irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061028

00:00.23tzafrir_homeI'm trying to figure why I can't manipulate the dialplan...
00:01.25saftsacktzafrir_home, is this a gui for the webbrowser?
00:02.19tzafrir_homeRuns from the integrated httpd that was added recently.
00:02.29tzafrir_homeAppears to be rewriting configuration
00:02.31saftsackoh ok so asterisk gui is a delivered original webinterface?
00:04.15tzafrir_homewell, time to try to figure out javascript code...
00:04.59*** join/#asterisk dsfr (i=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
00:05.03saftsackjs -> :(
00:06.39*** join/#asterisk hoobastooba (
00:07.08hoobastoobai have mentioned this issue before and i have tried a few things that have been suggested, but i am not getting anywhere...
00:07.24hoobastoobai have 5 asterisk servers 4 working very well and one not.
00:07.55*** join/#asterisk angler (i=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
00:07.55hoobastoobathey are all installed relatively the same, but the one that is not working is acting up when queued calls come in
00:08.07kink0I am trying to do Dial() to a PSTN phone, and then capture the pressed keys on that phone, any idea ?
00:08.19hoobastoobasome calls come in and the queue member cannot hear the caller, but the caller can here the queue member.
00:08.38hoobastoobai have verified all of the hardware settings, irq hyperthreading and such.
00:09.37hoobastoobaand have reinstalled everything... still happening. can anyone help?
00:15.06*** join/#asterisk MoineauMort (n=pipop@
00:15.28MoineauMorthello evry body
00:16.40MoineauMortplease i need help can u help me ?
00:17.57jbotDon't Ask To Ask. Just ASK
00:17.57MoineauMortim delphi developper
00:18.20*** join/#asterisk anthonyl (
00:18.33MoineauMortand i cant find iax library for delphi
00:18.51R3PTII3is there anybody here that knows how to make the asterisk configuration to work with ? i will pay for a little service if someone can help me
00:18.59MoineauMorthave you any idea ?
00:21.30*** join/#asterisk Cyon (
00:23.44MoineauMortplease can u help me ?
00:24.08CyonMoineauMort:  With?
00:25.30CyonGoing to be beyond me...but you just need to find a lib to include?
00:26.12*** join/#asterisk KuJaX (
00:26.13MoineauMorti need to develop a iax softphone
00:26.18CyonMoineauMort:  I assume you reviewed:
00:26.20MoineauMortwith delphi
00:26.39MoineauMortyes but this lib is poure c++
00:27.28anthonylcan't you load functions exported from shared libraries into delphi somehow?
00:27.56CyonI'd have thought so to...
00:27.57MoineauMortyes but callback function caused problem
00:28.15anthonyldlopen (linux) or loadlibrary (win32) something like that should be in delphi
00:28.31*** join/#asterisk alrac (n=carla@
00:28.49anthonyli'm not to informed on delphi, but what kind of error are you getting?
00:29.09MoineauMortmy application crashed
00:29.20MoineauMortwith error memory fault
00:29.45anthonyldid you check it out with a debugging so you should find the exact point?
00:30.54MoineauMortthis my 5 day
00:30.58MoineauMortfor debuging
00:31.07MoineauMortand the ocx
00:31.19MoineauMortis not integrable with delphi
00:31.35CyonWhy are you using delphi anyway  ;-)
00:32.01anthonylan ocx is just a com object it should be.
00:32.25MoineauMorthave you any ocx compatible
00:32.39MoineauMortdelphi because i metrised him
00:38.03saftsackflorz, hi are you the hfc patch florz?
00:38.30CyonAh well, anyone able to ponder an iax2 issue I'm having on 1.2.13
00:40.19florzsaftsack: yep
00:41.09saftsackflorz, :) i tested it one time and it helped :) i ask you as programmer. are the hfc cards good cards from the ground up?
00:42.49florzsaftsack: Well, there are several different HFC chipsets - as far as the HFC-S PCI A is concerned, the answer probably would be no ;-)
00:43.48saftsackthe hfc chipsets which just do the signalling and do not affect the voice quality (do they???) differ in their quality?
00:44.16florzsaftsack: Well, not in the "voice signal quality", obviously :-)
00:44.59saftsackbut there is for example the hfc-mini for example too. i thought that an isdn implementation from one manufactor is the same in every chip
00:45.27florzsaftsack: Well, the ISDN implementation isn't that much of a problem. It's more the PCI side :-)
00:45.53kink0I am trying to do Dial() to a PSTN phone, and then capture the pressed keys on that phone, any idea ?
00:46.40saftsackok ... what is if you have one card in nt and one in te mode? then the isdn hasnt to do anything but to give routing informations if you would connect the cards with cables directly, or?
00:46.54florzsaftsack: Like, if it doesn't get PCI access within a few microseconds, it causes an effective xrun, because all the buffering is done in the host's memory, for that's the cheapest way to do things
00:47.54saftsackso this is the reason for echo?
00:48.09saftsacki didnt have see any hfc-a chipset card without having echo troubles
00:48.29florzsaftsack: Or the fact that counters that are written to by the card and counters that are written to by the host are within one cache line, which basically makes it impossible to write drivers that work on platforms where cache coherence is not guaranteed by the hardware ...
00:50.09saftsackso you say it is impossible with a normal pc to get an echoless configuration?
00:51.02florzsaftsack: ISDN never causes any echo in the voice channel on the transmission path
00:51.57saftsackbut if i call somebody who has an analog telephone ....
00:52.08florzsaftsack: as far as connecting the cards directly is concerned, there AFAIK is no driver currently that makes use of the chip's capability to move b channel data over a PCM bus
00:52.27florzsaftsack: Yeah, then that analog telephone does cause echo
00:52.42saftsackso the only choice to do that is using a hfc4s chipset?
00:53.11saftsackw/ hardware bridgin?
00:53.14florzsaftsack: Or more exactly it's the hybrid at the CO end of that analog line
00:53.54saftsackyes but if i plug a telephone directly to the ntba and place a call to anywhere there never is echo
00:54.07saftsackif i call over a te, nt hfc-s a card combination there is echo everytime
00:55.21florzsaftsack: That depends on what your intention is - do you wanna actually get rid of the echo or just make it so that it won't be noticed by the user?
00:55.34florzsaftsack: Sure, there is echo. You just don't notice.
00:55.43saftsackhrhr :) the echo made me rid :)
00:56.22saftsackthe only device with isdn which hasnt echo until now was a patton gateway with echocancelling and a hfc-s mini chipset
00:57.23florzsaftsack: The latency of the echo is in the millisecond-range, which is why you don't notice it (your brain simply doesn't distinguish between the echo and the direct sound waves of yoru speech)
00:58.11florzsaftsack: Which is why you either have to keep latency that low or you have to actually get rid of the echo (usually using echo cancelling)
00:58.14saftsackyes but why do i experience echo with pci cards?
00:59.11florzsaftsack: Well, obviously it must be because of the latency between the to interfaces :-)
00:59.27florzsaftsack: which obviously can be kept low using hardware bridging
01:00.13florzsaftsack: However, I never had major problems even with software briding between two HFC-S PCI A cards
01:00.32saftsackhmm but why doesnt everyone has problems but me and some other people?
01:00.55florzsaftsack: that's a good question :-)
01:01.10*** join/#asterisk hoobastooba (
01:01.57saftsackflorz, there are too people in general. the one who have echo and arent able to get it away and the others who havent any echo. so the conclusion is, that some people are annoyed from little changes in the sound and the others not, or what?
01:02.37*** join/#asterisk grantm (n=grantm@
01:02.49florzsaftsack: I guess it's more like something in your asterisk box causes major delays :-)
01:02.50hoobastoobaI came across the error: "Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from" which is extension 3716. I cannot find in the wiki what this error means.
01:03.39hoobastoobasaftsack: look at your irqs.
01:03.51hoobastoobado a top and see what your iowait is, and do sar and see what it has been
01:03.53saftsacki tested it in more than 2 different computer
01:03.53florzsaftsack: Do you have an idea how much latency there is between the original and the echo?
01:03.58*** join/#asterisk quellhorst (n=pro@unaffiliated/rend)
01:04.11hoobastoobai had this issue before and it was an issue with irqs
01:04.14saftsackflorz, short. it is more a background voice
01:04.30florzsaftsack: Well, "short" is pretty relative :-)
01:04.45florzsaftsack: is it, like, 10ms, 100ms, 500ms, 1s, 2s, 5s?
01:04.48quellhorsti have a remote server where i get 19ms pings from, i have a broadband connect here, should that be fast enough to setup asterisk remotely and have a sip phone here?
01:05.07hoobastoobasaftsack: what is your iowait reporting when you have this issue?
01:05.36saftsackhoobastooba, i havent got an actual built up. my last tests were 3 months ago
01:05.39saftsackflorz, it was about 50ms
01:05.50saftsackbut i will build up a new builtup tomorrow
01:05.55saftsackbut one theoretical question
01:06.17hoobastoobais this on a t1?
01:06.28*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
01:06.45hoobastoobasorry, i jumped in after you gave the details probably
01:06.48saftsackif i call home (from the office) both BRI lines there should be no echo implicided by the line if there are just isdn telephones, or?
01:07.42florzsaftsack: well, there could be, if the sound get back to the microphone in the handset
01:07.50florzsaftsack: But usually, there shouldn't
01:08.28saftsackyes i mean if there will be now poor audio coupling
01:09.04saftsackwith this setup it would be possible to test if the * computer creates the echo or not
01:09.06florzsaftsack: As I said, within the ISDN transmission path, there is basically nothing that could cause echo on the voice channel
01:09.18saftsackyes this is what i want to test
01:09.51quellhorstok, from the talk here, 19ms pings to asterisk isnt bad?
01:09.59quellhorstfor a server in another city.
01:10.07saftsackbut why are there big ECs for T1,E1 cards if isdn signalling doesnt implicit echo? i mean echo from an analog phone from the other site is filterred by the telco, or?
01:10.28hoobastoobaanyone tell me what it means if i get Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from
01:10.33florzquellhorst: If you mean by that 19ms RTT between the two ends of the call, that shouldn't be a problem
01:11.22kink0saftsack, always there some audio feedback on the headset from speaker to microphone, and also in the lines due to parasit capacitances in the wires
01:11.33florzsaftsack: Nope, it's not, for the very reason that it isn't noticed by anyone anyway because of the small latency
01:11.55kink0saftsack, that is the reason always there somo class of EC on the telco side, even if you dial from ISDN to ISDN
01:12.04CyonJust about to head off; no chance anyone is free to consider an issue with iax2 between two 1.2.13 servers; which only existed once both were upgraded, only one server upgraded and there is no issue...
01:12.35saftsackso you mean that it isnt possible to telephone without echo with different partners without having a good ec?
01:12.43CyonObviously not excluding human error...just can't figure out how
01:13.17CyonAh well, I'll try again another time then
01:14.01*** join/#asterisk jaike (i=jaike@
01:14.32florzsaftsack: You basically do need EC only for either really long distance calls or when using any more-than-PSTN-latency medium, basically.
01:15.04saftsackPSTN-latency medium what is that?
01:15.09jaikeis there any advantage of running asterisk on 64bit OS, like fedora 5-64bit?
01:15.35florzsaftsack: "more-than-PSTN-latency medium" -> any medium with latency greater than on the PSTN
01:16.25saftsackso if you just place calls to the pstn you need no ec?
01:17.31*** join/#asterisk steveaj (n=steve@
01:20.00florzsaftsack: I mean, just consider that if you take the speed of light as the speed at which the signal travels on the PSTN (which isn't quite correct, of course), it could travel a whole 150 km, that is to a point at 75 km distance and back, in the same time it takes for the sound wave from your mouth to reach your ear
01:20.39saftsackok this sounds logical
01:21.17saftsackbut another question for comparing. does an elmeg tk (this 10 years old big boxes which have 4 s0 modules for example) have echocancelling chips?
01:21.17florzsaftsack: So, before it accumulated 10 ms of RTT, it's once accross .de and back :-)
01:22.04saftsackwhich is the top latency border when humans can hearing echo?
01:23.15*** join/#asterisk kio (
01:23.21*** join/#asterisk hoobastooba (
01:23.59hoobastoobaso has anyone else experienced where the incoming calls are not audible to the agent, but the person on the outside who called can hear everything just fine?
01:24.01florzsaftsack: it depends on how loud it is. And being able to hear it actually isn't that much of a problem, either. Only if it's to far from the original, it will stop you speaking and stuff :-) - I mean, you usually do hear yourself while speaking, don't you? :-)
01:24.03kink0saftsack, that is the reason always there somo class of EC on the telco side, even if you dial from ISDN to ISDN
01:24.10kink0I am trying to do Dial() to a PSTN phone, and then capture the pressed keys on that phone, any idea ?
01:26.23florzkink0: So, in spain you do have EC for every voice channel there is?
01:26.54kink0florz, yes, we have. Echoes is less noticiable when no long distance and/or very low latency
01:27.04saftsackkink0, so i think that the next EC in the pstn isnt more far than 75km away from me
01:27.20saftsackor what does t-com do in relation to ec, florz ?
01:27.22kink0but for all calls, gsm net to isdn, isdn to rtb, isdn to voIP... etc is required some class of EC
01:28.07kink0saftsack, the question is not the distance in kilometers, is the line quality and latency
01:28.07saftsackdoesnt the telco do this?
01:28.08*** join/#asterisk benjk (
01:28.13kink0saftsack, some times you call from PSTN to PSTN and get a terrible echo
01:28.14florzsaftsack: I don't know their policies on this, but they certainly don't do EC on every voice channel - not even for analog lines.
01:28.51saftsackwe have an plain old elmeg here and i never had echo before. does the elmeg do echocancelling?
01:30.59florzkink0: so, what exactly does cause latency, if not distance? In the PSTN, that is ...
01:31.38florzGSM and VoIP over ADSL and the like are a different matter, obviously
01:31.46kink0florz, actually mostly phone circuits are digital, even if you use analog phones
01:32.15kink0these digital phones circuits does compression, and so, that can cause also delays
01:32.22florzkink0: You mean circuit as in within-the-phone or circuit as in voice channel in the network?
01:32.36kink0the delay on the line is not very important, because the electrons goes near light speed
01:32.54kink0circuits on the phone network for compressions and for routing
01:34.16florzkink0: Well, no, the switching employed in the PSTN doesn't have much latency. And the "compression" that's used (G.711a and G.711µ) are a matter of a few nanoseconds to do, with no interdependence of samples.
01:34.47florzkink0: Plus, obviously, the number of switching "hops", also depends on the distance.
01:35.23saftsackflorz, do you have a tip for me for a good and cheap ec circuit?
01:35.23kink0florz I agree, with same latency on the swithes , more distance is more latency
01:35.44florzsaftsack: zaptel software EC?
01:35.47hoobastoobaquick clearification....
01:35.53kink0but considere they use multiple switching circuits, so may be you get less latency in a long distance than in a local call
01:35.55hoobastoobaset in sip.conf
01:35.56hoobastoobainternal-network-address should be the network address like so:
01:35.59saftsackflorz, the zaptel software ec is a joke ;)
01:36.05kink0because they chose low latency equipments for long distance
01:36.06hoobastoobalocal net is the servers address?
01:36.12saftsackisnt there something for the pcm bus for the hfc chipset?
01:36.13*** part/#asterisk jaike (i=jaike@
01:36.36florzsaftsack: No, it works pretty well actually. Just try out different algorithms than the one compiled in by default :-)
01:36.56hoobastoobabut if i am not using nat in between my phone and my server, i would not require this, right?
01:37.19saftsackbut if i call me home and deactivate the microphone in the phone i shouldnt get echo without an ec, right?
01:37.53florzsaftsack: Correct. At least no audible echo :-)
01:38.04saftsackok then i will test this tomorrow
01:38.08saftsackthank you i go to bed now because its late
01:38.18florzindeed, I'm off, too :-)
01:39.53florzkink0: Well, but instead of the switching latency you will have the light-speed latency, then :-)
01:40.03benjkflorz, saftsack seems to be the only one on the planet to have these issues with his BRIstuff setup
01:40.33*** join/#asterisk kilobit2001 (
01:40.44kink0florz, hehehe, but when you insert an EC into a light speed circuit, the speed goes down again :)
01:41.01kilobit2001whats ec?
01:41.28kink0echo cancelers
01:42.42benjkkink0, speed != latency
01:42.49florzbenjk: Well, they are at least relatively seldom, yeah. I have heard of such problems once or twice already, but never of any final result as to what the root of the problem was, so *shrug*
01:43.08benjkflorz, saftsack has been complaining for at least a year
01:43.43benjkand from his comments I get the impression that he is cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap
01:43.44kink0well.. I have waste a week trying it, appears to be impossible ... to get DTMF for a call orginated in Asterisk to some phone
01:43.56*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
01:44.13benjkso I can't avoid thinking that this cheapness has something to do with his echo problem
01:45.31florzbenjk: Maybe it was always him? =:-) - well, that is to say: I wasn't really aware of him yet, even though I think I've seen his nick at times ...
01:48.17kink0nobody know the way to do Dial() to a phone and then capture the pressed keys on it ?
01:49.27florzbenjk: @speed/latency: Erm, yeah, obviously speed != latency, but I was just saying that even if you do have faster (as in lower-latency) switches on long distance, you then do have latency because of the distance ...
01:50.07benjksure latencies add up
01:54.10florzWhat I still do wonder is how he found out the latency of the voice channel of 50 ms ... =:-)
01:55.36kink0well time for sleep , good night all
01:56.49*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
02:15.19*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
02:22.01R3PTII3!seen kink0
02:25.36*** join/#asterisk DasTech (
02:25.42DasTechok hello
02:25.48DasTechneed input
02:25.57DasTechgot a error I have never seen
02:26.01DasTechGot SIP response 481 "Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from
02:27.21DasTechthe voip gate way unit registers but cant call internaly the get 5 sec  dial tone thenit goes busy
02:27.39DasTechand I cant dial them  it goes right to vm
02:36.15*** join/#asterisk bhrobinson (
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04:21.37NivexIt didn't escape the >, this should have been "Why IAX2 > SIP":
04:21.48*** join/#asterisk juice (
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04:36.43*** join/#asterisk callsign (
04:36.50callsigndoes anyone here use any cisco phones?
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05:26.35*** join/#asterisk voipster99 (
05:27.16voipster99Good morning everyone ;;; I have got a prob with my asterisk (trixbox) ;;; all a sudden MySQL fails to restart ;;; I have upload g729 and g723 (intel) codecs last night ;; could that be the prob?
05:28.21voipster99How can I manually start mysql in asterisk? I tried: asterisk -r and then reload
05:28.24voipster99but still the problem exists
05:28.27voipster99any ideas guys?
05:29.19voipster99this is the msg that I get when trying to load FreePBX : [nativecode=Lost connection to MySQL server during query] ** mysql://asteriskuser:amp109@localhost/asterisk
05:29.43voipster99Are you guys real ppl or bots?
05:32.46*** join/#asterisk Tond (
05:32.52voipster99come on
05:33.03voipster99someone gotta know how to manually restart mysql in asterisk
05:34.41Tondis there a way to change the dialed number parameter in a call when I am sending the call out?  meaning if someone had dialed 201 and now I am forwading their call to another number, i want the receiving party to see 444 as the dialed number as suppose to the actual 201 that was dialed
05:35.23voipster99i dont think any experts answer here
05:36.18Tondu want to restart mysql?
05:36.30Tondbut isn't mysql a seperate applicatoin than Asterisk?
05:36.54voipster99well, it fails when my asterisk starts
05:37.08voipster99so i am wondering if there is a command within CLI or on linux
05:37.15voipster99that will get mysql restart
05:37.23voipster99because FreePBX doesn't function without it
05:41.14Tondi think u need to look at why MySQL is not starting up
05:41.50*** part/#asterisk voipster99 (
05:42.06Tondi am not sure if it ha any tied to ur Asterisk or not.  but most likely u need to troubleshoot and find out why it is failing to start.  read the logs and try to trace the issue
05:51.58super_froggyhow to build a dial pattern for my area..? my country in indonesia (+62) area (22)
05:53.37*** join/#asterisk pdt (
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06:07.39*** join/#asterisk docelmo (i=vircuser@
06:25.47*** join/#asterisk Tond (
06:26.25Tondhow do I change the data that is being sent to the CDR database for the field "channel"?
06:26.46TondI want that field to show the account code information that I am sending instead of the channel name
06:27.21TondI am right now using 1,Set(Channel="12345")
06:27.27Tondbut it is not working...
06:27.35docelmoIn the cdr_addon_mysql?
06:27.59docelmoWow..  Your new to this..  You didnt bother to check the WIKI or anything did you?
06:28.07Tondhrm..  I cna't do it in the extentions file?  because for every different number i have a different account code
06:28.22TondI actually did...  Didn't find much
06:28.38TondI found out how to set the account code and chnage caller id
06:28.44docelmoWhen the account code is set its set in the DB
06:29.08docelmoThere is a field called account code
06:29.22TondI know that, but I want that data to be stored in th src or channel field in the db instead
06:29.23JuggieTond, you need to do Set(CDR(value)=blah)
06:29.31Juggiewhere value is some part of the cdr you want to set.
06:29.32docelmothe information is put there.  You cant change the channel data by setting ${Channel}
06:29.33Juggiesee the wiki
06:29.52Tondoh perfect..  thnaks a lot
06:30.03docelmoThat doesnt work for cdr_addon_mysql
06:30.21docelmoI see what you guys are doing down stairs now..
06:30.28Juggiei'm not downstairs
06:30.41Juggiei just came up 5minutes ago, i need to get shit ready i have to leave @ 4am
06:31.02Tondso doc, what do u recommend then?
06:31.02Juggieare you sure that doesnt work for cdr mysql, it should.
06:31.04docelmoahh..  I feel ya..  have a safe flight..  I am leaving butt crack of dawn also
06:31.05Juggieits all reading the same data.
06:31.25*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:31.25Juggieyeah, same to you man. my flight is 6:30am
06:31.27Juggieand its international
06:31.44docelmoWell its pulling information from the channel CDR structure.  If the data is changed it may work but I dont believe it does..  I just hacked the hell out of the C code..
06:32.01docelmoI maybe back down in a bit..
06:32.13docelmoI dont know for sure..  Who else is down there right now?
06:32.19Juggiei think almost everyone left
06:32.27Juggiethe hottie is still there, and maybe a few people with her
06:32.38docelmoya the alchol nazi's probably showed up
06:32.45Juggieactually they did earlier
06:32.51docelmothey suck
06:32.52Juggieand damin told them we bought the beer from the hotel
06:32.54Juggieand they went away
06:33.07docelmoI love that guy
06:33.11Juggieno one is inbed in this hotel
06:33.16docelmoI am on the 9th floor right now
06:33.23Juggiei hear people running around on the floor above me, below me, etc.
06:33.38docelmoWell we are geeks having fun its the last day for christ sake
06:33.53Juggietoo bad they closed the code zone up on us
06:34.14docelmobitches..  :P
06:34.32Juggiethe matrix is on TNT
06:34.40docelmoI dont know..  Hopefully next year we will have absout control of that room next year
06:34.51docelmoI may flip it on..  I am enjoying trance right now
06:34.57Juggieyeah, not having total control sucks
06:34.59docelmoTrance and Mt. Dew..
06:35.02Juggiethis county is fucked
06:35.07Juggiegotta have a license to drink and shit
06:35.09Juggiewhats that about
06:35.15Juggiejoin a club to drink
06:35.25docelmoDont have to have a license..  Just proof of age
06:35.27Tondfor some reason Set(CDR(clid)=Foo Fighters)
06:35.30Tonddoesn't work
06:35.41Juggiewhat the hell is clid?
06:35.46docelmoI dont know
06:35.50Tondcaller id
06:35.56docelmois that the header name?
06:35.58TondI am following the wiki
06:36.05docelmoyou cant just create shit out of thin air
06:36.07Tondya..  the variable name
06:36.42docelmothat being the case make it..   "NAME" <123456>
06:36.51Tondi also tried exten => 444,1,Set(CDR(src})=blah) and that didn't work
06:37.00Tondok, i;ll try that
06:37.02Juggietond, try w/ just regular cdr
06:37.04Juggiesee if thast works
06:37.30Tondwhat do u mean?
06:37.56Juggiedisable cdr_addon_mysql
06:38.01Juggieso it just writes to the flatfile
06:38.08Juggieand see if it works then
06:38.13docelmoflat files fucking suck
06:38.27Juggieoh i know, but i thought you said CDR() didnt work w/ addon_mysql
06:38.35Juggiei cant confirm or deny as i've never used it
06:38.41Juggieso i'm just suggesting you can try that.
06:38.48TondOk, just wanted to check and see if i am using the command right
06:38.55Tondok, thnaks guys
06:39.20Juggiecome to think of it
06:39.24JuggieCDR may be only read only
06:39.26docelmoTond are you trying to dump to mysql right?
06:41.24docelmoYou have to modify the C code directly..
06:41.39TondI already have the CDR wirrting to MySQL and I can pass the accountcode to get sotred there but none of the other fields i can change
06:41.46Tondah i see
06:42.12docelmoYou can not modify CDR shit from the dialplan for mysql_addon_cdr
06:42.27docelmoTrust me I know this for sure..  I know this application very well
06:42.54TondOk, i'll take your word for it.. ;)
06:42.59JuggieAll fields except userfield and account code are read only!
06:42.59Juggieby Eric Lyons on Wednesday 05 of April, 2006 [15:05:32]
06:42.59JuggieTurns out you can't use Set(CDR(<name>)=value) for anything but userfield and accountcode.
06:42.59JuggieThese fields are read-only.
06:43.39Tondi see...
06:43.51docelmoSo your modifing the code directly..
06:44.00Tondwell thanks anyways for all your help Juggie and docelmo
06:44.08docelmofor a nominal fee I will do it for you
06:44.29TondI may take ya up on that actually...
06:44.48Juggiei'm curious why you need to modify anything besides the obvious fields
06:44.59TondI am going to need some modifications done soon, i don't mind doing with people who knwo their stuff and are also willing to help.. ;)
06:45.04docelmoI dont know..  But if you want it done email
06:45.27docelmoTell them you want to talk to Brian Fertig and I will get in touch with you
06:45.28Juggietond, why do you need to modify anything besides accountcode or userfield?
06:46.12Tondwell, i currently have an interface that shows and can sreach based on some fields that doens't include account code.  so if i wanted to pull up a customer's logs and minutes i wont be able to do it.
06:46.29Tondunless i do the search based on accountcode
06:46.33Tondor modify the interface
06:46.35Juggiewell, what fields?
06:46.39Tondor do it directly from MySQL
06:47.04Tondtime, channel, source, clid, dst
06:47.06docelmoWhat's your interface coded in?
06:47.11Juggietond, this is a CDR application that requires the data to be a perticular way?
06:47.20Tondit is php, so it shouldn't be very hard to chnage actually
06:47.31docelmoI can do that in my sleep
06:47.31Juggietond, you could do that, or i would suggest creating a View
06:47.34Juggiein sql
06:47.48Juggiesuch that the app gets the data how it expects it
06:48.20docelmoor I can change the query in like < 2 seconds
06:48.26Tondall it is really is an interface
06:48.41Tondlol..  I know..  baby stuff..
06:48.56Tondmaybe it's a good challange for me to get into PHP
06:48.57Tondha ha
06:49.10Tondbut the * source code i wouldn't ever touch
06:50.07docelmoasterisk's code is a bitch..  but once you kick it a few thousand times it gets easier
06:50.18Tondha ha ha
06:50.40Juggiei wish we could spy on the lobby from our rooms like last yuear
06:50.44Juggiethat was cool
06:50.47docelmoIm not a expert but I am good enough to get around and get shit done
06:50.54docelmohehe ya
06:51.12docelmoif you noticed last year all of the numbers for the floors on the elevators disappeared..   :)
06:51.20docelmoTake a wild guess where they went..  :P
06:51.43Juggiehaha really?
06:51.45Juggiewhat happened
06:54.14Juggieheh damn internet
06:54.25Juggiebtw, whats up with the phone next to the toilet
06:54.35Juggieand even so, who really wants to touch that thing if it rings
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10:17.19tdawgpharaohMy context has this, but my extension does not ring,  am I missing something? exten => 41225105016,6,Dial(SIP/2102)
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10:27.49tdawgpharaohFixed it, it was extension error
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10:46.06Nixishi all
10:46.30Nixiscould anybody help me ?
10:47.12Nixiswhere do i rent a dadicated server which is compatible with asterisk i know it's debian but is there a hosting company that sell hosting along with asterisk installation
10:50.41Nixisanybody here ?
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13:30.09fileI can't make it
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13:31.18Nixisyou're expert in asterisk ?
13:31.35filesome might say that but right now I'm trying to find a way to get home
13:32.28filemy flight was cancelled, and no other flights on the same airline can make it for my connection
13:32.32filea connection that only goes once a day
13:32.53Nixislol :)
13:33.26Nixisok as an experet do you know any hosting company provide dedicated asterisk server ?
13:33.28fileso I will either 1. Be taking another airline and running around, 2. Spending another night in Dallas or 3. Spending a night in Newark
13:33.32fileNixis: nope
13:34.25Nixiswell am a telecom consultant and i want to explore asterisk and get my server online do you know anyone could help me install it
13:34.46Nixisi can rent a dedicated server instantly ..
13:34.52filelots of consultants are available, lots are listed on
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13:41.36filelooks like I'm in Dallas for another night
13:42.24pigpen2Could be could be Houston.
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13:42.50fileI think the Astricon crew are still around...
13:42.58fileand I need to get my room for another night
13:43.54fileI'm on hold with front desk now
13:44.07pigpen2I am in San Antonio....not in a Hotel my Lazy Boy.....
13:44.44fileyay, done
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13:50.33benjkfile, Newark sounds good
13:51.14benjkfrom there to downtown Manhattan, Ben Benson's steak house, then home next day ;)
14:00.38fileokay... hotel is booked for another room, flight is rebooked for tomorrow, internet will run out tonight but I can buy it again... I think I'm set besides food
14:00.54fileanother room? another night..
14:02.07Nixislol file
14:02.12Nixiswhat is your main job file
14:02.43fileI'm a Software Developer for Digium, I've been at Astricon the past week... and would like to fly home but the world hates me
14:03.51Nixisgood .. i was working With NexTone & Centile a french IP pbx
14:03.54Nixisi belive you know it :D
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14:04.32Nixishow old are you file ?
14:04.57roxy_can asterisk be use as a server for videoconferencing ?
14:05.53roxy_or is the question not even relevant ?
14:06.03Nixiswell as far as i know roxy_  that there is already efforts to do that
14:06.14Nixisbut not yet released offecially
14:06.59roxy_Nixis: but that would be part of asterisk to do that sort of job ? do you know an open source project that does ?
14:07.47roxy_I have to implement video conferencing at work and I am just looking for the different option atm.
14:07.48Nixisno no open source in my mind do that :D
14:08.23Nixiscisco avaia :d
14:08.41Nixisroxy_,: will pay a lot of money
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14:10.57roxy_we could pay but I still need to know pro/con compare to asterisk. this page: made me think that video-conf could be available.
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14:32.40callsignanyone here use cisco phones?
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14:41.36pifiumorning everyone
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14:43.55robin_szhey ... I just completed a guranteed fix for the display blanking problems on the GXP2000
14:44.27robin_szall you have to do is: unplug the network cable and connect it to a Snom instead!
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14:45.39MoutaPTWould it be possible to encrypt extensions.conf in a way only asterisk would be able to read it?
14:47.14[TK]D-FenderMoutaPT : Write a patch to the parser
14:47.31[TK]D-FenderMoutaPT : and remove the "show dialplan" ability
14:48.07MoutaPTyeah i know the show dialpan will expose everyting :)
14:48.38MoutaPTbut at first approach my worry is not to expose extensions.conf for a common user managing this system
14:48.48MoutaPTi must say i'm not encrypt expert...
14:50.13[TK]D-FenderMoutaPT : Don't have to be for this.  you jsut need to add a single parse line as the line is read in.
14:51.39MoutaPTSorry if i'm not getting it, i want to prevent a root user to edit this file, like using vi
14:52.37[TK]D-FenderMoutaPT : just scrable the file and add a decode line to the extensiosn.conf parser
14:52.51MoutaPToh cool
14:52.54MoutaPTnow i got it
14:52.55tzafrir_laptopMoutaPT, if asterisk can read it, then root can. No point obfuscating it
14:53.46[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : Just because root can access the file doesn't imply you can't encode it so its not humanly readable
14:53.49tzafrir_laptopBTW: will that user be able to run 'asterisk -rx "show dialplan"' ?
14:53.57pifiufender, let me ask you something. in my current iax.conf i seem to be using ulaw for in between IAX machines and for incoming and outgoing calls. However I dont have anything enabled saying disallow=all and allow=ulaw. It seems to be picking it automatically? In my new iax.conf I dont have anything either and it seems to be using ulaw in between IAX machines which is fine, but for incoming and outgoing its using GSM
14:54.07pifiuany idea what i could try to force ulaw all across?
14:54.09[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : not after you're done mangling that part of the code :)
14:54.34MoutaPTso if you are providing a demo server, and you want to protect acess to the services your deploy on extensions.conf what would be the best?
14:54.47[TK]D-Fenderpifiu : Just set it like normal yourself
14:55.02MoutaPTi know i could exec to get the extensions_my.conf on a remote server on reload
14:55.09tzafrir_laptopwhat are you trying to protect against? What access level will those users have?
14:55.19pifiuwell i tried setting disallow=all and allow=ulaw but then the IAX provider gives me an error saying cannot negotiate codec and doesnt let the call trhough
14:55.24MoutaPTprobably would be a root user
14:55.33MoutaPTbut as this this  a demo
14:55.56MoutaPTi want to prevent the copy of deployed config on extensions.conf, at least i've been asked about this:)
14:55.57tzafrir_laptoppifiu, so it seems that your provider does not support ulaw
14:56.07tzafrir_laptopallow another codec to your provider
14:56.13pifiuwhats weird is that with the current setup i dont have that line and its using ulaw, but then i put thew new setup and it uses GSM. so i know for sure the provider does use ulaw
14:56.31pifiutzafrir but i am currently using ulaw with my provider
14:56.36pifiuall i am changing is the iax.conf
14:56.52pifiuand for some magical reason it wants to use gsm now
14:57.03callsignanyone here have any cisco phones?
14:57.21tzafrir_laptopMoutaPT, again, obfuscating extensions.conf is normally pointless if the user can see the result of Asterisk parsing it.
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14:59.05MoutaPTyeah you r right, i'm wondering if i need to get into AGI script...
15:00.40[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop : Well a quick change disables "show dialplan", and just staring at CLI won't give you proper priorities.  They'd waste an inordinate mount of time trying to rebuild it.
15:00.50MoutaPTtzafrir_laptop are you used with #exec ?
15:00.57MoutaPTon extensions.conf
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15:02.02MoutaPThi oej!
15:02.55MoutaPTwhat's the nome of parser module .c ?:)
15:06.23roxy_this page: make me think that video-conferencing is possible with asterisk.( like 4 people speaking/seeing each other). Am I wrong ?
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15:14.10tzafrir_laptopMoutaPT, but then again, why give them root in the first place?
15:14.42tzafrir_laptoproxy_, From what I understand: it is not yet possible
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15:17.01MoutaPTtzafrir, isn't a customer, is a different relationship where if you don't give root, you are already not well seen
15:17.08MoutaPTsorry for my english
15:17.17MoutaPTgot what i try to say?
15:17.25roxy_tzafrir_laptop: ok, thanks
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15:28.59callsignanyone here have any cisco phones?
15:30.00tzafrir_laptopcallsign, not me. But ask your question anyway
15:30.56tzafrir_laptopMoutaPT, anyway the config parsing is in pbx/pbx_config.c or something similar
15:31.06tzafrir_laptopthat is: pbx.c
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15:32.40callsignim looking for someone that has the cisco cfgmt utility
15:43.40Nixisfile, you there ?
15:44.07filesort of, I was downstairs saying goodbye to people who are leaving the hotel
15:44.25Nixisdo you have msn ?
15:44.37fileyes, but I don't give it out to random people
15:45.26Nixisyoure right
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15:45.41fileI'm crazy like that
15:45.41Nixisi just feel irc like street
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15:45.48Nixischatting :D
15:45.48yelhi everyone
15:46.35Nixisdo you do a freelance job file ?
15:46.50yelcan i set my asterisk@home to use my modem/fon  to call over the net ?
15:47.40Nixisam talking about a project
15:47.45fileNixis: no I do not
15:48.33Nixisok then i have to it manually :(
15:49.48Nixisi want to setup asterisk box for large amount of subscribers starting from 1000
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15:50.34Nixiswith automated subscription .. for example efonica
15:50.41Nixiswith me file ?
15:51.22Nixisbut i tried to know if asterik support clustring or not and how to that
15:51.27Nixiscould you guide me ?
15:52.08blitz[airport]you can cluster asterisk -- it's not trivial
15:52.31blitz[airport]it's not difficult, but you need to know several parts of asterisk, such as using DUNDi
15:52.54Nixisi asked before blitz[airport]  .. but i couldn't get exact answer some say yes some say no
15:53.08Nixissome say you set master box and then childs
15:53.13blitz[airport]you can cluster asterisk -- it depends what you mean by clustering, and what you are trying to accomplish
15:53.27blitz[airport]nah, you distribute with DUNDi and have no central box
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15:53.52Nixisam trying to open a  free calling service like  efonica
15:54.24blitz[airport]never heard of it
15:56.40Drukenblitz[airport]: dundi works for outbound, but how would it work for incoming?
15:57.33blitz[airport]Druken: what do you mean? DUNDi is used to find locations and pull information -- its not a VoIP protocol
15:57.47Drukeni know...
15:58.20blitz[airport]you're question doesn't make sense to me...
15:58.21Drukenit's ment to find routes for termination is it not?
15:58.40Drukenso how does it help with clustering for origination ?
15:58.41blitz[airport]dundi lookup extension@mapping
15:58.59blitz[airport]Druken: it doesn't unless you have a cluster of boxes that you send calls to for origination
15:59.06sniffeA  <SIP>  Asterisk  <IAX2>  Asterisk <ZAP> B.           Now, if A calls B, and B transfers to another Zap channel (or whatever), the channel hungs up.
15:59.20blitz[airport]I just send my calls to a cluster of softswitches
15:59.38sniffeAnyone who can help me out a little?
16:00.27blitz[airport]Nixis: oh, you mean to want to start an ITSP
16:00.29Nixisblitz[airport], cluster of softswitches .... which type you use which is compatible with asterisk
16:00.44blitz[airport]Nixis: any softswitch that can talk SIP is compatible
16:00.59Nixisexactly  blitz[airport]
16:01.19Nixisi want to build and ITSP based on Asterisk
16:01.50Nixisi belive it will be a very good case to asterisk :)
16:01.53pifiuwhat exactly does trunk frequency do?
16:03.27Nixisblitz[airport], : i just need some one to guide me .. specially for large amount of subscribers i dont know which codec should i use .. how to automate subsctibtion on asterisk
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16:03.52blitz[airport]Nixis: you have a lot of research to do and a lot to learn -- running an ITSP on Asterisk is not trivial
16:04.23blitz[airport]no one will tell you how to do it -- anyone who is doing it well is doing it based on their own experience and testing
16:04.37Nixisblitz[airport],  i know .. i was working with NexTone us .. one of the major Softswitches in us .. used by skype .. google .. etc
16:05.10blitz[airport]so to answer your question, the codec you should use is the one that works in the situations you have done testing on, such as with SIPp or some other tools
16:05.23Nixisblitz[airport],  i need only head lines and i will start the resarch :)
16:05.53blitz[airport]go start with g.729
16:06.10pifiuif you dont specify a codec to use in iax.conf how does asterisk decide what to use?
16:06.15pifiubased on what?
16:06.23blitz[airport]pifiu: what is in the [general] section?
16:06.29blitz[airport]that'll be the default
16:06.34pifiuand if it doesnt have anything
16:07.01blitz[airport]depends if the default is to allow everything or not -- why would you not specify?
16:07.04pifiui only have bindport, language, jitter buffer related stuff, tos, and mailboxdetail
16:07.18pifiuim curious, because right now i dont have it specified, and its using ulaw
16:07.22pifiui am wondering what makes it decide
16:07.29Nixisblitz[airport],  yeah i know about this but am still researching where i can licencsing it unlimited
16:07.35blitz[airport]just the default order in the source code
16:07.44pifiuhow would i know waht that is?
16:07.49blitz[airport]Nixis: you can't license it unlimited -- its $10 a license
16:07.56blitz[airport]pifiu: you'd have to read the C code
16:08.01pifiulol ok
16:08.08pifiublitz because did you see what was happening to me?
16:08.17pifiulet me retype it
16:08.56pifiuwell i tried setting disallow=all and allow=ulaw but then the IAX provider gives me an error saying cannot negotiate codec and doesnt let the call trhough
16:09.40pifiuwhats weird is that with the current setup i dont have that line saying which codec to use and its using ulaw, but then i put thew new setup and it uses GSM even though again I am not specifying a codec. so i know for sure the provider does use ulaw since I was using it before
16:10.15blitz[airport]not sure, I don't use IAX2, I use SIP for all my termination, and I'd then tell you to look at the SDP headers
16:10.18pifiuso the provider accepts ulaw on my current setup, without specifying to use it, but on my new setup which is just a cleaned up iax.conf i dont have it specified either and its using gsm
16:11.00pifiuthen i tried forcing ulaw and it gave me an error saying cannot negotiate codec, which esentially means they dont support ulaw, but i was just using it!
16:11.41Nixisthanks blitz[airport]  :)
16:14.08*** join/#asterisk oej (
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16:18.10Drukenblitz[airport]: how long till your flight?
16:18.27*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=eKo1@
16:19.42fileI only had one drink lastnight
16:19.55Drukenhow big was said one drink?
16:20.01filenot that big
16:20.16*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (n=eKo1@
16:20.45Drukenclose the window... won't be so cold :)
16:22.46coppiceif you open the window, won't the air con be ineffective?
16:23.28Drukenuhmm... it's fall? who said anything about air cond.?? hehehe damn furnace is on here....
16:23.48coppicethe air con is on here
16:24.06Drukencoppice: you in the server room? hehehehe
16:24.34coppicejust because its fall doesn't mean you are living near the polar bears
16:24.42sniffeWell, I am... :P
16:25.26coppiceits 12:30AM, but still rather warm
16:27.20*** join/#asterisk le_nec (
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16:33.43le_neci'm a newbaby with asterik, i have test trixbox and xorcom, but i'm interested in install asterisk over debian, my question it's if there are a asterisk repository for debian.
16:35.43blitz[airport]Druken: leaves in another hour and 10 mins
16:38.46*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
16:38.54Drukenyou there early or just a stop over?
16:39.15blitz[airport]here way too early, but had to drop Lisa off for her flight
16:39.39le_necanybody can help me?
16:40.12Drukenle_nec: if someone can help, i'm sure they will...
16:40.23blitz[airport]le_nec: compile asterisk, don't use packages
16:41.56*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
16:42.39le_necwork fine over debian? i read that more people use CentOS, but i prefer debian
16:42.53blitz[airport]I prefer CentOS, but Asterisk doesnt' care what you use
16:44.32*** join/#asterisk cian (
16:46.15le_necnow i was running xorcom, but i prefer install a clear system, xorcom have more aplications that i don't use
16:46.23le_necsorry for my english
16:53.52*** join/#asterisk VibroMax (n=phisto@
16:56.27pifiuhow can i diagnose why gsm codec acts like shit? lol
16:56.31pifiuit misses words sometimes
16:56.35pifiuand jitters sometimes too
16:58.49*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
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17:53.32ne0phas3asterisk suxxx
17:53.37ne0phas3no security
17:53.43ne0phas3anyone thr
17:54.58anthonyli am.
17:55.04florzI am not
17:55.21ne0phas3asterisk 1.2.10 suxxx
17:56.05sniffeInformative statement.
17:56.16anthonylmaybe you should try a more recent release of 1.2
17:56.29ne0phas3as it said that "outstanding AUTHREQs waiting for replies" that doesn't work
17:56.35*** part/#asterisk paolob (
17:56.39ne0phas3even the 1.4.beta thing
17:56.47ne0phas3its doesn't work ...
17:56.49*** join/#asterisk paolob_ (
17:57.01ne0phas3ne oen can spoof ip and make rougue calls
17:57.10anthonylne0phas3, have you put the problems you have been having in a report on the bug-tracker?
17:57.55ne0phas3how do i do that
17:58.01ne0phas3i donn know anything abt that
17:58.07anthonylyou do it at ..
17:58.27ne0phas3but then as per my company rules i can't disclose nething to anyoen
17:58.30anthonylbug submissions about problems in asterisk are always a great help to making things better ;)
17:58.38ne0phas3and i am new recruit
17:58.48anthonylhotmail maybe..
17:58.48ne0phas3but thr are som much craps in asterisk
17:59.39ne0phas3yes will try that ...
17:59.46ne0phas3but wanted my name on that ....
17:59.52ne0phas3but i can't use my name
17:59.55ne0phas3ne idea ??
17:59.56*** join/#asterisk ScurvyDawg (
18:00.34anthonylwell you don't have to use your real name on to contribute a bug report if you don't want to.
18:06.18*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
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18:42.00PakiPenguinhello everyone
18:42.56ne0phas3hello paki
18:48.14*** join/#asterisk jimbo- (
18:48.31jimbo-does anyone know where I can find the Asterisk realtime queries?
18:49.28jimbo-the actual SQL statements
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18:53.26ne0phas3hi jimbo
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18:55.57pifiuhas anyone ever heard of a command in linux called "npr" or something like that to do a traceroute
18:56.06pifiulike an enhanced traceroute
19:10.24*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
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19:23.52jgoohey guys, an OT Q here
19:24.02jgooany people here AVphiles?
19:24.29jgooI am setting up a wireless scart to scart based connection from my computer (and thus, asterisk PBX) to my home cinema
19:25.20jgooI am installing a SIP client on my WIFI'd PDA, I can use it as a handset, or, go 'speaker phone' =]
19:25.31jgooalso, I can watch family guy torrents on my cinema setup... :p
19:25.55jgooBUT, I think I need a scart adparter (male/female scart, not component) but I cannot find online, dunno if they exist. there, that is all :p
19:41.12*** join/#asterisk prttp (
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20:06.50pifiushould trunk be enabled in type=users or type=peers?
20:06.51pifiuor both?
20:10.32*** join/#asterisk jakehow (
20:10.59jakehowanyone have experience with Linksys spa941?
20:20.44*** join/#asterisk Wazb^ (n=wazb@
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20:25.45Wazb^i have configured Asteisk with As5300, but some how asterisk is not getting DTMF from As5300. I set AUTO in SIP configuration in *
20:25.59Wazb^any idea how can i solve this problem?
20:28.26*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
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20:35.54[F]Hi guys!
20:36.07*** join/#asterisk kink0 (
20:37.17kink0again my ethernal question, is possible in any way execute Dial() and while the channel is up execute other functions like Read() ?
20:37.59*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=tili@
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20:40.47pifiuhow good is g.726 in terms of performance/bandwidth and compatability with *?
20:42.30*** join/#asterisk tdawgpharaoh (n=chatzill@
20:52.01kink0I need to do something like Answer() + Background() + Read() + Goto...
20:52.10kink0but instead Answer, Dial()
20:52.25kink0the same but originating the call from Asterisk, any sugestions ?
20:52.29[Airwolf]kink0, why would you need to do that ?
20:53.04kink0[Airwolf], several applications, first I need to originate calls because I Can reach the PSTN at low cost, then do a conference
20:53.37kink0also, to offer messages awaiting in mailbox to users, originating a call from Asterisk to her/his phones and offering a menu
20:54.10kink0also, I can after doing this class of call-back, offer tone and transfer call to other extensions
20:54.13[Airwolf]So basicly, what you want is to call local to your * box and then do a conference of a international call ?
20:54.34[Airwolf]And other things
20:54.40kink0[Airwolf], hmmm not exactly, is some class of DISA, but where all calls are originated in my Asterisk
20:55.25kink0so Asterisk will not receives any call, Asterisk must call first party, sends dialtone and once have gotten the second party phone ussing dtmf, do a transfer.
20:55.39[Airwolf]hmm ok, can
20:55.44[Airwolf]t help you there
20:56.13kink0I have waste about a week trying it, but not susccessfull yet
20:58.38*** join/#asterisk pder (
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21:09.58kink0well, anyway to execute Dial() and then other function , of course no DeadAGI, but when the call is up.
21:15.49*** join/#asterisk cian (
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21:17.06fjean5hi guys
21:18.40fjean5tell me, what exactly has been added to 1.4 regarding XMPP capability, peering with a jabber server ?
21:18.56pifiuis there any way to see if trunking is actually working?
21:21.42*** join/#asterisk Jamez^7 (
21:23.57fjean5pifiu: if you have trunk=yes on both sides and you are able to make a call, then it should be ok
21:29.48*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
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21:36.12lennardwhoa, large channel
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21:39.18mitchelocsize is relative ;)
21:40.12Dovidbut not much talk. sooooo boring
21:41.22lennardshall I try then?
21:41.30lennardwhy the hell was chan_modem removed?
21:41.43mitchelocreplaced by something better?
21:42.04lennardthus rendering any support for *all* passive cards gone
21:42.27lennardunless I magicly missed some mISDN drivers ofcourse
21:42.39lennardbesides, it sortof still works
21:43.25Doviddont know - never used it  - what was it used for ?
21:43.41lennardisdn cards, for one :)
21:43.51mitchelochola Dovid, still using snap?
21:43.55lennardI got mine to sortof work
21:44.02lennardI can make a first call to asterisk
21:44.24lennardthen something breaks, cause the second doesn't work untill kill -9 and a restart, but hey, it works! :P
21:44.27Dovidyup. - not as much
21:44.47Dovidi am outa the country now - i did tell afew people about it - get any new signups ?
21:45.02Dovidalso did u talk about it on the biz list ? i know lots of people would want it
21:45.06mitchelocevery day :)
21:46.17Doviddid u create a proxy yet ?
21:46.34mitchelocworking on it
21:49.29Dovidmitcheloc: what time is it by u guys in the US now ?
21:52.26mitcheloc2:50 here i think
21:53.43Dovidmakes sense 2350 here
21:54.09mitcheloci'm not much for keeping ontop of what time of day it is, or much less what day of the week, and sometimes what year it is
21:54.18mitcheloctime is relative
21:54.24Dovidhehe. i used to be the same when i worked in IT
21:57.08*** join/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
22:02.40yassinewhat can be the reason for this ? Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?) should i create the file manually ?
22:03.28*** join/#asterisk Powerkill (n=Powerkil@
22:03.50Powerkillwho have a nokia e61 ?
22:04.53Dovidnot me. i heard it isnt too good
22:05.26PowerkillI like it ! It's very good I even manage to register it to asterisk
22:05.42Powerkillnow I'm working to register it to SER but I have strange behaviour
22:10.09*** join/#asterisk _omer (
22:10.19_omerhave a prob
22:10.50PakiPenguin_omer, shoot
22:11.13Dovidwhich is ?
22:11.26_omerGetting call over a DID number....and then Dialing out through a SIP Carrier...when call is connected I hear the sound for 1 or 2 seconds and then silence....Asterisk is not behind NAT...
22:12.10_omerhow do I check what makes the sound pause ...
22:13.38Dovidnever had that b4 :(
22:14.09Doviddid u check each did individually to see if its a problem with one of the DID's ?
22:14.49_omerproblem is with 7 or 10 calls..
22:14.53_omer3 calls work fine..
22:15.05_omer7 out of 10*
22:15.08Dovidthru the same DID's ?
22:15.15Dovidanything come up in the CLI ?
22:15.45Dovidany firewalls ?
22:16.01Dovidor crappy switches ?
22:16.38Dovidi heave seen some switches do some stupid shit. simply switching some switches can fix te issues
22:16.57_omerits a dedicated server ..hosted at
22:17.47Dovidtry other providers it can be a provider issue - who are u using ?
22:19.28_omerI think its a provider's issue
22:20.08Dovidwho's the provider ?
22:20.24Dovidbroadvoice ?
22:23.32*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
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22:23.50_omervoxbone ...
22:23.54_omerDID provider
22:24.02Dovidand for outbound ?
22:24.18Dovidvoxbone has been food for me (although I dont use em a lot)
22:24.30Dovidtry a diffrent outbound provider and see what happens
22:24.36_omeris there any other DID provider?
22:24.44_omera GOOD ONE!!!
22:24.57_omerDIDX.ORG   SUCKSSS!!!!
22:25.15Dovidi also use but thier customer service sux
22:26.30*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
22:26.38_omerdo they provide DIDs with multiple channels?
22:26.57Dovidwell voipjet is outbound only
22:27.07Dovidand teliax u can get out only or both
22:27.26Dovidkeep the voxbone and try a diff provider for outbound and see what happens
22:27.46MoutaPTHi is there someone used with OpenSER+Asterisk solutions? i'm wondering if i should cross calls through asterisk for CDRs or should use something like CDRtool project for CDR on openser?
22:27.52_omerboth dont provide dids
22:28.17PakiPenguin_omer, which country dids do u need ?
22:28.51_omerusa,singapore and pakistan
22:29.01PakiPenguinpakistan , i can look into _omer
22:29.05Dovid_omer: for not just get outbound from a new proider and see what happens
22:29.42_omerI tried telasip..
22:29.47_omersame problem..
22:29.58Dovidthen sounds like a voxbone issue
22:30.06_omeryeah I think so
22:30.08Dovidtry teliax - they have been good to me
22:30.17_omerfor outbound?
22:30.37Dovidfor outbound
22:30.56*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
22:30.59Dovidand if there are no changes then it is voxbone OR the originating provider
22:31.07Dovidvoxbone is just a clearing house
22:32.12Dovidyes file: the room is borin tonight
22:33.46*** join/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
22:33.51Powerkillomer ata mehapes misparim ?
22:34.19DovidPowerkill is speakin hebrew
22:34.20PakiPenguinPowerkill, whats that :p
22:34.32Dovidhe asked if ur lookin for numbers
22:34.57Powerkillsorry I mistake between both of you :)
22:35.01Dovidoper is in PK not Il
22:35.14PakiPenguinhaha i am in pk too :)
22:35.54DovidPowerkill: ata bi'yisrael ?
22:38.42*** join/#asterisk R3PTII3 (i=reptile@
22:39.01R3PTII3!seen kink0
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22:41.12PowerkillDovid achav lo aval ani israeli
22:41.20Dovidah ok
22:41.35Dovidani amrickai - aval ani bi'yisrael achshav
22:43.18Powerkillani careka betsarfat
22:43.35Dovidah - avodah shamah ?
22:45.48Dovidah - bi'hatzlachah
22:46.03Dovidavodah bi'asterisk ?
22:46.21Dovidani michapes avodah ph bi'yisrael im asterisk
22:46.50*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
22:49.35DovidPowerkill: yesh lichah chevrah poh ?
22:55.57Dovideizeh ?
22:56.01R3PTII3!seen kink0
22:56.12Dovidani michapes avodah achsha - karegah bi'yishivah
22:56.49Dovid~seen kink0
22:57.04jbotkink0 is currently on #asterisk (2h 20m 57s). Has said a total of 13 messages. Is idling for 1h 47m 6s, last said: 'well, anyway to execute Dial() and then other function , of course no DeadAGI, but when the call is up.'.
22:57.04R3PTII3~seen kink0
22:57.07jbotkink0 is currently on #asterisk (2h 21m). Has said a total of 13 messages. Is idling for 1h 47m 9s, last said: 'well, anyway to execute Dial() and then other function , of course no DeadAGI, but when the call is up.'.
23:00.45kink0jbot: arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
23:01.12kink0hey people !!! listen everybody !! I FOUND the way !!! after a week :)
23:01.25Dovidthe way to ?
23:01.38kink0I can execute commands after a Dial ( originating calls from my Asterisk, and then other commands )
23:02.01kink0Dovid: I have been worked in do Answer() + Read()  + Dial () ... and so...
23:02.13Dovidhuh ?
23:02.16kink0that works fine when calls arrives to my Asterisk,
23:02.34Dovidu figured out how to execute when ur on the phone ?
23:02.42kink0but never when calls was originated in my ASterisk , because Dial() stops in itselft until hangup.
23:03.01Dovidhow did u do it ?
23:03.02kink0Dovid, yes , while I am on phone  call, but when my Asterisk originates the call
23:03.20kink0is very simple, just use M in your Dial() call
23:03.31kink0then execute the rest of commands inside a macro
23:03.33Dovidi goto look it up
23:03.43Dovidah ok. yes i did that
23:04.19kink0I had waste about a week seeking how to detect pressed keys ( i.e. Read() ) when I originate a call from Asterisk to PSTN
23:04.22Dovidi used it for when a call came in - put it on hold and then dialed some one else - asked them if they wanted the call - if they wanted it, the macro bridgem them if not it sent them to VM
23:04.39Dovidit happens - u bang ur head for a week
23:04.50Doviddid u try asking ur question on the users list ?
23:05.03kink0yes, I had not tryid with macros for that until tonight, but appears the only way to pass next priorities after a Dial
23:05.15kink0Dovid, really no, I just asked it here
23:05.34Dovidkink0: the list is a good place for when ur stuck. it has helped me b4
23:06.39kink0Dovid, I know, I search for a lot of things in the list, but never I asked on it
23:06.56Dovidu goto start some time - its waste not to use such a good resource
23:07.22Dovidit takes time to learn and then when u know u help others
23:07.32kink0I agree
23:07.50Dovidi one time had some one help me with a centOS bug in the centos room for 1 1/2 hours for free
23:07.59Dovidthat inspired me to sit here and help those that i can
23:08.53kink0yes, I help for free when I know the answer
23:10.53*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
23:13.23PowerkillDovid give me you contact details in Private chat
23:14.45DovidPowerKill: sent
23:14.57jbotbook is probably a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
23:17.08*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@debian/developer/santiago)
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23:28.10jboti guess book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
23:30.50Dovidis port forwarding needed for IAX ?
23:31.21knarflyDovid: if your * server is behind your firewall, yes
23:36.14*** join/#asterisk jakehow (
23:37.31jakehowanyone have experience with SPA941's?
23:37.58Dovidonly 841's
23:38.00Dovidwhats the problem ?
23:38.55jakehowDovid: i have some users who said they could terminate 4 calls on them with their previous provider
23:39.03jakehoweven they they have 2line versions
23:39.55jakehowI can do CW at the switch level to get 4 calls on there but is it possible to spread them accross the 4 buttons on the phone?
23:41.24hadsYou can assign accounts to the buttons, but if you want one account for each you'd need the 4 line version.
23:41.28DovidCW = ?
23:41.32Strom_Cyou can have each line appearance on two buttons
23:42.13[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : Each button supports 1 call.  You can mix and math them according to how many reg licenses you hav (2/4)
23:42.32jakehowwhat is the difference between an appearance and a call?
23:42.40jakehowi have 2 line license version
23:42.46[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : Meaning if you only need 1 reg, you can juggle 4 calls w/o buying the extra reg's
23:42.52[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : One & the same
23:43.21jakehow[TK]D-Fender: how do i juggle 4 calls accross all 4 buttons w/ the 2 line version is what im getting at
23:43.29hadsYou don't.
23:43.30[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : Some people to take "appearance" to imply "registration" however
23:43.32jakehow[TK]D-Fender: docs say each line supports 2 appearances
23:43.57[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : "2 lines" in the case of the 941 means you can have 2 distinct registrations (different servers).
23:44.27hadsTerminology confusion
23:44.44hadsThere are too many names for the same things.
23:44.46[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : Witht aht in mind you can use it for 2 lines of 2 calls each (CW blinks through the next key for each.  1&2 for the 1st, 3&4 for the 2nd
23:45.25jakehow[TK]D-Fender: it will move it onto the next button automatically?
23:45.44kink0tones from Mx are differents , right ? I am unable to Read() it from DTMF
23:45.54jakehowso what happens at the switch level?
23:46.13hadsWhatever the switch wants?
23:46.54jakehowhads:  do i set button 2 to LIne 1 private, or LIne 1 shared?
23:47.45[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : Yes.
23:47.57[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : Forget everything but the phone.
23:48.09[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : the phone is what controls everything.
23:48.12jakehow[TK]D-Fender: ok
23:48.32jakehow[TK]D-Fender: right now i have these guys in a hunt group
23:48.40[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : for your buttons, you want "private" for them.
23:49.39[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : Thats not a term you should use for that. "Hunt group" refers to a systems whereby someone calling the "primary" # of your busines will loko for the first available line amongst a pool of line to ring.
23:50.17[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : Also misappropriated by FreePBX for just ringing multiple phones SIMULTANEOUSLY.
23:50.19jakehow[TK]D-Fender: calls terminate on an 800 number and then all 8 of their phones ring at the same time
23:50.34jakehowthey want each individual to be able to pick up up to 4 of these calls
23:51.15hadsI can't do four things at once.
23:51.21jakehowright now it only does 2, probably because the 1st line isnt ringing doing CW once there is a live conversation on that phone
23:51.32[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : then I might suggest you use 1 "line" using all 4 buttons in "private" mode.  That way each subsequent call will just ring through the next available line-key untill they are all full.
23:51.59[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : Well it should never "ring", just give a "beep" (maybe a few), and flash on the key
23:52.29[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : You neevr want your current caller to know that you're ignoring someone else or feel they are being interrupted even if you don't answer
23:53.00jakehow[TK]D-Fender: they will hear the beep or a little pause in this setup?
23:54.34[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : Its typically transparent to the caller esp if they are talking.
23:55.23jakehowso you can have 3 CW calls trunked onto one active line?
23:59.06[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : A sloppily worded, but accurate assesment.
23:59.20jakehow[TK]D-Fender: hah.. ok
23:59.28jakehoware there any good references for this sort of info?
23:59.43[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : If you wanted real call handling abilities, get a Polycom instead.
23:59.59[TK]D-Fenderjakehow : What info in particular?

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