irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061022

00:03.13goodbothopefully someone gets to handling those errors sooner or later :(. Thanks anyway folks.
00:03.22goodbotI'll log a bug now I know where to do it.
00:03.25*** join/#asterisk stkn (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
00:10.11*** join/#asterisk xnon (n=xnon@
00:10.41xnoni have a warning about MOH
00:10.56xnonOct 22 02:07:16 WARNING[4883]: res_musiconhold.c:838 moh_register: Unable to open pseudo channel for timing...  Sound may be choppy.
00:11.05xnonwhat kind of warning is it?
00:11.18xnoni can to understand
00:11.24macTijnyou have no zap device
00:11.30xnonemmm no
00:11.31macTijnso there's no real timing
00:12.01xnonbut this warning it is important?
00:12.09macTijnso all sound stuff is happening based on what asterisk thinks is a timely fashion
00:12.23macTijndoes your moh sounds choppy ?
00:12.39xnoni dont know what is choppy! :p
00:12.47tzafrir_laptopztdummy should do
00:12.55macTijntzafrir_laptop: true
00:13.01macTijnxnon: jittery
00:13.03tzafrir_laptopIt should provide a pseudo channe
00:13.22xnoni have son songs in a directory /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
00:14.49macTijnxnon: how does the moh sound ?
00:15.03macTijndoes it sound it's playing "weird" ?
00:15.09macTijnor does it sound OK ?
00:15.18xnonsound ok i think so
00:15.30xnonbut my asterisk console say this error
00:15.39macTijnthen my opinion is you can ignore the warning
00:15.41macTijnit's not an error
00:15.44macTijnit's a warning
00:15.48xnonand others errors that i cant understand
00:16.04macTijntry googling
00:16.07xnonmacTijn, look at this
00:16.10xnonOct 22 02:07:17 WARNING[4883]: chan_iax2.c:9572 load_module: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory
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00:16.21xnonthis warning it is important?
00:16.30macTijnsame shit
00:17.29Dovidwarnings in asterisk are info - not soo much that ur gona crash
00:18.03xnonok but why say this warning my console?
00:18.17xnonchan_iax2.c cant find it
00:18.27xnonwhere are this files?
00:20.03hadsxnon: That warning is caused by the same thing as the other one.
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00:21.03xnonummmm ok
00:21.12xnonso isnt important really?
00:23.08*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:23.47DefrazI know this is asterisk but while I was here does anyone know the name of that song that there is just a bunch of laughing in. It is a newer song.
00:23.57DefrazI hear it on the radio but I never hear the dang name of it.
00:28.48*** join/#asterisk eltech (
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00:44.02teknoprepi am at a loss... looking for some info on running high volume asterisk box in vmware
00:44.24teknoprepmaby some pointers on keeping stutter and timing issues to a minimum
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00:47.31saftsackteknoprep, do you have * running on an openwrt?
00:47.42teknoprepinside of vmware
00:47.59saftsackwhy that? do you have more than one asterisk, or waht?
00:48.06saftsacki mean more than one in one computer?
00:48.48teknoprepno... i run all my servers except of course the file servers inside of vmware
00:48.55tzafrir_laptopAsterisk is generally not the ideal application to run inside vmware
00:48.57teknoprepeverything from fireall's to active directory...
00:49.06teknoprepwell i do not run anything except VoIP
00:49.21tzafrir_laptopAsterisk, and real-time application in general, need timely reaction from the CPU
00:49.35saftsacktzafrir_laptop, do you know anything about * on openwrt?
00:49.47teknoprepbut i am starting to see there are a few problems... like the stuttering... which is pretty much the only application i am worried about
00:50.11tzafrir_laptopteknoprep, get a dedicated box. It will be just as good
00:50.29tzafrir_laptopPutting Asterisk on the same box assomething else is not good
00:51.37tzafrir_laptophmmm... firewall inside vmware? hmmm ... so you trust both the vmware host setup and the unbreakability of the vmware virtualization ...
00:52.10tzafrir_laptopsaftsack, sorry. NO
00:52.15tzafrir_laptopno, that is
00:52.43saftsackis it possible that asterisk strictly divorces the media from the other signals in sip?
00:53.22*** part/#asterisk Agrajag- (
00:55.31teknopreptzafrir_laptop, the NSA wrote up a report on it.. that it can be trusted.. so yes i do also
00:57.15*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
00:58.10tzafrir_laptopteknoprep, but what does it give you?
00:58.57teknopreptzafrir_laptop, what does what give me? vmware? well if you don't really know.. you should check itout... ease of backups, High Availability, Load Balancing, the list goes on
00:59.34teknopreptzafrir_laptop, reverting to snapshots is easy too.. which is a very nice feature for planned upgrades that go bad
00:59.39tzafrir_laptopteknoprep, for special-purpose machines such as a firewall
00:59.57teknopreptzafrir_laptop, but low CPU usage applications
01:01.39teknopreptzafrir_laptop, lets agree to disagree... only thing i am agreeing with you on.. is that asterisk because of its audio and the human ear can detect the imprefections of audio.. i probably will need to put it on another box... BUT, vmware for most applications run them perfectly...
01:03.02teknopreptzafrir_laptop, the only imperfections i can hear and/or anyone else with the setup i have now is transcoding IVR's / VoiceMail or any other pre-recorded applications... transcoding live audio sounds the same... its the only thing i am having a problem with and i don't know if it is becuase i store my OS on an iscsi target and i am adding a delay factor there or if it is the Virtualization proccess
01:04.23teknoprephmmmm you know what.. at home i never hear the delay.. maby it is the storing of the OS on an iSCSI target... at home my IVR's or VM's never lag and i also run them inside of vmware.. but i run them on the localhost's array
01:04.50tzafrir_laptopteknoprep, the OS practically sits in the memory for the time of the operation. Sound files may be on a disk. So to isolate the problem, create a small ramdrivve and put the sound files in it (using loopback mounting)
01:05.11tzafrir_laptopI believe that this should eliminate most disk accesses
01:05.45tzafrir_laptop(a bit complex, but can help for testing)
01:06.00teknoprepnaw i can get that done easy
01:06.46teknoprepwhy not just mount all VM and IVR recordings to a local RAM Disk ?
01:06.46teknoprepthe directorys
01:06.46teknoprepthat wouldn't be good on a failure tho
01:09.09saftsackdoes someone of you both have experience with patton products?
01:15.42*** join/#asterisk drehlecom (
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01:26.50DefrazI know this is asterisk but while I was here does anyone know the name of that song that there is just a bunch of laughing in. It is a newer song.
01:26.56Defrazanyone heard of a song like this?
01:27.00DefrazDriving me nuts haha
01:27.50*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=linagee@unaffiliated/linagee)
01:28.35napkinDefraz: don't worry, sounds like you're already nuts :)
01:28.46Defrazhaha thanks
01:29.04DefrazJust heard it and I want to find it but I can't remember the names.
01:29.08DefrazIt is so funny to me.
01:30.29*** part/#asterisk gmaruzz (
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01:38.37SuPrSluGsaftsack:i did * on wrt
01:38.38saftsackSuPrSluG, hi
01:38.38saftsackdid it work? :)
01:38.38saftsackcan you tell me something about it?
01:39.50SuPrSluGyes. only issue is with voicemail storage. if you want to do it right get an asus geluxe w/ usb ports for storage. I tried nfs but it was a bit choppy ymmv
01:40.10saftsacksounds quite well :)
01:40.17saftsackwhat was with the performance?
01:40.26saftsackhow many clients did you manage on your openwrt?
01:40.36SuPrSluGwell i wouldn't go over 4-5 users
01:40.59saftsackasus deluxe or what? :>
01:41.10saftsackbut isnt asterisk to big for openwrt? ^^
01:41.12SuPrSluGthey only have 200mz processors
01:41.14saftsacki mean for 6mb
01:41.49SuPrSluGyou dump alot of non used modules
01:42.00saftsacksounds great :) but i dont know why i can just manage 5 users :> i mean asterisk doesnt do any voice processing does it do it?
01:42.44SuPrSluGif your using ulaw no. gsm or a compressed codec yes
01:43.22saftsackin the case that i use alaw i think its the same in processing as ulaw is it possible to handle about 15 people?
01:43.44SuPrSluGor i should say as long as * doesn't have to transcode
01:44.21saftsacksounds good so i will try this :)
01:44.23SuPrSluGi didn't stress test it
01:44.25saftsackdo you know the fritz boxes?
01:44.46SuPrSluGno what ate they?
01:45.07saftsackthis are boxes from a german manufactor which are newly supported
01:45.18saftsacki will try asterisk on it the next days i think
01:45.46saftsackthis would be great if i have all my pbx on embedded devices which are working properly :)
01:46.04SuPrSluGyou can always flash it back. but they do warn you that you can toast it
01:46.49SuPrSluGlook at the asus deluxe router. it has 2 usb ports
01:47.01*** join/#asterisk anthonyc (
01:47.23napkincan you guys assure me i'm not on crack, so i don't waste $300?  i'm switching our office to voip, and we need 4 lines - that means we need 4 fxs ports right?  :)
01:47.48saftsackASUS WL-500g Deluxe
01:47.51saftsackdo you mean this?
01:48.18napkinSuPrSluG: you're joking right?
01:48.33SuPrSluGthat's the one they rave about. i did it on a linksys. nfs not great for voicemail
01:48.50napkinwe're not getting any land-lines... everything will go over the internet
01:48.53SuPrSluGu have 4 incoming lines?
01:49.11napkinnah just 4 orgs who need different lines out
01:49.24saftsacksumasuma, rave? you mean this is the good one with usb ports?
01:49.28*** join/#asterisk b11d (
01:49.49b11dshould I be wasting my time with an extensions.conf, or should I go with this "ael" stuff?
01:50.40SuPrSluGfxo modules connects to lines   fxs connects to phones
01:51.06napkink i just had to ask someone, even after reading about it, to make sure i wasn't surprised.  :)
01:51.24saftsackb11d, what is ael?=
01:51.45jboti guess ael is Asterisk Extension Language - a dialplan language with 'c like' syntax?
01:52.07saftsackare there any advantages why i should use ael?
01:52.15SuPrSluGso if your a programmer you might like it
01:52.49b11dso no one is really using it then?
01:53.23napkinb11d: well there are ~100 people in this channel, and 3 people answered.
01:54.12b11dwow, i totally didnt notice that.
01:54.21b11dthanks for "awakening" me
01:54.25saftsackhere are exactly 244 people
01:54.28SuPrSluGi would imagine they are. took a hell of a lot of effort to write it, some somebody must use it
01:54.29saftsackincluding bots and so on
01:54.59*** join/#asterisk TheMafia (n=TheMafia@
01:55.00SuPrSluGthey're all out having a smoke
01:55.07anthonycim eating a hamburger
01:55.19TheMafiais there some service that I can register my sip phone with?
01:55.35SuPrSluGfree or pay?
01:55.51saftsackumts telephony support video calls, or?
01:56.06SuPrSluGfree world dialup
01:56.24saftsackwhat is if i have a sip phone with a camera? are there gateways for calling a umts user with a video call?
01:56.44TheMafiayep, that was the one I was trying to remember, thanks
01:56.56SuPrSluGnever tried video
01:57.34saftsacki go to bed now
01:57.40saftsackit is 3:59 here ^^
01:57.48napkinb11d: sorry, so many people join a channel, ask a question, and only wait a few minutes before jumping to the assumption that they won't be answered and leave...
01:58.49b11dyeah I know..  I hate that
01:58.57b11dits their loss though
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02:46.15doolphI am having this message after upgrade
02:46.16doolphOct 21 21:44:56 VERBOSE[25104] logger.c:  []Oct 21 21:44:56 WARNING[25104] loader.c: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
02:46.23*** part/#asterisk mog (
02:48.13b11dis anyone here familar with using MusicOnHold?
02:48.38b11dI can set the hold music I hear when someone else puts me on hold,  but I'd like to define what music they hear when I put them on hold..  and I cant seem to do this with SetMusicOnHold
02:56.16*** join/#asterisk Parvaresh (i=bartali@
02:57.08Parvareshany recommendation on an embedded pc for asterisk?
02:57.18Parvareshwant to able to install full-length pci also on it
02:57.27Parvareshas small and customize lookng as possible
02:58.02napkinhmmm soekris?  should look it up.
02:58.03SuPrSluGdoolph:do you have the postres module? if not go to /etc/asterisk/modules.conf and insert noload =>
02:58.35napkini guess soekris only does half-length
02:58.49Parvareshand also not sure about its performance
02:59.02napkinwell, full length pci and embedded might be a pipe dream?
02:59.07Parvareshi am actually looking to make asterisk to a good looking hardware
02:59.25napkindoes mini-itx have full length pci?
03:00.20napkinit's probably your best bet
03:00.46Parvareshi hope you got my idea
03:01.00Parvareshlooking for something gives the customer more feeling of a PBX rather than a PC :)
03:02.29napkinthere are probably some affordable mini-itx cases out there, too
03:02.37napkinthat look less like big pcs
03:07.43*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:08.10DefrazAnyone happen to know the feature in file to deny mail from domains that don't exist?
03:09.45Defrazwhy not go with an external spa3000
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07:23.18vietasteriskhi there
07:24.25vietasteriskhello , anyone worked with asterisk ACD hereeeeee
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09:42.45jgoohey guys, OT, but no network chan on here
09:43.28jgookinda on topic, as is about bandwidth, and asterisk. I have 4 adsl connections. I google for ADSL connection pooling, but found nothing.
09:44.13jgooanyone have an idea how to pool these connections? or is it just some traffic shaping app to choose which connection to go through? (as I will have 4 ip's...)
09:46.17jgooyeah... desperate measures
09:48.38*** join/#asterisk Qorky (
09:48.39qdkjgoo: naah, it just always supprises me that novice ppl thinks that everyone on a IRC-channel are mind readers.
09:49.08Qorkycan anyone help me with registering my g729 codecs please?
09:50.11jgooqdk: mind readers how?
09:51.15qdkjgoo: dunno, havent meet anyone yet, but now that you are looking for one you could get back to me with an update.
09:51.19Qorkyi can get the register program to run.. but just does nothing for a while then drops back to prompt.
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09:53.20jgooqdk: I mean, why do you think that I think that everyone are mind readers :p
09:53.44Qorkycan anyone help please?
09:56.39qdkjgoo: how many in here do you think knows about your hardware, OS and software?
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10:26.18Qorkycan anyone get to ? I cant..
10:26.40Mavvietelnet: connect to address Connection refused
10:26.40Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
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10:50.39DarKnesS_WolFwhat is the best billing system for asterisk ?
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11:20.41hi365vm emails not getteing sent. how do i trobleshoot?
11:21.19ramthalook in you mail.log
11:21.26eliXiersendmail is installed?
11:21.38eliXiermailcmd = sendmail -t ?
11:21.39ramthado you have "attache mail" option aktivated?
11:26.45hi365ramtha: /var/log/maillog is blank
11:27.53hi365ramtha: 201 => 8899,xxxxxx,,,attach=yes|saycid=no|envelope=no|delete=yes
11:28.14hi365eliXier: yes
11:29.08hi365[root@asterisk1 ~]# service sendmail status
11:29.08hi365sendmail (pid 3098 3090) is running...
11:29.20hi365[root@asterisk1 ~]# service sendmail status
11:29.20hi365sendmail (pid 3098 3090) is running...
11:30.57eliXiertry to test on ssh:
11:31.07eliXiersendmail -t
11:31.21TheMafiaIs the rtp the acutal audio in a sip to sip call?
11:31.26eliXiershow if you receive the mail
11:31.27TheMafia5060 is the control right?
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11:33.16hi365eliXier: sendmail -t test
11:33.23hi365like that?
11:33.28*** part/#asterisk xlyz (
11:33.46hi365it sort of hangs. how long should it take?
11:34.22eliXiersendmail -t
11:34.52qdkTheMafia: yes, RTP carries the media and SIP is the signaling.
11:35.29*** join/#asterisk Mattwj2005 (
11:35.43Mattwj2005hey guys :)
11:36.04TheMafiaqdk what is the standard port/range for rtp?
11:36.24hi365eliXier: no email recived!
11:36.26Mattwj2005I believe the range for sip is 10000-20000
11:36.51eliXiernow, it's a problem of sendmail, not asterisk
11:37.12qdkTheMafia: whatever you pick.
11:37.31hi365eliXier: good point. any advice anyway?
11:38.06eliXierhi365: reinstall/reconfigure sendmail again... the standard-configuration of sendmail is ok
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11:38.36hi365eliXier: thanks ill try
11:38.36eliXieranotherway.. gmail has a spamfilter?
11:39.03hi365it has worked in the past so i dont think thats the problem
11:40.47coppiceanyone around who has used the codec simply called ADPCM in  asterisk?
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11:45.28hi365eliXier: /var/log/sendmail here. although its not asterisk, would please have a look?
11:46.05TheMafiaI have a vpn connection between two networks with sip configured on both sides, phones ring as should however there is no audio, should I have to do anything netowrk related since I am using a vpn?
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11:49.40flothi all. I use asterisk 1.4 (SVN) In last version NOT WORKING transfer. Say: [Oct 22 15:42:16] WARNING[4718]: res_features.c:771 builtin_atxfer: Did not read data.
11:50.29ramthaTheMafia: what vpn you use? ipsec?
11:51.09ramthaTheMafia: sounds that signaling goes over the vpn tunnel but the rtp goes directly to the endpoint ips?
11:51.28TheMafiayes ipsec
11:51.45ramthause tcpdump to see where the paces go
11:51.50ramthaor etherreal
11:52.10TheMafia192. > is that a typical rtp port or is there no range at all?
11:52.36ramthayou can set rtp ports in rtp.conf of asterisk
11:52.39ramtha8000 is typical
11:52.53ramthaand you see the error?
11:53.23ramthacan you ping from to
11:54.19TheMafiayes I can
11:54.48ramthano look where send its rtp stream
11:56.57TheMafia192.168.0.30 is a softphone an I have no mic setup so I assumed there was no stream to send, I cannot hear any audio from, I am duiling a fax machine
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12:00.49TheMafiaI can plug in my grandstream phone but it seems to do the same thing and I can see traffic in both directions then
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12:03.57brif8Hi All,  reading I see that a "SIP Proxy Server can request to stay in the communication path"  how is this done within the * env.  Can phone A be set for call1 to be in the loop and call2 out of the loop or what ??
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12:06.26AbsTradELicgood times for all !
12:06.55AbsTradELicSuPrSluG: hi !
12:08.10TheMafiawhen I dump the grandstream sip phone this is what I see over and over
12:08.12TheMafia07:07:35.001548 IP > UDP, length: 172
12:08.32TheMafia07:07:34.972617 IP > UDP, length: 172
12:08.44TheMafiaIs that rtp to and from my grandstream?
12:12.56festr__try to use tethereal
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12:14.19TheMafiaI can't from there, so if the rtp is getting to and from why would there be no audio?
12:14.40DataCompBoyHi everybody! Is down? Or that only for me?
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12:17.05TheMafiaI am confident that the codecs will mate up
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12:25.20hi365DataCompBoy: same here
12:33.14AbsTradELici have all packages installed and loaded now!
12:33.23AbsTradELicis allright !
12:33.36AbsTradELici'm a beginner
12:33.50AbsTradELicand now I'll adjust the /etc/asterisk files
12:35.26AbsTradELicI didn't have nothing more that my computer and softphone x-lite installed... no voip hardwares
12:36.03DataCompBoyedit /etc/sip.conf and /etc/extensions.ael or /etc/extensions.conf
12:36.18DataCompBoyi mean, {edit (/etc/sip.conf and (/etc/extensions.ael or /etc/extensions.conf))}
12:36.37AbsTradELichum... ok
12:36.50AbsTradELicwait a few
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12:39.32AbsTradELicDataCompBoy: ok... I view the files on /etc/asterisk
12:40.35DataCompBoyedit them :)
12:41.01DataCompBoycarefully read comments and asterisk pages @
12:45.13*** join/#asterisk Shedoks (n=nn@
12:45.47Shedoksi need a little help for asterisk
12:46.35DataCompBoywell... try to ask
12:50.41Shedoksok i want to make asterix work just over the internet right now, i don't need voip phones or connecting with the fixed telephony
12:50.42DataCompBoy... welll?
12:50.49Shedokswhat i s confusing me is
12:51.08Shedoksdo i have to make sip.conf for every user i made ?
12:51.24Shedoksor i can put every user into [username] brackets
12:51.56DataCompBoyyou put all your users (if you have not much users) in sip.conf
12:52.07DataCompBoyevery user info after [username]
12:52.50DataCompBoydefine at least type, username, secret or md5secret, host and nat
12:53.42DataCompBoy(hm... nat can be global, if all your users possible behind nat)
12:54.09Shedokswell for testing purposes it will be
12:54.21Shedoksbut how do i make works with nat
12:54.34DataCompBoyfor testing just put several blocks to sip.conf and bee happy
12:54.39Shedoksbecouse asterisk is behind nat and i would like to use it globaly later
12:54.54DataCompBoyasterisk behind nat? how -- did you port forward UDP to it?
12:55.19Shedokswell i plan to do that
12:55.24Shedokswhich one 5060?
12:55.27Shedoksor 8000
12:55.29DataCompBoyAll :)))
12:55.55DataCompBoythe best is forward all UDP to asterisk, but will be success only 5060 and RTP ports defined in rtp.conf
12:56.39Shedoksok thanks :)
12:56.44Shedoksjust one more thing
12:56.51Shedokshow to add user trought CLI
12:57.01DataCompBoyno way
12:57.16DataCompBoyedit sip.conf and do in cli 'sip reload'
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12:57.57Shedoksthanks man :)
12:59.14DataCompBoyrobin_sz: meep?!
12:59.39robin_szso, this asterisk thing .. and the CLI. Did one of you steal my "Dial" command?
13:00.34robin_szI dont think I did ./configure --dont-bother-with-a-dail-command-for-CLI
13:01.22robin_szdoes it omit the CLI dial command from compile of it cant findany suitable local audio hardware?
13:01.53DataCompBoyrobin_sz: nope, it compile dial command always, since it can dial on any channel
13:01.56DataCompBoyeven on LOCAL/
13:02.20robin_szDataCompBoy, ok, so what do I have to do to enable it then?
13:02.54TheMafiaIf I have determined that rtp data is getting to and from both sides, and I still only get rings etc on the phone and no audio, what else shoudl I look at?
13:03.20DataCompBoyrobin_sz: look at build log, and see what problem was when it tried to compile
13:03.49robin_szI dont thin I had any problems with the compile at all ...
13:05.00DataCompBoyTheMafia: try to add nat=yes to phone configuration
13:05.00DataCompBoyTheMafia: i have saw that some times
13:05.00DataCompBoyrobin_sz: look at build tree, is dial.o there? :)
13:05.02DataCompBoyrobin_sz: what os?
13:05.09robin_szLinux, obviously ;)
13:05.15RhizomeAnyone know why DTMF wouldnt work calling from asterisk to asterisk to PSTN? even with IAX it doesnt work.
13:05.19DataCompBoyrobin_sz: distro?
13:05.28DataCompBoyrobin_sz: what asterisk sources?
13:05.38robin_szlatest bristuffed
13:05.48DataCompBoyrobin_sz: how you build? dpkg-buildpackage ?
13:06.03robin_szbut its the same with other variants eg
13:06.08robin_szor 1.2.7
13:06.26robin_szobvioulsy the Dial() in extensions.conf works fine
13:06.32robin_szits just from the CLI ..
13:06.37DataCompBoyrobin_sz: Stop.
13:06.45DataCompBoyrobin_sz: there NO cli command dial() !
13:07.12robin_szyou certain?
13:07.24DataCompBoythere Dial() command from cli here only for chan_oss :)
13:07.34DataCompBoywhen you use soundcard of asterisk server.
13:07.42robin_szso ...
13:08.02robin_szwhen I said:
13:08.04robin_szdoes it omit the CLI dial command from compile of it cant findany suitable local audio hardware?
13:08.07robin_szthe answer was:
13:08.26robin_sz"yeah thats right, if theres no local audio hardware, you cant dial from the CLI"
13:08.32DataCompBoyrobin_sz: there CLI dial() command is non-standard, and only suitable for chan_oss.
13:09.17DataCompBoyif you want to initiate call, read or
13:10.16robin_szneither of those seem useful
13:10.49DataCompBoyyou are not right -- last one very useful and practical.
13:11.25DataCompBoynever tried first, since always use AMI :)
13:11.42robin_szuses the manager API,
13:12.01*** join/#asterisk ukh (
13:12.04robin_szso, from the CLI I type what ?
13:13.06wl0hi, advice me any cheap but stable and quality sip phones for work with asterisk
13:13.23DataCompBoyrobin_sz: what you want to do? how do you imagine your doints?
13:13.54robin_sznormally, in testing, I just type dial xxxx@<context> and watch the progress of the call, so I can see what happens from the CLI, watch timeouts. routings etc
13:14.04robin_szI dont need any audio
13:14.24robin_szI think the other boxes I have used must have had oss support by accident
13:15.12robin_szthe manager API is nto really an option, as the things you can connect to it all take a day or more to configure from what ive seen so far.
13:15.26robin_szI just need a simple way of initiating a call and monitoring the progress
13:16.20DataCompBoyrobin_sz: so, you want to dial xxxx@<context>, context/exten/prio right?
13:16.28robin_szuh uhuh
13:16.57DataCompBoyrobin_sz: you can just create test file as Asterisk+auto-dial+out. thats easy
13:18.08TheMafiais port 5060 that is used for control udp or tcp?
13:18.35DataCompBoyTheMafia: 5060 udp is control port, and 10000-20000 (by default) are RTP ports.
13:20.17*** join/#asterisk eltech (
13:20.37robin_szhmmm ...
13:21.16robin_szI guess I'll need some sort of script then to create call files for the various extensions and contexts
13:21.50robin_szah, stuff it, I'll just go and buy a sound card tomorow and stick it in
13:22.22*** join/#asterisk eltech (
13:26.23Drukenrobin_sz: what do you need an audio card for?
13:27.06robin_szDruken, to test extensions.conf
13:27.17DataCompBoyrobin_sz: why not just run oss for empty ? :) you not need hardware to run it.
13:27.38robin_szexplain that sentence please
13:27.45robin_szwhy not just run oss for empty
13:27.52DataCompBoyrobin_sz: also, it's pretty easy to write Dial() app that will do connect of origitated and local extension
13:28.14DataCompBoyrobin_sz: you don't need hardware to run OSS mixer.
13:28.17DataCompBoyand chan_oss too
13:28.23Drukenrobin_sz: why not just use a phone?
13:28.48DataCompBoyrobin_sz: also, Druken right, why not use simple softphone
13:29.00robin_szDruken: I thought phones where restricted in context?
13:29.36Drukenuhmm... asterisk is a telephone system... no??
13:29.45Drukenhow do you think everyone else will access the system ?
13:29.53robin_szso can I call xxxx@incoming and it will originate a call and place it in the incoming context, as it it had come from the PSTN?
13:31.00robin_szDruken, this is called "testing" ... before it goes live, I like to test ... normally I do stuff like "dial xxxx@incoming" and watch how the call prgresses through the timeouts etc
13:31.09Drukenmake an extension, something like exten => 987,1,goto(xxx,local,1)
13:31.16robin_szmake sure the logic is correct
13:31.38DataCompBoyrobin_sz: do, you already used Dial cli command?
13:31.49robin_szDataCompBoy, on other systems yes, all the time
13:31.50DataCompBoyrobin_sz: why then not load chan_oss and use it now ?
13:32.03robin_szbecause I dont understand that statement?
13:32.10Drukentesting is usually a good idea... me, i edit my system WHILE it's live.. hehehe thankfully i'm very good at logic
13:33.17DataCompBoyrobin_sz: load chan_oss, and you will be happy
13:33.48robin_szmodules/chan_oss: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
13:34.14DataCompBoyhm. so, you have not build it?
13:34.28robin_szprobably not ...
13:34.34robin_szno sound support on this machine ..
13:34.35DataCompBoythen, build it! :)
13:34.45DataCompBoyinstall liboss, that enough
13:34.57robin_sznow you begin to make sense :)
13:37.47robin_szlibossp-sa12 - Abstraction library for the Unix socket API
13:37.51robin_szthat one?
13:38.41robin_szlibossp-uuid12 - OSSP uuid ISO-C - shared library ??
13:39.03DataCompBoyinstall audiooss
13:39.13DataCompBoy(if you talk about debian)
13:39.38robin_szi do ...
13:39.43robin_szthey hide things
13:40.46robin_szobviously, they dotn let that package show up for a search of liboss .. that wwould be too easy :)
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13:48.50TheMafiai can see traffic traversing the nat on the two rtp ports defined on both ends, however there is still only rings and no audio.  What shoudl I look at?  if a codec cannot be negotiated the ring would or would not take place?
13:49.25DarKnesS_WolFTheMafia: in the sip.conf canreinvite=no
13:49.56DarKnesS_WolFTheMafia: for each extention
13:50.10TheMafiapcmu is the same as g.711 right?
13:55.19DarKnesS_WolFi'm not sure about that i know that ulaw =G.711U
13:55.47QwellTheMafia: yes, I'm pretty sure it is
13:58.53DarKnesS_WolFQwell: so pcmu is g.711 and it is ulaw and alaw?
13:59.10TheMafiapcma is a law g.711 I think
13:59.22Qwellg711u is ulaw is pcmu, g711a is alaw is pcma
13:59.36DarKnesS_WolFah goti t
13:59.39DarKnesS_WolFthx Qwell :-)
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14:06.39DarKnesS_WolFwhat is the best asterisk billing system ?
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14:09.31jbotbest for what? please define what you mean by "best"  Gloria Gaynor!  Tina Turner!  Aretha Franklin!  Men without Hats!  Women without Hats!  Flock of Seagulls!, or fvwm!  Women without clothes!
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14:10.37InezIs it good idea to use app_sql_postgres to receive data from pg database in dialplan or maybe better way is to use AGI and perl/python script?
14:14.00*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
14:14.04QwellInez: use func_odbc
14:14.47SuPrSluGalthough i am in zaptel hell right now
14:15.50DarKnesS_WolFSuPrSluG: TDM400P ?
14:15.57SuPrSluGi keep getting a message when trying to call zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 4
14:16.34InezQwell but its only possible to select one row and one field?
14:16.46QwellInez: one row, as many fields as you tell it
14:18.09DarKnesS_WolFSuPrSluG: try from command like ztcfg -vvvvvvv
14:18.37InezQwell how, I cant find it on Is it standard in asterisk 1.2?
14:19.00SuPrSluGi look in dmesg and proc see this
14:19.06Qwellthere is a backport of it though on
14:20.35DarKnesS_WolFSuPrSluG: what is the output from ztcfg -vvvv ?
14:21.12SuPrSluGi have a single fxo  and a tdm04b i removed the wcfxo module but it want to keep the 1st port
14:22.03InezQwell I should configure sql resource in res_config_odbc.conf or res_odbc.conf, right?
14:22.14AbsTradELicSuPrSluG: Hi!
14:23.07Drukenfunc_odbc is FUN :)
14:23.30Drukeni gave up on it, and use realtime....
14:23.54*** join/#asterisk Vahram (
14:24.19SuPrSluGas you can see from proc it still thinks the single fxo port is 1 and using only the 1st 3 on the tdv04b board
14:25.42DarKnesS_WolFSuPrSluG: u have 4 FXO ports ?
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14:26.51SuPrSluGyes 1 single and a 1 4 port. it won't let go of the single and zap channel 1
14:28.13SuPrSluGso a total of 5 fxo. no line is plugged into the single.
14:28.40DarKnesS_WolF5 FXO !?
14:28.58DarKnesS_WolFhow come ?
14:29.15DarKnesS_WolFi know that the card has 4 places for modules
14:29.52Inezi have problem with, is it work ok for you? for making co
14:30.34SuPrSluG2 cards a single and a 4 port
14:30.57DarKnesS_WolFah so u have 2 cards
14:32.07DarKnesS_WolFSuPrSluG: ok check ur /etc/zaptel.conf
14:32.08SuPrSluGand the single is grabbing zap channel 1 and i don't want it to
14:32.28SuPrSluGwant me to post on pastebin?
14:34.47AbsTradELicSuPrSluG: I have dificulties to understand english!
14:34.49ManxPowerSuPrSluG: what specific cards do you have?
14:35.08ManxPowerand what modules are on those cards?
14:35.14SuPrSluGgeneric clone and tdm04b
14:35.33SuPrSluGall fxo
14:35.49ManxPowerSuPrSluG: so a Generic X100P and a TDM400P with 4xFXO (RED) modules?
14:36.14AbsTradELiccan I put only one ip addres on sip.conf like this: 'localnet=' ?
14:36.40AbsTradELicits correct ?
14:36.41QwellAbsTradELic: That would be technically invalid
14:37.04Qwell192.168.1.0/ or for just one single IP,
14:37.36SuPrSluGthe generic is in red (has no line attached) and TDM04B has 4 lines attached. the generic won't give up zap channel 1
14:37.54ManxPowerSuPrSluG: define "won't give up"
14:38.13AbsTradELicQwell: ok... the asterisk work like a server ?
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14:39.06DarKnesS_WolFQwell: i think AbsTradELic means it can run as an init.d
14:39.12ManxPowerSuPrSluG: also what is the order of the drivers loading?  wcfxo wctdm or wctdm wcfxo ?
14:39.13DarKnesS_WolFAbsTradELic: yes u can run it like mysql
14:39.16SuPrSluGso if i pull the wcfxo module and ztcfg -v it says 4 channels configured. i look in proc and
14:40.08AbsTradELicQwell: in one local network, I just need to put asterisk only one machine and be usefull to others computers clients ?
14:40.13SuPrSluGdo i need to physically pull the single fxo to correct this?
14:40.24ManxPowerSuPrSluG: you should not need to.
14:40.50ManxPowerRED in the output means "no line connected"
14:41.36ManxPowerSuPrSluG: I still don't understand that the PROBLEM is.  Can you not dial out, can you not receive calls, etc?
14:41.37SuPrSluGztcfg will configure 5 channels. when i zap show channel 1 it is alway in alarm
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14:41.56ManxPowerSuPrSluG: correct.  if a phone line is not plugged into the X100P it will show an alarm.
14:42.08SuPrSluGcan't receive
14:42.18ManxPoweryou should not be alarmed by an alarm if you are expecting an alarm.
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14:42.48ManxPowerSuPrSluG: so someone calls in on a line connected to channel 2 (port 1 on the TDM400P) and nothing shows up on the console?
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14:43.39SuPrSluGyes. but when i configure it to use only the tdm04b it shows zap channel 1 in red alarm and there is a line plugged in
14:44.00ManxPowerSuPrSluG: then the line is not working.  Can you plug a normal analog phone into that line and get a dialltone?
14:44.43InezQwell can you tell me how to select two vwo fields from database (in one row).
14:45.07SuPrSluGhere's what shows Executing BackGround("Zap/4-1", "night-greet-eea") in new stack
14:45.08Qwellselect foo, bar from table where baz='blah'
14:45.37ManxPowerSuPrSluG: that is channel FOUR, you were talking about chanel ONE
14:46.10ManxPower(09:43:21) ManxPower: SuPrSluG: then the line is not working.  Can you plug a normal analog phone into the line plugged into port ONE and get a dialltone?
14:46.18SuPrSluGyou can't hear the message and when you hangup it continues
14:46.28ManxPowerthe ring/offhook message is normal and not a problem.
14:46.36ManxPowerSuPrSluG: what country are you in>?
14:47.03InezQwell but how to using func_odbc
14:47.13ManxPowerI'm sorry, but I cannot help you.  You are trying to diagnose the issues, but not following my advice or questions.
14:49.37SuPrSluGsorry that's one of the other numbers. when i call channel one it just rings. unless i configure the single card and 5 channels the zap channel 2 gets the same message
14:50.02SuPrSluGsorry i had to ssh back in
14:51.22SuPrSluGManxpower i'm not phyically there. Although i can call to get access to the building
14:51.33*** join/#asterisk kilobit2001 (
14:52.15ManxPoweryou have a wiring problem.  You need to be there to diagnose it.  bring an analog phone so you can test the lines outside of Asterisk,
14:53.23SuPrSluGwe have a butt set and anolog phones are attached to a splitter for emergencies
14:55.11SuPrSluGwhy would it try to set rbs .  in dmesg i get this -> zt_rbs: Tried to set RBS hook state 0 on channel WCFXO/0/0 while span WCFXO/0 lacks rbsbits or hooksig function
14:55.25ManxPower*nod*  Anytime you see a RED Alarm you can assume that means "I don't see the voltage I would expect on a phone line"
14:55.40SuPrSluGrobbed bit is for T's right?
14:56.00ManxPowerSuPrSluG: I would assume the driver tries to set the RBS bits on all Digium cards, but only T-1/E-1 cards support that function.
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14:56.23ManxPowerput your /etc/zaptel.conf on pastebin and I'll glance at it.
14:56.27kilobit2001does asterisk support dial by name?
14:56.40SuPrSluGso that'll affect all the other numbers too?
14:56.45ManxPowerkilobit2001: voicemail does.
14:56.50ManxPoweras does the Directory() app
14:57.05ManxPowerSuPrSluG: I don't believe the RBS message is an issue.
14:58.16*** join/#asterisk kio (
14:58.45kilobit2001is the following valid:   _xxxxxxxxxx,1,goto(${exten},1,1)
14:59.35*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
15:01.34ManxPoweronly if your context is ${EXTEN}
15:01.55ManxPowerThe format is Goto([context],[extenation],priority)
15:02.09ManxPowercontext and extenstion are optional, the priority is not.
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15:04.41ManxPowerkilobit2001: of course  _xxxxxxxxxx,1,goto(${exten},1) would cause a loop and prolly make Asterisk crash
15:05.19kilobit2001is there a limit on the amount of contexts allowed?
15:05.34ManxPowerkilobit2001: I don't think so,
15:05.55ManxPowerthere really isn't any need to have zillions of contexts
15:05.58kilobit2001in this setup, there'll be a jump to a different context, based on the number dialed.
15:06.17ManxPowerkilobit2001: why?
15:06.37kilobit2001manx-- how would you implement a multiple menu ivr system?
15:07.10kilobit2001lets say 5 users, each with 4 nested menus.
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15:08.57kilobit2001anyway to do this within one context?
15:09.13ManxPower5 users?
15:09.24ManxPowerI understand the 4 nested menus.
15:09.57TheMafiai can see traffic traversing the nat on the two rtp ports defined on both ends, however there is still only rings and no audio.  What shoudl I look at?  if a codec cannot be negotiated the ring would or would not take place? I am not using asterisk, but I thought that this would be a common problem
15:10.36ManxPowerTheMafia: it's not a common problem
15:10.44kilobit20015 users each with their own menus..   incoming calls are jumped to different context based on dialed numbers...
15:10.47ManxPowerit happens with Asterisk, but for a variety of reasons
15:11.07*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
15:12.49DarKnesS_WolFTheMafia: i told u
15:12.54DarKnesS_WolFcanreinvite= no
15:13.04DarKnesS_WolFTheMafia: server and the 2 nodes in same lan ?
15:13.12ManxPowerkilobit2001: so, you mean something like this pastebin.  [incoming] is where calls from the PSTN come into.
15:13.25ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: he said he's not using Asterisk
15:13.35DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: what he is using !?
15:13.41ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: no idea
15:13.44DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: sorry i didn't notice and why he is here then !
15:13.56DarKnesS_WolFoh i have to go to break the fast
15:14.01DarKnesS_WolFit almost sunset
15:14.04ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: We have gotten a repuation of being able to fix all things VoIP.
15:14.16ManxPowerI've heard rumors that we use dark magic to accomplish this.
15:14.22DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: haha good for us :D
15:14.30DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: leave the goat alone :P
15:14.39DarKnesS_WolFok gtg will be in 1 hour or so i'm starving
15:15.12*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
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15:15.21wmandrahey all, is anyone else having trouble getting their cisco phones to display the correct time today???
15:15.28ManxPowerkilobit2001: yes, your current design will work, but it is a bad design and confusing.  Manually put in a Goto for each number.
15:16.28ManxPowerwmandra: It would not surprise me.  Apparently some daylight savings functions think that October will NEVER have 5 sundays.
15:16.43wmandrathat what it's looking like
15:16.55kilobit2001manx-- that example has one context per user.
15:16.57ManxPowerwmandra: any chance on updating the cisco firmware?
15:17.14ManxPowerkilobit2001: stop using the word "user".  User means "person".
15:17.17wmandramaybe next weekend, but not today
15:17.35wmandrai really should though, i'm still using 6.3
15:18.40ManxPowerkilobit2001: what it looks like is that you are trying to set up IVRs for each company or department.
15:18.51ManxPowerwmandra: by next weekend it should no longer be a problem
15:18.56ManxPowerwell, at least until 2011
15:19.49TheMafiaDarKnesS_WolF, I am not using asterisk so I can't set canreinvite=no, they are not in the same lan
15:20.19kilobit2001manx-- yes. and to do that, the only way I have found is to create multiple contexts for called number.
15:20.29ManxPowerkilobit2001: correct.
15:27.58saftsackSuPrSluG, are you here?
15:29.40*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
15:40.50robin_szis it possible to mute a warning in the CLI ??
15:41.08robin_szI get this:
15:41.10robin_szOct 22 16:40:23 WARNING[4871]: chan_zap.c:2506 pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 4 as D-channel anyway!
15:41.21robin_szevery second. pian in the ass.
15:42.03robin_szit will (hopefully) go away when my telco connects the ISDN
15:43.10ManxPowerrobin_sz: unload
15:44.06SuPrSluGManxPower: got it to work by pulling wcfxo out of /etc/mod stuff. it finally let go of that 1st card and everything is working
15:44.49robin_szManxPower, not a bad plan ...
15:45.34robin_szManxPower, of course, thats killed the X100P as well, but hey .. its shut the damn thing up :)
15:45.57*** part/#asterisk markdrago (
15:46.35ManxPowerrobin_sz: you can remove the pro channels from /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
15:47.31ManxPowerpro == pri
15:50.31ManxPowerSuPrSluG: in that case, I'll be you are sharing IRQs
15:50.35ManxPowercat /proc/interrupts
15:52.16SuPrSluGyeah but the 2 cards aren't. 10:     808758          XT-PIC  wctdm, VIA8233
15:53.08SuPrSluGManxPower,what the best way to make sure they're on their own irq
15:53.43SuPrSluGeth0 and wcfxo are on 10
15:54.52saftsackSuPrSluG, how many bogomips do you have with your box? or do you know how many bogomips are needed?
15:55.02*** join/#asterisk creativx (
15:55.22ManxPowerSuPrSluG: that would do it.
15:55.37SuPrSluGwhat's a bogomip?
15:55.49SuPrSluGi'm looking it up now
15:55.53saftsackits an indicator for the cpu speed
15:55.57saftsackcat /proc/cpuinfo
15:57.02SuPrSluGwell in that case i have bogomips        : 2940.92
15:57.13saftsackon your router? Oo
15:58.12SuPrSluGsaftsack:are you up and running now
15:58.48*** join/#asterisk xnon (n=xnon@
15:58.51saftsackyes im up and running but with the original firmware yet
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15:58.55saftsacki will install openwrt now
15:59.10saftsackbut do i need something more than the image of the buildchain?
16:01.41SuPrSluGthe one they give you works. they even have a asterisk pkg pre-made. you can get rid of things you don't want to mak more room.
16:02.01SuPrSluGwhat router do you have?
16:13.10saftsackspeedport w501v
16:13.14saftsackit is an ar7 device
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16:20.39asdxcan you install asterisk in openwrt and put it in a router?
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16:22.15saftsackthis is possible
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16:25.34SuPrSluGthey have all supported hardware on their site
16:25.53SuPrSluGgotta walk the dog talk to ya soon
16:28.26asdxand how will you connect the phone to the router?
16:36.41creativxtcp ip
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16:41.02robin_szheh, so I thought a 2 channel ATA would be useless ... I just found a use for the second channel! the big external bell inthe workshop
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16:57.54hi365is rtp tcp or udt?
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16:58.12Malawar_Oct 22 08:57:23 WARNING[25718]: channel.c:2752 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from SIP/line2-081a5d00(4) to IAX2/voxee-1(256)
16:58.12Malawar_Oct 22 08:57:23 WARNING[25718]: app_dial.c:1602 dial_exec_full: Had to drop call because I couldn't make SIP/line2-081a5d00 compatible with IAX2/voxee-1
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16:58.39Malawar_might have set up codecs wrong..
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17:04.01ManxPowerMalawar_: "show codecs"
17:04.05Malawar_it was trying to use g729
17:04.09Malawar_but i don't have it installed/etc
17:06.20Malawar_i have an IAX connection to voxee
17:06.24Malawar_i set disallow=all
17:06.27Malawar_then allow=ulaw
17:06.32Malawar_but it's still trying to use g729
17:07.09Malawar_voxee supports ulaaw, btw.
17:07.49Malawar_missed thde disallow line :(
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17:32.55Malawar_voxee is skipping :(
17:38.23ManxPoweryou need the device to not be allowed g729
17:38.36Malawar_i got it
17:38.54Malawar_i was pasting the block of disallow/allows into all my devices but i missed the disallow line going out to voxee
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17:42.51napkindoes anyone use linksys pap2(t) devices as fxs devices for asterisk?  for a while i was set on buying a digium card, then i found these things.  I only need 4 fxs ports so 2 would suffice.
17:43.46Strom_Cnapkin: I use both
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17:44.37findlayare there any softphones that are scriptble?
17:44.44napkinStrom_C: what is your recommendation?  are they pretty flexible?
17:45.19findlayI want to be able to call a series of numbers without manually looking them up in a directory
17:46.19*** join/#asterisk DataCompBoy (i=data@
17:46.23DataCompBoyPfffr... Hi all!
17:46.31DataCompBoyNow, i'm need a some help with asterisk...
17:46.48Strom_Cnapkin: the tdm400 has slightly better audio quality and behaves more like a traditional telephone line.  The only times I would recommend using the PAP2 over the TDM400 are either when you need an analog phone in a location where there is ethernet cabling but running new wiring for an analog pair is impractical, or in situations where the TDM400 is just too expensive.
17:48.29napkinthanks Strom_C.  we are 4 orgs sharing a small office.  we can probably handle the price difference.  i am trying to get the highest quality service because a couple people here have been scared by voip and i want it to be good :)
17:49.17napkinbut when i do workshops for local non profits i'll definitely recommend an asterisk+pap2 setup as it's so much cheaper...
17:49.17DataCompBoyasterisk won't send RTP packets. can't understand why...
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17:49.49DataCompBoyand looks like when i'm connect to inet with external IP -- nothing receive. when i'm connect thru NAT -- everything ok
17:49.56DataCompBoyin asterisk i'm have on peer set nat=yes
17:49.57hi365Strom_C: hi
17:50.07DataCompBoyrtp debug doesn't show anything, absolutely!
17:50.21hi365Strom_c: my pap2 wont stop beeping. any ideas?
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17:50.34hi365i.e. what setting is it?
17:50.36Strom_Chi365: no.  ive never encountered that problem.
17:54.01Qwellanybody know anything about buying hardware from the UK, and having it shipped to the US? :D
17:54.17Strom_Chi qwell :)
17:54.21QwellAre there customs charges involved?
17:54.23QwellStrom_C: hey
17:55.33Strom_Cqwell: I don't know about shipping from the UK, but the one time I had something small shipped from hong kong, either the import duties were covered in the price of the postage, or they didn't exist at all
17:55.51Qwell? == euro, or gbp?
17:56.09Strom_Chong kong?   hong kong dollar
17:56.21Qwellno, ?..  as in ?619.93
17:56.42Strom_Cits just showing up as a question mark
17:56.47Strom_Cstupid client == euro or gbp?  heh
17:57.42QwellThat means it costs more
17:57.58Strom_Cso buy it from france or germany or something :)
17:58.10Qwellthat's the thing...
17:58.24QwellAcer went and made different configurations for different countries
17:58.37QwellSo, they only sell the configuration I want in the UK
17:58.50Strom_Cwhat is it a configuration of?
17:59.16Qwellin the US, we only have 5102...
18:01.05QwellI'm gonna have to call them on Monday, and tell them to stop being nubs :p
18:01.55Strom_Cim trying to figure out what the difference is
18:02.40Malawar_does the caller id number format matter?
18:02.50Malawar_i.e. can I do "Name" <555-5555>
18:03.04Malawar_or does it have to be 12223334444
18:03.06*** join/#asterisk Darthclue (
18:03.17Strom_CMalawar_: are you in north america?
18:03.37Strom_Cyou ideally want to put the number in format NXXNXXXXXX
18:06.05Strom_Ci.e. just as NANPA states you should :)
18:07.25QwellStrom_C: with what?
18:07.57Strom_Cqwell: the difference between the UK-spec model and the US-spec model
18:08.04Qwellseveral things
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18:08.27holmieso, the MWI NOTIFICATION stuff, Cisco or Digiums fault?
18:08.30Qwellfirst, we don't have the 5103wlmi here, which has the TL52 instead of the TL50 (both are Turion X2, but the 52 has double the cache)
18:08.42holmie(Cisco IP phones saying "399 Bad MWI NOTIFY")
18:08.42DataCompBoyCan anybody describe how to debug RTP path?
18:09.00Qwellsecond, their 5102wlmi model has a camera on the 512 and 1gb models, plus, I think theirs can do 4GB instead of 2GB
18:09.08Strom_Cah, i see
18:09.28Qwellour 5102wlmi with a camera has 2gb, and for some stupid reason, uses a 4200rpm drive instead of a 5400rpm drive like the lower models
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18:09.54Qwellit's just weird that it varies so much
18:10.57Qwellholmie: good luck with that...
18:11.14Qwellholmie: MWI should work just fine on Cisco's just a SIP notify or something
18:11.29holmieI think it's a cisco bug
18:11.40holmieI found a page with lots of people complaining about it
18:11.41Qwellhowever, if it isn't working, then it's probably a bug (either in Asterisk, or more likely, Cisco not conforming to spec...which isn't unusual)
18:11.53hi365my pap2 is beeping like a pager. how do i shut it up?
18:12.02Juggiethrow it against the wall.
18:12.03Qwellhi365: unplug it?  heh
18:12.15Qwellhi365: constantly, or every couple minutes?
18:12.46Qwellhi365: it's probably telling you that you have VM
18:12.54holmieQwell: I think the c7970G don't handle the correct MWI notification from asterisk properly
18:13.05Qwellholmie: quite likely
18:13.32hi365Qwell: every 30 sec. or so
18:13.45Qwellhi365: It's telling you that you have voicemail.  There are options to disable it
18:15.23Strom_Cman, you have to tell me what that option is so I can use it to irritate my most annoying clients
18:16.20QwellStrom_C: sip.conf, mailbox=, I think
18:16.45QwellI think the problem, is that both the ata and asterisk try to do mwi stuff
18:16.55Qwellsomething funky like that, and it ends up b0rking itself
18:16.58hi365Ring On No New VM = no
18:17.01Strom_Cno no, the beeping option
18:17.05DarthclueHow old is the 1.2 branch?
18:17.14Strom_Ci know how to set mailbox= in sip.conf, qwell :)
18:17.26QwellDarthclue: the last commit was probably a few days ago.  That's a fairly loaded question
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18:18.19hi365Qwell; Ring On No New VM = no
18:18.33DarthclueI like asking loaded questions.  Makes things more interesting.  Can't get trunk to compile cleanly so i'm going with 1.2.
18:18.35TripleFFFFcan i record in an agi ?
18:18.42QwellDarthclue: define cleanly?
18:18.42hi365VMWI Ring Splash Len: 0
18:18.51QwellTripleFFFF: should be able to
18:18.57QwellTripleFFFF: I can't see why not
18:19.01TripleFFFFhow lol
18:19.10Qwelldunno, I've never done AGI, heh
18:19.12TripleFFFFi wanna use manager to call an agi that records
18:19.14Strom_CDarthclue: well if it's any indication, I still regularly use 1.2 for all my professional installs
18:19.17QwellI only code - I don't use the stuff
18:19.33Qwell(I actually do use it...)
18:20.13TripleFFFFwahts net sec lol
18:20.31hi365and i dont even have new voicemail!
18:20.52*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
18:20.57QwellTripleFFFF: it's a branch that let's you control firewall hardware from...umm...that company
18:21.07*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
18:21.10QwellI'm completely spacing on the name
18:21.21Darthcluemake clean errors out, make install generates a couple of invalid modules (on zaptel).  The last time I used Asterisk, it was always a cvs-head install.
18:21.46QwellTripleFFFF: Ranch Networks
18:21.51TripleFFFFk heeh
18:22.01Qwellbut, it uses an open protocol or something, so other vendors may support it too...dunno
18:22.45Qwellbasically, it tells the firewall that it needs exactly X bandwidth, and it allocates it for you
18:22.45*** join/#asterisk drcode (
18:22.48drcodehi all
18:22.51Qwellpretty cool stuff
18:23.10TripleFFFFhmm so i cant find monitor in the agi libs
18:23.16TripleFFFFi guess, its exec(monitor
18:23.23QwellTripleFFFF: should be able to call it like any other application
18:23.55TripleFFFFyeah tought theres was an agi command for it
18:25.54drcodeis there sip client in php / java that I can use from web site?
18:26.05TripleFFFFnot java lol it sucks resources
18:26.13TripleFFFFdrcode let me know im looking for one
18:26.36drcodeI want to let users run client from web , I know there is some in activex
18:27.08hi365Qwell: any final thoughts on pap2 chirps?
18:27.33*** join/#asterisk p1tst0p (
18:28.52DataCompBoyPeeeeeeeopppleeee!! What I'm need to check to find out why no RTP sent from asterisk?!
18:29.48DataCompBoyports open on both ends.
18:30.00DataCompBoyi'm even not receive "Sent rtp packet"
18:30.13hi365which ports?
18:30.37DataCompBoyopen on firewall on server, i have disabled firewall
18:30.54DataCompBoyYesterday everything worked :(
18:31.48*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
18:31.48hi365rtp.conf fine?
18:31.54holmieQwell: can I keep asterisk from sending the MWI notification?
18:31.59DataCompBoyuntouched, and yes - fine
18:36.10*** join/#asterisk lrizzo (
18:36.35clyrradI have a question about DTMF - I have phones set to INBAND+INFO, and it works well with Asterisk as well as most IVR systems.  Howerver some IVR systems will not accept the DTMF's - Just wondering if anyone has had this issue - or knows of a work around?
18:37.44DataCompBoythe best, i'm get is one line: "Sent RTP packet to (type 0, seq 8001, ts 160, len 160)" and nothing more...
18:37.51*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
18:37.55Qwellholmie: unset the mailbox= option in sip.conf
18:39.38DataCompBoylooks like phone receive always on one port, send from other ?!
18:39.58DataCompBoyis that normal?!
18:42.09QwellDataCompBoy: yes
18:42.43DataCompBoyQwell: strange, but looks like Asterisk doesn't receive such packets.
18:42.55Qwellcheck your firewall
18:43.21clyrradmakesure your firewall has open the ports you defined in rtp.conf
18:43.32DataCompBoyfirewall have open them
18:43.42clyrradQwell: do you know the answer to my DTMF query?
18:43.50DataCompBoy8:43:15.314965 IP > orange.11469: UDP, length 84  --- packets arrives
18:44.33clyrradyou see that on your firewall?
18:44.48clyrraddoes anyting hit your CLI?
18:44.59DataCompBoySent RTP packet to (type 0, seq 26403, ts 160, len 160)
18:45.11DataCompBoyand i'm got that packet on firewall -- and it passed
18:46.40DataCompBoyand on server i'm receive reply RTP packets (server have sent one packet from 17892 to mine 9000, from my machine sent back from 9001 to 17893).
18:46.58DataCompBoybut no more RTP packets from asterisk, and no sound heared...
18:48.57DataCompBoylooks like after no rtp phone tries to send reply from 9000 back -- also without luck :/
18:49.52*** join/#asterisk Wall (
18:50.12Wallalguna que sepa español ?
18:50.18Wallalguno que sepa español ?
18:52.14holmieQwell: figured, thanks. :-)
18:52.23holmieQwell: I ask too fast!
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18:54.45DataCompBoyWhat more I can check?...
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19:03.40Drukenanyone used asterfax?
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19:18.47TripleFFFFanyway to see ip trying to connect as anonymous via dialplan like noop("IP") ?
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19:32.37TripleFFFFany reason my cisco 7960 when i talk it cuts the other one from talking .. i mean i cant hear him.. like VAD?
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19:41.47TripleFFFFanyone ?
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20:09.44DEaderdoes any one know how to tweek fromuser in asterisk
20:10.21DEaderjust like setting callerid in extension.conf
20:10.31DEaderi want to be able to set fromuser there also
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20:50.16eidohey folks, i'm sort of exploring using wifi voip phones as convention / hotel-type radios.  i know the concept of 'PTT' is still not really available to the mases (except it seems via Vocera's 'badges') - is there a recommendation of a type of VOIP wifi phone that is inexpensive but capable?  I see the ZyXEL P-2000W's around on ebay for decent prices?
20:52.20[TK]D-FenderWiFi VoIP phones currently SUCK.  ALL of them.
20:55.56robin_szThe Zyxel WiFi phones are great ...
20:56.16robin_szyou can use them to hold most sorts of doors open
20:56.51robin_szthey do have one teeny weeny little drawback in terms of using them as a phone
20:56.56eidoalrighty then :)
20:57.18robin_sztheir complete inability to connect to other WiFi devices for short periods ...
20:57.30[hC]Ive tried the zyxel and linksys wip300 extensively
20:57.38robin_sztypically for the first hour or so after you turn them on ...
20:57.41[hC]im now having to eat a sale i did to a client of wip300's cause they suck
20:57.43[hC]and they dont want em
20:57.53robin_szafter that, the battery is flat and the problem goes away :)
20:59.27robin_szbest advice is to use DECT phones and ATAs
20:59.40robin_sztheres a dutch SIP to DECT gateway ...
20:59.41eidoer, the ew was on the various ocmments, not on the last one.
21:00.43robin_szI think it takes up to 6 phones per base station
21:00.46eidowell, here's what i'm tyring to do, see if i'm loopy.  i do convention services - registration, badging, IT stuff, etc.  i see so many events that use FRS radios as their communication net.  they suck.  "I can do better!" - i'm trying to figure out -how-  :)
21:01.02eidothe best iv'e seen are the Vocera badges - that's pretty damned slick, but i bet it costs an arm and a leg.
21:01.18[TK]D-FenderWIP300 is nice for browsing networks, but the phone has vitually 0 functionality, and the interface is slow
21:01.24robin_szwifi is unsuitable ...
21:01.40robin_szdue to jitter amongst other stuff
21:01.56robin_szthe tdm soon clogs up with a few active channels
21:01.56eidowell, audio quality on the wifi network will be a -vast- improvement over FRS.  really :)
21:03.29robin_szdoes that matter?
21:04.23eidodoes which matter?
21:04.29robin_szaudio quality
21:04.56robin_szis that high on the list of your clients priorities?
21:05.04robin_szor is range and reliability more important?
21:05.39robin_szwoudl wired phones be too hard to do?
21:06.04eidorange and coverage are the kicker.
21:06.11eidowe need to be able to bridge between disparate locations.
21:07.11robin_szout in the fields?
21:07.11eidoso folks in the ballroom, vs folks down in registration vs folks on the 40th floor of the hotel.
21:07.12robin_szin some woods?
21:07.12eidono, primarily in the same building.
21:07.12robin_szin africa?
21:07.12eidowe can carpet the place with our own wifi hardware.
21:07.20robin_szor europe?
21:07.29eidoideally, a PTT solution for all the users - similar to FRS would be great.  private communications (direct dial) is a nice, but general 'group chat' is really what we need.
21:07.31eidono, US.
21:07.43robin_szin europe all the decent conference venues have networking spread all over them
21:08.09eidoyah, most of my events are not in large commercial venues.
21:08.23eidothey tend to be in at best, conference hotels (1500-room hotels)
21:08.42eidoat worst, small cheezy hotels that have poor wireless.  at very worst, its small cheezy hotels with commercial wireless services :)
21:08.42robin_szand they aint networked?
21:08.51eidowe'd put in our own wireless.
21:09.06eidoi don't mind buying a dozen APs to set our own network and control it.
21:09.14robin_szwireless trunks to router/gateways .. wired phoens from there
21:09.14eidoit' the mobile units that are the problem.
21:09.17robin_szor DECT
21:09.34*** join/#asterisk shy_guy (
21:09.54eidoi don't know DECT phones well... how do they handle hopping?  can i move one from one conference room to another, or upstairs, and it'll stay on-network?
21:10.19robin_szno idea
21:10.32eidoyah, that's the problem.  and we're still stuck with no PTT tech.
21:10.43robin_szsounds like you need a UHF base station and a bunch of Motorola HTs
21:10.50eidothought of that too.
21:10.58robin_szprobably the way to go
21:11.22robin_szVOIP is almost certainly NOT the way to go
21:11.25shy_guyeido:whats this hopping feature like to the end user?
21:11.34eidoshy_guy: in my ideal world, seemless.
21:11.47eidofrs or gmrs or the like are fine for small venues.
21:11.55eidoala, everyone within, say, 1500 feet of each other.
21:11.57shy_guyeido:if u have an account on the conference server,cant u join from anywhere? whats missing
21:12.03eidobut go beyond that, and the whole mechanism breaks.
21:12.47*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
21:13.01shy_guyi cant really get u. are you from the marketing? :D
21:13.06eidoshy - that would mean a wireless SIP phone that's dialled in / 'off hook' permanently.  PTT problems are already an issue - doing it that way would bring on battery problems.
21:13.24eidoshy_guy: no.  by the way, something is wrong with your 'yo' keys.
21:14.06shy_guywe do such wifi stuff
21:14.06robin_szeido, as I thought. Motorola have it well covered.
21:14.11robin_szcheck out iDEN
21:14.12shy_guypretty seamlessly
21:14.28*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
21:14.33robin_szand some pretty cute phones too
21:15.24eidoshy_guy: your product is not what i'm trying to do.
21:15.35eidoiden is what nextel uss, yes?
21:16.38shy_guyeido:whats this ptt issue? tell me
21:16.39eidoyah, iden is neat, but is a lot higher level / more costly than what i'm looking for.  i may be hosed here :(
21:16.45eidoshy_guy: ever use a walkie talkie?
21:16.54robin_szyeah, lots.
21:16.55eidolike an frs or gmrs radio?
21:17.10shy_guykeep talkin eido
21:17.24eidoer, that sentence ended with a ?  - that implies "its your turn to talk"
21:17.46robin_szi use Motorola 300's a LOT ... coverage is typically 1000s of metres
21:17.56robin_szwell, used
21:17.57eidorobin_sz: they require a commercial license, yes?
21:18.00robin_sznot in that game anymore
21:18.26eidoi have a bunch of motorola VHF radios tat i was going to adapt to GMRS frequencies - they can do it, but they're not "fcc approved" equipment.  It's a little edgy.  but the radios are cheap.
21:18.47shy_guyi worked on ultra wide band radio
21:18.54robin_sz2watts on VHF goes a LONG way
21:19.10eidoyeah, no kidding.
21:19.10shy_guyand now after four years of working when i left, its ericsson whose implementing it
21:19.27shy_guygod damn fcc and the club
21:19.35shy_guypolitcs players
21:19.47robin_sziDEN looks to be exactly what you need
21:19.58*** join/#asterisk xnon_ (n=xnon@
21:20.09robin_szim pretty certain voip is not what you want
21:20.16eidoyeah, but iden is a large scale network - it's a digital transport.  i'd need radio coverage in the venue, plus the phones - plus the fcc licenseing to do it, plus a server to contorl / route the phones.
21:20.24eidonifty if i had a zillion dollars :)
21:20.44robin_szwired phoens could work ...
21:20.49robin_szbut you dotn want that either
21:20.58eidoyah, i know i could do voip + wired.
21:21.02shy_guyeido:lol, who the hell wud wish for iden
21:21.17*** join/#asterisk DanTMG (
21:21.18robin_szradios would work ..
21:21.19eidothat could link all the stations / departments / whatever together, without stringing pots lines (or using the hotel's PBX, which is traditoinally -garbage-
21:21.21*** join/#asterisk Gunde (n=spamyous@
21:21.32eidoi'm unfortunately heading back to radios with some form of repeater.
21:21.39robin_szrounds simplest
21:21.44eidorobin_sz: did you say you used gp300's?
21:21.51shy_guywhats wrong with wifi and wifi phones doing all this
21:21.58eidoshy_guy: listen to the convo please.
21:22.04robin_szyeah, on vhf and uhf
21:22.05eidomostly because they can't.
21:22.14eidogp300's look inexpensive. hm.
21:22.16shy_guyby 2008, 80% mobile phones would have wifi support anyway
21:22.20eidoi should look at an FCC commercial license.
21:22.21Greek-Boyif the wifi phones were reliable atleast  you would have a covnerged solution but u gotta use the radios for now
21:22.22robin_szshy_guy, there are no wifi phones
21:22.44robin_szgp300s are solid and reliable and very configurable ... and multi use
21:23.01eidoheh.  i could... rig up one of the Gp300's to an audio gateway, subscribe it into an asterisk hosted conference.
21:23.03robin_szyou can use them to talk on, or to beat punters to death with
21:23.10eidofolks could listen / chat in from VOIP clients on PC's.
21:23.13eidothat's getting interesting.
21:23.35*** part/#asterisk Gunde (n=spamyous@
21:23.36eidocan the GP300's do freq offset stuff?  ala ham radio repeater style?
21:23.46robin_szoh yeah
21:23.52robin_szfully synthed
21:23.54shy_guyGreek-Boy:i dont want to market our products, but wifi works. we have a patent pending technology on that.
21:24.08saftsackSuPrSluG hi are you still here?
21:24.17eidoi could... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  interesting.  FCC would love this.  what if i had some form of simple audio gateway.  hmm.  tht won't work.  i can't find out when it should transmit.  or could it.  Hm.
21:24.30robin_szshy_guy, you'll be rich then, because as yet, all WiFI phoens suck
21:24.49eidoi was just thinking of attaching a radio via a simple PTT trigger, coneting it via VOIP gateway to an asterisk hosted conference.  VOIP clients on PC's would be able to hear the radio conversation.
21:24.56shy_guyrobin_sz:why exactly do they suck? can u point to the core issues
21:24.57eidobut how could they answer back?  Hmm.
21:24.59*** join/#asterisk mog (
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21:25.12robin_szshy_guy, point 1, inabality to connect to gateways
21:25.21robin_szshy_guy, poitn 2 battery live measured in hours
21:25.25eidohah.  freq offset would be on permanent trnasmit?  hm.
21:25.36robin_szshy_guy, point 3 see poitn 1
21:26.01shy_guyrobin_sz:is that all?
21:26.18eidouhh.  i'd say that's "enough".  it means i can't use them for this function.
21:26.23robin_szI would have thought an inablity to connect to a gateway was failry serious no?
21:26.43robin_sza MINIMUM pocket life of 8 hours is a MUST HAVE
21:26.46eidoalso, the voip phones don't AP-hop well, as i'm understanding.
21:26.51eidominimum, yes.
21:27.00robin_szabsolute minimum
21:27.03eidoand for radio usage, they would have to be on permanet 'listen' mode.
21:27.07robin_szthe zyxel is ~2 hours
21:27.10shy_guyi have heard and answered more criticism than that robin_sz
21:27.14eidoiden folks work because the y'wake up' when a connection / msg comes in.
21:27.24eidomost voip phones are not that smart.
21:27.34eidoi'd say all of them - since they' renot designed to work that way.
21:27.46robin_szshy_guy, well, show me one that works then ...
21:28.23shy_guyrobin_sz:you are livin in wifi stone age like prolly everyone else. but trust me there is a product that exceeds your expectations
21:28.30eidoshy_guy: name it.
21:28.43shy_guyit works on same wifi networks
21:28.49eidoname what you're talking about.
21:28.55eidoand stop fishing around like a marketing idiot.
21:28.56shy_guyruns on windows mobile and symbian platforms
21:29.03*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
21:29.33eidoanyway, shy_guy guys idiocies aside, i think i'm hosed on this.
21:29.34shy_guyeido: u...
21:29.38eidothe -only-thing i saw was vocera.
21:29.50eidoi'll drop them a aline and see if they can do something for something under the US military budget.
21:30.14shy_guyeido:you like to discuss things in which i have no interest. microwave,radios... um not even hearing.
21:30.29robin_szshy_guy, so you going to name this mystery product then or what?
21:30.33eidoshy_guy: and you keep spouting drivel with no information.
21:30.42eidoso unless you ave actual facts, information, and details, just stfu.
21:30.56saftsackis it possible to build asterisk < 2mb?
21:31.10Qwellsaftsack: sure
21:31.22Qwellsaftsack: You'll need to remove quite a few modules, but...yeah
21:31.32saftsackand < 0.5mb in a sqaushfs system?
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21:31.41Qwell500k?  probably not
21:31.59Qwellat least, not with any usability
21:32.06saftsackhmm but this 500k are compressed (squashfs)
21:33.02saftsackQwell do you know the compression factor of squashfs?
21:33.13Qwellno clue
21:40.03shy_guyrobin_sz:guess you liked it, later mate!
21:40.36eidorobin_sz: did shy_guy point you at his swedish whatever site?
21:40.49robin_szinteresting idea ...
21:40.57eidoyes, and i told him it was not what i needed, but he wasn't listening.
21:41.10eidoit's an auto-switch from voip to cellular net and back
21:41.12robin_szshrug .. .its stil an interesting idea
21:41.51robin_szit assumes you have some windows enabled, gsm and wifi capable PDA
21:42.08robin_szdo those things last 8 hours on in your pocket?
21:42.17robin_szin WiFi mode>
21:42.20eidonot with the radio active.
21:42.22eidowifi is heavy.
21:42.38robin_szthats my minimum requirement
21:51.14Greek-Boyanyone here from Philippines?
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22:01.38DEaderis it posible to set asterisk user setting example fromuser and context from the extension.conf file
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.