irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061109

00:03.31*** join/#asterisk mistermocha (
00:03.34fr0z3nasterisk-1.2.13.tar.gz <--- is this the most stable version?
00:04.41*** join/#asterisk SofM (n=helomail@
00:05.34mistermochaI'm hoping someone in here knows a thing or two about hardware
00:05.39mistermochain particular... phones
00:06.06Qwell[]phone, in here?  nah
00:06.14*** join/#asterisk jeebusroxors (
00:06.30helowhois helo
00:06.41helo!whois helo
00:06.50helocrap forgot
00:06.54mistermochaI've got a polycom 501 that I brought home from the office, and can't turn it on, so I can't test this out....
00:06.59mistermochahelo: /whois helo
00:07.17helomistermocha, thanks today is not my day
00:07.25JTmistermocha: it probably needs power
00:07.29mistermochabut I'm curious, does it matter if the handset is plugged into the handset jack or not?
00:07.43mistermochaJT: I know, I grabbed the wrong power cord when I left
00:07.53JTdepends if you want to use the handset or not
00:07.54mistermochaI'm troubleshooting someone else's phone remotely tho
00:08.00JTor you could use PoE to power it
00:08.15mistermochaJT: polycom 501 requires PoE
00:08.47mistermochaI grabbed the wrong power supply when I left work tho... only 5 VDC, when I need 48
00:08.55mistermochabut that's not my beef
00:09.00mistermochathat issue I know
00:09.26mistermochawhat I don't know (and can't test because of that) is whether or not I can switch the plugs between my handset and headset and still have both work
00:11.01mistermochaf&ck! why did I forget that damn power cord!
00:11.24Supaplexbecause you're a mortal muhuhahaaaaahaaa
00:11.52Supaplex</tease> hehe
00:11.54*** part/#asterisk mog (
00:14.25fr0z3nanyone here have any experience in installing sagoma drivers (Wanpipe) ?
00:16.48mistermochafr0z3n: a little, what's the prob?
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00:18.11fr0z3nactually nevermind, brb
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00:19.01fr0z3nactually is there any step by step instructions on how to install the sangoma cards?
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00:22.50Supaplexask the vendor
00:23.06Supaplexthey were all over that press release. they better have docs
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00:27.49*** join/#asterisk nortex (
00:29.25mistermochafr0z3n: search it up on too
00:29.55mistermochathe wanpipe drivers are weird looking too... it's very non-linear to go through each of the menus
00:30.49fr0z3nthe instructions on sangoma's site seem retarded.....they fail to explain things properly, argh
00:31.14nortexfr0z3n: What are you stuck on?
00:31.54fr0z3nnothing, i am trying to find proper installation instructions on how to install the drivers. I am gonna give the sangoma site instructions a try and lets see what happens
00:32.30fr0z3nbtw doing a lspci doesnt show me sangoma, should it? or i guess after the installation?
00:32.46fr0z3nit does list this thou: 05:04.0 Network controller: Unknown device 1923:0040
00:32.51nortexI have used those instructions 3 times this week for 3 cards and while they are somewhat ackward, it did work.
00:33.06fr0z3nnortex: perfect, thnx, i will follow them
00:33.30fr0z3nso i guess it looks like, u install zaptel, libpri and then asterisk...after that install wanpipe and then re-install zaptel and libpri?
00:33.58fr0z3nor just stop after wanpipe installation?
00:34.00nortexActually the wanpipe installer will recompile zaptel for you.
00:34.24*** join/#asterisk lters (
00:34.25fr0z3nahhh, great, what if i have already done that? is it gonna give problems?
00:34.39fr0z3nbtw which card did u use?
00:35.26nortexA200's most recently.
00:35.29infernixi have a line in extensions.conf for outgoing calls that looks like "exten => _0.,5,Dial(SIP/0${EXTEN:1}@31761234567)". in my sip.conf there's an entry called [31761234567] which has the details for my voip service provider. incoming calls work fine. outgoing calls don't work yet. when i make an outgoing call, the logfile says that "31761234567 is not a valid host".
00:36.01fr0z3nnortex: k i am gonna be installin it on A200 as well
00:36.10infernixwhy is it not using the sip.conf entry but is it trying to access it as if it were a server?
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00:37.09[hC]any special tweaks youve had to do for a200's?
00:37.16[hC]turn off apic, usb, any weird things?
00:37.27nortexinfernix: Just a guess try Dial(SIP/31761234567/0${EXTEN})
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00:37.44infernixnortex: tried that, same problem.
00:37.49lterstrying a softphone and getting a steady jitter. Kubuntu/twinkle
00:38.04infernixnortex: if i replace it with it'll complain that its not authenticating.
00:38.42ltersran perfect in etch/debian
00:39.58nortexinfernix: did you register in the sip.conf?
00:40.21infernixnortex: yep. as noted, incoming calls work.
00:41.18helodoes trixbox have an irc?
00:41.34hads#freepbx is the closest I believe
00:41.48heloo thanks
00:41.55heloill head over there
00:42.34nortexinfernix: Can you patebin the sip.conf section?
00:42.42infernixnortex: sure, a sec.
00:45.20*** join/#asterisk burd (
00:45.51burdI am apparently missing something while setting up meetme
00:46.01burdwhen I call the extension I get this
00:46.02burdpbx_extension_helper: No application 'Set' for extension (ftg, conf, 1)
00:46.15burdand that is from the set in the conf extension
00:47.10nortexinfernix: you might try changing host=dynaminc and qualify=yes
00:48.04infernixnortex: you suspect the problem is in the voip client app (twinkle)?
00:49.02nortexno more likely the host for 31767110244
00:49.03infernixah, i see what you mean.
00:50.47infernixwell, some progress. but still  Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'
00:51.01jeebusroxorsanyone use fwd in here?
00:52.01ltersnortex: twinkle?
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00:53.12infernixafter the Executing Dial, it is immediately Destroying Call.
00:53.14intralanmananyone know how well dtmfmode detection works?
00:54.40nortexinfernix: Does the sip show peers command show 31767110244 as a peer?
00:55.25infernixnortex: it does, yes.
00:55.36infernixon a sidenote, this is 1.07
00:58.55infernixit's actually Destroying Call (*longstring*, but there's not enough info to see why
01:00.07nortexinfernix: You might go online to and see if their support site details the exact settings for asterisk.
01:00.41infernixnortex: i've been going through google all evening already; i doubt it:)
01:01.04infernixbut people do have working setups. i'm just confused it's not working for me. i'll try an upgrade to 1.2
01:02.26*** join/#asterisk bvierra (
01:02.43*** join/#asterisk hieunm_vips (n=hieunm_v@
01:02.59hieunm_vipshi everyone
01:03.12hieunm_vipsIs there any performance test for asterisk?
01:03.28infernixah, more verbosity. Now it's "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)"
01:03.47nortexhieunm_vips: SIPp can be used to test it.
01:03.56infernixi think i need to change the syntax now
01:05.07bvierrahey all, does anyone know of a good asterisk call center addon? I have been looking through voip-info, just cant seem to find any that also include QA...
01:06.09intralanmanbvierra: have you looked at vicidial?
01:06.09hieunm_vipsthanks nortex
01:06.34bvierrahave not will look at it now thanks
01:06.44*** part/#asterisk hieunm_vips (n=hieunm_v@
01:09.43infernixwell if i run tcpdump, it seems asterisk isnt even trying to route the outgoing call to budgetphone (the voip service provider) :(
01:11.46nortexinfernix: try this host instead of Can I keep using the same Internet provider?
01:12.05bvierrahmm looks nice, however I need something more professional out of the box
01:12.13nortexinfernix: to
01:12.51nortexbvierra: Aheeva had something I think
01:13.39intralanmanbvierra: how much are you looking to pay for it?
01:13.50intralanmanit won't be free, i'm pretty sure of that
01:13.56*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:13.58bvierrayea thats nota  problem :)
01:14.04infernixyeah. but shouldnt the Dial command use the sip.conf directives since that's where the authentication details are? it doesnt work if I just specify since it wont be authenticated
01:14.14bvierrathe old IT manager bought 2 closed source asterisk boxes at 4k a piece
01:14.18bvierraand it is crap
01:15.25infernixnortex: notably, "handle_response_invite: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE". admittedly it does talk to budgetphone now.
01:15.42infernixnortex: should i somehow add a password in the Dial command string?
01:16.11ManxPowerinfernix: In general you do not want things like hostnames/ip addresses and passwords on the Dial line.
01:16.38infernixManxPower: i figured that. but then why isn't my sip.conf entry used at all? it's trying to resolve it as a hostname.
01:16.55ManxPowerBut this should work (and uses the same format all the other techs use)  Dial(SIP/sipconfentry/${EXTEN})
01:17.08nortexinfernix: try removing the insecure line for the host.
01:17.10ManxPowerinfernix: paste your Dial line.
01:17.33nortexManxPower: it is right here
01:17.59fr0z3nguys whats the command to edit a file in the terminal?
01:18.15fr0z3n* generic linux command?
01:18.35nortexI use vi <filename>
01:19.13icelfr0z3n: try nano if you've never used vi
01:19.21*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
01:19.29ManxPowerSee my changes
01:19.40*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
01:19.47fr0z3ncool got it
01:20.11infernixthe sip debug output is here:
01:20.11ManxPowerinfernix: try my changes first
01:20.11fr0z3nnortex: how the hell do u use its crazy!
01:20.15*** join/#asterisk kio (
01:20.21ManxPowerfr0z3n: you can use vi without a mouse.
01:20.34Strom_Cvi is the "crazy straw" of unix text editors
01:20.35nortexfr0z3n: You get used to it.
01:20.36infernixManxPower: i did before on 1.0.7, lets try again on 1.2 then
01:20.41ManxPowerIt is massivly fast to use, incredibly powerful
01:20.47icelfr0z3n: it saves a boatload of time if you learn the commands.  Look at a tutorial
01:20.48Strom_Chi ManxPower
01:21.01ManxPowerHello, Strom_C
01:21.11Strom_Cwhat's new?
01:21.17infernixManxPower: i'm keeping it on friend tho, it's both incoming and outgoing - i have an external number
01:21.54ManxPowerinfernix: providers frequently require different auth info for incoming .vs. outgoing.
01:21.59ManxPowerThat is why I changed it to peer.
01:22.10infernixalright, let me try both. a sec.
01:22.30bvierraanyone know any others? While they all look good, none seem to be professional enough for what I need
01:22.30ManxPowerWe still need to set the type=user seperate entry as well
01:22.40infernixon friend still, but: "WARNING[9080] chan_sip.c: No such host: budgetphone".
01:22.40Strom_Cdo any of you know how to reset a polycom phone's boot settings to factory default?
01:22.53nortexManxPower: The host is not actally, but
01:23.07ManxPowerinfernix: then change the dial to the other form
01:23.09nortexStrom_C: Does formating the file system not do it?
01:23.27Strom_Cnortex: nope, settings are still there
01:23.30*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:23.35ManxPowerStrom_C: hold down all at the same time 468*
01:23.46Strom_CManxPower: tried t
01:23.48ManxPowerit will beep and prompt for the admin password, which defaults to 123
01:23.50Strom_Cnothing happened
01:24.37ManxPowerStrom_C: then you are either doing it wrong or the phone is broken or the phone is early in the boot cycle and sip.ld has not loaded off of flash yet.
01:24.38infernixManxPower: the sip debug output is still the same as i just posted, but it's not trying to resolve now. perhaps thats cache.
01:24.47tengulreGOOD MORNING, EVERYONE!!
01:25.03ManxPowerinfernix: do the older format Dial like does not give an error?
01:25.17infernixhold on
01:25.22infernixi somehow just fixed it has to have the actual host name needed
01:25.47infernixhm, now incoming is broken.
01:25.56ManxPowerinfernix: and that is why we have user and peer entries
01:25.58ManxPowerfor servers
01:26.10ManxPowerwhat is the error for incoming?
01:26.31infernixwow. it's working now.
01:26.41infernixbut i hate it that i dont know why:)
01:26.52Strom_CManxPower: at what point am I supposed to hold down 468*?
01:26.54ManxPowerI've been using Asterisk for 5 or so years.  My advice frequently fixes things.
01:26.57infernixi had to turn on insecure=very for incoming to work
01:27.12ManxPowerStrom_C: once it finishes "Processing cfg...." screen
01:27.30ManxPowerinfernix: that may not be required if we set up the correct type=user
01:27.33inv_Arpyes ManxPower is the original don dadda
01:27.43*** join/#asterisk mog (
01:27.44*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
01:27.46ManxPowerI think insecure=very means "allow any incoming call from anyone"
01:28.02ManxPowerBut since I've never needed to use it......
01:28.25infernixManxPower: well i've read some horror stories about this voip provider so it might very well be needed.
01:28.47infernixanyway, thanks alot. i now have something to play and learn with :)
01:29.01icelanyone know if there is a good resource for using templates(for sip.conf)?  I am having no luck.
01:29.01ManxPowerAny provider that I used that required insecure=very would very soon be a former provider.
01:29.16ManxPowerice for sip phone or sip providers?
01:29.26icelManx: for a sip phone
01:29.49ManxPowericel: hold on
01:29.50infernixManxPower: well, unlike you, my experience with asterisk amounts to 5 hours now. so i'll probably change when i know better:)
01:35.23infernixon a sidenote, does anyone have a cellphone with wifi and a sip client that works? i've come to understand that in my nokia n91 there's a sip stack but no voice built in, which sucks a bit.
01:35.39infernixi also  wonder if wifi latency is acceptable at all
01:35.50*** join/#asterisk linlin (
01:36.10Strom_Cinfernix: i have a mobile phone with wifi and a sip client
01:36.48infernixStrom_C: which one is it?
01:36.56Strom_Chtc wizard
01:37.32infernixStrom_C: thats more of a PDA isnt it?
01:37.40ManxPowerWhat the heck is the () crap?
01:37.57icelit was in README.configuration
01:38.34infernixStrom_C: i read that the battery life is really short with windows mobile and wifi+sip though. care to comment?:)
01:38.37ManxPowericel: You're using something like FreePBX aren't you?
01:38.42iceldescribed at
01:38.57icelmanx: just asterisk and a softphone
01:40.03ManxPowericel: Ah.  That's newfangled stuff that makes things easier if you know what you are doing but make it a miserable hell for newbies.
01:40.47icelmanx:  Guess I just need to learn what I'm doing.  Seemed pretty easy, but it ain't workin' so i guess its not
01:41.04ManxPowerIf you have questions about my config or about how to modify my config for your setup that's fine, but I have no interest in troubleshooting template problems
01:41.31icelmanx: np, was just curious if anyone knew much about it
01:41.35ltersvmail in odbc, is it a good idea?
01:42.19ltersseems like it would be easier to clean up old accounts..
01:42.21ManxPowerlters: Well if you wanted to write your own web interface to VM I guess it would be a good idea.
01:42.43ltersManxPower: I am not worried about that...
01:42.52ltersbut redundancy issues..
01:42.59sevardicel: If you need help with asterisk I can give you a hand, but if you're using TrixBox or something you can forget it.
01:43.10ManxPowerI AM interested in the 1.4 VM over IMAP stuff.
01:43.13sevardManxPower: I think I've seen you a lot in #asterisk on freenode, right?
01:43.36ManxPowersevard: Um, I'm in #asterisk on freenode at the moment.
01:43.38ltersWhy is it so great in IMAP
01:43.54sevardzero my hero how wonderful you are, oh we could never reach a star, without you zero our herooooo
01:44.00sevardsevard: i mean on occasion
01:44.04ManxPowerlters: it lets my users check their voicemail when they check their email and faxes
01:44.06icel:sevard i dont even have a clue what TrixBox is.  I just downloaded asterisk and an xten softphone.  Check out the pastebin
01:44.51ltersusers, being employees or customers?
01:45.22ltersManxPower: is odbc out there long enough to be stable?
01:45.59sevardicel: so you're having issues with clients registering to your asterisk box? did I get that right?
01:46.10ManxPowerlters: employees generally.
01:46.23ManxPowerI can't imagine a service provider wanting the headache of IMAP
01:47.01ltersManxPower: and odbc ?
01:47.03inferniximap for email you mean? what headaches?
01:47.10ManxPowerOh, I've never used ODBC.
01:47.16icelsevard: correct.
01:47.21ManxPowerinfernix: dealing with disk space most.y
01:47.49icelsevard:  if i don't use a template then it works fine.  When I try to use one no luck
01:48.01infernixManxPower: thats pretty cheap nowadays. and just set up quotas right with mail alerts at an acceptable percentage, like 80% of usage limit
01:48.29sevardicel: A template, eh?  I'm not aware of a macro/template system in sip.conf except for includes.  Can you point me to a document describing the process?
01:49.12infernixManxPower: if you have complex mail sharing needs use cyrus, otherwise courier does the job well. at least has for me for years now :)
01:49.35*** join/#asterisk legend1222 (n=legend@
01:49.48ltersinfernix: dovecot ? anygood?
01:50.12infernixManxPower: besides that, it makes for reliable ways of mail backup and archiving. pop3 mail that stays at clients is bad from that perspective.
01:50.35infernixlters: haven't used that one, so i don't know tbh.
01:51.49infernixlters: i guess it's OK for single mailboxes but i dont know how well it handles shared mail folders. courier can too, albeit basic (little to no ACL control)
01:52.31infernixlters: for any major company with many different levels of mail ACLs, cyrus is the way to go
01:52.57sevardicel: innnnnteresting
01:53.09ManxPowerWe don't have mail ACLs yet.
01:53.17icelsevard:yeah, i thought it would make the files more manageable if i got it working
01:53.17sevardicel: i've never heard of this, this looks very interesting.
01:53.25sevardhell yes it would
01:54.02icelsevard: i think my syntax is correct.  when i reload asterisk it parses both files but doesn't say anything about the accounts
01:54.08ltersmail ACL's? like access control?
01:54.49infernixby the looks of it, dovecot can do what courier does now, but cyrus is still more advanced.
01:55.26sevardicel: try it without the include, just try this all in one file.
01:55.27infernixlters: shared mail folders that have read/write/delete/add access control per user or group
01:55.44sevardeliminate the extra and focus on getting templates to work
01:55.49icelsevard: already did but i will try again in case i messed up b4
01:56.57ManxPowericel: "sip show peers"
01:58.27*** join/#asterisk legend1222 (n=legend@
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01:58.59infernixin cyrus you can even give access to other users' inbox, something that courier can't easily do. basically courier uses unix file permissions as ACL, cyrus has its own db for that
01:59.36icelmanx: sip show peers shoes nothing
01:59.44*** part/#asterisk bvierra (
02:01.02ManxPowerif sip show peers shows nothing then your sip.conf file is not being read correctly
02:01.35icelmanx: even if nobody has tried to connect?  it saya 0 sip peers, 0 online
02:01.37ManxPowericel: the SIP client has a space after the "fade" username
02:01.49sevardicel: are you doing a sip reload?
02:02.05iceli was doing a full reload
02:02.09iceli will check out that space issue
02:02.14ManxPowericel: even if nobody has tried to connect, it should list all the sip devices configured as peers or friends
02:02.44sevardicel: can you list your whole sip.conf without comments or anything
02:02.45ManxPowerBut as you can see you are still trying to use templates so I really can't help you.
02:03.14sevardand i've nver used templates, i have no idea if they actually work
02:03.33icels/list/paste -> the meaning is lost
02:04.10icelthe space is a fluke - didn't copy/paste correctly
02:05.04sevardpaste your entire sip.conf.
02:05.13sevardno comments, no weird anything, paste the whole thing.
02:05.21JTno secrets
02:05.33JTyou can censor the passwords
02:05.33sevardthat's right
02:05.37JTwell you should
02:05.47sevardbecause i have half your paste in the description and half in the pastebox
02:06.37*** join/#asterisk eltech (
02:06.46sevardahh crap i got to the end of the level and i fell in the friggen water
02:06.56sevardwhy is it that only in GTA you can swim
02:07.11lterssevard: add the ending slash and it will work..
02:07.24*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
02:07.43icelwhole file is at
02:09.15*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
02:09.56sevardicel: I don't see how you're going to have any peers without any peers defined in there
02:09.57Strom_Cdo any of you use centos?  if so, which tftp server do you recommend installing?
02:10.22icelsevard: does it have to be a peer or is user better?
02:10.30sevardicel: how do you expect peers to register if you don't define them? using templates isn't going to magically define peers
02:10.44sevardI use type= friend
02:10.49icelsevard: here is where I am shown to be a newbie
02:11.10sevardbut you used to have clients defined in there, but now since you're using templates you stripped out your client configurations, put those back in
02:11.15*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
02:11.19sevardtemplates are for condensing your client configurations
02:11.22ltersStrom_C: in debian, tftpd works
02:11.25sevardicel: np dude
02:11.29icelsevard: the clients were actually manx's
02:11.50Strom_Clters: yeah, i know about tftpd
02:11.55Strom_Ci use that on debian :)
02:12.01Strom_Cbut i'm unfamiliar with centos
02:12.03sevardStrom_C: i use tftpd on slackware, it's tftp, unless you need fancy options the default is fine
02:12.12Strom_Cand "yum install atftpd" doesnt seem to work
02:12.16sevard+++ i suggest configuring clients via http, as it traverses NAT much better
02:12.35icelsevard: that actually made it work.  I guess I am confused about difference between peer, user, and friend.
02:12.41Supaplexhow does asterisk identify ttd/tty/deaf calls?
02:12.51sevardicel: define your clients in your configuration, if you need help -- i'm for hire ;)
02:12.54knarflyI'm running FC5-x86_64 and updated kernel to 2.6.18...machine screen started filling with security_comput_av class 57 errors...anyone know what this means.
02:13.24lterssevard: rate?
02:13.46icelsevard: thanX
02:14.06sevardlters: buisness or personal?
02:14.21lterssevard: business
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02:15.59*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
02:16.39xhelioxDid the transfer behavior in 1.4 change? I'm suddenly unable to transfer calls with Polycom phones after the upgrade. I didn't see anything in UPGRADE.txt.
02:17.07Supaplexin 1.4 since what?
02:17.26ManxPowerxheliox: I don't know, but I know it changed in the polycom firmware in various firmware versions.
02:18.21xhelioxManxPower: The firmware wasn't changed. The only thing that changed was Asterisk.. going from 1.2 to 1.4. It's just a test system, so no major worries. Just can't figure out what's up.
02:21.00icelthanks all for the help, y'all rock
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02:24.31ManxPowerxheliox: most recent SVN of 1.4?
02:24.58xhelioxManxPower: As Friday, I believe.
02:25.41ManxPower*sigh*  Apparently living in Alabama for a year and someone noticed a faint southern accent creaping into my voice.
02:28.55*** join/#asterisk ralfx (
02:30.12Strom_CManxPower: being in alabama for a week gives me a slight drawl
02:32.24Strom_Cyou've heard it, mog!
02:33.36Strom_Calso: i hate rar files
02:37.38*** join/#asterisk Marshall16 (
02:38.27axscodeis video support on the table for asterisk? not the pass-thru type?
02:42.52Qwellaxscode: what, transoding?
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03:01.02redder86Nov  8 23:01:55 WARNING[16364]: chan_zap.c:921 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
03:01.02redder86Nov  8 23:01:55 ERROR[16364]: chan_zap.c:6879 mkintf: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address
03:01.02redder86here = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
03:01.30redder86is that supposed to mean that I don't have the wct4xxp driver running on my TE405P ?
03:01.36redder86because it is.
03:01.47redder86any ideas as to why I'm getting that?
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03:02.46redder86Nov  8 23:00:37 a3 kernel: Found a Wildcard: Wildcard TE405P (3rd Gen)
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03:23.19ThaZZaHey all.
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03:38.04clyrradanyone here familiar with using a Syslog server with remote provisioning?
03:39.18ManxPowerclyrrad: you would not use a syslog server for remote provisioning.
03:39.24ManxPowera syslog server is a logging server.
03:39.27clyrradFor logging
03:39.39clyrradI have a provisioning server....
03:39.47clyrradand the same server I want to use to log...
03:39.50ManxPowerAh, you mean like adding a -r to the syslog command line options
03:40.10clyrradwell yea the Sipura phones and ATA's they can all post to a Syslog server about what htey are doing...
03:40.20clyrradIE Updating a profile or firmware etc...
03:40.21ManxPowerfrequently in /etc/sysconfig/syslog
03:40.33clyrradyea I went into there..... and added this...
03:40.47clyrrad*.info;*.debug                                          -/var/log/info_debug
03:41.00clyrradthen I opened up port 514 UDP on my firewall
03:41.15clyrradbut nothing gets written to the logs.... so clearly I am missing something here.....
03:42.10ManxPowerum, most syslog servers will not accept logging from remote hosts without being told to.
03:42.15ManxPowerwhat distro are you using?
03:42.20clyrradI had a tool Kiwi Syslog that I used under Windoze that was able to log everything, howerver as soon as I switched the IP to point to my CentOS server nothing is getting logged anymore
03:42.28clyrradah ha....
03:42.44clyrradokay so I need to force it then.... how does one go about doing that?
03:42.45ManxPowerHence my mentioning -r as a command line option
03:42.52clyrradI see....
03:42.58ManxPowerput your /etc/sysconfig/syslog on
03:42.59clyrradSo I would need to edit the init scripts?
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03:43.07clyrradok give me one sec
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03:45.43ManxPowerclyrrad: I have no idea how toconfigure CentOS to add -r to syslogd
03:46.35clyrradI tried to do it manually with the init.d scripts
03:46.57clyrradSYSLOGD_OPTIONS="-m 0 -r"
03:47.58ManxPowerOn mandrake you put it in cat /etc/sysconfig/syslog and /etc/syslog.conf contains the stuff you put on pastebin.
03:48.10*** join/#asterisk Mad_guy (
03:48.33ManxPowerclyrrad: that would do it.
03:48.59ManxPowerps -ax | grep syslog and see if the option is listed.
03:49.11clyrradinit script did not work... howerver
03:49.12ThaZZaAnyone aware of the ports i need to forward thru my nat router for a Cisco 7960 IP phone?
03:49.21clyrradI just noticed I too have a /etc/sysconfig/syslog
03:49.26clyrradI am going to try it in there
03:49.47ManxPowerUm, that IS what I told you to put on syslog.
03:49.49clyrradyep its there with the ps aux :)
03:49.58ManxPowerThat is 5 mins of my life I'll never get back.
03:50.02clyrradyep I know - just saw it hahahaha
03:50.04clyrradsorry bud :)
03:50.24clyrradtesting it now to see if it works
03:50.43clyrradmy /etc/sysconfig/syslog file is differnt from yours mine has 2 config lines thats it
03:51.08clyrradWONDERFUL - it works now :)
03:52.18clyrradis there a way to watch a log file populate automatically with out having to manually cat it each time?
03:53.06ManxPowerless /var/log/logfile then F to "follow the end".  CTRL-C to quit out of Follow Mode, q to quit.
03:53.26*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:54.09clyrradcool thank for the info much apreciated :)
03:54.47clyrradThough I guess this is not the most secure idea in the world as someone could flood the log right?
04:00.41ManxPowerThat is why /var is its own partition
04:00.56clyrradgood point
04:01.28clyrraddoes syslog not trim the log files though?  Once they get too big?
04:01.40clyrradOr does it keep them permantly and you have to delete the .gz archives?
04:02.08clyrradis that automatic?
04:03.15clyrradIm under the impression it runs from cron
04:04.01clyrradthanks ManxPower
04:04.51*** join/#asterisk pipipi (
04:06.24clyrradJust got the new provision server working today - I am very impressed with Linksys/Sipura level of documentation - it is extreemly well done
04:07.05clyrradHow's the provisioning on those?
04:07.22clyrradmoreover how is the vendor support?
04:08.07ManxPowerThe phone can get it's provisioning server via DHCP.  It then connects to that server via TFTP, FTP, (or later models), HTTP and HTTPS and requests MACADDR.cfg
04:08.21ManxPowerclyrrad: Polycom does not provide end user support.
04:08.40clyrradnot end user support - service provider support
04:09.01clyrradYep - the Linksys/Sipura ones Provision in the same way - I have ours set to all use https
04:09.08ManxPowerAh, I dion't know, but Polycom is supposed to have good support for their official partners
04:09.27clyrradyea - thats what I was refering to the partner support
04:09.37clyrradend user support is up to the compainies providing the service
04:09.43clyrradat least thats how it should be
04:10.07variable_officeanyone know if there is any way to get numbers from one state ported to another state?
04:10.14variable_officeby numbers i mean DIDs
04:10.20ManxPowervariable_office: no.
04:10.53ManxPowertelephone numbers are locale specific, except non-geographic ones like 800, 900, 700, etc
04:10.59variable_officeManxPower no as in its not possible?
04:11.04clyrradthey need to terminate in the proper location as far as I understand, makes moving them state to state a bit hard
04:11.11ManxPowervariable_office: as in not possible.
04:11.21variable_officehow do big places like vonage do it?
04:11.32clyrradThey have switches in those states
04:11.48ManxPowerHow would you expect Vonage to move a number between STATES.
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04:12.05variable_officeno idea, thought that had something ingenious happening
04:12.10ManxPowerWhere would they move it from and where would they move it to?
04:12.39clyrradthey just have switches in each place and allow you to register the DID's - since they piggy back the numbers over their VOIP networks there is no long distance
04:12.40variable_officeif they had a central office in ny, get numbers from ca and all over for example
04:12.52ManxPowerthat is not moving numbers
04:12.52clyrradso you can have a virtual presense of being in a state that you dont actualy reside
04:13.12clyrradcorrect - its not moving numbers - its just providing a virtual presence
04:13.17ManxPowerThose companies either have direct connection to the local telco or partner with a company that does,
04:13.36variable_officeclyrrad but you have a switch in each state, so you DO have a presence everywhere
04:13.49clyrrad???? No
04:13.53ManxPowerActually it would be each LATA.
04:14.03clyrradYou have a switch in State A
04:14.08clyrradso you terminate to the PSTN there
04:14.18clyrradso you can make calls from that swithc "locally" in that state
04:14.33clyrradbut now you can be in state B and use that switch in state A over the internet
04:14.40clyrradso your call is "local"
04:14.47clyrraddo you follow me?
04:15.08clyrradyou only have the presense of being in the state where your switch resides
04:15.10variable_officeyes, all i was saying is that now you have to pay for stuff in state a and b, you have equipment in two places instead of one
04:15.29clyrrador you use a carrier that already has that infrastructure in place
04:15.31ManxPowerSmaller ITSPs generally partner with a company like Level 3
04:15.32variable_officei was just wondering if you could just have 1 central office for 2 states/lata of numbers
04:15.41ManxPowervariable_office: not generally
04:15.55clyrradmost people parter and use a carriers infrastructure
04:16.01clyrradand just resell the DID's etc
04:16.04*** join/#asterisk kuku5 (
04:16.29ManxPowerThere are exceptions, of course.
04:16.29kuku5NOTICE[16390]: app_dial.c:1056 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)   << can anyone assist ? using the sangoma card
04:16.33clyrradbut hey - if you got the capital and the smarts to set up your own switches all over the world by all means go for it
04:16.39variable_officeManxPower like what?
04:17.00clyrradlike if u got the money and smarts to do it
04:17.08variable_officeclyrrad know of any way to just have calls forwarded automatically for cheap from one place to another?
04:17.17ManxPowerHeck there are towns that are next to each other, but one is in canada and one in USA and they have calling between the two cities.
04:17.25variable_officeso a number could have a local "alias"
04:17.30[hC]i hate you and your non central directories, polycom.
04:17.38ManxPowervariable_office: pretty much all providers can do that
04:17.55clyrradvariable_office: were are you located?
04:18.05variable_officehow much does the transfer typically run? is it a static fee per call or in cents/minute
04:18.10variable_officeclyrrad IL
04:18.19clyrradits per second usually
04:18.29Qwell[hC]: cisco :P
04:18.30clyrradsome providers do it in 10ths of a second
04:18.43Qwell<3 cisco "xml" directories
04:18.50ManxPowervariable_office: depending on the provider.  If you just want incoming PSTN call sent to a VoIP device, some carriers charge flat rate.
04:19.05Qwellooo, with this new manager over http...
04:19.07ManxPowerif you want to send it to another pstn number then small amounts like 1 -2 cents/min
04:19.12clyrradI found its better to not use flat rate proviers though
04:19.20QwellI could hack up a cisco xml directory into app_directory :D
04:19.39clyrradQwell: the cisco xml abiltiy is amazing :)
04:19.44Qwellclyrrad: indeed
04:19.47variable_officeManxPower / clyrrad know of anywhere for less than .01/minute?
04:20.14EyeCuethats the new 5 minute mile i think
04:20.15variable_officei had heard of someone for .0025 but couldnt find out any contact info
04:20.21clyrradQwell: I set our provisioning server today with them - I have so many neat ideas now - and you can pretty well do anyting iwth this capability - truly impressive
04:20.36*** join/#asterisk fr0z3n (
04:20.43clyrradvariable_office: LOL - it depends were you are calling
04:20.56fr0z3nguys whats the command to check if a card is installed succesfully?
04:21.01clyrradthere are tons of providers
04:21.32ManxPowerAll service providers stuck.  Teliax seems to suck less than most.
04:21.45variable_officeit would be nice if there was a way to have geographic portability
04:22.01clyrradI dont see that happening anytime soon
04:22.03fr0z3nany help?
04:22.22clyrradlocal POTS providers love the restrictions they have enjoyed since the phone was invented
04:22.38variable_officeya, it makes them decent money
04:22.51ManxPowerToll free numbers are non-geographic
04:22.55clyrradthey dont want to let numbers fly like that becase for many years it has FORCED customers to stay with them - even if the customer did not like the service
04:23.00variable_officedoesnt help, i needed locals
04:23.00clyrradonly way is Toll Free
04:23.26clyrradthen you need to 1) get a switch of your own, or 2) get a carier that has a switch in the location you want to call / terminate to
04:23.43fr0z3nis there a quick way to list the network adapters/hardware in a terminal window?
04:24.21ManxPowerfr0z3n: Huh?
04:24.37fr0z3nthe sangoma card
04:24.38variable_officeclyrrad i thought about doing the clec game, but il makes it even more difficult than normal
04:24.56ManxPowerdmesg should list them
04:25.03fr0z3nsorry i am trying to figure how to check if the card has been installed succesfully / if linux see's the card
04:25.12fr0z3ndmesg ? k i'll try it out
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04:25.39ManxPowersangoma has a utility to view the info too.
04:25.57clyrradvariable_office: its pretty simple choose one of the two options I told you and it will work
04:27.04variable_officeclyrrad then well i can do use someone elses network, or the switch, but a ds1 costs $400 month and that is just incoming to run a tiny switch
04:27.04fr0z3nwow that listed everything...i used a command earlier something with a l which listed all the pci adapters
04:28.03Un1xis there a way i can make my call greeting when ssomeone calls me and asterisk picks up the phone
04:28.06Un1xfrom text
04:28.07fr0z3narghhh!! i hate this sangoma!!!
04:28.10ManxPowerfr0z3n: you would generally send it thru "less"
04:28.15Un1xso its synthesised speech
04:28.26ManxPowerfr0z3n: They are not bad cards, just different
04:28.37ManxPowerwancfg maybe, I don't recall the exact command
04:28.51clyrradvariable_offfice: that is why I suggeseted using a carriers switches
04:29.02fr0z3ni think its supposed to be
04:29.03fr0z3n#>wanrouter hwprobe
04:29.20fr0z3nwhich says
04:29.23fr0z3n../lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/net/wan/sdladrv.o: insmod wanpipe failed
04:29.32ManxPowerthen there is your problem.
04:29.34variable_officeclyrrad ya, seems the solution for now.  what do you know about clec stuff?
04:29.35fr0z3narghh! spent so much time, followed instructions exactly the way they have it..argh
04:29.51ManxPowerfr0z3n: do you need th SDLC stuff?
04:30.03fr0z3nsorry...what is SDLC?
04:30.17ManxPowerThen you prolly don't need it.
04:30.29ManxPowerI assume you picked the Asterisk option of ./Setup
04:30.35clyrradvariable_office: nothing
04:30.47fr0z3ni just need to get this workin for a school project...need to plug in 2 ata's and then 2 analog phones
04:31.06ManxPowerfr0z3n: what card do you have?
04:31.10kuku5tail -f /var/log/messages
04:31.19fr0z3nSagoma A200
04:31.28fr0z3ni did: ./Setup install and followed what it said on the site
04:31.30kuku5fr0z3n: i have some problems with that card too
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04:32.10fr0z3nkuku5: same problem?
04:32.18ManxPowerfr0z3n: I seem to recall that I could not get it to work with kernel 2.4
04:32.19kuku5different ones
04:32.44ManxPowerI decided it was faster to just upgrade the OS than wait until the next business day.  I was right.
04:32.47fr0z3nManxPower: all instructions for 2.4...2.6 is the one which seems to have some problems
04:33.00kuku5When zap is not a module in asterisk when you start it, where do i start to diagnose the problem ?
04:33.06fr0z3ni am running Red Hat 9...fedora gave me more issues
04:33.49clyrradkuku5: did you compile zaptel?
04:33.49ManxPowerkuku5: it means Zaptel was not installed when you installed asterisk and so chan_zap was never built.
04:33.49ManxPowerso make sure zaptel is installed, then rebuild Asterisk
04:33.55clyrradyou need to compile zaptel before asterisk
04:34.48kuku5ManxPower: nm. zaptel is there, but it doenst know what ZAP is
04:35.07kuku5but zap show status show status
04:35.35ManxPowerkuku5: if zap show status works then your Dial command is screwed up.  Pasteit.
04:37.06*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
04:37.17JTpastebin it
04:37.39fr0z3nThe hardware probe command failed! Check WANPIPE is installed properly.(system_rc : 0x100)
04:38.30ManxPowerDid you try upgrading the firmware
04:38.37kuku5ManxPower: but zap show status show status.....
04:38.45kuku5shows a card
04:38.48ManxPowerMy problem was a screwed up firmware upgrade
04:39.03ManxPowerkuku5: I'm waiting for your Dial line.
04:39.12JTkuku5: why are you repeating "show status"?
04:39.50fr0z3nk looks like the card is not installed for me still.... am i missin something?
04:40.10clyrradi think you have been asked for you dial line more than once....
04:40.16ManxPowerfr0z3n: give me a min
04:40.28fr0z3nManxPower: k
04:40.55kuku5TRUNK=Zap/g1            exten => s,1,Dial(${ARG1},20,t)
04:41.10*** join/#asterisk linlin (
04:41.12clyrradwhat is in ${ARG1}
04:41.17kuku5its a macro
04:41.25clyrradwhat is its value?
04:41.29ManxPowerkuku5: pastbin the C
04:41.32ManxPowerCLI output
04:41.48ManxPowerit will show how the variable substitution is done
04:42.13ManxPowerkuku5: Good.  Now put your /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf on
04:42.19clyrradthat looks fine
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04:44.22ManxPowerkuku5: you do not have a group=1 in /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf.  Asterisk doesn't come with magical group faeries.
04:45.14kuku5ah yes
04:45.22kuku5but its comaplaing about zap, not the group
04:45.49ManxPowerIT could be complainging about either
04:46.15ManxPoweryou would get a similar issue if you Dial(Zap/88888/18473124567
04:46.47clyrradis the problem that it does not know the Zap/?????? part?
04:46.56kuku5i added group=1 to zaptel.conf
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04:47.20mikefooAnyone familiar with iaxmodem or any soft modems here?
04:47.41clyrradshould have said the Zap/{?????} part.....
04:48.04kuku5ok clyrrad, any suggestions now
04:48.31clyrradwell I was wondering if it does not recogize the part after Zap/
04:48.40ManxPowerkuku5: put your updated config file on pastebin
04:49.08clyrradcompaire with iax where you Dial(IAX2/YOUR_IAX_INFO/WHO-To-Call
04:49.13clyrradthats what I was getting at
04:49.53clyrradthe Dial app works the same for ZAP, SIP and IAX
04:50.22mikefooQuick Q: I just registered with voipjet to terminate all my calls, is it possible if I want use a softmodem(iaxmodem) to fac via my termination with voipjet?
04:50.30kuku5SIP works fine
04:50.34kuku5Zap is complaining
04:50.39ManxPowerkuku5: you must put the options BEFORE the channel line.
04:50.50mikefoofax* not fac
04:50.52clyrradyou have compiled the zaptel libraries right?
04:50.54fr0z3ni think my problem is the kernel...i had rebuilt the kernel and that seems to be causing problems
04:51.07variable_officemikefoo do you know of any sip softfax programs?
04:51.09fr0z3ni guess i will have to reformat.....sigh
04:51.11fr0z3nversion mismatch
04:51.12fr0z3nkernel version 2.4.20-8-badram
04:51.12fr0z3nwhile this kernel is version 2.4.20-8.
04:51.19ManxPowerUh, if you rebuild the kernel you need to rebuild the wanpipe stuff
04:51.29fr0z3nyea i did rebuild the wanpipe
04:51.38fr0z3nbut it still gives me errors about the module mismatch
04:51.44fr0z3nThe MODULE_VERSIONS in the current linux source
04:51.44fr0z3nare different from the current linux image.
04:51.44fr0z3nOr the MODULE_VERSIONS have been turned off in
04:51.44fr0z3nthe current linux source.
04:52.03fr0z3nthats what it gives during re-installation of the wanpipe
04:52.39clyrradkuku5: have you built and compiled Zaptel Version from
04:52.44clyrradif so did it give any errors?
04:52.44ManxPowerZaptel will look at the verison into in the kernel source Makefile.
04:53.01ManxPowerclyrrad: his problem is that he does not have a group=1 before the channel= lines
04:53.51mikefoofor faxing would I need any hardware if I am terminating at a remote voip company?
04:54.48ManxPowermikefoo: FaxOverVoiceOverIP doesn't usually work very well
04:55.02clyrradManxPower: That will cause the unknown error he gets?
04:55.10ManxPowerclyrrad: yup.
04:55.12mikefooI was looking to use iaxmodem
04:55.19clyrradManxPower: i see
04:55.33clyrradat first glance looks like Zaptel was not built properly
04:56.12fr0z3nahh screw this...i am just gonna strart from scratch with a reformat
04:56.48variable_officefr0z3n what distro you using?
04:56.56JTfr0z3n: that's not really a good way to learn how to fix problems in the future
04:57.01JTit doesn't sound that dire
04:57.17clyrradJT: sometimes thats the best fix when you have a real mess
04:57.26clyrradespecially since he rebuilt his kernel
04:57.28fr0z3nwell i am lost here, and the problem seems to be the kernel version mismatch
04:58.00fr0z3nthe kernel rebuilt has screwed things up...but my start was correct...i had compiled the beta and screwed u p things as well
04:58.01ManxPowerfrequenbtly the kernel version is not the same as the verison in the kernel makefile
04:58.04JTclyrrad: rebuilding your kernel does not tend to create "a real mesS"
04:58.20clyrradfr0z3n: I would go with a fresh isntall and dont mess with custom kernel stuff this time
04:58.24fr0z3nwell JT, do u have any idea what this is?
04:58.25fr0z3nThe MODULE_VERSIONS in the current linux source
04:58.25fr0z3nare different from the current linux image.
04:58.32clyrradJT: yes it does if you are playing and guessing along the way
04:59.25clyrradfr0z3n: what distro are you using?
04:59.36fr0z3nu mean the version of linux? redhat 9
04:59.48clyrradyes that is what i ment
04:59.56fr0z3nthats the kernel
05:00.00JTfr0z3n: does /usr/src/linux and /usr/src/linux-2.6 symlink to the current kernel source tree?
05:00.04clyrradyou had probs with 2.6 so you downgraded to 2.4?
05:00.11JToh, 2.4, ignore the -2.6 bit
05:00.33ManxPowerfr0z3n: what is the out put of 'grep EXTRAVERSION /usr/src/linux/Makefile | head -1'
05:00.49JTclyrrad: not the sort of mess that is that hard to clean up
05:00.51fr0z3n1 moment
05:00.57QwellManxPower: -n1
05:01.19ManxPowerQwell -1 worked for me
05:01.21fr0z3nEXTRAVERSION = -8
05:01.23Qwellthe former has been deprecated for like 10 years :P
05:01.25fr0z3nthats what it outputs
05:02.25ManxPowerfr0z3n: and what is the output of uname -r
05:03.13ManxPowerfr0z3n: you do not have a kernel/Makefile mismatch
05:03.35fr0z3numm a modprobe wanpipe says i do...
05:05.05ManxPowerfr0z3n: does modprobe zaptel start
05:05.05ManxPower.e.r..  work
05:05.56fr0z3nthey all give the same error
05:05.57fr0z3nkernel-module version mismatch
05:05.58fr0z3n./lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/net/wan/sdladrv.o was compiled for kernel version 2.4.20-8-badram
05:05.58fr0z3nwhile this kernel is version 2.4.20-8.
05:06.16ManxPowerfr0z3n: Yes.  Rebuild your zaptel drivers.
05:06.29*** join/#asterisk ast_freak (
05:06.49fr0z3nalready did that, but i'll do it again
05:07.35ManxPowerremove the zaptel modules from /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/whatever
05:08.12clyrradthats what I was wondering if his Zaptel was built properly...
05:08.23ManxPowerfr0z3n: I don't uderstand why running modprobe zaptel would generate that error
05:08.36ManxPowerfr0z3n: "make clean" in zaptel before anything
05:08.45*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
05:08.58fr0z3ndid make clean before
05:09.10fr0z3numm what do i remoe from that directory?
05:09.20clyrradmake clean && make && make install
05:09.21ManxPowerfr0z3n: if you can't modprobe zaptel then your problems have nothing to do with Sangome
05:09.34clyrradremove everything if you are going to rebuilt all of it including asterisk
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05:10.06fr0z3nclyrrad: i have done make clean, make and make install still gives the same thing
05:10.07clyrradthe asterisk modules I am refering to
05:10.21clyrraddoes it give any errors?
05:10.30fr0z3nk what do i remove from /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/ ?
05:10.35fr0z3nclyrrad: exact same error
05:10.44ManxPowerfr0z3n: start out with removing zaptel.o
05:10.48clyrradi mean during the bulid / compile
05:10.51clyrraddo you get errors?
05:11.05fr0z3nclyrrad: no, no errors
05:11.42fr0z3nManxPower: sorry for asking a stupid questionm like this, but i dont see a file like that in there, is it in another directory/
05:11.51ManxPowerfind /lib/modules -name zaptel.o -exec rm -i \{\} \;
05:11.55clyrradhave you wiped /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ before re-building everyting?
05:11.56ManxPowerrun that fr0z3n
05:12.27fr0z3nManxPower: done
05:12.31fr0z3nclyrrad: no, should i?
05:12.45clyrradI do before re-compile asterisk
05:12.48ManxPowerclyrrad: Did it ask if you want to remove zaptel.o ?
05:12.54clyrradthat way I know they are all built fresh
05:12.59fr0z3nbtw u w u guys r awesome !thanks for even trying to help me :)
05:13.12fr0z3n[root@localhost 2.4.20-8]# find /lib/modules -name zaptel.o -exec rm -i \{\} \;
05:13.13fr0z3nrm: remove regular file `/lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/zaptel.o'? y
05:13.20clyrradManxPower: during clean that directory?
05:14.03ManxPowerfr0z3n: now you can be SURE zaptel gets rebuilt and reinstalled
05:14.14clyrradI usually just rm -rf it and let the compile redo it all
05:14.21clyrradthen I know I am getting fresh object files
05:14.59clyrradI first build zaptel, then asterisk, then the addons and sounds
05:15.04fr0z3nokay removed everything from modules directory
05:15.15fr0z3nk i'll try rebuilding xzaptel now
05:16.25JTif you removed everything from the modules directory
05:16.41JTyou will need to make modules_install again in your current kernel source tree
05:16.55JTas you would likely have wiped other kernel modules too
05:16.59clyrradJT: no he should only remove the asterisk modules
05:17.02clyrradnot kernel modules
05:17.07ManxPowerJT:  kernel modules or asterisk modules?  He sure is vague.
05:17.11clyrradfrom /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
05:17.17JTclyrrad: "should" read what he has already done.
05:17.42clyrradFr0z3n: what directory did you wipe?
05:17.52fr0z3nasterisk, lol not the kernel
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05:18.13clyrradJT: had me worried for a second
05:18.27fr0z3na different ERROR :)
05:18.30fr0z3nhaha still i am happy
05:18.33fr0z3n[root@localhost zaptel]# modprobe zaptel
05:18.33fr0z3ninsmod: /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/zaptel.o: No such file or directory
05:18.33fr0z3ninsmod: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/zaptel.o failed
05:18.33fr0z3ninsmod: insmod zaptel failed
05:18.33JTfr0z3n: did you wipe everything in /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/ ?
05:18.42clyrradJT: he wiped /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
05:18.44fr0z3ni guess we deleted the zaptel.o ?
05:18.53fr0z3nJT: i wiped /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
05:18.59JTfr0z3n: you need to recompile and reinstall it
05:19.05ManxPowerfr0z3n: yes and your rebuild of zaptel FAILEDC
05:19.17clyrradfr0z3n: now build zaptel
05:19.22fr0z3ni know it failed, but a diff error atleast....
05:19.22clyrradtell us if it give you an error
05:19.29fr0z3nummm dudes i did just build zaptel
05:19.35fr0z3ni just did make clean, make and make install
05:19.38clyrradwhat error did you get?
05:19.48ManxPowerfr0z3n: then the build did NOT work
05:19.49fr0z3nah crap no i didnt do make install
05:19.50fr0z3n1 momen
05:20.07fr0z3nsame errror :(
05:20.19clyrradduring make install?
05:20.23ManxPowerfr0z3n: the EXACT same error?
05:20.34*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
05:20.45fr0z3nthe exact same error......the version was compiled for kernel version 2.5.20-8-badram
05:20.47clyrradif his make install is failing then he is missing some dependecny
05:20.56fr0z3nno the make install works fine
05:21.00fr0z3nits the modprobe that shows the error
05:21.03ManxPowerI think it's not a zaptel error
05:21.11fr0z3ni think its something to do with the kernel
05:21.15ManxPowerfr0z3n: you rebuilt wanpipe
05:21.23fr0z3nright now? no
05:21.24clyrradfr0z3n: are you sure you have the correct kernel headers and sources for this?
05:21.48ManxPowerfr0z3n: since you stopped running the badram kernel
05:21.57fr0z3nManxPower: yes i did rebuild
05:22.06fr0z3nclyrrad: nope, i am n00b at this
05:22.26clyrradfr0z3n: I think you should have never messed with your kernel headers and sources
05:22.38clyrradmy best guess is you have the wrong ones for your current kernel that you have installed
05:22.39fr0z3ni agree...
05:22.40ManxPowerfr0z3n: I have no idea why the build process thinks you are running kernel 2.5
05:22.55clyrradyou can try to debug this or do the easy way "sicne you dont know what you have done" and do a clean install
05:23.11clyrradonly this time dont mess with stuff you dont know - or at least document what you have done step by step
05:23.17fr0z3nits probably safe to do a clean install
05:23.20clyrradit should not be this hard to get this stuff going
05:23.41fr0z3nwell its a good learnin excercise i guess...learnt my lesson
05:23.56fr0z3nthank manx and cly!! i really appreciate the time spent here
05:23.59ManxPowerfr0z3n: do this if you reinstall the OS
05:24.02clyrradI am sure yu can fix this with out a clean install - but it would require you to know first off what you have done - and second how to fix what you messed up
05:24.07ManxPowerforget the Sangoma drivers.
05:24.32ManxPowerGet zaptel built and be able to modprobe ztdummy first.  if that all works then install wanpipe
05:24.35*** join/#asterisk shellshark (
05:25.02fr0z3ni never did install ztdummy earlier
05:25.12clyrradManxPower: I think his whole problem is his headers and sources for his kernel dont match his actual installed kernel
05:25.20clyrradI did that before and caused me great greif :p
05:25.30JTa good way to see what the problem is is to use strace
05:25.35clyrradthen I learned the power of the uname -a command
05:25.46fr0z3nisnt there a way to just rebuild the kernel again with the proper instructions? or i guess just start from scratch
05:26.11clyrradyou can rebuild it if you get the sources and headers and remove whatever you have done already
05:26.21clyrradif you dont know how to do that - its quicker to do a clean install
05:26.34clyrradif you dont have data on there that you care to loose just do a clean install
05:26.44fr0z3nno data on this, this is a test box
05:26.52JTfr0z3n: what is the error you are getting now when you modprobe?
05:26.55clyrrada clean install will be quicker then
05:27.04fr0z3nJT: the same as before...
05:27.07JTquicker maybe
05:27.08fr0z3nhold on letme paste it for u
05:27.44fr0z3n./lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/zaptel.o was compiled for kernel version 2.4.20-8-badram
05:27.44fr0z3nwhile this kernel is version 2.4.20-8.
05:27.44fr0z3n./lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/zaptel.o: insmod ./lib/modules/2.4.20-8/misc/zaptel.o failed
05:28.27clyrradwhats with the -badram part at the end?
05:28.29JTls -la /usr/src/linux
05:28.36JTls -la /usr/src/ please
05:29.01fr0z3nJT: gives a bunch of stuff
05:29.05fr0z3nclyrrad: thats the old kernel
05:29.17JTfr0z3n: pastebin or pm me with it if you can
05:29.18clyrradJT: my guess is his symlink to linux has the wrong files for his kernel
05:29.29JTclyrrad: that was my guess all along
05:29.43clyrradheh guess that makes 2 of us then huh?
05:30.12fr0z3nJT: u got pm
05:30.35shellsharkwhere can i find those cheap ~$15 single-FXS PCI cards that work with Zaptel?
05:31.00clyrradfr0z3n: pastebin would have been a smarter choice
05:31.39*** join/#asterisk LoneShadow (
05:31.46fr0z3nwell if needed i can post it there
05:32.06JTlrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           23 Nov  7 11:33 linux ->
05:32.36JTthat *looks* kosher so far
05:33.08clyrradwhat was your uname -a again?
05:33.20fr0z3nLinux localhost.localdomain 2.4.20-8 #1 Thu Mar 13 17:54:28 EST 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
05:33.34JTfr0z3n: did you compile the kernel AND install it from /usr/src/linux?
05:33.53shellsharkanyone know what they are called? (cheap single-FXS PCI cards)
05:34.05fr0z3nJT: if i am not wrong, yes
05:34.09JTX100P, they don't exist anymore
05:34.16intralanmanthey do
05:34.22JTthey're single FXO
05:34.25JTnot signle FXS
05:34.40intralanmanthat's true too
05:34.58JTyou can't buy real ones anymore is what i meant
05:36.31fr0z3n* yawn * i think i am gonna tackle this tomorrow
05:36.46fr0z3nand this must be my screwup during kernel rebuildin
05:37.00fr0z3noh well, good night everyone
05:37.15fr0z3nand thanks JT, Cly and Manx
05:37.32JTwell one other thing
05:37.36fr0z3nhopefully the clean install will do the trick.....
05:37.38fr0z3nJT: yes?
05:37.45clyrradim sure it will
05:37.50JTin /lib/modules/2.4.20-8
05:37.58clyrradand since its a test box who cares :p
05:38.04JTwhere do the symlinks "build" and "source" point to?
05:38.13clyrradif it was a prodcution box then you would have to figure it out
05:39.44fr0z3nbuild build -> ../../../usr/src/linux-2.4.20-8
05:39.54shellsharkintralanman: x100p is FXO only, it seems
05:40.04shellsharkintralanman: cant find an x100p FXS
05:40.30intralanmanright.... JT said that.... i don't know of a one port fxs card
05:40.39fr0z3nJT: i dont have anything with "Source" no folder or sym link
05:40.59JTobviously a modem card does not have a -48VDC line voltage and 90VAC ringing current generator in it, shellshark
05:41.01shellsharkintralanman: ah
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05:41.13JTwhich is needed to act as FXS
05:41.48JTfr0z3n: ah ok, little weird that it uses ../../../ instead of /, but that should still work
05:42.03JTdunno why you don't have a source symlink
05:42.05shellsharkJT: i said nothing about a modem, anywhere ;)
05:42.16shellsharkJT: i was looking for a single port FXS card, cheap ;)
05:42.21JTshellshark: X100Ps are winmodems basically
05:42.24JTthey don't exist
05:42.39JTespecially considering what i just mentioned about voltages :P
05:42.47JTcheapest is something like a sipura
05:42.57JTand connecting to it with sip
05:43.03shellsharkdont need an ATA, want a PCI card
05:43.04undrdawgi just got a x100p
05:43.22JTshellshark: cheapest option is TDM400P with one FXS module
05:43.33shellsharkthat's insane ;)
05:43.40JTor openvox
05:43.48JTtelephony hardware isn't cheap
05:43.49[TK]D-Fendershellshark : No, you DON'T want a PCI card....
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05:43.53JTwhy does it need to be pci?
05:44.10shellsharkJT: because the box doesnt support ISA ;-)
05:44.20JTwhat's wrong with an ata?
05:44.24[TK]D-Fendershellshark : PCI = Zaptel analog channel = shitty call control, reduced functionality and INCREASED server load.
05:44.39undrdawgso did i basically order garbage?
05:44.42[TK]D-Fendershellshark : ATA wins for analog phone use every time.
05:44.45undrdawgi havent had the chance to check it out yet
05:44.54undrdawgnor really asterisk
05:45.09JTundrdawg: it'll be a fake if it's supposedly new
05:45.19JTdigium haven't released them for years
05:45.23shellshark[TK]D-Fender: what functionality does a PCI card give up?
05:45.27[TK]D-Fenderundrdawg : You just looking to take in a single analog line?
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05:45.35shellshark[TK]D-Fender: and what about hardware echo cancellation?
05:45.45undrdawgya for now
05:46.01undrdawgit said on the ebay listing, real not fake heh
05:46.09undrdawgi dunno i just wanted to check it out
05:46.20undrdawgcan i program hotlines and stuff with it?
05:46.27undrdawgasterisk i mean
05:46.29[TK]D-Fendershellshark : For instance you'll be forced to add all sorts of junk to your Dial lines to add DTMF transfers etc which ATA's do via hook-flash features, and the overall use is much frienlier.  Also it removes processing load from your server and reduced IRQ's
05:46.53[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Add to that the face you can place the ATA where its NEEDE without running a straigh line from your server every time.
05:47.00[TK]D-Fendershellshark : the list goes on and on
05:47.10JTspeaking of irqs
05:47.17[TK]D-Fendershellshark : ATA's hardly need anything, and they do it internally.
05:47.21shellshark[TK]D-Fender: there wouldn't be too much load overhead on a single port ;)
05:47.22JTis an average zttest of 99.951172% useless?
05:47.28[TK]D-Fenderundrdawg : How much did it cost you?
05:47.58undrdawgim trying to dig up the ebay listing now
05:48.03undrdawgthis laptop is slow
05:48.06[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Oh, and did i forget to mention the cost of a PCI FXS card is CONSIDERABLY more expensive to boot? :)
05:48.38SheriF_SpacE[TK]D-Fender: i'm getting TDM card :P
05:48.40[TK]D-Fenderundrdawg : Well you might have some gripes with it, but hey... 10$ to take a line into *.  Why not!  If you don't like it that much, its a learning experience
05:48.45JTi haven't heard of a reason why shellshark NEEDS a pci based fxs card yet :P
05:48.52JTmyself for my home application
05:48.53[TK]D-FenderSheriF_SpacE : For what?
05:48.56JTi actually have a need for one
05:49.02JTand cannot do what i want to do with an ATA
05:49.07SheriF_SpacE[TK]D-Fender: in egypt we only have analog / T1/E1 connections
05:49.08[TK]D-FenderJT : namely?
05:49.15JT[TK]D-Fender: app_rpt
05:49.19SheriF_SpacEand T1/E1 too expensi. there is not SIP providers in egypt
05:49.23[TK]D-FenderJT : which is?
05:49.28JTusing asterisk as a 2 way radio repeater controller
05:49.52[TK]D-FenderSheriF_SpacE : Analog cards are fine... for FXO <-  FXS is best left to ATA's  Do not confuse the two.
05:49.52JTcan't be done with an ata
05:49.56undrdawgi actually just got an offer and sold my server
05:50.03shellshark[TK]D-Fender: i'm finding that out now...
05:50.09JTso i have a T100P and a channel bank for it
05:50.13[TK]D-FenderJT : There you go.  Specialized requirements.
05:50.17undrdawgso now i have to install freebsd again
05:50.27undrdawgi dont really feel like messing with it tonight
05:50.55shellshark[TK]D-Fender: all the FXS modules for the TDM400P are cheaper than FXO, so I figured someone would have made a cheap FXS card, since a cheap FXO card exists readilly
05:50.58SheriF_SpacE[TK]D-Fender: but why i don't get a FXS module insdate of ATA's ? i got siprya 3000-A and it was almost same price of the FXS module
05:51.16JTit uses groundstart signalling to signal transmit to a radio interface board
05:51.17SheriF_SpacEshellshark: why u need TDM400P ?
05:51.26JTand a duplex repeater needs 2 FXS ports
05:52.18[TK]D-Fendershellshark : a TDM400P w/ 1 FXS = 140$ for 1 port.  SPA-2002 = $70 for 2 ports.
05:52.36shellshark[TK]D-Fender: i never disputed that
05:52.38[TK]D-Fendershellshark : You are MISTAKEN.
05:52.44shellshark[TK]D-Fender: i'm talking about the MODULES THEMSELVES
05:52.48[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Sorry to say :)
05:52.53shellshark[TK]D-Fender: that fit into the TDM400P
05:53.00shellsharkwhat the hell am i mistaken?
05:53.24[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Yeah the module alone is about $70, but again, thats just for 1 port.  the same money gets you a complete 2 port ATA.
05:53.36JTanyone have any ideas on whether 99.951172% is completely useless for pri?
05:53.42shellshark[TK]D-Fender: NO SHIT I'M NOT FUCKING DISPUTING THAT!
05:53.46[TK]D-Fender<shellshark> [TK]D-Fender: all the FXS modules for the TDM400P are cheaper than FXO, so I figured someone would have made a cheap FXS card, since a cheap FXO card exists readilly <- mistaken here.  Sorry no cheap PCI FXS.
05:54.02shellsharkwhat's your point?
05:54.06[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Ok, we can all "cool it", sorry if I sounded a little too direct back there.
05:54.06clyrradshellshark: relax man
05:54.25[TK]D-Fendermy bad in driving the point down a bit too hard.
05:54.31JTshellshark: the cheapest i have found for pci fxs is
05:54.38[TK]D-Fendershellshark : I'm "chill"...
05:54.38JTi've looked hard, too
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05:54.44JTfor my project at home
05:55.15JTbut i got offered a T100P and channel bank, so the choice was clear after that :P
05:55.33shellsharkJT: i'm just saying that it amazes me that a lot of companies make cheap FXO cards, but no one makes cheap FXS cards.... while it seems that FXO stuff is more costly than FXS in general
05:55.47JTno market really
05:55.55JTonly people interested are geeks or corporations
05:56.05JThomeusers want simple things like ATAs
05:56.07clyrradmy kinda people :)
05:56.08shellsharkcorporations would be a market ;)
05:56.26JTyeah a market with deep pockets
05:56.30foxkwgreetings all
05:56.46shellsharkJT: deep pockets == good for business ;)
05:56.50JTno market for cheap ones is what i'm saying
05:56.59foxkwanybody seen this error message before when doing a zaptel restart?
05:57.04[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Well to tell you the truth, the only cheap FXO out there is the X100P, and its CRAPPY actually.
05:57.13foxkwLoading zaptel hardware modules:Running ztcfg:  ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
05:57.34shellshark[TK]D-Fender: you've tried every X100P implementation from every vendor I take it?
05:57.35JTi get a horrible crackling noise on my digital lines :(
05:57.43JTi think i must be getting massiv bitslips
05:57.48[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Echo & PCI sharing issues, disconnect supervision, and often callerID problems as well.
05:57.53JTprobably due to poor zt timing accuracy
05:57.58shellsharki see
05:58.21[TK]D-Fendershellshark : No, not from every vendor, but the overall experience is "hit or miss".  You could gt lucky the first time and be happy.  or not.
05:58.28JTshellshark: there's only 1 legit X100P implementation
05:58.51JTthe chipset is no longer produced
05:59.09JTall "new" "X100P"s are made with fake or factory second chips
05:59.44clyrradshellshark: how come you dont want to use an ATA?
06:00.08shellsharkclyrrad: i never said i didn't... just for this project I wanted it all integrated
06:00.26clyrradinto the same box thats running asterisk?
06:01.06clyrradis this a demo project or real world application?
06:01.14shellsharkreal world
06:01.27shellsharkbranch office with limited space
06:01.35JTlol just put the ATA inside the pc case
06:01.44clyrradbut ATA's are small enough are they not?
06:01.56clyrradJT: heheh
06:01.58shellsharkyeah they are, but i wanted it integrated ;)
06:02.14clyrradshellshark: sounds like more trouble than its worth
06:02.26clyrradATA's are small and cheap and work extreemly well
06:02.27JTso the question is then whether it's worth a few extra dollars for that luxury
06:02.34clyrradjust the wires are messy :p
06:02.51clyrradso get shorter cables
06:03.05shellsharkclyrrad: yeah i know...
06:03.07[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Well the big sell against ATA's is functionality and cost.  Sure integrated is a nice idea at time, but you actually lose everything else to get it.  not a great proposition.
06:03.33clyrradplus ATA
06:03.54clyrradplus ATA's have so much built into them by default they save tons of time and work
06:04.09shellsharkthis is true
06:04.16clyrradout of box they are pretty well configured and ready to go
06:04.25clyrradwork that you will have to do manually if you dont use an ATA
06:04.35clyrradwhy re-invent the wheel?
06:05.04clyrradto me short cables and ATA's sounds like a sweet proposition
06:05.19clyrradhell stack them on top of one an other if you like :p
06:05.25justinu|laptophow dare you guys disuade ppl from buying digium cards!
06:05.38clyrradmy bad!
06:05.39[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Just for perspective, how many ports on average are we talking about?
06:05.44JTerr yeah, you should use an IAXy! :P
06:06.04justinu|laptoplol, no doubt, iaxy is far superior to a sipura :P
06:06.07[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop : not at all!  We are talking about dissuading people from buying SANGOMA analog cards ;)
06:06.27[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop : No wait... Rhino!
06:06.37[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop : err... openVox!
06:07.34[TK]D-Fenderwow, voipsupply's prices are high....
06:07.46[TK]D-Fenderfile : I don't wan't to know your name!
06:07.56file[TK]D-Fender: I just want ...
06:08.13*** join/#asterisk bulatitoy (
06:08.14litagein the output from "sip show channels", is the value under "Call ID" what you give to "sip show history <channel>"?
06:08.23bulatitoyhi all
06:08.28bulatitoycomplete newbie here
06:08.32bulatitoyneed help
06:08.54Strom_Cbulatitoy: ask your question
06:08.56bulatitoycan i still use asterisk without voip?
06:08.59[TK]D-Fenderfile : ! ! !
06:09.00clyrradhere comes the fun :)
06:09.04Strom_Cbulatitoy: yes
06:09.09file[TK]D-Fender: :D
06:09.10[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : Sure.
06:09.19Strom_Cbulatitoy: you can operate in an all-TDM environment
06:09.23file[TK]D-Fender: me <3 you long time
06:09.25bulatitoydo i just buy the digium card?
06:09.41clyrradsure can
06:09.50clyrradif you like paying long distance
06:10.15clyrradi like the hybrid setups - voip and pstn
06:10.17bulatitoyim really new to this, telephony and stuff
06:10.32bulatitoyi just dont know where to start :(
06:10.43jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
06:10.43[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : Describe your needs.
06:10.45clyrradwell first - ask your question?????
06:10.47jboti guess docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
06:10.50jbotsomebody said hafc was hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
06:11.12clyrradbulatitoy: - ask your question?????
06:11.18bulatitoythats one of the problems
06:11.27Strom_Cmaybe that should be "hire a phreaking consultant" :)
06:11.29fileStrom_C: STROM
06:11.33bulatitoyreally no budget for a consultant
06:11.45JTthis does not sound much of sensical error message ;)
06:11.47JTNov  9 16:21:46 WARNING[5326]: chan_zap.c:8510 zt_pri_error: 3 !! Got reject for frame 0, but we only have others!
06:11.51bulatitoyneed to put up 4 lines
06:12.07Strom_Cwho the hell is "Storm_C">
06:12.17bulatitoyso do we need to get 4 separate lines from AT&T and the like?
06:12.18Strom_Cis your dyslexia acting up again? :)
06:12.18clyrradhahaha I always do that dont I?!?!??!?!?!??!
06:12.20[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : Ok, 4 lines.  thats a start.  What kind?  Standard analog?  ISDN?  PRI?
06:12.41Strom_Cclyrrad: tab-complete is yout friend
06:12.53JTthat pri error i just pasted, anyone think that could be due to poor zap timing?
06:13.11clyrradYour name just looks liks Storm you must get that all the time :p
06:13.20JTNov  9 16:21:59 WARNING[5326]: chan_zap.c:8510 zt_pri_error: 3 !! Got reject for frame 1, retransmitting frame 1 now, updating n_r!
06:13.24Strom_Cunfortunately, yes
06:13.40justinu|laptopJT, far end is saying it can't understand your HDLC frames
06:13.41clyrradheh!  I will make an effort not to screw up your name :p
06:13.47JTjustinu|laptop: damn
06:13.49clyrradbut i always do hehehe
06:13.55[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : So 4 channels on a single PRI then?
06:13.59Strom_Cand with that, I think I'm going to go to in-n-out burger
06:14.02bulatitoyi also read somewhere that we can get a fractional T1
06:14.03JTi'm have no idea how to improve timing
06:14.07JTi might try disabling smp
06:14.12justinu|laptopthat's a thought
06:14.23[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : That is often avaiable depending where you are located.
06:14.25justinu|laptopor a different mobo
06:14.26fileStrom_C: I hate you.
06:14.30justinu|laptopor a different pci slot
06:14.33Strom_Cfile: why?
06:14.43clyrradk guys gonna head off - nice seeing you all have a good one!!!!!!!!!
06:14.51fileStrom_C: because the burger places I like are those far away...
06:14.54*** join/#asterisk techie (
06:15.11JTjustinu|laptop: different mobo isn't an option
06:15.20Strom_Cfile: well, I don't think that I can really get an in-n-out burger to you in time
06:15.30*** join/#asterisk VibroMax (n=phisto@
06:16.10bulatitoyso is it recommended to get a fractional T1 or maybe a Full T1?
06:16.32bulatitoyand just use some channels for voice?
06:16.55[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : Go fractional if its to your benifit cost-wise vs your needs.  Has to server the greater good you know...
06:17.20[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : So now that this part is out of the way.  What kind and how many phones are you looking at?
06:17.25file[TK]D-Fender: I have both LCDs up and running :D rockin'
06:17.35[TK]D-Fenderfile : rawr
06:17.41bulatitoyminimum of 8
06:17.50[TK]D-Fenderfile : Nice, aren't they :)
06:17.56bulatitoywe are starting a small office
06:18.37[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : I would suggest either Polycom or Aastra SIP phones for your desks.  Model dependent on more specific needs and wiring options.
06:19.03bulatitoywhat kind of card should i buy?
06:19.43clyrradTKD: curious... how come you recommend astra over sipura/linksys?
06:20.21[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : Well make sure about the kind of lines you're getting first.  if you are indeed getting a PRI (fractionaly or otherwise), I'd suggest the Sangoma A102d personally.
06:20.21bulatitoyI watched the video from used sipura 3000
06:20.55bulatitoyok...and atleast a p4 machine?
06:21.02justinu|laptopsipura makes great ATAs, but their phones kinda suck
06:21.02JThrm, server is booting very slowly
06:21.08JTwithh the nosmp kernel option
06:21.11JTsome errors
06:21.34clyrradi like sipura phones thus far
06:21.47[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad : Aastra 480i has a much bigger screen that any Linksys, is vastly more programmable (Godly soft-keys), supports presence, etc.  the lower models are also less expensive in most cases.
06:21.49clyrradusing the SPA-941's
06:22.07justinu|laptophave you used a polycom as well?
06:22.13[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad : Yeah linksys is "OK", but they are my THIRD choice.
06:22.25clyrradTKD: how about servicice provider support and remote provisioning abilities?
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06:22.46intralanman[TK]D-Fender: polycom at the top of the list?
06:22.51clyrradin that regard I have been pretty impressed with Sipura
06:22.59[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad : Yup, easy provisioning on them too....  I recently DL'd the admin guide and got my hands on one for up-front testing
06:23.09[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad : So I'm not jsut a Polycom zealot anymore ;)
06:23.15clyrradDO you need to be authorized?
06:23.22[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad : Nope.
06:23.25clyrradtoo bad
06:23.31clyrradits better when you do
06:24.08bulatitoybut would you guys say asterisk performs better when you employ voip?
06:24.08*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
06:24.15clyrradbulatitoy: I use asterisk as PURE VOIP
06:24.22joelsolankihi all. i have some silly question. :(
06:24.23clyrradand it works great
06:24.39joelsolankii have rhino 4 fxo card and i want to use g729 with it
06:24.46joelsolankiis that possible ?
06:24.48bulatitoywe are just worried that when internet connection is down, phone will be down too
06:24.52[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : Certain aspects of VoIP tech add to the functionality of your system as a PBX that you can't get with a dumb analog phone.
06:25.02clyrradanyway this time i am really going to bed: later folks
06:25.11[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki : TDM cards have NOTHING to do with G.729
06:25.35clyrradcatch ya later TKD have a good one!
06:25.38bulatitoyi see...maybe get 2 separate providers
06:25.46[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki : You need licenses any time you want o decode from G729 or to G729 from anything else.
06:25.51[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad : Ditto
06:26.18[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : Listen we aren't suggesting VoIP for your PSTN connectivity.  jsut your inside wiring for your PHONES.
06:26.20joelsolankioh then i want my linksys to use g729 codec
06:26.40joelsolankiwhere do i need to enable g729 in asterisk
06:26.44bulatitoyok got it
06:26.57[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : So use either anaolg or digial lines likst normal, and the only "VoIP" in you system is betweent he phones on your employees desk's and your server.
06:27.02shellsharkjoelsolanki: you have to buy licenses from Digium
06:27.15[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki : Go to and go buy some licenses.
06:27.24bulatitoythanks TKD!
06:27.27shellsharkjoelsolanki: they are only $10 per channel one time
06:27.27joelsolankiyes i have the licenses
06:27.28bulatitoyits more clear now
06:27.39[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : Glad to hear.
06:28.03joelsolankii have the licenses so where do i need to configure g729 ?
06:28.04bulatitoythats what confuses me the past few days
06:28.09joelsolankiin asterisk ?
06:28.20bulatitoyi thout it has something to do with the "outside" line
06:28.21[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : VoIP phones off all sort of possibilities, like shuffling a ton of calls on hold, 3-way conferencing on the phone, callerID, etc all using a nice interface.
06:28.49bulatitoythere are more features on VOIP
06:28.56[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : It CAN, but thats not what we are suggesting at this time.  just for you to use norla lines, and SIP phones for their functionality.
06:28.57intralanmanjoelsolanki: you need to have it enabled in the User-Agent and asterisk
06:28.59bulatitoythan using the old ones
06:29.03bkw__Have you figured it out yet?
06:29.47[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : The real features come at the PHONE level.  How you manage multiple calls (buttons for each call), how you put calls on hold, transfer, conference, go on DND, etc.
06:30.01joelsolankiyes in useragent it is activated. but i m confused where do i have to enable in asterisk
06:30.01bulatitoyi see
06:30.07joelsolankii guess sip.conf ?
06:30.26bulatitoynow i think i can start setting up a test system
06:30.27intralanmanin sip.conf add a line like allow=g729 to the peer you want to enable it for
06:31.40joelsolankihmm that is what i m thinking. i can do it from console finding from freepbx gui
06:32.35bulatitoythanks TKD! thanks for the help
06:32.42[TK]D-Fenderbulatitoy : Any time.
06:32.57bulatitoyi will be back after doing some tinkering
06:33.12bulatitoytell u what ive accomplished :)
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06:37.22kuku5im having issues with zap
06:37.33kuku5Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
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06:48.24JTi removed all unused pci cards
06:48.29JTthat did nothing
06:48.53JTbut moving my card to the 133MHz 64bit bus did
06:49.23JTavg 99.987793% now
06:49.27JTno pri errors
06:49.30JTno crackling
06:49.57*** join/#asterisk kristalino (
06:51.13JTi wonder if it would slow down the gigabit ethernet controller in theory
06:51.20JTi'm not going to pull much bandwidth
06:51.34JToh i also disabled hyperthreading that did nothing on its own
06:51.41JTi should try again with it enabled
06:51.43kuku5can anyone help with the unable to create channel fo type zap erro ?
06:51.49JTdisabling smp wouldn't work
06:51.55JTsystem had a vfs kernel panic
06:52.07JTthe raid card drivers did not like nosmp
06:59.36*** join/#asterisk jets (
07:02.48kuku5zap show channels shows no channels, how so
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07:11.52bkw__char string = 'string';
07:12.09bkw__thinking outloud
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07:21.31baconbuttie_ukkuku5: what errors appear in the log when zap gets loaded ?
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07:32.12Newbie___hi all, i am not in the US, where and how do i set the country from indicator.conf
07:34.58baconbuttie_ukNewbie : in the [general] section, country=<code> where <code> is a section name in the same file with indication definitions.
07:35.47Newbie___baconbuttie_uk: is it in zapata.conf
07:41.52*** join/#asterisk jgoo (n=e4b80e21@
07:42.41jgoohrm, "This is a special case.  If the list is empty, mailers
07:42.47jgoo0.0 wrong chan
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07:55.28*** join/#asterisk hello2007 (
07:55.38hello2007anyone know how to set nat keep alive in the new version of polycom sip 2.0
07:55.53*** join/#asterisk diLLec (n=dillec@
07:56.56mcabhello2007: not off the top of my head, but it should be in the 2.0 admin guide :-)
07:59.48hello2007did you try it and work
08:00.54hello2007cause my * server lose contact with my polycom every some interval of time and i don t know if this option is enabled or not
08:01.00mcabsorry, no I haven't.
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08:01.28mcabbut, it won't be active unless you explicitly enable it
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08:04.47hello2007i tried to enable it but i don tthink it s working
08:05.41mcabyou set the nat.keepalive.interval parameter?
08:06.55hello2007i set voIpProt.SIP.keepalive.sessionTimers="1"
08:07.05hello2007is it the same
08:08.08mcablet me see
08:08.37hello2007in sip.cfg file ,is this the right file to configure?
08:09.34hello2007are u using sip version 2.0 in polycom?
08:09.41mcabOK, the voIpProt.SIP.keepalive.sessionTimers isn't what you're looking for, it's not for NAT
08:09.49mcabsip.cfg file is the right file
08:10.02mcabI'd change the nat.keepalive.interval parameter and see if that helps
08:10.09mcabyeah, I'm using SIP 2.0
08:10.57hello2007but i dint find in sip.cfg  nat.keepalive.interval parameter
08:12.48mcabin the sip.cfg from the 2.0 archive?
08:13.53mcabhmmm, is it in the phone1.cfg file?
08:14.18hello2007i found in phone1.cfg is it the same?
08:14.20mcab(unfortunately, I don't have access to any of my polycom configs to check right now)
08:14.43mcabyes, that will be the same
08:15.13hello2007does the "presence" and the "buddy" feature appear on your phone when you upgrade to sip 2.0?
08:16.04mcabI have them turned off in my site's configuration. I don't know if they were on by default in 2.0
08:17.46hello2007they told me its an asterisk limitation????
08:18.22hello2007you can t turn them on,there is issue or something with asterisk
08:18.31hello2007any idea?
08:19.17mcab2.0 does have some presence issues, but there's a patch for asterisk available that should resolve them
08:19.48hello2007where can i found it?
08:20.46mcabit's been committed to the code, but unfortunately I don't know what releases it's been back-ported into
08:21.06mcabwhat version of asterisk are you running?
08:22.30hello2007how do i know?
08:22.52*** join/#asterisk Feral_Kid (
08:24.10Feral_KidHas any one any experience with Digium TE 205, because I am having a horrible time getting it configured...
08:25.38hello2007is there any ntp and tftp server that is recommand to use with asterisk?
08:28.23mcabhello2007: The patch might be in 1.2.13, but I can't confirm, and unfortunately have to head off to bed soon, sorry :-(
08:28.43hello2007no prob,thanks a lot
08:28.55mcabno problem, good luck! :-)
08:30.44*** join/#asterisk psk (
08:38.36Feral_KidThe first problem that I am having is that the D channel keeps going up and down...
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08:52.29JTFeral_Kid: first off, what do you get usually with zttest?
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09:16.42Feral_KidJT: Sorry, just make it back in... I am 99.97%
09:17.11Feral_KidBest: 99.987793 -- Worst: 99.975586 -- Average: 99.975821
09:18.25JThrm, is that whilst the card is in use with asterisk?
09:18.54JT99.98 is good
09:19.05JTi don't know if .97 is that much of a problem
09:19.36*** join/#asterisk spaghetty (n=user@lugbari/people/spaghetty)
09:21.19Feral_KidJT: I have run out of ideas... The biggest problem is the D chan goes up and down... On top of that, previously, if I dialed an external number, I didn't get any response from the console. Now I actually see the dial out, but I goes through the motion and never actually dials out on the ZAP channel...
09:23.41*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
09:24.34EmleyMoorasterisk dies with code 1 - what does that actually mean?
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09:28.01JTFeral_Kid: d channel flapping points to some form of Layer 1 issue
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09:32.20EmleyMoorGot asterisk running now
09:32.30EmleyMoorHowever, moziax won't register to it
09:32.56Feral_KidJT> Would that be on my side or the provides side? They say that everything is good to go...
09:33.17Feral_KidOn their end thatis...
09:34.24spaghettyso I've a question! =)
09:34.34EmleyMoorAh, permissions on the files!
09:34.37spaghettyI need to make a services for phone recall
09:35.15spaghettyI need to make 2 call after a request from web
09:35.37spaghettyand call 2 different number that sould talk together
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09:37.13spaghettyno I use asterisk manager protocol for do that
09:37.28spaghettybut I think it's not so scalable
09:38.00spaghettyso I would use somethink like sip(o somethink other) to make a request at asterisk server
09:38.07spaghettyit's this possibile ?
09:40.52EmleyMoorAm I right in thinking it's not worth bothering with skinny unless I really have a need to connect a skinny-only phone?
09:43.32*** join/#asterisk mosty (
09:47.24bXihow would i set it up so that if somebody calls an extensions that they get forwarded after 30 seconds to a visdn line
09:47.31bXi(after being unavailable of course)
09:48.09*** join/#asterisk ThaZZa (
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09:49.18vltHello. How can I both enable feature "automon" AND beeing able to send DTMF tones to called peer?
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09:51.01mostyi have a queue which is sending more than one call to the same phone at the same time, how can i prevent this?
09:53.16hello2007anyone is using polycom phones?
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09:55.57skirmishaany work arround for asterisk auto-attendant
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10:09.44jm|workso  I'm looking at the api
10:10.01jm|workand I'm wondering how to pass a number to be checked against extensions.conf
10:10.09jm|workrather than sending the context in the payload ...
10:10.59*** join/#asterisk hieunm_vips (n=hieunm_v@
10:11.21hieunm_vipsHi, Could I ask a question ?
10:11.41hieunm_vipsIs ast_makesocket used to make the control socket?
10:11.57hieunm_vipsHow do I connect to control socket?
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10:25.08skirmishaeverybody sleeping
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10:29.33mostywhen i do "show queue foobar" in the console, what do all the numbers mean?
10:29.48mostyeg  W:0, C:1, A:3, SL:0.0% within 0s
10:36.55spaghettycan I open 2 sip call on 1 sip request and then link they together
10:37.03spaghettyusing just extensions ?
10:38.15baconbuttie_ukskirmisha: what kind of work-around do you need ?
10:41.48skirmishafor example if 2001 number rings i want to take this call from 2002 station
10:42.35baconbuttie_ukskirmisha: have you looked at the Pickup() app ?
10:42.50vltHello. Can Asterisk pass T.38 data from an ATA through to another SIP peer that can terminate that protocol/codec?
10:43.28puzzledvlt: no but openpbx may be able to do that. ask in #openpbx
10:43.46skirmishabaconbuttie_uk nope
10:43.56skirmishais this something new that comes with 1.4 ver
10:45.08baconbuttie_ukno, it's available in 1.2
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10:46.08baconbuttie_ukthere are other implementations too, like Steal2()
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11:23.35adamowitzDoes * support the ogg vorbis file format?
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11:25.18aigroinehi people
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11:52.50EmleyMoorIs asterisk-app-fax in Debian any good? What would it allow me to achieve?
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11:59.55jm|workResponse: Error
11:59.55jm|workMessage: Missing action in request
12:00.09jm|workwhat might be causing that when trying to authenticate on the API over telnet?
12:00.09Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
12:00.20jm|workthat explains it then ;)
12:00.33jm|workI'll revert to dropping .call files
12:05.28klapzinhow i configure asterisk for my country , i need set up the flash time
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12:10.35elshaaI'm looking for a reliable way to look if asterisk is accepting connexions on SIP or IAX2. I've been using sipsak and iaxping(modified) to send basic requests, but I'm wondering if the asterisk cli would not be better...
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12:11.43spaghettysomeone can show me link for tree way call
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12:15.23InfraRedwhat's the hardwrae for choice these days for channel banks, need 24port
12:16.22monstedaudiocodes seems good
12:16.52monstedSIP/MGCP/H323 to FXO or FXS, 2/4/8/24 ports
12:28.19ThaZZaYo all. Having major issues trying to get a Cisco 960 IP Phone to register to a remote asterisk box.. can anyone give me a hand please?
12:32.35JTAdtran and CAC seem to have the best recommendations for channel banks
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12:34.39ThaZZaJT: Was that for me?
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12:43.01JTThaZZa: no, InfraRed was the one asking about channel banks
12:44.08InfraRedAdtran wasa the one i was trying to remember its name
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12:49.20InfraRedquiet in here
12:55.52*** join/#asterisk Zordrak (
12:57.33ZordrakI'm looking for some help in identifying our ISDN presentation. We're planning to install an Asterisk server, probably with a Digium ISDN line card - but having difficulty finding which card(s) are relevant to our ISDN30. The cqard in the current PBX is labelled DS1, but it appears that DS1 could mean T1 or E1.. any idea how to identify which without going to the ISDN service provider?
12:59.07JTisdn30 is E1
12:59.23JT30 B channels + 1 D channel + 1 channel reserved for synchronisation
12:59.39JTT1 is 23B channels + 1 D channel
13:00.42JTin isdn ccs mode anyway
13:01.13ZordrakThank you very much? If only Telewest could have been able to tell me that on the first phone call.
13:01.25ZordrakAhem.. s/?/!/
13:02.01InfraRedtelew0rst you mean
13:02.18Zordrakindeed.. I can but do with what I have here.
13:02.29InfraRedthey're cheap
13:02.47InfraRedthats about it
13:02.49BurtyBs/he/r/ :p
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13:03.13ZordrakNot that I've now narrowed down what Digium card I need.. as they all support the E1 we have.. I'm not entirely sure what the relvence of each feature is and whether or not we will need it. We are currently running off a seriously ageing PBX with an ever increasing support contract
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13:19.02dioeduhello all
13:19.23dioeduagain i had a doubt with queues - agentcallbacklogin
13:20.16jeremy_gquick help plz, tcpdump <-- show me packet not coming from this ip 192x
13:20.23jeremy_gwhat wud be the filter
13:20.34jeremy_gsrc ip != 192x
13:20.37dioeduwhat can i do with call, when the agent is DND ? I receive a BUSY state of this but i don't know how i treat this call
13:20.53ThaZZaCisco is CRAP
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13:22.05mostydioedu, do what you would do when the call is not answered
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13:29.30dioedumosty: but when the call is in this part of extensions.conf, i don't have enough information like dialed number by the client and put this call again in the respective queue
13:30.25dioedumosty: and i don't do nothing yet with not answered call
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13:31.34infernixin order for musiconhold to play mp3 files, do they have to be in a specific format? moh files show doesn't show any but the directory is correct and the user with which asterisk is running has read permissions.
13:31.52dioedudoes exist some cmd like re-queue ?
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13:32.16dioeduto put the client again in the queue that he was ?
13:34.28infernixi even tried with mpg123, and while i see that asterisk spawns the process, I hear nothing
13:35.23JTZordrak: the main differences are amount of PRIs in a car, hardware echo cancellation, and pci voltage
13:38.22dioedumosty: at really, the not answered calls was treated by queue application i think, where the agent is logged off automaticly and the client still in the queue, but BUSY wasn't treated by queue
13:38.44dioeduam i right ?
13:40.56ZordrakJT: Turns out that I may be looking at a Sangoma AFT101U instead
13:41.46mostydioedu: doesn't Queue() just treat the call as unanswered and go to the next agent?
13:42.48dioedumosty: unanswered calls, yes
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13:43.08dioedumosty: but BUSY calls (DND agents) doesn't
13:43.46dioedumosty: CHANUNAVAIL calls neither
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13:52.31badcfei had a working installed digium card wct4xxp.  Now, after a reboot, i get chan_zap.c: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address.
13:53.15badcfeis there any way i can just disable zap from trying to load?  for now i just need asterisk up, not the zap.
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14:02.30kaldemarbadcfe: you can put in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
14:02.50mostydioedu, cant you set timeouts for queue members to answer calls? the call would eventually re-join at the head of the queue...?
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14:07.26dioedumosty: how can i do this
14:08.14mostyit's an option in queues.conf i think
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14:09.15dioedumosty: but i think that this don't resolve my problem... because asterisk try call to an agent but this agent is DND... before timeout
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14:10.45JTZordrak: err maybe, sangoma and digium both make a wide variety of PRI cards
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14:14.52infernixdoes a preemptible kernel affect the performance of asterisk or is the 1khz timer value sufficient?
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14:18.42yogurt2ungueHello people
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14:20.22yogurt2ungueI working with te410p
14:20.47mostydioedu: have you tested this? what actually happens to the caller? i would assume that they stay in the queue until someone answers
14:20.56yogurt2ungue is the xaptel.conf and the dmesg output
14:23.01yogurt2ungueI compiled the zapel modies with  HOTPLUG_FIRMWARE=no
14:24.12yogurt2unguethe question is: is it normal? am i working ok?
14:25.12*** join/#asterisk b11d (
14:25.13yogurt2ungueI compiled the zapel modules with  HOTPLUG_FIRMWARE=no
14:25.15b11dhello chaps
14:29.19dioedumosty: let's try explain all the case, in few words :)
14:32.09dioedumosty: My callcenter didn't have login, the queue member was SIP/XXXX. But after some problem, and to get more information about the services, we decided to use agentcallbacklogin
14:32.27infernixhm. I recorded an unavailable message. the wavefile is there, i'm using Voicemail(u1000@default) but i'm still hearing my name and the default voicemail message instead of my personalized unavailable message.
14:34.17dioedumosty: this work correctly, but we saw that the agents in lot of cases don't do the logoff or stay in DND state
14:35.43dioedumosty: without treat this cases, the queue work perfectly, and the client is answered by the first agent that is don't in DND state or shut down the softphone.
14:36.30*** join/#asterisk Marshall16 (
14:37.27dioedudioedu: but we decided that is necessary to treat this states. And i am with this problem... :S
14:37.48dioedumosty: but we decided that is necessary to treat this states. And i am with this problem... :S
14:37.48dioedu* Marshall16 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
14:38.26mostyi don't understand that very last part, what are you saying the problem is?
14:39.20dioedumosty: the problem is the treatment of the states DND (BUSY) and CHANUNAVAIL (shut down the softphone)
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14:43.07dioedumosty: the context that Queue() send the call, do Dial(SIP/XXXX) where XXXX = agent number
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14:44.16mostydioedu, yes and if that agent's phone is DND, then what happens?
14:44.25dioedumosty: after Dial(), I do a Goto(s-{DIALSTATUS},1)
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14:45.03dioedumosty: if the agent's phone is DND, the DP send the call to s-BUSY
14:45.11mostyare you using Queue() ?
14:45.30Vegarhow can I check who's logged in with SIP in the CLI?
14:45.41mostyoh, so Queue sends calls to a context, and that context dials?
14:45.47dioedumosty: Yes, but Queue is the first application when the call get in.
14:46.02dioeduVegar: sip show peers
14:46.22Vegarah, thanks
14:46.23mostydioedu, i don't do it that way, i just have Queue dial a particular channel. if the channel is DND the call stays in the queue, until somebody does answer
14:47.06dioedumosty: yes, queue sends calls to a context... and contexts dials
14:48.27dioeduBut i need to treat DND. Agents can't stay DND !!
14:49.10mostyhow do you get queues to send calls to a context instead of dialing to a channel?
14:49.39mostyand, what behaviour do you want if an agent is DND? do you want the call to rejoin the queue?
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14:50.30dioedumosty: Queue() send calls to a context if you use AgentCallBackLogin() with different context
14:51.08QwellDon't use AgentCallBackLogin
14:51.37dioedumosty: if the agent was DND, i wanna record in a mysql table and rejoin the queue
14:51.52Qwelleasiest way to "call a context", is to use a local channel as the queue member
14:52.06Qwelllike AddQueueMember(Local/1234@myContext)
14:52.48dioedumosty: is there a cmd to rejoin the queue ?
14:54.02dioeduQwell: But with this, i still have problem with DP
14:54.06mostyit's probably better not to leave the queue in the first place
14:55.11dioedumosty: what do you wanna say with "first place" ? the first context ?
14:55.45mostyit's probably better not to leave the queue until the call is answered
14:56.42dioedumosty: yes ! but how could i don't leave this queue, after receive a s-BUSY or s-CHANUNAVAIL ?
14:57.12dioedumosty: this is the key...
14:57.43mostyi have SIP/ext in my queue, and the Queue() application takes care of that
14:58.49dioedumosty: but in your application, you don't know who was DND
14:59.01dioedumosty: do you ?
14:59.12mostyi don't need to know, the Queue application takes care of it (i think)
14:59.44dioedumosty: do you use agentcallbacklogin ?
15:00.04*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:00.11bXiis there a standard way of transfering a call?
15:00.43dioedumosty: with agentlogin all be more easy...
15:00.48mostybxi: see features.conf, hit the sequence for a blind transfer, then it will ask for an extension
15:01.20dioedumosty: but in my operation, i couldn't use it. I need to use agentcallbacklogin...
15:01.28mostydioedu, i have realtime queues stored in a db, logins are done through a webpage, it's easier for my situation
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15:03.46jm|workcan someone explain something for me ...
15:03.59bXimosty: doesnt seem to work
15:04.00b11dits natural
15:04.04b11dits just you growing up
15:04.10b11dyou'll get hair where you didnt have hair before
15:04.14b11dand your voice will become deeper
15:04.25b11dso.. relax jm.. its nature at work :)(
15:04.46dioedubXi: are you sure that is loaded ?
15:04.46jm|workIf I use a .call file to call my extension before originating a call, if I hang up while the call is still ringing, it doesn't release the channel ... and if the caller picks up it don't clear until they hangup
15:04.58bXidioedu: how can i check?
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15:05.21dioedubXi: show modules
15:05.59bXi== Remapping feature Blind Transfer (blindxfer) to sequence '##'
15:06.03bXifound it :)
15:06.16bXibut tthat doesnt seem to do its job
15:06.17dioedumosty: But how this login is ? AgentLogin ?
15:06.30dioeduor Addqueuemember ?
15:07.23mostydioedu, i do it by adding a row to a table in a database. i guess it would be equivalent to AddQueueMember
15:07.27jm|workthat explains some of it ...
15:08.17dioedumosty: let's read about this... thanks :)
15:08.51*** part/#asterisk kmilitzer (
15:09.12dioedumosty: could you tell me which information you record in a DB ?
15:09.37mostydioedu, the same arguments that AddQueueMember takes
15:09.41dioedumosty: To login the agent ?
15:10.25mostyand to logout i remove that row in the db
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15:13.49spaghettysome one can help me with 3pcc ?
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15:17.51dioedumosty: but in extensions.conf, you just queue the call ?
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15:18.47bkw_you mean it has queues too?
15:19.58pifdoes asterisk have issues when routing SIP calls from other asterisk servers ?
15:20.24*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:20.37pifpresently I have to audio when asterisk answers a SIP-asterisk with another SIP-asterisk
15:21.27pifeither SIP native bridging or staying in the path is the same: no audio
15:21.51pifIAX/SIP or SIP/IAX works however
15:23.01*** join/#asterisk Dovid (n=Dovid@
15:23.06mostydioedu, yes
15:23.13ManxPowerpif: Sounds like you have NAT involved.
15:23.50pifI do; tried nat=yes everywhere
15:24.04Dovidpif: whats the issue
15:24.09ManxPowerpif: NAT is MUCH nore complicated than that.
15:24.13mostypif: which of the two servers isn't nat'ed?
15:24.24pifasterisk-A <--- WAN ---> asterisk-HQ <--- WAN ---> asterisk-B
15:24.40bXifirewall issues maybe?
15:24.48pifHQ is supposed to route calls between A and B
15:25.02Dovidpif: wut kind of firewall ?
15:25.20pifwith sip port opened
15:25.21bXipif: i've had similar issues as well
15:25.32bXisip port isnt enough
15:25.34bXiyou need rtp as well
15:25.45bXiudp 10000-20000 basicly
15:26.03pifA <- SIP -> HQ works fine though....
15:26.18pifas well as B <-> HQ
15:26.20bXitry ruling out the firewall first
15:27.09bXimosty: do i need the rfc2833 option for using the features in features.conf
15:27.18mostyis it possible to set the default permissions of voicemail spool dirs in asterisk? ie so when a new voicemail maildir is created, it has the correct permissions?
15:27.32pifI tried reverting to IAX but it's too unreliable
15:27.55Dovidpif: I have seen SIP aware firewalls dop packets. i had a $1000.00 sonic wall drop packets. i switched to a simple SMC
15:28.05DovidIAX ? whats not reliable about it ?
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15:28.29pifperfectly available host becomes UNREACHABLE randomly
15:28.33Dovidcan the issue may i dare say be your internet connection between the two sites. i know that bell south was having an issue the other day
15:28.55pifthese a professional grade leased lines
15:29.23dioedumosty: but the AddQueueMember() doesn't work with realtime, right ?
15:30.35mostydioedu, no. i have a webpage which does the equivalent
15:31.22dioedumosty: ok. now i think that cmd Mysql() resolve my problem. :)
15:32.24dioeduat really, doesn't resolve all my problem... but i'll try use this.
15:32.47mostydioedu, you might not need a realtime queue. why don't just just use AddQueueMember ?
15:33.01ManxPowerbXi: You can only use inband DTMF if you are using alaw or ulaw codec
15:33.06dioedumosty: you are right...
15:33.49dioedumosty: I wanna know just what happened with the call if the agent is DND
15:34.16bXiManxPower: thing is my blind transfer function isnt working
15:34.28pifmosty : none of the servers are nat'ed, however they have firewalls
15:34.50yogurt2unguecould you help me with te410p?
15:34.50ManxPowerbXi: what codec are you using and what DTMF mode are you using?
15:35.01bXicodec = g711u
15:35.10bXiand dtmf mode should be the freepbx default
15:35.12dioedumosty: At really, how do i know if the agent put his softphone in DND
15:36.02ManxPowerbXi: I don't know what FreePBXs default is.  But remember that you will have problems if Asterisk is using one DTMF mode and the phone is using a different DTMF mode.
15:36.22bXimaybe that twinkle doesnt support the rfc2833 dtmf mode
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15:36.46mostydioedu, perhaps you should use some queue/agent statistics package
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15:37.43mikefooCan anyone recommend a sip/iax provider that supports t.38?
15:38.03ManxPowermikefoo: T.38 is not supported by IAX
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15:38.21ManxPowermikefoo: Asterisk does not support T.38
15:38.44mikefooahh, well ok, heh
15:38.52mikefooopenpbx it is I guess huh?
15:39.04ManxPowerI doubt openpbx supports it either.
15:39.11mikefooIt does.
15:39.36ManxPowerEvery T.38 device does it slightly differently so interop is a bitch.
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15:39.42mikefooWell a bigger question. Whats the fail rate on average of g.711 faxing?
15:40.15ManxPowermikefoo: it is all over from 0% to 90%
15:40.21mostymikefoo, high enough to not bother
15:40.35ManxPowerFortunatly I never have fax problems with Asterisk.
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15:41.16ManxPowerBut that is because of my design, not because of Asterisk
15:41.23monstedhmm, why does it even fail? faxes work fine over ISDN g.711 but not over IP?
15:41.43ManxPowermonsted: ISDN is very strict timing, IP does not.
15:41.43mostybecause fax doesn't cope with packet loss
15:41.55monstedah, of course
15:42.04ManxPowerMost calls don't have packet loss, but it does tend to have jitter.
15:42.17bXiManxPower: how does your fax solution work ?
15:42.27ManxPowerbXi: I use PSTN lines for fax.
15:42.27mikefoowhich will fubar a fax? bXi
15:42.36pifanyone knows the sytnax for port ranges in fiaif ?
15:42.49monstedwe set up faxes on H323 gateways using g711 with very few complaints
15:42.50ManxPowerUsually not even routed via asterisk.  i.e. separate POTS line.
15:43.07mostywell, fax doesn't cope with packet loss nor jitter well
15:44.05*** join/#asterisk intralanman (
15:44.07bXii have a pstn line connected to my asterisk box
15:44.11ManxPowersimple, cheap, easy
15:44.20mikefooand t.38 should prevent the failing of faxes due to jitter/packet loss?
15:45.01ManxPowermikefoo: T.38 accepts the fax locally, then sends the data over IP where it is converted back to fax on the far end.
15:45.16ManxPowerSo with T.38 you are not running FaxOverVoiceOverIP
15:45.42mikefooso it queues up the whole fax first then sends it over PSTN
15:45.43mostymikefoo, if you're going over IP, it's up to the network to not cause jitter/packet loss
15:46.12mikefooWell from what point to point should I worry about packet loss/jitter?
15:46.15mostyover VOIP, i mean
15:46.17intralanmanspeaking of t.38..... does  asterisk support that yet? i mean, for an endpoint
15:46.28mikefoofrom my asterisk box to my sip termination?
15:46.41intralanmannot passthru, but like with RxFax
15:46.59ManxPower1.4 (not yet released) is support to allow two T.38 endpoints to talk to each other.
15:47.10ManxPowerBut it has no support for being a T.38 endpoint.
15:47.25intralanmanManxPower: thnx, that's exactly what i was asking
15:47.39intralanmani don't care too much for the answer, but that's the right one
15:49.02mikefooWell we are trying to get rid og our POSTS line that do 200+ faxes a day and do it over IP, so as of now can anyone suggest a solution?
15:52.01ManxPowerWhy do you want to switch to IP?
15:52.08ManxPowerWhat will it accomplish?
15:52.51intralanmanManxPower: $$$$
15:52.53intralanmani'm sure
15:53.02intralanmanprobably gettin raped on pstn lines
15:53.08ManxPowerintralanman: sounds to me like it will cost much more to convert to IP.
15:53.20ManxPowerintralanman: then they need a new telco 8-)
15:53.32mikefooyeah our pstn lines are very costly.
15:53.33intralanmanheheh, true
15:53.46mikefoocost much more to convert?  why?
15:53.51intralanmanat some time in the future, though, it'd make it worthwhile
15:53.58mikefooits only outgoing faxes..
15:54.07intralanmanlike using sun servers.... over 5 years they pay for themselves
15:54.12ManxPowermikefoo: doing faxing with Asterisk is complicated
15:54.17intralanmanbut by that time they're obsolete anyway
15:55.00BurtyBmikefoo why not send them via email to an external fax place?
15:55.02SedoroxI personally wish faxing would die
15:55.33ManxPowerSedorox: As I said, I don't worry about it.  I don't think I've had a complaint about faxing for 3 months or mor.
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16:13.35kumbalaehello, when the called person is busy asterisk answers the call, can anyone please let me know why ?
16:14.01kumbalaehello, when the called person is busy,  asterisk answers the call, can anyone please let me know why ?
16:14.25kumbalaeactually it should reject the call right !
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16:16.19ManxPowerkumbalae: no, asterisk does not answer the call by default.
16:16.40ManxPowerunless you are using analog FXO ports, of course.  Then all calls are considered answered as soon as Dial finishes sending digits
16:17.16kumbalaeManxPower, when i receive the call i receive the error, __ast_request_and_dial: Don't know what to do with control frame 15
16:17.21kumbalaethis is what i receive
16:17.38ManxPowerkumbalae: what kind of port is Zap/1
16:17.59kumbalaeManxPower: ISDN
16:18.11ManxPowerkumbalae: PRI or BRI?
16:18.14kumbalaeManxPower: ISDN  30e connected with E400P card
16:18.25ManxPowerOK.  then the far end DID answer
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16:18.51kumbalaedid not get you, it is asterisk intiating the call
16:18.53ManxPoweryou could see that by doing a pri debug span 1  You should see an ISDN message indicating the far end answered.
16:19.19kumbalaethe far end is my phone number and i kept it busy
16:19.28ManxPowerkumbalae: is the going Asterisk -> PSTN or PSTN -> Asterisk
16:20.15*** join/#asterisk TexasJay (
16:20.17kumbalaehere it is, asterisk is intiating two call and bridging them
16:20.32kumbalaeboth are zap calls
16:20.47ManxPowerkumbalae: both legs of the call are on the same Asterisk server?
16:20.51TexasJayCould someone take a look at [] and help me figure out why fastpass_get_data doesn't appear to be working, please? :)
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16:20.58kumbalaeManxPower: Yes
16:21.06ManxPowerkumbalae: then you have a dialplan issue.
16:21.28ManxPowerAsterisk does NOT by default answer the line.
16:21.58kumbalaeManxPower: first call is intiated from the spool, if the first call is not successful then it must not pass it to the extensions right ?
16:22.20intralanmananybody using radius for anything? i'm stuck between freeradius and gnuradius.... any suggestions?
16:22.26ManxPowerkumbalae: that would depend on how the call is dialed.
16:22.48ManxPowerput on the part of the dialplan that handles the incoming call.
16:23.21kumbalaeManxPower: incoming call? Both are outgoing calls
16:23.37ManxPowerkumbalae: no, both are not outgoing calls.
16:23.56kumbalaeManxPower: exten => _[6|9]X.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN})
16:24.09ManxPowerIf you have a .call spool file dialing a local extension then the .call file initiates the outgoing call, then the other leg is incoming.
16:24.12kumbalaewhen the first call is dialled, it comes to this extension
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16:24.26ManxPowerkumbalae: and you do not have a priority 2 after that Dial?
16:24.37kumbalaeManxPower: Nope
16:25.01ManxPowerwhat is on the other end of the PRI?
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16:25.07kumbalaeManxPower: it should not come here to this context itself right ?
16:25.23ManxPowerkumbalae: that would depend on how you configure it.
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16:25.33ManxPowerput your spool file on
16:25.40kumbalaeyou want to know the spool file ??
16:25.42kumbalaeone sec
16:26.04TexasJayCould someone take a look at [] and help me figure out why fastpass_get_data isn't working, please? :)
16:26.26ManxPowerTexasJay: I have never used fastpass_get_data
16:26.49TexasJayit's in PHPAGI.  It's supposed to play a file and accept input.
16:27.00sremingtonWhy would hitting "hold" on 7940 say "starting music on hold" on *MY* channel... not the other end of the call?
16:27.01TexasJayIt's doing neither. :(
16:27.14hoobastoobasomeone gave me the answer to my question yesterday, but my computer crashed before I could try it. I understand that the latest kernel has deprecated linux/config.h or something like that. so when i try to make zaptel i get the linux/config.h: No such file or directory errors. How do i get around that?
16:27.37fileI fixed that in SVN
16:27.49TexasJayAnd docelmo isn't around to ask.
16:28.06hoobastoobaok, so if i use today's svn it'll be all good?
16:28.13fileit should be, try and see
16:28.23hoobastoobathanks file
16:28.46ManxPowerkumbalae: what is
16:28.57ManxPowerWhat is 64009633
16:29.19kumbalaethat is the first phone number for outgoing call
16:29.55*** join/#asterisk voipguru (n=voipguru@
16:29.57ManxPowerIf the device on that line local or remote?  Is it analog or cell or digital?
16:30.09voipguruhello guys
16:30.15*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
16:30.24voipguruanyone can help me with astguiclient?
16:30.29kumbalaeManxPower: all local only, nothing hi fi
16:30.42ManxPowerkumbalae: then why are you tieing up a Zap channel for it.
16:31.01voipguruor do u guys know any channel for astguiclient or vicidial?
16:31.04kumbalaeManxPower: what you want me to use then ?
16:31.15ManxPowerChannel: Local/64009633@thecontextthisnumberisin
16:31.51ManxPowerdo this.  pastebin the entire CLI output of the results of the spool file.
16:32.34kumbalaeManxPower: Let me check it
16:33.02*** join/#asterisk [Yatta] (n=polx@
16:35.05[Yatta]anyone know how i can make simultanuoes calls with * box?
16:35.42ManxPower[Yatta]: use two phones
16:35.50[Yatta]I want to have my * call a certain range of numbers at or about the same time..
16:35.59[Yatta]i wan tto make 10simul calls...
16:36.46hoobastoobafile: svn did include that change. thank you.
16:37.03kumbalaeManxPower: second call failed
16:37.27ManxPowerkumbalae: put your /etc/asterisk/zaptata.conf on
16:37.39ManxPower[Yatta]: look up spool files
16:38.06voipguruanyone can help on astguiclient/
16:39.17*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=fenlande@
16:39.18sremingtonWhy would putting someone on hold try to start music on hold for me? Not the party I'm putting on hold?
16:39.18olivier__voipguru : try the channel give in topic :#asterisk-gui
16:39.18ManxPowervoipguru: I don't even know what astguiclient is and I suspect most people here don't know what it is either
16:39.18TexasJayAnyone familiar with PHPAGI?  I'm having some problems and would like someone to take a look at my code.
16:39.18[Yatta]ManxPower; ok I'll look into that
16:39.18ManxPowersremington: is the remote end NOT hearing hold music?
16:39.18voipguruok olivier thanks
16:39.44sremingtonManxPower: correct and the CLI says "staring music on hold for SIP/102" which is me not the other end of the call which would be SIP/xx.xx.xx.xx
16:40.03ManxPowersremington: so the other end of the call is not hearing the hold music?
16:40.22ManxPowersremington: The other end should be hearing the hold music if you see that message.
16:40.22sremingtonManxPower: correct... they are not hearing MOH
16:40.48voipguruwe have installed asterisk on our callcenter and wanna make predictive dialing
16:41.07ManxPowervoipguru: Let us know when you have finished writing the application
16:41.42sremingtonManxPower: testing on another box always says "starting music on hold for SIP/xx.xx.xx.xx" which is the other end of the connection and that does work correctly
16:41.49hoobastoobafile, i downloaded the svn version of asterisk and it has the same issue. error: linux/compiler.h: No such file or directory
16:42.07fileyou said zaptel before
16:42.14filebut, I know...
16:42.18ManxPowersremington: can you dial a local extension that runs MusicOnHold
16:42.24hoobastoobayep, zaptel worked correctly, then i went to install asterisk
16:42.25fileopen up chan_phone.c and remove the include for compiler.h
16:42.31hoobastoobaah, ok, thanks
16:42.35filewhich *has not* been deprecated from vanilla kernel yet
16:42.45fileonly so far in CentOS and FC6 afaik
16:42.45sremingtonManxPower: but your saying that message is just a Red Herring... there's another problem? When parking a call the other end does hear MOH. Just not when hitting "hold" button on 7940
16:42.54hoobastoobatrue... fc6
16:43.05sremingtonManxPower: yes... can dial local extension that plays MOH and that does work
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16:44.04fileactually... I admit defeat
16:45.32mercestesfile:  You are undefeatable.
16:46.20filehoobastooba: what kernel version?
16:47.07hoobastoobafile: 2.6.18-1.2798.fc6-i686
16:47.22ManxPowerkumbalae: I have no further suggestions
16:47.50kumbalaeManxPower: is the zapata configuration looks ok ?
16:48.25ManxPowerkumbalae: yes
16:48.38filehoobastooba: 1.2 is fixed, 1.4 and trunk coming up
16:48.59*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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16:49.09TexasJayAnyone familiar with PHPAGI?  I'm having some problems and would like someone to take a look at my code [].
16:49.49Zeeekladies and boyz... good evening
16:51.09ManxPowerTexasJay: ask on the mailinglist
16:51.23Zeeekok, there are no ladies here and no boyz - still - after rejoiceing the US election results... hi ManxPower
16:51.32nosbigHow is everyone this afternoon?
16:51.43ZeeekI'm greiving :(
16:51.52ManxPowerZeeek: as far as I've heard the whole world is celebrating the US election results 8-)
16:51.54TexasJayManxPower: There's a mailing list?
16:52.09monstednow we just need to get someone competent into the oval office
16:52.10ZeeekManxPower indeed, a glimmer of hope has twinkled
16:52.11TexasJayI must be missing the link on their website then...
16:52.14*** join/#asterisk vgster (
16:52.19TexasJayoh THAT list. :P
16:52.42monstedtrouble is, there haven't really been any good choices for el presidente for a while :)
16:53.04Zeeeknow... as I said I amp grieving my dead laptop and I need free, quality immediate hand-holding advice for a debian install
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16:53.21Zeeekhaving of course absolutely nothing to do with asterisk
16:53.26Zeeekor the elections
16:53.31TexasJayI was hoping you knew of a PHPAGI mailing list.  Not sure how the masses would react to me posting a PHPAGI message to a standard Asterisk list. :)
16:53.40dioeduQwell: Do you remember my problem with queues ? That you tell me don't use AgenCallBackLogin ?
16:54.03ManxPowerTexasJay: about the same as you reposting your question on #asterisk ever 1 min
16:54.14ZeeekI'll post mine only once
16:54.22TexasJayNow now, it's not every minute.  I waited at least 5. :)
16:54.28Zeeekmust be a year since I've had the time to come here
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16:55.12dioeduQwell: If i use AddQueueMember(), what happened with the DND (BUSY) calls ? This failed calls are logged in some file ?
16:56.14*** part/#asterisk hoobastooba (n=ckwall@
16:56.25Zeeekneed to install linux on the new laptop drive. The laptop has no diskette and no cd. I installed debian on the drive of a different computer where it was mounted as hdb. When I boot it on the laptop, it goes to a grub prompt I can't get to boot. Any good suggestions?
16:58.23BurtyBZeeek if you get a grub prompt you prob need to tell it to boot from the first drive and not the second
16:58.40nosbigI am trying to get the Zapata configuration...  It seems too simple.
16:58.41*** part/#asterisk mog (
16:58.57ZeeekI'm saying kernel /boot/vmblah root=/dev/hda0
16:59.07nosbigI have /etc/zaptel.conf configured correctly...  The "ztcfg -vvv" configuration sees the FXS and FXO channels.
16:59.10mercestesZeeek:  So you compiled your libraries and binaries on a different hardware platform, and are now trying to boot the laptop from it?  how similar is the hardware involved??
16:59.22Zeeekwhatever I put there it always says "can't boot from blah"
16:59.53Zeeekwait this is a minimum network install, it didn't do much yet - it's supposed to be able to miniboot from HD and then install the real os
17:00.08mercestesZeeek:  Ah, now that makes a bit more sense.
17:00.23Zeeekthrere is no menu.tbl or grub.conf that I can find
17:00.26Zeeekya, I'm not totally nuts :)
17:00.32mercestesZeeek:  Just checking.
17:00.47Zeeekmaybe there's a better distro to do this with?
17:00.56mercestesZeeek:  Yea, net boot sounds the way to go but I'm nto entirely experienced in Netboot.  The Gentoo guys might be able to help if you don't tell them it's for Debian.
17:00.59ZeeekI dunno, the alternative is windows XP
17:01.17Zeeekis there a gentoo that will net boot from a minimal iso ?
17:01.23mercestesZeeek:  I heard Knoppix is kinda magical, but...again, I don't do much netbooting.
17:01.33ZeeekI can't read the iso (no cd) only make it isntall on the HD
17:01.41mercestesZeeek:  There is an "install cd" Iso that is isolinux and gets you in a CLI only.
17:01.47infernixZeeek: uhm, why not try lilo.
17:01.53infernixZeeek: it might just work y'know
17:01.55ZeeekI did try lilo
17:02.04mikefooHow can I view a partitions label?
17:02.06nosbigIn /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf , I have a signalling=fxo_ks line, followed by a channel => 17-19 line.  Is that all I need to make and receive calls on those lines, as long as I have the wiring correct and a dialplan entry or two?
17:02.24*** join/#asterisk The_LightSide (
17:02.33ManxPowernosbig: FXO lines use FXS signalling
17:02.37Zeeekinfernix I told the install to use lilo. It didn't complain. When I moved the drive, it boots GRUB :(
17:02.44infernixZeeek: does it start into the grub console? if so, you can boot.
17:02.57Zeeekbut no matter what root= I give, it says it can't
17:03.18Zeeekand I *have* tried reading evenr google on grub etc
17:03.19infernixZeeek: root (hd[TAB HERE], that doesnt do anything?
17:03.32*** join/#asterisk djflux (
17:03.37Zeeekroot (no arg) give the default hd0,0
17:03.52Zeeekso I've done root then kernel root=/dev/yadayada
17:04.09Zeeekbut I'll go look at what the tab expands to
17:04.24infernixtab a few times, it should show which harddisks are there. then again at "root (hd0,[TAB HERE]" to see which partitions are made.
17:04.24The_LightSideevening all, could some1 please point me in the right direction of how to set up a iax2 trunk correctly?
17:05.01infernixZeeek: what distro are you installing, sarge or etch?
17:05.18Zeeekoh forgot to mention I'm using a fr kbd and I have to keep mentally  converting
17:05.53Zeeekpartitions are 0,4,5
17:06.16dioeduQwell[]:  If i use AddQueueMember(), what happened with the DND (BUSY) calls ? This failed calls are logged in some file ?
17:06.53infernixZeeek: that sounds odd, but its possible. Debian etch or sarge?
17:06.55Zeeekthis is a 150meg netinstall ISO
17:07.25Zeeekso I don't know from sarge or captazin
17:07.50infernixsarge it is. okay.
17:08.35ZeeekI'd love to see this thing start loading
17:08.50ZeeekGRUB boots faster than my wristwatch - but it's about as dumb
17:08.53infernixsure, a sec while i figure out the install kernel filename
17:09.11Zeeekit's vmlinuz (wait for it)
17:09.54infernixZeeek: debian-31r3-i386-netinst.iso, right?
17:10.33Zeeek1 sec
17:11.20Zeeekya, that's it and the boot I find is /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.27-3-386
17:12.22infernixthat for  "kernel=/somewhere/vmlinuz-yadayada root=/dev/hda1", assuming /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.27-3-386 is on hd0,0. then, next line is initrd=(hd0,0)/boot/initrd[TAB SOME HERE]
17:12.29infernixthen just 'boot' and off you go
17:13.02Zeeekchecking your hypothesis immediately, brb
17:13.30infernixso in short, "root (hd0,0)" "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-something root=/dev/hda1" "initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd-something" "boot"
17:14.48*** join/#asterisk legend1222 (
17:15.25legend1222Hi. Is there anyone here that can help me diagnose a problem with a tdm2400?
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17:17.07Zeeekinfernix thx, it got a LOT farther but now it's saying fsck of /dev/hda6 failed
17:17.17anglerlegend1222, go ahead and describe the issue
17:17.32Zeeekthe coices are enter for maintenance of ctrl D to continue
17:17.53infernixZeeek: i dunno what you put on that partition. do a CTRL-D and see in /etc/fstab what its mountpoint is
17:18.21Zeeekthe ctrl d is saying it'll continue startup so we'll soon see
17:18.25dioeduSomeone can help me ?
17:19.57dioeduIf i have a queue and i'm using addqueuemember() to add a agent to this queue, what happen if this agent shut down the softphone without removequeuemember() ? This agent is logoff automaticly ?
17:20.20Zeeekinfernix thanks a million, it looks pretty much like it's ready to start the net install (which is in another room with a eth cable) - I appreciate the help and the patience. We now return you to repeated questions about fxo and fxs :)
17:20.42Zeeeknot to mention queues
17:20.50Strom_Mfxs is for pie
17:20.54Strom_Mfxo is for milkshakes
17:20.59jmesquitaHello yall, do any of you have problems with calls showing up on queue_log and not on CDR?
17:21.02monstedmmm, pie
17:21.07BurtyBpie and milkshake really dont go together
17:21.27infernixdepends on the pie
17:21.27Zeeekbtw is astricon over?
17:21.29mikefooCan anyone recommend a sip provider that does t.38?
17:22.02legend1222Thanks. There are currently four different phones on the system. All work fine phone to phone. The card has one FXO 4 port on it with echo cancellation, one line connected. (again tdm2400). Has its own IRQ.  zttest is reporting 99.988082 average. When I make a call to the PSTN, the call is fine four about a second, then there is a burst of buzzing, then the call is fine again for about a second, there there is randomly alt
17:22.02legend1222ernating static and buzz, until it goes total static and you can make out anything from the other end. The PSTN line is crystal clear before going into the card. The noise can be heard on both ends of the call. Its on a Dell Dimension 4400, 1.8 ghz P4, 256 megs of ram. I'm a newb outta ideas.
17:22.42djfluxanyone have issues with make install on asterisk 1.4.0-beta3?
17:22.55Qwell[]djflux: What issues?
17:23.30djfluxwhen I do a make install, the binaries in utils/ get installed into the DESTDIR's root instead of ASTBINDIR
17:23.43djfluxI've done ./configure with --bindir=/usr/bin
17:24.23*** join/#asterisk Entriple (n=guy133@
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17:25.48djfluxQwell: ever heard of this problem?
17:26.41jmesquitaAnyone ever heard of calls showing up on queue_log and not shown on cdr??
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17:27.45djfluxQwell[]: ever seen this issue?
17:28.45*** join/#asterisk apardo (
17:28.52Qwell[]missed it, sorry
17:29.07djfluxwhen I do a make install, the binaries in utils/ get installed into the DESTDIR's root instead of ASTBINDIR
17:29.14djfluxI've done ./configure with --bindir=/usr/bin
17:30.02djfluxluckily I wasn't doing the make install as root :)
17:33.47*** part/#asterisk legend1222 (
17:34.08Qwell[]djflux: huh?  It copies them into $(DESTDIR)$(ASTSBINDIR), just like asterisk
17:34.43*** join/#asterisk xnon_ (i=xnon@
17:35.44fenlanderhi, I'm having problems with sip CANCEL on calls that use a 183 raher than 180 response - 1.4 branch. does anyone know of any problems with cancel?
17:36.25fenlandersip->sip first leg cancels, if 180 then second leg gets a cancel, but if 183 then second leg doesn't get anything
17:37.20fenlanderworked fine in 1.2, but not 1.4 - any ideas?
17:39.57Entriplewould anyone care to give an opinion on how suitable asterisk would be as a replacement to having a ton of TA's for voip?
17:43.41jm|homeanyone else have problems with X-lite not hanging up properly?
17:44.09fenlanderjm|home: what do you mean by not hanging up properly?
17:44.19jm|homefenlander: example
17:44.44*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
17:44.49Entriplealso, is it viable to plug four TDM2400P's into a single box?
17:45.17jm|homeX-lite SIP/6002 makes call via Zap/1/ to 01234567890.  The remote phone rings but then X-lite 'hangs up' by clicking the line number on the softphone,  Zap/1/ doesn't seem to realise and the remote phone keeps ringing
17:45.25jm|homeindeed, the remote can answer the call and just hear nothing
17:45.29*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
17:45.48fenlanderthat is probably the same issue I am seeing from a different angle- is this 1.4?
17:46.22jm|homeConnected to Asterisk currently running on voip (pid = 12643)
17:47.05jm|homeit worked that time :S
17:47.10jm|homeoh wait
17:47.16jm|homewrong remote box
17:48.32jm|homeso it's only one of my softphones
17:50.24*** join/#asterisk ellisdee (n=ellisdee@
17:50.50NivexIs there a way to take the output of a meetme conference and send it to a shoutcast server?
17:50.55jmesquitaAnyone ever heard of calls showing up on queue_log and not shown on cdr??
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17:54.42Renacorhas the gotoif command changed recently?
17:54.51Renacorbtw how do you echo a variable into the asterisk console?
17:55.00Renacorlike i want to echo $CALLERIDNUM
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17:57.07asymptotemy asterisk doesn't seem to hear dailed events from clients connected through its SIP gateway
17:58.06ManxPowerasymptote: you mean DTMF tones?
17:58.07*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
17:58.20jmesquitaAnyone ever heard of calls showing up on queue_log and not shown on cdr??
17:58.25asymptoteManx yes
17:58.39ManxPowerasymptote: then you know where to look.
17:58.52ManxPowermake sure Asterisk and the SIP gateway are configured for the SAME DTMF mode.
17:58.53asymptoteI do?
17:59.33asymptotechecking... thanks
17:59.41EmleyMoorI am getting the message "Sorry, but the user's mailbox can't accept more messages." having just set up voicemail. Why would that be? I have followed what the book says, more or less to the letter
18:00.15bkw_if asterisk did it correctly it would negotiate the DTMF mode in the SDP
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18:00.54EmleyMoor(try FWD 794933 to hear what I mean)
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18:02.05Renacorhow can I echo a variable to the asterisk console NoOp?
18:03.02b11dgood question
18:03.11b11di've wondered that myself
18:03.21EmleyMoorWhy would my voicemail be seemingly "full  by default"
18:03.31b11dfull by default?  meaning you cant leave any vm?
18:03.41b11ddo you have quotas?
18:03.55b11dhrm..  how do you "call" voicemail?
18:04.28wasimexten => 1,1,NoOp(${doh})
18:04.29EmleyMoorI have it called on timeout or busy (u5000 or b5000@default) in my dialplan
18:04.35Maxxedexten => s,1,SetCallerID(7randomnumbers)
18:04.39b11deverything is correct in voicemail.conf ?
18:04.42Maxxedwhats the best way to do that?
18:05.04EmleyMoorb11d: There's precious little there - I did it "by the book"
18:05.16Maxxedim looking to have the caller id set as anonomus, or 7 random digits
18:05.19b11dhrm.. can you post your voicemail.conf (obfuscate your passwords, of course)
18:05.20Maxxedfor our gdamn sales people
18:05.29b11dfuckers is right
18:05.35b11djust tell them you "did it" and then dont.
18:05.46Maxxedwell, i like money
18:05.50b11dso do they
18:05.58Maxxedso.. that wont fly far
18:06.07b11dstripping cid from specific numbers though eh..
18:06.11Maxxedmaybe i can write a agi that does it
18:06.16EmleyMoorb11d: To a pastebin?
18:06.19b11dyes please
18:07.55*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
18:09.42*** join/#asterisk mafkees (
18:09.45mafkeesheya all
18:10.05mafkeesI cant get make menuselect working on debian testing
18:10.07b11dlooks alright to me..  you DO have the /var/spool/asterisk directory created and all that right?
18:10.13mafkees*** Install ncurses to use the menu interface! ***
18:10.24b11ddont paste to the channel
18:10.26b11duse pastebin please
18:10.28fileinstall libncurses5-dev
18:10.31mafkeesI do have libncurses5-dev
18:10.38EmleyMoorUm.... no, it seems not...
18:10.46b11dcreate that
18:10.59b11dunless you've specified your voicemail path to be something else..
18:11.04b11ddo you know if you did that or not?
18:11.15EmleyMoorI left that up to the package
18:11.15mafkeesfile: I already have that one
18:11.34filemafkees: did you install it after it told you that message?
18:11.46mafkeesafter that I did
18:11.49mafkeesmake clean
18:11.50mafkeessvn up
18:11.53mafkeesmake clean
18:11.53filethat would be why, it did not pick it up
18:11.56filedo make distclean
18:12.09b11dEmleyMoor..  take a look at your "asterisk.conf" and look at the path for "astspooldir"
18:12.11EmleyMoorb11d: Still no go yet
18:12.32b11dcreate a "default" directory in /var/spool/asterisk
18:12.35mafkeesDUH !
18:12.39mafkeesfile: thanks
18:12.39b11di assume thats the context you're using for right now..
18:12.49b11dfile owns all
18:12.53b11dlisten and respect
18:13.17EmleyMoorb11d: And then?
18:13.27b11dand then create a directory in THAT one for "5000"
18:13.45b11dthen you should be able to login to the 5000 account using your password
18:13.57b11dand then set a default message and all that (mailbox options, 0)
18:14.12b11dand you should see it creating dirs like INBOX and OUTBOX and hte like on the console
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18:14.43b11dso you should see /var/spool/asterisk/default/5000
18:15.37EmleyMoorb11d: It just beeps and ends the recording
18:15.53b11ddid you log into that account and set a default message?
18:16.15EmleyMoorThat's just what I'm trying to do when...
18:16.20b11dso you're access it via "VoiceMailMain" ?
18:16.21EmleyMoorIt just beeps and ends the recording
18:16.54b11dmay I see your extensions.conf (just the vm part)
18:17.13b11dso when you hit whatever extension it is, it asks you for the mailbox number, right?
18:17.16b11dand then the password?
18:17.25EmleyMoorYes, yes
18:17.33EmleyMoorThen I key 0, then 1
18:17.50b11dwhat does your console have to say about errors?
18:17.53b11danything about DSP?
18:18.17b11dand how are you starting asterisk up?
18:19.17EmleyMoorLots of could not unlock path etch
18:19.22EmleyMoorNothing about DSP
18:19.28EmleyMoorAnd, as Debian does
18:19.47b11dok.. what are the permissions on /var/spool/asterisk ?  who owns it?
18:20.16b11dok but what flags are being passed to asterisk?  I'd stop with the auto-start debian crap and manually start it with something like -dvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc
18:20.17EmleyMoorAh, I think I may see the problem
18:20.26b11dok :)
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18:25.09Derekd_anyone that could help me get the LED's working on a polycom IP 600 for BLF?  asterisk shows my phones are subscribed, and I can see the notify messages being sent when status changes... but the status never changes on the phone :(
18:25.34Derekd_busy lamp
18:25.46b11ddid you enable "presence" ?
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18:25.55b11din the phones config on your provisioning server?
18:26.20b11dand are you giving a "hint" in your extensions.conf ?
18:26.30b11dok then im out of ideas :)
18:26.33b11dactually.. give me a few mins
18:26.39b11dI just got it working myself on 301s and 501's
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18:27.14b11dis your console showing any oddities when you dial off those phones?
18:27.18Derekd_i'm a little stumped... I see the phones subscribe, and asterisk send the notifies when status changes... but nothing happens on the phone
18:27.26b11dhrm.. yeah that is strange..
18:27.29b11dwhat verison of SIP?
18:27.36b11doh..  hrm..
18:27.41b11dI dunno :)
18:28.28b11dyou've reset the phones, right?
18:28.34Derekd_many times
18:28.37b11dok :)  had to ask
18:28.58b11dwant to paste your extensions.conf stuff dealing with the hints and the lines ?
18:30.12Derekd_well... I'm a little stuck there... i'm using trixbox, and searching for hint in extensions.conf doesn't find anything...
18:30.19b11dget out of here then
18:30.33Derekd_but, 'show hints' on the cli shows they are setup...
18:30.41b11djoin #freepbx my friend
18:30.44b11dthey will help you there with trixbox
18:30.46mafkeesapp_voicemail has weird description in make menuselect
18:31.01Derekd_ok... thanks...
18:31.07b11dsorry man.. i hope they can help you out
18:31.23mafkeesshould I tell that on #asterisk-dev ?
18:31.29b11dyes you should
18:31.37b11dwe are the weak minded people in here :)
18:32.04b11dI'd actually love to get into Asterisk development.. in any way I could
18:32.11b11djust to learn more..  I was an avid C programmer like 10 years ago..
18:32.14Derekd_I also tried this before with asterisk from source and had the same problems...
18:32.21Derekd_thanks though
18:32.26b11dnp.. take it easy man
18:32.39b11dwhen you ditch trixbox and go back to asterisk from source, come on back :)
18:32.59b11dwhen = if
18:33.21aydiosmiotoo easy to use
18:33.21b11dI just cant stand the name "trixbox" -- at all.
18:33.26b11dit really bothers me for some reason
18:33.37b11dand, funny enough, i cant seem to get ove rit
18:33.47Derekd_only reason i went to trixbox is for the very nice default dialplan stuff it does...
18:33.59b11dyeah "default dialplan" scares me..
18:33.59Derekd_like setting up *72 for call forwarding, etc...
18:34.11b11d"default" == you're going to get owned one day
18:34.31Strom_Cb11d: like I tell my clients, "why would you want to run your telephone system on something named after either children's cereal or hookers?"
18:34.35b11dbut, you should use whatever you're most comfortable with.. and you'll learn a lot from it too
18:34.50b11dno shit Strom_C.. im going to remember that one :)
18:35.21b11dtrix is for kids
18:35.25jmesquitahave anyone seen duplicate entries on queue_log?
18:35.34b11di have not..
18:35.49b11dbut im not scrutinizing that stuff very closely
18:36.36b11dEmleyMoor...  where are you at?
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18:36.48EmleyMoorGot it working
18:36.54b11dyou need to tell us that eh
18:36.56b11ddont leave us hanging
18:37.05EmleyMoorb11d: Are you on FWD or one of its peers?#
18:37.39Derekd_btw... what libraries do I need to compile the imap support for voicemail in 1.4?
18:38.45EmleyMoorAny particularly cool softphones about that are for both Windows and Linux?
18:39.02b11dfwd?  never heard of it
18:39.04b11dso no.. i guess not
18:39.12b11dDerekd_.. why are you still here?
18:39.19b11dgo away.. go to #freepbx for christ sakes :)
18:39.22Strom_CI don't think "particularly cool" and "softphone" belong in the same sentence ;)
18:40.16b11dyou are right again Strom_C..
18:40.19ManxPower*grumble*  All these cool GSM cell phones are being announced that I can't use.
18:40.21b11di dont think there are any good softphones
18:40.36b11dEmleyMoor.. im not associated with FWD.
18:40.37ManxPowerAll Softphones Suck! (c) 2006, ManxPower
18:40.44mafkeesManxPower: you talking about the FIC one ?
18:40.58ManxPowermafkees: Yes, and others
18:41.10mafkeesyeah, that FIC one looks awesome
18:41.23EmleyMoorI will invest in hardphones at some stage but getting my old phones on is a higher priority than that
18:41.32ManxPowerThere is ONE carrier with service where I will be living and that is Verizon
18:41.37b11dthen get some ATA's EmleyMoor
18:41.44ManxPowerVerizon is better than many carriers.
18:41.45aydiosmioI was gonna make a wake up call script... I'm thinking just a perl AGI that writes out a call file with a file timestamp of the requested wake-up time, anyone have another suggestion?
18:41.57EmleyMoorI want to bring my BT line in too
18:41.59ManxPoweraydiosmio: that is usually the best way
18:42.11EmleyMoorBritish Telecom
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18:42.25b11dso do it
18:42.32EmleyMoorThinking of getting a TDM31B
18:42.44ManxPowermafkees: I saw a DECT phone at Walmart in the USA the other week.
18:43.00ManxPowerI need to look up to see if the handsets can roam between base stations
18:43.03EmleyMoorIf I could find out all I need to know about them, I would
18:43.15b11dwhat questions do you have about it?
18:43.34b11dyou can connect one line to the telephone company, and have three regular telephones attached on the inside.
18:43.46EmleyMoorHow much REN do they support? Is a NTE5 a good way to provide a ring capacitor?
18:43.55b11doh hell yeah.. i totally know what that means
18:44.05b11dwhy not call Digium and ask that?  they have a 1-800 number..
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18:46.05bleblebleI have an extension when i call it, it forwards me to another number, yet i dont see the forward in any of my config files the CLI message is someting like "Now forwarding SIP/old to 'Local/$num@from-internal' (thanks to SIP/204-092cee28), where would that be getting set at?
18:46.22b11dprobably is set on your SIP phone
18:47.15bleblebleanyway to troubleshoot it remotely?
18:47.38ManxPowerblebleble: that would be forwarding done BY THE PHONE
18:47.56b11das I said
18:47.57ManxPowerAny time you see "thanks to..." it almost always means the phone itself did the redirect/forward
18:48.14b11dblebleble.. it depends on your phone.  Does it have a web interface?
18:48.21b11dif not.. then you're likely out of luck.. go to the phone :)
18:48.30EmleyMoorb11d: It's like knitting fog to find it
18:48.37b11dEmleyMoor.. what is?
18:48.57EmleyMoorDigium's 1-800 number
18:49.28bleblebleb11d: is there a way / command i can knock off the current phone registered to that extension and login with a softphone to see if it fixes it?
18:49.43b11dit took four seconds to find
18:49.43b11d877.LINUX-ME (toll free) or
18:49.46b11dcall them
18:50.01b11dblebleble..  not that im aware of.. im not saying its impossible either.
18:50.05ManxPowerblebleble: not really.  Whatever the most recent device is that registers is where the calls will go to
18:50.08b11dwhy cant you go to the phone?
18:50.57bleblebledifferent state
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18:51.27djfluxQwell[]: sorry ... I missed what you said ... went to lunch :)
18:52.24b11dyeah.. that does make it difficult
18:52.32b11dcall someone else at your remote office (or whatever it is) and tell them to go look
18:52.57EmleyMoorAt least all I need to do to call them is put 7*1 on the front from my softphone
18:52.59bleblebleok thanks for the help guys
18:53.28b11dwell.. call them or email them or something.
18:53.55EmleyMoorOn hold now :-) Hope call duration limit doesn't run out :-)
18:54.08b11dyou actually set call duration limits eh?  how's that working out?
18:54.23b11di was thinking of making a 4 hour duration limit, but seriously.. what IF the conversation goes longer than that?
18:54.25EmleyMoorNo, I don't
18:54.34EmleyMoorFWD do on toll-free calls
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18:54.46b11doh really..  thats probably smart of them
18:54.56EmleyMoor(and from a UK PSTN phone, US toll-free calls are chargeable)
18:55.10b11doh really? I didnt know that
18:55.20EmleyMoorFWD allow toll free calls to US, UK and Germany, at least
18:55.32b11dnot Canada?  those jerks.
18:55.44EmleyMoorCan't be sure about Canada
18:55.53b11dyeah.. no one can.. those crafty socialists :)
18:55.55EmleyMoorWhat does a Canada toll free number look like?
18:56.00b11dsame as US
18:56.02ManxPower"Blame Canada!"
18:56.03djfluxanyone have issues with make install on asterisk 1.4.0-beta3?
18:56.07EmleyMoorProbably will work then
18:56.07djfluxwhen I do a make install, the binaries in utils/ get installed into the DESTDIR's root instead of ASTBINDIR
18:56.18EmleyMoorSometimes you need 3 *s rather than 1
18:56.23ManxPowerdjflux: report it to
18:56.29b11dyou beat me to it manx :P
18:57.01b11dits nice to see someone actually reporting bugs..
18:57.02filedjflux: I fixed that already I do believe
18:57.02djfluxManxPower: gotcha ... thanks ... didn't know if anyone else had experienced it or not so I thought I'd check
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18:57.06EmleyMoorMight ring the London supplier tomorrow if I need further help but on hold to Digium right now
18:57.11djfluxfile: in svn?
18:57.31djfluxk ... I'll check ... thanks
18:57.44b11dwhy is svn better than cvs (no idea, just thought i'd ask)
18:58.01mfroeswhen i try to dial via iax to another asterisk it rings but on the other side it wont get any requisition
18:58.13b11dYeoman Rand.. mmmm
18:58.21mfroesif i put qualify=yes ... it gets UNREACHABLE
18:58.25EmleyMoormfroes: Is this other asterisk any particular one?
18:58.35mfroesEmleyMoor: no
18:58.40fileb11d: it just does a lot of things better, and easier
18:58.52b11doh, cool.
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18:59.37b11danyone want to recommend a particular headset for use on poly 501s and 601s?
19:01.00b11ddont get me wrong, I dispise headset-wearing people
19:01.06Derekd_i really like my plantronics supraplus
19:01.14b11despecially those who just unplug from the phone and walk around wearing the GD headset.
19:01.22b11dcool.. i'll take a look at it
19:01.25EmleyMoorI have a nice headset that works OK with softphones
19:01.27Derekd_you need an amp with it though
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19:13.14b11dwb *
19:13.14b11dI have NEVER seen a good quit message
19:13.14aydiosmioI have
19:13.14b11dwhich was?
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19:13.15j4m3swhat does everyone prefer to use for billing software with asterisk?
19:13.15b11dhomebrewed script for me
19:13.15b11dcustom tailored to each department's requests..
19:13.15Nuggetgive the calls away for free!  stallman would settle for nothing less.  we should all be homeless and living off nuts and berries we pick from public parks.
19:13.15b11dhaha thats hilarious.. still a shitty quit message.. but great in that context :)
19:13.15aydiosmio*** Quits: TITANIC (Excess Flood)
19:13.15aydiosmiois also good
19:13.15b11dagain.. good in their individual contexts.
19:13.15h3x0r4t0rmore like noah's ark
19:13.15aydiosmiohow about that?
19:13.16b11dhahaha those were great too
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19:13.16Corydon-wb11d: my quit message used to be JSR $BF00 65 00 00
19:13.16mercestesI kinda like my quit message.
19:13.16b11dsee now thats not bad
19:13.16EmleyMoorAre the ports on TDM400P RJ-11 or RJ-45?
19:13.17mercestes_  /etc/init.d/mercestes stop
19:13.17Corydon-wOnly someone familiar with ProDOS would understand that, though
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19:13.17delphushow do I put a dial tone after a dialed route has been entered, for ex: after client press 0 to change the route
19:13.17mercestesbut that's just me.
19:13.17Corydon-wdelphus: DISA
19:13.17b11dgod damn students clustering in the hall outside of my office..
19:13.17b11dLEAVE NOW!!!
19:13.17delphusCorydon-w: I think I understand what you mean, thanks.
19:13.17h3x0r4t0rdont you hate it when that happens when you are trying to download porn?
19:13.18b11dyes.. I do..
19:13.18b11di mean come on..
19:13.56h3x0r4t0rAre Local/ channels still broken in asterisk
19:13.56*** part/#asterisk j4m3s (i=debbie@nat/digium/x-3aaaf98ab71b9e8e)
19:13.56b11dno idea
19:13.56fileh3x0r4t0r: broken in what way?
19:13.56h3x0r4t0rdrops calls randomly
19:13.56h3x0r4t0rer sorry
19:14.22b11dthose are just people hanging up on you
19:14.40h3x0r4t0ryeah i guess it is Local/
19:14.40fileI have never heard of a bug reported about that, nor can I think of a way that chan_local could do that
19:15.11h3x0r4t0rwell, it was pretty buggy a few months ago
19:15.29filepretty buggy?
19:15.29b11dwhy didnt you submit a bug report a few months ago then?
19:15.43h3x0r4t0rthere were bugs reported
19:16.27mercestesChanIsAvail() is pretty buggy...>.>
19:16.27filewhat do you mean by "pretty buggy"
19:16.33mercestesbuggy and nice to look at.
19:16.38Strom_Cfile: it's a fly wearing makeup
19:16.42filemercestes: :D
19:16.46fileh3x0r4t0r: that was for you
19:17.14h3x0r4t0ri dont remember in particular what was wrong with it, as it was some other developer using it extensively
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19:17.34filethere's no real chan_local related bugs open right now
19:17.40h3x0r4t0rhe spent assloads of time writing some stuff to use it and it would crash asterisk or calls would drop
19:18.03b11dyeah.. well it must have been the asterisk code then.. not his own stuff
19:18.09b11d<-- not helping :)
19:18.21alexnswhats the deal with transfer in 1.4 looking for context ??
19:18.21jpablohey people, anyway to rewrite the ip address that is send in the rtp part of the sip message ?
19:18.36filejpablo: not without modifying the way the code works
19:18.39b11di dont believe so
19:18.40h3x0r4t0rwell it was just dialplan magic
19:18.54aydiosmiowe call that dialplan voodoo
19:19.23b11dyeah I just got my real human shrunken head for planning my new voip system
19:19.27jpablofile: I have a box behind a firewall, it has every port of a public ip fordwarded, but it has a private ip, i need the rtp ip to be send with the external ip, not the private one.
19:19.41Strom_Cb11d: I just go to the store and get dead chickens.
19:19.44filejpablo: then setup sip.conf, localnet and externip
19:19.58Strom_Cyou do the dead chicken dance in the morning and then you can eat it for lunch
19:20.00alexnshow do you specify transfer context in the dialplan... not ael
19:20.18jpablofile: I changed externip, but that didnt change the rpt address
19:20.25b11dI would do that, but I lack the eagles blood circle..
19:20.30filejpablo: you have to set localnet as well
19:20.39filejpablo: otherwise Asterisk can't be psychic and figure out when to put it in
19:20.57jpablofile: ok, let me see
19:21.32alexnstransfer problems in 1.4 anyone having them???????????
19:21.41mercestesalexns:  What type of phone??
19:21.50filealexns: you have to be descriptive and specific...
19:21.54alexnspolycom, cisco,linksys
19:22.07alexnsusing t in dial command
19:22.08mercestesalexns:  With Cisco the problem is likely with Cisco..I had hte same problem in 1.2.?
19:22.19mercestesalexns:  POlycom...try upgrading firmware.
19:22.25alexnscli says no num in context
19:22.27mercestesalexns:  Linksys......they make a phone??
19:22.33jpablofile: thanks dude, that did the trick
19:22.41mercestesalexns:  Ok....then you have no num in context.
19:22.47alexnsi do
19:22.55alexnsused to work in 1.2
19:23.35alexnsusing t option in dial doesn't work anymore either
19:24.15alexnsmercestes: phones have latest firmware also
19:24.26mercestesalexns:  Define latest firmware.
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19:24.48alexnsmercestes: on polycoms latest from extranet
19:24.59mercestesalexns:  what number is that?
19:25.11alexnsmercestes: cant remember, but thats not the problem
19:25.21mercestesalexns:  1.6.6?  2.1.0?  3.5.8?  1.6.9?
19:25.35mercestesalexns:  Obviously not.....
19:25.39alexnsmercestes: 202
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19:25.53bkw_HI HI HI
19:25.57alexnsmercestes: Unable to find extension '1' in context '' is my message when i try transfer
19:26.07bkw_null context
19:26.26alexnsmercestes: and im dcap hehe
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19:27.20alexnsmercestes: has something changed in the dial plan since 1.2 that would cause that
19:27.22mercestesalexns:  Are you trying to transfer to 1?
19:27.46alexnsmercestes: no 101,102,103,104 or 700
19:28.00alexnsmercestes: it acts like they dont exist in the context but they do
19:28.04mercestesalexns:  Then that would likely be your dialplan, not *.
19:28.06b11danyone here a Shriner?
19:28.06justinu|laptopalexns: you're part of the asterisk 1337 corps!
19:28.29b11dI want into the Asterisk Sea Corps.
19:28.30mercestesalexns:  Adjust yoru digitmap in your phones to not accept one digit and wait for 3 digits.
19:28.35b11dScientology-backed Asterisk
19:29.08alexnsmercestes: ill give that a shot
19:29.18mercestesalexns:  Your phone is taking the "1" and running with it and ignoring the rest of your digits.
19:29.25justinu|laptopb11d: be careful what you wish for!
19:29.31Derekd_b11d: what firmware are you running on your polycoms where you have BLF working?
19:29.40alexnsmercestes: wonder why it wasnt a problem with ast 1.2 ?
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19:30.10alexnsmercestes: thats what im trying to figure out
19:30.11mercestesI am famous for a saying in the IT world.   "It's not that it doesn't work now that surprises me.  It's that it worked before that has me confused."
19:30.44dioeduHello, there is a cmd to rejoin a call to a queue ?
19:30.50mercestesMostly concerning XP home edition and Domain printers.
19:30.53b11das well
19:31.03Strom_Cmercestes: I love it.  I'm going to steal that from you.
19:31.10b11dWhy arent you in #freepbx asking that question??
19:31.19b11dI wish I was +o i'd ban your ass :)
19:31.27mercestesStrom_C:  by all means..:)
19:32.56alexnsmercestes: changed digit map same issue
19:33.09b11dok.. everyone should refer to the "12 networking truths" RFC at least once a month.
19:33.16b11dthe first truth:  It has to work.
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19:35.06alexnsmercestes: i even added 1 to my context asterisk still says that the extension does not exist in the context '' do i have to specify the context somewhere in the dial command ??
19:35.35alexnsmercestes: i am using asterisk builtin transfer
19:36.33alexnsmercestes: transfer key works on phones
19:36.51b11dI love you guys
19:37.29alexnsblld: transfer key works on your phones
19:37.58alexnshow about call park
19:39.06b11dyes they work..  never did anything with call parking..
19:39.09luke-jr_workany way to debug authentication?
19:39.12b11dhold is good enough for my people here.
19:39.15luke-jr_workeg, *why* it faisl
19:39.22b11dstart asterisk with debugging enabled?
19:39.34b11dturn on verbose messages for both ends?
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19:40.05_PauloS_Hello all
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19:40.47_PauloS_do you know if I can run PPP over an asterisk channel with a pure software solution?
19:40.59tumyphi guys
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19:41.17_PauloS_iaxmodem does only fax....
19:41.23b11dyeah.. no idea there _PauloS_..
19:41.26b11dbut im not the expert here
19:41.44tumypI've a question about "answer supervision"
19:41.49Strom_Cask away
19:41.56tumypdoes someone use it ?
19:42.16tumypStrom_C: Hi, Brandon
19:42.28luke-jr_work_PauloS_, check the qemu author's page, he has beta-beta stuff
19:42.48luke-jr_workhow can I debug the reason authentication is rejected?
19:42.59_PauloS_I'm using iaxmodem for fax, and it works great. But I need to connect to an ISP, even at a very low bit rate, and iaxmodem cant do this.
19:43.27_PauloS_luke, what protocol?
19:43.39luke-jr_work_PauloS_, 33kbit modem, dunno
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19:44.09_PauloS_thanks, but what protocol are you having auth problems with?
19:44.29tumypso, fortunately. my proider have this feature, "answer supervision"
19:44.43luke-jr_work_PauloS_, SIP
19:44.43tumypand it's already switched on
19:45.04tumypbut I can not configure it in asterisk
19:45.08neoalexHi, I need to recommend asterisk to a client that would like to set-up pbxnsip (which I believe is a mistake), is there a list of large companies using asterisk somewhere?
19:45.15tumypwhat should I enable in zaptel ?
19:45.36_PauloS_Luke-Jr, sip debug ip or sip debug peer are not helping you?
19:46.47luke-jr_work_PauloS_, nope, it all looks good there
19:46.57luke-jr_workexcept I don't know SIP auth protocol
19:47.01luke-jr_workso I could be wrong
19:47.49_PauloS_what is your sip client?
19:48.37_PauloS_luke, do you control server and client or just client?
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19:49.27EmleyMoorIs there a "howto" on the web on how to set up an IVR system using asterisk?
19:49.50clive-look on the wiki
19:50.03mercestesEmleyMoor:  What are you stuck on?  LOL
19:50.39neoalexHi, I need to recommend asterisk to a client that would like to set-up pbxnsip (which I believe is a mistake), is there a list of large companies using asterisk somewhere?
19:50.40EmleyMoorThe whole issue of IVRing, really
19:51.03_PauloS_luke-jr_work, are you seeng somethin like: *CLI> Nov  9 17:30:43 NOTICE[28165]: chan_sip.c:10543 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user <sip:user@ip>;tag=Tq9MTbxmPHqOPqTs
19:51.16_PauloS_luke-jr_work, at the server side?
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19:51.49EmleyMoormercestes: That didn't work.btw
19:52.22mercestesEmleyMoor:  I figured you didn't really want a consultant so I didn't bother looking up the link.
19:52.38EmleyMoorI want to record my own IVR message and offer people the chance to call Phil, Dave or both
19:52.46mercestesEmleyMoor:  Basically you answer the call, "Background()" the recordings, and then you literally put in the options as numbers.
19:53.20mercestesEmleyMoor:  So if you have a file called "Press 1 to Hang up now."  ANd your extension for hte IVR is 2000...
19:53.55mercestesEmleyMoor:  YOu would have exten => 2000,1,Answer()   exten => 2000,2,Wait(1)  exten => 2000,3,Background(press_one_to_hang_up)
19:54.07mercestesEmleyMoor:  Then you would have exten => 1,1,Hangup()
19:54.37EmleyMoorOK - is there a good way to record messages? I think I read something in the book about it... will try to find that
19:54.47mercestesEmleyMoor:  There are a few "tricks"  Primarily, until you call Answer() you have one way audio, so your box won't "hear" the DTMF digits unless you answer first.
19:55.15sb_mxEmleyMoor, audacity seems like a good choice
19:55.21mercestesEmleyMoor:  Wait(1) just gives it a chance to establish audio so you don't cut off hte first part of yoru recording.  Set(Timeout=30) will set the "idle time" to wait for DTMF before extension t,1 is called.
19:55.34mercestesEmleyMoor:  Or you can background(silence/30) to give a 30second recording of silence.
19:55.50mercestesEmleyMoor:  I use audacity's free.
19:55.55_PauloS_EmleyMoor: use windows sound recorder, and then convert to gsm using sox.
19:56.18mercestesEmleyMoor:  Outside of that it's pretty literal.
19:56.23reza_is the problem with extensions.conf :  chan_iax2.c:6924 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request 's@rezacell' does not exist
19:56.34reza_what's that s supposed to represent?
19:56.48_PauloS_reza_ , s is the default extension
19:56.55EmleyMoorI've found a way to record 100 possible sounds with help from the dialplan, so I will try that
19:57.00mercestesreza_:  Just a guess but I think that is a rejected authentication attempt from Iax2.
19:57.45reza_i don't thinks so; it seems as if it's looking for some extention called 's' and it doesn't exist... i have no auth required to connect
19:57.58mercestesreza_:  Really?  On what IP?
19:58.00reza__PauloS - how do i add a default extentsion?
19:58.15reza_mercestes - it's blocked at the ip level on the firewall :P
19:58.27mercestesreza_:  exten => s,1   (oh darn on the IP
19:58.33_PauloS_reza_ , exten=> s,1,Answer
19:58.43reza_ok.. let me try that
19:59.38reza_excellent; thanks
20:00.41_PauloS_Some free dialup ISPs here in Brazil pays you to stay online. I can make U$ 1000 per E1 / month... If I just find some way to connect using asterisk...
20:01.23*** join/#asterisk nosbig (
20:03.04mercestes_PauloS_  I don't get it...why are they paying you to stay online???
20:03.46_PauloS_mercestes, its a trick to balance traffic between telco providers.
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20:04.29mercestes_PauloS_  I stil don't get it...but it sounds like I need ot go to Brazil.  WHy don't you spot for a few FXS cards??
20:05.22mercestes_PauloS_  Nice Sangoma E1 card.
20:05.52infernixisnt that T.38 standard suppoed to make fax and modem signals work over ip?
20:06.19aydiosmioT.38 is a data protocol
20:06.44aydiosmioyou can convert faxes to T.38
20:06.45mercestesinfernix:  Is T.38 even still in *?  I thought it was highly experimental and deprecated out a few versions ago.
20:06.54infernixah. so it's probably never going to happen then, fax/modem over pure voip?
20:07.10aydiosmioFax works okay over G711
20:07.15mercestesinfernix:  Not unless we have a segregated global network.
20:07.56aydiosmionot the most reliable thing on the planet
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20:08.40aydiosmiobut why the hell you'd wanna use a modem over voip is beyond me when you'reon the firggen internet
20:08.56drfreezeWhat does it mean when the Polycom 501 phone has an animated arrow bounce where the phone icon usually is?
20:09.03neoalexHi, I need to recommend asterisk to a client that would like to set-up pbxnsip (which I believe is a mistake), is there a list of large companies using asterisk somewhere?
20:09.05mercestesdrfreeze:  The phone is forwarded.
20:09.14drfreezeahh, thanks
20:09.29drfreezeand how do I turn that off?
20:09.31EmleyMoorCan I register my SIP account to extension "s"?
20:09.33infernixit'd be cool if I could get a real phone number that would hook up to asterisk and possibly hylafax directly, or through a port to a real analog modem, for fax receiving and sending
20:09.34mercestesdrfreeze:  Not a problem.  Let me guess, "phone doesn't ring?"  *nods*  That'd be the
20:09.50drfreezeyes :)
20:09.51mercestesdrfreeze:  Just tap the fwd button will disable it.
20:09.53infernixfor modems, well, only for _PauloS_ i guess
20:09.53luke-jr_work_PauloS_, yes
20:10.12drfreezemercestes: I would love to, I just don't see a forward button
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20:10.22drfreezeok, now I see it
20:10.23mercestesinfernix:  It's called a T1 card or an Fxs card.
20:10.42gambolputtyHi.  Can someone help with a Polycom config problem?
20:10.44drfreezemercestes: thx
20:10.55mercestesdrfreeze:  NP..:)
20:11.07mercestesgambolputty:  For $50 an hour.....starting....*now*  go.'
20:11.08_PauloS_mercestes, I'm thinking about looking for some refurbed portmaster3 access servers
20:11.14drfreezeI've seen that befoer, but it is difficult to diagnose unless at a phone
20:11.36mercestesdrfreeze:  You can also diagnose it in the <mac>-phone.cfg file.  IT shows up there.
20:11.52_PauloS_mercestes, nobody uses access servers anymore, its less expensive to rent the telco service.
20:12.26mercestesgambolputty:  Your clock is running...ask your question.
20:12.31infernixmercestes: I guess Ill give it a spin someday with an FXS port, but its probably best to use the DSLs analogue line for faxing and pure voip over internet for voice calls
20:12.50mercestesinfernix:  voip over internet??
20:12.54infernixbecause DSL does still come with an analog signal here
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20:13.01gambolputtyI setup an FTP server and my IP430 phone won't get the settings
20:13.02mercestesinfernix:  Classic.
20:13.07infernixehm, lack of redundancy there:)
20:13.15mercestesgambolputty:  did you tail your ftp logs??
20:13.27gambolputtyI look at the files
20:13.30gambolputtyto read them
20:13.41mercestesinfernix:  I tend to use multimode T1's with 1mb of data (instead of 1.5) and a few PRI channels over the last .5mb.
20:13.44infernixi ment to say SIP, im tired :)
20:13.57mercestesinfernix:  Me too..averaging four hours of sleep a night for awhile.
20:14.17_PauloS_infernix, you can use some email-> fax and/or fax->email gateway
20:14.17mercestesgambolputty:  Alright....does your polycom401 sucessfully download the file??
20:14.25gambolputtyit looks like it but the settings don't get changed
20:14.37mercestes_PauloS_  I had that working at one point..I wanted to make a Fax -> email -> fax gateway eventually.
20:14.39infernix_PauloS_: sure. i've set up hylafax many times. i'd just love to get rid of the dreaded analogue (fax)modem
20:14.45EmleyMoorIs there a way of going to a given voicemail box without using the unavailable or busy message?
20:14.56mercestesgambolputty:  is there a <mac>-phone.cfg file??
20:15.18gambolputtymine is named phone<mac>.cfg
20:15.19mercestesEmleyMoor:  Try voicemail(${EXTEN}) without the u or b maybe.
20:15.40mercestesgambolputty:  The phone generates a <mac>-phone.cfg.  IF there isn't one then good.
20:15.47infernixEmleyMoor: or just the 's'. perhaps make the messages (the .wav files) 0 bytes, too.
20:15.58gambolputtyI can rename the file
20:15.58mercestesgambolputty:  Under network.  Provision type is Opt 66, Custom, or Static??
20:16.01gambolputtythats no problem
20:16.05gambolputtyhold on
20:16.06infernixEmleyMoor: of course, that'd completely disable the message :)
20:16.07mercestesgambolputty:  no no no
20:16.10mercestesgambolputty:  dont....
20:16.20EmleyMoorinfernix: I am trying to set a way to leave a message by choice from the IVR
20:16.35Derekd_b11d... there are fixes for polycom presence notification in 1.2.13... i'll bet that is my problem...
20:16.39Derekd_not that you would care :P
20:16.45_PauloS_mercestes, I'm using asterisk for faxing, it works well, Im even using ocr on the fax header to put on the message subject.
20:17.09mercestesEmleyMoor:  As opposed to the ability to change your message in the IVR for comedian mail??
20:17.32infernix_PauloS_: incoming and outgoing over a SIP or IAX trunk?
20:17.33EmleyMoorTo leave a message for Dave, press 5
20:17.33gambolputtyI went to DHCP Menu, and the Boot Server value is Option 66
20:18.00mercestesEmleyMoor:  Ah...I think Voicemail(${EXTEN}) maybe...
20:19.09*** part/#asterisk alexns (
20:19.12mercestesgambolputty:  Did you configure yoru DHCP server to provide the ftp settings??
20:19.43gambolputtyno, does that make a difference?
20:19.50mercestesgambolputty:  No... Change it to "Custom"
20:19.58gambolputtyhold on
20:19.58mercestesgambolputty:  CDP = disabled.
20:20.12mercestesgambolputty:  server type = IP  then enter your FTP server IP address...username / pass.
20:20.12gambolputtywhat does custom do?
20:20.13b11dI do care
20:20.17b11dbecause presence works fine for me
20:20.28b11dim running aster
20:20.30mercestesgambolputty:  not use Option 66.  and allows you to set it on the phone instead of via DHCP.
20:20.38_PauloS_infernix, I'm using over SIP with neglectable failure rates
20:20.46jartdoes anyone here have DTMF problems when talking to a Level3 voip provider?
20:20.52_PauloS_but I have very big internet pipes.
20:21.03mercestes_PauloS_  I think you mean "negligible"
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20:21.10gambolputtylet me reboot the phone
20:21.10Derekd_hrm, that's depresing since i'm on as well
20:21.17jartInband doesn't work and RFC2833 is giving me doubled up DTMF digits every once in a while
20:21.21b11dare you running 600's or 601s?
20:21.27jartsometimes it gets really bad, sometimes it just works
20:21.29mercestesjart:  dtmf=auto   Canreinvite=yes
20:21.45justinu|laptopjart: that is a problem with the asterisk rfc2833 implementation
20:21.49justinu|laptopi believe there is a patch for it
20:21.54justinu|laptop(double digits)
20:22.02jarti need to have rtp go through asterisk
20:22.06Derekd_this particular phone is a 600
20:22.08infernix_PauloS_: I could run an asterisk setup at our datacenter with multiple gbit peering if that would work better. is your SIP provider just a random free one or did you have to select one for fax to work?
20:22.15jartjustinu|laptop: i would love you forever if you told me where to find the patch
20:22.18b11dyeah im running the xx1's so.. that might be it
20:22.30gambolputtyno change
20:22.32mercestesjart:  dtmf=auto  canreinvite=no then but there are certain situations in which you will have dtmf failures however.
20:22.41Derekd_hrm... i'll try with a 601 before upgrading
20:22.46gambolputtyto get the phone running I setup the phone with an extension of 341 through the web interface
20:22.49b11dI would upgrade anyway
20:22.50jartmercestes: ok let me give it a shot real quick
20:22.52b11dI really need to
20:22.56gambolputtymy config files say extension 342
20:23.10_PauloS_infernix, Im running it on an ISP datacenter
20:23.13gambolputtyI want the IP430 phone to get changes from the ftp config files instead
20:23.16clive-b11d what you upgrading to...from ?
20:23.17mercestesgambolputty:  format the file system
20:23.29mercestesgambolputty:  And remove any <mac>-phone.cfg files it creates...or it will overwrite.
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20:23.47tumypdoes anyone use ooh323 ?
20:23.50andresmujicahello there
20:23.53_PauloS_infernix, sorry, portuguese only.
20:24.11tumypI;ve a problem with contexts, all calls are in default
20:24.18_PauloS_infernix, its a fax server.
20:24.19gambolputtythere are no files names mac-phone
20:24.24mercestestumyp:  set it in sip .conf   context=
20:24.25justinu|laptopjart: one moment
20:24.27gambolputtymine is named phonemac
20:24.28Derekd_i will upgrade...  but after messing with this for 3 days i want to see if grabbing a 601 would have saved me all this time
20:24.33jartjustinu|laptop: <3
20:24.34andresmujicai want to create an  app that constructs a phrase using results from a query from a database
20:24.43andresmujicaand play that phrase to a customer
20:24.44tumypmercestes: will it work ?:)
20:24.48andresmujicaany pointers?
20:24.49mercestestumyp:  or zaptel.conf or iax2.conf as appropriate.
20:24.53mercestestumyp:  yes....
20:24.55_PauloS_andresmujica, look at festival
20:25.03tumypI already did that
20:25.08mercestesor cepestral
20:25.16tumypand no success
20:25.20infernix_PauloS_: no problem:) i get it now. I'll give it a spin sometime soon. i'll have to dig a bit to figure out how to get the incoming and outgoing calls from asterisk to hylafax working. i guess you're not using hylafax:)
20:25.22mercestestumyp:  With a reload??
20:25.26andresmujicabut how can i extract the info from the database?
20:25.28tumypooh323, no sip
20:25.35mercestesandresmujica:  PHP.
20:25.40andresmujicaan example or something where i can start...
20:25.50tumypmercestes: no iax, no zaptel, it's ooh323
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20:26.05_PauloS_infernix, yes, I use it for outgoing fax, and app_rxfax for incomming
20:26.13mercestesandresmujica:  yea, you could dump it to a file or maybe echo it to std.out and call festival reading stdout.
20:26.34mercestesandresmujica:  or cepestral.  I hear cepestral is better for some silly reason.
20:26.40andresmujicai´ll take a look on that thanks mercestes
20:26.46gambolputtyfor now I am missing a bootrom file in my ftp directory, would that affect anything?
20:26.47mercestesandresmujica:  NP.
20:26.50infernix_PauloS_: all this on g711?
20:26.56tumypcustomer calls me, but all his calls are in default context .
20:27.01mercestesgambolputty:  *facepalm*  yes...
20:27.01RyushinI'm not sure how to go about figuring out where the problem.  When a users transfers someone to a different extension. that someone doesn't hear a ring on their end.  Just silence.  I have polycom phones, so is this on the polycom side or the asterisk side?
20:27.08andresmujicado you know where can i find an example something similar??
20:27.31jartmercestes: dtmf auto isn't working.  I'm getting SOME DTMF, just 31337 might become 313377 for example
20:27.38jartjustinu|laptop: tnx!
20:27.40_PauloS_infernix, no, alaw or ulaw
20:28.00infernix_PauloS_: alright. thanks alot for the info :)
20:28.00tumypmercestes, did work with ooh323 ?
20:28.15mercestestumyp:  no but I'm pretty certain it should be the same.
20:28.21_PauloS_infernix, over g711 the failure rate is a bit higher
20:28.33mercestestumyp:  Just put everything in default and advertise companies being able to extension dial each other as a free 'feature'>
20:28.47jartjustinu|laptop: so this hasn't made it in to 1.2.13 yet?
20:28.57tumypI know:)
20:29.14gambolputtyhow would this affect things?
20:29.17justinu|laptopjart: i'm not sure
20:29.22tumypmercestes, it works for me in iax and in sip, even in zap, but not in the oo323
20:29.35justinu|laptopi love how kpflemming says it's not a problem with asterisk, but with every gateway out there
20:29.40mercestestumyp:  dunno then...never had cause to play with ooh323.
20:29.44_PauloS_~seen coppice
20:29.51jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 5d 2h 1m 18s ago, saying: 'rusellb: I'd say you're much more paranoid now than 2 years ago'.
20:29.51EmleyMoorAnyone on FWD able to test something for me?
20:29.54tumypmercestes, thanks :)
20:29.58jartthat is because Mr. Flemming has a moustache
20:30.25justinu|laptoplol, coppice is funny
20:30.30mercestesjustinu|laptop:  Only according to the RFC's, of  Doesn't help that Asterisk, tho technically compliant, has a completely unique way of handling DTMF.
20:30.41justinu|laptopasterisk is one to talk about being RFC compliant!
20:30.45delphusplease, how do I dial a pre set number when someone dial 0 to gain external access
20:31.13mercestesjustinu|laptop:  *cough* sip *cough*  lol...yea, agreed.
20:31.41justinu|laptopjart: anyways, I hope that helps... one customer of mine struggled with this issue for months, and they said the patch fixed it.
20:31.57mercestesFor the rest of you....the standard method of handling DTMF is to provide a "key pressed" even when you hit the key, then a sequential "key still pressed" while the key is held, and a "duration" event when you release the key.
20:32.25mercestesAsterisk just chains them up and provides *all* those packets when you release the key, resulting in a 40ms "blip" of dtmf.  RFC says it should be able to read 20ms....some gateways do not read the 40ms tho.
20:32.35jartjustinu|laptop: for whom do you work?
20:32.53jart(you don't have to answer that)
20:33.02file1.4 and trunk does DTMF differently :D no longer that way
20:33.02justinu|laptopin this particular instance, for myself
20:33.15mercestesfile:  YAY!  *is happy*  now if 1.4 would go stable...:)
20:33.26jartcool, i too am a code vigilante, a consulting crusader if you will
20:33.48jarta freelancer who's free as a bird
20:34.17jartbut thanks again
20:34.20mercestesjart:  What languages?
20:34.34jartmercestes: every imperative language except C#
20:34.48mercestesjart:  Pascal and Cobol then?
20:34.59jartyes and if you pay me enough
20:35.01mercestesjart:  bit of old skool BASIC....assembly?
20:35.09b11dohh sweet.. jart is here
20:35.14jartsame for cobol applies to basic
20:35.21mercestesjart:  Python?
20:35.25mercestesjart:  Ruby?
20:35.27jartlame languanges = 2x rate increase
20:35.36jartpython is cool, still working on getting better at ruby
20:35.39b11dfad languages indeed
20:35.46mercestesjart:  What about Ook?
20:35.52jarti did my last big job in python because they needed something easy to maintain
20:35.55b11dwhat about D
20:35.59jartOok! Ook. Ook?
20:36.05mercestesjart:  Lmao
20:36.12_PauloS_(what (about (lisp)))
20:36.13jartWalter Bright is an awesome guy
20:36.22jarti used to talk to him in email about D and Digital mars
20:36.38jartlisp ain't imperative
20:36.44jartmy powers crumble...
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20:37.14EmleyMoorAnyone on FWD or a peer? I need someone to help me test
20:37.15b11dthats cool actually..
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20:37.43b11dyou're not such a bad guy jart.. sorry for being a dick earlier
20:37.55jartoh thanks :)
20:38.00b11dyeah.. like you care :)
20:38.05_PauloS_I used to develop lisp apps for autocad... :-P
20:38.22jartno i love everyone, except people from new jersey
20:38.33jartwho i'm coincidentally surrounded by EVERY DAY
20:38.36b11dthe last time I saw autocad, I had sanded the ends of my fingers off on a belt sander and was asking the teacher for first aid :P
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20:39.13b11dhrm.. i still have no fingerprints :)
20:39.35Corydon-wb11d: ouch
20:39.43justinu|laptopjart: when are you gonna get into declaritive languages like erlang?
20:39.49b11dyeah..  my fingers werent even on the belt for one rotation..
20:40.01jartjustinu|laptop: i'm still working on twisting my mind around functional languages like haskell
20:40.02b11dit was that fast..
20:40.13jartbut haskell has some pretty declarative features
20:40.28Corydon-wb11d: hurts like grating off your fingertips, I bet
20:40.31justinu|laptopyeah, i think it's similar... all derived from lisp
20:40.40b11dhaha yep..
20:40.48b11dright down into the bone :|
20:40.54jartlisp was a pretty crazy language for it's day
20:41.03Corydon-wOw, I've never gone that far
20:41.20b11doh yeah.. i had to wear this ridiculous baseball-mitt bandage for a few weeks
20:41.29Corydon-wOw, now it's getting difficult to type
20:41.40b11dhehe.. I had to re-learn how to type, and then re-learn again when the bandages came off
20:41.44justinu|laptopjart: you might be interested in erlang, simply because of it's telepony background
20:41.55jartjustinu|laptop: i'll make a note to check it out
20:42.00*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
20:43.02justinu|laptopand for the ubergeek in you:
20:43.07b11dthat first presenter should be the next James Bond
20:43.26nosbigI was in here and received a message to call Digium about my signalling and configuration.
20:43.50nosbigMy X server died on my Linux box, so I have no idea who told me to do so...
20:43.51justinu|laptopb11d: yeah, these guys are very suave
20:44.00nosbigIf the gentleman is still here, I would like to thank him.
20:44.09justinu|laptopbut nontheless the guys who created erlang knew what they were doing
20:44.16b11dthats cool nosbig
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20:45.41jartjustinu|laptop: thanks for the link, now i have an excuse to take a break
20:46.26_PauloS_I dont know how are the market in other countries, but in Brazil there are a IT college at every corner.
20:46.37b11dits the same up here
20:47.03_PauloS_The market is full of people who dont have the swing
20:47.15b11dyeah.. dime-a-dozen system admins and network admins are rife..
20:47.25b11dalong with dime-a-dozen java and C# programmers
20:47.45b11dI see my school crank out 50 of them every few months..  out of those 50, maybe 1 will be "good".
20:47.49b11dit's sick
20:48.25_PauloS_the salaries went down and we have to work with a bunch of idiots.
20:48.35b11dyeah..  it really angers the blood doesnt it?
20:48.49_PauloS_how I miss the internet bubble
20:48.51b11dbut they are MCSE and A+ Certified.. so they must know what they are doing.
20:49.13b11dyou didnt miss the bubble.. the bubble hasnt popped just yet.  wait until the IT industry crashes hard like the railroad industry.
20:49.24b11dand belive me.. it will
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20:49.45b11dwho here saw that in California, they outsourced drive-thru window ordering?
20:50.01_PauloS_well, hardware and software are comodities now.
20:50.03b11dsomeone 3000 miles away is now taking orders for "large number fours" and the like
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20:53.23DefrazIn my dial plan I have saydigits what is the function for reading something with festival.
20:56.21delphusplease, how do I dial a pre set number when someone dial 0 to gain external access
20:57.13aydiosmioDefraz: you need to use an AGI to access festival
20:58.36_PauloS_Defraz, do you want to do voice->text ?
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21:01.00Defraztxt > voic
21:01.03b11dNivex.. nope
21:01.06b11dnot kidding
21:01.08b11dwan tthe link?
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21:02.14DefrazI just want to say a few things but I don't want to have to gen a wav file then play that.
21:02.20DefrazBut if I have to I guess I can do that.
21:02.32ManxPowerCepstral sounds more natural than Festival and is quite inexpensive
21:02.55DefrazOh cool I will have to try that.
21:03.15ManxPowerIt was like $20 last I checked if you don't need fancy stuff.
21:04.26DefrazJust reading the weather and saying hello for a wake up call.
21:08.06jartwhen someone has a certification in something, that is usually a pretty good indication that they are horrible at whatever it is that they are certified in
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21:08.24b11dhahaha..  very true jart.
21:08.48b11dYou should see the faces on students here who come to my office all proud of their A+ and I rip them to shit over it..
21:08.52b11dthey are crestfallen
21:09.00jartcertifications serve three purposes: getting incompetent people jobs, giving incompetent managers an easier time hiring, and making companies money
21:09.09b11dcorrect on all three
21:09.27b11dand btw, its a nightmare operating a "certification center"
21:09.31b11dwe are one for Vue.. they are bitches
21:09.55b11dconstant downtime on their end, and emails demanding upgrades weekly..
21:10.08b11dupgrades that typically break things, and then they issue another fix the week later.
21:10.28ManxPowerb11d: working with external vendors for critical stuff really sucks.
21:10.43b11dyes.. it certainly does (a la my experiences getting a PRI up here)
21:10.56b11dwe signed the contract in sept.. and they just told me I could have my PRI in December.
21:10.59b11dwtf is with that..
21:11.08ManxPowerWe do extensive packet filtering on our firewall.  Several external services that the users require do not work thru the corporate proxy server.  So we have to open up holes in the packet filters.
21:11.26justinu|laptopb11d: that's typical with an ilec
21:11.26ManxPowerThat works fine until the outside vendor changes it's IP address (which happens at least 3 times per year)
21:11.46b11dyeah but whats the real reason?  I know mine is getting kind of screwed by the state telco, which doesnt want me to leave them..
21:11.50b11dbut still.. it shouldnt take THIS long..
21:12.11b11dManx..  same issue here with state-subscribed research websites..
21:12.13ManxPowerb11d: Anything over 28 days is unacceptable
21:12.29b11dI have to go through that hell twice a year because our head librarian thinks she knows about networks..
21:12.37b11dI am in agreement Manx..
21:12.49b11dat least they have not charged us yet..  I'd fight that.
21:12.54ManxPowerOur telcos (CLEC and ILEC) seldom took more than 14 days before Katrina.  Now it is more like 3 - 4 weeks.
21:13.11ManxPowerWhich, considering everything, is not bad.
21:13.11b11dreally..  theres still a big mess down there eh
21:13.50ManxPowerb11d: The entire power grid, telecom networks, cable tv networks is all held togather by temp patches.
21:14.04b11dhasnt it been over a year since Katrina?
21:14.09b11disnt this the USA?
21:14.11ManxPowerb11d: Correct.
21:14.26b11dwell.. im sorry to hear that..
21:14.35ManxPowerb11d: the last of the water service was restored right around the 1 yr mark.
21:14.51b11dwow.. I suppose they had to "restore with upgrades"
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21:14.59ManxPowerAND 4/5 of the water pumped into the system is lost via breaks in the underground pipes.
21:15.00b11dto "meet future needs" and all that crap
21:15.11b11dwhat a waste..  I bet the consumers feel that in the pocket too..
21:15.58ManxPowerFor the most part for most parts of New Orleans things SEEM back to normal.
21:16.19ManxPowerOther then the brownouts, transformers blowing, etc, but that doesn't happen ALL the time.
21:16.46ManxPowerlow water pressure, bad cell phone coverage, etc
21:16.57b11dhow long are they expecting it to be before things "return to normal" ?
21:17.16ManxPowerb11d: for everything?  At least 5 years.
21:17.23ManxPowerCould easily be as much as 10 years.
21:17.36b11dwow..  either we suck worse than I thought, or the damage is far worse than I was told
21:17.51b11dprobably a mix of the two
21:17.55ManxPowerb11d: Both. 8-)
21:19.08b11dI need not get into the argument about why they are rebuilding N.O. in the same spot..
21:19.13ManxPowerI go down there every 6 weeks or so for work.  I'm very glad I don't live down there anymore.
21:19.29ManxPowerb11d: Well there's not been much rebuilding in the flodded areas.
21:19.53ManxPowerb11d: the big issue is that the port of new orleans handles a MASSIVE amount of cargo so there will always be a city there.
21:20.14b11dyeah..  that's somethign I hadnt considered
21:20.21b11dstill.. do we need the residental sections there?
21:20.42ManxPowerAnd the percentage of the land that was under water for more than a few hours is really small if you consider the entire metro area
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21:20.56b11dfair enough
21:21.11b11dAre people still living in camps and the like then?
21:21.29ManxPowerb11d: many people living in trailers on their property.
21:21.37ManxPowerBut no actual camps for a long time.
21:22.12b11dok, thats a relief.
21:22.29ManxPowerThe biggest issue IMNSHO is that the people that did not come back are mostly the poor -- the same poor that worked in fast food, hotels, retail, etc.
21:22.31b11dI didnt like the idea of people having to live in FEMA camps..
21:22.42ManxPowerso there are lots of people wanting to buy services, and nobody to sell them.
21:22.45justinu|laptopi heard they can't come back... private security firms block them from entering the city
21:22.58b11dis that a lie?
21:23.05b11dit would NOT surprise me
21:23.14ManxPowerMcDonalds is offering US$10/hr to start.  Burger King was giving US$10,000 signing bonuses for comiting for 2 or 3 years.
21:23.33ManxPowerjustinu|laptop: that is not true.
21:23.36b11dim surprised people arent there in droves..
21:23.56justinu|laptopsome investigative reporter was going on and on about how the GOP wants to turn all the abandoned industrial areas into high rise condos like miami beach
21:24.03justinu|laptopmake the city a resort town
21:24.03ManxPowerb11d: All the housing has doubled in price and there are so many contractors living there there is no affordable housing
21:24.20b11dit sounds like we're really working to solve all the problems.  :|
21:24.28b11dI wish I could "do something" :)
21:24.36ManxPowerjustinu|laptop: most of the industrial areas were either not badly damaged or quickly rebuilt.
21:25.08b11dI'd hope they wouldnt.. otherwise it'll just cost four times as much to rebuild it when another Hurricane takes N.O. out
21:25.09ManxPowerFor a while after katrina the average listing price for houses for sale was going up US$10,000 per hour.
21:25.20b11dper hour!?
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21:25.23ManxPowerThis was for houses not damaged, of course.
21:25.28ManxPowerb11d: yes, per hour.
21:25.32b11dthats sick
21:25.39b11dour system constantly favors the rich..
21:25.58justinu|laptopb11d: haven't you heard? god wants you to be rich!
21:26.03b11doh really?  neato!
21:26.13b11dI heard he wants me to be rich so his people can get me to give it all to them
21:26.20b11dthrough "tithing" and the like
21:27.09b11d"I'm dreaming big--because all of heaven is dreaming big,"
21:27.39justinu|laptopwhat ever happened to: "the meek shall inherit the earth"?
21:27.58b11dI'm pretty sure god stated that;  as well as something along the lines that only fools cherish objects.
21:28.01ManxPowerjustinu|laptop: They decided they would rather inherit Saturn
21:28.09b11dif you believe that stuff, that is.
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21:28.27ManxPower<  devout atheist
21:28.47justinu|laptopi'm an atheist too
21:28.54b11d< spiritual person but favors no particular religon and accepts the idea of God as being nothing more than a magician, or intelligent beings from afar.
21:29.01*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (i=wifigeek@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
21:29.04PakiPenguinhello everyone
21:29.05b11dhey PakiPenguin
21:29.07b11dwhats up
21:29.10justinu|laptophi paki
21:29.13PakiPenguinhey b11d : at work
21:29.16PakiPenguinhi justinu|laptop
21:29.22PakiPenguin2:30am :(
21:29.27b11d3:30pm :)
21:29.40b11dim coming over..
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21:29.48PakiPenguinwhere to ? pk?
21:29.55PakiPenguinhi tzafrir :)
21:30.02b11dI could..  a friend of mine works at Northwest Airlines.. I can fly anywhere for free
21:30.10clive-is asterlink still in business?
21:30.11b11d($50 yearly registration)
21:30.38justinu|laptopaterlink is, yes
21:30.43b11dI still buy into the media hype about it being too dangerous to travel to Asia
21:30.52b11dwhich is undoubtedly a lie..  but still..
21:30.56PakiPenguin:) eh :) come over !
21:30.58justinu|laptopi've been to asia plenty of times
21:31.02justinu|laptopnot pk yet tho
21:31.05b11dyeah..  you and your buddies will meet me eh :)
21:31.06clive-ok, I was wondering why they havent responded to an email in 2 days
21:31.08b11dim from Canada!!!
21:31.09justinu|laptopasia feels safer than here to me
21:31.29b11dSAME HERE
21:31.53justinu|laptopit's 4:20 somewhere in the world
21:32.02b11dthats not how timezones work
21:32.04PakiPenguinthe gui will be for business edition only?
21:32.14justinu|laptopwell, it was 4:20 10 minutes ago somewhere
21:32.16Dovidi think i am going to amsterdam for a 2 days next week ;)
21:32.20Dovidtalkin of 4:20
21:32.24justinu|laptopand india uses a timezone that is only 30 minutes ahead
21:32.25b11dAHH!! YEAH!!
21:32.27Dovidit was just 4:20 EST
21:32.31b11dAmsterdam.. the weed is for the tourists..
21:32.34b11dsmoke the hash
21:32.43b11dnot that I know about anything related to those things.. its just what i heard
21:32.52PakiPenguin:) b11d : in pk , anything is available :p
21:32.54justinu|laptopa little bird told you
21:33.00ManxPowerb11d: I've had weed in amsterdam.  Hash would knock me on my ass and I would not be able to walk.
21:33.09b11dthats the point :)
21:33.25*** join/#asterisk eltech (
21:33.50jjasperwhere would one look to find consultants willing to install asterisk
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21:34.01b11dnot here. thats for sure.
21:34.06justinu|laptopyou'll find a number of them here
21:34.08Dovidjjasper: lol. lots of people
21:34.12Dovidwhere do u need the install ?
21:34.28jjasperI have tried the list provided on the website
21:34.34jjasperno one is willng to call back
21:34.41ManxPowerI occasionally accept new clients, but only of their requirements are a good match for my skills
21:34.49clive-jjasper where are yyou?
21:34.53Dovidjjasper: were a bunch of whores here lookin for work
21:34.58Dovidjjasper: where r u located ?
21:35.02jjasperboston MA with offices throughout the country
21:35.25jjaspertest site: burlington MA
21:35.25ManxPowerjjasper: do you have an RFP or even a requirements list?
21:35.25Dovidjjasper: may I PM ?
21:35.55jjaspersure how - I am new to this
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21:42.57TexasJayIs there anyone in here I can bother with a phpagi question? ;)
21:44.04ManxPowerResults 1 - 10 of 42 English pages from for  phpagi.
21:44.41TexasJayChrist you're a prick, Manx.  You don't need to harangue me for asking for help here.
21:45.47ManxPowerResults 1 - 10 of 563 English pages from for  php agi
21:45.52ManxPowerYes, I am.
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21:53.30b11dManx.. I just got some killer buds.. lets go
22:00.07b11dthis got dead :)
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22:02.31*** join/#asterisk KevinGr (
22:02.40b11dwhats up chaps
22:03.31ManxPowerI'm writing a script to run all the time and reset the permissions that a different admin keeps screwing up.
22:03.51KevinGrwhy not get the admin in question to stop screwing it up? ;)
22:03.56b11dthat sucks man.. i hear you on that
22:04.36b11di've got a similar issue, but it's samba that keeps screwing up the perm's
22:05.17*** join/#asterisk toote (
22:05.31tootehi there
22:05.45ManxPowerb11d: you can override the default perms mask in samba
22:05.49justinu|laptopyou should be able to fix that by modifying samba conf
22:05.50tooteb11d: hi
22:06.04tooteI have a problem with sip codec negotiation
22:06.06b11doh i've been all through all that stuff Manx..
22:07.18tootedoes anyone know if it's possible to get a channel's capabilities to use in the extensions.conf?
22:08.07b11dsip codec stuff should be handled in sip.conf, I would think
22:08.28tooteb11d: yes, the thing is that I'm connecting two SIP channels
22:08.44tootebut if I do codec enforcement on the originating side, the other side does not get it
22:09.18tooteit just dials with it's own "allow" and due to allowing reinvites, asterisk can not do codec translations
22:09.29tooteso the call gets toredown
22:10.28b11dI dont know what I can do to help you on that one :(
22:10.54aydiosmiocan't do transcoding?
22:11.23ManxPowertoote: see "show application sipgetheader" and README.variables in the /path/to/src/asterisk/docs
22:11.42aydiosmioasterisk can transcode, you just need to have all the required codecs
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22:12.02ManxPowertoote: but for the most part the best way is to disallow all codecs except for the one codec you want.
22:12.03[LiFE]anyone knows how to set IAX2 trunk registry retry to 300sec instead of default 60sec?
22:12.27ManxPowerAlso, remember that reinvites won't work if any NAT is involved
22:12.52tooteManxPower: I know, the thing is that SIP_HEADER can not get me SDP
22:13.03b11dwe should never have invented NAT and should have full out deployed IPv6 by now
22:13.06tooteas far as I've searched that is
22:13.20ManxPowertoote: correct.  Asterisk tries to be technology agnostic so there isn't much access to the lowlevel protocols from the dialplan
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22:13.49tooteManxPower: so there is no way I can get those codecs, as media capabilities are part of the SDP
22:14.18b11dwhat codec are you trying to use?
22:14.29tooteb11d: I've tried with all of them
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22:15.02tooteb11d: it's not a problem with the codec, it's with capabilities not being passed on when dialing from the extension
22:15.42ManxPowertoote: Um, capabilities are NOT passed between channels
22:15.59ManxPowerAsterisk sees the two legs of the call as TWO DIFFERENT calls.
22:16.19b11done more minute buddy..
22:16.24tooteManxPower: exactly, that is the problem. The thing is that I have one extension generating a call to another one
22:16.25b11dthen its i
22:16.27b11dfor me
22:16.33ManxPowertoote: what are you trying to ACCOMPLISH?  Chances are there's a different way to do what you want
22:17.11tooteManxPower: incoming sip call, connecting to another extension via sip. Both have all codecs allowed.
22:17.22b11dthat should work
22:17.31tootecode used: exten => _X.,3,dial(SIP/out-${CALLERID(num)}/${EXTEN},30,Ttr)
22:17.40ManxPowertoote: What codec do you want?  Is there NAT or a firewwall involved anywhere?
22:17.54tooteManxPower: no. Codec is variable
22:18.01ManxPowertoote: T and t and r will prevent reinvites.
22:18.03b11dand what is actually happening?  are you SURE its a codec thing, not RTP (like me?)
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22:18.28tooteManxPower: I've tried it and it works perfectly with reinvites
22:18.46ManxPowertoote: variable codecs are not well supported.  Are the two end points both phones?
22:18.59ManxPowertoote: not with that Dial line it isn't reinviting.
22:19.19ManxPowertoote: pick one codec for each phone.
22:19.22tooteManxPower: I'm not reinviting, I'm allowing user to do reinvites
22:19.37tooteand I need users to be able to determine if the codec if they want to
22:19.48tootethe thing is the following
22:19.58ManxPowerIf 1 phone is local and the other is remote then set the local one to ulaw and the remote one to whatever seems logical (but not G723.1 and only G729 if you have a licence)
22:20.34ManxPowertoote: then allow the users a LIMITED set of codecs.  ulaw gsm ilbc and three that should work for everyone.
22:20.44ManxPowerjust don't ever allow G723.1
22:20.56ManxPowerand don't allow G729 unless you purchase G729 licenses for Asteriswk
22:21.12justinu|laptopmost hardphones i've used don't support gsm or ilbc
22:21.16justinu|laptoper all hardphones
22:21.17[LiFE]anyone knows how to change refresh from 60sec to 300sec? for IAX2 SIP regirsty?
22:21.34ManxPower[LiFE]: there is no such things as an IAX2 SIP registry
22:21.44[LiFE]ehh.. iax2 trunk registry
22:21.49ManxPowerand what specific refresh are you trying to change?
22:21.59tooteManxPower: this went awry. let's start over
22:22.15tooteboth extensions have allowed codecs: ulaw and alaw
22:22.20ManxPowertoote: you can either fight Asterisk and be miserable or accept Asterisk's limitations and be happy.
22:22.30ManxPowertoote: It is a bad idea to allow BOTH alaw and ulaw.
22:22.35tooteManxPower: I know, I'm trying to check if there is actually a limitation
22:22.43ManxPowerThere is seldom any technical reason to allow both.
22:22.43b11dgoodbye and goodnight all.. take care..  I shall return on the morrow..
22:23.07tooteManxPower: now, UA calls and his siphone only uses alaw
22:23.16tootecapabilities for that channel result in alaw
22:23.40tootethe thing is that the extension dials to the other part (wich also has alaw and ulaw)
22:23.48tooteand call connects with ulaw
22:24.11ManxPowerand what codec is set in the destination device?
22:24.11tooteresult:  ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from SIP
22:24.22tooteManxPower: any codec
22:24.24ManxPowertoote: I need the FULL error message
22:24.40tooteManxPower:  WARNING[10857]: channel.c:2752 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from SIP/callwebb-b7107ca0(4) to SIP/out-callwebb-0926c620(256)
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22:25.26[LiFE]ManxPower: every 60 seconds, the asterisk box will refresh the registration with my trunk, I want to change the refresh to 300sec
22:25.35ManxPowertoote: that can be translated as the following
22:25.38tooteManxPower: as I have canreinvite to yes for both extensions, it can not do codec translation
22:26.02ManxPowerWARNING[10857]: channel.c:2752 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from SIP/callwebb-b7107ca0(ulaw) to SIP/out-callwebb-0926c620(G729A)
22:26.16ManxPowertoote: canreinvite has NOTHING to do with your problem
22:26.17[LiFE]ManxPower: iax2 peer registry
22:26.25ManxPowerthe 2nd leg is using G729
22:26.41tooteManxPower: yes, I've set it to that for this test
22:26.48tootebut I can force whatever codec I want
22:27.03ManxPowertoote: well stop allowing G729 or G723.1  We KNOW that won't work.
22:27.09tooteand same thing happens (unless it's the codec forced dinamically by the originationg extension)
22:27.21tooteI can not disallow them.
22:27.24ManxPowershow me the error message when you are not allowing G723.1 or G729
22:27.35tooteManxPower: gimme a sec
22:27.55[LiFE]as in if I do a "iax2 show registry" it will show me host+username+percieved+refresh+state, I want to change refresh from 60 to something else
22:28.21ManxPower[LiFE]: iax2 show registry shows what remote devices Asterisk is registered to.
22:28.33ManxPoweriax2 show peers will show what devices are registered to asterisk
22:29.18ManxPower[LiFE]: none of the register examples in iax.conf.sample was helpful?
22:31.15[LiFE]have not checked... checking
22:31.17tooteManxPower: you were right
22:31.35tooteManxPower: the problem is it can not translate between G729 and whatever other codec
22:31.46ManxPowertoote: I've been doing this for over 5 years.  I have a little bit of experience.
22:32.20ManxPowertoote: G729 and G723.1 are patented codecs.  Asterisk can pass audio using that codec, but cannot touch the contents of those packets.
22:32.24tooteManxPower: I don't doubt that, but I've been working on this for 2 years and just started with asterisk... and I was told we had the G729 licenses
22:32.38tooteManxPower: good thing, I'll get to scold my boss :D
22:32.49ManxPowerYou can get a license for G729, but the patent holders of G723.1 don't want anything to do with licensing it.
22:33.14ManxPowerG729 license is available for US$10/channel
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22:33.25ManxPowernot total channels, but IN USE channels.
22:33.28tooteManxPower: yes, that I'm aware of
22:33.39tooteManxPower: yes, I know how it works, my boss told me he had 20 of them
22:33.48tooteand had them installed
22:33.53tootebut that's apparently not true
22:33.58ManxPowertoote: "g729 ?" will tell you
22:34.23ManxPowerand "show modules" should show the G729 codec if it is installed.  the format G729 module is not the codec.
22:35.26ManxPowerSorry it is:
22:35.28ManxPowerpbx-1*CLI> show g729
22:35.28ManxPower1/1 encoders/decoders of 15 licensed channels are currently in use
22:36.27[LiFE]sadly, no... doesn't help, I tried something that looks similiar, maxregexpire and minregexpire both to 300, it still shows refresh=60
22:37.00ManxPower[LiFE]: it may be hardcodec
22:37.26ManxPowerIt's not like anyone needs to change it
22:37.40tooteManxPower: I'll make sure to make a statue of you as soon as I have the time
22:37.46[LiFE]telix keeps going down with registry timeout, so I am assuming 60sec is too short and they are ignoring
22:37.58ManxPowertoote: better to send money to via paypal
22:38.05ManxPower[LiFE]: that is not the cause
22:38.12tooteManxPower: will make a note of that
22:38.14tootethanks a ton
22:38.21[LiFE]ok.. I will just take it as teliax is having issues
22:38.40ManxPower[LiFE]: either that or your NAT router really really sucks
22:38.54DefrazTeliax seems to be working fine for me.
22:40.31ManxPowerteliax has several servers customers can use
22:41.18DefrazYes true true
22:41.33*** part/#asterisk clive- (
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22:47.57Luke-JrAsterisk is hanging after    -- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '2301' at 2301@ for 3600
22:48.02Luke-Jrany ideas?
22:48.06Luke-Jr(on startup)
22:48.22*** join/#asterisk bluregard (
22:48.38ManxPowerUm, one should have nothing to do with the other.
22:49.11ManxPowerthe SIP Seeding is caused when you restart asterisk and the device has not registered yet.  Asterisk will assume the ip/port of the most recent registration for that device
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22:49.42Drukenevening everyone
22:49.47shellsharkManxPower: as long as it hasnt expired yet, correct?
22:49.55ManxPowershellshark: I assume so.
22:50.14ManxPowerluke-jr hangs are commonly cause by DNS resolution issues
22:50.37Luke-JrManxPower: quite possible-- how can I ignore that?
22:51.01bluregardshould I not use a goto(internal,etc etc) from my incoming context?
22:51.09ManxPowerluke-jr make sure /etc/hosts contains the IP and hostname of the machine.  make sure you only use ip addresses in the config files rather than hostnames
22:51.25ManxPowerbluregard: do whatever you want do to
22:51.49bluregardmanxpower: from a security standpoint.
22:52.00Luke-JrManxPower: it does
22:52.18ManxPowerbluregard: there is no inherent security issue with doing that or not doing that.  It would depend on the design of your dialplan
22:52.53ManxPowerif your dialplan and contexts are designed well you almost never need to use Goto to a different context
22:52.54Luke-JrI love how rebooting almost always breaks *
22:53.05bluregardI see
22:53.19Luke-Jrwoohoo segfault
22:53.33bluregardmanxpower.  If I paste my dialplan will you take a look and give me some tips?
22:53.37ManxPowerluke-jr It sucks to be you
22:54.00ManxPowerbluregard: only if it is similar to my dialplans.  If you are using a contect called incoming it might be.
22:54.08ManxPowerI'm going out for a quick smoke  brb
22:54.18Luke-Jrapparently H323 module is b0rked
22:54.23Luke-Jrhow yay
22:54.28CunningPikeManxPower: Those things'll kill ya ;)
22:54.35Luke-Jrgood thing for me I could care less for h323
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22:58.10bluregardI'm trying to get the hang of the dialplan so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
23:01.01ManxPowerbluregard: you have a simple dialplan.  That makes it easy.
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23:01.47bluregardyeah, like I said, I'm just trying to get the hang of it and I would like to start by not picking up any bad habits
23:02.35ManxPowerbluregard: Here is a general rule:  devices should be in a context that ONLY includes other contexts.
23:02.47ManxPowerThe only excpetion might be devices that are not trusted.
23:03.28ManxPowerGive me a few mins and I'll make the dialplan better than the one I gave you
23:04.30ManxPowerbah, that's too much work.  Study what I gave you.
23:04.42bluregardno that's fine.  Thank you very much.
23:05.14Dovidis there any way to query astdb and get any and all values in astdb ?
23:06.11hadsdatabase show
23:06.36hadsor from your shell 'asterisk -rx "database show"'
23:06.41bluregardmanxpower: so should I keep it the way you have it, with the internal context having an include for my extensions
23:07.49ManxPowerbluregard: yes.
23:08.04ManxPowerThat way you can include => extensions in any context without a security issue
23:08.11bluregardok that makes sense.
23:08.42*** join/#asterisk CharlesR (
23:09.19Dovidis there a max to how many entries i can put in to astdb ?
23:09.28ManxPowerDovid: no idea, but many
23:09.40Dovidcause i wrote a macro that stored info per call
23:09.45ManxPowerastdb uses Berkley DB v1 I think.
23:09.46Dovidand for one its not working
23:10.13bluregardyeah, its DB v1
23:10.53Dovidhow do i remove entries ?
23:12.08ManxPowerDovid: "pbx-1*CLI> show applications like db
23:14.18bluregardmanxPower: what if I wanted to add another context, like [sales] or [support].  Would a goto(sales,s,1) be ok?
23:15.53ManxPowerbluregard: as long as [sales] and [support] don't have any way to get out of the system and dial the PSTN
23:16.24*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (i=matt@nat/digium/x-04ba434827c91001)
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23:16.26bluregardlike if I were to do like you did and include extensions in both sales and support
23:17.00bluregardthat isolates them from internal, which allows calling out
23:17.13bluregardvery cool
23:19.10DovidManxPower: it seesm to be a problem with astdb
23:19.21Dovidi store variables in astdb
23:19.22bluregardthen allowing # to send callers to the voicemailmain in [extensions] to login and check their voicemail remotely still wouldn't cause any issues, right?
23:19.28*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/unconfirmed/bhaal)
23:19.34Dovidit seems that if u add to much data it goes nuts
23:20.19bluregardas long as outside callers aren't allowed in [internal] or either of the [outbound-xxx]
23:21.36*** join/#asterisk pdunkel (n=pdunkel@
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23:27.59EmleyMoorAny FWD users about? (peer users will do)
23:29.53bluregardI use FWD
23:30.28EmleyMoorCan you try calling me on 794933, option 1 of my IVR?
23:31.10bluregardcan you give me 2 minutes?
23:31.50*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (n=bjohnson@
23:35.13bluregarddo you need to be able to hear me?
23:35.55EmleyMoorYes, ideally, I do
23:36.03bluregardI hooked up the mic anyways
23:39.40EmleyMoorThis is going great now that I'm running asterisk on a high-spec box
23:41.45*** join/#asterisk cryptnix (
23:44.25bluregardEmleyMoor:  is your fwd ready to accept calls?
23:44.34EmleyMoorShould be
23:44.45DovidManxPower: i did asterisk -rx "show applications like db" and i got a list of commands but i cant seem to use em
23:44.51Dovidi tried them from CLI and it wont work
23:44.54Dovidfor instance
23:45.13DovidDBdel: Delete a key from the database
23:48.33bluregardEmleyMoor: I'm getting 603 Declined
23:48.50bluregardI tried FWD's echo test which works fine
23:48.53EmleyMoorHmmm! Do you use iax or sip?
23:49.32EmleyMoorNever had that working properly - but try it again
23:50.54bluregardsame thing
23:51.35bluregardcan you pastebin the FWD part of your dialplan?
23:51.55ManxPowerDovid: "show applications" show you applications you can run inside the dialplan.  Not applicxations you can run from the CLI.  There really are not any of those.
23:52.12Dovidsorry: real tired
23:52.14Dovidfigured it out
23:52.18EmleyMoorI'm not sure there is an FWD "part"
23:52.19Dovidcan i use a wild card ?
23:52.30Dovidlto remove multiple entries ?
23:52.37ManxPowerDovid: I doubt it
23:52.41Dovidfun fun
23:52.49ManxPowerastdb is very primitie
23:52.57ManxPowerif you want a real databse use a real database
23:53.02EmleyMoorCan dial out on it OK and have had others dial in
23:53.14bluregardEmleyMoor: then can you just paste the whole dialplan?
23:53.44DovidManxPower: basicly i was using a certain variable over and over for a long time. and now astdb started just giving the same reply over and over of the last setting
23:54.03Dovidi chaned the variable name and now its working again. is this a bug ? or an overloaded db ?
23:56.04bluregardEmleyMoor: I take it you're using SIP to connect to FWD correct?
23:56.34EmleyMoorYes, because IAX never worked properly with it

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