irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061203

00:00.15*** join/#asterisk backblue (
00:00.23robin_szbackblue, dood!
00:01.35KDanuser 'asterisk' can read my config files fine
00:01.55robin_szwell, turn up the verbosit and watch it boot
00:02.21KDani did, it complains about not finding its files if i move them out of /etc/asterisk
00:02.26KDaneven though i told it to look elsewhere
00:02.58backbluenight all*
00:03.57robin_szbackblue, just to say thanks, chan_mISDN worked fine .. the CLID worked as soon as my telco enabled it on the line, right out of the box
00:04.51KDanso what have i forgotten to tell asterisk to get it to look elsewhere for its config files, apart from the astectdir option in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf?
00:06.14robin_szmmm ...
00:06.44robin_szand in your "new" directory, there is not an asterisk.conf?
00:07.21KDanthere is
00:07.39KDanshould i make sure they are identical?
00:07.43robin_szand the astetcdir line points back at the old /etc?
00:07.49backbluerobin_sz: your welcome.
00:08.23KDannow they are both identical
00:08.31KDanand still it fails, claiming it doesn't have sip config, etc
00:09.14*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=Greek-Bo@
00:09.22robin_szI'd symlink them
00:09.34robin_szthe asterisk.conf files at least
00:09.46KDanthat's an idea
00:09.47*** join/#asterisk nitrus^ (
00:09.54robin_szor symlink the dir
00:10.02KDanthat's an even better idea!
00:10.07KDanwill try that now
00:10.16robin_sznot exactly elegant, but ...
00:10.45robin_szoh pooh, I should be in Geneva right now ...
00:11.13nitrus^is anyone running 1.4b3?
00:11.15KDani'll be there in a few weeks
00:11.33robin_szI have a job to do in Onex
00:11.46robin_sztomorow .. sigh.
00:12.14KDani used to live there :-)
00:12.26robin_sznice place
00:12.39KDanbit cité-dortoir, though
00:12.43robin_szI usually stay at the auberge in confignon
00:12.48KDanmy parents are living in Vesenaz now
00:12.56KDanbut that's too far from town imho...
00:13.06KDanwhen i move back to .ch, if i live in gva, i'll go closer to town
00:13.07robin_szbit quiet
00:13.32KDanthough there's a fair chance i might give lausanne a try
00:13.37robin_szI considered living a bit up the valley towarss chamonix and commuting
00:13.47KDani hate commuting
00:14.00robin_szthe drive from lausanne to gva in a monring sucks
00:14.02KDanmind you commuting in .ch is not quite the same
00:14.19KDantrains run on time, are not overcrowded, etc...
00:14.26robin_szits OK, but it all blocks up near the airport
00:14.36KDanit blocks up everywhere if you're in a car
00:14.47KDanseems like they've designed the traffic to block up
00:15.02KDanprobably part of their high-level strategy to put motorists off the roads
00:15.13robin_szanyway, it wont happen now, I turned the GVA permie job down
00:21.19KDanis there a way to tell php-agi to just print out anything returned by php that looks like an error? like some sort of debug mode?
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01:47.10*** join/#asterisk hoobastoob2 (
01:48.10hoobastoob2can anyone suggest a good free sip provider to play with? I have done plenty of t1s but work wants to start messing with sip providers.
01:50.45nibbler_dehoobastoob2: you're located in the us?
01:52.37nibbler_dehmm, then i can't help you - sorry
01:54.45AndyCaphoobastoob2: fwd isn't enough?
01:54.55*** part/#asterisk jdv79 (
02:04.33*** join/#asterisk benjk (
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02:17.46nibbler_deoh - i've always wondered...
02:17.55nibbler_deis there something like numberblocks in the us?
02:18.42nibbler_desomething like... as a company you can order a BRI isdn port and get something like 555-1234-12XX where XX is your block you get "routed"?
02:26.08*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (n=Newbie__@
02:27.14AndyCapnibbler_de:  like this?
02:28.37nibbler_denot only a single number
02:28.39benjknibbler_de, you will find that BRI is very uncommon in the US
02:28.51nibbler_debut a logical block with "dial through" style numbering
02:29.07nibbler_deyou dial 555-1234-12XX and the switch signalls you XX
02:29.16AndyCapnibbler_de: read it again.
02:30.11benjkin the US telcos offer PRI, and if you don't need all 23 channels, they offer you less-than-full-capacity PRI, known as fractional PRI, for example 8 channels on a PRI, with that you can get blocks of numbers
02:30.38nibbler_deAndyCap: oh - yeah - sorry - something like this - yeah
02:30.48nibbler_debenjk: i see...
02:32.15benjkthere are also providers who offer blocks of numbers to be delivered over VoIP, but most providers offer single number end-user packages, you have to find a wholesale provider
02:32.25nibbler_debenjk: 23 is also strange ;) here in .de you have 2,3 instead of 1,5something mbit/s on the phy and get 30 channels over it.
02:32.34*** join/#asterisk Hansin321 (
02:32.50nibbler_defractional is entirely unusual - they give you a number of BRIs instead... with the problems you get of course
02:33.10benjkthe US uses T1 which has 24 time slots, one time slot is needed for signaling/control, the remaining 23 time slots then become 23 voice channels
02:33.30nibbler_deanalog to E1 with 29+1=30
02:33.56nibbler_dedepending on the telco you have to find the signalling channel ;)
02:33.59benjkin Europe they use E1, which has 32 time slots, one time slot used for timing, one for signaling/control, leaving 30 time slots for 30 voice channels
02:34.04nibbler_deeither 1,15,16 or 30 ;)
02:34.42nibbler_deare there any numbers longer than 12 (international) digits in the us?
02:34.42AndyCapand 56kbit/s channels
02:34.50nibbler_devs. 64k channels here
02:35.12benjknibbler_de, for info on the US numbering plan, google for NANPA
02:36.05nibbler_dejust wondering cause here in .de they are currently panicing about 15-digit numbers and number-space conservation and are really a pita when you want to have more than 30 numbers per BRI
02:36.28benjkgoogle "NANPA"
02:37.03nibbler_deuhuh - i know - some lockheed martin company owning the numberspace orso...
02:38.46Hansin321At work we have MGCP VoIP (via Qwest OneFlex).  I would like to setup a MeetMe conference bridge, where the Asterisk server is just another end-point (not sure of proper nomenclature) with and extension within the MGCP VoIP system.  I know this would be easy if we were SIP based, but we're not.  Can Asterisk do this in an MGCP setting?  I know Asterisk does MCGP, but I thought I ready...
02:38.47Hansin321...somewhere it was more limited that its SIP capabilities.  Thanks.
02:39.21benjkyou are on the wrong page
02:39.26benjk <-- this is what you want
02:39.50nibbler_debenjk: how do you know on what page i am? ;)
02:40.28benjksince you mentioned Lockheed, I presume you were on some kind of "About us" page
02:40.37nibbler_dei read that some year ago
02:40.55nibbler_debut that page doesn't mention anything about the length of numbers
02:41.41benjkalso, I said "google"
02:41.48benjkthere is more than the page
02:42.28*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-faad66cf741b3cfa)
02:43.13benjkspecifically ...
02:43.14Hansin321benjk: You mean me (with MeetMe question?  If so, what page should I be on?  Thanks.
02:43.38Hansin321benjk: Nevermind...  I think I see what you are talking about...
02:44.08benjkI was trying to help nibbler_de to get pointers for his question about how the NANP will expand in the future (how many digits they might use for phone numbers)
02:45.05Hansin321benjk: Thanks.  I had was looking at something else, and then I can back and I thought maybe I had asked my question in an inappropraite channel.  My mistake.
02:45.12benjkHansin321, the likely answer to your question is .... don't use MeetMe, use app_conference instead
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02:45.39nibbler_debenjk: thanks - the last one did answer my question
02:49.15Hansin321benjk: Thanks again.  I had never heard of app_conference before.  Looks like it is not in the standard * distrobution, but needs to be compiled for CVS source.  I'll have to learn more about it.
02:49.47benjka lot of good things are not in the main Digium distribution for commercial reasons
02:50.27benjktake into account that Asterisk is not a pure GPL project, rather more like a proprietary software with a GPL release
02:50.31Hansin321benjk: Ahha.  Got it.  Might taint the intentions of the code being offered, or something like that...
02:51.03Hansin321I'll have to keep that in mine when looking for things...
02:51.22benjkI don't want to go into specifics -- I have been banned in this channel many times for telling the truth -- but let's just say that there are commerical interests
02:51.30backblueapp_conference use posix timers? or ztdummy?
02:51.50nibbler_debenjk ;)
02:52.11benjkbackblue, neither posix timers nor ztdummy
02:52.22benjkit does its own thing
02:52.34backbluebenjk: it works better than meetme?
02:52.45benjknibbler_de, no there isn't
02:52.55backbluenibbler_de: sangoma drivers does not have it?
02:52.59benjkbackblue, in my experience, it does
02:53.05nibbler_debackblue: not in ip
02:53.28Hansin321So can * be ab MGCP endpoint (i.e. I can assign the * server an extension on the MGCP network within LAN) and it will answer call dialed to it (in this case as a conference bridge)?
02:53.31backbluebenjk: it have the same stuff that meetme?
02:54.18benjknibbler_de, backblue, Sangoma sell ss7box which has a (partial) M3UA implementation, but its not specifically for Asterisk, it can be hooked up to Woomera though
02:54.50benjkHansin, afaik, * can only be a gateway for mgcp
02:55.07nibbler_debenjk: yup - but it can't do M3UA via ip, right?
02:55.11benjkyou may want to ask wasim, he's probably the biggest mgcp user
02:55.12backbluebenjk: the public sangoma driver does not have m3ua implementation?
02:55.51benjklike I said: Sangoma *resells* ss7box
02:56.01backbluess7 implementations can be very important in the future for me, so i want to know more about it.
02:56.04Hansin321benjk: I think I read something like that.  Too bad, as it would be cool just to make the * server another MGCP end-point and run it as the conference server/bridge.  Maybe there is another way.
02:56.12backbluenibbler_de: what's that?
02:56.13benjknibbler_de, I don't think M3UA is so interesting anyway
02:56.20benjkits not truly SS7 over IP
02:56.38benjkM2PA is
02:56.53nibbler_deuhuhm or M2PA, yeah
02:57.13benjkM2PA means that your (IP only box) is an ss7 node
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02:57.25benjkM3UA means that your (IP only box) is not an ss7 node
02:57.27nibbler_dejust got the information from his peer that they want to speak M2PA or M3UA to me
02:57.37nibbler_deah, i see - thanks for de-confusing me
02:57.46Hansin321wasim: I was told to maybe ask you --> "Hansin, afaik, * can only be a gateway for mgcp" my response was --> "benjk: I think I read something like that. Too bad, as it would be cool just to make the * server another MGCP end-point and run it as the conference server/bridge. Maybe there is another way."  Any thoughts?  Thanks.
02:57.47benjkM3UA is more like a remote control interface
02:58.05benjklets say it is a little like SOAP to a web server
02:58.06nibbler_debackblue: cisco's ss7 softswitch - that'a also capable of talking sip
02:58.24backbluenibbler_de: that will cost how much? :)
02:58.39benjkyou can talk to the web server using SOAP to make it do stuff, but you are not part of the web server setup
02:58.54backbluebut wanpipe does not suport m3ua or m2ua? because you have suport for sangoma in freeswitch.
02:59.12benjklikewise, you can use M3UA to an ss7 node (if is supports M3UA) to make it do stuff, but you are not part of the ss7 network
02:59.39*** join/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (
02:59.40nibbler_debackblue: an arm and a leg - i didn't care for the price yet, just asked for it and will get it shipped next week orso
02:59.44benjkwanpipe does not support ss7
02:59.50backbluenot doing part of the ss7 network can be good too. depends on your needs.
03:00.01benjkss7box on top of wanpipe does implement MTP though
03:00.16nibbler_debenjk: so they could talk M3UA to me to limit the impact of my actions, right?
03:00.32backbluebenjk: so they have non-public suport for ss7 in his drivers! that's it?
03:00.38benjkthat's not the purpose of M3UA
03:00.55fiXXXerMetFrom, should I be downloading trixbox-2.0-beta2.iso or asteriskathome-2.8.iso?
03:01.05nibbler_dehm, ok. i see... i have to get some decent documentation
03:01.10benjkusually you run a full ss7 stack on an ss7 node
03:01.22benjkwith M3UA you can split the stack over two machines
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03:01.31benjkone machine runs to bottom part of the stack
03:01.41benjkthe other machine runs the top part of the stack
03:01.47nibbler_debenjk: can you recommend anything else than the standard documents? i don't want to waste your time though you are the first person i meet that is able to put ss7 into simple understandable words
03:01.49benjkM3UA is the glue between the two
03:01.55benjkthat's the only use for M3UA
03:02.25benjkyou cannot for example have multiple tops of the stack sharing a common bottom of the stack machine
03:02.41benjkso this is of veruy limited use
03:02.56benjkwith M2PA it is much different, that's the real thing
03:03.04nibbler_deso i will probably talk M2PA to them?
03:03.34benjkyou can set up one gateway node which has both MTP and M2PA and then you extend your ss7 network to any number of pure IP-only ss7 nodes
03:04.14benjkcheck out the RFC for M2PA, it has a section that explains the differences between M2PA and M3UA
03:04.39benjkMTP == message transfer part == bottom layers of the ss7 stack (traditional)
03:04.58nibbler_de ?
03:05.52nibbler_dewill i need antyhing else than a pgw2200 and an ISPC for interconnecting with my peer and terminating calls to his network?
03:06.19benjkI don't know what a pgw2200 is
03:06.29nibbler_decisco's ss7 softswitch
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03:06.54benjkdoes it do M2PA?
03:07.18benjkthen you need M2PA to talk to it
03:07.25benjkbut that's only signaling
03:07.37benjkyou still need T1s or E1s for the payload
03:07.51nibbler_dei'd like to do that over ip
03:08.07benjkthat's not how ss7 works
03:08.17benjkyou will want to read up on ss7 first
03:08.39nibbler_delooks like a good idea - yup - but where to start?
03:09.02nibbler_dei need to have this set up before 2007 :(
03:09.14benjkcheck out "Signaling System No.7" by Lee Dryburgh from Cisco Press
03:09.30nibbler_desince it's a non comercial network i have not that much time for it
03:09.37nibbler_dei'll do, thanks
03:09.37benjkthat's the best book on the subject
03:10.08nibbler_desurprises me ;) it's from cisco press...
03:10.28benjkLee also runs a forum,
03:11.00benjkbut don't ask any newbie questions there without having read up on ss7 first
03:11.09Hansin321fiXXXerMet: Get Trixbox.  Asterisk@Home became Trixbox.
03:11.27benjkss6 and c5 are still in use in some places
03:11.54benjkR1 and R2 are the more common terms though
03:12.11SupaplexI know 0 on the subject. :)
03:12.21nibbler_debenjk: i won't - i know that problem from my corner very well and thus am very happy that i found somebody willing to point me into the right direction without going bananas before ;)
03:12.40fiXXXerMetHansin321: Got ya.  Was only confused because asterisk has many more downloads than trixbox.
03:13.18benjkthat's not actually true, trixbox has about 2x as many
03:13.37hoobastoob2can anyone help me figure out why 8285230 dials out from my analog phone exten => 100, but 6141337 doesnt?
03:13.44hoobastoob2here is my extensions.conf
03:14.06*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
03:15.46Hansin321fiXXXerMet: Yeah, your right.  If you don't want to run the Beta, 1.2.3 is the latest stable it looks like, and it has quite a few more downloads than the 12 that Beta has.
03:22.37FuriousGeorgehey all
03:24.21benjkhi George
03:24.27*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
03:24.30Dovidmorning all
03:24.42Dovidwhat is the current correct variable for callird ID num ?
03:25.36benjkvariable CALLERIDNUM, function CALLERID(...)
03:28.12Dovidtried that
03:28.18Dovidcan u guys help me with something  ?
03:28.22FuriousGeorgethe other one works in 1.2 but not in 1.4
03:28.39FuriousGeorgeDovid: just asked someone may try
03:29.30Dovidi am using 1.2
03:29.32fiXXXerMetDoes anyone know if a Linksys PAP2-VN will work with Trixbox?
03:30.09Dovid$[${CALLERID(num) is 1.4 and ${CALLERIDNUM} is for 1.2 ?
03:30.31FuriousGeorgeboth work in 1.2
03:30.40Dovidcan u look at my pb then ?
03:31.25FuriousGeorgesure.  i just had an issue with parens and brackets myself last night
03:32.27FuriousGeorgewheres your closing ] in lines 3-11
03:32.29Dovidthe CID on exten s,4 matches
03:32.42FuriousGeorgelooked like a 1 in browser
03:33.12Dovidclosing ?
03:33.15Dovidsorry a bit tired
03:33.44Dovidso instead of
03:33.44*** join/#asterisk DavoFrom818 (n=Vito310@
03:33.45Dovid($[${CALLERID(num)} = +17324968360]?11:3)
03:33.47Dovidi need
03:33.52Dovid($[${CALLERID(num)}] = +17324968360]?11:3)
03:34.00DavoFrom818can anyone please help, my MOH volume is so low how can i make it louder?
03:34.28Dovidleave it up to digium. i keep loosin track
03:34.49*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
03:34.49FuriousGeorgeDovid: no the 1st example is correct i think
03:34.50Corydon76-homeWhat dialplan syntax changed back and forth?
03:34.53FuriousGeorgewhats with the +
03:35.25FuriousGeorgescripts would be nice
03:35.32Dovid+ comes in on the CID
03:36.05FuriousGeorgeexten => s,1,Gotoif($[${DB(FLAGS/${CALLERID(num)})}=1]?s-NOANSWER,1)
03:36.13Corydon76-homeAFAIK, we've only changed things in one direction
03:36.34FuriousGeorgethe cid num doesnt have a + in it i dont think
03:36.41Dovidi was thinking that
03:36.43Dovidgona trim the CId
03:37.18FuriousGeorgetry this exten => s,n,noop(${CALLERID(num})
03:37.52Dovidi do
03:37.57FuriousGeorgeyou do what?
03:38.04FuriousGeorgetry that
03:38.05Dovidand i get +13473214104
03:38.08FuriousGeorgeis there a + there?
03:38.27FuriousGeorgeyour problem im assuming is you expect to get a match and your not?
03:38.44Corydon76-homeDovid: then you need quotes around it:  $["${CALLERID(num)}" = "+13473214104"]
03:38.51DovidExecuting NoOp("SIP/7322761368-090663b0", "+13473214104")
03:38.51FuriousGeorgehe's right
03:39.29Dovidquotes around it cause of the + or quotes in general ?
03:39.31Corydon76-homeotherwise the + is seen as an operator, instead of part of a string
03:40.18FuriousGeorgequote the whole thing
03:40.22Corydon76-homeIt's generally good to use quotes anyway, just in case there are characters in the string which could be interpreted as operators, unless you definitely want arithmetic done
03:40.27FuriousGeorge+ to last digit of num
03:40.49Dovidthis is what happens when u gopy code off of google @ 5:40 AM
03:40.56Corydon76-homei.e. you might want Set(i=$[${i} + 1]) and in that case, you definitely don't want quotes
03:41.22Dovidstill asking for a pass
03:41.29Dovidgona strip the + and see what happens
03:42.01blitzrageCorydon76-home: yo
03:42.06Corydon76-homeDovid: did you add all 4 quotes?
03:42.19Corydon76-homeblitzrage: evening
03:42.57Corydon76-homeblitzrage: how was the hockey fight?
03:43.12blitzrageLeafs lost in a shootout :(
03:43.18Dovid4 quotes ?
03:43.22Dovidi did 2 at the end
03:43.25Corydon76-homeblitzrage: any broken bones?
03:43.26Dovidlet me show u waht i have
03:43.37Corydon76-homeDovid: you needed to quote the ${CALLERID(num)}, too
03:43.39Dovidexten => s,4,GotoIf($[${CALLERID(num)} = "+13473214104"]?11:5)
03:43.42Dovidah ok
03:43.46Dovidis this cause of the + ?
03:43.53Corydon76-homeDovid: exactly
03:44.25blitzrageusing double quotes around the string tells the parser not to evaluate the operators in the string
03:45.02DovidCordydon76: working now. thx
03:45.26Corydon76-homepart of this is understanding how the arguments are evaluated... when it sees a variable, it replaces that directly into the string, before the expression is parsed
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03:46.19Corydon76-homeIt does all of that, inside out, until there are no more expressions or variables inside the argument list, then passes the resulting string to the application
03:46.50Corydon76-homeIf you work from that knowledge, everything makes sense
03:48.57Corydon76-homeblitzrage: not a very good hockey fight if they didn't draw blood or break any bones... :-P
03:49.20blitzragethere was blood drawn. Tucker got punched under the eye
03:49.32Corydon76-homeAh, sweet blood and gore
03:49.50Corydon76-homeIt's like NASCAR... not much fun to watch unless there's a pileup
03:49.58FuriousGeorge6 months ago i wrote this dialplan stupidity that entered names into a hat and selected winners.  it made heavy use of all that and gotifs.  yesterday i needed a simple conditional that took a numeric label from a db var, and it took me hours to get the parens right
03:50.35Corydon76-homeFuriousGeorge: do you use vim for an editor?
03:51.49Corydon76-homeIn vim, if your cursor is on top of a parenthesis, bracket, or square-bracket and you press '%', the editor will show you the matching pair
03:52.18Corydon76-homeIt's an excellent resource for ensuring your brackets and parentheses are well-matched
03:52.39*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:57.35hadsVim 7 highlights brackets
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04:27.57DavoFrom818hey guys how can i make a wav file the voicemail greeting for an extension
04:30.23*** join/#asterisk Essobi (i=kstone@
04:30.36EssobiAnyone running 1.2 trunk with dynamic queue agents?
04:31.03EssobiI can't seem to get dynamic transfer features to work..
04:31.26Essobiwhere as it did with 1.2.13 and the same configs
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04:43.05SupaplexEssobi: as in weighed queues?
04:44.05EssobiDynamic.  As in.. AgentCallBackLogin.
04:44.35Supaplex:-? never heard of it.
04:44.53Essobishow application AgentCallbackLogin.
04:45.38EssobiIt seems it's bigger then that.  1.2 trunk doesn't seem to want to let me do DTMF transfers at all.
04:45.48EssobiWith just an Answer and a Dial.
04:50.14hoobastoob2ok, so in pattern matching and such NXXXXXX, the N would be for anything 2-9, right?
04:55.17EssobiAnyone using 1.2 trunk w/SIP info?
04:55.17*** join/#asterisk maverickbna (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
05:06.02*** join/#asterisk MarKLenoIR (i=Mark@
05:07.17MarKLenoIRi need help on a2billing  ?
05:07.58BSDTechgo read the a2billing site and readme
05:08.46BSDTechand the voipinfo-wiki
05:09.34*** join/#asterisk Fladimir (
05:09.56MarKLenoIRmy a2billing was working before and i got power failure
05:10.48BSDTechand you did not have you drive raided for backup ?
05:10.50MarKLenoIRthe asterisk and a2billing database doesnt recognized the callerid
05:11.05FladimirHi i installed trixbox on a virtual mashine and i tryed to make call between 2 H323 phones , It says Segmentation falut , any ideas what cause this error ?
05:11.06MarKLenoIRthe backup is ok
05:11.45*** join/#asterisk IntertelWS (
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05:12.18hadsBSDTech: raid won't help filesystem corruption.
05:13.38BSDTechif its just a mirror  the 2nd drive should be fine
05:14.17hadsIf it was a drive failure sure, but for filesystem corruption... no.
05:14.24BSDTechthen he could have booted from it
05:15.02EssobiBSDTech Umm.. Raid mirrors, mirror filesystem corruption dude.
05:15.29MarKLenoIRi restore the backup and  everything works except a2billing
05:15.43EssobiI don't use a@
05:15.48Essobibut is it mysql based?
05:15.58EssobiCheck your mysql tables.
05:18.03FuriousGeorgeCorydon-w: to answer your question from before, im nowhere near cool enough for vim, but i've learned to use kate so i can catch paren screwups
05:18.14FuriousGeorgei no longer use nano
05:18.29FuriousGeorgefish is useful
05:21.24BSDTechgmirror on bsd does not seem to have that issue
05:22.08EssobiYou mean soft vinum?
05:22.08BSDTechI have had drive 0 go corrupt and just swap out reboot and it was fine
05:22.23BSDTechno on bsd gmirrior
05:22.28EssobiUmm. That's the point.. You lost the FS due to a drive failure.
05:22.31Fladimiris the problem from the ooh323 package ?
05:23.25EssobiFladimir Probably.
05:23.31EssobiH323 is a dead fish.
05:23.36EssobiAvoid it if you can.
05:23.42Essobiotherwise, happy hacking. :)
05:27.46EssobiBSDTech I saw a guy with a Raid10 hardware install.. Data got corrupted due to some protocol misfortune, (using NFS) writing to the 0 stripe.. and it  mirrored the bad data to the 1.  Raid can't protect you from FS errors and still run, unless it's a hardwair failure that caused the error to begin with.. otherwise, your mirror has to check the FS.
05:28.15hadsFuriousGeorge: Kate is cool.
05:30.35FuriousGeorgehads: i thought people were gonna trash me for using a gui text editor
05:30.54FuriousGeorgehads: i like how kde does that fish thing, and konqui embeds kate and has a terminal emultar
05:31.23hadsSome may. I like KDE and I don't see the point in trashing on people. Yeah, the IOslaves are really useful.
05:31.39EssobiI've never seen kate.
05:31.48EssobiI've been stuck in a terminal since 1988.
05:38.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:40.28EssobiHowdy Steve.
05:40.40EssobiHow's it looking in the HK?
05:42.06coppiceits a little cool today :-)
05:42.18EssobiChilly here too.
05:42.28EssobiBurning the midnight oil ATM.
05:42.53EssobiTried an upgrade to trunk and things failed horribly.
05:43.03EssobiThat's always fun.
05:44.49EssobiBackporting OEJs invitestates update to 1.2.13 now.
05:54.46*** join/#asterisk sloth (n=josh@
06:07.49FuriousGeorgeEssobi: what functionalities doos that bring?  im a big fan of the backport of metermaid's parking presence
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06:11.46wasimHansin321: asterisk can only be used as a call agent, i.e. a MG controller, not as a user agent although we've internally tested it in ua mode
06:12.27wasim(not that Hansin321 is any longer with us, but since he pointedly asked ... )
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07:02.18Newbie___hi all, if i were to use fxsls, do i still need to set busydetect=yes?
07:07.36linlinwhats the cheapest IP desktop phone thats available?
07:12.06[TK]D-Fenderlinlin : To my knowledge, the Grandsuck BT 101
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07:52.48stephanepeace and prosperity
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07:57.05mostyi'm trying to play with the asterisk 1.4 beta, why is make install trying to install things outside of the prefix i specified in the ./configure?
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08:25.41*** join/#asterisk Gabriel25 (
08:25.46Gabriel25hi guys
08:26.05Gabriel25how much cost an PRI ?
08:26.11Gabriel25someone have some idea ?
08:27.55mostyhardware or service?
08:30.06Gabriel25I have no idea about and I want to know if this is going to save me some $ ;-)
08:30.43mostyfor home or business?
08:30.43FuriousGeorgenj, usa - $450/month
08:30.45dlynes_laptopGabriel25: all depends on what country, what state/province, what city, whether it's on-net or off-net, whether it's in a telco-owned colo or not, whether you sign a contract or not, the length of the contract, who you are, who you aren't,
08:31.02Gabriel25Yes NJ
08:31.05dlynes_laptopGabriel25: and how many you're ordering or have ordered in the past
08:31.10FuriousGeorgethe price of ornanges in holland
08:31.13FuriousGeorgeall these are factors
08:31.26Gabriel25Now I have 10 verizon lines and I pay around 650 $ per mount
08:31.39ltd-wow that's expensive
08:31.44mostygabriel25: call verizon and ask them
08:31.55ltd-in aus it's around 35 per channel
08:31.59dlynes_laptopGabriel25: generally the breakeven point is 10-16 phone lines, depending on location
08:32.12Gabriel25And I want to put an PRI with asterisk because I use most of the calls 1800 numbers and also local calls
08:33.05Gabriel25If I pay for PRI 450 $ then how much is going to pay for minutes ?
08:33.37dlynes_laptopGabriel25: different from one telco to the next
08:33.51dlynes_laptopGabriel25: Generally you would put long distance on voip, and local on pri
08:34.03Gabriel25dlynes_laptop I want to put this PRI in NJ
08:34.24dlynes_laptopGabriel25: how many phone companies in the US sell pris?
08:34.51Gabriel25Verizon AT&T that I know about :)
08:34.53brookshirelike.. all of them
08:34.55dlynes_laptopGabriel25: something like ten or so isn't it?
08:35.22dlynes_laptopGabriel25: did you want me to pick a random number out of the air?
08:35.55Gabriel25dlynes_laptop I want to keep my existents DIDs
08:36.03Gabriel25can I do that on the PRI ?
08:36.05benjkthe price of oranges in holland is 42
08:36.08dlynes_laptopThere's such a thing as number portability
08:36.15dlynes_laptopIt exists for a reason
08:36.54Gabriel25so I cannot keep my phone numbers
08:37.02coppiceis the price of orangeboom in holland also 42?
08:37.24FuriousGeorgeso you must multiply the price of the pri by 1.000000042
08:38.07mostygabriel: call some phone companies and ask them. they will give you actual numbers
08:38.23dlynes_laptopGabriel25: yes, you can
08:38.32FuriousGeorgeGabriel25: dlynes_laptop: is saying that you can, in all likelihood
08:38.44dlynes_laptopGabriel25: unless you're talking about cell phone numbers
08:38.55dlynes_laptopGabriel25: those may or may not port to your pri
08:38.56Gabriel25dlynes_laptop no not the cellhpnes
08:39.03FuriousGeorgeor lottery numbers
08:39.12dlynes_laptopGabriel25: I donm't know what the status is of cellphone number portability in the US
08:39.25dlynes_laptopGabriel25: I just know that in Canada, it's not required until 2008
08:39.27FuriousGeorgethey passed a law or something recently
08:39.49Gabriel25dlynes_laptop I want to add an PRI so if I get this ... I`ll pay 450 $ then I have to pay for the phone numbers then I have to pay like 1c per min ?
08:39.51dlynes_laptopGabriel25: But most cellphone providers here will be compliant by January 2007(?)
08:39.51FuriousGeorgeabout porting to a landline
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08:40.15dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: Yeah, here it was for porting between cellphone carriers
08:40.17FuriousGeorgeGabriel25: yeah, but the numbers are cheap
08:40.23dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: I donm't know if it included land lines, or not
08:40.33Gabriel25Ok .... and inbound calls are free ?
08:40.41dlynes_laptopGabriel25: yes
08:40.46FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: i read something about porting them to landlines, not sure exactly what
08:40.56dlynes_laptopGabriel25: and outbound local calls and toll-free calls are free in the US and Canada
08:41.05Gabriel25and outbound calls are like 1 c per min long distance
08:41.15dlynes_laptopGabriel25: doubtful that it's that cheap
08:41.24dlynes_laptopGabriel25: You're talking about a telco here
08:41.26Gabriel25I like what I hear a lot :)
08:41.44FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: why cant he use a voip provider over his pri
08:41.44dlynes_laptopGabriel25: i've never heard of a telco charging 1c/min for long distance
08:41.53dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: He can, and I've told him that already
08:42.02dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: but he insists on using his telco for LD
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08:42.26Gabriel25telco is the company name ?
08:42.34dlynes_laptoptelco == telephone company
08:42.40Gabriel25like verizon
08:42.45FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: i install systems that use voip over a cable isp with no sla.  i take failover into account but its pretty darned reliable
08:42.46dlynes_laptopTELephone COmpany
08:42.57Gabriel25or at&t
08:42.57dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: cable is horrible for voip
08:43.09FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: that was actually intended for Gabriel25
08:43.10dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: I refuse to support any customer that uses cable internet
08:43.22FuriousGeorgebut dont you think its better than pppoe dsl
08:43.38dlynes_laptopno idea...I've never seen ppoe dsl
08:43.41dlynes_laptoperm pppoe
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08:43.52dlynes_laptopIt must be an American thing
08:43.53FuriousGeorgeits what verizon offers around here
08:44.02Gabriel25I want to have an T1 for data and an PRI for phone with asterisk PBX
08:44.12dlynes_laptopEverything here is normal dsl with either static ips or DHCP ips
08:44.14yxawhy isn't compiled together with 1.4 trunk?
08:44.15*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
08:44.28dlynes_laptopyxa: because you need kernel patches to make it work
08:44.43FuriousGeorgecable here is pretty good.  i get 10ms ping to my provider, and my server has like 70ms of latency
08:44.45Gabriel25but I just want to make sure I pay less then 650 $ per mount with PRI and I get more channels
08:44.56dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: ping times don't mean much
08:45.03dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: cable here is extremely unreliable
08:45.04yxadlynes_laptop its supported under 2.6.15 isnt it?
08:45.05FuriousGeorgelittle packetloss
08:45.26dlynes_laptopyxa: even in I don't think it's included in the kernel
08:45.33dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: no packet loss afaik
08:45.53dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: just all of a sudden for maybe five minutes, the internet will just drop off for no reason
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08:46.22dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: or the internet will become so congested for an hour or two, that it's completely unusable
08:46.23yxadlynes_laptop that also means i have wasted 2 days. do you know where i can find the kernel patches for 2.6.15?
08:46.25FuriousGeorgehere its a choice between cablevision and verizon for consumer grade internet.  verizon has all kinds of infrastructure problems where i'm at.  rain brings there systems down
08:46.56dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: have you considered wireless providers?
08:47.09FuriousGeorgei get 16Mbps/1.6mbps with cable here.  dlynes_laptop thats 10x faster dl than your t1 not that it matters for voip
08:47.16dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: there's often providers that offer line-of-sight wireless to their antennas
08:47.17FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: here there is no such thing
08:47.29yxadlynes_laptop according to digium, all i had to do was to make b410p
08:47.46FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: unless im out of the loop
08:48.10dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: Yeah...I would actually try researching it a little more before giving up
08:48.14dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: what city are you in?
08:48.19FuriousGeorgeand that comment about 10x faster was intended for Gabriel25
08:48.33FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: newark nj.  10 miles away from nyc
08:48.41dlynes_laptopSo near the tunnel then
08:48.52dlynes_laptopIow, you can get anything nyc can, right?
08:48.53FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: you got me wondering about that IDT wireless signal i seem to get everywhere in newark
08:49.09FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: in this part of the US i never hear about wireless internet
08:49.18FuriousGeorgeive heard about it in europe
08:49.36FuriousGeorgei have no idea about the range
08:49.36dlynes_laptopyxa: what languages can you read?
08:49.44dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: I'm not in Europe...I'm in Canada
08:50.08FuriousGeorgei wasnt trying to imply you were, but now ive heard about it in canada too
08:50.13dlynes_laptopyxa: Well, so I know whether you can read the German links or not
08:50.27yxadlynes_laptop only english
08:50.33dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: yeah...I'm just saying if it's in Canada, I'm sure it's in the US, too
08:50.46FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: i hear about free hotspots in manhattan
08:50.51FuriousGeorgelemme google around a bit
08:51.15FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: in any case, in terms of professional grade dedicated loop type isps, the other option we have is sdsl
08:51.29FuriousGeorgewhich ends up costing as much as t1 at the same speed, maybe a little less
08:52.02dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: sdsl is expensive as hell
08:52.16dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: sdsl is about $200Cdn/mo
08:52.24dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: wireless is about $150Cdn/mo
08:52.36FuriousGeorgeyou can get 1.5/1.5 mbps for like $375
08:52.58FuriousGeorgethats the cheapest i was able to find and that price has been taken down
08:53.33*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@'re getting fucked through the ass like crazy
08:53.48FuriousGeorgethe good thing about cable is you never have to worry about saturating your downlink for the mostpart
08:54.15FuriousGeorgeand its 50 bucks a month for business cable
08:55.32FuriousGeorgebut there is 0 guarantee of service
08:55.32Newbie___anyone using a zhone channel bank ?
08:57.01FuriousGeorgethen there are fiber optic networks being rolled out.  verizons is residential grade but pretty fast i hear.  no word on reliability.  cablevision's is enterprise grade.  something like 500 a month for 15/5 Mbps or something
08:58.15FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: what kind of speed can you get with wireless?
08:58.50dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: Have you tried 'Newark ISP', PappaNet Internet Services, SBC, Comcast, Earthlink, Qwest, Direcway?
08:59.30dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: Your choice, starting at 1Mbps up/1Mbps down, in doubles, going up
08:59.33FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: ive never looked into it much but i never have even seen a banner ad for it.
08:59.41dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, ...
08:59.47FuriousGeorgei get you
09:00.24dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: Also try HughesNet (another satellite provider)
09:00.29yxadlynes_laptop in 1.2 misdn compiles automatically with asterisk. why not 1.4?
09:00.42FuriousGeorgesatellite huh
09:00.46dlynes_laptopThe problem with Satellite is that it is high latency
09:00.56dlynes_laptopWell, and that :)
09:00.59FuriousGeorgefun with echo
09:01.17dlynes_laptopyxa: who knows...I didn't think it would be automatic with 1.2, either
09:01.28FuriousGeorgedlynes_laptop: whats the technology called.  is it wimax?
09:01.34dlynes_laptopwimax is something else
09:02.09dlynes_laptopThat's technology developed by Intel and a few other companies for mesh networks
09:02.22dlynes_laptopIt's similar to 802.11
09:02.29dlynes_laptopbut slightly greater range
09:02.51dlynes_laptopIt's got issues with the weather and wall construction, ...
09:03.05dlynes_laptopThe wireless I'm talking about has no problems with weather or wall construction
09:03.13dlynes_laptopAs long as your walls aren't made out of metal
09:03.30dlynes_laptopWell, nvm...your antenna needs to be on your roof
09:03.41dlynes_laptopWith line of sight to their broadcasting antenna
09:03.59dlynes_laptopbut no interference from the weather; you just need to keep it clear of snow
09:04.12FuriousGeorgeis there a technical name i can search for?  wireless Internet gets me pda plans
09:04.33dlynes_laptopLet me see if I can see what my provider calls it
09:05.08dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: also try searching for "business class adsl"
09:05.23dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: most dsl you find is residential grade dsl, even if you order it for a business
09:06.14dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: "Business class fixed wireless broadband"; it comes in speeds from 1mbps to 10mbps, and it is symmetrical
09:06.29dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: It can also go faster than 10mbps, but they don't state how much faster
09:06.55dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: fibre is also available for speeds from 10mbps to 30mbps
09:07.04dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: I think Roadrunner might offer fibre in your area
09:07.26dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: it would be offered through their business department
09:07.50dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: and it might only be available in the business district
09:08.17dlynes_laptopFuriousGeorge: that's the problem with a lot of the high-speed options...their coverage area is often limited
09:11.39FuriousGeorgefibre here is residential only or very expensive enterprise
09:11.45FuriousGeorgeim seeing fixed wireless a lot
09:12.20FuriousGeorgeadsl is often not guaranteed whereas sdsl is but expensinve.  adsl around here is pppoe
09:13.25FuriousGeorgeIronbound Section of Newark, New Jersey To Be First Area Covered
09:13.29FuriousGeorgethat's me
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09:13.38FuriousGeorgeremember i mentioned that IDT signal i always get
09:15.11dlynes_laptopNewark's right by the NJ turnpike, I'm guessing?
09:15.37dlynes_laptopOr by the Holland Tunnel I think it was called?
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09:16.10dlynes_laptopbtw...wifi is not the same thing as fixed wireless
09:16.21dlynes_laptopfixed wireless will be more reliable
09:16.34dlynes_laptopand it's not subject to the vagaries of the weather
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09:18.27FuriousGeorgenewark is the largest city in NJ its off the turnpike and a hop away from the holland tunnel
09:18.59dlynes_laptopHow much smaller is Atlantic City?
09:20.06FuriousGeorgemaybe 1/3rd the size
09:20.26dlynes_laptopso basically the whole city is owned by Trump, then?
09:21.05FuriousGeorgemake that 1/8th the size
09:21.09FuriousGeorgepop 40,000
09:21.50FuriousGeorgenewark has 300,000 or so, but the general newark area is what makes nj the most densely populated states
09:22.14FuriousGeorgedown by ac we call it "the sticks"  thats where pauly and chris go to dump a body in the episode buscemi directed
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09:22.34FuriousGeorgenothing but pine trees.  also referred to as "pine barrens"
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09:25.03dlynes_laptoppauly and chris is in the Sopranos?
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11:37.03JvanderEssa é a comunidade Asterisk. Aqui se encontram usuários para dirimirem suas duvidas
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12:01.35benjkany MacOS X users here?
12:01.53coppiceyes, you
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12:57.33rootlurkergood evening everyone.
12:58.41rootlurkercan i ask here?
12:59.09benjkyou can ask but it seems everybody is asleep
12:59.11monstedyou may not get an answer, but feel free to ask ;)
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13:01.08rootlurkerhehe thanks. because i installed already the asterisk 1.2.13 and works fine. but the problem is i can't here the voice of the caller. and on the CLI, it says:
13:01.09rootlurkerARNING[27885]: translate.c:88 powerof: Powerof 0: No power??
13:01.09rootlurkerWARNING[27885]: translate.c.133 ast_translator_build_path: No translator path from gsm to unknown
13:01.50rootlurkeris it something goes wrong on the compilation or what?
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13:02.26rootlurkerany idea pls?
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13:04.32cjmoyawho can i helpme..
13:05.15rootlurkerno one can help you if they don't know your problem :)
13:06.28cjmoyaok, i need know the state "donw", when running cli 'show channels'
13:07.58cjmoyaagain, i need know the state "down", when running cli 'show channels' command.
13:08.20rootlurkerbe patient, just wait for the answer.
13:09.41monsted(it may take hours)
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14:15.50Newbie___hi: anyone familiar with zplex ?
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14:31.55Greek-Boyanyone here have any african routes?
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14:56.58MoutaPTeverybody sleeping ?
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15:10.29blitzragenot really
15:13.55zoai am
15:17.22*** join/#asterisk Zork_ (
15:18.35Zork_Hello, my SIP phone has a button marked "R" (It's a siemens C450 IP, so a C45 dect phone), can I use that button for blind transfers, and if so, what value should I give to blindxfer in features.conf ?
15:19.47*** join/#asterisk stephane_ (
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15:26.34yxaanyone with experience with b410p?
15:27.40brianwhats that
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15:36.47knarflycan anyone recommend a good choice for an IAX compatible VOIP phone?
15:38.20knarflyyes...I have a SIP phone, but now I'd like to pickup an IAXy phone to try out.
15:38.33knarflynot a softphone...a hardphone
15:39.24AndyCapZork_: if you read the page on you'd have known that you can't
15:39.41AndyCapZork_: the R button doesn't work in sip mode
15:40.36Zork_AndyCap > Hmm, didn't read it, sorry. (didn't even know that I could find it there either, been googling for a while but didn't find it). Thanks a lot for the answer.
15:41.03AndyCapZork_: hoping that siemens makes a new firmware which fixes the bugs listed
15:42.04brianthat's lame
15:42.09brianbe a leet haxor and make your own firmware
15:42.24Zork_Bugs? what am I missing?
15:42.55AndyCapbrian: Haven't checked if all the parts needed are in siemens toolchain
15:43.33Zork_thanks, reading it now.
15:43.45AndyCap"The "R" key, which is the hook flash button when used in PSTN mode, does nothing in VOIP mode, so I cannot put a call on hold and transfer it."
15:44.31brianSounds like something a company that makes PSTN phones normally and then wants to get into the VoIP market does.
15:44.33AndyCapbut the phone is based on libosip. has the LGPL printed in the manual, and source for libosip is available on siemens' site
15:44.52Zork_Yes. But if that's the only but, well... I probably can live with that :-) (although I hope they will fix it!).
15:45.04*** join/#asterisk Coebra (
15:45.23Zork_but = bug of course ;-)
15:45.53Zork_What exactly is a hook flash button anyway?
15:45.55brianOf course they won't fix it.
15:46.19brianFor the flash tone
15:46.21brianI think
15:46.47AndyCapdisconnects the line for a short period of time.
15:46.50Zork_Not sure what that is either ;-) Have to look that up in the dictionary I guess... (I'm from The Netherlands).
15:46.51AndyCapon analog phones.
15:47.33AndyCapand used for switching between two calls, making transfers, and such
15:47.42Zork_Ah, okay. Thanks.
15:48.21Zork_Are there other SIP phone, who do have a working "R" button b.t.w.? And if so, to what is the blindxfer option set in that case?
15:48.47Zork_just in case I want to try it whenever siemens has an update (still hoping ;-))
16:04.05*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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16:05.51icyfire0573Background(call) dosen't seem to be working right for me. Is there any reason why it wouldn't respond to DTMF ?
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16:29.31wwalkerSince it's Sunday I doubt my client's reseller is available.  Would someone please PM me a URL to Polycom IP501 SIP software (images and config files)?
16:29.44*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=brian@
16:29.56wwalkeranyway I think his reseller was eBay
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16:31.06EmleyMoorDoes zap show channel x (where x is an FXS port) show anything useful to help with finding a wiring fault?
16:32.18EmleyMoorI just wired a new extension socket to channel 2 and seem to have killed it completely
16:33.00brianHacking on asterisk is fun.
16:34.09*** join/#asterisk mceGEEK (
16:34.15mceGEEKgood morning!
16:34.26mceGEEKanyone using sunrocket with asterisk?
16:35.00briansunrocket is a pretty gay voip company name :P
16:35.25brianmceGEEK: try looking at
16:38.14mceGEEKyea i know
16:38.18mceGEEKits very gay
16:38.32mceGEEKi figured out inbound
16:38.39mceGEEKjust wanted some help with outbound
16:43.28EmleyMoorHmmm... the master socket works, extensions don't
16:46.49mceGEEKquick question on this line exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/provider/${EXTEN}) ; 11 digit numbers get passed straight to the sip provider.
16:46.56Newbie___hi, when connect to a extension phone. does it matter how the 2 lines (RJ11) is connected?
16:47.02mceGEEKwhat should provider contain?
16:47.10Newbie___FXS <-> Analog phone
16:47.20mceGEEKis provider = sip.conf [provider]?
16:47.35Corydon76-homemceGEEK: yes, as long as type=peer or type=friend
16:47.58mceGEEKyes it has type=peer
16:48.26Corydon76-homesome providers want you to send as SIP/${EXTEN}@provider
16:48.43*** join/#asterisk linlin (i=will@
16:49.47mceGEEKok let me try that
16:49.51mceGEEKi'm using sunrocket
16:50.12Corydon76-homeProviders are a dime a dozen
16:51.46mceGEEKany idea when i call from xlite to another extension i don't hear a ring on my side
16:52.23mceGEEKi can hear the remote computer ring but i can't hear anything in my headphones
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16:52.47Corydon76-homexlite's fault
16:52.49*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
16:54.44mceGEEKno matter what i do unable to call out :(
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16:56.36mceGEEKwish there was someone here with sunrocket provider
16:57.37mceGEEKdoes qualify=no|yes have any effect?
16:58.14Corydon76-homeYou'd probably need to see the SIP dialog to diagnosis what's happening
16:58.33mceGEEKhow do i do that?
16:58.37Corydon76-home'sip debug'
16:59.16Corydon76-homeYou'll want to have plenty of history in your scrollback to watch the dialog
16:59.30Corydon76-homethen 'sip no debug' when you're done
17:00.12mceGEEKi think its sending the call to 10-digit-phone@my.sip.server instead of
17:00.12*** join/#asterisk nassy (
17:01.26mceGEEKno idea why its doing that
17:01.39Dovidanyone know of a program that i can see in real time how much bandwith the server and or asterisk is using.
17:01.48mceGEEKmight be missing an include somewhere
17:02.03mceGEEKdo i have to include context [dial-out] in [default]?
17:02.07Dovidtrying to see when asterisk stays in the rtp stream and when it dosent. banging my head against the wall with snmpd
17:02.17Dovidthe config file is makin myhead spin
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17:05.54EmleyMoorAnyone familiar with IPC connectors?
17:06.33mceGEEKcorydon76-home any idea why my [dial-out] information is not being used
17:06.52EmleyMoor(i.e. should I connect thinnest wires lowest?
17:07.11Corydon76-homemceGEEK: nope
17:07.53*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-f5025147b6fbd002)
17:16.55linlinwhats the cheapest IP desktop phone thats available?
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17:18.42Zork_mceGeek > I know little of asterisk, but my Dial commands look like 12345,1,dial(SIP/${exten}@provider) ... Where "provider" is the name that I use in my sip.conf... And that works for me...
17:19.51*** join/#asterisk BRoyK (n=piespy@
17:21.19Zork_Anyway, you might consider pasting parts of your extensions.conf and sip.conf on a pastebin site (don't forget to hide private information before you paste it there), so people here can look at what you've done so far.
17:21.36EmleyMoorDamn! These IPC master sockets are a complete pain
17:22.16EmleyMoorI've laid two new lines with screw terminal ones successfully but having no luck with IPC
17:22.53*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
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17:24.38EmleyMoorMay as well use strip connector to join all these wires up as they need to be and add a new master
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17:27.18Zork_I have a linksys 3102 hooked up to my asterisk box, but there is just one thing that is bothering me. If asterisk is down, I want the linksys to route incoming PSTN connections to the outgoing PSTN. But only then! So ring through is not really an option. Anyone knows if this is possible?
17:27.52Zork_B.t.w. The linksys 3102 is the successor to the 3000. And is the same in most options.
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17:55.26pigpenHi all, I have seen this error from time to time (or notice actually):
17:55.34pigpenDec  1 11:06:11 NOTICE[471]: channel.c:1956 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/path-16387 of format slin since our native format has changed to ulaw
17:55.42pigpenideas how to prevent this?
17:56.00pigpenI do not have slin defined anywhere.....
17:57.43bkrusefrom what i understand, i have had this MANY times
17:57.58bkrusedoes the call still stay up pigpen?
17:58.16pigpenI have had complaints of "garbled" calls from time to time.
17:58.45pigpenyeah...coppy, digitally garbled
17:58.50bkrusestatic, poppy.......
17:58.53pigpenlike a saturated line with sip traffic.
17:58.58bkruseyour doing any native transcoding?
17:59.15pigpenoo...big word... what do you mean...?
17:59.28bkruseare you doing ulaw -> gsm
17:59.32bkruseor anything like that
17:59.36bkruseor is EVERYTHING ulaw?
17:59.44pigpeneverything ulaw
17:59.51pigpenhere is my topology.
18:00.39bkrusehold up, ill PM you so we dont flood chan_asterisk :P
18:01.26bkrusereber: hello
18:01.34reberdid any of you already tried :
18:02.20bkrusei have not, but looks interesting
18:02.22bkruseyou thinking of trying it?
18:02.47reberif you don't have any PHONENUMBER (not included in all offers), what should we write instead ?
18:04.10bkrusejust a USERNAME?
18:04.59mceGEEKzork still around?
18:05.10rebermaybe yes, i'll try. What does this how-to allow really ?
18:05.29reberto dialin asterisk or to dialout asterisk ?
18:05.35bkruseit looks like in your sip.conf, PHONENUMBER is OPTIONAL
18:07.23mceGEEKanyone here uses xlite?
18:08.57*** join/#asterisk Guest38180 (n=artak@
18:09.12bkrusei do!
18:09.15bkrusemceGEEK: I do.
18:09.30bkrusereber: register => ;PHONENUMBER should also work (R1)
18:09.59*** join/#asterisk Gr1ncheux (
18:10.30mceGEEKbkruse: i was in sip debug and was dialing 10-digit from xlite .. it just says the number is unavailable
18:10.42mceGEEKit should go out to sunrocket but its not doing that
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18:16.57bkrusecan i ssh?
18:17.09*** part/#asterisk webmind (
18:17.11mceGEEKcan't :(
18:17.15bkruseit can be a couple easy things, edited dialplan and didnt reload, do have the correct pattern matching, etc etc
18:17.21bkruseok lets start with the basics, reload ur dialplan
18:17.26bkruse(asterisk 1.2.13, or 1.4?)
18:17.30mceGEEKlet me check
18:17.47mceGEEK1.4.0 beta3
18:18.46*** join/#asterisk slayer192 (
18:19.13bkrusetype dialplan reload
18:19.17bkruseand try again
18:19.59mceGEEKinternal extensions ring fine
18:20.06mceGEEKi need to get outbound working
18:20.19mceGEEKfor example fwd
18:20.52mceGEEKthis is my fwd-out context
18:20.53mceGEEKexten => _7.,1,SetCallerID(${FWDUID})
18:20.53mceGEEKexten => _7.,2,SetCIDName(${FWDCID})
18:20.53mceGEEKexten => _7.,3,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@fwd)
18:20.53mceGEEKexten => _7.,4,Playback(invalid)
18:20.54mceGEEKexten => _7.,5,Hangup
18:22.46bkrusek, lets go to a pm
18:24.11reberbkruse, true
18:24.31bkrusereber: does that help?
18:25.17reberbkruse, didn't tried already. What does this tutorial exactly ?
18:26.02bkrusewell, i have never used * with wengo
18:27.36*** join/#asterisk axisys (
18:28.54bkrusei messaged you, do you not see it?
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18:33.44mceGEEKhmm not good :(
18:33.58bkrusewhat in the world haha
18:34.01mceGEEKPM's are blocked
18:34.02bkruseIM on aim?
18:34.14*** part/#asterisk mceGEEK (
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18:52.35mr50Has anyone tried realtime ldap as a source for extension/voicemail information?
18:53.03wwalkerwrong windows
18:53.22bkrusemr50: havent tried it, but that would be pretty sweet, im sure its possible
18:55.02*** part/#asterisk Poincare (
18:55.38mr50bkruse: many people say that, I think it's true also... Companies have made special versions for just this... But I want to use asterisk business edition
18:55.53bkrusehorray for business edition!
18:55.56bkrusewhat version you using, 1.2?
18:56.07bkruse1.3 will be out eventually.......................
18:56.56mr50the custom versions from other venders do not do exactly what I want. They store some of the dialplan in ldap, and need extensions to be hosted on the same box
18:57.11mr50I have to setup just voicemail boxes for extensions on cisco call manager
18:57.14bkrusehave you looked at
18:57.27mr50bkruse: yup
18:57.52*** join/#asterisk axisys (
18:57.54mr50I got the CCM to asterisk VM integration over a sip trunk to work quite easily
18:58.11mr50now I just need to populate the data for voicemail users
18:58.33bkrusei see what you mean, and that would be cool.
19:00.03bkrusepopulating entries right?
19:00.34bkrusemaybe a script could do that
19:00.34bkrusepoll from an ldap database and pipe >> to a conf file
19:00.34mr50yeah, seems the asterisk::ldap is like that
19:00.36mr50I would like more of a realtime like datasouce though
19:00.55mr50but will settle for batch script updates
19:01.05bkrusea crontab that ran the script
19:01.20bkrusethe bad thing is you would have to know some grep/sed/awk to get it to not duplicate values
19:01.37mr50and sync thinks like changed passwords
19:02.07bkrusethen you would have to have that script/program reload the conf file (for those that arent read in realtime)
19:02.37*** join/#asterisk sexyken (
19:02.52sexykenHey it possible to take a number dialed "411" - and make it dial: 18004116387
19:02.53mr50well that way there would be a lot less ldap lookups, all the data would be local
19:03.33mr50sexyken: exten => 411,1,dial(1800xxx...) somthing like that
19:03.47bkrusethats easy.
19:04.39mr50sexyken: what you using, trixbox?
19:06.08sexykenTrixbox :-)
19:06.12sexykenHow'd you know?
19:06.35sexykenI must edit the file directly?
19:07.29bkruseno, because trixbox users are lame
19:07.38sexykenThat's cool.
19:07.50bkrusebut just edit /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
19:08.12bkrusesexyken: what you should do is, reformat, get an easy distro(
19:08.13sexykenIt's in extensions_additional.conf
19:08.21bkrusewhatever, thats what trixbox is lame
19:08.30sexykenWhy, becuase it's organized?
19:08.33sexykenYea, that sucks.
19:08.37mr50bkruse: I use it for quick and dirty stuff
19:08.41bkrusebecause its not true asterisk.
19:08.45bkruseinstall ubuntu, download asterisk 1.4, and use the gui (web interface)
19:08.47sexykenIt's not true asterisk?
19:08.50sexykenwhat the hell?
19:08.51mr50and it messes with you
19:08.56bkrusesexyken: web interface!
19:08.58mr50lots of contexts
19:09.03bkrusehave you not seen the gui?
19:09.11sexykenmr50, do you have any insight or do I just have to listen to this asshole talk shit?
19:09.52bkrusesexyken: however, i still love asterisk with a passion, so i will help you
19:10.01sexykenNo, it's fine.
19:10.04bkrusevi /etc/asterisk/extensions_*
19:10.33bkruseadd this line to your context
19:10.33bkruseexten => 411,1,Dial(technology/number)
19:10.50bkruseexten => 411,1,Dial(SIP/sip-out)
19:11.15bkrusesexyken: did that help at all?
19:11.48mr50i think that can also be done in the outbound routes section of the freepbx gui, sec
19:12.01bkrusesure :]
19:12.17bkrusesexyken: in the future, can you take a look at and then tell me whatcha think :]
19:13.29mr50wait no, this is the problem with trixbox, it's more about how the freepbx gui works that asterisk!
19:13.59mr50setup a new extension with type custom
19:14.19mr50then put in the dial field technology/number
19:14.32mr50but it breaks all the nice routeing stuff that freepbx does for you
19:17.56bkruseits not up right now though :[
19:17.59*** part/#asterisk Zork_ (
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19:25.44_omermy asterisk is giving this warning again and again everything was fine last 10 mins before...any help ?
19:25.48_omerDec  3 10:22:43 WARNING[22729]: chan_sip.c:1989 create_addr: No such host: 112277
19:26.22_omerI have commented out everything from sip.conf that have 112277 ...
19:27.39hmmhesayslooks like you are trying to call a peer that isn't there
19:28.05*** part/#asterisk sipboy (
19:28.12_omerno..I am not trying to call anywhere...
19:28.21_omerno call in process in asterisk...
19:28.25_omerno channel is connected...
19:30.57_omernow the hard thing i have to do is ...... stop now and then restart asterisk
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19:34.36_-Jon-_Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but does anyone here provide (or know someone who does) 416 (Toronto) DIDs?  Desperately need one as my soon to be ex-provider really stuck it to me
19:34.39*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
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19:42.50brian_-Jon-_: What provider do you have?
19:42.58brian_-Jon-_: Did they lose your DID?
19:43.20brian_-Jon-_: Try
19:44.22brianCDN ON Toronto$8.88 <--- Their Toronto DID cost that much a month
19:44.36FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: i gave you a shoutout on the wiki for the code you suggested
19:44.43FuriousGeorgefor that thing yesterday
19:45.03brianhi FuriousGeorge
19:45.19FuriousGeorgehey look, im talking to myself
19:45.21FuriousGeorgehi brian
19:45.41brianno you're not
19:45.44briani'm talking to you!
19:46.07FuriousGeorgejust back off my last name
19:46.21FuriousGeorgei got dibs on that
19:48.23*** join/#asterisk lat1234 (n=lat@
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19:51.45lat1234anyone who knows how to tweak asterisk using ilbc??/
19:51.47psy65535Anyone know how one can continue a dialplan after Hangup() or SoftHangup()?
19:52.32psy65535or a suggestion on how to fire off a dialplan after hangup?
19:55.08RoyKlat1234: afaik it's just about allow=ilbc
19:55.21RoyKin sip.conf or whatever protocol you're using
19:57.00*** join/#asterisk SomeOne1 (
19:57.04SomeOne1which is the best book
19:57.06SomeOne1for asterisk
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20:01.35jbotrumour has it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
20:01.50SomeOne1whats the best book for asterisk?
20:02.03SomeOne1RoyK, did my message get sent to the channel before i quit?
20:02.35RoyKdid you quit?
20:02.42RoyKasking for the book?
20:02.58SomeOne1i did
20:03.07SomeOne1is that the best book i can probably get?
20:03.09SomeOne1for asterisk?
20:05.02jbot[asterisk] the best free PBX in the world
20:05.13jbotjbot is probably only marginally useful at best,  He got a C- on his Turing Test
20:05.13psy65535answering my own question: write a .call to the spool/outgoing dir
20:05.20*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=AndresMu@
20:05.31jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
20:05.38psy65535good day/night all :)
20:05.41*** part/#asterisk psy65535 (
20:06.32*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:07.08SomeOne1thats the best computer stuff i've read for sex
20:07.09*** join/#asterisk reber (
20:09.01jbotNow where did I put the lube...? Eh, no matter, dry it is tonight!
20:09.31SomeOne1he doesnt have a reply for that
20:10.38*** join/#asterisk zapp-branigan (
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20:12.55zapp-braniganhi, is easy to connect a gsm gateway whih asterisk , is only a peer not ?
20:13.59zapp-branigani must to configure one for the university , final project
20:14.04zapp-braniganis easy ?
20:14.53lat1234sorry royk
20:14.58lat1234what's that again?
20:15.51lat1234so how do you enhance sip??
20:16.06SomeOne1what language do you speak
20:16.12SomeOne1your english is like so bad
20:16.19SomeOne1just kidding
20:17.16SomeOne1ahh, espanol
20:17.21zapp-branigani'm spanish
20:17.22SomeOne1que paso amigo?
20:17.27zapp-braniganje je
20:17.43zapp-braniganel ingles me cuesta un poco pero se intenta
20:17.46SomeOne1Rhizome, what are you smiling about?
20:18.03SomeOne1me espanol es muy malo
20:18.19SomeOne1pero tu ingles es bien
20:18.20RhizomeSomeOne1: Why not?
20:18.22zapp-braniganmmy inglis i really bad
20:18.37SomeOne1Rhizome, it just seemed random
20:18.38zapp-braniganje je
20:18.55SomeOne1i think yes, it is easy to connec t agsm gateway with asterisk
20:18.55RhizomeSomeOne1: Ok, I confess.. it was. :D
20:19.08SomeOne1connect a gsm*
20:19.20zapp-braniganSomeOne1 the way to connect the asterisk with the gateway is by a peer ?
20:19.31SomeOne1i think
20:19.38SomeOne1im not 100% sure
20:20.08*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
20:20.24lat1234no help?
20:20.32SomeOne1es bunita chicas in espana?
20:20.38SomeOne1lat1234,  i dunno man
20:20.43zapp-braniganbut who i know if a sim is in use ?
20:20.59lat1234so how to you tweak sip?
20:21.07lat1234so how do you tweak sip?
20:21.08SomeOne1what do you mean tweak?
20:21.13SomeOne1what do you mean tweak?
20:21.20RoyKinteresting >(
20:21.27RoyKlat1234: you install freeswitch
20:21.33lat1234enhance... make it to its most performance....
20:21.37zapp-braniganin spain the girls are very very beatiful
20:21.45SomeOne1whoa thats cool
20:21.56SomeOne1we've been addressing each other i guess
20:22.02SomeOne1and its smart enough to isolate conversations
20:22.07zapp-branigani'm in th euniversity near the beech
20:22.20RoyKit'd be neat to try to run cdr data through sometling like PieSpy
20:22.33SomeOne1im gonna mess it up
20:22.38SomeOne1sexyken: hello
20:22.41SomeOne1pigpen: how are you
20:22.51SomeOne1reber: whoa cool
20:23.18*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
20:23.23SomeOne1zapp-branigan, quien universidad?
20:23.37SomeOne1la universidad de espanya?
20:23.45zapp-braniganUniversidad Politechnical of Valencia
20:24.16lat1234im using asterisk... why do i use freeswitch?
20:24.30SomeOne1zapp-branigan, no tienes muy comprendo para asterisk y gsm y sim, lo siento senor
20:24.40zapp-braniganok no problemo
20:24.42lat1234im using asterisk... why do i need to use freeswitch?
20:24.59RoyKlat1234: if scalability is an issue, the freeswitch is better. easy config and out-of-the-box-functionality is more important, stick with asterisk or openpbx
20:25.19reberSomeOne1, sorry ?
20:25.26zapp-braniganSomeOne1   and you know someone who know this ?
20:25.48*** join/#asterisk vgster (
20:26.17SomeOne1zapp-branigan, maybe RoyK
20:26.21lat1234so freeswitch is better than asterisk?\
20:26.28SomeOne1RoyK, reload the image, i screwed it up
20:26.33zapp-branigan   my university :P^
20:26.46SomeOne1my university
20:26.46RoyKSomeOne1: that one_
20:26.52RoyKit changes all the time
20:27.01zapp-braniganvirginia wou
20:27.03RoyKaccording to how relations are
20:27.09RoyKjust reload it
20:27.14RoyKshift-reload, perhaps
20:27.17SomeOne1but i made it think all the otehr people are in conversations with us
20:27.22zapp-braniganin spain we leave better :P
20:27.36pigpenyeah...and Hi.
20:27.39pigpenand neat too.
20:27.53lat1234bye all and thanks
20:27.53zapp-braniganyes meet better
20:27.54RoyKSomeOne1: it currently shows a strong line between the two of us, since we've been chatting for a little while
20:28.19SomeOne1did you write this?
20:28.26SomeOne1i can probably make something liek this
20:28.33zapp-braniganRoyK you know the gateway gsm ?
20:28.35SomeOne1at least text based first, then use image libraries to set it up
20:29.01RoyKzapp-branigan: gateway gsm??
20:29.35SomeOne1royk, you seem smart, where you from?
20:29.54zapp-braniganexten => _00.,1,Dial(IAX2/peer/00${EXTEN:4})
20:30.01zapp-braniganwhit this will work ?
20:30.30SomeOne1do you have gsm enabled in iax2.conf?
20:30.31zapp-braniganbut in the gateway who i make who text the free sim
20:30.50SomeOne1you are using IAX2 in that exten =>
20:30.52SomeOne1not SIP
20:30.56SomeOne1maybe i'm wrong
20:31.08zapp-braniganbut i only use now iax2 for text between asterisk
20:31.22zapp-braniganto text who work
20:31.27SomeOne1no se, lo siento
20:31.42zapp-braniganexten => _00.,1,Dial(sip/peer/00${EXTEN:4})
20:31.54SomeOne1no soy un professional asterisk
20:32.03zapp-braniganthe gateway we must see the better and buy
20:32.19SomeOne1zapp-branigan, mis espanol es bien?
20:32.30zapp-branigansi esta bien
20:32.47zapp-branigante falta congugar los verbos
20:32.54SomeOne1ahh, yo comprendo
20:33.09SomeOne1soy muy malo con congugar
20:33.17SomeOne1no es congugar en ingles
20:33.22zapp-braniganepaños es m diicil
20:33.26SomeOne1para nada verbos
20:33.49zapp-braniganya por eso
20:34.07SomeOne1ingles es muy fasil
20:34.13zapp-braniganpero se te entiende a lo indio
20:34.38zapp-branigani speak indio
20:34.44SomeOne1kiya hal hay
20:34.47SomeOne1theek ho?
20:35.54SomeOne1no man in spanish indio is like an indian
20:35.58SomeOne1like in asia
20:36.00zapp-braniganI talk about to that you do not conjugate and for that reason you speak to the Indian style
20:36.31SomeOne1are you perhaps using babelfish or a translator?
20:36.39zapp-braniganyes now yes
20:36.40SomeOne1spanish to english?
20:36.44SomeOne1i knew!
20:36.46SomeOne1yo sabes!
20:36.54SomeOne1err, yo se
20:37.41SomeOne1para calcular de bandwidth
20:38.13SomeOne1cuando bandwidth es necessario para un mil phones
20:38.27zapp-branigando not work the link
20:38.49SomeOne1el translate no es muy bien para communicar
20:39.02zapp-branigansomeone use gsm gateway ?
20:39.22zapp-braniganyes, is a very easy way to speak a los of lenguages
20:39.53*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:40.03*** join/#asterisk Juan (
20:40.04SomeOne1RoyK why do you keep quitting?
20:40.25SomeOne1hola juan como esta
20:40.33zapp-branigansomeone use gsm gateway ?
20:40.42RoyKSomeOne1: hva sier du? jeg forstår ikke en dritt....
20:41.02SomeOne1RoyK: du hast mish
20:41.25Juansome guy gave me ericson gsm  primisell and i just got sim and pluged in my fxo
20:41.28Juan: O
20:41.42SomeOne1Juan: habla espanol?
20:41.52zapp-braniganhablas español ?
20:41.56RoyKSomeOne1: that is mich, but i'm not german
20:41.57SomeOne1Juan: zapp-branigan necessitas tu ayuda
20:41.57Juansorry i am Afrikaans!
20:42.02RoyKJuan: hehe
20:42.12SomeOne1RoyK: what did that mean?
20:42.19SomeOne1i was just quoting a german song i know
20:42.26SomeOne1i dont speak norweigan
20:42.37SomeOne1haha yeah
20:42.44SomeOne1du... du hast... du has mich
20:42.53SomeOne1you hate me!
20:43.40RoyKtwo m-s
20:44.04RoyKSomeOne1: [21:40]  <RoyK> SomeOne1: hva sier du? jeg forstÃ¥r ikke en dritt....
20:44.07RoyKthat one?
20:44.40*** join/#asterisk AdmoIRC (
20:44.40Juanhmm may i ask a asterisk problem ?
20:45.00RoyKasterisk is a problem, yes
20:45.47Juanif i dial asterisk i just hear goodbye!
20:45.55Juani found this in log
20:45.56JuanStarting Zap/1-1 at bell,s,1 failed so falling back to exten 's'
20:47.08RoyKi wonder if the cops use that sort of stuff. for telephone cdr datas? for emails?
20:47.40Nivexdo all the IP phone gateways have routers in them now?!
20:48.01NivexI was just noticing that the spa3102 replaced the spa3000
20:48.10RoyKsome of them
20:48.11RoyKnot all
20:51.16Juanu guys dont have answer to my question ? or don't know google isn't much help
20:52.30RhizomeI suggest turning on debugging, that it "failed" sounds like some typical windows error :S
20:53.21Juanwindow$ ?
20:53.37Rhizomeehem, just forget I said anything.. ;)
20:54.37RhizomeBut yea, turn on debugging, the reason might be obvious with more info.
20:57.16zapp-branigansomeone use speech recognition ?
20:57.25zapp-braniganwork fine ?
20:57.30*** join/#asterisk conico (n=chatzill@
20:58.24brianzapp-branigan: try it and see
20:58.24zapp-braniganyes :P
20:58.34zapp-braniganthere some programs for this
20:58.36*** join/#asterisk maverickbna (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
20:59.07zapp-braniganthe program of digium i see that is the only who will work
20:59.28zapp-braniganbut there are some anothers
21:00.16*** join/#asterisk ast_freak (
21:00.18zapp-braniganspeech recognitions programas for asterisk but i dom't know if work fine or not
21:00.47zapp-branigansome use some of this programs to know if work or not ?
21:03.54zapp-braniganthis work ?
21:04.14zapp-braniganonly in english or another lenguages
21:06.55*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
21:08.48brianzapp-branigan: try it and see
21:09.32zapp-braniganyes yes i'm looking the forums of sphinx
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22:06.10EmleyMoorAnyone in the UK familiar with wiring using master and extension sockets and junction boxes?
22:09.16robin_szyes ...
22:09.50*** join/#asterisk insomnia41 (
22:10.02robin_szEmleyMoor, intersting host name
22:11.07EmleyMoorOK - do you know where I can get punchdown-type junction boxes?
22:11.59EmleyMoor... and how about concealed ones that would fit as a module in a modular socket system?
22:12.16*** join/#asterisk tr2x (
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22:17.17EmleyMoorUsed to have my Zap/2 channel wired up with an extension - now my Zap/1 and Zap/3 channels have master sockets but the Zap/2 master gave up the ghost when I tried to install another extension
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22:28.49yassineanyone of you guys used the misdn driver on debian ?? i can not get it compiled and i get this error message : any ideas please ?
22:28.58nextimeanyone using chan_gtalk?
22:29.55nextimeyassine : you need to install kernel headers or kernel source package
22:30.31yassinenextime, both are installed :(( and that whats been frsutrating me since yesterday
22:31.16nextimeyassine: you don't have the link from /usr/lib/`uname -r`/build to your kernel source, try to make it with ln
22:33.18yassinenextime,  i have the problem indeed that i can not finde the exact linux-source package that match my kernel version even that im using a pure debian linux-image (no custom kernel) any idea hwo to get the exact match sources ?
22:33.22nextimei'm trying to make a call with chan_gtalk, but it seem to remain locked and it don't call anyone, the other side don't see any call from me
22:33.48nextimeyassine : no idea, i use debian too, but i package my own kernel
22:33.52robin_szEmleyMoor, I usually buy my various sockets as either proper BT ones on Ebay
22:34.08robin_szor some poxy modular thing from the local electrical shop
22:34.09orlockyassine: wel, if you were using an rpm based system, the source rpm would have the complete source, list of patches and makefile in it..
22:34.28orlockyassine: .deb is supposed to be so damn good, why cant you do something like that? :)
22:34.44robin_szyassine, yes, i im using chan_mISDN etc on debian
22:34.45nextimeorlock: they use debian, but it's the same about source availability.
22:34.47EmleyMoorI have limited space so tend to buy tiny ones from Maplin - but also have some Cat5 carrying one of my extensions and therefore need to join some wires
22:35.13santiagois down?
22:35.17yassinenextime,  i think your right untill a certain degree of requirement one can relay on the deb kernel but for such requirements
22:35.44EmleyMoorBest way to join some two-pair to solid Cat5 behind another socket?#
22:36.00robin_szEmleyMoor, my local electricla shop (CEF) sells some modular system for cat5 and phones etc ... mounts in a standard double or single wall pattress box
22:36.02nextimeyassine : maybe you are only using an outdated kernel or you don't have the right sources on sources.list
22:36.29robin_szEmleyMoor, soldering iron and heatshrink?
22:36.31EmleyMoorrobin_sz: Know it but the terminals on the phone master gave up
22:36.39robin_szbuy a new one
22:36.50EmleyMoorHmmm... wish I could find my soldering iron
22:36.58robin_szbehind the sofa?
22:37.00EmleyMoor... and have that go the same way?
22:37.03nextimeanyway, no one is trying chan_gtalk here?
22:37.32robin_szthe nicest masters are the one withthe removable front plate that has the "custoemr" side connections on it
22:37.42nextimefuck, why i'm ever the only one to try something when i have problems... uff
22:37.43EmleyMoorNTE5 :-)
22:37.55robin_szthats them
22:37.56EmleyMoorThey are nice but they're huge
22:38.07robin_szwell, not huge
22:38.22robin_szhuge is like "my, that 28 foot by 12 foot shed is huge"
22:38.23EmleyMoorHuge enough
22:38.41nextimeanother question: anyone have tried chan_skype with a recent svn trunk?
22:39.00yassinenextime, this is what i was abale to find : source --> linux-source-2.6.17 kernel-image -->  2.6.17-2-686
22:39.12EmleyMoorMy other two, and two of my extensions, are the little Commtel screw terminal ones
22:39.41robin_szyassine, I used a stock debain Sarge, ran the misdn-install script and it did it all perfectly and it all worked almost first time
22:39.46nextimeyassine : and for kernel headers? are you sure to have all needed sources in /etc/apt/sources.list?
22:39.54robin_szscreww terminals ... 'orrible
22:40.10EmleyMoorPrefer punchdown
22:40.20EmleyMoorCTE5s are good from that respect
22:40.21robin_szwhat you want is a nice little Krone frame
22:40.54EmleyMoorI will get someone to lay cables and fit back boxes for me when I move
22:41.15yassinerobin_sz, now im already on etch and have other application that requires it so i can not downgrade that easy
22:42.03robin_sz"another application" on your * box
22:42.29EmleyMoorReal overkill unless and until I take in loads of lodgers
22:42.53robin_szoverkill is good :)
22:43.15robin_szbest to have more thanyou need
22:43.19EmleyMoorOverkill like using CT100 for VHF aerial connections is, I'll grant you that
22:43.32robin_szthat girls cable
22:44.55robin_sznoce cable,
22:46.37robin_szat 150mhz has 0.449db loss per 100 feet
22:48.49*** join/#asterisk AuPix (
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22:55.19nextimenothing to do. chan_gtalk seem to be broken, it don't work.
22:56.02nextime( and chan_jingle too )
22:56.22EmleyMoorAny channels other than SIP, IAX and Zap worth experimenting with if I don't envisage needing them?
22:56.48*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (
22:57.28nibbler_deis there a way to ensure, that every caller that gets into the on-hold-music hears the on-hold-music-file from beginnging?
22:57.55JToh come on, doesn't everone have a punchdown frame at home?
22:58.34*** part/#asterisk remmo (n=chatzill@
22:58.47orlockyeah, its in a box on the wall outside the flat
22:59.05JTi have a 150 pair punchdown frame in my rack :o
23:00.34orlockrandom packet loss on the lan
23:03.19orlock$250au for a 19" lcd, 1280x1024
23:04.22JTnot bad at all
23:04.32orlocki need another
23:04.38orlockgf has become addicted to BF2
23:04.44orlockand i just got Oblivion
23:05.23*** join/#asterisk Ryanw (
23:05.27JTis that normal price?
23:05.38orlockwe get it from an importer
23:06.18orlockso usual price minus retail markup
23:06.42Ryanwi have 6 extensions in a queue and i wish to give callers an option to leave a voicemail instead of holding, whats the best way to setup a shared mailbox so that all agents realise there is a voicemail but only one of them calls the client back?
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23:18.37blitzrageRyanw: subscribe all the extensions using the mailbox= in sip.conf for the agents
23:18.51blitzragehow you're going to determine who calls back is up to your local policy
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23:19.16russellbpeople tend to prefer having a single mailbox for that, as opposed to copying the message to a bunch of different ones
23:19.24russellbit's easier to keep track of which messages have been taken care of that way
23:19.50blitzragerussellb: I was thinking of a community mailbox that multiple phones were subscribed to..
23:20.06russellbyep, i agree
23:20.06blitzrageunless that's what you meant too :)
23:20.11Ryanwyep, cheers guys, i'm gonna try sym linking mailboxes to a single place so 6 sip accounts with 6 phones all with MWI can see the same mailbox.
23:20.17blitzrageno no
23:20.38blitzrageI think that's the syntax
23:20.41QwellDisney Mobile?
23:20.49blitzrageQwell: yah... exactly...
23:20.52russellbQwell: creepy track your kids mobile
23:21.13Qwellcreepy track somebody elses kids mobile
23:21.30Qwellyeah, THAT's a good idea
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23:33.28nextimegreat, calling "setup.html" in asterisk-gui to add the asterisk_guitools context in extensions.conf crash asterisk if you have extensions file included over nfs
23:33.46nextime( latest svn trunk for both asterisk and asterisk-gui )
23:34.58nextimeso, tonight i've tried chan_jingle, chan_gtalk and asterisk-gui with latest svn trunk. No one work ok :(
23:35.33nextime(off course, i was trying both on a environment only for testing purpose )
23:43.38russellbnextime: was it a read-only nfs share?
23:44.53russellbof course, asterisk shouldn't actually crash, but that's probably a corner case nobody has tried.
23:45.43blitzrageyah, I have my voicemail in NFS, but not extensions.conf. I get a locking ERROR when voicemail tries to create an Old/ dir for some reason, but other writing works fine.
23:46.28brianblitzrage: you'll have problems with NFS
23:46.42brianblitzrage: simply because it's NFS
23:47.05blitzragebrian: I've heard the stories. Thats the only one I've run into in the last month
23:47.13blitzrageand I haven't tried to fix it yet
23:47.22brianblitzrage: usually people use like raid arrays i think
23:47.34blitzragebrian: yah, but this is for a cluster
23:47.44brianblitzrage: clusters don't use NFS :P
23:47.59blitzrageit does if you're centralizing your voicemail from somewhere
23:48.31brianusually clusters work by distributing the data
23:48.32russellbblitzrage: you could go for ODBC storage ...
23:48.49brianYou *can* store the audio in the database?
23:48.52blitzragerussellb: yah... haven't tried it yet... have everything else in ODBC, shold probably try it :)
23:49.04russellbbrian: yeah
23:49.09brianlinkage please
23:49.15russellbheh, i don't know
23:49.25russellbjust search for "odbc voicemail storage"
23:49.26*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:49.33brianI don't want it for voicemail though per se.
23:49.56hadsFilesystems are good for storing binary files
23:50.16brianI was going to store the path to the file
23:50.35brianIn the database
23:50.59brianIt's like a bulletin board system for the phone part of a larger system I'm writing.
23:51.19*** join/#asterisk icyfire0573 (
23:53.25brianBut I'm not sure how well that would scale.
23:53.50brianIt seems like it would scale better stored in the database...

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.