irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061119

00:02.40[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : To what end?
00:02.56mpruettGuys - When I try to send a sip notify messsage to one of my Sipura devices, I get "401 Unauthorized" message back. Does anyone know why this would happen? The device is working fine otherwise - registration, term, orig, etc..
00:04.02*** join/#asterisk sandra78 (n=sandrita@
00:04.06bluregard[TK]D-Fender: I'm trying to equate * to phone systems I know.  At work our phones had a directory button, hit it start typing last name, when you found a match you could hit an outbound line and dial that person/extension.
00:04.35sandra78hi pls help with tdm 24 ports installation!!
00:06.06[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : 2 ways : Use the internal directory on the phone which is effectively speed-dials.  This can be prepped on the provisioning server.  or if you have IP 600/601/650's you can use the XML microbrowser and click-to-call scripts.
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00:06.52bluregard[TK]D-Fender: So when users change you have to change the internal directory and voicemail.conf etc.
00:07.35[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : the internal director isn't tied to anything really, though you can do your own scripts to mode the XML file on the provisioning server.  Thing is you'd have to reboot the phone to take the changes.
00:08.45bluregard[TK]D-Fender: I get it.  Can you force station reboots over the network?
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00:10.23[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : By sending a special SIP notify message, yes, but its somewhat painful.  No SIP phone I know has a network based directory currently.
00:11.46sandra78hi pls help with tdm2400p ports installation!!
00:12.25bluregard[TK]D-Fender: Wishfull thinking I guess
00:12.47denonsandra78: your tdm card came with free installation tech support from digium, give them a call, it'll be much easier than begging for help on irc
00:13.17bluregard[TK]D-Fender: Shouldn't be too hard to do it with Perl though I would imagine.
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00:13.38bluregardbuild the internal directory based on voicemail.conf that is
00:16.12bluregardman, for Chicago being as big as it is you'd think there would be an * group or even just a VoIP group active.
00:18.17[TK]D-Fendersandra78 : And if you are looking for help, try to come in here with some specific questions for the parts youa re having trouble with and provide the ouput erros in pastebins, etc so that people know what you need and don't have to play "20 questions" with you.
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00:18.44[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : there are a fair # of * users in that area from hat i've heard in here, though I couldn't give you names...
00:19.30[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : No to build a directory off of Voicemail wouldn't be too hard, but then again it is my opinion that scrolling through the list on-screen is COMPLETELY not profitable.
00:19.49[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : For internal use you are far better off with a printed paper list of extensions.
00:20.30[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : For outside resources though I would much rather suggest a "click-to-call" page for either a PC + browser, or IP 6XX MicroBrowser.
00:24.08bluregard[TK]D-Fender: Scrolling through the list?  You can't do it like Directory() does where you type in the first few letters of the first/last name?
00:25.47[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : Not as I recall
00:25.56bluregardI see
00:26.41bluregardcan the LCD on the IP 50x receive data from say an AGI script?
00:27.43[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : Nope.  Onlyt he 6XX series has a MicroBrowser and its not really made to receive "pushed" info from a server so much as poll on its own accord
00:28.30[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : There is much that Polycom could do to make their phones even more appealing than they already are and who can say when they will add the next useful bit for us.
00:28.42[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : My guess it'll have to be made profitable for them to do so.
00:29.15[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : Frankly I think that they could easily make room for such functionality by removing the internal HTTP config stuff ;)
00:30.34bluregard[TK]D-Fender: My 501 should come Tuesday, so once I can play with it I'll be able to speak more intelligently on the matter.
00:33.00[TK]D-Fenderbluregard : Once you start thinking of these phones as "just phones" you'll see that outside tools are needed to bring "integration" in
00:35.37bluregardyeah I guess so
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00:39.54wunderkinbluregard, to reset the phones, type sip notify polycom-check-cfg <peer>
00:40.10wunderkinor if you want to do a list of phones then you would need a script
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00:43.21bluregardyeah, I should be able to kludge my way through a perl script if need be
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00:47.53NDTanyone used chanskype?
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00:51.46SwKsomeone kick NDT he's a troll
00:52.11axisyslooking for a cheap/used sipura 3000 or like device.. anyone know of a site besides ebay?
00:52.28SwKnot for u sed
00:52.33bluregardcan someone try and load
00:52.49SwKworks for me
00:53.38bluregardI'm getting server errors
00:54.13wunderkinbluregard, me too.. but are you looking for the voip place?
00:54.19wunderkini mean, it works for me
00:54.27bluregardsorry, I missed the second m
00:54.42bluregardkonqueror loads it, firefox doesn't
00:55.11[TK]D-FenderSwK :Don't jump so fast.  Give him a chance to earn a kicking :)
00:55.32sevardi'm using firefox, it loads.
00:56.02bluregardMine keeps giving me Server Error in '/' Application.
00:56.32bluregardwhatever, I'll use konqueror.  I used Firefox to place my order yesterday, I dunno what's up with it
00:58.57SwK[tk]d-fender heh
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01:11.43NDTSwK get to work...quit playing in irc
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01:15.32NDTSwK: I knew you'd run away....
01:18.13[TK]D-FenderNDT : If you are trying to prove that you are not an "undesirable" in here you are failing...
01:18.46NDTheh...I know SwK
01:20.34bluregardlinlin: you around?
01:21.54*** join/#asterisk VoipMasta (
01:22.00VoipMastaHi there
01:22.16VoipMastaDoes anyone know why I can only register 1 time when using realtime for SIP?
01:22.16linlinbluregard whats up?"
01:22.32bluregardlinlin: where about in IL are you, if you don't mind me asking
01:22.38VoipMastaAfter the 1st register I get "Wrong password"
01:23.00linlinchicago suburbs, about an hour metra ride from the city
01:23.09bluregardnorth or south
01:23.15bluregardor west even
01:24.02linlinnorth west
01:24.24linlinim in Algonquin/Crystal Lake/Lake in the Hills
01:24.26bluregardi'm about a half hour south of the city
01:24.51linlingood stuff
01:24.52bluregardright off 94
01:25.00linlinhow did you know i live in IL ?
01:25.16bluregardyour domain is
01:25.24SwK[TK]D-Fender: actually I know NDT
01:25.28SwKhe's not that bad
01:25.30linlinoh, duh
01:25.41linlinyeah, small world
01:25.51*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
01:26.06bluregardI've been trying to find active * or VoIP groups in Chicago to no avail
01:26.43NDTwife tells me I'm a prick...but blah...I ain't that bad
01:26.43Qwellbluregard: There is a telephony group at one of the schools
01:26.55bluregardqwell: you around here too?
01:26.58linlinbluregard, chicago 2600 is a good group of guys
01:27.04Qwellno, was there earlier this week
01:27.13linlingeneral knowledge of computer/linux stuff
01:27.22linlinthink there was an * presentation a couple months back
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01:27.41linlinits in Irving Park
01:27.57bluregardlinlin: I've been wanting to go I just always miss it
01:28.08bluregardeither I forget or have something else going on
01:28.33linlinfirst friday of the month :-p
01:28.36bluregardI might try and get up there for the Dec meeting
01:28.46bluregardyeah, I check the website from time to time
01:29.17linlingood group
01:29.27linlintheres talk of starting a legitimate con in the chicago area
01:29.33bluregardthe south suburbs are getting dumber and dumber with time, I kind of figured I'd have to go north/west
01:30.58bluregardthat would be awesome if there was a con around here
01:30.58linlini dunno how broad your intrests are, but there are some tool/lockpicking groups around too
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01:31.49bluregardthey're pretty broad, I've been using *nix for about 6 or 7 years now.  I'm by no meens an expert, but I get by.
01:34.25VoipMastaany ideas on the SIP registration problem using realtime?
01:36.08*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
01:37.44VoipMastawould you consider realtime stable enough to be used in a production environment?
01:37.54*** join/#asterisk xnon_ (i=xnon@
01:39.55xhelioxI do (on 1.2).
01:40.06xhelioxBut following my lead is never advisable.
01:40.49VoipMastaxheliox: have you used realtime for SIP (sipusers and sippeers)?
01:41.07xhelioxI'd have to think it's pretty vital for any large deployment.
01:41.15xhelioxYes. That's primarily what I've used it for.
01:41.21*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
01:41.39VoipMastaI'm facing an issue when registering... I get to register once, but the second time I try to register I get a "Wrong Password" message, any ideas?
01:41.42bluregardlinlin: do you make it to the 2600 meetings regularly?
01:41.52xhelioxHmm, that's interesting. No, I've never seen that.
01:42.04linlinemm...not really, ive been to the last 3 though
01:42.05xhelioxI was just thinking how flawless that stuff has always worked for me.
01:42.28linlinits kinda the cadillac of 2600 meetings though
01:42.39bluregardthat's what I've read
01:42.40linlinlike we actually meet in a facility...with computers...and internet
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01:42.59linlinothers are just in panera breads or even just on street corners outside phone booths and stuff :p
01:43.11bluregardI know they get visits from Chicago's finest pretty regularly, at least when it was at Union Station.
01:43.17xhelioxBlasphemy. It's not 2600 unless it's a food court in a mall! ;)
01:43.19VoipMastaxheliox: I don't know why it's refusing my registrations :( I register once, de-register and try to register again and I get the error msg
01:43.33linlinyeah they visited once
01:43.37xhelioxVoipMasta: You're just using plain text passwords?
01:43.44VoipMastaI thought 2600 meetings worldwide were already in history books
01:43.47linlinits kinda nice to have a palce to hold presentations atd stuff though too
01:43.50VoipMastaxheliox: yes, I'm using plain text
01:43.51linlinfood court wouldnt be bad
01:44.05linliner, visited once while i was there
01:44.49bluregardI think I might try and make it this month.  If I tell my wife now I should be ok...:)
01:45.32linlinheh ;)
01:45.32xhelioxAnd it's especially not 2600 if you have to ask your wife's permission. *sigh* What has happened to this world I live in?
01:45.47bluregarda world where people eventually grow up as much as we may not want to.
01:46.01xhelioxblah blah blah. I refuse! ;)
01:46.14linlinit may seem kinda tight knit, but thats just how geeks as a people are anyways
01:46.22linlinlike it felt wierd the first times i went
01:46.26bluregardI tried to refuse...then my son was born
01:46.43bluregardyeah, I can imagine...I see how it is on IRC let alone in person
01:46.51xhelioxHey, you could have always put him up for adoption, you made a choice. :)
01:47.05bluregardthat wasn't much of a choice
01:47.13linlinthe irc room is usually dead
01:47.23linlina "blessing" right ;) ?
01:47.35bluregardno just IRC in general, not the chi2600 room
01:47.37xhelioxYeah yeah.. unending love for your child, heard it all before.
01:47.40linlinoh yeah
01:47.47linlinits a pretty cool thing to do though
01:47.56linlinwhate else am i going t odo on a firday night..
01:48.20bluregardyeah, we sat home and bitched about there being nothing to do last night
01:48.21linlinactually, im only 18 so theres probally plenty of things for me to do
01:49.03bluregardI'm only 24, bars got old fast and 2 kids at home just doesn't let you do much
01:49.17linlinthe guy that runs it, who runs the little computer club at the boys and girls club that its hosted at is pretty cool
01:49.22Dovid24 and 2 kids ?
01:49.25linlinlots of guys that have been going to the meetings forever
01:49.34bluregardDovid: yeah
01:49.37linlinthey are pretty cool, they can be watched on
01:49.44bluregardit's all good, they're awesome
01:50.13linlinits a good time
01:50.15bluregardmy son is next to me playing games on
01:51.42bluregardstarted him on Gcompris when he was about 2, he kicks ass on the PC now..
01:51.55linlinthey guy that organizes the even brings his kids
01:52.15bluregardmine are still too young for that
01:52.25linlintehy have this cusomized version of unreal tournament thats modified to run on nerf guns and stuff
01:52.39bluregardhaha, that's awesome
01:52.43linlinkinda funny, a litte kiddy lan party
01:53.18bluregardcartoon network has a bunch of flash games.  They have a Tom & Jerry game where you have to build a mousetrap on a blueprint and trap Jerry...
01:53.46bluregardpretty addicting
01:55.44linlinim pretty addicted to the falling sand game myself
01:56.02bluregardI haven't seen that one
01:56.47linlindumb little game
01:57.16bluregardMy wife plays Gaia all the time.  I'm not much into games...
01:58.19linlini play UT once and awhile, i dont game much either
01:58.48bluregardI used to play Ghost Recon on TAG but that got old pretty quick
01:59.03linlinyeah i know what you mean
01:59.16linlinthats why i got into this whole linux thing :p
01:59.29linlinprobally couldnt get bored if i tried
01:59.46VoipMastaAny good softphone (SIP) for linux? I guess my problem relies on Ekiga
02:00.07linlini used idefisk, its a crossplatform iax phone
02:00.12bluregardyep, I'd rather mess around with something on the linux boxes that mindlessly shoot shit
02:00.14linlinhang on though i know of another one
02:00.39bluregardVoipMasta: If you need something simple X-Lite is pretty good
02:00.49tzafrir_laptoptwinkle is nice
02:00.59VoipMastabluregard: but it's windows only (or not?)
02:01.11bluregardno, I use Linux as my desktop
02:01.15bluregardthere's a linux binary
02:01.43tzafrir_laptopbluregard, what distro?
02:02.12tzafrir_laptopThere's a deb in Debian Etch. Maybe it also exists for kubuntu.
02:02.24VoipMastaok, I'm installing twinkle and looking for x-lite :)
02:02.59tzafrir_laptopAn autobuilding of some packages could also be found at
02:03.11VoipMastabluregard: I can't find it in (counterpath)
02:04.13bluregardumm, main page top right, click Tux, download tar.gz
02:04.21VoipMastaok found it
02:04.47VoipMastaI was looking under Products
02:04.48bluregardthere you go
02:08.41*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
02:08.41VoipMastaok, got x-lite working
02:08.55bluregardit's pretty good for basic testing
02:09.12VoipMastayup. I used it on windows
02:09.19VoipMastabut haven't booted in windows for a while now
02:09.35bluregardwhen you open windows bugs will come in
02:10.02VoipMastamy desktop PC runs linux most of the time, and my laptop runs FreeBSD
02:10.12bluregardsomeone needs to write a host firewall named Screens
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02:13.58VoipMastaor an antivirus/antispyware named "shields" because it "blocks your windows"
02:14.09VoipMastaor shades
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02:36.48bluregardlinlin: how into Asterisk are you?
02:40.55linlinvoip in general i think is pretty cool
02:41.08bluregarddo you have an * box set up?
02:41.14linlina couple
02:41.36bluregarddid you hear about the datacenter that just opened in Arlington Heights?
02:41.59linlinthey cheap?
02:42.06bluregardnot bad
02:42.13linlini have a box in miami and i think it would be awesome to have it local
02:42.24bluregardthey have a few chicago only packages that are pretty decent.
02:42.44bluregardhell they offer a full rack and 100Mbit unmeetered connection for just under 3 grand
02:42.45linlini dont think ill ever find anything that can beat the price i have now though
02:43.40bluregardI've been wanting to get one of my machines on a good upstream connection. if you can get a 1u box
02:43.57linlin20$ a month
02:44.06bluregardthey offer a 2U 5Mbit package for around $150
02:44.13BosHausI'm trying to let by boss use our work bandwidth
02:44.21BosHaus45mbit and we barely use a bit of it ;)
02:44.38BosHausds3 I think
02:44.49bluregardwhen I worked down in Charlotte we had a 45Mbit SONET that I had full controll was great.
02:45.24bluregardhehe, we were on the same loop as all the Char-Meck police departments.
02:45.36BosHausI think the only reason I can't do it yet is he doesn't trust me not to do illegal stuff over it
02:46.22bluregardyeah, legal aspect of it is kinda ifey for businesses
02:46.42*** part/#asterisk patrickvox (n=patrick@
02:47.03BosHausand I have 2mbit up at home, so I guess that's good enough
02:47.12bluregardlinlin: what do you use your Miami box for?r
02:47.21*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (
02:47.29bluregardI get pretty decent upstream here, around a meg usually
02:47.29linlinasterisk is on it, nice to have an asterisk box that i dont have to maintain at home
02:47.32linlinamong other crap
02:47.45linlintorrents are nice :p
02:47.53bluregardmy downstream screams here though
02:48.04bluregardusually around 15Mbit
02:49.24linlini wish i could find a cheap local facility, but i will never find one as cheap as what i have now
02:49.57bluregardcoloquest is peered with all the major backbones, as long as they allow access to the rack I might look into it
02:51.39bluregardthen I have to figure out how to explain the need for co-lo to my wife
02:53.44bluregarddo you do IT shit professionally or hobby
02:54.21linlinonly hobby, ill get into the field as a career when the time comes
02:54.28linlini manage a movie theater right now lol
02:55.17bluregardwe should talk if you're interested
02:55.57linlinabout what
02:56.37bluregardI got hurt a little over a year ago, and had to quit my job.  I'm thinking about starting up something small in the next few months.
02:57.32bluregardI've been doing little BS home user stuff for the last few months, been thinking about getting into more of the business end of it.
02:57.44linlinyeah good stuff
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02:58.06linlinwhat market(s)
02:59.21bluregardwell for now I'm only south suburbs, but there's a lot of business up north in the city and the NW/burbs
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02:59.59linlinlike doing support/installs and crap or backend type stuff
03:00.48bluregardprobably more backend.  That's where a bulk of my experience lies, networking, infrastructure type stuff.
03:01.08linlinyeah likewise
03:02.13bluregardThe last place I worked I managed a network with 26 remote offices each with about 25 users and the main office had about 100 users.
03:02.31bluregardall sucked
03:03.44bluregardI've been looking for someone local that has some networking skills other than setting their Linksys to
03:04.46linlinyeah, i dont have any formal training yet, but i'd like to think i can pull my weight in networking and serversusing "servers" as a vauge term
03:05.01bluregardI'm amazed that some of the shops around here make any money with the crap they try and pull
03:05.27bluregardsame here.  The only real formal training I have is SAN design/install
03:07.01axisyssorry for repeat question but still looking for a cheap/used sipura 3000 or like device.
03:07.01bluregardI was in one of the shops in my area about a year ago.  This guy was testing a pallet of Durons, couldn't figure out why none of them worked.  Turned out he tested all of them without heatsinks or fans....
03:07.58linlinive only found one local shop around here, and i havnt really been in there much cause they are kinda assholes but they seemed to vaugely know what they were doing
03:08.47bluregardyeah, I think that's the about the norm.  I remember when I worked in a small shop I was/am an asshole too
03:08.52linlini'd say maybe 3 steps above geeksquad
03:09.30bluregardall the geeksquad guys I've seen don't know their ass from an AGP slot
03:09.38linlinyeah ive got a real problem with dumb people
03:09.53linlini got a buddy in geeksquad
03:09.58linlinnice kid, just an idiot
03:10.03linlindifferent type of person
03:10.14linlinnot a hacker at heart
03:10.37bluregardI see their cars on 94 all the time..
03:11.01bluregardI'm usually an asshole and don't let them pass either
03:13.48bluregardwhich theater do you manage?
03:16.21linlinits a Kerasotes
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03:17.37linlinyeah same differnece
03:18.27bluregardis that the one right off 355 or 88 or something.  Up near downers grove?
03:18.38linlinnah mines in Lake in the hills
03:18.46linlin15 minutes from my house
03:19.00linlinits a big theater by size, just not too well known
03:19.04bluregardI used to live up in Winthrop Harbor
03:19.25bluregardI worked on North Point marina if you know where that is.
03:20.02bluregardlittle podunk town with 1 stoplight
03:25.11bluregardugh, saturday night and not a damn thing to do
03:28.11SplasPoodwas there some change with asterisk AEL and macros recently?
03:28.16SplasPoodin 1.4
03:30.40bluregarddon't look at me :p
03:32.23bluregardwell I guess I'm gonna go read
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03:33.03wwalkeranyone know of a soft phone for linux that will work properly with a bluetooth headset via btsco?
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03:36.58linlingood question
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03:40.16SplasPoodhrm, my ael isn't naming macro's with macro- anymore
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03:59.00codefreezeSplasPood: what's the prob?
04:00.32codefreezeSplasPood: In the trunk version, we dropped using Macro() to implement macros, in favor of Gosub().
04:01.38SplasPoodI found a mention in CHANGES
04:01.47SplasPoodbut ael.txt in doc/ still has no mention
04:01.51SplasPoodas well as the other places I looked :)
04:05.53ManxPowerUPGRADE.txt should mention it.
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04:13.08codefreezeSplasPood: I just added a sentence or two to the ael.txt in doc/
04:17.28Supaplexhow do I figure out where this was caused from? Nov 19 04:16:25 NOTICE[3382]: pbx.c:1488 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Error in extension logic (missing '}')
04:23.32codefreezeSplasPood, ManxPower: Just committed a paragraph in UPGRADE.txt in honor of AEL's use of Gosub.
04:25.27codefreezeSupaplex: I won't say anything about how, if you used AEL, you would have found and fixed that problem long ago. Look for ${} references that are missing the closing brace.
04:26.49codefreezeYes, AEL. Asterisk Extension Language. Look up AEL2 on the voip-info wiki.
04:27.36codefreezeIn the meantime, go thru your extensions.conf file, and for every '{' make sure (absolutely sure) you have a matching '}'
04:28.39SplasPoodcodefreeze: :)  thanks!
04:30.29SplasPoodIn the process of changing all my stuff now
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04:44.43Supaplexsilly question. can an eagi invoke another by issuing EXEC eagi(my.agi|...) "" ?
04:52.55Supaplexnm, figured out another way to do it.
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06:09.31wunderkin... i thought you said strips...
06:13.14mpruettGuys - When I try to send a sip notify messsage to one of my Sipura devices, I get "401 Unauthorized" message back. Does anyone know why this would happen? The device is working fine otherwise - registration, term, orig, etc..
06:15.33*** join/#asterisk ATG (n=ATG@pdpc/supporter/student/ATravelingGeek)
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06:29.34CunningPikempruett: When a SIP user agent initially makes contact with another, it does so first without authentication. The other UA responds with 401 and adds a nonce (or a kind of key) to the header, and the original UA replies with the credentials and the nonce
06:29.48CunningPikempruett: It's all perfectly normal
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07:55.15dlynes_laptopAre there any zaptel drivers ported to Solaris on the SPARC yet?
07:57.46tzafrirdlynes_laptop, google for solaris zaptel way
07:58.14tzafrirThere's a group called solaris-voip or something that works on them, among others things
07:58.31dlynes_laptopI should try slapping one in my netra t1 then :)
08:00.23*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
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08:02.03Assidanyone here using trxtel?
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08:06.28shellsharkAssid: i use them for toll free termination
08:09.31Assidshellshark: cant get incoming calls man
08:09.34Assiddoesnt make sense
08:09.50Assidnothing on their site. and nothing in my account for this
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08:11.13shellsharkas far as I know, trxtel is for outbound calls only
08:11.24shellsharkand only outbound toll-free calls
08:15.26Assidnah they give incoming DID's too
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08:34.41Op3ris 1.4 stable now?
08:35.49hadsIt still has beta in it's name, so no.
08:39.07AssidOp3r: should be stable enough
08:39.12Assidbut then thats me
08:39.29Op3rstable enough to run on a call center environment?
08:39.44Op3rwhere the sla should always be 100% damn
08:39.53Op3ri hate my job
08:42.29hadsIf you want 100% uptime then there is no way you should be thinking about using beta software.
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09:57.23tyarliis there a newbie documentation for asterisk?
09:58.10jbotfrom memory, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
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10:02.31tyarlii am reading the book
10:02.35tyarliam not done with it
10:02.57*** join/#asterisk abatista ( far as i can tell, it's all about asterisk. i was hoping to see more on what the hardware looks like
10:03.18tyarlirouters, switches, etc. and how they are set up.
10:03.35dlynes_laptoptyarli: yeah...that just covers the software...correct
10:03.38JTyou mean networking gear?
10:03.48JTthat's sort of out of the scope of asterisk
10:05.21tyarlithre is a section in the
10:05.24tyarlithat says hardware
10:05.25dlynes_laptoptyarli: try for Digium brand products, for Sangoma brand products, and also try,, for a variety of non-board related products
10:05.37tyarliyep yep.
10:06.03tyarliin reality...i may need asterisk at all. so i will throw in a basic question for you.
10:06.18dlynes_laptoptyarli: s/need/not need/?
10:06.35tyarlimay not need
10:07.07tyarlisay i have a friend in australia...he wants someone to answer his phone which that someone is in the us
10:07.20tyarlihow do i do it?
10:07.40tyarliand that phone is a regular phone.
10:07.41dlynes_laptopa friend in australia wants to have his buddy in the US call him?
10:07.56dlynes_laptopyou can use an ata on the asterisk end on the US side
10:08.12dlynes_laptopor you can use skype's skype-to-pots service
10:08.14tyarlimy friend in australia, has a phone. when the phone rings, he wants his buddy i the us to pick it up
10:08.28tyarliand answer it for him
10:08.44dlynes_laptopdood...who's on the analog phone?  australia or the us?
10:08.59dlynes_laptopwho's calling who?  australia calling us, or us calling australia?
10:09.07dlynes_laptopYou're a little hard to understand
10:09.07tyarlithe regular phone is the one in australia...
10:09.30dlynes_laptoptyarli: and who's calling who?
10:09.42tyarlilemme rephrase...sorry guys.
10:10.45tyarlian analog phone in australia (has a business), he is always out, he wants his friend in the us to pick up his business phne(analog) and answer the calls for him
10:11.23JTtdm400p on his analogue line in .au, sip or iax voip connection to the us
10:11.55dlynes_laptopyeah...what jt said
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10:12.49tyarlithe only thing constant is the guy in au has an analogue phone.
10:13.02tyarliif you want me to get the guy in the us a voip, i would
10:13.19dlynes_laptoptyarli: jt need the fellow on the australian end to be running asterisk
10:13.25tyarliif the guy in the us has an analog phone and that's enough to serve the purpose, then fine
10:13.47dlynes_laptoptyarli: doesn't matter whether guy in US has analog or voip
10:13.49JTthe guy can use whatever phone he wants in the us
10:14.31tyarliso...US: analogue phone>asterisk  <<<>>>>asterisk>analogue AU?
10:14.34dlynes_laptopif the guy in the US has analog, you'll just need to subscribe to a voip provider
10:15.13tyarliprovider such as vonage?
10:15.31dlynes_laptopAUS analog -> AUS Asterisk -> SIP -> US -> VoIP/analog
10:15.57dlynes_laptopSIP can be straight connection to the US, or it can be via a voip service provider such as vonage
10:16.28dlynes_laptopIf it's via a voip service provider, you'll probably be paying per minute for the long distance charges
10:16.29tyarlinow that you know my level of understading (very newbie) can you recommend where i start? hehe
10:16.42dlynes_laptopIf it's direct, you pay once for the voip phone and no per minute charges
10:16.57tyarlicant i just...use a vpn or something
10:17.09dlynes_laptopHowever, the direct route might not be the most optimal, and you might end up running into service quality issues
10:17.28dlynes_laptopWhat would a VPN do?
10:17.50tyarlilike...setup the analog phone in au, vpn to au and access somethng....hehe. to answer the phone?
10:17.58JTyou don't need a vpn
10:18.06JTyou can do SIP or IAX straight over the Internet
10:18.36tyarliso setup sip in au, connect the analog phone....
10:18.56JTthe sip will be setup on both ends
10:19.27JTyou'll need to read the book a bit more to see how it all comes together
10:19.36tyarliand wheni do would seem that am in australia answering and picking up the phone/
10:19.41dlynes_laptoptyarli: when yhour friend in au is out of the office, he'll just call forward his phone to the US
10:19.52dlynes_laptoptyarli: forget the vpn
10:20.14dlynes_laptoptyarli: do you understand now?
10:20.14tyarliok so...i need to know how to setup sip on both sides....does it cost anyting?
10:20.28dlynes_laptoptyarli: if you're using sip or iax directly no?
10:20.31JTit won't cost anything if you do all the sip yourself
10:20.33dlynes_laptoptyarli: erm s/no?/no/
10:20.51dlynes_laptoptyarli: I would suggest sip over iax, point having to set up asterisk on both ends
10:21.04dlynes_laptoptyarli: the only side that really needs it is the australian end
10:21.15dlynes_laptoptyarli: and then just get a sip voip phone on the US side
10:21.39tyarliokay...lemme kill the rabbits one at a time.
10:21.39dlynes_laptoptyarli: or a SIP analogue terminal adapter so the fellow can plug in his favorite cordless phone
10:21.46tyarlifirst i need to know how to setup sip
10:22.01tyarlii learn sip, then get back to the channel
10:22.04dlynes_laptoptyarli: it's dependent from one phone to the next
10:22.23dlynes_laptoptyarli: If you're setting up a sipura ata, there's plenty of help on's forums
10:22.48dlynes_laptoptyarli: otherwise, you can usually get help in here for a lot of sip hardphones and softphones
10:23.15tyarliyeah, but the direction is sip
10:23.24tyarlilemme read sip first and then i will ask
10:23.32tyarlibecause i cant ask if i dont know what to ask
10:23.44tyarliso read sip first?
10:23.57dlynes_laptopread up on sip channels on asterisk first
10:24.06dlynes_laptopand get asterisk up and running
10:24.15dlynes_laptopprobably be better if you have two asterisk boxes up and running
10:24.20tyarlisip on asterisk
10:24.23dlynes_laptopthen you can have them talk to each other
10:24.29dlynes_laptopand understand how to set it up easier
10:24.40dlynes_laptopcause you probably already have two spare computers you can test with
10:24.51dlynes_laptoptherefore no investment right off the start
10:25.25tyarliyeah i have two computers
10:25.27dlynes_laptopIs Mandaluyong City a suburb of Manilla?
10:25.31dlynes_laptoperm Manila, I mean?
10:25.41tyarlilemme think
10:25.51tyarlinope...mandaluyong is another city
10:25.59tyarlibut i think they are right beside each other
10:26.02dlynes_laptopI know Makati is part of Manila...that's why I ask
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10:26.13dlynes_laptopeven though it's called Makati City
10:26.13tyarlinope makati is not part of manila
10:26.22dlynes_laptopIs there two Makatis then?
10:26.24coppicemakati is in the heart on manila a city. but people here sometimes interchange the metro(which consists of makati, mandaluyong, manila, novaliches, etc) for Manila
10:27.08tyarlithey generally call that bunch manila
10:27.13tyarlior metro manila
10:27.32tyarlibt there is a city that is manila, which was the first to grow, so to speak friend from the phillippines told me makati is a suburb of manila, and that makati is pretty much the downtown of manila
10:27.51dlynes_laptopi.e. the business district
10:28.07tyarliyeah, that would be true
10:28.17tyarliMakati is where the big businesses are.
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10:28.48tyarliuve been here?
10:29.00dlynes_laptopmy friend just came back
10:29.03tyarliwhere u from?
10:29.03dlynes_laptopshe's from there
10:29.07dlynes_laptopshe was telling me about it
10:29.09coppicebut its not where things like the stock exchange are located
10:29.17dlynes_laptopI'm from Vancouver, Canada
10:29.18tyarliyep yep...all true
10:29.22tyarliwhre u guys from?
10:29.34tyarliahh...canada...cold there huh
10:29.38dlynes_laptoplots of filipinas here :)
10:29.43dlynes_laptopNot here, no
10:29.46dlynes_laptopthe rest of Canada, yes
10:29.48dlynes_laptopbut not Vancouver's still cold there
10:30.05dlynes_laptopand it's only cold in the rest of Canada during winter, not during summer's just humid and hot as hell in the phillippines
10:30.18tyarlifor my is cold
10:30.22dlynes_laptopdoesn't mean it's cold here :)'s relative
10:30.49tyarlibut yeah, i hear ya.
10:31.12dlynes_laptopyeah...i don't envy you and the humidity :)
10:31.24dlynes_laptopi wouldn't be able to handle it
10:31.29tyarliwell....same goes here...i dont envy your weather
10:31.48tyarlibut i can handle it
10:31.59dlynes_laptopi'm sweating pretty good right now
10:32.04dlynes_laptopit's not that cold outside
10:32.11coppicemanila weather is not too bad, apart from the typhoons
10:32.30dlynes_laptopyeah...but you're in hong kong
10:32.35dlynes_laptophong kong's even worse, right?
10:32.48coppiceyeah, much
10:32.51tyarliyeah....that's y God made the bananas grow fast, so that when there is a typhoon they can recover easily
10:33.00dlynes_laptophehheeh hongkong? nope
10:33.04tyarliam in cebu
10:33.10dlynes_laptopno...coppice is in hk
10:33.15tyarliah oks friend's husband was telling me about the airprot in cebu
10:34.00dlynes_laptophe was pretty afraid for his wife going through's quite rough there?
10:34.36tyarlias i was saying...a friend of mine owns a carpet cleaning company in australia. we are doing telemarketing for him. call clients(homes) if they want their carpets cleaned. were doing it from here in cebu
10:34.39dlynes_laptopshe was apparently getting off the plane in cebu then taking a bus to the ferry, and then taking a ferry to wherever it was she was going
10:34.43tyarliwhat do you mean rough?
10:34.56tyarlidangerous in what sense?
10:35.00dlynes_laptopi.e. dangerous people
10:35.07dlynes_laptopguns and that kinda thing
10:35.07coppiceits only dangerous if you are chinese
10:35.08tyarlinope...theyre not
10:35.15dlynes_laptopor white?
10:35.26coppicenope, just chinese
10:35.35dlynes_laptopah...well, neitehr one of them is chinese
10:35.42dlynes_laptopone's filipina, the other's caucasian
10:36.07tyarlithere are dangerous people everywhere. hehe. but yeah, you could say it's a tad more dangerous over here.
10:36.14tyarlijust a bit.
10:36.26dlynes_laptopah...they were describing it like the oakland of the phillippines
10:36.48dlynes_laptopbut then again
10:36.54dlynes_laptophe tends to overexaggerate a lot, too
10:37.02tyarlibut it's different here...if you are not treated right, the neighbors help you out. crooks fear the community, not the police
10:38.11tyarlipeople in the us tend to let the police handle it....people here get out and do something. help each other. it's a close knit community
10:39.08tyarliit's just our way of doing things, or so i think....hehe
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10:41.09coppicei hate working in .ph
10:41.15dlynes_laptopwas trying to find my friend's city
10:41.23dlynes_laptopbut I can't even remember what it was, offhand
10:41.26tyarlicoppice...u a filipino?
10:41.36dlynes_laptopit was about 8 hours from cebu, anyways
10:41.51tyarlicopp, u just hate working in ph?
10:42.12tyarliy is that?
10:43.11tyarliso this is a pci card
10:43.19tyarliyou connect the analog phones
10:43.20tyarlito it
10:43.32coppiceits really depressing working in .ph   There's corruption everywhere, but its totally out of control in .ph. In most places you pay people off and get the job done. in .ph nobody cares of the job gets done
10:44.05dlynes_laptoptyarli: correct
10:44.05dlynes_laptoptyarli: that's a little overkill for you though
10:44.11dlynes_laptoptyarli: you probably just want an spa-3000
10:44.23dlynes_laptoptyarli: do a search for spa-3000 product name on the linksys website
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10:44.50dlynes_laptoptyarli: it's only for one phone line, right?
10:44.57tyarlicoppice....yeah there is a lot of corruption....and i would think it is everywhere in the world. i could not say i understand how you feel because i have never been in a situatin exactly like yours.
10:45.13tyarlibut i agree, there is a lot of corruption in ph
10:45.45tyarlidlynes....this is 24 much does this cost?
10:46.05dlynes_laptoptyarli: your customer in australia has 24 lines?
10:46.32dlynes_laptoptyarli: that tdm2400p i think is about $120USD without any line modules
10:46.46tyarlinope...he does not have 24 line
10:46.52tyarlithe card has
10:46.56dlynes_laptoptyarli: it's about $100-120USD for each module handle one phone line or one phone
10:47.12dlynes_laptoptyarli: how many phone lines does your customer have?
10:47.13tyarlihmmm...this is interesting....very
10:47.23tyarlii thnk only one line
10:47.37tyarlibut i will convince him to go into telemarketing business...hehe.
10:47.40dlynes_laptoptyarli: yeah...go with a sipura 3000 then (called linksys spa-3000 now)
10:47.49tyarliliekk get a plumbing company to subcontract with us
10:48.00dlynes_laptoptyarli: that'll handle 1 line, and it'll do it much cheaper than a digium or sangoma board
10:48.21dlynes_laptoptyarli: if he decides to grow later he can get a tdm2400p later
10:48.27tyarlii dont see any connectors.
10:48.36tyarlithe picture is not that detailed...hehe
10:48.40dlynes_laptoptyarli: or if you figure that growth is pretty much a sure thing, go with the tdm2400p right off the bat
10:48.50dlynes_laptopyou mean a connector for the 25 pair port?
10:49.04dlynes_laptopthat's called an 'amphenol tail'
10:49.17dlynes_laptopyou can get it from most telecommunications supply wholesalers should have been the call centre capital of the world. the fact that bangalore actually is can be explained by .ph corruption being much worse than indias
10:49.25tyarlithis is a pci card right? so you just need a pc with a pci card slot
10:49.32dlynes_laptoptyarli: correct
10:49.41dlynes_laptoptyarli: i think it's a full length pci card, too
10:49.52dlynes_laptoptyarli: so you would need a case that can handle the longer cards
10:50.01tyarliyep yep, i can see its a pci card. hehehe...
10:50.05tyarlii can open the case
10:50.12xhelioxYeah, it's a full length PCI card, they aren't kidding when they say that. :)
10:50.32dlynes_laptoptyarli: and if you want to throw it into a 1u or 2u case, you're out of luck
10:50.50tyarlii will just throw the case out
10:50.51dlynes_laptoptyarli: they don't have a low profile card
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10:51.28tyarlicoppice....sorry to disappoint you man/woman? heheheh
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10:52.15dlynes_laptophe's a chick
10:53.06tyarlisorry manchick, i....dont know what else to do, the issue is bigger than me
10:53.20dlynes_laptoptyarli: nah...he's a guy
10:53.26dlynes_laptoptyarli: i was just kidding
10:53.28tyarliam just kidding about the manchick dude...:)
10:53.36tyarlino offense
10:53.52dlynes_laptoptyarli: he's the author of all the fax support for asterisk (spandsp)
10:54.21tyarlithat is
10:56.10dlynes_laptopi need to figure out how to use solaris better
10:56.30dlynes_laptoptrying to figure out how to use it so i can get zaptel and asterisk working on a sparc
10:56.34tyarliheard that java just went public, gpl
10:56.35coppicenobody needs to figure out how to use solaris
10:56.44dlynes_laptopcoppice: why's that?
10:56.58tyarlii dunno, just read on the news...
10:57.23dlynes_laptoptyarli: it went gpl?  i realize it was going open source...but didn't think it would go gpl
10:57.28tyarlinot quite sure if it was gpl really, but they i remember that they revealed their code
10:57.42dlynes_laptoptyarli: yeah...probably sun's community license, not gpl
10:57.49tyarliyep yep...
10:57.59dlynes_laptoptyarli: that's a long stretch from gpl
10:58.14tyarliyeah...but at least we can look at the code
10:58.21tyarliit's a help
10:58.22dlynes_laptoptyarli: you could before
10:58.38dlynes_laptoptyarli: you just had to sign an nda to get access to it
10:58.53tyarlinon disclosure huh....
10:58.57dlynes_laptoptyarli: even recently you could still access it without an nda...but only in parts
10:59.37tyarliwell...nobody needs to disclose it if everyone knows....hehe
10:59.42dlynes_laptopthey've gradually been releasing it under their public license
10:59.51dlynes_laptopThey're doing the same thing with Solaris, too
11:00.05dlynes_laptopBy the end of 2008(?) solaris will be fully opensource
11:00.23dlynes_laptopMost of it already is fully open
11:00.38tyarliin any case, it is very nice talking to u guys.... i would return when i have enough reading on asterisk sip.
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11:01.14dlynes_laptoptyarli: i said...get two asterisk machines set up
11:01.19tyarliand coppice, sorry for the disappointment on your experience in the phil. and am afraid, i can only do what i can about it
11:01.30dlynes_laptoptyarli: get a couple of sip softphones set up on some windows boxes
11:01.39dlynes_laptoptyarli: register the softphones to the asterisk boxes
11:01.47dlynes_laptoptyarli: and have the two asterisk boxes talk to each other
11:02.07tyarliyep, i will ask as soon as i have a question
11:02.08dlynes_laptoptyarli: so that one softphone can call through one asterisk box to the other asterisk box which then calls the other softphone
11:02.42dlynes_laptoptyarli: set everything up using g.711 ulaw too, to keep everything simple
11:02.45dlynes_laptoptyarli: g.711 ulaw is a codec for the encoding of the audio
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11:03.22dlynes_laptoptyarli: also make sure you're not doing any of it over a firewall to start, either
11:03.28dlynes_laptoptyarli: firewalls only complicate matters
11:03.45JTg.711 A-law is the standard in Australia and most countries
11:03.58dlynes_laptopah, ok
11:04.04dlynes_laptopthought a-law was only europe
11:04.22JTit's the ITU-T international standard
11:04.32JTonly usa, canada and a few others use Mu law
11:04.33dlynes_laptopand ulaw is the ANSI standard?
11:04.59JTand it's the responsibilities of countries using Mu law to transcode at their international gateways
11:05.14JTprobably, not sure whose it is, but it's the north american standard
11:06.50xhelioxg711u is in the ITU-T standard. They define two algorithms.. ulaw and aulaw.
11:08.14xhelioxThough he's right, ulaw is only really used in North America and Japan.
11:08.28JTit's really "Mu law", btw :P
11:08.49JTA law companding is the international standard
11:08.52JTjapan's a weird one
11:08.58xhelioxit's also 6am and I haven't been to bed ;)
11:09.05JTthey use Mu law companding on a 30C channel bearer
11:09.06JThence J1
11:09.23xhelioxso anything I'm saying can easily be assumed is coming out of my ass (more so than usual).
11:09.27coppicejapan uses the same mu-law codec as the US
11:09.38JTi just said that
11:09.43JTbut not on T1s
11:09.48JT30B + 1D
11:10.03coppiceJ1 is 23B + 1D
11:10.23coppicethe difference between T1 and J1 is very small
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11:34.02manopulushello. installing 1.4. doing make menuselect and have this option :      XXX 6.  cdr_radius, Depends on: radius. what i should install to have it?
11:37.06dlynes_laptopmanopulus: a radius server
11:37.28dlynes_laptopmanopulus: try checking the might be looking for openradius, specifically
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11:48.32jserveHi all
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12:15.46*** join/#asterisk Sylter (
12:15.52SylterHi all!
12:16.30*** part/#asterisk s0lid (n=jlq@
12:16.56SylterI'm tring to install zaptel in a RHE 4.0
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12:17.08SylterI'm getting the next missage
12:17.27SylterYou do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.9-42.ELsmp kernel installed.
12:17.27Syltermake: *** [linux26] Error 1
12:17.35xhelioxSylter: You don't have your kernel-devel packages installed.
12:17.45xhelioxup2date -i kernel-smp-devel
12:17.49SylterI install all
12:17.50xhelioxthat should take care of you.
12:18.14xhelioxWhat's the output of: rpm -q kernel-smp-devel
12:18.17Sylterok, I will try thanks
12:18.49Sylter[root@localhost zaptel-1.2.11]# rpm -q kernel-smp-devel
12:19.23xhelioxLooks like you haven't rebooted since a kernel upgrade. :)
12:19.27xhelioxuname -a
12:19.50Sylter[root@localhost zaptel-1.2.11]# uname -a
12:19.50SylterLinux localhost.localdomain 2.6.9-42.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jul 12 23:27:17 EDT 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
12:19.50Sylter[root@localhost zaptel-1.2.11]#
12:20.30xhelioxSee.. you're running the 42.ELsmp....   but you have the devel libs for 42.0.3.EL (newer) installed.
12:20.48SylterOK, I know, I upgrade and I didn't rebot
12:21.02xhelioxSo if you reboot and boot to the 42.0.3.EL kernel, you'll be fine.
12:21.20xhelioxNo prob.
12:25.20*** join/#asterisk VibroMax (n=phisto@
12:28.43SylterThanks <xhelios>, :) done
12:32.27xheliox:) good deal.
12:32.44dlynes_laptopxheliox: i see we still get the peeps streaming in with the same rhel problem over and over and over again, eh?
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12:33.14dlynes_laptopkinda figured after a two month hiatus it would have dissipated, but i guess not
12:33.24xhelioxWhy would it?
12:34.30dlynes_laptopfigured the question would have been asked enough times, peeps would be able to find it on a simple google search
12:35.57xhelioxHe did everything right, he just forgot to reboot. ;)
12:38.09dlynes_laptopjust ran out of worcestshire sauce :(((
12:38.18xhelioxOH NO! The horror.
12:38.27dlynes_laptopyeah...eggs kinda suck without it :((
12:39.54xhelioxIf you make decent eggs, they shouldn't. :)
12:40.23dlynes_laptopnah...gotta have the spices and the salt :)
12:40.29dlynes_laptopmakes it taste better :)
12:41.32dlynes_laptopi cook it up with fish flavored tofu, vegetables, hash browns, mixed vegetables and olive oil...but i still add the worcestershire :)
12:41.54xhelioxYou lost me at tofu. flavored tofu doesn't even taste like tofu
12:42.29xhelioxyeah, what's what all you tofu eaters say, I've tried it several different ways/styles.. and it's all just as bad as the next. :P
12:42.42dlynes_laptopxheliox: have you ever had hot pot?
12:43.08dlynes_laptopxheliox: i only have it chinese style...north american style sucks
12:43.18xhelioxI don't believe so.
12:43.20dlynes_laptopxheliox: north american style has zero flavor for the's gross
12:43.34xhelioxOk. If you say so. :)
12:43.40dlynes_laptopbut chinese style is delicious
12:43.49dlynes_laptopbecuase it takes on the flavor of everything around it
12:44.23dlynes_laptopanyways...if you ever have chinese hot pot, you'll find a whole bunch of round things that you throw into the soup
12:44.34dlynes_laptopa lot of those round things are just flavored tofu
12:45.31xhelioxnow you're making me hungry
12:45.34xhelioxnot for tofu though
12:46.03dlynes_laptopi guess you live somewhere where there isn't any exposure to authentic asian food?
12:46.21xhelioxI don't know if I'd say that.
12:46.46dlynes_laptopwell, just kinda figured that cause you'd never heard of chinese hot pot
12:46.50xhelioxBut I'm not exactly in diversity land. We have more chain restaurants than anything.
12:47.08dlynes_laptopchinese hot pot's a pretty common type of food
12:47.26dlynes_laptopbut it's not available in the mid-west
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13:01.23bluregardgood morning
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14:23.23robin_szso ... assuming I am running Asterisk ... what sexy GUI's are there to add that wil show Whats Going On on the system ... GUIs that actually work as opposed to ones which dont work are preferred
14:29.59bluregardI usually prefer UI's that don't work
14:39.12robin_szwell, you are in luck, because there seem to be lots of them!
14:40.56robin_szif you like non-working things, wanna buy some GXP2000s?
14:41.20bluregardno, I just bought an IP 501
14:42.08robin_szdoes it work?
14:42.21bluregarddon't have it yet, should be here Tues
14:42.48robin_szGXP2000s are great
14:43.01bluregardhave you tried FOP, Flash Operator Panel?  I haven't tried it, but I remember seeing it mentioned in the book.
14:43.34robin_szyou can use GXP200s to stop cars rolling back when you take the parking brake off
14:45.14robin_szI looked at FOP, but its just a kit for GUI developers, not acutally a working GUI
14:47.06bluregardnot sure then.  I just use the CLI.
14:47.48robin_szme too
14:48.06robin_szbut i wanted someting more glitzy for the pbx girly
14:48.08Corydon76-homeFOP is actually a working GUI, you just need to customize it for your installation
14:48.56robin_szis theres some script to parse the config files and do thtat by magici?
14:49.31Corydon76-homeNope, you just have to edit the files by hand
14:50.47robin_szsounds about as much funs as shuttingyour finger in the deskl drawer
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14:53.20Corydon76-homeOverdramatic, don't you think?
14:53.20knarflyIf I have X101P card installed do I still need to load ztdummy?
14:53.43Corydon76-homeknarfly: No, an X101P will generate the necessary timing by itself
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15:04.29bluregardman, config files aren't that bad.  And if you enjoy slamming your fingers in desk drawers that may be why you have trouble typing....
15:05.56robin_szthe thing is .. you are just copying info out of your asterisk config files and putting it in another format, and then trying to remember to ekkp them roughly sync'd
15:06.32robin_szoh well.
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15:44.58MikeBHello,  I have been havig fun getting the B410P working can now make and receive calls, One Problem, it seems to crash, possible a kernel bug and then a reboot is required.  I was hoping to install this into a production system Monday but and now very worried, Could someone help me please?
15:45.44MikeBI normally used the Junghanns Cards but wanted to support Digium now there is an ISDN2 card.
15:47.59MikeBIm normally okay with error messages but at this level ( lots of hex ) I dont know where to start,  FC5, 2.6.18-1.2239.FC5SMP  Asterisk 1.2.13 , happy to give ssh access to anyone that can help, Please....
15:56.23MikeBkernel: EIP: [<c04e8261>] __list_add+0x49/0x62 SS:ESP 0068:f683be3c
15:56.29MikeBPlease Help
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16:16.08JTMikeB: hrm, sorry i can't help there
16:16.14JTdefinately sounds kernel module related
16:17.21MikeBYeah, I think so, Im just trying to fro but when we tried FC6, misdn would not complie, and so Digium Support said use FC5 whic does
16:20.04MikeBI dont mind which release of Linux I used or which kernel version I happy to change as long as it works but it seems like the guy I spoke to has given up and so I dont know what to do next ( short of order junghans BRI card )
16:21.06MikeBThanks for saying hi, its getting kind of lonley here as I sing deeper into a pit of dispare. Was Supposed to install this tomorrow.
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16:34.12shido6f*ck it.. whats the error again?
16:34.47MikeBshido6: kobject_add failed for...
16:35.01MikeBHappens after 2nd of 3rd call on bri,
16:35.26MikeBDont try and register things with the same name in the same directory"...
16:36.34shido6can u pastebin kobject.h ?
16:36.42shido6your kobject.h
16:38.25MikeBShido6 I have /usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-1.2239.fc5-i686/include/linux/kobject.h
16:38.27MikeB/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-1.2239.fc5-smp-i686/include/linux/kobject.h  Which one?
16:38.54shido6uname -a
16:38.57shido6which one are you running?
16:39.47MikeB2.6.18-1.2239.fc5smp  oh sorry
16:40.00shido6no problem... pastebin.. :)
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16:43.31MikeBpastebin is slowwwwwww
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16:44.12MikeBah sorry.
16:44.22MikeBwill post it there too if you want.
16:44.38JTsorry, i;m not actually looking at it
16:44.41JTabout to head off
16:45.19MikeBThanks JT,
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16:54.12Xen^mog : arround ?
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17:14.35file[TK]D-Fender: !!!
17:21.35file[TK]D-Fender: I agree.
17:22.12SylterCan I connect the PSTN line and a anonalogue fhone in the same x101p card?
17:26.00[TK]D-FenderSylter : Sure.  Just don't expect to do anything USEFUL with the phone.
17:26.13[TK]D-FenderSylter : the X101P is NOT an FXS interface
17:26.51SylterI am just asking that, because thsi card has two RJ11, one for LINE and other for PHONE
17:27.23[TK]D-FenderSylter : the phone is jsuta  pass-through as the card is effectively a cheap win-modem.
17:27.34Sylterthem I'm not sure if I can use the same FXO for the LINE and for a fix phone
17:28.29Sylteryeah, then this means, that if I want to do that I need two X101P cards, or just left this cad with the PSTN line and redirect to the IP phones
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17:29.43[TK]D-FenderSylter : Do you have 2 phone lines?
17:29.45z0d1ac_19Does anyone use
17:30.20Sylterno, I only have one PSTN line
17:31.02[TK]D-FenderSylter : then you aren't listening.  you cannot plug PHONES into X101P's.  they are only for LINES.
17:31.09Sylterbut I think that if I only have one X101P CARD, then I can't use a fix phone, (analogue phone)
17:31.44Sylteryeah, but I can identify two RJ11 connectors, one for LINE and other for PHONE
17:32.21filethe phone is hardwired to the line
17:32.30[TK]D-FenderSylter : Listen to me.  the most it will do is ring when the line is ringing.  if * answers the line then the phone attached becomes useless.  Do you follow me?
17:32.40Sylteryeah, I suppose that
17:33.51Sylteryes [TK]D-Feder, I have to use an IP phone and use this X101P card as PSTN gateway only
17:35.54[TK]D-FenderSylter : Thats all its good for.
17:36.22[TK]D-FenderSylter : if you want to use analog phonoes with * get an ATA or a TDM400P w/ FXS modules (I suggest the former)
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17:39.03Sylterno, I don't want to get an ATA or TDM400P, I only want to know if it is posible to use the same card for two pourpouse, but as fiel said, it is hardwired to the line, then it si not usefull
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17:51.12[TK]D-FenderSylter : Thats about right.
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17:51.51zippytechany one know anyting about dundi
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17:52.00epabloHi people.  How's it going?
17:53.07fileit.... goes!
17:54.35epabloI'm having some trouble with DTMF on an E1 (ISDN).  Any  pointers on what to look for?
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17:57.28epabloI tested it on a another machine with a dialogic card and envox4.x and it works fine  :s
17:58.27[TK]D-Fenderepablo : How about describing the actual probem....
17:59.34epabloD-Fender:  Ok.  I place or recieve a call I hook it up with an IVR.  I'm not getting all de DMTF or sometimes it repeats numbers..
17:59.50[TK]D-Fenderepablo : What are your gains set to?
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18:00.47epabloI set up a simple test.  A make call file that hooks the user up to the vm.  In order see what he gets.. and well normally I loose a couple digits.. on the way
18:01.13[TK]D-Fenderepablo : ......
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18:02.43epabloIt's set to 0 db
18:06.15[TK]D-Fenderepablo : Try setting relaxdtmf=yes
18:06.49epabloD-Fender:  On the dialogic the is a setting which I don't understand:  E1 (120 ohm) pulse template. Must be used for all E1 ISDN.  Any idea what that means?
18:07.11epabloD-Fender: Did that, and it got better.. but still is not good enough
18:09.15[TK]D-Fenderepablo : Time to start playing with gains a bit.  Try sending the call direct to an extensions and if it sounds hi/low then adjust accordingly.  Naturally you'll want to test DTMF there as well.
18:10.37epabloThe E1 goes strait to PSTN.. no extensions.  When you refer to gains.. we are talking about the LBO, right?
18:11.12epabloThe setup is E1 -> SIP extensions.
18:11.33[TK]D-Fenderepablo : No I mean txgain/rxgain in zapata
18:11.49[TK]D-Fenderepablo : And you just contradicted yourself.
18:12.23[TK]D-Fenderepablo : You have extensions on your * server with the E1 right?
18:13.59epabloSorry.. I have an * GW with a TE2100P using 1 E1.  That works as our PBX.  All extensions are SIP
18:16.01epabloThe DTMF test I've been doing are from the PSTN.. I call in and test with the voicemail application.  When you type a wrong password.  You get that on the CLI (debug)
18:18.05epabloDo I make some sense now?  Sorry if I mislead you
18:18.15[TK]D-Fenderepablo: I'm saying to answer a call with an extension and listen to the DTMF to hear if its sounds broken up
18:18.20[TK]D-Fenderor too low/high
18:19.42epabloOk let me see
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18:29.27drcodehi all
18:30.17epabloD-Fender:  DTMF sounds terible.. all I get are weird sounds
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18:36.20[TK]D-Fenderepablo : And actual voice?
18:37.05epabloYeap that works ok
18:40.00epabloD-Fender:  ok.. I found another problem  Which I consider weird, but should be related.  When I place outgoing calls there is one local phone company to were it does not work, but when I tested it with the Dialogic board it works just fine
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18:42.32epabloThis is what I get:
18:45.43zippytechi have setup an account with broadvoice but when i callin i cannot seem to got get any numbers for an extension to work? all else seems to work fine,
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18:47.05jserveHi all
18:47.22epabloHi.. hows it going?
18:48.37gkugelhi all. does anyone know how/if i can send a SIP MESSAGE 302 when dialling out using sip?
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19:15.20epabloD-Fender:  I'm using the ztmonitor to check the gains.. What should the good levels be?
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19:17.37yassinehi everyone
19:18.30yassineimhaving this problem while trying to install zaptell on a Debian Etch box : Zaptel telephony kernel driver: FATAL: Module ztdummy not found. any ideas which package contains it ?
19:24.25MikeBztdummy is build by zaptel are you building from source or using some kind of dpkg?
19:26.00MikeBshido6: If you still here, Thanks for your help, I build kernel from Scratch seems to be working! But lots of debug messages to the console which I cant seem to swtich off.
19:26.01bluregarddoes anyone know if there is a way to see which highlite/colorization vi is using?
19:26.55MikeBJT: Thanks for your help too, Tried to use bristuff but wont see card despite alrtering the code
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19:33.10linageehah. wow. i guess if there is one more nail to be put in the coffin of "using caller ID for authentication", this is it. slashdot: "New Google Service Manipulates Caller-ID For Free"
19:33.46shido6that might not be there for long
19:33.50linageeso i guess now the whole world can fsck around with the outgoing caller id
19:34.01linageenot just elite asterisk and t1 owners.
19:34.03shido6they'll get tired of being visited by the FBI
19:35.05linageeshido6: manipulating caller id for free has a certain charm to it if you've never heard of the idea before
19:35.30shido6till the men in black with white/yellow acronyms show up at your door
19:36.20linageeshido6: "What if someone enters my phone number instead of theirs as a prank call?"   "Google takes fraud and spamming very seriously. We use technical methods to prevent future prank calls from the same user within a reasonable period of time. You won't be charged for any such calls."
19:36.35shido6cant catch em all
19:36.41shido6and all u need is one
19:37.07shido6lots of idiot companies use caller id as a way to id you
19:37.18tzafrir_laptopyassine, installing from packages?
19:37.25shido6that and a little social engineering can get you pretty far.
19:37.26tzafrir_laptopyassine, m-a a-i zaptel
19:37.30linageeshido6: really. what if some highschool student were to fake outgoing id to 911 and call some senior citizens and kill them because they had a heart attack when someone started breathing heavy and making scary demonic threats at the other end?
19:37.31rob0"Google takes fraud and spamming very seriously ..." yeah right. Just try making a report to some time.
19:37.41yassinetzafrir_laptop, yes
19:37.53rob0Maybe they mean they make money from fraud and spamming.
19:37.56linageeshido6: something like, "this is the police. we are here to take your soul!"
19:38.47shido6naah... just buy a suite and state your case... I was prank calling the bank cuz my gf works there.... and um.. well .......   ( dodges book )
19:38.48linageeshido6: one thing to remember is that google is just a node in the phone network, right? what if other phone networks start banning them? hah
19:39.03shido6i need food
19:39.09robin_szit s NOT the "pound key" .. why does she keep sying that?
19:39.26linageerobin_sz: octothorpe. :p
19:39.32shido6because she cant pronounce octothorpe without the octothorpe.gsm
19:39.51linageerobin_sz: tick tack toe symbol. :)
19:40.02robin_szits the "hash key" if anything
19:40.09shido6"number sign"
19:40.18linageerobin_sz: pound key. only people in europe say hash key. :p
19:40.18robin_szit doesnt even look like a pound symbol
19:40.33robin_sz£ <- pound sign
19:40.38linageerobin_sz: people from the US don't use pounds for money
19:40.52shido6some do.
19:41.02shido6ounces , too
19:41.10shido6pounds are regerred to as "L's"
19:41.17linageeshido6: i suppose if you're talking about pounds of gold.
19:41.22shido6where's that candybar
19:41.24tzafrir_laptoprobin_sz, but it is pound on uk keyboard, isn't it?
19:41.32linageeshido6: look in your virtualizer.
19:41.38robin_sztzafrir_laptop, no its not
19:41.40linageeshido6: it should be printing out momentarily.
19:41.54robin_sztzafrir_laptop, POUND ON A uk KEYBOARD IS £
19:42.10linageeshido6: hrm... computer controlled chocolate tip.... candy cad!!!! what an excellent idea! :)
19:42.13shido6no... in the 'hood u can use pounds of green to get a load of stuff done.
19:42.23Qwellrobin_sz: Set(LANGUAGE=en_UK)
19:42.29robin_szand strangely, people in the UK use £ for money
19:42.32tzafrir_laptopbut the same place (and hence the name)
19:42.43robin_szQwell, im in the UK and £ looks like £ and its perfectly correct
19:42.50linageerobin_sz: i have no "squigy L" character on my keyboard
19:42.55shido6anyone in canada?
19:43.12Qwellrobin_sz: Your chars aren't coming through at all...
19:43.14zippytechany one played with dundi
19:43.29linageepound is used for weight
19:43.42linageegrams are only used by drug dealers
19:43.46robin_szlinagee, no its not .. £ is not used for weight ever anywhere
19:44.04robin_szlbs is used for weight
19:44.11linageeliters are only used for alcohol and soda
19:44.25robin_szlbs is pounds ltrs is litres
19:44.28shido6there is no replacement for displacement
19:44.42linageeshido6: sure. just use the number of moles. :)
19:44.56linageemeasure the molarity of soda. :)
19:45.04shido6ive been away from skewl far too long.
19:45.07linagee6.25 x 10^23?
19:45.12linageesomething like that
19:45.20linageeavogadro's number
19:46.21linagee"Here's how it works: Click the phone icon or call link, and you'll be invited to enter your own phone number into a special field."
19:46.23tzafrir_laptoplinagee, just set your keyboard to "gb" and it will have a £
19:46.25linagee(google call)
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19:46.47linageeenter your own phone number = enter the number you want your caller id to appear as
19:47.11Qwelllinagee: and if you enter somebody elses do you expect to be able to answer?
19:47.24linageeQwell: they should at least have some dial back verification.
19:47.32linageeQwell: any smart system would do that
19:47.56linageeQwell: like, enter your number here. ok, to make sure you weren't lying, we're going to call the number. please enter this authentication code...
19:48.17clive-does anyone know of a reputable company that can offer international toll-free numbers for calling cards ?
19:48.47linageeQwell: and then rate limit the authentication process too.
19:49.07linageei guess that would be too hard / make too much sense
19:50.51Qwellcompletely offtopic: Whoever decided that on osx, to unmount a device, you have to drag it to the trash icon...should be taken out to a field somewhere and shot
19:53.43Qwellbecause users are stupid :p
19:53.57Qwell"This game won't close...I bet I have to drag it to the trash!"
20:03.46*** join/#asterisk adorah (
20:04.20clive-hi adorah
20:04.38adorahHi wassup?
20:04.54clive-just chilling out after a hectoc weekend
20:06.19*** join/#asterisk VoIPMasta (
20:06.26VoIPMastaHi there
20:06.48VoIPMastaDoes anyone know if there's a way to skip having to create context in extensions.conf while using real time?
20:08.11[TK]D-FenderVoIPMasta : Sure.  Install GGC and start modding it yourself :)
20:09.10VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: what's ggc?
20:11.34VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender:  What I'm trying to do, is that if I modify an extension in the database to do a Goto anothercontext|s|1, I want to be able to start anothercontext right into the database without modifying the extensions.conf file
20:15.41linageewait i don't get this... google will be connecting you to advertisers. will they be using voip? how will you pay the advertiser? CC#? that's evil if it's not encrypted...
20:16.22VoIPMastammm it's doable... however I'm not entirely sure if it's going to be possible to have it done today :(
20:17.36VoIPMastathe best fix I can think of right now is to add a huge amount of generic contexts in extensions.conf, each one with it's own switch statement... and to use them as needed
20:17.53Sylterhello all
20:18.59SylterHow can I know if Asterisk is receiving a call from a Zaptel HW
20:19.10VoIPMastadial in and do a show channels
20:19.36SylterI can see activity with ztmonitor, but I don't know if the call is going to asterisk, tehre is any log file where I can check taht
20:19.52VoIPMastain /var/log/asterisk/messages
20:20.03VoIPMastabut you can always turn on verbosity in asterisk and see it in the console
20:20.08Sylter:( there is nothing in messages
20:20.21VoIPMastaconnect to your asterisk server using -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
20:20.37VoIPMastathat will show you almost everything that's going on in asterisk in real time
20:20.45*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (i=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
20:20.46SylterI run asterisk in this mode
20:21.03VoIPMastaor browse your CDR
20:21.26VoIPMastaif you are using CSV it's also in /var/log/asterisk otherwise it's in your database
20:21.47VoIPMastayou should see the calls processed there, as well as the channel they originated in
20:23.07SylterI think that maybe there is a mistake in the zapata.conf file, because I can see anything in the asterisk console
20:23.27Sylterbut I can chek it with ztmonitor and it is working
20:25.28VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: is there a way to use a variable while naming a context in extensions.conf? I think that could solve my issue
20:27.57*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
20:29.04Sylter*CLI> show channels
20:29.04SylterChannel              Location             State   Application(Data)
20:29.04Sylter0 active channels
20:29.04Sylter0 active calls
20:29.56VoIPMastais it ok to use [${foo}] as a context name?
20:30.02VoIPMastain extensions.conf
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20:31.14[TK]D-FenderVoIPMasta : Nope.
20:32.00[TK]D-FenderVoIPMasta : HARDCODE. Thats it.  Period.  Realtime is not 100% dynamic.  You want to change it, start programming in "C" and rewrite it yourself.
20:32.47VoIPMasta[TK]D-Fender: I will do so, I was just looking for a "quick fix" so that I can finish setting up this * box today :)
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21:10.45high-rezDoes Zaptel work on x86-64?
21:10.51high-rezOr should I be running a 32bit kernel?
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21:15.41z0d1ac_19is SetCallerID gone in version 1.4?
21:15.59Assidwhat? dont think so
21:16.13Assidyou should try Set(callerid(number))
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21:20.02bluregardisn't it Set(CALLERID(num))?
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21:20.25tim0123Hello guys
21:20.45tim0123Anyone know much about agi script
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21:21.43tim0123anybody there
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21:22.48uwehello, i have a tiger3xx interface with 3 fxo modules, currently testing one of them, im facing a problem that it doesnt hangup when the caller hangs up, and thus the line is kept busy, and asterisks keeps ringing the group, if the other side hangs up, ie if the call was answered and then hanged up via the ip phone, the line is hanged up, any idea why this happens, and how to solve it?
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21:25.25tim0123anyone know about agi say datetime in paticular
21:25.51clive-tim just try it until it does what you want
21:26.29tim0123well the prob is that i give a date from mysql and it says wrong date
21:27.18tim0123Does it have to be in a specific format
21:27.30uweand im starting it with ksfxs in zaptel.conf (fxs singnalling for fxo)
21:28.12clive-tmi I have no idea, I dont use that feature, but I am sure if you change the format and play around it will eventuially work....or look at the source
21:29.25tim0123whats UTC
21:29.37uweor should it be set in the zapata.conf (busydetect) ?
21:30.31clive-~google UTC
21:30.41tim0123I did
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21:31.01tim0123It kinda confusing
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21:32.09tim0123anyone know about agi say datetime in paticular
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21:32.49Assidhrmm anyone know any place for free DID's like trxtel
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21:39.53[TK]D-Fenderuwe : You need to have your telco enable call-disconnect supervision on your lines
21:41.18epabloD-Fender:  I checked the gain levels on my E1 and they are high.. using ztmonitor the normally go to the top.  Do you think that could be what's giving problems with DTMF?
21:41.24Sylterwhat a stupid mistake, if you have a x100p card connected to the PSTN and a fix phone conected to the same card,(because has two RJ11)
21:41.37SylterAsterisk is not able to understand anything
21:41.46uwe[TK]D-Fender, thank you, ive been reading here , not understanding much thoug ! ill check the telcom company if they support call-disconnect supervision, ive tried the suggestions on that page, no luck so far
21:42.36Sylterbut if you unplag the fix phone all work properlly
21:43.32[TK]D-Fenderuwu : If you want to bypass the propermethod fo indicating call-disconnect the option you are looking for is "callprogress=yes", but that often leads to random disconnects as * misinterprets the cut-off
21:43.56[TK]D-Fenderepablo : I'd bet on it.
21:44.19[TK]D-FenderSylter : "not able to understand anything"?
21:44.38[TK]D-FenderSylter : And you really shouldn't be plugging anything else into that card anyways
21:45.08lesouvageSylter: an x100p card is not ment to connect an incoming line and a phone. This has nothing to do with "a stupid mistake"
21:45.24Sylteryes, In my opinion, if I connect the PSTN and activetaed that to work with asterisk, it should be possible to get the call from asterisk or from a fix phone
21:45.53VoIPMastasee you all later
21:45.56Sylterno, I mean that this X100P card have two RJ11 connectors
21:45.56*** part/#asterisk VoIPMasta (
21:46.16Assidhrmm anyone used voicestick?
21:46.19Sylterthen I can connect the PSTN in one, named LINE and my old fix phone in the other, named PHONE
21:46.22uwethank you [TK]D-Fender
21:46.32[TK]D-FenderSylter : Its just a dumb win-modem, and nowhere does any * guide say that you can use the the other jack for anything.
21:47.09Sylterbut if I connect my phone, asterisk don't receive anything
21:47.18[TK]D-FenderSylter : And I wouldn't qualify your previous statement as an "opinion", more like "guess" as its rather unqualified.
21:47.35[TK]D-FenderSylter : Don't try to use if for more than it was stated to be used for.
21:47.52Sylteryeah, you are right, <[TK]D-Fender>
21:48.18lesouvageSylter: you can do this at your walloutlet but not with your x100p card. Originally the card was ment for something else, that's why there is a phone connection on the card.
21:49.23*** join/#asterisk h3x0r4t0r (
21:51.12QwellThat's funny...  I just saw a Sprint commercial, and they're advertising their number as "1-8-sprint-biz"
21:52.07*** join/#asterisk mavior (
21:52.23maviorhello everybody
21:52.30z0d1ac_19hey mav
21:53.07Qwellwhich is just 1-877-pint-biz
21:54.14maviori'm new to ast
21:54.25maviorand i got a small problem here
21:55.05lesouvagemavior: what's your question
21:55.25z0d1ac_19is there an easier way to create a speed dial than to exten => 9999,1,Dial(SIP/blahblahblah)?\
21:55.36maviori ma using a account configured as showed here
21:57.00*** part/#asterisk clive- (
21:57.21[TK]D-Fenderz0d1ac_19 : Easier than 1 line?  No.
21:57.56maviorit's qorking for the dial-out...i am testing just calling my cell number phone, and it rings but....the problem is that when i hang up my usb phone...or click on the hang up button on xlite to stop the call, the cell phone continue to ring and to ring....
21:59.49lesouvagemavior: add a hangup line under the dial line something like exten => s,2,Hangup() (adjust the s and the number)
22:00.04maviorand sometimes even if I stop ringing, just closing from my cell phone, after a while it(my cell phone) restarts automatically to ring :D as if asterisk ignores my request to stop the call and retrive automatically to call
22:01.19maviori am using this line to place the calls
22:01.20maviorexten => _0039.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},60)
22:01.59lesouvagemavior: add exten => _0039.,2,Hangup()
22:02.14maviorexten => _0039.,2,Hangup() will work right?
22:02.16mavioroh ok
22:02.22maviorlet me test
22:03.40*** join/#asterisk wato (
22:05.01lesouvagemavior: add the line, save, type asterisk -r on the linux prompt and type reload on the asterisk cli
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22:05.49mavioroh ok...i have stopped and restarted the process after saving
22:06.34monstedmavior: just reload it
22:06.35maviorit 's still ringing after hang up :|
22:06.44monstedno need to stop and start
22:06.49mavioroh ok
22:07.26wunderkinlesouvage, mavior, you can just use extensions reload for that
22:08.23linuxtuxieHi all, I seem to be having trouble to get a call placed with my asterisk setup and a voipstunt account. My sip debug output can be viewed at
22:08.29lesouvagewunderkind: yes but you have to enter the asterisk cli to do that as far as I know.
22:09.07wunderkinyes, zomg, you know my whole nickname
22:09.32linuxtuxieI am making use of the current setup: asterisk (linux debian sarge) -> firewall (linux debian sarge) --- internet ---
22:09.35maviorthe problem is still here unfortunaly
22:09.47monstedlesouvage: "asterisk -rx reload"
22:10.57linuxtuxieMy firewall rules can be viewed at
22:11.20lesouvagemonsted: thanks
22:11.46*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
22:12.09maviori reload it but it's still ringing
22:12.42lesouvagemavior: can you put some cli output on pastebin
22:13.11maviori have to make sip debug on?
22:13.33lesouvagelets start with set verbose 20
22:18.10maviorok here it is
22:18.21Supaplexset verbose 42984759879284.4
22:18.31maviori replace dmy own cell number in the text with "mycellnumber" string
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22:23.16lesouvagemavior: your cellphone start to ring when you let Asterisk dial the number?
22:23.48mavioryes it rings
22:26.45lesouvageAnd if you pick up the phone is there really a conection?
22:27.44maviori don't know
22:27.56maviori never tried...let me try...
22:31.35mavioryes the connection is real
22:31.40maviori can talk
22:32.44maviorwhen I hang up the call from xlite
22:33.22JTlesouvage: the point wunderkin was trying to make that doing a reload is unnecessary just for an extensions.conf change
22:33.26JTyou can do an extensions reload
22:34.09maviorand the phone continue to ring then I write on cli "sip show channels" it shows me an active channel to which i think continue to call
22:34.19*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
22:34.23jhiverhi all
22:34.36mavioras if asterisk doesn't hang up the connection and stop properly the connection to the server
22:34.43saftsackis there any cheap possibility to convert a fxo line from a telco to a pri line (i want to test pri hardware but our pri lines are very expensive)
22:34.50jhiveri have done some tests with zaptel & X100P card tonight and i'm not impressed
22:35.08JTz0d1ac_19: setcallerid was meant to be gone in 1.4, not sure if it actually is
22:35.16jhiverit seems that zaptel Answers() a call before it should, i.e. it  answers and then you hear the ring tone
22:35.20JTjhiver: it's an X100P, what do you expect?
22:35.34jhiveri don't know, something that would behave properly
22:35.45jhiverseems reasonable -)
22:36.04JTyou'd be getting a TDM400P or similar then wouldn't you :P
22:36.11JTthe X100P is no longer in production
22:36.13jhiverand then it doesn't hangup the call either, you have to go disconnect it
22:36.16JTand the chipset is deprecated
22:36.34fileyou want accurate call progress on analog? eeeeevil
22:36.43jhiverokay, so there is really no resonably priced 1 or 2 FXO card )
22:36.46jhiverof course i do
22:36.56saftsackjhiver, maybe try an ata
22:37.06JTyour idea of reasonable is not the same as others', maybe you mean cheap
22:37.11jhivercan you recommend one?
22:37.14saftsackwith an ata you are independent from any drivers?
22:37.34JTyes, except the ata firmware :)
22:37.34saftsackjhiver, no sry i havent experiences with analog atas. just with bri atas
22:37.40hadsYou're pushing your luck to get call progress on analog with any device except a human.
22:37.42JTbri atas?
22:37.46jhiverWell TDM400 isn't cheap, you're probably better getting a small audiocodes for this price point
22:38.08saftsackJT, this is true, but analog -> sip is a more easy task as being a fully pbx software
22:38.11jhiverthen you'd get echo cancellations and g729 + g723
22:38.15*** part/#asterisk epablo (
22:38.51maviorlesouvage any comments?
22:38.56JTsaftsack: can you rephrase?
22:39.19jhiverso in other words, my results are pretty normal, X100P is dreadful, and I should just forget about it... okay =)
22:39.44JTwhen did you buy it?
22:40.13jhiverabout a couple of  month ago on, the "genuine" digium card was already discontinued
22:40.24JTyes, so all the ones you buy now are rubbish
22:40.27maviori don't know if it is connect to it, but I got regularly this from the cli outpout : handle_request_subscribe: Got SUBSCRIBE for extension 0033somenumberphone@internal from, but there is no hint for that extension
22:40.34JTyou might get a good one
22:40.40JTbut it's luck of the draw
22:40.47hadsThey are all rubish.
22:41.03JTthe current ones are fakes, often with factory second chipset ics
22:41.14JTthe chipset ic is no longer in production
22:41.23JThads: i meant even worse than the original :)
22:42.12*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
22:43.53JTah, so that ends my ambiguity as to EmleyMoor's gender :P
22:44.18linuxtuxieWhen I enable sip debug, I see the following messages ...I do not see any failures, but I am unable to place a call...does somebody can shed some light ?
22:44.30EmleyMoorI've been choking in the dust behind my servers
22:45.09saftsackJT, what do you mean with rephrase?
22:45.51JTsaftsack: restate, reword
22:47.12saftsackhmm ok. in my opinion there are atas with a good firmware because just be an ata is a simple task for the software in comparison what asterisk is. so if the ata works onetime it will work everytime
22:47.38saftsackso get a well developed ata and you propably wont have problems with this task anymore
22:48.13JTsaftsack: that's true i guess
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22:49.12EmleyMoorAnywhere selling BT431A to RJ11 leads longer than 1.8m? How about RJ11 to nothing?
22:49.17saftsackyes and thats the cause why i think that atas are the better choice than cards.
22:50.41saftsackbut i have the same question. what is the best fxo gateway?
22:50.52JTsaftsack: "case" i think you mean
22:50.56JTEmleyMoor: just crimp your own
22:50.59saftsackno. i have just bri here
22:51.21saftsackthis is isdn. we have analog telephones in germany in the most cases
22:51.30JTthat was what i was asking before
22:51.34JTyou have a bri gateway?
22:52.54JTwhat model?
22:53.06saftsackpatton smartnode 4552
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22:55.33|Vulture|Anyone have a recommendation for a good L2/L3 small switch that has good QoS no PoE needed
22:56.25jhiversaftsack, looks like we have the same issue... trouble finding decent FXO analogue gateways...
22:56.40JTsipuras are usually considered decent
22:56.47JTalthough they are home user grade
22:56.54saftsackjhiver, yes i think so
22:56.56jhiver(WITH accurate call progress and progress in band / early audio please) :-)
22:57.04saftsacki use just a one port model for testing
22:57.13saftsackone port fxs AND one port fxo
22:57.21jhiveron the sipura i had it wasn't that great
22:57.23JTit's hard to get accurate call progress on analogue though
22:57.25monsted|Vulture|: ciscos are always nice
22:57.25saftsackbtw is there a pcm bus available?
22:57.49mavioranybody got some problems with voipcheap and asterisk, like if asterisk doesn't hang up the connection if you hang up when the phone is ringing?
22:57.57|Vulture|monsted: I need something low price, and easy to configure, I have used L2 Netgears in the past but their QoS is lacking I was looking at D-Link and Linksys
22:58.03jhiverJT: it's hard, but it should be sort of possible
22:58.25monsted|Vulture|: do they even make L3 switches?
22:58.28saftsacktelephone -> FXS-GW -SIP-> Asterisk -SIP>  FXO GW -> Line (signalling way) telephone -> FXS-GW -analog-> FXO-GW -> Line (speech way)
22:58.31jhiverat least something more accurate than 1) answer 2) ring would be good :-)
22:58.32saftsackis this setup possible? :)
22:58.43|Vulture|monsted: Netgear? Yea they all make L3 now and L4 whatever that is
22:59.19monstedL4 is usually application load balancing
22:59.44JT|Vulture|: managed or not?
22:59.50|Vulture|oh like internal QoS for apps?
23:00.01|Vulture|JT: yes SNMP & QoS are a must
23:00.08monstedJT: since he mentions QoS and L3, i'd say managed ;)
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23:00.34JThe also said small
23:00.59|Vulture|well I need a switch to connect to the T1 Router and bridge to all the servers connected externally
23:01.00monsted|Vulture|: like distributing incoming connections across several end hosts, such as a web server cluster
23:01.07|Vulture|we only have 6 servers on the outside
23:01.26JTright, so only 8 or 16 ports
23:01.31monsted|Vulture|: cisco makes 8 and 12 port switches :)
23:01.32JTi was thinking physical size
23:01.41|Vulture|currently we do it via a VLAN but Id prefer a switch just for QoS and INET
23:01.44JTHP make good switches
23:01.49|Vulture|I didn't look at HP
23:02.00JTwhich don't have the support contract cruft of ciscos
23:02.02monstedHP switches are quite good, yeah
23:02.04|Vulture|nor did I really look at cisco cause I knew that meant I would have to learn all the command stuff
23:02.16JTand lifetime warranty (unless that's changed recently)
23:02.18monstedbit cheaper than cisco and does all but the enterprisey stuff very nicely
23:02.26|Vulture|Im going to look there now
23:02.30JT|Vulture|: you'd have to learn the commands for whatever you use
23:02.38JTcisco is easy, just type ? for help
23:02.51JTbut the command structure is a bit illogical
23:02.55|Vulture|JT: I am use to using the command and web interface for Netgear lol
23:02.59JTbut it makes sense if you're used to asterisk cli :P
23:03.00slayer192i second the HP vote, I've got ~40 of them and no real complaints
23:03.04monstedespecially switches - just plug 'em in and they work :)
23:03.08JTno shutdown
23:03.26monstedJT: only on routers ;)
23:03.53JTi've seen no shutdown on cisco switches too
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23:03.54|Vulture|slayer192: you ever configure the QoS on them?
23:04.00monsteda cisco switch is set up much like any unmanaged switch when you pull it from the box
23:04.23shmaltzhow do I make sure that my Polycom phones display the name and number for callerid when I'm on the phone?
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23:04.26monsted(all ports no-shut, vlan 1, autonegotiate etc)
23:04.31saftsackwhat about the grandstreams ata voice quality?
23:04.50|Vulture|shmaltz: they should if CID is enabled and being passed
23:04.51slayer192I've looked at it, I do all my qos in my foundry
23:05.18shmaltz|Vulture|, obviously if I'm asking they only display one, and that is the name and not the number
23:05.55monsted|Vulture|: you could look at the cisco catalyst express switches, which are cheaper and more in the realm of the HP ones
23:05.55jhiversaftsack, for your own sake, forget about grandstream ATAs
23:06.01JTif anyone in australia wants a DMS-100, i know of one that might be going for free :P
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23:06.10jhiverthey are the worst piece of sh*t ever
23:06.17saftsackyes thought so too but are there other atas which are recommend?
23:06.23|Vulture|monsted: do they have the new web interface on them?
23:06.42monstedthey have web interfaces?
23:07.00jhiverI don't know, all the ones I have tested for FXO were either utter garbage or were really expensive
23:07.03monstedthat's the "no http server" bit you always do when you get one
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23:07.52linuxtuxieDoes anybody know what the response should be after the SIP register command ?
23:07.56jhiverideally I'd like to have a decent sub $200 integrated ADSL modem / router with 1 FXO port I can call remotely
23:08.04jhiver200 ok ?
23:08.27JTi'm sure you can get them
23:08.32JTi don't know if they're decent
23:08.49linuxtuxiejhiver: hmm, I can't make that up from
23:08.53jhiverwell i have tested one recently, can't remember the brand
23:09.14monsted|Vulture|: just grab a cisco catalyst 6500 - that should be enough switching power for you for a while ;)
23:09.17jhiverworked fine, except same  old 1) answer then 2) rings problem
23:10.22saftsackjhiver, can you recommend me a good ata?
23:10.37|Vulture|monsted: :O hahaha I am looking at the Cisco and HPs now
23:10.48jhiveryou mean, an expensive FXO gateway?
23:10.50shmaltzhow do I make sure that my Polycom phones display the name and number for callerid when I'm on the phone?
23:11.21saftsackjhiver, good == expensive, or what do you mean?
23:11.26jhiverthere's this boscom 4 FXO on my shelf which I paid for eur $1,000, works great
23:11.30saftsack<- just searches for a one port gateway
23:11.42saftsackjhiver, why did you spend so much money?
23:11.42jhiveryes so do i
23:11.53jhiveri didn't know what i was doing at the time
23:11.59jhiverit was two years ago
23:12.28jhiverI was such a VoIP n00b =)
23:12.28saftsackoh, ok. but imho there are good atas < 100eu
23:12.37jhiverwell it depends what you think "good" is
23:12.41saftsackbut there i have the fear that the voice quality is bad
23:12.43JTit sounds smart
23:12.46JT"works greaT"
23:13.04hmmhesayswell I think i decided on the power conditioner that I'm going to get
23:13.25JTwhy buy a power conditioner?
23:13.28saftsackin my opinion good is: good voice quality, many configuration options and support for all important gw features like dtmf, 3 way calling, callerid and so on
23:14.21saftsackand i think that the most cheap devices just lack on the second thing: many configuration options. but for this there are many hacking options
23:15.42saftsackfor example this one: Linksys PAP2T
23:16.24jhiversame as sipura
23:16.45jhiveror is it the PAP2?
23:16.57ariel_~weather ktmb
23:17.13saftsacknow but i think they are in the same class.
23:17.25jhiver~weather run
23:17.30ariel_argh it's getting cold outside
23:17.35saftsackjhiver, do you think that this are good devices?
23:17.43jhiverthe linksys?
23:17.57jhiverthey should be sort of decent*
23:19.26saftsackok. then i will buy one of those for testing
23:19.38saftsacksipura and linksys are the same
23:19.52saftsackthats not true but they build the ata together
23:20.12ariel_make sure you get the -na
23:21.32EmleyMoorI get "Security check failed" when I try to use ekiga with asterisk - NAT or no NAT, no difference
23:21.40maviorport 5060 should be forwarded to the properly machine, if the  asterisk server machine is behind an home lan nat?
23:22.18mavioror is it needed any port redirection on some ports?
23:22.22saftsacki go to bed now. gn8
23:22.59[TK]D-Fendermavior : 5060, 10000-20000, and a pile of settings in sip.conf
23:23.19EmleyMoorWhat precisely do I need to enter in account information to get ekiga to work with asterisk? How about in sip.conf?
23:24.23hmmhesaysyou need to enter whatever your user details are
23:24.35hmmhesaysin sip.conf, then in ekiga you use the credentials you set up in sip.conf
23:25.07EmleyMoorhmmhesays: Yes - and it gives "Security check failed" if I try to make a call
23:25.58hmmhesaysneed to look at a sip debug in asterisk
23:26.06hmmhesayscheck if it registers properly also
23:26.09hmmhesayswith a sip show peers
23:26.13EmleyMoorIt doesn't
23:26.40hmmhesaysthats a problem then
23:26.45hmmhesaysfix your registration
23:26.51hmmhesaysis Emley your actual name?
23:27.08mavioratm i am placing calls even if i didn't redirect any ports... i am connecting to my asterisk server (me and the server are in the local subnet) and it places my calls over the net
23:27.16hmmhesaysit almost sounds like it could be an english first name
23:27.27hmmhesayswhat version of asterisk?
23:27.45hmmhesaysset verbose 5 on the console
23:27.55hmmhesaysand restart ekiga
23:28.06hmmhesaysit should show you a registration error if it fails
23:28.38EmleyMoorIt shows nothing
23:28.52hmmhesayssip debug
23:29.05hmmhesaysand see if you have a registration request coming in
23:29.43EmleyMoorNo, I do not have a registration request coming in
23:30.09hmmhesaysthen you need to look at our ekiga settings
23:30.21hmmhesaysand see why it is not trying to register to your asterisk
23:30.25EmleyMoorI can't see anything wrong with them
23:30.52EmleyMoorAh, found something "obvious but small"
23:31.20*** part/#asterisk freudflintstone (
23:32.02hmmhesaysgod i wish someone would come out with some solid proof of extraterrestrial live
23:32.13EmleyMoorSIP seems to have much better quality than IAX2, or is that just me
23:32.22[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor : How about putting your account info screen fields from Ekiga into a pastbin
23:32.24hmmhesaysEmleyMoor: highly likely just you
23:32.26JTjust you
23:32.36hmmhesaysyou probably have different codecs used for sip and iax2
23:32.45JTthey use the same codecs (are you using the same codecs??)
23:33.52EmleyMoorHmmm... can't tell as much difference now
23:34.12hmmhesayswhy is it that all these UFO researchers always look so goofy you can't help but discredit what they say
23:38.55*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
23:40.13EmleyMoorWhy does ekiga cut the beginning of the audio off the call?
23:41.06[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor : I'd bet its related to EC
23:41.46*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
23:42.19*** join/#asterisk suma (
23:42.59EmleyMoorNo - not EC
23:43.02EmleyMoorSame on or off
23:44.49*** part/#asterisk linuxtuxie (
23:45.47*** join/#asterisk gerphimum (
23:46.00EmleyMoorCould having nat=yes unnecessarily in sip.conf cause this?
23:51.50EmleyMoorIs there a good 1-800 number I could call as a test?
23:58.26EmleyMoorWhy would this not work:
23:58.40EmleyMoorexten => _001800.,1,Dial(SIP/*${EXTEN:2}@fwd-outgoing)
23:59.40wunderkindepends on the problem, i would not count on fwd working all the time

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