irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061112

00:00.01Qwell$3 :D
00:00.05Corydon76-homeQwell: I never want to hear you call me sick again.  :-P
00:00.51Strom_CCorydon76-home: are you going to be in huntsville this week?
00:01.03Corydon76-homeStrom_C: wasn't planning on it
00:01.16Corydon76-homeWhy, what's in HSV?
00:01.20Strom_Ci'm catching a redeye tonight
00:01.35Strom_Cwell it was either that or catch a 7 am flight
00:01.51Corydon76-homeWednesday is payday anyway.  I need to be in the office for that
00:02.07Corydon76-homeand I'm a little short until then
00:02.16Strom_Cand the chances of me waking up in time for the 7 am flight are close to zero :)
00:02.30Corydon76-homeStrom_C: oh, just stay up until then.  ;-)
00:03.18Corydon76-homeWait until you get to be an old fart like me.  You'll start thinking 5 am is a good time to be up
00:03.29QwellStrom_C: when do you get in?
00:03.51QwellI leave tomorrow at 9ish :p
00:03.59Strom_Cmaybe i'll see you at the airport
00:04.15Qwellstill got my cell #?
00:06.15Supaplexhow do I get the callerid in 1.0.7? (yea, it's old, but I'll upgrade when debian etch goes stable late this year)
00:06.18Strom_Cphone list for the win
00:06.37Strom_CSupaplex: um, why not just download the latest release version of asterisk and compile?
00:06.54Supaplexmay as well *sigh*
00:07.05*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
00:09.07*** join/#asterisk enzo (
00:09.38enzoi try to re-install asterisk on another server (the first is dead)
00:10.08enzoi want to have wcfxo, zaptel, wcfxs drivers, they're not in zaptel package in debian ?
00:10.29Strom_Cis it 2004 again or am I imagining things?
00:11.30enzoyes i use 1.0.7
00:11.38Supaplexenzo: testing++
00:11.45enzoi use debian sarge
00:11.54JunK-Ywctdm *blink* *blink*
00:11.56Supaplexwell, keep it or move on.
00:12.41Strom_Coh christ
00:13.01Strom_Cdownload, compile, install, ?????, profit
00:13.31enzoi don't understand, i get zaptel-source or zaptel from, and when i do make, i get a lot of errors
00:13.39enzoany clue?
00:13.51Strom_Cdo you have the kernel headers installed?
00:14.23Supaplexmind read some vague error? what?
00:14.43Strom_Cenzo: pastebin your error
00:15.13enzobeginning of the errors
00:15.42Strom_CI don't know french
00:15.47enzoi try to compile zaptel 1.2.11
00:16.42JunK-Yenzo: its like ur kernel headers isnt correct.
00:17.18enzoi've installed 2.4.27 kernel headers, not correcT?
00:17.51JunK-Yuname -a ?
00:18.17JunK-Yu need these kernel headers, not 2.4.27
00:18.27enzoi don't have it in debian
00:18.27JunK-Ycause rror: erreur de syntaxe before "ssize_t" is pretty clear :)
00:18.47JunK-Yuse a kernel that you have the exact header too.
00:19.06enzoby the way, even if i have asterisk 1.0, i can install the last stable zaptel right ?
00:19.53JunK-Ytake kernel-image-2.4.27-2
00:20.00JunK-Yu can have headers for that image.
00:20.29JunK-Y# apt-cache search 2.4.27-2
00:20.47JunK-Yu should go for 2.6, in my opinion.
00:21.27enzoi can also
00:22.30SupaplexAsterisk 1.2.10 is good enuf :)
00:22.47enzoyes but backward compatible?
00:23.19JunK-Yenzo: try installing the kernel i mentionned, u should be able to install latest zaptel with that.
00:23.32enzothe 2.4.27 you mean JunK-Y ?
00:23.40Supaplexenzo: is what backward compatible to what?
00:23.55JunK-Y2.4.27-2 ya
00:24.01enzoi have agi scripts with asterisk1, i don"t want to tune it to support asterisk1.2
00:24.21*** join/#asterisk Ox0F0-0FF (n=pierre@
00:24.34enzoi've installed 2.4-27-3 JunK-Y
00:25.21Supaplexenzo: looking back, if you're just looking to reinstall to replace what you had running on sarge, consider using apt-file to your advantage.
00:25.37enzoi reboot, bbl
00:25.43JunK-Yenzo: both image and header 2.4.27-3 ??
00:26.13Supaplexhis issue :)
00:27.07Supaplexthe upgrade works. nothing like a 10 line dialplan to test...
00:28.26*** join/#asterisk |Serge| (
00:28.44|Serge|hi. i just want to ask if VMware wont support my x100p
00:29.11|Serge|i have a windows xp
00:30.08Supaplexthat's a question to ask vmware.  I doubt they abstract it.
00:31.26*** join/#asterisk enzo (
00:31.33JunK-Yenzo: both image and header 2.4.27-3 ??
00:31.42enzoi've rebooted my computer instead of the serveur, so tired...
00:31.45enzoyes JunK-Y
00:31.50JunK-Yso you should be fine.
00:31.56enzoathena:~# uname -a
00:31.56enzoLinux athena 2.4.27-3-386 #1 Thu Sep 14 08:44:58 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux
00:32.20enzorhaaa lot of errors again...
00:32.46JunK-Ysame ones?
00:33.40enzoi don't know how to check the exact version of the headers
00:33.50enzoin aptitude, it seems to be in fact 2.4.27-10s...
00:34.09JunK-Yenzo: delete ur deb package and make sure you just have the -3?
00:34.18enzoathena:/usr/src# dpkg -l |grep kernel-source
00:34.18enzoii  kernel-source- 2.4.27-10sarge Linux kernel source for version 2.4.27 with
00:34.36enzopff impossible to have the exact number
00:34.59enzoi've had the same problem on my laptop while compiling nvidia driver, so i've upgraded to the very last 2.6, and it was ok
00:35.02JunK-Ythe headers.
00:38.00*** join/#asterisk viLeR (i=1000@
00:39.22*** join/#asterisk adamowitz (
00:40.40bobloblianhi, I am looking for some opinons on hardware... there are 7 networked computers and 7 rj11 jacks
00:40.47enzoasterisk 1.2 is more stable than asterisk 1.0 ?
00:41.14bobloblianwhat are the advantages to just using analog phones instead of redoing all the cabling for ip phones?
00:41.27bobloblianor disadvantages, as the case may be?
00:49.33enzoJunK-Y: i've installed kernel2.6
00:49.58JunK-Ywith correct headers?
00:50.01enzobut when i compile i get errors, the first being: grep: /usr/src/linux/include/linux/autoconf.h: unknown file
00:50.09enzoyes correct headers JunK-Y
00:50.19JunK-Ydo u have autoconf installed?
00:50.47enzobut after, files are missing again
00:51.09*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
00:51.10enzowell, gonna sleep, and i'll install the last kernel from tgz, will be better than debian package...
00:51.25enzothat's the way i've done the first time when i've installed asterisk1.0
00:51.46JunK-Yi did few times, without problems.
00:51.54JunK-Y(and with packages)
00:52.17enzoJunK-Y: do you know where i can read the features between asterisk1.0 ans 1.2 ?
00:52.19SupaplexI love it when you try to fix more than what's broken.
00:52.45JunK-Ysee when the release of 1.2 occured.
00:52.49JunK-Ya long time ago :)
00:55.48*** join/#asterisk topping (
00:55.52enzochanges are tremendous between asterisk 1.0 and 1.4 ?
00:56.08JunK-Ywhat means tremendous? :)
00:56.17enzobig new features?
00:56.24enzomore stability ?
00:56.25JunK-Yohh yeah baby :)
00:56.34JunK-Ynot about stability at this point.
00:56.37enzochangelog somewhere?
00:56.37toppinghi gang can someone provide a pointer on setting CID for an fxs line?
00:56.51Supaplexdiff -urN old/ new/ | wc -l = lots
00:56.55JunK-Ybut like Supaplex said, u work A LOT more then ya should just for ur porlbme.
00:57.28Supaplextopping: show functions
00:58.01enzogood night
00:58.16enzogonna install from scratch tomorrow (hope it'll work)
00:58.22JunK-Yenzo: see ya, good luch.
00:58.30enzoi need it :)
00:58.32*** part/#asterisk enzo (
01:01.24*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=linagee@unaffiliated/linagee)
01:01.24linageeanyone here use voicepulse? :(I
01:01.24Supaplexany piticular reason some of the leading for Say would get clipped?  Is playing 1-2s of nothing a standard work around after answering?
01:02.02JunK-YSupaplex: just use Answer(300); where 300 is the number of ms of blank after answering.
01:02.24*** join/#asterisk adamowitz (
01:03.37linageeis voicepulse inbound DIDs not working for anybody? :(
01:05.19*** join/#asterisk LoneShadow (
01:07.17toppingSupaplex: isn't it a zapata.conf thing?
01:08.39SupaplexI'm not sure.  My calls come in on the AST? I forget. it's from another asterisk box.
01:09.30toppingI'm trying to get my fxs set up so it has the correct callerid so ${CALLERIDNUM} can be used elsewhere in the dialplan
01:10.03Supaplexohhh I thought you were answering my question :)
01:10.09Supaplexwhat release of * you got?
01:10.29toppinghehe 1.2.8
01:10.57Supaplexyou can use CDR or CALLERID.  For whatever reason CALLERID always returns blank for me.
01:12.53toppinghmm, so if i want to have the outbound dialplan always use one of those, how do I get the fxs ports configured to push the correct CID?
01:13.47Strom_Ctopping: set it up in zapata.conf
01:13.55*** join/#asterisk zmef420 (
01:13.56toppingwith callerid= ?
01:14.04toppingdid that. no luck
01:14.11Strom_Calso, in 1.2.x and greater, you should be using ${CALLERID(num)} instead of ${CALLERIDNUM})
01:14.18*** join/#asterisk LoneShadow (
01:14.22Strom_Cpastebin your zapata.conf
01:14.27toppingah cool maybe that's an issue
01:15.45toppinghmm, guess not
01:15.48Strom_Cpastebin your zapata.conf
01:17.41Strom_Cyour callerid should read "Name"<3115552368>
01:17.49Strom_Cno spaces, no parentheses, no dashes
01:17.58Strom_Cexcept for spaces in the name, of course
01:18.07*** join/#asterisk Dovid (n=Dovid@
01:18.14Strom_Calso, fxs ports use fxo signaling
01:18.42Strom_Cso unless you have your signaling backwards, you're assigning your caller ID to your POTS lines at this point
01:18.50toppingdo i have them backwards? haha
01:19.04Strom_Cwell, are ports 1-4 your stations or are they your trunks
01:19.22toppingyah i think i have the cid in the wrong place
01:23.28Strom_Cyou're welcome
01:24.07toppingi'm getting this app pretty well dialed in.  i manage an apartment building that sits almost on top of an eight-lane interstate
01:24.27toppingthere's a huge banner on the freeway, people are constantly calling the number for information about leasing
01:25.07toppingi managed to connect the door boxes through asterisk using ARA and postgres
01:25.26toppingso then connected that number on the freeway to people that wanted to get out of their leases early
01:25.33*** join/#asterisk remmo (
01:32.59*** join/#asterisk neoalex (
01:33.14neoalexhi, I have a 1700 cisco router with two fxs ports
01:33.21neoalexhow can I make it connect to my asterisk
01:33.26neoalexthrough SIP
01:35.14toppingneoalex: it's probably similar to the cisco ata setup
01:35.46toppingyou need to configure sip endpoints in sip.conf on the asterisk end and configure the cisco to connect to them
01:37.06neoalexIt's the first time I'm touching a cisco router, or anything cisco for that matter :)
01:37.23toppingit's an adventure!  :)
01:37.31neoalexthe asterisk side, I can handle, the cisco side gets me worried
01:37.36neoalexyeah, I can tell :P
01:37.40toppingnah don't fret it
01:37.58toppingtreat the cisco like an ata-500 in your mind
01:38.04toppingit's just an ata
01:38.06neoalexI don
01:38.22neoalexchecking my mind, don't have any reference to ata-500 :)
01:38.41toppingit's the cisco ata
01:38.52toppingold skool stuff vonage used to ship out
01:39.07QwellIt's alive!  buahahahaha
01:39.08neoalextold you, first time I've ever touched anything cisco
01:39.51neoalexnot to mention the guys on cisco don
01:40.04neoalexdon't seem to be very helpful :)
01:40.18Strom_CQwell: it works? :)
01:40.21Supaplexthey want you to pony up for cisco call manager
01:40.39neoalexof course :)))
01:41.28Qwellringer sucks...but that's tweakable
01:41.30neoalexI got that thing too, I'll give it a try, I have a felling I'm going to be disappointed though
01:41.37Qwellit's a "dull" ring
01:43.03*** join/#asterisk |Serge| (
01:45.02*** join/#asterisk adamowitz (
01:45.35Supaplexthese lime flavor tootsie rools are ... odd
01:46.59aydiosmioI found whole bags of the vanilla ones
01:47.00aydiosmioI was in heaven
01:47.14Supaplexouu now that's a tempting idea
01:47.25aydiosmio"limited edition" -- haven't seen them since before halloween
01:47.28Supaplexthe strawberry tootsie pops are a welcome sight :)
01:47.54Supaplexlike the orange creeme kit kats ouuu hooo ooo
01:47.56aydiosmio4.5lbs for $25
01:54.42*** join/#asterisk QbY (
01:55.18QbYOk..  Probably old news..  Is it safe to assume that VoicePulse is down again?  If so, do they know?
01:58.24*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
02:04.04linageeQbY: ohhh! :(
02:04.06linageeQbY: here too.
02:04.10linageedamn damn damn
02:04.14linageethis is the second time
02:04.18linagee(for me anyway)
02:04.22QbYthird for me
02:04.33linageeQbY: third strike is a charm?
02:04.33QbYthey were so rock solid for so long.
02:04.56linageeQbY: i noticed voicepulse also increased their rates for international
02:05.06linageeQbY: and for some reason i am being charged double... ???
02:05.15linageewas going to call on monday
02:05.17linageeQbY: indeed
02:05.21QbYbeginning of the end
02:05.28linageeQbY: three DIDs should be like $33/mo, right?
02:05.47linageeQbY: somehow i am being charged like $88/mo, or misunderstanding their billing or balance screen
02:06.11QbYthat balance screen is for the life of the account
02:06.23linageeQbY: "Service Charge" = ?
02:06.31QbYthose are your total service charges
02:06.33linageeer, let me make sure i have the right term
02:06.55QbYmine is like 5,000
02:07.03QbYand i know that's not what we pay a month to them
02:07.18linageeQbY: My Payments, My Service Charges, My Usage
02:07.27linageecan you explain each?
02:07.33linageemy payments = lifetime charges?
02:07.40linageemy service charges = monthly charges, right?
02:07.45QbYMy Payments == Total money you've sent them (for the life of the account)
02:07.45*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
02:07.48linageemy usage = per minute like for international?
02:07.54QbYMy service charges == prices of your DIDs
02:08.03linagee$88 for My Service Charges?
02:08.11QbYMy service charges == Total service charges you've paid them, including the prices of your DIDs
02:08.17linageei click on "Numbers" and it has three DIDs...?
02:08.30linageei have two 858 area code DIDs and one toll free one
02:08.44linagee"$11/number activation fee
02:08.44linagee$11/number per month (subtracted from credit on 1st of every month)"
02:09.10linageeand no, this is not the first month i've had voicepulse, so it's not like my service charge is higher because of the activation
02:09.14*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
02:09.29linageeQbY: something is fishy
02:09.47linageeQbY: oh!
02:09.59linageeQbY: i click on "Calls" to generate a call log report
02:10.06linageeQbY: (trying to figure out the charges)
02:10.19linageei click generate, it makes a .zip, but it's a blank .xls!!!
02:10.31linageeQbY: the only .zip files that have anything are from like three months ago
02:10.44QbYyou need to generate a new one..
02:10.50linageeQbY: sounds like something is seriously corrupt with their system (either literally or intentionally)
02:10.58linageeQbY: i click generate. it's blank.
02:11.15linageeQbY: i look through all the zips i have on the screen. the only info i have is from 09-31-2006
02:11.16linageeone day
02:11.19QbYit takes a while to generate them
02:11.23linageeQbY: no
02:11.27linageeit comes right back for me
02:11.30linageeand then it's blank...??
02:11.48linagee(there is a new zip on the screen. comes right back. i realize it should take a while...)
02:12.08linageeQbY: like i said, it's like their system is corrupt, or ???
02:12.46linageeQbY: and to think! i was *about* to print business cards w/voicepulse numbers. :-/
02:13.22QbYlinagee.. it could be because their server is down
02:13.34QbYwho knows, but i'm gonna sign LOAs tomorrow and try to port my numbers away.
02:13.39linageeQbY: that strangeness happened when it was up and working. was trying to figure out the weird charges.
02:13.52linageeQbY: is there a per month to port a number away?
02:14.05linageeQbY: does it actually tie up channels with voicepulse when the number is forwarded?
02:14.28linageeQbY: in other words, if voicepulse is down, will the forwarding be affected?
02:15.56QbYlinagee..  Porting doesn't work that way..  Once the number is ported, voicepulse wouldn't see any more traffic on it..
02:16.20linageeQbY: so porting a number does something in the "big database in the sky that determines what phone switch your call goes to"
02:16.23linageeSS7 and such
02:16.26linageeor something
02:17.01linageeQbY: big database in the sky that determines what phone switch your call goes to = ?   :)
02:17.17QbYi guess so..  i'm not 100% sure of how porting works..
02:17.32linageeQbY: maybe another chan phone guru can explain
02:19.46linagee"LNP is made possible by the Location Routing Number (LRN"
02:19.59linagee"LNPs and LRNs are supervised by the Number Portability Administration Center operated by NeuStar, Inc. under the appointment of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)."
02:20.09linageeinteresting. it seems all the eggs are in one basket/one company. heh
02:20.50linagee"Each local exchange and long distance carrier needs to know what that new LRN is so when someone in an another area dials the number being ported, the carrier knows what LRN to route to. This is accomplished through Local Service Management System (LSMS) databases distributed among the exchange carriers."
02:21.49linagee"LNPs and LRNs are supervised by the Number Portability Administration Center, operated by Lockheed Martin under the appointment of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)."
02:22.09linageeinteresting. one says NeuStar Inc, one says Lockheed
02:24.25linagee"n November 1999, Lockheed-Martin Information Management Services became NeuStar, Inc. NeuStar continues to be the LNP Administrator managing the NPAC."
02:24.56*** join/#asterisk AlexGC (n=hpod@
02:25.11linagee"Location Routing Number A 10 digit number used to uniquely identify a switch that has ported numbers. LRN utilizes AIN triggers, SS7 signaling, and unique 10 digit code for switch identification."
02:25.29linageethere should be a dash after Routing Number
02:27.53linagee_VoicePulse: you're down
02:32.24AlexGCgood evening/night
02:33.08AlexGCI'm follwing this instrucions that tell me to type this line: svn co asterisk-sounds
02:33.23AlexGCbut I'm getting an Could not open resquestes SVN filesystem
02:33.31AlexGCall other worked fine.
02:33.41AlexGCany pointers to the correct one?
02:35.13Qwellasterisk-sounds is no more
02:35.27Qwellignore that step, and move on
02:35.37linageeQbY: still here?
02:35.49AlexGCthanks qwell :)
02:35.51Qwelljust when you get to compiling asterisk, do a `make menuselect`, and enable the extra sounds, if you want them
02:36.28linageewhat does it mean if my NPA-NXX for voicepulse does not appear in the list?
02:37.38*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
02:39.14linageeoh that's weird... hrm
02:40.08linageeeven my cell phone and home phone are not on the list
02:42.33*** join/#asterisk icyfire0573 (
02:43.52AlexGCQwell.. I'm following the instructions to instal asterisk on edubuntu.  Are this any good? or just the part of the sounds is outdated?
02:43.54icyfire0573this is a dumb question. How do I do a conference call w/ asterisk? I can do conference calling with my phone (SPA941) but I don't know how to make asterisk make the calls and join them together.
02:46.22QbYVoicepulse should truly have an after-hours number, or pager..
02:49.01*** join/#asterisk adamowitz (
03:02.33*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
03:12.15variable_officecan asterisk output voice ds1? or only input?
03:22.55*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:27.42*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
03:32.30*** join/#asterisk tim27dr (
03:33.56tim27drany know where i can download the french sounds prompts, this link dont seem to work svn co
03:40.35*** join/#asterisk threat2 (
03:42.12tim27drany can help me ???
03:52.59*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:53.38threat2hmmm, tim was only in here for 5 minutes :/
03:56.15threat2What type of support did he except?
04:02.13*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
04:07.30*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:15.54*** join/#asterisk packetman (
04:16.38packetmanCan anyone support and current Dell servers that would support asterisk and a Digium TDM400 card well?
04:17.06packetmanopps I mean Can anyone suggest a current Dell servers that would support asterisk and a Digium TDM400 card well?
04:20.36nick125most dells should work
04:21.24JTmaybe you also mean "server" unless you need multiple
04:21.30JTyeah, they "should" work
04:21.47JTpoor zap timing accuracy will be your biggest issue
04:26.35*** part/#asterisk AlexGC (n=hpod@
04:38.38*** join/#asterisk knobenheimer (
04:38.44packetmanIm looking at new 1U rack servers from Dell
04:39.00packetmanyou know of any that will support PCI card for the TDM400?
04:54.39JTif the card fots
04:54.57JTit's full height pci
04:58.02QwellI just iaxyified my phone :D
04:58.11QwellIt's now officially a "voip phone"
04:58.16JTwhat sort of phone?
04:58.35Qwellwith a builtin iaxy :P
04:59.34Qwellcool side effect, is that the LEDs from the iaxy shine through the hole at the, when it's offhook, it shines orange, when it's onhook, it's hidden, except from an extreme angle
05:06.44*** join/#asterisk DrkShdw (n=scorpio@unaffiliated/drkshdw)
05:07.16*** part/#asterisk packetman (
05:08.10fileQwell: geek.
05:08.28*** join/#asterisk benjk (
05:09.37bobloblianHi, I am finding myself a little unclear about using analog phones, I should be able to use a tdm400p, but are there limits to which phones I can use?  for example, can I use an old meridian phone?
05:09.57*** join/#asterisk osiris (
05:10.11Qwellfile: You have to see it someday
05:11.21fileit's probably a brain washing phone as well
05:11.39Qwellit might be
05:15.33bobloblianor even better, is there an analog phone anyone would recommend to connect to the tdm400p?
05:18.28*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:19.05*** join/#asterisk sysreq (
05:19.08Qwellbobloblian: doesn't really matter
05:19.14Qwellas long as it's analog
05:19.33Qwellbobloblian: see the link above - even one of those would work with a tdm400p
05:21.07bobloblianok, but would it support putting one line on hold and answering another and that kind of thing?
05:22.08bobloblianor are there analog phones that would?
05:22.36Qwell"on hold"..  you'd flash over with call waiting/three way calling
05:22.48Qwellsame as with any old analog phone on a traditional pstn line
05:22.59Qwelljust hit the hookswitch for a second
05:23.33*** join/#asterisk rumba (
05:25.42bobloblianok, so basically any phone will work, but won't do as many things as an ip phone will do, correct?
05:26.11Qwellpretty much
05:28.17bobloblianok, ty
05:29.18Qwellany *analog* phone
05:34.18*** join/#asterisk ltd (
05:47.41*** join/#asterisk Maniac (
05:47.54*** join/#asterisk ProActive (
05:47.58ProActiveHi all
05:53.00*** join/#asterisk [pyro] (n=pyro@tor/regular/bracketed-pyro)
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06:01.48Sargunhow is chan_bluetooth
06:03.11Sargunor not
06:09.53sjobeckhi all
06:10.00sjobeckhow is everyone tonight?
06:10.26sjobeckwondering if any one out there is or knows someone who is a hardhitting t1 expert for a project I have mapping incoming channel to outgoing channel
06:10.53sjobeckpretty low level protocol stuff going on in the project
06:10.56sjobeckbeyond me
06:11.07sjobeckany and all ideas welcomed. thanks so much
06:11.15SargunAnyone here selling CDMA motorola devices?
06:12.54Sargunsjobeck, Where is the NDA? ;-)
06:13.15sjobecksargun: pls explain
06:13.30SargunNon-disclosure agreement to find out more about the project
06:14.28sjobecksargun: ah, yes, right, thx ............ well, if I dont find someone who has lots of experience at the low levels of channel & frames & protocols & so on, no point in going further, dont you agree
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06:33.44parag_astCan anybody let me know meaning of this " Requested indication -1 on channel Zap/2-1 "
06:36.06SargunThat means something bad happened
06:36.21Sargunwith your channel Zap/2-1
06:36.38Sargunbtw: you need to post a full log with verbosity at at least 10
06:40.40icyfire0573this is a dumb question. How do I do a conference call w/ asterisk? I can do conference calling with my phone (SPA941) but I don't know how to make asterisk make the calls and join them together.
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06:57.28trelaneicyfire0573, google meetme()
06:59.24parag_astSargun, do u want the logs of /var/log/asterisk/full ??
07:01.21parag_ast:/topic #asterisk
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07:15.07neoalexhi, is there a softphone for linux supporting g729
07:19.55neoalexummm... that´s helpfull
07:20.39hadsYou wont find a free one
07:21.36sbingnerhey how do I get two * servers to synch the voicemail waiting indicator?
07:22.02neoalexjust like there´s no free implementation of g729 for asterisk or really won´t find one
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07:24.03bigreddoghi all, I hope someone can help a newbie. I have a smc-ultra card. I'd like to use it with A@H but do not know how to get the driver compiled? anyone know?
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07:30.58bigreddoghi all, I hope someone can help a newbie. I have a smc-ultra card. I'd like to use it with A@H but do not know how to get the driver compiled? anyone know?
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07:51.55bigreddoghi anyone know how to compile a network device driver?
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08:49.40roxy_when a sip user identified it does it against a password in sip.conf. Is there a way to do it against a LDAP ?
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09:40.14Sargunroxy_, hello
09:40.41Sargunroxy_, by investing in a programmer, I believe there is a way to do that
09:48.53roxy_Sargun: you mean, atm there isn't ?
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11:33.09redozqldAnyone got some time to answer some questions about multiple x100p cards in a single box using tb 1.2.3?? (Complete newbie but there is hope for me!)
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11:45.49redozqldI've got 4 cards in a trixbox 1.2.3 machine, when any of the cards is connected (any of the 4) to a phone line, and is rung, it always goes to the same end point (be it a core point or whatever) is there any reading or any way to allow each card to ring and go to a set point??? any config files to change?? any ideas ;) thanks...
11:46.16wasimredozqld: extensions.conf
11:46.43redozqldany good reading for this??
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11:55.00jboti guess thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
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12:01.12redozqldThanks I'll start reading... it cant be that hard
12:06.29pipipiwow, nice book, available FREE, awesome!
12:08.31tzafrirredozqld, this should be possible, IIRC, with FreePBX (which is the interface you see in trixbox)
12:08.32tzafrirask in #freepbx
12:09.22EmleyMoorI now have the zaptel modules on - in the absence of my card, I guess the only thing I can do is set the country?
12:12.21tzafrirEmleyMoor, if you need zaptel for timing and have no card, use ztdummy
12:12.32EmleyMoorI have a card in transit
12:12.48EmleyMoorI do not have any need for zaptel other than that
12:15.33tzafrirZaptel is used as a timing source in various places
12:15.39tzafrir(in Asterisk)
12:16.15EmleyMoorYes - I have no purpose for them until the arrival of the card as it happens
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13:05.35enzodo you know if zaptel drivers are in linux kernel ?
13:17.18enzowhy ?
13:17.29enzoshould be interesting to add drivers to linux trunk
13:17.36*** join/#asterisk eYeLez (
13:17.51Qwellenzo: What kernel are you running right now?
13:18.02enzoi compile the last
13:18.10Qwellokay, bad person to ask :p
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13:18.27enzo(cause i can't install zaptel on my kernel2.4.27...)
13:18.32Qwellpersonally, I run 2.6.15 on the box that runs asterisk
13:18.34eYeLezhi, i would like to get into asterisk, what is the cheapest way to get up and running? i noticed the cost of the cards on digium are way up there $400 ouch!, im in learning stage, whats a cheap easy to find card to goof around from?
13:18.43QwellI don't want to upgrade my kernel every time there is a zaptel fix
13:19.01enzoi don't want either Qwell
13:19.03QwelleYeLez: $400 is with like 4 modules
13:19.13enzobut i need to install zaptel :)
13:19.22Qwellenzo: indeed, and it's only like 1 command
13:19.24eYeLezwill a standard analog modem do?
13:19.28QwelleYeLez: no
13:19.35Qwellan analog modem does not an fxs make
13:20.06eYeLezdont they have two ports one to phone and one to line? hence fxs + fxo?
13:20.20eYeLezor im just confused :)
13:20.21enzodo you know if digium will make asterisk gui stable enough for the 1.4 release?
13:20.28Qwellthe "phone" port is just passthrough
13:20.45eYeLeztrue that!
13:20.54Qwellenzo: it isn't part of 1.4, so that's fairly irrelevant
13:21.15enzoi hope sooner asterisk will have a gui
13:21.24Qwellif there are specific issues you're seeing, open a bug
13:21.35xhelioxI don't, but I'm selfish. :)
13:22.01Qwellbbl, airport :D
13:22.14eYeLezQwell so which piece of hardware you recommend? single fxs + fxo.. this is too much:
13:22.27QwelleYeLez: for 2 ports, it's about $200
13:22.36Qwelland yes, that's what I would recommend
13:23.22eYeLezok thats for hardware
13:23.35xhelioxeYeLez: I'm not making a recommendation one way or another, but Digium isn't the only company who makes Zaptel compatible hardware.
13:24.38eYeLeznow is this possible, i want to eventually set up a voip/pstn gateway for calling card companies in north america dump their traffic destined to my country to my server, is that possible with asterisk ? in other words am i on the right track?
13:30.32RhizomeeYeLez: yup no problem ;)
13:31.01*** join/#asterisk Arnar_ (
13:34.34eYeLezthanks rhizo
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15:18.19gmustafai want to use Quintum as FXo gateway with asterisk
15:18.24gmustafaany howto?
15:18.30gmustafaor thoughts ?
15:24.17EmleyMoorIs there a howto on handling different ring cadences/
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16:14.14hwthi. in asterisk realtime, can i simply change an extension on the fly and it will work, or do i have to reload?
16:15.05InfraRedyou need to reload
16:15.13InfraRedit reads the config files at the start
16:16.41hwtInfraRed: i'm talkin realtime her. mysql database.
16:18.32InfraRedhavent used * realtime
16:18.51InfraRedbut if it matches the extension as a query everytime an incoming call is in
16:18.56InfraRedyou shouldnt need to realod
16:19.05InfraRedtry and see?
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16:37.05EmleyMoorAm I right in thinking I can tell different ring cadences apart using an FXO module in asterisk?
16:40.06EmleyMoor(so that I could have it ignore "ring-pause", answer straight to IVR on "ring-ring-pause", and call all phones on "ring-ring-ring-pause")
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16:42.42[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor : There is a measure of "distinctive ring support for Zaptel FXo channels.  Look up here :
16:44.15*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
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16:44.48Weezeyanything new and exciting in the world of *?
16:46.11EmleyMoorHmmm... it seems pulse dial is supported too!
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16:50.35EmleyMoorBoth my Yeomen need new bells - will have to order some
16:53.39awannabeis there a way to have each voicemail box have differnet options as far as having some boxes get a attacemtns, and others not. can that be done?
16:54.44Dovidawannabe: the settings for if they should recieve an email or not is in voicemail.conf
16:54.51[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : Go read the WIKI page on voicemail.conf
16:54.54Dovidif u are using real time you can set it there
16:55.58awannabe[TK]D-Fender, yeah it says for the whole context, ill go look again
16:56.11awannabemaybe this confilg file is old somehow, hrmm
16:56.38EmleyMoorOK - further question: Anyone used distinctive ring (CallSign) on BT with asterisk?
16:57.09awannabei see it now, im just blind!! lol
16:57.12MoutaPTIf i want my TDM board channels to be port=1,2,3,4 and my TE110P board to be the next channels on my system, my span definition for TE110P must be :
16:57.16MoutaPTis this right?
16:57.24jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
16:58.52file[TK]D-Fender: rain is eeeeevil
17:00.42MoutaPTyou are right, bust because this wasn't a logging or something that kind i didn't use paste bin
17:00.44MoutaPTSorry guys
17:00.50*** join/#asterisk topping (
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17:04.01[TK]D-Fenderawannabe :     * e user_option(s) field can be used to override default settings defined in the general section, or set a specific time zone for this user. Specifically, there are 9 setting=value pairs which can be specified in the user_option(s) field. There can be multiple setting=value pairs defined in the user_option(s) field. Each setting=value pair after the first must be delimited with a vertical bar (|). The nine settings which may be used are: a
17:04.01[TK]D-Fender[general] section. The tz setting is used to override the default time zone and it must be set to a custom time zone defined in the [zonemessages] section.
17:04.19[TK]D-FenderHmmm, there really WAS a line-break there...
17:05.11[TK]D-Fenderfile : Rain is infinitely preferrable to SNOW.
17:06.31awannabe[TK]D-Fender, yeah i got it now :) i guess im being a moron is all, heh, thanks!
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17:08.34UnixBehrgood morning
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17:10.19cosmic_hippoI have a tdm400p with 2 fxs modules.  Zaptel.conf(fxoks=1-2).  ztcfg shows 2 channels configured. However, zap show channels just shows the pseudo chan
17:11.04cosmic_hippoSo asterisk doesn't seem to see the chans. Any idea?
17:13.04Weezeycosmic_hippo: you added them to /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf ?
17:14.18*** join/#asterisk UnixBehr (
17:14.30UnixBehranyone here use phonecall ?
17:14.39UnixBehrthe gui
17:15.59UnixBehrgood morning btw
17:17.04cosmic_hippoWeezey: Hrrrm. good question. I have a group=1 in there but no specific channel info
17:21.00[TK]D-Fendercosmic_hippo : That would do it....
17:21.21cosmic_hippohaha, awesome. let zapata.conf :)
17:25.47tzafrircosmic_hippo, right. Those files lack man pages
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17:26.26tzafrirNow I wonder if anybody considers a nice script to convert the sample config file to man pages...
17:26.38cosmic_hippohaha, I should be able to catch some good info online
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17:27.59hwthm, in realtime i can't get it to ring on multiple phones.
17:28.52tzafrircosmic_hippo, the sample config files, which are also part of the "api documentation" (huge, but in html format) generated by doxygen
17:29.02tzafrirand the wiki:
17:29.06*** part/#asterisk UnixBehr (
17:29.22cosmic_hippoawesome -- thanks tzafrir!
17:29.28*** join/#asterisk quidpro (
17:29.36hwtis it poor security to include the "local users context" in the inbound context?
17:30.14quidproHmm, is there a good channel out there for cellphones?  I'm trying to find a recommendaiton on a cheap GSM/CDMA multi-mode. :)
17:30.19Bladerunner05hi all, I'm looking for a good configuration for bt100 and asterisk
17:31.13[TK]D-Fenderhwt : Depends whats in there.
17:32.03hwt[TK]D-Fender: well, that's the problem. the local context has outbound included. :)
17:32.14hwtmaybe a goto is safer then.
17:32.18[TK]D-Fenderhwt : I think you can answer your own question then :)
17:32.35hwt[TK]D-Fender: yup. so you would also go with a goto? :)
17:33.00[TK]D-Fenderhwt : Maybe you should create 1 context for internal extens, one for external, and then creat one for your suers the INCLUDEs both, and use the internal one for your inbound calls.
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17:49.55gmustafai want to use Quintum with asterisk as FXO gateway
17:49.59gmustafaany howto
17:53.19cosmic_hippoBack to the zapata.conf. My extension specific settings are in zapata_additional.conf which is included. But I still don't have any channels other than the pseudo channel for zap show channels
17:54.12MoutaPTdid u run genzaptelconf?
17:54.36cosmic_hippono -- question on that though. will that overwrite my curent /etc/zaptel.conf ?
17:55.03Corydon76-homecosmic_hippo: pastebin, please
17:55.07MoutaPTwhat's in your zaptel.conf
17:55.15MoutaPTpaste bin it
17:55.15cosmic_hippoaight -- stby
17:57.08cosmic_hippoNow I added the fxoks=1-2. Now it looks like I've done this backwards
17:57.16cosmic_hipposhould I use genzaptel.conf instead?
17:57.26MoutaPTdo you have 2 modules FXS ?
17:57.28MoutaPTis that?
17:57.48cosmic_hippoyea --tdm400 with 2 fxs modules
17:58.01Corydon76-homeWhat does your zapata.conf (and any included files) look like?
17:58.02MoutaPTmake ztcfg -vvvv
17:58.44cosmic_hippoztcfg -vvvv:
17:59.26MoutaPTevery thing sounds ok
17:59.35MoutaPTwhat's in your zapata.conf
17:59.43MoutaPTas well as zapata_additional.conf
18:01.29Corydon76-homecosmic_hippo: your include statement has incorrect syntax.  It should be #include "zapata_additional.conf"
18:01.43Corydon76-homeNote the quotes and the pound sign
18:02.03cosmic_hippostby...yea that was me. Ensuring that it was included. I forgot to change that back
18:02.16MoutaPTyeah that's the problem
18:02.25MoutaPTzapata_additional doesn't seem to be wrong
18:02.34MoutaPTreload your asterisk
18:02.43cosmic_hippoand *bingo*
18:02.51cosmic_hippoI have a channel now!
18:03.03Corydon76-homeIt also needs to be channel => 1-2
18:03.19cosmic_hippoin zapata_additional?
18:03.33Corydon76-homeYes, if you intend to configure both channels
18:04.04cosmic_hippoyup. Ok
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18:05.40cosmic_hippoawesome thanks for the help everybody!
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18:23.36cosmic_hippoNow that I got my zaptel working...I'm trying to conquer one more issue. I'm using trixbox...and attempting to define my Inbound route. But I'm getting "No DID or CID Match" no matter what I define.
18:24.34cosmic_hipposo if I just use my full number I get the "number you have dialed is not in service" recording and "No DID or CID Match" on the asterisk cli
18:24.53MoutaPTyou need to use exten=> s,1, Answer
18:24.53cosmic_hippoit works fine with any did/cid to an extension though
18:25.03MoutaPTTDM boards don't use DID
18:25.20MoutaPTs extension will answer you call
18:25.39cosmic_hippoI'm just using the tdm board for ringing my analog fax. I'm using viatalk as my sip gateway
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18:29.57MoutaPTok so in incoming calls context
18:30.03MoutaPTuse "s" extension
18:30.16MoutaPTand rx application
18:30.22MoutaPTto handle your faxes
18:30.50MoutaPTi'm not sure if you will get CallerId with TDM
18:30.58MoutaPTany one here can talk about it?
18:32.13cosmic_hippoI'm not sure that I understand it when you say "get callerid with tdm" I'm attempting to route an incoming call from a sip provider (vialtalk) to an fxs extension. That routing would be based on DID information from viatalk. So at that point the TDM card is a destination. I'm I completely lost on this?
18:33.16MoutaPTnow i got what you want
18:33.22cosmic_hippoheh, sorry
18:33.38MoutaPTwhich calls you want to route?
18:33.42MoutaPTto fax?
18:34.03cosmic_hipponah, I've got all working. But I'm going to get another line through viatalk to use as a fax line. So I will want to route that did to my fxs fax
18:34.09MoutaPTnot sure you will be sucessfull with FAx from VoiP to FXS:)
18:34.18MoutaPTbut  u can try
18:34.34MoutaPTok so you just need to define a context
18:34.41MoutaPTfor this peer trunk
18:34.55MoutaPTi mean it is a peer in your sip.conf
18:35.11MoutaPTbut you have more accounts on this sip provider?
18:35.54cosmic_hippohrrrm. I was going to try to just add onother line to my account. Having both of the numbers go to the same account and utilize * to recognize the did to route
18:36.01cosmic_hipponot sure if that's possible though ?
18:36.11MoutaPTit is possible
18:36.12gmustafai am new to asterisk
18:36.25MoutaPTbut i depends of what you have with your provider
18:36.33MoutaPTyou have DID or another account?
18:36.40gmustafai have install trixbox, i have a Quitum fxo, i want to use it for calling pstn lines
18:36.45gmustafaany idea?
18:36.46MoutaPTi must tell u i'm not used with DID on Voip providers
18:37.02MoutaPTgmustafa quintum has SIP?
18:37.20gmustafaQuintm Tenor AX series
18:37.38MoutaPTdoes it allow register?
18:37.57MoutaPTcreate a trunk to quintum
18:38.00gmustafai dont know but here is a SIP singalling group option under VOIP setttings  in quitum
18:38.03MoutaPTand define an outbound route
18:38.18gmustafacreate a trunk and define outbound route in trixbox? right
18:41.02gmustafawhat do i put in as host name and user& password?
18:42.16[TK]D-Fendergmustafa : please read the channel topic
18:42.42gmustafaopss sorry
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18:43.05MoutaPThost is the Ip of your quintum
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18:53.25linolopeshell everybody! Can anyone tell me if I can use Asterisk to operate any external devices, such as open a door, etc?
18:54.41*** part/#asterisk cosmic_hippo (
18:54.55quidprolinolopes:  I suppose you could do anything with it, it's a matter of building the hardware interface.
18:55.12EmleyMoorlinolopes: Do any of these devices interface as a telephone anywhere?
18:56.11linolopeswell, currently I have a regular PBX system which has a module I use to connect the external gate of my house to it
18:56.30quidproTry googling on asterisk and X10
18:57.09quidprolino:  What part of BR are you from?
18:57.10linolopesalso, I'm able to connect the intercom to this module, so I can answer the intercom and open the front gate if I want to, using a key combination in any of te PBX extensions
18:57.18linolopesI'm in Belo Horizonte
18:57.41quidproNice, I am thinking about visintg your country in January... have a friend who lives in SP.
18:57.57EmleyMoorlinolopes: That should be quite easy then - as long as there's a way to interface the telephonic side of it to Asterisk easily
18:58.00*** part/#asterisk MoutaPT (
18:58.38linolopesTHis is the problem. My current analog PBX system has a proprietary black box I use to bridge the intercom with the PBX
18:59.00EmleyMoorIs that black box effectively a standard telephone?
18:59.03quidproLino:  You could use your existing PBX and black box as an extension off of Asterisk.
18:59.12linolopesa box such as this one should be constructed to interface the intercom with Asterisk, right?
18:59.33saftsacklocalnet= with this option all telephones in 10.0.1.XX and 10.0.2.XX are seen as local, right?
18:59.37linolopeswhat I want is to get rid of my current PBX, since it's not working as it should...
18:59.50EmleyMoorIf the black box is effectively a telephone, you could try it on an FXS port
19:00.34linolopesit's not a phone... it accepts my intercom 2-wire at one side and plugs directly into a proprietary connecton in the PBX side... :(
19:01.47EmleyMoorOh :-(
19:02.01EmleyMoorNo way you can make the old PBX simply act to switch all calls through to it?>
19:02.20linolopesthis 2-wire line comming from the intercom apparently trnasmits the voice from the intercom and also serves to send like a pulse to open the front gate
19:02.28EmleyMoorFailing that, you would need some kind of black box
19:02.47[TK]D-Fenderlinlinlin : You'll want an X10 CM11A controller, and the UM508 Universal module
19:03.00[TK]D-Fenderlinolopes rather.
19:03.20[TK]D-Fenderlinolopes : Most door openers run on a basic relay taht all you need to do is short.
19:03.47[TK]D-Fenderlinolopes : Pretty easy to do, and then while you're at it you can have * control all of your lights, and make coffee for you like mine used to ;)
19:04.12linolopesFender: That's exactly what my door opener seems to do. It seems to open the gate using a electrical pulse..
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19:04.27linolopesI already use X10 to control the lights in my hme theater
19:04.55[TK]D-Fenderlinolopes : Great, then you only need the UM508
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19:05.00linolopesThe X10 will solve the problem of openeg the door. And what about answering the intercom?
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19:06.24[TK]D-Fenderlinlin : Thats trickier.  thats a "push-to-talk" intercom isn't it?
19:07.01[TK]D-FenderDang auto-complete
19:09.54linolopesfender: not really. This is how it works now: One press the intercom ring button at the front gate. The PBX rings all the selected extensions. Then yu can answer the call using any PBX extension. After answering, you can key in a specific key combination and the PBX will open the front gate via the black box
19:12.03[TK]D-Fenderlinolopes : Ok that soulds like an FXS dialer.  That you should be able to integrate as-is.
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19:13.20linolopesok, thak you VERY MUCH for your help. I will do more research and find out the best way to do it.
19:13.32linolopesyou guys have helped a lot, poiting my the right way
19:13.35linolopesTHANKS A LOT!
19:15.03*** join/#asterisk wiseguy_ (
19:15.34wiseguy_is it possible to pickup call from asterisk console?
19:16.23[TK]D-Fenderlinolopes : no
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19:18.08asdxok, i just installed asterisk, what should i do now? i want to use only softphones at the moment, just for try it...
19:20.44[TK]D-Fenderasds : Go install some soft-phons then.  Develop your dialplan, etc.
19:21.39asdxwhat is dialpan?
19:23.21[TK]D-Fenderasdx : extensions.conf
19:25.53*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
19:26.18EmleyMoorDoes anyone know how to fill in the boxes in linphone to attach it to asterisk?
19:27.59EmleyMoorFor example, do I set it up as a remote service?
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19:30.02EmleyMoorAh, got that
19:31.26EmleyMoorHow do I make calls on it without needing the
19:32.35EmleyMoorAlso, what are the good iax softphones these days?
19:33.32gmustafai m using quintum
19:35.09EmleyMoorI'm happy to put moziax on but seek a decent softphone (SIP or IAX)
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19:38.46CunningPikeasdx: Take a look at The Book
19:38.51jbotwell, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
19:39.21CunningPikeEmleyMoor: What OS?
19:39.59EmleyMoorPreferably one in stable Debian (or backports therefor)
19:40.09[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor : Get Ekiga
19:40.41[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor : Newfie jig
19:41.02[TK]D-Fenderhow the heck did taht come out of a copy&paste?
19:41.14CunningPike[TK]D-Fender: p0wned ;)
19:41.45[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : Firefox does some &^#@'d up shit.  occasionally locks out my cursor keys editing the address bar too.
19:43.39EmleyMoorWhy do softphones not have some consistency in naming?
19:44.24NuggetYou mean like the tremendous consistency in naming that we enjoy with every other type of software?  </sarcasm>
19:44.56EmleyMoorIf they all had SIP or IAX (as appropriate) or phone in the name they'd be so much easier to find
19:45.25*** join/#asterisk rg1_ (
19:45.33EmleyMoorekiga needs an audio plugin?
19:45.38Nuggetwhy stop there?  software names should also include supported platforms and licensing too!
19:45.58Nuggetwhat should it be named if it supports SIP and IAX?
19:46.03rg1_anyone know when/where ${DNID} gets set?
19:46.11EmleyMoorAny suggestions as to my audio plugin for ekiga?
19:47.08EmleyMoor... well?
19:47.19[TK]D-FenderNugget : And should include the contact info of the authors incluing a picture, and GPS coords so you can launch ICBM's at them for non-compliance via Google Earth!
19:47.28NuggetI agree
19:47.45Nuggetbut not if the picture is encumbered.  only png format.
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19:48.03fileNugget is... speaking?
19:48.24[TK]D-Fenderfile : on... telnet no less! ;)
19:48.24Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
19:48.43EmleyMoorWhat audio plugin does ekiga need? (and why did Debian not install it?)
19:49.00Nuggetbecause linux dependancy checking sucks.
19:49.54EmleyMoorWell, yes, it sucks - but what should it have sucked?
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19:50.28EmleyMoorUm... no
19:50.36EmleyMoorI got recommended ekiga here
19:50.54rg1_anyone out there that can help me know the variable in the dial plan that shows the phone# that was dialed to get into asterisk?
19:51.00rg1_the DID#
19:51.23[TK]D-Fenderrg1_ : ${EXTEN} .....
19:51.25Nuggetrg1_: ${EXTEN}
19:55.19EmleyMoorAny better suggestions for a decent Linux softphone?
19:58.10tzafrirtwinkle is nice
19:58.18tzafrirSo is kaix
19:58.24tzafrirkiax, that is
20:00.23rg1_anyone know if there is a way to "dump" all variables that are set in the dialplan?
20:00.46EmleyMoorHmmm... need work to get them on here but thanks for the hints
20:01.38tzafrirBackports of quite a few voip-related packages could also be found at . Though they tend to be bleeding edge
20:01.51[TK]D-Fenderrg_ :nope.  What are you trying to accomplish?
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20:03.10rg1_weel i did ${EXTEN} and it said the value was "s"
20:03.26rg1_I'm trying to see what values are set/available to me that I might be able to use
20:04.55[TK]D-Fenderrg1_ : You may want to actually try LOOKING on the WIKI....
20:06.07[TK]D-Fenderrg_ : Again, try and come up with something specific you want to do and maybe we can help.  And it came back as "s" becasue thats where you were when you checked.  you should look earlier up in your dialplan to see where it came in on, and why.
20:06.08xhelioxTK: Why read the documentation when you can come on IRC and guess at it?
20:06.33[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : Shucks, why didn't *I* think of that!
20:07.17NuggetCatch a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Catch him a fish on IRC and he'll bitch at you for not cleaning and cooking it for him too.
20:08.03[TK]D-FenderNugget : "Light a fire for a man and he's warm for a day.  Light a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life"
20:08.19rg1_D-Fdner - ok, i will look for the exten at the start of the script.  thanks much
20:08.54[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : and the link to "dumb answers"? :)
20:09.09xhelioxI can supply those. :)
20:09.17xhelioxI have years of experience.
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20:14.05gmustafai m getting error "503- service unavailable" in asterisk  from quintum
20:16.30[TK]D-Fendergmustafa : If I had to venture a guess I'd say that might mean that the Quintum didn't think it had any free channels to give *.  take a closer look and see what resources that connection has available to it.
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20:18.31gerphimumim trying to understand the definition of a "channel"...  if you have 1 fxo line, 2 fxs lines, and 3 voip phones, does that count at 6 channels ?
20:19.00GuadamuXthat's correct
20:19.47gerphimumand i suppose a voip provider would count as a logical channel, as well
20:20.46gerphimumare there any differences in a "channel" on the asterisk side, or do you simply configure each to work with whatever hardware it is plugged in to
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20:22.38GuadamuXI'm looking for ways for Asterisk load balancing, I've heard about ARA and DUNDI, does somebody know about this or another asterisk clustering ways  ??
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20:23.35aydiosmioAIX trunk, DNS round robin
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20:30.00aadilismailhow can i dial further extensions... like if i dial through user agent .. 44208878XXXX... user agent ask to dial any extensions like 2020, 23 24 any ???
20:31.45aadilismailmean after dialing the destination user agent able to dial extension?? how can i ?
20:32.23GuadamuXthanks, aydiosmio
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20:33.38GuadamuXaydiosmio, those ways provide redundancy?
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20:35.24[TK]D-FenderGuadamuX : Your terminology is a little off.
20:36.39[TK]D-Fendergerphimum : A channel is any leg of a call regardless of what tech it uses.  Each of your voip pohones could potentially support multiple calls.  Each one would be a channel.
20:38.13GuadamuXwell, I've chosen Asterisk as my Final Graduation Project, and I'm looking for the ways to build high-availability VoIP systems with Asterisk, so, I need to determine how make Asterisk redundant and load-balancing
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20:40.49SomethingISODDHello All if anyone is around can you please tell me whats wrong with this exten => s,8,GotoIfTime(09:00-16:30|mon-fri|*|*?office-open,s,9)
20:45.37rg1_still working on trying to get the DID # that someone dialed to get into the system
20:45.56rg1_I have the following 3 lines that start this off:
20:45.58rg1_[from-trunk]                                                    ; just an alias since VoIP shouldn't be called PSTN
20:45.58rg1_include => aa_default
20:45.58rg1_include => ext-did     ; defined in extensions_additional.conf, were incoming DIDs are mapped to internal extensions or auto-attendant
20:46.00rg1_include => from-pstn-reghours
20:46.02rg1_;include => from-pstn
20:46.14jbot[pb] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
20:46.14rg1_sorry for the paste, but thought it might be small enough
20:47.03rg1_anyway, what I want to do is capture the EXTEN (which should have the DID#) as the first thing in [fromt-trunk]
20:47.17rg1_can i do that?
20:47.57SomethingISODDPlease can anyone tell me whats wrong.
20:48.12[TK]D-Fenderrg1_ : Sure.  you should already BE int he exten (look at the pattern match).  thenk just set another variable = ${EXTEN} and be on your merry way
20:49.14rg1_something sodd - how about exten =>s,8,GotoIf(Time(09:00-16:30|mon-fri|*|*)?office-open,s,9)
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20:49.49SomethingISODDok let me try that it just keeps passing and going to the invailed extension
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20:50.24[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : Have you checked to see if your clock is even right?
20:50.30rg1_D-Fender, the zapata.conf sends the call to [from-trunk] for channels 1-23
20:50.50[TK]D-Fenderrg1_ : What kind of lines are those?
20:50.54rg1_and [from-trunk] does those includes
20:51.10rg1_D-Fender - what doyou mean?
20:51.14SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender ya that was my first idea, but its the correct time and rg1_ your idea worked perfect
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20:51.24SomethingISODDlol just need to fix the audio alittttle slow
20:51.37SomethingISODDsox -r 8000 filename.wav -c1 /location right??
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20:53.33rg1_D-Fender - what would my line look like in the dialplan to capture that "exten"?
20:53.58[TK]D-Fenderrg1_ : Answer my previous question.  What kind of interface are you working with?
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20:54.52[TK]D-Fenderrg1_ : Well calls would come in under the exten in the context specified in your channel definition.
20:55.20rg1_D-Fender  - this is what I get when i call in from my cell phone - the "to" is the DID
20:55.36rg1_-- Accepting call from '5094269931' to '5096873346' on channel 0/1, span 1
20:55.46rg1_so I'm trying to capture the 5096873346
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20:56.33rg1_the 1st# is the callerid and the 2nd is the DID that it called - trying to get that 2nd number captured into a variable
20:56.49[TK]D-Fenderrg1_ : pastebin your extensions.conf and your zapata.conf.  You are clearly not getting the concept of ${EXTEN}
20:57.04justinu|laptoplike fender said it's already in a variable... ${EXTEN}
20:57.04rg1_ok, let me get that stuff up
20:57.25rg1_ok, let me try one more thing....
20:57.31[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop : I'm sure you already know what I'm smelling right now....
20:59.31saftsackare there any other enterprise interfacecard than sangomas and digiums?
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21:00.10trelanesaftsack, tons
21:00.16[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Rhino makes some, as well as a few others.  Got a real question?
21:00.19trelanedepends on what you're trying to interface
21:00.19*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
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21:01.45xhelioxTK: Speaking of asking questions without reading the manual, off the top of your head, is there a way to adjust the rtp port range that the Polycom's use?
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21:02.07[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : Yes
21:02.24xhelioxNow I'll go RTMF.
21:02.46[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : Thats how you can get multiple phones working behind a remote NAT with some small measure of sanity
21:03.02xhelioxTK: Yah. Exactly what I'm trying to do.
21:03.25xhelioxTK: Still no stun support, right? You have to manually define the external IP, eh?
21:03.28saftsack[TK]D-Fender, yes i want to know if there are some cheap fxo and fxs cards available and if there are some minipci cards
21:04.10a2ltihey guys.. I'm trying dialing out via SIP. The goal is to play announcement when the user picks up.. no matter what I use Dial() invokes it after the SIP server answer,and not when 2 channels are bridged.. is there a workaround?
21:04.13rg1_ok, let me ask this another way..........If i want a line to execute at the top of a context, regardless of what exten it will execute in the context normally, is there a way to do that?
21:04.58xhelioxrg1: _.,Dial()
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21:05.08[TK]D-Fenderxheliox : Correct
21:05.22hads_. is silly
21:05.36xhelioxhads: Is that not what he just asked for?
21:05.43[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Cheap FXO is only the X100, and its junk.  You should already know about Digium & Sangoma's mainstream product line.
21:05.56rg1_xheliox - ok, and if I put that in there it will execute and then will it also execute the more closely defined ext?
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21:06.20hadsxheliox: Yes, it is, but it's not a good solution.
21:06.21xhelioxYou could write a dialplan to do that, that won't do that by default.
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21:06.24saftsack[TK]D-Fender, and whats about minipci cards?
21:06.45xhelioxhads: I don't think he's interested in good solutions if he's willing to just let us guess at it for him.
21:07.04hadsxheliox: Fair enough :)
21:07.07rg1_xheliox/anyone - for example, if  the ext=5096873340 and my dialplan has a context [ext-did]
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21:07.15rg1_so like this:
21:07.39rg1_exten => _.,1,Dial()
21:07.59rg1_exten => 5096873340,1,Goto(...)
21:08.10rg1_will BOTH the _. AND the 509... execute?
21:08.42[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : nothing I've heard of
21:08.59saftsack[TK]D-Fender, do you think it is cheaper to build up a gateway with a cheap soekris board or with a buyed gateway
21:09.18saftsackhmm ok. strange .... because in germany i can buy a BRI minipci card
21:09.49[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : You can come up with that answer yourself with about 5 minutes of research and Elementary school math.....
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21:10.03hadsThere's probably not a lot of point in building a basic gateway when you can buy them off the shelf.
21:10.17saftsack[TK]D-Fender, yes if i would know any prices
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21:12.07rg1_so is there VAR like CALLERIDNUM that is set for the DID number that was dialed?
21:12.37saftsack[TK]D-Fender, what is jfgi?
21:12.37hadsEXTEN, as has been mentioned.
21:12.49rg1_yes, but that changes
21:12.54rg1_as you go to a new context
21:13.04[TK]D-Fenderrg1_ : Ok, now you've really shown the allergy to what you should have been doing for some time :
21:13.05saftsack[TK]D-Fender, i mean google doesnt throw out common gateways
21:13.11jbotmethinks rtfm is Read The F*cking Manual (TM). It is a suggestion to do your homework before posting a question. Sometimes used as RTFM $SPECIFIC_MANUAL to refer to a specific source of information. See also
21:13.12jbotwell, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
21:13.14jboti guess wikis is
21:13.44[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : , , ,
21:13.56saftsack[TK]D-Fender, thx
21:14.22[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : For crying out loud EVERYBODY knows the common VoIP equipment retailers, and they're all listed nicely on the WIKI.
21:14.52saftsackyes i saw the links on the wiki but i live in germany :-P
21:15.03saftsackdidnt find any voip stuff distributor in germany :(
21:16.17jbotsomebody said jfgi was http://www.justf*
21:20.08jbotwell, asterisk is the best free PBX in the world
21:20.18sevardthat's objective.
21:20.33linageefree PBX? *grin*
21:20.34linageefreePBX! :)
21:22.19[TK]D-Fenderlinagee : "well, asterisk is best in the PBX-free world" <-
21:25.30[TK]D-Fender(as read through
21:25.30EmleyMoorI am glad I've found out that asterisk will accept pulse dial phones
21:26.08saftsackwhat is the better choice? a 24 port fxs gateway with a t1 card with hardware ec or a digium tdm2400p card with hardware ec?
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21:26.45gerphimumdoes anyone know any information regarding particular landline service providers that are offering sms capability
21:27.28[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : What 24 port FXS gateway needs a T1 card?  Sounds more like a CHANNEL BANK.
21:28.12[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : And to help answer that maybe you could be precise as to whether you actually NEED 24 analog channels (why on earth would you?)
21:28.41xhelioxTK: Residential deployments?
21:29.43[TK]D-Fenderxheliox :His reason, not yours :)
21:30.15xhelioxOh. ;(
21:30.56linageewho uses pulse dial phones???
21:31.06gerphimummy grandma :|
21:31.37linageegerphimum: buy her a $10 walmart DTMF phone. :p
21:31.49linageeor better yet, something with a brain that talks SIP. :)
21:32.13linageegerphimum: buy your grandma a barbietone. she will hate you for years to come. :}
21:32.18gerphimumthe only form of excercise my grandma has is when shes moving that old school rotary phone...  thingy...
21:32.25EmleyMoorlinagee: I happen to like the Yeoman as a phone but tone dial ones are rare
21:32.42EmleyMoorI have a wall DTMF version that will be going in the hall
21:32.45[TK]D-Fenderlinagee : SIP does not have a distict interface from the concept of DTMF and dial-tone.  Everything else is phone specific
21:33.06EmleyMoorThe Yeoman was the common British Post Office telephone from 1967 until 1981
21:33.07saftsack[TK]D-Fender, sorry i misstyped it. i mean a channelbank, thats right
21:33.08linagee[TK]D-Fender: having a rotary SIP phone would just be creepy
21:33.14gerphimumrofl tru dat..
21:33.22saftsack[TK]D-Fender, maybe if i have 24 old analog telephones? :>
21:33.39EmleyMoorI have a rotary Yeoman with amplifier that I might have by my bed
21:33.43gerphimumlinagee >> that phone has fared my grandma through the ages.. the one and only thing that has.. i cant tear that away from her
21:34.12linageegerphimum: scrape out the insides of the phone with an icecream scoop and put a SIP brain into it.
21:34.16sevard[TK]D-Fender: that'll be five dollars, please.
21:34.27gerphimumlinagee >> ah, im much too lazy for all of that.
21:34.48[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : in that case you definately don't want ANY PCI cared involved at all.  I'd suggest a Mediatrix 1124 gateway, or an AudioCodes MP-124
21:35.02[TK]D-Fendersevard : For?
21:35.19asdxso, asterisk is a system for incoming calls and pass them trough other phones?
21:35.22sevard[TK]D-Fender: my love -- you can paypal it.
21:35.48[TK]D-Fendersevard : Don't pay for vapourware, sorry....
21:35.48linageeasdx: no. asterisk is like a PBX on crack
21:35.51sevardasdx: asterisk is a PBX, please wiki 'pbx'
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21:36.02linageesevard: asterisk is a PBX on crack. :)
21:36.08asdxi don't know what PBX means
21:36.24linageeasdx: something that only rich businesses have. :)
21:36.32gerphimumnot anymore!
21:36.56sevardasdx: that's why I said "please wiki 'pbx'"
21:37.03asdxsevard: ok
21:37.04EmleyMoorPrivate Branch eXchange
21:37.14linageelinux is windows on crack. asterisk is a PBX on crack.
21:37.15asdxwhat does private branch exchange means? lol
21:37.34linageeasdx: you've ever had to dial 9 to get an outside line?
21:37.42asdxlinagee: yes
21:37.45linageeasdx: you're dialing 9 at a PBX.
21:37.56asdxlinagee: i see
21:38.00linageeasdx: it's the box that says, "oh. you dialed a 9. i will do this and this and this."
21:38.18linageeasdx: and more
21:38.22gerphimumlots..  more.
21:38.34linageegerphimum: well like i said. a PBX on crack. :)
21:38.37asdxlinagee: and the call is passing trough the PBX?
21:38.41gerphimumthere ya go.  fitting definition.
21:38.46sevardasdx: if you had read that article instead of just the title of the article you would understand what 'private branch exchange' meant
21:39.01asdxsevard: ok, i'll read now
21:39.20sevardasdx: after you read that you should read the book
21:39.21gerphimumlinagee >> do you know anything about landline sms support ?
21:39.25jbotrumour has it, thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
21:39.25asdxsevard: i have read that article but i didn't understand very well... i'll read again
21:39.32asdxsevard: i'm reading the book, i'm in chapter 2
21:39.36linageegerphimum: a 1950s PBX can't look up a value in a database when you punch in numbers into the keypad and use text to speech to reach you back some response
21:39.47gerphimumthis is true.
21:40.01gerphimumthen again, in the 1950s, crack wasnt very popular.
21:40.33asdxall this sounds so great...
21:40.43awannabeit doesnt sound great, it is!!!
21:40.46asdxand exciting
21:40.53linageeasdx: imagine you can define the routes for calls to take just like an internet router defines the routes for web traffic to take.
21:41.14asdxlinagee: yeah.. :)
21:41.15linageeasdx: asterisk : phones :: router : networks
21:41.42gerphimumpbx : phones :: router :: computers *
21:41.43linageeif you can read my strange nomenclature, give yourself a gold star
21:41.53gerphimumnt on the analogy though
21:41.56linageegerphimum: bah. :p
21:42.13linageegerphimum: i'm not sure how to interpret your second ::
21:42.35gerphimumid interpret it as a glitch in your monitor...  and leave it at that
21:42.41linageepbx is to phones as routers as computers?
21:43.02gerphimumas so definied in the movie serenity
21:43.19gerphimumahhhhh yes.
21:43.30linageeer, standby system
21:43.36gerphimumso then, anyone know anything about sms support from landline carriers ?
21:43.53linageegerphimum: why use a PSTN gateway when you can use an email gateway?
21:44.07gerphimumcuz i dont know about sms via email
21:44.14gerphimumis it possible ?
21:44.14linageegerphimum: standby as in backup/secondary/hot spare. not as in sleeping your computer. :p
21:44.25gerphimumah, ok.  thats cool then
21:44.34linageegerphimum: yes. you find the sms email gateway you want to send to and send it
21:44.41linageeusually like
21:44.55linageeyou will have to go to for the specifics.
21:45.06saftsack[TK]D-Fender, why is a gateway better than a channelbank + gateway card? can you tell me the reasons?
21:45.10linageeif you want a general SMS gateway that will send to any cell, i believe there are pay gateways. :P
21:45.23gerphimumtrue, but what if you dont know the company...  you just want to send a message to say +12345678901
21:45.33linageegerphimum: use a pay gateway
21:45.41linageegerphimum: they will do the routing for you. :p
21:46.21gerphimumi read on the wiki that some landline carriers are making sms a feature, assuming you have the ability to send an sms signal by means of some device on your household phone network
21:46.41gerphimumbesides, who wants to pay for stuff these days
21:46.59[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : First you get better call control without using stupid * DTMF options.  Second, they are easier to deploy and don't place the kind of load that Zaptel does.  This means you can have more attached than you can have PCI cards allow for
21:47.03linageegerphimum: you could hook a cellphone up to an asterisk box and send messages to it which get sent to the network.
21:47.08linageegerphimum: albeit cludgy
21:47.25[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Better wiring options since you aren't distance limited.  the list goes on and on.
21:47.30rg1_new issue/new question.......
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21:48.07rg1_in the dialplan you can get a value like this " ${CALLERID(num)} " - how would you get that same value in an AGI script (using PHP)
21:48.26linageegerphimum: you do txting, you pay. :p
21:48.34linageegerphimum: unless you live in japan or something
21:49.02linageesome civilized country where <512 bytes of data are free
21:49.24saftsack[TK]D-Fender, ok thank you :>
21:49.27gerphimumlinagee >> quite. what i was thinking is... say im having a party, and people are calling my house for directions.. my phone will instantly be on party mode so that it automatically picks up the phone and goes through regular information like when the party is and whatnot... i want asterisk to be able to send a text message to the caller including directions to my house
21:49.40saftsackso overall a decentralised built up is better in many ways?
21:49.53linageegerphimum: why not have them called up and delivered a message instead?
21:50.00linageegerphimum: why does it have to be txted?
21:50.04gerphimumbecause i suck at remembering shit
21:50.11[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : you can also set up redundant call-servers so if your primary * box goes down it can forward to another,.
21:50.20linageegerphimum: i'm saying why txt over voice
21:50.25linagees/over/instead of/
21:50.29gerphimumtxt message you can look back when you forget
21:50.38gerphimumlike i always do
21:50.49linageegerphimum: why not WML then? :)
21:50.53gerphimumwml ?
21:50.57[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Also you don't need to worry about EC much with most gateways so your cost-per-port is pretty low as well.
21:50.58saftsack[TK]D-Fender, but now another view. if i would buy 24 fxs ata's it would cost 1200 which is cheaper than a pri fxs gateway .... :>
21:51.03linageegerphimum: wireless markup.
21:51.09linageegerphimum: web phone
21:51.17saftsackwith an ata my cost per port is at about 60bucks
21:51.40linageegerphimum: most cellphones these days support it
21:52.13gerphimumare you talking about a cure for my forgetfulness, or a way to deliver a message to those requiring it
21:52.19linageegerphimum: "show people where the party is at" = "send out mass spam to lots of phones"
21:52.27[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Why are we talking about PRI now?  thats for PSTN, not for PHONES.  And I was referring you to 2 different 24-port gateways.  You COULD just get 12 2-port FXS ATA's which would even cheaper, but the wiring would be a hell of a mess.
21:52.43gerphimumlol ;) brb, need a snack now.  all this knowledge is making me hungry
21:52.44[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : not to mention configuring a dozen stupid little boxes.
21:53.00linageegerphimum: look into gnokii.
21:53.10linageegerphimum: remote control a phone. can send out txt messages too
21:53.22[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Maybe you should actuallt describe a REAL scenario you are looking to satify...
21:53.30linageesaftsack: balls?
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21:54.16saftsack[TK]D-Fender, i want to find out if its cheaper if i have a voip telephone or an analog telephone + channel costs.
21:54.37linageesaftsack: it's cheaper to have voip telephones
21:54.50linageesaftsack: buying analog telephones means you will have to pay double
21:55.02linageesaftsack: because in the future you will have to buy voip phones
21:55.10gerphimumunless his house isnt wired for cat5 :|
21:55.20linageegerphimum: then wire it for cat 5. :)
21:55.33linageegerphimum: nothing a drill can't fix
21:55.46gerphimumwith 24 phones, his house must be huge, and that project alone might cost more than what the voip phones would cost
21:56.13linageegerphimum: i'm thinking small call center instead of a residence.
21:56.14gerphimumthen again, cat5 is the wave of the future, rj11 is worthless these days
21:56.22linageegerphimum: exactlyh.
21:56.36gerphimumcat5 would be a good investment in the long run
21:56.36linageegerphimum: you can put video over cat5... voice over cat 5...
21:56.39saftsacklinagee, why do i need voip phones in the future? i mean a softpbx is flexible and the telephones behind it are not interesting for reaching the pstn
21:56.46linageegerphimum: directly or over ethernet packets even. :)
21:57.03linageesaftsack: caller ID?
21:57.33linageesaftsack: regular phones don't show caller ID. they are also lower quality. once you get fed up with that, you'll shell out for voip phones in the future and end up paying twice.
21:58.07[TK]D-FenderVoIP is a nifty idea, but mearly a means to an end.  There is little need for more functionality that you can get out of an analog phone for anyone who isn't in a busy call environment.
21:58.14linageesaftsack: if you're going to buy 24 of something, might as well be of the best quality per dollar to last the longest.
21:58.16saftsackok accepted but i had the best voice quality with an analogue phone. it is a little bit better than my snom phone
21:58.48linageesaftsack: maybe your snom phones just sucked. what protocol? PCM?
21:58.52[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Snom sucks.  Should have gotten a Polycom or Cisco.
21:58.56asdxswitching calls, etc, are all doing with a pbx system?
21:59.06gerphimumasdx >> yessir
21:59.13asdxI see
21:59.13hadsThat's a bit rough [TK]D-Fender
21:59.21awannabethe snoms rock
21:59.28awannabemore featutres, cheaper
21:59.53saftsacki heard that the using of snoms in europa isnt as good as in america in contrast to snoms ....
22:00.12[TK]D-Fenderhads : You right.  SNOM IS CHEAP CRAP MARKETED BY THE FACT THEY RUN LINUX. *WHOOPIE!*  there... now my intonation is clearer ;)
22:00.12asdxand you can call from one phone to another phone easily inside the pbx, without using a external line?
22:00.18awannabetake up WAY WAY less space when using as a recposnist phone
22:00.24saftsackwhat is with ciscos? is the cisco sip firmware as good as the sccp firmware?
22:00.31gerphimumasdx >> yessir..
22:00.32linagee[TK]D-Fender: what is better cheap crap? snom or gxp2000? :-D
22:00.34awannabethe cisco sip firmware sucks
22:00.36asdxgerphimum: cool
22:00.43justinu|laptopsnom 360 is a decent phone... kinda funky tho
22:00.45hadsI have a lot of customers that are very happy with the snoms, espcially when compared the Polycom phones at twice the price over here.
22:00.45awannabethey have no features on them!! snoms have backlit display!
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22:00.52justinu|laptopaudio quality isn't up to polycom standards
22:00.53[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Better jitter buffers, PLC, quality mics/speakers, etc.
22:00.55awannabehads, agreed, im installing 90 right now
22:01.19[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : For those who insist on backlight I suggest the Aastra 480i
22:01.27linageeuse a PC buzzer as a speaker and sell the product for $5. lol
22:01.28awannabeive never used that one
22:01.34linageethat's cheap crap
22:01.39Ryanwwhere can i get a winamp plugin to play .ulaw files or whats the name of a windows sound player that will play them?
22:01.46awannabeim putting a group of snoms in 4 doctrs offices
22:02.04[TK]D-Fenderhads : yeah, maybe where you are Polycom is more expensive, but you get what you pay for.  In North America they are almost on par with each other though.
22:02.28asdxi kinda understand what is a PBX now :)
22:02.28[TK]D-Fenderhads : Then you could always choose Linksys.  They're not bad overall (for the dollar where you are)
22:02.37gerphimumRyanw >> google is a one stop shop for all things random
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22:03.06hads[TK]D-Fender: I agree about the get what you pay for. Linksys are OK, less feature rich with Asterisk at present though, good pricing though.
22:03.09saftsack[TK]D-Fender, is it possible to get a polycom/cisco phone for about 130bucks?
22:03.17gerphimumsaftsack >> ebay
22:03.27[TK]D-Fenderhads : My assessment exactly.
22:03.37linageesaftsack: yes. off of ebay. :)
22:03.40[TK]D-Fenderhads : But it depends on your needs.
22:03.42linageeget it for $0.99!
22:03.56[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Polycom IP 301 = $115 USD
22:03.59hadsThe Polycom distributors here are working hard with Polycom to try and get the pricing down to a decent point here.
22:04.16awannabethe 301 is cheasy..not even a full duplex speaker phone!
22:04.22hadsI think that is because they want to actually sell something :)
22:04.29[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : Thats its only downside really.
22:04.32linageehads: a distributor trying to lower the price? that's got to be a first. lol
22:04.50[TK]D-Fenderawannabe : Thats why I typically suggest the IP 430 for PoE-only installs, or the IP 501 otherwise
22:04.51linageesounds like marketing fodder
22:04.59awannabethats why i cant use them, people these day LOVE speakerphone heh
22:05.06saftsack[TK]D-Fender, does the 301 provide the same voice quality as its big brother?
22:05.32hadslinagee: Na, they are actually really nice. They've already come back once with some more competitive volume pricing.
22:05.33linageeno full duplex speakerphone? wow. that's worse than a barbietone!
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22:08.14asdxso if i have 1 telephone line, i can plug it to one computer and with asterisk i can multiplex that line and have like 100 telephones?
22:08.28gerphimumasdx >> theoretically.
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22:08.55[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : From what I've seen, yes.
22:09.01gerphimumasdx >> theres a bit more to it, though. you cant just use some random 56k modem thats lying around
22:09.35asdxgerphimum: i see
22:09.50[TK]D-Fenderasdx : Something like that.  You can have 1 line come into *, and have 100 PHONES as well, but only 1 of them is going to use the line at a time.
22:10.08[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : How many phones do you need, and what kind of call volume?
22:10.39asdx[TK]D-Fender: i see
22:11.09asdx[TK]D-Fender: but i can pass the call to any of the 100 phones right?
22:11.10gerphimumasdx >> yes.
22:11.16asdxi understand
22:11.43gerphimumasdx >> with your incoming phone line, you will need to plug that into whats called an FXO card. that card takes and is able to use (incoming and outgoing) the line back to the pstn (public switched telephone network)
22:12.09BosHausdo you have to have a phone line or t1 to get asterisk to work?  or can I host my own phone system through my network?
22:12.28BosHausgot plenty of bandwidth.. fiber optic.
22:12.30[TK]D-Fenderasdx : * can direct all calls arriving to it from any interface just about any way you want it to.
22:12.55RaYmAn-BxBosHaus: it is certainly possible to use asterisk without any PSTN or t1 phone lines
22:12.57[TK]D-FenderBosHaus : You can use any kind of interface you want.  You could run pure-voip if you want.
22:12.58gerphimumBosHaus >> you can configure asterisk to work internally only..
22:13.10asdxcan i answer the phone call in my computer?
22:13.27asdxwith a softphone
22:13.53BosHausso if I did pure-voip, who would I have to pay for the PSTN
22:13.54gerphimumasdx >> yes. you would use whats called a softphone, which is a program that runs on your computer and registers itself with asterisk.
22:14.07asdxi see
22:14.09gerphimumBosHaus >> whoever is your provider
22:14.16hadsBosHaus: A provider.
22:14.22BosHausah, ok
22:14.29asdxhow much does it cost a FXO card?
22:14.38hadsasdx: 42
22:14.45gerphimumasdx >> google tdm400p
22:15.08asdxhads: US dollars?
22:15.20JTnot for a tdm400P :]
22:15.38gerphimumtdm400p is upwards to about $200, depending on what configuration you get
22:15.40asdxcan't wait to buy a card and play with it...
22:16.39gerphimumsame here :(
22:16.58saftsackdoes anybody of you know a european voip stuff seller?
22:17.17brookshirewhich country?
22:17.22[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : jfgi
22:17.39asdxand how do you connect the voip phone into the computer, trough the card?
22:18.06JTif it's a voip phone... ethernet
22:18.24brookshireyou use the network
22:18.29gerphimumasdx >> no, you would connect the voip phone the same you would a computer. it would go through the router and into the asterisk box
22:18.29asdxi see
22:18.45asdxnice :)
22:18.45JTgerphimum: there is no need for a router
22:18.57JTin most networks it would be a network switch in place
22:19.01asdxso, the voip phone is just like a computer/interface?
22:19.07asdxcomputer, interface, client
22:19.09JTif it's voip, yess
22:19.10gerphimumJT >> how would they get ip addresses
22:19.12hadsJT: Everything that you plug a network cable into is a router these days.
22:19.20JTvoice over INTERNET PROTOCOL
22:19.24JThads: rofl
22:19.36asdxnice, this can't be more AWESOME! :D
22:19.40asdxcan't wait for try it out
22:19.50JTgerphimum: you can assign them statically or you can have it automatically provided by a DHCP server, no need for a router
22:20.13saftsack[TK]D-Fender, there arent any good sellers listed.
22:20.15brookshireand even provision the phones with dhcp + tftp
22:20.37asdxi wish i could switch all the telephony stuff to asterisk in my house xD
22:20.49gerphimumasdx >> you can..
22:20.57JTyou can, it's just a question of dollars and time
22:20.58gerphimumyou just gotta BELIEVE
22:21.06gerphimumand, what JT said
22:21.13asdxi will, i just need the $ for buy all the stuff ;p
22:21.30brookshireso anyone played around with 1.4 yet?
22:21.43gerphimumasdx >> to* buy all the stuff :)
22:21.50asdxgerphimum: yeah ;p
22:21.50gerphimumnot for
22:22.07asdxgerphimum: also, thanks for correct me ;p
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22:32.07asdxif i have two asterisk pbx running, and the two asterisk pbx are in different countries, and the computers are connected trough the internet, i can call with my phone to the other pbx's?
22:32.07gerphimum..  looks like yes
22:32.07asdxcool :)
22:32.09Dovidsee the wiki
22:32.11asdxthis is indeed the future :D
22:32.11JTasterisk is pretty much just a telephony toolkit
22:32.11JTwhat you do with it, is up to you
22:32.11BosHausso if I were to go with a pure-voip system, what kind of service would I have to buy from a provider?
22:32.11JTyou can use voip protocols including SIP, IAX, H.323, SCCP and a couple of others
22:32.11Doviddepends on what u want to do with it
22:32.11JTSIP or IAX telephony service usually, BosHaus
22:32.12asdxwhat about if you have two pbx's, and two or more phones, can you call to another pbx and have more than 1 user talking at the same time over the pbx's?
22:32.12asdxlike, multiplexing...
22:32.12Dovidasdx: yes
22:32.12Dovidread the book
22:32.13jboti guess book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
22:32.13asdxwow :)
22:32.14JTthese are pretty simple questions
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22:32.14Dovidwow - bot a lil slow
22:32.14asdxi'm drawing it all in paper as i see in my mind now :P
22:32.14JTassume it's yes unless it's actually something difficult
22:32.14JTbot is always slow, must be hosted on 14kbps modem
22:32.14asdxis really fun
22:32.15gerphimumjust hit a huge netsplit
22:32.15gerphimummaybe it didnt come back
22:32.15Dovidah ok
22:32.15JTit's here
22:32.15JTjust wait
22:32.15Dovidah ok
22:32.15Dovidi will give it time to rest up
22:32.16JTssh it will coming back with 6 lines about 3 times now :P
22:32.16[TK]D-FenderJT : 14kbps is PLENTY for IRC.....
22:32.52[TK]D-FenderJT : how fast do YOU see chars flying around here?
22:32.52JT[TK]D-Fender: with someone leeching .isos off the link at the same time :P
22:32.52[TK]D-FenderJT : That would do it :)
22:32.54JTthat bot is incredibly slow, i want to know what third world connection it has
22:33.43[TK]D-FenderJT : Actually the third world has BETTER tech than most of us because they didn't/coun't invest in the earlier generateions and are thus unburdened by it in their new expansions.
22:33.54[TK]D-FenderJT : for those buying any tech at all taht is.
22:34.11JTi think you'll find that really depends on the part of the third world you're talking about
22:34.29[TK]D-FenderJT : America would be much further ahead were it not burdened by trying to maintain its ancient infrastructure for so long.
22:34.43[TK]D-FenderJT L Quite true, and i did state that.
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22:36.49lilalinuxhey guys
22:37.27lilalinuxis there a possibility to connect my Gigaset 4000 (ISDN) to asterisk and route calls to VoIP? Internal S0?
22:37.44[TK]D-Fenderlilalinux : Yes.
22:38.00lilalinux[TK]D-Fender: do you have a starter?
22:38.22asdxdoes voip phones runs operating systems?
22:38.45lilalinuxasdx: I know some, that use embedded linux
22:39.15asdxlilalinux: what are these ones?
22:39.50lilalinuxasdx: e.g. snom
22:40.13asdxlilalinux: thanks
22:40.47asdxthe phone looks pretty cool :)
22:40.48SomethingISODDHey all question accounting to my server its now 17:30 and i have this exten => s,8,GotoIf(Time(09:00-16:30|mon-fri|*|*)?office-open,s,9)
22:40.55SomethingISODDand its still going to the open hours
22:41.00saftsackwhat is the better conecpt? connecting via a e1 card to the pstn or with a gateway?
22:41.02JTlilalinux: if it's a standard ISDN TE phone, just get an isdn card
22:41.18JTsaftsack: do you mean "sip gateway"?
22:41.28saftsackPRI -> SIP
22:41.45asdxhow much does a voip phone cost, like the snom one
22:41.56[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD  : Your formatting is off for that function call.
22:42.06lilalinuxJT: It's a dect base station
22:42.11[TK]D-Fenderasdx : Cost depends on where you are, and what models you are looking at.
22:42.32JTlilalinux: if it uses ISDN SO bus in a standard fashion, you can connect to it with the right isdn card
22:42.43SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender well the way i had it was exten => s,8,GotoIfTime(09:00-16:30|mon-fri|*|*?office-open,s,9)
22:42.45JTsaftsack: your question was unclear
22:42.51lilalinuxJT: can you recommend one?
22:42.52[TK]D-Fenderasdx : I woul dsuggest you start with an ATA likst the Linksys SPA-2002
22:43.02JTlilalinux: how many ports do you require?
22:43.06asdx[TK]D-Fender: ok :)
22:43.24lilalinuxJT: standard euro isdn
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22:43.28lilalinux2 bchannels
22:43.29SomethingISODDis that correct?
22:43.32[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : change it back then, and then pastebin your dialpland and the CLI output of its exectution, as well as a proof of the date/time set on your server
22:43.59JTlilalinux: so that's one port.
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22:44.14asdxis there wifi voip phones?
22:44.15saftsackJT, ok would i get more voice quality and configuration comfort / dollar with a gateway for connecting my * to the PSTN via PRI or with an E1 interface card?
22:44.34lilalinuxJT: yeah, but the card needs one for the line, and an internal
22:44.37enzoi've launched asterisk in root, now i have problem when i launch asterisk with a normal user, i get db.c:47 dbinit: Unable to open Asterisk database
22:44.43puzzledasdx: did you try to google?
22:44.46lilalinuxJT: I guess a standard fritz won't do it
22:44.50enzowhat is the file asterisk database ?
22:44.54JTlilalinux: sorry, be clear, how many ISDN2 S0 buses do you require?
22:45.32saftsacklilalinux, did you have a look at the patton gateways?
22:45.35JTsaftsack: you've described using the same thing, E1 is PRI too
22:45.41lilalinuxJT: 1 internal and 1 external
22:45.51JTexplain this internal and external
22:45.54lilalinuxsaftsack: not yet
22:46.44saftsackJT, yes but i compare these things: * ---SIP----> Gateway -----E1 ----> provider AND * + E1 interface card ----> provider
22:46.55enzoah yes astbin
22:47.01lilalinuxJT: I want to connect the card to isdn (external) so I can receive calls/faxes and want to connect my gigaset base station (internal) for our dect phones
22:47.22saftsacklilalinux, they offer a 2 port (one te and one nt) gateway for 300eu.
22:47.30lilalinuxsaftsack: thx
22:47.30JTlilalinux: so you want 2 ports
22:47.37lilalinuxJT: k
22:47.45JTswitchable TE and NT
22:47.51saftsackits more expensive than a fritzbox but a fritzbox doesnt has sip gateway support
22:47.55lilalinuxno NT needed
22:48.01saftsackthere are hacks for the fritzbox but they dont work properly atm
22:48.10JTlilalinux: NT needed, you are connecting to a dect base station are you not
22:48.12saftsacklilalinux, do you need 2 voice channels or 2 isdn ports?
22:48.22JTthe dect base station would usually operate in TE mode
22:48.24saftsackJT, do you have a guess?
22:48.28JTrequiring an NT on the other side
22:48.32lilalinuxJT: k
22:48.54JTby all means check the specs of you dect station
22:48.58lilalinuxsaftsack: JT says 2 ports
22:49.13JTbut if it normally plugs into the provider's NT1, it's a safe bet it need to connect to a device with NT mode
22:49.18saftsackso 4 voice channels?
22:49.36JTsaftsack: yes that's 4 voice channels, it really is irrelevant to this question though
22:49.48saftsackdidnt get the question
22:50.12JTlilalinux: i'd normally recommend but don't know if they make anything under 4 ports
22:50.27lilalinuxthx JT, saftsack
22:50.44JTsaftsack: ahh, mentioning the PRI at the SIP provider's end is what got me confused
22:50.54JTagain, how they connect to the pstn is usually irrelevant :)
22:51.07JTso it's SIP provider vs pri
22:51.09saftsackbut what is the cleverest way?
22:51.25Doviddoes ANI come thru on SIP ?
22:51.25JTdepends on the cost of calls using each method in your country
22:51.30JTyour reliability requirements
22:51.39JTDovid: CLI does
22:51.50Doviddo i need to hack asterisk to get it ?
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22:51.56JTnot usually
22:52.00Dovidi wana route calls based on ANI
22:52.06JTunless it's sent with a non standard method
22:52.10JTdo you mean CLI or ANI?
22:52.18lilalinuxJT: can I alternatively use 2 standard ISDN cards?
22:52.30JTlilalinux: i know the cheapies can't do NT mode
22:52.42Dovidso it will only come up in CLI ?
22:53.04Dovidi want to use it int he dial plan :(
22:53.07SomethingISODDcould someone take a look at plzz
22:53.15JTi have no idea if they have ani, i thought that was more a telco thing
22:53.28JTDovid: you can use incoming CLI in the dialplan
22:54.47[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : I told you to change it back to gotoiftim, and not use that function since you're calling it wrong anyways.
22:54.59[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : And you have to priority 8's in that context.  BAD.
22:55.02SomethingISODDi showed both ways
22:56.07SomethingISODDlet me check
22:56.39SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender would this not be the correct function exten => s,8,GotoIfTime(09:00-16:30|mon-fri|*|*?office-open,s,9)
22:56.44[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : please clean it up and why do you start numbering your "s" exten all over the place between various contexts?  Big mess in there.
22:57.15SomethingISODDwhat do you mean?
22:58.26Corydon76-homeGenerally the right way to number contexts is the autonumbering of priority 'n'
22:58.46SomethingISODDok so what i would just need a number to start it off?
22:58.53SomethingISODDand then set n for the rest
22:59.04[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : You shouldn't be numbering  "s" in each of those contexts starting at some freakish number like 7, 8, and 9 like we see in there.
22:59.06SomethingISODDok thanks let me change all that
22:59.09Corydon76-homeand generally you always start with priority 1
22:59.34[TK]D-FenderAnd I don't advocate use of "n".  Hard-coding is still fine, ust START with 1 for goodness sakes
22:59.57Dovidi agree with TK
23:00.03Corydon76-homeThe only reason for you to start with some other number is to create a subroutine common only to that single extension or pattern
23:00.09Dovidif u wana jump around, it gets messy with n
23:00.49Corydon76-homeDovid: auto-jumping is deprecated and will be removed in a future version
23:00.52Corydon76-homeOnly explicit jumps will remain
23:01.07DovidTK: have u ever seen issue with astdb where u use a specific variable over and over and eventually u cant set variables any more ?
23:01.18DovidCorydon: manual jumping
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23:01.25Dovidand y r they removing it ?
23:01.26asdxfor example, if someone calls to my house from the regular telephone... and the call goes to my asterisk pbx, can i answer the call if i am in some other part of the world?
23:01.38Corydon76-homeDovid: because it's prone to error
23:01.42Dovidasdx: PLEASE READ THE BOOK
23:01.47jbotbook is probably a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
23:01.51DovidcorydonL how so ?
23:01.55asdxDovid: auch, ok...
23:02.06Dovidsorry for shouting, its gettin on me nerves
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23:02.21Corydon76-homeDovid: people create extensions that are more than 100 long and jumping could happen when they do not expect
23:03.13asdxDovid: yeah, i agree ;p
23:03.16Dovidok cause of n+101
23:03.17asdxDovid: i will read the book now
23:03.27DovidTK: see my question ?
23:03.30asdxi'm just really excited ;p
23:03.35Corydon76-homeDovid: correct
23:03.41Dovidso start playin - get ur feet wet
23:03.43[TK]D-FenderDovid : Variables != ASDTB
23:03.50Dovidso corydon what will replace it ?
23:04.04Corydon76-homeDovid: status variables that can be tested
23:04.07DovidTK: I dont understand
23:04.09Corydon76-homee.g. DIALSTATUS
23:04.25Dovidso a gotoif
23:04.31Corydon76-homeGotoIf($[${DIALSTATUS} = BUSY]?...)
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23:05.38Corydon76-homeThat's much easier to follow than trying to remember jumping +101 on a busy status
23:05.56CunningPikerussellb: !!!
23:06.06Dovidi have a macro where the person says thier name and it calls the tech's cell and he selects what he wants to do with the call, based on what he pressed a value is stored in astdb and read in a few moments, problem is astb keeps returning an old value and not one that i set moments b4, started happening a few months into production
23:06.10russellbgreetings CunningPike
23:06.58DovidCorydon: n+101 was a lil easier - y not SomeCharacter+n+101 ?
23:07.27Corydon76-homeDovid: eh?
23:07.29fileuh oh - a russellb
23:07.32gerphimumcan someone explain the process that happens when a voip phone has its hold or transfer button pressed (eg what kinds kind of data is sent and in what protocol)
23:07.59DovidtK: can u explain  Variables != ASDTB ?
23:08.00gerphimumerr -kinds*
23:08.08JTastdb is global
23:08.12JTand persistant
23:08.19JTvariables are per call
23:08.38Supaplexand globals are ... you guessed it, global.
23:08.39hadsExcept global variables :)
23:08.53Supaplexhads: gmta :)
23:08.53Dovidi know that
23:09.04DovidJT: however they onli get one call at a time
23:09.15Dovidwhen i tried on a diff. tech's exten it worked like a charm
23:09.42Dovidseems to only acted up with the tech that gets most calls
23:09.51Corydon76-homeDovid: you might want to consider extending into the realm of an external database
23:09.57[TK]D-FenderDovid : Stop trying to describe the problem to us and just PASTEBIN your defective code so we can pont out where you screwed up :)
23:09.59Dovidwhen i added a letter to the var. name it worked - so thats y i think its astdb
23:10.13Dovidits real bad - it was my orig. code
23:10.14Dovidone sec
23:10.40SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender better ?
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23:11.30Dovidclient turned off ssh. gona have to have him enable it
23:11.35[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : 13-20 don't belong in [hours} from what I can see....
23:12.21[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : Try using "\
23:12.40[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : Try using "|" as your seperator after the ? in your gotoiftime.
23:13.00Corydon76-homeSomethingISODD: instead of hardcoding hours,s,5, you might want to create a label there and use that
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23:13.25[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : And you'll awnt to change that 5 to 1.
23:13.30Corydon76-homei.e. exten => s,5(continue),GotoIfTime(...)
23:13.40Corydon76-homethen:  Goto(hours,s,continue)
23:15.21[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : Forget lables for now.... just set it to 1 like its supposed to be for your sample.
23:15.44SomethingISODDok, let me change all the other stuff as well
23:16.31*** join/#asterisk rg1_ (
23:16.54SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender you mean like this correct exten => s,5,GotoIfTime(09:00-18:30\mon-fri\*\*?office-open,s,1)
23:17.05MoutaPTwhy does sometimes 2* servers with host static becomes unreachable and if we change it to host=dynamic and insert register string it starts working? Static IP on both servers.
23:17.06rg1_There is a variable named ${UNIQUEID} that gets set automatically - anyone know WHEN that gets set?
23:17.16russellbrg1_: when the channel is created
23:17.47[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : No, I said AFTER the ?
23:17.48JTon an isdn connection, anyone know how to SET the outgoing MSN?
23:18.22SomethingISODDoh sorry
23:19.17rg1_russellb - so does the ext have to "answer" to create the channel?
23:19.42russellbrg1_: the channel is created before that happens
23:19.57*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/unconfirmed/bhaal)
23:20.00rg1_ok, thx
23:22.27*** join/#asterisk zmef420 (
23:22.32*** join/#asterisk mosty (
23:23.37SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender still the same issue
23:24.47[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : new complete pastebin please.
23:25.10rg1_russellb - whats the difference between Set() and SetVar()
23:28.37[TK]D-Fenderrg1_ : Setver was deprecated for Set.
23:29.37[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : Line 11 should read : exten => s,5,GotoIfTime(9:00-18:30|mon-fri|*|*?office-open|s|1)
23:29.48[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : Andwhat time does your system reda now?
23:30.04SomethingISODDSun Nov 12 18:29:45 EST 2006
23:31.30rg1_Thx D-Fender
23:31.45rg1_ok, when does REMOTESTATIONID get set?
23:32.18*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
23:34.04[TK]D-Fenderrg_ : Maybe you should put a hold on the 20 questions and just try working with * a bit, and then start on questions directly related to a specific goal you are trying to acheive.
23:34.28[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : finished the cahnge, relaoded and retested?
23:35.34mostyi'm having trouble with my internet connection, is there a good util i can use to measure the quality of the net connection (latency, jitter etc) to my voip provider?
23:35.34rg1_D-Fender - I have been working * quite a lot.  My problem is that all of a sudden certain variables are not behaving as before.  For example, I used to be able to get the number that was called from ${DNID} - now it is coming up blank
23:35.34MoutaPTrg1_ :   SetVar(name1=value1|name2=value2|..[|options]): This application has been
23:35.34MoutaPTdeprecated in favor of using the Set application.
23:35.50rg1_MoutaPT - thank you.
23:36.20MoutaPTon cli of asterisk you can make show application or show function followed by the name of app or func
23:36.25MoutaPTis very useful
23:37.09MoutaPT[TK]D-Fender are you experienced with zapata drivers?
23:38.02[TK]D-Fenderrg1_ : most of those have been eaten up by the CALLERID function.
23:38.16[TK]D-Fenderrg1_ : Let me guess... you used to work with mostly * 1.0.X, right?
23:38.37[TK]D-FenderMoutaPT : Ask a specific question, and I'll give you a specific answer :)
23:40.56MoutaPT[TK]D-Fender:Imagine you have a TDM10B (only one FXS) and TE110P and you want this FXS phone to be the ZAP/1 device on your server... how would you define this on zaptel.conf
23:41.34MoutaPTspan=2,1,0,esf,b8zs would be the first line ?
23:41.47MoutaPTfor the span definition of TE110P isn't it?
23:42.16BosHaussince the sipura 3000 is discontinued, should I grab a linsys PAP2?
23:42.19[TK]D-FenderMoutaPT : No, it'd be span 1 regardless of whether your TDM card loads first.  the CHANNEL numbers may vary however.
23:42.35SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender anymore ideas ??
23:42.52mostydoes anyone know of a good way to diagnose bandwidth issues? eg how can i test the packetloss and jitter between my asterisk box and a particular server on the net?
23:43.09[TK]D-FenderBosHaus : You can still get aSPA-3000's in a lot of places, and its been replaced byt he SPA-3102.  the PAP is FXS only where the 3000 & 3102 are FXS/FXO.  So its not a comperable replacement for all the functionality
23:43.18MoutaPTif i want  FXS to be ZAP/1
23:43.19[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : Do show how it looks now.
23:43.20BosHausok, thanks TK
23:43.27MoutaPTTDM must be loaded first
23:43.29MoutaPTno ?
23:43.43MoutaPTso the "span 1" is my four ports TDM
23:43.48SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender u never said to do anymore changes since the last change... i pasted that update
23:43.51[TK]D-FenderMoutaPT : I would suggest ensuring that the TE100P be loaded first.
23:43.51MoutaPTso span=2 is for TE110P
23:43.58*** join/#asterisk qdk (
23:44.07[TK]D-FenderMoutaPT : SPAN is only for digital cards, not, TDM analog
23:44.48MoutaPTyeah but asterisk creates a "span" for the TDM internally
23:44.49MoutaPTno ?
23:44.55MoutaPTi've been reading about it
23:45.07*** join/#asterisk zmef420 (
23:46.19MoutaPTlease note that:
23:46.19MoutaPTFRom Beronet Zapata installation Guide
23:49.58[TK]D-FenderMoutaPT : do it like I told you
23:50.10*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (
23:51.00MoutaPTi know what u told me, my point was to accomplish the ZAP/1 for the FXS
23:53.19SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender this is the last one i didi
23:55.10*** join/#asterisk brif8 (
23:55.12[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : Replace : #
23:55.12[TK]D-Fenderexten => s,5,GotoIfTime(09:00-18:30|mon-fri|*|*?|office-open,s,1)
23:55.31[TK]D-Fenderwith : exten => s,5,GotoIfTime(09:00-18:30|mon-fri|*|*?office-open|s|1)
23:55.52[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : You didn't fix it following my prior message
23:56.16rg1_Doesn't look like CALLERID(name) is working (at least not for me)
23:56.47brif8Hi All,  going to try 1.4  on a gentoo dev machine I see at astrecipes  it talks about gcc+g++ and gnutls-devel  for CentOS  I don't see these under gentoo emerge  is there something similar or is this a centos thing ?
23:56.51rg1_nor does it look like CALLERID(dnid) is working
23:57.23rg1_I AM getting CALLERID(ani) and CALLERID(num)
23:57.57SomethingISODDwhat do you mean replace #?
23:58.14[TK]D-Fenderrg_ : please show use exact dialplan bits and CLI output to back it up please....
23:58.31[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : Pay attention!
23:58.31[TK]D-Fender[18:55] <[TK]D-Fender> exten => s,5,GotoIfTime(09:00-18:30|mon-fri|*|*?|office-open,s,1)
23:58.31[TK]D-Fender[18:55] <[TK]D-Fender> with : exten => s,5,GotoIfTime(09:00-18:30|mon-fri|*|*?office-open|s|1)
23:59.22SomethingISODDok doing it now

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.