irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061127

00:00.05blitzrageEmleyMoor: ok thats what I thought. Just grab a logo and set the print size
00:00.21EmleyMoorI will have a go
00:00.36EmleyMoorThe label I currently have has a Sunderland number on it
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00:55.53backblue_robin_z: increase the value on the last line of the misdn.conf
00:56.18backblue_offcourse it suports callerid, it's standart in misdn, should work by default.
00:57.36*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=AndresMu@
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01:32.02*** join/#asterisk Grubs (
01:32.56GrubsI see so many people installing asterisk on multi-function boxes.  Has asterisk been improved to the point where the analog encoding/decoding is more robust to interrupts?
01:33.07*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
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01:52.21robin_szGrubs, not really, no. its best not to put too omuch "other stuff" on the box all the same
01:53.23robin_szbackblue_, ok , ill try increasing that value ... I guess its possible my poxy provider doesnt send CID on the circuit .. its BT, they are a bit crap at times.
01:53.34[TK]D-FenderGrubs : depends how much you're asking of it.
01:54.05robin_szsip to sip seems to work well on any sort of box
01:54.22robin_szits when you start adding PCI cards for ISDN etc that the troubles start
01:55.32orlockIs anybody here using a multi-number sip account?
01:56.07backblue_robin_sz: pickup a isdn phone, and test it.
01:56.39robin_sznot a bad plan
01:57.01*** join/#asterisk MoutaPT (
01:57.02robin_szI might get an ISDN phone, just to have a back-up should my * box shit itself one day
01:57.22backblue_robin_sz: sorry, you have to decrease the value in misnd.conf, not incriese!
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01:58.55robin_szI'll save that fun for later in the week
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02:04.20orlockCan anybody tell me if asterisk uses the sip Invite header or the sip To: header when determining DID's
02:07.03*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
02:07.39MoutaPTit's the To: header
02:07.55orlockthats how it should be
02:08.10MoutaPTif you have more than one DID
02:08.13MoutaPTfrom your telco
02:08.13orlockits FreePBX though, so nobody here will want to help with that :)
02:08.22*** join/#asterisk angler (i=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
02:08.28MoutaPTyou should look a fucntion in dialplan
02:08.32orlockMoutaPT: yeah, one sip account with 10 DID's assigned
02:09.22MoutaPTSets a channel variable to the content of a SIP header
02:09.30MoutaPTcheck this over the wiki
02:09.34orlockMoutaPT: ahh, cool
02:09.39MoutaPTor test it in your dialplan
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02:09.43orlocki thought it would be something like that
02:09.50MoutaPTyou are looking for variable
02:09.56MoutaPTgood luck
02:11.43*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (i=malcolmd@nat/digium/x-5427194079719780)
02:14.03orlockMoutaPT: thanks dude, it will take some work, but i know i am not nuts now :)
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02:29.42robin_szbackblue_, this look correct?
02:29.44robin_sz/sbin/modprobe --ignore-install hfcpci protocol=0x2 layermask=0xf
02:29.44robin_szmodprobe mISDN_dsp debug=0x0 options=0  dtmftreshold=30
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02:31.20backblue_robin_sz: dunno, tired
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02:33.39robin_szcoo, dtmf detection does work!
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02:38.02Grubslol - fell I asleep!   Back to asterisk on multi-function boxes - if just using sip/iax without any PCI cards I can see why it wouldnt matter what else the box was doing.
02:38.58GrubsWhen I set up asterisk over a year ago everyone here at the time was adament I'd need  a dedicated box even with a single FXO card (TDM).
02:39.31robin_szprobably true today
02:39.52robin_szinterrupt handling is the killer
02:40.34robin_szzttest is your friend here
02:42.05GrubsI know zttest can tell you if you are sharing an interrupt - does it do more (googling now)
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02:46.56robin_szit shows you if interrupts are being handled in a timely fashion ... or more to the point, if they are not
02:47.02robin_szfor whatever reason
02:47.14robin_szCPU buy ness, sharedness, crapness
02:48.56*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes__ (
02:49.47GrubsI see. zttest reports all 99.987793% on my clean dedicated box. I might install to my ClarkConnect web proxy/gate way and see if it drops (uses the same hardware)
02:50.55robin_szthats the exact same value I get ...
02:53.07*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
03:02.15*** join/#asterisk Ryanw (
03:03.40Ryanwwhats the best free soft phone with multiple sip accounts?
03:04.27robin_szhmm ... i only want cdr_mysql ... how do I turn off the custom/CSV stuff?
03:07.16Ryanwyou could always symlink the csv to /dev/null if ya can't find out where to turn it off.
03:09.04*** join/#asterisk Anson (
03:09.14Qwellor just unload the module
03:10.30robin_szahh, in modules.conf?
03:11.58*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
03:21.55*** join/#asterisk Mattwj2005 (
03:22.10Mattwj2005hey guys :)
03:22.44Mattwj2005I am going to rebuild my asterisk server tonight
03:22.47Mattwj2005gentoo :)
03:24.45*** part/#asterisk Ryanw (
03:24.52Mattwj2005anyone here?
03:24.59bradoaksi may be being very dense here, but i've installed asterisk-now appliance from rpath and cannot login with the admin password i set using the passwd command as root for the admin user.  I don't remember setting an application-level password during install.  any ideas? i may just reinstall.
03:25.08bradoakshi Mattwj2005.
03:25.25Mattwj2005hey bradoaks :)
03:26.07bradoaksMattwj2005: there have been a handful of comments over the past hour and a handful in the hour before that.
03:26.17bradoaksso folks are around, but not chatty.
03:26.24Mattwj2005got you....
03:26.43Mattwj2005this is the start of the weekend for me......for most people it is the end of the weekend
03:28.05Mattwj2005yeah I have a small personal PBX at my house....not real special...just for cheap long distance :)
03:28.32Grubsmonday afternoon here
03:28.53Mattwj2005where are you at Grubs?  I am in Minneapolis
03:29.02GrubsMelbourne - Australia
03:29.26Grubsjust upgrading my home/office pbx many users?
03:29.56Grubsonly 3 extensions.
03:31.03Grubsusing an old 1U poweredge server - PIII 550.  Works like a charm and virtually silent after I removed most of the fans
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03:41.51JTGrubs: removed most of the fans... from a 1RU server
03:46.26Grubsits OK - CPU is only PIII 550 and I replaced the passive heatsink with a low-profile unit with a slow fan.  This allowed me to remove 4 of the screaming 40mm fans.  PSU is cooled using a PCI-slot blower (high static pressure) that occupies one drive slot.
03:47.17GrubsServer only uses 36W of power and is nice and quiet.
03:47.32JTredundant power supply?
03:47.56JTthey're quite rare in 1RU
03:49.31*** join/#asterisk NDT (
03:49.34GrubsPoweredge 350 is a toy compared to modern servers.  but perfect for asterisk. I have a second one as a ClarkConnect gateway/squid proxy.
03:51.38JTheh, i only tend to put asterisk on servers with redundant power supplies and RAID1 drives
03:53.04*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:53.08Grubsfine - but mine serves a home and home-office with 3 extensions - so its not a prob.  Our voip provider offers failover to mobiles automatically if our server is offline.
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03:58.15*** join/#asterisk Mattwj2005 (
03:58.53Mattwj2005so what distros do you guys use?
03:59.39GrubsDebian Sarge 3.1 - minimal install (CLI only).
04:00.02Mattwj2005I have used that too
04:00.13Mattwj2005I use Gentoo 2006.1 CLI too
04:03.21JTGrubs: fair enough, i was talking about my home servers too :)
04:03.25JTwhat voip provider is that?
04:03.57*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (   (based in Brisbane - AU)
04:04.19JThrm never heard of them
04:04.22JTwill look into it
04:05.02Grubsnot the cheapest by a long shot.  But trouble free.  You get what you pay for.
04:05.21JTtheir page still hasn't loaded :P
04:05.32JTjust got a timeout
04:06.16Grubsinstant load here
04:06.56JTtheir non www one is stuffed
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04:14.07Mattwj2005with Gentoo you can run the installer in ssh :)
04:15.57Sedoroxif anyone cares.. I just posted information on voip-info on how to get a Vina integrator/Lucent Connectreach/many other names... working with Asterisk through a Cisco 1760 router
04:16.49*** join/#asterisk Jeff81 (
04:16.54SedoroxI use Gentoo too btw
04:17.10Mattwj2005oh yeah?
04:17.29Mattwj2005what do you think of it sedorox?
04:17.46SedoroxI like Gentoo
04:17.50tlpAny of you guys use ASTLinux?
04:17.57Mattwj2005do you do just a emerge asterisk?
04:18.07Jeff81Hi, got a question that probablysounds stupid.  I've been reading something about that used to be included in asterisk but no longer is.  Does anyone have this file and any other related files that I may be able to play around with?
04:18.11tlpI'm considering Debian for my production system. Currently doing testing on FreeBSD, but as it's not supported, gonna hop over to Linux.
04:18.20Sedoroxyes.. and make sure you have the use flags right if you plan on using pri/zaptel/etc...
04:19.21*** join/#asterisk insomnia41 (
04:20.06Mattwj2005oh okay
04:20.17Mattwj2005my pbx is very basic :)
04:20.41fileJeff81: why do you ask? :D
04:20.50*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
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04:22.35Jeff81wantedto play around with making asterisk work with a voice modem.  I havea few old voice modems, and I've got a Skype account with a phone adapter.  If I could get a voice modem working on Asterisk, it would be a simple way to connect to Skype.
04:22.58filethe channel driver you are talking about was very very old, and only did half duplex on a few modems
04:23.49Jeff81I read that in a forum, just figured I'd see if it worked with any of my modems.  But I can't even find a copy of it.
04:24.13fileit was removed because it was old and unused and nobody maintained it
04:24.16Jeff81I've tried the uplink program to link Skype to SIP, but I can't seem to get that working.
04:27.40*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
04:27.55Jeff81do you know where I might be able to find these old drivers?  Or something to make Skype connect to Asterisk?  I have found a few different articles on connecting with the uplink program, but I'm doing something wrong and don't know what.  Once I got an Asterisk extension to dial out on Skype, but had no audio (send or receive) and couldn't get incoming calls.
04:28.50filethe old drivers are not the way to go... but if you really want them, you can probably grab them from an old SVN revision - and as for connecting to Skype I have no experience
04:30.13Jeff81I apologize, I am not very experienced with all of this myself.  Do you know where I could find these old revisions/
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04:56.54[hC]anyone played around with the new polycom 2.x firmware yet?
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05:09.36[TK]D-Fender[hC] : Yup, seems fine
05:11.50Supaplexit pooped on the carpet! bad firmware! ;)
05:13.53Supaplexsup file :)
05:15.16fileI am... working on the bug tracker early, taking a break from a project
05:16.04Supaplexthinking of a 7-8hr nap
05:16.14filegood plan
05:17.47*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
05:18.18Sedoroxok.. you know your a voip geek when you girlfriend says she'll call you.. and you ask on which phone...
05:21.34Sedoroxwell I was just talking about all the phones I have setup in the lab.. so it was actually ment as a joke... but just sounds funny
05:21.44SedoroxI have, with me right now, a cell, voip, and 1 analog
05:21.46Sedorox2 analog
05:22.48Supaplexand I like turning statements like that on its head :)
05:23.26[TK]D-FenderSedorox : I've got 3 Polycom phones in my bedroom at home, an ATA that isn't plugged ATM, and am connected to about 1.2 dozen servers worldwide :)
05:23.45[TK]D-FenderSedorox : But you've got me on the "analog line" bit... won't see that here :D
05:24.02[TK]D-Fender3 cheers for Dry-line DSL!
05:24.16SedoroxI have a grandstream, a 7912 (which I can't use right now.. think I need CCM for it...) and 2 7960's
05:24.26Sedoroxthen I have a  Lucent ConnectReach channel bank
05:24.32Sedoroxwhich is how the analogs are connected
05:24.39Sedoroxalong with a fxs vic in the cisco router
05:24.49filePolycom IP600 and a PAP2-NA! yay
05:25.03SedoroxI wanna pick up a polycom still
05:25.14Sedorox'cept I just had to get a car.. so thats pushed off a bit
05:26.55[TK]D-FenderSedorox : Well I was a little gung-ho on my purchases and Am looking to sell off 2 and replace with something higher end perhaps.
05:27.14[TK]D-FenderSedorox : But they are great as test phones for business.
05:27.27Sedoroxthe poly's?
05:28.24[TK]D-FenderSedorox : yup
05:28.34Sedoroxwhat model.. and how much you asking? :p
05:28.40[TK]D-FenderSedorox : Then again.... what do I need more phones for...
05:28.43filetwo trillion dollars!
05:28.49[TK]D-FenderSedorox : I have a 301, 430, and 501
05:28.53file[TK]D-Fender: it's not like you get phone calls
05:29.03[TK]D-Fenderfile : I do actually.
05:29.11file[TK]D-Fender: blasphemy!
05:30.03[TK]D-Fenderfile : Every other week!
05:30.04SedoroxI'd love the 501... but I probably won't even be able to afford the 301 :/
05:33.46[TK]D-Fenderfile : It should, though i've registered a permanent domain as well now :)
05:34.21fileyay permanent domain
05:34.46[TK]D-Fenderfile : Yup, I went and paid my dues to the Registrars From Hell :D
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05:52.41Igbothom_IIIooh, aah, Glenn McGrath
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06:16.45shellsharkanyone here a Freemason?
06:17.50dlynes_laptopYou might want to try #freemasons
06:18.10shellsharkno dice ;)
06:18.56dlynes_laptophow about #rosachristian?
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06:20.09shellsharkwhat's that?
06:20.22dlynes_laptopIt's another weird thing like freemasons :)
06:20.37shellsharkmasons are weird?
06:20.59dlynes_laptopto me they are
06:21.02dlynes_laptopmaybe not to everyone
06:21.10shellsharkwhy's that?
06:21.24dlynes_laptopJust the whole secrecy thing
06:21.41dlynes_laptopand the eye of isis fascination or whatever it is
06:21.45shellsharkthe only thing that are really secret are the handshakes and passwords :)
06:21.58shellsharkthe all seeing eye...
06:22.28dlynes_laptopthe meetings are all private, too
06:22.45shellsharkthat's their symbol for the "supreme being" above (they label it that way to be politically correct)
06:22.52dlynes_laptopand from what i understand there's a lot of really sinister requirements after you get to 14th level or something like that
06:23.15shellsharkthere are only 3 degrees of the standard freemasons
06:23.26shellsharkapprentice, fellowcraft, and master
06:23.52shellsharkthere are other masonic-related organizations that have higher numbers, but that's different
06:24.52shellsharksuch as the scottish rite, having degrees 4-32, and the york rite having 4-14 (iirc.. york might have more than that)
06:25.20dlynes_laptopthis was some masonic lodge in England
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06:26.09orlockfreemasons run the country!
06:26.25dlynes_laptopwhich country?
06:26.44orlockaccording to the simpsons
06:26.47shellsharkdlynes_laptop: there are MANY masonic lodges in england ;)
06:26.50dlynes_laptopYeah...just look at your dollar bill
06:26.50shellsharkorlock: hehehe
06:27.01orlockmy grandfather was a mason
06:27.03dlynes_laptopIt's got masonic symbols plastered all over it
06:27.14orlockits a conspiracy!
06:27.18orlock23 skidoo!
06:27.23shellsharkdlynes_laptop: yeah, but the people who founded the country were essentially all masons, and needed something to put on the currency ;)
06:27.48dlynes_laptopYeah...from what I hear, every president except one has been a freemason, too
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06:27.56shellsharknot every
06:27.59dlynes_laptopI think the only exception was Clinton wasn't it?
06:28.07shellsharkbush sr, bush jr, clinton were not
06:28.18shellsharklincoln was not
06:28.34shellsharkthere were a lot more that actually were not masons too
06:28.55dlynes_laptopMaybe it was all but Clinton that were members of the NRA, then
06:29.07dlynes_laptopNRA, masons, ... same crap different pile :)
06:30.36*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
06:32.10shellsharkouch ;)
06:32.28shellsharkwhy do you feel so negative about masons if you don't know anything about them?
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06:37.10dlynes_laptopKnowing which presidents were masons and which ones weren't means knowing something about freemasons?
06:37.38dlynes_laptopI've got one friend that used to be a mason, and another that used to be a Rosa Christian...they both told me about masons
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07:19.47shellsharkdlynes_laptop: what did they tell you?
07:21.12dlynes_laptopJust a few things about all the weird stuff that happened at the meetings and how the levels get progressively more and more sinister
07:21.36dlynes_laptopUntil finally after you've been in there for a while, they get you do more criminal like things
07:21.55shellsharkwow, that's insanely misleading
07:22.27dlynes_laptopWell, i'm sure there's gotta be a reason why he left, and why he's still having nightmares about it
07:22.33shellsharkthe most criminal thing they've gotten me to do has been panhandling for the Salvation Army to raise funds for disadvantage children during christmas
07:23.08dlynes_laptopwhat level are you, though?
07:23.21shellsharki'm the highest degree a mason can be
07:23.27shellsharkmaster mason
07:24.20dlynes_laptopI've heard these kinda things from other people, too
07:24.31dlynes_laptopJust didn't hear it in as much detail as I did from this fellow
07:24.55shellsharkthey do a lot of philantropy, fundraisers for good causes, public dinners, etc... i guess in some places of the world that could be considered criminal
07:25.21dlynes_laptopnah...there's other things they would get him to do such as laying down in a coffin for some reason or another, too
07:25.42*** join/#asterisk JT (
07:25.44shellsharkthat's not right
07:25.53shellsharkwhere was this at?
07:26.04dlynes_laptopThat was at his 11th or 12th level
07:26.14dlynes_laptopIt was his initiation rite for that level
07:26.42shellsharkwas that scottish rite or york rite?
07:26.46dlynes_laptopNo idea
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07:26.56shellsharkask him next time you talk to him, if you would
07:27.04dlynes_laptopI would imagine if it's either one of those, it'd be york as he's from England, not Scotland
07:27.04shellsharki'd be interested to find out
07:27.20shellsharkthey are both worldwide organizations
07:27.31*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
07:27.47dlynes_laptopanyways...the whole thing seemed pretty creepy
07:28.09Aursis there a way to "kill" a sip channel that is hung up, but is still showing in "show channels" ?
07:28.12dlynes_laptopthe former rosa christian is his wife
07:28.21dlynes_laptopShe's got some weird tales about that organization, too
07:28.35shellsharkwell I can't speak on behalf of either the york rite or scottish rite, as I'm not a member of either, but the fundamental masonic organization (aka Blue Lodge) is nothing like that
07:28.35dlynes_laptopsoft hangup sip/101
07:28.41dlynes_laptopAurs: or something similar
07:29.14Aursk, thanks. will check that out
07:29.57Aurshave a call that have been active since friday.. hehe
07:30.08shellsharkwhat version of asterisk?
07:30.31Aurscall through a cisco sip gw
07:30.58dlynes_laptopata186 is an ata, not a gateway
07:31.02Aursnot sure, but I think it is something around 5000
07:31.08Aurs5400 or something
07:31.33Aursoh, and no, it is not an ATA
07:31.39shellsharkdlynes_laptop: ah, gateway would be something that translates SIP to SCCP in this case?
07:31.53Aursit would be like using another asterisk
07:32.08dlynes_laptopshellshark: no...gateway is usually something that bridges two sip networks, or bridges fxo to fxs
07:32.11Aursthat cisco device has interfaces against pstn
07:32.41dlynes_laptopshellshark: cisco would never bridge sccp to sip...then they couldn't sell you sip licenses
07:32.54shellsharkdlynes_laptop: they SELL sip?
07:33.07dlynes_laptopit's all about getting as many pounds of flesh out of their customer as possible :)
07:33.16shellsharkwell sure ;)
07:33.22JTlol, you think cisco give away firmware for free? ;)
07:33.34shellsharki thought you could download a SIP firmware for the devices that supported it at no charge
07:33.41dlynes_laptopshellshark: yeah...when you buy a cisco phone it comes with sccp software so you can only connect to their switch
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07:33.48shellsharkas long as you had a CCO account
07:34.04shellsharkdlynes_laptop: chan_sccp is no good?
07:34.09shellsharkor is it chan_skinny?
07:34.16Aurscisco sells their mother if the price is right ;)
07:34.18dlynes_laptopshellshark: chan_sccp is hasn't been updated in quite some time
07:34.25dlynes_laptopshellshark: chan_skinny is what you should be using
07:35.59dlynes_laptopseaweed crackers are all gone :(((
07:36.11shellsharkchan_skinny is decent then?
07:36.28Aursthe calls that haven't been hung up has state "down" in show channels
07:36.28dlynes_laptopqwell/qwell[] is the author of it, too
07:36.30shellsharkthen why would people put SIP firmware on the phones anyway?
07:36.54dlynes_laptopshellshark: because it's more compatible with everything else and the cisco desktop manager is apparently buggy as all hell
07:37.22shellsharkah, i see
07:37.33dlynes_laptopand people would normally use that, not asterisk
07:37.52shellsharkerr wouldnt they normally use call manager or call manager express?
07:37.59dlynes_laptoperm clal manager...that's what it was called
07:38.11dlynes_laptopI don't use cisco, so I tend not to remember the names of their crap
07:38.19shellsharkyou still need call manager if you're using asterisk?
07:38.34dlynes_laptopI just know the ata186 because i've got two fo them collecting dust in a closet
07:39.02shellsharkgive me one :)
07:39.11dlynes_laptopwhat for?
07:39.16shellsharkto play with
07:39.20dlynes_laptopthe sipuras and linksys boxes are better quality
07:39.28shellsharki'm sure
07:39.34shellsharki use PAP2's all the time
07:39.34dlynes_laptopi'm serious
07:39.41dlynes_laptopthe ata-186 was first generation
07:39.46dlynes_laptopthe sipura 2000 was second generation
07:39.47shellsharkbut i'd like to play with an ATA186 or ATA188
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07:39.51dlynes_laptopand the pap2 is third generation
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07:40.35dlynes_laptopi'm almost positive my boss wouldn't let it go for free
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07:40.46dlynes_laptopnot when he paid as much as he did for them
07:41.00shellsharkask him how much he'd want for one
07:43.13dlynes_laptopknowing him, probably about $200 USD :)
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07:45.28shellsharkchrap ;)
07:45.49aadilismailwhat does it mean?
07:46.57dlynes_laptopaadilismail: it means you've got a codec incompatibility issue
07:47.42dlynes_laptopaadilismail: type 'show codecs' at the CLI to find out what type values the various codecs have
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08:01.58Aursdlynes_laptop: soft hangup seems to have done the trick. thnx again
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08:27.17DerPraktikanthi m8´s
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08:36.48DerPraktikantin which dir can i find the asterisk.conf
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09:07.41hieunm_vipsHi all
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09:08.10hieunm_vipsCan I create a application like as a wake-up clock
09:09.02hieunm_vipsFor ex: every morning, at 7 o'clock my phone will receive a call from Asterisk !
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09:11.18hieunm_vipsOr when I am home away, someone push the bell, I will receive the notify call
09:11.30piftzafrir: hello, you package bristuff for debian?
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09:28.11Shaun2222i have a polycom 601 phone, is there a way to add a park button on the screen?
09:29.15dlynes_laptopShaun2222: soft keys
09:29.35Shaun2222ya actually i'm a idiot and just found it after pressing more..
09:29.46Shaun2222only problem is i pressed it and then pressed 1 and it hung up
09:30.23Shaun2222also i dont see anythhing to pickup a parked call either... i so see pickup which i suppose may be for tha
09:31.39dlynes_laptopShaun2222: parked calls is an asterisk feature, not a polycom feature
09:31.50dlynes_laptopShaun2222: read up on parking lots on the wiki
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09:32.08Shaun2222dlynes_laptop: right, well the polycom looks to have a "softbutton" for poarking calls
09:32.16Shaun2222but apparently asterisk doesnt understand it
09:32.22Shaun2222i have parking in asterisk enabled
09:32.30dlynes_laptopShaun2222: yes, but you have to tell it what to send for parking a call
09:32.46dlynes_laptopShaun2222: the default is probably not appropriate
09:33.03dlynes_laptopShaun2222: or you might have to debug your dialplan to find out what it does send, and then modify your dialplan appropriately
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09:34.51Shaun2222well asterisk isnt showing anything, just ending a call but i'm just watching with a -vvvvvvvvvv
09:34.58tzafrirpif, Debian packages bristuff, as well. I'm part of the team
09:35.00Shaun2222i suppose i probably would have to do sip debug
09:35.48dlynes_laptopShaun2222: or you could wait until someone comes on that actually knows something about polycom
09:36.04dlynes_laptoponly things I know about polycom is what i've read on here from other people using them
09:36.10Shaun2222well got a debug output
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09:36.44Shaun2222Transfer to callpark in default
09:37.00Shaun2222Transfer from 301 in default
09:37.09Shaun2222SIP/2.0 603 Declined
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09:38.20dlynes_laptopShaun2222: so you don't have callparking handled in asterisk, then
09:38.24dlynes_laptopnothing to do with the polycom
09:38.32Shaun2222ya i do
09:38.43Shaun2222but my context is called parkedcalls from the looks in features.conf
09:38.49Shaun2222i think i may need to change it to callpark
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09:39.13piftzafrir: I just sent a message to -users regarding a bristuff error "received SETUP message for call that is not a new call"
09:39.32pifhave you seen that before?
09:39.39dlynes_laptopShaun2222: check your features.conf file to see what the context is called for parked calls
09:40.08dlynes_laptopShaun2222: then in extensions, make sure you include that context into whatever the outgoing context is for your polycom
09:41.24Shaun2222hmm, that didnt do it.. what sucks, is when i hit park it wants me to put in somthing, i'm assuming a parking number and when i do, the other end heres me pressing keys
09:41.29Shaun2222still failed though.
09:41.53tzafrirpif, hmm... no. It is indeed a message from libpri.patch
09:42.28tzafrirWould somebody please set up a bristuff mailing list?
09:42.41dlynes_laptopShaun2222: you transfer to park, and then release the transfer
09:42.48dlynes_laptopShaun2222: then you do a pickup from the other phone
09:43.32Shaun2222ya i understand how it works...
09:43.54Shaun2222i can park a call fine if i hit transfer, type in 700 wait for the system to tell me the parking lot number and hang up.
09:44.02Shaun2222i was just hoping to get the softkey to work.
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09:44.56dlynes_laptopShaun2222: it's probably just the configuration for that softkey then
09:45.19piftzafrir: is kape still responsive to bug reports?
09:46.55tzafrirpif, that depends. It's a bit random, I guess
09:47.36Shaun2222you'd think i could find documentation on configuring softkeys
09:48.55dlynes_laptopmaybe in the polycom manual?
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09:50.50Shaun2222polycom manual isnt all that great...
09:50.55Shaun2222they dont really give you much info.
09:51.14Shaun2222they like to tell you about it but give you no example or syntax.
09:51.43Shaun2222i think they expect you to use there default sip.cfg which has everything and enable/disable things...
09:51.54Shaun2222only probelm is it doesnt show you how to change softkeys
09:51.56pifsoftkeys aren't configurable
09:52.04pifas far as I tried
09:52.17Shaun2222pif: i guess that would make sense..
09:52.39Shaun2222pif, you dont happen to have SIP ver 2.0.2 or 2.0.3 do you?
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09:53.32Shaun2222they only have 2.0.1
09:53.52Shaun2222which i'm using..
09:54.25Aursisn't 2.0.1 the latest?
09:54.38Shaun2222not according to polycom's site
09:54.40Shaun2222they show 2.0.3
09:56.06sergeeAnybody willing to test new behaviour of attended transfer?
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10:02.39nettieI guys, since a couple of days I'm having big troubles with local phones registrations, call drops, and so on. I used to works properly before. I'm using Asterisk with Polycom phones. The console outputs sipsock_read errors. The looks like network related problems. Anyone have an idea of what coul dbe wrong please? The other funny behaviour is that when I start asterisk the sip module takes like 10+ seconds
10:03.33Aursnettie: I also got those in >
10:03.38The_Ritzcan anyone guide me to wrtite a simple extensions.conf for skinny via two Cisco 7940 phones....i am sorry but i searched a lot and am pretty confused
10:03.48Aursor >= 1.2.9
10:04.00Shaun2222anybody know with the poly phones if you can specify a bootimage name...
10:04.49AursShaun2222: don't think you can specify name of bootrom.ld, but sip.ld can be specified in macaddr.cfg
10:05.12nettieAurs that's incredible strange
10:05.14Shaun2222ya i just set it for sip to be sip.ld.version
10:05.18nettienever had such problems before
10:05.23Shaun2222was hoping to do the same with the bootrom
10:05.29Aursnettie: I get them if i call someone, and hangup before I get answer
10:05.47AursShaun2222: ok, don't know how (if possible) to do it with bootrom..
10:05.47nettieAurs nope mine are worse
10:06.03Aurs"BAD! BAD! BAD!" doesn't look so good, now does it?
10:06.22nettieAurs I have random registry loss
10:06.41Shaun2222now to test 2.0.3
10:06.43nettieI know there's something wrong but I cant figure out what is it
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10:07.17jserveGood morning
10:07.26Aursnettie: I've had that too on polycoms in versions above 1.2.7.. tried to upgrade to 2.0.1 on polycom phones now, and haven't dropped reg yet
10:07.47Aurs(in asterisk versions above 1.2.7)
10:08.01Aursthere is a nat keepalive in the 2.0 sip for polycom that me likes
10:08.23nettiemaybe the polycom phones firmware then?
10:08.36nettieit's strange anyway
10:08.46Aursyes it is.. I had no problems on
10:08.56Aursso something has changed
10:09.12Shaun2222i still have to forward ports to get nat to work on mine...
10:09.17nettieI have 2 voip carrier
10:09.17Shaun2222i can dial out, but nothing incomming
10:09.25Shaun2222havnt tested 2.0 yet but i imagine it's the same.
10:09.29nettieif I remove on from sip.conf
10:09.50AursShaun2222: in my experience, that depends on the nat router...
10:09.50nettiesip registry works
10:10.05nettiewhen I add it, everything doesnt register anymore
10:10.07nettieseems crazy
10:10.28nettieI add a carrier, local phones deregisters eheh
10:10.35Aurswhat does "on=one" in sip.conf do?
10:10.44nettiewas a type
10:10.48nettieon I meant one
10:11.06Aurs"one=no" ?
10:11.21Shaun2222Aurs: the cisco's dont have a problem at all
10:11.36Shaun2222i think the cisco's have stun in them?
10:12.07Aurslinksys sipura has nat keepalive. and they're working great
10:12.09nettieAurs no
10:12.16nettieI wrote on instead of one
10:12.19nettiewas a typo
10:12.37Aursaaah. i get it
10:12.44Aurs"if I remove one..."
10:12.57Aurs*inserting coffee*
10:13.26nettiewell I'm downlaod polycom firmware 2.01
10:14.07AursI get those "BAD! BAD! BAD!" messages, no matter what phones I am using
10:14.17Aurs(if I hangup before someone on the other end answers)
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10:15.11Aursbut only 1 time pr call
10:16.01nettienope, I'm definitely having registration problems when I enable multiple carriers
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10:18.17Aursnettie: interresting..
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10:22.23SheriF_SpacEhow can i detecet the busy / hangup on zap "FXO module " which connected to a line coming from Cisco VG :-s?
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10:31.46The_RitzI get
10:31.55The_Ritz"trying to send ' ' "
10:32.05The_Ritzdisplaying ' '
10:32.10The_Ritzdisconnected from asterisk
10:32.25The_Ritzi am using cisco 7940 + skinny
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10:35.20ontaehi folks, nay
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10:52.30Shaun2222anybody know how to use the speed dial on the polycoms
10:56.30SheriF_SpacEzaptel ignrouing my FXS modules :-s
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11:03.10dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: do you have your power plugged into your digium or sangoma card?
11:06.30AursShaun2222: up arrow
11:07.20Aursor line keys
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11:08.33shadebobhi, I try to use the sendtext cmd in the CLI but I have a message "not in a call". Someone can help me to use send text?
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11:12.05SheriF_SpacEdlynes_laptop: yes check out
11:12.43SheriF_SpacEif i removed the FXS zaptel works
11:13.52The_RitzI am using RH9 for skinny + cisco 7940
11:14.00*** part/#asterisk hieunm_vips (n=hieunm_v@
11:14.21dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: what's your zaptel.conf look like?
11:14.34dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: and i'm guessing you're using digium hardware, right?
11:15.31dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: pastebin your zaptel.conf file
11:15.41The_Ritzwhen I call from one phone to another, it rings .....the moment i pickup the call the kernel crashes
11:15.47The_Ritzit this known?
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11:16.23dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: ummmmm
11:16.49dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: You mind putting some commenting in there so that someone that didn't write your config files can figure out which is which?
11:17.13SheriF_SpacEdlynes_laptop: and loadzone = us
11:17.13dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: also, can you pastebin your dmesg?
11:17.35dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: copy/paste it to pastebin; don't type it in
11:17.52SheriF_SpacEProSLIC on module 0 failed to powerup within 501 ms (0 mV only)
11:17.56SheriF_SpacEoh god !
11:18.00SheriF_SpacEwait may be really i did forget !
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11:27.16SheriF_SpacEdlynes_laptop: i was sure i connected it but it was another machine :-) not this one :-D
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11:27.44dlynes_laptopgood job :)
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11:33.34tinpotmorning all
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11:35.44tinpotquestion for you all present, how important do you think the "one-device" i.e. mobile phone come corporate phone (camped on the corporate VOIP network) will be?
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11:47.38HarryRtinpot, give it another 5 years
11:48.07HarryRhave to wait for the bigwigs to realize you can get naughty content on them before they'll become widespread
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11:50.14christoferhas someone still installed asterisk on an rootserver?
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12:04.52dlynes_laptopIs there a way that I could play back a sound file to a caller, and while it's doing that, make another call in the background which I then playback a file to after it answers?
12:05.15dlynes_laptopOr is asterisk even capable of something like that?
12:05.31merbanandlynes_laptop: look up call files
12:05.47dlynes_laptopYeah...using one, but it's not working for what I need
12:06.00dlynes_laptopTrying to use one to send out faxes
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12:08.20Winkiehey guys, what exactly is overlap dialling?
12:08.28Winkiebecause i'm not sure if i need it in any way
12:08.30dlynes_laptopmerbanan: do you perhaps have a pointer to some good documentation on call files?
12:10.14merbanandlynes_laptop:  <- best I could find
12:10.28vieriI was wondering if someone could take a look at  I'm having trouble with Flash() only when using queues.
12:10.31dlynes_laptopmerbanan: much appreciated...thanks
12:12.10SheriF_SpacEhmmmm i hate zaptel :(
12:12.25SheriF_SpacEdlynes_laptop: any idea ?
12:13.03dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: looks fine to me, except for the configuration parameters you're trying to give your tdm400p that aren't valid
12:14.00SheriF_SpacEthere is no more signalling ?
12:14.25dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: one sec, and i'll paste a sample zaptel.conf/zapata.conf file for you
12:19.37dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: Those config files are for four fxo ports
12:19.57dlynes_laptopSheriF_SpacE: The third and fourth port are not being used, so they're commented out in the zapata.conf file
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12:20.35dlynes_laptopPavel Bure!
12:22.39SheriF_SpacEdlynes_laptop: nothing wrong with mine then :-s
12:22.54SheriF_SpacEwhy it don't ignore singalling !?
12:23.25dlynes_laptopRepost your latest zaptel.conf and zapata.conf files
12:23.32dlynes_laptopand use copy/paste to put it into pastebin
12:23.40dlynes_laptopdon't type it in again, please
12:24.13SheriF_SpacEokay i'm sorry :-)
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12:36.42puzzledhi all
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12:45.59aztekrwI have a question about using Origionate from the manager, and transfers
12:47.37aztekrwI origionate a call from from a sip phone to a conference room that already has a call that came in from my PRI line.
12:48.09aztekrwbut the SIP phone that answers the call, and is put into the conference with the call from the PRI cannot transfer that call on to somebody else.
12:48.21aztekrwanybody have a solution for me?
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12:57.29FreezeShey guys
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12:57.53FreezeSI want to do something like a cluster, with users being able to register to multiple IPs
12:58.10FreezeShow can I make a queue find a user if it's registered to another computer ?
13:01.01dlynes_laptopwow...might have finally gotten a fax to complete transmission :)
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13:10.27dlynes_laptopbleh....but only 1 page out of 5 :(((
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13:12.14shmaltzdoes the aastra phone support auto answer?
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13:12.32IfaistosFreezeS : Go to and download the two papers from JR Richardson
13:12.51dlynes_laptopshmaltz: yes
13:12.55IfaistosFreezeS : That's one way to do it
13:13.01shmaltzty dlynes_laptop
13:13.13hi365is there anyway to have asterisk print out a fax via a network printer?
13:13.16dlynes_laptopshmaltz: the 9133i's do, and hte 480i's do
13:13.27dlynes_laptopshmaltz: i don't know it the 9118's do or not
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13:13.40shmaltzI'm talking about the 480is
13:13.42dlynes_laptophi365: sure, why not?
13:13.43aadilismailcan i check complete call history ....
13:13.53hi365dlynes_laptop: how so?
13:14.03aadilismailwhat is the call history command ?
13:14.09dlynes_laptophi365: if you can convert the fax to a pdf and email it out, i'm sure you can print it
13:14.13*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=tili@
13:14.21dlynes_laptophi365: convert the fax to a postscript document and get ghostscript to print it
13:15.00dlynes_laptophi365: how is all going to depend on what printer you're using, and what drivers you've got installed for it...i.e. lp, lpd, lpr, cups, samba, ...
13:15.12*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
13:15.43hi365dlynes_laptop: u lost me a bit. ive got a windows network shared printer so i guess thats going to b samba
13:16.02dioeduhello, does someone know something about deadlock's in chan_local ? I have A LOT OF deadlock's in this channels that i'm using in my queues. Sometimes i have deadlock's in chan_sip.
13:16.03dlynes_laptophi365: but basically, if you know what the command is to print to your machine, you just have to convert the tiff to a ps file, and then issue your print command
13:16.11dlynes_laptophi365: correct
13:16.21FreezeSthanks Ifaistos
13:16.28dlynes_laptophi365: if you want to know how to print to it, i would check on #samba
13:16.29hi365dlynes_laptop what file do i set that from?
13:16.41dlynes_laptophi365: but probably more appropriate would be the samba mailing lists
13:16.51dlynes_laptophi365: it's not something someone can answer in a couple of seconds
13:17.10hi365for the samaba part. but where do i set the * to print to a tiff?
13:17.35dlynes_laptophi365: app_rxfax -->
13:17.47dlynes_laptophi365: make sure you're not running a version of asterisk newer than, too
13:17.57dlynes_laptophi365: anything newer than that may or may not work
13:19.39*** join/#asterisk beyond (n=beyond@
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13:20.40aadilismailcan i check complete call history record ? wht is the command ??/?
13:21.03dlynes_laptopaadilismail: cat /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv
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13:36.38aadilismailANSWERED DOCUMENTATION mean ?
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13:39.01dlynes_laptopcheck the documentation for "call disposition" and "ama flags" on
13:39.06*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
13:39.16af_what choices I have to manage faxes with *?
13:40.17dlynes_laptopaf_: do a search for 'fax' on
13:40.24dlynes_laptopaf_: you'll find a bunch of stuff
13:40.40dlynes_laptopaf_: most of it uses spandsp under the hood though...spandsp is available at
13:41.05*** part/#asterisk muehlbucks (
13:41.20af_oh ok. any other thigs other then spandsp based?
13:41.38dlynes_laptopasterfax might not be spandsp based
13:41.46dlynes_laptopbut i think it's probably commercial, too
13:41.47af_oh ok, thanks so much
13:42.20af_oh, another thing. any distribution * ready that does faxing in/out?
13:44.53hi365dlynes_laptop: im back. thanks for the info
13:45.11hi365just 1 question. is there a config file with fax settigns for *?
13:46.01coppicethey're all based on spandsp. there is no other soft-fax solution that fits into *
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13:51.45dlynes_laptophi365: no
13:52.55dlynes_laptophi365: if you're wanting something like that, I would suggest taking a look at's got a nice, easy way to set up cover pages, give your windows machines a fax printer, ...
13:53.05*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
13:53.14dlynes_laptophi365: then you can run that through iaxmodem (part of spandsp) to fax out on asterisk
13:53.17*** join/#asterisk exarverspuy ( mistake
13:54.07dlynes_laptopi guess it isn't part of just uses spandsp
13:55.05coppiceiaxmodem is a wrapper around spandsp to connect it into hylafax
13:55.51*** part/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
13:56.21exarverspuyHi All, I've a question about the g729 codec of Digium...
13:56.36exarverspuyI'm running asterisk on a Pentium D x86_64.
13:56.55exarverspuyBut I don't know exactly which version to use from the digium ftp site for the g729 codec...
13:57.07exarverspuyanybody here who does know which one to use?
13:58.14aadilismailwhat is the meaning of "ANSWERED" "DOCUMENTATION"??? during checking CLI ?
13:58.35dlynes_laptopaadilismail: scroll back up the screen; I already answered your question
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14:09.23exarverspuyAre there any Digium g729 codec guru's around her? Or am I too early?
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14:10.17ontaeHi folks, may someone help me with a "401 Unauthorized" ?
14:10.38dlynes_laptopontae: it means your username and/or password is incorrect
14:14.03ontaedlynes_laptop: username/password ist O.K.! I get from my "Grandstream BT110" the following syslog_entry: "401 Unauthorized ... WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="<DOMAIN>", nonce="099d4637"  Content-Length: 0
14:15.03*** join/#asterisk zmef420 (
14:15.31dlynes_laptopontae: exactly...username and/or password is not correct
14:16.11dlynes_laptopWhat's a BT-110?
14:16.46dlynes_laptopIs it an upgraded version of the BT-101 or BT-102?
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14:22.35b11dmorning everyone
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14:23.59b11di need an eye opener..  
14:24.24b11dthanks :)
14:24.34b11dthats just what I was thinking abouyt
14:26.11aadilismailcan i check the specific number CLI... or call history ?
14:26.45dlynes_laptopaadilismail: did you read my previous answer?
14:28.59Dio_hello, anybody can help me with disclaimer?
14:29.03*** join/#asterisk qwertz_ (
14:30.35M_atYour house may be at risk if you drive a JCB through it?
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14:31.08dlynes_laptopJapanese bank card?
14:31.14Laerteanyone has problem with attendant transfer & cdr logging ?
14:32.13Alex_112what is the variablename of the number that has been dialed
14:33.07ontaedlynes_laptop: I upgraded my BT-102 last weekend to Firmware and it seems as it reports itself to syslog as "BT110", strange !
14:33.19*** join/#asterisk pingwin (n=pingwin@
14:33.56dlynes_laptopontae: the 'username' on the grandstream equates to the name in '[...]' in the sip.conf file
14:34.27dlynes_laptopontae: you don't need to specify username= in sip.conf, and you still need secret=... whatever the value was you picked for your password on the phone
14:34.47qwertz_Hi, I've got problem to get music on hold working. mpg123 is installed the mp3 directory and its file is rwx. directory=/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/default is set in musiconhold.conf - but still nothing. Any hints where I could take a further look?
14:35.08Alex_112dlynes_laptop, tnx
14:35.53dlynes_laptopon that note, i'm hitting the hay
14:36.01b11dbye bye
14:36.30b11dqwertz_..  so how are you calling MoH from your extensions.conf?
14:37.56ontaedlynes_laptop: 'username' in phone = [username] in sip.conf, no username= in that section and secret= is set correctly, i verified my username/password several times, may the 401 can have onother cause?
14:38.36b11dontae..  can you ping each phone?
14:39.47ontaeb11d: if you mean ICMP Ping - no, because ist resides behind a firewall; but what is your intension about that question?
14:40.03b11duhh.. in resolving your 401
14:40.10b11dand the word is "intention" :)
14:40.17*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
14:40.35xnonanybody can tel me about any good softphone  that isnt XLITE
14:40.40b11dthere are none
14:41.43*** part/#asterisk izmarkie (n=iz-dluv@
14:41.56qwertz_b11d, have set "musicclass=default" in my sip.conf
14:42.23ontaeb11d: ya, meant intention - solving my 401 would be great
14:42.31b11dand no audio at all?
14:42.55b11dI doubt I can help you ontae..  never worked on NAT issues before, sorry.
14:43.39ontaeb11d: Why do you think this is a NAT issue?
14:44.01b11dbecause you're talking about 401 errors and you use NAT.. i'd guess NAT is getting in your way.
14:44.29b11dNAT & SIP dont play well together.. AT ALL.
14:44.35qwertz_b11d, MP3Player(/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/default/weekend.mp3 plays without problems ...
14:44.44b11daparently you can do some things with STUN though to overcome them
14:44.56b11dqwertz_.. yeah but we're not working on that are we :)
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14:46.08ontaeyes, NAT is in my way between asterisk and one UA (Grandstream BT102) which gets a 401, but i have no probelm with another SPA942 (also NAT between)
14:46.50M_atDepends on the NAT device - some version of Sonicwall's software, for instance, do SIP transformations through their NAT
14:47.54pingwinhey guy's I've got a big problem. I'm using asterisk to operate as a pbx for a esf/b8zs PRI line. I do not use NAT. But about every 15 minutes the chan_zap.c throws RED alarms on all channels begining with error stating "PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1"
14:47.59pingwincan ANYONE help?
14:48.16pingwini've already adjusted the IRQ's and changed the PCI slot the card sits in
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14:49.07pingwinthis was working fine for over a month. and now this.
14:49.23coppiceI wannabe the first one on the block to do G.729.1 :-)
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14:49.50bkw__coppice, but you gotta watch out for those pesky interrupt issues.
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14:56.56b11dping.. call your provider?
14:57.13b11dif it just stopped working, chances are its the telco end..
14:57.18*** part/#asterisk tinpot (n=nknight@
14:57.22pingwinwell I have.
14:57.24b11dif its not the telco end, then it could be your card.. call your tech support line for that
14:57.31b11dfor warranty info :)
14:57.46pingwinthe t1 has been tested and everything seems fine, and our PRI provider says everything is fine and they receive no errors or flags, even when we crash
14:57.50b11ddid you replace your t1 cable?
14:58.12b11dwhat kind of pri card?
14:58.26pingwinno, it's kind of a process for us to do that. it's on the other side of the building inside of a datacenter
14:58.35pingwinpri card is a digium T100P
14:58.36b11dwell.. go do that..
14:58.39pingwinsingle span
14:58.42b11dbad cables DO happen
14:58.52b11drarely though
14:58.57pingwincould that be creating these HDLC errors?
14:59.01b11dyes it could
14:59.16b11despecially if they "just started" out of nowhere
14:59.24b11dor.. call Digium about replacing the card..
14:59.41b11dthis doesnt sound like an asterisk issue, especially since you changed nothing.. and this just stopped working all of a sudden.
15:00.00pingwinyeah I don't think it's an asterisk issue either
15:00.10pingwinjust need help :)
15:00.13b11dcall digigum and/or replace cable
15:00.19pingwinthanks b11d
15:00.29b11dno prob.. i just hope that helps in some way
15:00.42b11dI just dont know where else to look as your telco says their end is fine.
15:01.00b11dthough, if they dont see the crash on the end, that is suspicious as well..
15:01.10b11dthey should see the link drop or something
15:01.12b11dyou'd think
15:01.14*** join/#asterisk mercestes (
15:04.28b11dping.. you read this?
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15:10.50BlaetHi all
15:11.25BlaetWhen compiling the lastest stable version of asterisk I get an error that it can't find lssl
15:11.33BlaetCan somebody tell me which library I'm missing?
15:12.55IfaistosBlaet : libssl-dev
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15:14.22Blaetok thanks
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15:19.48Dio_any bugmarshals around?
15:19.50ontaeM_at: your right, SIP transformation can happen through NAT devices
15:20.31M_atBut only if the NAT device specifically support it
15:21.06ManxPowerM_at: that is incorrect.
15:21.37ManxPowerAs pretty much any SIP ITSP shows.
15:22.13M_atNo - SIP transformation - not SIP passing through.
15:22.21ManxPowerSIP support in NAT routers is so shoddy, inconsistent, and bug ridden that I normally disable that in the router and rely on Asterisk
15:22.37ManxPowerM_at: define "SIP transformation"
15:22.41M_atIf SIP isn't transformed then you need a STUN server or similar, if it is transformed by the NAT DEvice it negates the need for the STUN server
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15:23.22ManxPowerM_at: I have run SIP thru many NAT devices without any need for STUN or other hack.
15:23.24M_atI'm not claiming that SIP doesn't work through NAT and can only work through NAT with the right kit - just that SIP transformation at the NAT device can make things alot easier
15:23.56M_atMy original comment was "Depends on the NAT device - some version of Sonicwall's software, for instance, do SIP transformations through their NAT"
15:24.27ManxPowerM_at: and I'm saying that in my experience SIP NAT "transformation" support is so BAD in most devices it actually causes more problems than it solves.
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15:24.42pifhello, has anyone seen that bristuff error "received SETUP message for call that is not a new call" ?
15:25.12M_atThen why tell me that I am incorrect?
15:25.27M_at<ontae> M_at: your right, SIP transformation can happen through NAT devices
15:25.32M_at<M_at> But only if the NAT device specifically support it
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15:25.48ManxPowerM_at: To make SIP worth thru NAT when the client is behind NAT and Asterisk is not:  put nat=yes in sip.conf.  Done.
15:25.51M_atIs true - SIP will not be transformed through NAT if the NAT device does not offer that facility
15:26.23pingwinb11d thanks for that link, I'll give it a try
15:26.35Dio_anybody can help me with disclaimer?
15:26.45ManxPowerTo make SIP work thru NAT when Asterisk is behind NAT: set localnet and externip in sip.conf, set rtp.conf, port forward the ports in rtp.conf and 5060.  Done.
15:27.01ManxPowerDio_: there are TWO disclaimers that you can use.
15:28.04ManxPowerDio_: One of them just assigns all rights to Digium.  The other one just grants an unrestricted license to your code, but you keep the copyright.
15:28.06Dio_ManxPower: I know that, I already fill one of them and need to submit it to Digium. But I don't have FAX. Some guy on bug tracker told me I can email signed PDF. The question is where should I sent it?
15:28.24ManxPowerDio_: No idea.
15:28.44M_atAnd did I ever say that the only way SIP would work through NAT was with NAT device based translations? NO! I just said that some devices perform the translations. For your next trick will you teach your mother to suck eggs?
15:29.13ManxPower(09:22:37) M_at: If SIP isn't transformed then you need a STUN server or similar, if it is transformed by the NAT DEvice it negates the need for the STUN server
15:29.28Dio_ManxPower: oh..
15:29.32ManxPowerThat is what you said. 8-)
15:29.44M_at"or similar" would count for configuring Asterisk to cope
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15:30.16ManxPowerM_at: many, many, many people thing that NAT requires STUN, etc.  They say it all the time.  I'm just trying to make sure that people know that is not true.
15:30.26M_atThe original comments were made in relation to a guy with one handset working through NAT and another not - my comment was meant to indicate that there was one possible reason for that. There are, of course, many
15:30.29ManxPowerM_at: Yeah.
15:32.48ManxPowerOT: I had a bunch of reports from users that the mail server was finding the "Can't" virus in their e-mails.  Turns out the real message is something like "Can't open spamassassin socket".
15:32.53*** join/#asterisk intralanman (
15:33.01sp0n9e]how do i tell which phone number i'm being called with? (we have line hunting so the phone call might come in on a different number)
15:34.20qwertz_I've got some snoms and want to use the call pickup feature. I added hints to each telephone and configured a destination key for the telephone. So when tel1 calls tel2 I can see it at tel3 a blinking led. But when I press the button it doesn't pickup but starts a new call. So am I doing something wrong?
15:34.58M_atsp09e - How are the lines presented?
15:35.15M_atanalogue, isdn etc
15:35.22sp0n9e]oh, analog
15:35.34sp0n9e]POTS through a sangoma a200 card
15:36.38ontaeManxPower & M_at : O.K. SIP through NAT is now clear, I think. May you can help me with my "401 Unauthorized"? May I put a "sip debug" trave somewhere?
15:37.38*** join/#asterisk Del_Mon (
15:37.48ManxPowerunauthorized means "auth info did not match anything"
15:38.03ManxPowerBut I have to go fight the "can't" virus.
15:38.07M_atsp0n9e - Ask your telco if they support DDI but you may lose CLI on an analogue line.
15:38.37PupenoRHow do I get information about dialplan functions/applications in the Asterisk console ?
15:38.45Juggie'show applications'
15:39.27PupenoRJuggie: thanks.
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15:40.17PupenoRWhat does it mean to dial Local/90@agent-autologin/n ?
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15:41.15ontaeDoes anyone know, if there is something like a "Solution Database regarding asterisk problems"?
15:41.26b11dhahaha has some
15:41.38zoabut not too much :)
15:41.52sp0n9e]M_at: well, the situation is funny. i've got voip to a cisco box from the telco, and i convert back to voip in the asterisk box...they didn't want to support me on straight voip
15:42.00b11dPupenoR.. it means to dial channel local/90 in the agent-autologin context..
15:42.00zoaadd more if you want to
15:42.01b11ddoesnt it
15:42.07filePupenoR: pupeno?
15:42.09sp0n9e]you think the cisco IAD would do DDI?
15:42.15*** join/#asterisk topping (
15:43.44ManxPowerANALOG does not provide DDI info.
15:44.03exarverspuyAny Digium G729 codec Guru around?
15:44.18PupenoRfile: mh?
15:44.35filePupenoR: I just came across one of your bugs, can you hop into #asterisk-bugs?
15:44.53ontaezoa: Thanks for the info
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15:45.39ontaeAnother question: Is it possible to write "sip debug" to a file ?
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15:48.46xnona Good SIP Softphone???????????????
15:49.00xnonXLITE no Please!
15:51.02*** join/#asterisk danbrwn (n=danny@
15:51.59b11dthere ARE NONE
15:52.02ManxPowerAll Softphones Suck.
15:52.03b11dwrite one
15:52.06b11dand become wealthy
15:52.10b11dor.. poor..
15:52.14*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
15:54.21M_atManxPower - DDI can be provided on analogue but it isn't, as far as I am aware, an international standard
15:54.47M_atWe used to use a huge old analogue GPT pbx about 7 years ago and earlier and we had DDI on that
15:56.21*** join/#asterisk santibiotico (
15:56.48santibioticocan anyone help me with a b410p installation, plz
15:57.45zoai could i you pay me for it :p
15:57.53zoatry install BC
15:58.10zoa99% of the questions we get about b410p is due to a lack of bc
15:58.59santibioticowhat's bc?
15:59.23zoaa calculator
15:59.55santibioticowell i was only asking for the b410p installation procedure
16:00.19zoai have it somewhere
16:00.37*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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16:01.58pingwinxnon have you tried kphone?
16:02.41zoagimme your email santibiotico
16:04.01zoai published it just for you :p
16:04.53zoahey ho
16:04.54docelmoDude how the hell are ya
16:04.56zoamr ex goatie
16:05.05docelmoHow's the crew?
16:05.17zoagood i think
16:05.21zoadid you see the pictures ?
16:05.27docelmoSome of them
16:05.35docelmoIve been wicked busy with work
16:06.16RoyKnice picture. background is in focus and all
16:07.04b11dnice beard.. looks like mine
16:07.21fileack it's docelmo
16:07.31santibioticoi followed the installation guide you wrote just for me :P
16:07.51santibioticobut i was asking because i'm getting an error message which i don't know how to solve
16:08.20zoacheck the errors at the end of the page
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16:09.11docelmoI look like I am fucking stoned
16:09.32zoayou probably weree
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16:11.33danbrwntrying to make the zaptel sources, where do the kernel sources need to be installed?
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16:15.30santibioticowhen i try to load the driver by typing /etc/init.d/misdn-init start
16:15.39santibioticothen i get the following error message:
16:15.43santibioticoFATAL: Error inserting hfcmulti (/lib/modules/2.6.17-2-amd64/extra/hfcmulti.ko): Invalid argument
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16:17.40santibioticoi understanf i need to install the calculator
16:18.14santibioticobut i don't know what bc is...heheh
16:18.31Qwell[]binary calculator
16:19.34*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=jaike@
16:19.37santibioticook i'm doing it right now
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16:48.24beBBohi all :)
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16:49.56beBBosomeone can help me with UUS [ISDN features] please? I'm going crazy :\
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16:53.33backblueomg using misdn on amd64...
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17:00.13ManxPowerbeBBo: define UUS
17:00.55fall0utso, does asterisk have working SIP-B bridged line apperances yet?
17:01.28ManxPowerfallOut I don't think so, but I could be wrong.
17:01.41fileno it does not
17:01.54fall0utwhat about with MGCP?
17:02.23Qwell[]fall0ut: patches accepted. :)
17:03.00fall0utasterisk mgcp has no RFC3149-type stuff, either?
17:04.05*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
17:04.26fall0utHow do ya'll get over people needing Key/Hybrid type functions then?
17:04.39ManxPowerFallout we use the non SIP-B BLF stuff in Asterisk
17:04.41blitzragedo the Polycom's not let you set the TFTP boot server in the .cfg files? I can't find it anywhere
17:04.50ManxPowerblitzrage: no.
17:05.03ManxPowerblitzrage: you can set it manually in the boot menu or via DHCP
17:05.03blitzragecould have sworn the old configs let you set that
17:05.18fileblitzrage: back to work, slacker
17:05.27blitzragefile: I am working....
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17:06.21ManxPowerfallout: I don't know the actual protocol number, but BLF works just fine with Polycoms
17:06.50fall0utHrm... But the BLF doesnt allow you to seize lines though
17:06.57fall0utsay they put the call on hold
17:06.59fall0utand go to another phone
17:07.02fall0utyou cannot just pick the call up
17:07.13*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
17:07.15ManxPowerThis is starting to piss me off.  There are almost no 900Mhz DSS phones in stock at Amazon
17:07.24ManxPowerfallout: no.  We use call parking for that
17:08.07Juggiewhy do you need 900mhz?
17:08.07backblueblitzrage: makes no sense doing that in the .cfg
17:08.08ManxPowerYou can either fight Asterisk's oddities and be miserable and depressed or you can work with Asterisk's oddities and live a happy complete life.
17:08.24ManxPowerJuggie: because of trees, plants, bushes, hills
17:08.46Juggiei guess 5.8 isnt a good answer then :)
17:09.24*** join/#asterisk heison (
17:09.24ManxPowerThe old 900Mhz DSS phone died, the NEW USA DECT 1.9 Ghz phone we tries SUCKED, 5Ghz gives us almost no range in this envioment, and 2.4Ghz would piss off the WiFi stuff
17:09.29*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
17:10.14blitzragebackblue: it does when you don't have physical access to the phone, and its on someone elses network, and you want to change the boot server IP
17:10.24*** join/#asterisk topping_ (
17:10.38fall0uthrm... So that sucks...
17:10.43backblueblitzrage: it needs the tftp to get the .cfg, so it does not.
17:10.46*** join/#asterisk heison (
17:11.07backbluefall0ut: the implementation you are looking for it's behing developed in freeswitch.
17:11.17ManxPowerblitzrage: Let me introduce you to this new fangled thing called DNS.
17:11.46backblueand dhcp server should provide it, just change the dhcpd.conf
17:11.46blitzrageManxPower: meh... DNS is for nerds
17:11.49heisonhas anyone here successfully loaded ztdummy in xen domU?
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17:11.54fall0utbackblue: yea...
17:12.04fall0utbackblue: just kinda disappointed, wanted to use it for the office pbx, but can't...
17:12.15backbluefall0ut: i know, i'm too.
17:12.25fall0utSylantro/Broadsoft etc supports it
17:12.32fall0utMetaSwitch does not in their SIP stack, either
17:12.42backbluethere are some funcionality we need them on pbx software, freeswitch can ack like a pbx but it's not inteend to be it, at least now.
17:12.46ManxPowerfallout: When you change PBXs your users will have to be retrained.  No matter *which* PBX you use.
17:13.03backblueso, when asterisk suports
17:13.06fall0utManxPower: that's a killer for these people though
17:13.22backbluewill just one more hack, over a couple of 1000 that it allready has.
17:13.27ManxPowerfallout: I don't recommend that retarded people use Asterisk
17:13.29fall0utAnd truthfully, SIP-B still sucks for it
17:13.32backbluebut, if it works, ok for me.
17:13.43backblueif it's nothing more, working...
17:13.46fall0utespecially through SBCs
17:14.16heisonwhen i tried to modprobe ztdummy in domU, it loaded zaptel  and crc_ccitt, but failed to load ztdummy... it complains about unresolved symbol - rtc_register, rtc_unregister & rtc_control,turns out rtc can't load due to IRQ 8 not free (domU has no access to that...) Is there a way to build ztdummy without rtc?
17:14.18ManxPowerI would love to see the operator console for a company with 500 lines.
17:14.32ManxPowerheison: I don't ev en know what a domU is.
17:14.34backblueManxPower: that dont exist.
17:14.51backbluethere exists something called IVR so you can filter the calls
17:14.56backblueand distribute them
17:15.18ManxPowerbackblue: Stop using logic when I'm being bombastic
17:15.20*** join/#asterisk ruskie (n=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
17:15.25Kattyi hate busy days )
17:15.36backblueManxPower: you are behing *out of reality*
17:15.51beBBoI'm back
17:16.20backblueno one, uses 500 lines consoles
17:16.21ManxPowerbackblue: Just like the people that think BLFs are the only way to handle calls.
17:16.28beBBobackblue:  UUS is user-to-user, a ISDN feature that provide information from the provider to me
17:16.35ManxPowerbackblue: Yeah, if you have 500 lines you stop using the Fisher Price phone systems and get a real PBX
17:16.39Kattyfile: is today everything you dreamt it would be?
17:16.46fall0utasterisk != real pbx
17:16.55fileKatty: yes!
17:16.59Kattyfile: yay!
17:17.03ManxPowerfallout: Um, you mean  Asterisk != Key System
17:17.11heisonManxPower: Xen virtualization...
17:17.14fall0utAsterisk != Real PBX
17:17.16ManxPowerKey Systems use BLFs
17:17.24ManxPowerPBXs do not.
17:17.28fall0utAsterisk != Real Telephony Switch
17:17.31fall0utit's useful
17:17.38fall0utI will give it that
17:17.42ManxPowerfallout: What specific feature does Asterisk lack that makes it not a real pbx?
17:17.49Qwell[]ManxPower: pretty lights
17:18.12KattyManxPower: butbut, fisher price makes pretty blue colors!
17:18.19blitzrageManxPower: it's not confusing enough
17:18.31KattyManxPower: and nothin's quite like pastel blue in a server room.
17:18.32Qwell[]blitzrage: I think you win
17:18.41backblue500 exten it's not problem for asterisk
17:18.50backbluemaking calls with all of that, can be.
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17:19.27Qwell[]500 calls?  nah
17:19.28backblueasterisk it's a couple of patch's that works, and in lack of better, all use it.
17:19.31Qwell[]That's simple enough
17:19.51ManxPowerJust route them all to Congestion()
17:20.06fall0utasterisk doesn't scale :(
17:20.20backbluefall0ut: well, asterisk it self dont
17:20.34backbluebut it's not supposed too
17:20.44fall0utand thats not really it's fault
17:20.49fall0utsoft dsp doesn't scale
17:20.52blitzrageit scales if you know how to cluster
17:20.55backblueanything that scale the way it should, it's not done by only one software.
17:21.11ManxPowerFalllout: I agree that Asterisk does not scale DOWN to the keysystem level very well..
17:21.16blitzrageand know what to use it for, and where, and where to use other software
17:21.26fall0utit does not scale large very well either
17:21.29ManxPowerI can't really say much about scalling UP.
17:21.31fall0utpls to see Sylantro/Broadsoft
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17:22.11fall0utbut asterisk is useful...
17:22.18backbluewho needs scalling a pbx?
17:22.31fall0utservice providers
17:22.45beBBoI'm going crazy with ISDN features in astersik, i need to read the "User-to-User Signalling, services 1, 2 and 3" (UUS) that my provider send to me for every incoming call... someone can help me please?
17:22.46backblueservice providers use soft-switch
17:22.50backbluethey dont care about any pbx
17:23.06ManxPowerYeah, it sucks that service providers can't use Asterisk
17:23.26ManxPowerbeBBo: Asterisk does not support ISDN BRI
17:23.27backblueno it doesnt
17:23.53ManxPowerIf service providers could use Asterisk they might start supporting IAX2
17:24.19fall0utiax for the lose
17:24.37*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
17:24.42Kattyi kinda like iax.
17:24.43ManxPowerbeBBo: I assume you are using ISDN BRI with the BRIStuff patches.  Have you considered asking on the BRIstuff mailinglist (do they even exist)
17:25.02rob0IAX2 is warm and soft and cuddly.
17:25.07fileKatty: it allows you to call me!
17:25.11Kattyfile: yes!
17:25.11ManxPowerOh wait!  Asterisk does not support BRI via mISDN and the B410P or whatever it is.
17:25.23Kattyfile: which i'm not doing right now, on account of cheese pizza.
17:25.26*** join/#asterisk awannabe (
17:25.28fileKatty: :(
17:25.31fileKatty: may I have some?
17:25.43Kattykay. room 110
17:25.49backbluesoo we need asterisk for suport IAX2?
17:25.50rob0Cheese pizza is warm and soft.
17:25.51fileokay! be there in 10 hours
17:25.55backbluenew one...
17:26.01awannabehey guys, how can you have the default option for a auto attendant (if no option is chosen) to dial a certrain extension, or something?
17:26.14rob0(Unless it's not, I guess.)
17:26.18fall0utsignaling and audio should be seperate
17:26.34Kattyfile: you know what i really wanna know?
17:26.41fileKatty: my credit card information?
17:26.42awannabeexten => t,1,Dial(SIP/bla,20,tr) ?
17:26.46Kattyfile: no
17:26.51fileKatty: good
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17:26.55shido6before that do you have a time set?
17:26.57Kattyfile: why, when i try to dial 110, it tries to catch it as 11 first instead.
17:27.04fileKatty: silly Polycom phone?
17:27.12Kattyfile: possibly.
17:27.17Kattyfile: i've not looked into it yet.
17:27.27beBBoManxPower: I have a digium PRI card... [sorry for my bad english] are you sudjesting me to contact the digium mailinglist?
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17:27.47fall0utKatty:       <digitmap dialplan.digitmap="x.T|*xx.T" dialplan.digitmap.timeOut="4"/>
17:28.08Kattyfall0ut: you do not parse.
17:28.12ManxPowerbeBBo: Yes, ask on the Asterisk-Users mailing list.  Very few people with Asterisk care about the low level protocol.
17:28.24Kattyfall0ut: mind putting that in Kat?
17:28.31ManxPowerKatty: paste your digitmap
17:28.42beBBoManxPower: thank you :)
17:28.58jartany of you asterisk hackers need a 1-day job?
17:29.00fall0utKatty: phone's config (sip.cfg)
17:29.12fall0utunder <dialplan>
17:29.20fall0utchange the digitmap
17:29.28Kattyuno momento.
17:29.29awannabeshido6: thanks :)
17:29.33Kattyi currently have pizza issues.
17:29.48Qwell[]Katty: 800-pizzaholics
17:30.02KattyQwell[]: yes, dear. that's me.
17:30.16beBBo:ManxPower: do you know if is it possible monitor all what my provider send to my with applications like tcpdump?
17:31.15*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
17:32.34JayTee52where is the number to access an outside trunk defined? i.e. I dial a 9 to get an outside line.
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17:35.33fall0utSo, onto another probably pointless question... asterisk support using imap for voicemail?
17:35.44ManxPowerbeBBo: pri debug span X and pre intense debug span X
17:35.54ManxPowerfallout: 1.4 is supposed to.
17:36.10*** join/#asterisk Arc_Ressiv (
17:36.13ManxPowerJayTee52: This is not a freepbx/trixbos channel
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17:36.42fall0ut1.4... cool... atleast I can use it for voicemail
17:36.45JayTee52ManxPower, I don't understand.
17:37.21ManxPowerJayTee52: "trunk" is not a term Asterisk uses.  You also did not say what technology (Zap/SIP/etc) you are using.
17:37.39ManxPowerSo I assumed you used the Asterisk "GUIs"
17:37.42*** join/#asterisk ucfMethod (
17:37.49Kattyfall0ut: yay! i found it!
17:38.08ManxPowerPizza!  It does a brain good!
17:38.13Kattyfall0ut: tho, now, i'm not quite sure what to do with it. none of this is in Kat.
17:38.23Kattysilly Polycom developers!
17:38.28Kattythey should have documented their cfg file! the cfg file.
17:38.34ManxPowerKatty: polycoms can be a bitch to learn
17:38.40ManxPowerKatty: it is in the admin manual
17:38.51Kattygasp, read?!
17:39.00JayTee52I'm using Asterisk and I'm using both Zap and SIP. I'm trying to route an outbound call out of an FXO port. I have inbound dialing working and SIP to SIP but I can't seem to get outbound going using the examples.
17:39.33ManxPowerKatty: if you want to lean about how to use the polycom digitmap, it is modeled after the MGCP digitmap stuff, look at the MGCP RFC, that should help.
17:40.01ManxPowerJayTee52: ignoregidit => 9 for Zap.  For SIP it is set in the SIP phone.
17:40.02fall0utKatty: change it to what I posted to you
17:40.09Kattyfall0ut: yeah,butbut.
17:40.14Kattyfall0ut: it still won't parse.
17:40.23Kattyfall0ut: it's all fine and dandy to fix it, but i don't get the fix :P
17:40.30fall0ut<digitmap dialplan.digitmap="x.T|*xx.T" dialplan.digitmap.timeOut="4"/>
17:40.31beBBoManxPower: do you know if is it possible see the UUI? (User-to-User Information)
17:40.38ManxPowerAlso remember you do NOT "select an outside line"  You dial a prefix digit (9 in the USA) and it is sent as part of the number to the dialplan, where you have to route the call based on that and strip that digit before sending the call the the telco
17:40.43*** part/#asterisk TonyM__ (
17:40.44Kattyfall0ut: i'd rather comprehend it than just fix it (=
17:41.03ManxPowerbeBBo: I don't know for sure but the pri debug stuff should dump the raw protocol
17:41.07fall0utsee the MGCP RFC
17:41.13Kattyfall0ut: thanks for the answer tho.
17:41.16Kattyfall0ut: kings to you.
17:41.58fall0utI've got some good examples of US dialplans that work, but what I pasted works 99.99% of the time
17:42.00ManxPowerKatty: Just remember that the digit map digit T never actually SOLVES anything,  IT just works around things.
17:42.00fall0utjust has a 4sec delayu
17:42.24ManxPoweri.e. works around being too lazy to write a real dialplan.
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17:42.32ManxPowerand works around crappy national dialplans
17:42.32JayTee52ManxPower, thanks, I've got that far from the docs but I'm trying to route through a standard analog line on my old Nortel PBX. I should be able to just pass the digits out of the Zap channel I'm pointing to in the outbound section of extensions.conf.
17:43.03ManxPowerJayTee52: exten => 9,1,Dial(Zap/1/)
17:43.07ManxPowerremember the trailing /
17:43.24BSDTechI say if your to lazy to write a dial plan get freepbx
17:43.30BSDTechand asterisk
17:43.48*** part/#asterisk upod (
17:44.13fall0utis a good one for PSTN :)
17:44.29*** join/#asterisk kratzers (
17:44.56Kattyi don't get any of that digitmap stuff.
17:45.01backbluecan i specify a stun server with asterisk?
17:45.02Kattyi didn't even know it existed before today!
17:45.13Kattyso hot dog, i learned somethin new.
17:45.15ManxPowerSince there is NO way to know what the length of numbers are for international I use T
17:45.43ManxPowerKatty: it is similar (at least in concept) to Asterisk's dialplan wildcards, but a bit more powerful in some ways
17:45.52BSDTechor 011*
17:45.57ManxPowerBSDTech: that STILL makes you wait for digittimeout
17:46.01BSDTechin this case for digimap
17:46.03fall0utthe one I pasted covers pretty much everything
17:46.09KattyManxPower: i dig me some wildcards.
17:46.11ManxPowerThe goal is to NOT wait for digittimeout
17:46.24KattyManxPower: but i think i'm only using wildcards in 4 spots.
17:46.26fall0utincluding test lines, intl, svcs, operator, n11, n+10, international, 7 * 10d
17:46.35Katty3 spots.
17:46.53Kattyxxx, xxxxxxx, and 1xxxxxxxxxx
17:47.05kratzersis it possible to execute an application when calls are transferred?
17:47.13Kattythis is like a porn flick!
17:47.22ManxPowerkratzers: that depends on the type of transfer
17:47.35BSDTechI need a script that converts extensiions.conf into extensions.ael
17:47.55ManxPowerkratzers: for device native transfers, I don't think so.  At least not the way you think.
17:48.05BSDTechis there such a script yet
17:48.14ManxPowerfor DTMF Hack Transfers (see features.conf) you should be able to.
17:48.24kratzersManxPower: thanks
17:48.34JayTee52ManxPower, thank you very much. Gotta run back to work and try that.
17:48.50ucfMethoddoes anyone know how to test 911?
17:48.52kratzersneed to record most every call, and I'd like to record to new files when a call is transferred
17:49.04ucfMethodwithout actually calling them, i want to make sure they can see our address etc.
17:49.06*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
17:49.18angryuserhi everybody
17:49.35BSDTechwho is your e911 provider
17:49.40angryuseranybody use astribank here?
17:49.45ManxPowerucfMethod: route 911 to a playback application.  Once that is done and tested then send the calls to real 911 outside of busy times and ALWAYS talk to the 911 operator to tell them this is a test of the company PBX 911 dialing
17:49.49ucfMethodi already have the dialmaps setup in the polycom phones, and i know it will work if i actually dial 911, but i dont think they will be happy with "oh this is just a test of my voip system"
17:50.05ManxPowerconfirm the calls are seen by the 911 PSAP as having the right numbers.
17:50.21ucfMethodBSDTech: Vitelity
17:50.39ManxPowerucfMethod: So you are not using Zap?  Then I have no advice.
17:51.22ucfMethodManxPower: Nope, using IAX2 to Vitelity for PSTN termination
17:51.48ucfMethodManxPower: everything works beautifully
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17:57.12*** join/#asterisk brian (i=brian@unaffiliated/brian)
17:57.21brianhey i'm messing around with asterisk on freebsd
17:57.42briani have a basic dial plan setup that sends calls to the DID to a meetme conference
17:58.08brianWhen you are a the first caller when it's supposed to say "You are currently the only person in this conference"
17:58.18brianInstead it just says "currently the only person in this conference"
17:58.30brianHow do I fix that?
17:58.45Juggieput an Answer() before Meetme()
17:59.14ucfMethodalso works nicely. you wont even notice it
17:59.50ManxPowerbrian: Frequently it takes a few moments to set up the RTP audio, so a wait after an Answer will help.  I usually use a Wait(1).
17:59.52brianalso when you press a DTMF I noticed it makes a really nasty noise
18:00.03*** join/#asterisk jm|home (
18:00.03brianHow do I make it mute out the DTMF
18:00.08ManxPowerJust doing an Answer won't help because the call is ALREADY being answered by MeetMe
18:00.35ManxPowerbrian: what makes you so sure asterisk is detecting the tones as DTMF?
18:01.30brianI'm using ulaw codec...What codec should I be using?
18:01.56JuggieManxPower, you assume Meetme does things in the proper order :)
18:02.07Juggieit may start to play the audio before it does the answer.
18:02.17ManxPowerbrian: You use whatever DTMF mode your PROVIDER is using.
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18:02.43ManxPowerJuggie: it could, but I AM assuming it works similar to most of the other Asterisk applications that do answer by default before playing audio
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18:03.23brianManxPower: Answer() and Wait(1) both don't help
18:03.56ManxPowerbrian: does Wait(5) help?  If so maybe you need a bit more than 1
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18:09.52Mattwj2005hey guys :)
18:10.02Mattwj2005quick question for you.....what is the best tos?
18:10.32Mattwj2005good afternoon by the way
18:10.39monstedMattwj2005: well, ST:TOS isn't very good
18:10.42codefreezeBSDTech: no such script yet (but it's been requested as an enhancement).
18:10.57Mattwj2005haha monsted
18:11.07Mattwj2005are your more of a Next Gen type of guy?
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18:11.43monstedMattwj2005: TNG and Voyager, yeah
18:11.53Mattwj2005yeah Voyager is my favorite
18:12.00Mattwj2005six of nine rocks!
18:13.12Mattwj2005lol nice
18:13.37ManxPowerVoyager was pretty cool.
18:13.37rob0(transmission was about to give out)
18:13.46Mattwj2005well I would need is a halodeck and a replecator and I would be set for life :)
18:13.46angryuseri am unable to compile zaptel/xpp/utils for astribank under feroda core 5 i got this any ideas?
18:13.51ManxPowerKicking Borg Ass, and 7of9's ass.
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18:15.57Mattwj2005seriously though
18:16.03Mattwj2005what is the best value for tos?
18:16.10Qwell[]Mattwj2005: 42
18:16.13monstedi don't think i'd be *kicking* 7of9s ass
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18:16.18monstedMattwj2005: EF?
18:16.22Qwell[]monsted: yeah, seriously
18:16.29ManxPowerARGH!  Uniden has a "phone finder" page.  I select the ONLY requirement as being 900Mhz Digital and they have no phones with that feature.  My question is "Why have the option if you don't make the product"  That's about as useful as Microsoft having a "Stable Windows Version"
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18:16.41ManxPowerMattwj2005: Letm e look
18:16.47Qwell[]ManxPower: Hey, that isn't fair
18:16.55Qwell[]ManxPower: 3.11 was quite stable
18:17.05ManxPowerMattwj2005: tos=0xb8
18:17.11Qwell[]I comparison
18:17.37ManxPowerAnd vtech's web site is totally broken, any useful page is "not found"
18:17.49Mattwj2005so higher is better I take it :)
18:18.16angryuserso i will get rid if astribank then;(
18:18.37ManxPowerMattwj2005: NO!
18:19.32ManxPowerMattwj2005: each code has a meaning.  0xb8 should be the same as Cisco's DSCP code EF, which is "real time" and it should also match the standard IP low latency class
18:20.15Juggieonly one they have, and only 4 left, buy them all :)
18:20.24Mattwj2005okay yeah that is what I had it set for before
18:20.27ManxPowerJuggie: the specs refer to "channels" and that usually means "not DSS"
18:20.32Mattwj20050x10 low latency in other words
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18:21.01ManxPowerMattwj2005: remember that every router between they two devices must support and honour the setting if you expect it to be 100% perfect
18:21.29Mattwj2005yeah with my system there is no way of determining that
18:21.39Mattwj2005here is my basic setup
18:21.56Mattwj2005sip phone -> asterisk box -> cable modem -> WAN cloud
18:22.11Qwell[]public internet?  yeah, you aren't gonna get QoS
18:22.12Mattwj2005asterisk box is running iax
18:22.30Mattwj2005I have had pretty good luck with 0x10
18:22.39Mattwj2005for the tos
18:22.46JuggieManxPower, i've been looking aronud a bit, and all i am finding is 900mhz analog.
18:23.04Mattwj2005it is pretty usable 6+ Mbps down 384 kbps up
18:23.12ManxPowerJuggie: Those are the most common.  But 900Mhz does exist.  The phone that died was.
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18:23.32Juggieyou are probally going to have to ebay it
18:24.00Mattwj2005I should upgrade to the 8 Mbps service....but I am trying to save money :)
18:24.03ManxPowerJuggie: We also tried a DECT 6.0 phone.  I had high hopes.
18:24.09*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
18:24.25Mattwj2005that has a 768 kps up stream
18:24.36ManxPowerMattwj2005: it would work with .25Mbps.  The size of your pipe does not matter much for 1 or two calls.
18:25.08Mattwj2005oh I know
18:25.22toerkeiumguys, when I start recording a conversation with *1, whatever I say, the answer from the called person is "printed" over my voice. understand what I mean? lets say I call you, and ask you "how are you?", and you say fine. when I check the recording, the word "fine" from you, is printed before "how are you" ends. Any idea?
18:26.14Mattwj2005so ManxPower I should try tos=0xb8 for my setup?
18:27.37nortexI need some ideas of what to look for when analog lines fail to recieve the callerid. I floated the question around last week and got some suggestions, but want to see if anyone has more ideas. The situation is the 3 line from the telco have callerid service and only one recieves it correctly the other 2 give a checksum error for the incoming call.
18:29.34nortexMattwj2005, I think what you will find is that sending the call across the internet is not going to have any benefit of tos. You may get some routers out there that honor it, but most will ignore the tos in the headers and pass the packet as any other packet of data.
18:30.01*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
18:30.04Mattwj2005okay sounds good
18:30.46Mattwj2005fresh my memory.....what if the first router doesn't it honor there a possibility any of the further hops will?
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18:30.58Mattwj2005do they strip that information out between hops?
18:31.37Juggieno chance.
18:31.45Juggieeach hop has to honor
18:32.37Mattwj2005okay thanks.....I am just starting my career in networking....a lot to learn....I am trying to finish up my CCNP :)
18:32.40RoyKMattwj2005: just use a jitterbuffer
18:33.09Mattwj2005jitterbuffer has been no matter of fact they make it worse often times
18:33.19RoyKplc helps
18:33.20RoyKand jb
18:33.23RoyKbeleive me
18:33.25toerkeiumwhat is a good g729 supported softphone?
18:33.28RoyKMattwj2005: what protocols?
18:33.51Mattwj2005well I was just using jitterbuffer on sip
18:33.59RoyKwith 1.4?
18:34.26Mattwj2005I am still using 1.2.13
18:34.35RoyKthe patch from asterisk-addons?
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18:34.58toerkeiumjitterbuffer is a softphone??
18:35.00Mattwj2005I haven't added that yet
18:35.00RoyKMattwj2005: there's no sip jb in * 1.2 without that
18:35.10RoyKtoerkeium: most softphones have it
18:35.42RoyKalso, I meant the one from
18:35.46Mattwj2005is 1.4 stable yet?
18:35.55RoyKis the pope buddhist?
18:35.58*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-1c3b1c3824e2e9a3)
18:36.30RoyKthe jb code from is the one that went into 1.4, and it works, we're running it in a pretty large setup in production
18:36.37Mattwj2005some Christian views and Buddhist views are similar :)
18:37.05RoyKwell, some views are similar anywhere on the planet
18:37.16RoyKbut 1.4 is not stable and 1.2 does not have a sip jb
18:37.18RoyKnor plc
18:37.43Mattwj2005good poing royk :)
18:38.30*** join/#asterisk sevard (
18:39.11xnonhello friends hey i need to know if anybody have a command line to know what version of asterisk is?
18:39.21sevardasterisk -rx 'show version'
18:39.22RoyKshow version
18:39.33xnonasterisk show version?
18:39.34Mattwj2005now if everyone could just get along we would be set
18:39.40RoyKor merely start asterisk with -v and it'll show you
18:39.50Mattwj2005asterisk -V
18:40.00RoyKkill -9 -1
18:40.33Aurscat asterisksource/.version
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18:41.36Mattwj2005asterisk -V doesn't start just shows the version
18:42.07ManxPowerRoyK: neither has qualify smoothing in SIP
18:42.30RoyKwhat do you mean, qualify smoothing?
18:44.02Skarmethhi all
18:44.27Skarmethany extension monitoring software other then FOP and HUD?
18:44.39SkarmethFor GNU/Linux
18:45.55AursSkarmeth: gastman - The Graphical Asterisk call manager
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18:56.20robin_zhmmm ... still not got callerid working with chan_mISDN
18:59.55ManxPowerrobin_z: Did you try a Wait(1) at the beginning of the dialplan.  I don't know about BRI, but on PRI the CallerID can arrive after the call setup
19:00.09*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
19:01.38brianconf_run: Unable to write frame to channel: No such file or directory
19:01.44brianWhat does that warning mean?
19:04.32ManxPowerbrian: my first guess is that the caller hungup
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19:10.49BSDTechis there plans at anytime oin the future other then the asterisk-bsd group to make bsd a supported os for asterisk ?
19:11.08BSDTechor are porters just spinning thier wheels
19:11.23Qwell[]we already suppose bsd, to an extent
19:11.26Qwell[]support too
19:11.41*** join/#asterisk lullabud (n=lullabud@
19:11.56BSDTechyes its in ports but does digium ever plan to support it or just those here ?
19:12.07Qwell[]depends on your definition of support
19:12.17BSDTechlike for hardware
19:12.25Qwell[]highly unlikely
19:12.54Qwell[]the zaptel drivers would be completely different between OSs
19:13.19BSDTechwe have a port of the zaptel drivers and then 1.4 are being ported now
19:13.32BSDTechso thats not a issue
19:13.33FuriousGeorgeimo, sip registering should be a p2p type deal.  iow, my asterisk server should be able to subscribe to another asterisk servers subscriptions
19:13.38FuriousGeorge* is already domain aware
19:14.27BSDTechI know they have g729 for bsd
19:14.30Qwell[]FuriousGeorge: there are already a bunch of ways to go about that..  either using something like SER, or dundi, or something
19:14.35BSDTechso thats nice ofthem
19:15.11Juggiedigium has g729 for alot of os'es
19:15.17Juggiemuch more then just linux
19:15.36FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: you think dundi would work for presence?  ive been playing with SER for this, but its a steep learning curve and time is short
19:15.53Juggiedundi doesnt really do presence
19:16.06FuriousGeorgeso ser it is
19:16.25Juggiei'm no expert though, ask blitzrage
19:16.41FuriousGeorgei was just thinking my life would be easier if * did it, but im sure people who want p2p presence on their pbx are pretty niche atm
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19:18.12Juggieexplain the application.
19:19.29FuriousGeorgewho me?  Juggie:  i just want people on asterisk_server_a to know about the presence status of users of asterisk_server_b, and vice versa.  i guess you could say share a roster in jabberspeek, or maybe
19:19.34FuriousGeorgep2p simple
19:21.20*** join/#asterisk ESCulapio__ (n=ESCulapi@
19:22.15ESCulapio__quien habla espanol
19:22.35FuriousGeorgeyo no
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19:33.40fileNugget: not a slacker!
19:35.08FuriousGeorgecan someone who knows a little bit of spanish help my man ESCulapio__ with interfacing asterisk to a cisco device via h.323.  i got the language part down but h.323 is like greek to me (pun).  something about registering with the call manager
19:35.11Nuggetonly for another 24 hours or so.
19:35.43FuriousGeorgei can translate a few phrases if you dont know spanish but think its easy but i gotta run
19:35.53rob0<== slacker
19:40.13NuggetI'm transferring the domain this afternoon.
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19:50.39marbahlarbsI'm trying to talk to my pots line with an asterisk server and an fxo card. Incoming calls route correctly to the sip phone, but outbound calls don't. I tried defining a number specifically and still no-go. exten => 9381201,1,Dial(Zap/2/9381201,15)
19:50.43marbahlarbswhat am I probably missing?
19:51.56wunderkinthat wont matter... try adding some w before the number it dials... Zap/2/www5551212...
19:52.12wunderkinif you have multiple fxo ports you will want to use channel groups too
19:57.09marbahlarbsthe www did the trick
19:57.13marbahlarbsyou're awesome
19:57.48brianIs the zaptel PCI card better than the ztdummy module?
19:58.35shimibrian, hmm, you're comparing something dummy with something real?
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19:59.25brianisn't a zaptel card for hooking into a t1 line
19:59.38ManxPowerbrian: yes, but it also provides a hardware timer
19:59.43shimiyou can't do anything with ztdummy. it's dummy
19:59.51ManxPowerwell zaptel supports many types of interfaces, not just T-1
20:02.42*** join/#asterisk Isaiah (
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20:04.00briancan not having a zaptel card cause problems
20:04.36FuriousGeorgeno, but meetme wont work w/o zaptel driver which doesnt require zaptel hw
20:04.44FuriousGeorgeunless this has changed of course
20:04.53ManxPowerZaptel timing is required for MeetMe and IAX2 trunking.  It can make MoH sound nicer.
20:05.35ManxPowerztdummy will provide the required timing, but may not be as accurate and I guess that could cause issues.
20:10.08*** join/#asterisk Fibersrv (
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20:10.52FibersrvI have a question, my company is looking into setting up an Asterisk phone system.  What hardware would I need, where would I start to look?
20:11.14danbrwnFibersrv: on the digium website
20:12.09websaeanyone know what happened to TKD Fender these days?
20:12.16Fibersrvhmm ok, that will give a run down on the basics?  I am kind of Asterisk illeiterate? <lol>  I am getting my feet wet also by go ing down this avenue.
20:12.53bkw__its way more than timing for meetme folks
20:13.03bkw__just having the timer doesn't mean you'll get meetme to work
20:13.13bkw__they use zaptel to do the muxing and stuff... its more than a clock source
20:14.34danbrwnFibersrv: I am as well, there are lots of people who sell user friendly systems. I am looking for something a little more custom so am going down the hard road. It depends on your needs, but a canned system is sometimes very nice to buy
20:14.38jbotrumour has it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
20:14.41jbotfrom memory, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
20:14.45jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
20:15.17Qwell[]macintosh asterisk mailing list?  wtf?
20:16.23Fibersrvdanbrwn, I understand the feeling, believe me.  I need something to present.  I appreciate the information, I will definately check it out.
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20:25.43bkw__so so sad
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20:28.38Manfishwhat is sad?
20:28.51ucfMethodanyone have any pointers on this one "res_odbc.c:565 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified"   I have check res_odbc.conf and res_mysql.conf
20:29.14ucfMethodi know its probably something real simple, but i must be missing it
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20:31.12ZaVoidhi all.. can someone point me in the right direction for wrting CDR's from asterisk to a radius server?
20:31.24ZaVoidhaving some trouble finding anythign about doing that
20:32.12ZaVoidhi ManxPower
20:32.14ZaVoiderr manfish
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20:39.38danbrwnif i use asterisk and non digium cards do I always have to run the ztdummy module for timing
20:39.58ManxPowerdanbrwn: do the cards have zaptel compatable drivers?
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20:40.45danbrwnManxPower:  unsure, just know that other hardware is available and trying to figure out what will be best.
20:41.53ManxPowerdanbrwn: if the card has zaptel compatible drivers, then you should not need ztdummy
20:42.31danbrwnManxPower:  thnks
20:42.41ManxPowerAlso remember that other brands of cards are not commonly used with Asterisk and so not many people will be able to help you.
20:42.54ManxPowerSangoma seems to be the most popular non-Digium card used with Asterisk
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20:44.14ManxPowerJuggie: I found the perfect phone for my needs -- except for 1 thing
20:44.29ManxPower$500 for a cordles phone is a bit much
20:44.33danbrwnManxPower: yeah, the Sangoma cards are the alternate cards I was refering to.
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20:56.16monstedManxPower: cheap
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21:18.20ESCulapio__Hola Quien Habla espanol
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21:28.41seele_hello, the rhino channel banck can support E1 trunk or only T1 ????
21:29.18seele_rhino support E1 trunk???
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21:31.07ManxPowerseele_: call Rhino.
21:31.16ManxPowerMost channel banks come in T-1 and E-1 models.
21:31.37seele_Manfish, yes like digium TDM
21:31.50seele_but rhino only shows T1
21:32.30ManxPowerthen that is all they support.
21:32.34seele_ManxPower, any other economic solution for multiple FXS ?
21:32.56ManxPowerseele_: yes, use T-1 for your Asterisk -> channel bank interface.
21:33.21ManxPowerAs long as it does not connect to the telco, you don't have to use E-1
21:33.50seele_what channel bank can I use ?
21:34.52ManxPowerI use Adtran
21:35.22ManxPowerso, Telco <-> E-1 <-> Asterisk <-> T-1 <-> Channel Bank <-> Analog phones
21:37.44seele_Telco <-> E-1 <-> asterisk <-> Network <-> Channel Bank <-> Analog Phones
21:37.52seele_si possible ?
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21:48.47bluregardhi all
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21:52.13fileKatty: haylo
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21:54.15file[TK]D-Fender: home... home on the range
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21:55.05Kattyfile: ewwo.
21:55.11sloth_hello i am DESPERATELY trying to get my SPA 922 to ring my custom ringtone with __ALERT_INFO. Has anyone succeeded?
21:55.14Kattyfile: i think i got my flashy time problem figured out.
21:55.19[TK]D-FenderKatty : Mew.
21:55.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
21:55.34fileKatty: flashy time is good time though
21:55.42[TK]D-FenderKatty : Polycom time flashing?  That'd be a SNTP issue
21:55.53[TK]D-Fenderfile : Depends on the flasher ;)
21:56.03hmmhesaysice ice baby
21:58.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: aye.
21:58.21Katty[TK]D-Fender: but...that's not /quite/ the issue.
21:58.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: i think reading sip.cfg, or maybe sip.cfg has the wrong issues.
21:58.42Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm tryin some different stuff.
21:58.43[TK]D-FenderKatty : I'd personally suggest you just shove "" into your sp.cfg and have it override DHCP's assignment.
21:59.26[TK]D-FenderKatty : There are 2 other fields to indicate when SIP.CFG overrides DHCP to look for in the same clause.  pretty quick to fix
21:59.47Kattysec, let me pastebin some stuff.
22:00.04*** join/#asterisk CpuID2 (
22:05.31wunderkin[TK]D-Fender, i'm not sure if i've asked previously.... but would you have any recommendations on things to check for an intermittant reboot problem on an ip430? it has happened with 1.6.7, 2.0.1, and 2.0.2... there does not seem to be any rhyme or reason, just talking to one person, then get one way audio.. the person im calling can hear me but i cant hear them... if they hang up, it reboots.. or if i hang up.. it reboots...
22:05.57wunderkini noticed that it never completely downloads the sip.ld file but the log says that the file is fine.... and the xml editor says that the files are 'well formed' or something like that
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22:06.26[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin : nope, never seen
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22:06.42costalivanhello budies
22:06.45ucfMethoddoes anyone know if Asterisk comes with gsm files for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc
22:06.56costalivanI'm getting some problems with siproxd software
22:06.57ucfMethodi searched the sound folder, and the digits folder, and found nothing
22:07.25wunderkinive never heard anyone having this kind of problem with a polycom.... i tried submitting the logs to voipsupply on nov 1 and never heard anything back, i tried leaving a voicemail for cory earlier today but have not gotten a call back yet, i hate not being able to deal with polycom directly
22:07.50*** part/#asterisk BSDTech (
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22:08.03BSDTechwhen is 1.4 now due out
22:08.16costalivanI'm using ekiga  and I'm trying to register in
22:08.20BSDTechI thought it would be end of dec
22:08.24costalivanthis is my network diagram
22:08.25BSDTechnov sorry
22:08.46BSDTechbut I see its only beta 3 not even a rc
22:09.13costalivan192.168.1.200 --> Linksys NAT to --- > ---> siproxd
22:09.23costalivanbut it doesn't work
22:09.32costalivanthe request arrive the ip
22:09.39costalivanbut after that nothing happens
22:10.23BSDTechnat: If you are behind a NAT you probably need to create an /etc/asterisk/sip_nat.conf file with AT LEAST these two lines: 1) externip=your.external.dotted.IPaddess   2) localnet= (assuming your local network uses 192.168.0.x addresses).  Then   sip reload   from the CLI.
22:10.33BSDTechin this case in sip.conf
22:10.54BSDTech-or add a #include => sip_nat.conf in sip.conf
22:13.41*** part/#asterisk costalivan (n=ivan@
22:13.50bluregard[TK]D-Fender: you got a minute?
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22:14.41[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : Shoot
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22:16.05le_nechi all
22:16.17le_nechave a problem
22:16.21le_neccan help me
22:17.11bluregard[TK]D-Fender: I've got the 501 set up with the first 2 line keys as my extension with the third monitoring my "0" ext.  If I'm on a call on my ext. and someone calls my ext, it goes right to n+101 which is my busy VM.  However, if someone calls the "0" ext it rings through just fine.
22:17.18Math`le_nec:with so little information, no
22:17.21le_neci'm installed asterisk 1.4 and i can't recive call, when i recived a call, this is the error  handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user
22:17.42bluregard[TK]D-Fender: any work around you know of?
22:17.42le_necchan_sip.c:7916 check_auth: username mismatch, have <trunk_1>, digest has <s>
22:18.14[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : redescribe the reg's, and line key usage.
22:18.44bluregard[TK]D-Fender: you want me to pastebin my phone1.cfg?
22:18.53bluregardit's pretty short
22:18.55[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : Sure
22:19.13[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : Change only the passwords
22:19.39bluregardno passwords in it
22:21.00le_necanybody can help me, please?
22:22.57[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : EW
22:23.22[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : Did that via the web interface, or direct on the phone?
22:23.51bluregard[TK]D-Fender: mostly the phone, a few things in the file itself
22:24.18bluregard[TK]D-Fender: I just noticed a mistake in it too
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22:24.33[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : Several...
22:24.50[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : You really should do this phone over top-to-bottom
22:25.18bluregard[TK]D-Fender: I have all the original configs backed up
22:25.47[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : You should only be using reg's 1 & 2, using 2 line-keys on the first, 1 on the second.
22:26.11bluregard[TK]D-Fender, That's what I tried first, this was the only way I could get it to work with more than just my ext on all 3 line keys
22:26.17[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : and while you're at it maybe increase the # calls per line key allowed.  Technically I'd just use 1 line key each allowing 5 calls per.
22:26.43*** part/#asterisk jay (
22:31.08brianIs there anything wrong with that that might screw up?
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22:34.39[TK]D-Fenderbrian : exten => 8,1,Goto(_X.|3) <- not legal.  it will attempt a pattern match on your GOTO and fail.  you have to actually goto a number that would be matched by where you're looking to go, and even using a catch all like that is seriously ugly at best.
22:34.52brianit works
22:35.13briani think
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22:38.09brian[TK]D-Fender: How do I do it correctly?
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22:40.02KeNroMwhere can i get some vicidail help?
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22:41.30bluregarddamn, I can't believe I did that
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22:45.06brian <--- How do I fix this so I do it "correctly"
22:46.55bluregard[TK]D-Fender: better?
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22:47.39sbingnerso I have an IAXY that keeps having to have the power killed and plugged back in -- any ideas as to why that would be happening?
22:47.55[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : Your configs warrant a complete rebuild undoing what was keyed directly on the phone.
22:48.07[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : and doesn't address the # of calls per line-key
22:48.28bluregard[TK]D-Fender: reset to default on the phone?
22:48.31[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : though it does help the problem of calls not spanning on yuour 1st reg like before.
22:48.47[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : Yes, and rebuild your sip.cfg and phoneXXXXX.cfg
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22:49.43bluregard[TK]D-Fender: my sip.cfg shouldn't have changed other than what I put in with the text editor though should it?
22:51.27*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
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22:51.58lilalinuxI have an old NTBA here where I don't know which pin is a1,a2,b1,b2, how can I find out?
22:52.10lilalinuxThere is one pin numbered 1
22:52.16bluregard[TK]D-Fender: reset local config or device setting?
22:52.20[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : I'm just betting based on how much you have in overriders that you didn't populate any of the files in the way you really should have.
22:52.21lilalinuxis there a standard?
22:52.40[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : before you flush the phone, you should ahve a full set of rebuilt configs for it.
22:53.41bluregard[TK]D-Fender: All I changed in sip.cfg was for the idle bitmap, in <mac>.cfg
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22:55.40Shaun2222i keep getting a confg file error 0x4020
22:55.43Shaun2222anybody know what that means?
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22:57.52Archi1999Can anybody here help me with snap?
22:57.59[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : sip.cfg should have your server, SNTP, dialplan, and a pile of other general settings.  phoneXXX.cfg should have your username, pass, and line key layout, nothing more.  <mac>-phone.cfg should be EMPTY
22:58.11*** part/#asterisk danbrwn (n=danny@
22:59.00bluregard[TK]D-Fender: ok
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23:02.14Aurs..did not help much
23:02.38Shaun2222whats weird is i have another phone using this exact config
23:02.40Shaun2222working fine
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23:03.04Shaun2222the phone also never downloads the phone.cfg or sip.cfg
23:03.19Shaun2222i'm telling it to use ftps, wonder if it's some type of problem with that
23:03.42Aurson the same ftp?
23:03.56Shaun2222the other one is using ftp...
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23:04.01Shaun2222i decided to try ftps on this one
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23:04.34Aursnever tried ftps
23:04.52Aursor https
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23:06.09Shaun2222it's downloading the sip.cgi and phone.cfg
23:06.12Shaun2222guess sftp doesnt work.
23:06.22Shaun2222so much for being secure.
23:06.38Aursby sip.cgi you mean sip.cfg I guess
23:06.46Shaun2222ya, typo :)
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23:07.03Aursdoes it try to fetch 00000000.cfg?
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23:07.29Shaun2222no, it went straight for mac.cfg
23:07.57Shaun2222mac.cfg tells it to load sip.ld.ver and then mac-phone.cfg and mac-sip.cfg
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23:08.43Aurscould be that the encryption screws things up, I guess
23:08.44sbingneranybody know of a way to force an iaxy to reload its firmware?
23:08.54Aursbut that sounds strange too on second thought
23:09.15Aursbecause it reads the mac.cfg correct, if it fetches the files in CONFIG-FILES="" in that one...
23:09.36vader--anyone recommend a solution for this situation. We have been having issues where a person will go to dial extension 11x, i.e. 114 and accidently dial 9 then 114 and the system reads that as 911 because as soon as it sees the 911 it dials
23:09.48Shaun2222well with ftps, it fetched mac.cfg and stored mac-boot.log
23:09.49vader--what are the legalities of messing with the way 911 is handled
23:09.50Shaun2222then crashed
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23:10.32vader--here are a couple ideas i had, make it so 9911 is the only way to get to 911, make it ask a message like, are you sure you want to dial 911, or have it play a message when 911 is dialed that says you must first dial a 9
23:10.54Aursvader--: do you have to confirm dialing 911 on other phones? sounds like a bad idea
23:12.29AursShaun2222: ok, so it did NOT fetch mac-sip.cfg when using ftps? that could mean that it could not read the mac.cfg correctly
23:12.58Shaun2222Aurs: it looks like it downloads mac.cfg and has a issue reading it
23:13.10Aursperhaps you need to tweak your sshd_conf in some way?
23:13.12Shaun2222works fine with ftp just not ftps
23:13.25backblueare you speaking about polycoms?
23:13.31Aursbackblue: yes
23:13.43backbluebut it does not use sftp, dont you mean tftp?
23:13.49Shaun2222ftps is not's still through the ftp server... your thinking of ftp over ssh2
23:14.08backblueyes it's not sftp over ssh
23:14.11Shaun2222backblue: it gives ftp/ftps/http/https/tftp as options.
23:14.18Aursah, ok
23:14.25Aursi thought it was ssh
23:14.29backbluebut you were speaking about sftp
23:14.39backblueftps != sftp
23:15.23Shaun2222ya ya, one type over the other 10 times i said ftps...
23:15.29Aurssftp > ftps
23:16.05Aursftps is SSL+ftp, right?
23:16.32Aurswouldn't surprise me if you need a polycom-signed certificate or something ;)
23:17.07Shaun2222polycom does have some ssl options for ca certs and whatnot
23:17.10Shaun2222could be
23:17.11Aursor at least _a_ signed cert
23:17.28Shaun2222honesly i've never seen a ftp_server or client complain about a selfsigned cert..
23:17.32Shaun2222but could happen.
23:17.59Aursit's security.. it's not supposed to be simple
23:18.02Shaun2222either way you think it would give me a better error
23:18.23Aursif you could find 0x4something in the polycom docs, it would be ok
23:18.37Aursbut I guess you have grep'd the docs ;)
23:21.08Shaun2222hmm, ok to the next issue for now..
23:21.24Shaun2222i want to have multiple phones view the same extention (line)..
23:21.38Shaun2222right now i have both phones configured for ext301 for testing...
23:21.47Shaun2222if one phone picks up the line, the other phone doesnt see that.
23:22.14Shaun2222anyway to make it show what lines are being used?
23:22.27Aurs2.2.3 in the admin guide
23:22.38Aurs2.2.3 Management of File Encryption and Decryption
23:22.57Aurspage 23
23:23.19AursThe device.sec.configEncryption.key configuration file
23:23.19Aursparameter is used to set the key on the phone.
23:23.49Shaun2222hmm both phones dont ring either when dialing the same extention...
23:23.59Shaun2222looks like one phone is taking over the other
23:24.42Aursand yes, it trusts certificates signed by authorities
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23:25.07Aursso buy yourself a signed SSL cert and it will work
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23:25.29sbingnerAurs: it has no mechanism to load another CA cert?
23:25.47hmmhesayswow asterisk is freaking out
23:25.57Aurssbingner: yes, it does. page 74 in the admin guide pdf
23:25.59hmmhesays137 active calls show on the console
23:26.06hmmhesayswhen there are only 2
23:26.11hmmhesays2 actual calls
23:26.14Aurshmmhesays: queue calls?
23:26.58sbingnerhmmhesays: show channels to
23:27.27Aurs"In addition, custom certificates can be added to the phone. This is done by using the SSL Security menu on the phone to provide the URL of the custom certificate then select an option to use this custom certificate"
23:27.48hmmhesaysno queues
23:28.02Shaun2222is it not possible to have 2 phones registered to the same ext?
23:28.10sbingnerShaun2222: no, it's not
23:28.25Shaun2222how would you configure say line1/2/3 on all phones
23:28.28hmmhesaysshow channels just shows a large amount of up calls
23:28.30sbingnerShaun2222: they don't register to extensions, they register as devices
23:28.38AursShaun2222: but you can have ext0 and ext1 with the samme callerid in sip.conf
23:28.42sbingnerShaun2222: you can have an extention call multiple devices
23:29.19Aursand if someone calls in to that ext, dial SIP/ext0&ext1
23:30.07sbingnersip.conf = devices and extensions.conf = extensions
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23:32.24hmmhesaysi wonder wtf is causing this
23:32.34Shaun2222ok, i basically want line1/2/3 on all phones, i also want it to show if a line is in use on each phone...
23:32.46sbingnerShaun2222: that's shared line presentation
23:32.57sbingnerShaun2222: I think it's beta in * currently
23:33.57sbingnerShaun2222: see sla.conf in 1.4 apparently
23:33.59sbingnerI haven't used it
23:34.20[TK]D-FenderShaun2222 : What model of phone?
23:35.48[TK]D-FenderShaun2222 : You want to check the status of actual phone LINES on *?
23:36.23Shaun2222[TK]D-Fender: if one phone is using line1 i want the other phones to see line1 is in use..
23:37.24[TK]D-FenderShaun2222 : then add them as a watched buddy and set your hint to point to the channel.
23:37.27Aursok, on the buddy list?
23:37.27sbingnerthat's SLA, but I don't know how well * supports it currently
23:37.50AursShaun2222: do you have the expansion module for the 601?
23:38.00sbingnerand you want to hit "Line1" to pick up the call if somebody else put it on hold right?
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23:39.44[TK]D-FenderAurs : Yes, the buddy list...
23:40.00sbingnerShaun2222: in the 601 specs it references Shared call appearance, bridged line appearance (Key
23:40.00sbingnerSystem emulation)
23:40.03Shaun2222Aurs: no i dont have the addon module
23:40.14sbingnerlook for that in your polycom manual for how to set it up if you can
23:40.14*** join/#asterisk DavoFrom818 (n=Vito310@
23:40.18DavoFrom818how is everyone
23:40.20Shaun2222sbingner: right.
23:40.36Aurs[TK]D-Fender: have you tried the expansion module on 601?
23:40.43DavoFrom818am i in the right channel for support on AsteriskNOW?
23:40.57Shaun2222i would really like to be able to see calls and where they are parked too from the phone.
23:41.17Shaun2222the phone has a park button but i coudlnt get it to work, i only messed with it for a few minutes last night
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23:41.45DavoFrom818sorry i got dc
23:42.02sbingnerShaun2222: try setting up the devices in sla.conf and see if it works
23:42.04DavoFrom818so is this the channel for *now?
23:42.28sbingnerDavoFrom818: no, it's not but if it's not a question specific to *now we may be able to answe
23:42.42[TK]D-FenderAurs : Yes I have.  My receptionist has 2 of the,m
23:42.48Shaun2222sbingner: i dotn have a sla.conf but i suppose i'll have to loko that one up.
23:42.58sbingnerShaun2222: are you running * 1.4?
23:43.07lilalinuxwhen I want to use zaphfc, do I still need the hisax drivers?
23:43.08sbingnerShaun2222: it's in the sample configs for 1.4
23:43.17sbingneraah for SLA you need 1.4
23:43.18[TK]D-Fendersbingner : SLC, and SCA won't do you much good when you want to monitor what is most likely a Zap device.
23:43.27Shaun22221.4 is beta isnt it?
23:43.37sbingner[TK]D-Fender: he said he's using polycom
23:43.39[TK]D-Fendersbingner : Doesnt' work that way.  SLA, and SCA are for watching PHONES.
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23:44.00sbingnernot SIP polycom?
23:44.03DavoFrom818omg what is happening to my connection
23:44.08[TK]D-Fendersbingner : I know full well what he's using, and like I said those 2 features weren't designed in* to work like that.
23:44.36DavoFrom818any ideas?
23:44.51sbingner[TK]D-Fender: the only way he will get what he wants is SLA, if it doesn't work yet then you must be right
23:45.54Aurs[TK]D-Fender: and you can have how many "watched buddies" on one module?
23:45.57sbingnerDavoFrom818: no, it's not but if it's not a question specific to *now we may be able to answer -- we never got a question
23:46.06[TK]D-Fendersbingner : Again, its not made to let you grab LINES, its meant for you to grab PHONES.
23:46.20sbingner[TK]D-Fender: right... your point?
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23:46.39[TK]D-FenderAurs : You can watch all of them.  Which at 14 per * 3 = 42 +6 on base = 48 max
23:46.46DavoFrom818it must of cut me off
23:46.53sbingnerthe polycom doesnt register as multiple devices to do multiple lines?
23:47.00DavoFrom818ok let me reset my switch before i continue brb sbingner thnx
23:47.08[TK]D-Fendersbingner : Point is that there is no way to use SLA/SCA to monitor line status and grab a line direct.
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23:48.00sbingner[TK]D-Fender: but it would let you pick it up when it was placed on hold, no? if not then SLA isn't fully supported yet, which was my original disclaimer ;)
23:48.08[TK]D-Fendersbingner : because its not a direct channel.  you go from a SIP channel to a ZAP by letting * pick the resource to use.  if you want to monitor a line, then Presence is what you're looking for, but there is no way to "pull" a line" specifically with some seriously ugly hacks
23:48.29[TK]D-Fendersbingner : You are just not following what kind of devices it was inteded to be used with.
23:48.34Aurs[TK]D-Fender: but sometimes the status on buddies is "stalling", and I have to reboot the phone, or disable/enable watch buddy to get it to work again. guess I would choose reboot if I had 48 buddies ;)
23:48.56[TK]D-Fendersbingner : You can watch someone elses phone and grab a call they put on hold, but don't expect to pull that off with a Zap line.
23:49.24sbingner[TK]D-Fender: the example shows both zap and sip
23:49.42[TK]D-FenderAurs : only reason it would stall is if you're on an old release (pre 1.2.5 or so) where "reload" killed Presencesubscriptions.
23:49.43sbingner[TK]D-Fender: anyways I'll have to play with it sometime heh
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23:50.38Aurs[TK]D-Fender: ok, perhaps that has improved (running 1.2.13 now). unless restarting asterisk stalls presence on polycoms
23:50.50[TK]D-FenderAurs : Not that I've seen.
23:51.04[TK]D-FenderAurs : And I am running 30 of them on 1.2.13
23:51.37Aurs[TK]D-Fender: ok. been a while since I had to "rewatch" or reboot, when I think about it
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23:52.07DavoFrom818sbingner ok i hope that worked
23:52.35DavoFrom818sbingner the problem i am having is when i go to add a service provider the provider box is empty
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23:52.55DavoFrom818sbingner any idea?
23:53.04sbingnerDavoFrom818: yea you'll need to find the actual *now support for that, it's specific to their web interface
23:53.23DavoFrom818sbingner what room are they in?
23:53.42sbingnerI have no idea, they may not have an IRC support channel
23:53.43[hC]is it possible to do what immediate=yes does in zapata.conf, but for a sip phone?
23:54.03sbingner[hC]: it depends on the phone, some do support that but it's on the phone
23:54.05DavoFrom818sbingner what is the best gui configure for asterisk?
23:54.26sbingnerDavoFrom818: sorry I can't answer that, I don't use any of the GUIs
23:54.32malphI'm receiving an error on the cli and I am having trouble finding an answer with google can I post it here in hopes that someone recognizes it?
23:55.20DavoFrom818sbingner where can i get a howto on doing it manually?
23:55.38sbingnerDavoFrom818: examples are included with the asterisk installation
23:56.02sbingnerDavoFrom818: and has alot of goof indo
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23:57.19[TK]D-Fender[hC] : Depends on the phone.
23:57.41lilalinuxdoesn't the debian package asterisk-bristuff bring the zaphfc module? I can't find it anywhere
23:58.27bluregard[TK]D-Fender: which reset should I do?  local config, device settings or both?
23:59.11sbingner[hC]: see Private Line Automated Ringdown (PLAR)

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