irclog2html for #asterisk on 20061009

00:00.01jimbo-how far is the final release of 1.4?
00:04.00jimbo-anyone here?
00:05.11wmandrais anyone here using broadvoice????
00:05.45fileI have enough pens to last me 2 years
00:07.00bkw__I read that as "I have enough penis to last me 2 years"
00:14.35hohumnever heard of broadvoice
00:14.38hohumheard of broadwing
00:14.41hohumheard of broadvox
00:14.44hohumnot broadvoice
00:15.02*** part/#asterisk jimbo- (
00:16.56*** join/#asterisk Cyt (n=danielcy@
00:17.14CytDoes anybody have asterisk working with lines from INX (
00:18.42*** join/#asterisk mv00 (
00:24.23hohumhow do I get rid of 407 Proxy Authorization Required messages?
00:32.49*** join/#asterisk mv00 (
00:33.42*** join/#asterisk Schulich (n=Jazba@
00:38.22KuJaXwhat ports do i need to open with iptables for asterisk incoming and outgoing?
00:39.56*** join/#asterisk re-pete (n=repete@
00:43.12*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-624ab91f9fb703e5)
00:43.49*** join/#asterisk wmandra (
00:44.10wmandrahey guys... is anyone here using Comcast for their ISP???
00:50.22CytHi, please: I'm usign in sip.conf register => . The problem is, It rings straight to the extension 101, ignoring any dialplan created in extensions.conf. What did I do wrong, please! Thank you (with other providers this works fine)
00:54.26*** join/#asterisk Ox0F0-0FF (n=pierre@
00:54.42*** join/#asterisk nvzn (
00:54.50*** join/#asterisk pabluss (n=aquicamb@
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00:59.06wmandraafternoon pabluss
00:59.45pablussgreetings from stgo asterisk server working :D
01:07.18*** join/#asterisk wmandra (
01:07.31rob0wmandra: I'm on Comcast.
01:07.33wmandraevening all
01:08.01wmandrahey rob0: were you experiencing any issues with VOIP service today??
01:08.11rbdis it possible to have sip bind to two different ports (basically I'd like to have it so that sip trunks could come in as one of two different contexts)
01:08.13rob0Didn't have any calls.
01:09.11pablusswmandra where do you from?
01:09.33rob0Noo Joisee
01:09.55wmandrathanks..... asterisk was unable to register to my provider all day, they said the last registration attempt was early this morning... after rebooting asterisk, router, etc still nothing, then i did a port scan and 5060 was blocked.... then all of a sudden about half an hour ago it started working again
01:10.11re-pete~seen jart
01:10.25jbotjart is currently on #asterisk (18h 46m 17s). Has said a total of 12 messages. Is idling for 2h 45m 9s, last said: 'they're just mad their stock is 1/20th what it used to be'.
01:10.43rob0weird!! I wouldn't put it past them to start blocking SIP.
01:10.45pablusshere Santiago of Chile
01:11.05re-petemy wife is from Santiago
01:11.27pablussopss rene?
01:11.46re-peteI've been there once for vacation and loved it.
01:12.22*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
01:12.31a1fahas anybody heard anything about sip on psp
01:13.40wmandrai actually just called broadvoice to apologize for blaming them..... i had a friend in CT do a portscan and UDP 5060 was definately blocked 45 minutes ago
01:13.53a1fawmandra : fuck broadvoice
01:14.00a1faits always their fault
01:14.42wmandrai want to dump broadvoice, but still can't figure out who is gonna be any better.... it seems all the provders suck
01:14.50rob0Are you sure the friend didn't have the blockage on his end?
01:15.03a1fabroadvoice is dirt cheap
01:15.04pablusssomebody have information about howto to connect two or more asterisk server ?
01:15.11a1famake sure you use more then 1000 minutes a month to punish them
01:15.25tzafrirpabluss, there's a page on voip-info
01:15.27wmandrayeah right, on all three of my lines
01:15.40wmandrai'm actually considering teliax right now is decent
01:16.00wmandrai'd really like to find a provider that will let me set CID for outbound
01:16.10rob0I've got Asterlink, no problems. I set CID.
01:16.10shellsharktruely unlimited outbound plan for $15/mo... hard to beat it
01:16.26shellsharkrob0: what's it cost?
01:16.35litagehow long does Digium generally take when you want to re-register a g729 license because you've added/removed/switched a NIC?
01:16.36rob0shellshark sounds possibly biased. :)
01:16.47wmandraya think :)
01:16.47shellsharkrob0: perhaps ;)
01:17.07pablussok tzafir there we go...
01:18.00rob0Asterlink extreme, 800 number, US outbound calls under 2c/Min, not sure of exact amount. $2/month fee.
01:19.10rob0I never set up my Asterlink inbound number (or did it wrong more likely) but I use IPKall and Stanaphone for inbound (free).
01:20.38wmandrai was considering didx for inbound
01:22.04shellsharkwmandra: there is also that doesnt charge you a $20 membership fee, and is owned by the same people as DIDx (Super Technologies)
01:22.26wmandraok now i'm going nuts.... does anyone happen to know the wiki page that explained the problem when you have two incoming numbers coming from the same provider * routes them to the same extension even when you have them configured to use different ones
01:22.40wmandrayeah, i saw that Web site unusable without flash :(
01:23.40shellsharkwmandra: err, [inbound] exten => _12345,1,Dial(SIP/100) exten => _12346,1,Dial(SIP/101)
01:23.49shellsharkrob0: once you login it's usable
01:24.01a1faanybody know anything about psp?
01:24.10a1faregarding voip on psp
01:24.26rob0I don't have an account, was just looking.
01:24.31wmandrashellshark: thanks... let me give that a try
01:24.34shellsharkwmandra: it's impossible for a call destined for 12346 to go to extension 100, in this case
01:24.38shellsharkwmandra: and vice versa
01:25.11*** join/#asterisk droops_mobile (
01:25.11shellsharkwmandra: most likely you have something like [inbound] exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/100)
01:25.27shellsharkwmandra: which, of course, will match everything ;-)
01:25.28*** join/#asterisk dir (n=dir@
01:26.30wmandraactually right now i have exten => 9735551212,1,Dial.... and exten => 9735551213,1,Dial....
01:26.43*** join/#asterisk linlin (
01:28.14wmandranope the _ didn't help
01:30.00shellsharkand you did an extensions reload right?
01:30.13shellsharkafter changing and saving your extensions.conf
01:30.34wmandraall the calls appear to come in the last number
01:30.54shellsharktalk to your provider about it
01:31.26*** join/#asterisk supjigatr (n=syslod@
01:31.29shellsharkyou could setup a debugging AGI at one of the exten statements to see what the DNID is
01:33.40*** part/#asterisk pabluss (n=aquicamb@
01:35.41*** join/#asterisk jo3sm1th (
01:35.53*** join/#asterisk dir (n=dir@
01:37.12jo3sm1thAny good conferencing about VOIP technology on IRC lately?
01:37.22*** join/#asterisk dovid (n=dovi5988@
01:37.41dovidmorning all
01:42.07*** join/#asterisk jtexter3 (
02:04.11wmandrashellshark: i think i figured out the problem on my icoming calls..... * only uses the /XXXXXXX in the register line to see if the incoming call is authorized, or to determine the extension to goto sometimes...... when you have multiple registrations to the same provider and use that provider for both incoming / outgoing calls when the call comes in * checks the inbound context for an extension matching the inbound number, then it lo
02:05.07shellsharkyou shouldnt have multiple register lines :P
02:05.20shellsharkyou only have to register if you're sending calls out to someone, you know
02:05.32shellsharkyou dont have to register for inbound calls, that's what you setup a peer for
02:07.23wmandraactually you have that backwards i think :P the register is waht tells the provider what IP address to route incoming calls to..... the peer entries are for outbound calls
02:08.29shellsharkregister is for outbound, peer is for inbound
02:11.07wmandraeh... either way i still need all three for outbound since each line can only handle 1 concurent call
02:11.44shellsharkwho misled you to believe that?
02:12.16wmandrawhat? one concurrent call or the register/peer thing?
02:13.32shellsharkone concurrent call
02:13.36shellsharkper register statement
02:14.46wmandrabroadvoice only allows one concurent call.... if a call comes in on XXX1 and during that call i try to dial out on that line they won't let the call through
02:17.18wmandraeither way... if i don't register one of my lines with broadvoice no calls come into * from that number and if i don't add a peer entry for a given line no calls from * can go out on that line
02:17.40shellsharkah, so by registering twice (once per account you have with them), you are able to dial out via the second register when someone calls you on the first number (taking up the one allocated channel of the first account)
02:20.17*** join/#asterisk fromvega (
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02:31.36*** join/#asterisk carmen (
02:31.40carmenis there a ncurses softphone?
02:31.52carmenor maybe even more minimall... echo stuff to a LUFS to effect the call state?
02:34.40*** join/#asterisk jake1932 (
02:35.14rob0carmen: * itself can act as a softphone.
02:36.29jake1932can someone give me any pointers to compiling cdr_shell at  I tried 'gcc cdr_shell.c -o cdr_shell'  but I get a few errors.
02:36.38carmenrob0: ah just noticed the alsa config option
02:36.58carmenekiga has serious issues. and twinkle requires qt. an afaik theres nothing else maintained
02:40.10rob0I installed * on my laptop, but it seems my sound card is too lousy. No one could hear me when I was on the phone.
02:40.43*** join/#asterisk xxoxx (n=xxoxxx@tor/regular/xxoxx)
02:41.03carmenmaybe you need the 'mic boost' option
02:41.08carmenusually adds another 20db or somethign
02:42.54tzafrirjake1932, what system? what errors? pastebin the build log
02:43.46jake1932tzafrir: it's just an older P3 system.  I'll pastebin the output.  Is the build statement correct?
02:44.56*** part/#asterisk fromvega (
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02:45.56jake1932hmm... is not responding for me
02:46.30Cytjake1932: It's really slow. I just found this one:
02:46.32tzafrirjake1932, I meant: version of astersik, OS, etc.
02:46.47jbotit has been said that pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or heh
02:47.14jake1932tnx Cyt
02:47.31jake1932I'm running
02:47.53jake1932on debian - 2.6.16
02:47.53*** join/#asterisk cvaldess (
02:48.49cvaldessany one here testing uCasterisk for Blackfin DSP??
02:50.11tzafrirasterisk.h is not found
02:50.35tzafrirdo you have asterisk-dev installed?
02:50.50jake1932nope - lemme try that
02:50.57tzafrircvaldess, I've looked at that
02:51.10tzafrirjake1932, that is: if you installed from debs
02:51.41jake1932I might have originally - it's been a while
02:51.57cvaldesstzafrir> ???
02:52.20Cytjake1932: your welcome ;)
02:52.20*** join/#asterisk Stp1800 (
02:52.25tzafrircvaldess, basically Asterisk 1.4 is quite close to building on th BF. It's a saner starting point
02:53.32cvaldesstzafrir> will buy stamp to start testing
02:54.00tzafrirThere is a BF simulator called SkyEye. I wonder how useful it is
02:57.12cvaldesstzafrir> nice tool
02:57.34BiGuRoOthey, anybody can help with rxfax application? iīve installed with sucess, but i not receive fax...
03:05.06*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
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03:09.54*** join/#asterisk SomethingISODD (
03:10.05SomethingISODDhello all question does anyone know if asterisk will support mp5
03:12.15rbdcan I use static extensions and realtime extensions (stored in mysql) at the same time, and in the same context?
03:13.33cvaldessrdb> yes
03:13.43cvaldesssome example at wiki
03:14.09cvaldessin same context no
03:14.42cvaldessdonīt know.. never test it but samples at waki
03:15.33rbdcvaldess: in my case, I'd like to be able to handle incoming SIP calls (to context sip-incoming) via realtime extensions for all but a single extension (extension 500) I know that I could put this ext in the database, but if I could just have it in as static for performance reasons that would be the best
03:16.20rbdI might be able to forward it to a context with just the static ext entry, then forward that to my realtime extensions context
03:16.39rbderr forward everything that doesn't match that static extension entry
03:17.24cvaldessThe way RealTime Extensions work is through a switch statement in the dialplan
03:23.53rbdcvaldess: yeah looking at that. thanks for the help
03:30.16CytI'm having a hard time with INX ( I have the dialplan done for it but asterisk seems to ignore this and ring directly on the extension. Could somebody take a look and give me some suggestion? THANKS!!!! (sip.conf: extensions.conf
03:34.39SomethingISODDanyone know of any Software video phones that will run on linux
03:45.58FuriousGeorgeanyone using sipphone
03:46.56FuriousGeorgemy parents use a voip offering from att which will only work with their att modem device.  its reliable as hell.  ive yet to find a service that has the same consistant quality
03:47.29FuriousGeorgethen again, since i have never had any great success with voip and *, i guess i cant say for sure whether its the provider or the server
03:47.42FuriousGeorgeusers complain especially that calling parties cant hear them
03:47.47FuriousGeorgethey "break up"
03:48.03shellsharkthat's a codec:bandwidth issue
03:48.35shellsharkyou're trying to shove too large of a voice channel down too small of a data pipe
03:49.16shellsharkif you use the g729 or g723 codec it performs a lot better
03:49.24shellsharkbut you can't do things like fax, etc across it
03:53.32*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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04:01.09*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (
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04:11.21FuriousGeorgeshellshark: i know this is late, but we have cable internet down here
04:11.26FuriousGeorgebandwidth isnt the problem
04:11.36FuriousGeorgewhats 64 kb when you get 10M down
04:11.53FuriousGeorgeand 2 MB up
04:12.00shellsharkdown is not the problem (hence why you hear them fine), it's up
04:12.09shellsharki've never seen a cable company give 2mbps upload
04:12.26shellsharki've got business class cable here and i'm lucky to get 768kbps
04:13.00shellsharkalso, the nature of cable services in general is another huge issue, as the latency is all over the board in general
04:13.01FuriousGeorgecabelvision in nj here
04:13.14shellsharkand they can not guarantee latency, of course
04:13.46shellsharkrun a constant ping to somewhere like google or yahoo, for a whole 24 hour period, and see what your max reply was
04:13.55shellsharkand your average
04:14.04FuriousGeorgethats a good idea
04:14.31shellsharkif your max is insanely different from the average, you know you experience lag spikes
04:14.38FuriousGeorgebut like i was saying, same isp, with a closed voip service from ATT = much more consistant quality
04:14.41shellsharkwhich cause hiccups all the time with VoIP
04:14.59shellsharksome codecs handle buffering better also
04:15.15shellsharkthey might have a hardware jitterbuffer in their modem also
04:15.20FuriousGeorgethey use ulaw too
04:15.29FuriousGeorgethat could be
04:15.44shellsharkthere are all kinds of factors that are at play
04:16.45FuriousGeorgeso even with a business class ISP, reliable voip is not gonna happen
04:17.14shellsharkalso, their server could sit less hops away from your other provider, which is a huge probability, seeing how ATT feeds 95% of the cable companies in the US with upstream bandwidth
04:17.40FuriousGeorgethat sounds feasable
04:18.05shellsharkFuriousGeorge: business class cable, no... business class SDSL, T1, T3, OC1, OC3, etc, sure it's possible to have consistant quality
04:18.45FuriousGeorgethats what i figured.  shoot, if im gonna pay $300/mo for internet i'd better get some latency guarentees
04:18.56shellsharkSDSL can do that
04:19.08shellsharkyou'll get slower speeds, but you'll gain an SLA
04:19.22FuriousGeorgewhts the cost on that?
04:19.25shellsharkSLA > speed, in most cases, including this scenario ;)
04:19.31shellsharkdepends on the provider
04:19.33FuriousGeorgei havent seen it around here
04:19.48shellsharkyou're in jersey, you should be able to get FIOS from verizon
04:20.40FuriousGeorgenot yet
04:20.45shellsharknot sure if that is plaugued with the same problems as cable or not, but seeing that it's fiber and not copper, i'm sure they can give you more consistant service
04:20.50FuriousGeorgeat least not where im at
04:21.12FuriousGeorgei was gonna take a wait and see approach with that as its so new
04:21.31FuriousGeorgebut afaik thats gonna be a residential and business offering like cable
04:21.40FuriousGeorgewith no SLA of that sort
04:22.01shellsharki'm sure they'll offer an SLA to business customers
04:22.15shellsharkit'd be an easy SLA to honor ;)
04:22.16*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:22.50FuriousGeorgenot the sort with guarenteed latency and uptime i mean
04:23.35FuriousGeorgefound an sdsl probider but the cheapest offering is 120 bucks for 128k
04:23.36shellsharkwell maybe not quite, since it's not a dedicated circuit
04:23.55shellsharkSDSL is a dedicated circuit ;)
04:24.09shellsharkand $120/mo for a dedicated circuit is DAMN cheap
04:24.18shellsharkif you don't agree, quote a DS1 ;)
04:24.27FuriousGeorgei know what ur saying
04:24.56shellsharkfor someone looking for reliability, a dedicated circuit is the only way to go
04:25.16FuriousGeorgemost of my customers want voip, but none make enough toll calling that it makes sense to get one of these enterprise class connections
04:26.03FuriousGeorgeverizon adsl is aweful, cable is slightly better, but to pay 300 bucks a month for your ISP does not recoup the premium for most of my clientel
04:26.12shellsharka DS1 is a far cry from being able to be called "enterprise" :P
04:26.48shellsharkyou running a wifi hotspot out of your house or something? :)
04:26.55FuriousGeorgeshellshark: im just using the enterprise term to separate business class oferings of cable and adsl from t1/t3/ds1 etc
04:27.38FuriousGeorgeso now when i bitch about my business class isp, you will know im not talking about a ts1 line
04:27.50FuriousGeorgeor t1 or whatever
04:28.52shellsharkyeah, you're talking about a shared connection with no SLA with higher bandwidth cap and some buzzwords thrown in ;)
04:29.35shellsharkno wonder your quality is not consistant
04:30.01FuriousGeorgesure when u put it that way
04:30.09shellsharkalso, where are your clients in relation to the server? on the same LAN as the server itself? or also on the internet?
04:30.15FuriousGeorgesame lan
04:30.25FuriousGeorgeand my provider is god knows where
04:30.29FuriousGeorgeMi i think
04:30.41shellsharki was going to say if they are on the internet also, then you're doubling your bandwidth
04:30.42FuriousGeorgeim gonna try taking stats with different providers
04:30.53FuriousGeorgetry sippone out too
04:30.56FuriousGeorgethey are a big one
04:30.58shellsharkso that single 64kbps channel just turned into 128kbps
04:31.03shellsharktry me out :)
04:31.11FuriousGeorgewho is me?
04:32.10shellsharki've got dual redundant DS3 circuits coming in at different ends of a building from two different tier 1 providers to a dual processor, dual-core 2.8ghz p4 xeon with 4gb of RAM
04:32.35shellshark(server it sitting in a secured co-location facility in downtown chicago)
04:33.23De_MonooO compTIA linux+ certified
04:33.45De_Monwhich providers?
04:33.49shellsharki'm no english major, and i needed some filler content :P
04:34.09shellsharkSavvis and Genuity IIRC
04:34.22JTso all this bandwidth... going into a single server?
04:34.24De_Monwell you got the ajax, perl, python and ruby going for you!
04:34.56De_MonJT it better not be 1 server!
04:36.41shellsharkJT: of course not
04:37.06JTit certainly sounded like it was going to 1 server
04:39.04*** join/#asterisk fafnir (n=notfaf@unaffiliated/fafnir)
04:39.15shellsharka single server could not handle all of that bandwidth by itself :)
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04:44.09JTsure, but who says you're using all the bandwidth? :P
04:44.51BiGuRoOthow can i do for asterisk record outgoind call on determined channel?
04:45.09BiGuRoOtoutgoind = outgoing
04:45.53*** join/#asterisk BlepsoaF (
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05:15.53Flautoanyone is using gtalk here
05:20.56Flautoit is quiet
05:23.21Flautohi stephane
05:23.28Flautowhat's up
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06:02.55*** join/#asterisk Merphy (n=Merphy@
06:03.13Merphyhi everybody
06:03.26MerphyI am very new to asterisk
06:04.50qdk(me is taking notes. This might be important. :-P
06:05.48MerphyI am in a process to propose IP phone solution to my org. It is a commercial org which provided ip phone services. will ASTERISK suffice?
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07:07.02dmcntotally off topic: i need contact to someone with a mobile from an english mobile phone company (orange, o2, vodafone etc.) to help with a single test of an sms gateway - query me if you can help :)
07:10.47*** join/#asterisk jmls (
07:15.47Makenshidmcn ya there?
07:16.11dmcnMakenshi, i am :)
07:16.19Makenshiright let's go!
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07:45.51Aurshow do I enable queue logging?
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07:46.19*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-fd6abe14dc847e81)
07:46.19hohumhow do I get rid of 407 Proxy Authorization Required messages?
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07:53.33tzafriran interesting problem with busy detection:
07:54.27tzafrirour telco does not provide hangup notification, and thus we use busydetect
07:54.58tzafrirHowever I have just noticed a way to leave such an analog zaptel trunk off-hook:
07:55.35tzafrircall an "incomplete" number. After a while the telco returns a congenstion tone and considers the call ended.
07:55.48tzafrirBut Asterisk does not detect that as end of call
07:55.58*** join/#asterisk oQPa (
07:57.05tzafrirAny way around this?
07:57.07lilalinuxwhen I specify multiple channels in one dial command, asterisk fails. e.g. Dial(SIP/sk & SIP/sm)  "Oct  9 09:48:15 WARNING[10806]: chan_sip.c:1980 create_addr: No such host: sk"
07:57.43tzafrirdo you have a sip peer named sk?
07:57.49lilalinuxsk and sm and yes
07:57.50tzafrirMaybe remove that space?
07:58.21lilalinuxi'll try that
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08:04.40lilalinuxtzafrir: thx, that was it
08:06.38lilalinuxfixed the wiki
08:07.16hohumhow do I get rid of 407 Proxy Authorization Required messages?
08:07.35*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
08:08.08lilalinuxhohum: did you specify your credentials?
08:08.14lilalinux(sorry for asking)
08:09.32dorel__is anyone trying to install hudlite on debian?
08:12.42lilalinuxdorel__: wow, that's awesome, is it free?
08:12.49tparcinaIAX questio: when I dial Dial(IAX2/zg2/${EXTEN:1},70,t)
08:13.20tparcinado I use username/pass that are entered in iax.conf for zg2 user?
08:13.22tzafrirno. non-free
08:13.36tzafrirapt-get install op-panel
08:14.22hohumlilalinux: I'm working with an endpoint that doesn't support auth on invite
08:14.35hohumI also have insecure=very set on all the relevant sip.conf entries
08:14.36*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
08:14.48hohumand Asterisk is still spewing 407s
08:15.08dorel__lilalinux: yeah, you're going to install it?
08:15.09tzafrirdorel__, did you see my question above? Have you encountered anything similar?
08:15.14tparcinaso, is that the right way to make authorized iax calls?
08:15.39dorel__tzafrir: oh sorry i missed it, let me scroll up
08:16.08*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
08:17.08dorel__tzafrir: ive encountered something similar but not an "incomplete" number
08:17.33*** join/#asterisk Splat (
08:20.20jmlsAurs: ping
08:20.35jmlsaurs: look in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
08:20.43jmlsby default queue logging is on
08:20.47*** join/#asterisk HarryR (
08:20.53jmlsbut have a look for queue_log = no
08:21.00hohumfuck this is annoying
08:21.03jmlsand change it to queue_log = yes
08:21.24Aursjmls: had a old logger.conf. but found it in the sample conf
08:22.40jmlsaurs: all sorted now ?
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08:36.09tengulrehow many E1 card allowed in a single system?
08:36.57Cyt[away]Please, does anybody knows this error? I tryied on google but could not find a good answer: -- Incoming call: Got SIP response 479 "Regretfully, we were not able to process the URI (479/SL)" back from IP..
08:38.52tengulreanybody here??
08:39.54tengulrehow many E1 cards can allowed in a single system?
08:40.11hanktengulre: you should be a bit more patient...
08:40.29tengulrehank: :)
08:44.07*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
08:46.26tengulrehank: can you help me?
08:47.08hanktengulre: nope :( sorry... im struggling to get asterisk working and understand things as well
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08:48.05benjktenguire, best is not to use more than one or two cards
08:48.15benjkideally one card per system
08:50.13tengulrebenjk: I have six E1 cards, I want install them in a same machine. but someone tell me that only support 256 lines in a single machine when asterisk's version is 1.2.9 before,
08:50.33tengulreI want to know version is 1.4 later.
08:52.36jmlstengulre: you are asking for trouble installing that many cards in a single machine. Apart from the disaster that will happen if the machine fails (all lines go down) the load alone will be quite high
08:52.58jmlstengulre: strongly recommend that you go for at least 3 machines with 2 cards per machine
08:53.18*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
08:53.27tengulre11sorry, I just offline!
08:53.44tengulre11please re-tell me !
08:54.04jmlstengulre: you are asking for trouble installing that many cards in a single machine. Apart from the disaster that will happen if the machine fails (all lines go down) the load alone will be quite high
08:54.09jmlstengulre: strongly recommend that you go for at least 3 machines with 2 cards per machine
08:54.52qdktengulre11: the I/O will kill your machine... and 6 x E1 is "only" about 180 channels.
08:55.48jmlsqdk: not if they are quad E1's ...
08:57.04tengulre11jmls: is the 2 cards per machine is best?
08:58.17qdkjmls: ififififif.
08:58.31*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
08:59.02jmlsqdk: if my aunty had testicles she would be my uncle.
08:59.31jmlstengulre11: yes. But how many ports does your E1 card have ? 1,2, or 4 ?
08:59.32qdkjmls: exactly.
08:59.40hohumyou should NEVER have more than 4 T1s per machine
08:59.52jmlsqdK: asked tengulre11 a leadiing question :)
09:00.29hohum4 T1s or 4 E1s
09:00.53jmlshohum: 4 ports or 4 cards ?
09:01.42qdkthe power of failover/load balancing also rule single point of failure even if one machine could utilize all channels without problems.
09:02.13jmlsqdK: not without dropping *all* your calls until the failover happens
09:03.04jmlsqdk: or do you know something about keeping a call up whilst moving it to another machine ?
09:05.29qdkjmls: atm. calls are lost in failover as far as i know, i plan to build my business accepting that fact, for now anyway... Im building my structure around state sharing, but no call failover.
09:06.10qdkjmls: <- my first draft of my structure... with just about no details on it.
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09:14.45olivierthi guys
09:15.00jmlsyikes! documentation :)
09:15.09olivierti do have a small pb, with my digium TDM400P
09:15.45oliviertwhen i enter ztcfg -VV, it gives me no error, but tells that there's 0 channels configured.
09:16.01oliviertI do have 4 fxo ports on the card, what do i miss ?
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09:23.28Aursjmls: yes, tnx
09:24.11tparcinaiax - how to make authenticated calls?
09:25.28hankwhat means "distinctive ring"?
09:27.04qdkhank: out-of-context... a specific kind of ring.
09:27.30tzafrirseveral different ring tones
09:27.45tzafrirFor analog FXO
09:27.48hankqdk: ok thanks
09:29.33*** join/#asterisk postel (n=jp@wikimedia/Postel)
09:30.13hankis an ntba something specific to euroisdn or even germany?
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09:58.24florzhank: Well, it's just not called NTBA, but NT1 instead ;-)
09:58.55hankflorz: i see, thanks
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10:39.49evilmnkywhere is the best source for documentation on AEL2
10:40.11dovid~seen evilmnky
10:40.28jbotevilmnky is currently on #debian (1h 30m 19s) #asterisk (1h 30m 19s). Has said a total of 3 messages. Is idling for 39s, last said: 'where is the best source for documentation on AEL2'.
10:40.34HaffiHhello, everyone, is anyone here that has some expiriance with , FAXes and Asterisk, useing ZAP Digium Wildcard TE110P E1.
10:40.55dalbaechhave you tried yet?
10:40.58evilmnkydovid: dont perform commands on me.. monkey
10:41.23HaffiHI just did a hardware upgrade and after that my Faxes come partial almost always :S
10:42.15evilmnkydalbaech, yeah: was looking for something a little more detailed but atleast it's a start
10:49.28tzafrirHaffiH, how do you connect the fax?
10:50.38*** join/#asterisk kevin_m (
10:51.27HaffiHTzafrir: the asterisk is reciving the fax it self and emailing
10:51.47tzafrir"self" == ? rxfax?
10:52.46*** join/#asterisk flackes (
10:52.51flackesGood morning all
10:53.04flackesany one that can give me some help with a GXP- 2000 locking problem?
10:53.19HaffiHTza: yes
10:53.37flackesyes to me or yes to tza :P
10:53.59HaffiHFlackers: yes to you
10:54.36flackeswell i have sevral gxp - 2000 and they work fine for ages.. then all of a sudden.. one or two of the phones will just report as busy all the time
10:54.40flackesuntill i reboot it
10:54.43flackesthen it works fine again
10:55.08flackeshave the same problem with the HT - 496.. but cant even reboot that through its interface... have to power it off as it locks completly
10:55.16HaffiHSorry flackes, I miss typed, I was saying yes to Tzafrir :p
10:56.18hohumhow do I stop Asterisk from being an RTP proxy
10:56.46hohumI have nat=no canreinvite=yes on the relevant peers
10:56.52hohumand it still proxies RTP
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11:28.15negativecreepany folk in here who can help with a2billing?
11:36.02RoyKbilling? wtf would you bill people?
11:36.20negativecreepRoyK: requirement.
11:39.37RoyKnegativecreep: can't you just be nice and give it all away?
11:41.16negativecreepRoyK: if it was just me, i would love this world to be a free place.
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11:45.32Aursbilling... *bangs head on keyboarj08jkbk.n ffsjakøbfas*
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11:46.54hanka question about cables: i have a computer with 2 hfc interfaces one in nt and one in te mode. we have 2 or 3 bri lines and 1 pri line from the provider. there is a commercial hardware pbx attached to the pri. would it be correct to connect an ntba to one of the bri lines and to the te card and the nt card to an ntba (without current) via a crossed cable and this ntba to an isdn plug of the commercial pbx?
11:47.14hankand: yes, i _am_ confused by all this. just in case it sounds like i am...
11:51.07*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
11:58.47negativecreepRoyK: after the fast. ;)
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12:04.09negativecreepa2billing is killiing me now.
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12:15.18qdknegativecreep: sounds seriously... remember to notify next of ken. :-P
12:16.03negativecreepthe call is passed fine to a2b
12:16.06negativecreepbut then a2b exits.
12:16.16negativecreepi shall check after the fast is over.
12:16.19negativecreepneed coffee.
12:16.20*** part/#asterisk negativecreep (
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12:16.50qdknegativecreep: have you look in logs? CLI? debug echoes in a2b?
12:17.14lilalinuxhow do I make a pattern that accepts 2-4 digits?
12:17.40lilalinuxis there a ? quantifier like in regex?
12:17.59qdklilalinux: something like _NNNN.
12:18.53qdklilalinux: forgot how to make the 2-4 part, you might need to have 3 seperate extensions for that.
12:19.06lilalinuxyeah, that's what im doing at the moment
12:19.11lilalinuxthought there would be something smarter
12:19.24lilalinuxWhat wildcard can I use that includes + ?
12:19.35qdkNiklas-: hi there. :-)
12:19.43lilalinuxfor international calls
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12:20.29Niklas-hi ;)
12:21.23qdklilalinux: <- doesnt seem like its possible to make the (in perl) {2,4} regexp style.
12:21.44qdklilalinux: i would make the 3 extensions and use macros for them.
12:21.49qdklilalinux: or something like that.
12:23.40lilalinuxand what about the wildcard for [+0-9]?
12:23.57qdklilalinux: not sure what you mean?
12:24.14qdklilalinux: you mean a "dialout" char?
12:27.40lilalinux+49 69 ...
12:27.52lilalinuxcountry prefix
12:28.58qdklilalinux: use 00 in stead of +?
12:30.03qdklilalinux: btw. i meant X not N in my earlier example. sorry.
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12:49.10hanklilalinux: frankfurter?
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12:50.29lilalinuxhank: richtich :)
12:50.55hanklilalinux: ei guude wie? :)
12:52.32*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=simon@
12:52.41FlatFootafternoon all
12:52.48FlatFootanyone in from australia ?
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12:58.28creativxbut i know a guy in australia
12:58.53FlatFootah just needed to answer a strange pub question
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12:59.35qdkThe company /me is working for is expanding to Australia... yet another useless piece of info. :-)
13:00.23jeremy_gwhat the heck is wrong with DNID
13:00.30creativxi fixed my dnid
13:00.31jeremy_gi set (DNID=20323)
13:00.51jeremy_gand NoOP(${DNID}) would still wont show it
13:01.13jeremy_gthe above two lines are after each other in the same context
13:01.51jeremy_gand even this doesnt work
13:02.01jeremy_gwhats wrong?? my configuration? my concept
13:03.41creativxgood question
13:05.32creativxcan you give the var another name
13:05.33creativxfor funs sake
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13:11.05jeremy_gcreativx:i want to change the DNID variable
13:11.20jeremy_gcreativx:do you know the DNID and RDNID stuff
13:12.00creativxthe dnid var is moved to ${CALLERID(DNID)}
13:12.09creativxwell ofcouse depending on what version you have
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13:14.18creativxyeah try ${CALLERID(xx)}
13:14.31creativxwhere xx might be dnid, rdnid, num, all
13:14.34creativxi dont remember all:)
13:14.50creativxGets or sets Caller*ID data on the channel.  The allowable datatypes
13:14.50creativxare "all", "name", "num", "ANI", "DNID", "RDNIS".
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13:18.45olivierthi all, i do have problem to setup incoming call for zaptel device
13:18.51oliviertanyone can help ?
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13:19.18ondrejmm all
13:19.33mostyoliviert, be more specific, what is the problem exactly?
13:20.30tzafriroliviert, someone might, if you told what it was
13:20.48ondrejI would like to create setup in which our support people would paste telephone number into custom application and asterisk would dial the number and get it connected to support people hardphone.  Unfortunately I don't know how this is called in english which makes using google quite difficult.
13:20.53oliviertmosty: i do have 4 fxo ports, well my main pb is configuring zapata.conf and zapata-auto.conf, and then inbound route
13:21.53oliviertwhat i do want is that any incoming call be taken by ivr and then be on hold until a phone take it
13:22.14oliviertbut at this time, asterisk does not take incoming call
13:22.26Mercestesoliviert:  What shows up under zap show status?
13:22.53mostywell the ivr thing is done in the dialplan (ie extensions.conf), meanwhile have you setup /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf ?
13:24.03oliviertMercestes: zap show status ?
13:24.08dorel__tzafrir; are you currently employed in a voip industry in the country/
13:24.17*** join/#asterisk arisjr (
13:24.45arisjrHi folks
13:25.17Mercestesyou type it in the cli...
13:25.27Mercesteszap means zaptel, show, and status means....status.
13:25.44oliviertmosty: i do think that zaptel.conf is ok, i got fxsks= 1  to 4
13:26.01oliviertand zone declare as fr
13:26.24arisjrneed a help. I still need ztdummy if I use a board that uses other driver and channel (in not zaptel at all)
13:26.51mostyoliviert, and a context to send calls to?
13:26.59tzafrir/etc/zaptel.conf is for the kernel-level zaptel . /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf is for the (userspace) asterisk zaptel channel
13:27.10oliviertWildcard TDM400P REV I Board 1           OK         0          0          0
13:27.11oliviertZTDUMMY/1 1                              UNCONFIGUR 0          0          0
13:27.14mostyoliviert, ignore my last comment, that goes in zapata.conf
13:27.22tzafrirarisjr, no
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13:27.47arisjrI mean for moh and conference: do I still need ztdummy if I use a board that DONT use zaptel at all?
13:28.12MercestesThat looks like one zap channel to me.  But, ok, close enough for now.
13:28.15oliviertmosty: the context defined is: from-zaptel
13:28.18tzafrirarisjr, it is easy to check if you have a valid timing source: run zttest
13:28.22Mercestesoliviert:  Do you see anything in the CLI when you dial your number??
13:28.31*** join/#asterisk drcode (
13:28.35drcodehi all
13:28.36drcodewhats up
13:28.44oliviertwhen dialing out is ok, as i do it under SIP/voip
13:28.52arisjrI dont have any zapata channel, I dont use zapata
13:28.58oliviertand i do need analog lines only for incoming calls
13:28.59drcodeI need help with sip
13:29.05drcodeI am realy newbiew
13:29.09tzafriroliviert, set verbose 3     first
13:29.37arisjrI use a board that has it own channel and driver.
13:29.40jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
13:29.41Mercestesoliviert:  now dial your # and see what the cli says (if anything)
13:29.44tzafrirarisjr, so what board do you have?
13:29.46drcodeI want to connect with sip client pc to pc
13:29.57arisjrIts a brazilian board
13:29.58drcodeand also option to call pc to phone lines (I have regular modem)
13:30.06*** join/#asterisk nXOR (n=drade@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/nXOR)
13:30.31nXORhello people, would someone amongst you have any expeerience with visdn
13:30.41tzafrir"pc to phone" uses some kind of VoIP protocol. Which is in, in your case?
13:30.43olivierti do have the TDM04B
13:31.04oliviertit's the TDM400P with 4 fxo modules
13:31.13jeremy_gcreativx:no man, that didnt solve it for sure. ${CALLERID(dnid)} and ${DNID} are same. latter is obsolete but still works. i see in the logs 501=20232 where i try to do DNID=20232
13:31.21nXORdrcode: is that confirmational response to my quesry ?
13:31.27jeremy_gi want to change the DNID
13:31.36arisjrtzafir, this question is to me?
13:31.40quid246ArisJr:  Can I send you a PM?
13:31.45drcodeI am in sip
13:31.55drcodesorry for my dumb qustions
13:32.15oliviertMercestes: dialing out is working with a sip operator, and this one is working, i do want to handle dialing in, not on sip, but analog lines
13:32.37mostyoliviert, what do you see in the asterisk console when you dial in?
13:32.49oliviertmosty: hold on
13:33.16mostyoliviert, paste it on a paste website somewhere if there's a lot of output
13:33.43oliviertmosty: nothing, then i guess, that my channels are not well configure, as asterisk do not hang up the line
13:33.55*** join/#asterisk trelane` (n=trelane@unaffiliated/trelane)
13:34.08mostyMercestes, perhaps console is easier to understand than cli
13:34.14drcodeto astriks need spicle card from sip client to astriks ? or I can also use regualr modem?
13:34.39mostyoliviert, did you run ztcfg ?
13:35.11jeremy_gis it possible to change the EXTEN and DNID variable?
13:35.39oliviertmosty: yes, give me a paste url, i show you what ztcfg tell me
13:36.06mostyoliviert, there's one in the channel topic
13:38.30arisjrFor moh and conference do I still need ztdummy if I use a board that DONT use zaptel at all?
13:39.09trelane`CDR's a wonderful think
13:39.18oliviertmosty: is not loading
13:39.32Mercestestrelane`:  Salesman?  Yea, cdr's make me happy..:)
13:39.34quid246trelane:  calling LD on the company dollar?
13:39.42[TK]D-Fenderarisjr : Never needed ztdummy for MoH.
13:39.46quid246Or caling "entertianment srvices"?
13:39.50trelane`Mercestes, company operator... the phone's in "Do Not Disturb"
13:40.10trelane`quid246, company operator that can't be fucked to talk with the customers
13:40.12Mercestestrelane`:  *twitch*  Seen that one  You can disable do not disturb on a polycom.
13:40.22jeremy_gis it possible to change the EXTEN and DNID variable?
13:40.29trelane`Mercestes, you can disable it on the snoms too, I leave it enabled so they can get up to take a leak
13:40.50quid246trelane:  Just give them a piss bottle instead
13:41.30arisjr[TK]D-Fender, you mean, you use what board for pstn?
13:41.48[TK]D-Fenderarisjr : I don't do PSTN at home.  VoIP terminated through PRI on teir end.
13:42.13[TK]D-Fenderarisjr : For MeetMe, yes you will require a Zaptel timing source, but not for MoH.
13:42.39[TK]D-Fenderarisjr : this is app_conference which doesn't require a timer like MeetMe that you might want to consider (3rd party app)
13:43.13jeremy_gcan someone pay a little heed to my question
13:43.31arisjr[TK]D-Fender, I use a file MoH source (asterisk), and when I get mor than one call on this board, music gets crappy
13:43.42mostyoliviert, google for another done
13:43.46mostyanother one, even
13:44.11[TK]D-Fenderarisjr : never heard of that before....
13:44.22arisjr[TK]D-Fender, and the asterisk book (future of telephny) tells that ztdummy is for moh and conference
13:44.37[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g : Have you considerd that that variable may be READ ONLY?
13:44.39Mercestesjeremy_g:  I am not 100% certain you can change the DNID jeremy_g but try DNID= instead of "set(DNID)."  set requires a special function and I don't believe DNID has that functionality.
13:44.48arisjr[TK]D-Fender, so I lost
13:44.57arisjr[TK]D-Fender, so I'm lost
13:45.01[TK]D-Fenderarisjr : I do MoH here without it so the answer is "NO" could be read only...>.>
13:45.09*** join/#asterisk Benj0 (
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13:45.15mostyarisjr, try it without ztdummy and see if you get an error or not
13:46.36arisjrthat's the case. I was using without it!! and I was having the same errors I was having with it. the manufactor of the board said I must use ztdummy
13:46.45arisjrI think HE is lost
13:47.01mostyarisjr, what error message are you getting?
13:47.18arisjrno error. just comunication problems
13:47.24mostysuch as?
13:47.29arisjrbad sound and stuff
13:47.39mostybad in what way?
13:48.25arisjrmusic all wrong, like lost packets on PSTN, which by the way, is hard to happen
13:49.24arisjrcan be codec problem, converting problem, channel problem, ...
13:49.25oliviertmosty: can't find anyother on asterisk
13:49.46oliviertmosty: all paste bot are dedicated to some channels, but not asterisk
13:50.08arisjrbut I need to certify that I dont need ztdummy at all if I dont use zapata
13:51.12arisjrlets say, a SIP only asterisk need ztdummy to conference or moh? or for conference...
13:51.42pingwin[work]hey I'm having a little difficulty with the queue, any hel;p?
13:52.07*** join/#asterisk uwe (
13:52.10mostyarisjr, ztdummy is needed for timing when you don't have a hardware timer (most commonly on a zaptel board). but i can't remember which features need a timer like that
13:52.34[TK]D-Fenderarisjr : I do not have an Zaptel hardware OR ztdummy.  I use MoH.  Its *FINE*.  end of story.
13:53.14pingwin[work]all I'm trying to get is when you are in the queue, I want to be able to hit '*' or something to be able to exit the queue and direct to a dial, or voicemail
13:53.17jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:yes i now reallize. actually i want to change the From: field of the dial made thru asterisk. i want my other soft phone being called to get a different callerid than current.
13:53.22oliviertmosty: zapata.conf :
13:53.33pingwin[work]having a little difficulty finding info on it
13:53.58[TK]D-Fenderpingwin[work] : Set a context in the queue definition and any single-digit exten in there will allw you to exit the queue to it.
13:54.11pingwin[work]awesome, thank you
13:54.21jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:i am running an application on the other softphone that takes decision based on the From: field of the SIP INVITE. How can i change that in * . I am expecting to change some CHANNEL_VARIABLE=mynewextension and then Dial(mysoftphone)
13:54.31hank'' i hate that word ;)
13:54.38[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g : the set the CALLERID. Set(CALLERID(num)=12345)
13:54.43oliviertmosty: zapata-auto.conf:
13:54.50[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g : Set(CALLERID(name)=Schmuck)
13:55.08*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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13:57.44drcodewhat chip and good hardware recommanded(with good sound)
13:58.20Mercestesoliviert:  you said you see nothing in the console when you dial your  #?
13:58.30jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:this is idiotic.
13:58.49xhelioxAnyone have a recommendation for buying custom voice prompts? I need someone other than Allison...
13:59.02jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:either you don't understand my question
13:59.13oliviertMeersestes: yep, because dialing out is not using the fxos
13:59.18*** join/#asterisk jmls (n=asterisk@
13:59.40oliviertmosty:  any idea about my config files ?
13:59.47jeremy_ghow do i know which variables are read-only?
13:59.57Mercestesoliviert:  Dumb question.  Are you sure your # is ringing to your Zap device??
14:00.00jeremy_gis EXTEN ready only
14:00.18Mercestesjeremy_g:  EXTEN is read only, but if you do a "goto" it will change the EXTEN variable.
14:00.44Mercestesjeremy_g:  so if you do a goto(69me,1) then your ${EXTEN} will be 69me
14:01.13oliviertMercestes: yes, because while i was playing with the conf files, one itme it hang up, but said to me that no line was wonfigure on this number...
14:01.34oliviertMercestes: did you have a look at my zapata.conf ?
14:01.56Mercestesoliviert:   Got it open now.
14:02.38[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g : CALLERID = "from"
14:02.39Mercestesoliviert:  And in extensions.conf you have a context [from-zaptel] with an exten => yourNumber,1,Do(something)?
14:03.44drcodeif I have two sip client  I can connect both into astriks?
14:04.06drcodeand use astriks as sip server (pc to pc call )?
14:04.14mostydrcode, yes
14:04.41mostydrcode, but learn to spell it properly, else you will have trouble finding docs on google. it's "asterisk"
14:04.55Mercestesdrcode:  You define the clients in sip.conf.  host = asterisk1 on asterisk2 and host=asterisk2 on asterisk1.  With usernames, passwords, type=friend.
14:04.59drcodeis there document , how to setup sip server with sip client ?
14:05.09Mercestesdrcode:  Then you can do a dial(sip@<whatever you called it in sip.conf>)
14:05.13mostydrcode, there are lots, look on google
14:05.24drcodeI will try to install
14:05.33drcodewhat is freepbx?
14:05.40*** join/#asterisk Qwell_ (i=qwell@unaffiliated/qwell)
14:05.40drcodeit can manage astrikes?
14:05.40*** mode/#asterisk [+o Qwell_] by ChanServ
14:06.02oliviertMercestes: no, i do have extensions at the moment only for sip phone
14:06.27Mercestesoliviert:  that would be your problem.
14:06.59mostyoliviert: if you set verbose 10 and set debug 10 you should at least see the zap line ringing in the asterisk console when you dial in though
14:07.00tzafrirdrcode, even worse, someone might even decide to sue you for mixing Asterix and UN*X: ;-)
14:07.01oliviertMercestes: ok that mean that i need to configure a from-zaptel extensions
14:07.11Mercestesdrcode:  it's something that would require you to go to #freepbx to get support on instead of #asterisk...:)
14:07.29oliviertmosty: i was in asterisk CLI, how do i access the console then ?
14:07.50Mercestesmosty:  I guess cli was easier than console afterall.
14:07.52mostyoliviert, same thing
14:08.23oliviertmosty: i saw that i do not have /etc/zaptel.conf at all, is it a pb ?
14:09.45oliviertmosty: error, it is there, with fxsks=1-4
14:10.21ondrej[one more time]: I would like to create setup in which our support people would paste telephone number into our custom application (python whatever) and asterisk would dial this number and get it connected to support people hardphone.
14:10.23oliviertMercestes: why does the from-zaptel need an extension ?
14:11.16mostyoliviert: use an extension that matches anything if you want all incoming zap calls treated the same
14:11.54mostyondrej, google "asterisk click to call"
14:11.59Mercestesoliviert:  Because the asterisk developers were just crazy like that.
14:12.20oliviertMercestes: oh !!
14:12.55Mercestesoliviert:  try _X.,1,Playback(tt-weasels)
14:13.39jeremy_gMercestes:you are the man
14:13.54Mercestesjeremy_g:  I am?
14:14.04jeremy_git worked
14:14.17Mercestesit did?
14:14.19jeremy_gbut partially
14:14.28Mercestesoh good..I was starting to worry.
14:14.35MercestesD-Fender usually pwns me indiscriminately.
14:14.48*** join/#asterisk wulfy814 (n=lorentz@
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14:16.22Mercestesjeremy_g:  in fact, I believe D-Fender suggested changing the callerid(name) or callerid(number) which is not read only.  That might work as well if you can read that information.
14:16.29*** join/#asterisk toddf (
14:16.34trelane`President Bush says U.S. working to confirm North Korea's nuke test claim
14:16.47trelane`did he not log into the usgs site and check for the big rumble at 1430-1450 zulu?
14:17.22toddfthis may be a faq, but .. if one enables transfer capabilities, how does one dial out and enter '0#' to a remote line?
14:17.25ondrejmosty: thanks, that's exactly what I needed (i didn't know what to search for...)
14:17.37coppicetrelane: that doesn't prove it was a nuclear blast. some say it looks fake
14:17.46jmlstrelane: Read - "we got caught with our pants down on thanksgiving and are scrambling to come up with some form of coherent response coz we had no idea that the bastards would ignore us"
14:17.57*** join/#asterisk pifiu-laptop (n=someone@
14:18.49toddfaka you use '#' to initate transfer, how do you send '#' to the remote party?
14:18.56toddf## doesn't seem to work ;-(
14:19.33oliviertMercestes: my pb is that asterisk does not hang up the line
14:19.54oliviertMercestes: do i need to create that from-zaptel extensions ?
14:20.21Mercestesoliviert:  easy enough.  [from-zaptel] _X.,1,Answer()
14:21.03*** join/#asterisk boris2 (
14:21.53mostyoliviert, so incoming calls enter your dialplan correctly now? google for "asterisk hangup detection" for some starters on that
14:22.11*** part/#asterisk nXOR (n=drade@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/nXOR)
14:22.16jmlsoliviert: don't forget to either restart * or "extensions reload" from the cli
14:22.24*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
14:23.56bXii'm having an issue with visdn and asterisk
14:24.00oliviertjmls: i did restart asterisk
14:24.27bXiasterisk is seeing when i call the number asigned to visdn0
14:24.29jmlsoliviert: ok, I was just checking
14:24.50bXibut on the other end i get something telling me that the number is unavailable
14:24.55bXiasterisk gives me this
14:25.19*** join/#asterisk pabluss (n=aquicamb@
14:25.38jmlspabluss: afternoon ;)
14:27.35*** part/#asterisk StyleWarz (
14:28.35pablussjmls: where do you from?
14:29.17*** join/#asterisk NormanASD (n=norman@
14:29.26pablussjmls: i'm in Stgo of Chile
14:30.04jmlspabluss: UK
14:30.43jeremy_gMercestes:if i dial an extension, where i am greeted and goto(some other extensio) then in that some other extension, is it possible to do a hangup for the first extension that i dialled.
14:30.54jeremy_gmy case is a little weird
14:31.30Mercestesjeremy_g:  no, because calls don't "spawn" they are only moved to new directives.  exactly what are you trying to do?  Give me an example.
14:36.53*** join/#asterisk dovid (n=dovi5988@
14:37.26oliviertMercestes: ok, now asterisk hang up the line, but it says that the # i dialed is incorrect
14:37.53mostyoliviert, change your dialplan
14:38.34hohumhow do I get Asterisk to STOP acting like an RTP proxy when it bridges 2 endpoints together
14:39.24MercestesWhat do you want it to do, hohum?
14:39.39toerkeiumGuys, I have added "*55,1,ChanSpy(Exten)" to my extensions.conf, how can I make that when I dial *55 and then after the extension number, I can hear the conversation for that extension? instead of adding ChanSpy(Exten) statically ?
14:39.45oliviertmosty: it says that the # i dialed is not in service, but my dialplan set the incoming call to go to the sip phone or to IVR
14:40.52mostyoliviert: is the voice you hear coming from asterisk or from your phone service provider?
14:40.57jmlstoerkeium: *55,1,Read(SpyOn)
14:41.11toerkeiumthanks jmls, gonna try that
14:41.51toerkeiumnice, thank you very much
14:42.39mostyhohum, see the canreinvite option in sip.conf
14:42.39oliviertmosty: from asterisk
14:42.39*** join/#asterisk soylentgreen (n=fgast@
14:43.02mostyoliviert, then your dialplan is broken, or you haven't reloaded the diaplan since you changed it last
14:43.06oliviertmosty: in asterisk report, i got the log that it answered the line, and direct it to s
14:43.35oliviertmosty: well for every change i made i did restart asterisk, to be sure everything is reloaded
14:44.22oliviertmosty: what i want is an ivr answer the line, say a kind of welcome, and then transfer it to any phone available
14:44.54hohummosty: well I have canreinvite=yes on the relevant peers
14:45.03hohumand it STILL insists on being an RTP proxy
14:45.08hohuminsists rather
14:45.15mostyhohum, i suspect that the phones also need to support that
14:45.50hohumhow does the asterisk box know that the phones won't do it?
14:46.06hohumits just information contained in the SDP is all
14:46.35[TK]D-Fenderhohum : You need both ends of the call to say "canreinvite=yes"/
14:46.39mostyasterisk could just not pass reinvite's on
14:46.42oliviertmosty: my from-zaptel dialplan:
14:47.25*** join/#asterisk jaxzn (
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14:47.51hohumboth ends do though
14:48.02hohumboth ends say canreinvite=yes
14:48.07hohumasterisk is being stubborne about it
14:48.18jaxzndoes anyone know how one would be able to dial asterisk box, hang up, then have asterisk call back the number who just dialed with dialtone ready ?
14:48.30mostyhohum, but do the phones support it?
14:49.14dovidjaxzn: yes, there are scripts out there that will do it or u can write ur own agi script
14:49.46mostyoliviert, that looks rather complex, why don't you just play the message and then dial all the phones you want to ring?
14:49.50jaxzndovid, can you point me to some of them ?
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14:50.06dovidfor call back
14:50.35Flautoanyone uses gtalk with
14:50.39Flautoplease help me
14:51.11oliviertmosty: it what i'm tring to do, i even try to set it up with freepbx, without success
14:51.29*** join/#asterisk murf (n=steve_mu@
14:52.02mostyoliviert, set debug 10, set verbose 10 and watch the console/cli when you dial in. you should see how it steps through the dialplan and what any errors are
14:53.33*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
14:58.17[TK]D-Fenderoliviert : Um... what are you trying to do in there?  That approah is lloking pretty "off".
15:00.18*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
15:02.13oliviertmosty: ok here is the dialplan how it occurs:
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15:07.13sloth_hello room
15:07.25[TK]D-Fenderoliviert : Fine , but WHAt are you trying to do?
15:07.45pablusshi [TK]D-Fender, morning
15:08.00Optichappy turkey day
15:08.00*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
15:08.18*** join/#asterisk watchy (
15:08.33watchyanyone able to paste me a small dialplan for international calls?
15:09.05[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : exten => _011.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN})
15:09.13[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : there
15:10.39syzygyBSD[TK]D-Fender: you make it look so easy
15:10.44watchycustomer couldnt dial int and i never even thought about adding it to there server
15:10.54watchyi didnt realise you had to dial 011 first of all
15:11.01afrosheensyzygyBSD, it's easier than typing his nick for autocompletion :)
15:11.05*** join/#asterisk HobNobblin (n=HobNobbl@
15:11.18[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : Wake up and smell the dial-tone!
15:11.29watchyhehe hows monday treating you tk
15:11.37syzygyBSDI don't know, his nick is really easy for auto completion
15:11.40[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : feh.
15:11.57watchyi feel the same way
15:12.15FlatFootOptic: Happy Turkey Day ?????????
15:12.17[TK]D-FenderIts monday... at least I'm not at work.
15:12.28HobNobblinAny feelings from anyone on the GXP-2000?
15:13.26[TK]D-FenderHobNobblin : Hunk of shit.
15:13.35toerkeiumjmls: while spying.. is there any way I could change the extension number without hunging up and dialing *55 again?
15:13.46*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:13.49HobNobblinReally?  Any suggestions in that price range?
15:14.17[TK]D-FenderHobNobblin : not that low.  Look at Aastra or Polycom if you want something decent.  Linksys is a 3rd rank option.
15:14.22sloth_I am using WaitExten() and the 't' extension to repeat a message if no digits are pressed. What I would like to have happen is if the 't' extension is reached 3 times for the call to be hungup. What is the best way to implement this?
15:14.32watchyi woke up this morning puking
15:14.40watchyi think ive got scroat cancer
15:14.40*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
15:14.53[TK]D-Fendersloth_ : About 10 lines of dialplan logic to maintain a counter.
15:14.56afrosheenHobNobblin, how much are you willing to shell out
15:15.17afrosheenwatchy, scroat cancer? like, in your balls?
15:15.20HobNobblinI was hoping to be in the $100-$150ish range
15:15.31[TK]D-FenderHobNobblin : What vkind of call volume are you going to have on this phone?  need speakerphone?  got/planning on getting PoE?
15:15.42watchytk: i got a co with 8 lines, they might be adding 4 more should i go with a t1 trunk or what? they are analog now
15:15.59hohumman this is pissing me off
15:16.01watchyafrosheen: well it burns when i pee
15:16.04afrosheenHobNobblin, the new polycom 430's are around that price
15:16.14afrosheenwatchy, hookers?
15:16.20[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : Depends on cost and what you really want.  I'd say yes if you hit 8 line and a fractional PRI isn't too much more.
15:16.22hohumasterisk is so ubershitty at doing certain things
15:16.24HobNobblinno PoE.  speakerphone is essential.  these phones will be used on a manufacturing floor too so need to be durable
15:16.25watchyafro: indeed
15:16.29pigpenpolycom 430:  Note:  no dnd customer really disliked that.
15:16.39[TK]D-FenderHobNobblin : Basic use I guess?
15:16.46afrosheenwatchy, go get a shot
15:17.02syzygyBSDhohum: like what?
15:17.07watchywouldnt that be an insult to my sister
15:17.13[TK]D-Fenderpigpen : MAKE one for them.  And you an still go into DND, just not native witha  single button.
15:17.27*** join/#asterisk anthonyl (i=anthony@nat/digium/x-005b02bdd459d0d8)
15:17.28hohumsyzgyBSD: I want it to STOP proxying RTP streams
15:17.37afrosheenpigpen, bah, put it in your dialplan
15:17.37hohumI have canreinvite=yes on ALL relevant peers
15:17.41watchyyou like the new firmware on polycoms tk? the 3.0 or whatever
15:17.43HobNobblinI'm probably looking at getting basic but durable units for the manufacturing floor and more feature full units for office they have to go through the menu...I have not looked into creating a button.
15:17.48hohumbut it INSISTS on being in the RTP stream
15:18.04syzygyBSDhohum: do you have insecure=very?
15:18.10pigpenbut yes..the dialplan is probably a better route, especially with the privacy manager I am running.
15:18.22hohumsyz: yes, on some, do I need to turn that off?
15:18.22afrosheenpigpen, that's right, polycoms come with keycaps and you can relabel stuff
15:18.39[TK]D-FenderHobNobblin : ok, then if you're looking on a budget, get an Aastra 9112 for that "beat around" phone, and either 480i's or Polycom's for the office.
15:18.42syzygyBSDno, should be on all
15:18.49hohumlet me try that
15:19.00HobNobblinthanks, I'll take a look at those
15:19.07hohumwhat about cancallforward=yes?
15:19.22[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : SIP 2.0.1. is faster than previous releases and add much better NAT support, as well as audio tweaking capabilities.
15:19.46*** join/#asterisk sb_mx (n=sb_mx@
15:20.01syzygyBSDhohum: that shouldn't matter
15:20.46afrosheen[TK]D-Fender, are you talking about the new polycom firmware?
15:21.16[TK]D-Fenderafrosheen : yes
15:21.37tamp4xanyone here have a load balanced asterisk set up?
15:21.44*** join/#asterisk in (
15:22.01afrosheenour latest batch of 501's shipped with the new firmware, nobody told us that when we ordered now we maintain 2 configs for each set
15:22.36watchyyou need a config for each set?
15:22.47watchyis it that much different?
15:24.02*** join/#asterisk Ox0F0-0FF (n=pierre@
15:25.27sloth_tk: for my counter should exten => t,1,Set(i=1) be a good start?
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15:26.21afrosheenwatchy, well one ftp folder holds the older firmware, one holds the newer, so we maintain 2 sets of everything
15:26.33afrosheenwatchy, and then we have 2 logins, bla bla
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15:27.45[TK]D-Fendersloth_ : Nope.  Logic flaw. that will get set on EVERY timout.....
15:28.31sloth_Ah, where is the best place for this logic, or is this logic not logical at all?
15:28.42*** join/#asterisk SomethingISODD (
15:28.51SomethingISODDhello how do i change a run tone from usa to euro??
15:29.24[TK]D-Fendersloth_ : Use your imagination and think step-by-step how the system yshould think as the call progresses.  This is programming 101
15:29.27watchyafro: oh yea, i didnt even think about that
15:29.28uwehello, im trying to configure asterisk with zaptel tdm400p connected to regular phone line, so far everything is fine except that when i try to call out it rings once/twice and then i get this tu-ta-ti sound (couldnt describe it better ;) ) i suppose this is related to the zone i define in zaptel.conf, am i correct?
15:30.06watchyim kinda outta it today, i woke up sick and i still dont feel good
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15:31.33SomethingISODDi have changed it in zapatel and zaptel.conf`
15:31.53[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : And what are you listening to it on?
15:32.08SomethingISODDshitty GS
15:32.39[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : then tahts whree you need to tell it.
15:32.39SomethingISODDya but i thought Asterisk is the thing that generates the ring tone
15:32.51[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : Because sip only tells a phone the call is "ringing", or "busy" or whatever and its the GS that decides what tones to play.
15:33.10[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : No, SIP sends a STATE, not the audio you think is associated with that state.
15:33.44SomethingISODDoh ok.
15:34.15uweum, or can someone tell me what the name of the voice tu-ta-ti is or a reference where i can find out? keywords?
15:34.17SomethingISODDif i called in on a did with the ring tone change, would that tell me if it actually changed?
15:34.35[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : And if you can't set it to the zone you want, add that to the list of "Even more reasons to not touch GS even WITH a 10' pole"
15:34.56SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender,  oh i know it is
15:35.02[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD : Hearing is believing.
15:35.02*** part/#asterisk HobNobblin (n=HobNobbl@
15:35.03SomethingISODDGS is shit..
15:35.06wunderkinuwe: ta-ta sound? heheheheh you mean the tri-tone/SIT when a number is disconnected?
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15:36.18wunderkinuwe: maybe add a w or a few before you dial the number
15:36.35jmlstoerkeium: show application extenspy
15:37.13uwehehee.. tahnks a lot wunderkin
15:37.22jmlstoerkeium: the best way is to set the SPYGROUP variable then you can cycle through all matching extensions
15:38.11uwei think ive got everything working now :D
15:41.45oliviertwhere are stored the on hold music on the file system ?
15:41.56DasTechman the fbsd portis way behine
15:42.07DasTechits still
15:42.21DasTechwho is doingthe port ?
15:43.49afrosheenoliviert, probably /var/lib/asterisk/moh or close to that
15:45.38oliviertafrosheen: thanks
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15:53.03DasTechanyone here built 1.4 on bsd yet ?
15:54.43*** join/#asterisk jimbo- (
15:54.53jimbo-question regarding asterisk 1.4
15:55.19jimbo-configure & make won't build res_odbc
15:55.31jimbo-i have unixODBC-devel installed
15:55.34jimbo-fedora core 4
15:55.42jimbo-is there anything I'm missing?
15:55.46*** join/#asterisk jake1932 (
15:56.53jake1932anthm: i found cdr_shell on your site.  any pointers in how to integrate it with asterisk?
15:59.15tamp4xanyone here dso a load balanced solution with asterisk?
15:59.25tamp4xfor dynamically registering users
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16:01.04*** join/#asterisk luke-jr_work (
16:01.11DasTechget a f5 or build a load balancer
16:01.21anthmyou just compile it and load it
16:01.33anthmif it still works =0
16:01.57DasTechits a loadbalance
16:02.29jake1932anthm: i was going to modify it a bit to do http stuff with libcurl.  didn't seem to compile (at least on  Maybe i was not doing it right
16:04.24anthmgo to the src of asterisk
16:04.31anthmcp ./contrib/scripts/astxs /bin
16:04.42anthmchmod u+rx /bin/astxs
16:05.00anthmastxs /path/to/cdr_shell.c
16:05.18anthmif you dont have a /usr/src/asterisk you need to add
16:05.25jake1932i do
16:05.34anthmok that's all then
16:05.42luke-jr_workTrying to debug a tinny-like sound on calls... do Sangoma cards just suck?
16:05.42jake1932very nice.  tnx!
16:06.23DasTechno sangommas rock
16:06.24*** join/#asterisk folsson (
16:06.28luke-jr_work(IP-only calls work fine)
16:06.33DasTechwe use them left and right
16:07.06*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
16:07.33jmlswe use them centre ..
16:08.15*** part/#asterisk jimbo- (
16:08.26luke-jr_workDasTech, could I have it misconfigured such then? :\
16:09.09DasTechcould be. when I have a fre min I will get you the confis form our working units
16:09.17DasTechich card do you have ?
16:09.25DasTechso I get you the right ones
16:09.40DasTechcurrently updating 54 servers
16:09.50DasTech12 of wich are fbsd/asterisk
16:10.25luke-jr_workI suspect the card mainly because bridged analog-to-analog faxes fail
16:11.02[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr_ : You must be doing something very wrong, or have some phenominally bad luck.
16:11.10luke-jr_workand like I said, SIP-to-analog (or vice versa) also have a tin-like sound on the SIP end around the SIP-speaker's voice
16:11.55luke-jr_workor the guy who put this system together originally was getting rid of a bad card o.o
16:11.56[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr_ : You need to make sure you have your cards firmware up to date, and the latest Wanpipe.  They HAVE had some very know problems with faxing, but even Digium disavows any responsibility for faxing on their cards.
16:12.07*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
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16:12.08jake1932anthm: no errors, but the .so is not in the asterisk mods folder.
16:12.54DasTechyou have to put it there
16:13.02*** join/#asterisk ShipHead (i=ShipHead@gateway/tor/x-9a13ccb52447277d)
16:13.15DasTechunless you mod themakefile to move it for you
16:13.16*** join/#asterisk adorah (
16:13.30jake1932(i just did a full search)
16:13.31DasTechthen it did not make
16:13.56jake1932gcc-3.4 -I/usr/src/asterisk -I/usr/src/asterisk/include  -pipe  -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -g3  -Iinclude -I../include -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE  -O0  -DZAPTEL_OPTIMIZATIONS   -DAST_JB       -fomit-frame-pointer  -fPIC -c /usr/src/ic/cdr_shell.c -o /usr/src/ic/cdr_shell.o
16:14.16jake1932wouldn't it have given an error if it didn't compile?
16:14.55*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
16:15.32DasTechbrb fone work
16:15.50anthmif you want it to install
16:15.55anthmastxs -install /path/to/cdr_shell.c
16:16.05anthmif your box is already up
16:16.10anthmastxs -autoload -install /path/to/cdr_shell.c
16:16.21andresmujicaanyone knows something about r2dtmf ???
16:16.25luke-jr_workso where does Sangoma distribute their firmware? :\
16:16.25jake1932yep - tried that too (found it on your site)
16:16.51jake1932shouldn't it create a .so?
16:17.25DasTechanthm what is this site ?
16:17.25anthmif you use autoload and ast is not running the install wont work
16:17.28anthmtry just install
16:17.53*** join/#asterisk postel (n=jp@wikimedia/Postel)
16:18.06[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr_ : its all on their FTP
16:18.25anthmi think he's talking about
16:19.22jake1932asterisk:/usr/src/ic# astxs -install /usr/src/cdr_shell.c
16:19.23jake1932gcc-3.4 -I/usr/src/asterisk -I/usr/src/asterisk/include  -pipe  -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -g3  -Iinclude -I../include -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE  -O0  -DZAPTEL_OPTIMIZATIONS   -DAST_JB       -fomit-frame-pointer  -fPIC -c /usr/src/cdr_shell.c -o /usr/src/cdr_shell.o
16:19.40jake1932that's all i get
16:20.39*** join/#asterisk toxap (n=toxap@
16:21.46anthmgcc -shared -Xlinker -x -o /usr/src/ /usr/src/cdr_shell.o
16:21.49anthmshould be there too
16:21.51*** part/#asterisk mog (
16:22.10anthmmaybe the astxs is broke ?
16:23.27anthmtry that one it works for me
16:23.32jake1932it's looking for  cdr_shell.o
16:23.36anthmif that doesnt work the makefile is probably broke
16:24.00anthmor you can just run that command i just mentioned by hand
16:24.08toxaphi, please give me link for free g729 codec, i want to check some tests at asterisk h323
16:24.20jmlsanthm: hope you don't mind, I updated #5161 to work with the latest svn trunk
16:24.37anthmno that's ok
16:24.48anthmthat one's getting elderly
16:25.00anthmi think it's 13 mos old now
16:25.17jmlsanthm: I was wanting to use it to allow me to hook into the manager events so that I could then use jabber to send them on
16:25.33anthmI wrote an entire new application from scratch in the time that patch has festered in there
16:25.47jmlsanthm: which one is that
16:25.47anthmyep that is one of the reasons i made it to begin with
16:25.49toddfam I the only one who notices that when enabling transfers on outbound calls, one cannot send the digit '#' to an outbound call ?
16:26.00anthmso you could have apps get events internally
16:26.06jake1932anthm: doesn't seem to compile to .o
16:26.10toxaphi, please give me link for free g729 codec, i want to check some tests at asterisk h323
16:27.22jmlsoh, that *small* app ;)
16:27.30jake1932gcc: /usr/src/ic/cdr_shell.o: No such file or directory
16:28.25anthmbased on your input i would assume gcc -shared -Xlinker -x -o /usr/src/ /usr/src/cdr_shell.o
16:28.29anthmwould complete the task
16:29.04anthmdid you try the other verison of astxs i pasted you ?
16:29.22jake1932it's actually the one i have
16:29.29*** part/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
16:29.31jake1932(but i wget'd it anyways)
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16:31.37docelmoAnyone in here from orlando know PHP and Web Design?
16:33.00anthmdl that
16:33.05*** join/#asterisk mog (
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16:33.08anthmsh cheat_sh /usr/src/cdr_shell
16:33.27anthmthat might give you a so in /usr/src
16:33.58jake1932that did it! tnx
16:35.34*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (n=John@
16:35.57toxaphi, please give me link for free g729 codec, i want to check some tests at asterisk h323
16:36.29anthmi bet the more times you ask that question in succession the less likely you will ever get it ;)
16:37.15toxapjake1932, I know, but i not have $ in internet
16:37.26docelmoThen you dont have g729
16:37.48jake1932we can work on a barter system
16:38.06key2docelmo: still had no time to reencode the video ?
16:38.07docelmopossible..  but what does he have that anyone may want?
16:38.08brad_msswtoxap: the free for educational use version is linked on
16:38.22docelmoI just moved..  Lemme see if it looks decient
16:38.57*** part/#asterisk DasTech (
16:40.01docelmono the video looks good the audio blows..
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16:46.10luke-jr_work[TK]D-Fender, not docs on what to do with them
16:47.54luke-jr_workor rather, on how to get the serial number
16:49.45*** join/#asterisk Mugatu_ (n=mugatu@unaffiliated/Mugatu)
16:49.59arisjrhi folks... xlite and asteriesk, all with gsm. I am havin some noise on conversations. can someone help me?
16:51.28Qwell[]Don't most conversations consist of some amount of noise?
16:51.48Qwell[]I mean, it would be pretty silly to call somebody, and have both ends muted the entire time
16:52.27DrkShdwdepends on your definition of noise.   by 'noise'  I assume you mean 'sound'   by his 'noise'  i assume he means 'noise'  :P
16:53.21sloth_TK, thanks you set me on the right path (regarding the counter)
16:53.29Qwell[]DrkShdw: yes, indeed. :)
16:53.50Qwell[]DrkShdw: the point really, is what type of noise.  There are multiple types of "bad" noise, all with different causes/solutions
16:54.18arisjrits like a bad tunned radio...
16:54.32arisjrusing gsm on both ends
16:54.42arisjrof course
16:57.12De_Monof course?
16:57.22arisjrhmmm bad english
16:57.56De_Monwell its just kinda odd to say 'of course' when what you said isn't at all obvious.
16:59.49arisjrother thing is with some calls, the communication is like a choper  (helicopter)... and one side hears, and the other dont.
17:00.06*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doo@
17:00.18luke-jr_workbad bandwidth management?
17:00.31arisjris with pstn.
17:00.46arisjrand gsm on the end
17:01.43arisjrI am with asterisk on DMZ. I can put it on internal net to minimize latency on the firewall.
17:01.49[TK]D-Fendersloth_ : Set your counter before you start looping.  Then increment it on "t" or "i" and check if you exceed your maximum. If you don't jsut jsut BELOW the point where you initiaize it to play your menu again.
17:03.11arisjrluke-jr_work, this choper noise... Is it normally a bandwitdh problem?
17:09.28luke-jr_workarisjr, wtf? gsm doesn't run over PSTN
17:09.55*** join/#asterisk ScurvyDawg (
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17:10.41ScurvyDawgI am a newb to Asterisk could you reccomend some documentation for me to start?
17:11.14jbotsomebody said docs was Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
17:11.14ScurvyDawgthank you
17:11.16jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
17:11.17arisjrluke-jr_work, yeap... client -> gsm -> asterisk -> slin, gsm codec -> PSTN
17:11.29rgsteeleHey guys...Gotta question.  I just set up my outgoing calls to get routed through a channel bank provided by the phone company.  However, after about 30 seconds on an outgoing call, it begins to break up so badly that I have to hang up.  Any ideas?
17:11.31ScurvyDawgOhhh a book perfect
17:11.54arisjrluke-jr_work, even
17:11.59rgsteeleBtw, running asterisk
17:13.05arisjrluke-jr_work, digium boards work on slinear, isn't it?
17:14.15sloth_TK: Thanks I go it.
17:15.01ScurvyDawgawesome response for docs thanks all :)
17:16.06luke-jr_workarisjr, needless to say, client->asterisk deals with bandwidth
17:16.55arisjrok... I get your point. but focusing on the problem, this helicopter noise is always bandwodth problem?
17:17.25luke-jr_workarisjr, no idea, my experience is mostly via IP
17:17.28doolphmy sip.conf registry command is not working any clue?
17:18.36luke-jr_workarisjr, cutting in and out suggests bandwidth to me, and only one end hearing the other suggests NAT
17:20.14rgsteeleOk, well how about a more simple question:  Is there any jitter control via any of the asterisk configuration files?
17:20.28quid246Rgsteele:  IAX has jitter buffer.
17:21.18rgsteelequid246: I've enabled the jitterbuffer in the iax.conf
17:21.19[TK]D-Fendersloth_ : Care to show your approach?
17:21.33rgsteeleBut, I still get horrible break-up after about 20 or 30 seconds.
17:21.57nvzndoes the asterisk 1.4 still require ztdummy or does it use POSIX timers?
17:22.01quid246rgsteele:  Local or to a provider?
17:22.34[TK]D-Fendernvzn : Doesn't technically require eitehr depending on what you want to do.
17:22.59rgsteelequid246: To a provider.  The outgoing calls get passed to the Asterisk box, which has two TDM400p cards in it.  The TDM400P's have analog lines going from them to a channel bank provided by the phone company.
17:23.14rgsteeleThe channel bank terminates the T1 to the phone company.
17:23.17doolphwhat's new with asterisk 1.4?
17:23.23nvzn[TK]D-Fender: i was under the impression that the timer was needed for musiconhold and echo stuff
17:23.35quid246RG:  Do you get breakup on internal calls IAX-to-IAX?
17:23.42[TK]D-Fendernvzn : Not for MoH, and what do you mean "echo stuff"?
17:24.03nvzn[TK]D-Fender: echo cancellation
17:24.45[TK]D-Fendernvzn : EC on what interface?
17:25.34nvzn[TK]D-Fender: im not using one
17:25.52rgsteelequid246: Double-checking
17:25.56[TK]D-Fendernvzn : Then what are you talking about?
17:25.57rgsteeleStand by...
17:26.00nvzn[TK]D-Fender: so what exactly do these timers do
17:26.13nvzn[TK]D-Fender: ztdummy for instance
17:26.25*** join/#asterisk benjk (
17:26.59[TK]D-Fendernvzn : Theya re usef for IAX2 trunking timing, and MeetMe conference timing in cases where you don't have a hardware source.
17:27.13*** join/#asterisk andrebarbosa (n=andrebar@
17:27.19nvzn[TK]D-Fender: so i need it then, since i have an IAX2 trunk
17:27.28rgsteelequid246: I can confirm that it does not break up IAX-to-IAX.  Calls between internal office phones go from one phone, to the asterisk box, then back to whichever other internal office phone.
17:27.33[TK]D-Fendernvzn : Are you indeed using it in "trunk" mode?
17:27.42nvzn[TK]D-Fender: yes
17:28.21rgsteelequid246: Thinking this might warrant a call to the phone company.
17:28.31[TK]D-Fendernvzn : then that is a case where you will need a timing source.
17:28.53nvzn[TK]D-Fender: so will 1.4 require ztdummy or does it use POSIX timers?
17:29.08andrebarbosai have a doubt on meetme app
17:29.24andrebarbosaif i have on meetme.conf an entry: 1000,1111,1111
17:29.50andrebarbosaand if I enter on a dynamic conference vusing meetme(|Md)
17:29.58andrebarbosaand then choose 1000 conference
17:30.04andrebarbosait will not ask for the pin number
17:30.07[TK]D-Fendernvzn : ztdummy USES POSIX timers unless you are using a kernel that doesn't support them in which case it uses a UHCI USB interface for that.
17:30.15andrebarbosait should work like this?
17:31.15nvzn[TK]D-Fender: does the latter case apply to a freebsd kernel?
17:31.27[TK]D-Fenderandrebarbosa : youa re supposed to passing it the PIN when you CALL it.
17:31.37[TK]D-Fendernvzn : Not sure as far as BSD is concerned
17:31.41doolphanyone know where's g729 key stored?
17:32.26*** join/#asterisk DocHolliday (i=RogerRab@gateway/tor/x-0bddec5ad5969c89)
17:32.36andrebarbosa[TK]D-Fender, the problem is that meetme app does no ask for pin number when entering using meetme(|Md) (dynamicly)
17:33.01[TK]D-Fenderandrebarbosa : MeetMe([confno][,[options][,pin]]): Enters the user into a specified MeetMe conference
17:33.08*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
17:33.21[TK]D-Fenderandrebarbosa : read the BIG PRINT and pass it a damn PIN to us.
17:33.45[TK]D-Fenderandrebarbosa : if its "dynamic then where the hell is it expect to get a PIn from if you don't PASS it?
17:34.25andrebarbosaok, so
17:34.48SplasPoodandrebarbosa: you'd wanna use Authenticate() before to handle prompting for the pin...
17:34.51*** join/#asterisk backblue (n=igor@
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17:35.05backbluehi, anyone here, played with gsm gateways and bri's?
17:35.23andrebarbosaif i got an user on 1000 room (each enter using Meetme(1000) ) and it HAD to enter the pin
17:35.41andrebarbosaand then if someone goes using Meetm(|dM) and enter 1000
17:35.46andrebarbosait will be ask for the pin
17:36.08andrebarbosabut if noone is in the 1000 room
17:36.20andrebarbosathe MeetMe(|dM) will not ask the pin
17:36.39andrebarbosais there a way to reserve a conference? even if there is noone inside of it?
17:36.56*** part/#asterisk pabluss (n=aquicamb@
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17:41.01backblueandrebarbosa: portugues?
17:41.49*** join/#asterisk LostFrog (
17:42.07andrebarbosabackblue, yes :)
17:43.01backblueandrebarbosa: quem es?
17:43.13andrebarbosa? nao
17:43.18backbluehum ok
17:43.40backblueo ashes é que tava a fazer uma cena dessas de conferencias
17:43.46backblueja fez acho
17:44.06andrebarbosaha algum # de asterisk portugues?
17:44.06backblueandrebarbosa: conheįo-te? :)
17:44.20backblueandrebarbosa: na ptnet, aqui nao.
17:44.22andrebarbosaacho que nao.. nao venho muito ao irc
17:44.34*** join/#asterisk diclophis-work (n=jbardin@
17:44.34andrebarbosa#asterisk tb?
17:44.35rgsteelequid246: Just plugged an analog phone into the channel bank and got no breakup
17:44.36diclophis-workhello all
17:44.45backblueandrebarbosa: de onde és? nop, canal voip.
17:45.25backblueandrebarbosa: alguma empresa? ou mais um curioso? :)
17:46.34andrebarbosacritical software
17:46.43backblueandrebarbosa: ha giro! :) sou da 3gntw.
17:46.47sloth_sure thing: exten => s,1,Set(TOCOUNT=0)
17:46.47sloth_exten => s,2,Set(TOCOUNT=$[${TOCOUNT} + 1])
17:46.47sloth_exten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=3)
17:46.48sloth_exten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=5)
17:46.48sloth_exten => s,n,Background(webpda/webpda-menu)
17:46.48sloth_exten => s,n,Noop(This message has been heard ${TOCOUNT} times)
17:46.49sloth_exten => s,n,WaitExten(2)
17:46.51sloth_exten => t,1,GotoIf($[ ${TOCOUNT} = 3 ]?t,2:s,2)
17:46.53sloth_exten => t,2,Voicemail(u500@webpda)
17:47.02backblueandrebarbosa: conheįes?
17:47.05[TK]D-Fendersloth_ : PASTEBIN
17:47.06sloth_should have used pastbin (sorry)
17:47.47[TK]D-Fendersloth_ : Excellent work.  Spot-on.
17:47.55sloth_Thanks man
17:47.55andrebarbosanao conheco..
17:48.10[TK]D-Fendersloth_ : I would suggest you create a SEPERATE counter for invalid attempts too.
17:48.13diclophis-workwhy would a SIP channel not report ringing?
17:48.22backblueandrebarbosa: nop, famalicão.
17:48.31backbluesomos o provider voip .pt mais barato e com mais qualidade
17:48.32[TK]D-Fendersloth_ : Anti-Slacker countermeasures
17:48.46backbluemas n é o nosso mercado, mas normalmente é por o que o pessoal de voip nos conheįe
17:48.58backbluen é o mercado principal i mean
17:49.00[TK]D-Fendersloth_ : I use "iCount" and "tCount" personally.
17:49.19andrebarbosaeu aqui trabalho numa caixa que integra varios serviços, e o asterisk ÃĐ um deles
17:49.21backblueo nosso major goal, é deployment de centrais ip.
17:49.31andrebarbosatemos alguns acordos com isp voip
17:49.33andrebarbosatipo a netcall
17:49.37sloth_nice, good idea
17:49.44backblueé tipo o ipbrick da iportalmais
17:49.47backbluetb trabalhei lá
17:49.58andrebarbosaya parecido com o ipbrick
17:50.00backblueandrebarbosa: nos somos melhores que a netcal
17:50.06backbluen é deitar abaixo o trabalho deles
17:50.09backbluenada disso
17:50.20jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
17:50.20backbluesomos mais competitivos, é o que queria dizer
17:50.33andrebarbosaos gajos abusam um bocadito nas chamadas para gsm  :\
17:50.41backbluenos temos os preįos mais baratos
17:50.46backbluede .pt
17:50.51backbluee vao baixar mais
17:51.11backbluemas nos agora vamos lanįar dois tarifários, bqr e lcr
17:51.16backblueo cliente escolhe o que quiser
17:51.24backbluemas voįes integram com centrais antigas?
17:51.36*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
17:51.53LostFrogIs there anyone around that could help me with a blind transfer problem?
17:51.57LostFrogIt looks like this:
17:52.07sloth_Is anyone using Ruby/Rails with Asterisk?
17:52.12LostFrogI have a problem with uni-directional audio.
17:52.20backblueLostFrog: mat issues?
17:52.27LostFrogNope.. all VPNed.
17:52.37LostFrogAnd direct calls work fine.
17:52.46backblueno nat, so you can see your udp rtp trafic?
17:54.57DocHollidayi just got yelled at for not making a password the person's name.. *gives up on life*
17:55.22Pj_just put 0000
17:55.24Pj_they all love it
17:55.29wunderkinTHE PASSWORD SHOULD BE 'password', nubb!
17:55.40Pj_nah password is too long
17:55.54Pj_people type passw... and they forget the end by the time they get there
17:55.56DocHollidayi think 1234 is more appropriate
17:56.09*** join/#asterisk VijayG (i=vijay@
17:56.11Pj_admin is not bad, but only for admin accounts otherwise it ruins the fun
17:56.30Pj_DocHolliday: your users will tell you that 0000 is faster to type
17:56.34DocHollidayyeah seriously, i got called a "hack"..
17:56.35Pj_especially if you got commercials
17:56.55DocHollidayouch :(
17:57.01VijayGhello everyone
17:57.05DocHollidayif that ever happens i'm getting out of IT
17:57.16Pj_(start packing)
17:57.23VijayGi need to configure G729 codec in my asterisk server
17:57.26kristalinodo i need a kernel module for the linksys spa3000 ?
17:57.33VijayGhow can i do that
17:57.38VijayGcan anyone guide me for that
17:58.16LostFrogBuy it, VijayG. It comes with instructions.
17:58.18pingwin[work]is there a way to make a single playback function call play multiple files in order to construct a sentence?
17:59.11LostFrogpingwin[work]: show application playback
17:59.42pingwin[work]rockin, thanks
17:59.59VijayGHello <LostFrog>, i need to test it, i think there is something called as educational or free version for g729 as well
18:00.27LostFrogBut that would be illegal in most countries, and I couldn't possibly help you.
18:00.34LostFrogYou may want to google it. ;)
18:00.45VijayGin india its legal
18:00.48VijayGi am based in india
18:00.52doolphSep 26 23:28:56 DEBUG[6183] db.c: Unable to find key '4755845097' in family
18:00.54doolphany idea?
18:00.55VijayGlet me just try to find out
18:01.19LostFrogWell.. when I used it in my India office, I figured it out by googling.
18:01.28LostFrogBut here in the US it is illegal.
18:02.00*** join/#asterisk hilacha (
18:02.25VijayGlet me try...
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18:04.01VijayGCan you give me some hints for the same please
18:04.10VijayGi tried looking for the same on google
18:04.24VijayGbut could not find much info about the educational version
18:04.55LostFrogSome people are just dense.
18:05.08*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
18:05.16hilachahi all. I have a asterisk server running fine to my voip provider but i have noise in the voice stream in the dialer voip audio only. The noise appears like a AM radio trying to tune. Can someone, plz, give me a way to find the root of my problem?
18:05.30*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
18:05.52blebleblegetting a '>  dialparties.agi: extstate: 1' when dialing an extension, it goes straight to voicemail, yet all the settings are correct anyone have any ideas on how to troubleshoot this
18:06.46*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
18:07.12doolphhow can I debug sip registry command??
18:07.25LostFrogsip debug?
18:07.49doolphit doesnt want to get registered with the isp
18:09.08doolphI have register => 1299:xxxx@ in sip.conf
18:09.17doolphbut sip show registry doesnt show nothing
18:09.37LostFrogIt's really hard to trace rtp on a running system with multiple channels going.. :(
18:11.00*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=Greek-Bo@
18:11.53doolphthis is getting me sick with this server
18:14.47a1fadoolph : do sip show peer
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18:18.23LostFrogHmm.. bind transfers don't work with native transfer.
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18:19.42LostFrogActually.. vice versa.
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18:21.20brad_msswVijayG: just look here :  .. if you're still interested in the 'free' version, scan down the page to the 'opensource implementation', there's a link to the for educational use one
18:21.34tamp4xanyone here dso a load balanced solution with asterisk (dynamically regestering peers) ?
18:22.10docelmoya me
18:22.22docelmoIm speaking at astricon on the subject
18:22.36backbluedocelmo: soo, do a pdf so we can read
18:22.47docelmoyou will get one from the show..
18:22.56backbluei'm very interested too
18:23.00docelmoor better yet..  come listen, learn, ask questions..  :)
18:23.03LostFrogIDamn, I wish I had a training budet.
18:23.14backbluedocelmo: no money. no time.
18:23.17LostFrogwell.. I do.. it just happens to be $0.
18:23.25tamp4xsame reason as backblue
18:23.56tamp4xi was thinking of hacking the chan_sip to do it, with what ever stupid reply the phone gives back grom the server that is communicating with it
18:24.27docelmothere is a easier way..  SER -> Asterisk
18:24.49doolphanyone had before problems with register command in sip.conf?
18:24.52tamp4xwhen an invite comes from a carrier
18:24.59tamp4xto asterisk
18:25.03backbluedo you want to suport multiple registrations on asterisk? only that?
18:25.33LostFrogIs ther a good document out there on redundancy with asterisk and sip?
18:25.38tamp4xphone is registered to server A (via ser 300 redirect), call comes in to server B, B sends to phone, phone will reject invite
18:25.38docelmoI do IP and digest auth in SER then tell asterisk what to do..
18:26.04docelmoPhone is registered to SER not asterisk
18:26.16docelmoredirects in asterisk suck
18:26.30backblue*sip* + asterisk sucks
18:26.42docelmono that would be h323
18:26.43tamp4xhow does asterisk send the call to the phone
18:26.53*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
18:26.53docelmoasterisk doesnt..  SER does
18:26.55Pj_with a club
18:27.01backbluewell, i dont like chan_sip
18:27.09docelmoI dont think many do..
18:27.17tamp4xwhat if the phone is busy
18:27.20docelmochan_sip was bastardized..
18:27.27tamp4xif you have your carrier send calls to ser
18:27.30docelmoThen SER sends it to one of the asterisk boxes for voicemail
18:27.48tamp4xo you have some section for 486
18:27.50*** join/#asterisk freebsd_fan (
18:27.54cekcis there a way to debug what zaptel hardware is currently up to?
18:27.56tamp4xdidnt think of that
18:28.16docelmoYour not the first ITSP I have built clustered..  :)
18:29.00*** join/#asterisk inv_arp[work] (
18:29.45backbluedocelmo: so you should be able to answer my question, with realtime+cache in asterisk, when i do reload, to re-read some information that it's allready cached, i loose my nat keep alives, anyway to round that?
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18:32.55docelmonope..  Welcome to the limitations of Realtime
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18:33.37docelmoYou have to wait for the phone to re-register..  I set my registration timeouts for 1 minute so they are kept as upto date as possible
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18:33.45LostFrogThat's a lot of traffic.
18:34.45backbluedocelmo: you do that on the phone, right?
18:34.50docelmoregistrations?   well yes and no..  only a few bytes..  however SER does this w/o a problem..  asterisk may bitch tho
18:35.01docelmoinstead of 3600 set it to 60
18:35.28*** join/#asterisk Ebola (
18:35.37backblueyes, that's what i do too
18:35.46backbluebut can be bad
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18:35.54backbluechansip it's bad
18:36.14backbluemakes no senso to me use ser+asterisk
18:36.26backblueasterisk should suport sip well
18:36.48*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
18:36.52docelmoasterisk yes if one asterisk box..   if your clustering asterisk then SER is your best friend
18:37.20afrosheenis anyone here familiar with g729 licensing?
18:37.30docelmowhat do you wanna know?
18:37.50afrosheenI'm trying to estimate how many licenses we'll need, total
18:37.54backbluedocelmo: well why not use 1 asterisk box, to do the ser job? and many asterisk another boxes?
18:38.37docelmohehe..   Asterisk can only handle 300 calls MAX if you're lucky..  SER can handle 10,000+
18:38.42docelmoyou do the math
18:38.44afrosheenI'm not sure if g729 has to be licensed per device, per channel or what
18:38.49docelmoper channel
18:39.05backbluedocelmo: well, that its one more problem with asterisk.
18:39.06docelmoif you plan to do A-LEG and B-LEG g729 then you dont need it..  Just use pass thru
18:39.09afrosheenso if my polycoms will do g729 to the server, is that a channel or is a channel when they dial outgoing
18:39.10denonper concurrent channel
18:39.21docelmoelse you will need g729 in the middle for transcoding
18:39.30afrosheenyeah I do NOT want the server transcoding
18:39.45afrosheensince the phones can do it, might as well pass the stream to the endpoint (sip trunk)
18:39.52backbluedocelmo: but i dont mind to use ser in a clustered env
18:40.08backbluedocelmo: but i mind asterisk does not suport well sip as ser do
18:40.13backblueeven if i only use one machine.
18:40.35docelmoAsterisk is SER on steroids..  SER is a proxy nothing more..  its light weight..
18:40.54afrosheencommpartners supports ulaw and g729, so I will just need licenses for g729 per channel going to commpartners, correct?
18:40.55backbluecluster it's a very specific implementation normally, so costumization it's normal, so as using ser.
18:41.34backbluedocelmo: makes no sense to me, if i want to install a pbx, i have to install ser in the same machine of asterisk, to have efficient suport for sip.
18:41.54docelmono not really although you can
18:42.18docelmoif just a small pbx then all you need is asterisk if > 300 Calls total then you cluster
18:42.23backbluewell, no realtime
18:42.29backblueno multiple registrations
18:42.40backblueno alphanumeric sip users
18:42.59backblueno , no , no , no , ...
18:43.05backbluealots of no, in the sip protocol
18:43.05docelmoNo need, yes you can and yes you can
18:43.14docelmoYou're just new..
18:43.26docelmoGet some hard core experience behind you then you will see
18:43.41backbluei have experience
18:43.45backbluewhy do you say that?
18:43.47backblueexplain please.
18:43.49docelmoSIP is 100000000 times better than H323   and 1000000 times better than IAX
18:43.57docelmoCause your acting like a newn
18:44.37justinu|laptopin this channel, iax p0wns
18:44.42andrebarbosawell i deploy a voip solution on my company based on IAX extensions.. and was the worst thing i could do..
18:44.51andrebarbosalots of delay on the calls
18:45.03andrebarbosatried everything.. then i fallbak to SIP and everything works fine
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18:45.27afrosheeniax > sip
18:45.53andrebarbosai could not explain the delay on the calls
18:46.04andrebarbosa> 1000ms sometimes
18:46.06andrebarbosaon LAN calls
18:46.26andrebarbosai got less delay on intercontinental calls
18:46.26afrosheenI have no idea how you could do that
18:46.34andrebarbosaneither I
18:46.52rbddoes extconfig.conf use res_odbc.conf for resolving the database name? (i.e. if I enter "extensions => mysql,asterisk,extensions_table", does it look for an entry called 'asterisk' in res_odbc.conf (if not, where does it find the mysql connection info?)
18:46.54andrebarbosatry turning off jitter, codecs, ..
18:47.01backbluewe have a lots of iax implementations without problems
18:47.05backblueand sip too
18:47.15backbluebut we are allways limited to what chan_sip can do
18:47.27docelmoPut it this way you will never see me openly say use IAX it rules..
18:47.29*** join/#asterisk drcode (
18:47.30afrosheenI just like iax better because of how it magically defeats firewalls
18:47.33drcodehi all
18:47.37docelmoIAX has its own place in asterisk..
18:47.44Corydon-wrbd: nope, that's only for odbc connections
18:47.52drcodeif I have nat, can I also use sip?
18:47.58andrebarbosaya afrosheen
18:48.02backbluedocelmo: i dont agree with you, iax it's very good for trunking at least.
18:48.03andrebarbosamy option was based on that too
18:48.10*** join/#asterisk CuCullin (n=smwuser@
18:48.12Greek-Boyyeah IAX rules for trunking
18:48.17Greek-BoySIP good for phones and clients
18:48.27backblueyeah,  you dont have nat issues with that.
18:48.28afrosheenGreek-Boy, just summed it up nicely
18:48.32Corydon-wrbd: res_config_mysql looks in res_mysql.conf
18:48.39drcodesip can be used in nat?
18:48.42CuCullinhey all - I'm having a bit of trouble finding any info on using asterisk with Comcast's Digital Voice offering.  Anyone know where I can find something on this?
18:48.48afrosheendrcode, single-sided nat, yes
18:49.03afrosheenCuCullin, I think they are 2 different worlds
18:49.04*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
18:49.05rbdCorydon-w: ahh okay... that file didn't seem to ship in my asterisk distro
18:49.07_deg_is this possible to have something like this on zapata.conf?
18:49.07docelmobackblue haha..  try IAX trunking at grater than 20 channels..
18:49.16drcodewell ,  I have try to use x-lite
18:49.16_deg_channel => 1,3,5,8
18:49.20rbdI'll grab it from the default distro...this is asterisk 1.2.7 I believe
18:49.20CuCullinafrosheen: as in... ?
18:49.21afrosheendocelmo, is there some hard coded limitation?
18:49.25Corydon-wrbd: it's in the addons package
18:49.28_deg_insted of channel => 1-8
18:49.32drcodeI am inside nat , and other not , it didn't secess
18:49.38afrosheenCuCullin, digital voice is comcast's internal digital phone service...asterisk is not
18:49.38drcodeany one mybe use it?
18:49.38docelmoafrosheen no but IAX turns to shit > 20
18:49.47afrosheendocelmo, define 'turns to shit'
18:49.51backbluedocelmo: probably, because ztdummy
18:49.54docelmoand your CPU level goes 100%
18:49.54rbdCorydon-w: okay, so realtime extensions will work out of the box, right? I just need to grab res-mysql.conf from addons and set it up.
18:50.03docelmobackblue I tried with actual hardware..  same
18:50.06docelmoits something in IAX
18:50.13backblueand with posix timers?
18:50.17Corydon-wrbd: or you could set up mysql in unixODBC
18:50.20andrebarbosaI have a problem on realtime regarding SIP
18:50.31andrebarbosare-directs don't work
18:50.32docelmoandrebarbosa ??
18:50.45rbdCorydon-w: okay, thanks much. I assume I could use something like sqlLite via unixODBC as well
18:50.45_deg_is ther someone to  help me here with zapata.conf?
18:50.46andrebarbosaon IAX notransfer works fine
18:51.02Corydon-wrbd: perhaps
18:51.15afrosheendocelmo, you weren't doing any transcoding over iax were you?
18:51.22backbluedocelmo: you must agree with me, sip implementation could be very much better.
18:51.30CuCullinafrosheen: as a PBX, I should be able to use Asterisk to manage multiple phones in my homes, assigning them after the call comes in, and possibly, if comcast supports it, use asterisk to handle incoming calls through Comcasts system without the phone line, as in logging in somehow.  Thats what I'm wondering about.
18:51.41*** join/#asterisk Crad (
18:51.49drcodeis there doc that expline about sip and nat?
18:51.53docelmobackblue Mark Spencer and I spoke about it @ VON a couple weeks ago
18:51.58docelmoyes even he knows it.
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18:52.11docelmodrcode yes the RFC
18:52.14backbluei know they do, but they only want to sell cards.
18:52.15Corydon-wCuCullin: Comcast does not run their voip service over the same network as their broadband
18:52.32docelmoCorydon76-home yes they do
18:52.36CuCullinyes they do
18:52.40docelmoit runs on the same frequency
18:52.41Corydon-wdocelmo: no, they don't
18:52.54Corydon-wThey run a completely separate network over the same lines
18:53.16backbluewell, i have to go
18:53.22CuCullinCorydon, how so? I have a single cable modem which also gives me my analog line.
18:53.26docelmounless they are doing something I dont know of..  Cause when I was doing some diagnostics they same freq was used for the modem and the ATA portion
18:53.31Corydon-wCuCullin: correct
18:53.46Corydon-wCuCullin: the cable modem is terminating two distinct networks
18:54.00afrosheencorydon is right
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18:54.16Wolandcan anybody tell me how to write extension for calling to addresses like user@domain ?
18:54.27CuCullinok, so effectively the only way for me to set up a PBX would be making use of the analog line, and not going over my network
18:54.36Corydon-wCuCullin: correct
18:54.39afrosheenCuCullin, yep
18:54.41CuCullinwell thats a shame.
18:54.47docelmoWoland exten => user, 1, Dial(SIP/user@domain)
18:54.51afrosheenyou're not going to bridge their system to asterisk just because they're using voip
18:54.53CuCullinno soft-phone capabilities with them either I suppose?
18:55.04luke-jr_workCorydon-w, maybe he can get access to the phone network?
18:55.06Corydon-wAlso correct
18:55.11docelmowho comcast?  no
18:55.16CuCullindocelmo: yes
18:55.21Corydon-wluke-jr_work: not without violating the TOS
18:55.36luke-jr_workCorydon-w, well, that applies to Vonage as well =p
18:55.40CuCullinWell thats a lie right there.  I'll have to try and get some credit for that load of bs.
18:55.52docelmoTheir network is almost the same as Brighthouse in flordia which I used to work for..
18:56.12CuCullinI wish I could say I'd drop comcast, but I have no cable provider alternatives, and cant beat the price...
18:56.14docelmoits 100% enclosed on the coax/fiber..  You need an ATA to get to it
18:56.23*** join/#asterisk lero (n=rootz@
18:56.31leroanyone use munin with asterisk plugins?
18:56.57toddfdoes anybody use the transfer capabilities of asterisk?  How do you dial out with the ability to transfer the call to another phone, yet send '#' to remote pbx systems?
18:57.02Wolanddocelmo: in this case asterisk understands extension as 'call to user in context domain', isn't it?
18:57.07luke-jr_workCan I setup a LAN using the cable provider's lines independent of their ISP network? ;p
18:57.22luke-jr_worktoddf, I just don't send #
18:57.23docelmoyes..  on the 2nd user use ${EXTEN} forgot that part..
18:57.35Wolanddocelmo: is there a way to write "exten
18:57.42Wolanddocelmo: is there a way to write "exten => user@domain ..."
18:57.49toddfluke: but, some systems require it; when I call my isp to talk to anybody I must first dial 0#
18:57.50CuCullinwell screw me. Thanks guys.
18:58.01Wolanddocelmo: or wildcard ".@domain"
18:58.36docelmoCuCullin uhh no..  :)
18:58.42Corydon-wCuCullin: woohoo
18:58.51CuCullinrhetorical guys :-P
18:59.01docelmoWoland dude you are confusing the hell outa me
18:59.08*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (i=HaMYaI@
18:59.09docelmoCheck out app_dial on the wiki
18:59.11CuCullinI doubt my ass is all that inviting... though Comcast would seem to disagree.
18:59.27*** join/#asterisk jazzplyer (
18:59.29CuCullinoh well... im off to play with asterisk in other ways
18:59.32Corydon-wWhat, is it hairy or something?
18:59.33Wolanddocelmo: ok $+)
19:00.02CuCullinCorydon: just an assumption really.  I don't tend to rate my ass.
19:00.08CuCullinMust be the lack of myspace usage.
19:00.24*** part/#asterisk Woland (
19:00.28Corydon-wMost people don't... they allow others to rate it...
19:00.36*** part/#asterisk jazzplyer (
19:01.31CuCullin*shrug* I'll leave that to the gf.  Thanks for the help though.
19:02.41[TK]D-Fendertoddf : the idea is not to use *'s DTMF based features for anything you don't have to.  Normal SIP phone has a dedicate transfer button which has nothing to do with DTMF therby leaving the "#" key alone for normal use at all times
19:05.48doolphdb.c: Unable to find key 'SIP/2029950_in' in family 'cfb'
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19:15.47drcodeasteriks need mysql or other db?
19:15.56funxiondoesnt need it
19:15.58AlricAnyone know if you can make a Sipura ATA auto answer?
19:16.30funxiondoes anyone know the asterisk variable for the destination channel of a call ?
19:16.48funxionprovided the variable is called after the call ha been routed
19:16.51luke-jr_workAlric, how can you make an analog phone autoanswer??
19:17.02funxiongood point luke-jr_work
19:17.11AlricIt doesn't have to be an analog phone on the end of an ATA...
19:17.34funxionit is an alanlog telephony adapter
19:17.42funxionso it does have to be analog
19:17.50a1faAlric : get a phone-pickup-monkey
19:18.07a1faeverytime your ata rings, the monkey picks it up
19:18.15a1fabcos he is attached to the phone
19:18.18AlricYes, its analog.  No, its not a phone.
19:18.21a1faand he gets shocked
19:19.28funxiona1fa do you know what the asterisk variable for the destination channel is?
19:19.56AlricNot sure how else to get this Viking thing to pick up.  It doesn't seem to want to on its own.
19:20.10funxiondoes ${channel} return the inbound or outbound side?
19:20.57funxionAlric I dont thin you can force it through the ata
19:21.41funxionthe analog end needs to have its own autoanswer function
19:23.24AlricThat does not make me happy :)
19:24.00[TK]D-FenderAlric : its up to the Viking to pick up.  Go read the manual to make sure you bought the right kind of unit
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19:25.43ramthahow can i set a call limt to a iax2 connection?
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19:28.19afrosheenthe viking needs the following code : $explore = [foreign lands] ; if (encounter_natives) goto {plunder}
19:28.29AlricWell, looks like what I have is just an amp, and expects an open channel with... audio.
19:28.55[TK]D-FenderAlric : then you got the wrong one...
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19:43.10*** join/#asterisk VijayG (i=vijay@
19:43.32VijayGi am not able to make calls from sip trunks
19:43.40VijayGi am able to do so from iax trunks
19:43.56VijayGwhereas the same sip.conf is working fine at other server of mine
19:44.07VijayGany idea what could be the issue with this specific server
19:45.07*** part/#asterisk CuCullin (n=smwuser@
19:46.00[TK]D-FenderVijayG : You have not showed us your configs, so NO. is your friend.
19:46.25VijayGthe problem does not looks from configuration of sip.conf
19:46.29FuriousGeorgeso, notably missing from the comprehensive IM support in 1.4 seems to be simple
19:46.33VijayGbecause the same configuration exactly same
19:46.34FuriousGeorgeas in SIMPLE
19:46.44FuriousGeorgeam i missing something?
19:46.47VijayGis running in other server and is just fine
19:47.03mogsimple is lame FuriousGeorge
19:47.09doolphwhere's asterisk database stored?
19:47.16VijayGin case i need to reinstall asterisk
19:47.19mogbut you could use the jabber support in asterisk to gateway with simple
19:47.22VijayGdo i need to first stop it
19:47.28VijayGand then install it again
19:47.32FuriousGeorgemog: just the man i wanted to ask about that
19:47.46VijayGor just install it
19:48.13FuriousGeorgemog: how could one gateway with simple though?  are there some canned scripts that will switch between simple and XMPP
19:48.22mogfor ser
19:48.30mogser talks to jabber jabber talks to asterisk
19:49.08FuriousGeorgemog: yeah i heard that jabber talks to asterisk now but i havent been able to find documentation.  maybe you could talk to the developer for me :)
19:49.21mogthere is in the docs
19:49.55FuriousGeorgemog: i made progdocs, which one is it in?
19:50.08mogits in the docs folder
19:51.19toerkeiumguys, withing AMI I can know when I extension is (idle, ringing, unavailable, ringing, not found). Is there any way to know, or check when an extension is answered by an answer machine?
19:51.32*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
19:52.18bleblebleok hopefully an easy / dumb question, i have a digium tdm400p, if i have 4 analog lines comming into the card how many fxs modules do i need? 1 or 4?
19:52.37[TK]D-Fenderblebleble : NONE
19:52.38FuriousGeorgemog: im looking in there now.  you dont mean jabber and jingle.txt do you?
19:52.58[TK]D-Fenderblebleble : FXS modules are for PHONES, not LINE.
19:53.15a1fahe ment to say FXO
19:53.46FuriousGeorgemog: i was wondering more about (for instance) sample configurations ive seen that use dialplan app jabbersend, which i havent found documentation for
19:53.48bleblebleTK: err sorry yah FXO
19:53.48[TK]D-Fendera1fa : Sorry, I never load its too unreliable.
19:54.00*** join/#asterisk DaneM (n=DaneM@
19:54.01blebleblea1fa: thanks
19:54.01mogshow application jabbersend
19:54.02[TK]D-Fenderblebleble : You want 4 ports, you need 4 modules.
19:54.06FuriousGeorgemog: and there is no show application jabbersend
19:54.08blebleblethanks guys
19:54.16[TK]D-Fenderblebleble ; np
19:54.23mogyes there is
19:54.32mogyou probably didnt build res_jabber
19:54.34toerkeiumwhat about my question? is it too stupid or too complex? :P)
19:54.38mogor chan_gtalk
19:54.43DaneMI have a question about using a 4-wire rj11 cable to connect 2 lines to a X100P card.  Anybody know how to do that?
19:54.44mogdo a make menuselect
19:54.48mogyou will see it didnt compile
19:55.02Qwell[]DaneM: the x100p is 1 fxo
19:55.05FuriousGeorgemog:  thats odd cuz i selected it, lemme check
19:55.08cekcasterisk can link to jabber?
19:55.08Qwell[], you can't
19:55.15mogcekc, yes
19:55.16[TK]D-FenderDaneM : You can't.
19:55.17mogin 1.4
19:55.17DaneMI have 2 cards, but I'm having trouble getting the second card to see line2
19:55.32DaneM(no dial tone, etc.)
19:55.51cekcwhat does it do, notify you of calls and voicemail?
19:56.09DaneMyes, line 1 works perfectly with all my extensions.  Line 2 won't even pick up.
19:56.22DaneM(incoming calls)
19:57.15FuriousGeorgemog: i see res jabber option 10 checked, im making again maybe i forgot to make install or something
19:57.53DaneMDo I have to configure something in one of the files to get the X100P to see the second line (which I believe is the outer pair of wires)?
19:58.09pingwin[work]is there a method to require the call screening to work on every phone call? dials and queues?
19:58.20FuriousGeorgemog: still not there.  is there something besides the option under resources res_jabber that needs to be checked off
19:58.35mogres_jabber is all you need for that , chan_gtalk is for calling
19:58.39mogdo an ls in res folder
19:58.40FuriousGeorgedo i need to run autoconf again after make menuselect?
19:58.42mogdid it compile?
19:58.51FuriousGeorgemog: yeah
19:59.19mogthen is it installed and loaded?
19:59.29Flautomog, i have a problem with gtalk
20:00.17Flautohow can i check if gtalk is loaded
20:00.38mogshow modules
20:00.53pingwin[work]or, is there a macro for recording a temporary message?
20:01.36FuriousGeorgemog: ok when i show modules i dont see res_jabber
20:01.41FuriousGeorgebut it did compile
20:01.56*** join/#asterisk jeremy_g (
20:01.57mogsee if its in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
20:02.15Flautoshow modules
20:02.15FlautoNo such command 'show modules' (type 'help' for help)
20:02.30FuriousGeorgemog: no it isnt
20:02.38FuriousGeorgedo i need to run autoconf again or something?
20:02.41mogthen you didnt make install FuriousGeorge
20:02.54mogFlauto, show modules is a command its in the core
20:03.02mogits always there in 1.4
20:03.08mogin trunk its core show modules
20:04.09Flautoi do have  gtalk at /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
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20:05.51FlautoNo such command 'core show modules' (type 'help' for help)
20:06.02FuriousGeorgemog: i started over and i can say with certainty that while make will build res_jabber make install will not install it.  i could manually copy it to usr/lib/asterisk/modules, right?
20:06.04*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
20:08.16Flautomog, in my case, i see*** all in there at /var/lib/asterisk/modules
20:08.24Flautobut when i tried to call
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20:08.35Flautoit tells me that gtalk channel is not registered
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20:09.44FuriousGeorgemog: did i mention i made sure iksemel was installed?  anyway, now i manually copied it into my modules dir but its not loading the module.  should i put an entry in modules.conf or something?
20:10.10mogin modules.conf it should autoload
20:10.33Flautolet me see
20:10.59Flautoyes, it is autoload=yes
20:14.10FuriousGeorgemog: i made samples again just in case.  i even looked in the asterisk source under configs.  there is no mention of res_jabber in modules.conf or modules.conf.sampke
20:14.29FuriousGeorgei tried manually putting and entry in there, and it still doesnt work
20:14.29mogit has autoload=yes
20:14.38mogyoull notice most modules dont have one
20:14.40*** join/#asterisk dir (n=dir@
20:14.40FuriousGeorgethat it does
20:14.44FuriousGeorgei did notice
20:14.48FuriousGeorgei misunderstood you
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20:14.53Flautomog, i still don't get it when i tried show modules or core show modules
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20:15.35FuriousGeorgeFlauto: you have to use show modules from the asterisk cli
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20:16.34Flautoyes, i tried
20:16.52bobloblianI have been trying to find if there is a way to playback a message to a sip softphone while it is on-hook
20:16.57bobloblianis this possible?
20:17.53cekcdo I need libpri for anything if I don't have ISDN lines?
20:18.24DaneMDoes anybody know how to handle 2 incoming analog lines using 2 X100P cards?
20:18.45FuriousGeorgeso, mog:  ive copied the res_jabber file into usr/lib/asterisk/modules manually and its still not loading the module.  any idea why?
20:18.49DaneMThe trick is that line 2 requires a 4-lead rj11
20:19.02mogyou have a jabber.conf?
20:19.15*** join/#asterisk Domingues (
20:19.15FuriousGeorgemog: yes that i do have
20:19.19Corydon-wThen it's an RJ12, not an RJ11
20:19.21cekcDaneM: make a custom phone cable
20:19.35DaneMok.  Do you just cut the inner pair?
20:20.03DaneM...or does the x100p require the inner pair and not use the outer pair?
20:20.06Flauto[Oct  9 15:19:44] WARNING[18215]: channel.c:2874 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'gtalk'
20:20.07Flauto[Oct  9 15:19:44] WARNING[18215]: app_dial.c:1076 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'gtalk' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
20:20.09Corydon-wDo you have a pair of crimpers?
20:20.20mogthen asterisk should load it or crash
20:20.38Corydon-wThen you can wire each x100p with a separate pair
20:20.45FuriousGeorgeasterisk -cvvvvvvvvvv|grep jabber shows no mention whatsoever and i cant reload res
20:21.11Corydon-wWhOrange, Blue, WhBlue, Orange
20:21.14DaneMCan the x100p make use of the outer pair at all?
20:21.21DaneMk just to summarize, I need to make the outer pair into the inner pair when connecting to the card?
20:21.49mogdo a show version Corydon-w
20:21.52moger FuriousGeorge
20:21.55mogmy bad Corydon-w
20:21.55DominguesHello all, I am using a script in perl using AGI to do automatic re-route of calls, after I start to use the script I realized that DTMF stoped to work, the script is blocking the DTMF, does anybody know how to pass throught
20:21.58Corydon-wDaneM: correct
20:22.04DaneMsweet!  Thanks!
20:22.33Corydon-wDaneM: just make sure you reverse the order when swapping the outer pair to the inner pair
20:22.54Corydon-wi.e. Orange/WhOrange
20:22.54FuriousGeorgemog: Asterisk 1.4.0-beta2
20:23.02DaneMok thanks
20:23.09mogi dont see how that is possible FuriousGeorge
20:23.27DominguesHello all, I am using a script in perl using AGI to do automatic re-route of calls, after I start to use the script I realized that DTMF stoped to work, when i call some phone if URA the DTMF is blocked, does anybody know how to pass throught the DTMF
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20:24.16FuriousGeorgemog: i kid you not
20:24.56FuriousGeorgemog: i sent you a /msg
20:25.10mogdidnt recieve it
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20:26.25Flautomog, i tried to use show modules and core show modules, both did not work
20:26.25Dominguesdoes any body already have problem in DTMF using AGI?
20:26.43FuriousGeorgemog: still nothing?
20:28.11FuriousGeorgemog: yes as in no message received :)  i basically offered to allow you to ssh in if you didnt believe me, but i obviously cant send my credentials via the room
20:29.41toerkeiumguys, anyone know why if a extensions is not bein used, AMI reports 1 (in use) when I check the extension? what could be wrong ?
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20:32.46blebleblei just had an asterisk box use 70gb of debug logs to /var/log/asterisk/full , how can i turn that debugging off, i did sip no debug but still going
20:33.29blebleblelike tons of 'DEBUG[6020] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals'
20:34.00jmlsblebleble: logger rotate
20:34.22blebleblejmls: it is rotating them but obviously i dont want 70gb of logs and all the debug output anyways
20:34.31jmlsalos check your logger.conf settings and remove the debug options
20:34.55jmls(those two statements should be the other way round)
20:35.22blebleblegreat thanks, thats what i was looking for
20:35.23boblobliancan I get a message to play to a siphone as soon as it registers?
20:35.53bobloblianthe playback description says not all channels support playing messages while on hook, but I can't find any more info about that
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20:38.11stuberthey, anyone know what the relaxdtmf setting does in sip.conf???
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20:39.42Domingueshello all, does anybody already have problems with DTMF using AGI script
20:40.20pingwin[work]inside of a macro, how can I remove the extensions from the previous context?
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20:43.03toerkeiumdont know why.. once extension 5001 calls extension 5006, when the call ends, "sip show channels" shows still the call
20:43.08toerkeiumanyone any idea why?
20:43.51pingwin[work]if you dial it twice or more, will it recycle the channel or continue to the next?
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20:44.38toerkeiumif I try to dial to 5006 extension, it will give me busy
20:44.50pingwin[work]that is odd
20:45.54toerkeiumdo you know what should I check? I am pretty lost
20:46.43pingwin[work]i'm new to this... so I'm not too sure
20:46.55pingwin[work]is it over a sip/iax/zap channel?
20:47.48boblobliantoerkeium: I am no expert either, but I would suggest asterisk -vvvvvr to enable the cli, then sip debug so you can watch what happens
20:47.51bobloblianmight get a clue that way
20:48.11pingwin[work]anyone have a tip for my macro problem?
20:51.24apturado you have it saves on pastebin
20:51.27syzygyBSDAfternoon everyone
20:51.38*** part/#asterisk Domingues (
20:51.54jmlspingwin[work]: if you are in a macro, it has it's own "extensions". I don't understand the question
20:52.03[TK]D-Fenderpingwin[work] : What extensions from the previous macro interfere with anything?  Pastbin it for us
20:53.37pingwin[work]well i'm calling a macro, and in it are part of instructions, ie dial 1 or 2 for different things. but instead of going to the extension within the macro, it goes to the extension from the context I called the macro from
20:53.53pingwin[work]if that doesn't clarify, I'll pastebin
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20:59.42MercestesHey.  What would cause a sip phone to immediately answer a call (before ring back) and provide no voicepath?  The phone is not forwarded.
21:00.08[TK]D-Fenderpingwin[work] : Yes, please pastebin.
21:01.54toddfD-Fender: I don't have a normal sip phone, I have a sipura ata and a cisco ata186 with standard pots phones ;-( or I also want to tell my pbx to transfer the call when I'm taking a call on my mobile, thus '#' must go to the pbx too; I was hoping there was some sortof `escape' for # in that case
21:03.17[TK]D-Fendertoddf : You should not use "#" transfers with Sipura ATA's.  They support signalling things like that using hook-flash.  Read the manual.
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21:04.04toddfD-Fender: aaah, I see.. (beginning to see the light) .. do not let asterisk interpret # as special, let a separate transfer signaling thing happen...
21:04.32[TK]D-Fendertoddf : Exactly.
21:05.36toddfknow if there's any hope for the cisco ata186?? (but I will read the manual on that one also)
21:05.39[TK]D-FenderSipura/Linksys ATA's are pretty smart and cover virtually every kind of feature you can imagine possible through a POTS interface in a non-diruptive manner.  As SIP does not have a "flash" button, that is the gateway to all these extra features.
21:05.53[TK]D-Fendertoddf : No idea on the 186's inner workings, sorry
21:06.42DaneMOK...I've made a custom cable to hook line 2 up to the second X100P.  I have reversed the two outer wires and put them on the inside.  Unfortunately, line 2 isn't picking up reliably.  Any ideas?
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21:07.04toddfmy wife doesn't like the # thingey so she can't check cc balances and such, so I hope I can fix the ata186 to do this too .. the sipura is so much easier to carry with me than the ata186 ;-(
21:10.35DaneMDo you have to set up anything special in the configuration files to get line 2 working (on X100P card 2)?
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21:14.00[TK]D-FenderDaneM : There is no "line 2" on an X100P.  Get it?
21:23.00*** join/#asterisk wmandra (
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21:23.47DaneMI understand that they can only use one line per card.  Earlier somebody told me that I could access line 2 incoming calls by creating a custom wire and plugging it into a second card
21:24.33DaneMdo I need to make any changes to configuration files in order to get this to answer?
21:26.13KranZDaneM: for one, you need 2 cards and 2 pairs of wires for 2 lines
21:26.24DaneMgot that
21:26.33KranZeach card gets 1 pair (2 wires)
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21:26.43DaneMok.  Got that.
21:26.47KranZyou'll also need to subscribe to a 2nd line from your phone company
21:26.52DaneMgot that
21:27.19KranZyou can also buy a splitter which plugs into your wall outlet and has two ports (1 for each line)
21:27.25DaneMgot that :-)
21:27.32KranZthen use 2 cords (1 for each card)
21:27.46DaneMok.  I have one plugged into each card.
21:28.03KranZhave you plugged a phone in each cord to verify that it's working?
21:28.20DaneMthe wire going into card 2 has the outer pair and the inner pair switched, and the (former) outer pair crossed.
21:28.31KranZto test each line (before trying to plug them into the cards), I haven't.  I'll go do that.
21:28.41KranZyou shouldn't need to mess with the wiring if you have a splitter
21:28.47KranZjust use a standard phone line
21:28.50KranZ2 wire
21:28.57KranZsingle line
21:29.02*** join/#asterisk pingwin[work] (i=pingwin@gateway/tor/x-56b5695f0cb380b9)
21:29.35DaneMOK.  Then the splitter I have is just for connecting two phones into one 2-line jack.  That must why I was told to make a custom wire.
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21:30.08KranZthe splitter replaces the need for a custom wire
21:30.15pingwin[work]when calling a queue item, I want to have multiple sound clips play, anyone know how this can be achieved?
21:30.20KranZmakes it look like 2 separate jacks, each a different line
21:30.43DaneMOK.  I'll look into getting one.  one min while I check to see if the custom job works.
21:30.48pingwin[work]jmls: [TK]D-Fender thanks trying to help before with the macro problem. Used read instead of waitexten and that took care of it. I think it's a problem with macro in general
21:31.07KranZon each jack on the splitter, they are both wired like single line jacks, ie: inside 2 wires are live
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21:31.13[TK]D-Fenderpingwin[work] : you aren't supposed to make IVR's in Macro's at all...
21:31.47pingwin[work]what's an IVR?
21:32.06hohumInteractive Voice Response
21:32.20hohum"hit 3 if your phone is blue"
21:32.42pingwin[work]ahhh, then how are you supposed to?
21:32.52hohumpingwin: AGI scripts
21:32.52KranZdiff contexts
21:33.10pingwin[work]because a goto doesn't have the ability to return where it was called from on it's own. You'd have to set variables prior to goto
21:33.12[TK]D-Fenderpingwin[work] : Us a context like you're supposed to, and not a macro
21:33.34KranZdidn't they add gosub and return?
21:33.39pingwin[work]it was impossible to do with just contexts
21:33.56KranZi have a few ivr's which work fine in contexts
21:34.00KranZnever messed with agi scripts
21:34.01[TK]D-Fenderpingwin[work] : Impossible?  I highly doubt that.
21:34.06hohumif you have a problem that doesn't fit within an asterisk dial plan, the you should be using AGI scripts
21:34.07pingwin[work]macro's are perfectly capible doing the job. you can include => ${MACRO_CONTEXT} if that's an issue
21:34.48[TK]D-Fenderpingwin[work] : You try that..... you can't unse VARIABLES for an Include....
21:34.55DaneMKranZ: Looks like my wire is bad.  I'll go pick up a splitter.  Thanks for the help!
21:34.56pingwin[work]regardless, my problem is taken care of for me.
21:34.57pingwin[work]it works for me.
21:35.12pingwin[work]I know AGI scripts would have worked, but i didn't want to go through learning the integration methods and all that prior just looking for quick and fast
21:35.33cekcwhat is the command to see the kernel version I am running?
21:35.35hohumquick and fast is dangerous, right is the way
21:35.57pingwin[work][TK]D-Fender: well it would if macro's operated in that way. but just like the variable include, macro's don't operate on the internally defined extensions
21:36.05pingwin[work]uname -a
21:36.59pingwin[work]but my problem now is I have a queue, and I want the announce to be a succession of sounds. Like "Caller is "&${RECORDED_FILE}
21:37.28wmandraafternoon all.... has anyone else had trouble with SIP and comcast over the past few days???
21:37.30pingwin[work]I've already tried making the announce overload as being an & delimited string of file names. and it created the announce override string properly
21:37.34sbingnerare there any known issues w/ talking from 1.2 * to 1.4 *?  -- the authentication seems to be rejected for some reason
21:37.59pingwin[work]but it tries to open it as a static file. not breaking it up as if it were passed directly into a Playback or background function
21:39.05*** part/#asterisk LostFrog (
21:39.51pigpenGot reject for frame 27, retransmitting frame 27 now, updating n_r!    < what is this on my PRI?
21:41.31*** join/#asterisk mbison42 (
21:41.41fiber0ptiAnyone want to try out a new operator panel and give me feedback?
21:43.13jmlsalways willing to look at new stuff
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21:46.12mbison42probably a frequent question, but anyone have an opinion on a good VOIP provider for business use, 4-8 lines?  teliax isn;t working out...
21:46.32ShadowHntrmbison42: i've been looking into VoicePulse.
21:46.41ShadowHntrthey're really friendly with asterisk.
21:46.45fiber0ptijmls: Great. Head on over to download the server and client and let me know what ya think
21:46.54fiber0ptijmls: If you need installation help, feel free to ask :)
21:47.09wmandrahas anyone here experienced any problems over the last fw days with comcast and SIP??
21:47.12fiber0ptipigpen: More than welcome too! let me know if you need help
21:47.47bobloblianplayback|noanswer <== says "Not all channels support playing messages while still on hook."  what channels do support this?
21:49.34bobloblianor better yet, where can I find some relevant information?
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21:51.47fjean5hi guys
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21:52.57xaican asterisk set TOS bits in sip and IAX?
21:53.46fjean5xai: check here:
21:57.34fjean5anyone knows a company that do asterisk platform leases
21:58.11fiber0ptijmls: did you get the download?
21:58.21fiber0ptipigpen: did you get the download, too?
21:58.37*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|work (n=Linux@
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22:03.10xaiWould it be better to use port-forwarded IAX instead of routing it through the VPN between offices?
22:03.25*** part/#asterisk fjean5 (
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22:05.16doolphhello, anyone have idea why my register command in sip.conf is not working?
22:06.44*** part/#asterisk mog (
22:08.45[TK]D-Fenderdoolph : pastebin your sip.conf (mask only passwords please)
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22:13.06*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
22:21.53FuriousGeorgemog: im at a total loss here with this res_jabber module that isnt being installed.  did anything come to you, cuz ive tried everything i can think of
22:27.08xaiI have an office that routes SIP packets via VPN (ipsec) from the main (asterisk) office, directly to their phones. I'm thinking of putting small * appliances there and just use IAX routing/NAT. I think that would be much faster than using ipsec.
22:27.18mogno FuriousGeorge you could just jabber me
22:27.35xaievery time you send phone traffice, it gets delay due to encryption/decryption .
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22:31.52FuriousGeorgemog: one sec
22:33.11FuriousGeorgemog check your jabber client
22:33.43mogsend a message to or
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22:37.36coldoutsideI'm having voice problems with my Asterisk/IAX setup and I need some help troubleshooting.  Can anyone give some pointers, or direct me to a good resource to target my problem? is a good place to look
22:38.30remmoiax debug
22:39.55Cradman trixbox is pissing me off :-x
22:40.23coldoutsideI've looked through, but haven't solved my problem yet
22:40.25sbingnerCrad: that's what it's designed to do
22:40.33Cradthe extras are working good, the core stuff I need to get sip trunking working dont seem to be working at all
22:40.44coldoutsideor even really been able to identify it.  this has been going on for several months now.
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22:42.51findlaywhat is it called when it sounds like the audio is interspersed with rapid spaces of silence, kind of like a pulsating sound?
22:43.16findlayor even better, where can I read about sound quality troubleshooting?
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22:52.25coldoutsideI've still been unable to find a decent troubleshooting tutorial for choppy audio, arr.
22:52.42findlaycoldoutside: when you find one let me know (:
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22:52.55justinu|laptopit's called jitter and packet loss
22:52.57coldoutsidemy ping times wander a bit, but are 60-100ms on average
22:53.33coldoutsideshouldn't the jitter buffer take over and give me clean--though delayed--audio?
22:53.57coldoutsideand how do you gather stats from Asterisk on jitter and loss?
22:54.07findlayjustinu|laptop: those are the only parameters which control audio quality?
22:54.36coldoutsidealso- a good portion of the time It still says '0' for lost under 'iax2 netstats' during these situations
22:55.00justinu|laptopyeah, you need a packet every 20ms (in the right sequence) for stuff to sound good
22:55.20justinu|laptophigh ping times only indicate latency, not sound quality issues
22:55.55justinu|laptopyou can't really use normal ICMP ping to test packetloss/jitter, things change when you're sending 50+ packets/second
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22:57.49justinu|laptopjitter buffer in asterisk isn't all that, afaik
22:57.59justinu|laptopit only applies to IAX too, i think
23:00.16findlaythe problem I'm having is the sound I send out has lots of very narrow spaces in it like the individual packets of sound aren't joind up
23:00.45justinu|laptopmake sure your ATA or whatever is set to use 20ms packetization
23:01.04findlaywhat's ATA?
23:01.39justinu|laptopyour SIP device, phone, ata, whatever
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23:02.55coldoutsidehmm.  how do you test packetloss for the purpose of voip?
23:03.04justinu|laptopi use ethereal/wireshark
23:03.31justinu|laptopit has a lot of nice RTP analysis
23:04.12coldoutsidehmm.  I've never tested packet loss with ethereal, I'll have to give that a shot
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23:18.50coldoutsidejustinu|laptop: thanks for the help, I'm compiling Wireshark now, might ask you a few more questions later
23:24.20*** join/#asterisk Skyelar (
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23:27.35Skyelaris there a way to administratively "busy out" an fxo port on a tdm400, ie. take it off hook so the exchange thinks it's busy, and keep it that way? Have a line fault on an analogue line that's part of a stepping group
23:28.11*** join/#asterisk Ox0F0-0FF (n=pierre@
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23:38.07psiforce_hi all can someone help me with faxing
23:39.14psiforce_I keep getting these warnings "unable to restore write format" when receiving faxs
23:40.02psiforce_calls are coming in from a pri connection (via sangoma card)
23:40.39*** join/#asterisk MoutaPT (
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23:41.32Skyelarpsiforce_: how are things connected - pri -> asterisk -> ?
23:42.15psiforce_fax is correctly stored as a tiff in the correct directory but asterisk does not proceed to the next priority (sending the tiff)
23:42.25psiforce_I think that is largely due to the warnign I get
23:42.29FuriousGeorgeso are the pickupgroups in sip.conf now the current implementation of sla (1.4beta)
23:42.59*** join/#asterisk mog (
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23:43.27psiforce_skyelar: asterisk is recieving the fax via rxfax() app
23:43.40Skyelarpsiforce_: ahh, not something I've played with sorry
23:43.42justinu|laptopSkyelar: there's no way to do what you want without convincing asterisk to take the port off hook indefinitely
23:44.08Skyelarjustinu|laptop: that's exactly what I'd like to do, providing it's reversable :)
23:44.15justinu|laptopasterisk doesn't know about concepts like out of service, in service, etc.
23:47.11bkw__ASSERTS KICK US
23:47.17*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
23:47.45justinu|laptopsomone oughta tell this guy about asterisk
23:48.27mogbkw__, knock it off
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23:48.56fiferI'm running into a new issue with voicemail
23:50.51psiforce_no takers on the faxing problem ?
23:51.38fiferWhen a VM is being recorded I get a bunch of these:
23:51.39diclophis-workpsiforce_: whats the problem?
23:51.39fiferformat_wav_gsm.c243 update_header Unable to find our position
23:52.07diclophis-workpsiforce_: i have been unable to send faxes as well
23:52.11diclophis-workrx works well though
23:53.40fiferThen, when a user tries to listen to the VM I get: app_voicemail.c:3783 play_message: No origtime?!
23:54.21fiferVM has been working fine for many months, no issues
23:55.27findlayis it necessary to restrict remote connections to the IAX port 4569 to specific hosts?
23:56.20findlayor can I leave it open because I'm lazy (:

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