irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061130

00:00.55cloud9Shaun2222 : yea.. I followed a step by step guide that for the most part seems to be working.. just some glitches.. thanks anyway. I'll get it.
00:01.15linuxtuxi1syzygyBSD: just tested it out to be 100% sure...and I can confirm wget gives me back the expected result
00:01.23mercestescloud9:  In res_mysql.conf you should have localhost and a point to your sock.  It's complaining that the name "mysql" can't be found in ODBC so remove the odbc crap and just use the direct APi's in Res_mysql.conf
00:01.43cloud9mercestes : even if my database isn't on the localhost?
00:02.01mercestescloud9: you point it at your database
00:02.09cloud9cool, lol
00:02.55cloud9dbhost =
00:02.56cloud9dbname = asterisk
00:02.56cloud9dbuser = root
00:02.56cloud9dbpass = billy123
00:02.56cloud9dbport = 3306
00:03.16mercestesShould I go into why you shouldn't have done that??
00:03.33mercestesdon't say sorry to your pass.
00:03.39mercestesand dont' use root, make another user.
00:03.57Shaun2222can you do dial(${args}) and have ARGS set to "SIP/111|30|t" anybody know if that will work?
00:03.58CunningPikeNormanASD: Have you set up hints?
00:04.00cloud9you won't find my asterisk or db ip. it's not anywhere near here.
00:04.13cloud9but anyway
00:06.13NormanASDno, I thought hints were only for presence, which is not what I want.
00:06.25brianhey, just wondering if there is anyway at all to listen for DTMF on a meetme conference using fastagi?
00:07.02*** join/#asterisk stkn (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:08.16CunningPikeNormanASD: OK - I thought you were asking about SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY
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00:10.26clyrradDoes anyone know of a canadian voip provider than can register and port area code 905 DID's?
00:11.30NormanASDCunningPike: I was, but SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY is much more general than for presence. It can, according to the RFC, be used for any arbitrary events.
00:12.08CunningPikeNormanASD: True - I assumed you were using it for presence. Most questioners here are - what are you using it for>
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00:15.32*** part/#asterisk jeffik (
00:16.45NormanASDCunningPike: I want to pass some state from one peer to another, in this case application state.
00:17.18NormanASDWhile the RFC will allow one to do this, Asterisk in the middle, won't. I could do this if I disabled the noreinvite, I suspect, since the two peers would talk direct, but I don't want to do that.
00:18.05NormanASDI'm wondering if the SIP INFO command will work instead.
00:18.16fileAsterisk isn't a SIP proxy... it won't deliver messages directly between devices
00:18.33lullabudi have a question concerning data routing between SIP phones connected to asterisk servers.
00:19.42lullabudif i have two or more phones in a private network, would it be advantageous to have an asterisk server in there as opposed to having the phones talk across the internet to an asterisk server somewhere else?
00:20.08lullabudthat is, does the data flow directly from one phone to another, or does it go through the asterisk server?
00:22.52NormanASDfile: thanks, that's what I was starting to suspect. I guess I'll have to either go SIP peer to peer bypassing asterisk for this type of call, or use another protocol behind the scenes.
00:27.00NormanASDAlas, I guess I need to add a header to the INVITE so the two peers will know who they are talking to, and then modify the dialplan to read the variable and pass it to the other peer.
00:29.08*** join/#asterisk yardB (
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00:29.54yardBawfully quiet here!
00:32.13*** join/#asterisk yassine (
00:32.32Un1xi just noticed
00:32.35Un1xg729 module
00:32.41Un1xisn't available for athalon in 64 bit
00:32.50Un1xbtw is 1.4 stable yet
00:32.56yassineanyone of you guys from germany using an "AVM b1 Aktive ISDN Karte" ?
00:32.56Un1xor at least reliable not to crash
00:36.19*** join/#asterisk syberdave (
00:37.12tsurk0hello everybody
00:37.12syberdaveis there a way to set the caller ID number going to a SIP provider to be routed to PSTN?
00:37.40yardBi want to test a SIP phone for incoming call ..can i get a voluteer to call?
00:37.44tsurk0i'm using IAX to connect to an asterisk over internet - could you tell me how is the password transmited?
00:37.49tsurk0is it encrypted?
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00:57.28Un1xis anyone around
00:57.33Un1xi get this after installing zaptel
00:57.37Un1xand doing
00:57.40Un1xmodprob wctdm
00:57.43Un1xthats the error i get
00:58.40*** join/#asterisk gr1ncheux_ (
01:03.10yardBAnyone with a sip PHONE ?
01:03.19Un1xhmm whoever, msged me i closed the window accidenly, anywya... as you see above i said zaptel ^^^ wich means i have a Analouge phone not a SIP
01:05.09Strom_CyardB: I have several
01:05.31*** join/#asterisk Agrizzi (
01:05.35yardBcool Strom_C
01:07.32yardBStrom_C i meant test
01:08.29*** part/#asterisk MoutaPT (
01:10.47*** part/#asterisk glasco36 (
01:14.36*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:14.55*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (n=DeaLER25@
01:15.10MrTelephoneSo is anyone here working on any channel protocols?
01:19.47rob0Un1x: the error said to "see dmesg". Did you? It wasn't in your paste.
01:21.32Un1xthe paste was wrong
01:21.49MrTelephonewhy is here no NCS -> MGCP proxy servers anywhere
01:22.18Un1xhere is the dmesg
01:22.57MrTelephoneUn1x what kind of hardphones are you using?
01:24.10rob0Looks like for some reason crc_ccitt didn't load.
01:25.35rob0wctdm needs zaptel needs crc_ccitt , so they should load in reverse order (crc_ccitt, zaptel, wctdm).
01:25.36Un1xa regular phone but i'm trying to compile zaptel
01:25.42Un1xi havbent got to asterisk or libpri yet
01:25.56rob0do you need libpri?
01:25.57Un1xrob0 how do i get crc_ccitt to load
01:26.05Un1xYes, im using the TDM400P
01:26.09*** part/#asterisk syberdave (
01:26.12*** join/#asterisk keith80403 (
01:26.39rob0Un1x: it should Just Work ... it always did for me. Maybe you didn't enable crc_ccitt in your kernel? "modprobe -v crc_ccitt"??
01:27.30Un1xroot@Canucks2:~/zaptel-1.2.11# modprobe -v crc_ccitt
01:27.30Un1xFATAL: Module crc_ccitt not found.
01:27.31*** join/#asterisk dean_ (
01:27.38Un1xyea the module isn't found so is that the problem?
01:28.24Un1xthanks rob0
01:29.17*** part/#asterisk dean_ (
01:30.35*** join/#asterisk hyphen (
01:31.53sbingnerhow would I do this: $[${DB(REMOTEUSERS/${EXTEN}/timeout)} ? ${DB(REMOTEUSERS/${EXTEN}/timeout)} :: 30]
01:32.10sbingnerit's giving an error if it doesn't exist
01:37.52*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:38.33*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:42.37sbingner$[$[${DB(REMOTEUSERS/${EXTEN}/timeout)} != ""] ? $[${DB(REMOTEUSERS/${EXTEN}/timeout)}] :: 30] <-- works, but gives 2 ast_yy errors
01:43.13bkw_wrap it in ()
01:43.17bkw_it will stop bitching
01:44.22sbingnercool, thanks
01:44.24*** join/#asterisk sloth (
01:45.21bkw_also doesn't $DB_RESULT exist?
01:45.25bkw_you can use that for the second leg of that
01:45.30bkw_so you don't have to do the lookup twice
01:45.39SplasPoodhrm you can do that?  3 levels of db?
01:45.56SplasPoodie, family/key/otherkey ?
01:45.58bkw_its key val
01:46.06bkw_SplasPood, its all just one long ass key
01:46.16*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
01:46.17litagewhat are the most probable causes of audio cutting in and out and stuttering for outgoing sip calls and incoming zap calls?
01:46.21bkw_would be perfectly valid
01:46.24SplasPoodhrm, ok gotcha
01:46.27SplasPoodi use - for that
01:46.35bkw_hehe yah
01:46.36SplasPoodI will use / from now on
01:46.44bkw_litage, are you doing any reloads or high verbose?
01:47.13SplasPoodbtw, while people are alive/responding... anyone know the difference between the debug = in asterisk.conf and verbose = ?
01:47.29bkw_SplasPood, last I seen debug wasn't used much if any
01:47.33bkw_verbose was where it was at
01:47.38sbingnerlol it still bitches
01:47.44bkw_sbingner, then they broke it :P
01:48.02bkw_wrap it in a ${ISNULL()}
01:48.08sbingneroo :)
01:48.21litagebkw_: nope
01:48.22bkw_I know the () works in my version
01:48.27SplasPoodbkw_: yea the new doc/asterisk-conf or whatever pointed me to this debug... first I'd heard of it.. other than the debug entry in logger.conf
01:48.40bkw_SplasPood, don't think much uses it yet
01:48.50bkw_debug was an after thought
01:49.03litagebkw_: also have very low call volume...1 call every 1-10 minutes
01:49.15*** join/#asterisk Crescendo_ (
01:49.30SplasPoodbkw_: ooo.. #exec, thats new, no?
01:49.53bkw_na been around for a few
01:49.56bkw_anthm coded that btw
01:50.12bkw_litage, interrupt issues
01:50.17MrTelephonelitage, did u check ur irqs
01:50.37bkw_cat /proc/interrupts
01:50.38MrTelephonesome guy said to turn off hyperthreading if your running ht enabled processor
01:50.47bkw_MrTelephone, that doesn't matter really
01:51.04MrTelephonewhy do atas and handsets sound better than sip hardphones?
01:51.10MrTelephonewhen using tdm cards
01:51.16bkw_MrTelephone, because you have a sucky hard phone?
01:51.21bkw_My 7970 does great
01:51.28bkw_along with my grandstream BT101
01:51.39bkw_I do g722 with my grandstream.. sounds awesome
01:51.43SplasPoodbkw_: ahh never knew about it before... did an svn update the other day and found the new doc for asterisk.conf
01:51.44litagebkw_: yeah, /proc/interrupts looks fine:
01:52.10MrTelephoneI have polycom 501s and cisco 7920's
01:52.35litageMrTelephone: the server's got a Celeron CPU, so it doesn't have hyperthreading
01:52.38bkw_MrTelephone, my goodness those are good phones
01:52.39MrTelephoneand the tdm circuits sound crappy. now I know i have tdm issues because the phone lines suck. but on the other hand the atas+handsets sound better as if the handsets filter out crap
01:52.49bkw_MrTelephone, what card you running?
01:53.27MrTelephoneim running 1 digium 4 port card (wctdm) and 2 tdm2400 cards w/o echo cancel (tdm24xxp)
01:53.32MrTelephoneall in different machines
01:54.03sbingnerbkw_: lol, that works for the logical part, but then it still whines about the assignment value it's not using (1 ? 30 :: )
01:54.22MrTelephoneIt's such a wierd problem I don't know if I can even find out where to start looking to fix it
01:54.38sbingnerbkw_: long time no see btw heh
01:54.50litagebkw_: any suggestions as to how i can debug audio cutting in and out and stuttering for outgoing sip calls and incoming zap calls?
01:54.56MrTelephoneand some days there are more echo than other days...
01:55.13Supaplexmonkies have invaded our phone system!
01:55.25MrTelephoneI hear sangoma cards have automatic impedence adjusting?
01:55.46MrTelephoneI feel like I wasted 3 grand going with digium if thats the case..
01:55.56MrTelephonenot everyone lives 2 blocks away from the CO
01:56.07sbingnerI may just have to use Set
01:56.24sbingnerand gotoif heh
01:57.50*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
01:57.59MrTelephonelitage what is your hit count with zttest tool?
01:58.06MrTelephone99.8% +?
01:58.38MrTelephonealso make sure your computer is grounded out properly?? not sure how to make sure of that
01:58.52litageMrTelephone: 99.987793% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000%
01:58.53*** join/#asterisk Agrizzi (
01:59.00Agrizzihello everyone
01:59.11bkw_MrTelephone, what cards do you have?
01:59.13Agrizzidose anyone know of a web sip phone
01:59.14MrTelephoneand its cutting out on your? what kind of phone? did you try different voice codecs?
01:59.35MrTelephonebkw_: tdm2400 and tpe400 or something
01:59.44MrTelephonewhatever the 4 port fxo card is
01:59.56bkw_MrTelephone, yah give up now. those suck
02:00.05MrTelephoneligta, is your cpu usage going crazy?
02:00.11litageMrTelephone: grounding would occur via the powersupply
02:00.15MrTelephonebkw_: what do u suggest?
02:00.27bkw_MrTelephone, well what symtoms do you see?
02:00.30bkw_or hear I should say
02:00.52MrTelephoneI have poor outgoing volume, poor incoming volume at default settings
02:01.08*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
02:01.17MrTelephoneslight echo after running fxotune -s -b 1 -e 4 (example)
02:01.22_DAWHey everyone.  I all of a sudden have started receiving warnings from asterisk saying "Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 5".  Nothing has changed.  The channels are T1 kewlstarts through a channelbank (FXO) to the pstn.  Any suggestions?
02:01.30MrTelephoneecho comes back when line impedence changes due to weather conditions
02:01.34*** join/#asterisk kph100 (
02:01.38[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone : A200d FTW
02:01.45*** join/#asterisk predder (n=predder@
02:01.47MrTelephonethanks TK
02:01.55kph100I need help with asterisk queues.  What does the 'announce ' field do?
02:02.19[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone : I just did a replacement for a high-profile client and the difference as night & day.
02:02.29MrTelephoneI don't want to purchase differnet cards yet because I want to make sip trunks between the offices when I get a centralized digital phone trunk (PRI)
02:02.52Agrizzidose anyone know of a web sip phone
02:03.10MrTelephoneTKDFender, do digium work in good conditions though? how come noone mentions that they are no good in rural areas?
02:03.12kph100anyone knows how to use 'announce' in queues.conf?
02:03.49MrTelephonerural meaning impedence changes and high dB loss
02:05.19MrTelephoneTK, what were the problems before you switched the cards?
02:06.46*** join/#asterisk hyphen (
02:08.02*** part/#asterisk lullabud (n=lullabud@
02:09.16[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone : Crackly lines, nasty gain manipulation for clarity (which didn't help echo), a bit of echo though not that bad.
02:09.26[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone : Primarily audio quality.
02:09.49MrTelephoneit was bad eh.. I mean I ironed out most of the echo but they still notice it and complain about it
02:10.16MrTelephoneand "hard to hear" but when you increase the phone volume you increase the background noise volume
02:10.37MrTelephoneif your on the phone the echo may be ok but when you tap a keyboard you can hear the reflection
02:11.14MrTelephoneso sometimes there is echo, when there isn't you still get echo from distance noises that occur around you
02:11.25MrTelephonevery poor hardware, I do not reccommend it
02:11.58MrTelephonemaybe for city installations where the lines are good
02:13.38MrTelephoneIt's just that my repuation is getting battered because I implemented a cost effective sollution for 3 areas and all of them dislike the echo
02:13.44MrTelephonecustomers are not very forgiving
02:14.08*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
02:14.21MrTelephoneNow I'm afraid to purchase a pri card. Should a person go with echo cancel or not? People say there is no echo on PRI?
02:14.45MrTelephoneThanks TK for the insight
02:14.47[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone : Hell yes you want EC on-board....
02:15.01MrTelephonebut the difference in cost is quadrouble
02:15.07sbingnerthis was the only thing I could get to work properly without errors, since it's a number it was good: $[${ISNULL(${DB(REMOTEUSERS/${EXTEN}/timeout)})} ? 30 :: $[0 + 0${DB(REMOTEUSERS/${EXTEN}/timeout)}]]
02:15.12MrTelephone2000 thousand for EC on PRI?
02:15.32MrTelephoneTK I can't respond to you
02:15.42[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone : And far from quadruple.
02:16.03MrTelephonesoftware should be able to handle 1 pri?
02:16.16[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone : Gotcha (on the PM part).  You must not be registered to freenode properly.
02:16.19MrTelephoneI purchased ec on the tdm2400 digium and it had no effect
02:16.29[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone : How many PRI's?
02:16.43MrTelephoneI want to have the abillity to expand to 90 homes
02:16.49MrTelephone24 lines should do it
02:16.57MrTelephoneright now I'm signing for 15 channels and 30 DID's
02:17.06[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone : A single PRI then....
02:17.16MrTelephoneEC on a single PRI?
02:17.44*** join/#asterisk jeebusmobile (
02:18.31MrTelephoneYou think I will get a good buck for the digium cards on ebay?
02:19.56[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone : Who's to say....
02:20.34*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (
02:20.48MrTelephoneTDM2400 isn't even on a thick enough board to support its own weight
02:21.03MrTelephonewhen you look at it, its about to break in half from its own weight
02:21.05MrTelephoneoh well
02:21.12MrTelephoneI'll wait for the pri
02:22.04MrTelephoneI do have a concern with asterisk sip trunking...  if you have a link between 2 boxes and you have a call limit of 5. is that 5 x 260 bye packets or do they send bigger packets
02:22.19MrTelephone1300 I guess it will be.
02:24.11[TK]D-FenderPacket size is constant.
02:24.30[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone : And I'm not sure what you're getting at
02:27.13*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
02:32.51JTMrTelephone: fibreglass won't just snap like that
02:35.17MrTelephonemeans that if you have 5 phone calls you have 5x260 packets sent every 20ms?
02:35.25MrTelephoneso your packet per second count is really high
02:35.52MrTelephoneif the packets were multiplexed then it won't put much stress on the routers and etc
02:36.16bkw_where are you getting those numbers?
02:36.28bkw_and wtf are you talking about multiplexed?
02:36.34bkw_the packet is still a small packet
02:36.48bkw_its not like you're going to jam multiple ones into the packet
02:37.00*** join/#asterisk mmurdock_Laptop (
02:37.59MrTelephoneyou may wonder what I am talking about, but the IAX protocol does this.
02:38.06MrTelephoneif you have a timing device
02:38.51MrTelephonemaybe its no significance
02:39.16JTyou said SIP before
02:39.20JTmake up your mind
02:39.20MrTelephonebut when you run a cable isp a lot of small traffic can bog a network
02:39.44bkw_rtp can be trunked
02:40.02MrTelephonein asterisk?
02:40.15bkw_but it can
02:40.22bkw_it will be able to be done in freeswitch when we get time
02:40.34MrTelephoneyour a programmer for freeswitch?
02:41.47*** join/#asterisk haidozo (
02:42.00bkw_MrTelephone, yes
02:42.48MrTelephoneI'm developing NCS 1.0 for chan_mgcp.c in asterisk.. more like manipulating someone elses patch
02:43.20bkw_Network-Based Call Signaling Protocol Specification
02:43.27MrTelephonePacketCable variant of MGCP.. very close to MGCP except the header has NCS 1.0 in it and the Line packages are a little different
02:43.59MrTelephoneNCS uses one line package L/signal
02:44.38MrTelephoneI have the cable modem mtas working with the patch at BUT there is a couple HOOKSTATE issues
02:44.59bkw_the MGCP in asterisk isn't complete
02:45.11bkw_its only one side of the equation
02:45.19*** join/#asterisk rpm (
02:45.27MrTelephoneyou mean it won't talk to other MGCP gateways?
02:45.55MrTelephonethe protocol is very easy to follow too.. but I'm an amateur at C and it will take me a while to make adjustments
02:46.34bkw_"I no longer invest my time in developing solutions for Asterisk platform.
02:46.34bkw_My new company can help You scale Your Asterisk setup but I strongly believe that Asterisk
02:46.34bkw_is the most expensive platform for large rollouts in terms of TCO (and not initial investments)."
02:46.39MrTelephoneIt's a lot easier than SIP..
02:46.42*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
02:46.44bkw_thats so freakin true
02:46.48rpmwhat could be the cause of app_voicemail.c infrequently dropping off the end of voicemail messages? i am using IAX trunking to my ITSP, recording messages in gsm and wav49
02:46.55MrTelephoneWhy is that true?
02:47.07bkw_it just is dear
02:47.13MrTelephoneyou can hav eyour network guy do all the phone stuff
02:47.29MrTelephonemaybe it is...
02:47.54MrTelephonea company outside of town here spent 2 million on their phone system
02:48.04MrTelephonefor a pbx with extensions
02:48.18MrTelephoneI couldn't beleive it
02:48.19bkw_and i'll bet they'll end up loosing more in sales and man time trying to make asterisk work in a large scale env.
02:48.29bkw_you do NOT bet the farm on asterisk
02:48.37bkw_you DO NOT run critical business thru it
02:48.40bkw_NEVER depend on it.
02:48.42bkw_thats it.
02:48.51bkw_bottom line is 99% of the time it works greaet
02:48.53bkw_but that 1%
02:48.53MrTelephonehow about freeswitch?
02:48.58bkw_will get you killed
02:49.07MrTelephonefreeswitch is 100%?
02:49.17bkw_MrTelephone, its getting there rapidly
02:49.21MrTelephoneyour biased as your developing a competitive piece of software
02:49.29bkw_MrTelephone, na
02:49.38bkw_You'll see in time.
02:49.55bkw_I don't expect anyone to trust what I say.. but in time most people that have to dive in feel the same way.
02:50.15bkw_Asterisk is a Journey
02:50.20MrTelephoneif you have a solid working version of asterisk that works for a year without problems how can it fail?
02:50.25[TK]D-Fenderbkw_ : Is it anywhere near ready for public consumption at this point?
02:50.38bkw_[TK]D-Fender, we do have people using it in production
02:50.44bkw_MrTelephone, how many calls?
02:50.59bkw_how many calls per second?
02:51.00MrTelephonevery small applications
02:51.19MrTelephone20 calls per day
02:51.20bkw_see it fits well in those niche tasks... let me fire my torture test at it and it will FALL over.
02:51.33bkw_I can bet money on it
02:51.48[TK]D-Fenderbkw_ : And some people use * in production :)  
02:51.57MrTelephoneit must be able to handle calls
02:52.03MrTelephonepeople use it for call centers and etc
02:52.22bkw_[TK]D-Fender, yes but can you shoot 1600 calls @ 800 calls persecond at Asterisk? sip proxy server
02:53.01bkw_yes but that doesn't handle the media
02:53.05bkw_we do
02:53.24MrTelephonebkw, can you incorporate NCS 1.0?
02:53.34[TK]D-Fenderbkw_ : Probably, but the exit wound might be nasty ;)
02:54.02*** join/#asterisk sloth (
02:54.13*** join/#asterisk t (
02:54.48MrTelephonedamn I need to register so I can talk privately
02:55.03bkw_[TK]D-Fender, exit wond? in what respect?
02:55.37MrTelephoneI can't beleive asterisk doesn't have full mgcp support yet
02:55.50[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone : Go write it and contribute!
02:56.51MrTelephoneI'm working on it
02:56.58bkw_[TK]D-Fender, its not easy
02:56.59[TK]D-Fenderbkw_ : With respect to your fully-automatic call-cannon :D
02:57.28bkw_haha true
02:58.00MrTelephonelike how do you jump into development when your project is that big
02:58.18MrTelephoneim looking all over for the asterisk static vars
02:58.26MrTelephoneand pointers
03:05.56MrTelephonefreeswitch is going to handle 1000 calls per second?
03:08.50kph100does 'announce' field in queues.conf refer to a sound file?
03:10.08*** join/#asterisk Z-Knight (
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03:41.35icyfire0573Does anyone know how to make the "Linksys SPA941" hangup after the other party hangs up ?
03:45.52*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
03:50.19icyfire0573sbingner is being flippant :-); My grandstream and polycom phones gracefully hangup when the call is terminated. However the SPA just starts making that bad dialtone sound and its really annoying because I have to go over to thephone and hang it up.
03:53.19*** join/#asterisk itguru (
03:54.42itguruHi guys - i'm an asterisk virgin - 2 things - i got 2 hours to lose it, and 3 simple tasks - can you help me?
03:55.06[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : Kinda stupid that way.  They still treat their "hardphones" like ATA w/ analog phones attached....
03:55.26[TK]D-Fenderitguru : Ask a specific question and you might get a specific answer
03:55.54icyfire0573Yea, the only thing that I REALLY like about the linksys is the solid buttons.
03:56.23icyfire0573It dosen't even have a backlight and it costs more than any of the grandstreams.
03:56.32icyfire0573How are the Polycoms with backlights?
03:57.08itguru[TK]D-Fender-> Tru, very true, okay, I got a fresh box, with debian installed, i just installed asterisk on it. I have three SIP accounts, which normally hook up to software in XP in order to recieve calls. I want those calls to be routed to my asterisk box, and have my software phone connect to my box to recieve calls
03:57.10*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
03:57.26sbingnerisn't the bad dialtone sound a feature?
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03:57.46sbingnerlets you know the phone isn't on the hook but it's not making a call? :b
03:58.11[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : Only the IP 650 will have one so far and very overpriced.  The SPA-942 has a backlight (nice I hear), but the SPA lose on functionality big time.  If you seriously need a backlight look for an Aastra 480i
03:58.15sbingneror does this happen when it's in speakerphone mode or something
03:58.38[TK]D-Fenderitguru : Ok, you have our complete permission to do so :)
03:58.49icyfire0573speakerphone mode.
03:59.03[TK]D-Fendersbingner : No, its nags you like a joe-blow phone at the telco.
03:59.14icyfire0573yea, exactly [TK]D-Fender
03:59.30*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
03:59.38itguru[TK]D-Fender-> Okay, I see you have a sense of humour!! Okay, okay, I've play fair - and get my hands dirty myself!
03:59.50itguruI've = I'll
03:59.55icyfire0573I don't need a backlight enough to spend 250$ on it. Its just something I would really like. But I'm poor and its only for my house so I can deal.
04:00.04itguruAnd when I have a specific question, I'll jump in here!
04:00.52icyfire0573The AASTRA phones look a lot like the Altigen phones we have at work.
04:01.35itguru[TK]D-Fender-> Okay, the question I should ask first - how do I configure * to connect to my SIP providers?
04:01.52itguru[TK]D-Fender-> Or should I say, tell me where to look, so I can figure it out myself :)
04:02.14rob0sip.conf pages at the wiki
04:02.30rob0(and sip.conf itself)
04:04.32itgururob0-> That was to me... right?
04:05.48*** join/#asterisk atapi (
04:06.36rob0"vi /etc/asterisk/sip.conf" and soon enough it should be apparent. :) s/vi/$SOME_NICER_EDITOR/
04:07.06*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
04:07.16rob0Be sure to clean up the keyboard later.
04:08.55itguruThis is gonna hurt .. I think i need more lube!
04:13.39*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:21.22[TK]D-Fenderitguru : ...
04:21.36jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
04:22.02[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : You cen get the 480i for about $175 US
04:22.32[TK]D-Fendericyfire0573 : The Polycom IP 501 is a very nice phone and also goes for about $170.
04:22.44*** join/#asterisk mrc3_ (n=mrc3@
04:24.24icyfire0573Alright, I only did a quick google to find that first price.
04:24.46*** join/#asterisk Meins (
04:27.12mrc3_hi all! asterisk keeps my x100p off-hook after using the zap channel for anything. where should i be looking for errors?
04:32.01mrc3_i would say it is not hanging up correctly, because i see "Hungup 'Zap/1-1'" on the console, but line stays off-hook
04:33.38*** join/#asterisk SECGOD (
04:42.24itguruDoes DeStar have a defualt username and password?
04:43.39[TK]D-Fenderitguru : you may want to try their home page or related groups.  This isnt a place for * GUI support.
04:44.02itguru[TK]D-Fender-> thier pages give no info on that matter
04:47.53*** join/#asterisk DavoFrom818 (n=Vito310@
04:48.20DavoFrom818can someone help me, my on hold music sound is so low how can i increase the sound volume on the on hold?
04:49.03icyfire0573where is the music on hold coming from?
04:49.10DavoFrom818from the pbx
04:49.28icyfire0573Thats great. Line In? MP3 directory?
04:49.48icyfire0573how do the mp3s sound at normal volume when you play them to yourself?
04:49.59DavoFrom818nice and loud
04:50.08icyfire0573are you sure thats not your volume settings?
04:50.33icyfire0573what are you using for you config?
04:50.34DavoFrom818voldume settings in config?
04:50.44icyfire0573quitemp3, mp3 mp3nb quietmp3nb ?
04:51.17DavoFrom818where is that supposed to be?
04:51.29DavoFrom818all i have is mode and directory
04:51.50icyfire0573alright, thats fine
04:52.45icyfire0573Thats all I have here. (except for    random=yes  )
04:53.00DavoFrom818no random is not on
04:53.18brookshiretry changing mode=files to mode=loud in musiconhold.conf
04:53.18icyfire0573its not necessary, thats just what I happen to have.
04:53.24DavoFrom818so what do i do
04:54.33icyfire0573try brookshire's advice and use the  mode=mp3 to see if it will play back louder
04:54.55icyfire0573other options are to use SOX to convert to GSM or some other format and amplify the sound during the conversion
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04:55.17icyfire0573I'm off to bed now. Good Luck.
04:57.43*** part/#asterisk DavoFrom818 (n=Vito310@
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04:59.51slothis ${CALLERID(num)} available from within a macro?
04:59.57itguruokay, i think I'm getting someone where. If I have an external SIP account, I can get asterisk to connect to it by adding "register => username:password@sipprovideripaddress " to sip.conf - correct?
05:02.08brookshiresloth: i believe it should be.. if not.. you can pass it
05:02.23sloththnx, ill try it now.
05:02.54brookshireitguru: connect in what way?
05:03.20brookshirethere are there different ways to setup sip
05:03.44brookshireincoming, outgoing, and both
05:04.00itgurubrookshire-> well, basically, I'm an Aserisk virgin - so, I have to learn this REALLY quick!
05:04.11itgurubrookshire-> It's an incoming phone number
05:04.14brookshireis this for a sip phone?
05:04.51[TK]D-Fenderitguru : If you're in that big a hurry, hire a consultant to do it for you.  otherwise start with THE BOOK, and then move on to the WIKI
05:04.59jbotit has been said that book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
05:05.01jbotfrom memory, wikis is
05:06.10itguru[TK]D-Fender-> I have 24 hours to install a working asterisk box - I found out @ 2.30 AM GMT, as in london time, I'm in london, and I don't have the time to hire consultants, besides, I love a challenge
05:06.52*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
05:07.40[TK]D-Fenderitguru : Why such a tight deadline, and why is it you think you can learn faster yourself then letting someone who knows what they're doing do it from start to finish?
05:08.18brookshireitguru: i never use register => for sip
05:08.35brookshirebasically.. you need to create a context named with your username
05:09.03[TK]D-Fenderbrookshire : Guess you only deal with nice ITSP's that allow fixed IP's :)
05:09.37[TK]D-Fenderbrookshire : Only ran into one like that myself.  Freaked me out at first.
05:09.47*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
05:09.57brookshirenah.. you just set it up as friend.. and it just works :)
05:10.23itguru[TK]D-Fender-> i don't decide my deadlines, I get the phone call, I get to work - the info I have is sketchy @ the moment, I do know this is pro bono
05:10.42itguruand that it's important, and as a favour
05:10.54itgurubut trust me, I am open to all recommendadtions
05:11.12[TK]D-Fenderitguru : If you can't treat it as such and take the proper time then something very wrong with this plan.
05:11.13brookshireitguru: so is for a phone or is this from an itsp?
05:11.45[TK]D-Fenderbrookshire : He's talking about setting up * as a PBX between a few ITSP's and his soft-phone
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05:13.40itguru[TK]D-Fender-> I could approach this like a conventional contract, but I don't have the time right about now. I need something that can be demonstrated at about 11am, which is about 6 hours away, and then after that, I can sit down and implement it properly
05:14.36[TK]D-Fenderitguru : This whole setup will take a lot more than you have time for.  Either hire someone to do it for you or pick a dumbed-down GUI'd up "ready-to-eat-then-rejugitate-faster-than-nicole-ritchie" solution like Trixbox.  then after you're done with that and have satisfied people and time to actually LEARN something come back and be ready to learn from scratch.
05:14.40itgurubut for now - I can understand that my approach is wrong, but not everyone has the luxuary of time on thier hands.... right now, I'm in one of those *SHIT happens* scenarios! :)
05:15.02*** join/#asterisk sphilp (
05:15.17[TK]D-Fenderitguru : Sorry, but learning to do it from scratch will take a LOT longer than that.  Too many config files to consider.
05:15.20brookshireyeah.. asterisk is not easy to learn in one day
05:15.43brookshirei think it took me a solid week of playing around with it.. just to get my first phone call through it
05:15.49[TK]D-Fenderitguru : Why would you be busting your hump pro-bono on this?
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05:16.07brookshireif you want something immediately working.. try something like asteriskNow or trixbox
05:16.08itguru[TK]D-Fender-> I would love to do that, and as a matter of fact, I have those ISO images, right here, the box I'm working on, isn't right next to me, it's 50 miles away, on site, with a basic debian install on it, and I'm connected to it via SSH - otherwise, I would have gone with that soultion
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05:16.56[TK]D-Fenderitguru : EVEN BETTER!  Yay for you!  Here's a paddle, cause you've got a LOT of creek to backtrace on now...
05:17.09itguru[TK]D-Fender-> I have no idea! lol ! I guess it's because I've been telling myself for months to learn how to use this thing, and now that I've been thrown in the deep end, I'm trying to swim
05:18.18itguruBut trust me, I'll get it working, if only to prove my boss wrong! and besides, my GF was already super pissed of with me, so bedtime wasn't really that much fun
05:18.54itgurudammit!! just had a brain wave
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05:19.10itguruThanks [TK]D-Fender you gave me an idea
05:19.30[TK]D-Fenderitguru : Try crack.  That outta straighten that little "blip" back to a nice comfortable flat-line ;)
05:21.54[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : I don't want to meet your mom!
05:22.11[TK]D-Fenderanother good punch-line GONE!
05:23.10DrAk0SXNov 30 01:17:14 WARNING[22997]: chan_sip.c:9845 handle_response_register: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register
05:23.19DrAk0SXthis error means?
05:23.39file[TK]D-Fender: I just want
05:23.48puzzledDrAk0SX: upgrade :)
05:24.07[TK]D-Fenderfile : ! ! !
05:24.14[TK]D-Fenderfile : Safe at first!
05:24.34DrAk0SXpuzzled, im on 1.2.13
05:24.40file[TK]D-Fender: :D
05:25.10itguru[TK]D-Fender-> Okay, this is my new plan, inspired by you - okay, I'm firing up a virtual machine right now, and I'm going to do a trixbox install, and get it working all nice - THEN, burn the sucker to DVD, take my DVD, lappy, and various live CD's I have on site - ghost the VM over to the real machine, boot it up, check it works, which it should, and sigh a huge fat breath of relief, and laugh at my boss
05:25.53DrAk0SXI don't know if what im trying to do is correct, I have a SIP account on that server and I want to register my account to my asterisk server so I can managed the incomming and outgoing calls from my asterisk.
05:26.18puzzledDrAk0SX: have you searched google for the error?
05:26.40DrAk0SXpuzzled, but is possible what i want to do?
05:27.01puzzledDrAk0SX: yes
05:27.08[TK]D-Fenderitguru : Ok well good luc, there will still be a learning curnce to learn its way of work, plus the actualy manipulation time, but its more realistic than learning from scratch, though slower that hiring a consultant.
05:27.31puzzledinstalling Trixbox is one thing. Configuring it is a whole different story
05:27.40[TK]D-Fenderitguru : "Good Luck With All Of That".  You've got an interesting challenge, you may need it.
05:28.01itgurupuzzled-> thanks for the support :)
05:28.20file[TK]D-Fender: sleep? good idea
05:28.20puzzleditguru: just telling you how I experienced that beast
05:28.47puzzledfile: I thought you abolished sleep?!
05:29.08itgurupuzzled-> I know, i'm sorry, i'm really jacked up on coffee, and my GF is pissed of with me, and I have about 6 hours to pull a miracle out my ass
05:30.02puzzleditguru: good luck :)
05:30.17[TK]D-Fenderfile : +/- 30 mins
05:30.24*** join/#asterisk BSDTech (
05:30.47BSDTechwhere can I svn all the current sounds
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05:30.54BSDTechI cant find a svn link
05:31.05itguruAnd then, once miracle is done, need to buy girlfriend a shiny thing, with price tag of a small second hand family car, continue to laugh at boss because of the miracle, and also make sure miracle doesn't fall apart on first day :)
05:31.14*** join/#asterisk Meins_ (
05:31.19puzzledBSDTech: i think the developer section on tells you where to find them
05:32.39BSDTechnope not seeing it
05:32.58jboti guess wglwat is well, good luck with all that
05:32.58*** part/#asterisk sphilp (
05:33.11DrAk0SXFailed to authenticate on INVITE to '"Luis Jose Da Silva"
05:33.43itguruOkay, guys, i'm building my plan of attack - first round of configuration will be me configuring two softphones, on two computers, to call each other, via asterisk - that should tell me everything is working, right?
05:33.43[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : Thanks for the reminder ;)
05:34.27itguruthen, I plan on configuring an external SIP account to connect to one of the softphones, to make sure, outside calls can make it into my box
05:34.34[TK]D-Fenderitguru : at least that part.  You'll have ALL sorts of little things to figure out hard & fast.
05:34.47BSDTechI need all the current sounds
05:35.10BSDTech1.2.1 tar is old I know more sounds have been added
05:35.23BSDTechbut not finding the svn link
05:35.24puzzledthen just get trunk
05:35.39BSDTechthere is no trunk for sounds
05:35.43itgurui have my energy drinks, and my iPod - I'M READY!!!!
05:35.54BSDTechthere is no sounds src dir on svn
05:36.04puzzledah ok
05:36.07BSDTechthat I can find
05:36.42BSDTechthats why I am asking
05:37.02Un1xw0ah i didn't even know Blueray Burners are already for sale
05:37.04Un1xim buying one :D
05:38.32[TK]D-FenderUn1x : AND ADDORABLE PRICED TOO! (ymmv)
05:39.37BSDTechok thanks
05:40.12BSDTechI have everythign but freepbx upand running
05:40.21BSDTechand tomarrow I work on it
05:40.31BSDTechthen I have a rocking system
05:40.40itgurublueray burner?!
05:42.27[TK]D-Fenderitguru : Back to work slacker!
05:43.30BSDTechsorry correction I also have to patch asterisk-addons-1.4 for bsd
05:43.37BSDTechthen I will have a rocking system
05:43.49Un1xfrepbx sucks
05:44.01BSDTech2.2 rocks
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05:44.07BSDTechits much better
05:44.18Un1xerr oh freepbx
05:44.22BSDTechyes they are now on 2.2 rc1
05:44.31Un1xheh i hatre it man if you want a GUI soooo bad why not go with Ast-GUI
05:44.32BSDTechyes I am porting it
05:44.55Un1xmaybe i should startup a bounty for the BSDdev team
05:44.58BSDTechastgui is 2 years behind freepbx and lacks sql
05:45.11Un1xfirst one to port a stable version of zaptel for freebsd gets certtain ammount of $$
05:45.22Un1xmaybe that owuld incourage some devs to do it so i can get myass off slackware :P
05:45.36BSDTechits already in the works and there is a current zaptel on bsd its in the ports
05:45.50BSDTechthey are working on 1.4 zaptel now
05:45.55BSDTechto late
05:46.05BSDTechthere is a asterisk-bsd dev  team
05:46.11Un1xpanasonic makes them for about 700$ itguru
05:46.12BSDTechand a mailing list
05:46.24[TK]D-Fenderok, bedtime for Bonzo here...
05:46.27Un1xbsdtech asterisk already runs on BSD perfectly..
05:46.29Un1xim talking zaptel
05:46.52BSDTechzaptel is in the ports
05:47.04BSDTechand they are working to port the 1.4 zaptel now
05:47.29BSDTechbeen aroiund awhile
05:47.36BSDTechwe are upto 1.0.1
05:47.38Un1xYes, but its not stable man learn to read
05:47.39BSDTechon it
05:47.40Un1xits still beta
05:47.51BSDTechno its outa beta
05:48.03Un1xsince when because i just looked at pages few days ago
05:48.06Un1xand it said still beta
05:48.10BSDTechI have 4 rhino cards on bsd and the drivers work fine
05:48.14Un1xand everyone responded its not stable,,, and it crashes
05:48.21Un1xnot for the TDM400P
05:48.27BSDTechthe page has not been updated in so long
05:48.50BSDTechget the svn
05:49.01Un1xI see.
05:49.12Un1xoh well i already installed asterisk + zaptel on slackware now...
05:49.18Un1xon the 26 kernel
05:49.27Un1xno point removing it after all that work last night just to switch to bsd
05:49.28BSDTechI will get access this next week and update the page
05:50.03BSDTechI am doing a slack box with the bsd layout
05:50.09Un1xoh well still ive already done kernel on this one not going to waste another few hours switch to bsd make custom kernel include dual core support etc
05:50.16Un1xwhen its already been done :P
05:50.16BSDTechbut my plan is to doop trixbox on bsd
05:50.23Un1xscrew trixbox :P
05:50.38BSDTechno there are some new tools that are great
05:50.43Un1xwow BD burners are slow
05:50.47Un1xburning speed = 2x
05:50.49BSDTechbeta2 of 2.0 changes things
05:50.55Un1x# 2X BD-R, BD-RE, BD-R DL, BD-RE DL
05:50.55Un1x# 8X DVD+R
05:50.55Un1x# 8X DVD±RW
05:50.55Un1x# 6X DVD-RW
05:50.55Un1x# 5X DVD-RAM
05:51.27BSDTechwell back to patching and porting
05:51.45BSDTechthams for pointing to the sounds I can make a sounds port now also
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06:00.05*** join/#asterisk niZon (
06:00.20niZonanyone setup the contact list on a polycom IP301?
06:00.33*** part/#asterisk Meins_ (
06:02.41CunningPikeniZon: What's your question?
06:04.24niZonjust wondering how to get the directory stuff to actually save when entering it on the phone
06:04.34niZonI can go through and create a contact, but it won't save
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06:14.05brookshirenizon: see provisioning :)
06:14.26brookshireenable updates
06:14.36brookshirethe polycom will save on reboot
06:14.58brookshireenable updates on the server.. i mean
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06:15.08wasimyusuf is 6 runs short of viv richards all time most runs in a calendar year record :)
06:15.10brookshireso.. like.. setup a public read/writeable ftp
06:15.18brookshirewith your configs
06:15.38kph100each time a new file is added to musiconhold directory, asterisk needs to be reloaded....  is there a way around this?
06:16.04niZonyeah i have the ftp (well, tftp, i'm lazy)
06:16.05kph100if a wav file is removed from the dir, then musiconhold app fails.
06:16.09niZonand it gets the configs
06:16.13shellsharkkph100: add a cron script to reload asterisk once an hour?
06:16.13niZonjust trying to find that setting
06:16.26brookshiretftp is not the same as ftp but it should work the same
06:17.01kph100shellshark--  any other ways?
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06:17.22brookshirekph: stream your music on hold?
06:17.54shellsharkkph100: you could always write a shell script to do adding/removing of MOH files... it would copy the file to the correct directory, as well as reload
06:18.12shellsharkthat would probably be a bit more effective
06:18.20brookshireshellshark: or write a script that monitors for changes
06:18.40shellsharkbrookshire: but that's using excess CPU
06:18.52kph100a delete of one musiconhold file needs a asterisk reload?
06:19.14shellsharkbrookshire: as you'd need to write a daemon that periodically probed for added or deleted files, then take action
06:19.31shellsharkbrookshire: if you wrote a script to add / delete files for you, there would be a lot less overhead
06:19.48kph100thats really not good.
06:20.16shellsharkah yes, streaming is also a very effective solution
06:20.30kph100streaming from where?
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06:21.48shellsharklocal machine
06:21.54shellsharksetup icecast or something
06:22.03brookshirekph100: have you tried native music on hold?
06:22.15kph100native/  no,
06:22.27brookshireit's another music on hold engine
06:22.54kph100needs reload ?
06:22.59brookshirei have no idea
06:23.02brookshireworth a try?
06:23.10shellsharkyeah it does need a reload
06:23.15shellsharki use native here
06:23.22clyrradif you change moh engine you definaly need to reload
06:23.28shellsharknative and files are the same thing
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06:23.46clyrradnative works well for me
06:23.48shellsharkclyrrad: your statement is not relative to our conversation ;)
06:24.18brookshireyou could always submit a patch :)
06:24.46kph100musiconhold.conf should be made realtime.
06:25.01brookshirewhat purpose?
06:25.45shellsharkrealtime musiconhold.conf would not solve the problem
06:26.09*** join/#asterisk Ambrose (
06:26.16kph100instead of defining classes. actual path to audio file would be stored in db table.
06:27.38wasimcongrats yusuf!
06:28.12wasim1712 runs at an average higher than bradmans!
06:28.21Qwellkph100: We're working on something that would make that possible
06:28.39Qwelloh, wait, nm
06:28.46Qwelljust the path to the file?
06:29.17AmbroseCan anyone recommend a good external FXO ?
06:29.19brookshireqwell: work on stuff!
06:29.30kph100the playback cmd uses filename as parameter.
06:29.45Qwellbrookshire: tired
06:30.15brookshireqwell: find me a fedora core whatever box to play on :)
06:31.13*** join/#asterisk mixx941_ (
06:32.06Shaun2222i there anyway at all to tell how a dial() was awnswered..
06:32.32Shaun2222for example i have a macro that i use but i want the macro to stop if it detects that it's in voicemail and wasnt answered by a person
06:33.17wasimyeah, you want NVFaxDetect or something of that sort
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07:06.06ZefkHi, I'm running asterisk 1.2.13 on FC5 with B410P board. I use only port 1 of the board. Inbound and outbound calls via BRI port is working. I have the following message when asterisk starts: mISDN dss1 fromup without proc pr=10180 dinfo(0). Could be anything wrong? Thx.
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07:12.52j0is there any program for viewing sip traces? even something with syntax highlighting would be nice
07:16.09jeff1try wireshark at
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07:26.29j0jeff1: is there a way to do remote captures of a linux box with it? i know its possible with windows
07:26.42j0i've been coyping tcpdump logs over and then viewing in wireshark, but it's time consuming
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07:27.34j0arg.. here we go again.. asterisk just killed my box on a reload
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07:35.32parag_astHi, If i want that a asterisk trunk should keep registering after every 1 min to the remote asterisk server then what do i need to set in my iax.conf ??
07:35.47parag_astis there any registry time out field is there
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08:05.06DavoFrom818anyone here use sunrocket?
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08:46.42mesfetHi! A question regarding SIP protocol: can asterisk send to the SIP  phone a line of information to be displayed? I mean information displayed during dialplan parsing.
08:47.33mesfetInformation like "Transfer call to blablabla" or the name of the called number, ....
08:47.50dlynes_laptopmesfet: yes, but it depends on whether your phone supports it or not, as to whether anythign will happen with it
08:48.03dlynes_laptopmesfet: you would use the sip header functions
08:48.14mesfetdlynes_laptop: Very good!
08:48.28shellsharkdlynes_laptop: would a polycom phone support such things?
08:48.36dlynes_laptopmesfet: Aastra phones support it; I think Polycom and Cisco also support it
08:48.55dlynes_laptopmesfet: but don't quote me on the polycom and's just an educated guess
08:49.25shellsharkcould you make the phone display something without having to call the phone or have the phone be on an active call?
08:49.47shellsharksend an INVITE to it, for example, with just an arbitrary line of text?
08:50.10tmSpricht hier wer deutsch? :-)
08:50.44mesfetdlynes_laptop: please could you tell me which is the SIP header to be set to display something?
08:50.48shellsharktm: mich deutsch ist schisse ;)
08:51.04shellsharktm: spreche englisch?
08:51.22dlynes_laptopmesfet: it's going to be dependent on your particular phone
08:51.29tmshellshark: :P
08:51.30dlynes_laptopmesfet: sip_header is very phone-specific
08:52.36brianhey, just wondering if there is anyway at all to listen for DTMF on a meetme conference using fastagi?
08:52.36dlynes_laptopmesfet: or sipaddheader, that is
08:53.10mesfetI'll try to googling some information, and let you know.
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08:53.19mesfetdlynes_laptop: many thanks for instance.
08:53.50dlynes_laptopmesfet: you can try checking
08:54.02dlynes_laptopmesfet: there's one or two references on there about how to use it for certain phones
08:54.48itguruis there anyway to tell if my truck is connecting to my external SIP provider so that incoming calls will work?
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08:56.12mesfetitguru: sip show peers ?
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08:59.18brianWhy doesn't meetme work with DTMF
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09:01.49itgurumesfet-> I don't have that command
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09:09.34E-bolaHey gguys quick question
09:09.34E-bolamy sip->pstn provider no wants me to stop registering with their server
09:09.34E-bolaand just accept incoming calls
09:09.42E-bolai can see they send me an invite to a certain contact like randomaccountid@my_ip
09:09.43E-bolahow do i get asterisk to work with this kind of setup?
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09:23.17dlynes_laptopE-bola: to just accept connections without a registration?
09:23.40E-boladlynes_laptop: yes
09:23.48E-bolathey simply send me invite's
09:23.53dlynes_laptopJust set it up normally
09:24.03E-bolawhats normal? :)
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09:32.14brianWhy doesn't meetme work with DTMF
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09:56.31E-boladlynes_laptop: ?
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09:56.44dlynes_laptopE-bola: sorry...been kinda busy
09:56.50dlynes_laptopE-bola: getting a build to work on solaris
09:57.01E-bolano worries
09:57.36E-bolathis may be a a rather dumb question but.... i just wanted asterisk to accept invites of a form dfgsdfhakjsdfg43545@
09:57.48E-bolado i need to specify it somewhere in sip.conf?
09:57.59E-bolacuz its apparently not enough to just have the number matched in extension.conf
09:58.29dlynes_laptopdfgsdfhakjsdfg43545 if I remember correctly is the username for the sip connection
09:58.43dlynes_laptopi.e. the value in the [...] in the sip.conf file
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10:02.04Chris-NBmy asterisk is connected via E1 to an alcatel 4400. if I try to make a call from a sipphone via alcatel out to the pstn, the alcatel does not rescieve that the sipphone when the sipphone hangs the call up
10:02.37Chris-NBthe call is still beeing established or continuing
10:02.43Chris-NBanybody discovered this?
10:02.48dlynes_laptopE-bola: sip.conf is for incoming calls, not extension.conf
10:03.33dlynes_laptopChris-NB: that's probably a setting in your zaptel.conf file, or your alcatel
10:04.32E-boladlynes_laptop: well u control incoming calls with extension.conf
10:04.41dlynes_laptopE-bola: no you donm't
10:04.54dlynes_laptopE-bola: You just decide where they go with extensions.conf
10:04.55E-bolathe dialplan?
10:05.01dlynes_laptopE-bola: they're not validated in extensions.conf
10:05.03E-bolayes thats controling what happens with them
10:05.20dlynes_laptopE-bola: they're validated in the channel driver config file
10:05.29E-bolajust a matter of lingo
10:05.39E-bolabut ok so i need to make entries for each contact my isp sends me?
10:05.58dlynes_laptopE-bola: you generally need to define one sip entry for the ISP
10:06.07dlynes_laptopE-bola: they'll pass you a username and password, usually
10:06.19E-bolai have 2 entries for each of my isp's
10:06.24E-bolasince they loadbalance that way
10:06.27dlynes_laptopE-bola: ok
10:06.29E-bolabut thats only for outgoing calls
10:06.42dlynes_laptopE-bola: it'll probably suffice for incoming calls, also
10:06.54dlynes_laptopE-bola: define the isp as a 'friend', instead of as a 'peer'
10:07.00E-bola--- (23 headers 13 lines) ---
10:07.00E-bolaIgnoring this INVITE request
10:07.06E-bolaatm its ignoring the invites form the isp...
10:07.19dlynes_laptopE-bola: type=friend
10:07.48E-bolathe text in the 2 [ and ] doesnt matter?
10:08.14dlynes_laptopE-bola: shouldn't, should be the same as whatever it currently is (assuming it's currently being used
10:08.23E-bolaok testing...
10:08.55E-bolanope no go
10:09.27E-bolaFound no matching peer or user for '
10:09.46dlynes_laptopE-bola: paste your sip.conf file, and scrub your passwords out of it
10:09.46E-bolahmm ok
10:09.54E-bolathey dont call me from the same ip as iu call through
10:10.14dlynes_laptopE-bola: set up some other sip entries then
10:10.30E-bolain the progress of doing just that :)
10:10.34E-bolai guess ile skip secret
10:10.38E-bolaand put insecure very
10:11.16zapp-braniganhi, when i compile the asterisk in fedora 6 give a error linux/compiler.h not found because the fedora not use now the glibc-kernheaders and use the kernel-headers, how can compile this ?  
10:11.55zapp-branigani how is editing the /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include/linux
10:12.22zapp-braniganbut what line i must to comment?
10:14.55E-bolaFound no matching peer or user for ''
10:15.15E-bolaeven if i have an entry in sip.conf
10:15.17dlynes_laptopE-bola: pastebin your sip.conf and your log file
10:15.22E-boladlynes: ok
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10:20.36brianWhy doesn't meetme work with DTMF
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10:21.07briani want to make my meetme conference say the call count when the user presses 8 (or whatever key) how can I accomplish this?
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10:27.10dlynes_laptopbrian: customize the app_meetme.c code?
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10:29.22brianexten => _X,1,AGI(agi://localhost:4575) <-- shouldn't this respond to any extension pressed in?
10:29.29brian(1 digit long)
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10:35.33xnonanybody here speak spanish!??
10:35.48xnoni need any help with a problem friends
10:35.59xnonmy english is not so good
10:36.32xnoni have a big problem with de hangup in my PSTN line connected to a TDM12B
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10:40.53dlynes_laptopwazza problem with the tdm12b, xnon?
10:41.04xnonyes friend! :(
10:41.35xnonwith the polarity call
10:41.35xnoni think so
10:41.49xnoni was use the patch for this
10:42.01dlynes_laptopshouldn't need a patch
10:42.02xnonbut my asterisk aplication is broken now
10:42.09dlynes_laptopxnon: which country are you in?
10:42.17xnonVenezuela :P
10:42.28xnonVenezuela Latinamerica
10:42.42dlynes_laptopOk, so the phone lines there...are the analog lines the same as north america?
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10:43.07DrAk0SXits a spain line
10:43.07dlynes_laptopvenezuela's south america, not latin america :)
10:43.21dlynes_laptopDrAk0SX: ?
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10:43.54DrAk0SXdlynes_laptop, the pstn line he's trying to use is a spain's line, in spain.
10:44.04dlynes_laptopDrAk0SX: oh
10:44.25xnondlynes_laptop, DrAk0SX is a good friend!
10:44.30dlynes_laptopDrAk0SX: so iow, it might not have disconnect supervision then, eh?
10:44.33DrAk0SXdlynes_laptop, and the problem is when someone call and hangup it doesnt register the hangup even and the call stay open for minutes
10:45.01xnonDrAk0SX, explicale al pana que eres un buen amigo mio que trabajamos juntos pero que tu tienes la lengua inglesa y yo la japonesa con mayonesa jejeeje
10:45.04dlynes_laptopDrAk0SX: I think i recall that some countries in the EU don't have disconnect supervision avaialble on their lines
10:45.12xnonel es un pana de Canada
10:45.23xnones full pana siempre me  da una mano cuando puede
10:45.36dlynes_laptopxnon: what about Canada?
10:45.53DrAk0SXdlynes_laptop, he says you are from Canada
10:46.06dlynes_laptopi thought that's what that was, but wasn't sure
10:46.19dlynes_laptopHe is a person from Canada (direct translation), right?
10:46.20DrAk0SXdlynes_laptop, he is kinda trying to introduce us hehe
10:46.37DrAk0SXdlynes_laptop, something like that , yes
10:46.43dlynes_laptopnot sure what pana is, but it's a guess
10:47.03DrAk0SXdlynes_laptop, pana is la friend, pal.
10:47.14dlynes_laptopI thought friend was amigo?
10:47.23DrAk0SXdlynes_laptop, so, how we can solve that problem?
10:47.34xnonjejejejeeeje PANA = GOOD FRIEND
10:47.41dlynes_laptopHe needs to find out if disconnect supervision is on the line or not
10:47.50dlynes_laptopAnd if it isn't, try to get it put on there
10:47.59dlynes_laptopThen make sure he's using kewlstart signalling
10:48.10dlynes_laptop'ks' in asterisk-speak
10:48.42DrAk0SXdlynes_laptop, thats an external device?
10:49.03dlynes_laptopDrAk0SX: disconnect supervision?
10:49.54dlynes_laptopNo, it's a feature your telco can put on the line
10:50.00Aursdoes that have anything to do with the BAD! BAD! BAD! errormsg?
10:50.01dlynes_laptopIt's standard on north american lines
10:50.12dlynes_laptopbut it's not standard on a lot of european lines
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10:52.27DrAk0SXdlynes_laptop, what if they dont?
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10:52.43dlynes_laptopDrAk0SX: ask them to put it on
10:53.06dlynes_laptopDrAk0SX: if they can't put it on, you're not going to be able to detect a hangup
10:53.23dlynes_laptopDrAk0SX: so then, you'll need to figure out some kind of kludge to handle it
10:53.51DrAk0SXI see
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10:56.40dlynes_laptopDrAk0SX: do you understand everything, then?
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10:58.27DrAk0SXI guess so
10:59.09dlynes_laptopYou don't sound too confident :)
11:00.07DrAk0SXJust I don't think telefonica is going to put anything on that line :/
11:00.24dlynes_laptopwhy not?
11:00.29dlynes_laptopthey suck really really bad?
11:01.08DrAk0SXfor what i've heard , yes , but... who knows xnon is going to call in few min.
11:01.27dlynes_laptopDrAk0SX: tell him to scream at them in Italian
11:02.30briancan you use something like _X in a context name?
11:02.57dlynes_laptopcan't recall if it can begin with '_', or not, but it can certainly have '_''s in it
11:03.10brianI mean like...a wildcard number
11:03.26brianI don't want to create 20 contexts that all have the same stuff in them.
11:03.38dlynes_laptopbrian: so use contextual includes then
11:03.49briancontextual includes?
11:04.03dlynes_laptopinclude => thisdialplancontext
11:04.10brianBut I still have to use 20 different sections
11:04.22brianI don't like it :P
11:04.28dlynes_laptopdeal with it
11:04.33dlynes_laptopor don't create so many sections
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11:08.14DrAk0SXwill do
11:08.49dlynes_laptophshs == hehe?
11:09.28dlynes_laptopxnon: como esta?
11:10.21dlynes_laptopDrAk0SX: so what country are you from?
11:10.50xnonyo muy bien y tu como estas?
11:10.54Aursdlynes_laptop: hshs = haha, of course
11:11.12Aursand jeje = hehe
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11:11.23dlynes_laptopmuy bueno
11:11.38dlynes_laptopgracias senor
11:11.57xnonen un momento llamo a Telefonica para pedir el soporte que nos comentas
11:11.59dlynes_laptopAurs: well, I knew jeje was the same as hehe
11:12.04DrAk0SXdlynes_laptop, Venezuela
11:12.14Aurs(quote fawlty towers)
11:12.16dlynes_laptopDrAk0SX: and xnon work together?
11:12.27dlynes_laptopAurs: bbc sitcom
11:12.51Aursdlynes_laptop: yep. and there is a funny spanish guy in that series
11:13.10xnonAurs where u from?
11:13.16dlynes_laptopque is french, not spanish
11:13.34wasimque cera cera is french?
11:13.45dlynes_laptopyou mean que sera sera?
11:14.11dlynes_laptopvery famous song
11:14.14Aursxnon: norway
11:14.21wasimi always thought it was spanish for some reason
11:14.23RoyKwasim prater bare tull likevel :)
11:14.24dlynes_laptopHolly Cole Trio did a great remake of it
11:14.40wasimnever saw the movie either
11:14.41Aursso how do you type "que?" (what?) in spanish, then
11:15.01DrAk0SXAurs, "qué"
11:15.04wasim'tis ok, i'm fasting today
11:15.21RoyKwasim: i thought the ramadan was over.....
11:15.31wasimRoyK: yeh, voluntary
11:15.42Aurslife in the fasting lane
11:15.47RoyKweight loss? :)
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11:15.53wasimRoyK: :) bingo!
11:16.13wasimRoyK: and also make up for 15 years of missed fasts
11:16.16RoyKLet Them Eat Cake
11:16.34RoyKwasim: by fasting a year or so? :)
11:16.36DrAk0SXI'm starving....
11:16.46E-bolawhen my ISP send me an invite
11:16.49wasimRoyK: 3 times a week, 3 to 4 years
11:16.51E-bolai match it by the ip its comming from
11:16.53xnonDrAk0SX, crm@902 esta vacio
11:16.55dlynes_laptopI thought ramadan was on for another week or two yet?
11:16.58E-bolabut my asterisk server sends back a 404 not found
11:16.59xnonDrAk0SX, solo le cambiare el pass
11:17.03E-bolawhat is it that isnt found?
11:17.12wasimdlynes_laptop: nope, ended about 4 weeks ago
11:17.28dlynes_laptopbut muslims don't drink beer
11:17.34wasimrignes, we do!
11:17.35dlynes_laptopor at least they're not supposed to :)
11:17.46RoyKwasim: the breakfast? the time you break the fast? ringnes, though
11:18.14wasimRoyK: sunrise to sunset
11:18.22RoyKbreakfast :)
11:18.42Aurswasim: .no?
11:18.57wasimAurs: non
11:19.04E-bolacan soebody please take a look?
11:19.06Aursbut? ringnes?
11:19.12E-bolaim trying to understand why its doing a 404
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11:19.14wasimAurs: can't help it, the viking gave a gift
11:19.35AursRoyK, du må jo sende dahls!
11:20.23bluemonojust a friendly hi, I'm just entering the world of asterisk :)
11:20.44Aurshello bluemono
11:20.46wasimbluemono: bonjour
11:21.34dlynes_laptopyo quero taco bell!
11:22.48RoyKAurs: Aass, kanskje. Det er visst populært på amerikanske homsebarer :)
11:22.58dlynes_laptopE-bola: because it's trying to go to an extension that doens't exist in your context 'Incoming'
11:23.05RoyKwasim == paki
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11:23.24dlynes_laptopE-bola: Looking for K0000150333369975 in Incoming (domain
11:23.49dlynes_laptopE-bola: you don't have an extension of 'K0000150333369975' defined in your 'Incoming' dialplan context
11:24.04E-boladlynes_laptop: just figured it out
11:24.25E-bolaAs a general question to everyone: Isnt it a bit insecure to let any ip send u invite's?
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11:27.28dlynes_laptopE-bola: your outgoing context and your incoming context the same context?
11:28.12AursRoyK: lol
11:29.10oejRoyK: Du bör nog lägga in patchen jag just committade till 1.2
11:29.30oejTalking in a secret language
11:29.52shellsharklooks like dutch to me
11:29.56shellsharkor norsk ;)
11:30.15oejActually Swedish - to a norwegian.
11:31.42shellsharkswedish, dutch, norsk.... they all look the same to me ;)
11:32.33jm|workall greek?
11:32.49E-boladlynes_laptop: no they are different
11:33.15RoyKoej: kan jeg få? er det om det kræsjen?
11:33.21dlynes_laptopE-bola: shouldn't be an issue, then
11:33.48E-boladlynes_laptop: alright
11:33.52oejRoyK: Det var något jag hittade på ett system med 1.0 idag, men också kan drabba 1.2
11:33.56oejenkel patch
11:33.58dlynes_laptopE-bola: there's probably still security implications, but whatever security implications there might be, there's also issues with people not being able to send you calls if you tighten it up too much, too
11:34.01oejEtt tacken i en rad
11:34.53E-boladlynes_laptop: i guess. It just seemed more secure to use register lines
11:35.56Aursoej: bra at bugfixer er forbeholdt de som kan lese svensk ;)
11:36.08*** join/#asterisk olivier__ (
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11:36.26oejAurs: gotta keep some thing secret :-)
11:37.29*** join/#asterisk Hello2007 (
11:38.09Hello2007when i delete my voice mail using a phone, are they also physically deleted from the * server?
11:39.30oejyes, if you use the voicemailmain menus, Hello2007
11:39.46Hello2007ok, thanks
11:39.49E-boladlynes_laptop: my isp just told me they will be sending me calls from a random range of ip addresses
11:39.57E-bolahow do i make a contact to accept anything?
11:40.06E-bolahost => dynamic?
11:40.27E-bolammm and that doesnt depend on register lines?
11:40.28Hello2007but you choose to undelete the deleted mail?
11:40.28*** join/#asterisk lat1234 (n=lat@
11:40.34E-bolahost = dynamic|hostname|IPAddr : How to find the client - IP # or host name. If you want the phone to register itself, use the keyword dynamic instead of Host IP.
11:40.36dlynes_laptopbut if it's going to be dynamic
11:40.41dlynes_laptopthey have to register
11:40.43Hello2007but you can to undelete the deleted mail?
11:40.45E-bolathen it wont work
11:40.48dlynes_laptopI think
11:40.55lat1234anyone who knows how to run asterisk as a service/background in linux?
11:40.59lat1234anyone who knows how to run asterisk as a service/background in linux?
11:41.03dlynes_laptopsomeone else might be able to give you a more certain answer, though
11:41.11dlynes_laptoplat1234: safe_asterisk
11:41.17Hello2007but how can you choose to undelete a delete mail?
11:41.35*** join/#asterisk glasco36 (
11:41.58dlynes_laptopHello2007: you don't
11:42.05dlynes_laptopHello2007: it's not windows
11:42.07Aursdlynes_laptop: yes, you do
11:42.14dlynes_laptopAurs: eh?
11:42.22Aurs"press 7 to delete... " *7* "press 7 to undelete"
11:42.22dlynes_laptopAurs: after you've permanently deleted it?
11:42.29Hello2007in the voicemail menu ,it is possible to choose: undelete a deleted mail
11:42.50Aursbut I think that option is gone the next time you dial in
11:42.55Aursisn't it?
11:43.02dlynes_laptopHello2007: i guess you're talking about undeleting before you hang up
11:43.02Hello2007so if they physically removed , this option should not exist,no???
11:43.10*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
11:43.10dlynes_laptopHello2007: thought you were talking about if you dialed back in again
11:43.16Hello2007ah , ok only before i hang up
11:43.28Hello2007ok, thanks
11:43.39lat1234anyone who knows how to run asterisk as a service/background in linux?
11:43.46brianis there anyway to dynamically create a context?
11:43.48dlynes_laptopHello2007: it gets put into your tmp directory or something when you delete it
11:43.52Aurslat1234: [12:40] <dlynes_laptop> lat1234: safe_asterisk
11:43.57dlynes_laptopHello2007: but when you hang up, it gets deleted from there
11:44.07Hello2007ok,i get it
11:44.13brianI mean like...a context in a database...
11:44.25brianLike SQLite
11:44.52dlynes_laptopbrian: well, you could do it using realtime, I guess, but you'd need to write your own application module or something to achieve it, unless someone else has already written it
11:45.20brianThere is no dynamic context module available?
11:45.46dlynes_laptopbrian: google and find out
11:46.21Aursyour existing context should be so dynamic itself, that you don't need to add contexts ;)
11:46.29brianAurs: what do you mean?
11:46.44brianAurs: Well, I have context that are static room_1 - room_19
11:47.01dlynes_laptopbrian: it's called a joke :)
11:47.07brianBut I also want to add the ability for non-public rooms.
11:47.33brianAnd I assumed the only way for me to retain the room number when exiting and re-entering AGI is to put it in the context...
11:47.43brianThat is a correct assumption?
11:48.27brianFastAGI handles a lot of the functions, but it just can't handle everything
11:48.37brianBecause it's limited
11:48.58*** join/#asterisk myiagy (
11:49.17brianThe way I did it is pretty neat I think.
11:50.24*** join/#asterisk sergee (i=opera@
11:50.42sergeeAny GrandStream GXV3000 users here?
11:50.49oejbrian: You can create contexts from ami and cli I believe
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11:52.09RoyKoej: did you find out anything more about that crash?
11:52.57oejRoyK: Not yet
11:53.06oejbrian: You can add extensions but not contexts from the cli
11:56.30*** join/#asterisk DerPraktikant (
11:57.29DerPraktikanthi! i got an problem with compiling bristuff with my asterisk
11:58.44DerPraktikanti use suse linux and got my asterisk at work for local voip calls
11:59.12DerPraktikantnow i wanted to connect the asterisk to an normal pbx by isdn
11:59.19dlynes_laptopbonjour, stephane
11:59.22*** join/#asterisk kristalino (
12:00.01DerPraktikantafter the installation of bristuff-0.2.0 asterisk doesnt start anymore
12:00.12DerPraktikantcan anybody help me?
12:00.59florzDerPraktikant: You possibly should actually describe your problem and not just mention that you do have a problem.
12:01.08DerPraktikantasterisk gives this erros: [ Booting............Nov 30 11:37:50 WARNING[15707]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_register_file_version
12:01.08DerPraktikantNov 30 11:37:50 WARNING[15707]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
12:02.19DerPraktikantthe cdr_custom needs the resource :asterisk:/usr/lib/asterisk/modules # ldd
12:02.33dlynes_laptopDerPraktikant: did you forget to have 'autoload=yes' in your modules.conf file?
12:03.23DerPraktikantautoload= yes
12:04.08DerPraktikantlike u can see in the text above , he needs the
12:04.18DerPraktikantbut that file doenst axist on my pc
12:04.26Aursbrian: you could always have a web gui that stores contexts in a db table, and export that to file, then do extensions reload
12:04.32dlynes_laptopDerPraktikant: are you using a precompiled asterisk?
12:05.02DerPraktikanti compiled it myself
12:05.17Aurs"enter name of new context" - click - done.
12:05.28florzDerPraktikant: Do you need cdr_custom?
12:05.55Aursif "room_1" and "room_20" are "equal", that is a easy way to do it
12:06.03DerPraktikantdo u know for what cdr_custom is for?
12:06.25dlynes_laptopDerPraktikant: if you actually compiled it yourself, it shouldn't be trying to link to a non-existent elf library
12:06.52florzDerPraktikant: Well, then you probably don't need it, so try not loading it.
12:07.06bluemono<-- newbie help needed
12:07.08dlynes_laptopnoload =>
12:07.17DerPraktikanti try it mom
12:07.23DerPraktikantthx ftw
12:07.23bluemonohow do i login?
12:07.29dlynes_laptopbluemono: to what?
12:07.33florzI guess, it could be left over from the previous asterisk installation, not actually from the most recent compile ...
12:07.42bluemonoi'm new to asterisk....linux too
12:08.11bluemonoi've been tasked to learn linux,asterisk and trixbox lol
12:08.38florzDerPraktikant: Maybe the timestamp of the file gives you a hint as to whether this is the case?
12:08.43wasimbluemono: first go learn linux, then learn asterisk
12:08.55bluemonoI've just switched the server on and it's asking for asterisk login
12:09.05florz.o( And then forget about trixbox? =:-)
12:09.27ZefkHi, I'm running asterisk 1.2.13 on FC5 with B410P board. I use only port 1 of the board. Inbound and outbound calls via BRI port is working. I have the following message when asterisk starts: "mISDN dss1 fromup without proc pr=10180 dinfo(0)". Could be anything wrong?
12:09.38bluemonodo i just insert the password here or do i need to tell it what account to login under ie. admin?
12:09.53DerPraktikant[ Booting..................Nov 30 13:09:09 WARNING[15889]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_config_AST_MONITOR_DIR
12:09.53DerPraktikantNov 30 13:09:09 WARNING[15889]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
12:10.45Aursbluemono: sounds like you are in a shell login prompt
12:10.52*** join/#asterisk AK (
12:11.33Aursand that doesn't really have anything to do with asterisk. you really should focus on learning some linux first
12:11.56Aursit will be like learning to swim before learning to float.. or something
12:12.25bluemonoah ok thanks for the advice Aurs
12:12.44Aursand what linux system do you have installed, bluemono+
12:12.47bluemonoi'm guessing the nect few months are going to be full of headaches
12:13.10bluemonoCentOS release 4.4 final?
12:13.42Aursyou can login with username root, and the root password you entered during the installation
12:13.53*** join/#asterisk santibiotico (
12:15.14santibioticoi'm witing an ivr menu for ISDN incoming calls...and the problem i'm having is the following: if i call through a cell phone or an analog phone to the ISDN number i can move through the menus without problem by pressing '1' or '2' or whatever
12:15.18bluemonolol the root password my boss gave is incorrect...oh dear not a good start
12:15.44RoyKbluemono, Aurs:
12:15.47Aursbluemono: did you not install linux?
12:15.50DerPraktikantok i tryed it , to unload the problem has no sense because he opens everytime a new that cant be loaded
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12:15.57santibioticobut if i call through a VoIP phone of my network connected to the same asterisk box, the asterisk does not recognise the keys dialed in the ivr menu
12:16.08Aursbluemono: DO NOT listen to advice from RoyK! hehehe
12:16.26santibioticodoes anybody know what could be happening?
12:16.27AKchanging root psw isn't a probleme on linux or windows
12:16.29viperdudesantibiotico: check DTMFmode on the asterisk /SIp phones
12:16.34bluemonono I've just been given the task to configure it after the person who installed it has left the company
12:16.46Aursthat is pure evil. hehe
12:16.59dlynes_laptopAurs: that's why the other guy left
12:17.00Aursbluemono: ok
12:17.08santibioticoviperdude: it's set to rfc2833
12:17.37bluemono@AK do i not need the old password to login first bvefore i change it?
12:17.41viperdudesantibiotico: try auto
12:17.44Aursbluemono: if you want to learn linux, you really should install it yourself :)
12:18.12DerPraktikantflorz are u still there?
12:18.15AKbluemono : what distrib?
12:18.39AursAK: he mentioned centos 4.4
12:18.48heh_v_waterbluemono, you can start linux in single-user mode and change root password probably
12:19.13bluemonoah that would help
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12:19.30shellsharkunless your boot loader is password-protected, then you'll need a livecd :)
12:19.33AKAurs, sry i'm not reading everything, I don't know about centos but you can try to boot on a live cd
12:19.38AKmount the partition
12:19.43shellsharkAK: yep
12:19.44AKand do a passwd
12:19.47Aursprobably password... yes.. what shellshark said.. hehe
12:19.51shellsharkchroot first
12:19.54shellsharkthen passwd
12:20.06Aursthis guy have never touched a linux system guys
12:20.07AKhaha, i'm not reading
12:20.18shellsharkotherwise it will change the password on the working environment (livecd)
12:20.32Aursbluemono: the easiest way (and you also learn from it) would be to reinstall ;)
12:20.54DerPraktikantdo anybody know what this could mean: undefined symbol: ast_register_file_version
12:20.55shellsharkthat's not the easiest way
12:21.18Aursof course it is. for a guy that don't know linux
12:21.18shellsharkthat's the cheater way to do things
12:21.20dlynes_laptopDerPraktikant: it means it doesn't have the shared object loaded into memory that contains that symbol
12:21.23Aursmy mom can install linux
12:21.35dlynes_laptopAurs: your mom is bill gates
12:21.41Aurs(or probably not)
12:21.43jmesquitaAnyone have a problem with bug #0007765????
12:21.44bluemonoit's a bit maddening that i have a server built with an os and asterisk on it but now i've to wipe it clean and re-install
12:21.55brianAnd I assumed the only way for me to retain the room number when exiting and re-entering AGI is to put it in the context...
12:21.56Aursdlynes_laptop: oh, we're doing "yo mama" jokes, are we? :P
12:21.58bluemonojust cus i don't have the root password
12:22.00brianThat is a correct assumption?
12:22.11dlynes_laptopbluemono: Just do a chroot like shellshark suggested
12:22.12DerPraktikanthow can i change this error?
12:22.12shellsharkbrian: no, you can use variables
12:22.14Aursbluemono: ok, then do not reinstall
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12:22.20brianshellshark: How would I use variables?
12:22.35shellsharkbrian: read the docs for set
12:22.37brianshellshark: Are the variables per-session?
12:22.39Aursbrian: room number can be saved in ie astdb
12:22.43*** part/#asterisk sergee (i=opera@
12:22.45shellsharkbrian: sure
12:22.50Aursso you can use DB to get room number for a given ext
12:22.50brianshellshark: The reason I didn't use variables is because i thought they were global
12:23.03bluemonoThanks guys/girls i'll spend the rest of the day getting my head around linux i guess
12:23.14shellsharkbrian: you can make them global, or set them per-session also
12:23.14brianAurs: I'm using FastAGI
12:23.26shellsharkbluemono: any questions come back and ask :)
12:23.30Aursbrian: ok, and that does not read variables?
12:23.31brianAurs: And what is astdb anyways
12:23.36brianAurs: Yes, it does
12:23.37DerPraktikantdlynes_laptop: who can i change this?
12:23.56Aursbrian: the DB function. saves to a bercley database.. /var/something/asterisk/something/astdb
12:24.00dlynes_laptopbluemono: Just boot up with a linux bootable cd, mount your root partition from your hard drive, do a chroot do that mounted directory, type 'passwd', and then type in the new root password
12:24.02brianAurs: But for some say I do MeetMeCount|var, when the conference is empty it sets the variable to 1
12:24.10dlynes_laptopbluemono: then reboot, remove the cd from the drive, and you'll be good to go
12:24.17dlynes_laptopbluemono: no need to reformat and reinstall
12:24.20shellsharkAurs: berkely*
12:24.31Aursok, berkely
12:24.36brianI don't want to use Berkeley, I want to use SQLite
12:24.55viperdudedlynes_laptop: the user bluemono has never used linux before... might be a bit too much for him
12:24.56Aursok, then use SQLite
12:25.07shellsharkbrian: just use session variables then, pick them up in your AGI, then use whatever DB backend from the AGI you want to
12:25.11bluemonodlynes_laptop: your a star :)
12:25.17brianI don't think variables will work because I have to disconnect and reconnect the FastAGI
12:25.21shellsharkbluemono: and no credit to me, eh? :)
12:25.28shellsharkbrian: so?
12:25.41shellsharkbrian: as long as you don't jump context they'll still be set
12:25.41brianThere are session variables in asterisk?
12:25.43dlynes_laptopbluemono: like i said...shellshark already told you...I just gave you more details
12:25.50bluemonosure shellshark
12:25.51RoyKjmesquita: i'd try to downgrade to 1.2.8, 1.2.9, and so on to locate it. perhaps try to upgrade to 1.2.13
12:25.52shellsharkbrian: didn't I just say that? :)
12:25.54Aursbrian: channel vars are alive as long as the channel is (i think?)
12:25.57brianI didn't know all that.
12:26.05dlynes_laptopviperdude: It's a lot less for him than trying to figure out how to install linux and set it up
12:26.09brianBut it's still complicating...
12:26.11DerPraktikantdlynes_laptop: who can i change this? who can i load that shared object?
12:26.13shellsharkAurs: as long as you don't jump context
12:26.19brianWell...I guess not
12:26.22shellsharkbrian: it's very simple, read the docs
12:26.22brianI guess that will work
12:26.23brianLet's see
12:26.27viperdudedlynes_laptop: depends I thought trixbox was boot from CD and go
12:26.35brianso I use the AGI command SET VARIABLE right?
12:26.35shellsharkviperdude: it is
12:26.41jmesquitaRoyK: I have it on 1.2.13 now
12:26.43dlynes_laptopviperdude: he's using trixbox?
12:26.45shellsharkbrian: set it from your dialplan
12:26.48bluemonoi have the trixbox cd here
12:26.48jmesquitaRoyK: And I still have this annoying bug
12:26.48viperdudethats what he said
12:26.54brianshellshark: My dialplan?
12:26.57Aursbrian: you can set it before AGI runs
12:26.57jmesquitaRoyK: The problem is that this is a hard problem to track
12:27.06shellsharkbrian: that's what i said ;)
12:27.08brianAurs: Err, I have to set it before AGI runs?
12:27.09dlynes_laptopviperdude: but even still, he'd still have to figure out where the config files are, and back them up and that kinda thing
12:27.13jmesquitaRoyK: I haven't been able to really identify how and why these missing events occur
12:27.14Aursbrian: extensions.conf
12:27.17bluemonotrixbox v1.2.3
12:27.22shellsharkbrian: you don't HAVE to, but that's common practice
12:27.25brianMother #$!%
12:27.27dlynes_laptopviperdude: it's more work to reconfigure trixbox than doing a simple chroot
12:27.43brianshellshark: Well, in my case...
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12:27.48Aurshehe, I won't force you to do it brian. just a possible solution
12:27.51viperdudedlynes_laptop: i have never used it so I bow to your knowledge :-)
12:27.52bluemonochroot is like change directory?
12:27.53brianshellshark: They might not be in a room at all.
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12:28.11shellsharkbrian: I know nothing of your setup, so saying "room" means nothing to me ;)
12:28.18brianshellshark: meetme conference
12:28.18Aursbrian: then the variable would be empty. and your AGI should be able to handle that
12:28.18shellsharkbrian: as does "they"
12:28.33shellsharkAurs: yep
12:28.49brianAurs: So set an example variable?
12:29.02Aurswith SQLite? never used that one
12:29.24brianI don't think I need a SQL database for this part.
12:29.41DerPraktikantdoes anybody know who i can an isdn-card with an cologne-chip?
12:29.59Aursno, and DB (astdb/berkley) is not sql
12:30.01brianI know that
12:30.09dlynes_laptopviperdude: neither have I
12:30.13brianI'm talking about SQL within my FastAGI application :P
12:30.15Aursyou can easily save and read vars with DB function
12:30.22dlynes_laptopviperdude: but even if it's just simple asterisk, and not trixbox
12:30.32Aursexten => _X.,10,DBget(mb1=${ext}/room)
12:30.33brianI'm not going to use DB functions within Asterisk, i'm going to do that within FastAGI
12:30.33heh_v_waterbluemono, since your new to linux if you don't know what a command does man it meaning.. man chroot
12:30.33dlynes_laptopviperdude: He's still gotta figure out how to back up his config files from that box
12:30.41DerPraktikantthe device is zaphfc but the version of zaptel which comes with the asterisk 1.2 dont support it
12:30.43Aursit's not DBget anymore, but similar syntax
12:30.56brianAurs: It doesn't have to be persistent.
12:31.06kutohi all, has anyone have a solution with this bug? <= i tried following what is stated but i got no luck.
12:31.07viperdudedlynes_laptop: i guess...sounded to me like it was a fresh install with no config made
12:31.16brianAurs: If the FastAGI (or asterisk) goes down it just goes back to having 0 people in it.
12:31.43brianAurs: So saving it in a database isn't neccessary
12:31.50Chris-NBanybody knows what that err means?
12:31.56Chris-NBzt_pri_error: 1 updating callstate, ourcallstate 1 to 6
12:31.58brianAurs: What would need to be saved in a database is like a voice mail PIN
12:32.01Aurswell you have to save it somewhere if you want to check for it
12:32.04dlynes_laptopviperdude: oh
12:32.16brianAurs: Yeah, into the session variable.
12:32.23dlynes_laptopviperdude: i thought it was a live system
12:32.32brianSET roomnumber 1 or whatever
12:32.38dlynes_laptopbluemono: is this trixbox install a live system, or is it a fresh system that's never been used?
12:32.41brianthen reference it like ${roomnumber} right?
12:33.17viperdudedlynes_laptop: dunno i could be wrong..
12:33.58shellsharkanyone here a mason? :)
12:34.00brianWhat is NULL in Asterisk?
12:34.03bluemonodlynes_laptop I'm guessing it hasn't been used yet
12:34.06*** part/#asterisk glasco36 (
12:34.35bluemonosince we have another system running Voip-live to run the phones at the mo
12:34.37dlynes_laptopviperdude: bluemono no I've just been given the task to configure it after the person who installed it has left the company
12:34.44dlynes_laptopviperdude: that's why I thought he'd used it :)
12:34.51dlynes_laptopbluemono: i c
12:35.00dlynes_laptopbluemono: yeah...the better advice was to reinstall then
12:35.09dlynes_laptopbluemono: forget the chroot
12:35.21dlynes_laptopbluemono: then you learn what's included with linux, and learn the basics first
12:35.24*** join/#asterisk ftexcom (
12:35.32ftexcomMy zap dosn't detect pickup on zap
12:35.45bluemonosteep learning curve then eh guys
12:35.53shellsharkkinda :)
12:36.02viperdudebluemono: all good things are
12:36.55Aursgotta go. good luck brian ;)
12:37.03bluemonoviperdude: true
12:37.08heh_v_waterbluemono, it's worth the effort
12:37.16dlynes_laptopbluemono: asterisk is a like a nice lady
12:37.31heh_v_waterlinux has many interesting and amazing things to offer
12:37.31dlynes_laptopbluemono: you need to wine and dine her before you take her up to your place for a romp in the sack
12:37.44*** join/#asterisk beyond (
12:38.26viperdudedlynes_laptop: you obviously aint met some of the women i know ;-)
12:38.59dlynes_laptopOk...let me rephrase
12:39.16dlynes_laptopA nice lady that you would take home to introduce to your mother
12:39.38dlynes_laptopnot a nice lady that you won't call back the next day :)
12:39.49dlynes_laptopor that you have to pay $150 for the night :)
12:39.53bluemono<--loads the cd and holds his breath...wish me luck guys
12:40.09viperdudeyeah but asterisk can go zombie on ya
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12:40.59viperdudeanyone here going to Von in San Jose?
12:44.12bluemonois it right that the server doesn't need to be really powerfull?
12:44.38bluemonoit's on a dual P4 2.6ghz with 512mb Ram lol
12:45.14viperdudebluemono: depends on a number of factors...
12:45.17SheriF_SpacEany problmes with SMP machines ? xeon or anything and asterisk ?
12:45.29viperdudenumber concurrent calls, transcoding, etc etc
12:46.07*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:46.50bluemonoi see, so the larger the number of employee's the "meatier" the box needs to be
12:47.18viperdudegenerally speaking yes...
12:47.23viperdudehow many you got?
12:47.44E-bolaif its pure sip
12:47.50bluemono50 here and about another 15-20 at a remote site
12:47.51E-bolathe server more or less cant be too small
12:48.07viperdudeyou should be fine with that number
12:48.25viperdudemaybe boost ram to 1gig
12:48.55viperdudei run 220 extensions on a similar setup
12:49.06bluemonoso accentuate the Ram rather than the processor power
12:49.20viperdudedepends if you are transcoding
12:50.29viperdudebluemono: check
12:50.44bluemonook thanks
12:51.21bluemonodo you also have a url for list of linux commands and basic meanings plz?
12:52.05heh_v_waterbluemono, thats a hooooge list
12:52.06viperdudebluemono: google is your friend
12:52.15dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: nope
12:52.23dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: lots of peeps running asterisk on xeons
12:52.30dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: I'm running it on a dual piii
12:52.31SheriF_SpacEpeeps ?
12:52.37wasimbluemono: there is just 1 command, ok, 2 that you need to know ... (rm and dd)
12:52.38bluemonoyeah i guess i would just google it.
12:52.54dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: I've seen a number of people in this channel having problems running asterisk with hyperthreading enabled, though
12:52.58*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:53.22wasimbluemono: whenever you are on irc and someone like coppice tells you to rm or dd something, be very wary
12:54.17bluemonolol yeah, i was guessing he was doing the "make fun of the newbie" trick there
12:55.11heh_v_waterbluemono, the hting to remember is if somebody says typ ethis command.. before you type the command type man *command* first
12:55.25heh_v_waterthat will show you what it does
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12:56.29bluemonocool tip heh_v_water cheers
12:59.58*** join/#asterisk delphus (
13:00.01*** join/#asterisk k84 (
13:00.02bluemonowell the server is rebuilt now but i've learnt nothing about linux/asterisk/trixbox
13:00.23bluemonocd just formatted and installed it all for me
13:00.25tcsekeI've a problem about monitoring with app_meetme
13:00.27tcsekeI've a local and a zap channel in a meetme conference, and i'd like to monitor the zap channel, i tried monitor and mixmonitor.
13:00.28tcsekewith both of them the result the local channel is not recorded,
13:00.31delphusquestion: does anyone here have sip lines with inphonex and can receive calls ?
13:01.06*** part/#asterisk k31th (
13:01.18heh_v_waterbluemono, but you now have root password
13:01.28*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
13:02.50tzafrirbluemono, to learn about linux and asterisk, don't use trixbox
13:03.17ftexcomanyone can give me some advice?
13:03.21bluemonook so uninstall trixbox?
13:03.39heh_v_waterftexcom, yes don't step on the soft brown rocks
13:03.50ftexcomvery ironic
13:03.53bluemononever eat yellow snow? :O
13:04.22ftexcomMy zap dosn't detect pickup when calling to a mobile phone
13:04.30ftexcomregional settings are correct
13:04.55*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=tili@
13:05.45heh_v_waterbluemono, what you must understand is trixbox is built for asterisk, is pretty new and small distribution.. I couldnt tell you how stable it is or how well they keep up on security
13:06.12heh_v_waterbluemono, you can do everything trixbox does with a more mainstream linux distribution
13:06.26ftexcomthe curious thing
13:06.32ftexcomis that I'm able to talk
13:07.09*** join/#asterisk daniloegea (
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13:07.23bluemonoheh_v_water: any recommendations on linux version?
13:07.31dlynes_laptopbluemono: slackware
13:07.52bluemonosounds v.dodgy
13:08.17HarryRgo with the biggies, RHEL/CentOS, SLES, Gentoo :)
13:08.29dlynes_laptopgentoo's a biggy?
13:08.33heh_v_waterbluemono, stick to mainstream ones that are easier to work on.. fedora, debian, gentoo
13:08.58k84I can only say one thing, stick with gentoo! :-) listen to heh_v_water & HarryR They are smart ppl :-)
13:08.59dlynes_laptopI thoguht all you guys were insisting on him learning linux?
13:09.06dlynes_laptopslackware is the best distro for that
13:09.14dlynes_laptopit forces you to learn how to do everything manually
13:09.16dlynes_laptopno gui tools :)
13:09.22k84dlynes_laptop, you dont learn linux if you dont have to do anything, no pain no gain!
13:09.30k84dlynes_laptop, You have to learn from a to z :)
13:09.34HarryRbut has really shoddy package management, a bad upgrade path and a small pool of maintainers/supporters
13:09.35heh_v_waterdlynes_laptop, you dont give a first time pilot the space shuttle man.. get a grip
13:09.37*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
13:09.40dlynes_laptopk84: use slackware :)
13:10.15HarryRdlynes_laptop, why Slackware over Gentoo?
13:10.25k84dlynes_laptop, no :-) Hmm if you look at it like that i'd say slackware has much more "ncurses" /gui's then let's say gentoo
13:10.25dlynes_laptopno special reason
13:10.30dlynes_laptopI just like slackware :)
13:10.32k84let me guess
13:10.39HarryRok so you'r heavily bias
13:10.52dlynes_laptopk84: you were thinking bitchx?
13:11.04*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
13:11.05k84dlynes_laptop, i was thinking slackware or not :-)
13:11.12dlynes_laptopk84: slackware 10.2
13:11.12heh_v_waterhere's the hting.. you have to go out and try some.. it's like trying on a pair of shoes.. the one you like and makes sense to you.. stick to it
13:11.45k84dlynes_laptop, so how did that slack dude come along, can remember he had some health issues years ago?
13:11.45coppicewasim: any what exactly is wrong with rm -r /  that a reinstall won't cure?
13:11.45dlynes_laptopk84: although, i've got solaris 9 running on the machine under this one
13:11.45tzangermorning coppice
13:11.49heh_v_waterI started out on redhat and mandrake and suse.. debian is the best I've used.. maybe it will be for you too, maybe it wont
13:11.52dlynes_laptopk84: Patrick's fine now
13:12.07k84k84, Great :-)
13:12.07dlynes_laptopk84: a slackware user pointed him to a good doctor that was able to get him fixed up
13:12.23k84k84, Think i was on slack myself at that time, so i read his letter :D
13:12.32k84k84, didnt know any good doctor though :-)
13:12.36dlynes_laptopk84: enjoy talking to yourself? :)
13:12.50k84dlynes_laptop, enjoy discussing distro with you :-)
13:13.02dlynes_laptopbut you keep prefacing every reply with your name :)
13:13.02k84dlynes_laptop, Damn autocomplete :-)
13:13.19k84str_replace? :)
13:13.35k84regex is fine
13:14.28HarryRuh, wrong chan
13:15.32*** join/#asterisk A_Thief (
13:17.23A_Thiefi'm calling from one asterisk server to another asterisk server. both have the same range of extensions defined. i get a "failed to authenticate" error msg from the receiving asterisk server.
13:17.52A_Thiefhas anyone faced something like this before? the problem is asterisk is only looking at the username and not at the domain
13:17.59bluemonocertainly given me a lot of food for thought there guys
13:18.06dlynes_laptopA_Thief: you either needed to register, or you passed an incorrect username or password
13:19.13bluemonoi think i need a seperate box to figure which one is best for me, but i'll stick with this setup as i don't really want to challenge the boss right now
13:19.29*** join/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
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13:21.33A_Thiefdlynes_laptop: actually, an asterisk to asterisk call works if i call 201@AsterA from 401@AsterB (since user 401 does not exist on AsterA), but if i call 201@AsterA from 201@AsterB, it says failed to authenticate
13:22.28dlynes_laptopA_Thief: need to make sure their passwords match, then
13:23.34*** join/#asterisk |oranjia| (
13:23.42|oranjia|hello peeps :)
13:23.49dasenjoHi! someone know a way of integrate a harphone with a softphone in the same extension?
13:24.06A_Thiefdlynes_laptop: if the passwords were incorrect, then the call to 201 from 401 would not go thru.
13:24.37dlynes_laptopA_Thief: password for 201@AsterA must match password for 201@AsterB
13:24.38|oranjia|I haveing trouble getting asterisk to see a #... so when something like this is in the dialplan : exten=>*33*23# etc the hash doesn't get picked up
13:24.43|oranjia|I am using Realtime
13:26.00A_Thiefdlynes_laptop: that should not be the case if some other server is calling with the same username (but different domain), but either way, the password DO match in my case
13:26.22dlynes_laptopA_Thief: another server wouldn't be passing a username and password
13:26.45dlynes_laptopA_Thief: but your astera and asterb are authenticating to each other
13:27.47A_Thiefdlynes_laptop: both asterisks are connect thru openser. both asterisks r registered to openser
13:28.12dlynes_laptopA_Thief: no idea then...i know nothing about openser or ser
13:28.35A_Thiefdlynes_laptop: well, the problem is that asterisk needs to match the domain part of the URI too
13:28.46dlynes_laptopagain, no idea
13:28.52A_Thiefdlynes_laptop: thanks :)
13:29.03dlynes_laptopbut tehn again, i'm concentrating on other things atm
13:31.15dlynes_laptopDerPraktikant: btw...forgot to mention
13:31.24dlynes_laptopDerPraktikant: that shared object you couldn't find
13:31.36dlynes_laptopDerPraktikant: it's a virtual shared object that's in your kernel-space
13:31.50dlynes_laptopDerPraktikant: perhaps you haven't included that option in your kernel
13:34.04*** join/#asterisk Robyn (
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13:37.24Chris-NBcan someone plz look at this and probably can tell me whats the problem there?
13:38.15bluemono<--struck gold with the Asterisk 376 page Book \o/\o/
13:39.42|oranjia|for some reason my sip client is sending my asterisk box %23 instead of a hash
13:39.57|oranjia|So i am guess that asterisk is not to blame
13:41.49*** join/#asterisk vgster (
13:42.41*** join/#asterisk SomethingISODD (n=Somethin@
13:43.01SomethingISODDhello all question does anyone know of any programs that will work as a server and handle iptv with channel guides and such
13:45.09jmesquitaSomethingISODD: Wow, that would be interesting :D
13:45.39SomethingISODDjmesquita:  well it would be if i could find something that actually worked lol
13:45.53jmesquitaSomethingISODD: Have you tried anything yet?
13:46.05brianasterisk programming is fun
13:46.38DerPraktikantdlynes_laptop , thanks but i got my own way now , deinstalled and used another version, it work , thanks 4tw
13:46.44jmesquitaSomethingISODD: All I cound found at first search are clients
13:47.09SomethingISODDjmesquita: ya  a few vlc mythtv a few others but none handle it to the scale i need
13:47.16SomethingISODDmyth is just a client
13:47.20SomethingISODDvlc is a server
13:47.27*** join/#asterisk ESCulapio__ (n=ESCulapi@
13:48.47DerPraktikantthe version of bristuff must be equal to the preinstalled asterisk
13:48.58jmesquitaSomethingISODD: How big do you need?
13:49.15brianmine is 1 foot long
13:49.23DerPraktikantsometimes i wish the developers where skilled in writing understandable manuals
13:49.24brianmy cat5e cable that is
13:50.12SomethingISODDwell i live out of town, on wireless internet connection i want to rebroadcast my local stations to me home
13:51.56jmesquitaSomethingISODD: Ever heard of icecast?
13:52.17briananyone here hear of talkee
13:52.21SomethingISODDno is it any good?
13:52.40brianSomethingISODD: yes!
13:52.57santibioticocan anyone help me with IVR ??
13:52.59brianSomethingISODD: just take out that pesky ogg vorbis and replace it with mpeg4 or something
13:53.05SomethingISODDok i will take a look thanks.
13:53.08nicoxwhat do you need?
13:53.34jmesquitaSomethingISODD: Hummm, I guess its only audio
13:53.34santibioticoi want sip users to be able to interact with an IVR menu defined in the same asterisk the users are logged in
13:53.55santibioticohowever, if i associate sip users to a context (ie: local-users)
13:54.14santibioticothen, when i call the extension the ivr is located in
13:54.30santibioticoand when i try to dial one ivr menu option (ie: '1')
13:55.02santibioticothe systems, obviously, tries to find a dialplan for extension 1 in the context "local-users"
13:55.24santibioticohowever, in that context there is no dialplan for extension '1', as it is an IVR menu option
13:56.17santibioticoapart from changing the context, (i don't want to..) is there any way to solve this problem?
13:58.06nicoxdid you hear the ivr menu already?
14:00.19*** join/#asterisk Asttt (n=asterisk@
14:00.22nicoxdo you try another client
14:00.26santibioticoi hear the message i've recorded
14:00.32nicoxtry another client
14:00.38santibioticolet me explain you...
14:00.52santibioticoif i call from a cell to an isdn where i place the all goes ok
14:01.44santibioticoif i call from an external sip phone, it also goes ok
14:01.59santibioticothe problem is with sip phones in my system
14:02.10santibioticobecause when i dial a ivr option, such as '1' or '2'
14:02.24santibioticothe system treats it as if i was dialing an extension
14:02.28nicoxi think thats a problem of dtmf signalling
14:02.40santibioticoi've tried all methods of dtmf
14:02.56nicoxtry inband
14:02.56santibioticowith no success at all
14:03.04santibioticoi've already done it
14:03.43*** join/#asterisk dr0ne (
14:03.50nicoxhm... only in asterisk, or did you changed it also on the phone?
14:04.11santibioticoonly in *
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14:04.55nicoxtry to change it on the phone
14:05.01nicoxthats important
14:05.07santibioticoi've just done it
14:05.14santibioticoand i get the same
14:05.28santibioticoasterisk tries to reach extension '1' when i dial '1' as an IVR option
14:06.18nicoxtry to option INFO on the phone
14:07.21santibioticoi've just tried
14:07.25santibioticoand the same
14:08.30*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:09.53santibioticoany other idea?
14:10.09santibioticois there any way to tell asterisk not to treat the dialed code as an extension¿
14:11.10*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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14:14.25*** join/#asterisk gdh_ (
14:14.35*** join/#asterisk banik (n=Main@
14:14.58banikHello everybody
14:15.11*** join/#asterisk AK (
14:15.56nicoxdo you tried relaxdtmf?
14:16.03banikI'm getting this error "UnsupportedMedia Type"
14:16.16banikwhat does it mean?
14:16.33banikcodec mismatch?
14:17.08banikwhen ever i call to my quintum my asterisk box reports this error "UnsupportedMedia Type"
14:17.24banikany body know why does it occure?
14:17.34gdh_Anyone who can help with this the prob here: ?
14:17.38ManxPowerbanik: that is usually a codec issue
14:17.40*** join/#asterisk seele_ (n=seele@
14:17.59banikThanks ManxPower
14:18.33seele_please help .... I have this warning in my /asterisk/full log .... how can I solve this?
14:18.59*** join/#asterisk robin_sz (
14:19.49banikHow many calls can handle an asterisk box simutaneously?
14:19.52pjzmy asterisk server got rebooted last night and now every vmail box that had a custom greeting no longer has sone
14:20.01pjzbanik: depends on the size of the box
14:20.05banikmy box is p4 2.4 GH, 2GB RAM
14:20.23pjzbanik: several dozen at minimum, I think
14:20.43banikseveral means?
14:20.52pjzbanik: at least
14:21.08pjzbanik: there's some info on about sizing your system
14:21.13banikpjz: great
14:22.04pjzmy asterisk server got rebooted last night and now every vmail box that had a custom greeting no longer has one... the files are there in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/, but they're not being used for some reason ; any ideas how to turn them back on if the file exisgts?
14:22.25*** join/#asterisk sloth_ (
14:23.15banikanybody have digium E1 interface experience?
14:23.36viperdudebanik: I have a digium card connect to a E1
14:23.36banikif i campare with quintum E1 and digium E1 which one will be better
14:24.05banikviperdude: in terms of performance
14:24.51viperdudedont know i use digium
14:24.57pjzbanik: I've got a digium TE110P, though I'll admit it's plugged into a T1 instead of an E1
14:25.32banikpjz: How is the performance?
14:25.53pjzbanik: just fine; It's ona 3GHz P4 w/ 1GB RAM
14:25.55banikpjz: have you faced any problem?
14:26.06banikpjz: Thanks
14:26.09pjzbanik: not with the hardware :)
14:27.21seele_please help my queue freeze, after awhile lets pass calls soon to begin to pass them slowly , and my queue is full
14:28.32banikA box with 3GHz P4/ 2GB RAM, How many E1 it can handles?
14:28.38*** join/#asterisk WGFreewill (
14:29.00pjzbanik: did you see the dimensioning page that gdh_ pointed out?
14:30.54gdh_And while we're here, does ring any bells (ahem) ?
14:32.44*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
14:32.55baniksomebody worked with h323 & asterisk?
14:33.30zoayes, it never worked the way it should :)
14:33.43gdh_H.323 is just asking for a world of pain.
14:34.20kristalinodoes anyone here use asterisk with a wengo account ?
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14:34.55*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
14:35.11pjzmy asterisk server got rebooted last night and now every vmail box that had a custom greeting no longer has one... the files are there in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/, but they're not being used for some reason ; any ideas how to turn them back on if the file exists?
14:35.37gdh_pjz: permissions? the files are readable by root only, but asterisk is now running as non-root?
14:35.52Corydon76-homepjz: check your formats line in voicemail.conf.  Does it specify the format that exists?
14:35.58pjzgdh_: nope, everything's still owned by asterisk (which the server is running as)
14:36.01*** join/#asterisk insomnia41 (
14:36.10gdh_pjz: shame :/ just a wild guess..
14:36.22Corydon76-homepjz: check the permissions on parent directories
14:36.23*** join/#asterisk _VoicePulse (n=contact@unaffiliated/voicepulse)
14:36.40WGFreewillis dundi stable? for a dual pbx install with phones failing over to the second pbx
14:36.45Corydon76-homepjz: if the asterisk user can't view a parent directory, it doesn't matter what the permissions are
14:38.46Corydon76-homegdh_: change those commas to '|'
14:39.20Corydon76-homegdh_: commas in extensions.conf get translated to '|' on load.  No such translation happens in the version of AEL in 1.2
14:39.36pjzokay, perms are definitely fine
14:39.37AKWGFreewill with dns roundrobin?
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14:39.54WGFreewillor device multiple server support
14:40.37gdh_Corydon-w: :)) was just in the middle of trying that :D
14:40.56gdh_Corydon-w: Thank you for that, though - I have this incredible ability to solve problems only after I've asked in a public forum
14:41.04gdh_<slump> =)
14:42.02*** join/#asterisk af_ (
14:42.52AKi've tested with a friend dnsroundrobin and dundi, and it worked, but no clue if it's stable
14:42.55pjzbut it's not using the {busy,greet,unavail}.wav files
14:43.53WGFreewillThere is this paper
14:44.08WGFreewillSIP Agents Using Backup Registration Server, that is my case
14:44.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:46.01pjzCorydon76-home: any other ideas?
14:47.30*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (
14:47.42fourcheezehi, which module contains Playtones ?
14:47.48awannabedoes anyone have some dial-plan strings that work good with the snoms? ive made my own and cant get it to work correctly!
14:48.04fourcheezeor is there a way to tell a channel to always play the tones rather than send the signals?
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14:48.24fourcheezeawwanabe it depends a lot on where you are
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14:48.31fourcheezeawannabe: ^^
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14:49.30awannabefourcheeze: yeah, i cant get them to work in conjunction, its very weird
14:50.41mattfletcherhello, i have a question on dialplan logic. can anyone help me? i find that if any phone is busy on a hunt group (or a dial command to multiple phones) that phone's busy message will be played, rather than trying the next phone. ideas anyone?
14:50.49awannabethey work by themselves, then once i start to add them together, it breaks
14:50.53*** join/#asterisk PupenoR (n=pupeno@
14:54.43gdh_Corydon-w: Would this also be likely to fail under AEL in 1.2? switch(${MACRO_EXTEN:0:1})  { case.... case... etc.}
14:55.06b11dcan anyone here recommend a good headset which is compatible with a poly 501?
14:55.30pjzb11d: the recruiter at our office likes her plantronics
14:55.44awannabefourcheeze: you got a example i could look at and try to pick apart
14:55.45b11di've heard those were good
14:55.53b11ddo you know what model she uses?
14:57.22heh_v_waterI havent had any luck whatsoever trying to compile iaxclient.. has anyone done it recently using the provided svn location?
14:57.29awannabeb11d: plantronics are great, they got about 300 differnet  models though, heh
14:58.16b11dweak !
14:58.23mattfletcherhello, i have a question on dialplan logic. can anyone help me? i find that if any phone is busy on a hunt group (or a dial command to multiple phones) that phone's busy message will be played, rather than trying the next phone. ideas anyone?
14:58.30b11dI mean, I'm glad they are a good brand.. i'll investigate them..  300 models though..  dammit!
14:58.43b11dhunt groups.. are those still around?
14:59.24awannabeb11d: they got tons, wires, wireless, bluetooth adapter type, RF, all kinds
14:59.25mattfletcherwell i mean agent queues i suppose
14:59.47ManxPowerI use the Planronics M175 for phones with a 2.5mm jack
15:00.25b11dI guess I'll have to buy a few different models and let my end users make the pick.
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15:00.47pjzdiffderent people like differnt kinds of ear hangers
15:01.07ManxPowerThe M175 supports over-the-ear and over-the-head
15:01.34b11di'll have to go check that oot..
15:01.38ManxPowergood sound quality and has a mute button and volime congtrol
15:01.56b11dm175 eh..
15:02.10b11dgod headsets are so gay though
15:03.20b11dhm.. under options for choosing a headset it says "Wireless" and "Cordless" -- wtf is the difference
15:05.02b11dsigh..  volume control & mute options for poly 501's only give me 3 poor options
15:05.35seele_ ?
15:05.58b11dcodec issues
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15:08.02seele_how can I solve this??
15:08.50bluemonowhat's the correct command to edit the hosts file?
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15:09.21b11dvi /etc/hosts
15:09.22awannabebluemono: its just a text file, /etc/hosts you mean?
15:09.39bluemonoyeah i think so
15:09.43b11dee = greatest editor ever, btw.
15:10.29bluemonoi've done the netconfig and given the server a static local ip address
15:10.45bluemonobut the server isn't on the network
15:10.54b11dset a default route?
15:11.01b11dis it plugged into the right port?
15:11.58bluemonoso i was thinking it's because it's not on the domain?
15:12.16*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (n=edwardfa@
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15:14.00b11dbeing part of a domain has nothing to do with basic IP connectivity
15:14.15b11di mean, it may be possible that you're doing something unique there..
15:14.39b11dwhere maybe domain authentication opens allows your box to traverse a firewall or something
15:15.07b11dwhat error do you get when you ping your gateway?
15:15.29*** join/#asterisk mercestes (
15:15.31bluemonofrom the asterisk box?
15:15.52bluemonowhat i was trying to do was get the mail setup
15:16.00b11dok.. take these questions elsewhere
15:16.20bluemonobut this is an asterisk channel right?
15:16.24b11dthis is a pbx support channel, not basic email & network connectivity support
15:16.34bluemonook bud
15:16.44b11dbut then again.. im certainly not the authority around here
15:16.47b11dso ..  do what you will :)
15:17.24bluemonook lets go down the pbx route
15:17.34mercestesbluemono:  What distro are you using?
15:18.00mercestes... Ok, you know about the CentOS bug, right?
15:18.12b11da lot of people use CentOS eh..
15:18.15b11di need to look at that
15:18.33mercestesWhere is the bot?
15:18.42jbotcentos is a rebuild of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux RPMs by the community.  Check it out at
15:18.47bluemonomercestes: what bug do you refer to
15:18.48b11dah ha
15:18.53mercestes~centos bug
15:19.02jbotit has been said that centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
15:19.28b11ddamn linux
15:19.37mercestesbluemono:  Give nullmailer a try.  It's rediculously simple to setup and will work to deliver voicemail notifications
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15:20.44bluemono*pats jbot on the head*
15:20.57bluemonocheers aurs
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15:21.40Aurshello bluemono
15:22.19bluemonohi aurs, my heads throbbing :) i'm on information overload right now
15:22.48b11dthats the best..  
15:22.55b11dit also means its time to take a break / sleep
15:23.48*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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15:27.05doc9please somebody have problem with TE110P and this message
15:27.16doc9chan_zap.c:8207 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: No more alarm (5) on Primary D-channel of span 1
15:27.19b11dyou want someone to have a problem? shame on you :)
15:27.33b11dNo more alarm.. isnt that good?
15:27.51doc9soo, exist other alarm
15:27.58doc9WARNING[18268]: chan_zap.c:2289 pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 16 as D-channel anyway!
15:28.27doc9i try with span=1,0,ccs,hbd3   1,1,ccs...
15:28.36doc9signalling = pri_net  
15:28.38b11dI wish I knew what to do to help you ..  I dont..
15:29.00b11dyou got the correct encoding & framing info from the telco?
15:29.10b11dCafe Del Mar is a good band..
15:29.11doc9yes is correct with telco
15:29.13b11dnot that its related
15:29.29b11dhrm..  strange indeed doc9..
15:29.37b11dI dont know.. I'm sorry!
15:29.42doc9wait please
15:29.45b11dim not going anywhere
15:30.10*** join/#asterisk DrAk0SX (n=luisjose@
15:30.29doc9i had a pc with other card TE110P
15:30.34doc9and work ok
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15:30.49doc9and now replace this card for other new
15:31.02mercestesdoc9:  Maybe you should switch the cards back.
15:31.10b11djust to double-check
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15:31.21doc9but this new card and using the same config that last card
15:31.28doc9not work
15:31.33doc9and only message is
15:31.35b11ddoc.. it says this on asteriskguru
15:31.35b11dYou might want to try to put the te411p card on a different cpu, or if its probably an ide card doing it, try playing with hdparm (make your drivers slower) or disable that card, and take a new one.
15:31.47b11dfrom here:
15:31.49doc9Nov 30 12:24:01 NOTICE[18268]: chan_zap.c:8207 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: No more alarm (5) on Primary D-channel of span 1
15:31.52b11di dont know if you saw that or not
15:32.20doc9i know how to config the te110p , te205p ,etc
15:32.26*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
15:32.36b11dyeah its not about how to config it.. its about troubleshooting the issues
15:32.42doc9but i think that
15:32.48doc9the card is bad
15:32.54b11dand if it we're config'd right.. then you'd not have these issues.. unless its a hardware issue, in which case, you're screwed
15:32.56b11duntil you get a new card
15:33.13doc9this I can be true
15:33.26doc9b11d i have two card te110p
15:33.38doc9and the two show the same problem
15:33.45b11doh.. i thought you said one worked
15:34.28doc9yes the card work is a 3rd card
15:34.33doc9is another
15:34.52doc9i had 3 card te110p
15:35.03doc9the first works ok, no problem
15:35.27*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (n=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
15:35.34syzygyBSDhmm, were there connection problems last night?
15:35.35doc9i buy two more and the two no works with the same computer , the same telco & the same config zaptel/zapata
15:36.06doc9i use the last zaptel and libpri
15:36.23doc9make with make linux & try with make linux26
15:36.40doc9i use kernel 2.6.xx in Debian sarge
15:36.57b11di would call Digium and ask them.. maybe the cards have different firmware?
15:37.07AKanyone has already try astmanproxy?
15:37.25doc9and this can be a problem?
15:37.42b11di mean.. you ARE experiencing problems that dont make sense..
15:38.34doc9and if it was the problem of the firmware
15:38.37ZefkI'm running asterisk 1.2.13 on FC5 with B410P board. I use only port 1 of the board. Inbound and outbound calls via BRI port is working. I have the following message when asterisk starts: "mISDN dss1 fromup without proc pr=10180 dinfo(0)". Could be anything wrong?
15:38.51doc9then I have to change the cards
15:39.08doc9b11d :)
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15:39.41riddleboxin 1.4, has the gotoif  changed?
15:39.51ManxPowerriddlebox: it should not have
15:39.51b11dyou wouldnt have to change them, maybe digium would have an executable you'd just run to flash them..
15:40.00b11dbut I dunno.. the firmware argument is pretty thin..
15:40.06ManxPowercontact dihium
15:40.07b11di'd still call Digium.
15:40.12ManxPowerthey do provide support for their cards
15:40.33b11dyeah it might not be a free call from where doc9 is from though
15:40.40b11dmaybe you shoudl email them :)
15:40.58riddleboxManxPower, I have this line but every call comes in and just goes to 20 ,gotoif($[{CALLERID(num)} = xxxxxxxxxx]?20:10)
15:41.32doc9ok thank you b11d & ManxPower
15:41.53b11dhope it helps
15:42.06awannabeanyone have any sample dial-plan regex for snoms?
15:43.01doc9ok bye
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15:48.33fourcheezeawannabe: no, I tend to remove the dial plans from snoms and let people press the OK key
15:48.51fourcheezeanyone know how I get to use Playtones?
15:49.07fourcheezei.e. is it with some module?
15:49.13awannabeyeah, these people want it, heh
15:50.22fourcheezeawannabe: does .* work?
15:50.47awannabe.*? in the dialplan string?
15:51.30awannabesee i just had the auto dial after 2 seconds on, but i cant do that, cause when you have two calls on hold and go to transfer one, it bridges the two calls, heh
17:04.30*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:04.30*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- Zaptel 1.2.11 released (Nov. 9, 2006) -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=- Join #asterisk-gui to learn about the new Asterisk GUI framework
17:08.26sam33is there anybody that make it work (asterisk + fax)?
17:08.47ManxPowersam33: yes.  Use a PSTN line.
17:09.05ManxPowerFor most of our Asterisk deployments (5 or 6 so far) we have the fax line outside of Asterisk
17:09.14ManxPowersolves all these issues.
17:10.42Strom_Csam33: I've also had success in a pure-tdm environment bridging from a channel bank to a PRI on the same quad-span t1 card
17:12.49ManxPowerStrom_C: do you think he is going to be an arm flapper?
17:13.13Strom_C....a what?
17:13.20Strom_C*puzzled look*
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17:14.14danbrwni am confused about how asterisk displays data on phones, could someone explain this?
17:14.20ManxPowerAn arm flapper.  Someone that thinks they can fly by flapping their arms.  Regardless that everyone tells them that you can't fly by flapping your arms.  The arm flapper things that is he tries hard enough he can do the implossible.  Fortuantly they are reasonably harmless, but they can be damn funny to watch.
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17:14.54ManxPowerSomeone that spends a week trying to get fax working over GSM would be an arm flapper
17:15.20ManxPowerdanbrwn: Asterisk does not display information on phones.  Phones do that.
17:15.26Strom_CManxPower: heheh
17:15.36Qwell[]ManxPower: It does on chan_skinny
17:15.44Qwell[]display information on the phones, that is
17:16.25ManxPowerQwell: It very well may SEND info to the phone, but I doubt Asterisk has anything to do with actually displaying it.
17:17.05Qwell[]ManxPower: No, it does.  There are 3 messages that can change the display directly
17:17.50danbrwnManxPower: i called tech support at polycom and asked what gets displayed on the display and they said the menus and such were configured by asterisk, through what mechanism
17:17.50Qwell[]brian: That was nothing
17:17.50Qwell[]danbrwn: That's a lie, I'm fairly certain
17:17.51brianHOW ARE YOU QWELL[]
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17:17.54ManxPowerdanbrwn: they lied.
17:17.54Qwell[]well...not a lie
17:17.55Qwell[]They're just wrong
17:17.55ManxPowerit is configured via the polycom config fileles
17:17.55Qwell[]The menus (directory, etc) is elsewhere
17:18.13brianThere's a difference between a lie and bullshit.
17:18.13ManxPowermy typing really sucks when I have a feaver
17:18.14brianBut both smell the same.
17:18.14Qwell[]ManxPower: fever :p
17:18.20brianManxPower: Ebony...fever?
17:18.26ManxPowerI think that if you ask a vendor about their product and they tell you something wrong you can only call it a lie.
17:18.33danbrwnso, who creates the configuration
17:18.41Qwell[]ManxPower: whatever it is, it's wrong
17:18.46briani create the configuration
17:18.54*** join/#asterisk LordBacon (
17:18.58danbrwnbrian: how
17:19.00ManxPowerdanbrwn: download the polycom admin guide.  read it.  Then read it again
17:19.02briani'm joking
17:19.16briani don't even know what configuration you're talking about
17:19.26LordBacongreetings, I'm a newb, what's the quickest way for me to get asterisk configured for an office environment?
17:19.34ManxPowerThe display of menus can be changed via the localazation features.
17:19.43syzygyBSDLordBacon: hire a consultant
17:19.45brianLordBacon: RUN!
17:20.02briani mean
17:20.02Qwell[]LordBacon: If you don't mind spending some money, syzygyBSD is right.
17:20.06brianNot run...
17:20.06LordBaconcan't hire a consultant, I've got a lot of linux experience, just never touched VoIP
17:20.09ManxPowerLordBacon: Asterisk is a highly complex system.
17:20.15Qwell[]otherwise, there it quite a bit of documentation that you can read
17:20.18jboti guess book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
17:20.22jbotsomebody said docs was Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
17:20.23*** join/#asterisk Sasch (
17:20.32jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
17:20.35brianLordBacon: You can leave security holes in your PBX if you aren't careful mister
17:20.50Qwell[]or, and, also?
17:20.54LordBaconI found documentation, but there are like 42 different "guis" to configure asterisk
17:20.57syzygyBSDwell, you asked the quickest way...  Asterisk is fairly easy to setup, read the book ^^^ first link from jbot
17:21.00Qwell[]That's like triply redundant
17:21.02brianLordBacon: poke poke poke i poke you poke
17:21.04Qwell[](file, 5 for 5)
17:21.27brianI never read the documentation, syzygyBSD
17:21.30brianI just figure it out myself.
17:21.32brianIt's funner.
17:21.41syzygyBSDum.. never?
17:21.47syzygyBSDnot even voip-info?
17:21.48brianIf I don't know how to do something I bug people on IRC.
17:21.53brianOr I search Google.
17:21.58Qwell[]file: I'll be at 10 in no time
17:22.07syzygyBSDwell, google links to "documentation"
17:22.07LordBaconI bug people on irc to give me the good docs, since google turns up way too many
17:22.16briani mean the main documentation
17:22.24fileQwell[]: your use of the myriad of words in the english language is truly perplexing...
17:22.33Qwell[]file: omg, you b0rked it
17:22.38danbrwnLordBacon: There seems to be a lot of canned packages just waiting to be bought, some will sell you everything you need and have gui interfaces I think. If i just wanted to set up a one time thing i think id look at that
17:22.55brianLordBacon: you should give me your money
17:22.55syzygyBSDwell, I have never read the book either, but voip-info is very very useful
17:22.56LordBaconthe issue with canned, is that I have to put it on my current gateway
17:23.07LordBaconbrian: I have no budget for this, only time
17:23.09brianLordBacon: I'm from nigeria can you pay me using western union
17:23.31syzygyBSDlol brian
17:23.55LordBaconI'm seriously tempted to just create a virtual machine and run trixbox
17:24.11brianyou're a jerk
17:24.22danbrwnLordBacon: you might want to read the information cited earlier, it might not be a good idea to try to shoehorn asterisk into an existing system. It seams that many think it is intensive on processing
17:24.27briani'm leaving you for the FreeBSD daemon LordBacon :(
17:24.33[TK]D-FenderPoor little GUI chumps... don't expect much help here....
17:24.47brianUse FreeBSD sucka
17:25.05danbrwn[TK]D-Fender: dont expect help, you got that right!
17:25.06syzygyBSD[TK]D-Fender: hmm, is it sad I don't remember the last time I saw a linux gui?
17:25.16LordBacondanbrwn: processor isn't a problem, the system I'm shoehorning just runs squid, and postfix
17:25.26briansyzygyBSD: hooray for BSD
17:25.40briani'm running linux on this machine though
17:25.45briantoo lazy to switch
17:25.54briani installed linux when i was young and stupid!
17:25.55syzygyBSDlol.. well, I don't really run BSD on many production servers, just happens to be my nick from years ago
17:26.12brianLinux kind of sucks though.
17:26.15syzygyBSDback with freebsd 4.5 was bleeding edge
17:26.21[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD:  Dunno.  Depends what you imply by "linux GUI".  I never use "X" on my servers persaonlly, just SSH to bash.  Except on my home PVR server, but I guess that'd kinda HAVE to be an exception :)
17:26.32briansynthetiq: I remember when FreeBSD 3 came out :D
17:26.40[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: By rest assured its configured by text files direct :D
17:26.42Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: bah
17:26.47Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: mplayer -vo fb :P
17:26.51syzygyBSD[TK]D-Fender: :P
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17:27.06briansyzygyBSD: what do you run WINDOWS???
17:27.06[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: OH?  yay!  GUI free!
17:27.19*** part/#asterisk danbrwn (n=danny@
17:27.21[TK]D-FenderQwell[]: Assuming it works with my TV-out :)
17:27.25syzygyBSDbrian: that I do on my desktop
17:27.42Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: if you can see your console, it should work
17:27.43file[TK]D-Fender: !
17:27.45briansynthetiq: :(
17:27.46Qwell[]I've never personally used it, but hey
17:27.56Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: also, try...umm...what's the option
17:28.00Qwell[]-vo aa ?
17:28.12syzygyBSDhah, ascii art
17:28.20syzygyBSDat least do the color ascii art
17:28.26fileQwell[]: fancy word, right now!
17:28.27Qwell[]How do you do that?
17:28.32Qwell[]file: nah
17:28.52syzygyBSDdon't remember off the top of my head, something like ac though
17:31.29briansyzygyBSD: you probably run vista you cruel person
17:32.12briandon't lie to me!
17:32.19syzygyBSDhowever when I have to manage clients servers I need some tools that are only on windows
17:32.52brianwindows vista was released in india
17:33.07brianthe indians are going to their 2 weeks courses to become experts of windows vista now
17:33.16syzygyBSDthe only economy that could afford it
17:33.55brianlots of outsourcing shops will buy vista
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17:44.31af_what is xml phone book download on gxp2000?
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17:56.23[Wiebel]what can it be that If a incomming caller hangs up , and asterisk doesnt disconnect the line?
17:56.29[Wiebel]the other way around works fine
18:00.10Strom_Clet me guess - you have analog trunks
18:01.35brianif you call anywhere with a analog trunk with skype skype will drop you a dialtone
18:01.37awannabemmmm dirty FXO ports
18:01.38toggycan anyone help me out ? im trying to get chan_capi installed
18:01.49briantoggy: try harder
18:02.04brianyou can do it toggy!
18:03.18[TK]D-Fenderfile: ! ! !
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18:03.38file[TK]D-Fender: is it unusually warm up your way?
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18:03.46[TK]D-Fenderfile: 18 or so :)
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18:03.55[TK]D-Fenderfile:  Tomorrow... -2 :(
18:03.55teknoprepwhat is a good 1-800 service?
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18:04.11file[TK]D-Fender: the weather is so very very weird... haven't had any snow storms yet either!
18:04.14teknoprepor 1-888.. i want to call forward a 1800 or 1888 number to a number of my choice
18:04.19toggywell i get som f... errors on the making of the capi trunk /usr/include/asterisk dir not found
18:04.21diablopicohello..... can anyone help with aquireing codec g723.1
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18:04.46ronmacCan anyone tell me what the default username and pass is for AsteriskNow??
18:05.05CybixI have made a script (in extensions.conf) for incoming calls. The script works fine, only I'd like to print a message on the disply of the sip phone where the call is forwarded to. Is it possible, if so what command can I use for that?
18:05.26brianronmac: It's boomboomnowmakeitsaywayohhh
18:05.44[TK]D-Fenderronmac: Please read the channel topic.
18:06.05brianronmac: yeah, read the topic man!!
18:06.48ronmacsorry, i'll jump to the GUI site i guess...
18:06.55CunningPikeNo more caffeine for brian
18:06.58[Wiebel]Strom_C: no sip
18:07.05[Wiebel]Strom_C: and it's only with one of the 3 sip lines I have
18:07.24Strom_C[Wiebel]: what's on the other end of the sip trunks?
18:07.33[Wiebel]Strom_C: budgetphone :)
18:07.39[Wiebel]and voipbuster
18:07.43Strom_Coh christ
18:07.44[Wiebel]but budgetphone is the one with issues
18:07.53[Wiebel]that's my main nr
18:07.55*** part/#asterisk ronmac (n=rmcdanie@
18:08.03[Wiebel]voipbuster is only used for outgoing , free, calls
18:08.14Strom_Cthe solution in this case is "get an ITSP that doesn't completely suck"
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18:08.26[Wiebel]why does budget phone suck?
18:08.56Strom_Cthe law of voip:  choose two of the following options:  (1) cheap   (2) reliable  (3) high-quality
18:09.13[Wiebel]budgetphone isnt that cheap
18:09.21[Wiebel]allthough the name may suspect otherwise :P
18:09.30[Wiebel]it's pretty default
18:09.46[Wiebel]and it worked before
18:09.49Strom_Cif they're expensive /and/ unreliable, then RUN
18:10.02[Wiebel]it work for allmost a year without issues
18:10.09[Wiebel]Now I have this , rather small, issue
18:10.15*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
18:10.24[Wiebel]And i'm not sure the issues is a budgetphone issue
18:10.27[Wiebel]could be local
18:10.34Strom_Cdid you change anything at all locally?
18:10.50[Wiebel]dtmf setting in sip.conf
18:10.52[Wiebel]that's it
18:11.04[Wiebel]but I reinstalled my linksys with openwrt
18:11.15[Wiebel]so that's to much of a coinsidence
18:11.25*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
18:11.29Strom_Cwhat were you running it on before?
18:11.33[Wiebel]dd-wrt :)
18:11.52hmmhesaysasterisk dp needs an if then type statement
18:12.55FuriousGeorgehey all
18:12.55*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
18:13.11Dr-Linuxis Asterisk2billing program is opensource?
18:13.18*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
18:13.26rr--is it worth the extra $300 to get hardware echo cancellation on a sangamo A2xxxx card ... can't asterisk or whatever sip server do the echo cancellation in software?
18:14.46[Wiebel]debugging doesnt show anything when the remote side hangs up the phone
18:14.50[Wiebel]that's rather odd
18:14.59brianrr--: obviously if it's in the hardware that means less work for the software
18:15.22CybixI bought some phonenumers from budgetphone, I use it for inbound calls, works perfect for me and it costs EUR 10,- per year/per number. Doesn't sound too expensive to me
18:15.40brianhow many inbound channels cy3o3
18:15.43brianCybix i mean
18:16.14*** join/#asterisk benjk (
18:17.12[TK]D-Fenderrr--: Yes, its entirely worth it.  Try without and see how well Zaptel fares and oy may wish you just bought it right from the start.
18:19.09*** part/#asterisk jcims (
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18:20.15mrobertoI am looking for a fxo card analog simple and works good ?? Cheap too what do you guys recommend?
18:21.08[TK]D-Fendermroberto: Analog.  Good.  Cheap.  Pick TWO.
18:21.23*** part/#asterisk LordBacon (n=frb@unaffiliated/frb)
18:21.33[TK]D-Fendermroberto: If you want something decent its going to cost a bit.
18:22.44mrobertoWell lets say I am not running asterisk for a phone system other than call users couple days before the event they register and play a msg
18:22.50mrobertoSo I am like using 10% of asterisk power
18:23.13*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
18:25.26*** join/#asterisk KeRneL (n=Zengin@
18:26.41Strom_Chere's a nub question - when setting up a queue with rrmemory, is there an option which will eliminate the delay between one member timing out and the next member being called?
18:26.49*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
18:27.02CunningPikemroberto: You're using 100% of your FXO port's power - that's why you need to pay for a good one
18:28.31mrobertoSo what would be a good FXO card?
18:28.49mrobertoAlso anybody interested in doing custom work for asterisk that I need done.
18:29.13shellsharkmroberto: what kind of custom work?
18:29.43AursStrom_C: perhaps retry=0?
18:30.20Strom_Cno, i've already got that one set
18:30.31CunningPikemroberto: I'm inclined to use a good external gateway (SPA-3000, for example) over a card
18:31.29mrobertoShellshark: Well I not sure how to do what I need to do but it's sorta like a reminder system for people
18:31.43mrobertoCunningPike : Why would you recoomend something external
18:31.59CunningPikemroberto: Easier to setup/replace etc
18:32.06*** join/#asterisk zmef420 (
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18:32.13shellsharkmroberto: check messages please
18:32.17shellsharkzmef420: heya
18:32.23alexis101hi , is there anyone that can help me with a little call transfer problem ?
18:33.00mrobertook thank you
18:35.16alexis101i can't make a supervised call transfer this is what i got in my asterisk console when i try:
18:37.47*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
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18:47.32heh_v_waterjust installed trixbox to see what it does.. interesting little setup.. seems somewhat insecure though
18:47.35*** join/#asterisk AuPix (
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19:07.42syzygyBSDhmm, so I have 1 credit to have allison record something that has to be used today, any ideas?
19:08.21*** join/#asterisk tim0123 (
19:08.21ucfMethodwhats the website you used to contact her..
19:08.38tim0123Whats up everybody
19:08.39rob0thevoice ?
19:08.44ucfMethodnice... thanks
19:08.55syzygyBSDlast day to use credits on that site...
19:09.21ucfMethodis she closing shop?
19:09.21tim0123Anybody ever use hudlite
19:09.21syzygyBSDyou can't buy any more off there, but you can get them from the digium store
19:09.23rob0Weasels have eaten her voice.
19:09.48syzygyBSDalready got one about Weasles and a phone system
19:09.54ucfMethod"this is not the website you were looking for"
19:09.55syzygyBSDand one about a mad donkey
19:10.10syzygyBSDohh.... could be a good one...
19:10.32syzygyBSDnothing to see hear, keep moving
19:13.00*** join/#asterisk xtr (
19:13.10syzygyBSD"you have been charged for a collect call from the county jail. to get charged twice press 1, to connect press 2"
19:13.44ucfMethodI have been converting old movie clips to gsm ... funny ones from Alien, Terminator, HAL 9000 etc....  
19:13.50ucfMethodsyzygyBSD: haha
19:14.05rob0 her own site
19:14.22syzygyBSDya, but i haven't found out how to get IVR recordings off there
19:15.54Strom_CucfMethod: gsm?  yech!
19:16.31*** part/#asterisk tim0123 (
19:16.33syzygyBSDya, 8000 mono wav is so much better...
19:17.08*** join/#asterisk blepsoaf (
19:17.17ucfMethodi just figured since all the rest were gsm, i would keep it the same.
19:17.53syzygyBSDI keep mine in wav so I know which are mine and which are default
19:18.02blepsoafhello all, does anyone use polycom telephones?  If so, when using a 4 digit extension in the sip.conf, when making an outbound call how do you fill in the rest of the number IE xxx-xxx-extension.
19:18.04Strom_Ci keep mine in a separate directory so I know which are mine :)
19:18.09*** join/#asterisk TonyM_ (
19:18.26Strom_Cblepsoaf: that question doesn't make sense.
19:18.31ucfMethodblepsoaf: say again... i have 35+ Polycom 501's
19:18.40syzygyBSDblepsoaf: exten => _XXXX,1,Dial(zap/1/345${EXTEN})
19:18.45ucfMethodblepsoaf: but i dont understand your question
19:20.00syzygyBSDwait.. you mean for caller id?
19:20.18blepsoafwell I guess in order to dial extension to extension you have to have the caller ID as "John Doe" <1234> - but when making an outbound call to the PSTN it will show 1234
19:20.33blepsoafyes sorry, I shold have put caller ID :P
19:21.08blepsoafmaking the redial's and call lists easier to use
19:21.31*** join/#asterisk anthonyc (
19:21.38anthonycHi Qwell :)
19:21.45blepsoafshould I just re-write the caller ID in an outbound dial macro?
19:21.47syzygyBSDexten => _NXXXXXXXXX,1,Set(Callerid(number)=801333${CALLERID(NUMBER)})
19:21.51syzygyBSDor something...
19:21.55*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
19:22.25blepsoafbut what happens when you have XXX-956 && XXX-434 exchanges
19:22.30syzygyBSDor just set the callerid correctly in sip.conf so internal calls have the whole number
19:22.46X-Genhey freaks
19:22.58syzygyBSDhey Gen-X
19:23.01*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
19:23.12frenzywhere do I change the sender email for voicemail?
19:23.34syzygyBSDvoicemail.conf the general section
19:23.40frenzycurrently sends as asterisk@HOSTNAME which is boucning as that email doesnt exist...
19:23.44blepsoafsyzygyBSD: BUT, when redialing - if the whole number is there it will fail because of not dialing 9 & would also use an unnecessary zap channel
19:23.44syzygyBSDserveremail =
19:23.59frenzyhmmm wired.. I have that configured but doenst use that
19:24.06syzygyBSDblepsoaf: so fix your extensions.conf so that isn't a problem
19:24.51syzygyBSDis it in the general section?
19:25.00*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
19:25.16syzygyBSDfrenzy: are you using sendmail?
19:25.20*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
19:25.43syzygyBSDthen what?
19:25.57frenzyam piping from sendmail to my mail server application
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19:26.35frenzybtw i have freepbx installed...
19:26.46blepsoafhmm I guess I'm not sure how I would do that then, IE how to make asterisk understand the call is originating from SIP and to dial direct vs dialing outbound to PSTN
19:26.48frenzyanychance it could be overidding settings?
19:26.55syzygyBSDoh.. then I have no clue, I just know how asterisk works
19:27.29syzygyBSDblepsoaf: any chance you can pastebin your extensions.conf?
19:27.43blepsoafof course, thanks for taking the time to help
19:28.04rob0frenzy: just a WAG here, but did you restart after the change to voicemail.conf ?
19:28.22anthonycanyone here have time to work on a VOIP box?
19:28.24ucfMethodfrenzy: a reload from asterisk console would work too
19:28.28anthonycfrom scratch, need a simple incoming and outgoing #
19:28.33anthonycand follow-me
19:28.34anthonycfor a company
19:28.42*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
19:28.52ucfMethodanthonyc: contract work?
19:29.28anthonycnot high budget
19:29.35anthonycneed a dedicated server? heh
19:29.48syzygyBSDwhat do you mean follow-me?
19:30.27anthonycFor billing press 1, for sales press 2
19:30.33anthonycNeed a good professional voice etc
19:30.33ucfMethodanthonyc: linear dialing?
19:30.38anthonycIm not sure what it is
19:30.39Strom_Cthat's IVR, not follow-me
19:30.41anthonycIts setup and working
19:30.50anthonycbut the got that was working on it
19:30.53anthonycgot fired.
19:30.55ucfMethodanthonyc: call desk first, then call cell, then call home ?????
19:30.58anthonycand I dont know where to start
19:31.12anthonycucfMethod that could be an option
19:31.17anthonycbut Im talking about ivr i guess
19:31.22anthonycmay I PM you?
19:31.33jbotbook is, like, a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
19:31.35jbotit has been said that docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
19:31.53frenzyrestarted asterik... (Y)
19:31.54syzygyBSDanthonyc: those will get you started, unless you are looking for a contractor
19:32.55*** join/#asterisk AdmoIRC (
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19:35.12hmmhesaysi wish if statements could take regular expressions
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19:37.18syzygyBSDblepsoaf: add "include => incoming_context" to your us-outbound-dialing context
19:38.44*** join/#asterisk alamantia (i=alamanti@nat/digium/x-b07756a9f91e90ee)
19:39.38bradoakssyzygyBSD: that last link for astmasters, looks like spam.
19:39.45bradoaksfrom jbot.
19:40.00syzygyBSDwell I don't have control over jbot...
19:40.18bradoaksdoes any *one*, or do we all?
19:40.36syzygyBSDI think just the ops
19:43.22bradoaksokay, i was able to teach it to not return that spam link.
19:43.36[TK]D-Fenderjbot : no, documentation is Documentation can be found at or or or or
19:43.37jbotI think you lost me on that one, [TK]D-Fender
19:43.49[TK]D-Fenderjbot : documentation is Documentation can be found at or or or or
19:43.51jbot[TK]D-Fender: I think you lost me on that one
19:43.59[TK]D-Fenderforgot the syntax
19:44.11jbotwell, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
19:44.26[TK]D-Fender~docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
19:44.29jboti already had it that way, [TK]D-Fender
19:44.45bradoaks[TK]D-Fender: i first had to have it forget docs then tell it the corrected info.
19:45.01bradoaksbut i did it in a /msg
19:45.02[TK]D-Fender~docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
19:45.03jbotokay, [TK]D-Fender
19:45.16[TK]D-Fenderbradoaks: I did that as you were typing it :)
19:45.19jbotdocs is, like, Documentation can be found at or or or or
19:47.32blepsoafanyone know how to set a default customer ringer on a polycom phone, that way everyone is forced to have the same ring tone?
19:47.49blepsoafdefault custom ringer I meant
19:48.13blepsoafi know how to add a new ring tone to the phone, just dont know how to make that default
19:48.52BSDTechok I need input pls
19:49.04BSDTechanyone here use app_confrence vs meet me
19:49.15BSDTechwhat are the diffs
19:49.16[TK]D-Fenderblepsoaf:  I always set it on the phone after boot.  Every attempt I did in provisioning failed.  And the phone can ALWAYS override your provisioning.
19:49.25BSDTechI cant find any docs that compaire
19:49.37hmmhesayswell that was a serious pain in the ass
19:50.19blepsoafhmm, ok TK - I heard you have the CTU ringer, could you send me that wav file?
19:52.20[TK]D-Fenderblepsoaf: Later, sure.
19:52.57[TK]D-FenderBSDTech: app_conference doesn't require a Zaptel Timer.  Ther are a few other differences but I don't recall the details.
19:53.24[TK]D-FenderBSDTech: app_conference doesn't require a Zaptel timing source.  There are few other differences, but I don't recall offhand
19:53.32BSDTechso is it better
19:53.54BSDTechI now it comes in vicidial
19:53.59BSDTechthats why I ask
19:54.13BSDTechcall them
19:54.23BSDTechand ask the boss
19:54.32BSDTechhe is a nice guy and will get things worked out
19:54.49BSDTechI think they are having warehouse issues and he wants to know of any issues
19:55.06*** join/#asterisk MIXX941 (n=mark@unaffiliated/mixx941)
19:55.12BSDTechI had ordered 45 phones and I ordered nextday shipping and it took a week to get them
19:55.19BSDTechhe refunded the shipping
19:55.33*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
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19:55.57wunderkinwhich boss? ive left a vm for cory a few days ago with no reply, and i called garrett and it just went to voicemail... i tried calling and asking for  a support person that can deal directly with polycom, and the guy i spoke with didnt really seem to know and was going to have engineering call me but ive been waiting a month for a call from them already
19:56.11wunderkini had 2 unanswered firmware requests, plus other things
19:56.35BSDTechGarret I think his name was
19:56.49BSDTechwhat firm ware for the polycom ?
19:57.05BSDTechyou looking for 2.0.1
19:57.12[TK]D-Fender2.0.3 is out....
19:57.20BSDTechahh ok
19:57.21wunderkini didnt leave a voicemail for him, i guess i can try... i have 2.0.2 now.. i had to get it elsewhere...... blah... ive had a problem with 1.6.7, 2.0.1, and 2.0.2.. im thinking maybe it is a config problem but not sure why
19:57.23wunderkinreally?? ugggh
19:57.36BSDTechI have 2.0.1
19:57.41BSDTechbut would like 2.0.3
19:57.46BSDTechlet me see
19:58.59[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin: What kind of problem?
19:59.53*** part/#asterisk mroberto (
20:00.12wunderkin[TK]D-Fender, i asked you a little about it a day or so ago... intermittant reboot.. i get one way audio (they can hear me, but i cant hear them - on an outgoing call).. then it just reboots.... it is happening on almost every call on my phone now, in the office, there were at least 2 or 3 phones that had the problem, at least intermittantly.... incoming or outgoing calls... even with only 1 call on the line
20:00.51Strom_Cwunderkin: just for shits and giggles, do you have canreinvite=no in the phone's sip.conf entry?
20:01.02*** join/#asterisk visba (n=dca[
20:01.28[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin: Oh yeah.  Mondo FUBAR'd.  RMA that poor phone
20:01.31wunderkinyup.. i do...
20:01.56wunderkinthey were all ordered around the same time, and all from voipsupply so they were probably in the same batch...
20:02.27[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin: I've had a few phones go flakey on me.  happens.
20:02.40anthonyKallison is nice
20:02.43wunderkinyeah... that sucks... ive just been trying hard to confirm that my config files and everything is good
20:03.00syzygyBSDhmm, still haven't come up with something for her to record
20:03.24BSDTechif you get it let me know
20:03.27anthonyKshe sounds very nice
20:03.38syzygyBSDif I had more credits I would have her record part of the Dr Online song
20:03.56wunderkinim sure i wont be able to get 2.0.3 from them, since i requested 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 from them and never got it
20:04.16syzygyBSDhow can i get the firmware for my polycom 501's?
20:04.45wunderkini figured it was the phone or a config file, since it happens on 1.6.7, 2.0.1, and 2.0.2 firmware... i think ive only heard the problem on 2 or 3 phones.. out of 25..?
20:06.47wunderkinsyzygyBSD, well you are supposted to get it from your reseller but it is on or something like that...
20:07.28syzygyBSDwell, I dont' have a reseller
20:07.45wunderkin... how did you get the phone then? fingers or ebay?
20:07.53syzygyBSDmy boss...
20:08.06wunderkini see.. 5 finger discount
20:08.25syzygyBSDpretty much, I don't really need 2 phones on my desk
20:08.44syzygyBSDbut they are connected to 4 servers
20:09.11[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Just get 1 IP 601. That will cover them all.
20:09.51ucfMethodsyzygyBSD: which version do u need?
20:10.28syzygyBSDwell, i don't really need any, it works fine with what I have now, but the newest version wouldn't hurt
20:11.23wunderkini would like to find 2.0.3 since im already using 2.0... although i was told not to use 2.0 yet... but oh well, i was trying to fix this bug..
20:11.27*** join/#asterisk hypnox (
20:11.44ucfMethodi think im still using 1.4.1
20:11.48ucfMethodjeez, im behind
20:11.56hypnoxcan AGI stream file be made to play a file from a location other than the default sounds directory?
20:13.15blepsoafhypnox: yes
20:13.22blepsoafuse languages
20:14.12*** join/#asterisk LGND_A-Tuin (n=A-Tuin@
20:14.35syzygyBSDlanguages? i thought you could just do an absolute path?
20:14.44hypnoxi thought you could, but its not working for me
20:14.48syzygyBSDbeen a while since I wrote that program though
20:15.07blepsoafwell I use languages so I dont have to do the full path
20:16.25syzygyBSDRemember, the file extension must not be included in the filename
20:18.13hypnoxah yeah, thats better
20:18.54zapp-braniganhi, when i compile the asterisk in fedora 6 give a error linux/compiler.h not found because the fedora not use now the glibc-kernheaders and
20:18.54zapp-braniganuse the kernel-headers, how can compile this ?  
20:19.28zapp-braniganin the i how is editing the /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include/linux/autoconf.h
20:19.48zapp-braniganis to comment some linine or something else ?
20:25.48*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
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20:43.38syzygyBSD"Never talk to a woman about the half a pie she just ate"
20:44.46[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Yeah, wait till she starts setting eyes on YOUR half ;)
20:45.23syzygyBSDlol, trying to find something allison will record without too much protest, or will she record anything?
20:46.30linuxtuxi1Hi syzygyBSD, I'm ready for some firewall action :)
20:47.04syzygyBSDThat means no spittin', swearin', fartin', or picking your ass
20:51.03*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
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20:52.59_DAWWhen is the temporary greeting used in * voicemail?
20:53.32_DAWIt is playing the temporary message when I use u(mailbox)@(context)
20:53.45syzygyBSDanyone at digium know if the files will still be hosted at after the 1st?
20:53.57syzygyBSDor have a way for me to batch download all of them?
20:54.47syzygyBSDlinuxtuxi1: so.. firewall action?
20:55.37linuxtuxi1syzygyBSD: Yesterday you snet me some fw rules which we tried...but I was still not able to get a sip call placed
20:56.01syzygyBSDdo you have tcpdump on the firewall box?
20:56.08linuxtuxi1syzygyBSD: You suspected that it was probably related to the firewall
20:56.23*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
20:56.24linuxtuxi1syzygyBSD: sure...but I'm not a tcpdump expert....
20:56.40syzygyBSDoh, thats ok
20:56.58linuxtuxi1syzygyBSD: which ethernet device would you like to see the output from ?
20:57.01syzygyBSDwell, where to start, are you using the rules I gave you yesterday?
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20:58.22syzygyBSDpm me, I want to ask details about your setup
20:58.52*** join/#asterisk DonX (
20:59.16DonXdoes anyone have a sample SPA-941 diaplan that will let me send certain digits to another gw?
20:59.33syzygyBSDwhat do you mean another GW?
21:00.10DonXlike, (*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.) is my current (and the default) dialplan
21:00.56DonXWhen I dealt with Sipura (now linksys) devices before, I had a dialplan that could send certain strings/digits to other gateways
21:01.07DonXIE: FWD, etc.
21:01.29syzygyBSDI don't know what you mean by other gateways
21:01.46*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
21:01.46DonXlike, a different sip gateway than the one you're registered with
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21:02.31syzygyBSDhmm, I have never seen that, especially not in a dial plan, but there might be a way
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21:03.17heh_v_waterjust installed destar to try out on Debian.. the docs say just log in then set manager stuff.. it wont let me log in as anything
21:03.27heh_v_wateranyone mess with this?
21:03.40linuxtuxiesyzygyBSD: ..ok I cut myself of...fixed now
21:03.55syzygyBSDit works?
21:03.55linuxtuxiesyzygyBSD: I am now indeed using your provided fw rules
21:03.59*** join/#asterisk eltech (
21:05.22linuxtuxiesyzygyBSD: No I am still in the situation that sip registration works, but when I place a only retransmits the invite
21:06.36[Wiebel]if app_meetme doesnt build
21:06.39[Wiebel]what can that be?
21:07.38Qwell[][Wiebel]: install zaptel
21:07.45[Wiebel]ah ok
21:08.12*** join/#asterisk tr2x (
21:10.56syzygyBSDQwell[]: do you work for digium?
21:11.16[Wiebel]Qwell[]: how is the development of chan_skinny going? :P
21:11.37[Wiebel]any news on 7970 support?
21:11.43syzygyBSDare the files for going to be hosted after tomorrow?
21:11.54Qwell[][Wiebel]: Just give me an infinite amount of time to do everything else I'm doing :D
21:11.56syzygyBSDif not, is there a batch download available
21:12.07Qwell[]syzygyBSD: dunno
21:12.16[Wiebel]while true; do echo $time > Qwell[] ; done
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21:14.12*** join/#asterisk AllanKardec (n=root@
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21:15.49*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@unaffiliated/luisjose)
21:17.03DrAk0Why when I press # for call transfer it works for the internal phones (LAN) but with a call from the outside (PSTN / Sipura-3k) when I press # for call transfer does not work?
21:18.21De_Moncan I chanspy on 2 groups?
21:18.47diablopicoanyone know how to get the codecs 723 to work with aserisk
21:19.02diablopicog723.1 in perticular
21:19.50diablopicowith asterisk even ?
21:20.23Corydon-wdiablopico: first, you pay the patent holder $300,000
21:21.34syzygyBSDDrAk0: do you have the correct dtmf setup for that connection?
21:22.34DrAk0syzygyBSD, hhmm not sure
21:22.41DrAk0syzygyBSD, what it should be?
21:23.32syzygyBSDuhh, i don't know, I found that one works for most, do any other key presses work?
21:23.34*** join/#asterisk Un1x (
21:23.36syzygyBSDtry inband
21:24.38Corydon-wdiablopico: or you could buy the codec card from Digium for a fraction of that price
21:25.26Strom_CCorydon-w: is that thing out yet?
21:25.39Corydon-wStrom_C: probably not
21:25.46Strom_Cyeah, i didnt think so
21:27.06DrAk0syzygyBSD, no
21:27.26syzygyBSDI don't know what no means
21:27.41DrAk0<syzygyBSD> uhh, i don't know, I found that one works for most, do any other key presses work?
21:27.51*** join/#asterisk doc9 (n=doc9@
21:27.55syzygyBSDhave you tried inband?
21:28.03doc9hi everyone
21:28.08Strom_CsyzygyBSD: yes, maybe, possibly, and/or no :)
21:28.09doc9i have a question
21:28.10DrAk0i don't know whats inband
21:28.33DrAk0got it
21:28.34DrAk0let me try
21:28.56syzygyBSDdoc9: what is your question, and thank you for giving us time to give you permission to ask it
21:29.02doc9the function disa with file passwd it work ok?
21:30.40*** join/#asterisk waverly360 (
21:30.42linuxtuxi1syzygyBSD: Should the the transmit of the invite be visible in the udp output of the tcpdump performed on ppp0 ?
21:31.05doc9i have a DISA in extension.conf
21:31.18doc9but not work with file passwd and context
21:31.24DrAk0syzygyBSD, ok now when i call to another operator that needs key (like my ISP) the keys works
21:31.25syzygyBSDlinuxtuxi1: I think so
21:31.35DrAk0syzygyBSD, but call transfer does not work yet
21:32.18linuxtuxi1syzygyBSD: Hmmm, I think I see that traffic during registration....but not when * is (re)transmitting the invite
21:33.14waverly360Query: Is there a way to tell if a particular phone number is long distance to you?  I know that generally a number outside of your area code is considered long distance..but that's not always the case.
21:33.16syzygyBSDk, that makes sense,
21:33.26syzygyBSDDrAk0: what is your codec?
21:33.55*** join/#asterisk AbuSer (
21:34.02syzygyBSDk, inband should work for that...
21:34.35syzygyBSDbefore you press the #, in asterisk do you do an Answer()?
21:35.35*** join/#asterisk Skip2PBX (
21:36.02diablopicohello.... is there any other possible solution for 723.1 ?
21:36.14syzygyBSDDrAk0: do you get audio in both directions?
21:36.44Skip2PBXHi to everybody, i'd like to ask a question regarding ISDN cards ... and not exctly related to Asterisk...
21:36.49syzygyBSDcan you hear the keypress you are trying to get?
21:37.04Skip2PBXCan i access a ISDN Card like a virtual DSP device ?
21:37.28*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=nono@
21:37.38Dr-Linux|homeis asterisk2billing program is opensource?
21:38.04syzygyBSDSkip2PBX: have you looked at hdlc yet?
21:38.21Skip2PBXhdlc ? No i don't know it !
21:38.50syzygyBSDI *think* that is what you are looking for, but I don't really know
21:38.59Skip2PBXany link ?
21:39.07syzygyBSDnope, sorry
21:39.23Skip2PBXbecause the hdlc i know means High-Level Data Link Control but is something different
21:39.29*** join/#asterisk dioedu (n=dioedu@
21:39.59Skip2PBXi need to use the ISDN card like in asterisk, but i need to emulate a DSP device for Audio Streaming !
21:40.01syzygyBSDsomething like that... I don't really know what a "virtual DSP device" is
21:40.12dioeduhello all, if i have a message of channel.c "Dropping duplicate answer", is it a problem ?
21:40.43Skip2PBXdsp i mean Linux Audio Device ... can i access an ISDN card like an Audio Device /dev/dsp0 ?
21:41.27DrAk0syzygyBSD, yes
21:41.37DrAk0syzygyBSD, i can hear
21:42.31syzygyBSDso... asterisk is just not processing the keypress, my only guess is inband
21:42.41Skip2PBXhow, if i insert an ISDN card to my linux ox this doesn't create any /dev/dsp device ... i need to use some special driver instead of the standard isdn4linux ?
21:43.04DrAk0syzygyBSD, yes is not being processed by asterisk, but it is if is not thrugh the pstn
21:43.06AbuSerHow to correct this error: file.c:587 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame ... .?
21:43.16syzygyBSDISDN is closer to a modem then it is to a sound card
21:43.57Skip2PBXso you mean that Asterisk use an isdn card exactly like an audio Device for voice streaming ?
21:44.40syzygyBSDSkip2PBX: what are you trying to accomplish?
21:45.13Skip2PBXWe develop a Software that connect Skype to a traditional PBX !!! Actually we use some USB Box that emulate an audio device... because Skype need an audio device.
21:45.39Skip2PBXNow we want to use PCI Cards like Digium or Eicon and to have even ISDN, PRI, BRI and maybe even SIP and H323 support.
21:45.51DrAk0syzygyBSD, any idea?
21:46.47Skip2PBXWe can handle all the signaling on the ISDN line, but for the Voice we need and audio device amulation !!! That's my question
21:47.14syzygyBSDDrAk0: no ideas, it sounds like asterisk isn't processing inband DTMF tones from your pstn
21:47.25*** part/#asterisk AbuSer (
21:47.31Skip2PBXcan we do it ? There are some libs that already implement this features ?
21:49.33syzygyBSDwell, ISDN, PRI, and BRI cards are NOT audio cards, so they won't do what you are trying to do
21:49.38Dr-Linux|homeis asterisk2billing program is opensource?
21:50.45syzygyBSDDr-Linux|home: a quick google search tells us that, yes it is open source
21:51.13Skip2PBXsyzygyBSD: So how asterisk access this cards for voice streaming ?
21:51.42[Wiebel]anyone with a asterisk box with moh wich is public reachable via sip?
21:51.53Dr-Linux|homesyzygyBSD: thank you, actually GPL license was not clear to me
21:51.58syzygyBSDSkip2PBX: using zaptel drivers
21:52.31Skip2PBXsyzygyBSD: ok this is a good start.....
21:53.04syzygyBSDDr-Linux, well, it just means that any changes you make you have to give back, and any copies of the program you give to anyone need to have the source code with it, as well as the GPL license
21:54.11*** join/#asterisk mroberto (
21:54.27mrobertoHow to I configure exten to play a gsm file
21:54.28*** join/#asterisk linuxtuxie (
21:54.47Strom_Cmroberto: show application Playback
21:55.02mrobertowhere do I store the gsm file
21:56.07*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
21:58.19syzygyBSDmroberto: remember, don't include the extension in the playback() command
21:59.32mrobertoWell I am a newbie so can you point me to an example
21:59.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:00.33syzygyBSDexten 1,1,playback(asterisk-installation)
22:00.40syzygyBSDexten => 1,1,playback(asterisk-installation)
22:00.52*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:00.59Skip2PBXsyzygyBSD: I've read that Zaptel Driver is needed only for Digium Cards... so if i use another card like Eicon that is supported by isdn4linux how Asterisk use the Voice Stream ?
22:03.57*** join/#asterisk MIXX941 (n=mark@unaffiliated/mixx941)
22:04.23mrobertosynygyBSD: what's the asterisk-installation refering to ?
22:06.40*** join/#asterisk Shaun (
22:07.16*** join/#asterisk Shaun (
22:09.16DrkShdwinterface.c: Junk at the beginning of frame  <--  anyone know what might be causing that?   it seems to have locked my machine up about an hour ago
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22:12.22JTspontaneous dtmf :o
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22:14.37Strom_CJT: I think that's called "talk-off" :)
22:14.40*** join/#asterisk Primer (
22:15.28PrimerIs there no way to set/get event ids in the asterisk manager interface? Basically I want to ensure that the response I'm getting applies to the command I sent
22:15.34JTStrom_C: hmm?
22:15.41*** part/#asterisk mroberto (
22:15.59PrimerI'm using an asynchronous event driven programming framework to talk to the asterisk manager
22:17.15*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:17.42linuxtuxieok..I git something different now. I have renamed my friend section from voipstunt to registration still is ok...but if I now try to place call...I see udp traffic going through my fw
22:17.57syzygyBSDPrimer: yes, you set the actionid when you sent the command
22:18.16linuxtuxieand instead of getting invite retransmits..I get SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
22:18.51syzygyBSDdo you have the right username/password?
22:19.03diclophis-workhowdy all
22:19.10diclophis-workis there a way to kick a user out of a conference?
22:19.15linuxtuxiesyzygyBSD: yes
22:19.28syzygyBSDdiclophis-work: where do you want them to go?
22:19.35linuxtuxiesyzygyBSD: I used the same in the custom app from voipstunt
22:19.46linuxtuxiesyzygyBSD: and also registry works...
22:19.59diclophis-worksyzygyBSD: well in theory i want them to leave the MeetMe command, and continue executing stuff in my AGI script
22:20.07diclophis-workso i guess further down the dialplan
22:20.08syzygyBSDwhat does "sip show registry" from the asterisk console show?
22:20.18diclophis-worksyzygyBSD: sorta like auto press "
22:20.21*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
22:20.26diclophis-worker auto press "#" for them, with the "
22:20.32diclophis-worker with the "p" option set
22:20.53linuxtuxiesyzygyBSD: ->          linuxtuxie         105 Registered  
22:22.34[TK]D-Fenderlinuxtuxie : 401 means the user/pass is bad.  end of story.  Just because you registered OK, doesn't mean your user/peer will work.
22:22.47*** join/#asterisk stelios__ (
22:22.58*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
22:23.08syzygyBSDdiclophis-work: I have never had meetme work well with agi, that doesn't mean it is not possible though
22:24.05syzygyBSDhow do you want to trigger them to leave the conference?
22:26.36ManxPowerlinuxtuxie: the [stuffinhere] is what the incoming username is.
22:26.51ManxPowerusername= is for OUTGOING username
22:28.02*** join/#asterisk SuXz (n=msohail_@
22:28.25SuXzcan any one help me to configure asterfax or please tell me where can i have its manual
22:30.28SuXzany asterfax buddy there
22:31.40ManxPowerI don't even know what AsterFax is.
22:31.47*** join/#asterisk toggy (
22:32.03SuXzok :)
22:32.39*** join/#asterisk itguru (
22:32.40Supaplexit's just some lame email gateway? *sigh*
22:32.48toggyanyone know how to fix the: channel.c: Dropping duplicate answer! error on incoming capi calls?
22:32.55*** join/#asterisk LordBacon (n=frb@unaffiliated/frb)
22:33.01LordBaconoink oink
22:33.05LordBaconWhat's a zaptel?
22:33.48[TK]D-Fender"Good grief Charlie Brown"
22:33.54[TK]D-FenderLordBacon : ...
22:33.58jbotrumour has it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
22:34.00ManxPowerLordBacon: Zaptel is a framework for telephony applications
22:34.37[TK]D-FenderLordBacon : In other words (short version) : The module(s) that support most of the hardware cards often used with * (and a few other oddities)
22:35.15ManxPowerNow if we had a context for your question we might be able to be more helpful.
22:35.19LordBaconI don't have a hardware card, which is why I get confused when all the howtos mention using zaptel
22:35.57[TK]D-FenderLordBacon : Its also required for IAX2 in trunk mode, and for MeetMe (both for reasons that its a timing source)
22:36.19[TK]D-FenderLordBacon : Which if you don't need, well, kudos, you can do without installing it
22:37.22toggyanyone know how to fix the: channel.c: Dropping duplicate answer! ??
22:37.49SupaplexI don't
22:38.12*** part/#asterisk SuXz (n=msohail_@
22:38.20*** part/#asterisk linuxtuxie (
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22:40.43SuXzasterfax buddy there
22:42.30Supaplexthey went home
22:46.33*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
22:47.07waverly360Hey yall.  
22:47.44waverly360Does anyone know where I can see an example extensions.conf where someone converted their dialplan fully to AGI?
22:48.34*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
22:50.54Un1x*CLI> show g729
22:50.54Un1x1/1 encoders/decoders of 4 licensed channels are currently in use
22:51.04[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360 : I've only heard of one nut in here that did that, and I can't remember exactly who it was...
22:51.08Un1xw---t :D
22:51.14Un1xerrr im happy lol
22:51.44Un1xheh at least it works g729 that is :D
22:51.45syzygyBSDwaverly360: I did that before, but you don't want to take a look at it
22:52.00*** join/#asterisk g0tw00d (
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22:53.24syzygyBSDand the extensions.conf wont' really tell you anything if it is all AGI
22:55.50*** join/#asterisk a2lti (
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23:08.06LordBaconI was reading through teh book again, but it says nothing about disk space
23:08.24LordBaconhow much space should I expect to be needed if I have say 10 phone lines with voice mail?
23:08.41De_MonI want to send an email to someones voicemail address, how can I extract it?
23:10.09*** join/#asterisk Jon335 (n=Jon335@unaffiliated/jon335)
23:14.55JTStrom_C: what is talk off?
23:15.32De_Monjt the name of the sound file
23:16.51*** join/#asterisk AdmoIRC (
23:18.52syzygyBSDLordBacon: depends on how much voicemail they are going to keep, figure 10MB per minute of voicemail
23:19.04JTDe_Mon: ?
23:19.25syzygyBSDjt look at festival
23:19.38JTsyzygyBSD: what are you answering?
23:19.52JTDe_Mon: what were you trying to tell me?
23:19.54De_MonI was just looking at Strom's replies guess that was a different coversation
23:20.10Un1xHey ive i want to USe Voicemail with asterisk
23:20.14Un1xdo i have to install mpg123
23:20.23Un1xor cabn the default slackware mpg321
23:20.23Un1xbe used
23:20.36LordBaconok, after I figure out wht I'm doing, I'll get a bigger disk on there
23:22.41*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
23:25.01anthonyKanyone here wanting to help a newb
23:25.04anthonyKmy server is already up
23:25.09anthonyKI just need some phone number configuration
23:27.27*** join/#asterisk Mad_guy (
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23:30.33Un1xanthonyK what is it you need?
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23:31.42anthonyKim lost :(
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23:36.38*** join/#asterisk Galeras (
23:38.55Galerassomeone using ring-inuse app_queue patch?
23:40.09Galerasit didn't work for 2 or more queues, someone can help us with this improvement?
23:40.28Galerasi mean help u$
23:40.57*** join/#asterisk ltdwk (n=z@
23:41.54|Vulture|Anyone use any hardware or software to limit bandwidth to ensure the VoIP connections have priority?
23:42.06ltdwkQuestion on queues/agents.... Is there any way to have an agent always logged in, rather than them having to log in?
23:43.01*** part/#asterisk nalioth (i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth)
23:43.03*** join/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
23:43.28TripleFFFFahmm can u fit a digium or sangoma in a PCI-X slot ?
23:43.46ltdwkyes PCI-X is backwards compatible
23:44.04ltdwkmake sure you get the right voltage card though
23:44.37orlock|Vulture|: no, buti am looking at QoS and performance metrics currently
23:44.58*** join/#asterisk momelod (
23:45.11momelodhello people
23:45.15momelodanyone around?
23:46.33momelodi have a question about digium's te207p card: i put this card in and on bootup i get these strange errors; "wct4xxp: disagrees about version of symbol zt_ec_span", "wct4xxp: Unknown symbol zt_ec_span"
23:46.49momelodany ideas/pointers?
23:47.20|Vulture|orlock: are you looking at QoS over the local network or out to the internet?
23:47.22syzygyBSDwhen was the last time you recompiled zaptel?
23:49.08momelodsyzygyBSD since before i installed this card
23:49.13momelodprobably 4 months ago
23:49.24momelodive been using an analog card up until now
23:50.05syzygyBSDwhy are you using wct4xxp?
23:50.38momelodauto detected
23:50.48momelodand thats what it says i should use on the difium site
23:51.21syzygyBSDhmm, ok, thought it would be another driver, not the 4 port one
23:51.58momelodthe card has 2 ports
23:52.20syzygyBSDand that page you linked says to use wct2xxp
23:52.21momelodactually your right
23:52.35momelodso why is my kernel loading the wrong one?
23:52.43syzygyBSDbecause 2xxp doesn't exist
23:53.04momelodso i should recompile zaptel?
23:53.21syzygyBSDof course, the version I have is a year and a half old, maybe the newer version of zaptel does
23:53.55momelod1.2.x has em according to the site
23:54.15momelodim going to try to recompile now
23:54.17momelodthanx for the tips
23:54.21syzygyBSDI see wctdm24xxp
23:54.25momelodhey, one last question
23:54.53momelodwill i have to configure this card somewhere or will it magically detect my pri line and auto configure?
23:55.21momelodnot in the dialplan stuff, just making all the proper connections between the card and the line
23:55.23syzygyBSDyes, you have to configure both /etc/zapata.conf and /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf
23:55.34momelodrats :)
23:55.43momelodokay thanx alote for your help
23:55.50syzygyBSDthey are 1 line configureation, very standard
23:56.07syzygyBSDwell, maybe not quite that easy
23:56.15*** join/#asterisk bluregard (
23:57.06bluregardlinlin: you around?
23:59.53*** join/#asterisk sloth (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.