irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061118

00:02.54ucfMethodcan anyone provide a bit of explaination on this error msg "res_musiconhold.c:515 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!"
00:03.01Juggieif your not behind a FW, all you have to do is make sure rtp.conf's rtp range and the range you allow to the server is thre same.
00:03.59TommyTheKiducfMethod: I think that has something to do with not having a "timing device" (IMO one of the major shortcomings of *) ... do you have ztdummy loaded and configured (?)
00:04.33TommyTheKidJuggie: then you are suggesting "b" as well.. so far B is in the lead :)
00:05.39ucfMethodTommyTheKid: I have it loaded, otherwise conf rooms (MeetMe) wouldn't work
00:05.59ucfMethodTommyTheKid: configured may be the word? what am I looking for.
00:06.40TommyTheKidI have no idea, my two servers both have digium cards... my lappy (OSX admittedly) was giving that error, I never really pushed it since I dont think zaptel would compile for OSX :)
00:06.45ucfMethodTommyTheKid: I have my musiconhold.conf correct.... I want to randomly play those sample mp3 that came with *
00:07.21ucfMethodi don't think its crucial to have, but its one of those things that people will bitch bitch bitch if it doesnt
00:07.28ucfMethodemployees I mean
00:08.33TommyTheKiducfMethod: are you using NTP to keep your clock in sync?
00:15.37ucfMethod* should be using kernel for timing right?
00:15.52ucfMethodthe date and time are accurate, just synced to
00:15.56ucfMethodhwclock too
00:16.30ucfMethodwhatever... illl work on it Monday.. time to drink.... thanks again ... ill be back Monday morning.
00:18.05xhelioxI should be able to transfer a call from SIP (Polycom 430) to an IAX2 extension without any issues, right? :)
00:20.11CunningPikexheliox: Correct
00:23.05xhelioxHrm. Using SVN 1.4... r47782...  and that seems not to work very well. In one case the call was xfer'd and then dropped within 10 seconds. In other cases, the IAX device rings, but when the call is answered, there's no audio on either end.
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00:24.03xheliox[Nov 17 19:12:40] WARNING[21692]: io.c:234 ast_io_remove: Asked to remove NULL? -- Bunch of these came up a time or two as well. Thoughts?
00:24.28nextimehow many stable actually is 1.4 beta3?
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00:24.53TommyTheKidxheliox: you will get herpies if you use it (I think?)
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00:25.01xhelioxI didn't ask that. :P
00:25.03TommyTheKider.. nextime i mean :)
00:25.27xhelioxI'm fully aware of the risks involved with running a beta. That's why I'm doing it at home and not work. ;)
00:26.15TommyTheKiddamn.. even with my phone directly on the Internet (no FW, no NAT) I still can't get qualify to go thru.. I wonder if I need to allow *outbound* sip connections?
00:26.24TommyTheKid(from the corp fw)
00:26.33nextimeTommyTheKid : i have some stability issues with 1.4 on a test machine, expecially when i use queues, so, i'm asking if it shuld be considerable unstable only for me
00:27.18xhelioxnextime: Just by definition, it's prone to have stability issues.
00:29.04nextimexheliox : i known, but my question is something different, i was asking "i'm the only one with a *serius* stability issue?"
00:29.24xhelioxnextime: I've had my 1.4 install crash at least once a day.
00:29.42nextimexheliox : ok, this is the answer, thanks
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00:36.10TommyTheKidcurious, if I comment out the "qualify=1000" line for my "user" entry, the call goes thru fine... its like the "sip ping" is getting lost.. how does "qualify" work?
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00:45.35andresmujicahello there
00:45.53andresmujicaanyone knows if i can use call progress detection over a pri zap channel?
00:47.33nextimeis there a way to get CDR(billsec) from a DeadAGI in 1.2.13?
01:06.59*** join/#asterisk Mad_guy (
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01:11.23FuriousGeorgeanyone know anything about videoconferencing with asterisk?
01:19.11FuriousGeorgeis sip video the standard?
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01:51.47*** join/#asterisk Idle (
01:51.52Idlehow can I close off a channel?
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01:53.09QwellIdle: /part #channel
01:53.31Idleseriously, I have both of my external lines that bridged themselves
01:53.49Idle3 bridged to 4... no idea why
01:55.49Idlegod, all of these commands are 100% useless
01:57.51*** join/#asterisk benjk (
02:01.18IdleQwell: which line originated that call?
02:04.11Idlehow can I enable it so it logs _EVERYTHING_ to a file
02:06.40hadssoft hangup
02:06.58Idleyea, I got it eventually
02:08.36*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
02:08.44IdleI just need to figure out why it happened
02:08.59IdleI think its probably to do with voicemail... cause nothing else could do that
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02:17.50ma-requinanybody familiar with siproxd
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02:42.27sivanacould a channel not show in Asterisk, however, signalling is still passing through?
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03:21.12hoobastoobacan you guys help me with a lame question... If i want to apply a patch file to manager.c what would the syntax be... I thought it would be "patch manager.c <patchname" not working for me... can anyone help me correct this?
03:28.16TommyTheKidhoobastooba: its something like patch -p0 < patchfile
03:28.44TommyTheKidif you look at the patch file, it probably specifies manager.c in it.. and it may have path/to/manager.c
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03:32.06hoobastoobaso you mean patch -p0 manager.c < patchfile?
03:32.17hoobastoobacuz i have to specify the file to patch right?
03:32.33hoobastoobai am trying to figure this out from the man pages and i am completely confused.
03:32.48hoobastoobai get the output that only garbage was found....
03:32.56hoobastoobai know that is because I am typing it wrong.
03:39.46hoobastoobaTommyTheKid: i understand what you are saying... that worked. patch -p0 <patchfile
03:40.05hoobastoobathe patch file finds what it is supposed to patch... thanks,;) first time
03:40.26TommyTheKidsometimes a patchfile touches MANY files
03:41.06TommyTheKidI pussy'd out.. I was gonna upgrade to 1.4.0-b3, but here I sit compiling 1.2.13
03:41.24TommyTheKidall that talk about herpies earlier
03:42.36hoobastoobaTommyTheKid: for prod environment?
03:44.23hoobastoobasmart move
03:44.42TommyTheKidi mean, we all have alternatives (cell, land lines) but we are "ITCTO" we are supposed to be on the bleeding edge.. I use OpenSoalris for a desktop :)
03:47.13Juggiethere is enough bleeding in 1.2.13
03:47.41TommyTheKidmore or less than 1.2.10 ? :)
03:47.50Juggienot sure
03:47.55Juggiei'm still running
03:48.13mog1.4 Juggie
03:49.14Juggieheh, i run in production.
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03:49.23Juggiei have like 5 * boxes
03:49.35Juggiethe only one i upgraded past is the one which is accessible publically
03:49.40mogyeah buts its just the candian goverment
03:49.46mogits not like its anything important
03:49.54Juggiei got 10 new servers today :)
03:50.58apturayou or your department
03:51.40apturaI want to see a open souce gsm gateway built ;)
03:52.06apturamy wifes bosses kit racked up a 500 dollars cell phone bill and most of it was for roaming.
03:52.22apturakid not kit :)
03:53.00*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:56.45Juggieaptura, my dept.
03:56.57Juggiewhich indirectally means me
03:57.03Juggiesince i maintain all the linux servers
03:57.19Juggiethought i'm supposed to train some ppl in on installing at least next week.
03:57.48apturaDo you relize how many teeth I had to pull just to get anything faster then a pentium 200 while working at microsoft in 1999? It made my job difficult testing software on such slow hardware.
03:58.00apturatrain people on what?
03:58.14Juggiewell, i'm not really infrastructure
03:58.31Juggieso, i'm supposed to just walk one of our normal network guys through installing linux
03:58.36Juggiewe are normally a microsoft shop.
03:58.53apturawell dont loose your job over it.
03:58.58Juggiewhy would i.
03:59.01Juggiei work for the goverment
03:59.06Juggiei have to murder someone to get fired
03:59.24apturastate or federal?
03:59.25Juggienah, they can probally figure out the centos installer to build pc's
03:59.35Juggiethe main thing is what packages to install and what not to install
03:59.40Juggiethats the part they probally woudnt be sure on
03:59.44Juggiecanadian federal.
03:59.57apturaohh yea your up here what province?
04:00.08JuggieOttawa, Ontario
04:00.34apturaAre we BC residents making you rich?
04:00.49apturaWe have been over taxed for a long time.
04:00.57Juggiehah, i do work in Revenue :)
04:01.03Juggiebut i dont know anything about that.
04:01.10Juggiemy real job outside of being jack of all trades.
04:01.18Juggieis Toll Free Networks
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04:01.27apturaI see
04:01.28Juggiewe maintain all the 1-800 (toll free numbers) for revenue canada.
04:01.36apturaso you work at CRA?
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04:02.00Juggiewe get a realtime CDR/CMP feed from bell and its my job to take the cdr's and process them into meaningful information
04:02.08apturaI see
04:02.33apturaAre most of the CRA buildings going voip? I was aware that the one in downtown Vancouver is going this route.
04:03.03Juggieso, i have sql jobs running to generate 15/hourly/daily stats, and those all get dumped as processed stats, and some other processed stats
04:03.14Juggiei also maintain the web interface to build reports from this pre-processed data.
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04:03.55Juggieaptura, we have been voip for years and years
04:03.57Juggieprobally 3-4
04:04.24Juggiebut, my last job (and my new job falls under the same division so i still work closely w/ my old section) was called Emerging Telephony Section
04:04.30Juggieso it is our job to do that stuff.
04:04.47Juggiewe tested cisco/nortel/mitel/alcatel i think
04:04.52Juggieand maybe some others voip systems
04:04.52*** join/#asterisk xnon_ (i=xnon@
04:04.57Juggieand we ended up going w/ mitel.
04:05.24Juggieaptura, do you know what that vancouver building was installing?
04:05.46apturaI know
04:05.58apturaI saw the old mitel pbx servers before.
04:06.09Juggieprobally mitel ip then?
04:06.14Juggieyou probally saw SX2000
04:06.25Juggiew/ 4025 Smartsets
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04:06.31apturabut still had some legacy wiring in the back?
04:06.43apturablue/grey mitel boxes
04:06.44Juggieoh yah, those SX2000's are digital
04:06.52Juggiebut they are over single pair like analog
04:07.01apturaI see
04:07.13apturaso did thay scrap the old mitel digital boxes?
04:07.23Juggiein my building?
04:07.29Juggiewe still maintain it as a test environment
04:07.33apturano in cra like in bc for example
04:07.38Juggieoh, i have no idea.
04:07.59Juggiewe are responsible for all the call centers across canada for CRA
04:08.10Juggieso we have to have every pbx that we have installed in our lab.
04:08.12apturaahh thats interesting
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04:08.19Juggieso we have like 4-5 running pbx's that dont even get used
04:08.20apturavery cool
04:08.26Juggiethey are just there as test enviromenents
04:08.30apturause them as room heaters
04:08.40Juggiehah no kidding.
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04:09.04Juggieyou have to test stuff when you get alot of calls per day.
04:09.08apturaWell thats interesting.
04:09.19apturahow did you hear about this position?
04:09.28Juggiei started w/ CRA as a student
04:09.39Juggiei did 3 workterms there, and they hired me before i finished my last one
04:09.44Juggieso i finished school and moved to ottawa
04:09.57Juggiei'm originally a newfie :)
04:10.28apturabtw what does cra do with its older servers?
04:11.06Juggiewell, the official thing to do is to send them to crown assets
04:11.28Juggiewhich means crown assets will put them on a pallet, leave them there for 5 years and finally go to sell them when they are totally worthless.
04:11.41Juggieso, i think sometimes we donate them to computers for schools or something
04:11.49Juggiei am not 100% sure i dont work in infrastructure
04:11.58Juggieit probally varies alot between different lab management
04:12.17*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
04:12.18*** join/#asterisk Crumbles (
04:12.40Crumblesmy attended transfers still doesn't work after an upgrade to 1.2.11 :(
04:12.43apturaminus the hard drives of course
04:12.58linageeyou never have to worry about a heater in a computer lab. just turn down the A/C
04:13.54apturajuggie, can you listen to a channel into a call on one of those 1800 numbers?
04:14.06Juggieaptura, i have no idea, i am sure they are disposed of carefully ;)
04:14.20Juggiethere is a standard for overwritting HDD's its a US DOD spec.
04:14.33Juggieits a 7pass format
04:14.54Juggieaptura, i dont know, i dont work in the call center stuff, other then generating stats
04:15.07Juggiebut yes, when the call is on the line w/ an agent, then yes, they can barge into a call
04:15.13Juggiebut when its just the ivr, i dont think so.
04:15.35Juggieall our systems play the typical this call may be recorded or monitored message.
04:15.44Juggiejust like any other agent system
04:16.07Crumblesis there some trick to transfers that i could be totally missing here?
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04:18.59sivanadoes anyone have a clue which library this is?  /bin/ld: cannot find -lGL
04:19.12sivanaI'm missing one.. -lGL
04:20.24Crumblessweet, thanks guys.
04:20.33Crumblesi'll go try that.
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04:22.49bluregardhey guys
04:25.36*** part/#asterisk hoobastooba (
04:27.35bluregardquite in here tonight
04:27.54bluregardquiet even
04:30.43*** join/#asterisk AndyCap (n=aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
04:33.24TommyTheKidI got rid of my weird double-ring by upgrading zaptel and ast, go figure :)
04:33.58Crumblescan someone help me get DISA and atxfer working? :( neither of them do ANYTHING
04:34.55ManxPowerCrumbles: Does DTMF Transfers work without DISA?
04:35.05Crumblesnothing works
04:35.11Crumblesi mean nothing in features.conf
04:35.29ManxPowerCrumbles: then you do not have a transfer issue and do not have a DISA issue.  You have a DTMF issue.
04:36.04ManxPowerIF you dial into an Asterisk IVR, does it hear the DTMF?
04:36.20ManxPowerCrumbles: voice menu
04:36.34ManxPowerhow is the call connecting to Asterisk?  Zap card, IAX2 provider, SIP provider?
04:36.50Crumblesit's an internal sip to sip call
04:37.16Crumblesthe DISA call is a call coming from the outside world through my sip provider.
04:37.18ManxPowerWell, in SIP DTMF is not sound, it is messages
04:37.32ManxPowerCrumbles: does it work if you call DISA from the SIP phones?
04:37.49Crumblesi haven't tried that i've mostly been trying to get atxfer working
04:37.50Crumbleshold on
04:37.54TommyTheKidthe next fork of asterisk needs to be called octothorpe, i dcree
04:38.59ManxPowerCrumbles: get it working internal first.
04:39.07Crumblesyes DISA works if i dial it from an internal extension, but not if i dial in from outside.
04:39.27ManxPowerCrumbles: does atxfer work if you dial from inside into DISA and then dial out from DISA?
04:40.22Crumblesif i press anything at the DISA dialtone i get a turkey tone
04:40.40ManxPowerCrumbles: define "at the DISA"
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04:40.48TommyTheKidturkey? thanksgiving turkey?
04:40.50Crumblesi dial 611 for disa
04:40.53Crumblesi hear a dialtone
04:41.01ManxPowerCrumbles: you need to get it working from an internal phone before trying to get ti working via a provider
04:41.08Crumblesif i press any number on my keypad i get short beep tones
04:41.21ManxPowerCrumbles: does the asterisk CLI show anything?
04:41.33TommyTheKid.. in verbose 3+ :)
04:41.36ManxPowerput it on
04:42.25Crumblesit's just "executing answer" "executing DISA" and "spawn extension exited non-zero"
04:42.28Crumblesthat's all it shows.
04:43.05bluregarddoes anyone else have problems calling other FWD users when using IAX?
04:45.35Crumblesfigured out what was wrong internally
04:45.46TommyTheKidI assume you specified a context ?
04:45.51Crumblesi did now
04:46.06Crumblesthat's what fixed that but it still won't work coming in from my sip provider
04:46.17TommyTheKidI don't use default either
04:46.44ManxPowerCrumbles: but it DOES work coming from your SIP phone?
04:46.52Crumblesworks great.
04:47.03ManxPowerCrumbles: what dtmfmode= do you have set for that provider?
04:47.14ManxPowerCrumbles: and what codec?
04:47.36Crumblesnone specified
04:47.39ManxPowerinband will ONLY work with ulaw or alaw codecs
04:47.47Crumblesi only allow those codecs
04:47.52Crumblesfrom [general]
04:47.56TommyTheKid - I lied.. I sorta don't use default :)
04:48.18ManxPowerCrumbles: what does the SIP provider recommend?
04:48.24ManxPowerand who is the sip provider?
04:48.44Crumblesthe sip provider recommends i stop using asterisk
04:49.24ManxPowerset the debug to 3, do a test call, pastebin the cli output
04:49.36ManxPoweryou should see the incoming DTMF.
04:49.58TommyTheKidvnes is cool
04:51.14TommyTheKidit even works on a REMOTE Sun Ray on Solaris 11 x64
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04:51.54Crumblesi don't get a dialtone or anything
04:52.06*** join/#asterisk vasterisk (
04:52.12ManxPowerCrumbles: start asterisk as "asterisk -rvvvddd"
04:52.23ManxPowerthen in the CLI do "set verbose 3" and "set debug 3"
04:52.28Crumblesoh sorry
04:52.42*** join/#asterisk qwluhbear (
04:52.50ManxPowerOh, make sure you have a /etc/asterisk/indications.conf  the default one is fine
04:52.53hoobastoobaok, i have looked at gnudialer... it blows, I have looked at vicidialer, I cannot figure it out. I need to have a dialer that can do voicemail detection and a couple of styles of dialing ie predictive, power, preview.... what is out there? I understand that they wont be free... but I need recommendations. needs to be able to do up to 300 agents.
04:53.21Crumblesi have it
04:53.27ManxPowerhoobastooba: Don't expect much help here.  Most of us do not help with autodialer problems.
04:53.58hoobastoobajust wondering if anyone else is using anything they like and can make a recommendation.
04:54.05qwluhbearHi.. Can I get help with Asterisk here?
04:54.07ManxPowerCrumbles: BTW, you can easily write a short dialplan entry to sort of emulate DISA
04:54.22ManxPowerqwluhbear: sometimes
04:54.28hoobastoobaqwluhbear: what do you need help with?
04:55.02qwluhbearI think i'm missing something really really obvious.. I've got a Voicetronix OpenPCI card in my system, I just can't get it to interface with Asterisk
04:55.19ManxPowerCrumbles: pastebin your /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
04:56.02ManxPowerqwluhbear: not many people use those cards with Asterisk, but the drivers are updated fairly often.  Did you do a google search?
04:56.07jbotrumour has it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
04:56.21jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
04:56.23ManxPowerthat's what I wantede
04:56.50qwluhbearyep.. the drivers are installed, everything seems to work fine - when I ring the phone, it comes up with ringing in /var/log/messages, I'm just lost as to how it actually blends in with Asterisk.. It's as though I can only use a zap card?
04:57.03ManxPowerCrumbles: change it to console => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
04:58.05Crumblessame output
04:58.08Crumbleswith the new logger.conf
04:58.09ManxPowerqwluhbear: I don't know how it interfaces with Asterisik.  see if there are any sample configs in /path/to/src/asterisk/configs or /path/to/src/asterisk/docs
04:58.20ManxPowerCrumbles: you need to do a "reload" or a "logger reload"
04:58.26Crumblesi did reload
04:58.42ManxPowerCrumbles: you should be getting MASSIVE amounts of output.
04:59.05*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:59.08Crumblesafter logger reload it gave me tons
04:59.09Crumbleshold on
05:00.17qwluhbearManxPower: don't have a file/folder like that. I'm using Trixbox.. how do you know that a connected zap card is working?  The output of ztcfg -vvv?
05:00.42ManxPowerqwluhbear: trixbox has it's own config system, totally unlike the standard Asterisk one.  I cannot help you firther.
05:00.48ManxPoweror further either
05:01.00JuggieManxPower, i have to say i've been looking @ your nickname for years now
05:01.14Juggieand every time i do, it reminds me of when homer changed his name to Max Power
05:01.23ManxPowerJuggie: it is a reference to that.
05:01.36ManxPowerMy former nick was WereCat
05:01.39Juggiethat was a good episode.
05:01.43ManxPowerso I kept the cat reference
05:01.49brookshiremanx: you had a former nick?
05:01.59JuggieManxPower, the man formerly known as.
05:02.02ManxPowerbrookshire: I've had MANY former nicks.
05:02.09Juggiei've allways been Juggie
05:02.13Juggiesince i was 14.
05:02.17brookshiremanx: so you switch nicks faster than bfs
05:02.19ManxPowerManxPower, WereCat, d'WereCat, ImaGeek, Recluse, CyberMonk
05:03.23brookshireomg.. this is like the first time i've been on irc in a whole week
05:04.03ManxPowerbrookshire: I don't switch BFs very often, silly.
05:04.11ManxPowerCrumbles: No indication DTMF is received.
05:04.24Crumblesi dialed like 500 things
05:04.25ManxPowercan you pastebin [secret] for me?
05:04.30Crumblesand screamed in to the phone like a lunatic
05:04.38ManxPowerCrumbles: we need to try rfc2833 as well
05:05.12Crumblesi don't even hear a dialtone when i dial in
05:05.21ManxPowerCrumbles: that is not unusual
05:06.00ManxPowerpastebin sip.conf [general] and the incoming sip.conf [section] change as little as you can, but remember to change the password.
05:06.22ManxPowerCrumbles: how long did it take to get NAT working?
05:06.27Crumbleslike 3 seconds
05:06.45ManxPowerLearn fast, you will.
05:06.54Crumbleshold on a sec for me
05:07.40Crumblesit doesn't see the dtmf even if i change it to rfc2833
05:07.57Crumblessip.conf coming up
05:10.13ManxPowerCrumbles: If I still don't see anything wrong I can some up with a easy dialplan replacement for DISA.
05:11.05Crumbleshow would you be able to get a dialplan to accept incoming dtmf if disa can't even see it?
05:11.18JuggieDisa is one of those apps that really has no point.
05:11.28Juggieyou can do it in dialplan with almost no effort.
05:11.34ManxPowerCrumbles: We still need to fix the DTMF problem, of course.
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05:12.18Crumbleswell i want it so when i call in with my cell it gives me a way to dial out under the sipphone context
05:12.26Crumblesso that i can dial any extension i want
05:12.35ManxPowerJuggie: The whole Max Power episode is great social engineering.
05:12.40Crumblesand i also would like to be able to transfer calls *hits his head against a wall*
05:12.59ManxPowerCrumbles: *nod*  most of that is NOT something only in DISA
05:13.31ManxPowerCrumbles: do this, dial into something that plays an intro message Background(/path/to/message/file) no extension
05:13.46Crumblesi've got something like that
05:13.50Crumblesbut with a playback application
05:13.52Crumblesand it works great
05:13.52ManxPowerMaybe throw a WaitExten() after it and see if you can call in and at least dial an extensions
05:14.02Crumbleswait what?
05:14.12Crumbleswhat's waitexten?
05:14.18ManxPowerCrumbles: So DTMF IS working via the SIP provider
05:14.25Crumblesno no i'm confused
05:14.39Crumblesi CAN make it so when i dial in i hear a sound played
05:14.56Crumblesin fact i put my cable company on a list so they just get tt-monkeys
05:15.07ManxPowerCrumbles: it manually waits for you to dial something rather than just falling off the end of the dialplan,  in 1.2 the "wait for extension after background" is deprecated
05:15.27Crumblesso background automatically waits for you to dial?
05:15.42ManxPowerCrumbles: in 1.0 and 1.2 it does
05:15.49ManxPowerwell in 1.2 if you have some option set
05:16.04JuggieManxPower, in 1.2 autofallthrough is enabled by default.
05:16.05Crumblesso i should do
05:16.15Crumblesexten => blahabladjlkasjf,Background(tt-monkeys)
05:16.25Crumblesexten => alskdfjasldkjf,WaitExten()
05:16.47Juggieexcept w/ a real extension, and priorities
05:16.50ManxPowerwell the blahabladjlkasjf would have to be something you could dial froma  phone
05:16.58ManxPowerand actually
05:17.10ManxPowerexten -> 611,1,Background(tt-monkeys)
05:17.20ManxPowerexten => 611,2,WaitExten
05:17.27ManxPowerthat is a => of course
05:17.50Corydon76-homeand a length argument to WaitExten
05:17.54Crumblesdo i have to hit # or something?
05:18.09Crumblesthe monkeys played and while they were playing i dialed 2000
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05:18.14Crumblesbut 2000 did not ring
05:18.18ManxPowerno, it will either timeout or if it has an erxact match it will just jump to that extension
05:18.50JuggieCrumbles, add a exten => _XXXX,1,Noop(${EXTEN}
05:18.59Juggiethen when you dial anything 4 digit, it should print to your console
05:19.00ManxPowerCrumbles: I'm afraid we now need to get into SIP debug
05:19.07ManxPowerset debug 0
05:19.16Crumblesright but this is an incoming call from my provider
05:19.21Crumblesso _XXXX won't catch it
05:19.39Juggiei thought you said you wanted to get input
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05:19.41Juggieand do a transfer
05:20.01Crumblesi am dialing in from an outside line
05:20.11Juggieand * is answering right?
05:20.12ManxPowerthen sip debug peer sunrocket-out
05:20.16Juggieyou hear tt-monkeys
05:20.19ManxPowerthen do a call, patebin the CLI
05:20.54Juggieok, then WaitExten runs. putting _XXXX,1,blah() in the same context will allow it to trap whatever the user types once the waitexten runs.
05:20.55ManxPowerJuggie: I'm pretty sure his ITSP is not sending the DTMF
05:21.33Crumblesright but it doesn't see the dtmf or something
05:21.33Crumbleshold on a sec
05:21.34Crumblesi have an idea
05:25.05*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
05:25.11Crumblesyeah my provider isn't sending the dtmf tones or something
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05:25.20Crumblesi just made voicemailmain answer
05:25.24Crumblesit can't hear my password
05:25.42ManxPower*nod*  As I suspected.
05:25.56ManxPowerhence my looking for the sip debug
05:26.01Crumblesokay now it heard it this time
05:26.02Crumbleshold on
05:26.59Crumblesnow it doesn't again
05:28.17Crumblesi don't get it why would voicemailmain hear the incoming dtmf but not DISA or waitexten
05:28.52WildPikachu"codec_speex.c:278 speextolin_framein: Out of buffer space"  <= anyone seen this before?
05:29.09ManxPowerCrumbles: are you using inband or rfc2833?
05:29.21Crumblesinband lets voicemailmain see it
05:29.28Crumblesbut rfc2833 it can't see it
05:29.51ManxPowern ot surpizing.  I'll bet it will if you disallow=all and allow=g726
05:29.53Crumblesbut waitexten never sees it
05:30.06Crumblesis that high quality?
05:30.19ManxPowerCrumbles: try it an see/hear
05:30.32Crumblesshould i disallow ulaw and alaw?
05:30.44ManxPowerno, the disallow=all will take care of that
05:30.54Crumblesyeah but i mean
05:30.58Crumblesi've got allow lines for them
05:31.01Crumblesshould i comment them?
05:31.07ManxPowercorrect, comment them out.
05:31.42Crumblesand set dtmf=rfc2833
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05:32.04Crumblesthat's what i meant
05:32.13ManxPowerthere is no option dtmf=
05:32.18Crumblesi know
05:32.21Crumblesi'm just a lazy typer
05:32.30ManxPowersome people thing there is.
05:32.37ManxPowerthink there is.
05:33.20Crumblesnow the call isn't going through
05:33.26Corydon76-homeThe problem with being inexact is that there are people in here who lurk and pay attention to things that aren't quite correct
05:33.47klaus7hello, is it possible to have unique moh for each station/extension?
05:34.05ManxPowerCrumbles: try allow=gsm instead of allow=g726
05:34.24ManxPowerklaus7: in theory yes
05:34.51Crumblescall won't go through anymore
05:35.00ManxPowerCrumbles: even with GSM?
05:35.02Crumblessunrocket like only supports ulaw/alaw or something lame
05:35.20ManxPowerCrumbles: Have you considered using a less lame provider?
05:35.34Crumblesi pay less than 8 bucks a month
05:36.04Juggiewhich provider?
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05:36.18ManxPowerYeah, but if there DTMF does not work well with Asterisk.....
05:36.44klaus7What would a sip message from a UA look like that is starts moh?
05:37.29ManxPowerklaus7: no idea.  I'd use "sip debug" to see.
05:37.55Crumblesbut why would voicemailmain have no problem hearing dtmf if sunrocket were sending it wrong?
05:37.57olinuxwhats a good vendor for receiving incoming calls on a dedicated number (USA), all i have is internet connection?
05:38.00klaus7ah good advice, is there a way to filter sip debug?
05:38.20ManxPowerolinux: All providers suck.  Teliax seems to (usually) suck less than most.
05:38.23olinuxi use my cell as primary number but have no signal in my apartment
05:38.42CrumblesManxPower if all providers suck then why bother with voip at all?
05:39.02ManxPowerCrumbles: VoIP does not have to go across the internet
05:39.47Crumblesyeah but POTS = insane long distance charges of lame
05:40.03olinuxjust cancelled my landline when i activated cable internet (i only had landline for DSL)
05:40.28ManxPowerUh, you can get like 3cents/min
05:40.42Crumblesor you can get ... 0/min with voip
05:40.55ManxPowerYou still pay for toll calling for VoIP.
05:41.02hadsYou get what you pay for.
05:41.05ManxPowermost people you want to talk to will not have VoIP
05:41.29Crumblesless than 8 a month for unlimited local and long distance within the united states
05:41.52hadsThat's not 0c :)
05:42.03Crumblesthe 8 a month is for local calls
05:42.19Crumblesand yes it is... i can talk all i want and the cost will not go up
05:42.21ManxPowerit is $8.00/number of mins usage in the month
05:42.38Crumblesit's $8 for the month
05:42.41Crumblesno matter how much i call
05:42.43Crumblesno matter how often
05:42.46Crumblesno matter what time
05:42.58hadsHah, we know, but ManxPower is still right.
05:43.03olinuxyou dont call anyone, so they win
05:43.05ManxPowerCrumbles: all those plans have caps, some companies just don't disclose the cap.  Granted, their caps -- most people won;t hit them.
05:43.26Crumblesplus $3 credit each month toward international calls
05:43.42ManxPowerand $8/month is a good deal.
05:43.44Crumbleshe's asked them specificly
05:43.46Crumblesthere is no cap
05:44.05olinuxit's like the $4/month hosts that promise 1000 gigs of transfer, you go ahead and use it and next month you'll have no service
05:44.06JuggieManxPower, did you have him try inband dtmf?
05:44.08ManxPowerCrumbles: nail the line up 24/7 and see how long that "no cap" lasts.
05:44.30ManxPowerJuggie: he was using inband when I started helping him.
05:44.45ManxPowerrfc2833 was just something I wanted to see if it would work
05:45.24ManxPowerFor HOME use, much of VoIP is about cost savings on toll calling
05:45.33Juggiei'm reading some forums some people are reporting it working with rfc2833
05:45.38ManxPowerfor corporate that is not so much a driving force for many companies
05:46.36Juggiesunrocket officially doesnt even support external sip devices.
05:47.09ManxPowerJuggie: He's falking the User-Agent: in sip.conf
05:48.11Juggieyah i figured that
05:48.41ManxPowerI won't give my business to companies that try to lock their customers into hardware.
05:48.48Crumblescan't i make 2 different extensions ring at the same time whenever i get an incoming call? :(
05:49.10ManxPowerCrumbles: real The Gook
05:49.14jboti heard book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
05:49.16Crumblesthere's a book?
05:49.30Crumblesi tried blah&blah and it didn't do anything
05:51.54ManxPowerJuggie: Crumbles got Asterisk working behind NAT in a very short time.
05:52.20Crumblesyeah i found it already
05:52.26Crumblesi typoed something stupid
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05:53.32Juggiewhats that have to do with anything
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06:26.38FuriousGeorgehey all
06:27.23FuriousGeorgei was asking about this earlier today and no one knew what i was talking about:  when i transfer an extension on the PSTN to a meetme from my remote sip phone, asterisk loses the PSTN parties audi
06:28.23FuriousGeorgeso ill assume that netsplit pushed my ? off the page
06:28.53Supaplexpstn has extensions?
06:28.58FuriousGeorgewhen i forward a pstn party to a meetme their audio gets lost, but only when i do it from my remote sip phone
06:29.07FuriousGeorgeSupaplex: yes
06:29.42Supaplexto clarify, you try to connect a call from pstn into a meetme using your phone?
06:29.44FuriousGeorgeand only when the extension is on the pstn
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06:30.09FuriousGeorgeSupaplex: yeah, i transfer it there
06:30.16FuriousGeorgeif the party is local then its fine
06:30.24FuriousGeorgeor if the phone is local it is fine
06:30.32Supaplexwhat do you mean by extension on the pstn?
06:30.43FuriousGeorgeSupaplex: i just mean a number
06:30.50FuriousGeorgea did
06:31.21FuriousGeorgewell let me try rebooting the server
06:31.38Supaplexstrange. I'm not sure what to look into on that one.
06:31.54FuriousGeorgeSupaplex: and last time i tried it it worked
06:32.47FuriousGeorgeso something is very odd.  it almost seems like a nat issue but nat traversal works with every other call
06:33.30Supaplexwell, time for that 7-8hr nap we call sleep/bed.  nite.
06:33.32Supaplexbest of luck.
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07:23.35bluregardhi all
07:23.52bluregardanyone alive?
07:24.19FuriousGeorgedepends on your question
07:24.28bluregarddon't have a question
07:24.39bluregardjust bored out of my skull
07:25.08[TK]D-Fender"Boring is between your ears"
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07:36.19nextimeis function agent available on 1.2.13?
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08:07.12wdsatrneed help
08:07.29wdsatranyone here
08:08.29SheriF_SpacEwdsatr: what is ur problem ?
08:12.00wdsatrI am a windows person and new to fedore and having trouble installing asterisk
08:12.39wdsatrafter installing is typed export
08:12.47SheriF_SpacEwdsatr: what is the problem ? how do u need to isntal it ? compiling or YUM
08:12.49wdsatrand I get unknow host
08:12.55SheriF_SpacEwdsatr: why ur using the CVS ?
08:13.26SheriF_SpacEwdsatr: to be easy  i think u can YUM install ASterisk zaptel and ur done " but i don't know which verstion fedora include ...
08:13.32wdsatri dont know i am  just following what it said on
08:13.57SheriF_SpacEwdsatr: leave that link for now ... try install it 1st with ur pacakge manger
08:15.09wdsatrok I have fedore core 6. could you let me know how to install. all the steps if you can please
08:20.04SheriF_SpacEwdsatr: i'm not a fedora user u can ask how to setup ur package manager in #fedora
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08:55.28hadsThat page is out of date if it mentions cvs.
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09:18.18M_atTry downloading the tar.gz files rather than taking it from CVS
09:18.18wdsatrI just want to install asterisk and play with it
09:18.19M_atThere's also a vmware package with it pre-installed that you can use on windows if you want to do it that way
09:18.19wdsatrI have downloaded it but do now know what to do with it
09:18.27jboti guess book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
09:18.27M_atI'd suggest getting used to Linux before getting into * - Asterisk is quite complex and spending a few weeks working with Linux and just getting used to the command line and file editting will serve you in very good stead
09:18.27M_atOr download trixbox and play with that for a month
09:18.27M_atThat's Linux + * + FreePBX + More pre configured
09:18.27JTyeah but you don't learn much taking that route
09:19.27M_atI dunno, I learnt quite a bit digging through the config files it created
09:19.28JTwhich is great if you know how to dig around config files
09:19.28M_atBut whatever you do you need to understand how to compile software and edit text files, where libraries live and where to find packages and source code that may not be installed as standard
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09:28.37patrickvoxanyone can give me a hand on voice translation-rule on cisco ios as5400 ?
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10:02.23nextimeis function agent available on 1.2.13?
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11:15.18wdsatrquestion what does in mean when it says "The configure script must be excuted before running make". how do is do it
11:18.57Ftexcomwdsatr, ./configure
11:29.56WildPikachudoesn't appear speex wants to work with me
11:33.54xhelioxI told you not to disrespect the speex gods.
11:34.00xhelioxNow look what's happened.
11:37.06WildPikachu"codec_speex.c:278 speextolin_framein: Out of buffer space"
11:37.29WildPikachuthe person i'm trying to call says i sound like donald duck  :(
11:37.52xhelioxPerhaps there's nothing wrong with the codec and the truth just hurts?
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12:04.47kink0how to return a BUSY,CONGESTION or NOANSWER to the caller party ? I need to return some cause codes to the peer
12:06.24kink0I set an extension like s,1,goto(s-${DIALSTATUS})  but what to place on s-BUSY or s-CONGESTION extensions in a manner the call is hanged returning the cause to the sender peer ?
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12:21.15kink0I set an extension like s,1,goto(s-${DIALSTATUS})  but what to place on s-BUSY or s-CONGESTION extensions in a manner the call is hanged returning the cause to the sender peer ?
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12:43.50Zork_Hi. I'm having some trouble getting chan_misdn working. When an outgoing call comes in through my ISDN, my SIP phone rings only once. If I pick it up, everything is fine. If I don't pick it up fast enough, it stops ringing like the other party hanged up (but didn't). As for dialing out though ISDN, it seems like only L1 gets activated, but never L2. Never really dials out, and gives up in 4-6 seconds. I've been fiddeling with this for quite a while
12:50.20kink0Zork_ paste your Dial() extension line, may be just timeout
12:50.41Zork_exten => _8X.,2,Dial(mISDN/1/${EXTEN:1},40,Tr)
12:52.24Zork_But I do get output on the console (like P[ 1] MGMT: SSTATUS: L1_ACTIVATED), so I think it must be something else.
12:55.43Zork_B.t.w. This pops up in my message log at restart: kernel: MDL_ERROR|REQ (tei_l2)
12:58.25Zork_Seems to be the cause of all evil (I think), as it is layer 2 that doesn't seem to be working correctly.
12:58.38Zork_Can this be caused by a configuration error on my part?
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12:59.53t_shravanUSING SIP
12:59.57t_shravanCAN ANY ONE HELP ME OUT
13:01.10Zork_B.t.w.: The MDL_ERROR only pops up in pmtp mode, if in ptp mode, that error is not present. But instead "kernel: l2mgr: addr:40000102 prim 23082 G" is shown (though the problem remains).
13:01.47SheriF_SpacEt_shravan: how do u make the call , what coceds , and the connection ?
13:02.11kink0Zork_, has you any absoutetimeout sentence in your extension.conf ?
13:02.56Zork_kink0: Nope.
13:03.32kink0Zork_ what happens if you dial your SIP phone from the console instead from incoming from the ISDN ? is ok ? still ringing ?
13:04.20Zork_How do I do that from console?
13:05.44kink0place your SIP phone on one local extension and then type dial <exten> in the CLI
13:06.03t_shravanI AM USING G729
13:06.22kink0in that way you can issolate the problem, if still one ring, then may be some timeout in your SIP phone configuration
13:07.16Zork_I get a "Unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp: Permission denied"  if I do that...
13:08.01Zork_t_shravan: No need for caps...
13:09.05kink0Zork_ stop all other apps that are ussing your sound device. If still, I would try to re-execute alsaconf
13:09.23kink0( I suposse you are ussing ALSA and you have one sound card )
13:09.32Zork_kink0: However, I can call SIP -> SIP. And it keeps ringing...
13:09.47Zork_Is that good enough?
13:09.49kink0ahh ok, then is the same test.
13:09.54kink0yes, enough
13:10.20kink0then the problem is just when an ISDN call arrives , have you try to debug and seek for some mistake ?
13:10.59Zork_yes... but I didn't quite get it... :-) It just seems to hang up.
13:11.11Zork_Perhaps it is easier to concentrate on dialing out through ISDN?
13:12.20Zork_When dialing out, a few seconds after seeing "P[ 1] MGMT: SSTATUS: L1_ACTIVATED", I get the following:
13:12.21Zork_P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:3f182
13:12.22Zork_P[ 1]  --> lib: RELEASE_CR Ind with l3id:30002
13:12.22Zork_P[ 1]  --> lib: CLEANING UP l3id: 30002
13:12.59Zork_(and a bit more, but I figured this might be the important lines)
13:13.44Zork_Is there a "paste-site" used here? Where I can paste the full output?
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13:15.48Zork_I posted the full output when dialing out here:
13:19.54Zork_And that "kernel: l2mgr: addr:40000102 prim 23082 G" popped up in my message log again.
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13:24.12Zork_any idea kink0 ?
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13:32.48FuriousGeorgehey all
13:33.03FuriousGeorgeanyone know what people use for a video conferencing solution
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13:40.13t_shravanwhere can i get the non commercial g729
13:40.39ManxPowert_shravan: there is no such thing as non-commercial G729
13:41.30Zork_Can someone tell me what goes wrong here:
13:41.54Zork_I'm trying to dial out through an ISDN line. But after L1_ACTIVATED it seems to go wrong...
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13:54.24coppiceis the commercial G.729 the one that keeps interrupting your conversation to tell you about shampoo or soap?
13:57.54xhelioxsay what?
14:04.17Zork_Is there an easy way to test misdn without using asterisk?
14:06.12ManxPowerZork_: What card do you have?
14:06.28Zork_Dynalink SP64+
14:06.46Zork_which is a w6692pci card.
14:07.03ManxPowerZork_: you must not be in the USA/Canada.
14:07.15Zork_True, I'm from The Netherlands.
14:07.29ManxPowerZork_: Also try #asterisk-drinkers  There are a fair number of EuroPeople there.
14:07.37Zork_drinkers ;-) lol
14:07.50ManxPowerZork_: I liked the netherlands when I was there visiting.
14:08.35Zork_I like living there :-)
14:09.15ManxPowerAmsterdam, Delft, and the ciy the Phillips factory was.
14:09.47Zork_I presume?
14:09.51coppice"ciy the Phillips factory" would be ShenZhen or ShangHai
14:13.36ManxPowerI'm disappointed about the growing anti-immigration movement in the Nederlands
14:14.29Zork_Yes, they have been pulling up some barriers lately. Whether or not that's a good thing, I don't know.
14:15.06ManxPowerBefore Katrina I wanted to move to the Netherlands
14:15.52Zork_Where are you from?
14:16.09ManxPowerI was from New Orleans / Mississippi Coast
14:16.47Zork_Ah, I see. So Katrina hit you personally I guess...
14:17.15ManxPower.6m of floowing
14:17.19ManxPowerflooding that is
14:17.26Zork_That sucks.
14:19.46ManxPowerZork_: ISDN BRI is very uncommon in the USA, so you won't find much help from people there.
14:20.20Zork_Oh well, I'll keep struggling ;-)
14:20.35ManxPowerZork_: more and more people in Europe are using ISDN BRI with Asterisk.  Don't give up.
14:20.35Zork_There must be a way to get it to work eventually :-)
14:21.17Zork_Though I am considering to trade my ISDN line in for a SIP line...
14:21.33ManxPowerZork_: ISDN will always be more reliable than VoIP
14:21.39Zork_Yes I know.
14:21.55Zork_But I don't use it for data.
14:22.44Zork_And if I trade it in for a VOIP line, then I get to call for free to all landlines in The Netherlands, for the same price I'm paying now.
14:23.07Zork_But I'm not sure yet.
14:23.34Zork_If I do, then I still want to use my ISDN phones. So I guess I will have to see if I can get the ISDN card working in NT mode right?
14:24.24Zork_B.t.w.: Would I have to change a lot in the wiring if I would like to do that?
14:24.40Zork_Or just put a terminator on the end which used to lead to the ISDN out?
14:25.08ManxPowerISDN BRI normally uses 1 pair (2 wires), you should not have to change the wiring.
14:25.59Zork_And the terminator? Would that be required?
14:26.05kaldemarerm.. the U interface uses one pair, but the S/T uses two pairs.
14:28.58Zork_Well, if I plug out the line, the phone's display goes dead. And if I plug in a terminator. It's still dead :-) So I guess it's not that easy :-)
14:29.09Zork_Can every ISDN card be set in NT mode?
14:29.48*** join/#asterisk peka (
14:31.13pekahi everybody
14:31.15kaldemardon't know about every, but you can find a small list here:
14:32.18kaldemari've tried junghanns 4 port model and some hfc model (don't know the manufacturer), and they both worked with bristuff.
14:32.56pekadoes anyone know the default value and the range of possible values for the silencethreshold setting in voicemail.conf?
14:35.34SheriF_SpacEi have a question .. now i have 2 lines comming out from the PSTN over PRI or BRI "not sure don't know "  to a  Cisco VG " as i think " routed to 2 analog phones " as i understand this are extensions lines " so  the user has to dial 9 before the call .. now i want to plug the 2 lines to an asterisk box . which
14:37.10tzafrir_laptopSheriF_SpacE, just asking the same question again and again is not a good idea
14:37.37tzafrir_laptopFor instance: is it PRI or BRI? This is something you could easily check
14:37.42kaldemarfirst of all you have to find out whether your line is BRI or PRI. 2 lines suggests that it is BRI.
14:38.16SheriF_SpacEtzafrir_laptop: i ask it only when i see new active member
14:38.20kaldemarthen the case is that you need hardware that supports your line, then you can start thinking about modules.
14:38.21SheriF_SpacEmay be someone will help me.
14:38.44SheriF_SpacEkaldemar: i don't have control over the lines / cisco VG
14:39.08tzafrir_laptopSheriF_SpacE, start by helping yourself. I believe I started answering this yesterday. I figure others have as well. Did your question evolve?
14:39.23SheriF_SpacEkaldemar: the BRI is not mine. i only have 2 extention from this BRI want to hock them up in asterisk box what hardware i should use ?
14:39.48tzafrir_laptopFrankly, I can't easily parse your question with all of those quote marks in non-obvious places
14:40.06SheriF_SpacEtzafrir_laptop: nop ur answer didn't help :( cuz i can't use a digital card cuz i only have 2 extentions from the BRI round
14:40.10tzafrir_laptopRight. So how can you connect to that extra box?
14:40.13ManxPowerSheriF_SpacE: I would just use SIP between the Cisco and Asterisk
14:40.42SheriF_SpacEManxPower: can't i don't have access to teh Cisco thing .. it's like i'm renting to extention lines and thats it.
14:40.51kaldemarSheriF_SpacE: i'm not quite sure about the scenario. find out exactly what the line is and how you plan on connecting to it, then someone could be able to help you.
14:41.25tzafrir_laptopA simple single-port BRI card is much cheaper than even a single FXO module for the TDM card. And you'll need two. Not to mention the better quality.
14:41.39SheriF_SpacEkaldemar: it's not about the line the idea is what i'm using is not a nromal PSTN line it's an exntesions in the VG deviec so i should use FXS or FXO modules ?
14:42.13tzafrir_laptopAn FXO module acts like a phone. If you can hook up a normal analog phone there, you need an FXO port.
14:42.27kaldemarif they're analog extensions meant for analog telephones, you should use fxo.
14:42.53kaldemarwe're having a stereo transmission here. :)
14:43.09tzafrir_laptopjust some non-perfect echo
14:43.23pekaseems like nobody's at their keyboards
14:43.29SheriF_SpacEtzafrir_laptop: kaldemar: this is my problem i know that FXO modules for PSTN lines. and i use this senario in the office . but this 2 new extension lines i thought i should plug it to FXS..
14:43.33kaldemarnon-perfect echo. how rude.
14:44.06SheriF_SpacEkaldemar: yes i can hock normal analog phone to the line
14:44.08tzafrir_laptopkaldemar, I didn't tell the direction...
14:44.09SheriF_SpacEand to call i dial 9
14:44.16SheriF_SpacEthen i get a tone and i dial the number i want
14:44.22kaldemartzafrir_laptop: hehe
14:44.30SheriF_SpacEso to plug same line into asteriks u think i need FXO module not FXS ?
14:44.46kaldemarSheriF_SpacE: you've had your answer twice already.
14:46.41pekai've seen a default value of 128 being mentioned for silencethreshold. other sources claim it to be 1000. does anyone know for sure?
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14:47.57SheriF_SpacEkaldemar: tzafrir_laptop okay thx :-) and sorry but ti's very confusing for me
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14:56.29pekaor could you point me to an url where i might find an authoritative answer?
14:57.07SheriF_SpacEpeka: did u cehck voip-info in voicemail.conf page?
14:58.12tzafrir_laptoppeka, frankly I'm not sure which is the config file you're talking about and why you suddenly need to change it.
14:58.45pekai looked for it at maybe i missed something
14:59.33pekait's in voicemail.conf
15:01.53pekai'm just interested in this because setting it to a value of 1000 might either be fine or if the range is 0-255 somehow be mapped to fit or might be reset to a hardcoded default
15:02.12pekajust want to be sure ...
15:07.47tzafrir_laptopWhat does this parameter mean? What are the units?
15:07.57xnoni have some question
15:08.21xnonif the Port Range 10000 - 20000 is a RTP PORT
15:08.31xnonwhy in my phone say 8000?
15:09.01pekasilencethreshold - When using the maxsilence setting, it is sometimes necessary to adjust the silence detection threshold to eliminate false triggering on background noise. - Silencethreshold allows the adminstrator to do just that. The default silencethreshold value is 128. Higher numbers raise the threshold so that more background noise is needed to cause the silence detector to reset. When employing this setting, some experimentation will be necessary
15:09.03tzafrir_laptopAsterisk uses this port range for ports it opens. The other party may use other values.
15:09.42xnoncan i change the port 8000 for the otherone in the asterisk conf files?
15:10.04xnonwhat kind port is it? UDP or TCP
15:10.17tzafrir_laptopIt shouldn't matter. But if it does, you need to configure the phone.
15:10.32tzafrir_laptopRTP is generally UDP
15:10.42pekathat's from voip-info. but it doesnt give any information about the units of the setting
15:11.05pekai thought you knew ... :)
15:11.24xnonso i can chancge the port 8000 in my phone and the same work?
15:11.38xnon8001 maybe!
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15:17.03tzafrir_laptopxnon, does it really matter? You should not assume in your filewall that all RTP traffic to remote hosts is to ports 10000:20000
15:17.36xnonyes but i have 2 Asterisk server in my local net!
15:18.04tzafrir_laptopBecause that port number is sent as part of the handshaking, and is not set to stone in the SIP specifications.
15:18.16xnoni have one FreeBSD Machine with Asterisk direct connect in a cablemodem with a 1 IP Static Address
15:18.47xnonand other Asterisk Server Trixbox behind this FreeBSD
15:19.13xnonthe FreeBSD Server its a Asterisk PBX and Gateway Firewall
15:19.32xnonbut i can use 2 servers in the same ports
15:20.39xnonhow i can make 2 asterisk server in my local area network
15:21.30xnonand register near the extranet with a IP Phone
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15:24.31pekais it possible to record voice messages in mp3 format? i have seen information on using mp3 for music on hold but not for recording
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15:39.19Xen^mog : arround ?
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16:06.13kink0how is possible I got this:"14","0","NO ANSWER" .... "s-CHANUNAVAI"   ?
16:06.45kink0in the case PRI has not any available channels, how I get a time for dial and ringing the call ?
16:10.15*** join/#asterisk awannabe (
16:12.28kink0ahhh ok !!! I Think I understand...... CHANUNAVAL is that the Asterisk channels is not up, I think I had interpreted as there no any channel available in the PRI ( like Congestion )
16:14.56awannabeis there a way if a SIP phone is on a call that when you ring that phone it will go stright to voicemail?
16:15.35*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
16:16.03kink0awannabe, use $DIALSTATUS, if BUSY then go to voicemail
16:16.30awannabekink0: BUSY is the same as on a call?
16:17.18[TK]D-Fender"Busy" is a bad concept with multi-line phones in mind....
16:17.35awannabeyeah, i agree, thats why im confused i guess, heh
16:17.44awannabeso a macro would be the best for this situtation then?
16:17.54[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : what do you want to do exactly, and pastebin what you've done.
16:18.25awannabeive done nothing yet, heh, i got a few phones that if they are on a call and they get a 2nd call they want it to go stright to voicemail
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16:19.33[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : I take it their phones can accept addition calls then?
16:19.40Zork_Besides my PCI isdn card, I also have a serial CAPI capable ISDN modem (Dynalink IS128 I believe). Would it be possible to hook that one up to asterisk (I presume via CAPI)?
16:19.52awannabe[TK]D-Fender: yeah, snom 360s
16:20.35[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : thats a sad request....  You'll want to do a ChanIsAvail on the target phone with the "s" option and gotif out of the way then.
16:20.56awannabei agree, these people are stupid, heh
16:21.45awannabeive also got to figure a way for the recepontist to transfer calls stright to voicemail without using extensions, they _only_ want to use short buttons on the phone
16:21.54[TK]D-FenderFirst picking a *bleh* phone, then CRIPPLING it to boot....
16:22.15awannabei like the snoms!
16:22.48[TK]D-Fender"Without using extensions" ?  Clarify please.
16:22.48awannabeive got to have DSS keys, polycoms dont suport that in a way that most old skool PBX customers want
16:23.13awannabeone touch transfers, you know using DSS keys / shortcut keys on the phones themself
16:23.49[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : Sure you can.  Add as a speedial and it'll show up on the line-keys. Then you get expansion modules for the 601.
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16:24.10awannabethose are stupid pricey, and take up WAY to much desk room
16:24.22[TK]D-Fendertechnically it'd be a 3 key transfer : [transfer] [blind] [target person's key]
16:24.38awannabethe snoms can 54 extensions for 300 bucks, and the polycom can do 52 extensiosn for around 900 bucks, heh
16:25.01awannabewhat do you mean [blind] ?
16:25.24awannabewell imean, i understand that, but wondeirng how you would do that on the phone, heh
16:26.14[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : Not that bad.... 800$ :)
16:26.36[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : assuiming that  the receptioninst wouldn't want to do attended transfers all the time....
16:26.40awannabebut the desk space it takes up is stupid, polycom needs to rethink that setup, its just to big, heh
16:26.59awannabeyeah, see that the prob, she wants to do attended, and then sometimes just send them stright to their voicemail
16:27.03[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : Well they leave you lots of nice space to see the name :)
16:27.23awannabewith normal PBXs you can just hit "voicemail" then the extension or whatever, heh
16:27.51awannabei was going to use polycom with tihs customer originally, but they said they were cheap looking and didnt like them, this customer is a odd bunch, ill say that much, lol
16:28.46[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : yeah ...  Polycom's are still my favourite, but I have it on good authority that Aastra is about to come out with something REALLY nice pretty soon :)
16:29.08ManxPowerPolycoms are in my opinion the best phone considering price, sound quality, poliocies, features
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16:29.51tRSShas anyone successfully used iCall with asterisk?
16:29.53awannabepolycoms are great, i just hate the receponisit solution is so big and pricey, heh
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16:30.02[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : I was at a clients last night and had some Polycoms that kinda crapped out and I've got working next to me right now.  I brought their IP 601 back and now have every desktop model currently available at home :)
16:31.09awannabecan you set that up on the polycom to where with 2 buttons you can transfer the call to voiucemail?
16:31.33awannabeall my voicemailboxes are 9xxx, gotta be a way, heh
16:31.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower : I just something TOTALLY whacked you've got to try!
16:33.06[TK]D-FenderManxPower : Using 2 Polys call from #1 to #2 twice, and hit "join" on both sides, then make any noise your want :)
16:33.20[TK]D-FenderManxPower : And watch the bouncing begin!
16:33.53[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : You can, but you'd have to set those speed dials to the # witht he "9" in front, and you'd lose the ability to use that key to call the actual person.
16:36.00awannabei wonder if i can assign a speed dial to have "9" then press the 2nd speeddial with the extensions, and have it complete the call somehow
16:36.21Zork_Hey Fender. I have a problem with dialing out through an ISDN line. I've got the debug output on . If you have the time, perhaps you can take a look to see if you know what's wrong?
16:36.36Zork_Been fighting this all day to no avail :-(
16:37.13[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : nope.
16:37.31Zork_(incoming calls also don't work that great, but that's a different story)
16:37.41[TK]D-FenderZork_ : Sorry, never worked with BRI
16:37.52Zork_k, NP. Thanks.
16:40.31Zork_Just wondering... What exactly is BRI, and how did you figure out that I'm using that?
16:40.56awannabeBRI is two channel ISDN, PRI is multi channel
16:41.49Zork_Ah... okay... Thanks.
16:47.11tRSSis there a service similar to ipkall that would allow me to make outbound calls when configured with asterisk? ;)
16:47.27tRSSfor free ? :oP
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17:03.36tzangerofftopic question
17:03.38tzangeranyone know how to find the network security settings on an xp system as guest?
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17:11.38[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Why login as administrator of course!
17:18.10TommyTheKidSo, I asked a couple days ago about a "double-ringing" sound when I dial out via PRI lines (not SIP). I have seen a few posts around the net on various mailing lists that ask about it, but no one ever seemed to find a resolution? I just updated to the latest (GA) Asterisk and Zaptel to make sure that wasn't the cause. I have verified that we have 4 individual PRI's, not NFAS.. I have tried changing the LBO number (no effect). Any suggestions..
17:19.20TommyTheKidof course we would have a netsplit right as I am typing that :)
17:19.44[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : Are you using the "r" optin in your Dial command?
17:19.45*** join/#asterisk Mw3 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:19.56TommyTheKidno, (that was in the pastebin comment) :)
17:20.12[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : PB your zapata.conf
17:20.20TommyTheKidits up there
17:21.00TommyTheKid"priindication = outofband" was a suggestion last time (sorry I don't remember who) .. but that didn't seem to work either
17:21.03[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : I don't see it...
17:21.34TommyTheKidstarts about line 21
17:21.34TommyTheKidI "excluded" the comments
17:21.34[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : I don't see your pastebin..... link it please.
17:21.56TommyTheKidI proably overflowed a buffer that was a pretty long message ;)
17:22.17[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : Why the large LBO?
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17:23.07TommyTheKidI am not sure what to put there... We have a cross wired T1 that goes from our server room thru the building wiring (patch panels) to the main server room (two buildings away, and across the courtyard) to the main PBX
17:23.26TommyTheKidit was a "SWAG" .. I admit :)
17:23.46TommyTheKidit was "0" before, trying "3" .. neither seems to have an effect, positive or negative
17:24.47[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : You only use LBO when your wiring is very long and needs a boost.  Get rid of the "priindication" line.
17:24.57TommyTheKidAll the "network" connectivity is via 1000SX, or I would say the 300ft one
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17:25.31[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : And I'd suggest "pridialplan=local" and prilocaldialplan=local" as well.
17:26.12TommyTheKidwhat exactly does overlapdial do?
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17:26.58TommyTheKidpri(local)dialplan said it was only very rarely used, but I can add it and try it :)
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17:28.09TommyTheKidstill double ringing
17:28.21[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : Did you kill * and reload zaptel then restart *?
17:28.27TommyTheKidyea "restart now"
17:28.32TommyTheKider.. now
17:29.54TommyTheKidheh, guh, you can't rmmod as "asterisk" :)
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17:32.17TommyTheKidok, afer a full stop, remove modules, reload modules, start asterisk, still have double ring :)
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17:35.45TommyTheKidunaffiliated? :
17:36.09Qwellyeah...something like that
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17:53.32zippytechany one know anything about dundi
17:54.16xheliox[TK]D-Fender: Around?
17:55.24[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : yup
17:56.29xhelioxWhen using the forward function on the Polycom's, it by default sends the call to Local/<number>@current-inboundcontext.
17:56.37xhelioxHow can I force it to use a different context?
17:57.13[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : can't.  Forwarding isn't a Polycom thing, its a SIP thing.  Contextx don't exist, only users.  and the polycom user has a context.  thats where call's go.  Period.
17:57.41[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : And since the Polycom is doing the forwarding its based on where IT is allowed to go.
17:59.07xhelioxYeah, but it's not going to the context that the Polycom user is in, it's going to the context which the call was last sent to...
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17:59.41xhelioxSo if it comes in on [default] and I use goto(inbound,s,1)... it tries to dial out over [inbound].
18:00.53[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : It goes out wherever that person would normally.  Which means employees can abuse work to call LD relatives, etc in many implementations.
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18:02.57xhelioxOkay. Thanks.
18:07.10TommyTheKidxheliox: forward (at least on the cisco) uses the context that the *user* (of the phone) is in, not the inbound context
18:07.32xhelioxTommyTheKid: Yeah, that's what I thought, but I'm positive that's not what's happening.
18:07.39[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : Thats exactly what was clarified
18:07.45TommyTheKidmaybe you need "insecure=invite" :)
18:08.20TommyTheKidcan the phone in question make that call without forwarding in play?
18:09.03TommyTheKidfuck I really hate the 186XX extensions.. i get a flood of inbound calls at the top of every hour
18:13.22xhelioxTommyTheKid: Yes, without any issue. And I've not normally noticed this, because my contexts are usually less hairy. :)
18:13.25TommyTheKidxheliox: another good test (IMO) is to make your inbound calls be on an "inbound" context, that way if something ends up in "default" you know something has gone awry
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18:16.48TommyTheKidalso just tested with my polycom 500 .. it gets a sip 302 "moved temporarily" back
18:17.19TommyTheKidI think I had to add something to allow for the stupid EBS servers to do that "promiscuously"
18:18.08TommyTheKid"promiscredir = yes"
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18:18.28TommyTheKidbut I don't know if thats needed for this :)
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18:22.44file[TK]D-Fender: eep!
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18:25.07[TK]D-Fenderfile : I don't want to work today!
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18:26.25file[TK]D-Fender: disappear off the map!
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18:31.36asdxwhere can i get the book?
18:32.06TommyTheKidyour local library?
18:33.41asdxthe asterisk free book i mean
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18:37.05svenna_asdx: google:
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18:40.03[TK]D-FenderComing to a duplexing laser printer near you!
18:41.44asdxsvenna_: thanks
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18:47.58[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : Printed nice for me and I don't mind the dimensioning marks personally.
18:48.05[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : makes me feel "on taget" :)
18:52.22TommyTheKidheh, and I was just thinking for $20, it might actually be less expensive to just buy it on Amazon.. of course you can read the PDF for instant gratification :)
18:55.06TommyTheKidstarfish was a sweet "logo" tho :)
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18:57.12[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid : 300 pg @ 1.2 c/ page + 500pg ream @ 4$ (500) means the book costs < 7$ to print yourself (CDN)
18:57.37TommyTheKidthen you really ought to have it bound :)
18:57.40mogand you dont support the authors
18:57.41*** join/#asterisk edhorton (
18:57.45mogwho are good guys
18:57.52TommyTheKidmog: <-- moose already taken
18:57.53mogand gave you book for free anyways
18:58.11moghmm freaking apache
18:58.15[TK]D-Fendermog : What are you talking about.... I drove file around town while he was down here last year! :)
18:58.27[TK]D-Fendermog : Blitzrage too!
18:58.34mogfile didnt write the book
18:58.39mogblitzrage did
18:58.52[TK]D-Fendermog : And I think my support in HERE is somewhat counts, no?
18:59.30mogid just prefer people pay for book
18:59.35mogbut this is my personal preference
18:59.39mogpeople do what they want
18:59.50mogi own 4 coppies so i guess i make up for some other people
19:00.05fileI only own 1, I'm lame >_<
19:00.52mogwell 3 of them were gifts....
19:01.48mogpeople keep thinking, hey you love asterisk, ill get you the asterisk book
19:02.10filemog: internet status?!?
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19:02.31mog20% packet loss
19:02.35mogreasonable speed
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19:02.41mogvery annoyed
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19:05.34mogand because i added a tuner to my myth box
19:05.37mogi need more ram
19:05.41mogwhich is depressing
19:05.45mogbut meh had to do it
19:08.03*** join/#asterisk jim_sunnyvale (
19:08.15jim_sunnyvalegood morning, i've been around asterisk for a couple of years, but first time on IRC
19:09.49jim_sunnyvalecan i ask a question of the group regarding Polycom and NAT traversal?
19:10.35Xen^mog : you arround ?
19:11.01mogbut busy
19:11.17Xen^have you fixed that thing which i showed you last time ?
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19:15.47jim_sunnyvaledid my question make it out to the group?
19:16.19jim_sunnyvalei'm new to irc
19:16.19fileyes, and it's better to just ask your question
19:16.19filethat way if someone has an answer/wants to answer, they will answer
19:16.24jim_sunnyvaleok, thx
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19:25.51file[TK]D-Fender: how about that weather eh?
19:27.00jim_sunnyvalei am trying to install a customer with Linksys RV082 and 5 Polycom IP501 (firmware is 1.6.6)
19:27.14jim_sunnyvalethe asterisk system is on a public IP at a colo
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19:27.58jim_sunnyvalethe phones are marked NAT=YES and QUALIFY=YES but the issue is the phones become UNREACHABLE all the time
19:28.17jim_sunnyvalei've even gone so far as to trun the firewall on the RV082 off.
19:28.45jim_sunnyvaleproblem occurs on CISCO 7940 too, but LINKSYS PAP2 stays registered just fine
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19:29.16jim_sunnyvalethese same phones on the same IP connection work just fine behind a Linksys WRT54G
19:29.34jim_sunnyvaleany ideas would be appreciated, sorry for the long question
19:29.38EmleyMoorCan someone direct me to a softphone that works well on a network behind a NAT, when the asterisk box to which it connects is at a distance but on a public IP?
19:30.07EmleyMoorEr, a SIP softphone, that is
19:35.07jim_sunnyvalesjphone is a good sip phone
19:35.08jim_sunnyvaleidefisk is a good iax phone which is better at nat traveral
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19:40.58EmleyMoorOK - How about a good truly-free SIP phone that would work in my circumstances?
19:41.22EmleyMoor(I know iax is better for nat traversal - trying to get some comparison in quality)
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19:48.41EmleyMoorSorry about that - hosed my audio badly!
19:49.11EmleyMoorAny suggestions for a good truly-free SIP phone that can cope with being the wrong side of NAT?
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19:49.19kaldemarEmleyMoor: have you tried firefly?
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19:51.02EmleyMoorUm... no...
19:51.07kaldemarx-lite is also widely used.
19:51.11EmleyMoorI should also point out that I want it for Linux
19:51.22EmleyMoorWidely used but only narrowly free :-(
19:52.12kaldemarthere's quite a few soft phones also.
19:53.50EmleyMoorYes - a lot of tinkerig on both the client and service sides
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19:58.45[Wiebel]Hi there
19:59.31[Wiebel]in asterisk 1.0 you could use the "H" flag with the dial cmd. When I then called my asterisk box and press * while ringing it did a +101
19:59.49[Wiebel]now in 1.2 this doesnt work anymore unless you answer the call
19:59.50robin_szEmleyMoor, regarding soft phones .... you have two choices: 1) commercial non-free ones that work nicely, but you have to pay a few $ for .. 2) truly free ones that seem never to work, but, you COULD make them work .. apparently;
19:59.58[Wiebel]is there a way to get this working ?
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20:07.17EmleyMoorIs there a reasonably good listing of Linux SIP softphones?
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20:07.34SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: what ?
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20:08.08EmleyMoorI'm trying to investigate what softphones are available for Linux
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20:08.48SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: ahh there is a softphone page in voip-info check it out
20:09.20EmleyMoorYes, but that's a list of softphones generally - some of which are only for Windows...
20:09.47SheriF_SpacEthen there is no linux version of this phones ;-)
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20:10.30EmleyMoor... yes - but I want to see at a glance which ones do exist for Linux - not in the smallprintg
20:12.45EmleyMoorIt's like this... Somename Softphone - described but no OS mentioned...
20:12.57EmleyMoorAnothername Softphone - described - for Windows...
20:13.03EmleyMoorAnd so on
20:13.20EmleyMoorIt needs a spade to dig out which are for Linux
20:17.42EmleyMoorHmmm... found a useful list of VoIP stuff available for Linux
20:18.56*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
20:19.08SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: great
20:21.51EmleyMoorHow do I set up kphone to use a specific audio device?
20:23.44EmleyMoor(can it be done)
20:25.49mpruettGuys - When I try to send a sip notify messsage to one of my Sipura devices, I get "401 Unauthorixed" message back. DOes anyone know why this would happen? THe device is working fine otherwise - registration, term, orig, etc..
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20:35.24EmleyMoorAre all iax softphones "mostly the same quality"?
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20:39.20SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: i think so
20:39.37SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: i wish to find a decent open source SIP/IAX phone .. i think Ekiga very promising
20:39.57EmleyMoorEkiga refuses to run for me - complains about a missing audio plugin
20:42.53EmleyMoorOr rather, no usable audio plugin
20:44.03SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: what is ur distro ?
20:44.10SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: and how did u install ekiga ?
20:44.26EmleyMoorDebian - went into aptitude and selected it
20:46.46SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: u can do aptitude install ekiga and should get all dependancies
20:47.03EmleyMoorThat is the equivalent of what I did
20:47.47SheriF_SpacEEmleyMoor: but what u mean with missing audio plugin /what is the error message ?
20:48.19EmleyMoorNo usable audio plugin detected
20:51.21*** join/#asterisk Eliran_Itzhak (
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20:51.59Ken_romhi guys:)
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20:52.36Ken_romi`m looking for some help
20:52.46Ken_romcoding a php script
20:53.06[Wiebel]what is used for logging asterisk calls nowadays?
20:53.12[Wiebel]frontend that is
20:55.21Ken_romcan anyone help me plz
20:56.11Zork_Ken_rom: Is this #php? ;-)
20:56.29Ken_rombut i need help linking the script to the dailer
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20:57.08Zork_Not that I can help you with that, but it might help specifying what you want.
20:57.51wunderkinKen_rom, you probably want to use the manager
20:58.12Ken_romhuh? what manager?
20:59.14wunderkinasterisk manager, there should be some info on the wiki
21:01.12SheriF_SpacEKen_rom: there is asterisk-php thing
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21:02.22Ken_romsorry about that i ot dc
21:02.38Ken_romwhat was that u guys were telling me about some type of amanger
21:04.16wunderkinok well i forgot what the command is now
21:04.56*** join/#asterisk sloth (
21:05.15[Wiebel]anyone using for cisco 79xx phones by any chance?
21:07.15slothanyone know how i might create the ability for each extension to have their own music on hold?
21:09.20slothPerhaps would i use SetMusicOnHold before dialing the extension?
21:09.58EmleyMoorAh, sorted it
21:10.13EmleyMoorI now get a security failure :-(
21:10.40EmleyMoorSecurity check failed when I try to make a call
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21:15.17EmleyMoorNow, why would that be?
21:16.49*** join/#asterisk tRSS (n=tRSS@
21:18.25tRSSi need some help with firewall and natting. i have successfully port forwarded my udp 5060 to my asterisk box. but the user can't hear any sound. my asterisk is behind a nat and so is the user. rtp debug showed me the following several similar lines: Sent RTP packet to 193.XX2.2XX.2:49154 (type 3, seq 51417, ts 160, len 33)
21:18.46tRSSi mean the user is behind another nat.
21:19.00wunderkin5060 is not rtp
21:19.05tRSSi know
21:19.19tRSSi meant, i have port forwarded 10000-10003 on my firewall as well
21:19.26tRSSfor rtp
21:19.38tRSStesting with limited ports initially
21:23.09mishehusip + rtp is a pain when NAT is involved, but then again, NAT itself is a glorious hack.
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21:23.46mishehuI see that the linux kernel netfilter modules includes ip_nat_sip as of kernel 2.6.18
21:24.34tRSSmishehu: you are right and for that reason, i have my iax working perfectly. i just want to be able to run sip as well over the nat, because a lot of my users will demand sip initially
21:25.09EmleyMoorI want to get sip working over nat too - just in case
21:25.27[TK]D-FendertRSS : Don't limit your ports while you're just trying to get it working period.  Please pastebin the [general] section of your sip.conf
21:25.58tRSS[TK]D-Fender: good to see you around. pasting now.. give me a sec.
21:26.02*** join/#asterisk techie (
21:27.25tRSS[TK]D-Fender: here you go:
21:29.29[TK]D-FendertRSS : externip should not have anything but an IP in there.  if youare only trying to get basic phones working onthe outside, then I'd suggest you pull out realm (BIG suspicion on that, esp as its a PRIVATE one),  and why is bindport at 6050 and not SIP standard 5060?
21:30.01EmleyMoorWhat does "Security check failed" mean in ekiga? How do I make it work right with asterisk?
21:30.08[TK]D-FendertRSS : And I'll trust that your preference level on G.729 is backed up licence wise on both ends if involved.
21:30.25tRSSbindport is 6050 because my isp is blocking 5060, and this machine is purely experimental machine to see how nattting and firewalls fit in my scenario
21:30.45tRSSg.729 is licensed on both ends
21:31.35tRSSi was also under the impression that i can use the hostname in externip, since, my external ip keeps changing, hence, i am using dyndns (
21:34.02[TK]D-FendertRSS : No, thats what externhost is for, and because you have BOTH, I'm not sure that that is not interfereing.  For the purpose of testing I suggest you take out the host and manually pulg in the IP.
21:34.30tRSS[TK]D-Fender: sure, let me try that.
21:35.36*** join/#asterisk cryptnix (
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21:36.43tRSStried it and got the following again (with rtp debug on): Sent RTP packet to 193.XX2.2XX.2:49156 (type 3, seq 28856, ts 160, len 33)
21:39.32[TK]D-FendertRSS : What NAT router?
21:40.15tRSSI using a linksys wrt54gs + my adsl modem ( i know, its not the best setup).
21:42.07tRSSi think i would have use some public stun server to avoid all the problems but I still believe the rtp issue would still haunt me.
21:43.02mpruettGuys - When I try to send a sip notify messsage to one of my Sipura devices, I get "401 Unauthorized" message back. Does anyone know why this would happen? The device is working fine otherwise - registration, term, orig, etc..
21:45.32*** join/#asterisk pygrammer (
21:45.36pygrammerHey all
21:46.35pygrammerI'm curious about receiving text messages on my Asterisk box from cell phones
21:46.37[TK]D-FendertRSS : An I geuss killing off "fromdomain couldn't hurt either.
21:47.15pygrammerIs this possible via IP, or do I have to go through the PSTN?
21:47.23tRSS[TK]D-Fender: true. that is there for registering when asterisk is acting as a sip client.
21:47.46*** join/#asterisk Dovid (n=Dovid@
21:47.49[TK]D-FendertRSS : You shouldn't put that in [general], only withing your peer & users setups
21:48.04*** join/#asterisk Mad_guy (
21:48.26tRSSsure. i think i will go with the tutorials at if nothing works out. they seem to fit my scenario.
21:50.06*** join/#asterisk xnon_ (i=xnon@
21:52.17pygrammerso, how can I set up receiving text messages from cell phones on my Asterisk box... I'm in the U.S., so most of the documentation out there doesn't apply
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22:46.03xhelioxsho' is quiet
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23:11.09olinuxtrying to compile the 1.4 beta on centos 4.4 (my first asterisk install)
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23:11.27olinuxinstall instructs say make && make install
23:11.40olinuxbut asterisk complains that i need to fun ./configure
23:11.44FuriousGeorgehey all
23:12.27olinuxhmm ./configure passed this time
23:12.31olinuxhi FG
23:12.44FuriousGeorgeim looking at voip info under "asterisk consultants" in the NY / NJ area.  webpages dont work, phone numbers are disconnected, and when i do get through the pbx is kinda crappy sounding :)  can anyone recommend anyone in the tri-state area
23:13.14FuriousGeorgeive installed a few systems freelance over the last few years and i need a "support partner" so i can go to europe for a while
23:14.25*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
23:21.56DovidFuriousGeorge: we are loacted in central NJ
23:22.22FuriousGeorgeDovid: mind if i pm you to ask you some ?
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23:43.24FuriousGeorge~lasttseen shmaltz
23:43.38FuriousGeorge~lastspoke shmaltz
23:43.51FuriousGeorge~lastspoke schmaltz
23:44.06FuriousGeorge~seen FuriousGeorge
23:44.21jbotfuriousgeorge is currently on #asterisk (10h 11m 39s). Has said a total of 10 messages. Is idling for 14s, last said: '~seen FuriousGeorge'.
23:44.23FuriousGeorgewadup Sup
23:44.34Supaplexsup :)
23:44.51FuriousGeorge~seen shmaltz
23:44.55jbotshmaltz <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 20h 30m 12s ago, saying: 'you are right'.
23:48.09Supaplexcan my dialplan fetch modify dates of files? what about the current line number?
23:48.17*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
23:50.53Qwellmog: y0
23:51.25Supaplexspiffy.  I'll chew on the wiki a bit.
23:54.11bluregardhi all
23:55.27bluregardI was looking at the admin guide for the polycom IP 501, can those phones pull down a directory from voicemail.conf or do you need a separate file like the xml file it talks about?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.