irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061026

00:03.51*** join/#asterisk ZX81_ (n=ZX81@
00:10.56*** join/#asterisk m-00kie (
00:11.14m-00kiewhois brian
00:12.12*** join/#asterisk luis[27] (i=kulpado@
00:27.57m-00kiebrian around?
00:31.11m-00kiehmm what's brian's nickname nowdays?
00:32.55jbotbleh means insert appropriate value here. see blah
00:33.04jbothmm... blah is Y
00:33.10jbotextra, extra, read all about it, y is 2
00:33.17jbot2 is a number, silly
00:34.11m-00kiewhat, were you expecting some ridiculous user insult for saying 'bleh' ?
00:34.19m-00kielike 'u'?
00:36.45*** join/#asterisk Splat (
00:38.26*** join/#asterisk QbY (
00:39.20QbY<- bangs head against wall.  Does anyone see anything with this that I am missing.. ..  The phone will absolutely not register..
00:42.39InfraRedchange that to peer
00:43.42InfraRedthe do sip debug
00:43.47InfraRedand watch what happens
00:44.07*** join/#asterisk kio (
00:44.26ZX81_m-00kie: lol
00:44.43InfraRedoh isee the debug
00:45.26QbYInfraRed.. that was for me?
00:45.37jbotwell, adn is is the Asterisk Daily News - for HTML and for RSS
00:47.00InfraRedQbY: yes
00:47.56kronicyo anyone, had experience with queuemetrics?
00:48.13QbYkronic. yes.. and hated every moment of it..
00:53.12*** join/#asterisk [shodan] (
00:53.21[shodan]anyone got SJphone to work on windows ce 4.2 ?
00:53.41[shodan](just want to know if it's possible at all)
00:53.56kronicQbY: getting this stupid java NullPointerException
00:54.11kronicQbY: its java related obviously, but nfi, why did you hate it?
00:55.30QbYkronic.  a) make sure the db is running -- follow the database check link, and b) make sure your license file is correct..  its so long that it will get chopped sometimes in email and cause all kinds of crazieness..
00:56.18QbYkronic..  i don't know why i don't like it.  maybe its requirement of mysql, its requirement of apache, etc.  i just thought there could be far better reporting with php or the like, etc.  and for a far less cost.
00:57.26*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
01:00.22saftsackhi, what do i pay for a sangoma 4 port fxs card?
01:01.12*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
01:01.31InfraRedcash is usually good
01:01.43InfraRedsome suppliers accept body parts too
01:01.54InfraRedsome like swiss gold bars
01:02.23InfraRedjust use
01:02.26saftsackyou want to say me that sangomas are inacceptable expensive?
01:02.48*** join/#asterisk anthonyl (
01:03.24saftsackInfraRed, you want to say me that sangomas are inacceptable expensive?
01:04.18[shodan]4 port fxo was 335$cad , the 4 port fxs may be close to that ?
01:04.46[shodan]I went with spa-2102 and spa-3102 (better value)
01:04.54saftsackw or w/o hardware ec?
01:05.02saftsackwhat are spa cards?
01:05.12[shodan]d-link spa-xxxx,
01:05.17[shodan]network ATA
01:05.22[shodan]works great so far
01:05.29saftsacksounds quite well
01:06.59*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
01:08.13saftsack[shodan], this works great too but i am interested in sangoma cards :>
01:08.16kronicQbY: using the 2 agent license
01:10.34C6VetteI put '192.168.what.ever asterisk' in hosts file and can 'ping asterisk' BUT when I put 'asterisk' in sjphone it doesnt resolve. What am I missing?
01:10.43*** join/#asterisk paolob (
01:11.11saftsack[shodan], but why does sangoma sell cards when it could be made much cheaper with a gateway?
01:11.14[shodan]C6Vette what O/S are you running sjphone on ?
01:11.36*** part/#asterisk paolob (
01:11.50[shodan]saftsack it's cheaper to make a card
01:12.05saftsackbut why is this card so expensive?
01:12.25C6Vetteeven if I put '192.168.what.ever' I can 'ping' but sjphone doesnt goto the correct address. It looks like it bypasses hosts
01:12.25[shodan]probably because the CEO of sangoma likes $$$
01:12.42*** join/#asterisk tmccrary (
01:13.09saftsacki mean gateway + openwrt on a 50$ router and you have a full featured asterisk pbx without being depend on the reliable of a computer system
01:13.33*** join/#asterisk roving_prole (
01:13.38tmccrary...that only supports like 3-4 calls max unfortunatley
01:13.51[shodan]I don't think openwrt runs on any gateway that has an fxo or fxs
01:13.55saftsacka 4 port fxs card doesnt support more calls :>
01:14.17tmccraryyeah, but what about internal calls
01:14.33tmccraryyou could only have one pots line and still have issues
01:14.44saftsack[shodan], a router with asterisk + a gateway with original os
01:14.54saftsacktmccrary, you mean with sip phones?
01:15.08tmccraryyeah, sorry I misread the FXS as FXO
01:15.19justinu|laptopthese cards could cost $50 and you'd still find ppl who complain about their cost
01:15.27saftsackbut i think that a router can do more than 4 calls if it doesnt to transcoding
01:15.46tmccraryHas anyone here had the misfortune of owning an Audiocodes product? I have one, it's working (if you call it that) but the people on the other end have all kinds of buzzing and there is static on the line
01:16.09saftsackjustinu|laptop, yes but 50$ is a difference to 400$ because there is one good argument for these different. compare the prices to an oldstyle pbx
01:16.09justinu|laptopferrite cores on the power/data lines may help
01:16.17[shodan]I'd stop whining at 25$/fxs
01:16.58*** join/#asterisk dacleric (
01:17.42saftsack[shodan], i payed 300euro for a 2 bri port gateway
01:17.45tmccraryaudiocodes = junk, do NOT buy
01:18.14saftsacktmccrary, hrhr
01:18.18JT[shodan]: that sounds a little on the high side
01:18.56*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
01:19.03saftsackdoes somebody of you know cheap BRI gateways?
01:19.15C6Vette[shodan], any ideas on my problem?
01:19.20JTi paid 750eur for an 8 port bri card
01:19.27GoofyNCHi, I have a Digium TE110P setup as E1 and have not been able to have it working with the 3 different computers I have tried it in....fresh install and yum update each time
01:19.28JTsaftsack: why gateway?
01:19.43[shodan]a sangoma is 84$/fxs and d-link spa-2102 is about 45$/fxs ... 25$ is low compared to now
01:20.24saftsackJT, what else? if i take a computer i have to trust a whole computer system
01:20.24*** part/#asterisk InfraRed (
01:20.24JTsaftsack: then make the computer system reliable
01:20.24tmccraryGoofyNC: Digium provides support for their cards, have you tried calling them?
01:20.31JTi can configure a server that stays up and running for years
01:20.32tmccraryGoofyNC: They will get the card working with asterisk, from there it's up to you
01:20.37[shodan]C6Vette not sure what your problem is , I'm trying to get it to run on windows ce 4.2 but it's not even starting
01:20.48saftsackwhat do you mean? i have a computer which has a year runtime.
01:20.48JTGoofyNC: be more specific on what's not working
01:20.52GoofyNC:) I'm overseas New Caledonia...but I will try to call them if it is the only way :)
01:21.06saftsackbut i had many computers from which mainboards the elcos where damaged after one year
01:21.07tmccraryGoffyNC: Ah, gotcha
01:21.10JTsaftsack: then why do you have trouble trusting PCs?
01:21.17saftsackand a sip gateway runs over a while of ten hears
01:21.35JTGoofyNC: you will need to provide more information or no-one will be able to have a chance of assisting
01:21.39GoofyNCIt's just that the card does't seem to get the IRQs from the system
01:21.54JTsaftsack: eclos?
01:21.58[shodan]saftsack you should update your kernel more often ;)
01:22.10orlockJT: know of any docs on how sip codec negotiation and stuff works?
01:22.10GoofyNCwhen I do a dmesg it says :
01:22.19saftsackJT, i have a problem because there can always be something. a PSU failure, a damaged elco on the mainboard or something else
01:22.36saftsack[shodan], are you talking about the uptime?
01:22.36GoofyNCPCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
01:22.37GoofyNCACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:00:01.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 169
01:22.37GoofyNCACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:00:02.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 169
01:22.37GoofyNCACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:00:1b.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 169
01:22.37GoofyNCACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:00:1c.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 169
01:22.37GoofyNCACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:00:1f.1[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 169
01:22.39GoofyNCACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:00:1f.2[C] -> GSI 20 (level, low) -> IRQ 177
01:22.41GoofyNCACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:00:1f.3[B] -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 185
01:22.43GoofyNCACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:03:08.0[A] -> GSI 20 (level, low) -> IRQ 177
01:22.48jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
01:22.49JTGoofyNC: stop that
01:22.49GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:03:03.0
01:22.49GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0000:03:03.0
01:22.49GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:03:03.1
01:22.51GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0000:03:03.1
01:22.53JTGoofyNC: ARRRRGH
01:22.53GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:03:03.2
01:22.57GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0000:03:03.2
01:22.59GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:03:03.3
01:23.01GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0000:03:03.3
01:23.03GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:03:03.4
01:23.05GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0000:03:03.4
01:23.08jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
01:23.08GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:03:03.5
01:23.09GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0000:03:03.5
01:23.11GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:03:03.6
01:23.13GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0000:03:03.6
01:23.15GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:03:03.7
01:23.17GoofyNCPCI: Cannot allocate resource region 1 of device 0000:03:03.7
01:23.19GoofyNCPCI: Error while updating region 0000:03:03.0/1 (00001401 != 00001405)
01:23.21GoofyNCPCI: Error while updating region 0000:03:03.2/1 (00001409 != 00001405)
01:23.23GoofyNCPCI: Error while updating region 0000:03:03.3/1 (0000140d != 00001405)
01:23.29GoofyNCPCI: Error while updating region 0000:03:03.4/1 (00001411 != 00001405)
01:23.31jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
01:23.31GoofyNCPCI: Error while updating region 0000:03:03.5/1 (00001415 != 00001405)
01:23.33GoofyNCPCI: Error while updating region 0000:03:03.6/1 (00001419 != 00001405)
01:23.35GoofyNCPCI: Error while updating region 0000:
01:23.36JTsaftsack: what the hell is an elco?
01:23.41GoofyNCdit not mean that...
01:23.43GoofyNCgot it thanks
01:23.51saftsackJT, but my main argument why i want to use an embedded system for a BRI environment is, that BRI systems are always small (<10). and for 10 users a pc isnt needed as pbx imho
01:24.25saftsackJT, this things who can save energy for a short time
01:24.31JTsaftsack: if you buy redundant server grade equipment, stuff doesn't fail that easily
01:24.36JTsaftsack: you mean a capacitor
01:24.46JTspecifically an electrolytic capacitor
01:24.50saftsackyes :)
01:24.57JTonly on crap motherboards do they tend to blow up
01:25.03orlocksaftsack: anything electronics is going to run that risck
01:25.10JTanyway, if you want it small, you could make your own embedded unit
01:25.16JTwith a mini-ITX board
01:25.25orlockno moving parts
01:25.32orlockeven Cisco 1700 chassis have fans
01:25.47saftsackthis is a good compromiss
01:25.52JTjust a power supply to blow up, with no redundancy :P (for ITX)
01:26.18orlockJT: no reason you coudlent have a redundant psu
01:26.18*** join/#asterisk Doce (
01:26.22JTi prefer just to run asterisk on server grade hardware with RAID1 + redundant PSU
01:26.28orlockexcept it wouldbe twice the size and cost of the rest of the system :)
01:26.38JTorlock: does anyone actually ever use a redundant PSU for an embedded system?
01:26.48orlockJT: dunno
01:26.56saftsackbut can you follow me if i say when i say that a pc system isnt good for a pbx if there is no direct administrator for the pbx because of a small environment?
01:27.05orlockwould you call a cisco embedded?
01:27.16orlocka lot of those have 240v in and also the ATX style connector as well
01:27.25orlockdunno if they are made to run both at the same time though
01:27.41orlockJT: are you using 729?
01:27.48JTorlock: no
01:28.29orlocktcpdump+ethereal are dissagreeing with what my sip provider says
01:28.35saftsackJT, yes you prefer it. i suggest you build environments with about more than 20 users
01:29.05*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
01:29.35JTsaftsack: so let me get this straight, you'd build a less reliable machine for more users?
01:31.34saftsackno but its a different if i build an embedded router for 10 people who havent a pbx administrator and just want a serviceless pbx or if i build a big environment where i can buy expensive hardware which is reliable and where is a pbx admin who can watch the hardware and its status
01:32.04GoofyNCI will not paste any stuff this way anymore..did not know...
01:33.29GoofyNCThe card does't seem to get assigned proprely with whatever computer or PCI slot I put it in...
01:34.00saftsackJT, can you give me a comment please? :) im a noob in bigger environments and have no image in big pbxs
01:34.01GoofyNCI tried turning on / off APCI...
01:34.13JTsaftsack: well you're contradicting yourself, first saying you'd use embedded for small environments, then saying i don't build big environments, so i don't know
01:34.16GoofyNCturning off the USB controller to free IRQs....
01:34.22JTi know what you mean about embedded for small environments
01:34.30JTit's a good idea if done well
01:34.40JTas long as you can really trust the hardware
01:34.47JTand it's not underpowered
01:35.14GoofyNCbut nothing made it show up in the /proc/zaptel/*
01:35.29saftsackthats true. but if i test it and it works two weeks long for example i can say that its powerful enough and will run without service at least 5 years
01:36.02saftsackJT, are there people in companies which have > 30 telephones which are dedicated to administrate the pbx?
01:36.45Strom_Csaftsack: I have clients with > 30 telephones for whom I am the PBX administrator
01:36.54JTsaftsack: maybe in big companies, say 100+, but if less there may be a person, but that would not be the only role
01:37.50JTtheir only role, even
01:37.53saftsackStrom_C, if there is an environment with 40 telephones do you build up redundant pbxs?
01:38.03*** join/#asterisk kronic (
01:38.05Strom_Conly forty? no
01:38.13saftsackJT, yes i got what you say. but this person is capable in understanding the whole pbx?
01:38.26JTi dunno
01:38.35JTsome companies do things in house, some outsource
01:38.41saftsackStrom_C, so if something in the server breaks the whole company cant place any calls?
01:38.51Strom_Csaftsack: that depends on what breaks.
01:39.14Strom_Cif the PRI fails, for example, there is IP and POTS backup
01:39.34Strom_Cif the actual computer itself blows up, that's what a maintenance contract with the system vendor is for
01:39.53saftsackwhat is if the psu fails and destroys the whole computer with a short high voltage? :>
01:40.08Strom_Cwhat if the company is hit by a meteor?
01:40.16[shodan]unless you have a teleporter they'll be out of telephone for an hour at least
01:40.18saftsackso maybe i am asking the false question. what reliable does companies want in their telephony system?
01:40.25tmccraryfailover PBX? You should have one of those even if you are running dedicated hardware (things break on any kind of device)
01:40.48*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
01:41.18saftsackwhat is more reliable? a pc based pc with server hardware or a classical hicom pbx for example?
01:41.26saftsackpc based pbx i mean
01:41.43*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
01:42.11JTa function of the quakity of software and hardware contained in each one i think
01:42.24JTmost pbxs don't have any or much moving parts, which is a plus
01:42.33C6VetteI dont think one is more reliable than the other if you buy good parts.
01:42.58saftsackbecause i have the imagination that a hicom pbx or something like that doesnt fails ^^
01:43.12JTeverything fails
01:43.24JTi've seen power supplies in traditional PABXes fail
01:43.27saftsackmy father has a ten year old elmeg pbx. it is working as it is bought yesterday. can this be said to a computer to? i dont think so
01:43.32JTbut that was after a few years of service
01:43.53orlocksaftsack: yeah, it can
01:44.00orlocksaftsack: my SGI Indy works fine
01:44.06Strom_Csaftsack: I've seen fifteen year old PCs that are going without a problem
01:44.09saftsacka computer which runs over 10 years without service?
01:44.29JTheaps do
01:44.30Strom_Cmy friend has one in his office that's been running since the mid-1980s
01:44.36orlockast time i fired up the Microbee that worked fine too
01:44.41JTif yours don't, they have issues
01:44.44C6VetteMy Commorode 64 still works...
01:44.45orlockand the Powerbook 100, although the battery is dead
01:44.50JTmain think to go is hard drive
01:44.57tmccraryeverything fails = either cluster or have a spare ready :) clustering is obviously preferrable, if you want little/no downtime
01:45.11orlockJT: yeah, any moving parts
01:45.14orlockdrives, fans
01:45.36saftsacka pc in the office of my father failed after 1 year of service. another pc too because the psu broke
01:45.48JTwhen was a Pentium 166MHz a new model?
01:45.49orlocksaftsack: stop skimping on gear then :)
01:45.57JTi have one that is still running to this day
01:46.11JTand is used 24/7
01:46.20saftsackok i believe that
01:46.43JTsaftsack: crap hardware will go quicker, it's not always easy to tell what is crap in advance though
01:46.49saftsackthe best to buy is imho movingless system which doesnt warms up
01:46.57JTi have noticed that there is more crappy hardware available these days
01:47.13saftsackJT, yes in the desktop pc sector
01:47.50*** join/#asterisk Blanker (
01:47.51saftsackbut all x86 systems which i know are getting warmer than 40°C in operation
01:48.01saftsacki dont think that chips of a hicom get as warm as this temp.
01:48.11orlockeven just look at the difference between an el-cheapo board with on-board video, and a server quality board with on-board video
01:48.46JTmost computers should no exceed 35degC ambient internal temp if the external embient temp isn't above 25 or so
01:48.56orlockthe server board s going to have dedicated seperate video ram driving an older 100% rock solid display chip, el cheapo board is going to steal system ram
01:49.08saftsackorlock, ok there are differences but i think there are better plattforms than x86 for reliable operation
01:49.17saftsackorlock, but the cpu is warmer that that
01:49.35GoofyNCWhat do you need to know about my problem....
01:49.41JTno reason for the cpu to get that warm
01:49.41Blankerhow are variables compared in asterisk. i have tried ($["${expr1}" = "${expr2}"]?2:3) ut each time to do a compare it comes back as true even if its not
01:49.48GoofyNCDoes't seem to interest anyone :)
01:50.17saftsackJT, Oo a cpu which stays under 40°C with a normal air cooler?
01:50.31GoofyNCI have an old SGI too if that's of any use :)
01:50.39JTGoofyNC: do you even get to the stage of installing the driver?
01:50.47JTsaftsack: yes, that's normal i thought
01:50.56GoofyNCI installed Asterisk 1.2.2
01:51.05GoofyNCand got the updates...
01:51.06Strom_Cwhy so old?
01:51.08saftsackJT, Oo no ^^
01:51.13JTsaftsack: unless ambient temps are high or the cpu is a model that runs particularly hot
01:51.27JTsaftsack: maybe you just run older amd chips :P
01:51.32saftsackwhat cpus do you use
01:51.40saftsackJT, maybe you dont know intels prescott xD
01:52.14saftsackdo you mean palominos if you talk from old amd's?
01:52.16GoofyNCwhent up to ztcfg -vvvvv and everytime it tells me : ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
01:52.56JTsaftsack: gen 1 athlons, the K6s, etc, they ran hot :)
01:52.57saftsacka palomino 2000+ doesnt need more than 65W. this is actual known as a very low power consumption for intel and amd
01:53.13saftsackJT, ok this was before my time :>
01:53.27orlockwe still have K6-500's out in the field
01:53.27saftsacki had a k6-2 but i was 9 years old as i had a k6-2
01:53.43JTGoofyNC: have you got the crc_ccitt module loaded
01:53.49orlocksaftsack: we are still running them!
01:54.13[shodan]last * box I made , I used a msi board , matx case , lowest clocked AM2 sempron I could find , it's still grossly overpowered for the task at hand , but it runs cool and quiet
01:54.20GoofyNCyes got that one
01:54.43saftsackorlock, i believe that because old computers are reliable :)
01:55.19saftsacki have a 386 from a friend here at home. works fine too :> but i dont trust in a modern computer system that it runs good too over years ^^
01:55.20GoofyNClsmod show zaptel with ztdummy,wcte11xp
01:55.54JT[shodan]: i didn't think msi was a very good brand
01:56.20GoofyNCbut when I look at the interrups I don't see the Digium card anywhere...
01:56.35JTGoofyNC: does the card appear in lspci?
01:56.40[shodan]I sold over 2500 in two years , that I know of less than 20 failed
01:56.51saftsackpbxs or what?
01:57.03GoofyNCyes it does
01:57.13JT[shodan]: hrm, ok for home use i guess, but i'd only use server grade for anything else
01:57.26tmccraryAnyone here use Audiocodes FXO gateways ? Specifically MP-118... I have an issue with distortion and echo with this flakey little unit and I hope someone can help :)
01:57.40orlocki woke up at 4:30am to chmod -x putsms
01:57.45GoofyNClspci -v doest show IRQs on the Network Controllers...(digium card)
01:57.48orlockbloody nagios
01:58.18GoofyNCNagios is great :)
01:58.22[shodan]as if a temperature and humidity controlled environement was harder on the hardware than your random "home" environement
01:58.27orlockIs anybody here running G729 and is handy with tcpdump+ethereal?
01:58.36*** join/#asterisk scurb (
01:58.42[shodan]"server" grade hardware is just overpriced , but .. no one ever got fired for buying ibm
01:59.29[shodan]it's not like "server" grade uses magical server grade parts , it all comes from the same dirty shop in china
01:59.33saftsack[shodan], overpriced for the providing reiable?
01:59.40*** part/#asterisk scurb (
02:00.34[shodan]no overpriced not doing a better job that the cheaper hardware
02:01.00[shodan]coincidentally I have a dead tyan board right here hehehe
02:01.04saftsackfor my last client i bought a normal msi sockel a mainboard. the cheapest one which i could get
02:01.13orlock[shodan]: ever looked at a Tyan or Supermicro board next to an el-cheapo board?
02:01.35saftsackit runs now without problems for one year now
02:01.38orlock[shodan]: what about an RA?
02:02.17[shodan]never heard of those
02:02.40GoofyNCJT: lspci -v doest show IRQs on the Network Controllers...(digium card)
02:02.56orlock[shodan]: return authorisatoin
02:02.59[shodan]but even if you have some super duper board with hotswappable ram ... if it's the price of 10 standard computers , I'd take the 10 standard computer instead in failover
02:03.09orlock[shodan]: yeah
02:03.23saftsackyes this is true
02:03.29[shodan]oh an rma ? I have an rma box right here
02:03.30orlocklike google
02:04.53GoofyNClspci -v does not show IRQs on the Network Controllers...(digium card)
02:05.25saftsackwhere is krambot? :)
02:07.32JT[shodan]: actually, server grade does usually use better parts, and most importantly, better design
02:07.47JTyes a home environment should be more harsh
02:07.58JTbut for most it's not as big a problem if something fails
02:08.31*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
02:10.04sahafeezhere goes my upgrade...crossing fingers
02:11.21[shodan]well , from personnal experience .. server grade hardware hasn't been more or less likely to fail than "normal" hardware in both case it's been very rare that something actually break , but they do seem to break at the same rate so I'll always favor redundancy over "quality" (or more accurately just price since quality is a very abstract concept)
02:12.41Blankerhow are variables compared in asterisk. i have tried ($["${expr1}" = "${expr2}"]?2:3) ut each time to do a compare it comes back as true even if its not
02:13.01JTserver grade hardware contains said redundancy
02:13.19JTand you said you had a 1-2% failure rate with those msi boards, that's pretty bad
02:14.21JTmost motherboard blow up due to crap capacitors these days
02:14.32JTi've never seen a server motherboard with blown caps
02:14.54[shodan]I did , often
02:16.07[shodan]I don't sell a lot of server grade hardware so my stats are meaningless , but I've had 2 tyan boards just die out of about 30 , so ..
02:16.17GoofyNClspci -v does not show IRQs on the Network Controllers...(digium card)
02:16.24GoofyNCI'm using a Dell computer
02:16.29JTi'm talking about real server grade
02:16.32JTas in brand name
02:16.40GoofyNCWith Intel motherboard
02:17.24[TK]D-FenderBlanker : remove all taht whitespace, and repaste the entire line.
02:18.17GoofyNCI tried different computers as I said before with no luck
02:18.38JTGoofyNC: were the different computers of the same type?
02:18.59GoofyNCAsus motherboards for the two first computers I tried
02:19.23GoofyNCI decided to try a very different one...that is why the Dell....
02:19.24JTGoofyNC: can you all the info?
02:20.01JTerror messages, lspci -v, cat /proc/interrupts
02:20.01GoofyNCI will try to use that...(first time)
02:20.42*** join/#asterisk ziwapandey1980 (i=ziwapand@
02:21.17ziwapandey1980can any one help on app_conference
02:22.03ziwapandey1980getting member.c error
02:23.22*** part/#asterisk tmccrary (
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02:33.04GoofyNCdo you need the entire dmesg ?
02:33.33Blanker[TK]D-Fender - exten => s,1,GotoIf($["${expr1}" = "${expr2}"]?2:3)
02:33.54JTGoofyNC: it can't hurt i suppose
02:34.10[TK]D-FenderBlanker: remove the whitespace and that should do it.
02:35.42BlankerOct 26 12:35:16 WARNING[16145]: ast_expr2.fl:183 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error, unexpected TOKEN, expecting $end; Input:
02:35.42Blanker""Jon" <403>"="" <405>
02:35.42BlankerOct 26 12:35:16 WARNING[16145]: ast_expr2.fl:187 ast_yyerror: If you have questions, please refer to doc/README.variables in the asterisk source.
02:36.01Blankerit doesnt like the comparison
02:36.44CunningPikeBlanker: Looks like you have a double quote before Jon
02:37.07Chris-HI am running Asterisk SVN-branch-1.4-r46165 and I have this for accessing my voicemail exten => 083210,2,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERIDNUM}) - this worked for Asterisk 1.2, but it;s not working in 1.4 -- any thoughts anyone
02:37.44CunningPikeChris-H: Use ${CALLERID(num)} instead
02:38.02CunningPikeChris-H: And read the upgrade documentation while you're at it ;)
02:38.42Blankeri cut/pasted the wrong lines the code shouldnt allow it to jump to line 7
02:39.17[TK]D-FenderBlanker : please pastebin the whole thing including what sets those vars.
02:39.33Chris-HCunningPike, my appologies, -- I tried to search for it but could not find it.. is there a new version of the asterisk hand book for 1.4?
02:39.53Strom_CChris-H: he's referring to the UPGRADE file in /usr/src/asterisk
02:40.09CunningPikeChris-H: No - but there is a fairly good upgrade file in...... ya, what he said
02:41.19Chris-Hook thanks for that I will go and look at that now
02:41.49Blanker[TK]D-Fender - done
02:46.11[TK]D-FenderBlanker : now pastebin a call to it
02:46.38GoofyNCI'm new to this kind of IRC :)
02:47.03GoofyNCnever pasted before :)
02:47.28[TK]D-FenderGoofyNC : you use sights like that so as not to spam the channel with a ton of crap :)
02:47.38[TK]D-FenderGoofyNC : Tends to royally piss people off.
02:47.47GoofyNCI understand
02:47.53JTGoofyNC: what's the url?
02:47.55Blanker[TK]D-Fender -
02:49.00GoofyNChow do I call the paste I have done through is that the link Blanker ?
02:49.17JTGoofyNC: it comes up with the url after you submit it
02:49.26JTi hope you didn't close the page
02:49.36Blankersorry should be thisone
02:49.45GoofyNCno did not close the page but it can back with a blank page
02:50.57GoofyNCit came back...with blank page....
02:51.44GoofyNClooking that to see if it's my post...
02:53.12JTdid you click submit post or reset text area
02:54.48JTwell i don't think it came up
02:54.59Chris-Hhmm -- how can I tell why Asterisk is currently using 99.9% of my CPU -- is there a command I can enter on the CLI to see whats going on?
02:56.13*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
02:58.07GoofyNCit was't that one Blanker....thanks anyway :)
02:58.40[TK]D-FenderBlanker : It doesn't like the quotes, and isn't parsing right.  Test the name/number seperately.
02:58.53JTGoofyNC: umm, pay attention, he was pasting his own pastebins, they were his urls
03:04.00Blanker[TK]D-Fender - excellent. i have set the variable to grab calleridnum instead of callerid and the comparison works a bit more code and i should have dialing out based on what extension a agent is logged in on. thanks
03:05.16[TK]D-FenderBlanker : And unless youre on * 1.0.X you should be using the newer functions for CallerID, etc
03:07.07BlankerAsterisk SVN-branch-1.2-r35334
03:07.45[TK]D-FenderBlanker : ${CALLERID(num)}
03:08.13anthonylhi Chris-H !
03:08.17*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
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03:12.34De_Moncallerid or CALLERID
03:14.45[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon : Functions are case sensitive and needs to be all uppercase
03:15.33*** join/#asterisk mog (
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03:16.50ziwapandey1980can any one help on app_conference
03:18.03*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
03:19.14*** join/#asterisk wmandra (
03:19.27wmandraevening all
03:19.50wmandraanyone have any tips for getting sntp to work on a polycom 501???
03:21.58[TK]D-Fenderwmandra : try pointing it to an sntp server :)
03:22.35*** join/#asterisk droops_mobile (n=root@
03:22.36wmandrathats the problem... i've tried a bunch.... i'm getting tired of rebooting this dam thing
03:23.46wmandrano matter what i set it to the clock keeps blinking and if i go to the web config it always says the GMT offset is -12
03:24.12shellsharkwhy use sntp instead of just ntp?
03:24.52wmandrashellshark: is there a way to configure the phone for ntp??? i read through the manuals but didn't see any references
03:25.03droops_mobilewow #asterisk at astercon
03:25.32shellsharkdroops_mobile: i thought it was astricon?
03:26.04shellsharkwmandra: not sure, but i'd be more inclined to say that it would support NTP before SNTP
03:26.17shellsharkwmandra: i just use grandstream phones, and they work well
03:26.17[TK]D-Fenderwmandra : What did you try using?
03:26.38[TK]D-Fendershellshark : and I jsut use Polycom, and they work better :)
03:27.06shellshark[TK]D-Fender: probably... i'm trying to get my partner to by some 435's or whatever
03:27.26shellshark[TK]D-Fender: i figure if i shoot high, perhaps we'll end up with some 301's anyway ;)
03:28.07wmandra131.107.1.10 a couple other public ones and a cisco router which is set as a ntp master for the entire network
03:28.12shellsharki like Inter-Tel phones, but they are too proprietary :(
03:29.24[TK]D-Fendershellshark : 430's are not "high", and unless you are doinga  PoE install I'd sooned suggest 501's
03:30.07shellshark501's are more expensive than the 430's, no?
03:30.27wmandrathe 501 seems like a pretty good phone.... this clock issue though is starting to become more trouble than it's worth :/
03:30.30shellsharkwe're looking for entry-level polycom phones :)
03:30.46shellsharkwmandra: have you tried specifying an NTP server in the DHCP scope?
03:31.05shellsharkwmandra: there is a DHCP option for that, and perhaps that's what your phone is configuring from
03:31.24wmandrathe ip address is static... no dhcp on the subnet the phone is on
03:31.31[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Slightly, but the screen is much better and has 3 line keys, etc.
03:31.58[TK]D-Fenderwmandra : And did you configure DNS & the default gateway?
03:32.11[TK]D-Fenderwmandra : And why no DHCP?
03:32.31shellshark[TK]D-Fender: if i wanted a decent screen I'd push for cisco 7971g's :)
03:32.35wmandrai can see the traffic from the phone to the sntp server and back
03:32.49shellshark[TK]D-Fender: i only need two line keys anyway
03:33.06[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Techinally you only need ONE.
03:33.22[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Even the 301 can shuffle 16 calls at a time.
03:33.29shellshark[TK]D-Fender: my grandstream has NONE, and I'm able to operate just fine ;)
03:33.47shellsharkmaybe I'll just get some 301's then
03:34.12[TK]D-Fendershellshark : if you don't need speakerphone, they're still great
03:34.28shellsharkoh weak, they dont have speakerphone?
03:34.41shellsharkmy cheapo grandstream even has speakerphone :(
03:34.48[TK]D-Fendershellshark : You're research is shoddy :)
03:35.04[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Yeah, bug GrandSuck... *shudder*
03:35.05shellshark[TK]D-Fender: i haven't really researched anything yet, so probably ;)
03:35.27[TK]D-Fenderwmandra : BTW stop using that God-forsaken WEB interface and provision them like they were meant to be.
03:35.33shellsharki just looked at the pricing with various models to get an idea for numbers
03:35.51droops_mobileit is shellshark, im not spelling well tonight
03:36.02shellsharkdroops_mobile: :p
03:36.10shellshark[TK]D-Fender: 435 has speakerphone?
03:36.24wmandratk: i originally provisioned the phone through the cfg files (i can't stand web interfaces), but i figured i'd see if the results were any different
03:36.25shellsharkerr 430 ;)
03:36.46[TK]D-Fendershellshark : IP 430, yes, but again, unless you are on a tight budget and plan on PoE I'd suggest the 501 instead
03:37.04[TK]D-Fenderwmandra : I would start by not trusting your networking.....
03:37.15wmandrahaha.... now instead of Jan 01 00:00 it's telling me the time is Dec 31 19:00
03:37.30shellshark[TK]D-Fender: budget is tight, but we dont have PoE switches
03:37.55shellshark[TK]D-Fender: are the 430's PoE-only? and if so, do they include power injectors?
03:38.22wmandratk: the one thing i do trust is the network..... this will most likely be the first and last polycom phone i'll buy... i'll stick with cisco
03:38.49[TK]D-Fendershellshark : No its that the IP 501 is a nicer phone for $20 more.  Definately worth it.  the 501 doesn't support PoE without added cost making the 430 a great choice for low-cost PoE installs, but thats not your case
03:39.21shellshark[TK]D-Fender: whats the diff between 501 and 601?
03:39.46[TK]D-Fenderwmandra : Sorry, but I consult on these phones and have never had any problem with them.  Dith your web settings and provision them properly.  Double check your network with a PC, etc.
03:39.55DarthclueI have 3 501s that I use at my house.  The only thing that I've used that is better was a Cisco.
03:40.18[TK]D-Fendershellshark : 601 has built in PoE, supports the sidecars, 6 line keys, XHTML micro-browser and more.
03:40.44shellsharknice features, but way overkill for what I need :P
03:40.48[TK]D-FenderDarthclue : Minus Cisco's cost, lack or presence support, pay-only firmware support, etc.
03:41.58orlock[TK]D-Fender: "Oh, you wanted a router shipping with a WORKING IOS? That IOS is gnna cost extra..."
03:42.12shellshark[TK]D-Fender: dont forget that only a few Cisco phones even support a SIP software load
03:42.16[TK]D-Fenderorlock : Yeah, fuck Cisco.....
03:42.18Darthcluewell, yeah, those things too.  Which is why I'm using the 501s, again, in my house.
03:42.41[TK]D-FenderI'm rather happy with my IP 301, 430, and 501 at home, and all my IP 600's at the office :)
03:43.24DarthclueWhat port does the 501 look for the sntp server on?  I'm trying to re-provision one and I'm afraid my sntp server may not be working.
03:43.32shellsharkebay has 5x Polycom IP 501 phones new in box for $305 with $28 shipping
03:44.02shellsharkoh, no handsets or cords included
03:44.21orlockDoes anybody here know much about asterisk and sip codec negotiation?
03:44.22ManxPowerDarthclue: assume 123/UDP
03:44.39orlocki have seen some conflicting information about how the negotiaiton is to take place
03:44.40ManxPowerorlock: not really.  I just disallow=all and allow=thecodeciwant
03:44.48orlockhmm. time to read the fine rfc methinks
03:44.59ManxPowersimple, easy, works every time.
03:45.07orlockManxPower: yeah, i am talking more about specifics of how things get negotiated
03:45.18ManxPowerorlock: that would be implementation specific.
03:45.27ManxPoweri.e. each device does it however it wants
03:45.31orlocki am at the stage of looking at the sip sessions with ethereal to debug it
03:45.48orlockManxPower: this is between the provider and asterisk
03:45.52Darthcluethanks Manx
03:46.04orlocki set asterisk to only allow g729, then send a request for 711, asterisk rejects the call
03:46.19ManxPowerorlock: that would be expected.
03:46.38orlockthey say they asterisk shouldnt drop the call, but respond with the codec it supports
03:46.52ManxPowerorlock: read asterisk-dev
03:47.02orlockwhile other information i have een says that the incoming sip request should list all the possible codecs
03:47.13Darthclueshellshark, ip501 new for only 166.78
03:47.20ManxPowerorlock: asterisk works that way, all allowed codecs in the initial request
03:47.37orlockManxPower: request is coming from the voip provider though
03:47.52orlock_i_ think they are not doing something correctly, but i am no sip protocol guru
03:48.00shellsharkDarthclue: i found $179.95 w/ $10 shipping buy it now...
03:48.07ManxPowerorlock: As I said, I never allow more than 1 codec.
03:48.09shellsharkDarthclue: what URL are you looking at?
03:48.20orlockManxPower: asterisk may work tatwa, what does the sip standard say though?
03:48.37orlockyeah, asterisk rejects it when i only allow 729, as the incoming request is for 711
03:48.48[TK]D-Fendershellshark :
03:49.07orlockbut they are saying asterisk shouldnt drop it, but respond with the supported codec, and then the provider should send a request for that codec
03:49.56shellsharkoh weak, polycom only supports G729 and G711?
03:50.16shellsharkno G726, GSM, Speex, G728, or even G723?
03:50.45JTyou say that like 723 is super common
03:50.53shellsharkJT: i use it :)
03:51.04orlockJT: any suggestions for my problem?
03:51.23JTorlock: i assume you don't want to use g711 for some reason... :)
03:51.51*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
03:52.06orlockJT: actually, personally, _i_ dont care.. but i am using my home asterisk system as a testbed before deploying.. we want to use 729 so we dont need to have such fat pipes
03:52.44[TK]D-Fendershellshark : And what does Cisco support?  What kind of scenario wouldn't work with the 2 main ones it supports?
03:52.48BigBadHosshow many lines are you going to run?
03:52.58orlockBigBadHoss: me?
03:52.58kronicanyone have a method for toggling the queue status of an agent pause/unpause
03:53.03[TK]D-Fenderorlock : You have the internet between your phones & *?
03:53.04*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:53.26BigBadHossno, he wants his provider to use g729 right?
03:53.34orlock[TK]D-Fender: nope, internet between asterisk and the provider
03:53.42orlockBigBadHoss: correct
03:53.58[TK]D-Fenderorlock : then you don't need your phones to use G.729, jsut use ULAW on the inside and G729 to your provider
03:53.59orlockthe whole bandwidth issue isnt something i am thinking about, as its all going to depend on the specific site
03:54.06BigBadHossi actually am running a vpn between two offices, both have 512+ upstream
03:54.11orlockbut theres no point een thinking about that if 729 aint going to work
03:54.17BigBadHosslatency betweren is like 20-40ms
03:54.33orlock[TK]D-Fender: yeah, the phones are not even coming into it yet
03:54.37BigBadHossand thats a tcp tunnel
03:54.41BigBadHossnot udp
03:54.54BigBadHossusing pfsense, whcih i must say is spectacular
03:55.01shellshark[TK]D-Fender: do the 501's come with a power supply? because that telephony depot is selling them separate
03:55.18BigBadHossmost do by default
03:55.23BigBadHossif they are new they should come
03:55.38BigBadHossmine from voipsupply did
03:55.42Darthclueshellshark, the ones I bought from tritechcoa came with power supply.
03:55.45JT[TK]D-Fender: i think you mean use A Law on the inside :)
03:56.11shellsharkDarthclue: cool, they are cheaper than telephony depot anyway ;)
03:56.14BigBadHossi tried to get g729 to work, but i coulodnt
03:56.25BigBadHossi have a 301
03:56.28BigBadHossand 10 500s
03:56.47[TK]D-Fendershellshark : <- has the power brick
03:57.12BigBadHossi wonder if they ship as SIP or MGCP
03:57.30[TK]D-FenderBigBadHoss : very hard to find MGCP.  virtually all SIP
03:57.45[TK]D-FenderBigBadHoss : And easily reflash either way
03:57.59JT[TK]D-Fender: orlock is not in the US
03:58.09JTthere's only a few countries that use Mu Law
03:58.23BigBadHossi had to convert all of mine to SIP
03:58.35Darthcluethe 501s shiped as sip from tritechcoa when I ordered them
03:58.40[TK]D-FenderJT : G.711, pick your flavour... and we're talking about between the phone & * so wahts the issue?
03:58.51BigBadHossg711 is the best
03:58.54BigBadHossfor lans
03:59.01[TK]D-FenderBigBadHoss : And where did you get yours?
03:59.12BigBadHossfrom ebay
03:59.17BigBadHoss$100 a piece
03:59.24BigBadHossyou cant beat that
03:59.29BigBadHosswith a 90 day warranty
03:59.31[TK]D-FenderBigBadHoss : Small wonder they went cheap :)  the idiots probably didn't klnow how to reflash them....
03:59.33JTwell it will still need transcoding to the provider if they use g711 if it's the wrong companding type, and you lose some dynamic range in transcoding
04:00.07BigBadHossget a provider that does 729
04:00.22shellshark[TK]D-Fender: what do you think about the SE-220?
04:00.22JTif you can bandwidth afford it
04:00.25JTuse g711
04:00.31BigBadHossit sounds better
04:00.33JTg729 sounds like arse compared to 711
04:00.42BigBadHossbetter than gsm
04:00.46JTit's pretty good for the bandwidth, however
04:00.58JTbetter than ilbc too :P
04:01.06BigBadHossgsm and 729are very miserly when it comes to bw
04:01.20*** join/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
04:01.27ManxPowerI use G729 across the WAN, G711/ulaw on the LAN
04:01.38BigBadHossi need to get my g729 working
04:01.44[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Whats the point of that phone?  All the IP series with speakerphone are great.
04:01.47shellsharkG723 sounds better than G729 in my experiences, with about the same or a little less bandwidth
04:01.52*** join/#asterisk phileep (n=philip@
04:02.09shellshark[TK]D-Fender: ah, if they dont say "IP", they are just TDM phones?
04:02.12[TK]D-Fendershellshark : And few phones support it (if that matters), and its licensed up the wzoo.
04:02.34shellshark[TK]D-Fender: all grandstream products support G723
04:02.37[TK]D-Fendershellshark : I think you are only beginning to wake up.  Go get coffee......
04:02.44shellshark[TK]D-Fender: hehehe
04:03.04[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Yeah, and GS a cheap lpile of crap with firmware and overall quality issues.
04:03.13phileepanyone know a good way to remove agents from a queue?
04:03.16[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Still very new to VoIP in general?
04:03.27BigBadHossthey need to change thier focus from features to stability
04:03.34shellshark[TK]D-Fender: not really, but i've not had any bad experiences yet with grandstream
04:03.40*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
04:03.40BigBadHossthey would be sure winners
04:03.45shellshark[TK]D-Fender: except they feel cheap ;)
04:03.49Chris-HI am having issues with Asterisk running at 99% CPU usage after two phone calls, and I am not sure how to find out why -- could anyone help me please?
04:03.57[TK]D-Fendershellshark : I only suggest Polycom & Aastra at this point.
04:04.07ManxPowerChris-H: You are on *BSD?
04:04.10*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
04:04.11BigBadHossChris-H:check the logs
04:04.15Chris-Hno ManxPower -- Debian
04:04.28shellshark[TK]D-Fender: I have some clients that use Polycom phones, so that's why i'm so interested in playing with them
04:04.35Chris-Hrunning CVS
04:04.35BigBadHossChris-H: you are probably getting a bad tcp descriptor problem
04:04.48BigBadHossis your disk space filling up quick?
04:05.02*** part/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
04:05.05sahafeezquestion - if i have a dual nic box and bind adress= asterisk will listen on both ips correct?
04:05.12ManxPowerAh, CVS.  I leave develoement to the developers
04:05.24Chris-Hhmm -- how does one find out and correct it :)
04:05.30BigBadHossyou should be running svn
04:05.34BigBadHossnot cvs
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04:05.55Chris-HI am getting lots of: dsp.c: Inband DTMF is not supported on codec g729. Use RFC2833 - BUT my vsp only supports inband DTMF under G729 :(
04:06.16Darthclueshellshark, i have a couple of grandstreams, i just moved all my stuff in from storage last week and the grandstreams have yet to be unpacked.  compared to polycoms, the grandstreams don't come close.
04:06.20BigBadHossthats whats killing cpu
04:06.23*** part/#asterisk mog (
04:06.30[TK]D-FenderChris-H : You can't have inband with G.729, its a compressed codec and would murder your DTMF
04:06.30BigBadHossscrew tyour vsp
04:06.48BigBadHosstheyre worthless if you cant outofband
04:06.54Chris-Hsorry -- SVN -- my bad! :( -- - ummm it was also doing it for the beta2
04:07.04BigBadHossUSE 1.2
04:07.08Chris-Hnothing in the logs that I can see :(
04:07.09BigBadHossfor stability
04:07.43BigBadHossnothing in full?
04:07.58BigBadHossi had full fill up like 35 times
04:08.04BigBadHosswith bad tcp descriptor
04:08.13Chris-HOhh it's the only one I can use on my connection -- it's a wireless, and their latency on a normal connection is crap, and they do stuff to get better quality on their own proparatory voice service
04:08.15wmandratk: OK, now that I got the time working, where can I find the SIP 2.0 firmware for the 501??
04:08.16BigBadHossfilled the hd in a day
04:08.29Chris-Hbut I have managed to get asterisk to emulate them
04:08.38[TK]D-Fenderwmandra : Wow, that took long :) What did you change?
04:09.07Chris-Hnothing in full? -- sorry not sure what you mean by that
04:09.24[TK]D-Fenderwmandra : And you should pick it up from your reseller.  Though if you want it like.. NOw :
04:09.29wmandraapparently the phone adds the GMT offset configured in the phone settings and the sip.cfg file
04:09.47BigBadHossif you have a mac-phone.cfg
04:09.56Chris-HBigBadHoss, I dont have a /var/log/asterisk/full log
04:09.58BigBadHossthe phone config ovverides it
04:10.13BigBadHossanything else in that dir chris
04:10.47shellsharkhow is asterisk's MGCP support?
04:11.03Chris-Hevent_log messages and queue_log -- plus cdr-csv and cdr-custom
04:11.04[TK]D-Fendershellshark : MGCP is ass and should be avoiced at all costs.
04:11.11shellshark[TK]D-Fender: noted
04:11.17BigBadHossi provisioned from the start
04:11.25BigBadHossnever touched the phones
04:11.35shellshark[TK]D-Fender: if i buy a polycom phone with MGCP firmware, can i upgrade it to SIP?
04:11.41shellshark[TK]D-Fender: aka, free download :)
04:11.54BigBadHossits unsupported by polycom though
04:12.11[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Typically yes, but it shouldn't come that way.
04:12.15BigBadHossftp seems to break in some releases
04:12.17shellsharkwell the 301 with a power supply has MGCP
04:12.25shellsharkthe 301 with SIP is without PS :(
04:12.26BigBadHosswhen you change tyoes
04:12.27[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Show me....
04:12.44x86that's with MGCP
04:12.54BigBadHossyou shouldnt have problems
04:12.56[TK]D-Fendershellshark : And FFS they come with either the PoE cable or a power brick (301/501), but not both.
04:13.09[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Forget tritechcoa
04:13.26shellshark[TK]D-Fender: the one you gave me was more expensive ;)
04:13.28[TK]D-Fenderholy crap what is it with you masochists not buying things right the first time.
04:13.35[TK]D-Fendershellshark : yeah.. like 1 $.
04:13.45shellshark[TK]D-Fender: shipping was double
04:14.07[TK]D-Fendershellshark : please link me to this one "without" a PS...
04:14.11Chris-HBigBadHoss, what did you do to fix your TCP descriptor issue?
04:14.22shellshark[TK]D-Fender: the second link that i (x86) posted
04:14.37BigBadHossi didnt realise the issue until i looked at my disk spce
04:14.38shellsharki'm assuming that doesn't have a PS
04:14.48BigBadHossand by then it was fixed
04:14.51[TK]D-Fendershellshark : and in the meantime you think you can do without a PS and have to reflash to SIP.
04:14.53shellsharkbecause the other two 301's they sell do have a PS or POE cable
04:14.57BigBadHossi believve i was trying to use 729
04:15.03BigBadHossso i went back to 711
04:15.05[TK]D-Fendershellshark : ASSuming?  where do you get that idea?
04:15.06Chris-HI do get the following: [Oct 26 17:14:46] WARNING[3793]: chan_sip.c:11720 handle_response_register: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register
04:15.08BigBadHosssee if that fixes it
04:15.15BigBadHossi know
04:15.19BigBadHossmine did too
04:15.27shellshark[TK]D-Fender: because the MGCP one says "with power supply", the others dont ;)
04:15.34BigBadHossi could call others
04:15.41BigBadHossbut when they picked up
04:15.48[TK]D-Fendershellshark : ASSuming again.  Get off that damned site.
04:15.49BigBadHossi got a busy or just huing up on
04:15.51Chris-HI am sitting at 6% usage
04:15.57[TK]D-Fendershellshark : You just keep asking for pain.
04:16.00shellshark[TK]D-Fender: yessir ;)
04:16.02Chris-Hso nothing is chewing it up yet
04:16.07shellsharkteldepot it is then :)
04:16.17BigBadHossnot sure chris
04:16.18[TK]D-Fendershellshark : or
04:16.24BigBadHosscould be anythin g with 1.4
04:16.29BigBadHossmay ask in the dev channel
04:16.35shellsharki buy all my GS stuff from atacomm
04:16.41BigBadHossor look at the bug reports
04:16.42[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Just buy the right one straight up.
04:16.42shellsharknever had a problem with them
04:16.59DarthclueTKD, what's wrong with tritechcoa?
04:17.09[TK]D-Fendershellshark : Some do, some don't, but they are flimsy crap either way.
04:17.23Chris-Hcheers BigBadHoss
04:17.33[TK]D-FenderDarthclue : Think about a place with multiple crappy listings for models that make it hard to get the one you really want.
04:19.09Darthclueso it's the website that bugs ya?  I can understand that.  Never had a problem with the actual product they provide nor the service, but I do agree the website leaves much to be desired.
04:20.17[TK]D-FenderDarthclue : it confuses people who don't know better and they think they are saving something when its going to cost them grief in the end.
04:29.56ziwapandey1980can any one help on app_conference
04:31.23sahafeezi think i almost have my inbound sip working from my provider. one question - does the sip pass the DID to *. in the debug messeages i can see the number i am calling from but not the number i dialed
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04:47.26sahafeezi am confused - if i have a sip provider what do i id the call on in extentions.conf. i have read the users vs peers but i am not sure..what to put for exten => xxxx
04:48.36hadsChris-H: Hey!
04:48.49Chris-HHey! :)
04:49.24hadsHow's things?
04:50.32Chris-Hnot bad -- still having my 100% cpu issue, and it crashing but as you said on -Dev most will be away at conference :(
04:51.05Chris-Hwhich I did not think of
04:51.13Chris-H:) hehe
04:51.32hadsIt's worth filing a bug about.
04:52.14Chris-HOh -- another thing under 1.4, but it might be the way I am registering :)   i am getting these since I upgraded -- [Oct 26 17:51:30] WARNING[4004]: chan_sip.c:11720 handle_response_register: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register
04:52.17Chris-Hfor Woosh
04:53.08hadsProbably something funky between Asterisk and whatever Woosh are using.
04:55.05Chris-HI thought that -- I know they do some proxy at the front which I was assuming it was :)
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04:55.40hadsI used to get warnings from the sipserve proxy too, they are annoying but harmless.
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05:03.04dorphalsigQuick question
05:03.15dorphalsigI need to connect an ATA to a Wireless network
05:03.25dorphalsigWhat are my options?
05:03.44dorphalsig(actually, quite a bit of atas)
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05:05.58JTyep, must be faulty.
05:05.59sahafeezif sip debug is showing From: <sip:8585551212@> what should i put in my extentions.conf to make it match something. i cannot seem to get it right
05:06.27[hC]you mean caller id matching?
05:06.45[hC]exten => somesuchexten/8585551212,1,SomeThing
05:07.39sahafeezwell i have one sip provider - i get the inboud call but i fail to match in extentions. the 858xxxxxxx is the ANI of the caller. i need a catch all that says anything from any number from this sip provider do this..
05:08.30sahafeezto is XXXXXXXXXXX@IPaddrr
05:08.36sahafeezX=some numbers
05:10.45[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : Well thats what its trying to dial into your system.  Congrats.  There's your DID.
05:11.02[TK]D-FenderAnyways, its bed time, back in the morning.
05:11.50*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
05:13.17EyeCueim getting the following when ^C'ing out of console from -vvvc:
05:13.17EyeCueBeginning asterisk shutdown....
05:13.18EyeCueasterisk in free(): error: chunk is already free
05:13.51EyeCueany ideas on what i should be looking for? the build is asterisk 1.2.13 from freebsd ports
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05:21.34orlockIs there anybody here knowledgable about SIP/SDP and rtpmap?
05:21.47orlocki am at the stage of reading RFC's, and it is not very enlightening
05:22.13EyeCue<3 rfc interpreting.
05:22.19orlockbrowser on one side, ethereal on the other..
05:22.25andrew`some pour soul was asking a best buy employee about VOIP compatible phones tonight...employee didn't even know what VOIP was lol
05:24.08*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
05:24.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o Qwell] by ChanServ
05:24.15orlocki am trying to prove that my voip provider is either lying or incorrect
05:24.54EyeCuelying or incorrect about what
05:25.04orlockEyeCue: how sip codec negotiation works
05:25.20orlockby default accounts with them should use 711
05:25.29orlockwe have requested two of them to use 729
05:26.14orlocki have packet dumped some incoming requests, and the media attribute for rtpmap is specifying pcmu/pcma
05:27.06carrarthats 711
05:27.11orlockyeah, i know
05:27.22orlockas i said, lying or incorrect
05:27.31carrarAre you replying with 729
05:27.47orlockthey have also said that the SDP should only list one media type, and they should send another SDP
05:28.18orlockcarrar: i am testing at two sites, one of them is an ATA the provider manages, which responds with 711
05:29.08wmandraanyone have a link for some decent ring tones for a polycom??
05:29.41orlockcarrar: the other is my asterisk system, when i only have 729 allowed, it drops the call
05:29.48orlockwhen i have 711 and 729, it works as 711
05:30.39carrarsend them a ip dump
05:30.43orlocki have
05:31.49orlockfirst one they said it was corrupt
05:31.55orlocksecond one they havent responded to yet
05:32.12orlocki have images of engineers clustered around a testbed saying "ahh, fuck, we missed thse pages"
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05:34.20orlockfrom what i can see, the SIP/SDP sessoins should send all of the allowable codecs
05:34.51sahafeezok, i am stuck. i am trying to add an inbound sip but i cannot make the inbound extension match. i have read all the docs and i am quite stuck. i see the inbound in debug then get a busy since there are no matches in extension.conf
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06:00.47CunningPikesahafeez: pastebin your CLI output
06:00.53jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
06:01.19CunningPiketzafrir_laptop: How'd the trade show go?
06:02.39*** join/#asterisk ziwapandey1980 (i=ziwapand@
06:02.53sahafeezCunningPike: thanks. i think have figured out it is not the matching and the call never makes it thru. asterisk -vvvc never shows anything beyound the call setup, only with debug.
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06:03.21sahafeezip on. so i do not think it is even getting there anymore. think i was looking at the wrong issue
06:03.23*** part/#asterisk Luke-Jr (n=luke-jr@2002:1891:f657:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
06:03.33CunningPikesahafeez: OK
06:03.48ziwapandey1980asterisk usage 99.9 % of CPU
06:03.52sahafeezcan i assume that if the sip call is setup and there is no vaild ext. then i would see an error msg?
06:03.55ziwapandey1980can anyone help?
06:04.36CunningPikesahafeez: You should see something with 'sip debug' - if not, you're not even reaching the box
06:05.10sahafeezi have stuff in sip debug then the line goes busy.
06:05.30CunningPikesahafeez: So, pastebin the SIP debug
06:08.13*** join/#asterisk tetsuzan (n=raizen@
06:08.18CunningPikesahafeez: 'SIP/2.0 501 Not Implemented' - you may have a codec mismatch
06:09.01sahafeezhum. ok, this is a new install of 1.2.13 on myside. how do i figure that out
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06:09.59ziwapandey1980asterisk usage 99.9 % of CPU, can anyone help ?
06:10.18sahafeezand if you stop and start back to 99%
06:10.39tetsuzanziwapandey1980 are you using mpg123 ?
06:10.52tetsuzani had this problem, using freebsd
06:10.58ziwapandey1980when i stop and start it runs smothly for 20 min
06:11.06CunningPikesahafeez: Makes sure your codecs match :) - that's the first place I'd look anyway
06:11.06ziwapandey1980i m not using mpg123
06:11.11tetsuzanwhen i change my musiconhold player, (madplay),
06:12.01tetsuzanhave you see?
06:13.28ziwapandey1980i saw there channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x8456d38', 10 retries!
06:13.44ziwapandey1980i m using pound key
06:14.41tetsuzanPRI card, BRI ?
06:14.46tetsuzanany zap card?
06:14.47*** join/#asterisk VibroMax (n=phisto@
06:14.53tetsuzanor only sip ?
06:14.57kronicis waitexten() the best method for allowing users to enter digits?
06:15.14ziwapandey1980only sip
06:15.32kronicyeah, its a pain with macros though
06:16.02ziwapandey1980so,waht to do , any solution ?
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06:16.47tetsuzanhave you tried to install the last version of the softwares?
06:16.53tetsuzanasterisk, zaptel, libpri, etc
06:17.28ziwapandey1980i was using
06:17.42ziwapandey1980now i have instaled
06:17.57tetsuzani think that the problem is your sip.conf
06:18.20ziwapandey1980can u ckeck it for me plz
06:18.54*** join/#asterisk postel (n=jp@wikimedia/Postel)
06:19.02tetsuzanpaste your sip.conf on pastebin
06:19.15tetsuzanand all of us take a see
06:19.58JTpeople with zap interfaces, what do you find you get with zttest generally?
06:20.24*** join/#asterisk Aces1Up (
06:20.33hads100, or very close.
06:21.10Aces1Uphas anyone heard of the company callture?
06:22.51*** join/#asterisk juice (
06:23.07JTsomething is sick here
06:23.19JTbest i can muster is 99.96%
06:23.28JTtetsuzan: you mean 99.98, right?
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06:34.02JThads, tetsuzan ar these SMP or non-SMP machine?
06:34.32tetsuzansingle proc
06:34.44tetsuzanathlon xp 2800+
06:34.46tetsuzan2gb ram
06:35.04JTi got a dual 1.4GHz Xeon
06:35.10JT2GB ram
06:35.51tetsuzanfreebsd 6.2
06:35.57JTah ok
06:36.02JTlinux 2.6 here
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07:03.06FuriousGeorgehey all
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07:07.01FuriousGeorgeanyone have experience with SER or just a good general understanding of the SIP protocol?
07:08.02FuriousGeorgei always wanted to get sip messaging and presence working across the clients of this business with 4 remote locations, so ive been reading up on ser, but i'm wondering about the prospective topology
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07:20.59hadsJT: Popped off for a bit. This is from a Pentium 4 - Best: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.987793 -- Average: 99.998408
07:21.12JTsingle cpu?
07:21.28JTdunno what's gone wrong with this xeon
07:21.46JTi swear when i first did it it wad constant 99.987793s
07:21.56JTi haven't done much to it
07:22.19JTbut it's now doing 99.95/96s
07:22.19hadsAnd my home box is a Celeron 466 - Best: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.987793 -- Average: 99.997346
07:22.22JTrecompiling the kernel now
07:22.32hadsBoth of those are 2.6
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07:37.34FuriousGeorgei want to use ser as a proxy (i guess) so that the sip users of some remote locations/lans/*server can share presence and info and IMs...  i suppose that SERs logic can take care of making sure that media streams go through the respective asterisk server's while IMs and presence info go through SER, right?
07:37.55FuriousGeorgeim reading getting started with SER, but i'm still not envisioning how this is going to work
07:38.56FuriousGeorgebasically i want clients of these asterisk servers to be able to see eachothers presence, since that only works within clients of a particular asterisk server; and i'd like to get SIMPLE messaging working while im at it
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07:48.00JTgod damnit
07:48.02JT--- Results after 107 passes ---
07:48.02JTBest: 99.951172 -- Worst: 99.938965 -- Average: 99.950944
07:49.56shellsharkwhat is that?
07:50.37hadsJT :/
07:51.26JTshellshark: results of zttest
07:51.49*** join/#asterisk psk (
07:51.53shellsharkwhat's zttest do?
07:52.54JTmeasures the accuracy of a zap interface
07:53.02FuriousGeorgeJT: what happens when you cat /proc/interrupts
07:53.17FuriousGeorgeis your zapata hw sharing an IQ with anything?
07:56.05hadsJT: tried booting without acpi and that sort of thing?
07:56.38JTi did before i recompiled the kernel
07:56.38hadsIt's not really something I've had to troubleshoot yet (touch wood), all mine have been flukes.
07:57.00JTacpi=off got about a 0.01% increase
07:57.07JTto 99.96...
07:57.13*** join/#asterisk juice (
07:57.17JTiirc noapic made it worse
07:59.43stoffellJT; to be sure no irq's are shared, try lspci -v also
08:04.25*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
08:04.42JT--- Results after 123 passes ---
08:04.43JTBest: 99.963379 -- Worst: 99.951172 -- Average: 99.962525
08:04.51JTafter booting with acpi=off and noapic
08:05.17hadsMinor improvement
08:06.05Juggie99.?? is good
08:06.10Juggiei dont see what your worrying about
08:06.32JTJuggie: all the docs seem to say that >=99.98 is good
08:06.38Juggiewhat are rou running for a hd in that box?
08:07.10JTibm serveRAID 4LX U160 controller with a RAID1 arrary of 2 disks
08:09.24Juggiedoes lspci show anything?
08:09.36Juggiepastebin your lspci
08:13.19Juggiewell i'm going to sleep, disable anything your not using like usb, unused network ports, etc...
08:13.41Juggiealso try a server grade distro like centos, i've have no problems with that and zaptel.
08:14.26tzafrirJuggie, centosbug?
08:14.45jboti guess centosbug is a problem with the latest Centos kernels (4.2 and 4.3).  To fix it, paste everything inside the quotes into a root shell:  "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h"
08:14.45Juggiewell thats not exactally a problem
08:14.45JTserver grade distro? come on.
08:14.47*** join/#asterisk moon06 (
08:15.02JTlspci shows that there's no shared irqs
08:15.07JuggieJT, what is your distro
08:15.26Juggiekernel version?
08:16.04tzafrirWhat Debian, exactly?
08:17.04hadsTesting is only 2.6.17 isn't it? Must be unstable or using backports.
08:17.21JTi compiled the kernel
08:17.50Juggieregardless, i would still try something like centos before i declare my hardware problematic
08:18.12JTthere shouldn't be anything wrong with the hardware
08:18.16*** join/#asterisk atapi (
08:18.51hadsI'm guessing you mean problematic as in incompatible?
08:19.24JTthe question remains whether this technically low zttest score will cause any actual issues for me
08:19.35hadsQuite true.
08:19.43Juggie--- Results after 9 passes ---
08:19.43JuggieBest: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.987793 -- Average: 99.989151
08:20.02Juggiethere are my results on centos 4.4 w/ raid5, acpi on.
08:20.12kristalinohi. Does asterisk work ok with an ipv6 box  only ?
08:20.45hadsYes, but I get pretty much 100% on Debian so it's not really related to distro.
08:21.03JTi used to get 99.987793, when i first chucked the card in
08:21.05JTnot sure why
08:21.10JThadn't configured it much then
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08:21.33Juggiehas your kernel version changed since then?
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08:22.19Juggiethe fact that .18 has alot of changes for realtime i dont know if that would have any adverse affect
08:22.50Juggiethe box i'm looking at now is running 2.6.9 with custom RHEL crap.
08:22.55*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
08:23.49hadsThat's a point.
08:24.30hadsHave you tried it with anything except 2.6.18?
08:25.26JTno, i haven't
08:26.17hadsLike I said, I've never had to debug low zttest scores but it might be worth a shot.
08:26.28JTi was hoping changing the kernel HZ to 1000 ticks would help from 250, but it didn't
08:26.38JTokay, we'll see how it goes
08:26.50hadsBoth of the scores I posted earlier are on boxes running standard debian 2.6 kernels.
08:27.14JTHT on and HT off seems to make no difference
08:35.13sahafeezi can assume you have read this
08:35.54JTqozap: no version for "zt_receive" found: kernel tainted.
08:36.01JTi wonder if that is an issue
08:41.49hadsJT: where is that from?
08:42.35JTwhen the module gets loaded at bootup
08:42.52JTi saw a compile time warning for rt_receive too
08:42.57JTnot sure if it's a big deal
08:43.02sahafeez--- Results after 84 passes ---
08:43.02sahafeezBest: 100.000000 -- Worst: 97.656250 -- Average: 99.502128
08:43.02JTconsidering the card still works
08:43.14sahafeezand i have never had any issues in a year
08:43.14JTsahafeez: jeeebus
08:43.21JT97.65 is terrible
08:43.21*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
08:43.35stoffellJT; did you try lspci -v ?
08:43.56stoffellno (real!) irq's shared?
08:44.08*** join/#asterisk spaghetty (n=user@lugbari/people/spaghetty)
08:44.26JTnot as far as i can see
08:44.34JT0000:01:04.0 ISDN controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH: Unknown device 16b8 (rev 01)
08:44.37JTnothing else has 18
08:44.45spaghettyhi someone can show me a tutorial for realtime asterisk configuration on mysql
08:44.45Strom_CJT: just a thought, but if you wait five hours and fifteen minutes, you can call digium support
08:44.47stoffelllspci -v |grep IRQ -> should give only 1 IRQ for each number
08:44.59spaghettyI've just find one on postgree !
08:45.14JTStrom_C: no, i can't
08:45.21JTit's not a digium card
08:45.26jeremy_gsahafeez:hey dude,did the damn thing register the other day
08:45.27Strom_Cah, never mind then
08:45.30Strom_Ci missed that bit
08:45.30JTjunghanns octoBRI
08:45.43Strom_Cit's late here and my mind is half-off :)
08:45.45stoffellJT; what does lspci -vbn|grep IRQ
08:45.59hadsAh, I didn't realise that either.
08:46.18sahafeezi forget. does * need a sound card on the box. no right?
08:47.23*** join/#asterisk Givur (
08:47.28JTstoffell: 2 entries come up using irq 11, neither are the card though
08:47.33GivurGood morning
08:49.02stoffellJT; that's good
08:49.21JTunused usb and gigE controllers
08:49.34JTincidentally, i tried rmmoding everything that wasnt used
08:49.39JTmade no difference
08:49.58stoffellJT: on a dell with xeon cpu and a quadbri i've got these results: --- Results after 65 passes ---
08:49.58stoffellBest: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.987793 -- Average: 99.995117
08:50.19*** join/#asterisk Ahrimanes (n=michael@
08:50.20JThow many cpu?
08:50.28JTwhat speed, ht, non ht?
08:50.34Ahrimanesany manger api experts?
08:52.26stoffellJT; uhm, kernel 2.6.15-1-686-smp, cpu: 1x 3.0ghz with HT
08:52.31Ahrimanesi need to parse the output of Action: Status, and as far as i can read on channel variables like ${ANSWEREDTIME} should be available to the manager api via Action: GetVar, but doing GetVar just returns nothing for the value...
08:52.35stoffellJT; debian also :)
08:53.39*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
08:59.14*** part/#asterisk sahafeez (
09:00.16stoffellJT; same results on a HP P4 2.6 no HT, 2.6.17. AND on a dual Xeon 2.8 HT, 2.6.15.
09:02.44*** join/#asterisk abatista (
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09:17.18dzhhi guys! i have a question
09:17.40dzhit's about bridging between IAX and ZAP
09:18.23*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
09:18.45Strom_Cdzh: ask the question
09:18.45*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (n=chapeaur@
09:19.01dzhiax2 show netstat shows Lost packets on one ag of the call... I saw there were posts on asterisk list but nobody replied on their questions
09:20.30dzhwhen I have IAX to IAX - no lost packets.. IAX to ZAP - server time to time increase counters of lost packets
09:20.57dzhand percentage shows 2-3%% and then gone for while..
09:21.09Strom_Cwhich codec are you using for your IAX connections?
09:21.27dzhalaw both on isdn and iax
09:21.57Strom_Chow many concurrent calls, and what kind of zaptel hardware?
09:21.58tparcinaasterisk rpm packages for Cent OS 4.4, does anybody know where to download them?
09:22.27dzhcurrently just 3 concurent calls... HW t410
09:22.33Inezdo anyone use astcc or option L(...) for Dial cmd?
09:25.30AhrimanesInez: i used to use astcc a lot, what's up?
09:25.33dzhStrom_C - any ideas?
09:26.01Strom_Cdzh: run zttest
09:26.17InezAhrimanes If you use astcc to dial on some number and call is ended because money of account expired then you can back do dialplan after end of call?
09:26.22InezAhrimanes Did you use astcc to calling on Local channels?
09:27.05AhrimanesInez: hm i think you can have it return to the dialplan yes.. no didnt use local channels
09:27.33InezI have problem, because if I use Dial at local channels, and Local channels hangup after Answer before
09:27.49Inezthaen calling party is disconnected too, not jumping to next priority or h priority.
09:27.58dzhStrom_C: I did . zttest shows 99.98 to 100.0. But once was down to 91%%
09:28.11InezAhrimanes I need to try with not Local channel?
09:28.14Strom_Ccheck for irq conflicts?
09:28.15AhrimanesInez: what do you need to do with astcc?
09:28.27AhrimanesInez: yeah, try sip or zap channels and see what happens
09:28.35dzhStrom_C: this time Best: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.987793 -- Average: 99.993391
09:28.41InezAhrimanes nothing, I only find that astcc use L option to limit call duration.
09:28.51InezAhrimanes May you serve by some SIP channels?
09:28.52InezI dont have another asterisk
09:29.00Inezmaybe can I call to you via SIP?
09:29.35dzhStrom_C: cat /proc/interrupts : 21:   97137621          0          0          1   IO-APIC-level  wct4xxp
09:30.17Strom_Cdzh: you may want to wait four and a half hours and call digium tech support
09:31.48AhrimanesInez: unfortunately i dont have an asterisk server on the internet, all mine are on closed networks
09:33.01dzhStrom_C: heh.. i need it as usual "yesterday" :-) i have thousans of customers having problem probably caused by that
09:33.18dzhStrom_C: But anyway - thanks !
09:33.21Strom_CI thought you said you were only running three concurrent calls
09:33.22Strom_Cnot thousands
09:33.41*** join/#asterisk dezent (
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09:34.56dezenthello, i cant figure this one out.. installing asterisk and the only think not compiling is app_meetme.. i have compiled zaptel and libpri prior to compiling asterisk... any ideas ?
09:35.21Strom_Cdid you /install/ zaptel and libpri?
09:35.42dzhwell .. in production we have around 70 asterisk running *1.0 ... we have drops of call , poor quality and so on ..
09:36.03dezenti have compiled and installed lots of asterisks before.. never happend to me
09:36.32*** join/#asterisk inspired (n=mikael@
09:36.53dzhStrom_C: Now we decided to try 1.2 and with help of iax2 show netstat we found probably the cause of problem...
09:37.15dzhStrom_C: so on test platform i have just 3 calls
09:38.49sidarwell, hello to all, i now begin to read docs and hope to begin install/config asterisk in couple of hours
09:39.27sidarso excuse my forthcomming silly questions
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09:58.45davidcsiwhere should i paste?
10:00.38jmlssidar: good luck :)
10:01.10davidcsihello all, trying to compile zaptel 1.2.8 and i'm getting the following error:
10:02.35jmlsouch. a "get_pc_thunk" always hurts ;)
10:02.43jmlswhat OS / distro ?
10:05.01jmlssorry, I don't know anything about that, so can't help. undefined symbol: ast_pickup_call
10:06.25*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
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10:06.43BrokenNozeanyone help me with my musiconhold problem?
10:07.21shellsharkit might help if you described your problem ;)
10:07.36BrokenNozeI have installed lame, and add-ons to get the default music on hold working
10:07.55BrokenNozethen followed the tutorial on Orderly website
10:08.11BrokenNozebut i still get silentce on a simple SetMusicOnHold(defaul)
10:08.43BrokenNozeWaitMusicOnHold(20) as per tutorial
10:09.24BrokenNozeany idea? have to go live with this tomorrow and I'm bricking it a little :)
10:10.36tparcinaThe configure script was just executed, so 'make' needs to be restarted
10:10.47tparcinawhat does this mean? do i really need to restart make script?
10:11.19tparcinai get that message when i execute make of zaptel 1.4.0 beta 2
10:17.01jmlsBrokenNoze: did you copy SetMusicOnHold(defaul) from your dialplan ? if so, you are missing a "t"  - SetMusicOnHold(default)
10:20.15davidcsitparcina, what message?
10:20.24*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
10:23.01BrokenNozejmls: not that was a typo, def says default
10:23.10*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (
10:23.50BrokenNozeit waits as if its playing for the 20 secs but I don't hear anything. I'm just using the default mp3s
10:24.03fourcheezeI'm setting up a call queue with members who are at the end of a pstn call
10:24.17fourcheezehow do I make sure * doesn't call them when they are already in a call
10:24.22fourcheezeotherwise the queue goes through to VM
10:26.58*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
10:27.51fourcheezeis there somewhere in queue.conf to tell it to only try to use each member once
10:28.30BrokenNozeDo i need MySQL inslatalled for Addons tro work?
10:30.01jeremy_gBrokenNoze:for the mysql cdr add on,yes!
10:30.18BrokenNozefor the mp3 player though
10:34.14BrokenNozeI'm getting a monmp3thread:Request to schedule in the past?!?! error
10:36.01*** join/#asterisk ziwapandey1980 (i=ziwapand@
10:36.27ziwapandey1980can any one help
10:44.11*** join/#asterisk davidcsi (i=root@
10:44.24davidcsianyone awaken now?
10:46.06BrokenNozeOK, I thought this might be a ztdummy issue ( how do I get it to start on re-boot btw?)
10:47.01BrokenNozebut now I don't have the schedule in the past?!?! The music apparently starts according to the console, but stops immediatley. ther are def mp3's ni the dir
10:47.33ziwapandey1980it works fine for 20 min but then it start coing
10:48.12ziwapandey1980how can i solve this?
10:48.17ziwapandey1980any patch ?
10:49.55davidcsiI'm trying to compile zaptel 1.2.8 on debian and i'm getting this error:
10:50.31davidcsiany idea why??? seems like there's something in the code...?
10:50.47*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:53.58ziwapandey1980yes, plz download tar ball again and comile
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10:57.10jeedihmm.. i'm kinda stuck here.. is there a way to put different music-on-hold audio in each of 10 MeetMe conferences?
10:57.24*** join/#asterisk AtomicStack (
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11:04.45davidcsiziwapandey, you mean me?
11:04.52davidcsidownload a new tarball?
11:07.10EyeCueim getting the following when ^C'ing out of console from -vvvc:
11:07.16EyeCueBeginning asterisk shutdown....
11:07.19EyeCueasterisk in free(): error: chunk is already free
11:07.27EyeCueany ideas on what i should be looking for? the build is asterisk 1.2.13 from freebsd ports
11:07.56davidcsiEyecue, when you do that you are stop asterisk
11:08.13EyeCuei understand that, but its core dumping
11:08.21EyeCuean asterisk.core is generated
11:08.23davidcsistart asterisk with safe_asterisk
11:08.38davidcsiwhy do you get out with ^C??
11:08.41davidcsiuse quit
11:08.43EyeCuehang 2, new screen session
11:08.49EyeCuei tried quit, and checked out help too
11:08.52EyeCuedoesnt seem to exist
11:09.08davidcsiwhat?? quit doesn't exists??
11:09.15EyeCueits the first thing i checked for
11:09.20EyeCue*CLI> quit
11:09.20EyeCueNo such command 'quit' (type 'help' for help)
11:09.30EyeCuesame for exit/bye, etc etc
11:09.38Givur^C would be 'shutdown now'
11:09.40EyeCuei was thinking that perhaps ^C was a little unclean :)
11:09.41davidcsiforget 1.2.13, get an earlier version, you are missing modules.
11:09.42Givur'stop now'
11:09.57EyeCueGivur, all good on that one :)
11:10.12EyeCuemind you, it didnt useto core dump in priors
11:10.23davidcsitry to find out to what module "exit" belongs to and see if it is loaded
11:10.26EyeCueonly reason i was asking, was thinking perhaps it was an unknown regression
11:10.47*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
11:10.54ziwapandey1980channel.c:787 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x838b710', 10 retries
11:10.55davidcsi"show modules"
11:10.59ziwapandey1980can anyone help
11:11.28EyeCuedavidl how do i find out which it belongs to ?
11:11.35davidcsihold on
11:11.48tparcinafaxing on asterisk 1.4, what should I use?
11:14.25davidcsithese are the modules i have loaded:
11:15.23*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
11:16.34ziwapandey1980hi david
11:16.36ziwapandey1980channel.c:787 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x838b710', 10 retries
11:16.56ziwapandey1980getting this message any suggestion ?
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11:25.01RoyKziwapandey1980: avoiding deadlock means asterisk is doing the right thing, not deadlocking!
11:26.00ziwapandey1980this is only mesgae on cli, on cpu usage to go high as it increse no of messages
11:28.38dzhhej guys ! question about "iax2 show netstat"
11:29.10dzhColums under LOCAL - what we have transmited and lost ?
11:30.40hypnoxhow does asterisk know which DDI is being called on a PRI line?
11:31.58Drukenmorning everyone, anyone know if i can use the fullcontact value out of the database to call a unit?
11:33.17Drukenhypnox: do you mean DID ?
11:33.25davidcsizip, I get that message all the time, everything's fine, don't worry.
11:33.49davidcsiziw, it increases in relation woth traffic?
11:34.19davidcsihypox, what do you mean?
11:35.11ziwapandey1980but there is prob CPU utilization increses by 99%
11:36.08ziwapandey1980any sugestion?
11:36.43davidcsihow much traffic you got there? are you doing transcoding?
11:37.09*** join/#asterisk rami5678 (
11:40.20ziwapandey198040 simalnatious call
11:41.19hypnoxDruken yeah i mean DID
11:45.03RoyKziwapandey1980: try restarting asterisk. try upgrading to latest release. if that doesn't work, try upgrading to latest 1.2 from svn, if that doesn't work, post it on and pray to your favourite god
11:45.52DrukenRoyK: any idea if i can use fullcontact for a dial ?
11:46.10RoyKwhy should you?
11:46.13DrukenWITHOUT having to parse it...?
11:46.59Drukeni'm thinking of a multipul asterisk system.... look up the customer, and dial them with the fullcontact... doesn't matter what system they are registered to...
11:47.51RoyKif they're behind NAT it does indeed matter
11:48.30Drukenmmmm, true....
11:50.30*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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11:53.44DrukenRoyK: interesting....
11:54.31gaspizhi, I have a problem with installing the zaptel drivers for asterisk 1.2.12, needed for the meetme
11:54.56gaspizmy asterisk box doesn't have digium hardware
11:55.17jeremy_ggaspiz:ur asterisk box is deprived of some of the best things in the world mate!
11:55.50gaspizjeremy_g: we are using the asterisk in voip only, so we don't need
11:55.54*** join/#asterisk lukketto (
11:56.20rkr245hi jeremy_g
11:56.39Drukengaspiz: some people may disagree with me, however, even in voip only world... i reccomend even a basic cheapo x100p card...
11:56.44Drukenfor the timing.....
11:56.53jeremy_gyo rkr245
11:57.33rkr245Still the same problem , jeremy_g ,so I leave opensipstack
11:57.36jeremy_gDruken:cheapo for the cheapsters :P
11:57.54jeremy_gawww :) rkr245 u give up so early
11:58.03jeremy_gits such a fine b2bua
11:58.04rkr245jeremy_g, yes :-)
11:58.13Drukenjeremy_g: well, personally... i won't buy a digium card anymore... i did once, was a big pos...
11:58.19Drukeni go sangoma now...
11:58.34jeremy_gsangoma :)
11:58.41rkr245jeremy_g, now I understand that I am not as clever as you
11:58.53jeremy_gnow i understand um being flattered :)
11:58.55rkr245how you managed with out docs
11:59.03jeremy_g;) code
11:59.13jeremy_gthats the short cut
11:59.15rkr245I am not a programmer
11:59.24jeremy_gawww!! cute
12:00.21jeremy_grkr245:try respiprocate then
12:00.27jeremy_gu wont regret it either
12:00.38rkr245resiprocate ?
12:00.47jeremy_gif um not forgetting, resiprocate borrows from vovida/opal??? check it out man
12:00.49rkr245in what mysql ?
12:00.55jeremy_grkr245:move ur lazy butt ;)
12:03.47rkr245jeremy_g, I think you are making research on SIP
12:04.19rkr245Ahhh just now clona replied me SEMS has a b2bua support
12:04.28*** part/#asterisk gaspiz (n=gaspiz@
12:04.33jeremy_gI cant make research
12:05.13rkr245its good profession
12:05.38rkr245I love iptel projects
12:05.46rkr245I think you also
12:06.34jeremy_guffcourse :P dayy r yummy
12:07.49jeremy_gbut it takes time to understand the code - hours of insult faced out of learner's stupid questions, main stream coders being only to throw hints and rtfm based crap and totally suck at documentation and use doxygen based steroids
12:08.02Drukenahhh, crack open the morning coke
12:08.53Drukenjeremy_g: sounds like hanging out in here, and asking a stupid question.....
12:10.13jeremy_gDruken: lol morning coke, is it part of ur daily breakfast
12:10.52RoyKDruken: sangoma????? You Must Purchase Digium Hardware Since Digium Has Given Us Their Code!
12:11.11Drukenpart? it IS the daily breakfast :)
12:11.35DrukenRoyK: uhmm..... no... :)
12:11.46RoyKDruken: just one line of coke? or more?
12:11.54Drukeni did my part... i purchased it once....
12:12.12Drukeneven got some g729 codecs.... i'm good :)
12:12.16jeremy_gDruken:poor tummy
12:12.52DrukenRoyK: hehe no lines... this is the good shit, comes in very attractive red cans... :)
12:13.29Drukenpoor tummy?
12:14.40*** join/#asterisk cfh (n=luca@
12:18.56AtomicStackspeaking of g729, i'm having trouble getting it to work... i registered the codec and put the license file in /var/lib/asterisk/licenses, but show g729 isn't doing anything
12:19.02AtomicStackshow translation has nothing for it either
12:19.52AtomicStackldd shows it's linked against the right libraries and asterisk looks like it's loading the module... but it's not actually working :/
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12:23.03Drukeni typically use g711.... i only use g729 for clients with pathetic internet connections
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12:28.16tzangerI have to call digium to let me reregister my g729 licenses... changed motherboards and cloned my old server's MAC for now
12:28.57AtomicStackupstream carrier's preference, no say in the matter :(
12:29.24[TK]D-FenderAtomicStack:  Sure you do.  Change carriers.
12:30.59*** part/#asterisk rkr245 (
12:31.09coppiceKind words and polite questions will get you nowhere with a telco, but an AK47 might
12:31.38mutebay is sweet
12:31.56mutonly $1000 far on a lot of 22 lucent stingers
12:32.00mut8 hr left hto
12:33.23*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
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12:34.03coppicedoes anyone actually bid before the last half hour?
12:34.34SuPrSluGyes. usually $.02
12:34.44tzangercoppice: I usually bid in the last 10 seconds
12:35.21tzangerI need to play with the sip jitter buffer... have been putting it off :-)
12:35.51coppiceonly wimps bid with a full 10s still to go
12:36.37tzangercoppice: not all of us have gigabit connections to the internet in our homes
12:38.08*** part/#asterisk cfh (n=luca@
12:39.51florztzanger: What counts is latency, not bandwidth.
12:40.18florztzanger: The SSL negotiation and HTTP Request aren't that big ...
12:41.02tzangerflorz: well yes, I understand that, I was playing with coppice's 10s wimp comment
12:41.57coppicetzanger: like I said. wimps
12:42.23florztzanger: Well, yeah, sure, but it's true, isn't it? 1 to 2 seconds are enough, really :-)
12:42.48coppicehow much a month would a 1G home connection be around your way?
12:43.32tzangerflorz: until you take into account Murphy's law
12:43.55tzangercoppice: somewhere near the GDP of .tv I imagine
12:44.08*** join/#asterisk Simplix (
12:44.19coppiceits about $250 a month here, but I can't get it
12:44.31florztzanger: Well, then actually planning ahead and thus bidding two hours in advance will surely avoid that you will win the auction :-)
12:45.27florztzanger: And from experience, it really is enough :-)
12:45.32Simplixhello all
12:47.14tzangerflorz: nah. bidding early just lets the snipers win
12:47.16tzangerso I prefer to snipe
12:47.29florzcoppice: ADSL, 1G down and 1M up?
12:47.29tzangerhonestly though if there's a buy it now and I want it, I juse use that
12:47.51florztzanger: Erm, yeah, I meant the 1 to 2 seconds being enough, actually :-)
12:48.07RoyKFlatFoot: ADSL can't go over 6,5/8Mbps :P
12:49.02Drukeni wish i was a fiber tech... i'd run a pair to my house...
12:49.15benjkin JP we have 12Mbps ADSL
12:49.34florzRoyK: You mean anything that is an asymmetric DSL (which wouldn't be exactly true with ADSL2 and ADSL2+) or exactly ADSL?
12:49.40benjkalso some new variant that apparently goes up to 45Mbps
12:49.44Simplixin france i have 28Mbps :p
12:50.57tzangerflorz: ah
12:51.13RoyKflorz: ADSL2 <= 12Mbps, ADSL2+ <= 24Mbps
12:52.03florzRoyK: Well, yeah, they don't reach 1G, of course. But that wasn't all that serious anyway ;-)
12:52.12Simplixanyway ... can i bother someone with my odbc relative asterisk questions ?
12:52.33Drukenask away, if we can help, we will
12:52.41Simplixok thx
12:53.30mutanyone want a simplistic local calling area database for michigan? has 2 tables, exchanges has each exchanges local npa and nxx and localcall has each exchanges local calling npa and nxx
12:53.39Simplixi'm trying to put all possible conf data in a pgsql DB ... sip and iax users are ok but i've still pb with extensions
12:54.04Drukenmut: you found the info did ya?
12:54.18florzRoyK: But given the way ADSL lines are marketed in .de (like 16M down and 1M up, but only the 16M being mentioned in any advertising, of course), I wouldn't be surprised if they started selling "1G lines" with 1G down and 1M up or something ;-)
12:54.21mutDruken: well i just scripted stuff to rip
12:54.32mutand made my own db
12:54.57Simplixexpecialy with routine parameters
12:55.31inspiredRoyK, where do you live?
12:55.51Drukenflorz: gotta love here, they break the up speed into kb so when they tell you 800 up, you figure it's fast.. hehe
12:55.59Simplixeg. : INSERT INTO extensions_conf (context, exten, priority, app, appdata) VALUES ('interne', '**21*', '2', 'DBdel', 'CFIM/${CALLERIDNUM}'); won't work like i want
12:56.24Simplixany idea ?
12:56.41inspireddid you include the Realtime table for this context from extensions.conf?
12:56.47inspiredwith a switch statement
12:56.52RoyKinspired: grefsen
12:56.58Simplixother extensions work
12:57.14RoyKSimplix: DO NOT use realtime extensions
12:57.32Simplixin log for this line i have  Executing DBdel("IAX2/4021-1", "CFIM/")
12:57.37Simplixi have to :)
12:57.49florzDruken: Well, yeah, Deutsche Telekom is actually advertising "DSL 16000", too, of course. You wonder why they don't specify bits per second, total capacity of the line (like up+down), so they could advertise "DSL 17000000" ... :-)
12:58.55inspiredRoyK, what's so bad about realtime extensions?
12:59.18RoyKIIRC it uses three or four queries per extension
12:59.19florzWell, probably customers wouldn't know how to pronounce that number ... ;-)
12:59.38RoyKit's far better to use your own logic
12:59.51RoyKI'm using an AGI script for routing instead
13:00.15inspiredsure, but for specialized needs that might not be it
13:00.45inspiredfor a generic solution agi is ok, I use it myself, but if you want to do different stuff for each customer then you'll need another way
13:00.53coppiceflorz: they bring fibre to the tower, and give you a gige RJ45 in your apartment. our apartments can't get it, though
13:01.36florzcoppice: And there is no artificial bandwidth limit "for your protection" or something?
13:02.18*** join/#asterisk roving_prole (
13:02.32coppicefor use within HK there is no limit. I don't think they have the international bandwidth to sustain that beyond our borders, though :-)
13:04.22*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
13:05.13florzcoppice: You mean, like, you actually could use 1G in either direction all day long (given the respective peer does have enough bandwidth, of course), so the 1G is not even shared with others in the same building?
13:05.17*** join/#asterisk ambriento (
13:05.49*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:06.06Simplixok i found my mistake ... in my SQL query  i have to escape the / caracter
13:06.38coppicedunno how many subs they get at $250 a month, though
13:06.38SimplixINSERT INTO extensions_conf (context, exten, priority, app, appdata) VALUES ('interne', '**21*', '2', 'DBdel', 'CFIM\/${CALLERIDNUM}'); work fine :)
13:07.33florzcoppice: But the addresses aren't dynamic or behind NAT in a private net or something? =:-)
13:07.37IntraLanMancoppice: yeah, bandwidth in HK sucks
13:08.02IntraLanManwe have a POP in NY and from there to HK is like 400ms latency or worse
13:08.16IntraLanManwell..... 200-400
13:08.41coppiceyou must have a bad ISP
13:08.50IntraLanManheh, maybe
13:09.00IntraLanManyou know a good one in HK?
13:09.11IntraLanManwe've tried a couple
13:10.27coppicehum. freenose is 213ms from here
13:10.48b11d|bblmorning lads
13:11.15*** join/#asterisk cian (
13:11.55b11di also find it surprising that HK has no good peers
13:12.39coppicemost of the data in asia passes through a couple of key colo centres in HK
13:13.07coppicethere are floors where all the telcos exchange bandwidth
13:13.57b11dhow do you know so much about it?
13:15.25*** join/#asterisk Sasch (
13:17.12coppicefrom staring at all these interconnected racks, i guess :-\
13:18.06b11di want a .hk too :)
13:19.42coppicea .hk is a pain to get, unless they've changed the rules
13:21.15b11di'd actually hope not.. i sort of wish there were stricter controls over who got what kind of tld..
13:21.31b11dotheriwse, just open the whole thing up.. fuck tlds :)
13:22.34b11dthat cracked me uo
13:23.55*** join/#asterisk ltd (
13:26.44*** join/#asterisk petit-toon (
13:26.51b11dI love Asterisk
13:27.05b11dbut whats the deal with this FreePBX fork?
13:33.56[TK]D-Fenderb11d: That would be "OpenPBX".
13:33.57*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
13:34.25b11dyes.. my apologies
13:34.30[TK]D-Fenderb11d: FreePBX is the new name of the old AMP GUI "Asterisk Toaster Maker"
13:35.01trelane_though it doesn't make toast so one wonders at what good it actually is.
13:35.18b11dand who doesent enjoy toast?
13:35.21b11dwhat a tease.
13:35.49Aursb11d :)
13:36.40b11dhmm.. or maybe I can work on a module which will allow asterisk to dial random extensions and offer up a toast to a randomly selected person.
13:37.04b11dI can just hear the synthesized voice now:  "This guy here.. this is the guy.."
13:38.28b11dhey [TK]D-Fender..   whats up with the "Services" button on these Poly 501s?
13:38.45[TK]D-Fenderb11d: For Future Use (maybe)
13:38.54[TK]D-Fenderb11d: Programmable at least.
13:39.05b11doh it is?  interesting..  i'm going to check into that.
13:39.22b11dand is it possible to send text to the poly 501s from asterisk?
13:39.48*** join/#asterisk scurb (
13:40.27b11dbasically it'd be neat if i could send weather data to the phones when they hit "services"
13:40.37[TK]D-Fenderb11d: Not sure, don't think so.  I know the reverse is a no-go
13:41.00[TK]D-Fenderb11d: Get 601's instead :)
13:41.19b11di did get a few of them..
13:42.58*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
13:44.46iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Whaddup!
13:44.54jeremy_gi need a clear defintion of 'call termination service' as provided by different isps. they normally asks for x mins per day and concurrent call capacity?? what is it really all about. i know sip, i know *
13:44.59[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: y0....
13:45.32iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: You at astricon?
13:46.00iCEBrkrI was unable to make it. :(  New jobby-job and all.. Can't be taking vacation time 4mo in.
13:46.01[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: Getting by.  Feel like shit this week, must have caught the bug I hear is flying around.  Over-worked in consulting and I'm not really getting anywhere in life right now.
13:46.14iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Hey! Welcome to my misery!
13:46.20[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: Lol... guy like me can't really profit from it so its not worth my expense.
13:46.44iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: I figured I'd make it a social event.. But like I said, I just couldn't take the time off
13:47.03[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: Were I coding for * or a related project perhaps...
13:47.11[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: I'd go if it were local.
13:47.33iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Damin said I could crash in his hotel room if I were gonna show.  I knew d0celmo was gonna be there along with Matt Forell. SO I knew a bunch of peeps going
13:47.37[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: conf costs alone aren't that bad, its the travel + Hotel + incidental expenses that kill
13:48.15iCEBrkrThat's the other half of why I wasn't able to make it.  I just moved across the state and I live in the high-rent district. :-/
13:48.21iCEBrkreverywhere is high-rent around here.
13:48.34iCEBrkrYUPPIE SCUM
13:48.47b11dwhere when I go outside, i hear NOTHING.
13:49.01iCEBrkrb11d: That's cuz your eardrums have frozen.
13:49.15b11dhaha..  actually im from much farthern north.. and Northern Minnesota has it fucking easy.
13:49.34*** part/#asterisk Ahrimanes (n=michael@
13:49.42b11dBoca Raton is in FL right
13:49.42iCEBrkrLike, father than Duluth<sp>
13:49.46*** join/#asterisk p0g0_ (n=pogo@madwifi/support/p0g0)
13:49.49b11dyeah.. i live north of Duluth right now.
13:49.52b11dabout an hour north.
13:49.59b11dbut im from much farther north than that, originally.
13:50.08iCEBrkrSo you're living in the South, then? :D
13:50.10b11dim from Canada
13:50.14b11dyeah this is the tropics to me :)
13:50.26iCEBrkrBoca Raton is a different country, I swear.
13:50.32b11din what way?
13:50.36iCEBrkrPeople are. um. 'different' here.
13:50.45iCEBrkras in stupid.
13:50.53iCEBrkrThe sun baked their brains.
13:51.00iCEBrkrThis area just sucks.
13:51.04iCEBrkrI need to get my butt back to Tampa
13:51.04b11dyou should move..
13:51.24b11dsee.. i fear City life.   Is it really not that bad?
13:51.25iCEBrkrAt least in Tampa, I could go to the beach without having to search for parking.
13:51.44iCEBrkrOver here on this coast, billion dollar homes litter the beach.
13:52.00b11dthere are billion dollar homes?
13:52.05iCEBrkrSo if i want to go to the beach, I have to drive down to Ft. Lauderdale.
13:52.14*** join/#asterisk mog (
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13:52.20iCEBrkrb11d: ok, maybe more like $15-20 million...
13:52.23b11doh :)
13:52.26b11dthats a bit short of a billion eh
13:52.43b11dstill though. those are expensive homes
13:53.03iCEBrkrI'm thinking they may be more than 20million as they're literally beach front homes.
13:53.07b11dI wonder what its like to live in such abstract decadance..
13:53.17b11dyeah they probably are..
13:53.27iCEBrkrThe houses I was looking at weren't even on the beach and they were in the 10 million range.
13:53.33b11dif lake homes up here in MN go for ~1.5 million+  im sure those are worth more than 20 mil
13:54.07iCEBrkrI pay $1400 in rent for a 1132sqft 2story 2bd/2.5bath apartment
13:54.10*** join/#asterisk lintechnokrats (n=chikki@
13:54.15b11dholy fuck
13:54.19iCEBrkrIt's ridiculous
13:54.28b11dI pay like $550 a month for my 2200sq home in the country :)
13:54.38iCEBrkrThey claim it's location.
13:54.41iCEBrkrBut the location I'm in SUCKS
13:54.51iCEBrkrI have to drive 20mi to get to anything
13:54.57b11dhow long is your lease?
13:55.07iCEBrkr1yr.. I can bail in June.
13:55.18b11ddo you consult or something?
13:55.32b11dthats cool
13:55.40b11ddo you get to work form home or something?
13:55.41iCEBrkrand I'm hoping by June, that I can have my own gig.
13:55.43b11dform = from
13:55.48iCEBrkrI wish
13:55.59iCEBrkrI have a 10mi drive into work.. Isn't so bad.
13:56.07b11dyeah thats not bad
13:56.11iCEBrkrTraffic kinda sucks. So it takes about 30mins if it's really bad
13:56.25b11dturn up the music and you'll be there before you know it
13:56.29iCEBrkrThere's too many people here.. Not enough roads
13:56.30*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
13:56.46b11dthats what I hate about living in cities..
13:56.50iCEBrkrSo yeah, I'm hoping to have my own gig be June and I should be able to move back to Tampa
13:56.52b11dand why I refuse to ever move back to one
13:57.15iCEBrkrThere's stuff to do in Tampa.  There's nothing to do over here but spend money
13:57.22iCEBrkrThings are over priced for no apparent reason
13:57.25*** join/#asterisk lintechnokrats (n=chikki@
13:57.33iCEBrkrlintechnokrats: make up your mind :P
13:58.15*** join/#asterisk Cinen (n=Cinen@
13:58.45iCEBrkrI wrote a 100% data driven IVR survey system.
13:58.47lintechnokratshi all
13:59.04iCEBrkrI have to get my asterisk box back in order.  It's kinda all duct-taped together right now
13:59.12mutyou ever used DTE energys ivr system?
13:59.22*** join/#asterisk nesys (
13:59.28mutthat thing is badass, i moved service from one address to another
13:59.31mutdidn't talk to a single person
13:59.36iCEBrkrmut: hehe
13:59.39mutvoice recognition and crap
13:59.41mutit was awesome
13:59.42*** part/#asterisk Sasch (
13:59.51nesyshi folks ... how to see the codec used by a call?
14:00.01iCEBrkrmut: Yea, I need a cheap voice recognition system for my setup.
14:00.18iCEBrkrnesys: 'show channels' may show it
14:00.36mutthis thing was awesome, you would say your address and it;d repeat back to you
14:00.37iCEBrkrnesys: I've been out of the asterisk scene for a bit, so I can't remember
14:00.43iCEBrkrmut: Nice!
14:00.55iCEBrkrmut: I just need it for "Press or Say 1" type deal.
14:01.01muti bet they spent a lot on that thing
14:01.04iCEBrkrPress or say 2
14:01.38nesysiCEBrkr sip show channels ... thanks ;)
14:01.38iCEBrkrDigium sent me some promo thing in the mail about voice recognition software
14:01.44iCEBrkrnesys: :D
14:02.25jeremy_gwhat is Digium? is it some company
14:02.36b11dthey're a bunch of nobodys
14:02.41b11ddont pay any attention to them :)
14:02.46jeremy_gi only knew linux support services
14:03.13jeremy_gaint paying any already
14:03.15b11dim just kidding with you..  Digium makes hardware for Asterisk, and IIRC, they actually started the Asterisk project?
14:03.32[hC]digium = linux support services
14:03.34jeremy_gb11d u are fucked :D
14:03.43jeremy_gi got u to believe this
14:03.45b11di know :)
14:04.01jeremy_gu did wrote that 'i m just kiddin..loll...
14:04.18b11dyeah I did wrote that.
14:05.14jeremy_gstupid face
14:05.27jeremy_gi thought quicknet bought llc
14:05.33jeremy_gand then dialogic bought quicknet
14:05.46b11dok.. keep it coming
14:06.04jeremy_g:D man its the end of the day
14:06.13b11dits just starting for me :/
14:06.15jeremy_gu sure can understand the nerve leaks
14:06.45*** join/#asterisk ronchilla (n=mayowa@
14:06.46jeremy_gand now i think this Digium is actually Dialogic
14:06.53*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:07.25jeremy_gbut dialogic is actually sangoma
14:07.33jeremy_gso digium is sangoma
14:07.49jeremy_gand mark spencer lives in japan
14:08.15b11dI thought Sangoma and Digium were Sigioma now
14:08.28jeremy_gmakes a lot of sense
14:08.30jeremy_gcud be
14:08.39b11dand Mark Spencer became Mang Speigidumcudigiuaasterisk now
14:08.54jeremy_gu sure know it all
14:09.01b11dyeah well i learned by watching you man
14:09.03jeremy_gum in the right company
14:09.05b11dthanks :)
14:09.15b11dhi ronchilla
14:09.16CinenIs there a better place to ask for someone to do some custom moding of asterisk for me then here?
14:09.17iCEBrkrI'm trying to figure out how Digium got my home address.
14:09.30iCEBrkrCuz I don't recall buying anything from--- oh wait, I got that one stupid codec.
14:09.32ronchillahi blld
14:09.34jeremy_gCinen:what do u want?
14:09.34b11dCinen.. this is a good place.. so are the mailing lists
14:09.53jeremy_gmodification of core or apps
14:10.03jeremy_gor most prolly addition of new apps
14:10.12CinenI need someone to mod asterisk so that it will pass the same callid for both the inbound and outbound leg of the call
14:10.13ronchillaforgive me if this is a dumb question... but i'm an asterisk newbie
14:10.28iCEBrkrand the damn codec doesn't work, it spams the screen with something about being out of licenses
14:10.32b11dask away ronchilla
14:10.38jeremy_gronchilla:dont try to be religious just ask
14:10.46iCEBrkrronchilla: nOOb
14:10.50CinenWe are trying to loadbalance based on call id and it breaks because of the way asterisk handles it.
14:11.04b11dso whats up ronchilla?
14:11.10iCEBrkrCinen: The source is fairly easy to mod.
14:11.14ronchillacan asterisk work with a Cisco As5300?
14:11.30ronchillalet me rephrase that question
14:11.44b11dI've never tried that model.. but I think so.
14:12.05ronchillacan i recive a call originated from a cisco AS5300 via h32h and recive it on asterisk?
14:12.21ronchillai've setup the ooh323 chan driver
14:12.31*** join/#asterisk dsfr (i=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
14:12.55b11dI wish I could answer that.
14:13.01ronchillaand my friend is settingup the cisco box
14:13.08ronchillai just thought i'd ask
14:13.42b11djust because I cant answer it, doesnt mean it will work or not..  keep asking.
14:14.02ronchillablld: which cisco gw model have u tried?
14:14.41b11d7914 and 7940
14:14.57jeremy_gronchilla:u gotta use some bridge or sth in b/w
14:15.18ronchillajeremy_g: what kinda bridge?
14:16.00jeremy_gh323 <---
14:16.41ronchillajeremy_g: so basically ur saying that i cant do Cisco <--h323--> Asterisk
14:16.49ronchillawithout some form of middleman?
14:17.27ronchillaany suggestions on how i could procure a suitable bridge?
14:18.13b11dsmoke?  dope?
14:18.20b11danyone see that documentary "The War Tapes" ?
14:19.42iCEBrkrCinen: What are you trying to do again?  You want to use the same callerID?
14:29.30*** join/#asterisk andrew` (
14:38.57b11dwhat do you kids think of this "music television" ?
14:39.10*** join/#asterisk hohum (
14:44.30sevardQuestion guysssss.  I have a PRI and when I used to send faxes through it I would see in dmesg "2100hz tone detected, disabling echo can"  after upgrading to the lastest asterisk and libpri I don't see that anymore in dmesg and I have really shitty faxing, 1/15 will not fail.
14:44.46sevardFaxing before the 'upgrade' used to be awesome
14:44.51*** join/#asterisk icals (n=icals@
14:45.52sevardin zconfig.h I have /* #define NO_ECHOCAN_DISABLE */, which to me says " don't not disable" which hopefully means "don't don't not disable"
14:46.45hohumsevard: do you want echo cancellation disabled?
14:47.01sevardyes, when a 2100hz tone is detected
14:47.20hohumthen leave it commented
14:47.27sevardit was left commented
14:47.57sevardbut after this upgrade it seems to no longer work, unless they stripped the alert out of logging to dmesg
14:48.03sevardbut I can't find that anywhere in the changelogs
14:48.10*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
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14:50.12sevardany other ideas? :)
14:50.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:50.25sevardsup tk
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14:53.44sevardsup qwell
14:54.47sevardQwell: you might be able to help me with my question :) i'm going to go for a repost
14:55.26sevardI have a PRI and when I used to send faxes through it I would see in dmesg "2100hz tone detected, disabling echo can"  after upgrading to the lastest asterisk and libpri I don't see that anymore in dmesg and I have really shitty faxing, 1/15 will not fail. in zconfig.h I have /* #define NO_ECHOCAN_DISABLE */, which to me says " don't not disable" which hopefully means "don't don't not disable"
14:56.50wunderkini think that is the first time ive ever heard a triple negative
14:56.54*** join/#asterisk dsfr (i=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
14:57.22sevardwunderkin: it was needed.
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15:17.52dpetersenI read somewhere that when using fxotune to preload the registers on the TDM cards, that you shouldn't use rxgain/txgain values in zapata.conf?  Can anyone confirm this?
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15:22.07SaTLaN32tzafrir you here?
15:22.14SaTLaN32need help with xorcom
15:22.30SaTLaN32i'm trying to add MOH to ts-1
15:22.34*** join/#asterisk HarryR (
15:23.03SaTLaN32i did mountrw, copied the file, and when i try to run mountro i get this : mount: / is busy
15:23.27SaTLaN32also, when i'm restarting the system, it hangs up and not finish the reboot
15:24.37SaTLaN32any idea?
15:24.39HarryRIs there a quick guide to start writing asterisk dialplan modules/functions or do I basicly have to hack through some other modules until I get the hang of it?
15:24.43*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
15:25.40SaTLaN32tzafrir you here?
15:26.09SaTLaN32did you see what i asked?
15:26.29SaTLaN32any idea?
15:26.37tzafrirAnd this is not an issue of lack of dpace, right?
15:26.58SaTLaN32i nanaged to add a file before and close the image
15:27.05SaTLaN32and i wanted to replace it
15:27.17SaTLaN32so i deleted teh old one and uploaded a new one
15:27.21SaTLaN32to the same place
15:27.36*** join/#asterisk cuco (n=diegoloc@
15:27.37SaTLaN32also, how do i check the space i have left?
15:28.16SaTLaN32i have 56%
15:28.34*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
15:29.05tzafrirHow exactly does it hang? What's the last message?
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15:30.03cucotzafrir: the keyboard issue
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15:30.50tzafrirwell, then it is possible to shut it down using the power button, I guess...
15:30.54SaTLaN32let me restart it again...
15:31.17sevard:( i have no idea wtf is wrong with this fskin thing.
15:31.52ronchillaHarryR: try this
15:31.54SaTLaN32last message is rebooting..... restarting system
15:34.33*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
15:35.00HarryRronchilla, nah I mean actually writing dialplan functions & extensions (e.g. asterisk modules)
15:35.17HarryRhave a few ideas brewing that the company can use
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15:36.31ronchillaHarryR: well if thats what u want ur stuck with going thru the source, unles you wanta try agi...
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15:37.10ronchillasyzygyBSD: Hi
15:37.21tzafrirSaTLaN32, can you restart it with the button?
15:37.57HarryRronchilla, ok i'm fine with that, started to get the hang of it now (if it compiles.. it's production ready yeah? ahahah)
15:38.04tzafrirIs there a keyboard connected to it?
15:38.10*** join/#asterisk dsfr (i=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
15:38.51SaTLaN32i can send you an image i took with my cell phone of the screen
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15:52.59mercestesI'm running asterisk on Gentoo.  When I try to use cmd Page() I get a "that is not a valid conference number."  In the asterisk CLI I get a "Unable to open /dev/zap/pseduo': permission denied from zt_open
15:53.18mercestesmodprobe ztdummy gives me an Input/output error.
15:54.07[TK]D-Fendermercestes: I'd be guessing you don't have it installed
15:54.16mercestesdmesg gives me Ztdummy, unable to register zaptel rtc driver.
15:54.30mercestes"it" being what?  I did a USE="zaptel" on asterisk and I did an emerge zaptel.
15:54.36mercestesand I do have a ztdummy module.
15:55.51tzafrirmercestes, what kernel version?
15:56.01mercestes2.6  Hardened Sources.
15:56.08mercestesusing hardened flag on asterisk
15:56.51tzafrirIs the module ztdummy loaded?
15:57.41tzafrirAnd are you sure you have RTC support in the kernel?
15:58.00mercestesI complied it into the kernel under "Real Time Clock"  it's all *'d.
15:58.23mercesteshow do I check to see if the module is loaded?  modprobe add ztdummy gives me a "Error inserting ztdummy  Input/Output error."
15:58.33*** join/#asterisk JakBeatZ (
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16:04.03ghenrywhat the best way to add 5 digits to a 6 digit call?
16:05.23icalscan someone help me configuring SIP trunk ?
16:06.45*** join/#asterisk dsfr (i=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
16:07.45icalsi just install asterisk and i need trunk with voip gateway using SIP protocol
16:08.05icalscan u give sip.conf example to do it ..
16:08.19jbotrumour has it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
16:08.29jbotextra, extra, read all about it, wikis is
16:08.29SuPrSluGicals:who is your provider
16:09.16icalsican make outbond call to that gateway
16:09.16SuPrSluGicals:did they give you configs on their site?
16:09.28icalsand its successed .
16:09.38icalsbut i can receive inbound call
16:09.47icalsbut i cant receive inbound call
16:09.52SuPrSluGicals:you may have to open ports on your router
16:10.11icalsi just have no idea to configure sip.conf
16:10.40icalsto make trunk with the provider
16:11.05SwK[Work]someone riddle me this
16:11.22SwK[Work]how the hell do you do a "extensions reload" on trunk?
16:11.25SuPrSluGicals:at the CLI> what does sip show registry show?
16:11.42icalsnone .. blank ..
16:11.45SwK[Work]SuPrSluG: outbound registrations
16:12.06SwK[Work]oops sorry hah
16:12.14_alex_mx_SwK, think it's dialplan reload now
16:12.35SuPrSluGicals:you have to register w/ the provider to receive calls
16:12.45icalsi did ..
16:13.19icalsand i can make outbound call to another phone that list in provider
16:13.37SuPrSluGicals:in sip.conf there should be a register => statement
16:13.46icalsyup ..
16:13.51_alex_mx_SwK[Work], dialplan reload and module reload depending on what you want/need to reload
16:14.26icalsSuPrSluG, : i already put that statement in sip.conf
16:14.42icalsbut when i show peers it didnt show anytihing .
16:14.53SuPrSluGicals:do you hane ports 5060 and 10000-20000 open on your router?
16:15.02icalsyup .
16:15.21icalsi have IP phone too .. and its work just fine ..
16:15.27icalsusing the same provider ..
16:15.30SwK[Work]_alex_mx_: thanks I found it
16:15.40SwK[Work]who's idea was this CLI rework?
16:15.47icalsthe IP phone and my server in same Network
16:15.49[TK]D-Fendermercestes: Did you perhaps upgrade your kernel since your zaptel install?  That would do it...
16:17.18icalspriyo*CLI> sip show peers
16:17.19icalsName/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
16:17.19icalstovoip/31940                   5060     Unmonitored
16:17.23icalswhat does it means ? that output or you'll get yelled at
16:18.52SuPrSluGicals:it sees your provider as a peer allowing you to make calls
16:19.04icalsoh ya ?
16:19.28*** join/#asterisk frawd (n=francois@
16:19.57SuPrSluGicals:yes when you sip show registry and get output it sees you as a user allowing ou to receive calls
16:19.58*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
16:20.34frawdhi all! Is there a way to use bindaddr in sip.conf to bind SIP to multiple IPs?
16:20.40SuPrSluGicals:so you're half way there
16:20.56frawd(without using bindaddr=
16:21.03Qwellfrawd: no
16:21.56SuPrSluGicals:you should have 2 entries in sip.conf  1 for peer and 1 for user
16:22.19icalsSuPrSluG, : can i chat with u on private ?
16:22.36pifiusuprslug I got everything to work fine yesterday, going to put in everything today
16:22.39frawdQwell: thank you :-)... any other option to make asterisk work over a load-balanced internet connection (i thought i could force it to use only one of the external interface + lan interface to workaround the problem)
16:23.04pifiuyeah lets hope all oes well
16:23.04Qwellfrawd: well, you could easily have it listen on all IPs, and just firewall the rest off
16:24.06frawdQwell: the problem is not for incoming connections, only outgoing (it's loadbalanced and the kernel can choose an outgoing route at random)
16:24.34SuPrSluGpifiu:i'll email you the article on dundi clustering. you should take a look at it
16:25.45frawdQwell: i want to force asterisk to use only one default route out of the two that exist.... the user only sends to one of the connections, but asterisk sometimes answers with the other interface (talking about RTP flow)...
16:26.01Qwelltwo default routes?
16:26.30frawdyes sir, loadbalancing (ip route add nexthop via dev eth1 nexthop via dev eth2)
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16:26.46frawdany idea?
16:26.51krondorlHi all..
16:27.11Drukendon't run asterisk on a router?? :)
16:27.13krondorlAnyone know if there is a FOP channel.. when I do a /list it closes down my gaim.
16:27.25*** join/#asterisk stbjr (
16:27.38frawdDruken: i have to, it's my job... :-S
16:27.58Drukenwhy not throw asterisk on a machine behind the router?
16:28.16frawdDruken: because my job is to integrate the 2
16:28.44krondorlfrawd: You gots lots o'work ahead of you to get that working...
16:29.31frawdthank you :-), i only get it to work in IPSec tunnels for now on (there i'm sure of how to route packets)
16:30.25frawdi just hoped asterisk could in some way remember the route to take for an external user, but it doesn't
16:30.42Drukenbind it to the ip?
16:30.45frawdi also hoped i could bind it to only 2 out of 3 interfaces, but i can't
16:31.10frawdi have to bind it to a LAN and one out of my two WAN interfaces
16:31.30Drukenmy asterisk listens to both lan and wan....
16:31.52Drukenhowever, mine doesn't do load ballancing
16:31.58frawdbut with the option bindaddr, Qwell told me i could only do all interfaces ( or one interface (single IP)
16:32.10frawdnot 2 out of 3... :-(
16:32.38Drukenwhy don't you want to ballance the asterisk load?
16:32.43frawdbad luck... going to have to iptables some stuff it appears... not a very clean solution
16:33.02Qwellchoosing random routes is a poor idea anyhow
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16:33.13frawdi can't, both internet connections have different IPs, and i cannot "spoof" with my ISPs
16:33.39DasTechso good mornimg how close is 1.4 to a release version
16:34.24frawdQwell: I think you just gave me the solution!, just do special static routing for asterisk...
16:35.25CunningPike_DasTech: When it's ready :)
16:35.32frawdit's the SIP that doesn't work well with loadbalancing, not asterisk... the fact of having multiple flows give problems everytime, with IAX it works great
16:36.02CunningPike_DasTech: kpfleming just presented this morning that there will be a couple more betas, with a tentative release date of mid-November
16:36.12DasTechI just wante dto know a eta  so I know when to start working on patches for bsd
16:37.07frawdthanks for help
16:37.08DasTechis the latest beta on the website
16:37.18DasTechor is it better to pull svn ?
16:37.34syzygyBSDwell, the svn information is on the website...
16:37.43jmlspull svn
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16:37.56syzygyBSDbut so is the FTP for the nightly builds I think
16:39.08DasTechjust have to get to work on the bsd patches and the 1.4 port
16:39.18DasTechlibpri port is done
16:39.21DasTechfor now
16:39.33DasTechzaptel group is working on drivers
16:39.50DasTechand now to work on the 1.4 port for fbsd  ports tree
16:40.20Nuggetyay fbsd.
16:40.36QwellDasTech: Does asterisk 1.4 not "just work" on bsd?
16:41.05DasTechsometimes we have to patch the codecs and other issues
16:41.29QwellDasTech: are these sent back to
16:41.34Qwellwould make things much easier in the future
16:41.37DasTechif you look in the current /usr/ports/net/asterisk/files you can see what we patch currently
16:41.52DasTechmost should be
16:42.04DasTechI am just jumping in on 1.4 to get it rolling
16:42.45frawdgood luck
16:43.17DasTechthanks been doing bsd for 17 years almost now so its not a issue .
16:43.44*** join/#asterisk JaXxon (
16:43.55frawdgood issue then
16:44.15frawdi mean "not issue"
16:45.15DasTechand i am adding the nv fx into it
16:45.19*** join/#asterisk hoobastooba (n=ckwall@
16:45.39DasTechbut i wish I could find the app_flite.c to add it in
16:46.05DasTechflite 1.3 will be in poorts int he next week we hope
16:46.15DasTech1.2 is but it has issues
16:46.20m4rkl4ri have an interesting thing happening on my asterisk 1.2 installation:
16:46.31DasTechand when is asterisk f\going to drop mpg123
16:46.46m4rkl4rthere is a ser proxy that is configured in sip.conf as a friend.
16:46.47hoobastoobaI am getting complaints on one of my asterisk servers where people will answer a ringing call and they cannot hear the person on the other end. The caller can hear the answering person but not the other way around. It happens infrequently and I have not been able to identify anything in the cli because I get the complaint hours after it happens. has anyone else ever experienced this or know what might be happeing?
16:47.15DasTechcheck you nat settings
16:47.40m4rkl4rwhen a call comes in through that proxy from a user that does not exist in in the sip peers table, the call gets directed to the ser context, as directed by the entry in sip.conf
16:47.45DasTechis this box on a external ip or internal
16:48.12DasTechits a nat issue
16:48.16DasTechtry this
16:48.29hoobastoobain the sip.conf?
16:48.38DasTechand loaclnet=
16:48.48DasTechlocalnet= thet is
16:49.09m4rkl4rif the call comes in from a username that does exist in sippeers, the call is immediatly placed in the default context
16:49.15DasTechfillin the values
16:49.18m4rkl4rto be clear,
16:49.30b11danyone know how I can get asterisk to dump a CDR per extension, instead of one big CDR?
16:49.33DasTechlocalnet is ip/netmask
16:49.38m4rkl4rthe sip proxy has one domain and asterisk has another.
16:49.59m4rkl4rany ideas?
16:50.02hoobastoobaAlso... I just did an sar on the server and it looks like I may have an issue with irq... I know i set that to unique... but I may be wrong. I have iowait up to nearly 3.75. It may be an irq issue.
16:50.04m4rkl4rmore information needed?
16:50.12[TK]D-Fenderb11d: Best way I can figure is to use a DB for your CDR's, and do a triggered event on a record being added to refile them.
16:50.26b11dahh ok then
16:50.31[TK]D-Fenderb11d: then again in a DB you could just fiter accordingly from a master anyways
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16:50.50b11dhmm..  i'll continue to hack away at "sort"
16:51.32*** part/#asterisk ibob63 (
16:52.42DasTechok thanks all will let you know how the patching goes to fix issues and report thmer basck
16:56.13*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (
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16:59.10apturaHas there been known issues of a zaptel going to sleap causing a partial grey phone icon to show on a polycom? It was working last night and this morning was not full grey. I did not verify it it was not registering. I did though a ztcfg-v to see if zap was loaded and the line went active.
16:59.17*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
16:59.53Mike800anyone alive?
17:00.06syzygyBSDzaptel shouldn't affect anything on a polycom phone
17:00.19*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
17:01.00apturaWell I just stepped into my office and found both line one and line 2 inactive. I had the firewall off overnight so line two was off for obvios reasons. Line one however should not have been affected by it.
17:01.35syzygyBSDI don't know what to tell you...
17:01.37mcabaptura: is the phone's icon grey on the left half and black on the right?
17:02.03apturaSo powered up the firewall jumped into the the command line found asterisk to be active then jumped out and checked the zaptel to see if it was loaded and that instant the line went active.
17:02.24apturayes the icon when 1/2 grey means the line is inactive.
17:02.56apturaBut anyway this was a first time seeing this.
17:03.08*** part/#asterisk JaXxon (
17:03.09mcabwas it half grey, or hollow? Normally ha half grey icon means the phone is a shared line, IME
17:03.13*** join/#asterisk Gunde (n=spamyous@
17:03.27[TK]D-Fenderaptura: What does SIP have to do with Zaptel?
17:03.28apturayes hollow half grey what ever it is called
17:03.43[TK]D-Fenderaptura: Hollow = not registered
17:03.48syzygyBSDoh.. I have a couple hollow ones on my polycom right now, but they work for whatever I need them for..
17:03.56[TK]D-Fenderaptura:  Again something that has nothing to do with Zaptel
17:04.06apturaTK nothing. I was just mentioning the series of events
17:04.39syzygyBSDmy guess is that it happened to reregister right as you did the ztcfg command
17:04.50syzygyBSDbecause the firewall was up
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17:05.01Mike800i have really bad latency...sorry about that (crappy internet here at Astricon)
17:05.13syzygyBSDhow is astricon?
17:05.27Mike800its pretty cool
17:05.32Mike800hung out with mark last night
17:05.41apturasyzygyBSD was not concerned with line 2. That was off because the firewall was off. Its line two that should have been on. No reason it should have been off also.
17:06.13apturaerr line one I mean should have stayed on.
17:06.18*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
17:06.34syzygyBSDaptura: well, knowing nothing of your setup I can't tell you anything, just the facts that you have already told us...
17:06.42*** part/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
17:06.46wwalker"exten => _NXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/provider_name/ZZZ)"  What do I put in place of ZZZ so that the phone number will be put there?
17:07.10wwalkerzigman: thx, DOH!
17:07.26syzygyBSDwwalker: ${EXTEN}
17:07.31apturasyzygyBSD it was up and running 1 min after power ups and checking. Just was curios if anyone has seen a case of zap dropping off line or non registration issue with a known working astrisk issue. This happened overnight some time.
17:07.36zigmananyone know if i can change the font size of snom 360 phnes
17:07.47zigmanthe callerid is WAY to big
17:08.01apturaanyway anything new at astricon
17:08.17apturaAny windows apps that interface with asterisk there?
17:08.51syzygyBSDwindows apps.. like sip softphones?
17:09.17apturano was thinking apps that would interface with cid.
17:09.29syzygyBSDlike a softphone...
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17:09.49apturaExample would be a customer database would pull up a customer profile by reading its cid.
17:10.07Mike800aptura: not too much stuff with windows apps.  fonality is here, and they have hudlite / hudpro
17:10.18apturayea seen there site.
17:10.23CunningPike_aptura: Ruby on Rails with RAGI is a way to go for that
17:10.45syzygyBSDhow is ruby, never used it (one of the few languages I haven't)
17:11.58apturahow so CunningPike_
17:12.10syzygyBSDFor some reason I never like frameworks I have to develop in... their isn't enough room for customization
17:13.02syzygyBSDwell, I built a site that did that...
17:13.12syzygyBSDwas in python though
17:13.16CunningPike_aptura: RAGI provides a library that RoR can use to interface to AGI
17:13.42CunningPike_aptura: Ruby is arguably easier to manage than trying the same thing in pHp
17:13.57apturaI see
17:14.26*** join/#asterisk WGFreewill (
17:14.50syzygyBSDya, I didn't like using the php agi
17:15.28syzygyBSDpython was very nice though
17:17.01WGFreewillshwo channel XXXX
17:17.19WGFreewillanyone know what the NativeFormat and WriteFormat and ReadFormat indicate
17:17.35WGFreewillshow codecs says
17:17.45WGFreewillIm native ilbc but read and write slin
17:18.12apturasyzygyBSD unfortunly ruby on rails would be a new from scratch application. What I was refering to is interfacing existing windows applications and custom databases with asterisk.  This will depend willing to agree to allow asterisk to interface his database.
17:19.16syzygyBSDwell, since every application/customer database is unique there probably wont' be a off the shelf application for this
17:19.26*** join/#asterisk ajohnson_laptop (
17:19.40syzygyBSDand I wouldn't limit yourself to windows applications, go for web based
17:19.57ajohnson_laptopWhat's the best way to see if a macro variable was set when the macro was called or if the macro is empty?
17:20.15ajohnson_laptopI was trying: exten => s,n,Set(ARG4=${IF($[ ${ARG4} = ""]?1)})
17:21.00ajohnson_laptopBut I'm getting unexpected TOK_EQ, expecting TOK_MINUS or TOK_COMPL or TOK_LP or TOKEN; Input:
17:21.30syzygyBSDajohnson_laptop: gotoif?
17:22.06ajohnson_laptopI could use that but I want to put it all on one line
17:22.27*** join/#asterisk coppice (
17:22.36ajohnson_laptopIF _should_ work for what I need it to do, but I can't seem to get the syntax down.
17:22.47ajohnson_laptopAnd the example on voip-info just plain doesn't even work
17:23.11ajohnson_laptopWhich I will be happy to update should I figure out what I'm doing wrong
17:23.17*** join/#asterisk docelmo (i=vircuser@
17:24.11syzygyBSDunder null strings
17:24.28syzygyBSD$[foo${calledid} != foo]
17:25.31ajohnson_laptopsyntax error: syntax error, unexpected TOK_NE, expecting TOK_MINUS or TOK_COMPL or TOK_LP or TOKEN;
17:25.42HarryRwow.. the asterisk build scripts are strange
17:25.58*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
17:26.05[TK]D-Fenderajohnson_laptop: Your "if" had no "else" clause......
17:26.13ajohnson_laptopit does now
17:26.24ajohnson_laptopexten => s,n,Set(ARG4=${IF($[ ${ARG4} != ""]?1:2)})
17:27.13[TK]D-Fenderajohnson_laptop: exten => s,n,Set(ARG4=${IF($["${ARG4}"!=""]?1:2)})
17:27.29[TK]D-Fenderajohnson_laptop: your first parameter needed to be in quotes.
17:27.58ajohnson_laptopyeah, but then am I doing a textual comparison?  I guess I'm doing that now... hmmm
17:28.11ajohnson_laptopThis variable is going to be a number when it is set
17:28.12[TK]D-Fenderajohnson_laptop: Though might you this is a retarded looking test/set combo.... devalidates the context of ARG4 so much as it being non-null
17:28.48[TK]D-Fenderajohnson_laptop: I'd be interested in seeing your whole macro (as thats what it appears to be from) and the lines that call it.
17:28.54ajohnson_laptopCorrect, the final syntax would be:
17:29.08ajohnson_laptopexten => s,n,Set(ARG4=${IF($[ ${ARG4} != ""]?1)})
17:29.19ajohnson_laptopYou don't have to have a false value or an else clause
17:29.32ajohnson_laptopexten => s,n,Set(ARG4=${IF($[ ${ARG4} != ""]?:2)})
17:29.39*** join/#asterisk tessier (
17:29.43ajohnson_laptopno I had that right the first time
17:29.54ajohnson_laptopSo if it's empty, set it to one.  If it isn't empty, leave it alone
17:30.03tessierAsterisk keeps filling up my /var with logs like event_log.0 messages.0 queue_log.0
17:30.15tessierAnyone know why it is generating a new set of logfiles for every call?
17:31.08*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
17:31.32[TK]D-Fenderajohnson_laptop: No, like this : exten => s,n,Set(ARG4=${IF($["${ARG4}"!=""]?:2)})
17:31.49[TK]D-Fenderajohnson_laptop: that ARG4 inside your if MUST me in quotes.
17:31.50ajohnson_laptopexten => s,n,Set(ARG4=${IF($[ "${ARG4}" = ""]?1)})  works great
17:32.09ajohnson_laptopIf it's null, set it to 1, otherwise leave it alone
17:32.19[TK]D-Fenderlook at your last 2 pastes of it.  you
17:33.01[TK]D-Fenderajohnson_laptop: neither of your last 2 pastes of it had the quotes around ${ARG4}
17:33.18[TK]D-Fenderajohnson_laptop: that is BAD.  You need them
17:33.20ajohnson_laptopBut my last paste is functional
17:33.35[TK]D-Fenderajohnson_laptop: only functional if it is NOT null.
17:33.41[TK]D-Fenderajohnson_laptop: DIES if it is
17:33.46*** join/#asterisk prttp (
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17:34.15ajohnson_laptopThe last thing I pasted works under both cases
17:35.02[TK]D-Fenderajohnson_laptop:  could you pastebin the whole macro and some lines that call it so we can see for context what you're trying to acheive
17:35.15ajohnson_laptopyeah hold on
17:36.13ajohnson_laptopexten => s,n,Set(ARG4=${IF($[ "${ARG4}" = ""]?1:${ARG4})})
17:36.35ajohnson_laptopnow that works :)
17:36.44*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (i=vircuser@
17:40.28b11dwill polycom 501's pull custom ringtones from a url, or do they have to be on a boot server?
17:41.15CunningPikeb11d: afaik, they need to be on the provisioning server
17:42.54krondorlanyone know if there is a FOP channel??
17:44.28*** part/#asterisk hoobastooba (n=ckwall@
17:45.20[TK]D-Fenderb11d: The ringtones can be through a remote URI, but must be referenced in provisioning.
17:45.32jbotwell, iax is port 5036 for the original (deprecated) IAX protocol. Port 4569 is for the the current IAX2 protocol. IAX is pronounced "Eeks". stands for  Inter-Asterisk Exchange
17:45.33jbotextra, extra, read all about it, iax2 is
17:45.42jboteeks is probably the Eeks eeks run for the hills IAX2 is here to stay
17:45.42mercestesFlash Operator Panel I believe.
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17:49.15afromcpuffalotahoy hoy ninjaz
17:49.39b11dchips ahoy
17:50.07afromcpuffalothow do i make asterisk use a non-default music category
17:50.11krondorlok let me rephrase my question...  Is there an IRC channel for FOP..  :)   My gaim keeps crashing when I do a /list command
17:50.28Qwellkrondorl: Have you tried /j #fop?
17:50.59krondorlQwell: ya, emty channel.
17:51.16b11dim totally cluless on setting up this provisioning server.
17:51.23b11di've got pxe installed on my server..
17:51.35krondorlafromcpuffalot: musiconhold("where you find the new music name here")
17:52.18*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
17:53.05wunderkinb11d, just use ftp... vsftpd
17:53.16b11di guess im having troubles connecting the dots
17:53.33b11dhow do I get my phone to connect to a specific ftp server then?
17:53.40b11di need to read..
17:53.47wunderkinyeah, i think so :D
17:53.50b11dI think im getting ahead of myself here
17:54.01*** join/#asterisk kink0 (
17:54.08wunderkinb11d, there is a tutorial here, but i haven't watched all of it..
17:54.37b11dI love you guys
17:55.03syzygyBSDwell we love being loved..
17:55.16kink0anyone ussing  WokSung phone ? I have a friend who has fews video phones,but he is unnable to connect the phones to the internet, may be blocked from her former voIP carrier ?
17:55.20[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin: More Kerry Garrison trying to bring VoIP back to mediocrity ;)
17:55.38wunderkin*click click click*
17:56.40kink0anyone knows if Woksung video/voIP phones can be locked by provider ? or I can use it to connect to any voIP carrier ?
17:56.49wunderkin(that was a reference to him using asterisk@home, or whatever that crap is)
17:57.55[TK]D-Fenderwunderkin: Yeah, nearly troll-like promoting.  Over-catering to idiots promotes idiocy.
18:00.18mercestesIt goes against everythign Darwin has taught us.
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18:00.47iCEBrkrTurnpike officials and the Florida Highway Patrol this morning announced a crackdown on toll violators, called "Toll Abuse. No Excuse."
18:00.51syzygyBSDI don't know.. darwin has been dead for quite a while, survival of the fittest indeed
18:01.22DasTechDarwin ?
18:01.32DasTechthe os
18:01.39mercestesThe philospher
18:01.41syzygyBSDas in charles
18:01.46DasTechahh ok
18:03.40jmlsanyone wanting to be able to either run a macro when a queue member is connected to a call, or get queue / queuemember / queueentry stats in the dialplan please have a look at #8216 for testing and comments ! Ta :)
18:03.47[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Death is the great equalizer and teaches us to value the time we have.  It protects us against the bad others would perpetuate if they could do so indefinately.
18:05.18kink0anyone have problems when try to install a voIP phone due to be locked from some voIP carrier ? ( I pretend to use one woksung video phone )
18:06.48syzygyBSDvideo phones are so 1998...
18:07.13syzygyBSDbut yes, some phones are locked to a vendor
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18:10.15syzygyBSD[TK]D-Fender: I don't know if death teaches so well, cuz most people only die once
18:12.18b11di've read
18:12.25b11dnow it all makes sense
18:12.32b11dthanks for the tough love lads
18:12.35b11dits appreciated
18:13.10kink0syzygyBSD, in that case, there no any "factory default" reset ?
18:13.23syzygyBSDkink0: no
18:13.32syzygyBSDthey come from the factory locked
18:14.16*** join/#asterisk Holos (n=asdf@
18:14.41kink0syzygyBSD, but the factory is not the provider,  I found fews cases where was totally locked, but for a general phone from a hardware manufacturer... I am speakin about Wooksung phones
18:15.06HolosI have a new asterisk instal (1.2.11) that I just turned up, and it's crashing once per day... The error I get is: /usr/sbin/asterisk: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0a117d30. Any one have any suggestions on where to start?
18:15.33*** join/#asterisk Tenkawa (n=Tenkawa@unaffiliated/tenkawa)
18:15.43syzygyBSDhmm, you use queues?
18:15.54HolossyzygyBSD: Yes..
18:16.03syzygyBSDdowngrade to 1.2.9
18:16.14jmlsor upgrade to 1.4 ... :)
18:16.22syzygyBSD1.4 is beta...
18:16.23HolosAny idea what's causing it? or what the bug is?
18:16.40jmlsbut such a *cool* beta. It works well.
18:16.42syzygyBSDyes, there is a bug report on it with a patch... I just went the easy way and downgraded
18:16.44TenkawaQuestion all.. does it seem feasible to set up asterisk to be a voip conference bridge and realisticly handle 50+ simulteaneous voip calls? all IP
18:16.59HolossyzygyBSD: Was it fixed in 1.2.12?
18:17.08syzygyBSDno, that was the version I was running
18:17.53Tenkawatrying to work around cross platform issues related to teamspeak and ventrilo hosting
18:17.54syzygyBSDTenkawa: I have had asterisk handleing 50 calls going from zap -> sip
18:18.13TenkawasyzygyBSD: nice
18:18.16HolossyzygyBSD: Any idea what the bug was called? or how to find it?
18:18.29syzygyBSDHolos: let me see if I have a link in my history
18:19.03HolossyzygyBSD: Thanks for looking!
18:19.40syzygyBSDI think it is
18:20.07*** join/#asterisk docelmo (i=vircuser@
18:20.08Tenkawathanks all
18:20.10*** part/#asterisk Tenkawa (n=Tenkawa@unaffiliated/tenkawa)
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18:22.18HolossyzygyBSD: It looks like it crashed after mixmonitor stopped recording an outgoing call..
18:23.19syzygyBSDeh, there were changes to the queues... my suggestion is just downgrade, or upgrade to 1.4, it is fixed in both of those.  if you want to chase a problem that has already been fixed have fun
18:24.17HolossyzygyBSD: Ok, I'll be downgrading tonight I guess. I hoped that they would have the specific issue fixed and release 1.2.13, but I guess they're putting efforts into 1.4 now..
18:28.38pifiuwhat is the difference between {EXTEN} and {EXTEN:3} ?
18:28.53mercestesEXTEN:3 cuts the first 3 digits off.
18:29.01mercestesEXTEN hopefully does not.
18:31.29*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
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18:34.06FuriousGeorgehas anyone aver used ser with *?
18:34.56FuriousGeorgei have several asterisk servers with this one business, and i want to implement ser (only once) so that presence and SIMPLE will work between these clients
18:35.12FuriousGeorgeive been reading up on it.  and i think in know how it will work now
18:35.24FuriousGeorgeso i wanted to bounce the idea of someone with SER experience
18:36.19FuriousGeorgeto see if im on the right track...
18:36.53mercestesContact Clona in #ser FuriousGeorge.
18:37.02mercestesHe can take awhile to respond but he's extremely knowledgable.
18:37.56FuriousGeorgemercestes: im idling in there, bu this is a slow time for them
18:38.41FuriousGeorgeanyway, i have a brief description of how i think it will work,, im not looking for a technical explanation, im already on the right track
18:39.00FuriousGeorgeor rather, i'd like to know IF im on the right track
18:42.45pifiuwhat is the point of the [default] context in extensions.conf?
18:43.23pifiuhey furious, my friend was messing with it, but he ran into some problems or something and will try again soon
18:44.33FuriousGeorgepifiu: default is so if you mess up in your dialplan, it will often send calls with no correct logic to handle them there
18:44.53*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
18:46.20b11dso.. i've got a poly 501 connecting to my ftp server and the like, but I have nothing in there for it to read.
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18:46.41b11ddo I have to manually create my first config file, or is there one I can use as a default template?
18:46.41kannanis it possible to call out from 2 accounts simultaneously from 1 sip server (of the service provider)?
18:46.50pifiufurious, so in the context i am using it , i think it makes no sense lol but let me finish one thing before i break another
18:47.18rene1which analog signalling mode should i be using to connect a zap analog trunk to a panasonic analog extension?
18:47.25[shodan]anyone knows how to get X-Lite to NOT popup on boot ?
18:47.39b11dahh.. i need the "distribution zip file"
18:47.48rene1there is an option in the preferences
18:48.40*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (n=Justin@
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18:50.12b11di guess im kind of lost again.  I dont know where to get these "distribution" files for the poly 501 as per the manual.
18:50.23b11din order to make the phones use the ftp server to get their config from.
18:50.58[shodan]rene1, where ?  you mean "Launch when windows starts" ?
18:51.10*** join/#asterisk fall0ut (
18:51.15[shodan]I want it to start minimized , there's probably a way I just can't see it :
18:51.18fall0utAnybody used the Ditech PeerPoint C100s?
18:52.11b11di have
18:52.14hmmhesaysso for some reason none of my faxes are working now
18:52.14b11dnot used that phone.. sorry
18:52.22b11dyou just had that working!
18:52.45hmmhesayswhats your fax number, i'm trying a 2 way IP fax
18:54.07*** join/#asterisk MasterYoda (i=mnichols@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MasterYoda)
18:54.48b11dthats nice.. thanks 1
18:56.34teknoprepanyone know of an IAX2 hardphone ?
18:58.01b11dso..  i DO have to make my first XXXXXXXXXXXX-phone.cfg file manually then?
18:58.43justinu|laptopthere should be a template phone.cfg for you
18:58.50b11di dont see one anywhere :/
18:59.44justinu|laptoptry d/l some of the other releases on that site, you can use the the cfg files from an older release to get you started
18:59.53justinu|laptoppretty sure at least one has the cfg files
18:59.59b11doh i see.. ok. thanks
19:01.04FuriousGeorgei need a non-technical description of how to implement sip-clients, their asterisk servers, and one SER to make presence and simple work.  anyone qualified to discuss that with me :)
19:01.09FuriousGeorgejust wanna bounce an idea of someone
19:02.55fall0utSo no body has experience with the ditech SBCs?
19:03.39De_MonSER is not very friendly
19:03.45De_MonFuriousGeorge you're using OpenSER right?
19:03.48b11dyou were correct justinu|laptop
19:04.10*** join/#asterisk asterisk_noob (
19:04.47FuriousGeorgeDe_Mon: im just reading "Getting started" now, and trying to get the implementation i need "in my head"  i notice you are in #ser, clona just started talking to me about it
19:04.52asterisk_noobhi, with witch function can i catch number entering on the telephone on the other side of the line?
19:05.09FuriousGeorgeDe_Mon: so to answer your ? im not using anything yet
19:05.13InezCan I call somebody to test sip?
19:08.06De_MonFuriousGeorge i'm in #openser, yeah.. still havent had to courage to figure out how to make it work and test it though :)
19:08.16CinenI need someone to mod asterisk so that it will pass the same callid for both the inbound and outbound leg of the call
19:09.06Nuggetsounds to me like you need to read the documentation, not hire someone to hack the code.
19:09.31CinenThe source code MUST be modified for this to work
19:10.07Nuggetor really.
19:11.08CinenYes. Asterisk likes to use a different callid for each leg of the call. This break our load balancer because it works based on callid
19:11.23Cinennot caller id callid
19:11.41NuggetI see.  sorry.  I misunderstood.
19:12.12CinenIs there a good place to find programmer that can do this for us?
19:13.05justinu|laptopasterisk is a b2bua, that's how it works... if you want to keep the same callID you want to use a proxy
19:13.36asterisk_noobhi, how can i get some information from the other side, e.g. for a menu if the caller press 1 go tho this menu and so on? i only need the name of the function
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19:16.27CinenYes but it is much easier to use asterisk for all then we can use our same dialplans etc.
19:19.09InezCan somebody help me with L option for dial command
19:20.31*** join/#asterisk cian (
19:23.25b11di just downgraded sip on this phone to 1.6.2 by accident.
19:23.28b11danyone have 1.6.3 ?
19:23.35b11dits not on that site :/
19:24.10b11dor can I use the
19:24.29hmmhesaysis it possible to issue a redirect from the dialplan?
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19:27.06Inezwhat that mean 'Spawn extension ' ??
19:28.22hmmhesays"I just hung up the call"
19:29.04hmmhesaysdoesn't anyone know if I can send a 302 (moved) from asterisk ?
19:30.02[TK]D-Fenderb11d: That is the 1.6.3. pack.  Though you should upgrade to 1.6.7 if you are plannig on staying within the 1.6 family at all.
19:30.23Inezhmmhesays what it work like that
19:30.23develthe answer to my question that i asked the other day about audio codes is "in protocol management | advanced parameters | general parameters, set disconnect on broken connection to 'no' or increase the broken connection timeout value"
19:30.24Inezhmmhesays after dial always is hungup? i dont wnat to hangup, i want go to next extensions
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19:33.14b11dTK.. i dont see 1.6.7
19:33.18b11di only see 1.6.6
19:33.25b11dno there it is
19:33.30b11dcool thanks man
19:33.52*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
19:34.03hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: do you know if you can send a redirect in the asterisk dialplan?
19:34.26[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: "show application transfer"
19:35.28hmmhesayshmm what is the new command in 1.4?
19:35.49Inezhmmhesays ?
19:36.00hmmhesaysInez: show application dial
19:36.52Inezhmmhesays I did
19:37.06InezI find g option, but it doesnt help
19:37.42hmmhesaysI can't help you with that, you'll just have to play around
19:39.09Holosb11d: You can get 2.0.1 from your reseller...
19:39.17*** join/#asterisk Thus0 (n=Thus0@
19:39.59chapeaurougei have a quadbri, zapata.conf and zaptel.conf configured as junghanns say, ztcfg -vv returns fine. everything ok.
19:40.27chapeaurougebut i get == Primary D-Channel on span 1 down
19:40.27chapeaurougeall the time, and calls aren't going thru
19:40.27chapeaurougeIRQ is not shared
19:40.35chapeaurougeany idea? im at a lost...
19:40.38*** part/#asterisk asterisk_noob (
19:41.42chapeaurougehow could i debug this? what does this message really mean?
19:42.43chapeaurougegoogle was quite helpless (in the languages i could read anyway)
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19:42.56HolossyzygyBSD: Hey.. sorry to ask again, but did you downgrade to 1.2.9 or to solve the queue deadlock?
19:44.17chapeaurougeasterisk*CLI> pri show span 1
19:44.17chapeaurougePrimary D-channel: 3
19:44.17chapeaurougeStatus: Provisioned, Down, Active
19:44.17chapeaurougeSwitchtype: EuroISDN
19:45.15b11dis there any reason why I want to use 2.0.1 over 1.6.7 ?
19:45.31b11dor, more appropriately, where can I find a list of changes between the two?
19:45.47Holosb11d: Just some subtle changes, nothing major. The Polycom site has a changelog.
19:46.53[TK]D-Fenderb11d: the changelog would be a good place to start....
19:46.54SplasPoodugh, I wish there was a hylafax client for intel macs
19:47.06SplasPood(that isn't written in java..)
19:47.33SplasPoodb11d: you don't want to use 2.0.1..  2.0.2 is out, might fix some of the bugs.. I'd stick with 1.6.7
19:47.36Holosb11d: 2.0.2 is out now.. Changelog is at,,6726,00.pdf
19:47.43b11doh, right on.
19:47.51b11di'll likely stay with 1.6.7 for now
19:48.04SplasPoodI had some odd, I believe NAT related, issues with 2.0.1
19:48.12SplasPoodMight as well give 2.0.2 a whirl to see if it fixed it
19:48.18SplasPoodnothing in the changelog to imply they did tho..
19:48.28Holosb11d: We have 50 phones running on 2.0.1, and it's been fine for us, we're not using any NAT though.
19:48.50pifiuis the correct entry in an iax.conf for username in a peer or user "user=" or "username="?
19:49.36*** join/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
19:50.01Holospifiu: Username
19:50.27SplasPoodHolos: its an odd issue...  seems to be related to the network its on..  both using NAT, different implementations, one works, the other doesn't
19:50.32SplasPoodonly on 601s too
19:52.18*** part/#asterisk krondorl (
19:52.31SplasPoodtrying 2.0.2 as we speak
19:52.43SplasPoodso in 8 years after the phone boots, I'll let you all know :P
19:53.38hmmhesayswell t38 passthru is not working here
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19:54.46HolosSplasPood: 2.0.2 has a fix 18471 for NAT.. Setting NAT IP address causes truncation or corruption of IP address in VIA..
19:54.49SplasPoodhrm.. so far so good with 2.0.2, but that can be...
19:55.06SplasPoodHolos: yea I saw that one, but I'm not setting nat ip..   It was the only one remotely interesting tho..
19:55.16SplasPoodsame issue
19:55.25*** join/#asterisk cian (
19:56.00HolosSplasPood: What issues are you having?
19:56.06SplasPoodHolos: see above..
19:56.36hmmhesayschan_sip.c:4785 process_sdp: Unsupported SDP media type in offer: image 6005 udptl t38
19:56.40hmmhesayswhy am I getting that
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19:57.13hmmhesaysi have t38pt_udptl=yes on both peers
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19:57.42oejhmmhesays: Runnning 1.4? Latest?
19:58.01oejhmmhesays: Can you add the full INVITE to pastebin?
19:58.04hmmhesaysoej: yessir, just downloaded the lastest svn trunk
19:58.09hmmhesaysoej sure
19:58.10hmmhesayshold on
19:58.25*** join/#asterisk bbz_ (
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19:58.50bbz_can anyone recommend a good inexpensive conference calling service that is compatible w/ *?
19:58.56wangsterIs there a new way to do distinctive ring in 1.4 ?
19:59.17bbz_or is there any voip services ,that can allow me 30+ callers for a flat rate?
19:59.17oej_ALERT_INFO ?
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19:59.31wangsterSet(_ALERT_INFO=Bellcore-r3) does not seem to work anymore.
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20:01.16wangsteroej: does it need to be SIPAddHeader(_ALERT_INFO or something like that?
20:01.44hmmhesaysoej you want the sip debug for the entire call?
20:02.42oejhmmhesays: I want to see the INVITE only at this time
20:03.25wangsteroej: disregard that. I think it was actually a dialplan problem.
20:03.31hmmhesaysthe first invite or the one where the ata tries to change to t.38?
20:04.21oejthe re-invite for t.38
20:04.43hmmhesaysk, coming your way
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20:11.19oejWhat user agent is this?
20:11.26hmmhesaysmediatrix 2102
20:11.50apturaIve never used the fax feature in asterisk what its its pourpous? to take incomming fax and output it to a fxo port to the fax machine?
20:12.08hmmhesaysi'm guessing m=image 6005 udptl t38 doesn't match what is in chan_sip.c?
20:12.09apturafxs port i mean
20:12.23oejhmmmhesays: Checking
20:12.48hmmhesaysi'm looking too but i'm not very familiar with it
20:13.50oejhmmhesays: Seems ok to me. You need to run "sip show channel" on the channel and check the T38 setting for the channel
20:13.57oejbefore you get the re-invite
20:14.16hmmhesayswill do so now
20:14.33*** part/#asterisk jaike (i=jaike@
20:15.05oejT38 is not part of "show channel"
20:15.23hmmhesaysi see that
20:15.29Zodiacalis there a way to diagnose static? it only happens on some calls. theres no log that would record the noise of a call or anything is there? :)
20:15.34hmmhesaysyou want the sip invite before I get the reinvite?
20:16.11Zodiacalour setup was working fine until recently when the building had the power shutoff.. (the asterisk box was shutdown properly first).
20:16.14trelane_Zodiacal, what devices? sip <> sip zap <> sip similar with IAX? zap <> zap?
20:16.16*** join/#asterisk Paavum (n=chiardon@
20:16.20hmmhesaysI don't see anything about t.38 in the initial invite
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20:16.27Zodiacaldigium pstn cards
20:16.41Zodiacalsip stations polycom
20:16.43Zodiacalsome cisco
20:16.52PaavumAnybody knows how much bandwith a SIP call requires?
20:17.00hmmhesaysdepends on the voice codec used
20:17.03syzygyBSDZodiacal: you can monitor() the calls and see if the static is on the incomming/outgoing of the call
20:17.05oejHmmhesays: Trying to patch
20:17.25joePaavum: depends on the codec but 64kbps is best to plan for
20:17.30oejhmmhesays: No, I don't care about t38 in the invite, I need to know if the channel supports t.38
20:17.31Zodiacalsyzygybsd do i run that in the CLI?
20:17.43syzygyBSDpart of your dialplan
20:17.51Zodiacalsyzygybsd does that just let me hear the calls? cuz i have tried calling out and in and get static both ways..
20:17.59hmmhesayswould that be in the debug messages oej?
20:18.20syzygyBSDit lets you record the incomming and outgoing channels.. so you can play them later and see which side was giving the static
20:18.43oejhmmhesays: Try
20:18.48Zodiacalsyzygybsd ahh so it records two files one per channel?
20:18.50Paavumjoe... gsm
20:19.01Zodiacalsyzygybsd okie ill go read up on that . thanks!
20:19.03syzygyBSDit creates a -in and a -out file
20:19.33oejhmmhesays: It will show if the channel is ready for t.38. If it's not, the devices are not configured properly
20:19.49joePaavum: 64kbps
20:20.01kink0a question, I pretend to do Read() after Dial() , to capture DTMF after originate a call, that runs fine when calls are received, but how to do when I originate a call and I want to Playtone + Read ?
20:20.45syzygyBSDkink0: senddtmf?
20:21.08b11dok... so ive got my polycom reading sip.cfg from the provisioning server, but it still doesnt play back the ringtones i've configurd.
20:21.13syzygyBSDwait.. explain it a little more...
20:21.14kink0syzygyBSD, no, the reverse, I pretend dial to a PSTN number, send tone and get dtmf
20:21.15b11dthey do meet the requirements of .wav playback in Asterisk
20:21.47hmmhesaysoej: ok hold i'm patching now
20:21.52syzygyBSDhow is this call starting?
20:22.17kink0syzygyBSD, the issue is after Answer() the process continues to the next priority, while after Dial() no.
20:22.35syzygyBSDdial waits till hangup to continue
20:22.36oejhmmhesays: Need to go off line, it's late here. Keep me posted.
20:22.56syzygyBSDbut that isn't what I was asking
20:23.06syzygyBSDkink0: how is this call starting
20:23.50kink0syzygyBSD, when other call is arriving, just a call-back, then send tone, and get dtmf to transfer call to other site
20:24.44kink0syzygyBSD, the problem is how to excute a Read() while still running the prior priority Dial()
20:24.54syzygyBSDwell the solution to your question is local channels...
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20:25.37syzygyBSDand I have never used Read()...
20:25.38kink0syzygyBSD, binding a local channel to the actual call ?
20:25.48syzygyBSDno dialing a local channel
20:26.05kink0syzygyBSD, well I used Read to capture DTMF but that runs, no problem with that.
20:26.24syzygyBSDthere are better ways, imo
20:26.49kink0I dial a local channel,ok, but, then how to get dtmf from the called phone ?
20:27.52syzygyBSDit will work just like a normaly IVR, there are two ends to the call, the other end (not the one that the DIAL() is on) will recieve and process whatever you want
20:29.04kink0but the only channel up at this time is the channel ussing the DIAL() now
20:29.36*** part/#asterisk m4rkl4r (
20:30.21syzygyBSDwhich is why I told you to use a local channel...
20:30.27*** join/#asterisk toerkeium (i=oo@
20:31.10kink0syzygyBSD, ok, now I get two channels, one local and one outgoing call,
20:31.28syzygyBSDwell, I have to go figure out drag and drop in javascript
20:32.10kink0syzygyBSD, let me try to do that configuration, i will try it now ussing two channels, one outgoing call and one local
20:32.14syzygyBSDkink0: you arn't giving enough information to really help, paste your extensions.conf in here and someone will help
20:32.21syzygyBSDon pastebin.. not in here
20:32.23tektonikhi. anyone have a docsis cfg file editor which support VSIF/TLV 168?
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20:32.54kink0syzygyBSD, I did not configure yet my extensions.conf for that, I am thinking on the schema now to do it.
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20:44.53PaavumMe again
20:45.17syzygyBSDthat was quick
20:45.49PaavumForgot to ask you guys ...
20:46.26syzygyBSDwhere is my ferrari cake?
20:46.44*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
20:46.56PaavumI'm getting this error on my console "WARNING CHAN_ZAP.c zt_get_index unable 2 get index and nullok is not asserted"
20:48.11Paavumwhat does that mean?
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20:52.25pifiuwhat are "mini frames received"?
20:52.29pifiusomething with mini frames on the CLI
20:52.52b11dI am sick and tired of having my mental state called into question
20:52.56b11dwho said that?
20:54.01syzygyBSDthe old guy
20:54.07syzygyBSDstans grandpa?
20:54.26b11dit was the old lady on south park who was at the city hall meeting to discuss letting old people drive.
20:54.32b11dwow.. really close syzygyBSD
20:54.46syzygyBSDthought it was a guy...
20:54.53b11dthat line has been cracking me up over the last few days
20:54.55b11di break it out all the time
20:55.02b11dno, it was the old grandmother.. she said it a few times.
20:55.03apturab11d u make people uncomfortable?
20:55.22b11di dont think so..  maybe though :)
20:55.25asdx|workis right to say "this is how real mans do" ?
20:56.03Pj_real men
20:56.09syzygyBSDif they are uncomfortable it is their own choice
20:56.29Pj_"Real men don't do backups... They upload their stuff to a ftp and let other people mirror it worldwide" Linus Torvalds
20:56.51asdx|workPj_: "this is how real men do" ?
20:57.08asdx|workPj_: nice quote :)
20:58.52MGSsanchojust tar it, rename to Windows Vista Source  Build
20:58.56MGSsanchothen put it on bt, by 24 hours 100,000 people will have it
20:58.58asdx|workLinus Torvalds is the man!
20:59.22MGSsanchohawt id dl that too
20:59.22b11dme too
20:59.22b11dsee The Departed yet?
20:59.22b11dfuck that's a good movie
20:59.23MGSsanchono :(
20:59.52b11dthere is just a tits cam rip up on demonoid..
20:59.53b11dits like.. dvd quality almost.
20:59.53b11dexcellent for a cam.
21:00.22MGSsanchothere should be more Bourne movie
21:00.22MGSsanchothey were awsome
21:00.22b11dthere is the one coming out next year
21:00.22b11dthe author wrote 3 more of them in the mean time.
21:00.24b11dso.. there could be more than a trilogy
21:00.52MGSsanchoWHAAAA. *jumps into the air like a giddy schol girl*
21:00.53b11dthe books are like 50x better than the movies though..
21:00.53b11d(as is typical)
21:01.02MGSsanchoreally? need to buy then
21:01.23b11dyeah they are really good
21:01.52MGSsanchoi finished "building telephony System With Asterisk" by David Gomillion and Barrie Dempster       as well as pro OpennSHHby michael shankie
21:01.53*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
21:02.23MGSsancholike last night.. dude barns and nobel is my friend
21:02.24*** join/#asterisk Ethon (i=arne@OldMan.Steinkamm.COM)
21:02.40syzygyBSDI haven't bought a book since I was on vacation...
21:02.49syzygyBSDbought 20 then though...
21:03.53MGSsancholol nice
21:04.23b11danyone else here read In The Line Of Fire?
21:04.23b11dwhat a bunch of propaganda that book is
21:04.23PaavumI'm getting this error on my console "WARNING CHAN_ZAP.c zt_get_index unable 2 get index and nullok is not asserted"
21:04.25b11dPerves Musharraf is a liar :)
21:04.27Paavumwhat could it mean?
21:04.53b11dbut in all honesty, if what he wrote is true.. then he's cool and pakistan is a hell of a country.
21:05.54MGSsanchoi think we should let them fight. if they can bicker for thousands of years, and they still want blood. let them mass hue armmies after 1 year and duke it out. like traditional war. the winner takes all.
21:06.23b11dhaha.. total ignorance.
21:07.27b11dhmm..  i cant seem to get GoldWave to lower the bitrate of these WAV's to work on the Polycom.
21:07.50*** part/#asterisk DasTech (
21:08.53MGSsanchoim serious. if they want to fight, let them. well personaly i have a solution. ok america buys the pinusulla in mexico. the one next to the gulf of california, and america moves isirail to there. the entire country. there now isirial has a place to call there own. mexico wont care much, and isrial would be able to have a thriving seafood economy
21:08.56justinu|laptopb11d: use sox
21:09.30b11dyep.. that will work MGSsancho
21:09.43b11djustinu|laptop.. yeah i'd like to allow the end users to convert their own shit is all :)
21:09.51b11d"yeah.. ssh into that box and use sox.. its no big deal"
21:09.53b11dright. :)
21:10.28syzygyBSDb11d: use sox
21:10.32b11dsee above.
21:10.52MGSsanchouse kes and use ssh-agent to auto mate it (you can have teh ssh-agent load bash or perl scripts) so all they have to do is double click
21:11.22b11dwhat would be easier is to have them dump the files into a queue and have a script run sox to convert them automagically.
21:11.30syzygyBSDb11d: use digium's web tool?
21:11.42b11dwhat?  wheres this?
21:12.12b11dgot it
21:12.18syzygyBSDI win
21:13.04kink0syzygyBSD, I did a call to Local/${EXTEN} and then Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@peer) , but where must I insert the IMO or READ ?
21:13.12pifiuwhat does this mean? WARNING[1875]: chan_iax2.c:7535 socket_read: Received mini frame before first full voice frame
21:14.31b11dyes, you do win syzygyBSD.
21:14.41b11dI appreciate you posting that link, just the same.
21:15.26syzygyBSDkink0: to be honest I don't know what your end goal is, and I think the way you are going about it isn't the best way (as in Read() isn't necissary)
21:16.34kink0syzygyBSD, let me try to explain, I dial a PSTN number , then I am doing an outgoing call. Now when the other part pick the phone, I need to get the keys he/she pressed.
21:16.38xaiwe have some problems with out inbound voip. outbound can hear us ok, but inbound cuts up after about 8 minutes.. We have IAX2 coming into our asterisk server from the provider.
21:16.58kink0syzygyBSD, is just for some class of call-back service
21:16.59xaiIs there a way to track down the problem?
21:17.06syzygyBSDkink0: when you say "i" who do you mena
21:17.35kink0i= my asterisk
21:17.36syzygyBSDbecause I doubt you are calling, I am willing to bet it is an automated service..
21:17.45syzygyBSDkink0: ok, how is asterisk starting the call?
21:17.48mercestesOK...Does anyone know of a "lifter" that works for the polycom phone for remote call answering on a wireless headset.  Emphasis on works?
21:18.15kink0syzygyBSD, now I am trying to do the call ussing a local SIP phone connected to my asterisk
21:18.38syzygyBSDkink0: well, it is 100 times easier if you just build it right the first time
21:18.52syzygyBSDhow will you be
21:18.52hmmhesays[Oct 26 16:07:10] WARNING[19490]: translate.c:86 powerof: No bits set? 0
21:18.57hmmhesayswhat does that mean?
21:19.14syzygyBSDcan't convert between codecs?
21:19.27kink0syzygyBSD, the real enviroment is this: somebody calls my asterisk, then my asterisk does a call-back , then sends dialtone, the person at the other ends enter the desired extension, and then the call is passed to the dialed extension.
21:19.38[TK]D-Fendermercestes: Plantronic CA10 + 1 small screw
21:19.57hmmhesaysno bits set though?
21:20.31syzygyBSDahh, ok, so I see...
21:20.55syzygyBSDwell, you have to use DeadAGI to do that I think
21:21.27kink0syzygyBSD, that works fine when a call arrives, sends tone and then dial a new extension based on dtmf, but the problem is that I can not read data while Dial() still running.
21:21.41b11dthis digium audio converter doesnt work.
21:21.49b11dit converts to 128khz and polycom phones need 64khz
21:21.55syzygyBSDwouldn't know.. I always use sox
21:22.12kink0syzygyBSD, yes, DeadAGI would work in the event that is for just one call at time, but how knows DeadAGI what channel was when there a lot of concurrent calls ?
21:22.30syzygyBSDits smart
21:23.17syzygyBSDthey fixed deadagi having zombies yet?
21:24.11kink0no.. no zombies at all, just I loss the channel information because I need to hangup the call before deadAGI starts
21:24.23*** join/#asterisk lyroy (
21:24.25syzygyBSDthat was a question to the general room...
21:24.31kink0then... again I would be unable to capture pressed keys in the other end.
21:25.12lyroydoes someone can tell me why my 7940 try to connect to my asterisk server (i see the ack packet from my 7940 going to my asterisk server) but it nevver register to it?
21:25.20*** join/#asterisk cian (
21:25.33syzygyBSDI dont' think I can help you, what you want to do is possible, and fairly trivial, however you are too set in the way you want to do it
21:25.47syzygyBSDlyroy: bad username/pass?
21:26.19lyroyno I triple check ;(
21:26.23mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  Just drill it in there, huh??
21:27.01lyroythere is something in my asterisk config that wont let my 7940 register with it?
21:27.25*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
21:27.40[TK]D-Fendermercestes: jsut a screwdriver.
21:28.52pifiufender, i got everything to work, but i need some help in the stupidest thing, lol the music on hold
21:28.59pifiui have the files, but it seems to be ignoring them
21:29.32pifiuit just plays "please hold while I try that extension"
21:29.41pifiuinstead of the message it always used to and that i still have
21:31.26b11dttyl all
21:31.26*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
21:32.59pifiuwell its because i have a transfer.gsm and a transfer.wav
21:33.04pifiuits picking the .gsm
21:33.09pifiuit used to always pick the .wav
21:33.42[TK]D-Fenderpifiu: You shouldn't have both being different, and no reason to keep a wav there.
21:33.55[TK]D-Fenderpif : wav will always need transcoding, gsm, not so
21:35.27pifiui renamed the .gsm one to another file name and now its using the .wav
21:35.42pifiuok another small issue
21:35.50pifiumy phones keep ringing even after i hang up
21:36.03pifiui call from my cellphone to the pbx, the phones ring, but i hang up on my cell and they keep ringing
21:36.33pifiuwell ill be darned lol it doesnt do it now
21:36.36pifiuwtf it did it a second ago
21:37.11pifiuhow do i convert a .wav to a .gsm?
21:38.46pifiulol i got the main issue down, just tweaking it
21:39.34*** join/#asterisk robin_z (
21:39.59CunningPikepifiu: sox?
21:42.24pifiuyeah but i have to that ave that instaled right?
21:42.29pifiuis there any windows utility to do it?
21:42.42pifiui mean the .wav works just fine actually
21:42.49pifiui just renamed the original transfer.wav tosomething else
21:49.49*** join/#asterisk roving_prole (
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21:51.02luke-jr_workanyone know how I can ping mog? =p
21:51.27luke-jr_workwhy is 1.4beta mentioned thrice in the topic? :?
21:52.08Strom_C1.4 beta versions of zaptel, libpri, and asterisk
21:53.04kink0anyone expect if h.264 would be added in the next stable release ? how are going works on h264 ?
21:56.50luke-jr_workisn't h264 a video codec? O.o
21:57.06luke-jr_workkink0, also, you are aware the feature-set for 1.4 is frozen, right?
21:58.52*** join/#asterisk cian (
22:01.02pifiuok everything works fender, going to setup callerid, and the cdr
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22:11.47l-fywhat is the visdn channel?
22:13.53kink0good night
22:21.42*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
22:23.32trelane_whew! that was close
22:23.49C6VetteFile corrupt.....
22:23.59trelane_someone go get some pharmacutical grade caffeine and bake it into some muffins then give them to file
22:24.01trelane_he's getting tired
22:24.29*** part/#asterisk l-fy (n=diana@yate/developer/l-fy)
22:26.08xaiis there a good tool on linux you can use to measure jitter? preferably a cli/text based tool.
22:27.33xaior better yet, something to measure jitter throught an asterisk server to the iax provider.
22:28.09*** part/#asterisk jmls (
22:34.45*** join/#asterisk DaneM (
22:34.55Strom_Cxai: ping? :)
22:38.16DaneMHello, all!  Whenever I call into our asterisk box, it'll start to play the BackgroundDetect message, but then it'll stop about half-way through and wait for input.  A few seconds later, it'll play the "no input" message.  Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?  I am using version 1.4 from SVN.
22:39.03CunningPikeDaneM: What are your timeouts?
22:40.40DaneMexten => s,4,BackgroundDetect(main-message|2000)
22:45.34*** part/#asterisk luke-jr_work (n=luke-jr@2002:4335:4375:0:20d:60ff:fe60:756a)
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22:51.20DaneMany ideas?  I'm pretty new to the BackgroundDetect command, so it's quite possible that I'm doing it wrong.
22:56.58*** join/#asterisk stkn (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
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23:07.15teknoprepare there any "good" hardphones that support IAX2 ?>
23:13.18*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
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23:22.24Drukenteknoprep: why would you want a hardphone to use iax2?
23:24.13*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekon@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
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23:25.37kronicanyone know if its possible to implement a timeout between transversing the penalties of members in a queue
23:25.45kronicor will have to hack the queues app
23:31.47*** join/#asterisk olinux (
23:32.56olinuxwhat kind of equipment do i need to try Asterisk?
23:33.16Juggiesomething running a linux or unix variant.
23:36.33teknoprepDrunken why do you ask that question?
23:36.43teknoprepDrunken, i hate when i ask a question.. then ppl ask.. why do you want to do that?
23:36.51teknopreplike i am doing something really wrong lol
23:37.54Strom_Cteknoprep: there are no good hardphones that do IAX2 yet
23:40.27kronicthe ATAs work fine, but you have limited functionality obviously
23:44.10*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (
23:44.44JTteknoprep: Snom are most likely going to have the first IAX2 hardphones, if anyone
23:44.52JTthey've signalled they may be doing it
23:44.55*** join/#asterisk ziwapandey1980 (i=ziwapand@
23:45.32ziwapandey1980when using monitor, cpu usage goes upto 99% after 10 min
23:45.39ziwapandey1980cab anyone help?
23:48.54teknoprepziwapandey1980, what process takes up the most CPU time?
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23:50.10ziwapandey1980mix montor
23:53.58delmarHey everyone. I have a wierd problem that the "service provider" is blaming on Asterisk, and im sure its not.  Basically they are a DID provider using an early version of "SER" (sip express router) as far as I can tell.  I have 3 DID's with them hooked in via SIP. when i do sip show peers, I see all 3 accounts to the same IP, all on port 5060.  Ok so the problem is, calls out all work, calls in work half the time.. the rest of the t
23:53.59delmarime they don't even hit the Asterisk box. (which is a public IP, no firewall no Nat etc).  I did a sip debug, and the failed calls don't even cause any consol activity.. im sure the calls are failing at the provider... but I am concerned about the port 5060 nonsense... is there a way.. and should I.. set the DID's to like.. 5061, 5062 and so on ... seperate ports? if so .. how?
23:54.01QwellStrom_C: He's over there
23:54.12delmardoh. sorry for the small novel :P
23:54.23ziwapandey1980when using monitor, cpu usage goes upto 99% after 10 min
23:54.32ziwapandey1980can any one help ?
23:57.47Qwelland now ->
23:58.13*** part/#asterisk DaneM (
23:58.19Strom_Cqwell, is he the ball in a tennis match or something?
23:58.39CunningPike~seen dlynes_laptop
23:58.55jbotdlynes_laptop <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 6d 17h 1m 44s ago, saying: 'aadilismail: it means you don't have a context in your extensions.conf called '[default]''.
23:59.51brookshireStrom_C: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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