irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061021

00:00.05shy_guyquestion is does type=user, accept incoming calls?
00:00.23shy_guyhost= <-- this is must set,offcourse.
00:00.30shy_guyit doesnt
00:00.33ManxPowershy_guy: no, host= is only for OUTOGING calls.
00:00.44shy_guy:) no
00:00.52ManxPowershy_guy: type=user means calls will go from device -> asterisk
00:01.04shy_guyhost=dynamic if you want your outgoing peer to register with you in order for you to call him
00:01.21ManxPowershy_guy: or host=ipaddress if the device has a static ip address.
00:01.40shy_guyonly incoming calls
00:01.45ManxPowerif you want to LIMIT where calls can come fro then you want permit/deny
00:02.02ManxPowerhost= is not checked for incoming calls.
00:02.06benjkyeah ,friends are ok for phones
00:02.42ManxPowershy_guy: what are you trying to ACCOMPLISH?
00:02.54shy_guyerrata: read outgoing as incoming in above where appropriate => type=user is for incoming calls and type=peer for outgoing calls,host may be set as necessary
00:03.18ManxPowershy_guy: where is that from?
00:03.32shy_guybut what is this insecure=invite ? :P for authenticating calls coming from peer
00:03.33ManxPowerfor all these terms it is from the point of view of Asterisk
00:04.32ManxPowershy_guy: I don't know.  I've never needed it.
00:04.50shy_guywhy have they written in the book that insecure=invite is used for dealing with calls coming in from the peer whie we know peer is for only making outgoing calls to (as told in its chp4)
00:05.21ManxPowerI don't know.
00:05.40shy_guyProbably no one does
00:05.48ManxPowerother than to remember that as of 1.2 there is not much difference between user/peer/friend
00:06.06shy_guyit surely seems that way
00:06.25shy_guyif something registers with other proxy, it can even receive calls from it
00:06.43shy_guyall it needs is an account with type=user over there
00:06.44De_Monwhen I dial #1 for a blind xfer I have like 500ms to dial the extension I want to forward to
00:07.06shy_guyhas anyone tired sofia-sip with asterisk?
00:07.16shy_guyi heard there are few seconds lags
00:08.28ManxPower[root@pbx-1 root]# grep timeout /home/software/asterisk/asterisk-1.2/configs/features.conf.sample
00:08.28ManxPower;transferdigittimeout => 3      ; Number of seconds to wait between digits when transfering a call
00:08.29ManxPower;featuredigittimeout = 500      ; Max time (ms) between digits for
00:08.49[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon : Why on earth are you using DMF transfers anyways?
00:09.21ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I've stopped even TRYING to understand why people use that totally ugly hack.
00:09.45De_Mon[TK]D-Fender call is going over PSTN to a call router (outsourced) who needs to transfer the call to the correct dept
00:10.29De_Monthose are the default settings right? I definately don't get 3 seconds.. I suppose I could try increasing the transferdigittimout
00:10.34[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon : ok, that works...
00:11.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower : That answer was about the only one I could really accept :)
00:12.22*** join/#asterisk nitrico (n=aaaa@
00:13.41nitricohi everyone, just a question...maybe someone can help me
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00:14.13shy_guyask nitrico, there aint a need for theme setting
00:14.13junodixoncan yall help me with a caller id problem or am i in the wrong place
00:14.15nitricoI nee to run an agi when the calls are answered, Ive tried using the G option for Dial and the context is taken, the agi is called......but the call is hangedup after that....any solution?
00:14.39shy_guyjunodixon: yankees just type, others ...:p
00:15.34shy_guynitrico:call a macro and call the agi in that macro.
00:15.50shy_guynitram: call that macro from the Dial not individually.
00:16.19junodixonbut anyway i can change the # on my caller id but i cant change the name whatever i do it just says unknow name
00:16.42shy_guyjunodixon:CALLERID(name) or...
00:17.02shy_guyjunodixon:depends on your version. its simple
00:17.15junodixonim useing trixbox
00:17.33junodixoni think its 1.2.2
00:18.16shy_guysee whatever it supports CALLERIDNAME or SetCallerIDName( A Juno Yankee wasting time over a simple thingie)..or CALLERID(name)="Hehe thats me"
00:18.37nitricoshy_guy....this is the log....
00:18.41nitricoat OnAnswer,s,2 failed so falling back to exten 's'
00:18.49nitricoat OnAnswer,s,2 still failed so falling back to context 'default'
00:18.54nitricoand ten hangup...
00:18.59nitricothe agi is called....this is the good news :)
00:19.07nitricoten should be then, excuse...
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00:20.09shy_guynitrico:you should be able to solve it now
00:20.29shy_guyum feeling quite sleepy
00:22.10nitricothanks shy_guy, I will try :) I cannot get them bridged....I will see
00:23.02shy_guynitram:there is a very nice paragraph in AFOT-book, ctrl-f DIALSTATUS, see Dial, see its macro option.
00:23.08shy_guyagi debug is your friend
00:23.15shy_guygood night every one, happy *ing
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00:29.22[TK]D-Fendernitrico : "s" is an exten, not a priority
00:31.29nitricoyes, so?
00:32.04nitricoi send the call to context OnAnswer exten s, priority 1 right?
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00:33.49De_Mondamnit, I should be able to test the blindxfr feature from a SIP phone shouldn't I? (eyebeam)
00:34.10[TK]D-Fendernitrico : TGIF :)  I'm clearly too tired to think.....
00:34.31[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon : From any phone I would think.
00:34.44[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon : pasebin up tht call attempt
00:34.51Marshall16where can i get a free voip IAX2 account at?
00:34.55tlpIs there any particular thing that might cause the 'Echo()' application to not function?
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00:35.16De_MonDTMF send in-band rpt, sent event RTP(RFC2833) codecID 101 DTMF tone length samples 120...
00:35.25De_Monleme debug
00:36.50[TK]D-FenderMarshall16 : Set up an * server and connect to it.  There you go :)
00:36.54*** join/#asterisk brockj49464_home (n=chatzill@
00:41.25De_Monodd.. shouldn't I see any DTMF tones with sip debug peer?
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00:43.36junodixoni have tryed all of thows things but nun of them work
00:46.05junodixonanyone know of anything that will fix my caller id
00:47.48De_Monjunodixon after you set the callerID does asterisk present the correct one if you NoOp(${CALLERID}) ?
00:50.42junodixonmaby im puting it in the wrong place where do i put it
00:53.11De_Monjunodixon does that mean asterisk doesn't return the correct info?
00:53.48junodixonyeah all i get is unknown name but im geting the right #
00:54.13De_Monat least you know where the source of the problem is :)
00:54.26junodixonlol yeah
00:54.41De_Monjunodixon paste the 1 line you're using to set the name
00:55.08junodixonSetCallerID("Name" <Number>[|a])
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00:56.20junodixonim useing trixbox 1.2.2 and i tryed setting it with the website but it just does the same
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00:56.58De_Monthe [|a] means that |a is optional, the []'s should never be there
00:57.07De_Monnot that I know what |a even does...
00:58.03junodixoni put this in extensions_custom.conf right cuz thats where i have been puting it
00:58.16De_Monshrug depends
00:58.28De_Monyoure using trixbox, which isn't exactly supported
00:59.52junodixonwell is there a trixbox room
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01:35.57[shodan]any one using a gsm gateway ? any good one to recommend ?
01:36.37SuPrSluGI have an DID 800 number. Caller never hears ringing after the select an extension. any ideas?
01:37.02SuPrSluGiax is the protocol
01:44.40*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
01:57.02*** join/#asterisk AbsTradELic (n=vldmr@
01:57.43AbsTradELichi all !
02:00.51AbsTradELicpls, exist any site about asterisk under slackware ?
02:01.13*** join/#asterisk Parvaresh (i=bartali@
02:01.18AbsTradELici'm a beguinner about voip
02:02.02SuPrSluGAbsTradELic:distro doesn't matter much.
02:02.28[shodan]anyone knows where to get some MV-370 gsm gateways on the cheap ? (ebay is 350$usd , should be around 150$usd)
02:02.31AbsTradELicSuPrSluG: huMruM
02:02.44Parvareshwhich forum is most active on asterisk?
02:03.49AbsTradELicSuPrSluG: the new release packages to slackware ?
02:04.34SuPrSluGAbsTradELic:build from source.
02:05.04SuPrSluGAbsTradELic:just get the tarballs from digium
02:05.13DrkShdwAbsTradELic: asterisk is cross platform.  grab the source and comile it on whatever OS you like.   then follow any available guide.  Flavor it to your distros taste
02:05.35AbsTradELichuM... ok
02:05.42SuPrSluGAbsTradELic:build zaptel and libpri 1st then asterisk.
02:05.43AbsTradELicfrom digium
02:06.03AbsTradELicI'll do
02:08.50SuPrSluGAbsTradELic: ~wiki
02:09.05SuPrSluGAbsTradELic:has some good tutorials
02:09.36Parvareshany forum !?
02:09.53Parvareshspecially looking for user's comments on hardwares...
02:09.56*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
02:11.17AbsTradELicthe zaptel 1.2 or beta ?
02:12.25DrkShdwAbsTradELic: never use beta software,  when you are first learning something.    you want to make sure the problems you have are actually your problems,  not some bug in the beta software suite.
02:13.01SuPrSluGAbsTradELic:stick w/ the 1.2 stuff. betas not documented yet. and there some purdy big changes
02:15.09AbsTradELicok ?
02:15.27SuPrSluGjust tar xvzf *.tar.gz
02:16.46AbsTradELicSuPrSluG: yeah
02:17.53SuPrSluGiax2 DID caller never hears ringing. any ideas? it does it out of band. is that a problem?
02:17.55AbsTradELicI need to know about sources versions to 2.6 slackware extra kernel ... X;)
02:18.36SuPrSluGAbsTradELic:make linux26
02:19.14AbsTradELicyeah, i'm using it
02:19.29SuPrSluGAbsTradELic:is it compiling?
02:19.52AbsTradELicnot... default kernel
02:20.24SuPrSluGAbsTradELic:install headers and u should be fine
02:20.46AbsTradELicslackware 11
02:20.55AbsTradELicfull install
02:21.21SuPrSluGAbsTradELic:do you have the source or kernel headers installed
02:22.17AbsTradELiclibpri 1.2.4
02:22.22AbsTradELicok ?
02:23.37AbsTradELici have 4 other files on
02:24.48AbsTradELici'll get only the asterisk source package
02:25.24SuPrSluGget libpri zaptel and asterisk
02:25.34AbsTradELicasterisk 1.2.13
02:26.08AbsTradELicits the voip begin
02:26.22SuPrSluGyou have to compile libpri and zaptel first
02:26.41AbsTradELicI'll do it now
02:26.56AbsTradELiccheckinstall -y -S
02:29.28SuPrSluGAbsTradELic:check here for a good install guide (and other good stuff)
02:31.34*** join/#asterisk Marshall16 (
02:32.25SuPrSluGbetter yet they have a slackware specific install guide
02:38.01AbsTradELicSuPrSluG: zaptel didn't created slackware packages with checkinstall
02:39.09AbsTradELicthen I used the usual to done: make install
02:39.19SuPrSluGbuild from scratch. did you check the slack guide
02:39.38SuPrSluGany errors?
02:40.09AbsTradELiconly a warning
02:40.17AbsTradELicat the end
02:40.38AbsTradELicok ?
02:40.53SuPrSluGwarnings are ok
02:41.04SuPrSluGerrors bad
02:41.21AbsTradELicok... now I go to asterisk
02:41.38SuPrSluGissue a ztcfg -vv command
02:42.22SuPrSluGwait 1st do a modprobe zaptel
02:44.10AbsTradELicModule                  Size  Used by
02:44.11AbsTradELiczaptel                185220  0
02:44.11AbsTradELiccrc_ccitt               1920  1 zaptel
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02:44.36AbsTradELicok modules loaded
02:45.17AbsTradELicnow ill compile the asterisk
02:45.49AbsTradELicmake mpg123
02:46.10AbsTradELicok ?
02:48.53AbsTradELiconly the make now
02:49.16AbsTradELicwhy it ?
02:50.28AbsTradELicSuPrSluG: ?
02:50.49AbsTradELicmake mpg123 error
02:51.08AbsTradELicthen only make
02:51.20AbsTradELiccompilling fine
02:51.49SuPrSluGdo you have mpg123 installed (not mpg321)
02:52.07AbsTradELicI think no
02:52.12SuPrSluGit's only used for music on hold
02:52.21AbsTradELicits not important
02:53.29SuPrSluGno you can use wave files or convert to native gsm.
02:54.51AbsTradELicok... asterisk done
02:55.12AbsTradELicto test it
02:55.36AbsTradELicit work with webcam ?
03:00.40SuPrSluGi'm back
03:00.58jbotjerjer is probably the guy who runs nufone
03:03.07jboti heard nufone is Visit for an excellent, native IAX termination service.
03:03.25jbotit has been said that recursion is tell ubotu about recursion
03:09.13AbsTradELicmake sample ?
03:09.21r0d3nt|mjbot, who's the buttslut on
03:09.43AbsTradELic'make samples' ???
03:09.55AbsTradELicI need it?
03:12.33AbsTradELicSuPrSluG: ?
03:12.44SuPrSluGyes you're starting with nothing
03:13.30AbsTradELicafter make install command ?
03:13.43AbsTradELicor before ?
03:14.37AbsTradELicok... done. only it ?
03:16.01AbsTradELiccan I run '/etc/rc.d/rc.asterisk start' now ?
03:16.51AbsTradELicthe samples files go to where ?
03:17.22SuPrSluGthey go in /etc/asterisk
03:18.04SuPrSluGto start asterisk run -> asterisk -vvvvg &
03:18.16SuPrSluGsee if you get errors
03:18.52AbsTradELicasterisk ready
03:19.25SuPrSluGnow issue  asterisk -r and you'll be at the CLI
03:19.45AbsTradELiclike root  ?
03:20.04SuPrSluGthen type help and it'll give you all availble commands
03:20.28AbsTradELicnot like client ?
03:20.40AbsTradELicnot like user ?
03:20.48SuPrSluGyou can run it non root
03:21.24AbsTradELicok... understand now
03:21.31SuPrSluGthere are tutorials for that too. for now root is ok
03:21.33AbsTradELicits a client
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03:22.51SuPrSluGyeah you can connect to the command line interface. that where all yer troubleshooting is done
03:24.25AbsTradELicand a qt based gui ?
03:24.33SuPrSluGthe main config files are extensions.conf ( your dialplan) and iax or sip.conf for connecting to phones and providers
03:25.09SuPrSluGvi isn't purdy enuf?
03:25.57AbsTradELicSuPrSluG: sorry, I have difficulties to understand now. english is not my native language
03:26.02SuPrSluGtrixbox has that stuff. I don't like it
03:26.36AbsTradELicI love command lines
03:26.57AbsTradELicbut I really need to begin with gui
03:27.17SuPrSluGI think asterisk is best that way
03:27.55AbsTradELicexist a gui to asterisk ?
03:28.08SuPrSluGno the only files you need to edit to get started are the ones mentioned above
03:28.31AbsTradELicwaitt a few
03:29.04SuPrSluGso go to /etc/asterisk
03:30.18SuPrSluGdo you have any phones yet?
03:30.53SuPrSluGwhat is it hard phone or softphone?
03:31.16*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
03:31.17AbsTradELicI have a conventional phone
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03:31.46AbsTradELicI dont have voip accessories
03:31.49SuPrSluGdo you have an FXS card?
03:32.24AbsTradELicI dont have nothing... only the computer
03:32.32SuPrSluGif not download kphone or xlite softphone to play with
03:32.54SuPrSluGheadset with ear and mic?
03:33.29SuPrSluGthen you'll edit sip.conf and add and entry for that
03:33.48AbsTradELicok... going to /etc/asterisk
03:34.08AbsTradELicjed sip.conf
03:35.32AbsTradELicthe entry ?
03:36.21AbsTradELicits a big file
03:38.46SuPrSluGthat's because they put EVERYTHING in ti .
03:38.48SuPrSluGhere's a simple entry for a phone
03:38.49SuPrSluG[311]             ; phone number
03:38.51SuPrSluGtype=friend           ; This device takes and makes calls
03:38.53SuPrSluGusername=311         ; Username on device
03:38.54SuPrSluGsecret=xxxxx          ; a password -> match this on your phone
03:38.57SuPrSluGhost=dynamic          ; This host is not on the same IP addr every time
03:38.59SuPrSluGmailbox=311         ; Activate the message waiting light if this
03:39.00SuPrSluGnat=yes               ; voicemailbox has messages in it
03:40.13SuPrSluGgo to for info on configuring phones and extensions. these files can be real small too!!
03:41.56*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:41.59jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
03:42.19AbsTradELicbut I'll insert this ok
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03:45.56AbsTradELicSuPrSluG: when I insert this entries, I rerun the asterisk -r ?
03:46.29AbsTradELicrestart asterisk -r ?
03:46.56SuPrSluGyes. to check if it is seen  at CLI>sip show peers     and you should see the device
03:47.06SuPrSluGyes restart
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04:27.23junodixoncan anyone help me with a caller id problem
04:28.48junodixoni can change the # but i cant change the name im useing trixbox 1.2.2
04:29.11ManxPowerjunodixon: where is the name not appearing correctly?
04:29.31junodixonon the caller id of the phone im calling
04:29.41ManxPowerand that phone is what/where?
04:29.52ManxPoweris it connected to the asterisk box
04:29.55junodixonit says unknown name
04:29.57ManxPoweror another asterisk box?
04:30.01junodixonon its a pots line
04:30.13ManxPowerYou cant set the name when talking to the PSTN
04:30.52ManxPowerWell, you CAN, but the terminating telco will ignore the name and do a number/name lookup and put whatever that ends up being in the name field.
04:33.15kilobit2001how can i mount a remote linux system directory locally?
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04:34.18ManxPowerkilobit2001: Perhaps you are looking for #linuxhelp
04:34.22CunningPikekilobit2001: Locally to what?
04:42.14AbsTradELicX-Lite or KPhone ?
04:42.24AbsTradELicthe best ?
04:43.04junodixon<AbsTradELic> are you talking to me
04:43.19AbsTradELiccan be
04:44.10teknoprephmmm... why not IDEFISK ?
04:44.15teknoprepIDEFISK is the best
04:44.39AbsTradELicIDEFISK ?
04:44.54teknoprepalso the best is an opinion... in my opinion IDEFISK is the best softphone
04:44.55teknoprepand bro
04:45.04teknoprepifyou don't know wtf i am talking about...
04:46.08AbsTradELicit work with webcam ?
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04:54.30AbsTradELicexist any free voip service ?
04:54.41AbsTradELicservice ?
04:54.51AbsTradELicprovider ?
04:56.52*** join/#asterisk Cephallus (
04:59.12CephallusI know this isn't the freepbx channel...buuuuut I'm getting desperate, and there's a (modest amount) of real money involved as a bounty:
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05:15.00CunningPikeHoly netsplit, Batman
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06:24.19leopardus1any experts on Trixbox?
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09:23.19blueneonok im tired of this crap now, i installed the asterisk @ home cd (which installed asterisk 1.0.9 and CentOs). But my TDM400P seems to stop taking calls out of the blue and when i try to make a call the line is dead except for a loud hissing (white noise). I restart the zaptel service and all is well again. Anyway I think I am gonna wipe the box and install fedora core 3 with the latest asterisk all manually, what else will i need>
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09:26.48shellsharkwe dont support asterisk@home here
09:27.09shellsharktry #freepbx
09:27.35shellshark1.0.9 is ancient anyway
09:28.13blueneoni know
09:28.28blueneonthats why i said i want to remove it and install my own distro of linux and asterisk
09:28.42blueneonlike i said fedora core 3 and the lastest asterisk
09:28.50blueneonwell latest stable version
09:28.52ramthathen go on and have fun ;)
09:28.54blueneonwhat else will i need
09:29.01blueneonlike zap drivers? etc
09:29.09blueneon<-- noob
09:29.14ramthado you have pri interfaces?
09:29.20ramthathe you need zaptel
09:29.22blueneonjust a TDM400P
09:29.32ramthathe you need zaptel
09:29.44ramthaasterisk and zaptel
09:29.49blueneonok so asterisk + zaptel is all i would need to compile and install
09:30.00ramthaif you want realtime mysql support, you need  additional asterisk-addons
09:30.01blueneonthanks mate, this should be fun
09:30.30blueneonwhat do u mean real time support for mysql?
09:30.52blueneonyou mean to edit the db? (i could use phpmyadmin surely?)
09:30.58ramthayou can use mysql for astersik configuration instead of using conf files in /etc
09:31.15blueneonhmm, i see most tutorial talk about the conf files
09:31.24blueneonshould i not rather stick to using those?
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09:31.48ramthafor the first time, conf files should be ok ;)
09:32.00ramthaif you have working this, try to switch to mysql
09:32.09blueneonits a really basic setup i have, one FXO and one FXS
09:32.23blueneonall calls come in and are routed to the fxs
09:32.27blueneoni have no voip etc
09:32.29blueneon(not yet)
09:32.44blueneoni'll do that
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10:10.03skrustyanyone know what this means?
10:10.17skrustyOct 21 11:22:07 WARNING[5014]: chan_sip.c:3442 process_sdp: Unknown SDP media type in offer: image 50 udptl
10:10.47oejAsterisk does not support T.38 faxing in your version
10:12.00skrustyhmm, not trying to use T.38
10:12.04skrustythat's what's confusing me :)
10:12.54skrustythanks though
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11:13.47mrg82My telecoms provider currently forwards calls to my sip account. I wish the calls to made to my newly build asterisk server via IAX. What details would i need to provide? just my server name?
11:20.07tzafrir_laptopBasically yes
11:20.35tzafrir_laptopBut does the provider support IAX? What codecs?
11:20.55mrg82yes they do
11:21.02mrg82gsm i think
11:26.52mrg82would a username and password make it anymore secure?
11:27.06mrg82I can't see the benefit really
11:27.33tzafrir_laptopYou have to authenticate calls on both directions
11:27.59tzafrir_laptopBTW: IAX2 can also use RSA keys instead of username/passwords
11:28.23mrg82i see
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12:36.00ukhI'm really at loss here.  I'm a total asterisk newbie, trying to follow the book, but I cannot make a simple IAX2 FWD peer work, all I get is "Unable to negotiate codec", despite sprinkling the place liberally with "disallow=all" and "allow=ulaw"
12:37.43ukhusing "iax2 debug", the outgoing call is clearly "ulaw", so I wonder if it possibly hasn't anything to do with the codec at all.
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13:00.51mrg82When attempting to use MusicOnHold i get the error: NOTICE[1133]: res_musiconhold.c:515 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
13:01.19mrg82I've installed asterisk addons that comes with format_mp3
13:02.18mrg82yes, i found that before
13:02.24mrg82but the sound isn't playing at all
13:03.16mrg82im using format_mp3 and don't have mpg123 installed
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13:40.21Drukenmorning voip world
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13:43.20DarKnesS_WolFmorning Druken
13:43.35RhizomeImagine when theres only one cable going into everyones home, the power cable! phone, internet, tv and power on one cable.. yay ;)
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13:43.52DarKnesS_WolFRhizome: hehe AMIN !
14:01.28DaminI said it!
14:02.00xhelioxWe're open source enthusiasts, I think only hard liquor is appropriate.
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14:20.00SuPrSluGquiet today
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14:20.52shy_guyNov 16 18:41:19 WARNING[32432] chan_sip.c: Trying to destroy "2725AC94-8189-4F6A-A3C6-DA4ED3C4F9C9@", not found in dialog list?!?!
14:21.16shy_guynot found in dialog list..??
14:23.03SuPrSluGnever heard that one
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14:39.07saftsackhas * support for an authenthification realm user name?
14:40.12blueneonok i just installed a fresh copy of fedora core 3 and asterisk 1.2 and zap drivers etc etc, all is up and running as it should be, except when incoming calls come through i have the following: exten=>s,1,Dial(ZAP/2,60,m) .. it dials the extention but the caller doesnt get the music on hold, just the ringing :/ any ideas?
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15:19.04tparcina_blueneon: why do you use FC3? Why not FC5?
15:22.40coppiceby using something no longer supported he doesn't get troubled by any of those annoying security updates
15:26.24blueneon`cause its the only cd's i have and dont feel in the mood to down load the latest
15:26.36blueneon`this is just for testing purposes not comercial use
15:26.42blueneon`anyway i solved that issue
15:26.46blueneon`installed mpg123
15:26.53blueneon`but now i have a new issue
15:27.08blueneon`im trying to write a autoattendant
15:27.31blueneon`but for some reason when the user dials the # the attendant isnt detecting it
15:29.04tparcina_coppice  :))
15:29.50tparcina_blueneon: don't use mpg123, use nativ sounds
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15:30.18tparcina_blueneon: it doen't make sense to test on something that you won't use in production anyway
15:30.51tparcina_blueneon: it just seams like time wasting
15:32.38blueneon`thats what im using
15:32.51blueneon`but when the caller dials 1 or 2 nothing happens
15:34.03saftsackhi, is a patton smartnode owner here?
15:37.15ManxPowerblueneon`:you must be using a SIP phone.
15:38.09blueneon`no u dont
15:38.13ManxPowerblueneon`: Also exten => s,6,Wait(10) should be WaitExten if you want asterisk to listen to DTMF while waiting
15:38.15blueneon`and i fixed it
15:38.27blueneon`just had to move the 1/2 options under the s lines
15:38.31blueneon`instead of on tope
15:38.54blueneon`ok i'll change it to WaitExten
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16:04.19blueneon`how do i add a local sip client to asterisk?
16:04.34blueneon`i have installed x-lite on a workstation on the same network as asterisk
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16:05.45DarKnesS_WolFblueneon`: u add a extention to that X-lite in sip.conf
16:05.53DarKnesS_WolFthen u write the dialplan in extension.conf
16:08.03ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: amazing how many people ask basic questions that would be answered by reading The Book.
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16:08.59DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: :-)
16:09.00DarKnesS_WolFi know
16:09.06DarKnesS_WolFbut i think about somehting
16:09.10DarKnesS_WolFu can give them headlines
16:09.15DarKnesS_WolFthen u push them to read ;-)
16:10.44blueneon`DarKnesS_WolF i did that
16:10.50ManxPowerpeople don't read!
16:11.08blueneon`but i dont think i did it correctly because when the xlite trys to register with asterisk it says...
16:11.09ManxPowerblueneon`: put your sip.conf entry on pastebin, as well as the extensions.conf entry.
16:11.19blueneon`Registration from '"PC"<sip:3@>' failed for '' - Not a local SIP domain
16:11.25jbotmethinks pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
16:12.05DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: hmm ur right :-) i take my answer back ;-)
16:14.19ManxPowerblueneon`: set X-lite to use the username of "3", not PC then fix your sip.conf entry as shown here.
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16:14.59blueneon`xlite is using "#"
16:15.03ManxPowerIn your extensions.conf dial line make it like Dial(SIP/3@3)
16:15.32ManxPowerblueneon`: no, if X-lite was using 3 then your error message would be Registration from '"3"<sip:3@>' failed for '' - Not a local SIP domain
16:17.22ManxPowerX-Lite's setup interface is more complicated than Rube Goldberg's wildest dream.
16:17.33blueneon`trust me its set to 3
16:17.41blueneon`"Display Name" is set to PC
16:17.46blueneon`username is 3
16:17.48ManxPowerblueneon`: then change the damn display name and see.
16:18.10blueneon`Oct 21 18:18:02 NOTICE[9649]: chan_sip.c:11084 handle_request_register: Registration from '"3"<sip:3@>' failed for '' - Not a local SIP domain
16:18.12ManxPower*I* am telling you that it is passing PC into the registration request.  Displayname is frequently what is passed.
16:18.30ManxPowerblueneon`: no that is different.  Now did you do the sip.conf changes I gave you and then do a reload?
16:19.17ManxPoweris there a sip domain or realm in the X-lite config.  If so, clear it out.
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16:20.19blueneon`working now
16:20.22blueneon`that was the issue
16:20.39blueneon`xlite had the proxy as i removed it and it registered
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16:20.57ManxPowerthe problem is that the username= should be the same as in the [whatever]
16:21.16ManxPoweralso X-lite was sending a different registration name than the username
16:21.33ManxPower should have been helpful.
16:21.37blueneon`hmm i dial 7777 from xlite but dont get the simulated external call it just says the person u are trying to call is unavailable
16:21.54DarKnesS_WolFi have a question now i registered a ipkall number to my asterisk to extenton 119 .. do i need any special configurations in asterisk ?
16:22.36blueneon`infact anything i dial from it doesnt work
16:22.44blueneon`even trying to dial the zap/2 extention
16:24.52DarKnesS_WolFi mean when someone will dial the number ipkall will call exten@asterisk.server right ? asterisk will make the call ? or it will need special configurations ?
16:25.39ManxPowerblueneon`: something should show up on the console.
16:27.09blueneon`nothing shows up on CLI
16:27.28blueneon`in xlite there is a message "address incomplete"
16:27.30ManxPowerIf it says the person is unavailabe then there should be CLI output.
16:27.54blueneon`i think that voice prompt is a xlite one not coming from asterisk
16:28.16ManxPowerI assume you have an exten => 7777,1,Dial.... in the [internal] section of extensions.conf?
16:28.39DarKnesS_WolFgot it i should have context for ipkall in sip.conf
16:28.40DarKnesS_WolFmakes sense
16:29.28ManxPoweryou always need an extensions.conf [whatever]  to match the sip.conf context=whatever
16:30.16blueneon`no i dont
16:30.29blueneon`but isnt that a build in extention in asterisk?
16:30.37blueneon`to simulate external calls?
16:30.42ManxPowerblueneon`: asterisk has no built in extensions
16:31.21ManxPowerI'm sure some of those sissy guis have that feature, but you are not using one of those or you would have said something earlier.
16:32.48blueneon`ok so how would i add an extention to asterisk that would simulate an external call
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16:33.03ManxPowerblueneon`: I have no idea what you mean.
16:34.13blueneon`when i installed asterisk@home, i could from any internal extention dial 7777 and that would simulate an external call on asterisk, ie, asterisk would treat me as an external calling calling the trunk
16:35.11ManxPowerThat is something specific to Asterisk@Home.  I don't know how they do it, because either the call works or it does not.  Asterisk does not even really have the concept of internal .vs. extenal calls.  They are all just calls.
16:35.33ManxPowerexten => 7777,1,Playback(vm-thankyou)
16:35.43ManxPowerexten => 7777,n,Hangup()
16:35.56ManxPowerBut that is NOT a simulated call.  That is a regular call to a regular extension.
16:36.15ManxPowerthe extension does not to much, but that does not matter.
16:37.04blueneon`u dont understand what i mean
16:37.11blueneon`so never mind ::)
16:37.19ManxPowerblueneon`: read The Book, then come back
16:37.32blueneon`if i had a book to read that would be great :)
16:37.47jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
16:37.47ManxPowerit's available online
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17:38.03saftsacki tested disa the last week and the sound quality was very bad at all :( are there some suggestions or is disas sound quality bad at all?
17:40.34SuPrSluGI have an IAX 800 number . when calling the ivr picks up and when an option is selected the caller hears no ringing. the callee does? any ideas?
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17:46.29SuPrSluGwhen i try using sip dtmf is broken and i can't select a menu option. oh and when i hangup the call stays connected. weirdness!
17:47.07ManxPowerSuPrSluG: what SIP detmfmode are you using?
17:47.38ManxPowerSuPrSluG: you need a /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
17:47.47SuPrSluGnufone doesn't give it in their configs.
17:47.51ManxPowersaftsack: disa does nothing with call qualifty.
17:48.04ManxPowerSuPrSluG: that is because IAX2 only supports 1 DTMF mode.
17:48.25SuPrSluGManxPower what should i have in indications?
17:48.36ManxPowerSuPrSluG: whatever the default is.
17:49.03ManxPowerSuPrSluG: If you are having DTMF problems with an IAX2 call then the issue is wherever the call is converted from PSTN to VoIP
17:49.08Rhizomeyea im trying to get DTMF working aswell. read(DTMF) doesnt seem to work
17:49.55ManxPowerDTMF issues can be caused by many, many totally different things.
17:50.08SuPrSluGdtmf work for iax, but the caller hears no ringing. when i switch to sip dtmf doesn't work
17:50.54ManxPowerSuPrSluG: the caller does not hear any ringing because asterisk does not know how to indicate ringing to the calling party after the call has been answered by the IVR because you do not have /etc/asterisk/indications.conf.
17:51.27SuPrSluGindications is set to us which is correct. can i delete the other entries or do i need them when calling internationally
17:51.42ManxPowerSuPrSluG: I have never ever modified inidcations.conf
17:51.50ManxPowerjust use the default and leave it at that.
17:52.18SuPrSluGi do have indications.conf. should i pastebin it?
17:52.28ManxPowerSuPrSluG: is it the default one?
17:52.44ManxPowerthen it should work.  was it there before?
17:56.58SuPrSluGnever had a problem before
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17:57.40SuPrSluGManxPower:for sip what dtmf do you recommend?
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18:02.16blueneon`for some reason i cant seem to get asterisk to evaluate the correct day/time of a call to send to the correct context.. here is my extentions.conf
18:02.56blueneon`[trunk] is the context for incoming calls
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18:03.46blueneon`it keeps going directly to the [after-hours] context no matter what times are set
18:04.04saftsackManxPower, i had a bad voice quality when i tried to contact to disa
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18:11.43SuPrSluGblueneon:you should go to freepbx irc or nerdvittles for help with trixbox. they can help you more than here where it's pretty much straight up asterisk
18:13.38RhizomeSo did you guys find the correct sip setting for DTMF? I have a PSTN nr to asterisk with IAX to another asterisk SIP account, and no DTMF ;)
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18:14.45ManxPowerthe correct sip.conf setting is almost always rfc2833
18:15.29Rhizomeum, actually I was mistaken, I forgot it's a callback, so it's actually IAX to IAX to PSTN.
18:15.33ManxPowerand NEVER inband if you are using any codec other than ulaw or alaw
18:15.43jmlshi guys. Is there anyway of generating a universal / global unique id from the dialplan (A uuid or guid). I want to have several asterisk servers sharing a cdr database, and want a unique reference for each call. Obviously, ${UNIQUEID} doesn't work across several * systems.
18:16.38skopiihey ManxPower remember when I was saying that I couldn't get my MWI to turn off on my polycom phone yesterday
18:16.49ManxPowerskopii: yes
18:16.50skopiiI finally figured out why
18:16.56ManxPowerskopii: why?
18:17.14skopiithe first packet is leaving the * box
18:17.19skopiithe second packet is coming into the phone
18:17.23blueneon`SuPrSluG im not running Trixbox
18:17.31blueneon`what gave u that impression?
18:17.44ManxPowerskopii: so what is corrupting the packet?
18:17.47blueneon`im running fedora core 3 with asterisk 1.2
18:17.55SuPrSluGblueneon:Macros everywhere
18:18.01skopiiso for some reason that is unknown to me the cisco 17xx is truncating hte packet
18:18.11blueneon`whats wrong with me using macros?
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18:18.17skopiiwe are upgrading the firmware now...hopefully iy will fix
18:18.18blueneon`the feature is there for a reason no?
18:18.37SuPrSluGtougher to troubleshoot imo
18:18.47ManxPowerblueneon`: did you write the macros?  Do you even understand what the macros do?
18:19.00blueneon`and there is only 1 macro, how that constitutes as "everywhere" i dont know
18:19.04ManxPowerskopii: I thought you were using polycoms on the same lan
18:19.09blueneon`yes i wrote them
18:19.14blueneon`and yes i understand them
18:19.23ManxPowerblueneon`: remove them when you need to test stuff.
18:19.38blueneon`there is only 1
18:20.07blueneon`but i hear what ure saying
18:20.14blueneon`i guess i could just use inline coding
18:20.22ManxPowerskopii: if the packets are going thru a Cisco nat router then "no service sip fixup 5060" or something like that
18:20.59skopiiahhh I figured it was something like that..I guess the cisco is actually rewriting the SIP headers or something?
18:21.21ManxPowerskopii: it does that by default for NAT and SIP in some IOS versions.
18:21.35*** join/#asterisk Anitalove (
18:21.40Anitalovehello everybody :)
18:21.45ManxPowerwith asterisk it generally causes more harm then good.
18:21.56blueneon`hmm actually i think i'll keep it, it makes life a little easier in that i dont have to retype the same code several times plus when / if i need to change it, i only have to do so in 1 place rather than several
18:22.17ManxPowerblueneon`: Macros are great --- but not while trying to diagnose problems.
18:23.28AnitaloveI have 1 phone line at home, can I get asterisks to call me (on my cell), and then use the same line to 3-way call somebody else?
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18:23.34blueneon`anyway i solved my issue
18:24.14blueneon`well i kicked myself in the head really... the context was set for mon-fri (today is saturday !) lol
18:24.19RhizomeAnitalove: sure
18:25.40AnitaloveRhizome: how would I go about doing that?  I know RTFM, but which manual, and where ;)
18:26.02Anitalovetnx :)
18:26.03RhizomeAnitalove: Its pretty neat ;)
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18:26.48Anitalovewhat would be cool is if when I call from my cellphone, it doesn't pickup and calls me back :)
18:27.00Anitalove(I have free incoming calls on my cell)
18:27.48Rhizomeyea you can do that, what I do is make it run an agi script that makes the call file explained on that site.
18:28.21ManxPowerI wish I had free incoming on my cell
18:29.13AnitaloveRhizome: nice, now, given that I have now expiernce with Asterisk and that I'm a CS Major and programmer, how much of a learning curve would it take to get this working?
18:29.55ManxPowerAnitalove: Do you have experience with Linux, telephony, or networking?
18:30.20Rhizomethere I found the site that has a sample .agi script that does it
18:30.33AnitaloveI have some experience with linux and networking... not with telephony... but I noticed that there's a Windows version of Asterisk available as well
18:31.07Adam12I didnt' think you could put windows and asterisk in the same sentence :|
18:31.31Anitaloveyou just did :)
18:31.43ManxPowerAdam12: you can't.  The people that do get excommunicated and then burned at the stake
18:32.18AnitaloveI guess they have a big turnaround at then
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18:32.40Rhizomehehe, its so colorful!
18:33.01ManxPowerThat is not a port of Asterisk to Windows.  It is a port of Asterisk to cygwin.
18:33.16Adam12Hah. 'All circuits are busy. Please wait while we reboot Windows'
18:33.30ManxPowerso you have all the complexity of linux plus all the complexity of cygwin, plus all the complexity of Windows.
18:33.54ManxPoweryou can't use any PCI telephony cards either.
18:34.12Anitalovewhat kind of modem do I need to use for this kind of setup?
18:34.21ManxPowerAnitalove: you don't.
18:34.40ManxPoweryou don't use modems with Asterisk
18:34.58Anitaloveso, what do I use to interface Asterisk with a phone line?
18:35.19tzafrir_laptopJust get a spare partition and install linux on it
18:35.22ManxPowerA card from Digium, Sangoma, or one of the knock-off no-name generic cards.
18:35.30tzafrir_laptopIt will be simpler
18:35.35ManxPowerthe cards won't work under windows either.
18:35.36tzafrir_laptop(e.g: a separate HD)
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18:36.21Anitalovehow much do these cards go for?
18:36.34ManxPowerAnitalove: $150 - $2,000 usually.
18:36.55ManxPowerthe one port, PSTN only generic card, not expandable can be under $30, but there is NO support for it here.
18:36.56AnitaloveI was hoping to use my spare thinkpad laptop, it has a modem and I can put linux on it
18:37.15ManxPowerAnitalove: you won't be able to interface to a pstn line if you do that.
18:37.43Anitalovehmm, intereting
18:37.50ManxPowerYou can see a list of compatable hardware on Digium's web sire.
18:37.53ManxPowersite too.
18:38.17RhizomeWhat kind of land line do you have?
18:38.37Anitalovenormal phone line with ADSL internet access
18:39.10bsdfreaksipuras are good, too
18:39.22bsdfreak(which are external, network-based devices)
18:39.27Rhizomeso thats an analog phone line?
18:40.14RhizomeSo you have a FXS PCI card.
18:40.36ManxPowerRhizome: I doubt his laptop will have such a thing.
18:40.44ManxPowerand no, he needs an FXO card
18:40.49jbotit has been said that fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage, you plug a phone LINE into this.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage, you plug a PHONE into this.
18:41.19Rhizomeright ;)
18:41.50RhizomeHere in Norway everyone has ISDN
18:41.55RhizomeExcept my grandma ;)
18:42.39blueneon`is there a way to play the onhold music in the background while playing a voice over?
18:42.50AnitaloveDigium's website says that it'll cost between $380 and $421 for analog Wildcard
18:43.21ManxPowerAnitalove: Yes.  Very cheap.  Comparable cards for commercial PBXs are $2,000 - $4,000
18:43.52Anitaloveyes, I was planning to do this for less than $50 lol
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18:46.25SuPrSluGblueneon`:then convert to gsm file
18:46.48Anitalovein the hardware list, Generic X100P is listed, that's a WinModem
18:47.22Anitalovecan the Generic X100P be used to do what I discussed above?
18:47.26Dude34anyone here have experience with calling cards and asterisk?
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18:48.12blueneon`in my musiconhold.conf i have : default=>quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3 ... if i add -z to the end of that line (which i believe is meant to make it choose random mp3s in that dir) i get no music at all
18:48.15blueneon`any idea?
18:49.22ManxPowertry ,-z
18:49.43ManxPowerassuming you are uing mpg123 0.59r of course
18:51.05*** join/#asterisk JT (n=jon@unaffiliated/jt)
18:51.07blueneon`i am
18:52.14blueneon`i think im gonna try native
18:53.46blueneon`now i get a msg on the console saying "Music class default requested but no musiconhold loaded"
18:56.55AnitaloveI live in Canada and use an analog phone line, what are the disadvantages to using an Generic X100P with Asterisk?
18:57.18*** join/#asterisk BitBandit (n=polx@
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18:59.40Anitalovefunny, as soon as I mention the X100P, it goes really quiet in here... is it taboo?
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19:19.26[1]BigBadHossanybody know if polycom ever added nat keepalives
19:19.35[1]BigBadHossi remember seeing a setting somewhere
19:20.55*** join/#asterisk slayer192 (
19:22.41teknoprepi can't find the asterisk handbook.. the only one i am finding is that draft that is only 71 pages long
19:23.16slayer192Who's going to Astricon next week?
19:24.12anthonyli am
19:24.34anthonylslayer192, are you going to attend?
19:24.48slayer192anthonh: yeah
19:25.02anthonylcool, we should get some drinks in that case ;)
19:25.22slayer192anthony: have to!
19:25.43anthonylare you planningon hanging out in the code zone much?, i figure that is where i will be the majority of the time
19:25.51anthonylbrb a few mins tho, smoke
19:30.40*** join/#asterisk jtexter3 (
19:31.16slayer192heh, how'd you know ;-)
19:33.07slayer192Not sure where I'll be most of the time. I know two of the speakers, want to catch their talks
19:36.49slayer192anthony: you from the DFW area?
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19:39.50anthonylslayer192,  i'm from the huntsville area
19:40.09anthonyli'm flying down monday afternoon to the DFW area tho
19:41.13slayer192not too bad of a trip
19:41.36anthonyli hope not, i've never been to dallas before so i'm hopen it will be sort of cool
19:41.39slayer192I've got about an hour drive each day :-(
19:42.11slayer192Dallas has all sorts of things to your poison
19:42.44jtexter3anybody got a good handle on how many people will be at Astricon this year?
19:42.59shy_guyi cant imagine a travelling time of  more than 30mins when it comes to getting to work
19:43.09slayer192their site say "over 500 registered"
19:43.10shy_guyits tiring
19:43.27slayer192heh, I'll drive an hour for Astricon
19:43.47shy_guyslayer192:how can you live with that on daily basis
19:44.02slayer192I normally have a 25 minute drive to work now
19:44.11shy_guyslayer192:prolly its you are used to of it by now like many others
19:44.48jtexter3Personally, I miss my hour drive to work.  Gave me time to just think
19:45.15slayer192shy_guy: you get used to it, time to wind down before I have to deal with ppl at home :-)
19:46.58slayer192anthonyl:what toys are you looking to play with in the code zone?
19:51.45anthonylmy laptop mostly ;)
19:52.46anthonylatm i have access to all the voip hardware i really need too, i think the most intresting thing there will be seeing what other people are working on and going from there
19:53.34slayer192its always cool to see what other people are doing
19:54.31slayer192i recently came across an article where someone had intergrated nagios with asterisk and festival to alert you even if your net connection was down
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19:55.55[1]BigBadHosswhat days is astricon
19:56.40slayer192Oct 24-27
19:58.08slayer192anthonyl: have you used any othe the wifi phones?
20:01.09linageehow large of ping time is acceptable for a voip server? i have nagios set to tell me when voicepulse goes over 100ms, it's tripped lots of times. :-/
20:01.59Juggie400ms is the acceptal MOS delay
20:02.08linageefor PCM
20:02.36Juggiebut in that 400ms you have to count the time it takes to go from speaking to hearing
20:02.44Juggieso that includes network insertion time on any relays etc.
20:02.50Juggietime to process in *
20:02.52Juggieand so on
20:02.56anthonylslayer192,  i have
20:03.04linageetelco lag, cell phone lag, asterisk lag, voip provider lag, packet lag....
20:03.13linageesip phone lag...
20:03.19anthonylbrb a few mins tho, i need to work on a few patches before i can irc some more
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20:10.42AJaymnhow can i turn the volume up on my Music on HOLD?
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20:44.02SuPrSluGanyone come across this error for a tdm board zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 5
20:44.51SuPrSluGand in /var/log/messages kernel: zt_rbs: Tried to set RBS hook state 0 on channel WCTDM/0/3 while span WCTDM/0 lacks rbsbits or hooksig function
20:46.39*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (
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20:55.57tzafrir_laptopSuPrSluG, huh? What version of the driver? What board, exactly?
20:56.57SuPrSluGit's a tdm04b iv'e tried 1.2.10 and
20:57.54SuPrSluGit tries to answers and tries going to the menu when i get that error
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21:00.05wl0hi kind people, can I ask you to generate a trunk's configuration for asterisk based on data I got from provied, they gived to me an instruction for X-Lite phone configuration, but I'd like to use a Astrisk PBX with this provider but have no success.
21:01.28*** join/#asterisk Eliran_Itzhak (
21:06.47CoffeeIV_I have a recent asterisk that is not running any perl AGI scripts.   They just exit with 0 immediately.  I checked execute permissions and ownership.  I installed the same way I did on other asterisk boxes, from source.  Anyone have any ideas what I could check next ?
21:19.50tzafrir_laptopCoffeeIV_, is that a perl script?
21:19.54napkinso the deal is that cheapo digium x100 single fxo cards don't perform as well as tdm400 cards right?  more interrupts or something?
21:21.03tzafrir_laptopx100p? Those are not Digium's. (Digium sold them for 100$, even though they weren't worth that much, so there weren't really cheapo digium x100p)
21:21.41tzafrir_laptopInterrupts is not the issue. One major issue is impedance
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21:22.07tzafrir_laptopthat is: that card will hopehully work in the US, but probably not elsewhere
21:22.18tzafrir_laptopwork well, that is
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21:32.48Dovidevening all
21:39.07teknoprepBatman Begins was the bet batman movie out of all of the ones they made
21:39.12teknoprepit was actually pretty damn good
21:40.21Dovidans this has to do with asterisk y ?
21:45.42*** join/#asterisk rene1 (
21:45.59Dovidhello rene1:
21:46.29rene1what is the preferred way of limiting incoming calls in 1.4.x is call-limit or group-counting?
21:46.54rene1my problem is that queues sometimes may send more than one call to a peer, which is, non cool
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21:48.09Adam12teknoprep: I guess the new one is 'Dark Night' and is supposed to come out 2008. Too bad :| I'd love to see it this year :)
21:48.12rene1i was figuring out that if group count was already 1 i might want to send the caller back to the queue to catch those odd multiple calls
21:49.04vvardhi, im looking for compatibility list for TDM400P , any1 knows where can i find some ?
21:50.02Dovidvvard: motherboard wise ? my answer is to just go with sangoma. they will work with u instead of saying try a diffrent motherboard
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21:50.16Dovidrene1: havent used ques a whole lot. cant help u there
21:50.34Dovidvvad: there should be a list on digium's site about which MB's are compatible
21:51.34teknoprepis there a site that helps with asterisk running smoothly on vmware ?
21:51.35vvardok, thx ill check it out
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21:53.34Dovidteknoprep: i dont know of a particular sites, however there are many sites out there that will have info on it
21:53.43Dovidwhat problems are u running in to ?
21:54.07teknoprepjust a small bit of stuttering with playing recorded vm's or audio for IVR's
21:54.34Dovidu prob dont have ztdummy running properly
21:54.34teknoprepi think its bloatedness of CentOS
21:54.49teknoprepwhat about ztdummy ?
21:55.02Dovidteknoprep: u have to install all the kernel sources on the main machines OS
21:55.10Dovidnot good enough just on the virtual machine
21:55.32teknoprepDovid ?
21:55.42teknoprepDovid why would my host os have anything to do with my guest os?
21:56.30Dovidcause it seems that when it looks for the kern sources it goes to the host os, unsure as to y but i ran in to issues when i was trying to run astrisk on a vm and thats what i was told
21:56.46Adam12I think that's related to Xen only
21:56.51fileit depends on the underlying technology
21:56.55teknoprepyeah i would agree with Adam12
21:57.13fileVMware completely virtualizes stuff, it's essentially a different computer... it would have no notion it's running on a host OS
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21:57.15teknoprepor Vserver
21:58.18Dovidi stand to be corrected. :)
21:58.20xnonfor what is the
21:58.35xnonmy asterisk cannot run for this app
21:58.36vvardanother question, will asterisk run ok in a 2.x Ghz processor and 512 ram server ?
21:58.38teknopreplook like its a strip of LSD
21:58.50xnonit is important for asterisk ¿
21:59.03xnonwhat it is your funcction¿
21:59.10teknoprepyour asterisk needs LSD ?
22:00.38xnoni dont know what is LSD
22:00.51xnonis posible delete this app
22:01.09rene1least significant digit i think it is
22:01.45xnoni i only what to run my asterisk
22:02.01rene1it is a function to remove digits from variables
22:02.09xnonbut i cant for this
22:02.21xnonwhat can i do
22:02.25CoffeeIV_At some point, did asterisk dialplan macros change in how they passed arguments ?
22:02.35xnoncan i bloq this app?
22:02.43xnonsorry my english is not so good
22:03.14xnonOct 21 23:56:26 WARNING[7492]: loader.c:554 load_modules: Loading module app_str         failed!
22:03.15rene1i dont think removing such a tiny app would give you a major perfomance boost but if you must you can
22:03.21xnonthis is the error in my console
22:03.27rene1i see
22:04.02rene1check modules.conf and see comment out any load modules
22:04.16rene1i meant
22:04.28xnonok hold on
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22:05.13rene1is there a GSM player that will play faster than normal?
22:05.18xnonemmm no! i cant see it in modules.conf
22:05.43rene1then add a line for it that reads no load ....
22:05.46rene1use the examples
22:06.18rene1i need a gsm player that will allow me to listen to a gsm file in half time than its original duration
22:06.44xnonnoload =>
22:06.53Dovidrene1: i use winamp with a plugin - i am sure u can find plugins for other players too
22:07.07Dovidi dont think winamp has the ability to play a file fast
22:07.35CoffeeIV_when you call a macro, the arguments are supposed to be in $ARG1, $ARG2, etc, right ?  When I am reading those variables from an agi script in the macro, they are empty
22:08.19teknoprepthe O'Riely book for asterisk is very well written
22:08.43DovidCoffeeIV_: ${ARG1}
22:09.16Dovidteknoprep: it was writeen real well, as it is in the opening statements, by the time u read it, it will be out dated
22:09.24Dovidwhich its getting too
22:09.53teknoprepanything not outdated?
22:09.57teknoprepor would that be impossble ?
22:10.06DovidCoffeeIV_: are you using $ARG1 or ${ARG1} ?
22:11.03Dovidteknoprep: i was exadurating a bit, most of it is current however there are a lot of new things that arent in the book and somethings have been out dated so when u use thier examples etc.
22:11.03xnonthanx so much
22:11.13Dovidsee if they work and double check em on the web etc.
22:11.20xnoni do it and i can run my asterisk
22:11.25Dovidfor instance SetVar is no longer used, now its Set
22:13.56ManxPowerSetVar still works in 1.2
22:16.01DovidManxPower: yes however when it is called uou will notice in the CLI that it tells u that its out dated and AFAIK in 1.4 it dosent work
22:18.28asdxis there a software-client for asterisk?
22:19.13teknoprepIDEFISK ?
22:20.09qdkasdx: loads...
22:20.13Dovidasdx: what do u mean by software client ? gui ?
22:20.58asdxyeah, like a jabber client so you can talk to each other using a client <-> pbx/asterisk <-> client, if is possible...
22:21.25teknoprepasdx, idefisk
22:21.37asdxi will check it out, thanks
22:21.51teknoprepasdx, you are going to have to first know how to set up asterisk before any of it will work
22:22.14asdxteknoprep: i will do that first :)
22:22.34Dovidasdx: read the book
22:22.39jbothmm... book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
22:23.01ManxPowerasdx: Any SIP device/software should work
22:23.20rene1a question regarding recording.. wav49 uses gsm frames right? would i take much of a hit in performance by choosing wav49 over plain gsm?
22:23.45teknoprepdovid is that book up to date ?
22:23.47ManxPowerrene1: I doubt there will be much performance difference.
22:24.13Dovidit was realeased some time ago, but it still a great refrence
22:24.27asdxok :) thanks people
22:24.40asdxi'll read it now
22:24.42Dovidthe core of what u need to know is in the book. once u get used to the gen. sytnax, google and u will be good to go
22:25.01ManxPowerJust remember that 1/2 the info on voip-info is wrong
22:25.33asdxok, one more thing, is it possible to call to asterisk from a normal telephone, non voip telephone...
22:25.34Dovidmanxpower: i learnt the hard way, its y i have a dedicated server up that i use just for testing
22:25.42Dovidasdx: yes
22:26.04asdxDovid: wow, nice
22:26.06Dovidasdx: can handle multiple lines, VOIP, POTS, ISDN, T1/E1 etc.
22:26.35asdxDovid: what hardware will i need for doing that?
22:26.40Dovidasdx: u will be suprised at what asterisk can do. start reading "the book" .............
22:27.12asdxok ok
22:27.34asdxi'm going for coke, then i'll start to read the book :D
22:27.34[1]BigBadHossAsterisk: The futtur of telephony
22:27.42rene1get me a line
22:27.58[1]BigBadHossill take a key
22:28.16rene1he will fly tru it
22:28.38Dovidasdx: i would reccomnd ur fav. bottle of whisky as well, u will bang ur head against the wall in the begining
22:29.00[1]BigBadHossits a little slow i agree
22:29.30[1]BigBadHossthats badass that its CC though
22:29.36[1]BigBadHossi have it on safari
22:29.43[1]BigBadHossand a few other books
22:29.50[1]BigBadHossanybody else use safari?
22:30.03Drukenis there any good TTS besides cepstral that can be used with asterisk ?
22:30.14Dovidsafari as in the broswer ?
22:30.21[1]BigBadHossno, Oreilly
22:30.34[1]BigBadHossruns a service that lets you search like a million books
22:30.46[1]BigBadHossits a sysadmin, programmers, etc dream!
22:31.13Dovidthanks for that
22:31.32[1]BigBadHossits worth the money if you read alot of tech books
22:31.49asdxDovid: looooool
22:31.51[1]BigBadHossplus you can add them to your "bookshelf" and get the whole book to read
22:32.50[1]BigBadHosssomeone needs to write a CC configuring polycom soundpoint ips book
22:33.16Qwellpolycom manual not enough?  heh
22:33.22Dovidi think polycom should put all the damn options into a gui as oposed to us having to edit the damn files every time
22:33.24[1]BigBadHossi did find out they finally added a nat keepalive
22:33.32[1]BigBadHossi like the files
22:33.43[1]BigBadHosssomeone else should make an editor thogh
22:33.50Dovidit gives u more control but its a pain to work with
22:33.56Qwell[1]BigBadHoss: like vi?
22:34.08[1]BigBadHossi mean like cisco does
22:34.16[1]BigBadHossa config file generator
22:34.39[1]BigBadHossi personally like the files, i think its quicker to set them up
22:34.42QwellDon't the polycoms let you download their current config or something?
22:34.54[1]BigBadHossbut it scares some people
22:35.02Dovidtook me 2 days to figure out how to edit the polycom so i could get auto answer, the snom's on the other hand, tell u waht kind of sip alert to send, and that info is in the manual as opposed to having to edit the files. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!
22:35.40DovidQwell: only from a reseller and even then if u want paging, u goto edit it, if u want answer on second ring u goto edit the files as well.
22:36.03[1]BigBadHossanybody know what release they put nat keepalives in?
22:37.26rene1polycom just need to make their phones boot faster than 5 minutes
22:37.28[1]BigBadHoss<nat nat.ip="" nat.signalPort="" nat.mediaPortStart=""/> is all i have in 1.6.2 sip
22:37.32*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
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22:38.17[1]BigBadHossanybody have the latest polycom firmware?
22:38.37[1]BigBadHossor at least one that supports nat keepalives
22:38.41Dovidnope: but some one recently posted a link on the users list
22:38.49Dovidlook thru thru archive's of the last month
22:38.57[1]BigBadHosswhere @?
22:39.05[1]BigBadHosswhich list
22:39.07*** part/#asterisk rene1 (
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22:39.47Dovidhave a look here
22:40.57*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
22:41.34[1]BigBadHossdoes ssip work on polycom 500s?
22:42.35[1]BigBadHossanother problem i have
22:42.44[1]BigBadHossi changed a phone from mgcp to sip
22:42.54[1]BigBadHossand then reset the config
22:43.15[1]BigBadHossnow when i put the ip address of my tftp server in
22:43.25[1]BigBadHossit says it couldnt contact the boot server
22:43.43[1]BigBadHossbut i ran ethereal, and it dosen't ever even look at the server
22:44.36[1]BigBadHosscan this be fixed?
22:47.17*** join/#asterisk Splas (
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22:48.00ManxPower[1]BigBadHoss: I've never had that problem
22:48.21*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
22:48.24ManxPoweralso define "ssip"
22:48.54[1]BigBadHossthe ssip file on the freedomphones site
22:49.40ManxPowerAh.  That is just standard SIP
22:50.25ManxPowerMany people stick to the 1.2.x firmware since there have been so many issues with 2.0.x
22:50.44ManxPowersorry, 1.6.x
22:51.26ManxPower[1]BigBadHoss: also can YOU download the file from the server using a tftp client?
22:52.04*** join/#asterisk slayer192 (
22:53.03ManxPowerfor 1.6.x:
22:55.10ManxPowerI manage about 70 polycoms, but we do it via DHCP and FTP
22:56.28[1]BigBadHossi was sticking to it
22:56.38[1]BigBadHossbut i need nat keepalive
22:56.46[1]BigBadHosswhich is only in 2.0.1
22:56.57ManxPower[1]BigBadHoss: 1) Why?  2) 1.6.x should support that.
22:57.05[1]BigBadHossnat keepalives?
22:57.34[1]BigBadHosslooking at my current config files, theres nothing in there
22:58.15ManxPowerWell you need to PUT something in there.
22:58.30ManxPowerThe phone doesn't just magically know the correct settings for your network.
22:58.36[1]BigBadHossi know
22:58.55[1]BigBadHossi have a network of 10 running behind a firewall
22:59.05[1]BigBadHossbut i need some at another office just down the road
22:59.09[1]BigBadHossto be able to connect
22:59.24[1]BigBadHossand i think ipsec will add too much latency/packet overhead
22:59.29[1]BigBadHossor am i wrong
22:59.32ManxPowerSeems pretty simple to me.  Follow the wiki instructions for running Asterisk behind NAT
23:00.04ManxPowerdo the port forwarding, set up rtp.conf, set externip and localnet in sip.conf
23:00.15[1]BigBadHosswell, polycoms before 2.0.1 didnt send a keepalive, so the sip registrations wouldnt work
23:00.20*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
23:00.24[1]BigBadHossthe nat holes would time out
23:00.29ManxPowerYou are making this WAY more complicated then it is.
23:00.41[1]BigBadHossok help me out then
23:00.50ManxPowerset your registration refresh time to 60 seconds or use qualify=50000
23:01.08[1]BigBadHossin phone1.cfg?
23:01.08ManxPowerStrom_C: I thinking qualify is a bad idea.
23:01.15ManxPowerno in sip.conf
23:01.18ManxPowerfor the qualify
23:01.31Strom_CManxPower: how so?
23:01.32ManxPowerfor the reg interval it would be in sip.cfg or phone1.cfg
23:01.47ManxPowerStrom_C: things go lagged or unreachable when they should not be.
23:02.23[1]BigBadHossis this it:
23:02.29ManxPower[1]BigBadHoss: also you need to have port forwarding as well.
23:02.42ManxPower[1]BigBadHoss: did you look at the sample config files I posted?
23:03.11ManxPower(17:52:31) ManxPower: for 1.6.x:
23:05.04[1]BigBadHossso all i need to do is change the server and auth information in there?
23:07.49[1]BigBadHosswhat versions are you using?
23:09.19SuPrSluGanyone come across this error for a tdm board zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 5
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23:10.31tzafrir_laptopSuPrSluG, what is the actual problem you have?
23:11.45SuPrSluGwhen i place a call to the number it picks up show then menu is running. no sound. then that error message
23:12.24tzafrir_laptopset debug 10
23:12.30SuPrSluGi have an fxo and tdm04b
23:12.35tzafrir_laptopEnable the full log
23:12.40SuPrSluGat the CLI
23:12.48tzafrir_laptopSEe if there's anything interesting at the time of the ring
23:13.11tzafrir_laptop(yet another way to say that I have no idea)
23:15.04*** join/#asterisk Mad_guy (
23:16.43SuPrSluGhere from the full log
23:16.50SuPrSluGct 21 19:15:07 VERBOSE[16385]:     -- Goto (eea,s,6)
23:16.52SuPrSluGOct 21 19:15:07 VERBOSE[16385]:     -- Executing BackGround("Zap/5-1", "night-greet-eea") in new stack
23:16.53SuPrSluGOct 21 19:15:07 DEBUG[16385]: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals
23:16.55SuPrSluGOct 21 19:15:07 VERBOSE[16385]:     -- Playing 'night-greet-eea' (language 'en')
23:16.56SuPrSluGOct 21 19:15:10 DEBUG[16385]: Exception on 25, channel 5
23:16.58SuPrSluGOct 21 19:15:10 DEBUG[16385]: Got event Polarity Reversal(17) on channel 5 (index 0)
23:16.59SuPrSluGOct 21 19:15:10 DEBUG[16385]: Ignore Reverse Polarity on channel 5, state 6
23:18.23teknoprepanyone know of any good doc's or websites on running asterisk inside of vmware ?
23:21.15hadsSuPrSluG: Use pastebin
23:27.29hadsPastebin the entire log and someone may be able to help.
23:27.53[1]BigBadHosslooks like a bad card
23:27.58[1]BigBadHossor bad wiring
23:28.09[1]BigBadHosseven:polarity reversal
23:28.26*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
23:29.04[1]BigBadHossif you have another card you can try that
23:29.45hadsA polarity reversal could be quite normal.
23:30.12[1]BigBadHossbut when combined with an exception
23:31.56*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
23:32.35SuPrSluGthere's 2 cards one id xfo and the other tdm04b i have turned off the xfo card (no line to it). when i zap show channel 1 whether it is the xfo card or tdm04b it shows InAlarm 1
23:33.20[1]BigBadHosstoo bad it dosent tell us whats causing the exception
23:33.32SuPrSluGit's been working fine for a year and a half
23:34.11hadsIt's on 4783 of chan_zap.c but I don't know the code.
23:34.51SuPrSluGi've been doing this remotely. so no one has come near the box
23:38.03[1]BigBadHosshave you changed anything lately
23:38.10SuPrSluGproc looks good
23:38.52SuPrSluGi tried to upgrade to 1.213
23:39.00SuPrSluGi tried to upgrade to 1.2.13
23:39.24qdkIf i have a frontend SIP registration server and a backend Call processing server, how do i make sure that all the SIP phones doesnt transmit the voice stream through the registration server, but directly to the call processing unit?
23:43.51[1]BigBadHossand that broke it?
23:44.13hadsWhat happens if you roll back?
23:52.44SuPrSluGi have rolled back no change.
23:55.00*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
23:55.17*** join/#asterisk goodbot (
23:55.27goodbotHowdy folks.
23:56.55goodbotAsterisk has a DNS/SIP bug.
23:57.08*** join/#asterisk jtexter3 (
23:57.10goodbotWhen a providers DNS server goes down or they use CNAMEs
23:57.23goodbotAsterisk behaves erratically.
23:57.32goodbotFor example, when you do a sip show peers
23:57.36goodbotduring this issue
23:57.44goodbotProviders copy all the same stat
23:57.54goodbotor when a provider uses CNAMEs
23:58.07goodbotthe list is sorted alphabetically, and this copies over to the next provider.
23:58.19goodbotI have 2 providers listed, one Voxalot, the other WDP
23:58.33goodbotVoxalot has OK with 10ms, and that is copied over to WDP.
23:58.38hadsAsterisk doesn't like it when DNS fails
23:58.51goodbotWDP has a CNAME record, and not an A record.
23:58.56goodbotCan this be error handled?
23:59.25goodbotuse PHP gethostbyname() or something? :)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.