irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061103

00:00.03terinjokesdoes anyone know and provider that can get me a virtual phone number in australia?
00:00.14RyanwOneBinary, try  sip debug ip
00:01.01Ryanwterrinjokes, what do you mean by virtual phone number.  VoIP only or dialable from Telstra too?
00:01.07zazzizzalet's see. if you do csim start 7309
00:01.16zazzizzadoes the phone ring?
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00:03.28b11d|bblfrom where?
00:03.30b11d|bbli'll try
00:03.32zazzizzafrom the cisco
00:03.45b11d|bbli dont have that command
00:03.47zazzizzauh 'if' the vg supports csim
00:03.47*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
00:04.09OneBinaryRyanw, Phone has rebooted, and it is spitting out a lot of debug info.  What am I looking for?
00:04.36zazzizzaif you have asterisk 1.2+ i think you can do a dial from the console
00:05.07b11d|bblyeah.. dialing 7309 from the console works
00:05.20zazzizzaand dialing 5454?
00:05.29RyanwOneBinary, just like HTML sip has response codes, 200 for OK, 404 not found, 302 permission denied
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00:05.43Ryanwbefore the reboot you might've got an insight into why it was returning that error code
00:06.02Ryanwdid the reboot fix it?
00:06.02b11d|bblit rings through ok
00:06.06zazzizzai think it's more a config issue than a technical fault. if you call the TAC they scream at you
00:06.12OneBinaryRyanw, reboot did not fix it
00:06.25b11d|bbli know
00:06.31b11d|bbli really dont want to call the TAC.. but i will..
00:06.34zazzizzait's working man-in-the-middle sort of!
00:06.35RyanwOneBinary, does sip show peers list it as unreachable now ?
00:07.05zazzizzanow from the 7309 if you dial 5454 you get a fast busy?
00:07.37*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
00:08.00b11d|bblgot 503 "Service Busy" from (the vg)
00:08.20RyanwOneBinary, assuming that 365 is on the same ip address after the reboot, try placing a call to 365 and see what the sip response says, if there is one at all.
00:08.36*** join/#asterisk BZBW (
00:08.58zazzizzacan you pastebin again? the post expired
00:09.00BZBWanyone knows 1.4 support SIP over TCP or not?
00:09.15zazzizzaand i wanted to peek the runningconfig
00:09.25b11d|bblok.. you got it
00:09.26b11d|bblgive me a sec
00:09.34b11d|bbli'll copy my latest..
00:12.31*** part/#asterisk terinjokes (
00:12.31BZBWemm, anyone had issue on building 1.4, I kept getting errors, and my previous version is 1.2.10
00:12.59b11d|bblwell, yeah. some have.. its beta..
00:13.48BZBWit's beta3 already and I have yet to build it correctly:(.
00:14.04b11d|bblhave you reported your build errors?
00:14.22BZBWwhere should I report to?
00:14.29b11d| ?
00:14.30b11d|bbli think
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00:15.01BZBWI'm just wondering if it's just some environment viarable that I didn't set correctly.
00:15.27b11d|bblits possible..
00:16.38zazzizzait should work
00:16.43b11d|bbltell me about it :)
00:16.45zazzizzai dont know what else to look
00:18.37b11d|bblwell.. thanks just the same for taking the time
00:18.45b11d|bblits appreciated
00:19.13zazzizzano problem
00:19.36b11d|bbli'll likely have to call the TAC..
00:20.09zazzizzait has to be something *really* silly
00:20.15b11d|bblyeah no doubt about it..
00:20.24b11d|bbli've been hoping it was something silly for the last 3 days ;)
00:20.57zazzizzais it something secret?
00:21.07zazzizzado you mind taking a look at sip.conf?
00:21.12b11d|bblnot at all
00:21.22zazzizzai dont know, maybe you work for the cia
00:21.25b11d|bblyou want to see my sip.conf ?
00:21.34b11d|bblhaha yeah i work for the CIA and im looking for help here ;)
00:21.45zazzizzayep and extensions.conf
00:21.51b11d|bblok.. give me a second.
00:22.00zazzizzaso we sort it out
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00:24.06b11d|bblis extensions.conf
00:24.17TheCopsSomeone is using Polycom IP601 phone and headset? I have some difficulties with the volume and need some help. thanks
00:24.31b11d|bblis sip.conf
00:24.49b11d|bbli've XXXXX'd the secrets
00:25.25zazzizzano problem!
00:30.33zazzizzacanreinvite = yes
00:30.53zazzizzaand in [5454]
00:31.13b11d|bblcanreinvite where?
00:31.18b11d|bblin general?
00:31.30zazzizzaat least in those two
00:31.59zazzizzai always use canreinvite=yes, because otherwise * keeps in the middle all the time
00:32.01[hC]so, * box with direct PRI, it is suggested to use hylafax instead of rxfax? (rxfax seems to not like 3+ page faxes)
00:32.21b11d|bblfast busy.. one sec
00:32.57zazzizzareload both
00:33.23zazzizzasorry no changes made to so far
00:33.27b11d|bbl400 bad request
00:33.32b11d|bblMalformed / Missing URL
00:33.39b11d|bblback from
00:34.08zazzizzain extensions.conf
00:34.11zazzizzachange this
00:34.17zazzizzaand this is my final shot
00:34.37zazzizzaexten => 5454,1,Dial(SIP/5454) -> exten => 5454,1,Dial(SIP/5454/5454)
00:34.54zazzizzayou have to reload
00:35.27b11d|bblwell, it worked.. but still.. one-way audio.
00:36.15b11d|bblthe analog can not send audio back..
00:36.19b11d|bblthe sip works normally..
00:36.41zazzizzathe analog sits on the vg?
00:37.09b11d|bblcalling the sip from the analog, or calling the analog from the sip, both result in the exact same issue..
00:37.10zazzizzawhat ip phone is it?
00:37.13b11d|bblPolycom 501
00:37.15zambais g711 enabled in asterisk?
00:37.26zazzizzayes it is
00:37.27b11d|bblit negotiates to g711 so yeah..
00:38.13zambaNov  3 01:38:04 WARNING[7630]: frame.c:1030 ast_parse_allow_disallow: Cannot allow unknown format 'g711'
00:38.37b11d|bblg711 is ulaw.. maybe set that?
00:38.37zazzizzaissue show codecs
00:38.55zambaulaw, yeah.. that's the one
00:39.03JTg711 is ulaw or alaw
00:39.11b11d|bblso i notice..
00:39.43zazzizzaok, do a test just for yourself :S
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00:39.56zazzizzait does not involve hammers so dont worry
00:40.11zazzizzasince the ip phone can register *anywhere*
00:40.38zazzizzaput it on the
00:40.48zazzizzathat's the mother of all tests
00:40.56zazzizzaif it *does* work
00:41.05zazzizzathen there's some routing issue
00:41.08zazzizzaif not...
00:41.17zazzizzathere's always a hammer...
00:41.25b11d|bblno doubt about it.
00:41.26zazzizzaor 2!
00:41.48b11d|bblok.. im actually going to do that tomorrow morning, because it would take me like 30 mins to do that..
00:41.51b11d|bbli can assure you
00:42.04b11d|bbland i've been ready to go home for the last 3 hours :)
00:42.18zazzizzaok, but make sure you do it!
00:42.24b11d|bblits on my whiteboard.. first thing in the morning..
00:42.34zazzizzasip is really shitty with that
00:42.49zazzizzai tell you i had a lot of shit coming from cisco and *
00:42.56b11d|bblactually, i have a voip phone on that switch, but it's a snom..
00:43.08zazzizzaand i managed yesterday to go around something like *this*
00:43.22zazzizzaok man
00:43.32zazzizzalet's talk tomorrow
00:43.35b11d|bblsounds good.
00:43.38b11d|bblthanks again for everything.
00:43.42zazzizzai have an appointment at the pizza place :-D
00:43.48zazzizzano problem, cheers!
00:43.55b11d|bblgoodnight everyone
00:45.42*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
00:46.53JTzamba: where is the asterisk system you're building, what country?
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00:51.58nick125_lappyanyone here off hand know of a link that describes how to make a "guest" SIP account that anyone can connect to (I have a conference system and I want people to be able to call in though SIP)?
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00:53.08RyanwNick...just set the context at the top of sip.conf all unauthenticated calls get routed there
00:54.18conicohello i need physical layer info.if i want to replace my pbx with asterisk which pci cards do i need if i have pri telephone line to the company?
00:55.19conicoisdn pri
00:55.31JTnow is it a T1?
00:55.39conicoi only know this info about it
00:55.42conicosay it t1
00:56.15JTwhat country are you in?
00:56.30RyanwT1 = US 24 channel ISDN, E1 = European / Australian 30 channel ISDN
00:56.31zambaJT: norway
00:56.37zambaJT: why do you ask?
00:56.42conicoyes turkey
00:56.57JTzamba: the information provided to you to use ulaw was wrong, use Alaw
00:57.19JTheaps of people here say ulaw like USA is the only country in the world
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00:57.32JTthe international standard is A-law
00:57.33zambaJT: ah, what's the difference?
00:57.43JTzamba: just a different companding table
00:57.58JTsame bandwidth otherwise
00:58.22JTconico: i'm not sure if Turkey uses T1 PRIs or E1
00:58.46conicoit should be t1
00:58.54conicot1 pri
00:58.54JTare you sure?
00:59.03JTbefore you didn't know
00:59.11conicowe talk about t1 lines everytime here
00:59.24conicoi never heard a e1 in turkiye
00:59.37JTwell, a TE110P is the most basic card you can get that'll do both anyway
00:59.44JTyou can get cards with more channels
00:59.48JTand echo cancellers
01:00.13conicomore channels means more pri lines?
01:01.01conicook now i bought a pci card and put the pri line in this then?
01:01.23conicois this all to replace a pbx?
01:01.29JTyes, that's it
01:01.34JTwell if you're replacing the pabx
01:01.40JTyou'll need phone extensions
01:01.44conicopeople will loose their jobs
01:01.45JTlike SIP phones
01:01.57JTwhat people will lose their jobs?
01:02.06conicopbx people
01:02.31conicoi do phone extensions in asterisk ?
01:02.59conicothen put ip phones in the same ethernet segment with asteriks box?
01:03.40EyeCuehmm, is there any concept of PTT in asterisk, or any of its plugins ?
01:04.12Ryanwconico if you have no idea, checkout  its a relatively simple intro into asterisk
01:04.55conicoi have idea buut i want to be sure i have no pri card to try
01:05.12conicobefore buying i should be ok
01:07.25coniconow i put t1 pri card in asteriks box put t1 pri telephone twisted pair to this card and make extensions in asterisk and put this asterisk box to ethernet and in ethernet ip that all ?
01:07.51*** join/#asterisk slayer192 (
01:10.17conicoif i want to use my existing pbx still what should i ?because we may use old phones still?
01:10.43conicoanother pci card for the connection the pbx?
01:10.47*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
01:10.48conicoto the pbx?
01:11.09*** join/#asterisk NDT (
01:12.39Ryanwconico, depends how your current pbx is connected up atm.
01:13.01Ryanwconico, if it has a T1 then you can get 2 T1 interfaces for asterisk and make yourself a T1 crossover cable
01:13.08TheCopsSomeone using microbrowser of IP601? What about the load of asterisk with 15 phone making API request of Asterisk each 5 seconde^
01:13.33*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
01:13.39QwellTheCops: considering that rtp has a packet every 20ms or so...  5 seconds isn't gonna do squat
01:14.10TheCopsQwell, hehe
01:14.32russellbdepending on what you request asterisk to do
01:14.43TheCopsthis is a park call list request
01:14.43ManxPowerTheCops: there has in the past been issues with the manager interface handleing many connections at once, there is a manager proxy you can use to deal with this
01:14.43russellbif you say ... calculate PI to 120497u2039458102934 decimal places
01:14.46russellbthen, you know ...
01:14.56russellbManxPower: those issues should all be fixed now
01:14.58TheCopsManxPower, ho, nice
01:15.13TheCopsManxPower where can I find it ^
01:15.17*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:15.20russellbbut of course, some people still prefer the proxy
01:18.02saabonow do i get out of sip_nat.comf?
01:18.13conicoRyanw: from pbx to asterisk one t1  interface  and from asterisk to PSTN pri one t1 interface?can these 2 t1 interface be on one pci card?should i do configuration on pbx ?
01:20.21BZBWhi, anyone knows 1.4 support SIP over TCP?
01:22.54russellbno, it does not
01:23.26C6VetteDoes 1.4 support queue log in mysql?
01:24.29ManxPowerTheCops: there was a talk about the proxy in the May 2005 Madrid Astricon
01:24.42TheCopsManxPower, I've got it, pretty nice
01:24.44TheCopsthank you very much
01:24.50ManxPowerTheCops: no problrm
01:25.05TheCopsWhen for the Astricon in Quebec!
01:28.45*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
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01:29.45EyeCueis there a protocol over which PTT works best?
01:29.50reza_anyone know where i can hire a consultant to fine-tuen my asterisk setup?
01:29.55EyeCueor that is specific to PTT ?
01:31.17BZBWrussellb: thx.
01:31.49BZBWanyone has issue on building 1.4 beta3? I just can't build it
01:34.28JTEyeCue: what devices are you looking to have PTT functionality between?
01:34.32*** join/#asterisk carrar (
01:34.43JTconico: that setup should work
01:35.28conicook thank you so much
01:35.32EyeCuewell, im just researching into ptt itself
01:35.36EyeCuei understand its a half-duplex technology
01:35.44*** join/#asterisk haryv (i=keefejoh@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
01:35.53EyeCuebut the question on protocol is i suppose aimed around findind out open source implementations of PTT
01:36.09EyeCueobviously the client/server is only trasmitting packets when people ptt.
01:36.37JTbetween what devices though? :)
01:37.24EyeCuesay in the teamspeak/ventrilo sense
01:37.34JTah ok
01:37.54EyeCuei know ts/vent both use proprietary type server network thingies
01:37.57tengulreJT: nice to meet u! ;)
01:38.01EyeCueventrilo uses tcp infact
01:38.05EyeCuewhich is strange :~)
01:38.17JTbecause i've noticed in the options for the Xten X-pro softphone some mention of PTT
01:38.21*** join/#asterisk heison (
01:38.27JTspose tcp works if you don't care about lag :P
01:38.41*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:38.49JTand there are implementations of PTT technology for asterisk, but not quite the same focus
01:38.53tengulreit is AM 9:38 here, I'm in office! and you?
01:39.07JT1240pm here, in the office
01:39.15tengulreanybody know which IM tools can supported by asterisk?
01:39.43reza_fuck, traffic just stopped on the bridge.  it's going to take hours getting home now.
01:40.16JTreza_: where's that?
01:40.36haryvIn the morning it takes me 30 min just to drive 1/2 mile to the bridge which is about a mile from here. most of it is waiting time.
01:40.36reza_san francisco bay bridge
01:41.15JTand i thought traffic was bad here...
01:41.32haryvI think cities need to have more control of out of control realestate cost so people should not have to move to the suburbs to afford a house.
01:41.35*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
01:41.52JTi think the planet needs more population control
01:41.56JTor at least education
01:42.12haryvWhistler/blackcomb did this and built a small residential area for its workers.
01:42.23haryvjt, and correct city planning.
01:42.33haryvpoor planning results in long commute times.
01:42.55carrarJT, what do you have in mind?
01:43.25JT6billion+ people is far too many as is
01:43.33JTpeople should reduce birth rates :)
01:43.35haryvPopulation control is becomming more of a issue as time goes on.
01:43.40heisonhello everyone...
01:44.16haryvchina is now in the process of buying 10 or more super tankers to keep up its thirst for more fuel.
01:44.36heisonhas anyone here configured Nortel Option 11C (Succession 3.0) to talk to a Cisco AS5300 via PRI?
01:45.15haryvheison thats a interesting configuration
01:45.50reza_yeah, think so
01:46.01heisonharvy: i have been searching all over... no one knows how to do this, not even the Nortel folks..
01:46.41tengulre11I come from CHINA. but I have not tankers. ;)
01:46.46haryvbtw I need to get back to a voip engineer that is running a nortel mcs 5300 class iV switch and see what results thay had interfacing it with a asterisk box.
01:47.05haryvheison where are you at by chance
01:47.14heisonharvy: i'm in Toronto
01:47.29reza_yeah, all calls route to the 601
01:47.32*** join/#asterisk lule (
01:47.46haryvIf I was there would aid you in getting it configured. It would be a good learning expraince.
01:47.55*** join/#asterisk BhaalWTF (
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01:48.27*** join/#asterisk terinjokes (
01:48.48terinjokesi'm new to this voIP thing
01:49.24tengulre11terinjokes: It is 'VoIP' not 'voIP'.
01:49.52russellbno, it's VuIP
01:49.55russellbVoice under IP
01:50.28terinjokesno, no CAStIP
01:51.06heisonharvy: i have tried 3 different Nortel vendors in Toronto but no one knows how to connect a media gateway to Nortel Option 11C... one of the vendors actually escallated the problem to Nortel, who claims it will not spend time to offer any help
01:51.07terinjokesCompressed Audio Streams through Internet Protocals
02:08.52*** join/#asterisk stkn (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
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02:18.29*** part/#asterisk terinjokes (
02:21.21conicoi am looking at ip phones now and i saw that a model has 2 ethernet interfaces.why there is 2 ethernet interfaces on an ip phone?
02:24.34[TK]D-Fenderconico : So you can plug it in-line with a PC so you don't need to take up another jank on your switch
02:25.10conicothank you that is good
02:26.06*** join/#asterisk nassy (
02:26.30conicois this phone get power from the switch ?
02:27.03[TK]D-Fenderconico : Many are capable of PoE (power over ethernet, depends on the model
02:27.24conicothanks again
02:28.26[TK]D-Fenderfile :y0
02:29.04[TK]D-Fenderfile: back from martil arts followed by groceries and I'm just tired now....
02:29.13fileyay tired
02:29.15[TK]D-Fenderfile : I need a friggen vacation.
02:29.26filevacations are not allowed
02:30.57*** join/#asterisk michaelo (
02:31.03mcabdon't tell my boss that, I'm about to take off for two weeks...
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02:44.26[hC]any of you guys use hylafax?
02:45.58h0anyone have an ETA for 1.4
02:48.17[hC]h0: less than 30 days.
02:48.30h0k thanks
02:49.38Ryanwi've used hylafax once, not sure i'll be much help.
02:49.39h0Am I correct in my understanding that 1.4 will help to do a lot of the configuration that is needed itself
02:49.54*** join/#asterisk aXanaXa (
02:50.41aXanaXaHey anyone here installed TrixBox on a Dell Dimension E520?
02:50.59*** join/#asterisk pipipi (
02:51.02pipipiNov  2 18:46:11 NOTICE[16048] chan_sip.c:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #7)
02:51.05pipipiNov  2 18:46:11 DEBUG[16048] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '' of Request 108: Match Found
02:51.08pipipiNov  2 18:46:11 DEBUG[16048] chan_sip.c: Scheduled a registration timeout for id  #20
02:51.11pipipianybody know what is going on here?
02:51.23pipipii am fairly new with asterisk and I am using Trixbox w/ BroadVoice
02:51.38pipipifor incoming/outgoing phone calls using SIP
02:52.46nassyaXanaXa: try channel freepbx if no one here has
02:53.13aXanaXak thanks
02:53.43*** join/#asterisk brc_ (n=brc___@pdpc/supporter/basic/brc)
03:10.18SuPrSluGpipipi:try another broadvoice server. it happens with them regularly. keep 2 in your config and switch when they suck
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03:13.39hoobastoobahere is my dilemma... to use ChanIsAvail to keep subsequent calls from the queue from ringing queue members phones I have to use channel Local. If I use Channel Local, the Queue does not record the call. For the call to be recorded with the in queue monitoring i have to use channel SIP.  I need both features. What other options are there?
03:17.02*** part/#asterisk Agrajag- (
03:17.56trelanehoobastooba, set each phone in the queue to only allow one cal path
03:19.01hoobastoobai should have mentioned that I am using addqueuemember for dynamic agents. Is this possible still?
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03:24.49nsgnevenin' all. can someone throw out the name of a very cheap VoIP provider they are pleased with?
03:25.05nsgnas far as getting a pstn number, that is
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03:27.13nsgn:-/ anyone alive?
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03:34.06Ryanwwhy would asterisk delay for 2 seconds before executing exten => 1,1 in an IVR?
03:34.33nsgnanyone? i'm looking for a recommendation for a SIP pstn service provider
03:36.31*** join/#asterisk hohum (
03:36.57hohumwhen I'm reading the SIP RFC I saw a reference to [H14.43] with regards to User-Agent handling
03:37.03hohumwhat is [H14.43]
03:37.07hohumand how do I find that document?
03:37.18hohumI tried googling for it and all I found was more references to it
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03:52.54[TK]D-FenderRyanw : Can you pastebin the call and your dialplan
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04:05.54RyanwD-Fender, i found the problem, direct dialing from the main menu, extensions in the 100-199 range and 3 second digit timeout.
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04:12.56[TK]D-FenderRyanw : Yup.. overlap ial for the win...
04:15.01*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/unconfirmed/bhaal)
04:16.39ManxPowerRyanw: noob 8-)
04:17.55RyanwMaxnPower: anyone experienced at anything knows that sometimes a simple solution is overlooked.
04:18.01ManxPowerWhat I do is reserve a menu option on the main IVR menu for "if you know your party's extension dial 1
04:18.38ManxPowerRyanw: what country are you in?
04:18.51RyanwMaxn, yeah unfortunately i've already got all the recordings professionaly done and it would have to be re-recorded to include "if you know the extension dial 4"
04:18.58RyanwI'm an Aussie.
04:19.12ManxPowerah.  Don't know the dialing rules for down there.
04:20.52RyanwAustralia: all numbers are 10 digits the first 2 digits are either a mobile / state prefix. 0011 prefix for international
04:21.09ManxPoweralso 0 for outside line and 999 for emergency services?
04:21.31Ryanwwhats this outside line crap? and in Australia 000 for emergency services
04:22.06ManxPoweroutside line is what larger pbxs use to avoid using dialing timeouts.
04:22.22Ryanw0118 999 88199 9119 7253....hehe
04:22.55Ryanwno need to tell it about an outside line, if its more then 5 digits and not 000, then its external
04:23.31ManxPowerand if it is 3 digits how long do you wait for the call to another internal extensions to start?
04:23.59Ryanwok, point taken.
04:24.03ManxPoweri.e. how do you know the user did not just pause to look at the number somewhere.
04:24.48[TK]D-FenderManxPower : load of course!
04:25.21ManxPowerAussieland has a similar design to the USA, just with different key digits.  In the USA it is common for this:
04:25.26heisondoes anyone know of a good Nortel person who I can rely on with integrating Nortel M1 Option 11C with AS5300 over PRI NI2??
04:26.27ManxPowerDial 9 for an outside line, never start extensions with digit 9.  911 is emergency services, the international access is 011 and incountry non-local calls start with a 1
04:28.05ManxPowerSo on my systems, extens 2000-7999 can be extensions, 911 or 9911 will go to emergenct services, local call are 9+7-digits, toll are 9+1+10-digits
04:29.58RyanwManxPower, whats your OS for *?
04:30.07ManxPowerRyanw: linux 8-)
04:30.33Ryanwwhat distro, i'm using FC5
04:31.03ManxPowerI'm a fan of Mandrake for too many reasons to go into.
04:36.58*** join/#asterisk SwK (
04:38.53NDTgo away SwK
04:44.55*** join/#asterisk gchaix (n=gchaix@osuosl/staff/gchaix)
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04:45.52JTRyanw: not all australian numbers are 10 digits
04:46.10JTstandard landlines with the area code included, and mobile numbers are
04:46.20JTbut there's stuff like 13xxxx
04:46.49JTand people don't dial numbers with area codes unless they have to :)
04:48.43Juggie10digit dialing is forced in alot of places now
04:49.19JTin .au?
04:56.00*** join/#asterisk obiwanmikenolte (
04:57.39hadsNot in .au
04:58.13hadsYou didn't even have to dial 10 digits on your mobile for the local area last time I was in .au
05:01.20*** join/#asterisk benjk (
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05:02.28Guadamu1hello everybody. I'm new in the channel, so nice to meet you. I'm guadamux, from Costa Rica
05:03.46JThads: i know, i live here, you don't :)
05:03.57JTnot sure if Juggie was refering to some corporate pabxes
05:04.31Guadamu1I'm looking for the best way to have load-balancing redundant asterisk servers. Any suggestion?? I believe that I have to use LVS (Linux Virtual Server) o something like that...
05:04.51JTthere's only 5 landline area codes
05:11.47*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
05:12.32RyanwGuadamu1, i'm not sure if there is something already constructed or not but if there is not you could try heartbeat, lvs & asterisk-realtime sip
05:14.40Guadamu1thank you, Ryanw
05:16.07JThads: oh, and before when i said "you don't" i was refering to having to dial area codes, i wasn't being snobbish :P
05:17.02hadsJT: I know, I was backing you up! :)
05:17.59hadsJT: I'm coming to visit you .au's in January for LCA
05:18.07*** join/#asterisk aadilismail (n=adilisma@
05:24.10JTin my city too
05:24.36Guadamu1qdk, are you there?
05:26.11*** join/#asterisk linlin (n=linlin@
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05:34.39crosslimitshi guys
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06:28.56jaikeanyone using aastra sip phones?
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06:47.37Chris-NBsomeone got experience with regex for enum entries? (bind dns server)
06:48.19Chris-NBi've to enter 4 digit extensions, but there are fax extensions mixed in it : /
06:48.30Chris-NBso i've to spare them out
06:50.53*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
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07:14.12nentisAny reason why dial by directory would not hit VM if unanswered?  Punching in the extension works, and the directory works for internal users.  Only POTS trunks exibit this behavior.
07:14.41*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:21.21DarKnesS_WolFnentis: seems ur dialplan has something wrong
07:22.25*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
07:23.26nentisWhat is the best method of debugging the dial plan?  Starting asterisk with -vv?
07:23.40nentisor is there a useful console debug command
07:28.38*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
07:45.20crosslimitsnew born ...i have been delete all the sounds file from sounds dir ... how can i reload or download again ???
07:48.14*** join/#asterisk aadilismail (n=adilisma@
07:48.34aadilismailsorry got dc .. .
07:48.39hadsnew born?
07:48.59hadsmake install should install the sounds.
07:49.23aadilismaili have been deleted all the sounds.. file... no file exist in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds... how can i reload and download again ?/?
07:50.06*** join/#asterisk TheBleh (
07:50.18aadilismailwhere shud i enter this command?
07:50.54*** join/#asterisk Rhizome (
07:50.55DarKnesS_WolFaadilismail: also there is asterisk-sounds in
07:51.03DarKnesS_WolFnentis: or from CLI set verbose 99999
07:53.11DarKnesS_WolFnentis: always good idea to enable the full logger
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07:58.13*** join/#asterisk Sasch (
07:58.23Saschcan help me ....
07:59.05Saschi have a tdm400p .... with one FXO for my pstn (telecom italia Spa) and one FXS for my fax ...
07:59.27DarKnesS_WolFSasch: go on
07:59.51Saschi'm italian and is difficult to translate :-P
08:00.04Saschi want when in pstn asterisk found a fax
08:00.20*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (
08:00.34Saschredirect it in FXS channel
08:00.40Saschit is possible ??
08:01.07Saschbeacause i realize a dial plan that WaitExten
08:01.57sahafeezthe fax calls is coming in on the tdm400p?
08:02.20*** join/#asterisk blueneon (
08:02.35Saschyes ..
08:02.38DarKnesS_WolFSasch: yes
08:02.42DarKnesS_WolFi have the same setup
08:02.48DarKnesS_WolFone line gose directly to the fax machine
08:03.06Saschasp i link my dial plan
08:03.42DarKnesS_WolFSasch: in ur extentions.conf go to teh incoming calls context to ur phone line and let it dial the FXS channel ;-)
08:05.45blueneoni have fedora core 3 and asterisk 1.2.12 and zaptel 1.2.10 installed with a TDM400P .. everything is setup and is working perfectly... we currently only have 1 fxo and 1 fxs all incoming calls come via the fxo and are then routed to the internal zap on fxs, i would like to start playing with routing of calls via voip to a remote person. How do I do that, can asterisk forward calls to skype?
08:07.06Sasch<DarKnesS_WolF> my telephone is 0577 807317 ... i make a line in my extension.conf that is exten => 7,1,dial(Zap/2)
08:07.08shellsharknot to skype
08:07.21bigjbblueneon: if you want to route to skype you are going to need to use a piece of software like uplink
08:07.31shellsharkblueneon: you can use a real VoIP provider, however (not Vonage, not Skype)
08:07.43shellsharkblueneon: I recommend ShellShark Networks,
08:08.10blueneoni live in South Africa
08:08.22Saschbut when i lunch 0577 807317 7 asterisk don't send call in Zap/2
08:08.22blueneonreal voip providers are hard to come by
08:08.56blueneoni dont want it to call a phsyical line, i want it to use voip to voip so its a free call
08:09.01shellsharkblueneon: where are you wanting to make the majority of your calls to? .za?
08:09.18blueneondoes that mean both me and the remote user would need to subscribe to that shellshark provider?
08:09.22shellsharkerr, you normally can not call the PSTN for free :p
08:09.22nentisI've had good experience with voicepluse (
08:09.46blueneoni dont want to call a PSTN for free, or at all
08:09.47shellsharkblueneon: no, a VoIP provider gives you PTSN access over IP
08:10.01blueneonnow im confused
08:10.09blueneonwe have a normal analog line
08:10.13blueneonclients call that
08:10.16blueneonasterisk answers
08:10.17shellsharkthen you can have your friend register to your asterisk server directly, and call him as an extension
08:10.23blueneonand forwards to an internal extension
08:10.26shellsharkwe understand your setup ;)
08:10.34blueneonif busy i want to forward to a voip
08:10.41blueneon(a mate down the road)
08:11.00shellsharkah, ok, set your mate up an extension on your asterisk box
08:11.11blueneondoh didnt think of that
08:11.20shellsharkSIP or IAX2 or MGCP or SCCP or UNISTIM.... however you want to do it :)
08:11.22*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
08:11.56SaschCtRiX can help me ???
08:12.05nentishey sjobeck (Kris from OpenSourcery)
08:12.36sjobeckkris: do I owe you an email?
08:13.02sjobeckkris: oh, no, sorry, wrong kris, right, yeah, yeah, hey, how are you?
08:13.05nentisuh.. no.  Just saying hi. :)  (Thanks for the Jay referal.. it worked out great)
08:13.22blueneonwhats the best free software that my mate can use to connect/register to asterisk via IP
08:13.24sjobecknentis: grt. call on us any time. pleasure
08:13.32blueneonIAX2 would be best protocol no?
08:14.13sjobeckbluenon: IAX is not a standard, SIP is, SIP doesnt do all types of NAT, IAX does, far more ITSP's do SIP
08:14.31blueneonbut isnt asterisks native IAX?
08:15.03sjobeckbluenon: native sip, native iax, native pstn, native others as well
08:15.41blueneonwell i've used x-lite via sip and it seems rather crappy, i get break up in the line etc
08:15.50blueneonthe software seems buggy
08:16.00blueneonwhats the best free SIP software ?
08:16.11monstedblueneon: asterisk of course ;)
08:16.35blueneoni mean for the client side
08:16.43blueneonie. instead of x-lite
08:17.06monstedi use idefisk and iax, dunno about sip clients
08:17.56blueneonok so whats the best iax client?
08:18.51_Vilewhere's my muffin?
08:19.16qdkblueneon: sjphone
08:19.24qdkblueneon: for SIP.
08:20.10jaikeblueneon: are you sure the breakup you hear on the line isnt caused by congestion of you internet connection? we use sip with xlite but we dont have those problems
08:20.37*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:20.46blueneonits LAN
08:20.49blueneonso no
08:21.11jaikewere using it in our LAN also, QA listening to agents calls
08:21.22qdkjaike: xlite IS bad... it adds stupid latency.
08:21.44jaikeqdk: well weve not had problems so far
08:21.58EyeCuemiranda-im + iax.dll :D
08:22.14qdkjaike: never said that, but you probably never looked at the latency.
08:22.35blueneonhmm what port do i open on my firewall to allow remote sip clients to register with my asterisk box?
08:24.39hads5060 UDP
08:24.56hadsYou'd want to know that you secured your box first of course.
08:25.21EyeCuelaf at box.
08:26.24SaschCALLERID is the num of a persona that call me ... for look wath number compose it ...
08:26.48sjobeckbluenon: sjphone
08:27.00SaschCALLERID is the number of a person thatt call me
08:27.45sjobeckbluenon: udp/5060 as well as udp/10000-20000
08:28.05Saschthere is a viarible that explain the number that digit a person form example my number is 456 if the person when call me digit 456 789 (for look 789)
08:28.16Saschi don't speak very well english I'm italian ...
08:28.23Saschexcusme -.-'
08:29.47*** join/#asterisk inspired (n=mikael@
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08:35.10hadsSasch: EXTEN
08:35.27*** join/#asterisk blueneon` (
08:40.27Saschi have want to realize a dial plan that when a person call me at my number (0577807317) start a menu (1 for sales etc......) and when digit 05778073177 call redirect to my Zap/2
08:40.31Saschcan help me ...
08:41.00Saschexcusme when call 05778073177 call redirect to my Zap/2
08:49.22*** join/#asterisk NDT (
08:50.26NDTheh...I am either getting old or I forget...But wasn't there a way to make an extension so say a sip friend using xlite when they dialed an extension could create a mailbox?
08:50.52NDTInstead of having the box already predefined
09:00.54*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
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09:12.20blueneonhmm, i am trying to let an friend register on asterisk using sjphone (SIP)
09:12.29blueneonfor some reason its not working
09:12.36blueneonand asterisk isnt giving any msg's
09:12.59blueneonbut if i do it from the LAN it connect
09:13.18blueneoni have opened my firewall to allow all ports incoming (just to test)
09:15.49*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=fenlande@
09:20.09DarKnesS_WolFblueneon: pastbin ur sip.conf
09:20.26infinity1i just updated from 1.2.10 to 1.2.13 and i'm getting errors when dialing. dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
09:20.27DarKnesS_WolFblueneon: and edit /etc/asterisk/logger.conf and enable full loger
09:20.49DarKnesS_WolFinfinity1: iax2 show peers
09:20.58DarKnesS_WolFand make sure the person ur calling is registered
09:21.42infinity1DarKnesS_WolF: 4 iax peers.
09:22.01infinity1DarKnesS_WolF: i'm trying to use voipjet. looks fine
09:22.16infinity1something changed from .10 to .13 hmm
09:22.47DarKnesS_WolFinfinity1: no route to destination means it can't reach the extentions / context ur dialing.
09:23.28*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (n=A-Tuin@
09:25.25infinity1i removed the dns name of voip jet and put in the IP addr of their server
09:25.25infinity1seems to work now.
09:26.47infinity1strange. why isn't dns working inside asteirks
09:27.33*** join/#asterisk jeremy_g (
09:29.31jaikeinfinity1: nslookup resolving properly?
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09:32.30infinity1jaike: yea. strange. after "  == Refreshing DNS lookups." appeared on the console, it started working
09:36.43aadilismailnew born...  WARNING[12036]: app_voicemail.c:2412 leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for '123'.. where voice mail conf???
09:47.27*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
09:52.16DarKnesS_WolFaadilismail: and every time u say new born go read the book or check
09:52.50jeremy_gDarKnesS_WolF: :) dont be hard on him
09:53.05DarKnesS_WolFjeremy_g: this is the 3rd new born thing ;-)
09:53.21FTexcommine's the kind of problem everyboyd avoids
09:53.55DarKnesS_WolFjeremy_g: hehe it's okay ;-)
09:54.16DarKnesS_WolFFTexcom: what is ur problem ?
09:54.34FTexcomSPA941 can't transfr calls
09:54.49DarKnesS_WolFFTexcom: i don't know what is SPA941
09:54.55FTexcomit's a sip phone
09:55.54DarKnesS_WolFFTexcom: i don't know but for ex in my giptel phones i press hold then dial 215 then push transfaer and i hangup
09:55.57DarKnesS_WolFand it's working fine
09:56.15DarKnesS_WolFFTexcom: so i think u need to read ur phone manuals
09:56.27FTexcomI'm doing it the way the phone manual says
09:56.34FTexcomI even updated firmware
09:57.07DarKnesS_WolFi don't have one to help u sorry
09:57.29FTexcomno problem, I can still blame on the phones :P
09:58.09DarKnesS_WolFgood :P
09:59.36FTexcomit's a very strange problem...Thomson sip phones can transfer perfectly, ZAp extension can't, SPA can't...damn..
09:59.45DarKnesS_WolFtell me
09:59.55DarKnesS_WolFu press xfer right?
09:59.57DarKnesS_WolFthen u get a tone
10:00.01DarKnesS_WolFu dial 215
10:00.22DarKnesS_WolFafter he pics up / answer u click xfer again ?
10:00.23*** join/#asterisk blueneon` (
10:00.44FTexcomafter that, my phone hangs up and 215 can only hear silence
10:01.19DarKnesS_WolFFTexcom: hmmmm
10:01.23DarKnesS_WolFthere is 2 ways in the manual
10:01.24DarKnesS_WolFthis is one
10:01.28DarKnesS_WolFdid u try the other ?
10:02.18*** join/#asterisk moon06 (n=michael@
10:02.48FTexcomthe blind transfer method?
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10:03.27DarKnesS_WolF2 mothods for attanding transfer
10:03.40DarKnesS_WolFFTexcom: check the transfer
10:04.07DarKnesS_WolFFTexcom: also tell me something all 3 phones are in the same network "LAN "?
10:05.43FTexcomxferLx dosn't work
10:06.46FTexcomI can't believe
10:06.50FTexcomthis is like going to the docto
10:10.24FTexcomeverything's working correctly now
10:10.43*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
10:10.57FTexcomI just don't get it
10:11.10bkw_give it time
10:12.08RoyKbkw_: you don't get it either, do you?
10:12.14DarKnesS_WolFFTexcom: the transfer works ?
10:13.44FTexcomyes, now it works
10:15.28FTexcomI'm confused..
10:15.44bkw_RoyK, apparently I don't...
10:15.56FTexcomI think you scared the shit out of the phoen DarKnesS_WolF
10:16.14bkw_the Asterisk Architecture blows.. thats about the extent of what I get.
10:18.10RoyKbkw_: it's too great for a small man like you to grasp
10:18.48bkw_RoyK, maybe so :(
10:19.27RoyKa complex network of bugs supporting oneanother and filling into each other, forming a jelly-like substance claiming to be stable
10:19.33bkw_this dialplan thing you speak of... I wasn't aware dialplans could have logic..
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10:20.07bkw_I thought a dial plan routes calls from one place to another... at least thats the impression I got
10:21.33monstedone nice hack i've seen is to have the dialplan check if a bluetooth enabled cell phone is within reach, then choose not to dial it if it's sitting next to a wired phone anyway
10:22.20bkw_yes thats hackish at best
10:23.55monstedpretty neat, i thought :)
10:36.38*** join/#asterisk juice (
10:37.34Simplixis there any way to put call farwarding in odbc ?
10:40.12bkw_look for app_dbodbc
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10:43.15pifwet dreams..
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10:49.24|Johny|have you guys tried the Cisco 7970 ?
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10:49.31|Johny|Im making the config file
10:49.39|Johny|and I dont know what to put in:
10:50.13|Johny|whats this "versionStamp"?
10:51.04*** join/#asterisk ScottyTM (
10:52.25ScottyTMis there a possibility to include other contexts in Asterisk realtime extensions?
10:52.53ScottyTMlike include => othercontext
10:53.40aadilismailnew born... in sip.conf or extensions.conf... suddenly my finger touched key " V " and i saw " VISUAL" ,,,wats it ???
10:54.47DarKnesS_WolFaadilismail: what ediror ur using ?vim ?
10:54.57DarKnesS_WolFaadilismail: and this is not a freaking asterisk thing ! it's a vim thing
10:54.58ScottyTMit's a vim feature
10:55.19aadilismailok let me check
10:55.24ScottyTMfor the use of copy and paste for example
10:55.54DarKnesS_WolFaadilismail: /j #vim
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10:59.46DarKnesS_WolFFTexcom: cool let me scare some more phones :P
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11:05.56Simplixthanx bkw_ for app_dbodbc
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11:18.00DarKnesS_WolFRoyK: what is htcpcp ?
11:18.17jbot[htcpcp] the 'Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol' defined in RFC2324
11:18.45*** join/#asterisk neoalex (
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11:19.36neoalexhello... can asterisk and stun server run properly on the same machine
11:20.38neoalexbassically I need to connect a client that is behind a nat to an asterisk, and I suppose stun is the way to do it
11:21.13DarKnesS_WolFneoalex: yes
11:21.24DarKnesS_WolFneoalex: actually u can try without stun
11:21.31DarKnesS_WolFi have some clients behind nat and it's working
11:21.42DarKnesS_WolFin sip use canreinvite = no nat = yes
11:21.50DarKnesS_WolFor using iax and fwd one port from there router ;-)
11:22.02neoalexI have that and it is not working, at least for one particular provider
11:22.16neoalexthey did the nat, and I suspect they even blocked some ports
11:22.40neoalexso the client won't connect, but normally it works
11:23.10neoalexso for the clients using that ISP I would need to use stun or something of the sort
11:23.14neoalexXtunnels maybe is not working atm so that's why I would try stun
11:24.35DarKnesS_WolFneoalex: stund
11:26.18neoalexright, and that will work fine on the same machine as asterisk
11:26.43neoalexbecause I read some post on some forum that they would not work because they listen on the same port
11:27.29DarKnesS_WolFneoalex: i think u can control that
11:33.27*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
11:36.19aadilismailwhat is HAYES COMMANDS???
11:37.38monstedaadilismail: AT commands for modems
11:37.39*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
11:37.52monsted(and there's no need to yell)
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11:57.16blueneon`is there somewhere in asterisk where one can up the volume for internal lines?
11:58.42blueneon`the internal phone is on max vol yet its still very soft when i talk to a caller i can hardly hear them
11:59.09*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=jaike@
12:00.48FTexcomblueneon` rxgain, txgain values
12:04.00blueneon`in which file?
12:05.00*** join/#asterisk zeppelin_ (
12:05.33*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
12:07.12blueneon`zaptel.conf i imagine
12:07.16FTexcomblueneon` yes
12:07.42FTexcomyou can try the ztmonitor command to check the values of the rxgain and txgain
12:07.43blueneon`line 8: Unknown keyword 'rxgain'
12:07.43blueneon`line 9: Unknown keyword 'txgain'
12:08.36FTexcomit's on zapata.conf, sorry
12:08.48blueneon`lol ok
12:10.15FTexcomhow much would you paid for a box with a 4 channel rdsi digium card and a functional asterisk?
12:10.56DarKnesS_WolFwhat is rdsi ?
12:11.25FTexcomISDN...RDSI it's on spanish
12:11.57DarKnesS_WolFdigium makes ISDN cards ?
12:13.09FTexcom yes
12:13.19RoyKDarKnesS_WolF: you may say that, but I'd recommend using sangoma's cards instead. less buggy
12:13.45DarKnesS_WolFRoyK: i don't use ISDN cards
12:13.55DarKnesS_WolFi have analog TDM400P and it works very good !
12:14.41RoyKpots is evil
12:14.47FTexcomI'm making a budget for a client based on a ISDN 4 channels card with asterisk
12:15.24*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:15.26DarKnesS_WolFRoyK: what ?
12:15.32DarKnesS_WolFFTexcom: i see  i have one of this but T1/E1
12:15.42*** join/#asterisk zamba (
12:17.18zazzizzapots = Plain Old Telephone System/Service depending on the teacher :-S
12:18.09monstedwe usually refer to our POTS-enabled colleagues as telegraph operators... they don't seem to like that ;)
12:18.26blueneon`I have a TDM400P too and its perfect
12:18.38DarKnesS_WolFblueneon`: i have 5 of it :P mawhahahhahaha
12:18.46monsted(i work for one of those evil telco monopolies, doing VoIP for larger customers)
12:18.51DarKnesS_WolFblueneon`: at work none is mine :P but soon i'll get my own ;-)
12:18.57blueneon`i have 1 lol with only 1 fxo and 1 fxs
12:19.12DarKnesS_WolFblueneon`: that will be like mine
12:19.16blueneon`but im going to be expanding to two fxo's and two fxs soon
12:19.17DarKnesS_WolFhow much did it cost?
12:19.25FTexcomHere we have a 6 fxo and 6 fxs
12:19.45blueneon`mine was about $250
12:19.50blueneon`incl the mods ofc
12:20.01DarKnesS_WolFofc ?
12:20.12DarKnesS_WolFyes it's around 216 onlin ;-)
12:20.31blueneon`*shrug* oh well
12:20.32DarKnesS_WolFbut that almost a one month salary for me :-s
12:20.37DarKnesS_WolFin egypt
12:20.44blueneon`i live in South Africa
12:21.00DarKnesS_WolFblueneon`: ahh rich :P
12:21.01FTexcomand it's almost a salary here too
12:21.09DarKnesS_WolFblueneon`: i have a friend thinking of moving to sa
12:21.21blueneon`is he mad?
12:21.24DarKnesS_WolFFTexcom: lets move to blueneon` he is inviting us :P
12:21.28DarKnesS_WolFsee ?
12:21.45FTexcomsouth africa? no thanks
12:21.45DarKnesS_WolFblueneon`: invitation accept
12:21.45blueneon`im looking to leave
12:21.45DarKnesS_WolFFTexcom: the country of dimons :P
12:21.51blueneon`but i run my own biz here
12:21.53DarKnesS_WolFblueneon`: really ? advice stay awya from egypt
12:21.58FTexcomI have an angolan friend...he dosn't like south africans a lot
12:22.03blueneon`i would never live in egypt
12:22.13blueneon`i wanna go to Australia
12:22.55DarKnesS_WolFblueneon`: ah cool same here or any other country :-)
12:23.09blueneon`im actually scottish
12:23.11FTexcomI'm pretty fine in Spain...
12:23.16blueneon`my parents moved here when i was small
12:23.40blueneon`tho i moved to the UK when i was 17 and lived there on my own for about 2 years.. got sick of the weather and came back
12:23.44blueneon`i wish i never came back tho
12:23.47DarKnesS_WolFblueneon`: lol small ?
12:23.49DarKnesS_WolFhow small :P?
12:24.02DarKnesS_WolFah young :P
12:24.33blueneon`ye any way in the last year alone, i have been pickpocketed so has my wife, and we were robbed while asleep in our beds!!
12:24.41blueneon`so ye im looking to get out of this shit hole
12:24.51blueneon`but not to go back to UK
12:24.55blueneon`so its a catch 22
12:24.59FTexcomI know SA it's a pretty dangerous place
12:25.24DarKnesS_WolFblueneon`: how old are u !?
12:25.27blueneon`only ever since they did away with apartheid, and i dont mean that in a rasist way at all
12:25.43DarKnesS_WolFblueneon`: same here
12:29.54*** join/#asterisk glitch- (i=1045@unaffiliated/glitchz)
12:30.08glitch-any tips for learning SIP protocol for corporate telephony?
12:30.49zazzizzadoes anybody know what is the issue with iaxtel? i wanted to place some calls yesterday, and found it dead. i guess it's been so for long...
12:31.19DarKnesS_WolFglitch-: read the RFC
12:32.02DarKnesS_WolFzazzizza: yes iaxtel is down since yesterday as i think. not sure but i got another provider ..
12:32.02zazzizzaglitch-: how deep? rfcs are *the ultimate* guide, but not for the unwary
12:32.44zazzizzaDarKnesS_WolF: do the reach the same numbers? i just wanted to call digium :-S
12:33.11*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
12:33.35zazzizzaanyway, any of you most probably know. i bought a tdm400, is it 3.3v or 5v? cause i just have 5v slots on the box asterisk is now running
12:33.44glitch-DarKnesS_WolF:yes i read rfc 3261
12:33.52zazzizzaand i dont want to do something i may regret lol
12:34.09DarKnesS_WolFzazzizza: check the website
12:34.31zazzizzaDarKnesS_WolF i did. there's nothing in it
12:34.35zambahow can i set priorities of codecs to use?
12:34.40zazzizzaDarKnesS_WolF not a mention
12:34.54DarKnesS_WolFzamba: disallow=all allow=codecs u want
12:35.09zambaDarKnesS_WolF: how is the priority set?
12:35.25DarKnesS_WolFzamba: i think the 1st one is used 1st
12:35.30zambaah, got it :)
12:35.37DarKnesS_WolFdon't know if there is an option to use the client perfreed
12:36.06glitch-zazzizza:i start study two days ago, befor i use cisco callmanager
12:36.59zazzizzaglitch-. if you want to go cisco, there's 2 courses/material i may consider. cvoice for voice over ip, and cipt for ip telephony
12:37.40zazzizzaglitch-. they're not quite the same. cvoice is architectural voip, and ipt is call manager/poe stuff
12:38.16inspiredhmm, when using Originate from AMI billsec is always 0, although duration is set and disposition is ANSWERED. has anyone seen this?
12:40.56*** join/#asterisk brif8 (n=brif8@
12:42.02zazzizzaglitch-. there's a cisco press book... let me see
12:42.26brif8I was given the "latest" firmware for the CG-410 from Clipcomm now I CAN'T  receive any calls I get "chan_sip.c:10468 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user 3000"  Any ideas how to fix this ?
12:53.14*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
12:53.14*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- New Asterisk 1.0, 1.2, 1.2-netsec, 1.4beta, Asterisk-addons 1.2, 1.4beta, Zaptel 1.2, 1.4beta, and Libpri 1.2 releases now available! (Oct. 18, 2006) -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=- Join #asterisk-gui to learn about the new Asterisk GUI framework
12:53.48glitch-i've been working with cisco since 2000
12:53.55glitch-still want to get ccie :-S
12:54.10*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:54.26zambahow do i set up conference rooms in asterisk?
12:54.45monstedglitch-: with cisco products or do you actually work for cisco?
12:55.17*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
12:58.18glitch-cisco product
12:59.23DarKnesS_WolFUpdate: Asterisk 1.4 will include a 'whisper' feature as part of ChanSpy(): A third party may speak to only one of the two parties of a bridged call. i love this !!!!
13:00.40*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
13:00.55monstedglitch-: damn, i need someone to go smack the cat6500 dev team upside the head
13:01.37zazzizzamonsted. what happened? troubles? (a)
13:02.42monstedzazzizza: debugging on WS-X6608-E1 cards in a cat6500 running hybrid (IOS/CatOS) is a pain
13:03.20zazzizzamonsted. not a pain. is sick :-D
13:05.40glitch-25000 SIP telephon network on openser in plan
13:08.47*** join/#asterisk roxy_ (
13:10.30roxy_The O'Reilly Asterisk book gives some hardware  requirement depending of the number of channels. In this context is a channel a "conversation", so a conference between 5 peoples is considered 1 channel ?
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13:11.49monstedroxy_: that usually counts as five channels
13:12.00*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
13:12.18monsted(five people calling the conference service)
13:12.20roxy_monsted: then  conversation between 2 people is 1 or 2 ?
13:12.37roxy_monsted: thanks
13:12.56monstedunless  it needs to transcode, i suppose it might be two :)
13:13.09*** join/#asterisk nicchap (n=nicchap@
13:14.03roxy_Is there a white paper to grab somewhere on the install of asterisk in a 1500 persons company ?
13:15.29brif8Hi All   I was given the "latest" firmware for the CG-410 from Clipcomm now I CAN'T  receive any calls I get  Failed to authenticate user 3000"  when the call is made  Any Ideas ??   I see that the Call comes in
13:15.49*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
13:16.01brif8user 3000<sip:3523029577@>;tag=3102468673     where  3000 is the PSTN/VoIP Port and 3523029577 is the phone calling in ?
13:16.20brif8I thought that exten => s, covered all numbers ?
13:18.03*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
13:18.21MGSsanchon00b should have read the voip-info site
13:18.38zambacan anyone help me compiling the zaptelrtc module?
13:18.54zambai'm getting so many errors it's incredible :)
13:20.37*** join/#asterisk Arnar (
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13:26.24brif8Did Asterisk 1.2.10  have problems with caller ID ? by any chance ?
13:29.12brif8when sending caller id in the sip packet  shouldn't it be  From:  caller_ID<sip:asterisk number@asterisk ip>;tag=.....     and NOT   From:  asterisk_number<sip:caller_ID@asterisk ip>;tag=   ??
13:30.15FTexcomphone unlocked
13:30.17*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
13:32.23*** join/#asterisk BASEman (i=keefejoh@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:35.18BASEmanI was told that asterisk could use any good old modem to connect your phone to it, interally; this way, my linux router would serve as an ATA. Is that correct?
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13:39.28RyanWBASEman, i doubt its possible.
13:39.44tzangerBASEman: it can
13:39.59tzangerBASEman: it has to be one of a very specific series of WinModems
13:40.09tzangerdo some research on wcfxo
13:40.25tzangerthat is for an FXO port though, I am not aware of any WinModem that Asterisk supports for FXS.
13:42.50BASEmantzanger: I am not sure to follow you... You mean, my good old USR won't help, right?
13:43.23tzangerit must be one of a specific series of either Motorola or Intel WinModems, IIRC (It's been qutie some time since I've been involved in this)
13:46.00*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (
13:46.05skirmishahello guys
13:46.27skirmishadoes anyone know how can i redirect calls coming from sip to another sip provider?
13:46.40BASEmantzanger, but finding one of these will surely cost me less than an ATA and offer me more possibilities, right? Or would you not recommand this way of doing it?
13:47.30tzangerdepends.  some work well, some don't work well.  Interfacing to the PSTN is always a crapshoot because there are so many variables, and the quality of the hybrid plays a key role.
13:47.47tzangerpoor quality hybrid = audio issues, echo, problems detecting digits, you name it
13:52.31*** join/#asterisk seele_ (n=seele@
13:52.36seele_hello !
13:53.11*** join/#asterisk lupino3 (
13:53.42seele_I'm seeing "channel.c: Nobody there, continuing..." in the asterisk full.log. This error is repeated 20+ times per second when it occurs .... please help !
13:54.30anonymouz666I saw this once
13:55.15anonymouz666It was because I applied a patch
13:57.02skirmishadoes anyone know how can i redirect calls coming from sip to another sip provider?
13:57.04zazzizzaDo not worry.  Your TDM400P is dual slotted to work in both a 3.3V and 5.0V PCI slot that is PCI 2.2 compliant.  Have a great day!
13:57.18zazzizza:-D at least a good one
13:57.19DarKnesS_WolFzazzizza: hehe perfect answer ;-)
13:57.42zazzizzaindeed! better impossible! ;-)
13:57.55DarKnesS_WolFzazzizza: have a good day setting it up;-)
13:57.58DarKnesS_WolFskirmisha: more information ?
13:58.15seele_skirmisha, add sip provider like a trunk
14:00.09skirmishai did
14:00.26skirmishau don't get me
14:00.29*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
14:00.36skirmishacalls coming from another sip server to asterisk
14:00.46skirmishai want to redirect all calls to third party sip gw
14:00.55skirmishaall incoming calls
14:01.06DarKnesS_WolFskirmisha: so u want all incoming calls gose to another server
14:01.24DarKnesS_WolFadd context to the sip proverder where the calls are comming
14:01.25DarKnesS_WolFand do
14:01.32DarKnesS_WolFin that extention
14:01.43DarKnesS_WolFexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/theoterhserver)
14:01.59DarKnesS_WolFi hope i got it right and and i hope it will work adn do what u want . " there is no warranty :P
14:02.05*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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14:02.50BASEmantzanger, thank you, I'll investigate the topic more when I have time...
14:02.56b11d|bblmorning lads
14:03.20*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
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14:05.40zazzizzaDarKnesS_WolF thanks! i have already an asterisk box trunking calls via a c2600 + 2 clone fxs to get in&out of the existing pbx, so putting this to work will be much easier ;-)
14:05.45*** join/#asterisk benjk (
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14:07.47skirmishaDarKnesS_WolF there is one more thing, all incoming calls are not coming from phones registered with asterisk
14:08.22brif8SIP Header  From:   should it not read   "From:  Caller_ID<sip:extension@Asterisk_IP_Address>;tag=...."  Yet mine is showing   "From:  extension<sip:callerID@Asterisk_IP_Address>;tag=...."  and thus resulting in Failed to Authenticate user ERROR ?
14:08.40brif8is this a 1.2.10 Bug or what ?
14:09.07*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (n=A-Tuin@
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14:11.36DarKnesS_WolFskirmisha: so ?
14:13.46skirmishawill this do the job
14:14.22*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
14:16.41skirmishai am not sure how asterisk will know where to route the calls
14:17.01DarKnesS_WolFskirmisha: routeing hte calls called a dialplan
14:17.06DarKnesS_WolFu do ur own dialplan
14:17.13*** part/#asterisk brif8 (n=brif8@
14:17.22skirmishayes that's ok
14:17.36*** join/#asterisk dil (
14:18.26dilwhere can i get business edition support?
14:18.51zazzizzadil -> -> contact
14:20.38bXican somebody recommend a way of capturing sip data before it enters asterisk?
14:20.51bXitrying to troubleshoot some issues on my isdn line
14:20.57*** join/#asterisk p1p (
14:20.58Rhizometshark port 5060
14:21.00skirmishabXi what issues
14:21.08bXiskirmisha: basicly
14:21.17bXisome sip phones produce stuttering on the isdn lines
14:22.14bXiit was really bad in the beginning
14:22.55bXibut i fixxed that by putting the RTP payload size from 0.03 (standard setting on SPA3000) to 0.020 (standard according to manual AND rfc)
14:24.48bXimusic on hold works perfectly on the isdn
14:24.57bXiso its something with communicating towards asterisk
14:24.59skirmishaahh that's most probably is codec problem or bandwidth
14:25.41skirmishadoes your asterisk have isdn cards?
14:25.54bXisome el cheapo isdn card
14:25.56bXiwith the visdn driver
14:26.13skirmishawhat codec do u use?
14:26.27bXion my sipphones i have G711u or G711a
14:26.32bXiboth produce the same effects
14:26.56skirmishathis is only on incoming or both incoming and outgoing
14:27.29bXiwhen i call to a cell phone the cell phones has most issues with stuttering
14:28.12skirmishahow many concurrent call do u have?
14:28.23bXiconcurrent == at the same time right?
14:28.58bXino other calls going on at the same time
14:29.04bXiits in testing stage now
14:29.07skirmishaspa3000 is sipura right?
14:29.18skirmishacan u test with g729 codec
14:29.22*** join/#asterisk gaspiz (n=gaspiz@
14:29.37bXii think asterisk doesnt have g729 but i'll try
14:30.09skirmishait relays g729
14:30.19*** join/#asterisk sb_mx (n=sb_mx@
14:30.20skirmishaif both parties support it
14:30.49bXiis g729a the same as g729 ?
14:30.52FTexcomtoo see if you have g729 support enabled do this on the translation...if you see numbers on the g729's avaliable
14:31.18gaspizHi, in asterisk 1.2.12 when from dead-agi you playback a file or wait for a digit and meanwhile the user hangs up the scripts halt. Did anyone experience this issue
14:31.19skirmishabXi try with g729 only
14:31.26bXig729     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
14:31.48FTexcomit's not available
14:32.12FTexcomthat's mine
14:32.19bXiwasnt g729 the codec you should pay for?
14:32.26FTexcomyes it is
14:33.08bXihmmm i do have g726 according to show translation
14:33.32bXig729 doesnt work on the spa3000
14:33.37*** join/#asterisk oa (
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15:02.28*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- New Asterisk 1.0, 1.2, 1.2-netsec, 1.4beta, Asterisk-addons 1.2, 1.4beta, Zaptel 1.2, 1.4beta, and Libpri 1.2 releases now available! (Oct. 18, 2006) -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=- Join #asterisk-gui to learn about the new Asterisk GUI framework
15:03.03*** join/#asterisk GaVak (
15:04.14MGSsanchoid reccomend the asterisk buisisness version from digium. and i know of a few guy who work for them. im just wondering if they are awake andhave their computers on
15:04.33MGSsanchodamn i make no sense when i dont sleep for a few days.
15:04.37*** join/#asterisk _polto_ (
15:04.42_polto_hello all
15:05.37_polto_do somebody know if i can use IAXy as a trunk to my analog line ? if yes, how to configure it ?
15:07.40*** join/#asterisk foxxtrot (
15:08.49GaVakWhen I set up my external SIP phone users and set externip= for their phones, the system starts treating their IP address as their user name. (Instead of the username set in the phone.) Is there a way to avoid this behavior?
15:12.15*** join/#asterisk DrkShdw (n=scorpio@unaffiliated/drkshdw)
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15:12.58ChicagoWhat resources are available for free incoming lines/ free outgoing lines?
15:16.05*** join/#asterisk kuto (n=ftft@
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15:19.16EFI-VJfree incomming sip voicestick free outgoing voipstunt
15:21.08b11dhow does that free stuff work?  wheres their income?
15:24.40zambawhen trying to load ztdummyi get the following error: ztdummy: no version for "struct_module" found: kernel tainted.
15:26.53*** join/#asterisk pifiu (n=someone@
15:27.15pifiumorning everyone!
15:27.44b11dpifiu.. i missed you at the gang bang last night.. where were you/
15:28.06*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
15:28.09GaVakZamba: suggests that you don't have the right links set for your kernel source.
15:28.20zambayeah, but i do :p
15:28.37zambai just rechecked that
15:30.37pifiuwho did you guys bang?
15:30.57*** join/#asterisk jtexter3 (
15:31.11b11dwell.. jenny for sure.. but there were two others there that i've never seen before
15:31.12jtexter3Anyone here having DTMF issues with a TE411P and Zaptel 1.2.10?
15:31.13b11dthey were asking for oyu
15:31.18b11dbut I was like.. i havent seem him
15:31.54*** join/#asterisk cbm11211 (n=Administ@
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15:34.54jcimshey folks, anyone know why my cdr's would show the src as 'Anonymous' for all calls from an internal phone to the outside?
15:35.02pifiushit you should have called me!
15:35.07pifiuyou know i got the polycom's!
15:35.17b11dsorry man..  next time I will for sure!
15:35.35pifiulol good
15:35.41b11djust bring that funny sock you wore that last time..
15:35.44b11dit cracked everyone up
15:35.48pifiulol ok?
15:36.00*** join/#asterisk _alex_mx_ (n=alex@
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15:37.34jcimsany fonality folks on?
15:38.10Qwell[]jcims: Surely they have their own support channels
15:38.26jcimsof course
15:38.41jcimsjust trying to help troubleshoot something for them
15:38.53b11dfor their support people?
15:38.56Qwell[]best to go through their support dept
15:38.59jcimsi am
15:39.01Qwell[]and yeah...
15:39.05Qwell[]b11d: I agree :p
15:39.15jcimsusually they are very good, this is just an odd thing
15:39.47jcimsi've googled it quite a bit, nobody here has responded to the issue, it's just unusual
15:40.03Qwell[]because nobody here is able to support fonality
15:40.09Qwell[]the whole "closed source" thing
15:40.36jcimsok...  didn't think it was that much of a deviation from the main product
15:42.48GaVakWhy would my * server read the Userid for phones inside the firewall, but for the phones with set, It reads the incoming IP as the user name?
15:42.53GaVakchan_sip.c:11131 handle_request_register: Registration from '<>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch
15:43.15GaVakIf I remove the externip= entry, it grabs the 4103.
15:44.15GaVakI would use the ips as the user name, but they are dynamic....
15:44.36*** part/#asterisk jcims (
15:48.32skirmishaanyone who knows good sip redirect server?
15:48.47ManxPowerGaVak: perhaps your localnet= is wrong?
15:49.22ManxPowerGaVak: I assume you have a [4103] section of sip.conf?
15:49.35jeremy_gwhat is callerid? is it what is in the From: field
15:49.51ManxPowerskirmisha: you mean SIP Proxy.  Try SER "SIP Express Router"
15:50.01jeremy_gwhat is display name, caller presentation text,
15:50.20jeremy_gskirmisha:dont try that. he is misguiding you.
15:50.24ManxPowerjeremy_g: no idea, I always override the callerid info in sip.conf
15:51.46*** join/#asterisk Katty (n=copirite@
15:52.27jeremy_gthis kinda signalling is way better than sip
15:52.35jeremy_gbuiltin sigcomp
15:52.56*** part/#asterisk mog (
15:52.56ManxPowerGood morning, Katty
15:52.57*** join/#asterisk DrkShdw (n=scorpio@unaffiliated/drkshdw)
15:53.19Kattyhey Manx (=
15:53.46jeremy_ghey Katty, u got cam n pics lolz
15:53.58fileKatty: I see you!
15:54.02Kattyfile: there you are!
15:54.10fileI also _heard_ you a short time ago
15:54.16Kattyfile: can you believe i had 12 enteries in my extensions.conf and you were the only one that answers still )=
15:54.23fileKatty: crazy that
15:54.26Kattyi know.
15:54.29Kattythey just /died/
15:54.32Kattyno voicemail
15:55.03*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=Silik0nJ@
15:55.07Kattyfile: we're nearly almost moved now :>
15:55.15Kattyfile: all the cat5 is ran...
15:55.21Kattyfile: and two of our servers are up and going.
15:55.33KattySwK: hey you (=
15:55.50Kattyfile: do you think there'd be any drawback in putting a demo server on a dmz port..
15:56.00Kattyfile: and then taking phones to..wherever.
15:56.09fileyes, it will catch on fire
15:56.13*** join/#asterisk svenna (
15:56.50fileNeutron Moon Rays will travel through the DMZ port
15:56.58Kattyi see i see, well that's quite a pickle.
15:57.06ChicagoAny gurus care to nurture my asterisk n00bishness?  I am on gentoo and have asterisk compiled... but I have a major problem.  I was planning on using some US Robotics voice modems which I have learned are absolutely not supported.
15:57.14Kattyi shall have to put my neutron ray filtermication system on it first.
15:57.41*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
15:57.42ChicagoIn my environment (home) I want to route and record/monitor calls from the home phone line and the cell phone... I was planning on having the lines passthrough asterisk and have asterisk dial out to reach me for all my incoming calls.
15:57.55Kattyfile: can you find me an arrow?
15:58.03ChicagoAnd then possibly get another verizon wireless phone and bind it to my asterisk to ensure all the calls to my mobile are in-network.
15:58.08Kattyfile: i want to put a company wide directory on the phone
15:58.12ChicagoCan somebody discuss this with me please.
15:58.37Kattyfile: course i don't know where to start )=
15:58.44Kattyfile: documentation is always good!
15:58.48JunK-Yhey katty, long time!
15:58.53KattyJunK-Y: hey hun!
15:58.59JunK-Ywhats up?
15:59.02KattyJunK-Y: yeah, we moved...
15:59.12KattyJunK-Y: been doing dirty work like running cable )=
15:59.19KattyJunK-Y: just 10 miles east
15:59.24monstedhmm, playing with least-cost call routing using various providers all over the world would be so much more interesting if i didn't have a free phone line already ;)
15:59.45*** join/#asterisk _santiago_ (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
15:59.51KattyJunK-Y: i finally got a desk again :P
16:00.30JunK-Yyay :)
16:00.38*** join/#asterisk rbd (
16:01.43rbdanyone on here know the SCCP (Cisco Skinny) signalling protocol? I was wondering if it supports port address translation (i.e. if in effect I could have multiple SCCP phone connections looking to be from an endpoint with a single IP)
16:02.09*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
16:04.02*** join/#asterisk Katty (n=copirite@
16:06.52X-Robanyone want any alison recordings done?
16:07.33b11dshe'll just record anything for people eh
16:08.20*** join/#asterisk brc_ (n=brc___@pdpc/supporter/basic/brc)
16:11.30*** join/#asterisk nortex (
16:13.22*** join/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
16:13.36roxy_is there a place where I can find doc on ~1500 users asterisk system ?
16:15.27*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
16:16.30zazzizzaroxy_ search depending on provisioning you should be able to asset the reqs
16:16.51nortexroxy_, You mean like examples or just a "is it possible"
16:17.42*** join/#asterisk brc_ (n=brc___@pdpc/supporter/basic/brc)
16:17.55andresmujicaanyone knows if the iaxy s101 would or could support an additional codec different form g726 an alaw?
16:18.11ManxPowerandresmujica: it does not and will not.
16:18.29ManxPowerandresmujica: it does not have enough processing power to support other codec
16:18.40andresmujicayeap that's the question.
16:18.44andresmujicaok thanks
16:18.52ManxPowerIt doesn't even support DNS
16:19.04andresmujicayeap that's a bad thing.
16:19.43andresmujicathe codec issue is a problem also for a remote deployment over poor bandwidth links...
16:19.55andresmujicabut anyway.. thanks
16:19.58*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
16:20.40Kattymister fender (=
16:26.05*** join/#asterisk _Vile (i=vile@
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16:31.16[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
16:37.36*** join/#asterisk Splat (
16:39.17*** join/#asterisk ruskie (n=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
16:41.17*** join/#asterisk Splas (
16:42.13*** join/#asterisk droops (
16:42.15*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
16:42.43hmmhesaysbeing sick really sucks
16:42.50Kattyhey hun
16:43.05hmmhesaysHey Katty
16:43.12hmmhesaysI've been doing nothing but laying in bed for days
16:43.40hmmhesaysI woke up in a hug puddle of sweat twice last night
16:45.14Kattyyou really should get your tail to the doctor.
16:46.06*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
16:46.12hmmhesaysno, just a ND sore throat
16:46.48roxy_zazzizza: thanks
16:47.05Kattyhmmhesays: well maybe they can do /something/
16:47.54roxy_nortex: example. Needed know-how and stuff. We need to evaluate to maybe switch in a 2~3 years.
16:49.57hmmhesaysyeah they'll charge me a bunch of money and send me on my way
16:51.42b11dcome over here to Hibbing
16:51.45b11dwe'll knock it out with some booze
16:51.54*** join/#asterisk krondorl (
16:52.06b11dI can set you up with a Northern Ontario remedy for a North Dakota Sore Throat
16:55.11hmmhesaysoh yeah?
16:55.17hmmhesaysno booze
16:55.23hmmhesaysno good for this
16:56.20krondorlI know this is a newbie question but then again I am kinda new at this..  In the SIP.CONF file do you have to have context=default in the [general] section?  if not there is it assumed as default?
16:56.21hmmhesayslook at the notes in sip.conf
16:56.21b11dactually the worst sore throat I've ever had was fixed in a jiff with some brandy in some hot lemon tea..
16:56.21b11dit was gone instantaneously
16:56.22b11dand I couldnt swallow before that
16:56.29krondorlthe are no longer there.. I didn't set this one up and the guy that did got rid of all the notes.
16:57.13krondorlalso the asteriskTFOT.pdf doesn't help explain it.
16:58.13zazzizzakrondorl: put context=<something>
16:58.44zazzizzaand get the sources, there you have the sample *.confs
16:58.47mercestesOn the function "ChanIsAvail()" I get an exit non-0 when trying ot do a ChanIsAvail on a phone in a conference.  Does ChanIsAvail support detection of a phone active in a conference??
16:59.31krondorlzazzizza, :) I understand how to enter the line, I just want to know if it has to be there or not and if not does it default to default.
17:00.07zazzizzait has to be there
17:00.13zazzizzaotherwise it's =default
17:01.00zazzizzait has to be there if you want the context to be something else (the "default" context, not context "default)
17:01.00ManxPowermercestes: the exit code means nothing.
17:01.42mercestesManxPower:  Ok, it's not actually executing any of hte code I've written either..:(
17:02.01krondorlzazzizza, Thanks, that's what I thought but wasn't sure..
17:02.09zazzizzakrondorl: ;-)
17:02.52mercestesIt does work correctly if a phone is available I would like to mention.  I'm running Asterisk 1.2.13 with Polycom phones (Firmware 1.6.6)
17:03.26ManxPowermercestes: look at the variables set by ChanIsAvail
17:04.07ManxPowerSpecifically ${AVAILSTATUS}
17:04.22krondorlAnyone know good IAX phones other than GNET?
17:05.17saftsackdoes someone of you has a fritzbox?
17:05.31b11dI cant get "The Teacher" by Jethro Tull out of my mind!!!!!
17:06.22mercestesManxPower: My first line of code is ChanIsAvail(sip/device)  My second line is NoOp($arg1} has a status of ${AvailStatus}) for debugging purposes.
17:06.40mercestesManxPower:  It is exitting non-zero before it hits that NoOp.
17:06.47mercestesbut it works fine if that phone is not in a conference.
17:07.46ManxPowermercestes: chanisavail should not care about what the phone is connected to, just that it is in use.
17:08.06ManxPowermercestes: put that part of the dialplan on
17:10.23*** join/#asterisk topping (
17:10.25mercestesManxPower:   Sure thing...just a sec.
17:12.35*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
17:13.26syzygyBSDfor sip.conf, if I want to bind to multiple IPs do I have multiple bindaddr lines or seperate the ips by a comma on one line?
17:14.08ManxPowersyzygyBSD: not having a bindaddr will bind to all IPS on the system
17:14.18ManxPowerlet the standard routing stuff pick which source IP
17:14.21syzygyBSDwell, what if I dont' want to bind to all of them
17:14.40syzygyBSDi could also enter if I wanted to bind to all of them
17:17.01*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
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17:19.06ManxPowerb11d: what was the cause?
17:19.11b11dip route
17:19.36b11dthat was it
17:19.38b11dfucking routing issue
17:21.03syzygyBSDlol.. I have to deal with a routing setup soon too
17:22.19b11doh yeah
17:22.26b11di never thought of it..
17:22.32b11dwhen I saw SIP working, i ruled it out..
17:22.36ManxPowerobviously neither did anyone else
17:22.36b11dbut yeah.. it was a routing issue
17:23.00*** join/#asterisk DasTech (
17:23.32b11dwell, yeah.. you guys did ask if it was a routing issue, but when we saw that ping was working, and SIP was working.. who would have
17:23.35syzygyBSDmine is a bit of a pain in the ass though, multiple network interfaces each with a connection to the internet, also acting as our office router
17:23.54DasTechany major issues found in 1.4-beta 3
17:23.54*** join/#asterisk hoobastooba (n=ckwall@
17:24.11DasTechor is there going to be a rc1 soon
17:24.19syzygyBSD3 subnets, 2 gateways... bah, later
17:24.28DasTechI have 1.4-beta 3 and thus far had no issues
17:24.57Qwell[]DasTech: no rc
17:25.03Qwell[]DasTech: probably 1 more beta, then release
17:25.05b11dQwell, you had it all along man
17:25.05mercestesManxPower:  Sorry, on a tech call...let me resolve htis and i'll post my code for you.
17:25.12Qwell[]b11d: wrong port?
17:25.14*** join/#asterisk pmnke (
17:25.23b11drouting issue.. so . kind of.
17:25.35b11dit just couldnt reach the phone..
17:26.07DasTechqwell and major bugs in beta3 that have been documented ?
17:26.21pmnkeHere in oregon, we have to use 10 digit dialing for local numbers (no leading 1 as in for long distance numbers) - so I add some leading x's to my [trunklocal] exten line, but now it catches long distance numbers and they thusly are not dialed correctly... does anyone have any idea on how to make this not happen?
17:26.22ManxPowerAh.  I NEVER use Linux as a router.
17:32.23*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:32.23*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- New Asterisk 1.0, 1.2, 1.2-netsec, 1.4beta, Asterisk-addons 1.2, 1.4beta, Zaptel 1.2, 1.4beta, and Libpri 1.2 releases now available! (Oct. 18, 2006) -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=- Join #asterisk-gui to learn about the new Asterisk GUI framework
17:32.38jbotwell, hmmhesays is not really here...
17:32.48ManxPowerthat picture does not match the model number
17:32.54hmmhesayssomeone needs to put something better in there
17:33.43*** part/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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17:33.51b11ddamn marketing depts..
17:33.54b11di hate them
17:34.15hoobastoobais there no way to limit inbound and outbound calls individually? instead of limiting all calls?
17:34.42*** join/#asterisk fx0 (
17:34.47roxy_ManxPower: I got the difference between FXS/FXO. So this connect to 2FXO and 2FXS:
17:34.49jeremy_gwhy do i keep getting these messages EBUG[30557] chan_sip.c: = No match Their Call ID: 25877@ Their Tag 3620 Our tag: as65a3af4a
17:34.49jeremy_gNov  3 18:02:36 DEBUG[30557] chan_sip.c: = No match Their Call ID: 37b436035e10bb77494ed0824179fb68@ Their Tag as24c9f703 Our tag: as486a
17:34.59*** join/#asterisk dostidilse (i=Shashu@
17:35.30b11dyou'd want the tdm22b then i think roxy_..
17:35.33ManxPowerjeremy_g: because you are running in debug mode.
17:35.33b11d2fxo and 2fxs
17:35.47dostidilsecan anyone help me out in finding a good training manuall for newb on astersik
17:35.50*** join/#asterisk SwK_ (
17:36.06b11ddostidilse.. and sitting right here
17:36.07b11dbest manual
17:36.15hoobastoobadostidilse: you want how to build it? or use it?
17:36.16b11dif you're new..  hang out
17:36.27roxy_dostidilse: I am reading the O'Reilly, it is good.
17:36.47roxy_and a safari book
17:36.56hoobastoobathat is a great start.
17:37.06dostidilsethanks for the input
17:37.09hoobastoobanext what you need is to try it all out hard knocks
17:37.23b11dyeah.. dont expect to make it work right the first time either..
17:37.31b11dyou're going to have to fux with it for awhile..
17:37.32b11dlearn it..
17:37.35hoobastoobayou will find that each implementation has its own issues that are not documented anywhere.
17:37.57dostidilsei will try .. else i will use this support channel
17:38.03hmmhesaysso true
17:38.07b11dyou will learn an immense amount of info sitting in here
17:38.37hoobastoobaif you read the books, and the wiki... you will be able to formulate the questions you need to ask here.
17:38.37b11dalso by listening to others..
17:38.43jeremy_gb11d:hows it going dude
17:39.18b11dits going great man.. you?
17:40.27*** join/#asterisk IgorG (
17:42.06*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:42.06*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- New Asterisk 1.0, 1.2, 1.2-netsec, 1.4beta, Asterisk-addons 1.2, 1.4beta, Zaptel 1.2, 1.4beta, and Libpri 1.2 releases now available! (Oct. 18, 2006) -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=- Join #asterisk-gui to learn about the new Asterisk GUI framework
17:42.06roxy_I am gonna try to reformulate. If I get the TDM400P, I don't get anything but can add 4 module to it. The price of it depends if it is FXS or FXO and how many I need . Right ?
17:42.06hmmhesaysgreat movie
17:42.07hmmhesaysthat deserved a sequel
17:42.19b11dyeah.. i love that scene where he is mooning the movie theatre line, and then they just stop.
17:42.21*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
17:42.21b11dthat cracked me up
17:42.46monstedthe card is $80, an FXS module $70 and an FXO module $80 (or somewhere along those lines)
17:42.49*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
17:42.54krondorlAnyone know a good brand of IAX phones other than GNET??
17:42.57roxy_If I buy a TMD400P with 1FXS and 1FXO, can I add to that same card later ? (I don't want to spend much, just playing around atm.)
17:43.01_-Jon-_Hey everyone
17:43.05b11dyes you can
17:43.09b11dthey are moduler
17:43.27roxy_b11d, monsted: thanks
17:43.41_-Jon-_I'm wondering if this is possible:  To add a bit of text in front of the incoming callers name.  eg: Line 1: <cid name>
17:43.41b11dglad to provide advice when I can
17:43.54b11dmodify the source?
17:44.23_-Jon-_b11d, oh okay, so no other way?
17:44.54ManxPowermercestes: which version of Asterisk?
17:44.59b11dnot that im aware of..
17:45.03b11di could be wrong _-Jon-_
17:45.54hmmhesaysSet(CALLERID(name)="WhatUP ${CALLERIDNAME}")
17:45.57ManxPowermercestes: it looks good to me, no idea why it is not working
17:45.58_-Jon-_Wait, what about: SetCallerID("Line1: {CALLERIDNAME}" <{CALLERIDNUM}>)?
17:46.06mercestesManxPower: Ok thanks..I'll tinker with it some more.
17:46.26_-Jon-_hmmhesays, you think that'll work?
17:46.46hmmhesayswithout the quotes apparently
17:46.47b11dthat might work
17:47.04*** join/#asterisk GaVak (
17:47.06hmmhesaysManxPower: I thought you had to use quotes around a string
17:47.19_-Jon-_me too
17:47.43hoobastoobaexten => s,4,Set(CALLERID(name)=${ARG1})
17:47.48hoobastoobano quotes
17:47.56*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
17:48.05*** join/#asterisk pmnke (
17:48.23hoobastooba_-Jon-_: does your phone not put the Line 1 on the phone already?
17:48.35hmmhesaysSet(ARG1="I am a String")
17:48.44*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
17:48.46Qwell[]quotes are bad
17:48.46pmnkeSo... if I have an extension pattern such as: "_011." - this matches on the FIRST digit pressed after 011, and attempts to dial out.
17:48.58pmnkeis there a way to tell asterisk to wait a little longer so people can dial?
17:49.11Qwell[]pmnke: increase your digittimeout, or whatever
17:50.18*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:50.18*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- New Asterisk 1.0, 1.2, 1.2-netsec, 1.4beta, Asterisk-addons 1.2, 1.4beta, Zaptel 1.2, 1.4beta, and Libpri 1.2 releases now available! (Oct. 18, 2006) -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=- Join #asterisk-gui to learn about the new Asterisk GUI framework
17:50.34hmmhesaysthe Set example on the wiki uses quotes for a string no quotes for an int
17:50.39Qwell[]it's wrong
17:50.52Qwell[]it's all just strings, unless it's in $[]
17:50.59hmmhesaysso it would be Set(ARG1=I am a string)
17:51.10hmmhesayssomeone should change that
17:52.00_-Jon-_Is there any way to get the calleridname to show in the console when I place a call?  Just for testing purposes
17:52.23hoobastoobaif you are setting caller id it will show in the CLI
17:52.24_-Jon-_Ah, thanks :)
17:52.27Qwell[]hmmhesays: You lose :p
17:52.31hmmhesaysyou're right
17:52.37hmmhesaysthats deprecated
17:52.39Qwell[]in 1.4 anyhow
17:52.43Qwell[]in 1.4 I think it's finally gone
17:52.52hmmhesaysI'm sick give me a break
17:52.55pmnkeb11d: wait happens after the call is answered... I don't want it to answer yet, as that confuses the user.
17:53.16b11dyeah.. sorry
17:53.23hoobastoobapmnke: what?
17:53.26pmnkeQwell[]: I tried altering my digittimeout - it doesn't help.
17:53.47pmnkehoobastooba: I want to enable international dialing, I am using a pattern of "_011."
17:54.00pmnkeThis, however, matches on the FIRST digit pressed after the last 1
17:54.05pmnkeand dials out.
17:54.14pmnkeI need to make Asterisk wait a reasonable number of seconds
17:54.21pmnkefor the full string.
17:55.31hmmhesays_011. shouldn't match that
17:55.49hoobastoobaexten => _011!,n,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:0})
17:55.55hoobastoobathat is how i do it
17:56.03Qwell[]hoobastooba: Maybe you can explain exactly what ! does
17:56.20hmmhesaysthat makes it louder, with more emphasis
17:56.32_-Jon-_thanks for your help guys.  works pefectly :)
17:56.33pmnkeyeah, "!" isn't mentioned in any of the docs I've read.
17:56.36Qwell[]I'd ~lart you, if jbot were alive
17:57.03pmnkeregardless, I tried "!" with the same result.
17:57.12hmmhesaysjbot is alive
17:57.14pmnkeI am trying to dial "011-254-..."
17:57.22Qwell[]pmnke: One of your timeouts are too low
17:57.24pmnkeand it keeps dialing out at 0112
17:57.27Qwell[]Should be digittimeout I thought
17:57.31hmmhesays~lart asterisk Qwell[]
17:57.37Qwell[]~kill hmmhesays
17:57.40jbotACTION shoots a charged fluxneutron gun at hmmhesays
17:57.57hmmhesaysbah I hate sore throats
17:58.09b11dim telling you..  brandy, tea, lemon.
17:58.09Qwell[]That's what you get :p
17:58.10b11dit works
17:58.20Qwell[]b11d: tea / lemon optional?
17:58.21hoobastoobaQwell[]: i am not sure what ! does... got it from an example :-D
17:58.23b11duse real lemons into a cup of tea, add a shot of brandy.
17:58.25b11dit really works
17:59.01b11dI had a sore throat so bad one day I couldnt swallow.. went to the culinary dept here on campus and they whipped one up for me.
17:59.07b11dthe sore throat was gone on the FIRST sip
17:59.38pmnkeQwell[] doesn't a digit timeout only effect an answered call also?
17:59.45Qwell[]pmnke: don't think so
18:00.44b11dno way.. Microsoft is parterning with Novell to support SUSE Linux??
18:00.46*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
18:00.51b11dI knew MS would have to bite it sooner or later
18:01.01*** join/#asterisk barttg (
18:01.10pmnkeexten => _011.,1,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5)
18:01.11pmnkeexten => _011.,n,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
18:01.21pmnkestill dials out on 0112
18:01.29hoobastoobab11d: where did you read about MS and Novel on suse?
18:01.36hoobastoobais there a press release?
18:02.10b11dhang on
18:02.24b11dthey are "expected to announce"
18:02.40barttghi all. does anyone know a good gui with real-time support?
18:02.52hoobastoobaso suse is soon to require a license is what that means.
18:02.59b11dit already requires a license
18:03.04b11dat least, SLES did
18:03.10b11dNovell's commerical SUSE
18:03.20b11dthe State of MN licences it from them already.. we have been for like 3 years.
18:03.23b11dits bullshit
18:03.25b11dtotal bullshit
18:03.55*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
18:04.37b11dI should clean my office
18:04.42b11dit really got bad over the last week
18:05.23pmnkethat is a few lines from the asterisk console when I try to dial.
18:05.28pmnkeit is not respecting any of the timeouts.
18:05.28*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
18:05.40pmnkeit says its setting them, but those lines all print out at the same time.
18:05.55b11dwhat exactly is the exten =>  line
18:06.41pmnkereload that text file to see.
18:07.11pmnke(or scroll up to just before the SuSE conversation)
18:07.29b11di dont know :(
18:07.31Qwell[]yeah, show us the exten line
18:07.35Qwell[]the full line
18:07.41hoobastoobayeah show us
18:07.41b11dits at that URL qwell
18:07.43*** join/#asterisk W9SH (
18:07.43Qwell[]oh, you did
18:07.44b11dyeah show us
18:07.45b11dshow us
18:07.52b11dits there
18:08.04b11d(fyi, pastebin may be easier for you pmnke)
18:08.43pmnkepfft, why use that when my irc client is on the same machine hosting that text file.
18:09.03Corydon-wpmnke: um, how do you pronounce your nick?
18:09.09pmnkeI don't
18:10.21*** part/#asterisk hoobastooba (n=ckwall@
18:13.45*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
18:14.07*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
18:14.16FuriousGeorgegood afternoon all
18:14.41b11dits pem-key
18:14.56pmnkeany ideas anyone?
18:15.03*** join/#asterisk oreonixon (n=oreonixo@
18:15.06b11dyeah.. a sanding machine based around the concept of an electric razor
18:15.11b11di dont think its been done
18:15.18pmnkeany ideas related to my problem?
18:15.51b11dthe problem is you want someone to be able to dial 1 or 111  right
18:15.56hmmhesayswhat you say we go picking wild flowers, got a spot way back in the woods
18:16.00b11dwithout it just jumping to 1 before they can enter the other two 1's
18:16.07b11dim down for that hmm
18:16.10hmmhesayssneak away for a couple of hours, spend a little time, picking wildflowers
18:16.10pmnkeb11d: no.
18:16.22pmnkeread the text file =(
18:16.25b11dhmm.. want to eat mushrooms and ride my magic carpet?
18:16.51pmnkeit sees that I've matched with "011" and then I hit 2 (the firt digit in the country code I want to call)
18:17.07pmnkeand says "hey! that matches 1 or more characters!" (which is what "." says to do)
18:17.10pmnkeand dials out.
18:17.21pmnkeso it ends up dialing 0112
18:17.50b11dand when you remove that last . ?
18:18.04pmnket-then it would only match on 011
18:18.11pmnkeand dial out right then and there.
18:18.26b11dargh.. i see what you mean
18:19.19*** join/#asterisk jm|home (
18:20.34jm|homewhat do I use in extensions.conf to check for off hook?
18:20.47b11dread this pmnke:
18:20.47Qwell[]jm|home: You don't.  However...
18:21.00jm|homehowever ....
18:21.02Qwell[]I assume you're meaning on a zap phone, you want it to automatically do something when you pick up the phone?
18:21.16jm|homeit is a zap phone, yes
18:21.21b11dyes.. explain
18:21.31jm|homethere's an analogue phone on the same line (an extension in the lounge)
18:21.44jm|homeyes, I know ...
18:21.54jm|homebut I can't afford a FXS<-->FXO just yet
18:22.02jm|homeI have two other IP phone (office, kitchen)
18:22.12jm|homeif the analogue phone picks up the IP phones keep ringing
18:22.23jm|homeI was trying to do a nast-E-hack
18:22.42jm|homewhere I would ring for a few seconds, check for offhook, goto ring for a few seconds again, check for offhook ....
18:24.04pmnkeb11d: that link explains to me that things should work the way I think they will.
18:24.08pmnkethe fact of the matter is, they are *not* working.
18:24.19pmnkeasterisk is *not* waiting.
18:24.43*** join/#asterisk xezz (
18:25.53pmnkeoh, this is interesting. from the voip-info page on DigitTimeout
18:26.04pmnke"Note that if the user has typed a sequence of digits that make up a valid extension number, it will be interpreted immediately, without waiting for the timeout."
18:26.50xezzanyone have seen that before :
18:27.07*** join/#asterisk slayer192 (n=slayer19@
18:27.20xezzNov  3 19:07:44 DEBUG[3646] manager.c: Manager received command 'QueueStatus'
18:27.21xezzNov  3 19:07:44 DEBUG[3646] manager.c: Manager received command 'Status'
18:27.21xezzNov  3 19:07:44 DEBUG[3646] manager.c: Manager received command 'ZapShowChannels
18:27.28hmmhesaysnothing like the vitamin painkiller combo
18:27.48hmmhesays50 mg zinc 250mg mixed vitamins 200mg vitamin C and 400mg ibuprofen
18:28.40GaVakOk, I've been juggling around with * behind NAT, Polycom 501 behind NAT. I've gotten it to work on my DSL in the office, but I can't get a remote users to send/receive audio. I've tried port forwarding and even DMZ'ing his phone on his router.
18:29.10GaVakIs it possible that since it is a Vonage network adapter, RTP will not function the right way on his network?
18:29.31FuriousGeorgedoes anyone feel look looking at a signalling dump and telling me where my rtp is going, cuz i cant figure it out :)
18:29.44hmmhesaysrtp debug
18:29.48hmmhesaysthat'll tell you in a hurry
18:29.53FuriousGeorgehmmhesays: its for SER
18:29.59FuriousGeorgei was trying to sneak one in there
18:30.23hmmhesayswell, if you aren't using rtpproxy then rtp is going between your endpoints
18:30.32hmmhesaysunless one is behind nat, then one rtp stream is going nowhere
18:30.32FuriousGeorgehmmhesays: but i am using rtpproxy
18:30.52FuriousGeorgei even made sure to specify what ports it would use in the source
18:32.13*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
18:33.27pmnkeHow do you people make international calls in your dial plan?
18:33.38*** join/#asterisk _alex_mx_ (n=alex@
18:34.03hmmhesayspmnke: you are asking an extremely vague question
18:34.10hmmhesayspastebin the relevant portions of your dialplan
18:34.19fx0some of them prepend 011 before dialing, heh.
18:34.37*** join/#asterisk Sasch (
18:36.16*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
18:36.43ManxPowerfor international dialing I use exten => _011XXXX.,1,Dial(....
18:36.50ManxPowerwell more accuratly
18:37.12ManxPowerexten => _9011XXXX.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1})
18:37.44hmmhesayscompiling openser
18:37.56hmmhesaysI wish asterisk could pass through t.38 damnit
18:38.49shellsharkit can
18:38.59shellsharkthere is a chan_t38 in beta iirc
18:39.31fileshellshark: no there isn't...
18:39.50*** join/#asterisk deb_user (
18:39.57Saschwhen i compile asterisk return an error
18:40.02Saschchan_phone.c:41:29: error: linux/compiler.h: No such file or directory
18:40.03Saschmake[1]: *** [chan_phone.o] Error 1
18:40.03Saschmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk-1.2/channels'
18:40.03Saschmake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
18:40.03shellsharkhmm i seen something...
18:40.05Saschwhy ??
18:40.07*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
18:40.12shellsharkSasch: pastebin please
18:40.12fileshellshark: what distro are you using?
18:40.13deb_userdoes anybody have any idea why softphone voip connections on ubuntu are so lossy?
18:40.22fileSasch: what distro are you using?
18:40.23Sasch<shellshark> ok excusme
18:40.24shellsharkfile: does it matter? :)
18:40.32Saschubuntu server 6.10
18:40.34deb_userI have a dual boot machine, and when I use x-lite on xp its soooo much better compared to ubuntu
18:40.35hmmhesaysfile file file
18:40.51hmmhesayshow goes it?
18:41.13filenot bad, yourself?
18:41.18Sasch<file> can help me ??
18:41.37fileSasch: go into chan_phone.c and remove the include line for it...
18:41.49hmmhesaysfile: other than lying in bed for the last 3 days sick
18:41.52hmmhesaysi'm good
18:42.23hmmhesaystrying to get this ser install to work for me
18:43.43jeremy_glove u guys
18:43.45jeremy_gi gotta go
18:43.49jeremy_gits weekend
18:44.07*** join/#asterisk brif8 (n=brif8@
18:44.24_alex_mx_anyone running * newer than 1.2.9 and has active SIP calls that can help me out a sec?
18:44.31brif8file: this is Barry from bug # 0008280
18:44.38deb_userhas anybody found ekiga even usable on ubuntu?
18:44.50hmmhesaysI used it on fc5
18:45.36brif8file: I tried your host = ip_address  not dynamic  and insecure = very, and still when I enable the Caller ID on the CG-410 is hangs ups and reports failed to authenticate user
18:46.02ManxPowerbrif8: does your callerid stuff have quotes in it?
18:46.08deb_userdoes anybody out there use a softphone on ubuntu?
18:46.12filedo a sip debug and pastebin it
18:46.58brif8ManxPower: no it's just a straight number
18:47.13ManxPowerpaste the callerid= line from sip.conf
18:47.16brif8file: will do you want the debug from the call being recieved
18:47.40fileManxPower: he is receiving a SIP INVITE from a remote device (FXO) and the INVITE contains callerid number in the From user field, so it is not getting matched against a user
18:47.44ManxPoweryou know that many phones use the callerid as the auth info, right?
18:47.52fileso authentication fails
18:47.57filebrif8: sure
18:48.00ManxPowerI never run into the issue since I never use the callerid info from the phone, I always override it with callerid=
18:48.28deb_userI have yet to find a satisfied softphone user on ubuntu
18:49.29pmnkeI think people lost interest in my problem because it is too complicated.
18:49.37cpmsoftphones kinda suck.
18:49.53cpmubuntu notwithstanding
18:49.54deb_usercpm: I've had pretty good success with them on windows
18:50.05deb_usercpm: x-lite has great quality on windows
18:50.12cpmyeah, there are some pretty decent commercial solutions
18:50.15deb_usercpm: and kiax isn't bad either
18:50.17ManxPowerAll SoftPHones suck! (c) 2006, ManxPower
18:50.32deb_userwell...what would the asterisk ubergeeks recommend?
18:50.34deb_useran ata?
18:50.40cpmkiax sucks, I use it, but I have no illusions about it.
18:50.47ManxPowerdeb_user: SIPura
18:50.53*** join/#asterisk Geliman (n=scorpio@unaffiliated/drkshdw)
18:50.59ManxPowerSPA2100 is a good ATA + Router + NAT
18:51.08*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
18:51.16cpmI have very good luck with iaxy2s, but they are spendy, and tend to just drop dead
18:51.18deb_userManxPower: I don't need a router or NAT
18:51.28monstedi just want some cheap SIP FXO and FXS devices
18:51.28deb_userjust at ATA
18:51.31ManxPowerdeb_user: then get the SPA 2000
18:51.40deb_userManxPower: you have experience with it?
18:51.58ManxPowerdeb_user: I own an SPA2000, and SPA2100 and an SPA3000
18:52.07_alex_mx_anyone know when in 1.2 series a SIP channel "name" changed from SIP/whatever-xxxx to SIP/whatever-xxxxxxxx
18:52.12deb_userhow's the quality?
18:52.13*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:52.18ManxPowerI don't use them much at the moment because my perm internet connection has 900ms latency and 3000ms of jitter
18:52.47ManxPower_alex_mx_: it would be in UPGRADE.txt
18:52.56monstedManxPower: ouch, you'd be better off doing VOIP over carrier pigeon
18:52.57ManxPowerdeb_user: it's good quality
18:53.03ManxPowermonsted: Correct.
18:53.23fileI don't believe the channel name generation change is in UPGRADE.txt
18:53.39_alex_mx_don't see it
18:53.54brif8file: give me a sec it would appear setting the host = ip  now the Cg-410 won't register
18:54.00file_alex_mx_: why do you ask?
18:54.07filebrif8: if you explicitly put the IP, you can't register
18:54.17filebrif8: but if you put it to dynamic you can still use insecure=very
18:54.49ManxPowerSorry, UPGRADE.txt mentions the IAX2 channel names changing
18:54.54_alex_mx_file, because we upgraded to branch and one of our apps that parses show channles concise quit working since now channel name has 8 digits at the end instead of 4
18:55.07ManxPowerbrif8: if you set host= then devices can't register
18:55.20fileusing the channel name for things is dangerous
18:55.21ManxPowerthat's the way it works.
18:55.36ManxPowerhost= is supposed to specify the IP/hostname of the device.
18:55.39_alex_mx_file, was just wondering where the change was documented
18:55.41brif8If I have host = dynamic it was working , now that I have host =  it won't register
18:55.55krondorlDoes anyone know of any IAX phones other then GNET?
18:56.02fileI doubt it was, but the commit list would have a record
18:56.10ManxPowerbrif8: it is no longer PERMITED to register to Asterisk.
18:56.42brif8ManxPower: That would appear the case, the WAN line is flashing which the manual says means it hasn't / can't register
18:56.50brif8ok got it registered again
18:57.03ManxPowerhost=dynamic means "far end will register to tell us it's ip address".  host=anythingelse means "host will not register because we know its IP"
18:57.29ManxPoweryou do realize that ALL registration does is notify the server of the client's IP, righjt?
18:57.43ManxPowerif you want to permit/deny by IP then use permit= and deny=
18:58.36*** join/#asterisk sexyken (
19:00.03*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
19:00.03*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- New Asterisk 1.0, 1.2, 1.2-netsec, 1.4beta, Asterisk-addons 1.2, 1.4beta, Zaptel 1.2, 1.4beta, and Libpri 1.2 releases now available! (Oct. 18, 2006) -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=- Join #asterisk-gui to learn about the new Asterisk GUI framework
19:04.28_alex_mx_file, how else can you start/stop monitor through the manager if you don't use the full channel name?
19:06.21brif8file:   has both Caller ID Disabled  and the call being received  and then Caller ID enabled and the failed authentication
19:06.39fileI meant parsing out the details to gather stuff, as channel naming conventions differ from channel driver to channel driver
19:07.26filebrif8: do you have a user entry in sip.conf called 3000
19:07.35*** join/#asterisk xezz (
19:07.40fileer wait, yes you do
19:07.55filesip show peer 3030
19:09.31brif8file: yes
19:09.59*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
19:10.51pmnkewell... I guess the temporary work around is to disable "early dial" on my phones.
19:11.00pmnkebut users wont be happy about that.
19:11.00brif8file:  has sip show peer 3000 and [3000] from sip.conf
19:11.12Zodiacalanyone know of a good apc battery backup monitor for linux?
19:11.40filebrif8: no no, it's matching peer 3030
19:11.42filenot 3000
19:12.06*** join/#asterisk SwK_ (n=Silik0nJ@
19:12.47brif8file: no 3030 is another unused port on the CG-410  the CG-410 has 4 ports  but only one line connected  3000,3010,3020 and 3030  but only 3000 is active
19:13.14fileI'm telling you what sip debug told me
19:13.28brif8ok hey  I'll send you 3030
19:13.33fileit is matching the peer named 3030
19:13.39fileso make sure insecure=very is there
19:14.18brif8  for 3030
19:14.34fileit's not set to insecure=very
19:15.01brif8ok adding insecure=yes and sendrpid and trustrpid to 3030
19:16.18brif8I bow to file:  how did you see 3030
19:16.26fileit said it in the debug
19:16.35fileFound peer '3030'
19:17.14b11dhow can I submit something to be included on the wiki?
19:17.20b11dI'd like to post something about getting my vg-224 working
19:17.24brif8ok the call now doesn't drop but I still don't see the caller ID on the IP phone ?
19:17.38*** join/#asterisk Geliman (n=scorpio@unaffiliated/drkshdw)
19:17.46ManxPowerb11d: you create an account on the wiki, then you can post/edit
19:17.53b11doh ok..
19:18.05b11doh yeah "register"
19:18.46b11dbah. the registration fails because I use greylisting..
19:19.26b11dthere we go
19:19.35brif8file:  ok   has callerID enabled  as can be seen in the NoOp line, but the IP Phones still show 3000 as calling ???
19:19.53file3000 is coming in as the callerid name
19:20.13fileso your phones might only be showing you the name
19:20.14brif8why is it not the 3523029577  which is making the call
19:20.31brif8how do I address that ?
19:20.31fileI don't know, I don't control your SIP device
19:20.48brif8IP phone is a snom 200
19:21.37*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
19:21.48Saschthis Nov  3 20:21:30 WARNING[3569]: chan_zap.c:921 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
19:21.51Saschwhy ??
19:22.28brif8anyway that the 3000 and 3523029577 can be swtiched around ?
19:22.39brif8by asterisk when it receives the call
19:22.54yardBi just set uo my freeworld account .. is it possible to call someone overseas by dial the 6 digit number only?
19:23.13filesure, dialplan logic
19:24.36*** join/#asterisk xlogik (
19:25.33pifiui have a question, every third call or so, it seems i get this error about receiving a mini frame before teh first full frame, and the CLI gets spammed with it. When that happens it seems the caller cannot be heard, but he can hear the person who picks up the phone
19:25.36pifiuwhat causes this?
19:25.47*** join/#asterisk linlin (n=linlin@
19:25.47pifiui am using this on a 3 way IAX server setup
19:26.13*** join/#asterisk sb_mx (n=sb_mx@
19:26.24pifiuhowever this one thing is happening between really 2, since there is a colocated server and then a server at each site. the colo just sends out the calls to the appropiate location
19:26.28pifiuwhen it sends it out thats when it happens
19:27.16brif8file: I bow once again to you
19:27.37brif8thank you
19:27.53*** join/#asterisk blueneon (
19:28.20blueneonhow would i block an extension from being able to make calls?
19:28.40*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
19:28.44blueneoni mean, to allow it to dial anything 3 digits or less, but 4+ blocked
19:30.05sb_mxblueneon, i would make custom context for that extension and only include exten => XXX,1,blablabla under its dialing rules
19:31.33sb_mxhowever, that would let him only dial anything with 3 digits not less
19:33.55sb_mxnot sure if this would work but you could add exten => XXXX.,1 and after that add exten => X.
19:34.12*** part/#asterisk DasTech (
19:34.31blueneonwhy not exten => _XXX./4,1,Hangup()
19:34.42blueneonwhere 4 is the extension i dont want calling more than 3 digits
19:35.03*** join/#asterisk MIXX941 (n=mark@unaffiliated/mixx941)
19:35.24sb_mxif im not mistaken _XXX. means 3 or more
19:36.28blueneonthats what i wanted
19:36.29*** join/#asterisk linlin (n=linlin@
19:36.35blueneon3 or more must be blocked
19:37.01sb_mxohh thought you said "allow it to dial anything 3 digits or less" :P
19:38.46*** join/#asterisk reza_ (
19:39.04reza_how do i enable the jitter buffer in 1.4-beta2?
19:40.38b11dwhy not go to beta3?
19:41.52*** join/#asterisk anthonyl (i=anthony@nat/digium/x-b8f7478335efedbe)
19:43.17reza_b11d - i downlaoded and built beta2 just yesterday
19:43.26reza_what's the most stable version anyhow?
19:44.06b11d1.2.13 is the most stable
19:44.12b11dbut 1.4-beta3 is out..
19:44.22b11d1.4 aparently IS suffering from issues still.. so be warned.
19:44.46filecan't make it better without people telling us where the issues are :D
19:44.51b11dexactly right
19:44.57b11dso report your bugs
19:45.04pifiuhelp me! lol
19:45.09b11dwhats the prob?
19:45.12anthonyli would really just recomend useing 1.4svn
19:45.19*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
19:45.44*** join/#asterisk knobenheimer (
19:45.55b11dpifiu..    can you show me what those errors are?
19:45.58b11dcan you pastebin any?
19:47.44pifiuits the same thing over and over
19:47.44reza_can i use 1.2.13 with the latest libs/zaptel shit or do i have to downgrade all that?
19:47.45pifiuone second
19:50.02grEvenXdo you have to call NoCDR() at a specific time to avoid warning?
19:50.14b11dreza_.. i think you'd have to downgrade
19:50.29b11dand get all the libs and shit for 1.2.13 specifically
19:50.36b11dbut I could be wrong.. i havent done it
19:50.41*** join/#asterisk Dibblah (
19:51.19*** part/#asterisk brif8 (n=brif8@
19:51.57pifiuok b11d sorry i was gone for a second
19:52.04pifiudid you seew hat my problem is?
19:52.12pifiuwhat i had written?
19:52.23b11dyeah but i'd like to see an example of this error you're seeing
19:52.42yardBquestion to anyone who can help!
19:52.47*** join/#asterisk Un1x (
19:52.54DibblahThis is a stupid question. But VOIP gateway boxes (HT611 specifically) are meant to just work aren't they?
19:53.22pifiuhere you go
19:53.52yardBi am trying to call someone in jamaica it sufficient to dial the 6digit number only or do i have to use a prefix .. i am calling from the usa'
19:54.15b11dhrm..  what * version pifiu?
19:54.21DibblahyardB: Depends on your VOIP provider.
19:54.35*** join/#asterisk mv00 (
19:54.46pifiu1.2.13 the latest stable
19:54.48mercestesI am trying to use ChanIsAvail() to detect teh status of a phone.  When I place a phone into a conference the ChanIsAvail() seems to crash out.  Is there a known issue with ChanIsAvail() and detecting a phone in a conference??
19:55.03pifiui am using IAX completely all the way
19:55.17b11dwhat kind of latency are you seeing between those peers?
19:55.19pifiucould zapata or something witht he timing be affecting it?
19:55.21b11dany packet loss?
19:55.26pifiulike 20-50ms
19:55.35pifiunothing huge
19:55.41pifiueven if it was 100 it still isnt bad
19:55.44*** join/#asterisk UlluKaPatha (
19:55.46*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
19:55.48yardBDibblah: i am attempting to dial someone with a freeworld number
19:55.49UlluKaPathahi guys
19:55.50pifiuone is a colocated server, the other 2 are dsl connections
19:55.56pifiubut its not packet loss, its always like every 3rd call
19:55.57UlluKaPathaI need help with e&m
19:55.59hmmhesaysok what exactly is record-route in ser
19:56.12UlluKaPathaI am using em_w
19:56.12reza_anyone use voxbone?
19:56.35UlluKaPathathe call is chopped off within the first dial tone, I get an error message "call cannot be completed as dialed
19:56.51UlluKaPathaand the phone shows that there is a voicemail from an unkown caller
19:57.06UlluKaPathawhen I dial into my pbx from my cell phone
19:57.34*** part/#asterisk krondorl (
19:57.36UlluKaPathaI really appreciate help on this matter
19:58.17UlluKaPathaI am using TE110p
19:58.57UlluKaPathacan anyone help me out here?
20:00.25pifiub11d any idea?
20:00.39Corydon-wUlluKaPatha: add a 'w' before the first digit
20:01.03b11dim looking
20:01.08b11dthis is causing audio issues then?
20:01.16b11dfrom what im reading, it can be ignored..
20:01.24b11dbut.. if its causing an issue,thats different
20:02.34hmmhesaysopenser day openser day
20:02.50*** join/#asterisk jart (
20:02.53jartso pigs
20:02.59UlluKaPathaw before the first digi?
20:03.03jartwhat sort of scalability improvements were made in 1.4
20:03.06UlluKaPathaI am sorry, I do not know what that means
20:03.12b11doh you know we memcached the grid overlays..
20:03.18b11ddid a bunch of tuning on the j-bar code..
20:03.20b11dyou know..
20:03.27b11dits totally scalable now
20:03.40UlluKaPathawell, I am dialign into the Asterisk
20:03.45Corydon-wUlluKaPatha: Dial(Zap/g0/w${EXTEN:1})
20:03.48jartgrid overlays?
20:04.04UlluKaPathawhen I dialoutside, i get ringtones, but the phone I am calling never rings
20:04.10b11dits a joke eh
20:04.30b11dpifiu.. thats a strange problem lad.
20:04.33jartah, i guess i'm not enough of a newb to nod along
20:04.41b11dyeah, i guess not..
20:04.45*** join/#asterisk haggai (
20:04.50UlluKaPathathanks, let me try that Corydon but will that fix the outgoing issue too?
20:04.57yardBone more time to anyone: to dial a freedialup number in another country it sufficient to use a prefix? i am also a freeworluser
20:05.04jarti take asterisk too seriously because i get paid a lot of money to screw with it 16 hours a day
20:05.08Corydon-wUlluKaPatha: that's for the outgoing issue
20:05.14jartit destroys my sense of humor
20:20.21*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
20:20.21*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- New Asterisk 1.0, 1.2, 1.2-netsec, 1.4beta, Asterisk-addons 1.2, 1.4beta, Zaptel 1.2, 1.4beta, and Libpri 1.2 releases now available! (Oct. 18, 2006) -=- Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support. -=- Join #asterisk-gui to learn about the new Asterisk GUI framework
20:20.30mfroesdo anyone has worked with sipsak ????
20:20.33*** join/#asterisk hoobastooba (n=ckwall@
20:21.10hoobastoobai added call-limit=1 to my sip.conf entries, then reloaded... it worked. Now i have removed it and have reloaded multiple times and it still is limiting my calls.
20:21.16hoobastoobahow can i get this back to how I want it.
20:21.33hoobastoobawill try
20:21.59hoobastoobai cant just remove the line and reload?
20:22.27UlluKaPathathanks corydon
20:22.32UlluKaPathaits not working
20:22.39UlluKaPathaI guess I am gonna go back to PRI singalling
20:22.44b11dhow can there be this many people idling in here right now?
20:22.48b11dfucking idlers
20:22.58b11dthere we go
20:23.00mercestesI'm not idling...I believe I asked a question.
20:24.20UlluKaPathacorydon: talking of calleridname, if I go on SIP trunks, will that support calleridnames?
20:24.38mercestesI'm trying to use ChanIsAvail() and when I try to ChanIsAvail() on a phone in a conference call it immediately crashes.
20:24.51mercestesMy only other code at this point just NoOp's what hte status is but it doesn't provide that output.
20:25.11Corydon-wUlluKaPatha: yes, but if you've got a T1, I'd recommend PRI
20:25.46mercestesI'm running Asterisk 1.2.13.
20:26.08b11dasterisk crashes?
20:26.09pifiub11d what do you mean check my routing config?
20:26.12b11ddoes it core dump?
20:26.19b11dcheck your routing config on your asterisk boxes
20:26.19mercestesno, but the code exits non-zero
20:26.26b11dsubmit a bug report :)
20:27.07b11dpifiu.. set up static routes between your asterisk boxes?
20:27.48*** join/#asterisk alexns (
20:28.00UlluKaPathaok thanks
20:28.25alexnsupgrade from ast 1.2 to 1.4 zaptel doesn't load in asterisk; different config file ??
20:28.41pifiub11d i have the peer as dynamic, and the host as static for each entry
20:28.51b11dim not talking about anythign to do with asterisk
20:28.56b11dim talking about your OS routing table
20:29.27*** join/#asterisk oreonixon (n=oreonixo@
20:29.29*** join/#asterisk umay (
20:29.47pifiuno i havent touched that
20:29.57pifiui dont even know what to cehck or modify
20:30.25b11dyou know how to set a default gateway and stuff right?
20:30.32b11dcheck that stuff out.. just make sure its correct.
20:30.54*** join/#asterisk Un1x (
20:31.42b11dsup Un1x
20:31.46b11dwhat kind of processor should you get?
20:33.23alexnsupgrade from ast 1.2 to 1.4 zaptel doesn't load in asterisk; different config file ??
20:33.57b11dthere must be.. everyone seems to be asking that
20:34.10b11dread the updating & changelog files
20:34.24filedid you upgrade zaptel to 1.4?
20:34.31alexnshehe just looking for the quick answer
20:34.38filererun configure?
20:34.44fileconfirm it picked up zaptel?
20:34.52fileused make menuselect to confirm dependency was met?
20:36.00*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
20:36.28alexnsyes show zaptel is there
20:36.42alexnszaptel driver is functioning
20:37.04fileokay, so what does "doesn't load in asterisk" mean
20:39.02alexnszaptel works but asterisk is not loading the module, i am rebuiliding asterisk again after doing menuselect
20:39.52*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
20:39.59alexnshmm it is working now, strange
20:40.03alexnsthanks file
20:40.04b11dwhats the best way to buy a house..
20:40.13b11dmortage broker, or bank, or person to person?
20:40.21*** join/#asterisk kiddy (n=kiddy@
20:40.28fileb11d: rob a bank, pay cash, move the house to Antarctica
20:40.33b11ddone and done
20:40.44b11di know zizzizum will help me out.. he lives in Argentina
20:40.51b11dthats like.. hours from the antarctic
20:41.03kiddyis there is any way to hear emails through our asterisk extensions ?
20:41.15b11duse festival
20:41.23b11dconvert text to awesomely synthezied speech
20:41.53b11dor, pay people in india $0.10 an hour to just log in, and read your email back to you..
20:41.57b11dthat'd be awesome :)
20:41.59kiddyb11d : can you please give me the URL ,and is it need a specific hardware ?
20:42.12b11dno its not specific hardware.. hang on
20:42.31b11dstart here:
20:42.44b11dthe voice is generates isnt that hot though, in all seriousness.
20:42.45b11dbut it would work
20:42.55*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
20:43.03b11dyou'll probably have to hack out some script to get your email and pass it to festival though
20:43.06b11dhey Paki
20:43.15PakiPenguinhey b11d
20:43.22b11dwhats the real deal with Musharraf?  Is his new book on the level?
20:43.38b11dhe certainly made me think highly of pakistan, but I wondered if it was a snow job..
20:43.43b11dif you dont mind the question, that is.
20:43.58kiddyb11d : but I read somewhere that it need sound cards , ok let me start it
20:44.06b11dumm.. yeah you should have a sound card.
20:44.17b11di guess they are so common I dont htink of them as "special hardware"
20:45.00b11dI actually had festival reading back weather reports to people... so it can work, and does work.
20:46.21b11dno comment then Paki?
20:48.51kiddyhmm there is no Multimedia audio controller on my server
20:49.15b11dyou dont have onboard sound?
20:49.21b11dand no sound cards?
20:50.37kiddyno when I run lspci it doesn't show the sound card
20:50.48kiddyand I think it doesn't have onboard
20:51.16b11dwhy not take a look?
20:51.24b11dmaybe onboard sound is disabled in the bios
20:53.04PakiPenguinnope its a nice book , did you read it?
20:54.24b11dbut his portrayal of his good deeds is true then?
20:54.41b11dthats good.. because as I was reading it i was thinking "if this is all true, then more countries need leadership like this"
20:56.03PakiPenguinyeah :) its true
20:56.06PakiPenguinost of it
20:56.16PakiPenguinb11d, he's a good leader generally
20:56.43b11dthats cool.. im glad to hear that..
20:57.01b11dPakistan certainly seems like a hell of a country.. im glad I read that book, it totally shattered my misconceptions about it.
20:57.17PakiPenguinhaha :)
20:57.28PakiPenguinpeople have a lot of misconceptions
20:57.40b11dyeah you got that right.. i've been telling people at work all about it..
20:57.43justinu|laptopmost the media's fault
20:57.47b11dit sure is
20:58.05b11dare things as tense with India as the media plays?
20:58.11b11dwhat do the average people think?
20:58.12justinu|laptopbrad pitt is making a movie about daniel perl
20:58.20b11dyeah thats probably not good :)
20:58.29PakiPenguinb11d,  on the govt. level , i am not sure
20:58.45PakiPenguinbut people dont have that much rage , what ever media shows
20:59.00b11dthats good to hear..
20:59.22b11dI think his ideas about education are excellent.. I wish we'd do that stuff here in USA or in Canada
21:00.07justinu|laptopthere was something on an independent TV channel  about hollywood's 100 year long stereotyping of muslims
21:00.24b11doh yeah? that'd be interesting to watch..
21:00.38b11dahh.. down with ALL stereotypes.. they are NEVER right.
21:01.49justinu|laptopif you have directv, check out link TV... chan 375 i think
21:01.59b11dI got rid of TV like 4 years ago
21:02.17b11din fact, outside of work,i enjoy almost NO technology..
21:02.23justinu|laptopfair enough... it's not all bad, just 95% of it
21:02.23b11dno phone, no cable, no internet, no computers..
21:03.07justinu|laptopi wouldn't watch TV either, except for my dual tuner directv tivo
21:03.26PakiPenguinno tv for me either :) hehe
21:03.37b11di DO download family guy and south park.. so I do watch those..
21:03.38b11dbut thats it.
21:03.42*** join/#asterisk sb_mx (n=sb_mx@
21:03.50justinu|laptopthere's a documentary on HBO about diebold electronic voting machines: "Hacking democracry"
21:03.52b11dotherwise, its discussion around some beers with some friends, or into the books
21:03.59justinu|laptopdiebold tried to get an injunction to keep it off the air
21:03.59b11dyou should watch Votergate
21:04.02b11dthat is an eye opener!
21:04.12b11dhacking democracy eh.. im down with that.. ive got to see that
21:04.24b11dwatch "Votergate" though.. its on google video
21:04.26b11dfucking crazy..
21:04.32b11de-voting machines are NOT ok.
21:04.37b11dnot yet anyway
21:04.54justinu|laptopnot until the hardware and source is open
21:04.57b11dI love how we care about our elections here, but those voting machines are whats running elections in Afghanistan and Iraq.
21:05.00b11dwe dont care about them..
21:05.07b11dyou got that right justinu|laptop
21:05.31justinu|laptopit's our democracy (supposedly), not a trade secret of diebold, inc.
21:05.50b11dthats right. I wish people would stop thinking politics is for politicians.. its FOR THE PEOPLE.
21:06.08b11dBut no.. people think their involvement with politics needs to end at office bullshit and reality TV.
21:06.37b11dbut we can thank out lawyer-politicians for that..
21:06.44b11din 1964, the Defense Authorization Act was 1 page..
21:06.48b11din 1977, it was 75 pages..
21:06.51b11dtoday.. its 988 pages.
21:06.53b11dWTF is with that
21:07.11*** join/#asterisk hohum (
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21:08.59b11dif I keep talking like that, i'll get shipped off to gitmo.. the one destination in Cuba you CAN get to from the USA.
21:09.11*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
21:10.02PakiPenguinhave you seen the road to gt. bay ?
21:10.14Corydon-wWhat, no Gorgeous George?
21:10.29PakiPenguinwatch that
21:11.01b11dim downloading it now
21:12.03florzI'd say, that's _on_ Cuba, only, though, not _in_ Cuba =:-)
21:13.36b11das a dual citizen, of canada and the usa, I cannot legally travel to Cuba from Canada..
21:13.42b11dwhich is bullshit..
21:13.49b11damericans will get arrested for travelling to cuba through another country..
21:13.56b11dwhat a retarted embargo
21:14.21b11d700mb..  thank god im on an OC-3.
21:15.14b11di love
21:15.19PakiPenguinb11d, i would like to steal that
21:15.26b11djust download it
21:15.32PakiPenguinno oc-3 :)
21:15.36PakiPenguini have it on dvd
21:15.39b11dits sweet
21:15.50PakiPenguinhow much do u pay for it
21:15.58b11dthe State of Minnesota pays for it
21:16.08b11dactually pays for the four of them I have in the back
21:16.25b11dbut we're a state hub.. all the northern minnesota campuses go through us.
21:16.33PakiPenguinhaha nice nice
21:16.37b11dsame with all the local state agencies..
21:16.39PakiPenguinuniveristy bw :p
21:17.00b11dI throttle the rest of the campus down to like 10k/sec
21:17.03PakiPenguini can figure!
21:17.08b11dmeanwhile I pull at like 3MB/sec :)
21:17.09PakiPenguinlol nooo!! thats mean
21:17.11b11dok.. i dont do that.. but I could
21:17.31b11dim not that big of a dick..
21:17.43b11dsame with censorship.. I get a request to block a website every week..
21:17.46b11dbut I wont do it
21:17.48PakiPenguinand i am happy with my 384k connection :p
21:18.04b11dyou should be..  i dont know how oldschool you are, but remember the old days?
21:18.09b11dI rememebr 1200 baud.
21:18.22PakiPenguinlol i do
21:19.48b11dso what do you have going on this weekend PakiPenguin?
21:20.05PakiPenguinjust came back from work
21:20.19PakiPenguingot work again in the morning :(
21:20.42PakiPenguinhow about you?
21:20.58b11di declared that i am NOT going to work this weekend.. which is unusual for me..
21:21.05b11dand im going to get buzzed with some friends tonight..
21:21.08b11dand relax tomorrow
21:21.25b11dmaybe finish off Bob Woodwards new book "State of Denial"
21:21.39b11dgood read on what a fucking prick Donald Rumsfeld is..
21:21.54[shodan]anyone knows how to use callerid with a SPA3k2 ? I tried dial(sip/fxo1/*67,60,D(www${EXTEN}))   but that doesn't work , when I listen on the line I can hear the SPA dial *67 clearly , but then when ${EXTEN} is dialed it's too short and highly distorted that even the pstn line can't recognize de digits, what's the problem :>
21:22.14b11dI cant say I know..
21:23.12b11dso how long have you lived in Pakistan PakiPenguin?
21:23.26b11d^^^^ anyone still fall for that?
21:23.31[shodan]I mean callerid blocking !
21:23.56b11dI still dont know
21:24.00b11dim sorry to say
21:24.06PakiPenguinb11d,  holdon on phone
21:26.50*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
21:31.15*** join/#asterisk Eliran_Itzhak (
21:33.40b11dthis got dead
21:36.04b11di see the Saddam Hussein case is pretty much over..  the verdict will be out soon.
21:36.08b11dwhat a showcase trial that has been
21:36.17b11dI wonder if he'll be able to appeal
21:36.53b11dalso, I love that it focused on his war-crimes against the Kurds.. which we ENCOURAGED at the time..
21:37.03b11dbecause we need that relationship with Turkey, and they hate the Kurds.
21:37.32b11dWhen people start to complain about human rights atrocities, you have to look at how we reacted when the event took place.. not 20+ years after the fact.
21:37.40*** part/#asterisk amdtech (
21:39.36*** join/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
21:40.07*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
21:40.38PakiPenguinaccidently closed xchat
21:41.02b11dthat'll happen
21:43.13b11dholy shit.. they're making Super Troopers 2
21:44.36jartoh no
21:45.12b11doh.. yeah.. sorry it wont appeal to you Mr. Spock
21:45.22b11dprobably far to "low brow"
21:51.18b11dthis is pretty neat:
21:51.23b11dmove that slider around.
21:51.28*** join/#asterisk [F] (
21:51.47[F]question: can anyone help me figure out what specific hardware I need to get an asterisk server properly running?
21:51.54b11dwell, lets talk about that
21:52.04b11dwhat do you want to do with the Asterisk system?
21:52.10*** join/#asterisk eurocrash (n=eurocras@
21:52.37*** join/#asterisk echosyp (
21:52.39[F]well, to be quite honest with you I don't know.
21:52.46b11dwell good.. be honest!
21:52.59b11dHow many telephones do you need to support?>
21:53.00[F]for whatever reason
21:53.03[F]for me.
21:53.05[F]and thats it.
21:53.07b11doh ok.. this'll be easy then :)
21:53.18[F]for whatever reason I'm just very, very interested in the whole telephone system.
21:53.25b11ddo you want to push all of your calls across the internet (pure VoIP) or do you want to use an existing line?
21:53.31*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:53.46[F]which do you recommend? is there benefit of one over the other?
21:53.47echosypwe are in cahoots
21:53.47yardBb11d: i am listening .. i am in the same boat i have a system .. i have working as a PBX land line only but not sure whatesle asterisk can do
21:53.50b11doh ok
21:53.56eurocrashhey... gentoo + te110p = howto? ... ztcfg -v does't like showing my shiney new TE110P card
21:54.09b11done at a time here eh
21:54.24yardBi would like to push mine over IP
21:54.30[F]b11d: seems like you're the lecturer now. ;p
21:54.36[F]sorry ;p
21:54.45yardBany material i could read?
21:54.50b11dread all
21:54.51[TK]D-FenderyardB : ....
21:54.57jbotrumour has it, book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
21:54.57[F]yardB: wikipedia has a crap load.
21:55.11yardBi have that asterisk book which heps but i need more info on VOIP
21:55.16*** join/#asterisk iulius (
21:55.22b11ddo you want to go to a soft phone, or voip phone, or do you want to use your traditional pots phone?
21:55.22[F]jbot: !!! downloadable PDF, thanks.
21:55.43[F]i want to use a traditional phone.
21:55.49[F]well look
21:55.52[F]before I tell you that
21:56.01[F]I want to cut down on expenses
21:56.10[F]so if I can avoid it, I'd like to not get hardware I could do without.
21:56.23b11dyou'll need a fxo/fxs card.. I recommend a Digium TDM400P with one fxs and one fxo port..
21:56.25[E]i'll buy the analog to digital converter
21:56.26b11dthat should get you going..
21:56.27[E]i don't care
21:56.43b11dthats all you'll need, and a (hopefully) dedicated PC to run it on
21:56.59[F]b11d: could I get that at a BestBuy or is it something i'd probably have to get online?
21:57.03b11dyou *might* run into issues with your traditional line..
21:57.07b11dyou've got to order it online..
21:57.13b11dit'd be sweet if they were that common though :)
21:57.18b11dthey arent pricey.
21:57.23b11dshouldnt be a big deal
21:57.31PakiPenguinback :)
21:57.41*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
21:57.51[TK]D-FenderI highly recommend against PCI based FXS.  Use ATA's for that if needed.
21:58.10[F][TK]D-Fender: ATA?
21:58.14b11dAnalog Telephone Adapter
21:58.25[TK]D-Fenderb11d : PCI FXS is more clostly, places a higher load on your server, and less functional/flexible.
21:58.31b11dahh.. cool..
21:58.48hadsBut if you want to use an analog fax then bridging on the card FXO -> FXS is the most reliable.
21:58.58[TK]D-Fender[F] : I suggest the Linksys SPA-2002 if you want to use analog phones with *
21:59.03b11ddue to codec issues?
21:59.19[F][TK]D-Fender: that looks really sexy
21:59.20[E]so, i want to use my home phone with the server and setup voicemail, and use my pocket pc as a wifi phone
21:59.34[TK]D-Fenderhads : No, if you want reliable faxing you'll leave it on a dedicated line that doesn't even APPROACH *.
21:59.58[F]do you guys recommend the asterisk distro?
22:00.14hadsWell for the few installations that I have, and analog FAX bridged on a TDM card works reliably.
22:00.15[TK]D-Fender[F] : Use whatever you feel most comfortable administering.
22:00.18[E]my server is crashing
22:00.26[F][E]: thats because its Ubuntu for God's sake.
22:00.32GaVakI'm a little confused about the switch => command. How can I GoTo it if it doesn't have an exension or a priority?
22:00.55[TK]D-Fender[F] : Though we might suggest you stick with one of the more popular and standardized ones like RHEL, CentOS, Debian, Slackware, FC, etc
22:00.58[F]so the asterisk install CD is just a stripped down distro with asterisk installed?
22:01.07[D]pretty much
22:01.07[TK]D-Fender[F] : At best
22:01.12[F][TK]D-Fender: I've run slackware for about 5/6 years and just recently switched to ArchLinux.
22:01.14monstedhas anyone used Audiocodes MP112 FXO gateways with asterisk?
22:01.14[TK]D-Fender[F] : I would personally suggest centOS.
22:01.16[E]this box sucks
22:01.23justinu|laptopgentoo all the way :P
22:01.23[D]I've been running Asterisk on FreeBSD for awhile.. rock solid.
22:01.28[D]fuck all linux distros
22:01.48[F]i heard there were some complications with BSD
22:01.49[E]wooo, started this time
22:01.51[TK]D-Fender[D] : You can, but its not to say that it is a bump-free road, and lets not forget Zaptel....
22:01.53[F]but maybe i'm just imaginging it
22:01.59[D]my zap channels work fine
22:02.06[D]im telling you, its solid
22:02.09hadsAnd for those who don't want a dedicated fax line that is a good solution.
22:02.12[D]i cant speak to future versions though
22:02.21[TK]D-Fender[D] : Its just a question of "made for and works easily with"
22:02.28[D]you're right
22:02.31kFuQgood luck with * & Fbsd here too
22:02.33GaVakSlack 11 with the huge26.s kernel had no problems w/ zap
22:02.36[TK]D-Fenderhads : Yeah, if thats all you've got...
22:02.50b11dI dont know what the fuss is about.. FreeBSD and Asterisk and Zaptel are all working GREAT for me.
22:02.53[E]slack huh
22:03.07hadsHave you tried an analog fax bridged on a TDM card?
22:03.15b11di have not
22:03.28[E]do you know of a softphone for pocket pc that works well with asterisk
22:03.30[E]i type slow
22:03.34PakiPenguinthat is confusing
22:03.35b11di know of no good softphones
22:03.35hohumwhat to I set type= if I only want to receive calls from a peer and not send
22:03.39PakiPenguind,e,f :)
22:03.58[F]def is one of my favorite words. :)
22:04.04[TK]D-FenderSlackware = 100% complaint free success in my exerience.
22:04.06b11dwhat about the def tones?
22:04.09*** join/#asterisk haikumore (n=haikumor@
22:04.21[F]b11d: the deftones, the def tones, the deft ones...
22:04.21hohumwhat to I set type= if I only want to receive calls from a peer and not send
22:04.31[F]b11d: one of my favorite bands.
22:04.36b11dgood band indeed
22:04.46kFuQhohum: don't give them any outgoing dialplan
22:04.49GaVakhohum: user?
22:05.01b11dI saw them twice in T.O.
22:05.04b11dback in the mid 1990's
22:05.06[F]okay. So lets say I have the Linksys SPA-2002 or the PCI card you mentioned, I have asterisk installed on a computer, and I've got an analog phone. Is there anything i'm missing?
22:05.19[F]b11d: I saw them in DC. It was fantastic. Have you got their new (leaked) CD?
22:05.24[TK]D-Fender[F] : That pretty much covers it.
22:05.27b11dno, not yet.. is it great?
22:05.28[F]or, i think it might have been released yesterday or today.
22:05.30[F]oh man it rocks.
22:05.34b11dreally?  ohh man
22:05.36b11di need it
22:05.38[F]WAAAY better than there previou stuff
22:05.41[F]more White Pony'ish
22:05.46[TK]D-Fender[F] : how many lines do you have?
22:05.52[F][TK]D-Fender: phone lines? one.
22:05.55b11dhrm.. thats cool..  im looking forward to it!
22:05.57[F]my internet is fiber optics.
22:05.59hohumgevak: sure its user and not peer?
22:06.05knobenheimerbetter than minerva? that album was terrible.
22:06.12GaVakone end is user, the other end is peer
22:06.12[F]knobenheimer: thats the album i'm talking about
22:06.17[F]thats the one this is way better than.
22:06.27knobenheimerwhat's it called?
22:06.29[TK]D-Fender[F] : Then I might suggest you look at the SPA-3102.  that'll give you 1 FXS & 1 FXO in a signle ATA.  then means you don't even need to plug anything extra into your server
22:06.35[F][TK]D-Fender: is having one line a problem?
22:06.38[F]knobenheimer: saturday night wrist
22:06.50[F]i don't want my parents and sister to not be able to use the phone.
22:07.21[TK]D-Fender[F] : The SPA-3102 is probably a better bet for you, and cheaper too.
22:07.32[F][TK]D-Fender: the 2002 is cheaper I think.
22:07.47[F]but as long as its under $100 its fine.
22:07.54[TK]D-Fender[F] : I'm suggesting the SPA-3102 for FXO purposes so you don't need the TDM card.
22:08.31[TK]D-Fender[F] : So 1 x SPA-3102 for 1 FXS, 1 FXO, and you can add more SPA-2002's as needed for each pair of phones you'd like to convert
22:08.44[F]sorry what is FXS and FXO?
22:08.59b11dFXS = connects to phones
22:09.04b11dFXO = connects to the PSTN
22:09.07[F]and are you saying I need both the 3102 and 2002?
22:09.34[E]how are we gonna connect our servers?
22:09.37[TK]D-Fender[F] : the 3102 with let you take in your PSTN line, *AND* also let you plug in 1 phone as well.
22:09.45[F][TK]D-Fender: ahh
22:09.53[F]so if i only have one phone
22:09.57[F]ALL i need is the 3102
22:09.57[TK]D-Fender[F] : so you'd only need 1 3102
22:09.58[F]and thats it
22:09.59[F]and a computer
22:10.08[E]do it
22:10.09*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
22:10.24[F][TK]D-Fender: after that is it just a matter of configuring my asterisk server?
22:10.27[TK]D-Fender[F] : and if you want more independant analog phones going into your system then I'd suggest you use SPA-2002's from that point (1 ports on each)
22:10.28*** join/#asterisk vader-- (n=johndoe@
22:10.30[F]or is more preperation necessary?
22:10.41[TK]D-Fender[F] : exactly.  You never even have to shut it down for this,
22:10.42[F][TK]D-Fender: why do you recommend 2002 from that point on?
22:11.00PakiPenguin[F], if you need more extensions in rooms
22:11.04[TK]D-Fender[F] : well... the 3102's point is that it can take in 1 land-line.  you only HAVE 1 :)
22:11.20[F]i see. the 2002 does nothing with land-lines?
22:11.21[TK]D-Fender[F] : so beyond the first what you might want would be extra PHONE ports.
22:11.37[TK]D-Fender[F] : Correct.  the 2002 only lets you use more PHONES as SIP phones.
22:11.46[F]okay everything makes perfect sense.
22:11.57[TK]D-Fender[F] : Takes a bit of gettin used to.
22:12.18[F]now I need to sell a bob dylan ticket, a G. Love and Special Sauce ticket, get the cash to get the SPA-3102.
22:12.19[E]my question is, how are we going to link our servers
22:12.22[F]and then i'll be in business.
22:12.27b11dBob Dylan is from this town.. Hibbing.. and he fucking hate us here.
22:12.33b11dI know people who used to boo him off stage..  fucking old timers
22:12.38[F]b11d: how come? :( :(
22:12.46[E]he sucks
22:12.55b11dbecause everyone in this town profits off of his name, and dont ask him for permission.
22:12.58hohumif I have a peer with a phone number (like a DID) and I set it type=user and stick it in a specific context, I ought to be able to put an entry in that context in my dialplan to like for instance play an IVR back, right?
22:13.04b11dplus, hibbing people hated him when he started..
22:13.08b11di mean, really hated him..
22:13.13b11dhe was the "rich jewish kid"
22:13.16b11dstupid bigots..
22:13.30[F]their loss I suppose.
22:13.49[F]okay, so now suppose i have my asterisk server running fine.
22:13.54b11deveryone thinks they are so great here in Hibbing.. "ohh.. Bob Dylan.. Bob Dylan.. blah blah blah"
22:13.55b11dI hate it
22:14.01[F]and i want to make a phone call
22:14.04*** join/#asterisk souphead (
22:14.11[F]i pick up my analog phone, dial a number, and call whomever I want?
22:14.24[F]and it'll call regardless if I use VoIP or land-line?
22:14.26[F]oh, another thing.
22:14.29[F]when I use my land-line.
22:14.35[F]through asterisk.
22:14.45[F]my family, who aren't going to be connected to asterisk but still use the phone
22:14.50[F]will there be any conflict?
22:15.16[TK]D-Fender[F] : Well you'll be getting dial-tone from your ATA and * will process all calls.  Your server will determine where the call being placed is to go over the internet, or out your landline
22:15.26[TK]D-Fender[F] : You control all of that
22:15.29*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
22:15.45hoobastoobaahhh what does this mean?
22:15.46hoobastoobaNov  3 15:15:18 WARNING[19301]: pbx.c:794 pbx_find_extension: Maximum PBX stack exceeded
22:15.57[F][TK]D-Fender: yeah, but my question is, if other people in my house need to use the landline, is it wise for me to also use the landline?
22:15.59hoobastoobasaw it when i did a reaload
22:16.01[TK]D-Fender[F] : Ok, how many phones are you looking to VoIP-enable?
22:16.11[F][TK]D-Fender: just one for me.
22:16.55[TK]D-Fender[F] : AH, so you want to basically leave them COMPLETELY alone and jsut let YOUR phone work kinda-hybrid like?
22:17.11[F]yes. that is exactly it.
22:17.21[F]i just want my phone to do what it needs to do.
22:17.22[TK]D-Fender[F] : Ah, then you ONLY need an SPA-3102.
22:17.25[F]and i will do what it takes to do it.
22:17.30[F]as long as they are left alone, and i get what i want.
22:17.36[F]alright, cool.
22:17.52b11d"Teacher" by Jethro Tull.. still stuck in my head..
22:17.54hohumif I have a peer with a phone number (like a DID) and I set it type=user and stick it in a specific context, I ought to be able to put an entry in that context in my dialplan to like for instance play an IVR back, right?
22:17.57b11dplease..please get out of my head
22:17.58[E]im doing something similar, but i don't have a fiber optic line
22:18.04[TK]D-Fender[F] : At which point you can let either * or the SPA determine which calls to dump to the PSTN
22:18.29[F][TK]D-Fender: i have fiber optics, so is VoIP probably a better idea then landline?
22:18.47[TK]D-Fender[F] : Depends what you want, and what you already have.
22:19.40[TK]D-Fender[F] : For instance, I'm a * consultant, and I get my PSTN connectivity through my day-job as well.  I have no analog lines, just dry-line DSL.  So for me VoIP is the way to go.  Save me money
22:19.52[E]i need to get this box connected to lan
22:21.33hohumso annoying
22:22.13[TK]D-Fenderhohum : Pretty much
22:23.38b11dwelp.. im rolling out for the weekend.  Take care lads, and have an enjoyable weekend..  even you jart :)
22:25.56hohumwell it doesn't work
22:26.06hohumAsterisk keeps responding with a 484 Address Incomplete
22:26.13mercestesIs ChanIsAvail totally broken??
22:26.19hohumits not even doing what the documentation suggests it does if it can't find a peer
22:26.35hohumand that would be to dump it into the context listed in [general] of the sip.conf
22:26.41hohumits just plain not working and I don't know why
22:27.39*** join/#asterisk anthm (
22:27.40*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
22:30.11hohumfucking A
22:30.50hohumthis used to work
22:31.20*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=tili@
22:37.28mercestesOk, what I would like to do is provide users a recording that says "user is on the phone" when a user is on the phone *instead* of presenting them with call waiting or a busy signal.
22:37.53mercestesWhat method should I use to track to see if a phone is in use or not?  We don't want to turn Call Waiting off (sighs).  Is there a way to do this??
22:39.30[TK]D-Fendermercestes : "show application chanisavail"
22:40.14mercestesI've been doing that but whenever a channel is "in use" it simply terminates with a non-zero code.
22:40.36mercestesI have a ChanIsAvail(sip) and a NoOp(${AVAILSTATUS} but it never gets to the NoOp if the channel is in use.
22:40.40mercestesOn Asterisk 1.2.13.
22:41.43*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
22:42.11[TK]D-Fendermercestes : Show me exactly how you are calling it.
22:42.22mercestes3 lines ok?
22:42.25mercestesWait, i can type it.
22:42.41mercestesexten => s,1,ChanIsAvail(${Arg1}|s)
22:43.04*** join/#asterisk beefus (
22:43.05mercestesexten => s,n,NoOp(Status for ${Arg1} is ${AVAILSTATUS})
22:43.06[TK]D-Fendermercestes : Pastbin the whoe deal.
22:43.49beefusmy asterisk will not start on boot, i get a start/stop loop with error: Automatically restarting Asterisk. Asterisk ended with exit status 1 Asterisk died with code 1
22:44.11beefusbut when I login as root to console and run asterisk -vvvgc it works fine
22:44.39[TK]D-Fenderbeefus : Let me guess... got zaptel cards?
22:44.55mtghCan someone help me with some SIP debugging, I have a phone that won't register, and it might be because of NAT but I am not sure
22:47.49[TK]D-Fendermercestes : And could you pastebin the call attempt....
22:48.47beefusI have a zaptel te110p
22:49.14[TK]D-Fenderbeefus : I'd be betting that zaptel isn't loading before * does.
22:49.18mercestesat the bottom of
22:49.56beefusya, I moved zaptel priority up to s02 and asterisk to s97
22:50.32[TK]D-Fendermercestes : Notice something wrong here? - -- Executing ChanIsAvail("SIP/phone2-bc417db0", "SIP/phone1|sj") in new stack
22:50.39[TK]D-Fendermercestes : Look closely.
22:51.07mercestesI got the same issue without the "sj"  I was attempting to bypass it by enabling priority jumping.
22:51.20mercestesit works if the phone is available and not busy.
22:51.42[TK]D-Fendermercestes : Well you're showing me apples& oranges.  How about you just applyt he changes without the "j" ok?
22:51.45mercestesif you want I can reinstate the code I posted and submit a call without the "j" flag..or am I missing something else??
22:52.06[TK]D-Fendermercestes : then repaste the deal for me :)
22:56.08[TK]D-Fendermercestes : Perhaps you should disable priority jumping globally....
22:58.05*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
22:58.16*** join/#asterisk oreonixon (n=oreonixo@
23:00.41hoobastoobai have a nuisance issue i need advice for. if two phones which are set up on a queue as ringall, answer a call at the exact same time, one phone continues to display the inbound call and ring while the other person actually takes the call. Its hard to describe... is there a way to correct this?
23:01.10mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  same result..:(
23:03.12[TK]D-Fendermercestes : try hard-numbering your priorities, and you're sure you have "priorityjumping=no set global?
23:04.14*** join/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
23:04.20mercestesSame result.
23:04.57mercestesI am dealing with "simulated" use here.  This activity occurs when I am in a Meetme room, and right now I am putting the call "on hold" by dialing a main menu number.  I woulnd't think that would effect ChanIsAvail() tho.
23:05.04*** join/#asterisk Eliran_Itzhak (
23:06.44[TK]D-Fendermercestes : hrm.  something is not right.  ahrd-number them, and add a 103 priority
23:08.04bkw__Dum dum de dum
23:08.13mercesteshard numbered, with priority 103, same result..:(
23:08.38mercestesShould I repastebin my calls to this macro with a successful detection and an unsucessful detection?
23:08.45mercestessa long as the phone is not in use it behaves predictably.
23:09.50[TK]D-Fendermercestes : Must say I can't see this failing like that...
23:09.58mercestesMe neither.
23:10.08[TK]D-Fendermercestes : I used it much like you did for local channel agents as well.
23:10.35mercestesThe only thing I can think is that it's not on an actual call...just in a recorded message, or on hold, or in a conference on the same server....
23:10.41mercestesbut...again, I don't think that should break it.
23:12.39mercestesshould the calling code with the code and examples of a successful code execution v/s unsuccessful maybe??
23:13.37[TK]D-Fendermercestes : dunno.....
23:14.07[TK]D-Fendermercestes : If you've covered all your priority based potential problems then I don't knwo what to suggest.
23:14.27[TK]D-Fendermercestes : though I'd like to see it.
23:14.59mercestes*nods*  Give me a sec.
23:21.06Un1xMeh now i just need to learn how to play with crontab :P
23:21.21Un1xive never used it before in my life but now i need it to backup my confs every week :)
23:21.23Un1xor every 2 weeks
23:21.57*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
23:24.14zambahow do i change the default location for recorded conferences?
23:25.56*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
23:26.50*** join/#asterisk asdx (n=diego@
23:27.46*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
23:27.52*** part/#asterisk hoobastooba (n=ckwall@
23:28.07anonymouz666the GUI is beautiful
23:28.47mitchelocanonymouz666: link?
23:29.57anonymouz666what about?
23:31.25[TK]D-Fendermercestes : ashould be 102 actually
23:31.43Un1x:O this gui is supported by asterisk unlike freepbx
23:31.43mercestesDo you think it will make a difference?
23:31.47[TK]D-Fendermercestes : Although i have to head out for a bit.  Keep up on it and let me know.
23:31.55mercestes*nods*  Alright.
23:32.02[TK]D-Fendermercestes : 103 = useless.  If its going to jump, it'd be to 102
23:32.09asdx1~0 m,
23:32.58Un1xfuck that looks nice
23:33.01Un1xim going to install it to
23:33.15[TK]D-FenderYay * GUI = ABE + Web GUI.....
23:33.32asdxa friend is asking me if he can call from asterisk to a normal telephone (non voip) to any part in the world
23:33.35*** join/#asterisk xAD (
23:33.50mitchelocit's not fully functional yet right?
23:34.00Un1xmitcheloc the GUI?
23:34.22Un1xdont know first i heard of it i'm going to try it too :)
23:34.43Un1xlooks real nice man
23:36.50Un1xbut i still wonder if it wil be hard to install and stuff
23:37.09Un1xprobably not :P
23:37.17Un1xanywya i'm off cya guys
23:37.35asdxit's possible to call from asterisk to a normal telephone (non-voip) to any part in the world?
23:38.12zambaasdx: with the right hardware added, sure
23:38.37zambaasdx: but not for free, if that's what you're asking :)
23:39.28asdxzamba: not for free?
23:39.36zambano, why should it be?
23:40.20*** join/#asterisk Blanker (
23:40.57Blankercan anyone help with a te110p irq sharing issue
23:41.35asdxzamba: what do i need to do that?
23:41.47asdxzamba: and why is not free?
23:45.10Un1xnothing is free is the way the goverment wants it only thing free is
23:45.29Un1xwell except for programs like asterisk and such wich is open source
23:46.00GaVakis there an easy way to set up reverse transfer of calls? Call parking isn't very efficent.
23:46.13justinu|laptopBlanker: what's up?
23:47.04asdxwhat do you need then for calling from asterisk to a normal telephone?
23:47.27zambawhen trying to join a conference room i get prompted for my name each time.. why is that and how do i disable the feature?
23:49.52Blankerjustinu: i have a card which is missing a lot of irqs and is sharing the same irq as the network card. whenever i disconncet from a remote session it kills asterisk
23:50.29asdxdo you need drivers in the kernel for the cards?
23:51.40GaVakBlanker: Did you try putting the card in a different PCI slot?
23:51.49justinu|laptopBlanker: ok, you need to fix it...  try moving the card to a different slot and cat /proc/interrupt
23:52.20Blankeri cant move the card as im not physically next to the machine
23:52.53Blankeri though that might be the case. is there a way to automatically restart asterisk if it stops
23:53.02justinu|laptopcheck the safe_asterisk script
23:53.03Blankeruntil i can get to the box to move the card
23:57.02*** join/#asterisk Pumas (i=KAos@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.