irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061012

00:02.11*** join/#asterisk Cyt (n=danielcy@
00:16.20*** join/#asterisk sx-wks (
00:21.40Chris_H_I have a wcfxo card, the modules are loaded, but I cant tell if the option internal_timing=yes is actually working -- apart from the fact that when I put a call on hold, asterisk is not generating outgoing frames
00:21.49Chris_H_how do I find out if this is working correctly or not?
00:22.06*** join/#asterisk AndyCap (n=aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
00:31.01*** join/#asterisk eltech (
00:31.21*** join/#asterisk tuck3r (n=tuck3r@unaffiliated/tuck3r)
00:37.09re-petedoes anyone have anything to say about ?
00:37.26re-peteI have had a ticket open with them for 2 weeks now
00:37.56re-petedoes Jed hang out on this channel?
00:38.57re-pete~seen Qwell
00:39.04jbotqwell is currently on #asterisk (1d 15h 43m 10s). Has said a total of 36 messages. Is idling for 22h 39m 5s, last said: 'Inverted: wtf?'.
00:40.17*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=linagee@unaffiliated/linagee)
00:40.35re-petearen't we a chatty group tonight...
00:41.50Chris_H_yes they are :(
00:42.12Chris_H_althought its 13:42 here, so not quite tonight
00:42.35linageewhat if two hosts do an IAX register to the same server and account? is that possible? (i want one asterisk host to pick up some DIDs, and another the rest)
00:42.53re-peteI'm at GMT-5 so it's 20:43 here
00:43.23Chris_H_linagee I am unsure, I would think it would depend on how the remote / far server is set up would it not
00:43.30linageeChris_H_: hrm..
00:44.02re-peteinteresting... test it out and let us know :)
00:44.52Chris_H_linagee I have an internal timing source, when I put a caller on hold, my far end has slience supression, I tried the internal_timing option ,but it does not seem to work,
00:45.07Chris_H_I am on asterisk-
00:45.11linageeChris_H_: ?
00:45.14Chris_H_do you know if it was included by then?
00:45.31Chris_H_so the far end hears bursts of audio
00:51.17*** join/#asterisk jo3sm1th (
00:52.02*** join/#asterisk paolob (
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00:53.52*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-655831d752e9bcc6)
00:54.56*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:56.11*** join/#asterisk DocHolliday (i=RogerRab@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0E4F6D6C)
01:10.09*** join/#asterisk Adam12 (
01:13.30*** join/#asterisk sloth_ (n=sloth@
01:21.33L|NUXlinagee : forward them :)
01:22.09linageeL|NUX: that would suck down extra bandwidth, right?
01:22.21L|NUXlinagee : not really
01:22.35L|NUXlinagee : its totally depends upon the codecs you are using
01:22.49linageeL|NUX: PCM/ULAW
01:23.01L|NUXif you think it wikk suck down extra bandwidth then i believe conneting IAX2 will too ;)
01:23.11linagee(i've tested everything else. no need to further degrade voip quality)
01:23.27L|NUXforward them like this
01:23.49L|NUXexten => did1,1,Dial(IAX2/guest@...../1000/tr)
01:24.15L|NUXexten => did2,1,Dial(IAX2/guest@serverB|1000|tr)
01:24.41linageethat's very strange.... i am noticing that my 866 number is clearer than my local area code number in 858....
01:24.57linageeL|NUX: hrm... nice. :-D
01:25.17L|NUXlinagee : that might be provider problem not yours :)
01:25.19linageeL|NUX: of course i become a point of failure. heh
01:25.39linageeL|NUX: i will give latency an ear test...
01:26.20linageealright. i would guess that it's 100ms over landline...
01:26.59linageeno, latency seems about the same.
01:27.23linageethe only time i've been able to noticebly hear latency being different is with landline versus cellphone. heh
01:28.14linageeyeah. cell phone sounds like 300ms to 500ms if i had to take a guess.
01:28.17Chris_H_L|NUX do you know anything about internal_timing options
01:29.00linageeinteresting.... my voip provider has a ping time of about 75ms.
01:29.21L|NUXChris_H_ : i am n00b still learning :)
01:29.27L|NUXnot a voip engineer
01:29.28Chris_H_ohh ok :)
01:29.35jo3sm1thdid anyone else read that article->
01:29.44L|NUXtechnically i am linux tech
01:29.50Chris_H_well,I am now building from source 1.4.0 at the moment
01:29.53L|NUXlearning voip just as hobby
01:30.00L|NUXi did it ;)
01:30.10Chris_H_is it good?
01:30.19L|NUXand running my server with chan_jingle but having issues with gtalk
01:30.30Chris_H_yeah I read about that, it looks cool
01:30.49linageei would say AT&T should be dispatching technicians or sending out confirmation letters, not redirecting lines on the fly. heh
01:30.50L|NUXi did this test on 1.2.x
01:30.55L|NUXand it was working at that time
01:31.05linageejo3sm1th: er, that was for you
01:31.57L|NUXlinagee : US government have also an agreement with AT&T to monitor all Calls :)
01:32.22linageeL|NUX: of course they do. if you think public phones are safe from prying ears, you have to be insane.
01:32.47Chris_H_any idea when Encrypted SIP will become the norm in Asterisk?
01:32.50Chris_H_Encrypted RTP I should say
01:32.54linageeL|NUX: i would much rather send my CC numbers down an SSL pipe than over the phones
01:33.24L|NUXSSL is also not safe :)
01:33.24L|NUXevery heared about monkey attacks
01:33.24linageeL|NUX: nothing is safe. SSL is safer.
01:33.34Chris_H_My Brain is safe :)
01:33.38linageeL|NUX: at least you don't have the govt in the middle.
01:34.24*** join/#asterisk EyeCue (n=eyecue@unaffiliated/eyecue)
01:34.31EyeCuenew iax client comin out soon ladies :D~
01:35.23L|NUXEyeCue : might be there are ladies but few
01:35.25linageeL|NUX: possible people stealing your number over the phone: any children in the house with the line picked up, anyone tapping into your line outside your house, any technicians working on the line from an intermediate junction box, any operators working for the phone company, the government, anyone outsourced by those last two, the pizza place itself, anyone hacking into the pizza place's DB, the credit card company, anyone hacking into the CC c
01:35.25linageeompany, did i miss any? :-D
01:35.32EyeCues'ok :)
01:36.48linageeL|NUX: with SSL what do you have? Any viruses on your computer, your OS itself, anyone spoofing to be the pizza place's server, the security of SSL itself by being bruteforced, any man in the middle attacks, the pizza place itself, the pizza place's DB being hacked into
01:36.58linageeseems like a much shorter list. ;)
01:37.19EyeCueAnyone know if theres a registration timeout bug in the iax client lib ?
01:37.23linageeoh, i forgot the CC company, anyone hacking the CC company
01:37.32EyeCueIE, it continues to return timeouts even when not registering?
01:37.33linageeyou'll always have those. heh
01:38.32linageeL|NUX: also, it's not just the length of the list, but how many of those things are fixable or being improved?
01:40.51linageeyou can kill all the viruses you know about on your computer. you could use an open source software and examine every line of code if you so desired. you could authenticate the pizza place's server (not 100%), you could contribute to newer SSL replacing technologies/protocols, there are ways to avoid man in the middle, etc etc
01:40.59razuanyone familiar with linux hang problem when unloading qozap module ?
01:41.40linageeL|NUX: further down the line, it's not really things you can do, but the company on the other side has to do
01:42.18*** join/#asterisk mog (
01:42.18*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
01:42.36linageewith a phone system, the list of things you can do is very short. use a cell phone instead of a shared land line. oh wait, what can you do beyond that? not much.
01:43.02EyeCueAre deregister events show in logs with lev 3/4 verbosity ?
01:43.02linagee</fruitstand box>
01:44.12linageealternatively, drive your ass down there and order it yourself.
01:44.25razulinagee : cell phone isn't secure also ... cause it supports unencrypted connection :)
01:45.18linageerazu: that's true too. cell phones open a whole other can of worms. you have people that might listen in, cell phone technicians that might listen in, cell phone operators that might listen in, and then pass it on to the list above. :-D
01:46.06razulinagee : yes ... thats right :)
01:46.23linageerazu: i probably missed a few, but those would be the common ones. ;)
01:47.19linageei could even make a security list like that for, "once the CC company gets it's numbers". heh
01:47.26linageeor not
01:47.35*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-1340085e421f79ba)
01:48.15linageerazu: you have storage products, storage product technicians, server room technicians, application developers, customer service reps, and the list goes on. :-D
01:48.57linageerazu: it's amazing you can go in and order pizza and not be scammed by hundreds of people in the loop each time! heh
01:50.06linageedoes anyone know if it's possible for asterisk to time the latency of the line?
01:50.14linageeplay a loud tone, listen for it, and time it?
01:52.53benjklinagee, qualify=yes
01:52.55justinu|laptopit's supposed to be using RTCP to track those stats
01:53.03razulinagee : I agree ... there are no totally secure system anywhere, cause even if we have absolutely no access to whatever system we want to hack ... we always have at least 1 person who gives all the access we need :)
01:53.36EyeCueIs there any difference to a registration that logs "Registered IAX2 '<username' (AUTHENTICATED) at <ip>:<port>" and one that doesnt?
01:53.37linageerazu: exactly. there is not one machine in existance that doesn't need a service person to tinker with it every few years or whatever
01:54.09justinu|laptopi disagree
01:54.16linageejustinu|laptop: name one
01:54.17justinu|laptopyoyager's 1 and 2 are still working
01:54.21justinu|laptopas are plenty of comm satellites
01:54.27justinu|laptopmars rovers
01:54.33linageejustinu|laptop: there are technicians tinkering with it
01:54.44linageejustinu|laptop: sending special service codes that may cause communication to stop
01:54.57linageejustinu|laptop: maybe they want to switch over to a backup battery
01:54.59justinu|laptopvoyagers 1 and 2 are pretty much autonomous now... round trip times are so long they can't work on it in real time
01:55.14benjkDS9 is truly autonomous
01:55.22justinu|laptopds9 is also not real :P
01:55.28benjkit is
01:55.36benjkNASA won an award for the software
01:55.51linageeany system that is "totally anonymous" cannot be proved that until tens or hundreds of years later
01:56.00benjkthe software is called remote agent or something like that
01:57.13*** join/#asterisk phileeep (n=philip@
01:57.48EyeCueDoes anyone know if asterisk caches registrations?
01:57.51benjkthere are plenty of examples of goal based lisp systems which are truly autonomous
01:58.06justinu|laptopbenjk: that's just for academics
01:58.09justinu|laptopget real
01:58.53linageewow. budgetone 100 for $30 on ebay....
01:58.55benjkof course you wouldn't find any FOSS script kiddie that would be able to appreciate Lisp
01:59.03phileeepusing the manager interface, is there a way to remove an agent from the Queue without killing the call they are currently on?
01:59.44linageeis a budgetone really that crappy if you just want basic voip?
01:59.49benjkit is
01:59.59linageebenjk: i have been using one
02:00.03benjkit is ok for very very occasional calls
02:00.10linageebenjk: hasn't been THAT bad. i only to pcm/ulaw
02:00.15benjkif you use it on a daily basis it will wear out
02:00.19benjkthe buttons wear out
02:00.30benjkthe cable joints / connectors wear out
02:00.35linageebenjk: what if it's not for a business, but a school
02:00.46benjkthe display wears out too
02:00.49linageebenjk: how often do classrooms make phone calls
02:01.06benjkclass rooms are the most demanding environments I can think of
02:01.14benjkit will take a bashing every day
02:01.18linageebenjk: there is no poe, there is no passthrough ethernet jack... these things are nice, but bt-100 does work.... hrm...
02:01.36benjkthe barbietones are ok as lobby phones (very seldomly used)
02:01.43*** join/#asterisk crimson__ (
02:01.50linageebenjk: they have absolutely NO phones in there right now. heh. i want to put one in my mom's class as a testbed.
02:01.51benjkalso for your grandparents (call them once every sunday over the internet)
02:02.07benjkthat sort of usage pattern they can survive for quite a while
02:02.17tuck3rwhat is the proper syntax for rages in permit=
02:02.20linageebenjk: to be honest, i want to put one in there because nobody can ever reach her by cell. heh
02:02.26benjkany more frequent use will wear them out very quickly
02:02.51benjklinagee, you could use the ACT P160
02:03.05benjkthat's a very simple phone, affordable, and it can take a beating
02:03.29linageegoogle search doesn't turn up much...
02:03.29benjkbuttons are good quality and the cabling joints and connectors won't wear off either
02:03.39benjkTaiwanese OEM manufacturer
02:03.56benjkAdvanced Century Telecom tralalala or something like that
02:04.31linageenot finding anything...
02:04.41linageehrm.. i think i will get another grandstream... bah
02:04.49linageei know it's almost sinful, but geez... $30....
02:05.47linageehrm... BT-101 seems to have better buttons. and it's only $40
02:06.03linagee(has rubberized buttons)
02:06.13linageeor is that worse? heh
02:06.17benjkgo with the P160
02:06.19EyeCue <-- anyone know how upto date that is ?
02:06.47linageehrm... P160 has a strange look. lol
02:06.52benjkthose ACT phones won't win a beauty contest, but they are rock solid
02:07.12benjkand they can take a beating
02:07.27justinu|laptopdoesn't look any worse than the latest avaya crap
02:08.04benjkthose $30 barbietones are probably DOA
02:08.05EyeCuectrl-f unregister, just wondering if that is still a current wishlist item
02:08.19linageehrm... it does have room for an extension list card
02:08.23mogctrl f unregister?
02:08.29EyeCueon the page
02:08.32benjkwhat would you do if you have just spent a few thousand $ on dead phones?
02:08.38EyeCueto see which entry im talkin about
02:08.48EyeCuei just dont seem to see any activity when tcpdumping udp port 4569 when i dereg
02:08.58EyeCuewonder if its a client lib issue
02:09.00benjkbut them up for your discounted reseller price on eBay or somewhere, just to get rid of em
02:09.05benjksort out the RMA's later
02:09.16benjkthat's the modern spirit everywhere now
02:09.39benjkchance is that a large percentage of the customers will not even bother to ask for a return or refund
02:09.49linageebenjk: i can't seem to find any place that sells the P160
02:09.55linageeebay, froogle...
02:09.56*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (
02:09.57EyeCuemog, ?
02:10.07benjkemail the guys at ACT and ask them for a reseller near where you live
02:10.19benjkmany companies resell these phones under their own brands
02:10.29mogi was wondering what you wanted done
02:10.42EyeCueI didnt want anything done, i wanted to know how current that wishlist was
02:10.48benjkfor example, here in Japan those phones go under the name Fujitsu
02:10.51asteriskmonkeyhey im having some issues with a fxo based installation.. when i dial out i get a long tone then the message saying all my digits have not been entered, anyone come across this before?
02:10.53mogto know what though EyeCue
02:11.08EyeCueSection: IAX > #  provide an Unregister() command or method
02:11.14benjkand they are placed against Cisco 79xx phones
02:11.19benjkwhich go under the NEC brand
02:11.24benjkNEC 79xx
02:11.38benjkthey sell the P104 for about 400 USD
02:11.59benjkwhereas if you order it in TW with the original ACT label, you only pay about 100 USD
02:12.00EyeCuemog, Does asterisk not log unregister, and further, does the iax client lib actually dereg, or is it an empty function call atm?
02:12.18mogi believe asterisk handls an unreg call
02:12.23kronicI'm getting an "unauthenticated" error when attempting a manager connection, I haven't changed anything, username/password or ips
02:12.24benjkbut it does compete successfully in Japan against the Cisco 79xx
02:12.34EyeCuemog, so it should log it with -vvvvd ?
02:12.57mogiax2 debug should do it, you should see asterisk respond to said unreg
02:13.21benjkand BTW, the ACT phones have IAX2 firmware
02:13.32benjkif you ask them nicely, they might let you have it
02:13.54benjkI don't know why they don't openly release it, but they do have it
02:14.03EyeCueah console
02:14.55EyeCuehmm, no dereg logged
02:15.00asteriskmonkeymog you know much about tdm/asterisk stuff
02:15.00DrkShdwbenjk: which models have iax2 firmware?
02:15.17EyeCuemog, accodingly, do you know if the iax client libs actually execute a dereg when called?
02:16.25*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
02:18.14bleblebleok i think i have the wierdest problem ever, if i dial 1-800-495-5283 from my asterisk 1.2.4 box it works fine, if i dial it from my asterisk machine it just rings doesnt pickup, i've tested this with 4-5 pbx's and they all do the same thing, only the older version of asterisk works. The 800 number is a huge medical insurance company (guessing there not using asterisk) anyone have any ideas? feel free to try it
02:18.38*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
02:22.09benjkDrkShdw, I think the firmware is the same for all the phones
02:22.19benjkbut I was testing the IAX2 firmware on the P104
02:22.37SplasPoodblebleble: you supplying local ring (r option to Dial() )
02:22.41benjkthey had  a few things missing in their implementation
02:22.56benjkbasically I coerced them to try to implement IAX2
02:23.14benjkthey thought it would be another big effort like SIP or H323, so they said "No way"
02:23.29SplasPoodblebleble: there needed to be a ? at the end...
02:23.41benjkbut I said "just let your engineer take a look and I think you'll find IAX is tiny compared to those"
02:23.51DrkShdwbenjk: I've been looking for a hardphone with iax2 firmware from the manufacturer (rather than hacked up firmware)  so..  this interests me.   the phones any good?
02:24.01benjka week later the called me up and said their engineer had implemented it "over the weekend"
02:24.33benjkthe funny thing was that all those parts in the IAX2 spec document which didn't have diagrams were not implemented :)
02:24.41blebleble<SplasPood> not supplying the r option i dont believe, other 800 numbers work fine on my newer versions it just this one number, yet if i dial it from my older version works fine
02:24.52benjkso I made all the diagrams for those sections which didn't have any
02:25.39benjknot sure how much more work they put into this, but it was working nicely
02:26.00benjkthe phones are rock solid
02:26.06benjknot beautiful, but rock solid
02:26.06bleblebleSplasPood: try to call it let me know if it picks up for you, i've tried tons of different pbx's (only have and tried two carriers and they both do the same thing) its really odd
02:27.00benjkkeep in mind that they do not officially distribute the phone with IAX2 firmware
02:27.11benjkyou will have to ask them nicely to get it
02:27.16DrkShdwI was just looking at the p104,    it's kinda..  ugly :P
02:27.19*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
02:27.33benjkyeah, its no beauty
02:27.41SplasPoodworks fine on a 1.2.somethin
02:27.48benjkhowever, in real it looks much better than on the photo
02:27.54DrkShdwhowever,  the page on says:   "Protocol: SIP (RFC 3261), IAX. "
02:28.11bleblebleSplasPood: whos the carrier
02:28.17*** join/#asterisk hads (
02:28.18SplasPoodblebleble: however, does not if I supply local ring
02:28.34SplasPoodblebleble: a lot of 800 numbers don't actually "answer" the call until you pick a menu option, etc
02:28.36bleblebleSplasPood: hmm, where is that setting?
02:28.43SplasPoodDial()  its the option 'r'
02:28.48*** part/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
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02:29.02bleblebleis it defined in a certain file to use?
02:29.40SplasPoodextensions.conf ...
02:29.43SplasPoodin your dialplan..
02:29.52blebleblek wasnt sure if it was a global thing looking
02:31.28bleblebleyah no 'r'
02:34.28phileeepusing the manager interface, is there a way to remove an agent from the Queue without killing the call they are currently on?
02:35.03*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
02:45.42EyeCuewhoa, core dump on server stop :D
02:46.02razuanyone have experience with juhnghanns quad port isdn card ?
02:52.44*** part/#asterisk blebleble (
02:53.17asteriskmonkeywhat the heck is a scn 3 error mean?
02:53.18*** join/#asterisk fafnir (n=notfaf@unaffiliated/fafnir)
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02:57.03*** join/#asterisk ThreeAll (
02:57.23ThreeAllanybody there
02:57.37*** join/#asterisk alexmontoanelli (
02:57.50ThreeAllsound is working only one way
02:58.16ThreeAllclients can call each other but voice is going one way
02:58.24ThreeAllany tips
03:00.37benjkrazu, what's the trouble?
03:02.09razubenjk : I have somekind of compilation issue ... and now my pbx hangs if I unload qozap module :(
03:02.40benjkwhat's the error?
03:03.00*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekon@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
03:03.27razubenjk : the warning ... check here ->
03:04.03razubenjk : as I understand the warning is related to my computer hanging ...
03:05.47benjkdo you have qozap.ko
03:13.31razubenjk : but if the pbx hangs the screen shows "qozap: no version for "zt_receive" Found: kernel tainted." + some few rows more
03:13.41benjkdid you try "make clean; make"
03:14.04benjkis this your first build of BRIstuff?
03:14.24benjkand this same setup worked before?
03:14.46*** join/#asterisk SECGOD (
03:15.38benjkrazu, what does your lsmod say?
03:16.14razuactually I havent got qozap module working for good, but I have bristuffed asterisks working fine
03:16.29razuthe problem comes only when I stop zaptel
03:16.32benjktype lsmod
03:16.43razuif I don't it works fine ...
03:16.54razujust a sec ... my case is booting
03:17.18benjkwhat do you mean "stop zaptel" ?
03:17.59razuwhen I type /etc/init.d/zaptel stop ... or rmmod qozap ... anything that unloads qozap module
03:19.25razubenjk : lsmod ->
03:20.28benjkI wouldn't expect zaptel to work after an unload
03:20.42benjkI would regard that as normal behaviour
03:20.48*** part/#asterisk hyphen (n=hyphen@
03:21.23razuI don't think that machine complete hang is normal ? or is it ?
03:21.43benjkif you have userland software that expects functionality from the kernel
03:22.03benjkand you remove that functionality from the kernel from right under its a$$
03:22.17benjkI would be very surprised if it didn't hang
03:23.17benjkyou should only remove those modules for a shutdown or reinstall
03:23.43benjkfirst you shut down asterisk, then you can remove qozap, then you can remove zaptel
03:24.01benjkthen you can do stuff (like rebuilding etc)
03:24.18benjkthen you can load zaptel, then load qozap, then start asterisk again
03:24.25razuso but if I remove qozap like "rmmod qozap" ... then I need to plug the computers power ... couse it's not responding :(
03:24.43benjkdid you shut down asterisk before doing that?
03:25.03razuasterisk isn't working at all right now
03:25.42benjkif asterisk is no longer using qozap (because its not running) then you should be able to rmmod qozap
03:25.50benjkunless there is
03:26.00benjka) something else trying to use qozap
03:26.09benjkb) qozap has a bug
03:26.50benjkreboot the machine, load zaptel, then load qozap, DO NOT START ASTERISK, then rmmod qozap
03:26.57benjksee if that hangs too
03:27.01razuthe computer hangs ...
03:27.13benjkwithout ever having started Asterisk?
03:27.22*** join/#asterisk tuck3r (n=tuck3r@unaffiliated/tuck3r)
03:27.33benjkthen that's a bug in qozap
03:27.40benjkreport it to Junghanns
03:28.16tuck3rfor permit and deny do you have to specify a subnet mask?
03:28.33benjkyou can always try with another version of qozap and see if that hangs too on removal
03:28.52razuyes ... I'm working on it right now
03:29.25benjkthe key is to try the rmmod WITHOUT STARTING ASTERISK before
03:29.56razubenjk : ok ... thx a lot :)
03:43.48DrAk0is by any chance a motorola surfr modem compatible with asterisk?
03:43.56*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
03:44.17blitzrageOK... so the syntax of Exec can get REALLY sick if you're doing some weird parsing....
03:44.27blitzrageand don't want to use ExecIf()
03:46.35Juggieblitzrage, are you watching the colbert report?
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03:53.56tuck3rDrAk0: why would it not be?
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04:02.51*** join/#asterisk drcode (
04:02.55drcodehi all
04:03.15drcodewhen I try to use playback  or voicemail , I get warning and no sound
04:03.17drcodeany idea?
04:03.49tuck3rtell us the warning...?
04:04.08drcodelet me check again
04:04.41drcodeOct 12 06:11:16 WARNING[26616]: app_playback.c:83 playback_exec: ast_streamfile failed on SIP/test1-1687 for /var/lib/asterisk/moh-native/8kout.mp3
04:04.56drcodealso .gsm file
04:05.14drcodecan I get more info?
04:06.06DrAk0tuck3r, well i read there is not good support for external modem to make it work with asterisk
04:06.16tuck3ruh huh
04:06.26*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
04:06.28tuck3rwtf does the modem have to do with asterisk again?
04:08.34razudrcode : can you show us the config ?
04:09.04tuck3rnot sure how he could fuckup a playback command
04:09.05drcodeor ete.conf?
04:09.19*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
04:09.24razuextensions.conf ... the Playback line
04:09.54drcodeexten => 6000,1,Answer( )
04:09.57drcodeexten => 6000,2,Playback(/var/lib/asterisk/moh-native/8kout.mp3)
04:09.58drcodeexten => 6000,3,Hangup( )
04:09.59blebleblewhy is it if i have the 'r' option on Dial I can't dial a specific 800 number, 99% of 800 numbers work fine, however this one won't work when the 'r' option is on the dial plan
04:10.35tuck3rdrcode: are you trying to play MOH?
04:10.52drcodewell , I change thie dir
04:10.58tuck3ryes or no
04:10.59drcodein musiconhold to other dir
04:11.14drcodeI just want to use the file
04:11.17razushouldn't it be ? : exten => 6000,2,Playback(/var/lib/asterisk/moh-native/8kout)
04:11.33blitzragedrcode: don't use an extension on the filename
04:11.40drcodealso dosnt work
04:11.45tuck3rjust put the file in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
04:11.58drcodelet me check
04:12.01blitzragedrcode: you can use the full path -- you can't use an mp3 I don't think
04:12.19blitzragedrcode: mp3 is not a voice codec that asterisk is going to be able to transcode
04:12.29tuck3rif he has format_mp3 it should work
04:12.34DrAk0tuck3r, well i wanted to use it as a FXO
04:13.02drcodeand gsm file?
04:13.08blitzragejust use a wav file
04:13.09blitzrageits easier
04:13.11tuck3rDrAk0: a modem as a fxo...?
04:13.21kronicI'm having some issues with ast realtime (using odbc to specifiy the location of the queue_members in a mysql db)
04:13.26blitzrageDrAk0: depends on the modem
04:13.42tuck3ralmost no modem can be used as a fxo
04:13.43kronicif I had a agent to the db, and show queue, it returns no member
04:13.54drcodeI can convert mp3 to wav?
04:14.12fileblitzrage: what's a Canadian place where I can get some t-shirts made? eh? EH?
04:14.31blitzragefile: no idea... I looked and couldn't find one
04:14.35blitzragefile: if you find a place, please let me know
04:14.41fileI can't find one either.
04:15.06blitzrageJuggie: no, I'm working
04:15.10jamesdobrienI'm wondering if anyone has tried the new Intel 5000 series chipsets and if they have had any issues with them. Client is looking at purchasing a HP PowerEdge with one of these chipsets.
04:15.18drcodewith lame?
04:15.25DrAk0blitzrage, a external modem has no chance right?
04:15.29kronicperhaps with mpg321?
04:15.39blitzrageDrAk0: depends on the chipset -- and probably not -- you can't just use "anything"
04:16.02DrAk0blitzrage, is a motorola surfr 56k v90 external
04:16.11blitzrageDrAk0: it sure is
04:16.17filemodem does not an FXO device make
04:16.31DrAk0blitzrage, it sure is what?
04:16.41tuck3rfile: yoda?
04:16.48fileno, I'm file
04:16.49blitzrageDrAk0: it sure is a motorola surft 56k v90 external
04:16.49filenice to meet you
04:17.04DrAk0blitzrage, it is
04:17.08filepeople also call me by my real name, but not many people
04:17.09blitzrageDrAk0: yep, it sure is
04:17.17DrAk0blitzrage, wtf?
04:17.20blitzrageMr. Joshua
04:17.33blitzrageDrAk0: you're tell me what kind of modem you have, and I'm telling you it sure is that type of modem
04:17.53blitzrageDrAk0: if it isn't obvious, I'm trying to tell you I have no idea what kind of chipset your modem has
04:17.58DrAk0blitzrage, im not asking what modem i have :P im asking if it may be used as fxo
04:18.05blitzragesee above
04:18.06DrAk0blitzrage, riiiight
04:18.09DrAk0gotcha now
04:18.21filemagic eight ball says... "doubt it"
04:18.27DrAk0i think ill purchase a X100P
04:18.44blitzragejust get an analog to SIP adapter
04:19.01DrAk0is cheaper?
04:19.40tuck3rno but it works, X100P (more like the fake ones) are notorious for sucking
04:19.41*** part/#asterisk mog (
04:20.22DrAk0you mean somthing like a SPA-3000 ?
04:20.28tuck3ri think he did
04:20.56blitzragebut I don't use analog at all, so I have no recommendations
04:21.14blitzragehrmmm... to start on this new feature or not...
04:21.27tuck3r <-- any idea why is getting let through
04:21.48drcodeOct 12 06:28:17 WARNING[26616]: app_playback.c:83 playback_exec: ast_streamfile failed on SIP/test1-475e for /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/test.wav
04:21.56drcodesame warnning
04:22.00drcodealso in wav file
04:22.50DrAk0well i was thinking on this one
04:23.22tuck3rooh, fake card are fun
04:23.43benjkthere are no fake cards
04:23.46benjkthey are all the same
04:24.07benjkwhen Digium still sold them, they got them in bulk from the same manufacturers
04:24.13rob0Hit or miss, and deal with the problems if it does happen to work. Mine crashes regularly. I never know when my FXO is working or not.
04:24.23benjkhowever, the chips are not longer manufactured these days
04:24.40tuck3rbenjk: with a cap pulled off...
04:24.41benjkso the "new" ones you get now, are made with refurbed or even reject chips
04:24.48blitzragefuck it, I'm goin' to bed... will work on queues() tomorrow
04:25.20benjkthose cards are stricly only useful as zaptel timing devices
04:25.29benjkthey are not useful for doing any voice stuff
04:25.54tuck3ri think ztdummy works fine with 2.6 now...
04:26.13DrAk0is for a home pbx
04:26.15DrAk0home use
04:26.25benjkeven for home use those cards are no good
04:26.33rob0Even so, it might turn out to be unreliable.
04:26.33benjkget a Sipura 3000
04:27.09rob0I'm going to buy a TDM FXO module. (Already have a TDM card with one FXS.)
04:27.15tuck3ri have to agree with everybody else, get a ATA
04:28.25*** join/#asterisk blue`sky (
04:28.34benjknot an ATA, an FXO gateway
04:28.40blue`skyanyone know about jingle ?
04:28.44benjkand ATA is an FXS gateway
04:29.07benjkSipura 3000 is both an FXO and FXS gateway, has 1xFXO and 1xFXS port
04:29.29tuck3rso ATA covers both IMO
04:29.31*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
04:29.36benjkno they don't
04:30.07benjkATA is an acronym for Analog Telephone Adapter
04:30.07tuck3rALA then?
04:30.07benjkas in adapter to connect an analog telephone
04:30.16tuck3ror "analog telephone" line
04:30.24benjkyou might want to call it ALA, but I don't think anybody will recognise it
04:30.39tuck3rthats why I called it a ATA
04:30.39benjkATA is universally considered to be FXS only
04:30.57benjkyou may want to call your PBX a shoebox if you like
04:31.07benjkbut you cannot claim that this is the proper term
04:31.38DrAk0sipura 3000 is x3 times expensive , well ill think about it
04:31.47tuck3rsave up
04:31.52drcodenow it works
04:32.02drcodeI can use same file in voicemail?
04:32.16benjkthat's like saying a bycicle is 100 times more expensive than scrap metal
04:32.33benjkyou still can't use the scrap metal to drive to work
04:35.37*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:35.47DrAk0my solution
04:36.16tuck3rwtf? thats overpriced
04:36.57DrAk0tuck3r, thats one SPA-3000 and 2 SPA-2001
04:37.24DrAk0i need at least 4 POTS
04:37.46tuck3rand how were you going to do that with X100Ps?
04:38.09DrAk0i was saving us$70
04:38.30tuck3rno, it would never worked anyways, one per box
04:38.39DrAk0the X100P cost us$19 the SPA-3000 cost us$99
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04:39.08rob0$19 is high for those, but you're right, stay away.
04:39.14DrAk0anyway i think im going for that setup SPA-3000 + x2 SPA-2002
04:48.30jamesdobrienAnyone installed asterisk on a new server using Intel 5000V/P/Z chipset with digium digital cards? If not, is there a channel where I might ask this question?
04:49.21tuck3rwhy wold it not work?
04:51.10jamesdobrienThe digium hardware compatibility guide says to avoid Intel 915, E7221, and E7525 chipsets as they are known to be partly incompatible.
04:52.44jamesdobrienWe had a client purchase a server and we got intermittent call drops with a TE411P. The only thing we could put it down to after much investigation is the E7525 chipset that server used. They replaced the server with a chipset that isn't listed on the guide and  there have been no more dropped calls.
04:58.23*** join/#asterisk linlin (
05:03.11jamesdobrienFrom my understanding the E7525 is quite a recent Intel chipset. The 5000, however, is newer still and that "guide" may not have been updated since then.
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05:34.33kgpsathishI installed UnixODBC and freetds with the asterisk,after that when I reload asterisk Iam getting 'Loading failed ' message.any ideas?
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05:57.23toppingis 'modprobe wctdm24xxp BOOST_RINGER=1' the right way to get higher ring voltage without recompiling?
05:57.37*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
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06:06.21toppingohhh that's lovely
06:06.37toppingi have a real bell working off of asterisk now hehe
06:07.58toppingfound an old western electric set at a flea market a couple of months ago
06:12.17*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
06:12.25FuriousGeorgehey all
06:13.53tengulrehey all !!
06:14.49EyeCueiaxtel down?!
06:23.56[hC]topping: howd you connect it? you mean like, a rotary dial?
06:24.34topping[hC]: yes
06:24.46toppingjust plugged it in!
06:24.49[hC]topping: how do you have asterisk interpret pulse dialing? pulse to dtmf converter in the middle?
06:24.54[hC]or.. you cant dial out :)
06:24.58toppinghmm, lemme check if it can dial out
06:25.11[hC]heh. you cant :)
06:25.33toppingneh, it works!
06:25.43[hC]theres no way!!!
06:25.49toppingbut there is!
06:25.53[hC]whats it plugged in to?
06:26.15[hC]that would do it.
06:26.17toppingis that smarter?
06:26.36[hC]I thought you were using a standard ATA
06:26.51[hC]i guess tdm2400's fxs ports understand pulse dialing
06:28.49*** join/#asterisk kristalino (
06:28.58EyeCueIn order to get iaxtel connected, but with an IAX2 client that doesnt support providing a context, how would i modify my extensions.conf to be able to dialout to iaxtel users?
06:29.50EyeCueI've got my register => line in iax.conf > [general]
06:36.31*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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06:53.21toppingif I have ARA set up, is there an app that I can use to statically dial one of them in a dialplan?
06:54.00toppingdo I just use Dial?
06:55.02toppinglike if the operator is at extension 110 would I use 'exten => 0,1,Dial(110)'>
06:57.10toppingis that what the Local channel is for?
06:57.14*** part/#asterisk kgpsathish (n=sathish@
06:57.31toppingah yes ok
06:58.59kronicis dynamic realtime for queue members supported in 1.2.12?
06:59.25kronicI've been told, it apparently doesn't
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07:09.43grEvenXdoes anyone know if asterisk has impemented the feature to answer a SIP ping?
07:22.44kaldemara SIP ping? isn't that usually done with the OPTIONS message? if you meant that, i'd say that Asterisk will answer.
07:23.30oej_grEvenX: We do not support the PING method, as kaldemar said, we do support OPTIONS
07:28.05*** join/#asterisk Mugatu_ (n=mugatu@unaffiliated/Mugatu)
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07:30.18alexdepahi all!!
07:31.22alexdepasomeone else can help me to enable pickup function on my asterisk box?
07:33.44alexdepaI have add "exten => _7.,1,Pickup(${EXTEN:1})" in from-internal context
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07:35.01alexdepabut when i try the feature asterisk tell me "no application pickup for extension..."
07:36.08alexdepasomeone can help me?
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07:58.05dweryhello! I would like to setup a dual PRI card to do simple forwarding between ports (NT-TE). Which card/driver would work better for that on a 2.6.17 kernel?
07:58.52*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@unaffiliated/luisjose)
08:02.18lvpthe question is: which ISDN implementation (BRIstuff, visdn, mISDN) is working with 1.4 anyway - or going to be usefull in a reasonable time frame?
08:02.41lvpAll projects seem to be stalled at the moment :(
08:02.58dwerymmmm so basically we have no working isdn stack? :)
08:04.26benjkUnicall is due for an ISDN plugin release some time soon
08:05.03lvpMy hope was on visdn some month ago - but now nothing (visible) is happening and it is said that the main author said he would be restructuring major parts of the implementation
08:05.11benjkthough I have no idea if it will work with 1.4
08:05.19benjkSteve Underwood's Unicall, yes
08:05.32dwerylvp: I tried vISDN days ago because I needed ppp and found the ppp  plugin was unusable.
08:05.33benjksame guy who does SpanDSP
08:07.06dwerythe strange thing about isdn and linux is that the time goes on, the stack changes, but there's nothing stable available :(
08:07.50dwery..but a lot of companies are selling asterisk based isdn soft pbxs...
08:08.05dwerysi I might be missing something ;)
08:11.54*** join/#asterisk LoneShadow (
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08:14.57alexdepaI would like to setup pickup features, i tried follow instuctions but doesn't work for me
08:16.23alexdepasomeone has setup this feature succesfully?
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08:21.22kiddyhow a user can record both incoming and outgoing calls when necessary ?
08:38.37LoneShadowhow is 1.4 beta so far ?
08:39.01jmlsLoneShadow: cool. working. try it :)
08:39.18LoneShadowwill do it over the weekend
08:39.39LoneShadowneed to figure out what all files to backup before installing this
08:39.47LoneShadowprobably /etc/asterisk should be sufficient
08:39.53jmlsLoneShadow: /etc/asterisk for your configs
08:40.56LoneShadow1.4 is supposed to support google talk right ?
08:41.33*** join/#asterisk Mw3_ (
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08:42.21jmlsLoneShadow: um, sort of, yeah. Mog is the person to ask. I beleive there are still some issues which are being worked on
08:43.16LoneShadowaccording to the forums, looks like someone hit some problems with 1.4 and jabber
08:43.25enqubisive got an odd iax problem can somebody help?
08:44.36LoneShadowjust ask the question, if its non related to freepbx/trixbox, someone will help you out here
08:45.10enqubisive got two asterisk servers both running 1.2.4
08:45.29enqubisi can register one way, but not the other
08:45.39LoneShadoware you creating IAX trunks ?
08:45.51EyeCueuh, question, the source port for the client connecting to the asterisk server doesnt have to be 4569 as well does it ?
08:46.38enqubiseyecue, no it doesnt
08:46.39LoneShadowboth asterisk boxes are running zaptel/ztdummy(2.6 kernel)
08:47.00enqubisone has zaptel hardware, one is running ztdummy
08:47.33LoneShadowyou need ztdummy atleast on each side for the trunking to work
08:47.50enqubisquestion, the ztdummy doesnt need configuration, does it?
08:47.53LoneShadowone of my box is a linux machine with ztdummy, and the other is a router running openwrt
08:47.53enqubisjust the module loaded?
08:47.53jmlsLoneShadow: that would be me :) I did have some problems with jabber, but they are all sorted now. We send in excess of 100000 messages per day from * to our IM
08:47.59LoneShadowso trunking works only half way
08:48.56LoneShadowenqubis: no need of config
08:49.21LoneShadowenqubis: when you do iax2 show peers or registry
08:49.28LoneShadowdo you see (t) ?
08:49.53LoneShadowjmls: can we have a voice/sip conversation from * to gtalk ?
08:50.19enqubisunder port yes
08:50.42jmlsLoneShadow: I have not tried, but I believe that this is the goal for 1.4
08:51.09LoneShadowjmls: so how do you send messages ?
08:51.28jmlsLoneShadow: using the JabberSend dialplan application
08:51.29enqubiswhen i iax2 debug i keep seeing subclass: INVAL
08:51.37LoneShadowenqubis: were you able to make things work without trunking ?
08:51.54enqubisill try setting trunk=no
08:52.24LoneShadowhmm, I was trying to see if it was a nat issue :D
08:52.32enqubisit could be
08:52.54enqubisbecause the machine without zaptel hardware is behind a nat
08:53.23enqubisbut i can register to the machine with zt hardware and make calls just fine
08:53.44LoneShadowI have these 2 on my trunk settings
08:53.51LoneShadowmine is a half trunk
08:53.54LoneShadowso config is wierd
08:55.37enqubisstill inval's
08:56.00enqubisTx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX     Subclass: INVAL
08:56.06enqubissorry, i know, pastebin
08:56.34LoneShadowwell, I have to sleep soon, its 2am here
08:56.57LoneShadowwont be able to help much anyway, dont have much experience with those error messages
08:57.14enqubisthanks anyway
08:58.12LoneShadowjmls: how do you type the messages ?
08:58.20LoneShadowfrom your phone ?
08:59.13*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
09:00.05tparcinahi channel!
09:00.15tparcinadoes anybody use beronet ISDN card?
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09:00.17LoneShadowoh predefined messages
09:08.34kiddyany additional packages needed for the configuration ?
09:11.21*** join/#asterisk jgoo (n=e4b80e21@
09:12.05jmlsLoneShadow: we do it two ways: * telling a IM monitor of various actions in the dialplan
09:12.11*** join/#asterisk HarryR (
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09:12.39jmlsLoneShadow: second, we use our application to originate a call with the receipient and message as variables for the call
09:12.47jgooso, I found my charger for my ipaq and axim 30h... so I am thinking of wiring them to docks next to my couch, and using them as universal remotes, and also SIP clients from my * box via wifi... that should pwn - best windows mobile SIP client? :s
09:15.42tparcinaberonet ISDN, does anybody use them?
09:15.57*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=grb@
09:18.17hankan nt1 usually has two rj45 plugs right?
09:19.35hankone for a card in nt mode and one that provides the s0 bus correct?
09:20.20tparcinahank: i realy don't know
09:20.30tparcinahank: whick card do you use?
09:21.02hanktparcina: then dont answer ;) its a longshine card with a hfc chipset
09:21.13kiddyLoneShadow : Do you know how to configure on demand call recording ?
09:21.42kiddytparcina :  Do you know how to configure on demand call recording ?
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10:04.06jaikeanyone experienced loads of 400+ simultaneous calls in a server going to a queue?
10:04.29jaikewondering if asterisk is ready for this kind of load
10:05.06qdkjaike: * has a hard time reaching 400+ simul. calls, so i guess not.
10:05.56benjkcan you spell ... d e a d l o c k ... ?
10:05.59jaikehmmm, am wondering how to loadbalance something like that, a client forwarding calls to a DID
10:06.17jaikethat DID receiving the calls going to a queue
10:06.42benjkyou could try Bayonne
10:06.56benjkthat generally scales much better than Asterisk
10:07.37benjkalso FreeSwitch has just recently reached 3000+ concurrent calls, although they may not have implemented any queues yet, need to ask the Freeswitch guys (#freeswitch)
10:07.52jaikethank benjk
10:07.58jaikewill look those up
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10:08.26jaikeits a tv marketing client, where they get a rush of calls all at one time
10:08.27benjkjust ask the freeswitch guys in the #freeswitch channel
10:08.47benjkBayonne is part of the GNU Telephony Project
10:08.56benjktalk to David Sugar
10:10.29jaikebenjk: even for pure VOIP setup? we wont be using any cards
10:10.48benjkits not a problem of the interface cards or drivers
10:10.57benjkits a threading and locking problem
10:11.14benjkasterisk only knows one single data structure: single linked list
10:11.33benjkconsequently all lookups are linear searches
10:11.51benjkand often an entire list is locked by a thread
10:12.11benjkthis causes all other threads to wait
10:12.23benjkthere are also deadlock issues
10:12.42benjkits in the core, not the drivers/interfaces
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10:28.25dalbaechso what's the maximum number of calls that have been made on a single asterisk server? (Has anyone made a record?
10:28.56dalbaech(It would be an interesting thing to know, that's why I ask)
10:32.45jaikesame here
10:35.25benjkat 200+ it usually starts getting bad
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10:36.13benjkthe best scalability right now is probably with Freeswitch (they recently benchmarked 3000+ calls)
10:36.59MrChimpyyep, i've managed about 180
10:37.11MrChimpyyou need to optimise your AGI seriously
10:37.25MrChimpyand make sure there's no transcoding of prompts etc
10:37.27benjkits the locks that will ultimately kill you
10:37.34benjknot CPU
10:37.56MrChimpywhich locks?
10:38.00benjktoo much Rocky Mountain locking going on in Asterisk
10:38.36benjkwhen multiple threads attempt to access the same data structures while being interrupted by each other, bad things will happen
10:38.37MrChimpyif I'd written my FastAGI app in C i could have easily managed a full 240 concurrent
10:38.48benjkto avoid that, you place locks on the data structure
10:39.03MrChimpybut I can't use C, cos if I do the monkeys here can't maintain it.
10:39.34benjkbut if your lock is too general and in place most of the time, then most of the concurrent processing will stop as everybody is waiting for the lock to go away
10:39.39MrChimpyso asterisk is overusing mutexes>?
10:40.01benjkoverusing and also its using locks that are too broad
10:40.05E-bolaHey any europeans admins here?
10:40.12E-bolahow do u solved the am/pm problem with voicemails?
10:40.25benjkmore finegrained locking would bring some improvements
10:40.43benjkbut the devil is in the detail, the core really has to be rewritten to do stuff differently
10:40.48HarryRbenjk, YATE is also pretty scalable (compared to asterisk anyway), but there's no 'official' benchmark
10:40.59benjkI can believe that
10:41.13benjkbut the Yate project seems to have an attitude issue
10:41.19benjknot unlike Asterisk ;)
10:41.26ShipHeadbenjk: How so?
10:41.32benjkI can only handle one such project
10:41.36HarryRi've not had many attitude issues with YATE :)
10:41.53benjkif you ever talk the Yate girl, you'll know what I mean
10:42.02HarryRyeah Diana
10:42.11ShipHeadWho's the Yate girl?
10:42.29benjkthat's the IRC nick, anyway
10:42.32ShipHeadI like l-fy
10:42.51benjkHarryR, I am putting my bet on OpenPBX
10:43.22HarryRoh, yeah but that's still asterisk based
10:43.24benjkwell if you like here, fine, I am happy for you, many other people have some difficulties
10:43.44benjkwell, we're throwing out more and more Asterisms
10:43.47benjkand replace them
10:44.07HarryReheh, YATE & Freeswitch just try and Do It Right(tm) from the start ;)
10:44.52benjkfor example, we no longer do that wasteful character-by-charcter app name var name context name comparison in the dialplan engine
10:45.08benjksped up my super low spec test box to gain 2.5 times as many concurrent calls
10:45.22benjkand I am going to throw out all the linked lists, too
10:45.35HarryRthat's pretty cool, is openbpx fairly stable at the moment?
10:45.56benjkit is nice and stable and has a number of tricks that Asterisk doesn't
10:46.09benjkfull T38 support for example
10:46.23benjka side effect of using SpanDSP library for the codecs
10:46.45benjkalso Zaptel timing dependencies have been removed, all POSIX timer based now
10:47.15HarryRpersonally I'd like to see a rewrite of the voicemail app and having queues un-borked
10:47.35benjkright now we are mostly working on replacing stuff in the core
10:47.37HarryRcan do so much of it with FastAGI, but people don't want that
10:47.49benjkwe don't have AGI
10:47.55benjkwe have OGI :)
10:48.17benjkto stay clear of any potential trademark hassle
10:48.22tparcinaberonet ISDN, does anybody use them?
10:48.37HarryRI don't get people's issue with FastAGI, 'Noo... we want to keep all our complex dialplan logic in the telephony server instead of in a separate iscolated application' idiocy
10:49.26benjkwell, if you have a proper dialplan engine, there is nothing wrong with doing it in the core
10:49.40benjkbut Asterisk's dialplan engine is really anything else but proper
10:49.55benjkthere is of course nothing wrong with offering choice
10:50.15benjksuch as pluggable dialplan engines
10:51.19HarryRah, I suppose all I see it as is just more opportunity for threading problems, and more code to maintain which is considered 'core'
10:51.55benjkwell, we've thrown out stuff
10:53.16benjktparcina, I remember to have helped some guy who was using beronet here this week, but now I can't remember what his nickname was
10:54.16benjkas I understand it, the beronet cards are mostly compatible with Junghanns cards
10:54.34benjkand many people in Europe use those
10:55.08benjkHarryR, rewriting from scratch is clearly nice if you can afford it
10:55.29benjkbut I have to do business in the meantime
10:55.50benjkso the gradual replacement approach of OpenPBX suits me better
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10:59.11HarryRyah I see :) there's no such thing as an ideal world
10:59.18HarryRI'll have a tinker with it after-hours
11:00.07tparcinabenjk: hopefully, someone will help me :))
11:01.43tparcinabenjk: i have found installation guide on Beronet web page. Then I have downloaded script that I was sopouse to, but that script doesn't work as it should...
11:04.32benjkHarryR, we're preparing a release candidate now
11:04.59benjktparcina, what kind of card is it and what drivers are you using>
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11:06.03jaikebenjk: ever heard of libproxy? to do load balancing of calls between asterisk servers
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11:06.28benjkno, I haven't
11:07.09benjkI know, most folks use SER for that sort of thing (if it is SIP)
11:07.09HarryRjaike, how's that differ from something like vserver & ldirectord/piranha?
11:07.57jaikeHarryR: dunno, havent done load balancing before. just started doing some research
11:08.25HarryRah, you should look into them and UltraMonkey, you can get some very neat stuff setup
11:08.33benjkjaike, like I told you before, you're too early ;)
11:09.12jaikebenjk: just looking at all the options before telling my boss i cant do it
11:12.07linageedoes an 800 (or 866) number accept calls from anywhere, any country? do you have to limit your dialplan so you don't get charged up the ying-yang?
11:12.19linagee(or does it work like that)
11:12.54h3xtoll free only takes calls from us and optionally canada
11:13.03h3xthere are ITFS numbers for international toll free service
11:13.08linageeh3x: how optionally?
11:13.12linageeh3x: ITFS?
11:13.26h3xITFS arent 800xxxxxxx
11:13.37linageeh3x: mine is 866xxxxxxx
11:13.50h3xerr actually
11:13.55linageeh3x: nope. ;)
11:13.56h3x8YYNXXXXXX to be technical
11:14.01linageeh3x: nope
11:14.15linageeh3x: i live in the 858 area code. that's not toll free. :p
11:14.22h3xyou tell your carrier if you want canada origination turned on
11:14.33linageeh3x: i see
11:14.48linagee(i'm sure there are other 8xx area codes that aren't toll free)
11:14.59h3xthere are some countries such as the bahamas where you have to pay the carrier to call us toll frees
11:15.13benjklinagee, the 800 numbers have shadow numbers that can be called from any country
11:15.23linageebenjk: shadow numbers?
11:15.25h3x800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 844, 833, 822 have been reserved
11:15.28benjkthe 888, 877 series too
11:15.33benjkbut the 866 dont
11:15.42linageebenjk: i see... confusing. heh
11:15.47benjkso if you have an 866 number that is US only, then you have no way to call that from Canada
11:15.58linageebenjk: all i know is, i was able to get an 866 number from voicepulse today
11:15.59benjkand elsewhere also often not
11:16.01h3xyou dont really have to worry about somebody calling your toll free and running up a huge bill
11:16.10linageebenjk: aha
11:16.18linageeh3x: no?
11:16.28benjk866 will only be working in the US, you cant call it from other countries that share the 1 country code (NANPA)
11:16.28h3xcanada origination is super expensive on many carriers though
11:16.37benjkget a 877 or 888 or 800 instead
11:16.50linageebenjk: i only want it to work from the US. heh
11:16.56benjkfor those numbers there are shadowed area codes
11:17.17linageebenjk: or even just california. i guess i could do caller ID detection on that? hrm....
11:17.18benjkI think it is 881 for 800, 882 for 888, 883 for 877
11:17.20h3xwith shadowed numbers, the calling party has to pay for part of the call
11:17.54h3xi think its really dumb how many companies have a seperate toll free for canada and us
11:17.55benjkits no longer entirely toll free for the overseas caller but at least you can get called
11:18.04h3xif they knew they could just have the resporg set up to LCR the call to two different carreirs
11:18.33linageebenjk: some people have caller ID from a different area. maybe a better idea would be a message saying, "we have detected you live in <insert detected state here, spoken using festival or do all the states recordings>. if you believe this is incorrect, please press zero now."
11:18.57linageethat's one long <>. :)
11:19.29h3xkrikey, paypal is paying 5.02% now
11:19.39benjkbut for that you have to pick up the call, so they need to be able to call you in the first place and if they call you from Canada on a US toll free number its going to cost you extra
11:19.40h3xwhat kind of mobster investments are they making
11:20.02linageebenjk: what if i call into my box using a pay phone? are there extra charges?
11:20.16h3xoh yes
11:20.20linagee!!! :(
11:20.21h3xpayphone surcharge is $0.50
11:20.24benjknot if its a toll free number and the pay phone is within the same country
11:20.28h3xyou can block that
11:20.42benjkreally? is that provider dependent?
11:20.49h3xthat is the current tariffed rate in the US
11:20.55h3xsome carriers mark it up
11:20.56linageethat sucks
11:21.00qdkbenjk: are you working on the openpbx project?
11:21.03benjkthat sucks balls
11:21.11h3xthat is why we have ANI-II delivery
11:21.11benjkI am a contributor yes
11:21.12linageeh3x: what if someone brought an autodialer to a pay phone?
11:21.21h3xling: its been done before shhh ;)
11:21.39linageeh3x: or if you were a phone company and hired a group of homeless people to sit there and dial all day? :(
11:21.50h3xANI-II on PRI or SS7 or whatever can tell you in real time if the call was originated from a payphone, hotel, prison, etc.
11:21.52qdkbenjk: so you would know if it was completely written in perl or not?
11:21.59h3xlinagee: Already seen it done :)
11:22.06linageeh3x: you said there is a way to block payphones?
11:22.20h3xyes, that is another option you can ask from the underlying carrier to put in SMS/800
11:22.27h3xor they can do it on their switch
11:22.34linageei wonder if i will get random dialed more often having an 866 number than a local area code number....
11:22.45h3xpayphone compensation is one of those things that is a pain in the ass to deal with
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11:22.50linageeh3x: SMS/800?
11:22.59h3xthe default is to charge the carrier for all the calls, weather or not they got completed with CABS billing
11:23.15h3xthen your carrier has to reject records that didn't get completed and try to get their money back
11:23.20linageewhat is the caller id on a pay phone like? hehehe
11:23.26linageetime to find out! :)
11:23.34linageei think i have fifty cents around here somewhere. ;)
11:23.38h3xwell, the payphone flag isnt something you usually see
11:23.45h3xoh you dont have to put money in payphones to call toll frees
11:23.55h3xthats why the customer at the other side has to pay for it
11:23.58linageeh3x: i know, i know. :)  (that's the point, isn't it?)
11:24.21h3xtheres all kinds of CABS billing fraud all the time...
11:24.37linageeyou mean people don't pay the $0.50?
11:24.38h3xCABS is the format carriers use to bill each other
11:25.13h3xno i mean theres payphone carriers that sometimes fraudulently bill the 50 cents when there was no call ;)
11:25.25h3xits settled later
11:25.42linageeh3x: you're saying getting a toll free number is a very bad idea?!?!? :-/
11:25.49h3xbut your toll free carrier usually bases the charges to you from the CDRs by storing the ANI-II digits
11:26.04h3xwell, like i said they can block payphone origination
11:26.16h3xso they will get a disconnect message "this number dosen't accept calls from payphones" etc
11:26.24h3xby the way
11:26.31h3xmany HOTELS consider their room phones to be "payphones"
11:26.39linageethat is weird
11:26.42h3xsome asshole got that legally established
11:26.47h3xwell, because local calls are billed to the room
11:26.58linageeright, and 800 numbers are usually free
11:27.09h3xso they can get away with charging the toll free customer and their guest if they want to
11:27.25h3xor that
11:28.11linageeh3x: so when you call from a pay phone, what does the caller ID look like? is there a DID set up on pay phones? heh
11:28.26h3xsometimes there is, sometimes it just says out of area
11:28.28h3xtheres no standard on that
11:28.34linageehrm. that sucks
11:28.41h3xa lot of times it says the same # for one company in a whole rate center
11:28.58linageeh3x: i wonder if it costs more than a local call to call a payphone? hehehe. (toll reversal)
11:29.03h3xthey just do that becuase theres so many people with telemarketing blockers
11:29.20h3xno but most payphones wont take incoming calls. almost never
11:29.27linageeawww. :(
11:29.34h3xby the way theres a payphone show here in vegas if you wanna come see it sometime
11:29.38h3xthats where i found out a lot of this stuff
11:29.47linageepayphone show? lol
11:30.02h3xi think its called APCC
11:30.03linageethat is very strange
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11:30.48linageeAmerican Public Communications Council
11:31.00h3xoh yeah
11:31.15linageeoh cool!!
11:31.19linageei just realized something
11:31.25linageemy apartment has a fax machine
11:31.33linageeyou have to use a calling card
11:31.41linageehrm... :-D
11:31.46linageenot anymore! :-D
11:32.08h3xi so pimped my phones when i went to vancouver for a week vacation
11:32.13linageeyeah, too bad i'm moving out of here. (way too expensive)
11:32.23h3xi bought a prepaid $50 fido sim card off ebay for my moto razr
11:32.24linageeh3x: pimped?
11:32.28h3xfor $20
11:32.34linageefido sim card?
11:32.37h3x(they unbundled the phone from the sim card)
11:32.41h3xfido is one of the 4 wireless carriers up there
11:32.51linageei see
11:32.53h3xthen, i set up a vancouver DID to point at my asterisk box
11:33.02h3xto run DISA which gives me a dialtone in the default context
11:33.02linageeh3x: do prepaid sim cards offer incoming calls?
11:33.15h3xso i could check my voicemail and call the US without having to pay $0.20 a minute for long distance on the cell
11:33.39linageethat is weird. heh
11:33.40h3xand then i forwarded my US numbers to the canadian cell coz its cheap as hell wholesale
11:33.47h3xlike .009/min or something
11:34.06linageeh3x: what is "wholesale" :)
11:34.12h3xbuying too many minutes
11:34.19linagee<insert unknown provider here>? :P
11:34.34h3xwell i own a istp/carrier
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11:34.53linageevoicepulse is $0.02/min for canada
11:34.59h3xthe big ones, qwest, mci, global crossing, etc.
11:35.28h3xthat isnt a bad retail price :)
11:35.56h3xbut fuk it i wanna move to canada. people are paying telus and bell .35/min for long distance
11:36.06linageeh3x: oh yeah!
11:36.15h3xcalling cards, $0.38/min
11:36.27h3xcanadian dollars, which are .90 to USD $1
11:36.38linageeh3x: it's $0.02/min, but "you're not supposed to use it for a permanent number because they don't have a way to forward the tax to canada" or something. :-D
11:36.40linageesilly taxes
11:36.43h3xthe average competitor charges 9c /min
11:37.00h3xnow you sound like voipjet
11:37.05linageeh3x: huh?
11:37.11h3xthats the disclaimer on their page too
11:37.28h3xcanada's GST is awful
11:37.52h3xBC provincal tax +federal was 13% together
11:38.00h3xthat is applied to products AND services
11:38.06h3xthey also have parking tax
11:38.19h3xa pack of cigs is $13 with the taxes up there
11:38.20linageeh3x: so yeah. most anywhere in USA is $0.01/min or less. :-D
11:38.20ghenryHOw do you set what codec of sounds get used in /var/lib/asterisk?
11:38.32linageeh3x: i can call my sister in nevada. hehehe
11:38.35h3xNot really...
11:38.51h3xlittle ILECs and paging providers are expensive
11:38.52linageeh3x: ($0.01/min or less using voicepulse)
11:38.53ghenryI want to use gsm, but ulaw is getting used. The english UK ones are in gsm
11:38.59linageeh3x: huh?
11:39.06h3xvoicepulse just dosent know how to balance their books
11:39.13linageehehhe. cool. :-D
11:39.26h3xthere are some rural areas getting $0.03/min or higher
11:39.37linageeh3x: sometimes you get a bit of static even using pcm with them. (not sure if it's my side)
11:39.45h3xthe local carrier gets paid for the long distance calls terminating on them
11:39.53h3xreciprocal compensation
11:40.00linageeit very well could be my side as i'm running asterisk inside vmware. heh
11:40.18h3xThat is why its so expensive to call long distance on a ordinary landline (switched long distance)
11:40.40linageeit's not enough noise to cause it to be annoying or anything.
11:40.40h3xthe long distance carrier has to share revenue with both the originating and terminating side
11:40.40h3xlocal providers
11:40.44h3xwhen you use voip or dedicated T1s, it bypasses one side of it
11:41.00ghenryany ideas on the ulaw/gsm loading for all asterisk sounds?
11:41.03linageeh3x: do you know what this means? "4.9¢/min incoming to toll-free numbers with free CNAM"
11:41.18h3xghenry: you can use sox to transcode
11:41.19linageeh3x: does that mean i get charged 5 cents a minute for people calling into my toll free?
11:41.37h3xCNAM is caller id name service
11:41.39linageeh3x: but CNAM? any ideas?
11:42.14h3xvoip toll free is all weird
11:42.16ghenryh3x: yeah. but I just want to switch to gsm for now to test. ANy ideas. I have allow=gsm in sip.conf, but can't see where else to allow the default sounds codec version
11:42.22h3xtheres so few carriers that do it
11:42.37linageeh3x: i think voicepulse just started
11:42.38h3xbecause of some anal retentive people in their legal departments
11:42.56h3xthe law supposedly reads "PC to Phone communications is determined by the originating party"
11:43.03h3xthe originating party in all toll free calls is a phone
11:43.12h3xthey dont seem to think that a Phone to PC is considered VoIP
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11:43.28h3xthis is what Qwest's legal schmuck told me
11:43.31ghenryI'll try deleting them all then rm -rf *.ulaw
11:43.35linageethat's... confusing.
11:43.36h3xtheir head legal schmuck
11:43.43h3xthey do sell 8YY wholesale VoIP now
11:44.05h3xanother more likely reason most people dont do it is lack of support for ANI-II on their VoIP gateways so they cant bill payphone origination properly
11:44.34h3xor furthermore, maybe their gateway supports it but billing software or SIP proxy dosen't
11:44.42ghenrythat the best way
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11:47.55tparcinabenjk: its Beronet BN4S0, i'm using their script to install drivers, but that script fails...
11:49.23benjkqdk, see my pm, how to check one number without using asterisk?
11:50.09benjkthere is Voicetronix (and Aussie company making PCI telephony cards) who have a Perl PBX (I think its not an IP PBX but analog only)
11:50.18benjkthis thing is also called OpenPBX
11:50.28benjkthe OpenPBX I was talking about is
11:50.42benjkthat's a fork of Asterisk
11:50.53backbluewhat do you need about beronet bn4s0?
11:51.02backblue(i was not following)
11:51.58qdkbenjk: yesyes.. busy at work here. :-)
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12:07.56hanki do need an ntba(nt1) when i want to connect isdn telephones to asterisk dont i?
12:08.41hankso its hfc in nt mode -> nt1 -S0-> phones
12:14.06backbluehank: no, if you have power on the bri card
12:14.29backbluehank: if you have a single bri, yes, you will need one NT to give power to the phone
12:15.43hankhmm power on the bri card... the power the card gets from the computer itself would be enough??
12:15.58hankor would it need an external power supply?
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12:17.36backbluewith single bri cards
12:17.43backblueyou will need allways NT's
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12:18.02backbluebut if you use BN2S0 BN4S0 BN8S0
12:18.05hankso an nt is needed to get power on the s0 line. is that its sole purpose?
12:18.14backblueit has external power supply, and you can connect the phone directly
12:18.34hankbut only with a crossed isdn cable, right?
12:18.40backbluehank: no, it's not, it should terminate the circuit with 100ohm resistence.
12:19.11backblue(i wonder why was no one here, in the last year to help me out, when i was with this questions...)
12:19.31backbluehank: no, you need to see which pin-in has you NT
12:19.40backblueeach NT have it's own pin-in
12:19.57backblueyou have to put the cables in the correct order
12:20.08backblueand terminate the circuit in the dip-switches
12:20.35hankbackblue: 'g' sympathetic. i thought i was really dumb for not understanding such things. im trying to get asterisk ready since one month i think... but i dont think i have come any nearer to what i want to reach.
12:20.56hankok i c
12:21.39hankis there any official documentation about that? i have a bet running with a colleague. i say "one needs an ntba" he says "no, one can plug the phones directly into the isdn card"
12:23.03backbluewell, you can, if your phone has his own power supply
12:23.18backbluei dont know your system
12:23.30backbluetell me your ntba references
12:23.40backblueso i can try to search here, if i have the pinout
12:23.41hanki have two longshine card with hfcs chipsets. i have no ntba yet.
12:23.43backblueto give you
12:23.54hankthats what the whole thing is about.
12:24.01hankhe says i dont need an ntba, i say i do
12:24.09backblueok, you need powered phones, or ntba's to connect the other ones
12:24.29backblueit's quit simple, do the phones have power supply?
12:25.40hankwe have no phones yet 'g'
12:26.52hanklets assume we had phones with power supply and twisted isdn cables. we could connect them directly to hfc cards in nt nt mode then?
12:27.45hankwithout the need for resistors?
12:28.45benjkhank, do those cards glow in the dark?
12:29.27hankhmm i think i am missing a joke here... :(
12:29.32hankbenjk: what do you mean?
12:30.02benjkLongshine and all that
12:30.21hank'g' ok
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12:33.20hankharr no answer to that last question?
12:34.15benjkmaybe he had to go to the bathroom
12:34.34hankbenjk: i didnt ask him but the channel ;)
12:34.53benjknot many people use BRI phones, I think
12:35.03benjkI use BRI, but only for the connection with the telco
12:35.19hanka pity
12:35.25benjkwell, as far as the population in this channel is concerned
12:36.02benjksome do, but I wouldn't exactly say they are in a majority
12:36.03hankso thats why getting support for that sh^Wstuff is so difficult
12:37.03benjkthere are for sure many more people who use BRI for the telco connection only than there are those who hook up ISDN phones
12:37.27hankmhm probably
12:37.34hankseems like the bet will fall on ice
12:39.36benjksometimes its also a matter of time of day
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12:41.51hanktrue, true
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13:01.29fourcheezeis there a kind of Polycom IP 501 that can take a PSU into the case rather than POE?
13:02.18[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: Yes
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13:04.11[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: IP 501 can be powered 1 of 2 ways : Using a special cable with a PoE circuit inline (bluky dongle), or another special cable that has a small power jack on it for which you plug in a traditional wall-wart.
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13:08.25fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: but each way you need to be near a hub?
13:08.56fourcheezeI've got someone with a long run of utp patch around a room
13:09.13*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:09.31[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: no, you need to plug the "local" powered cable direct to the phone (its keyed so it HAS to be there unless you mod it).  From there you can add a coupler and the run more cable if you want
13:10.19*** join/#asterisk pph (n=pph@
13:14.49fourcheeze[TK]D-Fender: ok but there's no option to plug something into the phone itself, so at the very least I'll need a coupler
13:15.52[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: Yeah, thats sums it up.
13:16.23[TK]D-Fenderfourcheeze: : OR you can maybe mod the cable and remove that little plastic nodule that makes the jack keyed and then you can move it further back.
13:19.42*** join/#asterisk drcode (
13:19.47drcodehia l
13:19.48drcodehi all
13:20.05drcodeany recommanded sip client ?
13:20.30*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
13:20.32[TK]D-Fenderdrcode: Ekiga for Linux, eyeBeam for Windows
13:20.40*** join/#asterisk kristalino (
13:20.51drcodeI mean open source x-lite?
13:21.26[TK]D-Fenderdrcode: Ekiga is GPL, eyebeam is a paid client.
13:21.36drcodeI read that ast. support AOPEN standard
13:21.38Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i'm getting again and again these stuff on consol, what should i do to stopd this >> see here >>
13:21.55drcodehow can I know if the modem is aopen voice modem standrd
13:22.16[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Reduce your debug level
13:22.47[TK]D-Fenderdrcode: Not a question you should ask here, and it would not be compatible for use with *.
13:23.08drcodeI just read it in the forum
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13:24.01Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: currenlty below lines are enabled in logger.conf:
13:24.01Dr-Linuxconsole => notice,warning,error,debug
13:24.01Dr-Linuxmessages => notice,warning,error
13:24.04[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: "set debug 0"
13:24.18Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: should i remove debug
13:24.22Dr-Linuxhhm.. ok
13:24.33ghenryHi all. What's the best point to start/debug when trying to fix echo between a TDM400P card and Sip phones (Aastra 480i phones)
13:24.37[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: DUH!
13:24.53ghenryfor incoming calls
13:25.02ghenryfrom pstn
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13:25.05[TK]D-Fenderghenry: Thats where all of the changes will need to take place.
13:25.10sevard[TK]: you tell dat foo
13:25.41Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i did:
13:25.41Dr-LinuxLHR-PBX*CLI> set debug 0
13:25.50Dr-Linuxbut sill i'm getting those stuff
13:26.18[TK]D-Fenderghenry: Give this a good read and then focus on "fxotune" in the middle...
13:26.29ghenrythanks [TK]D-Fender: So tweak
13:26.29jmlsDr-Linux: remove debug from the console line
13:26.33ghenrythanks again
13:26.40jmlsconsole => notice,warning,error
13:26.45jmlsfrom the cli
13:26.45[TK]D-Fenderghenry: Good luck you may need it
13:26.50jmlslogger rotate
13:26.54ghenry[TK]D-Fender: Stock Asterisk, latest version was fine
13:27.05ghenry[TK]D-Fender: Trixbox 1.2.1 == echo. hmmmm
13:27.08ghenrychat later
13:27.16Dr-Linuxjmls: that's what i was doing, but maybe that will stop debug forever
13:27.36[TK]D-Fenderghenry: Basically says that the zaptel build it includes isn't as good as your "stock" one
13:27.37jmlsit will stop debug on the console. you still have debug going to the messages file
13:27.46sevardMight that be a clue that you would want to cencel your trixbox shitinstall and rebuild *?
13:27.49ghenry[TK]D-Fender: Yup.
13:27.58[TK]D-Fenderghenry: Great reason why I highly recommend HWEC cards and not the low end dependent ones
13:28.09ghenryyup, and yup sevard
13:28.19[TK]D-Fendersevard: unload
13:28.21ghenrymaybe just use stock * and freepbx now
13:28.47ghenrydon't really have a clue what they've done to the zaptel kernel RPMs! :-(
13:29.30Dr-Linuxhow can we deny/block an ip address in sip.conf?
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13:36.20BrokenNozeanyone have time to help a newbie compile zaptel driver?
13:36.31drcodeI have qustion
13:36.51drcodeI dont know if its ast. or not
13:36.52[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: Ok, where are you stuck?
13:37.05BrokenNozethe kernel source install
13:37.11BrokenNozeusing FC4
13:37.41BrokenNozewhen I try and make - I get you don't appear to have the kernal-sources installed
13:37.42drcodeIf I want to call from europe or usa and the local call will translate into sip , so I can get it into my ast box , is it possible?
13:37.43[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: You need to install bother the source for your kernel, and the headers.
13:38.06BrokenNozeOK, I've downloaded the src.rpm file
13:38.20BrokenNozeand i've tried to rpm -Uhv it
13:38.42[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: try "yum install kernel-source" or something like that.  Not sure the eaxt line.  You can ask in #fedora like "whats the YUM line to install the source for my kernel" and someone should be able to hand you the 100% answer in seconds
13:39.38BrokenNozeAwesome cheers. i'll try someone there
13:40.13*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (, how to check one number without using asterisk?
13:43.15drcodetparcina:  nice
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13:45.57ghenry[TK]D-Fender: If you recompile zaptel, i.e. for a newer version. Asterisk needs to be recompiled against the version of zaptel, yeah?
13:46.17ghenrysilly question, I know the answer is yes
13:48.05ghenryI'm am scared of fxotune!
13:48.31[TK]D-Fenderghenry: Yes, and You may need to match versons for things not to freak out.
13:48.43skywriterhow can i dialfrom the command line?
13:48.52ghenryI know. bummer.
13:48.56[TK]D-Fenderghenry: As well you should be.  Time to buy a real card with HWEC :)
13:49.15ghenryskywriter: dial appliacation if compiled with it
13:49.37skywriterhow do i know
13:49.52ghenry[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, but I just binned a working * install, and wiped it with Trixbox. I should of just installed Freepbx or something on top of it instead
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13:50.02ghenry[TK]D-Fender: Time to fess up to the client
13:50.20ghenrySkymeyeR: show applications should do it, or typing help
13:50.28[TK]D-Fenderghenry: If you backed them up you should jsut restore things.
13:51.03ghenry[TK]D-Fender: yup. I got /etc/asterisk, just forgot /etc/zaptel.conf, but that's nothing
13:51.12skywriteranyone have solve the following problem
13:51.18[TK]D-Fenderghenry: exactly.  10 second fix
13:51.18skywriterWARNING[3999]: chan_sip.c:9720 handle_response_invite: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE t
13:51.36[TK]D-Fenderskywriter: Your user or pass is wrong.  DEAL WITH IT
13:51.44ghenry[TK]D-Fender: need to wipe trixbox though, no more machine
13:52.01[TK]D-Fenderghenry: Therefor....?
13:52.20skywriteri don think so
13:52.28ghenry[TK]D-Fender: I am an idiot ;-)
13:52.35skywriteri m putting the right password
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13:53.05[TK]D-Fenderskywriter: Either the user is wrong or the password is wrong.  Doesn't matter what you think is right.  You are clearly WRONG.
13:53.17skywriterit s somethiing that have to do with NAT,proxy firewall, cause my atserisk register correctly with the password
13:53.45skywriterbut when i make outside calls i get the message
13:53.49[TK]D-Fenderskywriter: That message means what it says.
13:54.15[TK]D-Fenderskywriter: PM me a PRIVATE pastebin of your sip.conf including those passwords.
13:54.30[TK]D-Fenderskywriter: And the CLI output of the attempted call.
13:54.50skywriterno it doesn t , my asterisk register with password,but outside calls say that password is wrong howcome
13:55.13skywriteror the password is wrong for both of them , or it should work for both of them
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14:04.46*** join/#asterisk M_at (
14:05.49M_atCan anyone help a novice with a dialplan query? Need to strip the leading digit from a passed extension number.
14:06.12[TK]D-FenderM_at: ${EXTEN:1}
14:06.28M_atIn context?
14:06.57*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
14:07.09[TK]D-FenderM_at: Show us what you're working with. use please.
14:07.12M_atSo I can place that at the start of the context and it will work from then on?
14:07.55[TK]D-FenderM_at: Depends. Please show us where you are loking to do this.
14:07.59*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
14:09.32M_atIn that case I will probably be better off blatting this machine back to nothing and installing from scratch - it's a bit of a bastard machine right now
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14:11.46BrokenNozeHi. still building my zaptels - on a make clean I'm getting an error No sure file or direcory
14:12.08[TK]D-FenderM_at: what do you mean "in that case"?  You must already have been very depressed about its state to jump somewhere so negative so fast when I jsut asked to see where you would like to do this in your dialplan....
14:12.20DovidBrokeNoze: what version of linux ? and do u have the kernel sources ?
14:12.23BrokenNozemake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.11-1.1369_FC4/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.
14:12.33Assidyou need the kernel source
14:12.47[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: You need the kernel source AND the headers for your current kernel
14:12.54BrokenNozeI thought I had it! I got the devel
14:13.22BrokenNozejust the headers in devel?  FC4
14:13.49DovidBrokenNoze: Yum -y install kernel-sources
14:14.38BrokenNozenothing to do apparently?
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14:15.24Doviddo a yum list kern*
14:16.20BrokenNozesmp packages?
14:16.50M_at[TK]D-Fender: The dialplan was originally a TrixBox one but it's been altered by hand extensively since as part of the learning process. The config is split over too many file for me to easily use pastebin right now - I was hoping that I'd have this one last thing sorted out before stripping the machine back to start from scratch but it may be easier to do it tomorrow
14:18.00[TK]D-FenderM_at: Ok, that explains it.  Ditch Trixbox.
14:18.28DovidM_at: first time I built my own box I copied a friends configs, printed them up and used it as a refrence. and as TK Said "drop the trixbox"
14:18.41Dovidlots of "asterisk admins" - all they know is the trixbox gui
14:18.46M_atI generally have done
14:19.20DovidM_at: Time to get in to the belly of the beast
14:19.20M_atUsing * built from scratch but with FreePBX ontop for some small installs but this is going to be a central box with some funkier routing in place
14:20.50M_atMy problem seems to be too much conflicting information out on the web
14:21.15BrokenNozeok. smp and the smp-devel - same problem. do I need the kernel-xenU stuff?
14:21.24DovidM_at: between where and where ?
14:21.41DovidBrokenNoze: no u shouldnt need that
14:21.50Dr-Linuxwhat's this: Oct 12 19:41:07 NOTICE[16989]: chan_sip.c:6275 check_auth: stale nonce received from ... peer ... ?
14:21.58Dovidwhat other options do they give u to install if u do: Yum List Kern*
14:22.25Dovidthis is a question for TK
14:22.38Dovidi dont think it should matter but maybe a reboot
14:22.47BrokenNozethats about it.
14:22.51BrokenNozeOK. I'll try that.
14:22.54M_atDovid: things like StripMSD and the ${EXTEN:1}
14:23.47Dovidwhat conflicting about ${EXTEN:} ? that is a simple one (granted I had issues with it when is started - was doing ${exten} and NOT {EXTEN} )
14:24.47M_atDovid: I mean there's osme people sayinguse stripMSD and others showing ${EXTEN:1} - but nothing that states definitively that one is right and the other old or wrong
14:25.07M_atAs both achieve the same result
14:25.11pifhas chan_misdn been removed by debian ?
14:25.21DovidM_at: people give examples and info based on thier own results
14:25.22r0d3nt|mOct 12 07:25:32 NOTICE[8684]: channel.c:1956 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on Local/28@PHONE4-9fdd,2 of format ulaw since our native format has changed to slin
14:25.24pifit should be in * 1.2.x
14:25.24[TK]D-FenderM_at: minor stuff.  and stripMSD is outdaed.  you should always use the standard string notation method.
14:25.26r0d3nt|many ideas ???
14:25.43Dovidfor instance to get the exten value u do ${EXTEN} and NOT ${EXTEN:1}
14:25.55M_at[TK]D-Fender: Yup, found the patch notes where that was noted from Digium
14:26.06Dovid${EXTEN:1} will strip the first number off the CID
14:26.23Dovidoff the EXTEN
14:26.28M_at${EXTEN:2:2} will get the 3rd and 4th digits etc
14:26.45Dovidwell no
14:26.48M_atThat in itself makes sense
14:26.49Dovidfirst 2 and last 2
14:27.17Dovidi use for all my gen. questions
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14:27.34M_atIntegrating it into the dialplan is where I get a little muddled
14:28.11M_atOf course if my legacy PBX didn't add digits to the beginning of the extension number I wouldn't have this problem ;)
14:28.18[TK]D-FenderM_at: You integrate it anywhere you want o have prefixes to help in routing etc, an then strip off to get the "relevent" parts.
14:28.43M_atIs there a good dialplan tutorial on
14:28.46[TK]D-FenderM_at: You can use whatever strategy you want with *.  I don't have prefixes for anything in my setups
14:28.58[TK]D-FenderM_at: The best out there is the BOOK
14:28.59r0d3nt|mthis error popped up after updating to the latest asterisk... it appears to be working normally though..  :-/ " Oct 12 07:25:32 NOTICE[8684]: channel.c:1956 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on Local/28@PHONE4-9fdd,2 of format ulaw since our native format has changed to slin " Anyone have any ideas or seen this before ????
14:29.02jbotbook is probably a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
14:29.10M_atIt's the legacy PBX that adds prefixes
14:29.47[TK]D-FenderM_at: using * inline with it?
14:30.24*** part/#asterisk quellhorst (n=quellhor@unaffiliated/rend)
14:31.10M_at[TK]D-Fender: Not yet - using it on a QSIG PRI with the INDeX's networking features.
14:32.24M_atIt's going to be the central hub for 3 remote * boxes which need to be able to dial into the legacy PBX
14:32.31*** join/#asterisk eonblu[ez (n=eonblu_e@
14:32.54M_atBut I have a 2 port PRI card in there for the day it becomes the master and needs to run in-line
14:32.56eonblu[ezWhen i do a blind transfer to another extension, the other party cannot hear the person i transfer to
14:33.00eonblu[ezbut we can hear them
14:33.03eonblu[ezwhat could be up?
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14:41.27mrc527hi all, can i ask you for help?
14:41.58Dovidgo ahead. If some one knows a solution they will try ;)
14:42.24mrc527ok, thx.
14:43.56Dovidmrc527: the quesion is ?
14:44.14mrc527i have an existent H323 gatekeeper, to make regular calls to regular phones. Now...i have to put in this company a system to translate incoming SIP calls (from other ip systems, like 3G mobiles phones) to that H323 gateway
14:44.33mrc527how can i make that? It's possible with asterisk?
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14:44.55Dovidmrc527: i dont have much expirience with h323 but I beleive that asterisk will do it for you
14:45.11Dovidasterisk supports h323
14:45.25r0d3nt|mOk, well i found the problem and fix it.. apparently some of the settings changed in the conf files after the upgrade..
14:45.25mrc527ah, good, but...did you know how i can configure it?
14:46.11Dovidfor h323 specificly or asterisk in general ?
14:46.41mrc527i'm compiling it on a linux box, but after i have no idea how to make it work
14:46.59[TK]D-FenderM_at: How big is your legacy system?
14:48.26mrc527did anyone have expirience with H323 and Asterisk?
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14:52.45Dovidmrc527: read rhe book: Asteris: The future of telephony. u can get it here
14:52.47jboti guess book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
14:53.05mrc527mmm, ok, thx
14:53.33mrc527i'm trying with the support page, but...i dont find anything about my problem:D
14:54.41Dovidmrc527: there is a book there in pdf formt that u should download and read
14:54.47*** join/#asterisk xnon (n=xnon@
14:54.58Dovidit will teach you everything you need to know to get an asterisk box up and running
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14:58.12mrc527ok, thx dovid
14:58.38Dovidmrc527: here is another good resource
14:58.42jbotvoip-info is, like, the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
15:00.27mrc527ok thanks!
15:00.39mrc527i'm searching in that books now..^_^
15:00.41L-infofor a high-load, all-ip conference server running asterisk, am i okay to use ztdummy as a timing source (using a 2.6 kernel), or am i still better of with a digium/sangoma card as a timing source?
15:00.48*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekon@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
15:01.16Dovidmrc527: better to read it thru then just look at h323. u need to understand the fundimentals of asterisk
15:01.19[TK]D-FenderL-info: You intend to do any IAX2 trunked connections (not just user) or MeetMe?
15:01.31L-infoMeetMe.. no trunking
15:02.20[TK]D-FenderL-info: Well for a conference server I'd suggest you get a minimal card for timing.  just a hardwre guarantee.... safety first, right?
15:02.38*** join/#asterisk jake1932 (
15:03.33jake1932with this new firmware update my 7960 is dialing alpha instead of numeric.  anyone know how to get this back to numeric?
15:03.41L-infothats what i was thinking.. would be interested to hear of any results using the software-based timing source though.  thanks TK
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15:32.17_alex_mx_hello trying to compile trunk and i'm getting the following error...
15:32.22_alex_mx_chan_zap.c: In function `zap_send_keypad_facility_exec':
15:32.23_alex_mx_chan_zap.c:2496: warning: implicit declaration of function `pri_keypad_facility'
15:32.23_alex_mx_chan_zap.c: In function `pri_dchannel':
15:32.23_alex_mx_chan_zap.c:10070: error: structure has no member named `call'
15:32.23_alex_mx_make[1]: *** [chan_zap.o] Error 1
15:32.23_alex_mx_make: *** [channels] Error 2
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15:32.33_alex_mx_any clues?
15:33.30wunderkincompile zaptel first
15:33.37_alex_mx_i have
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15:36.32wunderkindo a make install in zaptel and make clean and install in asterisk
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15:37.46_alex_mx_make clean, ./configure, make menuselect, make linux26, make install, and make config in zaptel then make clean and install in asterisk
15:37.51mrc527is someone expert in h323 and asterisk?
15:42.13jake1932forget it - i found it
15:47.48Juggie_alex_mx_, 8 ball says update yuor libpri
15:47.48olivier___alex_mx_  and libpri ?
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15:49.19BrokenNoze_looks like the source is install! Wahoo! 2 days to do that before I found you guys!
15:49.42saftsackif i call extension 9991 with my sipphone (9991,1,Playback(on)) i can hear nothing :(
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15:50.25BrokenNoze_now getting a cc:Command not found. apparently missing a compiler?
15:51.49Juggieyou sure are
15:51.52Juggiewhat distro
15:52.16Juggieeugh ;)
15:52.49Juggieand 'whereis gcc' turns up nothing?
15:52.49MercestesWhat 8 port fxs card solutions are there out there??
15:52.55Mercestesore more than 4 ports in general?
15:52.56BrokenNoze_well I went for it coz thats what Asterisk was apparently written on
15:53.04iqGood Morning
15:53.25BrokenNoze_No i get /usr/libexec/gcc
15:53.25JuggieBrokenNoze_, 'whereis gcc' turns up nothing?
15:53.51Juggie'/usr/libexec/gcc -v'
15:54.18Juggiethats just a golder
15:54.42Juggietry, 'yum install gcc'
15:55.01saftsackfound the error. not doing answer was the fault
15:55.21BrokenNoze_Doh! assumed the command was cc - tried yum install cc
15:55.25BrokenNoze_didn't work.
15:55.35BrokenNoze_doing now cheers
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15:56.02mrc527hi all
15:56.12mrc527can someone help me?
15:56.26*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
15:56.32mrc527i'm trying to make a SIP to H323 gateway
15:56.33Juggieyour install may be short on libs too so you might run into a few more missing devlopment libs
15:57.09mrc527but i dunno how to route incoming calls from SIP to the H323 gateway....someone knows how to do it?
15:57.46*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (n=John@
15:59.03jbotrtfm is probably Read The F*cking Manual (TM). It is a suggestion to do your homework before posting a question. Sometimes used as RTFM $SPECIFIC_MANUAL to refer to a specific source of information. See also
16:01.20*** join/#asterisk Givur (
16:01.25GivurHi Everyone.
16:01.51_alex_mx_Juggie, svn updated all the packages 30 min ago, something new since then?
16:02.32Juggiedid you make; make install in the libpri dir?
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16:03.04ghenry[TK]D-Fender: Agreed with the client to roll/wipe trixbox, and just go with stock * and freepbx to get back to how we were. Phew! ;-)
16:03.11GivurI have a little problem with Asterisk 1.2.12. We do some callings to Ireland, some regions have change the regional codes from 5 to 953, this message we get when we call with a normal phone. But when I try to call the number via Asterisk we just get a 'Congestion' back without a message. Is this something what I need to configure in Asterisk to get this message, or is this a problem of my VoIP Provider?
16:04.08Juggie_alex_mx_, do cd zaptel; make clean; make install; cd ../libpri; make clean; make install; cd ../asterisk; make clean; make install
16:04.15Juggieif that doesnt work, report back.
16:07.29_alex_mx_Juggie, same error
16:08.32_alex_mx_Juggie, not that it should matter but let me wipe sources and do a fresh checkout and i'll report back
16:09.34Juggiebtw is this 1.2 or trunk your checking out
16:10.00*** join/#asterisk PhinnFort (n=josteins@unaffiliated/phinnfort)
16:12.37PhinnFortwhat are the minimum requirements for running asterisk?
16:13.29jake1932PhinnFort: there are several systems scaled to meet different needs
16:13.51PhinnFortcan i run it and make it handle my calls on a pentium 1 system?
16:13.56jake1932you can run it on a WRT (Linksys router) all the way up to huge powerful boxes
16:14.16PhinnForti think the box has about 8 megs of ram, will it swap a lot?
16:14.29_alex_mx_Juggie, 1.4
16:15.04jake1932PhinnFort: hmm, sounds pretty low powered - but I would think you could do it
16:15.06PhinnFortisk@home wanted 500mhz
16:15.14PhinnFortill try:D
16:15.24jake1932yeah - you would just do a minimal install
16:15.42PhinnFortill just throw a debian unstable on it, i think
16:15.44jake1932compile a slim distro and just plain asterisk
16:16.00PhinnFortdoes it need much space?
16:16.13JuggiePhinnFort, make sure you edit modules.conf
16:16.18Juggieand set autoload=no
16:16.23Juggieand then load only the modules you need
16:16.39PhinnFortJuggie: thank you, ive setup some slim systems before;)
16:19.18*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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16:30.30*** join/#asterisk SwedChef (n=craig@
16:30.53SwedChefgood morning all
16:31.19eonblu[ezbork indeed
16:31.21SwedChefi have customers on CenturyTel DSL in central Washington State who no longer can connect from one office to another
16:31.28eonblu[ezmy asterisk is borked
16:31.30SwedChefis anyone else noticing a problem like this with CT?
16:31.32*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
16:34.07*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (n=viki@
16:34.13skirmishahello guys
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16:34.42Invertedif you have an audio file is there a good day to determine how long it is in seconds?
16:34.44skirmishahave little issue with asterisk send/recive msg command
16:35.07skirmishahow can i configure asterisk to accept text msgs and send them to the proper phone
16:36.21Juggieasterisk doesnt support sip instant messaging
16:36.56*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
16:36.58skirmishait does
16:37.38skirmishaat least i can send text msg , but the problem is with reciveing
16:37.53Juggiei asssure you, it dos not
16:38.36skirmishau mean it can not recive, it just send right?
16:38.49Juggieyour sent message doesnt go anywhere
16:38.54Juggielook @ your asterisk console
16:39.10skirmishawell i have made couple of tests and sending is working
16:39.16skirmishai use SendText
16:39.27*** join/#asterisk MattB2 (
16:39.45skirmishathat's send text msg in the open sip channel
16:40.05Juggiethats different then sip messaging between phones/sip devices
16:40.07skirmishabut the problem is when phone send that mesg how should i route it
16:40.16MattB2hi all... quick question. do you know of any providers that can give me a DID to SIP/IAX that I can get paid for? ie the provider pays me for the number of seconds used on that call
16:40.31Juggiewhat dont you understand
16:40.36Juggieasterisk does not support sip messaging
16:40.37MattB2in UK there are premium rate numbers, is there a similar thing in the US?
16:41.03Juggieyes, 1-900 numbers.
16:41.13skirmishaJuggie just to confirm
16:41.30skirmishai can not send sip msg between sip phones
16:41.32MattB2anyone know a 1-900 provider that terminates in sip/iax?
16:41.36Juggieskirmisha, no.
16:41.52Juggienot without a patch. its not supported natively within asterisk.
16:42.01Juggiei'm going to lunch, bbl.
16:43.13*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
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16:44.47Dovidhello all
16:50.45mavioroh..forgot before : hi everybody
16:51.02mavior'cause it's my first attemp here ;)
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16:59.21eonblu[ezwhen i transfer a call to another extension, sometimes outgoing audio does not work (i can hear the other side, but they cannot hear me)
16:59.26eonblu[ezwe are using cisco phones w/ sip
16:59.28eonblu[ezany ideas?
16:59.58audialhello ! i have a trouble with setting * on my gentoo box. i get the required h323 libz installed. than i got the * from svn [1.4 ] and configure with option --with-h323. After that I 'make opt' at channels/h323 directory - the error occured.... In file included from <command line>:11:../../include/asterisk/autoconfig.h:7:32: asterisk/buildopts.h: No such file or directory
17:00.26Dovideonblu[ez: are u using NAT at all ?
17:06.41eonblu[ezDovid -- the phones are behind nat
17:06.51eonblu[ezthe phone system is exposed to the world
17:07.12eonblu[ezhas ext ip
17:07.13eonblu[ezfor now
17:10.04*** join/#asterisk noky (n=noky@
17:11.00nokyi have a sip channel,.. with a 'default' context... in my extensions.conf i have the default context with only a extension 's'
17:11.07nokymust be match here ?
17:11.11nokyin 's' extension?
17:11.20RoyKtry _X.,1,
17:11.23nokybecause asterisk answer with a 404 Not Found (SipMessage)
17:11.25RoyKs doesn't match much
17:11.41[TK]D-FenderRoyK: Matches "s" perfectly!
17:11.44nokyyes, it's match, but.. why doesn't match with 's' extension?
17:12.02RoyKnoky: do you dial 's'?
17:12.06Qwell[]because s isn't a catchall
17:12.08[TK]D-Fendernoky: You clearly haven't read what "s" is for in the first place.
17:12.12noky[TK]D-Fender: hi
17:12.19[TK]D-FenderRoyK: Care to do the honours?
17:12.48nokyyes.. but it doesn't match with my sip channel, and if i try with "_X." extension .. it matchs ok..
17:12.52RoyK[TK]D-Fender: what?
17:13.03nokyand for example with my oh323 channel matchs ok with the 's' extension
17:13.11[TK]D-FenderRoyK: This is a typical time to see you......
17:13.11nokyand i'm confused
17:13.18jboti guess rtfm is Read The F*cking Manual (TM). It is a suggestion to do your homework before posting a question. Sometimes used as RTFM $SPECIFIC_MANUAL to refer to a specific source of information. See also
17:13.25jbotsomebody said docs was Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
17:13.27jbotit has been said that book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
17:13.30[TK]D-FenderRoyK: EXACTLY!
17:14.11[TK]D-Fendernoky: Because either H.323 doesn't dial direct extens like SIP does, or that * told the other side to dial "s"
17:21.37*** join/#asterisk Lucky-- (
17:22.03Lucky--any asterisk users that can recommend a good, cost-effective ATA adapter that will allow me to connect a dial-up timeclock to it, as well as provide for redundancy in case the inet goes down as a trunk
17:25.38[TK]D-FenderLucky--: ATA + any modem-like device = trouble
17:25.51*** join/#asterisk orangey (
17:25.57orangeyhey all!
17:25.59[TK]D-FenderLucky--: And thinking of running it over the internet = near suicide
17:26.27orangeyI have a friend who recently became handicapped, and I'm trying to get him using a telephone via a laptop computer.
17:26.32jake1932indeed - I'm a lucky survivor
17:26.50audialwhen i configure * i set --with-h323 flag, but get this lines in the output at the end of configuring: 1) checking h323.h usability... no 2) checking h323.h presence... no 3) checking for h323.h... no What does it mean?
17:27.03orangeyI want to make it so that he can talk on the phone via the modem jack of the laptop.
17:27.05orangeyany chance of that?
17:27.21Qwell[]orangey: no
17:27.29jake1932the modem jack is an FXO
17:27.41jake1932is expecting to talk to a CO
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17:28.10orangeyQwell[]: any idea where I should be looking?
17:28.17Lucky--[TK]D-Fender: what would you suggest? the timeclock deal is for maybe 1-2 uses until we finish implementing a completely different solution that gets rid of the damn timeclock, but for redundancy what would you suggest, also any good links to getting asterisk/amp to send + receive faxes properly?
17:28.46jake1932orangey: an ip phone - possibly
17:28.52jbotamp is, like, NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
17:29.05orangeyjake1932: the issue is that at his current center, he has no internet access at all.
17:29.11[TK]D-FenderLucky--: And as for faxes.  Use an analog line temporarily or just crossyour fingers and pray
17:29.47orangeyjake1932: Does that mean 'a plug in a wall'?
17:29.52Lucky--So how should i provide for 1 line redundancy to the PSTN in case the internet goes out? what would you recommend?
17:29.53orangeyor 'the modem jack in the laptop'?
17:30.20*** join/#asterisk aptura (
17:31.00jake1932in other words, let's just say you could plug a phone into the laptop, how would the calls from said phone get anywhere?
17:31.12jake1932(with no internet access)
17:31.29orangeyoh. there is a telephone line going to his room.
17:31.40orangeyWhat I was hoping was not to give him a telephone headset.
17:31.51orangeybut instead to use his computer as the telephone headset (softphone)
17:32.05jake1932that's crazy man
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17:32.26orangeyQwell[]: he's paralyzed. he has a phone with ridiculously small buttons in his room, and no use of his hands.
17:32.34[TK]D-FenderLucky--: SPA-3102 to provide redundancy to *.  Plug a big splitter at your demarc and use it for the SPA, your time-clock, and any other sensitive gear.  Faxes are best left off your system on dedicated lines.
17:32.49orangeybut he can move his arm around, so we stuck a tablet pen in there, and he can now 'mouse' with the tablet.
17:33.07Qwell[]Why not just get him a new phone?
17:33.08orangeyso he can 'pick up' a telephone if it rings so long as all it takes is some clicks on his screen.
17:33.20orangeyQwell[]: yep. we're definitely looking at that.
17:33.29jake1932that's not a soft phone per say
17:33.30orangeyQwell[]: but by far the simplest solution would be if he could talk over his modem.
17:33.33Qwell[]just get a good accessable speakerphone
17:33.40Qwell[]erm, I misspelled the hell out of that
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17:33.46jake1932get him a headest and have the computer p/u and dial
17:34.03jake1932(a regular analog headset)
17:34.07jake1932pick up
17:34.16orangeyoh.. yeah, we want to do that.
17:34.19orangeythat would be more than sufficient.
17:34.23apturacan he put on the headset?
17:34.44jake1932like what MS Outlook does - or some sort of handicap accessible app
17:34.58orangeyaptura: no. But he doesn't mind wearing headsets for a long period - he already does to manage his music listening and movie watching.
17:35.19jake1932in other words, only use the computer for dialing, and have the headset on him already
17:35.55apturaanother option is a blue tooth ear set. I dont know the batter length of those but that is another option.
17:36.29orangeyjake1932: right.
17:36.31jake1932only the battery would die and he'd be SOL
17:36.40jake1932(regarding the BT headset)
17:36.42apturayea that is a issue then.
17:36.55orangeyin windows, it's reasonably easy to find 'telephone dialers' that also double as speakerphones and the like.
17:37.13jake1932orangey: yeah - just don't say softphone :o)
17:37.29jake1932it's a voicemodem essentally with a good app
17:37.31findlayif I connect to a running server with `asterisk -r` how do I detatch from it?
17:37.38orangeyLinuxfono1 - Linuxfono is a small program (with a XForms interface) that allows you to use your modem as a speakerphone, provided that your modem has voice support. You can plug a microphone and a speaker to the modem and talk.
17:37.55orangeyhmm. sounds ideal.
17:38.07jake1932yeah - that sounds good
17:38.43audialmake: *** [ast_h323.o] ïÛÉÂËÁ 1
17:39.12audialwhat is the right way to install the * with h323 support?
17:40.24*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
17:40.38audiali can't get the 1.4 installed. i get the error without any information during compilation. =(
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17:41.03orangeylord! all these phone softwares for linux are from the mid 90s.
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17:41.39sb_mxorangey, you could try x-lite. if im not mistaken wine supports the windows version
17:42.22jake1932x-lite is a softphone
17:43.11DrAk0where i can find the best documentation for start with asterisk, from scratch
17:43.14sb_mxyeah, my bad. didnt scroll up to read everything :S imma shut up now
17:43.34jbothmm... docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
17:43.48jake1932there's so much out there that works
17:43.57jake1932(or that's close enough)
17:44.16*** join/#asterisk audial (n=root@
17:44.42DrAk0is there too much limitation running Asterisk on FreeBSD vs running it on Linux?
17:46.11mogasterisk is primarily developed on linux it should however work fine on freebsd
17:47.13eonblu[ezlinux in a stripped down nature is probably just as stable as freebsd, unless you need to use that box for multipurpose bsd-specific things i would go w/ linux
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17:49.37teknoprephi all
17:49.51teknoprepanyone here succesfully setup gxp-2000's with intercom before ?
17:50.16[TK]D-FenderDrAk0: ...
17:50.20jbotsomebody said book was a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
17:56.02*** join/#asterisk oliviert (n=oliviert@
17:56.39olivierthi guys
17:57.06eonblu[ezhola ponchito
17:57.35eonblu[ezmi ponchito pequeno
17:57.38oliviertlet's say i do have 2 incoming line, i wanna know that there's a second incoming call while i'm online on the first one, what module or which config should i need/set ?
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17:58.13oliviertand then be able on the phone to put the first one on hold, and take the 2nd line and vice versa
17:58.45olivierti did try the queue module, but it does not give me any alert when there's a second line ringing
17:59.10oliviertit place the call on queue, and when i finish the 1st call, the second then ring me
17:59.34oliviertbut i even don't know that they were a 2nd call in the queue
18:00.06oliviertany idea about the config to set up or the module to use, perharps a kind of dial plan config. i don't know
18:00.33*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (n=Justin@
18:03.51[TK]D-Fenderoliviert: Ok, lets start over a little bit.  Describe these 2 lines.  Then tell us what kind of phone you are using.
18:06.21oliviert[TK]D-Fender: the 2 lines are zaptel (analog lines)
18:06.30oliviertthe phones are thomson ST 2030
18:06.36oliviert2 phones
18:06.53olivierti did test queue and ring group module
18:07.02oliviertthey are working fine
18:07.17oliviertbut i missed the feature that i explain above
18:07.51oliviertin reality there's 4 zaptel lines
18:07.53[TK]D-Fenderoliviert: Well I guess you should be able to simply send it another call it it should either give you a call-waiting style beep, flash another line kety or something like that.
18:08.23oliviertyes, in fact is what i need
18:08.23*** join/#asterisk toxap (i=toxap@
18:08.27[TK]D-Fenderoliviert: Analog call -waiting and * do not mix.  So forget the idea that you can count those as 4 lines instead of 2.
18:08.49[TK]D-Fenderoliviert: The rest is up to your phone config and there is nothing to be done in *.
18:09.11oliviertwell is one phone number and 4 lines grouped under it, and all are analog
18:09.11[TK]D-Fenderoliviert: If your phone is set up to accept multiple simultaneous calls then you can just ring it whenever you want and all is good.
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18:09.35oliviertok, then you think that i missed something in the phone config
18:09.39[TK]D-Fenderoliviert: AH, so 4 independant copper pairs with a hunt group associated with it?
18:09.54[TK]D-Fenderoliviert: Yes, if its to be fixed, thats where
18:10.11[TK]D-Fenderoliviert: Then youi lines are fine.  I take it you have a TDM04B or A200?
18:10.26oliviertok, and with X-lite, i do have the same problem, no simultaneous call
18:10.35oliviertis there also something to config on it ?
18:10.50[TK]D-Fenderoliviert: show me your dialplan.
18:11.06DrAk0ive been having a lot of problem with akiga... is there other nice linux client?
18:11.38oliviertwell, the dialplan is a maze, due to the fact that i did use trixbox and freepbx at the beginning to set up the server faster, but while now i'm hacking in the conf file...
18:12.12oliviertbut i could paste it anyway, but it's not so trivial, there's a bunch of default routine
18:12.26[TK]D-Fenderoliviert: Tell you what.  paste it up and we'll see from there
18:12.45[TK]D-FenderDrAk0: linphone, kphone are supposedly ok.
18:13.07teknoprepany how-to on setup of gxp-2000's and Intercom ?
18:13.33teknoprepi have read ... not so well written
18:14.24*** join/#asterisk pifiu (n=someone@
18:14.27olivierthere is the extensions.conf, i'll paste the additional
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18:15.30tdonahuehi all
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18:16.26oliviert extensions-additional
18:16.50oliviertthe extenstions number that are active are 101 to 104
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18:19.58[TK]D-Fenderoliviert: Ok, now place a call to that phone, then attempt a 2nd while its on the first call.  Pastebin the CLI output of the ENTIRE call.
18:21.52*** join/#asterisk oej_ (
18:22.13aptura[TK]D-Fender a day ago could not get incomming or outgoing calls on my second line but managed to fix the incomming call issue. Just not sure how to remedy the outgoing issue with the sip provider and line2
18:23.08[TK]D-Fenderaptura: I'd have to see your configs.  When I get hom in 2.5 hours I can look for you.
18:23.33*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=tili@
18:23.50apturaGood could you email me the result then?
18:24.00apturaI probebly wont be around.
18:24.05apturaAt least here.
18:25.09audialwhat is the right way to go through h323 to sip?
18:27.03audiali mean converting
18:27.32*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
18:28.11oliviertExtension 101 has call waiting disabled
18:28.14oliviert[TK]D-Fender: ok,i did it, with debug and verbose=0, and the pb is :
18:28.16oliviertExtension 101 has call waiting disabled
18:28.34[TK]D-FenderI need verbose 10
18:28.40oliviertthen you were right, call waiting is disbled on the extension
18:28.57olivierti did it again with 10 verb and debuf
18:29.01[TK]D-Fenderoliviert: I'm not sure you can trust that statment.  I want to see it.
18:29.14*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
18:29.35blitzragewho in here was having problems with Exec() no parsing the commas correctly the other day?
18:30.00blitzrageWhat I'm doing is putting them into a variable escaped, then just passing the variable to Exec()
18:31.21oliviertouf the output is too big, and scrolling too fast, i lost the beginning of the log output; is there a way under CLI to send it to a file ?
18:31.45aptura[TK]D-Fender msg you the config info?
18:31.48blitzrageoliviert: asterisk -rvvv | tee /tmp/mylogfile.txt
18:32.14*** join/#asterisk psfax (n=GusTavo2@
18:32.20psfaxhola... alguien que me pueda ayudar ?
18:33.35[TK]D-Fenderaptura: You can e-mail them or send me root
18:35.52apturapsfax, hola. no ask..ask justos la pregunta. No hablo español y la mayoría de la otra gente aquí no habla español en lugar de otro que estoy utilizando un Web site que pueda traducir su español al inglés. Http:// goto y entonces hacen su pregunta en inglés.
18:36.20aptura[TK]D-Fender email them?
18:36.29apturaWho is them
18:37.03psfaxi've a problem with tdm2400p analog... when I make one llamda telefonica through the PSTN and a person takes care of this call... this does not listen to but I to me if and after seconds the call is cut single
18:37.39*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (n=Justin@
18:38.42psfaxwhen i make a call phone to PSTN and an other person takes this call ... this person can't listen to me... but i yes listen to hem
18:39.06psfaxand... later of a time... the call is hangup with de asterisk
18:39.16psfax<psfax> -
18:39.41*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
18:40.07apturaNo exhiba su cli hecho salir aquí. Póngalo en
18:40.10oliviertthe log
18:40.44psfaxaptura you understend me ? i'm sorry but my english is very poor :(
18:41.16apturait makes enough sence. Unfortunaly I need to go but it sounds as if your having NAT issues.
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18:42.57psfaxand... when a person call me to a sip internal from pstn i can listen and hem can listen to me perfect
18:43.09psfaxthe problem is when i open the channel
18:44.13psfaxthe asterisk or the hardware not detect when the call is takes care
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19:15.02sp0n9e-is there any way to easily remove all the sangoma driver modules and asterisk modules so i can just have a "do-over"? i upgraded my kernel and wanrouter broke
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19:18.40gambolputtyHi.  When I make an outgoing SIP URL call with *, I can transfer and hold with no problems, but when I get an incoming SIP URL call, any transfer or hold attempts drop the call.  Any ideas on how to fix this?
19:21.22*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|work (n=Linux@
19:21.50Dr-Linux|workhi all
19:22.54Dr-Linux|workcan we send/recieve SMS's on PRI T1 ?
19:31.46jo3sm1thHi!!  I have a project: I dont have my own PBX and all I need is one simple Direct Inward Dial telephone# that will go to a menu (with recordings I already have saying Press 1 for Sales, Press 2 for Customer Service, etc... and all those extensions will ring to 2 or more different cellular phone#'s can anyone do this or recommend a service
19:32.34*** join/#asterisk h3x0r (
19:34.54Seceshgambolputty: For your inbound call options, do you have "t" (lowercase)
19:35.23gambolputtydon't think so
19:35.39gambolputtyI only want my phones to be able to transfer calls, not the inbound caller
19:36.35gambolputtyin turn, that t option looks like it is for analog phones only
19:36.47SeceshRight, well, usage of T vs t refers to Caller vs callee (respectivly) -- so when you receive a call, you need t, while when you place a call, you need T
19:37.08gambolputtymy SIP phones already have transfer and hold buttons and functions
19:37.37gambolputtythe use of the t feature would put transfer functions on one of the 12 standard keypad keys
19:37.39Seceshright, well, you need to include these options in your "extensions.conf" file
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19:40.28gambolputtyIt does no good at all, an incoming SIP URL still gets hung up with I put the call on hold with that "t" option in the dial command.
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19:41.11psfaxsome body can helpme... i have a problem with tdm2400p analog... when i make a phone call to pstn phone a person take care this call and not listen to me... and later of a time the asterisk hangup de call and send to mi cli this message
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19:43.04BlackthornHello, just decided to update asterisk from to and trying to comple I get an eror :chan_zap.c:9026: error: structure has no member named `call'          make[1]: *** [chan_zap.o] Error 1  Do you have any suggestions on what I have done wrong?
19:43.41Qwell[]Blackthorn: upgrade zaptel?
19:43.56Qwell[]it was either zaptel or libpri...I'm thinking libpri
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19:45.14Blackthornjust did that as well before the asterisk compile. thats what i had been thinking as well. how do i verify the version of libpri and zaptel btw? just to make sure they did upgrade.
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20:04.37Blackthornhow do you verify the version of zaptel and libpri that is running on the system?
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20:06.46teknoprepis it possible for Parking Calls BLF ?
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20:06.54teknoprepis there a patch for 1.2 ?
20:06.55thestori'm trying out trixbox in vmware, i ran netconfig, but it won't save any of the information, if i run netconfig again all the fields are empty, what's going on?
20:07.12teknoprepthestor please join #freepbx for trixbox related questions
20:07.21thestorkk, my bad
20:14.41dlynes_laptopteknoprep: yeah, do a search on was a patch called metermaid that was committed back in May or something that handled that, and then a new and improved patch called metermaid2 in July or something
20:15.44dlynes_laptopBlackthorn: use the strings should be able to extract some strings from both files that'll give you some idea as to what version it is
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20:18.00teknoprepdlynes_laptop, i was looking at that.. how would i install it... there are no install instructions
20:18.36dlynes_laptopteknoprep: it's a patch it against the version of the source code it's written for, or you can look at the diff file, and apply the diff, manually
20:18.50dlynes_laptopteknoprep: type 'man patch' for more information on patching
20:19.03teknoprepwould the diff patch require a remake of asterisk ?
20:19.09dlynes_laptopteknoprep: of course
20:19.40dlynes_laptopIt's not a new module
20:19.40dlynes_laptopit's just patching the existing modules
20:21.33teknoprepdlynes_laptop, i found instructions.. only thing i can't find is the metermaid-
20:21.54dlynes_laptopteknoprep: look through the bug report
20:22.02dlynes_laptopteknoprep: it'll be a downloadable link in one of the messages
20:22.15teknoprepis there a search on that site ?
20:22.23teknoprepi only see a jump and it gives me an error if i search it
20:22.28dlynes_laptopteknoprep: well, you've already got the bug report up, right?
20:22.44dlynes_laptopi.e. the one that mentions metermaid-
20:22.50teknoprepoh no
20:22.52teknoprepcan't find it
20:23.07dlynes_laptopthen how'd you know what the filename was?
20:23.29teknoprepi found an install how-to
20:23.40teknoprepbut the only thing it didn't give me was a link
20:26.00dlynes_laptoperm wait
20:26.02dlynes_laptopthat's not it
20:26.05teknoprepi found it
20:26.11Blackthorndlynes.. thankk you for your reply.. but i just don't know what you mean by using the string command
20:26.21dlynes_laptopBlackthorn: 'strings' command
20:26.29dlynes_laptopBlackthorn: it's a linux/unix command line program
20:26.40dlynes_laptopBlackthorn: it dumps all ascii strings from a binary file
20:28.06Blackthornumm. i understnd what strings is now. i'm assuming i should strings filename. and that file name would be the location of libpri and zaptel files
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20:28.34dlynes_laptopBlackthorn: like strings /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc/zaptel.ko
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20:29.22dlynes_laptopBlackthorn: or strings /usr/lib/libpri.a
20:29.33dlynes_laptopheya mitch
20:29.45dlynes_laptoplong time, no see :)
20:30.22intralanmananyone ever had any problems with LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLER and LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE not controlling the limit sound on a dial?
20:32.03dlynes_laptopteknoprep: grab oej's test-this-branch
20:32.12dlynes_laptopteknoprep: the metermaid2 patch has been integrated into that branch
20:32.44teknoprepi run trixbox
20:32.59teknoprepi was just going to build asterisk for the version i am running
20:33.08teknoprepseems quite easy
20:33.24dlynes_laptopteknoprep: ah....metermaid's been merged into multiparking, so there's no separate branch for it now
20:34.03dlynes_laptopteknoprep: yeah...there used to be a patch for it, but it seems to have disappeared now...i'm going to check one other could be that i've got closed reports filtered out
20:35.18teknoprepdlynes_laptop, it is
20:35.37dlynes_laptopyeah...that's the one i just found :0
20:35.46teknoprepi pasted that back a bit further
20:35.51teknoprepi had already found it
20:35.56dlynes_laptopYou see that file that you can download there, then?
20:35.59teknoprepand told you i did... sorry i didn't indicate your name
20:36.11teknoprepscroll up a bit
20:36.16teknoprepyou must have missed what i said
20:36.50teknoprepits right underneath your first link you posted
20:37.00dlynes_laptopyeah...i see tha tnow
20:41.04robin_sztzafrir: so where exactly is the home of you rapid distro stuff? is the xorcom 1.1 stuff the latest release?
20:41.09dlynes_laptopbtw, has anyone encountered really crappy voice quality using sipura 2000's hooked up to analog phones, going over cable internet to a pri?
20:41.52robin_szdlynes_laptop: my sipura 2102 has tx audio that sounds like it has 50Hz hum all over it.
20:42.14dlynes_laptopno idea what 50Hz hum sounds like, but...
20:42.15robin_szand a configuration system more complicated than the space shuttle
20:42.31dlynes_laptopi'm guessing it sounds similar to 60Hz hum, though
20:42.45robin_szlike that, but slower
20:43.07robin_szI think the SIP packet rate is 20ms, so its probably an encoding thing
20:43.29dlynes_laptopyeah, for me it sounds like shizzit, no matter what codec i'm using
20:43.34robin_szoverall, the Sipura ATA has been disappointing
20:43.43dlynes_laptopI thought it was just me
20:43.50robin_sznearly as bad as my grandstream GXP2000
20:43.50dlynes_laptopEveryone else seems to rave about them
20:44.03dlynes_laptopthe grandstream bt-102 is a huge pos, too
20:44.15dlynes_laptopwell, for what you pay for it, i guess it's pretty good
20:44.19dlynes_laptopbut the volume is quite low on it
20:44.34robin_szthe Sip ATA is way WAY too overcomplicated for someting ttrying to connect a simple phone to a sip connection
20:44.41*** part/#asterisk hrmmm (
20:45.23dlynes_laptoprobin_sz: well, besides...we've had countless hardware problems with the sipuras
20:45.36robin_szand it it fails to register on the first call, and you get a 'not authorised' error, but second call is fine
20:45.48robin_szsad isnt it
20:45.53aydiosmiorobin_sz: your speech is way too overredundant
20:46.16dlynes_laptoprobin_sz: everything from a loud screech on it that never goes away to it not being able to grab dynamic ip addresses to it not registering on the 2nd channel to ...
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20:46.44robin_szdlynes_laptop: sounds similar. I think I am am magnet for shitty VOIP hardware :(
20:46.53dlynes_laptopsame here :p
20:47.07dlynes_laptopmy boss bought 100 pcs of this one crappy voip phone
20:47.15dlynes_laptopI've still got 60 pcs i'm trying to unload
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20:47.33robin_szdlynes_laptop: I have a few GXP2000s, some Zyxel WiFi phones .. and now this Sipura ATA
20:47.48Blackthorni've deployed spa-2000 and they have good sounds and no 60Hz noise. This batch of spa-2102 has good sound if you ignor the 60hz humm. Friend said it was because they were using cheap powersupplies.
20:48.14robin_szBlackthorn: nah, its not from the PSU
20:48.57dlynes_laptopI frankly don't know how yate, freeswitch, bayonne, et al depend on sipura units
20:49.30robin_szBlackthorn: got a working config file for asterisk and a 2102?
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20:50.11Blackthorni didn't have to do anyting special to get the 2102 to work. just normal sip.conf files no change from spa-2000
20:50.30robin_szBlackthorn: min fails to notice asterisk has closed the call, fails to notify asterisk the phone has gone on hook, sounds carp, fails to register correctly first time out
20:50.58Blackthornthat is if your using ulaw. havn't goten it to work with anything but that yet. which is why I just got the g729 codec's and going to try to install those tommorw.
20:51.21robin_szBlackthorn: I think mine is still confused about working just on an internal network ... it seems to think it wants to be a router too
20:51.35Blackthornoh yEA!
20:51.41robin_szobviously, we have nothing connected to the PC port on it
20:51.57robin_szjust the "internet" port
20:52.16Blackthorni never could get it to work from the ethernet port. I got it to work by connection the spa to a computer, setting the wan to dhcp, turning on the web interface on port 8080.  then pluging wan into the hub.
20:52.36robin_szthats what we did
20:52.36Blackthornand removing the ethernet side.
20:52.49robin_szpoxy thing
20:53.13Blackthornthe instructions say "never connect the wan port to a switch/hub" but I never could get the ethernet side to connect to anything but a PC (even with cross-over cables)
20:53.54robin_szours seems to occasionally respond as a DHCP server on the WAN side, completely buggering up the real DHCP server
20:54.06Blackthornyes you have to turn that off
20:54.24robin_szwe've ip boxed it for now
20:55.02robin_szie, put it in a cardboard box until it learns to play nicely on the network
20:55.06Blackthornhook your pc to ethernet, set your wan to dhcp (should be by default) turn off the dhcp server, turn on the web monitoring port. set your * ip, username, password. save. unplug unit. plug ethercable via wan to switch and it will come up.
20:55.50dlynes_laptopanyways...gotta run
20:56.05robin_szi tink I didnt tunr off the DHCP server ... but even so, it should only respond the on the PC side
20:56.13Blackthornme too, gota meetting across down in 30 minutes.
20:56.23robin_szit shouldnt leak out onto the wan side ...
20:56.26robin_szok, cya
20:57.05robin_szfoollishly, we bought another ATA186 today as we had one of those already that works perfectly ...
20:57.14robin_szanother mistake.
20:57.47robin_szthe first one was configured for SIP. this one seems to be configured for SCCP
20:58.25benjkthey do SS7 now on those ATAs?
20:59.17benjkSignaling Connection Control Part
20:59.38robin_szit seems it has to correctly register over SCCp before you can switch it over to SIP
20:59.51benjkdifferent from Cisco's Skinny Client Control Protocol, though
20:59.57benjkI was just pulling your leg
21:00.35robin_szso, overall today was another day of voip hell :)
21:01.15schirpichas my russian asterisk friend says, "asterisk,,, good!   dialplan... not so good"
21:01.35robin_szweird ...
21:01.45robin_szafter all, you write the dialplan yourself
21:02.11schirpichpebcak :)
21:02.27robin_szoh and .. thats another weird ting .. this Sipura SPA2102 has a in built dialplan .. like whats that all about, ...
21:02.48benjkits a very primitive dialplan
21:02.58robin_szundocumented really too. it has "heres the dialplan string useful in the USA" .. and you are supposed to work the syntax out all by youself after that
21:03.04*** part/#asterisk jmls (
21:03.15robin_szwhat I want is this:
21:03.17benjkyou need to download the user manuad PDF
21:03.23robin_szoh I did ...
21:03.30robin_szwhat I want is this:
21:03.42robin_szI dial digits, you pass them to *
21:03.47robin_szseems reasonable to me.
21:04.56robin_szanyway, while it still has an audio buzz louder than the voice .. its not a lot of use really
21:05.14robin_szsorry, whining over.
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21:12.22[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: X.T|*.T|#.T
21:12.39*** join/#asterisk Jamez^7 (
21:12.50[TK]D-Fenderrobin_sz: Thats the "STFU and take whatever I feel like giving you" dialplan
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21:33.03GivemeloveHey there
21:33.06Givemelovequick question
21:33.22Givemeloveis there a way to override the callerID at the zaptel/zapata level?
21:33.32maviorPeople,can anyone report successful installation of astlinux on ,say pentium 1 minor to 166Mhz , and can report the quality of the service, or it's better trying to do a fresh and minimal installation of debian with only the things needed like reported here ?
21:33.37Givemeloveand not use the Set(CallerID)
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21:37.08Corydon-wYikes, 166MHz?
21:37.39Corydon-wYou might be able to do 1 or 2 on that, with minor transcoding
21:37.51MugglWhen I pick up an ISDN phone and dial out, is Asterisk able to convert it internally to IP and dial out as a VOIP call or does ISDN calls stay ISDN calls ?
21:37.58maviori have one old pentium 1 150 Mhz , 16mb ram and 1.2 gb hdd
21:38.26maviorin my garage and an expensive phone bill :)
21:38.39Corydon-wSorry, that's not even enough RAM
21:38.55maviorhow much at least?
21:39.03Corydon-wYou might manage with 96, but I wouldn't generally try with less than 128
21:40.00Corydon-wNone of the modern installers will even load without at least 64MB RAM
21:40.22maviori only need to manage out 2/3 phone lines and i guess it will never or likely never need a concurrent lines situation
21:40.34Givemelovestill mavior
21:40.50Givemelovethis is not enough to handle the linux system and the asterisk platform
21:41.14Corydon-wI've run a 200 MMX for 24 channels with no transcoding, but I'm sure you'll want some transcoding
21:41.19Pj_gentoo !
21:41.23maviormmhhh...but seems that for example a text debian installation it's possible on oldest machines
21:41.35Pj_mavior: just try it
21:41.35Corydon-wand that 200 MMX was doing hardly any call processing either
21:41.37Pj_it's free
21:42.24maviorCorydon: i'm pretty new to asterisk so i don't know the different w or w/o transcoding
21:42.47maviorpj , do you think debian it's not enough ?
21:43.13Pj_I think that it won't work
21:43.18Pj_but you won't know till you try
21:43.32Pj_and I think if it doesn't work you might want to try a super optimized gentoo system
21:43.43Pj_which will probably takes you ages to set up if you never did it
21:43.57Pj_and will be only slightly faster anyway
21:44.01maviorseems someone here in the chan was yet successful
21:45.24Pj_why don't you just try it ?
21:45.32Pj_it will take you a couple hour
21:46.10maviorcause at the moment i can't....i'm not at home , so just for give myself an idea and hear other experiences....
21:47.02mavior...and to know someone's experience on the reliability and quality of the service with this minimal hardware
21:47.28maviorjust to know if i will have to buy some ram or proc...
21:47.29Corydon-wI'm running a single channel system on a 233 with 128MB RAM
21:47.53Corydon-wand that's fine
21:48.04mavioronly one line?
21:48.16Corydon-wIt's my home answering machine
21:49.13maviormmhh..what's the software on the machine?
21:49.23maviori mean the OS
21:49.58mavioranyone tried astlinux ?
21:51.05mavioror can report some infos about the quality of it?
21:51.43L|NUXwhen i try to load rxfax module
21:51.47L|NUXi got this error
21:51.47L|NUXOct 12 16:31:43 WARNING[27903]: loader.c:325 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: t30_get_far_ident
21:51.53L|NUXits for txfax
21:51.56L|NUXbut same for rxfax
21:51.57L|NUXwhat to do
21:52.24Corydon-wL|NUX: did you install the version of spandsp that comes with it?
21:52.27MugglSorry guys, I've got a question regarding ISDN phones.. Can I use an ISDN phone with Asterisk to place a VOIP call? Or do I have to get myself an IP phone?
21:53.00Corydon-wMuggl: you'll need something to interface that phone into the Asterisk system
21:53.48MugglCorydon-w:  ok, will an ISDN card with Netcologne chipset do it?
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21:54.03L|NUXCorydon-w : yup
21:54.28Corydon-wL|NUX: best bet is to ask the maintainer
21:55.01Corydon-wMuggl: it's really a question of whether it will work with misdn in the kernel
21:57.17MugglCorydon-w:  ok, my problem is that I have dozens of ISDN phones and I want to setup VOIP without having to buy dozens of new VOIP capable IP phones but just keep the ISDN phones. And I don't know if this can be realized as I'm totally new to Asterisk and a bit confused...
21:59.37MugglCorydon-w:  so at the end it is no problem getting an expensive Digium PRI card if Asterisk will save me bucks on IP phones and let me keep my ISDN phones..
22:00.45Corydon-wMuggl: unfortunately, I know very little about euroisdn cards, so I can't help you with that.
22:00.51teknoprepOct 12 18:00:02 VERBOSE[8305] logger.c:  []Oct 12 18:00:02 WARNING[8305] loader.c: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_jb_configure
22:00.51teknoprep<teknoprep> Oct 12 18:00:02 WARNING[8305] loader.c: Loading module failed!
22:00.56teknoprepi don't need zap... what should i do ?
22:00.59Corydon-wI know enough to guide you towards misdn, and that's it
22:01.04teknoprepi tryed removing that didn't work
22:01.09teknoprepoh its sip now ?
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22:02.18teknoprepanyone ?
22:02.31robin_szMuggl: technically, yes its possible ... ther are a few articles out there on connecting ISDN cards to phones ...
22:02.46Corydon-wteknoprep: what version?
22:02.49Mugglok, no problem.. May be any other of the 274 folks knows if Asterisk can convert a call that is placed by an ISDN phone to a VOIP call in realtime?
22:03.07robin_szof course it can
22:03.26aydiosmiothis isn't My First PBX(TM)
22:03.36robin_szyour problem will be connectiong the phones to the boxen
22:03.42teknoprepCorydon-w, i just rebuilt asterisk doing a make ; make bininstall
22:03.43Mugglrobin-sz: ok, great.. thats what I need to know..
22:03.44Corydon-wteknoprep: sounds like you're running modules from 1.4 with a 1.2 asterisk binary
22:03.54robin_szMuggl: how many phones do you have?
22:04.14robin_szroughly ...
22:04.15Mugglrobin-sz: about 35, currently connected to a Siemens pbx
22:04.19teknoprepcorydon-w that doesn't make any sense
22:04.20robin_szright ..
22:04.37Corydon-wteknoprep: rm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk/modules, then redo your 'make install'
22:04.51robin_szMuggl: and looking on your server, would you say it has more or less than 35 available PCI slots?
22:05.08teknoprepCorydon-w, will that overwrite my /etc/asterisk config files ?
22:05.13Corydon-wteknoprep: no
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22:05.47Mugglrobin-sz: I thought I could get 2 Digium PRI cards which can handle up to 32 isdn lines
22:06.32robin_szMuggl: and split it out to 35 BRI ports how exactly?
22:07.19robin_szor does it already appear as PRI from some egneric Siemens gear?
22:08.40robin_szwhatever, I've seen articles where people have succesfully connected a Siemens ISDN phone to a asterisk box using a HCF based ISDN card ...
22:09.24Mugglrobin-sz: yes, I know about HCF cards.. and the siemens pbx should remain between the telco pri asterisk
22:09.49robin_szeugh. nasty
22:10.00robin_szwhy would you want to do that?
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22:10.25robin_szis this for business use?
22:10.33teknoprepall i would like to say
22:10.36Mugglrobin-sz: because I'd like to keep all isdn phones and the possibility of dialing out with isdn
22:10.36teknoprepthank god for VMware
22:10.40teknopreprevert to snapshot
22:11.06robin_szyou are not thinking of routing your outbound business traffic over The Internet as VOIP to save money are you?
22:11.30Mugglrobin-sz: yep
22:11.57robin_szMuggl: Good Luck.
22:12.31robin_szbet you are back on ISDN for outgoing within the month
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22:13.23Mugglbecause of? poor quality, incompatibilty or else ?
22:13.56robin_szpoor quality, unreliabel service, poor quality, lack of reliability and poor quality. in that order.
22:14.20robin_sztry a test first with you existing hardware.
22:14.47Mugglhm, sounds that you've already tried exactly what I'm going for now - without luck ;)
22:15.41robin_szwell, we put 30 or so nice Snom phones in, to replace a ISDN Siemens system, with * ... we tried using VOIP outbound, but its crap
22:15.47robin_szwe use ISDN outbound
22:16.05robin_szwe love the * features and the Snom phones and features
22:16.14gambolputtysnom is good :)
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22:16.25robin_szbut voip over public internet does not work in any meaningful way
22:16.41Adam12Hmm. For a hardphone, I'm having a hard time deciding between an Aastra (either 480i or 9133i) or a Polycom (IP430). Anybody have a firsthand experience with either and can help me out?
22:16.52gambolputtyget a QOS guaranteed internet connection then?
22:17.07MugglI think I'll stay with ISDN then.. and re-try in 2-3 years..  sounds like voip doesnt make really sense without a leased line to the other branch offices..
22:17.20jbsolutiosHi Everyone.  I have an incoming call which ring with a UK pattern for the caller, but when they enter a queue it has a US ring pattern.  Does anyone have any suggestions please?
22:17.32jbsolutiosI am having a very dense evening :(
22:20.20teknopreprobin_sz ?
22:20.26teknopreprobin_sz, VoIP for business is very nice
22:21.04teknopreprobin_sz, i have had 0 problems with outbound over inet for Voice so far
22:22.23*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
22:23.02robin_szteknoprep: I think there are places int he US whereit can work, but in .eu, its a disaster
22:23.21diclophis-workin asterisk-addons-1.4 is export CFLAGS=-DMYSQL_LOGUNIQUEID automagically set?
22:24.03robin_szteknoprep: not helped by US voip providers launching regionally branded sub domains that look like they may actually be based in .eu, but are not.
22:25.26*** join/#asterisk mog (
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22:25.55MugglIs anyone using VOIP services over COLT ? I think they're too into it for a couple of month...
22:25.59*** join/#asterisk aao_pwner (
22:26.21robin_sznot knowing
22:26.53robin_szwe tried it in .ch with about 4 different providers .. none worhtwhile
22:27.08*** join/#asterisk TrixVox (
22:28.15robin_szwhen you try to call frnace from .ch and you hear a taiwanese error message, you know its baaaaaaad
22:29.14Mugglrobin_sz: hm.. u eventually speka german?
22:30.33TrixVoxanyone know which option sets the per-phone admin password in a polycom xml file?
22:31.31carrardid you extract sip.conf from the polycome sip source code sip file?
22:31.42carrarand the other conf files?
22:31.59carrarI haven't looked, but I assume it is in there
22:32.18carrar(not in the sip file)
22:32.18carrarbut the others
22:32.50TrixVoxi looked on the wiki, but i don't have those files... do you know if they're freely available?
22:33.39*** join/#asterisk andymul (
22:44.54diclophis-workdoes the chan_jingle driver support video?
22:44.57diclophis-worksay from ichat?
22:45.32mognot currently
22:45.36diclophis-workwhat channels do support video?
22:45.38diclophis-workis it planned?
22:45.42mogand h323
22:45.53mogchan_jingle will support jingle spec
22:46.01mogi know that ichat does not
22:46.12mogat least currently
22:50.39jbsolutiossorry to bother everyone, but does anyone if you can set the ring tone callers hear when they are in a queue please?
22:53.32*** join/#asterisk DrAk0- (n=ljd@unaffiliated/luisjose)
22:53.50DrAk0-what is better ? a spa-3000 or Sangoma FXO-2 Module ? for a home use
23:00.32*** part/#asterisk mog (
23:03.07*** part/#asterisk jarg (n=jarg@
23:07.14*** join/#asterisk DasTech (
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23:07.33DasTechI need a full dialplan for asterisk is there one out there with all the features ?
23:08.17*** join/#asterisk quid246 (
23:09.07*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
23:12.52qdkDasTech: are you high?
23:13.16quid246Hmm... what's the purpose of the
23:13.22quid246"agi_callingani2" variable in AGI?
23:17.16kronicanyone managed to get odbc -> mysql realtime queue_members working?
23:17.21kronicapparently its not possible in 1.2.12
23:19.52*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
23:21.05DasTechanyone doing a voice controled ivr with asterisk
23:21.43*** join/#asterisk Inverted (
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23:23.17Invertedif you wanted to play a file back to a caller, but speed it up by default, how could you do that?  i know there is 'control stream file' which uses * and # to slow down and speed up, but I want it to just play it fast by default
23:24.26*** join/#asterisk tuck3r (n=tuck3r@unaffiliated/tuck3r)
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23:27.18CoriantumIs it possible to add more than 24 channels in a zap group?
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23:33.58CoriantumHas anyone been able to add 4 T1s to a single zap group?
23:35.24DasTechanyone here using sphinx with asterisk for voice control
23:42.44*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
23:42.49beehivesphinx has good sound quality?
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23:50.10DasTechsphinx is voice control
23:50.18DasTechflite is the tts engine
23:51.21findlayhow do I adjust the gain on an iax channel?
23:58.59*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.