43.29[TK]D-Fenderbkruse : No, he said a call comes in FROM *, TO the TA.  So I want to know the exact origin of the call.
04:44.06*** join/#asterisk Mattwj2005 (
04:44.12Mattwj2005hey guys :)
04:44.48Mattwj2005how is everyone doing tonight?
04:46.20blitzragegood good... voicemail odbc storage now working! I can get rid of my only NFS partition now :)
04:46.44Mattwj2005that is cool
04:46.49Mattwj2005how much storage do you have?
04:47.00*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
04:48.24jayvabbBack.  The call comes from * to a sip trunk in the Adtan TA
04:48.28[TK]D-FenderNFS.... No File Security.... *shudder* ;)
04:48.32[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : I just want......
04:48.41filewasn't me
04:48.47blitzrage! ! !
04:49.01Mattwj2005lol nice
04:49.01blitzrageMattwj2005: lots of gigs right now
04:49.03fileblitzrage: I don't want to know your name
04:49.09blitzrageI just want
04:49.13[TK]D-Fender! ! !
04:49.20Mattwj2005I want to build a 1 TB NAS one of these days :)
04:49.25*** join/#asterisk AJayMn (
04:49.26blitzragehigh-5's all around!
04:49.26Mattwj2005raid 5
04:49.39blitzrageMattwj2005: one of these days shortly I'm going to have to get one myself
04:50.02blitzrageright now I need to get the cluster running first :)
04:50.04Mattwj2005everyone could use at 1 TB
04:50.06[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : Raid 5 cards are getting pretty reasonable, and I've seen it on-board dispicably cheap....
04:50.07blitzrageclose... very close
04:50.42Mattwj2005for what?
04:50.42filea cluster of blitzrages
04:50.42blitzrageumm.... for a carrier environment
04:50.42filevery scary thought
04:50.45blitzrageI self divide every 7 years
04:50.54blitzrageMattwj2005: with DB clustering too
04:51.10Mattwj2005geez how many nodes?
04:51.16blitzragei.e. replication, mutl-master
04:51.37blitzrageright now 4, but I'm in building phase. Will test scaling phase shortly.
04:51.47blitzragebut it should scale up to maybe 64 nodes+
04:51.58Mattwj2005I am jealous.....I have a 600 Mhz system running Gentoo
04:52.17blitzrageI have 2 phyisically separated colocation facilities :)
04:52.20russellbi did development on a 400 mhz pention 2 for a long while :/
04:52.22file[TK]D-Fender: all your katanas are belong to me
04:52.27blitzragerussellb: for way too long
04:52.44blitzragerussellb: it was a chinese made Pentium knockoff
04:52.51AJayMnAnyone know of a low startup cost E911 US provider? I have 24 DIDs all over the US and need to offer E911 with them
04:53.22blitzrageAJayMn: I can do that. Msg me if interested.
04:54.48Mattwj2005hey anyone try the asterisk gui yet?
04:54.56blitzrageI saw some pictures of it once :)
04:55.08Mattwj2005it looks pretty good :)
04:57.27bkruseits awesome!
04:57.32bkrusewarning, only use firefox.
04:57.51[TK]D-Fenderfile : If you REALLY want them.... I can give them to you ;)
04:58.01[TK]D-Fenderfile : How many lumps? ;)
04:59.12[TK]D-Fenderfile : I've gotten my first cert in my art, and am working on bo a lot right now.  Gotta head to Reno-Depot and get myself 2 cut up custom.
04:59.15*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
05:00.15file[TK]D-Fender: ooh
05:00.22*** join/#asterisk Sproket45 (
05:00.42blitzragehrmmm... ok, so reading doesn't work with my ODBC storage. Just to verify, can I use storage when keeping the configuration set in a flatfile, or does it all have to be in the DB? (i.e. RT voicemail)
05:02.04Qwellblitzrage: you can, yeah
05:02.33blitzrageQwell: ok, thats what I was thinking. I see it get stored in the DB, but I'm getting:
05:02.34blitzrage[Dec  3 23:57:26] WARNING[23246]: format_wav_gsm.c:109 check_header: Read failed (type)
05:02.35blitzrage[Dec  3 23:57:26] WARNING[23246]: file.c:311 fn_wrapper: Unable to open format wav49
05:03.00blitzrageI see it go into the DB... maybe its because its pgsql and I have the table wrong.... ?
05:04.53yassineanyone of you guys have an idea why my compiling breaks here :  /usr/src/zaptel-1.4.0-beta2/zconfig.h:9:26: error: linux/config.h: No such file or directory ?
05:05.49blitzrageyah, around that line, remove the include for that file
05:06.32fileyassine: Ubuntu? FC6?
05:06.42yassinefile,  debian etch
05:06.43blitzrage#include linux/config.h     is what you want to del
05:06.54filehrm, interesting
05:07.03yassineblitzrage, where ?
05:07.12blitzragein zconfig.h I believe
05:07.20yassinelet me have a look there
05:07.25blitzrageit'll be close to the top
05:07.43Mattwj2005I love gentoo but emerge takes a long time
05:07.55blitzrageI hate gentoo and emerge takes a long time
05:08.04fileI hate gentoo
05:08.07Mattwj2005why do you hate gentoo?
05:08.18Sproket45i love gentoo but can't get zaptel to load my clone x100p so i'll ask a question next. hahah.
05:08.18yassineblitzrage,  its here : vi zconfig.h +10
05:08.20blitzrageannoying to use
05:08.25filepeer pressure!
05:09.00blitzrageand I've had more servers that were running gentoo crash than those running CentOS
05:09.25Mattwj2005each to their own
05:09.37blitzrageyep, just run whatever you're comfortable with
05:09.48Mattwj2005debian, ubuntu, and OpenSuSe are also good
05:09.51blitzragejust not that comfortable with Gentoo, and no reason to learn its weirdisms
05:09.56*** join/#asterisk j0 (
05:10.28blitzrageall OSs have some weirdisms.... I know CentOS's and FC's :)
05:10.42Mattwj2005actually Windows is the best
05:10.56*** join/#asterisk niZon (
05:10.56blitzrageI run windows inside a window :)
05:11.03blitzrage(a vmware window)
05:11.09Mattwj2005go Microsoft :P
05:11.10blitzrageits good for running quickbooks... that's about it
05:11.15j0how accurate is the jitter time in 'iax2 show channels'? it's showing some really high jitter (120ms) but running mtr i only see jitter as high as 20
05:11.18yassineblitzrage,  in zaptel.h +35 too
05:11.32j0also, when a call is routed to my sip phone, no stats are shown with that command
05:11.33blitzrageis there not a beta3 for zaptel out?
05:11.45Mattwj2005I was just trying to see what type of reaction I could get out of you didn't go anywhere though
05:11.46blitzragegues not
05:11.48blitzragejust beta2
05:12.02blitzragealthough I'd just use the SVN co of the zaptel-1.4 branch to get latest bug fixes
05:12.23Mattwj2005I have 4 computers only one of them has Windows on it
05:12.23blitzrageMattwj2005: yah, we don't care about petty shit like other people :)
05:12.29yassinevi torisa.c +22 too
05:12.35Mattwj2005lol your right :)
05:12.39orlockj0: nfi, but i a having jitter/quality issues with rtp/sip
05:12.40Sproket45since we're on the distro topic, does anyone have any suggestions for my fresh build of gentoo with 2.6 kernel? I can see my clone x100p installed with lspci -v but DON't see it in /proc/interrupts. When I modprobe all the necessary zaptel modules, I don't see a "1" under /dev/zap/ i've read SO many usenet postings and guides online but can't figure it out. should I use a 2.4 kernel?
05:13.24blitzragesounds like an issue with udev not having its config updated
05:13.25*** part/#asterisk jayvabb (
05:13.45blitzragethere are sample files for the udev.conf and permissions.d files (I think those are the file names)
05:13.53Sproket45i only have limited knowledge of udev, but i followed some docs i found online and udev looked like it has the necessary configs
05:14.09Sproket45what should i see in /proc/interrupts exactly? I know the IRQ or name of card is NOT listed there
05:15.01*** join/#asterisk lengau (
05:15.49yassinedoes this look like a bug to be submitted or am doing somthing wrong :
05:17.26blitzrageyassine: might be a bug...
05:17.36blitzragetzafrir would be the man about xpp :)
05:17.40*** join/#asterisk infernix (
05:17.52blitzrageusing -netsec?
05:18.08blitzragepretty sure that's what xpp is for
05:18.13Qwellblitzrage: nope
05:18.32blitzrageerrrr... right... astribank
05:18.35Qwellxpp is the astribank stuff - netsec is the ranch networks security stuff
05:18.48blitzragefor some reason was picturing the astribank, but thinking ranch networks....
05:19.11blitzragemust be getting tired :)
05:19.17bkruseranch networks........
05:19.32blitzragebkruse: back to your homework
05:20.27JTis there a way to have a certain extension within a context spawn asterisk to try and rematch that extension within the same context after stripping off some leading digits?
05:21.08bkruseblitzrage: physics :[
05:21.16hadsJT: Local channel?
05:21.19filephysics is cooool, so is calculus
05:21.31JTi guess it's a local channel
05:21.35blitzragecalculus sucks ass
05:21.43blitzrageI suck at math soooo badly
05:21.43bkruseblitzrage: i got some pre-cal homework
05:21.57bkruseblitzrage: you can have my open source programs for the TI series calculators :D
05:21.59blitzrageand my mom is like a math genius... guess it skips a generation
05:22.01fileblitzrage: remind me never to ask you anything math related
05:22.13fileeven what time of day it is!
05:22.30blitzrage42 o'clock
05:22.32filemight be true if I were in Newfoundland
05:22.32JTbzt, it's 1623
05:22.57orlock1165210476 here
05:23.08blitzrage${EPOCH} :)
05:23.13file#asterisk After Hours - Where VoIP goes out the window and insanity strolls in!
05:23.16yassineblitzrage,  its a bug indeed but that seem to be fixed in the trunk
05:23.27JThads: any ideas?
05:23.32blitzrageyassine: yah, I don't even both with releases.... bleeding edge all the way
05:24.19hadsJT: I don't quite get what you are trying to do.
05:24.41JThads: well let's say one extension pattern matches a prefix
05:24.56JTbut after the prefix can be any normal number that could be dialed without the prefix
05:25.04blitzrageexten => _X.,n,Dial(Local/${EXTEN:1}@context)
05:25.38blitzrageat least thats the format if it works... I don't quite get what you're doing either
05:25.48hadsYeah, that's something like what I was thinking. Why not just strip the prefix in the extension though?
05:26.04blitzrageI was thinking it sounded more like a Goto() to me
05:26.06fileyou could use Goto
05:26.17fileblitzrage: get off my brainwaves!
05:26.30blitzragefile: sorry man... getting better at this psychic stuff
05:26.58yassineblitzrage,  forget about above
05:27.09yassinethe bug still there even in the trunk
05:27.18yassinejust checked it out and it remains there
05:29.06JTthere are prefixes that do things like force blocking or sending caller id
05:29.36JTi do not want to have to recreate the entire pstn dialplan with all of these prefixes for every phone number pattern
05:29.47JTit seems inefficient and not very manageable/modular
05:29.55hadsWell either of those ideas would work then. Local channel or Goto.
05:30.19JTah ok, never heard of the local channel
05:30.28hadsGoto probably is nicer.
05:30.49hads(in this situation)
05:31.32JTbasically i'd need to set a variable and strip digits, then re-execute pattern matching
05:31.51*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
05:32.22joelsolankithis is my /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
05:32.25blitzragethat won't work :)
05:32.32blitzragealways need a priority number
05:32.32joelsolankiwhen i call from group0 to mobile1 and simulteneously call from other extension to mobile 2 from group3 then both calls are working good.
05:32.42joelsolankibut when i call from group3 to mobile1 and simulteneously call from other extension to mobile2 from group3 then both calls dont work.
05:32.53joelsolankishow g729 shows 2 to be in use.
05:33.03joelsolankigroup3 has channel 3 / 4 assinged
05:33.11joelsolankiany hints ?
05:33.22hadsblitzrage: True, bad memory.
05:33.30blitzragegoing to bed....
05:34.19JTwont work?
05:34.46JTah easy
05:35.04yassinei still get the same error even with 1.2
05:35.44yassine  can someone help guys ?
05:35.53JTso i didn't have digit timeouts
05:36.50JTso it would look for pattern matches with all the prefixes without having to specifically write a pattern for every possible pstn pattern
05:38.03bkruseyassine: update your build-tools?
05:38.23yassinebkruse, what do you mean ?
05:38.40JTor disa with no dial tone, that would be cool :)
05:39.24bkruseyassine: make, gcc, etc
05:39.26bkrusejust a thought
05:39.35bkrusewhat system you running yassine
05:39.46yassinebkruse, debian etch
05:39.52bkrusedebian ehh?
05:39.56bkrusedo you need zaptel 1.4
05:40.09bkruseasterisk build-dep zaptel asterisk libpri
05:40.21bkruseasterisk build-dep zaptel
05:40.32hadsapt-get maybe? :)
05:40.44*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=FeedomPa@
05:40.51hadsAsterisk on the brain :)
05:40.55bkrusethen try to make && make install zaptel again from src
05:41.00yassinebkruse, i think i solved it
05:41.07bkrusewhat seemed to be the problem
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05:41.29yassinebkruse,  the type bool has been indeed defined twice
05:41.40bkruseif its a for sure bug, report it
05:41.47bkruseof course, make SURE it exists in trunk first.
05:41.57yassineone in /linux/config.h and once in xdefs.h
05:42.05bkruseif you can
05:42.08yassineso i comments one
05:42.10bkrusesee if thats the same in trunk
05:42.11yassineand it works
05:42.22bkruseif it is, and its an error, bug report it
05:42.24yassinebkruse,  its in the trunk too
05:42.43yassinelet me do that at first
05:43.33bkrusei gota go, see you guys later, pre-cal calls, ah!
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07:11.44Newbie___hi all, just wondering, is it possible to change line polarity in zapata.conf?
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07:13.45tzafriryassine, here?
07:14.02yassinetzafrir, yes
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07:14.29tzafrirhave you managed to build zaptel despite the issue with the xpp driver?
07:15.09yassinenow trying to install the gui
07:15.30tzafrirok. It seems that the fix is not trivial (use the kernel typdef instead of ours) as I get some strange errors.
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07:15.49diclophis-workhowdy all
07:15.51diclophis-workwhat is "Packet2Packet" ?
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07:16.32yassinetzafrir,  thats what i exactly did
07:16.57yassinei commented the definition of the second bool in the zaptel sources
07:17.26yassinebut for now im lost in the gui configurations
07:17.37tzafrirthe 1.4 gui?
07:17.54tzafrirwhat seems to be the problem?
07:18.04tzafrirDo you have it listening on port 8000?
07:18.12tzafrirnetstat -lntp | grep 8000
07:18.17yassinelet me see
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07:18.37yassineno its not up
07:18.48nextimei was trying the gui yesterday, it randomply cause crash to my test environment * install
07:18.52yassinedo i need to start some extra services ?
07:19.58nextimeyassine : read the README file, you need the * http enabled and 2 or 3 lines of config
07:20.33yassinenextime, i enabled it in manager.conf and i created the user there
07:20.56nextimeyassine : have you restarted * or reloaded the http/manager modules?
07:21.31tzafrirthe manager is not a module
07:21.52tzafrirbasically, reload.
07:21.53nextimeit's the same
07:22.41tzafrirplease pastebin the [general] section of manager.conf and the [general] section of http.conf
07:22.50yassineokay one sec
07:23.07yassinei have asterisk listning on 8088 but i can not connect to it via browser
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07:24.03nextimeyassine : point your browser at http://<your * ip>/asterisk/static/config/setup.html
07:24.04yassinenow its loading
07:25.07tzafriryassine, "cannot connect via browser": when you connect, do you get an error page from the "Asterisk server"?
07:25.33yassineno seems like if im hitting the wrong port number
07:25.37tzafrir(with messages that are a bit funnier than the default Apache ones)
07:27.38yassinestrange the make checkconfig claims everything is as it should be and that i can connect to the port i specified 8088
07:27.47yassinebut i hit the wall there
07:35.05*** join/#asterisk Flusher (
07:38.10diclophis-workanyone know where app_flite.c is ?
07:41.11probononoIs there any support for a serial voice-modem as a FXO for something like a automated response system, or maybe a voicemail system?
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07:48.55dlynes_laptopprobonono: only the intel and motorola voicemodems that were rebranded as the X100P and the X101P
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07:54.54benjkprobomone, depends
07:55.04benjker probomono, I meant
07:58.38probononobenjk, care to elaborate? :)
07:59.37benjkthere is a chan_modem module (now deprecated but sources still available somewhere)
08:00.02benjkthis is only good for half=duplex, not for real phone conversations
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08:00.17benjkbut you seem to want only answering machine/voicemail type scenarios
08:00.29benjkthose could be handled with half-duplex only
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08:04.06probononoah ok, thanks. I wonder if anyone has tried using a pstn modem with audio in/out jacks in combination with a sound card as a codec?
08:04.30nextimeanyone is using chan_gtalk or chan_jingle with a recent svn trunk?
08:04.43*** join/#asterisk Nobbie (
08:04.48Nobbieheya =)
08:05.52Nobbiewhat could cause this problem: in part of my dialplan, i use Wait(20), but execution doesn't continue the the next priority after 20 seconds, the 't' timeout is encountered at least 30 seconds later instead
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08:06.26dlynes_laptopNobbie: pastebin your dialplan
08:06.37jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
08:12.42Nobbiepastebin url ?
08:13.12EmleyMoorNobbie: jbot gave you some
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08:19.45Nobbiepastebin seems broken ?
08:19.55EmleyMoorWhich pastebin? works for me
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08:23.07Emrah'morning everybody
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08:23.38Nobbieahh, .com doesn't work too well. .ca works ok.
08:23.45Nobbiewithout the trailing \
08:25.24EmrahI just received 40 Snom 360 and 80 7970g... I'm experiencing a disturbing echo on my snom phones... Anyone has an idea if I can enable an echo cancellation somewhere or do something to avoid this echo problem?
08:25.51dlynes_laptopEmrah: is it happening on all the phones, or only certain ones?
08:25.56Emrahall phones
08:26.00EmrahI think
08:26.10dlynes_laptopEmrah: you've got analog paths somewhere in your setup?
08:26.27EmrahHold on I'll see
08:27.44EmrahIn the setup section of the Web Interface I have no analog path
08:27.56dlynes_laptopEmrah: so no analog lines or pri lines or t1/e1/j1 lines?
08:28.11EmrahOh lol
08:28.14dlynes_laptopEmrah: everything's going over voip?
08:28.20EmrahI didn't undestand it like that
08:28.23EmrahOh no
08:28.43dlynes_laptopEmrah: I would start looking at your analog/pri/... lines first
08:28.51dlynes_laptopEmrah: that's where your echo is probably being generated
08:28.55JTpri isn't analog fwiw
08:29.03EmrahNo no
08:29.11dlynes_laptopJT: Yeah, but echo still gets generated on pri, right?
08:29.17EmrahI didn't express myself correctly
08:29.19EmrahI mean
08:29.21JTmaybe at far end
08:29.24dlynes_laptopJT: oh, ok
08:29.25JTnot on the pri line
08:29.26EmrahIt is a completely internal communication
08:29.28florzdlynes_laptop: No. PRI just connects you to analog lines more often than not.
08:29.40EmrahI'm not talking about any pstn connection
08:29.46JTand every system has analogue in it
08:29.48JTthe handpiece
08:29.54dlynes_laptopflorz: yeah, but because you've got analog on the far end, you still need hwec or swec on the pri card, right?
08:30.11dlynes_laptopJT: yeah...that's why i asked him if his echo was occurring on every phone, or just some of them
08:30.14pourritureJT ... the users vocal cords are analog too
08:30.25florzdlynes_laptop: That depends on whether someone else is doing EC before the signal reaches you :-)
08:30.39EmrahNow I have one which works without any echo
08:30.44EmrahExcept when I put the speakerphone
08:31.03Emrahsorry my English is really bad
08:31.06EmleyMoorThat sounds environmental
08:31.10dlynes_laptopEmrah: So you can only talk from one snom phone to another?
08:31.18EmrahI have here a 360 working with no echo if I use the handset
08:31.22dlynes_laptopEmrah: You can't talk to anyone outside of the office?
08:31.28EmrahYes I can
08:31.31Emrahsure I can lol
08:31.44EmrahBut I have already 500 7960 / 7940 working with no problem
08:31.48dlynes_laptopEmrah: And how do you achieve that?  You said "it is a completely internal communication"
08:31.51florzAnd the key point, after all, is "analog on a shared medium", not just "analog" ...
08:32.02EmrahNo I'm testing only a couple of 360 internally
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08:32.33dlynes_laptopEmrah: are they close to each other?
08:32.36EmrahCurrently >I'm only doing internal calls to make tests
08:32.46dlynes_laptopEmrah: how close are they?
08:32.59EmrahThey arenot in the same room
08:33.31EmrahEven when I place a call IP 2 IP the echo thing happends...
08:33.47EmrahAnyway thanks a lot for the help :)
08:33.55EmrahI'll see what's the problem with that
08:33.57shellsharkuse IAX2's jitter buffer
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08:35.05JT--- Results after 2732 passes ---
08:35.05JTBest: 100.000000 -- Worst: -2730.517578 -- Average: 98.938861
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08:35.08JTgo zttest
08:35.17JTzttest really sucks at long term operation
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08:37.35dlynes_laptopTry replacing the handsets then
08:39.41shellsharkJT: how do you get a 100.000000?
08:39.57shellshark99.9633 was my best
08:40.18shellshark99.9389 was my worst
08:40.31florzshellshark: It's basically mere luck.
08:40.49shellsharkwhat does zttest "test" anyway
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08:45.55dlynes_laptopshellshark: how close to being compatible with an IBM Netfinity your machine is
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08:46.23dlynes_laptopshellshark: basically if it dips below 99.875, your machine isn't name brand enough
08:46.41shellsharki dont get why that would be variable then ;)
08:47.04florzshellshark: Basically, it tests how close zaptel timing and the system clock are
08:47.11dlynes_laptopshellshark: it's digium's way of determining whether you're running a clone, or not
08:47.18shellsharkflorz: ah
08:47.28shellsharkflorz: why doesnt it just use the system's RTC anyway?
08:47.36dlynes_laptopflorz: in that case, it should always be way off
08:47.51ShadowHntris Asterisk available on IA-64 (Itanium) arch?
08:47.52dlynes_laptopflorz: the system clock is 1024Hz; the zaptel clock is 1000Hz
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08:48.47dlynes_laptopEmrah: if you're getting echo from ip to ip, you've got a handset issue
08:48.51ShadowHntroh wait
08:48.54ShadowHntrit's in source
08:49.00florzshellshark: or, more exactly, how close their, erm, "frequency precision"?, is ...
08:49.02dlynes_laptopEmrah: or your echo is generated by the room you're in
08:49.37Emrahdlynes_laptop: Thanks for your answers
08:49.50florzdlynes_laptop: What "system clock" do you mean?
08:50.12dlynes_laptopflorz: the system clock chip on your motherboard
08:50.24dlynes_laptopflorz: it's a binary not a decimal clock
08:50.38florzdlynes_laptop: Well, that depends pretty much on the hardware architecture, no?
08:51.17dlynes_laptopflorz: from what I understood, the AT architecture dictates that it must be 1024Hz
08:51.18florzdlynes_laptop: And at least the PC RTC actually does have second resolution only
08:51.52dlynes_laptopflorz: I believe the Pentium IV's and Athlon XP's still use the standard AT clock
08:51.52sam33Hello all, I'm trying to get a fax in Asterisk, does somebody know a working version of spandsp lib (my Asterisk: 1.2)?
08:52.00dlynes_laptopflorz: that might have changed with the new 64-bit chips, however
08:52.01shellsharkflorz: no it has ms resolution (mille), but iirc it's lacking microsecond
08:52.22dlynes_laptopflorz: but even the millisecond doesn't count all milliseconds
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08:54.45shellsharkdlynes_laptop: iirc, xeon uses AT clock also, while itanium2 is different
08:54.52shellsharki believe i read that somewhere
08:55.03shellsharkopteron is still AT clock too
08:55.08florzshellshark: Uh? <- page 12, I don't see any register with a higher resolution than a second!?
08:55.25dlynes_laptopflorz: there's two registers on AT-based chips
08:55.51dlynes_laptopflorz: erm AT-based chipsets, I mean
08:56.45florzdlynes_laptop: Erm this is an "AT-compatible" component, no? Otherwise, you've got some datasheet of some PC RTC with higher-precision registers?
08:57.06dlynes_laptopflorz: one second
08:58.42florzBut I was speaking of Linux's system clock anyway, not any hardware RTC ...
08:58.50dlynes_laptopflorz: irq0, the system timer gets updated 18.2 times per second by channel 0 of the 8254 system timer; it's used to keep the time-of-day clock updated
08:59.53florzdlynes_laptop: Erm, no, that's a completely different matter. That is what was used by DOS for its system clock - the hardware RTC runs completely independently from the processor.
09:01.04dlynes_laptopflorz: And also, the second fast interrupt from the AT real-time clock chip is generated once every 977 microseconds (approx. 1000Hz)
09:01.24dlynes_laptopflorz: it's 1/1024th of a second
09:01.45dlynes_laptopflorz: adding in the latency, gives you about once every 977 microseconds
09:01.56dlynes_laptopflorz: on most machines
09:02.11florzdlynes_laptop: You probably mean jitter? Latency doesn't change the spacing between events.
09:02.33dlynes_laptopflorz: i'm thinking more latency within the chipset between timing of interrupts/messages
09:02.37florzdlynes_laptop: But anyway: What does that have to do with the system clock?
09:02.53dlynes_laptopflorz: that is the system clock (the AT real-time clock chip)
09:03.46dlynes_laptopIt's well documented within Ralf Brown's interrupt list
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09:04.50florzdlynes_laptop: Erm, it is a signal that can be generated by the same device that contains (or rather contained) a PC's RTC, yes. But how does that make it a "system clock"?!
09:05.25dlynes_laptopWhat do you call the clock in the RTC then?
09:05.32dlynes_laptopEveryone I know calls it the system clock
09:05.48dlynes_laptopIt's part of the PC's internal system
09:06.32florzdlynes_laptop: Well, first of all: do you mean "clock" as in "wall time clock" or "clock" as in "synchronisation signal"?
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09:06.49florzerm, s/wall time clock/wall clock time/
09:06.54dlynes_laptopflorz: sync signal
09:07.11dlynes_laptopNobbie: The wait is never gets stuck on Busy() first
09:07.44dlynes_laptopNobbie: Or Ringing(), depending on which part of the dial plan youi're talking about
09:07.46florzdlynes_laptop: Well, then that certainly isn't any "system clock", as the "system clock" would most likely be the oscillator driving the processor, no?
09:08.59dlynes_laptopNow I have absolutely no idea what you're talking oscillator can be just about anything all the way down to a resistor and a capacitor hooked up to an NE555 chip
09:09.44florzdlynes_laptop: Sure, but what would make this particular oscillator so important/central/whatever, that you'd call it the "system clock"?
09:10.09dlynes_laptopbecause the real-time clock syncs on it
09:10.27dlynes_laptopWhich is what drives the timing of all the kernel timing-sensitive code
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09:12.43florzdlynes_laptop: Erm, yes and no. The (hardware) RTC of course is driven by the same oscillator. But no, this does not drive all the kernel's timing-sensitive code, and occasionally it doesn't even drive any of it.
09:13.46dlynes_laptopWell, yeah...some of the kernel's timing sensitive code is driven by interrupts from certain hardware, too
09:14.47dlynes_laptopBut, anyways...what does what constitute being a system timer or not have to do with what the resolution of the timer that asterisk ultimately needs to sync to?
09:15.55florzdlynes_laptop: That anyway, but not even scheduling is necessarily driven by the RTC's clock anymore - nor is the system clock (as in "linux's idea of wall clock time") necessarily dependent on the scheduling timer alone ...
09:18.24florzdlynes_laptop: Erm, well, actually the fact that it doesn't have to do anything with one another, is the very reason why I said that zttest showing "100%" is mere luck :-)
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09:18.52Nobbiedlynes_laptop:, i can see Ringing and Wait(20) being executed, but after 30 seconds a 't' timeout is encountered
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09:19.47HaMYaIanyone knows what's the appropriate value for "offset samples" in agi -> record_file ?
09:20.08florzdlynes_laptop: That is, given I parsed that question of yours correctly ... =:-)
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09:25.57dlynes_laptopflorz: mind and my fingers were typing two different things
09:31.51Nobbieplease check:
09:32.09Nobbiei've added a log trace to show that Wait(20) doesn't do what it's supposed to
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09:36.59Nobbiewhen running Wait(), will the caller still hear ring tone without me having to run Ringing() before it ?
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09:39.14solutionsHello everybody
09:39.26solutionsI was hoping to get some advice
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09:39.56dlynes_laptopNobbie: I don't understand why you want to put that wait in after ringing() and busy(), anyways
09:39.59dlynes_laptopNobbie: what is the purpose?
09:40.00sbingnerNobbie: You have no priority 13, so yes... it would go to timeout after the wait
09:40.22Nobbiesbingner: won't it go to 30 ?
09:40.30Nobbiethe next highest priority ?
09:40.32sbingnernot without a goto
09:40.42Nobbiefor sure ?
09:40.47joelsolankidlynes_laptop: daniel ?
09:40.53dlynes_laptopjoelsolanki: hanjee?
09:41.08joelsolankihow r u
09:41.12dlynes_laptopand you?
09:41.14DaPrivateerI am trying to setup a queue such that the caller hears ringing instead of MOH. is this possible?
09:41.19joelsolankii m also good :)
09:41.21Nobbiedlynes_laptop: when an extension is busy, i want the caller to hear ringing for 20 seconds, then transfer to reception queue or retry the busy extension
09:42.36dlynes_laptopNobbie: i c
09:43.07sbingnerDaPrivateer: see 'show application queue'
09:43.14sbingnerDaPrivateer: in short 'yes'
09:44.23JTshellshark: that's a terrible zttest result
09:44.30JTdo you have any hardware in the machine at all?
09:44.50JTi usually get 99.97 or 99.98
09:44.58JTnot 100, that's only every so often
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09:46.21shellsharki get 99.97 sometimes
09:46.32shellsharkno zaptel hardware at all
09:46.41dlynes_laptopjoelsolanki: ?
09:46.42joelsolankii m facing some stupid problem
09:46.46shellsharkmaybe i should get an X110P or something just for timing? :)
09:46.58joelsolankilet me describe the problem and give more details
09:47.12dlynes_laptopshellshark: if you want your interrupts slammed and a good %'age of your cpu usage up
09:48.00solutionsHi Guys,
09:48.18solutionsI need a little advice on setting up a new asterisk box
09:48.31solutionsIs there any chance someone can give me some guidence
09:48.31joelsolankithis is config for 2 customers
09:48.38NobbieOn an HP DL380 with 3.20GHZ HT Xeon, 3GB of RAM: Best: 99.829102 -- Worst: 97.827148 -- Average: 99.148837
09:48.45Nobbiethat seems bad then .. ?
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09:49.30shellsharkNobbie: my results are from a white box, dual xeon 2.8ghz with HT enabled (kernel sees 4 procs), 2GB RAM
09:49.46dlynes_laptopNobbie: yep
09:49.51joelsolankiif i dial from my extension to mobile1 from group0 and then dial simultenously from my other extension to mobile2 then both calls works gr8 with g729
09:50.07shellsharkwow... 97.827... ouch
09:50.18shellsharkmy lowest so far has been 99.93
09:50.20joelsolankibut when i dial from my extension to mobile1 from group3 and then dial simulteneously from my other extension to mobile2 then both calls drops. i cant hear any thing
09:50.31dlynes_laptopI get about 99.97 to 100%
09:50.33joelsolankiis there any thing to do in zapata.conf ?
09:50.41dlynes_laptopAlmost all of them are 100%
09:50.52dlynes_laptopBut then again
09:50.56dlynes_laptopI use sangoma...not digium
09:50.56shellsharkdlynes_laptop: why would a single-port FXO card cause a huge CPU utilization increase?
09:51.07dlynes_laptopshellshark: cause it generates a lot of interrutps
09:51.25shellsharkmore so than a PRI card?
09:51.27dlynes_laptopshellshark: out of all the zaptel cards out there, it generates the most number of interrupts
09:51.35dlynes_laptopshellshark: yes, quite a bit more
09:51.46dlynes_laptopshellshark: it's just a really poor card
09:51.55shellsharkwhat would be the cheapest route then?
09:51.56solutionsI want to use a 2 X TE110P's with 2 X E1 connections on a new asterisk server using only SIP / G729 to connect to this PBX
09:51.59mattfletcherHello everyone, if I use the Dial command to call two phones (call them phone1 and phone2) concurrently, I find that if phone1 is on the phone, rather than the system just ringing only phone2, the caller hears the busy voicemail from phone1. How can I avoid this?
09:52.01dlynes_laptopshellshark: you're better off to use the ztdummy driver, instead
09:52.01shellsharkfor a hardware timing solution?
09:52.13dlynes_laptopshellshark: it uses the system timer
09:52.25shellsharkdlynes_laptop: using the ztdummy driver now, but i'm getting a lot of clipping
09:52.41Nobbiesbingner: Thansk, setting a Goto(30) at priority 13 fixed the problem. i didn't know the priorities must follow on each other within the same extension/context
09:52.44joelsolankidlynes_laptop: i would to talk when u r free :)
09:52.45shellsharki've enabled generic jitterbuffer on IAX, and that helped quite a bit, but it's still present
09:53.01Nobbieso how does one improve the zttest stats ?
09:53.15shellsharkand on SIP there's not much you can do at all, since asterisk doesnt support a generic "universal" jitterbuffer like openpbx does
09:53.50dlynes_laptopshellshark: there used to be a usb driver for the 2.4 kernel build of zaptel
09:53.50sbingnerNobbie: see fxotune
09:53.56sbingnerNobbie: ignore me
09:53.58hadsNobbie: Luck. My home box is a little 600Mhz MiniITX and gets 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 99.987793% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000%
09:54.01dlynes_laptopshellshark: but I think it disappeared with asterisk 1.2
09:54.06Nobbiemaybe my zttest stats are skewed becuase the box is busy at the moment. 300 registrations, 85 activer channel
09:54.59dlynes_laptopjoelsolanki: i wouldn't know...I'd need to see a log of it
09:55.05dlynes_laptopjoelsolanki: try pastebinning your log
09:55.22joelsolankidaniel u mean CLI output ?
09:55.33dlynes_laptopjoelsolanki: or better yet /var/log/asterisk/full
09:55.53Nobbie"nice -n -15 zttest" improves it a bit, but worst is still at 99.14.  my asterisk runs at nice -10
09:55.56joelsolankioh ok
09:55.59joelsolankilet me do that
09:56.38mattfletcherWhen using Dial to call two phones concurrently, I find that if one of the phones is in a call, rather than the expected outcome (system rings the other phone only) the caller hears the busy voicemail from the phone in the call. Ideas to avoid this?
09:57.18Nobbiemattfletcher: call watiting
09:57.22Nobbiewaiting rather ...
09:57.42mattfletchernobbie: what of it? enable it? disable it?
09:57.55Nobbiemattflether: understand it, then apply it
09:58.16Nobbieeanbling it, will make a phone able to accept multiple incoming calls, but only talk on 1 at a time
09:58.41Nobbiedisabling it will cause CONGESTION and your dialplan is probably going to voicemail then
09:59.34mattfletcheri'm not sure how that would help. i don't want multiple calls on one phone. i'm using the command "exten => s,n,Dial(Local/300&Local/301,20,tro)". If 300 is in a call, a new call will go to 300's vm, not ring 301
10:00.51*** join/#asterisk santibiotico (
10:01.14hadsThat's odd.
10:01.15santibioticodoes anybody know how to change the format of one-touch-record recordings?
10:01.28santibioticoi want the system to save recordings in mp3 format
10:01.36santibioticoi've heard about the TOUCH_MONITOR_FORMAT variable
10:01.48santibioticobut i don't know exactly what i need to do
10:01.51Nobbiemattfletcher: because the call is being sent to voicemail when the busy extension is called. you can either enable Call Waiting to avoid it, disable the voicemail, or build in a ChanIsAvail() check before dialing
10:01.59*** join/#asterisk merbanan (
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10:02.37Nobbiemattfletcher: paste your dialplan into
10:03.25aadilismailwht is difference between "asterisk -r" and "asterisk -vvvvvr"
10:03.29*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
10:04.21EmleyMooraadilismail: Verbosity - the vs give more output
10:04.58Aursanyone here used the gigaset SL75?
10:05.02Aurs..with asterisk
10:06.53joelsolankidaniel can u get online in msn ?
10:07.28dlynes_laptopjoelsolanki: maybe
10:07.41dlynes_laptopjoelsolanki: I can't remember if I fixed my msn or not :0
10:07.42joelsolankihehe u r there
10:07.47dlynes_laptopYeah, I guess I did
10:08.01dlynes_laptopThe binary package didn't work, so I had to compile from source and reinstall
10:08.22tzafriraadilismail, -vvvvvr sets (core) verbosity to at least 5
10:08.41*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
10:09.50dlynes_laptoptzafrir: because windows users have never heard of it?
10:10.21shellsharktzafrir: i use jabber ;)
10:10.21tzafrirdlynes_laptop, they have, actually. Only they think it is called "google talk"
10:10.45shellsharktzafrir: jabber, aim, yahoo, msn, icq.... i'm fairly reachable ;)
10:10.47dlynes_laptoptzafrir: even then...I don't know anybody on windows using jabber or google talk
10:10.58dlynes_laptoptzafrir: even all the peeps that used to use icq are now using msn
10:11.01shellsharkdlynes_laptop: my dad uses google talk on windows
10:11.22shellsharkdlynes_laptop: half of my 500+ contact list is ICQ users ;)
10:11.25tzafrirI'm trying to get people around me to use jabber, or at least gtalk...
10:11.41shellsharkjabber is nice
10:12.08tzafrirA simple method: I attempt to add to my contact list people with gmil accounts
10:12.40tzafrirgmail, actually. I bet all three typos have domains
10:12.44dlynes_laptopI've got gmail
10:12.51dlynes_laptopbut I don't use google talk
10:13.58mattfletchernobbie: did u have any further thoughts on that pastebin?
10:14.02tzafrirWhat MSN client do you use?
10:14.58Nobbiemattfletcher: sorry, only checked now. trying to figure out what causes it to go to voicemail. do you have a call forward busy set maybe ? or is there something on your dialplan causing this ?
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10:18.56Nobbiemattfletcher: you can probably take out that Ansewer() as well
10:21.52*** part/#asterisk jerlique (
10:24.45mattfletchernobbie: where would i set a call forward busy? you have the entire dialplan, i reduced it to this as i diagnosed things.
10:25.01santibioticodoes anybody know how to change the format of one-touch-record recordings?
10:25.50*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
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10:33.16Nobbiemattfletcher: you'll need to set asterisk verbose at least 3 and paste the output of a call as well
10:42.26*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (n=alex@
10:42.53The_Ballwhat is the problem when lspci shows unknown device for the wildcard card?
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10:43.19The_Ball"Unknown device 6159:0001", not Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN
10:45.44tzafrirThe_Ball, the card is simply not in the standard PCI devices list.
10:46.03tzafrirhmmmm... sorry, probably wrong device
10:47.03The_Ballthis tutorial doesn't mention anything if lspci doesn't show the card
10:47.04santibioticodoes anybody know how to change the format of one-touch-record recordings? which value should i assign to the TOUCH_MONITOR_FORMAT variable??
10:47.29The_Ballit's the correct device, if you google 6159 0001 you will find the tdm card
10:47.37tzafrirThe_Ball, sorry: this device is actually identified by the wct1xxp driver
10:48.39tzafrirThe_Ball, grep 6159 /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.pcimap
10:48.48tzafrirShould give you a clue
10:50.08The_Ballah, thanks
10:51.19lilalinuxhow do I dial a dynamic iax from extensions.conf, when I don't know the ip?
10:51.21tzafrirIn fact, hotplug should auto-load that module for you, if zaptel is installed
10:51.34lilalinuxthe dynamic asterisk is "registered"
10:52.05tzafrirlilalinux, Dial(IAX2/username)
10:52.22tzafrirwhere username is the name of the Asterisk user/friend
10:54.21tzafrirThe_Ball, BTW: I'd appreciate it if you would mention a single detail that you consider missing or wrong in (unlike the asterisk-guru site: you can actually fix those pages)
10:55.03The_Balltzafrir, ah, i used google and landed on the guru site
10:55.46zoayou can fix asteriskguru too, just talk to me :)
11:08.09tzafrirzoa, a random browse of the guides there shows much obsolete content. For instance, try searching for "CVS"
11:08.24EmrahHas anyone ever beenable to mmake VoIP calls through a ssh tunnel?
11:09.14EmrahSIP should be difficult... But IAX may work fine, don't you think?
11:09.15tzafrirEmleyMoor, standard VoIP protocols work normally over UDP. And ssh tunnel gives you a relatively long latency (big packets) anyway
11:09.39lilalinuxtzafrir: Dec  4 12:07:20 NOTICE[4090]: chan_iax2.c:6911 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach 's@'
11:09.53tzafrirEmleyMoor, sorry, that was for Emrah
11:09.59Greek-Boyanyone here looking for african routes? I am in the process of setting up a route to Tanzania. msg me for details.
11:10.18Emrahtzafrir: Thanks but I'm not able to use anything else than ssh....
11:10.25EmrahAnd I want to register onmy Asterisk
11:10.47tzafrirEmrah, there are nice tunnels over UDP. Try using UDP port 53
11:10.55tzafrirMany firewalls leave it open
11:11.06EmrahCurrently my laptop use mylocal proxy at home for my general tcp connections... But Ican't do much with that
11:11.29tzafrirone such tunnel is openvpn
11:11.30Emrahtzafrir: you're incredible :)
11:11.36EmrahI'll try that!!!
11:12.16EmrahBut I think that it won't work... All ports are blocked, only the proxy can access the outside
11:12.27EmrahAnd I use the proxy to connect to my ssh server at home
11:12.32Emrahand then connect to my home proxy
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11:26.42zoatzafrir: thanks, i will have it fixed
11:26.58merbananummm, how do I submit patches for inclusion ?
11:27.15merbananto a tracker or to some mailinglist ?
11:27.19zoai dont open it up to anyone to avoid too much spam (as we already have too much)
11:27.34zoaanybody who wants a login could though.
11:28.37*** join/#asterisk myiagy (
11:28.37zoathere's a guy updating them one by one at the time (layout is fucked a lot too since the new design)
11:30.07mattfletchercan i use gotoif to goto a context, or just an extension within the current context?
11:30.10The_Balltzafrir, i got it figured out, it was an interrupt problem
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11:31.32cyberartyThe "Asterisk: The Future of Telephony" book link on the website is broken.  Can anyone pls tell me where to get the book?
11:33.19dlynes_laptopcyberarty: O'Reilly
11:33.53dlynes_laptopmerbanan: You'll need to fax in a code release agreement, though
11:34.09merbanannot for a translation patch
11:34.15dlynes_laptopmerbanan: you can get that from if I remember correctly
11:34.30dlynes_laptopmerbanan: Yeah, for any code change, no matter how small
11:34.58dlynes_laptopmerbanan: but i'm sure kevin or whoever will let you know that after you've submitted it
11:35.00merbananthere is no code change, just a translation of comments
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11:36.45brianmerbanan: that's still a code change
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11:38.18merbananok, I don't agree though but I'll see what I can do about that
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12:02.45santibioticois there any known problem with zaptel and kernel 2.6.19
12:03.24santibioticoi get an error when trying to compile zaptel that i don't get when using a previous kernel version
12:03.44EmleyMoorWhat's th'error?
12:04.01santibioticomake[2]: *** [/usr/src/zaptel-1.2.10/zaptel.o] Error 1
12:04.01santibioticomake[1]: *** [_module_/usr/src/zaptel-1.2.10] Error 2
12:04.01santibioticomake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.19'
12:04.01santibioticomake: *** [linux26] Error 2
12:04.09EmleyMoorI get one when I try to use anything higher than 2.6.8 but that could just be Deban messing me about
12:04.36santibioticowhen i use i.e. 2.6.18-2 it all goes ok
12:05.10santibioticoany idea??
12:05.26*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
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12:10.25queuetueHi.  My asterisk server appears to be running fine, but is set up to not allow a console.  (Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?) when I run asterisk -r ) ... Is there a setting for this?
12:10.31*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
12:11.24dlynes_laptopsantibiotico: what's the error?  you're not showing the error...the error will be between 1 and 5 lines above your error 1 line
12:11.34dlynes_laptopgood morning, royk
12:11.40dlynes_laptopRoyK: erm afternoon
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12:15.24EmleyMoorqueuetue: Are you sure it's running?#
12:16.13queuetueEmleyMoor: Yes.  So sure, I can make calls on it. :)
12:18.19dlynes_laptopRoyK: ah...I see you have another one for me to manipulate :)
12:18.42dlynes_laptopRoyK: but i don't have to manipulate this one...i'm already at the center of attention :)
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12:31.53queuetueAso, how does DEBUG get turned on, and how can I turn it off?  (My asterisk.full log is packed with DEBUG messages with a verbosity I do not need.)
12:32.40shellsharkor logging.conf? cant remember off the top of my head ;)
12:33.59queuetueshellshark: Thanks.
12:34.34hi365so wada yo think: whats the best voip phone out there?
12:34.34queuetue(It was logger.conf)
12:34.54shellsharkhi365: "best" is relative
12:35.09shellsharkhi365: depending greatly upon what features you need
12:35.21hi365true. most relible. nice. blf.
12:35.40hi365busy lite
12:35.48shellsharkah righto
12:36.03shellsharkcheck out a polycom IP601
12:36.40hi365will do
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12:37.29hi365any echo issues? my grandstream 2000's are terabile
12:37.38hi365(about as bad as my spelling!)
12:39.43hi365shellshark: any echo issues? my grandstream 2000's are terabile
12:40.24shellsharkmy grandstream 101 is horrid too
12:40.36hi365how are the polycoms?
12:40.37shellsharkI've got a polycom IP301 sitting here and it's night and day difference
12:41.03shellsharki've not touched a 601, but I'm sure it'd be about the same voice quality
12:41.12shellshark601 has a lot bigger screen, more soft keys, etc
12:41.57*** join/#asterisk hello007 (i=hello007@
12:42.00hello007anu one know how to configure ISA 2004 for asterisk to work on outbound and inbound calls on sip ?
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12:48.33mostywhat is isa 2004?
12:48.53hi365shellshark: interesting that they dont list their phones on their site
12:49.02shellsharkthey do
12:49.10shellsharkSoundPoint IP series
12:50.06hi365i dont c it under products
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12:55.36zoahey ho coppice
12:55.38razudoes any variable tell which caller hanged up the phone ?
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12:57.16hello007MICROSOFT isa FIREWALL
12:57.50hello007i changed the firewall because i was unbale to receive sip calls
12:58.11hello007now i m able to receive sip calls , but i m unable to make outgoing sip calls
12:58.15mostyhello007: are you doing NAT too, or just firewalling?
12:58.26hello007no i m doing nat too
12:58.59mostyif you can't make outgoing calls, the first thing i would check is that you are registered ok
12:59.23hello007yes i m registerd ok
12:59.33hello007sip show registry show it
12:59.54hello007and if i call the pbx from outseide i enter the IVR
13:00.07hello007but i can not call from the inside
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13:00.40coppicezoa: hi
13:00.58mostyhello007: what does the asterisk console show with debugging and verbose set to say 10, when you make an outgoing call?
13:01.11hello007is it firewall/port issue?
13:02.00hello007it shows an i can hear all circuit are busy
13:03.06hello007i have my asterisk with public ,and my polycom phones behind a nat with private ip
13:04.20*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=tili@
13:04.51synthetiqpolycom + nat = trouble
13:05.00hi365shellshark: thanks. got the info. it look good. what is the 650? what is the dh thing?
13:05.21mostyhello007: is your asterisk server behind the NAT? ie on the same lan as your phones?
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13:06.20hello007no the asterisk have a public ip,and only the phone are behind nat with private ips
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13:18.42Jo211hello, i'm getting trouble with a 110p card connect to a pri telecom, perhaps someone can help me
13:19.23Jo211Dec  4 11:18:48 NOTICE[10836] chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
13:19.23Jo211Dec  4 11:18:49 NOTICE[10836] chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
13:19.23Jo211Dec  4 11:18:51 NOTICE[10836] chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
13:19.34Jo211i all calls are dropped
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13:20.29Jo211zaptel-1.2.11 / asterisk-1.2.13
13:20.38Jo211loadzone        = us
13:20.40Jo211defaultzone     = us
13:20.59Jo211any idea?
13:23.17*** part/#asterisk pourritur1 (
13:25.24jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
13:26.28Chris-NBcan someone tell me, what that err means?
13:26.31Chris-NBzt_pri_error: 2 !! Got a UA, but i'm in state 1
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13:30.17shmaltzanybody know of a simple call log system that reads the cdr records from the csv files?
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13:31.50SomeOne1RoyK: sup
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13:36.16flujanHi guys, could you please check if my dialplan is right?
13:36.27flujanI am not sure about the gotoif and the len command... :)
13:36.51knathraakhi, all.  I'm needing some help with my queues.conf
13:37.17mostyknathraak: be more specific
13:37.18knathraakspecifically I'm wondering if it is possible to set global variables in queues.conf, or to import them from somewhere else
13:37.52mostyknathraak: what kind of variables do you want to set?
13:39.00knathraakmosty: the members of my queues consist of a series of Zap channels (fxo) dialing cell phone numbers.  Since some of the cell phones are members of more than one queue, i'd like to set them as variables in a global section, like you can in extensions.conf
13:39.17knathraakmosty: this doesn't seem to work, though
13:39.44mostyknathraak: wouldn't you just have member => settings in each queue definition?
13:40.01Jo211any hw support to 110p? geeting chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
13:40.30knathraakmosty: that's what I currently have.  but i'd like to have member => ${cellphone1}
13:40.58knathraakmosty: that way I could use that same variable in more than one queue definition, and if i need to change it, i could just change it in one place
13:41.15mostyknathraak: you could probably do it with #include
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13:42.00knathraakmosty: so (1) to includes work in queues.conf, and (2) where would I put it, and what would it look look like?
13:42.43mosty#include "cellphone-zap-channel.conf"
13:42.54knathraakmosty: would i put the include at the beginning of each queue definition?
13:43.07mostyput that in each queue, then you would just have to edit cellphone-zap-channel.conf if you want to change them all
13:43.25vooduhalHey quys.  Quick qustion.  Do the zaptel drivers need to be reloaded in order for the rx and tx gains in zapata.conf to take effect or can you just do a reload?
13:43.47knathraakmosty: nice... do includes work with queues.conf, that you know of?
13:43.56mosty#include works in all asterisk config files
13:44.10knathraakmosty: nice... thanks....i'll give this a try.
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13:48.47knathraakmosty: I created a file called "cellphones.conf" and at the beginning of my queue definition, I specified: #include "cellphones.conf"
13:49.29knathraakmosty: cellphones.conf looks like [globals]
13:49.58knathraakmosty: is this what you were describing?
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13:50.23vooduhalHey quys.  Quick qustion.  Do the zaptel drivers need to be reloaded in order for the rx and tx gains in zapata.conf to take effect or can you just do a reload?
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13:50.34arjanI'm trying to make asterisk to connect to a sip service that I have with the register => command
13:50.45markithi, seems that asterisk 1.2svn does not recognize dtmf anymore, and I've enabled debug channel sip, and it logs 2 events when I press *2... how can it be then?
13:50.57arjanOnly this service wants me to connect to port 38383 instead of the standard port
13:51.01markit<< [ TYPE: DTMF (1) SUBCLASS: * (42) ] [SIP/1001-081bfaa0]
13:51.01markit<< [ TYPE: DTMF (1) SUBCLASS: 2 (50) ] [SIP/1001-081bfaa0]
13:51.07markitwhat could it be?
13:51.09arjanHow can I put that in the register => command?
13:52.27markitarjan: I don't know, have you checked the wiki if the syntax address:port is supported by "register"?
13:52.54fantasiosomeone here knows how to connect a asterisk (digium t110p) with a Siemens Hicom?
13:53.06zoawe did before i think
13:53.15fantasioi need some assistance by configuring the Siemens :D
13:53.48arjanyes, I checked that, I don't see it anywhere
13:54.53markitarjan: read there, there is a "port" option
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13:56.14fantasiozoa: You did?
13:56.35arjanok tnx
13:57.44vooduhalHey quys.  Quick qustion.  Do the zaptel drivers need to be reloaded in order for the rx and tx gains in zapata.conf to take effect or can you just do a reload?
13:59.01*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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13:59.38|oranjia|helloo peeps :)
13:59.53|oranjia|mistermocha: :)
14:00.00mistermochathis is strange... outbound dialing isn't presenting a phone number to my pri line... any thoughts?
14:00.33mistermochait's not presenting a dialed number.... it is presenting a caller ID
14:00.38|oranjia|try NoOping CALLERID(num)
14:00.49|oranjia|you mean the dnid?
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14:01.44mistermocha*blink* it's early... which is the dnid?
14:01.48|oranjia|Can someone help me? for some reason using Progress() and then Playback with  noanswer  doesn't work
14:02.05|oranjia|mistermocha: i am not sure you get the dnid on zap channels
14:02.14|oranjia|but it works with sip...its gives the number dialled
14:02.24|oranjia|but you can also use ${EXTEN}
14:02.33|oranjia|i think
14:04.18mistermochahow else is the pri going to know the number dialed?
14:04.40lilalinuxwhat does "No authority found" mean?
14:04.45Jo211any hw support to 110p? geeting calls dropped and: chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
14:04.48hi365i dont understand: does the polycom 601 have a blf feature?
14:07.40mistermochawhere do I set the dnis digits?
14:07.49mistermochahi365: I don't think so
14:08.10hi365damn. so whats the best phone taht does?
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14:10.03hi365wow this is confusing!
14:10.23hi365b4 sum1 mentiond the polycom
14:12.00markitanyone can tell me how to svn check the 1.2 stable of some days ago? just to test when dtmf broken
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14:14.18SomeOne1i am sum1!!
14:14.29SomeOne1hi365: i did not mention polycom!
14:15.25hi365lol. didnt relise that sum1 is called sum1!
14:18.45knathraakmosty:  i tried your idea of including a cellphones.conf in the queue definition.
14:18.58knathraakmosty: unless i'm doing it wrong, it doesn't seem to work
14:19.40mostydid you include quotes? #include "foo"
14:19.47knathraakmosty: my cellphones.conf has a single entry: CELLPHONE1=Zap/2/18885551212
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14:20.04mostydon't try and set a variable like that
14:20.18knathraakmosty: okay how?
14:20.24mostyin cellphones.conf put member => Zap/2/12343543etc
14:20.49peterme2005Hi guys does anyone know how to perform an attended transfer operation that doesnt involve using meetme or parked calls?
14:21.15peterme2005if anyone can share a bit of time for a private chat that would be great!!!
14:21.23knathraakmosty: okay i see... but that still doesn't solve my problem of needing to use variables
14:21.50mostyknathraak: but it solves the "i want to edit this in once place" problem
14:22.35mostyie you don't need to use variables
14:22.51knathraakmosty: hmm... i guess I could do cellphones_1.conf and cellphones_2.conf, etc, and just include the files I want to use in each queue.
14:23.02knathraakmosty: is that what you mean?
14:23.38mistermochadumb question... what denotes a comment in a .conf file?
14:23.54mistermochain particular a trunk file
14:23.57knathraakmistermocha: semicolon, i believe
14:24.09mistermochaI'll try .. thx
14:25.12Tilianybody every got this
14:25.15Tiliwanpipe1: Critical: AFT Chip Security Compromised: Disabling Driver!(0EBA0189)
14:25.15Tiliwanpipe1: Please call Sangoma Tech Support (!
14:25.16Tiliwanpipe1: Error: Card Critically Shutdown!
14:25.16Tiliwanpipe1: Clearing E1 Interrupts
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14:27.08peterme2005guys if anyone knows how to perform an attended transfer in asterisk please message me...desperate for some help or a point in the right direction
14:27.20mostysee features.conf
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14:29.48peterme2005ive had a look at the feats.conf
14:29.53shido6see atxfer
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14:30.01peterme2005not what i want though apparently it puts too much load on the network
14:30.23peterme2005so one of the guys here wrote a patch that simulates DTMF tones
14:30.29peterme2005with this -t flag
14:31.07peterme2005again on the network it sucks the upsteam
14:31.24peterme2005what we want is the phones to do the work for us
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14:31.37peterme2005so joe blogs phones reception
14:31.43peterme2005reception picks up
14:31.51peterme2005joe blogs asks to speak to the manager
14:31.52shido6spa-941 can do attended xfers on the phone
14:32.06peterme2005i know you can do xfers on the phone
14:32.12peterme2005i want to do it via the manager or CLI
14:32.21peterme2005and i cant figure out how to do this elegantly
14:32.38peterme2005i want to do the xfer on the phone for my desktop application
14:32.52shido6some number combo to execute the script using user input
14:33.18peterme2005im not sure i follow that last bit shido6
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14:34.14shido6you could use agi, or the "System" application.... or...
14:34.29peterme2005well we are using asterisk -java
14:34.44peterme2005which if the interface for java to asterisk
14:34.53peterme2005but again we can do a blind transfer
14:35.07peterme2005but we want something that doesnt use this -t flags
14:35.18shido6can you show me how you are doing the blind xfer?
14:35.33peterme2005ok hang on need to give me 1 min
14:36.56peterme2005i think my colleague uses a REDIRECT
14:38.30peterme2005from looking at the code thats what he has implemented
14:39.58peterme2005its all a bit annoying really at this point
14:40.39peterme2005ive found loads of ppl asking about this sort of issue online but few have answers
14:41.14shido6so you want to call someone speak with them for a bit.... then enter some number combination to put them on hold and call someone else&  speak with them for a bit then join the two
14:41.27peterme2005pretty much yea
14:41.39peterme2005but with minima use or workload for asterisk
14:41.54peterme2005i basically want to perform the same operation that the phones use
14:42.31shido6oh, and the challenge is not to use "t or T"
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14:43.25shido6we have Progomate
14:43.48shido6we have Originate, Redirect, Transfer, Command to use...
14:43.58shido6u originate the cal on the phone...
14:44.22shido6so you will need to start with executing your application first
14:44.32shido6since you dont want to straight into using the "Dial" application
14:44.42peterme2005well the application will act as the middle person.... the receptionist if you will
14:45.11peterme2005then she will transfer the incoming caller "joe blogs" say to the manager "john smith"
14:45.12shido6is the receptionist asking for input and asking a question?
14:45.35peterme2005yes she will say who do you want to speak to and he will say "john smith the manager"
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14:45.46peterme2005then she will hit the transfer button
14:46.10peterme2005be but through to john smith and say ive got joe blogs on the phone do you want to take it ....he accepts
14:46.10shido6do you have a speech to text application or will the user input DTMF in response to some prerecorded message?
14:46.34peterme2005and when the receptionist puts down the physical phone then behind the scenes joe blogs is connected to john smith
14:46.57peterme2005no dtmf stuff...well not yet anyway but there might be later not sure
14:47.16shido6err... I thought the application was replacing the live person........ is there a live person asking this which is doing the transfer?
14:47.26shinux__hello guys ... we are trying out asterisk in our office... i wonder if we can connect it to our existing pbx in the office? and if theres a guide for that somewhere?
14:47.46shido6shinux... what kind of interfaces does your existing pbx have?
14:47.52shinux__so as to benefit from the layout we already have
14:48.10shinux__the regular analog kind
14:48.12shido6FXO or FXS?
14:48.26shido6for handset or for telephone lines from the co
14:48.35shinux__for telephone lines
14:48.41shinux__from the company
14:48.47shido6you can
14:48.49shido6how many
14:48.53shinux__let me make that striaght
14:48.55peterme2005no the receptionist uses out application alongside the phone.... but we (the application) override the phone because when a call comes through to that extension the application assumes control and displays the call on the inbound list
14:49.03peterme2005the receptionist then clicks answer
14:49.06peterme2005her phone rings
14:49.12shido6shinux__:  how many?
14:49.16shinux__about 6 extesions
14:49.24shinux__and 3 lines from the telco
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14:50.14shinux__i think thats right shido6
14:50.16peterme2005any ideas shido6
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14:51.06synis three-way calling a feature managed by the PBX or the client phones (or both) ?
14:51.32shido6shinux__:  you have a few options.... or configured with 4 FXO and another one with 2 FXO
14:51.36nibbler_desyn: depends on the origin of the individual calling parties
14:51.50peterme2005guys ill be right back
14:52.04synnibbler_de: let's say it's asterisk's job then
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14:52.11shido6you can use SIP FXO gateways...
14:52.22synnibbler_de: i didn't see any way to configure this (except meetme, but this is not what i want :/)
14:52.24shido6you can use Digium Cards
14:52.46synshido6: are you suggesting this to me ?
14:52.54nibbler_desyn: it's actually very simple - if you call two people via sip your phone does the job
14:53.03shido6no, this is for shinux__
14:53.09synshido6: ok
14:54.21synnibbler_de: when does asterisk do the job then ?
14:55.11knathraakgot a question about call queues...
14:55.32knathraakmembers consist of zap channels which dial technicians' cell phones
14:55.59knathraaki need to set priorities on the members such that it tries the technicians in the same order each time
14:56.33knathraakis this possible?  if so which strategy would work
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14:58.14shinux__ok shido6
14:58.36shinux__so shido6... how is it configured?
14:59.45shinux__is there a guide somewhere i can use?
15:03.08knathraakhi,  i'm wondering if anyone knows how to make a queue dial its members in the same order every time, regardless of who last answered a call.  round robin seems to skip the most recently used member
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15:12.43elriahHi all.  Is there a way to set a variable in a extensions.conf context without doing exten => x,x,set() ?? I need to set a variable for the entire context for outbound calls ...
15:12.51elriahasterisk 1.2.x
15:14.22nibbler_desyn: when the lines terminate in asterisk - for example you have a pstn call and a phone connected via misdn in nt-mode and one via sip
15:15.34knathraakelriah: this might help:
15:15.45synnibbler_de: ah, ok
15:15.56synnibbler_de: so i guess there is no need to configure anything, right ?
15:16.01synit just works out of the box
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15:16.58nibbler_desyn: yup
15:17.07synnibbler_de: thanks :)
15:17.16synhave a nice day :)
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15:23.00santibioticoi have an asterisk server with a private ip address connected to a router, which has one public ip address...then i want a sip phone in another location to register with my asterisk and make calls...i've configured nat for udp port 5060, and i get the phone registered and can make calls; i can dial numbers and they ring. but when the call is stablished, neither of the peers can hear each other.
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15:23.28santibioticoi've configured sip.conf with nat=yes option
15:23.37santibioticoany idea of what could be happening??
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15:29.45shido6RTP audio ports
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15:30.00shido6there is more to sip then just port 5060
15:30.49shido6you arent letting the RTP audio through which can be between 10,000 and 20,000 linksys devices like 16284-16484 ish
15:31.02shido6i need breakfast........ brb
15:31.43santibioticoi've mapped udp ports from 10000 to 20000
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15:34.23ManxPowershido6: Cisco defaults to 16384 - 32768.  I don't recall if it is odd ports or even ports.
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15:51.17ManxPowerASUS Motherboard Turns House Phones into Skype™ Phones
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15:55.14develhey all, anybody with an audiocodes FXO media gateway can answer a few questions caller id related?
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15:56.20ManxPowerdevel: your extensive search of the mailinglist archives was not helpful?
15:56.56knathraakgot a question about to set the default unavailble message to a custom sound?
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15:57.06develManxPower, i'm not going to lie to you:  i'm helping somebody else, so i haven't gone there yet.  allow me to remedy that.
15:57.44jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
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16:08.01Jo211Please, anyone can help-me with 110p support? i'm geeting calls dropped and: chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
16:11.25ManxPowerJo211: that is one of the hardest problems to fix.  It is caused by latency on the PCI bus of the motherboard.
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16:12.11ManxPowerThings that can cause this are On Board Ethernet, Onboard RAID, running in graphics mode, and some IDE controllers
16:12.38ManxPowerJo211: it can SOMETIMES be cause by a problem with the T-1/E-1
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16:13.59ManxPowerBTW, does anyone have recommendations for a cheap rack mount server with many PCI slots?
16:14.22peterme2005guys do any of you know who to perform an attended transfer using asterisk i..e via the manager interface?!
16:14.57Jo211maxpower: what you suggest to correct this problem? If I put a external ethernet (using internal now) can help? Or change the slot of the 110p board?
16:15.35ManxPowerJo211: disable onboard LAN and put in a PCI ethernet card.  That is the easiest thing to try.
16:15.44ManxPowermake sure you are not running in graphics or framebuffer mode.
16:16.01Jo211ok, what's framebuffer mode?
16:16.22ManxPowerJo211: anything this isn't 80x24 characters on the console.
16:16.35ManxPowermany distros enable it by default to make things look "pretty"
16:17.03ManxPowerJo211: put the output of "cat /proc/interrupts" on
16:17.14Jo211maybe this can be a tiP: this is a asteriskathome 2.4
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16:17.47ManxPowerJo211: I cannot help you with Asterisk@Home.  /join #freepbx for that.  The HDLC error is NOT an Asterisk@Home specific thing.
16:17.51Jo211anyway, if I change to a better cpu i probaly the problem goes away and it's not related to telco, wright?
16:18.25ManxPowerJo211: no. the problem is not CPU related.  The problem is that SOMETHING is locking interrupts for so long that data from the TE110P is being lost.
16:18.51ManxPowerAs I said this is one of the hardest problems to solve.
16:19.58Jo211cat /proc/interrupts ->
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16:21.08lenne_dkGood [$timezone.time.greeting()] group. Anyone familiar with sphinx2?
16:21.23lenne_dkvoice recognition
16:21.24RoyKJo211: that's BAD
16:21.28RoyKJo211: unload usb  drivers
16:21.50RoyKbad bo Jo211
16:22.00tzafrirI saw a link on voip-info to a site called . Looked into it. Looks like it is made by a web2.0 template site, with just about zero content
16:22.14KermitTheFraggerlenne_dk:  never heard of it, but it looks interesting :)
16:22.51tzafrirThey claim to be "open source" and provide support and such. There is even a silly install guide. But there is no actual this to download.
16:23.51tzafrirWhy should you unload USB? It generates just aobut zero interrupts if you have no device connected
16:24.26tzafrirAnd if you have a device connected, you can't really unload the drivers :-p
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16:25.49lenne_dkThere is an /agi-bin/eagi-sphinx-test installed, and i have installed sphinx2, but there must be some configuration missing, because nothing happens wheren I execute  Executing EAGI("SIP/36949608-086d8000", "eagi-sphinx-test "yes*no"")
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16:27.11jubei_anybody know of a good way to make asterisk talk to a cisco router who only works with h.323 ?
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16:33.06peterme2005hi guys if anyone know how to perform an attended transfer please message me
16:33.46lenne_dkI know.
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16:35.46lenne_dkpeterme, still here?
16:35.52nextimejubei_ : you can try to use chan_h323 or chan_ooh323 or chan_oh323 or chan_woomera. Both shuld work with cisco, anyway, if you need to have a gatekeeper, you can use gnugk. Another option is to use yate as h323 to SIP signaling proxy, do from asterisk you can speak sip that work better than h323, and yate work better that * in my experience on h323
16:35.54markitpeterme2005: the xfer of features is not good for you?
16:36.00markithi nextime :)
16:36.14nextimehi markit
16:36.29markitnextime: still "overbusy"? :)
16:36.56nextimemarkit : more that "over"
16:37.12nextime(i'm tired and nervous today)
16:37.13markitbtw, is there are developers lissening, going back to an older svn version fixed the dtmf problem, so is a BUG
16:37.19knathraakanybody know how to set default unavailable message for voicemail to a custom sound?
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16:37.38peterme2005markit_ the features.conf is ok but.... it added load to the adsl line meaning that calls are tromboned
16:38.07peterme2005basically asterisk is doing much of the work for an attended transferred call
16:38.31peterme2005so the adsl (phone line) line becomes swamped
16:38.52peterme2005ok can i perform an attended transfer via the manager api
16:40.48RoyKit't not an api....
16:41.47lenne_dkso if one calls you from outside, you want to call another outside caller, and then connect the two callers, and leave your asterisk out of the call?
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16:42.37peterme2005but i want this to be an attended transfer
16:42.51peterme2005so i say hey ive got joe blogs on the phone do you want to speak to him
16:43.00ManxPowerI thought the "Manager Interface" was for maximizing synergy thru cohesive partnerships with forward thinking vendors
16:43.44peterme2005then i hang up and asterisk connects the two people
16:43.47peterme2005sounds simple enough
16:43.52peterme2005but asterisk cant seem to do it
16:44.45lenne_dkAsterisk can't connect the two people without being in the middle of the call, especially if the parties are on POTS.
16:44.59ManxPowerpeterme2005: we do it all the time.  We press the transfer button on the Polycom phone, dial the other party, consult, then complete the trensfer.
16:45.27peterme2005yea ok thats cool but i want to do this via an application i have been developing thus i need to use the manager interface
16:45.31hi365its called atended transfer
16:45.31lenne_dkBut aren't asterisk in the loop then?
16:45.34ManxPowerpeterme2005: your extensive search of the mailing list archives was not helpful?
16:45.39peterme2005the manager interface doesnt seem to give me an attended xfer
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16:46.09peterme2005ManxPower_ no otherwise i wouldnt be in here
16:46.39lenne_dkExcuse me, but aren't there two issues here? management interface, and transfer without asterisk in the loop?
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16:47.30peterme2005ok first issue i want to fire off a command to the manager api and say performAttendedXfer between callerA callerB (ME) and callerC
16:48.02ManxPowerlenne_dk: did he say asterisk had to be out of the loop?
16:48.06peterme2005we have a patch that simulates DTMF codes to perform an attended transfer
16:48.08peterme2005it works
16:48.19ManxPowerpeterme2005: Originate can't do it.
16:48.21Emrah_Is it normal to hear echo when using the speakerphone with a Snom 360
16:48.26peterme2005it cripples the adsl upstream die to the setting of a -t flag
16:48.32lenne_dk"it added load to the adsl line meaning that calls are tromboned"
16:49.03ManxPowerAh.  He needs to get attended transfer via AMI working before he tries to optimize it.
16:49.37lenne_dkSo you wants the calls connected somewhere outside your system, at the public exchange.
16:49.57ManxPowerlenne_dk: no, via an internet telephone company
16:50.12ManxPowerno local PSTN interface or he would not be caring about his adsl bandwidth
16:50.26Emrah_Anyone uses Snom phones here?
16:50.44SheriF_SpacEanyone know any news about meetme -v " video in 1.4 " ?
16:50.58ManxPowerEmrah_: not I.  They seemed too expensive and buggy for our use.
16:51.09Emrah_You're true :)
16:51.28Emrah_Anyone else?
16:51.58blitzragenada, Polycom here
16:52.22ManxPowerPolycom here too.
16:52.51peterme2005we have an inbound call on a zap channel which will be answered by 'reception_phone' (SIP Phone) and we want to transfer the call to another SIP phone, say 'sales_1' but would like to ask 'sales_1' if they want to accept the call first - An Attended/consultative transfer.  However we want to direct this transfer from a piece of software using the manager API
16:53.03peterme2005alas we only seem to be able to perform blind xfers
16:53.21mattfletcherI have a question regarding the Dial() application. I'm trying to dial two extensions at the same time (using the "&" syntax). What I want to do is for the command to be treated as busy (jumping 101 commands) if EITHER extension is busy, not just BOTH. Is this possible?
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16:53.23lenne_dkfirst you must be sure the IP-phone company supports that xfer. Who should pay for the call anyway, if caller C is long distance? If both callers are IP, there might be a possibility, but if either are PSTN (and converted to IP at the IP-phone company) I don't think it is possible.
16:53.23ManxPowerpeterme2005:  if all else fails ask on the malinglists.
16:53.32ManxPowermattfletcher: no.
16:53.50mattfletcherarse biscuits
16:53.54peterme2005i think if i can manipulate the channels at the lowest level then i might be able to bridge the two together but this is not as easy as it sounds
16:53.56ManxPowerlenne_dk: you are making this much more complicated than it is.
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16:54.04peterme2005am i?
16:54.10mattfletchermanxpower: Is there another way?
16:54.12ManxPowermattfletcher: you can use ChanIsAvail to accomplish something similar.
16:54.18ManxPowerpeterme2005: no lenne_dk is
16:54.47Emrah_Thanks ManxPower  and blitzrage.
16:55.01mattfletchercool thanks, i will look it up
16:55.21Emrah_Maybe you can answer just a last question. I have a polycomIP300 which sudanly... The 7, * and the mute key stoped working
16:55.34lenne_dkSorry, but I cannot se how two POTS calls can be connected, without going down his adsl.
16:55.39Emrah_Do you think that it is a hardware problem or a software matter?
16:56.39ManxPowerEmrah_: what firmware release?
16:56.46peterme2005well ok take this.... if i use the xfer button on the aastra phone it seems to work ok and the system (asterisk) handles it ok
16:56.55ManxPowerlenne_dk: HE IS NOT USING POTS
16:57.07Emrah_ManxPower: No Idea I disconnected the phone for the moment... Well I'll replug it :)
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16:57.55peterme2005however if i perform the same operation via the manager api it cripples the adsl upstream which has the repercussion of effecting the number of concurrent calls that can take place
16:58.03mattfletchermanxpower: i see the idea behind this chanisavail, but i cannot get my head around what i should be checking and how i should react to those checks. does anyone have an example of chanisavail being used in this way?
16:58.34ManxPowermattfletcher: you checked extensions.conf.sample?
16:58.55ManxPowerpeterme2005: are the calls coming in / going out via IAX2 or SIP?
16:59.13peterme2005Zap in Sip out
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16:59.39peterme2005i.e. Joe Blogs calls (ZAP) reception of the company
16:59.43peterme2005reception answers
16:59.58peterme2005reception transfers to the manager by performing an Attended Transfer
17:00.20peterme2005and asks the manager if he wants to take the call
17:00.23peterme2005he accepts
17:00.28peterme2005then as the receptionist hangs up
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17:00.42peterme2005the phone connects to the manager
17:00.43*** join/#asterisk syn (
17:00.45synhello again
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17:01.09peterme2005this (yes) can be achieved via the Dial() and setting the -t (transfer ) flag
17:01.36emanni have setup an server, and i want the people that work with me to be able to use it from there home. I read somewhere that doing a VPN solution adds alot of overhead,
17:01.42peterme2005however and again this causes asterisk to manage the calls thus putting strain on the line as asterisk is then managing the transfer
17:01.44synwhen using Queue(), and one of the agents is already on the phone, and a new call arrives, the already onthephone agent is ringing too. Is there a way to avoid this ?
17:01.58mattfletcherwhere culd i find the extensions.conf.sample file online? i've stupidly overwritten mine i fear
17:01.59peterme2005as asterisk does this is swallows up most of the ADSL bandwidth
17:02.00synemann: depends
17:02.02peterme2005which is BAD
17:02.08synemann: we use a VPN here and it works perfectly
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17:02.26peterme2005most solutions have suggested using meet me or parked calls.....
17:02.30peterme2005which yes will work but.....
17:02.34emannwhat is a secure way to allow people to access the asterisk server? I am using iax2
17:02.37ManxPowerpeterme2005: I can't see how it would matter at all since the call is PSTN/ZAP -> Internet/SIP no matter if you do an attended or non-attended transfer.
17:02.49peterme2005im back to the same issue that these swallow up adsl upstream bandwidth
17:03.08emannsyn: ipsec vpn or pptp or ssl?
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17:03.32ManxPowerpeterme2005: it still won't make any difference since one leg of the call is ZAP
17:03.44peterme2005ok here is a question......
17:03.46synemann: pptp
17:03.48peterme2005via the manager api
17:03.52peterme2005well the CLI
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17:04.17peterme2005can i do "hold channel:SIP/212blah"
17:04.22peterme2005or something similar?
17:04.23nextimei use a vpn too, both with ipsec and openvpn, and both work great
17:04.42ManxPowerpeterme2005: as I said before ask on the mailing list if you can't find an answer here
17:04.43peterme2005i.e. how to the dect phones do it...these aastra 480i phones i have sat on my desk
17:04.57peterme2005ive asked and posted my issue on the mailing list
17:04.58emannnextime: thanks. i can do that.
17:05.12peterme2005there  are lots of post on various sip forums asking the same thing as im asking
17:05.16ManxPowerpeterme2005: I don't know, but they cannot magically turn a PSTN call into a VoIP call
17:05.17peterme2005and there are no answers
17:05.58ManxPowerNow if your calls were coming into the system via a SIP ITSP, then the entire scenario changes
17:06.05peterme2005ok but i can take the channel for a call (SIP/ZAP) and connect it to another channel i.e. a local extension
17:06.14ManxPowerpeterme2005: I did not say "forums".  I said mailing lists
17:06.30ManxPowerpeterme2005: yes, but the call is still coming in on your POTS line.
17:06.50peterme2005well ive posted my question on the asterisk mailing list
17:06.51peterme2005so ZAP in this case
17:08.18peterme2005one of the guys here wrote a patch for asterisk which does work and simulated the DTMF tones for a a transfer #2 this gives us via the manager api an AttendedXfer
17:08.41peterme2005again this is now not an option as using the -t flag causes some serious bandwidth issues
17:08.53peterme2005which affect the service
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17:09.38peterme2005so if say 10 concurrent calls can be handled then if we use the -t flag with the patch then the adsl line becomes swamped as asterisk is handling the management of the transfer between the phones
17:09.57peterme2005which is a bummer as this causes a big bottleneck
17:10.12ManxPowerpeterme2005: That is incorrect.
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17:10.42ManxPowerThere is no difference between 10 POTS -> Internet calls with or without "t"
17:11.06ManxPowerAsterisk still has to convert the POTS to SIP no matter what.
17:11.07peterme2005ok then why are we having an issue with bandwidth when we use the -t flag?
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17:11.20peterme2005all the calls are talking place over SIP
17:11.22peterme2005forget POTS
17:11.35peterme2005well forget it for now anyway
17:11.48ManxPowerpeterme2005: Well there is 30 mins of my life I won't ever get back.  I asked you how the calls got to asterisk and you said ZAP
17:12.05peterme2005no the call comes on on ZAP
17:12.06knathraakhi, i got disconnected...don't know if anyone saw my question earlier--does anyone know how to set a custom default unavailable message for voicemail?
17:12.08peterme2005read my scenario above
17:12.10ManxPowerLet me ask you again.  How are the calls getting to Asterisk?
17:12.58ManxPowerpeterme2005: There is no -t flag, btw.  It is "t"
17:13.16peterme2005ok from the top.... a call can come in via ZAP so external or via SIP any way really is doesnt matter
17:14.12ManxPowerpeterme2005: it sure does.  If it comes into zap then audio will go via the ADSL no matter what you do.  If it comes in via SIP/IAX2 and the call goes out the same protocol then Asterisk (and your ADSL) can get out of the media stream.
17:14.13peterme2005i know i simply used -t as a reflection of the fact is it a flag variable
17:14.33ManxPowerpeterme2005: -t will confuse people.
17:14.42peterme2005sorry t/T flags then
17:14.55peterme2005im a java programmer what can i say
17:15.02ManxPowerpeterme2005: now the people that read the various logs of the channel should not be confused.
17:15.04peterme2005java -classpath -something -somethingelse
17:15.17peterme2005fair play
17:15.26peterme2005i shall keep that in mind then
17:15.44peterme2005but quite simply if we are say talking about 10 extensions.....
17:16.09peterme2005if any of those 10 extensions press the xfer button then then can transfer and there is no major load on the system
17:16.18peterme2005im assuming that the phones are sending out SIP HEADERS
17:16.28ManxPowerpeterme2005: for this discussion it  does matter at all what technology the extensions use, BTW.
17:16.45peterme2005i want to perform an xfer (all be it an attended transfer) via my application using the manager api
17:16.59ManxPowerpeterme2005: my advice is to wait for a response on the mailing lists.  I assume you read manager.txt?
17:17.21peterme2005no to do this my colleague wrote a patch that uses two main things really Dial() and the t flag to transfer
17:17.44ManxPowerpeterme2005: I'll bet there is an easy way to do what you want, but I'll bet it will be via some other method than Transfer
17:17.54ManxPowerLike Originate or Redirect or something else.
17:18.01peterme2005but this causes a bottle neck on the adsl line so the networking engineer is telling me
17:18.14peterme2005then therefore how do the SIP phones we have do the xfer
17:18.22peterme2005and can i simply simulate this
17:18.37ManxPowerpeterme2005: I'll bet they do it with an INVITE or REINVITE
17:18.37peterme2005but in the form of an attended transfer
17:18.49peterme2005they do and i think a REFER command?
17:18.57peterme2005so....question is .....
17:19.08peterme2005can i generate SIP PACKETS and inject them into asterisk???
17:19.18peterme2005if so it would be a major security flaw
17:19.22ManxPowerBut since the manager is a protocol agnostic thing I strongly doubt you can do protocol specific stuff in the manager API
17:19.32peterme2005i agree
17:19.56ManxPowerpeterme2005: well you can generate SIP PACKETS and inject them into astersk all you want, as long as your packets have the correct auth info.
17:20.17peterme2005(sorry if i appear agitated but its an issue thats been bugging me the last if im snappy its not you :-))
17:20.42peterme2005i suggested this to one of the network guys here.......
17:21.11peterme2005how about i get the phone to perform the xfer operation and releave asterisk or us of using the t flag which is causing this bottlenexk
17:22.00peterme2005so.... a behind the scenes magic finger that when the user presses my transfer button to perform the attended transfer operation is sends a signal to the phone to 'press' the xfer button
17:22.03ManxPowerpeterme2005: I'm not aware of any SIP phones that can be controlled that way.
17:22.03peterme2005that was one idea
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17:23.50peterme2005i mean i could use a sipsoftphone.jar library (assuming one exists) for my application so that it performs an attended transfer the same as the hard phone on my desk..... only we dont want to engineer a softphone this is simply a call manager
17:24.39peterme2005the other option was to place a call into a holding bay and then as we transfer we hook up the caller who has been put in the holding bay to the person we transferred to
17:25.14peterme2005however the major flaw in this solution is that on the last part of the scenario where the 3rd person is waiting to be connected to the caller.....instead the call comes through to him on another channel
17:25.27ManxPowerpeterme2005: have you looked at Flash Operator Panel?
17:25.30peterme2005so he effectively has to hang up too with me for the call to go through
17:25.43ManxPowerMaybe that application can do it.  IF you you might be able to figure out how.
17:25.54peterme2005it doesnt do it this way and besides FOP only performs a blind transfer
17:26.01peterme2005which is what we can currently do
17:26.35peterme2005you would have thought this this concept would have been considered from the start!???
17:26.56peterme2005two of the other guys here are also stumped at the moment on this one
17:27.18peterme2005i thin for now it might be a case of generating the packets ourselves
17:28.12peterme2005but this has a number of issues 1. is a security hole 2. leads to the possibility of generating ill packets which can do all sorts of stuff i.e. connecting callers to random ppl??!
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17:30.49peterme2005so in summary i have posted to the mailing-list(s) both the asterisk one and various others.... i have posted to the forums and not got anything yet
17:30.53peterme2005but its early days anyway
17:31.14peterme2005however I have read posts from people that date back to 2005 asking the same thing
17:31.20peterme2005and they havent got a response either
17:31.31peterme2005i assume people have just given up with attended transfers
17:31.40IOscannerI seem to have a problem with app_addon after I upgraded to mysql 5. I have upgraded all mysql client, common, server, lib and dev.  I rebuilt addons and I get an error.
17:31.41*** part/#asterisk syn (
17:31.57IOscannerI get this error:  WARNING[21596]: app_addon_sql_mysql.c:235 aMYSQL_connect: mysql_real_connect(......) failed
17:32.04filepeterme2005: assuming things is dangerous
17:32.09IOscannerany ideas what I might be missing?
17:32.38peterme2005well im assuming that no one knows the answer due to not getting a valid answer from anyone
17:33.01peterme2005im also assuming that asterisk is inherently crap
17:33.09zoayou could do such a transfer
17:33.14zoawith a phone i think
17:33.17peterme2005i mean have you ever attempted to look at the billing CDR stuff asterisk churns out
17:33.30peterme2005yes you can do an attended transfer with a phone
17:33.38shido6and a blind xfer
17:33.39peterme2005i want to do it via my software application
17:33.45peterme2005via the manager API
17:34.01*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
17:34.06peterme2005it doesn't support this feat
17:34.11*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
17:34.16IOscannerjust prompt for a # from person you are trasfering from so your application will know to transfer
17:34.30IOscannerYou will have to code an agi program to do this
17:34.35peterme2005we have
17:34.46peterme2005and it gives us an AttendedXfer operation
17:34.51zoa<peterme2005> ok first issue i want to fire off a command to the manager api and say performAttendedXfer between callerA callerB (ME) and callerC
17:34.59zoai think you could actually do that through the manager
17:35.00peterme2005however this adds load to the system
17:35.10peterme2005meaning it sucks up the adsl upstream
17:35.23peterme2005which effects the placement of any other concurrent calls
17:35.24IOscanneron a DSL line up
17:35.29IOscannerchange to g729
17:35.32IOscanneror get a better link
17:35.50ManxPowerhis calls are coming in and going out his ADSL.  He wants to try to let the audio go direct and not over his DSL line.
17:35.51peterme2005we have a bonded adsl line we supply clients with
17:35.54IOscannerimplment QoS on your border
17:36.07peterme2005i dont want to say oh if you want to do transfers you need 10 extra adsl lines
17:36.16peterme2005QoS in enabled
17:36.19peterme2005its what we offer
17:36.26ManxPowerIOscanner: So you are recommending he re-engineer his entire WAN just because Asterisk can't do an attended transfer via the manager interface.
17:36.26monstedQoS is overrated
17:36.30peterme2005over CISCO hardware
17:36.34peterme2005i agree
17:36.42monstedjust get enough bandwidth instead :)
17:36.50peterme2005"So you are recommending he re-engineer his entire WAN just because Asterisk can't do an attended transfer via the manager interface."
17:36.52peterme2005no way
17:37.09IOscannerput the server in a colo and do the transfers and RTP off network
17:37.58IOscannerthen he can use SER at his location to route the calls to the correct asterisk box that has the correct bandwidth needed to route the call. Then he is just routing the calls and dealing with SIP headers.
17:37.58peterme2005well i think that the best solution for now to be generate sip headers
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17:38.33IOscannerThen you put the bandwidth cost on there end and not yours.
17:38.55ManxPowerpeterme2005: get used to this.  People never understood half the things I wanted to do either.  Eventually I stopped trying to do cool stuff and stick with the easy stuff.
17:40.04peterme2005this is true but with pressure from the sales guys i cant
17:40.29mattfletchermanxpower: i've had a play with chanisavail. It won't work though. Whether the first phone is busy or not, I get a return code of 0 (AST_DEVICE_UNKNOWN - "Unknown"; channel is valid, but unknown state) every time.
17:41.04IOscannerIt is hard to keep the sales guys from making sales of feature we don't have.
17:41.09peterme2005all the ways i can perform an attended transfer... using Meet Me...Parking the Call.....simulating dtmf tones all suck up the upstream bandwidth
17:41.28ManxPowermattfletcher: paste the CLI output of the failed chanisavail
17:41.42peterme2005anyway guys im off been a long (12 hour) day and i need rest
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17:41.47ManxPowerONLY the 2 or 3 lines
17:42.00peterme2005im pooped.....thanks anyway and you have all been help regardless
17:42.11IOscannergood look
17:42.23peterme2005i may well be back on tomorrow
17:42.29peterme2005thanks IOscanner
17:42.38peterme2005bye everyone :-)
17:43.44*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=tili@
17:43.46ManxPowermattfletcher: show me the Verbose line from the dialplan
17:44.12mattfletcherexten => s,3,Verbose(LYNN AVAILABLE STATUS: ${AVAILSTATUS})
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17:45.10ManxPowermattfletcher: why not ChanIsAvail(SIP/201&SIP/202,s) and check the status of ${AVAILCHAN}
17:46.08ManxPoweror ChanIsAvail(SIP/201&Zap/1,s) as the case may be.  Also stop using tro dial options
17:46.16ManxPowerthey just screw things up for testing
17:46.38mattfletchermanxpower: that's not what i'm trying to achieve. i want to know whether sip/201 is active. if it is, then i want to ring neither of those two phones and continue on with other things
17:46.54IOscanneranyone using addons and realtime with mysql 5?  I upgraded to mysql 5 and rebuild addons and now addons doesn't want to work.  Any ideas is there any reported bugs with 1.2?
17:47.56ManxPowerAh.  Try ChanIsAvail(SIP/201,s) and check the status of  ${AVAILCHAN}
17:50.25CunningPikeHas anyone had trouble getting a Polycom IP4000 to do CDP?
17:50.58ManxPowerCunningPike: I've never managed to get any polycom to do CDP
17:51.13monstedas in cisco discovery protocol?
17:51.26CunningPikeManxPower: All our 501/601s do no problem - our 4000 is being a PITA
17:51.26ManxPowerYou know that CDP stands for, right?  Crappy Damn Protocol
17:51.42CunningPikemonsted: As in that
17:51.52ManxPowerCunningPike: how do you set the CDP up in your switch?
17:52.13CunningPikeManxPower: I have absolutely no idea - as I say, it works for 100+ 501s
17:52.19monstedManxPower: "no cdp run" in global mode and "no cdp enable" on the switch ports :)
17:52.26CunningPikeManxPower: I'm not the network dude
17:53.09ManxPowermonsted: that's all?  Even with multiple VLANs on a port?
17:53.18ManxPowerIt magically figures out which one to use?
17:55.12monstedcdp doesn't use vlans, i believe
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17:55.26mattfletchermanxpower: I got for 3 tests: SIP/201-e351 , SIP/201-805a , SIP/201-21d0. The first one SIP/201 was free for, the other two it wasn't. SIP/201 btw is a AAstra 480i with multiple lines support i ought to mention. I've used call-limit=1 to restrict it to using one line though. Is this relevant?
17:55.48monstedcdp is also a completely useless protocol :)
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17:56.26CunningPikemonsted, ManxPower: We use CDP to have the phones discover the voice VLAN on our network - works great, except for this IP4000
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17:57.07monstedwe just put them in a vlan and ignore that possibility
17:57.11ManxPowermattfletcher: Ah.   the -e351 is the call instance, not a channel
17:58.13mattfletchermanxpower: if i understand correctly though this suggests that for all three tests asterisk saw SIP/201 to be available to call though, no?
17:59.01ManxPowertry it without call-limit
18:03.21mattfletchermanxpower: ur a star
18:03.31mattfletcherworks a treat
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18:04.22mattfletcherfor reference i'm using the j argument to jump 101 lines if the check is false. thank you so much. i can now go home before my tea gets any colder
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18:05.30Corydon-wWish the feds would quit it with the entrapment like that.
18:07.38ManxPowermattfletcher: feel free to send a paypal to
18:08.19ManxPowerCorydon-w: you'd think they would have more important things to do like payoffs and assassinations.
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18:09.22Corydon-wManxPower: the conspiracy theorists are going mad again, thanks to a CIA operative near Bobby Kennedy on the day he was shot
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18:10.35Corydon-wYou'd think cia employees couldn't support political candidates
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18:13.17DTEhi all
18:13.21DTEi have a question
18:13.38DTEi'd like to use an asterisk server
18:13.45DTEto connect the internal phones
18:14.08DTEand to go ou with a voispeed server
18:14.13DTEis that possible?
18:15.51ManxPowerWhat protocol does a voispeed server use?
18:16.39DTEeh...a second..i gicve a look
18:17.21ManxPowerIf it supports SIP then it SHOULD work with Asterisk.
18:18.00jbotIf you love <insert item> so much, why don't you marry it
18:18.00DTEit supports sip and it's protocol
18:18.00*** join/#asterisk mog (
18:18.11jbot2006.12.04 18:18:11 GMT
18:18.11*** join/#asterisk alerios_ (n=alerios@
18:18.24SomeOne1who the heck follows GMT?
18:18.29*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
18:18.32SomeOne1RoyK: sup!!
18:20.37DTEand another question
18:20.59DTEthe new asterisk does it have a web interface?
18:21.32ManxPowerDTE:  Join #asterisk-gui to learn about the new Asterisk GUI framework
18:22.11jbotYou are educated stupid and therefore too dumb to understand nature's perfect time cube! (2006.12.04 18:22:11 GMT)
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18:23.47lenne_dkDoes asterisk have any problems with IAX-phones? I have two in the mail from an ebay-auction.
18:24.20diclophis-workwell.. IAX is the inter-asterisk-exchange protocol
18:24.27diclophis-workso.. my guess is no?
18:24.49diclophis-workunless IAX is a brandname, with a shotty SIP support
18:24.53puzzledlenne_dk: no but my experience is that the phones do not work very well and look like crap
18:25.28develhey all, anybody with an audiocodes FXO media gateway can answer a few questions caller id related?  i've looked over list archives and don't see anything seemingly relevant.
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18:32.08rr--can asterisk act as a sip server?
18:32.45linlindefine sip server
18:33.21bkruselinlin: good point
18:33.28bkruserr--: almost deffintly anything you need it for.
18:33.34rr--the machine that one points one's ATAs to
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18:35.19linlina sip proxy on the other hand, it is not
18:36.04rr--oh, i thought sip server and proxy were same thing
18:37.08*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
18:37.40linlina sip proxy allows a sip device inside a NAT or firewall to communicate with a sip server on the other side of that nat or firewall
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18:38.55ChkDigitHas anyone been having problems with IAX2 going from a 1.2.1 server to a 1.4.0-beta3?
18:39.27ChkDigit1.4.0-beta3 crashes (probably a segfault) after spewing a bunch of chan_iax2.c: No private structure for packet?
18:39.57hoobastoob2i am looking to see how to disable some of the buttons on a Linsys SPA 942. Things like removed the ability to use DND and call forward. does anyone know how to do this?
18:40.23hoobastoob2I am just using the html page. I dont know where to find any of the cfg files for it.
18:40.58fileChkDigit: use the 1.4 branch
18:42.22hmmhesaysdoes asterisk have native postgresql support?
18:42.32hmmhesaysfor sip, dp and vm ?
18:42.44nibbler_dehmmhesays: just use chan_postgres
18:42.56*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
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18:44.37rr--at the moment, i have many ATAs behind a NAT pointing to Gizmo SIP server, acting as Gizmo clients only. i am thinking of getting a Sangoma 6-FXO/0-FXS card. Will I be able to have asterisk direct calls from PSTN to the ATAs (and vice versa) while still preserving the ability of ATAs to make/receive Gizmo calls?
18:45.07*** join/#asterisk mfroes (
18:45.15linlinyes thats possible
18:45.28mfroesdo anyone have a newer version of ???
18:45.29Zork_Hello, I have the following situations: PSTN line --> Linksys 3102 --> Asterisk --> Voip Phone. Now when I get called, I occasionally hear echo on my phone. The other party doesn't seem to notice it, but for me it sometimes is really bad. Any ideas as to where to look at? I tried playing with the gain values, but that didn't seems to help.
18:45.34mfroesto fedora core 5 ?
18:45.40linlinyou would make the asterisk box act as a client to gizmo instead, and the ATAs talk to asterisk
18:46.28hoobastoob2Zork_: have you verified that your zaptel device is not sharing irqs with anything else?
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18:47.11Zork_hoobastoob2 > I don't think I'm using zaptel... It's PSTN --> Linksys 3102 (which connects through SIP to Asterisk)
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18:47.32Zork_Although I do have an ISDN card in the asterisk computer.
18:47.47hoobastoob2Zork_: walk me through this...
18:47.49*** join/#asterisk tim27 (
18:48.02hoobastoob2you have a pstn provider, right?
18:48.15Zork_hoobastoob2: I have an PSTN (analog) line. yes.
18:48.27Zork_That's connected to my LinkSys 3102 VoIP router.
18:48.43Zork_Which is capable of converting the PSTN signal to SIP/RTP.
18:48.56Zork_Using that, it connects to my asterisk server.
18:49.12Zork_And I also have a SIP phone, which is also connected to that asterisk server.
18:49.30knathraakhi...I posted this question before, but didn't get any replies--anybody know how proceed down a list of queue members in *the same order* every time?  So the member (a zap channel in this case) at the top gets the first crack each time?
18:49.32hoobastoob2with the linsys i have no idea.
18:49.36*** join/#asterisk jgoo (
18:49.44Zork_k, thanks for trying.
18:49.53Zork_Anyone else got a clue?
18:50.01hoobastoob2knathraak: read the samples in the queues.conf
18:50.13knathraaki looked at the samples.
18:50.15jgoohrm, guys - I am using asterisk-java and I am getting a hard limit 60 second timeout... I googled and checked the docs, is this in AGI or is this an extensions default? (call  must pass out of extensions control in 60 seconds) ??
18:50.24Zork_The thing I find strange is that a call can sound okey, then get some echo, and then okay again.
18:50.39knathraakhoobastoob2: i tried using penalties, in combination with roundrobin
18:51.04hoobastoob2knathraak: all you want is for the same person to get the call first and the same people to follow in succession after that?
18:51.06knathraakhoobastoob2: and I tried roundrobin with no penalties
18:51.16knathraakhoobastoob2: yes
18:51.22linlinZork_ you have good phone lines?
18:51.31hoobastoob2roundrobin with no penalties is exactly what you want
18:51.38knathraakhoobastoob2: roundrobin seems to prefer to hit the least recently used member
18:51.40hoobastoob2make sure you add the members in the order you want them rung
18:51.45hmmhesaysso whats the best way for me to get realtime postgresql?
18:51.46Zork_Well, if I connect a normal analog phone to the PSTN line, there's to problem.
18:52.03hoobastoob2that is roundrobin with memory... whatever the name for that one is
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18:52.21knathraakhoobastoob2:rrmemory, I think
18:52.40Zork_So I guess the phone line is okay.
18:52.44*** part/#asterisk s1gny|wrk (
18:52.54hoobastoob2yeah, thats the one
18:53.30knathraakhoobastoob2: okay, i'll give it another try.  maybe i'm doing something wrong.
18:53.54hoobastoob2good luck
18:54.50*** join/#asterisk ambriento (n=melcon@
18:55.26tim27i have a sip trunk with and also 3 DID on this account... i want to seperate did to ring proper extension.   Babytel told me that they send the DID number in the TO: of the sip header... but my freepbx (asterisk) seem to not detect the did correctly... (i verified the sip header, on the cli with sip debug... and TO: show my correct DID) but it seem that asterisk detect DID based on the account and not the DID
18:55.34knathraakhoobastoob2: just tried it.  when I took the call with the first member, then hung up, then called back, it immediately went to the second member.
18:55.39*** join/#asterisk tim0123 (
18:55.53tim0123hello everybody
18:56.07jgooanyone else know about a 60 second limit for scripts?
18:56.09knathraakhoobastoob2: under the specific queue definition, i have 'strategy = roundrobin'
18:56.56tim0123where do you define barge for monitoring calls
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18:57.59tim0123Does it go in the same context as your phones do?
18:58.33bkrusetim0123: same context as the phone your barging FROM
18:59.16*** join/#asterisk elriah (
18:59.33elriahHi all.  How do I tell if a bridged call is using g729 in asterisk 1.2?
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19:02.45elriahHi all.  How do I tell if a bridged call is using g729 in asterisk 1.2?
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19:06.22benjkanthm, here's an idea for your anti-asterisk creativity .... get a copy of a "Lost" episode and Final Cut Pro on your Mac, then edit the scene where they have to enter the weirdo numbers into the computer, replace that with "asterisk sucks"
19:06.24elriahMaybe the question is How do I monitor codecs in general in asterisk?
19:06.47tim0123anybody Spawn extension (barge, 1201, 0) exited non-zero on 'SIP/201-bbe1'
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19:10.01CunningPikeknathraak: You need each agent on it's own penalty - the first agent has penalty 0, the next penalty 1 and so on. Also, when testing, don't forget to leave the 'clean-up' time between subsequent calls
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19:11.59Qwell[]SwK[Work]: y0
19:12.56knathraakCunningPike:  unfortunately, by using penalties, it hangs on the member with the lowest penalty, and calls that one over and over.   I've seen some mention of this problem on mailing lists as well as the voip-info asterisk wiki, but i've not yet seen a work-around
19:14.03CunningPikeknathraak: You need to make sure that your members can only accept one call at a time - either in the phone (so it returns busy) or in sip.conf using call-lmit
19:14.53rob0Be more cunning?
19:15.05mfroeshow can i compile asterisk with oh323 support ???
19:15.06CunningPikeI'm as cunning as a pike can be
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19:15.24rob0Then be less pikeful?
19:15.49*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
19:16.26nextimemfroes : asterisk-oh323 seem to be outdated, try the asterisk-ooh323c included in asterisk-addons, in my opinion is the better chan h323 for *
19:17.13mfroesnextime: thanks. .. can i compile only ooh323???
19:17.19*** join/#asterisk Modcuts- (
19:17.31CunningPikeI'm pike to the cartilage......
19:17.34CunningPikeCan't change
19:18.48nextimemfroes : you can use ooh323 or h323, or even woomera or oh323, anyway, i don't know if woomera is working good, i know that oh323 is outdated, h323 don't have good performance and have some issues with many devices, ooh323 is the better one
19:18.51*** join/#asterisk knathraa1 (n=zach@
19:19.12nextimeyou can compile only ooh323 from asterisk-addons, yes
19:19.28nextimeand it don't require openh323lib and pwlib
19:19.30knathraa1CunningPike: got disconnected.  did you get my last comment.. about zap channels & cell phones?
19:19.53*** part/#asterisk knathraa1 (n=zach@
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19:20.18CunningPikeThere he is
19:20.35awannabeis there any reason after a call is on hold for so long that it disconnects?
19:20.35knathraakkeep getting disconnected
19:20.55CunningPikeknathraak: No - the last thing I saw from you was about penalties not working - did you get my reply?
19:21.20knathraakCunningPike:  you said to cconfigure the phones to accept only one call at a time
19:21.28CunningPikeknathraak: Correct
19:21.50knathraakCunningPike: I don't think that's the problem.  I'm calling into the queue, and I'm the only caller for testing.  
19:22.15knathraakCunningPike, so there's not more than one call trying to go to a single queue member
19:22.44CunningPikeknathraak: And you're leaving your tidy up time between calls?
19:22.54*** join/#asterisk ManxPowe1 (
19:23.02knathraakCunningPike: how should that work?
19:23.27knathraakCunningPike: i mean there's about 30 sec or so in between calls
19:23.43knathraakCunningPike: here's what happens...
19:24.31knathraakCunningPike: I call in as a test customer, and get put in the queue, then the queue rings cellphone #1 over a zap channel.
19:24.40CunningPikeknathraak: A queue member will appear to be unavailable for wrapuptime seconds after the end of the call
19:24.45CunningPikeknathraak: OK
19:25.10knathraakCunningPike:  I answer cellphone#1 , then hang up both calls
19:25.37CunningPikeknathraak: And does that Zap channel appear busy the next time you call in?
19:25.53CunningPikeknathraak: In other words, does the queue try that zap channel next time?
19:25.59knathraakCunningPike: when I call back, if i'm using penalties (eg. 1 for one member 2 for another) it goes to the same channel each time
19:26.13knathraakCunningPike: the one with the lowest penalty
19:26.18CunningPikeOK - and that's not what you want?
19:26.26knathraakCunningPike: yes, but...
19:26.59knathraakCunningPike: If cell phone #1 times out, it should then hang up, and attempt to call cellphone #2 which as a higher penalty.
19:27.05*** part/#asterisk flujan (
19:27.07knathraakCunningPike: but that's not what happens
19:27.44knathraakCunningPike: instead it tries again on cell phone #1, times out, hangs up, and tries again on cell phone #1, because it has the lowest penalty, and wont try anything with a higher penalty.
19:27.58CunningPikeknathraak: Ah - OK. If an agent logs in, it is assumed that they are available to take calls. You need to manage your agents so that they answer the calls presented to them
19:28.36*** part/#asterisk reber (
19:28.39CunningPikeknathraak: We went through this with our folks on an identical queue set up - if you're logged in, you must be available to take calls
19:28.58CunningPikeknathraak: If you can't ensure that, then you need a different queue strategy
19:29.21*** join/#asterisk DrAk0SX (n=luisjose@unaffiliated/luisjose)
19:29.27DrAk0SXcan I paste 3 lines?
19:29.56CunningPikeDrAk0SX: In the CLI? ;)
19:29.59rob0You forfeit one limb per line pasted. ;)
19:30.03knathraakCunningPike: okay for us the point of the whole system, is so that if one technician's cell phone is off network, or off etc.  it will try the next phone in the list.  But it should *always* try the first cell phone in the list every time.
19:30.23rob0I should know ... just call me "Lefty".
19:30.28CunningPikeknathraak: Hmmm
19:31.08knathraakCunningPike: so in theory the techs with cell are available 24x7
19:31.19*** join/#asterisk adorah (n=admin@
19:31.51adorahHi anyone with experience in astlinux/soekris net4801?
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19:32.09CunningPikeknathraak: I think that, the way app_queue works, your Zap channel will need to return busy for your present queue strategy to work
19:32.32knathraakCunningPike: what is app_queue?
19:32.45docelmoyou are kidding right?
19:32.52CunningPikeknathraak: The code that provides the Queue() application
19:32.55knathraakCunningPike: oh the part of asterisk that does cueing?
19:33.02knathraakCunningPike: ah oky
19:35.33knathraakCunningPike: okay so seem like there should be a way to make Queue() forget who it called last, so that it starts at the top of the list.  is there a variable that can be fiddled or anything? other than that, how do i force the zap channel to return busy if not answered (and not actually busy).
19:36.50CunningPikeknathraak: You've tried roundrobin? I forget the difference between that and rrmemory (and it's being deprecated anyway)
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19:38.17DrAk0SXDec  4 15:28:11 WARNING[61644]: translate.c:88 powerof: Powerof 0: No power??
19:38.18DrAk0SXDec  4 15:28:11 WARNING[61644]: translate.c:133 ast_translator_build_path: No translator path from gsm to unknown
19:38.19knathraakCunningPike: roundrobin remembers who answered last.
19:38.40CunningPikeknathraak: Ah right
19:39.27knathraakCunningPike: a bit unintuitive.
19:39.27adorahHi anyone with experience in astlinux/soekris net4801?
19:39.49CunningPikeadorah: You might be better off with a mailing list posting for something that specific
19:40.08knathraakCunningPike: there's actually an informative section at the bottom of
19:40.19rr--is it electrically OK to split an incoming PSTN line onto two FXO ports (say the FXO port of a PBX and the FXO port of a Sangoma/Digium card)
19:40.35adorahmanual and support for Astlinux is sooo poor.
19:40.36CunningPikeknathraak: I'm not sure what to suggest for your purposes
19:40.44knathraakCunningPike: unfortunately it mentions penalties as a solution.
19:41.05knathraakCunningPike: is there away to make the zap channel return busy if not answered?
19:41.14docelmorr-- in theory yes..  should you do it?   no
19:41.19*** join/#asterisk evisu (
19:41.24CunningPikeknathraak: Not to my knowledge.....
19:41.56docelmoadorah what is your problem?   I will call the guy who wrote it now
19:42.39rr--docelmo: the idea would be to configure asterisk and the analog PBX as to who would answer ... would that not work?
19:43.14adorah<docelmo>I just don't get how to log into the net4801..installed a flash card but can't access it either with console or theu ethernet
19:43.17docelmoyes it would but eh..  its your nightmare
19:43.55docelmoif its turned on you should be able to get to the console if its not bad.
19:45.07adorahwell I just got the machine today and it seems to work just that with the hyperterminal I get nothing on screen and the network connection doesn't work either with a regular or a crossed cable connection..
19:46.07adorah<docelmo>I supposed to log in using the default ip with ssh or https but connection is refused
19:47.04docelmoI would say check the documentation..   Kristian has put alot of time and energy into this project.
19:47.18*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
19:47.33adorahwell there is very poor ducumentation and in the voip-info it simly not a correct one
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19:47.59linlincan the cisco 7910 phone be patched to support sip and not only cisco proprietary format?
19:48.14Qwell[]no, I don't think so
19:48.26*** join/#asterisk shidan (
19:48.28IOscannerI don't think Cisco has release sip for 7910 or 7912
19:48.38docelmolinlin no it cant..  Cisco doesnt have a SIP firmware for it yet
19:48.54IOscannerYou can use it you will have to use sccp
19:48.55linlinbummer, i just bought one
19:48.56Qwell[]I'm not here.
19:49.06Qwell[]linlin: it should work fine with chan_skinny in 1.4
19:49.14linlinon, well any way for me to get it to talk to asterisk
19:49.16rob0adorah: Sounds like your problem is missing prerequisites ... you have to have a pretty strong understanding of Unix/Linux here.
19:49.21docelmoQwell[] hay can you throw something at Kevin and ask him to drop me a message on IRC
19:49.30Qwell[]docelmo: he's not here
19:49.39docelmoohh really?   Where's he at?
19:49.40linlin1.4 is the new release of asterisk in a few weeks right?
19:50.32awannabeis there a setting that would make a caller on hold to be hung up after x number of minutes?
19:50.37adorah<rob0>well it is just getting into a console..the system supposed to enable access via ethernet..
19:50.54*** join/#asterisk heh_v_water (
19:51.04IOscannerWhat would cause addons to error:  WARNING[21596]: app_addon_sql_mysql.c:235 aMYSQL_connect: mysql_real_connect(.....)failed?
19:51.13heh_v_waterdoes moh not work with IAX extensions?
19:51.21IOscannerI thought I had everything upgraded for Mysql 5
19:51.26*** join/#asterisk xnon_ (n=xnon@
19:51.57shidananyone has seen or played with products from sutus?
19:52.30IOscannerrealtime show it working, but I am using MYSQL calls from extensions.conf for dynamic calls.  It worked with mysql 4 but not mysql 5
19:53.43*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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19:55.10adorah<rob0>well it is just getting into a console..the system supposed to enable access via ethernet..
19:55.25adorahHi anyone with experience in astlinux/soekris net4801?
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20:04.55IOscanneryep it is
20:05.37shidanso no one has heard anything about sutus? is it vapourware?
20:05.40Zeeekwhat is? I just woke up and it's bed time
20:07.59*** join/#asterisk reza_ (
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20:10.32Zeeekquiet night, quiet starz
20:10.47Zeeekquiet chords on my guitarz
20:11.20Zeeekor not
20:11.43*** join/#asterisk BlepsoaF (
20:12.04BlepsoaFhell all, can someone take a peak at - trying to get a try again prompt to happen, but the goto statement is failing
20:13.51Zeeekand the meetme is working?
20:14.10BlepsoaFyes, but if the meetme conf doesnt exist I want them to attempt to re-enter instead of hanging up
20:14.41Zeeekpolly need to test and see if it exists first
20:17.09Zeeekyes we all knew that idiot bot
20:17.47BlepsoaFZeeek: is there an asterisk function for that?
20:18.29Zeeekdunno. Have you read the meetme doc?
20:18.54BlepsoaFyes, but I guess my question is why auto fall through isnt working with meetme
20:18.54ZeeekI seem to remember that there is a way to see if a room exists
20:19.36ZeeekI haven't looked at meetme for ages
20:20.30BlepsoaFshould I use something else?
20:22.44Zeeekno I pean I just looked at the show application info and there's a lot of new ones.
20:23.48Zeeekyou want to ask for the number and then fallthru if it's empty?
20:24.40BlepsoaFno fall through if it exists
20:24.42BlepsoaFinstead of haning up
20:24.55BlepsoaFhanging up
20:25.03BlepsoaFIE conf room = 123
20:25.08BlepsoaFbut someone enters 1234
20:25.18BlepsoaFit would say that its incorrect, and re route to entering the conf # again
20:25.46BlepsoaFdo I need to turn on priority jumping for that context?
20:25.56*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
20:28.40ZeeekI can't quite figure out what you're trying to do
20:29.17Zeeekgotta run
20:29.27Zeeeksorry I couldn't help
20:29.30BlepsoaFits ok
20:29.36*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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20:34.35*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
20:34.36Assidhrmm anyone know a cheap place besides sipphone for incoming did?
20:34.44Assidpreferably 201(hackensack)
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20:35.08Assid/j trxtel
20:35.22hmmhesaysvitelity is cheap
20:35.34Assidvitelity ?
20:35.36rob0119 active SIP channels ... yikes ... and no calls?
20:35.45hmmhesayssounds familiar rob0
20:35.50rob0Any suggestions where to look?
20:35.53hmmhesaysAssid I think
20:36.18hmmhesaysrob0: that happened in my dp because i had commands after cmd dial that didn't match a goto
20:36.27rob0aha, thanks.
20:36.37hmmhesaysie my goto went nowhere
20:36.40grEvenXany self-proclaimed GoSub experts here? :P
20:36.52hmmhesaysi use gosub sometimes
20:36.54grEvenXis it OK to use GoSub inside a GoSub
20:37.19Assid7.95.. sipphone is 35$/yr
20:37.22hmmhesaysI would imagine so, unless the return path is overwritten
20:37.33Corydon-wYes, Gosub is safe to 100,000 levels
20:37.40Corydon-wat least
20:37.46grEvenXCorydon-w: nice, thanks :)
20:37.58hmmhesayswhere did you get that number from?
20:38.00Corydon-wcodefreeze tested it to 100,000 levels
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20:40.14grEvenXI also received a question about wether one could somehow make the Gosub return after a timer has run out
20:40.27Corydon-wWhat timer?
20:41.17Corydon-wYou could do a WaitExten(15), then a Return, and it will return if a new extension isn't entered within 15 seconds
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20:46.22grEvenXCorydon-w: thanx, I'll need to discuss it further with the guy that asked me about the info... I din't really get what he meant with it either
20:46.34Scoundrelanyway to fix this without reinstalling the hole os part: Asterisk ended with exit status 1
20:46.34ScoundrelAsterisk died with code 1.
20:46.55*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=nono@
20:47.45ManfishScoundrel sounds like your zaptel is stuffed up
20:48.06Scoundrelso reinstalling zaptel would fix it?
20:48.20Manfishor the config is wrong
20:48.40Scoundrelzaptel config?
20:49.28*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (
20:49.57Scoundrelok, i saw in the log file it was bitching about the chan_capi ( Dec  4 21:46:12 WARNING[8024] loader.c: Loading module failed!
20:49.58*** part/#asterisk Zork_ (
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20:50.19Scoundreltried to reinstall chan_capi but just got alot of errors
20:51.18Scoundrelhm, yeah zaptel.conf says us on both i guess that is wrong
20:51.21BlepsoaFhell all, can someone take a peak at - I cant figure out why the goto statement isnt working upon an invalid conference number being entered
20:51.25BlepsoaFit just disconnects
20:51.28Manfishwhat does zttool report?
20:51.45Manfishand ztcfg
20:52.41Scoundrel0 channels 0 configured no errors.. hehe
20:53.02Scoundrelztcfg gives no output
20:53.12Manfishztcfg -vv
20:53.14*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (
20:53.36Scoundrel0 channels configured.
20:53.54Manfishwhat card are you using?
20:54.06Scoundreleicon bri4 diva server
20:54.49Manfishis it installed correctly? sorry I never tried with an Eicon
20:55.39*** join/#asterisk Eliran_Itzhak (
20:55.44Scoundrelyeah i recompiled the kernel with the drivers and had it showing with capi info inside asterisk -r was also abel to dial inn but then i died with wasnt abel to find the asteris.ctl?
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20:56.33Scoundrelrebooted and was still the same, so i tried to load in asterisk,lib,zaptel again then im stuck her with it wont start at all
20:56.45ManfishLike I say I never used an eicom card
20:57.11Scoundrelok, got any clue what i could do without reinstalling ? im working remote on the server :)
20:57.35*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
20:57.43Manfishyou could remove and reinstall astrisk and the drivers
20:59.11Scoundrelok know any howtos for it?
20:59.26Scoundrel(so i get it right)
21:00.13Manfishjust download the latest from then extract compile and install
21:00.36Scoundrelok, ill give it try.. thanks
21:01.32Manfishis this a trixbox?
21:02.59*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (
21:03.35Manfishif it is see the following link to untrixbox it
21:04.14Manfishthere are a couple of obvious thins missing like there is another repo that needs editing out for trixbox
21:04.50*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
21:04.59Manfishand after you upgrade to * some of the email scripts for voice mail dont work
21:05.16Scoundrelokay, know what repo?
21:05.38Manfishthe latest trix add the beta repo in yum
21:06.20SwK[Work]ok someone riddle me this
21:06.28Scoundrelokay, how do i remove it?
21:06.48SwK[Work]in the 1.2branch from SVN did someone "Fix" notifies for the polycom 2.0 sip software?
21:07.25ManfishScoundrel the link i sent you is step by step
21:07.51Scoundrelok just wondered since u said there where something missing there
21:08.03Manfishjust read the extra comments at the bottom and when it comes to the disable repo step do the change to the other one as well
21:08.24Scoundrelah okay, havent read all the way down yeat.. :)
21:08.28Scoundrelthx again
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21:17.52jarrodis there a way to leave the default musiconhold class for everyone, except one context uses another?
21:18.06jarrodi try SetMusicClass in the context dialplan but it sets it for everyone
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21:27.21syzygyBSDHmm, why do we have the version and date for zaptel in the topic but not the stable asterisk?
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21:34.23|Vulture|Anyone here using an IP-301?
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21:36.28BlepsoaFusing a 430 and 501's and 601
21:36.49|Vulture|yea I use the 501 didn't know if the 301s had a messages button
21:36.57*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
21:36.58|Vulture|or if you have to go through menu/features/messages
21:37.07BlepsoaFhmm not sure
21:37.18adorahHi anyone with experience with astlinux/net4801?
21:41.10BlepsoaFis there a way to make meetme do something else after entering an invalid conference #
21:41.25BlepsoaFIE. right now it just hangs up no matter what I put in the dialplan
21:41.58[hC]anyone running the new 2.x firmware for polycoms?
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21:43.30BlepsoaF[hC]: I am
21:43.47[hC]BlepsoaF: worth the upgrade? anything cool added?
21:44.06BlepsoaFi think the latest stuff is configuration related which you cant actually do anything with yet
21:44.50BlepsoaFactually a lot of bug fixes
21:45.02BlepsoaF9 bug fixes
21:45.14BlepsoaFthe rest is
21:45.15BlepsoaFThe following configuration file changes have been included in this build in preparation for
21:45.15BlepsoaFfuture inclusion of the IP 650 platform in a software release. Support for the IP 650 is not
21:45.15BlepsoaFcurrently included in this release.
21:45.39CunningPike|Vulture|: There is no Messages button, according to the diagram in the Admin Guide
21:45.59*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (n=rich@
21:46.15BlepsoaFso does anyone know how to make meetme NOT hangup after an invalid conference number is entered?
21:47.00Nuggetcreate every possible conference number in advance so that ther are no invalid numbers.
21:47.19BlepsoaFNugget: thats a little extremem
21:47.28[hC]BlepsoaF: ahh  gotcha.. just curious if the bugfixes were significant enough to upgrade
21:47.32NuggetI like to think outside of the box.
21:47.42*** part/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
21:47.54rob0[_] think
21:47.55BlepsoaFi would need a more viable solution
21:48.00[hC]you can pass a variable to meetme
21:48.06[hC]to dynamically create a room if it doesnt exist
21:48.11CunningPikeBlepsoaF: Ours doesn't - it creates whatever conference I enter, even if it's not listed.....
21:48.14syzygyBSDNugget: there is also a way to dynamically create them...
21:48.15[hC]show application meetme
21:48.25syzygyBSDso one is created for the number they enter
21:48.53*** join/#asterisk Juggie (n=Juggie@
21:49.13BlepsoaFLooks like I will have to make an agi
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21:49.55Dude34does anyone here run a calling card business?
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21:52.11linlinwhats the best way to use a sip device behind a NAT, excluding DMZ or any port forwarding if possible
21:52.28linlinserver is outside, no port restrictions, fully public dedicated server
21:52.36linlinphone is inside nat
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21:58.55Nuggetlinlin: you should be ok with just putting nat=yes in sip.conf for that device.
22:00.16linlinanything to do on the nat side?
22:00.36debian_gnu_linuxi have a pc installed asterisk
22:01.15BlepsoaFthe sip device itself will need to support NAT, so it can rewrite its IP address as the public facing one
22:01.52linlincisco phones, possibly other brands
22:01.56linlinsupport it you think?
22:03.33BlepsoaFlast time I dealt with sip devices and a gateway I had to use SER
22:04.07BlepsoaFotherwise you'll run into one way audio situations
22:06.55*** join/#asterisk icel (n=icel@
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22:09.43icelQuestion:  If I hook up asterisk to a Voice T1 how many conversations should be able to simultaneously happen?
22:09.48cy3o3ugh, anyone around to help me out with some zaptel shizz?
22:10.22Assidanyone seen trixter?
22:11.13*** join/#asterisk jgoo (
22:11.24jgooso in agi there is SET AUTOHANGUP
22:11.25converxanyone knows how I can do 'group voicemail' with asterisk?
22:11.42hmmhesaysread a little
22:11.47jgoohowever, I would like to set this on the channel at the start, as calling this agi command over fastagi doesn't work
22:12.00hmmhesaysthe voicemail box that answers is whatever you set
22:12.06debian_gnu_linuxi'll like to configure asterisk on my pc
22:12.13jgooit still dies at 60 seconds, even though I set it to 0, or 10*60
22:12.13hmmhesaysmailboxes aren't bound to sip peers
22:12.16debian_gnu_linuxto test
22:12.23debian_gnu_linuxwhat i need ??
22:12.32Qwell[]debian_gnu_linux: a computer
22:12.45jbotsomebody said docs was Documentation can be found at or or or or
22:12.46*** join/#asterisk zmef420_ (
22:12.48jbotrumour has it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
22:13.39jgooQwell[]: how would you set the autohangup in extensions.conf?
22:13.49debian_gnu_linuxbut any hardware special
22:14.01jgoodebian_gnu_linux: what phone line do you have?
22:14.22jgooyou can buy an isdn card for 15 euros, HFC chipset, and use zaphfc
22:15.56debian_gnu_linuxlet me to see
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22:17.30debian_gnu_linuxi have a INNOMEDIA VoIP
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22:34.35jgoojust to clear things up SetVar is now Set.... but SetGlobalVar is still SetGlobalVar... right?
22:38.42jgootrying to set / remove autohangup - anyone dealt with that before
22:40.06icelanyone know much about T1's?
22:43.58j0my music on hold is EXTERMELY choppy when I'm doing it locally, I have an extension that just has MusicOnHold and it's terrible. It also happens on 1 of my IAX trunks, but all other IAX and SIP trunks play hold music perfectly!!! any ideas where to start? i'm all out
22:46.35*** join/#asterisk dahunter3 (
22:46.39icelany recommendations on SIP phones, anyone?
22:47.07j0ice1: theres tons out there.. what do u want it for?
22:47.15[TK]D-Fendericel : Polycom, Aastra, Linksys.  In that order
22:47.18j0what have you looked at so far?
22:47.21icelbusiness use
22:47.28j0yeah.. and grandstream last.. hehe
22:47.44j0icel: what he said ;)
22:47.48icelI haven't looked at any yet
22:49.38j0AREWG!@#$ i'm gonna pull my hair out.. locally, and 1 of my IAX trunks has impossible hold music
22:49.59j0on my IAX trunk, if i talk or just blow into the mic, the hold music keeps playing... but as soon as i stop making any noise, it cuts out
22:50.14j0locally i can't figure out how to make hold music work at all
22:50.36*** join/#asterisk LordBacon (n=kvirc@unaffiliated/frb)
22:50.53LordBaconI'm having trouble finding someplace to buy voip handsets for our office
22:50.59LordBaconanyone got a recommendation?
22:51.10|Vulture|LordBacon: whats your price range for headsets?
22:51.30|Vulture|I always use plantronics
22:51.32LordBaconthe company I was told, we were getting them for like $80/phone
22:51.44LordBaconbut they won't ship to a different address than the billing address
22:51.47|Vulture|any clue on model or features?
22:51.56LordBacongrandstream 2000 iirc
22:52.22|Vulture|ah Ive only purchased for Polycom IP-* phones
22:52.58LordBaconsurprising to me, amazon doesn't have much in the line of voip phones
22:54.56ShadowHntrfrom the reviews i've read for a good price check out the Tornado M5 and M20
22:55.26linlinanyone have experence in repairing ip phones?
22:55.35linlini have an ATCOM phone that doesnt do anything
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22:55.44linlinprobally useless, figured i'd give it a try
22:57.17LordBaconwho makes the Tornado?
22:57.30ShadowHntrvoip-info reviewed it nicely
22:58.28LordBaconthe M5 looks ok, but I'm worried about the angle of the LCD
22:59.57ShadowHntrwouldn't know
23:00.13ShadowHntrbut the Tornado M5 or M20 is probably what i'll go when i implement hard phones
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23:07.26LordBaconShadowHntr: where is this rating you saw? I'd like to read the reviews
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23:07.37ShadowHntrit was a short one
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23:08.03ShadowHntrsecond to last one
23:08.19oneeyedelf1I want to get an fxs network adapter for christmas, but dont know what one I should ask for, all I know is someone said Grandstreams are crap
23:09.40LordBaconthere is no review there
23:10.02icelare snom ip phones decent?
23:10.14JTShadowHntr: pci card or ata?
23:10.21ShadowHntrJT: eh?
23:10.28JTyour fxs adapter
23:10.30JTATA i assume
23:10.38ShadowHntri didn't say anything about an fxs adapter
23:10.43ShadowHntri was talking about a hard phone
23:10.50JTi meant oneeyedelf1
23:10.57PreliusFolks, I was wondering if someone can help me to configure two VoIP cards:
23:10.58PreliusI have a Sangoma A100 with at PRI int, and Digium 400 with 4 FXS interfaces for FAX machine... My zaptel.conf looks like this:
23:11.07JTfor some reason your nicks looked exactly the same
23:11.14JTi haven't fully woken up yet
23:11.24PreliusWhen I power the TDM card Asterisk stops working...
23:11.31oneeyedelf1JT: network, external
23:11.39JToneeyedelf1: so an ATA
23:11.55JThelps to know the name of what you want :P
23:12.03shido6thats scary
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23:12.07LordBacondo they make IAX2 hardphones?
23:12.11shido6when u power the tdm card asterisk stops working?
23:12.18JTcommon wisdom seems to be that for consumer use, sipura stuff is the way to go
23:12.25shido6why is asterisk running before you power the TDM card?
23:12.46PreliusIt works fine with just sangoma card...
23:13.01JTyou didn't answer the question
23:13.10oneeyedelf1JT: I was looking at this,  but was wondering why it said unlocked, I heard some linksys stuff was hacked but after poweroutage it could revert
23:13.16JTwhy would you be applying power to the card after asterisk has started
23:13.19PreliusI want to plug in fax machines into digium card...
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23:13.37oneeyedelf1JT: do you konw if that will revert if it looses pwoer?
23:13.42JTPrelius: we aren't asking what you want to do
23:13.58JTPrelius: we are asking why on earth you are applying power to the card with the computer already on
23:14.12PreliusNo, I shut down the astersik box, plug in power into digium card, turn on the box, and asterisk would not start...
23:14.36JTdo you know why it would not start?
23:14.56*** part/#asterisk peyote (
23:15.11PreliusYes, my ztcfg complains about incorrect spans...
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23:15.24morexEvening all
23:15.28JToneeyedelf1: the sipura 3000 or 3102 (i think, newer model) does FXS and FXO with failover power outage relay
23:15.29xhelioxAny dCAPs around?
23:15.53morexI think safe_asterisk is blocking my daily anacron run
23:15.53JTPrelius: then your /etc/zaptel.conf is incorrectly configured
23:15.53*** join/#asterisk GaVak (
23:15.54morexAnybody seen this before?
23:15.58JTPrelius: obviously it needs to be reconfigured when you add a new card
23:16.10shido6yep I see a lot of "?" 's , morex :)
23:16.10GaVakWhat is a suggested windows call viewer/monitor software for *?
23:16.11LordBacondoes the SNOM 300 have a tilting lcd?
23:16.17robin_szPrelius, you have to be careful with spans, as they are rleated ot the order in which the kernel modules are loaded
23:16.20oneeyedelf1alright, i think my parents can spring for that, THanks JT
23:16.21morexShido: I'll bet you do :-)
23:16.32shido6heheh, let me scroll up maybe I missed it
23:16.50morexwell, I have a script in /etc/cron.daily to restart asterisk at midnight
23:16.58PreliusSo digium card loads first, Sangoma second...
23:17.03JToneeyedelf1: apparently it's not worth getting the 3000 anymore with the price difference to the newer model
23:17.08morexWhich it does, but the /etc/init.d/asterisk script hangs around as a defunct process
23:17.19JToneeyedelf1: make sure you do not buy one locked to a voip provider
23:17.19morexwhich prevents the rest of my /etc/cron.daily scripts from running
23:17.32JTmost of the ones in normal consumer shops are locked to a provider
23:17.34morexand prevents anacron from running the next day (as the defunct process is still there)
23:17.45Preliusmy zaptel.conf specifies sangoma chanels as 1-23...
23:18.03robin_szmmm no
23:18.10JTPrelius: look at dmesg output to see which driver loads first
23:18.33PreliusJT: digium forst, then Sangoma
23:18.38JTPrelius: zaptel numbers spans and channels in the order they are initialised
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23:18.46JTwell you'll need to modify it then
23:18.54robin_szit tries to set up 23 channels on the first device ... if the first device changes ....
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23:19.53robin_szchan_mISDN hasnt crashed for four days now!
23:20.20JTgood to hear i guess
23:21.26PreliusI see, so I need to set up my digium card first: number channels 1-4. and them my sangoma card, channels 5-28...
23:21.41JTyes, and renumber the d channel too
23:21.46JTi assume you are using a pri
23:21.55JTconsidering there's only 23 chans
23:21.58PreliusON sangoma, not on digium
23:22.15JTyes, on the digital card obviously
23:22.23PreliusI have 4 fxs modules
23:22.34JTyeah i read that bit
23:23.07PreliusOk, thank you very much for your help... Gonna try it now...
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23:31.29puddingpimp_workWhere does asterisk drop it's core files?
23:31.55[TK]D-Fenderpuddingpimp_work : What do you define as "core"?
23:32.09puddingpimp_workwhatever -g is supposed to make it drop
23:32.22[TK]D-Fenderpuddingpimp_work : "-g"?
23:32.24puddingpimp_workAsterisk is crashing without any log messages
23:32.45[TK]D-FenderAH, core dump...
23:32.53puddingpimp_work-g     Remove  resource  limit  on  core size, thus forcing Asterisk to
23:33.00[TK]D-Fenderin /var/log/asterisk I think....
23:33.04*** join/#asterisk [1]HarryR (
23:33.21hmmhesaysthe core is dumped to where you called asterisk from I believe
23:34.43puddingpimp_workdo you know the pwd rc.local is exec'd in on RH9?
23:35.49file[TK]D-Fender: it's you!
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23:53.35iceldoes anyone use a digium TE4xxP with a voice T1?
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.