irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061024

00:00.29*** join/#asterisk maverickbna (
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00:07.33Marshall16[Global] Rebooting.
00:09.20CrazyTuxAnyone here know anything about CPL?
00:13.42*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
00:14.07Dovidanyone know if there will be an astricon in asia anytime soon or when the next one will be in the US ?
00:14.30Dovidon thier site they dont seem to have any listings of future dates
00:15.03*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (n=ASSERT_K@
00:15.27bkw__Let me tell you how chidlish digium and Mark Spencer is.  I walk into a restaurant with them all here at Astricon wearing my sangoma shirt and he asked me to leave.
00:15.56Dovidu serious ?
00:15.56*** part/#asterisk mog (
00:16.08Adam12Wow, I didn't think Mark Spencer owned a restaurant! :)
00:16.12Dovidbtw how old is mark ? he looks like a kid
00:16.40Dovidfilthy rich boy
00:16.46CtRiXbkw_, trolling again :-)
00:16.46InezI must try with 1.4
00:16.47Dovidi knes he wasnt over 30
00:17.12*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!n=*@] by Corydon-w
00:17.18*** kick/#asterisk [bkw__!n=tilghman@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home] by Corydon-w (troll)
00:17.32Dovidhe asked u to leave cause u were wearin the competitors shirt ? u know u didnt have to leave. i woulda rubbed it in his face.
00:17.49DovidCorydon: can I PM u ?
00:17.52CtRiXanother demo of how the truth may hurt
00:17.57mishehuCorydon-w: uhm, flex that muscle
00:17.59[TK]D-FenderDovid : Careful... "The Man" is listening ;)
00:18.15Dovidi know - i want to ask a question but not here
00:18.33mishehuDovid: I've had sat there and told him how great I think the competitor's product is
00:18.33Dovidto be fare to him i want to ask in PM
00:18.40mishehuthat's rude as hell what he did.
00:18.52Dovidwho ?
00:19.02mishehuDovid: about bkw and the digium crew
00:19.11CtRiXanother demo of how sangoma is stealing someone's business wirh better products
00:19.16Dovidwhat bkw did or mark ?
00:19.38mishehuDovid: commenting about what I would have done if I was bkw_.
00:19.46*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!n=*] by Corydon-w
00:19.51*** kick/#asterisk [CtRiX!n=tilghman@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home] by Corydon-w (trolling)
00:20.17*** part/#asterisk Adam12 (
00:21.01Dovidlol. i still cant get over the humor that the coders at digium have - first time i logge outa the console - i got thans for all the fish :)
00:21.06DovidAdam12 reminded me
00:21.27*** join/#asterisk CtRiX (
00:21.42*** join/#asterisk sqldoug (
00:21.53Drukenwhen you drink that much coke... you need to release the humour somewhere....
00:22.03*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!n=*] by Corydon-w
00:22.06*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!n=*] by Corydon-w
00:22.12[TK]D-FenderDruken : Don't start what I'm fully willing to finish ;)
00:22.40Druken[TK]D-Fender: that almost sounds like a threat :)
00:22.46Dovidwhat is -b and +B ? i am a newbie to irc.
00:22.48CrazyTuxCan someone here explain what exactly CPL is?
00:22.57DovidCPL = ?
00:23.00[TK]D-FenderDruken  : I'm clearly not trying hard enough :D
00:23.04CrazyTuxCall Processing Language, but what exactly is it used for/with?
00:23.28[TK]D-FenderDovid : Channel banning.
00:23.29*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:23.36Druken[TK]D-Fender: apparently not... :P
00:23.41Dovidwhich is ?
00:23.48*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
00:24.14[TK]D-FenderDovid : If you're banned, you can't join the channel.  basically getting the door slammed in your face.
00:24.15Dovidoh i get it. he baeen the entire dns of the troll
00:24.21Dovidi know that
00:24.27Dovidi am allways a newbie at something
00:24.45sqldougHello, All. I'm having a problem with DTMF recognition, and was wondering if anyone here could help.
00:25.09[TK]D-FenderDovid : Banning IP / netmask ranges helps ensure if he's on a dynamic IP that he probably won't be able to sign in anywhere on that provider
00:25.20*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
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00:25.31Dovidbut dosent that block anyone on from that ISP ?
00:25.32JTwtf, bkw banned??
00:25.53Dovidits called the troll treatment :) works well
00:25.56JTa fake?
00:26.04JTssh Dovid
00:26.43Dovidhuh ?
00:26.43[TK]D-FenderJT : (connection refused)
00:26.56JT[TK]D-Fender: i'm sorry?
00:27.03Dovidsqldoug: what seems to be the problem ?
00:27.09apturaWhy doesnt mark do the smart thing and lure away some of of samgomas best engineers.
00:27.23mishehuJT: he was banned for saying something true I guess.
00:27.26[TK]D-Fenderaptura : Stoke the fire why don't you.....
00:27.29JTso was that a fake bkw?
00:27.33mishehuI don't have scrollback right now.
00:27.38[TK]D-FenderALL OF YOU.  sheesh.....
00:27.46JTlol no scrollback
00:28.20Corydon-wNo, he was banned for trolling.
00:28.38Corydon-wHe tried trolling Mark in the restaurant and Mark asked him to leave.  That's all.
00:28.39wulfy814how do I troubleshoot svn trunk seg faulting?
00:28.47JTmy goodness, talk about kneejerk reaction
00:28.49JTwhat did he do there?
00:29.04Drukentrolling? did i miss something?
00:29.08Dovidlol. there is allways another side to the storry
00:29.12Dovidhe said he just walked in
00:29.20Dovidseems he said something to mark too
00:29.27Corydon-wJT:  bkw has a long history in the community, and he left the community in a very public and acrimonious way
00:29.31sqldougI'm running Asterisk 1.2.9 with a TDM411P(?) w/a T1 line. Some incoming calls have problem with 1,2,3 tone recognition.
00:29.45JTCorydon-w: so what happened at the restaurant?
00:29.53[TK]D-Fender"Understanding is a three edged sword"
00:30.08Dovidsqldoug: if it was over voip i could help. ask TK he is better at this
00:30.19Corydon-wJT: he made it very clear that he no longer wanted to be associated with the Asterisk community, and then was surprised when the rest of the community turned their backs on him.
00:30.29*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
00:30.59DovidCorydon: This was tonight or in the past ?
00:31.05Corydon-wDovid: in the past
00:31.08JTCorydon-w: yes i understand, but what happened at the restaurant? :)
00:31.11Dovidah ok
00:31.18carrarA three edge sword would be a rectagle looking sword 3 sharp sides? :)
00:31.25DovidJT: He dont wana talk about it. Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez
00:31.30mishehuCorydon-w: that's looking at things thru rosy goggles.  I'm pretty sure that the story is much more complicated than that, and that the "asterisk community" is likely to be just as at fault.
00:31.31JTDovid: shush
00:31.36Corydon-wJT: bkw walked in, trying to associate with the Asterisk party, and Mark asked him to leave.
00:31.37*** join/#asterisk Mad_guy (
00:31.40JTDovid: if you don't want to contribute, then don't
00:31.46JTCorydon-w: okay
00:32.03apturahow many asterisk users were there with mark
00:32.27Corydon-waptura: Mark always invites a large crowd
00:32.33DovidCorydon: do u know when the next astricon in the US will be ? I am stuck outa the country now - i wana meed my idle Mark
00:32.46JTCorydon-w: just seems that everyone holds a bit too much of a grudge
00:32.55JTon all sides
00:33.00Corydon-wDovid: I'm informed that there will be another Astricon next year, in Los Angeles
00:33.50CrazyTuxCorydon-w, what kind of large scale do you think asterisk can handle? compared to something like openser?
00:33.57apturaCorydon-w he invites on a informat invite
00:34.28DovidThe one thing I can say is that mark never bashed Sangoma openly - i know a while back that a digium employee made a comment to some one prasing sangoma on the biz list and that was the last time i saw that digium email on the list - and mark came on the list to apologize - it was the first time i ever saw him on the list (and i have been on for 2 + years now)
00:34.33Corydon-wJT:  it's not really a grudge.  Like I said, there's history.
00:34.57mishehuCorydon-w: history on *both* sides
00:34.57DovidCorydon: do u know any dates and aprox. location ? i wana book the hotel now so i know i will  be there :)
00:35.11Corydon-wDovid: sorry, check the Astricon website
00:35.35[TK]D-FenderGrudge = insurmountable history.
00:35.44DovidCorydon: there is nothing on there - other than the current one - they never seem to post about them till a few weeks b4. i wana book now so i commit myself so i goto go.
00:35.48mishehu[TK]D-Fender: Grudge == a really bad movie ;-)
00:36.24Corydon-w[TK]D-Fender: if bkw turned over a new leaf tomorrow, I think we could work with him again fairly quickly.  Unfortunately, that doesn't seem likely.
00:36.46[TK]D-Fendermishehu : And now.. the sequel ;)
00:37.06DovidComing soon to theates - A troll in IRC......
00:37.11mishehu[TK]D-Fender: I'm waiting for the MPAA to remind me WHY I should go to movie theatres anymore.  ;-)
00:37.17mishehuDovid: Return of the Troll
00:37.35[TK]D-FenderCorydon-w : I never said which side(s) were unrelenting.  I hope only to provide insight and a point of reflection and hope everyone works everything out.
00:37.43Drukenmishehu: cause then your girl can give you head in the back row.....
00:37.48Drukenwhy else would one go ?
00:37.57Dovidhey - lets not get personal here
00:38.00Dovidlol -
00:38.06mishehuDruken: man, why pay $20+ for head when I can get it from her for free ?
00:38.24CrazyTuxmishehu, who said anything about paying?
00:38.24Dovidever see who goes to the horror movies ? lil kids that wana get it on when mommy and daddy arent there
00:38.30Drukenyeah, bit watch a much bigger tv....
00:38.33mishehuCrazyTux: then you are a pirate!
00:38.41Dovid$20 for movie dumb dumb - not the ladies of the evening
00:38.49wulfy814ok so I'm confused
00:38.49CrazyTuxlol, oh ok
00:39.07wulfy814I have compiled asterisk svn trunk, and I have no zap commands
00:39.19wulfy814actually I did zaptel, libpri, and then asterisk
00:39.29Corydon-wCrazyTux: in answer to your earlier question, SER and Asterisk do different things, so it's unfair to try to compare the number of calls each can process
00:39.37wulfy814everything seems ok , wanpipe is started, ran ztcfg -vvv prior to running asterisk
00:39.40Corydon-wSER is a proxy; Asterisk is a gateway
00:39.57CrazyTuxCorydon-w, whats so different about them?  They both are for processing VoIP calls, correct?
00:40.00Corydon-wCrazyTux: in fact, there are many people who choose to deploy both together
00:40.14mishehuI thought * was a PBX
00:40.19Dovidis openSER used for clustering ?
00:40.22mishehumore specifically than a gateway
00:40.23CrazyTuxCorydon-w, any more insight on deploying both together?
00:40.41Corydon-wCrazyTux: a proxy relays agents.  A gateway may do translations of codecs, protocols, etc.
00:41.02Corydon-wCrazyTux: SER is typically used in front of Asterisk for load balancing
00:41.20apturawhat does vonage use
00:41.28InezCorydon-w I am still playing with it, I installed 1.4 asterisk and still doesn't work.
00:41.52CrazyTuxCorydon-w, so openser is a proxy?
00:41.57Corydon-wCrazyTux: correct
00:42.23CrazyTuxCorydon-w, so I would setup a cluster with openser, and send off calls to my asterisk systems to implement load balancing/
00:42.42Corydon-wCrazyTux: that's certainly one possible setup
00:42.53CrazyTuxCorydon-w, can I private message you?
00:43.10Corydon-wNo.  I've been trying to leave and go home for at least half an hour
00:43.31CrazyTuxCorydon-w, It would be quick, not exactly a help question...
00:46.17saftsackare there other softPBXs than asterisk and openpbx which are free?
00:46.36[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : SipX
00:47.01sqldoug[TK]D-Fender: Do you have advice for DTMF recognition problems with a T1 into a TE412P?
00:48.03saftsack[TK]D-Fender, this is a softswitch ;)
00:48.20*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
00:49.22[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : SipX is a PBX, not just a soft-switch
00:49.32[TK]D-Fendersqldoug : What have you tried to date?
00:49.52JTthere's also freeswitch, but that's not really a pbx
00:50.12[TK]D-FenderJT : not yet anyways.
00:50.13saftsack[TK]D-Fender, i use sipx and i have the same feeling as you regarding to its pbx features but officially its a softswitch ;)
00:52.56*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
00:54.59jtexter3sqldoug: I changed my 412P to use software for DTMF, and that's fixed my issues
00:56.08*** join/#asterisk toerkeium (i=oo@
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00:58.01*** join/#asterisk marksters_daddy (i=bill@gateway/tor/x-066650f56f85983b)
00:58.13rbdcan anyone recommend any sip providers with colocation facilities (or colocation companies with VoIP/SIP services)?
00:58.30*** join/#asterisk benjk (
00:58.31rbdmultiple POPs around the US would be desired. I know AT&T has a SIP program but it's in beta still
00:58.48marksters_daddymarkster is a punk ass bitch and digium blow chunks
00:59.09*** part/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:59.24JTmorning benjk
00:59.27*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:00.15benjkhi JT, how's it going?
01:00.39JTnot bad
01:00.46JTyou've been away for a bit i take it
01:00.53benjkdid you get your BRI working?
01:01.03benjkI wasn't all too well the last couple of days
01:01.14JTah sorry to hear
01:01.20JTyes i got my bri working
01:01.32JTmy original crossover cable was a failure though
01:01.42JTi worked out why
01:01.57benjkbut the drivers and zaptel.c are working fine?
01:02.10JTTE and NT ports have switched tx/rx ports by default
01:02.21benjkmakes sense
01:02.21JTso a normal ethernet cable can patch them
01:02.28JTbut not the second port on an OctoBRI
01:02.33marksters_daddyzaptel.c only works if you use sangoma
01:02.49JTas they pairing is incorrect and causes crosstalk interference and HDLC CRC errors
01:02.53benjkSangoma do not have any BRI cards
01:03.08saftsackoctobri from junghanns?
01:03.13JTso i have a revised document on how to create a patch cable for OctoBRI
01:03.23*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
01:03.53JTwhich allows you to loop ports together
01:04.15JTso loop 4 ISDN2 ports
01:04.28sahafeezfrom - so if i have #1 there is no way in hell to get it to work with out SER?
01:06.22[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : I've never run into a situation that didn't work short of a terrible router.
01:06.59*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
01:07.33benjk[TK]D-Fender, that doesn't mean anything, unless you can claim you have been to the less developed world with sucky internet infrastructure
01:07.47sahafeezhum. well i have binat setup - so on the firewall there is another ip that is translated in to the asterisk box. all traffic is allowed - if you ask for external-pbx it gets translated to internal-pbx with no rules and i cannot get it work from a sip provider
01:08.17JTbenjk: still interested in the pinout?
01:08.46*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
01:08.50*** join/#asterisk file2 (
01:08.50*** mode/#asterisk [+o file2] by ChanServ
01:08.57*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (
01:09.02[hC]Is there a way to make polycom phones show the original caller id when doing an attended transfer?
01:09.05ariel_boooooo mooooo
01:09.13[hC]or is this only possible if you use asterisk's "transfer" feature
01:09.40kronicwhat's a method for determining if a queue existed or if adding a caller to a queue was successful, return codes?
01:09.46file2greetings from dinner!
01:09.53BlackthornI setup the g729 codec today and earlier this morning set it up with a sipura spa-2000. No problems. I have a Sipura 2100 unit here at home and when ever i set the unit to g729a the * server says "no regoniziable codec" Got any suggestions?
01:09.55wulfy814I'm trying to build asterisk from source (svn trun) and I'm not ending up with a  what am I missing
01:09.55citatsmmmmm dinner
01:10.19file2i can see my chicken being cooked in front of me.
01:10.52*** join/#asterisk kio (
01:10.54citatsfile2: so which came first?  the chicken or the egg?
01:10.55*** join/#asterisk dahunter3 (
01:10.59[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814 : Downloaded and compiled zaptel before compiling *?
01:11.22*** join/#asterisk arcanine (n=arcanine@
01:11.28[hC]Yikes.. Any of you guys using app_page?
01:11.37marksters_daddyasterisk = seg fault waiting to happen
01:11.38[hC]I just tried it on about 80 phones and asterisk didnt enjoy it.
01:12.16benjkJT, yeah, sure, it will come in handy sooner or later ;)
01:12.18wulfy814[TK]D-Fender, yeah it compiled clean -- zaptel (svn trunk), libpri (svn trunk), asterisk  (wanpipe prior to any of these, I have an A200)
01:12.40JTbenjk: want me to copy and paste it to /msg, or email you an .xls or just the text?
01:12.58arcanineis it possible that i can monitor engaged client
01:13.55*** join/#asterisk hansin321 (
01:13.55wulfy814do I have to tell it anything about zaptel
01:13.55benjkemail is better, if you don't mind
01:13.55JTtext or xls
01:13.56wulfy814I had to do "./configure", usually I just use the tarball and don't need to do that
01:13.56benjkeither format is fine
01:14.07wulfy814I'm hoping to try out the hints with parked calls otherwise I wouldn't be using trunk
01:14.11[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814 : You need to do libpri, zaptel, wanpipe, zaptel, *
01:14.14arcaninesomething like call barging
01:14.43arcaninethe diff is i can only listen to the conversation
01:14.50wulfy814[TK]D-Fender: I'll give it a shot
01:15.05wulfy814do I need to do anything special to start the process over?
01:15.40marksters_daddyCorydon is a tool!!!!!!!!!
01:15.57*** join/#asterisk xachen (i=justin@pdpc/supporter/student/xachen)
01:16.20[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814 : I'd suggest trashing the extracted fodlers from your source, and then flushing your modules folders.
01:16.36*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:16.37sahafeezif i want to take a call via sip from external should i put it in a different context?
01:17.18*** join/#asterisk Blanker (
01:17.20wulfy814[TK]D-Fender: not to be stupid, but I did "svn checkout" which extracted folders should I be trashing?
01:17.56wulfy814I understand the flushing of the modules folder
01:17.57Blankerin asterisk can agents be used for outbound dialing?
01:18.07[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814 : redo the whole pile.  Make sure to wipe all compiled modules
01:20.00*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
01:20.30JTbenjk: sent
01:23.41SpaceBassSo, anyone have a recommendation for a  IAX or SIP provider with a starter plan (like $5/month) that allows SetCallerID?
01:24.02kronichow can you use an application in an if expression? Goto Execif etc...?
01:24.40[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass : Where?
01:24.58SpaceBass[TK]D-Fender, Virginia, USA
01:25.08file2foodage is done.
01:25.11Strom_Cas opposed to Virginia, France ;)
01:25.33SpaceBassalthough they should
01:25.39bsdfreakwhere in va?
01:25.39SpaceBassb/c its the best state...but I digress
01:26.01SpaceBassI'm in Richmond, need a did in 434 which is Lynchburg area
01:26.10benjkwhere's Virginia, France?
01:26.16benjkwhich departement?
01:26.20SpaceBassand I'm on my way to France in 3 days...but not Virginia, france
01:26.48SpaceBassVirginia France is right near West Virginia, Spain
01:27.36benjkwith your geography skills, I figure you must be American
01:28.12SpaceBassalors, et vous?
01:28.38sahafeezif i have NAT=yes set and sip show peers shows N for nat what am i missing
01:28.53SpaceBasssahafeez, whats the issue?
01:29.49sahafeezi am trying to get SIP to work between my asterisk box - nat'd and an external SIP provider. the NAT is setup as one to one and letting all traffic thru
01:30.26*** join/#asterisk lule (
01:30.47SpaceBasssahafeez, 1:1 NAT, so no ports to open.....have you done a tcpdump to and looked for the registration?
01:30.47*** part/#asterisk lule (
01:31.20sahafeez18:26:58.194615 >  udp 1132
01:31.21sahafeez18:26:58.195197 >  udp 702 (DF)
01:31.21sahafeez18:26:58.307261 >  udp 417
01:31.21sahafeez18:27:00.921001 >  udp 483 (DF)
01:31.21sahafeez18:27:00.921109 >  udp 483 (DF)
01:31.31sahafeezi am 228
01:31.37apturadont dump that here
01:32.26*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (
01:32.30sahafeezsip show peers show status ok
01:33.17SpaceBasssahafeez, what about TRP?
01:33.21SpaceBassor RTP rather
01:33.30sahafeeznever see it
01:33.36tengulreanybody can tell me how to play the /var/lib/asterisk/moh/fpm-sunshine.wav in extensions.conf?
01:34.30SpaceBasssahafeez, 5060 is only for SIP registration. Audio is sent over RTP ports (rtp.conf)
01:34.52Blackthornrtp? i thought it was udp?
01:34.58[TK]D-Fendertengulre : Playback(/var/lib/asterisk/moh/fpm-sunshine)
01:35.09sahafeezit never makes it that far. dialing the nubmer gives the the info you see above and a busy. i never see anything in asterisk -vvvv
01:35.16SpaceBassrtp packets are sent over UDP
01:35.25Blackthornoh :P
01:35.57SpaceBasssahafeez, do a sip show registry
01:36.42sahafeezSpaceBass, get nothing
01:36.57tengulre[TK]D-Fender: thanks , I try it now.. :)
01:37.53MikeJso any word when 1.4 is going to release?
01:37.54SpaceBasssahafeez, do a tcpdump to a file, then reload asterisk ... then open the file in etheral or something and look for the registration
01:38.27SpaceBasssahafeez, regardless, once it registers you'll have to have RTP ports forwarded as well...or at least make sure they are clearing your 1:1 nat
01:38.54sahafeezbi-nat with pass all both ways at this point.
01:39.16benjksahafeez, build a tunnel
01:39.30sahafeeznot an option
01:39.55benjkwhy not?
01:40.05benjkits far easier
01:40.19sahafeezquestion - if add externip=bla in sip.conf my internal calls - do not ring - do i need to be in a differnet context
01:40.27sahafeezbenjk: sip provier
01:40.30SpaceBassbenjk, where in the world are you?
01:40.37sahafeezboth not my box
01:40.44sahafeezor netowkr
01:40.49SpaceBassmeaning quite literally
01:41.14kronicanyone how could I for example do a While(Queue(queue${INC}))
01:41.17SpaceBasssahafeez, you can also add a localnet
01:41.31sahafeezdid. same issue.
01:41.32kronicusing the return code as the condition
01:41.52SpaceBassJapan? very cool
01:42.08SpaceBassand on that note, I'm getting back to some important tv watching
01:42.27benjkI would never ever use a provider with a server behind NAT
01:42.30tengulre[TK]-D-Fender: thanks , It is successfull!!
01:42.33sahafeezSpaceBass: real quick -
01:43.04tengulreJapenese girl!! lol. :-D)
01:44.00SpaceBasssahafeez, looks good
01:44.12benjkhow likely is it that there is any Japanese girl called Benjamin?
01:44.23sahafeezyes, and with the external ip in there i cannot dial any internal ext.
01:55.23[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : Add "canreinvite=no", and "nat=yes" to [general]
01:55.32BlackthornI setup the g729 codec today and earlier this morning set it up with a sipura spa-2000. No problems. I have a Sipura 2100 unit here at home and when ever i set the unit to g729a the * server says "no regoniziable codec" Got any suggestions?
01:56.06sahafeezFender: hum, not everything is nat tho so do i still add nat=yes to general
01:57.01benjksahafeez, a provider who has the server behind NAT is not to be trusted
01:57.16sahafeezno, i am nat'd. not him
01:57.27[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : Thats what "localnet" is for
01:57.32benjkearlier you said it was NAT at both ends
01:57.36[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : so it knows when to use it.
01:57.56sahafeezyah. did not work. one sec. try again with your additions
02:01.47BlackthornNot sure this helps, havn't been following the convo closely but: I was told to always let * handle the nat and not the devices.
02:02.12BlackthornSo the devices are set to nat=no and asterisk in the sip.conf file for each sip device i have nat=yes and keepalive=yes.
02:02.46Blackthornwait. might not be keepalive=yes
02:02.59sahafeezso if i add the exterip command my internal exten to exten does not work. it dials with no sound and the other side does not ring
02:03.04Blackthornsomething else but basicly means sends the keepalive packets
02:03.14sahafeezsame thing set that way
02:03.21[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : "there is no "localmask"  its all on 1 line
02:03.35sahafeezjust thought i would try it the way you see it as i was in the wiki both ways
02:03.42[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : Also would be a good ide to add "qualify=yes" to [general] as well
02:04.25Blackthornahh yes tahts it. qualify=yes :)))
02:05.09Blackthornin my end units I tell it to register every 5 to 10 minutes. in case the link drops (all my voip units are on wireless)
02:06.27sahafeezFender: still does not work.
02:06.36sahafeezi lose my internal calls.
02:06.56[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : pastebin your new config, and show me a call.
02:07.04sahafeezone sec..
02:07.11[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : and the peer config for that internal phone.
02:08.16sahafeezthe only call that works now is a call to a external phone - ie, it is not on the local net but connect via vpn. desk to desk stopped working
02:09.05[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : Pastebin MORE please...
02:09.18sahafeezworking on it.
02:09.46*** join/#asterisk shellshark (
02:13.06[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : Look at the default IP of [4211].  Sure as hell doesn't look like a match for what you claimed your localnet looked like now does it?
02:13.49sahafeezfuck. i renumbered and ... ahhah! one sec..
02:14.00[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : Also note that you even used that same default IP for both [4211] and [4212].  Also bad.  Are you awake?
02:14.22sahafeezthe ip is the ip of the pbx.
02:14.31[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : You'll ditch the default IP altogether if you know whats good for you...
02:14.41sahafeezit has worked that way and i was told to set it up that way a year ago.
02:15.12[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : localnet=  does NOT match
02:15.30sahafeezwow! channg the 22 to 119 fixed that part of it. damn i feel dumb.
02:15.32[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : i think you'd better take a much closer look at what you're doing.
02:15.43sahafeezyou are saying i should dump the default ip?
02:15.45[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : And get RID of the "defaultip" lines.
02:15.52sahafeezk. will do.
02:16.10[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : Yes.  let your phones simply register like they should.  Never assume ANYTHING.
02:17.03xachenIs JerJer at Astricon?
02:17.18sahafeezthat being said, i still do not see anything beyond the 5060 ports on the inbound sip call. just did it again with a tcpdump greped for the external ip of the pbx (.228)
02:17.23sahafeezand thank you btw
02:17.41*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
02:22.02wulfy814[TK]D-Fender: it worked! not sure what I was doing wrong - I nuked it all and redownloaded
02:22.07*** join/#asterisk nowwhat (
02:22.15wulfy814then followed your instructions libpri - zaptel - wanpipe - zaptel - *
02:23.15nowwhatAnyone have a second to give me a hint on a problem? My google skills are falling short.
02:23.41sahafeezFender: fixed everything you corrected. thanks. here is were i am at
02:24.49filegood golly I missed some activity
02:25.33apturafile :)
02:25.43apturayou mean the resteraunt talk?
02:25.53fileyeah, catching up on my -users mail
02:26.16sahafeezFender: never see anything come in in asterisk - get a busy. the firewall - binat is wide open and i have checked it 10 times. asterisk i am not so good at but the firewall i know in my sleep.
02:26.59apturabtw came across a sweet wall mount pbx like atx case only issue is its for eatx motherboard. Its tough though. I bet its a little expensive since the company does millitary contracts.
02:27.26[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : What are you forwarding to *?
02:28.21sahafeeznot forwarding - doing binat - one to one translation letting everything thru. the rules are in slut mode right now.
02:28.42*** join/#asterisk sbingner (n=thanotos@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
02:29.33[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : What range?
02:30.00sahafeezno range - everything is forwarded - wide open - anything for external.pbx goes to internal.pbx
02:30.04[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : And what happened to your phones?
02:31.41sahafeezsorry do not follow. the other stuff works now. this all started because i needed a number on the east coast. so i got a sip provider. i setup like you see in the paste, i dail the number and see traffic via tcpdump for the 5060 ports then nothing and get a busy on the call. using my cell to dial the 202 number
02:32.00nowwhatanyone know where a wiring diagram is for fxs - RJ45 to RJ11?
02:33.02sbingnermiddle pair to middle pair
02:33.06[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : So everything works now?
02:34.11nowwhatsbingner, thank you. Silly question I know, just being over carefull.
02:34.18sahafeezsorry no. the internal stuff works now with the exterip cmd in there now you pointed out my typo and i removed the default ip stuff. the inbound sip still does not work.
02:35.24sahafeezthat is the cfg and what asterisk see and the tcpdump. i see the traffic for the 5060 port, then nothing. i get a fast busy on the inbound call from my cell. there is no debug in asterisk
02:36.16sahafeezthere are no dropped packets on the firewall - i am watching in real time - and there is no rule between the external.pbx address and the internal.pbx * box cept let it all hang out.
02:37.42[TK]D-Fendersahafeez : I've never seen an inbound setup like yours.  Try insecure = very.  if that doesn't work, add a catch-all exten to your [incoming] and see if anything lands there.
02:39.39sahafeezFender: would i not see anything in the debug even if my extensions.conf is screwed up? i will try the very
02:54.46*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
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02:56.27iCEBrkrlets go back in time.
02:58.28iCEBrkrback when shit was K-Rad
03:02.02*** join/#asterisk Buglouse (n=SourceRa@
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03:08.24tengulreanybody can tell me a web photo manager?
03:11.47*** join/#asterisk nowwhat (
03:12.45nowwhatanyone had experance with "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 2: Invalid argument (22)" From the ztcfg util?
03:20.53*** join/#asterisk hansin321 (
03:21.06sqldougnowwhat: what's your /etc/zaptel.conf look like? It looks like it's getting a value it doesn't like.
03:24.01nowwhatpretty simple streight off digium #2 x100p    fxsks=1-2
03:24.12nowwhattrying not to spam
03:24.37nowwhatthat is for tdm400p with 2 fxs cards
03:31.35sqldougnowwhat: How about the uncommented lines up to that point?
03:31.47sqldougnowwhat: sorry - gotta bail. My ride's leaving.
03:33.19*** mode/#asterisk [-bbbb Zeynep-[23f]!*@* *!*@672db68b04f7a2c2.session.tor %Kk_`away!*@* %A-Turin[play]!*@*] by Corydon76-home
03:34.35*** mode/#asterisk [-bbb %Lucas_Fernando!*@* %JasonBecker!*@* %ms34!*@*] by Corydon76-home
03:37.35JTas in more detailed than TFOT :)
03:37.40JTit seems a bit quirky
03:37.43Corydon76-homeJT: you mean other than ?
03:38.22citatsJT: dont think it gets more detailed than pbx_spool.c :)
03:45.27*** join/#asterisk cyscapes (
03:49.20nowwhatanyone know how Digium is on RMAs of almost discontiuned hardware (x100p)?
03:53.04*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:53.23[TK]D-Fendernowwhat : What do you mean "almost"?  They've been discontinued for YEARS
03:53.46denonyeah, that's what I was thinking too..
03:53.57denonalmost antique is maybe closer to the truth
03:55.18nowwhatwow, has it really been that long. That's kinda sad
03:55.19denonif you actually wanted an x100p though, I suspect it'd be easier and cheaper just to buy another one, than to rma it
03:57.00*** join/#asterisk k-man_ (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
03:58.48*** join/#asterisk BigBadHoss (n=hoss@
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04:01.05kilobit2001what does the answer() command do?
04:01.15BigBadHossanswers a call
04:01.26kilobit2001what if answer() is issued twice?
04:01.31BigBadHossread 'the book'
04:01.54k-man_is it possible to have a setup where you dial out on your PC and it transfers your call to your voip handset automaticaly after it dialed out?
04:02.16kilobit2001BigBadHoss-- You Read the book.
04:02.39k-man_BigBadHoss, what would that be called and where would i read up on it?
04:02.45BigBadHossi think the second does nothing
04:02.57BigBadHosswell you can always write a dialplan for it
04:04.27BigBadHossim not sure exactly how it would be done, but if you can think it, its possible
04:05.03BigBadHosslemme get you a linjk
04:05.43jbothmm... thebook is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
04:05.44BigBadHossread parts about the dialplan
04:06.00BigBadHossor everything if you have time
04:06.27k-man_your talking to me right BigBadHoss?
04:07.15BigBadHossyoull see what i mean by endless possibiliteis if you read the book
04:08.08FuriousGeorgeanyone using voicepulse
04:08.13*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
04:08.23FuriousGeorgetheir suggested config is retarded
04:08.49FuriousGeorgedial/vocepule01/${EXTEN} gives me a no authority found
04:08.50FuriousGeorgeof course
04:10.12BigBadHossthey stole my mony
04:10.16*** join/#asterisk topping (
04:10.24FuriousGeorgeBigBadHoss: how so
04:10.38BigBadHosswell, i was signing up
04:10.52BigBadHossit kept saying cannot authorize card or some crap
04:11.10BigBadHossso i kept trying different combinations of addresses, phone numbers, etc
04:11.25BigBadHossthey charged me the amount i was tryibng to charge every time
04:11.35BigBadHossit took me like 3 months to see that money again
04:11.40BigBadHossit was like $200
04:11.42*** join/#asterisk scurb (i=scurb@
04:11.47FuriousGeorgeanyone know if multiparking is scheduled to be introduced in the 1.4 release cycle?
04:11.52BigBadHossi called them and they just bullshiited about
04:12.00FuriousGeorgeBigBadHoss: did you ask for a refund?
04:12.15BigBadHossthis was a while back though
04:12.24JTit was a credit card
04:12.31JTwhy didn't you just reverse payment
04:12.47BigBadHossit was a debit/credit
04:12.51BigBadHossnot as easy
04:13.00JTi see
04:13.16FuriousGeorgei know at my bank they will take your word for it and put the burden of proof on the seller
04:13.23FuriousGeorgeif you dispute a charge
04:13.28JTi thought it didn't matter if it was debit, as long as it was from a credit card company, eg visa/mastercard/amex etc
04:13.42FuriousGeorgeyeah, the debit/credit deals are also backed by a credit company
04:13.53BigBadHosswell i eventually got the money back, at least
04:14.02FuriousGeorgeyou still use them?
04:14.02BigBadHossbut i wont fool with them again
04:14.06JTyeah i'm talking about stuff that works through the credit card system
04:14.11BigBadHossi use voipstreet now
04:14.13JTnot eftpos debit cards
04:14.24BigBadHossalong with voipjet
04:14.25*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
04:14.39FuriousGeorgeBigBadHoss: how come you stopped using them in the end?  behind this double billing thing
04:15.09BigBadHosswell, they said something was wrong with my address, but my card works everywhere else
04:15.17BigBadHossso i called them
04:15.25BigBadHossthey still wouldnt do anything for me
04:16.09*** join/#asterisk topping (
04:18.12FuriousGeorgeim already a little annoyed that i have to contact them bc their configuration instruction is no good
04:18.18FuriousGeorgebut thats par for the course, it seems
04:21.08BigBadHossget voipstreet
04:21.25BigBadHossthey have been great to me so far
04:22.16BigBadHossnot the cheapeast
04:22.28BigBadHossbut i get under 10 minute support response times
04:22.34BigBadHossfrom the helpdesk software
04:22.46BigBadHossthey even offered to ssh in and check it out, for free
04:27.57*** join/#asterisk atapi (
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04:31.25*** join/#asterisk drcode (
04:31.27drcodehi all
04:34.45drcodehi all
04:35.00drcodecan I put sip users into mysql or sqlite?
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04:53.21BigBadHossnight all
04:59.27*** part/#asterisk drcode (
05:01.00*** join/#asterisk atapi (
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05:05.53marcus2so i have a strange problem with 1.4.0b3
05:06.06marcus2AGI seems somewhat broken
05:10.30*** join/#asterisk inv_Arp (
05:11.59tengulreafternoon here
05:12.22*** join/#asterisk mog (
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05:22.29qw3rtyI need to take a number that is dialed and replace it with a different number before it goes out of a trunk.  Can I do that in the dial rules of my trunk?
05:25.42citatsqw3rty: exten => 5095551234,1,Dial(Zap/g1/5098675309)
05:26.05qw3rtycitats, thankx I will give that a try
05:26.52citatsqw3rty: plenty of ways to skin the cat, thats easiest way i could think of if you've only got a few numbers to do it on and dont mind loading up your extensions.conf with them
05:27.17tengulreanybody know where have Dialogic card driver for asterisk ?
05:27.23qw3rtyactually it's just one number so this will work great
05:27.36*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-5e0c52d70aec1172)
05:28.19citatstengulre: afaik you have to contact digium sales for that
05:28.40tengulrecitats: is it not free?
05:28.52citatstengulre: nope, I believe its $10 per channel
05:29.08tengulrecitats: thanks!
05:29.32russellbno dialogic channel driver has been released as far as i know ...
05:29.56russellbin any case, the sales team would know
05:30.06tengulrerussellb: thanks
05:30.25JTi've heard it mentioned here that there's a pay driver available, too
05:30.45russellbThere has been one in the works for a while, I just don't think it has been released
05:32.45qw3rtycitats, thanks again that works perfectly
05:52.23*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
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05:54.16*** join/#asterisk Mattwj2005 (n=Matt@
05:54.39Mattwj2005Good evening everyone :)
05:56.32tengulregood afternoon.
05:58.54Mattwj2005where are you at tenguire?  Europe I am guessing
06:03.19*** join/#asterisk Jubei_ (
06:03.36tengulreMattwj2005: Asia!
06:03.46Mattwj2005oh okay
06:03.58Mattwj2005I was trying to guess from what I knew about timezones
06:04.40Mattwj2005so what are you working on tonight tenguire?
06:05.18tengulreMattwj2005: It is 14:05pm here.
06:05.32Mattwj20051:05 am here!
06:05.44Jubei_09.00 am here :)
06:06.04Mattwj2005wow everyone is from around the world :)
06:06.09Jubei_indeed :D
06:06.20tengulreI m chinese.
06:06.25Jubei_<-- Greece
06:06.33tengulrea beginner with asterisk.
06:06.45Mattwj2005American....don't hate us because of our bad leaders ;)
06:06.57*** join/#asterisk humba1 (
06:07.20Mattwj2005I know some about Asterisk....not an expert though
06:07.27humba1having trouble with the findme/followme example at
06:07.30tengulreI have a friend is American too.
06:07.31humba1with sip, the call gets bridged before the callee can screen it
06:08.23tengulreMattwj2005, which linux release are you runnig asterisk on that?
06:08.34Jubei_hmbal, any idea why I might be getting "Oct 23 11:57:06 NOTICE[2913]: chan_sip.c:11084 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:test@host.domain>' failed for '' - Not a local SIP domain"
06:08.38Mattwj2005well right now I am trying to rebuild my server
06:08.48Mattwj2005I had debian I am trying gentoo :)
06:09.20tengulreMattwj2005, I running debian .
06:09.46Mattwj2005debian is really good
06:10.20tengulreMattwj2005, less people using linux or Unix in my country, but I very very like linux.
06:10.25humba1Jubei_, sounds like the username isn't defined
06:10.28Mattwj2005I have used a lot of linux distros....debian and ones based off of that are my favorite....I decided to try a hard one
06:10.38humba1or bad password
06:10.50tengulreMattwj2005, :)
06:11.31Mattwj2005yeah it is good....Windows is very popular in the US....Linux is only like the 3rd most popular operating system
06:11.46tengulrebut my english is low. most of article need translate tool when I read it. :(
06:12.22Mattwj2005yeah....that has to be difficult
06:13.13tengulreMattwj2005: how to learning english, lol?
06:13.31Mattwj2005I am not sure!
06:13.44Mattwj2005I was born I am not much help
06:14.11Jubei_humba1, my soft spi client, when I try to set up an account for registration has: user/password and then in a "more options" section has "Authentication Login" and "Realm/Domain". any idea what those are?
06:14.46Jubei_soft sip*
06:16.07tengulreMattwj2005, that only a joke.    [ WELCOME TO MY COUNTRY IF YOU WANT ]  I will working now, or else our boss will kill us. lol
06:16.29Mattwj2005I know the feeling! :)
06:16.44*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
06:18.46JTtengulre: are you in china?
06:21.19tengulreJT: yeah!
06:21.43JTdidn't know the great firewall of china allowed you to irc :)
06:22.28tengulreJT, :( why say that?
06:23.08JTsorry if it made you uncomfortable with me saying that
06:24.03*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
06:24.07Mattwj2005I know America has a lot of problems....
06:24.13tengulreJT: not at all! my country is very great and have long long history
06:25.33JTtengulre: can i ask if you're at least aware of the firewall's presence?
06:26.11Mattwj2005so what is everyone working on?
06:26.29tengulreJT: of course if I known.
06:26.37Jubei_Mattwj2005, trying to get my sip client to register with asterisk. so simple, yet giving me such a hard time
06:27.13Mattwj2005how do you have asterisk configured and what softphone?
06:27.51JTtengulre: ah ok, sometimes i can't be sure, heh, we don't really know in the west what the average chinese citizen does, or does not know
06:28.11*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
06:28.38shellsharktengulre: greetings from the USA :)
06:30.36Jubei_Mattwj2005, eer.. asterisk with just sip and a test greeting waiting to be played, then my softphone is ekiga (linux)
06:30.42tengulreJT: sorry,I don't know,
06:31.13*** join/#asterisk rokis (n=rokera@
06:32.24Mattwj2005what are the fields in ekiga?
06:32.39JTtengulre: just that i saw a documentary on tv the other day saying a lot of chinese university students did not know about tiananmen square, which made me curious
06:33.03Jubei_Mattwj2005, registrar (asterisk's hostname) user and password :)
06:33.17*** join/#asterisk tetsuzan (n=raizen@
06:33.18tengulreJT: I don't know too. :(
06:33.41tetsuzanhi all
06:34.19Mattwj2005I don't know what to looks obvious....but I don't know what to saw
06:34.50Jubei_Mattwj2005, I know it's crazy :/
06:35.01*** part/#asterisk Jubei_ (
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06:35.15tengulreJT: because I have gone there never, I think It is not necessary .
06:35.39Mattwj2005account name I am not sure
06:35.41*** join/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
06:35.58Mattwj2005register I think is the extension
06:36.02Jubei_account name is just something descriptive, nothing to do with authentication
06:36.03Mattwj2005username is the username filed
06:36.22Mattwj2005password is the password field
06:36.23Jubei_password is the secret field
06:37.20*** join/#asterisk af_ (
06:37.24Mattwj2005authentation field should be the username
06:37.25tengulreJT: I feel our education is failed. most of sutdents don't know what OS mean? especially female.
06:37.39JTwhat is os?
06:37.43JToperating system?
06:38.04tengulreJT: yes.
06:38.06Mattwj2005realm/domain should be the domain name or IP address of the Asterisk server
06:38.17JTdon't worry
06:38.27Jubei_Mattwj2005, that's exactly what everything is :D
06:38.31JTmost people not into computers here don't really know what it means
06:38.47Mattwj2005try setting the registrator as the extension
06:39.14Jubei_it's the "Not a Local SIP domain" that's troubling me
06:40.09Mattwj2005try your extension@thedomain
06:40.35tengulreJT: but I m point the computer & science university.
06:40.39*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
06:41.03JTtengulre: can you receive private messages? i tried messaging you
06:41.27JTpeople at computer & science university don't know what an operating system is?
06:41.28Mattwj2005Jubel I wish I was more help
06:42.11*** part/#asterisk techie (
06:42.33tetsuzani have 5 sip lines
06:42.43tetsuzanand i want to round-robin
06:42.49tetsuzanoutbound calls
06:42.51tetsuzanfor this 5 lines
06:43.00Jubei_Mattwj2005, thanks anyway :)
06:43.05*** join/#asterisk prttp (
06:43.08FuriousGeorgeyou are allowed one cuncurrent call per sip channel?
06:43.08tetsuzani know that zapata has this function
06:43.12Mattwj2005no problem I like to help :)
06:43.14FuriousGeorgetetsuzan: ?
06:43.24FuriousGeorgejump based on dialstatus
06:43.37*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
06:43.40tetsuzanif i have a low traffic
06:43.51tetsuzanonly 3 lines will be on fully use
06:44.02tetsuzanand the lastest lines?
06:44.04Mattwj2005the good news is I have a faster Internet connection right now
06:44.23FuriousGeorgei dont know what you mean.  why cant you jump based on DIALSTATUS
06:44.27Mattwj20056.25 Download and 384 kbps upload
06:44.36Mattwj20056.25 Mbps that is
06:44.41tetsuzani can,
06:44.57FuriousGeorgeMattwj2005: big B or little b
06:45.14Mattwj2005little b in both cases
06:45.19Mattwj2005bits :)
06:45.28tetsuzani want to set it properly
06:45.28Mattwj2005nope cable
06:45.42Mattwj2005my upload sucks but download is sweet
06:45.51tetsuzanif i by 5 broadvoice lines,
06:45.51FuriousGeorgetetsuzan: jumping based on dialstatus is the most propper way to do it afaik
06:46.06tetsuzanthanks george,
06:46.16tetsuzanbut, if i buy 5 broadvoice lines,
06:46.38FuriousGeorgeMattwj2005: im using optonline.  one day six months ago they just doubled their speed
06:46.57Mattwj2005what are you getting for speeds?
06:46.58FuriousGeorgei guess its bc verizon is coming out with that FIOS
06:47.30FuriousGeorgenow i think its something like 16 and 3 mbs
06:47.50Mattwj2005yeah speeds suck here
06:47.54FuriousGeorgebut practically i get between 12 and 1.5
06:48.10*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
06:48.19FuriousGeorgei hear in places in s korea they get gig e to their house
06:48.31Mattwj2005I would believe it
06:48.47Mattwj2005Japan gets really fast Internet too
06:48.53tengulrewho are come from KOREA?
06:48.58FuriousGeorgetetsuzan: i have no idea what is significant about five lines
06:49.29tetsuzansorry george my poor english,
06:49.29FuriousGeorgein fact, if you want my advice use a provider that allows a few concurrent calls per channel
06:49.33FuriousGeorgeif not unlimited
06:49.47tetsuzanunlimited calls, it?s possible
06:49.53FuriousGeorgetengulre: im not from korea, i heard somepeople over there in cities get fast internet for cheap
06:50.01tetsuzanbut, unlimited concurrent calls, i don't know
06:50.06tetsuzanbecause i live in brazil,
06:50.13tetsuzanand the delay to broadvoice
06:50.21tetsuzanis for about 180ms
06:50.31FuriousGeorgewell no, you will have to pay about 1-2 cents a minute per call in the us.  how many minutes of calling do you expect to make
06:50.31tetsuzanand for anothers provider are 300, 400ms
06:51.07Mattwj2005I am getting delay around 50 ms
06:51.38FuriousGeorgei found this provider a few towns over im pinging at 10ms
06:51.47tetsuzanhere, i'm on 210ms
06:52.07Mattwj2005nice FuriousGeorge
06:52.09tetsuzanhere, voip is very slow
06:52.17tetsuzanyou have to buy an international service
06:52.25tetsuzanand the delay....
06:52.40Mattwj2005I hear guys in space where actually using voip to communicate with their families...huge delay though
06:53.09FuriousGeorgetetsuzan: try ping
06:53.32FuriousGeorgetetsuzan: you are in brazil, you said?  i work in newark, nj
06:53.42FuriousGeorgemointo portuguese, forgive my spelling
06:53.47tetsuzan[root@shirran ~]# ping
06:53.47tetsuzanPING ( 56 data bytes
06:53.47tetsuzan64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=50 time=193.395 ms
06:53.48tetsuzan64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=193.520 ms
06:53.48tetsuzan64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=193.283 ms
06:53.48tetsuzan64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=50 time=193.529 ms
06:53.50tetsuzan64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=50 time=193.656 ms
06:53.54FuriousGeorgewatch it
06:53.54tetsuzan--- ping statistics ---
06:53.56tetsuzan5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
06:53.58tetsuzanround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 193.283/193.477/193.656/0.127 ms
06:54.00tetsuzan[root@shirran ~]#
06:54.42Mattwj2005here is the article ->  about half way down
06:54.49tengulrehere, VoIP is very slow too, and Telecom company refuse VoIP over their network.
06:54.49tetsuzanlet me see..
06:55.13tetsuzantengulre but can you use a sip proxy?
06:55.22tetsuzanor, rtp packets are denied?
06:55.43tetsuzan(asterlink) 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=53 time=197.559 ms
06:55.45tengulretetsuzan: RTP packets are denied.
06:55.51*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
06:56.07tengulre64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=52 time=329 ms
06:56.18JTtengulre: can you use iax?
06:56.22tetsuzantengulre freebsd?
06:56.32tetsuzanor, a sip proxy maybe
06:56.33tengulreJT, they same to that.
06:56.45tetsuzanrtp packet are on 10000-20000
06:56.48tetsuzanby default
06:57.39tengulrethe internet provider analyse the packet, if like VoIP protocol then disconnect it.
06:57.48shellsharkwhich is obscene for most installations, as you'll probably never use more than 4 or 5 ports unless you're doing something crazy ;)
06:58.06shellsharktengulre: check out RTPS
06:58.11shellsharktengulre: RTP+SSL :)
06:58.27tetsuzanyou have to patch
06:58.31tengulreshellshark: yes! but I don't know how to in asterisk?
06:58.32tetsuzanisn't it?
06:58.39tetsuzantengulre a patch
06:58.40tengulretetsuzan: debian.
06:58.46*** join/#asterisk kristalino (
06:58.54tetsuzanlet me see....
06:59.08tengulretetsuzan: I m beginner with asterisk.
06:59.29tetsuzanme too..
06:59.45tengulreour company have a Server running asterisk (E1 + SIP)
07:00.01tetsuzanno, pure sip
07:00.10tetsuzani used a generic clone of x100p
07:00.32tengulretetsuzan: but which softphone can supporte SRTP?
07:01.40tetsuzancounterpath popular softphone offers SRTP in the version 1.5
07:01.46InezSo, Do somebody use L option for Dial command on Local channel?
07:02.54tengulretetsuzan: thanks.
07:03.00tetsuzanfuriousgeorge thanks for your opinion
07:03.06tetsuzantelgulre =)
07:03.44tetsuzanor, vpn
07:03.52tetsuzanrtp over vpn
07:04.09tetsuzanassuming that you have 2 asterisk server at 2 peers
07:04.25tengulretetsuzan:VPN?? good idea!
07:04.41tetsuzanwith freebsd i use native ppp
07:04.45tetsuzanfor tunneling
07:04.49FuriousGeorgetetsuzan: its not really an opinion, im pretty sure thats how you are supposed to do it.  your other option is to priority jump or use chanisavail, both of those ways i believe are deprecated.  short of doing something horrid with contexts its your only real option
07:05.01shellsharktetsuzan: interesting... you dont have a TUN/TAP driver in BSD?
07:05.43tetsuzani use vtun
07:05.44tetsuzanfor a long time
07:06.00shellsharkover ppp?
07:06.01tetsuzanbut native ppp do the work
07:06.11shellsharkwhy add the extra overhead of PPP if you dont need it?
07:06.45tetsuzanppp works well, and i dont have to install nothing to do the job
07:07.00tetsuzanit's a little overhead
07:07.04shellsharkppp adds overhead to the packets though
07:07.06*** join/#asterisk benjk (
07:07.29shellsharkyou've got PPP and LCP overhead, and the other end has to run PPP also
07:07.35*** join/#asterisk rkr245 (n=ravi@
07:07.57tetsuzanmy experience with vtun, was a ugly one....
07:08.08shellsharkopenvpn on linux you can use the stock tun/tap driver that comes with linux, and it adds no packet overhead
07:08.15shellsharkand requires nothing special on either side
07:08.19tetsuzana catastrophic one...
07:08.26rkr245HI all
07:08.29*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
07:08.29tetsuzanmaybe openvpn
07:08.35rkr245Good Morning
07:08.45tetsuzanrkr245 04:05
07:09.10shellsharktetsuzan: does china block NTP also? :)
07:09.47rkr245tetsuzan ;-) for me its 10 'clock in morning
07:11.54Mattwj20052:11 am :)
07:11.59rkr245tetsuzan , are you using asterisk B2bua ?
07:13.27tetsuzani think so
07:14.36rkr245tetsuzan , I found this asterisk b2bua some latest version
07:14.57rkr245and it is a patch only working with asterisk-1.2 beta
07:15.06rkr245compiling was o.k
07:15.15Inezno one use L option for dial command?
07:15.21*** join/#asterisk thorbear (n=thorbear@
07:16.04tetsuzanrkr245 don't you think about SER?
07:17.00rkr245I am forwarding the call from SER to asterisk which is listening at port 6060
07:17.10rkr245but from there I am dead
07:17.29*** join/#asterisk atapi2 (
07:17.52rkr245can you please tell a simple scenario how to work from there :-)
07:18.20tetsuzan1 minute...
07:21.04rkr245just a min . iam opening the above url
07:21.21tetsuzanthis second
07:21.29tetsuzanAsterisk patched witt B2BUA worked very well with GSM codec
07:21.59tetsuzansorry rkr245, but i have to sleep
07:22.10tetsuzangood work...
07:22.16tetsuzanbye all
07:29.10*** join/#asterisk petit-toon (
07:29.29*** join/#asterisk sbingner (n=thanotos@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
07:30.38tengulremy asterisk server is, SIP users are 2001~2008 password is same to username, my account is 2001, :) calling me now.
07:31.07tengulreexten => _2XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}, 20,tr)
07:31.34*** join/#asterisk scanna (
07:31.52*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
07:32.56tengulreMattwj2005, hi
07:33.22Mattwj2005hi tengulre :)
07:33.43tengulreMattwj2005, do you have free time now.
07:33.58Mattwj2005about ready to go to bed
07:34.00Mattwj2005what is up?
07:35.16tengulrenothing! :) good night!
07:35.27Mattwj2005oh okay have a good night :)
07:35.38Mattwj2005or should I say day ;)
07:36.06*** join/#asterisk jeremy_g (
07:36.14*** part/#asterisk Mattwj2005 (n=Matt@
07:36.35tengulreI want to test my asterisk server.
07:37.44jeremy_gsure :)
07:37.54tengulrejeremy_g: ?
07:38.20tengulrejeremy_g: pls register to my asterisk server with 2002/2002 if you want.
07:38.37*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
07:39.14*** join/#asterisk pif (
07:40.59tengulrejeremy_g, hi!
07:41.10tengulreanybody alive?
07:41.36jeremy_gcan't do that right now bud!
07:41.46jeremy_gbusy in some serious testing myself
07:42.00jeremy_gusing my latpop as a test server with the main server :(
07:46.57*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
07:50.49Inezi'm alive
07:55.04*** join/#asterisk moon06 (
07:55.05jeremy_gInez:are you german
07:56.28*** join/#asterisk Doce (
07:56.42*** join/#asterisk petit-toon (
07:56.48Inezjeremy_g no, poland
08:00.34*** join/#asterisk redax (
08:01.06redaxis it possible to set any Custom variable in AGI scripts that could be used later on the extensions.conf ?
08:02.52*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
08:05.53*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
08:07.08tengulreInez: my asterisk server is, SIP users are 2001~2008 password is same to username, my account is 2001, :) calling me now.     exten=>_2XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,tr)
08:07.13*** join/#asterisk psk (
08:09.11moon06hey all
08:09.11moon06I got a problem with ISDN/CAPI and ringtones
08:09.11moon06when I call within France, I hear the ringtones before somebody answers
08:09.11moon06when I call to other countries, there's no ringtone ... :/
08:09.46*** join/#asterisk oa (
08:10.27oahi, does anyone know what causes asterisk to masquerade a channel?
08:14.44tengulremy asterisk server is, SIP users are 2001~2008 password is same to username, my account is 2001, :) calling me now.     exten=>_2XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,tr)
08:16.07jgooguys, I am setting variables in agi,yet the voicemail isn't seeing them
08:16.41jgoochannel.setVariable("FTS_SUBJECT", subject);
08:16.46*** join/#asterisk vgster (
08:16.55jgooin the voicemail app I look for ${FTS_SUBJECT} but it is blank
08:18.09*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-f0bd48985b841235)
08:21.09*** join/#asterisk Givur (
08:21.16GivurGood morning
08:21.38*** join/#asterisk jtar (
08:21.43jeremy_gI want to send a certain type of sip msg(temporarily unavailable 480) from an asterisk box to  another asterisk box. how do i do that?
08:23.07jgoojeremy_g: you need to first know when you want this to happen
08:24.07*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
08:24.10jgoothere is a whole feature of DND, if you just want those features, look at it, if this is something custom and peculiar, what is your setup?
08:24.31jgooping: jeremy_g
08:25.38*** join/#asterisk santoshr (i=1063@
08:26.52jeremy_goh sorry
08:27.01santoshrOct 24 13:55:34 WARNING[6398]: db.c:171 ast_db_put: Unable to put value ' :sip:15553804663@' for key '15553804663' in family 'SIP/Registry'           wht is this
08:27.29jeremy_gjgoo:i have programmed * to do a certain thing when it receives a sip msg (480)
08:27.41jeremy_gjgoo:just want to check whethers its working or not :)
08:27.43jgoojeremy_g: how are you developing that? an agi script? what language?
08:28.39jgoojeremy_g: you can write a fake sip client to send SIP commands to the box, not much harder than a http client, just different protocol commands (if there is no specific encryption being used I guess)
08:29.02jeremy_gno encryption
08:29.09jeremy_gbut i dont have time to write a sip client
08:29.15jgoomaybe someone already wrote
08:29.17jeremy_git ll take more than an hour right?
08:29.35jeremy_gaha :)
08:29.42jgooit'll take 20-30 minutes to find a decent page that just describes the SIP protocol I guess
08:29.48jeremy_gbut cant asterisk be programmed to send a certain sip msg
08:29.50*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
08:30.09santoshrOct 24 13:55:34 WARNING[6398]: db.c:171 ast_db_put: Unable to put value
08:30.28jgooI am not sure. I am trying to do simple things in AGI that aren't supported apparently :( I started reading the .c code of the areas, not badly written.
08:32.09*** join/#asterisk chat_jokey (
08:32.36*** join/#asterisk hack1 (i=1076@
08:33.10hack1WARNING[6398]: db.c:171 ast_db_put: Unable to put value '' for key '15553966398' in family 'SIP/Registry' does anyone know this error
08:33.17benjkif you can read one page in 20 secs, then it will take you 20 hours of reading the "page" that describes SIP
08:33.49hack1benjk: ?? what
08:34.21benjkthe total body of RFCs that describes SIP is about 3600 pages by now
08:34.51jgoobenjk: which is why it would be nice to find a page that describes the basic network handshake, I haven't seen SIP protocol, but I hope it is human readable
08:34.59*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
08:35.00hack1does anyone know this error:-   ast_db_put: Unable to put value '' for key '15550077191' in family 'SIP/Registry'
08:35.29jgooanyway, this is important, I am setting variables on a channel, using agi, and the variables are not getting picked up by voicemail
08:35.38benjkdream on, there's no way you can describe this in a single page
08:35.53jgooI execute setVariable("FOO", omglol); and then channel.exec("VoiceMail", voicemail);
08:35.55tengulredoes the asterisk supported  Private Asterisk HTTP Servers?
08:36.36jgoobenjk: web pages can be quite long... I was tlaking about a web page, and I am talking about finding how to auth a client, and send 1 sip command, again, I didn't say it was trivial)
08:36.45hack1zigman: do you know this ast_db_put: Unable to put value '' for key '15553966398' in family 'SIP/Registry'
08:36.50*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-a029fb686ab09835)
08:37.12benjkthe RFCs are all on the ietf website
08:37.12*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
08:37.14jgooSo, I am setting a variable on one channel, I execute channel.setVariable("FOO", omglol); and then channel.exec("VoiceMail", voicemail);, inside the voicemail app, ${FOO} is blank
08:40.41santoshrhack1: ..... any clues dude
08:42.21tengulrehi,all! how to using asterisk http server???
08:47.30qdktengulre: did you try the dov/ folder?
08:47.48benjkdove folder?
08:47.51tengulreqdk: ?? I don't understand!
08:48.00*** join/#asterisk soylentgreen (n=fgast@
08:48.08qdkdoc/ folder
08:48.16qdkas in documentation.
08:48.30benjkI thought dove as in hawk
08:48.33tengulrewhat does that mean /var/lib/asterisk/static-http ??
08:49.08qdkbenjk: :-)
08:50.39*** join/#asterisk RayJWPi (
08:51.03qdktengulre: it means that someone did a great job providing documentation of that feature, so that a lot can read that again and again giving them almost no reasons to ask questions already answered in that particular doc.
08:51.50benjkqdk, fyi, I have looked at chan_ss7, it's got no M2PA nor any proprietary IP or ethernet transport
08:54.09santoshrOct 24 13:55:34 WARNING[6398]: db.c:171 ast_db_put: Unable to put value ' :sip:15553804663@' for key '15553804663' in family 'SIP/Registry'
08:54.29santoshrguys need a little help on this.. anyone recognize this..........
08:55.14qdkbenjk: yes, i know that. :-) but the layers seem well written and ISUP almost completely implemented.
08:56.05benjkI only responded to your speculation that it probably does SS7 over ethernet
08:56.13*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
08:56.22qdkbenjk: so it could be a good foundation to start from, i think.. though i havent read nearly as much as you have of the SS7 protocol.
08:56.34benjkI wouldn't call it a good foundation at all
08:56.40benjkits based on zaptel
08:56.54benjkzaptel is anything but a foundation for ss7
08:57.20benjktheir wiki pages even admit that they are having problems with FISUs
08:57.54*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
08:57.55qdkbenjk: well that layer could probably easily be replaced. Im not talking hardware wise, especially when i wanna eliminate that part and go eth.
08:58.13benjkyou are talking about the entire MTP
08:58.27benjksince they didn't care to separate the layers
08:58.31qdkbenjk: yesyes, we covered that earlier.
08:59.33qdkbenjk: chan_ss7 didnt do that? coz i was wondering where mtp2 were, coz the doc says its there, so they must have put it all in mtp.c
08:59.53benjkindeed, they mangled it
09:00.14benjkwhich isn't much of a surprise
09:00.39benjkI have yet to see an implementation where mtp2 and mtp3 are separated
09:00.44qdkbenjk: ok, thats not so good, we can agree on that, but when i hacked a few small things in it, it seem quite decent done.
09:01.17qdkbenjk: as in, it would probably not require that much to seperate it, and go from there.
09:01.19benjkit also has dependencies on asterisk stuff
09:02.06qdkbenjk: ok.
09:02.39benjkI rather rewrite a new properly layered MTP stack than trying to untie yet another gordian knot
09:03.26benjkyou've got dependencies on zaptel, you've got the layers mixed up, you've got dependencies on asterisk
09:03.32qdkbenjk: Ok, that might be better... one can always look at the good/bad stuff of the other implementations.
09:05.44qdkbenjk: I did figure that no matter how well it will be done, it will not give me failover on the PBX unit, only the switching units, so im still kinda stuck in my chase for live call-failover.
09:05.59*** join/#asterisk flot (n=flot@
09:06.17benjkyes, what they call clustering isn't exactly what you expect
09:07.57flothi all! I write patch to * v. 1.4. Path for context transfer. Need post this patch in SVN
09:10.16qdkbenjk: wasnt talking about chan_ss7, but any/all ss7... now and in the feature.
09:10.55benjkthe model I described to you previously has the capability to do live failover
09:11.04qdkbenjk: i know that chan_ss7 cluster can be used to forward the call to another server, which then might have some free channels on its E1 line(s).
09:11.43benjkthe chan_ss7 "cluster" only works if the incoming calls come from another ss7 node
09:11.44qdkbenjk: yes, routing failover, but thats only half the story.
09:12.19benjkI was talking about failing over a call in progress
09:12.30benjkthat's what I had described to you before
09:13.27qdkbenjk: yes, i know... but the SS7 knows nothing about the call processing, it can reroute the call to another dest. if the current dies.
09:14.01benjkyes, but it doesn't take care of any calls from any other source
09:14.28qdkit? what it?
09:14.36benjkalso they say it only works for incomig, not outgoing calls
09:14.45benjkit = chan_ss7
09:14.50qdkoh, you are still stuck in chan_ss7.
09:15.18qdkqdk benjk: wasnt talking about chan_ss7, but any/all ss7... now and in the feature.
09:15.31benjkwell, you are mistaken then
09:15.52qdkim pretty sure im not...
09:16.12benjkss7 can very well fail over calls in progress
09:16.51qdkSS7 of any kind dont know shit about eg. a conference, if the unit providing the conference dies... byebye conference no matter how amazing you implement SS7.
09:17.19benjkput a mechanism like I described before on the access node that will do IP address switching if its mate dies and you get what you want
09:17.45*** join/#asterisk srbaker (n=srbaker@
09:17.45benjkthis can be implemented as an SCCP user
09:17.47srbakerhey folks
09:17.53srbakeri signed up for VOIPjet
09:18.03srbakeri'm looking for a hardware based compatible box
09:18.14srbakeri just want to plug a regular POTS phone into a box and have it work
09:18.16srbakerany thoughts?
09:18.23srbakerrecommendations for hardware?
09:18.57benjkthis VoIPjet thing you mentioned, is it SIP based?
09:19.04srbakerit says IAX
09:19.22benjkin that case, there are two boxes available
09:19.24srbakerthey don't mention sip, so i'm assuming not
09:19.25benjkDigium's IAXy
09:19.44benjkand a box (the name of which escapes me now) from a company called ATCOM
09:20.08srbakerthe S101I ?
09:20.13srbakerthis bitch?
09:20.41benjkthat's the IAXy
09:20.46srbakerokay.  those are the only two?
09:21.02*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
09:21.15srbakeri'm currently on Vonage.  the sound quality sucks (worse than CB radio).  sometimes the phone doesn't bother ringing. voice mail doesn't work.
09:21.19srbakerand so on and so on
09:21.34srbakeri really wanted a vonage-like service though.  full turn key, i do nothing, service.
09:21.44srbakerbenjk: ?
09:23.03*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
09:23.26srbakerwhy wan/lan ports?
09:23.37srbakerdo i want it before my router?  is that the point?
09:24.08benjkyou don't have to use it as a router
09:24.13srbakeri just want non-ass sound qualityu
09:24.18srbakerthere's also a better than 2 second delay on vonage
09:24.29srbakeri want little or no *noticeable* delay, and telephone quality
09:24.34benjkthat's not the fault of the adapter, really
09:24.38benjkits the network
09:24.43srbakerno, it's the fault of vonage
09:24.45*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=tili@
09:24.45srbakerokay, last questin
09:24.58srbakeris it possible to unlock my PAP2 that i got from vonage?  or the motorola box?  and user them with another provider?
09:25.08benjkI don't know
09:25.16srbakeri lied, not last question.  who do you recommend for service?
09:25.25jgoohrm, in agi, the right way to set variables is now just Set right?
09:25.33jgoonot SetVariable or SetVar ?
09:25.49qdksrbaker: its ok, we just added it to the bill.
09:25.54marcus2so i'm having this problem with agi on 1.4.0b3... agi scripts get the agi_* variables when they are called, but commands that they send to asterisk seem to get ignored
09:26.21benjksrbaker, if you have a US issued credit card, try Voicepulse
09:26.23srbakeroh.  apparently VOIPjet doesn't provide inbound service
09:26.29srbakerany recommendations for that?
09:26.33srbakerid on't have a us issued credit card. :(
09:26.44benjkVoicepulse do inbound (DID) and outbound
09:26.57srbakerwonder if they can give me local number in Nanaimo, BC though
09:26.59marcus2i have a bunch of linksys PAP2s that i unlocked from vonage
09:27.08marcus2it wasnt too difficult, there were lots of docs online at the time
09:27.12marcus2dunno if you can still do it that way
09:27.20srbakermarcus2: ah
09:27.24srbakermarcus2: can they do iax2?
09:27.25benjkthere are hundreds of providers
09:27.34srbakerokay, i'll look around at canadian providers
09:27.38srbakerand see what i can find
09:27.38benjkits impossible to keep track of them all
09:27.49marcus2srbaker; i have them coupled with WRT54s that run asterisk should list some
09:28.13srbakeri'm going to get my editor to send me a dead tree copy of the asterisk book too
09:28.16benjkthe ideal solution is to use two or three (or even more) providers in parallel
09:28.53jeremy_gum trying to use  SIPGetHeader(var=headername[|options]) to make asterisk do sth when it receives a 480
09:29.02jeremy_gwhat should be the headername to deal with responses
09:29.15benjkthat's one of the nice things about running your own IP-PBX (such as Asterisk, Bayonne, Freeswitch, OpenPBX, Yate)
09:29.21jeremy_glike SIPGetHeader(var=To)
09:29.43jeremy_glike SIPGetHeader(var=???) to get what came in the field SIP/2.0 480 Temp Unava
09:29.51jgoojeremy_g: code, result, something like that
09:30.20jgoothere is no get all headers?
09:30.23benjkyou can register with multiple providers are the same time and when you dial and don't get through on one provider's netowrk, have the pbx simply try the next one in the list until successful
09:31.17sbingnerwell for outgoing you don't need to register -- you just need it properly configured ;)
09:31.27jeremy_gi wanan grab the response code jgoo
09:31.53jeremy_gif response code = 480, then do this <-- implementing this using SIPGetHeader
09:32.19Inezdo anyone use Dial command with L option?
09:32.23benjkdepends on the provider, if they require you to register, then you will need to register
09:32.33jgoo@ jeremy_g
09:34.03srbakerokay, i'm going to try and get some snooze
09:34.24jgoojeremy_g: try SIPGetHeader(var=SIP)
09:34.37jgoomight contains the code
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09:42.23jeremy_gjgoo: chan_sip.c:13193 sip_getheader: SIP Header SIP not found for channel variable RESPONSE
09:42.35jeremy_gjgoo: got above when i used var as RESPONSE
09:42.56jeremy_gjgoo: 2,SIPGetHeader(RESPONSE=SIP)
09:45.04jeremy_git works if i ,2,SIPGetHeader(RESPONSE=To)
09:45.07*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (
09:45.15jeremy_gbuts that the content for To header that i get then
09:49.15fourcheezeI've got a customer who has a requirement for call queueing such that the destination is a PSTN number which we would dial via SIP through a provider
09:49.22fourcheezecan asterisk handle queues like that?
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09:52.50jeremy_gi guess SIP/2.0 is not a header field at all :)
09:53.06fourcheezeSo it would go something like this:
09:53.06fourcheezeA person calls the inbound number and a call comes in to *. * tries to call the destination and if that's busy then the caller is held in a queue
09:53.27fourcheezewhat I don't understand is how * becomes aware that the line is no longer busy
09:53.29jeremy_gis it possible to grab the response code of the msg received by *
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10:01.13jgooso I have tried the following:
10:01.29jgoochannel.setVariable("__FTSA", "FTSA"); channel.exec("SetVar", "__FTSB=" + escapeAndQuote("FTSB")); channel.exec("Set", "__FTSC=" + escapeAndQuote("FTSC") );
10:01.30marcus2is there an easy way to execute an agi script when a channel closes?
10:01.45jgooI can make my own abstract command and try that
10:02.17jmlsjgoo, in the dialplan, print the channel name. In your agi, print the channel name - are they the same ?
10:03.12jgooill try
10:09.27jgoowrong chan :p
10:09.37jgoojust testing this script
10:09.50jgooI made two set command myself, and print the channel names
10:10.48RoyKdoes * support any ipv6 yet?
10:10.48jgoohrm, Set(__Foo="TESTA") kills the chan
10:11.07RoyKjgoo: that's a feature, not a bug!
10:11.37jgooRoyK: My favourite feature is the Segfault command! it segfaults asterisk! (real :p )
10:11.50flotI find error in CDR.
10:12.26jmlsroyk is an evil person
10:12.31jgooDamn, so it is your fault!
10:14.18jmlsholy sh*t
10:14.23jmlsthat was evil
10:16.10*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
10:16.26jgoohahaha but  so funnt
10:17.11fourcheezetruuly evil
10:17.21marcus2ok this is really annoying
10:17.43marcus2asterisk is native bridging two iax2 channels even when i'm telling it not to :/
10:20.04*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
10:20.21fourcheezeok, I'm going to try a different tack here:
10:20.33fourcheezeWhat's the best way to have queue agents dial in to asterisk
10:20.52fourcheezealso your caps lock has stuck
10:21.21tparcinaYES, but this one is realy important, this asterisk is in production!
10:21.32tparcinaI don't know what else to check
10:21.38fourcheezewhat does it say onthe console?
10:21.39jmlscan you ping the phone from the asterisk box ?
10:21.59RoyKtparcina: if you type in capital letters, it'll magically make asterisk work better
10:22.08tparcinasodnely it has disconnect all sip phones and it doesn't receive reigistration from them
10:22.21jmlscan you ping the phones from the asterisk box ?
10:22.33tparcinajmls: wait a sec
10:22.42jgootparcina: reboot
10:22.49jmlshey, I've got all day :)
10:22.50fourcheezeno don't reboot
10:22.55angryuserhi everybody:)
10:23.00tparcinajmls: yes, i can ping them
10:23.07jmlsnetwork is fine then
10:23.09tparcinajgoo: i have rebooted
10:23.33fourcheezetparcina: pick a particular phone, debug it's IP number and tell it to reregister
10:23.41tparcinai was talking on the phone, when I hang up, afther that i couldn't make anyphone call.
10:23.48jmlstparcina: you were sure that asterisk was running ?
10:23.54jmlssounds like it crashed
10:24.01angryuseri have a small script which check if Zap/3 is avail, but i am unable to get it to work
10:24.01jmlsand didn't restart
10:24.03tparcinai have loged on the asterisk and sow there is no phone registered
10:24.24angryusercan someone helm me please
10:24.31tparcinafourcheeze: I'll do that, thank you
10:26.22fourcheezeangryuser: what doesn't work?
10:27.12angryuser$AVAILCHAN dont get set to ZAP/3
10:27.15tparcinafourcheeze: I have started sip debug ip and I have tried to register that phone, but I didn't se anything on CLI. just like asterisk doens't receive register request
10:27.39tparcinajmls: I'm sure that asterisk was running, because I was tolking thrue it on my phone
10:28.13jmlstparcina: you said that you after you hung up you couldn't make any more calls. Perhaps it crashed when you hung up.
10:28.29tparcinajmls: yes, but now asterisk is up
10:28.41*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
10:28.46jmlsi *know* that now. Just trying to help with all possibilities
10:28.53PakiPenguinhello everyone :)
10:29.07jmlstparcina: is your * server on a fixed IP address ?
10:29.20jmlsPakiPenguin: yo the penguin
10:29.32PakiPenguinhey :) jmls
10:30.19tparcinajmls: yes, it has fixed IP
10:30.22jmls(also very glad that d is not next to n)
10:30.46angryuserdo i need to declare $AVAILCHAN variable in general to get ChanIsAvail() to work?
10:30.49tparcinafor some reason asterisk doens't get sip requests from phones
10:30.55jmlsangryuser: no
10:31.34jmlsangryuser: what does ${AVAILSTATUS} tell you ?
10:32.12angryuserjmls: when i do ChanIsAvail(Zap/3) and then Noop(${AVAILCHAN}) it doens contain  chain
10:32.30angryuserjmls: il chesk
10:32.34angryuserjmls: il check
10:33.24angryuseravailstatus is = 0
10:33.58jgoook, I print out the channel in the voicemail, and I get **UNKNOWN**
10:34.37tparcinaANYBODY PLEASE, asterisk doens't receive SIP register request messages
10:34.58angryusertparcina, firewall?
10:35.16PakiPenguintparcina: wrong port ?
10:35.18jgootparcina: reboot all phones, and asterisk. You were making a call, make sure asterisk physically powers off and on, so you know it restarts
10:35.26qdktparcina: stop that CAPS crap.
10:35.29jmlsangryuser: exten => _006XXXXXXXX,2,NoOp($AVAILCHAN) is wrong. You are missing a {}. Should be exten => _006XXXXXXXX,2,NoOp(${AVAILCHAN})
10:35.30tparcinathis is asterisk in production, and has stoped to work
10:35.39tparcinano, i don't have firewall
10:35.56tparcinathe port is 5060, and it shoudl work
10:36.04angryuserjmls, yes i saw that an instant ago, it does no change the result
10:36.05qdktparcina: look at tcpdump of the traffic.... set VERY verbose logging in asterisk...
10:36.18qdktparcina: should, but does it?
10:36.26jmlsalso exten => _006XXXXXXXX,4,Cut(theChannel=AVAILCHAN,,1) should be exten => _006XXXXXXXX,4,Cut(theChannel=AVAILCHAN,-,1)
10:37.13jgoojmls: jsut to clarify, as this wiki talks about so many versions, in 1.2.0, set variable is done with Set(varname="value")
10:37.14jmlsor exten => _006XXXXXXXX,4,Cut(theChannel=AVAILCHAN,/,1)
10:37.42angryuserbut when i do noop (${availchan}) before i got no chain...
10:37.56tparcinaqdk: i have softphone on my laptop, i have ethereal on my laptop, i see only sip requests that my laptop sends, but * doesn't reply
10:38.34tparcinaqdk: and on SIP DEBUG IP mylaptop - I don't se any message - that means that ASterisk dosn't get any message
10:38.45RoyKROTFL. Someone has put up a $200 bounty for adding IPv6 support to asterisk:
10:39.55*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
10:40.10tparcinajgoo: I have rebooted asterisk and several phones - it didn't help
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10:41.15qdktparcina: ok, so if asterisk doesnt get the message, why are you asking for help in a asterisk-channel?
10:41.50jmlsangryuser: I get Zap/3-1 in my ${AVAILCHAN}
10:41.51angryuser i have remouved errors, the pb persists, after ChanIsavail(Zap/3) $AVAILCHAN contain no string, any ideas?
10:42.03jmlswhoa. deja-vu
10:42.25angryuserand availstatu got 0
10:42.31jmlsangryuser: what version oif * ?
10:43.10tparcinaqdk: because of this -
10:43.30angryuserasterisk 1.2
10:43.48tparcinaqdk: I'll double chech network
10:45.00jmlsangryuser: are you sure that you have zap channels up to 3 ?
10:45.20jmls(try a quick dial(zap/3 ...)
10:45.27angryuseryes i have Zap/1 - Zap/8
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10:45.49angryuserok il double check
10:45.50jmlszap show channels gives ?
10:46.33angryuserzap show channels gives me 8 channels
10:46.46jmlsZap/1 - Zap/8 ?
10:46.53jeremy_gangryuser:u dont look that angry when you smile
10:47.10angryuserhehe i am trying to
10:47.43jeremy_gtparcina:yup it doesnt get any msg or ur laptop ip is wrong
10:47.59jmlsangryuser: are you sure that zap/3 is not in use ? If it is, ${CHANAVAIL} will be blank ...
10:48.55angryuserhm, you think zap/3 is stuck or something?
10:49.08angryusernormally it is not used
10:49.15angryuseril try a hard swich
10:49.20jmlstry zap/1 or dialling out using zap/3
10:49.46jmlsalways painful, a hard switch
10:49.51angryuserZAP/1 and Zap/2 woring fine
10:50.07jmlsas in CHANAVAIL works ?
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10:52.25tparcinamy asterisk doesn't get sip registration request messages
10:52.30jgoojmls: so, the channel was Zap/1-1 on my script, and **UNKNOWN** in the voicemail
10:52.35tparcinaI'm positive that network is working fine
10:53.00jgoojmls: I tried __VAR but ${VAR} still didn't find it in the **UNKNOWN**
10:53.01tparcinaAsterisk listens 5060 port, and is bint do address
10:53.09tparcinaI have static address on my asterisk
10:53.21jmlsvoicemail cannot have an unknown channel - it's in a channel if it's executing
10:53.22Inezdo someone use festival app?
10:53.30tparcinawhat else I can check to se why asterisk doen't get any SIP message?
10:53.48jmlstparcina: check the settings on the phone to make sure they are ok.
10:54.09*** join/#asterisk base_asterisk (n=base_@
10:54.29tparcinajmls: I have double checked that, they are fine
10:54.47jmlscan you ping the * server from the phone (some phones allow you to do this)
10:55.26base_asteriskanyone knows how to debug on Asterisk for human..
10:55.30jmlswhen you reboot a phone, what are the messages ?
10:55.40jmlsbase_asterisk: welcome to the madhouse
10:55.51jgoojmls: that is the channel that is prints out.
10:56.30jmlsjgoo: can you paste your dialplan bits ?
10:56.57base_asteriskbecause whenever i write "sip debug" , the logs are streaming on the screen, i cant see the top of the logs.
10:57.12base_asteriskhow can i see the logs in Asterisk
10:57.24jgoohrm, well, what parts? I forward to voicemail from a script... I have just one inbound that I am testing with
10:57.37angryuserjmls: well i am able to create channels ZAP/1 and ZAP/2 but dial (ZAP/3) give me -unable to create a channe of type zap, cause unknown....
10:57.56jmlsangryuser: ah ha. There's your problem :)
10:58.14jmlsbase_asterisk: /var/log/asterisk contains the logs
10:58.35jmlsbase_asterisk: also check logger.conf to ensure that debug messages are turned on in the logs
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10:58.58jmlsangryuser: what about zap/4 5 6 7 8 ?
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10:59.04jgoojmls: channel is unknown, the place I am putting this output is in
10:59.47tparcinamy Linux machine gets SIP messages, but asterisk doesn't. How to check why?
10:59.58angryuserjmls thx a lot for ur help, i got a got for an hour or so,,,
11:00.06jmlsgot a got ?
11:00.12PakiPenguingot to go :p jmls
11:00.25angryuserwhatever i am latee..
11:00.33jmlssounds very nice. got a got for an hour.
11:00.34base_asteriskthanks jmls, but it's not contain sip logs, you know (invite, trying,...)  i want to see the missing logs on the screen. these files not contains that kind of logs, just print out screen and i cant catch
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11:00.52jmlsbase_asterisk: also check logger.conf to ensure that debug messages are turned on in the logs
11:00.55PakiPenguinbase_asterisk : check logger.conf , enable it for messages
11:00.59jmlsI win !
11:01.14PakiPenguinlol yeah :)
11:03.25Inezcan someone help me with festival?
11:03.59tparcinaproblem solved! I'm not shure what it was, but since It just started to work I asume that problem was in DNS server.
11:04.12tparcinaFor now, that is only logical explanation
11:04.21jgoopraise be to the DNS gods
11:04.46jmlstparcina: we always use IP addresses in config files for this exact reason
11:05.14tparcinaThank's to jmls, jeremy_g, qdk, jgoo, angryuser and everybody else who have tried to help me
11:05.27jgooso, jmls, I am stumped. np tparcina
11:05.54tparcinaI'm sorry if I have make someone disconfort for writing with capital letters, but please do understand my situation.
11:06.17jmlstparcina: no worries. people just don't like being shouted at :)
11:06.21tparcinathis is the first time that working Asterisk has fall down on me, and that I don't know what's the problem.
11:06.54jmlsas you said, your DNS went walkabouts
11:07.01tparcinaSo, it wasn't so big deal that Asterisk didn't respond to SIP messages, it was the problem that I didn't know hwy is that happening.
11:07.01jgoook, time to look at a different fastagi server approach
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11:09.37mrg82Whats the maximum number of simultaneous calls an adsl connection of 256k upload can handle before quality starts dropping off?
11:09.48mrg82sorry, with the GSM codec
11:09.58saftsackoh dunno, sry
11:10.35tparcinajmls: I alsoo use IP as much as I can, but sometimes I just have to use DNS name. So, for that reason I need to have srvlookup=yes in my sip.conf. and that is the reason why my asterisk has stop responding to sip register request messages...
11:10.58RoyKmrg82: 20ms packetization on RTP gives an overhead of 16kbps regardless of codec, and GSM is 13,5kbps, so just do the math :)
11:11.13jmlsyeah. Asterisk also has a problem starting properly if DNS is not available and you use srvlookup
11:13.31tparcinajmls: I have read about this DNS problems. How did you solve it?
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11:15.09jgootparcina: the keyword here is //has//. it doesn't sound solved :/
11:17.05jgoook I am sending: SET VARIABLE __TESTA TESTA
11:17.30jgooand this was my final try, ${TESTA} and ${ENV(TESTA)} are both blank
11:19.58jgoohas anyone written their agi driven voicemail app?
11:20.27jgooI mean, it isn't a huge app. maybe I should just write my own. *SIGH*
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11:29.12tparcinajgoo: It sin't solved, i know that, but now I'll do something about it.
11:29.39jmlstparcina: I don't - I use ip addresses only.
11:30.04tparcinajgoo: I just havent decaide which way to go. disabling serverlookups, or installing some DNS cache program on my linux
11:30.41jgoojmls, I am defeated. I don't think this is possible. So I will record the files... and use my own database to save the info, and make my own voicemail app
11:30.48jmlsjgoo: sorry, just never has the need to use AGI.
11:30.55jmls(have had to use)
11:31.10jgoono worries, very few people seem to use asterisk for more than out-of-the-box stuff
11:31.25jmlshey! we use it for a lot of "out-of-the-box" stuff
11:31.39jgoowe need an agi/*programming (not *-dev) irc channel
11:31.42jmlsall our agents are monitored using jabber and presence, for starters :)
11:31.54jgoothat is cool
11:32.02jmlswe use func_odbc a *lot* in the dialplans
11:32.14jgooso their status (loging, logout, dnd) is visible in a list?
11:32.29jmlsdialling / on call / wrapup etc
11:32.43jgoohow do they set their status to wrapup?
11:32.52jgoothat is the time given, after hangup, riiight
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11:33.09jmlsyup. We monitor when the the call hangs up, start a timer.
11:33.30jmlswhen they've finished their notes / etc , they "go ready". End of wrapup
11:33.51jmlswe set the status using jabber. We've built a jabber client into our application.
11:33.56jgoonice, I need to do that for my second * project
11:34.23jgooanyway, donut + coffee time . yey. I should feel guilty, my weekend run, was more of a weekend stroll
11:34.36jgoocheck < great site! ok afk
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11:37.52jmlshey, my 6 year old has just asked me if I have "TuxPaint" on my computer ("you know, the one with the penguin" he added)
11:39.04jgoo_:-) that is awesome jmls !!
11:39.18jgoo_actually, educational software, games and enlglish software is something I want to get into!
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11:43.19AsteriskAlbaniaI have a T400P DIGIUM and ASTERISK box, time after time the card seems to reports ERRORS on the E1 from PSTN which after collecting a certain number off errors brings the E1 down. It is needed to reset the E1 manually from the PSTN side, is there any way not to notify for errors ?
11:45.26skrustyanyone know why i'd get warnings about thread blocking and choppy audio in meetme? only head the choppy audio when coming in over a sip trunk, and not from local sip devices
11:49.54fourcheezejmls: you're lucky. My daughters school has just got a suite of windows rubbish
11:50.03fourcheezebut my kids still like tuxpaint
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11:53.13mfroeshey .. can someone help ?
11:53.46angryuserjmls: i have founs the reason, gsm line was down:)
11:54.01mfroesi always get this error when trying to do a b10 for a busy extension
11:54.04mfroesSpawn extension (default, 074545454 8 ) exited non-zero on 'SIP/phone131-fa2f'
11:55.29jgoo_jmls: I found another weirdness now
11:55.53jgoo_I make the recording, and play it back, and give them options to save. However, getVariable cannot retrive RECORDED_FILE
11:58.05*** part/#asterisk RayJWPi (
11:59.01*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:00.12mfroeshere is the sip debug
12:00.16mfroesanyone can help ?
12:00.53*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
12:02.42jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: hola. So, not sure if this is your wagon of nuts, but I am having trouble with variables. I am setting them and getting them, but they are not seein in Voicemail, as the channel is **Unknown** (as reported)
12:03.13mfroesno one ?
12:03.48jmlsangryuser: cool. congrats :)
12:04.33[TK]D-Fendermfroes: "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized"
12:04.55[TK]D-Fendermfroes: Looks like your register is set up ok, but your peer/friend entry is not.
12:05.17jmlsjgoo_: wagon of nuts ??
12:05.27jgoo_kettle of fish just seems to old hat
12:06.03[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: : what variables? set, how?  used where?  Pastebin would be nice....
12:06.04jmlsI like "floats your boat" :)
12:06.09coppicefish in a kettle must really ruin the taste of your tea
12:06.22[TK]D-Fender<- Captain of the Titanic swim team
12:06.47jmlsdepends what's in the kettle. Moonshine, mmmmmmmmm
12:07.10coppicefishy moonshine?
12:07.52jmlsewww. getting too fishy for me
12:08.39*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekon@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
12:08.41jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: right now, the problem I noted was, the channel reported by the voicemail app is **Unknown**. I set variable __Foo, and try and retreive it as ${Foo}. it is an agi script
12:09.56angryuserjmls: i got ChainIsAvail working on all ZAP/1-2 an Zap/4-8 bun not Zap/3 port is dead??
12:10.42jgoo_jmls: warm fish milkshake.
12:11.11jmlsangryuser: possibly - it sure looks like a problem with it.
12:11.59MikeJthey let coopice in here?
12:12.44[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: Could be unknown because the caller hung up in there, no?
12:12.46MikeJI thought this place had standards
12:13.00tzangerheh... md RAID5 resync over USB1... 143kB/sec
12:13.10jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: no, I don't hang up, I wait and it continues out of voicemail
12:14.01jgoo_but, right now, I am making my own voicemail, because I debugged this for a while, and decided using record, however, now I cannot grab ${RECORDED_FILE}. again, this is a very fastagi specific question, and may be asterisk-java issue. But I don't know anyone who uses asterisk-javba
12:14.04[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: Well I can
12:14.13[TK]D-Fender't comment further unless you show me something substantial.
12:14.14*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
12:14.53jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: I can show you the agi script
12:15.04jgoo_or the output
12:15.17[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_:  how about everything related from start to finish
12:15.35jgoo_including the agi call in the dialplan?
12:15.44[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: Would be nice...
12:17.09*** join/#asterisk acctor (
12:21.06jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: here is a quick overview of the test, start to finish
12:21.24*** part/#asterisk SpaceBass (
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12:28.16[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: What language?
12:28.28[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: Ahh, java
12:28.39[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: See this?
12:28.51fourcheezeAnyone know all about queues here?
12:29.13fourcheezeI'm trying to setup a queue where the destination is a phone which is on pstn dialed out via a sip provider
12:29.43backbluewhat's wrong with asterisk svn?
12:29.52[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: This seems to clearly imply that it will read the current channel name into a *JAVA* variable.  This is NOT a function to retrieve an *ASTERISK* "channel variable"
12:30.45fourcheezeI can see how to do it on a direct channel but not over a SIP provider
12:30.59*** part/#asterisk hack1 (i=1076@
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12:31.49[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: Saw a sample somewhere else..... could be wrong, but it doesn't lok like its intended purpose.
12:33.32*** join/#asterisk wow (n=zataz@
12:34.46jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: what? Yes I am using getFullVariable to read variables. I have that working, but in two instances, variables are not.
12:35.24jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: I am not confused with the API, but getVariable doesn't work for RECORDED_FILE and setVariable's aren't read in voicemail application :-( as it appears the channel is different and even with __ they don't work
12:35.54*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
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12:37.40brif8Hi All anyone using an external FXO gateway
12:38.42[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: Where does it tell you that it sets this variable in the first place?
12:42.34stoffellif polycom phones do a reinvite, do they use the RTP ports as defined in * or does it go on different ports?
12:44.22*** join/#asterisk akoch (
12:44.38inspiredhas anyone used Dial with the d option? It doesn't jump out of the extension if it captures a dtmf digit like it should.
12:45.27akochhello after install 1.2.13 I get the error -->
12:45.29akoch== ISDN1: Answering for 33
12:45.32akochOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
12:45.35akochSegmentation fault
12:45.49akochgoing back to works, the system works again
12:46.19[TK]D-Fenderstoffell: The endpoints should renegotiate based on their mutual capabilities, not that of the transferring point.
12:46.34*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-905ae506914f2065)
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12:48.32jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: I never thought this sets the variable, I had a test earlier trying to set a variable, im many many ways, but now I am trying to get a variable
12:49.20[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: But what tells you the variable even exists?  If it doesn't then returning null sure makes sense, doesn't it?
12:49.51*** part/#asterisk mog (
12:49.58jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: that is why I am here, the docs says that RECORDED_FILE gives the last file using Record
12:50.07jgoo_but, it doesn't seem to here :/
12:50.52jgoo_my whole issue is: I need to know the voicemail that was left, to embedd it onto a page. I also want to edit the subject of the voicemail to include an auto reply token to help people reply to these voicemail pages/emails
12:51.06[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: But you aren't using "Record" you are using another Java function, not the Asterisk proper app
12:51.38jgoo_I am using AGI... hrm, but you are right, what is to say that the AGI function should call the Record() app and behave the same way
12:51.50*** join/#asterisk Wall (
12:51.54jgoo_this Java function is merely an implementation of the API though :-/
12:51.59stoffell[TK]D-Fender; oh, okay, so gotta go have a look in the polycom docs then
12:52.07jgoo_it does actually record, and playback, when I use them
12:52.12Wallalguna entiende español ?
12:52.18Wallalguno entiende español ?
12:52.30jmlsWall: no senor
12:52.38[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: I didn't say it doesn't record to a file.  I'm saying you have to call the REAL "Record" app in the dialplan to get the variable.
12:52.58Walljmls, oks sorry
12:53.01tzangercompletely off-topic but perhaps someone here knows... are there any Indian holidays or festivities going on?  I haven't seen any of the people from India that I converse with lately
12:53.10jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: you know that for sure? or a hunch?
12:53.21jmlsWall: I was joking with you.
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12:53.41[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: Use some common sense here.
12:53.45jmlsjgoo_: don't mess with the [TK]D-Fender
12:53.59*** part/#asterisk Wall (
12:54.10jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: just asking if this is common knowledge, or a suspicion and I should dig deeper
12:55.26jgoo_back to square one. fastagi isn't very useful as it is righ tnow.
12:56.10*** join/#asterisk solomac (
12:56.18jmlsjgoo_: why do you need to use AGI anyway ? What can't you do in the dial plan ?
12:56.42jgoo_jmls: I have a dev environment here with 3500 + classes
12:57.02jgoo_if I can handle everything in a simple agi thread, I can make very cool apps.
12:57.23jgoo_if I have to hack in dialplan scripting, I can make very unconnected apps
12:57.31solomachello i need help conecting a h323 terminal to asterisk (trixbox)
12:58.08*** join/#asterisk ambriento (
12:59.12jmlsdepends on what you want to achieve. we have a cool app, linked with and integrated with asterisk, but using simple jabber, astmanproxy and dial scripts. works like a charm.
12:59.30[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: No, I'm not at all experienced in this, but I call it like I see it.  Everything about these functions indicates they are 100% independent of each other and you should not assume anything about them is the same beyond the fact they both allow you to record a file
12:59.53[TK]D-Fendersolomac: ....
13:00.11jboti heard trixbox is NOT supported here!  People using it should join #trixbox or #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
13:00.14[TK]D-FenderAny ops awake here?
13:00.38jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: and that is a great suggestion for me to start looking into. if the agi calls are different from dialplan calls, that would make me *tear*.
13:00.57jgoo_#trixbox doesn't exist...
13:01.09[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: You know the filename.  You can set a channel variable yourself if you want to and so far I doubt you even have a need.
13:01.18sizzlaWhich codec G729 do I have to use?
13:01.34sizzlaHere the CPU information of my server
13:01.42jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: why would you doubt? I set 3 chan variables for the voicemail, I included them in - but they were blank
13:01.44sizzlaVIA Esther processor 2000MHz
13:01.52jgoo_because, the channel voicemail runs in is a different channel
13:02.14*** part/#asterisk solomac (
13:02.16akochhas someone a Idea for my proble described above with the 1.2.13 ???
13:02.18sizzlathank you for your help
13:03.11hegemoOnsizzla: give thanks and praise
13:03.39[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: Where?  I don't recall seeing them.
13:05.07*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
13:05.46jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: that was a previous issue I was working on, jmls was helping be debug it, I was calling api methods, then called SET VARIABLE __FOO "lol" directly, still ${FOO} was blank in the voicemail channel
13:06.16jgoo_but, I think that is an issue with the channels being different, not the api failing. =[
13:06.53jgoo_(because I could set and get to verify this working, and get other asterisk variables)
13:07.17[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: You failed to show me a complete sample that doesn't work...
13:07.59jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: I don't need to show you an example. I am not asking for your help on that, and I have established findings that show what is not working. I didn't fail at anything :-)
13:08.21angryuserhi fender:)
13:08.54*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
13:08.55angryuserany resource on how-to implement billing in asterisk?
13:09.01[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: You showed only an attempt to retrieve a variable from a function that you assumed made one.  this does not show me anything to help with this new problem.
13:09.03jgoo_anyway, [TK]D-Fender: drop it, I am not going to argue over the issues here, I am just curious if anyone has AGI experience with variables and voicemail, nothing more
13:09.14*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
13:09.20jeremy_gtrying to test my * box, need a hand with sipsak. i want to register with username:a password:b and then want sip sak to send a 480 response to invite received from * box
13:09.23jeremy_ghow to do that??
13:09.33jmlsjgoo_: you won't get anywhere by pissing people off. We're all trying to help here
13:09.34[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Not my field, sorry.  I have heard the name "a2billing" thrown around though.  Start there maybe
13:09.43angryuserok thx
13:09.45jgoo_Yes, as I mentioend [TK]D-Fender: that was a previous issue. I can show you older code, but, I think I put this older (new) issue to bed, but if you wanna take a look, I'll pastebin it
13:09.58*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
13:10.39[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: If you want someone elses input on it sure.  I'm not looking for an argument here, just trying to help.  And yeah that means you have to acutally provide the useful stuff ;)
13:11.08jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: I appreciate that, I gotta work out what useful in a lot of the time, as my frame of reference is probably different
13:12.05hi365really off topic here but how do i automiticaly do: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password> every time i log in?
13:12.05hi365in mIRC
13:12.05*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-140b2b3223938e67)
13:12.21[TK]D-Fenderhi365: in the "perform" section of your connection.
13:13.03[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Just don't bother to add "/join #asterisk", because it always reorders the lines so the join happens BEFORE the MSG therefore getting you rejected.
13:13.13[TK]D-FendermIRC sucks that way.....
13:13.35[TK]D-Fendermind you Chatzilla doesn't show me enter/leave messages so I should WELCOME that problem again...
13:13.58hi365well i set auto join via the favorites button on the toolbar
13:16.26jgoo_Without going to far, I ran many set variables, including "SET VARIABLE __TESTA TESTA"  ... in I placed emailsubject= ${CHANNEL} A${TESTA}. The channel name printed out, the variable didn't. The channel was **Unknown** versus Zap/1-1 as my channel.
13:16.31jgoo_pastebin: [TK]D-Fender:
13:17.07jgoo_that is a test-case of the issue I am experiencing prior to the Recording one (which I suspect you are correct in that the agi call doesn't behave the same as the dialplan app)
13:18.32*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
13:18.48hi365[tk] it worked but didnt work
13:18.57hi365i.e. login after /j
13:18.58*** join/#asterisk Eliran_Itzhak (
13:19.36hi365is there no wait command or a way to force the order?
13:20.57jgoo_hi365: start giving out flyers, build connections, earn influence, and rise to the top, then you can force the order. That is my 5 year plan.
13:21.34*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
13:21.58[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: Have you considered that Voicmail does not fully parse variables and is only looking at a very fixed list of valid values?
13:22.53[TK]D-Fenderjgoo_: Considering that the vaiables it DOES use are not at your disposal upon exit...
13:23.33tzangeris that shit about bkw being asked to leave true?
13:24.37[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Yes, well corroborated by both sides.  Learn the lesson from his being kicked out last night and let sleeping dogs lie....
13:24.46jgoo[TK]D-Fender: hrm. It can read ENV(variables) I think... I assumed that ${} lookups was standard code. Curse me for assuming that! jmls thinks it is because of the channel name difference because it is an **Unknown** channel, the inheritance breaks
13:25.11hi365jgoo uve got it all figured out, eh?
13:25.17hi365k. im waiting...
13:25.24[TK]D-Fenderjgoo: Assuming anything in * is "solid" or "consistant" sounds kinda silly doesn't it? :)
13:25.26tzanger[TK]D-Fender: wow.
13:25.30jgoono.... *tear*
13:26.05jgoook, so, I will write my own voicemail app. w00t! I am glad I get paid for doing this, I would cry if I spent all day coming to this conclusion on my own time muahhaha
13:26.44jgooThanks for being a ear for my troubles [TK]D-Fender
13:27.06acctorare ATA-18x firmware versions 3.x ok to use with asterisk? I remember reading on voip info at one point that they recommended 2.x
13:27.09jgooyou raised some very interesting points, I will try and think less like a developer when wondering why things don't work :p
13:27.10acctorthat seems to be gone now though
13:27.45*** join/#asterisk pingwin[work] (i=pingwin@gateway/tor/x-0782487513d61761)
13:28.17jgooheh, and thanks jmls, I think you were right about the channels too, good help. jmls: can I grok some of your dialplan? it sounds sufficiently complex that I may learn something from it.
13:28.31*** join/#asterisk af_ (
13:29.35*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
13:30.33DarKnesS_WolFhello i'm trying to install phpagi but i don't know what should i do ? i movied phpagi.example.php to /etc/asterisk where i should place the php files ?? /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/ ??
13:31.14*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (n=trelane@unaffiliated/trelane)
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13:33.42|stefan|in what app_ module is the GROUP() function located ?
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13:37.05*** join/#asterisk DeeJay[2] (
13:37.25DeeJay[2]Is there any T.38 support module for asterisk out there?
13:38.11*** join/#asterisk caciano (n=caciano@
13:40.27|stefan|in what app_ module is the GROUP() function located ? ??
13:41.28*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
13:42.28pingwin[work]is there a better app, preferabally php app, that reports the CDR reports? would like it to include Queue stats as well
13:43.12*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:43.45[TK]D-Fenderpingwin[work]: there are all sorts of links on the WIKI.  Search there
13:44.20[TK]D-Fenderpingwin[work]: When in doubt, search for yourself
13:44.27[TK]D-Fenderpingwin[work]: Or make your own.
13:44.35pingwin[work][TK]D-Fender: I have, and the best I found was asterisk-stats and I'd just like that, but would like something with queue stats
13:44.45coppiceDeeJay[2]: what kind of T.38 support are you looking for?
13:44.45pingwin[work][TK]D-Fender: i have already searched, and I can make my own
13:44.58[TK]D-Fenderpingwin[work]: Queuemetrics <-
13:45.10*** join/#asterisk scurb_ (
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13:45.24pingwin[work][TK]D-Fender: cool, I'll check that out, thanks
13:46.23wowhum, with 1.4 if I say with-odbc i got checking for SQLConnect in -lodbc... no
13:46.50wowbut i have : rpm -qa | grep -i odbc
13:47.08CunningPikepingwin[work]: We use Astrisk Guru's queue_stats:
13:47.19CunningPikepingwin[work]: We're very happy with it
13:47.23wowand sql.h is into : /usr/include/sql.h
13:47.24pingwin[work]CunningPike: thanks! I'm going to check that out
13:47.46*** join/#asterisk Muzkur (
13:47.59CunningPikepingwin[work]: It does queue stats only - we rolled our own CDR reports
13:48.07Muzkuranyone can help me to configure an ata planet vip-156?
13:48.57pingwin[work]CunningPike: that's alright, we're pretty happy with Asterisk-Stats CDR reports, just need some queue stats also
13:49.34CunningPikepingwin[work]: Yup - queue_stats should work fine for you then
13:50.04_cmachcould anyone help me with a "one way audio" problem on a multi homed asterisk
13:50.27_cmachwithout nat between the endpoints
13:50.30tzanger_cmach: verify that it's not sending audio out the wrong IP
13:50.43tzangerwait: multihomed as in multihomed IP space or multihomed as in multiple IPs
13:51.06_cmachthe "rtp debug" of the asterisk console shows the streams in both ways
13:51.34_cmachbut one side has no sound
13:51.48tzangerverify with tcpdump
13:52.29_cmachtcpdump too, show the rtp ok
13:53.20_cmachi'm using an old version of asterisk
13:53.24_cmach1.2.0 beta
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14:03.41|stefan|in what app_ module is the GROUP() function located ? ??
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14:13.09coteyrwell I thought I would try here. But I'm new to asterisk so be kind. I am trying to connect an asterisk machine to my avaya System. I want to use it to record calls. For right now I am useing an X100P card. It is supposed to DIAL the avaya system. Dial a piticular extention. Then record untill something happens. The something is not yet defined. What I am tryign to define the something as is "when the Caller Record changes"
14:13.27coteyrthe carrer record I mentioned before is not callerid as far as I can tell
14:13.57coteyron the Avaya phones (the 6408D+ for sure) it's the information displayed on the LCD screen of the phone
14:14.32coteyris there anyway known to get this information. I tried useing the CALLERID function but it returns null
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14:17.13xezzhello , when i call my queue i can see the asterisk CLI output :  -- Playing 'queue-thankyou' (language 'en')
14:17.16mfroesdo anyone know a sip client for linux ?
14:17.20mfroesekiga is not working
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14:17.29xezzis there a way to change that ?
14:17.38hi365anyone have a grandstream 2000?
14:17.45hi365im hearing a crazy echo
14:18.09*** join/#asterisk compueater (n=eonblu_e@
14:19.17xezzi have a grandstream 102 and im hearing a crazy echo to hi365
14:19.52Muzkuranyone can help me to configure an ata planet vip-156?
14:20.25Muzkurive onfigured in sip.conf and in ata webconfig but asterisk give me a authentication error
14:21.29*** join/#asterisk QbY (
14:21.43QbYmy boss is an asshole.
14:22.05QbYI'm offering a bounty for anyone who has a working configuration for a Cisco 7971G that works with Asterisk.
14:22.10compueatermy asterisk keeps going down -- itll be fine for a little while and then the phones will just stop working
14:22.22compueateri get some fatal error regarding wfxo or something
14:24.29compueaterbackblue i have some cisco 7960s
14:24.35compueaterare those no good?
14:25.07backblueyes, they are.
14:26.37compueaterwhen i do an init 1 and init 3 the phones come back up
14:26.37*** join/#asterisk sb_mx (n=sb_mx@
14:26.41compueaterso something is failing
14:26.50compueaterif i stop and start asterisk it doesnt fix the problem
14:26.56compueateri have to init 1 init 3
14:27.04compueaterwhat else runs for asterisk to start
14:27.40*** join/#asterisk salvatore_ (
14:28.12backbluecompueater: zaptel?
14:28.27salvatore_j use zaptel, yes
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14:29.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:29.47[TK]D-FenderSo.... any ops awake now?
14:29.50compueateris zaptel something that would fail periodically?
14:30.42backbluecompueater: yes
14:30.44salvatore_j have some troubles using bristuff and qozap in p2p mode.Can Someone help or suggest me something?
14:30.57*** join/#asterisk tsurk0 (
14:31.06backbluecompueater: i sugest you to restart zaptel and asterisk, every day, in a none-working hour.
14:31.17backblueput a cronjob or something.
14:31.28salvatore_thanks blackblue
14:31.41compueaterhmm -- ok
14:32.10compueaterdoes Trixbox come with an ircd installed by default?
14:32.13compueateri see an ircd service
14:32.24*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:32.58salvatore_but j see the lines do not work, and this happens more than 1 time in a day
14:33.51salvatore_the telco tells me * has too much errors, so NTs go bad
14:34.05*** join/#asterisk Ox0F0-0FF (n=pierre@
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14:34.37compueaterwcfxs not found
14:34.39compueaterwhat does that mean
14:35.37salvatore_are you speeaking with me?
14:38.32[TK]D-Fendercompueater: Not a module you should be caring about
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14:42.21*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
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14:43.25[TK]D-Fenderanthm: Hey, care to do a small service for us and put the #freepbx warning back into the channel topic for us?  Would be greatly appreciated...
14:43.51mishehufreepbx warning?  what was it warning?
14:44.50[TK]D-Fendermishehu: About this channel not being a place for support on it.
14:45.25QbYdoes anyone have a better suggestion for debugging 401 Unauthorized errors?  than sip debug?
14:45.32mishehu[TK]D-Fender: ah
14:45.38mishehuas I said, I know nothing about that channel ;-)
14:45.59mishehuQbY: there's that or tcpdumping
14:46.15[TK]D-FenderQbY: Not much to say.  user/pass/realm is not correct.  Thats all....
14:46.20mishehuI personally know of no better way to debug sip
14:46.31[TK]D-FenderQbY: Means double check everything and when in doubt pastebin it up.
14:46.47mishehuQbY: your URL might be wrong, especially if you're using macro std-exten
14:47.24QbYWell, I'm just trying to register a phone, and its saying 401 Unauthorized..  User and Pass are correct..  I'd like to know why Asterisk thinks differently
14:48.06mishehuQbY: ah, well, donno...  I'd do either sip debug or tcpdump
14:48.09[TK]D-FenderQbY: I seriously doubt its correct.....  pastebin your sip.conf and the failed call attempt with SIP debug enabled
14:48.19mishehutcpdump might just be a l ittle easier to browse thru in wireshark or something
14:48.28[TK]D-FenderQbY: It doesn't lie about this stuff.....
14:48.52mishehu[TK]D-Fender is always a patient person
14:48.53QbYgive me one sec.
14:49.16anthmdoes that really help?
14:49.55Inezdo anyone use L(...) feature for Dial cmd?
14:49.57coppiceIf he's always a patient, he needs all the help he can get
14:50.39mishehucoppice: not as much as you need with your jokes sometimes heh
14:50.44*** join/#asterisk amdtech (
14:50.49[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Why is it that when I see a doctor its at his "practice"?  Dammit I want someone with EXPERIENCE!
14:50.51mishehuand I thought I made some corny ones, but you far surpass me on that
14:51.48coppice[TK]D-Fender: you sound like the kinda guy who would never fly with Virgin
14:52.14mishehufly with a virgin girl?  hmmmm
14:52.15*** join/#asterisk Ng (
14:52.18Nghi folks
14:52.27|stefan|in what app_ module is the GROUP() function located ? ??
14:52.36*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
14:52.46Ngis there a way to control who can dial an extension? I want to make a meetme conference call that only registered users can connect to
14:53.10mishehu[TK]D-Fender: mutha fucka stupid ass snakes on a mutha fucking plane ?
14:53.31[TK]D-Fendermishehu: Yes... it WAS stupid.  Worth a rental, but not box-office price...
14:54.01mishehu[TK]D-Fender: I'm doubtful it's even worth downloading it from a torrent or gnutella
14:54.10coppicewhy rent that, when you could rent something worth watching?
14:54.10[TK]D-FenderNg: You can control who can do what an which way you want.  Thats what extensions.conf is for.
14:54.29jgoo[TK]D-Fender: is flight sim 2001 *the* best flight sim so far? I am interested in spending a few hours. I heard some raves about flightgear...
14:55.00coppiceThe best flight simulators are redifussion and link-miles
14:55.05[TK]D-Fenderjgoo: I'm betting you completely missed my terribly off-colour joke.....
14:55.14jgooyou mean the '2001' :-)
14:55.25jgooI was going to say, that is the one with the towers still in it
14:55.40[TK]D-Fenderjgoo: You learn quickly my young Jedi....
14:55.46jgooand the 'crash course' no I saw it, but I am dehydrated, and over sugared
14:56.04Ng[TK]D-Fender: ah ok, so I guess I can use a GotoIf()? If so, would you happen to know what I should be reading about for testing if a user is registered?
14:56.12*** join/#asterisk palyza (
14:56.54[TK]D-FenderNg: Why would you put UNAUTH'd calls into the same context as those used by registered devices?  Very unhealthy practice...
14:57.13[TK]D-FenderNg: You need to rethink your concept of contexts....
14:57.40coppiceI read my son a book from the library about the guy who tightrope walked bewteen the towers. It seemed odd to read "once upon a time 2 towers stood here"
14:57.50QbY[TK]D-Fender..  Per your request:
14:58.32*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
14:58.57Ng[TK]D-Fender: it's an inherited config, at the moment everything is just in the default context, which does make sense for the setup as-was. Is there a way I can do this without refactoring the entire config?
14:59.54[TK]D-FenderNg: You clearly need to make seperate contexts.  Time to get to work...
14:59.57*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
15:00.02Ngbah ;)
15:01.21[TK]D-FenderQbY: Kill the username in sip.conf, and reload and retry
15:01.36*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
15:02.06DeeJay[2]coppice : I just want to be able to send and receive fax thru a linksys SIP device..
15:02.25DeeJay[2]nomatter how... i just want it to work.
15:04.19coppiceDeeJay[2]: that doesn't really answer my question. I assume the linksys is suppsoed to support T.38. Where is the other end? Do you just need T.38 to pass through *, or do you need a gateway to the PSTN?
15:04.50DeeJay[2]I need to send it via a PRI
15:04.56DeeJay[2]which is connected to asterisk
15:07.54coppiceDeeJay[2]: then you are out of luck right now. passthrough, with some limitations for the real world, is in the * 1.4 betas. other modes of T.38 are only in my stuff, and not integrated with *
15:08.21QbY[TK]D-Fender..  No Change.
15:08.26salvatore_j have some troubles using  qozap in p2p mode.Can Someone help or suggest me something?
15:08.41[TK]D-FenderQbY: Try it with another phone.
15:08.55QbYi have a ton of other phones reigstered..
15:08.58QbYits only this stupid 7971 that my boss "had to have"
15:10.01palyzaanyone here knows, about status of Q.SIG in zaptel/asterisk? especially if "caller id name" transfer/display is supported
15:10.43palyzaI would like to connect asterisk to siemens Hipath using PRI/Q.SIG and I need caller id name transfer between IP phone and "legacy" phone behind siemens pbx
15:11.28[TK]D-FenderQbY: I'd then lay bets the phones config just isn't working like you expect it to.  Got other Cisco's that work fine?
15:11.49QbYyeah, all my ciscos are running good
15:12.01QbYthat's why i offered a bounty for anyone who could provide me a working 7971G config
15:12.08QbYwhy does he have to make my life miserable
15:12.58*** join/#asterisk mrg82 (
15:13.07backblueanyone can sugest me a good wiki sip phone?
15:13.28Qwellwiki phone?
15:14.09*** join/#asterisk techie (
15:14.10mrg82I have an account with a sip provider that gives me a geographical number. When I call i want the the outgoing CID to be my mobile number? Is this not possible?
15:14.16*** part/#asterisk techie (
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15:14.21backblueups, wifi phone
15:14.51[TK]D-FenderQbY: <contact>7b452e87-4496-4762-e11f-b26751a1884b</contact>
15:15.05[TK]D-FenderQbY:   <contact>sip username</contact>
15:15.12[TK]D-FenderQbY: Try setting them the same
15:15.19QbYi did earlier
15:15.22QbYwill try again
15:15.51Qwellmrg82: depends on the provider
15:16.04*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
15:16.32*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
15:16.34PakiPenguinhello :)
15:17.15*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
15:18.56compueateris caller id data something that needs to be allowed at the service provider end or is it a setting i can set?
15:19.32[TK]D-Fendercompueater: The answer was 2 lines up.... go get some coffee
15:20.04PakiPenguin:p [TK]D-Fender i need coffee too
15:20.22*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
15:20.29syzygyBSDMorning all
15:20.38*** join/#asterisk dr0ck (i=dr0ck@nat/digium/x-64cbdc142645ad98)
15:20.54[TK]D-Fenderload :O
15:21.35PakiPenguinload :)
15:21.57*** join/#asterisk wulfy814 (n=lorentz@
15:22.13wulfy814I'm having trouble with call parking in trunk
15:22.24wulfy814I'm using Polycom 430's and 601's
15:23.38wulfy814when I tranfer the call to 700, it reads back the parking slot, but when hitting transfer again it doesn't complete the action
15:23.49wulfy814it stops the music on hold for the parked party and that's it
15:23.56wulfy814any ideas?
15:26.47*** part/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
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15:31.01compueateri've had a problem where sometimes coming off of hold the person cannot hear me but i can hear them
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15:44.28wangsterIn "Zap show channel", there is a field "Fax Handled:", when does this get set?
15:44.58wangsterEven though our zap channels are saying "Fax detected", that field is staying set as "no".
15:45.32brif8Does the CP-101 come in black or are all  clipcomm phones white ?
15:46.59[TK]D-Fenderxezz: What * version are you running?
15:50.03[TK]D-Fenderxezz: Then I highly suggest you to upgrade IMMEDIATELY.  There is a remote root exploit that come in through chan_skinny.
15:50.12[TK]D-Fenderxezz: You are probably being hacked as we speak.
15:50.40xezzwell , i dont think so
15:50.50xezzabout the second *
15:50.59xezzcause the second ip was from my network
15:51.01[TK]D-Fenderxezz: You using skinny for Cisco phones?  Either way I've covor your ass if I were you...
15:52.37carrarxezz# ls -la
15:52.41carrarI got roto!
15:53.13RoyKcarrar: try this: dd if=/dev/urandom of=`mount | grep -w / | awk '{ print $1 }'`
15:53.16Corydon-wWelcome to 1991
15:53.31carrarRoyK, ok waiting,how long does it take?
15:53.39carrar..still running
15:54.08tzafrircarrar, if you were serious, you don't have root anymore
15:54.19[TK]D-FenderRoyK: ASS
15:54.26carrarFor those without humor: I am not serious
15:54.30tzafrirRoyK, not nice
15:54.54carrarWas my lame attempt at glee in the morning
15:54.57tzafrirSome people are known to actually operate upon such advices
15:55.25[TK]D-FenderRoyK: If I had ops, you'd be skidding out of here for suggesting something like that.....
15:55.43[TK]D-FenderRoyK: please don't joke about that kind of stuff....
15:56.22carrarfor RoyK to say that to me is ok, but probably not to anyone else who is not unix savvy
15:58.09tzangerthat was funny
15:59.05Ng[TK]D-Fender: ok, I've split things up so we have a default context for incoming stuff, an employees context and a conferences context. I've included the employees context in the default one so anyone can call employees, but I'm not quite sure now how to get the employee and conference contexts hooked up without allowing default context to access it
15:59.10Ngany suggestions?
15:59.18Ngor an example of such a scenario (or similar) I could study
15:59.25salvatore_j have some troubles using  qozap in p2p mode.Does someone know if resetinterval can help in solving this problem?
15:59.32Winkieoff topic: what ram do i buy for an amd 4200+ am2 :(
15:59.48[TK]D-FenderNg: You need to think it over.  its all about how you "include" contexts together..... this should be a 1 minute fix.
15:59.50carrarWinkie, try looking it up on
15:59.51*** join/#asterisk pifiu (n=someone@
16:00.02tzangerNg: [trusted] include = employees, include = confrerence
16:00.04[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Check your MB
16:00.12Winkie[TK]D-Fender: it accepts 3 speeds :(
16:00.17*** join/#asterisk miguel3239 (
16:00.21qdkWinkie: whatever fit you MB.
16:00.21tzangerNg: contexts (many of them, simple blocks) are your friend... jus tbuild up bigger and bigger ones and include what you want in each one
16:00.37Winkieoh really? I guess i am too used to matching processor + memory speeds :(
16:00.41pifiuhey everyone
16:00.41Ngtzanger: hmm. at the moment I'm trying to include employees in conference, but they can't see the extensions
16:00.44qdkWinkie: your*
16:01.25*** join/#asterisk luke-jr_work (n=luke-jr@2002:4335:4375:0:20d:60ff:fe60:756a)
16:01.35qdkWinkie: your MB will tell you that too... personaly i would go with DDR-677 for single core CPU.
16:01.37luke-jr_workanyone know anything about a Adit 600?
16:01.44Winkieqdk: it's dual core
16:02.04Winkiethe ram could easily be the most expensive bit of this :)
16:02.19qdkWinkie: 800mhz then.
16:02.31carrarluke-jr_work, yeah I use those
16:02.34qdkWinkie: it IS.
16:02.34Winkieqdk: fair enough, ta
16:02.35luke-jr_workqdk, wtf is wrong with PC100? =p
16:02.41carrarluke-jr_work, they work awesome with asterisk
16:02.45luke-jr_workcarrar, any reason to suspect its the cause of lotsa noise?
16:02.46qdkluke-jr_work: :-)
16:03.02pifiuhey fender
16:03.04carrarinterfearance from like radio stations?
16:03.17luke-jr_workcarrar, staticish
16:03.25luke-jr_workcarrar, trying to bridge a FXS to a FXO
16:03.29carrarah, sounds like stranded wiring
16:03.40luke-jr_workboth FXS/FXO go through the Adit to a Sangoma and into Asterisk
16:04.10carrarI haven't had static issues with mine
16:04.25carrarmake sure to use solid copper
16:04.46luke-jr_workstranded wiring? :|
16:04.55luke-jr_workis the stuff in cat5e solid copper? :)
16:04.56carraryeah stranded not good for analog
16:05.15carrarcat5e should be solid
16:05.26luke-jr_workhow about a punchboard thing?
16:05.27carrarbut not always
16:05.51carrarhave you tried removing things till th static goes away?
16:05.59luke-jr_workremoving what?
16:06.15carrarwell plug a phone directly into the adit
16:06.21carraror the other end
16:06.30carrarbbl, car pool ride is here
16:06.36luke-jr_workadit only has one of those long 8-channel connectors
16:07.32*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
16:10.39jeremy_gthis is intersting
16:10.55jeremy_gif u enable sip debug
16:11.31jeremy_gand then set verbose hight, shud it log the sip messages to the vebose log file
16:11.38jeremy_gshud it?
16:11.47luke-jr_workwtf is a verbose log file
16:12.46jeremy_gluke-jr_work:e.g its urass if u add to logger.conf. urass => verbose
16:13.45*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
16:13.46jeremy_gi start getting the sip messages in the verbose log after a minute of enabling the sip debug and set verbose to a high value
16:17.59*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
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16:18.51hi365anyone using asttapi?
16:19.13hi365it says its dialing (outlook) but its not. also taked forever to disconect a call
16:22.32*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=grb@
16:22.43Greek-BoyWhich of u guys use apt-get to maintain an asterisk installation?
16:23.05Greek-BoyI use apt-get to maintain my debian system but always build asterisk/zaptel from source
16:23.57mogthats what most of us do
16:24.18Greek-Boyjust checking :)
16:26.12*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
16:26.20hmmhesayswiki wiki wild wild
16:26.32hmmhesaysi love ethereal
16:26.48_cmachwithout nat between the endpoints
16:26.50hmmhesaysif you describe your problem in more detail
16:27.19_cmachtwo asterisk boxes
16:27.27_cmachwithout nat between them
16:27.58_cmacha basic configuration, one extension that call an extension on the other side
16:28.03*** join/#asterisk xezz (
16:28.09hmmhesayswhat are you using for endpoints?
16:28.19hmmhesayssoftphones? hard phones?
16:28.24_cmachhard phones
16:28.46hmmhesaysi'm guessing your reinvites aren't working right
16:29.26_cmachwhat can happen in a "not working right" reinvite :-)
16:29.35hmmhesays1 way audio
16:29.46[TK]D-Fender_cmach: You should never be uising reinvites.
16:29.53hmmhesaysset your sip.conf entries to "canreinvite=no"
16:30.06hmmhesaysif they are on the same network there is no reason not to
16:30.12hmmhesaysunless it presents problems
16:32.12QbYis it possible to dump or get asterisk to show the credentials it is being offered by a phone?
16:34.17pifiuhey fender wasup
16:36.30hmmhesaysbah there is no ethereal package for x64
16:36.32*** join/#asterisk hohum (
16:37.29jbotextra, extra, read all about it, wikis is
16:38.55_cmachcanreinvite=no doesn't solved :(
16:38.59jbotjbot: woem
16:40.18*** join/#asterisk Buglouse (n=SourceRa@
16:43.17jboti heard hmmhesays is not really here...
16:43.18jeremy_gsth has gone wrong with my *, its not even registering with my provider
16:43.34jeremy_gsip show registry lists  'Request Sent'
16:44.34jeremy_g_cmach:what r ya tryin to solve
16:44.38*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
16:45.09_cmach1 way audio; no nat; canreinvite=no
16:45.25hmmhesayson both sides?
16:45.27*** join/#asterisk Zaw (i=zaw@unaffiliated/zaw)
16:45.30_cmachasterisk 1.2.0beta1
16:45.42hmmhesaysthat smell of openwrt
16:45.47hmmhesays*smells of even
16:45.48jeremy_g_cmach:why are using that
16:45.55Zawwhat's a decent, low-cost entry level phone that works well with asterisk? i know that Sipura made a couple that i've been recommended before but i'm looking for suggestions
16:45.59_cmachi can't upgrade it now, i want to know the bug that is causing this
16:46.06jeremy_g_cmach:u can be technically fucked, it has serious vulnerbilites too
16:46.25jeremy_gunless u dont have or dont mind people dialing out from ur dash
16:46.28[TK]D-FenderZaw: Phones worth considering Polcyom, Aastra, Linksys (in that order).
16:46.34sahafeezif i have sip peer setup in sip.conf to a sip provider - does it try to register one the start of asterisk and does it keep trying until it works. my sip provider is telling me that he does not see the request ever..
16:46.40hmmhesaysor you can consider an ata
16:46.45CunningPikeZaw: You could take a look at a couple of the Polycoms - 301, or 430
16:46.47[TK]D-FenderZaw: Model dependent on what your needs / wants are and your budget
16:46.55Zaw[TK]D-Fender / CunningPike: thanks
16:46.56sahafeezsip show registry shows nothing..
16:47.13[TK]D-FenderZaw: Polycom IP 430 should only be considered in very specific conditions.
16:47.19sahafeezZaw: i have the 301, 501, and 600. good phones
16:47.40jeremy_gsahafeez: :) its obvious
16:47.41Zawpolycom 301 sounds good so far..
16:47.46wulfy814[TK]D-Fender: why don't you like the 430 ?  I've had pretty good results with it
16:48.01[TK]D-FenderZaw: I have IP 301, 430, 501, and 601.
16:48.01sahafeezit is was i would not ask..
16:48.11wulfy814Zaw: The 301's have to be powered by a brick or power injector from polycom
16:48.21wulfy814the 430 & 601 are PoE compatible
16:48.23[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814: I didn't say it wasn't a good phone.  Just that if it comes to choosing a model that it might not make the list because of its price-point.
16:48.52Zawi'll google for some specs on the polycom 301. thanks
16:48.54[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814: The IP 501 is only marginally more expensive and give a much bigger & nicer screen, better speakerphone, and more line keys.
16:48.59wulfy814by the time you factor in UPS for each computer/phone you are better of with PoE models in my opinion
16:49.10hmmhesaysfscking bank of america, website been down for days
16:49.15[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814: Depends if you are even LOOKING at PoE
16:49.25[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814: Which is part of the "depends" I was talking about.
16:49.28ZawPolycom Soundpoint IP 301 ?
16:49.47CunningPikeZaw: That's the one
16:49.48[TK]D-FenderZaw: Yes, that is the low end.  Great phone that only lacks a speakerphone
16:49.55Zawvery good
16:50.00wulfy814the lack of speakerphone, no PoE, and lowest res display - but it sounds very good
16:50.05wulfy814and is easy to deploy
16:50.16[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814: Yup, 301 is a great little phone.
16:50.29*** join/#asterisk scurb_ (
16:50.37wulfy814[TK]D-Fender: are you running 1.4 yet, or trunk?
16:51.12[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814: If someone were to ask me "suggest me a general purpose phone for 20 employees with PoE", THEN I'd suggest IP 430's.  If its for 2 people who can use a power brick I'd much sooner suggest the IP 501.
16:51.20wulfy814[TK]D-Fender: I'm having issues with call parking with polycoms
16:51.23[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814:  Nope.  I'm not a "beta" person
16:51.44wulfy814[TK]D-Fender: if they've never seen a 601 and have limited needs I would agree
16:51.58[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814: I'm on 1.2 FTP releases only until 1.4 final comes out.  Even then I might wait until 1.4.1 comes out 2 days later ;)
16:52.00wulfy814[TK]D-Fender: after using a 601 or 430 hard to go back
16:52.17wulfy814I've gotten the presence working for the parking slots
16:52.23wulfy814which I'm thrilled about
16:52.27*** join/#asterisk TedC (
16:52.38wulfy814when someone is parked in 701 it lights up an appearance button on the polycom
16:52.42[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814: I know, but its a question of NEEDS vs WANTS.  Of course the IP 601 is beter than the rest so why not just get those?  Budget is a reason you know...
16:52.44wulfy814and I can hit that button to pick up the call
16:53.16[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814: Easy to do in a MicroBroswer click-to-call script as well.
16:53.32[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814: Would be a very minor thing for me to code one day
16:53.35wulfy814but when I actually park the call I'm stuck using blind transfer
16:53.48wulfy814Microbrowser is only available on the 601 right?
16:53.54[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814: Why is that?  You referring to using the Polycom Park feature?
16:54.00[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814: Correct
16:54.26wulfy814if I hit transfer - 700, send (reads back slot) and hit transfer again the MOH stops on the remote end (call being parked) and nothing happens on my pcom
16:54.52wulfy814if I do blind transfer (watching the console) it reads back the slot to nothing , but it successfully parks the call
16:55.45[TK]D-Fenderwulfy814: Thats... "interesting"....
16:55.50mutilatorfigured out why it costs you $200 to get your macbook painted black:
16:56.04*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:56.05hmmhesaysgood lord ethereal is taking FOREVER to compile
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16:57.11sahafeez501 is fine for a desk. we use 301 for the lower life forms, 501 for the mgrs and 601 for the conference and front desk. (tounge in check)
16:57.13Ngtzanger: your context suggestion isn't really working, users from the employee context can't see the conference context. I have them both in a separate trusted context, but I don't see why that would work anyway, they will be making calls from the employees context, so the trusted context won't ever be checked, surely?
16:58.27Ngso I'd need to inclue conference in employees, but since employees is included in default so external people can call them, that would imply that external people could also then cascade to the conference extension?
16:59.48[TK]D-FenderNg: Pastebin your whole dialplan please.
17:00.07*** join/#asterisk hoobastooba (n=ckwall@
17:00.36Ng[TK]D-Fender: it'll have to be a censored version, but sure.
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17:01.03[TK]D-FenderNg: Keep it to a minimum
17:01.06hoobastoobaI see many programs that allow me to send a fax from email through asterisk. I am looking for one that will allow me to also receive. Any suggestions? I looked at Hylafax and asterfax. mail2fax and others.
17:01.12*** join/#asterisk kilobit2001 (
17:01.25kilobit2001does asterisk support voicexml?
17:01.26[TK]D-Fenderhoobastooba: SpanDSP
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17:01.38[TK]D-Fenderkilobit2001: : not natively
17:01.39hoobastooba[TK]D-Fender: thanks you, googling
17:01.58MportnoyHi I need to move all the recordings of October 2006 on the monitor directory to a folder called October, how can I do this ?
17:02.03tzangerNg: you put them in the trusted context, of course.
17:02.15tzangerMportnoy: find is your friend
17:02.23*** part/#asterisk hoobastooba (n=ckwall@
17:02.25Mportnoytzanger: what is the command ?
17:02.48luke-jr_workkilobit2001, the company I work for has something for that
17:02.52tzangerman find, of course
17:03.13Mportnoycan you show me the command, the whole line ?
17:04.10jeremy_gkilobit2001:it wud soon, they way jgoo is going
17:05.15Ngtzanger: I duplicate all their extensions from employees to trusted?
17:05.24Ngtzanger: that hardly seems optimal ;)
17:05.26tzangerNg: f8uck no
17:05.35tzangerTHINK about what you're trying to do
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17:05.39tzangerholy hell people, THINK
17:06.12Mportnoywell the problem is that man is pretty bad
17:06.12NgI appreciate you guys helping me and I do have the o'reilly book and voip-info in front of me, I am trying to figure this out on my own ;p
17:06.21hoobastoobai have 2 TE405P cards... Looking to unload them so I can upgrade. Anyone interested.
17:06.23tzangerMportnoy: no it's not
17:06.35tzangerNg: you want a trusted context that lets people call employees and conferences
17:06.41Ngtzanger: no
17:06.42Mportnoytzanger: yes it does not show examples
17:06.43tzangeryou already have an [employees] and [conferences] I think
17:07.01tzangerMportnoy: unless you use -exec stupidly you won't break anything by trying a few options
17:07.02Ngtzanger: I want [default] to be able to call [employees] only and for [employees] to be able to call [conferences]
17:07.10tzangerMportnoy: nad I'm *positive* that google got something on this
17:07.23tzangerNg: good, now code EXACTLY what you wrote
17:07.36tzanger[default] include = employees
17:07.41tzanger[employees] include = conferences
17:07.51[TK]D-FenderNg: And next time... use .  .com is broken
17:08.05Ng[TK]D-Fender: ok
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17:09.34Ngtzanger: doesn't that mean that [defaults] includes employees which includes conferences, thus [default] ends up including [conferences]?
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17:09.57insanity5What is a good orgination provider?  Reliable, no bs, unlimited open lines
17:10.18luke-jr_workinsanity5, *maybe* Teliax, but I haven't used them for years
17:10.38insanity5It seems they come and go... and so do the numbers every few years
17:10.43tzangerNg: then odn't do that
17:10.52tzangerng: [defaults]
17:10.56tzangerinclude = employees
17:11.04tzanger[employees] contains *just* the extensions.  that's it
17:11.08tzangerinclude = employees
17:11.12tzangerinclude = conferences
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17:11.23tzangerand have all your phones use the trusted context
17:12.01tzangeror, if you *must* have your sip phones use the employees context
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17:12.12tzangerinclude = valid_extensions
17:12.17tzangerinclude = conferences
17:12.23luke-jr_workget rid of defaults ;p
17:13.10tzanger[valid_extensions] has all the extensions of hte people
17:13.10tzangerand yes, get rid of defaults
17:13.10tzangerNEVER use [default]
17:13.10tzangerNEVER EVER EVER
17:13.10Ngtzanger: aha, changing the context of each phone to trusted makes sense
17:13.11sahafeezjermey_g: thanks. worked.
17:13.11Ngwhat's wrong with [default]?
17:13.11tzangerNg: because it is a default.  That means there may be misconfigured peers or malicious peers trying to access shit in there
17:13.32tzangermy [default] on all my systems is exten => _.,1,NoOp(hit ${EXTEN} in [default], this is NOT GOOD)
17:13.44tzangerbecause it means something tried to hit [default] and I never use it
17:14.03Ngtzanger: but the only extensions I have in [default] are ones we've specifically put in there. what "shit" are you referring to?
17:14.11kilobit2001anyone can tell me how many context I need, if I have 5 menus, each with 5 nested menus?
17:14.46anthmand if 2 trains leave the station at the same time?
17:15.31coppiceanthm: then it can't be British Rail
17:15.37[TK]D-Fenderkilobit2001: Each menu is a context.  Do the math
17:15.39tzangerNg: [default] is .. well, the *default* -- it may be referenced in many places in * code.  Unless you do a very careful code review you are not assured that nothing will ever end up in there
17:16.05hmmhesayshmmm not good not good
17:16.09Ngtzanger: ok
17:16.11Ng[TK]D-Fender: thanks
17:16.15tzangerthere's too much cruft in * for me to trust it to never end up in [default] when [default] is referenced in a ton of sample files
17:16.16Ngtzanger: thanks to you too
17:16.19hmmhesaysit seems asterisk is not passing my fax reinvite back through to my terminating gateway
17:16.21tzangerit's just a paranoia thing I guess
17:16.22NgI reckon this will be ok now
17:17.01[TK]D-Fender[default] is a terrible name and should never be used.
17:17.16[TK]D-Fendertodays key-word is "EXPLICIT"
17:18.28anthmhow bout [segfault] instead?
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17:20.28jgoo[TK]D-Fender: careful, you might wake some people up shouting words like that ;-)
17:20.55[TK]D-Fenderanthm: No, thats a Novemeber even ;)
17:21.24[TK]D-Fenderanthm: Though I do find it rather amusing :0
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17:23.24wulfy814[TK]D-Fender: I think it's my own stupidity that's holding me back not 1.4
17:23.42wulfy814I can transfer a call to one of the three extensions I have 8005, 8010, or 8015
17:23.57wulfy814but I can't transfer it anywhere else, including 8500 (voicemail)
17:24.05wulfy814it behaves the same way as the parking
17:24.31wulfy814it connects me to voicemail instead of sending the user there
17:25.11jgooanyone heard of openradio?
17:26.16jgoo[TK]D-Fender: I called the Record() application explicitly (yey) from AGI, using exec (not an agi command) and I still didn't get the variable. I am suspecting that, in ANY agi call,a new channel is created or something.... weird
17:28.17[TK]D-Fenderjgoo: If it did, then you'd at least see that new channel name.  No... I don't think so......
17:28.50[TK]D-Fenderjgoo: Seems pretty clear that either that function doesn't do what you think, or you're calling it wrong
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17:30.32jgoo_DAMN my foolish mind. you need %d in a Record to get the filename. OK so now I see the variable. mentally good.
17:30.45jgoo_still, bittersweet. I still need to finish this voicemail app
17:31.01[TK]D-Fenderjgoo: You going to share it when you're done?
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17:33.03jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: yes, I hope to have a full range of neat and cool apps. right now.. it is kinda tied to my oracle database, as I use a customer set of data objects. But, it will be simple to make it run on hibernate, and let everyone else choose their own method (it records each voicemail in a database, not just filesystem)
17:33.42hmmhesaysSo i'm having a problem here, wondering if someone can shed some light on it
17:33.52jgoo_plus some nice features like a few methods that get choices from people, handle validation and errors in a really robust way
17:34.17[TK]D-Fenderjgoo : can ODBC serve that purpose?  WOuld allow for better abstraction and you could allow for a local DB w/o process overhead (SQLIte)
17:35.15jgoo_but yes
17:35.24hmmhesaysAsterisk 1.2 I have an ata and a pri gateway. when a call comes into the pri gateway it gets sent to the ATA,  there is a fax machine connected to the ata. when the ata detects the fax tone it sends and invite back to asterisk to change the codec over to ulaw. This doesn't get forwarded to my pri gateway so it stays using g.729 and obviously the fax fails
17:35.39jgoo_I will add jdbc, and put some hibernate classes in there for anyone, and you can use a jdbc-odbc bridge if you want :-)
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17:36.11hmmhesaysis there any way I can make asterisk pass that invite back through to my pri gateway?
17:36.18[TK]D-Fenderjdbc isn't a "bad" idea, just less of a "free" one.
17:36.20jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: honestly, if agi is sweetened up, and there is a great higher level library, it will be CHILDSPLAY to write the most insanely complicated apps
17:36.47[TK]D-Fenderjgoo : Surprised you haven't tried writeing a REAL app for this...
17:37.07jgoo_[TK]D-Fender: I don't get that comment, jdbc is just how java does :p you can control any DB with jdbc, just grab that driver, if you want to use some odbc driver, use a bridge
17:37.09jgoo_REAL? :p
17:37.32jgoo_what do you mean by REAL? ^_^
17:38.18[TK]D-Fenderjgoo : an actual * registered app (there is a template for this).  Would reduce overhead even more and open up new functionality
17:39.16jgoo_registered?  you mean... in .c ? I am confuzzled at this juncture. I guess you mean lower level. that is the idea of AGI. I want higherlevel, like ask("question") and stuff, ok I have to go
17:39.31*** join/#asterisk MORRICE (
17:40.20MORRICECan someone tell me what the copywrite on Asterisk is, i have a consultant refusing to give me access to the box he sold us  and including refusing to just give me a copy of our config files
17:40.58hmmhesaysanyone anyone?
17:41.39MORRICEI thought this product was like a GNU thing
17:41.39Pj_MORRICE: Asterisk is GPL
17:41.52Pj_The login password to your box isn't probably
17:42.02Pj_and the config files I don't know but I wouldn't be too sure
17:42.18Pj_I never saw a GPL header up there
17:42.36macTijnconfigs are public domain :P
17:42.43Pj_macTijn: yeah !
17:42.50[TK]D-FenderMORRICE: * may be GPL, but in the lowest term, * config files can be construed as "code" to which I suppose he could claim "copyright" over.
17:42.54dasenjoconfigs colud be closed
17:43.00[TK]D-FendermacTijn: I currently beg to differ
17:43.14Pj_MORRICE: if he sold you the box it's yours isn't it ?
17:43.17macTijn[TK]D-Fender: about the pub domain ? duh.
17:43.18MORRICEhow would one be able to backup and rebuild their ssytem them
17:43.26Pj_Just reboot the damn thing on a live cd and get the files
17:43.39Pj_Although maybe you would be -stealing- his config files then
17:43.40[TK]D-FenderMORRICE: And if you "own" the box, and not just a "license to use" you could always just go in and grab them
17:43.44MORRICEOh I know HOW I could get it.. but its not the point
17:43.55MORRICEOh we own the server
17:44.13Pj_The point is the contract you have with that guy
17:44.16macTijnMORRICE: any agreements on usage of the server ?
17:44.19MORRICEand wouldnt those configs be OURS as they are,  our way of operating
17:44.24Pj_But he can totally claim copyright over his config files
17:44.33MORRICEIm pullin those now, but I do not think there is any signed agreement
17:44.36macTijnMORRICE: like a rental contract or so ?
17:44.43Pj_the answer lies in your contract
17:44.47[TK]D-FenderMORRICE: Ok, if you don't see anything in your contract of sale prohibiting you from doing otherwise, go hack into it and look into the files.  if there is a copyright notive then you'll have to consider that moving on.
17:44.51dasenjoMORRICE can own the bix, but can have a support contract that dont let him grab the files or manage the server
17:45.10macTijnmy personal business is based on the fact that the config is created by me, therefor owned by me
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17:45.23MORRICEand if you go out of business
17:45.24macTijnand it's certainly not GPL or any other form of open
17:45.35dasenjomacTijn, my case is similar
17:46.18macTijnI might "open up" snippets
17:46.34macTijnbut primarily it's mine, and no one else gets to touch it
17:46.46MORRICEI think at that point you might find yourself in breech of the crimmial code
17:46.49MORRICEfor data
17:46.56macTijnthe what now ?
17:47.14macTijnexcuse me
17:47.22macTijnyou must confuse me for some dumb american.
17:47.56MORRICEthere is a fine line on 'MISCHIEF' and refusing access to own data is one of them
17:48.08MORRICE(d) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with any person in the
17:48.08MORRICE>     lawful use of data or denies access to data to any person who is
17:48.08MORRICE>     entitled to access thereto.
17:48.18dasenjoour config files are readeble, but the client have no administration access to the server
17:48.26macTijnMORRICE: but are you entitled ?
17:48.32dasenjojust through destar, our interface
17:48.38jeremy_gMORRICE:where r ya quoting from
17:48.44MORRICEthat makes sense.. you dont want them to MODIFY them and have a server blow up
17:48.52FuriousGeorgeanyone know if multiparking is scheduled for the 1.4 release cycle?  or is that something that is going to have to wait till 1.6
17:48.54MORRICEbut they should have access to them for reference or backup
17:49.23macTijnMORRICE: are you actually entitled to access those files, and on what grounds ?
17:49.23dasenjoyes .. there are backups
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17:49.39MORRICEIm referencing that from LAWS on mischief
17:50.05macTijnMORRICE: can you please answer my question ?
17:50.18MORRICEmacTijn what ?
17:50.29MORRICEjeremy_g one sec
17:50.30macTijn[19:49] <macTijn> MORRICE: are you actually entitled to access those files, and on what grounds ?
17:50.57MORRICEWhy would I not be entitled to data on my server for my office for a product that is GNU?
17:51.16hmmhesaysno one has any idea huh?
17:51.24macTijnMORRICE: did you config it ?
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17:51.37Pj_MORRICE: 1°) Not everyone is american 2°) It's not because you can use it that you can know how it works, take any proprietary software
17:51.47Pj_And they're not "illegal" even by american standards
17:51.54Pj_especially by american standards
17:51.58MORRICEI have done some of the configs
17:52.08MORRICEI have added and change items to work as we go
17:52.19macTijnMORRICE: through a web interface ?
17:52.27Pj_doesn't matter much
17:52.38Pj_what counts is "are you entitled to"
17:52.40Pj_as you said
17:52.52Pj_not if you "can do it", or "did it" already
17:52.54macTijnI don't believe so
17:53.08Pj_otherwise we're back at square one, just reboot the puter and get the files
17:53.10FuriousGeorgehmmhesays: i PRI has INVITES like sip?  or are you talking about sip INVITES?
17:53.44justinu|laptoppri/q.931 calls them SETUPs
17:53.45MORRICEheres the link.. oh and sorry guys I should have also said.. Im Canadian Eh
17:54.00FuriousGeorgei thought pri's for telphony had 24 interfaces which could be made digital or analog (never even seen one personally)
17:54.46Pj_MORRICE: doesn't answer the fact that you're entitled or not
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17:55.14MORRICEwell thats the question I came in here for lol
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17:55.23Pj_but it's not because it's _on_ your server that it do belong to you
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17:55.43Pj_Well the answer is not here
17:55.44ltersany good calculators to compute minutes per meg on gsm or wan?
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17:55.51Pj_Cause config files have nothing to do with the gpl
17:55.59Pj_so it's all about your contract
17:56.14MORRICEk thanks pj
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17:59.27MikeJgpl has everything to do with copywrite law.. so if it isn't copywritable.. gpl won't apply..
18:00.01MikeJalso, gpl governs distribution, not use.. once it's in your hands, the gpl makes no use restrictions at all.. only distribution restrictions
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18:00.46MikeJif a config file is copywritable.. it can be held under the terms of the gpl... if it is distributed with such a license..
18:00.54Pj_MikeJ: true
18:01.20Pj_but he's saying that the guy won't give him the files
18:01.40Pj_So I don't think it's the kind of person to paste a GPL header at the beginning of the files :)
18:02.25MikeJI wasn't getting into that conversation.. just the gpl piece of it
18:02.59MikeJwhat exactly is the larger issue at hand/
18:03.16Pj_MikeJ: if MORRICE owns the config files on his server or not
18:03.25MikeJconfig files for what?
18:03.44MikeJit's a server that he owns, that he posesses?
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18:04.03MORRICEI want a copy of the configs..   I do not care so much about modify rights on the live server just I want copies of the configs
18:04.15MORRICEI own server and its in my basement in my server room
18:04.24MikeJso you own a server, and you paid somone to come install and configure asterisk for you?
18:04.54MORRICEa local company is selling phone systems.. They sell you hardware and support time and install.
18:05.02MORRICEThey make it clear they are not selling the software
18:05.43MikeJand it's put out there as support and configuration.... not they are selling you anything propriatary.. right?
18:06.00MORRICEfrom our meetings YES
18:06.02MikeJI suppose the issue is you don't have root access to the box ?
18:06.27Pj_meetings, oral agreement, "what I thought", what you think is right
18:06.33MORRICECorrect they wont give that over or will void support.. Which is fine.  In worse case I know how to get past it
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18:06.39Pj_means bullshit ornearly so when dealing with law
18:06.50MikeJMORRICE.. ok no big deal...
18:06.53MikeJbut you own the box..
18:07.04MORRICEwe have big fat bill for hardware
18:07.11MORRICEits ours
18:07.13MikeJwhat country are you in?
18:07.51MikeJok.. so the legal question here is, would the config file fall under copywrite law in canada..
18:07.51tzafrirA config file is certainly copyrighttable (and certainly not copy*write*ble). So theoreticallly as the sample config files of Asterisk are released under the same license as Asterisk (never mentioned explicitly in the source tree that they aren't), anything derived from them is under the same license, by the terms of the GPL
18:08.06tzafrirUnless I missed something in the docs of Asterisk
18:08.32MikeJtzafir, I think you just conflicted yourself.
18:08.45tzafrirMikeJ, how?
18:08.47hmmhesaysbah driving me nuts
18:08.55MikeJis a configuration file copyrighttable?
18:08.58hmmhesaysMikeJ help me
18:09.06tzafrirextensions.conf certainly is
18:09.11tzafrirIt is not trivial
18:09.23tzafrirrtp.conf? hmmm.. maybe not
18:09.26MikeJthat's an assertion on your part...
18:09.32MikeJbut I don't know that to be true..
18:09.49MikeJespecially with differences in different countries laws.
18:09.55MikeJbut that is the crux of things.
18:10.03MikeJhmmhesays, what's up..
18:10.09*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
18:10.33clyrradI have a question about DTMF - I have phones set to INBAND+INFO, and it works well with Asterisk as well as most IVR systems.  Howerver some IVR systems will not accept the DTMF's - Just wondering if anyone has had this issue - or knows of a work around?
18:10.35MikeJregardless... if it is.. then it is likely derivative work of the original files from asterisk, which may or may not be gpl...
18:10.47ltersany good minutes per wav calculators out there?
18:10.49hmmhesaysWell I'm having a problem with faxing, not a networking issue but
18:11.14Pj_I don't think it's "derivative work" neither it's any "work" at all
18:11.17MikeJthe fact of the matter is.. it's your box.... there is no law keeping you from hacking the box and getting the config files that I can think of..
18:11.18tzafrirThe license of Asterisk is well known.. And anyway, Digium is in a position to release those files under a different license
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18:11.33hmmhesaysI have a pri gateway and an ata.  When the ata detects a fax it sends a reinvite  to asteirsk with the prefered fax codec, this never makes it to my pri gateway so I end up with  one leg ulaw one leg g.729
18:11.33tzafrirIn case clarification is needed
18:11.59MikeJI am not talking about digiums release anyhow.. I am talking about this guys deal..
18:12.00Pj_It would be tantamount saying that if you create a drawing with gimp, the settings you used for your blur would be GPL'ed because it's based on the default setting
18:12.00MikeJhis deal is.. it's his box.. he can hack it and get a copy of the files.. .
18:12.25MikeJif all you want is to have the files, I can't think of anything stopping you
18:12.36Pj_MikeJ: same here
18:12.52Pj_If it's law however, just get you _contract_
18:12.56MORRICEI understand.. I was just getting frustrated and wanted to understand how someone could say Im not allowed to thm
18:13.01tzafrirThe drawing itself (the image) is copyrightable. And so are the files that save it (e.g: .xfc files)
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18:13.21MORRICEIm waiting for my boss to bring me the file from her office
18:13.28MikeJI bet they were dumb enough to leave the thing running as root.. so if you have manager access, add system ext to change the root pwd, or to set up an accout with the appropriate access..
18:13.42MikeJor to just ftp the files off the box
18:13.58Pj_tzafrir: I could copyright the drawing, sell it to someone and then I could be forced to say which settings I use ?
18:14.07Pj_don't think so
18:14.12MikeJMORRICE.. is your only issue that you want a copy of the files?
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18:14.23MikeJor do you want to sell them to somone else?
18:14.26Pj_Hm wait I'm getting silly
18:14.48MikeJif you just want a copy for yourself... just take a copy..
18:15.06MORRICEI just want a copy for reference shake..  Just like all my network related items.. If SAID consultant disappears I still have 2 feet to stand on when I call another consultant
18:15.28Pj_but still I don't "think" the conf files are GPLed, are they ? do you have a sample case or... ?
18:16.05tzafrirPj_, the question is different: if you made very special settings, and then I copy them and distribute them al over the world, I may be stepping over the copyrights law
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18:16.09MORRICEI was hopin you folks would have run into this and might know.. but thats ok
18:16.27tzafrirThat is: if I'm just copying and not reimplementing
18:16.58MikeJMORRICE... then no problem.. do you have manager access to the box?
18:17.08MORRICEI have NO access to box..
18:17.17MORRICEIll have to boot it from a cd and make changes :) lol
18:17.21MikeJwell.. clearly you can make phone calls to it
18:17.31MikeJyou can't use manager?
18:17.39MORRICElol yes
18:17.58MikeJport scan it, what ports it listenting on?
18:17.59tzafrirlters, gsm is 1MB perl 10 minutes, IIRC
18:18.01MORRICEwell they have a web interface on top I log into
18:18.16clyrradI have a question about DTMF - I have phones set to INBAND+INFO, and it works well with Asterisk as well as most IVR systems.  Howerver some IVR systems will not accept the DTMF's - Just wondering if anyone has had this issue - or knows of a work around?
18:18.17MikeJMORRICE, can you add arbitrary extensions?
18:18.26lterstzafrir: I see, thanks
18:18.29MORRICEI can add ext from the web interface
18:18.41MikeJusing asterisk dialplan syntax?
18:18.41MORRICEand from in there I have cli
18:18.44tzafriryey!, I used s/ for correcting perl :-)
18:18.57Qwellan actual asterisk CLI?
18:19.08MORRICEone sec
18:19.09QwellMORRICE: type !
18:19.10Pj_which version of asterisk are you running ? do you have chan_skinny loaded ?
18:19.18*** join/#asterisk qdk (
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18:19.22clyrradcan anyone help me out with my DTMF question?  I am wondering if there is another DTMF that is better to use?
18:19.25Inezdoes anyone use res_odbc with pgsql?
18:19.25lterstzafrir: wow, that was neat.
18:19.26MikeJPj_.. hehe
18:19.33Inezi have problem to cofnigure odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini
18:19.56ellisdeei have some incorrect paths set to config files. in asterisk 1.2.*: is there a file that has a path for all config files that can be manually modified to reflect the name change of config files?
18:19.58tzafrirlters, it only works on your lines
18:19.59Qwellclyrrad: rfc2833 works well
18:20.33clyrradQwell: does it support more systems than INBAND+INFO?
18:20.34InezQwell can you help me tih odbc and pgsql?
18:21.04*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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18:21.06AursInez: I'm using res_odbc
18:21.11Qwellrussellb: !
18:21.19russellbQwell: !
18:21.20CunningPike_clyrrad: This may or may not help - when using SPA-3000s with IVR, we had to set the SPA to use INBAND and use dtmfmode=inband in sip.conf to get it to work
18:21.24russellbgreetings, sir
18:21.44[TK]D-FenderCunningPikeSPA's should use INFO
18:21.59Corydon-wHelp me, OB1 Qwell noby... you're my only hope...
18:21.59clyrradCunningPike - yea we have set INBAND+INFO becase it works well with Asterisk and most IVR's - there are just some IVR's out there that wont get the DTMF's
18:22.28clyrradI was wondering if this is a case of - it wont work with ALL IVR's?
18:22.43clyrradit seems if you set one mode to make one IVR happy - the next one does not work anymore...
18:22.46AursInez: this might help you:
18:23.40lterstzafrir: what about wav49 or wav...
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18:23.46InezAurs thanks
18:23.54ltersor would there be no reason for it...
18:24.02tzafrirwav49 is gsm
18:24.12tzafrirwav is not gsm
18:24.24CunningPike_[TK]D-Fender: We tried INFO, but no dice - INBAND worked
18:24.30Pj_wing ?
18:24.39Pj_damn, doesn'twork
18:24.42CunningPike_[TK]D-Fender: I think it's the IVR itself
18:24.50clyrradyes INFO never worked for us too - we had to set INFO+INBAND
18:25.25[TK]D-FenderCunningPike : if you set the SPA to INFO and your sip.conf entry for it it should work perfectly.  Did for me.
18:25.32clyrradI was thinking its a case of either the IVR can read VOIP DTMF or it cant - becase the IVR works fine from a LAN line
18:25.48lterstzafrir: I see, hmm. wonder why *  saves vm as all 3.
18:26.13*** join/#asterisk drcode (
18:26.15drcodehi all
18:26.18drcodewhats u
18:26.31clyrradand "Auto" on the SPA's do not seem to work at all
18:26.44tzafrirlters, tell it the format explicitly. Check the sample voicemail.conf
18:26.58tzafrirhi drcode
18:27.09*** part/#asterisk brif8 (n=brif8@
18:27.20drcodehi tzafrir
18:29.36*** join/#asterisk Arno[Slack] (
18:32.19hmmhesaysfaxing is going to drive me insane
18:32.45anthmthat would make it a fax driver i guess
18:33.01*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
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18:37.03hmmhesaysI can't get my endpoints to successfully negotiate a fax codec
18:37.15*** join/#asterisk telamon (
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18:37.48telamonAre International phone numbers (from a North American perspective) always the same length?
18:38.51Qwelltelamon: no
18:38.55SpaceBassnot sure all country codes are 2 digits
18:38.56SpaceBasssome are 3
18:39.00[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass: Very doable.
18:39.06QwellSpaceBass: some are 1
18:39.13SpaceBassand each country can have its own format after that
18:39.20SpaceBassUSA, case in point...1
18:39.34SpaceBass[TK]D-Fender, really? on OS X too?
18:39.42*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
18:39.50telamonAh, that's what I thought.  Okay, _011. it is then.
18:40.07*** join/#asterisk DanTMG (
18:40.13SpaceBassthats what I do... 011.
18:40.29Corydon-w_011XXXXX. is what I use
18:40.34denontelamon: 011XXX. may be a safe bet
18:40.52Corydon-wThere are no shorter numbers than 5 long
18:41.04denonCorydon-w: was considering if any country had a 0 that worked from outside
18:41.05Corydon-wEven Vatican City has longer
18:41.07denon011610 or such
18:41.13[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass: quick hacks : set a print driver to always print to PS and then deposit the files on a polled server in a user folder.  those folders would then get polled and imported into a web interface for identification for destination.  from there you just tell it to send it on its merry way and you can have Hylafax / SpanDSP spit them out.
18:41.30denonCorydon-w: like for an operator or some kinda service
18:41.43Corydon-wdenon: probably not, though I can't say for sure
18:41.53denonnod, thats what I figure too .. but also, I cant say for sure :)
18:41.56denonhence the 011XXX. :)
18:42.01SpaceBass[TK]D-Fender, i did think about something along those lines...using SpanDSP... but I want to be able to avoid the web part
18:42.03*** join/#asterisk billwarddc (
18:42.15Corydon-wdenon: what about calling Russian Federation operator?
18:42.16SpaceBass[TK]D-Fender, I was thinking of using postfix and parsing an email where the subject is the number to call
18:42.16telamonJust out of curiosity, how do you determine the country and city code from a number?  Since the country codes and local number can be of varying length, it seems rather difficult.
18:42.25Corydon-wdenon: that's a single digit country code
18:42.28denonCorydon-w: ok, fine, 011. :)
18:42.38*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
18:43.08Corydon-wJust pointing it out
18:43.39[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass: But taht would mean more interfention on the users side
18:43.58SpaceBass[TK]D-Fender, as PS then email...
18:44.18[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass: Doesn't Hylafax have a driver for MacOS?
18:44.24SpaceBassit may
18:44.33SpaceBassi haven't looked into Halyfax in 2 years
18:44.40hmmhesaysis it possible to allow or disallow codecs based on an extension dialed?
18:44.43[TK]D-FenderCorydon-w: What country has a single digit country code?
18:45.05Corydon-wNANP and Russian Federation both have single digit country codes
18:45.07Qwell[TK]D-Fender: The US?
18:45.17Corydon-wNANP is 1.  Russian Federation is 7.
18:45.25[TK]D-FenderQwell Really?  what is it then?  How would one call from say.. France?
18:46.12Qwelldial the france international dial prefix, then 1NXXNXXXXXX
18:46.26Qwell011 isn't a global thing
18:46.35Corydon-wFrance's international prefix is 00, right?
18:46.49CunningPikeMost European countries are 00
18:47.40[TK]D-FenderQwell : So thats _001NXXNXXXXXX for frans to call USA?
18:47.46Qwellsomething like that
18:47.55[TK]D-FenderQwell : interesting.
18:48.20[TK]D-FenderQwell : Sounds like an early-dial horror ;)
18:49.41drcodecan I use sip phone with 10 video confrence meeting + polycom?
18:50.23*** join/#asterisk krondorl (
18:50.25xhelioxAny anyone shed some light on what "-- PROGRESS with cause code 127 received"  means? I'm receiving this when having a one way audio issue and trying to determine if it's related.
18:52.30krondorlHi all..  Anyone here use the FOP interface?  I'm looking to find out how to run the automatically in gentoo..  if I issue the command in a ssh connection, when I exit, the .pl shuts down.  I need it to stay running.
18:53.32[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: How would you call it from the CLI?
18:53.45CunningPikekrondorl: I think the FOP web site includes init scripts for a variety of distros......
18:54.14krondorlit's not called from the cli.. the init's from the site are not very clear and do not work in gentoo.
18:54.20*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
18:55.41[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: I jsut asked how you were calling it from the Linux CLI, not *
18:56.01CunningPikekrondorl: You'll need to take a working init from your distro, take the closest FOP sample and fire up vi
18:57.03krondorlFender: Opps sorry...  /usr/local/ -d
18:57.33ellisdeekron, just ru it in a screen session
18:57.38krondorlCunningPike: Ok..  my mind must be fried, I didn't think of that...
18:57.59CunningPikekrondorl: :D
18:59.17*** join/#asterisk anthonyl (
18:59.23krondorlEllisdee: easier said then done as most of our work is remote and to far to travel to get access to the screen.. Not only that.  It's another company altogether and we'd need permission to get access.
18:59.28*** join/#asterisk FunnyManVA (
19:02.39*** join/#asterisk ilo_admin (
19:03.19ilo_adminHello to everyone and a special hello to CunningPike
19:03.38CunningPikeilo_admin: Worked for ya, then? ;)
19:04.23*** join/#asterisk tvile (n=chatzill@
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19:05.01drcodeI can connect into mysql or sqllite sip users?
19:05.18anthonylare you asking about realtime/
19:05.21*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
19:05.46ilo_adminYes CunningPike it worked Thanks
19:05.54ilo_adminI am extra happy today
19:06.14CunningPikeilo_admin: Excellent - welcome aboard
19:06.15*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
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19:07.47ilo_adminThank YOU
19:09.19*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
19:10.03[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: Just do "/usr/local/ -d &" and that will load it as a daemon that won't close when you logout
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19:12.58CunningPikeilo_admin: Now that you're here, got a question? :)
19:13.13*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
19:13.38krondorlFender: Ah so that's what the & symbol is for??
19:14.56[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: YUP
19:15.28[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: which is for instance why you do "safe_asterisk &" to start * as a daemon from the CLI
19:15.58[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: a Linux "must know" item.  I personally know little MORE than that ;)
19:17.21ilo_adminYes I do
19:18.34*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
19:19.03ilo_adminI have installed Asterisk 1.2.13 on top of Ubuntu Dapper Server 6.06 Patched.  I wanted to have asterisk startup automatically after booting completes
19:19.06MRH2hi can anyone confirm that ${CALLERIDNUM} works in 1.4
19:19.45CunningPikeMRH2: It's deprecated in 1.2 and absent in 1.4 - use ${CALLERID(num)} instead
19:20.04*** part/#asterisk MORRICE (
19:20.35hmmhesaysnuts nuts nuts
19:20.57hmmhesaysso is there any way I can change the codec i'm using if a fax is detected?
19:21.04hmmhesayson a sip channel
19:21.10CunningPikeilo_admin: Have you tried 'make config'?
19:21.20ilo_adminI run make config under asterisk and it if this was redhat it would work fine
19:21.31ilo_adminTo no avail
19:21.49CunningPikeilo_admin: Hmm - you may need to take an existing working init script for your distro and get hacking :)
19:22.00ilo_adminI think I am going to have to custom script but not sure where to begin
19:22.28ilo_adminYes, the location for config files is not the same on ubuntu as other flavors of linux
19:22.39CunningPikeilo_admin: Why am I not surprised
19:22.55*** join/#asterisk angler (i=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
19:22.55CunningPikeilo_admin: Does the script itself work?
19:23.19ilo_adminI have the zaptel config files working fine but not asterisk, the answer to your question is no
19:23.59C6Vettecan agi be used outside the dial plan to get status of channels using Asterisk::AGI in perl?
19:24.00ilo_adminYou are not surprised of file location in ubuntu why?
19:24.47CunningPikeilo_admin: You've tried running the script directly? What I'm getting at is whether the issue is that the script itself doesn't run, or whether it's simply in the wrong place
19:25.16ilo_adminlet me check one moment
19:25.23CunningPikeilo_admin: And I'm not surprised because I am irrationally biased against ubuntu :)
19:25.48hmmhesaysis it possible to change the sip codec in the dialplan?
19:26.03CunningPikehmmhesays: I don't believe so.....
19:26.27C6Vettehmmhesays, I have heard others asking for this feature, but last I heard no you cant.
19:26.31hmmhesaysi know there is a SIP_CODEC variable
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19:26.57CunningPikehmmhesays: I think it's read only though - transcoder negotiation is carried out at call setup
19:27.10hmmhesaysunless a reinvite is sent
19:27.25rvahi...could someone please help me with a TE110P, unicall and a brazilian E1?
19:27.35hmmhesaysthe problem having is when my ata detects a fax it changes the codec to ulaw, but that doesn't make it to my pri gateway
19:27.46CunningPikehmmhesays: Isn't the presence of a re-invite a function of the result of codec negotiation?
19:27.47ilo_adminCunningPike, it was not created although the make command was issued
19:28.09ilo_adminI checked the init.d directory and I see zaptel but no asterisk
19:28.21hmmhesaysyou can do many things with a reinvite
19:28.36CunningPikeilo_admin: Interesting - can you pastebin the output from the 'make config' command?
19:28.38jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
19:29.00ilo_adminwhich one?
19:29.35ilo_adminYou would like I run make config under asterisk and what file should I be posting for you to look at?
19:29.49MikeJjbot... what of these rumors... I want faxes
19:30.05hmmhesaysso I'm stuck now
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19:30.21hmmhesaysmy endpoints won't negotiate a fax codec right, and I can't set it in the dialplan
19:30.22saftsackwhat codec do i need to contact
19:30.42CunningPikeilo_admin: The output from the make config
19:30.57ilo_adminit is written to a log file no?
19:31.16ilo_adminIs the log file located under asterisk-version directory?
19:32.17*** join/#asterisk Assim (n=Assimila@
19:32.18*** join/#asterisk LogiForce (
19:33.06AssimI acidently created a dynamic agent in a queue using FOP. How do I log that agent out of that queue?
19:33.14CunningPikeilo_admin: You should get a bunch of stuff on the screen after you enter the command?
19:33.15*** join/#asterisk slayer192 (
19:33.20CunningPikeOr not?
19:33.29slayer192anthonyl: you in dallas?
19:33.43ilo_adminI got it.  I just thought it write to a file one moment
19:33.54jmlsif anyone is in the mood, have a prod at #8216 - I've added a couple of new features to the app_queue application. Specifically Queue stat variables and the option to run a macro on member connect.
19:34.04jmlsneeds some testing
19:35.16CunningPikeAssim: 'agent logoff' ?
19:35.44Assimwell that is how I log off normal agents, but they don't show in there. I'll try with the full uid
19:36.32QbYI'm still offering a Bounty for a working 7971G configuration..
19:36.39ilo_adminCunningPike just upload the text from running make config
19:36.43AssimSIP/106 (dynamic) (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
19:36.44Assim.... Agent Logoff SIP/106 does not work.
19:36.54CunningPikeilo_admin: Got a link for me?
19:37.15[TK]D-Fenderjmls: aS A QUEUE USER : THANK YOU
19:37.57jmlswhoo! don't shout :)
19:38.50jmlshope it's useful. Within the macro, you can now use the variables to "do things" - for example, we are sending queue stats via jabber
19:39.57saftsackcan somebody tell me please if alaw, ulaw or gsm are working on
19:40.13ilo_admin this is so cool
19:41.23*** join/#asterisk CelticLord2112 (n=CelticLo@
19:41.54hmmhesayswell you can set the SIP_CODEC variable
19:42.02CelticLord2112has anyone heard of a voicemail to email bug on Asterisk 1.2.4 running on gentoo?
19:43.08tzafrirCelticLord2112, why not use up-to-date packages?
19:44.55CunningPikeilo_admin: Where is your successful zaptel init file located?
19:45.23hmmhesaysturns out you can change the codec in the dialplan
19:45.29CunningPikehmmhesays: Do share!
19:45.40ilo_adminone moment let me check to make sure I write the correct thing here
19:45.41hmmhesaysas long as you haven't answered the call yet
19:45.54CunningPikehmmhesays: Ah - makes sense
19:46.00hmmhesaysthats all I need
19:46.19hmmhesaysnow I need someone to send me a fax
19:46.25CunningPikehmmhesays: Ya - I was jumping ahead in my thoughts to after the call was answered
19:46.50AssimUsage: remove queue member <channel> from <queue>
19:47.01Assimthere is the answer
19:47.09ilo_adminthe zaptel file is located in /etc/init.d/
19:48.13CunningPikeilo_admin: What folder are you in when you run 'make config'?
19:48.24CelticLord2112tzfrir:  have several systems deployed on 1.2.4....need to find out if there is a pressing need to upgrade them all or not
19:48.38CunningPikeilo_admin: You should be in wherever your Asterisk source is
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19:49.11CelticLord2112also trying to determine if it is an asterisk issue or an MTA issue on the server
19:50.09tzafrirCelticLord2112, can you send any other message through the sendmail interface (/usr/sbin/sendmail )?
19:50.33PakiPenguinhi tzafrir
19:50.35PakiPenguinhow are you
19:50.59CelticLord2112yes i can...
19:51.41CelticLord2112problem is the voicemail.conf file is set up...even matches what I have on systems with later packages (1.2.10)
19:51.51ilo_adminCunning are you writing to me that the zaptel file you are asking about its location should be in the usr/src/asterisk-version directory
19:52.07*** join/#asterisk aptura (
19:52.12CelticLord2112but asterisk never seems to hand the voicemail .wav file off to the MTA
19:52.25slayer192anyone here sitting at the Westin at the moment?
19:52.32CelticLord2112have not even been able to establish that is is calling the MTA
19:53.01CelticLord2112my challenge is that these 1.2.4 systems are a legacy I have inherited, and i have zero documentation on how the confiugrations were developed
19:53.07*** join/#asterisk MAttH (
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19:53.49MAttHHi... I have two machines tied togethor using IAX over the Internet.  It seems that sometimes the Internet connection at this one location will get high latency from time to time and when that happens the jitterbuffer in IAX just dies and the audio stops working... any thoughts on fixing this?  I basically get 'frames out of seuqnece' errors and the audio never fixes iteself
19:54.31*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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19:55.25[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Hey, care to do me (/us) a quick favour?
19:55.28CunningPikeilo_admin: 'make: Warning: File `.depend' has modification time 2.8e+08 s in the future' - what is your system's date and time?
19:55.42russellb[TK]D-Fender: mayyyyyyyyyybe
19:55.51Qwell/topic :p
19:55.56Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I could've done that, fyi
19:56.04[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: lol... the usual... adding the #freepbx notice back to the channel topic :)
19:56.06russellbyeah, i knew it'd be about the topic
19:56.18russellbQwell can do it ... i'm too lazy
19:56.28QwellWhat did it say before?
19:56.40[TK]D-FenderQwell : I've asked a few times today, but you didn't notice and russellb has helped me a few times on this before.
19:56.47russellbjoin #freepbx for freepbx/8 other names support
19:57.12[TK]D-FenderQwell : yeah, much like that.
19:57.12ilo_adminone moment
19:57.14Qwellis it really appropriate to send people there who are having trixbox OS issues?
19:57.36scurb_Anyone know a good sipclient for windows mobile 5?
19:57.38russellbi really don't see a problem with those people asking here
19:57.58[TK]D-FenderQwell : Better there than here regardless.  Maybe a general note for OS issues go to your distro's support channel.
19:57.59scurb_for square screens.
19:58.01Qwellrussellb: with OS issues?
19:58.08ilo_adminThis is the first time I checked this it is Sun Jan 11 17:29:40 EST 1998
19:58.12russellbQwell: no, freepbx
19:58.22russellbQwell: but #freepbx is probably more helpful
19:58.33*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
19:59.05*** topic/#asterisk by Qwell -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX -=- -=- New Asterisk 1.0, 1.2, 1.2-netsec, 1.4beta, Asterisk-addons 1.2, 1.4beta, Zaptel 1.2, 1.4beta, and Libpri 1.2 releases now available! (Oct. 18, 2006) Join #freepbx for freepbx/trixbox support.
19:59.14ilo_adminI checked on SER box and the same thing. Interesting during installation I set the proper date, time based on region
19:59.39MikeJwhat is 1.2-netsec?
20:00.01russellbworks with ranch networks firewall stuff
20:00.16hmmhesaysack this is driving me nuts
20:01.03*** join/#asterisk pifiu-laptop (n=someone@
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20:01.12b11dhello all
20:02.17slayer192anyone here at Astricon today?
20:02.25b11di am
20:02.28CunningPikeilo_admin: Try setting the proper date and time and trying again
20:02.29b11dnot in attendance
20:02.39slayer192Looking to start a Artiecon 2006 beer-league
20:02.57slayer192heh, looks like I may have started early
20:03.01hmmhesaysso I set my sip codec, but the damn thing
20:03.10tzafrirQwell, write the explicit versions?
20:03.11b11dim so there..
20:03.22ilo_admincool will do give me a moment
20:03.28Qwelltzafrir: ?
20:03.29b11di want on the Asterisk International Beer Quaffing Team
20:03.30*** join/#asterisk FunnyManVA (
20:03.47tzafrirQwell, in the topic
20:04.00slayer192I hear its a tough team to join
20:04.13b11dI'm from Northern Ontario, Canada.. where men can drink at age 8
20:04.23b11dso i've got a good background.. and a strong constitution
20:04.35slayer192CunningPike: Going to the CodeZone event later?
20:04.38b11dlets get drinking some practice kegs
20:04.38apturab11 im here in bc.
20:04.40trelane_b11d, so do I but I drink until I lose
20:04.50b11dahh nice ;)   bc is enjoyable
20:04.54apturaCunningPike what are you doing this week?
20:05.11CunningPikeslayer192: Probably not - I think C is a vitamin
20:05.23CunningPikeaptura: At Astriconm
20:05.30b11dI need to figure out how to allow people to dial 2621111 and reach 1111  :/
20:05.31apturaahh flying there then
20:05.45CunningPikeaptura: Bit far for the scooter
20:05.50b11dcan this be done with exten => _XXX1111 ?
20:06.36apturaCunning yea :)
20:06.43CunningPikeb11d: exten => _XXX1111,1,Dial(${EXTEN:-4}
20:07.00b11dahhh..  very nice
20:07.12b11dim going to give that a whirl
20:07.34FunnyManVAb11d: add a close ) to what CunningPike said so it is exten => _XXX1111,1,Dial(${EXTEN:-4})
20:07.52CunningPikeFunnyManVA: That was a test! ;)
20:08.03PakiPenguini am getting [Oct 24 15:54:09]   == Connect attempt from '' unable to authenticate a lot on my screen , how do i check which usernamed is trying to connect
20:08.08b11dyeah, I figured that :)
20:08.15FunnyManVAFigured it was just a typo, but just in case he cuts and pastes
20:08.16PakiPenguini cant seem to find what is trying to connect to my system
20:08.20apturaCunningPike you worked with dids and multi line configs for the polycom?
20:08.33CunningPikePakiPenguin: Running FOP or anything?
20:08.33jmlsPakiPenguin: it's an astmanproxy or fop or something like that
20:08.45PakiPenguini know ...
20:08.57PakiPenguinjmls: but i need to know what is connecting to the manager interface
20:09.01PakiPenguini cant seem to find what is trying
20:09.10b11dhmm.. it works, but now i cant just dial "1111"
20:09.13jmlsastmanproxy ?
20:09.22jmlsfop ?
20:09.22b11di need 1112222 and 2222 to both work..
20:09.23MercestesWhat is your guys reaction to the Polycom Sip 2.0.1?  Worth updating to?
20:09.36CunningPikeaptura: Yes - we have DIDs and multi-lines.......
20:09.37jmlsthey both connect to the manager interface
20:10.12[TK]D-FenderMercestes: Yup.  faster performance, better NAT handling, enhanced platform support, etc.
20:10.12PakiPenguinjmls: nope , havent got any thing like them
20:10.13hmmhesaysOct 24 15:05:29 DEBUG[2457]: chan_sip.c:3695 process_sdp: Oooh, we need to change our formats since our peer supports only 0x100 (g729) and not 0x4 (ulaw)
20:10.24hmmhesaysI don't understand that, I have g729 and ulaw on both sides
20:11.00MikeJgreat message..
20:11.05FunnyManVAb11d: exten => 1111,1,Dial(${EXTEN}) beefore the above will work for that case.  Is it always 111 4 digit exten or just 4 digit exten?
20:11.14russellbit's not an error
20:11.15MikeJyou may have it on both sides in *.. but what is that end actually sending
20:11.16russellbit's a DEBUG message
20:11.31slayer192PakiPenguin:  Can you run a 'netstat -nap | grep 127' and look for the process that is either in TIME_WAIT or ESTABLISHED ?
20:11.34ilo_adminCunning we are set for GMT correct for North America, correct?
20:11.44MikeJrusselb.. very good... ?
20:11.47*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
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20:11.48hmmhesaysMikeJ: both sides are sending g729 and ulaw as capbabilites
20:11.54b11dif I just dial 1111, then it wont go to the correct voicemail box..
20:11.55Mercestes[TK]D-Fender:  Sweet..thanks.
20:12.02hmmhesayswhich is why I'm confused
20:12.03b11dunless I can figure out how to alias multiple extensions to the same voicemail box
20:12.06CunningPikeilo_admin: I set the clock to UTC and then set the appropriate time zone
20:12.29MikeJhmmhesays, confirmed in the packets?
20:12.32FunnyManVAif so, then you want exten => _111XXXX,1,Dial(${EXTEN:-4}) and then exten => _XXXX,1,Dial($EXTEN)
20:12.35b11dhhmm.. maybe I need to rethink that whole thing..
20:12.44Qwellwait, what?
20:12.45b11dthanks for the advice
20:12.46hmmhesaysMikeJ: yep
20:12.52jmlsPakiPenguin: you using freepbx / trixbox / something like that ?
20:12.57QwellFunnyManVA: If you Dial(${EXTEN}), you'll get...a funky loop
20:13.07CunningPikeb11d: Set the vm box to be 1111 - then, in your _XXX1111 dialplan, you need to go to Voicemail(${EXTEN:-4}@default)
20:13.16b11dyep.. thats what im thinking now
20:13.22PakiPenguinslayer192: check pvt
20:14.31anthonylihey slayer192  @ astricon?
20:15.07slayer192anthonyl: oh yeah
20:15.18slayer192got my very own seat in the back
20:15.19FunnyManVAYeah, sorry about that.  That needs to be what you want the XXXX exten to do, like SIP/1111
20:15.32anthonylare you at the developers summit?
20:15.34FunnyManVAslayer192, i'm in the back too
20:15.54PakiPenguinlol , FunnyManVA wave :)
20:15.57b11dmy god that works just tits..  thanks chaps.
20:15.58hmmhesayswtf is going on here
20:16.07b11dwtf is right..
20:16.16b11dlets get drunk as fuck next week hmmhesays
20:16.21b11dwe can meet in Bemidji :)
20:16.29anthonyleveryone in #asterisk at astricon standup!
20:16.32anthonylright now!
20:16.35*** join/#asterisk rustyb (
20:16.35slayer192anthony: yeah
20:16.38CunningPikeilo_admin: Did you get anywhere?
20:16.46slayer192noone is standing
20:16.56anthonyli know
20:17.04anthonylwell what room are you all in?
20:17.12FunnyManVAthis is why the wifi AP is overloaded. We're all on IRC.
20:17.39slayer192Im in the Dev Sumit
20:17.42anthonylme too
20:17.46ilo_adminYes I am still working on it.
20:17.47CunningPikeAh yes, IRC - that well-known bandwidth hog..........
20:17.49FunnyManVAcopy that here
20:17.51ilo_adminOne moment
20:17.51anthonylim in the front left next to mog
20:17.58jmlsanyone figured out how to make an IRC client give the user an electric shock ?
20:18.07jmlsthat would get someone's attention ... ;)
20:18.12*** join/#asterisk clive- (
20:18.14CunningPikejmls: Use DCC current
20:18.14slayer192ok.... back right corner
20:18.28anthonyli think im on the right as well
20:18.39FunnyManVAback left corner here
20:18.50anthonylin the blue?
20:18.52jmlsI'm working on trying to get a headset build up a charge so that the team leader can zap em if they aren't doing well  '<
20:19.06slayer192ha, found on
20:20.50PakiPenguinlol jmls i would love to buy it
20:21.03PakiPenguinhehe tons of market here
20:23.08InezDo anyone use L option for Dial command?
20:23.17*** join/#asterisk akoch (
20:23.17Inezor G option?
20:23.28clive-inez what for?
20:23.42Inezfor limit call duration
20:23.53akochhello, how can I install mISDN on a 64bit system?
20:24.04hmmhesayscan I get someone to try send me a fax?
20:24.13akochI get /usr/lib64/gcc-lib/x86_64-suse-linux/3.3.3/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: device.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
20:24.22hmmhesayspretty please
20:24.38*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=xnon@
20:24.43clive-Inez then use L , or S I think also does the trick
20:25.56slayer192anthonyl:  Im the guy right in front and to the left of the guy in blue....
20:26.05Inezclive- L dont good work
20:26.23Inezif calleed hangup then all party are disconnected, but I want get back in to dialplan by xcaller.
20:26.27Inezto make another connection
20:27.14b11di can do it
20:28.08slayer192astricon meeting at the door!
20:28.08anthonylstand up!
20:28.21Inezclive- do you knwo what is my problem
20:28.30PakiPenguinhow many in the channel are at astricon right now ?
20:28.31anthonylhow far in the front?
20:28.39anthonylthats it im going to wave
20:28.41b11djust start shouting nick's
20:28.52b11dsomeone yell "I am the liquor" -- it'll be funny
20:29.19ilo_adminCunning this is a little nightmarish to set the date correctly I am still working on it
20:29.50CunningPikeilo_admin: man date ;)
20:29.55slayer192I AM THE LIQOUR!
20:30.03anthonylwell anyone want to go to the gas station with me to buy smokes?
20:30.04CunningPikeilo_admin: I'll be here......
20:30.11anthonylbecause im about too
20:30.13*** join/#asterisk wrmem (
20:30.32slayer192I got a spare pack if you need them, carton in the car somwehere
20:30.50slayer192ok, I'll be by the door
20:30.56akochsomething about the mISDN 64bit error?
20:30.56slayer192battery is low
20:32.21clive-inez for a calling card?
20:32.55b11doh damn
20:33.02*** join/#asterisk Buglouse (n=SourceRa@
20:33.07b11ddid Slayer actually yell that at Astricon?
20:33.18Inezclive- yes
20:34.47pifiu-laptopi have a question
20:35.19clive-inez try astcc
20:35.35pifiu-laptopif you do a line such as exten => 123454678,1,Dial(IAX2/TEST/12345678)
20:35.41pifiu-laptopwhere should that word "TEST" be at also?
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20:36.53hmmhesaysok when I pick up and make asterisk answer I have no problems changing the codec
20:38.27Inezclive- astcc is not good solution for me needs
20:38.39*** join/#asterisk h3x0r (
20:40.13PakiPenguinInez: what are your needs
20:40.24clive-Inez what solution are you trtying to do
20:40.38*** join/#asterisk bobby1234 (
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20:41.09bobby1234anyone there?
20:41.23InezIn Asterisk I am receivin gcall from SIP client, I want connect him to next SIP client via dial command, but settings call max duration, and after duration exceed or after called party hangup, then i want to call second user
20:41.42hmmhesaysi'm still getting no compatible codecs
20:41.44hmmhesayswhich is nuts
20:41.58fourcheezehmmhesays: what are you trying to do?
20:42.11hmmhesaysget these faxes to work properly
20:42.14clive-Inez I do that with astcc, just modified it a bit
20:42.29hmmhesaystrying to get the endpoints to use a certain codec when I dial my fax extension
20:42.42Inezclive- astcc you modify?
20:42.46Inezcan you tell me more on prv?
20:43.00fourcheezehmmhesays: ahh yeah
20:43.05fourcheezethat sort of thing sucks
20:43.07Inezclive- and after call you return to primary context and allow caller to make another call?
20:43.32fourcheezefaxes in general suck anyway
20:44.46clive-inez, its open source, just dive in and chaneg it how you like
20:45.35Inezyes, but id you did it already, maybe can you give me it?
20:49.32hmmhesaysso when I don't set the ${SIP_CODEC} to ulaw in the dialplan I get "no compatible codecs
20:50.20fourcheezehmmhesays: why wouldn't you set it like that?
20:51.28Inezclive- astcc works good with 1.4 asterisk?
20:51.43*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
20:52.30sahafeezhey, if my provider is seeing a 407 back is it my nat setup?
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20:52.48sahafeezi never seen anything on the asterisk console re:dubug
20:57.05ilo_adminOkay Cunning I changed the date and still get the same error
20:57.29fourcheezeWhat's polycom digitmap language for 3 or more digits?
20:57.43fourcheezexxx+ ?
20:57.55*** part/#asterisk mog (
20:57.56CunningPikeilo_admin: Hmm - OK - let me have another think....
20:58.15ilo_adminYeah that was fun, give me more
20:58.47hmmhesaysI tihnk I finally rigged this thing up to send faxes
20:59.29hmmhesayswhat a freaking codec balancing act
20:59.49fourcheezehmmhesays: when you achieve nirvana I'd be interested to see how
20:59.55hmmhesaysi need a fax test though
21:00.15hmmhesaysI have mediatrix 2102's and I'm specifying one port for faxing
21:00.24hmmhesayson those i'm manually setting the codec to ulaw
21:00.48hmmhesaysif someone could shoot me a fax that would be cool
21:01.55*** join/#asterisk macTijn (
21:03.09pidsAnyone have a clue of where I could hook into have asterisk append a dtmf to a variable?
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21:03.58Inezclive- ?
21:04.08fourcheezepids: try asking that another way
21:04.13pollohawkHow can I configure my TE110P to accept 12 voice lines and 12 data lines over my T1 line?
21:04.48*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
21:04.57clive-Inez, I guess it will work on 1.4, sorry, just distracted
21:05.20ilo_adminCunning I have to go but I will be back later, Thanks for everything
21:05.34Inezclive- can you show me your changes, i am looking at file, but is too compilcated
21:05.38pidsfourcheeze, what I mean is that currently asterisk only sends a dtmf event to the channel if your looking for it. What I want is to put every dtmf that shows up into a variable.
21:05.44*** part/#asterisk sahafeez (
21:05.49apturatrying to recall to reduce eco tx should be reduced or increase but how much
21:06.03hmmhesayspids, show application read
21:06.40CunningPikeilo_admin: OK - later
21:06.48apturalooks like 8.2 for rxgain
21:07.08Strom_Captura: that seems like an unusually high rxgain value
21:07.26pidshmmhesays, I have to be looking for a dtmf in that case.
21:07.50apturaStrom okay what do you sugest.
21:07.55pidswhat I am looking to do is have asterisk notify me when a dtmf shows up in the stream
21:08.11apturaIv got a little feedback right now so need to qwench it.
21:08.30fourcheezepids: can you do what you want with a feature?
21:08.37*** join/#asterisk macTijn (
21:09.03pidsfourcheeze, buffering dtmf input
21:09.37fourcheezeare you doing something like playing a message and recording all the dtmf during playback?
21:10.25pidsas an example if you wanted to check you bank account you could push the account number and id number all in one long string and the system could then parse that out.
21:10.44fourcheezeanyone know how to implement a call queue where the destination is a phone on the end of a pstn line?
21:10.48*** join/#asterisk damanivu (
21:10.55fourcheezepids: can't you just dial that number?
21:11.12fourcheezeI mean
21:11.30pidswell not if you want to have the input change based upon menu contect
21:11.33fourcheezehave a very long timeout on getting digits to dial
21:12.00fourcheezeand then have an entry for _X. where you can parse it later
21:12.25*** join/#asterisk Buglouse (n=SourceRa@
21:13.38pidsdoesnt work, if your moving from one menu to another and asterisk isnt listening for a dtmf then it just ignores the dtmf and does not put it in _.X
21:13.38pidsIt sees it, just ignores it.
21:13.38pidsIf you have iax debug on it shows on the console but never gets sent up to the channel.
21:13.38fourcheezeI'm just thinking like an IVR
21:13.38fourcheezethose work I'm sure
21:13.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:13.53fourcheezethat's basically where you dial an extension during a message
21:15.13pidsright but thats beacuse asterisk is off looking for a dtmf, its basically in a giant while loop. however if you are doing something that does not expect dtmf input then asterisk just ignores what comes in on the channel
21:15.22pidsIts not event driven.
21:15.27fourcheezeso what are you doing that doesn't expect dtmf?
21:15.53fourcheezecan't you avoid that?
21:16.05fourcheezereturn back to the dialplan?
21:16.16apturawhat do you people set your zap rx/tx to?
21:16.57blebleblethink mine is +3.6 or so
21:17.15pidsWhat I want is it to say "Hey heres a DTMF on the IAX channel, I'll append it to this channel variable" Then I can look at that variable for any dtmf digits that arrived while I was out in the agi doing whatever.
21:17.32pidsfourcheeze, not if they are doing something in the agi.
21:17.45fourcheezeI can't think of a way around it
21:19.55fourcheezedo the polycom's support a stun server?
21:20.16fourcheezeif so how?
21:20.26*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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21:22.23xpashaanybody tested 1.3beta3
21:22.28xpashaI have strange problem
21:23.04*** join/#asterisk dextro (n=dextro@
21:23.12xpashacalled phone still ringing when calling hangs up
21:23.21xpashaboth sides on SIP
21:23.51b11dI didnt know there was a 1.3
21:24.07xpashasorry :)
21:25.38b11d<-- jackass
21:25.38b11dhmm..  so how long does it ring?
21:25.38xpashahmmm very long
21:25.38xpashaI did not wait for timeout
21:25.38b11dare you sure you arent putting the call on hold when you are "hanging up" ?
21:25.38b11dthus creating the illusion that the call was destroyed..
21:25.38xpashajust hang up called side too
21:25.38b11dso, despite the fact that you hang up both sides, it continues to ring?
21:25.38xpashaI have some kind of lab
21:25.38fourcheezeanyone using polycoms behind nat with stun ?
21:25.38xpashaboth sides at my desk :)
21:25.39fourcheezeor without stun ?
21:25.39b11dyeah i hear you on that xpasha..
21:25.49b11dwell..  thats pretty fucked up eh
21:25.49*** part/#asterisk LogiForce (
21:25.52b11dI guess thats why its beta..    i've not heard of that happening before.
21:25.59b11dfourcheese, im doing it.
21:26.11xpashaone example
21:26.11b11doh wait.. sorry..  I misread your question
21:26.15xpashajust a moment
21:26.28apturafrom voipjet - Dear Customers,
21:26.28apturaYou asked for it, you got it!
21:26.28aptura1- Our new Level(3) bandwidth premium NYC server is here
21:26.37apturajust got the email from them.
21:26.42b11dand this pleases you?
21:27.29[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze : Polycom's do not support STUN, and I have had them working from behind NAT just fine
21:27.38apturalooks like voipjet is expanding also into california.
21:27.47xpashaexten => 997960,1,Dial(SIP/084322997828@217.107.x.2|10)
21:28.05*** part/#asterisk mixi (
21:28.09fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: are there any secrets - I have them working fine just here but at a customer's site they seem not to register reliably
21:28.14xpashain this case called side phone still ringing even when I hang up
21:28.26xpashacalling side is also SIP
21:28.29fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: also I keep seeing that they support stun
21:28.36fourcheezebut then nowhere to configure
21:28.48[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze : Why are you asking if you're so sure?  Where do you see this?
21:28.56b11dI've got to go.. sorry... ttyl all
21:29.13fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: I mean their dealers seem to advertise it - however I'll take your word that they don't
21:29.23fauxallianceVerdammt: has anyone successfully configured an avaya 4612. (no sip, only H.323) it connects to tftp and such, looking for configuration guidelines.
21:29.30[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze : if you have multiple behind a NAT I'd suggest setting each ones port to something different
21:29.47[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze : Show me.
21:30.22aptura[TK]D-Fender is there any impedence measuring echo tools avaible that you know of?
21:31.00xpashaSo It's very amazing situation that digium produce even third version of beta with so huge bugs
21:31.04fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: for instance - not that I'm in .ca
21:31.05xpashalike dscribed
21:31.22justinu|laptopxpasha: why is it amazing?
21:32.06xpashaso my friend who is linux kernel developer was shocked with digium's style of making releases
21:32.33xpashathe make releases with such problems
21:32.46[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze : ok, well its not mentioned in the admin guide.
21:32.56fourcheezeyeah, so I see
21:33.09xpashathat sometimes it's possible to guess that they make releases from SVN by random
21:33.14xpashanot testing
21:33.20xpashano any checking
21:33.42justinu|laptopmaybe that's why zaptel never made it into the kernel sources?
21:33.43denonxpasha: there's testing for stable releases
21:33.48xpashaI can guess they do it to force people to buy business version
21:34.06xpashahehe :)
21:34.08denonxpasha: you dont have to check out the bleeding edge, you can choose a stable version
21:34.39xpashathe same situation with 1.2 branch
21:35.17xpashawhen I take the new "stable" release I usually find some problems with even old functions
21:35.18*** join/#asterisk srbaker (
21:35.46xpashaof so called "stable" release made with bugs like ::
21:35.55xpashaof so called "stable" release made with bugs like "one way audio"
21:36.06justinu|laptopdon't forget rfc2833 issues
21:36.14*** part/#asterisk srbaker (
21:36.18denonxpasha: you sure it's not user error? improper codecs etc
21:39.37xpashaI can find in digium news the meassage about stable release with such bug
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21:39.38xpashaand new release 1.2.x.1 after that
21:39.38[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze : And confirming with their datasheets, the mention NAT support, but not STUN
21:39.38denonxpasha: and of course, the linux kernel is flawless ..
21:39.38denonxpasha: your linux dev friend should quit laughing at asterisk, and start learning from the bsd developers
21:39.38xpashahow has it been "tested" if release consisted so fatal problem?
21:39.38denonbetter use of his time
21:39.38xpashait's not important but linux kernels almost never consist fatal errors in stable releases
21:39.58denonfatal is relative .. you classify a fatal kernel error as something that wont boot?
21:39.58xpashaso this is the reason when my friend was shocked starting work with asterisk
21:40.05denonwhat if I have some crazy network card that doesnt work ..
21:40.10denonor some weird raid controller .. that's fatal
21:40.19xpashadenon SIP one way audio is fatal error :)
21:40.23denonit's very difficult to test each release of saterisk with every sip device out there
21:40.33denonxpasha: not to a zap user it's not
21:41.32*** join/#asterisk Buglouse (n=SourceRa@
21:41.50xpashaso don't you think that even beta version with this bug that I desribed have any rights to be released?
21:41.55*** part/#asterisk Gunde (n=spamyous@
21:42.23denonxpasha: I'll agree, there's always plenty of room for improvement .. and there will always be a few mistakes, and I encourage you to help in the dev process if you feel you can fill a need
21:42.32xpashaand I dont believe that digium's developers responsible for releases did not know about it
21:42.54justinu|laptoplol, as if the dev process was open to outsiders
21:44.35festr__i think there should be more shorter stable releases.
21:45.24*** join/#asterisk Buglouse (n=SourceRa@
21:45.28xpashathe same situation with cisco IOS
21:46.10xpashawhen you install new version you take a risk that anything old and working all the time good can immediately stop to work with new version
21:47.13denonxpasha: as with any application
21:47.24denonespecially if you're using it in a n unsupported way
21:47.40denonit's always the admin's job to test it in his environment before rolling to production
21:47.43xpashayou mean bug report?
21:47.55xpashaso i did not find chan_sip in the list
21:48.12denonxpasha: you're welcome to cooperate in the testing effort ..
21:48.21denonanything beyond offering to help is really just trolling
21:50.06xpashaI will take SVN and test if this still has this bug
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22:00.54xpashathe current SVN still has this bug
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22:09.57|stefan|in what app_ module is the GROUP() function located ? ??
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22:14.55gmfm|stefan| funcs/func_groupcount.c looks to be the one
22:15.41epacon our old phone system we could use the "link" button to forward calls, and with another set of keys, bridge the two calls (to have 3 people talking together). how is that called? (so i can search the web for how to configure use that feature?
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22:17.13DrkShdwepac: sounds like you mean conferencing
22:17.33epacwell, i've seen the stuff about the "meetme" conferences...
22:17.39epacbut that's not what i'm looking for
22:17.44CunningPikeepac: Yup - 3-way calling or conferencing
22:18.05CunningPikeepac: It's conferencing on the phone, not via Asterisk - like 3-way calling on a cell
22:18.07epacall i find when i look for conference is the "conference/meetme" extension setup
22:18.20epacCunningPike : yep
22:18.33epaci've got polycom phones if that helps...
22:18.50CunningPikeepac: It Just Works(tm)
22:19.15apturaive been given crap once on voice quality by bridging pstn with cell once.
22:19.17epacdon't need to setup keys or anything on the phone?
22:19.41CunningPikeepac: Negatory
22:19.46apturait was possible transcoding issues and my sip provider.
22:20.16epacso it's as simple a "call user1", Press flash, call user2, press conference ?
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22:24.59sexykenHey everyone!  I just bought a WIP330 -- I'm curious to know if it's possible to configure asterisk so that I can set my callerid through my phone?
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22:38.19carrarsexyken, you could dial a 20 digit phone number when you dial out :)
22:38.25carrarand have Asterisk parse it out :)
22:39.06carrar1-10 extract out and make the callerid
22:39.11carrar11-20 dial too number
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23:05.59gmfmcan asterisk send text messages to polycom phones?
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23:14.02rpmdoes anyone have any experience working with broadsoft carrier grade pbx?
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23:22.30lters_any cepstra users here with sucess stories?
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23:27.44[hC][TK]D-Fender: you alive?
23:28.59[hC]anyone use a polycom 601, especially with an expansion module?
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23:52.35gmfmanyone know why this happens occasionally? Oct 24 16:51:57 WARNING[23009]: chan_zap.c:7926 zt_pri_error: Call Reference Length not supported: 0
23:52.36gmfmOct 24 16:51:57 WARNING[23009]: chan_zap.c:9056 pri_dchannel: Received NOTIFY on unconfigured channel 255/255 span 1
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.