irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061029

00:00.39jakehowdetails on phone setups
00:00.59jakehowi searched around on voip-info for the 941 but nothing really provides this level of detail
00:01.16hadsYou don't need to set anything else up...
00:02.08[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : This is something you just have to open your eyes to realize.  You try a setting, and the emprical evidence tells you what it means, and you just extrapolate the rest.
00:02.49[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : I don't think there is a book out there to truely change the way you look at things so you can better realize what's right in front of you.
00:03.29jakehow[TK]D-Fender: i have not been "on the ground" so to speak w/ this project so that is probably part of the problem
00:03.30[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : Real techies don't need manuals, just buttons to push :)
00:03.40jakehowbut it seems to me there is a serious lack of documentation in this space
00:03.45[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : Got to get your hands dirty :)
00:04.06*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
00:04.23jakehowarticles and docs help to prepare you to go push buttons certainly though...
00:04.27[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : Or maybe its just not worded in ways you were prepared to process to your satisfaction.
00:04.34jakehowquite possibly
00:04.47jakehowi am going to be messing w/ this all next week so just doing any research i can now
00:04.56[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : this is as much a "trade" as say carpentry.  Its hard to put in writing.
00:06.06jakehowwell thanks for the help guys
00:06.31[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : no prob, and good luck
00:07.34Druken[TK]D-Fender: evening...
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00:08.54[TK]D-FenderDruken : y0
00:09.04Druken[TK]D-Fender: wut up ?
00:12.50[TK]D-Fendernot much, just getting ready to head out to play some pool
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00:19.11[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time, bbiab (maybe)
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00:22.48kink0anyone can tell me why DTMF from a Mexico PSTN phone does not works with my Asterisk ?
00:23.15kink0of course works with some USA IVR systems, we have try to call to Networksolutions and works fine.
00:23.25kink0but my ASterisk ignores her DTMF
00:44.20*** join/#asterisk rogier (
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00:46.44rogierCan somebody tell me if asterisk can do a codec translation on the fly ? So let's say I my softphone (sip) that is registered to asterisk does not have the codec that is necessary to use a sip endpoint.
00:48.51kink0rogier: yes
00:50.12aXanaXahey guys can anyone point me to a howto on setting up multiple phonelines in a rollover type setup.  I have 4 VoIP lines I want coming into an asterisk box and I want the incoming calls to ring everyone unless someone is on another line.
00:50.14rogierkink0, okay, good to know
00:50.41kink0but you will consume cpu
00:50.53*** join/#asterisk leandroaugusto (n=leandroa@
00:51.04rogierkink0, yes ofcourse, that is unavoidable
00:52.20rogierBut I unfortunately have registered to a voip provider that uses a codec that is not available on linux, except in asterisk. Now I know that I can at least make up the limited credit I buyed from them.
00:53.25*** join/#asterisk ashafi (
00:55.34kink0rogier: most carriers uses g729
00:57.26rogierkink0, that's exactly the one. Unfortunately proprietary.
01:02.03kink0yes, but the most extended in use
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01:45.51ashafiping! anyone home
01:46.20bkw__NO COMMENT
01:46.40macTijnoh noes
01:46.44macTijnit's bkw__!
01:46.57bkw__apparently so
01:53.04mitchelocbkw__ just isn't quite as cool as the real bkw eh
01:54.15bkw__I am the real bkw boi
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02:56.13vooduhalHey guys.  I've got a strange problem.  What is the site where I should post code, output, etc?
02:56.16davidcsiquestion: I just compiled asterisk 1.2.13, libpri 1.2.4, zaptel 1.2.10 and wanpipe 2.3.3-7 on a debian with kernel 2.6.8, everything went fine, zttools shows the sangoma E1 as UP/OK but there is no CHAN_ZAP.SO and no zap command on asterisk CLI... anyone knows why
03:01.07vooduhalIs anyone alive?
03:02.41davidcsii don't think so
03:12.53benjkyou need a newer kernel
03:12.59benjk2.6.15 or higher
03:13.13fileis that the order you built in davidcsi?
03:13.17benjkthe kernel API changed from .14 to .15
03:14.14benjkZaptel has been adjusted to use the newer kernel API
03:14.43benjkyour build most likely failed as a result
03:14.56*** join/#asterisk Peppery9 (n=peppery@
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03:18.30davidcsii got it...
03:18.56davidcsiwanpipe patches zaptel, so you gotta recompile zaptel AND asterisk...
03:19.06davidcsiits all up now... thanks anyway.
03:19.54davidcsijust put a call through and all ;)
03:20.04vooduhalCan someone tell me where I can post the output for my question?
03:20.13*** part/#asterisk lule ( i think
03:20.46davidcsiyeah, there
03:22.08vooduhalIs there anyway to close these channels?
03:22.15vooduhalSoft hangup doesn't do anything.
03:22.55vooduhalThe only thing I've found is to restart asterisk but this is a 24/7 production ACD system.
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03:46.14krapperany word on when the asterisk gui framework will be available?
03:46.36Qwellkrapper: it already is...
03:46.48Qwellkrapper: "asterisk gui framework" is really just manager and static-http
03:51.11krapperwhen you say manager you're referring to AMS? So is asterisk gui framework just digium's version of those two items with a clean interface?
03:51.25Qwellerm, AMS?
03:51.30amdtechnot me
03:51.53Qwellkrapper: Now, there *is* a Digium GUI, but it's not the "asterisk gui framework"
03:52.15krapperok so maybe i'm confusing terms then
03:52.36krapperi'm referring to what will be include digium's asterisk appliance
03:52.42Qwellthe framework is what the GUI is built on
03:53.34Qwellkrapper: the answer, however, is still "yes", but it's a bit...alpha
03:53.41krappermark spencer was showing off screenshots of a gui interface via a browser created by digium at the ITC conference in san diego a few weeks ago
03:54.05krapperand he said it would be open source
03:54.16Qwellthat it is
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03:55.53amdtechsvn co
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04:23.18docelmoMan its good to be home
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04:29.57Qwelldocelmo: What, got something against Dallas? :p
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04:36.02DasTechanyone here got sphinx working with asterisk
04:37.29docelmoyes..  Read the docs..
04:43.32DasTechI tried the wiki and it does not work
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04:45.06kerlnel20hi there
04:45.23kerlnel20can asterisk hold multivideo conferencing?
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04:50.14kerlnel20can asterisk hold multivideo conferencing?
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04:52.15kerlnel20can asterisk hold multivideo conferencing?
04:55.38wunderkinkerlnel .. ?
05:02.47kerlnel20can asterisk hold multivideo conferencing?
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05:07.34coppicelet's see. he asks about video, and repeats endlessly - must work in daytime TV
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05:26.06kerlnel20coppice: .|.
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06:26.39wepydo i need asterisk if i just want to make free phone calls to my friend online?
06:26.59wepylike no ptsn, just purely internet voice communication..
06:28.06wepyi mean, i know the other options are like skype and stuff, but they aren't open source.. and i'm wondering if my server with a static IP might be useful for this anyway...
06:29.53hadsDepends what you want to do...
06:30.19wepyi just want to talk to my friend for free since international rates are high..
06:30.31wepyi figure we'll both use softphones or something
06:30.52hadsYou just answered your own question.
06:31.00wepyalthough, if it's easy, i might want to setup voicemail or something on an asterisk box..
06:31.15wepyhads: but to use softphones, i would need an asterisk server right?
06:31.43hadsSO, you could call directly between the two, or use a SIP service.
06:31.59wepydirectly... does that work?
06:32.12wepywhat's a SIP service?
06:32.21hadsNo, I just said it for the fun of it ;)
06:32.54wepyhah.. so like linphone, the SIP phone i downloaded.. if i run that, maybe my friend can just use sip:// ?
06:33.17hadsIndeed, if the correct port is open.
06:33.32wepybut my IP changes all the time..
06:33.52wepyis there a way to let my friend contact my static IP server somewhere, and have it automagically call me here?
06:34.07hadsSo you could use a service provider and register your softphone to them.
06:34.25wepyor, i could be the service provider, right?
06:34.59wepythe problem is bandwidth i think..
06:35.13wepyi can only get about 25 Kbyte/sec upload...
06:35.18wepyis that enough for a conversation?
06:36.01hadsIt's not a lot
06:37.55wepyalso.. would asterisk work OK over a vpn?
06:38.08hadsIt can.
06:38.28wepyi have a feeling the latency of the internationalness of this all will ne the biggest problem
06:39.07wepyok.. so basically, i can have my computer here, register it's SIP phone at my server, then people can call me@the.server.address, and it will redirect the call to sip://me@current.ip.address ?
06:39.17wepyor would it all go through the server?
06:40.48wepythanks for the help
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08:06.50Assidman.. this DST on polycoms driving me crazy
08:09.00shellsharkDST-- ;)
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09:00.51[shodan]anyone knows the syntax for the sipura/linksys dialplans ?
09:01.34[shodan]I have this spa-3102 and I want that as soon as it's ringing , it picks up then forward to my * server (s extension ideally)
09:02.31[shodan]right now it picks up after 4 rings, gives the caller a dialtone and sends the caller to the extension he dialed
09:05.01[shodan]ok now it picks up after 1 second.. (just had to set PSTN Answer Delay:)
09:09.10*** join/#asterisk RayJWPi (
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09:12.50RayJWPimorning iskandaar
09:13.05iskandaarmorning channel
09:13.56iskandaaris it possible to configure software raid during aah\trixbox installation?
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09:19.04RayJWPicu ... channel I go to channel
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09:19.37X-Genhey freaks
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10:17.51[shodan]this just in, SPA-3*0* OWN :)
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10:52.14obi1964hey all... wish you a wonderful day from sunny germany and hope I'm doin' nothing wrong here... I'm new to IRC :)
10:52.43obi1964Have a question about asterisk and hope that somebody out there can give me a clue
10:54.30obi1964Is it possible to play a soundfile instead of the standard ringtone in the time between the dial and the pickup?
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11:04.47qdk[shodan]: i have been looking at that box too... will it quickly detect if the internet is down and dial the locale phone instead?
11:06.26qdk[shodan]: and if you dial out using the phone in it, will it the dial out through VoIP if its connected and switch to PSTN if/when the internet is down? (not talking about live call failover)
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11:37.29kumamotoanyone use the BT-200 grandstream phone?
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12:24.06Drukenicky..... snowing this morning.....
12:25.46PakiPenguinah snow!!
12:25.48PakiPenguinsend us some!
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13:04.15un_jneed some help with cisco 7960
13:04.36un_jI will pay.....I am despreate
13:06.36Drukenwhat's your problem ?
13:08.13un_jI got 4 old cisco
13:08.22un_jwith sccp firmware
13:08.36un_jversions are around 3
13:09.22Drukenwell, rather then paying someone to get skinny working, why not pay for the SIP firmware
13:09.34un_jI donwloaded the new version of firmware but theres no bin file just (P0S3-08-2-00.sb2)
13:10.02un_jphone request just bin file that don't exist
13:10.11un_jcan buy the old firmware?
13:10.43Drukenwell, in that case, i'd call cisco about getting a stepup firmware...
13:10.55Drukeni had to do that with an aastra phone i had....
13:11.12un_jI will do thne
13:11.19un_jthank you
13:11.23un_jdo live in chicago?
13:11.34Drukenme? god no... ontario canada
13:11.52un_jI would get you a beer :-)
13:11.54un_jthank you
13:12.25Drukenhehehe don't think i've really done much but give you an opinion... hehe
13:26.00*** join/#asterisk burnproof (n=hellrace@
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13:26.55burnproofhello guys, whenever i get svn co asterisk i always get revision 43628 ?
13:27.19burnproof46328 rather
13:27.40benjkun_j, the procedure is somewhat cumbersome, you probably have to go incremental
13:28.14un_jseems like I just need to get the older version
13:28.25un_jand then 8.X
13:28.42benjklast time I did this I had to go like SCCP -> SIP v2 ... 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.0 .... 6.0, 7.5
13:28.57un_jI called cisco there are closed
13:31.17nonickname123 searched google, for such a problem, nothing there helps
13:33.15un_jcisco is the only source whre I can get those bin files from?
13:43.35Corydon76-homeCisco or a Cisco authorized reseller
13:46.56Corydon76-homeThat was odd.  Usually this channel doesn't stay quiet for 10 minutes
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13:48.44nin1what the best solution for fax server and asterisk
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14:01.10nin1spandsp does not seem to be ready for production shoud if use hylafax with IAXmodem
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14:06.37Corydon76-homespandsp works just fine
14:06.58Corydon76-homeYou need merely pay attention to the installation instructions
14:11.12coppicenin1: you do realise that iaxmodem is just a layer around spandsp, don't you?
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14:21.03nin1ok so scandsp is the base thing
14:21.58nin1sorry if i ask stupid question but I'm just beginning with asterisk manager to make it work
14:23.09nin1Just another question there is destar and freepbx for managing asterisk what is the advantage of each one
14:23.20nin1so it help me choose one
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14:56.30robin_sznever get your kids an ant farm. oh no.
14:57.27DaminActually, if you do get an ant-farm, better get an ant-eater as well..
14:59.41Drukenaren't ant farms sealed?
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15:01.05olor1nguys you have idea why dtmf is unreliable with the  ECHO_CAN_MG2
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15:24.43robin_szDruken: in theory, yes.
15:24.46robin_szin theory.
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16:04.18lennardit probably isnt any use asking about bugs in chan_modem, is it? what with it being obsolete and all that
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16:07.25benjkchan_modem is of very limited use, it's half duplex only
16:07.59nonickname123anynone any clue
16:12.57cjmoyawho can help me with sip agents?
16:20.11un_jhow to reinitiate the upgrade process on 7960 cisco? (I already got the sip software (v3) on it and want to upgrade tov 4)
16:21.58JunK-Ynonickname123: make sure you zapata.conf is configured well and you have channeltype zap
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16:23.49fbntshi, I've recently set up OH323 with asterisk. Its all working fine except I am not using a gatekeeper.  I have set gatekeeper = DISABLE in h323.conf
16:24.00fbntsbut I am still getting: chan_oh323.c:4249 oh323_gk_check: Gatekeeper discovery failed. in the console
16:24.31fbntsany ideas?
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17:34.40mmarcos_how can i set the remote console to display colors?
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17:55.26JunK-Ymmarcos_: just set ur terminal correctly.
17:57.05mmarcos_hmm any particular thing you remember using putty?
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18:08.08pifiumornin everyone
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18:27.41packetmanHi Guys, anyone here?
18:29.58packetmanI have a strange issue.  Running asterisk 1.2.12 and freePBX. Using a TDM400 2 fxo and 2 fxs. When calling out or in is # is pressed during a conversation the line goes dead air
18:30.18packetmanI have a strange issue.  Running asterisk 1.2.12 and freePBX. Using a TDM400 2 fxo and 2 fxs. When calling out or in if # is pressed during a conversation the line goes dead air
18:30.27packetmansorry grammer error
18:30.44rene1any news of pci-express hardware from diguim @ astricon?
18:30.58packetmanThe dead air is on both users.
18:31.05packetmancaller and callee
18:31.24packetmanAsterisk CLI shows nothing when the # is pressed
18:32.28*** join/#asterisk inspired (n=mikael@
18:32.28packetmanI've changed my features.conf to ## for blind transfer, *2 for attended transfer, and *1 for on demand recording so it could not be the system detecting # for blind transfer as ## is now working
18:32.31DarKnesS_WolFpacketman: check the feuter.conf file see what dose # do
18:32.50packetmanlook above
18:33.13packetmanIts weird, cause the asterisk CLI shows nothing
18:34.55packetmansay if I call out to my cellphone. We are connected. I push # on my asterisk extention. The line goes dead air on both my extention and my cellphone, when I hang up my asterisk extention, on my cell I hear a quick blip of a tone
18:49.11*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
18:49.20SuPrSluGhello all
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18:55.10TheCopssomeone know how to change the name "asterisk" as unknown caller ID?
18:55.27DasTechin the cid fileds
18:55.32DasTechyou add for each user
18:55.40DasTechand on outbound routes
18:56.00TheCopsHow from a Zap channel^
18:56.02DasTechand it depends on if your provider passes full cid or not
18:56.29DasTechlook inthe zaptel.conf
18:56.29TheCopsthis is doing this when it is a confidential caller ID from my carrier
18:56.46DasTechthey block the cid then
18:56.55DasTechthere is no way to chabge this
18:57.25DasTechif the carrier is blocking it there is no way to change it]
18:57.44TheCopsI guess this is not my carrier that is sending asterisk on my phone
18:58.06QwellTheCops: never know
18:58.11DasTechthen look in zaptel.conf
18:58.23DasTechcop this copper
18:58.45DasTechyou will never get me see it like this see I am better then you see
18:59.05DasTechI run this town copper so packup and get out
18:59.13DasTechyou see
18:59.22DasTech<== Buggs Malone
19:00.36*** join/#asterisk Arnar (
19:00.40DasTechget pig your not wanted here see
19:01.10DasTechthe fuzz is not welcome here see. this is a free and open source channel see
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19:03.27DasTechsorry got to much cleep jonzing now
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19:18.44teknoprepi need an ecuador did... anyone know where i can get one?
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19:22.56MattB2hi all, happy sunday!
19:23.03MattB2got a dev question
19:23.21MattB2triny to mod app_record to play a beep 10s and 5s before maxduration
19:24.08MattB2taking into account i know C fairly well but nothing about developing in asterisk, i placed a simple ast_streamfile and ast_waitstream into the recording loop
19:24.26MattB2this does the beeps fine but drops a small amount of the recording
19:24.37MattB2is there some kind of asycn streamfile i can use to prevent this?
19:25.22MattB2257 users and not a single person speaking ;)
19:27.55pifiuanyone know a bit more about trunking?
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20:01.52sundancerHello. Anyone using freeworlddialup?
20:03.01Nivexno, everyone switched to gizmo
20:05.00Qwellbecause they're sheep :p
20:05.22sundancerI guess its just another skypealike stupidity
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20:07.17docelmoAnyone have a sec to answer a question on a TDM400P?
20:07.24Qwelldocelmo: can try
20:07.42docelmoI am trying to compile Zaptel and its bitching about something not sure what..
20:07.48docelmoI compiled libpri
20:08.01docelmoI set the link to the build directory of kernel 2.6
20:10.00docelmothis is a copy of the error
20:12.02Qwelllet me guess
20:12.09jbotfrom memory, centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
20:12.35Qwellrun that, try again
20:13.06docelmoCan I run that anywhere in the shell?
20:13.30Qwellyeah, it's full path + wildcarded
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20:14.13docelmoyep that fixed it..  Why not do a check on the OS version and fix it automatically..
20:14.21docelmothanks dude
20:14.22Qwellbecause it's not really possible
20:14.40Qwellthough, I guess it *MIGHT* be possible to check in the configure script
20:14.54*** join/#asterisk beighto (
20:14.59Qwellfor the struct itself..  not the OS/kernel version
20:15.00docelmojust check for redhat-release
20:15.06docelmoif there check and see if its centos
20:15.44Qwellall it really needs, is to compile a simple app that uses rwlock, and see if it compiles.  If not...tell them to fix it
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20:22.30beightolooking for a way to ignore all # keypresses in my dialplan, any ideas besides removing the trailing digit?
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20:50.19packetman<beighto> Are you having a problem with #?
20:53.23beightopacketman yes
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20:53.36packetmanWhat is the symptoms?
20:54.20clive-has anyone heard of this dsp board for asterisk: SigC5561 VoIP PCI card for Asterisk IP PBX server ??
20:55.23beightopacketman When someone punches in a bunch of numbers and presses # my dialplan thinks the # key is just another digit.  Where their intention was to press # to confirm the digits pressed and go on to the next context.  I want to be able to ignore that # symbol.
20:55.55packetmanCause I am having a problem when if a caller presses # they receive dead air?
20:56.06packetmanWhat is the settings of your feature.conf ?
20:56.36packetmanIt may be set so # = blindxfer
20:57.55beightopacketman: I tried that, and I don't recall it working correctly.  My dialplan is set up so it gets _X. for the digits pressed and even with that set in features.conf it still adds the # to the end
20:59.08packetman<beighto> What is the setting there? blindxfer => # ?
20:59.24beightoyes, blindxfer => #
20:59.33packetmanYou shold change that
20:59.40packetmanto something else
20:59.44packetmanuse ##
20:59.57beightoblindxfer => ##?
21:00.01packetmanor comment it out buy putting ; infront
21:00.11packetmanthis will allow # to be used
21:00.26beightoI will give that a try right now, thanks
21:00.29packetmanas  a normal DTMF tone passed to the runk
21:01.26packetmanelse asterisk will see # and not pass it to the trunk
21:01.44packetmanyou could also turn it off by commenting it out by using ; infront on blindxfer => # but this will mean your extention transfers features will not work
21:01.46beightostill, when I press something like 123# it registers as 123#
21:02.14packetmanwhy is it you want to strip #?
21:02.49packetmanif you do this how will your users access automated telephone systems IVR's that require #?
21:03.12packetmanlike "please enter your banking information followed by the # key"
21:03.52beightoit is for call conferencing, some people like to add # when they are done dialing a conference number, but when they do that it adds # to the end of the conference number and fails.  There are no automated IVRs on this server, it is strictly call conferencing
21:04.38packetmancan't help ya there
21:05.07beightothe workaround I thought might work would be adding a _X# and stripping the last digit, then add a _XX#, strip the last digit and so on
21:05.52packetmanI'm just reading lots about dialplan writing
21:05.59packetmannot quite there yet
21:06.28packetmanthat would work as long as you cover all lenghts of numbers
21:06.48packetmanthere should be a cleaner way of doing it
21:06.54beightoyeah... I figure I could go 10 digits out and be good in 99% of all the conference numbers that might be entered
21:06.57packetmanah I just read something in my dialplan learning
21:07.13packetmanhold up let me see if I can pull the example
21:08.01packetmanI found something in the pattern matching area
21:08.11packetmanlet me read it and see if it will work for you
21:10.03packetmanYou can use a period
21:10.20packetmanlet me get you the link
21:10.22*** part/#asterisk clive- (
21:10.24packetmanto the example
21:10.43beightoI am using the ., but I can't add a # after the . and strip the last digit
21:11.15*** part/#asterisk Agrajag- (
21:11.38packetman_X.# does snot work?
21:11.39Strom_Chow about just using variables and substrings?
21:11.51hadsYeah, . is everything so characters after that won't work.
21:12.07packetmanyou can use [0-9] also
21:12.20Strom_C[0-9] == X
21:12.21packetmanlet me check the example
21:12.41*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:13.41hadsUse Strom_C's idea.
21:13.54beightoI would need a [0-9] that would apply to the whole string of digits entered that way
21:14.12hadsRetrieve last digit, check if it's a # and remove it.
21:14.13packetmanya I just saw that It only allpies to the single
21:14.19beightobecause a conference number could be 123 or 1234567890 in which case I would need a context of XXX and XXXXXXXXXX
21:14.25packetmanya use  varables
21:14.49Strom_Cor even better, use the Read() application, which terminates input with a #
21:15.19beightoStrom_C: now that might work
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21:16.13packetmanya that would catch that # and put it in its place. Terminate :)
21:16.53beightothats the answer! Thanks guys!
21:17.03*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
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21:20.48packetmanI have a strange issue.  Running asterisk 1.2.12 and freePBX. Using a TDM400 2 fxo and 2 fxs. When calling out or in if # is pressed during a conversation the line goes dead air
21:21.16packetmanI've changed my features.conf to ## for blind transfer, *2 for attended transfer, and *1 for on demand recording so it could not be the system detecting # for blind transfer as ## is now working
21:21.32packetmanAsterisk CLI shows nothing when the # is pressed
21:21.58packetmansay if I call out to my cellphone. We are connected. I push # on my asterisk extention. The line goes dead air on both my extention and my cellphone, when I hang up my asterisk extention, on my cell I hear a quick blip of a tone
21:24.05beightocould there be a record option in there somewhere?
21:25.39Qwell<packetman> _X.# does snot work?
21:25.49QwellJust wanted to clear this question up..  Anything after . is ignored.
21:26.01packetmanthanks Qwell
21:26.09Qwell. and ! force an early return
21:26.25hads< hads> Yeah, . is everything so characters after that won't work.
21:26.40hadsAlthough, yes, yours is clearer :)
21:27.13QwellI'm still not entirely clear on what ! does though...
21:27.20*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
21:27.49Qwell~lart Qwell
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21:37.01aronofskyhi , i got an asterisk server and i was wondering if there was a good apps that permits to use a computer as a virtual ip phone ( with mic and headphone )
21:37.32Qwellaronofsky: sure, that would be called a softphone..  there are a bunch available
21:37.34EyeCuewhat os is the 'computer' ?
21:37.40jbotsomething that should be drug out into the street and shot
21:37.40ariel_packetman, there is a channel here for help with freepbx it's #freepbx depending on the version your using there have been lots of updates an fixes in the pass few weeks for there dial rules.
21:38.08aronofskyok ,and whate are the best free solutions ?
21:38.20EyeCuewhat os?
21:38.22Qwellaronofsky: one that people like is called x-lite.  It isn't open source (it IS free however), but it's good
21:38.23packetmanHmm so It might be something freepbx did to the dialplan
21:38.49Qwellpacketman: wouldn't doubt it, unfortunately.  and unless you go through the whole thing (it's a rats nest), there's no way to tell for sure
21:38.55ariel_packetman, yes they use allot of macro's and checks before dialing
21:38.58EyeCuearonofsky, my favourites for elegance and simplicity with simple and somewhat refined UI's are idefisk + miranda plus iax plugin
21:39.12EyeCue+ = or.
21:39.13Qwellaronofsky: EyeCue: idefisk is really good too
21:39.30QwellI also like iaxcomm, because it actually is open source
21:39.35packetmank I will ask in freePBX, ,aybe they can tell me hwo to open up some debugging so I can see what is happening when I press #
21:39.38EyeCueyeh, the ui needs some usability work, but its clean
21:39.51ariel_set verbose 9
21:40.15EyeCueas far as 'just works' is concerned, idefisk or miranda + iax plugin (a good friend dev'd this btw)
21:40.17packetmanin cli, K I will try that, when it was at 5 it did not tell me anything when I press #
21:42.16packetmanAny good linux based IAX softphones. I'm using unbuntu
21:42.21Qwellwhat time is it?
21:42.31Qwellall the clocks in my house are out of sync, heh
21:42.34ariel_4:42pm here EST
21:42.40packetmanwhat part of the world do you live in?
21:42.44Qwellso, wtf...why didn't my phone change?
21:42.50packetmanya shows 4:42
21:43.09packetmanIP phone or cell
21:43.16Qwellcell, surprisingly
21:43.22QwellI figured it would definitely change
21:43.25packetmancell, has a option recive time update from network
21:43.33Qwellyeah, and mine does when I switch timezones
21:43.36packetmanatleast mine does
21:43.38ariel_packetman, there is a xlite linux version that works well for sip.
21:43.49Qwellyou know
21:43.55QwellI'm inclined to believe
21:44.06packetman<ariel_> no IAX though eh. Ah I'll google around and see whats out there
21:44.23QwellSo, this begs the question...  What timezone is detroit?
21:44.37ariel_sip makes a far better protocal then iax2
21:44.37packetmanI think
21:44.50QwellSo, I obviously picked the wrong timezone ;)
21:45.03packetmanya but NAT is a wh*re with sip
21:45.13Qwellman, when you have 3 phones telling you different things...
21:45.14ariel_packetman, yes that is correct
21:45.16lennardit is?
21:45.20Qwellerm, 3 clocks
21:45.31packetmanSo still sip is better that IAX2?
21:45.54pifiuhey ariel!
21:45.55pifiulong time
21:45.55packetmanwhat are some of the bennifits
21:46.00ariel_just think of this everything goes via the same port via iax2
21:46.03ariel_pifiu, hi
21:46.23packetmansame port yes better for NAT
21:46.34ariel_yes better for not but not too scallable
21:46.49packetmanwhats its scalibility?
21:47.02packetmanfor iax
21:47.13*** join/#asterisk FrdPrefct (
21:47.26FrdPrefctI'm having problems getting zaptel to work in ubuntu
21:47.30FrdPrefctcan someone please help?
21:47.47ariel_packetman, it can handle allot but after 8 or 9 calls it starts to have issues with sound and jitters
21:48.14packetmanI guess with sip as long as you use proper SIP and RTP port forwards in your router, and exterip and localnet settings, then a stun server for the client on the other side all should be whell
21:48.16ariel_ubuntu makes a great desktop os I use Kubuntu. But for servers...humm don't use it at all.
21:48.33ariel_packetman, yep
21:49.08*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
21:49.21packetmanI guess me just being a somewhat NooB until I really understood the settings, which are not that hard, I assumed IAX2 was better cause it was easier to config
21:49.37*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
21:50.18ariel_packetman, it's easyer yes but you need to know it's limitations I use it for voicepulse since I only have one inbound number with them and it can handle the 4 calls without issues. But for the rest it's sip all the way.
21:51.17packetmanI still get stupid oneway audio issues and DTMF problems with sip, even with all the proper settings. I assume I'm still missing some sometimes. If I'm missing just one I guess things won't work. As I get better at this I'm sure I will change my mind that sip is better
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22:10.49dovidmorning all
22:14.38saftsackdovid, wherer do you live that you can say morning? :> japan?
22:14.52dovid0015 here now
22:15.05saftsackhumm, ok ;)
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22:35.53qdkQwell aronofsky: one that people like is called x-lite.  It isn't open source (it IS free however), but it's good <- i beg to differ, so could you tell me whats good about it?
22:36.36Qwellqdk: I don't personally like it, so I can't comment
22:40.02*** join/#asterisk grabowski (
22:40.12qdkQwell: ok, fair enough. I dislike it as well due to its high latency.
22:40.42grabowskiIs there a way to test if my timing source (ztdummy) is working? Or just try a meetme extension and watch for errors?
22:40.50qdkariel_: what was that about IAX being crap with more than 10 concurrent calls?
22:42.05mogqdk, What are you talking about?
22:42.48qdkmog: Depends.
22:55.20docelmoAnyone know how to enable H.264 in asterisk for Video phones?
23:05.28*** part/#asterisk grabowski (
23:14.34Damindocelmo: Nope, but I can tell you that func_curl with AEL2 has solved 99% of my problems! :)
23:20.47QwellDamin: example of problems?
23:21.03QwellI'm genuinely curious..
23:22.22brookshireqwell: i believe it had to do with sharing voicemail.conf
23:22.34QwellThat was Juggie :D
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23:23.49brookshireoh yah
23:24.13brookshireqwell: i'm at bumpers :)
23:24.24brookshire*drinks his beer*
23:24.35brookshiredamnit.. twisted just got an 8ball on the break
23:24.40brookshirethat means i lose
23:24.42Qwellloser :p
23:24.52brookshireQwell: come out here (this is twisted)
23:25.07brookshiremy bday was saturday
23:25.07QwellI'm tired :p
23:25.09brookshirecome out for a little bit
23:25.12brookshire(back to matt)
23:25.22lennardnow I REALLY don't understant why they removed chan_modem and chan_modem_i4l
23:25.27lennardit works perfectly fine
23:25.40lennardwell, after fixing-or-maybe-breaking a few things
23:26.28brookshireQwell: you don't have to buy anything, just come out for a few
23:26.34brookshireand bring the wife i haven't met yet
23:27.11Qwellbrookshire: You have
23:27.15Qwellwell, "you"
23:27.27brookshirenot twisted
23:27.31brookshirehe typed that
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23:36.12linageethis is what cox cable uses for their "cox digital telephone":
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23:40.18ftexcomI got this error when I try to start asterisk
23:40.24ftexcomERROR[3439] chan_zap.c: Unable to open channel 2: No such device or address
23:40.24ftexcom<ftexcom> here = 0, tmp->channel = 2, channel = 2
23:40.27ftexcomany ideas?
23:44.29ftexcomyou talk a lot
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23:45.17JTand you're impatient a lot, your point? :)
23:45.51docelmoWhat no one know how to setup GXV3000?
23:46.16ftexcomJT my point..asterisk dies after that message
23:47.18benjkasterisk == dead man walking
23:48.21JTftexcom: you didn't provide enough information for anyone to do anything than to ask for more information
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23:49.37ftexcomI do believe the problem comes from zapata.conf...but I have no idea what's that "channel 2"
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23:50.55JTftexcom: is zaptel.conf setup, did you run ztcfg?
23:51.44ftexcomno, it's not zaptel.conf...its /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf. Yes I run ztcfg
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23:52.30THX2000I'm having trouble dialing out on my zap channels, I'm thinking its starting to dial the number too soon, so sometimes it'll go through and sometimes it'll say stuff like "you need to dial one before calling this number"...
23:52.32JTftexcom: are you trying to correct me?
23:52.36THX2000Is there a way to delay it from dialing?
23:52.50ftexcomare you trying to correct me? what kind of question is that?
23:53.19JTftexcom: to get a Zap channel working with Asterisk you require both /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf configured correctly
23:53.31JTand you need to run ztcfg before starting asterisk
23:54.45JTftexcom: your remark seemed to imply that i was wrong to bring up zaptel.conf
23:54.46ftexcomI can hardly start asterisk if it dies all the time
23:55.05JTso i will ask one more time
23:55.17JThave you configured /etc/zaptel.conf correctly?
23:55.50ftexcomJT genzaptelconf did the job for me. Everything was working fine. I added some musiconhold, installed mpg123, then..decided to reboot, and then all went to hell
23:56.18hadsMaybe genzaptelconf didn't do the job for you...
23:56.36hadsAnd, why mpg123?
23:57.00hadsfiles mode > mpg123
23:57.25ftexcomi was trying to make streaming musiconhold
23:58.17*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (

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