irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060926

00:01.49*** join/#asterisk mog (
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00:12.09JunK-Yyo yo yo
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00:20.32roo9I have an asterisk setup i'm playing around with, right now I have it connected to my vonage account (via their softphone service), i'm able to get calls in (connecting to x-lite) however i'm not able to dial out (I get a 404 error), any idea where I should be looking at?
00:21.01roo9I would at least like to isolate that it's not an issue with x-lite dialing out, so is there a way to initiate from inside asterisk
00:21.21*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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00:24.29joakoDoes anyone have a clue on how to generate config files for provisioning for the Linksys phones?
00:25.05fafnirI do not, but I would bet that someone knows a really easy shortcut, and I will start the betting with 5 dollars.
00:25.43joakoWell so far I searched the Voip-info wiki and the Linksys site and turned up nothing...
00:31.15*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:33.06nentiscurious if anyone has experience with the UTstarcom or Linksys wifi voip phone.
00:33.21nentisAre the wireless phones worth it yet?
00:33.26cekc<3 digium support
00:33.58nentisit would be cool if they could scan open SSID's for the best connection to a voip gateway or asterisk server.
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00:39.51apturayou mean test for robustness of a connection
00:52.26ManxPowerIf they did that, they would never connect to ANYTHING.
00:52.51nentismaybe per call?
00:53.05ManxPowerThere are four things that always suck: blackholes, microsoft products, softphones, and wifi phones.
00:53.30ManxPoweroh, and Grandstream products
00:53.30MikeJno comment
00:54.00nentisI have three BT-100's.  They're ok for a single-line cheap phone.
00:54.30MikeJI have a bunch of 102's downstairs new in box....
00:54.54MikeJsomone should buy them...
00:55.23*** join/#asterisk Shmattie (
00:56.19nentiswhat I would like to see if a wifi-gsm hybrid that will attempt to use VoIP with standard cell service as a secondary.
00:56.19nentisIt will be a long time before that happens in the US.
00:57.44MikeJnentis, truphone
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00:58.35joakonentis: the UTStarComm F3000 is crap, the Linksys WIP300 isn't bad... but I've only had it for today
00:58.48nentisinteresting (truphone)
00:59.21nentisI used to work for a semiconductor company that would work with UTStarComm.  Glancing at their build quality, all their equipment seems like crap.
00:59.36nentisBut it was for digital set top boxes, which is all about lowering the cost.
00:59.44MikeJthey are using nokia E series phones..
01:00.00nentissort of how Qwest moved to Actiontek away from Cisco for DSL CPE's.
01:00.05MikeJbut they are already doing it now..
01:00.19joakoWell the phone itself was nice and seemed solid, I think the issue is just the software
01:01.11joakoAnd the Linksys phone has way better RF or just can roam between AP better
01:01.46joakoThe UTStarcom phone I couldnt use outside my office, the Linksys phone I can almost walk around the entire building
01:02.26nentisdoes it support WPA/2?
01:02.34nentishm.  I can look that up myself.
01:02.35*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
01:04.17joakoF3000 I think only supports WPA
01:04.25joakoWIP300 supports WPA and WPA2
01:04.45*** part/#asterisk aptura (
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01:04.49joakoyea... F3000 only support WPA-PSK..... WIP also supports the corprate WPA
01:06.38heison~seen bkw_
01:06.40jbotbkw_ is currently on #asterisk, last said: '8ball says don't use asterisk'.
01:07.53*** join/#asterisk __robby (n=robby@
01:08.20pigpen2anyone know anything about faxgetty?  < yes...very off topic...
01:08.22__robbyhey all, i was wondering if anyone knows the manager interface syntax for the queuepause command?
01:09.17pigpen2__robby, and sorry...not I.
01:10.24__robbyive used faxgetty a bit, whats up?
01:11.30pigpen2yeah..and no luck for the syntax on the queuepause...
01:11.42pigpen2Well, I am attempting to get iaxmodem setup with hylafax.
01:11.58__robbywhere have you gotten to with it?
01:12.04pigpen2I have iaxmodem ready...but when I run faxgetty /dev/ttyIAX nothing happens.
01:12.18pigpen2no hint, no bitches....
01:12.25*** join/#asterisk joako (n=joako@
01:12.56pigpen2I may have to drop back and get it to work with a serial port modem....then try this again.
01:13.11__robbyso it didnt throw any errors at all?
01:13.27pigpen2none....just a carriage return.
01:13.38pigpen2no info in dmesg, syslog, etc....
01:14.08__robbypaste your ttyIAX config file?
01:15.39*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
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01:17.42Star568hi all, anybody show me a sip channel setting for a cisco GW? ( prefix 3344, cisco GW ip 222:222:222:111 )
01:17.57Star568out going only
01:18.14Star568i try send my call to that GW
01:18.28*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
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01:34.19dan42ive noticed that when a sip client is unavailable but still has a registration that hasnt timed out, the calling party hears no ring until it goes to voicemail.. it works ok if i force ringback on the dial.. am i conceptually missing something, or should i be doing that for local dials
01:42.02[TK]D-Fenderdan42 : thats because * is waiting for the phone you are calling to report back "SIP 180 ringing"
01:42.25[TK]D-Fenderdan42 : * only provides indications for status' it knows about.
01:42.45dan42right, i figured that, but i wasnt sure what the solution would be.  giving the calling party dead air isnt so hot
01:43.03*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
01:43.29dan42i would have thought * would figure out that the end point wasnt there instead of ringing for max rings
01:43.36[TK]D-Fenderdan42 : unfortunate, but necessary.  Forcing indication is a bad thing
01:43.59[TK]D-Fenderdan42 : You should fix the fact your peer is becoming unreachable :)
01:44.00dan42in most cases it seems the calling party switch ends up hanging up the call and giving the calling party some kid of silly message
01:44.30dan42[TK]D-Fender: cable modems go down.. tell me how i can stop cable modems from going down and we'll be rich
01:44.31Flautohi all
01:44.40Flauto1.4 is coming out
01:44.46dan42[TK]D-Fender: im talking about end user devices here
01:44.50Flautois the installation the same?
01:45.03[TK]D-Fenderdan42 : Set the timeout faster so it jsut boms out immediately instead :)
01:45.05Flautois there anything to prepare for the installation
01:45.22symlinkqualify=yes will send an OPTIONS and measure the response and if there is none it'll be unreachable... but if you catch it at the right time, there will still be a delay
01:45.24[TK]D-FenderFlauto : Yes, the requisite Hokey-pokey!
01:45.50Flautoanything else?
01:46.08[TK]D-FenderFlauto : Don't forget the popcorn!
01:46.09dan42symlink: right now if you call from nextel in this situation you get "the nextel subscriber you are calling is unavailable" .. not helpful :p
01:46.30symlinkdan42: ...?
01:47.02Flautoare you using 1.4 now? d-fender
01:47.13dan42symlink: thats what nextel plays after a short bit of the dead air
01:47.18symlinkdan42: cool
01:47.40symlinkdan42: well, if you use qualify chan_sip will try it's best to determine whether phone is up or not...
01:48.27dan42symlink: thanks.. ill check into that.. i inherited much of this setup, so im not sure off the top of my head
01:49.41[TK]D-FenderFlauto : Nope.  I only use the major "normal" FTP releases
01:49.50[TK]D-FenderFlauto : I can aford to wait.
01:50.27joakodan: and if anything just have asterisk answer the call and indicate ringing.... if its going to go to voicemail anyways it wont really matter
01:50.28dan42symlink: actually, that wont work im going to assume since we're using realtime
01:50.55symlinkunless you're doing caching... then it won't work aye
01:51.13symlinklet me rephrase
01:51.25symlinkif you are doing caching it should work permitted it is properly setup and the entry is in memory
01:51.36symlinkif you are not doing caching, then throw the above out the window
01:52.01dan42joako: i added a ",r" to the dialing to our local clients and it seems to work as one would expect, but im not sure what side effects making that change might have
01:52.22symlinkit'll always return ringing, even in some cases where it is not
01:52.26symlinkhides things
01:52.55joakoWorst that will happen is the remote end will clip the first 1sec of the call
01:53.47joakousually mobile phones.....
01:54.27dan42this is only a problem where it sees a registration that hasnt expired for an ATA that isnt actually online anymore
01:54.45dan42once the registration expires, it drops right to voicemail unavailable
01:55.09type0I'm trying to compile zaptel, and I'm getting this .. You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.9-34.EL kernel installed.
01:55.14type0im running CentOS
01:55.14Flautoanyone here is using 1.4 now
01:55.23symlinkthat's because it is still reachable, it doesn't know it's not there... it still has to send out an INVITE and wait for it to time out
01:56.03dan42symlink: i figured as much
01:56.24joakotype0: from my understanding CentOS and RHEL are the same/similar. Install the kernel-sources package....
01:56.25Flautotype0, get kernel source
01:57.02joakosort of related to the registration issue, right now I am using a SIP phone and sip show peers says UNREACHABLE even when I'm on the phone and I cant get inbound calls.... how can this be?
01:57.36Flautoanyone here is using 1.4?
01:57.50symlinkplacing calls and receiving calls are two separate things, a device does not have to be able to receive calls in order to place them
01:57.55symlinkFlauto: perhaps, why?
01:58.15Flautosymlin, i want to know if the installation is the same
01:58.31Flautoso, i would see if i want to try that
01:58.40Flautodont' want to run into too much trouble
01:58.42SomeJjoako: iv had that issue before, usualy that happens when a nat/firewall closes the pinhole to fast.  Set the registration time on the phone to something low and that usualy helps the issue
01:58.47symlinkthe process? in order to build 1.4 you have to do more steps... but besides that not really
01:58.50SomeJatleast it has for us
01:59.13[TK]D-Fendersymlink : How much more really?
01:59.15Flautosymlink, what steps
01:59.16joakosymlink: Ok., i've noticed when I can recieve inbound calls asterisk sip show peers says its at port 5060, when it cannot its something else like 1024
01:59.25dan42symlink: thanks for the help.. appreciate it.. gives me some stuff to look at
01:59.30symlinkwell you have to do ./configure now
01:59.42symlinkto pick up what your system has so it can figure out what can be built
01:59.54symlinkjoako: NAT?
02:00.43Flautoso, no more make clean, make, make install?
02:00.45joakoYes.... But I swear everything else has always worked here! I've been using Linksys/Sipura this week and random issues... I was using an SPA3000 and I would have to rest the router AND spa to get it to work a few times....
02:00.59symlinkFlauto: yes you still have to do those
02:01.08symlinknormally it's ./configure, make, make install
02:01.12Flautoconfigure first
02:01.19Flautoand then make .....
02:01.24symlinkbut once you run ./configure you shouldn't have to do it again unless you install something and want Asterisk to use it
02:01.44symlinkor the script gets regenerated in SVN... but that doesn't happen often
02:02.24type0anyone ever get this?
02:02.25type0[root@localhost zaptel]# modprobe ztdummy
02:02.25type0Notice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
02:02.25type0line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
02:02.25type01 error(s) detected
02:02.25type0FATAL: Error running install command for ztdummy
02:02.36Flautoyou are using it? symlink?
02:02.42symlinktype0: do it again... and see if it works
02:02.56type0now I dont get anything
02:02.58symlinkFlauto: I'm a developer, so of course lol
02:03.04type0just back to #
02:03.20Flautoit is working with google talk?
02:03.32type0[root@localhost zaptel]# modprobe ztdummy
02:03.32Flautoyou guys are great
02:03.32type0[root@localhost zaptel]#
02:03.35symlinktype0: thought so... /dev/zap/ctl wasn't created fast enough so it freaked out
02:03.40type0oh alright
02:03.42Flautoi wish i would know more about this kind of stuff
02:03.44symlinkFlauto: I don't use it with Google Talk, can't comment
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02:07.39Flautosymlink is the configuration very different in 1.4?
02:08.02Flautolike in extensions.conf, sip.conf........
02:08.09symlinkno... just new options
02:08.20Flautoi read a little bit about it
02:08.29Flautoit has fax function now
02:08.49Flautodoes it still come with samples of the configs?
02:08.57symlink1.4 has T.38 passthrough... and yes, of course there's samples
02:09.28Flautoi will install it
02:09.40Flautot.38 is for fax?
02:10.18dan42Flauto: dont abuse symlinks help :p  go read :)
02:10.39Flautoyes, sir, would you give me a link
02:10.43Flautoi will read
02:12.37Qwellwow, I'm slow today
02:12.43dan42well, you have the asterisk tarball.. theres also and
02:12.48Qwell"Who's symlink?  I recognize that name from somewhere.."
02:13.20symlinkQwell: I am not the file you are looking for...
02:14.57[TK]D-FenderTK421 why aren't you at you at your post?
02:15.40symlink[TK]D-Fender: ! ! !
02:16.12[TK]D-Fendersymlink : I don't want relationship!
02:16.25*** join/#asterisk jtexter3 (
02:17.48pigpen2I know this isn't related, but how do I fix this:  with Faxgetty:  faxgetty could not create FIFO permission denied
02:18.04pigpen2I have been racking my hurts now.
02:22.12dan42i could stab you in the eye
02:22.47*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
02:22.48pigpen2that would probably help. dog just ate a golf ball.
02:23.18dan42at least he's trying to help
02:24.07pigpen2well, he is a she...and she this is going to be messy. is coming up.
02:24.44X-Rob_or, it's choking.
02:24.48X-Rob_which is more likely.
02:26.06pigpen2yep...1 golf ball...and 1 sock.
02:26.14pigpen2hmm..I guess I should feed her more....
02:26.21*** part/#asterisk hyphen (n=hyphen@
02:27.26jtexter3just curious, is anyone here in or near Oklahoma?
02:27.35*** join/#asterisk mog (
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02:27.44pigpen2FaxGetty[30529]: Could not create FIFO.ttyIAX: Permission denied.
02:28.00pigpen2Near Oklahoma?   Texas close enough?
02:28.27jtexter3What part of Texas?
02:28.42pigpen2San Antonio
02:28.53Qwelljtexter3: I'm not from OK, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night
02:29.05dan42'SA is hte city of the week.. 4th time its come up for me in a weeks time
02:29.14jtexter3Qwell: LMAO
02:29.21axscodeif i have a green module what should be in my zaptel.conf?
02:29.30pigpen2yeah...I like it in my rear view mirror.
02:29.37axscodefxsks or fxoks
02:29.48pigpen2fxs if I remember.
02:30.06axscodeif i have RED RED GREEN GREEN...
02:30.19axscodeok fxoks
02:30.21pigpen2but remember...I am dog just barfed a sock.
02:30.53axscodeso it should be [R][R][G][G] ---> [fxsks][fxsks][fxoks][fxoks] ?
02:31.56axscodeif i gut my zaptel.conf wrongly assigned.. the ztcfg will give me error right?
02:32.56pigpen2you would hope.
02:33.27[TK]D-Fenderaxscode :
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02:33.56axscodeone more question.. if i have no error with ztcfg.. in my zapata.conf if i got it wrongly assigned is there an error?
02:34.00[TK]D-FenderThis stuff is all in BIG PRINT.  What with the guessing?!
02:34.36axscodenope TK.. ive been trying to confirm what ive done... coz ive been reading things and i cant get it right..
02:35.26axscodewhen i try to call to pstn line... i have a problem.. the phone rings.. but when its picked up.. its still ringing..
02:36.09pigpen2do you see it ring in the cli?
02:36.22axscodezap/3-1 ringing
02:36.29pigpen2ok..this is a good sign. what phone is ringing?  sip/iax/zap?
02:36.55[TK]D-FenderZap/3 is an FXS port...... you can ring it as long as you want....
02:37.39axscodeTK... im dialing Dial(Zap/3/${EXTEN},20,t)
02:38.09axscodethe phone really rings at the end.. but when its picked up.. it is still ringing..
02:38.11pigpen2axscode, zap/3 should be going to an internal analog phone.
02:38.26pigpen2ie: zap/3 is providing dialtone
02:38.53fafnirwait wait
02:39.03fafnirare you the pigpen from charlie brown?
02:39.13pigpen2do you see dust?
02:39.23fafnirthis is the internet
02:39.30fafnirdust does not travel well over the internet
02:39.32pigpen2then sure...that is me.
02:39.42[TK]D-Fenderfafnir : now you kick it!
02:39.44pigpen2actually, it does...but it is called spam.
02:39.49fafnirhow did you know that i was charlie brown? o.0
02:39.59fafnirthat was you?
02:39.59axscodesorry... please help me maybe im confused.. |RRGG  <-- this is my TDM22B
02:40.33axscodeif im getting a dialtone in a port what port is that?
02:40.59[TK]D-Fenderaxscode : RRG means Zap/3 is a PHONE jack (FXS), not a LINE jack (FXO).
02:41.01pigpen2axscode, fxs ports provide dialtone...but it uses fxo signaling.
02:42.03[TK]D-FenderSchultz = eternal
02:42.05pigpen2fafnir, I used to be "drsperm" but no one would talk to me.
02:42.12fafniri would :(
02:43.06*** join/#asterisk xpato (
02:43.10pigpen2axscode, look at it this way. 1/2 is fxs - 1/2 is fxs...
02:43.16xpatoi have a very newbie question.
02:43.17pigpen2you only really have 4 combinations.
02:43.22axscodeSep 24 15:16:11 sip1 kernel: Module 0: Installed -- AUTO FXO (FCC mode)
02:43.23axscodeSep 24 15:16:11 sip1 kernel: Module 1: Installed -- AUTO FXO (FCC mode)
02:43.23pigpen2oh crap.
02:43.42axscodeSep 24 15:16:11 sip1 kernel: Module 2: Installed -- AUTO FXS/DPO
02:43.45axscodeSep 24 15:16:11 sip1 kernel: Module 3: Installed -- AUTO FXS/DPO
02:43.47xpatoif i have a hardware central->PSTN, and 500 internal extensions
02:43.58axscodethats what in my cat /var/log/messages
02:44.25pigpen2axscode, mod 0 & 1 (zap 1 & 2 ) are fxo's....
02:44.28xpatoi should asterisk to make this 500 exts voip and pass the calls through the hardware central?
02:44.42xpatoi should use
02:45.07axscodepigpen2: ok with zap/1 and zap/2 i cant get a dialtone if a put a PHONE right?
02:45.31*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=bkw_@asterisk/friend-and-developer/bkw)
02:45.33pigpen2they are rec'ing the voltage from the pstn.
02:45.58pigpen2xpato, errr....hardware central?
02:46.10pigpen2meaning pri's and such?
02:46.11axscodechannel => 1
02:46.22axscodeis this right? pigpen??? for my channel => 1
02:46.34axscodethats in my zapata.conf
02:46.38xpatopigpen2: ericcson md110
02:47.03xpatopigpen2: im thinking something like this
02:47.32xpatopstn <-> ericcson_md110 <-> asterisk <-> internal voip phones
02:47.38pigpen2axscode, yeah...looks good.
02:47.48pigpen2mine are backwards..but I was too lazy to swap the modules.
02:48.00axscodeok.. so i should be dialing to zap/1 or zap/2 not zap/3 right?
02:49.06pigpen2the telco is connected to 1 & 2
02:49.19pigpen2your cheap $5 walmart phone is on 3 & 4
02:49.36axscodehmmm ok thanks.. so zap/1 and zap/2 in my dial plan.
02:49.40pigpen2xpato, why not connect the pstn directly to asterisk?
02:49.55pigpen2ie: through digium or other?
02:51.36xpatowe are thinking on that too, but i want to know if what i said works?
02:51.51pigpen2depends how you deliver it to the * box.
02:51.53xpatoi know what you say works, and how
02:52.08xpatopigpen2: what you mean?
02:52.37pigpen2does the md110 deliver the calls to/from via PRI's, SIP, ??
02:53.13pigpen2if SIP, is it standard?  I am not familiar with this hardware.
02:53.54*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekon@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
02:54.07[TK]D-Fenderpigpen :
02:54.19[TK]D-Fenderpigpen : Whole damn PBX
02:54.21pigpen2But with 500 exten's, I imagine that no more than 4 pri's are needed...unless there is allot of call a call center.
02:54.34pigpen2[TK]D-Fender, yeah..why asterisk then?
02:55.01pigpen2seems like too much work for a simple net result.
02:55.20teknoprephaving an echo problem with SIP over the INET to a PBX?  what is a very good ATA to fix this problem?
02:55.44pigpen2try a better ISP.
02:55.49xpatoi make a mistake, no very good english, we are comparing md110 to asterisk
02:56.10pigpen2ah..well, my english isn't good either...I live in Texas.
02:56.10teknopreppigpen2 that is a shitty response... and completely rediculous
02:56.13teknoprepthis is for home fool
02:57.03pigpen2fool...yeah..that will get you help.
02:57.17pigpen2[TK]D-Fender, can you boot him?
02:57.52teknoprepwith the repsonse you gave me... i doubt i need your help
02:58.18pigpen2xpato, well, like I said, I am not familar with the md110, and I realy don't feel like reading up on it.  But I can say for the several 250+ deployments using * is working very nice.
02:59.16pigpen2teknoprep, said you had echo issues with sip over the internet.  Most of the echo people get are ISP related.
02:59.16pigpen2You popped off for no reason.
02:59.34[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : Describe the full call path./
02:59.55[TK]D-Fenderpigpen : Cool off okay?
03:00.05[TK]D-FenderAll of you.....
03:00.11pigpen2Yes dad.
03:00.19justinu|laptopsettle down, beavis
03:00.31teknoprepno i am the great cornholio
03:00.39xpatopigpen2: ok, fair answer, and last question, if the md110 (or another that you know) has pri support, i should connect this via an E1 with *?
03:00.56xpatoteknoprep has the period
03:01.02[TK]D-Fenderxpato : I'm a little unclear.  Do you already hav an MD110?
03:01.21pigpen2xpato, yeah..I am abit unclear too.
03:01.53pigpen2teknoprep, so how is your setup configured.
03:02.16[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : So are you going to describe the call path the you receive echo on for us?
03:02.30teknoprepi am just going to setup an IAX trunk from a server here at home to the office
03:02.39xpatono, like i firs say, im new to voip :). we are looking for a PBX. so my boss think about a hardware PBX (md110) to connect to the PSTN and asterisk to manage the voip extens
03:02.52xpatothe people of md110 says it can make all the work
03:03.01xpatoi said asterisk can too
03:03.02[TK]D-Fenderxpato : Oh what are you using right now?
03:03.24pigpen2teknoprep, I am running the same here.
03:03.35xpatonothing, because if for a new deployment
03:03.53pigpen2IAX trunk between the office and my home system....I see my echo's when my isp gets nailed from home users.
03:03.59[TK]D-Fenderxpato : Ok, what kind of wiring do you have in the building for this new deployment?
03:04.00pigpen2gsm codec helps....
03:04.22xpatoso i need to answer, what would we need to connect the asterisk with the md110
03:04.46pigpen2teknoprep, was that helpful?
03:05.03pigpen2teknoprep, in regards to ATA's Sipura makes very good equipment.
03:05.12teknoprepthats all i asked
03:06.41pigpen2xpato, it just seems that you will have two systems when all you need is one.
03:07.00xpatopigpen2: i really know that
03:07.10[TK]D-Fenderxpato : How many phones/etc are you planning on running on the * server?
03:07.13xpatobut i really need to answer the question :)
03:07.22xpato500 extensions
03:07.51xpato4/4 lines
03:07.52[TK]D-Fenderxpato : And what is the MD110 going to be doing then?
03:08.41pigpen2[TK]D-Fender, does the md110 run sip?
03:08.54xpatook, i know its very irratating :) but keeping aside that having the md110 and asterisk is stupid, what would i need
03:09.01teknoprephow do i route an inbound route connection to a trunk for another pbx to handle it?
03:09.01[TK]D-Fenderpigpen2 : Dunno, didn't read up on it in any detail.
03:09.26axscodeTK ----- if a have a panasonic pbx... i will consider that pbx as my pstn?
03:09.38pigpen2[TK]D-Fender, k, I thought you might be familiar...I am looking into it...
03:09.54[TK]D-Fenderxpato : DEPENDS what you are going to do with the MD110.  I can't suggest a good car for you if I don't know what you are going to use it for!  Would you suggest a Ferrari to do groceries with?!
03:10.06symlink[TK]D-Fender: yes.
03:10.07*** join/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
03:10.14[TK]D-Fenderpigpen2 : No... I just googled it in 5 seconds flat and linked :)
03:10.32[TK]D-Fendersymlink : And thats why you're not even a HARD link! ;)
03:11.13*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
03:11.14pigpen2I think it does support sip...
03:11.32xpatoit does support sip
03:11.47gambolputtyHi.  In * 1.4.beta2, voicemails are being recorded with a time of UTC instead of my local time.  Any ideas on how to fix this?
03:11.58[TK]D-Fenderxpato : if it does SIP why do you need * for that then?
03:12.34xpatobecause is does not do voicemail and billing
03:12.52xpatowell it does, but cost a lot extra
03:13.09pigpen2[TK]D-Fender, the few deployments I found, use the md110 to connect to the phones, and asterisk for the sip proxy.
03:14.01*** join/#asterisk Katty (
03:14.55xpatopigpen2: and how they make the md110 to talk with asterisk
03:14.55Kattyhey hun (=
03:15.27[TK]D-FenderKatty : Mew.
03:15.42[TK]D-FenderKatty : So got your auto-answer working to your satisfaction?
03:15.50Kattyhaha, i wish.
03:15.59[TK]D-FenderKatty : I did it myself that very weekend.
03:16.04Kattymaybe if i had 10 minutes to sit down at my desk and actually get some work done ;)
03:16.14Kattythat means you can hold my hand if i get lost (=
03:16.20Kattyor at least i can hope, haha
03:16.24[TK]D-FenderKatty : I'll keep an eye out for you and help you get this ironed out.
03:16.36pigpen2xpato, I am not sure..I just googled "md110 asterisk sip"
03:16.38Kattyyou're the best (=
03:16.50[TK]D-FenderOr at least a reasonable facsimile ;)
03:17.05Kattyvery punny.
03:17.52Kattytwisted[work]: are you /really/ at work still?
03:17.57Kattytwisted[work]: i think you're fibbing.
03:21.37teknoprephow is the IAXY... does it have the same problems with echo as SIP?
03:21.42teknoprepthe iaxy ata
03:22.29Kattyi don't even know what iaxy ata is.
03:22.34Kattyi know that iax doesn't have echo tho.
03:23.13Kattyanalog lines have echo on them, that's a factof life...unfortunately
03:23.24teknoprepthat sucks
03:23.41Kattyso i guess if an analog line was going across the iax protocol, it'd still have that echo.
03:23.56Kattybest you can do for that, is port it down a t1 to a channel bank, which turns itinto analog lines
03:23.58[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : Are you ready to answer my question now?
03:24.00Kattytho it really isn't analog.
03:24.05teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, sure whats up
03:24.27[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : I asked you twice to describe the full call path where you experience echo....
03:25.00*** join/#asterisk Ox0F0-0FF (n=pierre@
03:25.17Kattyfender: down mainstreet, across town, under themississippi river ;)
03:25.43teknoprepanalouge phone - voip ata (sipura spa1001) - Firewall (QoS) - Comcast Internet (home) - Comcast Ineternet (office) - Asterisk PBX
03:25.54Kattyi do wonder how they got phone cally and internet stuffs under the mississippi
03:25.58Kattyhow'd they do that?
03:26.11Kattyburried fiber?
03:26.21Kattyin conduit or something
03:26.28pigpen2you would hope it is burried.
03:26.40Kattywell maybe it's /not/ burried
03:26.45Kattymaybe it's transmitted via satelite
03:26.56justinu|laptopsatellite sucks... high latency
03:27.05Kattywhat about shiny red lights.
03:27.09pigpen2I am in Texas.  Most the rivers are dry now.
03:27.09[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : I'm suspecting you are leaving part of this picture out......
03:27.12Kattylike microwaves.
03:27.27Kattynukerwaved internet!
03:27.28teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, nope... what part
03:27.43justinu|laptopit's an underwater cable, there's signs telling boats not to anchor or dredge near them
03:27.47teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, there is 0 NAT at the office between the Office Modem and the PBX
03:27.53[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : You are talking directly and ONLY to * (doing what, voicemailmain?) and getting echo?
03:28.00*** join/#asterisk pdt (
03:28.04Kattyjustinu|laptop: oh, ah. k
03:28.13*** join/#asterisk nortex (n=nortex@
03:28.15teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, oh then asterisk would be going out like this
03:28.19Kattywhat about oceans?
03:28.37justinu|laptopsame thing, just longer and there's repeater stations anchored on the ocean floor
03:28.39teknoprepAsterisk PBX - Comcast (office) - internet - VoicePulse
03:28.43[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : Please revise your presentation of "FULL call path" please....
03:28.44pigpen2Katty, sat & trans atlantic fiber.
03:28.47Kattythat's awesome (=
03:28.52justinu|laptopyeah, it is cool
03:28.55*** join/#asterisk heison (
03:29.12pigpen2justinu|laptop, dam are full of info tongiht.
03:29.21[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : BETTER.  Guess what, VoicePulse could have shitt EC on their end.  I've seen it before.
03:29.30Kattywhat about sharks?
03:29.37Kattyand other creature features, that have teeth.
03:29.43*** join/#asterisk heison (
03:29.43teknoprepanalouge phone - voip ata (sipura spa1001) - Firewall (QoS) - Comcast Internet (home) - Comcast Ineternet (office) - Asterisk PBX - Comcast (office) - internet - VoicePulse
03:29.45Kattyor earthquakes.
03:29.54Kattyor....or...or... things.
03:30.06Kattyunder the ocean. that move. haha, i'm such a dork sometimes (=
03:30.09pigpen2Katty, they have crews that are equiped to fix these...but it does happen.
03:30.21Kattyi'm surprised the internet doesn't go down more.
03:30.28[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : I've heard echo on calls straight off an ATA to Vonage, etc.  it happens
03:30.32orlockpigpen2: them guys are hardcore
03:30.47pigpen2orlock, was a very cool show.
03:30.56pigpen2my wife thought it was stupid.
03:31.09pigpen2I wouln't let her use her laptop for a week.
03:31.11orlockpigpen2: read "Mother Board, Mother Earth"
03:31.19justinu|laptopKatty: this cable is huge, and eqs can really screw them up
03:31.33Kattyis it bigger than me? big /are/ you?
03:31.54justinu|laptopprobably at least a 1 foot diameter cable
03:32.13Kattythat's pretty big.
03:32.19justinu|laptopit took them something like 40 years to learn how to lay a cable that would actually work
03:32.31justinu|laptopthey tried all sorts of things that failed the first time they used them, or over a short period of time
03:32.56Kattyi guess it had to withstand a lot of pressure
03:33.02justinu|laptopi guess a big part of understanding how we transmit stuff across wires comes form that knowledge
03:33.13orlockjustinu|laptop: yeah
03:33.32orlockjustinu|laptop: read "Mother Board, Mother Earth"
03:33.39orlockneal stephenson goes into it all in detail
03:33.47Kattyi bet he's doing good to read the cereal box in the morning.
03:33.52orlockhistory of undersea cables to global fibre networks
03:33.58Kattywe should start putting useful computery tips on cereal boxes.
03:34.04Kattymaybe i'd get less tech support calls that way
03:34.11teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, we have 0 echo at the office
03:34.21teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, it NEVER echo's at the office
03:34.39Kattytip 1: if you're computer doesn't work, reboot and try again BEFORE contacting ANYONE
03:34.52Kattythere'd go half my issues (=
03:35.09justinu|laptophmm, i can't find it on amazon
03:35.14justinu|laptopthis guy wrote a lot of stuff
03:35.35Kattyso how do we get internet to the moon?
03:35.38[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep : Could be exacerbated by the extra hops and equipment....
03:35.47[TK]D-FenderKatty : LASERS!
03:36.02Kattycause polycom is what nasa uses, right?
03:36.15Kattyi seem ot remember something about that...once upon a time.
03:36.22[TK]D-FenderYes... this is an absolute farce!
03:36.29Kattyyou do  not parse.
03:36.36*** join/#asterisk heison (
03:36.41justinu|laptopyeah, unless we figure out how to break the speed of light, internet on the moon is gonna suck
03:36.58justinu|laptop4 second latency, iirc
03:37.02Kattyspooky entanglement
03:37.13Kattythat's where it's at.
03:37.23justinu|laptopmake us a working prototype, katty ;)
03:37.24teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, i am just hooking up an asterisk box at his home
03:37.37Kattyi'll do it overlunch tomorrow
03:37.44teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, he likes the idea... also i will be just setting up one at my home... works better
03:37.55teknopreplater all
03:38.15[TK]D-Fenderjustinu|laptop : Chan_fluxcapacitor!
03:38.32justinu|laptoposcillator overthruster :)
03:38.41Kattyyou guys are nutty.
03:38.46*** join/#asterisk SubWolf (n=rob@
03:38.52Kattywhat's that?
03:38.58justinu|laptopdon't tell me you've never seen Buckaroo Banzai in the 9th dimension
03:38.59Kattya horny oscilliscope?
03:39.10*** part/#asterisk SubWolf (n=rob@
03:39.14Kattycan't say i have
03:39.19justinu|laptoper 8th dimension
03:39.25justinu|laptopit's an awesome movie
03:39.35Kattyso is my twirly video
03:39.48[TK]D-FenderDuck Dodgers...... in the 24th and half CENTURY!@!@!@!@
03:39.49Kattywe were testing motion detect, so i went out and did a littl twirly dance ot make sure it worked right
03:39.58Kattyurl available upon request, etc.
03:40.07justinu|laptopbtw, nasa uses cisco call manager for ip calls from the space shuttle
03:40.09justinu|laptopand ISS
03:40.21justinu|laptopthey should be using asterisk, much cheaper
03:40.26Kattyoh god.
03:40.29Kattygod no
03:40.31KattyPLEASE GOD NO
03:40.33justinu|laptopinternational space station
03:40.34Kattyi mean.
03:40.37Kattyyeah, cheaper...
03:40.54Kattysymlink: nini.
03:41.01justinu|laptopno trolling, katty ;)
03:41.02Kattysymlink: did you ever see the twirly?
03:41.06symlinkKatty: no :(
03:41.11Kattysymlink: aww?
03:41.19symlinkvery sad :(
03:41.23jtexter3Okay Katty, now you have to share the URL
03:41.31Kattyjustinu|laptop: i'm not a troll, kthx.
03:41.40jtexter3Anything titled "twirly video" has to be worth a few laughs :D
03:41.50Kattyjtexter3: sorry, i only share things like that with my friends (=
03:42.10Kattyjtexter3: i wouldn't want it to leak into the wrong hands. and then a be a troll.
03:42.28Kattysymlink: what's wrong? :<
03:42.40symlinkno moooooovie
03:42.51Kattywell go get the geox codec.
03:44.24Kattyi never could find a converter )=
03:46.45justinu|laptopyou mean a transcoder? :>
03:47.45Kattyexecutive transcodecer.
03:48.34Kattythat's a new word, i just made up.
03:48.46Kattyand i'm backing it up, with this codec developed forme by the CCTV organization.
03:49.51*** part/#asterisk jtexter3 (
03:49.56symlinkKatty: you should become a professional pillow
03:50.19Kattythat'd be a horrible waist of my brain.
03:50.31Kattyand my typing skills, apparently.
03:50.39symlinkKatty: :(
03:51.16*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/unconfirmed/bhaal)
03:51.37symlinkKatty: have you been up to no good?
03:52.01Kattyyes, i admit. i helped university students write on the sidewalks with chalk today.
03:52.10symlinkyou rebel you
03:52.14Kattyi know.
03:52.51*** join/#asterisk aptura (
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04:01.08xpatoback again
04:01.47xpatoasterisk would be used to mailvoice and billing
04:01.59xpatoand md110 for the phones
04:02.26*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
04:03.14[TK]D-Fenderxpato : the only way * could do billing is if all calls passed through it.  How do you plan on doing that?  How many lines are you going to have coming in?
04:03.36xpatoi did deduce tha
04:03.54xpatothink in 32 lines in and out
04:04.06xpatowhat should i have
04:04.07[TK]D-Fenderxpato : And if all of your calls are going through * then your MD110 serves no purpose.  You'd be better off using normal SIP phones.
04:04.10*** join/#asterisk aptura (
04:04.21[TK]D-Fenderxpato : 32 lines for 500 extensions?
04:04.32Kattythat's a lot of extensions.
04:04.46Kattywe have 8 for 14
04:05.02xpatowe have the md110
04:05.08xpatothey have
04:05.22xpatoand they are not going to change the phones
04:05.35[TK]D-Fenderxpato : you just said they DIDN'T.  Can you at least be consistent?
04:05.47xpatoits for a callcenter (spamcenter) company
04:06.11xpato[TK]D-Fender: sory, but i just get the correct info
04:06.16xpatothey do have the md110
04:06.23JTcallcenters usually need almost as many lines as callcentre extensions
04:06.41xpatoand want asterisk to do the billing and voicemail
04:06.49Kattyand equal ammounts of pain killers.
04:07.13*** join/#asterisk Schulich (n=Jazba@
04:07.28[TK]D-FenderKatty : Fruit flavoured Tums are just like Sweet-Tarts you know.....
04:07.38Kattyi don't eat tums.
04:07.46*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:07.51Kattymaybe it's cause i'm not as old as you are ;)
04:08.14xpato[TK]D-Fender: so for this, would be something like this: pstn <-> asterisk <-> md110 <-> phones?
04:08.32Kattywhat /is/ an md110?
04:08.47Kattysome sort of analogy converter
04:09.02apturakatty what ver of asterisk are you running
04:09.44Kattythe kind that makes you ask questions.
04:09.49Kattysee! it does an awesome job.
04:09.51xpatomd110 is a ericcson pbx
04:10.04Kattyoh ah.
04:10.07apturathis is not good my host.conf is empty.
04:10.18Kattygoogle it.
04:10.28symlinkKatty: mashed potatoes!
04:10.30Kattyor voip-info a demo copy of it
04:10.37Juggieaptura, thats because its hosts.conf :)
04:10.38Kattysymlink: with bbq sauce!
04:12.08apturaJuggie yea btw what does your say
04:12.11[TK]D-Fenderxpato : Well I'm pretty supre you'll want a 4 port E1 card in that box.
04:12.22[TK]D-Fenderxpato : 2 for inbound, to for out-bound
04:15.01*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
04:17.01xpato[TK]D-Fender: processor, for 64 concurrent conversations?
04:17.54*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (n=RatMan@
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04:18.06[TK]D-Fenderxpato : For passthrough E1, it doesn't mattet that much.  P4 -3Ghz w/1 gig ram should be nice
04:19.13JTi doubt they'd be 32 channels either
04:19.16JTmore like 30 each
04:19.39JT1 channel is used by E1 framing, another is usually used by D, if it's a PRI
04:19.45JTblitzrage: bzzt
04:20.12JTan E1 does not have two D channels
04:20.30blitzrageshow's what the stupid north american knows
04:20.52JTit has a single D channel if it's PRI/ISDN
04:21.01JTthe other channel is used for framing
04:28.19axscodeTK i got it working.... my TDM22B.. i can now call outside pstn... i got question though.. how to manage the incomming call or how to detect?
04:30.07[TK]D-Fenderaxscode : ...
04:30.15jbotmethinks book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
04:36.02axscodewhere the ivr of asterisk resides?
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04:46.02BlepsoaFhello all, does anyone know what I have to do, to have perl print to asterisk's console - I'm printing to STDERR
04:46.50axscodehow can i wait for 3 rings before auto-answering a call?
04:47.11tuck3raxscode: Wait(X)
04:47.27JTyou have to work out what period of time 3 rings is
04:48.00axscodewhere X = seconds? or number of rings?
04:48.08tuck3rx is seconds
04:50.00BlepsoaFanyone know what this doesnt work foreach my $i ( keys %input ) { print STDERR " -- $i = $input{$i} ";}
04:50.25BlepsoaFim setting $|=1 & pulling data like my %input = $AGI->ReadParse();
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05:26.10w32if they can build iecho cancellation into a device,and asterisk acts as a device to a provider would it be possible to develop/implment a module for echo cacellation WITHIN asterisk ?
05:27.07axscodenothing is impossible.
05:27.37w32how far from seeing such a thing are we ?
05:27.57JTerr asterisk i thought already had software echo cancellation
05:28.55w32Perhaps it does ? I'm interested in it as it relates to Faxing
05:29.18JToh fun
05:29.50w32yeah, doesn't seem to be very reliable from what I have read
05:29.50JTecho cancellation tends to screw up faxing
05:30.07JTyeah you should be looking at a FoIP solution if you must
05:30.23JTbut trying to push fax over VoIP will only end in tears
05:30.48JTyou can terminate fax calls to the pstn on an asterisk box
05:31.24w32I had been doing some reading on it, but foip doesn't seem to be  completely compatible with every fax machine..unless I misunderstood what I read
05:31.42w32terminate fax calls to the pstn ? Explain ?
05:31.58axscodehow to create a dialplan everything that starts with 2 and 4?
05:32.01JTmaybe explain what you are trying to do
05:32.23JTsend and receive faxes from the traditional pstn, that can be done without too much trouble i'm led to believe
05:32.37w32I'd simply like to receive & send
05:32.53JTand you have a pstn connection for faxes?
05:33.47w32I have termination and origination if that's what u mean
05:33.51*** join/#asterisk pnlarsson (
05:34.13JTvia the PSTN?
05:34.16JTnot voip
05:35.08w32All I have is VOIP
05:35.34w32I use viopstreet for termination and origination
05:35.43JTwell you're screwed then, to put it nicely
05:35.52JTeasiest to outsource the faxing to a fax provider
05:36.13w32So it seems, any recommendations ?
05:36.36JTi just made one
05:36.47w32made one ?
05:36.49JTeh, i'm probably not even in the same country as you
05:36.54JTfind a fax provider
05:37.04w32USA I meant
05:37.04JTor get a PSTN line
05:37.09JTyeah i'm in Australia
05:37.23JTyou don't even have a single PSTN line at all??
05:37.40w32no, I have no conventional landline
05:37.54w32the telco will not get a dime from me
05:38.00JThow does Internet come to the site then?
05:38.30JTwell that's really pretty perilous not to have a single PSTN line
05:38.53orlockJT: i dont have one at home :)
05:38.55orlockno dialtone, just a ULL
05:39.05orlockis it a phone line if it doesnt have dialtone? :)
05:39.07w32yeah so I am finding out, but I do have two seperate connections
05:39.20JTvoip providers/Internet aren't that reliable, but more importantly, in an emergency, a pstn line is the most reliable way to contact emergency services/others
05:39.33JTorlock: not really :)
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05:57.35Dave|idwith the grandstream GXP-2000 phone, when you get a voicemail, does a notification come up on the phone at all? like a flashing light, a little icon on the display.... currently using trixbox and curious if this is the case with the phones
06:02.05`Tingles`what software SIP client would you recommend for winxp
06:02.25Dave|idi use that dosgy xen one
06:02.33Dave|iddoes the job
06:02.44Dave|idalso works perfectly on my pocket pc
06:03.07`Tingles`hmm.. using xlite right now.. but looking for more..
06:03.14`Tingles`i guess specifically a push to talk funtion
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06:03.35Dave|idspend $100 on a budgetone 102 phone
06:04.03`Tingles`i have 2 GXP-2000's however no headset.. and i want to use my wireless bluetooth headset with the software :)
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06:06.06`Tingles`specifically something with push to talk functionality
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06:21.32predder`Tingles`, try expresstalk
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06:41.22axscodehi guyz... i got problem... when i try to call.... a long beep instead of ring... then the other end answer it... then we talk for about 5-10 seconds then it starts to ring again... any help?
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06:58.31DarKnesS_WolFiaxtel is cool
07:01.27axscodewhy u use voip to connect to irc?
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07:02.11JTwhat the hell are you talking about axscode ?
07:02.25axscodenothing sir.. forgive me
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07:04.03kaldemarsomeone with a little too much time could cook up an IVR irc client.
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07:15.23FlatFootanybody there ?
07:15.54FlatFootaha is there a prob with the latest trunk zaptel ?
07:16.31Dave|idi don't know
07:16.33FlatFootget a lot of these
07:16.35FlatFootpciradio.c:1381: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
07:16.54QwellThose should be warnings
07:17.06benjkdo you need pciradio?
07:17.13benjkyou can probably remove that
07:17.16FlatFootnot that im' aware
07:17.38FlatFootjust had to re install debian cos the box got screwed yesterday
07:18.18benjkI think this is for Jim Dixon's amateur radio telephony relay boards
07:18.42benjkso unless you are a radio ham and want to use those, you wouldn't need it
07:18.46Qwellsounds like you're setting -Wall or something silly
07:19.11benjksee if you can remove all the stuff related to rpt
07:19.19benjknot to be confused with rtp
07:19.39FlatFooti shall investigate
07:20.05Qwell-Werror is what I was thinking
07:20.25benjkeven then, its unlikely he will need pciradio
07:20.37benjkso if you don't need it you may as well remove it
07:20.48Qwellremove it from make menuselect
07:20.51benjkwhat's not there can't break
07:20.57FlatFootsounds like i need another big hammer
07:21.01FlatFootfor my head
07:21.22FlatFootmake install
07:21.47FlatFootoops wrong screen
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07:37.54stoffellhm, is there anything special as to why a polycom suddenly stops registering with asterisk?
07:45.10creativxprobably the same reason my ip10s hangs after reboots
07:45.19creativxmagic code
07:47.11merlinnstops registering?
07:47.24merlinnas in it flunks out a couple of times then ceases?
07:47.36merlinnor something else?
07:47.56stoffellmerlinn: it keeps trying but gets an unauthorized request.. (happens on +10 phones)
07:48.11stoffellthough user/pass hasn't changed and is correct
07:48.49merlinnah, okay so it's not the new feature that allows a sip registration to cease and desist
07:48.54merlinnafter N failures
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07:49.05merlinnhave you got any logs?
07:49.09stoffellhm merlinn .. is that documented somewhere ? :)
07:49.15merlinnyeah it is
07:49.16stoffellmerlinn: yeah, logs of ... phone.cfg ?
07:49.22merlinnhang on, I only just saw it
07:50.23merlinnit's not that new
07:50.49merlinnI change versions less frequently than I change cars
07:51.39stoffellmerlinn: okay, i will try registerattempts ..
07:52.20stoffellmerlinn: that's only for connecting to sip providers it seems
07:52.55merlinnI'd imagine it's for any sip service, surely
07:53.18merlinnalthough I could be wrong
07:53.29merlinnI'm just reading the docs atm
07:53.46stoffellok, i'm trying it..
07:56.05stoffellhm, doesn't seem to help
07:57.50stoffellthis is the sip debug log:
08:05.11stoffellouch, looks like these errors in this thread:
08:14.23CtRiXyou have no nat
08:14.29CtRiXthat's not that case.
08:14.34CtRiX(or stoffell )
08:15.09stoffellCtRiX: no nat, but teh "show channels" does stay like Rx: REGISTER
08:19.51*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (n=me@
08:21.12Newbie___hi all, when a incoming call from POTs and is directed to extension 2000, how do i send to another extension 2002 when extension 2000 is busy?
08:24.17Newbie___creativx: thanks i will google around for instruction
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08:37.35jeremy_ghello inspired
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08:39.40jeremy_gi have a question, when * dials out to a phone that has lost its IP connection, then what happens to the dial plan, will asterisk hangup or go to the next priority in that extension
08:40.39inspiredit will continue
08:41.43inspiredyou can choose what to do based on the DIALSTATUS variable
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08:42.19inspiredGotoIf(${DIALSTATUS} = CHANUNAVAIL?do_stuff:or_other_stuffer)
08:42.31inspiredmight not work. add a few " " and so on
08:43.48creativxor goto(s-${DIALSTATUS}) and make extensions for s-BUSY, s-CONGESTION etc
08:44.19benjkyou'll aslo need an i extension then for fallback
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08:46.15darkskiezthe i exten doesnt work like that
08:46.27creativxi for invalid
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08:47.04darkskiezyou'd need an _s-. exten for fallback
08:47.30benjkno i extension will do
08:47.39benjkanyhing that does not fit will hit i
08:51.30creativxi is utter failover
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09:03.40stoffellokay, my polycom issue is resolved, it seems i can't register to "dnsname" but only to "ipaddress", resolving is fine though.. (on polycoms and on * server!)
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09:10.32jeremy_ginspired:dialstatus works!!! thanks man
09:10.36jeremy_gthanks creativx, the dial plan looks so simple and sleek now!
09:12.54creativxit will get messier, trust me. hehe
09:13.06thdeiHi everybody, I have a problem and maybe you have a idea for me. I want to connect a asterisk and a alcatel 4400 and I use this:, but randomly, after few calls
09:13.24thdeiAstersik go in congestion (34)
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09:14.09thdeiBut I think there is a link with the fact that the digium card (110) is always yellow
09:14.25thdeiDo you have a idea for me ?
09:14.31jeremy_gwhat does this ./implies e.g. as in exten=_X./77777 ? what is this / and 7777 mean
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09:15.47thdeithe /777777 say that you phone from the 777777
09:15.48creativxnumber matching isnt it
09:15.55thdeito the _.X.
09:18.16*** join/#asterisk ahewitt (
09:18.21ahewittHi all....I am *very* new to asterisk, so please excuse the ignorance. Could someone please tell me, if I am making a call to an external number via a service provider, is the from sip address supposed to be <phone_number>@asterisk_server or <extension>@asterisk_server??
09:18.28thdeifor example: exten = _0041X./1000, Dial(CAPI/...) allow the phone 1000 to call a number like 0041.... but not the other
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09:22.32thdeiahewitt, can you make a example for me ? what is for you a extension ?
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09:24.38jeremy_gthdei: you phone from the 777777=> does that mean the callerid should be 77777 ?
09:25.52stoffellhm, how can i enable the status (xx ms) in ship show peers?
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09:26.49stoffellokay, never mind, got it.. qualify=yes..
09:26.59ahewittI am simply trying to call an outbound number and I keep getting extention is 3128 and I can see that the from sip address is 3128@, but I was wondering if it is supposed to be 0134567889@
09:27.22speekacdid you guys ever try to pull the voicemail data from asterisk ?
09:27.37creativxthe wav files?
09:27.49speekacbesides of wav?
09:28.09speekacis there any other relevant informations can be found in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail ?
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09:32.17stoffellspeekac: try it out.. there's an info file for each voicemail (txt)
09:37.13klem_stoffell: hi, how about w9962? i tried last weekend too and ended up with "tei lapd 1 assign req failed" in my dmesg
09:37.33stoffellklem_: hehe.. :) well, i'm not near the machine right now, but I also had error messages..
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09:37.55stoffellklem_: i couldn't dial out, it gave an error, it could well be the same! (i can check it in a few hours when near the machine)
09:38.18stoffellklem_: the hfc chipset worked well though..
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09:39.19thdeijeremy_g: Yes, it's the caller id
09:40.10klem_jep, i switched to hfc also
09:42.27thdeiI ask again... maybe somebody come and have the solution: Hi everybody,
09:42.27thdeiI have a problem and maybe you have a idea for me. I want to connect a asterisk and a alcatel 4400 and I use this:, but randomly, after few calls Astersik go in congestion (34).
09:42.28thdeiBut I think there is a link with the fact that the digium card (110) is always yellow
09:42.30thdeiDo you have a idea for me ?
09:42.32DarKnesS_WolFanyone using IAX or SIP java applet ?
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09:48.04speekacstoffell: unfortunately, my voicemail are not working, no .wav or .txt files found eventhough i'd recorded the voicemail
09:49.40thdeispeekac: Check the rights on the folder to be sure that asterisk user can write
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09:57.30linuxbangaloreIs there a channel for asterisk beginner's? as I have some very basic questions.. and want to discuss with someone to know more about asterisk..
10:00.17stoffelllinuxbangalore: it might be a good idea to read "the book"
10:00.24jbothmm... docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or, or
10:00.36stoffelllinuxbangalore: it's on
10:01.26speekacfiles was written in ../context/extension/tmp
10:01.58speekacbut after I end up the call, those files just disappeared
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10:04.49flightlinuxhow can i check if cdr_mysql  is loaded or not
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10:08.23flightlinuxits in my system
10:08.31flightlinuxi dont know how it was unloaded
10:08.37flightlinuxdo i always need to load it manually
10:08.51flightlinuxhow can i make it load automatically
10:10.02dezentflightlinux: /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
10:10.08dezentshould be the right place
10:10.34dezentload =>
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10:15.23flightlinuxif autoload = yes then i dont need to do load =>
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10:29.55ThaZZaHey All
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10:39.22roo9anyone know why i am seeing this error:
10:46.21ThaZZais anyone else having issues with Asterisk 1.4 and sip registration? It works fine on 1.2
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11:04.48backblueroo9: because it's busy.
11:06.10benjknot necessarily
11:06.26benjkAsterisk always says busy, even when the cause is something else
11:06.41benjkyou cannot really trust the console messages
11:06.58benjkonly debugging will tell you the real cause, only then can you be sure that its actually busy
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11:12.15ThaZZais anyone else having issues with Asterisk 1.4 and sip registration? It works fine on 1.2
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11:20.07RoyKhm. there seems to be a rather nasty leak in
11:20.42RoyKThaZZa: do a sip debug and check if you can find it. post bug on if it really is a bug
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11:25.18Drukenbenjk: you sound like a matrix fanatic up there.....
11:25.45benjkI am not sure I follow you
11:25.57Druken[07:06] <benjk> only debugging will tell you the real cause, only then can you be sure that its actually busy
11:26.40benjkI don't quite understand why this is related to the matrix, but I take your word for it ;)
11:27.27benjkthe point is that asterisk munches just about everything into congested or busy
11:28.06Drukennever mind.... i was getting at the real cause, and be sure it's ACTUALLY busy... you know, morphous talk
11:28.12Drukenhe he, ha ha...
11:29.26ThaZZaRoyK: Can't see it even trying.
11:30.26RoyKwith sip debug ip .... _
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11:35.17ThaZZaRoyK: Nope..
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11:36.37ThaZZaRoyK: Think i might downgrade to 1.2. at least it works with the same config.
11:36.38RoyKThaZZa: what does ethereal say?
11:37.01RoyKif it is a bug, file it on, please
11:39.28merlinnare there any good books on sip
11:39.37merlinnthe RFC is pretty grim reading
11:40.58ThaZZaRoyK: It doesn't show any outbound traffic.. It is like it is not trying to reg
11:41.30RoyKThaZZa: lol. asterisk 1.4pre-alpha-0.0.2 rocks!
11:41.47ThaZZaRoyK: I am running beta
11:41.58RoyKThaZZa: yeah - "beta"
11:42.16RoyKThaZZa: anyway - file a bug
11:42.42ThaZZaRoyK: Where can i get alpha
11:43.34RoyKwhat I meant was that the 1.4 beta is closer to a pre-alpha than a true beta
11:43.41RoyKs/than/than it is to/
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11:46.28ratz_001hey all
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11:55.50RoyKcoppice: evening
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12:02.04DoDaT69does anyone know if asterisk supports an integrated T1 that uses dynamic voice channel allocation?
12:02.12DoDaT69and what hardware is compatible with it?
12:02.44benjkits called a PRI
12:03.20benjkSangoma A10x or Digium Tx0x cards
12:03.26DoDaT69I already have this integrated T1..  its actually frame relay b8zs
12:03.27benjkalso OpenVox D110
12:03.56DoDaT69digium told me yesterday they dont have anythign that would support dynamic voice channel allocation
12:04.00benjkwhat vendor?
12:04.10DoDaT69FDN Communications
12:04.15DoDaT69is who my provider is
12:04.32DoDaT69I am trying to find somethign that will let me implement an asterisk pbx with the current line I have
12:04.33benjknot the provider, the vendor of your equipment, whatever you have
12:04.40DoDaT69I dont have anything yet.
12:04.52DoDaT69I am looking for something that will work with this type of setup
12:04.55benjkDruken, OpenVox sell the original Zapata card
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12:05.04backbluewhat it's dinamic alocation in a t1 line, i dont get it.
12:05.07benjkthe single port one
12:05.08DoDaT69I can always go analog, but would rather stay digital
12:05.20DoDaT69its an integrated T1 package
12:05.33benjkthen you're screwed
12:05.35DoDaT69I ahve 6 lines that when in use, will take away the bandwidth form the data
12:05.44DoDaT69its already voip
12:05.56DoDaT69and the other thing is they use mgcp
12:06.04Drukendynamic data/voice switching
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12:06.06benjkthat's too exotic to be supported by open source
12:06.15backbluehoo, i'm seeying, here we normaly statically alocate the channels for data and for voice.
12:06.19DoDaT69I figured
12:06.22RoyKThaZZa: you might consider using a true opensource pbx
12:06.55DoDaT69yes, thats what digium sales told me yesterday, is I need to have something that is statically allocated
12:07.03DoDaT69there has to be something out there somewhere tho
12:07.10backblueDoDaT69: well you dont, use a shapper
12:07.16backblueand pass the voice over ip.
12:07.50DoDaT69I am new to voip, what is a shapper?  something that will convert the proto?
12:08.22backblueDoDaT69: well use all your channels for data
12:08.36backblueand you have the max bandwitht you can have with the T1 link
12:08.47backblueand then put a linux shapper on each side
12:09.01backblueand give more priority to voice traffic
12:09.12backblueinstted of data
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12:09.27DoDaT69well yea
12:09.33backbluebut this is done in l3
12:09.44backbluewhat you were speaking, was l2.
12:09.59DoDaT69but whats going on here is I have carrier --> smartjack --> adtran router
12:10.11DoDaT69the adtran router splits the voice and data dynamically
12:10.21backbluethat it's transparent
12:10.22DoDaT69it has an amphernol connector that breaks out to a 66 block
12:10.32backbluefor the router, it's all ip
12:10.37fafnirthats hot
12:10.43backblueso it will think it's allways data
12:10.52backblueand will use the max bandwith
12:11.08backblueindeed you need a good shapper on each side.
12:11.30backbluejust make a iax trunk, for each side, and you have your dinamic channel done :P
12:11.31DoDaT69thats already going on... my carrier network does that.. and I already have that setup on my foundry switch
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12:12.01DoDaT69what I want is something that will allow me to interface with my carrier's voip system and oust this adtran
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12:12.18DoDaT69instead of breaking out to something that is analog, I want to stay all digital and virtualize my support team
12:12.34backbluedo what i have sayed
12:12.45backblueuse all channels for data, and put a iax trunk on top of it.
12:13.25backblueyou can use a digium cards, with all channels for data.
12:13.36DoDaT69are you saying to covert the iax  to mgcp so I can talk to my carrier?
12:14.13DoDaT69I think we are talking abotu 2 different things
12:14.25DoDaT69I already have 6 phone lines that are native voip from my carrier
12:14.55DoDaT69they are using the mgcp protocol.  The adtran I have already converts from digital to analog, with the proper fxs and fxo functionality
12:15.11DoDaT69I want to get rid of that adtran, and put an asterisk based system in its place
12:15.52benjkin that case all you need is a router for the T1 and chan_mgcp to let Asterisk hook into the MGCP based service of your provider
12:16.15DoDaT69what is this chan_mgcp you speak of?
12:17.06benjkits a plugin for Astrerisk that makes Asterisk speak MGCP
12:17.15DoDaT69really?!?  suweet
12:17.27DoDaT69yup thats what I need
12:17.31benjkpretty much everything is a plugin with Asterisk
12:17.48benjkwithout the plugins Asterisk doesn't really do anything
12:17.52DoDaT69Okay, so when they told me asterisk doesnt support mgcp, thats just out of the box on a default system
12:18.11benjkthere is one for SIP, one for H323, one for MGCP, one for voicemail etc etc etc etc
12:18.20DoDaT69I figured there has to be a way to do this.. thats why I came here
12:18.34benjksome of the plugins are more frequently used than others
12:18.49benjkthe ones that are more frequently used are better supported
12:18.57benjkMGCP happens to be one of the lesser used ones
12:18.58DoDaT69makes sense
12:19.08benjkso there are some things that it cant handle
12:19.28DoDaT69so I suppose the next thing I would need on top of that is a csu/dsu card
12:19.32DoDaT69and I should be in business
12:19.37benjkI think it can't be a gatekeeper or it can only be a gatekeeper or something like that
12:20.05DoDaT69oh yea.. thats exactly what sales said, asterisk cannot function as an mgcp endpoint
12:20.16DoDaT69well shit
12:21.36DoDaT69well hell.. I guess its analog conversion then..
12:21.45DoDaT69thanks for the input you all ;)
12:21.52benjkwhy not find a provider that uses a more sane protocol?
12:22.03DoDaT69cause I am in a contract
12:22.08benjkeven the folks who designed MGCP say that it was a mistake
12:22.15DoDaT69I already found the correct protocol with another provider.. I will use that for my clients
12:22.24DoDaT69I am stuck for another year and a half with this provider
12:22.48benjktell them that they are nuts to use this protocol and it can only hurt their business in the long run
12:23.10DoDaT69Deltacom has a product called Simplici-T that will allow carrier --> smartjack --> adtran
12:23.17benjktell them you are happy to help them set up an Asterisk box with IAX or SIP and be their laboratory rat
12:23.17DoDaT69then from teh adtran you have ethernet out
12:23.22DoDaT69and digital T1 out
12:23.29DoDaT69with groundstart or loopstart signaling
12:23.47benjkthat's pretty silly really
12:23.56DoDaT69and its statically allocated, so you just plug that into the digium t1 card
12:23.57benjkcause you will be doing digital-analog-digital
12:24.11DoDaT69it doesnt go analog, it keeps a digital signal
12:24.15DoDaT69that was my main concern
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12:24.31benjknot if it does groundstart or loopstart
12:24.35benjkthose are analog protocols
12:24.55benjkand the adtran is a channel bank as far as I recall
12:25.06DoDaT69shows how much I know.. I still have a lot to learn in this part of techie
12:25.06benjkthat is a box which has T1 in and analog out
12:25.29benjkusually 1xT1 in and 24 analog out
12:25.44DoDaT69I will have to ask the engineer when I talk to him today.. I might be just going with damn analog cards then...
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12:26.54benjkanalog is not a good idea either
12:27.06DoDaT69I hear its got more echo
12:27.07benjkits hit and miss
12:27.19benjkand the quality is solala
12:27.37DoDaT69shit.. I gotta run.. I will bbiab
12:27.42DoDaT69gotta take the kitty to the vet :-D
12:27.47benjktry to talk your provider into a standard setup
12:27.57DoDaT69yea.. I will get on the phone with them again today
12:28.07DoDaT69took me a month to find out what I did yesterday
12:28.08benjkit can only be a benefit to them
12:28.16DoDaT69how my shit is delivered and all that mess
12:28.21benjkbecause in the long term they stand to lose customers
12:28.24DoDaT69anywho, thanks man
12:28.39DoDaT69I will be around in a few ;)
12:28.39ahewittcould someone please have a look at my config here.... see if you can find why its not working? I can see the handset has registered with the asterisk server, however I can't dial in or out
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12:40.37RoyK10545609 bytes allocated 12881 units total
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12:41.35RoyKhm. there's a nasty leak in, but it doesn't show up in memdebug
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12:42.07Twisteris there anywhere i can get a list of * error codes? Im getting error 29 from iax when trying to register to another machine
12:42.36benjkhehe, you believe in Santa Claus eh?
12:43.47benjkyou can read the iaxlib sources and create such a list though ;)
12:44.34Twisteryes i do! because if someone took enough effort to get that fucked up to be able to make up a story about a fat man that comes down a skinny chimney with a small bag that gets bigger when you put stuff in it and gives out presents to kids that are nice
12:44.49Twisterthen im gonna take the time to believe it
12:46.20Twisterthanks for the tip benjk
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12:47.13benjkit would be nice if * devs used a feature in C called "enum", but for some reason they don't
12:47.47benjkso more often than not, you have to pull the possible return codes (including errors) out of your nose
12:48.36*** join/#asterisk murf (n=steve_mu@
12:49.16Twisterever call microsoft and ask them what an error code means?
12:49.38*** part/#asterisk GaryH (
12:49.39benjkno, I don't use microsoft
12:49.54Twisterunfortuinatly i have to
12:50.11Twisterbut my point is, they cant tell you, theres no meaning behind any of their errors
12:50.38Twisterand for the record, im not comparing the devs to microsoft
12:51.04coppiceother people have more obscure errors than anything MS can come up with. they can't even excel at that :-)
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12:51.40coppice"File no open, other than for open or close" is my favourite
12:51.54benjkI remember to have seen a humorous site that specialised ion Windows errors
12:52.20benjkthe one I remember was  a dialog box that said "Error: No keyboard. Press any key to continue"
12:52.34RoyKthe usual POST error, you meen?
12:53.00benjkI used to work for a company that wanted to make "friendly software" and their CEO had his own ideas of error messages
12:53.06TwisterHA ya they still have that one in certain dell systems
12:53.18benjkwe had things like this ...
12:53.29benjk"Now there's three of us waiting ..."
12:53.43benjk"You are waiting for me, I am waiting for the printer and the printer is waiting for paper"
12:53.58benjkpeople loved it
12:54.15benjkthey tried to create errors just to see what message would pop up
12:54.17RoyKbenjk: rotfl
12:54.45Twistermy uncle puts in messages like :"dumbass! why did you do that? now the whole thing is messed up and you have to call someone to fix it wasting my time, your time, you bosses time and everyone in between!"
12:55.35benjkthe original Mac had a thing that when you pressed a key that had no meaning in the current context, it would do a noise like "boioioioioiiing"
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12:56.00benjkpeople got embarrased, because everybody in the office could here that you are a complete retard
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12:56.27Makenshisurely the fact that they're using a mac gives it away?
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12:56.45Makenshisorry, couldn't resist
12:56.55luitehello, I was wondering which version of asterisk I would need for a wildcard b410p (4x BRI), and whether it is compatible with european (specifically: dutch) ISDN networks?
12:57.20benjkwell, this was in a company where the company decided what computers would be purchased and they chose Macs for everybody
12:57.33benjkmostly because other computers didn't have any networking
12:57.33RoyKluite: isdn is isdn. but do you need four ports?
12:57.47benjknone whatsoever
12:57.47Makenshiahh well back then that was a sensible choice
12:58.00Makenshiand these days macs are pretty decent too
12:58.07Makenshithey just had a bit of a rough patch
12:58.07benjktoday it is a sensible choice again
12:58.16benjkits BSD with a fancy GUI
12:58.35Makenshiyeah osx is allright, and you can run windows or linux if you want to
12:59.05RoyKdoes anyone else see a nasty memleak in
12:59.07luiteRoyK: I thought there were some differences, just wanted to make sure. I do not need 4 ports at the moment, but more than one, and I'm not sure if I want to have multiple hfc pci cards in one server
12:59.45benjkluite, the single port HFC cards are cheap enough to throw away when you need to upgrade
12:59.47RoyKluite: have some rather nice cards, but I don't know if they are any cheaper
12:59.48benjkless than 50 USD
12:59.58tzafrirluite, if you need 2 ports and don't want to pay much, consider 2 hfc cards and the florz patch...
13:00.27RoyKflorz patch?
13:00.29benjkthat's if you want to stop smoking RoyK
13:00.47benjkand helps against tooth decay too
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13:01.10luiteRoyK: yes their multi bri cards are a little cheaper, but I think they don't have hardware echo cancellation. and their bristuff drivers seem to be a little 'hackish
13:01.34RoyKluite: erm. does digium's BRI card have EC?
13:01.38tzafrirluite, why do you need EC with ISDN?
13:02.11RoyKtzafrir: because isdn creates echo?
13:02.17luiteRoyK: yes the specs say it does
13:02.21benjkluite, they are Zaptel drivers, what else do you need to know
13:02.22coppicewhy shouldn't you need EC with ISDN?
13:02.37RoyKcoppice: because isdn is magic
13:02.43luitebut there hardly is any more information about the card than there is on, and that is not much
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13:03.11coppiceRoyK: rather becasue ISDN isn't universal
13:03.11luiteit is not mentioned on the site yet, possibly because it's rather new
13:03.21benjkwell the Junghanns stuff works well and has been around for ages long before anybody at Digium even know that Europe as using BRI
13:03.38RoyKtzafrir: is florz' stuff the new bristuff?
13:03.47benjkno, its just a patch
13:04.12*** part/#asterisk hank (
13:04.19tzafrirIt's a patch to the zaphfc driver from bristuff
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13:04.50tzafrirRoyK, ISDN is digital. echo is generated in the border of analog and digital
13:05.02benjknot only
13:05.36RoyKtzafrir: so sangoma and digium creating PRI boards with HWEC is just for fun?
13:05.54coppicetzafrir: and what relevance does that have to the need for EC?
13:06.40tzafrirI was wondering
13:07.57benjkanyway, if you want to bring in two BRI circuits, two cheap single port HFC cards and BRIstuff will be fine, then buy the quad card when you need more circuits
13:08.35luitebenjk: well, they are zaptel, but they do break pri and modify a lot of stuff in asterisk. I was wondering if an 'original' digium card would be better, especially for support in the future
13:09.17luitebut I guess I'll try with hfc-pci first then
13:09.30RoyKasterisk uptime: 2 hours. memory allocated by asterisk process: virt/res 746448/127544kB
13:10.34coppicetzafrir: what you said is not actually true, anyway. echo comes from acoustic connections in phones and from 2 to 4 wire hybrids. its nothing specifically to do with analogue/digital interconnect
13:10.49benjkthey don't actually break PRI
13:11.04benjkyou only have to make sure the drivers load in a particular order
13:11.40luiteah ok, I'll need to look into that then
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13:12.22benjkand like I said, the single port HFC cards are so cheap, that it is good for starters
13:12.30tzafrirbenjk, BTW: I noticed that at least on one of our systems qozap badly lcocks the system up on rmmod. I still have not had a chance to report this to kapejod, and that is 0.3q
13:12.37benjkand BRIstuff is the most straightforward way to get BRI working
13:13.17benjktzafrir, I use those single port HFC cards (up to 2 in a single system) and it works totally flawlessly
13:15.01CtRiX<RoyK> asterisk uptime: 2 hours. memory allocated by asterisk process: virt/res 746448/127544kB
13:15.10CtRiXRoyK, this is a configuration issue
13:16.06benjkyeah, RoyK, redo your configs
13:16.54CtRiXRoyK, do you use chan_sip ?
13:17.11RoyKCtRiX: yes
13:19.04CtRiXok i have the solution
13:19.10CtRiXit's quite trivial.
13:19.17RoyKinstall openpbx?
13:19.21CtRiXopen modules.conf and insert noload =>
13:19.46CtRiXif you don't use chan_isip, you'll ahve less leacks.
13:19.47benjksounds like a good workaround
13:20.04CtRiXthat's a mater of configuration indeed.
13:20.09CtRiXthat's a matter of configuration indeed.
13:20.48benjkchan_sip needs to go back to the sipyard for refitting
13:22.13benjkthen again, they could just use an existing stack and save us all the trouble
13:22.29tzangerRoyK: chan_iax2 has a nasty memleak
13:22.43RoyKi'm not using iax2
13:22.47CtRiXRoyK, another workaround is restarting * every 5 mins.
13:23.24CtRiX* should be restarted daily to avoid configuration problems and maybe version 1.4 needs less time.
13:23.44benjkevery hour on the hour :)
13:23.59benjkfrom the CNN news centre in Alabama
13:24.20*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
13:24.47CtRiXRoyK, it's your fault. you should configure * better.
13:25.21RoyKthat is - it's my fault. i'm using asterisk. and I upgraded to the problem wasn't there in 1.2.10
13:25.39benjkupgrade to 1.2.10 then
13:25.55benjkI think you downgraded from 1.2.10 to 1.2.11
13:25.57RoyKin 1.2.10, app_queue keeps crashing
13:26.04benjkso you need to upgrade from 1.2.11 to 1.2.10
13:26.16benjkside grading then
13:27.47benjkRoyK how about running one box with 1.2.10 for SIP and another with 1.2.11 for queues, then link them up via IAX2 :P
13:31.47benjkRoyK, you shouldn't be running beta software
13:31.55benjkor is this 1.2.11 official?
13:32.10RoyK1.2.12.1 'official' yes
13:32.22benjktake that comment back then
13:32.54benjk12 even
13:33.10benjkmaybe .13 will fix it
13:33.25benjkand only introduce a bug in some part you don't use
13:33.54DarKnesS_WolFRoyK: what is the problem ?
13:34.03benjktoo little RAM
13:34.08DarKnesS_WolFi just upgraded to yesterday
13:34.09RoyKDarKnesS_WolF: memleak from the midst of hell
13:34.09benjkto run 1.12
13:34.30DarKnesS_WolFwhat is midst?
13:34.34benjkRoyK, you need to buy more RAM
13:34.45RoyKDarKnesS_WolF: center
13:34.50benjkbuy 1G every two hours and it will be ok
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13:36.04DarKnesS_WolFRoyK: i don't use it :-)
13:36.24inspiredtoo bad his ram slots probably are full already ;)
13:36.47benjktake out the first bank then and fill in the new RAM
13:36.49coppiceif he rams hard enough he'll get some more in
13:37.12inspiredgood one
13:37.16benjkchance is one of the banks is totally leaked memory only
13:37.16Drukenram riser cards baby :)
13:37.28benjkso just take that out
13:37.34Drukendairy chain them, risers, inside risers :)
13:37.41RoyK-static int conf_run(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_conference *conf, int confflags)
13:37.41RoyK+static int conf_run(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_conference *conf, int confflags, char *optargs[])
13:37.48RoyKchanging APIs in stable?
13:37.53inspiredDruken, doesn't work in the long run. he would have to get a bigger housing
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13:38.18benjkanthm can help
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13:38.53benjkhe can write you a nice little garbage collector for chan_sip
13:39.05RoyKbenjk: what'll be left?
13:40.11benjk8731 bits, RoyK
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13:43.17zouzoui already have asterisk installed on red hat
13:43.39zouzoucan i installed asterisk@home with it
13:43.46zouzouor it will overwrite it?
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13:50.54CrescendoI just compiled and installed Asterisk 1.2 on a test box - what do I need to do now?
13:54.52rob0Crescendo: Celebrate? Throw a party for your 200 closest friends.
13:54.56[Airwolf]Is it possible to have one SIP account and login with two client simultanously and when called both clients wil ring ?
13:55.07rob0ah, that too :)
13:56.22[Airwolf]Because if I login with the second client, that client gets all the calls.
13:57.11trelane_[Airwolf], right, instead have a Dial(sip/exten&sip/exten)
13:57.16trelane_and use two different accounts
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13:59.27[Airwolf]trelane, that is a better solution indeed.
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14:00.41[Airwolf]I just wanted to have one account for both. :)
14:02.15CrescendoThanks, guys.
14:04.57dorel__zaptel stopped working for some reason
14:05.19dorel__its a tdm400p 4 slots fxo card and on zttool it shows as UNCONFIGURED
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14:07.31dorel__how do i get it configured?
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14:12.28ManxPowerdorel__, you set up /etc/zapata.conf
14:13.12ManxPowerI recommend that you use the MAC of the device as it's SIP Account ID
14:14.07CrescendoWhat's the best client to test with?
14:14.22RoyKManxPower: why?
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14:14.51ManxPowerRoyK, It forces us to remember that DEVICE IS NOT EXTENSION
14:15.03DoDaT69so is digium the "best" hardware to go with?
14:15.06ManxPowerIt is also an easy to have all unique ids
14:15.22CtRiXDoDaT69 if you want Echo, yes
14:15.32DoDaT69so whats the census
14:15.34dorel__ManxPower: I setup /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
14:15.48tzafrirdorel__, "stopped working" as in? what does happen?
14:15.51jbalcombDoDaT69 I have Digium cards and I feel fine
14:15.51DoDaT69I am looking at setting up 3-4 of these systems in the next frew months, I want to make sure I get the right stuff
14:15.55ManxPowerdorel__, you obviously didn't set it up right.  What does ztcfg -vvv say?  put the output on pastebin
14:16.07DoDaT69jbalcomb --> are you analog or all digital?
14:16.09jbalcombDoDaT69 I have heard the Sangoma cards are better
14:16.17ManxPowerDoDaT69, I would use Digium or Sangoma card with external tellabs echo cancel and T-1/PRI
14:16.19jbalcombDoDaT69: digital
14:16.34ManxPowerDoDaT69, anyone that has a choice is all digital
14:16.35DoDaT69I already have the service.. I have to go analog due to the nature of it
14:16.36acrgis it possible to perform a nested CUT ?
14:16.48acrgie. a cut inside another cut
14:17.07DoDaT69my provider is using mgcp :( so I cant tie directly into their system since asterisk is not an endpoint for mgcpo
14:17.11ManxPoweracrg, if cut is an app, no.  if cut is a function, yes (I think it became a function in 1.2)
14:17.21acrgit's a function, yes
14:17.36ManxPoweracrg, at least you SHOULD be able to if it's a function
14:18.08acrg${CUT(CUT(var,delim,field),delim,field)} - would that syntax be correct ?
14:18.12CtRiXah DoDaT69
14:18.24CtRiXforget to use digium on HP/IBM/Dell systems
14:18.32dorel__ManxPower: thanks, with that im seeing that im using already configured channels... kinda weird
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14:19.04merlinnCtRiX: why is that?
14:19.32dorel__ManxPower: I have a pri card which takes channels 1-15,16, and 17-31 and another 4 ports slot tdm400p fxo card... which channels should i assign to the fxo card then?
14:19.40ManxPoweracrg, Maybe ${CUT(${CUT(var,delim,field)},delim,field)}
14:20.04ManxPowerdorel__, that would depend on what driver loads first.
14:20.21ManxPowerassuming the PRI loads first, the FXO would be 32-35
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14:20.34dorel__ManxPower: ahh i see. thanks im checking it out
14:20.42CtRiXmerlinn, got the link ?
14:20.57ThaZZaRoyK: You still here?
14:20.57ManxPowerI ALWAYS load the T-1 stuff first, since my goal is to get rid of all the analog cards 8-)
14:21.19merlinnCtRiX: yes, thanks
14:21.36CtRiXmerlinn, i would buy something compatible to all chipsets/machines
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14:21.57CtRiXi have always feared "worksforme(tm)" sentences....
14:22.01a1faanybody else having problems with BroadVoice
14:22.14DoDaT69these sangoma cards look pretty fly
14:22.25CtRiXand what has problems with some chipsets or cards may have other problems as weel with difeerent hardware not listed.
14:22.34dorel__ManxPower: i tried setting the channels to any of the 32-35 possible options but im still stuck with asterisk not starting up, WARNING[11447] loader.c: Loading module failed!
14:23.07ManxPowerdorel__, I said put the output of ztcfg -vvv on
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14:23.50a1faanybody having problems with broadvoice
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14:25.35a1faany one in here use bv?
14:25.38RoyKThaZZa: yes
14:25.42fourcheezeanyone got a nokia e61 to work with *? I've been following some instructions here:
14:25.49fourcheezeregistered once
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14:26.01fourcheezetried to call out but it didn't and then went back to "registration failed"
14:26.08RoyKasterisk uptime: 3:10, memory usage: 1.1GB
14:26.13RoyKstill climbing
14:26.27Juggiewhich version?
14:26.38dorel__ManxPower: there we go,
14:26.49JuggieRoyK, core dump it
14:26.56CtRiXyou have to restart * every hour or so if you cannot find your configuration problems ! :-)
14:27.15RoyKJuggie: perhaps a good idea.....
14:27.23bbz_anyone know if any of the /dev/dsp or audio can playback audio on a single mono left or right channel?
14:27.32JuggieRoyK, in scripts theres a script to do it.
14:27.34RoyKJuggie: but then, how do I check where the leak is?
14:27.48CtRiXRoyK, it will coredump on it's own ...
14:27.53JuggieRoyK, thats beyond my expertize...
14:27.55ManxPowerdorel__, I suspect that the modules in your analog card do not start at 1 or 0
14:28.08RoyKJuggie: then it won't really help to coredump it.....
14:28.18ManxPowerdorel__, pastebin the dmesg output for the card
14:28.24Juggieare you compiled w/ debug mode?
14:29.01Juggieyou need to recompile * in debug mode, and try again :)
14:29.11RoyKno bloody well do not
14:29.14dorel__ManxPower: im grepping -i zap and tdm, anything else important to find there?
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14:29.35RoyKI've been debugging this shite for years, and I don't need anymore recompiling
14:30.02ManxPowerdorel__, no idea.
14:30.23Juggiewell, recompiling it in debug is the only way someone will be able to help you track down your leak.
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14:30.48CtRiXthe other way is looking at a diff between 1.2.10 and 1.2.11
14:30.53CtRiXthe other way is looking at a diff between 1.2.10 and
14:30.58CtRiXthe leack is there
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14:31.06bbz_are there any parameters that you can pass to /dev/dsp ?
14:31.12Juggieyou can also try using 1.2 trunk
14:31.16Juggieas it may already be fixed
14:31.32Saschwhere i can download Spandsp for asterisk ??
14:31.47RoyKCtRiX: i know. i just don't want to restart this box all the time, being in production
14:32.39dorel__ManxPower: ok, check the comments on that original post.
14:32.45JuggieRoyK, upgrade the box to 1.2 trunk, see if the leak still happens.. what is the load on the box?
14:34.02dorel__ManxPower: nm, i think its lost somewhere i cant even find it, ill post it on a new thread
14:35.43ManxPowerdorel__, did you give me your /etc/zapata.conf on pastebin?
14:35.58dorel__ManxPower: yeah, its the post before that
14:36.22dorel__ManxPower: :
14:36.23RoyKjuanjoc: the load is average, and it worked flawlessly on 1.2.10
14:36.25tzangerok that's fucked
14:36.31tzangersip user will not accept calls
14:36.37tzangerchange nothing but type=peer and it works
14:36.56tzangerusers call the PBX, peers get called by the PBX, that's been the rule
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14:38.14Juggieas i've said 5 times
14:38.22Juggieupgrade to 1.2 trunk, and see if you can reproduce your problem
14:38.58Juggiethen you can procede from there to figuring out this problem, optionally you can also just use the last working version and forget about it.
14:39.01ThaZZaRoyK: Sorry.. Yeah i fixed the problem.. Running beta again.. I feel so dumb now.
14:39.08shodan-any linksys spa-3*02 users here ? I'd like to know what are the common problems with the fxo line on this thing if any (things like echo,incorrect amplitude,erroneous hangups etc..)
14:39.59Saschbut if i want to receive fax with my tdm400p and asterisk i install Spandsp or another program ??
14:40.39RoyKJuggie: can't use 1.2.10, since app_queue crashes there every now and then
14:41.39tzafrirdorel__, chan_zap will fail to load if you define a channel in zapata.conf which doesn't exist or is of the worng type
14:42.31tzafrirIn zapata.conf you defines channels 32-35 to be FXO channels. But in zaptel.conf there are only two of them
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14:43.17JuggieRoyK, then upgrade to 1.2 trunk.
14:47.29dorel__tzafrir: maybe in the posts they dont match but i tried defining in both 32-35 and 33-34 though it still fails
14:47.49RoyKJuggie: you need to try to understand that this stuff is in production and can't be rebooted all the time.....
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14:48.15dorel__tzafrir: in this post you can see that the 2 channels 33 and 34 are configured both in zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
14:48.55JuggieRoyK, you dont have to reboot your server to change the * version
14:49.18RoyKI need to reboot asterisk
14:49.20Juggiejust, make; make install and then @ your asterisk console 'restart when convenient'
14:49.42RoyKconvenient is like 03:00 or never
14:50.01Juggiewell, your option is to continue to not have a solution
14:50.04RoyKand before that, asterisk has prolly crashed due to no memory left
14:50.13Juggieor, do something, your pick.
14:50.18*** join/#asterisk sb_mx (n=sb_mx@
14:50.22tzafrirztcfg has no problem configuring a non-existing module to whatever configu you'd like
14:50.24RoyKno... I'm just trying to find a way to find memory leaks from a core file
14:50.51Juggiei'm hardly a gdb expert, and since your * isnt compiled in debug it will likely be impossible to tell
14:51.31dorel__tzafrir: like i said, i configured 33-34 on both files
14:51.44RoyKit's compiled with bloody well all the debug flags I could find. having used asterisk since 0.6 or something teaches you to use them since you will eventually need them anyway
14:51.52tzafrirand asterisk fails to load? what's the error message?
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14:55.33JuggieRoyK, then, you can wait a couple of hours till there some more developers here and see what they can do
14:55.55Juggiesince * hasnt cored yet you can either force it to dump (which will disrupt service) or wait
14:56.12stoffellklem_: i also get an error with w6692pci, being: MDL_ERROR|REQ (tei_l2) (and calls don't work)
14:56.13RoyKit coredumped earlier due to lack of memory
14:56.17RoyK2.2GB core file
14:56.31CtRiXRoyK, update your HD !
14:56.34benjkyou need to install more RAM
14:56.48RoyK1TB to make it work until next upgrade
14:56.52CtRiXthat's a marketing decision
14:57.05CtRiXM$ vista will need more HD and more Ram
14:57.17merlinnis the asterisk sip filter supposed to work this way?
14:57.18CtRiXthat way, 1.4 will be called Asterisk Vista
14:57.27CtRiXto show that it needs more ram && HD
15:00.07bbz_are there any parameters that you can pass to /dev/dsp, to tell the audio signal which channel to be played over? R/L mono?
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15:08.05Sir_DiddymusRoyK: may i ask how many users you've got on your box? Alot of traffic on it? always interested in experiences with big installations...
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15:08.29Sir_Diddymus(or better said: "real" installations. Only using it in private, with two user)
15:10.42ManxPowermerlinn, I didn't know Asterisk had a SIP filter
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15:12.15blaylockhas anyone ever seen this message come up in the console? !! Got reject for frame 70, retransmitting frame 70 now, updating n_r!! or something like it
15:12.19vooduhalDoes anyone know of a simple php/perl/cgi script to show information from the CLI.  Like a simple page that just dumps 'show queues' etc to a page?
15:12.44blaylockvooduhal, use astman or gastman
15:13.38vooduhalblaylock, needs to be web based.
15:14.14RoyKSir_Diddymus: a couple of thousand on this one
15:15.11blaylockvooduhal, ahh ok
15:15.40blaylockvooduhal, then no sorry i dont
15:17.22Sir_DiddymusRoyK: oy!! ok... :)
15:20.02CrescendoSep 26 11:14:56 NOTICE[5323]: chan_iax2.c:5138 register_verify: No registration for peer 'diax' (from ??? I'm assuming this is my botched version of a setup.  What did I do wrong, how do I fix it?
15:20.31bbz_would the 'nobody' user have permissions to use /dev/dsp?
15:20.58ManxPowerbbz_, One would hope not.
15:21.17bbz_manxpower: is there a good way i could give it permission to?
15:21.52ManxPowerbbz_, that would depend on your distro.
15:23.14*** part/#asterisk mog (
15:23.19merlinnManxPower: the sip parser
15:23.24merlinnit seems to suck slightly
15:23.46merlinnbut I might be wrong, my clue isn't magnificent
15:23.57ManxPowermerlinn, Asterisk is not a SIP Proxy
15:24.11bbz_ManxPower: not sure -- its whatever fonality uses to load machines with =/
15:24.49merlinnno, it shouldn't be
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15:28.36merlinnbut it should have an RFC compliant syntax, right?
15:28.50De_Monif I want to send an email via dialplan, I should use the SYSTEM command, right?
15:29.37benjkits not SIP RFC compliant anyway, no UTF-8
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15:33.50ManxPowerDe_Mon, correct
15:34.37ManxPowermerlinn, Yes, the call setup/teardown/control is RFC compliant enough to work ith most SIP devices
15:34.52merlinnbut when trunkiing
15:35.00merlinnto non upstream carriers
15:35.05ManxPowermerlinn, As far as I know there is no standard for SIP trunking.
15:35.12merlinnwell no
15:35.16merlinnbut SIP messages have a standard
15:35.26ManxPowermerlinn, a standard for what?
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15:35.47ManxPowerAnd BTW, it would be RTP trunking that would save you bandwidth
15:35.56merlinnI'm not looking to save bandwidth
15:36.02merlinnjust communicate
15:36.05ichiltonanyone using a cisco 79xx with asterisk?
15:36.09ManxPowermerlinn, What ARE you looking for?
15:36.17ManxPowermerlinn, Asterisk communicates with most SIP devices.
15:36.25merlinnI just acquired a VOIP company
15:36.36merlinnwho hvae a fairly extensive asterisk roll out
15:36.43ManxPowermerlinn, Asterisk communicates with most VOIP companies using SIP as well.
15:36.50merlinnI can see that
15:36.52QwellManxPower: SIP trunking is what freepbx folks call "sip"
15:36.57Qwellie; to a provider
15:37.11ManxPowerIn fact, I cannot think of any SIP complient product that Asterisk will NOT work with.
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15:37.20ManxPowerQwell, which is why "trunk" should be a banned term.
15:37.27QwellManxPower: agreed
15:37.27merlinnnortel devices
15:37.31merlinnit seems
15:37.40merlinnI'm being held back considerably by the deployment in place
15:37.43ManxPowermerlinn, You'll need to be more specific.
15:37.51merlinnand it seems that the fault lies with the SIP communication
15:37.51Nugget  <-- extensive asterisk roll out  :)
15:37.55ManxPowerNortel has many SIP devices.
15:37.58merlinnthere are a number of suppliers that just don't know what I'm talking about
15:38.04merlinnwhen we try to interconnect
15:38.17merlinnso I'm stuck using IAX trunsk to the small number of upstreams that support htem
15:38.27ManxPowermerlinn, we can't even get Nortel BCM to talk to EACH OTHER with SIP.  Nortel told us that those issues will be fixed in the next software upgrade to the BCM
15:38.29merlinnor SIP to the suppliers that understand the implementation
15:38.59ManxPowermerlinn, What SPECIFIC PRODUCTS do you have issues with?
15:39.17ManxPowerNortel makes a zillion "SIP complient" devices.
15:39.21merlinnintegr8 soft switches
15:39.28CrescendoSep 26 11:14:56 NOTICE[5323]: chan_iax2.c:5138 register_verify: No registration for peer 'diax' (from ??? I'm assuming this is my botched version of a setup.  What did I do wrong, how do I fix it?
15:39.30QwellNugget: I was having trouble connecting to your site the other day (and again today)...  It just kinda sits there, acting stupid, loading
15:39.44Qwellor, rather, not loading
15:39.45merlinnnortel multipath soft switches
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15:40.05merlinnthat's the only ones
15:40.10NuggetQwell: that's a common problem for some linux kernel versions that have a crippling bug relating to mtu discovery.
15:40.12merlinnbut it seems to be like 75% of the carriers in the UK
15:40.27De_Monshould I be using the system cmd to send email via asterisk or something else?
15:40.31Nuggetthose versions of linux can't pass traffic through a firewall that does scrubbing
15:40.36ManxPowerDe_Mon, USE THE SYSTEM COMMAND
15:40.42Nuggetusing linux 2.6.8 anywhere in between you and me?
15:40.45QwellNugget: something as new as 2.6.17 has that?
15:40.47carrarhahahh wouldn't it be cool is that was a valid error message "I'm assuming this is my botched version
15:40.59De_MonManxPower sorry, I looked away right after I asked the first time ;)
15:41.07NuggetQwell: I know that 2.6.8.x had it, and 2.6.9 fixed it, but I think maybe it came back again.
15:41.09Qwell.17 and .13
15:41.10NuggetI'm not sure.
15:41.17ManxPowerNugget, I assumed that MTU discovery problem was caused by people that don't know what they are doing blocking all ICMP
15:41.39NuggetManxPower: this is different.  Linux emits fragmented packets with the "no fragment" flag set.
15:42.01Nuggetand many firewalls toss those packets because they're suspicious
15:42.05ManxPowermerlinn, Nortel has a TERRIBLE history of implementing standards.  Asterisk is better, but not perfect.
15:42.07*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
15:42.18ManxPowerNugget, Well THAT sure is a smart thing to do.
15:42.19QwellNugget: fix your firewall :P
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15:42.22Juggiewe have a full nortel rack in our lab of voip stuff.
15:42.24Nuggetmy firewall is fine.
15:42.28Juggiewe turn them on so ppl think they are doing something
15:42.33Juggiebut they do absolutely nothing.
15:42.39Juggieppl like to see the blue nortel light
15:42.39ManxPowermerlinn, I'll bet that if you can get together a good problem report, someone will be able to fix it.
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15:46.38*** join/#asterisk AsteriskMonkey (n=admin@
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15:47.02AsteriskMonkeyhey has anyone experinced issue with ivrs not working right, in the sense that extensions occasionally say invalid etc?
15:47.37ManxPowerAsteriskMonkey, that is usually caused by relaxdtmf=yes or too high or low gain on the port.
15:47.46ManxPowerassuming the call is Zap
15:48.18AsteriskMonkeyrx tx gains could be a likley culprit
15:48.24}btorch{AsteriskMonkey: yes I had those issues .. relaxdtmf was my problem
15:48.24ManxPowerAsteriskMonkey, I once had a similar problem that was fixed by OUTGOING gain being lowered.
15:48.29ManxPowerI suspect the DTMF was echoing.
15:49.11}btorch{AsteriskMonkey: also some tests with ztmonitor helped me out setting up some proper tx/rx gains
15:51.01AsteriskMonkeyyes this ones new to me never had this wierdness before, I actually see full digits though in the console :P
15:51.24stoffelloops;) l8errz
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15:52.34AsteriskMonkeymmm i see levels both at 2500 during calls
15:56.47luke-jr_workIs there a simple way to count minutes on an outbound channel, and autocongest when its monthly usage gets to x minutes?
15:57.01mogshow application dial
15:57.18mogdial command has option to terminate after X time
15:57.22mogoption L i believe
15:57.24luke-jr_worktotal, not a single call
15:57.26mogso you could have a variable
15:57.32mogfor the month time
15:57.34mogand use that
15:57.36mogor astdb
15:57.37luke-jr_worksomething that would persist across a reboot
15:57.38mogwould be easy
15:57.45mogastdb persists all
15:57.51Qwellmog: What do you think...4-5 lines?
15:58.13mogmaybe three, get variable, dial, set variable
15:58.29luke-jr_workdoesn't Dial abort the dialplan?
15:58.33luke-jr_workif the call is successful
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16:00.40mogyou can catch it at h exten
16:00.54mogalready does all this for ya
16:01.09benjknot if the remote party hangs up first
16:01.22luke-jr_work'h' is used even if the ... yeah ;p
16:01.32mogyou can catch both
16:06.03jbeezanyone know of a cheap IP phone that works with asterisk, and has a passthrough for the ethernet so you can have a pc plugged into the back of it, and it can recieve a field from the dhcp server telling it to switch vlans to the phone vlan?
16:06.32AsteriskMonkeyAastra 480i
16:07.04AsteriskMonkeyAnyone know of a good way to page? im having issue with paging.. the meetme room kinda leaves people hanging after the page
16:07.43jbeezthat looks pretty nice
16:09.06*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
16:09.17De_Monmog why not use the cdr data? func_odbc!
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16:09.34mogor that
16:09.38moglots of ways to do it
16:09.40mogall easy
16:12.15*** join/#asterisk jake1932 (
16:13.09jake1932can someone help me with a iax trace?
16:13.29jake1932asterisk answers then hangs up within a couple seconds
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16:15.11De_Monjake1932 you didn't include the dialplan
16:15.20De_Monwhat's it supposed to do after playing the main greeting?
16:15.38jake1932it doesn't get all the way through the main greeting before hanging up
16:16.05jake1932it used to work and just stopped this week - no change in the dialplan (or anything for that matter)
16:16.52jake1932to answer your question, it waits for an extension
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16:17.32hmmhesaysok, whats the best way to kill a zombie call from the console
16:17.40jake1932soft hangup?
16:17.40De_Monhrm, I'd call my IAX provider ;)
16:17.54ManxPowerjake1932, it only waits for an extension if autofallthru=no
16:18.04ManxPowerjake1932, what version of Asterisk?
16:18.06hmmhesaysahh this build does not have it
16:18.28ManxPowerjake1932, and you have autofallthru=no
16:18.35ManxPoweror whatever the actual option is
16:19.01ManxPoweror just throw a WaitExten as the next priority
16:19.01CrescendoThe quickstart guide gives me a running asterisk, no how do I set up some client machines?
16:19.07ManxPowerCrescendo, client machines?
16:19.21CrescendoYeah, let's say I want to just phone PC to PC.
16:19.34ManxPowerCrescendo, check the docs for the softphone you are using
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16:19.48CunningPikeCrescendo: You need a SIP or IAX softphone - there are plenty about
16:19.48CrescendoI think I've FUBARred a config file somewhere, so that may be an issue.
16:19.59CrescendoRight, I know that.
16:20.08CrescendoI'm using this DIAX or whatever.
16:20.16De_Monhah, I thought he actually had 'WaitExten'
16:20.17CrescendoBut I don't want to call out, yet.
16:20.55angryuseri am using visdn with 2 Isdn lines(cologne chip) when i dial(VISDN/visdn0${exten}) normally i dont need to precise which channel to dial?
16:20.58CrescendoShould I make install again, will that restore everything for astersisk?
16:21.13De_MonManxPower the whole 'it's not playing the whole greeting' might be a problem still
16:21.20jake1932the call is dropping very fast
16:21.27ManxPowerjake1932, It can't hurt to add it.
16:21.43ManxPowerjake1932, I can't see any issue with the trace except for the last packet.
16:21.57richcorbsanyone ever put dialogic T1 boards back-to-back like this:  [server [dialogic]]====[[dialogic] Asterisk]?
16:22.32jake1932ManxPower: tnx for that (should've put it been in there before)
16:23.06ManxPowerCrescendo, Ypi read The Book
16:23.09jbot[book] a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
16:23.41ManxPowerrichcorbs, I'm not aware that anyone has actually used a Dialogic board in an Asterisk server.
16:23.41jake1932ManxPower: any clue on the lat packet?
16:23.46Crescendo...I did.
16:23.47ManxPowerjake1932, nope.
16:24.48richcorbsManxPower, thanks...the boards are on the approved hardware list but I guess that doesn't mean anyone has actually used them  :)
16:25.08CrescendoWill a fresh make install after editing configs restore settings to defaults?
16:25.14ManxPowerrichcorbs, the drivers are closed source and require purchase from Digium
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16:25.46richcorbsManxPower, thanks, that is very good to know
16:26.17ManxPowerrichcorbs, I suspect Digium has to pay Intel a license fee for every driver sold
16:26.51richcorbsManxPower, thanks you work for Digium?
16:27.13ManxPowerrichcorbs, no.  If I worked for Digium I would not be able to insult people that really deserve it.
16:27.34GerbilWrkCan anyone point me in the direction of a linux sftp server?
16:27.41ManxPowerrichcorbs, but I've been around for quite a long time
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16:28.52TripleFFFFcan one point me to valid app_Rxfax for 1.2..12 ?please
16:29.01richcorbsManxPower, what I really need is an affordable way to load test a voice application across multiple T1s connecting in to Dialogic boards
16:29.16ManxPowerrichcorbs, Asterisk may not be your answer.
16:29.36richcorbsManxPower, any other ideas off the top of your head?
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16:30.42richcorbsManxPower, (don't want to take too much of your generous time)
16:30.42ManxPowerrichcorbs, you could always do Asterisk[digium/sangoma card] -> [dialogic[yourdialogicivr
16:30.43ManxPowerUse asterisk to generate the calls
16:31.05ManxPowerif you put dialogic boards in Asterisk you would not be testing the boards, you would be testing the drivers.
16:31.05richcorbsManxPower, would I need DSUs between the sangoma-dialogics?
16:31.14ManxPowerrichcorbs, no, just a T-1 crossover
16:32.18ManxPowerrichcorbs, just be prepared to learn ALOT about Asterisk just to get to the point where you can generate calls.
16:33.15richcorbsManxPower, could I not use SIPP or another SIP-based tool to generate calls through Asterisk?
16:37.39ManxPowerrichcorbs, you could, but there are much easier ways, called ".call files"
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16:37.56Juggieeven easier then call files, Action Originate
16:38.19richcorbsManxPower, can .call files be scripted and play audio?
16:38.37Crescendo - this document provides VoicePulse.  I don't want it.
16:38.50CrescendoHow do I configure Asterisk without it?
16:38.55ManxPowerrichcorbs, the call files can be used to generate calls then connect the local leg of the call to an asterisk application or extension or dialplan
16:39.34ManxPowerrichcorbs, create the text file, drop it into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing and asterisk will process it.
16:39.54Hymiehmm... just where does the 'o' extension go, I tried in the context the call came in on, and that doesn't work
16:40.13ManxPowerHymie, same context as the Voicemail app is
16:40.25ManxPowerfor this macro == context
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16:40.54Hymiehmm, ok, thanks
16:40.59richcorbsManxPower, thanks got me pointed in the right direction...much appreciated
16:41.30ManxPowerrichcorbs, just send a paypal to for %25 of the money my advice saved you 8-)
16:42.25moglol ManxPower
16:43.31ManxPowermog, I think the integer size is too small.  Obviously the amount wrapped around.
16:45.47Hymiestill don't get the option to press 0 to reach the operator
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16:46.10richcorbsMaxPower, lol...thanks, my appreciation is all I can offer at this point
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16:46.57jake1932ManxPower: you gotta negotiate it beforehand
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16:57.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Got that statement scripted don't you? :)  Saw it letter for letter yesterday :)
16:57.28Crescendo - this document provides VoicePulse.  I don't want it.
16:57.31CrescendoHow do I configure Asterisk without it?
16:59.16*** join/#asterisk Givemelove (n=foo@
17:01.34ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, nope.
17:01.49ManxPowerI figure that if I'm going to beg for money, the least I can do it type it out each time.
17:02.00ManxPower(well other than the .sig for email)
17:02.39*** join/#asterisk deb_user (
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17:03.09deb_useranybody have any insight on getting echo on a TDM interface?
17:03.20deb_usercan't seem to get rid of an echo
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17:04.22HymieManxPower: you negected to tell me that the important aspect of getting the operation option to work.. the sort of crux of it all, is actually uncommenting the operator= line in voicemail.conf, and not just THING YOU HAVE #@$@($@)# hehe
17:04.26deb_useri've got echo cancellation and training enabled in zapata.conf
17:05.00ManxPowerHymie, I find that it builds character to make the user work a little.
17:05.49HymieManxPower: well, shit.. I looked at it, I thought I uncommented it... I even had another copy of the voicemail.conf, on another user's server in front of me, thinking that was my copy ;P
17:06.00Hymie#$@#$ TOO MANY SHELLS
17:06.13CtRiX<deb_user> anybody have any insight on getting echo on a TDM interface?
17:06.13CtRiX<deb_user> can't seem to get rid of an echo
17:06.19CtRiXanother one !
17:06.26CtRiXbuy sangoma
17:06.27Crescendo - this document provides VoicePulse.  I don't want it.
17:06.28CrescendoHow do I configure Asterisk without it?
17:06.28deb_userwhy is that so funny?
17:06.50CtRiXbecause echo is a free addon with that cards. it's bundled.
17:07.25sx-wksCtRiX: echo ? with what card ?
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17:07.40sx-wksI don't get no echo on my TDM400P
17:07.51HymieCtRiX: explain
17:07.57HymieCtRiX: where is this card?
17:08.00HymieCtRiX: can I have three?
17:08.02Corydon-wEcho is an engineering problem with lots of attempts to solve it, with nothing providing a 100% solution
17:08.35Corydon-wMost solutions are simply "good enough"
17:08.35HymieCorydon-w: you are wrong, CtRiX has a solution that will fix it
17:08.35HymieCorydon-w: it is perfect
17:09.16Corydon-wYeah, I forget.  Nothing can ever compete with Sangoma.  All praise the magical beast that is Sangoma
17:09.22apturaBY any chance anyone personally know ian murdock? I think I was driving past him on highway 520 in redmond and his licence plate said Debian
17:10.33deb_userso i pretty much am stuck with echo on my tdm?
17:10.47deb_userfunny thing is, it doesn't happen all the time
17:11.24Corydon-wOh, your're hearing the echo, then?
17:11.36sx-wkswell... I don't get no crappy echo on my card. dunno what you guys are talkin' about
17:11.41Corydon-wThe problem is on the other side of the connection
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17:13.02sx-wksCorydon-w: as in, get a better phone ?
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17:13.13sx-wksmine are $5 walmart implements
17:13.22Corydon-wsx-wks: no, as in, call someone with better equipment
17:13.27Dr-Linuxanybody is using Shpinx2 voice recognition with asterisk?
17:13.51deb_usercorydon-w: well, i'm connected to central office via vpn
17:14.05deb_userecho comes in from fxs port to my iax softphone
17:14.38Corydon-wdeb_user: right, the central office relays echo without doing anything to it
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17:14.53Corydon-wdeb_user: it's coming from the person you called
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17:15.12sx-wksCorydon-w: ah well :D
17:15.13deb_userthe person I called is in the central office where the asterisk server is located
17:15.23deb_useri can hear the echo, she can't
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17:15.43linageeis there a such thing as a nextel voip gateway? (a free one? :-D )
17:15.48Corydon-wdeb_user: Ask her to press the handset tightly against her ear
17:16.06Corydon-wdeb_user: that will confirm that the echo is coming from her crappy phone
17:16.37deb_usercorydon: no, because even when I call out from the zap interface in hear the echo
17:16.48deb_userto a cell phone or someting
17:16.51deb_useron the fxo port
17:17.42linageeCorydon-w: so you want him to say, "mam, calm down. put the crappy phone to your ear" LOL
17:18.28Corydon-wdeb_user: okay, so you hear it only when you use the PSTN?
17:18.31linageedeb_user: don't they have those echo reducing fxo/fxs ports?
17:18.46linagee(or a software way to do it?)
17:18.53deb_usercorydon-w: not exactly...i hear it only when I use the tdm400
17:19.07deb_usercorydon: I have an iax termination service that doesn't give me any echo at all
17:19.39deb_userbut when I receive a call from the central office, it goes from a legacy pbx via an fxs port and then via iax2 to my softphone here at home office
17:19.41Corydon-wYou can compensate by lowering the txgain to negative
17:19.41Cresl1ndeb_user what kind of zap card are you calling on?
17:19.57deb_userdigium tdm400
17:20.43Corydon-wAh, yeah, you can also use the fxotune command
17:21.11Corydon-wThat usually does an awesome job at wiping out echo
17:21.16deb_usercorydon: how do I use that?
17:21.58linuxbangaloreSep 27 01:20:01 NOTICE[18214]: res_musiconhold.c:515 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
17:22.03Corydon-wshutdown Asterisk, then run '/usr/src/zaptel/fxotune -i 4'
17:22.21Cresl1ndeb_user: use fxotune
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17:22.26linuxbangaloreis that line because I have wrong time setup on my machine
17:22.28Dr-Linuxanybody tried sphinx2 with asterisk?
17:22.30Corydon-wthen run '/usr/src/zaptel/fxotune -s' on boot
17:22.31ManxPowerlinagee, no.
17:22.34ManxPowerlinuxbangalore, no.
17:22.37linageeManxPower: no?
17:22.38deb_useri'll try it
17:22.46linageeManxPower: ah, about the nextel gateway?
17:22.55ManxPowerlinuxbangalore, that is just a message that says "I didn't get to the MOH in time, maybe you'll her an MoH blip.
17:23.05ManxPowerlinagee, the no was for linuxbangalore
17:23.36Cresl1ndeb_user: I'll bet that that will fix your problem for you
17:23.48linuxbangaloreManxPower, here get this other error...
17:23.48linuxbangaloreSep 27 01:20:19 NOTICE[18219]: pbx.c:1741 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'sip'
17:23.49Cresl1ndeb_user: if not, contact me on IRC and I'll help you fix it
17:23.50linageedeb_user: from the wiki: "(`fxotune -i 4`) It should discover which zap channels are FXO modules and tune them accordingly. Be warned however, it takes a significant amount of time for EACH module to test, I would say somewhere around 2-3 minutes."
17:24.05Cresl1ndeb_user: also, before you do, make sure you update zaptel to the beta release of it
17:24.35deb_userlinagee: thanks...I was just looking at that too after googling it :)
17:24.55deb_usertuning module three right now
17:25.15deb_useranybody care to explain in laymens terms what the tuning exactly does?
17:25.24deb_userjust curious...
17:26.04linageedeb_user: you've never seen dark city? :-D
17:26.10linageedeb_user: TUNING.... :-D
17:26.16deb_userlinagee: nope
17:26.26linageeaw. then it was wasted. :(O
17:26.41ManxPowerlinuxbangalore, you do not have a context called [sip] in extensions.conf
17:26.50linageedeb_user: search for tuning.
17:26.51Corydon-wdeb_user: it sets the echo coefficients on the card to be better aligned with your particular telco installation
17:27.01*** join/#asterisk tRSS (n=tRSS@
17:27.05deb_usercorydon: ok
17:27.08linageedeb_user: "Armed with a telepathic ability that can shape reality, called 'tuning', they roam the streets of the unnamed city"
17:27.13*** part/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
17:27.24linageedeb_user: very strange/interesting movie
17:27.25deb_usersheesh, its still tuning
17:27.34deb_userlinagee: i'll put it on my netflix
17:27.37DanTMGjust about to setup a confrencing box, what hardware specs do you guys think woul be suitable for 60 users i.e. any indicitive CPU usage per user?
17:27.51CtRiXi like echo coefficients
17:27.55Corydon-wdeb_user: because it's aligned to a particular installation, that's why it couldn't be preset to levels which helped you at the outset
17:28.06tRSSwhat are the values that I can set for context in sip.conf? Can I tell not to go to any context under [general]
17:28.12Cresl1ndeb_user: what version of zaptel are you using?
17:28.17linageedeb_user: then i won't go into the movie in too much detail. :) (but it's awesome)
17:28.36deb_usercresl1n: 1.2.7
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17:28.51Cresl1ndeb_user: tune it with fxotune from zaptel-beta
17:28.58linageeCorydon-w: i don't get it either. tuning. aligned. i see a sine wave graph on the wiki. maybe we just don't know enough about how the PSTN works.
17:29.07deb_usercresl1n: why? it won't work otherwise?
17:29.18Cresl1ndeb_user: it performs a LOT better with that version
17:29.35Corydon-wdeb_user: Cresl1n should know.  He wrote it.
17:29.39Cresl1ndeb_user: and also there's an updated version of the zaptel echo canceler in the beta release
17:29.45linagee'balancing the hybrid'
17:29.47deb_usercresl1n: do I have to install the beta version of zaptel for it to work?
17:29.48Cresl1nwhich will help you with your echo problems also
17:29.56Cresl1ndeb_user: yes
17:30.03Cresl1nbut you shouldn't have to update asterisk or anything else
17:30.21deb_usercresl1n: is an upgrade just like a fresh install?
17:30.30deb_userpretty much follow the instructions as is?
17:30.45deb_useri'll have to do that outside of working hours
17:30.48deb_useror during the weekend
17:31.01deb_useralready the tuning is taking a little longer than my users will tolerate
17:31.16deb_userstill tuning the first module...its almot been ten minutes
17:31.16JuggieDeb, stop *, unload /etc/init.d/zaptel stop, make install on zaptel-beta dir, /etc/init.d/zaptel start, safe_asterisk
17:31.29linageeCresl1n: phone wires are like a "shared bandwidth", right? computer talks out, it gets what it said back to itself (and there is latency with the phone network.) this is the echo?
17:31.39Juggielinagee, no.
17:32.15Cresl1nlinagee: well, it's a phenomenon that occurs when you have a hybrid (a 2 wire interface to 4 wire interface converter)
17:32.27Cresl1nprimarily electrical in nature
17:32.55linageeCresl1n: does the tdm400 have echo cancelers on the card? is that what it adjusts, or is it just all in software?
17:33.23linagee"fxotune does not do anything with the echo canceler algorithms themselves - instead, it optimizes the signal before it gets to the echo canceler, making it easier for the echo canceler to do it's work"
17:33.44Cresl1nlinagee: it has a hybrid that can be tuned
17:33.46Cresl1nthat's part of it
17:33.58Cresl1nand it has a little itty bitty echo canceler on the card
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17:34.11Cresl1nbut it's not a true echo canceler, it's just a filter that you have to pre-tune
17:34.18CtRiXit tunes echo coefficients
17:34.33Juggieand sometimes makes Cresl1n breakfast
17:34.35Juggiethough not allways
17:34.35linageeCresl1n: it really does sound like a lot of effort just to save two additional wires of copper to every household. lol.
17:34.40Cresl1nCtRiX: and if you buy sangoma cards, you get echo free with them as well
17:34.58Juggieor, you could just go digital :)
17:35.03Juggiewhich saves us all alot of trouble.
17:35.08CtRiXprobably... but far less echo
17:35.15Cresl1nlinagee: if you're using a regular phone, you don't notice the echo
17:35.18Cresl1nit comes out as side tone
17:35.31Cresl1nyou don't have echo cancelers on regular telephones
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17:35.57trelane_Cresl1n, yes it does, it's hte little LCX245
17:35.57Cresl1nit's just when you start introducing significant delays, the sidetone becomes echo
17:35.59JuggieCresl1n, an got an order of 10 TE207's :P
17:36.05Cresl1nso that's why you need echo cancelers
17:36.06CtRiXmog has fixed his client !
17:36.35Juggieer, i just got my order of 10 TE207's... i need more coffee.
17:36.59mogwas it acting crazy
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17:37.03mogmy appologies
17:37.12Cresl1nmog had a runaway IRC client
17:37.16mogits what i get for running svn trunk
17:37.40Juggieare you guys going to have any of the appliances @ astricon?
17:38.34mogor more aptly what you get
17:38.51Cresl1ndeb_user: have you got zaptel-beta yet?
17:39.14deb_userCresl1n: I'm going to wait until after business hours to do any more changes, just in case
17:39.51Cresl1ndeb_user: you won't have any problems
17:39.58Cresl1nit won't break anything
17:39.58deb_usercresl1n: i believe you
17:39.59linageeCresl1n: is echo cancellation so different on every unique install that it can't just have preset values?
17:40.01Cresl1nit'll just work
17:40.16Cresl1nlinagee: yeah, that's why fxotune was created
17:40.19Juggielinagee, echo isnt a static thing.
17:40.20deb_usercresl1n: but, it just makes it easier
17:40.29jbeezanyone use linksys ip phones? Are they any good since cisco owns linksys, or are they junk like I expect?
17:40.30deb_userbecause while its tuning I have to shut down asterisk
17:40.35linageeCresl1n: i see. things like line length, impedance... hrm
17:40.40Cresl1nso that it would tune the card to the characteristics inherent in the line
17:40.50Cresl1nall figments of analogue lines, of course
17:40.56deb_usercresl1n: but the 1.2.7 did the I'll wait this evening to install beta
17:41.00Cresl1nfor digital lines, this is all moot
17:41.21deb_userand...I've got some other stuff pressing that has priority, thanks for all your help
17:41.22Cresl1ndeb_user: well, you could try it with the tuning on 1.2.7, but I'd tune it with the beta version
17:41.40Cresl1nand not only that, you get the newer echo canceler
17:41.48deb_usercresl1n: I already tuned with 1.2.7, now I'll wait until this evening to install the beta version
17:42.06deb_useragain, thanks for your help
17:42.08Cresl1nsee if it sounds better with the tuning done by the 1.2.7 version
17:42.16linageeCresl1n: i think one nice use of an fxo would be to have an emergency landline set up just for 911. then you don't have to worry about 911 over voip and if the intarweb goes down.
17:42.16deb_userI'll check it right now
17:42.23jbalcombAsterisk does not know that my multi-queue member is on wrap up for Queue#1 when a call comes in for Queue#1. Bug? How to fix?
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17:42.57Cresl1ndeb_user: make sure you run fxotune -s so that it sets the coefficients
17:43.15deb_useroh...whoops, ok
17:43.15Cresl1nyou need to run that at boot time, after the driver for the card has loaded
17:43.24deb_userdo I need to run it right now?
17:43.26*** join/#asterisk flujan (
17:43.33pingwin[work]i'm having stupid fever with my dialplan. I'm sorry. but how do I make logic for if someone dials 1 for sales, 2 for support, 3 for blah type of example?
17:43.37deb_useri almost never reboot my * machine
17:43.48pingwin[work]WaitExten wants a real extensions within my default context and not within my macro
17:43.49flujanhi guys, i want to understand the output from the iax2 jb debug command.
17:44.09flujanI am having problems in the communication
17:44.46linageedial 1 for sales, dial 2 for shell access, etc. :-D
17:45.17pingwin[work]well like I said linagee it's looking for the extension in the wrong context, not within my macro
17:45.29flujan here you can take a look. :)
17:45.42flujanI dunno how to interpret this...
17:45.50linageepingwin[work]: *shrug*. i'm a freepbx user. i know how to poke around extensions_custom.conf and that's all i need to know. :-D
17:46.03justinu|laptopflujan: it's completely intuitive, what's the problem? ;)
17:46.15pingwin[work]linagee: well thanks for your input
17:46.20Cresl1ndeb_user: sure you should run it
17:46.30CunningPikelinagee: That's exactly what we do for 911 - all our calls go out through the PRI at our main office, except for 911 calls from our remote offices, which are sent to SPA-3000s and then out over 1Bs
17:46.36flujanjustinu|laptop, what means v, L, l, 1, s, G
17:46.37Cresl1nyou can run it any time after the driver has been loaded
17:46.44Drukendoes asterisk still have the problem with vmwi usinf realtime?
17:46.48flujanjustinu|laptop, to me it is not intuitive... :(
17:47.13linageeCunningPike: that's smart. then your only fault points are UPS power for phones, UPS power for the asterisk servers, and then it's all in the hands of your CO. :-D
17:47.24benjkits into-itive
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17:47.40benjkyou have to be "into" it, for it to be intuitive
17:47.41deb_usercresl1n: ok, I'm still getting echo, but only when there's someone speaking or noise on the other end of the line
17:47.53linageeCunningPike: what if there was a fire in the server room? lol
17:48.13justinu|laptopflujan: i know, i was just being sarcastic. honestly you will probably have to find the person who wrote the jitter buffer, or figure out the code yourself.
17:48.27CunningPikelinagee: Phones are on PoE which is on UPS/genset, as are the SPA-3000. If all that fails, each SPA-3000 has a red phone in the FXS port that can be used to dial direct to the PSTN
17:48.37Cresl1ndeb_user: so it's better?
17:48.38linageeCunningPike: maybe you could have the voip phone hunt for asterisk servers
17:48.53deb_usercresl1n: not really...that was the problem all along
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17:49.04Cresl1nwhat does your zapata.conf look like?
17:49.04CunningPikew/b, oej
17:49.17deb_useri'll put it on pastebin
17:49.18deb_userone sec
17:49.30flujanjustinu|laptop, ok ... :D
17:49.36flujanjustinu|laptop, thanks anyway.
17:50.42linageeCunningPike: so maybe if there's a huge cube farm with lots of voip, you'd have red phones strategically placed with signs that say, "911 only"
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17:51.26CunningPikelinagee: Only at our remote offices - our main office where the PRI is, we just use the PRI
17:51.49CunningPikelinagee: The issue is with the ANI/ALI, rather than fault tolerance
17:52.04linageecan i emulate a modem over voip? i'm using PCM to my voip provider...
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17:52.43deb_usersheesh, pastebin is slow
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17:53.12ichiltonanyone use cisco 79xx phones here?
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17:56.44jbalcombichilton: yes
17:57.39CunningPikedeb_user: Use
17:57.47jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
17:57.47tRSSI have a question: How can i make people from one context (B) to be able to call people in another context(A), without being able to use anything else from context (A) (e.g. include => statements to be able to dial international numbers that is allowed to context A people, but not to context B people)?
17:58.09deb_usercresl1n: its pretty much the default zapata.conf file...with a few config changes for my interfaces
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17:58.36jtexter3tRSS: it's all in how you segment your dialplan, and what includes you use
17:58.56jtexter3For your setup, I would have a context named internal-extensions, which contains how to call other people internally
17:59.05tRSSjtexter3: should I pastebin, to give you a better understanding of my dialplan?
17:59.11ichiltonjbalcomb: I just got a 7940 today - i've got it connecting to asterisk and it's making outgoing calls ok but it wont work when you try and ring it
17:59.23ichiltonjbalcomb: asterisk gives a SIP error
17:59.38jbalcombichilton: whats your dtmfmode?
17:59.43ichiltonjbalcomb: there seems to be a small cross next to the line on the screen though - is that normal?
17:59.48ichiltonjbalcomb: the rfc one
18:00.02Cresl1ndeb_user: try turning echotraining off
18:00.09ichiltonjbalcomb: dtmfmode=rfc2833
18:00.57benjkits normal only if you are catholic
18:01.24tRSSjtexter3: give me just a min, putting in on pb
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18:02.19twisted[work]omg its the virgin mary on my desktop
18:02.20jbalcombichilton: ok, thats right.
18:02.25twisted[work]its a miracle!
18:02.47jbalcombichilton: whats the SIP error?
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18:03.24jbalcombtwisted[work]: thats not the virgin mary, its Virtual Stripper.
18:03.29re-peteis mpg123 still required for 1.2?
18:03.47jbalcombre-pete: no, mpg123 is bad. use madplay.
18:03.54jtexter3re-pete: I'm using format_mp3, and it's working great for me
18:03.54deb_usercresl1n: still pretty much the same
18:03.57ManxPowertRSS, I gave you the answer yesterdat
18:04.21re-peteso mpg123 is bad now... ok, thanks guys
18:04.26jbalcombichilton: i beleive the cross means its not registered
18:04.43smackusI see the variable dnis, but I do not know how, or if it is possible to populate the cdr data with dnis. Is there something out there for this? Right now I do not see any data in my cdr with dnis
18:04.44ManxPowerre-pete, mpg123 was ALWAYS BAD.  However was still required
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18:04.54jbalcombre-pete: yeah, its related to issues with alsa and compiling and libs or something. its unsupported.
18:05.23jbalcombWhy is Asterisk stupid about members in multiple queues?
18:05.50tRSSManxPower: you did, but your solution is not fitting into my dialplan, which is much more complex
18:07.03ManxPowertRSS, eventually you'll realize your dialplan is badly designed and go to using my design
18:07.22ichiltonjbalcomb: just a normal couldn't create SIP something... (sorry, at home now so dont have the real error to hand)
18:07.24jbalcombhaha.. manxpower, you're so bogus.
18:07.31tRSSManxPower: either I do that, or I try to fix mine. I won't give up this easily ;)
18:07.37ichiltonjbalcomb: is there any way I can find out why it's not registering?
18:07.40deb_usercresl1n: i guess i'll try the beta version tonight, and hope that helps
18:08.08jbalcombichilton: hrmm.. yeah, sounds like its not registering. turning of guest access will probably break being able to make outgoing calls.
18:08.30ManxPowertRSS, Your design is flawed.
18:08.33jbalcombichilton: check your logs, find the error, report back.
18:08.36justinu|laptop~seen r_evolution
18:09.05jbotr_evolution <i=r_evolut@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 13d 17h 33m 1s ago, saying: 'realtime or flat file'.
18:09.05ManxPowerjbalcomb, in all honestly, it's not "my design", it is "the correct design", which many many many people use.
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18:10.20ichiltonjbalcomb: ok
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18:10.24ichiltonjbalcomb: thanks
18:10.37ManxPowerYou MUST seperate extensions that ring phones and extensions that dial out to the PSTN into different contexts if you want any access control at all
18:12.07*** join/#asterisk mafkees (
18:12.09jbalcombichilton: np
18:12.18mafkeeshello all :)
18:12.50mafkeeshow can I uninstall zaptel if I compiled from source ?
18:13.08jbalcombManxPower: How do you get Asterisk to consider wrapuptime per agent rather than per queue so multiqueue members don't get backs back to back to back?
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18:14.27ichiltonjbalcomb: just trying it on my home asterisk system
18:14.34ichiltonjbalcomb: can you not dial # numbers at all?
18:14.51rbdin the case of accessing an agi script via asterisk-java (or some other agi server... agi:// URL) the script simply sent to asterisk and cached all at once, or 'streamed' to asterisk (asterisk requesting parts of the script as it needs it)?
18:15.15ichiltonjbalcomb: I use like #9<number> for outgoing calls
18:15.38GerbilWrkcan asterisk delete a file from the dialplan?
18:15.44jbalcombichilton: if its not registered that would make sense
18:15.58jbalcombichilton: you did up date to the SIP firmware?
18:16.03tRSSjtexter3: i have pastebin'ed my problem:
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18:16.28CtRiXGerbilWrk, System()
18:16.43ichiltonjbalcomb: no, I mean generally - # seems to be the send key
18:16.43CtRiXGerbilWrk, show application system
18:16.53ichiltonjbalcomb: at work I could make calls but nothing starting with #
18:16.53mafkeesrbd: asterisk does not get the script at all
18:17.01ichiltonjbalcomb: it already had the sip firmware on when I bought it
18:17.01GerbilWrkCtRiX, cool, thanks
18:17.09jbalcombichilton: ok
18:17.23CrescendoSep 26 14:16:45 NOTICE[4753]: chan_iax2.c:6902 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '1@Phone1' --- what does this mean, and how do I fix it?
18:17.43jbalcombichilton: oh, i though you meant # as in number not the key. i'm not sure about that.
18:18.01jbalcombichilton: off the rip though I'd say that little x is your uppermost issue
18:18.36jtexter3tRSS: Okay, so far, so good.  What's the issue?
18:18.40ichiltonjbalcomb: ok
18:18.56ichiltonjbalcomb: just trying to get it to connect at home and see if I have the problem with an already working asterisk box instead of a fresh one
18:19.04jtexter3ManxPower: Could you fill me in on the solution you have tRSS yesterday?
18:20.03tRSSjtexter3: in the current situation, butters and chef are unable to dial any us-it people (i.e. cartmen and tweak)
18:20.04ichiltonjbalcomb: can these phones do stun?
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18:20.33clive-hi, hows the 1.4 beta testing going?
18:20.46jbalcombichilton: have not looked into it
18:20.51ichiltonjbalcomb: ok, ta
18:21.05jbalcombichilton: a quick search in the PDF manual will tell ya of course
18:21.16ichiltonjbalcomb: do you have that or a url handy?
18:21.36jbalcombichilton: nah, just google
18:21.45ichiltonjbalcomb: you use yours in asterisk ok?
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18:22.07jbalcombichilton: i only have two. i set them up four months ago and haven't touched 'em since.
18:22.16ichiltonin asterisk?
18:22.20jbalcombichilton: yeah, they work great.
18:22.20IOscannerDoes anyone have a openser.cfg example that has both NAThelper adn PSTN to Asterisk box?
18:22.24ichiltonok, cool
18:22.25smackusis there a way to call a CLI command from within extensions.conf? for example, I want to have an extension run the command Agent Loggof Agent/1002
18:22.29jbalcombichilton: /with/ asterisk.
18:22.45ichiltonjbalcomb: do you know where you can download the latest sip firmware?
18:23.01ichiltonjbalcomb: I gather you need an account with cisco to get it from them?
18:23.05CrescendoSep 26 14:16:45 NOTICE[4753]: chan_iax2.c:6902 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '1@Phone1' --- what does this mean, and how do I fix it?
18:23.08jbalcombichilton: you can get it from Cisco if you have a contract, otherwise it's off limits.
18:23.24ichiltonjbalcomb: ah, ok :(
18:23.48tRSSjtexter3: any luck, so far?
18:24.42jbalcombCrescendo: I think it means that rejected the servers attempt to make an IAX connection to extension 1 in the phone1 context.
18:24.43jtexter3tRSS: Looking at it, you are trying to prevent finance from calling outside the office?
18:25.08tRSSjtexter3: exactly, while still allowing them to be able to speak to people in us-it
18:25.31jtexter3tRSS: In which case, I would just create another context for people who can dial internal and local
18:25.35tRSSand vice versa
18:25.47ichiltonjbalcomb: argh, at home every time I go into network configuration it just reboots and does all it's configuring stuff again....
18:26.14tRSSjtexter3: have you made any changes to the pb file?
18:26.14Crescendojbalcomb, it appears as if the server rejected 87, from where I'm standing.  I also get a "Sep 26 14:26:09 NOTICE[4753]: chan_iax2.c:5138 register_verify: No registration for peer 'phone1' (from"
18:28.14jbalcombCrescendo: ah, yes, it is reverse as you say. so 'sip show peer phone1' maybe?
18:28.27jtexter3tRSS: just submitted it
18:28.44*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
18:29.00tRSSjtexter3: checking it now
18:30.18Crescendojbalcomb, it does exist, but I think the context is set differently?
18:30.29CrescendoIs "default" an actual value, or just a placeholder?
18:31.03jbalcombCrescendo: as in the context 'default'? it only real if its there [default]
18:31.15jbalcombCrescendo: 'sip show peer 1'
18:31.37CrescendoPeer 1 not found.
18:34.58pjzanyone seen: app_meetme.c:667 conf_run: Error getting conference
18:35.12pjzI can't seem to transfer two different people into a meetme conference.
18:35.27pjzif I try, I get that, and the 2nd person gets dropped instead of transferred
18:35.52syzygyBSDdo you have dynamically create conference? and keep conference open?
18:35.58tRSSjtexter3; the problem is still there. How will chef be able to dial cartman? internal context says nothing about the context [us-it]
18:36.49wunderkinhe has to make sweet love first
18:36.54syzygyBSDwell chef is off the show now so ti doesnt' matter
18:37.01*** join/#asterisk Cinen (n=Cinen@
18:37.03pjzsyzygyBSD: hrm? I have conf => 410 in my meetme.conf.  The first person goes in fine.  Any number of people can dial into it by dialing. But the 2nd person to transfer in gets hung up on instead.
18:37.30syzygyBSDpjz: hmm, never done it that way...
18:38.28*** join/#asterisk psk (
18:38.29smackushere is my dilemma, I have agents logged in using AgentLogin who for whatever reason are getting locked into the queue, even though they have hung up the phone, which is supposed to log them out of the queue... who are not actually logged out of the queue. So I have to go to the CLI and issue a Agent Logoff Agent/blah to get them out. can anyone recommend a better way? if i am not around I cannot issue that command.
18:39.29smackusI was hoping there was some way to assign an extension to a command that could log them out, but I am not finding the appropriate command. Remove Queue Member works, but it completely messes them up. So now they log in using AgentLogin, but they are not added to the queue
18:39.55smackusIs there no way to issue a cli command from within the dial plan?
18:39.59pskhi all! i've 2 TE210P boards on my * pbx, but i'm not able to configure zapata.conf for the second one. Is there anyone who can help me?
18:40.38[TK]D-Fendersmackus: System(/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "restart now")
18:41.09smackusI cannot restart asterisk to do this... other people still using the system.
18:41.50smackusagent logoff from the cli does exactly what i want it to, i just have to be available to do it. which means 24/7
18:42.04*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
18:42.06hmmhesaysok, on a reinvite... does asterisk issue the new invite or does the originating endpoint
18:42.44tRSSjtexter3: the problem is still there!
18:45.44jbalcombMySQL replication server went down. I'm off.
18:46.04sx-wkswierd... the FWD 612 clock doesn't do anything
18:46.10sx-wksI get silence
18:48.46kristalinoi'd like to replace my phone by an asterisk server. What is the hardware i need for that (for my home) ?
18:49.56re-petewhat the he|| is exit status 1 ???
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18:55.22CrescendoAny suggestions?
18:55.25jtexter3tRSS: Is there a reason Chef and Butters can't be in the internal context
18:56.04wunderkin<3 butters
18:56.06*** join/#asterisk kannan (i=1000@
18:56.20justinu|laptopbutters scotch?
18:56.38wunderkinthat's me! heh
18:57.03rob0kristalino: something with one FXO and one FXS interface. Cheapest solution would be something like a Linksys/Sipura SPA-3000.
18:57.34rob0kristalino: You plug your phone line into the FXO port, and telephone into the FXS port.
18:59.51TripleFFFFany reason whhy only returns first queue info ?
19:00.55tRSSjtexter3: internal contexts have dial patterns for other sites
19:01.22Juggiedoes anyone know of a active branch which has SRTP support?
19:02.00tRSSjtexter3: reason for having different contexts (i.e. us-it, finance, etc.) is that they all have certain restrictions on them to dial out and they have their custom voicemail IVR. but they should still be able to dial one and another
19:03.02JuggietRSS, are the clients on sip phones?
19:03.10clive-juggie, I think 1.4 does
19:03.24Juggieclive-, 1.4 doesnt have it included by default that i know of.
19:03.44tRSSJuggie: yes, almost all of them, have sip phone (soft- and hard-phones)
19:03.58Juggieso whats the problem :)
19:04.08Juggiegroup them into certain context's based on their area
19:04.30tRSSJuggie, have you looked at the pastebin?
19:04.36Juggieno, whats the link
19:04.40Juggiei'm joining the conversation late.
19:05.28JuggietRSS, link?
19:05.34tRSSJuggie: no problem, here you go: this is what I have:, and this is what jtexter3 is suggesting:
19:06.19*** join/#asterisk IAmPostman (
19:06.35JuggietRSS, with your pastebin, whats not working.
19:07.08IAmPostmanim a newbie, can someone point me to the right direction?
19:07.10tRSSJuggie: with my pastebin, finance people are unable to dial us-it people
19:07.37JuggietRSS, what extensions would us-it be.
19:07.59Juggie8234 & 8235?
19:08.18IAmPostmananybd pls??
19:08.18tRSSIAmPostman: go left, then turn right, take 5 steps to the left again, turn around, make a u turn, go back straight, and then stop at the stop light for 5 mins. go straight, then make a sharp left turn. this is where you need to be! :)
19:08.30pingwin[work]i can't get "press 1 for blah" style function from a macro to work. any hints?
19:08.36tRSSJuggie: 8234 & 8235
19:08.59Juggiewell, thats because no where does finance have the us-it context included.
19:09.03*** join/#asterisk kink0 (
19:09.19Juggieand of course you woudnt want to do that
19:09.24Juggielets see what jtexter suggested
19:09.36tRSSJuggie: exactly, but if I do an include in finance, then finance people are able to dial international and local trunks (thru us-it)
19:09.41IAmPostmantRSS: cmon' man ppl come here for help not made fun off..
19:09.46kink0hello, anyone knows why my asterisk dead ( still running, but not calls ) when I got:
19:10.03kink0chan_zap.c:8274 pri_dchannel: Restart requested on odd/unavailable channel
19:10.13tRSSIAmPostman: that was a very sincere joke. What is the problem you are facing?
19:10.16JuggietRSS, this is obviiously a fake dialplan right
19:10.25Juggieeg @somesip and @someothersip
19:10.48tRSSJuggie: it is. but the essence is there. the actual dialplan is much more complicated and huge
19:11.10Juggiei will rewrite, standby.
19:11.19tRSSstanding by ..... ;)
19:11.28rob0The Right Direction: Wiki
19:12.00JuggietRSS, what uses default?
19:12.02*** join/#asterisk Aces1UP (n=Aces1UP@
19:12.36IAmPostmani hv 2 locations and want to be able to make longdistance call by dialing in. If I can do away using DSL and not getting any IP provider..
19:12.38Aces1UPi have a few questions about asterisk and gsm gateways, does someone here have experience using gsm gateways with asterisk that can help?
19:12.45tRSSdefault is basically default. I believe I would be phasing this out. i will remove it soon, I guess
19:13.02kink0Aces1UP, I am ussing Asterisk with Stargate's
19:13.11IAmPostmantRSS: if this is possible, can u tell what i need and should do.. thans
19:13.36Juggieso, what should finance get access to?
19:14.31tRSSJuggie: Just to internals (i.e. 6XXX & 5XXX) and the 8XXX extensions. they should not have access to PSTN, Long distance, international, etc.
19:15.32Juggiewhat context handles incomming calls
19:15.39Juggiedoes this pbx have pstn? incomming iax, sip?
19:15.59tRSSIAmPostman: I am not exactly aware of your situation, may be a bit more details would be helpful
19:16.13blaylockJuggie, default can handle incomming calls
19:16.22IAmPostmancan any1 comment pls!!! --- i hv 2 locations and want to be able to make longdistance call by dialing in. If I can do away using DSL and not getting any IP provider.. what sort of cards i need and setups i have to do?
19:16.54tRSSJuggie: this pbx works with other pbxs, it doesn't have direct termination in it of PSTN. Reason for using this pbx, is that we can put restrictions on per-user basis.
19:16.56Juggieblaylock, i know.
19:17.09JuggietRSS, does it receive any incomming sip calls?
19:17.14blaylockJuggie, then why you ask?
19:17.14Juggieor is it all outbound.
19:17.24Juggiebecause thats not necessairy what hes doing
19:17.31Juggiedefault doesnt HAVE to take incomming calls.
19:17.39Juggienor is that necessairly how he has it configured
19:17.42tRSSJuggie: it does recieve incoming sip calls as well. e.g. someone from 6500 (6XXX internals) might call 8324.
19:17.44pingwin[work]is it possible to dial a different context without forwarding to a specific extension? as in just transfering to a different context?
19:17.52JuggietRSS, ok.
19:18.32blaylockpingwin[work], i think you can use Goto() for that
19:19.02CrescendoAny suggestions?
19:19.05*** join/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@
19:19.11tRSSIAmPostman: have you checked the wiki
19:19.22CherebrumI think I may have some timing slips on my digium T1 card. How can I check this?
19:19.29IAmPostmanwiki:: where can i see that?
19:19.29tRSSwiki is always a good place to start. it has some really nice & short how tos
19:19.41blaylockpingwin[work], so for example exten => 100,1,GoTo(diffcontext,s,1) (i hope putting urls is not an offense here)
19:19.58tRSSJuggie: checking, thanks.
19:20.10justinu|laptopCherebrum: afaik, zaptel cards don't report slips
19:20.37KranZCherebrum: do you get HDLC Abort 6 errors?
19:20.37IAmPostmantRSS: yes i did.. but somehow.. can't find the setup im looking for
19:20.37Juggieis that clear?
19:21.31*** join/#asterisk joako (n=joako@
19:21.50IAmPostmanwhat i wanted it to be able to make longdistance call between 2 asterisk boxes at different location without using any voip provider.  and alsno not using any SIP phones.. but preferably dialing in
19:22.04IAmPostmanany taker?/
19:22.13joakoHow can I get more than 1 SIP device behind the same NAT to register with Asterisk??
19:22.25Cherebrumno errors
19:22.25Cherebrumjust users complaining about dropped calls
19:22.50CherebrumI am seeing this:
19:22.58tRSSJuggie: just give me a sec, i am still going thru
19:23.02CherebrumBut it doesn't happen all the time
19:23.06CunningPikeIAmPostman: Look at IAX trunking between your two servers
19:24.15IAmPostmanCunningPike: do i need TDM400P in order to make my calls (dialing in)..
19:24.38tRSSJuggie: what you have left as an exercise for me, is, I guess the real problem I am facing. in the current setup, you have put all the extensions, in one big context,which is what I am trying to avoid. reasons being, finance has a different voicemail ivr then the us-it.
19:24.48CunningPikeIAmPostman: Your route is PSTN -> Asterisk -> IAX -> Asterisk -> PSTN, correct?
19:24.50IAmPostmanis IAX responsible for routing my calls to each boxes?
19:25.17IAmPostmanCunningPike: correct
19:25.18JuggietRSS, then you can just create local-extension-finance etc
19:25.59CunningPikeIAmPostman: Then each Asterisk server needs a way to connect to the PSTN - how depends on your concurrent call volume - how many concurrent calls are you looking at?
19:26.17JuggietRSS, a couple of macros would also be very useful.
19:26.28IAmPostmanCunningPike: less than 5
19:26.38Juggieactually, you could do it with one.
19:26.44tRSSJuggie: can I IM you pvt.
19:26.51IAmPostmanCunningPike: what crads do i need??
19:26.57Juggieok i guess :P
19:26.59CunningPikeIAmPostman: So you have 5 POTS lines?
19:28.00IAmPostmanCunningPike: i dont know how im gonna do it yet.. but we hv traditional pbx here, and 2 extra POTS.. im thinking of just using 1 POTS
19:37.29IAmPostmanCunningPike: if u hve a 4 ports card, do u need to hv 5 landlines?
19:37.29CunningPikeIAmPostman: 1 POTS => 1 concurrent call, so for that you can simply use an FXO gateway - an SPA-3000 or similar
19:37.29zpartaanyone got HUDlite server running on freebsd?
19:37.30CunningPikeIAmPostman: For more lines, get an Audiocodes FXO gateway or similar
19:37.30IAmPostmanCunningPike: FXO gateway.. is this like the TDM400P digium cards?
19:37.30CunningPikeIAmPostman: I would steer away from cards if I were you, and get an external gateway
19:37.30IAmPostmanCunningPike: ok, what can u tell me about those third party X100P cards??
19:37.30CunningPikeIAmPostman: They're shite
19:37.30*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
19:37.30IAmPostmanCunningPike: are they low on quality?
19:37.30clive-iampostman they dont work too great on xeons
19:37.30CunningPikeIAmPostman: They are barely adequate as a timing source - I would never use one for making calls
19:37.30IAmPostmanCunningPike:ok, so the spa 3000,, how does it connect to pc?
19:37.30clive-actually not at all on xeons
19:37.31*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
19:37.31CunningPikeIAmPostman: It connects to the LAN via Ethernet and registers with the Asterisk server as a SIP UA. It has an FXO port to connect to the PSTN, and an FXS port if you want to connect an analog handset
19:37.31IAmPostmanCunningPike: ohh ok... if i hv that on both sides... can u give me a background how to setup IAX
19:37.31*** join/#asterisk Seba_soy (n=s@
19:37.31clive-cunningpike you still need a timming source...
19:37.31Seba_soyi have a question
19:37.31CunningPikeIAmPostman: There is a good article in the wiki
19:37.32clive-unless you want to rely on ztdummy
19:37.33CunningPikeclive-: Yup - use ztdummy - should be fine for a handful of calls, especially on 2.6 kernel
19:37.33*** part/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
19:37.33Seba_soyI have 2 asterisk box, first one register against 2nd... but when I try to place calls from 2nd to 1st it give me FORBIDDEN
19:37.34jbotmethinks thewiki is at
19:37.34IAmPostmanCunningPike: ok ill check that.. but is IAX kinda like a replacement for VOIP providers?
19:37.35Seba_soyhow have I configure it?
19:37.36jbotextra, extra, read all about it, iax is port 5036 for the original (deprecated) IAX protocol. Port 4569 is for the the current IAX2 protocol. IAX is pronounced "Eeks". stands for  Inter-Asterisk Exchange
19:37.36clive-cunningpike in my expereince ztdummy dies under heavier load
19:37.36CunningPikeGoddam it, jbot, wakey wakey
19:37.36CunningPikeclive-: Agreed, but for a handful of concurrent calls, it should be fine
19:37.37IAmPostmanCunningPike: when u say ~thewiki, would this be under
19:37.37CunningPikeIAmPostman: Yes- I apologize for my friend jbot, but he has been drinking again
19:37.37IAmPostmanCunningPike: haha..
19:37.37justinu|laptophe'll get around to it
19:37.37CunningPikeIAmPostman: Search for 'iax trunk'
19:37.37Seba_soyany clue?
19:37.37sudhir492Hi All
19:37.37CunningPikeSeba_soy: You could do worse than look at iax trunking, too
19:37.37sudhir492Is there a good IP phone for under US$100 ?
19:37.38*** join/#asterisk techie (
19:37.38IAmPostmanCunningPike: ok.. what about if i hv more lines would spa 3000 still works.. or do i need diffrent cards?
19:37.38Seba_soyI know, I like to try on SIP
19:37.38CherebrumCould this be a bug in Asterisk 1.2.1:
19:37.38CunningPikeSeba_soy: Why? :)
19:37.38CrescendoI'm having the worst trouble setting up SIP.
19:37.38Seba_soyI know IAX works, I want to make SIP work...
19:37.39joakoHow can I get more than 1 SIP device behind the same NAT to register with Asterisk??
19:37.58CunningPikejbot lives!
19:38.00jbotdid you doubt that, cunningpike?
19:38.17CunningPikeFor a time there, jbot, I feared for your wellbeing
19:38.17Seba_soyCunningPike: did you read my problem?
19:38.27IAmPostmanCunningPike: ok.. what about if i hv more lines would spa 3000 still works.. or do i need diffrent cards?
19:38.54[TK]D-Fendersudhir492: The closest is :
19:38.58CunningPikeIAmPostman: For more than one line, look at an Audiocodes FXO gateway - same principle, more ports
19:39.07*** join/#asterisk euphobot (
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19:39.54IAmPostmanCunningPike: with the specs and setup, u've given me.. would the quality be the same than skype or worse?
19:40.14CunningPikeCherebrum: I don't think so - it is simply an indication that an Information Element was sent that libpri doesn't know what to do with - does the message coincide with the call dropping
19:40.26CunningPikeIAmPostman: Yes
19:40.26IAmPostmanCunningPike: currently im using cuphone Personal phone gateway, basically just forwarding the call from skype to PSTN, but lately quality is unstable..
19:40.53CherebrumI will have to have the users document dropped calls and match it up with a timestamp of some sort because I'm not at that site...
19:40.55CunningPikeIAmPostman: The quality will depend on the latency between your 2 asterisk servers, but it should be reasonable
19:41.05IAmPostmanCunningPike: ic..
19:41.07CunningPikeCherebrum: Yup, you will
19:41.16jbotmethinks wglwat is well, good luck with all that
19:41.39IAmPostmanCunningPike: any background how will I be able to connect/upgrade/ integrate our old pbx system.?
19:41.48CunningPikeIAmPostman: What is it?
19:41.54*** join/#asterisk oQPa (
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19:42.30*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
19:42.56Seba_soyi am having another problem, I have an asterisk with user 777 defined, and a call comes from a PBX-IP with 777 as from user, then asterisk reject the call because wrong password...
19:42.59*** join/#asterisk mr_canny (n=mr_canny@
19:43.06IAmPostmanCunningPike: we basically hv one main number and it rolls for open trunk line..
19:43.18Seba_soyi am accepting the call swith insecure=invite,port to match against ip address
19:43.31CunningPikeIAmPostman: What type of PBX is it?
19:43.35IAmPostmanCunningPike: any suggestion i can integrate or upgrade this using asterisk?
19:43.49IAmPostmanCunningPike: merlin
19:44.04*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
19:44.04CherebrumI'm going to upgrade to the latest 1.2 release for now and see if the problem goes away.
19:44.10CunningPikeIAmPostman: You want to keep it? Or replace it
19:44.21CunningPikeCherebrum: What are you running now?
19:44.22mr_cannyHi folks I search libnewt for slackware but not found
19:44.27CherebrumCunningPike: 1.2.1
19:44.36*** part/#asterisk Poincare (
19:44.36IAmPostmanCunningPike: improve it I guess, if it nots too much money to do so
19:45.00CunningPikeIAmPostman: How does it connect to the PSTN? PRI?
19:45.18mr_cannywhere I found this libnewt for slackware ?
19:45.23*** join/#asterisk Mathesis (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/mathesis)
19:45.30IAmPostmanCunningPike: yes
19:46.15CunningPikeIAmPostman: Well, ymmv, but you could replace it with asterisk with either a PRI card or a redphone PRI bridge
19:46.18Seba_soydoes asterisk authenticate call when it comes matching from IP ADDRESS ?
19:46.29Seba_soyI think it is authenticating with from-user
19:46.32CunningPikeSeba_soy: Pastebin your sip.conf
19:46.37jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
19:46.46Seba_soylet me explain config....
19:46.52CunningPikeNice to see you've sobered up, jbot
19:46.56Seba_soyI have a pbx-ip NOT asterisk
19:47.01Seba_soyand I have an asterisk box
19:47.03mr_cannyplease help me !!
19:47.27CunningPikemr_canny: Ask a sensible question
19:47.34jbotsuggestions is probably 1) Don't ask to ask. Just say your problem, 2) Don't repeat until 5 mins after, 3) Read and re-read the docs first, then admit it if you REALLY don't understand. You're wasting your time and ours if you haven't at least tried. 4) If your problem ain't solved, come back in 12 hrs or 24 hrs later. We're very international. 5) Be polite and ...
19:48.03IAmPostmanCunningPike: You've been a great help!! Thank you sir!!
19:48.09CunningPikeIAmPostman: ytw
19:48.09*** join/#asterisk Qb3rt (
19:48.22mr_cannyCunningPike, I need libnewt for slackware ...I search in google but not found
19:48.45CunningPikemr_canny: Serves you right for using slackware ;)
19:48.45mr_cannyCunningPike, zttool requires libnewt
19:48.57Qb3rtmy company is currently looking for voip asterisk consultant in montreal... Thanks!
19:49.15sudhir492D-Fender: Have you used aastra 9112i phones? Is the quality good?
19:49.20CunningPikeQb3rt: Try the asterisk-biz mailing list
19:49.23Seba_soyon asterisk I have defined [7777] type=friend, i have definde [pbx] type=friend, insecure=very to accept calls from pbx
19:49.40Seba_soycall comes from pbx like this fromuser: 7777@ip-pbx
19:50.00Seba_soythen asterisk tries to mach 7777 with his internal user and return forbidden
19:50.06mr_cannyCunningPike, what linux you use with asterisk ?
19:50.12Seba_soyit is like the pbx cant have same extensions than asterisk
19:50.33CunningPikemr_canny: RHEL
19:51.17mr_cannysniff sniff sniff
19:52.28wunderkinallergy problems?
19:53.26CrescendoAlright, I've had a lot of problems getting SIP off the ground.  Where is definitive guide, or can someone actually help me?
19:53.57*** join/#asterisk Didour (
19:54.05[TK]D-Fendersudhir492: I haven't used the 9112i personally, but I hear its decent and I've worked with the 480i which is actually a pretty nice phone.
19:54.30*** join/#asterisk lukketto (
19:54.36[TK]D-Fendermr_canny: If you did a complete install of Slackware you would have libnewt......
19:55.13mr_canny[TK]D-Fender, I have instaled full
19:55.38*** part/#asterisk clive- (
19:56.11IAmPostmanCunningPike: with PSTN -> Asterisk -> IAX -> Asterisk -> PSTN, i dont need a voip provider right??
19:56.33[TK]D-Fendermr_canny: I use Slackware all the time and if you do "everything" you won't be missing anything...
19:57.09mr_canny[TK]D-Fender, I use slackware 10.2 and you ?
19:58.02*** join/#asterisk ajedwards (n=justacha@unaffiliated/ajedwards)
19:58.29DidourSorry, I don't know the rules, may I put a question to You here?
19:58.54kristalinorob0, ok. Is Linksys/Sipura SPA-3000 easy to find. And does this interface have a phone rj11 input ?
20:00.22CrescendoAlright, I've had a lot of problems getting SIP off the ground.  Where is definitive guide, or can someone actually help me?
20:00.59rob0kristalino: FXO and FXS ports are RJ-11. Different function, same form. And yes, lots of vendors sell them. I mentioned that as only one possibility, minimum needs. You can also get zaptel hardware from Digium or competitors.
20:01.36[TK]D-Fendermr_canny: Same
20:02.50mr_canny[TK]D-Fender, I search in cd of slackware
20:03.21rob0Libnewt is fairly new in Slackware, what version is this?
20:03.41kristalinorob0, yeap, that's exactly what i need : minimum need and minimum price. Any usb hardware (i'd like to use asterisk on a laptop) ?
20:04.02*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*=bkw_@*] by Corydon-w
20:04.09*** kick/#asterisk [bkw_!n=tilghman@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home] by Corydon-w (Enough)
20:04.21Seba_soyI read on voip-info that sip match first a "user" using field "fromuser: xxxx@ip-pbx"
20:04.35Seba_soywhat if ip-pbx have same extensions that my Asterisk?
20:04.51rob0Um, wait, I don't think libnewt *is* in Slackware.
20:05.02Seba_soyfor example, I have extension 2000 on my asterisk and a call comes in from extension 2000 from ip-pbx
20:05.42Seba_soyhow asterisk match it?
20:05.45mr_cannysomeone have libnewt in slackware... please send me....
20:06.31joakoHow can I get more than 1 SIP device behind the same NAT to register with Asterisk??
20:07.14mogCorydon-w, what was taht about?
20:07.15*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (
20:07.20rob0mr_canny: "./configure && make && sudo make install" is your friend
20:07.38Corydon-wmog: There's some history
20:07.42rob0mr_canny: checkinstall in extra/ is nice too.
20:08.21Corydon-wmog: he's been told too many times not to troll, so he get kicked at the slightest attempt
20:08.36*** join/#asterisk krylen (n=krylen@
20:08.43rob0(I thought bkw_ was an op here.)
20:08.53mr_cannyrob0, thanks
20:08.59Corydon-wWas, being the key word
20:09.08rob0ah, when did this happen?
20:09.18DidourIs anybody experienced, that the g729 license get stucked if use mixmonitor, or I don't know something?
20:09.40krylenhey guys, i've got an extension that always says "user at blah not availible" no matter what i do, i even removed the extension, and all it's references and re-added them
20:10.07kryleni should say, it goes right to voicemail
20:10.11Corydon-wrob0: back when bkw_ decided that a fork was a good idea
20:10.17*** join/#asterisk dhahn (
20:10.54Corydon-wrob0: it's been close to a year now
20:11.12dhahnHas anyone had any success using the Manager and the AGI to originate calls?
20:12.06dhahnI seem to only be able to get orignate failed with no route to destination
20:12.17dhahnbkruse: hello
20:12.21Corydon-wdhahn: what channel are you using?
20:12.43dhahnCorydon-w: An IAX2 channel.
20:12.54Corydon-wdhahn: specifically, what?
20:13.20dhahnCorydon-w: line reads - "Channel: IAX2/u23193293"
20:13.59Corydon-wSo "u23193293" exists as an entry in /etc/asterisk/iax.conf ?
20:15.25*** part/#asterisk krylen (n=krylen@
20:15.31dhahnCorydon-w: Yes.  And I can make outbound calls from the CLI using that IAX2 channel
20:15.31Seba_soyI cant make calls to an asterisk if it calls comes from another pbx and uses the same extension
20:16.05Corydon-wdhahn: are you dialling a number after that?  i.e. IAX2/u23193293/2345678 ?
20:16.56MikeJCorydon-w, I think you are mistaken.. to my knowledge, bkw_ did no forking of asterisk
20:17.07kristalinorob0, yeap, that's exactly what i need : minimum price. Do you know any usb hardware that has similar functions as the spa 3000 (i'd like to use asterisk on a laptop) ?
20:17.07jtexter3Is anyone here using, or providing, a hosted pbx that is Asterisk based?
20:17.14dhahnCorydon-w: No I'm not.
20:17.24De_Monif I download royalty free music for free, are there any limitations on using it for music on hold?
20:17.29Corydon-wdhahn: is this an iaxy or... ?
20:17.44ManxPowerDe_Mon, royalty free music is not free.
20:17.46mogpossibly De_Mon
20:17.53mogyou are redistribbing it by playing it to people
20:17.56ManxPoweryou pay for it ONCE, rather than once per year
20:17.57*** join/#asterisk robin_sz (
20:18.02mogyou would have to have a license to do so
20:18.10dhahnCorydon-w: trying to develop an application that uses the manager.
20:18.11mogthe songs with asterisk you can use as much as you want
20:18.19dhahnCorydon-w:phpagi based
20:18.34robin_szhmm .. outgoing audio on this X100P seems very quiet ...
20:18.34Corydon-wdhahn: but what's the IAX device that you're connecting to?
20:18.44dhahnCorydon-w:had problems getting it to work, so, I thought I would try just sending some commands to the Server
20:18.57dhahnCorydon-w: An outbound channel to an IAX provider
20:19.00Cherebrumjtexter3: I was using asterisk for hosted PBX but switched to OpenPBX because it could run in Xen. I was able to get 30 instances of OpenPBX running on the same box using Xen. So 30 customers per box. :) Only reason I couldn't do more is because each box only had 8 gigs of ram.
20:19.06De_Monmog why would I be able to use music included with asterisk?
20:19.13*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
20:19.15De_Moncan I get more music included with asterisk ;)
20:19.17Corydon-wdhahn: ah.  Yeah, I think you need to provide it a number to dial...
20:19.25_alex_mx_anyone know how reliable zttool's report on irq misses is and if it's realtime or it's a running total since...(last module load, restart, what)
20:19.30ManxPowerDe_Mon, because Digium has special permission
20:19.31robin_szpresumably there is some way of winding 60 or 10db of gain into a zap outgoing?
20:19.33Corydon-wdhahn: so the format is IAX2/peername/number-to-dial
20:20.06dhahnCorydon-w:in the call manager speak, the extension is on a different line, so, I assumed it would go there.  I'll test with the number on the line.
20:20.20ManxPowerrobin_sz, txgain
20:20.26Corydon-wdhahn: when you just dial IAX2/peername, you're not giving it a destination, just a node name, and the peer is responding with that error message
20:20.30ManxPowerI can't imagine why you would want 60db
20:20.31mogbut you have to have right to do so by the person who owns the recording
20:20.33mogwe got permission from freeplay music to give everyone one who uses asterisk access to those three files we distrib
20:20.34Cherebrumjtexter3: You could do multiple customers on the same asterisk instance but that would mean a NASTY mess of a dialplan and it's impossible to support
20:20.36mogmost music you would have to pay for to use the way we do with asterisk
20:20.38mogbut im sure you could find some free music somewhere
20:20.43*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=eKo1@
20:36.21*** part/#asterisk lukketto (
20:36.21Corydon-wdhahn: you can do that with some IAX2 destinations, but I'm pretty sure a provider won't let you do that
20:36.22carrardoes 2B release work with Asterisk?
20:36.22De_Monmog royalty free(beer) or free as in speech free
20:36.22Seba_soywhy I cant make a call from an ip-pbx to an asterisk pbx if ip-pbx have same extensions that asterisk?
20:36.22*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (n=eKo1@
20:36.22Cherebrumjtexter3: or maybe you could use fastagi and run all the dialplan stuff thru an AGI script
20:36.22anthmbkw forked asterisk? what's it called? bkwsterisk?
20:36.22ManxPowerI thought bkw was INVOLVED with FreePBX, which I thought was a fork of Asterisk
20:36.22De_MonManxPower good to know, thanks
20:36.22CherebrumManxPower: FreePBX is a gui for asterisk I think
20:36.22_alex_mx_openpbx, freepbx is a gui
20:36.22CherebrumManxPower: OpenPBX is the fork.
20:36.22ManxPowerCherebrum, I sit corrected
20:36.22De_Monanthm speaks? cool
20:36.22Seba_soyany clue?
20:36.23Cresl1ncarrar: with DMS100 switch type
20:36.23*** join/#asterisk champster (
20:36.23anthmisnt freepbx a gui frontend to asterisk?
20:36.23CtRiXi think so
20:36.23trelane_due to dialplan fuglyness it is not supported here
20:36.23robin_sz=> Set default values of rxgain/txgain to 1.0
20:36.24robin_szdefault should be zero, obviously
20:36.24trelane_it's ANALOG
20:36.24trelane_not Digital
20:36.24trelane_0 in a perfect world is clip
20:36.24trelane_but rxgain/txgain aren't really in db
20:36.25*** part/#asterisk smackus (n=ckwall@
20:36.25pingwin[work]is there a way to check original context of a call? ie i have a incoming call over zap, then this is shifted to my default context to be able to access extensions. but my internal extensions can call out back over zap. Obviously this needs to be prevented
20:36.25robin_szwell, I was assuming the docs were correct in saying they were in db
20:36.25trelane_robin_sz, you sir are out of your mind, analog sound is always mixed 3db below clip, while digital sound is mixed at 0
20:36.25trelane_you mix right on the pin and your audio will clip
20:36.25robin_sztrelane, you are not understanding the difference between levels (measured in dbm) and gain (measured in db)
20:36.25trelane_no because I've pushed +20 on bad lines and I know what a 20dB gain does
20:36.25trelane_I understand full well the difference, here we set the gain to 0
20:36.25trelane_but you record analog at -3
20:36.26robin_szyou still got it worng, sorry and all that.
20:36.26robin_szwhat level will a gain of 0db give?
20:36.26robin_szanswer: depends on input level of course
20:36.26jtexter3Cherebrum: How do the users connect?  For example, if I'm a small business, do I just get a set of SIP phones that connect to your hosted service?  Is that just using the WWW, or VPN?
20:36.26De_Monpingwin[work] put the extensions they need to call in a separate context and INCLUDE that context in your 'incoming-zap' context
20:36.26robin_szso, yes, the desired LEVEL may well be -3db, the GAIN setting to achieve that could be ANYTHING ... +20 even, if the input signal is at -23
20:36.26De_Monpingwin[work] and keep the outgoing calling ability in a separate context so you can say [local] includes [local-extensions] and [outoing-zap]
20:36.26jtexter3Cherebrum: I've seen several people talk about it, just wondering how it works.  Seems like an interesting idea
20:36.26De_Monand incoming includes local-extensions and not outgoing-zap
20:36.27pingwin[work]ahhhh I think I get it, thanks alot De_Mon
20:36.27*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
20:39.19Cherebrumjtexter3: sorry I had a phone call... We didn't run a web interface of any sort. Just sip phones for the customer
20:40.07Cherebrumjtexter3: We also required them to have a SIP NAT traversal device. Edgewater Edgemark works well. Or use our session border controller for far end NAT traversal
20:40.14TripleFFFFwahts on port 2000 ?
20:40.24Cherebrumjtexter3: You can use openser with mediaproxy to do far end nat traversal
20:40.55CherebrumNear end NAT traversal always works best tho
20:41.02TripleFFFFdundio ?
20:41.03Cherebrumso check out the Edgewater Edgemark products
20:41.21TripleFFFFhmm skinny
20:42.18Seba_soysomebody can explain me how can I make calls if I have same extensions on both pbx?
20:42.24CherebrumSIP and NAT won't work well together... you might be able to get it to work with some of the hacks that asterisk has built in but it won't be reliable enough for some random business to connect over the interweb to
20:42.33Seba_soyI got "failed to authenticate user..."
20:43.10*** join/#asterisk quid246 (
20:43.17Cherebrumjtexter3: And don't use Cisco phones.. They are certified garbage. ;)
20:43.33TripleFFFF? cher .. myu 7960 is perfect whats up ?
20:44.05*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
20:44.19*** join/#asterisk Heimidal (n=Heimidal@phpbb/styles/heimidal)
20:44.30CherebrumTripleFFFF: The SIP stack is a bit lacking and it doesn't do well with outbound proxy servers.. IE: you tell it to you an outbound proxy server and it bypasses the outbound proxy and sends ACK messages directly
20:44.34Heimidalhas anyone configured a dial plan for Cbeyond's SIPconnect
20:44.51CherebrumPolcom phones are a much better choice IMHO
20:44.55Cherebrumer Polycom
20:45.28CherebrumTripleFFFF: It also seems to break pretty easily when you send it OPTIONS for the SIP keepalive stuff
20:45.38CherebrumTripleFFFF: IE: qualify=yes
20:47.39robin_szthats better, echolearning=yes and 6db of gain has helped a lot
20:48.24jbeezand how do you add gain?
20:48.40robin_szzapata.cong, rxgain=6.0
20:48.56*** part/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@
20:49.23*** join/#asterisk Eliran_Itzhak (
20:49.44robin_szand a quick inspection with ztmonitor
20:50.48*** join/#asterisk Prelius (n=pzotov@
20:51.46Seba_soyany help :(:(:(
20:52.18Preliusfolks, I wonder if I could ask for some help compiling zaptel 1.2.9 under Ubuntu 6.06.1 AMD 64...
20:52.28*** join/#asterisk GaryH (
20:53.09Preliusgetting the following error: make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-23-amd64-generic'
20:53.09Preliusmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `arch/x86_64/kernel/../../i386/kernel/cpuid.o', needed by `arch/x86_64/kernel/msr.o'.  Stop.
20:53.09Preliusmake[1]: *** [arch/x86_64/kernel] Error 2
20:53.09Preliusmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-23-amd64-generic'
20:53.10Preliusmake: *** [linux26] Error 2
20:53.16jtexter3Cherebrum: I've been using Polycom, and so far have been very happy.
20:53.30jtexter3Cherebrum: Did you give them minimum requirements for the amount of bandwidth they need?
20:53.56ManxPowerrobin_sz, uh, it's echotraining
20:54.01ManxPowerecholearning does NOTHING
20:54.07hmmhesaysPrelius: pastebin is your friend
20:54.10stoffellPrelius: use (or
20:54.25robin_szManxPower, my typo in irc I expect
20:54.38ManxPowerrobin_sz, that's why you should always PASTE
20:54.48robin_szpaste bad :)
20:54.52jbalcomb~seen [TK]D-Fender
20:56.01jbot[tk]d-fender <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 54m 25s ago, saying: 'mr_canny: Same'.
20:56.14ManxPowerpasting one or 2 lines is usually OK
20:56.17hmmhesaysriker and his father are going at it
20:56.21Preliusok, I don't know what pastebin is, but I guess I am about to find out....
20:56.23jbotfrom memory, paste is see, or
20:56.25jbotsomebody said pastebin was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try (BROKEN AND SUCKING NUTS), or, or, or for #oe use, or, or for the lisp/scheme nuts, or
20:56.27*** join/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@
20:56.30stoffelllol robin_sz , guess someone has to type it all .. (or paste it ? :p)
20:56.30CherebrumHey guys.. digg my bluetooth Western Electric 500 article. ;)
20:56.31jbotfrom memory, nopaste is or, or preferably
20:56.31robin_szbugger. :)
20:56.31jbalcombi think jbot is a little busy
20:56.32jtexter3Cherebrum: I've been using Polycom, and so far have been very happy.
20:56.37jtexter3Cherebrum: Did you give them minimum requirements for the amount of bandwidth they need?
20:56.46robin_szahh, happy bot.
20:57.08quid246Err.. is there a way to "test" callerid that is sent, to ensure it's #'s onyl?
20:57.13Cherebrumjtexter3: we would evaluate their network
20:57.28Cherebrumjtexter3: and then charge for the upgrades. ;)
20:58.07robin_szsigh ... but even with the patches, ukcallerid doesnt seem to happen on this X100P
20:58.34*** part/#asterisk TripleFFFF (
20:58.46Cherebrum... I turned a Western Electric 500 handset from a 1960's style phone into a bluetooth headset.. :)
20:58.58Cherebrumer handset
20:59.42hmmhesaysoh hell yeah, they re-maid from russia with love, for ps2
21:00.46CherebrumFrom Russia with love, from Japan with love.
21:01.21hmmhesaysYou sir are obviously not a james bond fan
21:01.38jtexter3Cherebrum: I assume you use a bandwidth calculator to determine if it's up to snuff?  If so, which one do you use?  I see so many, it's hard to know what's good and what's not
21:02.46Cherebrumjtexter3: the Edgewater Edgemark does "call admission controll" You tell it how much bandwidth you have and it won't allow you to exceed your bandwidth limit with phone calls.
21:03.48Cherebrumhmmhesays: I'm saying that the Japan dudes that make the PS2 give you "From Russia with Love"
21:03.53_alex_mx_i have a box with a TE410P 2E1 with one carrier and 2E1 with a second (all isdn pri) I see HDLC errors with one carrier but not the other any tips on how to further debug this
21:03.59PreliusOK, pastebin is a nifty thing... the url to it is as follows: Wonder if Digium folks (or anyone) else can help?
21:04.56CherebrumPrelius: type "make modules_prepare" in your kernel source folder...
21:05.26*** join/#asterisk mog (
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21:07.45*** part/#asterisk GaryH (
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21:08.04jtexter3Cherebrum: Do you support multiple codecs?  Or just low bandwidth?
21:08.59*** join/#asterisk Dude345 (n=Aces1UP@
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21:09.49Cherebrumjtexter3: g711u
21:10.21*** part/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@
21:11.31jtexter3Cherebrum: Does the Edgewater determine how much bandwidth each call consumes?  Or do you use a ration?  For TCIP/IP networks, I've been using 80Kpbs (64 + overhead).  Has that been your experience as well?
21:11.54brookshirePrelius: which verion of zaptel are you trying to compile?
21:12.19PreliusCherebrum: ran that, no change,
21:12.38Preliusbrookshine: 1.2.9
21:12.59anthmCherebrum, how did you test end up last night?
21:13.03anthmi had to leave
21:13.34hmmhesayshey anthm: remember that mipsel project I was bugging you about?
21:13.59hmmhesaysafter going through 2 bad pieces of hardward, I'm about 90% there
21:14.29brookshireprelius: i suggest using the newest verison first.
21:14.29anthmyou must have lots of patience that was since like july no?
21:14.37hmmhesaysanthm: it was off and on
21:14.44brookshirebut more importantly, check and make sure you have a /usr/src/linux linked the correct place
21:15.05hmmhesaysmy last little hangup is gsm support i'm getting some errors compiling, no clue what they mean
21:15.14hmmhesaysotherwise asterisk runs
21:15.21Preliusbrookshire: sorry, it is the latest version, forgot to add .1
21:15.59brookshirels -ld /usr/src/linux*
21:16.27jbotsomebody said book was a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
21:16.43Qwellbrookshire: :p
21:16.49anthmisnt there already a dist of it for mipsel now ?
21:17.15*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
21:17.28hmmhesaysfor openwrt there is dd-wrt I believe, but they aren't binary compatible with this board
21:17.29GivemeloveAnybody has an issue with zap? when I have a call, the 1st second is cut. it's sufficient to cut the initial "Hello?"
21:17.47brookshireqwell: Zaptel Version
21:18.24brookshire*snaps fingers in a "z" formation*
21:18.26quid246Is there a way to "test" callerid that is sent, to ensure it's #'s only?
21:18.28*** join/#asterisk justinu (
21:18.58GivemeloveAnybody has an issue with zap? when I have a call, the 1st second is cut. it's sufficient to cut the initial "Hello?"
21:19.24brookshiregivemelove: is this on the ivr or when someone picks up the line?
21:19.28stoffellGivemelove: , what phone are you using?
21:20.28Givemelovecisco 7912
21:20.41Givemelovebrookshire: when somebody picks up the line
21:21.26[Outcast]have the addons been fixed for 1.4
21:22.21Qwell[Outcast]: yes
21:22.25robin_szsomeone zipped the Asterisk book PDF ...
21:22.43GivemeloveI'm running core shall I upgrade everything to 1.4 beta or only the addons?
21:22.54[Outcast]Qwell, great
21:23.05*** join/#asterisk Rez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
21:23.43hwthey, i want to generate a bunch of calls (with rtp) from one asterisk server, through a nortel SIP gateway, and back to another server.
21:23.59hwthow can i achieve this?
21:24.00brookshiregivemelove: i do not believe this is a zap issues because you are using an ip phone
21:24.08brookshirezap has already answered, i believe
21:24.11hwtastertest is no good, as far as i can understand.
21:24.23Givemelovebrookshire: what would you guess?
21:24.43hwt[Outcast]: i was kinda hoping for something more elegant.
21:24.50brookshireis this phone local to the network of the asterisk server?
21:25.26Givemeloveyes, it's onto the same network
21:25.35brookshirehwt: the hammer!
21:25.43brookshireit's a commercial product though
21:25.59[Outcast]brookshire, it is expense
21:26.03[Outcast]google sipp
21:26.15brookshirei don't know what it costs..
21:26.30brookshirebut.. someone could make a fortune by just renting those things, lol
21:27.41brookshireGivemelove: i have no idea really, does it do it with other phones too?
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21:28.26dovidis it ok for me to remove the directory /var/log/asterisk and then just recreate the folder ?
21:28.27hwtbrookshire: URL?
21:28.50Givemelovethat sucks
21:28.59[Outcast]hwt: it cost thousands
21:29.07dovidGivemelove: talking to me ?
21:30.29dovidis it ok for me to remove the directory /var/log/asterisk and then just recreate the folder ?
21:30.44Corydon-wdovid: yes, as long as you restart Asterisk
21:30.51*** part/#asterisk mog (
21:31.24*** join/#asterisk QbY_ (
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21:32.36QbY_in sip.conf -- i have register => ...  which context is * going to look for 1234567890 in?
21:33.08Corydon-wdovid: you also need to recreate the cdr-csv directory
21:34.39*** join/#asterisk Psykick (n=anon@
21:34.44Psykickhi guys
21:35.06*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
21:35.09PsykickI keep getting this error in the logs when I try to place an outbound call
21:35.21Psykickhas anyone seen this before?
21:35.50PsykickI've tried googling ... and found someone else with the same problem ... no answers to his problem either
21:36.14dpetersenI've just done a new installation with a TDM2412E and am having a lot of problems with static and occasional dropped calls on the ZAP channels.  I've had the phone company test the lines, and they all checked out okay.  Anyone have ideas of what else I could look at to fix the problem?
21:38.35*** part/#asterisk Jamez^7 (
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21:39.14trelane_dpetersen, sure, after hours take asterisk down and fxotune the channels
21:39.32trelane_dpetersen, it'll take AWHILE... then make sure you load the fxotune echo-coefficients
21:40.22*** join/#asterisk justinu|laptop (
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21:40.28trelane_dpetersen, also, run zttool on the machine and select your tdm2412p and tell me how many interrupts you've dropped, also do the same running cat /proc/interrupt (could be a timing problme)
21:41.05dpetersentrelane_, does that still have an effect with the hardware echo cancellation module enabled?
21:41.16*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
21:41.16trelane_dpetersen, absolutely
21:41.22trelane_dpetersen, they do two different jobs
21:41.43trelane_one deals with echo on the line, the other echo on the bridge (and on the line to some extent)
21:41.59trelane_I always fxotune
21:42.00Cresl1ndpetersen: make sure you're using the zaptel-beta version of fxotune
21:42.13trelane_very good advice
21:42.21trelane_file broke it!
21:43.03droopshey, im using a conference to bridge 2 calls, is there a way without and agi, to end the conference in 20 seconds, if the second person never joins?
21:43.25trelane_how is the confrence being started?
21:44.43trelane_how are both callers getting there? (transferred from a dialplan, hey, I dialed 444!, or what?
21:44.56droopsoh, transfered froma  dialplan
21:45.21trelane_to my knowledge (and there are better asterisk dialplan authors out there than I) you're going to need an AGI in that case
21:45.41droopsok, thanks trelane
21:45.53trelane_good luck :)
21:50.32*** join/#asterisk xAD (
21:51.02anthmadd it as a magic var in meetme MEETME_TIMER=20 and MEETME_TIMER_REQ=2 or something to say kick everyone in 20 sec unless there are 2 members
21:51.44Corydon-wdroops: just use the w() flag in
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21:52.01trelane_anthm, is that in meetme.conf or as a set() prior to the call of meetme
21:52.02Corydon-wi.e. meetme(444,dMqw(20))
21:52.29quid246haha, anybody remember the old RCA TV's that had a built in speakerphone
21:52.30anthmi am just proposing it, it would have to be coded
21:52.31Corydon-wdroops: as long as the second user is a Marked user, that will work
21:52.49anthmwell there ya go
21:53.00[hC]So, im pretty sure ive found a bug in asterisk's voicemail forwarding. If you prepend the voicemail before you send it, it leaves the message in your inbox still.
21:53.17Qwell[hC]: There was something just fixed, relating to that
21:53.26[hC]This box is running
21:53.26Corydon-wWe had to add it to MeetMe in 1.2 because Page would lock up channels if someone paged and hungup before everybody was added to the conference
21:53.30[hC]maybe i should upgrade and try again.
21:53.31Qwellin fact..
21:53.41QwellCorydon-w: Would your fix fix his thing also?
21:54.21droopsCorydon-w, the w() flag?
21:54.33Corydon-wdroops: it's fairly new
21:54.35droopsok, see it now
21:54.46droopsjsut set the second caller as a marked user
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21:54.59droopsthats awesome, you going to phreaknic?
21:55.01Corydon-wdroops: right
21:55.15[hC]Qwell: are you referring to corydon about my problem, or did i just not see the previous conversation
21:55.19Corydon-wdroops: I better be; I'm the treasurer for the nonprofit
21:55.20Qwell[hC]: yeah
21:55.23droopsthen i got a cold high life pony just for you
21:56.01*** join/#asterisk Aces1UP (n=Aces1UP@
21:56.18Aces1UPhas anyone used asterisk as a GSM origination Service here?
21:56.59smackusI would like to add a field to my cdr database and populate it with the dnis of the number dialed. Can anyone refer me to a command or some sort of documentation on how to do this? I am not finding anything.
21:57.04droopsthis wwont work on anything before
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21:57.25Corydon-wdroops: I think not.  Like I said, it's a fairly new fix
21:57.42Corydon-wbut you could probably backport the fix, if needed
21:58.02droopsi appreciate it man, i was dredding writing an agi to do this
21:58.25hmmhesaysduffman says "alright"
21:58.31shodan-is there some phone number to name & address script available for canadian numbers ? (I think it's powered by whitepages,com) does reverse lookup , is there a script that uses their site maybe ?
21:58.52quid246shodan:  Don't think so... but it's a good idea, script something up.
21:59.31shodan-it'd be great , once you have the address then use google maps and embed that in the voice-emails  :)))
21:59.35Corydon-wdroops: went into 1.2 at revision 43003
21:59.58quid246shodan:  Reverse engineer the US 411 script... then work from there
22:00.27Corydon-wdroops: issue 7275 in the bugtracker has part of the fix
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22:01.59shodan-which script ? got an address or do they come with asterisk ?
22:02.00smackuscan i do a setvar and push that to the cdr database?
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22:02.32quid246Anyone know of a way of testing whether a clients CallerID NUM is valid (numbers instead of anything else)?
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22:04.17sx-wksany news from the ipv6 bounty ?
22:04.36anthmthere's a regex func
22:04.59anthmi think, at least there was when i wrote it unless it was nuked at some point
22:05.02Corydon-wquid246: you can do a match via the dialplan
22:05.09Corydon-wanthm: no, it's still there
22:05.44Corydon-wquid246: exten => 123/_NXXNXXXXXX,n,NoOp(cid is good)
22:06.00Corydon-wquid246: exten => 123,s,Hangup
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22:08.01quid246Corydon:  Good idea
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22:08.56smackuswhat kind of info is in called number? in the cdr database?
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22:09.09smackusis that the dialed number?
22:09.24Corydon-wsmackus: ${EXTEN}
22:10.09smackusso that is essentially DNIS then, right?
22:10.40Corydon-wUsually, anyway
22:11.02hmmhesaysphew, what a crazy day
22:11.05hmmhesaysCRAZY DAY
22:11.10smackusok, so if my callednumber is not being populated, how do i populate it?
22:11.24hmmhesaysin the cdr's?
22:11.27smackusdo i just do a setvar(callednumber?
22:11.54hmmhesaysdoesn't the dst field usually come from the last called ${EXTEN}?
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22:12.08Corydon-wsmackus: Goto is what you'd need to use
22:12.23smackuswhy goto?
22:12.28smackusI thought that routed the call...
22:12.33Corydon-wsmackus: EXTEN is your instruction address
22:12.34smackusi just want to report the dialed number
22:12.57[hC]ok so i upgraded to the latest asterisk
22:13.00smackusi need to populate somewhere in the cdr database the number that caller dialed to get into the system.
22:13.23[hC]when i try to forward a message to another user, and i prepend it
22:13.26Corydon-wUh, is that the actual name of the database field?
22:13.28[hC]it prepends, but sticks it back in my inbox prepended.
22:13.48smackuscallednumber yes
22:14.05quid246Corydon:  I'm just trying to figure out how to use your example in the context of a GotoIF statment... as in "if CID is not numbers write 123-456-7890 as CIDNUM"?
22:14.29Corydon-wsmackus: what cdr driver are you using?
22:14.50smackusi think i can just do a setvar...
22:14.53Corydon-wquid246: it's a Goto, not a GotoIf
22:15.39Corydon-wsmackus: unless you've done some custom coding, cdr_mysql does not know about such a field
22:15.40[hC]Corydon-w: this patch you were referencing earlier, would it have any effect n voicemail forwarding behavior, when prepending the message?
22:15.54quid246Sorry... I mean like (1) If Caller ID is valid, goto step 3.  (2) Write CallerID as 123-456-7890. (3) Dial
22:15.59Corydon-w[hC]: yes, it should fix it
22:16.13[hC]Corydon-w: is it present in, sorry i missed it.
22:16.21quid246Hmm.. I'm almessed up today... maybe not enough food
22:16.27Corydon-wquid246: exten => 123/_NXXNXXXXXX,n,NoOp
22:16.46Corydon-wquid246: exten => 123,Set(CALLERID(num)=123456789)
22:16.56Corydon-werr, that should be...
22:17.00Corydon-wquid246: exten => 123,s,Set(CALLERID(num)=123456789)
22:17.12Corydon-wquid246: exten => 123,n,Dial(...)
22:17.33Corydon-wIn other words, if the callerid is okay, do nothing
22:17.39Corydon-wOtherwise, set the callerid
22:18.06Corydon-wThe NoOp and the Set are at the same priority
22:18.26Corydon-wThe Set happens only if the callerid does not match the pattern
22:18.37quid246okay, thanks... will give that a try now
22:19.08[hC]Corydon-w: sorry to bug you, is the fix present in or only in trunk?
22:19.42Corydon-w[hC]: current 1.2
22:20.11[hC]Corydon-w: heh, current 1.2 as in trunk, or as in current release? Cause ive installed the latest 1.2 ( and the problem persists.
22:20.36Corydon-wcurrent release
22:20.44Qwell[hC]: You'll need to checkout branches/1.2/
22:21.11Qwellsvn trunk, svn branch 1.2, and 1.2 release, are all different thigns
22:21.12Corydon-w[hC]: the fix went into the 1.2 tree yesterday
22:21.22[hC]Qwell: Ah. I see. So newer than the tarball on, but still the current stable branch.
22:21.24Qwelland now 1.4 branch and 1.4 release
22:21.31Corydon-wSo, no, it's not in
22:22.00smackusin the cdr database, there is a field named callednumber. i am just trying to figure out how to populate it
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22:22.51Corydon-wsmackus: unless you've altered cdr_mysql.c, it will not and can not be altered from Asterisk
22:23.35alexis101Hi guys ... i have a little problem im triying to use to function AGENT but i always get the error message telling me that The function AGENT is not registred
22:24.08alexis101anyone know what i have to do to make the fuction work ?
22:24.48Corydon-wAgent is a channel type, not a function
22:24.55alexis101there is a fuction to
22:25.41*** join/#asterisk joako (n=joako@
22:26.05joakoHow can I get multiple SIP phones behind the same nat to register to an Asterisk server outside the NAT?
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22:27.24Corydon-walexis101: what version are you running?
22:27.47pageci am trying to setup echo canceling (but I have no zaptel cards installed), I have been hunting around on google, but cannot find how i turn on echo canceling without any zaptel cards (i.e. i am only using ztdummy)
22:28.34pagechow do i setup echo canceling on a pure iax connection with ztdummy?
22:29.03joakopagec: Read this:
22:29.11Corydon-walexis101: the AGENT function was introduced in the 1.4-beta2 release.  If you're running 1.2, you don't have access to the AGENT function
22:29.32alexis101ok thank you :(
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22:30.10Aces1UPhas anyone used asterisk as a GSM origination Service here?
22:30.39adamowitzdoes anyone here know anything about PsipTN or TeLTeL?
22:31.34pagecjoako: yes i reach that, problem is definitely with local telco calls and VOIP.  and I read on how to implement echo cancellation, but it all talks about compiling zaptel for hardware, does that also work using ztdummy?
22:31.55pagecjoako: s/reach/read
22:32.17Corydon-wAces1UP: doubtful.  What hardware are you using for termination?
22:32.41Corydon-wAces1UP: and whose driver?
22:33.36Corydon-wI suppose it could be done if your GSM gateway had an FXO/FXS or T1 interface
22:33.36Aces1UP2n gsm gateway
22:33.46joakopagec: So you are doing a setup with only VoIP? That means the echo is caused by your provider and they should fix the echo issue....
22:35.15Corydon-wAces1UP: ah, a SIP gateway
22:35.51Corydon-wAces1UP: or the PRI gateway?
22:36.24Corydon-wYou should be able to use it same as any SIP provider
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22:36.59Aces1UPwell here is what i would like to do.
22:37.51Aces1UPmobile to gsm gateway to usa via voip
22:38.16pingwin[work]hey I've set the callerid for my pri, why is it still coming up on external lines as the internal extension?
22:38.34Corydon-wAces1UP: sounds fine
22:38.59Cresl1npagec: you can't do echo cancelation on pure voip calls
22:39.18Cresl1npagec: echo cancelation is _only_ done when the call interacts with the PSTN
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22:39.49Aces1UPnow, can i have sims rollever to another channel to keep to the main access number open for new calls
22:39.50pagecCresl1n: i have an iax2 connection to the provider, does that mean that echo isn't my fault peroid?
22:40.15Cresl1npagec: who hears it, the person you're calling through your provider, or do you hear it?
22:40.25pagecCresl1n: i hear it
22:40.35Cresl1npagec: it's your iax2 provider then
22:40.50Cresl1nthey're not doing a proper job doing echo cancelation
22:41.00Aces1UPcorydon think i could use skype for voip in that solution?
22:41.28pagecCresl1n: so all i can do i call them?
22:41.35Cresl1nthat's it
22:41.37Corydon-wAces1UP: no, skype is proprietary
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22:42.01joakoOr find a better provider....
22:42.12Aces1UPwhat would you suggest for that solution as a voip provider?
22:43.19joakoThere are many... the only one I can recommend is but they have minimums and such.. only good for voip providers
22:45.33*** join/#asterisk NEZPERCECOUNTY (
22:45.53NEZPERCECOUNTYI'm looking to find the best Video Client available for *
22:46.44NEZPERCECOUNTYDoes anyone have any experiance with this?
22:48.16NEZPERCECOUNTYI'm running a standard install of Trixbox 1.2
22:48.45NEZPERCECOUNTYPerhaps someone has patched h.264 before?
22:49.29Corydon-wTrixbox is not supported here.  See the topic
22:50.22jbotwell, freepbx is the Microsoft BOB of PBXes and NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
22:51.40[hC]Anyone know of an issue with a linksys or sipura ATA, where for some reason when you call it, it responds with  'busy here' and passes the caller on to voice mail ?
22:51.54[hC]when either one person is on the phone, or sometimes nobody is on the phone
22:53.52joakowell if someone is on the phone, the call waiting could be disabled
22:54.51ManxPower[hC], I'm having a psychic vision!
22:54.58ManxPower[hC], you are using G726, aren't you?
22:55.05[hC]no sir. ulaw.
22:55.19ManxPowerThose things never were very accurate.
22:57.03*** join/#asterisk DrukenHME (
22:58.39joakoHow can I get multiple SIP phones behind the same nat to register to an Asterisk server outside the NAT?
22:59.13ManxPowerjoako, I don't see why not.
22:59.27ManxPowerthe NATbox will change the source port, just like it does for every other protocol.
22:59.38joakoIt does not work right. One phone registers, it works fine. Turn it off and register the other phone, the other one works fine
22:59.55ManxPowerjoako, What stops working when both are registered?
23:00.06ManxPowerand what does the port show in "sip show peers"
23:00.07[hC]nobody is on the phone
23:00.13joakoturn both on at the same time, one will stop to accept inbound calls and after a while one will be registered and the other will just say ints trying to register
23:00.14[hC]yet calling this linksys pap2 ata returns 'busy here'
23:01.45joakoright now my sip show peers shows
23:01.48joako001099022a78L1/001099022a   D   N      5060     OK (39 ms)
23:01.51ManxPowerjoako, set qualify=yes in the section in sip.conf for each device.
23:01.56joakoit is....
23:01.58joakoand nat=yes
23:02.21joakowhen both phones are registered and one stops to accept inbound calls, it says it is using port 1024 in sip show peers
23:02.27ManxPowerjoako, what is sip show peers when BOTH phones are running and have been powered on within 30 seconds on the sip show peers
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23:20.16robin_szI suspect joako was registerign both phones to the same sip account
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23:26.44joakoManxPower: sorry, I had to step out....
23:26.47*** part/#asterisk NEZPERCECOUNTY (
23:27.23joakoRight now one phone says Registering.... and the other is registered
23:28.55joakoDoes anyone know how I can get two SIP phones behind a NAT to register to the same asterisk, outside the NAT?
23:29.35Kerry_GI do it all the time, havent had an issue with it
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23:30.39Kerry_GI have 3 phones at home behind nat connected to a remote * box which is also behind another nat at a remote location
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23:31.28joakoWhat sort of phones?
23:31.47Kerry_GLinksys SPA941, Linksys SPA942, and GS GXP-2000
23:32.07joakoHmmm.... and these are Linksys phones I am having issues with
23:32.08Kerry_Gand I can fire up X-Lite or SJPhone for testing
23:32.18joakoAnd everything uses port 5060?
23:32.21joakowhat sort of NAT?
23:32.45Kerry_GAt home its a Linksys WRT54GS v4 and the * box is behind a pfsense firewall
23:32.59joakoWhat firmware on the WRT?
23:33.25Kerry_G4.1.17.1 or something like that
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23:33.30Kerry_GLinksys Firmware
23:33.33joakoSo the stock one...
23:33.39Kerry_Gyes, latest version
23:33.49joakoHmmm... I am also using a WRT54GS v 4 but with the DD-wrt firmware
23:33.59joakoThe problem is, I dont think the stock one supports WDS
23:34.08Kerry_GI also used to use OpenWRT but it chocked if I had the VOIP version
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23:34.48joakoI'm not using the VoiP version,... which just has SER installed... I was going to try it but thats not the solution I wanted
23:35.11QbY_is it possible to customize the voicemail greetings based upon the context of the mailbox?
23:35.29orlocki swapped home phones from a 7940 to a Grandstream
23:35.34orlockmy GF no like the grandstream
23:35.45Kerry_Gsmart GF
23:35.50orlockheh, yeah :)
23:36.01orlockbut i didnt pay for either, work did.. so they get the decent one
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23:36.05joakoqby: well each mailbox has its own greeting, do you mean the stuff such as "The person at extension ... is on the phone"
23:36.15gooaglehas anyone gotten blf working with the thomson st2030?
23:36.38QbY_joako..  yes..
23:37.12QbY_joako..  so that context a would say, "the person at extension...." but context b would say, "the employee at extension"
23:37.31joakoQbY_: hmmm... not exactly based on the context of the extension, but you COULD use the multi-language feature to allow for different recordings
23:37.58QbY_joa..  i was thinking of doing that..  could i define my own language?
23:38.10joakoso exten => 123,3,SetLanguage(SOMENAME) exten 123,4,VoiceMail(u123)
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23:38.28joakoall you need to do is make a folder in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
23:38.39joakoand SetLangauge(FOLDER)
23:39.27BlackthornHi All, I just recieved a pair of grandstream 386 units for evaluation (I have been deploying spa-2000). The Grandstream setup was quick and easy and setup on g726/32 just like i was hoping for. But each of the units has an ac humm? Suggestions?
23:39.31joakoSee for more details...
23:39.38ManxPowerjoako, you MUST use different SIP userids
23:39.53ManxPowerBlackthorn, welcome to grandstream
23:40.03joakoManxPower: yes, they are two different userids......
23:41.06Blackthornif thats normal operation with the ac hum thats just not acceptable for deployment... bummer net little looking units though...
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23:49.12DrukenHMEhow do i get an ata to know what it's ip is?
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23:56.40robin_szhow can i find out what version the actual kernel module of zaptel is actually running?
23:56.41[Outcast]anyone here from sipwest?
23:57.08robin_sztrying to figure out why my UK callerid is not worky.
23:58.37robin_szmon aeroglisser est plein des anguilles
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23:58.43joakoDrukenHME: You can get an ATA to know its IP via DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
23:59.13dhahnDoes anyone have an example of using the Manager to originate a call and start an AGI application?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.